Sixty-Se ent" Year
Whole Number 33H7
Paaslng awav is truly a part of Robett Mountjoy, son of J oh n and earth. It lendll a death· like air to COMP'\~ISON IN · REGARD TO our gay enjoymeqJ;l, and mingles WRITES INTERESTING LF.TIER AT ' NEW \. E. CHURCH NOW Jane Mountjoy, WU'3 born in ' larks· IJAPER WRITTEN BY' EDWIN ville, Ohio. June 14, 1880. He clieQ SlIrrow with our cup .of blills. Thosp ,STANDINO Of TOWNSHIP OF "IS VISIT ,;' , 001 G ON CHANDLER March 4. 1915 a t the home of his whom we Illve die. and the cold earth The regu'llU:' meeting of the Woo SCHOOLS grundson Robert Werntz. at lhe ago enCI088B them aud freezes the hearts man's Auxiliary wa:; beld at tho of 84 years, 8 months alld 20 OR"!! tuned beat in 'unison with out own. home of Mrs. E. V. ' Barnhart on He was the oldest of five ch ildren, T. Lee Adams wu born in Ohio Friday afternoon. March 5t h Til e Mr~ . J. Cooper, ann Amunda Mount in the year 18~9. At tbe age ot 24 meet\n!!' was called to orde!' by the joy b('ing dead; Arthur and John he came to Kansas City, and fOl' Vice President, Mrs. CranE', wll Mountjoy still living. 8 years was cunnected with the wide· r ead the 28th Psalm. The devotional He was united in marriage. to Iy known firm ofTrumbuli, Reynolds exercises were conduuted by Hev. J . & Allen, wholesale.seed merchants. Town Has Improved Since He left F. Cadwa ll ader. Seripturul quota. Rev, , Norman. S\veat and Rev. Mary Ann Hawke on March 7. 1852. Paper Is Full of Good Ideas Why To this union were born four children tions were.g iven in r sp,on.ic t~ roll· Years Ago-Was Here Only One Will ~ At • Olance What 8e then began businesS for himself Clnrenco McDaniels Assist. two boya and two girls. The boys Waync Township Should at '17 Walnut sti'et!t, where he con· a Fwc Hours CIl} I. After the rea~ing of tho Centralization Will Ac:compllsh Ing Rev. C. S. Grouser Edward and Frank both di ed at th tin\led to the tlrpe ot his death . His CCJ1tralizc Her Schools mmutes and other busmess the fol · age of three years. Mrs. John 'Adair Por Wayne Township aim in businetS was not so much lowing program was rendered: who died {In March 3, 1902, and Mrs. milking money, as to bllild up a repuChas. Werntz 8till living. tation tor promptness ana qUllllty of To the editor ot the Gazette, nnd From Slave Boy to Schoolmu.'3ter His wife died January 1. 1902 at Your essayist. for th day does not our many old friends: Part I, 1'h e ~lave Boy's Struggle. -'--- - --.,--.,....,......,......,..-:--:---1 stock carried. Hisleheerful encour· the SKe of ~9 , ... ........ .. ............. !Mrs. Cartw right I ex pect to present anything new, qement wu always wise. stimulat· He serv ed in the Civil War. bein g Part II. The Clerieal Schoolm aster ~tartling or unusual. On the conInlt and helpful, and no one went I have been delayed a little in honorably discilarged July ]2. 1865 trary his subj ect is somewhat old ............ : .. .. .. ..... . .... I\~rs. Coleman from his presence to work with, getting my letter to you, but I want He was always B devoted husband Chapter IV, Handhook ............ . lind ha~ oftenti mes been discussed in a feeliDIr of depresllion , He W88 f· d 1 and good fath er. He leaves to this borly. Bu t the fact that peti· ...... ... .. . ... .. ....... ·· .... Mrs. ijenlley warm hearted,. 'whole souled, a man to express to my rlen s, the peas· mourn hi~ lOBS two brothers , one tion~ have been circulated and over of , convictions and .ymp.• thy, who ure it gave us to be· with you ugllin, Sailor, Jack ... .. ... ,I\1rs. G. W. Hawke daughter, five grandchildren and 160 signers secured, and an elecalways lent' a belping band to the after 10 mllny vears, and I find the Social Aspects of ~'otc i gn Missions nine great grandchildren . ......... ... ... ... Mrs. l~ . B. Hemle rson tion called for Msrch 20th makes afllicte;! and distressed. Wbat he best way to reach all is through our 1st Grade ....... . this subject 'o f centralization worth left undone here, may be better done "old stand by" the Gazette. ' After some interElSling discussion 2nd Grade ...... . CARD 'OF THANKS much serious consideration. We ~here. On thiB earth·the broken Arc, When I B,ay that my wife and I 0.-£ ~hese readings Ihe meeting ad · . 3rcl Grade.... ... . in Beaven thtt perfect round. d At th I We deRire to thank our ' many are. most of U!l, more or 189l:I familiar 4th Grade .. ·.... . In 1886 at Valley Home farm, traveilld nearly fourt.een hundred ~oufl.l e . ~ e next ~egu ar m ~t. neighbors imd friends for their ad· with the arguments advanced both . . mg Ih Aprtl. tbo United Offen nil' 6th Grade ....... . ministrations to us during our late Ilro and con but some of these do near Harveysburg, 0 .. he .was l1\ar· mIles, to be once more m Waynes· boxes will be ope ned. Mrs . Peterson 6th Grade ...... . amiction. in the death or our fath er, not touch conl! itions in this township, ried to Mary Leah Cadwallader. who ville, you can imagine then, about and Mrs. Barnett were pr~ent as 7th Grade...... .. Robert Mountjoy. and to the singers. and I shall try in thia artide to con· survives him. He is al80 survived how much good it did us, for you visitors . 8th Grade.. ... , .. Rev. C. S. Grauser for his kind fine myself to those thing;! which ~a~': tW!~~~. David S. Adama, of know we are Dot 88 young W! we - - -- - .,...- - apply especially to the local situatiqn. words. and McClure & So~ . 1 find great difficulty ·In under· - The above table shoW'! the enroll. He became a 'member ot the First used to be, I being 83 in May and my Mrs Cbas. Werntz and Family. standing the attitude of those people ~-. Ch b l' Kuftaaa City wife just ten years back of me: Presb scboole of Wayne Town. Mo., in y ...the nanyear urc _ WI ment of U"e who claim to be indifferent to the w, 1888 nand. ...from the, hi e we can ' t say we woul d mnk e subject, either becaut!e they have no ship .by Ifrad~, the pr8l!ent !\Chaol first has ever bef>n active in good a very great" suc<;<l89, at the .. FOJ( children or because the children are year as shown by reeords flied about works. As trustee and oti!t!r official Trot," or some of these modern past school age. This problem is one March I, 1916. 278 pupils are tau"'ht C8fJacities he served thechureh taith· dances, still. we are perfectly able to Rev. Norman Sweat which concerns every citizen of the .. f u IY.and we II f or amos I ·t.... take care of ourselves, an 1)) .at pn!Sent by 14 teachers an ave-"'e 00 years. ~ community and sbould be solvl!d in . - lie sought first the kingdom of God hold a position with the city, still it ot·20,pupila,to the teacher. and ber'welfare W88 always upper. was quite a trip tor us· at our age ' R~vival se rvices are now going on a way, that will do the most good to '--h era t or most in his mind. b t f I"" ..,:-1 every evening at the M. E . church . body of T.. K Lee Adams. who the greatest number for ~be lon'g est Th e 1181ary 0 r th ese..,....; Leuter IVI·ns, WllO spoke on "he h'IS h ome C·t W-" tbu iweb I werebl uto'r compensa"e<J t ~ " Rev. Normsn Sweat, of (o·ranklin. In ansas I y .",- time. You IlI)d 1 may not agree any Benefit of Centralii1.ation, at tb~ a fine preacher. has a message every the year ia ~qo The salary under He never obtruded himself on the ' 0, n eng d'd e. me: so morning, arrj.,'ed here Satur- what th!lt way is but I am going to centraillation eXPend'ed 'lor the same public' and instinctively shrank trom of you 88 we I • ID so 8 ort a t me. Glang'e Saturday evenioS{, w8':1greet- evening. Rev. Clarence McDaniels. morning. The funeral tQok state my as convincingly as _, rvlce and mu· h m'o"' , tpe attainmenta which his merits We. w.o,:lld loved to have had a 'ed with quite a /lice audience. Mr. I ' f F kl' .) d' th i at St Mary's church Saturda.. ( can and position try to anSwer rnt.1tY 9( tile .... ""g attracted. BiB reserve longe,r Vl81t wit,. YOIl ~nd 1 wa:)'l,ted Iven" nlade' a ,l'Jlil'iaih'" speech. an" a so 0 ran 10, IS ea 109 e 8 ng. ." ...... fthin becauee(dbetterCQ diU ' idi · tube bl .to tten..llbd ..ethereonce g " U II in ~. RBv.Mcl>anlels haa asttong • .nev. ........ Jr n oRII! I·&lnollin'~'. alm08tto ' tlm t~, yetID a e ,a , .. was listeued to !lttj~n~ively ' for an powerful vQice, and is a great belp J.F. a.11fe.longtrl~nd . arl;pJments which I n84r adv.»~ one grade ·t o. teaeh~r will be $4820 c;irclesurrounded by,triendl' again. but _on account ot business, hour. He alstl made some cpnverts in these services. Come out and hear conducted the servIces. The body against it. A uving of, uver '$1600. of congenial · talte8 and .ympl,lthies could not be longer away. from hO.me to this plan of the sch('lol system. . t red· M" ._ In laml ceme""ry. Although you do not have central he waa atra~le and communicative. . We spent I! few·daVII WIth relatlv.~ It is an in teresting ..feature of the a fine song service by the large choir, was In er Peril to American Peop.c izaiioD there ,-1a . being. exp~dded ' for An opponunity to aid othel'll was 10 .Cfncinlla~1 and several ,days In Gfange to have speakers several and a good sermon . It will , do you Iransportation of Du~ilsllbOut $1600 II souree of real plea'lure to him and G~lcagO, WIth our daughter Mr,s. times a year. who address then on good. Some one has said that the only Robert Mountjoy, an old citizen at thi,a y.,ar Add to·thJ8 the uving in duties. _igned him were promptly Miller. b' • f' ta ' t th e nClg' . I Corwin, was found dead in bed peril that the American people fear ---h l ' d ,,bo t Seventeen yeaago we left Way . su Jects 0 Impor nl.e 0 I' ........ ers UlUl~ BllyOU ,..ve a u · and cbeerfully dillCba:rged; He was '" b h d Thursday morning. Mr. Mountjoy is a peril to their pocket and we are lhe aame ~bool 'pl'(lb)efll, financially anit confiding, exact and nesville, fourteen of which have or QO . . . ,__ ._ _ had not been we 11 since the fire, inclined to think there Is consideryou have now. scrupulously honest; gentle and dee· been spent in Colorado. which destroyed nis home, and has ablettuth in it when we are torced argue impQrtsnt Questions on the ·OW janitor serviee loday cos~ f655 tionate tn disPQllition, and fond of Ot course we toand many changes been failing rapidly, until death reper year or $95 ~r month. Cen l1is~ home, where he was ever cheer. in Waynesville, but I am glad to say, , buts of its effect upon taxation. It lieved him ot his Buffering. The tralizeabd .the janitor aervlce will ful.nd~pp,.·. Now that the taithful lhat the changes were all for the tuneral was beld SlIturday afternoon seems that increased efficiency. betcoat leas Fuel will i:oet leM. The companion and stronlt helper has en better. We are always glad to hear . at 3:30. Rev. C. S.,Graulerofficiating. ter advant:ag8B, better cit.isenship avini' WI equlplPent will be reduced tered the mansion prepared 10r him and know ot any improvements In Interment was made in Miami ceme· and Improved social conditions are but .impolllil;le Ao estimate. above, there comes 'to the heart an "our okl'home town.': ' • , . . alilpst sight of or rather entirely Tuesday evenin~ tbe Music club tery. But ohlYl/u ~ look at the teacH· increased and precioull . 8ense of poe. Ft-om time to time we. had some of . overlooked in the great anxiety lest beld ite third meetmg at the home of ers thrown out ot ~mploYnlent. It seeaion in tile heavenly country, where our friends visit us at our home.in ---Miss Ruth Hartsock. The life and Hon. T. ~. Scroggy, a former a tew more dollars or cents mURt be is npw known that next year in War our very own ~ave gone before and Denyer and we ~incerely bope to of Beethoven were discussed. Harveysburg citizen, died at his paid out for increased taxes. .There ren County. there will be needed we feel the constant ID~!.CUlrolll meet them again and many more A delegation of Wayne Township works Miss Helen Marlatt gave a well home In Tulsa, Okla, last week. are somawol'thy people however whQ fill vacancies no"," known' of i&bout that bind us to those (t always does us good to see our citizens interested in better schools prepared etlsay on the subject, Mias The body was shipped to Xenia, and would quite willingly pay the price teachers. We now know the Journeying friends old friends and hope you will hunt Us will ItO in Ilutomobillffl to visit the Marie Lippincott favored the club the funeral was held yesterday. it they were convinced that ·the. proSchool at Wayne8ville wiJ.l countries near: BO up if you ever visit Denver. scliools at Lees Creek on some day ot with a piano Bolo. The life and study Judge Scroggy was a Civil War vet- pOf!Cd.&ystemwould-be-more efficumt. . abOut ]2, the Lebanon to be within hand reach beC:aUII8 . W.e are beginning to get rested up nex~ week. Persons who have autoIf any such are present I bope to of Mozart. will be discussed at tbe eran; and a prominent Mason. aoout 12 of Warren County'. the home thoae'we love. from oUr trip, but the pleasant mobiles report to C. M. Robitzerr next meeting. prove to them that wbatever Cl'tra • _ ...._ __ Query: Where will the C)tller 10 cancy ey,erYII'here, and ~e memot;es will be with Ull always. chairman of committee to arrange expense there may be,it will be fully .... 12'come fromT Why Import.ed of abaence that hauuch weight to . Very Sincerely. for this trip. M.eet at Bank Corne; compensated for in better acholar. Subsorlbe for the M.I"!JJI Gazehe other cooAnt14. to be lure. is ba\an~ by the n.mese and real. Avarv Needles at 7:80 a . m. ship and' better social and industrial conditions. , ·To~jVD8~.ip voter will be nC!IIW of the Holy,Splrit's preeenre and ""'!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~!'!!!!!!~!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~': ~=========== vote comfort. Now beyond' the realm of = It has been generally #knowl. d , .. p J.,ldJ beCI:aUII8'(.r p'ain and,sorrow. beyond Ithll disabll· edlSed in tbe past that it is somewhat It!. of ilie ,fl8ah, beyond the re&ch more expensive to establish and of huinll~ ~ulatlon, his pinioned n.aintain the new system. Today po'werd unfold in the congenial at· It is ceasing to be true. Tomorrow mQ8phere of Heaven and he lives and it be altogether false. Lasty:ear forever in the temple of our ~ , , The citizens of Springboro had a the l~gislatUre of ·our s.tate pai!8ed He hIS heard the Father's ~ mass meeting last week and deeided ~ertam lawlS that. established sta~d. voice saying. 'Come home my sol'l ~ to have a home-coming to celebrate ards for our rural schools. To brmp; , and 'enjoy tbe companionship of ~"""""""""""""'_"""'''''''''~'''"'''''''''''''''''tA.,1ttN\o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .........." ........,...",...'\".,..."........""........."................".....,............"'.., ................;; the looth anniversary of that villaae. them up to tbat !I!;aJ)d~rd and ~eep thoae from whom you have bet;n The officers elected were M. J Farr, them there will require an outlay wllsin l ~rnest }tog rs was in ' Dayton on president. W. B. Seigfried, vice· much greater thaT!- the proPo,!(ied SYII· time . eeparated. A':nd tben In . Tobacco Canvass at My~r J:tyman's. ' J. ·M. Cook. of Route Cincinnati MonL1ay. of that Heavenly rest, -he Monday'. president. Je!I8C Wright, treasurer teD? of ce~~l'allzatio.n. If you do not . Mise Ruth Hartsock was Il 'Dayton sees God 'a way was best and Miss Nellie Fitts sect·etary. beheve ~hlB, here 18 your evidence" J. E. Janney WI,UI in Columbus Wm. ThorpeLof Dayton. was here Tile home· coming- will be held this If we keep our first grade chartl'r, li is days '/Vere filII of peate and visitOr Tbur~ay. Monday on businC<!8. 1'hursday on a usilloss trip. calmneea. and sweeter did his spirit summer. and in the meantime the arrangements must·bema(le before Mr. and ·Mrs. A. B. Sides were grow ,u ntil the moming of March 3, citizens of that hustlipg little 'burg anothe~ school year begins to hll:v" .__ See our b~au tiful clisplay of wall 1916, the gates of life lifted. and Dayton visilOrs Tuesda . See t"e lIew Millinery at Grace are making extenRivc preparations do~esllc sc!cnce lilld manual tram,' . . papel'. ~. K .J !lnnell. IIdmitted him to tl1~ eternal spring· Lincoln Smith's. . for the day. They are all ready and mg!n our. v!ll,:ge school. ·If we cep. MI'II. Barton Kelly. of Cincinnati, time and perpetual youth. Messrs. Harry Sherwood and Fred willing to aid in making this occasion trahze thIS y!11I ~e Ilrovi~ed for m spent several <lays ' here lasl wl!ek. Foun~"",SI) me mone~. Owner will " . M.·.L. C A. .rere I·n Dayton Mondav. · one long to be remembered. t~~ new budding; If not then an ad'. plllllSe call at Gazettt~ office. '. . , Ho"wke " ,- -'.... .'--'-:'. . . , dltlOn must be made to the pres· Spring millinery o.n display Satur· . ent building and only the villalre day,.March 13, at t"e Millinery StQr\;l W. H. Madden was a business Get your Tobacco Canvass at Myer school children will'reap the benefit. •• . visitor in Clarkliville MondaY. Hym~1;I's. Mr. Frank' Sherwood, who was . .,,'. . Needing Attention Buildings , , taken so Severelv ill last week, is ' t-.low is a eha.nce 'f or ·You to get Mrs. Alice McKinsey and Miss Y 'T~" WORK gradually g, ettina' better. • \lome valuable ~aclitl,r matter cheap. LUlie Ne,dr af.tended tbe lunora1.of The present ~wn$hip builUings·are , Head our ad on another page. Mrs Rachel Williams. ' of near Lebconlltantly needing repair; fitty dol.. " . ' . ~n: r.tox)eys best ~I'llde Ol~mar , . . ' anon. ,!lUIt Friday. , . .lorlDe. cl~an. pUre, wholesome. ' Get yl)lIl' horse'cllP'pers ground at lars is ex,pended each year mere:ly .for Mrs Alice Alcorn, Phone ·9\). the Wllynll!lville Autu and M~chincry Wo offer a splendid line of high the repll.ir of the stoves and. it will be foot among ' Co. . . . I grade wall paver at Gc per bolt. J. but a short time till tbe buildings , There i... scheme Our old friend, ' Dan R. Anderson, must be remodeled 'unaer the state the · bualnei18 men Mi98 Elizabeth taw, of Oincinnati' , . . ,., and , ..~armers of . . M • G'I 'I . . 1 E . J anney. of Lafayette, Ind.. Bent us IiOme pa· regulations. Tbis means a new heat- . ,t bl!lvicinlty ·toReridJt ·ooy anda«irl was the guestof ' Mr, and Mrs. J : H. , St. arys uld wll meel will last week, and' he says he h!19 ing Bystem. in each of the five e<;hools to Washington, 0; C. The . boy who Chapmlln seve~1 'QaYR hist week. Mrs. E. V ~arnhart Thursday after· Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tatman. of (inish'ed hi~ 122nd shirt waist. at a cost of at least $r,s0i new derks rallM}B the best.ilcr4!l .of~ ~orn ~ and ~he ' . noon. LOuisville. Ky., visited with their also sent some verses to the Stouts· must be prOVIded $300; agricultural rhlrho p\,oVt'B heraelx'to be the ~t ·Ur. 0111, ' Osteopath,. at residenCE! ~r. •• . • • mothel;. ~.' Mllry Tlltman, at the ville (Ohio) 'News, but we are not apparatus. which in a centraliied . will be ·tne favored oftes. T . Peterson; MaIO St., Tues · Mrs. Christie td-cKlnsey has been FrienJs Home last week . going to publish them, as we want school would cost only 15 to ·$20 Ia rIo( all -of it. To the ·to,.,n and \Friday mornings. ., ,~ visit!ng het" daughtur, M~: Eal ' . whO hu the ; heJt 'prllen. a~d ' . '. , '. Swam, of near LebalJ,On, ·durmg tbe Monumental work of .trie<\ and !Jan taknow that ,we Must always when installed in .lite or ,I)()8Sibly' .. 1e girl who prov~ hE!raelf to be ' MtB. ~yerett .Mdlwee. and cbil- 'pas~ week. ' proven quality. Chas W·. Sc'h warlz be first. If these verses were from more country ~chool9 will coat over good housekeeper, . Ulen, .will ~ dre~, of Wilmillgton. spentthe w~k, " & Son, Lebanon, Ollio. his pen, and ' we seriously doubt it, Loo. This ·is true not ouly of ample aWIlNs tenderid to them'. . end with her par.lOte, Mr.. and .. Mrs. , Our new stock of wall 'Paper lS they are great. Dan is some shirt· ultu'r e appliances but,of This ¥I!. be an' oPPor~n\ty tdr Olivt!r Davia.at Cor:wi!:l' ' . . full ;of attractive nnd iatCft designs. ·Mi. : and Mrs. Alldre~s returned waist maker, but he i. no poet, and school supplies as well, such wo'iMn,kA! to their home in Chicago Sunday he· clln never make us believe he maps, etc.. In<addition to child In t,tie rMilarhoorhObd to .' J. E. Janlley. ,.'. evening; ofter a week's visit with wrote the jingle th!lt appeared in the law states .that all rural .what they' Iwa do'in their re The Waynesville Auto and· Ma· . ' . . . IInl!l,l. Get ' to worlt c:hinery Co are 'prepared to grind .Mrs. Elizabeth Ward. foriller Mr. and Mrs., J. ,... Funkey. : paper. ~e sent to liS. . hereafter constructed Rii'l., an4 t;hdw ':d\e horse' clippers with tlte latest I ill· tor Qf the Orthodox Fri~nd9 Cntll'Clll. connection with them vlcioj~ what you Stt!\~art grinder. '.. of Cleveland, Ohio, is Yie .Ros'Adair. of Liberty. Ohio, and one.acre of ]lUId for oriran,j.z ed Rlch~rd Mountjoy, of Lebanon, at-consolidated ",,~.vv,~ .,....,o. ::~~r~!~ ...I_1~_'·'U" what you , are· " Dr. Mary Cook . , ! • B. Hen· , .: .. terided . the funeral of Mr. Robert acres in order _rlOlln-' , M: White ,Conservative st~les. "U~I""'''iMountjoy saturday afternoon. tllral , . , . and . clever c~tlOnS
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frequently report to th.e , .. that their ! Funeral ~ held .t. they walle. bomelllG , O.~ SUlJd~ af· Last Wecb.ead8)'i ·M Bnaee LindeI' are not home ·by I; o'clock. " ternoo" at P . qI., and Monday .fUlI'workilitC at the bub facto;) on W'" ak ' f.L. S WI _.. ~ L.~ of Ur l,c.'-Ir'1I Creek. IOUth of annam er, 0 W~e U· IIOftII a t eo II! • - - .• • I\OIDe manner bla arm ot Old~, wu the .pe.... Jameaciooducted by Rev the ko'- . of Leban!>n meetios PalIner. ·..... firWQllilliiu.:eem· .froID A fiDe _blaP
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\ 11j I,ur "' I J' ~ ! . '~' \ 1 11 , q 'I C ~' , ,, "k 10 t l l '1' ~ . 1>1 , ~ . Jl Hre:< ,' r \" . I H ,,(l 1..10 • R V I_II \ ~rn(' I·fl.VIv r
E. J ~ nn.)'.
UblU'le.v !-;" 1 '~1<, lilb·, r,.,· t·, 1' (1" " V . tor;!. de IJIIRlld . III 11ill<l fu r prl' "t ' onl b l.61o""UII Uli t . 'fl t fUr h en rill!! B'bbnUlf\' 2 ~ . Miller, bnth 11 r \) will nf mI"," rcl H. WIl II" , r . Rev. W, l-I Bth " "(QI'(I PoI)'I COptJ Co. dti "" ' \lot). Wll! liil~ IQr pro hllt e. Commisslo nerH' ProcccdlnKs Bllt for lI O<lrLU~ Febrnllr y ~'i' =:::::::;.:=:;::'~=::-::~"':::"'!:~.:~~==~~~~~~~ II'rlltllt I' lok ~ o· IIlt,rll,,1 2:.m, *41 n 4n; . In 1'0 ~t~lte of A I\lt n,. ' ~(\~IHl n'Y, d ectll's' Ii ~ul (l uf ~I. "ok uy uu", in . Gtmr gll V f'\(l t. H'IJI' vloe ~ a M r o .. d · ~nll_ . "r lnt "' n tlf\ n ~ AHr1 nn tn 'Y II~hlv ' nO; I ~t rl\ tor oo nfi rmed I SYNOPSIS. '. Rnd trl d to trq"" 0 1 c· HI,·r"",1.n l;' h " ' 1I1 h . (\f d I'll or 1\ wbl to rolUl ? Yct how oould I mouth per 80hool, or ~25 t o * :l4(l p e r Ii: t nte o f .Iol!epll G K :I"~ . d l e,l/" W. I '. H II Dlonr, .. Il(> rlff'~ .. a1 t1Hionhl __ .t Mr lng h r "k::'1 • IIIl " .1. ,." ,.",,1' Ita /!an d. 11 "hlt(l mal) IntlUl.!!lC(l th actio ns ot motlth f r I·hrae . Und e r t h e n e w ed . Fi rst 110ooun~ of tr m,t ees fil ,0. IIII0w 'l no" $20 lit ; )I1{" m l VIlII C' v ' B08p it.bl ~\r" 1Il ·1l "tl\n un.I'o o f 1111 , CHAPT)jlR 1- J(fI\bl)'n DArtI, I' 11l" 'ln~ I !lsh of his " ,\1 fl, I,,~I I.', I" I"l"" h I h I' ('/)unoll'/" Th colooel 8L1oke Ir· III FlI ou t wo d r ivers wer e s60 llred nt , 10 r e state uf r nlioe Bl m o n t t)n . $lIIDh $1'77. (11); .1 K ~lJ" '· (I(l r. hrlrlll e <IIw " . Ilier. (:(>). Har • I" I)" MI , III . 8UIll' Al t " nne ""l gAte th rltnbh' I ~ ot)~t of '79 ·i O per m onlh. $4.51) deoellPen . Mury E. S uk nr " " IJvlnt·o lumbe r fur c,,"n t.v f~"2 R7 ; VHI It " moll~ h..-; I~. hur hOUl ' 11\ C:.lltl,rn l t umbled tin , I Hn()ll~ III " nHlh. plili. d tor Ibft ~lIl1 i>)I~~ . •• ~h h \I I !tl t t h to.., \0 him tn AlIuhfl. Inlll"l ·mh.1I1\. Uut '''' ry 1lIln utL. t li, ' \ t, .. ~ ~11,r,h Ih m. Ahml' d "ae nol 1(II" "'n 11 "Look!"-from Klllblyn. "Thllro 18 por mon ,.. or pu p B ptl 0 o~o I,d w lolstrutr lx . Boud t dlO. re lf.phonl' Un • T, li t H ,,",1 ~oll p $2(}'0 6 ,...tender to the tJiron • . 111\ 1lI1,tI6"" d . .' I alii' o r thos!! wondcffuJ l r os th oy cllII pnrollt8 who lll o v ido . t h ei r OWO E!ttll te ('If ~o n elh~ M. t-Ihl'etll • •' t' _ L. M. t'rlo Q'\ "OJlI ,' iA~ f' ,r Bn ' ''".VI)'· colonel. n!.moo by Ihe I 10 king B.lI bl" u the)' WPI't', Ih r" ' .. .. ', \I 'u nl.,' 1111, gllardH Ib"fl' ; Ihu l } \",l il HIII)II f' th l' tllIm ot tb lungl ." Sho called trRosportll LIOll tb \l~ bring in g th e ,heir. . bllng (,0 th ,' lI, u II ,,<I ' 101M dlnl l h" J.. t..r1 ." " 11 their Q t nlJon to the t.r 0 mer Iy to totuloo t t o I\b a t '84 lJer lU on l b . oeAsed . F il'st aoti finn,l tlOI' OUll t of $l.'l':l: III' nr.v HI" hl;o. lu mho r fo r L~~~:r~l-;;,AWvt~::;"~lInhu. ':;";')ll~ Hllr lon' nnd 10' '!I ril ll!;'" wlnkild and 1I00"I f d to \ :lrd II "I\U5e II. divOrslo n. Sh e wante d to koep YIID , y o orselves on n Ol&l oul ll te t b e aclmln l8trdo r fl ie d, OO llnt o;- $22 05 ; {I 11'" 11Clrrl1g "flld .... In \ 0 ullg'" hnel Wlly-Ilt h r r til" nll",1 tnlnod howd ah. Till' f'U. rn 11 , Il nr ftlUlnr 's thol.\g ll' S 'rom ~o vlo". A~ tv tbo 811ooe88 t)t t bls In r ~ Ur. rrlo DO ", IIIJ, l o~o n "'. A Ill· tJlIlvflrl e . ,:. Ina OJ; I ; F I'r AQI1 'n .• fat hfll'''ItIllnr \)jIInl' 4.,,4 ahe III 10 bo lit! (' 11 . anil ~ v • aWil Y C Po mUllt Mm. She r O(\ls08 nn ll I In- 0 f (1 \1 U1 III ng 'lU I ellly 'Y"l Jltt1111y b~ ' Allnlt I m e t h od out~l do f t h e CUB' t h e b est dfl,vlt fil d ror UdlllltiRlull of suill U(lr- !\UPlllleR fll r !<ur"el"or $Hil 2[,; ,I iii. former! by. tho prlOfttll thQL n~ w,,,,,all ~nu flung h r S111r t\.Cr(l~ Ib (' InrI ot th '"f(' ''l'~lo,,,1 :';omu dislIl'lloln t Pd R I. eVldenoe wa h .vo III the ~lltlS lft otlo n r le Do 'ILO ~o t h e l>llyt,)U t"te H os Orak,· , 0 1.. ", f .. r " f\ltr f, h lll~~' .7».71 j ~lfh\,::':'r'~~. Sho la Biven 8"V~1l <lIlY~ wall. xhnU8 Ii F 11 the Itne h(1lng, h""11 "'"" r,'t'\I'nlng \\ henea ijhr. bad () they Jurney t! on Into the BIlO' of t lltl putro[l!! 1111 of who m elgn lill pl t ill fh r trcHlt m ll Dt . . Bettor h t I1rtn lt .rohn " Hlnir . ~ llllp Il B" fl,r j " nl.tor at le n t, ~hl! W D R slltl!. SIl!' :u ng tliere " ow" Ahl\! r! "'ok bls tim e; h hlld ", '1. h ,lo twilight . lut o th bright, s tnrry ~h e peGil loD fo~ u.n e leotlon. O n e, Febru ~ ry 26. .$ 10.01 ; W. H · • ' " 1(11 ,~ 0./ I ~tll' NOlblllg must nir; bl. 1 I\!U tqhl, r e f u llU at fir8 ~ bu t h e at CHAJ>T1tR m-ah'e attll ""rul!<'S lltld I. l.or 11 f II' mlDull!s till "h~ Ii d tully f . no rcnl'on 10 hllTry )1l1e'l fo r Ollr , IIt' r n.25 ; Oil v t.(lll Kt nte [U re w 1l 1 of f rlln Otlll 1:1 . J o hn . d f'. told that abe muet u nderl'O I WI) <l rd Uille ovcrod h er lil·roth. l~ low tb o P 8R ",hll'11 \~ol1ld a rotlS Ih o llu81'1· IInck 111 tli olty tbe pllnio was a] . terwal'd recouslde r ed l\ u d I1dd ed lLie H o~ pl!l\l, "' flin lfl nl'Il Ctl of V"tllm tl! ~tb ...1l4 ,lIeUU. I t aho au"I" • ebd wHl cell81'd, Wt11 l.dlO lt ted t l, ll·r o hate . 100PO,NIs we.re atlll ll'n Ing B..nd etrlk, C IOIl" of t I llu l1 r4~ , UJld houte olways f<)l\Ily bl'lns' lorsott ell n5 a thing of Dllme to tbe li"t T heso Bohool .. be pennlt~ 4 I:!> rut ... J BllflPs t t Wlllllrcl ItJl rlt)ln tell Ol{OO Il ' :107 :10; ~ :Oh\t1l1 I u~ I IlIlIk 13110k Un. CHAPT.ER IV-Jobo Ern"". on Am. rl. Ing ru tlle ly: and I'all In h w' terror ulnrUll'd Ihl' orlt'lI lll l th' pus t. The I o llnrds w r back M we re ~n8p u deu hucuaso t h e IIv or · 911"plll1" f or o l"r k $ 18 0(1; R A. _11, ..."ea bar ttt e. sh e could not t)\lt udlllir Ihelr gmCO To h(' rolllll ei. hnwuvcr. tilin g" n", 1I1 ~ir pat rollng; l ho h igh officials nnd IIg dally ul,ton dfl nCI) fe ll b l)luw t or. N o bvuu r qnl rcd. AppmlMe rH t:I ~o nl fo r " rmr t. h .. n ~ .. $ 11. 21,; and hellu ty. And. olLdly. she rcou lloo r l.'n r II to 1"11 ulln ccsdll r lly. H (' nualty d Iltnrlfl8. togetli,'r wi lli tile uusue- two lve . 'hould l.b lB oond it.ion 00 S. ~. '1'II.o\)uI8, H . U. Eldridge "nd U. W tqlltr ". r "II" ir ill!( 111 t.1 ~f''' In Riliph P,uks . • CRAPTItR V-'1'ho elephant whi ch " .... r Hsful rO llllldnt ps, lind gono tholr 6 v· oar iu !lny ot t h e (he r HLl)IliDlng O ol l1n t"w n ~hl p t!I r.. r. ; I. M Mul · rI"" her 1rOm t he actina oC hor t .. ' llls r Una th e pel al hom ",. Doubn s e by thi s lout lJ1llhmcl' an.1 fiW" pt IIncl' the ru J' EH t.~tfl o f Uh",.lrA Al ll lnnrt., Inl!oo t'. lawny, lep&l'I/ollnlr ber tram Bruca n nil \ll. LIme h had In ll D bae k iat o hi s so v' ~ n III' pllc IJrur .. 's rCslroluln g bllnd. r'r rl l WDYS. Umlllllla IIlono pnced th ~ob ool8 we w ou ld be p lnMtlln R d lf . fo rll, " 1 /l nH'~ /11,,1 ",-tfll onrll il Inr _1'tI81 of lh4 parts'. .. ago state. oftth' mahout. who b ad belln loltrr- hhll H. w II satl.stlod with tbo " eots of (\ u lt ~1t.U'ltion fo r o ur v lllllgl'l Acbool First uoonuot of ~ Ollr ll \lIo fil e d u.t\t(lr~ot1l u" '1 3 (\; SI.II I~ " f 1)111 0 ] n r ll BKtaf;B oj Ad l\ A R Ile v. r) f' v!' LJflo k l\ r. M A ,r. ","R tn.Cf~~~ '{,I~~fe ~~o~ r:r~~o ,,1~i1~ Wh OTI sh daf(ld r isk It .. be IIlIlno<1 a tllg In t.o\\·n thot dllY. rflcoj\nlz 'd lit Iho dny. barrlug ho dlstu rbanoo elm n o t a uo" m orlllt l'l m o r e pupil s un· "U. J1I811Ct1 ,of a Uon ~ ""e .1a fo rceCl to fi..e [rom It. ae urer llos itton ou Ul e wlI.II and Silt onc I ha roya l t url)t\.ll wh ich tho colo· ~nu~e d by lhe eSCUIlO o f tlla. leopards. del' t he pll;~ ti l oond l tlon s " od iG oBflMatl . W i ll II ct ml t.t.p.cl t tl p n ;hn te llllll OO, f " ,' ~ alld 0 ,~ t", $1O.R·I III r e wUl of B'f\rll '~nd ·, \If{ 8h'\ll l< CBA.P'NIla vn-siLe IIlId' a r lI'""I In Ull. IH ngitlg IH'r I !liB OV('r t ho s ide ot mIl st ili "'01'0. Th o oolon \'8 ra~e Ills c8 pt n:ln Il ler d nnd salu ted. ml p lt't e Vtl o beoome neoa~Aury to '['he "pprollr\ .. t.lo n fll r thfl 'uullt.y the )1lllI'1e, o!lJi to t...u Illt.o tho huU\la or It. Sbo 8a,v tbl" g~ 'In a Nt ot blur Dltlont no thl n!! ; UUI turban. ve ry· "Hlghn e8s. 11 mallout ba8 oewa." U,u18 po n the~e pnp\ls to II scllool eIro r d . d OAI/~ ed . Will II rhnH·ted fund Is 118 fII Jl IIW~: . alaft tn4enI. ' nt first . h r h('orl had b ell cnll ud Ul)On t In l; , Tho ma ho ut s tood slork sli ll ", e wa' Of wh at?" o ll l,H lue of the to wnilhlp or ' e ven prob ft l'f'. ()OllO t.y 111n11.. .. .... ...... ... .. , 20 2111 71 " ~R VIU-Rathlyn I. brought to 60 alr nunll ~I~'; bllt a n cr II II tIl oh. for a moment, not qu ito b 11 \'In g ble "\Ie oiBITIl8 th ut h enw tho klng's OUl81 Ie of fh e oOllnt.V. But a veu It E~tn t.o nf B!lrrISI1D Corn a ll, tl ~ Ponr .. ....... .. ....... .. . ........ . :I.lItll 111 tr.!~~Q w~ ~dJ:JI~:r ...nl~1I By~~u~ j cts r uslI DlQd th Ir I:onl sbap"•• and yes. By thIs tll1l . howovor. Ahm d lu rbun In n howdab wblch pa88ed the t.lll p r oble m d oes n ot arl de. o~o w.. 0I1R8<,d . ~ocu nu lIud fi'll il u oon unt o f Ohlhlren 'l! h ('lI\II' ...... ........ IJtI:I. 4U au.ly-, tIuow.her Into the dungeon wlU. lib e8pl~tl til llvo I pbaot~. S ho ,~os cUID,'ortnbl y s tTtld dl d back of his ILIlcI.E'oL gaw nbout a n hour gono." tiny tllM t ho t wo s hlp soh ool Ie ox t" utpr flll'ld. ' OrphAn'" IIl1yl ""' ... ...... ... . 2.0 GO bu· f&Ih8r. chllcd. wnvl ll g her lIullds. . lephnn t s ears flll~ WU8 joggi ng nlong "'rhn t is not possi ble," r eplied Um· m eetl o lC presen t d"y nlltldll, UudfT Brld ~ C\ .. .. .... .. ..... .. ... . .:..... 7.70\1 18 Real Estale Traosfen . , ~n.Et-8b. 1a .....cued by Bruoo " Ills Knthlyn !" crl t\ n ru co ' ror t ho thc rondo ba\lf\.. ~k\l lJul !mpervl s l ou t hey lire doing Rn il rllng .. .......... ...... .. ,.. .. 'j'f,(j.22 .... _ ey 8 of a 10H'r aro nlwn)'s k e~uesL "1'h(> klng :" sll outed the su rpM s d "I toM htm Utat the ki ng was In hIs m o r e ~bbn th ey dId lome fe w ye "n L . E K"over a nd A: ,V . t:lnon k t l) Ind kl) nt · ~(J hIIArl' ........ , .. " 1 :tOO 35 I bB.AP'l'JDR X-<lolcDel B iU'e nln In ' Cl4"KI!!" shouted th e colonel wbo mahout to tho I!1-lUrda, ' who hod not cIJa mber." "go bu t. e v e r y oo.e aok llowl ed go8 B. M. b noo k I,h .. o n A_~i xth m t.er e81. tllnklng fund ..... ... ... .. .. ..... U,602.M 41118.4. Umb&lla, with 10141ura• • urld In sbared tbe bowda h wltb Dru ce' "KIt, 8eon tllll OIn.n or th o Lurhan. "So he 18. Wal tl J will go myself Ihnt t b e r e Is m ooh IlIckl ng y et In Vnr~ (,f In. lot N o. 31 iD Lehllnon, !!ll llo t " >o .. .... ... . .. .... .. .. ... .. . 604. 101 ;V1USidt. ~I~ Ia .tnlck by .. bull L hang on (or II moment 10nge~ l Ah. "Wllat k in, rool ?" rotumed the RDd 801l." all at once vaguely pel' wb e u It oom os u 1\ quostl~o of em 41 .10(\101111 ..... .... ................. ~ . 02.j . (\ CBAPTIIIB lU-'l'b. ~uflu.ea are ~.. v en ' m d Lo th e wo ll'" gunrd~. turbed. lie WIUI hac k In a very short oiell oy ~omtl il k to oompare them M F B(lrd !'nl I1nd wit o I.rl Rt oll P \{ otlb lJ ~ ' R pfln!llnl,IH ... " .. .. .. 7ft11 2;) .____ III the paJa.oe ot ala KhJU1. . TI;e colonel ~d Rnmabal bnd "The wh ile kl oS who was hetrotbed ti me. Curtous. "It 18 truel Woo to wHh t h e ~(lhooI8 of "lol'iy YOIl'" ·\t add m l UO lIor A" In tI 0. 3, ',1' 'J, R; "ltrlolll;nl'.. 1 POI'\f" y ..... .. .. I);I'! 10 a Xll-Bvpplted by camel. by left 0 I I I AI l' I h Ih thoBe w~o p ermItte d h im to escapel" !lgo " a odor wh iob oo mp,'ri ll on th ey 3. bet ween MI,IUl I ri /l'r R .I ~ , OO • --hoof) ... ... ... .... .. . .. .. ...... " I . \l t~. (\U tJwI. table prllice they . lnr t for th .. tile zen ann by on of the windows '~r I'y· • '\ . "a ,'u Been ' e "Hlnb08SB, the escope of the l eon. in vl1rlllbly dtlif(lr boonu ~ e th ose p At> ~ t, aN Il&pturll4 bV brl"an~. Unl- overlookIng th lIassage . which rn.n ftlJ nl tu rban. It 19 be ! n r I t ' ll t l'"1 E. Dunbnm , 'u\ Ext.r. t " .1. E. Rnl\rl ....... .... ... . . .. . .......... :\, ~r.tl il l '1MIWI jO!!J'DO" to ~6 lair or the ban. Tho gUH rds d rld er\ blm Su fincl. ' nrds an d tbe cootuslon wblch followed. " e Mila m 0 la 0 Approo ",. e • Ie r, CI ~ 1·1 41ta. ___ . tli. colonel a ..\,,11011 r o..nd Pll8t tll ga rt'la» or b r ld s. Tbey bad I h I th h . t h'l I " fllot th ~ t. rurul oonditlo ue b n 1'0 un 'Itltl I ... rll A. 1-'1 11) l ilt. . " B i n t.h l; BUdd' fll\l of .. .. ... . .. .. ......... ordefa"Br\lOII &114 IOtllll'1l \1114. had no t roublo " 'hn v r in r aching hgl\oo mUPO u e m, e r nn 0 6 e .le r gonA tt. VAry g rea t ob tmg e In tlll!t .Iobn '['ho rnps .lU nddlt.loD t o Morro w, T ot " I .. :......... .. .. . ... $['(\ 840.1:1 _ c .... .a xm-'l'he bandh. Qunrr,,' tile elollhantH. Rut tho su bsequent Jl nt, ount d, and rode bock 1010 "By e ll 1he gods or Fllnd , and 'twas I"ng th IIf time lIu d O(lndltion8 lbl\t. _r \II. mOMJ paid them by mhallll 'WalUng for Knth lyn ha d keyca tb m t"wn . Durgn. Ram would PAY well tor YOu who lett tho door opon t You a l>plled t be D b ~ ve no hellrlu"" on tbe O. G. An (l ( ! . IJ. Crillt , ,, J . III I",rl .&DC 4urtq UIe oonru. lon Ka lhlyn and t hIs 11 W9 t>D ned It tor me to pa88 out fl r'IIL .. JINOa.-capt an/l rehlrn to Allahn. Til y Ilil up to th br ukln!! pOint. The pity " ." IIlto Atiou DOW We oAn nIl retneUl · 'C hl rtlo A Pv le lot N t) 70 111111 E~~~ _ _ a plan to NllQue the ooloneL Or it wile. th f'), dllred not ~tlr. dlU'od 1<"I\lh r , snit! K.ntilIYD, reprollchful· Summon the Counc1l. orr with you, bll r wb II 'be c'1 un t l'y tlohoill ~ ') ' 1t · 1t I) 1 (1~ N,) 7 1 In M IIl' r ow. 48t,i0' not smrt I searcll or ber. Eind It boon I ~', " tb at ma hout recognized YO)1 . 1 und give thla handful of sllv or t o th e t.h lS o wu 111p en rol led fo r ~v fi l ty M · a tl li t l.n.I E . AIIIl C IArn A • 0II.t.P'I'BIR X1V-'1'llo eolooe1 II nomlarned YQU not to move the curt4In." onl y Dlun who bae eenee enough to boo 'I~ Mlllt.y pl1pllil M~h N')w 'dle Ill' · P y l lq t N" 7 In I'h omp ~o n '14 thltll ....1l7 , I:lN. but really e p,lljono.. It Ie leopards o)lly . Ul bc would have mnde n short ' w ork or It ; bUt. It would bave flruc shrugg d. lIevo bla eyes. Hare Sahib Ie mine, , rn ~e en rol hnen ~ tl\ tWfl oty. , ~ to tbI4 a " r l" e for "1m. KRth · ti o n '0 MfI,rr ow $ l 1711 .am. ~ to t llO palllq6 In ~II' be n rlln k folly to bave gone 10 "nut. Kit ." ~(jtU\t11 d h ..,r falh er, "At)· on<1 I will tollow hIm into tho very plal\8 aoo "uce",,"i*I',\rJt 11 Il/ll\h'l (,n M l'! '-'1/1 . . .beD tM tKQu..,. 1..'Opar~1\ 8CAPO IIllI1.~ch of the gi rl, It I!~e , bnd b en m d wile IIQ InfernJl.,\J): slo'" I }l would \lQIlIIO ot tb1~ arlllsb raj ~ Guards and Clu~ht .To Bo CQmmun'lty Ufe G,\,l)~1l1J F ' ''III'''I \l'' l)M~ IIf l)Tl,t.lot to{i\. tile - " 'IDto eon~"llon. m ade captlv • ahe II ed d their t re Bl)Ond tl llIo In clIatt~rlDg lO ille el pbanta l And tbe brJd to be, what t III Wll vn Ft!~vU \<t, ''lOIlO dom to' gall\ ller o,,'n . 1lllOldeB. the g\lnrds." or her? Lo/)k n.nd Qoe, ;Nay, 1 will 1'0 olill,,1 \If,· ,.tlRUt 1,0 h I' 'I ~'rn l"'ff\ ' R' tSI" (ocJlltch"on to"/ilthol D .. rUi with you." ct)unsel ~I bot,h Ahmad .and L nl S ingh ' Abm d b IIrd, but salll uctillng. f.fon f .)r COlli Ul u oHy Il ia. WI)IIt 'Was for pall. n co. "Nev ~ mllld," Interposed Sruoo po.. UmbaUa I:oll nd an e,mpty chamber; olliln e 18 tbere wit h ,t.h lli b(todfQI !If III" Run r dlu n ~, r t he I" t .. ~" · ()f M"bl l1 0 lu Ah med had ,!t e gr atest tal th Ln ~lie clf\cll lly. "At Bny rute 'Wo s bll ll hnve the futul'e Clueo~ \1'(\.8 gone. More, ho Il npll ~ rlInglng In :' gll ,fr r,w Ilix ~i> Annll t)pl\rth , m in o r , lot N" 'W orl d 10 Kathlyn'lI a bility to take oo.re the ad van tngo of n cou p'le or bours, found one 0 :1 the \l'ODl M of tbe zenan a fIrtee n to Wilke 8001,,1 JlI,' A r Ulllit y Fr,,'l kJ ln. $1 dHAPTER XV, Fl nr nn oe W"rkm~ n ' t n I!lt hel d IJIbnllll will not catch ue wltb th e -his !avor lte-boun d und gagged No ohll1:l0e Ie gl ve D for rl"lIlry 10 of herself. Ti.lnk of whnt ebe had al. ready gone tbrQugh un8cathed l Kath. le pbanls h hUll at hand. Oy tile with bal' dknrchl ef8. QuIckly he /reed ~ lI e 'Cf088 rO(l m, 01' · for orp: ... n l zuri D II rlb . 8e ,j(olthl1ll0 or' the t1stllte o t Panther., 1I16 Y 0 1\ t lle ~ohool gl'ounil lllln 14cboo l "'"lIle .~nD" HeArt-h . .. tnlrlOf, 10 ' 14 • Crollqhed In the pataoQuln, Katblyn Iyn ·I\Cemsa.hl b bo!,'o n charmed \lte. t.lm he' 8tnrtll bIB expedition we sball b r. I Love This Magazine b e 30 miles a wny. · Let ue be cheor"Hlghnl'8s, the bride's raGe 'Was dark lire los es itl! intoreMt No wonder No. ,878u nd 8010 Fru ',klh'l, ' I walted for the onslaught ot tho IUId a U tile wUd bensts ot. t be j ungl es fu!! " lIko my ow n, hut her a rms were as ~hllt Ulflny, In (act tn Of!t of the older M.CALL'S II I" F•• bloq GuIde tad HOUII' Ieo~rda, QDce she heard a lr~ keep1n, Helper or more w()men .han aa, olhu "Kit ," 'sald ber laUter, "I couldo 't 11 ht 08 clotted c ream l And ~he . apak'e , ft t tend lrregularly or ' q Illt malldnl ift Ihe world. All lhe tatut " , let maDdou. IlClratchlng at the r r of beT • ..., 1'A~••hl,.I.o de Ul hll"I lIori., Ihll enl.r· belp It. I Cllu't thln k Qu lokly any thn tougue pr the white people." ~tt"lnlng h!gb I!ob c ol aMp.. " bldtnt place;' the paJa.nQulu tottered. tJl.,lnd .peelal deplMme nti Itt ~Inl. hom. moro.. r Rm lIko a man In a n ight· KMhlyn a arll! Sbe llved; she ba.4 Tbe \:Ieet te~ oh e rs 'caD ' nc ' be.8POQl'ed d,.um.kl ... ,fane, . Ot •• esc.. thai lIahle. But the animal wAIl not t r)'lng to_ set ,bo... work and lave mone ,.. Price. on" SOc Ulore., 1'''B heeo down to hell. nnd I " 6 nlJed th e hrlgnndH; sbe had lool e Id d tt.n y t eacher Is ·apt to' b ecome In.sJde; he' was merely ahurpentns ' h is • yeat. wltb one c:elebrared McCall Urel l PII' cnn't JU8t yet r enllze tbut r am out of him.! And RaJlIllbul hlld pluyed ,vltb d1SCO ll1'IIged and · luck DDtbusl&tlm ID 10... FREE. 01&" after th~ manner of hIs kind. It. I'm Borryl " him OB n CI~t pln.ys w llh a wou nded lIuoh B 'pit-nll Uon. "ND A ",TAl. "aD IIOW pOll ' Notice I. horeb)' glvea by tho DoW of t . A.aU . . r MtCAU.:A MAo .u •••':1 ... cia.... whlch were IIbarl) e nougb, " Poor da d!" Kathl yn prossed · b lm !IloIIS . O. they sbould see l bls time I T hA t. t h ese oondlt,io .J1I do not pre· RtllI~a ~IIIn ot W..yno 'i' II\tIL.,,11i &!llOo i lila.. A ~Af:mrI;~ IM~ I.J"J) 11_ ........ . 1lUUUII heaven .new, aluea. regulllriy. once a trlct, Wllrre!1 Couot)', OILlo. th .. t 0'1 tho . 10 her I1rms, w'hlle ' Bruce noddod eilBlldd",,, ly he IlIugllOd. U echoed vall tinde r oontrBliz ..~.• 1'00;00 htn: Off... to S."'7 CIlU ICIl . month Ute lI:eepera file d them to ne die VIOIlSly but approvlhgly. · do wn the corridor, IlUd ooe of ' th "bundant evldeno , A ~I• •H 191 IS,. . point. ' . lIII /kCAII. co.. ZJe II 246 W,m 5L. !low y.... 1l y. By nnd by tboy drew a sille the OUl~ t reosure If'opords roared buck a t the qulriee were eent OQt to 8ev.e t'llI bu.n a lpocial election. "'1lI be 'h old In , WaY118 An elephlint·truJDpeted near by, a.nd u red paren taln coo trallzefl dilltrlol8 : 'foW08Wn Scbool DI.lrleL, Warrell CoUQ\ Y, tn1ns. Kathlyn sa w here onCl th ere ol>- slnteter sounll. KathlJD 10000Id b4ve wept·, In despair . 8596 of tbelle parente aoknowledge ~:it~ dotormlne tho lollowlng Qu""tk,ne.' " Highn ess!" timidly. ' l eets ·wblcb r ecsUed her firs t journey Outside the , wall "Were frl ende, doubt.. lilt. Shall tho lehools of W")'I1o·Tonab!p "Enough ! 1 ho ld you blameless." ' h ilt II.tte ndAoce I!' muob U10re reg 'a long tbls highway. It only IIho blld 1_ 111' thta time jolnl!d 'by h er fnther ' Scbool Dllltrlc" WU'nlll County. ·Ohlo. be \ 11h.r II.n<11111% ~e8tlfy to ~beinorl'lIiIed conL 110""' ) lI (l 'r uBheil [rom the ptUace. ..Uaed r I an4 Ramaba{, aDd all '1"'onderln g wberll 3nd. Shan tbe boll(l. of' Wayno ToW1llhlp "One t h ing Is torecast.- 8010 Oruce. Poor [ools,! Let them believe tlIot I n ~eres~ on she par~ of b oth teaobera abe;ru; She lla1'ed not call Qu t for Scbool D]al1'lct , Warren CoUIlIi'JI. Obi". ho " Wben Ramabal r eturns It wl11 be to thc~' bo.d eSC'.Il)led. Th ere wns sUII th e lind PUlllIs. In tbl8 way a 8000 I.." ,e d, In Lbo aum anti &moun ... 01 s ao 000.00 · (ear atlractins the leo~d 8, ..b ose 1)ght. Ho w1ll not be a blo to avoid It lI~tl~ 91~ tur : III a 6h~rt time now she $eft oh Ar III n ot of)ntl oed to one 81llBlJ with ...bleb to provide I Umclont fund a let purmO.... Iil~~ ahe could bear oonstanUy; cllaao a lIce and erecL a ' new hlllh IChoo1 now. I ' shouldll't mloll going back \vould b In sldo tho city Wil lis. The ooon ~ ry ~ 18tftCt bu t b 'lr Influe noe Ie bulldlnl$ In WaYl1o'l'ownablp Scl1OO1 D]atriCL, the jar of their padlled teet as they Warroll Colw'(. Oh101 ' . (Con t.inneil on PAilI' S) " 'Itll bl ol. Ahm d. wba~ Is \lIle etrnnge olonol Sllblo \1'0014 r turn; In(Jeod, ~ uud8l' and abollt the palanquin, Said ' IIM¥;II!. 01 lton \YUI be helet a' ~hll ---...:.. y . T her wo uld bo DO t urtM r dim· To"""hlp ll"utIO· In Wilyoeavlllo In ",W "yue ;. tti,e mur...ultf ot tb"lr Wilt noses,' an TOl'lllhlp School DllItrtl!ti Wai1'on vouOty culty I' gn.r'<IIIqg tllo ' fili g ree bnsket of Ohio. Polla ",III be open from a: an A. II: ·ooOulODal yawnlns. gold and gtil ms. Sti ll. Ile wou ld pur: UlltU 6: 00 P, M.• SllUltIald TIme. \ B.Y an4 bY ,ber curtoalty c\1uld nol be AH e Vfl r yone ,knc ws, tho j>owele Bue tll om, II: only fo r the Dlerc SIIort There QU;Stio~ . ORO. J. SMITH, . '1flt.hatooc1, ,.,811 . tllougb she mIght be or It. If h ili tallod to caleh t.h em all ~r e t.h e 8ewer'gll 8'f~te m of tbe body, Prealdcnt Board of EdUCAtion Wa Yllo Townbut t at il)dir;cstion and tbe diltruaed , eour.ttn. '4,6ath. Caut1oo8ly and 80uod· ahlp School Dlatrf,c t , Warre" CoUDW. Ohio. foeling ",hleh always (1;0011 wiib it CII.Q he bnd ·to dc, was to alt duw n a nd wa lt 'lOd It 18 o f tbe gre"t~8 t ImpnrtAnee . le..11 eha moved the curtain which be promptly reli eved by b k.iDC tr. Jo' REO 0, OlLMOU H. tor them to ret urD of t heir o wn voll· fo b It the y m ove onoe eAoh dAY If faiSecJ the"an. .A.' man or bea vy vln s vou~ howelB b(>ooUl" oonstlll"'ed. Cleric Doanl ' 01 EducatIon Wayne Township tion. ~fi!?'O ge, Dyspepsia School O"' rlct,IWMr6n Couutv. Ohio. NIl from tb,e pound to the top of th is take a do@e of Chqmherllllu's Tub. March a-u • . . TO BE ( Or.- ,.I NUED If onl, elIo .could reach It; If Rescued py the Sh epherd. ~~ Tablet lets jOl!t After 8upper anll tbey will ODIT phe clared trJl Prese nt ly ~bll or Hind coull! nol h8.J'm ber. It wns ·b efor. IWd Brur each me{ll. 25c ... bOlli, correot, t)le dl!lorder. Obt.lllnllblekeiP81'lo &rqled with goads and ropell, written. • Read y our own. Miam i G a zeU everywbere ... wolll4 be 1011Jl00m1Dg, and 11.\1 hope And ihen Bruce dl8co" ered h er upon ot. _lit ' baD1IIb6d. Umball&, upon the wall. OIOM IJLjpectl~ would I'4!OOgnlle ber It- took but a momeot. to bl'lng tbo desplt6 ber ~r~enod skin an~ ' ludlnn . el ellbant n.longsld\l; 'lu d , Ko.thlYtI dres& • r. dropped do wn Into tlte howda b. , ~m the otlIer wlDdO\'! 8,Pe peer ed. "A no.rro w·s\luouk, dad." was lIiI sbe I Warren Common '~ere; In the pa~b, . 'W~ two l eopard8, 811.ld. Ov~r Postolfi<'t. Waynesville, O. 3ulll0 Aruold Admlul.lr&trix. boX1nc and troUoldDS In play. As fibe "Let \18 get on our WilY," said tho Office Plloil' 71 • . Ho~.. P";'w 6.' watChed. alwayl luterallted In the gam· colon el, boars Iy. "Aod rwne,nb"r, A.rmatrollgVli~()..y olal . . We are o lTe rin g th is "Ilami ly Gro u p" at a ri diculo us\y low price , bola of luob &ullDll.le, ebe noticed Utat s hoot to kill uoy man who attem pts 10 180 No • .l 15D3. Common Pleas Court I' The M Call 's is t he b est Magazine in tb e co untry, whil e H o me two other leopard!! 'Iett orr prowling, s top u s. My K.lt!" em bracing Katb lyn . BY' virtue of eo (1M or of 1Il1o. duly \8!rucd New Suits. trolll ..Id (Jourt. In Lhe abovo alated cue. IIml L ife and Pcople's PQPu \l!>r M o,nthly a1)~ed. BIlt upon U!elr haunches, "PerhAps t ile escape ot the leo'pnrd8 Is to OlD directed. I will oJfu tor 8010. Ily way 01 a realso magazin es wo~ tb reading. Be&lid orlt1cally followed tho fri endly sel· the lucki est thIng lIml cou ld have hllpauction. 00 Iho lll'Oml_ In Oorwln. MIDnle,l. SIlUe .,tbwaltB VB, Albert public ~ ides this yr)ll get 0 McCall pattern · Warnon Couoly. 01110, all . · to. Then the Qthar three. soeltlng dl· peDed. It w ill keep them a ll busy tor li'. MIII.ar ; "Order t,o efll1 IJerllon ..l and tbe Miami Gazette at the ex• ~0Il. ~tered Into view. Kath1yn an hour or more. Since Umbnlla boo Saturdll)" lIlan:b 21th, A. D. IBID nr. oper t y by roooiver. t remely lo w prj e • . . qul~n~ .wlth lit" and hope . The '\l ene you to be dead, he w l1l be con· dt 3 o'clock P.' M., 00 . .ltI day, t ho rollow· Graduate of Oltkl SIll! . lJnlwnf' The Trnsteell of Fran.lln Town. .: _ _ ~~pard8 'W~r8 at least bait Ii I oerned a bou t my dlsa ppearn.nc(l only. Ing dOflCl'lbod realllOll.&t.e 1.o· ... lt: . ., ~ bip. Warran C.lDnty VA. Ralpb 8 " Situated 10 Warren Coullly In t he St~t.e Itf · 4~ ,~ a",a,.. [t 'WaB but a 8te ll . And It will be 'somo time ore t hey T lte Miam i Ga r. Ltc .. ...... . . . , .. $ 1 00 1 OhiO , Rolog IN\rt 01 Survey l'tum\KIretl aDD 'PMk8, IIdmlnlsirAt.or Demarrer to to the .,\no .prawllng over 010 wnll. learn of m y escape. Forward ,.A bmed I VIl'lllnia &l1l1ta..,. J.,aoll •. n ' l!loulng at a Polut: ()ffice at residen~, . I~ . F. U. ::;her I\kCnll 's Jagazinc . . . .. .. . .. , . . .. ·50 All .for petition snstalned, plalnUJI exoept8, In the road leiUllog from \\ .al'.neavlllo to WII· 'J,'o think that all depended upon tbo T ills ti me . • ." wood'e house, Fourth Street. . mlol!1Oo. aDd . 8 '\lilt !rom th\! CCloter of the 'm d gra.nted: ten day" to. tlm~nd ( n i\l Ca U D ress Patte rn. . . . . . . . 15 ONLY b&lldie . ot ,palanQuin door I It It "nOn't futher !" Interru pt II Kaill· Wltlo AlJlUtll Railroad , tuld Mlunlng Chonce petlt.lon. . '. "Ilh Lbo middle Of I&ld Wa,08ll,,UIO IlIltl WU· ~ a/le wal lotlt .. for abe would lyu. "Perbaps w allllll esca pe, but HO lllc' Life ......... . . . . . ,.. . . .. 25 .> . Telephon., 2fI rold SOutb 6SH degre.lIl. 2 chII ao(1 The Otte lbeln Baine VB. Jf)bn M mlnl!1On fI!J!.. .f.Dl:o. the hands ot the keepors It I none ot u s Is sure. L et' us mer ely People's Popul ar MO)llh l) . . . . . . . . 89 JIllk. to a polot ~l1jB with the "elt aide 25 M.ulrord, "odltQr Rnd Frlint D. Mil 01 an alley III the ToWll of Corwill. Tbence n.o t ~481' - ~e m~Ueaa 1)aW8 of tho ! bOlle. I'm 60 tlrod l" l'f. 07, tllIINeII E one cll~o alld 80 JlilJuI 10 Waynesville.' Ohio 'er. trfla~nrer ,ot Warren ooollty. •• tone. ' . cat.. . Druoe re ached o"er and pressed ber Delendant8 granted lenve to tile de Tbence N. S2 ~ d _ Wt !l cbalu aod sg Tola l .. . ... . . . ..... ... .. . . . $2 ,tIS, J But the loOP!' ahe hesitated the le88 I bond r.ens surlngly: nnd the colonel IInIaI to a ltooe atandlog sa feet from the mid· Ulurre re for~h with. die 01 oald LUtie Miami 1Ia11ro.... ThOlloo ' ttm~ abe would bave. Bravely, tilen, eyed hIm 88 fro m 8 ne w anglo. l\Unule J .' Satterthwaite V8 _ A F' parallel "Itb said rIIlIroad S 57'S d _ ~ trte4 her ~d !11JOn the . dOO,r I· "Good !" ho Ol urnJu rcd under Ills DR. J. W~, MILLER, W.t 2 chalnl aotl 56 lIok. 1.0, tbe Dlaceof be"THE GREAT FAMILY GROUP" ~llIer. Recl'lver ~r8lJted h'a,ve to glDnlnl cOntaining one half aero 8frlc~ meuhandle ancr.lowl~ bu\ ~Y tUTned It. broaPi. "Nothi ng better coulu bnp· which con.lata ot these thr.... . .. . I. ure aod being more ,ecently deai:rtbOO Ly.tbe eoCer loto 11 )el\80 of felll 'estate . · Th~ ~ DO , lICNnd' ,th~t abe co uld , pen. He Is a milD, nnll n tried one. I real ORteto appral.er In (1 8UO) .. Lot Number wel1 .. known nl nazln c . - 1$.11." DENTIST ••• . ilarueli, R R~ndall VB; 8 H, Joy at 0 " In J~I W . • ~O'bOIlO U ' 8 iUldltlon to tile vII· ". · hear• . ~e preII..,e4 It ou~,!nrd with a , lillOW. 0006! tr onco we get cl ar 01 one full y ear .. V a tu,. , of .~ 01 Corwin. . ,., ,.J. Demorrerl' to petition 8uAtained lage a1OlW. ~,. , morrement. Fortuntit~IY I tblB he ll, I sUa ll not stand 1JI their ""88""ln ... ..lone, $1.00. The n _ t IItreet UD the SOutb of '~d ' property ]a Har. ey.bul'll Road, 011 the Wen ' ., Ol'l1ce: In Alao anyone McCall ',.~d 'Pl aint~if 'grAnted' ~O days t.o file the. 4reiIa ' ot the Hindu was "hort, wny. Uut. Wlnnlo. Wlu nie; whllt III RalJroad Avo.. thero boInIc 00 .troeta On the Na"qnQ Raralr Old•• Patt~ Fru;:£ amende.d .petltlon. . 10m_hat abon the IUiltlee, and with· ODd's Dnme will thnt Itltt II" b doln j; Nor~ h or. on the ENlt cit abov~ dlllltlJ'lbotI in her .tiO~ :FOllng 'body was free of 1111 t hose \.()lTlble wocke'? 'WBI she t ry 0 : Ei. Butt Y8 llbe O. C C &·8t. prol~rW· Sala ~I flII tlil.oh na boon regularly appral.-e<1. ~;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L. R y . 0 ·). Motlof\ t.Ql'cqqire plflln Ullder onler of t,he ' 'Oourt at ('2000) 1''1'0 thole mode'rD OOntrlYIUIOea \mown as to find U8? Th IIr~ teleg rnph otllco p Tbousand doUIU' I I and will 1I0t be acltl for lUllS tiff .to glv 81l0nrUy ror 008~tI ': Clvn . ooreete an4 I~"" . ,. we TeMh I mu st ca101 b e r uuder no LWtHhln.l. 01 nppralsed value. ' rulett , Case on trial before coun ~h.1I Bh'e.IJ)raDC qui. daab.ed tor tl:ie vInes, clT01Imelliucos to sllr Crom home. Ab· TerlllB:- Onah. WALDRON O. G1LlCi:>UR al:'d jury. aDd 4rew henelt Ill) rapldtf ' In uni son med :~' be said aloud, "how fur nre we Sherfff W IlITOII Coun~y O. .. "y·!je.nUe'. l.eadln, J)eDIJ.~ ·tw·...,8D·leoparda ''I\'hirled anti lIe.w ot trom the nellr at telegrnllh s talloo?" Lao" doD &. Il lUll lllun At ty•• ' ' Probale Court ProceedinCI lllU'cll U- Gt. . . . (,lmne In Key" Bl~Jr. "'a ..; N law• .~t tIM Jialf 4os8ll ,,,rde whlc b , "Tbre dllYs. RahIll." . ~ bad .tInt to OO.,e!' to reach the "Shn,\1 WP 11 bll"(</I to piop nt 010 E<loftte of Elhal Uontlor, mll10r~ .... _ftcl 'her. U~. u~ des)leri\loly, goto to cllung" ou r lllomits.?· F\I ' I~1 aeao on' of gUftrdlau flI ed ... p . 1........._ _Z5c".> ' (NI1aW MOIIIIdr-2Sc1 Yoor> pro ved o~d conflrmed. ' ' ..... w1th e . nenOlUl eoerg)l wbleh , ' No, snlil b; only to tako SUPIlllee 2S 1)11: pnro' or lh" "lll ~ . tortea ~ :far more tcir' her tllan her natural enough lo' last us." . . 24 ' bill .pa""" 01 Ideal ' home In r~ el!tat9 of Cit ~barlne Gillll' ~u d Um IT..llel •• C or ovcry·da, l1em.dtul Loli ot'l atorl es-ctoaD, r ~ n. ca'ta leaped an4 snarled, '1..018 ae l1~Ue time a 8 you cnn. Now WilliRDl Burton IiPpotnted \lo<Ipl.. puc l ~ 1 A wh \lllJeOm" aDd 10' Itt ",heelf. She ''t\''BDt on. Beueath drop the curtains, Bruce." d\lJlA rlln eOI8 : !J' h ~ ..dmlnlstrlitor. Bond $20eo fll lld, C " ~;a .pl"n~ -bJ 1I0i~ U " lll l1J ~ 1 10,,,1 I;x·aolhora: DDO Edl· ~ ."'Dan18 tQrtI at ~e vine. and So througb lJte streetS Illey hu", Appraise rs W, F. :UC8,ll, ~us Miller eM UKO. ,,"0"180', lod, liI. Nee . fled. unmol8lltud. ThOBe who 8aw the ,mri John Keever . . W. rd robo. 11 01' fI work. aod IJ!"!--!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!! .,.-.. !!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.: curtained howdah ~k It lor cranted . od 0 Ir l., 'i nd roalur<ll \0 Eatate of JeanneUe Ertiusnkeob' Spr COIlOI., Llfu. \alo al\ lb. ramll,. that aeme u.neucce88tul candidate 11'&1 leoeoeed FI1'8t acOOun& ' of exeou: A w'i::i;'Y...... Ml1J'IIlDg to he r bome. n. ;;;-H ••• tors fl!!l..d. " R .. ell •• fw tho It wu well tor R at,hlyn tbat ehe bad Pap.r .... 3. In trusteesblp of Fr.uk M. WIt.I. F •• II,. ......... u n made up bfr mi lld to leap for th e vines ConrtftD, &ru8&e11 aDdu wIlJ. 01 HI.a at the moment , be did. For ·the III. Jonee, deoeaaed. 6 pbutl bad not left the lirat turn 8 and t UIe Itreet wben keepcm . .4 IOldl_ ~he Ilb aOOIIlUS elUDe IDto tJIe ItNet
. . . _e
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·A. '1. Chandler
J~ A . . McCoy, Veterlnai'v - --,'
I $1.5.8
People's Popular Monthly
At R asonable Rates, Two .,chlnel. cfleld TI ...... Tube. and Aecn.orlel. Yalvollne 011 and Oreale..
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\\'" ,k l) ", 1100 "Ill"!' 111'1'" ' RllteR Sllbscrilltion. .\11" " llull\Unlf. Main. L.. Wllyn, "lin. !"Ilo. "11/\ "aur (ft Lri,' Lly 11I 1,,1".u .U). , . .. .. .----'-_ _~_ _ __ _ _ I t:llu~hl l1()I'y ......... ,. : .. . .. . ..... .
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t.I> tlillceoil flvo Ilnee
ThnKlh..erUUU8 •. • •. . • • • • • . • . 2110 onager. I DlJrl,llIY Alh' r1.llIIug Jl(lr In ·b ... • • . • • . • I uu.
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1·"IIII. h(.1
As Written' by Our Cor.ps of Able Correspondents in the Ne/ghborhoocJ . . .- - - - - - - - •
I c"')l\'DC~.
MARCH 10, 1915.
- . - - - - - - -.-
whaUs aood lor nerv.aod to.'Tni&b" ... alW&yI
~"ClI& Ollv.OIl Emulsion
---"".~~ a rood tolli. ull buildc.
- ...---
J. E. Janney,
- - -...
.1 os. Waltnn, of Sl,r iol(
We are better e<[\Iipp(;'d - than ev r before to supply you r needs ill lh Ullilrli ng Mole rial ·lille ..
To Keep Stoppera From Sticking. A v ry II ttl 0 glycerin SIOOllTeCl nrount' !lUI gln~s RtoPllors "f b"ttlel will k ell lberu from etloklug for a long II me. ---
Vli ll ey Mi ~1I Cllrrl )le mp, Clf D,\yton, Ie T. U CU5 COunl y. Wl\8 Ilppoint.e6 by onr .ullflrd of edu~ vidl tlnl,; ll\lr til tel', Mrs . O. R . Peter FriUlk J. Chelley makes 0':O1!! Iha. he is oatlon t.o fiJI tbe llDax plrt'd term ot' son tlJi s weok . Don't lint 01I tre"tl ng v ou r Oh lid ', St'niur partner of tile r. .. of F. J. c.t.e"ey Prof. 'West 1\11' . Wl\lton CO lli n s to & Cu., doil'lI lJ usines.q ill ' the City of us well t'lloommended nDd we hOI v M I "~ Rn th Alii I hnfl bnll n very Cougb . It not noly 8alls their Toledo, County und Sill Ie IIfOtl!s:dd, lin d sic k th o Jlus t week with quinsy . strengtb. ba~ of ton lead8 to more thut Sil id linn will puy Ihe S UIIl of ONr. e vory retlsul) to he lieve th llt the A rtlrow(' II snrVl1. se W UB g Iven at serlons all ment8. Why risk? Yoo Co d tI I I H UNDR~ I DOI,I,ARS ror cn~h lind g rit nil nlf exer <l S s wi I he ol1rriell tlul h llm n l)[ ~1r . laud Mr s. 'hlUl. don't bllve to• . Dr. Kings New Ills. I' very case ot (','1l!orrb that cannot be out neur UI! It hlld boen ontlinel hy '!o{ cured by lhe usc uf IIAI. L'S CA'1'ARRlI nor doocll llGd profeH'ur. Mu y the \ r ij,(htlu !i t . ·nt ordu v nil,;h t,. Allou ~ oovl1 r y is just the remedy YOllr ohlld Do you take , the home paper? CURB. pIltrons of onl' I:loh ool rellder tho t hlny )1on ple Sil t d O.wlI to " two needs. It is made with sont,hlng, No Y d 't d t ? Y FUANK J. CHENEV nllOOSl'llll'-.V ItI:lSIBt,UlICO tbu.t tho Mol:IOLl,I-hO=;:':'::;:;'" HUJ.llLY· 'J'hey wi ll soon he aling and IInLillf'\f \lo b(l1811018. ,~ ou tea 'j ' . on you cs. Swort! Lo ~efore mc und slIhscrlberi In may be u. 811cce86. r tbeir 06W hom o (It ArMn- Will qUlokly oheok lbe Cold _Dd Booth e your Oblld 'lI (Jongb away . Wcll, why ~on'tyou take.it al\your· In, p re sclI<'C. Ihis lil h rlny nl Dec mller. um . ¥ If, SO that you can cu~ the articlel A. D. 1880. Mliroh weu,hor is aoting very It 18 rum ored. t h"t a youo g Ind y No odds b ow blld tbtl <,,:oul(b I!)r how (hilI) A. ·W. Gleason, DlII.uml, very bUbY In ohllOl{lng Of North M'lln 8tr e t, will soon bO- long IIt/mdlng, Dr ' Ring's New Dl8· out of it, and thus you will not de· Notary}lnbllc .. rouud Wlln, we he h~I)I)Y whon ' lJ ( 0 0 111 0 the hrlde of t~ prosperuns oovery will stop " . 1\'8 guaranteed_ strey your nel' ghbor's paper, when te B a II11 s /\tanh Jnre jlt taken' 10- we o.. n h ave the good old snmmer Ju t geta bottle fr om yonr Druggist I . fllrm er nour Wuyo6:lville. lIod try a . rn.. y Iln( 8C/.tt rllreotly upno the tlmo. Probably he wants to cut an article blood and muooml Murhces of tbe ~ve rll l from be re attended the nr. DIIW 80n lind fllmily 111ft lor --- -out just on the other page? Aystem. SlInd for teRUmonlala, free. funerolof !.ee Adllms who dieri In t.hel r fntur e howo Itl Lonlsluna 11l81. You don't think about it? You F. J. (JfI I1:NI£Y &; (JO , Toledo, O. Knnllllfl Uit.y lIf~er Il Jjnger\lI~ i1 lon8". Wedne@dIlY . . all Dru""IQ ·" 7"0 Ue Ie"ves .. wIt e · \V I.10 IIvo d I n tl 11' 8 T ilt! twolftll IInlli verKII,ry of MoKln . Sold L" tbiDk about .it when Tbursday ~ n .. ~', ". TIlke B,,1I'8 F"mlly Pills for oon 8cotion fn r mllny yeu s. She woe IllY Lodgo f{ of 1.>·s W8 ft oalebrntfld morning comes and you go to the IUlllatlon 80 well known hy 1U1.Iny of UII !lh e wlt-h Il i>aDClllet nt the l'own BI\II neighbors and say you wanted to tanght Uil, .. nd wa CIlllfld bor MISS Il>t WedlloBlIlIY ovenlng. A short ,J 080I)h cHton, of . 'l'ren too, was b "",1\ d wa II a d er. .., "" Ie 1IUS' plnyenliUed. "ApTii Foo l" wos r en Mary '-Se!! if Mrs. Smith's obituary was in UOI.t tho sympathy of ller frlonds in this dllred by three of tbe me mbers lind here one tillY laHt we<> k on bnsln6118 T hl! tobaooo growor Bare beginning the paper this week. or whether . her 8tul Dere·. vem eDt made 1.1 decided hit·. 'I'here were Frank James has slarted to Texas, We .. re weloomlng into our li ttle rOI)rc\SontIHIVOB fr om Oontervlllo, to baul IIway thei r orop of 1914 tobuooo. Wllyoeavllle aut! Utlyton. doo't you? You think about it olty, \1r. I\nd Mrs. O. G. Wb et'lIel l'be Infaat d .. ngMer of Mr. and Roy · Burll,ook. of WIIYUOBMr . h when you ask if you can clip this und two obarmingda,n e I.o r~. They villa culled nil frleod!! horo Illst Mr!l. Milo Beak WEIll bnrlerl 1.8~ or that article'that concerns you or eXllr~ecl ~brnont the townahlp. 'rhl8 Ilre well kl own ~o u s ano we know WednIlAllayevenin!;. Wednesday. your relatives from a oeighbor's te8t1mony frOID Lees ( )reek In (Jlin tbo 1088 to (Jor",ln Is our go.in. Mr8. Tbos. Burst Rnd Mrs. Heo. A box oolul wi ll i e given at tbe paper, don't you? ~nn (~noty III even more oonvin('lng, , MI'. !lnd Mr8 RO]),I W Kuylor Blgh ohoul "nllrllng ne xt ~aturday \doyers were 11Iaml~bnr8' Visitors Tbese qu~tions arc ones tbat B6fore the establls bment of tbelr bave puroh8sed " toorl 'l g oar eVflnl nl-:, Mllroh l:Jt.b . Refre8hDleo'~ ItlBt Friday , everybOdy in the community ought oenlr"lIzed aYl!teDl tbere were tbree Ford maohlne8 are p:ett.ing to lIe of Imnt! wiobeB. ooffee lind ioe ore"RI We are to have Ii .b0D;le oomlng \lupll. In blgb BObonl: At preesn' numerou" in tllil1 vloinlty, !lnd Ulorll wi II be Ber veft. Everybody Invited. tbis summer to oelebrato the 100'b to ask themselves, Is the home tbere ars abty enrolled. Tot.1 en. to follow. Dr. Ritenour II t tended B medica) IInniversury of the 8ettltng 'of paper worth taking? Does· it con· roliment under t.be old plou 150: .Mr. and Mrs, Percy UeRson ",bo tain the small talk of the commu- totlll enrollme nt a' pre~en\ 28G: In· ror 8everal yoors havo bl1Bn oili za nR oonvlln tloo tit Colnmbus 18Bt Thnrs. I:!prillgboro. ility, the comings and goings of. the oreuse -1311 Bow do y on lIooount of D~yt(m, Ihuved on 1\ furm near dny. '~IiB8e!l Mubel and Edl'h Badle.f were Dayton s hoppersSaturdllY, cltizen., tb~ deaths, births, funeral'!, tor IL? Some !If lha r e"8onA bavA hero I"st wee k, tbey lire wolo'm ed Mr, Bnd Mrtl. B. P . Early were ol;>ituaries, and all the joy and glad- been lI iven Ilbove bnt one other may Into tbls vlOiDity. lIess besides? Are these lDatters of be m6ntloned 1111 an exoelldlngly ' Mr . Wul tel' Silverll lost 1.1 vll luable Dayton vls ltor8 Ha.turday. Let v uur I"i vor get torpid alld you !lny importance to you? Or do you f"vo , a !,le argumE'nt. At 881m", drlviog mllre Th IlTi!d"y night. Mrs . Moses L. Fred, of Dayton. \,11 'd tb t . hOO' 01110, lhere hllve been sev eral InSliveral CliMes of maaeleR' are rfl. are lJl for. a spoil of misery . Every. waR hcre for the wee II: end of Feb. S I eonsl er . a lour nClg r 5 "tanoes of families moving Into tbe hody get!!!lll IItl.&.,k now aod theo ruury . paper is just as goo as if you were tli8trio~ beodu~e of Ibe "plendl.d porled III our town. If you have l'houPtl nds of peop le keep tbeir Llv MiRse8 Ullve, Ioez and Panltne taking it YOllrselfP aystem of oentrallzed 80boolll . Tbl" not blld tbem, n ow III yonI' "PI)Ortu. "oti"., lIod hCIIltby by usl og Dr. These mutters are of interat to Ulno doubt t, ne LoOt! Creok 1I1so ny. Yon 080 · gel tbem at exenraioD New Lire FiliI!. 'Fine for £Ce IIiRon, of Lebanoo, were vl8Uing . t he t:!tomaob, too . Stop tbe D.e. hBre MondB-Y. Mr and Mrs B. 0, us, too. U you would give up read- 10 tbeae two oommuultlel as well as r~tel!, ing somebodyelsc's paper, an j CORle lu all' o'herll wbere It bas haen ttled Rev. W .. jkor 11Uod the pulpr, at zlnes8, I.'onet.illll.ti(,n, Blillotlf!nel!i!, Kellillou and family are moving to and Indi gestion. lea1l" tM blood . (;olumbus ;thls week 'l'beir .m any in and subscribe for it yourself, we l'l'ao"olllly no oPJlolllt;ion exIStR •. 0n tpe M. , chn£Oll ~rtp'd!lY. frlendH b "re WiRh tbem 8000618 In would ~ able ,to givC! you belter I'b e oOD&ra~y· tbey loodly IIlng Us Rev. ,..ewJR, qf Wilbe rforce, 0, Only 26Q Ilt :r u r Droll,ls' I hell' ne", ~ome, . f b l b 'b . l~rt'lli8II .alld onll'of t~e things tbey p~el\oh e d al t~1l A. M E oburob ~rv~, Or t, e "'J'ger, t .e su s<;r~p· empbllslze II tbe fllot 'bllt It forms'8 t!oDdav. Mrll, Mary tlhee'll died Toesd~y 'f', llrnlnlJ "t the bome of ber dallgh t~n hst the better paper the reader 1rtl6~ loql"1 oenter for ~he townllblp. Rev_ Kennedy, of Urbl'nll, 0, will lor, .&lrll, !'rank Tobws, I1ellr Pokln. wl!l. ~el. . .. . People of every I'I}O Ion Ille drawn deliver I\. Ir oture at 'l'OWD !::loll, (j'nnerfll was belCl troQl U. B. oburob 1hlDlc: about tillS, neighbor, and together by a ' oommon bond-tbelr Tbnr"d .. y ·nlght . • 1'rooeeds for tbe II'rlday a. m . the very ne xt time you are in tbe In&ere.' ID the Boboo}. Aoqoain. benpfit of tbe Clvlo Letlg'U8 you b ll d Mre . Franola Rosnagle enlortlined vicinity of this olli,ce drop ill and "'noss lirA mlldA and frlendsh lpll batt.er oome ont lind bear Inm, l1e Frnnk Jordoo WIIB In. Dilyton 00 t ile follOWing ladlee I~ her home , give UI your name and money. formed lind benefiolal reBnl$s follow may be able to gl ve y ou aome hew 8l1turullY· east of Sown on Wedneeday: Mrs. - - -_. _ . hoth lo 'be IIOhool and to .be oom thou ght.a, "4>os8lhly not. " A . 8 . 'l'.. lml\ga led · t,he Ll. E. rerry Bordon, Mrl. Ch&II. Smith, munlty. It bll" beeu Doted in' Dlok Beal, or POI" WUU"m t rans. I16veral pl.oell 'bat II profonnd 10. aoted businell8 In tbl; violnlty laat neeting on I!III t Snnd ny evening. Mrs. Rn!uII R08llagle and Mrs, Ilva /lueno. ~hu" been oxerted UpOD week J . L. Talmage, M. M. Terry and aormell. J Yoo OIAn ' ~ prtIV!lo' all 1I'~ok 0 1 I be 8un«1ay &boolB. Children . !it'e . K. E. 'l'boDlpson were in Waynes. Rbeum.tllcm from oomioll on, bUi ' 1'1 go there beoaUS!l tbelr a cqUllinTwo yonng meD, of Wilmington, Ville on Tlluradl~Y. fUU oa~ lltop.l~ "lmOlt' l!Dtp8dlately. tano.,.. gr, ?nil 'h8' relloll lias been applied for the aohool.. Tbelr nllmOB U. K B OBlion ILOd f'~D1l1y havo 81oan'II l.'almed Ifentlv "pplle() .h i loorea"d aUon,1anoe and gl'llater were Roebuck and !:lavage and were Uiu IIqre j"int ot: Dlneolft p8De'ra'A' entbu~la.rn. DOflll nol this eugaeat defeated . Do not flat dlsoourllged, woved frllm Day too 011 their f"ral here. In Il few minn'eB to th., IDfi,lmed tha' 80me dtlY In tbe sbadowy try It IIgaln. Mrs. Mllttie Davis I\ncl PIIiss Edit}l IP,Ot that caU11'1i 'be palD llsootbeil fut.ore Illere may he a centralised A great many lire 'Rufferlng wlt·h WANTED 'be bot, tenthll:.IIWolloli foolin" lind obnroh wbere we. tbe ohlldron of bftd )Oldl·ln this vll\age and vlolnUy. BogIn! f,leot Sund"y afternoon in In • very "hor. ~Ime brln,s a reller, Ihe saine 10vlnl Fat.her mlly worllhlp Mr. lI.od M.~ R. W. K"yl or IIr6 Ih rveysburg. tbat III IIlmo ~. uDbellAvabie all tOge~ber wUboot reference &0 dogma l"otert.ainiDg at tbie writing Mr . Mislt Edith Elboo loft on Tne8day Roll Top Desk, wanted, cbeap til you tlllll'rienos it. Ge' a boule III' dootrlne hut In & IIplr" of loye Kaylor'l! blo'ber wife and tbree1n. for Idabo $0 visit b er sister. for ouh. \'V. N. &lars, Wayof 1:110010'8 UnlmOnl for ~Iio of aay Mrs. Bu.wk, of Ba.rveysbnrg, Bnd _24 UrUlLllB, and bne I, In tho h00ll8- Rnd gooll will l.bllr fo'r .be beUer. tereetlDg bOYII, of BeJleton"'lne; O. Mrs . MaUle Dn vis, of this pllOO, nesvlile, Oblo, DII.vfd ComptoD has ralligned ]118 aRaine' c)Old~, &re ano tlwollen IOl'n' of bOIl,,,nlty and She npllttlng pillce ID &own and gODe to the s pent 1'hursday wHh Mrp. Will EI. UPILNnrSB8 wbo oan give good JOin"', I.umbel", Mola'lcr. .nd like of onr fellow mon. "-'" 'o oontry where air Is purer, lind the bon, of 011'0 8rl\00b. rttferenoeB. Addresa MolJJeIJRD all men Yunr money \)!Iek-if not CenCralizatlon a HIKh Ideal honrs no' so IUlIg, M.r~ . r.01a JelTers, of Olive Branob, tioepltal , Xenia, Ohio. ml7 1II" .. ftftll, bo' It II.oee "ve ahnOilt In. ~e YAtlnell 'Inb III making ' dpen t l:l~ndllY wltb reIIl UvB8 I1e.r e. 8.S "n' ro\lll'. We wouln rain Unger oVftr au Ed lind Van Retulli,Dk of n e~r ~ Id8111l!0 bigh but there Bre 11\111 .bme greRt · helldwII;v in bnlldlng t.b f<IT , I Ilraol.I04I poln ~s tbat r~qulte elll' half milo 'rllok, lIud will bll wndy Oregooln, W!lrll hore But," rchy (\,'1'1. FOR SALE Try to ~ More ni.nkful. "buls where centralization hall not Illr lIJl84'd ellrly 10 tbe I:lprlngtltne, Ing their yOUDg dr"ft 0011'. Tbanldulneea 1& an unrailln& Iprlnll beeD trl64\ ,lIere !Ire s,ilt lIome ob. when. tbo a!i,.lirers of (!bch 81lort hlll!,Gr y u.ull fllUllly,of W"ynel:lof hapPlnellll. A thankfUl Per80D II j~ti.,t:'s suoh al! poor rOlldll, long will E'njoy it.. v III , I!pont Wedue8dll,V wlt·11 W. T . Ullk Dres~er, 1 Ullk Bed w.It.b never babitolllly grumpy. On.l y un rontflll, Dnoolmfortable wagon", neg. . Mr. nOlI Mrs. Bl}n Cllmphell who J or don I1nd fnrmly lit Wellman. t;\lrioga o.ml Mat~res8, 1 Oak crateful people are Incorrlg6bly 8u11eD. IIgent4lrlverll. Allclilzenllof Wayne for m"ny yellrs hnve r eSided 1)0 ~h e Don't t or gllt preuchlng at tbe Jilven In' a 110m bar mood 01113 can d18· rownlMp we lib luld be 811bamtod to BtulllnlRrIn will le'lvo It tll onoe ol111roh her e next I:)undoy mornl"g WI\9h Btand, 1 to\let 8et, 2 fIlO. ing ohatre, Cllll ~t reeidenoo of . W. It . • Ipate lloom by thinking ot btll mel' 1IJ10W anvone to BA7 that cen'rllllzlI' and movo oear Waynes ville on L. lind evaning "t the usuld hour. m24 clal. . If )'ou think you 0II.Il .ay "1 Uon wall IInp088ible beoaU8e af poor ~ CRrtwrl"ht'lI f"rm Frett ijbl1ne, Barley 'UUon and family have AlIeD ~lIturd!lYIl . thank you" with a very wry face, try rOlita. That oo.JId"lon ClOuld be of }few Bnrllngt,on, will m ove 1')0 llIuvlld ;rOn1 R ,J Murray'. plnce AI,l.RIW Rook Eggs for hatOhlo~ It. Tbe ~ot of p~nounclnl thollc word a 0Illlil7 remedied . If It exl8~ l'be t be turm .Vlloat,e I by Mr .Cn. m vbe l1 . til Oro1,;01)1I\, lind Mr. Oorry ' Ynuug 750 per IItlUlng Mammoth puna tlie raco' liltQ a 11m lie. Many or "vorage 10DII&h of ~be w8IJOn rOUlell M.. ny of onr oldllr cltll'.tIn~ ,Of tJIl1I lid family, 'of au vay hurg, will Whlto Peatn Dook Eggs $1 per se'UI! could Increaae lhe meunle of our 18 Ilboul foor 'alld · une balf mlllll\ vlolnlty will r illlJembllr Ibomntl "OOOllY the b on8s vh oUited 'by fllr. tlng of 12, Mrs. E. I:l. 8al1y . m 24 bapploetll by deepenlnc our capacity "'il4 ' obtld~el\ 8t tbe fal'[hluI* pOints &rogl(Y, when" boy be lived h ore, UOO lind work for Mr. Mllrruy (or '~tltude.. rellob t.he acho!>l: In ~J!.~ '- :!'!!Il got.hl8 common .. ohciol eduOtl tlon ibis HBilsan. A RL Y Ohio and Early Triumph flQhool bo!l.rd 88611 $0. .. t.t1\'t tbe ,w ag lIere, tben went to oolleg.e stndled I:leed P ota&Oe8, Rlobard Brown, '1'bo y oun g ludle!! hlH'e orgllolzed E ,< ',. onl are oon!for,-bly pqal!,pe4 At law and wall IItlmltted to llraotlCA In 'L ranOV work olnb 'rhey met. with t:!pring V"lIey, R. 1. Bome Phone Simple Pblla!, WarnIng. the waRon. are 00' belded i.n Green.·o oonty, WaH eleoted oommoo Mls!\ Vestu E llis on IOlst wtarday 3116. m2i A WIY til mllrk botllell (!cntaiD- Mlma way b .. t .a re very &Ight aDtl pl8llB Judge whlob , he dlled botlor- afternoon, al1d wlJl meet 'a t tbe IDe polllOn III to pu,h two \lln8 lulo tile any warm, and m. dllaghter 'eUI .me B.b!.v for one term, tbeo ' wlI8 eleated horne of MiS!! Edoll Dellt,berage next ATS-White RU8SiRII Seed oats .Ide tile cork at right alll18a to ,bal la ber 'foar 1'",,1'11 8xptlrlenOo;' to oongr0t!8 one &erm. t!lOI'.e tbat i.lme. In goocl oondUi " o, IDqnlre ot . , . each oth.... there ehe bll never known one of he hilS made bis h ome In Tuilln, Elvin Fircs, R.I.>. 3, Waynesville, Mr~. Dndley , of Martin~ville, m24 ' 'be obl)drlln oomlng In 'he wasone OI!J.ll oll~a, where b was prllotioinl( (JHnton, (Jo., Mrs Roush Bnd grand. Oblo. oli08en profell8ion. Be hod aOPllt Worry A.lde. 10 tbe oolde~' and .lormlftl& weatb. dllughter. of BUtVeY8bnrg, spent OTATOEt:l--.UreenMount&lnSeed ... ownl 'th e da, ', er &0 pomplatn of 'he 0 lid or even onmuh\ted " nioe fortune, and died H e OD, I II rI (!h WnO i und"y wltb Mr. "nd Mrs . Lucloue Potatoes, nice onee. .loqulre of jltlIl r 'he he.t,'or 01;1 ",rrl'YIDI In at &be age .of 73 yellr", IOB.vlng two ~razler. and 110 oae owns Uill day ' who allow, . W, B. J"nney, R. D. 5, Wl\yn811vtlle, , ....tiI ~.L,'I" ml'fnlru. ,-Vl,blile ba ~e been Biders, one brother and three nepb. It to ;.be lavadlld'- wlth 'worri and .. of fillgerll and ow... His rOm~1nA were IlIld to rest Leroy Snyder, ot WOllnnt Grove Ohio, . ml!4 I\n~ ·~"tJ.-mmel'llil~ . " ~Ik ,tbe In 'W(\()d Lawn Ueulettlry a~ Xenia, ijtook F'lrm, of noln' !;elina, 0., de; A wbere be hlld ilpent the mo.st of bla livered to R J . Mnrrll;Y. of wng DRA~ Mare 4 yn. old thfs Spring. Well broken, sonnd and 10 good ano1.ber Imporhn~ ' potD~ Ip l!fell'nd .his frlouda ' o.re, oounled by Vie w I:lt ok Farm one dllY 18t1t week one of I,he finest g'Jnerlll nUirnolse'l one. Drah Gelding 3 vearll old laI' on' tbe morl'ls of oor the tiOore. stallion8 lu sontbern Uhlo, Augul!', broke will weigh 1700, wben . No perROD tba' h._ • - • Putmfl,D lI,ired by ltnprhit, h e by On. matured B dandy . W. (J. Weloh, .MOolaled . wUh roral • ward Dum KIUy Rosel, by Addie BarveYllbnrs, Ohio m2' ko'o" . tba',f Ifhtlllg; and,vll,lgarUy on tlie,road WeJl-everyone know. the .effeot Ro811, by EleoUoneer. Is would be UTO-A Runabout, for sale or IlChool-ll,the' m08\ per: of PlDe Forssta 00 Coughs, Or well t f' r farmers and breeden to trade, Inquire at. .th,s office. Dr4)blem', ,.,Ith < 'wh,lllh tb~ Bl1ll'lI Plue. Tar.Roney 18 a .remedy vi8it. Long VIIl~ stook farm and iD. speel this fine horse, Be m"kes m24 rt.~'~:~~,~ and alimy DC) 'wblcb ,b rlngllqu\ok relief ,or Whoop II fine stllbld mate for Delmar, tbe . p(lTlon bu~ '!ill be bjdd .II!: Ing Congp, 10080n.. ~be muoons, . Gallon Ull Tank, with Fau. more wlln tb~ . Ohtldren lloothes tlie lining of ~be lhroiit aod fine dr.a ft horse. The many frlendl! o~ BrnOfl ....In. 06', In ,·ood sbape. In. ' tbe Mre Il' a ~rlvt'r . ~bo long... aod makea the ooulfhin'g IlpeU ... , tbat. t~s It:l allt o$ItRe:aoe 00, I16V6T6. A family with growln~ der wtll be glad to kno111' lbal he Is quire of J. (J. Bisey, Corwin, Uhlo. . . mi' .O&r' ~MDI! Imm~llIte· 10. of . ohUdren should not be 'WUbout It,. geUlng' along B8 well 118 ': ~uld ".be IJC'IIUlon. . .: , . "~p It hllndy for ' "U ' Coughs a.nd expeoterl and the dootolr~ t~lnk hili bu. I:leed Oats. Inquire of "~m OBn be SRved. . . . W4lDld . you brlllR abou, lKI.t~,. Qolil,,', ~1I0 at yonr Ortlfigls~: Charles timltb, ·R. R . I, "ocIla' lind l,!f\QJllrhll .GqDdUtonpP . _. _ __ :- _ - - ••~.....----+- .' .Phone 143 2Y.. I m17 .A1ItI yon lntere~hId In 1I8011i',a, for 'htl ohlldrfln. of ·,b" oommunl '7' 'he PRO~ER ·.FOR , BIL~IOUSNESS E 'UG8-shl Rle Coulb.Rhode 1IIInd b4let Adv"n~IrSIl "nd 'be' I"e.lolll, FOf & ItJug time IliIl8 Lola Silel. Red ERg.· .~ foraeUlng of 15, opportun1tteat Do yoU wan&· to ton (JhnrobvilJe, N. Y.• wae blltoDa PbooI!83.SY., Mrs. Alonzo Beokett, ,~,) .... ,be li'.Clr61& fIf tbe' bo,y 'anlf and bad slok b8tldaollo and dl.zy ~. B. 8. " m17 Ilrl In farm, Ife an" tboll ,0 belp &0 Ilpells. Cbam1>erlaln'8 Ta1>leta' wer8 itoep ' 'b6m fln 'he farm l' If yoa do Mr~. E18worth Mmlf.b, of Dayton, tbe oalv ,binR fohat lavEI her parma ~UV~R Seed', reoleaned '10 per 'hen OIIoIl your vo*, on Muoh th., '-klDg OBre Qt ber ~o,the.1' wbo Is Dent relief. ObtalD'Able I!verywhere. . bo. Inqotre of Frank Ward. lOlh, '.f nr, tbp Q8n',ali"~lon of our alok. : low, R. R. I, or Flora Berrybill, .~-----.. nllhip ~bpol,!,. WaJn8llvllle, 0. · mlO . Mr Hnd Mr~ . Dixon Wbar&on, Ark. l1eaa DI 'a motl~1I " , ' , . 'Mr, l4al"(o M"rlatt, M.r. Dan Ol'll, Since tbo dlReo,,(!.I'y ot dlamondl ba AY Mare , OfJ~lng 5 ,ear. 0111', Mr. and Mn. " Tim Marl"", Mr. ~rkan sna , to 190 , 1,375 stonel, 1Iog~ welsh'I200. AIIlO Jerllll7 Cow "pd Mre. WlIIIAII1 .. Braddoo~ and p.UOg 650 carats, nave .beeD· tounll frelb' lD llaroli. G. A. Rea, Book! IIr. Jubn W"lk!r are .lIlok a~ thie there. Ii. near l'erl'7. mlO wl'ltI ntr • . ---.~, --Samuel J,llokloo . wbo bu IUINIl three 7_r.o14 mal_, on beeD Il1011 Ie OQ& apiD • . ,... broUII. IG to 1&" una.. ,004 , .... HeleD LOOilIl ..a .. oaJUnloD oaee. G. S. Btl.,.. phope ..,4 IIr•• Am()!ll JaOkson ~IlDd.y. LebaDOD, Ohio. eow ------~.~ ...~ --~--
Slnl ~ or Ot.in. Cily t,r Tol ~do.
When Peopl. Ask U.
.. - ..
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
H. MADDEN & CO. CorwiJl,., Ohio.
- -----4!-----
' OlasslBad Ads
THE COURT OF UST RESORT ArCilund 'be slove of tbe OI'OSI grocery i. 'be real oeUl:' of jlUlf I'c.ort, (o.. .It 8 0 .11, OVllr rnl I otl\ars. Cli amberlain's Congh Remedy baa been bronght before t,hli oonrt In almost every or088 roada grooory io this country, 8Dd b .. al1l'aY8 reoelved a f1lvorllble ver. diot • . It : . n the ouuntry wbere min expev '0 re08i",e ,full value for biB money tbat 'his remedy i& 1U000t appreolakld. UbQJnllble every where. • • •
Funer.al Director . Bnd Embalmer, \ " . Waynesville. Ohio• ..
Call 81l8Wered promptly d~r niRht B th h i om d .. °L p n N ce ~ H ..~. It~: I8tancV, 0.14, omep ne Cbairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. , Best of service I(U8l'8IIteed.
Reidy Mel"a to Identification. • BA~NHART, RlcblU'c!ion Wrlgbt recently made an appointment to meet a Itranger In .Notary PujJlic ' a Hartford botel, uDd over lhe telepboDe be delcrlbed hlm.elf aB belnl! a rooDd penon "11th an Incipient All linda of Notal'7 Work. ,PeDliOD muatacbll. Wheo the strangcr :finally Work a tJpeolal$y. found him Mr. Wright aslted how he WM able to recognLze him BO quickly. Back came tbe ready onn,er: "Looked up 'Incipient· In the dlctloDIU')'."-Kan· au City Btar. .
. -.
Funeral Director.
Telephone day or Dlaht. Valley pbone No.~ . LoDI Distance No. 11\1.41', .
....- --
Automobile Service at an
OHIO WA YNESVlllE, • .Brandl OIBee. HarveY8htui,.o.
______ ___.. ~.H
__________ 4e_ _ _ __ _
A '110
.. '
In '
------_.-- ..------
nl lOBIliPB
As I have rented my farm, 1 will lieU as auollon a' my resldenoe 2y' nliles 80ulbwelt of Cea&ervl1le, on wbal ie "DOWD al! tbeSbeC!llln' R~ad . THI OIlUTDT ' • on ThJ,trsday. March II. 1915 BeglnDlng a~ 10 :00 o'olook promp~ , IN "H. WOIII.D .. the following 48110rlbed propert7: . PUBlJSIftD WEEnY. $4.00 m 11&1 11 bead of boTlM,. 2 lipan of moles, 7 head cattle; 21 hogl, sheep, filecl. 1I0TaW. DIIUCOI• .,.. ••IOIAIJ8TIo ...., TItA ....... II. OA~ farming implementl!. Bee big billl OO."UM ,"U. 81:1tVIC. bAli PlIOnt for te,rml!. ~ BY U.fllo ITa ADV.IITI.,IIO OOWM,.. . Elmer Sbeeban . SAMPLE. COpy FREE· R C. Balnee , . . . , . . . . . YOIlIt cu~"." , A. A. McNeil, Anota. . , . - Ycd,o . I!L 'f. ,
A Pll'lldox. !oIIDY a bride Iweeps up tbe al.t. of a' ehurc:h who would faint at the slabt of a bioom.- Llte.
H. BRITTAIN· Painting, 'P ape, Haqu., Auto and CUriq~ P~~. WAYd • •VILLB, .'
.. I /
.tr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1"
'l'f IJ·; II ) M ..~ : f ( , I; hI) «:ro " ri~'~ I
1\11 '
That's Wh y W e Ar'e Pa rticu lar You Benefit!
Try These- They'll
Pic P each s,
per. p01IJl ct
r can ... Rc
231- lh , Pork and Bans . 7c
THE MOST BEAUTIFUL FINISH FOR THE W~ OF YOUR HOUSE A PalDt-foeady to 1ISe-QSy to "applygivill8 beaatlful tint" and colofs,
Hat all the edt. beautiful, .....
nurable,. - WASHABi.E •• euIJ,.
,T hel are wbat ' " ,...
J .. W. White
.~ (~'R:~nt e BUHY'ASEILLN=EExS:HANGE . o
701. U.· 8..Bldg•• Dayt.on, Ohio.
The Indiana and Ohio Live Stoddnsurance CO POULTRY ASSOCIATION
Jl.1'baI - room . IIIOft
be made much atttaetive by uling a lew CUI .
.,..... of <:moMO, to . match the
• Wall paper. ,_ ' • AD' _\DIlt "m cOII"lnce )'ou .21 .. . ~ oolt of proper dcco_ _ _ rood workman,hip. , .
the food value of your corn crop is in the stalks, husks and leaves. Dou 't waste these. . They m ake milk alld butter rind beef , for you and Pllt money hi your bank if YO,U presI'!rve th m itl an
_.' J ~ ,
lLO ' ":' ,
T he manure lrom barn rUld fee<1ing pcn8 go back into YOill' 8011 to ~ biga er crops next ift!(U'. . The Il;Idul.ll.a SOo Is lIIade at tbe best .f10 moteri:l.ls al;ld oldy the i)est. Rvery Beam 'is air-tight. avery j<>int ie IIJJ\de with O"r
.,.._t ft.r-drnlnilla' pI..... 18 1II.lfked and -<I:r to be .IlPDtd Into I .. proprr plaft.. Y!MI Il\Ortlse. - . "
~ ~fTCt
..... """
an lndlatla SUD ,er,. QUlcad,. and it wW Doa'l
.~ ..... .,..t:llCaclbt tOl'aUtdlsw.
1::"We am ......... It eo that =-":!!f=~OI'. 1IiIo000t Of ~ -YiII8'U.-. ........,. .bOott Ute
(:jI1I- np nt'd~
166, 51 M U, OO
:';It~. ' ~~o,~~ oldn:ululon}, .
Hap .
W • ......,.. PI'CDIIII-
lilaC WiD 10011: CIl/alIt.F.......s to - . '
Trouuret(O% 3,ftOO,00 Total " , . • • ", • . ,., .• , . ,. 160 •• 63U'
House Aprons., ... _.. _. . . . 25c up Aprons for D r~sses . . .. ,' , . . .. 7iiC' up Children's Dresses, . .. . , 50c up CORSgTS- Nemo, for S tou t Fi~l1r('s, . American I.ady, frollt and back lace,
~~r~\~ 8~~ ,":'!~. ~ : : :: ::: ::: . Undivided proOt• .•. • • , t l1, uo.1t • ....... oxpcn_paIll .. 11.,,&316.811.39 OIrculal.lllll notQJ......... ... .. 60.000,00
nl .l~end. unp..td, • • ," , . , , , . , ,. .
IndIvidual t.o chock .. , depoalt. . ..... .. ..ubJec~ 381,817. 11 (NtlUca* 0 1 depoall due to '--
~ban 80 daY8 , " . , . ' U US toT.DU ,1I PoaLalAvll1p(feJ)04llt. , , " ~'. 8 ' _~~_ - .~o 634 11
,Gossar<l all styles,
. Frolaset, front ,lace.
'STA~~~~ ~~'J ~: ~~~~E~ ~OU~~Y.~8:
Rugs, Window Shades 'and Linoleum will be in.
Hutchison ,& ,Gibney
S, y . Barnhan
GHHISTIAN 'CHURCH . ·unda),. March 14, Sunday School· at 9:30, Icommllnion and sermon 'at 10:30 a , r:n , Christ jan Endeavor at 6:30 and ~Iermon at 7;00 p . m . Every-
New Antioch NurRery Stock, all kinds of (i'ruit and Ornamental Trees llS -t he hand of Provi· sold and delivered at Corwin, Har- denInasmuch ce hW:1 removed J, ,E), 'West tile veysburg and New Burlington. Gua ranteed to be true to name al)d beloved ~ u"e rilltendeQi and head of therefor:e, r. N, Miller. Agt, ourIt schol'·ls,. first class, is en1lirely appropriate t hat we Phone 33-2.Y. , take this oppor tu nity to express tor the HarveysbUrg Schools our sin· cerest lIympathy with. t he ,amily of I~ READY FO R SAtE QA.TI::S til", deceased , Always ·f althful to his ~rulit . consclentiou8 to a high J esse Stanley, who haa just gradu- d egree, lc,yal to those for whom he ated from the Jones .Auctioneering worked and ~h()Se who worked tor School at Chicago, is home and is him, in fact we can 98)' no more ready for sale dates, It would be than that ' he Wail ' a man, whenever well to see him, as he haS sOme new and whelrevt!r he labored. OU:r ,Ideas in tbe aucHoneering line. Or school ' s Idss cannot be estimated. call him, 146 motual phone, New but be comforted In thu fac&thatthe , Burlington, Ohio. Influence of tbe life of J, C. West wllI be felt in our communlt;v for generationll to come. The above &solution
--- -.---
Spring U nderwear , . . , , . , , , . JOe up Middys .. . . . . ... . . .. . ., . , .. . $ 1.00 lip Petticoats Silk, , ... . , . , .. ,. 1.00 up
lu n lO
Some are telling that a great num· ber of centralized schools give up centralization and,go back to the old plan, . The columns of this paper are 0l'en for a HAt of tho~e !lChools 80 gIven up, (No~pa~ewllI.beneeded) A few school dl~trlc~ sItuated as I~ LyLle, haul theIr chIldren one year
Wo N . Sears Live
W aynesvl~IIe, Oh10 e
--.- --
/lalfo(your-..wJ: of
All WOQiCashme.re D r.e sses", 1),75 up
All Wool Suits . . ". : . . . .... ~S.7.) up pring Coats . . . . . ". , .'. '. " .~ !H)O up
Lit any, Penitential Office and address Friday evenin ?: at 7 o ' c l ~ ck. . Third. unday ill Lont, March 14, Sunday School a ~ 9:30 am; Morning Pra) e r and ' sermon al ]0:30; Evening service and sermon at 7 The Berean Class of the Orthodox o'clock . E verybody invited to lhese Friends Church will bave an Easter services . Market In the Harris building. Sat;. • luday, April 3rd_ '
Gingham Print Ilouse D.r csses . t I 00 UR
Bpochl .. , .. , . . ..... . ,0.9U. ' 0
W. N. Sears, Agt.,
rnetionnl CUffllUC)' .. , J lll ,63 ot olbor 2/Ulou&l UllJlka" r~er~l:o~~~~tiibUikv'li; Not.ea
Hutchison & Gibney after their great Fire Sale are receiving the Finest Assortment of nEAUY·TO-WEAR GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirta
75 ,223.81 ,
_ __ ... _ _ _ _ _ the nex t year Corwin has been sue· body macle welcome at these services, cessful and then perhaps the aa oldCRnplan in not goi ngtry back, be The Wayne Township Board of observed. E~lIcation offers to the count,·y boy By ,ciealing di rectly wit1i our ,cus. a nd .g irl the Kl1 me advantages now 'b l ' th th enJ·.. yed 'by the \lillu~e boy and g irl tomers we Ilre II e to gIve · eni I' ln~ure s Horses,. Mules and Cattle ., I'lenefit of knowledge gained through in 'c entraJiza tion, 0 t hinl\ing vii \Tears of iluccessful business experi against death from any cause., lage vo te'r should deny the,country . nce. while the wOl,'k they entrust to chi ld this right and no thin king rural our care receives our persorial at, voter will vQte against centraliza lention in 4lve~y netail. ehas W lion because by so doing you will not Schwartz & Son; Monuments, Leba. Thl' Miam i Valley , Poultry Assogiv~ all the pupils of Wayne Town· Ohl ' Waynesville, Ohio ciation 'will me,et at the home of the shi p an eq ual ~hance under t he same non" o. . Secretary; Friday afttlrlloon at 2:30 Board of Education and ·from the A full a tlendance is desired as there same funds, ' will be an electicm'of officers, - -,._ . E. H. Uaily, Sec'y,
H. P. Rawliql WaD Paper Co. 1
H. 'AJ.Ll>~I_t.ol'll.
. _' J.
O LIn ~l:',:p)'Rr:', ~r'U'i~~I~t In ",her lle.orvfl Oltlre12.51.,8G Obeck1latld othorO..b ltoma, U6
• . A re~eption and welcome wiII be ••,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . ~............................ tendered Governor Frank B. Willis by the Sons of Veterans ,o f Ohio, Tuesday evening. March 16th._1915. Business is now made p~ible wi th· in the Memorial Hall Auditorium, out lea~ in ~ yo ur country home; your Columhus. Ohio The oldest camp mail cornea to'your door. Why not west ot the A Il eghany Mountains, let the school come neater home? Governor Dennison Camp No . One , of which Governor ' Willis is a member, will acr as host, Late Clal'sified Ads J , Keitt Hamilton of Toledo. De partmep t Com mander Ohio GAR; Charles F, Sherman. Mt, Vernon. N , L ' )VER 8~~E[). Medium Red, teo y " Commander-in· Chief Sons of clell Il od , For fur th!'r in formu- Veterans; 1'. L, Aug hinbaugh. New tlOI1 001\ on 0, E Mioh ener, R. D. J, Phii ad elph ilf~Divi8 ion omlIlan er Way n tls V111&. Ohio. Telephone 56 . ~ , Ohio SOIlS of Veterans and Governor ~24 Willis will be the speaker». Attor· ney General E. C, Turner will preside', The program me will be 111terspersed with vocal and instrumenta l music All patriotic citizens nOM nil ' _ are corrl ia lly invited .
20 and 24
RECEPTION TENDERED SUNDAY ~R~ICES :~~~~~:;~~: GOVERNOR WilliS of ~l.rcb .S1• MARY'S 'CHURCH . OqrreCl.A~t(l8':~:w.(!gV~i1ir:,R~:~~u
ResIdence: Cen te(Vdle, Oh!o.
: '
Over 300 Room-Sized Rugs Carried in Stock
Mrs. J, B. Chl1\llll un en I ertuined at II well·a p!)ointed dm ner Thursday in North Detroit St. hono r of he r g uest. Miss Elizabeth Law, of Cincinnati. Th Be wh,o en· Xenia, Ohio ' j oy ~ he l: bo_pitalilY wer Mesdames A , 1'. Wrig ht, G, W, Hljwkc and E , . Baily . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .
Chandier, Although i t was ' very rainy oul~"l d e thirty young people . d l he sunah"me mSI'd e, _ . ~JO) Th ere WIll be about $50,000 wMt h After the much appreciated pro· of .tobacc('l moved,h!re and Ilt Lytlc l g rmn !!onsi3ting of a vocul duct , ~y , thIS w ek , am I Meredith, the the 'Mlsses Hel\'!n Marlatt and Ce<:-lha local huye~, h.o.'I )ust bought Lh ~t Snook, reading by"Miss Chandler; in. much. ThIll wtll mean much to lhls struineotal solo by Lucille Hormell locality. The .quarantine cost the waa rencfered. each person waa to territory more than can be r~Bdi!y dra w the pictu re of the one sitt ing esllmnFed. and the tc.bacco cO.mmg III on his 'righ t and Ihen makt; up a piece no~ WIll helT!. the fal'mer to tide over of pC/etroy about them . ~ome were unlll the eommll s ummer. pleased al,d othel'll were shocked at Th . ere a~e Btj'll 8 f ew 'hO~B 1ft' e III the appearunce of themse Ives. 0' ethIS localIty! but be~f IS l>reLt9' Iightful :refreshments were served scarce. It IS , Borne th mil' f o~ th e which gave "Us coprage to atart h ome farm1!rs who. raIsed tobacco to fall on our dark journey through the back on thiS t_o _hel them. Thll in, All departed at a late hour -'n-:: prices ranged f rom ;n;.to lc. declaring that the time had passed - - -... entirely too rapidly , J. J.
• eleaned -'Dot oUiIy'}I1art'cd. . Ask us for Color Car~ and for facta about all LOWE BROTHERS PAINTS aDd V ARNlSHES
effect. that are 80 populllr to;da,.....ith the latest c;olora to decorlllioas. May be used _ old 01: no. OD plulbr\ coDcreto, burlap. OIetal • .,t,c.
.0 W 11
Waynellville boys are always forg o ing to the front Dorinl{ the sessi",n of the National Associat ion of Edu ('Iltors, which met at Cincinnati r ecently. Lester S Ivins, an alumnu~ of the Way~ esville High Sc~ool, was Mrs. Edith M. Harris celebrated chu.~ery presIdent of the Na~lOnal As · her birthday last Wednesday by No. 2220 socla~l on of State uperVI!lors und giving an elegant fou r course dinner, In~pectorB M Rura.! Sehool ~ M,r ! The guests of honor were Mrs. MarREPORT IVll~S has made fJ':Ilte .a success ln l latt , Mrs. Hosier and Frances Janney. 8gr~cultural educallon 111 the s~at~ whvse birlhdays fell on t he same day Of the Conel ,tion ()f the Waynesville National Bank, at Waynes durlllg the pa.'1t tw.o years. and IL IS Ias that of the hostess. The other ville in t he 'tate of Ohio, at the probably due ~o thiS.f~cl that he ~vas guests who were RO fortunate as to close of businc .. March 4. 1915, chosen to thIS .pos,tlOf! ' We c~n · enjoy the occasion were Mrs J . E UEBOUIICEB. g rat ulate Mr. IV1ll8 on ~IS promot.lon Ja llftey. Mrs, Emmor Baily. Mrs anel dIIlCO UUt.! • • , . , . • , ." 122S,7 1 . 1. and hope for better thmgs for hill!. Ronald Hawke. Miss Kizzie Merritt OL;.;. .'6tdra rte, UIl8llCUnxI • •• • • ,'" 11 5, 8m - - -. - - - - Rnd t.1ias EnlulB Heighway. • 8, Douds to """un> c1n:ula~lon ( par value)" ......... ,., . .. 50,00 0,00 O. b.r bon/IaIOOOCute Poo~.u 8~\·&, OOO.OU Th.; pupil~ anll Leach~rs of High gf..::f.i~~l~~:.ifti,;;;:;~, "~i~~' 1I 0.D ?6 8cI\0 J on l~ rlday. March 5th, spent, ,". , . , , .. . ,., , " , . •. lOO.OO 0 • hi e' t th I ~ ..mouut uDllrud ". n .GOO,OO 2, 0 .00 aant very en;Joyn ... tl ev mn~ ~ . e peas· !!.u . " O!<f!rollg,nbl\);I!' 9 o ' r 'a'I' ........ ' .. :r:';.. b'•• u'k. ooo,op coun t ry hom qf MIKS ELIzabeth u 0" ",. 11,_ 'v O. ~OO. OO
prou t! to
2tkt . Pen hcs, a c nn . , 16c
h l'
The Time t••"..t.~;;he~::ter Tide
P a - , peT mil . , , , , , , , .8e
l E ~
Get Your New Rug Now
............................................... PR
................. ............................. .f Pleas~ I AT RDA"l SPECIAl,
Rt'v , anu 1 r~, (" S I ; r!l ll ~('I r had : Ih 'ir CO/llp:my for .I innN .' umlny , I , Ir Iln,1 Mrll. ('h~ H,o u~h and Mr. W. l ' uPtlr,
~r( P~rt'i('ular
About What They ,E at!
About What WI.! Buy!
Wor k ' ho's a t ~J YH
Mrs. J C l114w k,' lind 11allgh l I', Llw kind of FUfllitlir Wl' arc Ivll S ' hlra. I' ll.:.l rcl llli es In sy" hol\'ill g, " Jl glact to pa ' our t Oil Sundll\, . IIlrs, E, Jan ney enterlnined at prk 's . 'L'\lI:Y nrt' ~(,\Is ibl(>, auy .)'01lr F er t iliz r of has. F ry e' l dinner laFit Thursday , Mrl!, Amallela rea CI.nal k' price. , whkh l.rinK \ ho hanclicK Million's , t he h ~ t Wrisrh t" 1i &~e~ May Wright antl ElIlllla Hdgo hwav, lit ' hj~I \{', t ~. Jl ' o f F urniture manufactured wilhill Th · J lmior ~uil d f t , Mary's ' . ,,_ _ _ tIll' J" 'uch f tllOS{' wh~ CaJ lll~ll alTOi'll , or tl~ not ~~Te hllrch will ll1('(Jl at the homeo f Mra Mr . and Mrs, J \ , While enter' to pay, lh ' proltll IttVl' P1"lcC':-; of' the lllg h-pnccd 'tI II 1\\1 (,fI , thi!!, Wcdnelltl ay eventained OVCT Sunday Hev, N', O. ing a t 7 o'cl ck, fll ruii.llf ' 't res, ~,,~ Sweat and Rev . 'Iaronre McDaniel ll, C m a nd ge t po "lcd .on pal F urniture valu .. ' I'or ' ule - A )food g eneral purpose bot h of F ranlli in, hllrse; bright bay in color. Inquire - Wh cth YOll buy or nolo yO ll willi e .ru st as welof W, 1.-[, ~laddel1, Way n !lViIle. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke en. CO Ill h 'r <lS thou g h y u W 'fC ill your own ho m . tf teruunro on atu l'day evening Mi ss Kalhryn Dakin. Mis:! Emma Hawke Do yo u kl)o thul the re Rr 400 and Messrs , J ames M('Clure , Emmor centralized or con!lolidated 'school Baily andi Ilnrrill ~ltJRh e r , tiislricls in Ohill , I centralization t o be li n u, Ii rimenl for Wayn" Tp7 MillS May Wright entertained at a l\lilson ';j Perti li1.pr. the b t on the six o'clock d innel' on Sunday evening market. I"or sale by Chas. Ihye. Mr . and Mrs \\ i1son Edwards. Mr. and Mr . ROll uld tlawke. Miss + nd r rentrs lization the Boards Kathryn Da kin and M flS rs. Harris •• Our .' prillg .L ine arc CO!,!l! kl c. YOli will h a e 1110rc limc for s Ie II n~a l~rllmore of Education own t heir own ~c~oo l l Mosher and Em mor Baily . cnn\,eyances , These are prnvlded j _ _ __ __ • pat t cnls to d loose from than ill mi ( ~ -, '~l so n, ~ n d, l~ :; t but not JC:'ls t , th e pncc'j a rc : with n SYSlem of heating and are 1 so rcmarka hl ' low that no prospectl\, . Im y r 4 cfllI alTord Lo overlook Ul l' m , J:JI ~ warm and comf r ta bi e in winter, fv!r , and MI'S, W. Ii , All en hael as - -+ I theIr g uesUi unday , Mrs. Mary . dams t'lnd Ir , Uavid Adams. of :. Kansas it y, lit o, Rev, 'lnd Mrs J , [.', Cadwallader , ~tisses Georgia Had , den, Letitl_ ' a_M_.K~IY__a_n_d_ ClarH Lile, ,
Ca t r To T h ose Who
\' ,1 I
II YllllllI'.,
Another Big-Sal~' , This Week' 1/1 111111111111111111111111111111111111""11111111111111111111111111111111111111111
Gran. Sugar, 'sack . ..
S 1.&0
Big Can Salmon. , '. • • . . Fret.h Peanuts, per lb..
Evp. Peaches, per lb .. .' , Onion Sets, 2 qts. for . •• Eating
,.OC .OC .OC' • Bc
' P~toes ,. . . • .. 70e
G~pe Fruit, each •.••• , , .
Lenox Soap, 8 for. . • • .• ~lIc
~I i ~C for Eggs ,-
~r. u are always welcome h~re, ~hether xou purcha~ heav.-
ily, lightly or no.t at all. for 'y ou are always' sure to see arti~l~s that :you , will n~d later and C8nsave money' '00,
It ~ay be ~urtain stu If.tltat .you do 'not want now but in httle WhIle y?U, will' ne.e d it: remember. it is ~ere, a yd.
~t mar b~ Ladles Underwear, YOll will nQt need to hunt '
<for It iblt is ' here at, . - - _., • . •......•• , .••••.•••.•.. ' 1 t may e Salted Peanuts; . . . per one ,hall pound ..•.•• , . ........ ... ... ..: •• : It .may be Il Mop Handle: . .. •
It I~a~ ~~. ~.:' ih~ ·ec;p~ed· ki~d':' = •••••••• it here, Jalle mouth, at ..•.••..•••.•• ~ •••••• .: ~ ••••
10~ '
Sixty~Sevent.h Year
fORMER' LJ('llliZE
Voteror Celhra.lization ~nr. \ otcf r enlr lizati'oni\'lar . Voteror c Il Ln,lizCllioll:\lar. 20, 1915. YO~I will not only ·' Oll will not 001)' 20, 1015, :::?O, H11 5. 1 0 \1 wi~1 IIOt only , help the prosperity of the • 1I' h (' \\ tll prl - perily of the help lhc prospenty of the I chools, but of the town as sell , ls,. bu l of the town as bools, but of lhe tOWIl ::IS voting; plae the well. One FROM OUR OLD FRlfNO,' O. R. IN REGULAR SESSION AT HOME well. Oue voting place-the MET AT THE HOME OF S. L. well. One vo ting place- t he STRONG AG I T THE SALOON ANDERSON TowllshipHouse, WaynesviJle, OF MRS. ELLIS 'l'owlIship House, Waynesville, CARTWRIGHT l'ownshipHouse 6W ayn s ille, I 11 ARDIN COUNTY Ohio . . bio_ Ohio.
MADE GOOD ASEDUC'ATOH He Spent Several Vears Here Teaching- Is Professor In Ada Schools ow Buy your Tobacco Canvas at Myer Hyman's. Ada. Hanlin county, is one of the Th e regu Iar meelng t' An enthusiastic meeting of tho Th.) Waymi Tp • Farmers' Club Rarry S to k es was a VISI . 'tor to t h e 0 f th e W • C. Miami Valley Poultry Association first towns in thll state that has orT. U. was held a t the home of Mrs, was held at the home of the sccre. met .Thur day, March 11th, at the Queen City Friday. ·1 ganized for the ::ampail{n of 1915. Dr. Ellis on Tuesday afternoon. M E " B 'I F 'd f hospitable hom of Mr. and Mrs. S. Uuring the stale·wide campaigll last , I Murch 9th. , The Presl'den' t. Mrs. tary, rs. . u . al Y•• rl aya ter· L Cartwrig ht • noon. The annual election or lIffi. ' .' . Earl Ymgling. of Lebanon. was in year, the Lima Daily N WEI 8ai~: Wooten opened the meeting by the cers reeulted as foll ows: President. The day be\ng an Ideal ~me made town a little while Sunday. "It is a pleasant sight to aec the recital of Scriptual verses In concert. C. J. Tomlinson; vic.~pres. W. C. a large attendance pOSSible. The vill age of Ada just now and a trip to R4lv. Martin voiced the prayer of Welch; Secretary. Mrfl. E, S. Baily; mpl~~~f ~:iaISP!~ty. asAtU~:~n i~h: Chas. Brown. of Corwin, was in that little city is well worth j;aking, . the union. dAfter the readinghoffthle aaslstant9, L. C. St. J ohn and Mrs. g uests were invi ted to t he dining Dayton on busine&!I Friday. for there is scarcely a home or bus· minutes an other business teo· B. V. Smith; treasurer, Edgar Sim. iness house that :does not have an lowinlf program was taken up with k' room where needless to say they did M' A K II . h 'h ' lOS. J'ustice to the well laden tables. iluy your Fertilizer of Chas. Frye, Ohio Dry sign upon it or In the 1ront lSI nna e yin C arge as c air· The annual r epor ts showed .he no_ window," ",J -A f 2 o'clock the meetin " was called w h0 h an dies M'IIson's,th e best . In the county option campaign of man: sociation to be in good shape. The to order. The first on the program Song by Union, "Blessed Assurance" books show a bal anc~ in the treasury. being "Current Events" Which were .Elmer Rogers mad e a busine,ss 1913 it was Ada that tunleti a wet ...... Miss Alice Cary, Accompanist and not a cent owing to anyone. most ably written by Miss Josephine triP to Richmond, Ind ., Saturday. majority of 800 in the county seat Reading of poem, .. roda.v.... ......... The association talked over t heir 0 I 'b b . h ' d' town of Kenton into a dry vIctory M' A K II I f th' 'd d g es ee, ut owmg to er In IS· ......... .......... ...... Iss nna e y pans or e commg year. an e· positlOD they were read, by Mias Ruth We offer a splendid line of high of 300 for the county. When the Duet, "Marching' to Victory ...... .. ' cided to have another show. and will Hartsock MiSll Hartsock then fav. grade wall paper at 5c per bolt. J. tJisappointing news came in ,CJvemMiaiJes Janie Jones 'and Cecilia work up more interest during the ored the Club with a beautiful selee. E . Janney. berof last year that Cincinnati had Snook, Alice Cary, Accompanist. coming summer in this direction. tion of mu~ic. <. caused the deteat of the efforts put Reading. "The Good Resull.ll of Plana are being laid in di ffe rent The discussion of "Educating the Mrs. Barton Kelly. of Cincinnati. forth by the anti·saloon forces, Ada Prohibition" ...... Mrs. Mary Jo'rame directions to beneft the members of Boy on the Farm" was then . taken was the gUt'.st of relatives here a few true' to her tradition, again proved Duet, "God Save Our Land" ...... . the association. and altogether the up which, ' of course, was to all a days this week. MI'a-CecI'II'a Snook and Reva outlook is very bri"'ht for them. d'I~ ~"D Hormell, Miss Lucile Hormell Two n'ew members ...were laken in . most in teresting I tODic f h and was b cussed by seVE'ra 0 t e mem ~rs. Mr. and Mrs. John Siansberry, of . Accompanist , - - ...- -Rev. Cadwallader then mentioned Davton are visiting M,r. and MI'!!. Readinlr, the "Horue Credit Work," which Frank Stansberry . ......... ...... ........ rs. aVIs urnas has been recently introd uced in to . It was Union Signal Subscription our school!, and told in his usua l Mr. and Mrs. Walt"r McClure and Day and the-aelections on the pror llIE~a8lnll mann~r oithe many benefits Mr. and MI'8 Ea rl Conner were DIIY' ~ram were taken fr:om thi¢ paper Ilrl~iH~'4!rl1m,eetmg from. lhis, , . tnn vl·"lt.....s la Q !; week. which ill the nffill!al organ of the then adlourned to " "v, W. "v . T. "'. The musl'c ot the .1. h f M d M..... I 0steopath, at residence V c meet.lI:trlll . ' e orne. 0 t'~r. an n. . Dr. Oil. was highly app·ccl·ated Morris .SII.VEll A,prl I 18t. , oun,•" fJ'-'IB I . , . of L. T .' Peterson. Main St., Tues y"the' nlon who g-a"e tllem a vote Th e 1mnIA::U . ~.J guests were . ev. an d day and Friday mornings. of thanks. , The Mia'mi Valley Chuutauq ua Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader, MISS Clara Mrs. Ellis made an appeal for old grounds at F ranklin, will be sold at Lile, Miss Kizzie. Merritt... ~r.. and Miss Elma Roberts had for her clothing for the suffering mine,·'s sh.erilf's ssla at the cotlrt house In Mrs. J . 0 CartwrIght ana children, week.end gl.l,ests Misses Mabel Bad. families, of, Belmont County. which Dayton on Monday. A-pril 12th . Mrs. Hannah Rogers and Mrs. Bert ley and Veda MacPherson. work ahe has in charge. Mts. Jones There has been quite S g reat deal of Hartsock. talked on ..·Iower Mission work and dissatisfaction among ... members of --~...- - _ . - - Mrs. Mattie Ellis and daughter, distributA;!d Text Cards•. and ~rs. the Chautauqua board, and addi ng Miss Nora. were calling on Mrs. J . Allen ~18I? gav!' a very mterestlng to this the recent 10llse8 from ' the H. Curtilil Friday ~ternoon. talk on thiS subJect. • flood. has made it necessary for this , The meeting t'IURed ~. re~tmg Rtcp. Mr. Harris Mosher spent Thursday theW. C. T. U. benediction In con· There is quite a good deal of talk In Morrow the guest of 'his sister, cert. , about rebuilding the g rounds above ST.RA wi>Fln A. RlNGER Mr:s. F. C. Hartsock and family.,' ~I'II. ~rah Zimmerman ~Tld the flOOd. bu t as yet thero has nothing YQu'!lr ladles who assiB~ WIth the developed. It is hoped by Chau tau · For Sale-A good general purpose her worth by keeping Hardin county mUlIC were present as VlSltors. qua frequenters that: the grounds bright bay in color. Inquire In the dry column. Ada has always . . . horse; •- • will be rebuilt, as it is a pleasure been the despised spot in H~in 1 th t ill be ot W. H. Madden, Wayneaville,Ohio, ' A match game 0 f poo a w tf county by the wets b~use they _IUeESJlJE'\J--l_m _a _n _ Y _i-'. n_t_ hl _ ' S_lo _ c .. a_li_ty...." _al_ W _a_ y_ S _ I OOk for· ward to every year. of interest to many lovers of the cue have never succeeded in overthrowin this vicinitY, is to take place be- . Mrs. Mary AdamI, of Kansas City, ing the cause of rig t 1n t at alr tween Otto Hornick, o~ Xenia, and Mo" was a guest Thursda, and Fri· little city. . Jack Starr, of Clarksville, Both of day of Mrs. 'Alice McKinsey 'and But with the resl of Ohio Ada 5c these !tentlemen are well known he~e. daughter. , . was defeated last fall and the bitter aDd then turn to .. ~ment poet. I ts ' d "'- ~ ,,- N . 1-' ;-% W and the match will be watched WIth struggle has not been for~otten. Ben LippinCott did not a:emember. e an UIoII.er ove ",es. MI'II. • , intereat One of the scheduled ' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoops arrived She is ready to lead a campaIgn as games ~m be played at Morrow. home Thursday ~ter a two month's n~ ver before. , Within ten days after or If he did. did not mention fact C. -PhillipS. " . Senator Oran F. Hypes. ot Spring· and ti'\e other at Xenia, Starr has visit with; Mr • . and Mrs. James election last November tl1e dryS'lllet that wnen the M. E->clitirch reOne.third of the ca8CJ referred to field. died at his home last Tuesd a,Y. been considered champion of Warren Stoops. of Dayton . TheStoops' went and reorganized for the ~ext cam·' 'modeled-the y. . 1n which a iotal tbe SUperintendent by ' ~che" for, He Wild the victim of blood poisoning. County for some time. ' to'paYton when their son became so paign, , All official terms of office bad eclipse'Ofthe sun occuried'-;'the Irang adviee and aaeistance in di&eip,line ' He had' ,just arrive(i home from _____ .. ill, ,and helped to nurse him . While automatically o~ workmen un~er 13698 A. E . Mer- come from ' e&8P.8 reported while on COrumbulI" where he had undergone Sl,Iturday evening 'Clt 'chool Hall . . expired and necessi· he is not a well man r.et, he is grsd· tated anolher ejection. nU '!fere shingling. the wea~ , inde of the way to sch'ool or from school a slight operation , when blood pois· Supt Cadwallader, (If the Clinton Parents complain in Rural schools ually improving and It i8 ,hoped that t,h e roof ~f ~a~ ~hfice, and It jrO~ I!O Child~n in ~hal'i'e, o.f ari adult are oning set in . He had S61 ved his County Bchools, addl'essed a large S. A, Ringer. ' the chairman of the ~arkt.hllt- wedlllCU~t.hep'~p~ety' far better off. . , , country twu years as senator Rnd aud ience on Centralization . Mr. that grades must be combined to he will soon l:egain hil! former health . previou!j caDlpai~ wa!! [e. elec~a, of sepdlng fOI')an~rn81f , expecting · ' . .~ • two years in ~he le"llIlature. ' We Cadwal1 ader . imowR what he talks save time . and reduce number of •- and regular meetmgs ore r(pw bEoing ' .to finish the d~. It was about a '. were personally acquamted with Mr. about, as he has had Reveral years of recitations. Cf\ntralize 'lnd you have held every four weeks besides culled . o'clQck p . m. I done , m06t of . the Hypes for years. and ,the Ohio Stat.e experience in eentl'lllize9 schools, solved a problem which can never be meetings from time to ·time. Com· work on the .lIplre" as the othe~fel . Joumal expresses our feeling fo!)r having b e'(l the superintendent of solved in the one-Toomed rural school. inittees are at work in v arious lines. IQwa ~ed to be more on the atay the man 8a followlI: . the Lees Creek centralized schools, Addresses a re given by local and down ',than t~ go 1)P, ~'ftA!r the ,"We 'spea\c of Mr. Hypes p~r ticu. Bis talk wO!'! greatly enjoyed. and foreign talent and these meetings ~oldlng was all ~P, BeD ~ppln· larly because he wat! a rare man, several converts to the centralized are proving splendid sehoolR to edu· James Clark, SOll' of John M aocl cate speakers and other workers whO' I cott came up, and to ahowto tbe a man of IItrictviewsanrl gen,ial man · ideM we"e made.> . One man was , Etta }V est was born near Farmers mill In the rpoo.'l.'•. and, • I~t of en·. ners. He stood ere~t, looked you in heard t'o aay ~hot he had no idea , . Station, Clinton C<lunty, Ohio, Oct. 9. have horetofore been somewhat thU8luta OD Nonn ,atreet. · that he the face, and showcil i~ ev~rd 'centralizat ion mOl\nt so much, eft .' 1889, and died at Harveysburg, Feb. timid. . ~ waa u,-I&frald, slood uPQn tb,e top ot ~ and ~ov!-lment ,t he sp.irit of' a man , peclally to h!~ c.hildren: that I,; must The organization named itself "The 28, 1915~ in his 26th year. When of ~e Ipite. 1 ; went him one better, This' ls the aeeondweek. of the ra- Be Visas great man slmply because be an ed ucatIOn not only to them but proper age. he attended the district Ada Dry AssocllHion" with S. A. ' and'Btw.d u~n my head on lha~lPlre. vlval eervi(:e8 at the M. E. church. he'was a true man. to the parent as well. . . sChool i nea'r his llome, 8nd in the Ringer. chairman; G M. Cole, vlceNow, to complete more hilltory! There hU'been a great interelit tak,e n ' , , course of time passed ' the Boxwell chairman; Geo. Braitinltllr. secreta· believechurch me oronnot, . .razed Hen the Ie, 010 and:a ~t' d"lto0.1the th~slnlfinJ. IUCCess of tht> ~,I'::===:::=z:========z:==::!====~==~ examination. For <! years he at· ry; arid Willinnl Pfeiffe r, treasu re r. brick the J,Moaes meetinQII ia due evan· 1. Increased educational facilities tended the High School in Ne w Vi. Five hundred active members aro lot tor $26, and a ' 1000 briclla; aod iOll8t, Rev. ' Olarence McDaniels. 'of for bo't h elementary and high school enna from which he graduated, and expected to be on the roll long bedone it in a d~, ,80 you may I\.now · . , ' pupils. ~ . afterwards taught there one year. fore the big g uns of the campaign the bri ~ks did ,pot "stick cl~r'ft II 2. Decreased number of classes to With a view to his : better equip.' are fired . brother." I was. prettf "fast those Mr. Ringer is weU known in each teacher and increased 'length of ment for the work of teachinlr, he at· d!p. SIlme I acqUIred In . the atmy Waynesvflle. He made ,his home recitationa. tended the University at Lebanon, 'TW811 at the" battle of Stone Rivt':r. 3. OppOrtunity of handling spec· 0., but his studies were interrupted here for several years befor e going , , before trenches , became, IndieJ>ell ial b~nche'3, such as music, dra!",- bv a call to teach "t ~arveysburg to Ada. and his many . friends here ..ble, my I't';iment .was ordered tl , , ,The proposed ~entraliz~tion of ~cho<!ls of Wayne Tp'. ~:slls for I,l , will be glad to hear that he 1).as. made in$", agr iculture and' manual train· part of the year. ' . ~liai'ae tbe center of BralliIB Army., i$';ue of ~SO,()()(l. 'thl! tax dUp'licate of Wayne l"P. is $2,7Iii7,OOO; of ing. ' For three years, he was prinCIpal gO~in that famous college to~n. , whlcl\ .we did , ,ill grea&t 8ha~, aOli • 500,000; of \A)rwili $1500,000. (Lytle and, C( rwin are g iv,e'nn..~:;!~~;t~~~~ [. -. 4 .Rooks lind apparatuB properly of the school. at Martinsville" ",:~ich 1.he~ ~ei ay ' (11r 'a" sh9r~ time i,n Ii Board of Education of each propose to join to Way,ne Tp if' .. caredlo[ and furnished at one-fifth he served With great acceptablhty. ~\'flflt!ld, _when a ' coud cr chatllc, carries.) , ," '. ' • over ran UII , I allJO-l'on;lIf1d a J.olilln), the5. cost. From Martinay.illeof hethe accepted Let U8 see what this proposition mea~8 to tl)e tax-payer. Educational and business ad· SUperintendency . school the at cried, 1.laI,I'1 - I lildn't halt, so-. h", , It IA the intention hf t~e Board of Education to issue,5,6 bonds 'payable ministration more efficient. 'Harveysburg, and from there was ' : , .' 'fi~1 Jlnd .[ ~Ilro fhlt huHet tWice, . : " $1500 yeat'ly for 20 years. 6. . Gives £Ountry children prlv- called up hjgher to bis eternal rest. - o'ilfe U1l ~ me, '*lid once aa I The table below will give the increase in taxation as . , as those enjoyed by His nature was cast in a graciouR .\ J)8M!lt!i1 it. " .... on each : 1000 of tall ; .with fewer of the, mold and from early lite he lIeveloped N ' 1\1l1 here .J)lmajlllt In' that vlr-Inlly \vayne ' f p:" Wayne alluriing tJ>rnnltAtion,R. and exhlbite!l thoi!e traits which are • ~ UI\" ~lty uilO who co'(lid h.ave told Township .including ' for play· admired by the good everywhere, '~ lhl. lOfy ,hiut-th ft:lI llbeled command. . alone . Ly,de, ' isa and as he grew into manhood, tholie IUlII K.ttY M')'l bro~hl)r ~i 'I n)t " ~l'Ii'B';, , 101l1lr'1Ieglected. ,traits .crystalized into a 'settled 1 lb' in ll\a~ . eha ~e,; '.I got him to . , ,. , . 11 1 08 " - to" 93 Bonda.'and llitl'rest ...... . $< BU'V1UJ1I811(e11 character,that was kind, noble and Addison Southard, w 10 las een' lD , • . hQalpIt:aI 'w.btt~ I bllcla,,!,e an . .ilt-. \. Rev· Ct..UplNcB IICJ.,)ANIEL8 ' . Bonds and Interest...... ,1 ' 06 0 91 ' . manly. Olark tieyer sowed his wild the Phillipines for several .years ~t . ant, to the IIUflreon, .,! , T.' ~ooda, • I ' ~ . T." , .: ' " BOllds Qnd Interest...... , 1 03 89 ., had wi I h t Ing . as a private secret'ary~ ~tts conditions In ollta, hence no . a u arv~ to been appointed in 'the,aame capacity " "'1 01 Sf; Bonds and In.terest ... :.. 8114 I..ir C9,mml.-1i1 ofGen. t'i'l!~ 1i'ran\lin. 'l'he 'hldf-oour IOnlr Hi1:~?!:;~I~~il}.~~' heating. light- reap, His Pl!rents ~pent no sleepless to United States Miil'iAter Reinch; ,,, hOiJpital t\r~ ,o f til. Gulllbe,larid fpr '.,'; 09 Ii is enJ"oved v..... m ....h. . Bonda and ·Interest,. .... ' . ·98 ~ :.: 'nights concernll)g him. for home was . M d M ...teen lIIonthi!' Thla lioo nICOrd In • 0.. 'N ' , ~ S -" i I. ~ , . ~Bonds and Interest.:,.:. , 96 ' 82 . that usu· to him the dearest soot on earth at Pekin, China. ~. ;an n. WastIlrurtM and th~ hillor), of War ....~Y:. orman , wea\ a a p~" ... rn .. '"........ Southard are both Lebanon pej)ple Bonds 9, '. and Interest ..... , 98 77 CGUJU.y. in ' " war i. allent en- In.g e"e~ ~!enIDIf' lOome jUad t)ear 6 Bonds ·and Interest...... 91 ' . tOob!~~le ~~~~h\~~recp~~~~noJ ~:! ~~rgi~tit~ arid are well kn~wn througho.ut tb~ ulety lIO,lo re~ to tile . ~~eraon ..s_two mJ~laten. ~tinpevel:1 88 ·74 Bondt! and Interest ...... as fi Irhtmsr, 0, . . h' h hI h . . ' - ·eounty. He will 8IIIIume lus boys. Dan,·sam.JiC1 illi, all of whom .eve)ain&. • _ ••~__ ·use of tobaeeo, '!tc. . found hla Ig e:'teart y appmess. duties on April lat. &nds and Intereat.:.... 86 ' 72 Qive8 all pupllaequal · h lgh and. bad he' hved he was amply •• llSted uDder Ltncoln'a 6i.t call . . '. , . Bonds and Interes~..... 88 69 old eqUIPped to form a home on the privilegeS, Under 81 .00 ' BondI, and .. nterest...... those living near modl'lof the one from whirh he took · Bonds and In~erest...... 78 64 ,those who had his final departure. • rveCI alit .. ilray tht:Ou,tJ Ell died 'RIOt ' Bonds. and Interest...... 76 .. 62 t:~~~~~~c~ ·attend. Be united with the l,I. E c~urcb II) J8'J6', laiD here Jet, W..ftlllil ' ~L Bonda and Interest...... 73 69 retl~UUlr attendance: l8118 J2 years. ago undlll' thC'l~inls· hlltor1 IIclva:orum. . •, • ; Bon~s ~nd Interest... :.. '7l 56 , 'tl'll1Br1IClY • • better mor· ,the. Rev. A. H,amllton, and to ,~ 64 , -. Bonds and. Interest...... services; better 0% his death lived Ii ,l>laine-... , Bonde and Interest...... '60 62 , eWectlv\! luper· less Bonda and Intereat...... . 63 49 In Bonda and Interest...... 61 46
"old Peg. Leg." Buy your T0 bacco Canvas at Myer D. R. Ande-An, u,v of Lafaytltte, Ind ., whom we called Hyman'lI. down 109t week for pretending to . b k t d rlte poe t ry, comllS 'III sc a us, an Burton Earnhart was a visitor to says the poetry we claimed he wro~e C" t ' F 'd was from the pen of . the tamous memna I n BY. Walt Mason. He sent ua another Frank' Elbon made a business 'trip on~ ot hllsckf.fmous wrditings, ~hut to Cincinnati Friday. oWlDg to a 0 space an copy rig t. we are unable. to uee it in connection M1'8. Eberi y is slowly Improvln a WI· th this letter. He wrl··~·. """ .. after two week's llIness. State Soldiers Home, Lafayette, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogers were ....... March 12th, 1915 0 .. Th rsd uton vlSltor~ u ay. Col. D. Lester-Nol no poet, but a , ........ d ood S M G 'Id '11 'th pretty 5""" jo ge of Ie poetry; t. ary's UI WI meet WJ and when I sent an article to the MI'II. Benecke on Thursday afternoon. Stolltsvllle NeWll I ' lncluded the "jingle" of that a-reatest of phil. Mesal'll, C. J. Hisey and U . M. ~h~r;~:-:~l¥=n~~, :r~u~: White were in Day tOll Friday after· noon. ' youl..:..' can Bee thatht I mad e no. "bluW" ,1. N '''AI k" f o .,.,Jng 1.I.e-au or. ow, ec. Mn, Edith M. Harris is visiting d f ur i h ibl G d d Ca d' ncompn ens e relatives in Mt. ilea an r IDg'un 0 me romfo ton, Ohio. other thinp. Am aendinlr ,the very lalelt No . pa~~.o:t~~:::'pq~~:,y r..~~l 1~ IIhlrt ' waiat, all my own doing..... ....... ~. d .....1 n stamp'l·n .. e'- I w k"-' th '0111' stock, J. E Janney. - if , .. , \N . or..... e ~ ~tampinu. The J.lyn~'jIJe "'-'-"'Ala ape now '" .."",na. -..IU!out 'd .... bl e· more th an l1ear cro-d'-.J W " ..... OCUuv, ror J'f anot"er count':" school 1 have . &lad •aiDt,' me' M1'8' A d .......n cu II." " fn n e...... e'u......, .....-. as.sprin'" Branch, Lowell callnot' ~JIre. dl)wn. sits a willo~ • h ' th Hill rocker'and ndes in a wheel chalr 'to or Supr Grove, were _will e ~ her meals!' has not been out" of the traJ'lsported to, if the ' vote on cen· builaing since last SLImmer, and it tralization fails. ' , takes a ,lot , of extrall io make h~r ' Ed Edwards, of Dayton, was in eomfortable It is a Irood placo fo r 8LlCh II we people to live io. and wei town Saturday and mrde the Gazette twot are "marvela" iJ) indUstry; Mrs. ()ffice-a pleasant call. •Allllenon having mil4e a silk lOS' cabio qullt·thia year, and I have elP' Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McLaughlin , b,,*,~ -ef2bteen ahirt:waiat., onl1 tiai\ed With rela~ivea in tbn:elettoohPld;notevel'Jooeean SaturdayandSuD<iay. wear 'a shirt,walst done by a man ~t hii 19th blrthday'. . ·MI'a. Mattie Ellis and at.ter, ~ra. tei!,-be I will l)e able to see J, H. Curtis made,- buainees trip to "you nsn·a1I 'sometime. I notice by Wilmington; 0., Wednesday. • til, Gaze~, 'that onlf a f~. r~main' .' ' . of ollr. ' oltf ac:hoo d"a;' ti!l"'8' Barry Hurray, who hasbeen qutte ~ere remam: .~ L. Cartwngh,t, sick with measles, itt able to be out Will COOper, K~le Merritt"GeorgJa again. Better luclr:next time, Harry. Hadden•.Sue HSIl.ea,A~da Wriahl~
!~~u~~:t Iq~esd!n ri~hJ :v:~
"GeltingMintoDA~l.ionF" · "
10 BE
:~!~~~tC::~ ~:;iIVr;;O::re~~ ~a;fOeE:s~ep~t&ls f&~: OF BLOOD POISONING A fiNE TALK ON th~
-----_ ..---
: . .<
' t, h e
~~ dleCl! '! _jnniil~=r~d 1':~..e'1~: ,ME1SLES' AflACK
_ _ ":"':"'_
(111. i. figured j~t a little high) .
lojr VII , F l . In ' nnl,""" 14.1 ""'t.p ". . EnjOY: I nl t. ' I t ,P ,r'll l ,i\ ~!,7'7 dllor .,f tlla rflRt Tllim h~ lIa?oo 11\ .,.nlill II. \\ (T' ~aIi 10u want and Dot tJetlvub1e4 H " , !iol'k II hlrgll on • 10uII(l hlll'l! It Ihlll"n ly Ull " I I, li lt Ea' _, with iDdl&Wtion if yoU will-take I lJ nd \II'" i.. tlllt strange (JmblU'rll~tilfl ,"l In 11,,11' 01 I~ • .. ~ It , wilo \I 11 ut thl' d~ll r 6hum lind ~1I\)u'rrUi'" II" v ", 'I n,. I' '11,01 Ih", thl! 1111"" In ' I. ~I~ d , PIl\C\). Her o.tor.. l<h" II rnA "rlll ~ (I' ' '\'1 I . \ ' I • ,. • ~ " I Wh'n hI' HI.(! urlll IWII lIul.tll'lI lter a ll a nion. IQ whom A gltl' tI' . 1!·"fJl. r beloN and after eacb meIL Sold '0JI1y fl d· __ Iltft HI<' ,;.\U (\, h~rri('I\lIhlj( Jl1~ d!)Qt. 8rea had told her Ii or l- • '\i',' ttun by _:l6o • box. 1'1'0 ' C(; 1 11 1 ~ '1111.1 \"oh I'ft. 1"lvllll1, IIUUM tb 'msli' v"a \ 11f) do!)r to ol\lll~utlon Iny lIu n f~w J . E. J Ann ey . By HAROLD MAC GRATH 1"'o.IhlH It ~l.,· 18"1)". Bl1t tb~ door Willi :lIell awoy, thu 0111 convlln Itn~ \I u,' '' ' :.<t'li II ': - .1 . II l-l.-il I. "1 lit. Ilud Il ly 1\ bIU !t'JlIIlIC r1lDl 10 hu- b·opped th Ir ot/sourllll! mlU\lIell ov r ~: ll tl IIr rt°,d ''' tH,lt t:t '" ~ ' t. V' If V, d , IJ~ .. lIonu h,llulA olllll hll I' mll(11I It yilltl er lind sl\ felt Ul1hllnH'd. And lbero 1"'1I)n tI, I" I " tlhl~ I ."lL iUustrall't/ tly P1ctu~s trot .he Moving Pkture Produc.loo of t h e Sel(l Po/Y"o~ Co. t.lnr"r'lIIl~ I' ly. tho r W,I8 n kll~W' wal not Il II I11 e doubt. f'orhfl\l B ahe Mllry lIn nU llll \" M, I\ ;vil.( h lc U 1-1 '"1 -, 11\ \\ hllh tho m u rollt woultl r Lllrn l ,md 1I) 18 tnll~m U1e loOl In bls tlYOI!. II II 11 1\' n',' I~ 1(111 11 1,.. 1 1111.1 '" n r~O\.h thE'l r IMe or th o 1101'988. nor ~ae~ tbero In tl\e doser t, baok III the Oil ,::rlt UllIllI " t \\ Iti fu l I b~ " 1 Ut' mc.!.~::~+::~!.~:+=~.!.:.=.:: .-:.:.!•••:.:.:.!.::.:.:.~»~·!;'''::+!+rO::.!.::.:.:::.!.:.:.:.:.:::.::.::.:.!.::.:.::~.:'.:·:·m Itr w lillig llJo wQlvt>t! wou ld Il\y alc:g. 1"11 dRY w h~n UJ y lind ned togetll r Mnlcl II 1I11.lnl\ " f It<ry t ~ ,. , •.\, I... r tl_...,.._ _ _ _:.:.....~,....l 'rbo two womenl hi d &ll olh •. lllnugh trom tit Qrd (1 18. And yot -; • . ! '. . (OOp".llIbl '" B&ftIId )lacOralll) ~to ri!(\ 10 1'1 ;,,"! ;rr:~\1I1dl\.a Willi 'tho vorl at .t,·I'O. b Ing O~ 1118 po rt. Oruc did not p llrtlcu· Ubur.loM Ii . ~UI ~ v~ , 1' he n. ( '. ( the p]'(Ipor t lmo mbol1n would o~ pO'l'. wry ~I ~k n nmmnn. or 0"' I\)or (rIght >ood at lho wenpon In h r InrI) welcom the 8 a . The ro ml -bt Sr. I... Hv Uo. .I n r y lIu (11i v ~ n \l( \ t penr. not bcl1ll1d n.n pu rsuod but In ~h lng a ho WAS certl\ln: It bad becom , bnlldll blUI nl tll ll howling onlmlll out. jlll nnot her mu.n som wb reo No wom· in Ih v . •r of p hll nt,llY II\ ti u rd H r~ ~ "'I" 111110 or no dkmn gu LQ 110 80 b aull ru l 08 Knthlyn could pas· s Ide. 'I'boy did tbo rond In !ront ot Ihl' m. h is Ith r tllr(\ugb vlol enc ot hili own Probate Court "Pr0C4:edhll(tI 11.0 rl OU \'ll r ~Ir, 75 (" 11 00 . do tlu,lnut racks" s ibly be wl thout ' sllt tors, And wbe n Tbere was. to bo su ro. a bare P0891' 1 or r Ql b ' ra, S bo o xnmln d tho breecb tho wolvtl • fot Ih ll al'a llahl bllllY 01 tho lon,,1 "nd b ls pn rty g t- nnd rOlll1d n. c1 'od shcll. wblch sbe co at w ra not ol su1l\ ienUy lIood ungles' l tho Journ ey dow n to the eea WIIS rlr In t h e Illlltt,or ' o t till) 6s1 1~' o of Ed Co nmiss illncr~ ' Pruceedlnl(S 'V u ll H r Ung ooyolld tbe DI tllIg Of the pnth I' out, 1'b riO car ried six cartridges. Au bOllr w"nt b)'. Ka.thlyn could bellr sutqed he boo,n.mo ~OI turo Ilild moody. wbrd tI. W ,dker , d oell!E'u Bill ' Allo w '1_ P illn ... ·,. ~lf ll 1'0. , and th o roocl - hn t la, It h e klll't going an d Ahll londlld aklltully, mucb to the tlle woll'l' 013 t.h~y crowded. aga.lnst an d Kntb lyo s h art cOl'1'espondlngly M. AD dQ r~ () \I I@!lpp o ltll ~d I\Xtlou to r, I} nn $ 10, 00. J ohn W. ~ \) I\ w h tl n , ~\lpp ll "R .,.... j , ,,!r ..T *4 ~5 Oh io, rorward nil th rougb t ho ' nls ht, wblob. I nBlo nl ~hlD lit ot tbe h lllmllIl, Then tllu door. 811ill1nl! the sill:' beavy, Thn colonel, Rrllcl1.namubn l nad Th o colon I was qu ite obtl vlol1.8 to ). K Br O\9U IIno E.i::; . Co nk.li n tlr 0 I Ull r"U ~' I I I'11 ('"Iv ,.ri 1.• I'lp,' %l ull. I O by the WBY. wal!. nctly '",hlLt the o &- sho sw ung t ho butt to Iler shouldor .' O~fj " lt W o 'N., ••J1 ..."I"rv nlld "x tute Ab Dllld did, nut Kn!hlyn's o.uM· Md fired lI ll a t tho lodge wher e the AhIf1(ul bod found tit hOl'ijcS bDI~ n \ this ch:mgo. Ho Bwung h la legs tree HpJllll nted "PJlrl.l ~er~ d07.en mll ll'i nWIl)" nIH! Ihoy fl ltd or the prl mll iv st1 r rups nntl wbls tl ed J o bl\ I. , Bro wn, II i< ll\hnltlls I.rll lor Il\'n jj~". ;o; e" I". r ,v -'0 11 lo ri<' R " t1 t O6.Ity l h nl'st morn ing ncutrnllzOO the pn nth ra ha ll Inst be 11 60en , nd.-'antllgo gnl n d. T he hlllmnn c ried out 10 tl lorJD n.n d tIJrllHb dills thlC'VI;g nali\'~~ Round ly Ule a Irs w bl b bad beon IIO I/u lar In wll,h t be W i lt IIn I1WC~ ~ ll f Lhtl tl~ I " tll ' $ 117 , \I .1 Ii . I I \lUI,Ar. ~,: I"r v RM ' A grou p ot Illasked dAncere. pori po.. , 8cuUlI'c1 n'way to tlls h ut, W he ll be aud hlRi Ul d I~b.) rl ht kind at ten r In I America at til tl mo Or bls depar turo. "r Sllnn"h Sm i' b , tl >1crtl~erl. pl .. lp_l l' lI" pl,. ill '110 I· fi " H" r.' , $37 nu • ' h" •• Tllere WIlS 110 lJghtll 88 In tbe ex· II ff VI!. Olnru E. H KrldY a t n l, de-, " 1,, 1 n••"., .• " I " j\ \ ' • "" I I " r HlI l' X tatto, waa the CRUSe. ollUdant thnt poerod forlb ogntn Knthlyn made a t h Ir \)reMts. At rillo pnln t they ba d they had outs trIpped pursuit. sbo sow rr londly gooturo wid ho oppron.ched lorced tllo n. ttv 6 hlle k to Lbll rest 111'l'salons or Ruma bll l an d Pll ndltn. flmli llutf . l\itlelo ltllldi~ flHtn lJ lI"hlld . $~~ 77 W,. !,.·. ""k~ r. !l J'I 'I>! " WI r\l A, n o r enson ·wh.y she IIbould not wltMa" tlmldl y_ Onco mor o eh o poloted to the 110U80. Tho ern k or til Ir r ifles aoo n 'I'll y wore about 10 lOBO th 9 whIte C lurh or \l rll rll~l~ tr.,t. I10f lIllmt! in Unlll lll .. " '1'", ' ,,~ b ltJ , "II ~ 6 Wllfreu ' n nlll.y (]UI'llUt :l~IOU p rs \ '"111 .., , Imr l " " 1I11 IU" "" \.1 '1 :"hl (lIIAPTER tv-lcbu Bruce. M Amc.r1· the dlWelog, dliRt. nt lhe vlcturo ot llJo rest h ous e; onoouMad to Kn Itlyn thnl 111<> drend prop lo torever. oll d tlJ y lIud grown to 1, . , \).1"' 111 [ 0., & I (,al ~ . ber Ut.. Row Umbnllo cnmn upon th om alll'l· a nd tben. by many staba of hl8 fing er of wolves WA-A n thin g or L\I<> pURt. Sho love. na. )'. wor~ h lp th In, MorQ. tbey Vl<, tllll'nh Mllrgll r et Bm i HI at" nl. t. ,w"slil l' f4 DIt'l tribut.10ll .. r. l:o. , C"l tI 'f ... I :" " r l t-! C\lM" "~ 7 [ill must r lurn to rnee th y k new not ' tl os IIIJpro v ed ca.\PTJIR V-T he elcphnnl "'hl ~h Cl\r· deol y. II~A a thund orbolt, cOllfiacntlng In tho nlr. ho Aucoecded In making lhe wl~ I y f(, tr:llll d from l' counting h r ,,'ha t. II rod • R II "" u . 1I1 lur II n rll' X, $4 26. =:.~=:u~ ::n~o! t;::u~~1 ';::.r:r.~ the elepbants : how they fl ed to n oelll'- way bnck s uffic lelltly c1ea.r to Knthlyn. As tor A btn d. h e dl""lnyed hl8 or:· 10 til e ID litter of I,ho e~t,.t.. or 'l'Y Jlliwr" 'II~ Ih ·t ,· .rUl lOl l ••. I.v,,' __ of tile puU'. by templo. brlheli tbe dan cere tor 'I\'ho smiled. sbouldor cd lhQ Tlfl e Ilud ntalls m by nl' Dellring uneODC rnod. Annn L ' lIuOk, rleo.msed I:laltl~ "' li t .. , ["r. ' ·" ;, ' Htl . ',f ~ 11''' ''-. $rd ~ ~. Vl-6he take. r etlJgo In ft. mQ.Aka and gnnnant8, n d RUn tnrther strode confidenUy down t.he w l u dl n g -rr US II' ...• POIo!1 IJ,. ' n, ll Jo! ht ",d Hil bad mnlle UI/ II IH mind not to fir tlru "IJ :,J rov 11. nI1ne4 tempi .. bull.blll b ..""" I. th e ubod " Into the wooded hl.llll; nnd hid thero patb ; but a l80 s h o '\I'BS nl8rt a nd w"l or fI ,n lN, $011 ihl • . j.; I) 'I ,," klH tu rn ~o Anl e rlc" wit h hI li nlns l r. lot II HOD aDa ahe te 'foroo4 to II from It. ,,1t.b amnii nrmB ~dJ. n Oede but little wooohtuL In tb n rn IUll r o f tho ·'st'It" Of fll tirl<l " 1(1 " . " . "" , $ 1:). :l0. Th ere wus much t o do In .AlInhn unll . l' CIlAnD VU-6b1> find, a r t~ll l In tomng. Umbnljil Nlturne., to lhe olty Tboro We.& oot a bit of ru"t on the .J 1n1 l/ij V. !:Iliulunson to ~ i\(Il!\r. B Idd ArUl I' n ~(l, b t'ill ~" 11 1111 r u,,11 ""I",IT~ the Bpl rlt of in t rlguo hnd Inld firm' bolll ;r:J~~onb" to tlUl·. lnIO the h,,"d~ ot ,Iatts fled. Ito hod nt leMt deprived l1f1e Bnd the facl that one bullet hlld' $0'7. lf1 , t:h ll r l , '~ 11 Il hh", ol'l mllr 'IIllIH'1 or him. H e wuntod to b o n ellr a t bOlld IJ! "B~iA'll eo i~ r dUo~d t ~500 0 1 c them or their D1 f111111! of travel. Soooor IIPl;'d SlI)oot hly convlnced h01" that t ho Uti 1.110 go suit.. $100, when Rumoh.\1 strltcll hIs blo w. H e ~t:ftolllRmr:ttl~'}.W!J,':. 1~~.r0::,~l:,t t~ or later th!)y w uld fOll1'lJ\1lf In tb e Jun. wea\lC)n wnB eonlco.llle. Somo (!lU'e M Real eSlalC Transfen UQIH r HO I I.fo l -N., 3 'wl th Or" . wOllld bren k t ho 11 w~ to th olollel ;v.\I&.lIa. ....hO. tlndlnll' bor '1II1 Inou b· gle. hllt:lr of th n.r rt vnl ot tho young I' hllntnr hlld ouco possessod It, for It SI1Mb b"toro th oy ".d lcd. . P. M. lilith ' t-o J W Ftshe r lo t 1,:0 011< BrHhu, ( '" fu r " rl· nt.lo n of ber lnto tho dungeon with daughter. ond r t.um. wn.a nhundnoUy oiled, To whom hod It WitS (ou r o'c locl( wh II t ho cara"n n No 26 nlHJ p urt or lut N o . 27 Iu nrdJ r ll,t1!1 lor ll1l1l1li IIl' b 1111 ·~ n n' Abnl od " ' liB grove. LAI 11\I08h hnd It belonged ? rt Wt:18 of German m nke ; 1l01lH.rS l.ik,·, l \j'oI rll .. hl 10 No "btp entered t b IIttlo seuport lown. A f \V IJnlla rvlllt<, Ohio , II ~~J:,ec-at'. III ...cuod by Bru"" 1OIl8- Now that the 8Jtpeclltlon ha4 bllt tbnt s lgnlfted nothing. It might ~ nll pott,loll dinll<l ll ill r llrl .. ill 11:v"rs t romp. Rloamery Iny II ncbor .. d In the W. W ltltlliu g er t, F b' il2. <lfl r ~ lcl practically fnU nd. his Jll uc' WIl8 bllCl< have helong d to aD lIlngltahman, ,. offin g. A OrlUs b nng d rooped froln th e lot No .9 I III Frllukllu, Ulli n, iolH50. Brirl ll " .ltl ~ h ll ~t "r r "'" 1,·n,1 11.0",, 11\ x.-caJonel Bare aJao III ... - In lb shoe Rho p In 111 ' hILZlUl,re. V.s. lITeoohm an, or n RusalnD ; more JlkQl l' rO,,(\ 11l H"r l~ 1I ttl W Il~ll lt) $·11.\12 s tl'm f 00 of th e m. This III an t n om· mb&l!&, With .oldie..... ,lo.r ts In J ohn S. Bnrd " n ~o U. !., Mill .rd Ah med WI\.8 .g rnv .1-1 was 0180 a trtfl~ th Inttor, Blnce thl9 W Il8 oue of l be Kathl)'ll III .\rUck by 0. bullet.. buy ; IInll Bombny, In t urn. m on t Su z. dlab<lllrwned, Tho fnk Ir had 811ld that 100011 tle8 wh or o U10Y orossed no d r& l :i() "ores in Franklin to\Vn~ t1lp liDO. ! cnu:l'TB!Jl x:t!-T'he ruR1Uves o.ro Il"vBn ther e would b mnny dlsnppolnlm nlB. cr088IJd wltll Ihelr note book8 to b e tho 1I1edltenun an , nnd tho broad At. la; tile pel&ce of lSo.J& Kbo.n. U I!:. Urnm e r t o U . V. B ~() Wll, tol, la nUe . . bll t thnt In tile nd . • • He mlgbt be uHllzod agnl,;.at that dlty wh lln till! xn-eupp\l04 by carnelll by 1/11' was stili nnd Ilot, for the In- aile f Oil . tit Interes t III 76 ri.Oril ~ i ll TIIQ '&IIi' ltable -PliDae. th .. y ItBrl ror tho n .lInr IIk( nil tho other Hlndu8. Yet Uoar dropped do~ n trom tbe north Dnd d Ian summ er Wll.8 now beg.l nnlng · to UI l.ro,·e ek tllwn 'hip ,:.1000 ' lIUt aro c:aptur&d by brlBllna-, U m - Rll ro ly on parlor his f? retelllng was tackled tbo Lion. W . •f. Beel t o Frllnk ArC'hdelloDo Iny Its bn ruing hond upon thl B grent < J!l1lI'IIU8 to the lair or Ih o blUl' Knthlyn lind to go down to tb e verY. 'dIta. 1iiaIt. tile CQIOMI ' Il prl llOnur Ilnd correct ; IUnllY dl8t\JIpollltm\llllB. . 1) nlnsulll. Tbo pl\le du st, tlie whi te Ill! 17 110re~ III lJ!tmro,eek townllhip. .... arua. !U'4 KathlY.II klllod. ' . "Klt," said b or to.t?,er, "Abmed bottom. or the raVine. She mus t fol: 'No Uce Is haMh, s h'en by Iho UOllnl i,f stucco of. th o buildIngs. blind d the Ilo E,luctltlou III Way no Tow".lllp tlch." ,l 1I1a~. - . ..... 3 XIn-'1'be bandits QU ftTl'61 w~:n e d you no~ to 8top. loy.. the Ilont patb, no matter wb ere It E. Klpp ~ P e try R ' lm ohr !!mnll IrlCI, oIil>rron Co\ln ~)I . UhlD• • hul '!" Ih" oye. tIIe mone" paid . thorn by Umballa I om eorry. wounti. ror this ulUmotely would lend 4urtq the I'Onl'wllon K il th ly l'l "nil Tbey proce ded at once to the slnglo trllot ill I:IllrJltO tvwnsblp MOO. 20th day of March. 191 5, . _ p o l an4 ,..turn to Alloh ... They It wnll 011 tbe til' of her tongue to her to the rest houso. · As sbo started hotel, wberQ th ey found pl ellty ot \LC. t; F , Bro wn l~nd wife to S , ('. . - a t a plan to ....,..,u.. th .. ""Io n lll J'Qtort tbat bls own ()Ill' 10881108S was up the aool' lncllne througb t be ceuIlr's tIo epoelal oltlethlll wlll bO 1I~ l rl III Wayne co mmodation. Then tho colonel hur- BrtMan l n~ N Il 13 iLnd 141n ' " u1h 'r"WI18hltf ,uQI urn tlct. Wa""rl t"' un ~y . I C8Al"l'JDR XIV- Th o cOlQnel I. nQml· th e b&lltc ClII\8e of th~ Illlr. ult: bul sbe nnd pines, sbo he~d the bark or tb e r Ied orr to the ClIlblo office I1lld wlr d Pork . uhdiv\ 100 t o Leb"non, $HO. ~~:it~ do,onn1l1u tllC IlIlIo",lug OjUOO tl.'OI . taal!Y ltiU. 'but .....lly a Il ri OMr. It Is remOmb red In tim wbal her tatller wolf. t!1e red wolt who hunt ed in ~ to 11n4 .. brldo for him. K .. th· WInnie . •Next h e . sc rlalned thal tb.'e S. U Brl~'1 1l to C. G p . ull lot8' I,t. Shall tho lICIIoolx of Warne Town. hlp .". p.bIl! a _ to th .. -palace. In 41. · ha,~ bOQII tbrough" ,. . pncks of twenty or thIrty, In realty I3rltlsb sblp Slmln would welgb ancbor No 13 Ilu(l i 4 III 8oa~h Purk ~D h 8chllOI l)I, trlo' . W.. rtult CoUO IY. Ohio, 110 _4 b ... ""QUe Ill...,. arc succeell· There II! 0. village not rar. remind· tar moro me nacIng than a. tI~or or 8 "')len the tnuuTjI l eoJ).... d. e1ic!'-I!O the follO wing evening to~ n ombo3' ; dl ~ Ittlon t u Leb"lIlo", Onlo. It CO~~';t~i"1~" 1 Ulu 11011(\8 QI Wa ynn 'l'owll. hlp ftC th, lIOurt Into coofuslun. ' d Ahmfld. "TII y aro ~ frlelldly peO- pnnther. elnco no hunter could kill a 'l1ht m en hl\d WOrp' t hat th ~f,e ' tb l)'y' could phl k up tho Delbl, I I~ Pllol' ""I" wlfa to W.. cW>o1 !q 1~p·IO t. "'''rl'l.... COuu~y . Olliu b" ()X.porlf)p~ell. pl0. . It I ~ Quito ))08slb)e, wUb tho whole nack, • --. , ~, " . . II • • · I \ 00 III tllo ~1I111 .. U IlIIIQu.lt 0 1 130. 000' 00 ~ XV-Purtnlr lb. ~Iq ~_ h Quod Jo~ Engll1nk!. l'hl)1\o wqs poth· l'Ot.tlt, I~ tcil No. 13 Ill)ti l.a In \lqtb wltl~ wJ.lch ly pro\'IUO l ulllolan .. (UOl!. (0 u.. ~&lid Bnioe ~.. ltatltlni and h ... monoy we hnve •. to buy some . ~orllC8. To tblS wolf. wben hUnting bis kill. ·e nou~l1. Ing t UTt hof t~ (,II) but "" nlt ra t .thEl , an"" ' rk ,,\Ib Ii v\"\o o .• () •....- 01~'I • u n, /" a ~ III""Wu on(\ J\O~ hIghD I..(rI~t. ' ",,,t ~ &lid ~ _ ~ awaF. fI'oIII Bm~l1 but sturdy, , I~ut there II "one the t-Igef gnve wl.d e b erth: the bElt:l' .A.f1.e r a hMly' meal the' Jou~ay ~ roo .;.. b In, I!b lluIlIlIDg..!.!' yuo O"""~ 'l'owtl.·\I.hlp Stlhool SWl)r ,~q the colon I'll coble t,O"Willllle, ' W arreu ""UtllY. blo? tookAo his ' CI\VO nnd 011 <tl ee~ tooted ward the sel~l/ort belun I.ll earnest. ' which would arT:\ve 8on\Qw)) ore Ilbout $.1 ) • s"la Blli!cl af Illec ~lo D ·... 111 ho hold 01 11•• , .. OB.Al'1'~· XV1-The colon 1 l ll"'MI th'" t thing) do not undel'l!wd. 8abl.b. Umbal la 's a tt ack' had ,thrown them' far J U, BrOwn, "",l'drur., wl ~p 'be 'l'ownMlIIIl B ouoc In WaYDllll,' lJIu IIl . Wa~uo "And what le tl\aU" aliiled tho colC). thlnge pr tllo ju~gles fled In. pnllio. ,JIbt YQun,.r (lAugh'ttt..... Wlnnlc. III "'boul to ar' -ve In AUnIla.. ·.'no parI), Jnllf ne)'ll wllllll1u"xt.'d nf the e~ t,,~ ..· or HUII- 'l'owIlOJIIIl IIcbool DlstrlcL• • War",u CouU'Y. out. ot; the r.· gular truck. They. "'Qro noon of the next dny. ne.~. . Kf\tblyn ellmbnd as raptdly os she :bAc,k ..Q AU&l\a. "I1nlll" arr1Y~ 1k110rd ... I h " d d " Qhlo. PuUs ",UI be open fmm ~ , IO A. &I , And that answer struck thQ beflJ'l8 lilAb ..,m t , 60eR~ A , plh lrltlff V@ UD ~U G:OO P. ~t\ . SlllDdani Tlmo. \bey (10 an4 waJIt. ,nlo tho Imp p ""puro(\ The readlnels with which Umballa could. Sbo dnro(1 not mount n tree for oow compelled to mnke a wide detour. tor ber by Umb~ l,," WInnie I. rOwnoo gMe ,up tbe pursulL It'a~, 100S walk; 'the red wolf woulll outwit h ll r. 'Sho Wbere th e Jl:iurney might bave been . or all of ths m with the coldnetl8 ot, ( ~ lllr .. E. Harl ",-, (It. AI, r1 HftlJldtlDt!), I G80 . .J. ~U'l' U , queeo. Kathly.n anll ncr tilth ~ 'nt tentl I n death. Olballa bnd b o.teo. thern, QIar.\lI8O ""d m&ICo thler IJruee oo known lot UII be gQttlng forward. muat IJq on. Tho bark. or yelp. hall made In thre e days, th y would be WInnie had 881\ed we~k8 ogo for Alia- TI&III tu lotI! NI1. (il ,ud 52 In Le" ri..... ldcnt L1l1anl or Etluclltlo n " ' II"ne Townonon II! reginered, oll/p S hooJ O~LrlcL. War.... u Cuuuly. Ohio. to .tbe tarrUIo4 ' alrL Lute tllf\t afternoon they were all beon II algl)nl, hu.t now there cnmo to lUCKY now it th y r each ed the SQa un· ha hi 8earch of fathor aDd 81atQrl Ad~ ·-U. tiC John to A I). , JIl~s8 I' RED O. GU. M()UIl. ' ft&mo.bla, however, was a menace; mounted once more, on str~ng. traeta- ber oors UIO long howl. She ha d der flve. The men took turn8 In stand· Ahm d 81)at out hIs betol nut BUd 0., .l, Clerk Boanl EducaLlon WArConelluly. 'l'ownllhlll and, Umballa wondored bow b~ W8.8 blo pontos, wllh water and provI810~. beard It oft n In the gTeat forests at lng ' waloll wbene..- I' they n:!nde camp. Bl\unred bls should reo Somebow b )" & 00 "l\ln 85re8'. Ll'b"n"n. .. ... II llehool01Dlatrlct.. Warreo 0 1110. !:\amnel P~ al Anti wife to ,Mary. March II-IL • IrOUIg to lay ~old' of him. Wbllo wnlt· And the spirIts of nIl rose accorc1l1l81y. homo. It \\'ns the call of th e puck tit'at and KllthLyn a nd Pundlto had no time had rother ' expoote d eometblng like 1111' h18 e1epbants to bo harnessed Even Ahmed became cheerful tboro won to bo , a kill She mlgbt fOr idleness. Tit y bnd I ained th Ir t bJe. The rf1860n for Umblllla'8 balf- P(Jtlar, ~2 ,78 aorell io 'Ta.rtleOfQek .....!!!!!!!!!!!!"'~~~=.~'~~~~'.~~~~ ro wn 8hip $J ~ - - - - -.-. ,- - - ~ be 8ummoned t,bo Council. Rnmn· "We'll mue I\, pleuo Oodl" saId ahoot hnlt n dozen of them n.nd the less oos;. no more cnr el SAlIosa, n otb· h eaded pursull Blood 10rth clWll'ly. bare property mUlt bo conascnted nnd the colonll!. "Olve mo a t.e)olfMlph of· Ilvtng rond tho dead but ~be mn1n Ing but t bo. B'IBrpest vlgllanoe from Ewing Bltwtlton to · Wm. Moore "S.Mlh, It 18 talc." he seJd. ' ''We , Ra~~a1 .put ~ dent,b. Hero for tho floo. That's nll 1 nel)d J\lBt now." paok. would follow o~ nnd over lake now on . 50 6('r611 In Unton to\l!nllhtp '2950. One day. ru~ th o pony cnravan made must r eturn at once to Allah&. Troly, ftN,t time the COuncil !iatly r tuse(l to "Two daY8, 8Ilbltl," Bald Ahmed, "we her. he CUTse or that old gu Tn sticks lIlie M,,~tle M ~' Mbiford to Ray Freez., t ran In. with Umballa's , plans. And will reach ~e lea," , • Sho ewuog on upward, 'catohlng a II. tiJm round u r l).gged pron\ontory. tho blood leecbes of the Dengal a 1Iorell ID ~eo liB, T . 4 R. 4, ~l. they suddenly paused. P erhnps twen' They rede aU through the 'llllJht, 8npllng hero, a 11mb there, Dulllog-b 1'tlley &81'0 very good roMons. Yo.e. s:wnmps. But a8 you bo"e faith In F MId M. O. d.robdooOl\n to J. A Bamaba1 WIUI a· monaco. 'but till the ltoPP!n« only a.t dawn. for brealdut IOlt over hard bits· of going, Once ahe ty miles to Ih l! west lay the eme rald your gUnl. 1 have faith In mine. ' Not Frey 50 acre91n Ul e "toreelt ,owoablp tinte d P rsl on gult. The colonel .,Idlery wu:tully PIll4, to touch' Rnmn',1 and .ft cat nllp Mter. ~hen forwnnl turned, lind firod a chanco shOt Sn tho a hair of our !lends shil.ll be barmed." $11 • Iial .WOUld mean the burst.l ng fortb 011 aaa1ll tlll t~ey ()Ilmo ,upon a hunter's direction of tho bowllng. Far nway slipped o rr bls horse. d~a gge d Katblyn "I am a "ery ml8erable man. Ah· ) O. Vlllarll ond wlte ' 0 MI •. Itnd BUIMI Arnold AdtnloI91rali1~. etc. the blddoli tire and they would 1111 be reat houae. deserted. Here they agreed camo tba( ronr of one or the mounWo trom he rs, lind bllgon to execute a. meal God hll.8 fersaken mel" The E. C '1 ..l'It: 2 LrIlo~ ea8~ of Ltlbll Arm, trallll McCray t III coninlmed. ' I to I!pond the night. Beyond the reat lions; Dlld tho po.ck of red wolves b& bornplpe. 1:1e was IIko a boy. colonel spoko with stoic ca.lm; he WB.S 000 ; $1. "The lien , Ktt. the sen! llome and Q .... No. IU ~2. "Open the traaeury door for me, houBe were balt II dozen sca.ttorod mad oame I\uddenly ' and magically silent. more IJke the man Abmod "ad forme~ R P. Rosnagle to C" til. Cramer then I " huta, oocupled by natives Wbo protond· Kntblyn mndEl good UBO ot this inter- WinnIe : out of U1 la devll 's cnldronl Iy lolown. By Vlrtuo 01 oD l,rder or aaJe, duly ltIIued 67y' /\.orElll In <:Iollrcrtlek townl'h1v, from . a/I Oourl. lu U•• abevD ltatOO CUO. uti ,"We dare not. The koepers unde!' e4 trteodUnoBB, lulling even tho ke n val. Dut· presently tbo 1lllOk rllls\ld Ita You will come nlOllg with us. Druce ?" t.o m o dlreot.ea. 1 .. 111 pller for oaIu. b1 .... y or "No•. A)lnh hns not foreaken; be 1mB tl, "1 h'avon't o D ~rtb l n g else to do." PUUtl ·· aucllon. on Iho prem1_ In Oorwln, itan4. They .:Would 10088 the I OPllrdl. ~med IJlto a 8ense of aecurlty. But howl '''''I.ln. Anti she 'know that tbe forgotten U9 for a. time." And Ahmed ..l... ",._ cn::~~ ) \U '"ilr WarreD COUQty. 0010, \>0 . ' G t·orge W. ond ,.l. J . 1'IJ\oo '0 wbloh ,we dare not MOOt. Tile Inw ' at dawn, whep they a~ke cheerrully strodo out, to make the arr~ngements " to pIck up tho trail. thoy rOund their !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~ Job n B. Bf"Ir{tot) 22~ aor~d In. )' rllnk. for the re turn. , . . : ·..what Is til,?, ~w to ulr' d~motided bora~8 AlId provlHlontl gone. ~~ I O'clock l', M. I em ....hl dBY. the lollow· .. "Bruco," Silld ~() colonel, "It Ili'tlme Jln j,ownl'btp $}3,500. ' . fDo NOI Gripe -' IJ'he colonel. IlrtlCe and .A hmed, sUII I ,11mballa tl'8.nkly.. "Lot ua .mnke 10wII J!l, 11', fio ovar. to Aonll 'S , Lti,~, 60 In!! dQIICribod rcal ""talc \.(I-wi.: tor 'yoo to leave liS . .You n're a man. .. t!ILIIUIe<J In Wllrrou Ooul1l)' 111 11m WlIO of W. ha ... a pl-o, lUaUve that will to . Jiutt .our neOOs. /the white mnn armed. , n9"or l1a-vlng . pormltted tho You "ba ve s tood by us through thlok Borea we~~ of 'Lebdnoll, Ohio, IGOOO Ohio. Ublog Ilar~ 01 Mlln'" ,. Numll\lrod au • Vll'1Ilnl. M lIIU1ry ' I....nd •. B_"I'luohlg al " poloi .• d008. ind we nood mOney: we need rlllQ' !Jut or tb Ir keeping, Bot out do JII" what. 10U want" to do. B ' Y.· WnltllrB li nd wife to nnll nnd th in. I cannot osk YOU to share In tltu road loalllng from \Y-.),rJeavJ,' lo t.o \VJl· each other." pohitlng a finger eug. grtmly 10 Ilursult ol .lho thieves. wblle '.0<1 U lee\ from Ill" ""olar or lho noy of tile dangers whIch now cC/nfrollt -I. 1.,llRf 32 50 nores ollar Green t.re e; inlllltWu. Lililo Mh.ml 11811......... aud rUnulUII t~11IDC.'tl sesUnl,toward thQ 11001'. • '. Kalh.l yo· proceeded to forage on hOI UB. perhaps more sinlstor thnn nny we u ooo. w, tell thoUllDda of \him and wl bh tbu ,mld\llo 01 _aid Wayn",n'llio aDd Wit· "Only when we hlI,V6 the troops," re. own Inltlntlve. e. P . Eloo ve~ to 'CII rrle' B H O('Vllr .nln gt.oll roail,Soulh ti8~ d.tI"- E. 1 ch. and 'han nlVer ••A a better nmedy for the b a "e yet known," 8~ lhik. to " poln~nutlJl.Dg with Iho .... I .,Ile plied the Comcl1 ftrmly. "We bll"e She came prese ntly upon a magnlli. boweli. Bold only by ua, 10 cent.. . 01 "Don't you want mo?" asked ·Bruce 4:1 tlOre!! In l"!oo • .;. : r 2 . li 6. $1. au .. lIoy III the 'J'owo 01 Corwln, Tllan"" bent 'our heaali to your wtll so far hi cent ravIne. , balf .amlla In depth. ~1 d"lrrooa E '000 chaIn &nd 101100 "" QuIe tly. ' Ano,' B. OU"i,ll$h t.o L D 0111 aN.. woe. J. E. Janney. J. E. Janney, , anJ'YlI\~. but we refuso to sncrlflce There was D. broa.d ledge some nileen lot In lJ~bl,n D, OhiO, Jl, Tboni:<l N. b "" degroos W. 2 oh&l.,. and 18 Kuthlyo. hnd gone to her room to th_ ,hea4a beoauso ot a personal teet belov,.'. It was ovldontly u8ed as -"!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!"!!!~~,I I/uh to " .wn€> stan.lIog as 1001 from mid, 'hide ber tWll'S, Pf)rcy Bnrnbert. to,l. W uuo E. 1. 1)1001 ..Id L1"lo Miami Hallrolul . lbe TheUCII . ap!t8 8pSnet Ramabal. whom we a gOllt path, tor nenr at hand 8tood a "Want youl But nol" The colooel Dumfnrd los No 3 .. Del p .. rtl! of lotI! plU"lllIol wIth IIIld M.Uro.... II. ~7~ dog..- · tranldy and wllel, ~ear. We dllre not ahepbliJrd's hut. SUrrod by the IIplrlt W""I 2 oh~tn. ,",d 50 IIDka \.() Ihe ""0 Qr bewrung tbe ' young man'l! bo.nd and No 2'Ind " I. Cafr'lI udclitlOtl ' tn slnnln, tclltaitilbg one hllf actIl. Ic~ , m_ brea)l 'lnto the treuUIi'. Tho ke epers 01 ,Inte,tigatlon. she mado prepara. 'Ule anll bcllllf more J'OCIluUy deecrtbed by ~be • · turno<! ·to go back to Ka.thlyo, 'prlllgboro. Obio. $1. are un~r1b.ble; tho prtllllts are wltl\ tlonl for dosoent by nUnohlng tbe rol)4! real. llII ~o"" appraloor In \lHVD) ... Lot Number - · ..·Wn'lt a moment. colonel. " Rnn·nn.~ · 1 :A. D, ~hn\l.~ .t o f~ ,: ~nd C I, "0" In ;rool W. , JoboftOl\. addllloa "" tbe vU· U!SIlt. and t1te peop'e nre with . the 8be bad brought along to a stout bod of Corwlo." • . Ing I wonted to go, whllt then 1 Koettel2Yu aoro~ tD Unio.U\lWDllblp IftllO Tbe """I'OI~ .treet on tho Soutb 01 oald pl1elta;, Brlill back ' t~o white man nnd der. , ,I, .,. pOBlng .' ebould IIBY· td you "'liat I dare $L. orolJer~y 1tt11 .. rv~y.burg Road. ou ~he W.,., hie daulhtar. Ih'Bt; If tha.t Is ImpeaRl. Panthers! Ital road Avo,. Lhore bOlull 00 Btrool. 011 11'0 not yet IIny to y.our daughter, thai I Ella Ii . l:5ewatd to A. V. Sool>k No~h o~ . ou \1\0 SNIt ot lbOn i1OtM;rlbed bl., marry thll aO<lond daughter. nnd They were coming up the pnthwa, . We are offering ' this "Family Group" at a ri diculously low price · . . love her botter than anythtng el8e Ip l'l'S 67 , .. cre~ In U olon town~hlp J)roperty. we W1JJ orown ber; ~nd U1en yon mllY bellirid her. It would bo simple enough g Said roat oo'.tobll8 boon .\'fgularly "Ilpraloed all thIs wide world; tbat It will be $l. undor onler of ~be Court a~ (12000) '1'""u work your wm UpOIl Rainnhn.1. . You to descend; bu~ how to get baQk to the happ1oe88 to rollow where~er sbe goell dO~"" aod "tu no~ be IOld for 1_ aZiDe Ella B. SAward tn A V, Snook ThllullAn..r have faUed In all dlrootlons 80 far. rest houa01 Thero was no time tcr th~lI two·thll'lt. of apllral""" ".Iuo. • • • even unto death'" Torma:-Caab. L7:l 67 aore8 10 U ilion townsblp ·Suooe.ed .but once' and 'We are ready to plan; Ibe must net nt once. She musl The colonel wheeled. "Bruce. do you , 11,000, WALOUON 0 (I JLMOUU • follow you." drop down to the ledgo and trust tc and the ~'liQmi Gazette at the exSberll! W tllTea Oouuty O· mean tbat?" . "L.natiOn ... U amlltoo' AUy., . • ~. E . ivins . 0 Ed "nd E.' to. Ii~ua. M~ 2'-O~. oUmballa. choked back tbe bot, 1m. her star, tremely low , price • "With Ill! my beart. Ilr. But pl_e " periOu worcta wbleb crowded to his Sb~ cllllod cut loudly Il8 sho Bwunll ley one "ors 'on pike b et'l'een Ridge SIlY' nothing to Katbl,n till this dah;' · lips. Thoae woro plain. unvarnIshed downward. Tho sbl)pherd camo run, Th~ Mlapli Ga zette . . ... , . . . . . . . ,$ 1 00 ) enc!s, one ' way or the other. Sbe might ville and W llyn88vllJe, .o)liq. II, ~tI. aud lle'JJluat bow to tho Inevita, Jilng oUl of hla but. dllm(ounded· al W . I'. Hendren Mllry .E. 'Blln. be. 8Urred bi Ii len8e, of ~tltude. and All for McCall's Magazine .. . . .... ... . .. . : 50 . II , ble, however dlatllsteful It might. boo what he saw. later , regret It. . When We get out or f'ren 100 lAores In S,.lem tllwDshlp ." One McCall Dre:?s Pattem. ·. . . . . 15 , ONLY All Kinds of , , 'I'or,t1ie:'p~ellt, tl\!Jl1. llamllbeJ should .thls-'-e.lld i \ rather belie'l'e In. ' 'the CHAPTER ~VI. be ~Itted to aro ullbarmed. . But Marrlagc L1cenaea ' Home Life.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ~ prophecy o't Abmed's guru or fakirRamllbat mJallt dlo suddenly and aothen 111 IIPeak, .1 ~ave al,vay. been People'-s Monthly ... ': . . _ . Normal ' C. nett • . farmer of , c*l~taJlTl lIi the recaptnre or tho poloThe Coron~tlon of Winnie': ratber a 'iooely man. Tbere's been no GerWltntow fl, Ob(o, to Mba Erml\ lI..e1 ~b. · ~n aooldeptal death would With the. asslatance .of tho sbophard ,r eal good reason. " ~ have always .d e: E , Welser Ilf Franklin, Oblo. Rev. :'certatDl, ex~]lh any volcnnlc fires Kathlyn went down . the rope ogllel, Total. . , ......... . .......... $2,4)5 , ) a aired to be loved .ta, my own uke. and A, J Kestle, tbat, .moldef.ed under Al.Inh&. 80. with and safely. Once firmly 0.0 her foe~ not for the money I have." .thi.·..ecret determination 111 mind Um- she tut~ed to thank ,the wlld·eyed hlU . Erneet D. Nloely fllrmer, to Miss "MOlley 1" repeated . the ooloneL \larule "THE GREAT FAMILY GROUP" ))ana set forth; •, ' m n n . But her bost Hindustani (0J14 G"y Ro.Yston, both or Frank. Su~~r to Never hod be ' In any WIlY associated which ..o .... l.ta 01 theae thr_ .Ahmed, 1tJII mtnd 'bulY wlth··iI, thou· she wu able ~o speak and un~erBtnnd lin, Uhlo. Bev. A.ythur Cooper. . , F. E.' SHERWOOD thIs healthy young hunter wIth mon07. wen-known In D.Kszlne. - ..U · 118tllt, ~lnp. ~.o~ ,~e thousand nnd Qlllte a little by now) fel~ o~ care Fred M. Mlohael, . etrlploye of ' '. on.8 lull Veal"'. Vnlue 0' DId he not mnke a buillness or traJ)f\r8t. ,at' that'. atalJe mOllt Importnot 01 1 w~lcb heard but did not seo~e wbal ~In.,. alone, 1\11.00. ' Kln!!8 ~ow.~I\~ , Co .• to · M18~ J1l1ne Over Postolfk'l;, Waynesville, '0. plng and, lelllll8 wild antmaIa. like ' all. aDd th~ , w¥ tile abort 'c ut. a mere , abo said. Tbe mnn, mlld' and h~rmleea ",laO an.v ono McCall ' 7" H' '" hImself? "MonQyl 1 did noL bow .that 6. Wette, both 'of l:Iolitb La,baDoD, O. orll~ 'PI10,"'" . 011... rbo~ 6-1 . pathway Uirousb the :lung.le bU~ whloh 1 enouglj. tor all. his wild oyes, 8bronll P.~...... ~JU:E you haa allT. , B ruce.l' • • Common' Pleas Court ' . . / · lealened the journey" by some Wlrty I' .bMk, for no woman of bls kind bad i,t. ~.IoIl(\:;san.' or Jto41llr ,131'pt:£!.': , : ~i!tI, Atl~ , thla ' pathwnY i:.U!1'blltln ; eV/lr lookod lIk(l .i)lIB.~o.thlyn, wltb 8 New Sui'" TO Jls OON'l'INtlIlD . cbole. . Tbo three boul'l"beadwllY wail ~ea1 of forebodIng, repentod the phrue -----, ~. ~~.--,--~, Itd,D& M. lrotis Vtl W'm , 0, IrC)n8 Il~ ~.E HATBAWA'Y ' thUI pared down to mlliutes aDd O;Dd asked tho WaY back to the hun· .. . . ' " ter', rest bouse. Ho ahok hla 'hend; dlvorce, 111'098 nOleleo' lind "dnltery l1e unl'lel'l!tood nothing,' PhOebe M, TreBlller &~ adm1i1ls. " .rll~rine·. Lelkdln, Den" •• , But. there Ie onEl Iangllsge w'bleh b '.l1he Liver \8 Il blood parrfler: Jt tr",trlx of tH'e esl&te or J Y. ·fre,. (,>floe In KeJ's ' RlalC. "aiD t4 . un!versal tbe world ovor, an~ thnt 1e 111'811 thungbt a' one tilDe It wall tb • 81gn languoRo, . KAthlJ'o qUlcklJ' 1 l!611~ of tb,,' pIl8~ I/' DB Tbe trouble ., stooped and dre w In th e dust tbe sho~ ""II b roo L tJeupla111 tbllt their Uver ' of the rest bouse. . Then sM pol'llted . boolllUll" blaok ,b"c"u~e of Impnrttt~a In the dlrectlon from whene sbe had lu tbe ~blood ' dn~ .0 b'ld pby·.{olll come. He smiled IUld nodded ellclted· .tlltet!, 0111181 nlC B\JIoalnetlil. Bend; Iy, lie mdllntoocl now. !ien, belna aobl': :Olzzinel8' aud (JQni&lp,IIUon unarmed. -ahe ~elt. tho need of . some Or K.IUt(·8 Hew IAre Pi.lI~ will olean 'A t R sort of wea~n. So sho elrew .tlle ,Iibapt ap the l..tver, an~ atve yon new ntP. of \l I1l1e ' In ' the dUlt, then pricluoed :lfin at Y011r DmItri... ' , . fou.r 1'U~. all ,be had. The eh8P, ....~----herd 1JUl'IJl0d dellahtedlr. ran Into thi ·"Made In the U. I. A." hut and returned with .. rtlle ot modWlld·Eyed CUltomer-"r want ern make and a belt of oattrIcllea Ilual'mrr worth of carboUa acl4." With .. ,,,,,ture he ISpUlecl that It wu C1erk-u Tbll .. a hardware ltore. uBeleea to him becata. lit did D01 Bnt w.ba" era aa.1tIIe of ro1*. IInoW' how to be It. r8volYalW, aDd ......"-TII. Rec!arcL He ted tie
You Can
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(IN FORECLOSURE) Warren Common Pleas "",.
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l'n 'S 'U RlInCE .A..B. Chandler '
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Ratel! of Advertising Rca"llIl 1..<",.11, ver 1I111!••• • • • • • il: ... " UI&sl;illcid Ad •. O\l~ \0 UlC.,t)Od -ll ve I u .. D. L. Cra n ' , Editor and M" nURcr. I III.J\lI>Y l;I~~II!l~:IIf,::~lJicli:: Dl8/:ouuta • von
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fOf " abort Lime. .A. PfcaonptiOO which
Written by Our Corps of Able Correspond ents in t he Neighborhood
... &ladly CDdo~,
- ...- - -
W.H. M
J. E. Janney.
. . .~---·------..:..---.,--- ....--.----- -~·f .HARVEYSBURG
- - -...
" .. a.r bdL .•,' t't(uipjll'd hi)1I 't:\'~' r lJ · for· to S Ij)ply y0 l\T lwcds ill L111' Bu il li ll ~;\1 l ri:d lill . J
John Morglln find fblUi\y. of J one and Dllklll,..o tb6 Sl nte of Ohio. CilY 01 Tolrdo, ! Ss Mr . K~sler Gmluiiii, of Lytle, u.nd XenIa . snent 13 .. . unllty lind SCl nduy KlI pa~rlok Frenoh lItptor Iun , of L ucas County, \. MI~!I Edith towe, at l:iprlngboro, Frank J. Cheney makes oa t h t hat he is Lebanon , wer e btl Intiss visitors wer married In Lob nno 'rbursday. with i~. M. S[.llph n~(\nd fllllll1~. otto Mlj rlut l:, of Dayton, Wll tl tbe. senior parluer of Il~ fi l_. of P . J. ~hc n ey of onr olty Ili st Sliturdny. 'l'hey li re They bnv moved In lbe ChilnO\ge ~b g!1est. of Tim M" r18tt Gnd wife I:!ltt; & C.. .. doing I?U8111 r5S In t be CIty 0 1 Otlmplng alit· here for t he Itutoruo )Jro\l(jrl,y lind 'W ill lnl.k o tbifl town Toledo, Coun ty Qud Stale a lor~ Sll ld, nnd bile bu ~lne@8 and t hey ore gottl ng ur day and S ood llY. thMi 'r fut ure bn01El. th"t said fi nn will pny the surn a l ONE i t . Joo !:ILlleli olllllld on Louis Murray H UN ORED DU L L A ~(S for each Il nd . Morrl!! Ornbnm hilS moved on Mr. Bow .. rll t;ollett., of Wlltillng.· bls~r I e"cry case .1 Cn tnrrb that cannot be father'lI f linn nnll Ml. G rtfbll tn Bunda-y. 'oo(l ay hn moved t.o W "yolltlVille . Mead ll UlEls Wllhnm Ilrl\dd uok, nix ctl ~d by lhe use of HAL1.' S CATA RRH t oo . WIIS In oa r v lllnge . sbak ing hunds wl t b bls lOnny on Wiliutoo, J ohn Lovl . AmaH Ju ok . Waynesv ille was the most fav ClIR B. Me~B r8. BonC'e f\o d Wilbur 'lurk fr iend s. FR ANK 1- CH E NEY 80 0, who bllvG bean iok, tire slowly were Itl Du ytun I:!atur dn V. . ored first gmde H igh Scbool 'in Sworn to ~fore me and silbscri bed in Mr aud Mrs . L. M. Sellrs lIud Imllrovlng. p resence. tbis 6th dRY of December, Lll tlt t:mturd uy night oonoluded Wllfren County in being a ssigned sao Boward . of J £lffersonvtlJo, U, Mrs . J :-hn Walter e n j !!Ister, of A. D. 1886. were I:!nnday vlsit urtl of Mr nnd thA eotertulnuu.ots givl\u by WeI! Xonlll, R)Jent SoodllY with Amos the Norma l Training school for (Sea') A. W. Gleason, o CornAll '!'b s last prCJgr.nrll WI1S Mrs . Milton Bowe. Nota ry Public Warren County. Many pe rsons do the bo~t of the tb ree und tho 1111 1\ JIIOk801) und faudly . Hall 's Vatarrh Lure III taken 10. Tho Leotu re g iven at 'fown Bull - - -.... .....- - not s'eem to realize that you ~ave te rnllll y find II Ots dlreotly npnn th e last week Ilnder the d ireot-Ioo of tho wall orowlled. Baijici es tbe pro~ r nru gl vetl by Stok el! Orohest.m there WIIS connection with your school one blood ond muoous lIurtKOOS of t he Clvlo I"'"g ue WUB n suocess . >YllIIt a very good [lro~rlllll r onderell by year of College work . A g radua te Hyalem. SOlnd tor t.e8Um onlale, fr ee. ~h e Olvl o Lengue under t ukes Is f~ go. Mr . Ueorgo Curey tlnd Mr . Wugner They mllke it Il WIll ner . Leta a sis , tWI) v!ludovllle uetot's fr om Now (1'. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. from a ft rst gra de High Scbool who event u a lly . W I'I w ill h ave Ilil York. Sold by all Drog~18' S . 750. ['he undersigned AdmiDistrntor successfully completes this course Ta.ke Ban'lI Family PillA for oon eleotrlo 1I0 ~ t hrongll our town . Mr. Well Co rnell entol· tl~lno 1 wi11 o ff~r Ilt Publlo .A.uc~lou. Oil the . Mrs. Frlink Mills ar ri ved home Messrs. Eve rett Cll1rk, (Ji enn J ohns, Ilr mi~es uf tlle lato Edmuod A. may immediately be given a teach· ' ''pstion r eol' nt ly after Iln a bse noe of sever .. 1 Ellru ofjt E~rob .. rt nnd MiH~os Ethel :'dIlOY, deceased, in W.~ y n el!vi lle, er'li ce~ficate wit hout examination. m ~n'h 8 . . and Edit h . Gr~lhllm . Velmo. mltl!. Uhlo. on The quarters in the present build •. Mrs. Mory Jane Cleave r' wh o has ~ll1 (l r e(l BUroBIU, LU\lllfi McGinnis, Saturday. March 27, 19 15 Ing are .too small and Should tlte been 80 poorly for some time Is r eo Rbr nand Zelrn[L tIlOY, KflLhryn Commenolng at 11l o'olook A . M., present vote on a New Building be ported DO better. Ulark . Annll Smith, M,try nlltl 1£117.9 ' tbe goodll und ob"'tel- of 811 1(1 uece. unfavorable the chauces are tbat it Allinterellted In tbe beUer ruent beth Dlllle .. n1 E\'L~ hI. Pruter $0 a dell ' .oocslst.icg In Plitt us follow8: may be hard to hold tbis p rivilege Bod upllftlog of h u wllnity lire io t~r t be4ter por ty 10 Dr,y f.on I::latunl"y. I:iOfllB8, Bug/:llos. Carrla~e, ~ 1 ~l.ghs' granted by tbe . State. If YOII lose ellted In the terupe ranoe m ovem ent . M illS F lorenO!l MeSbell was ·VIMi.tlul.t \:llnOOI'S , RobeH, Borse Billn\tots, tbi5 dep artment remember tltat your lirE;. Laura Funne ll ba8 re'uro ed I onl.v wlsb 1L wus 80 t ba.t e very body WIth Mi ss Ponrl Moli Ir by ::lundoy, lmpleUlootB und otber lutlolos. boy or girl must go to One of the to her h oma at UlooinOl1tt after a ooold bear Seaborn Wright , of At. M ~a r!l . Oral Sur flloo I1nd OrIlln 'l'er lUs-A 11 llorolll4I!es Ulllounti ng State Norm als at Oxford" Athens, week's - lsU wltb be r pareot! h ere, lan ta, Georgi" We we re preseut 'l'h om p~o n \\tll r '~ 10 Dayton ::loodllY to 16 00 or l e, ~, to be palll In ensb . . G b ' Mra. Joho Webb who WIlS taten th e opl)nlng of t,he Dry-ClunL'fl lgn at Edl;(II r P"tten ri ~urDed hath from :. bove tbat SOUl, 0. oredlt of 6 Kent or B owllng rt'co to get t IS duddenly il\ la8& &bba~b, died a' at Day too lali wee k It was the mon t hI:! will be 1(1 van, the purohuser training. The state pay.s aU the 'her home on E. M/lple I:lt.. Illet Tuell. writers pleasure to attend t his g rll nd II. two woe-Its vlrll t In Clnolnnati. expense of tbis department. 'Chus da y and ~ha fooer,,1 WIlS held a t tbe talk. !jIB mllno or of presen tlDg tile 0 11(1 . E, Johas wnR in Da.yton giving bis n Ole wlt b two tl.Pl)tl)ved seoUl'Hles will be 1100epted . ia Waynesville favored by tbe state. h a Ole Frldl1Y mornlug at 10 o'olock. l.ooa l Op'l<ln proposition WIl!l ve ry unlluy. . 1'errel M. MIlI'l Y, Ad ruinlstra tor. Visit Waynesville school, meet Burtal waa IUflde in 6ellbroot oeme· dlfferen' from the averlL ge tnlk@. \:lenry Foulk!! ond wife nnd WII ChLlS. I:!or raoe, Anot BDd get acquainted with the Normal lar, . At thle meeting t here lIVere 40UU ID bur FOIJIks !tnd wife were vi HlDg W . E. Q'Ndfl.Ii, Clerk. Director. A bOx aoolls I was given al the 'he audlenoe, 660 voioos In t b 13 oholr. In Troy Friday. - - -•• - ••- - ~obool houso laat t:!a'orday evoDing. The meetlug tbrough ou t wall i o ter. Ult\renoe Smith wife Bnd son All en '" larKe oro ... d .w as In altendanoe estlng and Instruot lve. If at any waN In Du.ytOll E r lduy aud Sstur· 'Ime you ha ve the ,ppor t unlty of and" neat sum reali zed. Ilay. . Uhl' UWII~lillU 1M.. dlsealle cllarao " I. T . Weaver and 100 have eroo'ed hearlog lIuoh' a Il oted u~~:-C!:+--.I.~ ll en Smith ~VflS 11 Da yton v isitor terlzdll b y ",,101 In the jointtl snd 10 Iln add "Ion $0 'h eir ~w mill on S8mperllno£l, as Mr use of It, you will beli eve In tem Sondoy. th " musol... Tbe m ellL oommon Main 'S' WANTE D E lmer WOl)ds Ilnd fllmn.,. hllve peranoe, I am sure . Y ou will be forml .re : Acnt~· "nd Chrnnlo Oaoar Crowl and Joe Datlgher\ y oOllverted. move,1 to Lytle f rom Ridgevi lle lind Rbeuma LI. m, RbeulUatio Headaohe" Ilre on the Ilok lis' with bad 00ld8 RESD~T Mr end Mr8, Wil liam Moher, nf Mr. Woods will tl\ke obl1rge of SOI"tiC Rbllllm.tlBm and LambiKo. Roll Top Des k, wa nted, ohel1)) Aroond t he Ilt va of t he or088 Heenan EIUo" and friend Mr. Day to", wore guost4! t:!aturday Bnd BI1"ry MCl1lnn la' shop. All of 'the lie tYl1ll8 oan be balped TrOup, of i:laldleberg UniversltY',ol fpr oltsb . \"1. N. !:leal's, WItY_ roads g rooer y ill t Ile r eal. ClOurt 01 Funellal Director 'Vance I::lb"w, o f Dliyton, Is yisllo.l ng abOlolotely by a)llllylol( s me load TUno ~ 0., wUl gh'e an eQtertat mant Sunday of M'r•• Mattie trln ob, Huot nes vlllej Ohio. m)!4 I st r eaol't, for i~ fin 'lH V oV.flr " utes Mrs. William Browo. and Embalmer, wltll \1r. und U'o hnedll til .." ·peue,,,... An ap In ' tie 'ilO~11 Ball nexl Satur day of Mre Maller., aud ~r . land Mrs ,,11 others . C\;Iam berlaln 's Cough of LyMe. . Wm. L. Hell"Y. pltoaUun \>t SI ~ll 'it I:.lnlment. t wo or .evaD1III, Maroh SO,' tJP1L Nursos . who OI1D give Kooll Rem edy ha ll b\leu brought bofore Waynesville~Ohlo. Mr. f!,nd Mrs. It y Boiso, of 80u 'b ibr"" t.lOlCl" a day to the a1f ~ oted Ab: ~ Pd !4rIl. T.h oll. M,oGlade are .r lJ'er enoe8. .A.dd rells MoClellRn r.h l~ oourt In al most · every orOSB . _,,-.__ Mr. aDd Mr8 J , Morgao, of Day. Leb ~non, hI! vo l leen vlel tl ng Mr . lind plirt will gl~e InS ~lIn Hellet • tlhlan 'Ii riding In an Ove rlflnd. It I~ fl very J::j 08pi t '~I , Xenia , Oblo m17 r oods g rOOery in this oountry, (lDQ Call answered prompt ly day or night vltlted Mr. aDd Mn Frle ron: J oe ';Ullth. Mrll. 1.lnlman, h! goo.! lor llll in, and el bel1utlful tarnout . b '!.8 aiwaya r ecelved a f\lvor abl e ver., Botb phones in Office and :Residence. . pdcl" Uy RllI'uma tlo P ltlll, booaul e it ;mlth, of Middle Ron lut Suoday rry Rnrne'tt is very III at his . Ha Mr. J. Harter 8bldaker li nd la dy d lot . It Is In the ' OCItlntry ' w be rtl. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone po!Cletra'lIuo f.h .. 8."lt of the .roobl ~ , ~ friend, Mrs L~ur 6 h Barlrm Rnd Mr. home nelir I~yt l e . man ell:pecl s to r eoeive full vullle 14-2r. '. . ' FOR SALE eo,Itlle" Cbe llfil lOIed p"r ~ " nd (,traws MrM. J a ne Dyke Is 111 ut her horuo. and Mrs. W. L . d a rvey Wdre IIh op. fo r hl~ m oney ' b at· tbls r emedy is Ch airs and one Coach furnished fre6 , the palu . • " 8 1'/lln·. ,.Iulmeo' ,Ie all pera In the Gem City SaturdllY. Horace C1adt hUB puroh [\ ed a ruost Illlpreoilltod. ybtnlnable ever y wit h f unerals . medlolDe. " Get a !l60. b,)ttle DOW lIr. 1:. WillIamB, Bamll&oD, Oblo, .~unda., was '" b8llutlful dllY and Da.vls ll utomoblJe . Best of serviCe 6<n'aranteed. wh ere. Koop it h .. ndy 10 Mile of "merlJenoy "'riLes; "Oor Whole f.omt)" depend everyone pbyaiollUy was on the • • Messrs . Clyde Wbarton. Tim Bar 00 l'ID8 Tn Booey." .... ybe lOme IIlItve. ton " nd J umes .J ohns we re lu Day. one In y oll1' famll,. bu a .evare NOW IS THE TIME TO Mias Ruby Cline alld E tbE' 1Conno r ton tiat,urday . .E. BARNHART, t>ptlmletlo ThOUtllht. Co,l!1-:-PIlrt,..PII i& lll _'lle baby '[lIe were shopperll at Dayton Thursday SELL THE SURPLUS OFF Botter a blueb on the face tbU a ortlflolll Dr. BeU'II Plne,TaF. Honey of IIsst weeII'. Notary Public blot oil the heart. II an ever ready hoollebold remed, THE FARM. Vote for centTa1izatioll Mar. Mr. and Mrll. O . 8 , Carter and fl\l l1. -It Klv Immediate reUet . Ploe OUR -CLASSIFIED AD. All klnC\s of N otary Work. l'"r tloney panetrates tbe liolngs of tly. of De8r New Burlington were 20, H1l5. All vote.rs in Wayne 'he rnrollt anlt LUDg~. dOlltroys the tlunday goeds 01 111'. and Mrs. Wei. and Deeds a tlp,e ola}ty. School d istrict will vote COLUMN WILL HELP . ~erm .. , 8nd allowlI Nalure to aot. by CarleI' . ill b ut on e voting place, t he Mr aud Mrll . WtlJJam Eoton . of YOU SELL IT. yoar ilrnggl." 260. . near ~I)rlngfleld oburoh visited their Townshi p House. \ XJayllesv i11e, ~. M~Clu mother here Sunday. Ohio.- - . Harry Humphrey h ilS sold his Funeral Direc~or. farm to A. T. Moler one of our 8 UO t,wo horso p'l nel toP " wagon, for Oe8sfol merobautB. This Is t he IlIIII'I or t rllde. W eight 1200 Ibs. country to buy land In gr e~t bo.r Ori ginal 008t $260 l:iood .lIS ne w. Telepbone day or nlgbt. " gains bot h i o oor t own a nd vlolnity. L. M. He nderson, Wfl y nesvllle . Oblo. Va lley phone N o. 'I . Long Should Read the Following MII!8Il8 Milne Keshng a od MIlr!e A9 "o;)n a8.the wQather will 1)'11'. 8e hos Ilbs ) lute ftllth III bls m ed· lOS1 . Dis tanoe N o. 611-2r. Letter--M~ Siaok's Stor~ Balore ware . Il'rlltl It II a vi,ltor. s.t. mIt, the oltizanll will oloun o\> tb elr Icln -lie kn owlI whoo he tLI.IleS It LY MOUT£I Rock Eggs for set. Automobile Service at aU Times home!.-wbtt.e wflsb. palllt., lind na t ure for oerl uin Llilme nts be gets r ellet About Her Child's Recovery ord~y. tlnR ; win tel' In yers . 500 for Hi. \"Ill do its part to wllr(i bon otlf .'-i ng Pllollle who ' take Dr. Ki ng's Ne w :&I I R I' bl Mrtl. T. E . BlIroh"rt of FilS'll. IS EnL re y e ,a e.' MlonieE. Oook, WUYOCBvll]I'. (lI,lo. For salo. by J . E. Janney \WAYNESVILLE, . . OUlP IIn'.p·en' Thtmlda" wl~h her motb. our betl utifu\ IIhlldy town. O ur Dlllo ~lV e r y for 1m l~rlt .. tiDg Void tIre p~ . Pa.-'''rltree y.,.agomy llr . .. ..... J. M. Bonnell. streett! are II _e an aroade, und ad .. optlmi Is-tbey k n IW this. oougb , n,;n· :============~= Harve18bUJ'K. little rl had black meaalea which lef~ . ~r . and Mrlll, Will 1.' rovo are mired by st ro&ilgere Wfl or o goln te:n dy wll i lleu otrat·t! t h o l 'OIngs of . Br:anch 1 lier UI a chroolc eoullh and 80 awfully F r esh ,Tll ra y 'ow. Good lone8 J~~~~:==;;:~;;~~~~l'i thin you could countalTherrlba,andlhe bon8eheaplnlf to the 8elgfrled,1l-it.• t o 'admlnlfltt!r un Im esth et·io to t he the th ro .t. kill t be g r ros, II tld (IIlOn Al so Wblt-e t;eerl Ouls . Chas · II coughed 80 much ahe had no appetite.,. Jas. K. Wright h"" m ved , III knook rs u.nd put the m to sl ep t.he v;ooy for Nutu fO to net. You I::lhu tts, R 3, Phone !I:llY.. I m iU . " .Nothlng we gave ber _ed to wUn bl, brotbor, Jubn Wright and w 'tile t bey Br.e operlLted on Ilnd oau ' t d RstrQY (I. Co lu.... by snpr r llolnl Whlln th ey get 'Ne ll ~ h ey cannot treatmeot-yoo must go to the · help her.tall until oae day Mn. Neibert w.ife. A RE-BlaOk , (lomlng 11,' e yeare cau se of the t roubl ..·. Be. u.o optlm. told me bow much good Vlnol !tad done Mls88t' JeDnl& Eva and BoieD _ nook, but will bl\ ve boost. old. Inq ulre of Davia Furnul!, . ' B her lltUe girl, 80 l\1eclded to try It for 'lrll Ruth '('Ing V lindervoor t ' of lat,. Gpt ~ bottl e ot Dr , Ki ng's Ne w R. ~. 2, Wayc s ... l1le, O hio. m 3t. at . MylltUeone•.andlt,hudonehersomucb RoblOauo were gnests of Mrs. Lo , kllu t FllrlU Wll a II. Sunday g~08t Disoovery todny. good ehe ·1s hoJlpy all the time J!er "y Fry on Th ured.y . hf'r brot,h er. Qllln~y . • .- • iiowrb ls gone, ahe "la .tOUter and fuore' Miele!! III lith Httdley .Rood Florence LOVER S ~lE D. Medium Red , r eo Crus hed IItoOl' hilS be 0 oleaned. For f nr tber In(· o rl~)&• .1 ,heaTthy In color ud thl.ls the ftnt Win- Groby were Leb" non vl,,1 tor .. ~I\'nr. . . lbe,haI been able to plQ OIlt In th. da" oor tH rOOL8 whlob tldd!! lion 01111 on O. E. Mlohener, R. D. 4, BIOWeoaatinrand lDow·balli!l&'wlthout • to t llo era vel. Oblo. Telephone 56. 2. '!IIf tiJ·etrect.8. "-MI'II. At.nlBD 8J.ACK, :MIlS Sar"h ~uroe",.o.L.Rad , m~4 ~ Pa. . . . . w•• tbe I!!a&nrday anc1l:1uoday IIn~' I WOMEN . We In:tow Vil101 'Will buJld up your oJf MI'll EVil. Hormell IDd (am~ly . ,lOt Deedll u.re Oa k DressBr . 1 00 k ·Betl with alr. "Dd M'f8 Wrn. W. Weloh &lld Mr. tlnli Mrll.: all:V~lond Wilson Uttle ' po. . and ;malee them healthy, MI81t Ellna "bompaon enter&atneCl Love This Ma'g azine 'orinljls lInd Mnttres8, 1 Oa k Mr. and Mrl! E. ' B Da kin we ro aud dRUt; t1 te r, Mary ' KAtbry n s pen I. Itr'oll&' and robllllt. therefore ' we Uk 'lie 8' Golub Sat o'r dlY afternooD. McCALL' S I•• he FuMo. G uIde a nd Houl. ' · pue.nu of every lrail and alckly c h i l d ' . :illhb" tb arS8rnoon guestl! of Mr. SnDu"y " t Eroe81t B u r leys, nOllr Ne w WAsb stp od, 1 toil et 80t. ~ rooki ng ke eplnl HeJper of more ,!omen th. n any' other &lrl Amauda Throoktnorron. ' 01 &nd Mrs •.,W . C. W e~ oh . In.t.bla viduIty to try a bottle_OtVlnol, ohl1lre. Call a t resldonoe of W . 1::1, . 6lJrl1c ~t.o n , . iOlllll n. hi th. WOrld . All , he I....... \>1•• e very m On1h't .lso dc.l1ahlful ttorle, Ihal enter:· • OW' del(cioWI Cod liver and Iron toole Urb,ula. 111., wa. 'be ~undl1Y Allen Sllt nrd I1Y f'. m24 John Kell!lm, of Olfl rksvll t.) tra n. M;s W. E. BO~Rn aud daug b ter 11111 and special deplrtlt1CIIIS ID cookln,. home without 011. , of Mr. Will ·~.. tllngtoil and d rc;.mlkl nl . raney work. etc., th.t II lh,e n saot~d buslne@s bere ti" turdllY.· Loluh a nd Mrll. Rll ltllgb Bo~a!1 R R ID I) R ook Eggs for h a tohlog h out owork .nd ...vc mnnoy. , Price. onJf SOc: If.e CUI lnduee ~ to try a bottle ~U'M ADD" d . l-Illver of Ph • year, "lib one cc.lcbral~d McCaU Ul'e,. P' I~ Oar blgb ~obooi BBIIO Ball team oa lllld un 'Esther 00 npton 'l'oesdBY . 750 per Iltlt t.ing. Mammo th of V!nol .. a body.bullder &r'Id IIttength- I, ':'91,,,lul( h .. r oon.. lnl ' '., Mr" tern fREE. nfttrnoC)n . _tor for your chIld, and .you do not '. ' ". ."... . . .' • will plllY Kingman 8tgb ~ob ool Wbl te Pekin Dnok Eggs, 'li t per sot· MNO .. POSTAL CARD NDW ~A · An,rId. &lr c1a1m we Will return p.rlh~j(*olUD{J 1I1. $er. ., L A 'IUtl: Sam"I. CoP, (I f l1 fl<1AtUS ldAGAZI. , t· : I)r ' \lam ,be tore ul\rt o r Ap II, W"tch ~I' v e rll l (r<llD h ere a ttended the tl ng of 12. Mrs. E. S. Bally. 1ll2J ' L A f'IlU ~P. DC .. t'CALL'8 n- •• ' ''''111 l'U£~IIUlil , 1QP1'~_JdeiU'iicI ,M118 MarY i I..&oony had ' pI' her large pOllters, exoursions. on .. II Uhrlstillo Enden 'vor Rally at 6pll ng CA1'AI..oGUIl : or •• McCALL-'S 1l«l.UD 1'Tt1. Oft.,. loU £..,., CUUIWII • JANNEV Orugllt Waynesville r~es't1 00' Tuaa4a,. ~l'1I" ~ I· AI~ ro...18 Vailef I:!ullcla.y Mterrioou. A very E ARLY Ohio Rnd Early Triumph Adlh'.,,, DIp'. N • •• orelgbi aDd tla.uglJ,'er Dora, Mrs. - ---,. int,orestlu g pn g rllt,n W'l l! r endel'od . I::!eed P otutoee. Rlopard Brown, nlE \l&CW. co,. 236 1. 246 Yr. 31111 51. H..;yorIo. N. Y. J. Eo'. ROblulon aDd .dllIJllliCor .JoDDle l'he udd ress wus givo n by Rev . A. I:! p~'n g Valley R . 1. Home Ph one .. nd Mlai Marie Salore.' I . 396. ". m 94 E. Woqtilll, of Wny nesv1l1e, '11b'o bOme.OO~lng : 1I an anore4 I THE C"' A,TEn .F.. AI! everyone knows,· th e bowtlls Mr. B.nd Mrs. Ralph Lellwin g had . . ' lao'. ,Now les , ev.;..r ioDe fIJQ' bo', are the eewerag6 8Vtltam of tbe body , s t h ei r 8 tindn v goe8ts. Ho ward OATS-Wh ite Rns811l n Seed O .. ts and ghe 88Crot~'" .'~w' n lIIDes "Dd 1& I. of 'be greatest Importa~o", ml nK I\ nd fllmlly, of Wllm\nl! ' In good ~ondi.t1,n . . Inq uire at and addr'entlll of ' for~e, j~eitldenls 'h" they m ove onoe ea Qh day If t OD Cb"rles Ba,bb and f"mlly. of Elvin Fires, R. 0 . 3, ~ay n esvl\le, . ' IN THE wO"Lb ibId t ile; 'lDay bave- am ple time . to yonr bowels booome oon!ltlp"ted. Pai ~\ersv llle, MI~ s J e o,nle ·Lea m lnFt. Ohio. "iJII1JSIa!D WEEnY. $4.00' PER Y!AI m 24 malle l\'rraogl,lIu8Df.S to be here. .. &ake I\ · do~e of Ch~mberlalD'S Tt;b. of Dayt on, flud 1MI' . Iln~ Mre. J . S . Rc)TIL~ D"UC~18T8, ap~oIALII';". .= OT ATOE8-UreenM.Ountlllo.8 eed · IIlr. ancl.. Mn ' J!I'ltl ha: ~ e letll just l.fter lIupper "nd ~ h ey will Leamlng . O~8TUMER8, TRAN8F'I[R. CAl.. Pot &toes, nice one8. In q n~re of . m ,lved , id ;el,l&llon. . . correct the dill order. Oh*alnable AIOIO' 'I!U8 '''''VICE OAN PROf'" '\1r IlDd Mre. F rank Kyn.e and 8 'n W, H. Jl\nney, R. Q. 5, WflyneAvlllo, . • V ua.INC 1T8 AOVERTII'NQ OOIoUMMa M~. Rllrb8r' , Pine.' .of .D ay;toJl, eV!lrywhere Ptlul· s pent to!1i~lday wi th Charleli Ohio. . m 24 -.-' Ir~1I81l0ted . balllno"'I' bere W.dn~ ~ aarner and fatQlly. .' SAMPLE COpy. FREE ' uy, . . ~ ""W ),ORK CUPPEtt 8 01'1100 {;omJltoo went to N IoIw B.AF'r Mare 4 yr8: 0ld t his Spring' "_ Yo",. ~". · Miss JOII\e Hormell II llpendl",g Martlnsborg Fr'lday t o speod " few Well' brokl\n, sound and" good , . • olluple o.f weeki a' L:ttlo .. days . . ' one. Draft Gelding 3 vear" old 1"" ._ Raymond WUtlonfaud Mrs .. Jennie Aoguli', broke will weigh 1700, , :' matured a dfllldy . W. O. Weloh, Wlleon Ilnd tllllllKhter OllvCl ' Mlal1 Flora Harlan retUl,ued I'rl. I .. ~arveY.llborg, Ohi o m3~ day .from" vlsU with {rlend.. In Xenla'lIboppers, 8at.urde.y·. ·,It ,here 18 800b a 'hiD I Mrs RORIl Rllldduok i8 muob 1m 'Dayton , 0100 "'alus' opld., It it to aelv'en . w.eelta' lijnee., ,.! Qlllnoy FI"rradr.y' and faqlilY, of proved &fter . .... • n i he IleeplDIJ poroll or Dayton' wer:e the weeet.eud RUllllt, . Veterlnarv . bed loom. •NeJt' &" 'b.' of' pela,\v08 bere , 8po,.e b.lb ta. 'be Idr'·~nlna'.· .tuaie . ~ Ohio St'I. Unlvertl cold· G ..tlon Oil 'rank. with Fuu • Mn. Margare" BurDett bail been lay. ,he Yo II C~.,.nloD . all ll'or Il luug t ime M.I \lII LuI" Stel. ce\ In ,. ood shflUe. In. 'oarefol ft. y GIla )'00 "!U! ~OD , confined &0 }Joer home wUh If.rlppe. ton Obnrohville" N .Ly., Wcltl J)1lI0U8 of;1. O. Hi8oy ,.Corwln, Uhl0. , j F II Hh .lIy a.ke oold ~Dd wben JOu do you Tilo Maeonlo Lodge eDtertl\lned and bad .s loll: h8lldaohe 'IInd dllay m 24 Offlce at · ret1ldence ~n , • er wUl fiud Oham bert.io '. CoGllib Bem abOo' , tweD'y brelb"en from WIl- spell! . . Cbllw bolrlain '. Tableta-wer.s wood'sllOuee. Fourth lU,.... eely'. Ire.' heap 10 e,D.lbttoK )'00 &0 mlngklD t..odgfl '11oelld&1 Dlih& the' oolv thing ,tlb"t gave ber parDia· hn. tleed Oats. Inquire , . 18' rid ot , it. . Try It · Oti..lnl bie Thom .. W . MoMman I'ecalved the relief. Ob\ hu~le everywhere. . Charlas tlmlth. · R. It. ' 1, , T~~o•• 28 . everywhere. • ~ ...._ _-,.,deg'ree "nd refrl!llhmonlll were Phone U.S 2Y.. ~17 . . M08sr.e
Posts·= =
Finest lot of End Posts ever .brought to W a ynesville.
Olasslfied Ads
"W". H . MADDEN & CO. Corwi:n, Ohio. A.' MAFFIT
- - - _ ..- - -
. -.
--- -.- ...---
- - - .... SPRINGBORO
Walter .
------_.-- ..------
M C 1
.. - ...---
., B
Dr....J~ 4 , •
.- ...---
DR. J. W. AlILLEQ...
Wayne-ville. , .
o v.
ent.erlalned a pa,ay of ,oual people _,' hilt lIoga' ot blP 1'1Ieed." evening .DcI I!ltOe4a Horlay ..•• boe& a' a 1J\mUa r pu,y 00 Bri..
".,.attb" .....1
11 0
----..,. - • -=---"'ii~iiie"''''''' ~/-' . ConItIIIIdont .......... E '1Iu.... .........,.....
......,. 'l'ba....... ~
,.. .
UGij-SinRle Co.nb Rhode lalaDd Bed En8. 81 for ..ettiDg of US. Pbone 8lI.SX . Mrs. A1DOllO BeokeU. B. B. S. 1Q17
\'ot~· for Cctllrnlilatiort Mar. A - u will 110l1l11~Y I
i, -, S·O~ -IET-Y· --EV-EN-T'
They Are Coming a r,d 'Ooing Continually.
KILLED SUNDAY ors of flew a uto .
Lincoln Beachy. formerly (If Lebanon, was k illed in 8 faJl in SaP F ran· cisco unday. He was maki ng a flIght in his monoplane. when it refused to work, and helefl int;<> San Francisco bay, where he wa.; drowned Mr. Bea.r hy was one of the mO'!lt in· trepid aviators of the age. and last year expressed his belief that he would end his days in a tragic ' manner.
on Monday evening . March 1st all the voters of Wayne Township chool District were assigned to t he West Wayne Voting P recinct. T his polling place is located in the Township House. Wa nesville, Ohio. Bv the law permiu1ng the Board of ·Elec. tionll to do thi~ the exPense of t he election will be very mall. Voters . living in Clearc.reek and Spring VaJ· ley Township will by this arrangement vote in Waynesville on March 20, ,1915, on the' questions ef Cen. tralization and' B bond issue. '. ...-
---. ...--DEATHS
Looli:l'1l1 tl) the F~ture. N_ Cuhler--"I BDould like to have
. . ilF'eement wIth you to ' the e ffeot that t ,ball haTD a week'. notlcD I~ . . . I dQ1,l't nIt." Bank Prc>eldenl f'TIlat II eutly flXDd U' you wJII ,ogroe to ....e U. & week'lI noUce before len· lDe.- New CUhlcr (thollllhtlully)"Wen. let I~ 10."- Oml\Jin: World.
Lytie, W. H . AI·
a re all possess-
the besl line of Work Sh'oes we haye ever ShOWlI, and \ c au ld like lo have you take' a look at th In and ou wHI be convine d that , what w h ave aid is right.
- ]5
Mrs. Han nah Antram has bean qu ite sick Ill; the home of ' Mrs. Verna Kelly, in Sprirurlfie)(l. •
. At the regtllar meeting . of the Wayne T~Wn8hil> BQard (If Education
·R. O.701HAINES u. B. Bldg., Dayton, Ohio.
Deputy-SheriA: Cnas. Waggoner was in towp Tuesday ge.ttlng t he new grand jurora in line .
---_.-...--THE VOTING RunE
.Residence: Centorvill',
======OUR LINE
Mrll. Charles tamherry Ilnd chilo ren ~pent the \V~"k·end wi th rela· tives in Dayton.
R. M Clarlt.
want to BUY,
11 L hhick miths And dOIl' l 5 Ii'~ron footw('o r. tlr hoes will '~ometimc wear Oll t. ' If you hav a jU ' l c mpla iul W '11 r, cLify it.
Our new stock of wall papel' is full of IItlract.i e and lut s t iicsilrns. Dr. and Mrs. Clagett hat.! fnr t heir J. E. Janney dinne r guests aturdny evening Mrs. Alice ~ c K i nsey . Mr and Mrs. Frank Mrs Lyd ia Satt rthwaite is very Zell, Misses Lilli Nedry, F lorence ill nt -the home f be r son, Mr. 1. Wilson and Henrietta McKinsey , Satterthwaite. .
len and Harvey Ry
'~e a n:
: it •
w. N.
If you want n ,~ood Fertilizer call • Mra. G. W. Hawke entertained the ChllS. Frye, phon e ~9 l - L 2 '-, following.lnclies ut di nner Thursday: Milson 's E'erti liZr'l'. t he best on the MesdameJ! I<:dith Harri, Laura Mo~ h e r. c. B. BenLley and Warren market. ~'or!!al by has. Frye.
in Package
I s::::~~:.~h
" .L ION 'B'RAND" SHOES Are the World's Best Work .S hoes.
of wall
J . IE Janl1ey.
pn\Jl'r .
-5-r, tow:(\']:::~a::,tiful di~JlfflY
Mrtl. Anni Gibbons SLl nt ThursMiss 8the l Uos ier. 11.'lSisted by t he day with r lativl'lS in Bellb~ook. . . Misses Flora llerryhill and Edith Hhcehan . nt rtained to , PrpJlpeetive Miss Mary Sal1!lbury spent the. Cooking Club Saturday evening. w ek·end with rdtltillC!! in Xenia. . ;
i.....!.!:..!~=!.~:~:!!!=~J t
N L. Hunn<tll, of !,.e banoll, was in
frs. F.uphemiu t lougb I!I v ry ill with n attack of measles. Mrs. Mary Leah Adams IVIIS the gUeJ!t at dinne r Sunday of Miss Miss lara Hawk spent the week.LetiUa McI<ny. end with friends ,in Morrow,
Prunes, a lb. . . . . .. 5 Can Hominy .. : . . .. (3 ~3-2 lb. Pork & Dean!; 7 2 c 23-2 lb. Pie Peache . 23-2 lb. Tomat cs . . . lOc White Syrup .. .
D ll l Oll
I i'
lr • . Julm Bfr\, :W is the 'ueu of r lallve 1\
O hi .
1 ha l
YER HyMAN·······....•••••••••••••••••·
11ll' pr spCl'it of lh£: I :-. It I:. b~ll (~f the t wn os , . . . I. welL qc vOling plncl: th ' L: : . y.,mmtlrmal! -W~IS In Cincl'n. •• . ' • lIiI I I \I 'lll, 'I 1oWlls lllP IlULl, l', \\ra y lll:'SV 111~ ,
~ -.....-.
\(Tl\-S :EX.Ll NO
Of ( uality Groct!rit!s . ---....... "j' T ~
~U, I.!nfi:
EverythIng Marked
- In-
Mrs . Elizabeth E vans. of Spring' bor.o, was the unday guest of Mr. and Mrs. . B. Ben tley , Mrs. Mary
Julia Bergan
Plain Figures
The Store That Saves You Money --------------~~---~~~
Alln Wise and M1'II.
spent Thursday in Xenia, the guest'o! I elalivesl Mr. and Mt-a. Wiu Watt, of Ii rankIto, Were t1)e w~.e~.end/uei!ts of Mr. I\'nd Mrs. Ch~ , Gray. 0 Rou te 4 .
Messrs. MicliB~e\ McDonald, Terrel Maey and Jam4!1. Bergan are in Cln· Cinnati tod'a y, w'itnessi ng th big St. Patrick parade . . . . . eel . I' f lJav~ Just rpcelV a mca me 0 new BIrthday Cards and Book!e~'J. A Iso some . of . t.he new gol~ .Im~lal Post· Qards. . Mrs. W . C. P hillips. , . . Why worr~ I> ~~~ m,fe~/or bu tte r? Moxley s Special Oleomar· Alwa.y~ pure. swee~ IIfl,d Mrs .. Ahce Alcorn, Friend s Mrs. Nannie NQon and Mrs. Katie Warwick, of' Franklin, spent Sunday
with Mrs. Eliza Mceomas at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. John Beach. of. Route 2.-,,1
This Week Gran. Sugar, sack . .. , $
5 lb. Sack Buckwheat.'. 80e 5 lb. Gran. S ugar .. , .. for tl1e 2 1 lb. Cocoa in a 'Mllson quart Jar only .. ... •. "
28c Fresh'Roasted Peanutslb 10c E vp. P~ache9, Ib 10e Onion Sets, 2 qts ... .. ' . ~ 5e
Potatoel, al\ kinds
Hutchison '& Gibney after their great Fire Sale are receiving tbe Finest Assortment of ·REAVY·TO· WEAR- GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts Gingbam Print House Dress·e s.$.l .OO up All Wool ~shmere Dresses. '. $5.75 up All Wool Suits ..... . , . ..... $8.7~ up' Spring Coats . ... : : .. '.. .• : .. 5.00 tip Spring Underwear .. . ...... \ lOc up' Middys •.............. . . . .. $1.00 -I1ft--I-- Petticoats Silk .... .:-... . . ... $LOO up House .Aprons . . , . . . . . . . . .. 25e .up Apro.ns for Dresses. . . . . . . .. 75c up Children's presses ....... ,.. 5Oc. up CORSgT$- N'emo, for Stout Figures, Americ~n Lady, front and back lace, . Gossard, all styles, ', Frolaset, front lac~.
Early J uoe Peas, 2 cans 18e MnL Etta Adams. of Xenia. died Some think t hat Lhe New School Van Camps Soups, 4 cans 28e very' suddenly at her home Wednesni~ht. after a ' short iIIne~s of LaW!! brought on .the vote on Cen' Another lot that nice Rio Coffee . R1tI d the, ~ew Code not T04ll<lcma of M . Adams trallzation 3" 'Pounds for ........ 47c '01e property of JameS L,loylt" who Wayn es been given , the I,Irovisions would have been t he'same. was the contractor on. the new ME.' , Bring us your Eggs paying, 17e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ church here. ",as wId SatunJay at R£ gular ' meE!ting of Waynesville public auclion in X~nia to flBtisfy his Gard.e n Seeds, aU 'kinds, Bulk Grange . $aturda" afll!rnoon. Mr. '~"--~-~.----III!' $5500 cre<iit(irs. Hi8'tlft'ec~ brought Mosteller will be here and give a - . or Package , . aboul report of the Stat e- Grange. Thi6 will be an inte restinlt meeting and 'Rugs, Window .Shades and Linoleum I~ REAI)V FOR SALE DATES all- Grangers Ilre requested ,to be will be in. present. Warren Keys. Master . .Jesse Stanl~Y. who haa jU8tgradu· atNI from the Jone!! Auctioneering Japanele a Patient People. Th e trameportatron of pupils from I;lt ChiCllft0 • is home and iA ImpnU nco 'lUl\ong tbe Japa.nese 1& a the G):eell i:3rillr district will be the Sffiitb is Cir.cinf! ~ti todI'Y sale oates . . It wouln be th ing you will raroly observe DB YOU longes!. route \Ylth bue one exceptio!!. Rae him, aa he hIlS $Ime new . travel thl'ougll th olr s trange and bcau- Harry E. ,Earnhart · now makea thl ll Mrs . d. B . 'Bentley is a Xenia ViE,. the a~clioneeritlg line. Or tirul ·country. · Ir. on tho otb er hand. route on an avernge, ill 55 minutes. itor t:xlay. _ ~,,' J,jG r'utun.1 ,phpne. Nt'w yoU ybu1'8 Jr. 'In touring JIIPon, mlgh'l HUI'I1J\~t()n, OhIO . upon ol:cuslol1 grow somewhnt 1m· Mr. lind' lwi'rs. L , S.' Bymll~ -and ' . •• A.. A. Hisey and daughter. miss ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~?'!!!!!!!'!!!!!! . plltlent. YOU ~111 only become the son Mr Alex ~ch walbe, of Xenia. :;;: - -- quiet lauglll:Dg stock- behind your Mr~ . Ben Bloch . of Cincinnati. and Alta, were Dayton visitors Sa.t urday. '!!!'!!!~'!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!!.!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!~~~'!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!~'!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!~.'!!!'!!!!,!!!! Late Clalfsified Ads ' bllCk-o f Ihe ' little Japs themselves. Mrs .J. Koh lbagen . of Blanchester. G ' az An bour. or even 11 day. more or l e~e were g ut'sts of Mr. anti Mrs . Myer Mr. at'ld Ml'S,' '0. M. Rid,e are ~a 1!lI "IS spepding severa davsin qincmnaii h. tn this orlontnl counlry IB, ot little ac- Hvman unda)'. attendinlt' the &sima!! COlleg~ of count. ulld mutters cannot be mllde to FQR 8ALE-PROP-ERTY move any th e QuIcker because of any nut cent ralization? lL Photograpby. __- - - - - - -...... c IrritabilitY. wlfl come as ·sure ~ fate ... Amlin .!lA' R th Ha1't8ock was in nD.1/tOl~:1 --.....:..... ~ was heard t.o SIlY recently. 1 . •• ~IS9 U . t d . UUtiE of H) rO'ltDP, lllrge lot , Ilk to s e the benafits of Mondlif' evenmgo, at ,en good Iltllhll'l, ~1 1l(\ trlo light!!, et.(). WIthout Pe rsonality. schools my elf and not wait f or rpy .. ~ert gl'fen .by h~ll~r~e~t \1Ik-a of n . 11.:. On v l,1I or .lIt N:lltiolln I The mall who THIS no refu ge in· blm· grundchildren to bring it about." Ra:llPDI.C : rc , ' . m~l
News . W, ort ' h R d·
..Why on'
elt e
. .In t h'e '
self, who' IIvell, 80 speak, 1P hIs , r-rOllt roome, In til outer whirlwind of Master~'Rob'ert Alvin y U'rtis spent thlngfl aml 0]111110118. Is not properly a lruit FridllY with his grandpar~nts - Lost-i bair.elQth persol1o.lIty a t nil . , bd Is one or Mr. alld Mis. J. H Cprtil! while hi.B rual'y,.. 27tli',
·1II~·· · f~row lfway o(you~~ ·' tln
AI.F of the food 'I7a1ue of your
. corn cr.o p is in tlte s,t alks, husks
. Bnd leav~.
Don't waste these.
'they ml\k~ milk and butter and 'beef
fot you and put money in your
if you preserve·them in nn
plANA ·"
. , l~ .sIl;O ~
TIle IIJIlnure tram ba.rn IUld fC!eltin(f .peDS will go tiack. into your loil, to IDiIke.lltBF
crops nl!'xit year. . The ru~iruut sno f. mede of the .,.lIlo Inatel'iAla aad only the best. EVery IIe8DI fa Ilir-tlght., 1!very .joint ill 'made with our _t ~lr-dlahllnff_liR. lCVen-pleeel .....u.t
• OII ~'14v 10 be IUD'P<'<i .\DID I .. 1>'- "lam. y~ 6110 ~ ~r.laa:« II will II", 'J'I>\a ~ tIoa tis ~ Doe.. WGU7ftboul t'"' prl.... We CIIn . . . . . . . 11., u.t 7 for tile liii0011& d u.. ..-.-It .....
""" eo«ot a .. Ja4.Ianli
n ..."nrclrop .... lln• . ,... . . . . . . . . . . . t.1U look 1IlI.I'\J> ...,.! to _
--_.-..- --
crew d .~:A
Wall Pape, From ChIna. Wall papor orlglnillcd In ' blno In ~he rourtb cell~ury .
-------: ,'EASIE" ~ARKET ..
I · C parents •.M. ~ 6n~ ~ra. I:.e m ey urba made a busln~18 trIp near OlCdl!9· ana spent the~iay with the latter. e PlI;l'en 1-8.
[11i'1II~'" "--~ ..... I
'eow many pel1!Ons in Township nOIV know th,a t centralization about $1600 per yea, is expended 'fo!' tr~nBportatinn. of pupils by the Board!! 'of' .Edncau~>n (Lytl e no t included this estimate:)
'. The Berean CI~ of"fhe Orthod~x Charies VI .~ Sctiwar.4 & ~n , of Friends Church will hav~ an Easter Lebanon. are ' rery bU8Y gettJ!'lg ou~ Market'in the Harris building, Sat- monuments an d markerS whIch are urday. April ard . to be placed in the variouS cemeteries before Memm'ial Day Every piece of stone is lettered and .finished tight ANTIOCK NURSERY .STOCK in their own slltop, and each branch of lhe work is in the care 01 skilled New Antioch NUrllery Stock,' all ar tisans All of the round moulded kinda of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and . carved letters ,are fflShioned' wid and at Cotwin. Har· und er the direl~tion of Mr. Louis 0 , . .Qurlingotoll. E1nrris, who tor !oul'teen yeal's had true to name and charge of thi3 same WQl'k In 'one of the largest $ihops in tb«! ' United N. Miller. Agt. tates. The pOll$hed lelitt1ta in ~uare rillie f are by Mr. Wllilam Clevcll, ' of equal experi. ence hile the lettering the Marble de-
and Harvevsbul1l.
with M ra q. 'Ieave Barveyaburg, office ...
_.- ...---
.... .
pntment Hanlson,
of Mr. ·H. L carried
.;." A J3igLot of
,AmericaD - Lady House .DreSses', '$~, 25 and
Special for
values •.
. ('.o)1E "AND SEE TliESFl;
-1 Oc
~ot~n, ~ , . . bOght and. strQng . • . • 1 ~lb. Hammers, . t~e thing for the . bousewife . .. , .. .. . , , Handy l!~sehold Paiuu.-:- . for pamuDg . ".,uDd the house ... . Paint Bruabes
Co~set Covers..:... . . ' . to embroidery ..•. ~. " Quest Towels- . ' to em.broidery •.. ;'.: ·a;U'~w: ·'. ' DafDty Little Breakfut Caps .... '.•..•.•• , • Misses' "Springtime" . Purse ••••. ~ ••••• .'••
1OC' '
10c 10c
Salted.Peanub per &IOUad •••.•••••• ,
Sixty-Seventh Year '
Whole ,.Number 33(19 - 1
Died of paraly~is. at Frfends, FO" 'EIIJTn IZATIO"'ATTAI"'ED Boarding Home. March 10. 1915. "'~ ,. ",'I . ,~ q Anna M . Stanton. In her BSd year, AT ELECTION a member of Mi'l mi Monthly Meeting of Frif'nds. The life ' of Anna Stanton was n checkered one. J:.eft an orphan when young she never nfter knt'w lhe comforls of n Iwme of her ow o Uri to maturily he lived in several homes. hut hud th e IIdvllntalle of c(,mmon ~chClOI ~dUC3lion. un(/ hI' A L~gl,lt 'Vot~ 1\111 En llillth to Ca~ aing a clolle ob. ervl' r and renrl()r ~ Iw Ilot II . Pr(IIl.I ~ iI iOIl!! V.I!~(J ror slored up much I(cneral knowllldlCA, al1d taught H hool Ii numher of limeK Saturday For 116veral yearH she was a tlla 'h er of tile colored children at Mt Plellsant, and WIIS (or ten yeaI'!! '0It h·,,, been several yeara lIill(," gaged In the same way at Howhln'l, voters of WII.\ lie T"",,, ~hip hlwe had Va .. neJlr tnet'oun tyseatof Northum. th privlll'g'l' of Vlltitlg ell tOlCl'tli el berland Co She was eflilaged rur lIS one big fami ly . bUI Saw rOil) a fe lP years in mi!l-~ionury wotk at Point UrN'ze. a ~u burb of Phil a "~nln broug hl thia chunl(e, On ae delphia P .. . wht' re with oth e r~ sh,t' Count of rhe v../Le on ct);1Lrulizlitiolt 6ndeavor~d to U"U er th, ' conditions tht! t<!wllshlp v"t~i ull in ('ne pilice flf lhe phlce. which hnt! "ponr (mlief' ot the rowmhip H,luse. Of course force. hOU ReS dirty. cellars fillM:! wllh the. IIp~jal diatricta of Lytie and all kinds of filth, @tret;ils not lillhted. and drunken brawlR dllily ." Corwin had no vote ' in lhe matter On accmfht of lhe Infirmities (If and sCvel'lll from thetIS ap(cial dis' age she gave up actIve work in 1907. tricbi callie in to cut their VOte. and and spent about four years with her were IIOrely disappointed because friends, Mr. and Mrs. David RellP. they ·wet.e not allowed to do 80 ' In Huntington.lnd .• gainingsostrong a hold on their hearts that they gave It 1. prubable that if ~ia special apace in their 1luriallot for her. and eleetion badabeen called two weeks requested the funeral to be at their ago, it would , not bave carried. but home. They said ot ber \ "we sha!1 as the peopie read the MilllJl Gazette alwaya be glad she lived In our taml. . lyon account 'Of her good example and heard the dIfferent speakera tbat and influ~nce. " 'Vere called bere t() addre18 them on In all her v~ried experiences in the Bubject, there were acores of life she was alway! cbeerful not· men wbo changed 'heir minds after withatandln~ her deafne18 with which _hearing and reading the advantages ~he -:v aa afflIcted many,yeara. She that~ntrahl8tion had brou/lhl about 18 mllllled at the friends Home. but in 'various places we f~1 that to her has been spoken The vole waa' hl!8vy, snd there the language, "~ell dono, good and were leversl volera on both sides of faUMul servant. thtl question tliat did not 11'0 to thl! • ...__. - - pol.. Tbe total number ot voterl .... - - - ~- - - - ~
::.:: 1
.............. -165
Majori!:y for.. .. .. ,.............. 88 Foa: bcmd i8lUe.;..~: ... ......... -...... :lWl AgaiDlit bond i88ue ....... " ... ~ ....... 164
t, .PER.S_ON_A.L.M..
Jacob Israel Clark. so~ of J Dhn W
By a Harveysbur}t Citizen
~nd Mn~gRr1e8t5 lF:.dC l flrk. was born VUTES TO HAVE SALOONS IN
~~~~~~::::=:::::::=:::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::~~~...,..~~ ~::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::-~ · ugust 1. u. eparlcd t his li fe ~ ----~~~ " ' .' March 20, 1915, aged 64 years. G
"" months and 29days Il P was marri rI Novem ber 7. 1R78 to MHlinda SrtlUff' who died Octolwr 22. 1 90 To lhi~ union was brlrn on ' son. Otto. wh.. ~ urvlv e~ I\!' is also ~ lIrviv ed by llvo brotherll, e has E. and Horace M of LyLlf'. and three sisters. Mra Milton Sheehan, of Centervill e. Mr!l Big Vote Is Cas t In Both CltjcsElm'lr Rogers. of Wayn i>~\Vilie. !lilt.! No Fights Occur During Mrs, S. H. Stephens, of Lebanon, Indiana Oay He join u th e regular army Sop tcmber 1.1 867anfl serv II hi ~ clluolry until ]870, receiving an hunoraule . di~c harJ,te at thllt !.itnc. W,th an alm ost unpreccdente<.l vote He Will! al!>O II tn,tnh,'r of till' flve r !JOO, Lebanon voted to have fll'inj(ficltl 1. l . 0 , F Lutig · ~i n c c lhe maj ority in favor of Ule 1, ~fJ . ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ "w ts" being 48, It was a g reat :i ll rprise to marly lJcople of ' the county. Although lhe "wet" vote was much la rge r Ill' the fall election the "dry" forces I:Ut that vote up pretty badly. There was not much • RegularcommunicationofWayne!l- unimoRity or hard feeling exhibited VIlle ~¥p. F & A. M. No . 163.Tues. at the polls and every thing passed day evemng, March 30th. SOl ourn: ing brethren and visitors are spec- off very qUIetly. ially invited to attend. The average Warren county citizen . J . O. Cartwright, W. M. is very much pained to hear of the L. A. Zimmerman. Sec·y. result of this election. Everything had pointtld to a betterment in the condition of the county seat, There is'lone lamentable feature of this affair, however., That the citizens of the county seat would see fit to vote for saloons, and only last fall . . voted against a new school house, .' Palm Sunday ~rvlces at the Ch~ls, something thty very much need, and tlan church . BIble School at 9.30 something that the motbeI'IJ and a . m .• Palm Sunday ~e~mon and Com- children could enjoy. How the ~umon, 1?:30; ChTl~tran Endeavor, change came about is beyond the 6.30 p. m., s~rll',lon 7.01) p. m. . reasoning of all. Every,one invIted to these serVlces. How much better her sister city, , - • Franklin Iared, for she had aeen the • _~_ _ '. error of way~ seve\!8l ~ears ago,
~:1t:::I~: . ~:~~~~~r. Aa'a'nl!t~tralization
A Street Scene in Harveysburg
Six of the Civic League Ladi . furnish the light Ly laxation - that ' and erect the kind of a ligh t that of H!"'veysburg. Mesdames ~'. L. is the way it is intended to be done. might be selected. If YOU are afraid Harrl8, C. S, Tucker. Frank SqUIres. If we ever get, these necessities the of indebtedness walk in the darlc Ben Hawk, G. W. Davis and Miss tax payers will hllYe them to pay for There is no t a town or city in Ohio Laura Ward entertained J50 invited ' -a corporation w it h a tax · duplica te that has the conveniences that we gues~ at th.e bome of Mr . and Mrs . no larger than ours, can ha.ve no want that is out of debt. and what ft'. L. HarriS last week. A goodly luxuries and verv' tew necessities and difference does it make to us about lum of monf'Y was raised for the ,keep out of debl:. Everyone of .US the debt? We are only hen a tlhort furtherance of. the 1100d being done believe in commencing at home to while and when we are gone by the, p.pergetJ{' ladles of ~ur villag:e make donations, a nd when we pay ther e are others coming on taking ~ Y1CIDlty, but one thmg that IS our taxes and , one thousand other , our places and they-will have to suppuzzhng the League Is how to pro. , thinlo"8 and then subscribe to the I porl it. Do not look upon it as an ~eed to get t~e men 0 .l1e mO l e many things as they are placed before individual debt but a wholesale affair Interest In tbe work proP9sed. DO lUS. puts us in bllld shape fo r a long paid back in broken doses. If this expect too much of tl]e' bread winter. cannot be done on account of oppo · We are all int.erested in our town nents they should be satisfied with winlnel'lland wage earners for they troubles of theiro.wn in business, having the mode.r nconveniences. but darlmess and never aJlow themselves too numerous to mention. . in8talling these conveniences' pave to be heard from on the aubjeet of Donation requlll'ts are entlrell)' tQo the way so t here will be no eruption, necessities for our town. I truBt the ~ommon III every city an~ tl,wl); look and tanding on tile outllide looking Civic leallue will be succeilllful ' in mto the books of ~t\e muni~;p ality in, it looks like there was one of two every thin!! they undertake. but that ~d see if y(,lU .can ·BI*! their; tnlstakl:S. , tpings t ha t can be lione; put up coal'- they' will not undertake to light the iet them rt>ctlfied &n.d let the town oilla'mp9 ;m posts. or bond the town. town unle88 it can be dono by taxini. •
Iso·em·· -EVENTS., ~:::;~e
~ool Hall-Friday evenini.
ey~;:~! \~~! the
the men ~rried was by a IImllll mar-
Mrs. Rebflcca Hoblit had' as her guest!.' Tuesd~. Mr. Nathan Austin and daughter Celestia. Mrs . Ella Rye. Mrs. Rosa Berr)'hill and daughter Flora . .
. can ' be justly proud- 9f VictOry. She haa taken upon herself the mantle of temper~ce, and It looks verY, doubtful wheth~r the "weta" can ever carty that vll~.jority for... .'................... 38 lage again. We hope that Franklin D. L. Crane and 8On, Ethan were The,. are .everal places already Cincinnati ia duly thankful to her citizens for visitor. Saturday. • Mr. anj Mr... J. E. Janneyenter- the loyal 'support they have given looked ' after for the site of the p~ wned at dinner Sunday the foJlow- her bulldlQJf, but tbedirecc.ora --' ~very reticeotabout.namll'l&them. Buy your FertUlzerof CbaB. Frye, Honoring the senior class of Spring Ing guests: Dr. and Mra. J. W. • - - -... ' aDd tIMS work will p .... ,babI1 be ;,,-,_ .....>'1_"" .. handtel Mileon'., beat. and daugh ter Crazed , by h ill physical condition Valley. achool Mi!!8 Reya Sheehan Ward, and Mr. and Mra. C. M• .. ioon 88 the, 'preliminary wllrk is Samuel Smith and the suli'erings of a diseased body. gave a Sr. Patrick's Day party at Hough. attended to. ' , Mra. Mary Cask"y spent the weekW Smith of Mr. J. 1. Clark lended his life Satur- her countrY home WednesdayevenNow that ,,~ have gained ODe end with relatives in Springueld. Tq,ead.Bl! e~ening •for day morning by a,hooting himself with ing. Several inretesting {'ontestS there by the a rifie, He had been quite despond· featured the evening. In one of The Berean, Brothefhoorl and point iJl (a,vor of the , town and its St. Mary's Guild will m~t with Mrs. Marie. ent for several weeks. Friends missed these in which the guests were' asked LoY!lI. Daughters . CI8S81!8 of the future prosperity, wbat', the matJ. F. Cadwalll&der on Tburaday, the daughter him Saturday m()rr.ing. and upon in- to dress clothes pins in crepe paper Chl'ls~lan chur~h Juet closed a aix ~ with .adiog just a little more to an Mrs'. F. M. Cottrell vestigation found him at bis little Miss Laura Louise Barley won the w~k s contest I~ which the tile list .... d vote for a to-_I..,p .... d , ro,meIl'Iy' from- tli18 coni'ifiUiiitY home Nhe " east end of t;orwin. prize for making the neste8t dretlll. class came out vlcto~loU8, so .... "'....... ... I known here. The funerai was ,itting in a chair dead. Anotber was picking up ~e most up ro the oth,er claaees to opera bOa. on our ~ Itreet, 10 w':d;.,M::et!~!:'~tirC.meinnati,.,I the bome of ter parents .Several. years ag:o Mr. CI~rk met peanu.ta on,a batpl~ in one minute, banquet, which w~ held in . "Tbe people of Wayile Township tlJat we can cope ID 8, small Go~ J afternoon Marcb 17 WIth a railroad aCCident whIch left of which VIrgo Mlchenor W8II the O. F. Balrfl last Fnday. evenIng are to be congratulated upon the OV. ' him crippled, ancl weakened his con- winner, and Ben Smith was the lucky waa a ~ ect lIuccess In every way success of the schoo. eleetion. Iii degree at ~t with ~ aeighborillg , her husband, stitution. winner of the third conteat in which A fi~e hterary program was ~endered. my judgment this towmhip will c:iti.,aod' k~ a~ bit, more of our Dr. Dill. Oateopatb~· .•t residence left their ho,t,nt'in He \\/88 for yellrs employed on the thE' prize Wll!'l awsrded tbe one who consIsting ot solos by M.lss Lucy 900n h\lve a school sy'stem as good moat;; here at bome1 of L. T. Peterson, ~am St, .Tues · March 6 for I Pennsylvania liues., and aft~r his ac- WbS able to whistle first after' eating ReEmley pani d Mrs. dPaMlmerN;~~ksl by as an, township in the United States. . ,~ day and Fridaj momlDgs. underwent a ¢id~nt w1ls t he Yfi.rd )l1aster of the two crackers v, a mer.an r. IC 0 son; It deserves the support ot every tax .. this ~Il a . "bJain atorm .. ' '. . operation on March \ SIl'ringfield yard!? Abo~t fif.U;en F()lIowi~g the ~ontesl s the vou.ng humorous readmg;t! by Mrs. Palmer; payer of the township.Bot~ 'LYtle and Ii it bll8iMai'l The ~ple uf' alra, R. A. Croll! wu· called to in her' ,death at the. years ago' he resIgned . 11IS posItion people enJoyed ~ t"ffy,PU II fllr whIch and excellent mUBIC,Wall furnisbed by Corwin will promote t~elr own in'YI~tyl..do pot,reali&e how mb~tbl!)' South LePanon Saturday on BCGount ealey Memorial hospital" from there. and ea~e to Gorwln , whe~e he ~ey securedthel~ partners by mbtch- ~ft ~man and dau~hterb Grace\; terests best by becommg a part of , ~ in ulll1-. when tbN allow. the. of the illnesa of a relative. ' which place she graduated ' from the has since .reslded . . He wa.s, actively m~ numberson I?lctures . . Those w,ho er e program a nfie anqule the new up-to date system." ' 100ne ]leOple of the, vlciDity to 10 to ',,' ,~urses Tnilning School.in 1911. engaged 10 t.he chIcken bUSIness for enjoyed the altaIr wece MI88CS LoulAe was served to seventy- ve poop e. These are the worns of a man'who other plaeel for ~ir en~tainmen.t, For Sale-Tbe b~t Enail~: $1.26 The many frien4s and relatives several years. but (he condition of Barley, May Hood, Edith lo'udge, Theb Brr~hrhoBd c1asj pre~~~~ed knows what centrali:;;lltion means, . We have ~en~OIIed th18 fact m, ton. You call get this at any time, here extend to the husband and his health forced him 1;0 give it up. Ella Maud Davis, Messrs. Lawrence eae..o ~ erean c ass WI. a as he has spent the last two yeara in hlte eeveral different IMUM of !.tie Gazette ot'tbe WIl)'neaville CarmiDi Co family theifliticere sympathy. .Tohe funeral t.ook place Mouday Fudge, Carl Morgan.. Lawrence Ma~7~tJ°d a token of purity, the work of the schools and knows " • _. ' ~ftemoon a t? o'c,lock from the res· lone, Virgo Mitchener •. Alfred Hay. ove an rlen SIp. the systems of the centralized school. .cIuriDe the lui; )'~ar, and we can Bee wbat miabt, be the "bandwrltiIJ/l" if ldenc!! of his sIster. Mrs" Elmer Mr. and Mrs. Ben SmIth and Mr. That man is none other than a gra.dthe ecebe wu chlUl/led, andtbe ROllers) t he Rev . J. F. Cadwallader. and Mrs. ~Iph Sheehan . ' uate of the Waynesvilleachools- Les10WUf folQ bad a ~\ace In their own " ll(\'iciatJn~. Accordjog to his r ee - • A pleasant surprise was given ter S Ivins. '
Herbert Britain ltor Saturday.
was a
DaytoD via-
.q ,end tile
Qtra dimes, and
Therebyla bavlng ·cer.t&in', -• Pined a 'I'ber. .,. find,
are clusea .and enjoyment iD the' MOW!t. Another clll88 in " b. ville' Stru "nother cia. enjOyment ' in 'th«! $lance. clue dOOll not eee any In any ot th.-, /Jut pu~t with iI coterie ot b8d lh,e muliofl .Jihowa I lAlLen u\lluflhe IO-"'lllwu 'yeatB and lhutAi who enju,Yed tht-m lire ,109k.IJ)1r '0 U,e lilt er cltl~ to IIIlti~f~ . "'helt ~I"O~ m~"L .. " ThiS' I. hUI ilIll"on. ilu\. .elid"i: qf UWI ;~LLe can' go VIII. whiirt! UIIlY hliVe all lhlnp, and ~~~. willaev II of C!h~1t JCUUU bUlint4tt-1 LhIl.CliJIIImUIUtl hilppy,a~1I1 __ . _ __ <
~~~i~~~I~:d~:YI1~~~~~)P~i!~eqi~~llj EUROPEAN SUffERERS 3~:~~H;:i~~~~Yc~~~hdi: o~~~
. --nesday of last week in honor of her . 77th birthday. A neat program ~.:;:;rt--¥raI'~.JN..,..,.:MLUU!4-~auWlJ~wrL:---':::"""-='::.L.."':::'___~ been arranged. and W88 successfully , nft ~arried out, Mrs Hayali~ had. been "Congratulation!!! Saturday seems inVited l? apend the day WIth frIends to have bee II a gold letter day in the ' \ " :' The groundhOlt must bave 8e.1n his . The ladles then ~'!'Ibled a~ her histor of the !lehools in several of old "hadow twice on.,'ground hog" , , . Mrs. J. P. Owens. chaIrman of the , hom~. and everythtnlr ,In readIness, y t' I Preble County day. for hiB time expired a/week ago. Warren county auxiliary of the Ohio Mrs. I:Iayslit waa ~nt for. and on ~I;neCO~hlr=' elc~tions carried fo~ and Btlll ,o ld winter han\(s on as per· Commission for the Rel!ef of E~ro- hretumifinlliedwaa ~uhrprl~' to . find her centr~lization. Thin .... nre moving. " nlciously u he did in January . Snow pelln War Sufferers has Just received ome I Wit frIends, and a "'day for a w~k makes a person an urgent letter from the state head- ~wnPtUOUR dinnJr prepared; in ali ' ' . - - -- - he la In' die midst of winter _ __ , Q uarte~ at ColumJ>UB, pointing out It waa a very pl~t day for those flra~ day of spring came ' Slln " the need of continued activity along A pleaam~ ~eature of the ·Sundl~Y,I!Jav but with the thermometer; at Charles Edbe~-t Gf'8nt. JmpersOfla- the line which has been followed in waa the smgmg of "Blest Hildeltlra,nt' 28,.above In the morning. ' and spits lor. will give tbe iuul'th )'lumber of (hi s county with a large measure of ~b!lt 8inds;" and "G~ ' ~~ of siiow throY{fh the dav, : spring ~h~ lecture ~OUI~Se nt School Hall, SUCCesll up to the presenttime . . Mra. Till We ~eet AgllID ., Ioaked like ( 'llrty cents But warm It'rl~ay' eventng. ¥arch 21ith, curt(lin Ow.ens. ill advised that with the,ad~ent were: Elizabeth Ward, ERri Gray: Mrs, dayi will atrike Hlis localily h.. rd to nae • at 8 00 clock sharp: Mr of warmer wl'ather the need for ' Ida Allen; Mary MarMrs , . ,Grace L; !>efo'r e long, and we will be wanting Grant e0!Des ve ry ~ighly r~ommend- clothing ' supplies i; materially reo Wooten ~n~. l!tUe son Elizabeth. Britain tbe winter I!e68On to set in agail'),, ' ed and hlB en~el'tamment IS sut:e to duced. but tho food problem is.almll8t I~n, EtJ'lma. Elbon •. Chnstmll McviSlt.OJ'1I M d • - • . be on 8 par wltl'l ,the three ,previous as acute as it was several months ago . KIn.sey, AdrIa KerrIck, E!'1 ma . Re· on ay. numhers of this. course whlcb have Grain and flours dried vegetables talhck. Dr. Marydook. SacheHames. Litany. Penitential Office and ad~iven liuen splc'!did ' satista~tion patticularly bean~ and rice. dried and Mary Fr~e.. Hester Stout. Lizzie dreY8 Friday evening at 7 ~'clock. Come and hear hIm and he WIll do salt meats and condensed, milk are Joy, Mary .Zlmm!lrman, Emma Me- Palm Sunday. March 28th. Sunday " , ' vou good. SilllPe J!dmilllion. 35 cents. necde4.. ' , . M.e1len t .Mary Smith. Rosella HormeJl. School at 9:30 a, m . Mornirlg Prayer _-..,._.., _ • Cuyahoga, Lucas. Summit. Licking LIZZie ~auffman-, Pheobe H~thaw!ly,. and sermon at 10:30; seryiee an~ ser· · .~ , ' Eric Franklin Ross Hardin, Pick· Sarah Joy. Mana Stout. Katherme mon at 7:00 p. m. Speclal .muSlc for , . l1Ie ~ctles of the Cfirilltia~ church 'PROPOS~ awB.Y. Lake, R.ichland. Morgan and Cl'eDoweth. Lina Madd.en. Mollie lhe Mr . Earnest ,Earnhart will will Jtl,v,e a' dollar 8Ocial 'a t the church , " . Bilfhland ,countilltl have each sent Bisphamand Emma Hamilton. Palms." . • ',', . one or more carload,. to da~.. In • - • Week-:Servlce every evellUlg Friday evening, April 2nd, and even member of tlie c.,urllh la requeste() " ,r' addition' to such shipment. 8S have Easter Even at.7:30. . , ' to earn one doliar. Jl literar, pro · already been made, It is known that rday', Easter. Even servic~ gram will be rendered, and .:he put> . (tD there are considerable supplies in at -4:00 p, m. , ' IIc ill most cordially i1\vited to attend . , less than,carload Iota awaiting addiCome. and let us 'together . f~lI()W l No aclmiBBion will be charged~ but _----.:.. . , tion. , before they are sent forward . the footateps of Jesusirom His,tr . if anyone outside 'the c'fntrch mem, . . nt"" Owens is pointing out that " umphlU entr),' into Jerusalem on bership willhes to help In this social The G;- A., R. and. W. R , C. 'tif every cent contributed to thia counly, " Palm SU!lday to Hia cl'u'cifixion on it will be ereatly IIPpreclated, and Lebanon are- 'proposing to build or' ,elsewbere. actually goes tD the Good Fnday. we moat cordially inVIte you one and a Memorial hall at tbat place. They relief of sufferers in. Eurone. all -.,----.,.....- - - all to attend this litel'ary program. appeared befoN tbe council last charges'of transportation and other - - - _. ....._- • ' week and &akl!t~ 'pennisaioD ; to put incidental expenses being cared for 1,1i11f'il!!lldR • up a building billt th,at body did ~ot by state and national headquarters, ..i;••nl~,.. 8~ to ,have , th,e power to·grant which are privately financed for that C1hlnRt.1An then' request. 1'bey dill. ,however, p,urpose, ' ........
HIS' HIOO\' H l TtWtc II S ' ,'
,be cremaled . Bnd the. bl,lried at Springfield' . a.~hes' will be - - -
Mr:uDHIAl HAll
O . J
~:=;:~d~!,1 CATHOLIC PRIEST =e~ls:.~~::~n'~!':L~~\~ lot for t , t purPoie, and as the funda ' all'8ll • available tor the bulldWAS :RESPONSIBLE are _It is poIiaiblll tbaUt 1riu lOOn be bullt. Tbillis
will be.a elL to ,the Cft.1'ipOf}i4La1;;.'
omo blU!
111" h l~ HP ';11 lO ~ o "
AmD oU bad I,JI(I i"'r or tllO ' \Y O 0 1' . d Ol\ la. the bla k .h l1' "011. t.ho Wil l", I h.1t I rln \\ I'r It. \Uoo "Inll; h I!ud dOllCI RO to cOllvl nco lI.u bulla uot doubt II ... I~.\~t. nlll th at sb., must bl' 1I\) 'rllllll ), I'll 11I'( guard. p"arc'!1 ·l1rcCuil.\· IUlo (ln), vrolll~ tho t tllti)' \\ r I).!n·atl)' .hamllli I lI\)eral6 Ihlt younl(' r ,Iol". , II bl ! D ' Illtlou 11114· II tom l",r, Imll "III)' Inr I "!\lit ij \\'b!lr~ Ito ,- 111..1 IllIt ttl~ b ud on tilTH" tim • [0 "vnr)' IIIln lll~ ~ho won tiJ "m! I lJI ellM n mluutll n IIrur h Ir ultlmltt By HAROLD MAC GRATH frf'!1dom. SI!I! mus Llroml~' t mrltry h('~r1Iu l WBII the word Th" C~"lJ8t clvll1snllun W~6 Ibln I l h i IIlbnlll\. but 10 ij t b 'r \\ n aDle. t nltko 1{lIthl)·II. who h d l'tindlta ( tru !ll' II f:" " ' II crllcklng 001 Ul roll~h I Rnlll til Int1'lcao ll's ot th ll bllSlIlr,) It. ~II tlH~ dl\Y~ 01 (b~ Inullny mbnJI'L woh II IlII \ '1) bell" I ba N.LDa Snhl h'8 l f'oralan. W Inn lll bud to dop ud 1'1 lit bnn<J. He ou ld !Ju\'o gi ven l he , - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -. lrUg1ldy ut 'I\WII IIQI'O no exl rn lou r h . Ton ·tiuuusllnd rUI'eP8 did not ~o fil l' a mona "uldl"T8 wholf(1 · arr~nrll clulod That nIght K1l.thlyn s lgnmc6. tllOt I Inl' v~ i\T,r" "" 1')' (olln(\ nnle IIUO nr" fo r t,' n umnQ lImt tit\Ol. So bo placc,l .SYNOPSIS, . ebf\ w is hed to 80 down to the bench r maid (whom Ir\tl'r tbey sent to th o It WhP.N It prollllfled to ,10 th o most , <DLU"l'ElR J- Kl'lhlyn n"~. bell.,·ln/l b yond th harbor basin. n ru co nco f rulltlar .Iud ahandon d) aud took good It was n Qi\\lltlll Idoll. thl8 ot cut.' h .. t&th.~, CoL /Jar<>. III p.m l. now ~"Ill' ltng Rumubul 'y IhrOlll will! hi l! ow n mon.cs h or . Joa.v<"B. h ~ r h 'In Itl C ;~IJfl'ru I3 (lompanl d h r . Often h ca ughl h r tb. III In Iho pnlaco, 'flIPr,! wu s no W ~<! lllo" or wulllng or mon oy. Tbe lu"'I,,." plament umopg ,to 10 to hln, In .AlllUlIl. lndll\. l mll<,lIu., 6tarlng olit a& the lwlnkllng II g!Jta 011 ' lPf'Ole nd r tq t ho lnrono, htla ImI Jr''-u ll ~d bonrd t ho SimI1\. Uy and by til Y . st r.u !(); II np:t. 1' ho dnrk. proud (111 ' 0 at UJ O troop" was · bl~ . Prn bnllu's ; ut leusl · ItbO colonol, n runll12 by u.o hOLD IIlng M Illll COllld h nr th wInd lass crenklng . A I tlu' YQI"' !; "Irl gll\'O fort h no RIJ;\l 01 blR Ion eoough fpr (11" purpos ho bod volu mo ot black smoko suddenly tim IfOr ro r nnd uttor lunclln ess ot h r in mind . OBAPT.mR IJ-.Arrlvln/r In AI nlln l{Mh· "' h ~n tbo mullltllrtl' rOll nd Ib plat,. Intorml'4 by UmboJln thnl h r pou red t rom the boot·s s lanti ng ,tun. pos it 11'11. Anll 1 nlbllll" r nllz.'d Uml ather lMoInc d06d oh. 10 t n bn quae". Rnil nel, Tho sblp \Vas pultlng put to s O. It "'" " I" thll bLood ot til HU hlldn'n torm dI F·~tl h'e<J S lid \\,Inn le 'VIIS l.. d to ,muat m a rry blm. ho rerus es nn" I. Inmbllll n ''Wh y e!o )'011 rlRk your Ufo for ue?" to b hrevEl IIncl '111 1C1L Thero ,vnll 110 bl r chnmbor 10 lbp Z Ilo na. tonnll12 by tho prlcat. lhal nu wqlnan Qnr) r ule unmlUT\ed. Sh e " given fil flven dA.)' tI she ns kod ftudd nl),. m rey In bt s h art, lIo W Il 8 llOWCT trent d tll n\SAlt !O 0. b " orng know n to think It oy.r. "Adveoture 10 rn eo. t a n<1 drlnlt to mo, mild II lId gold nla d. nlld h is elll,tn lo" 0.8 tt1u .. I" 8· Mpeg-a Irillo 'omposod or I C}.tAPTJDR m -She lUll rnlu.M I\M I. 1I118s Hn ro." II ,'erl bf'cnu so ho could rono h nrlt hor hrn ndy And ch,\Il1 I'llgllo. Tbat h e told that aho m~t undergo l WO IJr<1enls drnnk t() st uperne llon WI\S G li's mot b· Tbo FreOx sound d strango IIlld u n- ot hIs d 1J8 1 r~8 o<'er th olr don d bodI1'8.. .,,1th 'l\1ld b<lutL If aha IUrv l\l/)8 !!h o "' 1\1 T ho ri gmarol e ~lfld mum n,e ry Win· od of Ilrotoc ll nlf ~lt llt nl~lll nil In Doce ut fAm lll nr In ber enl'S. For ma Uty. She ~ lIf!J"m1tll.4 to 1'\IIL bnd bee n wrong. t ll en : onl y comrnd& 1110 wont tbro ugh olTocted her ClI!1ctly chllll-r'~I' \\"Inllio WIlB nOl much morc ORAPTRR IV-,John Druco. " " Atno n sh.lp Bnd tho llIa8cullne 6e ns o f ra- us It hnd IllTecled hor siste r, It \\'118 t ha n t hot. • CAl\, SA". ber 1If... sponslb11lty, H er hea rt wus· IIko lend. 0 11 0 h ll1co\l8 nlghtmuro. an e! fi t an ), • Alono, • dAzed nl\(l t rrlllt'd. 'he : OHAPT.IlIR V-'1'he I.phnnt whIch c.nr"It Is v ry .klod nnd bra" e ot you, momonl s ho CJCpeclcd to mnke up In drol'POd uowt\ U,,(1n th cushIons ·and lttOa h er f'r'Om the .eeno ot hor tr luh, rut\15 .",ay. aep6r&Ung bor trom I3ruco fLnd lhe Mr . Drllc ; ·but I will oot bove II." h l' cozy corn er Ilt F:Ilondnlc. crl (\ lw rsn lr to ! le<'p- c.iu tl y 1I~ 'net of tho pArty. " Rn ve wllat ?" b o as ked. knowIn g In the buznlU"B Ihu y begn n 10 Illugh ICl1I hlYll hnc\ d OliI'. In UIO morni ng she ! CBAPTllIR VJ-Bbo tnllea retulI~ 10 .. I1 t Um bnlln and h6cj coron ntlone. o r IIw"ko to tluu trn ond fOOl1. Shu hud 'ruIMd UUllplo. but Ull. h R,- on I. th" nbo(1 o t ull well .wba t. h men.nL "Th ls going bllck with U8. WhYI durbarB. They begun to jost at his tu· l1 elll'd n o) onll e l\l .. r ur I ~a y o. Gla ncing lot a Uon IUld aho I.e forced 10 fl oe from It. sbowd you ris k your life for poople tIIo e rtorts to crown ~ome one tltrou!\h ca rJo IIs ly round b r Nlsol! of ItIllrble I CHAPTE R VIJ- Bho dn<l. a ""treal In wbo lire almost strange rs ?" whom ha could put bls gr ody han d ' and j08'P r ond II fn it )'r y. she dlscov· ~ Junclo. only to tull Into Ihe IUlIHI. ot ft lJ'a/18f& . "Strnogors 7" H o laughod eottly; Iota tho treasury. Stili . they fou nd cr ~d h Blip ot whlill poper protrud In g Kath lyn Plane to Reecue Her .Slater. hrolll; h n S(] II 0 r III l lle luttloed wlnOHAPTlllR VTTl- Katlllyn Ie brough t 10 "Hna 1~ n ever occu rred to you tbat the plenty or IImUEement lind exc ltoOlont. • _p!lbUO l!Ulr l In Alhlha ~n<1 80ld to poople we gl-Ow up wllh are nevor And so tll oy fiUed the equo re In front dO\I' whlc l1 op Iled out 10wI\nl lh e ga r- lI pon sIgn Inngullt;o; on d til e Inm ntes who, tln~lnl! h er all U In8ub. I ot t ho Z Mila IIld not glvo h or Ole re. ~y.. thl'O'N8 h er Into UlQ clungoon wl lll Tea lly our trl end8; tlla t renl frl endsblp ot the pl a Uorm when 1 mballa put th e don Ilt IJrlll's. or tatber. cornea only with maturity or tb e mind ? orown on W lnnle's bead. How lon g lIo\l rouoed h r In to tlCll"l ly. Sbe s pocl und rll t ntio n th y hl\d g iven to , ron lo lh wlildo\\' nnrl snatahed th e Kn.tbIYIl . Katlll yn wnB a nove lt)'; WIn· CHA.PT.IIlR lX-8b. . . reIIeuejl by Druce Wby. the b st mnn fri end 1 bnve In would this <It\ een Inst? !ala £l:l0D4a. And Kathl)'n. h er tnther and Bruc e 1)IlP l' el1!,crly . It WRS from Kalbl yn. nlo 'OilS nolo !lElS ldcH. one of th em tbls world la a ' young cb np I met but CH.Al'T1DR x.-colonel n nre ..100 tB rea- throe years ngo. It Is not tb e know. wero fore d to witness tbe event fro m dar ling l ~ lt . Th o rIsk with which It wa tched W innIe constnntly, because Umb&t~... wJUI eoldlera. stllns In Ing ot peoplo that mn.k 08 trle ud s l1lpB. bohlnd th o cordon at guards. dresse d hnd bee n plac d tn lhe latllced W111dow th e !Jear d d scoundrel had nttl'llCted unGlt. K&,.. I)'D t••t.runl< by a buUeL It Is the shn.rlng at dllngers. ot brend tn native costume. thetr fnc es staln od. nev r occurn d to Winni e, her fU I1<l Y and b oca use sho -boped to ~&R XJ,-TM twr1t1vea nr,! gIVen In the wUdenl8ss ; or getting a glimpse a nd th eir b earts eweillng with ImpoTh e noto Infor med bor thnt t h e wom· enclloln his, 111 Ill. paJaoe or 1Jn1a. Khan, at the Boul wbl cb lies benouth the eon- t ent nnge r ond desp nlr. For tt wos In an doctnr or tb o 7.01l 1ll1ll lIad been BUm · So the note trom Kolblyn dIe! not CJI-U>TlIlR XlI-8Uppll04 by enmel. by VontlO:l8 at the Boelal P\l.Ot. Would such ~U18e they hnd roturned to AI· clet'1 t1 y brlbod to I>or ml t R nthlyn tc pnss un nolle d. though Winnie be.ob08P"" ble p~QG t.h Y l tar l ror tho )"Oll call mo a s trungor f" lab1\. · mn.ke U I~ Ilko her nnd gain ad mittance li e" d she \Vila wIthout espionage. JCOut. lIUt aJ:e caPlured by brl&,nn<la. Um~ JOUftI )II! to tho l.a I. ot Ihe blUl"0. no!" she cried swIftly. "It Is During II. lull In the coromonl os a to tb e Z"tlal1a. WIII,llo mu st complain Kathlyn. he r fllthor. Bruce, RnlItBl> 41~ ___ the. colonel 'a prIsoner IIJJd merely that I do not want YOU to risk r osollnnt " 'olco from out tho donso of IIIll0'lS 8n os k for the (lootoT. but bal and Pundlta mot at tbe' colonol's IOI'4erI Bruce ..na K&thlyn trill d. _ . ""-AliI xnI-'l'Ile banell t. Quarrel your Ufo a ny furth er tor us. Is there throng crl d: "Olvo UII II. QU en ot our not hrJ(Iro We mornIng at t be follow· bungalow, nnd with Abmed'B help the)" Icnir the mone)' pald them by Um halla 110 wny I cnn dlssuado yOU 1" blood and mco, tholl hlack. gutter born Ing dill'. So fnr 88 . lie. Kathl)'l1 could thrash d out tbe p11ln to r 1I0ue Wlnl&84 durin.. tho oontua1oD K ntb lyn and ~None tlltlt 1 can think of. I am (Jog!" lea r n. WIIlIII wOll ld b I rt In ' pOIlce nle.· ·Alone . the IIttlo sis ter would not Bruce _pe a nd "turn to Allo.ho_ They going . back wltb )"ou. Thnt'e eettled. Ramnbal started at the eouod of th nt lill tile fCBlivu l at the car of J ugger· bo abl e to find b r way out of the garw,nooot a ~Ian to "J'8Cue .the colonel. . otI.U"rl!lR XlV- Tho coloQcl Is noml- NoW let U8 talk ot somelhlng ele·e. voice. but caugbt MlDselt be fore he n:u.it. 111. s he would no~ be fo rce d to den of brides. It wns Kathl)"II's Idea ~1fi Ii:tiUi, bUI· nI lIy a prloo ner. It Is Don't you reall)' want mo to go'" look d In tile dIrection from wh en ce att n il t h e ceremrmles the pnlac to he've Wln ole pr tend she needed ·n.\r ~' tD lin" .. ~rl(lo (or h Ill). KOlh"Ah, that Isn't tnJr." looking ont It rOS8. It belonged to one Lal Sin gh. would be pracllcnlly Ile8~ted ntfd then and 6un~h lne Dnd a .walk In the garIvn If1lInl a CCll8ll to tho I'" l/lco In lila1fU\IIO. b r teIIeuo plllJtll • ro auece""· 8Sllo a&a1n and following tho· llgbts Untballa Rcov,iled. but gave no other iClith lyn would appear. den after lhe doctor'e vlelt. Tho r os!ftc wllon the ttu.JlUry leoptu'da .""',"po aboard the Simla. algn t:hat h~ heard. But a gUard dived Th Is n ows plucked up Wl nnle's apII'. <lue would be attempted trom the !hl'Owina tho oourt Into ortlSlon. , It was mlllhty' bard for 'blm not to In[() the crowd·; ulioleB81:r. howevor. Ita cODlsld rol> ly. Sur oly ber fnth er wal18. • CRAPTJilIt· XV-Durtll&'· th, panIc .Ram. .;I\'eep her bito hlB arms then and' Knthl),n touobed Ra'mllhai'B arm. and Kilt wCl~ bnlVo an d cunn~ng Jll g~erllllut, or .lOI!\lnDa QI In HI'nduo· there. B~t be would never be BUre at "0, t muet apeak,fo herl" 01101,l1:\1:1 til clrcum,lllnt mblllUj. What tan,! ( nl M lllg LIlrd ot tbe W.Qrld). her till ahe W811 tree 01. this country, "Do ollJ'eNl, m,e ml!n.hlbt" ho WrmJ d, ~ frlgl1tfl\I country! What a drelldfuJ \vas lin Idol so bldeous ly oDe ,rD woOd '. CJlAPT.jnR XVJ- Th'e colol\cl he...", t hnt tree at the sense of gratltu"e, .froe to But even 9S sho epoke ehe stoppeiJ people! She wns " Ilserable over the th at lhe prlnco or bell would' hnv~ tn· IIJI)'DUIl!lllr \I~ llI.I hi."r Winnie 18 nbo u. to /lr- "11 tn Alla.ha.. Th o parl,y j QurntlYil welgb her 80ntlmente carefully and un- pnst him, toward her beloved slBter. tortu ro~1 h er tl\~h er hll ll s uffar ed, bu·t ken It to be tho p~rson lncllUOQ ·o ( n ,""eli ,(I A""lIo.. Wlnoto rirrl .,.. bUforo no\' (!rt\J.elesH sho h eld hIm culpn.bl'l tor damn d soul could lje ha \le grtmpsed tt ''''ey ,<lu and walke Inlo tbe lJ'np prep'''od blaledl)". He Bat dowa abrupOy on and olTered tbo flowora ahe beld. 'or h r by Ornbal lu. Wlnnlo Is c r o \V I1~'CI the w1'eck C?' an ancIent buU em·bedWinnIe, not dreaming that this dark n ot t elling boil! II r ond' KIt 1\11 and not III th e te ml,l ot AI1!lbn. The god' s qu,",D. ~thlyn .... d bor tlllhor 1111 1111 In a Ut- vollod crenturo WM her al\lter. emelled h ;IU n trut h. A ba sk t 01 gems ! Slie fnee was blac k. hIs lips nnd mouth bor. dto~t... and mllko thlar Pl'Ollopeo kn6wn dlid In tho sand. She eank: to the terrified I;trL. . Ue 'Wa:r from blm. .the flow e rs nnd beheld a card wbloh aqd Kit dIll nOl "'IRII ~o b rl cb. only rlbly and slglJI Ot'antlY. r d; · bis e yos lie began to tell her lOme of hll had writing on It-EoglI.h! fr oe nnd happy . And now h r own were polished emeralds. hIs arms weTe "Wbatl~e mlln 11'110 owneo nOOJ'. past exploits; the Amason, the 0rI"CouI'llo80! ll'ather aud I han a plan tony In oml ng would bu t ndd to Ibe l ot gill. li1& bod)' like tbBt or a toad. 17 all of P8!'U and ,baH the railrouds In . nooo, the Andes, TIbet and Cblna; of tor Jour ellcape. Xathlyn." !U 1~ .. r1e .. or h ~ r len'c'll ou s . HI8 IOID!)Oral re Ign In Allaha was somaSouth A.merlca!" the auanke 1loteam and Jstsam be bad wbere nenr four hundred )'enr~. and "Yea. You soo, colonel, we aTO CHAPTER XVII. no doubt hi s emerald eyes Il6d 8 en 'a IIOmethlll8 alUt:e. Wo n ever nsk (Jll eB' mot In hla travols. Dut she BenllOd crimson t rail behln~ hIli car W! .many tlon., It wow" ha e ~ oo n 'tnr bl)tl r ' Ollly tbe lIoun.d of bta volcte and the deUmbftllll began to go nbout c b e e r f u l - . bun dred Urn s . . It we bad, Becau.,., J did not que/ltlon slro to reach 'o ut bor hand and touch He way marrl d t rcquuntly. Some Kathtyn wben I tlrst J;Dtll . b r 1 tool bla. Friondshlpl Proad In tho wUdlli-- I,. He no longer doubted hI. \ l t a r . . Gutter born, "'lUI he? A. rat from the poor, ' belllgilted, fnnattonl womnn halt to ,blame tor her mlslortul1 cs. I nesal • • • • • • • stnletIJT Very wel\; tbore were rats would ple age h erself and would be "'0\114 bavo told heT all about AI/llh n , Ahmed wail lean- and-deeeptlve-to dJat.... and Bomo bIt 10 d t:bat ' col.l s ldored wltb awo till ebe dted. But IUId warned her to koep oul of I In those times no onll l1un8 ' himself shout" ba"'e advlaed h er \0 scnd n ' Iv• . the e:re. LIke many Hindus, be ap' .people dIed at It. He lIometimes pearod anemta. and yet tho burden. donbted tho !ldvl\lftblllty ot permItting - under 010 Cl\.f: nothlog but the Incense tnvlllltlgators. sbe to Te mnJn In Pt'( ' tJie man could put on hla back. and Oolooel Hare'8 headman .Ahmed --\ ot crush ed !lOWOI'l! now followed bls wur tlU IIhe learnod the truth . pf : ~ almOflt In"eflnltely wouJa luive roal;Il nbout; the raBCnl mIght In the "Our De w b ookkeep.. r enn't 8eem wnke. HIs grin. however, was the name of Hare sll8gested n Olhlll~. ldUed many a white inan wbo boasted end prove too 8harp. Stili It 1II88 not to lies n 1D18tllko wh lln .It·1! IJOlnbl() eame as or old. Wood. paInt, gilt and me, not WI after I had lor! _.0 emeralds! Well. we enl1ghtene" Euro. 8!Aaapore: So 1 8hall go pack With of ilia atrencth- On' baH II loa.( oC a bad I"ea to let Abmed believe that o ut t.o blm .... ot h' walked In Bocurlt,. All Umbn1la "B.e """ bBll f"n . Dll n't Itllnde to pea.ne BomeUmeB wortlblp theso very 7OU. Blit please let 'Kathlyn CO)lUnue clack brea.d and a fJoldi r's "anteen ~ '-il h 1 1 K thl .. 'e m a s mi llt .. k pl! ; nl)ude ·t,1) .emal! thl ngs, th 1;lOg h we Ind Ignnntll' deny . .., It. to think ot me 88 a man who ear.ns bb water ' he could tl'llvel tor two' days. wnn ..., wns t 0 co one, n yn nn... bon b elld \lltleys Be'll undorstand 0 t Id b th Id b I B He could go w.lthout alee" tor til hours. e y,oung lunter, rueo. It '!OU U us e t e temple stood the 'Clar. own U"tna... " All.m..,... _.. l1:l'own cur",eS8. -, b ld t hllt a.,11 r l" h t, ,"- Pltt~bor,'b POf!,.t. t nn •• W o . w \l~. q '" .... etl Qa II y carved; dull' wIth m .b bcIJ "God blei!s )':OU. m:r boy I· You haye and ~hen ho ehlpt he cO\lld sleep any" _"", ~ _ _ _ ~__ gold l eM . You could Bee the aockolj! ':J?Ut a n nw 'baokbone lJI me. 1t's hnrd whero, OD tho moment. not to have a wh't~ man to talk to, to Filling ble soddle hngs \\·1th throe .• 'O-u-r-'Ad"v'-I';;" S •• - . wh r horrid knIves had ollce' l,: lItlered .... , I)e".;.ple Say· T'o' Us In tile ·Sllllllght. Xerx es no dO\jbt plan ~th. A.bmoo expeota · thrit we days' ratione, two cant ens 01 wilt r. 1Vhaa wno feel ou,&bai of IlOna -~ found eTI d II I~. war alar I Iols. u pon t his shall be rea.dy for the return In th o h.o set oft on 9 hagln. or racing camel, ..... Oar eaj> if lrom ..... "I ~not.v ent tills \)r tbo.t food l it dotl Id momthg. lte, howllver, Intends to go · for Allohn. 200 mil es Inlnnd as the ~.~ j & " , _ .. ,,': _ . . _ not ngree ' with mc." Our ndvice to en. 1 wb ool8. six In numbe.r , twe _ V~ all of Ul em i$ to take a. In tr ollt an rl two ou en h s ldo. w\l rG back on a .-aclng.camel. to go I!Itrnlghl crow OIc 8. It wns hlB Int ntlon to I . ~ . ~~ Dyspepsl'a solid. brand. Ilnd h envy. ca publ . of ~ m)" bung8.low, U It Iln't destro)' ed rldo strnlght down to th" do"ort and ~ 's .camp, II GO 110' nUn, 11111.bomo l1li ~~cian. !'~? Tablet · b7 tbls time. Perhape 'Wlnnle baa not aorOS8 thl6 to Colonel !lar boeau8e no olber will. ~ _ J s moo LI I IIIg all t n cOl'ruguLcd wInter such a thing now eJll8ted. A dromedllry ~oa11111 \II. 10 _~ roud. Tho Bt1P- rslrll cluro was nn or· ~v~ there yet. 1 ,tro.t .Ahmed." .lbefore andnfter each·meal. ,250BOOz. nnte s hrill . whIch cOlltalnud the Idol , "So do L J have !mown hLm tor a In llood QOndltloa can mnke trom slxt)' ~. E, Janney. J . e . J anney. on Its p,e rcll rl nullons to tho 'rIver. Io~ tIJ1le-that Is, I thought 1 dld- to elgbty Illl1ea .B day; and the beast A'bout tho cur wer" til devotaos, and durlnll the last few. "Weeks he hal Abmecl had engaged was at Arab SOnt O holdlug (be rap ·S. otbe rs \\Iatoh .. been a revelaUon. ThInk ot ):Us b011l8 blood. In fQur daye he expeoted to .. In g tho entrnnce to tbl! tom pie. Pros· :rour headman all theso ,8&1'1; and Yilt rench the OlUDp. It Winnie hnd not ltea4\lJ worldn. for b.11 raJ, PIe nrlt. , )oet , tvrlve". he would take the TOad, 1'_,\. ently rrom' tlle tOlllllle ca mo tI. e gurus., moot ,bar. wnrn h~r of 'tho dangors -------VC-C-J.:. or .Jlrl 8lB. b ellJ'ltig the Idol, Wltb ..'" r,aJJ :-', wbich eho was abodt to f\l.Oe, nnd oon. much revc.r euccj they placed 'lbe Idol "They Can keep secrete." wHhl!, the s hrIne, th e pllgrtms look ''Well, we have this 8nt1Bfnctlon; voy her to the Bel\po.L It It was too b old Orml y of the ropos. nnd lhe enl ..,hen Pundlta rules It ",'III b. under the Into. ho woold Bend tho enmol back We are oITering this "Family Group" at a ri dkulo ll sly lo w price rnttlcd und thllndored on Its ' wn), to protec~nl hllnd of Englnnd. Now let with n trual.ed meBsenger to · t1i~ coloIt'IId
dve to 'c
MAnt ppi1ple n •• , Oll l'l'r re,.II" t' [Uk.! ) II
. I WI Hl' kl Z. Whll r IJ.,rl I"h .t NIJ. 10!1 ID L"I.lInvn, Obl,J,
eni 'cd «( lJle:!i "II' I' t f' '$ ' (\
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U ~ l "~" (:HOMe r III Ih.vllI ~_ . I 1111. "lim -t 1Y. "o r~ .. 111 . ' ~ Ihlll -1 'I' 4, K. 3, $~O(l(J R IIM P I Arl "Ir .. ,. AI , 0 M... " IJ:\. Werntz, put of lot N 1 IU (JUI Will.
J. E. Janney.
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ervntlng gamo In exl!tenco-that ot wntttng; for they had docllled to wnlt Ull the:r henrd from Ahmed before the)" moved. Fo I ht I b Ah . ur· n g 8 11 tor, w on med al' nt usunl. tho bungalow, he found con<1l· ,rIved tlons na For rClleons best known to hlmBol! UmbaUa hnd not disturbed thl I ·r t b ' nn:r nlf· n nc, 0 hnd ruwayo had the thebungnlow youngor and sleter, In . and loftafthe camp mindoomlng untouohcd, so ns not to ruo.rm ber. She had not ),et nrrlv'od. So Abmed flung hlmsolC down upon hIs cotton rug, tolling tho keepers not to disturb .hlm; he would wnko .hlmsolf when thc tlm~ came, Dut Ahmed had overratod hla powors; he WDB getting ruons' In . dI )'oo,n; an t wna noon of the oext day When a han" shook bim by the sboul· dor Ilnd bo awoke to 'Wltneeo tho al' rIval ot WInnIe nnd her' woman ·com. panlon. For tbe tll'I!/. time ~ many years Ahmecl cu~s ed bls ·llrophet. He that hnd had . time to warn tbo child had slopt like tho Bloth ot Ceylon I Hp weot .lllrootlly to tho poInt. He told bor brl l') Qy ",'hnt hnd bapponed, H o hnd n o~ tho 1000st dou bt thnt UmbalJll was alrcndy aware ·of her al' rival. Sho mU8t remain bldden 'ln tho go-down of tho bungalow; her maid 0.180. That nIght, It Umballa or hla mon fail ed to nppear, he would lead bor off to saret)'. But thore was no hope of stcalln~ aWllY 11\ tbe rIa:rthne. lD bIll beart, however, he entertained no bope; and like the ·1QOd lIener&! he· ..,IUI. be dl.patched the m_enl8f ad oameJ_ to the..... The fat". nc1 daushter were fatec1 to return. AlImed had reC\ko~ I~. 17m. balla appelU"tld laler ID tb6 Gal' uc1 • 111a114e4 ths ulIsIl_ of 00..,. . .,.. Baoatl U .... IIJ _ _ ...
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beaom.e· Dlider lIuch mlsful' oUId bi"e driYon mo.d all..Y onilWlI'f '!rOmllal can't YOII 8 1111 lIght 1l4l1 1oa. theM III JC?Od and ~~~.lfOl' anc1 a IDllt DB, &tid j fUll win In tho end . . . . . diaa ¥OW' baJI7 old I pia. GIlt tJae Orient' I • •' ............ tIIIt I caD't "lIP
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M a aZiDe in
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fllDut nnd his car morE
Common Pleos Courl
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Probate Courl t>roceedlDltll l Jr p o; t'IH! I"' -;- :~I ' : X ,' ui" \V I rMh .. n"o III t lt,l m Ilt!" r nf th ~ WIll o f Jll ooh ' lin ' Il l" prl" ,,, ,. ," ~- , ·h, "nr .l· f:l\l 411 i 10 Wln lll l' l. UI' 0 01\ 811., . W IIi tl liutit wtl t o U hl o or r u.: d"'rl "111 v. ' rt, ( 'v )111 $ 1tJ(1,!IO , \V lIl l l' r I'. 1.1I ,· r, · . f ro ·q.. ht pr nbllM II tld 11 .. 11 1111 10: ~ ·j ,7() ; ~11 . 1JI1 I';,,;-.~ttr', In t h H lIIf\\.lpr of (It " u ,11111' of I'rl l1\1l1 ': f'lr 'I" P" - Il "" r ~ ; A , II, .IIIOl) \) Will ~ t et l . d eou,,"eu EllllII " BOlld brlo ill" work In F ",,-Ilclln W III ~ tv l IR "pro;nt!"\ III IIPl)o)lnlcld !... w o ~1I 1t 1 $ '!;I; 1Il IIIlHW! of 1,,"1.\' o f hllllllnll' trlltTlX Ba ud *r.1I0 ~ hA IUI- !til he I ! ~1 " 1I " lj . , :v, " II ,,,, (1 IIlltl wh 'fld lI&t.oly e lf'o t,f; 10 tllk tl tlOd " r t h e OIl!!!! Ill' ; II W -.", · .. 0 ... rou.1 WOlf k will WIlYI1 ' t,' '' Ds ll ll' ~\JR.I ;I; :-11111'11(11 lV·be rt '\!. Vlln Born", " tlmr. ('to. 'u (j t' r , h · utl{t"' W II : k I) Hrdll1tt n " ,, )111 1111 11' V 8 ' l' lJ lJ U1 " ~ V , \7 11 [1 t1 " rll ".. '~ n~h l " ~ ~ Il. l l'i ; Il ". B" I·.I. hr i' ·.:e " f, ,I tl Al u llr!IIDI ~ Tit III to ",ild s i~ ~' ''' k 1\ 1)~ 1 rfi" ld I , .. .... hi» $:.;1 3n; 1!8!llblbhe .1,i'ubj ot t n llHlUlllhrllu()I'F. I., ~ I p-" cP, '"1)lIl II" t nl ~ IJI v, .f or III the wn tt r of th e el!t u te f , II) 18 : {; I', !OM lOud B ' ~I " ' . I, IIIh"r -\r!bllr H 1:1 off, d fl0638ed, ~soond anti *10.711; C H Mill vit., ~ I1PI' i IA~ . l il.OO i e (~ fi li ioll r,,"!' . 11111> 11 1' ;' $ 0. W.·.. t(IOIo! " C<lUot liiI bPproved . ~' I n t Il conont In tb SlOW f ')!"Il ;iL r, ~ u l"p h .· . $ ~ I ; ' . 111111110'1 Mtt be l ALlul~ l,)el,rtb, wlollr. IS lip. 1\ IIIIIk 8,ok e.. -1I"' t lt~. f~; .. hll pro v" 'l • W rll'.!' , conrr ,, !'1 ;$111 1 lill; " \lIIII /,r '" In I be S..tllto of AnnOl I •. !-\nIlQ k. Fee £4' 111111. >11 ),, 1'\' 01 AIlIIt! ·\r .,~ oll' rk ·.f R" Rrrl ,)1 \ 't\ IlI I 'I I~IrII" $iiO. Ilf\ O~1I 8ed,l1rl\t Itn'i1 fillu.l IIcoollnt i~ ~ .... ... pro ll 11. .F1r8t !HIII 6111\1 Roo nant In t,h o 10'8 t,lito o f tiJ ltltlr d. Keensn . dootltlSlld. i H ,'pprl ' v"a A~ ",v" rY,)I'" 1. .. .. ,' - , II! , I " "I ' I~ In th e elua te o f Ri c h Hrd M Du~ e . "r .. lh t1 81'\\' ,·r~ln· · · - t~". , . r",,' "",1,' , IIEoe lu,ed. fir :<t acco unt 18 "ppro vr. d . "n d I~ I~ · It I. I') ~ rt· " • • t l' \lp,·rIJIII,·" III th e OIlIU.tIl .Of. Rloh"rd M ~h It Ihf"' ", \'1' "10 (\' I'ur h I I~ ,. If dUQIl It.!leLi, ft ,r llt lIoooun~ Is approved: YOl1r ho w I~ I),·n'l l.· 1111,., Itl ""ri , Ln ~ll .. elt&aie vf Joann" U1",-it dH laka n cj () ' 1' Of 1'\1 Iml wr l,li ll ~ ·r.,h. oeR""dl firllt bnd flQol1i ouqni I~ i\p Ilots jl'1 ~ I\ (l.tt ,· nJ>llll r .. "d t)I,'Y will I1rov~ll correot t,b" U'~ " Nl "r, . () I\IllltlHbl6 ~ Irs. lIud,111l1\1 nooouM In tho as OV ry wh ~re ftllt9 o f (felDOY J. HeDDett, deol""sea. .... ~ .. i8 It ppruved . A Vll~l n ill Invl'llt nr tin~ hr"n@bt ID tb e eIlI H ~.:I o r Winnie Annher. out I. m'Jt ll r.driven plll w IrlOm whloh imbllolle. second .. ccoont I approved . 116 1II 010r oa tl be rflIlI O" e(1 f .. r oth,'r In ~lle eSCIlto of Rtll1800a Mn 1\ d e wo rk nl·o ot. t il" , .\Tm OOIlBt.d, first tlooount Is Ilpprovud. First and 6naloccoon, in the til- R d M" G tate of J. Elbnr · JuoitHon, deeeasW. ea your own laml azette It< ulJproved ,' 1n tbe 8oI!w&e 01 .fomes Elmer Mo Iutlre. 101b801\0. flr tlt n~oooont Is a l!' tlr JVOJ(), In ,tbtl DI/lUer of tbl!' e8tlltll f EUm lJ6'b R. Side~, deooll8ed . Final .lIlIbrlbution Is UPlJrovtld Ilod tt.dmln. btrators 8ro dlillilli ie'il-, ~ In the matter of thft eMtate of Uardline Simon tOil, ·deoelt.t!ed. A.. W Al~rdlll, Borlioa HOI)plng aDd John BUII4n Arl~!~ AlImlnlalraklx. Me. .1.'. L3w lire appoln.t.e d lippralsorl'. Armltrong AlcCn.y o~ 01 Cue No. 11051, In tht' III!tate Of ;uabal AnDII By ,1rlu o of an ..rdor ot 1IIIcI. duly lllaad Deartb . minor. Cllur·t givOll oon8eut from 11&1'1 Oourt.. In tbe above It.ated " _ and to llu ~ rdl811 . ') iovellt oert.aln to[lIta to rno tllroctorl. 1 wlU olJor lor 11&10. by .ay or vubllc auc tilln. on Ihe IlTeIllIlM In Oorwlo. In proo natlvo reul eeUl te, Val'l'C!0 Oouotv. Oblo. lin , ' U.. rrle R . ' I. . ·o·)vllll', IIdwrx t S ..turtlo)'. ~I~rch 2111 •• ~. D. 1111 Vltllu\lIfvt!. (.larrie R 1. t'\covlll e' III • ILL 3 , . ,·c1ock p,"'M .• 0 0 n it! day, Ibe follo';-. 1llllllOdlllltlo. PrivlLte 81410 uf riml tt8· illK ,dllllCrllHld' f'1ltl eIIMILo lo-WIL: ' tlltll . order. d . ReVllrt or Stilt. np. "8ItIlUI~'" lu \ '1I1'/'tl1l (JollnLy In Lhe State of ·Ohlu. Uclng port 01 Survey NUnlbereCl llil ' IlrOVt!(i, DItHrlbatlou orderod. Vi rgi n". Military I_anll. B"JlIDOlu&, aL a ti!!tni In tb El lIIutter of Ze rllll}u. M. Urlm. III UIO rood loatllng !rom Wa)'nllllvlllo'U! WIImlnK\.on. &1111' 13 leClL · lrom tho <:eater of 'be .\1'1" .10<1 Ll un fur 1I(lmllll!l()n o t "dUll' Lltllo MlIlIlIl nollroad , and rUllnloll ,hence wlU, the mllhllo 01 l aid. WaY'II:8vlllo and WII. Lo !Jllylon l:!tlltll I:IU.~ pit411 111 1Il1t1 ... mlnK\.on rollll ~uLh ~ 8,li dl'lt1'boe E 2cbI IlIKI . In tb o IlHi tt.ur III t\l f! will nf Adll 6U \luk e III • 1",lnt .... glug wllh Ih ••• t tide allo)' In tho 'J'Qwu ClI (Jorwlo Thence A. RiltJY, (lI;colll'lId. The w!(I\\wer. ollu, :it~.\{.,. tlogrc.'CM ~ ooe cbalD Iwd 10 Ualil 10 (;iou. lC RtllIY, Hll'o t~ to tit k u ondor 'l'hone<! ' . :i? II\l1lfOOl W. 2 ellalnl ud' It tbu will. lin"" to a ltOlIO 81.IlI.iflug a3 teo~ from Ihe mId. dlti 01 salll LlltlU AIIIIOII 1~IUroad , T~enoe In tho mAtler 01 tho tl~hh. of Ad !1 1IIll'llllel 1I'lIh IIIll d rallm.d 8. $7 , d ,.. A Riley. dllcenl!od, Ueurj( ll E Rll flY W... t 2 ,'balns auu 60 lIukti \.0 'bo pl_o bitijllluhlR cuII!lllolDg hall acre .Lrtc:lo m.... III 1\ )JplIlnth I I'xtltmtor. no bl/Dd reo 11m amI boln(J more01\0 l1W:Ontly II.ilCrlbed b, 'be qlll £Id re.l lJ8lt1to appralliOr lu \ 18YO! at Lot Number In Joel \Y. JUllOHUU I addllJUo 10 the "Il~""" Iu th e mllaer of the 8trlt·O of "0" I"~" of ( "'r\'lln. " " l'lte · ne""", ~ 8 ~roo~ un tlto Boulb 01 I(I\d Il"rl!(]erloll fiobbaler, deoeli ~ Ad M. IlTOperty I. ltaryolOlburg l\.oad. 00 tho WeaL Ef.. O.<wBld .hl ol>l.lI\ll1te.1 1I.lw \ultltrll • HnllN.d Ave.. thure 0011'1( 1i0 .Iroete CD the North or on tho EIUIL or AbOye dOlCrlbed i\ond '3000 Ed 8, UC) \1klln. S. pnlport.y. lor l'. l:imlth ItDd .' .. mOK Follen MO III)' \:lnl ... real ""totoh""lIoen l'f/IUi.rly APJll'llI8ed II.o.... r IlnJcr 01 Ihe OOllrt It (UOUO) ho pointed Ilpprnls8rK I lIu,uI&uoI dcll~ ... Blld will no~ be eold tor Ieb tll~n two·thlnJ. of nppralae6 value Marrlalte Ucen.c. T.rn,.:-Cull. ' . WALD~ON 0 GILMOUR, Karl S. (Jowall, fllrmer t,) E. J eu. ShertlY WUt'W Count)' 0 LnngdoJ. " Ramlltoll Att),L • • nle l:iI1ml\ton. both of Lebauon. !Iarcb 3t-61. . Rev. A. J . Kastle. ~orm~n D. !;lImB, farmer I)F Mor, ·ro,,:, Co Jodav& Flore'ttt. WilBon, of t..ehtlDO~ " Rev. \Yr:lgbt . . . All KInds or Kesler ThoUl1I1! Graham,. railroad employe of LYtle to Ella Mile 8to..\'e, of ~prlngboro . Rev , O. W . LoOOlI8. . ·Bird., D, Roll, laborer \If J..;eblonon, to "arle AnDa Doughman. o ~ Klnge Mms. W •.Z Roll, mayor.
--- ... - --
... .
Warren Common Pleas
The street outsldo I.bo gard en 01. brlrles wns In ronllty no thoroughtnre. tbougb natives occuHlonnlly made USE ot It· as a short cut Inlo town. Thorefore no on e obHervod, the entrance 01 an olelll1onl. which otopned close. tc tllo wnll. SOf) mlllgly to melt into t1ip drab at It. On his J/llck. however. the howdnh wns conspIcuous. BehInd thE curt.ulns l{othlyn \lnUe nt.ly Waited: Slie - ' Of! ~,. a bou.' I 0 turn ,awny .· In de8palr when through th e wlolier gnte she saw Wlllnnle. nUllllded by one of the zenanD g r s, enter the garden! U eeemed ae Real·Bal.ate Tranaten SUc.'Cn80t' to l 1t ber -wllr rea~hod out to bring WinnIe ., to tbe wnlland to hold the otheryounl 0 .· W. Morrla . to ,B Boo 'Stokes . P. ·E. 'SHERWOOD woman wbElr,e she was." , , 140.65 . aor~B In Turtleoreek lind I , TO DEi OONTINUED OIearrretik towDsblps, $1. - - - -•• - ....- - - Over Poetolffce j Frank Skinner to Chrlstlan Glehla . Ho~ Phone 8-i Iota No 29 tlnd 30 In Thompson'a Orflce Phoq. 77 . " addlt10a to Morrow, tl. . . It you WIUl t q ulok 'IlDd re~l, relle~ Jamel! · Ii. Ertel '0 J . B. Poe 76 from Rbonll)tt.ttem, dQ wbat I.) mllny aor'ell lu aamllton towDshlp $1. . &h IU8"~1(1 ,other people are d"l~g"": Rqlllu .W. Mulford to · Annie E,' when~ver an attllok oomttl OD. biltbe tbe lOre musole · 01' joint with M.ulford undlvldO'l Yo Intere8& In '\'aYIle4nne'~ U;adlDV beD".. ~108n'8 Llalment. No n8ed to rub two t·fllOte of IlInd Dallf r.ebllnon ' " Oilloe ,I n Ke1. Bldg. ' U la-jnst , apply tbe LlnlmeDt· 10 $33333. MaID S the lIur~aoe It 18 wonder(QlJy penetrating It goes rIght to the aeat of trooble and draw" lho 1181n . l lm .t lmwediately. Geta botUeot 8101ln;1I Liniment for »50 of bny ' druggls' lind .have U In 'he boo88-lIogalol' Colds. tlbre and ·BwQllen Joln'lI, LUiDbaio and ~olatloa and 11118 ~II. At Reasonable Rates, T~o Machine.' ment-e. Yonr monoy 'bllok If Dot Sprlndleld Tires, "I":ubes Acces.orles 1 Bllt,I~lIed, bat It d ... . give almOl' la. 'stant relle.. . Q
InSU'RII neE A. B. Chandler
Waynesville. ' O.
Valvollne 011 a:nd Qre.s~.
Pllbll.1M!t1 W...,a.ly Dt the (j&J'.eUe OOk(d1l the Rates of Subscription. Mlull Hulldl",r. M"hl St .. '~.)'II(",\'III\). Uhln.I lInc' YII1lr (~lrlcLl)' In "oIVkI' .... ) ...• .. • . • , .00 ~ l~ It'Ii IO (Jo,'y . .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . , .. .03
VAI.1.EY 'I'M\ ,IW'H NE-
Rates qf Advertising
AI,L NO. 112
; R~.d'nl 1.00.... per lIue. • • • •• • .. . • •• ••
D. L. Crane,
. . IOlaMInOllT~~ ~~; I::'I~'~,~ ~I.V.O. ~I?~ Editor llnd Me nnger. A,lVerIJaluli. Dllr,lay
• . • 3Ge par 'nCh •...•... . • 10\l
.1V~u 011 ccnlrn~t.
MARCH 24, 1915. 31r1te of Ohio, City of 1'010,,10,
Almost every mortling the past week we have been awakened ill the morni,lg by the flutelike notes' of a bird sitting iu a tree not far from our bedrool1l. The music tbis little fellOW makes is brillian t. some of its notes making one think of a diva. [t is B red bird, or cardinal, as it is known in some parts of tbe country . H is a sweet warbler. and with the exception of two others, it is the finest voaalist in the bird family, Tbe adult male is about eight aud a half inches long from his atout, conical bill to bill. His Ilead which be carries high, is lIurmount· ed by a long feathered crest. . His coat is deep scarlet, ashy on the back, with forellead, chin and upper throat black, !Wings dusky and tbe under partsvermiUioo. The female bird is ashy.brown above and buff washed with vermillion below, the crest, Wings and tail a duU vermil· lion. 1becardioal, or fet'dbird, is some· times caJled ~the Virginia nightingale. Another name ill the cardinal grolbeak . He is usually found in wild woods ~mong the hill, but there are several hereifl.tbis viciniy. In some places and not so long ago, the red bird was kept a prisoner in cages, but tbat act of vandalism has ceased in Obio, and the warbler i. allowed hjs freedom. There is no othe~. warbler that has sucb a close hold n our affection II as' the red \)im.
Count y. 15." , F'nUlk I ,.Cheney 11l ke ~ nnU, thA.~ he Is senitlr parlner of the lir. of F'. J. Cheney & CU .• -doing business in the ' City of ToledO, County Bud Strite (lfo~SII id. a ncl thn l sa id firm will Jlay the SUlT\ IIi ON.E HUNDR ED DOI.t.ARS (ur each and LII~'tS
every case of Catar rb thaL ca nllol ~ IISC "r II ALl.'S CATARRH
cured by the
CUR 1'-
J. C HI~ N)~Y
Sworn In ltefore me and subscribed in mp prescnce. I his Oth da, of December, A. U. '1880. (BellI)
A. W. Gleason. Nol"ry PubUc Hilil's Uatl\rrb Gure 18 tllksn In. ternully Ilud oOtll dlreotly upnn the blood lind muoolls surflloes of th4' sy~tem • . 1:I~01l for te9t. lmonIAl~, fr ee. F. J. CBICNJI.;Y & (JO, Tolodo, O. Holel by All Drugll:lllts, 7»0. 1'llke Ball's ~'~nIlJy PIIJR for 000 SMPRUUO ~~===~======== ~
BEECH GROVE Mr. and Mr" . A. 8 . Allen spo'n t Satorday In Lebanon. Onr liok are gett.lng ·bet'or. A. V. Cbuds, oC Lebanon. W&8 herll on ~'nrday. Several from ihl8 plaoo ' attended the te·, at Frllok EiIlrdsookB one day laat wok. Several or our farmere aro reo 'porling bad loolt wilh their yon 19 pigs 'biB 'prlug, Frank Uleaver, of Oregool", t. bUilding a new atore. . Thoma8 Spo:!Doer, of Leb .. oon. i, bolldlng a new blaokemah ehop on ooe of biB JOtl at Oregon18. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. l'hompaoo 8pt!U~ ~ondaJ with M. .ll. Tllrry, 111>"'" mother and bro\her. FranJr ~hank and Geo, Bmllh wenl In CIDo\nnali all IHtllrd.y $0 boy honel.. MT .nd Mrll. LuoloGB I'rllzlell tran ..oted bn~tn88a to Lebanon 00 Sahrd"y.
For oilverltlg a mll k botEle after Frank Ridgeway and famlly, of 'he ""P"" ORp ball boen removed Coba, (;uuoty ( wele Sunday 'bere ha. been In veutted 8 olOlely IIID8IIS QUotOD ·o f. Mr. aDd !In. Lueloos O"lnl poroehun ..topptlr. 8'r.,ler. Geo. II Davl. and wife lpent Sonday wl&b WtIJ Morrl., aud fam. SaI~meD of maohloery &00 18r~I' l1y De8l' Wayull8vllle. '0 be Dtlrrled arouD·\ are Bndln. it. 01. ·Murray eold a fine young mutloD ploture 111111., Wlelolin thow. bOrlll 'to Ka\T 8te""ar~ las' weet, IDI protlpeotive etalltomen tbeojHlr. Mr. . Mod Mra. fraok Bmlib, of .'ion ot ~be tnaohln88 tbey are 10 Lebanoo were 'be goelh of bte lell. i1rolher Anoo and famtly on SDn. day. '. aeo. Wills of Way098vllle, Wtlll S~EEP, ebaalog hands wl&h old friend I here on t:!oudIlY . . Our pOllollioe at Oregonia will 1I00n Oh l10 88 baod... h w!ll tlieo be POII'muler -- a·vl Ma80-U.' Mr ... . Ya80n waepoetmlll'er leveral year. . . ' aio In Olevel.nd·., ~jme. . --.....,..- Mrl!. BlIgem,er 'h as retarned to . Woman So Weak and Nervous ·her bome I'ner apendlDg aeveral . • d.v8 wUh her eon sod flimUy bare. Could Not Stand Her C~II. The lower I!Dd at Oregoola lsem. dren Near· Her - Vtnol 10 be a boom,ng. David Milson lZ\'tl Changed Everything for Her 'be· Jlolltoftl~. F C. Cleaver 18 )oUd. Inl a large Dew It-ore, T . R "'~n. . PIaDt. Clty- Fla-"I wish I'could tell oer Il niiw .bl.otllmilh· abop 00 UDe of everybod)' abOut Vinol. Foqlineye~ hi" 10M aDd we snppol!e .the depot . not.leep, I WII In and bad Ibealth. I got. 81> could Rn d '-. \.- 8 b op' w III .... It. Itobava uaruar "" mov ed to could not.taDd m)' children eome near m'e. I could not th,e tower 8Dd of 'own nezt The eveil I8W or do any beavy boulework. ollurohee aDd lohoolbouse lire" 180 I :Wllllimply tired all the tlm~ I .tried tbe lower erid oC to "n, . Hke"l~e eo many medicines I cOuld not ~call \be ooo'nr . them all, but. nothing did me any IZQOd. • - • . 'Ooe iIa)' a friend liked me to·try Vlnol . INVIGORATING WHIFF and ..til It WII ~e belt. tome·Me ever eaw. I did eo, and"lOOn ~t. the flrIIt. IrDOCl DIllht'laleep I had bid tor ~ Ion, " Ibn.. Ro" I .Ieep well, my appetite II H'o w It oh"~.r.. tbe throat apel bead I'OOd. my Dervouln8A II. all gone and 1 of IhI muooos. aI1meft',~ 1.-111 his am eo Itrongand well I do·all my bOUle- @plrlC I'lf Newnelll and VI-a from wOHt ·aid 'work In my flOwer pMen .. wItbout '"Ung tired ot nervouL Vlllol fbe bl'l.. l~b'llvIDI Piney ' 1'0rOll\1I bu:mademe·a wellandhappywoman." broogh~ book by Or. BeIl.'tlPloe.T .. r. -MI'I. C. H: MILLER, Plan' City, F1L , tloney·. Anti8t1p&lc . and h .. lIng. VInoI contalne the. cUrative, heallllg Boy a buttle 'Oday Ala D!'!ugglatll, pr.IndplM nf freab cod livel'l (without 21l0. . oil) aDd ·tonicJton. . Eleotrlo BIUer8 8. ~p'rlng Tonlo. We uk eveJ')f weak ran-dowp Der-
tO Y ' ,GH~;~ 'V[1) '.~~~~~~ tt;A~~~I,ttua~~vllle A [ft[ .
Our Corps of Able Correspo nd . ents in the Neighborhood
. .....
W e ore bouoll to be honest but npl to ' be rloh.
-------~------.-.----... .-.
Mr. nnd Mrs R W KilSlOT pur: ch ..sed " Vlct Ir Vlcl.ro la of W nrl it . <lllr, of Uinuln.r;lIltl. flnd Ilre prepllretl to fUf nish music for danoes. wbloh WI1\ be IlppreoilLted by tho young po pie Miss Osee Anson, who Is employed In Wllmln Kto n spent !:inn d!)y with Iler pUfl' nt !! here Mr lind l4r ~ . A. H. Anson . Mr'- lind Mrl!. Levi J essop retuTned borne WedneBdllY of last w(ll'k ufte r I\n nbseooe of ·tluee weu lts with t heir ohlldren Mr . ond Mrs. Clllia. Boerstler, 01 Norwood. Mr nnd Mrs, R. W. Kaylor spout ~uodllY ut Bellefon'I\lno with Mr. Kaylor's mother . Rev. Amll8 Gook f. lIod the pu lpit I1t Guod Hc pe !:IundllY. 1>r. Ilnd Mrs . J . W. Wa,.d flrrived h ome E'riday olght from IJ Lli fo rola alter Rn 11 bselloo of sevl)ral months We weloome th ew Into our fold. J. Hamilton Bogan has one of tb e modern Ford Toorlng ORrs In ai s Kurage for bll! own ulle. Uor town IS b6lng eq u i pped.wlth Fords. M,lre ye~ to be ~ oJlpJi ed . M·r . Rud Mrs . A. H. An!!)n e nter. t.loe,1 relo.tlves fr o m 10WIl bllturday ~nd ~uudIlV .
Dr. G ~ o . BIlUon, tho piooeer olti. zen of this vioinUy, W!l8 90 yel1re .old B'rlday, Maroh 19. Be WH8 f ,r WIi IlY yellTB a prl1otlolng p hyelolOu. lIud nc. W Wilitil on ble praoLloe at hili offioo. He WIll be found ~t work every working tlay. tl e lallo expert "Ilrdener, a grea t botunitlt and en joys sa wing wood; reads 0. ISrellt dearand oun t .. lk lut.elligently 00 'llmost aoy subjeot. To he appre· alated he moSl be Bllbn aod oonveraed with. ,\lrs. alary Leah Adllms. of Kiln118S City aud Mles Lillie N edry. of (;urwin, were week eod gnests of Mr. aod Mrs. W, W. Weloh Ilnd Mr, and Mr@. Frank Wilson. While bere Mra, Aqams visited maoy of tbe homOl whloh she fr eqoented io obUdbood day. Sbe IJ r,amem· hare b} leveral who fUtended "ohlJOI and were uoder . her jurls(1lo_100. Oar jat-ob strlog hangs oot both'of theae es"ma bie ladiell. Mrs. Milry Jllne ;Jleaver BtllI reo maiDa quite ' poor ly. I:!ome mea ales In thl9'vloloity wlt·h prospect of more. W. W. Weloh transaoted· boslues8 In ()Ioolnn"tl two dllYs lui weel/.. . J. C. Gray lalmprovlng his prop. er'y wUb Dew Well.bel· boardlog. Rev:' Wa.lker Prellobed' here ~uo· da.,. CO 'a o In~re8ted audleDoe. Mr. and Mrll. Wm. Zell and Mr. aDd 6lrs. George Zell, . of Way De.H. ville, were tlunday gueste . of Mr. .l1nd Mr •• B. L.. DaAllu. . MI . and' Mu. W. C. Welob euter t,,'ned Mr. and Mrs • . W . W. W~Job , Mrl. Mary L. Adams and MIIIII 1:'l1Ile Nedrr for Bunda., dinner. .ar: and Mrl. W. Q . Weloh Kave tbelr yoaogeat daughter ClorinE' !) surorl,e ·by Inviting 20 of her frleods '0 epeod ~aLurday eveoiog with her. A .vllry enJoYllbleevenlng was 8p~ot. Pro'ra~~ed meellng IIt" .. ted t:!nn dllY, at the 14: E. ohuroh . mee\io g every olgDt, tltls week. Come Ollt and hear the mlolsters. Rev. Lewis 11f tbe A: M. E ohor!)h preaohed I1t tbe M. E. ohuroh Sonday l it t d dl 0 un 0 ereB Il IlU eDOl' . . .. ---. .
'1'boo811 ud~ keop on !Suffering Ubut(h8lODd -Colds throo~h n, glooL and del .. y Wby mllke y ou~t!elf an SillY proy to serlo,18 "lhuentH 1100 epldeml a itl! the reeult of a neglected Cold P Uoo~b~ '''l1d Colds sup your IItren .. tb aod VItality uoles8 Oll80ked hi tbe early ~tllge8. Dr. KlnK 's Discovery hI whl1t you noedIhllt dOllo help!! 'Yoor hOlld ~p, YOD breothe freuly 1I.0d yoo feel so tU '1oh bst~r . . Boy R 1,)o~l1e today aDd stl1rt t,"klng al ->noe,
\ V are bett r q ui pp('cJ than c cr hC'fofC to IIpply Y 1\If llecUS ill lhe B uil d illg Jfnl 'ria l lill ' .
Optl mlatlc Thought.
. ---
.. _----
Mr . R./I.•v nand l11'hhll rt WillI vis it- PROPER TREAT~ENl FOR BllLIOUSNESS iu In Daytuu otullday lind ' uodllY. For 0. Ivug t\U1\ MillS Lullt Skel. Mr t!h UA W. Uebilltr t WIlS In ton <.JllUrohviJ Ie. ~ . Y . • Willi \)iJlous Oil,Vfoo . tnrdu y . IInt\ hll(l slok 11 ndaohe Hod di zzy Mr. IIn rl MrR. 'hllP. E . •Jl)hRl. were s pells. Ch,un lJerll,in's Tllblels wore In lJayton ' und flY. ~ b e oulV thiu ~ t·b"t glt ve !Jar parmo ' 111 1 d.Fjoreno MnSb ell, of D.tytoo, nent r·e\ief. Obtnl o'lble everywhere. Wll8 vislthl g wltb Mis!! PO(trl MoKir. I by ~ lludflY. Tn AmbiA thero 18 t\ trnot of unMr. AIlJert ~ t" cy hOIl purohased expiored territory nOILrly five ti mes Il ne w Boiok uu to. the Ilrell at Grollt Britain while Mr . :o;tIlO.V L".mb, of Dt,yton, WilE 'noorly A qal\Tter Of Austrulia nwalt/! visi in g with lIis ]lllreuts SlItllrdllY the i 0 v('stlgat100 of 01 viti zed 00&0. nod Sundoy . Mr. l:illrry Buroot is s lowly imprOving. Ml'B. Uhllll. W . Uehhllrt h ';~ boen iIIllt h er home. Mr. WIlhur UJ!lrk WflR l!l Dilyton l'be undersigned Administrator on bU8iu e~s Sa unlllY. will oII r Ilt P ubllo AuoUon. on the Mr. onr1 M".. Rllr()ld 'I'h ..okeru prl'mlsoA lIf the In to Edrn (lad A. were In Dllyl on 'I't urt!"y . M"OY. deoen!l d, In \Vayn esvilte, Mr. ond Mr s. Wllrren I:; arfu.oe Uhio. on werelu Dllyton ~nlur dlJy. Saturday, March 27, 1915 Beverol oltl2.e'ls of Ly tle uti ended ommenelng at 10 o'olocl!: A.M., tha pillY "B nnkers Ueo rner" givoo the goodll Illid oh\lltol" of SK Id deoe. ot Ridgeville Fll"ld"y e Vt1ning. <len',ooosisting In pIlrt as f ollows: MI fl Mary L Grlt y nnd Hownrd E!o r 8e~ , Bugbrio8, C.. rrlclge , !:lieighs' wonk botb .teluoh er" nf Lytlo Speo Hu rae,,!! . R oues, l:i orse Blaokuts, \ttl District Are vory siok With tbe Impl.e ments .Clud other IHtlole~. 'r erma-All llurohuBes amounting mousie!! lind tbe 80bool hOltrd hal! ob~l1in f\d tb'e s irvio B of Miss RArri~ to t:; 00 or 10. ", to be pu.hl In oflllh. bove tbllt snm, a oredit of CI aud Miss U.obelrts. of -Franklin. to mooths will be glveu, the porohaser fill tllelr pI110<'9. Tbe bOTS af l,yUe, aro organlzlug giving hie nole wlta two tll)l)roved 8n Ilthletlc olub lind there will be seonrltles will be aooopted. Terrel M. Mu.oy, Administrator. Olue hot t·ime~ AB BOOO us they ur .. Gbas. t;urface, Anot tolly orgRolzed . W. E. O'Neull, Clerk. Boxing h olds the forem olt plaoe Rod t h ure liro Bt!lveral pretty ulevor boxers here
. _.
Classified Ads
'P cstS==
Finest lot of End Posts ever brQ,ught to Waynesville.
'W. H. MADDEN & CO. Corwin, Ohio,
ASPECIFIC AGAINST COLDS FOR SALE-PROPERTY "If t here is ~ uoh t~ 'hln g Uij 11 spe. olfio agnlnst ooldM. It is to be found In the 8 le epin~ -porch' or tbe open OUI:;E of.10 roomp, large lot, bed J 00111. N ext to tll~t oomes t he good stable, eleotrlo lights, et<'. cold "ponge b,Lrh J.n. tbe mornlog," says the Y outhl!, COlllpanion. RIl 1'8 hlq!llre of R. E. OH.vis or lit N~tlOD8 J m3l Oll rBrul /1 8 y.lO o"n y ou wi ll 000 .. 100 Bank. ully t.n ko oold 1<1])(1. whoo yoo do you '-- willfilld 'bllmb,e~ l oln 's D O ll~h Rem edy u grettt help in an "bJi oll: you to WAN~ED get rid of it. Try It Obtainable overy where. .... RqJl 'T op Desk. wauted, obeap for oash . . W. N. !:)ears, WayollsvUle. Ohio. .24
.- - --
FOR SALE ~fr B, A um, of Dayton, speDt the week.end witb Mrs. A. W. Dill, Mr. aud Mrs. Jesse OhllmblieB, Mp88r8. Frauk LUOllS, Pa.tsy Lan e P. Carmony, Fnn)c Klnuey lind J oho Hny es. of Xenia. Apnot SundllY wlt.h Cllorles (jordoo BDd fllmlly. Mrs. Wm : Jo043s "nd son, of Xenl", were guests of Amos JHokson !:Iun. lIay. Mr Robert Gr'een and tamlly, of Dayton, spent the week.eod with Mr . Morgan. Mr Wm . Luons and· Mrp. james Gbenoweth 8pent;Sot\day with Amos J ilok80natid h.miiy . Mr. MilX' BarD,ud is slok ~t this wri tlug , !lfr Edwurd RRSijOm /.Iod family, of Day too, pOllt !:landllY with John Levi und family. MiR. Clovonger·. of /.:)prlng Vl1l!ey • SpBO\ Sunday .wil;h Mi ~1! Velma Mar· latt MrP. Fra uk ' Oil kin WI\I! the guest of Mr. nnd M"s . Dixoo Wharton Imd family. . . Mrs. Iilrnest· DI~ltin oCllled 00 M.rs. ,Jobo Moor e SundllY. Mra. G~ nrg ll1 Mllrlll.lt olllled OIl ~r!<. Am u8 Juollson one dlJ.y last week. Mr. l)uJI Prlttt-. of X 01", sllen~ t:!ntllrd"y H.nd . ~\lnda:y w.l th Mr. aud Mrs. Dlxou Wb Irt()o Mitis 61 'null VI'I-Iev called 00 Mrs Amos Jaokbon S,~odI1Y.
.Funera' Director and .F.lmJm~er. Waynesville, Ohio.· ed tl d ' • bt Ilnswer . promp y a,y or mK ho Both ]) !le5 ID Office and Resl~enee, Long d,atance,No. 14; ~ome phone. Chl 1-2r. d ' . ' a~rs an one Coach furnished free With fune~als. . BeI;lt of serV1C:e guaranteed. Call
MULlCS. 1 Drlvlnlll Mare, 1 'rEAM 4-yearp..old. Bale!! Straw, Indian
BROo.D ~owa, Poland Cblna, tbat bllove proved gOod, wtll farrow In April . J. 8, V"ndervoort phone 33-3, Wayoesvllle. O. a7
Walter- McClure Funeral Director.
YEAR OLD B'aok Gelding, well broke •. weight 1450. lequire ot A. C. ' romllosoo, R. D. 2, WaYDes vl1l(', Oh 10. a7
Telephone day or Dight. Vall~y pho~e No. 'I. Loo, Distance No. 69-2r. ,
all good ones, Inquire 3 horses, of U. M. White, Waynesvllle,
Automobile Service .at all Times For SAle by J. E. Janney
OHIO Branch Offite~ HarveJsb~. O.
1wo horso P'Utt t.op W",,"I, for 1\011" or tradn. WAl~ht l~OO l\)s. Orj~inal ooat 1250 lioed 8S uew. l.. M. 8enilerson, W&ynesvllIe . Oblo.
' mal
Rook Eg8B f(,r P.LYMOUTll tin,; wloter loyerB 50e for 15.
Mlonle E. Coolr, Waynesvllle,OUlo• mlU lone8~
Jeney Cows. Good 3 Fresh Also White Seed Ottte . Cba8' I:!hoUs, R. 3, Phooe 83lU.
oomlog fil'e years M ARE-BIIIOkl old. (nqnhe of Dllvls Forulle, R. D. 2, Wayuenllle, Ohio. ruSl
LoveThi.Magazi~ McCALl'S '" ,h. F..hl ••
GuIde and Houl• •
kcl!plD' Helper 0' morc womea tbln any other ma ••!I.n. In tbe world. All tho Iale.t I(f lu
every month: .1.0 detllhl'ul .Ior",. lh., enter· taln,lad .peel •• d~parllnenl. 10 c:ookln,. homo drc,imlklnl. raney "ork, Cit., lht IiMhlcn bOdll"ork and ',. .... e money. Prle:e. only SOc • year... lib OAO c.clebrtlcd McCall Ore.. Pit· ,ern fRBB • •'
L •
n.a "'111. CaPt bt . ~CALL· S aUGA1L .f!;
L A FAJ:. CocI, or McCAlL'S An. 4c..pq. "REKIU'"
I.•.cAUlS 111».: =::. CATAt»GUIQ: J Of'
1I!..au. CO. %36
~ ~;r:'. ClJUMCn.
ZC6 W.31' Sl..1\cw , ... N. I.
tJnlwenl .
. rn' F. u."
WOOd'1 boue, Foi:artb Stl'eet. .... 'l'elepIIoM IS
, DR. J. W. Mlu..BR t
PElt YUl
l'II1I1lS1ml WEEnY. $f.Go
.Oraclldlte ;" '01110 si.l.
All kinde of Notary Work. \Vilis a.nd Deeds a I:!peolal 'y.
Nbtary Public
Roooer Duck Eggs, per set~lng, 600. Inquire of Thod Z.l mmerm!)n, "hooe 44--5, W.ynesville, Ohio . &7
LOVIl:R I:!I'JED. Medium Red, reo olouuM. For forlher informatioo oall on C. E. Mlobeoer, R. D. ,I, Woyn1lBv!lle. Ohio . . Telophooe 56.2. m2'
THE COURT OF LAST RESORT Around tbe lI'ove of the craMS roads "r0Q8ry 1e the ,real Qourt of ltaat resort, for it fioally over rules 1\11 others. ObamberlAln's Cough Remedy bill beeu brought bet are ~ht. oourt jn almost every . or08S roads grooery In this oountry, IlnC1 hI\!! a1 waye reoelved a fov orllble ver diet. It Is In the oountry where I1ISD expeolll to' reoeive Cull nlue for hili money thllt thla remedy la mOl!t appreolated, Ubtainable every wbere . • • •
- -- -- - -- - - -- -
Uat Dresser, 10Bk Bed witb The Ep\vorth LIln.gne was plea8 I:!prlng8 and Mattress, 1 O.,k Ilotly entertained II.t the hpme of Wash &\8nd, 1 .tollet set, 2 rooltlng Mrs. Ray , ;rOS8 • Rnd ·dauaht.et Mr . ...nd Mrs. Justus R eeves, Tue~- obalrs. Call at resldeoce at W. H. .. day ovenlng of last weot. . m24 Allen 8aturdaYR. GleuDa spent Sa'orday and Boudll~ lIrli. F . D . Co'mptou and eOD al Lebanon. ' A.RR!!:1l Rook Eggs for hatohing Frank, of nellr Wilmington! have , . MeMrI. B .. P. Early aod J. B. beeu the gnests of Mr. aoo Mrs . 750 per stlUlng. Mammoth Ba10,e~ were Dayton vislto~s las~ Marloo Ieenhower for' several days. White Peklu Dook Eggs $L per 8elTbursday. R.• E . JaDes re·torned from" .eo_ tlnl of 12. Mrs. E. S. Bally. m2!1. Mrs' Wm. Sbsets la serlonaly III er.al d"Y8 visit hi Rlobmond, lIid. ARLY Ohio aod Early Trlumpb • al, ber bome eu' of 'own . Mrs: Hannab "Dearth and MlilII MIsI Belen Bldr apent lut week ~ PotaloOll. Rlohard Brown, "Ub frtendl! In Uayloo. I:!prlng Valley, R, · 1. Home Pbone Ol.ra N"Ib61 were oallers on. Mrs. . . 396. m24 Belle Gr.ham at Ridgeville ~unday, . Mrl: E. O.Le j~e.r ttl ooofined her bome wUb liver, STouble. Dr. 0 .. '0 arht'taker .,pen- --ve·r. Mrl.· OeMr Olevenger la on 'he ATS-Wbite RU881an Sesd Oate alok' lI.l. • ~.. = to load oondltlon. Ioqulre of al daye lu\ week In ColumbDII. . ' . Io1r.. and eire Alber. MenU, 01 Elvln .Flres, R. O. 8. Wayne8vllle, , B&1'VeYilburg. apeo·, · Sunday 'with' A.. W. '~ve8, rural ' mall OIlt'rler {)blo, m24 :was off doty laa' week, on aooount IIr: MerrlW8 mother. of \Ihiesp. Bis. son W1JII.m '80'ed T ATOE8-<JreenMoontaln Beed Mr. and M·re. ' <Jarre" CleveD~er, all his substitute. Pota'088, nice onel. lDqu1re of , . Mrs Walter Rogerl. M.rs. Anua Camp' 'n and "MI!ls .Marle.' Kea~lnl 'Rela\l-yes of Y&roWl PeaHen. of W, B. Janney, R,. D. 5, W.yn ... "llIe, were M1ddlelQwn IIhoppers 'Setur Mlnot.~ . Dalloti.,·a for~er realdent Oh1o.. . m:44 d ..,.. . of 'his uE'igb1;orll,oad, rElOOlved news of his deub, Maroh 16th• ..8,1.'1 Mr. Hury· Fry bas purobased 'lie been B ,reat lIuff'erer !rom DIllioer Josepll BeatoD tarm. and hi. deatb waR no' .nO&X)MIO$ed. olle. , ~~:~::~:~~~J IIr. Rur1 Hurllt .tran_oCed "bnll• .- a.. AUgU8t, broke ... ui... m Day'on Wedoelaa1 · 4uitrallaUIIIUl,1 1ead'luI world' .. lIl.atnred a daody. Mra. Geo Mo~ers and Mrs, Uur. ",a.Itt.luken, 7 8 'lJOundl bela. eaob Baney.bur" Ohio. ~!~o.t were franklin IIbo~lJ8rs Man AUltr1.I.lII.u'~ · Y8&r~, a\loWlP,lloe. Ne. . . _.. 1~I&JI~u.'i'n win 1r 6.78 poGD .... bead. UTO~A Run.bout. for ..Ie or ·M r. and M",. D. Ktpp aDd .lin. tracie. IDqoire a' 'hll Qftloe: m~. Bury Nolan. ~f DAy con, "!Vere Sun. mN . aDd tHI muoh beltu. Dalpe _ "lalrors · ",I&b Mr. IDd M r ' ' ti~ A. D. Keudan and IIr. J. B. Gallou on Taut, wl,Ul a .... appeJl.. aD" , aD4 ale'er. ~l tD 1(0011 lhape. Ia. qGlre J. v. JllMy, OortrlDi Ohio.
Wrl~ten by
.. aw
YOIlIC OLlPpa;1I . New Yolti. . . Y •
i--;:;i;~;;~' rPERSiiN~-M~jjiiN-i· I!--!!a~~--G··R-O-w-N-~ ," ~~-...I Of Groce" •• ! IL~,.------ -.--. Y
. ~-----.
PO' tatoes'
Are Among Our Patrons T hat' Js
.L..!.~r..!.~:::!!:~!.!:::..J Saturday Special
Dr l\laey will be all of Jlexl IN k.
Harv Ytlburg
has. tansbllry was in Dayton . we k on b.usiness.
• M. Hobitzcr wIlsln Cincin nati last w~k on h uain s.
Frank LeMay. of OilY ton. unday with (.riends here .
If you want a good Fertilizer call ChllS. Frye. phone 49 l - L 28-. '
We h a e j ust p ut in a 1Oc 1inc·of Candie .•
Saturday, per lb .. . .. . .. . . ... ... . . . .
Myer Hyml:ln ~ pi![l l Tuesday evening and Wed nesUay in Cinci nnati:
·A t W hit e's Store
Dr. and Mrs. J . A McCoy were visiting relatives i\l Washin g ton C. H . Sunday .
snOESI : .:
.- ------&1 World's !: B est WorK Shoes . :
Are t h
You will miss an evening of rllre enjoyment if you fail to hear Gran t. the Jmllersonator. at School Ha ll. Friday evening. March 26t h.
~~~;~t~~;~S:C~~~~,... 1I.p. !1 5
For a hrolted cnne
P u lled W hea t . only ... , IOe 1t is 12c everywbere
. Mr. and MI'lI. Homer Carey and Mrs. EfIi(\ Smitb were Dayton villitors Monday. .
can I Oc F resh R()ast ed Peanutslb IOc 5 lb. Sack Buckwheat.. SOc
Fancy Pink Salmon, ---~
Mrs. L. A. Zimmermap and daughter arrived home from . Cleveland Thursday evening.
5 lb. Gra n.
MI'8. B. E. Burske and son, of
ugar , . . . . f r t he 2
Onion Sets, 2 qtll . . . . ..
Mason. were guests of Mrs. E . SnoClk !lnd family last week.
Lettuce,.Jerscy Sweets. Cabbage .Or,!nges. Apples, Grapefruit
For Sale-The bet Ensilage, $1 .25 a tun. You can get;this atany time. the Waynesville Canning Co.
\\/e Ar lICIt b la 'ksmillis an(\ dtl ll ' t !owl! \\' 'nr. \lr h.oes will som tim('s W('ar tl u l. h:.lV a jli:;l to 1ll11nin tw ,'1\ r ctify it. .
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. AlI~m. of Detroit. Mich., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Allen 'fnr a couple of days.
A good assortm~t of lc. 2 for 5c. fie and 10c Easter Post-Cards. Book· lets and Easter Novelties. Mrs. W. C: Phillips.
e1t¢am¢tty 'lIs you would vOUtt Bank \]OUIt
- -_.- .....
MO)l o),
Kv "lI,lng I. M
FI~ IO"" ~
III I ' lu in
w ll\' h" I' ''' .",01 ... !hp~ , U L ' ·· h ,, \ ~ WIll ~llll It .. .... 1\ 1, \1(, ~ .. rl Wll h ti ll' n l uHI , ~ ~,r -fll1l1 h.~ r wt ,' 111. t1
~l1 th., b .r '" ,, (n O/I'IM t .. I:IV" I t_ ,ti n f rO Il\ \\,'\ )1' llJ,wt.v II) "hlp ~hn~" ~ ulll1r".11! lJ.y "I. Ri> '· \lll1l.. ~'III'il"
Il l't ded r .. buv
.b., \, ~' QI .M" \! I(. ,,, .. I
lng. Tbe world hall sont aid to .tbe·lol oeluo, ...d by The AIIIPrt CIILI a.. y. ,,,en women Bod small 'oblldren of Oetr ••h, I\\loh. Aildre.~!, , n ntrlbo ~htium bu\ ho oeglpclOld the bove \'1008 to '·Th .. Am arlo"lt B.).v-BIII.' oUrom ~D il)l!lghteeD Vtlars ofa8c. gl~ n Boy' Rehl" Fuoil." D I't101' . Whe,ber \bt\ ' Will' oontlnnEli or Mlch: . .
• M~ •• ure. Heart Ourreht. The beart ot , tbe average man Two Thing. Went T~gethor. makes _sbout one three-thouBandth of An eccllntrlc clergyman plBa once ,a volt of elec r c . told by 11 pari shioner that he was .& and an Inst{ument senBltlve SDOUlfh to Alfred Wiiuht. of George School. very odd mnn. "Yes." the clergyman measure It bas been Invented. son of Dr. and MI'8. A. T. Wright, " J set ont to )le n good • - • win ~pend the Easter holidays with rel)lIed. mu.n . and soon tound tbat I eould not relatives in Washington D. C. be ver y ~ood wJthout beln, 'Yel'Y' oddl"
-.. '
of the food value ofy our corn crop is In the staib, husks
• nnllleaves. DOn't waste these.
They wd-e milk and butter and beef for you !lJld p~t mouey iu your bank if you preserve thew lo ..BIi
New Antioch NurAery Stock. all kinds of Fruit andOmamental Trees BOld and delivered at Corwin • .I;Iar· veysburg' and \ New BurlingtCln. Guaranteed to be true t'o name and The,.tork left a 71b. Bon, Ra.ymond I. N . Miller, Agt. ' 1 will . ()lfer lit publlo auoU on 00 first class. Gerald. at the home of Mr and Mrs. Tbird I:ltl'eet M 'lJ ~ resldenoe at the Phone 38-2X. . . Raymond Hartsock. forll,lerly Lucille late David A. lir.own. . • _ ..._ __ Thompson. on Saturday morning. Saturday, April J, 1915 March 20. 1915 . Both mother and l~ REAPV FOR SALE . DATES son are doing nicely .. Commenoing nt' 12 o'olock. honse, hold g f).)d s·•. i lArd an find .JB~peDter Jesse'Stanley, who has jUBt graduate<! from the Jones Auctioneering .Have just rpceived a nice line of tools. 'J\ r m~ OOYh . . h d . , W. 8. Haines ' , h I t Ch' new Birthday Cards and Booklets. a hBs. Hawke. Auot. _ ~ 00 a Jcsgo. IS ome an IS Also Borne of the ne.w gold Initial reacly for sale dates. .I t would 1St> l>ost.·Cards. Mrs. W. C. Phillips. we)) to see him. as he has sOme ne",' As lllm ' golog unt of bn8Ine~8 '1 ideas in tbe auctioneering line. Or ~eU at pnbllo tiootiori at the old .call him, ·146 mut\lal phone., New , Measrs ..:A......MBffit. J C. Hawke. F. hwill Oml'8tBlld ond a.. w-mill of ~ . 8. Burlington. Ohio. ~ C. Carer anti Kenneth Ridge attended ~!,!!!!!!:!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P • . inspectron of the New BurJinlCtOn Duk e, (I eOI!l)d, in Lvtls , Thursd,ay, April 8, 1915 ..... • .• •.OO •••••••• C.i.n.C•.i.".".8.t.I,.0l!lllh.IO•...; UOUl (neuol ng Il t [ 0 o·olook. 1 bOfge', ,. and otber places. and among the (ILrUliDt; I m pl em eD ' ~ , dIL\v. mll1 too)I', household goods. tlea. bl~ bill!! fer !!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!"!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!'!'!!!!!~ spea~e~were Hon. S. D. 1<' ess. te rm !'. . }I'. B . Duke . Why worry over inferior butter? Chll rl es orfliop, Auot Ouy Moxl.ey·s "Special" Oleomar· garine. Alwavs llure. ·sweet and clean. Mrs. Aliee Alcorn, Friend's HOlJ.le. Late Cla'liIsified Ads . . No shipper ever lost a dollar selling l'ream to the Tn 'State Bu t· ter, Company. . " . . . The Tn State is nqt an experiment. but ia a ~ES'p()NSJBLE, SAFE' and :PERMANENT Creamery with 8.oqQ shippers in 3 ' states and a capltahtock of $75.()()O.OO payillg Spot ~ash for every shipment. '. The Keynote of our busint!SS policy bas bt<en to establish a reputation af absolute resl>lODslbility and Integritv in every transaction. The security of our SAFE Ilnd PERMANElNT market gives the shipper a feeling of relief and satisfaction not only onl'e but EvERY time he ·s~ips .. The Tri i;tat e shipper is always sure of his money and sure hiS Tl'1 State check covers the real value of his cream. ' It is so easy to ship cream to the.Trl State. as we use the sour , cream sl/Dply sending B can once or twice a week. depending upon ,our .fal'iJities for. keeping it cool. . . . FREE , CANS R OB 30 DAYS' TRIAL, ARe SENT PREPAID UPON REQUEST. Every shiJlmentis guaranteed againat loss ·or damage .in tranmL and paid for Spot CaSb.
·I~ Plto1'4J\.
The DUl11\U''' lroJu barn and feeding-.peas wfU go back into your Boil to make blger
·~h!~dr='~I;o Js~;'of the.beat ~o material, and only the best. aeam I, ~ery
air·tight •. ·Every joint is made witb our· PIl_t""U:-dmlniJIttmorll... JtftrY pl«e1._<4
and rrDdv to be ~lI pped (nlD Ita proper PIKe. YOII o;ha erect, nn Indlanll s Uo very qw~ltI)' &D4 It wlU 1ilI... lIOU nb801u'~ 8IIUsI'actloa tor .lIr~tlme. Don't , WPm' nbout lit" '111'' ClIo .!TaD", It 10 that lIoo"",11 lor tIle ..IIoOllt oIlhe_ortaa'lt _ _
oo..,-otll' .
;' •
tHE TRI·ST ATE .BUTTER ~.p.l.ta.I.St.OC.k $.75.:000~
It!~~ ~ ~e~e :re;J~;;~~;;v~n~~ra·.
Hutch'ison & Gibney after their great Fire ' Sale >
He receivjDg the Finest Assortmeat ·of ·READY·TO.
WEAR ~ARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow. Skirb. Gingham Print Hoqse Dresses. $1.00 up . All Wool Cashmer.e Dresses .. $5.75 up AllWool Suits .... :. ........ $8.75 up Spr~ng Coats ....•....... . . ,$5.00 up Spring Underwear , .. .. . ... . 10e up Middys ... , ...' ..... '.... . .... $1.00 up Petticoats Silk ..... : ...... "$1.00 up fIouse Aprons. : .. . ... ·.... ·. 25c up Aprons for Dressell·. . . . . . . .. 75e up Chi1qren's Dresses ....... : .. 50c up CORSET5-Nemo, for Stout Figures, \ 'A~eiica~ Lady, front and back lace, , . Gos~d, ·· all style~, . Frolaset, front lace. . Rugs, WinQow Shades and LinQleum will be in.
HutchisOn It Gibney •
.. ORlO
Those who attended the funeral of J 1. Clark Monday. from out of town were: Me!JSrs. Otto Clark and Chas. Sroufe. of Springfield; Messrs. F~ank Mormon and Firman Foutz. of Winchester. Ind .; Mrs. 8tephens and daughter of Lebanon. Ind .; Mrs. Maggie Everhart. of Cincinnati; Mrs. Rachel LaM. of Lebanon. !;lnd Mr. and Mr! . Milton Sheehan. of Center> ville.
....- - -
. _.
0'I'ATOE"~Rnrltl Naw Yot ker~, 1
g ad ' ookertl. tror fnrlll p.f 10- " forma tion cliJl ·Cbfl. ··. W. Fe B. phone 411 1 L 2~.
Wi\YlIe . , 'V Ille. c)
EE\.) ()ATf!-'1'bey ,irp, u; 'be he!!' lund. ~'() 1' l iu'ber Inform .tiOD 1). 1I li n or lI(l (l r 88 FrIlD!r Z ,II, W,;.ynes:vt11e •.Ohio ...7 ,t
uy Drlloft 8 or ~e8 . fillies and 2olr\.U-r!J[)H omnin", S' ann " seari!. C . V. ' l:JJ)rne88, W ge l riin ~"
ville. O.
Ex .
The citizens 'o f Xenia are circulatiog a petition for an election under the Heal Jaw. A committee wrote letterfl to prospective salooniRts advising them that they were pre'par. ing for the election. In all probabflity the election will'be held before long. and there Is no doubt but tha~ the city will vote dry . '.
. -.
Ph008 40.4y' Barliejsbnrg
, o. a.. I. ,Red EGGI:l-B t.bor o ua bbred .t.oo~. , U60kerel
Boore 93'7" , n 00 lIer .ettio~. Inq'nire of J"Brl. Evans; R. '0. 1, WL:Y, nesvllle, O bio. ·
daughter, i,uest8 of
· BOYS AMERICAN r. i .. ' TO 8ElGIAN BOYS ~!;'~~:~I~Jl ~~l t;:;J1,,\:I:t ;;':I. ' ..;\.~.: h:::.,::::
going to turn oat." . IINo, you Clln·~." . "There DSed k). be & boy lit hom e whom tbe neighbOR oolllMl. ArUe . bu' be!! 'he presideD' 01 a rallrnad now. " -Blrmlngham A.ge. der.a1d.
I t: pays to tra1e at
Fourth number of the Lecture Course. Charles .E dbert Grant, Impersonator. S~hool Hall. Friday even. Ing. M.a rch 26th.
i :
Mrs. W. W. Welch, of
f. :;~~~!;.:::;:::::::::;::=:::::=~iIE:~~:~!~~~w~:e~re lind the
. TIlOUIIlO"l\ of eel~\lln_' I'OYII 81'e · wl\b til \,Jilt hfhJ,( lti i" " ~lt l i. "11" ,. buttering ' !rhoullllnd~ Of b9Y8 .re IIga of fln OIJUtllllem (!IIt ~ II 'I .~ rnlht . homeJl)sA nrpbl.HJ8 Food I" being t,hy froOl Am rioHn b··" I' nAI ~ nn Ilen~ tut\) Belgium ' but tb8lle des il bnyf'. "1·u., A ml'rtOt. II ttm,... A.. IMln n "You caD never tell how a boy I ~ tute hoy. need str~D!! . Wllrm olo th Boy R IIII"r Fuu!1 . ·· ..,hiob I" bf\in.:
We \"ant lOO() doz. Eggs for o ur East er l'rade Paying I 8e today
J:;; the h " 1 lilil' of ,V III k , .IIII(·S \V h ll l! V I.! r s ho\\ II , n lid we \V ul I lik to 11:1 I.' \,1l ~1 I:li.; (· a OU will IJ , t: II vitH:(' d lh lll what we
Waynesv ' ill e, Oh'10 .
1' bo SteIN) That S aV\l8
Orth odox Friends church, undav School 9:30 a . m , G:IOIge Mills. Sup ~ erintendent. Prea~hing at 10:30 b) pastor. Chri stian Endeavor at 7:30 p. m .. Maria StOll t. Lead er. Marv ·E. Martin. PIISt.c>r.
Canned Beets, cap ..•• .• . Be~ Small Can Tomatoes, can Be' Early J 'llne Peas, 2 cans I Be
• : ••
Lion Brand Work Shoes I o k at them a nd hav sa id i right.
I., My;':--Hyman I ,. ,
Van Camps Soups. 4cltqs
ruo l If you
'il'O Il
Fancy Evp. Peacbes, Ib l'Oe Ellg·em o,nt Crackers 113 . . I Oe Cooking: Figs. Ib only . . . I Oc
Forest Ridge.1eft Sunday for Cin. cinnati. where be has accepted a position with tIle ,Potter Sboe CO.
-_ --
•• :
Xenia last week by Mr. Ge . A Park e l'. who riirec l ed it here severa l weeks ago . The show lo ok very well and a neat.JlUIn was made . for t he Y. W. C. A.
I· ZIM1"ERMAN'S IDI'ON'T HAVE ~ MUCH ON US • . Specials This Week " nown in Alabam" ru t on in
Walter' McClure and Bllrl Conne r were Cincinnati busin ess visilOrs Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Leah Adams is visiting with relatives in Wilmington for a few days.
= = = = == =
lEar y Ohios Early. ·Rose Early Triumph Ch~cago . Market Irish Cobbler Carman Rural New Yorks
Carleton Bogan spent the week·end lh rela t ives in Sou th Lebanon.
. Any 15c Can of Good. in the Store at.. - . . , - , , ... .. .. . . -'..... _..
F r idll)'
Geor ge Har ' ock hps a new It·ord. delivered laSl Thul' day.
Strongest Bid
For Thin ..............................
'chool Hull
,fly nan '.•
. 0.7 . .; ._ _ _ _..._ _ _.........!Ii
Pot Cbain, bright anilstroog .. ' .' .
l·tb. Hammers,
~~~i1e.~~~ .t~.e~ • . :. , 10c
Bandy HOUIebold Paintllfor painting
.mUDd the · hOU8e....
Sixty-Sev·enth Year
Whole Number 8310
< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~ - ~~~~~~~~~~--~--~
Tobacco Canva8 at Myei: Hyman'l!.
RECENTLY Hall- Tuesday
E V. Barnhart was in Cincinnat last week.
Carl Sarvis was a Dayton visitor last week.
J.(lgard to Prohibition In the ~outh '
- Buy ~our hla!iter Suit at Myer . Hymans.
Boy Wr tea Interesting letter in
i ............i
'NEW G,ENTURY nERsoNil-MENTlij .---- ............-.-----. -.-.~
I :
"Peace on ~arth, Good will toward mCIl." In sweet love's dearth Nor voice nor pen E'cr grand words spoke Of greater scope To stumbling folk Who darkly grope.
i: ..
On Easter Day
: :
i ..•••..••..••••••••....••..;..•••.......•••...... . ......
Hall- Tuesday
Tobacco Canvas at Myer Hyman's, A. A. Hisey was a Dayton visitor Saturday.
Mrs. S. U. Henkle was in t he Gem Ci ty Monday . Buy your Easter Suit at Myer ............. Hvman's.·
ASlVcred by Giving Names or Foreign Representatives-Several Guests Present
Miss Ruth Hartsock was a Dayton Mrs. J. O. Cartw~ight was in Day· Dawn, brightcst morn of all the ycn.r, visitor M.onday. Gaine8ville. Fla., ton Monday. And bring Christ's spirit with thee here, The New Century Club met with March 18. 1915. Mrs. Devitt and Mrs. Bailey F riday OLbo Arnold, of Cincirmati, was . That all may sing in loud acclaim, Mrs. A. B. Sides visited relatives afternoon, March 26 . 1915. Seven· Dear Friend Crane~ in Dayton Monday. teen member responded to roll call "All hail the power of Jesu name!" I ~was very much lurprleed and here Saturday. . by naming one of our Foreign .Rj!p . grieved when I read the lines "LebC. B. Bentley and W. E. O'Neall rcscntntives. anon wet" in your last week's issue. A. A. McNeil, of Centervi'lle, was were Cincinnati vi8itors Monday. Mrs. Frame then read a most care· I cannot underKtand what is coming in town Saturday. Come hi thN thou whose day is this fully prepared paper on lhe "Rehg· over the '~fool " people in Ohio, when . iou ~ Movement in Wales," and Mrs. The while m n read of h avenly bliss, If you want a good fertilizer call they tum down a proposition to .Get, your. Kodak al!d FIIJl.l at J anney a very interesting paper on b .. lld IIChool houses .and accept one to CPas. Frye. 'phone 49 l - L 28-.· RIdge s StudiO, WaynesVIlle, OhIO. "Child Welfare." Givcn them by thee with promise fair open saloons. The South is setting During t he social hour a delicious ' Vh n t hey shall climb clcaLh's golden s ta ir. the North" a-ood example and thev Rev. D. H. Palmer was a Colum· Mrs Mary Burns visited Mrs. two cours~ lunch was served. Little BIIould profit by it, I k Ella Chamblis.q in Xenia last Satur· East.er chickens and candy eggs were In the etate of Florida' we have bUB visitor ast wee • day. favors , forty· nine eountld only six wet. A Mrs. Wright, Mrs. 'Barnett. Mrs, Mr • . Maybelle Fitzgerald, of Day· Throughout the weck move Is now on foot to place them in C. Nichols spent Alcorn. Mrs. Hawke , Mrs. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. F. the dry column, and the task Is hot ton, spent Sunday he~e . the week-end wit.h relatives in Ur. Miss Carroll, Miss Heighway and Of holy thought, going to be a bard one. . Miss Bailey were guests oithe hostess bana. Georyia, Alabama. Tennessee, and J E. Janney and ' Jeaae Burton When minds all meek · at this meeting. . it numLer o.t other- 8tates are closing were Dayton visitors Monday. ...- - With good wer fraught Miss Mary Franey, of Columbus, t~e saloon dflors Bnd opening those was the guest.of relatives here last ot ne,/\, school hou~ and churches. The Best KodakB on the market at The steps have trod ThOSt! peOple over in Alabama- they '11 Obi week. ' . lOme when it comes to the liquor Ridge's Studio, \\ aynesvl e, .0 , In upward ways question, they have pas!ied a law to Last number of the Lect ure Course The while toward God prohibit · paper8 In the state from . Mr. James Benham and Mi88 Lillian at School Hall. Tuesday evening, Each bent his gaze. publlsl>lng liquor ads. It is a no· Benham were in Da,rton Saturday~ April 6th. . trceabltl fact that the IleCtion8 in the Thy spir,it, Christ, South that are dry are the most Buy Moxley'8 "Special" Butterine. Mrs. J. W. White i8 visiting rela · Pour forth o'er all, prosperous and there Is far 1e88 law. Mrs. Alice Alcorn, Friends' Home. tives and friends i.n Dayton for a leesneae. etc. The lnternational Entertainers will couple of days. That each soul ,priced Ganesville is a moral town in every Wm. "'1'118 an'd Waune Smith, of gi ve the fifth and last number ot the . senae nf the word. We ' have 10,000 ... J~ Since mankind's fall Mr. and Mrs. EliJ'ah Compton left Lecture Course at School Hlll, next people and a police force of three New Burllngton, were In town SatTuesday evening, April 6th. May dri1* hjs w.qle men .. and never. only Oll llpecialoc urday. ThUesd~y afternoon for t1leir new Mr. D. T. Mun~e. the famous madeions. fij,but ofte man ' on illity at a And 'scape eartl1's p ri 011 orne ID Dayton. gician, has had ye~1's of eXperience time: The State tlliivenrity IsJocated. , WaJette Nic:hol80n is vel'Y ill , with mystic art, His. performal')ce In the Easter silW here antH"r eight months out. of tile with pneumonia at hla 'home 8OutJ1 If you wallt to buy a farm, call A, is unique in its presentation .. being . ,ear lJ\e population is ·increased of fA)wn. That "!Ie Is Risen. ". A. McNeil, Centerville, Ohio, both different from, ano fat superior to > several hupdred, ' phones. a21 the average. magical entertainment. I coll&'latulate you. Bro. Crane I on .' M. B. HymaD and famil" of Leb. His wonderful impersonation of the the good work the Gazette 18 dqtng. &nlln, wElle in town a &:hort time C. A, Palmer. of Columbu8, spent c~lebrated,phin~e magici~, "Ching and it ill only a pity llll other papers Sunday. --By Earl Marble Tuesday ni,ght with his brother Rev. Ling Foo, m hiS unusual and mysdon't take the llame atand. . Palmer and family 'tifying illusions, will evoke astonish· By ~ way, we bad a lIl{ht frost _ . . ment, B.is well executed tricks and For Sale-The beet Ensilage, $1.25 the other night and it InJured the . . d d h his clever and witt~ talk, well tinc· a tub. You can get this at any time, vea-table crop 80methlng like 40% !drs. Alt~e McKmsey an aug ter, tured. well refined humor. will de· of the Waynesville Canhing Cu. Cljeum'bel1l, beans and watermeloll8 MlB8 He!,rle~ta, were week-ent.l guests light the most exacting . were; the hllrdes( hit . Large Irish of relatIVes m Dayton. Mr. George C. Staples the noted potatoell, where they .were about r..wrence Sherwood, pf Detroitl " . cartoonist of the Chicago Art Insti· l ' tesdy-w dig, were burt; IIweet pota. spent the weelt·eud with Dr.. ana Mr. and Mrs. Bart Kelly are tute, is an exceptionally talented toes nothurho bad, U m9llt of them, M~. T. Sherwood. where they are for S1lp8,tor NOl,thel'n ~~~~ b~'!\fie~~j~n~~ house just ~~de~~!~f~e w~f~it\~ h~b1;~~t~~~ marketll, were III the beds. One .. If you have a farm or property Jar Ilea~ t0Y"D put In 4800 buah,1s to sale, see A. A McNeil .Centerville grow ,JlpIJ f~r Northern tra,de, Obio,' both phones.' a21 ' Kind'e et rUardl! 'and beet wiShes to , (?) times in that little city. he gives musical monologues at the all. "Very truly, . _ piano and is a ventriloquist of great Mia Dora El,is, of Wooster, Ohio, H. H. WadllWorth, . . ability. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock Service every evening this weeJc Passover (Pesnell) is the seven The first convention of the Warren Ganeaville, Fla. ' is spending a few day8 here with Dr. DIll. Osteopath, . a~ reSidence sliarp. Single admission, 35cls. 'r. _. relatives and friends. . except Easter Even at 7:80. p m days' fes tival observed by the Jew in County School Di8trict met at Leb· of L. T. Peterson, Mam St., Tues · • __ ...._ _..,....,.. Saturday, Easter Even, BerVICe at 4 the early spring in commemoration anon Saturday. The pr.ogram for day and Friday mornings. Sheriff Gilmollr, Marion Hamilton m . Easter Day-Holy Commu. of the Exodus . from Egypt. In both morning and aftemoon Be3lions and F 'M. Cunningham were In town at 7!',' m,; Sunday School at ancient Jewish life, it'was t!lefirstof was good, and a large number of ~he Mrs . Wolff, of Dayton, ~as the Se!",lce, se. rm.on .and Holy thu three Pilgrim festivols, u.pon teachers of the county were present. Sa turday' on bu8Ineaa., .., Address8/3 were made by J. P. week·end guest of her· daughter, Co mmumon at 10.30. . . which every mah~ J ew was requlfed Harkrader. Supt Hawk and 1<'. C. Mrs. Andrew Brehm and family. and The following mUSIcal program to present himsellf in person at the , I ed . d M J h M CI an S ~ b O n c tuSre d : be rendered at the 10:80 ·service. I sa'-'ctumy in Jerusalem Gilmour. The mu ie WQ!! TI'O( er, ' .IIUllIIIY.Of pring oro, spen un ay ' , •. . . .' at the morning se.osi.on u,Y the Way· Mr. and Mrs. Cal McBryant, of and Mrs. J. T. Ellis. Proceeeitmal- Come Ye Fllitbf ul Although. the Pllssov~r haa ce~tam nesvilleschools, and was very much Dayton. were the guests of Mrs ................. ... , ..... ...... ,..... Sullivan fea tur~ mfcOt'!lml°n. t~lt~tsth:. ~OJ~eri enjoyed by all present. Naomi Harlan at Corwin Sunday. l The ladies of the biduiltrial Society In the afternoon C. M Roudebushl Morrow will have another Cha~· Christ Our PllB8Over ............ Clarner ~ 8p.rmg es IV!l ,I I~ I . IS orl.ca of the Orthodox (I'riends' Cliurch tauqua thill Bummer. They are GloriaPatri ...... ............ ......... Danks sllgrill .licance which gIves it lastmg W. F . Eltzroth, aided by a Rounu ,. A society organizell a short time were invited lut Thursday to 8pend a1reat!l making. arrangements for it TeDeum .............. ......... Kotzschmar v tal I\Y·U · t· ·d d d TableTalkW'ereenjoyed The music Don.tfalltohear ~nd seethe In· ago from the younger people of Jubilate ..................... ...... ..... Baker f thiS J 1e grhea fim epen atn~e ~y for this session was rendered by the ternational Enter~al!,el'8 at ~chool the Hicksit& Friend!l' Church, beld • the day with Mrs. Thad .. Zimmel'"' Hymn-The Strife Is O'er... ....... o .t e e~; t 0 rst even In '. 18 KinO'Q Mills and Foster 8Chool8 and Hall, Tuesda¥ evenmg, Aprl16th: their first meeting Satur,d, ay even!ng man at her..beautlful couf.try .home Film, Kodak8. Tripod8,' Flash· ' national whIch the ..... west of town. DInIng th o day aproDB t an I ' event II h' th'lnk Morrow High School archestra. . a t th e 1." "nen tl 9 Home. Ih . e ev emng . .. .......• ...... ....... .... F rom P aI estrlOa b f history. d IUD borinets and rags were worked Cartridgea, Glue Pencils, etc.. at Kyrie ,.. : ........ ~ .... .............. , Gounod , ecame un am~d:a ~ab I~h f ' The program was the mostexten· ·Mr. and Mrs Myer Hyman and w.llS spentveryprofilablymreadmgs, on. At noon a lIumpt~oU8 dinner I.:idge's Studio. Wayri.ville, Ohio. Gloria Tlbi .. ............... ,.. ...... Hodges n\~1 too'f as eV enc til y ide. sive the convention has evef had, and daughter, Bernice. spent Monday recitations and music. 'fhe organ· wu Spread by ttle hOlw.ffI. · and all Hymn-Angels Roll the Rock ~uent re eronce t 0 e grea. e- it was thoroughly appreciated by and Tuesday with relatives in Xenia. ization has about thirty members at did ample justice to It, ~ Tboaa_pres:. Away ............. .. ...... ... :........ Roper lIv e rance. t ' I ' h d ' b those who WEnt to Lebanon to hear it. Lhe present time. The otlieers. artl: Mi8aea Sybil and Helen Hawke and f T h ent were; ·,Mra Elizabeth Ward, MI. Ada Mlcliener, of Oelaware Gloria Patri ...... ............ ......... Elvey .e es Iva IS us ere ID y a Almost alI or the teachers from . d. I Zephaniah Underwood presIdent· l ,s Gloria from' 4 tory-" ozar . fall.lIly servi_«o, I~all ed. tlie Sedar! at . . For Salil=A.go.o genera -lllll'P . . "d t· M r: Oleveland. 'Ohio, Mrs. Mary Martin, Univeralty, are home-for.the spring 0 U·er LU ~ " h h b I I here attended .. horse' bright bay in color. Inquire' . t:e-presl edn 'H al 12th MdIlII W IC certain' Sli m \J IC ceremonla 8 • _. ' . dd W '11 Dh ' . eha O'Neall. secretary an e en Meadain.Emma Elbon, EetherStout ~olida~s. . . . of W. H. Ma en, aynesvl e, . HarUiock, assistant secretary.. The Offertorv Sentence .................. A~on aced 0hbllle rv·el.d. 'Pilch. r!8 rtedicipatnt-:- ..... · Emma RetalIick·, Emina D. MeMillan " 1 t w Ida ParalJall, Ada M . Kerriek; Phoebe ?~ society meets every month and a Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hat;haway, of SanctU8 ........... ............... ...... .. ,Ely antht e bOl .Ites tt III. Ph~'n ~g . good program is assured for each Hathaway, Rqzerla Hormell, Chri8tie LaurelvlIle; Ohio, Spellt the week· AIJIIUB Dei ......................... .. Gilberl at d ~ ta f ~ ha mgf :-18 ~eqUlr k hur/ups 0 w~ne, In. ~~. ..... Zeuner to rut Mrs. R, G. CroBS, who was called meeting. The members of this new Gloria in Excelsis ... ...... ... McKIDlel. SUllan a, Haysllt, Flo D. bere and near With ...-Iative. Howell. Satall 'S mith, Luzetta WOOl- Cen~rvllle, Nune Dim'itti8 ...: .................... Barry °hry EOt t el tour dpromlsIses ml afe y to South Leedbanon ODT8Cc0sdunt of sick· organization are taking an active ~e!l8ional-Cbrist ' the Lord is t e ern a 0 . 1'0 eem rae rom ness. arriv home hur ay morn· interest in it, and they hope great ... anel80n; lIOn. The ladl. were tranapol'ted to thO' Risen Today .. ~ ...... ' .......... Worgan boO~a:t~ table are the unleavened ing. things from their efforts. The next Zltiimerman bome ill autna. ant;! they . Mbii Audrey ThQm~n, ' of Route • :• cakes' (Matzos) , tbe shin.bone of a meeting will be beld ,at the home of desire . co thank the 14llt18rs. Frank 3. left Satutd~ fOil Amorit., Okla, the secretary, Martha O'Neall. A d t f 1 2 f 5c assortmen.o c, or , lamb (roasted on the coals,) com· goo Elbon , Dean Howell and . EBI.'I Gray wh~re she ",ill ' visit wl~h relatives ------~ memorative of the ' Paschal sacrifice, A great many people in town have 5c and 10e Easter Post:Cards, Book· · tor their kindneaa in taking the!Jl. for thr~ montha. , a roasted egg, a mixture of apples asked us the above question several lets IU}d. Easter NoveltIes. Mrs. W. ~ · Everfbody 'tiad Ii /l"e time. ' . and·nuts. (Churoseth.) to symbolize times within the last two weeks. It C. Phllhps. L: .. .. , " . 'Une Who WWI, There. , H~ve just r,:eeiv~ a 'niea line of the mortar with y.>hich. the "Egvp- looks as though there ought to be,a new ' Bi~Lhday , Cards . and Bookie" Revival services ' wiil continue tiaos msde bit.tel· the . liv~" of the good team gotten together, as there H. V. Walter, of Lebanon, well lll!iO Borne, of the new gold Initial fathelB, herb (Maror,) P08t.C~!t. Mrs. Vi C. PhilliPs· throul{hout this week. .. . . . . and. fbitter th h d . is ,plenty of material here. A sug· known here, ~as inatal,11'<1 as Exalted e un appy ay8 In gestion has also been made that a Ruler of the ~Iks LOdge at that place Communion service will be held on reminiscent 0 'd I h f h" k Let II Egypt. "" Thursday afternoon ball team ought la9t week. Frl ay n g t o t IS wee. a In Bong. and 8tory, the tale of the to:bring a great many people here on d' h h members of churcb, be present for nn.nr..""ir,n lind' the deliverance Is ·• servi'ce. . ' i ea th 19 to ave t e You people that want chehp Char. .\ th 18 . r"'lltlK[>M!:U, Psalms.· of . . .thanksaivin... that day. The I t fte keceplion of new members and .' strike the keynote of th: stores to c ose on a · a moon coal for heating [ronll, or Cistern Mrs. Carrie L. Flatter, of Xenia. a hus ge~~~ng 'da Filterss or any other purpotl~, can noted. temperance worker, who has baptism of infants on Easter.Sunday "'!casicm . 'The services, in. fl.rom. 1 to {) tl°'clocfk. tth morning. . r.,rJ:u,~~,,'"u for the faml' ly dl'nner, Itt le recrea on or e cler"" an get it at J. H. Coleman's. been here on several occasio.DB, will The Bareau say.. . "The Inter, , P to business men. Then it thE V would leave Xenl'a 800" and take up W. C. S ".... ra user CI arence, a'nl,Jlnber' of merry folk· close tbeiratores in the evening T U Ch t " k" K • as _, r. national Entertainers aNj 'dle best . .• , . ' E !:I[nrj_iivj~ of the $arae\'Al' . o f there would be a chance !or a. b~nd . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zeil and Miss a 'mee~~ga~~~~ewGree~e 'J.~~~~l~o~~f~thi::.local coarse," Sdlool I . evening, April 6th of festival, ~onc~rt on th~ l!8fTle ev~nJl~g. !ettmg Florence Wilson spen t Sunday at the W. C. T. U. Monday Mrs. Flatter the. tlr~ farmer, hav~ hiS tnmng f~r home of Mr . and Mrs, Ja~es Zell, at was presented with several beautiful. of recreatIOn, Let 8 t~mk ab!>ut thIS Yellow Springs. testimonials on behalf of 'hllr work proposition and see if it cannot be . ' .. done in that county , anll for the or~: • r' . consummated. Delicious Wrappe,d Cakes made by gaoization, She WbS presented w~th ~. . • - • Ston~, the specialist• . at W. C. Phil· a beautiful gol~ watchj set of pearl li~ Call up by telephone and we pina, a gold knife ana a hanl;laome --lI'fIUU!Oll'ls1 will attend to your orders at onc~. traveling bag. . '
--- _.-
SCHOOL DISTRICT wk~~o~:~. O~k ~~t~:~U~~~~ ~~~I:!~:~i;;f~~~L*:::~~i
M. E. .' CHUR'CH
GlAS '
Mn. Dora Spellman, woo has been
, . THE COUNTY SEAT :~ll~:t ~~p~:'d~ra~t~:k~~ APPOINT. NEtt . other relatives bere. . ' A:ccordinJf to 'dope 'handed out by a Lebanon paper last week. tb.,t clt,y is,to haye a .bew Kro«er groe8rJ,· another lumber yard and a wholesale liquor ·honae. What with the fpul' saloons ebe probably wfll bave, and the Increue in POPll\a~ lAbanon wm boom (1), '
WI.th ObC! of ~e merchant v~ recen~ sunk b.7 a German IIlbmanJle Rev. off the eout of ScotlaDd, there went fteldbhas to the ~ oftbe North Sea. val· late r, J,
~_t C!f 8oDteb . Granite, trict SulJl8I'iIlltencleot to OhM. W, 9oh~ &: field DiaI~let SoD. • .mOD\UIMIIlt baiIden..of JAb. Dr, l';:;~lI=_H: SlIIIecribe fo1' the MIamI Guettel1lODo .' ~ It • _ •
BUf your Fertilizer of Chas•. Fry:e , who hand I. M.ilson's,·the beet.
The ,Indiana & .0 io Live Stock Insurance CoI ! ulUr s rses, l'a U
agaiust death fro l\l any ,'all ·C. • lI/ustnJted by
The Hartford of Conno
Insures Against Fire.
l.,igbtn illg
B.nd Tornado .
W .. N. SEARS, Agent
a.nd th dl votl'lltl tlu r"\ll~dmj[ \-he (lllr wern ttlrrll\"d. nl' tlli! not (orC6 al1c)r l1ll\"R to JUSKernnut On~ "'Ildior hM . protllflted oud he hi)' lit Ih n bollllOi 0\ tho bill, bls MII-ull crU 1"'0 'rhl' "lh,,1'II. puJl{l~ oue wny II), g"wel 01 nunr)' unci love of.lir , lit Irrue! 11(1 h1\ nd !Ju't Kuthl),ll Mf)nt ~u.hlh tlld nOI dl tluder tho broad wh,·"t.. of thu M r i Ju~garllllll t. So Intu~ '"I" ct I u l ' pI "IJ ~ wero bls ml'D Olat Ih"y 1(,r;,.,,1 tl,. v1£llB.ocu requirud to l·dU,·t ~lIch u N I1l ()IIY r 0 ..,r luturnlptl u A crll.l' lrl lng or J,ho t~ , n "unlluB cry to <Iron thulr n.rms, til plunging of aD ol." uhnu t In 1h,\ \Juth of til' cn. r. ", hloh was a lread)' I h n ndl'~lnll' down tho hili, spOiled munlh, '" c1JtS8 10.
Get a br~h and a can ~f Benna'!J L stro-Finish and see how you, ~n . brighten things up ab.o ut the house,.MJ;'. Householder. It's a real wonder-worker in renewing' old furniture, 6~rs, ~tc. Stains and varnishes at one application.
, famIliar willl Iho CUBl!),lIS 611 u .. ,,' ..~ '1' 0 Ill; ONTI N ED gllllJ;fJ of Ib e 1I0ol'le : lIow flh hnd t llr [\8 lo ~IUIlU llld n... ,.voOi :.:> CH APTER l- K" thlyn Hare, bellOVlng a\l CClJd d In g tlln/! h r e without mls· I thos" who tr l,·tl I, I :"U V tbe nlU'row Non~fading. har t tu ber. Col. H u Tt', in "urU. bUft !lUlU ... hal) wos In Its It renan rknbl e. I s tr, atH. '" mon~d her, ten VUlI ll e r homlJ lLl Cullforili n Sbo 100x \ 1lIlIlo'a wrist in her bund . An ,,!tal r of bl/II,· I'M nil the n,.. · 10 go ' 0 htm In A.IItLhn. Irldl.., Umbalta. YOUR CHILD'SCOUGH IS ACALL FOR HElP All Kinds of pretendor to t ho throne, Utl8 tm prlloned nnd I'r<'ssed It reaRsurlngly. th n pu t· ~Iv"" oOllld 1(' t 111 t" , ~" 'r 10 tb Ir In· !Jo n'r 1l0t 11' tn 0 l ing , ' u u r CIJ I l eI'~ Ihe oolonot. n runed by lh lAte klnll u bIB tor ed about In hor modlcal bng. V.. ry puirl P8 , MUll "111111' fl<H'kl IlS to Ule 'nllgh 'It !Io l, d ul y 8[1 PS t,h olr holr. . .(\fl l)' . h whls p red : r oofs . Bil l tlw II .. "1I~hl ll mode all st r ngth . hut ortl'n I I\ds t o LUMP , CHAl'TJ>R.ll-Arrlvlnlr In Anaha R.alh· " I shall romal n wIth you till dusk. 't hl nlls gh oel ly n, 1'lI r of th god sorlol1s oilml'n!. Why ri ~k? You IYn I. Inform d by UntbnJ ln. lhat hor 1athor belni aead eho tl til b.J Ql\cun. n n,1 Glvo no sign whato'"er thnl you Imow flUKgOrnflut W~;' " "I, hut wbllt lay IInn't bl,vt' 1,1>. Dr KlugH N tlw Il l~ . muat mnrry 111m. Shes rorus... and Is In · OOVnry I " ju~t th e r e nlfl(ly YOllr child lor,., 04 by tho prle.. ta th .. t no Woman can III 0. for you wUl bo wlltch d. Trllllll bt lin its patb r ou lll , l' ~ 1I~,' n. Plllhnllu "n !< Jlnt 1'''lllllur thnl nl ~ h t. 1I 0ed~. It tR lU IlO,' wll h 8ont h lnK, ndo unmo.rrlod. She 1a e1v n . 4;wen t1lL)ta [ will amu 'glo you out or tho pulueo. to thInk It o~er. , Toko Iheee, IUld soon lire lend to 110 llu t'ulll' WR ~ a (,r(('lIlU "fluil'. W tllI un b Alill ug nn ll /luti~(' p t.lo bn lsnllls. .Suctt'mr to) k no w tho II' " nully lUlil l'''sources of Wi ll qUlokly 0110 It t hll Cold a nd CHAPTER lll- Bho ItllI retu.... a nd Ia ,)ulote(\." F. E. S~ERWOOD to14 that aha must undo rgo two o r4 nls • Wlnlllo swollowod tbo bit e of sugn r his lHJ1ll!c. Ilt lurKo. , ' hl'ro wou ld bl! 60\l111e YUO!' C hll tl ' ~ 'oll~ h "woy with ,,"'lid boWlta. It .he eun·\"ea ahe will !nn d lo y back. Kathlyn s Ignifi ed thot no r escuo Lb ls ll( f;hL I<. thlyn Mem· N I' odds how b ~d th .. Co ul(h 61' how be 1I0nnltUld to rule. ORr PostolI~, Waynesville, 0, :sho wished to be alono with her pa. s/tIllh shou ld dl ; lhls U/IIP htl d"t"" 10fll-( stanc;hul{, Dr ' Ki ng '" Nil'" Dip. ':~e.!iitt°hD Bruce, an Amort· lIont. Onco olone with Wlonl o, she mined to IJU L fnlU' InLo lhll l.."' rts of co\·,' ry WIt) ~ to p It . It R guurlln tePrI. Olrb Phone 77 HOUR Phon. B.~ C&<;,~.rvr tll tl olhers. Icnet aside her veil. J u~t got 1\ bull lll fmlll y "ur Drllgg lRt CH APTIl:R V- The elephant whloh car· "0. KIU " I (ovlu;; drunk \II~ klng's p<!S. ho wns "n rl tn' it Moe bor from tho 800ne ot har trlole runa awny, .opa.rnUng ber trom Bruce alld tbo "HUllh. boby l Wo or gains to get W !\Il fOl'lllled nlt nhl~ t nllY I'tlrson lll reat ot thO part)'. you safely awny." qu rums. Tll e OS81()n Iltl hn d h ud for Kothly o was deud cJ"o d li S h" ",lI l1ted CHAPTER VI-Bh" t\ll<.,. , etule" In .. I " I am a fraid ." For Sale by . ruined lorupla, bul this ba.ven It! lh ~ Ilbo(lo "SO nfhu we nU '" bu' we must nol lu', her to be. of .. lion IWd abe lit forced to n"" trom It. anyone see that '1'1' 0 IU' . Father nnd 'Vh om th o goda .1 atroy th uy lIr.t Veterlnarv OHA.PTIllR Vll-8he tlnd. a retT"a.t III iAbmed or nft" r bu. nut oh. wby did mnke mad ; ~ld I IllQn llfl WDS IUlId. th" Jun"lo. only to filiI Imo the bando o t Tb e palnnQu In wnllo d In va In out· Ohlduate of Oblo Slat. llniversl ' II ..ve trlldllr&. )'OU atterupt Ul find, lJ a7" ClIAPTlllR VlU-Kalhll'" I1J brouihl to I "n\lt you cabled mo to cOlDe, wee ks sId a the wull of Iho gard en of brldeawattod till n 1'lpI>1 of llle upwa eddie d the publla mlU't . In AllAha. I1na 1010 to ngol " Office at residence in F,.u ~he r Umb&lla, who, /lndln" her l Ull IUlub"I? Never !" And ''' e muatery Wll" obou t l ba con",'yullco In th e shnvo of Commissioner~' Proccedinl!s mlallve, throw. her inlo the 4ullreon WIth .... , wood's houSe. Fourth Street, Common Pleas Court bu lamer. 'no longor a mystery to KBlblyn. 'rho a greatly ogltnt ed Lnl. SlIlgh. Morro w MJrr,)r, nrtntln f,! for "Be Is r enlly goI ng to kill berl " bo CRAPTmR lX-8hela ....oue4 by Bruo. hlUld of lhnba\lo lay bare. 'ould tll<'Y U. H. Fidellt.y o n d Guara nty Co. , Telephone 28 aM _ frlandI. evontually wIn OUl against B lDlUI who pRnted. "He lured hH to her Bls ter's V" The Bourel If Educa tIOn , o f Mnr. co unt y t re'\ IIllre r ' 2 : Cu lombu ~ Blnn k Bar k Co . Allllllllel< for prnhatf' s m d to miss 00 point In th e gom!'? sldo. tb l'n <' aI' ured har . Sh la to b r"w, ot nl 1 will offllr ,tt. j!uhlto 01 0 fi n n on " eltve g Tl>nt.f>d defe nd jlld g6 $11(45; D"yton File Ellve loJ)e CHAPTmR x.-cololMI Ba.re ..lao 18 reoa· I d b Lit th f J t Ohio Thlrtl tHreet. I\t nil' fC'~idAllO" nl the) cuo4, Umb&ll&, with 1IOldlor• . alnzua III "You were decclved, WInni e. To thInk PlICa en ell 0 car 0 ugg rua u .ni ~ ~o Il l.. ple~ (lIn !!R fc. rl,bwith. . I ' (1o . $22 l!5; ,Iob u Lam a r lum bp r D~"ult. KAthl)"D" .t.ruck by a bullot. 10f III We had os cap d, w re rendy to . WI II I. m A . Taune r VI' • •hm es E $~O; N dti Hlok", r ond w o rk in ' 1\1 Iu ll\te Dnvltl .\. tlr " ".-n . CHAPTER Jp-The tull1t1 ..... are II1vNI IBall ror homo, when we larDed thnt Ri!!hlml r " . Motiou to nmt>ud )letl t l lwn~ h ilJ 14 ; Z dil Armill\l:e. 11l'Idtlll Saturday, Ap,] 1J. 1915 ~~ UI thutp&l&06 ot Data K.lIan. ~ou ha(\ le ft for IDdln. It nearl y broko tl" n 8C1st.8 iolid. work in"'1'llrtll'or lllt towDPhl iJ $07.08 ; Com Olllll oln !t ,f I:! ,,·,·Ioc k. h ' ln~" Xll-tluPpl1e4 by cam.1Ii Ill' our heart e ." DR~HoE. HATHAWA l' lbeQ1U.P't'lIlR Mtlrtb f~ M . 1'llh"m VII. A B Mnr- A. '1' Rl'tttl ll . brid gll IID1 r nhd work b 1<1 g" ,'r\ ~ g nrcl " 11 111111 .Ylrllll utl-r ohoapitallie prtnce they .tart Cor the cOB,It, lIut ..re oaplure4 by »rl.a . ndo. Um- I "Whntever shall we (\0. Ki t?" WIn· lis, nd m lnis. rllto r. ,Jud~m {mt- for in Fruoklln t OW IlI.hll) . r.3 .75: W. E fO il h.. ' l'Il T/II>' oll "b . W..,.uvUle'. LeadlD6I' DeDhll 1I&lta Jo~rne" to the lair or the bo.n· nle flung hor ru-ms round h r s lstor I'lnlnt,,11' in t he Hum of $15~.~ 2 and Dpoh c nt" B llm t~ 12350: . V,dley 1'el,' \V H. H ,d na.. :!.f.,:'~~ ~4."::~:1~&'//f?::n~r &JId 'nnd drow her do wn. "My Kit!" otIloe 'l D KeyS Bld·g. Maln'S pb,,"!', r fl nt.e .. nd tulls to April 00 ~t" . '1m ... III\wko . An (l t.. _ _ ;i . . .a XIlI-'l'bo bandit. ClUalTel I "We mus t be brave, whatovor hal>Me lvin 'L'olle Vd . Pbe Oblo Eleot ril} '27.00: 1 N Wllk er ~oD , r ad work ....er the monoy pe.ld UleDI by Umb6lJa. 'p ons." tn WIIRblll ll t.Cln ttlw lII'bip $36.5(1; ft. v ., Co I)alnu rte r 10 Ilmend ud pe. 1'114 durin. lbo oontu.l1on Kathlyn and 1" qu I II y. W. Ungles by , burin I of LO nl~ a .I1t1 IRr Bruce _DO alld return to Allat./la. Tbey I "And am t not your "Ister titlon v r,·u ted . f\ ~ I 11 m f1"IIII~ lInt nf h\I PIIlA PMI eonooct a pllUl to reeoue Ule ooloneL [' 00 you b,elleve In me. so lillie' Wby ill FrRnkl ll\ towMhip $75 ; .1 . B New Suits. \VofldlV rd, bu rinl oftloldler '" willow WIll ~"I lllt pnh lln .110 11 1>11 ~t Ill" nl<1 ORAPTJim XIV-Tbe oolon,,1 I. noml. shouldn't I be brave? But you've a l· hODlPlltell d lind !I"w_llIl!1 or W . ~, DAlb' klJII, but really a prleoner. It II ~ays t reated me like [\ boby ; you Du lus B. Ulxtln YB. R o bert A. ERs $1 ; N tI. Ro bi nsoD, !In.m e $ 1 : U lafO Dnlle. (\"t)~ II~ PrI, i ll LHl p, ~e4 to lind. brtde for him. Ka.th· Uo .rn ~atell 'ulvnTt . Uo., on lv prl. 171> I&ln. "cceee to the pa.la.ce In dllt- never tried Ul prove mo." ley d oi nG btl~lno8s ' liS 'l'b!' Eesle." an4 be.. l'eIICIIe plana are euoceod· I Kathlyn'8 ~tw8 'Wound l\lomsolvos 1 Thursday, prli8, 1915 MiJlllllS t-lU I t ' o r dOomllgea IImonnt pllll) $1 22. 0; J W . Lingo l'I"rdwllri when the treuUIT leopar4e eaca.,. Cv , IIU]lp\l1l8 for depnt.;v 81111 ,l er $1 65 WSJIC the oourt lato ooatu.l1on. tightly about tho slon4er fbrm. . . • olaiJpud $1330 ~(lml'W lll'hlll II I 100'1))/ ' 11,1 hor 'q, Ollu &rRot let t, W J , Burger f nr 'AJtd t4U8 Umbnlla round thom. HIl·rvoy A . WoMIlII,m vs . I!ltn'lIu rOlld, work io A'ltnHtoD t u wDlOblp, fllrullnj( hllllhi)n 11 1 ~ , ~OI w , f1l 111 tOI, I.. , ~~ . l.b:"d ' ~=-~~!~O ~'Ver.y touoblng l" bo ao ld, .slnn<TIpg BIJlllo l~ M(l~ulllll"! . Dlvo,\oo; gr08~ tll"m Dlld ha nd S3. pO, ooul m no Itl b ur hoo~ ebold t>; oo(!lI.. I'OP bi ll hili" f. ·r th.r, an4 the' ; ~-= ~ 1 1th hIs .bock 'to tho door. "Tlut nice)/'. H Dqlc ll lIe~l()()t Qt (Iuty.. $2 pe r dll Y. Con t r", t 10 . f oroe to f"rm !:! dy trapped!" I:(e laugh ed as Kat\l)yn Charles urh or, Anot OHAP'1'JllR XVI- Th" C!olonol hQ1lJ'II th~t prlUlg to her fe ot, 08 ber band sought . ' In ro trnsteel\blp of ' Frank M. eptem ber 22, I \J I [) hI~ younger a.ull'btor.... Wlnnla. Ie about Cltuden ". tru~tee uoder the will o f 10 Dr ' 1' 0 I.n Allaba. ·J ·n .. party journey. tho I1ngge r ilt her side. ':.lXll=\'t df/lw baok ,0 Allah&. Wlnnl.. arrlv... b6tore 'tt." he snJd. "I mIght hurt )'ou r nrm App8l11 hy LShUO .JOU tll!, deoea8ed Ihey 110 IUId wllllut IlltO the trap Pl"8po.l'IKl ' 1 will offer Ilt, pll '1I0 l1li16 ftt trnstQBlI o f Sallem tOWlJ81 d lor h l r b7 Umbca.lla. Wlnn'" Ie oro. ned In wrencbtng It away from you. Poor WHOOPING COUGH residenoe in Wayn il"vl ll l', "'I queen. Kathlyn and her tilther attend In ltttle fool! Back Into tho ange, Uke a loa M. Kl\tllln v a, Ch ,~rl ... Ktlelin d.l.aiU .... ancI make thler P_GII kaown Well-eve ryooe kUOW8 tbe ea aof, Dlv roa; or ne l ty . to the tantlIeIl atrL . . \lomlllg pIgeon! .Had 1 not known you Saturday April 10, 1915 of Pine Forest'! un Cooghs. Ur '811 would return, thInk you 1 would E"tlltll <'f RIlYDl OD d PIUllhD, do Bell 's Plu o. TAr.Hooey la 11 remed y CHAPTER XVU- Knlhlyn. In 4181r\1I". BeglnninlC 'It 12:30 p. m . th .. f ol. inlna adml.. lon 10 WU1Qlo'. room, but Ie have given up tho chaee 80 easll y 7 oOIl~od Firtj ~ IIooon at o ~ gnurdillu whioU brin g quiok relief for Whoop lowi Uj! properl.y: 2 horoA", I)orn, dllacova...,4 by Umballa, who order. that fi l&l Ihe bo otror04 WI A a1lCrlllce to the arod You would not bond, SO then yOIl mu"t I'e in/( Uongh, 100seuR the mnoll ns, bll Y n nd f/\tmln !! IlllJ1h' mrnt~ jUillfernlluL 8ho II r U8Cu . 4 by the oolore4 bNlllk. The god Juggarnaut yenrn s for W. R RI)~e , IIdml ul lltrutor of tb e soothes tb e lining of the I bro ,t and big bill" for term ~ &.ad ble trlend&. a sacrifice to .provo tb.nt wo sUIl love C 'I'. ·fl a wke O!!tn te I)f Ellz<1betb J 0" viI!, do' kIngs , D.nlllllllkOI! the ooul1(blng spella .t1Ut the t'wo Mt \n tno oe nter ot tne and worshll) blm. You spurned my oo" •..,d. e rvloe orde red by publi08. IHII6 seve re. A famil y wltli growlnll ga.rden, tho thoughts 01 e ach fur away, lovo: now you shnll know my bnte. tlu n \lbllllren Hhould not be wlth ont It·. Tho' attllntlant felt no '\Vorry tn bring· ;Vou shall diE), unlJlet\I\IUlUy." 1 will pell Rt, Publici AooMon on la ~ho IUlltter .of the will· o f t;hnr. J{eep H h'lndy tor all, C"u~h8 and ing Winnie Into tho glll'dan. A CI'1 Quickly 8S 0 cnt aprlngs h!l cnught my farm, :l miles west of ' Wuyne8. 101te rbompa n, deoea.aed. Will of. Cold ... . 2~0 at yuur Druggist. her b'ulHls nnd -wr clIched thRill towllrd ville . Obi o, on fered tor probate - _. - .. - ••- -== hIm, drngglng b r townrd tbo door. [u the Ulutter of the will of Fred Tuesday, April 13. 1915 And tho whlto gIrl could not get OUI Winnie Ilprong up from the cushions, orick l:lebbeLar . deoeliHe d. Will ad· alon . More thnn t.bls. she I!R.V WIn· ~I~r eyes "blnzo with th o Ilghtlng 8111rlt. onHt" d to probllte . M. H Oswald nle libe rty In order to trap hor If pos· Too '800n tbe door cl Rc d In b r roce al'poioted a.lwlnlllt.rBtor. slblc. " nnd she hoard the "bolt ou t~ld e go w1thln an bpor. It Is to be ~one se.K~tl\te o f JOUII\IJIlD Sawyer. Col Dy and by tbe JlJltLvc girl pretonded slitherIng homo. cretty. The people a re guarded nnd {'.e.tlh, 15 head gnde Jelll"~ UaUle, \ oonsis tln g Clf freab onw", breed belf. Ul foel drow8Y In tho heat ot tho sun, Sald mbnlla trom the corridor: "To h eld In t he bazaa rs. Allm d, wIth lUI leo ioo of lucolUe tIlx to ebe alUonnt f ~5 .03 erll. JOdrltDIl811nd calveI'. 8ea lar,o a.nd he r bond fell forward a trlflo. It you, Ilrotty kllte n, I shall come lilt r. elephant and armed k epe)rs , wllJ be btll ;t for f orma Tbls slile will be E tOlUl of Barry Browo. mloor was . then that Winnie heard a . lo,~ I nood you ror my wire. When 1 r eturn here sbortly. I lIa'va \vnrnod him. Urn· held nnder oovor. For oltt·.logue., e ound o.ooouu' of gua.rd1al.n filed . whistle, an old familiar wblstlo such you wtll ho all olono In tbo world, I1alla rUtlS ~muckl" addreBs B E S1'OKES. H . E . Uowan, 1&dOI,ollltrlleor v~. a8 sho nnd Kit had u8ed onoo upon n truly nn or phan. And do not wako Suddoilly tb y henrd 'Volcos In tho 80w 'l\ your 80 n, .. t:be liwyer, R!lt WliYOtl8 VIlIP, '.>. Kl1aver at III . tSuitl or tin" ('tn?' time In playlug "a spy." Sho s at u ~ your oyos r d noodlossly." gorde n. ilret whallll's, tbon Kathlyn·s. ffil\V o o<1 a Ool.. Bel r y, Anot, . Wlnnl() Bcrenmoll nnd Knthl yn fo ught Sln1ster portents lo tho onra of ttJe r61\1 est/lte confirmetl, . rigIdly. .It wn8 hn.rd work not to ery "Badly, p Ilar fellow'. Be's In jllil." Tom Dempsey, Klil o Mao out. Ovar tho well tbo dmb trunk 01 with tho fllry of a nctl d ll grCHs. l ror list eners, fathel' ond lov r aDd loyot "Bow's that?" . . Real Estale l'ransfen ~ a.n elephlUlt protrudod, Ilnd 80metbln~ n rmy mlnut~s U ml.lRlla bud his hands frie nds. Tho ronncr wero ror break· "Be W88 retained by a horse thief filii, but In tho end Ite conquerod. . tng Into th o garden th n and thore: wlrlto Iluttered In~o the garden. t'rliDlt V. SI·ioktllmlln to George P t) deteo" hIm, and h " m,u)e Buob By lntrodnotrlg mi not" partlolee WOMEN Wlnnlo roae. The llend of tbe native Outsldr thl) gnrdon of brides three but 0. glanco through tbe wlcllel gate . Buwtborne, r01l1 08tllte io Frao~1I0 II. Rood pIeR tlll.t the judge hl<ld him of Z11l0 Into tbe f,18~UIl8 b:r powprfnl ,1 ' ~ girl camo up Instlnctlvely; but a s Win· 10011 wu\tod In va in fo r tlt o corning or dlscloaed Lbe fact lhRt mbnlla n.nd III an B008S80fT "-LIppincott's. Love This Magazine nle lel8uroly strolled toward the pal, 1<Il\hIYIl nn d hor als ter. eleotrlc:> onrre rll,1I ., Pblladf'lpbl .. 1I0r. Kathlyn were surround d by fifteen or Bfl Dj lllnln D. t;~lImer to Edmond McCALL'S I. ,h. f ••hi~n Culd, and Ho.,,· geon d e"trnY8 caDoer and has etIeot. knpr.1 Helper or muto .... o'"~n Ib.n any Oilier Reo, the hend 80nk again, Wlnnla Tho gud J ugg rnn ut did not r eposo til' nly Iioldlers. An d they dared not BUNtborDe, lot In Frun klfq, 5100. . Subscribe for the Miami G8zette ed maDY notable ourea . . .au:tne , . ebe world. AU 1he 111('" tll,rk. turnod Rnd wlUlderod n.long tbo' walls, In his aceus tomed nlcho In tho tomple fire ot UOlbalia for t oar of hitting eftty p101tlh ' 'l aO d ell,hlful ~1C'1rlcK thai cn.IC(· 000r8e '0. ~t;ailtoo to B : How. tl1~ ,ed _ ktll dopanm cnt" t n C()(l ktD a!~ liullIe. Rp parently examIning the fiowor., and Ihnt nigh t . Tho oar had to be pulled KnthJyn. hillel, lot tn Franklin, $660 . dteuln&klq. fancy ""01". etc. , lh l .1I1!11len vines, but 011 tho whllo moving noarEU lip ond down a aloep hili. aod 00 lhe Tho palan? uln WaB hllstlly nnl ed . Wal\er R. ~'ltt8 to Ulareooe Brown, bou • .-ar.k .ad .. vc money. Pri cC". Pf1h' !1flc:: • ,at, .hbl oDC ccJcbralcl.I McC,.1I I.)r";NiI Pc,· and pen.rer to tho hIt ot whIte pallOf roturn owing lb th e dnrknes8 It wus out of Bight. lo t ill I:!prlugboro. $800. tc... fREt!. whloh tbo Idlo breezo sUrred bnek n.nd lort n~ tho top of tho hili : "otely At· the end of th o pns8u~0 or st reet 1 UND ~ NSYAL CARD "OW FOR Uhur.l\ls E. EtHon to f1'mnk S. Bol. L A, na. ........,1II Uur, (I f .t..\~ALL·.s ):MiA1r. r . (It" forth tentntlvely. WhelL.llho roaohed fJrotl~prov o nt Its -rmHo g dOWll ot nearest tbe town wos u galo which ..... FIlE.'"loI!:' III .. teAl.l,'" Ib~ U .I..... " '·~(Hl'huJ \lrtl} ' , lot iu Ftanldln, the tlppt,Bho stoopod nod pluckod Borne lis own aceord . . When the moon roso was ae!dom C I ~Sj' !l . Throllgh thla aile "A.TALOOUX ; 1.1' .. a&cOA.U ,'8 " lMt.on Prllt! olt'"' tn ~. rt elllmeit. W. J. Emu)l)Ds to B" G, Smitb. lot ·flowers, gatherIng up the poper a8 eho Juggernaul's eyos gloomed II ko tho hnd to p UBS . ;to Illld from tho city. A ,IoJ,...u Ih ffl , H · dId: BO, And, stlll·tn the tltooplng PO& Ktrlpod cat's. LOllg sint.u he hnd 608 11 Oolne' ~broug il thls gEllo, ona oould III S llr.lu~b ll ro, 'L IIII1oCA11 en. 216 10 246 W. 3;111 St.. N•• I',,,,, N. , . We ate olTeri~g .. this "family Gro.up" . at a ti diculously low price AUU1& M . 0 b,nn to Charlel'! E tura, sbo rood ' tho noto; crumplod It, n hUlDan sncrlflco. r erh nps th o old nlllko tbe hill (\\,he re tbo cn r or Ju g· g IlDd stulfod It Into a bolo .In the wall. dny8 would r ctu'm onco more. Ho gernaut stood) wlt'hln Ilfteoll minutes. MOllroe' ot ai, I II I\oros in Turtle. b$cst a azln e \0 Poor child I Evory move bad boon wn8 wllary at honTt ri di ng ovor slc kfy whllo 0. detour ron nd th e walls of the '" r oek \iV wnlOb l!" $1. watched as a cobra watches Its prey. flowers; bo wnnted O"sl1 und bones anci ent cIty would ~'OnR umQ threea.realso ~nagazllles worth reading. Be. l.hlrlol! E Mon r ue at al. to Olive She was to prete nd IIInMs at onoe. ~nd th(l muslo of tho den.th rtut!o. His lJ uarters of nn bou·r. llIb.lll u. ordered =:;urfuce 12aor~8 in 'l'urtleoreek tuwn SIdes tillS you get n McCall pattern PIMB had been ohanged. She stood cousIns, Wn.r Md 1 ostlle uce. sU1I took lho go te to be clostld oud sLulIollml 0. 8hll) .11. and the Miami . Gazette at the exup, sWllyod slightly, nnd stnggorc d' th olr tIlh es. Why should ho bo do. gu nrd til reo Tho gutcs clllnged bu· ,tremely low price • . d e ury rurveue to Harry A. WeI:.!;, bn.ck to tho S PAt, In truth, sho \Vila Diad? h ind hl tp nud Knlh lyn. This time be 57 <10re~ ta I:itlmlhon ·townllhlp,IL. pale floough, and her heart boat flO tnBt Thc whlsporlng becnmo a murmur- wn.a guarding cvery onlrance. ' It his The Miami Gazette .. . . . . : . . , .... $1 00 ) (jellry Grolltll to J. G . Wetlt, 62% that sbo wlla horrIbly dtszy. lng, and tho murmurlog grelV Into ex- enem le~ "'(lro within thoy 'w.ould ' iu I:IlIrillD lOWOllhlp, All ,for ' McCall's Magazil~e . , . ,' ... '.•.. , . . . 50 \1. "A dootorl" abe cried, forgettlng (hal cllahlo cbllUcrlng; nnd by ten o'clock nnturnlly bO wenk ' In numbers; out, L. E1UI 'rOOlOpilon t-o l!'. E , MloQr, One McCall Dre~s Pattem. , , . . . . . 15 she would not be undOl'8t<iod. that nIght all lho bnzunrn kn ew tha t aide, they woulll tlnd I~ ex treme ly dlfll. ONLY Tho nn.tlve girl stared at her. Sho tho 'an olont rltca or Juggornllut wel'o cult to moke nn ntrnnce. Mora than ronl es't~te In MOIIOU, $1 Home: Life. ; .... . ; . ... ,', .. , . .. 25 . ~ Freull H. Duko to J~ Mlltoo' Elirn dId ' not underalnnd tbo words, but tho La be revIved that night. The bn.zaus this. bo hOd ' sllnt 0. troop toward ~e hur t:, 1 111&,.e~ 10 W ll yne townShip, People's Po~>u~ar Monthly,., .. , .. ~ tllglls wero enough. The young whlto hn.d novor h(lard of Noro, cnllcd Abeno- colollol'a CDUlp. womlUl looked III j a.nd Umbnlla would borbus. nnd, h Ing WIthout comporl. Tho gates had scarcely been !!Ioscd Fraok l:I, Duke to J, MlJton Earo. dOllI hnrshly with those who failed to ~onA, they mls8ed tho greatness or wbe n AInn d , hIs elephant and ble TotaL . .............. . ..... ,S2j15' ) stem tim tJde of any UlnesH wblch tbnlr august but bampered regent Urn." armod keo l,ers came Into vIew. The bB.rt, re~l el!~l\te in RUYlJVllle. $1. ' ' .. might befall. hIs captive. There wn.s u. bn.lIa. men Bont Pu odlto. bllck to camp, Bnd t;'Hrie R, 1. !:joovilla, Ildminlslrll . •• . pENTIST••• Always the bazanrs heard news be- the actual wn.rro·ro begaD. They ap· ' trlx to &lldan 8 t;covllle, rell.l es'sto commoUon beblnd tbe fretwork ot the palace. Tbree other girls CIlJ;lle out, foro any olher part of tbe olty. Tho proac hecl th o gat e, domandlng to be al· ,10 Leb..uon, $1800. ,lumli's B. ·Ollvls to The Peter ,Wa.JI*Yllle.O 'and WinnIe was conducted back to tho wblto momsnblb wns not dond, but lowed to pUBS. The soldIers refused. zenan~ . had' hoon recaptured while posing nB Instantly tbe keepe rs ' flung·themsolves ({unlz Co" of DII'y tuo, 210*11111 LebAll thIs Kotblyn observe4. Sho 'bndo Lbo zennna »hysloloo In an attempt to furIous ly UpOI\ th e Boldl,er~. The IlnoD, $l. .,. tho mahout go to · the bouso ot . tho r0801,Io ber slater, the new queen. Oh, trooper who b eld t Ho ~ey t~rew It over Jellllie 0 ,. 'l'llompa(iu to Max and ' zenana's doctor, where she donne d lho cb.IM city of Allnha WIlJI In the tho wall Jllst before) he woe overllow·. Mllrgluet Koblh.geD. real estllte In tho habiliments camlllnr to the guards matt r or cbolce nnd unexpected orad. But Ahm O)d hnd come plCc(lared. Lt,banon, l1. and ,Inmates ot ~o !tenana. amueements unrivale d In all AsIa. From.out th e howllah he took a heaVY' Sarllh .0, 1'llevers _to WIDoDa S, . E verything wont forward wttliout a Yoa, Umbolln was not unltko Nen>- loather :pall, wh loh be 'adjusted "over HotI, real estat.e in ,\dllllcD, $1. hItch. so smoothly that bad tbe object to k\lep tho populaco amused so thoT tbo . tOrEl s kull of the elophnni, ~d Ad" L. Chenowe'b . to Kesler T. 0( hor ,.IRlt be~n other than Wlnnlo would tompornrlly forget their blU" ga ve a commnll,d. . Kathl]'n must h&ge sensed somothlng dens. . The akull. C?f th.o elephant Is tblc~ OtllbllID, rOlaI es~te in Wayoe toWD~ . unuSUI11. Sho enterod ·the palace and . iJut why the suddon appeal'8nee ot Hunters will t e!l . you that b~lIeta .lIhlp, $1060 W"yne Shorts to Geprge O, :]tlng, evon led tho way to Wlnnlo's cbamhor 80ldler8, who stood guard at eV0rT glonoe oft It 8 11' water rl;'om the baok:of -n lact :whloh .a ppeared JlJlturnl exit, compellIng lhe Inmalos ot. the 0. duck, Th\ls, proloo!.ed. by tho leather i80y' t\oretl In Deerfield township .. . , enougb to the women about but wblch bazoars not to leove th eI r bou.esT Al pnd, tho elephant b COlUes a formlda- ill. Obilrl68 W. 8nell ~ Mattie Crou, truly a1nrmed Umball~'a ,apy, who 1m· Iltl Why tlliR socrooy, sInce they kitfJ~ blo 'bot~l!rlng mm, bat'ke d up by tona ,mediately aet olf .In aEiarch of the msn. 'whllt wnR going to take placet But ot welgll,t. Only tl1Q s olidity of atone., 19~ lIor88 In Bammon klWDShlp, II, , ODe thin, aeaurod !lor: the hands ot tho soldi..-a, ordlnartly voluble. JII&In- may sta:, him. . P. B Rue '<l W O. Shepherd, the lIenllna'a reml phytllclnn wore bromd t"ln",<1 llrtm Blienee, 1lJlt1 evon we.t io ' Ah~edl'a eleJ)hant,Bhoul~et'ed through real estde In FrankllD'~'I, ~nd muacullll', whUe the hllnda sbe aaw . ,~ . . the gates grandly. Eor all. the rusl8t, we~e .Iender · and ~utlrul, brown apce thElY olfered thal.)tuIl theT mlght thoup they were. , S~e had loen those h&vo been oonstJ:Ucted of papial' hand. before, dui1nl!: the epllOdo of mache. the l~ of·the treu1l1T. Through 'tho duet the), humed. It was. v~ ~&r'12 for Kathlyn to CltlI'b Wbetlover a curIous nattYG got III the the rid deetre to crull WInDle ~ he!' 'Way the buteof a rille beBtlrrod him ann.. arII\II tlat traI7 aohed for the Ol1t· ot r.el of bar. ilia roup, WI UIIl11l$l!Ja deel... Ibe. oould not .b at II4IDlre WiD-. :".::"",~"",,,",,-=•. , Die', IQerII MtlDI. To 11&.,. ODIU all Otll~ ~8'toope Bldg.
W.yn"",'III • . U'
InSUR1IneE A. R. Chandler
Dr. J. A.. McCoy,
Waynesville, Ohio
---------------------------PUBLIC SALES
THE PITFALLS I:~~~~r::~g~~te!~~~:~~:':~ . Of "SUCCESS
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VERY _. GEN ....E ....R~Q....--...._~~. . . . .
I!}: ~~~a~e~I~~e~!le
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l'uhllJlhecl Weo.kly 0\ 1I1~ O~Lto 011100 11011 Jlull<lhllC. M.. lu L.. W ..Ylienlllu, Oh io.
If You
Rlltes SubBt:ri ption. ono Ye"r ("Irirll)' III ''''''&DL..,) .. . . . ... ".00 ____________.__ .tlln!:1 COpy ........ . . ... ..... ... . . . U3
DIMl.'Ouut. KI "t,)D on oo nl,nlct.4
MAl< H·SI, 1915.
March 15 superficially , a vagabond It hus thc mood and seeming of. a tattered roysterer misch ievous 't b B t ~uc h 0 f m aI"ICe, WI'II 109 ' t0 WI coax a display of tender confidence FHA K] . C IJI~ NEY by an . offer of smiling friendship Sworn to Iooefol'c JIle a nd subscribed in and ready to rc\vurd that confidence Iny prescnce. Ihis 61 II day "I December, . withabuff~tandgoho\Vling t~rough A'(~I\8S()· A. W. Gleason, the .woods In tra nsports. haVing be· Notary Public BRll'A CRtlurh CllrA la taken 10. g uiled and demolished credulity. · It seems wan't on, to find an imp. tern .. l1y ond /lCti! directly upon ·tbe ish joy in winlling favor by good bluod lind mucous surflloes of tbe conduct as a preparation for an ex:. 8yeleUl. Blind for t.e~ttmonlnls; troe. traordinary display of rascality It 8'••J. CH ENEY & CO, Toledo, O. '1 I'k I A 'I d ' Sold by all Dru~!{lst8. 760. '11 ,!I SUll e I e ate pn an. storm T .. ke Belll's .I!'elOlt1y PillR for con like early February, It Will coax stlpal\on buds out and pinch them. It will beckon the blue bird and meadow lark north and pelt tliem with il snowstorm. It will tempt the bulbs to reach out their shoots and cover them with a snow drift. It seems a period devoted to the snarling up of regular processes. Mr . and Mr~ , Alfred Bmlt,h. of A fox Jiparrow gets a bright, wl\rm DllVton, wele vlaitlnll with Mr. day for his song and hunts cover R·)(l Mrs . Frank t:!D;li th, of Lv~le, the next. Poor robin gets a worm ::iunday, Mrs Glennll Kelsey and Mra. one day and a chill the next. March is thus maligned by ap. Lellll 8181er, ot O":7OOn, were VI BItpearance and. is misjudged by act. iOK with their parents, Mr. and It Is a month of tremendous revolu· Mr". Simeon Brown "uudIlY. MIs8 Pearl McKtrby entertained tion and revolutions are not always ~nnd8Y MilS Florenoe Mol3hell and r 9 derly. Creative forces are shako Mr . Wlllinm ~rger . of D..yton. ing at bones which try to hold them . Mr. William Brown wlla In Day. Warmth withdraws the frost and ton B.'urdIlY. relea~es the forces. It is not with· Mr. elnd mrs. t:rlmeou Brown en. out elTort, disorder and uncertainty, tortalned WooDellday. Mrs : 1' Jell not without reverses and misfor· l:Irnith, Mlea ,Nell AOlnson. MI8a tunes &lsllf' l:imltb aud Mls8 Graoe 8mith, . Match is a month of re·establish· Of WayneSVille. ment. uot proceeding precisely but Min Eeta 8taoy, ~9IIIrs. (~Ienn with surge and resurge of elements, Brooa and Lee Lrnhar' of Ohio a month of · contention. So look dtde lJnl'l'e1'8l\y are villtlng theIr ' for an1thing from "fair and warm1.' p.reol8 tu thll city . to "bhzzards," ~Ex. Mr Well C. Cornrl1 Wele In Day lOo, Suuday • ......:.---....:....Mr. Benjamin Smlt b is 1\1 wl$b . l'b d" brltl 111ft [1'01'1 cor •• l. after the mumpe. It hilS bel:!o IUlld" lnt\) lutlcles of Three cales of ~eaale8 re~r\ed lllwtlry. e&o... I~' crl1~hed. lcented here. and "old a8 too~b powdt1r at a hleh M,. Barvey Miller. of DAyton was prloe by Inrll .. o 116rrum~rfll. vlaUlog wIth Mr. Will CreIghton Sunday. Mr. Boward SWEnk and MiAry L Wild pilleoue were knowD lo be .bl:! mO\!t v·o r.olons esters of 'be all. Gray have retorned after tbeir \lI. tmlll kingdom in 'propor&lon to theIr lIes8 and a.re roady for BOhool work .IEn. UnA CODt!Umild 1,000 gralnl Or Mond", · Mia, EJlZl\beth Duke wal pleu. wbeaUn...a dilY . antly Inrprl ~ed Wednesday eveDing ",beD eeveral of her friend" gave . 11 lIurpri,e porty In ber boriot. A New ~Ilr..ey man hRS iDveDted Among ,hUBe preaen' were 14ll1lell a maobine wblob pl&obell b,lIa ' AnDa Smith, Velma l:Iinltb, Illva wherever they "re WAnted, and wUh Pra'er, Elhel aud ~ltb Urabam ; .... rylnif llpeedl, to slve playere ha'· Zelma 8koy and Mre. Ann" Gra. tlng prao'IO\'. bam, .M88Ira. Ralph Arobdeacon, Le8tllr ' and Frank Kurfia, Moh'la / Graham, Gleun Johns, Allen Smltb, Tbtl dlltance from wblob ... nltur88 Roy MQKlrby and Bermon Smith, aDd 811l1lel OKn .py thefr prey lIal. ~I" Dora I:Imlth has returned mos' tncrediblp. home frow a vlslS 10 WeBt Oarroltoo: . 8cJme of 'he Rpldere of JI\va have Mr. Earl Randolph and· family, of webe so tIlrong tbd a knife is rll 0",),100, WElre visitIng Mr . and ·Mrs. qui~ ,6 ca.' them. . Ud Lamb Bunday,.· Mr. Bora08 Cla.rk and wife and M.r. fJhu. Clark Bnd wife were In iEEP YOUR BOWELS REGULAR Daytcin 8atur~IlY. At! everyone knowl, tbe howell> Mr. and Mn. O. E . Jobns aDd are thell8weregeaV8~m of the bo.d1, Mr. and Urll. Walter Clark apent· and·n Ie 0' 'be grea""" l~portanOe ~onaay In Wtlinlnlton wIth frIend;'. 'b" 'hey move onoe eaoh day ' U your bowel• . become Clonetlpllted. lake a does of (Jh .. ~berl.ln'.' T.b• . t3ubsoribe tor the Mhuti Gazette Jete ja~' after Rupper abd 'bey wlll • correot tho di.,order. Ob.alnable everywhere - - -....
.. -..---
.:....._-_.- ..---
--. -
---.. ...---
,tbo· ownonhlp .Dd m&DiII!'" of tho M.laml Guatto. publl8l..,d at
OhiO. ..
required 07 tbe .\d or
A - ' ... 1.12. "
gdltar;. D. L. Crano. Wa)'....yl~. Ohio : lI&nlpr and PubUaber. O. J,.. Orane. W&7000i ' vlll;',,~. Annlo and M.ama Bro1l'D, D. L. Cnoe.~. ~ • Bondboldan, mortpcoI. Uld'ot.ber_urlty holden. Don... . b !111I'ora, \0 ..ndJwbeclibed before me t II l~ dQ' 01 ~rll .UIIO. N . ,,_ P bU • 1 K. V, BlII'IIhart. 0 _ . U c. -
....._ _. _._ _ _......_ _ _ ,.
eq nl ppad sture. 'fboy kn ow whu t, whe n Ilnd where to buy {luoda f;)r the best re!mlts. Prufes90r Wttl ton spent SundDY wll,h lIis po.'ent.s tit Spring Vnlluy returning h ere l:iuuduy night. .:t I f 'h t" d d th ",e ver.. rom . ore u. ·.011 0 e publio ~ .. Ie of ,be Mitoy LI varv ~took l:iaturdu.y at W .. ynesville , O.
Protraoted m eotlng nt tbe M . E ohurcb iR ftlll in progress under,tbe supervis ion ot tile pll8tOr . Re v. Wcllaer . COlDe uut and h ellr him elnd bel.., melke the orowd larger. Mn. llllrriet. A ~hmore lind gra nd. son. Warren Sm ith arrl vod h Olllo l:ia t urday eVAnln" tifter a u nbseooe ot severlll m onths .In Uayton with
Mr. and Mrs Albert Merrih ew were "oests )f reilltl ves at. Cavi ng. ton. Ky . ,la ~ t week. Oor horllBmen a.re arr/l,oglog to get II. B&ring of apoeders for toIl fl sum mer. The 'rllck 18 get.tillg in good oonditlnn and nHer old 801 gets bls work In on 1\, thon It will be rendy for use. Mr. tnd Mrs. R.obert Fub",r, of Dayton, II.ro tb e guel>ta of t·h ~ ir parenti!, Mr. and Mra. A. B. An80D . Mrs . Cora I:Inrri8 Is ha.vlng In · smiled in her h omo ODe of the most modern I1gbts. The frlend8 of W. W. Wilsou reo celved w"ru IHst week ef lJlB pro. motloo with t be oomp .. ny he bll8 been Rasoclated wUh for t.hree years, be hal our beIIt wllhes lu hlil und ,r. tllklng8. Meellnf!: Smuday nlgM a.t M. ~ ., ehurch for men only al (1 tit the Frlendsohuroh for women onlv. A very 1l000l 1I1zed crowd was In 1.1. teOdll.DOe a.t both m~tlugs. Miss Ma.rguerlte Todhunter who bu been a t e ..oher In onr sobool tor tW) years Intends at the cloae of her sohool '0 entl.'r the Conservatory of MUllo 10 CiDolnoa.tI, where sbe will reoblve Instruotlons In apdltton h ) her knowledge of muslo that will make ber a desirable mU3101&n. A cianoll WtUI given at town hall Tbursday nIght by tbe young men of 'bill vlolnny mUlio was fUL'nlshed by the Kaylor grobe@tra. and on en· Joyable t.lme was had by aU. Mr. J. B. Shldaker acoompanl ed by .ltesdamee Lilura Bllrllltl, Emma Cline and MI88 Pearlin'e Cline were shoppLnjf In 'be Gem City bat.arday. The bllie baIJ loaaou blla opened up . Tbe first game "al plaved' lost 8unday. Tbey have been 8rranglng new groondA. We 8re surely going to be up In fr ont with sport for the bot weatber. 'l'he soft drink aud pea . nut prIVileges havo been sold for he seaHon at the billie ba ll ILnd drivlog park; and arrllngements for glLme~ every Sunday h"ve beon made wltb some of tho very bost tellms In this vlolblty. Our 80hool bOllrd trtLUllloted Dillll. ne'p FrldelY ' night,' payiog o~ bills and disou8tll.ng whllt would be bos' tor the sohollJ.rs . . The slok tn thls vlelnity are mostly elder Iv people, elnd they are uot Improving 1111 t.helr mllny frI ends would like. . Everett '!lhomaker o<lo\led on Qulo oy King Suoday and furnish ed some very muoh tlupr:eolat!ld muslo. Oar lowll baslLn up.to:dtlte flow r alo~e. 8e1l utiful blooming plants are alwayB on baud.
lSPECIFIC AGAlNST COLDS ."If tbere Is suoh a thing ttl! II spe.
The frlonel 11 of Mrol . .JuAt~~ neeves tendered hur 1\ Ru r prl80 l hur8du.y ev ening . .' Wm. Crt\I~. of lobm ond , Ind f wu.f.I OIlllod here ,l'~ t be doath 0 a brother, 86m Cmlg. of UI~k ltiOd. '1' M ' . L u t b' I h , aSOll lO <J go 0 t IS P ~oe o~J oye d the h,rg,eat mlleti ng Of Its history IUl't T uettdu.y night. 'fhe dist riot leoturer waR prevent Ilnd .. b ust of gu eate . Covors wor.e laid t or ono b undred and fourteen in tho ban quet r oo m. A pIOM~ll~ fAU tU!'O of t ile voo lo g was 1m Informa l t ulk hy Bon 1:;; . D. FI'a~, of Yollo" Sprin",8. Mll rgllJ'et 1:!unu oll l,;rll l~, wit of ueo: W . (Jrltlg for Ul liny y euTS rest. den ts of our villilge ilied at III B b lllDe of he r 81~ter, Mrs . •Jo ~, MIlOD, Thurs. day Fuuorlll Rervio ~!j wor beld at th e bl)\l~e, t:;aturday a m., Rev . .J ess6 I:luwkl n~ offioilllmg .Burl/ll wtte Ul"de In Spri ng VIIJley oemetery
RHEUMATISM YIELDS QUICKL,YTO SLOAN'S Yo u on 0 't pr veut , nn a~ tllok of Rhellmatlsm fro m cOll.\tn~ pn, bllt you oli n st"ll it almo t ltnmeala tely. l:iloa n'lI LIniment gently ILpplied t o t he ~o re j oint or Dl!lllOle penetrate!! in IL few m ib lltes to the Inlh Oled spot t h at oaosp.s t h e pRln It. soothes the h ot, te nder, swollen feeling, BDd In n ve ry short tlDle b r ings 1\ relief, t hat Is "Imost u nbelievable un. 111 yo u experience It. Get n. bottle of ~Io .. u 's Llnimen t for 250 of any Druggist !lnd hllve 1\ 10 the houseIIojflllnst Cold s, Bore a no Swollen Joints, Lumbugo. ·Aolatloa. aod lIke Bl1rnen'8. Your ' rooney baok, if Dot slltl~fi6ll, but It,does GIve almost lu. r elief. I ..
There exIsts a prevu lJing opi nion In t he minds of tb o e wb o ltavtJ ueed ~ho King rOlld url\g that tbe ller. ~ Istunt use at this s imple drAg will do ~he ordinluy canh r oads m .)re gond fo r tbe amonn t of time lIud hlbor required th!ln Rny otlier met hod of working ever proposed ~om e of the bas' etl rth r Ollds lu Ohio hnve be on made good by the use of t his si m plo Iwpl omen ~. In fllot, aome Advocates of the drag olai m that ih e trustees of mauy townships oould well tlfford to aell hhe hert. vy rOtld maohinoa to II junk mun and invest the prooeeds In a n umber of sp lit-log omi8. Spasrnotlo uso of the split log or similar ilrll g or tbe liko use of any rOlld: working Implemont. will not make bud roads goon. The drag _i8 IIgb1 and easllv hBndlod nnd should be used us ~ o o n lIfter eaoh rain as the oondltlon of the Burface Will perrnlt. 'I' be j ub is qutok Iy finished and the result sure t4nrprllllnR . where the clrtlgglng Iii ollrri~ on thrnout the 'your. Possibly the most marked Imp rovemeot trom the nse of tbl:! rond drll, will r esult from tho olLdy spriull drtlgCing . P rllctically al\ farm papers h&ve C11:soribed ~he King, or splU.108 drag . Bowever, if y ou /Ire not aoqualnted with this simple Implemeo ' and oaonot find a dedcrlp'lon in your farm or 100 11 paper, you clm eecure a complet e \relltlse of tho Implem nt nnd its u~e In j!'armers ' Bullfl'ln No. 3:11 , This bL!l1a tln I.. tUrnished free by the U. 1:;. Oepartmeo, ot A,rloql. tare. Waehington, O. C
E ~CO.
---_. -.'--'--
SPHINI;80HO .- - - . R e v. Lllowls IImd ftUn lly were 0"11 d t Q Dayton 'flJursduy by IJlneea
:::g~,: E~~&i O~~~"a':l ~:~
CEMENT ==fl~n~~
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
VI. H. MADDEN & . CO. Corwin, Ohio.
A Food and Nerve Tonic
ill frequently required by old age. We
alway. reeo~cod
e~81CQUfc "D Olive 011 ~ Emulsion
-"""V 1I~~'pAilu
.. anidulcombiuationroruu.~ J. E. Jann_)'.
FOR SALE-PROPERTY John Edwards nnd fomily who sold thE'lr property to Hllr l'y Frent!. trook m oved 'Iu to the J ti mOR Duffy property lllst Thursday . Mr. Rnd Mrl\ John P enewU Wer SnodBY guost(l of Mr. 'Clem Penewl& and family sont h o f town . Mr. and M~e. EeolU ' EBrnhort aro entertaining !l4r. Bnd Mra, Carol SIlven8 and family of Day too this week. Mrs. Llz2lle Gl,)sser is reported seriously ill. The LIld\e8- of tbe M. P . oburch wUl h old 1 heir alluuul gustor mar. ket tlt the 'rowo Ba.1I next !3aturday evening, April Srci. - MI s Marllh Rhorbaug h bli8 ·re. turued hO nle 'ofter an ox-t. nded visit with .. eltltt.ve~ n enr Wi]min!(ton. 'l'bere WI\S a lur,go crowd Il.t tbe Jj'umers. Grange ulte ti ng w hlob '~"~ held all dllY last TllU rsday In the J iJ ulor Lodge htt.ll. J . I.;. Myers, ou r 10001 Ford agent dollvered tl Olir to Mr. Allie MoNell, of Oeutervllle, In ~ t, Frlduy. ELlwtn Bopkins aod fllm ily bave g n to hou e keeplng 41t ~ 1t (l · Cuslk boo e .
W. H.
We are b tter quipp d tilau ('v r h forc Lo 'supply your needs in the Buildillg ~lu lnia J lin
Ola.ssilled Ads
olflo against colds, it ia' to be found In tb s'l eeplng perQh or ~ lIe open bed loom . Next t il thllt comea the cold "ponlle bUlh In tbe mOf ntllg. · ' saYB the YQuth. Comll4nlon. Be a~ oareful1l8 y.10 oan yon wtll ooollsion allv take coJd Ilnd when you do you will find UhBmbe~laln's OonRb Rum · edy ti gfellt belp Ill·en .blln~ ' you to get rid o.f It. It Obtalnu ble everywhere.
~ Dys~psia
J. E. Janney.
Mr. lind Air . .Elme r t:lbeete of 4tdd lotow li wer e ~u odl\Y gues~a of Rdv. i'rank. Mormon preaohed Mr. (lnd MI·8. W. W . SUeet8. her" ~ul1d .. , . MisSIl8 GilldY8 and Floronoe Groby -ilr and Mre W. E. Boglln had euter tni ned about thirty of t bolr al tbelr ggestll Sonday, Mr. and youu g frh' nds 10 h ooor of Mr nnd Mra. ti. . L. &urfaoe alld daugbter. Mrs. K esBler Grah.am of Lytlo, EdnaL of ,Ridgeway. Rev .. and ·Mr,. MI ~8 Mllmte Cl evenger, of F .,,·e W.' tI. 0'1(8811, of Bloomville, pl)lnt~ , o" lled 011 M(ny 'ErnUla Da r. Mr anti Mr • ." W' T. Willlon, Mr . r 1 and Mi... ' Rlllelgh Bogan "tid' Mis" lrn gton hll!t ' hursc ny. 01lv8' Wllion. ' Mrs J . W . · Hndl lJY ADd dnugb. Tbe DersaD olR8I mElt _'·'he h'o me tars, MIss8s 1l:lBbei aud Edith, were ------~.~-~-.-----of Mlrtha tJtarr, 8a'd;d';y oveDinl . DI~Y'OD sh Ol)perll 8at.t'lrdIlY. evenlna w, . 'D'jOY~ br all. r.!\ @8 KH.thryo R()blu80n returued &turday . from a· mon th 's vIsit at Zlmr\ iUlnu and family l'pen~ Plttaburg': Pa, guod'ay IIIliti Mr . .and Mr~. Ray U\'ood Wtl.on . MisR Annll 80rtI.plt ·r e,·tirned &t-"k' I It t · Mr: al1d lirtl. Boraoo' Oompton ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ed RaBom .. nd Mr. ur d ay f rom 1\ t wo w.... • qS a retorned 'bQmu from Lee8barg Tues- and Mn. E \V ortb, of Dllyton, were Spring! eld and .~oyd!lr 8to.'lon. 4.y evenlpl. , ~nodav gueets ,of John 'Levl and· Miss Belen RoblDllon .1". home Mr•.and Irbl. 'BuDneli famIly. . from MIBmlaburg" where 'she has George, alr.llllmer Pratt and family. of bee~ with' lier anu', Mrs. J. 1(. ,K eller Boak genlll, wore guests of Mr ' and Mre. Luburgh • '., ' . • 1 ...... -.- ... ...,'''~ . 8Qodav 'wltb Dlxoq Wharton gundelY . . !fhe I . . O. P. F IS are . Improving. aud family. Tim Marl.~~ · WBS In Dllyton &t ~helr property w'ltb . a. ' Dea' new poroh in fron' of J. '1ll RobIDSOD', Pal'''.,,,;," :. Oblldrell are urdav and 8nn~ay grocery atore. .,.. . me.Bles Jobn Luoaais alck at this ~rltlne. M08arll: ThOll. and .Bury Hurst Jobn WilsOn. ent.erhiined Sunday Mra. Oharlel Gordon ,. and Mrs. J were Dayton ahopper. WedneBday. U".~ll1e .CmbPtoll "nd famlly ,aDd M. !:UepbenBlpeDt Sunday In Xenia. J. B. tsberzer, of I'ri.Dtlln wa~ au.... Louiaa COmp~o. · .' Misl Madeline (;flbsoo Is on the ,raDBel<;lUng bDt!I~e!18 here W,ednea. Mr. Li)lte ComptoD and , Mlu _Iolt 1I11&' . • day .. ca~rte Ambabi. of ' .x~bla were ' Mr. WUliam Braddook III on' the tIIrB. JIlllllllbeth Evanl retarned gaelta of Cb.flea aarner and elok IIBt l:iun<l!lY from a month', .. ay as Lebf.mi~y Buud." aUernoon. . . and' Mrs Llnly ' Marlatt aDt\ anon. · Mr, 'and Mra a.lel,·h Sop" had wire. of 8prlag V.lley were cal •• ahelr 1fU1I8&a "4..tdrd.y, Rev. alld " . ai" w.. 8. O'Neall l 6r 'Bloomvllle; on Mr. ll80r~ Marlalot (Joe <1a, Much Maney 8 j,.,nt ' f~r. LUllury. 11M 'aD'd Mra: 8 ~ ' SQrfaoe and week. • _ ••--.,..___ Great Britain ,In one lllar IJ181ldl Dearl,. one bundl'l!~1 and Irq.' mlWon A SLUGCISH LIVER NEEDS ATTENTION dollDra on tObBCC~~ . I . -.• IDd Lelah doIa.. La, "bur Liver get 'orpld and :voa ..1ft Olive WIl.oD·aac! at.oe are ID tor a epel1 of mllll'Y. Blvery. People AIle VI ; CathrYn epeD' Sa'orda,. with t&a k d lh II. WbU I. the beU LLXa&ivet T...~01 S.f•• aDd family. of New BQlrllD,.•_J body ge&a an a ~ DOW an e a-.. ~ 'l'boUa.li. of people lleep tbelr Lt". espt!rieAooio aeIU~~ .""'" .' ...... aud healtby by UID, Dr. to alwaya reoom-.. Lite Pill,. I'Iue (D8I1y4lll) .
--- - TIME TO USE ' .
.. - - - - - . . , . . - -- - -.
troubled vllh beartbl1l'D••_ ucI " diat.reBaoo feeling after eating take a IU'O
. bcCoroo.nd nIter CAoh mealllDt.\'),OIl wiD obtuinl'rwlpt rclJcf.Sold ooly.by u..200
Slan e of Ohio. City of Toledo. ! II1r~ . . 'lido. Re,u.lon spent lust woe k 'rbo Lutli !! AI!1 Sooioty It Id a so. 'I. ueus OUilt V. ISs. Lo thtl oountry ~he g u fit of Mr . ,\nd ol ul IU Mi og In the ohurcb pllrlor , Fn111k J . Chene>: 'llakes oa t!! tha I he is Mrt' Frank ~qll ir es. at Vttlley View Th urHdf4Y p. Ill ', scniur purln ' r of lhe fi rm of Ii. J. Chene)' miles elAs! of our vlll1lgf', . Tho W b'. M. j--. lUot nt lhe horno & Cu.. doing bllsil1l'ss iii the City of FarJl tbr Tolen .... ('Q Uill y nntl S lote nforesnid . lin I Oll ~ of the most, belAntlful b onlee In J of Mr . l!:d. t,ndd0D\ 011 ::!nturd/ly. lhul s.q id fi nn will pay the sum oi ONE t IllS vlololl·y. . OI ~dB Harller IIUU fl~mily have HUNDRED '? I.t.AHS for eu.ch nlJd MesHr s. Le vloy Gnd B owe "Pilot m oved into Ihe 'furnsr property . e"ery euse 01 Catarrh lhat CIlilllOl ~ two duys Ii, ~t weok In th e Quef'n ' Wilbur Rudd uolr nrl. furu ily hflvo cured by the use of HALL'S CATA RRH oity (Joroh"slng goods for their well mo vellioto tlte MfJlllt propurty. CUR • .
E S.
As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspond. ents in the Neigh borhood
112 1
Rates of Advertising 1 Rcadlng l-ocala. per IIno • •. .••. ,. . . .. • • IiC 01.....1110" Ado. nut '0 x<ood Ove IInll8 11t",. 1' 1,roo 1"""rH~n. . ... . . ...... . 2 "" 't tl M nager. 1Dt'lll_t Adverlliluk. I) • L . Cranc. Ed J. I 'or an per lncl, .. .. . . .. .. 10e
I7:LU:V TEI, EI'I] !IlJo1- ALL NO.
aore8,.near W a.yn88vlJle, on ~ good roBd, Improved with ~ew 7.room hootle. barD, pouUry hous" s od other out.buildiniS, 2 good wells of water, 1 aore of alflLlfa. good berry pateh. Price only '1~50 ·In· quire of A. A. McNeil. OeutervHlo, Ohio. Both pbones, u,n. h. a21
2 l2
THE COURT OF LAST RESORT Aroond 'be BtQVe of the crOR8 roads grOoer,Y la 'he real court ot ltWIt rBtlOllt, for" finally; OVAlr rulell .111 otbers. Cbamberlaln's C,o ngb Remedy h0.8 been brought bet ore t.hiJI oourt in almost every orOB8 roilda grocery in thIs country, and bu alwaY8 received a f9vorable ver· diM. 1& Iii in thO oountry where rnaD expecls $0 receive fall valne for ble money 'bat this remedy Is rnoat appreoiat«1. Ubtalnable every wbere,
Funeral DU"-tor , . ..-.... .' and Embalmer, ' .
Waynesville, qilio.
• l' Call answered promptly day or rii~ht Both phones in Office -and Residence. Long distaDce,No. 14; Home'phone 14-2r. .' 1 Cham and one Coach fumlsbed free with fune.r als. . . Best of service guaranteed.
E. v. BARNHART, CRANO JURORS AND NQtar.y Public : . THE PETIT JURORS Alll!ln48 of Notary Work• Wills
and Deeda a BpeolaUy. The Urand Ind PstU Jurors were ;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;== Inqolre of R. E. Davis or at Nation!,! obosenfor 'he' April term 1108 follows: mal Blink. Orand JUrors of 10 room .. , large lot, HOUISE good stllble, eleotrlo IIghl8, eto,
WANTED FOR SALE good Ohio FHmer Ra\'9ln~ Milo oblne wlt.h tlll ~he nt[ "Oile" M"ta WlIl ae1l cqe8..p f or 01lo8h .· :inquire of F. A. Hartsook, phone ,27-;-2. Hurvessburg, O. 11.14
Mo.re yrs. old thIs 8pr DRAIT Well broken, sound and a 4.
one.' Ilraft Gelding 8 yeara AURust. broke wiH weigb 1700, when ma t ured a dundy . W. C . Welolll. Barveysburg, Oblo. . a7
0'rATOEt:)-Rurl\1 New Yorkers, , ~o(ld oookors. Eor fnr'her In. f ormation call.Ghtl-. W. Frye, phone 4911.. 28. Waynesville, '0 . a7 S' EEU OATS-They ore o~ the bess kind. For furlber Inform.tion 1)1111 on or ftddr e88 FrAnk Zell WilY, nesvlllo l Ohio ' 1i7 . Gray, DrAft Bor8es filliea Bn<1 , oomlnK 3 an • d 4 ' years gaicl\ngs olrl 'all C V Barness, Way nee. vlli'a, O. .Phon~ 40.4X' Barve1sbilr8 Ex. . . -. . 67
EG'Gt:)-R.. C, R. I. Red EigS. thorou(!hbrod etook. Cookerel 1I00ro gay' $100 pClr setting. In. quIre of Earl EVllns, R. O. I, Way. ue8"lIIe,Obio . 117
1 TEAM ' MULES, 1 DrlvlnR Mare,
Albert BenneU, Deerfield Town· Funeral Director. !!\llp i John M. Lane, Tnrtlec~eek .T ownsblp i ·B. a. Mills, 'Wliyne Telephone day or nflbt~ Township: James T. Mo'Olelland, VBIl~y phone No. ~I Lonl Deerfield rowDRhlp i Johu Bigler, .Dl8tanoe No. 6~2~. FrankllD Township i J M , COOk, Wayne 'l'own!jhlp; B. C. DfI]kiu, . ' t all TI Tartleareak Townshh) ;.J . !f'. Dear. Automobile Sen/Ice !l , ~e!l doff. 91earoreek 'l'ownlhlp i M. Il'. WAYN·E SVILLE. OHIO BordsBl, Union 'l'ownshlp; Ed B · . ' . Conilln, Turtleoreek TOWllShlP i Biancb Office. HarveJsbuqr. 0. Jobn BClgan, Wel@hinRlon Towuship; " A. B. Ball, Turtleoreek 'l'ownBhip : W. B,. Williams, Deerfield Townllhlp Earl Cobor~, Tnrtleoreeil Tow~l!Ihill i Cllif Brl\nt, ClearClreek Townsbip.
Petit Jurots R.I'. shIp; F . A. Townlhip i 'l'ownellip i oreel!: Townsblp; DeHfield ' Township; J. F. I::Uuml', Maule Townlbip; Beary Ghlels, ii.,!';:Oirl.Ljll:i>!:'!!il~I~!~~~,!! HarlaD TownshIp; C. C. Emm!>n~. Tnr&ieorook Townsblp; B . E. War. wlo., Turtleoreek ~0~1I8hlp; Albe'~ I ' Bond, Fraoillin Townehl I; M. M. A and'O",OI, IIJ ",",'''~ w..",. r..r.... ' .lOtr. ,Culp, I'rsukhn TowD ~hlp; R . J ....r"lono f .nHcI."Lld~ lnu",al. ~'.r",~. P a Murray, W a,Bhi ng t on T ow nlhl' P ., C. . ' o.r monLb., IL SUld b7 all nelr.a ...I..... I. C RhUaker, Frallk.lin Townsblp i ' biD 100 DC. Rarry B. Thompaon, D~arfield 1'0"n. ! ~rllDohO~ I'SI., WU a ,, ' ; Bblp'; Warren Pence, Clearoroolt: Township; Bamilton Bogan. MasaltJ TQWDBlilp; ThqmaB P. ~U, Union ,rownahlp' D. C. . WflaoD, Uulon Township ;Thornu CoughIlD;Turtle. creek Townahip'; Uavls Furnas, Wayne Townllhlp. THill CItUT. .T ..... • _ ••_ __
Ii""DNN &Coa. IBro.""'. New York
IN THill WOItLD ,. . 4.yearll.old. ~aled Straw, Iodlan . PROPER TREATMENT FOR BILLIOUSNESS Runner Duck E1tRs, per seUlng, 1i00. . ~ WEEnY. ".00 I'D lua of Thod Zimmermau, phone Eor a loug lime Mid Lulll Skel. Waynenille Ohio. 8.7 . ton Chnrohvllle, N. :'1 ., WIlS billoOB ~KL.. .DltucoliiS, . "~~C;AL"~ . , and had . slct heRdaohe lind dizzy .001 IU .. III Ita, TItANaTIII ... 'CAl.. BROOD i:!OWB. Poland Cbina, spells. Cbamberla.ln'lI Tablet.a wers AND .UI aERVICII CAlli PIIOfr~ h d od wlU 'he only thing ~ha.t gave her perma av UIINO t.~.. -ADV . .".,.. O 0010". . . . that ave prove go '.' , Ob bl'" b SAMPLE .C_QflV ·FR.£'E'" farrow in Aprll . J. 8. Vandervoort nenti rell~f. taln~ .. everyw ere' ""*- ..... YORK OtlPPllllt .. . phone Sa-:! Waynesville U. a7 . iI_ yalt.~ .. 'y. ' ' , h Y·EAR GeldIng, well broke.OLD Blaok l450. InquIre or _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:.._ _ _ _ _...;.._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A. c; 'rom linson, R. D. 2, Wl\yne,' ville, Obio. . 11.7
all goot'l ones. Inquire 3Ohio.ofborseB, 0. &d. Wblte, Waynetlvll1e, mSI . two tiorle pllnel top wagoo, for ·pltt', or trade. Weight 12001bs. A Original OOIt ,260. Good • III D~.W
L. Y. Hendersoo, WaYDelvllle. Ohto. . . ' mS1
LYMOUTH Rook EIII for .aP ,tn, ;wiDter layera. 1500 fo1 115.' Minnie &. 00011, WaYDetville, Oblo, mal
Painting, Paper HaIWiIW, .·. ~ut~ '. . and Carrige . Painting•. . W.&YlVBSVILLB,
.....~ -"--;:;;i ~~MI:--T , - -J I 'Of Quality Groceri ' s ,
----- ......---. If You W uld Be Happy and Contented
A()DITIO At LOCALS [uha(."('C) \'anl' 3a ut
M anti Mrs. L, Rn)
in 'int'ill nnti
11 maUl'>!.
N ___'s_1
, lan , Gran, t\lIgar
MiSll MIl,'g!!r l ll:dwarrlll, of O!! ' i visilinp. wtth I' Io,t il'ell_
and Mr~
Bring ' Peace t o Every Family Making Hunger Disappear,
Fresh Rciaslt;d MnI, F, '. Gilmour t\lld childrl'n vlRiled relatives in outh L -bnnlln over Sunday ,
3 J'ouncl
Large Can of C'lmp's JI min ,
5e G. W. HAWKE
hn.ve Lctt ll e, Ra liRhCS, !iW <:t elcry , Applcs, Bn· on nas, 'fry II call oj OUf bcst Corn I r - Grt'C1I I/ima [leans, Hunt's 'Pi nen pple or Lemon Cling 1 cnchcs , Ouy a Hox of )e1:lo. l t Il ly t ake a few minut es La prepare.
Many of our re.a ders rem m ber Miss May Glenny. who was Lhe tele· phone operator in Lebanon, severnl years ago . She was marri ed to Mr. Alonzo Doty at Spokane, Wash " Sunday.
tArowaway !talrO(yoIU'~...n..
ALF of the food Value of your , COq:l crop is 'in tb_ e stalks, husks
.. and leav.es. Don 't waste these. They make milk, and butter and beef for you and put inoney in your bank if you pr~e them In au
The nta.nnre from ~ and leeiUng peua will ~o lloclt Into your sOil to make big&er <:tOPII nf:llt year. 'the fucliiHm Silo i. madt! of the best 1110 nlal<!r.lnls an(l QI1I:y the best. 2vety seam la lir·l.iglit. ltvel')1 jQint ill mnde with our ""~t ''''If-<lmlnlnlr p1OI'tlR. ~". pleceb marked .ud ....,c!J> to be .lIpped falD ttl proper olace. Yooi all' erect on IndL.."" sill! ~ quickl,. an4 It will trl ... :roll nl..,lute "'Wln II"" lor. lifetime. DoD't w 'rry nbout tho 0""". We enn ......I(t It M) that !,ClU~~r!",~~or . lbe .tloout or lbeJllvtQll'" CA11 u. up nr drop". ft Jfne . We haft. p.ropoeI. ~ Uwl w,lIi 1001< mljrbly COOd ID,..,...
---Po tatoes a nd
:ee ,
__ _______"I.""',
ND '
Are the World's
Best WorK Shoes
f t \Vc nrc n t lJlal ks milhs and don ' l sell iron 0 'wear. Hr ho s will sam Lime. Wl'ft r oul. If yo u 'f . -:1 ha ve a just compla int we' ll l'ecUt'i ItL' INE OF
, _ -
i i
.i ',-
I •
Lion Brand Work Shoes
)5 lh best li11 e of Work Shoes : we have ever shown, Hnd we : would lik t have , y u lake a look a l them and you will b ('on m e I that what we Itav said is rieo h l. ~
i i
M r nnd M r~ , frank flradd ock had W ayncsv I' lIe, 01,1'0 E• ..III>r l ~hllll; lI.rkll<l :_ , 'I'll S{.'~';',' 1'1 M ~~'~/"''''' 1-'1 .. ", I.FlU"" ~ ab ut thirty of their triends out to the sugar camp of Braddock &Simp· ...................O. . . . . . . . . . .• on lasL Wednesdll.Y e v ning fl r a galll •..............+... , time , There was plenty of maple ' wax and taffy , and of course ther Iwall 0 Iso a big chicken roast and ewry thing that goej,J with it to mak a rl.Jigblfu l s upper:. Ealing roa.~l Chicken. hard ·Uoiled eggs and baked potatoes and such like at a sugar ('amp is a feast that will never be for. L\l.le I gotten hy one who haa had the W",I, ",II· ' I It. ~ n? Lilli , \\ Itp'nivilege to nio)) ib. The company Illl- Phe!! ,he " " I'~n 1m' 1\ IIII'''Y I", llur ly bad 8 ,"e~ry time, and espe· , 0 m II rt I.;, or()S~ (I lUI nO"n? .. '1It'I' eilllly with such entertainers as , Mr . 'rhe pupils of the High School and 'i(o Now , . lHe 6th, 7th q.l)d th ~rades went to .. and 'M r!j Braddoc.k. Ltlba noll SaturJay. where they sang a t Ihe Teachers Assoclati· n . Under Subsoribl' for the Miami GlIzette , the Bupervi ion of our able 'mudie in· • _ • Uncls Flopaols's Cornparl,on. "A dog." said Unclo F!opsolo. "l1os s tructor. Miaa Va:la McPherson, tt)ey down an) oos 10 sloop lIny tlmo _0 ' acq uitted themselveS creditably. ANTIOCH NORSERY STOCK day. He husn't the sLandtn' tbat pe'"
H. r. RlawliDg,_W..u Paper <4. CHICAGO , , '.
q.That IteOm can be mlde much more ,attraCtive by uslnr a fe"
yards (If ' Cretonne to match the wall (nlper, q {ul c'1.imn!e ,..ill convince you of .. th.c :re&,Qll3blc colt of proper deco· radoll' I&d good workman'h!p. •
mils' blm to pretend thu,1 he - keeps ' Qui tan' s hete bls eyes because be's I thlnkln '."
Re'markabte He n. New Antioch Nllnlery 'tock, all Tomll!Y bad alw8Ys ,ltved' In tbe kinds ,of Fruit and Ornamental Trees city. but h "Was spend tng bJs -hollday ' SQld Qnd deHv~rea at Corwin , H~r at a taTm. Oue day b frlghtlll)ed"the veysburg and ' New Burlingt('n. ' ben from, ber nest and plok.e d t'\\'o Guarantl!.ed to be true to name anr!
~ ~, ·Dyspepsia Tablets Will Relieve Your Indlglltlon
,. Early , ~08e , Early' Triumph Chicago M,arket Irish Cobbler Carman R~ral New
I. N. Mitl e r. Agt.
first class,
Phone 33-2Yu . __...-_
Seed ,P otatoes -~arly Ohios
warm OI!'P out of tho ' nest. Be ran wtth them to hl8 mother and cried: "Look"m,o thor, U.e out In Lbe barn
E:'....nn-. y.
~_ _ _
. . ..
Jesse Stanley, .,vho has ju~t graduated from the Jone9 Auctioneering School at Chicago. is hQme anQ i.e ready for sale dates, 1t. would be well to see him, as he has snme new ide8R in the auctioneering line , Or him, 146 mutual phone, New 1cal! Burlington, Ohio_
~-, - - ---'!'
Yorlts '
:=====#============ At W·h ite's Store .-
At Reasonable Rates, Two Mach '. nes. ,Sprinl{fleld Tire", Tubes and Acces&oa 'es; , Valvoline 011 and Creases. '
RAY ,F. Phon~
7t-1 1-2
·N. Sears
Office in ,S toops J3uildmg
W'aYne8vQI~, Olti9 ~',.'
. The E~rli~8t , Ora~g~ 'of, the~'Sea8on
HutcfUaon & Gibney ,
The Loyal Daughter's cl a..qg of tb ChriHli811 church met with Mrs. D. H , Palme r IlS hosteM Tuesday evelling, of las week, t"tirteen member;: resp nrling to roll call, and sove vi8i tors being present, The class had an in terestil1l( bu ine!!S session, ill which they pledged' $15 for the ·lirs t six months of our new yeltr's .... ork, alld n market April:I l7. decided After tto he giv' business s61\..,iun good 1I0cinl time was enjoyed by e veryone and dainty re/reshmcn s were served by the h08tess ,
, CaPitai
! I Myer Hyman ~ I ~~
day ' evening, ut the home of hel' pRrenLs, Mr, aI!u Mrs Waller 9ast, the ()ccalllqn bemg her lGth all,lllversary . The surprise WB9 a complet 0110. :1'he evenihg WII~ pleallllllth' <,pen\.. In gillnes 'a nd mUSto. t II sea· onablo hour an elegant lwo·cours IUllchoon was se-rve<! by Mrs. Cast .
lis YQU lD"uld y"ult Batik
' !.
'--- - -----------
The Western StIlr printed an in teresting article last week taken from a little paper published in in· cinnati called Honk· Honk, written by =;; Felix J. Koch. Thearticledescribed '"!I~III!I-"-"'--_-JI!II-~~iII_ !III-"-III!I!III • ., a trip from Cincinnati, to Xenia. '! The alluding to our own t erri-'-..!..,......------._..-~~_:_'--...:..~----.H~'rr_18, in part,-as-f1lllows: ' half past elev~, wilh the am~tty speedometer showing 2B 2 miles, you're leaving Lebanon now, You may detour throul! h the shaded side Rtreets, for 'sake of ,v arietv, then strike in un the WaynesVille road. No shipper ~er lost a dollar selling ("ream to the Tri State But. The country is given over to corn, ter Company. ' tall and cars ripening; long strips of , The 'I'ri State ·Is not an experiment, but il a RESI'ONSIRLE, SAFE dusty wild carro); Hank.tberoad, bu~ and P,ER'llANBNT Creamery with 8,000 shippers in 3 slates and a capin proper season; the delight of the ~76,OOO,OO -paying Spot Cash for every shipment. 'itaietock motorist on this section of pike is the' . ' The KeYnote of our. business policy has bl,.-en' to establish a rep- I great fieldt> of clover, ,filling the air u~tion of'abeolute re9P1tnsiuility and 'i ntegritv in every ,t ransacU"n. ' With perfum·e:'a.I\ they lift their mil Th.8 aeeurity of OUr SAF.E and PERMANENT market gives'the shipper lion red and crimaon Jleads! , II feeling of relief and satisfaction not only once but EVERY .time he You crOBB the railway, 11:40 at 'slilpa.• ' The Tn state shipper is always Bu re.of his ' money Rnd sure , !.elan, a me re station crossing, there his Tri State check covers the reill value of hiS cream. ' mny "' ant , to stop fot a picture of <It is-IIO easy to ship c ream to the :rri State, as we use the ROU r the buggies innumerable, gathered , cream slinply 'sending a can once or twi,c e a week, dllpending' upon country. wise around the Lelan " our faeihties for keeping it cool. church, which is silhouetted againsL .. FREE CANS FOR 30 DAYS' TRIAL ARE SENT PREPAID U~ON , Il 9ky -prettier for Ule' clouds n~w ,RilQUES'l'• . Eve'1 shipment is guarantcecl against lORa or' damage starting to gather, A fine apple in tranaft and paJd for Spot Caah.. ' ' orchard here- whe!] 'the fruit is ripe , tempts as a lunching place, if you'd eat on the way. its Just tliirty.one mll'es from home, If YOll'd wait 'a bit, inatead. you continull on out the Stock $75,000.00 Cincinnati, Ohio ' road to Wayriesvi11e; ' you should reach there (thirty-seven miles by the' dill\)' at one , minute afternoon . Six minutes lat.,!r, 3.1 mile.; you read; Mt, Holly greets you- this I2lace Interesting as the home of Ohio's old-school poet, CoateH Kin ney, and scene of lhe writing of his little poem, known to every school, boy, anent to[{aindrops On The ~oof , " At right, the deQP vulley, wi tl-t the pieture:lljue cornlielr:ls, is most at tractive; the more as you clim b firs t to tho hl:ilthL'I, then dflSccnd into a HutcliisOD '& Gibney after their great Fire &le valley. ' Over all the rnlHng CIJIllltry you can malHI,Oll t f olk 'Ilrivi ng home, ~ reeeiviDg' the Finest Assortment" of READY ~TQ; t{,~ • :. • ' . • Ther 's th' fine ol\! homo "f a ml\ri WE.A.~ GARM~_NTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts . hy lht: nllme .o f Hawk, which always interests those stopping to note itthis for the queer porch on the sl"cond floor·. Uuilt in l ~23, when first lhe , Gingham Prin t House Dresses. $1.00 ~p road pa.qged' here, tlte place waMlong u!lCd 8.<; lin inn- the shepherd .dolC, All Wool Cashmere Dresses . . $5.715 up who comes out to ~ark at YOU as you Ail Wool Suits .......... . . . $8.75 up stop makes It seem lik e the taverns Scotland , ., Spring Coats ...... , ........ $5.00 up of, From this point on the road ~ rows , Spring U pderwear . .. ..... ,'.. ] Oc up evermore attractive. Up on t he heighls; twenty' miotites Pll~t noon, ';Middys"... ', .... ....... .. .. .. $l.OO,up n little red school house, set in a deep forest, temptS you; Lhl'n ,you Petticoats Sil" ... ; .... . ... .. $1.09 up stop to HUt.vey· th~ vast valley un. House , Aprons ... .. .. , .. '. . . 20c up folding. 8~ming checkered in places, bOU1ldles.'l area.q of corn and to.' Aprons for ·Dresses'. " .. , .. " 'l'Se·up , with just an o(,,casicinal home Children's Dresses. . . . . . . • .. 50c up Out in t,hnt ,valley. one white batt.e red " homeRtenn ' wears the date .. J827" CORSET S-' Nemo,., for Stout Figures, , , upon, i ta sie\e; framed In by the huck. , American Lady, front and back lace, ' - eye trees here at ha11d there's another very old frame on II hill at the left, GoS$lrd, ~l! 'style!;" The I!Pl,endid tdbacco; the signs - of the 'Wayn'e township hOfse,rangers, Frolaset, front lace: warning a~ninst any misdemeanors Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum, out here; the edging 011 the cornfield!! with hedges of osage; thenl as one will be in. reaches the next old white house. with "1829" 'wet in the -brick, the wide valley bespeaks a wholly other type of country from that cloBCr home. In fact, the innumerable hedges 80 the comfields are typical OHIO of:J.ult this part of the State. Thence road lies straf"ht~~':;· Iii_~~~..iIi"'-~----""~ on to , " -~
0' Mh. M.b Ii ' a tur· t
E. R . Hanley, a prominent Dayton politician and bU91ness man, died at hill home there last Saturday, after a short illness. The fllneral was held at Dayton Tuesday affe rnoon. many prominen~ mtm and politicians (l{ Ille stale attending the bbsequit!9
Cust \ n e rad her a lIurpri
liS fo r Sceel n ion' Ct5, Garden eds, uul k nnd package, Fine large Tuberose I\ullos, doz, 250
yand son, Kt!nne
The me mbers of the Orthodox Friend Church gave a Hurpri sH and also 11 farewell dinner in their parlors , Sunday in honor of Mr, artd Mrs, B ring liS yo u r Eggs Elijah ompton, who leave this week : ---I-l~ to tl'a 1e at Ifor Dayton to make Lbeir future : home, Thp.se elltimable people hav tl b en long-time membe rs of thi ~ church, and the congre~tion an: : Borry to lose them, Theout·of·town ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!' 1 guests present were Mr. Horae -: - - - - - - ~----- Com pton and family, Mr, and Mrs R()lIa Bogall , Mr and Mrs. ~ohtl Beael} aurl Mrs, Maybelle Filzgeralrl a nd !;on, Howard.
Over one hundred different styles of Iron Flower Vases, complete with water reservoir, Your name Catlt in letters on the base, wi thout extra charge. They last a lifetime, and only require a coat of paint once a year, Also settees, and oih r lawn furniture. Write or phone to Chru! W. chwarl2 & Son, Monument Works, Mechanic t. Lebanon.
H arveysl:u~rgl
F r you r Iin!\tc r dillner we will
Mrs. Mary Leah Adams hilS returned to Waynesvi ll.3 after a visit with relatives in Harve ysuurg and Wilmington .
1] our lOe line o f Candies, per lb.,
2 Cans for 15c
Mrs, Mary Caskey s pent Sund ay in :>pringfield, She reports her mother, Mrs. Hannah Alltram, convul etlCinjt.
Saturday Special
tOc l'eanlll sib 10c
Extra Specia l
For Sale - The best Ensilage, $1.25 11 ton, You CIlII get thiS' at any tim, of the Will nesville Canning Co,
This Week S'p ecial
10c , 150 Early June Peas, 2 cans 15c
Allen Jones moved lhair household goods last week to thejr new home near Cincinnati
Mt~. Walter FJ!z
h O ES I
Rev . allU - Mrs, O. }J Pllh11el' en .
tc~talnetl ~t. dinller 'ulluuy Mr, lin d
,1J(1rgC' 1,uIl Ler , 'J'uestlay, Mart'h . 0, )015 . a
. Zirnmcrrnllll
1.I)1~f\)' .
I 4arn -·To Mr,
L~p[~= -~~~T~] ·:~······";:~;"·"'iL·:;~·~~··i.
Where .. re they G.~O~lI·; Why dq they ,ripen earlier ,than In ot.ber " Sl!cl,iou.?: Why are tllev ad lusc}o1js .' ~ ' , _' " , ThQSlI nnd other qucs.l:ions a re anll..~d ,In • boeklct wbl<:h we II§ve , :Ssucd rlt:r-ri ll.illll'.Olenn Couuty, Cahfol'nlll; CI ' 1111 Conniy js in tbe heiirt -f the great, 'rich sacramento Valley. A ff'" yea rs a 'u orrwgd wcre IltQ"q ,.c:o~rcl;ally tn only t~ southern I'urt 'of Ih!: Intc. I4t~r jt' was di5coveJ;ed tbat cltrlls (rulls rlpe,ned pe.rfC'tlly ill -even the northern p,Qrt 'o f U~ interior .vlilley, Since. ftb~n. Oten" Count y lias ~om<l forwarit with BODle magJiI6~n~ early ru L Th~r<; u rc cOIUl l Il\.Ss upportunllileJi for-'not , only, dtrua fruIt culture but . [M nU sorts of deqduous rruat~. 'live st~, gralil, tluck ' ~Qrrnlbg, etc ... " .
GI'~ rJl\
\\P c
Coubty, ,
j '
wUl scud lbls beautifUl \;JOQk describing :OIenn Co-,lIIt" (ree to Yju if ')'"ut "ill send your n(Ulle anCl .lIdrua an~ a t~nt II~ a
het p ptly tbe' Mstll~; Better stili; ill!nd ten ceols , m ita_pi! je will sellcllhe GI~_~"I book, e cop SU'llllCt _ _ _ , t Ie !IleA~ p:fkf..c:~:o..!i~"saz'i:~ _ ,~ r
MAO~tINE SElVrCe BURBAU.s.uFraacllCO,:CaI. lit are to s.ution this paper Ill:'" GIWa CQaat, book.
~0U n..~ . to b"~. -'" n.... · • -. _. . ". a " And t~at is why we 50 ' offen tel). ,:' - About-the bargains we h"vt; for you , And what yo,ur' ~jckles and ,dimes will ~o:-
'FOR INSTANCE': oC tead4W 'Ca.Q
Chick Fou'n ta: all "metill- I Whitewash Bru"hes ...., IGe Sc. rubBrushes. : .;. IIc IGc "Sans <?enet the , ne",:' ,, hair pm. '; , •. ~........ I Gc Gold Band Dishes~ •••• ;Easter Dyes •••• ,...... I
Checkel'Jl .••••• , • • • • • •• DODUDoeI ••••• ;-;••••.•
•.... Sc Tack PuUer.~: ......... Tumblers, ..... ,, - ~forllc , P~t ~haIDs, •••••. ,..... lie
TiD CUps..•.•• " . '.
3 for
Matc:bes·· .. for PostCard Frames ••••••.•
Poet Cards. • • • • .• 8 for lie Kid CurlefS.r> .•::-:-. co., ••
, I
Sixty-Seventh Year
~fARME R5' CLUB tp!SO!AL iE!f~~~ OF '''AYN f
Whole Number 3311
rsociETt"EVENTs-l iTHEEASTER DAf .---- ~--- ---- +
BuyT,l lnccoCuI1I'W' III I IIrn, n'. , I...
~i Sl\ nUlh Monday .
Il al'l~ur" wa~
M.r. C:harlt'~ Fn'" HllIl f!ln lil\' ""'f!' IV S OB ~F: RVED J LL ""I"rllli "c'd !:)<1I,,1,1I' a llhe' h OIlll' .. I CliUI~CHES APPRO PRIATE THE LY Baln l. Ull!l ~rWI)' thOand wife.
in I' ay ' Mr amI ~1r~ J , . Hawke were I1lldav clinn er l{uesL~ o f Mr. and Mr~ . L ~ e Hawk ' and r"lIIlly .
• IJ r IIIILhu VIlY WIIH in L. h"'''''1 "II To Meet With -'he "WomL'u ,.f hll.i lle:-II M,,"dll v. lcb,lnu n" to ~llend . .J. F';. J a"nty was a husi ....·~!1 vi~il" r Lecture in l)aytun Monday.
I he' .
Ihe People. Went 10 Their Church es with Praiso and Thanks g'ving
Mr. and Mrs. Hert Hartsllck. of Rou te 1. lo.. k dinn er with Mr and . Mr. and M rH o C B. Bcnllo.!Y were Mrs J L. Harb!oc k and daughte r, 'rhe Wayne Towliship Farmer> in lebanon Monday. 'Ruth, Sumlay . Club met III I h~ hph utiru l hume of .' unri:ly wall an icl 'al Easler day. Mr. lind Mrt! Mllorice Silver IIiSI W. H . Madden wall a "" oil!' I he ai r was cool. a I:raciou9 weck, Ihe date being changed from viditor in Clarksville last week. ~ un ~ hllne olll .brig ht all' day long, the regular meeting dale, April 8, Mr and Mrs. W. H. Allen had as und lent a little of il s beams in order that 'our boys" from the to warm their EaRter guests at dinno.!r th e the ea rth. Spring ~owns and bonnets o S 1:1. 'm hiht enjoy the meeting Buy-Moxley's "Specia l" Butteri ne. Mi s.~e,; Emma Hei\l:hway. Ann ie were promin ent. during their Easter vacation. rywhero people Mrs. Alico.! Alcorn, Friends ' Home. 'A New View of the Ent mncc to Miami Ccmetery Brown and Mr. and Mrs . E. V. went tQ thei r resEv pective churche s. After the cordial greetin g and Barnha rt. and many people w~nt to visit rela· 'ulual I/umptuoua dillner the meeting' , Mi8lJel Glenna Smith and Katheri ne liv('san d ttpend lhe happy Easter tide. :wat! called to order ,with Vice Presi- Prend-lr gast spent Thursda y in Day Quite 11 few of ou r peo pl~ came home dent Edwtn Chandle r In the chair. ton. to be with r elatives Rnd friends. amI After {Wv. Grause r had invoked the Dr. and Mrs. A. T . Wright en. to ~how their l.ol'll for their blessing' of pur deavenl y Father a f!>tl'!ler tertaine d at dinner Sundav the fol - homes and their former worshlp Mr. and Mrs. Merrihe w. of Har~Iy nU\11bto1r answere d the rollpmg . veysbur M' g, I attende C ' I L'I d St.Mary places ·s chur~h ~II and the uaual prOlCram. with the oWing guests: ' l II!eB ara I e. T 'th East and Southea st the Sunday . Mary anrl Mabel Salisbu ry. Mes.'1rs. , n excePti on of the eII8&)'. W811 fully e d h Ernest Earnha rt. Ethan Crane and weather carried out. Ourren t event. by Mi_ was not.so goo .. ~ eavy Mr and Mrs D L Crane snow storm along the AtlantiC coast ~al')' SWain brou~bt forth some ra Mrs. J . C. Hawke and daught er . .., . Saturda y made the day appear more JiiarkB and friendl, . dl!tJuB8ion which Aliee Olara, were Dayton visitorfl The Wayne Townsh ip School board Th e Warren County like the holidays of the new year Teache rs' As.The Ohio W88 entered into and enjoyed by all. Tuesday State Journal hill! the met in regular session Mouday after· socialion will meet in Lebano than like the Easter time. People n, on followin g to say Mias Flor. Tibbals beintl present of a former residen t noon in the office of Superin tendent . Sa"u rd ay . April lO, 1915. living in these district s were swalhed . at the of Waynesville: "Howa rd C. Rogers ~;xtended an invltlltion by the "Wo· Mr and Mrs. Wm . J. Sherwo od in their winter Buy your Fertiliz er of Chas. Frye, Gilmour. Routine work was the National Bank Buildm g wraps. when they of the Rogers Supply . & ' Tire Co., Antertained ]llen of Lebano n" to the ,Club to at· who han.dles MillIOn's, the business of the afterno on. at dinner Sunday , the went out best 10 A. M.-Invoca.tion in many places the lend a leCture by.Eliza beth Campbell After the regular business session. Ei entialRin , English. .MrsMinimum Fourth & Spring' streets, has refurne d followillg guests: Mr. and M~. snow was'soand that folks did not at Lebanon, April ZOth. the board looked over the differen t Berr • Lebanon . 0 .; Round Lucile from Boston' where he haa been can· Harry Sherwo od. Mr. Robert Burton. even pretenddeep to venture fortb in the Table. ferring wilh Gray & Davis, manu· Mr and Mrs. Dr. C. I). SlaKle. of Centerv ille. sites for the The meeting was then dismissed by new bUI mg. George Zell. Mr. Frank weather . ere y G. H. Gerke; 11 :30 to 12:00. facture rs Qf automo bile specialt Rev. Grau&lr and adjourn ed to meet was in towrl &tturda y. and called at are about ten good sites ies. J. Sherwo od. Mr. and Mrs. James in town that Scientific Temper ance. ' Mrs. Kath- Mr. Rogers May 13th at the home of Elias Ogles. this office. was succellS ful in se, any ot lhem will Blake good building erineGe bhardt. State Supt. Frazier and MillS Neva Young. At the Christia n Churcb ofS. T. [ curing the agency for bee. of the propositions. While lIOme of the 1 P. M - Music. Elimina tion of state of Ohio for the salehalf The invited guests were Rev. a~ of the Gray S D. Henkle and family have 8ites}'lill eost quite a little amount Waste. 'Miss Amv McColm As usual the people of Waynes, . KingS & Davis Ford self·sta rter. His con· Mrs. Grause r and IjOn, Charles . Mr. moved into the Nir.hol80n borne on to get into order, there 'are a few Mills. 0 ; What "Uncle Sam~' is Do , tract ville and vicinity filled the churche s Walter McClure and wife. Mrs R. l\1fth 8t~eet. ' provide s for the re~eipt of a Mr. W. F. Graham and family en. that practica lly no work at all ing Educati(lnally in the listenll(i to the ~to!y of the riaen Phillipi ne carload of these· s~arters. ell,ch week, t'ertaine G. CroBI. Mrs. Ben James, Miu d at an Easter dinne" Will will be require d to be done if the lalandMi Prin, W. L. Gaf'mac At tile Cbl'lBt~ln chureh.. sa k . Frank· and he expects the first shipr:nent to 'l1u\lea and famUy. ",o!;,a TlbbalB and Mr.. eyntllia Is accepte d . l lf roo )lVant to l)u1 a. farm, call A. GeOrge Graham there was. no p~eaohlDg, the tIme l'n. 0.; TheN w 8as.\50£ Geograp hy . reach bim upon T uesday EvaDII. of this and family. Frank Elbofl and wife, w.as OCCUj)led ..Wlt1;l a .fine The board will prbbabl y come .tQ County Supt. l\1letcher H!1wk A. McNeil, Centerv ille. 0\1(0, both . week." We .110 had with,uB Mr. Kenneth 1'"I;n", l"red Eihan and wife. Harry EaTJI- gil/en by the membe rs of theprogram decision liome time this m Qnth . ... , &21 J. A . OI1PY, Pres. eburch. ' Bough and Lyman Sliver from the • • h d f '1 F - - _•..-'_ . G h d Miss Ruth M: Edward s. Sec'y . . S U. and Stokes Silver from Cin· wif;.a~l iaa a:b6i~ G~:~amr aanaJ"M ~. At tbe Quake.r Churcbl~ cinl'!ati. St. Mary's Guild will meet With ... ... Mn .. S. L Cartwr ight on Thnrsd~ Ex . Com , Laura HarIRll. aftt!mo on. al '
M.i~ Mary and Mabd Salisbu ry THIEVES BRUKE spent Saturda y night with relative 8 in Spnna Valley. INTO OffiCE • The Junior GUild will meet with Some .tlme early Friday momin a thieves broke Into the exPretlll ' office at Corwin . Their entrJne e W8l\ made by breakin g: off the Jock on the door. Two valises, belonlfi na w a travelin g man repr_n tinl' the Ohicago Portrai t Co., were taken beaides quite a qU8ntlty of drup taken from a box conaim ed to Dr. A. T . . WI'Ia~t. ' , . They alao tried to break Into the frelgbt houee but , failed From 'there thev w\nt to Beneck e's _grain elevato r. and Pl1ed the look off with a cold cblsel They did not .ret an)'· thilla' there but. pair 'of ,gloves and a few emall tools. Mr. Benecke al· wAfa leaves t1ie safe, doors open at nfaht and ~ey did not ev~ try to open the Inne" doors: ., There I, absolut ely no cl!!w to the ro~re. but ib ia prolJable they had an auto. 88 the vallaea they took were . pretty heavy. ' . '.
g:, ~ . ~~;:f
Mn. E , V Barnha rt April Uth. at 7 o'clock.
Dr: Dill. Osteopa th •. at residenc e of L. T . Peterso n, Main St., Tues· da,y an.d Friday mornin gs. Mrs. Ralph Lewis and-aon oof ton, were tile lrUesta of Mr. and Mre. W. S. Grabatt l last week. . MlsaAn nle BroWn, of 'theO. S. & S. U home, at ,Xenia. spent the week with frienda ·io town. , Appo~attox Day will be observe il at Lebano n, Frida)', April 9th. A flbe program has ~n arrange d.
VIOLIN RECITAL UNITED ST"A-TE', S' HAS Lollis Waldem ar Spragu e and Emil Wiepn d will prElSent two of their adrance d players . Miss Ruth Hart· lOCk. pianIst, and Miss Mary Coate. vlolimst, in a piano and violin recital on Wednesday evening . April '14th The recital will ,be given in the nudi torium of Ohrist church parish bouM Invitati ons rna be obtaine d by calling a the UIS iii emar Sprque plano school. fourth 800r of tbe Ludlow atreet Arcade buildin g, AdmiB8i(ln will be by. invitati on only ' • _ • .
NEW CHAMPION ____ The big prize figh t. which attracte d the attentio n of not only the United States; but olhern ations as well. was fought in HavaRll, Cuba Monday ' o.on...hetw.een the 'black cham· pion, Jack Johnson. 'a~od Jess Willard . the big giant, and a newcom er in the pu~ilistic world, and was won by ,Willard in the . twenty· slxth . rou.n d. Willard receIVed a lot of punish· ment lrom the black. but the result of the fight I\'IlS ' ml)st pleasing to the United States. knowin g tbat Ii
~rg~telll~~a~~~dsw theab~~~ :l.~:
. . At a me.etmg of. the So,":d .of Hea!lb last month It was decided ~ glv~ the. town a horoug h clean· mg thiS sprmg. , . In order tp get out ah~'Of the hoard C!f .bealth several resld~ts are. ntlwgom gahead snd are cleanm g up tbeir propert y. It is hoped tha~ Waynesville 'will be one' of the ~Iean· cst towns in the state by the fil'ftt of May. A fine feature of the town's . .p~ p(!ri~y would be to show b.y 'PI,!1itltlg all kinds ohumme~·groWlnlf , flowers, so ,tbat the ,town WIll be a-bloom by July or August . ' •- • , .
Mr. and Mrs 11109. LaCY. of Route 1. had as their guests at dinner Sun· day the following: Mr. Will Chen· oweth and son. of New Mr .. WilI ,Che.no wethand of Villers Chapel" Mt!88rR. and Ho-,vard Lacy, of, Dayton . 'a mlMrs. Frank Cook and daught er, MiBS Verna Anen and tbe Messrs. Nola Hill and Win. Chenow eth. . ' r'
set exerc: s . . . Easter was Ilpprop l'jatelyo bserved at the Method ist church. The special music COiiBis~ed otad.p8 t. bv ..the Misses Louella and Jeanett e Janney and a soro by ~rs. O. S. ~rautler at the Sunday &bool sessIon and , a duet by Mrs. Grause r and ~r. Louis Printz at the regular momm g ,
Dr. and' Mrs. A. T. Wright entertained Tuesday evening at supper in honor of, the dual - birthda y of Mrs. Wright. and Mrs. D . L. Crane. The table decorat ions were sug~est· ive of Easter. the favors being little ,ell ow chickens in baskets . The evening was spent in playing "500." were Mr. and Mrs ' J , H. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. E . V. Barnha rt and Mr. and Mrs. Crane
beiJ;lg present . No offermg was mad~. .. BIlCrament of baptll!m WM ad· minIstered to six small chIldren ~d a .~I888 . of new member s. was racelv~ ,mto f.ulI fellowShip .at th~ mo~mng service. 'At St. Mary's Church
At st. Mary's ch.urch; as . usual. the festival was begun at 7:00 a. m ., ~ when the firllt celebl'atiol) of the • For Sale;-A good general purpose holy communion waS observe d: . At bOr&ej bright bay. in color. Inquire of W. H. Madden,.w~nesville,Ohio. 9'300: large Sunday·school was pres· n. Kellison . who repr ents e~t and the usual Baster offering waS · tf . _ present ed, which amo~nted.to $1459. I.another Dolling~advance Co .. of Hami lt on ment with lIiII, The Nina SoUth returne d ,~ome UUltc~mlp___l)Y·, He has beeQ Wayne AtlO:30 the large chOir of fourtee n Townsh ip Sunday . tran voices . sl.oWly marche d do~n '~he aisl~ . i School convention will be held Ilt the Wedn'.--I av eV4ftlna, after spe'n dln'" II [ O. B.; n.'I the. from tile front door, Blngmg that OrthQdox Friends Church in' Way · a wee~itb fr!;nd;'lnSpdn g Valley' manage r of that. territor y. grand old hymn "Jesus Ohrist Is --nesville. Sunday after,noO/l • . April , .. . A.. C. Jones, formerl y of the Kit- Service lj' a~ ' RiAen Today." The muaical nr(lIlram Oli r! t i n church Sun. 18th. The commit tee has .arrang • ed patriek· French Motor , Co. has taken dll)/. AIWli 11th. Bib.le was lhe best ever att,emPtilO chool at l\ fine program and all the, Sundav ·, Council met Monday and Mrs. S, L ., Car:twn gbt at.. his 'place 86 agent for Warren _ ,e]~~~%~~r.,;md:.rt:nem:liticait-wm--futty-----Coun.ty 9.36 a . 111.;- Commun.ion and sermon. Schools a~e urg~d '--i1: to atten~.: The regular 'session, and the I-~birc;nth,~e bp8l'd- ineettn g af the . "- • ' large COlll!rel!Eltio,n 10:30 a. m.; Ohri~tiall Enueav or. ad~ress will be made by Rev, L II hom.? ~.t Lebano n Thura- . W : J. of liusines s WIIS Iltt~nde 6:30 p. tn .; scrm.JU. 7:00 p. m. to . • . J . 1". . Thlatle. pastor ~f Presbyt erian Rogers . was appolO~d to fill the preached a fine sermon relatiye to the A cordial invi tatio,'I ia extende d to chu rch at Frankli n. the ,~ Short agdress es place of Roy!ro ns. resigne d, and ~e hour. all.. , _ al'e expecte d from the county officers was 8worn. 111. Th~ monthly Mr: and . ·Mrs. ~A. ~A. ~llI a Just before the sermon . Rev. CadDr, Geol"tre W. Crlle. the - - •• Don't .make any other arrange ment!! were all paId. Noth1l1g of family &nd Misa McCuv ':of ,,__._ _. for thiS Su~d~y. as every ~cholar In portanc e ~as done, ~ut th~ much Im- wallade r blessed a beautifu l chalice .u~n ' of Cleveland, · ton,· yieited at the borne membe rs and aten for the euchari stic table, . charare of a bospital in Pani. Uutterw o,rth SundaY altemo on. lhe townshi p IS expecto d to be there. talked qUIte awhile ID the mterest the Jate fill an,!! eady win,t er, of the :ift of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Allen . , - " the ".illage. .. in memory of their mother, Mrs. ' wtloreturnedfro~aelgiilmleB8tban ifyoub aveafa rm oflpropert,y for ' . MaIO street will be gIVen a dose of Katheri ne Allen. -amonth 'a(ro. , .ha, brough t . them. sal In a few rem~rk s ' A A 14 N'I FtrstBU nday after Easter. /3un- ' oilas BOOn as the. street.s can bv he paid a glowing tribu letoth aqe of , the need for aaslatance to Oh~O~tb' phdnea~ el, Cen ~'II e de· r:21 e, day . School ctean~ at and 9:30·a the . m; 011 Mornin obt~lD ed"and g Orthodo ceased ~e w:ar "Iliferilrs. to the people:' of x Friends Church . Sunday and to the use for whiCh th~' . , ," coun~l! or voted Prayer $SO. an(l sermon t~elr share at 10:30. of ift Tbe was School 9:30 a . m'j Geurge Mitis. Sup. designe d. Ohio within lhe last few daya . ' . .. !he ,ollmi'. A 8Oh!!ltor WIll be aropnd .Eaater' will be rej>eatll<i at thi,9 erinten dent. Preach ing at 10:30 bv Some time ago the ladies of Qr. t.:rile. in the mClllt hJ1Port~\ M.iae Edna ;arine, retume d to bar servicp.music m Mrs a fe,! Barton days Kelly to mtervle will ain't pastor. ' t;bristia ll Endeav or at 7:30 ~ the mer· St addl'8u w~i('h he has deliverefl sinel achool Quti. in Toledo Guild conceived the idea [; chants In regard to the OIhng. 80 get . ', 6Ii1 ' re~urn ' f[o~ Euf9.~ 1'lade tht- apendin g a 'll!i!ek here Sunday ; after the offertor y ,010' Everybo dy in · p:·m. Everybody invited. t in the church. . with her ready palfor,him vited ·to ' and theeese have rvices your minds , Mary E, Martin , Pastor. .. ~~t~ment t1i~f unles Uie ~mericans ents,:M r. 8l'Id ,Mn. last . week- and I E. J~neY. madeup wha~ you.wil lsubscr ibe. k • _. . ,tve an,l jive glmeroQaly: and'· cqll' put In place. As Rev. Cad wall a- - -- - . . • , __ Cleary·u • Day 1111111 be a!! the wee went to the front to ' bless it, D • · tl~~l:rt;., ;,Jflve ' ~!ltll ee .,rsl month!l The Loyal .l)aueh ters clait of th~ , An epIdem ic of , sore eyes has of AprJl19p. and ' , . Who Could It Be? therefo re It behooves Crane stepped forward and read: . iduo!, i~ll. ""1,- 1M 0 er, that a "a~i' uhrits ilUl cbq~ch .\\Iill ,Gpod Lu(,k. . nd reached this plac.e~ !l several hold a are m' lArktll . Trim (a ~I~ Inte In arrlvln~)- . ?nce II! Jl wbl!c {I dy to get 'out and clean up "It is with ireat pleasur e I formall , 'pottlol.h '\uf t\4:hc,:"m m~Ii\" IneYltab')'. at Lhe 'l'ownlih,p Bo~, man hal! the rare badly a~ec~ed With It.. Th~ eye ~e- everybo y April 17~h "Well their premise s. , .' ""hom are YOII IlnqcklDg \ good luek, to bp 'Invlted ou( to a 1linner Icomes accept. in the name of the vestry. (jle of. l!hITY~t.on ,. .:' O~I\I~'alid l14Suumething.good to eal Dowt·! .glrlB mftame d. and IS very paIn· Belie-" • We' • were all bere but from St, Mary's Guild. this new 'pul. where the melber still makes her 0'\'V11 ful. There haa been more , "Gnktltucle of Ihe.8elll1llhfl for whill than ten , . r '," you. dearl"- Puck. pit in testimo ny of the faithful aero . , tbi! AmericRn.. 'are iMII~ for tnem . ,. t:'read;-Delrolt Fre Pross. , cl\SCS of it already . ' , b "" . " heIlBY,' PlU!ilel'lhe I,..ollita of f'"prilvices rendere d this parish by our be. ' -'~ Mr lind P,!,. A r.lmore . Mr. and '. . ·., :itol' . ,. ,-' ' . loved rector, Rev. J. F . Cadwal lllder. " " JOe:11hompeun,•. ~n~ Mi.1I8 Klllh After a momen t's h~tation . Rev. .. Sen~don.llnnst<'O\lioCOmmi Riu!') •.~en l:iaml!lt~ Of. Clq'1ID!I .'~I~ ; ~penl Cadwal lader received the ttl!ltimony, ! 'R8Iltlf ElIro~n. W&r Sdft'l!re n. 332 ::;llto r.Jll)'. .lId ::;~nd'-Y . WI~ ' Mrll. ~. .., and hleosed .the pulpit. . >Cbamber- IIf Comme rce• •COlumbus. _~_ . lind fBf!ldy. "" . Miss Marie Lippinc ott: and Mr . Th~ Easter oltering am..-.t ed to · - Oplo' .,' . Walter 'J! Britain were quretly martie< i over , ' Adl.llia left ltf'O/l· on Tuesda yevellin g. at 7:30 o'clock one of tha,bes t e.ver " ~illlll,on . I&\IU -NurwoOo, at the bricle's home on Nortli Main W~nesvill.e • . i!Pt!lld .a short,lir ntstreet. ' j . EthanC raile, ,1,ell!ltives .b tllol'tl ttltur.ninlr to Rev. D. H. Palmer perform ed the· . Wright . Ba~~ Kan~ 'CitY; Mo,',·'· In the presenc e of, the im· ton , W. H . A :ft{ta8ea aJira mediate and umall circle. ot Lile,. Mary ,Saliabu ry. Olive MeCol.; friends. . lum, soprano s; Mre. D. {:;. Crane, Mr. iuI.i Mrs. Britain will n!IIide MiRSes Edna 8attertb waiteih cl Mabll' with the jtrooilrS mQther and have , altos, Me!I8l'11. F. B. Hen· ' tbe best wIShes of their m-.oy friends . derson Ilud Ernest Earnha rt. tenors. _ ,_ • ' and·¥!!88rs. tT. M. White and D. L. '. baasea. M~ Ruth .HarC80Ck,
and 'the gate receipts over $100.000. Johnso n got $8.0.000 lUJd a gu arantee on.the nloving pidurl~ receipts , wbile Willard ______ got about $4S.n____ .000. __ • __
A. MAFFll aJ Dirf'Ctor
c dve ture
and Emhlllm4''', Waynesville, Ohio.
Call a"8w~red J,ronlJ)lly tiny I)r IIh:::h1 I Both phonell In fficf' and H"""h'IICl', I
Long ditlt&nte,No, 14.; HOln plulII , 1....2r. Chair:s and one COllch fur nLhed fret' with fUnl)~9 .
mus,ra' d by P1CIUf'etl frot
P.:'I r.......... ~:T. .:+'.. ~ t2.i
Belt of aervice gual'ant~ ,
6: -
rh<! MoW"K P I l ure Product/1m of tho
""""'.""":'IIf." ••
Speollil \,v
InSUfUloeE A. B. Chandler Sucttssor to ~
Po5tolf~, Waynesville, O. RouSt'
Ollke Phone 17
New ui ts.
ftorv uy A MoMlllllJ1l 'Emlll!! m Ull It MoM ulle n, dlv o roe, Kr oFs In og le t .
. Hann~s. :
ltl 1. h8 rlltt.t te r of thu '['ruMt AOl'!' li1p
I llf Frlli,k i\{ (Jo uden. Ill! trust ee uu rlor tI!() will uf [WI"O .J \l·l1 fl~, d ('o'lUl'od, A n ll ~ .. 1 by '['rosteos of ~al m Town ~bi(l, tho ex ° 1)t,o r8 l d ll M, KHliin vs. ,: llilrIOlI Ktl e lin, olv oroo,orllo lt,y .
and tlet to' work.
The results will delight y.ou.
All kiDde of Notary Wor ,k . a'Dd Deods
Sell~ Polyscope Co.
to uose, ns uIllmru t~,,~~ u ....... the unmatched finish forfloon, etc:.: WjJl -::\n 1. nUV·ln ~ hlJU III y()ur I"lhll ':!. )OU \\'h nt nnxt?\' int hllll bll !" not fade. . J rn CRAPTJiln I- I_ lllhlYli Ilnr~, tMoll.\"lng " t\ t llll.ncJ 11 tunn al." Ahnl(' ,1 .IOOlI (Iu mtounrlerl . 1118 Jft'" h~r rM her, 001. J1 1\r(\, i n ,It.'rll, hllli Bum· "AI\!" mOD d h~ r, 1ell\'c" her hCHl'lfll tn Cnllturnt'L sogg"II, hi s rlf1 slipped trom h l~ "Th"ro 118 d to 'bo ono. A port of It to 11'0 lo hIm In A\I .. I\I\. IIIdl ... II mb .. Un. prelllndor to tho t it ro ntl, hIlS h n l)rhto nod hUlIds an d t l'l l wltll a clanl{ lIt his cnved lill four or flvo yonra ago. It Probate Court (lrOClll:lUn\:1I th o col on a... n1UlUl:d b)f t he 1ato klug U hJlI t o"'t. . cnn be r ~xcnvllt d In II night. Tho fl . K OHmn, 'Adlllr , o f ~b8 e~ tl\tfl bolt'. r " \ 'Oll urI' right, tinhlb. I Olll ao un· , CHAPT E R D-Arrl\·ln,. In AUl\.h .. Kl\.lh · ' t hlnkln" fllul. Mny Alloh fors lvo me! " l~ O Il who do lhnl ~bull bo roy own. or .Iullle~ M. K tl vor. decBlt~od, plt.tn \ ou r unlmo l6 will ho used. To 1< nt h· Ma"v!! Elwood e, Rueve r e t RI, Il" Iyn 18 In(orm oc.'l by mblLIla. t h u.t h, r "\\'o l'()ull1 Il l'" 1\!'ld hlnl Il I\{\ al:lgf', talhur bdlng dea d .he ts 10 btJ QU f!c n. I\ r\d IYIl M('rn~:thlp YOllr [le t I ooards will rll llrlulHP. lilli fl \If r 01\1 eRt,IHE\ 111 RJ) mUll!.. mn.rr')' him. She l"t' fUHt'S unt) 11 In· nnel tomorrow morninG w, 1111 cou ld be 08 pillY fclloWR, She h ilS the e )'o, pr ov rl. lJl BLribllti II of pro "e(l~ tormed by tho orte at.a thlll no wo mno CIUt ru tu u lImtU'T1ed . Sha 1a alven • . \'on d")~ it hun, lert Allnllu frl' . unhlU(l ~ r "d ! tlort nnd t h() ,·ole,'. 1llld lh o touch. Sho " r illl rell . to tbtnk It o'"er. rnrs"'o )'ou, ,\hm U, lor lint .t hIJl~· 111 tll o ",;1111, o f W H lIr(\~il, 11(\. Nhan bo y oU~d to Hor o~, S, wllh r. Il lt In g!" . CHAPTER Ill- Sho .t111 .. tll'~' I\na '" or Od1rf 011 h ~ r COr<lhrnd. W ho will COII>!tltl 'ti ll! Hr"to Hn (l n,,01 1l0l:llllllt t ~ " In tho hent o r balllc, snhl b, on tolt1 tllDl "h~ mUIU undc ra:o two ordonlB r ('C(lt:n l7. t) hnr 7" It I It·(\~l'J . with ",tid b&!lBl8. If JIIho 8urwtvWI 8ho wlU dOllS not always thlnlt o r th() 111<)1"1'0\\' . " " Th o sight of you. Hnm ob"I , wIll I I e ' 1-1 II be pemllUe4 to ru 10. Jiut Ah m('d's hond r,,1\ nnd his chi n IIU 9 (1 hllll to Sl\9j1CCI." In ~ h o 06 u te o r , h cl:l t~r oh,," , CHAPTER lV- John Druce. an Amer1· tou h od h la breust. ThnL h o, ,A hm d ''Thot f mnlna In tho nl r. Tll(Ire /u'" 0 ~, theilrHt " IJO" II ~L.' '' I\I)''r''v.'d can. eavoa her 11(8. &n,1 (, JUrt tilldM"1 1l!), I!:' " n ,·b e lin or th e ~('crot ."n·ll'n, Nhuul rl lot s[I\lo mu st bo luck In II" CH APTmR V- Tho el_phont ,.h lc h c .... m·l'rB hudow torolhougllt 0I1l1 to b" "I[ \' I1I1>lIlIa CillI liu lurl'd to drInk 'Jf Iho !( u"rdllin cluo ~Iltd "~tl'W rtM her from the sce ne of h r tr1Al s runa awtt.y. fiepo.r&llng h or (ron\ Dr'uco IUld ~o called ta nocount for It! 11(' wus dlo· hlB 1'(');1.... 'rh l'n, wllh 111\ 1mpn ltcnl In III e~ Llll e II f .h:!IInll t.IO b"I'IlU relt of the part)'. grace d. g"lJIuro. Ahm d llrtdf' d : "Polly! \Vhnt! lIun 11"00 t, rll'CtJ" "cl, til fi r,.., Illl "N evor mlna, ,\hOl e!I," Rnld J{n.thlyn 1 mbnll ll IIIllI tho ('oullcll wi ll tlot r c. O')Ull t I upp ro v uc1 CB.APTE R V i- Sho IlIkes refUl'& In .. r u lu ud t emple. but thla hU\' tin 18 tho 61>049 kindly. " Whnt '18 don" I. dono. \\'0 ogn lz(\ t.ho Colon" l ~ llhl1>'R h ulr •. the rho II r t tll,d Llll a l " "(Juunl in tl", ot • Uon nod aho la lorc~d to fl ea trom It. must Ilnd BllIoty. \\' 0 ~ holl IIl1vo to nHmianh'lb's golel ' l} h ' uII ?" ()~ I II I ,' ',f 1~ I)\lUlI l' M 1:;11<'IJ I", d, t:1!1I"".1 OHAPTER Vll-8he nnllaa rOlrOll1 In hldo In tho Junglo tOlllght. And thoro . "In the gu·.lo lI' n or I.nl Singb, the I>! UPl'fIIV.III, lh. Jungl., onlY to tllll Inlo the hanlll ot 19 my s isler. You should bnvo lhousht. cobhl r, thoro lirA mRny thlng8. e" en alave tra.de.ra.. 'I' h" IIr ~t IIlId !lllill IlllOll tlllt In tnll Ahmed," WI t; R 011<11 fu lso bea rds," r etorted Ha· "~t,, t o "I Mn li llll .. Urmi., ll,'oe.", " , CHAPTER VIrt-K"thlyn ta broulJht to "UDlbnlln " '1lI not hurm Il hllir or mn bnl s lyly. the publlo ' mfLrt In A1Lnl,a and .otl\ to 's II~o "J.lI'(\lvntl Umballa, whc. findln8' hor .UII 1..IUb- her b end," replied Ahmed. lifting bls Ahml'll slart d, then Inugbed. !II d,,, " ... ftlt o of Gh", le~ t;tci norl. m\JlalYB, throWB ber LnIO tho 4""IIOOn wtth h"ad.. be r f.thor. "YOll aro ri ght. namflbu L So th en Ifl MU(', I hl1 fil'''I, tlccm llll I~ IIl1prr)v,'c\ , Ullv (' " . !.I' wi" 114.12 ~!lullre Pole!! ph" . I· ,l 11i '11· II ~ X p" r ctl!li hnnd "Your work hRa fill od hIs henn with wo lul.V' "~ Igs nnd ben r ds. · 00 on." bl.t! Ih " '" ur t flll CIH f l 7' 70 III 111Il/ti l! I II \\ II ,Y" "~ villi '. ,$1. \y" uld II ' t . rl' . CBA.PTlllR JX-8he Ia ""ou04 by Druce venom," d!lC1nr d .lIruco hoUy .. .... b\4 frt.1I4L J[ WIlS sltllng r ss·leggod find r ock· I) f f.l 'lUrdl<>n cl u a tllt\rl llf- l·n IO, I3Hrryf:Ulh"" t.,. Ellon I~nr t" lot in - -- - . - - ~ And my '" ,ords, eohlb, hll" e Oiled Tho ~ I' OtHIIl IIn (1 tiulII nc(',mnt," Burvtl)' ~1 nrg. $[10 CRAl'TlllR "-Colonel RAre &ltIo ta ",,- hltt vo ln8 with wutor," replloa Ahmod, Ing hnck. nnd rorth . "uo4, UmbWl.... wIth ..,Idlo"., slllr'" In "After lho t ricKs aro done Knth lyn tho u~ lul." ot l:irrrr.t'uu ('o rulll , 0.'. A 1-. I:lreuow ulb to lIiInry U Mo Il ..roult. Kalbln ta .uuclt by 1\ bullet. now IImlllng. I t.blllk I:h" "''' ... r llll '' ' 1... 1IIi , flnt Mom Knh 'tb will throw asIde h r v eil 00,. ..., tl , I " "Vl'mv"ll Uluro 1'11111 flit"~ ,, lu Wllynerivlllt', Is jnsl 101)l ollrlll1 ro ~ rl wuUl Htl~m" "What do you mean 1" dom n.lld cd til CHAPTER XI....Il"he tu.ltl... am IIIven nnd ~(anll r(wouled, to mballa, to th e lu h o ll>:ltllt •• IIf L . '. 1~ I~u uul u n abaI!M In the pal __ or Bala KhAn. $tl51l. writ"R Mr~ Donlinr!!h, ~;hlrhllll', N colon 01. Council. to th o popu laco." ~/l l', ,h'OI.lIl SII!l. Ih ~ tblrd I CCIII"''' I H MIIX Knlllh llJ.:IlD to ti. ,l. 81111111 "As k RamabnL Perhaps hn will tell ORAPTJIlR XIl-t!luppUIId b, ",,",ell bY llrur.o Jllmorrd to hi s fo t. . ~ppr " vel l, uUll ; Il u court Bud,. 11)20.05 I.. to>! Nil 2 1 .. ,,,I 2~ In ~("llh ParI< Y. " It h'I'" 1 PPt1 1 01 . ,1 It,' Tl1vt' P l! RIHt the .bOllp\tablo pt1noe the, etart tor tho ot h r ",,, mh,'r. r Ill' ('PlII II I II, HI . "n~ pullont, nruc Sahib." re proved in th o hunll ~ ll t ~he f.(uurdin.[I due 8ublllviHIliU to LebllllOIl, It eo ....t. but ani CJ\pture4 by bt1l'lUIdB. Um- you." IIn (1 limA !l1l11i" II", " "' Ihp p .. ~t, ~Ix baUa JoameJII to lb. \air of ·tho ban"Tbat," roturnod Ramnbnl, "Is of namnbill. "111m not yet dono," "11\01 U~ Lllttl, dlt., mak.. lbo colonel a prl-a1l8r 1U14 losa Importanco at tMs moment thun A H. "uti U 1-1. BeOllEltt to Ueo \'~tn' .. It,wt h It,. H!W I1\'" ui \' pn flu' hr)tlt; Hrll co AnL down a gnln. and I{atblyn ord_ Bra.. al.4 Kathlp 11II1e4. In I h e HSUlle or ~ lIH lln ('UIlI', d o B. R obulllint In Mil "0". $1, or .8 tl~r\l(J'lnn. " '1'1.., !lou·1( rn lh.' the mothod to ba used In Jlbc mUng th o stolo a glanco .. t hIs Ican , unh appy xm-'l'ha 1>IIn(\l.. quJn'lll CNI.ul, t 1l.1\lll' llTllI Il1h,'r,t:rtnoo Till( whirh ' ' hR",h p r'l\in " ~ Wal ter Kenrlok Iln cl witt! \0 'rill· from pil i" O\'.r 'lIIono,' pal4 thelll by UmNtJla daughtor of Oolonel Sahib. Ll8tea. '1'he rl\(~o. How IIhe lon ged to teuch Jt, to aD4 . . the oonl'wdon Kathlrn and people aro angry bocf\\Is0 thoy we ro AII/onth 'n \\,,,)' lho II nc8 of car el The .. nil i hter" l't lln ll "" .. IIlJI e 1 ~ lix!'d III m Hn I;!lIrtun <1 tr llOh; of l"od In Llnimllnt, "fl'.. r tl ~ iw "1 ,,,,1' w .. ,lb :aruOi _II" ..nd return to Allah.. They ',UII1 .17 tirllA" th" 0 ' ~t.. (l htnillllhio not permlttod to bo present at the AUe- old cnmafllUerlo wns gone; thore th l~ 0 ' 11~ " pi .... to .......u. the oolonoL WlIyu tJ t ,' wo ~ h ; 1l O. rlllce to JuggernaUt. To pnctry th em scnrned to 110 Rome InvIsi ble barrier In t.\. o Illi.tt ur IIf 1t1l' .,tlt:ll tl lI f t '. I). BI1"hhllt t il A A, lIod J . E eVOTY Wht·f'-'" CRAPTBiR XIV-'fho oolonol I. nomSbotwQ n tb m now, J o hll It Mulr""I, til'c''''~l'll. (lull'" I"~, but .....1\y a prt.oner. It la Um bnlln will have' to Invollt some 01'11 I J u tHU·It/UIl,n Tlix I >! dlij.,mHI'" 1'\ orB 30,0:3 lIoreH i ll Frllnkhn 1'"wn. UTIUI!r04 to fln4 a br\(!e fo~ hIm. Katht ._ . th e oren(l.... "Sho 'WI ll discover h ersei!, tllen." lyn ~na _ _ to' tbe palace II\. (\11- nrnUaomeri... "Dut bow wlll that aId uaT" Inlor· · n am~ bn,I "Um ba 1'_fA 1"III \8 fixoI1 IHltl Allnn', i~ iu s ~raOl tI to 1111'1' f,l ..,ltIe. an4 h~r reacu~ llllllUl .. ro Iuce&ecl. proceeded III. ~\, 811111 0 ut. \\UOO to I,b e C J IlI (/.\ J). Msx:w e ll to W , lJ. Rnd I~ "hon the lTeaauTY looparda 1180ape ru'p tod the colonel. tit once start to oraor b e l' capture, '1'rlllll'llrflr throwuur the oourt lnto conCuitoD. Ph !ltl, lot ~o. 12 In Pl811!!ant ''Let nil lIay. an OllhlblUon or wild wben stl.. 8ha ll etily him by oJlYlng /, () ~JDB XV.-nurt.o. th' p&aIc a-that 1111(1, I" wi11l ng to face the rqonll, ' 111 I'~II Ill .. ter .~t \t'lm wttilif , .. ",.• ~P I Am /flOW!! "n t, of hq~ille,," ( . = : 4' ~". _ _ btbt;,l au4 h... nnlmnls l with their trnlnerll,'1 (:;,nrl' B tilll1 f10' r t, ~hry -, au4 .... DuV ......waF ~ . "Tralnol'8'" lio ns, R.omenlber , tb e1'Q will be a trap t pite 1 h '~ Ul p~ o n . dCO\)II ud. ~'III 1~ Will ~ell nt-IIIIII"" ""ol.l"n lit Illp nld NUh" 1\1 TOti I elltll to ill TJ lIiQn town· '·YeA. Ynu, Colonel Sahib, and vou, ~ 1" "dnllt~\'d 1-0 IIl·tolllll ... J lit. !'bmllp, llOmp8t. e" rI 1I1l!! ~""'. 'lIIll W, H • '" ~ (In,, n Wnn . ' Id t k d . ~IDR XVI-Thl! oolone1 honn th .., Knthl"n Memanhl.b, and you, J;l..uee SII" AmI ou t so Id . 1" anId Ah me d , I' ! tin \00 II, til w ower uJ 0 8 Lo t.. e un er Sllip Dulco. r1pollR."pc1 , i ll L ' III', tlta y unlto. 4aUllbt....... WIDnl... I. 'lIbOut I tbo l~Ule o U1'l"VO In Allah.. , "'no party "'umeya hlb, wlll without difficulty aot tho doubtlng. Commissioners' Pr9Cecdinl:s Thursday, ~prill!, 1.915 baole . 0 AIlIIba. WLnnl6' uri • .,. betoro '''J'h or!l will be soldIe rs my men In ~h e l)l~tt·(\r of tue ; Ilt'llto of \bey do nn(\ "nlkl tnlO the trap " ....pan4 pftrtS." tor bar b, Umballn. Winnie I. crown04 "Ooodl" 81lld Abmed bitte rly. "The nut they will at that mom~nt be elsa: Cbllrlutte '1'holll J)l!un , decM ed .• 1 Udll< A'I Il W((\ - '"nltllry 'ul; ply COIllIIII'!\( illl!' 111. 100 ' !" It. I hor,A, , qUe8D. Katbl)'n ancl her falber aLtenl11n th~ of thll m wl1l nlsh In~.() tho roynl wb oro." 11, ' l'IIOUl~'80n Itl nlll)ol'" ed oXllOllt,ur. a". I.IU"' IJl\iI ~ for sllori1f $12;. M. A. fllrllllnl1 IJllplem .. nl P, ~"w.w,)I toolH. 41e.w.. · an4 milk" thIef proaeaC6 knOWD to the tart\Jla4 air!. box. Belz Wlnnl o Memanhtb, nnd "If YOIl bnvo soldiers. then, wby not No bund rf'qolred J ,.lIIe..on, Aoting Cornner, IlIque"' . h " u ~ b o ld ~ I)orl". !:IttI' hi ~ hlll~ f " r In t,lln llIiltto r of tbo ol! tnl e u f Elmer 'A ~ongllr $15.2 5 ' Ed Ulllir tnrm!! 1". Ii [)I~ke CRAPTER XVU-Kathl,,1I, In 41'.,.110. carry he r ot! .from llnde~ the very slip th m Into tho palace and bave saiNI 114ml..lon to Wh,nls·. room, but LI nOlles of mballn, the Council IIJld the thorn tn.ke tbo young inemsahlb by J ilW1I1! MoM nlloll, .1 1l o "I:'..,d. H.tlpor~ M. D. til t"mllug iJdB"n~r" '-2; J. A' t'hMlt'>! ~urf"o'" Anol, <llocovero4 1.07 UrubttJln, who orde" tb'" _ _ _ __ __ forc e?" o f Iii trt'butiuu io this OUlIK" I~ ttl) Mur.of\. ,.".lIog on t:lnrkllville IlIld aho be o!t:er04 U II saertnca to tbe IIOd 8Oldlol'lll" JuglfOrnnut. Sho LI rOtocu04 by the ooIota4 , " l\1y rrlond Ahmed Is bItter," eatd ., ~ MMy m en aro no t permitted to enter Ilrlt vuli. IIU~ tbo Admr. , W Uhe!! o r Flirt A'DO'l' llt, plk o $10 I' J "b n Mo. &nil ht. rr&1'nda. I will <lIfer nt (llI l\li ll ~"IH nt my lhe palace, Ahm ed. U mbn.1la Is afraid Mnpl O I~ uI Ho h"'I:()(1 frOIl' lila tlutll. Guilln. rundwor.k WII",b'U~\l ...itbwllRamnblll plltlently . I OB.A.PTlilR XVUJ- Katblrn. 4t....-c IIblp $",n; Urogoni .. Brltlge Co" Qun r('~id" .",'l III WI\;I'n e~vll l", "II "AI, all 1 had Umbnllllin llIY hnnds or the m. To go on. Winnie Mom· Itl tbtl lII'uttor uf otue o~tatl' ot p liD ~lu"lI trulner lllkea part In .. pubSaturday, April 10, 1915 110 ublblUon. rov"iiia hor IIl"jIUty to tho and l et him 'gol Pardon me, Rl\mabal; snhlb wl11 .stand up and exclaim tbnt b'rmh,r1ok biubu lllor, cillO' used. 11\ trn'l, tJ1.2;3; t:!ttlll CntiAr, bridge 1lOQ1\Ie IIn4 l'lN'0uoa hor .allier. 1 am Ind ood bItt r," sbo "ill loin h er slater to prove thnt veil tury lind "pprt1l>!tllllOU t uro omit Wll' k H'IlIIi1toP t""'llfIhlp $:)0; 1101. Begi noiog Ht 12 :80 p. m . tbe f~l . &nry ~nl'Jlly 00 ,supplt e!! fo .. Jrt.nltnr CHAPTER XVIII. "Jlut wbo will RU/<g08t this' animal sbe Is no Jess brllvOo" ~ed . lowing proVATt.y : 2 hor!>.II , oorn • tal 15; Rnymoud Bllrllhbar~er 8~1scheme to Umballu 1" Inquired Druce. "Dut ,the lions! "-from Bruoe, FrQ.m Marriage Liccrutell . hl\y lind tMmin g Implements See In the Arena. . "I." J;!amnbnl saIMmer1. Il't or vl cw tho plan was ns abo Cill ey MRI!OD tlurluy, tol.wl!tor to ary 1110; H. E OilHI·Qsb. Jor.Q.Wl.t.,.in- big billl! far ~l!rm8 . Wblie Bruco Imd two of hili mOil "You will walk Into tho lIon'8 den?" Burd nR It was hupossl1!l e. Ellu. M t:Stottlor, bot,b ot Frankllo. q008t J , E Ullirk 1710; Lewl~ Bro~. T. Bawke & ,' 0,, ' frdKbt l\od drtlYAIC6 11.20; "The j(\OkAl's," Ramabal corrected, Rnrpabal, howevor , knew bls peoplo Rev. W . J 'l'hltltle, earriol1 Kathlyn out ot harm's wa'l to c: WIlI"rd Jurs;¥" WrlgM, POStBW\, U. the Bhelter ot tho unt1erbruah. wbo!O '~O~~b~p mel It J only b ~-n rulC dip n Ii: Irl J. Bull, tru.IUWlln . of. Middle P. UOllrt *3; Warren (J ,uu':v Time~, I will IIIlIl "t Publlo A UIl&lOP on be I1borntod hor, Ahmed &trove U"m~· ·menl !!Toanod tho colono!. raisIng hIs . ' Alwa')'s romember the trap aud tbe t\lwn to Et,lUB l:i. Ely of Franklin. pub1il'lIlog ' .. , .. tllmaut of , bRlau088 my tllrlll, II m\i"tI Wll8t of WaYDe81& and hl8 J)IUlIc-t!tricli:on ,BOldler8 ovet hands to bonvl'ln. . . tunnel, lilruee Sallib. At lb,o entrance R 'A J K Uo ' $111 50 ; Lebanon Jc~ Rod ' CORI Uo ville, OhiO, on "Yon will bo ,throwing away yonr or tbo lions tbe ·trap will ~n. Insldo E~. ' • Uti 't he brow at the bill; Umballa oould ooul C H $4260, bo dlatlngulshOOby bls robOII and tur- lito usolcssly, namabnl," BIlld lCath.. the lunulcl ,~t11 b tbe olonol Snhlb .' IJbl"rl'!'! ' COburu , t'hlirDl,orLo,oL Mrs Tuesday, . April 13, 1915 Bids Eor , Upouty Bond\l-i"lve "A_ b t ... d d I h' v llrr 0 .... uuger. b 0 0 lIIoon YI) . and Bnlt)O So.blb. Outside will be A . He J R B ltiwio ' ....... ut In the moonllgb ....100 an h li'\1S 8 bid for tile ,ai.CiOO tour lind ' B I(lnoillK. Ilt 11 o'oluok ... "," the hla followel'8 .wore all of a color, 1111.0 "No, mbnlla IlUd J wUI underlltand med nnd thll brave men he hRd ' with v.. . II • . • • ooul,mlf peroept bondo! whioh were ' fOl1D~IDg l'(lgl~lorlld Bod gr_de Jer cata In the dark. With mad JOY In his Men ethor ciompletely." blm this nlgb t And all tho road tree Real Estatel'raosten !!Old a' 1l O·olook. The bid!! were tit! ~ey Cattle: G5 be lid rog, .len8Y beut Ahmed could not roslat propel"RamabRI," (lut In Ahmed, with his to tbe ge<losl" I:J III (JOWUU!lY Adanr., ill Elwoou folloW8: lAlbllUOU litonkll elloh, bid 01l~tle, 15 hea4 grllde JOIPoy (Jd\le, llnf the turtoua rflgent down hili, uslnlJ Blnl'\'Ulnr Kmt1fl, "do you , want 11 arlmQ'? " "Ab, for ' tholle tbouRllnd men I" U. Ko~ ver, lot III Lo~IiIlOD I $<!9GO. 1)111' un\l ao rued Inter08t, SeI\SOrl. oonsl8tlng III fr!lllb O"Vo'~. br8t'd helf. the butt at his rlfie and pretending he "For mYAolf7 No agaIn. For my stghed Ahme d. "I cannot forget thorn." U . U. Ilud F . rd, RublliOD ~o W. C. !COO(\ alld Mllyer, Bllmo and Inlll Ar~. ye.trltll/tH.nnd ot1lv.Il'. 8ee large d14 not !mow wbo It 1"1\11 ho was theut· wll'l? Thllt Is Ii dltreront matter." ",Nor II tbe dun geon·k.eep," , repllell Vull t,Wt) truot8 lu ~otioll ' 28 '1' S, prllllli om, J . O. Moyer and Uo . JI(lIDO 111118 for tortllil Tbl" ."Ie will be log wltb theBe Indlgnltlea. And Um"And ,tho man In the ' dungeoar Ramabnl. "i muet go my own wny. R 4, b()tweeo M.llAwl Riverll,' $l, • sn,i ']65 ·tyrl'mlum. tbe Provldunt boh) uoder OOVl1r, ~or o"talotluea, balla could not toll who hlB D.8nnllant lronlcnlly. ' or tlio . r:lght and wrong of It you aro L I:tumpbreys ' to Burry BUill Snvioj(1I Bonk & 'I'rUKt Uo., ~ame IldlJreq B E S'r()~ES. W88 oocnuso he waa «Iven no 0(1(101" Ramo bill AIl<1donly taced the moon not conc'~rne d , Ahmed." $1 82 5. The bId of tlle l'1st blln~e Way n enlilt', 0 , tnnlty to turn. . nnil 8tnr d long and allenUy at tbo " Oy the Lord! " lCclnlmed tbe colo- phroys Yo rutorl'Ht ill III lIoretl III Willi "ooepj.cd. Thll! Is R roml\rllable 001. Borry, Au!)., . "Soorl" Abmoa Shouted, ."Swlno! brllltnnt [lhllll)t. In hlB mind there was n ol, gettI ng up. " I bog ln to undor. M"tl!!l" uUll Oho>!ter 'l'oWnl'hi~8 Wut· 118 mdny blinking hoos8s pro. 'fom DeDlI_Y, ~Illo MilD Take that, IUld that, and lblltl" 'conOlet, " 'ar between. rlgbt lind ambl· Btand. Ho Is 11111'0, an d they h old hIm r uo und Uliocon C~UtltIOH $1 . Stnmbllng 'on, Umlialla cried out tton. Ho Boomed to hRle forgotten thoro In n de n, vile lIke millO was. !C. R. u.lld M. E. WO,o d to J H , lo pain; but he dId not I18k for merey. t.hose about hIm, waltlng anxiously tor Alive!" ' Y llllg lot No. i io , Lebanoo, $l. "80orl Toll your mastor,' Durga hIm to APeak. . "Utu·bn,l Ia dill 1I0t put 'hlm lhere. It J . S. l~iI,nbro~gb to .Blury Bom . Rnm, bow bites tblR gun butt lUI 1 sball "Rnmllbal," aald Allmod crnftlly. "at 'Wns the polltl ca or the 'Councll ; und pbruy!! Yo lU~tlre8tlu J L~ Ilor~~ \I. teU mine the pleaBure It gives mo to Il wora from you a thoullond armed this Is the swo rd which IIlblll\U Wllrron lAud (";I\Ut'()D ()ouu~lo, $3UOO admlnlster It. SwIne! RIl, you atum· mo ' ' :u:...U1 ~r heads ',ell It 1 s um rry Huuwhreys to Albert T . within twelve hours ' Bet Pundlta on mon ed my th ouall.lld men their 1..'al ror Muh'r .111 ..ore~ in' WUHeu tlud Oliu . bJol Up with yolll" Blltter And bangl Doubtless Ahmed yondor throno. ' 'Why 110 you besltate mo . . ." . ouuuties '6000, We e.reorrerillg this "Family Group" at a ri diculously low price would bave prolonged thIs dellghtrul to glva the sIgn ?", " '" ardo,n. Hamaba l!" cried Abmed. .1, 'Lllti M A, Hutobhl80U tu Jollu The McCall's is the best rrfagazine in tbe country, while Home ontertalnmont to tbe VOry stops of the Rn.mabnl wb~eled quickly. con t rlle l" . "Pordoll !" KUIII)11 tlYO trllots no .. r 60811ou, $<l00 pnlnee, but Il tull troop of 80ldlers np"Ahmod, alienee I I am yet nn hon· "A ll ! IUnRll y you .und erstand?" Mury .. ud ' EIII\ Knobel to lire tife and Peo~le's . Popular Monthly penre4 at th .. root ot tho hili nnd Ab.· o~Rblo man. You know and 1 know "Yes. You n.re not only nI gooU man COW Gr11lJU , lu8 1067.1' 1l0r!!8 ill Jollrl . a,realso ~nagnzllles . worth reading, Bemod BaW that It WIll;! now his turn to how tor I mny go, Trlno wllb mo no but n gn!ot on e. ~r yon gavo thll 81gl) 'I'u y lor't! Vlr!;tlli .. llillli&ary Survey SIdes thiS you get a McCall pattern tako to h18 heels. ' mora." to your mon tllar e would be no ono 11\ No 3795. $1. and the Miami Gazette Ilt the ex. "Swlnel" with a partlllg blow which Ahmed BRIMmild deeply. yond r dungeon·hee p . . , lIlIve l" E, .J. Illld E. 'I'ltompson to Btaod. tremely. low price' • sent llmhalJa to hla kneos, "toll your :'Thlnk not badly or me, Ramaba1;' "They know. IUld I coulU not stny ul(l Uil ell , lot 10 Morrow, '10. ' maator that If he harma the IIttio memo bllt .1 am B mnn of action, and It galls tODlpest onlle l iDOS d It. ' Tliero, tllllt The Miami Gazette, .... , .. . ... , . $1 00 --"'b I I h h II dl I L t I II 'l' b I b b t J I h A . F . Mo oker to U. B .. lind 8. G. ......u n the pn 800 e 8 a 0 0 me to wnll" s 1\ . at a ~ e a ·t u~ e t:l1uLer lot· N o, 870 In Frttoklln. $1. McCall's Magazine. . .. . . . . .. ..... . 50 All for him r emember the warnIngs that ho "Aro you wholly unselOshT" fought aLld won," haa nlColvod, and lilt hhh not torgot It ";08 Ahmod's turn to address muto 'fhe cololle l r enched down nnd ot. t;. B. Woodwnrd llud Ella!! Folk to One McC~lI Dress Pattern ...... ~ . 15. ~ ONLY what e. eertaln dungeon boldsl" Inaulrlon to 'tho moon. ferod bIll h Ulld. R . A, MoUutobuou ' lot No. 4Q5 Ilnd flotne I LIfe ...... , .. • .... , " .. , . 25 UmbnUa staggored to hla feet, hlB "Whot 18 nil Ihls palaver about?" "Ramuhal, you're !'l man," Imrt of lot Nu. ·Hili ill Fr,lnklin, 'People's !,opuJar Monthly, ..... : . 25 Blgbt bllndod wIth toom' ot pain. Ho Druce CIUllO lu b etweon tho two men "'fhanks, s" lo lb. ADd I lell you t1110!: '20[J0. . Wn8 sobor enough now, and Abmed's Impatien tly, · I love my II ople. r was born umong J, B. I:;rultll to 1:1, A, RqltlD4 .ll! ftllal word a rang In biB 01\1'9 IIko .6 "Ood knows!" murmured the, col()o , UL OID. 'l'.hoy 01' 0 81Ol0lo and enally led. ROrll1! In 800, l! I, '1"1 4, R . 6, .000, Total. ..... , ...... , . , .. , ... $2 15) -clll.tnor of bells. "Whnt 6 certaIn dun- nol.. , "Ono thing 1 know, It we Btand 1 wIsh to Be th om happy, but I cannot 1I00rgo Nore.!;on to J , d . tlml&b 90 goon balds I " Bhtmhllng lIown the bill. h oro muoh longer we'll 011 s(lencl tho st P over the dend body of one who o.oralliu Wayne aDd . 8prlPg Valley urged' by Ahmed's blowa, only ono rORt of tho Illght In prison." WIIS k ind to 111 0. And tbls I add: 'l'(lwn8blp~. Wllrren IllJd Greene 'YhIch c.o:u. ~C " theso three thought ocqupled bls mInd: to wreak Thero wns wlsdllm In tble. They Wben you, IDY fri ends, are Crell, 1 WI\I I Oounsle~, $1. " I iI"kuown ,- , .. ;~,, ' '~ f"D - all hlB vellgealloe for these IndignIties mnrcbed aWBY at onco, tollowlng 'tho mnke 111m fr ee al so. Young . men are A. L. n.nd I, E. Brown to.!, O. IIond o na (un yo,..... \"z Iuo 01 upon an :nnocent girl. But now a new path of the elophant and the loyal my followers, and In tho blood of ths E~l:Iie GrllY 10' N Q. 19 and plirt of lot 1~i1 ·j -U. -:. ....J 5 , :or.o. Sl.OO. tear entered hI" crayon soul. cravon ns k eepe rs. ' There ,was no )lul'llult, Sol· young tll · r .. Is much h oat. My piau No 'IIID Harveysburg, $1, .A t:lU "':'1 )-- c. l}.U, McCall nil cruel ·Bouls are. Some ono know! dlers with pura08 Illled wltb promises mny RNlonr to you weak rind absurd. . .John ·W~· 8t6wllrt t'::o:.:....jwm-."'m-S ......ro-w-n P ter:1 ram He foil .Into tbe arms of hlB troop- oro not over-eager to . tace skilled but I know my people, B.ealdea, It la. lot .Nt!. 31 In Hllrvt'yaburg, '~62 . 1i0. ere and thElY carrIed blm to a litter, mnrksmen. · 'rhe 'colollel and bls foI· ou,~ only chan,ee." " ' G. A, Scroggy 'aI wEd' Browli thence to the pnlace. 1I1s baek wa", lowers, not belllg aware ot this IndeW .11, nan.,~~al, "e will try your 10$ :NO. 17 tlnd pllr, of lot No. 1810 covered with brutses, and but for tho c1810n, proposed cnmpln'g tu tho Ill'llt piau. tllbugll I .do 80 holf henrtedly. Hlltveysbor'g , S:lDO, . tblcltneRs of hie cummerbund ho muat spot which atrorded pro~ooUon tram So man), tim sr have wo escaped. only L' d All "R 'to W R '" b Y linn died under the beotlng; which t.ho ohlll of night, not dnrlng to make to b~ brought bacle: r am ·'Ur.ed l In the ove~ i~, No.e~ , I: Dilley'>!' ;:~i~~: bad been thorough ond mnstorly. for ~bO bungolow, certaIn that It wos !lIC.81 t, In tbe mlnU\ In the body . . 1 alon to M..801l $l. ' P N I' M E . "What b. certain dungeon boldsl" In being wn,tched. In this thoy were wise, ~\'a.sl t to li e down 80tnowhere and eloop hIs chnm\ler UmbnUn elllled tor hla for B cordon of sbldlera (with Bome- · for dol'S. " . eter oj to ary ,Wolf lot peg of brandy and c)iampRgne, whIch thIn/< bes ld a orolllla a In th'ffrpureea) ICathl YII ron<.;hed out, to~ched his No. 161 inLet.val~D ' 8elgbtB subtor SOli\e' res~Bon did Dpt tnke hold oa surrnunded tho cnm'I' on the cbonce hond anti pnltfld It Sho koow. 'The d v SIOD to , auo, ,1. usual, For tllo' first time In biB. lICe that it's ownor might hazard a return . .. plli n nnd t orror In his 'heart were not . M E . .. od Jj'. A Bono to J . p , Durgn. Ram, so-call d Umballa, knew · "Now, Rnmnbol, wbat 18 your plan?" born of hla own mlse rlos, but at tholrs, Cum~IDg. llarts 'of lola No . 26 and wbat Baony was. B[4t did It cn'usohlm aaked lbo COlonel, a a he wrapped Klltb. h r a I\nd Wlnnlo's. . . 17 '\0 Leb6Don. S2000, to thl~k with pity. of the agonIes ho Ivn In tho hO\\'dah blanket. "We are "W hy doesn't my braIn, snap?:' she Mory Zimmorman to J, W , and had caused 'tbern? Not In the 100000t qu o ~llld 1lllwRrdlj. '''WhY, dbeen't the Whon Ahmo4, relolned his . !)Clopl!, _ . _ _ __ _ _ throo p break? Wby can't 1 cry and :;: .• :::=====~=======~ Katbiyn was leaning I\galnst her filth· lough and grow h)'lIterlcL\1 itke other er"a shoulder, smiling "'lUlly. Whln Peopl. Ask U. W"r.1~"~I, ';WhCll'6 Is Umballa7" crled Droco. "hatiaroodforDernllludlaAn/pto '/.'0 BE CONTINUED Belzm. Ahmed by the arm. we .s"a)'8 rIooIDmllDd • _ ....._ _ __ "On the W1I7 to th!\.JlIllacel." AhDHld ~ 011 011 JaqJied an4 told wbat h. bad acoolII. 81CCI1(,~ we Smlmg,n ftl.herm.n Well PaId. , ' pUshed. '_ Sillman fishermen In B~tlllb ColumBroce raised hl~ luulda til &l1l8I', ................,\11.. lila earn e da1, and 10 lOme Ill"'But. RIlIbI- bMIUa AIuMdo nOl • fCIIIII toaIa aIIII .... 1IaIId.r. -.tanCllll: the catellla U08l1t1ODal. -?Sf b e " ~ .. _._ ... _. ... .. ,,~. II aOO,ct . ... $II a dII. SYNOPSIS.
Notary Public
Common PIca s Courl
(COV1rlllbl b71lArold a!aeO"\Il)
t yn\
"'~.".-:':'."'.~." .. ,.. .. ;...: ••••• ~ ...... :.: ..... ~ ~ 'O»X·~'+r...:...~..........•..··.·~..... ..." .........
. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .A.. . . ....... I6. . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . .
Iilte magic in renewing, worn stair treads, soiled window-sills, etc. No experience is needed. Just get' a can
f'holl ~
/\ ·3
Dr. J. A .. McCoy, Veterinary Oraduate of Oblo 'Olal. Ilni"l'rsl Office at re!\idencc in F. II , ,'h I wood's houae, Fourlh ·treet. Telephone> 28
DR. H.E. BATRA W Al' Wayae4ri11e's Leadln, Den"e' OfIloe la Keys Bldg. Main 8
CIO_ .
---_.- ...- - -
P;lio lel\vi's n1mD5t
'" If by m(lJ; ic wben ~Qll :1 l;:in , psing "5, Drops," tho famou"ol,' rum\ Y for Rhulw ll, m, Lumbago, " SdatloJn, Neur" ls: 1 :IaU kindred t<'oubl It 'lOCH ri ght ,to th "flOI, slops the llches atlf \ p"ins I\nU mnkcs Ji[u wbrlh lh'ing. Cd n, tile of ":;-DroTlS" .t!><lny, A booklel 'wi lh (m h boUle !lives {1111 dir cc li<!us for IISC. Don'l dd , y. DOl'l)l)lIlJ "I>-DrOI'5." Do,,'t ne· e pt ~ nylblng 01,,,, ill . ' pl nc of it. Anydrut:. " < 'i!IIn OUI'p)y you. Tf yo u li vo 100 fM j , I'n '1 ,t.~l1g · .st ~ ro r;rnll (111'1 1 ,,\11 a r t' :
••"" 1 hr,nnlnlic
' .... 11 1' ( · ' Ioof '.;. llr(l)'tI" , " 1 Ue
( ., : 1' ~'. l)' d I. .. ,
( "'I\ f"i)
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_Irk .
$1 50
••• DJ3NTIST•••
GA ZE T'T E· •- -- - - - - -- - - ...•~----""~--'-'-"'I-
MIA MI l'ulJlI~hC4 1 W....kly ~l til.. UIl&eLUl 011\('0 III Ibn I . Allull
Rate8 of Subscri plion.· (.'rlc!!) In a.lv.nce) .. . .. . ... I .~ O
St .. Woyncoo\' 1II . Ohio. On., Veur
Tltul'; (' IW 'E,OALL NO.
mrnKI.\lO=~~~~·~·;·Ad~e·;~~·i~~" ·
'- - - - - - - - - . . . , - - - - - R uadl ul!' Loci .... P/'r 11 11 • • :........ .. .. 6c Ch....Jltl ...1 Au .. nut 1.0 IlVIlIIC . I l'hroclusc rtl,lUH . . . . . ... •08, ..• 260 D. L. Oralic. Etdilor and Mt nager. ! JJhlploy AdyW'tfodng. ptlI' 11Icb . ... ..... .. aile , DI&<:oUlltO KlrclJ on CODlrw:
APRIL 7, J9l5.
Watch Your Children
Ort.cn chilJrco do Dot let pnrents know
THE NEIGHBORHOOO - NEWS As Writt en by Our CO) ps ()f Able Cone spond ents in the Neigh borho od .~----~----------~--
tb"y arc constipated. They renr 80~ taM. They will like RCXIlIi rlic(!-~ mild IlWItivc thllt taste. ~c S~fIIU" Sold only by 01, 10 cent.a. J , E. JannlY,
W. H. MADDEr #' CO;
We are betler equipp ed th all ever Ipfore to supply your lie ds in tile Bl1il(li llg ~ l a ler ial lin "
tbill~ di
Rev. l:ibrlver was tODdered a aur_ News In this vloinlty Is sooree. Rev . B'runk Mormli n prOl1obed prise by the membe rs or his oonEVllrybouy Is ot work !tnd t h e joint bere Sunel"y . gregati on MondlLY evening . wltb LO(.:AL APPLIC Al'lUN 8. 8S ~eMsl<in8 thflt h llv- been ba .111 WiD. I J osoph LelilUin g hila been vo ry MIs8 Flor~ BArlan Is aoting as tbey Oa ~ not reliOh thl' aelir, of the ter 1\ re ,Dusy In pursuit.. s ilbstitut e taRoh r In the Primar y ale-I; til Jl II ~ \veelr. dl~ e Ii 8e. Cllt.. rrh ill a bloor! or ccn Mr. und Mrs. Jobn M'lrlut.t e nte r. I MI'. n ad Mr@. W . E . Poglln, Ro om at Sprmg VIIJJey. Thc arboT days annuall y pro· IIt,ll.utlon,,1 d11lP88P . and In OHler to Mr talued houor o~ Mr~. Marhtt'~ lint.! Mr •. <l rv lli o CODllito u "nd don Miss Jllmlmn. Boota suffered a claimed by the governo r should be oure It you DlUst t ,ke interno l rem brother .in, L:hllrles VOiera, wb o blla at. 1Edwnrel f1 ut oeu to r ogonia l:iunday aovere at.taok of Indi~elf tl o n IRst . general ly observe d and in a practi · edies. Bull '.. U,,\.a rrh Cure Is t·llken t.llned th e aee of 21 yefLr . . '.['be ro· Missos Huth .uloa onu Ml10die weelr. Mra. Tom MoKee, of near .. cal way, Teache rs do their part InteroH lly. IlUd lI oh! dlreotly UpOD wU.lu nt.teudll nce fifty ~f bill .. 0- Pal r tiO tt 6pl !. t 8 nd . thA tlnd muoooll ' tlUr'UOtl qo.untll uoel! wll h Bar Of! Xenia 18 oaring for ber. , hy instruct ing ' their pupils in tree 81i1l'~IJlond . T he "meuo • WIlS n ot COOlp on '~' U iV Catl1rrh Cure 18 not 0 quuo k ltloklog Tbe Post Offioe ohange d hands Il In the lel1at,llo \'erY enjoy. lore ~s far as they are able and .in medloiu e It Wltti ureHorlb April 1es, Murfon Ioenhow er afen Ity one able tIme was blld. In taking t heir F m nk . tll ~l ey hna purchlis od 1\ Rumlng tbe dotles of encoura ging among them a love of r Ibe bAst pbys loltln s in this ollunt Post Master . ry trees, but there should be actual for YOUTS Hud I",a rl)l(ulAr preMorlp . riopnrtu re they r equeate d tbat tbey new lIu.toulo blle, Jos . Blair hilS sold bls grooery hll rell1 m,l}ered 1L!(l1in by him at I,he Evon Bogan WIII.\ in Xenia planting by yo ung people and old tiOl'. It III oorn oosed of tllo lli's t e au 811\l1r. bualnes8 tn T re vor C. Baydoo of t.he OOD1lD g 2 1 YOILrs, nOll dny n.fter ndoo. k wbo 011 thesc s tated days and such a s.n· tonios known , 00111 bined wltb the wl~bed him took pO~8eas ion Aurll 1st. t ho be~t of h Oli lth uuel T he Y. 1'. B. m et n.t the borne of timent created that this planting b~st, hl nod purifier ", 110tlng dl"eotly ooollide rabl e wealth The Y. P. B. held a plea8an t meet! Albert. MoKuy l'hnrt.!ullY eVRlling . would take on thenatu re of a serious on tho muoool so rfn coB The per. Ing at the b ome of C, 8 . MoKay Mr . and Mrs . Ear l Hocket reot t .Iud oombl'l W lltion8 Idon WIIROIl of the two In hll~ purohas ed a Thursil ay night. and import ant public service -a duo I{ redlent,.. Is wbllt vrouuoell 8uob d,ughta r. Mr. aDd Mrs. Peloy Rra· new rlri vlDg h orse. . ty to the commu nity. Mr. lind Mra. Alta Roberta burled wonderfQI r esoltH In ourlog outarrb so u IInllsl)ll, of nllar Wnynes vll it', Mr .•11111 Mrs, liluOolu 'An interest in the preserv ation o f ~end for t e stlmonil were tbe ~ue8 t.8 of their PllctlntM, oalled on reill tl ve!! III I:3 prl P oter8on tbeir Infant Bon t5dnrda y . ~18 , frAP. ng VI~lI e,v birds is being gradual ly inculcat ed Mor and Mrs. Ed Rell~o n of E ·,s l· Sun uny ufterno ou. Mi 8 Bernloe Hawkin s ai,ent F ••J. CBEN EY & CO .• Main street. lind will eventua lly develop into ElI.ster with friends 10 Columb ns. . Prnp~., Toledo. 0 , Mrd . b:1I11 \Vllrloll Ims I\ S her g iles! such an appreci ation aod eothus· . So ld by Druggls la . 760. Roller sklloteing 18 baing Indulge d h ' I' sister, Born t o I\t ~ . Rnd Mrs, B. W, Mra: Mur y Dilvia. ot Ne w TlLke Ball's ~"llDlly PHIII for oon. In by "II "ges, and they are le,lIrnin g Pllrl • • Ohio 'iasm for these useful creatur es that " "loh, of Ohlougo, Frada.y, April 2, a filet I\nd (\I e arr&n gl ng to f(lrm lin son . they wiJ) flourish as in primitiv e ~tl llu tion . a8sool~tl on . Wh en tbOTOIlj(blv In. '1'he W. b'. M . I:! bnd ~b elr lIuuulll days and their destroy ers be looked 'rue W . F . M. S. held 8n Elister 8truo~e d tile clel .g&tes wlll attend publio Mi ~8lo llalY m eetI ng ut tbe mit'" 'b ox opening In tbe Frien,d l upon as enemies to the public. The tbeir state oon ventil)n . Fr iends churoh N I:J W Bu r Iillgtoo oburob t;uDdllV llvl'nl same ellthu~iaslll should ex ist as to nll . Collao. 'und"y . A vMY.ln t,erE18tloj( Ed Ull rr bne quile II nice faD111y progrHmOVi'ulng trees. 'rhe selfish argume nt is often \Vus r e ndo i lld. Tb e f l'O' . ~1'JU8 Ilmount ed to $40. h OTlle which b e r llolmtly secn red for wilt otIe rin g IIlt'IountlJtI ~---.-.,--matle that it is not worth w,hile to til Illore than their summe r plea8ur e f40 wbi h "1'111 bl:l IIdeled to t,be plant tress because the planter .will Milton Howe, Ulylle Levioy Itnt! Art.hor Cbil~olJ Af r io un fUlld. CHAMBERLAIN'S COUSH REMEDY. not live long enough to benefit by F. L . l:Iurrls wpre WIlUlin gton vi~. From II 8m llJ\ beglnnl nl( ~he lIale them . The weakne ss o( this asserChltll. BaICerr uyer hils bonght 8 1'0[8 Suuday . and UHIj of I hiH re medy baHextende d tion is evident to everyo ne who fine new draft ·warl'. Auto RHEUlWATISM CURABl.E to ,,11 (lurts of the Uniced Iltat~ and looks about him, for the tree pays A. ij. AlieD ~nd w!.fe apent Sonday 'hrougb rillers we re nume rous SOME FORMS our village Su uday . Hh eumatlslU is 1\ t11~6!18e cllRrl1.). to UlOIlY forelgu oouoniS t! . When its debt to the world in a very few " Ith Ubas, Allen anll f .. mlly, of terize'\ by ,'!liLls III till .. j oints .lUd in yo u b"ve need of 800b a medioin e Mre Fraok Olive Bunoh L Harris . nod so n, years, either in shade or , fruit or ~b !i mURcles 'l'lw IIU \lS t !lommou give Uham berlllln 's Cougb Rowedv Berald, were t;lIturnllY Jo:U IIts o r O. E, Belllon Oame down from beauty of form. Even if this were forOls ure: Aouto Mr li nd Obronlo tl. trial and yon will undersM .nd why a.nd Mrs. Plloul Peterso u , of not so, it is worth a man's while to uayton to apend Euler with bill Rbeum. ltism. HhelllD Spring lltio Belldliohell, It bll8 beo"we 80 populllr for oouj(hs. Valley. plant for those who come after him. family bsrol SOltlllO Rhoum "tlsm Ilnd Lllwbag o. colds and oroul'. Obtain" ble ever'y. Mrs Cora Maoy. of Waynes ville, All or these ty pes R J . Murray baa !ldded "notber A great deal is said in tilese days ()Iln be belped wbere. - - -... ---,.. about our forests and the need of Ilne draf' horae to Long View waR the week.•end guest of her onole, absolut ely by 1l!lplying 80me good John G. Mooy, linimen t thllt peoll\ru tes. An !IIJo - reforest ation in mauy places. This tI~ook farm. I"atlnct or Rello" 7 Millies Mbry, Clara lind ~ola AtMr. and Mrs. John 8Imp'!")n , of plioatlo n of Slolln 'lI Linime nt two or work must be done by state or na· Roney b eeK know fri ends trom enetional governm ent, but the plant· klll@on, of Dear Waynes ville, spent. Waynes v ille, were I'Innday ~1l1l8 ts three t imes II '!lay t o the IllIoctod mies. Tbey run tb olr cities 00 a soo "l1rt. will gl vo Instuu t I·eller. I:!luan 'lI clal plall tar above that ot l4r. and Mr3. Milton Baokd. ing by individ uals is a serv ce both iC>IHtsr wt'tb MI88 Alma Barnell s. of man. and [,lulme Is good fnr pllin, a nd ee so' do the ont8. Tho R. J. Morray and Wife' called OD honey bee8 Bape ball ill being played by our peolllllyntRh public and persona l. To beautif y eumatio P"ln, because \I BOlS can tell Lbo sex 111 Ule egg. and K. E. l'bnm pllon and wUe on Bat. people a.nd enjoyed but highwa ys. private grounds , school urday aft~rno . . I enotraf.os to the aeat of tbe troubl e. man oao't. oD. Is that Instinct? and church yards, bare and unsight · soothes the offlioted pl~rt tlOd drawII FIe ab Buffma.n, of Da,.ton , ~--... ~-Iy cemeter ies, streets and open is Mra. thl1 poiu . .. h)l~n'S •.,inimen t is all visiting ber parente W. B . Sh.fne An Exceptio n. m ,dlolne: " Ge~ II :::61. b ottle now. spaces bleak and . 'barren hillsides, lind wife. TOLD THAT THERE WAS NO C~RE FOR Keep it h... "dy il;l 008e r}f umergenoy. Mr. Jone9 hlld be n scolding bls sLx- At Reas onab le Rate by the plantin g of trees is a work s, Cy. l'bomp lon, of Union City, lnd, Two Mach {nes. yea .... old do-ughte r. wbo retorted : that brings its own reward, some- waS sommo HIM ned here ~unday on ao· "Don·t Sprin think, 2fleld \l1l1,a . that just becansl Tires , Tube s and Acce ssori es. times ill a very direct and pecuni. ooun' of *he delitb of hIs mother "After sofferln g for over tweuty I:!ubsori bo l o r tlhe MI ~'JlI Gllzette you married IDllmt.' l1l you bave a right year8 w!tb lodiges tion and bllvln~ Valvo ary way, sometim es only in person- Mrll. J ,' W. Tbomp ,on. llne and Crea ses. to be rude to all women!fl . - -aome of tbe best dootors here tell al satisf~tion; btl t the latter is well ~Ve are 1I0rry io fllport Ge(lrge me thflre was n' Qure for me, I worth having. Arbor day sbould Bldee DO bett!!r. 8e la geUlng tblnk it only rlgbt to tell YOII for be 'a poP!lll,lr festiva l.-Coun try \veak,er 1111 tbe lime. the sake ot other Rufferers as welills Life in Dayton Daily News. ,H, C Atlllnllo n a.nd fllmUy, of your ow.n 8atlsfac tion tbllt 1\ ~5 oe nt near -Wayne sville, aUende d ohurJh boUle of Chawb erlain's Tablets n ot bere on 8noday . Mrs .. Murgar et 'l'ullis hUB Bold bel' onlv relieved me bu'ooro o me witb. Phone 71-1 1-2 FOR SALE- PROPE RTY COR WIN . 01:110 M. M •. '\'lIrry and wife and Mr8. In 'wo montbs a.!tbong h I am a man pmpert y to Clla!!. Conger . Allte Terry apen' Sunday witb K of 115 y~ar8," wrltcs J u1. lirobien , MIs8es J ounie I1nd g VIl Robinso n E. rhomps on Ind 'iIoUe. Bousto n. Texaa. Obw.lnu ble every- sp nt two days las t w.'3ek witb OilY· I\Ore 8. neadr . WayneSdVll1jetb' on a ton lind Mll1mio! burg hl onds. 2' goo d roa, lwprov e w Mr. ta.l1l8. Allen' ill danJlerCJully wbere. new ----7.roow lJl at be .. b.,me- as Olive Brabob. house, barn, poultry hOll8tl b1rs. SIlDlUC] BraWl) III quite siok . We.all bope for Ifo lpeedy .recover y • Read the Miami Gazet te. Miss Ossle Merritt got a lIevere Il\ld otter ont.blllJ dlngs, 2 good wells L:bu. bagena yer and t.mtly .and ftl.1I II few davs . Ilgo" cut.tin, ber of water, I aore at alfalfa, good befry patab. Prloe only $l2~O . In· oilr lobool teacher Miy Eva 1I:11Ia b.ead and hurting' her eye. In 1~1I1, wby not wuh our fa. le, aSe their Easter dinner wltb Uhas. "",r. nnd Mrs . Ba.ney Munger qolre of A. A . MoNell, Ceuterv llle, Oblo. Both phones, Oen. Ex. &21 oomb oor bah and pul a Dew drill ' Ellis and famIly ead ot bere. motored to ';llIelnn ati Friday, aD Ohio? Lel Oblo wear 800lla, Joe Ohapm an , wife and IOn, Mrs, Mr. CbarJee. Burne' was in Dayton Mrs W. B. Selgfrle d apent olothee thle Rumme r. Town a"d LION VeviU and dllugb&er Mrs · LIz. Saturda y. Funer.a. · Director. a oouple of davs last week With their . WANTED ClOun"), need a IOrnbbl ng. Ba.ok zle Bally, of Wayne lvllle, pve nl a cbllllre n at Dayton Mr. . Wal&er !!enrlok ball purpbas ed ID Dorm_! years about 200,000,000 ,.rda, front yardll, 8&ree\ll, "lleya, sbClr' bn' ple""n~ oall on Bnnday an au,? Messre M. J. Farr, ,J. B, Baines, Telepho ne ' da.y or . nlgbt, pounda of binder twine are require d and roada Ibonld be made 11& tor afterno on VaUey phone No. r. Lonll lIIr. Boraoe Clark f.r harvee&lng 'be grain and tl~ ,<»00 101le\y . Jot bouae and barn purohas ed W . '1'. Dluling toB IIond! Pet9r Brehm FOR SALE Jacob MUler apen' Easler l\IUb' tbe vl\lage properthas Dle&an08 No. 6g..2r. oropl. Jj'rom two-*bl rds to 'bree y or Walter were Miamis burg B b opper~ Sator. In order. Eradlca le broken fla &el, W. H Terry. da.y ofMroo on . ' Ular•. foUrtha of tbl81s lDadA from heuedilllpld' lted fencet', old maohln ery Mrs Bmma. Kersey ape'!lt TUl!8day quln Missea Emma lind M.innle belker fiber, praotlol \lly all of Automo bile' Service at all Times and aU otber earmar ks of oUllled Mr. Ralpb loads of good f41xed Bay. In whlobIIls,,1 af&ernoon with lira. Luoioua frazier. vl,Uor SdnrdaDyke was a Dayton ~vere ll'runkll n II h oppe rs Saturdllo ta produce OIr8Ie.. d in Mexloo ~nd Y. y. quire of J . B Chlpma n, D 2, exporte d frOID tbe por' Progre&S Luoloo l Frazier and w!.fe were I'lgh' weedl _ r.QU' and torment MI·II. Colla Batllawtl.Y returne d to Wuyne~ville. Ohio. for prloe .R 1121 • Cl. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Mr. Eorl RI\i1dolph aud family 'l'hla ye"r the demand for twine ts blghw. y and rRUw u)' omolals who Runda,Y 8uedl (If 1II0r' .Rou8h aqd were vlsltinl l with Sid Lamb'lI her bome In Norwo,od Thnrsd ay WedBranch Offiee. Harvey sbuq. O. do no' join the New Drel. Club ta.mU, near thrveY llborg. l1\s& aftor six \Veek~' visit wltb' ber UTO-O verland TourlnlC o~r. , In certain to be gr88tsr thao ever. nesday. The dl8tUrb ances In Mexloo ht\ve PlLln& bBllutifl8s and IIreSarv el. 88 M·r. Bryan haa returne d to her 800<1 oondltio n, was tallen in Mr. DlLnlel Apple waa' In D(l7ton m otber. Mr s. Mllry Bru80n p Ian 'Ia loolabil l' wltb nltn wb I soars home here after ependln g Ifo ooaple on 'bulllne8 . Mr. '\Dd Mrs. H . B Deokor and trade for new Bopmo bile. Inquire already Mused lion apprecltl1l1e short. 8 Satnrda y. 6~e 111 the stook of fiber . now In tbis Ind man ble netgbbo rbood wl'h of weeb wl'h relatlve e at Clarh. Mrs. AUDII Jaonl:lY were Dayton of J. B. ' Chopm an, Wayne. sville, ooontry Prot. P. B. Thompson was a DIlY. III comme ntln. upon 'h~ dlnl1, e'IDIlY. uupalnt ed 'Dl\dI08 a. vUle. . Obio. sb oppers ' 1l1st Wednes c!I1Y. a21 'on vldtor Saturda y. sl'uatlo n. tbe Seore&a.ry of Agrloo! . '!'be De.,.) aeldom teela weloolD e Karl 'And Earl ,'be rage, Cbas Miss Clara Neibe), Mrs . Cb8ll. lIIlIs8 Opal Oray was in DlIoyton LYMOU TH Rook EKga for set· 'llrB 'sahl sbe Hltuatlon wal valtly tn a hume wbere flow ..n 8brnbs, Bagerm y,er, M . M.DeTerry Early and and E·. dll E. n gh ter Guldie. 111188 Saturda y. ting ; winter layers. 600 foi15 more 19r1on8 t!aan It wllol In t~12 lawna, paint antl B0Jel wa.I"'a are B 'l'ijuIDp800 were In ' Rayneav lJ1e Ua t.herlnlj and Mr Miles Minnie E. Uook, Waynes vUJe, Ohio. wben II tbreaSe oed I!hortsg e of twine "ar' of the 'ilr'n 1Oi!0er:v . Mr. Ulyde Oox waa at home OVlr Fox nt.tendo(Nossett Satul'da y wornln g 1 the yellrly oonven tlon resulted In a rise In prloe from 7 to C1ean.u p da:v Ie atall r.rnade lIul' Sanday . of t he Brelbrs n ohlllreh ut West 12 centa a. pound. Tben, It was sb., WIll til 'own or oountrJ , 1'bll Mr,-Ed Sergd&ll.:wlttWlaltlng Wi x lmder Toesdn y tlod Wedoe&doy. Wagllns , 1 Baggy ~nd 7 seta Il master of price; If Progres 80 were , Agllon llaral Uol'nml88lon urlles a 's ounduy . slolle'lInd dooble Harnes s•. 10. to be olosed 'hla year, It woold be Mrs. W. V, Crew and daulbte rs MAN TAKES HIS OWN MEDICINE IS AN Ber~dall New Qre.. for ObIO. Mr. 81m Brown, wife and g rand_ 'Mll ry J ennette Rnd Ruol el of ' Day. quire of George Zell. a maUor of aotQal · souotty which a21 . OPTIMIST eon B a rol! Sigl~a' were vlsl t\ ug with tl)n ~I' e nt the llrst of tllJo wee" with wonld reeun In a waste of a great !icod Ob~o Fumer Sewing Ma part oC tbe grain orops. Be h_a abllc»ut e faUh In hili mad relative s 10 Dayton Saturda y . M!8 Cr .. w'~ \ltll'eol s, Mr. anr! Mrtl: Pl.lller of parl~ .111 '110 oalled be Iclne-h oblne wlt·h all the attaobm en$8 e )lnow. wben he faa .. Mr. Allen Bardin g nnd wife. of W . fl. trolgf reill . O"UIkl' H w..a orlgln" lIy nbtllne d ... - -Will lIell obelip far ouh lnqulre for certaIn allmen, " he ge~ rell,,' Davton , ,w" re vlsltln8 frlenrtH In fro~ Montm artr.·, In Pelrla .of F. A. Hartsoo k, phono 27-2. PB<lple who &ake Or. King'! New L,tle tbill week. Burve)l !burg, O. SHOULD NOT FEEl OISCO,URAGED Disoove ry for an Io;rltattn g Oold are al4 A band.om.1111111.1 ... o~ " ..tl,. r...... t olr· WHITE ~AN WITH BLACK LIVER ... - - oulAtion of An, ecl~IIUUo Journld. 'l'Cl:rIUII. t.8. op'lmll t.8-tbey )In ,w . tbla oootrb S a m~oy people tron bl 6 d w I t h I 0 . ~ ... , ••• n,o.'III. fl.: 801<1 bUll n ....d ••I..... 'fbe Liver Is I~ blood porlfier . H There are G2G IOptlr.at e o]>tlra'lon .. 18<ne4y wUl lJeo6&r R.AF.T Mare 4 yrs, old tblal:!p rlng. dl' eltlon a.nd oonljtlp dlon have a'" t,he l.olnMa of was tbcmgh t ut one time it was th:· WHOLE I. FAMILY 8~IB""""I, In 'be mtlnufa o'u. e of .. w"tch 'ba. tile 'bro·.t, k,tII tbe germll. DEPENDE NT Well broken, 80and and a ~ood been beoefite d by fating . '-'ham beraud open B......b 11"111.... _ I' Bt.. wubl",Ion. n.'ll: 1181!1I' fa! • dollar. lh. E, WIlllam s, Bamllto n, OhiO, seut at the passi ns The trouble oue. Draf.t Gelding 3 years old las' lain's Tablete . thai no one . lhe way for Na&ure to aot. You ablluld OIn't ilPBtroy a Cold by Inpfrtlo laI writes; l'Oor whole f .. wi,ly dl'pend with mORt people Is tbat their t;.lver August , br.o ke will welgb 1700, when feel dlioouf aged who baa not given ,reatm. en\-yon moat go to 'he on Pine Tar Bonev. " M" ybe SOnle beoomt1 ~ blaok beouu de of impnrli lefl ma tored a dandy . W. O. Welob. tbem a trlili. Thev oontaln no pepcaule of tbe .tr<inblp. Be an optlm. one In yoar family bas a sever" Ip 'be blooil dno ~o b,lld pbysloa l BarveY llburg, Ohio. 81n or other iUgBlltive fermen la but 0,7 I.t. Gtt a boUle of Dr. Klng'lI New C'lld-p erbaps It Is tbe baby The ettltes, 0 11using BliionsDB8s, . Dead strengb 'ei'i the stomao ~ohe. Uizzln esa Iloud tlJon stlpa~lon Ol'_,\TOE8 -Rural New Yorkerl l, It to perform Its fanoUob aod enable origina l Dt. Bell's Pine Tnr 8 .o ney Disoove ry today. nl Dr KlnK't! New 'Life PllIs will olean good . cOokers. For fur'her In- OMalna ble 6'leryw bere na'ural ly, Is an ever' reRdY h.o usebold remedy -It alve ' Immedla~ relief , Pine tip tho L.I vor, anu give you new lite f(lrmatl on call Chao. W. Frye, pbone THE CItIlATU T .• • 49 lL 2:l. Waynes ville, O . Tar. !:Ioue,. penetra tes tbe linings of 260 Dot yonr Druggi st. &7 tbe Tbroand .. ' I1nd Luogs. Rounea u. gestroy EEU OATS- 'rbey are of tbe tbe UerlDf!, . IN THE WOllLO allows Natore to s a:lt. One III probably rlgbt In boldlng that kind. For farUier Informa tion . l1JBl.mIED WEEnY. ",00 pm Y!d , At Jour flrnggl8 t, 2~0. "'Ill! on or addre8s Frllnk Zell, Way- Rou8seau waa the "Father of the French Revolutloo." Of course many ".MaLe, oltuecii iT8, epaCIALla,.., ~~ :Hu:tchlso~IQ~ty .. One nesville , Ohio a7 eOSTU M.lte, TItAN. ITEIt. eA~ tbln&8 entered Into tbe produotl0l! ot AND '" ~r Yurs ,~tJses " rt.o ~ Oth· ".u. a."VI,e . OAiJ "OFI-;' that Uray mlsbty Draft upbeava Borses. · fi111~s ana l, but RouBBeau'a • ., uat.COI ,,.. ADVIrltT Artbur ~1. 81dells triokera nd family I.INQ OO~UII!I". , et'1:onlc 1 gelding s oomlnlE Sand " yeare ~~C~ wrltlnp did tbelr (ul\ Bhar~ In preof Day'on . ~pent ~t,u..clay and ijan. Old. Can C. ' V. Batneils 'SAMP LE COpy FREE . , , Dmme . Wa.yne s- paring the mlods of the Frencb .PeOllle ndj;;tt lO , Fli8llilS. ' TUe and tll.lo.' w(l) add .welgbt 10 day wl'h A.m oa Jaouon. and family . ville. b. Phone 4o.4X Ba.rve, ...... ...w YORK OUPP•• \:., ~ I ,,• ' • ' for lbnrg tb& great polltl~al aod IIoolal storm. Charlee , Forsyth e, 'of Bellbro ok, O~])a, S.C,-!' It I, wlth'JIlellUt'e Y lur bank aoooon ' aud, tatten your N_y. . . . y. 11.7 I ~\J others 01 ,tile greaf bc!nellt-llb.ve pooketb colr. was tte guee' of Amo.' Jaolrlo n', I)oth or eUher If ~unday. ~1rciQl ViDol.,tdr.t1ie ~~ iBtiini YOU hl'Ve ro borrn. EGG8 -R. C. R. I. Red 1I:lI:gs. 'he 'llione, ,,~ I am 8,1 ,e~ old aDd' I flnd 'Ii· Thll leveD ,Iobn Morgan and f.inUy. of Xenia lean yearlf, .ilpo"eQ of an tb'o rougb bred s~ook. · Ooolle~e DOl Jrlvu ml, ItreOgth , a healthy .ppeo were . ~. 111. EI&epheila Rnd BOOre .gaY, . ' 11 00 per lOtting . In.l The oustO'lI of pieaeDtln~ Easter f.mllyvteltlng tits Ud overcouiel nervoUl cHIorden. t.h~~ 81ble, were.oa'11l18d b) ttll'Cilrobf''' . SU'lday . . of Earl Evane, R. D. I, Wa,. • Vlool I, til. ·IInIJ tonic reconatlUctor I bel~g' atop~ np 'file or IUO will or Palloh egj(8 to ,oifrfrle nda Is oow more luteree ' on· yoar money d80lare d to be Peralan ,lIod prevail , I'D''''O'", . baVI UIId for l41F~ral yearL 'I bne '''. Ohio. WUllam ' Smltb, of Beilibro ok; epent a7 ed reconunencled It to a great many of my anl' bank £Isher· will buy no' IIlone wltb the Perllan e tbem. Sunday ~Ub JotlnGi b8on and' fam~ T.EAM MUL~, 1 Drlvln~ ~are, ~. IlIMl I~ h .. alwar. ~l'Cv~ ..til" a ba'b' tub or enMmo blle fo~ 1\1 ~I'V.. , bnt al.s o with ~~e Jew!!, 'be 11,.. ? '. factiorJ." - Mrs. M. • HUTCBlBON, owner. The aU&o ourh' to GOlDe Bayp~lanll and 4-yean.:old. Halad9 ldlan tbe HlndUl! " Tbe QArl PraU, o"Xenl~ •. was 'VlaUit;lg R~ln"IA. Duck Eg~. per traw.lll Greeo.u le, s. C" lIeUing 500•. . l..t. rne and etto add reward &0 IIIgs are a1m 00110&.1 .of tlie reorea Dlx. o n Wbluto n and wife Saturd a, . of Thad Zimme rmanj phone .. tile'above l1'li CODltantl,. labor. Tile and 1110 produce lIood 'Ion of aprlilg, Ohrlltillna aciopte\i and 8und61 . . ". If WaynelJ'VllIe, <!lblo, lil orop of paln$ed boll \lop, !rood 'he h.bll a'l . l .to aym olise lh" rE\llorreo- 'Mas Barnsrd , ~bo ha,e 'been nok, In- 'enCl8!!, cheerfu and oolor~ tbe egga rBel ID al. II ou, as tblll ",rmng . not be bomor. Tb"y l bomH, ' ~nd IJOOd Rive blr'b ao prOa- 111810n io the blood of their redemp , Joe Marla." ia vla1Hnar hta ",ri\v. TJle,. le8leo 'be hluee. 'IOD •. ..orrow . lrooob e. aour .rapea, dlvol'Cl88 aDd &he 'GIIe of profane \om l11l1 p. Tile lIud 'lll) mil". 1l00d '"a111. III&her will pay rot &be otller. Th" b .... pletarH Oft the ..a1) .nd pu' mnllotn tbelaom e 1·h",. wiJl OIMtK dolla,. 00' of dirt lind 'fOlk of
Po sts ,==
Fine st lot of End Post s ever brou ght to Way nesv ille.
- ..
-We H. MA DD EN & CO. Co rwi n, Oh io.
- ..
..--- --
Ola ssif ied Ads
2 .).-
.. - ...
- ...
-- ..----
- ...
Ut Vhtol:mutl
---_.--- -MI ' HOLLY
New York
'Pap er ,Hao ling , Aut o and €arr iage Painting.
WA:V11 BSf tLL B,
I BU) 1 obm~ II Canvllil
• .
MT!!, . H All n "Ii vidito r 1 Ii ~da '
H~ lllall ~.
'In .iltna l i
, hlldes ' an. hu t Y \\'a" in t he llam 1) 11 busint' 'l olltlay .
lC you II'lInt a gllo,1 Pcrtili:r;e r cull ' hn . Frye, I h,1nc lO' l - L 2 - .
You W ill Want to S erve the ~ery' Bes t!
Half the
~:..~~=-!~:!'2~!::.~.J --- -- -- ··----1 !~
before April II NAME .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . "
ADD R ESS ... .. .... . .. . . .. .. .. . - -
- - -
T oa n. onc prc cnting th l'
.~ U I lached 'ou pon an ti i~ ella ill ~ a pound o f
With PUrctll_ nl I pound of 8. B. Coffee
purB . n. ~ Coffec, 30c, b for Ap ril 11, Ill' we w ill give F R EE a quar 1~ t r poiltJd'packagc of Bour 18 Ro a l Gardc n Tea.
. - .. -~ -- ........... •.. •..- t
(1111" of .11'11 ",1 :1'1111 ~llIi l h. Th~ 1"I:'it' r ' lf Ilw f\[I~I'I II/'J wltl iJ " PUrlt}
ALF of the food value of your corn c rop is in the stalks, husk.s
aud leaves. Don't waste these. They m ake milk and butter and beef for you a nd p ut money in Y01U' bank if y ou preserve tllem i n an
The mnnure from btrn and feeding pens
wl11 go back into yOW' 80il to make bigil'r
next ),.eoJ'. l'Ji1) IlIflbllla Silo fs made of tbe best .Do mat",lals,lInd'only t1ie best. Rvery seam is Air-tight. Rvery joint is made with our 1>111""1 ""U~rull1lnlrmortlse. ~ pI_ to IlIIlrked
Mr . and Mrs. Roy Weeks, south of town, visited wi t i-) Clar ksville relat ivell la t we k. Mrs. Lo uisa Wool ley has I 'en quite ill wit h an attack of indigestinn, b ut is much better at p resent. Cha rl es Michene r, who hilS been visiting in Golumb us fo r scvc m I d ays. a rri ved home lhis morning . Mi ss Dor a Ellis ret urned t o Woos ter , Oh io , Monday, afte r ,.pendi ng 8 week here with r Inti vI'S und friends
The Womlln~ Au j iliar; .o f t. Ma r ys ch u rch will meet with Mrs. Cad wallader I>'riday a ftern oon at 2 o 'clock . Th e U ni t ...d Offering boxes wil l b e op en d at tha t mecling.
H. A. Cornell was in Lebano n Monday . Mr Corne ll brought buck wit h him four pairs of pheasants, which he will place on his grounds This is out of a new shipment just rEceived by t he Wa rren County Fish and Game club . With one of t he m erchant v ~~e l s recently Bunk by a German s u bmnr ine off the coast of Scotland , t he re we n t to the bottom of the N or t h Sea n val· uable shipmen t of Scotch Granite, consigned to Chas. W: Schwart z & Son, the monument builders, of Lebanon . . Bu~ T obacco Canvas a t Hyman 's .
:::.. ~ .~I~~~I::.~ tS'lj~~t~f~u~ -
III:tl:,n: It:!:
We cau ermnKe 11110 thaI or the ""vm.II..w.e.
t!VIl bm~ cl'l. ( ,ei 1\ bb of Rcxall Orderll\:.f' T be) rt Il nl ly Il.tIrl eRectively. & :Id bu t.r I); till at '1 0 cent., J . E .' ,,")11,_,
IZIMl\1ERMAN'S Spring is Here nn d h cr e is lit plan ' to bl! Y I) II'r ~(;d II'C/I ;ltl(,. I ,nion .- t s and G:\ rcldl . e d'.
Cnll Uti ' I P 4"I1"d r(\1'I UlI Q Ifne .
We ha."fIe a
lion that w ill look lIJiltbb-.COOd 10 JOUo
a maU810n home. I t
Obio folkS' h elped build It. The Cblol\go mao gete ri OIl. Til u b um e merob~D' 8truggle!! f or exlslonoo. tuxes, for BoboolA, ro .. Is I\od
I P-..~..~~~~................~............~..~~~;J~~~~~~~ex~p~e~n~~se.honS9wlll ootsl n ~
N. Sears
Union "c t ~,.! <I I S . •.. .
I Sc
'l'lIb lose ll lll b,. dOl .. ..
25 c
'f rv (' lIr Bu ll-. j 'can ul Il u ltel , \"n fc-r Sli,ed Dried Beef o r TUlia F i ~ lt fo r (Jur 1111ld1. Fancy B vp. R n. pbcrrics per I k g .. . .... . . . .
Lettuce. ilotl ls hc . C t;' It' I Y
Waynesville, Ohio
is in the Gazett' e
GOODS ' HutchiSon & Gibney aft~r their great Fire ' Sale are 'receiviag the Finest Assortment of READY-TO- . WE~R GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts Gingham Print House Dresses. $1.00 up All Wool Cashmere Dresses . . $.5.75 up An W~ol Suits .. ... . . . . .. . "$8.75 up Spring Coats . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . $5.00 up Spring Underwear... . . . . . . . lOc up Midd~s ..... . . . , .. . .. . ; . ... $1.00 up Petticoats Silk .... " . . .. . . . ~$LOO up :tIouse Aprons ........... .' . 25c up Aprons for Dresses. . . . . . ... 75c·up Children's Dresses .... . .... ' . 50c up CORSETS- Nemo, for Stout Figures. American Lady, front and back lace, Gossard, all styles, . Frolaset, front lace. Rugs, Window Shades and Linole4tn will' be in.
HutCbiIOD'& ~bDey • omo· ~~~~~~----~~----~--~-I/
Beyond Understanding.
- - -..
- ..---
Too Literal a Pupil. . 1.1, younger brother took It uPOn hlmBelf to tench n amnll boy bow to
count. After repoatlng the numbers trom Dna to ton hD decld nd to test bla 'Pupil, "Now, w.hnt:R thl~?" ho asked, holding III) ono finger. ."A tllrty Ongor." waB (hn nnlljl\'er.-Ill:rch an lle.
Wa.hlng Chili .. When wallhinC omamenu of ,lui or Ine china. Sf a turkish towel .. placed la the bottom of .the bowl It pre.... tb. uUc1a frOID &eWIlI
, ..
Da lly T ho ught.
In rCl1llylng klndn es8 IV ougbt to Im llate r r llle Illn(lH, which glv back lIIuch mor tlwn til ,)' have 1'!'celved.(, Icero.
C1IICACO II. That fC)0n: can ' be made much more ~utrllctive by U. iDg a jew yarda of Cretonne 10 malch the
c\· cj r)·,,. 1 1I~ re.
ro r COlnl oR"u e "Q.I.J: ' tooll ow trlg' a U d e14ls!u.s.
old grammors. where lp.uI,ln/: out B period ~lrQ duc e(I t be rOlllarknblo stlltement tb Rt " Klug Cbarl 8 wlllk e,l and tnll: d · Illre d l~YII Mt r b l. bead WM cut orr."
=::::1' aIEl==3' [!J Il:===i.E!I I
Mam Street Garage W
" -"P ('t t '~ I'': ~ of P ll nct uio-t lon . , h" 11 h:t., t ""I>(' r" lt. IJlv u11 111111 " lI ~ " ! tl i tt ~ I . • i; n II I the ,,"nse II... C01U\ nu . () b dP t' v C:! fC . SO Uto o f our f:I'('n t e~ t wr lte(s I'll ' no u ll unli ofl In punctll atlon. hu l It ·w " clIl" thQY 1I1( to l,,' ul ll' nd N I by II r" d. cros. nurse ?" Til II! show8 "" ha t IlIIlY h olroct od by 11U1I1n): In n poIn t wbere il do 's not beloor.. II lI d I's JlllOslte of tho exa lli plo in tb
I SitI
- - - .. _. - - -
. :>Old loy I e n,lI lI K
Elvary atom of mlltt or In th e unlvl)me of atoma. or whIch our llllrlh 18 IIko nil tJla other 5o·call ed spheros. mor tlly lin nggr og"lItlon ' of nl nmH, attmctR 'every otb er Olom: but why It Is an(1 whore thnt nttrnellon hnd a begInning. the 'vc ry word "beglnnfnJ/:" O ltp i-cs~ lng an Imposslbtlfty. no sciOlitls t, no mlltt(lr ho w ~ll gnelonBly he mllY wng hIs rondQrous h ad: can ~dvanel} any but u bIInnl !lnd perfunctory olioI' Ing.
1n.0 n 1)II S81111; throll l(h John st r pt. t hnl a lt ~' . kn \\'8 ih,, ' It wl1l1 . ua Ul('d for .John Hnr;1cll dlll Kh 1\ tonner. who II v d at Ihe COI'lIN of BronclwlI)' nntl lIIalel n Inllc 20\1 )'\,lI r 11 1;0
~tu, t
.,., .
Dayton and oth r llluces in t he s tat e hove gon cmnJlletcl.v " daffy" over the roll r sklil e cra~ In Dayton Rtaid busin e!ls m n. al:d women. alSO'. gu to th(!ir wur k un rolle r ~ kat C!\ the chiler n UNe them to go to sehol'll, a nd t he cit y is simply mad . In Xenia lind otil' r towns aruund u ~ , it is nearly II~ bud , t he ci ty cOli n eils taki ng action on whe n t hey clln o me an d when th ey can not ska te . of the smaller children here a re e n· joying the sport, but it has n ot b en felt among the older clllIIi!es.
Celebrity Forgott en. It , Is remark II U)' Ihe N w Yo rll WOtlc! lhat proi,uhly no l a il e persa ll In
Thursday eve ning to atte nd ins p c· tion of the I dge ther e. Those who 1':.... went wer,: Mesdames B . H Mill s , J.iI Sarah Zimme rman, L A. Zimme rman, Chr istie M() Kinsey, A 13. Chand. J . fl nwk"h, J T. IiJllis, 1" 0 I. ~~ I"UJ'UU'. A Marllt, A. R berts an\1 tl:lI. Mi!lSes Mollie Bitlphllm . ~lIi!l, Ola ra ijllwke , ' Edn a :J an- ~ n"y . Me and Mrs J . E Jlumeyand Mr Ray M t' llS .' '/~I
d C'fll t. r !4
Faithful work Is possible OVO II It enthusiasm Is Illeklng. bll t no on~ makos a s plendid SUCC CRS wlthoul brlngln!\' to his tns k ardor a8 well ns Industry. To lovo your work nnd believe In Its outcome are ess n tl:11 to n blgh grn(\{l or nchlt' vcmcnt. Chol'lfl h your ImthuslllamR. To try 1.0 s\l ccp.od wllhoUL thum la na foo liAh nR to ti c one hnntl behl nll ynur back lin d SI'l) whot you clln nCcolllllllab with the other. . .
ATTENDED EASTERN ~ STAR INSPECTION W ZIMMERMAN'S A numbe r o;t~-e-me mbers of th e ~ loca l Eadte rn Star w ent t o Xenia
eJtq tll .. l l u d~ 19i1 •
Cherish Enthusiasm.
We wil l sell Standa rd Grall Sugar at $ I .55 for 0 f w daysonl)' . et ou r pkes on ('verythitlg in the g ro cery lill e before buying. We call 'ave you money.
M• .L
.. -.
----- - ..
of Quality
Office in . Stoops Building
tbe obolr Bt your O hi o fOD or .. l. Your b ow e m ercilllOt Bnet o o~~b wall paper. bor Will bold tb e h .. nell os ur t h tl bnx q An estil113te will convince you of when yon InA cmrri od' tlro ,:rfl v a. the reasclIlable cost of propel deco-. '1'b o b om o Dlerohfl nt ]11\ 8 1\ bellrt rations l<Ild good workman.hip. And .. sou\. Th u mull orUl.'r h " u se PARSHALL waff~\1I1e III veM you olllltnr 0 1I 10 ~ orl.. \V II toll r _ In thrl'lll yen,rtlr b onle m eroh"o Is and · bUl!lu ll88 !"non oont ri bllted 1100,OUO to onoonrll gl'l .1 nnlOr Uon te. t, work. 'rh e m utt Qrdor , house notbing. Ohio m orOh tlU't!l pay " road t liX Silv,~r Bnd '1I11\\l10Ill OhIl1l IIconsl) f eo. III v ery oent ()~ thili ' m Ofl ey Is I1S00 t o ".. ' ~'<ly ~n )'our OWl) ~. . . ((~~~\1' .lurl""I ~1J l R 10 baUd 'LUll r epBir rOlldAIn tho cnnll rn lt(' m, hu t Ie. t ry, nnt io town. ItU ~ Ml,c r flurn h tllt, ac.me IDl'rOhllots boos t .t ll o oorn. b tile m o st I tn.po r-I. nllc.:.A lure. poultry, I~PI)l e , li v e I't.ock, Im:l. d omestlo !loienoo show8. t!uhtr,u,t tho hnlplog hand of th e b omo morobILnt and ogrlc olture woold llig hi Its progrl!\lS. The homtl merohant I!: i vcs enoouragement to the boy tn the I ~ t ile tHUne . tRmpttl OD oorD,tleld anel to tbe girl In t·h e kil,oh . t !he ' hn " ", r "'poous , (o rk. eo; Tho mall o rdo.L..1mnao.-"",ca.u.tl tl l.h l r nuty-----:- t\,,", lis,: 'P i C' cee would not ' llpoak to the m 110 t b l> . In ~ lIn' r v inic. o f JHove u (Iu nllty R&reet . " Si/urr Platt 'l'be Agrlonltural COTJInjls81on of . thllt Wda rt" . Ohio boJlovee tbllt Ohl() m e r hl1n t ~ oan gI va as muoh qUIIII tv ~nd q nllnIVI,I, \~tIt UlI,' for chotec IS otT'-I eli III l h l:! mnny tltv flS Ilny Uhioogo t.nll: rlodgor . 10
caught 'on u wi re doth ~s litl anrl th e force threw t he harnmC'r back 0 11 ' hilr1 , ~ tri king hi m on til IIOtl · . On xa mination t h b rl'dge of Lhu no,;t' \,:a fouml to be bruke n' nn.d one eye I scraped pretty badly . Whll th e accident. it is hOlll'd. w il~ n. t prnv ' fut lll in Ilny In UI"l r. It : I ~ a v ~ry painful one. nll(\ Mr L IY I ~ I ~ l'uH ' r inl! quite IlIiLtI' from iL .
(I ili" " , 1!1I $1 .25 llc lll (JII S , Co rlIle lls , . p ll rl' ~ "\:(\ , 11\1 $1 .00
Ile~ t
00 t $2.000.000
Qui te ' a lis ~l nlo( n~ 'ident Ile' l
l{o!>t', Cc)bhlcrs
MAil ORDER HOUSE · Seven Ohi o h om es i n teo r eoolve l:biongo wl1i1 or(ler booso olL tll l oj:t~ MlllioD. of d olllil's go fro Ul U hio t hll t ought to be spent Ilt home O oe of 'h8lle '111111 order bousell WlIII d is covered _ &0 be a big tax d{'d ~e r . It told 1168 to the &8See60r. 'l'b head m ..u of ODe of these hlg ooooel n built
Ind .... dy 10 be .lIpticd 1t.1D Ita p~ pJ.oee, YOQ
" .... wi ll "",. for the 1110 oul on )"Our fftnn.
Capital Stock
La "'is, l,t che IV lI\ccmIl' . urret! to CharI ~'tim\lJs Home Tuesday mor ni n~ , Ir . I.ewi!! has been engaged m , ing in 'ulll arnm oth cislerli llt th . -~'t!JIt!'''''1 ~'1 '~~~~~~ putt \l umu, H1111 while using·a 19;rgf! sled~e Siole; I", d od l<'. blli u.'Ol'SS, pi!.>:! ••wd hnmme r. II!! he ,thruIV ' Il ove r hl ~ b.ct breath i"II'U" ,,,,, 'I ~;\uaed by l n lle- Iw.ld til m ke II hi ,w, t he hammer ,
----.-~. ---
C apita ' S t oc k
1·.·.... r.1 h ,r\
I li d."
and Dayton ,
................................................ 0000 for I package of T~Il
Da.k in hru been "8pendln ~ a
1; 1 l.ll ~
1 . Il w' l! I-o,! ,hI LIt" ,J II~' ]) Ifil l . lri.1 I :il h. , l ~ ,,'Iuck .ul th r.
f w days with fri nd ·' in Middl town
THE t(l D WE SELL! A Fine 'M eal, Is
rh rt'lIu1 (I' n t'Ct.lIlg
F or a Meal
The t ow-n of Lebimon h as been
[:I ~
We nr pr ,pared to do a ll k ind, of R epairing on Alita and an kin ds o f Inch-inery at ver y r{'USOll
able pri
--- ...
Bdng you, AutOs here and lei
A large and appreciative audience g reet.ed the Interna tional En tertain· e rs in the last number of the Lvceum Course at School Hall last . Tuesday evening. The company g ave a ·ve ry pleasi,ng entertainment of 1Dagir, vent riloquism. cartoons. chalk talks. etc. , which was a very fitting close to one of th e most successful Lyceum Courses Waynesville has e~er h~d. __
r pak them.
,Gattal'lh »"
The Earliest Oranges of ,the Sea80n scetionar . Why are t-hey so III IOIl ~ T h llse und otber 'Iuestjo,.', ure nns,"crcrl ill a b". " lc l ",llich we IInve issued der.rlbing , O I~I1J~ ·COU"lly. Cufiro rn iu . Glcnn Count y is in the henrt I)( the Ilrcnl, ricb Sacmmen lo V;ll!~y. A few yeai'll 111(0 c)rnnge wcre 1l' ("Jwu cotlltlle rcinUy In. only Ihe so uthern purl' of tile Sta te. Laler It was d iscovered tbat citrus fruils ripened l"'-rfetU y in 'cve n l he nort hum p:1 rt of the in terior valley . Since then Glenn Counl y bas ~on~ rnrw~l ~d wit h some magnificent · early frui l. T here u rc coull tless u ppo rtumt le.q fo r nOl onl y cllru~ f.w l culture but for (III sort s of deciduuus fruils. Iivc slock. graill , truck funning. etc., in Glenn County ." . ' , We will send th is beahliful, book dcscriiJing Glenn Co un t, f~ to you if yoou will ~/ld li S your 1U1Ul tU1(1 ndd ress ,~ lId a tWO-i:erlt slamp 10 help puy Ihe postuge. liet.ler s till, se nd ten cents , ill SIIlUlPS Dod we will selld t he Glenn ,Conu ty book, Il be a lld 11 COllY of Sllosct Malluille, the ,
SUNSET MAOAZINE SERVICE BUREAU,SanFrallc!sco, C'I. fll wriling be s.re 10
PLANT YOUR SWEET.'PEAS' NOW If y on hllvu r:rnt airel e1.v ul ,LI) tll(1 90ur ~ Whet V':lIiB yo n shou Id Ihl 80 bS 800 0 fl S ~h fl lJoll o"o ,h"l worked. 'rlr, ~o il ,s llQl1ld b e wel l rlfllir.Il(1 il~d 1Il11de fertile by W Af! rotted at .. b :, '10 ,ourll. 'l'Ii" . Ioollt lo!'· sbnuld Hl Ob t,hR t thl' \J f."~S wIll r , oolva II " a bundanoe of Kunll g bt IJIIl , if p" . -Ibltl be - pro'ootlld from t! iro ll ~ w.u...... . (l"or 80winll the 88(l(1, dil( a 8 lUI1\1 tr.. uoh o r furrow . ~bo nt 4 or Ii 1D 0 b,,~ C1 l1AI>, am olJt-h tbe irnrtuos of t h1l,., \I i n IbOj b" t t,' m o f tblH ireuob 1"HI· BUW tb~ ~ etl(l eve" I.v . UIIIOI{ ~ bout ont! ClUlloe of'l:Il1ell 1;(1 aft eRn or ;'Ig bteeu f!lOt, 0 the row. ·Tl.Jfl l Of,J ve r . witt) ·tw,) InehC's of 1i.1I1 Wh en th o ~6 .. d llI1KS ure f~'ur or five luoh,,~ hl !\l h , t hlll (lil t ~ o .116 plants ",ill 'rem'lio 1I-l>.jU ~ six IDohee apAr~ In then w
----- ..
r~nLiol1 this
pn per a nd Glelln CouT\ty book. ' .
"I!:" READV ~OR SALE OATES 'Jesse Stanley, who has just graduated from the JOn"es Auctioneering School at Chicago" is home and i8 ready for sale 'dates. I t would be well to Bee him ; as he has some new idellli In the auc tioneermg line. Or call him, 146 mutual phone. New Burlington, Ohio.
True Enjoyment. Wire (returning trom maUnee) "Ob, It waa too lovelT! She bad on a pale Nile green aLU[, with band. of )l8sRem enterle down tb~ front, anI! the grandest dlsmonds 70U ever saw. and when ahe died. In the Jut ut, ahe roll ed over four Um_, azul '''''' woman In tbe ,hoUle wall GI'1iDI'. I Dev.. elQo7ed a pia,. 10 much Ill' IDf ute.'".I'a¢
~ a ~.
Where (lre lhey grown ! . Wh~ ~n Ihe y rillCll earller ' UlQn in qther
....fo ~~H "R" "1~or I
are you going my Rrelly· maid? the five and ten .cent store.'" sbe said there I · buy ' good goods' so' cbeap, Tba.t Some of my money 1 manage to keep.
• FOR INSTANC,l': . Aluminum Milk·Spoutsfits any bottle.' ••.•••. - I Oc
Carpet ""eaters-do~ DOt "bark" the knuckles . Novelty Braid.... . .... "Tango" Watch Fobl .•
I Dc f IOc Creamers-latelt Style., 100
Another, blr shipment
Salted Pu"uu.ts, a \Ij. Sanitary White R~per Napkins, per ~ble. Belts for Girls and
Women .. '."" •••••• Candy, per pouud ••• _••
-====ne,1:1':I'!===:J' ...-
- ..---
- : - - --
. l t1 ~ We will b~ r ad.y or wor ' l lc:x t ,. 0 11 ay a le P hillip Barn , which has en fitt.ed up for the shop.
~~it!n~ ~~c:i[~e:o~a~~mhaJi~:y~: ~ mainSt~¢¢t
learned it wasOffice a kno, of the bouts rsc k.out had intoone stop another bout, as the boxers mixed it up to lively GO suit the police.
And Auto Repair Shop
They gave a sparring ex· hibitioll at the opera house Monday evening , and from what can b e
.....-~,. .,. r-. r:t (j~~~~;;] ;[P]RSONAl!ENTION]
Sixty-Seventh Ye~
Whole Number 3312
r~RsoiAi -MEi jNjl ..... ---........-..---.
j.--PERS-iii~M~ENilifl SMITH-MALlOW
--~--- ,
Don't f orgtlt Clean·U p Day.
Don 't fo rget
Mrs. Barton Kelly nati Friday
in Cincin·
lean Up Day.
J esse Lewis was a Dayton v isitor Monday.
Mr. and Mrll J .' B, Chapm fln we re In Daytc.n MondHY,
J. W. White was in Cinci nnati Tue.'lday.
Are Told About, and Will BrIng 10 Born- to lJr. Bl.d Mrs. Hebe r Dill , at Lebanon, a ds ughter. Mind Se-veral of Our Old Residen.s ArthUr Anson, of Cinctnn ati, spent
Mrs. E. V. Rornha r t visi to r Monday .
a Dayton
For (he Position on the Board of State Agricul tural Comm ission Walter Elzey is qu ite ill t his weck, in Worre n County and is·confi ned to hia bed.
Sunday here with relatives.
iJuy your Fertiliz er of Chas, Fry e. Soldier s' Home, Lafayet te, Ind. Seeing is believing , Brown & Brown , April 4th. 19]5 who handles Milson's , the best ' 10 N. Cherr y St., Leba non, ,0. My.dea r .old friends: On Februar y 17th. a commit tee of local men were R Late ent to Nichols Col umbus to on, who has been quite ,Let us alt-doeer together while we Hicks i!c rricnds ' i\l ecting House! con fer with lhe officials t he re in reE. V. Barnha rt spent a couple of /lard talk of thoee ancient days of our ill, is able to be up town again. to the dreaded hoof.an d.mou th in Columb us t his week. bOyhood. of the simple life which we disease. This commit tee was inMrs . Mary Ann Wi ~ spent the like to recall when it is 81'. ant exag· 'Pormed a t the time that a bill was to geratlo n to !!BY that a qua~ter was as week.end with relative s in Xenia. Forest Ridlle, of Cincinnati, spent I' e in trod uced modify ing and taking Sunday with bis parents here. big 88 a "cartwh eel." and if anyone the matter out of the hands of a few gave uil an opportu nity to earn a Miss Sarah Burnett . of Frankli n, men. The bill known as t he ,:oin of that magnitu de he was c. E . Bratton , of Dayton, is spend· ~1allow bill. Sin.was apllnt ::;unday here with relatives. c e its .~ n troducti on friend foreve~ after. Ing t he day here with friends ' It has been substitu ted mto what is Lydia' Cook. tl aul!'h ler of Abra m It may be that you can recall that . now the Smith-M and Hu th Cook was born l·of·1 2 mo. allow bill. and has Buy Moxley's "Specia l" Butterin e. r~ letter.d ay ill your calenda r when 1831, lind departed t hi!:l life 4- 9.1915. passed houses and i!:l at present you picked atrawberri~ for real Mrs. Alice Alcorn . Friends ' Home. Mr. aDd Mrs. H. F. McLaug hlin waitingboth for the governor' 3 sig natu re. 83 yrs , 1I mo. a nti 2 duYs. In were Lebanon visit ors Saturda y . money out at the farm of Giles and After a great deal of dillCussion taged . ' Tllis bill. as has already been stated he year I '64 <1 27 ,jhc was married The Sunday edI.tio n ?f the Dayton Abft Satterthwal~ or dropped corn. 'Jesse Burton . and D. L. Crane and law the Chauta uqua grounds at in tbe Friends in the Miami Gazette. was to have ME!t!ting House at N ew~ haa t he . f!lll owmg Ilrogr~m if you eiJlbt or ten boy., In the river bottom were in Lebanon 'a short time Satur- li'ranklin will not be sold. The di· Waynes vil le. Ohio. want a good Fertilizer call board of ten membe rs and-one mana Abel Satter- tha.t 19 of much mte~est to muslc- Chas. Frye. above Conrjn Avenue, and were fol· day rectors of the ground s have at las.t thwaite She spenl tonearly phone 49 1- L 28-. itl each county to assist t his board in all her lovmg ~eopl e here, ow1Og to tbe fa~t Io.wed by men with hoes, who drew come to a definite underst!lnding. married lile on the fa rm where manaai ng local affairs. This will reshe t.h llt l\?-I ~ Rut~ Hartsoc k, our brdthedfrt over the corn and now realize The Da~.ton News says: tl ied . To this plare the present board we re born fo ur hant ~laDlst. wlil be the attractlo~ : Three cases t he If you want to buy a farm, call A. Stockho lders and cottage owners chil dren , Isra union how they are doing the planting. of small·p ox has closed State A~ricultural Oepartmand I, ~arah and ~UIS Wfll~emar Spragu e .and Emd the schools at Osbom ent will with cJJeek rowera, and when we A. McNeil, Centerv ille, Ohio, both at t be Chauta uqua, near Franklin , Willi am. All withHEmry-. . Greene county be re-orga nized. and ten membe rs woulJ knoek off for , dinner -what Ilhones. a21 _ and officers of th e Miami Va lley Sarah, who rlied inthe ' excepti on of Wiegan d ~I!I present M.lBB Ru th will be nomed by the governo r. childhood. are Hartsoc ~ •. p)am.s t and MISS Mary we would get) Mrs. Alice Alcorn and daughter. Chauta uqua company. who disagl'eed le.ft to mourn her dE!partu The bill is a one. and as has re, includ. qoate, . and , Mrs. John ~nard. of over the manner in which t In an reo Ruth, were Dayton visitors Saturda y. been stated willgood Chautau ing fourtee n grandcbildren and one mtal atvlOh,!ls ·take flOwer out of Milia. apent Sunday with qua affairs were being ChrIst . A Few of the Boys worked ou t. great g randchild. the hands of /I. few and place it In the • r#~;6n.~. bere. Wednesday eve~mg. 14. . . F. M. Bispham drove a new Ford hands of men already on the ground resultin g in the filing of an injunction Lydia's al;ents, Amos and Hartsock and MIBB Coate ar!,! brllhan t runabo . L ~Il a tew of the boYI and men suit, tentat ively settled their differ· Elizabe th grandp (Townsend) Cook with players and h~ve aPl?eare d 10 concert week. ut home from Cincinnati IlISt The one man in each county will' be w ho did that par~ of the work, Ci8 Warren KeYI read an interestln~ ences at aconfer encll Saturtl sy morn· their family emigrat able and ready to take ed up bis share fro m ~uth togethe r .d~rJng t be past senson m 81'0 and Cal Zell, I •. Wrllrht , Charley paper before ~ he Lebano n Farmer s ing. of the work. and if ncce9ll&ry be Carolin a and Located the oldlCoo k var.lous. CitIes of th~ state. There Siac=d, Alf. Hammill, I)ave Parshall Club last week. Attorne ys rer.reaenting respect ive homestead where h.isongreat " pl aced ib a position ·see , and Sam and myself. The men geb· interCllts agree ng the order of sale son and family now reside. grand. recltal! n Dayton wI.11 be welcomed Mr. and Mrs, Fred Hartsoc k, of whether. six or eUcht to readily ies have to ,erally were Tom Leonard , Kal(' . which had been allowed , was with· miles west of Wayn~ ville, Obi· three by .tbelr many ad.m lrers. The fol- Mor~w. spent Sunday here witb be quarant ined orcount just the Imo . It lowmg program WIll be played: strawl, AU Leak., Sammy Kulp and . Harvey ~uatin and family moved drawn and the sale of t he g roundH relatiVes. . b . mediate neighborhood and he will f 1 f tn last week mto the house' vacated by acheduled -Monday mornin g f hi othera on the emg on~ 0 t l~ al80 . determi ne other matters of eqUIA, W rms o . t B Sonata, Piano and Violin, D minor , , steps 'of the COu!!" h\luse, will not communI ty. w IC~\ha8 Ando ~en apin tboseluci(lu8 atraWI Elijah Compto n. T impor lance tohhjfell~w countrytn~.. contJnu. ~ ...... ........ . ... .... .. ... ........... .... Gade · Bo. 'I;-a: take place. Judge Cartoll Sprigg. w i thou ~ a bTeak iu III a same berries Are not for a brIef season ~!w V~n!!:s ·M~nd\o ~.· family Allegr..o di molto h h d th h but rna, be found at the "Corner llI'oI' Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, at r.esldence h nome for mo...u t hian a 100 year!!. ..., Oood Mao for tbe' Position Larg hetto . 12t . eery almQ8( ever)' mumh in the ,year of L, T. Peterso n. Main St., Tues y! 0 fWas to . ~ve ~r d e aPI) ~I:~' They raised 11 family of eight children Allegro vivace bon or an IDlunct lon or or to enl.om who g r ew to matu rity, Abram the Ther.e are several gOod men in from January to December. Wbat day and Friday mornin gs. . H tlIOc k M' Co te sale ,of the propert y and for I!ppomt · father MiBBe8 Alic C d Ed C of Lyd ia SatLert hwai te being P 1 M' Warren County wh.:) are ·ablil. to take • rare fruit was Ihen tbe . nr.,na,A! ment of a receIver wllA notified of ~ tlle oun d IB,S Bafl r t : ISS a Ch' II ~t .e arey an na orre u e 10 this work. Of course, as tbe ~ mIDor .... ..... oP!-D What keen young nose3 we ent and a~ked to continu e were week -end glleE\ts of rela· y g"" . Ed Rogers, west of' town, is driv- th adjustm Nocturne, F mmor ... .......... .. Chopm ne tives in Dayton . ease pending itlJ satisfactory con the perfum e"of tbe golden • position Nin t h mo.-10· 1812 he ma rried Rut h Valse, C sharp does not corry any salary, e inll a ~ew Huprnobile, purchas ed the ... ........ .Chopin wbich did not Lhe~ come f.rom . Hnwkins and 9tlttled whel'e his fBthe r Tarentelle, A fl utminor except mileage , the choke most I·us 'Ion :. through J. B. Chapma n. ....... . ........... c Chopln Mrs Sadie Gahaga . n ofColu 'm bus necessarily mean a man t hat is able fi rst da or Californ ia. but from the other d the unbroken wilder· Miss Ha rtsock Provld1Og th!!l!Cttl ement ls ?rough t ness. disturbe .' , , to take up the work who can Eight of their filmily uf ten Reve dIEnfun llide of the Atlantic , or after a long t .. ........... ....... ...Y e IS the guest of her parents about , as an tICIpate d, officI Dr. , Mr. and to do so. Althoug h 8 staunch afford and sIs an· Mn. children S, S. Stahl, of Frankg rew to mat.uri ty. but ona M voPire from the Weat Indies. Toda" Demk Za nounced Mrs,J. Saturda H. Opp. y !.hilt achau~ lin, uQua apent of Wednes ocrat, t here is " ne man In .Warre n whom. day at the home of Elizabe th Downs of Iowa. azur a ··....M.i~ o;~t~ so Btranire have valut!l been reversed, rzYCI , ' program larger County Mi. and than who Is amply able to do the Mrs. W. H. Allen. WIllund be~ survive s ' and her tbat one may &,et a dozen lal'le juicy conducted aUbe chHutBuever qua gro . . -'Itute ofdhe'lt Brown 's .b ' lh nu hapso d'Ie HongrO.lHe XlI .. .. ..... L'ItlZ t th· · A . c.l" ted F 'd , would notll tl r Oll IIeII' Oruie lat 1l leu _ ats d ou bl e tb e wearer '8 work, and a man who is qualified to than lie could att un 8.1lce at Miss Hartaoo k IS summe r. ' channa . Bl'Own&Brown, lON.Ch l!r- do it; a mall of fine judgme S In lea r i ll) t hese services todny PI'Y for 'a pound 0 beef or Pork. Tbe Mr. arid Mrs. John Fromm and n t, of g ood • _ '. ry St Lebano n 0 ' qualitie!l. strong m i,.n d, cal!1l and colbananas, piled high In our store. ex· faullly, of Dayton , were Sunday follo wing a meeting o.f the st,?ck. .l,.ydia·s gran dp:'r~n ts by marriag e, " , • holders. lected the at all com~an times, y Will and bp, a man requlroo were J ohn and Elizabe th (Linton ) lilted in our youth only in literatu re guests of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Hawke, to seeure whose BufficI~t fu nds to pay Sa.itert hwaite . n8tivl~s of Bucks Co., . or irl' ~e tales told by ancient mar· judgme nt 'on any matter pertllin inll , pr~ng Mr. Elaaem demand an, s of 111 the ordt>t' Forster to keep · to Pa. farm They life, came would to 'Warren be taken by any . lIIera. In . that ,day. the pnetoU 8, Mill Ruth Ilart.loc k heard Hilgem an .. CO. , of Dayton , was in one in Wayne or M08.Qie affairs of the chautau qua com~an)' 0 ., about 1002, making one county . · wnsh,ip- poeer wben t he tiai:l . emptied the Chlcaaro Svmpbony OrChestra at ou~ towQ FrIday on hUSlDeB S. - that man is Elias Ogle!lbee. There of the courts and satisfy varIou s true pioneer familic!8 opening ez:eat broWJI Memorial Ball, Dayton , Monday claIman out t.. • __ • right in·the woods, and eXp.!riencing would trundle will be a strong pressllre brough~ t,o..-'-_ _ _=__ of the evenipg . _ ~ '~~I-.-~.....::-;:::--:-=~---..---'-. ,..las'Le ah Smith, of Cincinn ati, 1r9n1i1'O'iIgJjou all the hardshi ps of tho!:18 early doys. 10 the ed&,e e coun y in hIS I"- ·wh:a t . spendin ll a weele here with her favor, almost every Democ Jobn was a prominent business a leul. for rat alld parenta , Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. a .great many staunch Republi Raymond Davia. who hii bfen mijrht either man in hi~ time. and a number of cans , . ' . Ipt!nding some time with relative s in buildings in and around Waynes ville toothsome .....Imnan. favoring his appoint ment. rhe re~,?lar meetlDg of tbe ~om-. . . . the are East. mOllum arrived enUi of his ind ust ry and an s Auxlhe ry was held at the rec- MISS home Sunda,y bead exclaim ------~.-Clara ,arrived home ability. ' . cation, " Ob, for. a J.lb()tr~ld "JII~~U"" I mornin g, . tory on Frid'av af~ernoon, April 9th. Tuescla~ evenin~Llle , ~ter spe~tlin g a All of thCS4'l ptXll1l! were F riends The day was an Ideal TruI18l\d.~dldly an~ the week WIth relallve s 10 Wash1O~ton, , in their Ch ristian life . . Many of attendance good. TheonePresIde refined. wbitene d, The' Scottiah Rite Masons Consiatont, C, H. whom being l\<'tive in the work of ~rs. C~w~lIader. opened the · w.h at not, are not to ry atMrta todJ&Y at Dayton fora three . , - -tuoral llnd Chri!!Lian uplift . Abram JOg by readmg Isaiah 35. Rev. meet · ,the searChing 8weel:neBII da,ys' seRBion. Several of the 32" J. F MI!!8 Myrtle Lutz and Mr. Ray . The -Wayne T~wnsh brown BUllar i p Sumlay . Co,?k havi\11r 'LeCI! a ministe r in Mi-. Cla~wall~d: cOS~h!c~ed Maso.ns from here will attend. linlll'erinll' d e~II~:o~~ Hawke an~tl~h~d, of ~auon, jPect IIChool convent ion will k/e held at th e am I .Mon~!l IY, ~1 ()l:' t l~lg the lining f r many yl';!ar!! a xe ~ le~ "n Cf l[' ur to4Uroolul'~11 o thod F ' d ' WI h 'r h .r . an S d •. . . MmglElu day:, Say WIt h tIle numero you ever see us l Oy ft wer e g lV n I respons e Chas. Croas, of ' Lebanon, waa in afterno~~ A~;:ll ~8 ..... . ' u 2730 o'~ioctV and blc~ inWi of I his life.<. L~dia auf· Af~r t he reading five or she a sugar ilogshead, town F,iday. Charl~ of the minutes the haa quit buy· The comrr:it tee haa 'pretlL\r tld a !in~ !. r<.'C l !lOll1e (lhl~ '. and Is · .W not: one of ~em1 hardshIps. She bUSiness of t he oay was ~ken up. , Miss.•F!orenc ing tobacco and ia now workinlr for rogtam and all 'who e .Wilson , . wl\o has are inLer~>l wLl "Goin' fiahin'? " This is all' that . lived beyond t111~ four score years, ~Vi>S the. day fo r opemng t~e . th~ KiIpatrlck~French Motor'C ared, fn the w~lfaJ;'e vl8lting relatlVef\at Wllmmgton can be heard on the, r, . Boybood's MemorJes oHhe Su nilllY llchuol!l and t ried to.1Y!ul( u her life accePt..a- 1t streets at the Unated Oltermg bC?xes, of' ~d . t~e ~tseveral days, came home Sunday present time. Sever.ar fin e· catc~es • oUllht to come out The prog ram i~ ble to lb' DIVlI11: call n ' , I t l b e ~t elpers. lhe Ch!ldtre. · It may be 10U rerpem'b er !.h\l fint· A local ~r. in letting . May WI:! ' comm lTIorate her ellS, !j cle y. !,ere presen. Winlhsthmll!"'~~ry evening . have been made in the last few days. the as f 0 11owa.. e ruuxetJ. ',lase of soda water that you ever Inl,........ "ThiS Is t.I:ltl dar H . iugs and virt uCiI [Inc] so live b that and 'l has set the boys "going " It The the Umted Lord Offer1O g boxes ' were , ymn ., drank, JOU bougbt it .lth a "gitney " . ' ' ' when our call ' ~(Jm • we m ay be fo und to contain $12.72 while I . '" the "lino' 'man made Pra.yer ......... ~v the . J . Mr. ~. Cadwall and M,rs: ad~r H. H. WIlkerson a,!d u 'IIl " to .. • a' the Ice cream parlor ot-John COl· h' h Li ttle Helper' s offering amount ed daught er, LlIhan, the " day the Fora hath ScrIptu re Readmg .. R~~ . MaryM artm rea d spent Sunday ID liM on the ('orner 'n ext to the Ham· yan WI nJ; t.:ome up Ig e r. to $3,55. Other business was dis- Morrow , as the gueabl ,0:f~M~r~•...: of mmu tes an:.::d:tJ~~~~~~hlti8i~~~~~~_ __ -:j~~~ . 'AIW p.Y '1'llANKS meli Houae. Colllnl ran a bakell)'. posed of and the following delegat es Mrs. Lester Gordon . .:-;:;~:;::::tA.()itl'ni88.:::-:--::--:::~~li W J 1'hl tle We dedire to thlillk our .ad ' had ~wo children , Ask Mri. Don't torget many ~ere appoi!lted ~ the Annual Meetthe Township Sunda.v J>uet- Januey Sist~rs' 'Suiluel .RDaers. Tbe girl married . !:! . friends and neig ple:tiCu l. are , hb rs fo~ t heir kind- 109 ill Cmcmnatl . convention a~ the ' Orthod~x Election of Delegates to TOlYn~hi ]2, 19: Mrs. ,Don't fo~et th"t Monday IS Clean· pretty · al Rober:taand now livetJ ,in St Pele,·. lIChool The niee spring sun bas made the p nes.<> to us du ring llle slck'.1e~ and Cadwallade r, MfA.May Friend, ' church Sunda,y Allen , and afterno . M rs. ~p Day. Get your old trash and put fish "look up and lake on. Association and Coun ty ~Ilven tion dea pi ot our lDuthur , W!10 minIste Minn; 'h aa a daught er, Alice Stai-k. notice," and red, Mosher . The pl'O~ram was omltt.!d J~ In the st~ts Aprtl.18 th. See program in another • t talkS b C . t om 81 Rol)erta: was II brotht:r of J . W column .or alley~ and the before long the banks will be lined ' our comfor t in Lhe time of pur and after: the bus!nes ' , , . . mmu e s was H y dll!J?O~ oun y city cer>! WBA'Ons t 'b wdl I l" diSpose Roberta; who at one 'time owner ancl of It for you . with fisherm of a SOCIal an after t he finny. So, ymn ' was enJoyed. . rl U a Ion. ' M Cad II session b d dM ' ti0 n ...... .... ~.., . h Z' Dftll' C S Grausf'r Ben' ed IC d p'u~lil!ber;of thi Miami Visitor, now Mrs Cynthia .i!:vallB took. 1' Sntter thwnile !lind oys get your lac kl A m Brother s. • '. . rs. whowahaS ape an a er an her r3. ,. . Immer· _ _ The Lo 1 Daught man, ers' claoo charge of the little of the let's hie us to the banks snnd the Miam\_ Guet~, and ~ho, marrled mother , Ill'll. Fitzpat rick, . ys -•• see . if ""'" Ones, served dainty refresbmeq~. Chrlf:ltlan cbur~h will hold a < a~llu~l\ter of lsaae FIlII'bol~. 'Who RlchmonCl, ' who baa been of New market we cannot get a " bite" or t wo. H nd all enjoyed tbe Victrol a mUlilc. at the Townahlp Hou.se, April lived IQ the bn~k hQ~ OQpoBlt e the here IIOme time .with her, to visiting ~ION 17th. Cinein. ..... II H~meIHouse,.nd wu a1)lackamlt~ nati Monday, The followin g visitors were preserit , Come and getsom ethmg good to ~t. ' " Iha ~ ..p was wh'e re i. now - the r~~ Mrs. J . W. .Edward s, of Dayton; . '. derice ot m:~ olct friend· ~d comrad e. Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight. Mrs. J, \yiI. Messrs. Raymon d Conner ' . •• T ' U..I , Dean ' .' .~y Mills; of Corwin , 'hu two Edward s and Mrs. L. A. Zlm· Howell. George Waterh ouse and , , M. ure~' was ' . johi old autos at 'your comma nd all the tinie Lydia Cook Satterth w.a ite, son Ray merman . , , _ ' : Mille are in Oi,ncinnati today attend, ' ~~'l~l·mhl.'I~.- wllo ,Years, died S:alurda y morn· Two carefUl driverS wiJI. Usllre YOIl • • the operun~ irame of the ball on th t- 'the comfor ts of a long or a ,ahort ing homo!lll ofillness. . ber son. now Jjy p", trip. Pbone 71-:ry. ;' Israel. aflerata t he lingeril . Mrs. Sat- Champion WilllU'd, who defeate d terthwa i te had made home in Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Cotm and Jack Johnsl/n at Havana recently, is the house In which bhe her died for sev· . ' a cousin and ·Mr. and Mrs "Charles Ride. of If you ~ave a 'farm or propert y lor f H ZephenW'II lah Underw ood, eral S'd Ell' years, it 'b4>ing I ded thtl b old l' H T Sattert h· d' d 18 1.11, • d Th f •~ 'A. McNeil, ("en~rvil\e. 0 I k arveys uri, I ar III un nour, s -gran oa of Springfield, spent Sunday at tionI engine . a waite n . . mornhomeste a . .e onera ' both h too at Corwin , ~b 10, Monday a21 ' mother being Ii siater the home of Mr. and Mrs, I. Satter· ing and will use it in his farm raethe late place afte rnoon at 1:30 ponce. work, Zephenlah Underw ood. of . . thwaite . Mr. Ulld,er ' o'clock Monday from the hOTTle. Interm · ent • h I wi , , Th' I th wood sa~s Willard i8 'a prohibi tionist was made In Miami clmletery" especial ly an is pong . II! s e . ·MI.' Hannah ")ordllD and b . of the first water, and the lad has first engine of this ". to be uied in • There ~ been no site for the attende d the funflral of tbeir If you want -to take an auto trip Warren County for.kind , always been very careful to t~ke this pu~ . IlIld . J0 rd an, ' of Fl'aJlkli --"001 house Ilamed as Mlei J enme with ease. IM\8 Ray Mills, of Corwin . will attract the attentio I-L. U' . n gOod care of, hi n of farmer s , ""'. ne t h'10kSIt 0 E P t 'd He t WI' 1 1 f t-"e th "ou board Mill' J"rdln l"as a 'niece of Mrs, Is becauSe he haamse where are upapin at you want to for mil.es around. rs , ~r8l1~ ... ~ never tas~ed liquor e ' Th . ...I " 16'h ' 0 a d .' \, M'U sitions that M~ ,tipp, talCe , go in good time and on easy .terms·h~ that he won the fllfht. The Under· hr plo::e -&':~~II,i~e' ge. c~ · MIS to adjust It 1s aid , among Phone 71-1Ys wood's are natural ly very proud 'of . can be used to more-t'b'an one advan. at a orne l~ , iiiclbnnah id 011- coeveraJ aiies oltered .~:' ct).oice hiB victory. talra,on the farm, but for plow[ft":'it . . The funera. w .e e ~ocn!~,.,.!Il:-b:rt~~,1 'live between two ';l'he board wi)) pro· Miss Eliza MccOmas Viho baa been " •_ • morrow at Circ1evl !I~. OhIO, babl)' meet the latter ~art PolJf , ·the 'b i rtillt' all' winter at tbe hoMe of 'her ais. ro~o, more work than ae;:rat "" week, 'and if the lI1atte~ ,~ ,ad- ter, Mrs~ Jcihn Beacb, has returne d ~ kee~ ~~ awa1~iom . . _ __ Muriel,' ' the two-yea r· old justed by this time, t~eywi1I,~rolSablY of the .cou·nt.f . ....- we are In no imto her home at Dayton, mucb tmof Mr. and Mrs, Thomas then-decide on the SIte. . .ate need of-any decorat ions. " 1: .. proved in healtb . , of Corwin. 'died SQnday • - • mornln& of her measles The Tuesda funeraly , was helct: at and Yrs. W, H. Ilammo a ~d late ',home. mor'1in~ at 10 'O'clock · lnterm ent Howard , of · South' Pekin, Elizabe th Zallet have was made In Miami cemete ry, ',... , .n" I.betl!D_llpel:lt!!Il~. few dayl with Mr. Smith and family. of
C· t3
:tn,l fl \\ lltt "u" unl""0 'f1 n IU& t Ih m 101' (\ LO"'lml wbllt t1l t"Y 811,,· 1,IlSllll we ro 10 b ... tl,olr vlcllDlII. " Tbllt nlgbt In Ihe l!aUJI rs thay ellid Il)lIt mbnl1a WII R war ring lu the ro.e.. of the gods. The fAt.wh lle wulle Qu P"n ot th yollow ho lt wna truly 11 jJTollt mllglclnn. "~ot dId sho not oaua tbe I oarth to open up ond RWAlIo.,.- he r alII, er nnd b"r~el f? . 1 T Db: OON'I" IN E D ---~ lIt
neraI lDinaetor
and Embalm..r.
dYe tu' es Gn
Waynesville, Oh io.
~\I Wwered prompt Iy IIIiY r lIilt'hl Both Phones in Office Illl/l H iclf<11 '
ong distance,No. 14.; 14-2r.
ph n .
Chairs 'and one Coach fumi tied ~th funerals.
lJIustnted by PIr:lU~1I frol . tbe Mot-Iltl! Plc/urc Produl;tJon (J,I If,t' & 111/ Po/),scopo
- -- --
P.\'I ~-.-....... +:~ •••••~.-"'.......... ~.-.~~. w f:.'I l'NEWS W C':'1! i .: '.: '.:.~:.:.::.::.:.::'.::.:.:+:+»::':.:t:4!!.:.»:.::o~.o~:!t ' . ..-_ ······· · .. ·· --:~. .. .........
oh ervice gus ranteed.
s. v.
J uet dipping a brush into a can of H a.nna's Green Seal Paint prove. ita quality. The very feel. of it tella you ita good painL .
Hann' 6-p een Sea
j.ri81l oo r lU\d (lult 1b) , 1110lhlng lI't nil 0 tRr IUl autborlt y WH~ nrter blm, f l'U I1Zlug ihUt ltnmabat C H AJ;'TER I - Kat " ,>11 \i &...,. belle,'lnll' conce rned. Sha was ilie ven 8t pu», wou ld do AS be threat u d, declare har t e.t h or, Col. HI.... ', In purll. blUt aun'- / I' t \\'h"t with Ah m d'H trom tho bakony wlnll ho kn ew - --mon04 her. loo.vQ.ft Iwr It fJlQ In uJttornlt\ . . • ' to ,0 to' h im In Allubl\• .lntll&., Umb,"I", lind I< .,thl yn·. adl'lc sh o kucw rhllt "'Valtl.A Iru ce ter 48 h ure,'· All kiDde of N ota r y Work .. pretender to th o thrOM, It .... 1IIII'I·I.o nod ~. hl' wos nothing mar tbon a b"JIlI as ";\81' d. 1 lmve 11 Vl'oJ'lOsHlon to Probate (;ourl Proceed ings . Deeds a HpOOitll iy . htbo elJ'.colonel . Mill"" by lho l(lt~ kin!!, ... hi. JlIlWII In this orlan tal gume or cbess. muke bolor o yon nnd Iho II UIl 11. Lol In tho rll efl tll l,9 r M ,.ry R. f~ rIlD·. givea a beautiful, durable finish that · At nil)' mom nl he migh t b remove d us go In.'' . . dtn. d o .. sed . Pu b he Mn Ie f olm . hula out decay and ugliness, - and it , OHAPTER D - An1\'ln jl ln Allaha K .. lh- fr om til bonn\. DetoTe U, COlln c ll (startled 1\8 had t o l ~ ,)r(\ rlll i Iyn I. Intorm ud by mbnll.. tbat 1I0r All Kinds of Sh "llm tense ufi;alu. She b nrd mllulla I! N !n Il t Rnlll llba l's np pcur· lat her baing ilood ahe 1.8 t o be Quoe n .. and In Ibn U\ ter (If .John E:I . Bon ,L WEARS. Specified by Master-Painters mU8t ma..rry htm. Shu n "CUdt-'s find t. In - tl1 s llll-slip or ea ndll is In tb e t:orrl· an ce) .be I!Xll\tl.lnNI his I'lnn for U, AJlulir l\f.jo o for 1((JlJ.li~~l n n of I!lUllt' t onnet1 by the prtc8u t hu.t no woman CRn for twenty-five year•• dar. a koy t Urlll' d In th luck. Tb pac!flclIUollL ,,,"1 alll ll S ",unt of th " 1.1") t'Ill Udy l(lU ~ tQt ll H ~plt"l ie lnl\(Jp. ru Jo u nmlU'rled. She la ah'c n HYOO d &')'G to tb.1nk it over. rl oor op nod. and In the dim light ahe p 'oDle. ' mbn'll ll ll'l ~u til filld IIIIII'S In Jll' tb o Ulu t tllr ",r th o eRtHtA of eM y orty-nine tints and shades. It; Ilut h h bru lll, bdu(ldlrd ' hy nil· CJLU>T1DR UI-8ho . tlll re!U..,. anti ~ saw Umbnllil. !tri O ~ 1I)lIlDr U n, It oeulle<l Cllllfl t . told tbM ah. mU8l undergo two . ordcala HII stood by tbe door, silentl y coo· merous lli'g" ulI d dl stlilpoint me nts, tur l\l l b rLtl\l\ oe t,!lX io tblfj e8ttlle with w ild boute. If abe 8u!'1.' lvo» alia wW ,. t mp lnllng her. "Whllt a certain dUl\' saw noth ing. Auct lI' hl!l\ nUffillbal ltl fixed . be pennJU." to rulo. SuCCt'sso r to : CHAPTER TV-.lolll1 Bru.... an AmOJ1. geon ho ld8!" sUII eddIed throu gb th e produced Ills trolll'o (lr wild ILnlmal !n t,bo mlltter 01 thA g u " ,d ia n~lt l\.l can. . av.. her lit... curront of bls thoughts. Mon y, train ers Dot ev \lD Wlnn l reco!,"Illzed f [t"vlOond Milton HA Dett. m lonr F. E. SHERWOOD money I He n eeded It; It wa.s tho only tb ~lu. Oul dll rluA' lhe IIrgllDl nt be ";.II,,~ L . [lennon J r ., I~ 1l1,j.oint ed: ·11 0 . rl.. CHAPTIilR V-Tbe elCllhBnt whlob ...... bnrrl er be twe n hIm and th e ud, tw ee n 1mballli nnd th I.. ouncll us 10 Bond .200U. OYer Poatolf~, Wayn . e8V1 e, het trom the ocene o t hu r crlILI. rune a Wlly, lepul1l1 ng bllr from Uruco IUlI1 \.be wbloh a t Inat be began to aee. 1Il0ney. tho dat'" at lilt' r~~ II\' llltJs Knthl)'n In tit. III ll lt Ar 0 1 t llfl g ll ll r difln~hlp House Phon' 6·3 rolt ot the parly. Office Phooe 77 blLs kots IIDd bogs or It, nnd he dlU" 'd rl\lsod lbe CO\',II'r ot Illlr \11. It Wl\8 OWIlD G S oville, min or . lI1o.rll\on ,i CHAPTElR VI-8be tall"" .... t uke 10 a not go n eur. May Ole fir es ot holl enough fpr Wl unl e. In Lllo lust t w ilO"Vll lo Is ul' Pllln wd, Bond 1700 ruined t em ple.. but tlli . lI u Yen 1s the abode ot a UOD and .he Ia t or cad 10 !I .... trow It. burn eternally In t ba bones or tb oso days Bhe h ad l(lurn II se lf·con trol ; and 10 t h o lUu t te r of t h e est·ate 01 gl'oolll'-.."aoidiora, his only have! th ero waD ~cor el)' (> 81gl1 thllt oil saw Illllz'1.bel h D. Goll U . deOl'''I ~ ci. OBAP'l'ER VU-8be Ilhtl. a retreat ID Uls b~d; liquid flre scorned KJt and !tllr fn Lhc r, llntl U1 6)' hnd th o the JlUllrlo, only to faU loto lhe henda o f to have taken the plaeo of blood In bls 'cou rng to Como !tcre In 1I10lr . !Tort s Uhllrl l'1l Mflddtl n, W W Weloh and alave traders. w. A . U I~iDIlR nt'll u" .' p, luted IlP • .• , Veterlnarv . CHAPTER VIIl- KAthl)'n tJl brouSbI co velna. HIs back and shoulders were to r escue h r! llrlll~ B r l< in oroler to dotor rul ue t he the p ubUa mar t In AlIDha and eol" to a ma8ll ot bruIses. Beaten wltb a gun It WOJ! flllull y arrangod to glv llie UmbaJla. wbo. IIn<lln8 h ". suu IDA~b b l.\tt. driven, barrl ed, oursed- bo. Dur- exhibItion the o~~L <lay. and lDess n- ,u u o uot of 0 1l1l 1·ern l lnh rtt.lln ee ta x . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - OnIduate of, Oblo' SIal . LJniver&I ' mJaalyo, thrOwa ber Into t.he dungeoo wlUl tIUB. ga Ram i A gun butt In t be bands of gerO wer d lRIJulched forthwltb to nohel f ather. I n l,hA In'ltter of t h e aal a t e of . 0. low cc.stel He bad not on ly boon Ilty th e cll), Dnd Lho batnnra. A dozen ~ar,,1t J . • 'llTlty, Ileolllllled. First a ud t l 'hlr l ~ t 'I t" llIh' ·' IHI ' I' ., l ~I' , l , \~"t. b enten; he had beo n dlshol;lore!l nnd tim es mballa yell RamabaJ's baok, Is j 0 8 1 Mllh' lI ftl, t Inr rh(' " IIl " t i~ III " d e1lled. Hla yes flnsb d and hlB fin- murder In his mind nlltl f ar In hl B liouJ nooo a n t i ~ ItP ll rovacl . ..... rl t l.s Mi n [ l u "t.nr ~h . 1j;I! II'I UII", N. I n t h fl estate of Edm ll nd A . Ma cy ger s closed convulslvoly , but bo was henrt . 1I11nd tool that he hod beon Y . " 11· h ~!\ 111,.11 11- ,I 1<\1 1U" ~"l r 111101 \ Telephone 28 Bob er . To tako yond r wb lte tllroM not to hn\ie seen thi s ma n In hl8 true d oeased P r t vuoo ~a Ie of te D ~ h a re!l ," ID r tn l1 mh ll r ~ " I m v ' f ";11 ' ' !tlln In his handal It was tru,e; he dared light and l<l lled him. Now, H h e hired 1 f life tnsu rll noe Ktook Ip urder ed 110<1 ' lflllI lignin d n ri n g Ih e p OAt six Ohio Wa)'ne8vl~l~ tn the Inattll r or Ille g Ull rtll an ~bi" not har m a balr at h r head I fl811n8SIIIS, he could not tru st them; his .\'('n'~ 1)/ .( 1 h K ~ " IWIl Y" !liVA" th .. Iw~ t f (),uolyu . .lIlm oMo n. m lll llr. '''Your IIlster Kathl yn perished und er purso \VIIS again ampt y. II VOUU[l oooDtr y Soot.oh ll.1ali !luil " f ~9 U M'Hc l lon . " T h.' q"It k r~ l l lI f OllHanoe B J IIUlel!On I~ II ppol nted. th e 'W b ools o f the car of J ugg ernaut," RamRbnll must hay felt tho ga.ze, h ill l4 ,vfl Atb otlr t WAnt to 4.:l l il ~gQ \V fo r r.o lll pain wl !loh ( ;." " .. h· r K . II;IO W innie did not IIUr. The os pect ot for ouco he turned !lud caught t.he eye BODd t~ou ,,(l ll:V ' ~ ootln ll. Af tn r ~Ilpn (\i n g the L inhntHlf. tt tY,'rd .. I .. ' ,d ,ll '(1 WI\tlh tho mnn fnsclnate d her as'lhe near- at Un'lhal lo., npprou.che!I aod Wh)B' D·~. n;.~. HATHAWA'i m orntn g loo k l ojt IIr' lUDd the b l" rn nll" l i lll A~ t hl~ 0 ~ t. O hl.• lnnhlu Common Pleas Court n OBII ot a cobm ,,"ollid have d one. sh ops lind th e o.mter ot t,b e ol t y. t he Bver y w bltre New Suit • . Vlpors n ot only crnwled In thlo terW~rtll.". LeadlnjJ Den\1a1 y o nng m nD ttUl(gp.s t"ed tb8'" I ~ wall ribl e land; they walkod. On o s tung omee ~ ED,. Blda. kstu S S. A. GO ~tj uud ". £. t,;lnrk v~. De"r anti 0 'olnok t.be;v ~ h o n Id 100 11 w ith tAnga and the otbe r wi th wor dll: Ventilate the Bed room. Le w t!! .T. Booke r , n p pe tll by plaintIff ••n t for II fl tlll lllli e elltl nt( b o use 10 . "She Is dead. l\Dd tomor row your get s OUl et,hipg to ent . Sleep wltb Ule b ·droolll wIndow Llda S b ay VtI . J ohn W. S btl Y. ta ~ her dl 8.·! dlvoroe, or oehy, dron kRnll~i1 0 1111 , l:hv ln g14 pottl'fl " lik e ly ilia ',th AY wide allen. Tltc )hl s Ul,ers tlUon tb at T ho dishe veled appoaran ce or the en ter al} a n d tOl)k thol r sputA tit " n lghL :llr 18 mbealthy evon tor nn Ingro~1I n,e gleot. m an did n ot In he r eyes confirn'l tbls. Mlll" lI t tl bl !'. " 11\1 .when t·h e wl( l trpp~ valid III elltlrely lalso n t be con· mtiEJI nod Flore n oo Pee I V@ . oum ll ror Utllir !lrd r t1~ youus,r IlIItl1 Indq eI. tho lon ger ahe glllt d a t him tra ry. n Ight aIr. esprcloll y In large ~ tlry t. ,t'.)ttllr lUon~y I)nl y, I1mOl U I I, tho more ~t.rongly cQ/lvluced Bhe b IIl'1ke(i fo r n ill" penll,V moo.t pi... Tlll~ 0lUe8, 18 pura r .md bolt r thUll dllY 6}a1lno.l ' l55,39 wi,b Into. 8 , Clamo t\lAt be waB lyIng. ,»u t wlsoly WPM hrougb t in due oou f¥e. anti M air. boqause t ontl\hl8 IClI~ dust and ebo malllt nlnOd her allenoe. !lHlftUl.illl1 tl ng i~ wtt h e vident· re!l~ b , tewo~ ru lerobes. To get t he beat "en· f~ in I(\I\~ " Imost Real Bs.a~e 1'raosfert 'Tbe g l rl w"lt,od 1\ II It la t i Olll wo n ll f1t t1la t1on balve tll ll window op 0 at ,~·Dead." b e re'peQted. "W1thln a as If by rnn ic wbeQ U ll aTI e.~ A . lind E Vd 'peudl,lr t <:> In t{ VBrY m u ob wbe re b e O!lm e I n~ betb top a lld bol' OlD . ynu bl:SiD ulioR " I>'Week 70U shall be my wife. Yo u know. Vor.n .M Armitage lot N o 14 i n At lu,i . In , b etlr do perat io D. sb n Dro","" tho trunme' rI\r' The y have .101d 70U. ' 1 want money. rcmMy fq r Rbeor OregoD\tl, $ 1. Sil hI ~o bor or.n paDlon : and by all the g ods or EUnd. you rs " m, Lumb a!;o. '. . "I .. t h e pllt I{ Oool , .Iook ? " . J . J. Clln mb erllD at 1\, 1 to 'W M. be . tho hand to gIve It to me. shaU Shoe Strl ng TIp •. Se13Iht. N eurnllP " (jnnrl p" rl! J1lh,rl J ook, \II hh ou ld Lu bl1 rgh two t roo t!! o f l"nd tn t:!1l(}. ],farry me. and one week ntter I will nnll ki ndred 1A'0u ~I ~'f-. When til metnl tl flR come oft ·tho k.t is; it·s rlpui n g! Vo u t<h uul' l Ull n tlo o 10. 'r. 4, R . 3, M. at:!, ' 6000 give you the means or loavlng All nII floes risht to th" eh oe strings, wind l he Cllt! of tb e Btrlng "POt. stops tbe neh B. , !. Ke ll y to J_ 0 Ru nd1l1l 81l.U7 q.. t ono! ha. Will 7~u mlUTJ' m e?" c loo Iy a ntl flrm lv with etout black And p.~ina nnll J]I~kes In E1nrlu D to wnship 11 "Ye a." The word "Upped ovo r WID' thrend. Then s w th rough rs peatedly _ lifo wbdh living. Got nle's 'Ups talnUy. · She r ecalled Ab· 'A b tt r tip than eVflr 16 th o re8ull. t,., J . Gabba r t to I!. ltlt·i(tge 1'0 \.1 0 a bottle of "I>-DropR" mOd's advlco ; to humor t b e man. to lind one tba t n ver eom S orr.-Home 2. 7 oor:l 10 F ra nkll'l t o wlls b ip tOO,~y. A booklet wilh play for tlmo; but 8bo know Iho.t 11 IItionBI 1\·l ag(lzll1 l'• Departmen t, $4306U. eru:h bOltle gives {u ll he touohed her Bho must scream. • dir oc t ions for uoo. L. J. Hob h " r t t tl J .hh u Hcilwt'j{ e r ----~ --- Don't dclny, DemIUI,' "Keep that word. Your faLh er nnd 10. 16 1I0rElM il) ~'ro. n ktin t owlH hip t l - Ho w it olell r s the throat anrl h ellci ·-r...Orops." .Don·t IIC' sl!rt.er are toole." Change In Auntie. of tt.~ tI\\l C/)IlH nilll1 f1f1t,· It 18 thts T ' llttt Bllhr ' to D. W . Blllh ;,p l~lId Iln'\'Ihiinn e l in ".-.liaUl ,take cbarge of ovoryt~,,Wlnnte t rembled. Tbey were nllvo, Llttlo Margaret'a aUlIt hall Il en III Fred U. B,~bt lot In Wes t Main 6& , ~p\rl t of Newn cfj~ IHl tI Vig\:r trom ADydruc' U ed »y<l1f lh,o I~ of:.r ClOn nu ... mabaL: "Your trtbutat10na KIt and her tatb or; this man hndlte<l. Ph HlY ForC~ '8 for sllvernl w' ' ka lind Murga ret bad t·bu b elll ' b . ~lvllI J: \ $1. Ono )(,11", In aftClOt my c)\\'n bODor. None of 1.011 Alive I O. ahe .woul4-not be afraid- o f. br ou ~ht. bllok b.y " r Bull'RPine . T~ r. not Stlllll hor durin g Ihla time. On aee. 0 M U ngle by to ~lIrltll D. ~lll ok Bon ey , Antl!u'lltio II no ",,"Ihll/. Ing iter ' ror t he fl rst tim litter ber C" .• I'll ' '\Tl" mWit be lOOn. how evor; not eVOD you. anyordoaillow. Tbey wo re ali ve , nn d, lot No. S3G1n Frl\nkltD , $1. af r" t;:>rops" \,' ~ lJC Ahmed. [abnJl koop you Inforl/l04. moro tJ'Iun thnt, tbey .w er e tree. Buy a b"ttJo loony .AII D.~ u gg's t N, IIInCiia ait e cried: "My, auntie. how • ' Ahmed wlU Instruct tho bopora to .E. A. i!esli n g !lDd wire to Jobn A 260. "I w111 1I00p my w ord when t1io tl mo you ho.\'e oV BlloratecIl l:31 ttl ps nn 34 uor611 In Clearoreok ~~~~~~=~~~=:;;;~:;;;;;;;: obey me. harm will come to thom, cOqles," she replied olearly_ IDle ·t rio Bit,Ie r l! U ~ tJr t n g· To lli o. tow nsbip 12600 no ono enn idcnUfy them lie hr..,.. "Tbey are caJ.Ung mo Du rgn Ra m I.ng been UmbaJ.lo,'s usallaDta. MT tbo Mod. : neWAI'O, then. for ma dmon .... . Wm. R om Qhr to F red K .. oiptl 126' All E)(pl.lneci. wile wUl not be molMltod In anT Wn1 dt) mad tblngs." W lnnlo Inslata on J oining Her Slater nore.. to BurlaD to wnsb lp'1. " ~[u cb buttor 18 IlDvor ted from Den· for remaIning nt the buolaloW." Tbe \loor opened Md shut b ehind ' . In t ho Are na. E . '. St on t t o Anna E. BalDOII lo t e.lld Forth a Prot.lIt. mark," wrote li n Engli sh schoolgirl. WIthout another word Ramabal him, and sbe hoard tho key turn and o \I ond Plu t of lot N o 8 in EVILU Ralph Teonal tels o r a sohoolboy In "been use Da nl8h cows have i red er pered: " Durga Ram. whe rever I go curled hlmeolt II» and wont to alee»; tbe oiltlll<}e bolt click Into Ita sookot. Sabetba who nsk ed h is motbe r to bel" I enterprise And sup erior technical I lim follow ed by wuLcb ra who would nildl t{dn t o ,VII)'uI)8vllle, ' 100U and one by one LPe othera tollowod bls 'Jlhoy were alive nnd tree. ber loyed B. ,I. !lncl J R . Wri gh t to .1 E. hIm wltb a pro blum Blurting. "'[t a educall on to ours." ·m,. Do nol wilste your money dIu tor 'aampla. Druce WIl8' !nat to cl080 hili OMS I ShO knQ1t upon tbe CUBblOI,lS, Ktmbroug h at ill. 100 II l a'! III J uhu WOmntl paid' ItOIl grocer 50 cu nt" a - - -.. - • - - on hlr <,I lIsMssinll." 011!lL Ho glunced moodily niund. noted hor e yoB uputted.' I dQ~en for eggs." "Oraclous 010," said As tbe so-dnllEld tmln ers were de- WI ~e's Ru rVIl:{ No. )0411 , II. the ~ pc.trOlllDI ·t he boundarles AlollO, with a torcb In hlB ab llklnS Informatlon Seeker. tllo moUlor , "1 wouldn·t work. Ifu.!b n of their IItIClltlded camp; and thon he hnnd. UmbllJla went down Into Lh e pnrUng Rathlyn managed to !,Irol) ql Marrlalte Licensee IJroblom. Fifty cents a dozlln tor Do bhl o's mother had jus t tAken out looked down at .l{athlyn. Only a bit' llrl son, to th.u row or dung eons. In tb o Wlnn!' '8 tes t n IItUo bnil or paper W y m er t:!. Uow ney. forw e r til eggs! No wOllla n would pay It , I>"d I her wlntor gar ments. "Ma," sa.ld tbe of her foreh and "wall Olrpolled. One door of ono WIIS a alldlng panol. He wbl ch U,e young SIK~o r rntllleuvoro<l to ecure without being ob~erved . Site s Mlu y Ellzah t h Jon es, b o$h of Leb ·t hlnk It's sca ndalous ,to ask suoh I)rob- obser vant li t tle tell ow. "wh.. t dltt broWD, Bhape ly hand olutchod the Jlull ed t his hnck and poer d wltbl n. IOIUB; they llla ch 0110 c:xt ravaguocc."- , motlls II vo on hefor e Ada m a lld E Y8 WII S ad i.sed to havo nO rC!ar o't t he Il n on. Re v .~. ,J, Kpstle. howdah blanket . A patch of moon· Somothl ng Iny hidden In a. comer . 110 WOMEN Kanona OilY S tur. wore clothes '''-B08t('l1l Transcript. Bhlne touobed he r tornill o. Sllontly ho drow th o pnnel back Into Its place. lions In the. nrana. to be. ready to l oin Commi~lonert!' Procecdllljts JpV~~i8 Magazipe Btooped and ln1d a Itl68 upon the hnnd. climb d tlte worn Btops, extltlgulshe d Katl.ol ),n III the Dr UI\ wh en she sh; nlned U,e momen Wl nnle would havn enM«:.\1iL'S II lb. PI, ht.n G uIde .nd Ho".. • Bl))~ Allowed : O hi o Uul vort Co .. the torcb, and pro CO ode d to bls owu fered a de o' of' tigers had Katblyn 80 ~I ." Helpu 0' mDre .. urnea ibln an y Olher pipe $18; llllii on Irol1 W o rk ~ & [\ifg, ",10'0 ~ ft lb••orld. All tile 101. .' • ., Ie. home, a gltt at hIs tormer mast er, t~ . . . .1.. ; .lso dellthcful II toriC8 ,hat enler · ad vised her. Co, to 2 d r"gs I\od .. plo w to r OODO\Y Btandlng just outalde the royal ca n· cal., ' " .peelel d,epanmc DII tn cook ln l homo 'Mattera came La pasi as ·Rnmaba l w ork 180; A. D. BOlld, I,uwber d .......... la•• rane' work. elc.. ..hac Ill htcn thero. ho bad siavoll a noint flnos. Onco ~ aad N VC m(lncy. Prlct. o,l'ly !O'c lind p lanned: tbo nlgbt work In th e I HG 31'; Olin BQo e, t o f 'et! UU U • i ..;....1I1I 0.' .. I.br.tcd McC.1I Uro•• Pat· hla t1rulsed back AIId uhouldcrll wlt b areon, tho cl earing of the tun nol, tbo ..... :J'RI!1!. ~ '. unguonts. ordered his peg. 'd ra nk It, mukl ng at til e-trill>, th e porfeotlng of fr om coo n ty 1110.60 i W _ 0 . G.\IUluUl' U _ A POrtAL CAIID NOW 'OW toxtle 06es li ud bOllrd o t pri~u llu r I. eo.., ,,, .'~I.L1J '1t\C;" 'P •. r.1 hI' and lay down 10 1I100p . all tho' dotalls of esca pe . Ahme d .. A ?:f",~rU~J"!=",lJ/ft (moo 44~IJIlIC. l'I~~ I\I " We ar~ o ITering this "Fa mily Cro up" at a ri diculously low price On tho morrow he was 1I0mewhat would bo given cburg\l at lho ll1<1l, Lal $ 21'1L 18 j F. M. G ren~h 0 l1 80 , Cltrl'..ilttlr work a t Uourt H" n ~8 $11 j l{1' tfI" ltl .. 1lilDAU." 1101 .00 . ...... " on .... t.t'O g,,1!f'1 etc UIlCU. 'l'!le McCall's is ~ht; best ~l ng az ine in the country, while Home daunted upon m eeltng Ro.ma blu In the SIngh or the rond. Ilnd All (Druco's Bros , o ra~blog s ton e 10 'l'urtl uo rlJ ·k . ' .AI_".... N corridor I adlng to t bo Ulrone room, ma ul would nrran . ~ lhll t outs ide the to w n~ h i p $ t 9:;.118 j' Lennlll W~it l\or 1IE,rw.w.a.. Di ~ ZAG't. 31. y..:., ft. Y. whoro Wlllnio and ·tb e Counoll were city thore shoul<l bo no bur el ors . All r oa d work in tiule m t ow n ijhlp $44·7i!; gathorod. lIo star tod to lI unlmo n tlto because Rllrn ~ bn l thought moro of his SIdes tillS you ge t n McCall pattern E War wIck, s uppUos fur j ..! 1 guar<ls. but the Imposslve fa.co ot bls cons Inc' tbltn or Ills ambitions ror $3.05 j J. K. " p onoer , IUIU~n r sao:! $9; null the Mia mi , Ga zette at the exonomy AIId tho monn.clng hand Btayod ~rewely lo\~ price .• . .1. R La w J r. , obeck ptoceo tor rUI P und lta. tho 0011. "You are [l ' brnvo mAn, Rnmobnl, to And wI! ' 11, Iota In the afternoon. th e 8b e rlJI ' ~ offi Ot!, '6; Jolln~tll n & Wll~. 'rbe M iau!i Gazette . ... ,' .. . . . : . .. $1.00 onter 'tbo 110n'S don In thIs rllshlon. Ellth ilJltlon was ovor, Kath lyn stepped Hon', en velopee for Prolmto J UU j;O $tI j You ahall nover 10llve h ero alive." u po n tb tmp, Lhrow asldo bor ve il, v. W liuf(les by. burial 'EIi EiuiOlo.:" McCall's Magazine,. , . . .. . ... . . . . . All for ' . "YeA, Dllrga Ram. I sba ll .dopllrt a l! and revElale<,l Ilerse)! to the spectntors. b llO g n $75 i .J, W. W oo(\wu r \J . und 'Orie McCa n Dress Pattern .. .. . ; , . . W .. iii. Rohln8on. burial oow Frunk· . I OIWlQ, 'I~ froo IDIUl." Fo r 011 :her dnrl,oned skIll i h oy, reco~· lin t.o woRhip $2 j We8torn 't:!tltr, puh. nome Life . .. , . . _. . ... ... .. . . . . "You talk like thnt to IDO ?" furl., nlzed h 'er. and '11 deop mu rmur ran ously. ", ' round (he ar ~ na. Kathlyn, knowing fis hin g s\ utom ont of ""Iallo.oll, ul ~o .People's Popu')ar Monthly, ..... . . ItIIv 8ulo of boo ds $Iltl; Clnol DuMI "Jllven 80. ShaJ.l t go out on th o h ow vohltl le tho poople wera. extonded Enquirer, publiahlng 81110 of b llnl.1li baJ.conY lind deolaro that [ know wbat h et' hool'ls lowal'a the royal box. Wblm '111 :; Li 8. 0, Boulr)e, :fe08 BDd ox 110 certt\ln dun geon bolds?·' t he mu r murs di ed oway sh o s poko In pantlOS $f. 9 85 j W.l!. 6i1monr; t<hur. l/mbaUa'a rury vnnlsbed, and awent Hln~ustanl: Iff's term fees $62.06. ' 00104 tram hIs palma. '''1 will tllCO tllo urena lions !" "You 1" T be murmurs r680' ngaln. gaining . The 6ra.nd .Jurg for tbe i\prll whioh c o n lot r 't"' ~ f!\o.o th~ "Yos, I know. A trueo'l Tho peoplo such volume tbllt they beca me roai's, term ' of Oourt finished Its work ' ·'c ll·knn,.....~! l 1 . ~. : r)CJ1 -aU about 4 o'olock la at WednesdllY. one full yo: ". t'.lu o of . are nluttorlns AIId murmuring lIgalDst 'whloh t.bo <\!lIturb ed bonsts tOOK up Dnring th18 se ~~lon sixteen differeD' Kathlyn DI-ul d mO(1..." lZinc) l·,!ono.' ¢ l.bo. -. ..d . . . ' Bear Temer. 'yOU .because they ' were forbidden t.p an d nUIl:mont e. . ' Ohnrl{S8 were Investigated. resUlting N~ () ~:w' . n o McCAll attond your espoolal Jugllernnut, Dest AgllIn Kntbl yn ilJllde. a Il lgn for ' al- In 110 return of olght Irue b1ll8. 'J'hlr" PuUm-; l FREe tar both of u_ that they be 'luletcd and len co. and nd!l~ d : "ProvIded Il1Y .slstsr ty.three ,wltne~8es 'were examined. nmuaed." ' , elanda,.M my .lIlde!" · . \ . Of the· elgM ' Indlotmente, . Boven "I\amahftl ' ;you IIbnll never wenr the To th is Umbl1\1 n saId no. 'Tbo mul· are Btlll SDora t. . 'ClI'own." ....,. tltud es Ilhou ted deOnnce. In· t h e arena Elmer Ford, of Maln~ville, 'WBtt l~ ''I do not want It." th.e y WElr e mast ra, even as ·tb e popu· "Nor shall your wUe." lace In' t be old days ot Rome wore dloted uDaer two oounttli, ono for shooting With Intent to hUI tho ' Ramnbo.1 lir<l 'not speak. mllsters at thc'r emperors. . . Winnie, com prehending ' that this dther 8bootlng with tntenHo wound "You sball die flrsU" "War 01 ponca ?" askOd Ramabal. wlIa b er cue, stoppod torward In the "War l" bqx n.nd slgnlfled by gestures t hat she Conalder the Poor. "So bo ·It. i sbnll proeeed to strike wou ld jl)ln her Sister. n: 18 written not, " B1 eB~ed Is be tbat the fir s t blow'." . ' TIle ronrl ng ' begn n B«IIlu, but this feo'deth tho poo r," but "Blessed III he Ramabal turned and bOSaD to· wo.1k tim It h nrl tI)e quality 'of cb ears. A tb at consld ereth the poor." Aod you toward the window oponlng out upon ' rea l spollctacl . ']lo f!loe tb o SAvage know a II tUe , tbou ght IIIJII a little . '----' ! _ . _ ... , . . ..._ Atrlcnp lIolL' unormedl A fine spec- .k lndness nre otten wortb more tban a - -~ U' ......~. _JO'_DQtnA tncle! ' , gTeal dp.nl of .mopey.-Ruskhi_ Wln 01lo wue lowored ,from t he box, , nu a lIJI ber reet t ouched thi) ground ahe 1'1I0 qu kl y f6 Ka Ullyn's ald.e. Yei- Many People -. "W lrudo, I am standi ng on A trap. have told. U8 the _~ When It Illn;kll bo not alarmed." lifter eating, gIIIIlI, bead6um. A "My KIt,!" cried Wln ole, aqu eezllllJ he r adored lltaltcr's bnnd. The was cJelU'ed. and ·the doo1'8 llons' · daD. were opened. befo~ aDd 1I......... Tbe HOD .toad you. Sold aa1r b7 - - ' fOl' • In the Bunabln..
BAI<NHART. Notary Publi C .'
InSURlInCE A. R. Chandler
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$1 '50
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G A Z I: ~rTE1.*----- ----.---..:'--JI~.....;.,~ THE EI H H RateB of Sub~cr;ptio...
1'II1111ldied WlItlkl; "I, tho (luotl4l UI1ICtJ In ~h~ I .\lleu UulhUnt(. 11"1,, ~L., Wa),o... llIu. UIIIO. , ~1~~IJ~~rpr.l.r~ .I.':;I.~ ~11".a.n.e.~:::::::
As Wri tten by Our Cc,rps uf Abl~ \.:off'espond• ents In th e Neighborhood
f' .. teB 0 Advert1.8ing - - - - - - - - - - - - RclldlngLoe·.I. IIOrll Ci CIllIIIIlJlcjcJ "d8. ;Iot to " •.;ooii i(",; ilj,;,;" .. U. L. Crane . Edi tor and M~ nager • 'I DI81l IQYJ) !h crtl.hlSI Instll'tl""' • . . . . .. .... . . . Il<'r Inch .. . . . . .. ..
VALLEY -fI'}) L.EPDlINt;- ALL NU. 1't2
tbal ADel
yoU 10000s t ake "tigbt,'" J'eCOlDDleDd are Iftl Ollv.OIl
S1CClU'~ Emulsion tCPH,.,",fI, HJI"'pA•• ~"-
(oraehor~LiDl'. 'Aprucrip~OIlwhic~ 0
wadly eudora
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180N IN WA'lER
• Qlassi6.ed Ads
We a re better eq uipped lhan t: \{:r hdor . 0 :>llPl ly your needs ill the nlli tdin ~ ~I 'lt e riallin '
... .
W. H. MA D1f
J. E . JIlf\nIY·
--.--~---~-----'I JHCouD l a ~ \'tlU on co n trn.cil. 'lll UCt ic[J o f 111\. I,od ha bello an hUtlOrotl Iti7.oU of t h ll ~ Ie or 1 1Ir~y I ~ ve oll rt!. APRIL 14, 1915. Mr. l:It.r r:v l.I.L1Clphr6Y btu pur. ! . . OUII CO It tIlL'UI u ou.r ~hd lJ.lotow ll · u.nll I CATARRH CANNOT BE CURED evorll] of our people ut.leu<,led lc\~t wllllk moved bll~ e1l'cots froUl !I pllrt.y I~t tile bOUle of M.r .. hlld \lrf04. oor O1ldtlt.. Bo lliul hoeD I~ citizen woJe(.,kbn Mullin Is IIlll UUg the slok I.bls '. with LOOA [. APPLl<: A'1'l0N8, !IS Cbu s. P .Vl f'B uelir Way o MV lll el:latur ' Of thl!! cOUJllluni\y tor UUlOV 'yellrl! they Ot1 ~ not r eltoh thp sellt of lhe UILY oi gh t. Hoil w ~ re 1l0ot 'lU. rt is to bo b l)[)' d Mr . and MrR. SlI nlu el MIIster at. diseasl'. Ulltarrb it! It b] oocl ur oon Mr. V.l l Silll", Ilo~hna st,e r lit thnt tl,u obl1u~o will beneU t him . t.eu~e d tbe f~n erlll of Mr. ,jllS. Millor By Whittier Burnet, NorWOOd. IItltution,,1 llisI'AMf' ... nd io ordel to ' Prl og V" lIey, trt(mmcted busi ness ! The L.uli o Aid l!Ioclet.y or 'bo At ii ~n nltlln l'blnsdllY . . oure U you m ust· I, , kolnteroa l relll h I !:; • EJ .Whe~e tropic suns upon him t1lfe~ edlel!. B"ll'ldJal.llrr b Cure 18 t.llke n ere nst ·ut urdIlY. M. JoJ . 'hurcb m t Thu r~dny nl,.Mre. I ~~lIln , of D"yton. WIIS OII l1ed The narrow shade of tall bamboo luterolllly, tind 0.018 dlreotly npon t:lqulre Bu r l5ess Is quite poorly Laura a .. rlnu ' The ti ft rD OOD here I!rlday by t be U1ness or bls t be blood .. nd mncon" IItlr 'aoe Il nd his mlloy fri ends hope for bim wus onjnYl:'d In ex cluuJ"log co urt '. Lrothor John. · . A croue i ., 'Iifforu .1 B i\rn b IIrt LJaB \ '1 Iling tiger soug ht his pre"J Bdl's (JRttlrrh Cure 18 n 0ot 11 qUllok a spec d 'Y rooove ry . M o~, . move d to M'lSI! ~ .. ttto Bennett, of Daytuo, H U uti the shadows, dull and gray m edl oine It WtI!\ "reBorl bed by o)no Sohool co mmeno mon will be t ho Ott' rbtl In. a~ marked !llm with their hue, , tbe bept ph:vsioi .. n~ In ~h18 o"nntry WllS ca lled h omo on the accou nt of 29 h . PrApArIltlon s ll.r o bOl n~ mado Mr. lind Mrs . W, W . boe f!! ~nd rnr y ears unit is a re" ult r presorlp. t he serioue s lokooss of n er 1D 0t,bor for II good IHld mtort>sting prov;rllm. ohlldron s pent Es eter wltb Mt . aDd Where columbine and primrose,grew tIOD. It 18 oorn pOlled of the bPS I, Mrs. Mary Bonnet. • wi t h goou mil ill. Yo n .. re IlskAd fr s. Elmer S heets ut Middleto wn, And rainbow glistened in the dew- oolos ltnown, oOllluine l1 with t1ie Mr Uh118. A. W infield hn s pur. to b l! pre seut-. Mrs. Ear l MFlrrl h, or Leb.. non. O. E . Levioy and iulllily, J os epb viRit lld her p~rentR, tnr. ODd Mr~, Their wings would butterflies un · beB\ hlllod pllrifie rp, 1l0Jicg dit'eotly obused of Mra I:larlih A. Blll'llin tbe fold on the mucoos s nrfB ces Tbe per. farm owned for a number of yean, Dllvis 11.0(1 fnlllily wuru ' und.IY Will HowLert, I.. s t weok . Un til they took from sun its gold feot eomblnli\lons of tbe two 10 [t blls beec in tll ~ Barlan num gn e~tsof Mr , Ilud Mrs. 1m A . l:J I1rt. Mrs. J nne Mlt.tllnborgor, of Frank And from the sky its blue. ~redlen tl\ Is wbat llroducelJ snob tor It oeo&ory o r longer, bnt lit lllst sook. of Day ton. 110 v isited Mrs. Bltonab Deartb las t MIl~~i o ,Township tlu ndn.y 80hool : weok. wODderhl1 results 10 ourlng OIIt-&rrb tbe link Is broken. Our shadows pass; but if we knew ~end for telltimoolllis. frep. Mr . and II1rll. Wllhllm Wrigb t !Lnd oonv nnlion will be h el d at ,Joo ns l Messrs. ,J. W, Bltd lay lIud Frank The sum of good or ill tbey do F. ,J. CB ElfEY & CO.. duughter. Mr" Et h el Rtewftrt, of R.uo Bllpti~ t oburl.'h HundllY <1ft(lr· Blaokford were Dal'ton vls ltorR StLt. Prnps., Toledo. O. Wilmington, were Hun (lu. y gues ts nooo . Aprt I :laLII. You fire nsked urduy. • O ur sou I8 could reaeh eternity,' Sold llY Dru "'D"lul b ore of r ellll·ivBS. t 0 b e Ine!! ut. .. " R• 7"0 u , Prof. 'Jlfthr nnd Mi 8 Mabel BlldAnd, ClS the elover paints the bee. T~lI:e Ball'~ ~'ltmtly Pills for oon. M.r . and Mrs. R W . Kaylor were Mrs, WillllllU und Mrs. 811dn Zell, ley l'I]lout Easter with tiprlngUeld We'd make tbis false world true. IltipatloD ~ . VIsitor. of the GIlD1 t:ity Monday. of Wnynasv i!Je, oltllBd (III uoqn ..iol. (rloo ds. RaY' Mille WR8 se.m In o nr town nnces b t!f8 1$0 LurdDY . Mr. ILod Mrs. Barvey Burnett Rnd laRt FrldllY baullng uoe of ODt I.. d y - - - - -dnu~b t,o r Cal·horine ef W .. ynll8v lllo flpeot Ellster witb Mr. und Mra. F. telloherp, bn~ he 8ays be Is Jioen spd to btLul po )I'le . CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY E. Ros nllgle. Fr mu IL s lI)ull b og inn iog 1.l1O IiIll le Mr ... nd Mr~. ElUl Robinson lind Mrs ' b1l8 . GlLrner, 01 Frrt BVIlrd , Nt' w Mexioo will artl ve bero Itbout nml u se of 'hi s rOlD cll y hilS e xtEl ndlld SUII Ro ll a nd , Miss Mllud Merrl" and the first of MIIY f or 1\ two mo ntbs to 1111 pUT t ~ o f th o United t;tutos flod frl e u eJ. of ua,y ton , visited MrB. OBsie visit WIth Charloy's m o tb"r und to tn.LU Y forolg n oonn tries. Wben Merritt EIl@ter S uudllY . brother . you Il l! ve neod u f 81l0h Jl, medloine Edwtlr(}s Moye rs of tbe regular "" Prayer meeting I\t Ortbod ox gi ve 'bttmbnrlnln 'Il Cong b Remedy' nrmy, 8.ationed at Texlls Cltv , Tex., FrIends ohuroh Bund .. y n ig ht Vl8S 8 trllll lin d yo u wlllunde rslAnd wby i8 b'om e, honorably di80barged It is sometimes saddening to see l!'arms operKted by NfI~roes In weIlIlU.ended. it bRoS b!,OclllHl I!n p pu la r 'for cO 'l~b ~, Mr~. Dr. J . M WrigM bnd MI8s the tendency of the big city <ijlilies lQIO numbered 9:1 370 lind "'ers Rev. Sargent Is again nble t o be OOids Dud orouJ.). Obtninrlbh: every. Rowenll Wright, of Red Lion OIIlled • to have fun a~ the expense of the v.. lned U $I,U2,O()O.Oo o 'l'he total ont among us after quite II severe where 00 f rleuu8here Monday . 'country weekly and its disingenuous uurober or fumR ID tbe United sick s p e l l . . - - - .. - 41 Miss Belva MoCandless, who has editor. 8tates In that year w" .. 6,361,502, Rev. ,·. ewI8 filled the pulpltat Ihe been slok all Winter, Is able to be Both the city daily and tbe coun. aud \heir value W"B $40.1191,4.11,000, A. M. E. ohurob Sunll"y ",nd Sun. ou t again . Ninety-eight Ind t'lx.t6otb8 pel~oont C Mr. /lnd Mrs. Sawool Barnhart, try weekly have their own separate ot the Negro larml were situated In day night. Our olty Is beinlr oleaned np. our ~r .• of Franklin Rere Ollllers at the ,fields to fill. The country weekly 61ls the ~onth . rhe Inoreal6ll betwt!6n - - -home of Will Dnrllngton and sister a most importantplacein t'h e scbeme lQOO snd 1110 In nnmber and valull atreets will eoon be oiled, paioUnll, l'ne8day . journalistic. It is its province to of farms opl'ra. ted by N tlgr ' e8 Wflre "bite wU8blng, seHl og ont flowers [,UOf wall in D"yton on Mr. Levi III e b n I d u lged ill . IV. B ~ eigrrled traosaoted bll-I· . tell the happenings of its communi· "t the rate of 11l.S per oent lind 1118 4 an d belun IfylOg w bnMloe.s 1:l11turdll.Y WhoIII th one to se l tbe ex. be e w ness in Dnyton Wednesday. ty. These happenings may look per OOD., respeotlvely, while tbe flmpJo . WlIdnos lay, April '7 ~1i8 olean un v. ,. "R-iy Cr081l was In Lebunon on funny in print to the editor of the corre~pondlng increases for farms ... r. G eorge Dm U Ith , lenin" fX day at Lytle hoi, E. ch nrob . New bIl8I ness'.fuesday. trans· ... city daily, bu~ it is not for him that operated by whltel weI e II 5 per aoted bWllness In our olty lllst weak wl ndow~ were put In I!\od e verythiog the collntry weekly is fUblishel1. oeD' and \l.Il.S per oent. reospeotlvely. , WII8 oleao ed lind polis hed up until tt Elwood Mover, of Mlami8burg ('be "ver_le . aoreage per farm sllleemen I\re oOUlpllJll' n6llr looked I1k ll II ne w Ibullding Inside Willi am Jng tbe guests at the Spring. And the country wee ly is not operat.' d · , y Negroel WIiB 4.7 S, a 8 theAuto m oneyed people aDd ocooslonll.11y IOd out.. All wor k was donated b or a hOuse Wednellf1ay. read in the. " way back" regions oompa1'tld wltb an ave~lie acreage they leJi oue. Mr. rllllUlln llJl,tiol[l '''1'118 in Day. • - _• - - alone, eitber. Many a city llIau ,)f 153 for farmll operated by whIC08. takes time to tear tbe t1rown wrap. l'hree..fourthll of the NeKPo farmers A . 'r. Mo!or 18 ml\klog need d t-on Rllt.urd,LY . SHOULO NOT 'fEEL DISCOURAGED per oft the little weekly paper 'and "ere &fInants aDd one fourth owner8, Improvement on hie .farm reoently Mr. Eebe r t5mHb woe a Davton forget the big world about bim, and ill 1910, while more lhlin two tblrds pnrcbased" fiDe young Belgillo stal. vi8i t " r 'IIterdllY. So mllDy people tr ubled wlth In I th I f 1100 whloh will add grell.tly to his Miss EliztL betb Duke i In Lebuoon di· ostion and oonstipatlon have the big city dailies, while he reads I) e w lite arm opera&orl were well equipped stock fir m been be~ efited by tllklng Uhamberabout the old folks down lit home. I)Wner8 Mlsslsllippi Bhowed the everal cnees of m OllslOt!. mumps 1"ln's T .. blets I,bat DO one ahould hlllllell' aggreaa'u v I f f County 19a1er of weights and und chioken pox r ported bere A city ruan who thin ks in ml'lll'on 'peTaled )Jy "Negroel, .~ ue 0 arms followed bv menurel, Allie I:luffrn In was in foe I discouraged who has noi given Mif;M Loverne Oylw i ~ very siok tbem a t r iAl. Thev oon$l\ln no pepmight be supposed to be the last in Georghl, Soulh UtLrullnll and Texa'8 onr elty FrldllY· sin or otber digestive fermonSl! bnt tbe worlJ to find interest in the lact -l)ep"r~meot of Oommerot'!. Mrs. Ella Wilson returned to h er wllh th e mnmps. Mr. Fra.nk Duke Bold o ut biB strengltte D t.h e stomaoh and enable tbat Miss Bessi'e, daughter of Ben' •- • Ilom e 10 our olty hst week ufte r bll. and Jane Snooks, is married to iug away fot B(.veral months with b Ollsel\(lld ~ ode, lumbe r onJ otbbr it to per fo rm its fnootlon8 nllturally. ObtlLinable e very wbEre John Jones. But human nature TOLD THAT THERE WAS NO CURE FOR her ohlldreo, Mr. Ilnd Mrs ••Jolla s1l'eots Thurs day, April 8 Lyt le (:; bools tire propMlug for hIlS strange involutions. The city . HIM Thompsoo. of n IIr Wellmau. man and Ben Snook may have beell "Afte r suffering for over twe uty H you havlI nllWI! that you wish to tbl'lir anmwl IJlonlo aod gllia d"y, boys together, chulns in many a dis p08e of seDd it to t h o Mia mi wbicll will be April !!3, Everybo(ly outhfuladven.ur-,andJan~ . th-ll ,earll with tadlKo8tion RDd hlivlnjl Gazeltf:\. U III reoogllized as good oordl'llly 'Invltm1 to !lUeou . ~ ~ ~~ some 01 the beIIt dootors here tell MillS Opal 'l'hompslln Il RS retnrned Jane Smith-may' have ' been his Ole tbllra waB a. onre f or me, 1 literature /lnd read In evory Bt~l t first sweetheart. cblnk It only rlgbt to tell you for In tbo Uolon. What iR tho mllUer hero, to IIga in. rll nm.A h er work lit Who knows aU the rea50DS why tbe IIl1ke ot ot ber lIufferersas well as with Lester? He i8 all rlg h ~; 80 tenolliog wblcb slle lert, whe n abe ~QS fl nctuenly iukoo ill VVlth obioken Dlany a city man likes to read over your own sl4tlsfliOt!OU th..t a 25 oont. I·IIII~~-e ..'lIl. IIOX. . t k'l f brIttle of. Uh .mlle rlaln ' Il 'r"blet8 n ot RemeDlber t hat property in ollr an d over tbe ~coun ry wee y romj ooly relieved · otOy to r en t I'S unu r ce. Th e demand N o 1V8 8e c m ~ t o ho pretty son roe , I . m 8 but onred me wltb. • U~ his oId b ome · t IS enough t1la, . t b I 11 hI i811rod milking h ready 81116. wo ijUPI'Olio on ucooun t of Ibe " War BIds on 3 011108 of State roads his own heart knows. In wo monl Bat onl:! am a IUlln 10 Europ .. oo~ tlng 1518,000 were opened las~ It is doubtful if the country edi. M 85 y~Ilr!." writea J ul. Oroblen , Tbere 18 bolo g eq III pped In onr olt,y - -..;.. ~-Ifrldov at UJlumbus by Clinton 80ns&on . Texll,'. Ob\aln!l ble every. lin au"O IIurll"e fo r "he Te l) i of nIl tor always realiles '-just how great where. • ... " .' tI r Oowell. t be new t:!tlltll hlgltway oom. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ....,.'Duko!! of maobinos, lind It n gotill. • fluence h- hO<L and bl's oppor. .an m ~ ..... • - tlODI! OlIn bo wtLde the re wIll be ARE YOU RHEUMATlG'1 - TRY SLOAN'S missiooer. It i8 tbe first letting If YOIl wtlnt quick lIod ren l reli ef 81 noe be took olIlqe 80verlll da.yt' a~o tunities. As a mat tee of fact. be is .. oPl!lIed bero II sh op (or the r epllir of Dearer to the people to whom be aeropilinos. They urQ nooos ~itills in from Rb eufU"tisnl , d,o whlL t s., mFJnv 'l'b6 Uiltoinu a tl Chilli onthe I na ll in appeals than ~y other man who tile community lI.ilLl will be liborl1 l1 y l.b mSllod other I) ~opl e uro dolng- Horlll tl town b lp 2. I.fI 1Il 1 1 . ' ~. 1"" (,.11 . aapreads black ink on white. paper. ' , VtlftroD'izud. wbeuovor un utellolI comos on , bJl,tbe dum, WIIS let t u til\) IronLon 'l'mnafer mU!lOI Il 0 1' j iot witb & t)toraQA Coml)Any, Iron\oo, for , The men who make city dailies Mrs. dernloe ' Dllkln hU8 beeu ve ry tb\) 1101' $16.500. Tb e work tn Harlan town. do not repose for a large portion Balf a put per ,nllllon of iron tn dangerously ~tck for seveml d l~YS. 'lollu 's Linil/l ent. N o IIOOU to rn ll ~bip will be oommeoced a~ 800n aB It injullt II p)lly Ihe LiuiUl nt to of the time on dOWny beds of ease, ....ater I. deteolabld by tallt-e. and 8 er DIRny f rlond!! .h opo f o.l r bor lbe s ur tnc" H I~ wOtluerfnll y )lene. [)OR8iblo on I rus bed to oompletion. but after all, the editor of the coun·' more than' or 6 part8 mllkes waler &Sptledy r eco I' ery . I,rutlng . It go s r l~h t to tho 1l000 t of try weekly bas the hardest worl!: to unpalatable. ID 80me m ineraI Mrs Frank WiI~on ancl dliu gllter, troublo nnu dmwtl tbo fluin uimost do of any man "in the newspaper lI11rlng8 Iron III tbe OOllstltuent w~lIoh Luulse were week·e od g llests of IIDrn dlll.tuly. ,Got a boLUo of Siolln '8 b in IIIlpt\rH a medloln~,1 value to tbe &lr. I~ud Mrs. Ii. Eo Wilson, of I)IIY I,iuirmmt fo r. 2flo Of ..n y druggis t uTh:'~UDtry editor may not just waillr. but ordinarily It ill undeslr. ton. !llld h av it ill tbo l)Cluso-a.galUst 'd f h "blr. More thlln 26 partll per mil. Mr. and Mrs. WtLltftr I:lilvors t rad. Uu ldl:l. ~o\' Ii,nd I:l wolhm J oints, UBCtIy come up to the I cas a t e lion In watllr used for !I\underlog ed p rop' rtles' "I t b Mr. U L S peu. editor of a big J :ity daily, but be wakps a 8'aln on tbe 0lothe8, ·Iron oer, of X enlo, wbo owned tbe t5a blo LUIII bllf:" e.nU oill iiotl nnd i1ke uil. ' I'I~ Y l) nr mon Y ullok If not FOR SALE-PROPERTY suits his own subscribers, and even, muttt be removed froUl w.a ter fro m homesteaci in thIs olty t; "I.i ~ ll ed, but it d .'e~ give nlmost In. some editors of city dailies know whloh Is wade, or a olou,ty, dl" Dr. Goo. Button who Is 90 Yl1elrS ~1· L\ llt r llli l1 f. that that is the higbest test.-Aux· oolored' prodnot wllJrtl!!uh. AD irou of lige I~ puttinlt In threo Inq(6 g ur_ - - --, - - J.. nore~ , n Ollr W fl ynellvillo, on tI oonteut ct over 2 or Ii par til per cleue. Tbe dootor Is tbe InO"t inU\iary. ' . '2. good road, improvod with new million In w ..ter utiocl III 'he mlln. dnstrloull oltizOD young or oj(} tha t 7.rUOlD bom.e, b'L ro,- poultry houst! ufaoture of pal,er Will .. tulu I,he b I tbi . I I lind lItlier out.buildiugs, 2 good welll Aooordlni &0 an ltllollan phYlllo!tlo .paper. Iron is bll.rmful in water we ave u ~ VIO n ty . of wilier, 1 lIore of oUlilfo, good love c»oedll aD iDtuxlc&tloD of 'be IlIi8d for (itteam~Dg. lor It Is In eqni 34r. Horace I:ltuUl{ltlud MillS Ruby berry plttoh . l'rioe onIY'$1260. 10· D~I VOD8 oe,.lerl. pcod\lOIIlI a dl~ae hbrlum witb aoids whlob inside the Cllno wert! qnietly mllrried by Rev. qui re of A. A. MeNell, CenterVille, that, If nu' oDred, may lead to neu. l'letler become dlBlloolated with tbe Am08 CoolI: t~roe week8 ago and r ..tbellia aneleven IDBaniSy. leeoU 'tli~ 'he free' aolds ooricide waR kept .. sooret for tbat' len gth 01 MrB. \ \Tm . l:lidou8trloker lind Ohio. Both phooes , Cen . Ex. 021 : . - .the boiler plates; bu\ Ihe amoun\ of Ume. T4at ie (toluR pretty well for daughters Misses I vy und LUll were !ron o"rrled in 10luUon by moat a busy oommoDlty. They bllve tho Dayt on visitorsleist Saturday. w,,'ers h 10 IImail tb" 'be \ damage beet, ~i8hll8 of their friend s, "nd FOR SALE Miss La Metlu Mi,lIs hus been on It dQ811 to 8'8II~ boilerll leDerlllly 800n will be hOlllle knelling ontb e t he lIiok liet,. . ItDlllulltll \0 IUtle " ("rm. . Mr. und Mrs. Ch1l8. Broll:l ford g ll'V8 W:"terB b'tovlng a hll(h Iron oon. UHldenlng Ie In fnll bllliot lIud tbo fl fl~mll y di uue.r lit tbeir home lallt Egg Pe tnlnmn Inoubator, t.ent 'blv~ tp some plllOO8, where weather waB nevor nioer for It to lin 8 undtt y. ,Oovers wero Illiu for prloo $10. Inquire 01 Mre tbey have been lUIed •• olty Bupplles, lit tht8 writing, fourteen. E . I::!; ' Bally, 'Waynesville, Ohio. 028 CIlu@ed an .' immenee ,amoDII' of Rev Wal~er a8 ~isted by Eultene Mrs. H eo. Kinder bas arrived trooble aJld -es:pPll.e, for .bpy fav l'l' Jeffery in tbe sluging, elosed the AN past 30 with borse-and bug tbe Kro)Wth ot Uiollothrlx lIuoh a meet;ngaUhe M E chnrch Wednee. borne fro01 MRryland where slle Will visiting ber fatber who wal very III' gy to sell Stook: Condition F~lmliV Suf. degree tbai tJle wder plpea becoDl e ,lay night of last week, whloh h ad AU8tl D, of El- Paso, Tes:., Powd.er'ln Warren Uounty. Salary or~: Motlter'S f clogged with, ~he trou , Iheaihe of been In · operdtlon 15 daYB, J'helr Is Walkllf $70 por m ontb. Address 9 In IU8 vl8itlng relatives at. thlt! plaoo. tbllt orlanism. Tho removal of e~oit" h6Ve beeu IIppreolated by Meets iron trom wa~r i. 80mei, tDel e&8Y 'heoongregatloo, but 8hollld have reo Miss Pearl U nderwood ' who hili trial l3ldg., Indianapolis, Ind. a21 n an:l ilc;>metlmee. very dlffil)olt. (Wa. Qeived more elloollragement at the been nursi ng at MOlr row, for 's ome lriads of good Mixed Hay . In . .,Sit - LI , ~... ter.Snpply P8per-~78, U ,'S. (Je ,log. handa of the citizens in this vlolnlty. time ball re~urlJe d h~>me. Mr. ,John Jobe, wbp live8 north quire of J . B Cb,pman, R D 2, CoIIJu:viIl8j ~tLf'1t' f, ~ft~~-.from a loal .Sur"!'1)· Sunday, April 18th, Beveral will be of town. WeR taken .udden Iy Ul wltb . WayneevlJle, OhiO, for prioo. a21 , eenaat~ lind terrible head-' • - • tak"n Into the obllrDb . ! -at; iuJcl'iW....tlred allOVer. totally Mu Kennedy 18 improvioR tlie heart trouble II repo()r$ed Uluoh 1m. proved 'oday. . AU~O-overland Tonrlnlt oar, ia . , worn oatraliil to enjol 0 Ufo. bat &Ii I lOG blld.dlaoo~· fo!ll' In famlll' and . . N proper.y ~ h e TIIo.e ntI1' . pnr.oh Rsed, l,l ' • .. &ood: condition, wlul takeu In ene _tlin.. el2ht or nine boatdel'l, 1 kept WUbont h e&hh, . KeaUIDe Joy wbloh will add grelltly to the 10011:11 "t (;~nner and ~wUe, of .orwln, trade for ' new BDpmobile, IDqulre were vlsltiJlg rel,"ivea bere last · f J B Ohapman WayneBvllle . • worIdNr ditpite.my lufferiog. Impo»slbJe; wUhout good ~If \be town. . OOhIO.· · ' ' &21 ' I I [ . .w'Vinol adveitilled and dedded and rt'!goillf bowel movement 'IOU Tbe maDY friends or Borace Sabin 8undll.Y. to . tlJ. ·lt, and within. two weeb I OII'lnot have beaah. Why negieo\ 'a promin81lt attorney of Xenia, wll1 ~~ ~ lmpruvemunt In mit 'keeplllg bowell opel! and rl.it being re~ret hearing ot bls very serl008 L.YMOUTB Rook Eltg8 lor .et' Without Hope. tlng: winter layers. 600 for 15' lin. AMA. B~c:.u:..:rrl:nrrt . Ilok and aUlngf ' Yon don" h.\'8 to, ' with Iattle hopes of ~II' No doing anythtng wltb a peselwllt.· Mlnnlo E~ UQok, Waynelville, Ohio . ,.. 'TIIollle oae llmall Dr King'. New Life .betng any' beUer. Mr. S"bl'D , all , d Then ~~ :tZ.:~cl~~ PIU d Di,bt , In tbe ~ornlng iou' wu ratHed In our to wn and " 8 he Wh6ll ypu find 'a brlilht side tor him ~~ -ab;: lo~arouDd ana will b",ve a rull, frlHl ho",1 nlOV'e wall reacblnl manhood be lert ,for h, won' t look. at It tl~r fear the 'l1sht W~g,'ns, 1 Bllggy .and 7 lOW who ". aNlIIN'II'ouid Ii8 woacIerfuJI, ~ent Ind feel muob better. Xenia a lld rNd law under JudlJe mlgbt blind hJm .~A.t1anta , Con~t1tu• .1081e and dOD.ble BArn088. ID. . .dted bJ VllIOlu Mfa. Beckel' wu. '''flur appome IDd dllflltlltOD and wal admlt,te.d to t-he tloo.. qutre of George Zell. a2J, .. 0 e \OoIlI,ht. 211c I IJc
If You Are ....rvOUI
CEMENT ==F~n~e
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
Do Your Beat In the Preaent. Be not ao~ouB about tomorrow. Do today's duty, figbt lodar'1 tempta.tlon, aod do not weaken and dlstract ' yourself by Jocklog fonvard to thillp' whloh you cannot see, and could not understand It y,ou uw them.-Cb~l08 Klngeley. ~----~.~--..------
"My dear," Bald the Oave Ml\n
Poe', .ppeanug in lire doorway of t heir dwelUng. Oh11l81 and mlillet In haDd. "Old you Bee 'hat page of my poem on 'Spring' I wa. outting for the Yearly Neollth YPBterday? I OlIn" dnd I' anywhere In the qoarry. " BiB wife Dodded. "Yeh," Bhe replied quernlonsly , "and I don't oare-you oUJ.{ht to be out; bunt in g grnb wlib the rell' Clf tue men . I bonnoed Ii oft' that old pterodaetrl'B beaD yesterday, wbeu be WAS snooping IIround here trying to "et B oouple of the ohildren." 'Aud dId It-" "Yes It tore In t~o and Illopped In\o the lakA . " Wbereupon tbe Cave Mlln threw np ·bo'h band8 in despair, 'and l)ro· oeeded to invent paller.
F.rtlllzea Egypt. Tbe amount of fertnlzlns matter brought down by the River NUe from Ite source e-yery year Is estimated at 100.000,000 tona-eocugb to cover a road trom the earth to the moon 18 feet wide by two and Olle--balf Inohel deep.
. Read the
Walter Mc€lure F Deral Director.
TelllJ)hono day or night, Vu.lley phone No. f , Lonl DlB$I\noe No. 69-2r.
.Automoblle ~ervlce at atl TIme • 'l'hou8I1ndl:l keep on l!ufIering 0.-,10 COUgb8 and ColdS throu gh . nt gleot WAYNESVILLE, /lud delay. Wby make yourself an Branch Office, HarveJ'Bbuqr, O. OIlSY prey to serlo .18 aliments and api!1emi o8 a8 the result of tI negleoted !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Cold? Uou~h'" and Uolds Btlp your stren ~ th and vtiallty ~lesB obeeked io the early 8tl)ge8. Dr . Klng 'B New Dlsoovery Is wba~ you needt he tirst dose hell16 11 our head OIOllrs np, you brellthe freely and yon fe el 110 '!lnoh better. Buy a bonle today Bnd start til king at unce . I
IN SCHOOL DAYS When W.lter Scott WftH a boy hi. teacher asked him to give 'he 1'art of 8p8eoh ot ihe word "with" "I\'s a nonn," said youog &lott "You are very stupid," 88i4 the teaDber. . "Bow oame yon to Bay luoh ." .thing I" . "1 got i' from tbe SlblA, Blr, .. BOld the futuJe Dove1l8t;Btoutly... Ihete '8 a ver8e $ba' 8110ye "hey boond·Sam. s on with with • . ~ ..
!~!OJ!I{R pAPa ' \
::~Il;., DRUOciiiii, epaC'ALlln New Indu.try for Canada. One of the little tewna In On tarlo AND U III II Re. Til ANa "1111. OA': "UI ell"VIOIl OAN PIlOI'Ihu organlzed a company tor the pro- 8V UalNa ITa ADVIl"T,eINQ OOJ,.UIII .... duction of candled trults, like the . SAMPLE COPY',FREE nreet. and prelervea produced In ~ .. ~ VOIII( CL'''IIR . l1'raDoo and Ital1. ' N_ YOttt. .. Y .. [
.- ..---
. ..
To hparat. TuJllbl..... When two ,1_ tumblera or ct'tabn .Uelll tOlether BO that th.ra .. daDPI' of breaklD.llI, torolq th.m apart. pat eoI4 water' lllto .the bmw ODe and place the ~ til warm ....... -"Boas DaJartmC"" III Nattaal
rood Ohio Farmer BllwtDI Ma A ohlne wlf,h all 'lJe aUlohmen'" WlIIlIIlI oheap for o.lh. lnqulre of F, A'. Banaock, pboDe
a.rve,.bur" O.
lIeD . p d _
Painting, Paper Hanging,. Auto and Carriag~ Painting. WAyilBSVI;LLB,
27-2. ..14
nblorlbeTl' to tbe IlapliDe, Benll Il1o to 100 t:iuI", oIIoe, _4 1M of
GIl." '" _ ODe
. Shop N.xt to Sh.... 4Iod'. al.,_dIM.alft_b:
-------THR HOME
Of (luality Groceries I * ____________ --4 Th
YOU He"re.
Frequently See
PEOPLE OET HUNGRY AND KNOW THAT Quality Groceries Are A Sure Antidote!
l ....~?.!!:~!!!=..J S~turday
lOe Candies" . . . . ..
20e Salmon . . .. .. . 15e
Von Ca mp': Tuna Fish , The Chick n of the Cfl.
10e, 15e,
lUc Salmon ...... . 10c
ALF of the food value of your corn crop Is in the stalks, husks and leaves. Don'twastethese They make milk and butter and beef ~or you and put mOlley In your bank
The manllr~ from bw-u and feeding penll wiD go bnclt Into JOUI' -ml to mUe Illgaer cro~ next year. The Indlruu\ Silo Is marle of the best aIlo ~t~11I Alld only th~ best. Every 8~'!\ID ill ' cul'-\lght. E"ery joint 11I ·, nintle wilh onr
po""'r~lf-d"'ll1lllllmortlte. ~ pl_18_rl,,:d IIl1dl'r:1dy W be .llp~1 Intq Ii. proporplace. Y enn or=! an IlIdlnll~ RUo vel')' qulcltly abel it ~ iii"" you "bsolu[e "'U"(~.' I"" rot _ lifetime, Don'l
.....rq 1lllOUl Ute .. Hoe. We en ... ""op I, 80 thl\l
Cnt1 u" .uP nr tln)f) uJ" Un. tI.on UWl wlllioolt mlllll\y lluOd
mallei We haft. p.ropad.
to,...... ,
~: !:, : l,"i;::":~}~,i.;' '~r"~,: :;,'~ ~I a·
tre It, Gar~age .
UWl i('nn GUlirthl, ,1111 1 rCll1emher
1111 1V 8 few Ilf Lhe
60 in lhnl COm[lallY
A nd A . Shop· utoR epalr
CliP J . M. Robb who ha'd Uel'\) in tilt' Mexit:an w r W8lI ccmmin . ,los' ,. G. KeYH was fi r l lieuLt<111U1 lind the l rank and fi le \Va Dan It AnderSOIl, J<>llU p, Kinney . Will H III 'y, t; Ki ' 1':.1 Phillips Ja per MCCOnlU9, li en . ..:.. Spangler, Alf Hammell , larence I M ~I eyno)d s, lind oth rs. ~.
W e nr p re pared to \In ttll kind!; of l~epairing 011 Prof, Vcunblc's Debut Aulos a lld nil killd_: f :\lachinoX'y at v ry reaSon _About lhe 'ra or 'M a 'u ndRy· 1 a hi e .... sch 01 picnic wa he ld up the Xeniu '.:.I '~ pik e in the grove of David hen O- I ] \\ e will I r n<ly for work n xt Monday at ,thc ~ w lh The y, ung American Uuurds were esco rt ':Ill Ulat oe 'usion; aud I P hill ips Barn, which hns h CII fiu d l~t> f r th shop.
In~v ' Ii fervlIl re<.:ullecl ion of the deh ut . of Ihat Prince of all fellows IIf which Warren County hIlS b 'e n embell ished. Sir, Pro.!. W H. H. Venable . I can see him now, in my minds ye as his fa lher assisted him on 10 obe of the tablel! and t hat wa . pe'rhaps his maiden eff r t, and it was well received and uppluudlld , And who rememher~ J ohn Thomas, he, who, when pull ing at the bpI! rope of the M. E church would look up aL you th ro ugh a projecting set of eye brows so curiou ~ l y·. Who reIT1l!lllbers old Nu nc" Cobb, who li ved
Bring your Aulos' he re and let
I rna·"
ti S
r pair them.
Sttt~~ t. Ua ~ rrag~
r.:==::J "===:J r.:=== "====
turn of North1I Cl i: ~==5JU:::Ji; in thet ~ cottuge str' J ohn at M. the Hadden owned lEU: '1:::]1. 11::1 1: I [:J fo ur·acre lot back I'f th at cotlagp, acow nd , theru got OUr p!l~lure for ol.r 1 waswe r iding horse, driving . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fI! th · cow h OIn , when ~he as ked m., !! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smith en ter· what t he Ilame o[ t he horse W1l 9 , and tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and I tllld her I!'elix: Of all t he r emarks Mrs. W. H. Hammon and son, of TRICapital ' S~ock I had heard up ttl that time her!! w as Capital Stock South Pek in. 111., Mrs Elizabeth STATE most uniq ue. S he said, .. ~'elix is 9 Zeller, Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge mith BUTTER helovn-namE to ride." $75,000.00 Mr. and .Mrs. Hen Smith and daugh~ $75,000.00 . CO. Dan R" And'roon ter, Mr. and Mra, Wm . Be rnard and 'l'h r ' was a lurile crowd in atte nd· CISfl:;~ATI, ----+.son ami Miss Edna and Mr . E lli ~ an ce at Har ry SllIkC:j' .Jer ey catLl , O. sale Monday A g- rcat many men Smith . were presenl fr(llll u distance. The The 81lm of Safety First cattle all b rouuht u reasonably good The Berean class of the Christian price. The sale could not have bee n Sunday School met at the home of during more fav o rllble weather, as it Mra. Homer Carey last Irridny eve- waq all thut, could be desired . H ill now P Orltw l,ster M~B on ut ning, Nine m embers of the clllss - -We Offer You the .Beneflt of Our -Experience OregonIa responded to roll call. - The visitors J . "I , Cresw 1\ I1nd Wife spen t were Mrs. 0, H , Palmer, Mrs . Frank Our \)ustnlltlS h. no~ 61porlm uta I. Leak. 81111 IUSOC. wll k h .I~~ In nno tI. uel Stansberry and th!,! Misse..'1 Lucy and Sunday wIth r I"tlve ~ !!.t '''"yn~lI' CnJlunory IUl\ O 101&.8 ago boon Ci vOf'(JO lll O l.Jy ou.r IIJxPtlr'l·s• • 'oLhlug (s duno by "UMII ~'lurk_ . ,Our 1u..1'No " 'ulumo perm(l,. big !la v] ug to CX llCIUJe-c,h c C08C, o f tUHuJ ll ufl oa,c h Leafy Emley. At th e business ses· "ille IIhIJ~IIlI" cmam hM boon red",'ecl to a ul lnlmnm-SYSTJUI. MA ',\ UF. MK '" anU sion the c1asa pledged their conce.rted Dewey Rrnitl is " I)llndluf; bl~ va . ~o , E Y I.rol~"" your IIbll, m.u", IlL1d 8II (eguard yo ur ,Ilroll'!l . efforts in the support of the c hurch ( II tlon at hi s home b r for the present yea.,.. After the The Trl State Has Slood the Tesl of Time W T .•Jordun W!L~ In Lebon n on business of the evening had been Other Urea", rfOll II"vo COlli all.1 sun. IJII~ 11m Trl Sl~t\) caell yCllr. 1Iu lteoo')lC Fr idl'Y· transacted the hostess assisted by morn Id mol'll ahl w do big" r and hoLtor Iohhll!~ Anu make our pt.1 ron. mil"" lrven Taylor and fllll1 l1 y of Frlln". 1'\'1') In. No rearn~ry hClJ)C" I.' /II) beller 1I",u we. tl(tm, ~ry to..co u aood . "Idle her mother Mrs Effie Smi.th and Olhol'lllll'o ccuoct l rylng a lung limo IgO, \ye Im vll ~""t'le nlly tollowlld Ihe lin, ottended tbo r ll il rILl of Mr ~ MisS Leafy Emlev served refresh188l\c M. Stc;tUt, of Los Angeles J W TbomtJH(l"l on. I.. t 'f' lle~lIrlY . ll<,11 Y pr tlellllul ..tlrtlC~.1tOO11l1! Imll ..... npliujf OVIlI'Y Hhll'll • '. "",am nH\'fI(! lv,", uti parlo!; (l,e pl"O<lIJccr ~ II UlI' p rofit. ments conaistinR' of pop cort). Ice Cal .• writ~ u as fQllowi\: "AIIt 18"" 4lUy t.u ohlp ·n ....n to tllu 'I'rl S"'" A" wI! u.... LI,o ",,"r "'"Im. OImply I, nn BrAnnon, Aaron , nI,lt·b ,• (')lwI. cream and cake l At the elose of, a thQugh far away. I've f ollowed lIIl.hUnK a ~Iitt 1> " IIr hvl .'o a w~, ~oll\lnhlll~ UJl\)1I )'\,11 ' ' .... lII tl... (00 _.,ht, 1& cool. social hou.r . which was heartilv en · thrpugh tpe colt,lmn9 th e Mi;\f)li MoPh ~r llon, M M 't;I'rry an IKE. 1I1l1ilE A.N!! l' It ao n YS "l'll~"' L "Ill!:, Jil 'I' PIt!':l' m tTPQ.N IIROU.&~T . by nil. the mectir)g adjourned Gazette durina;, the past tWQ w.eeks, Thl'1uJ)sun n1;t.enolld tb'lI B" '" k n 8lI 1e . Rvery I ll p1I1 CU~ I~ IIl1u.,. ... tIKMI ,.gu11ltl\ ,lolIII or <I_rn ugo III u .. !Wlt, alld pl1\.1 (ur Spot to meet at the h ome of Mrs, Amos the s t l'PS upon Centrnlization. I nm 10 WIl'y nell . lIIe on ~uturd!lY aUer. Cull. . ' ,Mendenhall th e second Friday e ve n - glad..it. carried .. and J am 'sure W s a non . ing in May . J W . re w n Bold Inst wee k c\ step the people of Wayne Township fine two yenr old dl'ti rt mare to .... will never r gr-et ." _ Albert Mol r of Harv ysbtirg. for I~ READY FOR SALE UATES blR mODoy. A. 6 l'ulmage lind tllmily wer Jesse Stanley. who has just g~du. nnd"lY {!lle8b1 ot Mrs. Amandll' ated from ·the Jones Auclioneering ,:,roer \ School at l Chicago. is home and is 'hils ' Hn.gem,or and 'amlly spe n! ready for sale dates. It would be 'oDdrlY aftllrnootl wi t h t:b1l8, EIJI ~ well to see him, rlS he nlUl some flOW lIod tl~mll.y Dear Blokol'yvitle, ideas in the 8uetioneering line, Or The mKoy trl e n~I!I of Mrs, .eba" call him, 146 mutual phone. New A lien, of. 011 ve Bruuoh, wIll be glad Burlington, Ohio. The Earliest Oranges of the Season The big rain Saturday has made to Icnow 'i!at she III getti ng bet.ter, Burt Wllllllmll of Olivo Branoh , \Y, h~re are I hey grllll·tl i - \~h Y ~ " they ripcn ea~lier than in otller Oreat..t Wind Storm. the gra.'l8 and trees look fine , The scctto nl ~ Wily urc they SO tlSC1UUS " Probably tbe greate8t de8truction trees are buddirig and before long attonded ,c buron horo OD Sunday venlng. The!:e a nd lither (LU~'Sliolls' urc Illls " "red ill 'a ttu.klct whIch we b ve by a wInd storm wnl! OInt wr~ugbt will put out in le"f. Green garden issued des~ribilll\ O ICIIII <:<,"lIty, Cllliro nl ~' , 'W . C, Weloh, pf Harveysburg, Oalveston. Tex .• September 8, InOO, "S!IS.~" is looking fine, too. and the Gle,tlll Co Ullt ~ is ill ti le heME uf (he grellt, rich S ICfilmcnto Vnlley. A when 9,000 IIv08 wero lost and propel" rams we re .<worth e".eral dollars to WOB herl' OD Mondav, (ew ycars " 1l0 "r.III ~e ,were /; ruwlI ''OlUuJt:rciully 'II ollly the sout hem The J nrdllu famtlv attended the ty vn.lued nt ,30.000,IlOO . was 8udd on ly. farmers and !1m all frUIt Rrowers. part Df the Slale. L.... ter it WllS lIisc:ovl.'lt!dlhat cilrus Cru.its, ripened fnner(l.l of MI88 J ennie Jordon lit 4estroyed: If tber-e has ever been Il - - -....... - • pe r(ectly in even the nllrthern pnrl uC the interior valley. Since then "Fr"n II !ID one day la8' woek, OlcllIl Co ullty lul$ ~o\1le Cotwn rll witb su llle lJla llllif1~nt carly Crult, ~orse storm we buvo no reco~ or It. .~, 'I'h rc are Cljllullcss upportunities (nr 1I0t unly citnl$ Cruit culture bUl ~o r (.Il !'(Ire s nt' ,lcclc.luous frulls. li vc sLoclt, 11111111. truck f"rllling, etc .• III GICIIII 'nulll y. Arbitration, W ' will sclI(llhis tt.,uo t i/ut Ioook clcsc:rl blng 'Olellll ullnt, C_ to ~ou FIrst DI,rector - "Oentlemen, t bo If y,.u will sellc.l 119 yuur UDlIt nud Il dc.lrcss· WIll II I WO 'CI!JI t stMI:! to quea Uon lB. Shall we arbllrate ?" Sec11<;111 1)(1), the (II' I~ g. .. , llcHt~ stili, se nd t eu, <:ell.t~ ill SIu.IDp,s .llIl ' we o~d Dlroc'tnl'- "Ne\'!lr! Wi,y, If we \\'dl sCllci lhc Olelln utlllly 11</Ok, '" nu,p (j( C"hConli(l tlI)d 1\ samille cop>, ,If SlInsd Mnl;lldu., th ~ Ilrclil l)ucilic Cuast nOliunol magazine . . 8ubmllto,I tbls dis pute lo arbitration, lJr, 1:1 . O . Whi'I~k:er and family wo might nave to concede somelhlng." SUN~El' MAO.~ZINE SERVICE BUR,E.AU.SanFrallcisco, Cal. ecoQd Sund~y after Easler, April apeDt Ihe weak.oDd with Rev, KII -Ufo. [II wriU/l1: Lc s. r · to mellliplI this 1II11ICr III~II dlclIu County book . . 18th, Sunday . School at 9:30 a rh o Under and fllmily of Bethany. ' [lorn to Mr . alld Mrs. Fred Mo Morning Pray er and serm on at 10:30 The puIJlic. cor dially invi ted to these .Kinney (na6 Nellie' Turner) of near You Can Enjoy Life Xenlll, II dongbt e r, Frelda FrllDclll. servkes. Ea' ",bat you want IUId betroublell with indill!llUon u~ou will take a A PIIrty or frumtls of MisN ADDS Reeves, temlerrd b el' 8 8Dr~rise • ~.-o~ Dyspepsia . 8afo That Time, The "Greatcat Novel ...· Tllescll\Y nlgbt (If Illst week. ' . Tablet .t:lVOrtsrnan (In auto. ealllDi!: to boy There I~ no "grolllest Itovcl." Tbere Wm. Bllr)llu. of Earlhllm oollege Won and If_ 1Mb maL BoI4 oaIJ' Is fl JloQding BDrl\.lg v"OIrtloD ~t ~h e Ilre Im udrudg or grCllt · nuvol ~ , a\l of Illowltlg I.n Ilel~ by . roadalde)-"Ht, b,1 \11-260 a belL: ' - - ,_I thom' wondorful 10 tllIllr subject mat- tbere. 80111lyl SelHlnytllhill to Bhoot- ' - - homo ot hIs IlMeot8 around hore?" DoY-: 'Yep~ but ye, J. E. Jann"y. Cbali: MoKIlY 108~ Cl flue drlviog ter and art. ' bet WOOlf whlcb It would nced.!l'l 'be scart, mIster, ' It'e Jeit my be nexl to 1WlJOSijl IJle to CItODso, 80 lar , Saturdayni ght the t hird a nd fourth ho rRe last week have my gun aloa. liS elCcellenoo Ie concel'Jl(ld. "It 'Is a luck !lIWOYB not rl eR'f'~ will be confe rred, after which 'rnnlto Conk lin hilS pllrobosed mlltter or lnato liul'oly Ulld ~1.mVI Y. wIth U'le."--Judg(l. ' a St1pp r will 1>0 s rveil. I~ Ford rUllabout. ," Late Cla8sified Ads W . II. Keys. W. M. !:)lella orn e ll , Sec'y. Mr. and ' Mrs, M'a rloll 10 nbowor ' ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!!~~~!!!!!'!!!!!!!"!'! wont W WRflhmgtoD. C. tI. to se(' -
~,.::~ I~:..for the aUo oul of the
Mr!'. F'i 1 ~Ptl I Tick, of New .Rich· mond , and 1r9. 'Ylllhia Evans. w r The ol1ly saltJ n' k.: \)j;lr llml Lebn~uC I of Dr, and M". H . E HalhIlwaya dilln r" \I·nlley. nOli hal! al lh vre.\oen ( nl'\;! hI 4 b en .in 1m. itJe!lS ub )u t l wn week arid hru. b en indicted 'b y lbe \.trtU11 j ury for Mr . and Mrs. F. n, Hender_on en· sell ing liquor t.o hubitual drunkard ~ te r lnined the J olJ~' Matrons Monday aud to a minor. Judge, Willalrd dght will handle eveni ng A~ this was "men 's " ven·. ing, the me n wer lhere in fo~ce . An theF ' CIl!! with nu( glov{'s IInci :h e ha; elegant eu pper WRS servell, ofter !n ~ ttu 'ted ,t lw gl'lInd jury to "cra 'k which thp evening was ap nt in pillS· It Lo ' I' m ." 'l'he toll of the Hrsl day o f Leba" ing .. roo I< ." I'\on's "\JI'ospedty" WIlS g r Ill. T hi r· teen drunks un,1 two disorde r lies . An~llh at ia on ly with t he une salooll . The Cookinl!' Club met at t he hom e What in the n amll of heaven will it of Miss Floro Berryhill Saturday be whe/\ they I~d Lh i r quota ~ evening Mi ss Berryhill was assisled IC Lebanon P !lIe had on ly to pcd by the M is..'IeS Mary Salisbury and to s tudy tl> ,siln ion ju~t a t rifl e Mary Davi The evening was plelllj- longe r, perha)!l they would have anlly fl pent· discussing the ulinar y Been wh 're they I·c.uld (ancl did \ make d eparlmrnt. T here was a goo(1 at- a mistak by viJlifli,f in t he Ii 'eusl:'d tendance at the meeting. 8u loon. Thef/let lllUl mor drunk~n , men ha\' hce ll~ SI'('11 \,n lh .. ~ trel'ls of Lebanon i II Oll~ ,Jay tlllll1 hqd be~n 6 ayid Thom~, who is in F'lorida seen in any In ,n ih f. ,r Yliar~ before. sent a box of fi ne o range.'! hom e and was enouffh to muke thuse who "oted on Thursday vening Mi ss or a '.'wel" lake t(l lhl:' W') d ~ in horL Thomas and broth r, Arthur. gave oruer. We tru t that ollr l~ t r t wn will an orange s upper to lhe foll owing guests: Mr and Mrs. Frank Thomas not 5ufl:er too g n·a tly with h r· li· and family , Mr. and Mrs Ed Thomall :: nsed 5n,loon. and f a mily and Mr. Imd M rs. Ken· neth Th oma.~ and uaughtllr
'~r:EC~G'll====Sirnt:--l(!J ~i5!5:5!!!JiEllEJI=====Jr:t
Responsible-Safe-' Permanent
.. - - ---
---_.- - - -
Prrice tbis' (U¢ek is
Butt~rr ' Fat.,
.- .
Waynesville, Ohio
.- .
- - '.
is in the Gazette
AVENPOR'r und I~rgo Morris D Rooker chell I) Inquire of [, A. ZimmorlDl\n, W •• ynt!8ville, . 0
Every year tbl' chole ra loss is heavy, will, 1I0t \1ay lo stand your aha re Ion" sllt~rt CArt, praotlol\Jly JlII'-'. if yO\l will vlll'cinllt.c you r hogs with I nler· State VACC itlf~" o . Serum, mad(' In?ulre at this nmos. f\~8 al R anl\a~ City. Mo. I h.we US 'II ECILIAN Bn.t,~oroupR, 'pnrs blOl'>!l .sorum. on .my hI g. with good rcs ul l." . -' U,O !)cr 8Ot,~lol M. ,1. Un. 811ve experime nted by fcedi lll! them . clerwolILl, WillllloltOIl, O . It. Do, 'I. ijogs t hat dii!/i from rhol e rs 'nncl al~(I by inj ctinlt viru~ hypodflrmkal\y Pbone Hal v'eY8bur~ HI lY. 1\28 and ' founr! thom im mune. I would a d vi. vaccinnting when piJ.,"S are well lind from five to ten days olel for lhlll ifl n sure preventat ive But there is no absolule cure Imown afte r hol\'s ar~ sick . S'rum orderell will be' received from Cincinnati in ahou't s ix hours Al tlo ca~. iu I'rlillh Stock l:lo~!I. g uar: !In teed ,mmurHl from cholern, write a ' big ad. tllis weck O. A. trnW\1, SELLING ' rhoh e 22.7 A ' Lebanon, O. Seed Potatoes a 21 _ _.o._ __ 1'128
Gibney after their great Fire Sale are ~iviD_g the Finest Assort~ent of READY-TOWEAR 'G MtMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Ski~t8 Gingham Print House Dresses. $1.00 up All Wool Cashmere Dresses .. $5,75 lip All Wool Suits , ......... ,. , $8.75 up Spring Coats ...•.......•.. .,$5.00 up Spring Underwear ........ " JOe up ·~iddys ... ; ......... ,' ..... ,$1.00 up Pet;tiCoa ts Silk .... , . ..... , .$1.00 up House Aprons.. ... ..... .. . 25e up Aprons for Dresses .., .. , , , .. 75c up Children's Dresses , ..... , . ,. 50c up .CORSETS-· Nemo, for Stout Figures, American Lady, froni-and back lace. Gossard, all styles, Frolaset,'(ront lace. Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum will be in. '
Hutchison & XENIA
~b...{y •
o' l ii:::::::::::::~:::=:==::====:::~
tlteir gr ... \,,110 i8 very iJ) pnclllUonin. 'rbos · U. Haydook Mpent. Illsl WeclnoHdllJ in CtIloirmnli.
- - - ...
, H~tchl80n &
U"cle Eben. knln't belp boln' superetltlou. about FrIday," 'Rald Uncle lllban, "bllt I r eco'nlzo dpt I nln' 80 mucb whut you lloCH on "'rl(lity dnt brings badluck us whut )' ''1) sldesleps on FrIday nn' fiv e or s Ix o thll r .hIYS n week.'; ' '
---- ~
Onion Sets
Cl ea ning a Mackintosh.
Garden Seeds Fruits 'and Vegetable:; Groceries of all Kinds Bring. us your eggs; .cash or trade.
We pay
Chick Feed, Hen Feed, Cracked CorD, Chick and COarse.
It pay. to .trade at
Mncklntosh c8. wholl tllrty. can be en~\Iy clrnno(l ill hom o. Snrrn d out tho gR rm e n~ nlll on th tnblo and Beru II wit h 11'11l'\11 wa t(1r 01111 Yllliow Ronp In \ blc,h Il III 10 oarbonat" or amnlnnln. bas been lfl~Rolvl)d, Il.inse In cold wat r' op ll ha ng III th o nlr to dry. On 110 D coun t J.ut It ncar tlt fire , '
-" ----+ - ..- -. TrInidad. The Islnnd of Trhlldlld Is 65 mlletl Inng Rnrl 40 01111'8 wldo, Dnd has lUI ar a 0\
appl"Qxhnlltety 1,~OO Iquare
miles. A chatn ot mountAlDII extllDc1a throughout I lunllth. tho blgheet. POint or about three t1IOIIIUI4 feet above leveL
" ,
give ,,~ . , qu.rter. ·w~n· ~o~ .m!<!d give up. but len? ''l'willmake feel-ab-sorter . like you,9ughtlo ,come here again. " !-; .'
Assor;ted 'Paints ' Assorted Enamels- · , Picture Nails aDd Wire €arpet Deaters Tack~6' oz., 8 and 10 'rack Pullers, Brushes
Curtain Scrim Curtain Poles
' 1'
Straw Hats .' Pillow Tops , Pillow ~s . Tea Apro~ . ~ ~e~ tine. of Laees Children'I ,Maslin Uudeqnar
Velvet Ribbon Children'. Belta
....- . :
1. _ _ _ _ ____ i _ .·_
).:.. ~==::.:l::=<l~;a;;t;_I&O;':
-----_. 'II F ! SOCIE. .,. -----TY EVENTS I I Of .---. -- +t . - _. ---
'it /l 'ft ri k. " f Nl'''' I I~h· 111"1111 and . I rs . I \ ' Y] hi" EVil " " IVPIP l' III'QI,uf llr , llnd . 1r! 1!' I: IIl\ lh · :111-',,' :It .Ii I n"r ~l\ ll dll\
~u s h
YOU He re,
P rt:que ntl . . St'e
Is Du\! To T h e Fact T ha t
Q ualit.y'cr.roce.ri c~ A re A ' ure A ntidok!
hlll4 ,lllh . \11 " " l 'U lollh: t l•1 bt'I' In hn~\I\ """ " 'U': ' I, , I \"',·1,- '111.1 h:ul )I'ell Ind " ..d 1,1: ,\,,, ~' f1I1 " , lJr y " I 1 s.' l h ll~ IlqulIl' to IllllJILlI.,1 .I runkh r , Hud I" a minor. cl ud ' l' \\ i11:1rI1 \\ I'i~h w i II ha nd le~h ,, ' ''''l'~ WII hllU L )!,I,!\ (':\ uTlt l..hl' hu III~ll'. II" I" t!,1 l hl' ~ ',n ,d JU l'. I " rn h'h "
e \' 'nin)! , I\[i ,," ll 'rr~' 11i 1l was a.. ,:;i$Il't! i.Jy till' ~li~"L's \ l n ry Sali sb ury an ti Mar\' nilli ~ T Ill' ·\'.'nil1~\\·a~ plea. · cll itly ~JI~nl d i s" II~~ill~ til\' "ul inary t1 cJlnn Iwnl . Tltrc wnH a ~I'U " lit· . t 'nd:wet' li t tII e 1IlL! ' llll~.
................................................ Try These- They'll Please .................................... ............ Saturday Only
I'Il1'IIlIly 1 I,,, ·,, k,'. PC'I" 111111 1.,·Ill!
IlHI'i,I T hlll11:\H. \\'111.1 i~ ill Fillri da , II l,l';>' of Iii\(' C! rall~(,1\ IIlInw nllt! a ll Th ur~d flY ,' \'C ll i n g Mi·,; (\'1'11 1'h m as ant! hr" tlH'r . \r lhu r . ~aVL' a n o r allg'l' sUPl w r t u Ihe (.)lIII II'III).! ~ u es l !l: Mr a Tltj~1 r~ 1·'l'flll kTh 1I1f1~ l and family, I r . 11i 1I 1 Mr, I':d Thl'l1m" lind fam ily lin.I ~I r . •lIId illn;. I' ,'n· nc thTh o" ta~ a li t! .lau~lllf' r
Inc (::111(1i('~ .
S rt 1111 (111
. . .
\ ' :111
L':lt lll'· ... T utl:1 F i:-- h ,
TIll' Ch id "vll Ill' t hl' ";l';;t .
10c, 15c,
1.i c ~rt Im o ll .
- - -
\lamI1HII' litH] Ho n, I) f
ALF of the food value of your eoru crop is in the s ta lks, b IIsks a n d l eaves. D o n ' t waste these, T bey m ake m ilk Clnd butter a lld b eef for y o u a nd Jlut m Olley i II your bauk if 1>O tt pres(,TI'e them i,. An
. T he man lire frolll IJurn nnd fee-li ng pen s WIll go 1l.1ck lllto YOIli' wil l o Wilke bim:l!r
MT, u nt! Mrs. !len '- mith li nd dau gh · tt' r . Mr. and l\lrs. Wm Uernan l and SO il a n( 1 M iSl! t::dna ant! M r . I-:lli ~
- - - - - -- - -
)' ~"tU' .
'l'h!, I llllirUI Silo i s mAlle of t11e best 8110 It.'nt~ r1ll1s II ne l ollly .t he IJI..'St . lWeI)' ~ t'n ", ill mr - ~I p;ht . ]{\'!'ry Joi nt iR nt"rle w i t h Oll r
Pllten l ~~tr. dntill{II " m rn t i~. l h--ec)' tli eee I ~ n1tl tkt"d culil l '(>:'u ty to • HII1"'I.<(\ inlo It. p ru lX'r (ll Rct!. Vo u ,_ It ~I t nn IlllUmu, :-;ilo \'c ry .)u ickl,. atld It w i ll
UI\'e )'(HI IIbso lu h.' K: 1I1~rIH·tiun
Ii rl:' t i lUe.
DolI' t
wn rry " ho ut the p nC'e. C'nll n n :UlI lCe it 80 t hAt )'1'11 wil l PfI)' (or t he: i ilo ou t of the :vlViu ll' It llU1k~ On )!our b rm, Cnl1 U ~ up n r ,hOI> tI " n Ifu r " .~ Mvt! tio n l1m l will JVlJ klU ail;hly a u",,", to 1UUo
Harveysburg; .......
L ___ _
N. Sears
( Wil lne\.crrrg r.t."
_ __ _ _ _
::Ichoo l a t , Chi ca g-l1 . is h om e lln d
Ideas In the a ue tl Cl II(,l' rlng III H'. Or ('all him, 14G mu tual phon '. N I' II' Burlin .yton. Ohi o. ....- - - -... -
Greateat Wind Storm . Probably t h o g r on lo s l d CH lruc ti o ll by 0. wtnd storm W llft IMllt wrollj; h t III Oo.lv l'sl Cln . T ux ., ROllt omiJ or ~ . I nOn, whl'lI ~.1I 0 0 II v " B 11'('1'11 IIIHt luu l prO I){lI" I y vo.lu !'ft " t $~ n , O O O,on o WItB Plld d!'nl ), · rlns troyl'll. It 1he' ro ha s ovtl r IJ 0 11. II worAO stMm IVO hnv o no r{'cor.1 or It
Offi ce' ill
1 lIi,lding
Waynesville, Ohio
F irst n lroclo r - " OOnUl'tnf'lll , tho IlU IlR ttun IH . Rh" II \I'll rt r Llt r:\lu : " R.' c· o ll.d Hl rr <"lo r- "N" I'C' r ! Wh )' , It' wo All h m ltl l\d tlt ls d ifl JllIl C t o al' lllt rnlt oll, WI' ml gllt I\ a ,'., 10 c onced o eom lllhl ng."
- Li fe.
You Can Enjoy Life Ent wbat you wnnt Acd cot be troubled with indigcslioll if you will take a
News Worth Reading is in the' Gazette
Dyspepsia Tablet
before and after .uh meal. Bold 0111,. b,. wt-~50 a box, ! J, E. Jannoy.
Cla~s ificd
I t i;
I'OH T II n fl I,n go M orrl. Ron ko r Ch (1fl P Jnfj lli r n of r. 'W " 'y n "~v i 1I Il ,
I IID [:: Rh"ft, on r t ,llrn n ti (l "i' y 11 0 "' .
Illfjnlrn Clt. thi H l, mIlA.
Il ;!H
N Bnl Ln r o IlJl" : pn n. hl",)l1 C I'~C*1II')A .:' 0 Ilnr ~lIlti llll M . •1. tT " .
.Gingham Print 11 0Llse Dr('sscs . .' l,Ot) up All Wool Cashmere Dresses . . $!i.7:; ti p All Wool Suits .. , . , ... " . . , . ~8 .7 !) u p
ugs, Window Shades and J,illolellm will b e in.
Hutchi,~ & Gibney XENIA
h,'n' ",," let " . n'l"
I I" ',,,
~ t:l
Capi t al Sto ck
Capital Stock
$75,000.0 0
$75 ,000.00
!l OW
Th e 5 1li,f\ o f Safety Firs t
Responsible- Safe- Permanen t
M d ~lJ rI
P ""t lll llK t tl f
We Offl: r You th e Be nefit o f Our EXPCfi L'IKl'
' r O'f\~ . ' 11 IIn.1 w . f ,' ~ p tln t I ~l1"d"y w ith rt' I"IIY,\ ~ H ,vtl,V n u,-
\711 ..
I rven TlI y lll r lllllJ. 11111\1. of Srllnk
Iii hi' "'
M ('\ ' Ih' I'~' II , M , I '('lI n y 11 11 1 I{ IJ:. 'I'h 11 ',II 11H.HI "I,t 'n IT nd !.hl'l H II \,·k ,· ~1I1 ~
IJ lIgf1I11 VAr
1"in:EtAX" 1,' /1"
1" 'Orol""l 'flrly
good ,
\.\hl 1o
tlillo\'{~I I I I I!
lab' Ih toIl ur l' H 'IlU U \ y l l llr flwl11tJu.'i f o r ke
' :\0 I1AY !:\ .. I · III.\L A HI.;,:~EN 1' J' IU': I ' \1t 1
bh u J,)t)· .tln t( re,
IJ I'ON II Kt..! lf E T . lJuhl f(lr Spat.
this (Ue~k is folt Buttel1 Fat.
i.IIiII!. . . . . . . . ._ • • • •:lD • • U III::iIUi01ii:S51._._5• • • •_ ;:;
Il ud f llIDl ly " pqn
Chl"~~' 1.;u 1." 1 ~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--__~__~~~~~~~~~!!!
. .. _ • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • • •_ • • • • • • • • • •~ •
T lto m" n y f rl llllll ~' flf i\lr~
ellA - !! A 11" 11 , of O l lv. BrtllI oh, w rll bl'! gln (1 , T he h i~ rai11 Satu rt lay h a ~ m oel ' t (1 ..n lI n w >1 •. Iti t fl I U I ~ f.!:" tti n .:" IIl\ lt. ol' I th e ~ ra.'1~ a nd tree~ look fin . T h e Bnrt W i llill lll~ (If O li v e Bra n c h trce~ an' hulld ing lind befor c 1 0fl ~ ftltOl1cl Elc\ o hnr h hUTO 00 liund llY
wi ll put out ill 1('lI f. Crccn $tart!en t' v(l ll lllg . .. s :IS:i.. ll;...L....uk inj!' fin c . lOo . and th.! j Y (] Wo loh, C'{ Bllrvey. bur tl , \ r :\ i n ~ \\'I' re wor l.h H Y'm l d ollnr R to w n ~ hf' TO Cl n M ndl\V, farrnel'H a n t! ~rnall f r uil l: r llW ' r!'. T h o J II Ttll\n fIlmil v ntl.e n ded th t' _ _ _ _ __ - - fll n rill or M ill!' J ",nllie .J ordo n lit
Tht! E" rlil'st
\\'llI'rc .lI e 11t~)' ~ r •.wll '
Why tI" Ihe y Illey ", I",ci .. ,, <
f 1 S
t U!
l'ason ill o lh.r
ri P"1I ,·", lie r t ha ll
,,·,' lilJ ".? \\, hr : 11'\' '1'1 « ".' .11 ••1 .,I It,·r '1 " cS I ie,,,, a ft· a ll ' ''''' '''01 ill U I",. kld wh ich we II Llve
i" II"') dc "'" ilti,, ~ (: 1"\1 " C,, " "IV, C., h r"" tia . Git' II I1 l'U UIII\' i, ill ti ll' I,,' a. t "f 1111' I: r, a l , r ich ' Sacra l"" 1I1 0 \ ·a llty . A f.' " 'car> .• ~;. h ,· \\e .e ~r" \v1I c"f ll lllc rcia ll . III o n l~' Ille sou l h~m 1""1
. r 111,· Slaie .
1"'l re r l ' \'
Fr H nk ~ in o n e d RY 11ls t w e fl k.
tn ·
IIiI\t l
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" ,..lIn l
Stood' the T es t of Time
.\u ( 'n llllllt'ry .1f11)(!JC 11I 11I1 1U'LI(1r ltUlU h"\ 11 I 'l l1l1u)/ 1 (f) l Ui{ 1I 1'" lg Iln li l BJotU ,
, .. tn r .l ny 11 f.c r . .
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1m. ' It.tenc'''l \ Iho [OI1"rlll of ~Ir" J \ '1'hIJlUI'_Wl 00 hi"! 1'1I".rl .. y
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l''lncri llh'lIl lll.
t °I" ' UI IHjr\ II •• ' " IOIl~ 11 ':1 ' h.",}11 U\\jr ' :tJIIl' J It ~ ' ~ur " ' lI"rl", ~ lIthll tl-: \ \ j .rk till r I.l rl.!l' \ "lU ll II' p<'r ill it..: I .It-: "' 0 ' II I~ I II " ' I H ' II~~ ;-:- I I1+' . ·u~t
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1:1 H(lt
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/'i \ IlIlJ " y II t tll n ll.lOll 9o:.l th u tilI fl, w ll y II Ullr 1l Ic ti o r )'vl l
Lal ,·,. il \\ , IS t1i " "c leu Ih a l dl ru s rru il ~ ripc llid ."an "f I Ia.' itll cr io r \'a llt'y, ' juce Illen \\ il h ~1I 1i1 ' m :l g llil iC\.' 11l cu rly f ruit ,
til\: n ll rt lh.' f1 1 11.,s '. 11.1 11 1\' ftl(\\ , lfll
IIl l " ' . 1I
GII.' u II C-u ull l v
Tlll' ll' :11l' l' '';IIIIIc ~ UPl'o l tUl aitic s (li r 110 1 111l 1)' d l r\l ~ frui t ( ult un! L.ml fill 11 1I " ~ )lI S 1)1 I h.o c illll u U ~ rruh ~ . Ih 'l\ stu\.· k , )..: r:.a il1, ' r ll ' k fa rm in g , e t c .. ill n llill t \ .tllI l\" We "iI'l >;(:1111 I lo i~ lIt.·.lU t il lll I,,,. ,k . "' ....· ,; "i ll~ C It'1I 1I CI ," nl 1 rr< ~ III )l1I1I . i V" II \~ i ll ~l'I UJ II~ 'UIlI IIU lI ll ' H ln l .1(llIl t·s"'" H l ld Il 1 \\' 1J ~\."'t! lIl s t a mp tu i1l,i,. !"IV t ltl: l " J~ I .l g(' , I h: l l cr ~ li ll , !'l' III.I I\: l l l'~ II I S ill St.IIII 1'5 :11111 w e
"il' !'-t:lld
1I 11 .1 f nm ily j Second Su nday after I~a~ t e r , Apl'iI s Jlen t I h o woo k-lllHl with H ev, K il I 181h. ' u n d ~l )' Sc h. ltll a L ,, ::10 II m . Iin (1 r II n o f a m ily lI f Bet h ttn y . Porn to Ir I\ lI d Mrs . F.re d Me Mt1I'lIin\: l'raY I'r a nl l·"e rll1lJlI at I O : '~O The ),u l di .. 'lIrdially il \'itt'd III th '~C' J;; i ll l1flY ( 11 1'0 Nu l till T u r ll !:"r ) IIf n e nr X {lnitl , 1\ u n u~ht e r , FrC1(lu F n,nci ... HCI'"I/ ·,,:; . A pnr t y o r fn l'n tlll of M I ~H Annn --1100vos, 11' IHl of( d h llr II su rfl Tlsl'
Ur . U . O . W lJi t .,ker
I I ", Ck li ll (H lt ll l y I HIIII.I.I II I.ap of c,IHrfJII1 Ll : tlld :t s: u lI l'lc SIlIISt.' 1 f\b g:l zi ll. , Ille ~ 1 l'.Il I',ll' il il' Co, lSI IIn t iu llu l m a glHille ,
MAGAZ I E SER VIC E IWR EAU,SunFrallcisco, Cal.
I II U Ii ! i ll ~"
!'I . l e Iv 11It= lItl ll ll
- -- -- - -
l 11i!) p.q },.' r
;\lld G Il' 11 11 ( 1)llIIl y
buok ,
Th e "Gre atest Nove l." Sa fe Th at Time. Th er o 1M 11 0 "!I r ":l~ ~~ t lIovol," Th e r " ~ 1 . o r t l! lIlII n (In flu to, calling to boy is . JI (\ Il UI1 I ~ " pr i ll l( Y tl cl~ t io n tit I.be u), n hUII <lr,· t1 ~ Of );rpn t n ll,,"II!. n i l or 111\1 \\'1 11 10 In 1Il'i1l b y rOllu s ld e ) - " Ht. tt1l'1I1 w"tuJ.ul' J' ul III 1111'1 1' " ubjl!l· t tlInl-l l h Cl'e. " lIlI II )' ! Sec u nyth ln g to 8h o ~ o f lIif'll l'lillIlll,s te r a nll a rt. bl' llI'l'<'1I ",h ldl II \\' lIlIld li rouml h<'ro ?" Doy- " Y ep ; but ye ( ' lt l' ~ . ~lnI~ " y I OR t tI flu e Ilrl vin g b tl n ex t 10 1IIl l' IIStliL I ' IU ell u:.> ",', »lI fnr I n ee dll 't h " Hca rt. ml lllor . Il'8 je s l m y Sal II rd ay rI1 ~ hll he lh ird a nd II ~ l!. h q riH. lust w u\\ k I nR ex" •• IIl' ltt " IH (;011' fll" d It t ~ II IIU Ck 11 1..... ,,)' 11 lIol III lIavo m y gun uloug r1 t'l<rl' t'~ wil l he ('(mf.' r red . nf!.l' r which 'i'lI lt iM Co nklin h \l 8 I'UrOII II!!tld' m llt H' \' t)I' IIISII. I' .II·('!Y all .1 "1 1111'1),. I\ lIh IiIC." -.T tlll hl' . u ~ IIPJl"r wi ll he :;,' r Y(·' \. ' n lellrd run IC ltuu t•.
'L'u niltill Y lI il.(lI t· I)f III .. t w onk . Will . U tlrl !! n . n ~ E llr lhllLll oClll ugc
W. M.
HutChison &' Gibney after their great Fire Sale are receiving the Finest Assortment of READY-TOWEAR GARMENTS yet ofi'ered. No Narrow Skirts
Spring Coat s . . ... , .. . , . . . . . $:;.f10 up Spring Underwear . . . . . .. , , , Hlc up l\liddys , _. . _.. . ... .$1.00 up P etticoats Silk ,. , .$ 1.00 up llouse Aprons . . , . . .. , . .. _, 2!)c up Aprons for Dresses . . . . .. . . 7;') up Children' s ' Dresses. , . . . , , . . . 50e up CORSETS- Nemo. for tout Figures. America n l .. ady, front and b n~k lace, Gossard, all styles, FroJ set, fran t lace.
",i,," ""'" .\" 1o ,
O rOl:{u n il\
ROW ' .( 'h ll ~ MAI(E GRASS G
W. II.
I1 ~K
Ir k 1I l', t
A V~~ N
1\ . Zittltll orm lUl ,
:-i elln ( "' ml'l l, S('('· y .
ill h I' r l';I(I\' ltlr
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~.~~III~ o.f~~(' ~~~~ , ;~.~I ~e~\l1l\.1t!l~~.·1\~1~11 ~1~~~:
:'I I(lII dllV nt' ti ll' ~ l'lt i llip ~ H:It'II, II'liil'1t Ita., ill'l' lI 111t-'r! Ill' 1', )1' t l l ~' sll IP·
Da" I{ A lid,· rSCl l1
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1,\'In ·" .
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CI)\I' h OIl1,' . wl",n ,;h .. a ~ k . ·d nit 1\ hil t tl1I' 111111\1 ' II I IltL' h" rH\' WII~, a nd I t ,dd Ilt' r I· 'I I ~ Ilf allihe rL'l11urkE I haill1l',INI liP III t ha t lilli ' her~ \v il~ niu,1 uldqu/:! ;o;lte ~!l i,l , " Ft! lix i~ 11 hl'I .. I' H- II ' UI1< to rid~ . "
k llHI " III \ Ial'ililll ry at \ T r y
I Il l'
\\' ' fI' p rt'~"I;1 f rolll a I" stu lle '. Th,· (·alll .· all I. r{lUl1it l a r;:u'Ionnhly ,,<loti The Her clIn class of t he Chrisl i UII prlrl' . Th,· Hale c lIuld n oL ha\'!:' bl! 11 ,'Ul1lllly 'chaoI met li t til{' hOlllt' of dul'in~ 111"1',' f u\·" rahll' wl"ather , II~ it Mrs . Humer 'Il r ey \;LSl Fr ida.v ',' C' Wlt ~ all Ihat euu lJ I,t' df'~ i r~d . lIing. Nine IlH' m b ers o f lhe cias" r espo nd!",1 ( 0 roll ca ll The I' i s i ln r~ weT·e Mrs . D. )1. I'al m er, M rs . Franl, Stan sberry and t ill' M i ~eg Lucy a nd L eafy l::ll1l ey. At' t h' husi ne:"s HI ':! s ion t he class pl eti gr(\ t hei r conce rt (,d e lfort s in t h 'u p pnrt uf t he chu rch for the )J r~'n t vellr. After tl1l' i.Jus ilH's8 of th e '\'cning hnd h cen t ransacted th e h us l es~ a.'!.~is ted by her ' mothe r MT!I Erne mi th an d 'I ' J f E I d f h ~' ',,' ISS . a Y ',m ev l\c rve r l' res · l!!Sac M. :-.tuu t.. of Ln A ng?,ies . n wn t·s cnmlistil1g of po" co r n , ie' a l.. wri tl'~ U,j a~ follow!;: AI· ('r 11m !Lnd 1!lIk e At the do~~ ()f H though f ar away, I've rt) lllwN I' ~llci nl h"ur. wh ich wl;II' h ell ~lilv en · thr Ulth Ilw rnlul11 n~ . f Ih' Miam i .Jlly ed by 1;111 , t he meetlllg mlJllu rn ,.I Gaz tt , d uri'nl! the past tW l\ w I; , III me('t at lhl:' .humo uf ~rs. 1lI0~ th ~lI'ps upnll l' t'lI tra[i zatiun. 1 :101 ~1 ,:n.( l en h ld l th seconrll"l'Itlay even - I g- lnd it caniell, awl [ a m ~1.Jr(' it '~. II In~ It1 Ma.y. \ stcp .the I c" p[c nf Way np I I'WIIHhlJl
___ _ _ _
l\\'a ~ rid \ tlJ.!ol1t·hol·:-:;t!,dri\'i r J.!
CdW .
Th r r p w a ' :1 I' !r r ,' t-rrl\\.l in atte lJ.! · HIU'P a t Ha,.,.\ ~ II '·.I~" · ,h:r"':lo \, CHl t l , · ~fll", ;\) "l ld ;t\ : \ J,!' 1'l'h l lmin}' mel.
'mi th .
'r ' (1 11
~~~~~~~~~~~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!"!~~~~~ Zelle r . Mr . a nti Mrs. (j 'o r!!c .'Illilh
; 11
I !'I 'parl"d III rill :I II \.;ill d ... (I I l<.l' l': ti l'i ll ~
: Irt '
:\ lItl h ;\l ld :tl l
~() u l h
O HI O ___________________________ .._ . . ..::
And Auto Rel~air Shop
.\I".UI Ihe \eu r ';,:\ or 'r,o! n :-iundav . sl'!" ,,,1 picnic 'wa~ 11t' 1" Ill' tl1l' Xe lll:. ,ik.' ill I Ill' grlll'e of [la\' id CI1l'no!" 'III Th" V. UIl" Alncri ·tlll I; ' ul'th ", ,., 1\ '1', ' .·,,, ,,r l '.111 Ih u l (lcl'a ~illll: a lld I I' ,\II"II 111l'\' h t ' I.", Ir '1 '1" a lIa \ , II f"rI·l .! r tf ·"I1I'.·l inll tlf III,. If L t'l)al ll II I I" " I .," ,>I ,,, .I ) , 1"l'p.·d d., bu ' . 'tlf Ihal II'it,,'\! uf all f ,I!.,\\" Itl ~ t \ld y 1I ,~ .. ,I 'I:' "II .l U' I a t n tl ., ., f 11'111('11 \\ arn'lI ClllIrtiV hilS OL"'II IUIlg-L'r , PL' rl ll ; " ,d , : l\ Il. d hU\ " I"1 " ,,,lI i ~h,'d. ;o;i r. I 'ro r \Y I I. I I'. s.·,'n wh ,'re lilt,) 'I, I ( .. 1.01 di d Itl ilh., \ "' 11:11,1" I ('all ~I 'l' him 1ll1"' , in 111\.' I I I II I (II I . 1.1. " 11" It 0:, I.",. ".' . ',' . ,"' ,'." , I ," ~'.·I i llli nd :l l')' a~ IIi K failll'!' a>l>< i~l~'d hill l HI I I IIt' I 11 L ,. Ill ' " J rill I k I II 1" ll ln 1111 ' III' lit! lH I, II' ~ a lld ths l ,,' a~ .. I lI m . tr H;" tun l ' lit (., . . ,. ,,' I I" ; ! rt:('Il~ ! l h.rIUli ls hi:-; ItiaitiL'1l etfu rt. an d il \\'a.~ flf Ld'il ll" " II. II I , '. . . t,lil'l 1.1,1 !.l,,'11 I I' ,It r ",·c,,·,'d lind 1I1'1'1<1 u.t ,·d . . 1\ lId ~e 'n III IUl Y III"" I. I " .. ) ol ll ~ 1".f"I'l'· i II It" 1" '111 "11\ 1,, ' 1'- cl"hn T ItI)IIIi\~ . h". ~~'IIS ,·.r."'\H; 1t I ii 1/' I :1t"" ' I\'It " "." tt'd • wh" . Wh " lll' llo l illg' ill IIIl' 1,,' 11 1'1'1'" 11'(' 1 \; ,,, ,, I ., .\ ., ..1 :' 1I1,ltllrl " f 11" , ~1. ~ : , ltun:h lI't1uld I"ok up u rd .; r . . I ,It "" ll 111rI 1 >:It .1 prT'jl'I' l in)!, sL'l u f \ \ •. : U" t I II,, ! h i' 1•.' .1' 1\ \\1 1. . \.,. , '. 1.1'''''''' ~,' ,'u ri"u "ll': Wil li I'l' . n /l f "UII'r I ' '' ' ~ ,II "1 111 h ' rll- ' lIi " I III Il'r~" 1 11 \ a llc \' Clll·,l •. wh •• lil't,d ~f 'I1" 'U $,11 , ,, n 1I1 1111' COUll )!" at tlll't um of :-./ lI r th ~I 1'. ,·t ~ ,)"hll 'I 11 ,,,101 1'11 oWlwd :t r" lIr-'u n l! lot ha('h , f that eo ll:1g", lind Lh ·rt· W" I!lll pa..;tu r ' f or Ul. ~
IG U. WAS A ID Mr. lind M rd. :-\mith " ntl'rlaincI]W. nt d inn e r Su nd ay Mr. :lnd II. I GRn~NO AT SALE ,U Pekin , Il l. , Mrs 1·:li'l.:l ),clh
:,U l"
-J uurd '-I, Hl it! J ~'" n ~t"I. · ' "11 1\' ;1 fl;' \ • I IIf' ,i() in l lllll " '.1 1)11':111\' r~p .I . ~1. Itl, bl- ", h.) h~d 11\~'11 II ' hl~ I ~ (.i. kart W ~l r \\Ok-; "upl 11) . .111'" \; KI' Yh ,,:t~ ir.t Ii 11"'1, 11[1 ani! 1111' r" l i-. ~ IIJ til ., \\'»~ [I !J I{ And<' r sP Ij . .)" r1ll I'. [\11 11 y, Will II dd" y . ' 1'\' l-'h i lli,,~ J : I~Jle r 1\1 COlill rlS , [[ {!Il :3lJa,,~ It')r, A I f I Ia III 111 11 . Clal'!!IH'l' . ~kH ·') 11,,)d~. lind () lfll' l'~ . I' rul. . \ . CIHI II ' {) b ICS l! III
Garage ~
~' ~VHn · 'UtI.·,' .
• A rll' tit"")
~r . Illid ~1l'~ r. II !l end T~1l1l (,1l. ll'rlnil1t'd til" 1.111" IIhtron,: IIl olldny .' \' \!n i11 \: A.. thi~ ' WIl ' .. 1II,'Il ' g " l'VI: li . i l1 ~. 111(' III ~n w,' r 'll'll'rt' i ll furl' '. A II •' Ir,r'\nl !l\I II I' ' I' wn ~ s r ,J! ':" .' : . after whI ch l h ... ·(' \· cllln~: \\' a~ lI)Jpnl III ploy - It ,t~) I Ill . inR' "rnoli . " J 1.' <!.~ u[ I " r "I! ' I r<t .11\ 1 ,If l.~'ha n.1I1 ~ 111" ';,1' ' I II ) \\'a~ g l , 'n l. J 1., 11' • t een rlrlll.'k ~ rInd . tw .) .1I ' " rd L'rlH'~. Ihat I ~ \J ll ly 1\ ' 1\ I lw ".r,,' sal ~I"I ~ TI1(' CllukinJrrlllh m I allhe h m An~J \ J t lh I f I II II of M i~~ Flora Hc r l'.vhill . s t u r lla .Y I III 111 ' l i lllll · I '. h'l " ' '' ., \\,1
nf . vl '1"'11 \lJ , .. f I I r~ " I·/I ·d In lO a ~llmJlHn,lr
Mro •
t:-~_ ::3GEE:=j[!JI
H() l\ rt·~
(} lI ;llily (;I"(I~ cr k s
. .------ -- -------- --- ---- ..-------------------
. [;:v ery year I hp r hn l cr a I (I~~
heay.\, .
Y"" will ,,"I 1",\, ,: to "lan d Y d U l' Ilharl' ir )'.111 WIll v:lccin n tC' YU il l' hog,1 w ilh I n l.'r · S t atl' V rh'C' i llf' I 'o :-i('ru JIl. mad (· al [( 11l1 ~a ~ Ci l y , MII .- I hill'" I) ~. · d
M r. 11 1111 ~1 rt~ . ~", rt O Il l O,\ll h o w tl\" ~~"!'!!'~~~~~':'!"'!'"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w nn t to W II~h mg t Ot] II. t o se, I
t,hoir w ho ve ry j Jl of I: pn(' l1 l1l l:r ntlillnllRnn ll. 'l'lIo~ I ; IIl1yt\ .. c k ~ p (ll tr l u~ 1 \\' l'd Hrh,l 'IY In ( ' li lt If ll !!l l t.
Un cl e Eben. "I Iml u· t h ull' b ~ ln' Quper Rtltl ouB
SN um n n lilY h ~1 '" \\' 1I1t ~"(,, I I " SIl IL~ nhnnt I"rldn ),," Mid (l lI cl o gb el1 . "b ut li n.... ' I'X I,(' r'i IlIl'IIIt ',1 hy ri',' d llll! th e m. I r"r ,)' nlzo ti ll I II 11 111' KII m uc h ",h ut you fl o('ij (I II I~rill"y dllt hrlrl gs IlUd ' ,lnTw", ,, I, \VIIntlnlrtll n, () . It. II ·1. 1.I "g'~ I hal d i. ,d fl'l'l11 ... 111)1"1'(\ il lltl a l~ 1I hy ill jl'C I i ~: VII·tI~ hY)lodr 'l'C lIil'all y lu tl. nA ", hu l ),011 ,' l d r'RI ' :IIR a ll Ji'rltJIlY , l'honfl 1I 1l! Y",VHhu rl{ If. IX n 2H n il ' fi "I' 0 1' ~ I, . 1 1" '1' rltl.;-~ r\ wpe k." anti fllll nt! Lhl'f!1 i ll1 l11l1n ' . I wOlllel :Id v i ~ I ' \, ill'('inating when pi)!H a rc 1\('11 Hn d fr nm /i v,' I>l l un uaY H old f r.r I II \;, i, a ~ UI'C' I1 rl've nta· l i v\! I{u t t hen, is 1111 al'Rtll llt (, cu re k nown a f t. ' r ho g'~ a n'Hil'k . S" rUlll " nj" r",d w Il l he recpi l'd f rill" C il lt'i nnalt in ah rr ul " ix hotlrH. A l slI ('an f lll'fli~ h Stuc k [I II!!!' . j.! un r· :l nft ,('(1 irnm llll .· r rn lll (' hol l· Ti t. write a big nIl. this w('eK I I'. A . :-il ra w n, S m , t] t\'G j'hol1\' :!' .7 1\ J. halllln . () ,
Ton Busy to
l 'o ta loe ~
On ion Sets
Cl ci'l n lng :\1n (~ k(n j rl ~ hf s.
Cardcn S eed s
( ""Hill' c-i f'M'I'It' "I hn lt)!' Sl'r " II nll t f it " J;Hrmpnt . It I (III ' Iil r> la b lf' n,nll H(' J1Ih with '\ ;' I'l r, \\a~pr 'Hil l ' ('l1 nw ~ rtn l' 111 \\ l1lrh H Jfttl" ( 'nl' h o tl u (( 1 or ! Illlt fllnitin !t nt' h ' l( II d f:-;h Ol v". 1. Uhuu i III elli d \' ,,(pr "flll 1""It; III lilt, Il tr 10 I dl ') On IIr) H ( ' CP Ull l pU l It II 'ur th., 1' l1n'
I Groceries of all K ind s
B ring your eggs. cas h or trade.
\\ e pny
Chick Fcerl , Hm Feed, Crack('d Corn, Chick and Coarse.
It pays to trarle at
-- --
Tr ln l d~ d .
Thr> 1 ~ln ntl ,,( Trln lll llll Is fir. mU es 101 j.; n rl.1 I'll rnl :f'" wtdll. nn.I' haR an n T";' III n\lN,,~ ! llI ul"I " 1.~0t1 All llllre I l1Iil,'''. ,\ ,' h!lill 1'1 1lIC1l1 l1tn llls (lxt !'ndl!' tilroll.:hllut lI N h-n~lh. tlw . hlg heRt pOint elf II III a bout lbrco tb0ll81Ul4
reel above
" ivc u p " quorter , when you need give up l)ltl tell ? ' T will .i1 w.kc yo u feel- ah- sorter, W.11'i like yuu o\1 gh t Lo come he re a gain.
M ~ckl nt os h .
\\h('l ll di rt y , (Ian
H. P. Rawlin'l Wan Paper Co. 1 tllJC.\co ' eaI\ be mild. much more attlleti.. b, llrina • few yardl of CretOlllle to match the j l
CI. That room ~r.
crAll estimate wUI COlIma. yOU 0'
• \he rcuoaable COlI of c ; r deeo· mioaa IIIId pod _ lhip • . •
I'OR INSTANCE FU R II IUSECLEAN IN O DR\ GOODS \ sso rted Pain Assorled Enamels Picture N ails and Wire
I' Straw Hats j. Pillow
Tops ' Pillow Cases 'Pea Aprons Car \let Reaters . 1'aeks'-:O oz,. H 0 7., and )0 oz. ~ ew- line of Laces Tack Plillers. Ii rush es hildren's Muslin Underwear Cu rtain Scrim Velvet Ribbon . Children's BeJts . Curta in l'oles ~----------~-----~ ~~~----.~----------NCJlt Door to The Magulue Mall Gazette Office. Wayaesvnte, Ohio
Will Lippincott wos in Onvfon PAPE R, WRl'TTUN ANI> READ Mrs, -W E'" Cummings , of Route , BY II\R . ~. ,F UNKEV 3; ill very iU, . 'l·hursday.
O. W. 'Hamllton visited relatives in ' DaHon Sunday. Fred Hawke and Dr. J. M. Miller were Dayton visitors Thursday,
Dr: Macy will be at Harveysburg
NOW ~T~ .JED WW-T 'THII H In"...", FA£1I~'" t:AA po Tl> , ~fAiJTlI'Y 1J.4a ~ ~
AT THE WOMEN'S CLUB all of'nextweek. .
_ J . E. Jabney was in Uayton Tues. day on business.
Buy y()u r' Fer~lizerof ChaS. Frye Slle OiSC\1SSC8 aDi~a.li.ori . in Every 'If .}'Qll'~ ~ gl$iK!' Fer bilizer call who handles Milson's, the best. • PhIlSC, and Hfiltg;S to ' Light ehas. Frye. phone 49 1- L 2S-.
New I
Mr. ~nd Mrs. H. F. Mclaughlin "pent Saturday with relatives in Leb·
Miss Lelia Young visited Lebanon relative.'! IBIlt week.
a Ion.
- The value of heallh anr! efficienc9 to an individual. 8 nl u nicipali ty. Born- To Mr. and Mr!:l.. Emerson a slate, or a nallon. is nol n maHer c"nnell, Tuesday. April 13, 1915. of argument . This value is illust ra· 8aon. ted by monetary losses to a country in time ot war, frQ1U preventable If you. wanf to buy a .farm. call f\ Rickness anu deatlV In its army. A, McNei,I" Centerville, Ohio, both This vlllu e can 'be· expres.'Iecl in LerlllS of achiev el1:\en t. a notablecxumple hones. , . a21 bein~ lhe -work ' of Col: Willimn Goegas who by means of 1m· Mrs. C. S. Graus~r. and proved s811itary cond itions batter were Dayton vl~ltors clothing, better wagell, and higher standard of living, has made the const~uctj ()n of. the , Panama cahalan Af!\erlcun enlerpr~. Dr.. Harvey Wiley says,an oul'lce bE. achi evement i,( wQ.rth a 'pound oJ Illoral ~plosion, ~bat 18 the I\onquelit f eve!' l:A!!'t""riahN In N OFleans
Myer Hyman is the proud PO!sessor o( Ii new auto . Mr. nl\d MrS. J . W, White were Dayton visitors TUesday. r. '
' • Mr. and Mrs. ,W. S. Graham were Duyton v!ert~I'~.8atu.r~~y, . .. . HarriS Mosher ie visiting with rel~ ~tlves in dti \ca!Io ~hie_ Wl1ek . ": . . . Mrs. Abi Jla'ines, of Dayton, is visitlng Mt: ana Mrs. Gorden Joy, . . • Mis8 ~i~ Hall spejlt last week wi th r~latt:veJ.jb New BUrlington . , I • I . ' .
Buy Mo~e): 1t~ 'Sp.ec:.lal" Butterine. M1'8. t\ltee AJCoI'~., l\'1:~elld8' Home. I
r ', • •
Messrs. Dean Howell and Abe Da·
kin Wet-fl Cincinnati visitors Sunday
Mr. and MrS. Guy Monday. April ] 9tb.- a
. Dr. Dill, Osteopath,- at residence of L. T. Peterson, Main St" TUeQ' a~ and Friday mom,ipp. • .
~~~~:~~1;~~S~::~~~1[~;I " M~. '&sale , White, 'i:Dgh~r 'artd • '."'non,,",' Dayton. spent ~ week end ",.a%8l"~"'Vlq9PEII';II''''llOn, at theofhome of Seth caok. . '.,""e·....
...n1:n,;I.... , t:hl.~~·rnld
Tbe venerable Benjamin LippinIs veW fII at his home on Main ",n.r.J,lr'IJ""'1 .t ...~t. qOLt
U; If. White w,1Uj.lald qp bll~t w~k c'Onlp[llhellili an attack at liis old enemy-:but is I!,t work again.' •
JJ1.c~q(~eu A"',nn"rl
Ml':, and Ml'I!. Aaron Chandler andl Miss Maria Stout were in Lebanon Friday, . .
Mr, Chas: Cornelbmd Mrs. Ralph Miller spent the week·e~d · with rei· ' aoves,in Port Willi~m,. Ohio.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester WiIllI- 'and .family BP.,eDt SundllY with Lebanon relatives,' . ." .'
Mr.. and.' Mrs. D. L. G~e aDd MJ'Il. A ~ T. Wright we re 'Calling Gentervm" fr ienda Tbui'sday.
RowenaofWrigb't, Red.tion. ill MiSs the' guest Mr. andofMrs. E. 'V .. Uarnhart. "
~;~~!:~~~:Ii Jonllthsm"
Do you love ' to .save money. buy your Shoes, at ' John A. F.unl<ey'!:I Great ShOf! Sale going 01'\' every allY. Do ~t miltl it. , ' ,- " . ~
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bcfnre Anrl lifter .",ell welll. by ua-:l!>c a bax, J . E. Jilnn Oy.
Hutchison &. ( ;i lllll'Y aftl''' thei r g-n'a t Fin' Sa lt' arc rccch,jng- the Fin (':-; t :\s~ ort nwnt of ItEA OY -'1'0WEAn GARl\lE :\TS yeto ll't' I·('tl. :\0 Narrow Skirts
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The l\1agtLzine Man \\ aynesville. Ohio
. WAY ~~~~
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APTUL 21, 1915 ~__________~______~____~,_____ Wh O_e~N I __ . ____________ Um~I_)_t_~_31 ~3
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W. Ifamill',n vi~il('d in I la) tOl , ·u nda),.
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"Clea~ !!fA~£n!L~!:t Up."
I \\ PI rll ~ A, I) I~ E ,\ O ~l rs. \V _ P.: CUl nllling . . uf I Illlt ' \\1,' _ .1. \. I l I,!; \, 3, is ver y ill.
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1-'1'.;\ Ha wkl! <Lnd D r. J. M. !lli lll'r lVl!re ));Jy ton v i ~ il()rs ThurRday.
4 · _ _ _ _
Dr . Ma cy will he al IJ rtn' c)'ljhurgnil nf next W t' >k.
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J . K Janney was in lJay ton Tues · tlay
Oil h u ~ine~s.
1l11)' your F r Hizer o f eha:. F,ry,' ~he £ll!>u)'~ ... . "uliUatitlll ill En' r}, If you want 3 lloo'l F I'l ili zp r CIIII l' h;J _·l'. ,.Ill.! [~r,n',' tu Ughl Ch:l". frye. ph,OI1(, I!l I - L :!.'-.
II'hu handles M i l s,," ' ~ , Ihe hE'~ t
Mr. anti Mrs. H . F. M Laughlin · pcnt Slllurrl ,lY wi th rc h,liveR in I.e l,a Ion.
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L '!ill Young visited LC!IJtlIlOtt IIIQI ·,\·'ek .
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tI) I,ll jn 1'\101 ,1,11. PI IIIUlli"lI a lity , ~tYQr il .""tU1t 1 • Itl H !l .Lll u}" j;-, "lIl a llliltll' r S,f' .... !'IlT tlf
Ilyman i,; the ' proud )loSlIo rn - Ttl Mr . a nti M r.S. F.11Il' rSCl n a !lew a uto. C"nnf!r. TlI e~rlay, April 1:1. 191G. ', f ·ar "u m '111. 1111", ; \1111 ' j. li,u,;c 1'<1 '1 a Hon . ~ .. r1l.y iIlOI,lI't:,r h,<,,,':! 1"I\'·"unlr}, ,\lr .IlIllIM. J . W. Wh iLe wer e I ~ . IIIll· '" \\:lr. fr""1 "I:l'vultla lo . )) ayton vi~itn rs Tuestl ay . I f you wanL t u buy n f a rm. call 1\ ~ I ·kn..,ss al1 ,t 01('<11 II " It s army. A. McNeil , (:,mLcl vill e. ()h iu , buth rh l ~ " nl ul' l'll:I h" L·.•. pl'I·S.•l·" ill ll'I'I "~ "f uchi!.'\·ellll'n l. it ,!,)llli>/'! "XlIllIl'l, ' ,\1 r. and Mrs. W. ' . Gra ha m we re Ilh O/lt's . · ll:l l \'cing- thl' wu,1 "f l·,,1. \\ Iiln'II ] )aylun vi~ i tor9 atu rdny ( ; Ol·,.;HS
Hev . and Mrs. C. ' ;rau ~e r anu pro\1ed >1allllar,l l·(,,,dlli,,I1". I"'u,,r ll a rr i M ()~he r is v i ~it in g w ith r c lson , Char le4, wert' Dayt on vi >ito rs cluUdn!! . lidlt'r W"g l'~ . a lld H hi \!'h l'1' ati vc~ in Chi"a~o lhi wee k. Sa'tu rtl ay. ~iantlar d 1) 1' li\ in '. 1I :1~ m~dt' Iht! ("JI,slrllC'lI ,,1l u f the 1';\II;llna ranul 'an . Mrs. Abi Ha in e::!, o f Dayto n, i ~ \'i ~ Miss Mary Hawke. of Leban n , :\Im·rimn c·lIll'r I'I'ISP. I II'. \I an l'\' lti ll).! Mr: alld Mrs. (;orden J O)' . spent last week wit h he r . mother, Wil "y ':U,Y!! al 'Julie" of achil!\ cm"rit ivlrs. Alice Hawke. i.; wort h 1\ pound of Imlral ~. \lIOl~ion, th a t i~ til' 1'()J1'1I1CSt {I ( y elluw re Vl' r Miss Marie H a ll spent las l week l!W Ur ,~"'~ and l1avHlHt. 410 wit h re latives in New llu rlinglon . . Mr. and Mra. J. O . CH rtwr i ~h l in and uBIlJrhte r , Evelyn . were Lebanon 'racl icatio ll ,,( t h lWUllnic IJl n~ lI c f r om Sail FrarH'I~t:o . metl d c a r.~i n g (I f Buy Moxl ey's " per ial" ilutt e r iue. visitors Thur.s day. lY I,h uid fever il. Wu hinl;'ton. It is Mrs . Ali ce A.lco rn, Frie nll .' Home . . lI Ol ove r ('~t i m : ttinb ·>!.ClS to . ay th Mr . and Mrs. S. L. Ca rtwright Messrs . Dean Howell and Ab e Oaanti Mi l\!! Ki zzie Mt:rrit l we re Vay p u hlic health l'It)101l I;;'l.rge ill the con· ~ChIU dlll' .. I)f el' ry 1!l a!!~. in eve r y' kin werA Ci nci nnati vi!!i Lors ·un ·lay. ton vi ~ilors F riday . clim.: . . U ( I n Ihe ~~U\·e rnlOt.'l1t al ~itlt, tone of On the 16Lh insL , at 2 o 'clock p. Ho rn -- T o 111r . an d Mrs . t; uy Dr . Dill , OSleu path. a t resiuence 1111' In lO~t pru llli~ill R' (":.Itu r\!S i~ m. at the old ho mCIILea,j wh e re he ~ of L. T. l JeLe rson . Main L , Tu es· a Natiollal Hu r eau of 11..:<11 h, lhe ' heno we th. Monday. April l!l th. a WM born . George H ill ee breath ed duty td which will be amung othor son . day anll Frielay mornin g:!. his last. He Buffer ed ro r vears from Mr. Bachman, owner of (') Leb· thillg~ . I ha l of colltiCl ing and IliscrKeping, PILI ",lysis, which reached Rachel lariaa, cJaUghler of Ed· T.he reg-ular m eetin g of the W. C . Tbe venerable Benjamin Lipllin- :ward and Rachel Jack'!la~, was born T. U. \V1lS helcl a t the hOme of }drs . out lIB tentacles slowly but surely, ano n 's well regula Led saloons, who Mrs. Bessie While , dau g-hLer an d lrihu tin ~( inrorrnal,it!)l. '1\,0 much hIlS \)een indicted on t hree cuunts by I r}lise t;IIIHlut I", lri' I Il!O I r . Wiley's Cull ill very ill at his home on Mu in until finally after tirchtinJC Ii gullant son , of Ua)'ltln, Sl)ent the week·end III Wabash Counly, 11"11018. Decem· l!.mma Smith on Tuesday afternool,'l grand jury, afte r havihg OJ) r ated all th e h ome oI Seth Uook. dror tIl cn fl'lrr(' hl! (c'oetl a nd I'rug street. but Il)8ing baLt le George Hidee died . u:r 3, 1 ~2, an ~ !lied near Way nes- April Hlth. 'rhere was ' a ~oM' a~ saloon about a week. haa made 1:1 I'. 1'11' \':\1110 II f II ~lIti()nall l ll r~a(\ He Y(as lJorn Ju ly 26th, 1842. in the VIlle . 1110, Apl'lI 11, 191 , ali th a ge ~end!\n~p. over thirty 1)l)lng p~nt. al?pli ~aUol1 til trllns f.er his lieanse to o f Il ealt h i~ LOti wcIII 1 ,,11OWlI, and (.IIC) bouto ... »ere he dioo. at tile age of 111 r. a nti Mrs , Aaro n Chnnd ler und The meoting was (lPel1ed by slilginif U . M. White was lai d up las l week 'll tll)Jrchensiv(' III Abraham Sincht, of Cincinnati. Mr. IndudctI w ithin Misb Maria Slout. Wl:r' in Lebanon of 72 years , 4 month a nd 8 days. 72 ,years, 9 m on th s ;md 20 thlVS. Whe n r~ellr t he age (J.f 14 years h or "lle~ u e th e rerishing." Tlla,ll1resi • an attack of his old e nemywiLh lht! Sl'ope Ilf his J;lUper. Among F riel a y. 1 ahllllnut dIV ell i,ll hiij life ns Il Siaeh e run a ~al oon in Lebanon se,,· a~thma bUL is at wo r k again. . mother dI ed . after winch she ml,lde d e nt. Mrs. Woo ten, then '~e~d the., . w!. ,clt i'l \l'dl wurLh !lut.ing. thal i ~ eiLize n. fur all whu kl ~ w him know eral years ago , \)ut lor a long time has he r. home WIth an. elder sis l~r w.ho WO· h 1:'~1 1l1 an:! 11 ra ..I! tiiSjli I¢d ., bee n operating one in Cinci nn ati. ill(' I:\l'k M in(t'l'ullll iOIl l!ullcerllilll(' , that he was II j.(1I0 ti /lcil: hllu r. arer eSided near Wasillng toll. 1m]..; :"t in praye r . Temperanqe ' i 8,were 111 r. and Mrs . Lester Will!! lind Mr Bachman took hi s al1 o r n cy~ 1 'at iullal 1l:'III 'Ct hf t!ihe,~;,'.. It lli • Mr. Chas. Corn ell and Mr>: l . Ha lph spe<:ted citiz 'II , H kind ly II HUI. fami ly spen t Sunday wit h Le banon 16 year~ o ~ all' o sh!! a cce pted C h r l ~t givell in r csponse to- roll e:AI " After ' ill to COil rt the ulhe r day a mi ask d l,elkv, tl thlll this t"'ul"l ,," kl:i~ i:; er spent Ihe week' ('lld wi t h r d Mill ' Bu\;l!.lI do /10 1 kn IV uf his ste rlin!! 11.'3 hE! r SavIoI'. obeymg th e l('os p~1 III th e re adin g of the llIinutes .a'dd d ~s · ... l:ltit,1I \\ ill en:Jhll' !hl! ~t/Vel IIl1te 'n t. rel a(i vCB. w or.tll Illj a sold ie r in Lhe . d eadlv thut the indidcn ' lI ts IIK ain ~L him be atives in l'o rL William , Ohio. b~pt l sm by I rnn~CrSI?'~, ancl unlled I)olml of olhtl[' \)u ' in e8.'!, Ml~l~Qnn~ '.' ~CJullSh etl. Jud ge Willard Wrigh t <I: 1)1'. \Vill'Y H:IY~ , tu ba -., a "mup of grapple of '61- '65. It is thi !!lJhUli~ wILh t.h e M~th oLllst EpIscopal chu rch read an Eas ler gor oli ng iro )- . the ~ \clOked al lhe maLter in a d iffer ent o~ his l'haracte r that claims o ur al· Mr. anti MI':! . D. L . Crane anLl til . IInitl!t1 ' La t . ~ " !<Iwwing wherl' . Miss Rowe na Wrigh t . of Jl.ed Lion , to wh Ich fa It h she remal netl a loya l Stutfl Pres ident. Mrs. Floren . tentioll. H tl enlil; led ill JUli e I 61 li ~ht ami se t !)a turd ay as the clay for Mr:i. A. T. Wright we re calling UII the ~(II II'e r ul'lt ill ~·rc:.110:ll, wi c'rl' I~ the guest o f Mr . a nd Mr tl . E. V. adherent to th ~ end. . Richard includiog a ~oetU Lli 'typlwid I1rl':I Ii _, w l1l'rll th • lu- Ullrllllarl. . and ,IIerv.eO 3,yearN in Lhc 3!ith Ohiu the Iwaring_ Judge Wrigh t ha." CcnLervill~ f ri e nds ThufRday . . On Ja.nuary ;!O. 1870 she was Uni ted Mrs . Mosher.; who bid' Laken th r ight v ie w o f the lIl a tLe r [H':'c ul lHi" :l1"a i~. what it! till' flrua Vo. ' Jrl'f. . He was Il lwaYR wilh hi R 111 .marr!a ge ~o J ClI~aLh l111 Strou ~t'!; to Lhe progralll f or the! tby , ;~~·'~fi~'~i'i~~~ and is rl ell' r cn ill ecl to set down o~ con win illg 1Ill!/l uno WUIlll'n of tilc ~fliroehJ in ils n. nny t~ rribl e \)attles J'd,rs _W I L AIlt'n and . Min Olive thIS Ulllon 511'! clllldrcn were. ~orn. int~odl~ctory ro dm!! on .. th~m ·.'rea l h;rrd." Pro~~cot in ~r A tlur ney DLa n ::;tan· lill'!st TJh:,'xi' llJ' 'S. ~uci l il1;\)rrn. ti 11 ·.l·fi~ a5\:h f ougnt its ha rd est: e ngage. A III h ear in ~ ve fortl J ud e Wri j.{ht ley Elntl Mari on Humilton wer' in ~I L1 ld Il l' Ilf Illirnit ulJlc \';du, ' to U1e MI! ol lulll wor e Cincin na t i visi tors Hu~'ba lld and one SOil. WIl ham, lO I)IC, PuriLy anel Oi t. ment Ilt Chickamaugua Gn :, SeptemSatur day . ha VIng )l!'ucedeLi h e r to the elernal Mrs. Amlll O'N~1l gave BUl! hman wa ~ I;ned tllu ancl clI~ Lq town Mond ay on leg al uli si nc ·· . Ilatioll ill .111; int ullil: 'Ilt :L l lempl al ber 19th lind 20th 11)63. Not on ly home. he leaves to ll1 uUTll he r ~ f'. ing readin g on '''I he Evi l for sellin g L o II m inor. According to the n·dll cl iull of u is~;l.'. ami would ' was this Lhe tierce.~ t blitUe in which the licen~ law if he is indicled a gain p.a,r l ure ono d ~ u g" ter, M,rl:l. Damel of Modern Fi ction." T hi was I\l r nnd Mrs 13. S . H ow·1I are . he was engageLl but f,lr fierce fightMr. Alex Hoxwcll and nei ce, uf llU l! 1 1IilJ io n~ ui dtollars to the lIal1 UI/ ClllIe a nel fam ily, of Sprlll g Valley. luwecl by a p leasing t!o lo by Mrs'· ·_I.~;W:,i<;!:,-,!\;"1~'1f!I§Jr if)lt.and large p e rce.ntage of JOdi! it o n th e same charge he will ha ve his F'ranklin. atl elld ed t he Sunduy- sc huul now 1 0~ L by un nccc$.'<ar.v s ick n .!<,; and >:I pclIll ing t hi ~ w eek wiLh re latives in four so ns, &)ward, Robe rt, 'hs\1 s, I'uhn e r , "Nut One I,'org-otten," Mra. ~' was not surp8S::led by any baLtle of license revoked . The lin t! give n him conve nLi on h\!fe ~unday nfte ru llon . premal ure d ':llh liut in urde r to L'ort Willialn . Jacob .and WIfe, .o~ nea~ Way,? es Yllie, Ame lia WhiLe. accompanis t. Illak.., I'ussi lol" th" coll ,c!(·tion of n3 ' ur al modern timel!, not e ven in the pres- lit thia time W3l:l the limit, and it is two sIsters ,rC!lldrng ttl J 11111013. n f unk y . Th u r ·ad the lhat it will be -u warning to hoped h alth knowl edge, uniform law,; ror ent European struggle, up to date, A ne w line of h ats every week . n~mber of n!eces, nephew:! and m or e pape r (.o n "'H ea lth ,a~;/~II,ld:.. ,,;;"'~'~~"'::'~ Dr , anti Mr . P. D. Clagett, M !'S. r e po rt inl{ dis ':I 1: . atlll collecting him . , when th e s trength of the forces is Brown & Brow n, 10 N. Che rry st, dIstant relatIv e. which she had r. Alice McKin!!ey and Miss J osep hipe viLal statistic must be na ~t I and L e banon , Uhio. considered It was Sunday afte r She "'as a kind anti helpful com· befo re t he New Og lesbee wer e s ho pping ill Duy lon ~nrurcl:d iii L' ... I·y slutl·. noon at Snod (;rUtlll lJili. The .\Creat pan !on, a du tiful and lovi ng mo t her . Iy. Th e progrom Mond ay . . Thomas , th e r oc k of C hickamaugun, If yo u ha ve a farm o r prop ' rty for While L~ e home was he r sphe re , a nd c harmin g solo by M!'II, MC(J "ur,,,~ , d:tl faels w as h,Jld ing our left and center sol e , see A . A. McNei l , ('en lerv ille, her f am Il y the c e n t~ r of he l' lov e and " II. May Morning" . Mrs . Ha r to n K ' lly leIl. Sunday . against. the all a ck of Lon yst rotll labors. ahc ha(llll uny frlk!nd wiLhout MhllW>J t heIr .. u21 :S,JIlI ' " I.: h,l; l'lIlk,1 ,' i~a.l :lll1li~lics Oh io, both phones . cnornillg to visit rc'l ali vi,'s;n j c \\' a rk , Had th is w(foncll hill u 'cn carried by her b l! ryev~l"nt lind HYl li palhcli· IIlI· Mrs. 1< lIy II rly eo til, " ei nd t' I' Ilu " o r IIlvdl'l'1I publil' Ohio ~h c r eturn ed hom e TUt'~d~IY the Cohfetltm,ltes . rou t, ruin IIlld cap· h. g ic·IIt;. ,be ',Ib ill t ilt' c() rll r nil Uurn T o rtlr, and M n! W'm'ror, Lu,re wlI1.nlllg rOI' he l' lhe u ndY Ill j.: s it e r espolld uu' willI a" uvenin g . ture wu:! U1C l'ert.uin doom of th ~ . Ia) ~ if lill'~ 'il, ,,·;It· " \\hileh~r proud nee 1{1I ' 1I Uavi ~, ill Ih\ lu n, I, iday, frl(~JI(l s hl p of all who kn ew her well. Japanese song . army of the ClIInb.erhmd . Of t hat The l' renwny IJf r '~eivi She alwaYI:I c nd e.av 0,r ~ I,y xo r totlon .i,'h'I·; .. I;... , I ·ri,'; .. , _ ul~d I l'I"'l:n Li ve April ~t h . a uaughLer. there Is noL a ~ l l<tduw uf d \l uut. 111 am i '"ampl e to 1l1: 11Il .lIlLU Lh u hl'arl s metl1 IJ~rs WIl. (h l.'ll g,lIle th'·bu~hh";."'::",··':;:~,\~.p..l:; M rR. Myer II Yllllln and da ught C! r, IIll·lIklo . ~ I", \ llt , \I,L1I. ~\Il,J ell whaL Un Wednesday evenin g a delighl Lon.c!!treel.!l ussl1ul t inl{ column we re an d mlllt\ s u f.h er 1'a nli ly th e less.unll wilh, allli lilt' 'ri){ht hand of fe IIIQv.I"t. Senlice, ~p ent (! Iloral rlay ~ of hl~t .1"1" '1<1 I.i'l·~ l/i,," kl'.'c :O<:C')1Il 13 divi ~ iulI~ I n the line of ae fen ~ l! ful and arti sti c piano and violin reo w('ek w it h r lati\' l~" in Lehan on unci I'" J . T. Liduy, c:.f DaytulI , i3 s pend· of h o n e.~ty. IIlclu try anLl · lIl 1)raIl1. , s h ip L It.:nllec!. As a r!.l.~ u1t pl1,I1(''(. II', "."",,' I;IUItHUI C ~ocilll ,on Snod G ra~ 1Ii1l were 8 divisions cital was given in th >audito rium of Cinci n nati. f .. cls \11 1i, Iii rali"\1'·. They ;II'''' ing :l couple o f tlays h UI'c wilh hi s ~c~aus c o f adll:lIlci nl{ 3!;" anel ill1-1 Inl'1I11h,r~lIil) t.:lJn1 o.'It \ hid, 1~1()~~i-il:t' It was.a critical m omen t . Ikall un 's Christ church pu r ish house, by M.iss p~ l~eLl heal~h 81'1 R~I Ll llrn a llent},..) tid ' III('ctin' .• tw tlty III 1 '.,11 IiI ' 'r :In' I I (,)1' thl!l)rit· faLhe r, Mr. M. C. Lidd y . [{u th Hllr tsock . piani>!t and Mi s~ flank WBtt bci ng- turned when SlE~ et! IJl vllle scr v l c~ cilll'lIlg th ~ .(:10 'In K \\'(;f' aellied :...<> thc' li:et tJf UI.t !-= d .. 1\1 'itt",r Itt I~ll r,'f{q rn 'rl! (!~1 M. a ry Conte, violin i>!t , pupil>! of , man's di vi ~ io ll of 2 h rig arles arr iveu DII \'1111 10\10 10 su\'e mon,·y l,IIY yea rd .of I~e r hfr!, b ul Ii ~r 1 ~lth :And At tllu ~I ay 11,<itlljll~~ t.hu I I,<"om\! 1111' I,: '.~;: IIj till ~.; rt ·al I' I'~' Waldema r SI}rll15UC Rnd Emil Wie· M rd. Hcli nua Hu",crM is ills lall in ga ,Yollr Shoell at .Ioh ", A . Funlccy '~ ul1oll· lhe fie lLl \.oJhe re ~han J j{l) ill ";IIII)_nipll ",lm·1 1 (' hal'llctt' r - n ew ct/llI'pLu g u tte r al ong the Tyler- lr u s~ 10 (;1),1!;' r!!w s l!'nnl!: 'r. wt l li eil 'h lIill ,'I l I'l,Hn lh winning said Steedman lo Tlulnlns1 'rhe re! gan d . 'l'lIe prog ram wa!! o ne uf wid e (i reat Shue !'lal e g o in g on VC: l'y ti ny. 1~_"n:i\'(' pusslng y..,ar. I )u TlIIg' th> hi:lt r, !W ;.he pt\I·;CiIlaV.(l !\Il/! in t he l1tl~ 'n " , IIIl ' '11'1\'.111,'111 II ""11.1 i!()l'i al bd· ~ I rue t sill, uI her prope rly . rsati lity and wa~ e xc e llently playe d ve the general pto inLing to Lh e gray Don' L m i~~ i( . m o n~~'! she s 'ellll,tl tu ha v.. II pre- I)flhc M. I~ . ch urch. " ' I, 1 !lIUI • :lItd rill I bh thl' hasi:! u r th e y ou ng" artists. Both ill uy jll~l enve le'lping lhe tlank . And uf lht! .apllrUad tll ~){ l·"d 'I'll , lflectil'Kclt'dt. . u " ,ith .1lt.'lJer. lllomtlOn ;' 11 apl'lI".III1' tlO " ,; til,,;d.' · lit' n;JLillnal dicl' in a ll i~ aLtested uy a IO!:l$ esemul c lind s olo playing th"y e"i· '. V . las n, o f 1lt!lIbrock, was fretlll cnlly ~xl!r 'SS IIl j£ lll c LJ 'IlClf. [l,ut \)y ·Mr,. I' 1111 rl1U~ tbe W.: \.:: 111; M r nnd Mrs Mye r H yman ;1I1d IH·alll!. 110' t'"·,,,,·,· \\ ilbu\'say~, " A ~ divis ion in 20 minutes. denced t.h e m osl cll reIul antllJ13sterl y uauglT~M('j'fs /og- l' r . .J. M . lI'l iller flJ r lhl! rl'l, i·; tr;ltiloil OIl hi .. , h~, n IllellS- t.he !;uest of h is bruthel', til r. Eme r- !jhe \\Ius. n l!;u'lIll5 l h · t l o ~ t' 01 . 'Oll, 'J.' her~wct1rlive visit6rS "~'l['hi1~'AI: r'Aii"ht"'I Ptl o ur lines but t hlll training. This r ecilal was onc o f and Geurge Waterho u:e \'o'er' in l'in so n MasO Il 8m.! wifc S unel ay . ear thl y Jou r ney, yd shu Ul! VC r L:eusl·d "Tl' .~t! lIt. " . , ',. III'\' \Vhi"' " I" ~" , .tlP"·III ('I." il11p"r la nt was in it, not a the serie:! ot t eci tal ~ and lec tures cinnati S unda y. t o lhitlk of and lavol' fClr Ih oll(I whll • _ _ . , fill' c11"1"",,, Ild,:(· .. f\nfall t IIllIrtaliLy forming part of the r eg ul a r course len uf reserves I As we r e nen rest tllld d cares l ttl hcl'. fu r Ih<· I"'''l~cl i',lIlJf IlIfal1 t lifc', and of the Louis Walrle mar Sprague. ])1'. and Mrs. Witham. of Kin g s Gen ' 1'IlOntns saw t1w Ouly the day b c: fu re Rile p ;l!>."l·U MI.!l!i:lrs. I... C. Gillll' ,ur and M, ;rH for ~t ","rill g' l(wll ri) 'II L'; fUI'c:h illl'cl1 . 111 ill . dpmt SunLlIIY a t tilt! ho rne of aUle/lluated as it was. hol cUng he pia no school. - Dayton News, n way lI h ' S P C'lIt t h · r Or l' II I1 1111 :;i t Will Nil l iI ;1illglt· 'II II- 111 t h~ u nill" nu r lIlr'. a n d Mrs. Adam . too pH. Ho hlit allende d Lhe \V a rl'e n CUUIII\ . the liayone t only. on "I' wo rk illg with b 'r "3 I1d ~ fu r th t,~" Boa rd of J..:tlucation m e' li ng [it u ~i llgl, cil), lOr lII ,y , ;izc llIall' "tJ~ i · if thllt line breaks!" she Joved . Wh ile h I' l' a~s i llg hu:; I i\'l; eJailli I hll l 11 r "l.d9 l('''~ rn ur , tha" Lebano n ::iu t urday . . it would ImvC:\ be ,·n. had OJl~ n MoncJay fi nd Sat unlayeven- 111ft a V:ll!HIICY t ha l C1UIII Ut ue lilll:d ~ i x hir l11;!t lit II i' !'\'el·. ll'n 111111 occ ur rt,,,, ...,,r- ''a 'Brig-ucl e wit h llll' The tula l IIIJlIlbl' !' IIf l,inllH IIlu!:!1 b.., ing>!. Urown & Browll, JO N. Cherry we know t.ha L our I l5.'1 is h ur der llal III lovilll{ reme m\)ran ce o~ our dear udvance . Irc~h f Tlm l I ' on'l bu y 'Ilt) e~ ulltil y ou SCI! th " known " ,· f" r l' Ulle I'lll i lIIake 'Otl1I'U· ':>1. • Lc\)nnol1 . Ohio. g'n in; we hn ve conllolalioll ill Lhe n elghb.o r, M,"'l'S'· <JIi\ta,:,st/(:ce:~es ill the K ell~' y Fi eld M 500 pairs being closed ll ut at * 1 ~ . i a Li on fI r infa ll llllll rl. al ily . wh ich \l'iIf knowle dge Ihul s hu ha~ hiit! clow n moth er a e nemy \\Ih en it ~ee llll'c1 re~ ull of di~cuntinuing 4 fa clor y be co trll1a ralJl" with rutes gil-e n in th e cross a nd Laken UI) her CrOl\' II ancl Strouse, who died April It, I ll i G. . •• ..tr.J>':"-lI',~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank ':&ell and Misses that by looking steadfas tl y li p to him success 1I1mllst within th e ll lines Come nnd see t he great reo I he vilal s tul i!:!1it·s <of rill cil'i1iwli ri l'nrie tta McKil13ey !Il1d Florence thLl aulh or and fin ishc:r o f her f a ith OUt: dU<lr frient!' gone; but ii~b for- . lll:,,1 ' of Ltlll ){" Lr tl t!l' ~ duc ti on . Juhn A. Jo'li n key n,lli ol1. l'Xl'CI)1 th e U ni [l·d titHtc~." Wilson m otored to Da yton Sun· ~oUell, . . ' re led' b enealh t he hut we !tha ll ho with h l! L' ag ain. T hi , ll'~ l i ,n 1)II" frU ll1 lil e chi e f flf th e duy. Neller shall her m em l'll:y fad e The BlIllrd of ~ealth meLa, 'Mayor ,f . t.UI {llL~ !hurlt:d in to thei r Mr. a nti Mrs . 1. Si ms a nd Mr. BU rI' !-I 1/ .. f 11)(: ( . ·J18tl H, and the pre. i· ' Hounu lhe grove ' whe re tbought AlW O~' 'l'It ANI\:; •_".....P.'. VIl)llll!v(·tl r '!\ I{I i~u " u. Lonl'l- l1al~ a ~ ' 9 offi ~c Thursday e vening . Martin Sim~ . of : Ilring Valley. w( 'r e dl'lll I II" i\ lIll!l'ic.:>ltI A.-;:;"cili tiOll for ", w ill lin g er, . ',. t pu l~ed Ch ullll lil,loga was DUrin g LHe Sl!&!ltm inS tters Pcrlaill' rO\cent gues ts o f t heir s is t e r , Mrs Lhe Mt Lldy all d prl'venli u" of iotfanl Mr. and Mrs W. H . All en. MI'lI. J. Wh ere our llear neJthl~or: w [aid: ' ~t! f;~~:~i We ele.'li rc to te nd e r our sincor e il~" to thl; lVe lfure of a clean Waynes· A till. o r t he' Cumb ' r · tlwrlalily has Ih.l· wl'ig li t ul uuthority A. ["u nk ey a nd M rs . H. 1:0' . McLaug h- thanks t o all our tlllighbors anti Hope Stiles, in COI·win. • • ..... .,or,. "Ill e lVas bro ug ht up and .disc ul\!!ed ql1." ",~.(' n l:~'1lti t',q) f ~""d G (II ri.O; Hill . anLl s ll" u hi scrv tu a wa ke n r '!lrO· lin were L eb ulloll visitOr::! Tuesday fri e nds who so kindly ministered lo l3u t a Strunger came ~tia wooed he~~ t' vile 1fIi II HI " ., 'b ny$ wllu The t:hairmun of the HealLh Hoard ticlIla livl'>! o f 'v r y SLa Le to the im· aflernoon. He \Vas b rave and.n()ble~>too, . '. Ul! during the illness an d d eath of ou r "nd IIll' Pr ::~ id e nt lIf t.he CO llnci l will Mr . •1. N . M e l\ i n~ey and fami ly p rlan ce o f t his fou nd alion for the ~iJlfYIlI(o k, Eh, t' e nr my 11'1\9 G '()I:ge HideI.' beloved m o lher. T o B rothers Grllu e r Came and ,"ooed our si<!ar n eighbor IIl ke u journ ey o ye r Lhe town afte r t~?~~~~::Wh;;~~ huri ed t,o(! ay: l ;(' IIea th th,· mot ored up from M rrow las t Su n· pu ul ic he alth worl" lind to the neces · Won her I)aild and ·.hea rt so true, this week aral See if t.he ord ers have day and s pen t th e cla y witll hi~ m othMr. and t-1rs.l'·. Burch and d augh- and Palmer for their comforting he lov en lIn well 'ilY f ot' ac ti ng ti ll su~ h knowledge. ter , Susie; of Williamsto wn, Ky., words, the quartet f or 'the beautiful T o a L1is tant home he t OCl\( ,ber " Ht' rvices were COli lI t!t' n cllrrk el l1 ut reg urdin/r Clean·up er. Mrs. Alice Md':in. ey. 130 und be l" with n chain the guests of Mr. and M TS. A. L. Bongs , the Ber ean anti ' Brother hood It h! htJpt!c1 that ns many I\H Ii i l! l~ Standard of Efficiency r a. RUlh Mmray und IVI!\'k '. classes , the Juni or Onrer. anti oth e r Till a n angel came aod Sides and family', of Route 4. clln Will s ee Ul it that these orders i4i-C1N1l!lrl' ')\'lrm , elf tile Ite»ublic. Ray Mill I<, o f Co rwin. has two fri ehds for t he \)e a utiful fiora i F o r (he H c;\VcnIY"t are o beyed without further d elay . .IL i:l pl4.: rl!·ant t,l n,,' ~ L hllt great, ' U M Greene .' autos al yo ur cn ni malul all thn time. pl'tJ~rc s.~ h all been made lind rnany tributes of Byml)l1thy and r es pect. If' yo u wallt to · take an auto trip and al\. others who an y way minis Two car e rul d ri v 'r s will assure you f rwur I ~ lc p !l h;lve bec li take n in the comfort:! o f a long or a sho r t lh '1:I ~ l few c\ Ul' a " e~ l,Jy agencics Ilub · with ealle, see Ray Mills , of Corwin. tl'reil to and sympathiz(.o(] with us in He will take you where you want to our a.ortow. ll'ip . Phone · !)O-l X . lic anti pri\'ule, o fli cia.land voluntary. , , [-fo in' good time and 011 e.a sy terms. The Strouse Children. Th i ~ prugr >.''\ iR mani fesL by t he high Pholle 90 - I X. ' ~-M es.~ r s . . Dr . J. T. 1~ lIi R , F. H. ~ t arll l ard of f1i cicncy now demanded m odern h<'ulth Ernt'st ShllltS. lhe 12·yea r-oltl Slm Fa·r r. C. M, Robitzer. A . Maffll, o f lhl.l e~ (.'Cu tive MisS .Cl a ra Murphy and fri e nd , of Mr. oM Mr::!. · Chaa. Shu lts. f e ll J , E Junn ey .J . B. Pence and H . A, hOflnl ~ . Th !' h ealth officer of today Ttim b le , of Dayton, were out of a willow tree ' last Satu rdny Co rnell we re in atte ndance at Ihc is ' ~ I' Qclod LO ern hl'ace the d l ctriJ1e and .iracturod hi::! arm ncar the Dayton Collsisto ry of Scottish Rite o f j1 rt)vention. Ile IS el>.1)(!cled to act R'U etlts of the former's cousin ,Mr. o n tho k lll1 vl l1,lgu t hat L!lure neve r .E. L ..Tbomas and family. at supl>er wrist . The Ut\l.e fellow, while in a MuSons Inst week in Day t un. w()uld be anl'lh r " l of tuburc lllo- Sunday evening. great.deal of pain, is getting along . sill if th", ' ll!ctUl'Uti nM of all con · as well as can be expected. . I? ~ C. Sawin left.Monel,ay m orning ~uru \Jli 'Ci! we I" tI· \.royed. H e i:l for lin extetulve SouLhern a nd Weill· s upp ~ed to hu v(d'!Ilr.lIoo the 1~~01l Home r Carey is delivering goods ern ·trip. While gone ·he will vi~il of lhnl A' rucao nl ll f.ri~":tl at Pittaburg' b¥ auto truck. Homer is proud 'of Texas, WashingtoJI. Californiu and which r til ted in tiIleixpenditure of hIS new purchase and his customers otber Welltern atates. He e>;pucts fi ve m illion Jor a filter and are receiving :thcir gOody right: on to be nbsenL about ail' weeks • . the 1 rBc t icul of typholO~ the do.t. . J n facl, h e is work to th~ end that a ll· shan b e wl p 1I the 11l'.,. ftl• ....;:Ja Allrnrll...... prillcipl
Everybody Get Behind the Broom
I w. C. T. U. MEETING '
----- .. ----
'J~t~~~i'z(,' "'~60MPl~PAYMENT
.. -----
- ..--....
Funera' IDirtdor and f<;mb: Iml'r, Wa)'!'esville, Ohio. a\l8n~w(lrecl prl)mpt!
A. O D .1
citlY I1f lIiuht
Both phon . in nice Hn,1 1tc.~itlt'II"(' Lnn~ (H!ltJlnre, n. 14: J 1'1lI1 'l')llI!lc 14~l:!r.
Cbnir::l and on
wiul fun rnls.
. .
1 1\1
Notary Public
I~'" ~" II " P o't'soope
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"tll \ II n ,., t' .
~i ll ~ r l.' ill1111 l \" n I ,d t l e " " 'I'!"r ,I:, H,,"~ M tt( (,,,. v;; )1 t'~ W. I I jllLlI1~n11, uPliOtd ( r('lll" "tH .)
, Ih (' r,) will In, l h tl ll UllIWll Il\ r ." • 11(11 ' 11 (· I·nnt.!01l 6. 111,,1 I!I,,,, llt ul I Ill" M CHAP'l'ElR I - KlIU1\)' O ]1 lire, bellovlng for, IL rn t h I rn ,, 1 Hlruu 'h . And 10 I' d r.'au",.1 ,,~ i.a, ,I 'I " ni -Iii I flJl, 1 Ilk l! MlIl III (' Fllrr I", Vt'. Abnlll' \\1 . III fl I I Flll'r" ,' . lIiv"roo, c~ lI r lts 11 11(\ 1I 1' 1!h er fllth .. r, C~1. 1I .1r• • In ",' rll, h .... um. mo n ad h~r, lel\\'C8 h,lr hl1mt~ 1n ul Uo rl11n \\ ,.:;h l I 1{() l\ rnt ' lhl s lim t; ulfu'lc n LJngllll . wun t to Jlut l ) n n ne u t Ii e t .
AJI kind! of Notary Wo rk . Bud Deeds 1\ :::Speolnlty .
_. __
among the pr'actical paint men. TheBe men know it works easily and spreads 8.moothly and t~e r'esuIte it produces pleases the home-own~r•
~ = l' h"
(CoPTM,b, b,O&r<>k1
has a hOlt of friends
Coli I111 n PIcas Court cw Suits.
...[.~~••••~.":.:•••.•••••••.•.•••••':~•••••.•.•••• • •. • .,.... . • ~ . r!'I l'I Ho . J\J;!.Ill,nt H,. 'l'h Illp lin Vel. \ \'IJI. W ~. ~ .... . .. .. ,. . ............. ... ....... "" ..... . . .t;.+.+;.... ... ~-o-;: ... ~ ... : : .......:.:::.:~:4..":':.:CJ.:.: :t>:+;.:.::.::.:.W ! r~, IIllt)(lrtl bv l\OlUndall t. I
Ih" "'("'tlll( PJt:, rlJnt ;>mducMl lln
Beat of ser.,rice gunran leed.
Illustrated by Plcturr::s frol
Itch furn L l C~ fr 'e I .
to ~o to him tn Allaba. tndln.
I h Cl t;Ft RnU17ltl~ (h1l11l nrruOI u.
m t),"
tukf' U
Plre eoeer 10 lbe lilron•. ha. Im"rlwoood HlIlnnl a l "oIlR~d ~ udd~nl" III ' fr II I fi ll opl Itnll ,·t' ("rih" I rocced tn gs llC colonel. nom ad by tho lalo lLlnlllaa bt. . J " holr. . . ot Ill s wlf alill s mll Nl llo\\n a l IH' I' Sh,' NlI(1\1 ,'d m.lllt'r '\TIlI ~ li n d ~lId · 1.111 10) Brown V ~ . l(lOlurd BI· P \\, II . " I'undltll, YOU ur my Irglll (jll l'I' U, rI , nl) hll cnll~ ltl Ih"1II und c.I r l' \\, lh" m VI"l ulllf ,11. " II HI'~ I.. 'r Ill' ll lHlU i o I ' CH.APT&R ll-Arrlvlnllln AUo..ha K&th . It I. tor you to suy wl1 l1l sllllll h I) dCmn. t ill I 1"I Il ~" . \\'itlHl ll ~ 1'< Ill'll. All Kinds or b'n t. Inform ll<l by lfmboJ ln IhM hor fllther belnr dead Ih. I. I n I>.! qu e.n. and c10n u I hnd In mind n r vubl ic," " }~ ~lthI YI1, ,,(t I1WY or mn)' not JJ: t y our 1:> 11'11 11 Arlllll rl, Idlll llll~trt\ trlX oJl nlUI! mlLrry hIm. She ,""ru • • nna II In· 1.111 Sln~'h c:ocklcll IroulclI lIl'. out nf [h ," II li\'l t hu",' Ill )' du u bl l<. t Ill' ,·~ 11I1 1) "I W W . Al'IlIl ltl, dl l otl l ~I' d , tormed by the pr1 (\sts t hnl nv w om n.n oan "00 not drl-'IlIIl: ' Hillel Ahm ' d . " l'um· f or lin HIII II,II.I •• 1 l hnunulld Ku n s. Y". AT! lhtr u lIl; l\le ·TIl.v n t, .ul rule u nmn.rrted. She Ie gtv en I i!:ycn OAr8 :-\tllt' • 10 thInk It ov r. mon tH\rHSO a h o ulll t oll y ou tbl\t th ero 'l' la·tu \\Ul hI! dl 1" '·' . . lt" 1111 "11 a b uul. ,I' n ',.1 o~ttl l " i ~ con Ii rOl(' ll , Oi~· CHAPTER III-She 01111 retuoo. an'" t. CIUl be no rUllubllu In AII I \hl~. Th " I'o IIIhl"I{ II hill,·" r "I,ll' 1 ! 1'01II1~"8 tit" tTl b ul 11m " I' 1>" '\;I'llll- onlul S,I,' tol d lhlll aho mUSl und orKO t wo ord.ilO.1a I I wltll wild buu ta. It ahe sun-hoa abu w ill mU!H b~ flU ub "ulut o ruh' r, tlClt h tn" IIHltlt Ollf ;lIld I It )· wi ll h,., (1v(' ry · 1\.1 11 L ()I' \' ~ . " IH'" nOblJrl.~oll il L II I, be permlttfld to rule. Ices . You r mnJpH ty, 81> oak," 11 0 aud .lu. w lwrll"t. 111, n I'Cli!;, I' IH ll IR tlh.' s nud ~Ill .. ot ru,ol ~ ~ t.dt\ tlJll'r o v"ll. LJ i· . Successor 10 ~ CHAPTER rv-Joho Bruco. an Amen . 8111nnrnlnli( befon I'ulldlln, k Il O\\" I ,," ch t • "I In 1"'111,. tn . ,ey trtllolHln of p ro('ouds r , 6 ..., ..1 , can. aav ... her Ill... Sh loo hd ",lldl), !luout th l! roo 111 , n il) l lo llll{, ulll Ill)' I,"a rt Ih I"u filII Ihl ~ F. E, SHERWOOD valllly slrl \' lnii; 1(1 r ill! lho rile.," o r hf' r n ll'hl" I'robate COlin Proceed/Ill: 'll 0 , rI ... CH .u>TER V-The elephanl whlOb oaz- while trfe nd s; hili. th olr \lX I . r" ~Rhlll>l Sh., Irl(,.1 10 ,Iril\\' n\\ay h(' r h un ds . Over POSlolf~, Wayne SV I e, heJ' from Ihe 80 ne or her trial. runa lu lhH r.lI ,tl ",,. ttl Illtt tt "' f , U t' It I " I In" " ) 011, ~. ,'111)1 ' " I".ouse PI lone (I" "",ny, leparllllns h er troUl Dru"" IUlCi Ute woro li ke SlOIlD 111111.8 S. No helllth n ' , - Phona 77 Suld by BOlllIIH\n B r "lI k t'l (1t'1·"· ' 4 1\ l) 11f\ . .j ,l Offl .~ .•• I ~II of l h4! pnrlY. 00 guldnnre. . ":';0, I)O' !" >'11, " Irll/!~I, ' d un(' k troUl l ' .•11(, Mllrtl ll I, 011',," 1111 ;'11 "'I III :II '~ "Is th o lire of n dl' cre plt (lId IIl1l tl ," h llll. t r llt n 1" U l~ rl d ~\ I :)11 CRAFTER Vl.:...she lak e. retlille In .. " Wl lh " II 1I 'l' 11I'",l 1111 01 sou l. You' ~~"3o~n~~~·".~~\.tbf~~:d~ ~Ii&o~t ILsk(,11 Lnl Sing h, "worlh Ih, II ",·" ut I t l l b (1 tll' t Ilt 'll f " ~ h nH I'It4 'fllr !':\ ,"' 1 th o wbl l o POOI)I" who 10YIl lind r S\.Icc t nro as In, sbllul~ "" h rl'lIthln!:. And i ll s ;l.ntt . '1'1 11111 tSCCt) lI lJ l Hi ItVlll' P ' I t! I .---...;,----------------~. .- - - - - - -- - - - CHAl'T ItR VlI-Bhe 6nd. I retro6t 11\ 1 wn nt )') 11 rllr 01)' w lto. " ltI" the JunlJlo. only to f~U low tho ua.n4a o.l )'ou1" Flr~ t Ilfl el flllll i II COl,nll II' til" II', Iltmdilfl ro_e nnn plnN·d h er hnnd a " ~, . .Iohn! l',' rbu.ps my poo r rllthe r Real Estate Transfers .Io.ve tr~el'll. Take a t u. to of lohll \ III N )" , II , ~' ,\ ~,~\l , i_ Veterlnarv UIlOll hur hU8hlllHI'S IhluldQrs. Is r l~: h l . ,\ (' UI' "" or ~Co I1l sor t 8~ . 'rn ' CllAPT , , IilR VIU-Kathlyn Is broull'ht to t1P IHOVN.I . W. Hillllf) l1 r ~h,'rIIY 1,1) 1111\ "'(W. the publlo d'lIrt Ln A1III.ha (\JId .01<1 &0 "Wo ow" lhom our lives . Str lkO' 1 to II llllnl.d ng 0\ "I u" . For 10011: ho\\' Graduate Oblo SIal . UfiivCfIIl' Umballa. wh o, n ndllllr her sU II I WI~bo Hnmo.bo.l; but ollly It ou r ner d el o- ,nun), 1 11l1O ' ~ 1'1'; ' ,'\·,'r.\ t hlnl; 10011 " 111 Lbn ' ~I1 I1" ..)t AII'C<rt ~ u lolo" , \!,._ 101 1 :-.I" ti iu 1.0 \)11 11 0 ", f ·Li O. ~~~\1~W. ber bllo tho duulI""" Vi t.h \V C 611ruour, s h o rtlY,,, J 0 Tonight · brl l;l rl. Old y 10 t u rn 0111 lIl,e Ul is ! 0 1111$1)\1, tlrijl 111It! 1111111,,'u n ll t 1:1 "1 /· !nontls It." Ilr u v"U ' Ar 0111 lot N .. . "(I " ln .1 .. ,, 1 \\' . •Io hl!· ) t will act os a laxative In the CH.APT~!J:-Bb . ........ ouo4 bJ' Bruo. "Good." so.ld LI\I S lllgh. ''I'm ocr Th e co ble ~Ilyillt: 1I,,.r W lnnl was on Office at reside n ce ·in F. 11 . Sher FII'~~ nnu UUIII 11.00 n ut III tho l'~- '~' ) II '!; .. oI rlILI" n tl) t.h" VIII~~n of C" r' _ ..... . for lho blUlln.rS for lbe o lgbL I will ho r WII ~ , tl lt' b rll;lInd~. Ahm ~ cI'8 lonl< morniull wood's house, Fourth Street. buy cbupotllos aod pU88 "the m aboul. si c P . IL o IIIIHlllk u l h l ~ af ternoon or tM nF IIl il ll ~"" Willi,.IU~ Tl, 0 ell ~ · 11 WII ' . H:l 50. J . e. J . f1 'l ft ¥ . 'Ilm ll A. IIl.r l,H\ til 'hllrl,,. A ne tbe )' did In my futh er's time nt t.ho Ill llhou t. . I wond er Ir my 0,,· 1t i~ upprnvtld . Telephone 28 III thEl 08 111 10 ut Al bin " McSllO rry , WlIltJ o lri 1:l211C1ro III WOYI ... tow II · Delhi In lbe gre nl mullny." Cod hus rorll(\ k ~ n liS 7" .... llel;o" ~lld. Fi , <!I, Il no flulll t\\JQonn l is S11i)). $ D(I~ 1. 00 . A nd be valllshe d. " K It! " • Hnve you ove r wltnGSBOd lb o " ~ o. no! {,. r'lse t o I t you bn Il P llrnv\lll. I K A ,1,ll utallbor')l1 Rh to M. A 1.,1111 ' " W hllll(,I '·. "" "d\\'I,r k . "lplII sWl\rmlng ot b cs? IInvo you over dragg .. II Inlo th is. 1 wnll t you to go. 111 I,h e o~ 11I1 of Elil\~b "th B Clurk lnt Nil 1 2 111 Mnoklnllw no ,li- t llWII"hll' 4'f" .. IU; \ . j\ II '"rI, hr hl/!tI heard the hum and huz7. ot th rn 7 lO gn now whllo lhere Is tlmB. I COI1\' ';lIIit.h , ti ooC' lI <!od. ~ irst n nd fillu l uc- tl"" III li'runkllll , \\' " I'll :'r'"'1< II II , ·'" . 1" 1' $:10 ~ 5 ; ( :. oount Is II Pl'r,\ voti . 0 I ' . Moor e I" Mary' Mid 11:1111 W . " 11'1r ~", hl'lolo.l" ". ,, ' I, { II I"" t , ' \VII 80 lookod and sound d Ih llllznIlrs BATRA W A 'f In lll o~ I, .. 1t 'I f J "hn ~ t'lllil ll. i K ul'bl ll fH C} rrla ill ~1I11 ' h 'tl ll\I'I~ h IJl$r\.r,n: H ,llh· ,II,,, , ' III·,,, low that nl ,;ltL At evo ry Inltlru cllon of stroots and pneSIIKI.'S lhe r e wrro (\flO"II ~!.lll . ~'i r~ 1 .. IHI HII III neOl/ llllt 1~ , to'~I\H lJllI $llOO li'I.1; I.. , PII ' ~"('n'''r $. 1 : !lh" , R l'.-~ . . . . . . XIII-'fhe bandit. ~ WeYQNville'. Leadiug Denttl' ~ mono," pald them by Um groups. hu zzlng und g s tlculntlng. III " IIIU'" VllIl I c Ii' ~"\rn "h a ll to J " hn M IJI' vl~ 1~1I 1\1 r,,,' ~:"lIi'l'lln~, lI1Otilll"I II IIIOl;lllf l &D4 the Oo"tuaJOIl Kath 71l -.n Otlloe in Koys Bldg, MaIn S III tho lII ,dl " · ,,e \.ti t) t; uILr lh l\lI~ lllp lUI 11\ R ,1 1." 10. $l . Bruoe escape alld return to .Allah&, ThlQ" ili o gutt rs the cocollnut 011 lumps jloI" H ' I ~ \II->.~I r. ; W ,. r ~ rll . ~ rHr, . lIp· oooooot a plan to ......cue the oolonel. 1lle ke ra d, throwing weird shndows of ~tl .. '1 13 t:i no" k Itn,l E eUth L. I Veltn Illld ,1'11II"f Hht'cdv til Will ' III",.; roo ' v.. dnll w UnICOI" ~I .'.j; :;"hllo . C!I.U"rIl!R XIV-1'bo oolonel I. nom!. upon UIO wn ll • . nnd sQunlllnl; nbout ";U""k, lIl1 nllr_, Alfl e rt Y ' 11 0 lk I~ t~rl " ~t lot Nil. ;J(i7 l u I!'ru l\'klltl, $1. . tl ~ lI ~I ' I.!", ·'-1 !' 'III I' "" .t l",;" 1, 111 ., III ,but ...... lIy & pr18oner. It Ia tho lamps the fruit a II ra a lld c nndy' l'\. , 11.1 ~r t. o' V U il t I I M• A ° I I 11J1Ut' H' II ~"" "", I r\'pl""III~ l:r,v ,' 14 1 - , 0 lind a brl"e for him. Kath111,pnlnt II ~ 1\," 111 fa r,o P...,!. • na ~ lo tbe pll.laae lolita.. 8 11 rs nnd cobhlllra Ilnd lll\lors Jab· lull\ l lII "llt,' r o f Arohlh'lhl · lll ll - loJtN I'.Ou~\tIFmukl in,$ 1. IM' ant! her r""'U8 plana Itre ..,0"",,4· II. "hen the trelLlU'I'Y leopllrll, Ncape be rod lind dron ed. Llli(ht worn n, with lOy, Illlplil'.lltlp n for '1l1 1l1l~!'i nn ()f H" ruh M lJuk teo Will 111111 M,v TO 0 THAT THERE WAS NO CURE FOR vn lnlod lnccR, wont n hrond boldly, lU'o'WSmr the ""urt Into ooorueion. . ~I\nll \,0 tiny"m ' 1.aIB h ""I'It .. l II! I t)t.Hollnl plart of Il) t ri N". ll.17 hllil L And th ro wns bl.tt oho word on nil BIVEN QUICH REU£F III (i ll. l!49 ill ~11~Ub l'l~ R"'~t! luhlll l()11 thOBO tonl,'lIoo: lI111!1'io! > R"b~lrb ~. ~,! n I:ll)rnr .lIC1mr, et,o' I L L,bllnotl ,}2(10 .. f'"'I ' ·1.lr" I'III'I-( t ,, ~ "vor t·"'''lIt,y Pl\ i" I (I"~ lllmOilI Could uny humao b eing PMR (Mooret, .Jo~ u l lh 1. (1r"",g I Vll tlr· Willi 1\l1l 1~"~ IIIl\' Htul liHvlnll UlIllJllfT Vi!!. [h(H"'" I:$. VIIIlA or~!l, nR it by mucic whall through whut this whlto womnn hlLd? , 0HAl'TEB XVITho QOlonol he .... tbat yrm Il('gin \l.~in" " 1).. bla younller dnullht••...: Wlnnl", II about o t,. Ill, .1 ,flln ol~ lIt ri, Oll~ r II of rOt;1 - 2li ~CJ , r tiij 111 (1111; ~lJo MOrt'lJ\Y !lll d '-" 111'" "I III" bpl' l IIIIlI lIIrri In't'i 11111 No! Bhe wnB t he r elncurllnlion of l).T\lp~," the fnll\,,"~,, 101 to " ... . v. 10 Atlah&. '''''0 PIlrtT jOUr1\oYI sorno forgotte n goddes.. The y know trn l ln ·,. o f InT! oon IlIlrcel!l (If lo nd 1:i l)lJkiu~Yl lluTurlll'ikH,$l . III " Iltl' ''' \\IIM fl· ''Iln' I " r (Oc' , [ . rtJnH.Hty for Rhou--baoJ< '" A.)l&b&.. Winnie uri""," betor., b.. I IIJI ~ 11I 1( ,t.tl AlI lll Il (l fend,mt ill , ..• . thillk il. ,," ly rl ~ 1I1 I" 1,·11 " " n fll r \h"y dO and .,I1.1III. Into the tnlI prepu:ed that, nnd Umbnlla would SOOI) bri ng li ~m, Lllmb.,!!o, G, ComnllSStOm:rs ProcccllllllS t h,' ~'lllfI II I ~qJ"r "" I) ,· ... 'r" \\,1, 11 liS l.(rnn I l'u (,ou rt furthnr grn nt!1,Pitlln- 1 tor bar b., Umballn. Winnie fa oro....n04 fn mlno nnd plngu lJ nnd c1cnlb moong i:tl it' tI , N e ut :-t 1 ~ , q .....n. Kathlyn her fU lher attond In tltl'v rl ~ ht t o ' tlu ll Sll m O 1\00 rtllng tO I A l,{,'L1p r r: I ooD Irrl ·' t wn lun tI ti w il 'l'.. Y,' n r 11 IYn ~ ·d.I ~ I "ol l" " Ih " l, a 'liI [,611t nuLl ldndi'ed IWllhl," In Illal.uIIe an4 mll.lt" thler PI'OlWlDCCI known ili om. Wheoovor Uloy utte red his ~ . P S, MUll oo o f ~fll(\llI t ,,\vlltjlllil rllr " ,lilt, "r I 'lIl1ll l "" ' hlll '~ ' I'nu "'t!! Ullt H 1101' r igh l 10 the W the toan1iIat1 Jr\1'L nn mo lhey spat to cl M BO thalr "pnl, slops Ibo aches .J elll·n IJ. Brown n ~ "'\m inlstrntor t,, "Il.\~ rind IBbor """ 1·" II.. v ,,,1 III ,' hl\ ~IIl , ",IIII" wll,h. OH:A.PTER XVIt.-JC"thIVIIo In cwrgu.oe, mo uths of th o d 'Illement. I\,)t\ pn im (lnd nI :\k'~1 ptn...+1m~a:lon 10 Wlnnlo's room. but La wlt.h t llll wllllllllUU "" "I tho N,t·llte Pre~ l do llt '. G, lrt.)l1 ~ IIUl I <\ulli\.or ill t",,, 1II (1 l1lh ~ "111,,," <) 11. I urn II n lli U Ii'or UIO pr a n t lh 80ld lers woro (l18OO,.rllll by Umbll.llo. wbo ordo.. tbo.t lifo \V lit \iving. G ~I I'If H tmun h tlmllh , rlf\c ... ,,~eel. PI,,!u. J 1\1, Mnlf"rd rll p" rl ul l tllllt t h oy ,,( Ii:, y .. ur~," "'ril , '~ .1111 Hr" blo n , n bl'llllo of "r,. 1Jrol'"" ,he be olEere(l U II. IIIMIOce 10 tho goll hi lI. nnd groupo ot thOID swagg red JIllrS'ernnu," Sho II tOIICUO" by tile oo1ore4 through the baznnrs, chnntlng drunk· lifT V" . C'lI,rll )01 H ,u ley, ot II I, cle blul (1 hverAo tbu lfu\lu'Jd ll"ht, UIJ\I;I i U" u· t , '" . '1',·x 'I ' . , ' IJ III I." , hl l ,'Yl'rylexl:.y. A hooklet " IIh &lid JWt. rrlan,,", f"nlltlnt~. Ell H. Cronklin, J o hn W , I ~~IHI Ilr 1>34 ,000 to ~lI u I'rllV lol"" I 'I' wh .. , " . ""rlt hotf\e tliven {'1I11 only and moklng speech wllh the light Xvnl- l{alhI71l. d1quI.aeCI • hll wLmn ufIll UO~ Sil'kAr aro till- ~"vlng, H< '",,,k "till T r11l<1, ('u . I1 U t ll tl . dlr(!c ions for 1150. ..OlUPTlI!R - - - . - .. - - \ . an ar;tlma! lrl\lJlllrJ 11\1<.1 pllrt In II. pubo woman and Jostling honcst mon Into DoII ·I,Io'loy. Or mn,\.1 110 ~bJblUollo ro........ Ilp i~torl to IIl'prll lRo tho ptl'miHO" 6th Im.t lIud t uc.) iv ull Ul\>r"for t.h o ber lt1enl1l7 to t.he th o Illtters, ' DDOOIe &nil .-ou.. her alater. , 1I ... "or l h",1 I n th o DAmoo IIf HAgillt r8 J~~~~~ certDrops" n on'l :.c· All thoso things l .. nl Si ngh saw nnd t llO fI "r th l,. 08 \lItO. @U lII of $34 r773 H . whl uh lI 'UUlInt III IIIIylhi"" I"" ill olUll e d the Jlnr vllloo , t,hu p ru llliullI QllAl'Tlllll XIX- 'R nlhlyn W.lnllie. tnQlr h onrd nud 19l1do nole ot 68 he went . pl.1CCl o r it, Any drull' t Rther and Bruee nnd It hlalnlJ 1,IMe In , Marriagc Licen!les II nd tho i u t·il'· Il~ t f" , ~ ~.. ,;, lupply you. If )' 0 11 li,'o 100 (ar tt,,, home or Rq.mnbi\l. The I'Hter'Mwtfe trom hou80 to hOU80 nmong tho Pundit... Ia t hu Inwrul 'In.... n IIf Allu,h u' choso n IUld told thorn to hold thorn· "tn ... drnn Rlorn f.t"nl t O no O (Jl1 i) f tt) W Illt o r ~Iurrisnn Britain, tele Billl! All o we d ;-l:It.. 10 o f (Ih it) V:l . o.n.d . p uhUo . " ntlnwnt in h e r tnvor Ii _.: • J' U h('l nmn li c C ur o .n. r\\':1rll. 81'owlna The POOI>I~ III "U.l w.,... y of solvey In rOlldlneSB, IL8 tho bllur WIUI f:rllph olJl1rot,or to Millie ~mith Llp- Jllm tlH PBIJllp!O,ftll'l:\llIl(\ o"~I.~$:tii, I O ; u h.,. ' f).l n : . ' '1 0 Ur ' \., D t OI~'t \" t I he 'I'll, lIo1VUU UI·ll i!:m:Ii,,1I h~ij" Lwd UnlhtlUn\1J rtl tt!lrulf1, rim utr&Jn.t him noor al hUlld. F ollowod tho c licki ng pincott. h oth of WIIYDesvllle. RlJv. A. . 'o n o vor, llllruwnrfl t' lT hrlll!-(f'H. ":~ l l'r~ I.dol. 'I • with lln.mnbnl l\l theIr hlllll and DruoO D. 1:1 .t'lIltll e r $1110; Cl)lu mhns I1l,llllC B.. ,k C(,. , III'ou r e n,1I111! T b,' l .et.:e n l\ lit let'll~ n, oulonol nghll1l8 unOer h im. Tho of gUnlooks nnd tho rl\ltlo ot ell rro at ftrBt .. "" 4. r"l\.lo<1, but KAlhlyn·. !rldgell. A thOU81Uld fi orco youths RUl'(Jh ea ("r Anditor $13 ~O; X , II I11 lI olluw . lIl1<1 h lll l rfllHlbe ,l tho lim· - time y nppollre:>oe 1""l>lr08 thom an4 tlle .ln m""H . Mllhr. h rme r to Bar. City Work B II UM!', Ill " iul1'lI'ttl OO uf 1I1 ,'( lu !ltiH wh cm It IIlI il1. "A (llli~hy r eady for nnyth!ng- d cnth. or lool. or bll r n I\1l1 00l)n,tltl Anderso n , both of l)ri80lle r 8 in M'lrou $ 26 :; ; Obi" LI I: IIIJ1 cn n g h~ I·tto SI\Ilslli vo eu of tr~~~:::~======~rlfftitIINtMU'i~a. tn fa vor. th e beautIes of tbo zonanas, For pnt rl· The SIGtero Reun ited. ~'roLoklin, R ov. W . J. Tblstle, (Jo rrugatBd clve r t '(1" Jllpo $v .I U; lub uh ,I .. OtlSIO In BOUU10rll Asln depcn"s lnr p;ely OHAPTER XIX. " Pil i, II. illtu ~ou r uw n wnrd~," Mllrvlu F. LlIIVls , fl\\'m e r of Loll. Jo hn IroDs, br itlgtl w'\r k III 'Purtloupon whlLt trelLBuros 0110 mllY wrIng maud It. .ilK rou Btly, wo cannot tell un nu, io Flllll1lcl \\I , \'Ill II S , of 8o~ th oreok town slJ lll $u.:l(j ; Ur8 1(0nl ll l\~kf1( 1 t ll " tl'lI(' h u r of tl prom is ing. The Uprillng, . trom It. whaL ml~y 1 uPl'o n. '1'h rebellion mny Brld26 Co .. IIIlTt QIl o,mtruot N('t. 385, "" II IlIg 111.111'1 0111., Through the tunnel, Into the stroet, fI ut h ow would tb oy know th o hOllr Ill'ove tl fljo,zll' ; \Jut, ono WI\Y or tbo I..ehunml , Rov. A . ,J., [{""t.l e. "WfI Y, " h "rl1 l,lI erl pr01llpt/v "I,lto g ,lwin Ill. FolX. m nohinl !lt I'I f S . 111 \)5; Bl' r t 'R a ull brit1 !!,u w o rk tnto tho onre of Ahmed and Lnl SI ngh, tor tho upr Ising' A s orvant wOllld · o th r. th rll \~ III bo deeth. I want you dlrtv tlll mp g , 'L" b vlel II f 111" tlO re ili on burrledly to the houso ot Rn.1l1A' call nnd Dsk tor cbupnttloe. Good, to 1 live us . (ur we lIro Iud cd ac· MiOtniH lmrp. ~o 1';,," lr n,' HI bi'nll, u UHBI U" ld townsbil) ,(;7; 'hlll'l o/l III Itl "II r " -.111011;0 B(l~!\itl'G h\O o y t~lIt for A un c!( II S.r,7 ; of Rprln l{ hOl ,). n U9, A ,l. Ke~tl A. bal. Ths toot that the7 had to pro- Alld the meotlng placo r Rnm nb nl 's curB,nd I" oead to Ilamnbnl's WR8 n 80Vllra blow gnrdon. [t wu well. They wou ld bo '['he mllll n l her Ide lougbed. To to Druce and tl) o colonol . They blul rend)'. h e r ears It wno the s alllO laugb tor sho oxpected all to be mQunted tbe Inotnnt Jrll I~"r· nl clr o r wo nt lh o IIg hl.8; tHclt· bad h nrd In tho do"o rt. In h or heurt they came trom thll tunnel, n sw lrt, IOr·ll lc ke r "' tout tbo ton~ lI ey. And tho sh o Itn w th ot h would not go. Wus unob.tructe d llIght lo ' lhe gnto and tJ r'III'Ilrul or lc ntn l stars 100k'll clown sho glnd? WOMEN treodom. Dut Ahmed could not find Ba r · noll'. "1I'ly lifo Is mln o. Ell," ho Bnld, nr LoveThi8 Magazine bla elophlUlts. T oo IlLle bo loo m ed Ulllb"ltn r(! mllln nd In th o palnco. ]f'us1og her htlllLl a, "nnd ) gl"o It to McCALL'S I. ,h. Fa,hlon Gu ld. I . d Hou •• · ' tho.t tho mahouts ho hnd s oc roily e n- !>lIrnlng wllh lh Or s of murde r . 'Mes· you. nut 1 prom is e not to spon k at keopl"1 Helpcr or mo(c women ' han an, other Mammoth -.'ark will make the Season g"lJOd bad ' mlsunderstood hI s In81ruc- He nge r nfler mossengo r carne to r porl . love lignIn till y ou li re sato nnd s ound Arrowsmith. Woodford Star and maa.ulDc In the world, All the latut .h'ln ever,. nsorlltn aleo de.lI"ht ful ~turl es lhal t ,nler. tiona nnd hnd stationed thelllseives that th o fugitiv es w i' stili nt Inrgo. of 1915 at the above harn in C~rw in, Ohio. 0 11 th o brand Pnclllo·. Tlt orO aro Ah· "ID,lad apec=.lal dcparlinentJ In l:oo,,"i "2. tiOIilC ontrnry to Ahm ed's ex pectation s . 1 m· m ed lind Lal SIngh nnd HamnblLl. nncl nolll' tho mnln entranCQ to tbo ILrennl dre• • ol.' ln •• fan "" \l' o.r~ . tlC'., IhA ' lI~h lC'n boull work an d ..ave mon ' y . f·rlc'c . nnlt' 5UI: , The curelng aDd rnlllng ngalnst bnlta dId no t boll ov lha t his ono- 1 will be their lI e ut Dant. lIy tb • YHr. "ltla one celtbr.letl McCall hr cs ",,,1, tato la a rutile tb lng, ne vor banrlng mi ca wou ld be roolhord y ctlOugh to Lordi I~T Cl.r ry . b sl dns yoursclf til er n I UnI fREE!. .... 0 A POSTAL CARD Nnw FOR frolt; eo Ramabnl Kuggeat od ble hou8e AOllk rllfUj(O In th o hou so of 11 ll1l1l1ho l. only ono thing 1 VllLllt: my hnnrl round I , A P'I1ft s..".pl" ( "'I" .. t M•.o(: }lI-I .',", MAl o\ZI • • f' : t1r .. A "1h; tJJ r"".... IIf MI·CALI .\S nnn U " .. . ' ll h., " t1 1ol WI trnneportnt\on coulel bo oocured. Thll tour roads leading oul o r I h city tI .. , 11, 1'" 1 I,r Ill' LI lli II c1 e vll \\'ho bal' ClATAIAHlUR; ""r Thoy perreotly unde rstood that thoy woro wntchlld, tho eulOnOr R lJun Ko low, eIIU~ .. <1 all Ihls. II " ~ I'n lll ij to h (lr ~, L IItCAt.I.· i .1 00.1)0 I'rb" orr... r t ro 1:1''''' tOUUlIl :iI . AIf.tr , . 'to .". Jt,l could not r emnlll In the hous o mure nnd ovon th rulll R ut Ilrll cn'A clImn· c har III ",I Itr ... ;\"",1I htlv I ItlLc.I n /looe) m IkClI1 m. 236" 246 W. 37110 St. ~rw YOlk. N. Y. than a t e w hours , tor Umba\la 'I'hey wnrc s UII In tJln city , bill ", lw'I'Il'! o lipor lull lt)· In 1-:1"1 III' ar 1I1m I:ut plL· would 6uroly send hIs me n e voryA kinK'S Jl g, nnd nlloUlor, filld Um· l l t' IH'I ! t ,. where, nod quIto, 1,08slbly 1l~8t ot nil bnllil Atormed, Ills hilart 1111 ,I with . "1.0t II A relurn 1O rnlh e r nn d Win· Dutch c ourage. . · to Ramahnl'B. II I ," ' ho sa id. " \I(o'81 dr,., pe rhllps 1 Stili Rnmllhnl did not appoar vory Rllma hBI lIlado hlA "re pnrnUonr; In nll ~ IH no t [0 bllvc cOlll a OUl hOI'o nl muoh nlarmod. Thors wore sec r a t CUBO tho hunters ell tered lh o hou s o. nIl." 8talrways In his bouso .tbat n ot evon flo ope nod .. socret door which led Pundlta knew, ao<l at a ploch he h"d Into a lllrg.o gnllory , dim ILlIII iIoIHIY, but "lid 1\'11I1I1r ! 'l'ho c hnngo whloh atlll benuUfu!. Anc.IDI.l t l,rll'lo r cov ors ll h o,1 tlllwlI pln en In lhu ch ild wos Ihe a p In.n b y whIch ho could tum awny ~ . tho wo.lIa- nrmor o· tll O d n"· "')l hl'l rIIe's t remark llbl o of nil to Kn l.hl yn. I n vcst Igat Ion. Only In the dlre>l t ' J ~ nood, though, did he Intond to O:looute the re ox l8te<l Itl lIolhl a PI"Rcor k Winnie wn ~ n womail , 'pilat, brnve. un . \ the pilln. He wantod his frlonds out throne: nrmor Inlaid with gil 101 nnd m\ll·m urln ~ . und Kn lh ly n now renl·. ot AUnha without the ~hBddlng ot nny stlvor nnel turquol so: and th or o \\' r a Iz,\d lh llt tI' a oh lld h ud bee n fl lg bty blood. jowol In c ruBl ed swords I\lId dngg nrs. sllll pi), I)(,CII1160 I It"y hnd co(hlle d ' her "WoU," sRld Ahmed, nngrlly crist- IL blazing h nlmot whi ch on o 01 PUll' Rod gl\'I" 1 wily lo ber wblms In ' the Ing a s Ide hIs d18gu180, "well, ltlLmnhal, dlta's an cestors had worn wh on tho old oays. 1'h oltl days! Ab, could I thIs Is tho crisIs. Will you Btrlko?" Grel\t Khan cnme iliun<lorlnl; down oltlll,r uf tlt om eve r go back to (h'o (44~07) placid. humurlilTl ollto ntm ent of bomo MILLER . ( Lal SIngh's wrlnklod tace IIgbtenod from Chln,,(4154) up with engernOSB. "Hero," Bnld Rnmnbal to tlto colo. nfter nll litis .I rlt ? "W d nel," "OU wil l be anto. Th' y nll gllt During ~hlR ta llt III tho garden Um· ARROWSM ITH , nn imported Percheron, is a . e Bre r ea y, Rnmabnl," h o s n l d . ' ~ bl k II' 1 I d I' I d welg ' IIS 1°50 ••• DENTIST••• "We?" Rnmabnl . paused In his s earell tor dnys wIthout l enmlng tltl s b'LIIII hlld nol been Inactlve. Tbo ae .' s tn lOn, (j Ian S lIg 1, an Q pMlng to gClZO keenly Into tho eYOB room flxis tod. There will b 110 oct'll wh lto p('oplo co ul ,1 not possibly havo p Ollnds, and is a splendidly proportioned animal. WOODFORD STAR 'is a rich red sorrel; stat to romn lll horo now. Tlmo onough lort lh 'llY; III y wor!! s tili wllhln ARROWSMITH w as sired hy Keno 26300, and is ~W&yDeIYlIIe. 0 ot the old conspIrator. in face, one white hind leg , fOX hands high, weight " Yes, ',Vo, For I. LIll Blngh. propoRe . when my.servnnt g Ives worlllng," tho wRII R. 1"01' nll tbnt he hnd r ell· reco rded in the Percheron Socie t y of America. to tako my etnnd n l your right hUlld. Thoy· tiled out 'ot lho gnlle r y solom.n· flOJIIOd 8h ro \\, (\ly I'l' (la rdlng ' tb hou se ] 200 p,ounds, medium ' condition, with good hea~y. I hl\vo " not been Idle, Illv erywhllre Iy. And Kathlyn went out Inlo th o o r RRlllnlml , ho cO\l lu not d lRlU lRS tbe bODe. Coming 7 years. arden, tollowod by Tlruce. pOR s lhillty from Ills mind. ' So at your fr Ie nns are Qvlnclng Im P l l t ige n c o . ' 1 M , I know. You WIAh tor n · lllul)d. "Op yqu know," snld Knthl)' D, "lho on g lh It o onl t;'r od bls cnlHaJ n of the One ofthe best · bred saddle and. geneml purloss rebolllon: but thnt cnnnot be, not elgbt of nll thnt nrmor, old and sUl l gUll.rd, rou gll ly .a nd wltll ,cu rlles-for p'osc stallions in the State_ among our people. You hnvo ontd thnt mngnJfice nt, B e mod to nwak cn th e U, 01111111n WIIS ~ot plenellOt In hili cups MAMMOTH JACK is a light brown with white to "rOCI! d ,nt once to UI llouee ot 1.0 their zenl your t ollowors,.I t they teeoll eo tlon ot 1Iflothor ago to mo?" This borse has 11 number of Dice big coltS tbat po ints, oX hands high, weighs about J 100. s ired by know. wOllld 8\\'eep Iho poor old king Ho wn.ntlld to tnk h a r In ble IIrma, RalJl Rbal lIod lenrn If III Y were Illero, Orphan Boy ti!l6, g rand cllnmpion . Jack a t the show their breediug, and will make hjgll class sad-out or your pnth. Listen. Shllll wo but h I) walt d ror her to continuo tho or hlld bClln; to ImBlIn nrlo nll Ihe servnnts In UIO houl;o ti ll tbe lruth wno World's Fair in J 1)04, first dnm by Limestone Mam. "ut him back on 'th o thro ne, to pc ,," thou ght. d'le a nd barness horses aud' arc big enougb for torm 80niO' other mRd thing IIko thle "/ wonder II In lbe dim past r wns ~,~~~~()d' from t llelr li ps. Dend or moth ;JUB, a Jack sllOwn for 10 yenrs a nd was farm wor,le. ue ver defeated. ~Itt ot his throno to tbo Colonol Sa- not ILD AmlLZon 1" hlb?" "J wondor, too." ho said. Ramab"l. watch od Intently by the "It JII marve loul how thl'l liorrld t1lO'0 COn8Jllratorli tor tho l1r1tlRh raj C:HAMBERlAIN'S GOUGHREMEDY and hili whit., trlends, pneod back and' • "'ron II ~I/I" I I hpl(il1l1l~ ,.hn Millo to~th, blEl hand s bohlnd his bo.ck, hIs MOlley due whell colt. i" ron.\(:c l. . Mares parted without my consent,· forfeits insurance a ll il 'tl I<" IIf ' hi" rt'ml".ly JUt!! f' x (enoncl b ead bont. Ho wno a CbrlstlM, ho A I ill i. r~tained on all (!oIts until the season's fee is p.a id, Care t,u AI ll'ort q " f Ih" llnitl' d HtlltOIl Rml il lld _c a SOIl bccom('s due. ,WIUI not only a Chrhrtlan, he Willi a Wh An l:'l k n tn prt'vc nt accident, but will not be. re~ponsiblc should allY occur. t o 11\0111 1' IO"'i n I'onnnirro Hindu. lind tho sheddIng or blood was . on h" vro IIl'nel nf !<Il oh n Inpdirin" d~bl 7 abborrent to bl8 mInd. glv C'h 1111" tlt,in 'tc' ConlZ h R.omnrlv "I am being pulled lly two hone.." o Ir lll l .ln<l Y<lO wlll undersf.and why be BaleL It, OOcUIIJB 80 popular for oo1Jgh!l, "Act qulultly,N ad"laed Ahmed; "one o roul>. Obtaiuablt every. wu pi' tile . r . l1..~ .'W,!lJJhl'~
InSURlIneE I A. R. Chandler
Have it used on next painting job.
Forty-nine colors• Made to Wear
W aynesville, Ohio
Dr. J. A., McCoy,
jt~ ~'
'DR. H.E.
1''1 '
tsmo turns tholr
eoltlOin Stock Baltn
DR. J. w ..
- --
... - .... ----
TERMS-$15.00 ·to Insure a Live Colt
1- ¥It Pllf.IM. ·..
W""~IY ~he~,.,
01 11 '11 (lulllliol/. Main
G A ZE'TI'E I*-----·------+---·-------------
-I ~1~~IJ~~M~I.r~ :t"~. I~. ~1l.'· fI.l~.':: :~ :: :: 't:~g
(I_oue onkotll Lbe:
Rates-: f S uhsc r iption.-
W.yu,.. vlllll, Ohlu. :
.• .
. '. V 'l. LE~" "'I.~L~PtlUN.I!-CA~~ :a l " " :" 'HuOdlng ~!~~~~ I~'~ t~(~~~.r.t,,~.i~~.... 0
I '11UIIl11I1l< 11~,'::e~:~~I U U~~ ~I.".e. ~I~~ . .. 2Cic: L. Crane, Edit.or 'and M2nager. 1DI"play Adverl,loln;!"'''r I.. uh ...... , ..• I OU
~ DI""_ o ullt.
"---------,---' APRIL 21, 19 1~ .
TWISTING TAIL Of THE GOLDEN RULE The Colden rille is a good rule. . but we often twis t · its tail to a .fmule. It was laid d own ns a g ui ling stnr to the falte ring ancl wayward foo t s teps of humanity . Uut there a re lI1any feet in this town that neg lec t to tread Ihe golden path. way of li fe . The tail of the Golden Rule is receiving some vigorous twists in lIds town. Often we are asked by some l\ler~ chan ts to preach the doctCiue of "trade at borne." We p reach it, and it helps to enrich the m('rchant wbo made the req uest. 'That is good, (or we believe in palronizing local institutio ns- we like to see the m g row- we lYant th e money kept at)lOme. Hilt when the same merchant whose money till we have hel ped to fill send s out of town for hi ~ job printing we cannot but pi t y the isolatio n o f the poor old Go lden Rule. Some people make their money in the community, enjoy life in the community, educate their children a, the expense of tI!e community, a nd then buy theIr goods from merchants wbo are 1I0t in or of the community , There are some people who want the earth for what they sell and then expect to receive .some at their own purchases for Jess ,tball cost. And the Golden Rule is hel p lessforgotten-kicked into the discard . W!IY, the poor. decrepit old mIl' is stning ling three hundred and sixty-five d ays iu the year. Its coat 0.1 golp has turned to rust, and tbe onl;'e sparkling waters of its purity are s tagnan t flom p isuse. Possibly we, t oo. arc twis ting the t a il of the lJold('n ihllc when we publish this article, ror· we are t ell · ing otbers of thcir faults when we have many of ollr own - whieh wc too o fte n forgct. And yet we repeat, tile Golden Rule is a .good rule. We m:Ly not walk stedfastly in accordaflce with its teacbings, but we may at least pra('ti('e a portion of that which we preach. We may accord to othe rs a. slight degree of that which we demand foroursef es. We may eve n trail along in the shadow of the Golden Rule, thougb our sleps may be faltering and our limbs over weary. . For we are but human, aud no human being of loday. is pelfI'd. Yes" t he tail of the Golden Rule receives many twi~ts, y et i t is the tail tbat never knows disjoinlment.
_ un
~'ID_ tr.ot. _
I Pi ~~ri~\~~;~~~·IIl:t 'F~~~M~:;~ "bop.
As Written by Our Corps of At> e Correspond. ents in the Neighborhood
Miss Myra Gtlpin
••,.,_______ .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~_ _ _ ~-_ .... - - - - - - - - - -
~t\Ve ~
C~~~!~ C!N!~Il~~}1~1~!8,
with ns tbey OI1..~ n ot r OIiCI! thp 8eut. of th e dlsolulI.l. Unt" rrb 1M II blonll . OIr c ou 'IItitutionll l dI8PIIR e. Ilud In 0 1clel 10 oure It you mast· t Ike In te r nal r(\m edios. HtllI'~ OntRrrll Cure I s t.Ilk OD inteTll/\lly, und Ilots d lrllctl .v lIJlun tho blood und muoous s ur 'nOIl BlIlI's Unt'lrrh Curt! I. not II qUllok m edlolne It WU!! Llrl'80rlben hy ,1Ile or tho beal· phYAlol unllln tlt is Ohuutry I'or yetH8 IInci IH II r Oj(olnr proscription. It I~ 001i1posod of the b,'s l. toni08 known, ctl lll billed with t.Ilfl bSt:lt hi llod lJur1fll\r~ , "Cling dl "ootly on the muoous sarface8 'rb e per . feot oombln ations uf the two til J( rediont!l Is whllt vrndlloeli su oh wondnrrQI r llsolttllo ou rlng catarrb Send fo r test\monlll18, fro p. F. J. CI:IE~EY & CO .. Props" Toledo, O. Sold by Drug!(ltttH, '750, Tillie Ball's Falllily Pills for cou. ~tllll1 t1 on.
nll80 I
who was Illllrried ' tLturo"y, Apri l 10, to /Ur , Edward /fox, or MltLmlll_
Eva Oormell and 80n Louis Saturday fro m II week ' _ __ VIHI~ \'(Itl! r olatl vos Ilt Xonill, Snyller The Miami Gaz llc , . . . .. , . . . 1 00 . l ond prt nl;fiold . f)() A'II- r U Call 's }\·ragazin .. . .. , .. . .. , .. . ~I·. unu Mrs , I~Ilu.c~ \Vllso nhlLd Mrs, F. W. UOBnugle, of V.-.udtl.lI.1 J ,th ol r (( ues t th e po I o,;eek Mrs . Min. silent several (lays Itlst. week with n e l\l cCal1 Dress P a t( nI .. _ . .. , . LY nl o V ltu!! rvoo rt·, ll f ovl o gton, Ky. lIer ptlrents, Mr . Ilnd Mrs. W . A. llome J"ifc .. . .... . . , , . .. . . . . . . . . :.21) ,Mr,. 1 mel! I, of ' OIUUlbIlS, gllve a Nnll. Peopl" s Popula r Mont·hl y. . . . . . .. s ~ 2G 'l e mp r ,LIIU uuJ r os~ III t ho oburo b Miss s Borl,hll P e ttigre w .. ud t:3u nlltly. Malllo Cull of Mlumlsbnrg, were Mr. unci Mrs. - ' hHlIl,\COY Bunnell Sununy guests of Miss CIllrtl Nlebal, Tota l . , . .. . . . , ... , . . . , ... , .,2 ] 5 J und Mo nllll Ht Bunllon wen.. 10 DIlY· Mes~ r8. B . E. Wilson, of Cinoint on Il UII tI.lY III ~ t 'Heir . uat,l aud F . 0 Bink~on of Dayton 'TIE GREAT t',\M;LY CROUP" Mr. u.ntl Mra. W . '1'. Wilson flOd were ~und!lY ~uest8 nt tbe bomo of w ":c' , <-I1., t·i l'. f I ,. " '·''' ... r t h r ro dnlll.thtC r .. od Mr. lind IIlrs . Rul" 1\1r , lIud Mre, W . A . Null. '\...' C'lJ - lc nt»",,· n I nra - n ll Q!Qoll \~Il R~n wo r e ~O l1dllY guests ' Mr. lind Mrs . W. B . 8eigfr eid o n~ {un y\... '\ :\h'c of of Roy urr ~ were clIlled to .l1nrntllon Insl Thors 1 · ,I')I: ~~l n'! ._ , ' n c . $ J ~OO . I\ !... o :'11 j/ c. ', ... M c CnU 'j'he U ~ ro8, n ;,111 88 met, lit, h e h JIDe ci flY to nttend tile fonenl of Mrs. P att t-Yil Fn · E o.f ~'T!ln o. ,i' (Iud Wfl1doJl WiI~ou on I 'oigfreiu 'a sister I.n I"w. M.ra. Barry I:ltl t llrdu y , Bobsou . W illi ufIl \..!om ptoll (lud family C. F . rbomas trnnsaoted bns lness wero/:iUlldtly ~u\:l~ts()f Zirurl ani n es'. in Ci nolnnll il T nesdnv. Mr. l:I ornr'3 Com pton i" conU ned lIliss ElInll Thompson apent ::lntto bl:! home wll h influ. U1OltHOry urullY nnd !:lonllny with he r slstor rheu lDulls Ul 1\lrs. AUl OS Br e hm , lit Millmlsb urg. ...;' . \1 I M G Ii d r . 11m rs. Ilr 101 P r,t.!'rso u Miss J ORepllllle BorwlIll spent the hlld b ILS 'th oir I.l u1e~' rop~'u lu' r l\.l~.OntJ' ,~ ,'/ . Ie' • R f t~ ' 1Sumlily Mr 1week wlt.h Mr . nnd Mrs . Wilbnr uU II •\I· Y I c. .Ie. ell on, OOBS II DC !L 1D1 y. Clurk, of Lytle. U'oIoIi,~"'M."'kl, 2" .1'", ) , ' I~ I IMIi"'"III ...Io1,-25c .Ve.a,1 I E Me rs . H . F. Uomptl)ll and lIlrs . W Mr'. and Mrs . Cbtl.R . Congor moved ' c. 10 1" ' ''' " ••'',{ 1101 11 110 .. : " ,,,",, _. 0 1 I,i" 1"' ...·' ,,( 10 1.. ,, 1 II UIIIO ,; . ogfltl w a r ,s IS h o ppi ng hi X enia Tuesday t.o the prope r ty r eoon\ly IH .,IU IUt' l \ lu lll'll·~ r, 'rl ' \ I'I )· IIHY - '-' t l a llll~ ~:. l .ul:t l tf :allrh·,,- df': I). ~ one dlLV III~t "'01'11 . I purobn/lod fr om Mrs. Mnrgare~ Tul · ~ :: :1"~:~':;".,~,:~'; " ·: ::,~ iV1cCALL'S 1\1AGAZ NE ~~~:~·I\·, ~'~·,·.~~II",~I"I.::; Albert Wilso u bll ~ bpe n sufi'er i ng Ji s. · ~ 11 ·1',0\," II ". 1 I ,. 0111 11 .. ,, : n,,,, 1':lI twlth 11 felun un h is t loumh , Elmer Sh eets, of R.ldgevi lle, ioPOlli ,,'1 ,," ". " "" ,,., IM·;,;,!!I"• .II - ~{l(, 1',,0) " "\ "" .'" ,,, 11 0, B ora co (JorupLo n'H 11ld R8 th ei r ~~lndny with his brother WI "'tV . I ~' ,~';ldrt:\";·I t": :j'~ ·11;11,\~ .I,~::~~:.~I III.\' ~I.II:·:ll,~~,~ 'I\~ I:, '''[:;~',:'::~::~,\~~,,\,I :. '~'~~·I:i:hl~~ ;~'.I~~~~'r ~~rH~fJ· ~~~~' ~: IolU6st'F1 8nnduy Mi s81'H r-4olnh Bngtt.n, ~ lOet s. ""UHII ), 11: \', 11\' ,:::\,IJI/,I.,\..I~,;;I~ ,.:!':.I;~~~·~11I1 "-~. LoI~~.':I :~;I" J t':~":;~~~ ~ ::~; ; \~1I111\11 t h,. r ll tlllb', OJivo \Vll ~Ot1 . Ml'. Huich ol o f \Jol. Mrs. Lavina Jaokson, of Day toni A Wb ul., Yc r'. 1 1:;:'I\;:"~;';~k:, .r.::::I;.: :~,~t lll,',~u ~I \ l',~.1 ' 1:,t.I · ~il: II~; l'I1\III:;;~: : The l:J~at 1-10 m fI om bU8 lind E\'un BOr,111l WAS olllled herA the first of the week I R .a d ; n . r,.r ,10. •. " ... " .. ,.. •\1 .. .. . , ... , It" I I'.". ,,,",," .... I I . · ," 1011" I' n po r Il nd 36 'burles"H " rn erttocldungbterwere hytheaoriouI:l llln688 of hor eiater, I V lhOIO f D mil ~. ~:.':.II:~·II I\I,j,r2 l !: ::1~11'·I I .;i;",I\;~llh:I; ·II~l i '1:,','u ,·, I III . II \, , "n ll M"A 82ln ~ :: :: goo ta of Mr. UIl9 Mr , Jesso Btu'oer ~lr8 \V m ~heet8. ~;".III "HI '~"rll"'r ( ..r I hl~ t h ·, ·,t ~ I ' 111 n..,·"III" I t"I\' "'h.,l1&~ trl'''' hcr ft r-t.fIOl'TQ t lleHr S prin g " a lley Buod n.y , Alary Emmti. 1)CtrliDg~on bas been ~.\I:.:·!·~\'~ ',~~.~::~;:Hi'~:~:I:::~'t',; i' ,~. ~ :\: I ;:t:'~i: ;·1~: 11: 1'1::'"s~~I~V:;~;::;1~i,~i:.< 'N~I'!_~:il~~~~ -.. qnlte ~ i11 with oongcatlon of $he >I • •. • ·".N. Bpleen. TJ,i:s un"6IOol mon ey .• nviTJ/1 o rr~r op" n to old and n e W ,ub,crib,,1'1 Mrs. \:lBrrlllt t Deoker of Lebanon~ i Act rromp!ty-' ~'l!'ile or Call at Thi~ Office-It's Too Good to Miss Ynu I flll't, prOVt:' llt Ill) IItl ao k of wnll olllled nere t·be fir8t of the week ,--~ ~~ _ _ , __ .,. _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _~ Itb e n1J1ul l~ 1I1 fr m on ll1in ~ oo, llllt by tll " seri ous Illness of her Sis ter, .v on Oltn 8 ~ O p it nlll1 o~ t Immediately. Ilrs WUJ . Hhee ts. SIOIm's Linim ent !!ou t.lv upplied t " - - -_ _ _- - tl1 e !!Or e julot or llIu Rulo )lBnetrnl, 8 in u fe w mi noteR to tlle lolluDl d ~ po t th'lt onn "9 thn Imin 11 uotbeH 8 0 many people tr oubl ed wUh In Funeral Director. th hot. louder, 8woll n fo e llng, nn.1 di (\sti un nod co n8tlptltl ou bave THE CRUTIIT .... in It very s hort tim e hrings n r elief, twan benefited by tlL kin g ChambarTelephone day or night, that 18 nlru~~t u '!b It ov uble un· lu ll1 'S. l'ableta t·hat n o one s h ould Valley pbone No. ~. lJOng 111 you OXpr TlellCe It . G e t a. bottle fo I dleoo nraged who hns not glveD Diatonoe No. 69-2r. I IN THI WORLD of !:llooLTI 's Lioim ont tor ~50 of Ilny them a trial. T hey ' oontaln no pepl11BI.lSUED WEEnY. $MO I'D Y!AK Druggis t und h"vc h 10 the Iloose- !!tin or other digesti ve fermenlB but IIltlLiJ\~t l!uldR, !:ll)ro Ilnn Swollen al,reru; hton the IItomlloh and enAble Automobile Service at all Tltrle8 "OTILe. DRUCOIIT... .,PICIAL.I,., Joints, Lumlllll;n. f\ol ati oll and Iiko it to Pllrforrn its funotlo Ds nnturall'y. co ITU M I It I, TltAN."IR. 'CA ~ ulh1l ent8. YUllr m Otley h>l ok if n ot. Obtllinllble vurywh re WA YN ESVI LLE, OHIO AND . . us IUVICI CAli PROFI~ sul.i~Oe'l , h u t, It d om:! Slve nlmost In. .V USINO ITS. ADve;RT'~9'lC COJ,UM ... Branch Office. HarveY8bul1r, O. tunt r oJi1jf, SAMPLE. COpy FREE r(l~uroed
The Civio.4ellgU8 met In r eguln r 8assioD \'fHlI 11m 'o rs In tbelr proper s t.ntoo. ur L ujtlle Is g e tting tic. qunl nl ecl with Ibll sis tl'r le nguos throug h ou t I,be stutes. rbl.ir m uue of tTllo~uot. llIg husines! I~ bllin g foll owl'd by o$her R. Th ludi i' ur 10 be oongrlttultltod for th e ahl\ay th llY /Ill po~ses , Ilnd ' t,hls RnlllUl6r we Are 1,0 bnve the m OR t ben otif o l town iu soot·bern Ohio. Mrs. E . ~ Dakin, who ha s be flO se r ious ly ill for somo time is t h ou gh t to he getting hetter. Rnnd/\y helng " very bel\otlfnl d ny tbo tLl1toUlobl le, m ot or oy ole. OCOII810ullily Il bona unu bu~gy w e re seen to plleR by, Wu.lter Sl\verlll~ makin g mnn .v chungetl in his new l y purcbllsed p,ope rty . Wbv no t more of u s r eUl ode l ua r 1l0meR if you ollu not d o It ot,berwlse, Issue bond8, In that WilY you Olln bav o ligbtp, wa te r works, Tnlloallamizet\ streMs. W o nldo 't it. be nloo, believe mo! Rov. Grno ser .. of Waynes villo, t .. lked to the High &lhool ~rauUlLtinK OIUSd Sunday night Ilt, t.he ~,E. oh uroh In tbe presenoe of u h,rge 't od tltienUVB Bud leDce. HannUfa] flowers decoro.ted tbe interior. Bull atr,ltD8 of mosto brough t. fort h by Miss Mnrgllret 'l'odhnllter , one of tbeteaohef8 And (-I M. Mo DoDald wa s appreoiated . Prof. Walton retnrned b ere fr olll hla bome In Hprlng Valley S nndllV morning, Mr. 'Marvin Blnnton Imd MiRFrllDole GH.tOB were marrl ·'d In Leb, anon Wednesr1IlY nnd r e turned to their h ome h ore . Mr . BlllntoD Is the vlllllge llla!1k@llli $h . l'h e painters. Jltipe r 11an ~or8 notl wblte wllllhers oro hu~y Ileonmling $1111 iolerior .. ud exterior uf mit n y 01 onr up.to.date h om es. Word hILS reaohell118 of thll mar. rillgoof O .. rry Bumphrey Bud a I.. tly I'D Uayton 8arry batt our bUilt wlehll8 In this h is now undertaking
We are olTering this " Family Croup" at fl ric\icu lo u ly low pricc. The McCa1l'!t is the best ~Iag azine in ql!~ . cnu nt r , while lIo me tife ant.! Peo ple' s Poplil. I ~r olltbly areal 0 magazines wort1) readi ng. Besides this you get a McCal1 patt e rn BUU the Mia mi G tl7. tte a t the x' tremely low price •
i ~Il~::;~:~ :~~~vre~fh:~fl!;~~:tt~~:;~~
__ - ------OFFER --.---
!lS I
r $1.50
In il weden over 50 years Thn.t In Gertlltlny wbere ~ aol'n.ry solonc6 Da8 r Bltohed Ita high ee t devel op. !Dent, t he life SpllD hil I! bllen in orea8ed It t the r .. $6 0 f 27 yellrs per c8ntury . AllIIn actun l r As uli of th is kn owl dJ{p, " Ii, oonstdered a ')rlme to hu bor rat! In S"n Frttnol8co, In New Orleans Rn I l:I .. v!l.n/\ mo!qnttoes li r e not t olerded. lind the bll\Ck llltlC hll8 now been raised nglli n st the dlseus 8pr e"ding house fiy .11 0 -er the IAOd, A syntblltlo revnlntlnD ts Deeded In thiS work . Lt w:luld soem liS if the women's olnbs have Ii di8t1no~ opp'lrluniLy lor eorv loe, tbe ;mer ju of tbe gensrllllfederl1tlon, r a dl .. t1ng "II it doos to tb e remotes' hamlet W ' . Ed bltOOlllh, of MIlrlon, U ~rlln8· In t·be oountry. Women's clubs s h (luld bo lillie t f) render tile sorvloe aoted bU8iQeH8 herellLst. woek . Mr . IlDd Mrs , 'l'boll. Wh otselllnd hftllAn sG IhllY h ave learned th'lt in ,m&llrl n g IUtu the league life of Ibe \ir. lind Mrs.Irll A. Bllftsuok, of oommun lty tbey ollnnot plllY thu OilY ton, were IlLe - weak end AUllste I(lune al ono 'l'hey hu ve beoowe of ·rolu.tlves _ _ MIW YORK CL ..... ER ~-----~--oo nllOio08 of t hl'l r \lower to imltaie Rev. Walkor filled the pulpit b or e New YOrk. II. Y. moveUlIlnt~ to ed uoutt! l)ublio sentl- tluullay li t the M• .E. ohurch. R ead' the Miami Gazette. W"" ru" Dt, ttl intAr"ret vlHiou! IlgeDolell ; Rov, Lewill fi ll ell' his obarge !:lunto provid e l en.<le r~hi(l; tol nsplre and day at the A M. E. cburcl! . }' OIt RENT Inform tbn~e who ouu brinK t hin g!! Rov. nlld MrH. Snr gent lire ent r· ~ ~:, 'lb" Il' /lnd , Ilt tbe peyoholol!iOllI ruo· tlli n lug Mrs . I:lllrgent'a ne·pbew. Mr. III Iss KO)Mey ill ng ulu llu<lllr th o Itlllllt to BWP uslde. For 'I1eMt! r UIl· Pen. o r Cin olnuuti. llb y.luilln 'l! OtLr o l1ud lij not rel'tu.ln ""na anti hOf auss women fs ol their Mrl'. Alph Wllnl cu m n en r hoiu ll i,ng h or hu" lth aa ftlsl Uti h e r mllOY t:'OUR or Uve aOles . Will rlllse obllg,.llon to 00n8flrVe t.he grdnt C good oor n lind potatoes, Apply seri ons lv Injnrtlol by (} vicious oow, fr .ends woo ltl like t o 1I "e h e r f\J roe' uf 11ft! und being, 0lnb8 m ay t o JObbun Barvey, Orogolllu, 0 , -orvt!.. "n'lifylng Il~elloy In whioh WtlS buuten <.If by h nr Mr . Joh u aluP, of 001111, wR I' t.b e mol " n" 10n,,1 p~nj(r"m for soolal better. brother, Crispin Llppluoott, but, Dllt wee k a nd g nel!t o f l1i~ 1:I11n . in.law ment,. if the uillbs I!IJ0uid b., I1blti uuLil oUt! of b tlr arlDS WII8 blldly Ilod dt&llgll tlJr, M r I~Tld hl r 8. Williu - - - ===='-== til ooollll1pllsh sOUiothing towarcl tbe lacora ted. Ur. Wt.lrd WII S ('.tli led lionel Alle n . droseod the w ounds und Ilt this FOR SALE-PROPERTY unlfioation of health lIotlvl$le8; Mr. Ilnll Mrs. Ed Bopkin!! lind ~ honld be able to mult ' j.lly Ibe l)ol.nt writlng sbe Is getting Illong 11 8 wo l l We are better equipped than ever before to supply flllUlly, of Bell hrollk., rill'. Ilnd MI·s. Ilf oontao' of HllOllll worllers by in 1)8 could he oxpected . Jt:&rl CuuDel, 0 1 Wu.17nesviJle, wert your needs in the--Bu ild:iIllr-~1-a1Ccri:rl;nIC;'---__--;----~;:;; Mr. aud Mrs. Albort Me r ribow oondllY gllost.. nou cnllorH tit t ho ores!.liu!:, tbe nurnlHl r of v'lluntsers; Aore.farm, two lIIots ot bnildsbon ld be Rhie to OJtrunglhen e llcit visited ro!tltlvell I D Lebtm nu Fritlny homo of MI'. John CUll nor . Iu gs,one of tho b est produoIIp,elio.v ~ lt e re it!! work In,or .eo\s, and S&'urd"y of lo st week . ing farm8 i n outhern G reene CounA bill y boy , Hom e:r Luo ll urrivetl t y, Prioe is' r ight, Inqnireof A . A. then, Inrleed. will the h ig h ml!!llion MIs9 Lonl!!e . N . Wil/lon is quite !~t the h UUle Il f Al r . 11011 M r ~ . EUlor . MeN 011, CenterVille, Ohio, (If tho olub have been fulfill ed and poorly at thla wrl ting. m6 t!on Co nnl r t'notldu y. April l3th. II worth v :ontrlbutloD will hov ll Mr. nnd MrR. I:Illrvoy l:Iuwkenf<, llnel Mrs. JOula Burns worll hee n laid a& I,he fee' of th e nlltlon. of Ne,!" Burllnglon, IIt,t noed tllll tlluMr.t:)ULlUIlY "11 f!t s of Mr, Will ' Aoro.fnrm, olose to Wnynollville, 'rho g r OAt . norl'lt' whl)b Oh tlrllo Fr iond ohmJ)h bcro SUfHIIl Y. " ut u r llll l hargllin . InquI r e of -Ex. terlzotl this tieo~tlu, tllflt 01111 our U ~ r.. rd A. A . McNeil, Centerville, Ohio. Our h orse ,\)eo uro gOI.tlog tht,ir Mrs 'hd rl e iS radtluok III t! u o llping Both phonos. ruli mll~av.ln ll8 Rml newspaper s, III In n o III Dny ton l o d !l~ , tielt1 moro OIUMly sel fortb than In stll~uS in ~hllpli rOr spood. .J . BUI'lor Hhldllitel' ohu pe ron od u tbe Il s8nt.IRfaotlon wbl oh hilS ex. M rtl. Ii'. 1\1 IJu. ld ll ILud MO ll (Jarl I uero!', U411tr Wll y nt," v1l1 ". 1111 Il DuyLun h' rillll Y vf Ill tll, w re ij htll1liiog iu X \lll iu t:\llt lIrdny preesod itSI'll oonoornlng tho foo d p"r~y to ::! ~OU(\ r oucl, iUJpruvut.! witl1 new of thl@ nllt.io n In /lll it~ vllriouR wool!. .. li d v i!litu WI th ro jut\v O!5 ill tllilt '<'.roOIll Iton ~o, bilro, Iloul\ry h ousl} plla8eR, we Ilre not 8Rtisfiecl with M .. Illltl Mr~. L w i~ -I"II!!:! Illlll ~IJU, Ity 11111 1 o \.l.or 011t.bul1din~8, 2 good wells tbe r ej( uill tious .JI ll t lIotorUllllo ':htl ,If It' Ll'urt:louvillo, Mr und Mr ~ . E lv lli '1'11" 111l1 11.Y (noUll lIf Il~. u , u l{o~,dj'. o f woter, I (lo re of IIIf,Llfll . good uRiity IIml OOHt IIf foo11 ti UIII,ly . Iflrl'H Bntl 1I11ughtllr ulld 81111 woro I,h " 101.11 rly of t.ll1s VIc inity n w Iivm!l barr y I1l1toh. [rioo only·$ 121i0. Ill . . ' he oon(lItlonll whlcb hronj(ht "bonl ~U {\~ t" of Mr . null I'\1r6. MIl Lu il lIour Lyllll \\itl lJ ~lIl(l III h our uf qUIre uf A , A . MoNoll. Uoutervil\c, tbo r081glllltion of Or.l:IllrvllY Wiley, Ho wo tlllmltLY ' Ill 1I ,lvuu u" t! III \.Irln'l·m lit in bl!! (lul o. Both 1lllonoll . Con . Ex. 1l2l ohief or tbo Burelln of Ch e llllst r y, If pructl " rUb k I.orfo'ct v ur 111111 ltuII ILlI nftor blllll l( !lICit rOr thu pus t " Well," gld UI1T\Jld Ber rington , dl8010Bul1 mllny thin gll wllioh t ho toum will he 1I(t)IUli t Ilurfc: ·t thf'l'U or r" u r Ill o uLIHI. oheerfully. "l 've j(ot t he plans t Ot oon~umor j D8t1y reghrlls 118 tL Dlonlloe 1\ III" rid I ~ . WMr,l I LllllOr 'j U ~ (HI I?OR SALE . my n e w h o use on tho I.. te shore a II to hi .. wolrllre. IJllr 11111111 ron,l , undllY und I·h u lIuy fhlllhe41," ( 'onoludod nl'xt IS8ne.) WK I> (ju l t,,,,,ly \I 1'1" ""IUlt O OlI. u lrinlHhed '0 8ult yOll?" , " 1 t,lIlnk '1iIlUtlJOI' \lI lu'd L.iui .. ,uul P LA NO-lloo.t aile, ILllllOHt new. Gi l'. ,!tun"t) Allun ~ul d', {luu bunuL "No.no, Btlt ~h e "rc blteot 1/1 /l Ilt. 18 jnst s lJluutltd 'fo r · rli"nll1l1t.i~lIl, ,. o f ~'u IH111 cll lvt ' ~ Iu U"y t lIU' bu yoft> . Will seli uhollp .if sulll Boon. '"fied . II nu that '8 Lhe btlljt. I Utln .. xwrltlls Mrt!. \)Ilnhurg h , Eldllitlgo. N III I, ' \' "'\ . p ilot .. rnr; IIJ(iniro 'It tbi~ ul11oe. Don 'l pnt off .trlllliing y o o r ChI ld '~ Y. "It hill< h ot n n ~llll by III Ybil if II/ HI "1:1 ".' hll r' How .!I.loot. Mr~ B ~r Mr ~ ( 'IIlIH. Ulinlu ll ILIIll t!lIug hlor (JuU~ 1J 1 ~ lIut '1I1y ~n IJS tht!ir lItb «r 1Il0mhUI'0j OJ f 1l\V fL1l11il ~ I I " ... rlnlll n n ?" lilt lIf Mallill Moltu,lIos of t h o E vo lyu . o r II (lU I' II1t Hull.v w o .. u u lllmUll' Rnd limo lignin d uring till.! \.I"~ I ~i::x holl l. cln11.iity. 1utlll iro of Frlank "It'll "It rljCbt wHh h.lr, t Oil. In dt rgnKth . bnt oftllll IOlltl.. lug iu t LIi ~ villi nll.y ulIou du y lli li l wuok. >lerlo u~ Ililm ll nill. Wby ri sk ? You YOllr8 ulld hllN 'ttlwu ~' " Il t \'tl ll t.\w hll~ \ Brlicldouk . R . D. :!, Waynellvllle, fao t , ~hu j(ut I hilt flx",1 t.clforll ,n' ..... ObI O). m4 · .t.urted YIIU l eo, "he IJL\d out ~11l don't hllve I,,,. Dr l\jngl< N lIw lli" of i!a ti~fuotluD." Thu quirk . rulillf Which C l lfI llJbo rlnitJ '~ Dnpbt~iHrit8 "111\ wllrdrob8l'~ "nd all oovflry il< ju~t the rlllulllly your ohllu (~0U1 )JilIn AV EN POltT !lnd lar go Morris tbe nr cblteot b 8d to <10 wILe \ 0 build nQeds, it ill 1I11,de wit,h 800t,h lng, Li niment 1I1J00'tl~ ill ul unll wort.1i Wo!t - lIvurYlIII O kl1.0WH the eO'eol Ileilll UK lInll l1uL II'I' \l Llo bul!mlll!!. m"ny timON t he 0 .I ~t. Obtlllu" blo Hooker oboR)J inCluiro of L a hOURIii around tbem .. Qf l'IIIU Fl lru. t~ I, ll ' (]Ol1g h tl . Ur , fA . ZltUl1IOrmlln, W tLynellvi lie. 0 WIIi qOlckly oheok tll.~ (Jold and everywh e r o. l3ull 's PIt1o.'1'n r. UoUIl,5' itl u rOrllotly Boutbe yotll' (Jhiltl 's Uou/Ch I4wllY a28 W\I iolt u ril1 gs qn ic k rollcf fo r Whoul' Nil ",ILls how bad tbo ()ou~b or how long 8tl1ndll1g, Dr' King'" New DI~ 1111{ CUll 'h , luusontl t h o IUUO.IUS, IOl.l g lihtLft oort, pruotloully new. oo very will st"p It It 'l\ g\l/LrRnlooti. "<JOt.h o~ th u lilJiu !-\, uf tku t llro .. t nllll lo l1Ui [0 at !,hlll ollice. . 11.28 luu g~.1I1H1 UJuktlij llt'J uu ug hing "PUJ\H JU8t ~et a bo~t le frolll y our Drugll Ilit· and try 1\ lotts SO \' uru. II flllully 'wlth growiuj( WCl L1A ~ Bof.torou\lIl, puro blood ,t, tiO por settio, . M . J, U uMr. Willlll.'ll Dodd Bod family ()h'hl"~ u s houttl nut \)(1 wll h out It. . were oalllng on bl8 m othe r 'lIond fum l~eOJl tL ~1tLody for 1~1I CU~l:,; hl:l IHIU 'l urwood, Wih.nln.ton, O. R. D. 4, Time;. Changel_ Coldt'. 2Go I1t yu ur Drllllgls t . l:'h unc 1:11101 veytlburg it. IX, 0.28 "In the. early du)'s," said tho Inalruc· Ill', rroontly, tlve person. "they oSBd to go out nlld . Mr Juhn Swisher lIod family ILU ll EllS Peln lulUa Inonbator. shoot a turkey for 'I hanltsglvlng dtn· Mr I:\nmuel Knee I,nd fllmtly wero prloe UO . 1n lluire of Mn ne r." "An' at de )lrt-sont tim e," 8nJd Odltlng on Mr Goorgo Mllrltltt .IDll E . . I:!. Daily, WuyoosvllJe, Ohio. a28 J!lraytus Pink ley, "if you g'Qes )lrowlln' family, 'rQu nd lookl.n· foh a loose turk ey, you's Mr", J,mllls S,uHh , uf Tro lli u t'l~ AN pOMt 30 with bors c and bug \lable to git abot l'obso·t."-Washlog· and Mrs. WilllnlO Boolull , of Hprlo).: gy t o 80\1 ~took Co ndition ton Star. Vnll oy wero r eOtlUt vl8Hor~ of Mt. Powder In WtLrren County, 8alllry JdO!lllloutll, m.:"':'''[ waaweak, worn· Ilolly. . 01,l~ e.nd netvOUL [had no appetite ud $70 I)Or month. , Addrul!6 Ii In Ius Mllllt.er .I ohnnl e Myurll, of Hul was ,Bettin,.: BO thin and dfsoouragt'd. Seek Proper a.lance. t.riall:Jltlg .. Indlannpo1l8. Iud . a 21 one dq I JUlt broke down .and meil \ The true Ideal both for the parentll . m o n t Ie v i~ltl nl!' h ll'l g rnndwtI , It 181.1. ble~sed ' tllillg Indeed that ~hen a friend tamo in e.nd uked me and tile cbUd Is balance In character. WIJ\itllD erlldduok .II! slok Ilt thl~ Done of U8 DILO tako our r Qbblah to 1000ds of gOQd Mixed Hay. In ~hat w .. the matter. I told ot m1 another. world for If we oould som'e quire of J . B Ch'lpman, R D. 2, condition and how notliing I took IIBllmeiJ The old Greeks dlrl not fall while lhs3' w~lt.ln/ol: . E1l8wort,b Glb~ ou hae tho lUe/I.le8. of the muny' IDAnslons wonld ,be Wayne8ville, Ohio., for prloe. a21 to do me any 1rOOd. Vinal wu auggeate<l. lived out tho maxim: "Notblng too I 'got a bottfe and before it WI\8 halt !Duch." The prodIgy la ,0 0 special ~"m uel Jllokson Is vlfliting I,n \lUlo buttor t htLn !lunber rooUlS. ' oR k '" ' f ' et ROne I eculd eat and Bleep well. I comfort to himself Cor to his frlonds. -Jello Ingolow MOU'J'a 00 ."gga or 8 X"nlu , •• continued ita uae and now m'y frlende ting ; winter layers. 600 tor 15 , , Mrl!, .J uhn Levi tind lion were re"1 I look ten yCIlI'II younger, and I am - - -- - - - - Minnie E. Cook WaYDesvllJe, Oblo II M~ciern Appeal, oeut "nottta of Henry Crew Ilnd well, healthy and atrong, I wlah' I , a~l 'Honest , mluler. I ain't seon a moyie . family, . 1'ho h lgl1O!:!' w,,\erfolllin tile world could Induce every tired·out, wom-ou~ nenrou. woman to take Vinal. "-Mn. In three dayel"-Puck. Wagon!, 1 Buggy and '1 Mrl4. Moutb" ClIn~bllm hll!l . been la tile YOllemile which Is 3.964 feet --~--- ~ BARan:;' GALB, Monmouth, Ill, elullo and d ouble a.raeBl. Iuvisiting Mfli. Aillos Jiloksun . hi gh. There are DUUlY over-worked, tire<!qulre. of George Zell. , alll oat Careworn, ne"OUl'women In tlIl. viclDlty who need tlIe .trengthenlng IAt vuur 1.lvar !Ce' &orpld aDd you good Ohio Farmer 8ewlq Ma }:~ tluuelialldlll'l.and vitalising etrecta of People Say To ohlno w\t,h all 'he .."aoh~en" Vinal, our dell elou cod liver and Iron are 10 fur" .poll of 'UlliMory , Iberl'''I CftIUjot ent t.hia or that food. i\ dOlI Will 11011 oheal,> tor oub. laqolre tonic, and 10 Bur, are we tbat It wi!1 'body KeStl.o alta6k Jlo'f and .t.hen. !lilt agree with me." Our aavice to or F. A . Hartsook, phODe 27-8. build diem up UJd make them IItrong l'hou.ILDds of peoplo keep their Llv· all of them is to take II dnat we offe. ~ retarD tilt$' IDODq lira \lotl,e and health,. by USIDI Dr. Barve,.bur•• O. aU KiDl'S New Life PUII •..-F.tno for If.it falla w benelit. nbeorlbera '" Ule M~U" VInot II a Cleltclou prepua~OIl of til. ,be H'ODIaoh, 100. Mtop 'be DISShop Next to ~h~N Q.r••e~M.ln St' , MapaiDe. 8eD4 860 tc; abe atnetoho4 BYeI' oD .ad pept.oDate of aiD"', Coaa,tpaUCiIl. alllloaao... ~. . .Dtllher'" 2IIoaba,j ~Ma o1IIoe, aDd .., 0118 of &he ....... ~. . IIOGU. . aad JiMltpdIoD. Clear Ute blood• bit.......D. lID eUtb. ., 'L____~-~~--~-~,........~--~~~~~~ 0DlJ ..... ,OU Dragllt. ~.
Walter McClure
'Olassifled Ads
---_._ ..._--
- ...
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
.. --
"'W. ·H. MADDEN & CO.
------.. ..------
· D
Corwin, Ohio.
~" "ANNIY.Dr"""" W. . . .
D¥.':.:la, 100
Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto , and Carriage' Painting. ' .
0Il10 ~"""""_______ W_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ 'I
----.....----. THE nOl~lE ,
SALE! .•
and Towns BeaJltilul
"Clean Up and Pain"
1 (I f Qualit. G,. c7 .. 1 \!~ t
\\ ill otTer at Pll i lil: ~ak:ll \Ill,
The Proof of
Is in
The Eating, Thereof
Prove The Quality Of Our Groceries
~ II a ting .. ~ \'('~, C aso lill C ~ t O\'l' s . Bcu St'Cl, Is, Mlllt rl'sSCs, MU ll in g, 1 Snll iLar.' ~1u l: h , () J)illin g" R oo ln hair~ . lentil'll. ROl'ki l1 ~ Clitti r:; , o thL'r Chll ir:, I ." I:t lll. I I£xtCIISioll 'Ja bl . Kitchen Safe. Kil hell T u h lt' . !l IOl f lJi: hes, aJl(I \I t:.IlI~' o ther ar t icll" of go I vn lt! > •
And Come To Know That TheY're The Hestl
................................................ j Try These-They'll Plea~e i
...............................................! tllc same for Eggs en h or 'l'mde 1\ ri ng th m to 11 5
Hum, Wciners, Minced LUl\ch I.oaf, Leona, Cal as. J\n yt hing you want in smoked meats,
8 lr
J ('gl llll ing a l I o 'dud" tlH' fo llowing
We Pay
('In ~la in
aturday, April 24, . 1915, I
~aeschers ~eat s
Idl'tI C(
\\'ovr! c·!' \·ilk , Ohio , 0 11
DR. A. T.
I ' has, '. urfa l' '' . Ll C L. D . elIa plll <t II , C le rk
FLEISHMAN'S YEAST 2 cents per cake Buya package and get oue of Fldsllllllln'S receipt books.
.---- -- - - ----*
IUllllloI ~ed
The Misses Emma Hawke, Ruth Hartsock and £dytha Macy W re thl' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartsock , on the 'p ri ng Valley pike.
rorm of tho
LaUn OODlllodla, 18 derived trom tbe
Oreek comus, II. testlvo procl'ss lo n, nn el selden!. to elng, boariug 00 tlil) 0(10 ADa 4nr1ng the procOBslou.
Brltl.h Marrlalle Statlatlce. ' III eyory 1.000 tnarrlngea Nole molzeel In Oreat Britain 21 are hotween ftrat coua108. ADloog th o nobility tbo mte I. mllClh higher, amouollng to 45 tn
- --...
only tbe
deBerves a
klndnoss w h o knows lJow to hI) grate-
tul tor It.- Arno ld.
. .....
A TRI STrATE PATRON SAYS Last year from 9 cows, sold $555.69 Butter . 'at. Also raised 7 cnIves valued $1..10.00 Fed 'WBmt skim milk ,to 32 hogs $379.15 This is not a banner record by any moans. I t is simply a from. on ~ of oui' 88tisfierl Patrons. Write for Fr ment.
We sample overy shipper's cream and make test imme linte ly .
A. LLEN· ~ t od d ~ ! od e l
~ t od (' 1
. -.
A IM Ag nt for J{llci ne Au totnllhile T ire"
Corwin, Ohio alley Plw/\ 90- i I ,~
1a IE==:l1 El 1:.==318 1:1==31 t!11
And Auto Repair Shop
i r-:J
~ Main Street· Garage ~ ~
13 ·W aTe pl' par d lo do a ll kiwis of R: pairing Otl Aut.o a lld all kind ' of lu·chiucry, at vc r ' r (,:1SO I1
,!J able prices.
Au~o · h 'n · ami
I·l u
' "pui, U,cm.
Capital Stock
The-Sign Of 8af,&ty Firat
N. Sears
I, 13
We will be [cady fo[ w()rk 11 xl MOHony a.t lhe ~ I P hillips B am , whicll has 1Jl::~1l' filll'ci lip fo r the · l~ p.
Au to Livery Service at Reasonable Rates
:.13-$ 875 Mouel f15- $1O!l5 3·1H5 Model :) 1375 ali A 1075 M"d e l 40 - ]3 5 Lr.:el "VI" - $1600
No shipper ever lost a dollar selling cream to the Tri State Butter Co. Every abipmentisguaranteed against lossordamagein transit.
- ... -
Tri,nl Cans today. Spot Cash is paid for every ship.
,Capital Stock
Horner lIrey had a little hurd luck with his aut.o truck Saturday. Ernest Rogers was running it, Rnd in backing ott of Wat e r at reet , the brake failed to work and he backed down the bank below Horace Keys' shOll As the truck w nt over t h ~ embankment. Ho rner jum ped. A couple of other ' boy!! were in the tr uck alld they al30 jumppJ Mr Roge r~ was in such a pollition that he had to stay with the machi ne . NOlie of the occupants of the truc k were hurt except Mr. Carey. who had n sprained ankle The machine w as not damas;-ed in the least, anel bys tanders got ropes and pulled it Ollt of lbe ditch Mr, Carey wi ll soon be n t o th kinks of the machine. and will be ahl(' to maTlag it 311 right
' Dally ThoUllhL
rt Is I
DerIvation of "Comedy."
Comedy. the
Nnss uu Tire. Tube.'1 & )(clinwrR
Tru.t In Providen ce. When W6 Dll'(l t 011' of tb se big. blazIng motor h ndllg b t8 whlll\ rldlug In the m od es t oltl !'1,rl n h(' IIOIl ~ lnl; to our wire's r elntl ollB. wo JUl't go nll corl. tntstin g thal P ('f)V 1/1 nil (' th Itt wnt <' hOlS over cbl1(lre n illlrl .Ir!>nkard s wlll tnko ca.re of 118, too,
The Earlie.st. Oranges of the Sl'8S0n
Tl't e Essentia l Th in g. In Ollb rt I{ , 'h('Ht crtOTl ' s book "The F1yhlJ: lun " IA 0 l1<'lI tr m'o worth l h l llk· lug abuut In t hl ~ ' Iny ot O.XCU HC ~ nll (1 evnRlnn s. .. Fn r NIli' fnlt OOIl 'R w lnl1 trom llow hf'rfI. whi c h 10 CIl 11o(1 tho will anll Is mnn'n Dilly I XCURe u ll o n thia earth."
- - -:",
- ---
W he re orc they , fvlYlI ! W i,y U,' t bty ri pe n ea rlie r IIII tll in oth.. e liolt. ? '~Il y nle they SV l uscioUS The nnd o the r 111lt'S tiOIlS Ire all s,"" ,,',1 ill ll'lJI~klc t wbieit we l llve is lied des':rib in g Clenn CUU II IY, oliro rnia . Glenn Co u Jlt y is ill th e hca rt " f till: ~ rc" l, rich S,1cr:ll l1cntu Vulley. A few years ngo o ru uge lI",rc g ruwlI cOlllluerciu ll y Iu I1l1ly the SUU( hem· part of th e Btah!. La ter it wus ... iSl.· .. Vl'red tha t dlru s fruit s pcrfe ~tl y i n ~".II tile Ilurt hc IIi l.oa rt v I the illt e ri"r va lley. :;illcc thell Glen" CO llnt y hus ':UlU~ fur" Irll wit h w ille mUl>"iflCl!rIt early fruil . Tl lere n rc cO luli l es~ u jJjJul tullitics fu r no l o nl cilillS fru it ~ ultn rc lollt for ,.. 11 OO rl H Ilf decidllous fruit s. li ve s tuck, !:l (lIiu , ~ru c k fUrlllin g. Ie ., . , in Glc nn CouIII}'. We wil) sclld this ix!:lIl t iful "'.... k 11,'. 'I'i" illl: Glc llu CQllnl 7 free to you if Y" u witl send u S lIlIr 1I01l1!.! alH l lllhl ll..' ss a mI a lwu·c(! ul s ta mp tu hel p pay 'tllll 1'IlSltll;C. lIc Utr s tilt , l;<' (I<I l e ll Ilt." ' I (a ., , wilt sc nd t.he Gle llJl C"lI IH), w uk, II II UI\ I v f C.. lirondn ,,"11 II s:l lll pic copy Sunsc t J\lagttziu., t ile g "~ lt H,e;l i" e llaS( lIatio na l 1D1Igazinc,
SUNSET MAGAZINE SEI{VICE IWREAU,Sanl:rancisco, Cal. 111 writ illg IX! S.I C lo nlc llliull tllis 1>U IJt:r.ullu G le llll COII I'lty book.
ALL NEW GOODS Butehison & Gibney after their great Fire Sale ...., rec~iviag the Finest Assortment of REAUY·TO· WEAR GARMENTS ·yet offered, No Narrow Skirts Gingham Print House Dresses . $1.00 up All. Wool Cashmere Dresses .. $5.75 tip All Wool Suits ............. $8'.7.5 up Spring Coats. , . '••. , ........ $5.00 up Spring Underwear . ..... . :.. IOc 'up Middys . . ~ .......... .. ...... $1.00 ,up PettiCoats Silk. ~ ........... $1.00 up House Aprons ... . .. ; ... .. . . 25c up Aprons for Dresses. . . . . . . . . 75c up Children'S Dresses . ...... ..., 50c up CORSET~N'emo. for Stout Figures, American Lady. front and back lace, Gossard, all styles, . Frolaset, front lace. Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleu,m will \>e in, .
Hutchison - & Gibney ,
DoIng Th ei r Boot. Mr. ROIl80Ily- "Wr ll, dro nr. , hrp;ln to realize tbat 01l r time on (,lI rth 10 IIhort." MrA, H Il II Rro ll y - "Yrs . 'hut wn have little to r~ ~r(·,t. '1'\'0 hl\l'l1 ·hoon Bober nnd Inuu atrlOlt R nnd hllvo rnI8t't\ n tnmlly or 10,000.1100.000 cII IlIlron."Life.
WOOL WANTED ----- - - --,
ZIMMERMAN'S Seed PotatoeB Garden Seeds Onion Sets ' Lawn Grass Seed Honse Cleaning Supplies ,Brushes, Ammonia, H & H Lye Old Dutch, Bon Ami and all the rest. Cbick Feed-The good kind, notice the difference. Hrn I~eed-Conrse and flne. Cracked ,Corn.
Try our
Bulk Peanut Butter.
Bring"us your Eggs. Cash or Trade.
We pay
Lettuce; , nlonl and Radishes H you don't see tltem, ask the mali. We keep them on lee.
the babit and trade at
1 prepared to r eceive your WI)ol, u nit W i ll pav t he hig h('.'IL CII.~~' I)rk . Cnll a t ,A. II ~jdes' ol)ice. , Wllyn()svill e, Ohio. M, M. Ea rnha r~
. J '5, ' Il awkill~ a'! tended thl) Wol· lam· 'umn rel/ivflt su rvicI'~ in L.ees· burg Runnay , . MiSs Helen Blair is t he guest of fri l)nos in Chica!{I). Th e en terlainmen t lit l he 9chool hOlIHC 'l'!lurs:rlay e ening was enjoyC)1 hy a large a ud ience. An especial fenture ' was a humorolls original poeril. by Wrn . r~ wing .
I r , B. L, Lackey ·and family, of Xen ia , were week-end gueats of W, V. Lack ey and wife D. J. ~~arqll h nr alld Chilli. Blair moved their horses and training out. fit to Xen ia lasl wee k. Rev. Amos Cook. of Harveysburg preached at the \<' riends church Sun· day. " 1'he aged Ruth Mor~an has g;one to make be'f horne With her mooe, Mrs . Kelly Mendenhall. Mrs. E . O. Shidaker,of Wilmington, is the guest of her parents Mr. and MI'S. 1:. C. Haydock, Mles Mari.e Hall, of Waynesville, was the g u est of friends here, last
- --.... ...- --
--_.- ... -- -
INTER-STATE VACCINE SERUM 'CO. Every year thl.'chnlernloss is heavy. You will lInt have tAl stllnd your shnr ' if yo'u will vu('cinaltl your hOlls with In ter· Slate Vllcdne Go. Serllm, marle at KanslIs City, Mo. I huv t! u8!!d serum on my hogs with gooil rel!ulb.l Have experimenled by feeding them. Hogs that died frl,m rholern nor! al~o by injecting 'virus hyporiermically and found them immune. J would advise vaccinating when pigs are well and from five to ten days old for this Is a sure preventat ive . . But there is no absolute cure known after hogs are sick. Serum ordered will be received from Cincinnati in about six hours. Also ·can furnish Stock Hogs, guar. anteed immune from cholera. . O. A. Strawn, Phone 227 A Lebanon, O. 821 • - ••- - .IS READ\, FOR SALE DATES Jesse Stanley,
who haa juat gradu-
a~it from the Jones Auctioneering Sc 00 at Chicago. i8 home and i8
T aking s CPla"oe. Do you tJIIln!t tho publlo w111 stand ready for sale dates 1t would be for ouch ~ ~l ln')' Tn ....m Dot womlns well to see him B8 he anme new about the plibllo," r eplied the thestrl- deas in the .auCtioneering line 0 cal "All rm afraid of II tll. call him 146 mutual phone' r "
IBurna,t.Cm. Ohio.
OME to know our stock-just what we sell, so Urat you may know wbere to get anything in our line that you may need, at a real saving of mOJ1f'y.
FOR IN8TANCF: ' LACE-Val, Linen Tortlon, Top Lace, per yd. , ..... JOe En • CING, per yd .. , . .. , . 10e PI f.,I.OW CASES, new supply, each ... 10e PILLOW SLIPS, for working, with back, each. . . . . • .• We RIH'nON. all colors .. .... lOe
4......... .. ..
Next Door to Gazette OOia!,
BASE BALI.S .. .. : . ..... B~E BALL llATS .••.•. lOe LAWN RAKES, just the tbiog for your Jawn ..... : . . .. tOe HO~, small. for ~our flower ' bed .. ...... " ..••••• .. • tOe JUMPING ROP~. ·only • few leIt ................... tOe
FRAU H. FARK ...... ...
12, 1915
Was ~Iected Deputy
CrOWdpa~~~~~p~~ficzI~~:r:!t:::al Exposition h.;~,;~~;i:"~:~~~:~;:::) -ijUARlW.
The Day tOil N(,ws of Friday has a pict ure (If D. C Ridge. son of Mr . ' a nd MrR Mahlon Itidj{ll. ; ,
ti ER
TOLD BY fORMER CITIZEN i\\orc Factories Th3n at Pl'esent TIme- Few of ., hese qtizens Arc I.l'ft
Heh~b~n~~in~l nw~~~ ri~~~~~~~~======~===~========~========~==;~
_ unty clerk in th., un ice of J . Gl arence SChllt-lror, ('o unty clerk . Mr Rid p-p hll-'1 b~"n a ,valul'!l e mpluy • M lhe CaRh Rt'JlIRt r f'lr seve ra l y" a rs, Lh e pr('sent a 1111 resign ed t o tnk 11ilHitioll COllI! 111,')( Lo you . ('IiiI'
OBITUARY Mory .Etta Jan,> Hook R, daug hte r of Willium and Liza Hll il k~. was born near Lytle . 0, J)l.'cemhtl r 1·1. IH:17. Dc part.ed thi~ life May 2, l!Jl{j a~ ell 77 years, 4 ml\ .. lh ~ Ilnd 19 dayI'. On J alluluy IH. 1 ~56, !lhe was married to WiJliam Uyke. To which union was born three children, Eliza •Janl!, Clara Hell. und S he rlmm Dyke, of Lytle , O. The IlIt te r being t he on ly child to survi ve her, Eliza Jun e having tlt'p~rH: d in infancy, and Chua l1elll'aylor Novembe r ao, 1902 She I('aves three brot.her.i HarriRon i{ooka, Mllhhlll Rooks amj I~ ra llk R"oll s. one Ru n , IH!rlllan \)y ke, seven I!' randchild rer , lwo great grandch ildren. and a hmlt of friends to mourn their 10118 Mrs . Dyke was a "home maker" being a devoted wife, a loving mother and a kind fl'i end to all her ne igh· bors never being too busy, n or t oo tirt'fJ to viait the sick and mini~ter to the need v . That she livro 10 lhe ripe age of 77 years provl"B sh., had g nod habits . She livt'J in the country j UHt north of Lytle until 13 years ago when she moved to Lytle, where he r husband died July II. 1902. Since which time she lived alone, nntil she join ed "The Innumerable Ibnks" on the other short!.
aft ernoon I h ~ t rang Dodrl $ lea n; und we re dl>fl'aled bv the score of 'j ' l fETI Na HELD AT THE W HITE to 5. The Dragons had th o bes t of the Ilr~uml'nt up to th e eiUhth . ".. hen . ORICK Bobb.y Uu rlon came up ant! mad E' ~ ~III-~ilmg tw()· ba~(' hi t sc nrin~ t "" , runners a no winn ill).: lh~ garne Thete wa::! a large crowd IH·cseIlL. many rrol11 Way ne5\,i lle ~eeing the cont('st. There
Wa s a Largc Nu mber of Friends Prescnt During the Two Days
Wuynesvill., hnd a public Hquare. The rel!ular mee ing of t.!lI' The Miami Uuarterly Meeting of Main Imt1 High street UII' tht! e~ t Woman's Auxiliary was held on Fri ,side uf Ma)n ~t ree t waR Ii ha) Rcal!', day- flf1ernoon MIIY 7, althe hOI11(> Fri ends ( W I ~i t(' Bri.ck) Iwld an im blacksmith s hop and wagon making lare nce Bentl ey. 1'he ?Ilrtant 8es.~lOn on 6th and 7th days , of ; , ~I )'s. s hop. They we re allllg tfl e l:IO ut h 1 re~ ld ent, Mrll . Cadwallarl er opened ~)th mo., 7th and lh, 1915 . caat cotner uf the lIquarc. Now. lhe meel\ng by reading Is:ilflh xii. The ministers aurl elder held a uus . where A. B. Hid !8 is locoted . was Rev. J. ~ Cauwall~d r co n~u e Led iness session at :! p. m 6th day and the pork h () u ~e of James Harris , the devotIOnal eXe rcises. Sc rlJ)tural ~ , . ' . faLhel' of th e Intc 1 H. Harri s. q uota tions were given in r(l.i(lOn. e to had Prof. Elbert ,Ru ssell, of Earl'l'he ' Iau~hler hOU RI! waR liP toe first roll ·call . After the r eSIling of the hu m coll ege , a.~ a visitor. who gave ert*k above WaYlle~;v ill e a hlln · mi nutes and disposal of ol he r busi· an intere3ting discourse. dred YliruM or 1:10 , and an utlll'r Hlnul(h · Sixth day evening Prof. Rus.qell ness the p rogram for th e aft-rnoon w r houflt! · RLoou 1111 the l'aMt tilde of was taken Up . A sllIrly of the work dd ed I ... the railroad above Corwi n, IInrl the of BishoJl Restarick in Ilon olu lu hat! a ress a we I .fi ll ed, ~ o use on rhe packing waH dune in the nld wilroad The lecture b en prepa red unde r the title of Value of th.e Unsee.n . treight house in Corwin. Caleb •. A Gardener of Souls. " This study w~ very instruc tIVe and welt reo Small did the rendering at Corwin . was divided into' lour sertion s. All cel'l~bed R . . and lhere was no oujectiun made, as abl e Iloper had been written on the . .e epresentatlve .Commlt tee ~f to number 01 temlerlions UR kiuR firRt section. "The Garden, " by Mrs. In dl!lna Yearly .Meetmg held Its would have dangling at the end of Barnhart The second section, "The eml·annual I,!,eetmg a t 8 a. m ., the any kind nf an old sIring till they Ga rd ener," W&''3 t he s ubject of a n in - 8Lh month, wlt~ ~wenty-seyen me.m· were dune to a (~uzz l e . 1'hele kidl!, teresting paper by Mrs Crane The bers and som,;,. v~sltor~ present . Llye iSllo",ething )'ou' ve missed I Wish I third section " TheC;urden e 's'PI t- moral an~ r~lIglous ISSUes were dlsin'" r an cussed With ml erest. harl a c h anr.cthi ~ miIlUle - Urn! Urn! g, was read by Mrs .. Mosher and The Quarterly Meeting proper Call w.,]1 remember I he cuming tlJ --------~o answers to qu estlOn~ given. In the ~on vened at 10 a . m., with an unU BUthis country, of that IIturdy und absence of Mrs . While, ¥rs ,,~arn- ally InrRe attendance. Of the fourhartly, sel of EngIiRhml' n: J ohn ~ar~ also r ead Lhe l ast~ectlO.n, - ome teen delegates representing the subHllwke. Thos. Hawke and Philip Mtss ~mma ordina te llIt!etings all but one were rl!lls Qf the Garden. ibwke. It is to Philip lhat 1 now ~el~h~y t hen Rave. a tead~ng on present. Besides Ihe routine duties £ontrlbute a few reminiscence.s of , .------........-~--.. he Te Place o~ Prayer. I.n th~, Life of usual at s uch .times the q uestion of I him . He w&., about my size, ond t h . Woman s A uXlh ary. . A (ter Peace lind 'how to elfect and maintain la1"&'8 for his age; anr1 healthy. oh my! P C Gilmour wns a Morrow vis. SUIT OF CLOTHES FOU D IN Abe Dakin was in Da,yton Tuesday, II;d~ournment ~he hostess s.erved ~e. it, both National and Internat ional. He took a , o b at the Corwin pork O.ARD OF THANKS TI1E WOODS itor·last week. JrCIOUS ~onfectlo)ls and a SOCial se.'<Slon was d iRcussed with earnest solicita.houoo sa a cleaver hand. Up to lhat We want to extend to our neighH. S. Howe!'1 was in Cincinnat i was enJoyed. hon that right and justice may pretime, It had always required Lwo for Kenneth Hidge waR a SI ring Va l- - -... - .... vail. Tuesday. the work. I was the re when t rouble bors and fri ends who so kindly ley visit.or aturday. us in our late aftliction . our l1he present European conftillt fltart eel , nn,1 \0 trv him Oil, a hOll thai helped Phonograph at f1'riend's Home with seems to prove conclusively that weighed 6041 potmfis WAl! rolled Ofl heartfelt thanks_ Sherman Dyke and Fam ill'. Phonograph , 3!i records good a~ 35 reco rds, $12.• greaL war preparations do not pre· tht> block, and Phillip, now a full · ---------new, $12 aL Fri lid 's Horne. , fllltlged ynnketl, WIlli (In his juu, and serve peace . Conaistant training ill the disciplineo! war tends to deaden, NlILfy h"d his steel cleaver L. A .. 7.immerman was a Dayton in the minds of the people, the horheated to nea rly a cherry red, and Miss Cl ara Hawke visiterl wi th Like a t\lurder Might Have Been visitor Monday, · rors of war until after the carnage with one mighty blow , Lisected that friends in Morrow last week . Been COImniUt'd- ' 0 Clue has already begun, the man or set 6OO-pounu hog at the l'un:r, and tloen O. M. Ridge was a business visitor Discove red - -of men ~ho carry guns are in more one more blow, and the shoulder> / Miss Clara Lile spen t the wee k·end in Dayton Monday . were ready to 8plit apart And all The annual inspection of Waynes- danger of blood shed tb!,n those who at Spring Vall ey . with rela tives went well from that on with Phillip ville Lodge F. & A. M. took place ~ave none: Let us tram for peace See Hay Mil ls if you need an Auto Wednesday evening. There was l!l school, In college !,nd throu:;E0ut ThOR. Southern lind Wm . Hetallick Lost-' Go ld walch . Find el' will did the IJ8lling ill me ce llar. Jerry next week a t Conve ntion. a record.breaking crowd presen t , lite. A large ~om~lttee .W8ll ed and members from Morrow. Frank- to express ou~ mftuen~e In fa r of Powell, A,· dy' ~ dad.rly, d,id. t~e brine The coming cJf the Warre n County please leave at th e Gazette ofli c ' work , 0 8C8 r Wright, A:. D. Cad- Sunday Seh",,1 r onvention In our iluy your Ferti lizeroE Cha~. Frye lin, Lebanon, Harveysburg, Cinei'n . peace and ag.alnBt warhkemane?vers. nati, New Burlington and Day ton The Battms, Warners, 'V!llson ~, Mrll. ~ . L, J ones. of Cincil1lMLi. iH waHader, Jonas ]dcKay, Emmor 'TIidst nexL week will be of unusual who handl es Mil on 'R , t he best. lodges were pre.'lent. Work in the Howells, Farra,. Branl!OnB, TindaH~, Bailey, and 0lher8 "yught the hogs. interest to ou r community. The as- the guest of Mr. and Mrll. Ha rt 11 E. A. degree was conferred, and in. from Green PIal!!; Wrights ~il Hessooiallon throughout the coun ty will Kelly. ·Mr. and Mrs. U. M. While were tere3ting talks made by visiting tons, from Spnngboro; MIcJ{Cners Old ~chool Days send their d elegates. and our people the week·end guests of r elatives in brethren. . and Sherwoods from Lebanon; and will try and take cilre of them The Elias Truman, of Sp ring Valley , A mild scnsalion was created in Dean. Now, LI:uie Hadden Bllr/ey, Mary different committees appointed for was circu lati ng a mong fri e nd: her e The report of the inspecting officer, . several tram Richmond and. Pen.d.le· lown ~lontJ a y even in g when a bu nch Wright Edwards, Sue Hayalit alld the ('.8use are workinR hard to make Thursday. Carl PI ocker, was very gratifying to. jl ton! Ind . , blessed the meelmg WIth Born- To Mr. and Mrs. Russell the local lodge. After th~rk .thcll!.company..&rl<i-counsel.- uf clolh ing was brolll{ht to Corwin myaelf, yet living, went to school to. all who come feel at home . in wh ich t\\'o bu ll t holes were found. SaliRbury, Thursday,\IMay 6th , a a delightful lunch was served by the the late Rev Samuel Scott in the • - • Hon . J . D. Darlinl{, gene ral !'tate Mr nnd Mrs R. G Cross !c'pe.) t The clothing was found in t he big daughter, house occupied no'V u a dwelling, secretary, will be he re as will also Eastern Star lodge. with relatives at woods on the farm of Perry Hartliy~. L Cart.wri~ht . Wond er who Mrs Phebe Curti&>, of Columbus , th e week-end - -sop k, who lives in t he Middle I{un rememb"rs Hen Spangle r? He n and 'these Sunday-School workers are Amelia, Ohio. Quit e a bunch of base ball fans atdi lI'ict Wher tht! clo thes were I used frequentlv to be sent over to good speake rs and Lhey will b* tended the Dodds-Harveysburg game the girls !lille of the hou!Ie a8 puniah- listened to with interest. Don' t forget. We will deliver you r foun( 1 were ind icali ons of a terrible Sunday afternoon . ment C P) lor infactioll of lhe rules Autos will meet all trains on the hat . Brown & Uroll'n, 10 N. 'herry "Lru 'j;CI , fo ot.·p ri nl,q in lZreat n um· bel's were fo und in lh mud, and the One time I well remembe r, being Li ttle Miami and the C. L. & N . St., Leban on, Ohio . s l r uggle was in t he midst of a thi ck- . Nat Barnett, of Washington C. H .. "set" between Mollie Crisj>in, daughEver.ybodY is invi ted and thuse who is the g uest of hiR brother, Wlirren et of smull tr e , ter of Roland O. Crispin, who then have not alreaey been solit'ited are Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Madden Ba~nett and fuml ly. The full s ui t of clothes consis ting owned and' liv4'd where H . William- r <'(]uested t o bring bBAkets. spent Saturday and Sunday with or a cor.lul'OY coat. III'!· li ned, colored • Mother's Day was observed by a son . DOW lives; and Mollie White. rel ntiv"s at Clarksville. ~ h irt , und e r Rh irt and drawer, over · Messrs. Kenneth Ridge and Barton large and interested a udience, and a daugh ter of a Methndis t minister. coal, hal , hoes and three neckti es Kelly' attended Masonic lodge in Elmer Keever, who has b~n not one but wore a white carnation, who lived next door to St Mary 's M ra. J . H. Chenoweth, ''Who has w':!rc fOll lld in the t hil'ket. A hole Lebanon Frid ay evening . . s pending the winter in the South , a r- or other white ilow er, according to church . where Gpo Dakin lives. rived at Lebanon a couple of weeks to the beau t iful and usual custom. be on vi ~itin g herp. for some lim e. h a~ n ,oul t he s ize a bu llet wo uld mukt~ Not 101111' bef.,re the "l're x" was ask· returned to Wilmington. . W all f uu nd in Ihe coal , un d'rahirl. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin and ago and has been laid up there with Latlle branchesofdogw.ood bll,lsl:IOms, inj!': " Daniel, wha t are you doing?" a nJ shi rt, and Llouu had coagulated family. were t he guests of friends in a sprained leif· It appears that just bunches of whi te carnation<i and "The three R's! Readill', Ritin' and 'Rithmelie, to . without cracking a t he spot Anoth·r hole was Blancheste r seve ral days 18l'.t week. before he left Floridll he was heliling ot her whi te flowers added their Dr. Dill, Oilt opalh , at r e~ i ( I!'nc(' ar roLlnd \l 1Id I we r dow", aud thl:! tail o r to land a 200 pound fish, and in some charm about the r ostrum and altar emile, when Hen Spangler said, loud of L T . Peterson, Main t" 1'u es hI! undbrs hil'l WiI.'i c(jv ~ red wit h m.anner got his leg on 8 twi~t and rail. ' enough to be heard all over the room, day a nd Friday mornin g. A new line of hats every week, badly sprained it . He gal as far as Preceding the splendid sermon, blood Th e clot hin g wa covered "Yell you art'; not!" I was soon reo wi ti! rn tHl. II n,1 had p rc~ lI l1lably laid the latest and be~t . Brown & Brown Lebanon on his way home, when ·the Mrs. Barlon Kelly rendered a beauliev~ of the capital punishment A new Victrula has been purchased "h e Junior Guild of St Ma l'y's I t'i t' l'!' for some li m e T he clothi ng 10 N . Cherry St.. Lebanon, .o hio, leg got to hurting him so badly tiful vocal solo, . Again 1. Hear My -without predjudlce . h e ..... ent to the St. Clair hotel, where Mother Sing." Rev, C. S Grauser There was another Mollie White for the Friends Home. Some time ehul'eh will meet a t t he R dory '\' U ~ in lu ir l.\' g-omlliha to, and t wo of . the Lie8 w" re alm ns l new . Nothi ng Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton and he has been ever s ince. He is im · was listened to with rap t attention . attendir'l{ the !lame school, who was a,o the friends uf the Home thought Wedllesdayevening , May 12th. . W il~ fo und in t ile lJ )ck ts except part fa mily. of Dayton, were the gu estl proving and hi!! many friends here His theme "A Mother's Wages" the daughter of a cooper, and lived out this scheme and they we re not of' un oIl! time tall ie und u box thu t of Mr. and Mrs . Geo rge Hamilton are ho ping that he will soon be able He eloquently voiced t he sacred 6enin the hou~e whertl Wiliter McClUre Ion" in putting it illto execution, It is a beauty, Rnd WWJ purch&.~ed from . Mr . and Mrs. Abe Hy man and to nked dkl' IL lI1i ilt ha ve vee n a ·S( ) .. p Sundny. to be home. timent of Mother's Day, conforming lives. Prof. F;arl Hawken, of Sp~ingfield, family, of Xenia, we re t.he gu e, ts o r box . TIll! hill \lOa" wool and was im• - - --his thoughts to lhe sentiment Ohio. Mr. and Mrs Mye r Hyman last week ported to thi~ ounlry by Tl'uly Aile.. Mr. an t! Mrs . F . 13. Sherwood, prompted by the ouservanco of the Some of the FlCtories It whuld be a goorl idea, amI and it wall mad e in Ge rmany . SO il and daughter, of Leban on, at. day. His beautiful tribute to mother· Then glllting' back to shopS'al d several of the friends have already Mr. and Mrs James SLoops Ilnd What this all means ca n only be ll!nd ed Qua rte rly meeting Sunday ' hood was an inspiration. He !laid .t he most divine thing in our lives is factories. saw mills and such, we gu done so. to buy records and present son, HolmPll, of Dayton, werc tll(' ~ tJrmised . Whethe r the re was any and we re .g uests of Dr. an d Mrs. T. dowq the Lebanon pike to the three them 'a the Home . .The old people guests of Mr . and Mrll. At!am Stoops crimo committed will perhaps never She rwood . . mother-love. It was mother who bridges, only two of which are left, enjoy the concerts. and will appreei- Sunday. lJe kn owll eij{hbors who Ji ve in first taullh.t us to lisp a prayer to and within a hundred yar,ls of the '1te new reeords ve ry much. l he local ilV say they never hea rd or Although no definite time has been God, and not olle among us has ever brid,lle!lll you lurn to go down the • - • Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Al exand e r an,l ~ec n ,ulylh ing Ollt. o[ the ordinary Mrs J Qs. Evan ::Inri Mrs . Lizze set, the "Libertv Dell" will pas8 forgolten that prayer. though we ' rl'ver road, was a -uow ml'II ,' then Y U1. ,I a rc through here som(> time soon. It may nevt!r have learned another, • Mr. and Mrs. Gle nn Alexander, fl round 'th e 1, lnce . The cl flth e!\ were tl I in I'Columb r Iu!l I)attending II tumina up the creek towards Ridge· of Dayt.on , 'cullerl on r uilll.i vcs (\lund aholl t a \\Icl·k a~o. bUl had r1er;\Illnu a mee I~ I{I 0 ltlt! ;\U~ 1 ethrs wjll he sent over the Penirsylvania and, in the comfort and wisdom of . here Sunday afternoon. II vel' b (' n r epnrl ('d until ye~le nlay . o . Ie lecra ::IS ue ega es • rom . e lines from Pittsburg to Cincinnati, her words we r eceived \ our first asv.jlle we wll, find on the farm of the late E. A. Brown, a saw mIll, thllL - - - . ,. - - - - local lodge. . thence to KanSBII City and Frisco. pirations to right living. The memo There Iwill be a chance to see the orv of Iler all through life. full many finished its career uncler the care of Wm. Ke},s, an uncle of Addie 8. and Mrs. Lizzie Wellington. of Chicngo. Man Badly \Vanted Ray Hawke, who ha.~ been in Day- "bell" at Xe nia, when it starts on its a time saves us from wrong doing, Horace Keys"who then lived in the was called her e Ia.' ll week on account ton for seve ral years with lhe Weill! long journey. The . nations that have held their house he built for himself . now ocof the llcriuus illness of her molh er. Far!!'o Expre.'Is (A,., has bee n trans· ' . womanhood in exalted esteem hav e Mrs. Mary Satterthwaite. Th e re is a man wh o is ballJy wanted ferr ed til Detroit, Mich., and will · the world power of ·history while cupied by Ed Janney. I worked for and who claims Waynesville as his make that city his futur e home, those that have held them lightly, "Bill" " and we hauled the logs til the mill to he .8Ilwed, by oxen Bi 1 C. W. Schwartz & Son, of LebaA. E . Hough. edi tor of the Hills · place of residence. A lady omeer have failed. In closing he r eferred .. .• wua soldier. and died in C!Hlttllnougll non, the monument builders, have boro Gazette, died at his home in b). lhe lIam e of S te rll \\IllS here Mon. A letter to Mrs . Harry Murray . with mUl,h f~liJlg to the love' our .Tenn, His eaptain miRtrcllted him been hauling Rome magnificent work that city last week . . He had ' edited !lillY, who wa.'! from the Juvenile from Mrs, Thos, Zell, ' of Eugene, lamented President McKinley bore shamefully, 8'ld let me rerord nCllrBe · through Waynesville to Miami cem- lhe Gazette for abou t thirty years. C(~ ur t of I(okomo, Ind .; 'who was Oreg, ~tates that Mr . Zell is very ill his mother , and the song composed t.o that captain. ' dead or alive, to ett!ry and alHO 'toSpring Valley arid IO'D ki ng up the miscl·cant . . The man and hiR life is despaired of , He has I on the message, "Tell Mother.l'll Be what he did to Bill. I aaw him a verr Bellbrook cemeteries. Their wagon!! wlho hu 1 be n 0 k' . K k L .:. d f l ' There," when summoned to her bedd I have . been here almost evpry day Messrs. Jesse Burton, Robt, Bur- · .( c w r mg 111 0 omo, ""en an invali or the ast SIX side when dying . Followinil! this tew a)'s before he died. and he 10 I during the past two w'lCkB. and each ton, Harr v Sherwood and Elmer gEL~C hIS name as J oe ~arr, and lIJonths and his heart is. in a s e r i o u s . Mrs. C. S. Grauser and Louis Printz me how' Rick he was, and that he load brings some piece of art, 8S the Rogers and several others from here cJ:~lm ed ~e was. a bllaek9mlt~ from condition. AsceDlllon Da~, Thureday, ~ay 13. sang this beautiful song in a most wanted to go home. I told him Schwartz' are noted for their fine spent Saturda y afternoon attending Wa.ynesvlll~, OhIO. and w~o IS wantHoly CommuDlon • at 10 0 clock. imprC9.' ive manner makinn a most that I would trv and get him fur· work. the auto races in Daylon . . ed In t ha t .clty for the delinquency of H' R k d Sunday after AscenSIOn Day, Sunday fi f i t th O b tit i . and rB laughed home I ,vas at that time • _. a young g irl. No su ch a verllOn' was' d Mr · t MG ' arnson . 'Ao~nsuan Seho:>l at 9:30 a. m_; Lesson, The t m g case 0 IS eau u service. · h f ever k nown he re. and the lady officer al!g er, enevra. 0 r .... n m, 'Councils, and the Conversion ot the - - ••- - comml88ary 0.1 th .. Gen . Field hospi. tal, army of the Cumberland', and on Mrs. Mar~ha E. Ora)1ood, ~vho ~as left for Kokomu Tuesday nloming. Oh~o, Mrs. W. H. Bu~ke, of .Eat0f'! , Barbarians St John 1'1-18 Mornspeak Ina terms with "Pap" Tho.mas, Took Family Heirlooms been spendmg the wmter 'm Fltz . OhIO, Mrs. Wallace Sides, MISS Phl- i P "d " t 10'SO Commanding army of. ttie Oumber gerald, Georgia. wi t h her son Hev. . lena Shinn, of Springfield, Mrs, Will ng ray.er . an sermon a . . Guy orahood arrived in Waynesv ille "And The Light Went Out" Sides, Mrs. Wm. Mohr and Mrs You art! inVIted to these servieea. land, and he promised to sign a furAbout two weeks ago, a young last Tu~day to make an extended . Ralpb Lewis, of DaytOn, attended • - • lough, and 1 hurried to brl!ak tt1l1 --the funeral of Mrs. Jane Dyke last " ' good news to Bill, at his company inlln by the name of Harry Bak~r, villit with her dau$Zhter Mrs . D, H. quartel'!1, whe.r e 1 had lint seen ~i!1l' who had been working for a month Palmer. before going to hc!r home jn Tuesday. (and he wu on g'uard at that time.) for Alvah Hartsock's. on <; Route 1. Danville, III. . The elec\iric lightB, in lown "went only to leam he had been taken to took French leAve, and In.c identally . the baei" Slll,urday evening. The Mesal'!1. F. C. Carey, Darton KelA couple of I\Utll8 filled with Ma· winds of the afternoon blew a Iy, F. H_ Farr, L. A. ·Zimmerman, a hospital where I went on a PIlOP .! took about 'I' worth of clothing anti to the Hartsock . -na n .. a~ed throu",h here .... -turday a roSs the wires Dear Mra . J " C. H awe, k A. Ma ffit , H • A. Co rI found h im- but he was dead . Bill l'ewelry belonri"'" '.. ,.,...-... OK . It W8lf reported Monday morning eSl'dLC!lchEl, an d createdha nell. WU peculiar In lOme w&18, an~ hi. family. The HartR')ckR left bome evenina en route to Morrow. Among . Saml. Smith, S. D. Hinkle. Orthodox Frienda church. Bible that there had been a frost in our ll o1Vn wont enemy. but ••ood 101- one day and the youna man went them were Grand Master of OhiO, ~.. rculdlt. t Ig tsk.a tOllvelrtet ,e F. B. Henderson, J. C.. Hisey, F_ C. ~ool at 9:30, Geol'l'8 Mills. Super- loeallty, However, It ia said that it dler and he bad the bla- heart tbrolJ&'h the hOQ88 and took evei')·-I J. C. Marshall. Illustrious Past .. ou no w()r un a lD Gilmour, C. A. Robf~r and D. L, mtendant. ~ing at 10:80 b .was 10 B1i,bt that the CI'OI* will when the down· town Crane attended the l~tlOD and pallOr. Cbriltian Endeavor at'l:80 hardlyheaffeetedb"it.. ~Tbe~::::~~ 'InhhD, any man couldcarl'l',and thin. becould earry, ··and to thelGnnd Master Horact' Irwin. and bere's to our everlaatintr friendllhlp Harfaock'. di!KUBt no trace has been Grand Marshall of Ohio. John Flowere gotten in abape, banquet of Mor~w lod.l'_e t. & A. M·. p. m. All are cordially invited to for • lin. crop of fl - BiU. Good .".1 found of hlm since. He Will. brhrbt tron, and the inspecting' officer, Carl Saluni..v evenIng. They all .bad all aervIceL . and it Is bol!8d that. (Continued next JOwqr fellow u4 a I(OOCl wonmu. Ploexw. • • fine time. JIar1 E. MartIn.' Paator an ~ ~ tbII-.... ··
. Ie--------PERSONAL MENTION ! IS IT - -----_e
MURDER? jiHsONAl-miiij
---.- ..
By II ROLD 11 C G fllust r.",.d ~ by Plctur-s ~ tror
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I nlllll It Il lt" t " f .Iolt[, 1)111 Ap. I 1I1IIUI HUll f II' III!rUI..-llJu (J R"U\O to " U tlV ull~tll' ' II "f'I)llIllrimu d,, ' .I,.h ll I" B rowll ,," Ad m r . with t h e 1I WI ll ,.n n exad llf tlltt t\~ttttH o f liaunl,h I ~li ll l b. 11f·C"'I ~!11I. p)1I1 nt lfl' VN (;lua ~. U .• 1'i y. pI "I . iI,lf.'ntiuLltM . fI.l I. 1
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"7 S",old IIaeO "'""l
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'b~~""Il ~loI" PIc t ure P ro,duct/Cl n 01 (b<l S elJJ( Po""copc .., .
i ..nest friends of- Halma'. Green Sa . ', nb are found among t hose men who kl )W it best. This includes hundre or both dealers and pa' nter. who have roven its orth for years. .
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--at oint For durabirty and beauty haa ' no superior, nd 'the formula on the label proves the confidence t he· makers . have in t he goods. See dea ler-.w hose name - appears below.
t rick sho had long ago ronrooo from I tJr .. I~I'I III'llt, .)1 r" .. 1 f'l' tIItIl IH flp \.I r o y d I __ 1 In.tln~t"·~l y 8h~ ~n n t rherl IIp the h , r fUlile r. Sb hnd 'fought batll g l/Ill,lI,1 ~lIlo) 01 ~llIlIfI HI v rd tl rvd . C1lA.J'1'1Im I- Kn lhlYll R'lTo. bo ll " Inll rullen rlllf!g"". ran 10 h' door . l'oprNl III ne ere !.hi s 80 sh e WIl8 not w it h. .1<) 1\ 11 ~I""l!, Adlll ' .. ul I 1111 ~Ml e I blIP Utll.r. Col. Hnru. In pe ri l. hWl " UIO. • . I 1 ·1 ., .. 1 ,I I I • '" • '1D011f!14 ber J61WeR .Il(' r homt) In ultt(\ r nhL OU l nut 1l 111:-1 I) . lIull n'f'n g,n 11.1~ ct untl of ou t CO llU dm.lctj. l)crllnps th o 1I 0n8 n • t 111 f. ~ H,.. I l t!1 on flu . 1) ~t U .,1- , • to Co. (0 him In Allllha. lndln. Urn"~IIa., ti,e re\'l)luLlu" l sl~ who 1\I,d left tbe fi ll dl nl! thulr eitorts ru til e \\'oul ,J 110: 1{" lu l:~"j! l'~ ill, duflll till llt p. Pd. _t.1148' to the throno. hn8 Im prisoned . ' . I' I . 'I 1 I I ,_ ., I Itbe colon.... Dllfnltd by the 111to king IUf hi" ' JL':l lI!W bUl Ull hllur LI T' lWl) ~hlCH. SUe I,. rlo • he tnuol 'w niL \ U I "U n IJ . rt U Ori f~ 0 i1 u ruOTU ( ~eI', . lIu ng 1'11<' 11 ,h .. ,IIl Clt . It ,r" w to 1\Uou. Tho HUU beat dO\\' n 1{ll h,' r' :-;hn l l,~ ". AdOlf ., 'f t,no ClLU"l':s:RD- Arl'lvlnlJlnAlIllhl\ l{nlh. " Pu ntllt,, 1" IT"~ th,' mUll. up 1\ lll!r ijll l·ugol),. n e ro nnd I1J~rolr~t \l/ ' I:f :-; 1\ 01' \1' !:\lIu lt i<, deceo~ d, Sold by iFn III In/orm. 1I by Umbnttn t lllll her \\'Innip e'au~hl hllll iJy Ihe s lpp~" I nhe could se Or s in Lh o Ity. 1'1I 1:l~ . plililltli1 \"~ Hu berl· Itut,t~ . tlt HI t&tlIertD&n)' b611l1r him. lIea4 Ihe 0 AuR t>,o qu ae ,. , an,l I f I I( I ,. n I "' . t \ ( I tn I n\~ t r rt I or •~ b ' H) d I'H mu.et She'"r ( nl nnd In- an d d rUKJ< () II t III Jil l u tlu· ch a11lb" T T he tJ1 U~2tl l\ . ti t o\' t'r ut tho nwsquo (t~ tonnelf b7 the pn.ata th ai no I. om 1111 can . . . Ju~, III Il lIlI>. 1'h, ' Ii ""n"' k d WRJI Uk n 1111I1,' r Jlo!nlhlK 10 111'111'''11 dOl' llI r" ll ~u. llI . II' L1 .I,)hu ~t.l .. rw o"<1 . MIl.thIl>I< unmtuTlt>CI. ' r h Or It . 'I "Murr .. I' " n II F~ I". H l' tI to It over. Bh. lor ,,1I'en • ' ,'ell J.' )' 8 " ... 1III Ilfid IJlul' k ,I ,,"olh e r ~1I~I\~ r rrOOl S bo <:lould i!I'''" ","ItIPSO 6 plli ." ll r k ll ! 'he ' HI li . 111111 Ih, ' II\l\n s ",v~d her whlto stllccn whit'll IJ. ,I(llIlIl',1 I" 1110 'HI' IIfll ) I"I ",\ n 'Pprd l~t:' r~ CHAPTlDR Dl-Sha otlll r eI'"."" nt.~ hI urlll \' n a~ ~ ho s lruc k , . pnlace j ut h III II ttt'r 1)1 [ h a will of (If 0 1014 lhat .he muet undo r&'o two (\ r 1' 1118 • • wtth wtld b"rurlL If aho aurv " ·"•• he will " ]{ lg hll "S"." lI u ('rlt'l l; " he IIv llw!·· And • sho hilt! 1""1:111 h.'f ,,!\': " " 11 '\r , llirv, 1, ,,nrlO M. t ,ury . th t Wid (lW ' 1 All I inds of be s-rmltted to Mllo. Allli II rt'N' I\\lI,'" Ill .. ti lafl llJlg ("\,ent8 morning to till' "11'11' " I' 110., I'"I I... ." ,,~ IO(' IMlU 111110 u n ,l " f I b n Wi ll. , R . ~ 11<1,; I '1· ;'1·t r I ~I n f\' A .\ RRlU e ut 70,·. pll r 11 11,·,,1 f l . 111. <1 H lIll/ CHAJ"l'l!lR JV.....Iohn Druce. an Atn~n- Or 111(' 11101,,, 111 11. the lrullchmy 01 Ole tbe dou ght.cr (I t till' ,;",10 hllli "" 11 11'11 In t l'" n",trlt:· ,-, f I ho t1" ~nte of 011\' lf1t. lot I II I "",I ,',' III t or pu ttilll! 1111 ,,111 111, can. 1&". her IUL IIIlla <,., IrOOPij . th l' rlJlIIl II g 01 1C1Lth. the slOpa ot UI O Qlllllu,,1 II l(tllI.ll; it .. n<l11 \\' , Hhu kl'l t lll 11 , Lehtl l ti ll $ 1. No. :1Q9 w i lh Hur l 1l" " 11 rllr vllri,'LI'" , CH#.PT:s:R V-The elepho nt wblc h ctU'. b ' lt In "'lain UrlIlO '·. til e turn of t il w/I.iI unb II Rhe co1I111 nlll T .... lI nwllrtl \ . 11'111" IH up pol nt ed uti . L y dlll :-; h .. r w IO "I f ' IUh ,:"II wurl( 11 11 I' A·llt ll ll ". 1I11t1 '-' ::..:.e!e=-':U~;; ~~:n;:,Oo:, ~~I~~dr~~ tlu". m tllll l,.. r IIn)'l hlu~ bUl I h o dl'ilrJ 1.111 1111 III , t 'n I nr wtt It till Will "II o t1 :\:cd. Wl\ rti ~ 17. In " " , ... In , llyn" IqW II - : for b r idge 1'1'1 11k "lid I'·'~I ". P "I ,rlh 'W rut of t.lIe put)'. ' '1'1 ,,· ), 11 "0 :" crl pd PlIll dltn. IUld CO\'- Singh und th,' , I rollll "rills o r 11 " r 1'/1' lIli lIll ~;\(IIIII ship " 1. I t,o wn:!lIl ll $1 0t! 1( 1. u u " ... I~ I "lU wlI(1I1 L') Eiow(Lrd tilll'r. \ N o, ~ 0 w H h 'l. il l ' A rl "t l "~I' fur ,.' r l' u Ill' r 11"". the r 8 H R h l~ CILI'II' " ul ur 11"r ".WOOI'. III Ib r II , ntl"r ~ f 1110. ' 'I IllJr. ,. 'u 9d llt. "ller U 1 CBA.P1'lllR Yl-6 h. t!ll<ce refuge tn 1\ \ " Ju,l e II ,,,J not IIIHI"r ~lOod u \\'o r J Ant! shu hnd t um"" rl" (PIll Into vi C:' '"I If'r . tll ·tl "lI"~ll . Will 18 udmlt[ml wood 17. 11; !ll' n " In W " 'lit' I· ,oJl. · pllttlul/: in J SOl' , ' ''; ;11,,1 h ll lll","I1· rul~ \AllJIPI", but u 18 hav e n 18 the R bo~ o ' @hi p fl. I lind fills ov"r ,;nil H'. 'i'lIrl.llIc l'll t1 k ' of & 1100 ud ob. Ia forced 10 II ... r UI It. ~It I Li . hill t hll 1.:I.\l rt.sHL.... 11 on I'ullllll u's tor), ! S ho dr!'\\' III' '' han d oerosa h(' r ,,, I,,"bllill ... IIK I.Ilumh HIII' lI. :ill" Ih,,' \\ II r e yo., I " t il(' ",(Itt ll r of Iho gO i\flltlln s hltJ iI 20. :' lI. F. E. ";HE R WO OO i ()HAP'l'lIlR VIl-ilh. lIullo .. rotreM 10 f.ll'" IIrcm lln Ihe Illltlvt.l 11'0111110, 1I11i nile or th" 11 0118 8l111 l UIJ II lIe rv &- u t ot, tt l, l\\a r rlaj!eUcen lleS No . ·IUl with ; ..1111 f ll r l , \ U, ' If 0 tho ~unlle. only 10 t..n InlO tho h",,,I. or I l hu 1\\'0 or Lhem \\ept III A ll rOllr: bllt Kllthl),n did nllt aliI'. A t. 101I1lC)r htH \ Bl\r vev bu e ll. tll " ker 1,li PIlM,IIi )! i n .j HllWI"·... " , .. I h ,'III I"'<l1I I Over I'lIs llll l',"' , 'f cly n esvl e, • ala". U G.den. ' .. II lls 'J'unll·l·f ".. 1'''' ·II.l1ip nr£ il'e Plln " . 1,1 11 ,,"~p I h r\ll, /1 ·3 SII,' nco. .1'1 1111111 ~a l"llIlll(1I1 o f dill '• r n s'• ~'fli I I EiuHlor ALIO Crtllller " 111 ' )1 ~'rt\Dk 110 Iii I CIU.PTElR YUi- KAthlrn I. broultht to h UlOa n " .. 1111;8 I1ft "O two fue uJ tlt.s nllk,'. ~~~publ1o mart In "UahA and aold to th a t of wn pillt.: 1111<1 Illll ghlllg. T han. rouod 111'1 IluHHage 8h HOW 1\ u ' k . t brt'. ~lIllI (l b o Ii 'Ollill tl(\ Tho 110 . Rev A ,J K . I . . - ' U!7 ~ ll. tlDlb&il&. wbo. 1l04ln" her .UII I"su\>rpturn 10 Klltll l\,lI: by II nIl by IlUilLlIlluln. carrl",1 IJy aluvos. Sho O,) I1 r IIl COll pt. ~'1 111 11 • ~ , ~I\t e. I - - -- - .. - - mI8IIr!fl,!!'ro .... hor IDto the dunll""n wllh RhoTo\\ .IS nblA to sill) into A UOUr\\ IlY, lan n ed fu r O,' or , I nil' "'1"t M , ;1 I,bo ,,' III of Ultns .Chtl r~es C, \V IIJl UOII BlIll'l uy/ld 01" her • B AU ~H!\ RT, . .~Z-6h. . 18 rMcuell In' D ruoe ltd t (\ bowli ng rflbbh' rn~@('d O il "lIol p! " .h o crlod . " Il elp l " 1:1. Mu n roe , d .. " ' 1\ All. Wi ll 18 ,. dlU lt . ~:g~ ~~w1e~ MI~" H u t b A·1,u P · 1 WHOOPING COUGH down lh(l narrow Bt r t' L 'I'hA hOUR.. Tho b ea rera p'lu""d a bruptly. nn,l t Ull Iv pr.,b"r,'. I R . !:l , U 0 Ollt L,; ,,,olln . . e L ' l:lllge m ,m I " . 11 I Notary Puhli c WIlS dl'S n'd, otICl th ~ hull",,, ,. an ti th e cn r to I n 0 1 the llu lun Qull! WIlR I II I II~ ulUllt'r (jf tuo oatllLo of . . . " lie n lilY !.I" u~ I,,, 11,01 w 10' 11\. IIIR :x.-QoklDel B An> &1'0 II I'dmb&lla. willi 8OIcIl.... BtU " ID \\h a t hud b n 11 bouth \\,,~ 1111 d wlLb 8Wll II l bl\ck. Til dnrll sln!stllr vl81\g(; C hll ' Ip" B. Mo nr'JlI. deoeu dud , U"rry \ M Tho?, a8 J Buo bitOlLU. t " rrnnr to in g c Ulig h ~ ho cu ug hl ll i . , h .. rd .. I t. KALIII)'D U .truck b7 & bullet. rllbhl ~lI . Kllthl)'II,,,~ ~11l' IIIDlI' l o r Umba ll fl W!lS re\'oa lcd . C nnd :-' luh ,ul ,I Monr o sru " p. f8 " ar o lto II lc It 'l!lIorger. butll"r 011(1 t.im e l bllt "htJ h " ,1 h" rnurrlt ll gll AlI ld .. tI~ o r N ·!f.>lr.v \Vf\ ' I< . \\' 111" lI r 'u l h lt'ss ly against Illn dno r. f,.lt It " Thou!" hp s uld. T ucn hi s IHugb l l'r 1'0 1 [ utl r1,'N'lIt.o r~ )/ 0 boud 1'0. ')ont,1l Le bOon ul1 . 1\1 . A .l aIUBst)I', .J, of t·n o Illngs . 1 WIIH turn" I;' uJ" r lllu<l E,1v·0. An d ,. ry glud Hhe \\IlS or IhlK ros' u p lo lh girl. llIol1onl~SK th ro ug h qUlro.J . E. ~I RuoYllo. vtll e Dill p , I "ho nt hor oo~.ditlpn . "''''lnl-: tJ llu m KII(I \\'II'(\gO n mOllll' lIt 1111 " r. whe n t wU 11 r It' rro r. "C III doll'o . 0 h ou r! or <In (1 «' rl'd FI~ h' l\r tlr tlppol utl'd II.p. Comm issioners' Procccdinsz s I b tl rllLiII 'II 'o u g h Rem udy ,,,, hll(h l.v r eoom men d od, 1 ~ot h i'"II h ll ClltllUl o lion s gnll ollNI Into Ih.I ~I rp'lt. t h Ir S ' nrlt ! Com to the arms or DurGI\ \lrtll~llI ~. mnn es etilT. UH< lr tul1s a rch cd, Doubt. J am, who lOVl'S youl \vl1 t not ? WOIl III t b" 11l1l tt' ~ r o f t be eKtatll of 111 t b e IUlituu of t.he upph clltion it r o ll.,vert thl; oll ugh til, I1 I1U6. Hu I 88. til _y wl' rr' bad ly to t h en !" .Iropplllg hi s mockery. ',il Vlll MlI1M , A • V IIi! of L. ' " I of Ej " rvoY Sb llr!l:. \ fo r e Ril e III).d fin ls h ell 1.\\10 h .ltt ' ell 0 1 . Kutlll)'lI r :1I' h"d ror til(' r vlJ lv e r ." Yee. Du rgu Ram. It Is I!" r<'pll(1d i. IIPlwl n tpd U(llII ln IA t.rator with t h e ror 11(ln llion u nu or BlIud Pon ion 11\1'1" 1tb is r I.U I·tly ~I~e W I\ 8 a,nlll e ly ,'vell." -fl5::U lJi XIIl..Jl'be bucllla quan.l ... lIIone), p&lcI tII. m b,. U lIlb&ll& sh currl d alld flr"t1 nt tho 1I 1llrllnlH' 1 Kalhlyu. I1n,l\ng lIer \·olce. In s c nsll lA ",ti l III1Ul' S: 'tl , l-3<' n (\ $~. OOO 'burlNI ~be is u ll o'~ed n Pl\O~I ; U of ' (\0 }>t.lr l ~r\t,u~ J\oIrtl . t:'. F . nrlllle~. Ur no kt' • •r&IIG the coof\l8loo KAtlIlyn &lid n ot ('~I,pellllJ: to 1111 011' ur th"01. bUl :.n~o UBUrlJ lt" lhe th ro ne or t ~ rrur' I ~; 1i;11 11) rI , W , H 6 '''g flr liod n .lI)r gu ~~fl r . llu ynb.IO <\tlllr te rl y Ilud hB~· ID_ , VII "" Ohlu tlht,lllllllbi tl ,, \' f' ryw b e rll ' ~ ,.cape anlf " turn to All&bL They h oulnc; Ihllt th ( J](Ils " o( th I1r"lIrIl19 i lI" ro I IlIll : ('0010 tul d 101(0 m o!" illIliLf br l! " PI) In l d nppr ll is ug Mny I. 191 fi. Gradua ft' or Ohio I ln iv('rl l ~ & ptan to .-.oe tM OOlOD.L . ' XIV-Th. 00100,,1 Ia noml· w(l uld < II' n '., th "01 In lo IIIP P" !tfiIl K , 1... 1 lilm rue" Ih lions! \j ill. Allowlltl - Be rt R eed, br1d~e l but Nan y a monar. It Ie II C(,(IOH!l1 WilY. InRI, ." d. t he), 'IImo l 1 mballn I< ft Ih" po lIq u in , oJlen (>~ Common Plca~Court ,york D"er Uo!·1 tl .w n tlhip $!I I. r.II; Cheese th e CIllef Export. Offi ce at I""irh'nce in "' . I: ::lhe r fiDei & bride h im. K&th· I lhn dno r " r U'" hOIl >,,, cS III"d tl lli rubNcoI\' S uits. Wa lth r N A \ltlll. «(111.1 ",'urk IJI Hr IIprn e , S, '11 7, .. lu nd , I'xport~ 0 mu ch w ood's IWU8". l~O IlI t h -;1r ~ L • P1ftI! ..,.,.... to the pala.co ID lila· Rl rul..:h l te,> \1 h e I Rh o dtood. &II1f her J'eJlCUe plan8 are IUcceell· • ho t"'llpod Insid e und Blllm mf!d 'be l bl ~h III Lh o 11IL1I : l\llS In thE! n l or (Jre Bk ~own~b lp $~ :j~ ; Ba rret Rro... \l 1'h r vu lt,., In wiss ch eese lhnD In Da III th. \re&4UI')' loopo.z:tIa ..CAP<> T e lephonl' 28d oor. holdlnll Il Hlld r ling abolll ln IJlllunl jllR th p firl!t . te\l~ wll A on e or Ih" Mil F nrlll\O r IlU.,.v8 Frl1Dk l ~upl llie8$25;A I:s 'h ul" lIor : eeln r n j Swl ss II·ut ·hen. t.IaiGwtDII thl CIOurt Into oonru.tolt. v,dll for I ll( or LoLl. \110 1I0lls r,".r lld ngl1ln. DrulIl( UJi h'l W II ' lU. "I'PIlH) I pr emlnm d u o o n JOI' pn llC'y " a~ ; I ClLU']'JlJn:-Du~th. panic a.m•. O.hlo EvldUIIUy thll llolls had bulted nut, "a~, fl ll ' tl with A dnllllmr!1's ('oura ·C. 'I III' LInk Ii!' I '1) Vf'. r btl Wil Y F. t,; Wf'bet ' r '0.. Ilppll. S $~ ~)() , : ~~!!!"!"!"~~~~~=~~~~~~ Wa y n e~ villl·. _ __ til 011 rMOU8 I\IIrit ._ .. .... &Del. b.~ Oh l " Currulllltlld sldo. und()(}11I d . for I\bo coul d h unr l' I1llU1i1l tll/trll' d hltok. T ll o lions! Ou t tI l'b,n III'IU tlO, WOll llY n lvl'rL U.l. - -.--t be m BnlllIng nt tbo door~1l1. It they Into Ih r ~lrE'(\l h,:, I,·put. Ii l\l rned t\U10 tHll ollimi tl f l109 Ivnh \ptdo ~ $9:3. II ; J. M. Mtll til. t"l\lp~ [o r l • QHA.P'1'Il1\ XVI-Tb. colonel h..... thAt b l'rI' R'lUtl t' Jusopll I:l nuoH tldlt, r 'lI 0111 I' "~; Thtl 'VI1~1 \rn ij"p bII younpr <I"unto.- Wlnot.. lor .. bout l eapod sho was 10Rt, ror Rb a cOll ld not , 10 lh b IIr r8 nnd or~~ r d the m to fir to arr've In .A11aIi.., tho part,. Jou roey. hOl'e to hold th o rloor against lho on . tho th ha.l1 . H\ll th dll' or P, w,lflll . . \ :,\tar.:. _ I:\ UPPIi QS for \'l1rI UO ij " Ill " I II:" tIBok .0 ~ Wlnnlo &rrlVM betore r,'l' g nll. d III c huhl 'J' t AI , . B ~29. ;); Frllnk tHOI P ' 'I(\ l ;o\on • I & • 00 e.tI4 lato the tra p .... pared ru.l! h of b!l8Bt.B a s lI eAYY IlS tb ' Su lions rt, fO SN I. for II,.,,· J " I,· w"r r .. w " IUI" 11 0\ "nk VB, 8UI)llllo .. eiO. ~ ~ 11 )lJ'qlDb&llL WI~. ero wnOM! were. armor . Mati wl:h rug ... \ ' 1ll1Jl\l1n s t ru ck [ 11, 1'1-"pl , 1'.I ~" lrh· (;0 m o ne y I ":" V£N QUICK RELIEF Funeral Dirpctor ~_~ 'a nd liar t a tll.r &W>Il4 10 E isowb re In tho bnzll nrs tho colo- ut lh e lli . Pllt('rl' " 111' h nll ngnill. and a nHillIl CIIlID Ull! $ .100 Wltb'int r ed t: Cu otrn o~1! Le~-~v. :s r, w it h ~'. lii'lM~~\ thler p~eD'" known 10 d J d thrr> wRll glt lln mil tdlln IOlhh ruli· tI(II!'" Tl I' f I B Mcnceforr pp,,}r o f .. t onHu rcboll 1' , i"It-.I\~'lIlm""l De. rIlCO, lUI A 1111 W rE! seltlng b l.h . O' . , ' Ill ," I' " I ~I ~ I\,U U \ Dil utn s h ro ..d b\' J ('11 k IIn,1 'l' " " if hI' m"K ie when C'JIAP'l'1IlR xvn-J[ath1~ tn CDlIIUlM. n e ts for tb e re cnpturll of tho \Ions. .ll 11 , ,.,.. ",. , , • 01 1 t ,. f I' . I " J,.·"ill u.iUl· "r.&4mIutolL. to WlDDle a room. but 18 fi ll Il'rt IIII' horrlO~d iJcllrl'rs nllll . , b IlBu nrm ~ II t>III"1Il t ow lIRh l p " 1,' 1 n 'lll I ~ I'~l uor \.·A 'h ,lr lcs i ' 1110.60. I II '1"." lh" [ollll olls"I,' 117 11mbtJ1a. who orde... that que II YII WRg by I t K ILtl It co n ftd e n t tin 118 ~ .. • e&cr11loo to tlIe cod tbl s lim o anre In th hnve n 01 Ha mn. stllggprpd to III hO\l su wlu;ra h .. 11'115 .! 1.11 I l.! 1 f t rd .,.1 .. l(lr R h~III .. · to fin d s hc lt r. IT WIIS auml [ ~,I. th e "11 ' I r'" en llUD. .' ~ 396 with Oregoo l' B rid~e C o , .~ ... ' .i.lU\lb,~go. Gil' ~~ .. ,...,ued II, the 0010""" bal'B b01l50. Call an ,ve roo arq m ptly clay o r, njllht door c lo (,.1 alit! burr"d. ~'rom t, \\'111.1 I~, I'; Mbll"v ' • . " l ~IEll e 'lf )lIio for fnrD I~hill~ an d lr il lol! pi i~ ' ." '1 ....1• N ~ llr /ll .. ' Bol.h phones in 'O ffice ancl Uesicl .. nce. Xvm-K&thl7a. (llqu1Md Th e girl glnnc:pd hurried ly OY r h e r f1 0 11' h wlltch od thA \lrog res~ ot' tI, e I rr IJI' t ) \ 1 ,·.. (,; ,1 'Jl lul!e f MR~OD , b r o o od tw O Tllar~ a I, 1 'wl n r ell k .1;' k, ,, ,lrNllrollbl. s' lon~ d is l nnctl, No. \4; Home phone .. . . tnIDe.r,~ takea ptorl tD • pub- shoulder lowllrd tho dim r ick ty stllir. I IlI lIl \jr d ' d I t I II ~'rl r i·,ht to til!' 110 !1lUon. te...... lIer hlentit)< to the cn.se. Tho 100m nt tltu .lIlmlll: cuns d Iln· . At IIISl! 1 .~-2 r ' '. . I 11,' wl>lI ld [laHB from . I ~e an r ;lpll r olle Ht·e n OH I I " q 8DtII ~ h8w 1IaW. 'ltlldr 'v from lho ('oor 111,,1 J'n ll, AII"ha. bUl 1101 )"l1hollt his r I'emoe. \," t,l' l1; 1 ,O ' lituon YRL. J. d :-.\\112~·) n o k ' no ore t, t footHIll: SII Ul P. ps nuthllll m.l "ClklllS .1 i dF con ' kl 1 ' '''o r o n o!l II ' tT. I~~ _ _. ' ' ... '~.lIl I' SI. ,1IO ns ' e. Chairs unci one Qaach furnish ed free Ilho 'l slnlrs to th e first Illuding, to It ' l'lIS .. \\'~ t! ' XIX :l[a(bl~ WlDnl .. Ch.If wi th f une ra ls. up t he Sh e cOll ld no "~t.:n p l·: I ~~: ' D'.'" IIll. ,' , n!u l,unt (\ 11\ 106 .. ,. , n run n OW DlIlI Jl ' .O per n lls l I, - -~ . . ) 1:[., " on h Ih·i,,!:'. G t B..- /lQd & dJlllI plac. In I foot for plI ". oa r o r .'toe at $-1 0 per , ; - '; I' ,''''I ~ n 1.\1 110 or ";"'])rol"''' Bll8t of ser vicfl g u a ran teed. Of Rama~ Tb. \&tl4r'. wife. find ull theso doo rs locklo"",! A "rnRh t hn ll"ns IIOU1l\ hnr Ilia WH)- I ill It 1\ A.9 I'" " .1It I u ,,'re ,, 1 int,). I..{' t h" r God Silve h I' II he Alhl lrt. l£ '·ll r ll u, . lo ol\ P · MILO k , aU y d l. Bo d *~ for repai r of no e ·t... ~~· I ., l ~i,I ~' A hook lc l wil h the Iawtul queeD of Allah.. bl'low aII noun e d tIJat tu e liolls had t ..,tllllent ID ber fa vor 18 I lII olnr-.\' till II' . II IIl C,\l Ot $132.·~r. with No. 3 97 wHb O regonil\ Brld(l:o Co· ~ II.',·, _ \ . ,'." h 1"'IIIt! ' il'es f ull uu ld! /110 .... fte peoPle &t luI.. We&I't ot . hoarll her and b ud cn l r ed . t f . I. ::;:.1,":' -. oIi n 'c lI ons fool' St· , 11ti>ba1l&~ mIBru\&. rIM ualnat him. WUij n SMood fll ghl , Ilud Ul) this tIe w T lto Bill k,) rosa Illll cklY. It "ol1"y,'(\ Inturo~ 1 , or Urllli!lJl~g 811d d r iv ing HI lu f t, I :.., •.. .~~•••~.•' 1.'1\1\'( ,1.·1.11'. J)cnllllltl B""abeJ a t tIIelr htl6Af &nd Bruoe un d (Jou r 11 out or III w lnd owfi. Ih ll'ld .1 Anll l\" : lll\ rl ~r Y" . Artti u r ~Ilader. or whlt.e OB!! pIle otn 700 F Aotory IIR )lluI fwest . ~';r""'.\~ fl'• ,,· ,· I) n'i ~" Dun', ar , "" fire ut the b"'sts. ..' ... ~prlngb tM OOIon81 lla'htlna uneler 111m. Tb. tbe g irl . Sbe mlgll' J, &t tInol &I'll lIote&1e4. but K&thI7D'. a nd e" . n If abo Bucce d d In bllll . Ullt! bln ck.. ~'Iam a 10llgU08 durl'ci "iv tlrc lind It IIJ UIl Y. or oel ty RDd or o II . p er De a oot. y .. _~~_ ,,) nTI ;"'> ll ,;o~ ,' !::e i.I &P~OIl InIplrM tIIem &n4 t.lIe tbem It wou lt! se rvo only 10 mD dd:~1 hllh r Ilnd yon . 1111;1\('1' IIlId hlgbe r. o el( luo l,. N o. 391! with O r efo(Olll 1l Brid~e ' 1';"" r: it. An)'dru~ . UIII their fAvor. tb em. One cannot kill lions wltll 1\ till at length lh form on the porapet ' C :,:. ItIL PP "OJ. 'I'll IIl IlS 1£, Gorwln for fu r nl slJi!' g Il n d d r lvi Dg 1 Hi. ft. "~"np y y".. . 1. }" " !i'e I" " f.1 1' DENTIST • OBAt1TJIlR XX-The UODI • • cepe t oy. . , wn~ no longor v iSibl e. nu d \VIII; J1lu R Olll llhr U.I OIl 9Y oDly . w hi te ouk pil e o lo n g Wsynesvll ie LIl> . ,,(! : ·or~". ".; ( 11 (; 11r Il IT to' ... • •• iIIId XAt!Il7D • •eke utet)< In a lIuertitcl U bll l kf It b d I ' , 1 . 1 '.) LebttD(,nPlkftby D n Li df .. , "~)II'\ I:·" lm;" i'''~ f 1., '-t. I N I..... awdJocovere4 bl' Umb&lla, t ill 100kJess door~' No snf lty m n 11 00 rom 1 S cummer u n I\n\ o un t (1 1m u ~ 1 ~7 \vlth Inte r est. W il D I\rm. " ". ,li l t , I· lie , " . "C"l" " " '1 he - . omcll" D ' . W _ _ IIIA 0 who Ie aeem. Wi th tM ..beIa.. Ma4 tor Sh e t he n espie d a la'dder 'Vlllcll g'nve h is last bottle or wIlle . h roke tho n eck 8J' o e tow nfl h lp nnd p ll\n k ln g fo r . .... r"" .IItI ... .. Nl tl,, ". 1 n .... k Il ldc. -,,--. ...~ Ire Mba II,. to tlI. 1I0UM. I d ill d A '" Br ocecclings . ' I t 11 ~~~~"~ M ~m~ OO~~~ ~ t b ro~ ~o~ up th~ B~ ~M w w n _ s ,IIU d~_ ganll M IrClll !! VK. Wtn. lr !ln~ dl - .-, =~==~=~~=~======~=~==----~~-====~-==-=~========= all pup out ot this safe ly In tbe end , climbed. They ca.l d not possibl y fo l. cutting biB II p8 1\8 h e did s o. - -- - - • •~ -- - - - - - . - -~ • Now. lat'e go iLntl get tbe n ets. 'E hllr e low b or "11 the ·ludd er. nnd us a h 'r o li E CONT INUED voroe g r ll o Wd .. nd pll1lll tlff rest ' r ed w ill not be a dozen mon In the wbllle r ach ed tbe t op sh e kn e w t hnt for thll _ __ _ _ _ - - t ,l bor m oiulm nHlJl tl of Edna M town who will have ~enae e oough t o prese nt aha Imd nothi ng t o roor f ro m Sn oo k ahoot the lions as the y appe ar. They 'll t h o lI on8. • GOT I!: flI OIXOD VS . Ozro ()ix D, dl. howl &l\d run tor ah elte r . Ramllbl\l's Tbe Interior of the h o use was o r tho 90ro~ gmDted. C UHtody o f (Jblld i~ Star and Ma mmot h Jack will make the welcome to Alla bn. H I. there's on6 tlIms lest WOOd , elovenly ' put t.ogeth e r. TO MACH TROUBLE nWllr ded ~ l pll<int i fI A llluo!lY fo r Arrowsm ith , \ Voodford " J FlIlll'ro<1 with ", lo llltl c lJ tr emhle ij u\l port of ~Illlle lij !! ruoteci . DOW : Bee. comIng roun d the c orner! Alollg t be roor was n pa.r a pet. Sho of 1915 at the above ha rn in Corwin, Ohi'o. I'll pot Wm." left th e t rap 0110 SO t hat sh e cou ld f o r ytHlr!! l.utl tri e (l e v en' t lling I W A Sluk a y VH. J e s~o Men tz Butera Bruce could lovel blllw Qa pon Bell nil that '" lit on b elow. AJmost II Arll .of, Ittlt. tbi) on ly roJt M I g .)! Ve rd l o t, r Ddl rect in r"v ~l r of deten the lion turned back. perha ps frlgbt. I\S sh e looked the taw ny bodies swe pt WI~8 t IIIl'o rnry uo t il h 81. s r rlng 1 dtlla anod at the clamor. • Uplo th e root or lh o lodder. a nd t il re nw ,Ubo lll berh.ln 'ij 1:able ts tIIlv ~r . auth DUD n ",t. Ho m or Dun ~ , dl . I, '. Kathlyn was not al armed u pon filld. r E' ln!llll e d. BOllrltn g and IIlllttlng and tt ~ c1 l1 n ll p roo ll rtlrl!l bottl e of t U€11J1 v orce l,tflntoeJ. f'l l1 iu t lfi' iR 1'1' ~ ' o re d '. tng h8J'Belt II parnt td f rom th e t wo roMhln g up n.s tllr AS the y COUld. " t o n r d r ug IItore 1 ~ot Imll1 E!!iiAt e t.o h llr 1""Hlen UU 'Jle o f HOlb U llt ou . men ehe loved soow e ll. H er ouly cou- Som wher o on t he WilY K athlyn k oew relie f fr(1 r,o tlJ ut rl roudr ul h etl Vl ll e~M 1\l 'lr .J Hush ' Vci W(1~I "y C Hu'\l.l " cern was t o ayold b elug k n oe l, 'd that· theoe 11 0118 b u(\ t.Il8ted bl ood . uftor ellt.l.n g .I lu a ir f' lll n~in i ll 1 h e der<l udl~1\ 1!<l;r 'l lIltlll lilv.:irOtl \I'" hi" down and trampl ed u pOn. S h e kll Ow It wne In thl8 street dwelt t b e s ts ter sto ll\ll~)h , . w rl tjlM Mrlj. Lln11u Bllr II)D81 ar [illd orOR8 p ll tttlH I'I : I an lmnls. ·If lett qu ietly to th msul\'tls ' ot tho w oman'ln the zon nna, th e wo rn. r orl. ~or t W a y n!!, li orl . Obtai l1 u bl o tbe Uoos would malto for th e JUllglo. nil who loved Um ball a . overy w h ere. Rea l Esta le I' rulIsfcrtl hut It hllJ'Tled or fr ighte n d th ey woul d K uthlyu lell.n cd o\'er the parn[) t . .. - - - - maul any ODe w ltlt ln r each. tho !lt~eet wa s totally deserte d. A ll .1. L ptl Th n lllJ)!! III " dlllr. f" M r ~ holp for ""hh' lI 6tlO hllO coliNI.
Waynesville,' ObiQ
rl~oeIlBet1 ,
1~lIIurH' 11i '()~ltlOr
~hn klllR
~tll~' l non'l
ruIU UI'~ . :
J~rl' l rllp"ir
I towll~hi.., I
Insu RlI n'-'E
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E. v.
IIIOUlll1nllbl~8 ln
Dr. J . A McLoy,.
onl~, t
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IfI(l~ j
"·NlA T IC ERe.
and Embalmer, Waynesville, ' Ohio.
,be ..
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W. MI=l =L= E= R...:..-_ ---.l1<!.
Uk, j .
tock Baltn
F" nat.l c- W hy (\u l l1' t, l u rn u p f orlw !f on t; tLf l1r" lll" ; U • I DiI ~ ttll lll ,,-Ver.v Bo r r y, 0 1<1 blip I . WU ~ c li'llnl n l! . t.lt a ' olln llr y'l' Clllte t h o little h r u t >l k lok ,)cl D\ ' . SwlJen h lb ~~ IlI~CI~ '1 nt ir d , fon . IL~ A ru l'J
~~~. ~~lllg,Wln
~~~~C~p:l~l !:,: I llg~tJt
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I . .al81 ~ - -. - , ~- ~
the calm. blgh·br tI la e of . t b dead 1- . - - LaI 8 In . " h\<'11II 'd til altulLtlon "I l1'. &0411\1e Wllut nbollt the r I ,W hat II th. Remedy For.i Uon of Pundltn. . "" Conilipatlonl Thiai'.QtMltioauktdIl8IDU1Yt.imel A. tha lallar·••' )' s ol,.. nl'(\ wlldll' . hd T h'IJUII., b rd lit \JOund luK the dOOr. I8C ay. • --.. 4 _ .. fU--_M. .... ".. pulltld I... way.. It "btl &1\. • th wumOll8 l>nndlta mlgbt a4want&c1) of b"r absence &lid W.~_ them to belatilflGtorJ. It lIl!pt be "'),0110
~.~~"IL ~
,~ '1fU~cl;: ~, ~
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Pr o~l'.
W'? I1U
_ ____ _ _ _ _ _
"1s n ot Lal 810gb ther e dead ? 1. tho.t 1I0t proo{?'" HIthe r and thlth or across th e fl oor they fought. 13ut WllllIl so II real. ked tha t PuniJIla. being In a (r(,lIzy. wile elroogeHt. The Hlrugglo elid ed qUIckly. howeve r . but not Uuougb Win. " Tile Are na Lion. Have Escaped I" dI: 80W a n lll the fl OOT wltb t he doors ot t he shOIJS "'''Ire closed 11' h ei14 Ie )oullg I and tho windows sbu\. Sbe mllst &lid sr: . <lUl:.I::t: ou; alo ne. dr .. went. POll alillug , u'p sh e d id n ot .• fWU.UX C u.u0;; )mow llacUy wh ra ah!! was. But
N" 4 1[:
.1 . ( '. Ltol ll '" '. u lln IlU IH lr "t.(\ \' I,r) I~ I· W lInd 1\11 11 l b' ·r ". ,.1 luo(\ In Turri,. 1 orBl·I, 10 $12~ !-'"n1l1fd 'Iud Milti' h' UufTrnll n til til " I 11 I \1 1{ ' I C· , OVII I nl • ' Ir' "1 tlollf " IVOIII 11,1 H H. 1)0 • I 70 rl re~ 1n WAllbltJ g ln n tuwlIS!lI l) *1 . M .1" L • U '" ' IIll .... ";. )O"~ ' I) C" "tlrflA! I' ; l o~ No. :.lJ III W " .. t. \, ,orJvll le III iI ~d llll r l!l u , own"bin~ IH ~. H. Lh lllilYl() k ~l) Wm M, ~lId '
Ku to Bu I'lP.· 1:1 ;-.'1 "<11' :I 10 \Va · billg. t o,D I flwn~ b!p lO""n ~llIp 0 . ' LOIl 'H Bocq u lm 81' .el III to Chl. r le h ; E. E .. t oll 01 nil. ~ .. E. L~ w," -1 .75 Ilo re~ l i ll OIOlltorpo\r t o wLl r hl p U . " J .'g UBS3 th ele h o n ey m o o o I~ , Ai A II n Ci FllUn ie M C la rk to abt.ll1t oVflr . " Uh nrlsH E. ~: Ito u I t No 121n M,,)k "Whv ?" i n llw hdtllLi" u II) Frlln kll n. "I::\IJA '8 q n it t.ehlp h o nin g t r) h im lI. , P IltJ <i M'it l,hu K" lIl1ll1 to dtlrinl( oruCtl hn u r R,'·- Do tr .lit. I"r e e Frlln k CHrrull 2 lIo rUII 10 I::l tfl'\,,'o
was strugl!l\ ng wllh P u nd ltn. s lrh1 n g to wreoch the dogger from the gr1ef.. t n ck e n w\(o's baud. "No. no. Pun dllll!" "L et IDe got My lord 18 d end. and 1 wish to follo w!" "You are a CbrlBtian l " "AI al l " " But bo lJI,a y not' be dead . Halp. holpl "
~le: I .o IIJ
Uo rW r fio lrl [IIWI!. hll \!filt.. r,n f'i 10 \
Katblyn 'Wae packed tn rn th cr (' Ioso. ly. and led "ho to waStbourrl/ld HtrMwhich o hous ePll8t of tho Jlnlllu blli.t though eho struggled des pe rILte ly to push througb. Sh was pl'es nU l' Cllr. Tied Inlo the bn.zQnrs. 'X'be peopl \) In theIr senseless flight tried to do \\'Ilii t they eould f<,r h er . b ut Blllf' llrCtil'I' I' Iltlon was tbelr firs t thoughL A!ld It Wl18o't the cloonest smelli ng cr own In th e world. olther. At the 8Bme Hme T{alhlyn WIlS llgh tIng vIgorously to get IrE!() of tb e mob.
A~R OWS]\\I'fH .. a ll
' impor tet1
I'e r h er· o n, IS a black stallion . Hl 'ha nds h i"h, all(\ . l O b welg IS .. , 5 . pouncls, alld i~ a s plend id ly pro po rtio n ed tWIIII(lI. · , ARR W. ~IlTH 'was ~i red by Ken o 2639~, and IS reco rdc I in t he Pc rchcro n So· c ie t y o f Am ric,L,
II '. ", ','j ," I.
- - - - - - ---,- - -
MAM MOTH J ACK is a lig ht bro wn with wh ite p O'i ots, ;j ~ han ds hi g h, weig h s abo ut 1100. ~ i red by Orpha n Boy CifJli . ' g ran d ch a mpIOn Jac k at the World 's Fai'r 1 DOI, fir$ l d,a m b y Li mestone Mam lllo th :2l!', a lo t. Jack s h own fOI 10 years and w as lIeve r defeated. . .
towlI ..h i p $ 1 I 'W ll k Hr soo to .1. W . ."ntI IQ~ I Nil . (I III Mll rr o w. lp O(' I t\lltllt· P t Lio r ill\' to VI"OIt Do un !l . 2 UO I p~ III F ra"kli ll row o s h lp $1 ' -.-- - • . ' 'l' b O P illotl Renlty Uli. 0 D HOR D 5'1" " " . Cb l\ rl s \.'1 YAlo g er 10 " No 78,w d 79 h ind' I 7 ' 1 l'd.{ IS.a red so rrel; star . in face, one white 1\"" rl- o\r" v e il t'o .h n lc I n P[! rk PI!ice lI(\(lit,lo lI 10 Fra n k li o . . (4154) wilh h Anlds 1200 pound s , medium condition l or If,Lh ,, 1 It tlllll. lVII .\' , *'1 • I . n _)on e . Conllng 7 years. . , 1 hlll ' l th.i tl k h l ·1t e v e r va In u 1£ lind n. E. MllrrlHOD to \:I. L t he T his horse has I! lIu mbe r of u ' ce hi . , lei )est · \ red sad d.le and general Jlurpose stall lollS ia tl on to IIItlr r .v 1I1t' ....., BSJt! t tl o l'eoo. N o Ml IIDrl /3'1 1 III sadd le a nd ha rness ho rses a nd a re t ' II gr (0 ts, I hat show q le l,r o ree ding, and will make 'high daIS sor lpf.. *l ' . ) Ig woug I. o r ar m work . ...- . - - - - - . . FOR .F EDIG REES ,!SEE 1.ARGEl ,RlLLS
~: '.
1IlI' I~OD \ot~ ~l11~IJnl
g.~~ lllea~y
. Read your oWllMiami Gazett e
Do Not Grip.
" sell tholJaands .. f thllll atKI IT. :bll'l'ell.vcr .. lJeltcrre.lIleUyfor tbe bo..,lt. ollly I.y us, 10 cont.l. .i E. J an nay.
i\ '
11UllCy (ll .' W llc n
1 b i ,I. rLn( season e<..'O nl!: ":'-1-1e; ,L on It accl.re ~crpr~v..r U'
t"·kc......... ... .
' 11
1 TERMS .' $15 ' . •00 to. Insure a L.·ve' Co t I It f ] ,.
-- .
W. "11.,,' & p,l uun' laxati"o thAt will do ill. ' whatl Y01l " ao' i. to do. ~_~_An_ (~-I_ ... ,, : _ _ . ~'".. V~~
~lch hlgh ,-wel~ht
Guileless. The <Jltlz(' n wh o w rofe to tho mayor oflll wulJk,'" to uijlt lr It II; Lrll o Iltn t b cprl8 )lIp d throul:h Ill<' str,'ol malna '1 I 1110 u I Ih n 1;011 "<"; Ih :>r . mu.l be ' a 10"ply IUtlU 10 t ull In te rest lu!;o rl s to, _ _:_ . _ . _ _ __
on cd. :\lar s parlN I \v 'l l110U t • , surance A lein is retained on all co ils IJ Il t l·}my Crit forfeits tl1eCOl ' "._ : . l1:t h ill cason s fce IS nnld 1"_-" 1 III W ,Jlol he respol\:,il If;' h ul· • r - . 'UIJC
' IS
any occur.
' N TE R.
-' -
,~~,::='~~~~:::'.:.~':::::! y~~::,~~:!t.~: .. : TH~ NEiGH- R----\-
D. L. Crane. FAlitor Bnd MrllHg r.
Yea- Many People hDve told us thl.l IIl1Dlll dtory-diau nner 1lIIot.inIl, j.:1I~OO , benrtlJuTII . A
-:- if As Written
Rates of Advertising Ixx·. I•. l'e" 1"'11. . . . .. . ... . . . . .
I. flua. 1If1~ 10 \I l1,('" 1h'b Ii" ... fllr(l() 11.~rtI411I H • •• " ••••• , . . . 20c 11I8pl.. y All> 'f llSIIIIII '\)Ilr rllell .. . . .. .. .. 10lJ · VI«ouu(jj ~ ,:uu ull "'Intnlc~.
-----0-___. . _______
MAY 12, 1910.
Iwrore lind oft r acll mC1I1 will relieve y u. Solil only b y u_250, ( J . E. Jannay.
by Our Corps of Ablt! Correspondents in the Ndghborhood
...... - - - . -
~U: Df~:,:ia.
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t'qllippl,rI thal1 (.\' r I. ll'iorl· In slIVply 'our 11 'I.'ds ill I II . Illlil ilj,, !~ '1.IIl· 1· 1 hI(.
F Ur. Clnd Mr. . ,luUleti M U~II~l'h D Mrll. AIl"n I)u.vl~ who hal~ been Mr. anli Mrs . tlw t on M Me eo. I&~d family gttvn " cll'llo11 FrldllY ~ ri(lu~ l y 1)1 i~ very low ut t hi", writ t er' Kinorl I:)lIIlIl" .v J\t r . lind 1\1 rs . Ed Dlllbt lind bml Ollln oLt.l\lll r rri wJ ' ~lIit wHb 110 hOI.OIl of r ee,ovory. prt!HUlIt, Ilnd every one dlAolu.red Eyer Knll dUllgb t· r.uHI Mr . lln!l MrM. , tbey n ~ v er enjoyed tllem eelvIIs bulf Mr~ . ~I\s. lI~ ot o.nn e ll wb o WIlS 'loll t~ O Ill Fl'r y a nd o. of nOllr ~raok. ... I It d M Ill! much in 1111 th Ie JIves wel l kn O\1 D h ur n Ihed nt h e r Iwme lin . . WbAn ml' wrtt.e~ Ullperll for lIer olub M rll. G eorge ... 8r a lI u re. " in Dayton Ifl"t Monday . 'I'h" b, . u ~ e IlIlIWful tltlli. T. J . Mi<ltlle lo u. Mrll. C. '1'. Mrs . ,Iobn I:!haw gllve IL plea8aut p"rty ' Dr. und ~rI. . G. RUDll"n at ,, ' . WI'! dllo'l I(et IIny 18uoy I(rnb : lilt Ibe bomo of M ••. t:llllloll Rolu.lId tended tho Ullotors Coov un tio n 10 l bo flr~t bRA" 1.lulI g nUlo ~~ tbe Johnson and dUlIghter. li o ~Il, nt. , W.. don't ~ll8ttk to ber 1111 In honor IIf MI~8 Glad '" II It belo" uer lJlnoi.o nu.tl two dll ys loat WUHk ~e)'IH~,o'lW lll Uti gl veo b ora Mass teuded (~ul\ rt orly meet.ing ntnrdo.y ,.. . , ay ., laY') 1 .It'~ mila I lime, if W, I do iohe II say : tenth birthdlloV . A "~hree OOlUSO at Waynesvi ll o. Motbers Du.y wos observ olc1 at M . , '" '· N f. W, 101m', think ut all 'l'be B. V . 1II1lS8 clny elgbt g rodo luuoheon WttS sorved aod gemes E. oburch I:!nodllY . Mothorll dar but\os Hu~l ey sont b of to wu bu Unleil~ yon ohlldren r WilY I comweooew ent nnd Hi/.(h ~ h llol ~ere ph,yed . The guestB were IIbould be obllOrve(} tn o very h ome pnrob sed n b ord IIntu. }:lope nu one OOrDe II ''' ' . MillllPII Mildred a~d Op~1 Morgu.o , every Iltty. Word!! of prlll80 s bould Mr. 'Lod Mrs. '.hurlos C'rll m e r commenoemellt were held In the Bernloe 'aod Mede ltn" Ulbaoo, J eo. go up Cor mot her. We lihoold u.ll gave a <lu.~ ~ ti t til 1r home eas t of 'row o Bull ~' r iLla y nl&; ht r1'oe""wl'eltly Joornu.1 edit, ule Mu.rldt, Helen Luoos , Uleonll t.blnk that onr mothor 18 the g nod. t o wu la8 ~ lhnr ~duy uight. Tbe I:Iprlnll Vu.lley Illulllni wn.s ae I,,"ks r U8 1 pIe. glint whfln 1:I .. ley, Hel&n 6l1aw, Anou.and Uloll-!II est IJersou 10 tbis world, lIua when Miss '10"11 Wlute r t!, Mrs O. R. beld Baturduy ovo uin K iu the To wn ' 1I'0Ilt'" ()I\Jl He doelln't mlDII wbd 'I'tuland, Olara D.. aghter8, JelllJle uur mo~her Iii " uken from u s the n Pe~er son Ililli MIRM Z ~v" Mo rr is mo. 8nll. f,c.lf' Itolaod, Pllul Bbaw aud Henry Ro. we waut to tell ber at our love but It tar ed to CluololllHl ItLH!. Eillturd il Y. Mra. Mllry Copsey wile (lIIlled t.o His pencil or bill pen land. Is too late. Tbe more Y :1U love Mrs . Frllok Lotmmo ent or t;ai ned Dayton 'l'h urslluy hy I.be so r lOUs ill. K64I1111 on, hut he 8"ye, smtlluK. Mrs. 8ert Marlatt en&ertained your mother the 1M;tt~r ol&lzuII you th, W. C A . Ilt her uum e lus t Mon. vess Af her ,Iu·ughtor. in.lllw, Mr . "Well, uay evening . About tul r ty \'\'ore Ha rr y Copsey ,. Whttl n'bw,? ::rops' preuy fal"Y Frldav in bonOl at Mlsll Lena Mu •• ro. Mre. E. B. Dakio ufter Aeveru.1 pr eilAo~. 1r. ulld Mrs Pil ul Con kli n, of 1I0w do you Uke thla r"loy Mpe II? ,"tt, Tbole prelleol were Edna, II!a· t~lIe aQd Bernard 8111ah Ilnd Made- weeks Hiokn688 iti ngain Ilbl!! 1m MrR. [,yrlia W ru er n.nd ohtl uren , Wilmingtoll; Mr auu 1I1r~ . EKrl Wife 9.leil nuw? Take a obair." huo Gib80n out for which ber mouy frie n.ls are of O'LytOU , vi~ lI"d Mr. lind M rl:' . Coop r . uf Yolll o w 8 .. rillg ~ ; Mr uml -Judge. Mrs. William Jonel, of Xeoia WM rejololng . Matt l:lmith rli Nt Su ndllY Mn . Eu.rl Stnrbnok, of O.. y l.oo ; wo r n --...- -wef' k on d 8nl.l~t s of r elltoti Villi lind a t.. & 80ndo.y gues' of Amos ' Jaoksoo Mr. aod Mr. Emmersou Vander_ --t oIled th e alulllui. vourl, of oelu here lire ereotiug Il lI e w "Why lire thl'! wood8so 'nil of troel?" and tomlly. Mrll. Robert Green. of Dalton. oouoby resldeuce with all lIIudern . LAME BACK Mr. unrJ 1I1rt! . K. E . Rnndllllund lirled Ii ttl 0 Wilby Uoorle. . Lu'mo hlleiL 18 u 8lJII1I1' duo to rh AIl- : ohildren . mo vBcl t o Wilming~on, : Anu Wllhy'(I poJlpa "u.ld, "8e01\0811 ~,a8 t1a,urdilY anll Snoday guest of oon veuleuoes. Mr. Morgan . John W. Water8, speolal /luper. mlltl lllll. If th o Jll(l~CJ(;~ o f' t h o bllC'k: whero b e I IlII KIlIl d III 'he l.)lLr be r 'l'be tree. lire full of wood." -Judge Mr. and Mrs Carl Baroll.rd and vlRlolt represontatlve of the Trnve l. UIU'li wo rkJrI ~ )JAopl C1 1I1'!' 1II 0~t, Iiku. b1l 81 11 es~. . Mr. lind MrR. Frlld Barnard were er8 Ufo and Accident Iut!. Co .. I y t o 811JTor fWIII it. Rllli ef ui liv ho i l obn lIooti . Hr amI wil e e ll te r I - --tlullday gueRts of Mr8 Ella MllrlaH. l:iartford, 'oun, truII Boeted unsllles/4 hilt! by rn n ~ sllgiug I,ho \)110 1; wilob Inlll ed Sunda y Mr. nnd Mrs. Joh n , 1.lIIiIII ent t W() nr B 0 011 , .Ir. ,md dnn ght.or of ClevfI I Mr. Jobn Morgan, of Xema, waH hllre with F. Wilson, tile iUlllunnco t; hll mb r ltlin' t bree time!! ad .. y. Try It. Obtairl _ l lllod. and Mr IlDdMrs. Lee HILm er, : _ 110 Kueet of l.. M. ~tephens I:!nnday. man . of Duyto n . , Mr . John Blair, of Xeol~. Wtt8 Mr. Rod Mre. Morrie Hb erwood, Ilh lA Rvor ywhere. Mr. Itod Mrs. D . W . AnlLbee on. I e !:;unday goeet of MrII. ,Juhn Moore of W .. ynesville, wure '5uudlAY vi~ &tee8Js. U. F. LuoaR and tlu.rn itore ot Mr. and Mr... A . U. AufOou. t.erlnlned !:\lInd'IY Mr. and· Mra. R~y KlDg 80d so n, Mrb. Jarues Osboro, · f raok were Sunllay gneets of Arnall Baae ball is bringing tbe strll n!tera MlsMLilli/Ill Anubee aod Mr. Bar. Janileoll. &0 thlll tOWD. Last SUDdilY th ere dinge r . were 5000 or more people bere. At Mr .. OIl Mrs. Chllrlell Myer!!, of 'be ena of tlle ball sell lion t.bere will Mrs: Lew Bllrtsoat Bnd obildreo - Ii Ie aome~imee advluble io torn Belmoni, were wlluk .end gneHtIJ of be a IUlle tabernaole built nod we 't' E I were wee k.e nrl gue8ts of her motbe r, · ... M188 under a cover orop eerlit'r on IU). Mr!!. Thoma.. will get tbe orowl1 . We will gel mar.v . IIston spent IlSt Mrs B.rnn.rd · . _ ..._---,._ couo' of 'he BOll being In ,,000 000 Mr. Joe Urew, of DaytOn, wall a Billy t$noday or ble 8ubHtHute t.o Thurs(\(LY IIIHl Frl dllY witb Du.yt.oo dl&1on. wht1rells It pu~ off for a 'ew f.llAturdal aod l:Iooday goeat at Mrs. oonduct the IItlfVieell and th ~ 1I y ou trlends. ,l"y .. IIr a wel'k. dry wea .her mlll:hl John l.evl. will b8ll\r Ilbout the 811Wflu st trill!. MeRdllllle8 J essie Wr~',(b t Rnd AI. WHOOPING COUGH prl'vent the work being Ilone a8 It, The young poopl0 of till iDinl t.v uert H..,stuo ~ ]Jen\ Ilist Wedn osday M.rs L Hartsook,of 'Sprlng Vili. .. h(OoltlbA. When tbe III nIL 18 to 00 ley, was u. SnndllY guest of Mrp. lu ~ tituted Il Christ\ao Ertdettvor Wit a§II(l>\V llle r u J lltlv e~ . Well-tlve ry ooe koo ws the effect planted to outtnult will be neooell8r), \4erlatt. . ~ H N . of Pl no ·ForoNt9 on Coug hs. Ur. . Buoday nlgbt BI!Aisted by tho Nc w Beware ef the Rut. M r . . l,rrv I flInn , MrR Oa wltand B 11 ' PI 'l' H . d so turo \hl! cever orop nnder ellrller Mr. Rice, of DIIVI·OIl , we re dino e r e. s ne· ar· oney IS u reme y Mra. Ohulell Ben.lerllOo W8S the Borlingtoo Chrlstt .. o End IIvor. The deeper the rut tbe bard er It 18 regllrctldflll or &be etage of growtb. J.:ue~l s n n FrldllV of MI' d M :-" ll1ob brings q ulok r e lief for Whoop R ; W . Kayl or Ie erecr.lng f\ D ic(\ it d I . 1:1 : IlO rs. In!; Con gh, looaeull the mucous, 00 the vehicle and th e more It retude Thl. will allow a few d"YIi tor tbll week-eod gueBi of Joe MarlaU. Mr. D. B. Luau ann Ion vlBUed oream building wLtioll will be 00' '' · 1\. ..n . 11 J an d Ml s~ tunes. . soothes the lin ing of the tbro<lt Bnd speed. Find II now way or <lol ng the III"ld to IfIIlle and to he ((otteu In Amoll Jackson pleted io II abort time R W Is Mr. 1\.l1 l Mr~ W. W . . Sheel.f! an d lunK", andIll ILkee tbfloougl,lngspeU/4 old work: be a ron.1 hu 1111 Ar ulld not pro~r oonditiou fllr a good lWed heel. trill mother. MH. m,,·k lng good Ilnd hili mllny tr Ipuds fllUllly " pelot. . lUuluy wl t,h Mr. I\nd 1.,8'" !lever e . A fa mily with growlog a rut milker. Auto Livery Service at 1'be lJlow \!bnuld IJe follQw.e d olo.,ly ~1und"y. Mr . .) e e I II t "11i III C)t. ~ rb 101 ohihheu "bonld not b e witbout it. ~~~~~~~~~== Mr. Geor"e Marlatt called on ttre proud of It. willa I,latl li"rrow. to I.ulvllr,a.. " e Mrs . E O. H 'O@el nod ohlld rtBO nf ({uop H lutDdy for ull Coughs IInu &bl.n MoDooald attended th e loll. IJefo're tlae wind alJd lIulltlhlr e Amo. Jaekillo ftlld family one day ",/IUIUlUIIIIJIIIITUlllIlUlltil 1lI1l111!t11lllmlllli lll:.llfltljI\JtlUI nIUU, I~IIUlIIIII;lIll,Il,IIIIIIIIUJI' foneral of bill fllther \vbo WIIS I" id Blue llal( O'IDl nl) t o atteod thl! Cnltl . 250 lit your Druggist. Clrl,", I' nol. UIII_ the 11.,\1 is hll' Llllt week .. _ ...._ __ ::'-=::".,..., . - - ~ A180 Agent for Racine Automobile of moll~oro or ~bere arll protlp6011 of Mrs. ahrtbl' lillngan aod ~US8 to rllllt io <Jblo8Kll. iORtelld of rexlle, ~ oh o ol picnio Frldny . Tires 110 I!Ilrly rain It la b""t to rnn . II Oleooa Haley" ere ~nnday vleltore as was IItated In lali t wet!k't! 1"!'per . lI1isije 8u:'.el Gustl u of WII ~~ D e _ roller over tbe Illnd 10 fl~m It, wbloh ft.t Sprtng Valley. Rail was 1I11toyed BondAY. Onl' viII " , l,mllLn Wll lr.e rR, o f Miounis will aid In h olding IliA DloIA'OTfl ·Mr. and Mn. Joe Marlat~ speot Glue VS. Oo(lds 1I011 tbo willlH'r~ w e ro hur~ uu d Mr. PIIIll () MIlt'it, of fbe roUer eboold ..IWllY8 be followdll Suuday 10 LebanoD. Dllytnn, tlt.tontitlU thn H,ulh y. ~ pahr Daddl!. wUb &lIe _der or IIgM smoo~blnj! Mr8 Emmn. eli no eote rttLI neel for wudclln' };'ritlllY ev{~n lng . barrow to muleb tbe top 11011. dinner SUUdBY Mr. 8n(( Mr~ . Mllllt Mr. an \ Mrs. EI.ln'e y Mun ge r (~rllnt aod Sberman were die. ---and f~~lIiJV ~nd Mr. I\ri<1 Mrl!. lIod MiSt! Annn l;3ilvAr w re . 'unollY RHEUMaTISM YIELDS QUICKLY TO SLOANIS Stump cllsslng the plll.DS of a oompllign HO !lIoe 8tump . • gllfl~t.R uf 1 r . "OIl 111 rH A Ibl<rt !leR~ wh nn 1\ tbird general, IL brigadier, ~ You clln 't preveot. aD attaok of Mrs , Belen Barrill PelJ1 r~ (m. of I,un. e nter ed the tellt-n. good 801Jler, ftheumatllllll frc m oOOlinjt on, but Mr . nnrl lIT rs. A mfl~ Dr·e hm. of but notorloll8 tor hiM oart!leS"ne88 as . pring Vnlle. v , WIlS th o woo k nnd yon can Hkp It alUlOl!t lmmedlatilly. ,;, ueet of bor llllrentR, III r. (' nd M r :l. Mlfl rniR h ll r ~, ~p (J n t Slln dny wi th Mr. 10 biR 1I0rllooal appollranoe. The !:lIMD 'e I,inimllnt gently applied ij WOMEN • IIll1l Mr.~ ClIu s. 'l'b nIllHl lO . brigadier finished bl~ errlmd Rod J tbe sore joint or 0108016 ponlltrateR F. L. HltorrlH . Love This Magazme 'l'ho town~hiv bi~1t 80hool board w e u~ out . Ullnernl Urnnt palled hI a few rulnutes to tbe lolbmed Rev . A. J.;. Barll:Ant n.nd l:lll.muol McCALL'S Is the Fash ion GullJe .nd HQuae· A .ramp Ilopped at a proeperoull epot that oaUIIC8 the pain It.RoothGtl tlloopil Ilro eujoying their n ewly m et MI n d ~ y /li g ht nnl l hired I,belr upon hie OIgllr for IL ' fow minutes in hcp lnw: He lpe r 01 n lMC women th in .ny other tenohprs for tltA hig h ~oboo l - four slleooe !Lull then 8 .. ld, "Sherman, 1 )oolllnit oooul ry hIJUII8 Bnd IUiked Lho hot, Wnder, swollen foolln~. Rod pllinled buggilll!. mallU lnc in the . '\lrld. All th e iltest II f lu evc:ry l1\(l nlh; also "'e ll l: h l 'I ) l l t ()rlc ~ Ill.1 enter· woorler whom thll~ mun gets to for to04 . 1'0 a very ehort 'Ime brlngll a relief. - 1'hCl friends of Mary "' t.llllt 8 0111 ne w teuohe rs. 'a ln •• nJ ,peei.1 depI "lnt ent. 11\ ('OO ~I RC. h ome Mr 1\1Ill Mr~. WlII E~rly reta rned WOllr bis 8hlrls the first week." "U8r&llI"ly you may have it," re· ~ba* ill alm08t uobellevable un· will lie gilld to 1I811\r of her ~()nd drcs!m.klne. hncv '\l'or' . etc., ,h. I IIlhlcn hou s e work and .. ave IlluIIII1) ' . P rier. o nl v 5>Oc --- ~- . -"- --pJle4 ~be owner, wbom he h .. ppened III you experleooe It. Go' n botUe hlok io soouring 1\ hliod )JoDsl9 n /)l IlJlLillY frolll t be U::... wJntur bome In I Yelr, with one ccl chrl u!d "\ cCall Ureu I',,· ~ addreljll, "aod If yon will mw of ~lollD 'II Linimeut for 2Cio Of flny Mrs baal baM been II !lntTer r frolll FI ,lr illtL . I ,cr" FREF.. S END" P051'AL U,.D NOW 'Olt . lome wood I wtll give you be8idl!ll, I)ruggie\ Ilnll bl&ve I, in "10 l1oQ8e- 11er wyOll for a \ou8 wIllie. Dr I\ ofl \lrs. Davlrl Hpuhr I\ntl a. " nltel< HIlI_III.. \ ....' . ,.t M( I 'A IJ , n "Al I A 'I.I. ,K: . , 50 oenfA' You mllCht be at I' wlJile RKal08t Coldll, &re ana Swolleu ). t.' It. "'1U!H (" ••, ... r t.I<c' A I,I :tt fl. . 1 5IfIIiI " l ' UY.MIU.c Me88r8. Collett, Fisher Illld Moo n. Flown·r I ~ pllbr, of Xe nil\ , nt t.e ml. CATA I ..... II . :; " ,. the bre.kfa.t h~ bfliog prepared . " Jolota, Lumbago, Rolatloa lind like at Wllruill~ton, tl(lU!luottld hu"in088 oct Mle Blldl y. t!pllhr wedd llll-: Fl'lday • . , Wt"C AIJ/ H , 1£1111'11 1 01.." flIh r III .~ .. " ,., ClI UIiCll , A d.J •.•• '·u,' . N And be led the ,ra.np to t be wood IIIl1meut.". Yu.or mouey bIIok If not In onr oity WerlnosdllY of IIlRt. weeil:. eve nin g. I will offor at pnblio sale t;\\ my mE MrCAU (0.• 236 I. Z46 W. J71h St .. H", v..1. ". Y. pUe. . . 88tl~fieli ; bu' It dooe gIve almost In. \ir . Moon is ij tllrting a d/lily p"par residence at the corn e r of l'bi rd Ilncl . PreltlDily, wlapn Ii6 mellt 'l"a" !I'~D' relief. In tbn.' olty. Chapman streets, on l'8IIdy, be wen' to 0.11 'he tramp, • ~ • Mr8. K ennody 's bonAo on M,~tn BEST THING FOR BILIOUS b,,' found ' he hll'\ . dhlaPlleared. Saturday . May 22, 1915 stree t Is Ilellrlng oomplelion , lIocl " On fl 1'1)l1llt of m y o(lll tlu em ont Neal' tb wood pile flutten:d I~ IIUle Begin nlng "t 1 11 .In . I It, · c·,Il ·,wwill he lIo~rell t h111lro vem ll n t , t) 0 111' 10 ttll3 printing om a I b ve for wbl&lll'aper, 8e ploked It up IIDd In g bouse b old goods , eo n sl~tlDC of oity. .VUIl rMbOllD 11 uh ronlo lIuj}'er e r 'from read abe IlOrawled .word II : chairs, tables, dish el!, stoves! eto. .JoonthRn Mo;ris, o f '['imn. O. iUIll ~BS t.iO Tl nud live r tr ubl e . A few . "Jall' ~Il tbem 'hili yoa aa~ me, Mrs . Sualln Arno d . ,I 'rflnlllleted bU!lln{!sA he re Ittst weole woo'kM n ~ o 1 hil ti lUI nt l,ock Ibl\t. was bul Jou dldn', _ me l1li'11'. "-New I C. T. Haw1;.o, Anct . York-Time. In Mexioo tBoS wero used long be Bevurlll fr olll horn attendod til l' 80 ~evere !.lia t I WIl S not able t o go Funeral Director. fore the oonquest, and when MC1ut allOW at Wilmington, Tuesdll Y, I\1 I1Y to t.ll" calle for two ,III · H. }' ct.ilin· -------.~ t got Ilny 'reJi ~ f frOIll IlIlY ol her (lZoru. beard tbas the Bplmiardll had lUb . lallded aod wereabuut to ViSl& him Mr. ,. nd Mrs. W . , nloh, ¥r. "nd rrou t·moot, 1 too k thretl of UbRmber Telepbono day or night . lie eent for 80ldeml'h aod lapldlllie. 1t\"s. Levi "e M~IlJ' att oded Frle n d~ 1U.IO '8 1'll ble tf! nI\(l tbe next lh~y 1 I CItU!!lWU IIUIlIUIUUUI;Uj"UI1'11Il1llU<1IUII W ill! dlIUJlll l~P1Ulllllllllt>llUlIlI'l\mUIIIIIIUIIIII Valley phone No . ~. Long'- - - fe lt IHr.., u new IIItllI , " wd \ es El C. ""'ww .. •••• lind or<lered . amung other giftM, Quarterly m oeti ng 8"tnrd~y /l.t . Distance No. 69-2r. Ruil (lY, F;dlt,or! II r olinn OWS . Cho". whioh were to l~otlertld to Oortl's. Wllyuesvllle FO.R SA LFr-PROPERTY two feather tal11 ornamented with Mn. Annll 11:::10 ok of Clocintillt.! in .... C, Obt.lillll.bl" o Vllryw h ere Automobile ServIce at aU Times -a IIUU aDd woon of higbly polhihed 18 VhlltiD her ~itlf.a r~ il1 tbis vl ()imt·\" "I ",,,tted &fI.n mlnoted for" oar to' Lille .tbe Japanl'88 aod!!t - lind trvlog to rO(\U\ler Ite In 11t' 1l IWAVNESVILLE, • • OHIO day," the IIIudhdy wlls88ylnR, "all~ gold. Ail MS-tlevorlll good uues worth Ibllll I'IHI.en4 me wl~bont MIOIIJJIIlIf, auoleD~ DII&lODII, tbe Azl,eo~ evldbnt. Mr8 . Eloook i~ qnltu poorly nllli her I be m oney : if you lire & oillg t.o Branch Office. Haryeyaburg, O. 11 ooneldered tbe tu.n I&U emblem of mauy friend>! hopo tor bllr a ~peec lv It w~'" .Ue,ward r _ !I.. (ltbllt Lb .. bu\' , 1100 m o, J nO/,y hn.va whllt YOIl . babllu"l!9 .II 'nl' ~.~.. n hlltl bnon ".• thorlt.l', tur fobe" ~eoeraJl' plaoed reoovery. \V'wI . W N . !4e 'Lr~, nll\cA .,;toollH Mr ~Iltb (Jook, of Wl\~ n08v lll e, h"vlnll u"uHu .. 1 dlmnol~y wlt-h hi" H in tbe h'loda of ?metAnotll, 1l0~ BI llg., W"Yllel'vJ\II', Ohio. ml 9 'If par.dllll, .. nd 01 roteo, thu IUIII pfll4~ed t.h,ough hare HunrlllY 10 hi . ·Use PUTNAM 'QtanJIII . tle ·o r,· 1 from he ro ,~t t() nd o d (~Ililr. IInt.oDl·obil!l (1DJOul.{! to Wilmington •. P" rbl\p. , " he rOOl 'trkoll. ·'I.hp 'ary d\!IC\I.pIA of QOfllz"loobnlLtl. FADELES terl y m eet.i ol,( lito Wily ne ville, t>ut Ac r o F(lrm, woll Impr oved , 1111 oondna" 'r clldo'J carll I." hll' e y.. n - -- , . . - . Mr. "ntl Mt~. Ce :tl HtlO ver. (I f urcJ I·y DYES. They level IlIlId. nOllr "'pring horn· bo I reI bll I'll " -1£s011 ~ ng9 CIRrk"vllle. wllre 8 nnlitlY J.:UI'lSIR of Silk, Wool. M~", A\I<lle Stu nl ny find AlDelio PrlOO only f fl:'OO. f.2fiOo CRHb, bal · Mu. \:Joov r'!! Illlr o llt ~, Mr 11011 ::It.wley wor u Ke llin shoppen, o ue ton and IInOt 00 e llsy rerllls In quire Of A· ~,rll Cbllil. 1l:1Iis of IIfIIlr here. goods at one boi '1ay I tl ~l, WBI' It. A. MoN eil, Celltervl lle, O . ml2 Mr. Ed LlllteoSRn(lm"Ihor utl.end . Ing. Will no Horn oe '() U1l1 to nq I'llto rlnlu cd 8d IN THE WORLD . ell (~ul1rte rl .v mentinM lit, WIlvnef! nrdny I' V R IIIII ~ Mr und Mrt!. L·e~ t· or ataln the hands. IX ROOlU I)ottl\ge In <:orwm in f'I1m:JSm:D WEEKI.Y. $4.00 PElt ~ ville ~.Ilturday. I :(IllI]ltOO flnd (1 1~n~hter, ~ III ,1red Dnd hI ~h"ugltr. you bad eucb a good good fllIlL lle: II "lond hOl1lo c hun]). (JOrDe out, lind hMr R.e v. W~lk e r Mr IInrl Mr~ . L e~liu B " ru e~, . of "OT~UI. DRUOOIrn, SPECIAL.ISTS matd otllnluM?" Will }lny 18% on Investment. All' cos TUM ERa. T RAN 8 FER. CA L "I diet 8,,1. wben · IIhe oalled nIl al M. E. ohnrch l:lulldny. Y o ur Xpnin, wh ua" m'\ rrl llgfl took Iplac ply Ilt this omuo. 1111 \l "NO 'Bus 8tRYIC~ PROF." on th~ pbono my bUKtJdllci answered preMlnca is vnry mnch IIf1ftt!ell Re in Dny ton \I" 'l'lI e ~day of las t wee k, !lY USINO ITS ADVERTl81NC COt.UMJOIS member the date Mtty IUt.b. For sale by J. E . Janney bllr." . 'J'hll Uh rl,,1 illn Entieh vor soolety . SAMPLE COpy FREE -------+ .~~ -----'W .. II?·' of Unastlr C rook "nd Now BIlI·ling. , . . . . IlIW YORK CL.IPPER FOR SALE · '·W .. Il, bft ..va~ lIO maob obl\1'med to n wont llVflr to Harvoys hurg ~uu N.w V",k. N. Y. b.r hAr v .,ioe 'bAt I ' didn'& engag ' ,l.IY IIv oniug nnd held ~belr meeting. rells How Vlnol K. 0 TH A WAY ~ _ . =========~=== lIer. "-Clevelsnd Plalo Dealer. darvo.y tlbnrg 1':tI>Bcts to orgaoize 'Strength and Vitality to the. a eoeie'y. Wagon8, 6 !lets slogle Ilnd double WaYQe.av111e'8 LeadioJr OeD'I,' Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Bluoet!s, 2 Baggy Pol('~, Bleck Boverlll of I.he young poople of Malu 8 For Coughs and Oold",· aud Taoklo Bnd variOUS o\ber toolp. Omoe 10 Keys Bldg. thi!4 vioinity attendod oommnooe. The doctor made me sllow him. 1Il11l' Geo. Zell, Waynesville, O. Hili Home. Hawthome. N. y. my tongue, and it oos, mEl '2, but meut at Spring Valley. Friday e!ven. iug • ...:- " I have beeD at.work among the eick 1 irot .even . " EVOD/I Potato Planter, Forttlize r Mr. Ed BOII:an preaobed for UII and pqor for nmu:II' elJdttecn real'S. and "liow?" Attaohment ; HalloOk O. K . whene:.oer' I have aae<l Villo tor run· 8 onday. 8ill tluhjeot being. "A Nioe "Let'll ,,111111 I lie cz .•r a b pmb non. . "In" noker gil 01 II Illst. nll/:ht 1 Potato Digger. Stel'<art ~heep.shear down. weak·oremBCiated patlenu. they OPtl-11lI1 Younl! MIAD." In II 1,\11111. pDlMI .g " , m .. de hilll B~ltl~ we 111M IUlU~~ : Bnd Ingm80biue g ood aR new . Each 18110 have beef! vI.lb)1 benefited by it. One Mr . and Mr~ . Rilymond Wllsou bttrgain, PhoDe ] G.tX'. Harveys· patient, a young woman,. Will ~ weak ·· ...Wby'" lint. IOtlr"ly IIl'lnd him II It 01S& hirn,,5 -New York [Iwell. bud 118 tbelr gu ost Booclay, Keot and 111 ahe cOuld hardly creep to my door pIa", pudding ?, 8nll~ " lIted Ihe uther bMg : loW LeMur.. for aid. and wali leaning on a friend'. O.IIOOlll"otter. "U be. e&t~ It our arm. . I IlUpplled VlnOl to her liberally' wort III dooe IIud we rori no rl!llrll. " . Mre. Twlckenbllry Agll'n. ~ Set of IIAavy oarrillge lIarneS8, and In • month wJaen . abe returned to "'Mrs. Rip.plctoo·s afternoon tea." thank mel hardly reeotrnbed her. She -LooIsvllle (]Qurler Joorn81. ""td Mrs. Twlckenbury, " W08 1\ Ilcrfe<lt YOUR CHILO'S COUGH IS ACALL FOR HELP .... a~ ber color cliarming and her •- • Babylon at Bounds." ' . eheeka roWtdecl out. Tbe16 words a1'6 Don 't Pll tOlI I.relltlng vourOhlld's Inqnlre at this offioe. > mID atteNd from m, heilrt, in order that - " - - 0 - - _ .- COllgh , It lIut 001:9' Allpe ·thelr . more JIeOP.Ie· rna, lliakl!ll know about Vinol. all .. ~.' Hood ~ork Horse In fine 000IMre II ', nothlng m~ happier In LeI "uur' Liver tre' 'orplu 'a,nd you Sub.!cribe for th e .1J laml. Gazette. tltr ngth. but nftAo lelids to more dltton. For turtlier pn.rUon . the world than to relieve· the Rek. "- are m tor a spell of nlillery . Il:very. _._ _ _ _~ sorions nlllu llolfJ. Why risk? Yon don ·t. IIllv\) ~.I)i---1 Br . Kiugs New' mil. Illre oon the Miami Uav.et~. ml:! Mother 1(, ALPHOtalAx..'I'HJIOP,O.B.l>., lloel, ,elll an att.a!3l1: now and then OOVIWY itrjil-l!t tile r Allllldy yonr cblld 'Ba1rihome, N.Y. . l'boal'Bndll of P"Qple k!!flp their Ltv En· Uf ilooda. It iM made with 8ootlhtnl, I:"OR sale ohellop. An Edison Phon. Suehdla1nten.ted and reliable teRI· ,In aotln and.healthy by n81"1 01. You Can JOy. ,~L -' beallug and antl~l'pllo balliI'm •• I" ograpb with Reoords. llJqolre IDOIIJ Ihoald COIl~nce evelTODeOr the Klne'li New l.lfe Pili ... line for ' Ea'~JO~w~~~~betrbUhJed merltI of V!noI, oar dellciDUI cod liver Ibe I!ItoOlaoh. too: Slop the 0 So 1riih ~-:. .)'DU will take a . Will qUlokly oheoit the Cold .od a~ Friend '8 BOOle, Waynenllle. · YO'nr Ohild '. Congh, a WRY. m12 ~ ~~~a~,!,"= tUo..... ' .'oDllllpa'" D, BillIoDBnllM . D~.pepsla . 800l.ho No lKlda bow bad tb" CoIlMb or bow ....... wbetheieaUMd from oyer~ ~Dd ID4IpaUOD. UIMr 'he blood. ~ _ ' Tablet . long snbeoribers iO 'he MaCaU'a I!tanrhnlt, Dr' KID",,, New Dis~~ ...eIlraaIoCCIII"'and·colcII. 001,110.' yoar Droqls • ~ Magazine, Send 350 &0 ,he Shop Next to She .... ~od·. Qarage~ Maln St covery wlU lltop ". . 1& II guaratlt.eed. . If VIiIaI ·faIlI to beadt •• I'darD lOla 117 ...... belL, ' ~-.J '.Jut. get.a boUle frOJD ,our Dru.llit Hue"" offioe, and Ie' ODe or the ", . • • ~"n811 OD earih. . if aod II. Gazette. . -" ' .J. L ienn~1' .
Ml. HOllY
----.. - ..
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
H. MADDEN & CO. . Corwin, Ohio.
Ray Mil.Is .
Reasonable Rates
,-- -:;===-'
- --.....
Corwin, Ohio
'1 \-Walter McClure ' I
Classified Ads
.. -----
JEW !~~I~yPPij
Restores Weak; WOr.{I-Out Ones In Her Charge.
- --........
H ·. E HA
•. .
br8ll8t~:~~~ a~~tr~~~~d,tn~:;.':!{:~
Painting, Paper Hanging, ' Auto and Carriage ·Painting.
I........ .,.......... loW.,
I llt.1I
i' I ! 1"-
St aY-lberries
1~ , >•
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1.. av' ,ronr (h dV l
kiud y ou Ina '
\ \,:LI l l (11 1' :1 1' II.'Ili
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Free Coupons I!•' i ,'~:
I 0 11 I Quaker P u lTed m c(' .i PlI tT ·<\ \ hen l
I I IA' I '
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. litle- or 1l1{ t '!" 11 E:-;. .
M" rr1ll.
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1\1 1.' , , ill OoJl. of I.yn ·hlJurg. Oh i!). vas t he (.!: 11 '~,I of ~J r . lmel Mrs . J C. fHn \\ C l"J ttuday .
, .
H Cu r twri g il l
B nllg 11. YI' IH 1'I:g~ . " ig " e~ . 1' <1 ~,pm tJ, "I~!t UI I! .id l·
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I r ,"'lIH IIl:td l illl' g l l l'~' wi ll '~'() I Il" :l ll ti \l 1l 11 \" tI il l.
III ,ma,-"
1\0 1' (.'
Awful J olt
anti MrR . LI!ml('y Cur ti . , " !l U I h , r t.own . C'lI le rl:' l1lltl :> uIllIllV . M r alit I Ml'~ . 'arrington ~; I IiH. Mr. lind :\lr~. ;l lldmllll Elh·. !llr. tll il l Mr!i . J, H. 'u r t i Manti s u n LCllt 'I' . find <l augh, Le r'! I ;Pllev fI i\ll<l E~t " cr .
Many patrons average rrom $7 ii.OU to .j .OO ca~ h r<'turns per cow p er year from Butter Fut. be ides ba\'ing I hI! \-Illllab le skim 'milk for feediog 'purposes.
Gattage m s
-:::==:1 !!It:'"==51
(;-: :
:: 1
Ir alld MT:<. II. A. 'ornell ('nlcrto.ihcll ll din ll 'r SUllduy the follow, ing gues ts. in h emur of Mr . and Mrp. d a y a f t f n OUn. • Woodson g-I ' bee. o f Po rt William ; Mr . ha rles ornell . 1r. and Mrs, W. E. ·o rnell. Mr. und M ~ Halph M ,'~, Ib r lH'1 Kl'r" and he i\1i ~s(:.. A ll Llf t he ! lIlr I,. ~ III 1(1\\11 htd.1 Mill ' r uml daughter anJ M i s.~ 1·:111111 Mar l lt u Hurn,·lt. Ki/.zie M" r ritt Ilnd M Ol l er's Day HI· r" ic'·:\ , ·ulId .•y an,! Cornell. , Emma an wr ig hl we r e Lebanon v i ~- ' sllrllwll wer \Jren~htd II p 'r,,irria le -'. - I i t ll r s TU I!~.! ay . t o Ihe duy. Sp'r la l l 'X n' l ~e:l and Mil:!8CS Susttn W r i, ht a nti Graco n,usir m ali c t1.c ~~f\ i eM \' ' I Y i l11Car man en.te r l&i ned l il e P r os pe ctive 11- rrl. Hh lph li D'.\' ·11 . o f Selm a. a nd pr(·~~ I \,I:! . Cooking ,Cluu at Lh ~ hume of th e Mi B.~ Ka te Starry. of Ye ll o \\' S prin gs . - - - .. - • f o rm er 1' 1:ld ll), evcnl ng to Ii t irr'~(! were t he gu S l ll \If Dr. and Mr3. T. eo ur;:p dlllnol' . :rhe hours ",1' 1(' Shf' rwo.A1 Sa l urrl ay . Corr e ct. pi nsan Iy !'I'en l III rellt! \I1g lutl(! rs A 'l n t- - " Yo u' "" rl'lll tll'tI lIP 1.0 e Ig ht and list ' n i n ~ t o mu.-ie by the :'1 1 ~~e~ 1 I lI!cel). UP OI' , !l u t du,, '( ~" ' 11 'kllow 1\ b411 Edna al ll.'rt hw llil ('. I; ro f ! ('arm ull Mr . !1n ~ . ~rq . \~ oodson nll le3 lee. CO JD hl artl' r ,"11-'" .\1 Nl!:' it"- " j) ,' lI anti Ma r)' ~n li ~bur\ . . I"f lJ"!'t \\ 11 h!i!Il . lVe rc the j,fU e>lLs of t lnl \11' . (, h a r l \l~ urnel l Bnd oth r reI II _ .
Selling Cream to the Tri-Sta~e Is Like Having Mo ney in the Bank
I'ltC'lt\( 'i () .
vV'. N . Sears
L. \ . 1''- ' 1'''1 , 1 : 'Iu n h!, · 1 : -n limping flW \I! ,,j IIi,' ,I (,ri' r,,, ,11 '''' rn! d ay s til l' . . r \'~ u I f (llki u, ,il\l' ,, 11I I .,"tl Pll ll llllj l< I' V C. :-i. r:,u s ·r,. 1'.' 111 d,'1 v ~i ill).! Io l ~ 1\[\,'.. !o HI·!,,1 .,l :. " (.a rd , II.· . I /I M(, t hc TS ]) h) a,ld r. "" ~ t Ill · ill. h . \ '.1:- k l :(>c k ll\g' t\ h.,,, r·l .. 1 tl bOll ht ehul'ch In II llr v .;~· . li l1 r l-r S UlIllu: . May fI ,e : .IIlt' amI II ..• hut , 1 ... J" I I;i" II m't' !i l li t h. mal,'n g 1\ \. ' ry ! fW li 'll \V ,u nd , I l l' ~ i>l RI'. I In j.{ IwLL, r . hI, '.,. , I I, I. M r . an d ~1 r H. I.' U. [l end r~ l)n ard ~ -I tl au"hle r . E~tl lf' r. 11I 1l1 Mr li nd M r~ . I J H. ( '1,I .. l lIlIn 1 I 'f t: ill \) u v t OIl 'l' € ' Held S )lc L ial Sc n ir e
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lI (,tl r l" pr in$( \' a ll ) . ~ ,, 11 t Tll e.. d a~' \l' i ~ lt Mr. ano! \1 nl \\' . ' . II ,in ' <
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-.----- .:..- --- -.-- . - --
l uI' Wr ,g-Iol "Ilt l'rtnilllli III I
All Kinds of . olish fo r Bf'(r. ss, Etc.
== ._
, .It " . el., y
\l1\~ }:" ch ·1 Sh,~, ' h i~ n . da lll!h I'r IIf \\' l'dll e~oI 11 Y. 1I1r. and Mrs ., ~I.r. an,l M TR . l aQ~1l ~h el'ha n . 1~ \, ,, ,. ~. ~'rt'd l'a~k e\·, of ~1ari , ·tlll . Ohi o. Mrs . III .11 tI .. r ih ,lI l1: \", Iu,," lu wn . MOlY l ·II~I,,·· \ . ,, [ 1." lm llll ll . and ~li . 1 Clura Lil,' J Y1 r I. nd • i l ., ~· I, . 111li!W~." of .'iI,S!,
A ll _ inds of Top Dressing
4 . P o und s for .2 Sc T ilt's' a rc lII edulIlI Si1 swee t '. lui l' PepcUp.f . , JII t' :1- o \bcrs .H~· sclli l l · .IL 1(, ', ~' cr our window .
·I,,·w ill . ii:l
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AU Ki ds of il A l K 'nds ..sre a e
unci. tll rrlny
s u ppl' r
t) J1 it.'('
ill , ' loop. _L lIilclil~ g-
Waynesville, Ohio
N O'Shipper e.Je r lost a doll ar sell ing ['reum In lhe 'i'r. i·St a le .•We ~aran,!ie!! t:very :c;biprne~t aga inst loss or u tllllage ill t ra nsit. and pay' Spot Cash upon , (\rrival.
I\rt h ur Zl'" . o f
1'1 811 11 11{
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l,'ell c tlC'~
~~llI'i'f.:, l~,r l~i~l~\~I:I~tt rnl''[·:::'jt'~~~igl\~ '~~,i ' "J :11 ,.1 .\ \ ",.1 I! . ('La plll 1l' nmJ ' J' ZlMt MPll1....... ;,t P lM r.H"-A ' IlIN,S ~Irs. I. E. h f'\'~all~1 !II i: I\ ir.zil:! M rs., h. I. I-Ia\\'~. l' v,~,tl'd in l):I~ t "n • r.
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E xtra Spe ci a l ' E xtra
I I Lyd lf'l IIl1 i'\ ·-Y. of the 0"1' end wa. 11'\ lIaf\'f'V bUrg- Monday.
AIl)!'rt Sil ph 'I'd ano i ornily \\'ore ti l "' ll " R t ~ Ilf Mr. 11I\l1 M r~ . i':dli ie Wool· H OllI e . ~mllit tl in n r ::iunday.
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Capital Stock.
m ee~Jn Iol .1·u , ~duy n ~ Kh t . .' ·"Ii x M~ I\-, I I,n ... h (.t' JIIY ·joJ .'r~ ('(1I 11~ to I ,delt! Ohll H h ,tori ( l" IIPI}~) I I.fln w! n ,rI.'f 1",IIow •I III'll l'Iw!<lh !\'i'1I 1111-( taken LIp •• ~h~. " L1 olt·n _. llf'rI '."Ilt I)tlt. " t tI '\J 'TO ,'" "' II. , () l .Ill' hu rt ,I und • a ry I h. nlll ~ had Hi l t!.' <,,,lin,,, h hud to ,-,,(".'1', a oloel ,r',, ' car". , materull' n th l8 C\llll jl08 t· r • . MI&I . 1a t'~ lfl'l ( hid. \\ llll 'l' rltil ' j 'l \\'(j t. y ttl(' (·Il' rk. ot Stbey j.1'lIv e ~l lliflllO nu mber, Mil'l " . lr(lrU'" 1' ( r:\!Lwlltlt\ 1l I f ' n "rlt· ' I'ownslil p Kat hrvn lI t'nil crRon and ~l ii\.q lIarl ' l \\ . I II "' U' " " ~"I\·, '(I It ,.r,' :,1 I' l1rf ny , 'UlO ~ellPHt nl ~ tr U't. \ \'o )'u t.'!'- \·lllt •. Sl ll tO l it i ) \111 . , , Roc k a'o u t. ~,·hal:l(i an Ba r t w ill I,,; ~ lIn O' I.hCit1~ lb ",h·atl! 0 1ro /\ !1 I1t:lte uuftH "~'V « O U'(.' l(ll k fl, til . the J une ~ uhj ct. Le\'erll ilt 1 ,)I~· n ~l\ nd- . .. f W."I,",gt~JI1 7TH DAYOF ,IUt. E, 1915, O. C ~1 r" fUII'rl HelHI \ ' :-~q a CIllI Sl n
i ~
& Son,
~ W ~
'j .
-10 -;
.. .
,Ne~. 'W orth :Reading is in the Gazette
.. ':Hutcbi80n & Gibney after t heir great Fire Sale '~fe' ~ivin~ the Finest A~sortment of REAlJY-l'OW~AR GARMENTS yet o1l'ered , No Narrow Skirts . Gingham Print House Dresses . $ 1.00 lip All Wool Cashmere Dress~s , . $5.75 liP . All W bol uits . ... . . . . .. . , . $8.7.':; up Spring Coa ls, ...... , . . , .... !:!i5. 00 up Spring Underwear . . . . .. ... . IDe up Middys .. . . , _.. .. , . ... . _ . .. $1.00 up P etticoats Silk . .. . , ... .... . $1.00 up' H~us Aprons. . . ... . . . . . _ 2Gc up' . AprolJ for Dresses. . . . . . . .. 7r,c up ChllGiren' D resses . . " . , . . .. ·,')()c u p CORSETS - ~e mo , for Slout vigures, Am ricu n Lady, front n.ud.b ack lace , 'Gos a rd, ' all styles, . frol as·e t,,frontlace.
_ -
I \ ~ t r POll :, l l l ~ 111dt i ll" . 1."" II ,. l l.lc l:"' I' r "t. T hu 1)" '" '1'1 u 1(01 " .:01 1011 "' .... , .... th e 'I~" L 10 r"l'J( ., t fl.1 1) n r a. 1I t ,f( l ~
I)r or:.. r ty Was Sold
S. S, Oonve ntion
II ,
" "to" .. r
l\1'IA A.t1HltY
Dun' t fl)r!!ct th e Warren Coun lY und a . huol oll ven tion at Wayn w ille, May IX and 19, . If you a r c in t rest ed in the SUIl,IIlY School work. you can ' t IIfTon.1 t u miss th iB convention. Slleakers ar " Hev . .J. D. Durling a lld Mrs. Phl;!be ur lisa both 'tatc Sunil ny chool workers. Gtlrtrud e A. Dill ey ,
The l)I'o pe rt y u' the la " E:dmund Ma 'Y w:. - mid lus t ., al urOIlY lo lh e hij;lh 'st I idtl r. 'rlw {·ighl :1 res of lanol helo w t.own vcr' sold to P . ~. F. lbun f o r $ J2ul'l. u nd tl1e hom t' p rope r l y Illlil li vc l'Y '!:' tuiJ lr so ld to W. . (: ust in f()r $1,11 0,
- ---==- -Late
Jll' I\SC"
~ct :ll .. n ~ ";I lwut. H ilt <·II\:.ry p:lin tcu ~urf" , ' " 11 " J ~ rn1 wlnll . fol' Ute ~:l nl e r c!ll'l on C\ I-.-'. r 1\ Jwr~utl nc~d. n c ' v · clo tb cs- hu lh cl ut l\ 'N' :111,1 pnln l ~et
"" n
The an nual inspection of lhe ·East . ern Sta r lodge wus held Monda y evtlninj{ In t he Ma, onie buil ling. The.r e \\Ie reljui te a gO(l a ITo any prese nt. from 11 d islallce. X Ilia, Mor row. Harveysb urg, Lebanon . 1"ratlklin lin d 5ev ~!al other lodged being re~ r (\ ~tm · ted. A fine ·lunch followed the in· IIpect ion and woril.
nUll 1
U II . ~ I1)t
\\' (' >11
• l n,
I' II ~
H. \'/,'..1<
l)rll llUt:O •• lri \\1 11 IH' r t." ' cl\·ud
1I ' t'! \J\!k 11')0 11 U I\ l !1f'
" t l U e onr\ n ub t 18 1'
Hre>. III <luil'e or
M. Wh it o, Wn yoos \, IIl.I , O h iO. III
Rhu b hy. P:t i othl a t r egu la r lnte rvlll~ ~ore Rl n lls rep:1irll; .... hllo neglec t of l>alnt. in z m('a ns n OTII a r ~ p i r bll i n nd n !,!li ll t bilt hI re r . becau sc Iho r ep n irutl work m u t pn inred :
Notice of ale ofl Sc hool Distr'ct llonds ~ 6 r,lf}d
Cla ~si ficd
l:hll(~IO · - 1
J'Hl l lt't ,
Il llltJ,
t ilL'
" IU(I: .t Ih c. t ·I\.·r~. " I \ \ r,~ th ' 1'm\l l:4t l ll l " ol\r.l r H, ·I U M lv l). \\ b )Ih.~.... \d h ( 11I1f l , IllI llI J ~
In'spcction of Lodge
ll l\.t oci \ V'oY f1l \tl\ llh'
p r op rev ,,\\'nl'r s feel r:t il1t ll~ g Is .an "f'X- ' $0 /;,,' 1 hi 1:\ 1!_. r t ~y_.
n. ·. "i ,I 1;01 11<'1\,10", .. r I
W tL ' lI t' T ./w,.!Cltil l S"ht>(ll \ ill , l Rf / ' fl f n) I KJ ,
1ST DAY OF JUNE, 19 15.
k N'ps doWIl I hI: ·'h iJl.h n ml o l c nun ce c os t thllt alway. reeult. fr l)'" p:l inl - n cJl,!ccr. It l ~ l)fe -emlnently "tho paint that l a s ts ." fl is a ls o must econ om ic-a . In fir s ( cos t, bccnus" It l · O \ ' C r.! ( h e l a r Jl,cs t ~ urfa,· (' . • Trent \ ,,,,If h o u s" to :l Il l '''' coa l of flllin!. It will b ll, true ccunolll Y: 1)01l ' t closs the COllt with illS 'S , W\lter rcnt, pl,.uinbo inA bills un.! olhcr "tleud " ~J(pe n8e ; fi gure It DH an naai\tran InvCli tnl c, n t . We ('n n f;l lu .w )'tln ~mn e vc r y III' ru ,' tl v,. c ol"r c(,mh'n"tI~n. nnd u l "t! yr m t;u m u aJ vicc u bOUf J!alntlnA 1bnlwtl1 probabl,J' IU\ V l!
104111\') .
WIl..L YUU CALI.. '1'0 SEE tiS "I
-- -----
Way~esville Wllllt
\'0 11 1
pa:.- t he Highc>.
\ \ '0,,1. ali(I
i\\u r l\l~ 1
Pri ce
.J essc Stanley . whn has ju s t I!l'a du · ated fro m the J ,.. n ·, Auclionee ri Hg :3 'hool al Chicago . i s home alii I is rcn(~y f ll r sale (J aleil. 1L wou ld h" Wl ,1l 1.1) see· him. as he ha~ som e new i" e n'~ in ).he aut l ioncerill l-r lin e. Or ca ll him . 146 rm\ j.lIa i ph olll:!. Ne w Hu rlil1 gto n. Ohi o . .
Notice to Shet'pmen 'I.. Uno" rwood w ill uuy yo ur Woo!. See me hefore you ~" II. Phone 1f> -1 ,X
Ha rveysburg.
Agent for ALLEN
Tire~ ~
\ lill ey P ho nt! 1:l5
11 119
~~ .
Way nesvi lle ,Ohip
Gl...1AS~ 'VA ':R~' ~·
LEWIS . Automobiles ,
a l1d
,-' U g-:H 13(1wl ~.
H.q l Ja rs' Cn·t) In<: r~
0:1 (':
Pick Ie Vis it\:. live Dishes . J elly lJislt s
E". ~ :-r u
Jb ye.
Dread, PI~tes Dulter. Flutes Ron DOll Dishes Elc.
M B LER S -= =+"=====
)" ' 11
Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum will: be in. .
, Hutchr.on & Gibney '-< -
" .b. r H,,, I m nh'rlttl
\! un
r(lr f urnlshl nc u
,.1. ('
-- ._.- -
L. ('ar l wn "b l, j, l r!\ , I . E.
.,............,................. .................. *.
i i:
t lf
hlr , tl nd Mr"l . W. , lJuu . of 1\ ) tS \.Jnlt ' tn; , ;! th all JO III''::: tot:' r hflf'lro:ffn n I . ' I' " q.l't II H: : , t. l'l l VlI I d C(} t ta~ ' Ll il1 Far/n t' (ltdighJ CuJJ y . hl~::!III ~I1~I'r.~Ut!cll ,.,~I.'; / n. ·'I~ ~" " ;; 1.",. \;rllf:It:~~ :'L 'n t ~rt nl n It , ~ flu tnber of " Oll;l),.!. M- V ,. ' H l' I PI1f1 ' r4 lfllm,,~ . " it' rk 0(,.,, ', 1 1.,,1"1 J' 11l:!i 'J ~ ' l lto') 1" at oI ln 11t'r ' u nrUIY • . ~. , \ , • n.' . . n u til., "' " I' ~ ., , \.-~ . .", . 0; I I , I•• ,··.1~11l1I ..l 1,,' r. J , '. . . I ' i I w ·.; ~ . )1 1:- • ".1t l i t} ~ln rl'lH' r · " ·" lI u·r.\ il tl ~, J; l. ~l' I' ""'l' l1 l Wc", 1 1 ,,~ ...-~ . .. .. I "'I '(I' , r. 1" M"rrll ,1I!. I I" on 11.,,1 .. , .. I:J " · ,,,,~ II IIhlo,.\ Lillilln. KibjlJr Rb<?a L'II\v f'.r\~ . 1l1.1'lChL' j' rnllll, ':' , ,Hn~. • t'lj ... . \ " I) I t •.(Jr. 1110"" " II I,,, . \~ " •• I III , ,,,.,'111," "t. ,!"i'! 1 \V II ' F. tl' I 'f" . . J 'nl J li P ·M r . I [ (J ll m" u . • r,\ " I!l' l\l ll1~ . t\< ... I , f ,'.1",:." ,,,,, I.. PI· ,, ' I ,." J\I "~ . Ih . art o w , • 10 ]. tJ~ J {! t. H C U ~ D . 1 ~~ 1 . \V "'d M "- r • l u i !" ;.t 7 . HII " ,·I"~" '1 1 III 1I1l' l l' cba.- ~.' ~ l i"" " M" i srs H .. b l! r r UllI .r~ . Ill . • '_:lS ~ : J; ",-'. t.ldu,"" ·""",,,.' \', 1•• "", or .... ,·')·I· \old 0" 11' ,.1 ~ '1" 111 • _". I"u r n Malftt ,I E J :l nn·'·; Hno l\!J1l3CS 1m,,, ,,, " iI ' r I" I jI"•• '1" ,,·1 , 1",11 I.~ :.... UTI ., 1 1 1C .YJ . ... au r" . " I II · k 1'11 1' lJ r!l hn nd . ·" ml 'ul\ I,~I I"· ., _ull" "'I," "'"''' ''0 n r gHm , F rank Smear! allli Carl lJodd, 11' l' rn . 11 \ <~ lU I' "'~ Ie 1ll' 11 I ,1i.11l1t ' ''''' '',1' 1" """. l 'II, t If II •., \l i,1 I.m 'w· Alf ' I 0 J ne; an i l'J r Ray .\11!1t:! at t. ndpd lI1 ~p ,·tlO n or t il • 11\,· 1. " CO"l r e,.1 ~" I l" "II lor",1 lUlO, ,.Il l CJn(i , MI A ,,~ 0 l • 0 [; S " .. 11 ' . ' L g T u f.'~ -lay t'ho ''''rforOlOlW . " II l tI'I 'P- r l) ~4 ·H '~"i1. . ' li l,n nr.d I\l r1>. Il ull i" Hat ha w.l)" Sllll ! . . . a. a r h~ ~ lIr " IOth lallOr :H "I "' ,, 10',1 ,, 1 un' ""I"",·.•] III tho . V nl)) ).! h it! . f'DA; h , I1 \1.: t tit' :<t,·nrUI.II.,' ,:I:" ' \(I in t lao daug IIter, . Ir g ll l1!1 . -~- . _ - - - I'hl . ~ ttb ,I, ~'" " C " ..... .. ' [ ;0.; """ }Jil l Ihu
ot·1Ce to Contractors
i .....................
'- Eve'rythlng
t\LL EI M I)df:1 :.13 - ' ~7: , . H;. ; Mud,,1:;4I Model !1f'i A 107:. ( .
lewis " \'1"
$1600 Nc:x l lloor
tor 10C'
Gazette Office. ~
W Whit' W.ld tn !. ' Imll oll 1'11011
() I '
--,.... '--------------------------------------~,- ~ E TIO .GORNELL-~_NNEWIT I SOGIETY--EVENTS
: ,17
I hI 1lI.11 r13\!1 " f \1 ", L,oI I t "I III' Ii I \\ \I ~ I ~[ CO \ r\ II Ol. fl::- to ~11 l:llgl'lI, I', 1111, IIll"" ,,,I'!lII(,11 ,1 ' 11 111 \\IlL lie IILUl (j ,\ I nl!.1d ,Il lit e hl 1I1l! ful CuLIII r~ horne 1 \ 11 1.111 11 \In I lillY , I I Ll) 1\\ () () \ \ :- 'E ~IO . ',.tIl le, a t d lnllt'r ·tll101 .11 :'.11 a ll" IJ f th e bTld' ~ p,lrellts ,\I r ,ll1d ~I rs ~lf~ 'l he r('gular I n!!'elm ~ I)f t b, \\ (' I ·\ 111 ' 11 (lle 1Il1r1 f\\lllil \\ .\ \ 10 AI ( I) ntell , "f l' I'nr \\ .1\ 11(' , \ 1111 l a~t Dr Muc) Will he III ll a rl'('ytl burg T U W . I ~ hcl d 011 TlIl!-da) .I ft , r!lOOIl \ ~.It Irdal : t 1\)~1t l1u" n h" 1 I'.tlm. r I n 'xl IV!!' k at t hc M I :. l'.tr",nagt' I I lI .h all I ,J! \V l\/l l~\lII ,. P,I [1'IIIlI"g lit,' I , r\Ir ~ 1'- 1111 I "1111 11 III" "lI1),hl'r U«('I"III n II I 'pecI,d IIIlen's l .I~ Ihl.' 1'11\\'11\ i'l lc urtdt1 l " ull l, II 'n 1I,.lr- / I l'n' \': U"" '-;111101", or .\ If' \lltc Mrs Harlll n Kl·lly wa H III CIII CII - \\lllIlIlIg Side In lhe conlp,t \lell: III I fll 01 ~ Int , dln~' ", thl <lllt o) /IloLIIl! I'Ile \I ,' hll1" l \ .11101 dllllgil l" r nall Jt'rllj ,IY, I ' rt a lll l'd liv th l! 1110111" Sid" / I" II I" " ," 11l',IUlIftl ll\ gil II ", dill / ill ' IIlc(' lln g I\.h ui'l:nl d II 'III ' \\h ll ' sdk l'fl l" d. -Lillnl' ,ll'1:"U lltll Take a KIHI.lk \\llh yu ll, I-(et II ,Il 1Ill{ "J '~ u s ::':1\1111 J'll ll l Ml' I I" ~ome Uel1larl,s "'lUll' 11\ Re):lInJ It) Itldgl '~Sludlu_ l'l r~ t l'~u IJtllla> r 'ddhy ~I h 1(,011 1 I kIll I 10m \ II I'al Is ot till: l ll IJIII\ l rllll l11'" II I \1111, 1.ll' 1,.111011111, \\I\h l ~Irs \\ II \lllII Inl'll 11I1t!rI.l t '" 1' 110' ~1"ll'" It II Ull.! \ , II I" III 01 I h oIl1l1l 'r 1I1i ~.al II l ddl ~ I I ' I rol llh L LO l11'l1 ll1 l'C S Iia ll: "r(;fIY \Vd l I he I1llllul etl lI er, lI' ad ,.1101 "lit. r "In le "p"~ I,,rs .\\,Ike ' =nrl y "'c\VsllU(X'r~ I h, l: rO""1 """' I h.· I (I \111'1(11111 \ 1a ll" l " f 1 hll':.Ii.,'U 11101 ~ I r_ 1{·III.dd R I 1(' I II \\ I IP I Mr~ Cu rl S,irll~ W.IH a !.ehanlln UUSIIH'S,; d IH\lOs(dl'f I ltl' I'I' 101,' 11 1. 1,I nlh 1" IIIl. d,.1I II lI(te r th, 'e~- 11 .!llk, " '1., IL' lf _nr. , nll! ,,~ ant! CUllur~ I 111 <.: !\tfllrr c YIHltu r 1,IHl wei k MI s WU IIIU , . •lrullscd UI Il ~I,k' ra l, l , ,1111111\ II JI1Kral Ulall" 'b \\l'rl I ~t~nrl \lJhllpa tcs rill e Tim e Inter est hI' tTat 1Ilg' on .1 1,lrl(I 11I., p ~I r <UII I ,~I r ~ J ( I l ' I I II "I t' , llt "nl\l l) "" .101,01 '''"I,I,' alld " r "II~' " l Ibe C( UI SI' l/I k(l ll 1,).1 Ir d\.·l, r tllt.tllild Ilr oIlid \I I I \ \1 t I Will i'rame I ~ I ,u ~sessu r uf a fine Lll ruul-(h th · l' n,hJiIIlI '),1 :-.t.lt ' I II Ilft\ ","'ldu IIIIIJ!ll llnl l'II',"1I 111l'1 \I " f' u<hl rul ll1l111 dlll l ll~n""11 I f I .1\ ' C "l Ilack III tn""ll1lr ~fll ly. Juhll W IIl1d \lh " r, HI1,I " ~'.tl1tthfH'C"llh" ,lllln l' f ,\Il, .lI nl) ~ U/lIIl'r "l t lllol.1I 1 \1<1II"I I.tlll.1\ \l l l lllp llIllll~II' IlI, Sedan lIu pp Colf Mr, Il 0llJ.(h as eh.lI nll.", II( II" 11\ "_ " fll" \ fI,n l ' ''"' -,01 ,01 .\\ ,-;, 1",,1 Ii \ tlli ng III" (, K ...y" Ilil n "d l'll a fllflillU re Kfalll then lOok l:ha lge 1'1)" rlr~ l \ _ "I " 1"lIl " q .11 til< \1 I hun h 1\11 ' 'I f\t'd 1)11 1\ 11., 1I11111(,h,lt " -1'1\10 llililll} ~Ia l \1/ h ,I \I IUl)1 laclllry. and III .. Ie ' umns , III the Mr, alld Mrs I' J) '1.1g'I·tt ""re nll n tl.l" r Oil lhe l,rug r.11lI 1\,1' <I "'l'.t! I l iP "" I Lfl I T lI r ll l ,~ c;LI I(1 110 II (HJ 1'1 \I ' tlf I 1l' IUllCUI11f1l1l (,,,1'4 , 'h f tllIl h,' "f tlt t " ride .tlld "0 1''' 'l iI ll'1 r a n r I ll'1 r ~ 1 11I\d !) l \ l-I \~,rl I c ,n1t' t ~ I) III1t1 NL "f li lt· ~'1"url.! i ll a Itl tie Ionl k Hu l.. hy 1\1rs H Ir to ll ~ l/l n - /\ ll l"/IJ~lt till \\ l dll.!r 1\,1.01 I viol 011,,1 }"IIII:' ple' l llt ~Ir .tlld MrR 1"'11· ~lIl1d .I ' 1111111, r g ll '"h ,II th, hOlI1I<' "f Irl' r ',lIl1oJlIW 11 1111 "' ,rk II\) <tlill h !till 111m\! Ull Ihl! lul wlwre nllw ItVC" III lillY lon ~. llll rd ay lllt' I" bv 'hal ll ll hl.]C ,Iclflllll' 11,11 d Iii L It. 11 111 -' .. t".tl l .!_-. dl. I"g ,I\,' 110 \\1 I ILh. r .lllri Illol h,r of the ~ Ir .Inrl :\Ir' i!lIflflll I Irnlt ,lr l "f Ihl' oIa} ~ ' I "I II h.wc t'llm!>' ,t,'d "nl U"rllce tlntl Ad ole L! H e}~ , which Ghll.9 M I.rown, of Corll' III, W.IS I,) M r~ S L J () Il f'~ . "hlclt w." III II cit regh l lid I I Ih, 111 ' '' " 11 1 ~ ~" " IIIII ~ 1 " .. I1l , Mr ,I "'II~ ( IJlIlt'1i >-,rllnti 1(I,u tC' 4 " f the ftn "1 /l logr .II IlS (!I e r gll'f<l1 W.I~ lilt ' r extel). led on the nu rth ~ I de, ""I)oyed M I" I'lI l1 kl'Y t he ll g,l\ I' .1 ".II 'nd II, .,,'.,'" 111 11,11 !!Illt till 11,lllt, r.ftlldgl Itldrn"lhel .. ftht hn,1t I.. n !l Oll P Ii W"llI lnHIII RC flUlu lltl: tllI"y I Llnl"fI ~ II vrt h ,lilt! In IJay lull l ·n.I ,IYUI1 hU ~llI e:l.~ read Inl.(, .. I'll LI ll·nsed I )ug- " , II S 11I .. IIIlIW ' , , '"IILoII II " II,J !ltll " , rL I ~ II ~ I lIln1l'1 IIntl ' 11" (JII,,,·\ \(loi)!I' \11 ,mri ~1r~ I ,•• rg, II,IIIHfi I1l1," 'Ill" or Oh iO" >-,rC'al ,t ora LlIr~ , Sll Ulh to Ma In ~l l l!et. lind lV a~1I guod nuy y,lur l't! rltlt zc rof Cln, Frye , IIOIlK!t l ead' Wily l'hn 'lIali ( I1IZl'1 , 1 111111~ ,1I:11' 1 \ ., ',WII <·.I 1,1.le' '; II I li le Ih£' Illl dt q fl ht'l IlI Ol hL'1 unrl "I~ tl rlfllilld .urll hlv Ih t! rOllmlll l1:' IIllIlwhl'n'ulld d ehler Iheaud l (,"~ place I I) KO t o lIe,1r funny s t Orte~ ~ hlp " L ~st "n Ihe prugl.lll1 " .1' a ~r'I1\(I'tl""llolll I ll" 11111.1. !"'IlW hl' ~Ul··HaL he gu "tti a t,ill lll el 1'1 .lllk l'll llnrlll' . (1 f " f l hl.! t! ,lV ThIlR!! willi Itl\eL'l'('n .ller,,·s one. ant/ If lIol fUIlIIY. I ~ PIJ II hu hilI di e:; MII MOI1 ~ , lh e bllSl weI! ren d 'It'd r ecl t.ltlllll . ' lJfllnl~11, I, g" tl_" "' I'r~,,'n tll(l I Il' \" II , II('d d ll ,g JIt · bridal l OlilliL' hau Le lollll/ll ,~lr and Mr" I r.lnk \n f"rtlll)"t,·ltt hc,tl lI)gt lll" g'·IIL1 I·man cult ur unu I was pre:;ent when IllI lI If you want a Il'lIuLl Ferliit zer 1'.111 e llt'~::I , 'I he ' lIr ~ (: uf (J u r 'aiIOIl ,1I"dl) =(' It" OI II1 tl \(' 1'"lIltl Hllrn' lhell 1'1l'11I1!'"lal.l'fI "t,lIlriln g Illlh e d rc\\ s and ,;"n 1'11r~ 1.. l n l ,IA ll dr '\I ~ ' " h(:I,;l lne .1111 1 'II' dlluht IIt,, ~, happl:ll c, l. Dave Lallhle} h.lt! Ju ~ t by Mr~ Orahoud Mr ~ 1\,l l ulIl.!' ,III""" ,,11<111,1' IlIlIn Ihru I" len , !lUtlllllolllll' I llI' hnd"h!ll,'au alld ~lr~ 1I ,Irn 1l lllIII lllIlI .lndf lill IIltllgIJOUlllftu"II'JIl t h, t lI nY"11i l 't'UI1 mllrn l·tI anrl Wll ~ ltuYln~ hi" lur- C h.l~ I' rye . "Iwnl.! 1'1 I L .!SM I S~ I" n ~u pC' rll ll ell den l. '1,1'1.,',11, , ' I llflll Illd llrll.lllllol"hl,d )lIli nglad) 11\ ofll lw tll n 11I 1"'u ln',ltlllorato IY I' lower /IllUl e lI ullit of Sljul re Juhn Kev ~ . II) ~ ('I,nlelol l, n II .I~ tJIHlll'U hv 111 '11(,1,)1.1111 1 church tlt1 I!l r ~ nlld Will I' hecom mltlees .I Pl'nllltt!r1 h~ Ihl' Mr anti Mrs AII'1l Hallies . o f lalkt" Ilthl.' \\ Olk of th.ll d " P li l mid hud II bIg WIll{un loudet! und re 1,)c.11 l'o,H ,\rP as f"lIo,,~ flIurk .. l fhat \\111 >1 1111. whl'lI J ollll HtLy ". Xellla, VISIll'd r"lullvt·s hl.!re ~u nday m cnl a nu \.:ave an u rge nt 111\ Il.lll"') fl, V ;\(11). 111 1_ I'r h .. ""II).! '1'"IC~ I It CL: r(" l til Illl~~!'d at til t' I c rry chll rc h t o all tu It, JlrL'~elll al the Il' Xl If l., 1111 11'1,1:1. <I I l Ho!" .lll,ldl· r 11Ill'g l(lIOIll,I;; ,1 pr,,l~l'l.!rc,u ~ }vLJllg I\lr .Illd ~1rl1 Wll llp r ~ l d'llI r, I'll· It C'I,tIOIl - J [' \V .tlter Y"~'V ll lClJt no c raull" . No ." B,IY, I h·) \\11I1.(.) lO I'rlalncd SlIllr!al II I a fal1lll \ dllllllr lannl', Wiliter t>IcClure wag III I.le llbro k Ill eetrng J il l c II. II llicil \ .1 1 III r"I " r Id ~I i .1I , rlturth ,,",,: , 111 •111 "fLellll",)k I lavl'. an.1 wllid hI' I\ll~h t II" well tllk ... ""rt l l l it , 1,\ , 111 '11111 I X 1l' I"l" I hilU s, 1\l'l IIlUg-lll,l},fllIl II" 1I(" k, Th ll~e \lI)IIcnJ"\lf l lhcll.lI 1\('n. Mr ~~" I~I:~re. HI'ha r d (·rll"s . J Wtll n il prllfeMHlll nul uU HlnellB, FI l.l Wl' r MISS:UI1 IldY, Wll! lIuW tI~ lilly lIlIl ' ," lind It WIL" MlI llduy I{c\, •. ~ Cl a usel Ka, .' u 111", 1 1\'1 ' " (>I ,th'I.",' lt 1Il ,lIldl .,•• l llllhlll""" k I\hl'fl' IIH' grt llllll" J .II11es l\l\o lu r ' alldMI ,; Id .lh l',""\ put on top "f th' load an,1 carrH,'ti ," I - ('I I ran;;p()liHtl ll ll 11.1111. Z II Il r \1.1 "0\,, , t, 'Ilt'" , 1I 11. IH ~ ~l'lH" 11,1l1VI I1I.( .1 t " aUli f II I I)"llH C'feC(('1 I " f I'" II I,roll k . Mr .llld I\l rs Saml I rluml.lhartUy up Mum ~t r 'Ilt III hruad MessrK W. 8 G, .lham anu F W excelle nl ta lk on t he w'" I, f" r lI " ,If f,' I)(I'-eIlIU IIII'. >\11 01 hr~ 1I.I" t " hll\ (' I hl\ ha \l tlll'lte,III~("II).! rallll ."I U " S ~1 'l'llI rpall df.lItli ll' . II f "llll' nl lle . • •ll.(t·lt I r.llI k 1:I}, Ull, Wtll \1 1, " . ' tillY1t,,1t t Il.llllawa) wel l.! lJaytCln V I Hll<lr~ CllrnlllJ{ Cl tn lJlIlglI ,\ l r J I. 1,11 'I I ' ,Il'''''l I! fll-t~c,(k. J ohn !'elll". L I ney IIlld l'd a ( 'II' 1I'III UrJ, S 01 muci, I", 11 n. "I"," II' II" 1"1 Ln \ ' fll t' II"f " II C" L" f r)ll'l" 1s " I ,1111 "It . Uhm}! 1 Hall ll'll and 11 :l\\ k ,Dr 1~1I1 ~. Will (.lahlll11 and l'hurs day Ilite r e~t 11101'1( I Ill S 1111,· Oall As ,\11 A,I Wrtler l' II I',f I'd 'I IIf " I tI,.. (lltl ~ lI:111 1 fumil i . IIf S>Jl ln~ \,1 11 1'), i\11 "s lha~ Co rllell I'h ' IWI\' 111" 1111"' 1s I hen n '. , lI l'd d 111 '( h II I d,IHu11 1"1,,, \\a'tlll ah h L lllr,1 I Lltill'l d , II f 'I'r'"I\lOlid. 1\Ir ilel'IIr.Li lli ll i\lrs W.t!l' r r l Mr:; L) dl. l1 arvey . of th e I' rtenrl ~ U I' on 1he 1I1I.,v vil~ II ht.!.ir",' h"u ~e, H Ullle, WIlS III Ilarve) suurg Mo n lay the pi ,.ll{e ca rdll and 11!11Il' I JlJh" II I I I I alld ~1 r~ Will 11111 11 10101,, · lind r1i1l1gh as , bows tWit .t.urt t' ~ 111)(11 I I: (.i " y" "I OIC - and 'I'u, Stla y Icr MIS<! Oltv(' ~11 'l n~~ ~;r~M~! \\I;~~;11 l~'~-: I r,lnl, " ,\'fl ,:"'::'::' . He\ I II Ila r llllJ.: 1 lJ lIy SIk'C I.II I 'qU(' ~ l . I rs 1\<'111 ' .11 .' ."l d rr ",,, 1 lh, I'lIl11ellU"n "" till' I /II,lkln)C III til\' ~CO lltl :;[(I-rl ( If l.l'lI. lara LI Ic . Mr~ I:vans i\lr::; anull1e r "O llg, "Oh. J)rI 1'1111-': tlJ,, ~t' Lhlll l:'~ d," l1 eltll1t! In ~~lI U 'li ce. ''1 pd ,l\ ~. II"" 1',,1 LI)..:-Ill .. 11 1'1 1 he LOI'"I llere ,lll CI .Is.~ IIf 1111' l'a r 'y . Mrs J, T DItR . 11 ' l1rl t w MI ~~ LillII' Nedry i ~ III Le Lanon 'l'eu r>; " 1Il'IIclllu I efreshm t'n ,were ,11"y 1:11111.' any 'Ild vay . nvet)' un ll 1111:11 I'HI(:d 1I1l e! ,' lI ll1m , lit d on a fCII hrtllll:lll S unday ,'choOJI helt! thei r MQKlll'ley . MIlI~ Vantl ' rvoo r t 41/ ) We gil 011 .111 Main SLr cl!t to thl t! week, tit ' ~ U (; s l uf Mr !lnu Mrs served by t h 'hll~ lt,,". ~I I ;; ;raU ~('r of lh daJt~t' r Itj(hl~ t!.at romc t, ) r egu la r monl h ly UIl HII1 ~~ and /loclal Ills trulll ntal mu . lc - B. ' ([ow(,11 Le wl~ M. rrl ~. _ and a !!SIHtant;; 'l'yl 1'. Oil I Ill' 11 .. 1 t h we"U'IIr/l 'r \I> lin I'v ' ry : nd " ,,,It,,ul. 1l1C'('llll~ :It th e hurnc, of Amo~ M n Voclil musl - 1) L. ' rane Th · IIl1llJn J'lI1i ti 1Il "1IlI,[lng II 'h.ur fllllllrv. 1 , I bv L;p(,rj(' (d lh 1 \ hH'h uf prH~n,ln1 In th f~ Sun --df'nhall nnll Wife laf\t FruJay v nUllt .'land al'" ·caL~ A tvluf11l C M M IHS Mur tha 0 "1111 HI)Ull t Lhe •' Il le>l t Bt! I he 'J'I ' that 1{lndl<," lind t-IIII . whll. III Ihl' II' CW, r.lI! Ih u SI.lr tllty ~"h"I,1 I:' II I I'~ . Hu pul<c of AI am <'I ill I< o f tlw ,'chou I Hoa rd 17 III ' mlw rll r ~pondC'tI to r oil cdll I 'ol:"t~er, Henry VUIlII 'rv~)o rt . 1·:llIl'r Ma ll l<vUlt! fr. I I \\'lIyn eHvllll.! Itl W uk Ilnci wllh 1t ~!I Marianna Allen t h • meeting cl()~,'d With I h ' \\ C lh . •ul\'alll 1,[' hal tI \llU~ral11 made \v 'r' tll'CS'TI[ Aft r Ho"" r~, U llllle r 'ar <'y, of ' M() 'IJnn~b ll ro n, I:WCI' 'nln g'. IhefoilowlW' t~,I C It und 5 vi Rlt')rs ' '1' U_ benl:dl clion Frankllll. lind I ' 1 ,oj hl ~ tII! IHI II·. an,1 oUI tl' III • I. ,,,, P Iw:;t! o [ t h (> UI,... th c t ranRllctioll of thc cl.I"" hU"llll'SS Master Ilf 'er!!lll"llIes-J () CnrlI I I I I I ' rll wei . cllIplnyeu fill' the COllllllR' "" ~ Th .. re "' IIS.1 g ood .1tll'mi.IIlCl' II It h ,'anll'd - NII, I II" ,'1'1111) I1I1Ylh11l1{ , " '~ (' IIl" '· "~" n " u\.:)t 1,1 II' \I.!,]r the host all u ho~ te ilil s'r ved dlllnly w n ~ltt Lebanon IS nJ OV lll~ II ClrClIS L oday. <event! \ ISllors prCH e li1 Ulll lI llg thc ltI bUI .lIle" III llltl ll" lit! mUIII! L.II) ~ I I h .. t1>-' 1\ I u ( J, fo n Ih . 11I1It.! f'" tit,· WhI C ll~, vc ry II ll;h sdHlIJ 1 -Will, pn el.(l e . RlIl)er rp fi eshlll en ~ foll o\\l1l1Y .. ... The COm lll1tt ~ , III cha r"e of Lilt' mllll o, l ' XCtll't Ofll I.. uer, ha nd ed IlIi' anu 8everal of o ur CI II 1.NI ~ are th c re !'I1r:; Roll. of !Javt on. 1\11 " (J,u hnlld ' I: II II , I t" /'''1111 11 ' Ill' II I' I l'ICI ) IJol r IIl ll'llI I ent. l\1abe l ll adlc\" hlKh Rchool plen.-an t soc ml ~CH~IOIl was heltl. at IJr'lorram HlIuml Ihe I) r"ll"rnrn n~ rll f IJdm Ille. IIltnOIR ,mrl 1\11 " S L. .. ( II) ,. I,f('):ram "U !! It iJy II Ml'/w,,1 lIIanli .11'"Ij{ the ruu te taking 111 the cIrc us. 1 t 0 I1t Ill llll lt( I which r ea,ltn<Ts. recllat l on~ nIl " 'nll. h " tcacill' r. prtl)cl pal t o be (' It'cleu ... .. U f" lI llws J (l n e~ . llf LII ,'lIl1lUll lIl.lt I l' lIr nl·d. Wllh II f" IHlU- .,f !(rIlV" I III -u I') I ,' l I(" _I ,n ro r II11" I.11 I I I /. vers,ltwn OtClI lll d th e lilll(' to the L~ t I.! - 'ltzah<:t 1 ";h,mdle r . lInn li on A I' ~a ndl es of Colunaili b - - - - I_IIC,I 0 I :Jppn't:1 I lun · f IV Ilut rr'l!IjJ" lIs ILllny. und dOJl lvered tu p"~' !lcv .1 F Cartl\:lllnd c r enjoym ent of all p rcsent Pray r "l! .In: UIOIIIJ-t In thl' S IlIlhl) s~hllol. '11'.11. r.lanc Shut~ . m(erlllellllllc ,Uaij!t' I, .IIIhll M Huddt'n, at 111M HtOr.· "lit mnk e thL! Me lllllnul Ihiy addrl'~s MU SIC hy t he HanrJ II, ~" l'n ll'oI I., tltl1lk th.l l . I ' ry ' ch,)(,1 ll az'l Mulle n, prImary w lieru ll') W stands the NallOln.11 Il.1IIk Sci rl Read lllg MI';l Barton I\ cllv \ .lI ld t"" , h"r llt""vltl Lhl) \\ e r • tJ " " 11{ C; ratl' Tcache r,. Wayncs\ IlI e - An The /i1 ..1i of th e Mi a mi vl91LOrlilIJn13 oit /<'r8nk lm. May :.I I. J'vl U, IC. (/lI.lrlet Illl'll luty Whlll Ih,'" " "nt to th' na Vllndervoor t. 7th and Rth I{rades In th" earl\! flftJes, ha\e tin ad, lhat !\oJd ress _ MI ~ Luulsa S lokes was the gues l V I ) Woocl ma n ... •· ~c h"ul ~tLl,jILd the .,·,:1111: 111 a h'l\I M,lriU ~to u t. Gth and 6th g rad es, I wrOle fflr J ltoll l'~ &. S,m. v. hen 1\1 U"l r . (luartet IJf Mr. 1I1L.1 MI ~ Cla renco Dunham h.I/.,1 of ".1 ,111.1 Ih. I II('nl If> Ihelr Lilid Il cn hdm . ~ rd and 4th g r.tdes . they ~Illu g rllCl' rtt·S and dry glll.ld". uf Leuan ulL . IlL-it week Tattol) uy til 13tlKler hom es ag.lll' lIlLh Lv I~" l " S unday- Hell rt elta Mc Kmsey . h.t and 2nd whl!re ZlIl1lllerrnllU 's .tore I ~ . ancl M U~I~ bv Ha nd ,,('h,If.1 th ' f" lh", Il1 g Sund,IY g r ad ~ ran lhls WilY • If ~ou W.llIl lu buy l~ lI g e r Buell. of l!raMonl C ro~ III~. Ou r ~c h lw l Will cl ose Oil 1·'r ll l::JY A~~e l11lt ly - \ ule run8 IIIUI eh to th ' _I l 'nlh1' ., t".II'I'I, ( It\1, th e \ .liu(' Hll r.ll - ~'u~arGro ve. Elea no rl :.lrnlilly "fI/lll~ lIl\~ full JIl ~ l ~1\lI!J Jtc'j.(e l ' OhIO. wa.q lhe )(u esl uf frtend~ he re I rtfll1UlTlen l Th" Int own er s n f l\1tam l Cl'tll<!1l! n ,I f Ih,' ~I>Il IIll II 1IIIIIe' of , l e,LJ ~ hUI-l , pring Br.1ll~ h Eva Mllrphy \\ Ith II good flld (ns hIOlll·d Iltnn c r Ilc, ldlll J;. Lmcul " (;etl ·ysbu rJ.: SPI'I cit & ~1I11 a ca ll. allll lhey Will I ry .Illt! Mondav Ilnt.! 'l'ut!I\{I.IY W M Tf'r ry unrl \\lfl' end Mrs, t\ !I.~oc lat IOn II II! lllk I' tlOllll' t h . lh I h.lst I It l rl! :.II l' loo IlI l11y t£'.lcht.1t 11 11111' Mar y Dalls . lIarmony ple!l!ie yuu 1111 rh l!Y have ~OI m' COlllr.vit' Whiteman Aile I: Tl' rry op ' nt Satllrll.lY ~ hop annn al lI1et'llllg wllIlll·lwl l 1' 1 l bt J!IIIlJ H. MOlli e rldl, w m,· rare all ~, ' MU<le . tiual tel Or Dill, O ~ l eo nalh, al r(,:'I lIl ence chapel on MOllday. June 7. 1'11" al l I ' \\11Il •.,e l Ui' \I t I" ~' " 1I11 Ll u"h Urctle, lk ulah Clltln LO I~ '11 Il til P lllg' 111 D,1I tun till I. '~U I " In • 1',11' Ie, .., manne r. Alma \\ u <; rh ollHl' leclt~1 '" Ilh th e choll:esl cure :)OIlW of I. 'I " e Ll·rHoll. M,lIn ~l, l'u 's A DII >:" by th e B,II1r1 wh lip te ll httl ,' I wo 0 ' cl ot:k II III fll r the .. leC lI l.ln n f It: \ (' a ;:rl ~\L ril! u l t r II lh ) .. chul ..lr to I I·'ru nlt Wll sOIl . or Han eysL urg- 0- - .. - - tilt!y warranl lu wellr IIU t. teur ou t. day and I· rld .ll' mornltlgs . )til Is ~t-t'~\\~ th,. l1"wI!N- ru H tel", a S t lcta rv Ire.I Ul t'r two t II .I!; he re un SalurJll) Illhlgllle. un.! I h, n 1lC.'1 r thin k ,)f rtP or I avel Ollt. or eve r nec,l WIIHh Tap h~ Bug lf'r and ~ tl c h olll'r bU 9 ln C a mav pr.)p- lll!' ~I hot la" ur I, " . 111 ,I~all\ , f ,r 'el llliC All wool anti a yard Wide. wuve C V 1I ,lrn ess haH hUlll ,I III:! " B~ n ·dl c l lo n Htv A 1\ Sa lgclI t MISS J ennIe Cook , of Lebanon, t! rl y COIll C hcfor I he m eNIII!! lorty feel uncler wa l'r (Inu heat til' s jJl'nL several d ,IY~ 1,l8t week \\ Ith tll1 ~ l UI l h. '-IIlrl u ,ll IItI\\ I : ., thal HII IO sheri The fI,l\\er CO lllllllttl:C li re vc ry .J U a rt wnght. Clcrl< wltha chunk. hut we se ll Ihem II" h ~ r mother, Mrs ue'o k _1'l1ll ,Ir rl' l! ,d 1>" t IH·lr \:1' 1'\ ri m MIRS Lola Lllma r , u f "Jlrrl1~ f1 'iri . ,1I1XlO U ~ .0 IIII\' U ~ IlI lllly (I' ""'r", as lhe h tur lhc'v II ~Ir Go dH for salc, IIf" I ~ VISltlllg h er cousIn . MI" I 'va 1 :1I1~ th ey can H'l' t thl:; year '11\()sc h,,\I'ollllr uale, 011 01 quar t.e r, yard 0 1oj '1'111' l atiull' "f 1I" " IIl ).." thl' ,'u nBlhl c 21 . 1!!1 i Wm " e r ~e v Ilnd II'lfe ,tnd W II IIlK f1 owl'rs I .. ,<nd IV IIIl'lther br m ~ Mr and Mrs, Eci Lane, of Le unn llll, nllll, I!I' ' ry dy e WIll yuu buy. Iwn e h\'-" It nll ltl) till! :ntl '~11 II' ~puk Electrical Storm Nor lon an d \1 li e . o f {Jrcgolllll, passed lilelTl tn the 'l uWI'Hhl l' Il olI~e lI r let CIIIl Ii4!I1 IH cheap lIS I Tare ami trel. w re the gu ests of Mr, and Mrs "f .lIl ult" \I hu, I ~ ,,(J'ln as tht! I ('~ I,ns through her£' on Salurc1ll v afl .. rnoo n I he cornrnll ll'l' knn\l wlH're they C.UI gros~ ami nlll, box HTlt I h Ul:sheDII. Chos J ohns, of [.ytle,. unday. III Ihe Ii h·)" : .. Id I" 'II ~,m e th l Ullg'h Ii ,)\) ~ II nl( IIntll SlI nday l' C Cleave r IS lIltW ha pPil y 10 g'l th cllI Thl ~ \ I~ IIII () ,, ~S '' '' It .. ,1 1,1 .111 " lIlt 11 111110'''\:11 .. 1) Ill!fl f"l hume to dry or Will. cvory gllldtJ, "1\lIleHal l.!, c.lled In hiS lit'\\' gro ' ry Itt (Irl'gl)nta lo dnIlOUI1(" l h · f.1t t . hu t I· t them Mr .James Zell anrl dllu ghle r. of e lec trl c,11 ~ tllim ~ ttllrd . l \ l1I~ hl '1'. 1111 Iltl' lI " l "I ti l d.1\ If) Ih 'l r r e tail. ca-.. h or tralle " Yellow Springs, s pe nl Sunday tit I he about H );](I ",Ind , th II IV ,l~' 'Ill.1 1 11"1111' Ill' - II! flO ' til, -a l,e "I Geo 1,1'\\ IS. of IW,lr Sligo s pent kil o II' III ad Vill'I 0 Ih l ~1\Jr lTl I, r"h' hLlIII 111.1, II II"k th" "ti ' llol 10 (It I' s, \ l' r<ti d.l) H LI st \1 p , It WII h I h, ' home of I'll r Bnd Mrs Frank Zell to a .Jul y ~lll rl1l 0011, Ihc Hcavy\\ciJ:ht "Ith hall.a( 11:1 wn l d t ll l n111J! Inl ra lll ,IHII Lh 1\ 1101 n\,I~" II I( ,rlt"I "1 " tll(' \ ~ 1\IIII I: r HI If! N L RUl1nc/I anti ~u n. !le rsch,·I. Th ' re \VII S '1J 1l , lcJcrHul erll Ilid 111 ,) •• t l1l1t tf ,t..' dldlt r h 1!f1l 'haR Fil lS .Hlol f 1111II y I)f nl'a r Now as I was mure o r l"s~ llltlI hp 'l1 gll11' ., f l h, :--1I 111 11 1 -', !t1l.;1 H,m m,lI11 1I1c1wrY\lll l· . spL' nt Sll lId al' \\lt h lllately lIc<luallltt.;d wllh all the o wn- of Lli banun, were calleu to 111I..h.\I1a grE'at r1 e. t1 o f t:\ l' t lrlCl! v ( 'ha~ 1l ,lgCI1 I) l'r nnd falndy e rR anti puhllshers fl f The Mlallli VIH- last week on account oC th e dcath uf .It th e II 1\ c r hou He \V ,U; lllrll e,] oil l'el 8onH ' \ ell t he I, ,I' Iwr~ thelli untrillfi e r Ilt l' : ~lnrl1l 1'hel t' I\en~ " ", s. do 11,,1 II I n 1-:1\ lhe e lttlr~ h II ltor, down 10 the pr e~e lot Miami Ca a relatlvl'. Wond rol\ W,lrI lc r W ~ I Tern "e\'er.t! slrtlk <:~ o f liA"h t lllllg Iha l ,IIII!" l tft"tlJ.!!ll III , ,lrl d:c ~~ \l tI ~ Irs zette- I<:lIlott. J W Henley . J W h f<. Th o l11,, ~nll. Vl' r no n Ilc.llhc ry stru c" ci o,e l o loll' lI :d enll lelll·. l lll\\lIh fit! 1IIIIIn Mr, and Mrs , Mycr !lyman 'llld Roberll4, Rob 'rls and .1 1', 'I'liett. <lge . W II I'crr y an d l, cO Warne r - H 1'1 '~IIII'"1 l{II' 'lIl l h'/I ,IIl11fl1lllCed Collette. Swcet & Kingd on. Sand~ & daughte r, IIIItI M r IInri Mr were III Orel;olllll !:lun da> IlIorrll ng ! Jl ~ lll JlHllJll p , \\ hit ' 1 \\ t'r • tl~ f<-Ii Kmgdon. Sancis & 'wl!t'L, J I1rew Bentl ey were llatn1l1UI1. UhlO, \'1:>1W T ,Jonla n lind \II fl' " U 111111 " n ' d I,,\\ ~ \: ' '''l1l1l1l1lg \ "m'"llt e ~ II ,; SweeL• .] hllll J Ilwwn, Marne Brown llln! ,'ullllllY_ - - --I Might HIl"C Been Bad t o Dnytoll 11 11(' dll Y lasl T \ .. " 111., '1. \I' \\ \\ .' Ie h .11It! ~c c and another "r"IIt'r,"beKldcHIt 'ornl'H c'llI n t o f the ~ t' rt OIl ~ Illn c ,~ II f Mrs. IV h. S t, 1,1t \!!l " II th~ 1)" dd. l·,1I1l I\ II'( ~'" l l h Le h.1fI1l11 your lurn now to !ltalld Lhe offic,' S S John Hon, revresentlll~ Ih e J oroan 's ~ I S I (' 1. Mr ~ ~ Itld (,IC,IVC ' I What 111Igh t haw been II ha.1 III, up I" liw lll lll ul 20 III /I "oll th Lowel on e nd ami 10 I1stl!ll 10 my clat - Doud!! Marhle Work\!. I)f Xell III , was II L Count the Birds Mrs h I. 'J h" m po(l11 ('nle r Llllll'tI L l'l,aIlUI1 I .1l1l O 10 IU,, " til the gllUI d!> tcr 111 lown ThurHduy, ami IIInde thlll Mon'!.IY nooll. h,IIJ It 11 0 l I (','n " " on Stll1 d~ y IIfterliolln Ih t! 10110 \\ Ing a~ til, I thl)lI g hl 10 give IJ Il"d ~ cllvcred nn,1 prump Li y .Ill,'n dl'! t". Ou you rt'lI'l'miJer the tIme the otHcc a plea':lllnt call, Il.l t hu ~u ~s l " MI R~e:j 1'.1111118 l ellll V, d.1 .1 d l ul,( ) l n ~ . for th e) h.ld ,I pilche r WII~ OCC:lSlOl1"r1 by the g-,I oll ne he.ll "/lice WIL~ belli\.: muv ed tv "Old \\ , l \ • :i~ h.111 1.1 n Ul 1:11", Loin LUl11.tr. ~lal )('1 I r(JIII t 111\ 11l'la ll .1nt! a c.ltch ' I' Cuml Brun,1 11 m n. "11 11.1 lIre\\!. antI till t·,T o alll lln, (· whll nil' \I tl llllg 10 t l Y J'e r ry and I :,t eJ 11.11; 'm YCI Mr. and Mrs. C, M, ItObit1.CT nnd er III SllTI th's baruer ~ h " p Whlll LI"VI5 I' he IJotiti s teal11 ~ IITIJI" \ l llfo ld o lhers were stuck lit the foot of the clAughter. lind Mr, IIno Mr~, 1{"II\lh M r S mith lefl th e -ho p I" g"1I tll ( ) 11 !'I . I ~ { - I{, I' !lOll I Ii . I rt I.e In til , k • a l'lIl1nt of th ' V:IIItIU H I l lIIrI ~ The J ord .11l iJO) " have a 11 '1\ Uver plllyo<1 wllh l lt c pitche r , and IIII' ~talr8 With tht! bcd-plllte ,.I f lhe 01<' Miller and c1l1ulChle r HIlt'lIl !:iuntlay ,hnrH' r th" Iw,lte r \\;1" .11 1 rt )!ln I'ut M,,, ,, I\ ,," I ~ I , "tlllllll ,lIl IIf I lIrl1 ~ on tht' fa l m. th Btl.l ol{ l(·1I1 III a _hor t 111ll1' Il hla zl,d "l' .tIl, ] lund scor ' IlI llr hl JLI ~ t a s castiy hll \ c heen Frankhn pr e~, lind I came alollg' 11J1 wIth (til.!llds III Sprl ng'horu. 1111111 111 0111 III ~O,1I ~1I11"1I I" ( l'~~c d Su n I·Y . II S ll" part llll nl of !\~n scordlt"r1lh e lVo,,, l "" r k C,II 111« , t,lIl.! A S Allcn .\:. l' \ 11,lIl1e"s 1\ ' 1\ 10 Il lst cad of :!U hu t I he boy s got the street and Drew a~Kctl me tll:tS "uILuI P, W.I, l.tn!!lo n. J) C. \\111 A tel p h" n,' call HIIO II hroll g hl hlll1 IPHII 1 ' 011' '101'11 IIr ,,1 o( falt c lIlll ~ th eir ball1l1~ avc r 81817 .. All rlg'hl. " RUld I. . Now you "' lid IIls t rll ' linn for (he \l ork Hnd 1'0f(1 ~ hal eno l a rrtl'l'd ye l Mr. and MrR Byron Harl suck lind I II I hl' shop wil li h \\ ,b filII "f Sm,)i-l'. fellowl! holt! It liP 'ti ll Il{llt und er It hl.lnks 0 11 Idll (' 11 10 mallc.1 rcpll rt M I s~es r:va 1'1I1~ a III I r-il la L.IIlHlr U~C£l alld playe,1 -'horRc" wllh lh em lu cstl av Allcrnno n and then oul of the way 111,d awn\ rlaughter, MI ~~ Justrna, uf N ' wporl , .l11tl (h e fir,' w.\ ~ !>1I1 oul T" h llllill v e r ~ th lH \I li d, 1\111 he IIf llt,L 'nder! the loaptl , ll1 g I,el ow W ,11 - Two and thl e \) ag'g I S and home flum the olrl rlck etv ~talrw flY . l e~lll Ky. \\ e re thl.! guest.,q of Mrs Mailida I Ull ~ we r HO 1'1 >llliful t he scn le r ('S PClI.t! llllN( sl .I nd to th e bllY s Ilnd llIan 1) 11 Satu n !'l) afll: llHlQ n breakduwll and you IC~I hurt" I HUilier aml daughter, ~unr!ay, '\ 11, r II h.l lf hOl 11l lI f ""I)" HI r VII'e girls 1111111 1I(,1I 111<):;t Iwtll l.fll i al1d SorllC uf otlr f.lrm e rs MI' ha li ng ( uul il nut kel;p I' ount of llwm all Slngl ,'s wer o not ke pt acco un t (,r .It cnrrtl.'C1 Ihlll uI'li-plllte, tllII\Q$:llritell Will Vote on Dissolution Llll' dl \Oll I ,,,I ,Xcl thl':l I\(' r e r,m Il ~ " fll l r" cr e,lllllll Illlll .. tln IH7 of tl) p l.lnl tht' lr corn over .Igal n liP lh"t fll~ht 0 1 tw"lIty two Sle ll" Sam uel Butterworth ant.! WIfe IIntl du cll'd h} I{(; \ II II I/ It':1 of (:; 1rI,,11: Ihe l ' S Depar lmen t o f '\ g' rl cilltlin a ll aft ' r the Heconu Illn tn~ rs K I': Th O l1lp ~on ('nl cr la IllP<i nncl hcld Illlil you .111 call1l.! 1111 lind Owen Burnel :Lnd \IIlf' alld I\hlHt CI 1\'1, . I·ltd'l· l llr tl~' "" "k" 111\ I" fl ce a nd t (' l1 ~ all .1hollllJlld 't'll SUS 0 11 !II~atllrday eV t' lIIllg t ill MI ~'e~ Lola rel eased me And lh.lt w I'; Hom, \ rtl herl Fry!' Mllen t Sunday III Nor Thl' Cu, II III S pe (' I II SI It.), 01 11181rt' I II< 1,,1 II , M l "Ild 11 .1Ilt! .. IIll d t (lld I a rnllr, of Sprlll gl lcid. IIlId 1;\ I 1 ; l h ~ c.lrry - sal"IOwelghh .. IIYI'!!nt.(~llIll" wOlld . theglll'~18 11r Wlnttler Humel "I II Ink, a""I('S.t111" la \ Mil\, l fith h~1 hl!II Il!r~ h lJ \\ nl'Cl-" .. Ir; IlWII" ln of I hi S pl'l!:!! I,) « ',' " h' Ihc r thl' \ "III d,,~. ,h e 1111 1 ~, tC h til l . u nd. l) ~l h ",,1 ,d ,,1 .1I ~ ltl XIHI "uunc1~ If YUlI Wil l look III the .ll1d Ilimily Will lrtllam 111111 f<lIntlv 'If twa r hl':!1 !fISUP of Ihe plplr ffl,m titul ' Ill I.d oI'slrul ,tl ll i ~1 '1lI" Illi n Ih' fll , L klll"l Itt IllSll \'P~ .lntl alHO Lv I JIckorYl'llI c and 1': lvtll FI res and }<'fll ~'l:\l e -!!~('('oltd hand Call1 f' r.I ' -N .1\ f1l ' l'IIWlbhl p ~Ih .. nl Ih .... tllcl 1,\lIlW Ih"11 leach · r , I hl H Illtl u t h · Iffi<'e,Yllll WIIIHl!I'lha l Df'lV H'WI 111'.1 ve n beaulI(ul ' pul1 • i.,"I1I1 a:l lI e w, I No !! Pl e llill 1'1111 1 .Ig'<llll lite fi r, 1 \('S",,11 t ,) t lt( IW~ 1l1n e r . ,lilt! f.lIIlll v 'If nrar W.\Vn c \ ti ll' hl'('n l ~ lIl1t1tl\ Wi t h h arl I h .1Iherngl' .mil Tit, lall'J"t'l "';I .ll1H.aclm·l. "I li" , PJlck .l<1x5Sl'n l'cal'late wlth 1dllU I lll"'~:ln " tl"lwlt Ih e cll:;llll t t- If t('rt llL' dllid h,l grt'\\n lomlll C Ial lllly , bv I lie l1'lIlle of ' I h"lli I" .md In 1',,' 11 ble pl,lle hol11crtl Cheal). 1f ~"I" read I Hil t! \\ 1111 Ill! to I :t1,e I h b :ll 'I' 111.11 II r ' ,Ig ~ I h, ) \I til then UPI\I eCla t ' 1{luj!c StUtilu 1IIr1 II 1 ~ no " til' t f' Ih e 1'01('r u III I h~ th L kn,ml cdgl: c,f knll\'llI~ "h y lhe) whcn al the a~{I' of 17. "f\Cd III th. stum 1'1 NI Hoi " ~(\ 11 " f I)'l/!'l/1IH . 1'.ls:lcd 1111 "h,,1' III lIupkllls & CIl' pIIl7f,t) ,h~tIH I t" d el 1.1 .. l ite 1l1.llllr 1{1I (0) tlw ~dl ", , 1 Sh e ~p"k' of the tllloliKh h e re on S' lI loi ny \ I lllll ~ The King s Mil ls I'o\\d cr '0, II few JJIIII",I:! oC 1111 111 bmw>! ,I"I! Itogen. Mr. Ilnd MrR W " Allen and _. _ . _ _ _ b. III I, lS fe~" lvld II Ulll tillS "ystem. , J Munr. of n ~al 11 a l\" , ~ l ll lrg . \V el.!k ~ <11.(0 look 0 11 a l.ll ge fore ll!1I \ ' I,d me into lhal fellt,lInd now thnl M, anti Mr~ e V, Barnhart lind Imt! thllt t he \\h ole R\'~ t(,ft1 I 1<\~ heen \\ as here on Sunday. Whll:illllrillY, May ..!lrd. Su nllny _ .r 1'11\ III it, Bod t)l!rhal'" C,III Ilrnl''' hy Miss Emlllll 11l'lghway aU ende.! 111< l'tlllUact f\l t (lriC o f lh e C U lJn t rl e~ now P • ~~ ,,_ • AClsocaa • t'10 n (h.l lI~ed Sillc e a (e ll ~' C In; .1)tO tihe S hool .llHI Bi b'" C; li'I !t~ .It !) :10 II m, He" J ohn Wtnn fr olll nbo l'e Cle\ c - en ~.I).! e u tn W ll r~,11 C III I ~ uro pc SIIIC " .. Ii J r. I.lppmcull thl~ IIICldl nl that ,llIIual nwetlnl(' o! Ihc Woman's .1I- I. (li tl eh \' d lIplln rl >: II I I111 I)1l H antI ge rm fl n and holv c. 1Il11l1l11Hlllllt 10 :10 preached til a Inrtze uno ntt en lalld. \ ~ tol>k plllce al thl' lIme hll,,:ll':l A I': Auxillarv of th e ~outh e rll OhiO Ih o I Ill' nll'I1U I! v o f lhe sc holar The pu ultc Itwl-led t n t It ,~ , ;;e rvlces t1 VC audi ence at Jo' W II church (h ,IL tllnc. howeve r, th e re have U'cn ~ev ' I al ;;U"PI 'lOllS char<lclll r::; arounu j lIerrltt. and A D 1{IIIll'rlH IouIl1 c.'lIe or th.! EpI ~ t:ol)al Church at 'I'hl' W,I\'n t:'! T( ' \\n ~ln" Prol,'tll \(' ;\11 " Harl on Ii: 'lly sling ve ry he re on SUlld.lY mor nmJ; 'l'h o~e th e 111 t1 b . ,Uld Lhe company. 111 \Ir<itl l' \ I lite hume of EVIIII ChclIlIwl'lh Jusl Chris tchurch. ClIlclnlluli, I'hllr!'lday & Ut! lecl lli ' A""I ',I.lll oll 11 111 Ill '<'t Ul .IU ll full \ L{) lf l U· Me rclfIlL" IIC' \\h l! dldn l gocllO ~ o anti h('ar hlll1 lr1 tn Hllf,>~uaru lh elr \lrupc,ly anLi In W, hnrl lit.· III r t.'g ul.lr SC"HII III at t l\(' I'IlI\ n ~hlp (," HIP,ITIl ':" h~ ,II "'~ !{uth IIl1r l30t;k Iwyond Crul:ll;wwk the IlIl1rl1lng W nl III the ovcmng . t ere" t~ , h,lve pl aced the tow n und r I WIll ,llfcr a Int M h Ol1!'1ehnltl ~ond s Houl«l Salu rd uv. M.lv !:.! <I t 2 o· 101 k H. \ J)a l lllll! I h 'II ~l1ok to 1I1t1l: frllmlllJ!' nil dOlle , an rl we1 e ai'l-~l'l11 I ut wer t· ~adly dl ~!lI} pUln~Ed !I.'\ he martr ,ll I W Uu.lrds .lrmed II Il h 11l1nl(' the lImbers of Ihl' flam e, lind for sale, at the pubhc sale of Mrs All tn el11lt 'r~ - ar ' -rt'qu t!~t tI t o b lela.: l h 1111 Th" 'I i=ache r o f the ullin't preach III th ' CVClltng It \\ III W IIIc!t illl le r~ p,\trol lhe pi operly, al! A I~ was bossing Th" tlmht! rl1 A rnolr!. lH'x L :)lIturday Said good Ilre~C'nl, ,I~ t h(lrc lire ~~ v('l'1l1 I hltll~-' I lIlI(' \ .111 utl d r,'S:! l hat eve u o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ · ____ e be rClllc I1l1)'rel\ thnt II wus thruli gh t rnlll ~ fire 'Iu c ftlIJy w!ltch d. and were IICIII Leroo alslIml11t ttl .J 1l1 ~LllTlec un~IHtl ng or ~ f 'uthpr bt'd~, lwrl (j f 1n1\J;) rtanl" l l d )e hrollg'hl 1.(0[ .'re I 'at'h ' I' flll.! P"I 0 II pre sent very his r eVival lind H'oocl ChrlSlHtn IIlflu any l-ltr,lllgers are :lHked tn make the from the founllallon ~'uur of II" clothe!', I hed -room SUite, a lut of the cl.l l1lpnny F S 8 1h n. Pl'es 11I\l ~h (,lIJ llyd H e ~ we S I' ral cnce Ihat 0 many were convertcd !lex LLa wn ,lS soon as thoy are through IIt;Irled, · lIn.1 ~;v [tuhertM callctl to sowed carpet rallll, etc etc .J. C. lIaw k",. S C'I exc.'II"IIL ,, ' amplas o f Ih resullR o! hcrp. a I cw ycars ngo L A Zirnm rman IS in With their b U8tn lJ,QS In K Ill,~ MIII ~ hllve two rn,)re men Ment. a~ fnur Mary K Ga rd _ • _ _ _ _ good tt·.lch '1 $ a nd the u neliLs they natl tOllay, There have bcen SOY 'ml atte mp t.'! worc not t:nllugh to cllrry the cnrn"r dl' l i\'ed (10m their work to blow up Eas tern powcler mill!! PORts I got ~nder llne.and car.rI~J Mel'Sr:!. J 0 Cartwright, C M Til' (on vell llon IS lhe largest 111 M r , and Mrs I<~ rn ry Itoss anti Primary Election August 10 who had contract s for tnllnufactllr: It to where Il ""lUI wanted, nnd was Robitlcr, Barton Kl'lly. A, Maffil. Card of Thanks 1h . In tnr~ of lit( n.q;tll;lIItlOlI, unu y when .,..m Illg pll\vut'r lind expl OSIve for the , ,,_. I ' h F. '(', Ca rey, C J, ~he Lilli e:! .)e lhe tr'Wtr are dUlllg baby . of "'tl<1d l 'tflWII. 1I1lent Saturd.lY ICrQII t f un WI tlI L' I'~ • Smit. IIIIVlOg Alhes. and the Kln~1:I l\ltlls ompnn)' and S unuay WIth th'lr parents Mr, h0a t . the "ral~ H'IfUlV, L , A Z' C H -"..PI II IIp HIIW k e, W WIl~ ~lmmermaD.,. It heir be"k L• •Lnd thnt' h I exccl!dlllgl) t l Ju . , PIC 'k ".ocI UII a m ale 10 the P(l~t H ar"""". 'ft~Ak F ran k J Olll'!!..LI A C01" The primary electIOn Will thll'lycer deCided lhey woultl Lake no c hancC::l lng, ~ In acknol"lec\g-efllt'nt of thc· prac. III '. 1I1 ' !' '1)ln ~ 11\1. elr rt!t 1\ lullS anu Mrs 0 1mt Rna:; and Calntly. The mtll!1 ure \V(1rklllJ:{ day an,i ] had carn ~I, and called to n e to nell. Rav MIlls and f) L Crlme at, tical Cht'lstl!l1l ~"Jr1L II f llll r friend s fill husplt<,h ty be held on Augulit 10, at which t Im e climb on" One end of the JIO~thwas tended a communication of Xenta anti neij{nhllr~ wh" ~ .. kmdlv Ciltne m A filII nne! rom pll'tE' rel'nrt oC toMr and Mrs E J McPherson and J bllth Democral.llllnd ]{epublicans WIll m g ht to geL out --their orde~, the hlA" bllLqting departmenl hCIllJ,t ell/ Nt'll on the groullli , and I wllI~~.U'1 W crol lodge (t'rIlII;'Y evening. The bo}s ami planted 'our C ;,rtl fo r u~. aim day,; ( Wc-dnl',Lla)') pr()Cel!lltnlls will liltle dllugh ter Lllhan, of Portland, . select their canuldates for the ticket and the work men transferred to Orllg,m anu ('laude, Eurat anti for the fall election, All candidatell It .balanced, ,a!,d away I hlhp walked t~a~ a line lime ant! plenty to Qat the neillhbor b lh e:l (<lr lr e a.~51~(allce /l1'1'~.1l ne~t wt'('k d StIllwater Lodlle, of Payton, con· rendered in the hUU;ll!. y,e y, ish to Grac(' 'toke!l. of Dayton, llpent Sun· must have petitions flied sixty days thli other plan t, wtth ~.add~tlO.nal lHO pounds, ~~.. a day with Mr anI I Mrs. Otto Lewis. before the "rimary election. which !laid: I dIdo t have half a loau. terred the M. M. degree on onl' of extend our heartfelt thank:!. Chas Jf1ll11!1 and oUter relalive&. will be on June 10, ~ColltiDuecl DeJ(t week.). the candtdat.. Jacob Strouse and wife couille day»18IIt
or \ 0\, 1\1"
II I rAM) (;1 '1ZI : I\~
-- - -
. , M~. Will \NhJt~ visited relatives MItIS Emma Ht'I"hway was · he in Dayton Tupsday gUllllt ot H· un frs', Clld\Vallndet: · . at dinner' Ftiday . Mr. lid Mrs. \Valler Cbandler. ! '.. Dl\.Yton. W88 ill town Tuesday Morri~ : Graham will ' be ho~ 1\ a . . dllnl!e _nturduv evening, May L'f you wllnt. 1\ iOf> cal <: Bt Lyll H . all . " Ch~. F. rye,. pillaI') 4'9 1-L 2t -. l
\t . kind ) :0\1 m a
Oro '
w1l11L ior a picnic O~
'}'l'tlt lUs .' .. ..
a (linn
Sq~ph rd
Albert guests oLMr.
l ardllt~inner .~unday. M~s:
'Good Jih of
i _ _..J
- -BaU HE
Like' ,.
'~;;:f.:t~:;~ from $75.00 to ~5. 00 cash T~.tUthS ~r 'ii ~t. beSIdes . ba-vlDg the valuable skim .P"~rpp_;
selling cream to the Tri-State'-' loss. (If damage in ~rallsjt..
~~~~::~:.. i" ..",
MISS May Wright e ntertain supper Wednesday. Mr. and fred Caskey. of Mariptta, Ohio. Mary ~ey. III Lebanon, and Clara Llle.
eltc!!be~ '
Po'u nds tor .26c
These-are" " medlum size. s\veef
. Mr. and Frank Colemlln, Mrs' visiting her parents in eWl\rl(. Ohio. f]ulduh ~url'\ It and r.1rs. Ed . • lroad this weel!, ~ were t:h dinner gUei Is Sunday ot , I Mr, :lnd Mrs. B. F. Mills. Mr . Gibson. of Lynchburg. Ohio. I was lhe gilest, of Mr . and.Ml'S. J' C. . 'fhe Mi Emma Cartwright Hawke M ndlay. " Martha Bllrnelt entertained '. ,
,All K.·nds. ' of' 011 ., . "II K ~ ~ il)ds of G~'ea;&e All K fT ' 0
Ex.ra Special' E.Jt'ra i ~. r .l~~f " Friday . Q~d Saturday'
a.nd family were Mr.s. J.,ydl.a Hal'yey •. of the Eddie Wool. HOHl~, ~ as 11\. llatvevsburg Monday. l ' Mr8. M thur Zell. Qf Corwin. is
llDn Mrs.
, Muir Peaches: Slllne:l. others a re selling Hlc. · window. '
AIl .K inds off'Polish for Sr' a'..s,
' ~nds ,~ ,' : o~. Ilt~ss-ing. ~
Tf ·
O ' ll r
m ' we will COIJ1
,r~~~~~, :,;,j·r.m8:,~; . Zl~i\ri~AN;~1 ~: mjl,n:' 1(~ . _. ' \ ~~~~;=~a;.· ~w~o~I.:;;;~~~~;~~~~~:~~;;;~~' -:5;=:1 ~~eha[1, -
d t MIt;.'1 Rachell SJleehan , daughter of Mrs. !dr. and Mrs , Jl.lI!on is very - ' --Mrs. 111 at h..r hom e.beluw to~,Il. . ' • . Mi . .' Ilit Knee Awful Jolt Mr al?d 1IfT~, K. Haines. , of . . . , prmg Yalley, !J enl Tuesdav . Mr. and Mu. Lemley Curtis, Boutb With Mr. and ~rs; W.: . H ino.i . f , L. ~ . Z!n OIp,rmun has been limping IJf town. entertained :lIlnda.v. Mr " around hIS !\~ore for !I ' veral days (he Rov C. S. ·'Grau~ur. ·wlll ·d.J 've~ ~csu l~ of tIlJt\nj! ha l.cheL and pounnand Mrs. Carrinltton Ellis, Mr. al'\d Mrs. Gladman 'Elhs. Mr. and .Mra. J. a Mothets Day wJdr at til M\ E Ing hIS khe~ 1I1Stl'nd uf \l ~l)nrc.l, 1 HI H. Curtis anq so n (;esler. and l1aug h. ch urch in l-hlr'veysl,lurg sunil'ay ~;~ w s ~Mckjng ft boa rd off a DOx ters G neva and Esth er. 16th. " . • tlJ~ ~ Ihle alld the hatchtot hit' hi'~ k " • •1 rnakllJ~ ~ vary painful 'iN ,utld, , Mr d M' "B H IS g tt,ng betl r. hQwever. • an n. " . ' . enderson a d . Mr and Mt'S. H. A. Cothell entertallied at dinT)er Sund~>, the follow+ daughter. &ilhl'r. IIl1d M.r , and fng guests, in 'honor of Mr. and MI't'. J, H. Coleman wer~ \1\ DIIY 01'1 TuellHeld Special Services 'j Woodson Ogles~. of Port, William ; day alternoqn. Mr. Charles Cordell, Mr. and Mrs. W,. l!l. Corn<>U. Mr: atid MrS: Ralph Mrl!. RacheJ Keya and the Mi., ses . • Miller and daughter and Miss Fn.na Martha BurMtt. Ki?zie Merritt'and All of the Church s in Lown held Cornell. ~mma Carlw!dght were·LtWanon ViE- Mother'!! Day ser vices SUllduy, and . ' Itors Tuesday , semlOllS were preached appr'1priale . MI88e9 Susan Wright al)d Grac;:e if to the day. Special exerciseS and Carman entertained t he Proilpec;tI~ " . . mU/li<; made the 'ser vices vel Y imCooklng Cluq at the home of th . MrR. R&1~h Bowell. of Selma. and pr~sslv e. former 1i'fiday evening to a th( ,Miss l{ate, :st81~ry, ;.of)"eJlow Springs. ' --course dinner. The hours \ve~e IWere' the guellts 01 Dr. and Mr~. T. " lJIE~Ult,ly spent jn''' re~ing letters S herwqod Saturday. , . Correot. ". by the Mlsaes ' .' A'lnt..!."You'vo cou nted 'Jp to eIght @rac!! Garman Mr, and MI·s. Woodson Un8le~bee ntcely, dear . But do n' t you know what . and Mary-8allsbuty . • f Po rt WilJilllm. were the guests of com~s after IglJt '" EI~I_"]3e(\. < _~ __ ' ~r. Charles Cornell and other rela- I.Ime." ll,ll til 'ub h~(d their month1Y· tlve. hNe las week . I?elix Men.. meet\I!" l'uesday l.de!ill&C)hn'6 A bUlleh of Jfly rJ rs me to I(tillf \l lnw Ulwn l luescIax vElllinlJ Not;~ int .. r4>.. fii" .... IOn t1t the I!'rowd W8$ >10 '/)11.11111 lyu(t n»~ • th~a·climl[)Qser. Ii 111'111 to !',eceiv a ~dCLOl"'~' care.
l\irl" l
A..W pro[)ort
,,,nera fetl
' til\! t · pal nlfu 11 Is" 'h ' '0pCRse" - SOrllotWnl1 \ !,...'\ t i~
n!o~~ ."'Nlo~t.
ry "..
Pil!nted_. llurflu::e n. ed~ ren wlng, or ' ~l! 83~e rcn,on. ~ " ,t n P rSOll n'ccd~ DC . c:lothl..~-:botl)-'_'i~o.t O!I and paInt aot' ehubby.
Palntlng at ~ular lnterval&· ror~ , tltall~' repaJnt;" While ncttl~t of ~lnt log means BOTH a J'cpnlr bOl 'and R -p> Ih t b~ll tateL, liec4uae thi! 'rcpt\ired work mus t b..... polnted. . - U~q~-. ~
·Spa~kling·., . .
Z. Underwood wiJIl. ..·,.:'·:···_See me before you sell. HdrveJllburg . -: .~
Sixiy-Se\,enth Year'
. . -" -
WA \,NI :'iVII_U:
. IlLD
A lJ
J. W. Wh ile WlL!! i~ Lellanon Mon · day.
The regull.t:r meeting of the W. C. Dr. Macy will be in Harveysburg T. U . was h~ld on Tuesday aft ornoon. at the M. E. parsonage. It wa s an next wt!'~ k . occagion of Rlleeis l interest us lhe Mrs . Harton Kelly was in Cincin- winning side in the contest were en· nati Friday. tenained by the 101'ing side. The meeti ng was opened by ~ in", · Take a Kodak with you . get i l al ing "Jesus, Savior Pilot Me" The First PHalrn wa!! read by Mrs. Roll. Ridgc's ~tudio. The minutes were read and oth r r Mrs. Carl Sarvis was. a Lebanon business d isposed of. The PresidellL. viBitor IWlt week. Mrs. Wootell, arou!led considerable interest -by tracing on a large map Wm Frame is pOBSeBSor of a fine the course taken by a traveler SedaJJ Hupp car. . through the Prohibition Slates. Mrs. Houg h as chai r man of lh (J program then took charge. The first Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett were number on the o rogram was a vocal in Dllyton Saturduy . solo by Mrs. Barton KeHy . •. ummer" by Chaminade . accompani ed Chas. M. Brown. of Corwin. Willi by Mrs. S. L Jone9. which wag much in lJayton "' riclay on busine!l.'!. enjoyed Mrs. Fu nkey then gave a .reading, "The Licensed Dog," MrH. Buy your l~e rtilizeror Chus. Fry e. Hough read "Why Christian Citi zen who handles Milson·s. the best . ' ~hip." Last I'> n the prog ram lVas a well rendered reci tation. "DrunkIf you want a .lrood Fertilizer call eness. The 'Curse of Our Nation." Chas. Frye. phone 4!f I- L 28-. by Mrs. Orahood Mrs Eva Jones. Flower Mission Superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Baine!!. of tulked on the work or that d part · Xenia. visited relativee here Sunday. ment and Slave an ur gent invitation to all to be present at the n ext Walter McClure was in Bellbrook meeting. June 16. which WIll be MolltJay on professional buaineBS. Flower Mission Day. Rev. C. S. {;rauser gave a mos l MeBSrs. W. S. Grahllm and F. W. exc~lIenl talk .on lhe work for Llle Hathaway were Dayton visitors commg clmpalgn. Mr. J . I~ . JanThursday. ney added a few. r~mark8 of much mterest alonlt' tillS hne. The new members then recdved Mrs. Lydia Harvey. of the Friends the (>Iedge cards and wh ite ribbon Home. was in Harve3 slmrg MonJay bows. and Tuesday . ilY!lpo!cial request Mrs. Kell y sang another song, "Oh. Dry Those Mi88 Lillie Nedry is in Lebanon Tears" Oe licious refreshmen tl were this week. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. served by the hoste.s.'!. Mrs. Grauser Lewis Morrill. and assistan ts. .... The Union joined in singing MiBS Murtha O'Neal!, spent the ,. Blest Be Ule Tie that Binlis ." and weuk end with Miltll Marianna Allen the meeling closetl wi th the W. C of Springboro. T U. benediction There wua a good a ttend ance wit h Lebanon is enjoying a circus today. several visitorR I>resent among them and several of lIur chi7.ens Ilre there Mrs Roll of Dayton. Mrn Orahood, taking in the circus. of Danville. Illinois, and MrA. S . L. Jones . of Cir:einnati. . Hon. A. P . Sandles Colunlblls, wilt make the Memoriol Oay IIddress ill Franklin. May 31.
19, 1915
The Inarria~e of ~Ii s !l Lola ·orne \.! WAlm EN COU , TY HOLDS to Mr. Eug nt! P nnewit was solemni zed at the benutiful country horne ' TWO DA' y ,S SESSIONS of the bride's parents Mr. ano! Mrs . AI: Co rnell. of near Wa ync3\'ill last Saturday at. high noon. ·Rev . Palm er. of Waynesvill e. perforlTlmg the c(! remony . Th e bridal COIlIJll' wer(' /Il,lrried standing in the uutomobile The bride was beau t ifull), gownecl in wh ite silk cre pe-de-chine elegantly Here forom All Par Is of thc County trimmed in wide lact; uanclinl{ with white gI0\'e3, hat and vt.-i l to mlltch. latc Speakers Makc The groom worll the convenl iona l Fine, Addresses black . Imm diately nfter the cermony congrutulations were extend· -- -ed to the newly wcdd t1d couple aJld Th e fifry . ('c(.nd ann uu l Convention they were ushered in the tlininl< room of th e Wa rr 11 County Sun day .~chool wh ere nn eleg-anf th rel! cour'e dinner A ~s)ciali l.11 l11e t at the M. E. Church wa ' Iler ved Only th e immediate Tuesday 1TJ0rnil1l! at lU:UO o'clock. fa milies of the b ride and groom Although Lhe we ther was cold and being present. Mr. and Mrs. I enlh reaLt!ninl!. about 22G delegatos newit. father and mother of the regis tered L r t.he 111(lrning seasiun. g room . Mr. and Mrs. Cornell, g randS 'voral deit!gales arriv d after the fath er and grandmother of the bri(ie. mornin K sessiel1 convened. but were Mrs. Palme r and Mrs. Oak ley Ridge, illlmediaL(Jly a~isi g ned placed in the the bride's fa ther mother lind sis· convelltion hall. ter. Irma, being the g ues ts at the lJ legale were p resent fr om every w('lining. The bridal couple had Sunduy.school ill th e county , some t hei r pictures taken standing in the schools st!ndi n ~' from three to ten a.utomobile. Th ~ bride is a beau· t!t;leg-a!..t.s . • ~Iful !lilt! accom plished you ng la~)' The cunvention was opened by III SOCIal and. church afTal rs and WII\ !{ev . Mclhniel with n song se rvice be g reatly m~Ased at th e Ferry church aft r which Rev. J r,'. Cadwallader. The g room 1S a pr~!!perou s. young recto r of ::iL Ma ry' church con- mlln . of Be.llbr~o k . rhey 1'0'111 go to ductcd the u(Jvotiona l ex rcises. tlOuStl-keePlllg III abo ut lwo wee~R Rev . C. S (;rallser, gave an address III ~ellbrook w~ere l he gfl' om IS of welcome to the Sunday- ~chool fivmg a lleautlful home erec~d. rep r e~ontativ e!!. ann he was to have fh ey have Llle .hearty congratulatIOns be n rf'pli -n lu by liev., LaVerne of a ho~t of friend s. Taylor, pastor of the Christian - - -- - chu rch at Lebano n. who was unable l,e present. to Aftcr m UHic Rev. J. D. Da rli ng lJ U addresseu the convent ion on t he OF
jsoiTY-- EVENTS -j
·----~-------tt I\Ir. ami Mrs. I" . ' . 'ar ·\" (Jilt >r. 1WILL iJE HEW ON SUNDA Y. tai ned at <linn r ~l1nday ·Mr . amI I MA Y 30 Mrs . Alli e Hole and fami ly.
Mrs. Es ther Stou t and (I aug- ht r I' were gues ts Slln day of M r.s. :'\ l ice McKinsey alld daughtllr
81 G
Mrs. W. I-L All en entertained al din.n er on Sat urd ay . I\1r~ . Frank L. Committccs Ha vc PreHy Well Tayl or. of Chi ca\{o and I\1r... Ronald ROllndcd Thei r W rk, 3ncl rClst Hawke . Antlcipales Fine Time Mr. and Mr ,J. O. Cartwright ('n tertained Dr . and Mrs . J . A. McCoy Back In towililiready. John W. and and .fam ily at supper Saturday Mc morial Duy will be fi ttingly obJos. (1 . Keys c.urried on a furniture evenlllg. served Snnoay. May 30th at Mi am i fllcl.ory. and il lUde culflna. ill the Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd lJa vi~ were cemetery. The difTerent com mi ttee!; midlilof the 8l1llnra In a Hltle brick :)u nday d inner guest!! at the home nf rlrc rounelin g lhei r work up, and by bUlldin(C on the lol where now liVe!! Mr . anci MI"'. f1urt on EArnhar t . of th e day set will havc completed one Horace and Addie H. Ke)·B. which of the fine1\t prograjns ever given Route 4. wa."! later extended on the north lIitle. h<'rc Han. D. D. Woodmansee, from the alley runllin~ north and sou lh t~ Main Btrllet, and was a good Mr. and Mrs. Ceorge Hamilton en- nne of Ohio' s g reat e.~t orators, place to go ' to hear funny stori(.'s tertained Sunday the following- will·be her e and deliver the address .Here's one. ~nd if not fUllny, is pe. guesls a t d inne r: Frank Monroe, of of the day. Those who have been .culiar and 1 was present when it all Lt'banon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank An· fortunate in heul'ing t his gentleman . haplJened . Dave Lashley had just drews and so n. Mrs. Laura Andrews say he is fi ne, and no lloubt those boon married and WIIB buying his furanrl Mrs . Harry Hamilton and fam: whogo out of town on th at day will rn iss a' treat in ora tal y. Iliture outfit of Squire John Kevs. 11y. of Dayton. The cornmittee.~ appointed by t he Slid had II big wagon loaded. and re local Post are as foll ows: . JTlarkoo fhllt was all. when John says. Mr. and Mrs. Walte r McClure en"You've Irot nocradle!" "No," Bays Iteception- J. E. J an ney. Walter ter tained Sundav at a family dinner . Oave, and l18id he' 'might liS well take Richard CroBS •.J. Will ThOBe who enjoy ed th e llay were Mr. McClure. one nuw IIIi any time." Bnd it wa... White. J ames McClure and Mrs . ra a Kelsey , put on top of the load a,!d carried Transportution - Frank Zell. Dr. of Bell brook. Mr, and Mrs. Saml CIligett. Frank Elbon. Will Allen. triumphanLly up Main street in brosd McCl ure and family. of Centerville. daylight. J esse Hartsock. John Pence, C. T. Mr. and Mr!l. Ohmar Barnett and lIawke. Or. Ellis. Will Graham and family. of Sprint Valley. MisR Chas. Cornell. Olin A8 All Ad Writer , Laura Hatfield . 0 Trotwood, Mr. Decoration - Mrs. Walter ClllIl , and Mrs. Wm. Dinwiddieanri daughUpon lho alley was a hearse h{)use. Mrs . Harris. Mrs. Robt. Cross. ter. Miss Olive. twu Ill.OriC>II hij( h 1. E Key s !!~ lIeFlower- Mrs.Coleman . Mrs. Frank nulil ing ill Lhe . t!cond !!tClry. (If Zell . Clara Lile. Mrs. Evans. Mrs . lheHC thin~1I dom come in sequence. The Loyal Berean CI3l!S of the Carey. Mrs . J . T Ellis. Henri tta .. untioned day School Redmented Light." ' He t-ht!y eumu anyo l,l vay:. ripe lY brin men and com on a few Christian SundflY School held their McKinsey • .M iss Vandervoort. die " ) We gil 011 up Main street to of the dan~er Jigl) ts that come to Instrumental music- B. S. HOWE-II. regular monthly busi ness and social '''yle,', On I he n'" I h Wel't corner lII'ao every unrI:1Y'RChool. Vocai music-D. L. Crane. mepting at the home of Amos Men· "chair fal;IAlrv. ' Ii " by G!'VrICIi Git h> 1. A lack of program in the Sun Stand and Seats- A. Mamt . C. M denhall and wife last Friday evenin\( e ns. who. at the '.1 pe, ran lhe ~tar day s 'honl ex rcises. He s poke of 17 member s responded to roll ClAn; Robitze .... Henry Vande rvoort. JjJlmer lhe ad vantage that 11 program made At a meeting of th chool Doard and 5 viRitors were present After Roge rs, Homer Carey. Mltil IWlIlI! trN 1 Wayn~'lwille hi au t tu fit e very phase or tbe Sur.Mondayevening. the following teach· KIHll ', .j!! hi ~ t1epuly. and Master of Ceremonies-J. . attthe transaction of the class bu~iness , ·Frllnklin. day. rhool lesson ought to be ers were employed for the coming the host and host es.~· served dainty wright . eltrl'it'li - No. 1,11' 1' I't CU I'fY IInythinK thou ght of h. fllre LIle time for th e yea r: but une" III thtlthrea round Lrip.~ I r efreshments following which a very The committ!:El in charge of t he school to commence, and every par t High School- Wm. Spriegle, Ruper- pleaeant social Be.'!Sion was held. at ma,to. except ont! It,t~r. handed me o f Lhe prOj!ram ought t o fit arllu nd intendent; Mabel Hadley. highschool which readings, recitations and con- program s ubmit the p r ogram as by a Hchooi'mltrlll ..1011" the route. follows: the . ulrject le em for th e Ilay. tcacher: pri~ci(lal to be clected. . that I cllrrit.·d. wilha fl'ulingof grBV(' versation occupied the time to the 2. Luc k of appreciation " f what . Lytle- E!lzabeth Ch~md l er. I?rm· enjoyment of aU present. Prayer ...... .. Rev. J . F. Cadwallader rl!llponsilrilily. lind delivered to pos!we a re doing in the Sunday school. clpal; MarJe Sh.utts, IIl termed mte; Music by the Band '"BItler. J uhn M Had.len. al hi8 store. - - - ...- - . He seemed to think tha t .ve ry school Hazel Mullen. primary. Select Reading ..... Mrs. Barton Kelly wherllnow standll the Na.tional Hank . ano! tea ::h er thoug ht they were doing Grade Teachern. Waynesvllle AnMu~ic. Quartet The /!lei! of lhe Miami visitor along thei r duty when they went to the na ~an~ervoor;,. 7t~ and 8th grades; Address .. .... ... .. . D. D. Woodman!lee ' in th" earlv t\fties, have an ad. that Miss Louisa Stokes WIl!I the iuest ~chClol. studied the Ie on in a hap- ~arla Sl9ut. (lth and 6th grades; Music. Quartet i wrol e for J . H.ogerx & Son. \\ hen of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunham. hrulllrcJ way and then went to their LIlla .Benham. 3~ and 4th a-rades. . Tattoo by the Bugler they Rold grocerietl $nd dry good II, of Lebanon, Ill!It week . homes again , onl), to go to Sunday- l:Ienrletta McKmsey. lit and 2nd Music by Band where Zimmerman'8 .tore is. and school the ! olJClwing unday grades. ran this way: "If you want (u buy A~ell1bly - Veterans march to the Our school will close on Friday Roger 8uell. of Bradford Cro9Bing. a. I"ailure t I appr eitlte the value Rural-~ugarGrove. Eleanor Earnany lroOOtithili fall jus t give J itogers monument Wa!! the luesl of friends here The lot owners of Miami Cemeterv of t he slliritunl power of J esus hart; Sprmg Bran~h •.Eva Murphy; with a good old fll8hioned dinner. Reading, Lincoln Getteysburg Speech It ~on a call. and they will try snd Ohio. W. M. Terry and' wife Bnd Mrs. Association will tak e notice that the hrisl. The re are LOO many teach- Mt . Holly. Mary DaVIS; Harmo.ny ............ .-.... .. Comrad e Whiteman please you all. They have some Mondav lind Tutllldoy. 0 . h 'd annnal meeting will be held in tbe e r~ who III e. too apt to go t hrough Grove • .Beulah Coon; Lowell BIll. Alice E. Terry s pent Haturday shop· Music. Quartet . goods, some rich, some rare all se· O r. D,','II .~teopal •. at reSl"ence chapel on Monday, June 7. 1915. at pin", in Dayton. Lhe le:!Sons in a car les manner. Alma \\ aterhouse . A Dirge by the Band while ten littl e lected with the choicest care. Somt' of L. 'I ~~lerson. ~am St., rues two o'elo~k p.·m rur the election of Fran k Wilson. of Harveysburg ~ lea ve.a great dmll for the Echolnr to I • - .... girls strew th-e- flowers. they warrant to wear out. tear out, two trustees. a secretary . tre· 'urer ima~ine, and t hon never think of Wll!l here on Saturday. Taps by Bugler rip or ravel out. or ever need wash day and" rlday morning!!. and auch other bu~iness as may prop· th .. scholar or lesson again, forgetInll. All wool and a yard wide, wove C. V. Hame88 has built a new Benediction .. .... Rev. A. K. Sargent Miss Jennie Cook. of Lebanon. erly come before the meeting. ting tbat the spi ritual powe r to that torty feet under water and beat up spent several days last wellk Wilh auto shed . The flower commi ttee are very J . O. Cartwright. Clerk. 'cholar r ps'l'd \111 their every day with a chun". but ' we . sell lhem as her mother, Mrs Sue Cook MiBS Lola Lamar. of Sprinl('field, anxious to have as many flowers as lif~ . . the hair they wear. Goods for sale. is visiting her cOllsin. Miss E va Ellis. th y can get this year. T hose havroll or bale. ell or quarter. yard or 4. ' '1'he failu re oCli'lkillg the SunSunday. May 2,'I. 1915. ' Bible Wm. Kerney and wife and W. H. irig flowers to send will either brin/{ and Mra. Ed Lane. of Lebanon, Mr. nail, every dye. Will you buy. none day-schoo l to the hurch He spoke Sc hool at 9:30 a. m .. a clalls and a Norton and wife, of Oregonia. passeu them to the Township House or let Electrical Storm can llell a~ cheap as 1. Tare and bel. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs ? f adul ts who. as soon as the lessons teacher to bid you welcome. COIll- through hereon Saturday afternoon . the committel! know where thev can gro88 and net, box and hogshead. Chaa. Johns, of ~tle. Sunday. 111. the.school .had been gono through munion and sermon ' foll (, win!1 t he F. C. Cleaver is III,W happi ly 10- gel t hem. Don' t wait un til Su nday This vicini ty was visited by ~U1 With, rll1me<hute ly lef t for home to Bible Seho:ll at IO:HO [1 111 • • '"I>j 'c t dry or wet, evory grade. wholell8le. cnted in hi s new g rocery at.Oregonia. to announce th e fact, but let. them Mr. James Zell and daughter. of ele<.'trical storm Saturd ay night .retail. ca.oh 01 trade ." liP . nd lhe rt.'s l !If the day to their of morning sermon. "l'erllohdl IdellGeo. Lewis. of near Sligo. spent know iu advance. Yellow Springs. spent !:?unduy at the about 10:30 o'clork. that \vas eq ual IIkmg . He sa.llI for lhe !lake of lification with Christ." Christian home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. to a July !ltorm . The storm broke humalllly to ilnk the school to. the Elld eavor at 7 p. m. Preaching at several days l!llIt week wi th the Dan, the Heavywel~ht , with hllil.aflerward turninlC in to rain ·hurch. and O1 a~ th e Ach o la~ bel u~ve 7:30 p. m ,subject for eveni ng ser- Miller Bros. N. L. Bunnell and son, Herscbel ; There was consld era~l e:Bwi~d, nn~ a' that the church I" .lfl ly a contInuation mono "The Movements of Jesus:' Chas. E llis and family, of near Now os I was more or le88 inti.1 mately acquainted with all the own- of Lebanon were called to Jndinna grt'at deal 0 1..'1t.'Ctrlclty. lhe engine of th - SundaY -~('h ooL How many Special mURic In connection with Hickoryville. spent Sunday with account of the death of at the powe r house was turneo! orf persons. even the ~earherll them- both service.q. Mr. J ohn B. Rugar. Chas. Hagem.l'er and fllmily. ers and publishers of The Miami ViR- last week until after , the !Rtorm. There were .:i~·lvCli. do not even .g lve the churc~ a baritone soloist. will sin'g at the ltor, down to the preseht Miami (;a a relative• Warner, W. M. Terry. several s trokes of lightning that ev- s lIl"le tho,!ght. HI ~ add ress wali lis evening service .. Begin the day by K.Woodrow E. Thotlll)SOn, Vernon Deather.r;ette-Elliott. J . W. Henley, J . W. Mr. and Mrs. Myer. Hyman and ~ently struck close to town . . tClled l.O with attentIOn. attending the Bible School and enjoy age, W. H. 'Terry and Gee . Warner RobertA, Roberts and J P. Ccollett. - -- .. - • . Pres lde~lt 11 x vell.tht::11 announced all the ser vi ces of the day. A kind were jn Oregonia Sunday morning. Collette. Sweet & Killgdon. Sands & daughte r, and Mr. and Mho C. B. hIS committe '5. which were as fol · we lcome awa its yo u. Kingdon, Sands & Sweet. J . Drew Bentley were Hamilton. Ohio. visi· W. T . Jordan and wi fe su mmonell D. H. Palmer. Minister _ Might Have Been Bad I"ire lows: Nomilluting ollllllittee- Mrs. Sweet. ThOll. J . Orown. Marne Brown tors Sunday. to Day ton one dft)' last -W·eeliHlofHre--~..tl:ol.Ul'i-+~~"!'u....w:·Ll:!~J?-Lll.UJ-.LJIllll...l'll:w.~_ W '1' ' oleman, W. W. Welch and and another "feller. "besides it comes count of the ~riou s iIlne~ of Mr~. to Dodds Sunday afternoon to see W K Stophcnw n. S. S. Johnson. representinlt the J ordan's sister, Mrs. :\1aud Cleaver the Dodds team wipe So uth Lebanon your turn now to sland the office What might have bee¥ bud fire up to the tune of 20 to O. South towel on end and to listen to my clat- Dodds Marble Works. of Xenia. WIl!I Heso lutions- I{ev. Newlon. D. L. Count the Birds Monday noon, had it not I-een dis· Mrs. K. E. Thompson enl erta ined Leballon ca me loadetl to the guards . in town Thursdayl and made this ter. Crane and V. S. Loer. 011 Sunduy afternoon the fu llowing as they though t, to give Dodds covered and promptly attendej to; 00 you rfllJlember the time t)le office a pleasant ca I. On DelC'gates,- Mrs. D. Hathawss occll!Iioned by the gasoline helltguests: Misses Emm a, Lena, Veda. a drubb ing . for they had a pitche r office was bemll moved to "Old Erma Ellis. er in Smith', ba~ber shop. When way. Edgar Stim!lCon and Sy lvan To all those who are willing to t ry 'I' d E t Lola I H Lamar. Mabel f rom C"mCIIl'latl. an d a caec her f rOlJl Broad Horn. "and Drew. and thl et! Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and Mr. Smith left the shop t(\ go to Lewis . Irelle to m ake a count of the various kinds erry an 3 e agemver. Milford. The Dodds ' team simply othera w.e re Ituck at the foot of the daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph On Place- RAv Booth, of birds on the farm. the Bi(,logical The Jordan boys have' a new Over· played with the pitcher, and the stairs with the bed-plate of the old Miller and daughter spent SundllY dinner the heater wa.'1 all rillh t . but Moody and MI'. Stutzman. in a short time it blazed up !lnd Survey. U. S. Departmcnt of Agri- land. ~co re mig ht just as easily have been Franklin preBS. and 1 carne along up with friends in Springboro. On motion tile convention recessed cu lture . Wa~hing-ton, D. C. will scorcht.'Ii the wood work on tIll' ~ tand A . S. Allen & C. V. Harness' !lew 40 instead of 20. but the boye got the street and Drew .. ked me to as A tele phone call soon brought him wl til· 1:30 o'clock. senel instruction f or the work and Fords have not arri ved yet. ti red of fattening their battrng aversisl.1 .. All right~" said l. "Now ')'ou Mr. and Mrs. Byron Harlsock anel to t he shop. wftich was full of smoke. (jlanks on which to make a report. MiSBeS Eva Ellis and . Lola Lamar ages and played "horse" with them. fellows ·huhl it up 'tilli get under it. d.ughter, Miss Justina. of Newport. and the fire was put 0 ut, TuesdllY Afternoon and Lhen out of the way aud awa) Ky .• were the guests of Mrs. Matilda To hird lovers this wllrk will be of at1ended the baplisinl{ llelow Well- Two and thr ee baggers and home - -floll\ the old rlcketv stairway; lest il Hoaier and daugbter •.Sunday. ' r' a half hOllr of on" s~rvI'ce especial interest and to the boys and msn ou Saturda~r afte rljoon. runs were 80 plentiful the scorer Aftc eo " • I 't -II b t l Ith! I d eoul d not keep account of them all. breakdown 1lnd you Iret hurt." I the dt:!votional " xercises W(lre conglr S I WI e a mos lea u an ' Some of our fnrm e rs ' a re having Singles were not kept account of at carried that bed· plate, una.·,'SIIisted. Dissolution duc\li<1 hy I{ev. Boohel' . of Carlisle. us"fu l recreation. Bulletin 187 of to plant their corn over again. Samuel Outterworth and wife and Will Vote on the U . S Department of Agriculture .~ d all after tlie seeond inning. UII'thut ftiKht. of twenty·two stel) ~ . Mrs. Phebe Curtiss llpoke on is free and tells 1111 about bird C(>.nRU9. Mrs. K. E. Thompson en te rtaine • _ ••- - and held ·it till you all cllmt! up and Owen Hurnet and wifo and Mallte r _ _ _ ... _ _ on Saturday evening the Misses Lola released me And thllt wu;' ""ml' <iilhert Frye spent Sunday in Nor- The Corwin Special School Distrid .. Head . Heart and Hand," and lold Lamar. of Springfield, and I~va Ellis carry- said to weigh between GOO ano! wood. the. gUe<lta or Whittier Burnet will take a vote Saturdav. Mav 15th. he r he:Her!l how necessary it was to of this place. " to see ~'h (~ t her they will di ~solve the teac'h thll Sunday school scholars to SUO pouniJlI. It you will look at the lind IHmily . "lltll·inl IIiHtrict and come into til(! firRt know lhemselves lind also to first iSllue of the pape r from thai Will Gillam and family of near Hickoryville and Elvin Fires and For Sale- 2 Secolld hand Cameras. Wllyn e l'nwnHhip School District know their tea~ h e rs . This must be .)ffic,#. you will see thllt Drew gave the first Icsi;On lo the beginner , and family of near Wnynegville spent . 2 elOO 811 nllw, 1 Nil. 2 Premo "'ilm again . ~ me IL very ~uliful "putr ., Illool<!I liS th(lug-1i the district is after the child has grown to more , ·1·h,· latt> Juel EVilns. n cloek lIlakl~" Pack. I 4x5 Senf'Ca Plate with 3 doU!:lunday with Karl Deatherage- and fnmily. . • bv tlle .nllme of 'fhulll11S IIl1d rny"elf. ble plate holders. Cheap, if sold read) and willing to take t hi !! step mat.ure age they will then appreciate the knowledge of knowing why they Fred Robison. of Oregoonia. pllssed lOon. Ridge Studio . lind it i!!now til> to the voter in the t ~hen at the Bgt! of 17. lifted in llu· go to the school. ' ::lhe spoke. of the through here on Sunday evening. diHtrict to deci.d 'l lhe maLler . tin KIltip cat .HllpkintV & L:ri~\lin 750 benefits receiv(!d from thls Rystem, --C. J. Moor, of near llarveysburg, The Kings Mills Powder Co., a few Mr. anel Mrs : W. H. Allen and ".• ..../ ~U1i'!8 Of lin in boxes .Iob l~oger9 111Id that the w!hole system hll!l been Wh d M d S d h S d weeks ago took on a large foreign , '. td me·jlllO thaL felit, and now that Mr and Mrs E V_Barnhart and changed !lince III few years ago. She itsun ay, ay :!3r. un ay was ere on un ay. contract fat one of the countri now , OIl' 'til at it"and perhapK can Prov" by Mias Emma' Hpighway attended the p, '& D. Association Class at 9:30 a . m .. Rev • John WI'nn from ab' 0 ve CI ev e- engag.e d in warfare,in Europ~. ""Since . h t ha b Its ' an d School and "ibl" ,!lIsa touche d upon fig 0 \ 1,' £tEl Lippincott thl~ iticidt-nt thAt Ill)lIual m ..eting of lhe Wom.n's mem ory of the scholar. sermon and holy communion at 10:30. land. preached to a large and aUen- that tIme. however. there have been _, Ii place at the lime bos.'\CN A F; Auxiliary of the Southern Ohio Dio- The .W ayne Township Protective . theMrs. Barton 'Kelly liang ve ry The public Invited to ' these services. tive audience at F. W. B'. church several suspicious characters around errltt. 'and A. D. RobertK ' built cese of the Episcopal Church at - • here ?n . Sunday morning. ~ho~e lhe mills. and the company, in order '-. ) . 'rt.he h(tane of Evan Chelloweth just Christ chu "'~h. Cincinnati. rhursday . & Detective A~ociation will meet belluti(ully "Lord. Be Merciful." acin regular aession at the Township comlJanied by M i~ Ruth Hart.sock e- ______ ,___ - - e who dldn ~ get to go .and hear hI,? III to saft>guard their property and inbeyond" Or~wick . We hlld the the mornmg wen~ III t.hl!, Ilvemng. terests. have placed the town under , , framina- all dORe and were 88Sem I will offer a lot of household goods Souse Saturday. May 22. at2 o'clock R'v. Darling then spoko to some b!lt ~ere sad~y dl88ppo~ntEd a.q ~e martial Ia...,. Guards armed with bUna- the timbtiM'.nt the frame. and far sale. at the public sale of Mrs All members are requested to be len g-lli on "'Irhe 'reacher ' of the dldn t preach III theeycnmg. It Will Wi~che!lters patrol the property, aO ,.. ~ was OOeIilnll The limbers Arnold. next Saturday. Said goods present. as there arc several thing~ Times," an address that ~very of impJrtance to be brought befo re teucher and l)erson present very b~ re~embered . tho t It wl;lS . thr?ugh tr.ams are carefully w;atched, and were scattered IIIline little distance 'onsisting of 2 feath(lr' bNis. bed much enjoyedi . He gave several -----~-, - ,. e ' - e hiS reVIVal and good ChrIstian mHu- any strangers are Il!Iked to make the from the foundation . Four of us clothei!. 1 bed-room luite. a lot 01 the company J F.C SH E:lbkon. Pres. excellent exam.ples of the resul ts of ence that so many were converted, next town as soon as they are through lltarted, and Ev Roberts called to I8wedcarpet~. etc. ~tc . _ _ _ : ~ ••_a_w_e_._ C). good tE\achers- Elnd t he benefi ts OIey L. A. Zimmerman, is in Cinein: here a few years ago. with their bUiint!BB in J<.inp Mills. bave two more ' men sent. as rour: Marl K. Gard derived from their work . . nati today : c; .. • There have been several attempts were not enouKh to carry the corner _ 'fho convention is the largest in to blow up Eastern powder mills JiQRts, I got under one and carried M8IIBrs. J . O. Car~wrlght. C. M. the history of the association. and Mr. and Mrs. b:menr Rose and Primary Election AUgu8~ 10 who had contnicts for manufactur: Card Thnn1ts It to wbere It wu ,wanted, and was Robltl8r. Bar:ton Kelly. A. Maml. · the ladies of the town are doing baby of Middletown, spent Saturday Ing powder and , explosives for the havins great fun with Ev when Sarnl;-' Smith. F. '0. Carey, J: their best. and that 19 exceedingly and Sunday with their parents Mr. Allies. and the Kings Milia company Philip Hawke. who Wilt at the "rals· H.,,: L. A . ·Zimmernwa. C. H. fine. in ~eeping up their reputations and Mrs. Clint RoM and family. The primary election will this year decided they would La~e no chances. ing,' ,plck.eeI up a mate to the post Har~k. ~k JI>U8ll. H.:A. CorIn acknowledgement of the pra'Cbe held on August 10, at which time . The mrl1s are work,ing d., and Iliad carJ:I MI, . and called to IU to nell. Rav 'YIlIs and D. L. Crane at-- tical chriatian spirit of our ,fnends for hospItality . A. full and report of toMr. and Mrs Eo J. McPherson and both Democrataand Republicans will ntght to get out thell' orden, ,the climb on." One end of the pot!th!u tended a eommonlcation· of Xenia and nelg"bor8 who so kindly came in proceedinlll w\ll little dauJrhter Ullian. of Portland. eeJeet their candidates for the ticket big blastlng department belDS eloRed on tb8sround. and I walked, UP~~lllodge Friday wening. The boys and planted our corn for us. aho day s ( ear _. Oregon 'and Claude. !urat IDd for the faU election. All candidates and lb. workmen traDalerred to it and Ph 1i~.J __ .J had a ftne tI."e and plentJ. to ea~. the neighbor ladles for the assistallce . G~ Stok8ll. of DaytonJ..~t Sun- must have pet.itiona flied ..., daya the olber plant• . ~I"'~!...~I" StlUwater LiIdae. of n.,ton, COI\o rendered In th., houae, we wish to Detroit a day wi&h Mr. and Mn. VKO Lewis. before the l)rfmary 'eleet1on; whiCh - - .--..... hriect the II.... &tesrei 011 one of _teiad oar heartfelt tIwW. an4 o&her ,.U,.. wUl be OIl .JUDe 10. 1.~,*,III1 .jI. ,1"';.J ~. JUDb aod wife Some I-lcmark~ Made in Regllrd to Early Newspapers and Edllors .
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V. tsA~NIIA~T. , rlllht hnnd ot SlvlI AI, Ill , Th (} W •• " fil l' th.'m Ill. ~ Ih. '}' 1II.t rltl' tho ' \I\1lr (~J I,. M H.l1 uY11.1l , Lul o I III wn.IIIIIA r S' to Ih' Illrl on Ute roof. rluuu lt'd Il uu r l.' r~ ,,~ th,'y dhl. .. . I·nth. 1111(\\ ~ rOd 1"18h.' r [l I'1i uppoln led np. N l)tnry Puhlh; , CKAPTmR I-- Knlh !)' n Ihro. 1><! 1t"" III ~ AI , uJ! Thl' I,a za"rli wriro dooll1 'd. 1)1 1.0 ~II" Ih "lli , fl' ,II III · muzzle ot thl! Dr n "" r ~ . ,bar t aUter, CaL Har . III ".rll. hIlS dum· • I 11 II , I I t I Ih i t f IDODed b r. l Dllvtll her hOnJl' In '1 uU Cufn lu. T "h tl t' " WUH lH'i tl l E' r \\' nt ~\r nor m n whu ,'(' \ oh ,'r , hi, h eli \\tlti IH·('ssfu g to It r i ll e r ( 0 6~ A II o to hlm III AIIAlI8 , Indt" , Um btlll .., In.,\\, IIII\\' to I"'~ It . II s ldoo, IIho h.' r tolo n ' I\S I" " l'rt'd, th o ".'apoll '8l vl o MIII .. r , .l r·c l'" .... ll A . / ' Vnl l cde. toDAm.d the l hron •.O hu hn.u kill", Inl,rl.,.,.J oolona\, by LU hlu "",un I I 1. ' 11 . \\'(lIll d olT" nrl tho te rrlh lo Ilsfl' H ",' IIT' ))I, ,"n (" v'n. Ill r l"li '" d to til" IHl\l' l'l)ln IO" 1It1 111 1111.lrtll (tr wilh I.ho bm. :; 11 11 tty 1II.' ddIl1l8 WU·b biB pl aythlu g? r oor. GIIII " S 11ut guhlg to 1.' 1 hur " ~' llIlIoOI' X NJ. Iinud :WllO ( ' hll" " I lri u., d f, .llIm . \ . 1:1 . I~ ,' rw"r II IHI (1Il/lrQ(I K 1·'II' pn" , OHA:PTIIIR U-Arrl"ln In AlIallA 1 ~'h . HOl! e ng "IrI I II tlJo 1110 Ilk tIlls. h)'1l 1lI Intorm. a b)' ",bulla Iha l h,r 11011.,' ,,11.,/'0 lIlbuliol hll d Ink l!o t tl Ill· " [.; "r.,,,tI 01)1 tlw lI .t :" comm u'JlJ ••t1 MI Il~r nl·., II J1P ' l1l1 "d 1l~l pr lll "(Ir~. I ~:~rm~~ gr~ '~~alBr ru:,~. QOU~~I'i "f:,J pll r llry rdu ijo bl'Gll n to ,:: nlh ur lIer Itrucu. " Kfl LIlIYIi. <,o n you h l'llr Ino ?" Turrel ~ MIl ry, IIlltll 1I1 ' ~r,.t \lr f i s prcpnr"d IHlint. 'fonnod b1 the prlulB thl\! no "'orno " ,"Ill t rln lt ,ts, h r tll llb~r /lll d tUrftlloi s!.l 110 I\huu t d, l·'II11 .l lIg h l::l hnntl~ I" ' (orll ~:'hll ll "d J\ M " C '~: ,ltl(lf""~" I "". rule Uf1JJ1 ().l'rled. 11 .. la &I"on l oven ,hr" ,w I' klll "S , !tnlco lcIS. lin d Ilflk l ets. hill Uf()u th. V"IoII I), h hOllrd h.", rp. I 'orll Mu '~' At 'I j l' tl " ,.111 ~ 1\11 u f mm] c :H~ " .U ·,lin:l to n to th1nk It ovo'. I I I I 1'h"",, ah plon' li In n hrnsB "lIl1m eled )tly. "Whe ll I 1;1\' 0 th o \\ord. ju", p. IlII r"" I's t ll l,' " '1 I"'" Veterinarv ~dellt i ' i(~ )ormnln. CRAPTmR UI-Sho Ittll r. ru ••• " • hllle. " li d tuckl'd It unrl. r h or nrm. n oL 1"1 nfrnld ." III I I,,' , ·~ I " I, · .. ' l ite K I nod 1:I 1I 1t1ll told thAt .h& muet undenro t \\'0 omelt tI ow1th ...tla .......ta. lI.he lun'l"o. obu wll ).; ('xt s ho slHk.k tll O Bod de n t IDblLlla 1, ,,UIIYII HI ~ P VI ' o:l II110n the P1l1'6pu l. A I'; ,' , Ihu r, " 'C , "11 " ," 1 lip,d the rf '!oiltl t HC yetlrs f1raduall' (If 1111" I IIIvr'~ i be pennltled 10 rul. . by Ih o RIp ve. !:Tcut vo lu mo 01 SllIuk o bBcll red b ur II C('II nn I I "Pl'rtl v"d of ill '\'c'!-i til~ar on ~1I111 I I OllAP'I'ER fV-.l ohn Ilruo•. an A mAri . " COIllI'! " all(' crlt·n. for a UIOlllf'n L \Jut ot the Wl llflo\\'H h I ' h .· U ~ " If, " I .1 " '11\'" M COlllc J t ii'i t ·.ST. I Ofliec Il t ",;,,' 11'''':'' in ·1' J: ::iher ...v .. he. III... 'I "1 \\'oulll ~I I' I· ll." ho llIultered . tit "Ir ld to •.g,, <:s 0 1 flam es dllrtut!. !il'Clno"",d . ~(" " 'llIl 0 (,, '. ' 11I\! I" IIP l' r"v I' \! I CBAP'l'1l1R V-Tb. o l .~hnnl whICh r Al"" Durg a Hum , I rl 5k III)' li fe In orrt!r. I flu s hin g uJlwnrtl . S he 6unllllon od 011 lind 110 .. {IllUl' t 11 ,,, \,; I h'l ~lll l\ 01 WI1"tl'~ I " llIq«, 1··nuHh "In..-t. ";;. -n.. ber &om the ""ene 01 hor Ir ia'. ru n. 10(; you s he it l"r ; bllt I r('(u K" to r lB lt l h ~ r cou n ,& o Iln d '''I It Ot! tor tbo cu ll 'WII';' ~ I III t h .. 111111 ' , ,, I Ilotl ,"I "'lI. a ... a1 .epa.rllUnlf hdr from Druce o.nct tho I II 1n f1 t il. ('0 III PI ! '1 •tlf' r n 1u f1 \\'u)-' 0 r t h t) mnn 81e I IO\'l' (.I I nH iuo n floor 1~1 TlillI(' l I 111 1 1 I, I~ !'o f '11fI II'eIIl tbe party. : FortY-II i n(~ l a l u r~. . through t ho r ~n r . 10 t hu hDu.," o f gn.vo \l'ur wi th IL tTaRh und 1110 co l· I·h,· " 'IIl,Utl "nol 1\11111 lie II lI lI t '" Ohio \V:I ynesvi lit'. I~.. 'j;u~al:.:'Y":o f:r~h~" al!~: trl e rhl or mlow . Th 0 ..., will out Intvrn l wn ll R o t thtl hulldlng S WIll dill " 1·,t" " I., 1 11 ''Il r ll ' lI lI ~It·k. ·,· /,I" hr. S old hy .of a Uon &114 .be la forcod to ft oe t f u ll) I~ r each t h ere. And ton lghl yuu ~,... suuk o minously. A d s lIul rln g r ou r ncc t)m· m a ' ,. oI ...c """',,. l~ I d ~ " ""I)t Il"PII ~R VJl-8b" tln~ ... r.tr~ • • III sh oltet In t h€' jlln l\ lo, o r wh ore YOII lI"n lod tbo th un u ur or tn.lllng b 11111S. t" 110 .. ".t .. t" 01 . lu'lI~ ~;III'.r" t h , ~"'~~";, onlJ' to tAll lot .. the hA'"la wll\''' The li ons had gone tu th"l r doal1l. d"Ol" ' 911t1 , th .. tir~ t flUU nll l~1 UCCllI llll1 .1& traders. " Lot bt' ; I 1II'uid s lee l" " "Jump!" In £'1'P'u ""I I aR.APTlilR VIU- KathtYn I. brou ght to "Fool ! T h us., wlov fl'n,,,ln here w!ll 'Wlthout hesllntioll Kath l)l n /lung _ A __ ._ 1he_P!!bllo mnrt III Allaha ADd eol d to I I b It I t A 111 Ih " lll na,'r li t I hA I1l1 lnw u f I 'timll&lla, who, IIndins her It!It In.ub- t nl It R bUrllllll!! ghut III leHII than un ors' I] 0 slIuce. mutmur run ~' e r n"Il ,1 11 W . ~huc ~\l lf ll"l , Ii '1<'IH"tl. mlIIIII .... lllrow.bcrlDtothe dun.DDDwlth hOllr. Look!" She l'\l8h ~ d IJlllltowtLNl th ro ugh Ihecrowt.l, whl ~ u hnd ror U.O '. c' ~: , lIlt.:. , J ~ . M l\ r ri~ "lid ( • • I ~ :' 0; T h l' .\(' \1 " "11 Trtlu \I Go" HOW MRS HIRRO'O GOT RID OF HER l"uneral DirpC!lor ~ fal.ber, th " W I IIII u w: " Loo k .' Thoy lire tly lng mo~' ~ "u t t orgo II Nl It S OW O d nnger Iu W I II.u I 1 v IIIH rll'" II )lllll ll LII (I IIp. l ;n l1l lll l~" I' '''llr.. .1<II1rn141 t\ u ~lj. .STOMAflH 1\ T and Em lmlml·r, IX-8ho la reeollttd bl Brune trom lh h OUt!~ , \\'oll l(j Y"'I d l'"1" tho wond r ot thla operlllele. Th o m on ~ i " :,11; IN ::'. (:Irll h flm, r ll,,,1 AlI ll II AU LE ....... Crlan4a. v p r"lhunt I II k \V I He tlung be r orr. 8 ho r turned. boldlng lh a not throw til ru se II' II It I I! H "'rt r . .,? Ylll' lIUd ' h.!llr Or efl k I "I nIJAr II Wl t l) 1''''''1,,1. Iroo l>I,' Waynesville, Ohio. lo th tll'~I" !l llIr( ' 1o ol""E. Hnllloy, lO W ~ hl ~$gl . ,\, J D ~lonel Bare &loo IS ..... n. " . . "';. . II'me, pr o ' for Yl'lIrs nnd trl !l "" " r"l h iug 1 JD with ..,hl1e.... .tarl. lJl beat tog 10 1m with hur fi s ts . H{' swore bn kwnrtl us I(nlhlyn struc k th o mosh. Il uor"",.,t . "Uh .. IIIOI .... lllrl' 1 ,, <I IiUlo! nnd sluD"prnd 10 hi teet "nd " truok at F}"I!n tl\pOl 10 r \) tly IOU I.ed tb o si rec l f" PF10IlII I ('rVI (l, '~ . ""~h .It tn te uf 11 II .... f I t II I I f 1 I . &. Kathlyu la atruolr: by a b .. tJ.L ... n ,. UOOf)unt I ~ l, pl'rll V." 01 · A tb H rl I I r .. O. Itl JA Oil V I":" IX 1 · , ll ) I·S. r tt r r ' ":;. ru on)' $ ilO ; 1V1l ~ t l' lllporlHY llutl l 'l I ~I ~ IHitl g J Call an s we red pronwtly ~ y n r night ! ClBAl"i'mR ~ tuA1t1".. are &'lyon her bli ndly. h Iuuilotld, dutch d hla robbl.'. and Rho W/lR brUi s ed ond BI v. ond b gnn to drn.!J h im to the sllak eo dO\"r Iy, but, O. alive, Il.llvol lu I,ll!! m a t.l f'r o f (lr lloe l:I ocbt. l . ~. Mllr vlIl, til.!"., ~t;. li ' : ().~. 111 g. ~ II W ChulIlhol'lllln 's 'J'l\lohl! ~ ttdv.'r . Both phones in Oflice ali t! I \'s irlpnce. IIIIeIIw Ie \be pelaa. or BlLla Xban. ong distflJlce,No. 14; li mn "hollo rear Btalrs. Il o " tru c k at h er again, Th re rose th greut shllulf ll!l whlcb AppltOM ti Oll f u r MJw l~8lwl of .. "UI j l! llI .""tMnl ' ~ fur IIt~ t flof, A~~"~~r) r tI9(1dand ' pr(l(lUr or\n h" tt l"ott,bolll 14·2r thi s time ,,1lh (alrlsh nlm. H er box I mbulla and tho dal1cl llg gi r l had ' 0 J) .. y~n n I'lt., l;io pl tnl I IIl1\do . f~; F, : Wilk ~r Otl . ~~rvlot"ij hUrlnl ut , 111 .1' 11rng tltur a I /{t)t im llllltlio.le ot t rlnkete lotlor t! t o tha fl oor nnd hoard. 111 Lit ;, !I' Atier oj th o e,tu l u o f o: .ru ~ lIttBn ~tllulll lo:",:ushlll $1; rell f frmll t, h~t .1rentl ltll h,'aviuE\:'A Chairs and one CORch fUrJli gh ('(1 fr~ with funerals . she whirl ed UJl()U blm wtth u dugger. Shol·tly oftot the h ou~e colluVlllJ d. E' r!iok 1:11 ok,. . d~cetls~ .l Ntld B lo k ~ o nl :st evo u t! P . ISI No. ~,S 1\1 or r ow, attAr e nlln!! lind rrn m [)'l in in t.ll e Th sight ot th o st I sobered Illm a Th o flff) s pr nd to th e houe s on ouch III tlIJ I)" IIl,l tld U~lllJlnt " ~rn to r . Bood I ~b~o . ex pe.u ll.,~ f o r Mtlmorlfll ~flY stolllHoh," wril e!' .?Ir,.:. Li lld .. I::ln.r 861lt of serviCE! guaran t ecd . - ..... xn~ lMulOlta IIU,,","1 little. sid e. l-5.000. bred . Si mpson, ,101m I Ul" f 25; B. L, Ulkl ol so rvlCe s r llfl r u r' WII YII Ct .10lj Obrniu .. bl o money p..Id them bJ' Uml>&ll.. "LIeh'n to mo. Durgo Ham ; tou oh TtrtH'" Mlz<l d the boar u!' by til . /U'm . NlOtH ,1 .lllllud '''... rl e 8 K olly Bre llr· hUrlul cU lmultteu M n ~t.lf) TO IV~!< hi\) eVll;·y wh or e . ' • OODru.ion nthl and , . . _peUJ. . . A return tf) m e oguin oad )'OU 8hnll III ! C'lli you " Nu w, th houp whi ch lllboll n u. p ol ntlJd upprll lsr r l' 1$1 ; Ultll P BODA. stulIlPS for l ,ltl rk ~ _ • _ __ tDODGIICIt ... p.....-r.; .... au. tho. ooloneL nd .I " 1-1 the nHltt t! r n t the Will of WII $5 ; T r Ul'teBs Pllhlt c All'ura , light DR. J. W. Mil LEU. n ot Aru J am trying to suve you bl}- te r ,. I lit '3 1" W II El I ' F CODSJ('I era e XIV-Th .. DOlonel I. DOmJ· cauAO my alatN ~O willa Il? Tho fir Eng r ly " 1I0Ul'h the Hl llV O dl N e l d lh'lll Hi ,,1 h r lu,l . •1" CllU 11(1 \V IIII~' ' .- ; 'm III II uteI'. a y ltl );i armer 7 • but ...0.11,. a Jlrlloner. It '" him. 1'·or "I I II ' n(\l1 oit te d ,." flr e>bal l' ' oad. t'Ul t lug III11l ·r.. tlIIl!: '~I.;j\I : A, . . tln~ a bride tor hIm. X.th. \\'111 epr nt!. fo r tI., wind hIlS r l.8 n. .. , t' . D. !:l ootl . brt g I"{lft< Fr n n \. 111I ..• DENTIST••. , ,a1Dt\ ~_ to the patao. la dta. ,In l !tll IUtl lt l r \Of t ht> "H tld(: II 'l'owfld b lp ~:ll ; .In lt n 1<' 8pcm('l'Ir , A .v"u n IlJlld .v f r om t h e cityw" ~ and at heOUe pi.... are OUCCMd· Whot! Am l one at YO\l r alnves t hut t h s lul' "'11K 0 have hl~ ho ur Hut 'UI 0 treaaury lI.opar4lo ..cape YOU IItt )lOur hUlld ngrunst m e?" Sbe th e )' (ouod l bo bpuse III"ty ~xcept for . I Iluln fin 1o r.11I.1. n 'lo!' e~rl ' 1101 h rl dj.( fl work, W" .. t.t ngtoll l'nwn.'hl p ! ~Oln/{ to fUlJke hor fir t VISI to II urn ..... In Jhiotrwtu the -.rt Into GOnflIeIOIL , .' n, hllle. 0 lIe lz d a bowl contaloing some floW" 11 chottorlog IDo nkpy nnd n lI~ream ltlg !-; L!llIl l11llgl'l~ I" tI\lP ' l nh,oj (Ox notor II!) aii; Zlllo Arnoi lllt(e, (II)utrl.n~, c'lU~ln in r,hn coo ntrv . .A t tb N,,"olJal n .... k III,tc. vnrrnk e t, botll IIt1.llch ocl 10 l)I'dofl tn l Bllu" 10,0 \J l if,l~ 7,5; E' M l ' nlltol!. oon tru 11. .. ~ lI tlo n .. he W A met. by h a r o(ln~ln; v ercb '~. nruc IIbl'rnt cod 111ll1l1 !lnd r ltl Iho mil lOr elf Ih o et,lIre of $ 1:4:!; '"''' ler.' , tIn, t)rluto -l bln llk8 II f lef 1IIlllif hour '", ddve be tlJl d Ilflf • ..uti' ~'ftF .... M"rgllr!l~ BI.. vyar. d"Otl ll~"cl , lillljl~ fOf DIstrict A ~¥e 'I f tIl 50· 81' 11\ 0 th ey wefn lIJ)pr " f\ohln~ h I!! fUrlll t UM! d lo tbl' COIOIlA I, ."Gon! w(,Il , I" h ill! h ilia In tho ,\r~ p p r~v d L'lllllltPfa l Itl. 0rt B1 n l.l lo, fees un l) UXpU II~O~ rur April , Lu th hWtld Ii It],. thltt met 11111 jllnl;le. 0 limy to f\ln r. nud huuger. t .. II Ol1 t ux I" tl1. 0 tl x£ld . i74 20 \'lJuli g Ituly'~ IIll f lll i v f\ AVC tood 1\ At 1t!II ~ t W P urI' r id nr hllll flu l I -- _ _ • . _ wtndulIlI , II d i!" l blll!!d II r ound H., s hllli d lo IIlIhl\lll'Y If lu lhl ~ II I \I'll Com m o n Pica Court An llll tnllllll1 ' lind 0")(1 rflllltnlDf(, t \\'o lull to IIw ot II ",:l.ln. I(ll !" 'ow Sull s ' OWN r~EOICIN E W(lf" ~ v p~ ., 1 h ll~A "Johll!" !Je '111 M .., \\, froUl hr . " W Ail. t.hllt I, ~HR IIllv th lnj! I evo r P., in Ic;wns nJmoot T h ' "lflH \\ IIH, VII. 'l'hf! AIU f' r l(,.lD . I b A""l ot !" (\xr.I " ln1 ,·d tlt e ffllf nOfl. flltlo r's IIrms Dnd sought tll080 lit tho tiS If by m'll ie whe n IIlnn \\'bo 101'1'd hl'r Ilnd 11'100\11 s ho I \ ri ll/IV i.' ' \I tII I '", m o nll\" 11M dum I . fie 11l1.f1 nh llut" h It- it I ht .. Ill P (\ 1' 1 .till n·t 111101>; !hll! YOll fllrlll~ r!4 u b('gin usi ng tot). 1(IV~d, RR yout h will aud must. "I.e t ' I!I ·,. ."Il ,) UIt .hli w NI i :,tluU. ! tol nl'-h kno ~ wh llll be tlu,e~. t ~ w or.' ~fl I' lJl<iol prltt ..... U rtlp.i," 111 6 fa.m01l9011 him go. Wh yehoul w cnrc '! Toke ' I It,. , to.- " , B,'l lt vs. L"" I RIl II (ur oe r fil ln n lllll ~ nt~ ho ~Iltl< nlttH I ' \Vh ·. t lo.' !'1 ·' q Ul'lri llu tbe oonn. 1" "11 ~t1 y for R h ur'" m .. to my afs tcr." l ult.· L llj lll{ lfI(\ld l ' "'(\ ~llrlll 'ln ll im P,mlJ 1l' wb o tlLk o Dr. Kin '~ Nflw l t r y I'oll. io Ii o.!J~: t .umbago. C , Ahm od SII1I I d os lie a nd Il ls m n fllll' k. Ex!! ULIi" l,f IOIll Y Dlnlml c k, 1)1\10llvery ror liD I"rltal ,n !! I,)o ld ,,1 0 . 'ThAt (t vI'r VOII'l .. ~" · 1'01'111.(\ ~b e l !:)o " .,i .'a. N a ur al:: Toll d th e ON. Thl~ was ns It s hu ul t! rIOOP/I. od. ", .. n tl)' O col' f ,'fl'(ll -' u re (If ' n pl. ll1l l ~ t!"'- tb Oy k o IW t hlll .(lQul!h orl,v girl . rlointl ol! n pretl y fin!! r . il11 rl td adrcd trouitkr.. ) . '., r igbt 10 11'0 lin. Por whUl mno was n b ette r malo IIl ort v ~I' IIl ll oml t 1' l,dlU d " 7 5~(J !ltD I m dHI Iv III }>tl ll oL rfH ~ rh" l 'IlI1'!1, t1 of '·.llI·1 t hi n k nt hllVIII!{ II ('Ill Oll f III h rou t r, killN tb e ~n r lll!' Hud Il IJ\~ n t h e Ib'''\ t "v k ne II .n.• « I1 01.'~ 00 I. .. ·'1'''1. ~I()PS Ih e nchllS tor his go ld en·h n lred mel11snblb ? And 8111l1'i. Indlllllllf)1 1I ~ UII"t:J Gil • VP • ~ hhfln t .\l ' ~ I' QKA.PTlIIR XIX-XDtbl7n, WlnDI., tliel1' uy or .L ~t.uru to fl Ot. Yuu ... ~ ....____ nnt! pains nnd mnh'!1 rather &D4 Bruce lind &. bJdin. piace In th pn ho thought ot r.nl St oGh, ubd hel ~.l', 1 ." M.l h u g (0 .. Uo ber ; B. E llel ey oon ' t I ('strOY 1\ Coltl by ~ ul)frft() I • i i[" worth liviug. ' G,-t tho. bomo. of Ram.baL The iatc.r'. wife, n bolll.., of "fl. llro",," ~hf'lk Od CL little. F or La l 81n gb III1U "ou l ·. t;.. . UI' ('IJI1, m o n y ooly. ~ren trll e nt--Y Oll 1I 1l1~t, ' to tll~e Could Go Faster Pwa4I&a. " u.. lawtul QUOOII ot Allah.. &n4 pubUo .elltlment In her fay or III 100\.' ),. A ltookJul wilh h hud spcn t many vI osn nt h01l1'8 to- ,, "u' u nt· 01.. , 111 II, $:lll:.l till with In. eu u a o f t h e trnuhl!l. BoliO o l/tlm , 11'01I1a.r, 'l'I1e peopl. &t luI.. "0&1')' of c •• e h Ille ~ iI' ''' [ull II th r. 'I'h ey hr d worked tog Ih el' 111 1tare. t lat. H et II. boU I.1 o f Dr . King 's New tJlDballa'. mlllrule,_ rlae ualn.t blm, rli rec li on s for I~" WIth llamab«1 at their be&<f aud Brune I"n.y olld 10 war. s hllrod dllllgpr "lid J . W. LIIJ!{o VF. J c..; McCl n ng , Dis I'o vary t odny . . The 1·.1"1 vf'11t1 1,{ ~n. l p.!\mlm bl\d tour colol'el ftabtill' lIlI4er blm. Tile I:)e u'l tidilY. 1 c:n;", ID""Ic...._T-__ brl'od IIlItI glory. nil at w h lrh \\' 118 Ulon n o nl v, tllU O lllH olui01ed 9,~ o OJlnnte~ I" whill h to o .. Ioh hl~ train IU tlret .. roe 4.t~ted. but lCathlyn'. t'[rl1(c t lol. .. 1JOi,'t :t appearnnOll \napl_ tbem ADd the wr i1tctl In th e bool{8 or Ut e Ol'lt lsh rIIJ nu. ", .1:10 ,vHh IUhH'1l8t " '"n 't vn n /;; I I Il ~Lll r ~11l11l Ihis ? " C11rt Il il ything elM in _ 118 In tbelr favor. in Cnlcu t ln. b e 11,,1, ill1 I,h l' ,"'mot, 0111' ()olJnnotof , ph" " of iL Anyoru!:. Cheele the Chief Export. It wos th will or Allah ; lb l' ro wns Pl'oc.eed ings .. y tl~, .. . h, h,)11 rl n' or ao, 1V" ~lld. CHAtrrlllR XX-Tbe .......... UOIUI .aca~ ! :J'n , ' 1 ply ' Ou. H l" 'u Ih e I fM De me, Swltzcrland. oxports Il mucb .ad JCa.thl,n . oek. aatet:7 111 & t1eaorte4 • III ~I ,I. : l~ !1 tf"rc scu d ()nn. ]'o llar In but ono ro,L ull d l\tu hornet wa s his " lJU~ [hllV A In ~"'v vlth m y uu r, " . ~, . Jllle la (111CO"~ QmbaU.. 1\';_;1/ 4: 1 1\ n. . tHlm tic '~r ( ' 0 •• N('w."lrl:. T bu 1.io It 13 II Cu \' ~. Th e Way _ high r va lue In Swlea obee~e than 10 prn llll ·t. Th en Ahm ed di s mi ssed La l 'Who r. fleeIq wltb the Kat1 for wlss wntches. ','I I. itlhl " ! ' ' 1u of "oJ I l rtJps'1 \ \ I be he ..111 tlre to the bou .... S ubscrib e f'll' the Miami GBz'ette Slut;h "nd Iho vn st rro'l\ hi s th o1\ g ht ~ , o edvi ll fl l)tt!l nIU~ r :O. VOl! 18 dis. n.~ )l,'ClJll hl 'I • dBl.PJ:zR XXI-Eaatullnlf trom tna t ofte r the phll080VhlclII mnnne r or ,th ruI St;l'c1 o t r rqlltl. of plt.ln t tfJ. 4aqer=la9D p.ltt threateno, but t\ Asiatic. and t urn ed to tbe more. vital ~ t l1 t6 f O l. io VI:I }];uol !:iuDontOD .-nUl 4ce8 himself nnt! ....vea J<lith· Iyn. .. bal h... lon( .Wlpec~ lbnl el'a nnd CM t tho conlentA IlI lo 'L!fll irs unllor hand. Jr , (] I;J fOunn.Dt pl,,"d~ oot l:(ullt3', otIM real king did Dot die ... 11''''' no· , At !loU/"bul's houso th ert! ",tiS Il BIlIal fix ed .. I; t l 2 O. Il' rtllJk Brflndon IIOWlo&4. Wltb the ...I.u.ooe of aru~.. face. "FIro, i1 re, n.nd dellth!" an4 ~ he t1n4lo tbe kl .......10.... ho bad ~ hrIll (' d lit hlrn . hOPDY reunion; nnd 00 lI e r kn eos Pun· IS b llPu lnGad lily Uo ur t uij attolney tot' btu~-: ~mb&lla and ea· T h e doucho br ought the IllUU out ·ot d1tn con tessed t o hor lord how near defen dno t. h iM s lupor. she had been to hrls tlno dnmn a tlon. " 1'lrll'!" h e rllll"" ted. Sho butl fnll ll n trom grace; sh " bad Real IEstate Transfers CHAPTER XXI. "Come!" rovc rtc d to tho old cll s toms of her Arrows·m ith, Woodford Star and Mammoth Jack will make the Season A . M. Fau 'v e r t o Fmnk Sta nl ey 'l'h 18 tim o 110 tollowed bor doclle l/, rue!). to wloom 8ul c lrl0 wus nut 91n . of t?15 at the above llarn in Corwin, Ohio. Saved From the Flame.. w illing hi s fnce on his s lcovo.· Hn mnblll took h e r In bla nrm s und 273 S nar es in \V" YOtl tu\vo~blp $ 1 Wheo tho I\oos sniffed the oc rld Th ey h l'lI rrt t1o 0 g" lit ~Iooutltlg In lou~h d her (orplo end WIUI hi s II IIi. E lwoo ll .Anl t to lun K Pill", oDe "Anel now," SU ld. Ul0 colouel , "thEI flora o f luod I J 'l'nrt leor bll k township Ilmoke the two ot them fe U to r our lng thr stroe t, but did not turry to lellTll tbunderou·sly. The)l reared aD d lit.- ,i' lIa ' hud cHu Heu It. kin g!'" 1-(1, I tempted to 'climb tbe la dder. 0 Iy' 1.0 (fn, ,>1 l 'llI ttnllu's beare rs, upnn r enl· Rumabnl'a hpod 81111k L . .1. HtJl v t on . t Lef\orlur J e nklm taU back jorrlll gly. Tho rlUl up li nd Izlng what his llIus ter l1nd dOIl O, had "\vllIlt Is th 1111. 1I o("r Is 11 II!'od?" Iln d WIfe 7;'. IIcr e~ of lun d III tho. 1 down tho boll. stru ok wltb tbat i nborn run d01l'1I ti l strrot COl' uld . He h a d " It 1 kn w th llt ," II Il Rworcd HIlIllU' II I.. u t n VII <hlp. t . terror. 01 flro , Th ey dnred o ot de- h ud IwO objl~ct" In vi w- to 9U" a t he bn,l: "I wnlllt! r ea t r Olll c nL " Ci r l1r (lfJ g IIn,j O llt,. Rhode .. to Beend 1n rnce ot thut lurid illuo it o w hit e g(l dll c~" nnt! ·to b uy hie freedom. nu t you 6 arc h d th o rOYl\1 ' I,n r I ~~ " lid 1~ .. Ul" H·. It'" tw o "mil 11 wb lch rosa trom that s parkling In a, ..~ Io ' " r w hundr ' d Yll rds UWIl." , 11\ an· Il rl ~on?" I h , . l, rIl (j t, ~ o f nlHI III V e tlrJj ~ l cl ~ O Wll d Ip whlob they had feare d sloce tl. e be· nl lin r s trB(Jt, the co lo n<l l, Bruce , und "A nti found nothing, no lh lng! " ~I ginolng ot time, ~\ h!lH' d woro draggi ng · a n e t tor tile "\\' hat (\0 you ' lIell evn?" ~ Il . W ,lf )tJwll r,j ,, 1\11 Ell u ~ F o lk 10 I Alas. Kau'lyn could ha ,'e dcseoodod ' )lU" 1'08 01 layI ng It (or a lion at lIay " ) hr ll eve t hat !t loe r th e ('o uncl! now wIthout fear ot tb o b Ll8tH mo- ' 111 II blind ulloy. Into t he Ir prCde oce or I II1bll lhl II. R fOI' s tolled u ~ . W e Adllm A\ltng'n(' !,,' N · .. 97u HI Frtlo~- I lestlng ber; I?utlt wns t oo lot . F inall y nl~l\{'tI th e wlld·cy ,tI II a rer. sha ll I'ls lt t ho Connell lit on co. Tll r.y Itn 1'1.'10 abe throw down tho trap IUld th o s, ..· , tll a wh it go rl tlcss !" be cri ed. II I'!! J...·lsone ra . It the y bfl\, o Ilnu li e ~ Ii: W ,lIH I" ,1 1' t " .I un . o~ A . BellI emolt:e' oleared a II tlle , bUI th o in fe rno HI'lI (, "e ll'. II h im by tho Hh ould r . hund In th e dlsllppell rllnce ot tb l' kin g. Jlu"~ o f 1'0 u, ·re Ilf In nli \l Allr R, d below went 00 erackl lo g merrily . "\\' hnt Is tlorat ?" th e n we are focl ng II. s lone wnll O\"' r L\()n , ,, 1 (44207) The hOUBes on ench Bide were sl l]gln " Th o w ld c' god d :SM. Buillb! Sile Ie whic h we cunto o t lelLll. For Ull lhall a ' l\u l'l ~ HU'IJI ICfll" ,\J tn florelll1 Btorled. She would hreak overy bone 011 th o roor of n \Jul' llillg h o u~c. Durl;lI hliS fl e d, with er ou on o kll ows, un d :::! 1 '~ Jlh e IlBI\I\ 2(j ;~ .. eres tn Humilt" o AHHOWSMITH , a ll iltlpol'ted I'erclt c r . 1n hor body If sho jumped. Th ere we re Hn.Ul. my Illus te r; 6('t nro to It. ' Ha-l s \\lI h him II<\S ~ n\lO th o " ere!. Co 111 0 . to"'1I hlp 101 t our cartr1dges In th o r evolve r. Sbe dru nk t11111 hIding In n h ou ijO n nr bY." wu ahu ll go ut onc, to th e Iill inco Frlln k KIIl n.I ",V 1,0 C. 't'. nnd I:Iflttle 011, is ·a black st a llion. J(j h a nd s high, anti lle ld It In h er bRnd !lo d studied It In n "Th (> II\ IUI Is J\Jnd: ' d ec lul' ~ d lho pl·lsO II." , 1:111 rll l' r II ~ U8 uc res In \Vn.y uo l owo. weighs J 8 50 pouods, und is tl s}Jlendidly proportioned animuL c \lrlously detache d miloneI'. Silo could cololl I. " Kit ",o" ld nol Ill\ ve lost her T ho Co ull cll wblch hnd rule d _" 10 ll g ~ lI jjl Sf)PUU. A RR WS~MTH was sired by Keno tooe wild beasts. m en, steel, andl elld ; way I h~~ rar. He I ~ lying. H e wa nta III Allahu wus very hum bl e IH dned . (1"I, rlo(o M. ril lto n to ,\nnu nnd but flr o. the most horribl e ot all tor. mOl1(o)·. Th ey had hll pr! s oll cd tho kIll !! lJ .l ulln (: unr ll l! n !I~ ; " uc r H8 III Hllln\l. 2630~1, and is re"O rded ill the Percheron , '0' turllll. , . . Wby bOldn't she kill ed Alolll ed t; ll0ke. 'rho benre r rell u pon cuuso ho had given many evltJenees .0J lou t ')\Vo~ blll fiOlit '. ciety o f America. hIm as ho leered up at b er trom the Ills kn P ij . men tn l unballLnoe. P rhfLps IIn \Y I ~" ly Wllrr OIl H61",r t,8 liT til to .Aon .. E. street? Three s hots, nt Illtonnls! th ey had prochllmerl his doa th . lJurga J O bO ~Oll 1 L1 ~ ' .'. :174 In ~ r..uklln, Four cartrIdges, !'bree ror Ilolp and T ile cololl I nnd Bruce Btared loto flam hn(1 dlsooverud what th ey hud '$ 1700 one for h erself It h elp caIDe oat. She each oth er's eyes. done nnd had he ld It over th olr II p,u da Annn K Joh lt so ll to Johil T lIod raised h e r arm Bnd fired throe shote " God jn h ' IIvon!" gasped tho colo- like a sword hlnd o, Thot tho kill!; wae A. K. Co llin s lot N o. 274 10 Fr~oil. with Intervols betweenthut might n el ; " th OB 111'0 rtlvo lv r s hots!" not 10 his t1un geon. , vhy nnd II'he'ro- 110 , it. MAMMOTH JACK is a lig ht brown with suggest a cnll tor ald. Th en s h o DlDI'ed "D rlllg th ne t!" s houted .Ahmed. 1'0 for. wu.s boyo nd lhelr know loti go. Edw llrd P. Joro 't io t.o Frallk J,. white points, ;)X bOllds high, weighs about opet, th e t~c llllill Llg b nrer he suld : "I..on t! Th ey woro In the power of flumub i.,; u · J to the rarthest \lDd o t tho par" Illltl n. I, , ~tr(h II 100 a ortls 111 I::!nr. 1100. sired by Orphull Boy (H)t>. grand tartbost troll1 tbe s moke nnd til fire . u s ; " '0 fo llol\, . And It you huve 1 t him wo rk his ",!II upou th em . Til ey vay Nu ~3 1 ;J . $ 11)(lU champion Jack at ~he World's Fair ~Il I H,04, Suddooly the fOIl! s h ook and qul vor d 6 110~l.' n th e truth you s hall not only ).od IO ld th e truth. And Rmllflbnl, first da.m by Limestooe Mammoth 208 , U WI 11 811, earthquake had d fs tnrbed 'tho b llvo your freedom 11ut rll" ee8 rllr your much us h o t! etest 'd th e m. bcl1evcd Commissioners' 'Proceedhl\IS Jack shown for 10 ycars ant.! was never touodatlons. She u n(l rstood. The low. old as o." . the m. Out for t il e vresonl It Wll 8 r . er Bta!rcase 'had tOI>f)led. A 11011 '0 !let Is n h Il"y affair, bu t 'lulrcd thllt th 8Y " ' lIm!n Iu cll rc ,'u t ed l::IllI~ A II\Hcerl ; - 13. E Dllu ' ush i defeated. , .. From th~ I\ons tho dunlz os o f th in wi t h t ho nlll or tho k""I)('\'S the meo l tlll Ih e' klllg WflS fo und. d end or " li ve. t' .'tI' .. u~"· lIj r O· . I " <jU ~~G !Judy 01 E'r'lllk _._.,:;-::::! _~=-:_ Part or the buzaars blld fl ed Inside r ao liS 'Iulckly lllltlllghlly us II llurd t> lI. In tho pnlaco so ld l('r s nnd 8 I'VIUlIS Hl oI'~ ~ 50; W. C t1jIOlour. bnllrd. lbolr hOUBOII: but.lhe Blghtot th e fire losa. Smo)t .. T h er o wns fl fir o. The allko hn,l Ill rondy fo rgo lte n mlJftllf\. ! l~~lIr '!I(' I1l' r~ ·O •. l ~ ; ,I:!.. K. ?IuJr? rd WO 01" RD STA~ls a ~Ich re(:l sprrel; st~r in face, Olle white an4 Ita nearness drove th e m te r rlned ' h l'urls or lh o while m en b at J)ltlufu lly. 'ro I he m tt wus Il~ If he hod not x, D, II tll'q" .~I1\ "1 0 20 ; Uhlo tor ' . hl11u leg , )(I! ' h Ands high, weIght 1200 pounds, medium condition' into the Bt.re&t. Th y b gno t nklng Alltl th e' ulli n .t'IOU lit occlirr~d to I" t .·(\. II In 1I row hou,". 'rh I'e WUH, 11liotll'",1 (. u h" '" Co" " III Oil, $Hl6 ;jtl; (4154) whh good heavy bone. Coming 7 years. , . Ollt their 1'.61ua1l18s. Th e household bo UI ot t1 wl'\ ; th )' ~hou ld hltl'o gone how l"'c r, 11 0 u.al1 w'ho di d not fO "ge L IJII . h ilI 1' "" . «(), l 1C1l \'e lo p (,;1/. , II IlI', O ne ',of tht: b'est·bre.d saud le and general purpose stalll coate blaat d . ·and children ~creamed to RarmLbo l's bOllia [lI st, then lura od Uv on II C r la ln flny Illbolln. !I[ld . CIII;~' plh'. t n,r Dl~orr l ,. A8se~f.I Ir . :J;j rop ; I the S tate. This horse has' a number of ni.ce big cqLts lbat show their breeding and will . ale I ' ~DSI I and women ahrleked, - UHlir ott UUOIl t o tho lions. And U mo leKslY' 81l\'od Ills IIr , a nd to hlK !J~!\o- \ :1)1lUll ~ U8 BI ,I ~ k BLin k Co., t,rljJli. , s addle and barness horses and are big eno.ugh for riui\\: woh; . . -. • m e ug c ~ B t 00 t th Id h I th ~I\ ",·c" b ltlbut 10 0. llUllaa n1:llJ' IIYI tnctor ho was no\\' d tllrmlo\!id' to de- llll tl'h to r 1~ I 0 I) t ~t.t:lot As!' sor· · . . '. " I ." ' " I .~• . ~: :.. u~~ ~~der ~!me~ voto .t hn.t i l ( . 'ril le Clan WIIS tl. ml~ FOR PEDIGREES SEE LARGE BlLLS' . roof. ADd wh s bould the y make the jordomo, tho cbh· r servant In the
;tII. ~
'eat P._. t
J. A .
In.,, .........
Waynesville, Ohio
, '1
___ __ .____
. oJtwln ~to~kBattn
_==-';'===-_-"'---:;0-WOODF . ORD STAR .
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atteJlll)t! DI(l l1,t e oot h<'.ar a cb&Tmed liter "he lib not the relncarnaUon <II _ . anrlent r;oddea8! he bad 4111U1 IIOlDeUllnc ID bea..en 10 oll'eod till
""_ta. TIuo~: :!~Id·~'~;!
-u.. ..,., . . -th8e --
T " ~ flu...J _ .. ft:......' ~ V~~_
I. ~onight 'Jt will act 8S II laxallve .In the. ~~ m ..o,:"lna . .,.. ,
tbe proper mo_t urt..ecL / "'1 TIM : .....
- _~ -
.. ann.y.
kln g's 110118 hold. It wns not thllt he lovod Urubltl!a; rattler than h ow d
Peop e
an This
n I! p ht nnd resolv~d.\o Iluy IL nOl'er rllJllly (!oj oyro a meAl unWi 'ro DE COI<OT IlI> ED iW~ advised tI(e!," to tll"e a - --..: - -'_ .eftAl_JtIl DyspepsJa
01 paaaoJd
pnll &lIOlqJ elllll UI ,before ADd ·JIBlI.Jno'( ·e;)ll;)tJ.Id
.... ultU. II-IUS 8'41 ~ e~N 8,.-.1.
by -~
euIa lUll.
TERMS-$lS.00· 't' 0 '
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coll is foo.. lee,1.
d b d n s~asQn ccome . ue.
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without my
be responsillle);~ould any .oCcuf. •
J'nsura"cc ... 'd Ca . paJ, re
COllSCI1' t, forfel'ts
d JclalllC on all olts until the scason's fee is
G EO ~i1i n~t.T
taken to pr veut aCCIdent, but
'r e a L.ov·,e Colt'
tn~ ,. D'U
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W.H. MA ================~-~=====
J . E. J nil .. .
------. ----------"" MA Y HI, 1\ 15.
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Tb · mall Wi ll' , yu r ke;; a m] the m :1II ", h nul' I S .,' hil hllilJ!'t (U\ U II.I!- is of ",-.lid Inc l:I \ V I t) li oel'u ' lsil d n \\l lIlum l jflC a IlLl d~a m , WlI" IHllllp. ohc,,' I , wil h II", fll rce nf ril e lHn ,
M 1- " fl U Mr ~ .
CHI\NE Y & C .. Tolco ,
\ Vo, tile unde rsigned ha \Ie kuo "l) F J. Che nr )' fo J' the I:lSI 15 years , ,,11\1 lJeli~ve him pe rfec tl y 1I" " oru hlc in ull lJusincss t mllsucl ion ~ li nd f'i 1l;} lI cialt y a ble tu ca rr y u ut un y ulJJiMa tiulis Jl4l uiC b,l his firm . N Al roNA l. BA N" O F CO MMERCE,
Toledo, n.
\\,11" h" , II ' 1 Ih ' l illie I{, fuss Uilit In'l !J ut be ts Il i(' f(' \.· \,c 'ty I llllC- ,} lI lI bel .
Ilu ll' s Cu la rrl l C,n. i! Inkcli illl c rnally , a~till g din·l't ly UpO Ii t l l(' Illoot) ltnt! mucu lI:-t '1' 11(' 1II .. 1II w Ill) w ill S is the mu n who \\'\.' Il r~ surf:lees u ll he ' y" lelll. Test ;lIIu lli :Lis se nl t\ Silli ll.' It.Jo l ' IJ Yl ' r llis burrie ll 11 £ c an:" frro. rrit'C' 7,\ cc ., ~ per buillc, Suld Ity \,:VI! .. 1(l1(,wS th.!1 lil c SliU will ~ lt i l1(, 1l~lI i ll "II DTII Ir~ i s t s. Th~ll t he t: lo uu s will pa ss , a nu w,' lice. I Take Ihll 's Fomit y Pills for CO llllipuI he
rolin, .
lioll .
Who hu~ k les down 10 " pile II I wnrk . ~ i \'c s
AlId UCVC! f
s hi rk
lip ' a l1 ~ '
"1'il I hI! LURk Is d Ime, un,1 the loil is s \\'e~1 W hite Ihr len1Jlles Lh l'l'" wilh red /)louu' 5 IICII I. The man \\11 ,0 wln ~ is the titAn wllO clint!'s 'J'he luddel' of lile Lo 1he chee r)' " himes 0 1 Ihe bdls ..r lalxir, tile ""tis " I I,At. ,lReob Aroold, of Day ten,. waH 8 Autl ;SII'I "flu id his s kill witl s puil. BonflflY gOe!lt uf Purry WY dongftDd Jf he fa ce Lhal " hinc III j:1,uin): SUII, And workN in I hI! 1i)(111 liII his ' a sk Is fllDl\l1 d fl"~ , Bruoe ,1"lt"n, wHe and dllnghter, A IlIlInll lI engine wilh lril'l" h£'a lll , "f t:!lJrln~flf lei, aoo Linley Marllllt Alld Ii )",,"lr d und ih y "u nu tls of and wtfe, of t'lllf!n~ Vlilley, spent ~ I cn ll\ . l:Iu o:s d"f witb UllorgA Marlatt Ilnd - . II Cl'CSS farni1y . ---~.... Jolin Rye and family sIlent Bnn d'IY WJIIl flmotbJ ~arlllU aud wifE', RHEUMATISM !lamer PrllU, or Xenh. called on I(b"tlllllltll!J11 III " dillilase ChltrRC 'DIlt:oo Whartoo and wHo Snnday . terl~ ~ " by pttlu" io tbtl jolul.l' l\UtI in B. A, Dill, wi ff) and 11(10. of Day. tb ~ l.noROles ThA 01 .:'11\ 'lOmm oo torm .. lirA : Aoule Itnd Uhrunlo too, "pell' 'be week end wltb hi .. mother Mrs. A. W. 11111. Rbeomdlllln, Rheomatlo Hl!8(l"ebell. Jolin MorAan, or Xenl&, Wtl~ a SOIatlo (tbflomlltlHIU and LumbagO. All of tbellH l.VJlft8 oan be beit)lId Sunday vlaitor of Lewill fltellhens' . WilliAm OOdd, wl~e Jl.nd daugb. IlbHolutely hy aVlllylog Rome gooli IIn.lment tbllt pl",etrate~. An all ser. of Day&oo. were rA08ut guea'" - . pIJoa610Q Or ~Ioa"'d Llolment t,wo or of bill motber Mra, !)odd, tbree t.lml'~ 11 d .. v 'to the nffeoted . YrR . Joe Morgan III visltlnJr her part will "I velllllt.ro& relief, !!Ilollo' ~ 8111t8r Mra. Ora MI\ :llltt. /.lnimeot ill ~ood Inr IlIlln. aod ell alto Marin, aod frlond, of Day pool.1I1 Rhenrnnt,io Pt1lu. beoaUIlO it \On, were ~onday gnOll'" of 'l'lmotby pen8trawII t() t.1I" ~ " .. t of the .'ronblt', lItarlltH. aootJi •• tbo amlet, ',1 part "nel draWl! tllA paID. "Sllmll '" , ..Inhnallt III a\l . Mn, David 8, LuOall apen& Suo m >dlolne." Gelt, ,, lll\o. bnt.1I1'1 now day wi&b AlDOl! Jlloklon aDd family. ...--'-,,..-Keep It. bllll~Y in Po'lao.of IImergeooy.
Y "Ul tt ~'L'll. ill
(1" ' 1
:\l ) "Ol'~ '\1i ~ ~" 8
I E:l lkI ... .I;Illr~ t .. 11\1 HIIIHI;11I 1" 111 .. li t·
. W e nf}'''r O ue HUlldred J) o ll ~ r" a HWllrcl t o r lJuy OIL ,\j)ft;lIt6rrli tb~t O,JlOllt be on r"d by l:lull 'M Cu'/<rrh
lau w i ll S is t hl: I1IHII whu d flc s . c ~ Urt• • TI Il' IIUIII \\ Iu, . "" : I k ~s th ilibS h ll m a lill
i·oml! i.1 l b" K I 1'. o\ ,"I U,':\ 1 [· mn k. 1.1n 'I'b u rstill Y hi!!" t ,
M r"ll l1ln . ,~ ~J re I ~ JUl ti
Tit ..".
).... lUI, Bl q(1 k II I.IolI(!r'c1 11111 D. of A l o(l~ .. 11I,,(\f IIl~ nl MI. ' fI,lDi ~b or g ~'rlll lLV night Mr . Il ud 1II r • . ,I \\'. 1:l1I()] I' V lIu d dl' u gu ~ r Erlt l" ~Pl' ut !'lIt UHtil'\, flil d ' uml y ..... ith P)'ol . 11 11'\ ~ I rtl IEl n, ol' 1.:1 , ~ p lt ll)' li t. 2(0 01 11 Mra .Hn r r.y I:Ill r"t unri ~" n l'hn rl os WAr" HUlu r dtty n nd l:I u,uln.v fl UUNts , of Fmoklll.l r e lntlves . Mr . lI ud \l r ~ Hu rr y i'd nlli nllll llX Th o Tebua ntepec village 0 0 Lhe Zo ue Ul tho Paofl ma-Pnclfic lo ternatl onal lIud ohlldre n. of lJ'runldl n , w e TII ='UIJ . , ~; xp o8 Itl ,? n Is R bIt or th e oldest cl" llIzAlio n of the wo r llt hrought to S0.1I dil l' g ll Orit",." MI' . Il n<.l AIr •. Uo ,. 1 FrancIs co !'tom tb e counLry of Lhe Aztec rui ns In Central Amerlcn. Dcuulltul Moyo r~ . cnrpeL weAvlns Is sbown, togefhe r wlLh onyx culli ng , cla y and Il ll lC modellng, l Mr. ',nu hlr tl , J ohn lilt: 'lur e an tI r. Ilnclent dauclng and Wng lng. pottery ma ili ng und coloring aod. othe r arts t lt lD ed Ih u b:1)w(l r tlt Lt'ug uo B[lt u r. 1 rtlarnctcrls Uc of the peoplo. A t)'IItcal s ard!'n Is open to lho vis itor In tb e I dar night concess ion In wbi cb Is to be Reoo th e lond.capo nrt of lhls Iloopl , I n~1 IS<l l \ Ilr'.lO wI n ] d t oro on tl'r tll lll O h () _ ____ _ _ _ '! 8 w o" t Slxtoo nK I.-ilLtll rdu y uft eru ooll , Muy , ,,I, h ur h omo !!Ollth at ~ow u.
*1'-1-H-E- - N-E-I-G H8-0R+-H-O -0 U--N-E"-N-S· ·lt l ·rw~:::. o~tl~~ H~:~~O ~:;~11 :1rll~~~~;\ ! .
1-: _
s Written by Our Cotps of Ablt: Correspond. • h N' ents an t e elghborhood
___ ---.-----------'1 BEllBROOl(
do w n lIn d "lJont Mot,b erR' O,lY wi t,1t h i" bl~ t o rtl unu b rut u r , \Ir ~ A H.nD d ill!. M l s ~ Add lo Blll ll (lS nud J B. l i:lnllle _. . I Dr Ulbao n ~" 1.rr, of " ou t h Ult"rl s I ~ o n, s pent MOLh en' DIt Y wi t l! bls w o t.h or , Mrs A . I'n y liJr , wb o ls io b a r OHtll y etlf . ,\ 1illS Mltry D6rllng t ou
\ r! I
'l1 Jlpl)"
tl 1'1"
Finest lot of .End Posts ever · brought to Waynesville.
Mra. Frank Blirrls Ilnd Han. H ilt ,lu Mrs ELh e t M DIlV! S, wife f Allen " On ll oC' lJlln t of m y co nnn a ment vlHltod Mr and Mrs . Paul Pater soll. OIlV l" d lull l\! hor hom e a D Wost In th e pr intIng om ee 1 bllve fo r of SJ1rlnj:( Vlttley , HuturrlllY. HtrUll t.• l<'r I(J ~ )' ve n ln g at 4 :(lO a 'ol ock l,Voll rs beotl Il ohronio (lulTor or from Owen Barris Is vi~ltlng r~ lu tlves , '~I th II cO ll il~ lUlltiou of d!sefl8o~. indl br914tlon nnd li ver tr ou bl e . A few :sho Wil li \}of " r o murrla g ll Eth el M woek s ogo J hn d un ot tu ok t lmt WIlS 10 WIIUJin l!ton for 1\ s hort, I.illia. ~r lind Mr8 "VOl I:lllr \'C'y 01 U I e m m e r 0[1(1 ""s Ii g rud o ll t o of B ell. 80 pever e t b ut 1 wos not lillie to go Bllroid !SmUb ~ere ~I ..it u r~ .. t tl~ " 1 b ro"~ 1::Ii,.l. ~h o o l I n UjU~ . t:' h o 18 to MlO CIl SO for . two d.~ t B . F aWn.· Ua m city 00 T burRuay of Ill st week Au r H'ed hy her h ll ~ hnu ll. be r Ulol·h - to g et IIn y r e lief frolU IlUY oll.l er . 01, Mr l.norB Or llm ;)r , (Ino s tl!t er , t:roll t m ellt (took three of Chamber Mrs Laurlt 86rlan and Mr. I:I l1 r ttl" j Mrs Ad" Orow l al Ma o n e bro the r ".In ' TL\ biet B nnd t be n e xt day I Bbldakor were D.. y ton vl"itors las t , l," r1e~ (Jf<. nler :111 of neli r t h is pllAce fe lt Hke II Ile w ma n. " w~lte@ B .' C. week . ) he wat! w 11 Itiu)wlI nil h lKb ly r ' · 1:IIIIIoy, ~Iit.o r UL\rOIiIlL\ News, 'hllp. llrlll M,UY }<; dwtll'ds ill nm ~l lIg h er , ~p ,'ct d b~' nllluy trilln d ~, w ho wer e l o ,~. , btlllnllbili e verywhe r o, dlogbler, Mr H ~'rank I:hrv oy , of grlllvoo to le6r u f b or dOll th. I!' u. • __- - Lebanon. Il villit. Mrs J£dwnr cll! 11K"' : Il ll rni !Ier VICPti Will lIe b e ld /<~ tb e been poorly ro r several 1.11') 11t hl! u nL homo Monday IIf te rn oon I. t II 0 'oloc k WHITE MAN WITH LIVER Radl um Used to Promote Ptant B~ preeent ie IOllob IDlpro ved . by 110,' 1lIlllt,or I e v. P . I~ LeUIR r, 'rhe Liver is Il blood purifier. 1\ Growth. Autom o bile .. lirO m o r o Vi Ilt.ifulill of th M, P oilurch .md bnti ll l will WAR tbougbt a' one time It WRII tb ' tbls vi olnity Lbtln I1 d i1ltr ~ h i t·l!18 be JlI ij d n III IsolllJw k C TJle'tery by Some of tho rem arkable proportlos eo'lt of 'he pa8ll10n8 Tbo trouble town. . IInuorto kllr \>\'11Ite l' MoClllre, of of radIum are bein g dllmonstrat od by \NUh mOilt people i. tbat their Liver an o ~ h l bl to r In th o Llb'ernl Arts build· "Pookv" COO k, of We .v n tl8 villo, Wuy n tl"vill" , beoomell black beoan~ of ImpUrltl1ltl M is~ 1.001.1". McGl n n iA, of Lytlt', tng 'a t t he Pana Dla·Paclllc Inte rnatlon· In 'bo blood doe '0 bOld plly.loal caml! over to s~o his b Ollt I:lrl t-In t~r _tatllll, 0.11810/11 81110u"n_, Dead dal' night. It b"gnn t u look Ntorm y " i..lt3d ·r ulut.i vett llero labt !:l unduy. III ExposltloD, BUll ];Tllnolsco, In coo· ,.011... lJlz~ln0ll8 aod (Jonlltlpllf.loo lIod " Peo ky" feoliug th ut bo h u(1 M illiS Du y ox o rc i ~ e~ wi ll bo he ld nectlon wtth a new 10veullon making Dr Kluf('R New LIfe PIli.. wlli olean not 01111]0 th ll O eOIl~!\lIry e nf e ll8 1 0 n ~ h ero E'rl dfl Y, Muy 2 1, li t t il e school possible Ule radloty10g of water fer op tbe u-t ver, aod !live you new life of bis misdoio~ B . llOd ,l1 !ttl,to Ill,e r h O ll ~e by Lh o I'upl l ~ u'.l:!u,g 'LT \)r eoll medi cinal purpOt!eII, Domonst ra tin g the vower of this IItltiou8, iI~id oyur, r ot,urlliu g bo Ui o t uwosb lV ob u ill . 2Go, a\ your DruKgllj~, 81lndilY n ig ht or Mon<.lay Ul orn lu g H"rry G l b~o ll hilS \ll1rohalled It lot IIllneral promoting motti bollBm a Dum· Rov . Urltu.,o r. of WuyneB villo. Wll8 of t he J[ of p , lod g, a n d wl1l8oon ber or y()ung plants, some uxlutlng wit h and somo without tllO aid of ra.. with 08 tlundllY 1\ beiog ohildre o'l! Ilreo t (I. hOllSIl. On Time Except One day aod he entprtolu"d lIN by gi vlD!: Mr. E ugen e l' ou ll,vlt of Lhia pIlleI', dlum, are showu. Those In tho ' r&.dl~ a till" 00" do~her. " l:I e IlI1d Ii II ood a nd MiSe Lolli Corooll, of Jj' erry, aCllye solis are soen to ·be grO\.lng .objeot to t·alk 00. IInll hi s rllllJ ltrk we ro ulllr r'loc1 nt the Il o l;n e of the mu ch more rapidly thun tb ose 10 com· "Dld you MY my 'ralo'd he 'long were ve. , y much enj oy ed. R ov. tlr l(1e' ~ pn r e n ts lutlt t:ia tu r'd IlY ILl· 12 mon sotl , IlDd to havo a more henlthy In Sen mioote8, Eob?" aIIlJ:ell lun>llJ (;Juu8er l~ ve ry muob Ii ked here o ·nll1ck:. 'J 'h ••Y' '' ill resido with ttl " ap peorance. oolored mao (If tho tleket aRens." and the lutoh striog hange out to gr om' ~ pn ren t s b er e. T his luveotor hoe fouod a process . ·'YIIII. Uncle." of Impregoating Lerra cotta brtcks ~h. l1 nd lIIrs. Urobm w or e Oil Yton. wlLh radlum·be&rlng mInerals, . Bud "I j e8t Itxed you 8uh. 'oause 1 aln', hlmall tho time, ,Jooat.han Morr is. of T iftio, 0" vlRI t er s jo·n cltlr. got my rflbblt foot 'b IU' me, and these s'mall bricks placed In waler Ill'8 l.1I11~. H 11 0 ttl on t.tll l slott 1i t . dllt l1ere board 8Ily .AU 'raha ou DlLvid Morris , Ami dtlog hto l . ffi volln e said to give It remukabl e ounUve ' of &b\UII, wert) In uur vlllilgo '1'bur ~ 'Ime 'oopt ono' land l' was filluriu urGPertl8!l. 'JIhe )lorOnS tirlclur last aI· d uy, --t1al dat one w,)nld be mine . .. Tb o wrIter Is Info rm Oll t b llt. ho l ~ "BoDle one'8 \ampered wi til tho bulletin bo~rd," deoltued tbe agee t be ing per!leo ot ~ d for n ot j.:i vt 0l! WHOOPING COUGH uotlco thr uugh t bo Ite Ul !! frc.m til. " rOllblng exoi&edl, to the platlOl ID " I\'hoo my 1\ /<11/! lJt. r 111111. wh o oJ! . VI/lOtl of t,h eir 1I11VPOll irJI!fI, 10 bob ltl f 1 followed ol08ely. We both lI\are<l at the board ~hen of ro YBolf It Is not, t.h e wr ll, r 's 10. m g Clllugb till cO ll g ll ol1 ~ hllrd li t at Uocle, then dropp8d loto hYliter. teotion t.o IIl i ~htnn v " O(' . You m ee~ o nl~ 11010 Lhil t "I" h,ul J.lIJlllor rhage 1 w m offor nt ))011110 sfll e n,t Illy loal Illngb tor. Tbe bul)e*in road: me hulf WII.V , oom o forwll n l u uo of t/J o lun g. 1 '<'fiS t " r.rlbly u lur ill sd resitienoe lit, t he corn or of Third I,od " boo t h dl' ou ·.ditl on , ~Q oi [l g C h um mllll o 11\ y o nr confld unt., a n fos~ hAil trllioll 00 t.lme-t4ept. 1," Cb!lpmlln streots , (In truthfully to llIe flno I will Jlu t Ito i u bor lu lu 's ()o ngh I-l.lilnlly so h ighb' SaturdtJ.Y , May 22, 1915 tb .. uewsy Mltlml Ga zo" .... Hill VUP" I' reool.l1m ondoJ, [ gor, hor a bo t Llu I1n,1 Bog lOolng at 1 p . tl.I, th o toll ow. tbl1tl81ookod forwllrt.l tu lo IIlwost It r e li ovoci tit .. oUI:11 I\t, o uoo. BIl evory r/lUllly ill this t..tW 1I8b1 P, for o he hnd fint l'h e,l t wo b.)tLteB o f Ing lloue e b old gnods , 00llsi8t,Ing of L~mfl ha01l: II u8nally du!! to rh"u. Your aJ!>ji;!t .. nce will btl lI)Jv r eclIIM tl. 1 1I 1~ rl' lIlf'dy h Wll ~ nu tit o],y w o l l. " c bairs, tllblos, d is h es l sto ves,ol.o. mIJ.tltlm ,f the mUllOlell of tlte baok, Mrs . ' usiln Arnolcl. d,,,d working peoplf) ne Inoat. like. ['he A. ,d . E. ohl1ro h blLJll,llIlng w n l ,,~ Mr., ' :. P. Unn lll•• Or oks. 8awk e, 'A llOt . C. T. vII ;,', \ ~ h lU lI,t inillilo I:! vf'I'yw ber o Iy to snffer fruru it. IWllet mill' be took plA oe linoda y , three IJel 11g ba p bad by fUAIIl!8glng tbe-bMOIt-~~4-l'Ud,....-'rh{'re cOllld n ot-h11 vo btl 0 11 tJhllmberl"l'n :8 1,lolmont two nr a 1lI0re perf~ of. dL\Y for the L CCMtI on , Ibree thllA.. "d"y, Tr,tt. Obtnhl. Rev LewiS otHolnted. "lolA eYer, where We are to bflve FAlber 's Doy IInel ... ............ .,. __ .'!" . ,., at .blll tlDle we n ro ulllible to 81 vo ~bo d"to Duo o o tloe ",I II be gwen FO~ SALE-PROPERTY She. Got the Qu ilt "Dd It I~ h~lJeel tbat tbe hlfberMwilt turn out lind till' tho chorcb. '1'bertl Mi ~lI Alltl Wri/Cbt., of X e nia , bas
- ---
tlt L: Hiti/o!
00 th e
/llo k Hilt .
f ,,',
c •
---_. -
W t' an' hd!c'T: ('q uipp 'c1 th;ul
--------~~--~--~·--- I
____ -.....
~_Irb' '-
.. -----
H. MADDEN & CO. Corwin, Ohio.
mbs f fnd ellnnely, IOf/l og OUIY nnlT W e ... !lotency, It Is esUmolod. In I,BOO·yenrs. !'llnce the dlscov ury of thiB minerai It bas been ·louod tbat many celobrated waters. as Carls bad and Dadeo (Jaden. owe th eIr health-glviu'g proJ,ertlos to ra· Auto Livery Serylce at dlum. Tbe 'Ioventor claIms thnt hts .Reasonable Rates procesR produces In ordinary waters the qualltlos of th ese famou B springs. The radium ore used In tbe OlaDU' Also A.gent for Racine Automobn~ , '. facture of radioactive terra cotta Tire8 . : ;~ Is known as CArnotite, a formattoo -----',-~ ..- j~ .• ' fouod mainly 10 Colorado and Utah. and now producing throe-fourths of the worM'a radium. The EuropeAO mIneral, known as pltchbleude, from Valley Phone 9O-1 y' whIch the famous Europe&n Jlllrlnp are Impregnated, IB also dlBvlayed. PC
Ray l\lills· , Corwin, Ohio'
- - -...
Poet Laureate. A laureate was ortg1DIllly a pur ely university title, bsslowod Ullon s llch maRte rs of arte a8 hnd exhtblted sktll tn th e maklog of Latin versos, and It bad nothing to do with the clvt\ nu· thorlty, or ro ynl favor. The flrot "poel lAurea t e," tn tb e modern seuse, was )Jcn J ons on .
.... - ----
The pbotograph abo,., tbe belle of the tntereatlng Samoan vlllllge at ~. Panama·Puclllc InlernatiopAI E.· J)OItUon at San' Francisco, The Btruetl1l'e• .Iit ~ yUlnge, comprilllng the nat... thatchecl hutt or tho Samoan, or &a ,the, were tormerly callecl, th. NaYiptor taland., wetf) brouCht to~ hom ....e natiolre vlllng811 and are abeolutely faltbful In all their fea· t . Tbere are many native fam· IJi.. IIvln. In the vlllllge wbo for tb4.ecJllcaUoo of vlelton perform the ~Uo feata In which tile Illanden ~ aDd dance the rhythmic naUye t1iulciea. The Ille of the people of the PMUlo ocean .11 wondertull, illuBtJaied at til. ElIpO.ltI~ and 'ot all the nOlI. are mqre Int_tlns than tile BaDiO;Ul. ,)I'~o uhlblt msny t...,alll of Aryan d8Scont. No Exposl· tloli vl,ltor .bould fan to _ thele uulqllf) trlbelpeople.
-Miami Gazette
..... ---'--
.iIIRead the ._1_ _ .
_ _ _. _-;:- _ _ _
. That bid' Me So 'Muoh Good· as That I Spent for Vlnol." ,
. nel1;fo"~e.Ohi';:-"I wish f)very tI~ weak:"tlervoU8 woman could have vrnol for · 1I0v.el" apent any 'mo'!ey in my Ufe that ' dJd 11\8 eo muCh g(lixl, all th.t I epent for Vlnol: My ne-rvee were In a vet;ybad 1lOJ1(1It1on; maklngme very weak, tired, and wom out and often 'drowsy he&daclae& , I had tried ,CQd liver alii ' doctor' II medicines. and other preparatiODl without benefit. "One day" a friend asked me to try Vlno\: I did and soon my 8ppetlte In· ereued. 1 .tept IMItter and 1IOW I am atrong• ......,.. and .welI'Md ean do M""y boaIeWori' wltII pieUure. "-lire. J. F. IJ.IUIOBIf. BoDefofttalne,. Ohio. Ne~ weak.... tired. wom-ont womID lbaDidtake _n. IJembom', adVice I11III tn' VInoI for there ..... literally tboaIiIM.. (\f men and _ _ who were fcIral4Irl, 1'UJl-down, wUk and Oel'9Clu,
wW on dIeIr aood health tIP VIDoL
will be Moth,'r IIbcnn' from o\ln~b IIlIkll IlJUnlldKtlwhter: "Wb,.t wall ,betextthlM mornln~. dellr?" hit- WaB, "Neyer mind. doo I. worr~'. VOl\ will Ket the qilllt... . Yur,llor, IInzlIl,·d. wrICea to "tbe mlolH',er ",.klng rur tbe texl. and bIll rl'p" WAil: '
~ODle OD .J
us tbnt, beon tbe
. CoIftCIt.
.AaJl...."JD1I~. _t.ed . .
:r ..... IJII D to 1IIh\ . .ne'cg"M , ¥=.:I.' .~
~' lloni (J
Howe t he . - -.. - - - - - - - - - - .
to;-:':;~~d'dil~ br~;,~;I\~" ~~~I~~tg~~~.
.,. .........,.
Funeral Director.
Love This Magazine
_ __
urn FR EE.
1. It. 1'1\f-£ &..\.pl .. t~ " I' r ,,' "' ~ I : A I.J :ij ),1104 ; ... 7.L. ,.:. or ::. It. l' Iw' P: C.'f'T.of M ..c " l .' :~ OM H ,,"-10:" ) ' In : WI IIM C,\TA I,j,}I;.I1Ii: : o) r e. U tCA I.I. ' 8 'IOO. I'I(J 1'1'1.1 01 Otr_ r lo , ,: ... I t CH I1 UC It. _". A J,I"A"
~' oo
R oom (Jottllge In CorwlIl In S IX. g ood IIIHLilA ;'n good home obeAp, Will plly J8% on iuvestment.
ply nt tbil! 011100.
, WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Branch Office. Barveysburar, o•
DIE I""U CO.. 236 I. 246 W. 37110 SI., N... ~"~. N. Y.
Sev orul good wo rtb FARMSth e monoy ; If lire 80ing t o bnv , aeEl rnA, I m~y hAve wlmt yOll Wltnt.. W . N , Sears I Offl oe t:lton p~ Bldg .. WllyuolWllI n .. Qhlo, m19
Telepbone dRY or !;llgbt,
I. ,ho F"hl.' Gutd, .nd HOU le . . Valle v pbooe No. '", Long kccplnl: Hcl pt r or . nyothe r ." 'I m . ...I". In 'he . lt~'..~~ ' ~++ I.JI@I;anco No. 69-21';-ever ,. monlh : Iiso ' •• In.ln d Ipt ell' deparllllr lll S In drt&smlkinl . f. ncv wor ... etc .• 1 Automobile ServIce at all Tlmea housework and U\'e rnol'\c}'. P r lc ~ . SOc • )l ur. with O DC celebrated McCall Uren PIC· I
l.esno Burnet! Doe Lo reDlI (J ODlpton W dDIl~ day Ilft e rn or)n . The brldo FOR SALE re eh ad m any hl)"ullful 11011 oseful prllliout,1I of ob inu Bod sliver _ BATBA WAY Ml\rtlm Jon el! ,md Merle Mo Intlre BUli:ll:l oS- i oxtrlL good rubber o8iled on Mr a. Cllur\ ol! Harnsr. Fri. tire, aud 1 !!teel tire. Inql1lre of Waya8.lvUle·s LOlldln, DOD'III dayaft er o oon. U, M.. Wl!ite. W.a yoesville, Oblo. Offina tn Keys BI(If(. Mlttn S Mr. nod Mrs, Edgar Bogan, Mr. , min Rnd Mrs, Rorace Compton and IllIn g bter, lnll. ILt·tended Turtle Creok Wilgons. (\ sets I!lnglo aod d ouble '''I~tiu ll H nnd~y. Harness, 2 Bu~gy Po]~t<, Bleek ' L'he Bet'ou n 011l.6S plellllanl~ly lIur Jl.nd 'raokle and various otber tool8, Ilfl t!ed Evun 60g6U, B'rldny e venlng. mi9 Th e l'e we r e fifty young people pre8 . Geo. Zell, \Vayoeeville, O. II . d til I l I lint A l!.Joye e Ulse ve., (ur og EvaOR PO'tato PllIonter, Fertilize r I.he e e nln g . Attaohmeut; Hallook O. K, Mr. t1nd Mrs. Ed R&WIIOn, of Potato Digger. ' tewartSbeep.ljhear. DI~ywn , lIud Mr. I\nd Mrs. Jllck . togml\ohine ~ood 8M new. ·.Ettoh 19 Il IAVI I1m1 ~on from Mt Bolly, and bargain PllOoe llJ.l,Y. . Barveya. Mr n Ull Mrs R, E. Jooos. called 00 burg. ' , miO I:IOOt,V !;r e ws SU\1day afterooon Mr~, MAry Ilnd &ra Leamt'lIg were Bet of heavy cIrri age llllrne8s, Kunlu ~bQPpor~ Wednesday after. . . collar and hamel! aod heavy 110 on, breal' at,rap oxtra good, a barl/:"Io . 0119 Mrs R owo.rd Leamlng aDd ohil, 11lquire at tliia office. dren Ilnd !'tiT!!, (Joaoar were gueese aood \\fork Horae In fine oon. of J08eph LellmlDI one daylaa' Wf)elr. di'loo, For further parUou. larllOaU \he Miami a.zeate, m12 . Be vern) of oor y0110g ~nded b400&laurOllle Klncman, Sunday
""*'- ....
DR. H.E.
YOri<o • • y <
Dr. Bell's Pi ne-Tar-Honey For CoughS and Cold&.
Paper ' Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.
DIeeI1....... But doll't 7_ bow wild _ _ aII8r eJahtr' ......"BecI- 1a.......-1tIIl....... 1IIIIL 2GQa_ I
gu e~t·
wedn not beltr v e ry of len ~hv o p.. ~t week. ynurJlowll n ' lIliOiIYHo tll tl yoanbe Mr . lin,) Mr~ . Clmunoey Bunnell ull6d , ., 1tt'lll decur"te. R.t.tll Btnbor land 1\1l ~1I Mnlllmt .. Bllune ll were 10 you will hllvo dne notloo of tbe dllY Wllilliu gt oo F ridllY . lind datt! . fytr fi nd Mrs. ' R~y mo n d Nilson '1'he I..Ih11es AU ~ooloty met ut, itrA nn t.h., slok lis t., Mr. and Mril. Walt-c r 1£1118' hflltutlful R 'lbel t ~tllol ey nnd fomily t ook oountry b"mo on I,h" .. H ll ronon of dinner ,,,WI Willill nt CUtll[ltl)lIs l:lur;. 'ThUrMdllY Il.nu "l,hlllllllut hrtornOOJl cby .
waa spent.. 'rbe (Jlvie league mOllte lit the i'owu HAil, MtlY :12, l\l2 p.m. Tho memberlO lire 8fdrtld to btl IIreRont WHOLE FAMILY DEPENDENT . i.hd "1m" deol~iou IDJlY btl brought Mr. E. Williamll, Hamilton, Ohio... bout u to tbe lighting of oor town. wrl~lIlI; "'Oor wbule f .. mlly dl'lpano j 'lI !'ine Tar Honev." " .. BODIO The BarvflY8burg Drlvlllg Ulub ,.ue In your famli, ball a aeVllre met at tholr traok tSalurdllV. Bod '"vt) I"u-llIlrnuplI L I'• III 'b "'-Iiy 'fht' 8ever81 raol's touk tlh\Ce furnishing • e ... .. ill IIfI n8 I D r. Boll ' a PI ne 'ra r, B oney qUIte a 10' of IIport. III au ever rendy bouaB.bold remed:p Jubn Jordon and family hue ,- It. Rive Immlldral,Ei reUef PlDe· poroh"e,'d a fioe lIew Oved~nd Tar· tfUllflY I",nl'ltrllt"" 'be Unln'~8 01 m"chlDo of IAlviey & Ho we Rew. Sflrgent. prllllol,II11l the baeol!.· tllA l'nrOAr. tlnli 1.. 011211. """UOYII tb" Germ!!. Jln.d JlllnwfI NIl'ure 10 aot,. IRn~Elde lIe rrn:Ju 8t. I{Iogmlln l:!on. At yonr Ilrugglll&. ;150. day night _"'-_"".•• _"."'._ _ _ Mr 8011 Mrs. ,I. E . Shumll!rllr "od son , Everott l!lrt ,\19 0 (1I1Y, Dlornin~ C88eY to Strike Out for their ooUllge 10cIlted ' I1t Indlao 't,,,kl'jror the summer . l'1'h olrfrloodR wiab for them al)ltlhllllnt OUI,iIJ\(. RUlDor ball it th/lt tw.o of our Morphy-Wha,'s tbat 10 Y90r pocket? yonng peoljle'aro 800n to ho mnrrlel1 Pat <to • wbtIlJl"r)-Uynamlka, poII(Ilbb beforfl sliill gool! '0 prelll!. ['m WIII'lol{ fo!' l)aley I &vewy \imo -=====:;;.....;==..;.;;.-:_:;_ :;;.....:;-;:-;:;_;.;,.. he meetll me he, alllp8 IDe on \h" ohllll' and breaillt 'mf) plJ)e I Nellt beople Say To Us ' "me be do.,,,, he'lI blow bll band" &'" oJr • I1J ~ eat tbiI or that food l i'doel -,~---ClI·I=R:riialbtn~ ~ aAviee to
Classified Ads
- - - .... - ---
' ,W ' "'EA ' K WOM~N' . lo':n~U~n~~~;~~,.•.'~_be_(Jomforter alllll1 ,FOR "I Ne~er '. Spent. Ariy MQn,ey
Walter McClure
100 =::~ :o~ea:a:::I;:
~, otIlOe, aDd p' ODe of &he !01I11'CI.Wllua:amu ~~:~M:: _ , _ p...p . OD eutb. U
~~~~~'I~r-~ -'~""~~-~--~ - " "~"l l 'SPRING VALLEY I I
,~ l -
- and
t. .~, S_tr_a_...w._b_·_e_r_r_ie~.I... ..
liei1lZ .\.ppk Butt 'r
~i l1l' I
Pieklcd 11 iOlls \\ hit e ,],.11 Ie Yin ga.r
1 1---....·..·_·..··....·--_·_··_-·· -'1
Corn Syrup
Beechnut Peanut
I i f
Welches . Grape Juice
Mary Jane
A blending of cane a nd Sorghum
Having installed the latest machinery for Vulcanizing Tires, I solicit your patronage, and will guarantee the work to be as Oood as tbe Best. Give Ole a call, whether you wish :work done or not. will be glad to explain the Vulcanizing process to you.
door to tloe Wayue8vllle Auto aad MacbioefJ eo.
Waynesville, Ohio
t woRndahll l fLO t'n year,; ofHgc urv. HYI'It'. vil lc. AdmiKsiull 1... HnJ ;2"c . I Mr~ . •Iue I{()~el l e IIl1d
N. Sears
lues, 'C 'V L'a I.)' b"
Ou i()
1III lIin
, . Uow and Uti If, Jersey. hu t,b in , Z. Underw oofl wall buy yo ur
ee me before you ilpll. flno oou ditlon, !lood oow . 111 Ha rv~Y!lbu rg . qnire of P . E Kenriok . Way nesvi ll e, OhIo. j2
'h' k 1('
Model 35 A 1075
lewis "VI"- $1600
ALL NEW GOODS Hutchison & Gibney after their .great Fire Sale are receiving the Finest Assortment of READY-TOWEAR GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts Gingham Print House Dresses_$l.OO up All Wool Cashmere Dresses_ .$5.75 up All Wool Suits .. _. . . '" .... $8.75 up Spring Coats, ' ... , .. . ..... . .. $5.00 up Sl'ring Underwear. . . . . . . . . . lOe up Middys ..... .. .. . . .... .... .$ 1.00 up Petticoats Silk.... . . ... .. .. $1.00 up House Aprons... . . .. .. ... . 25e up Aprons for Dresses. . . . . . . .. 75c up Children's Dres~es . ...... . " 50e up CORSETS-Nemo, . for Stout Figures, American' Lady. front and back lace, Gossard, all styleIJ. ' Frolaset, front lace. Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum will be·in,
Hutchison & Gibney XENIA
Sl ~ n
of Saf e ty F,rst
. Responsible- Safe- Permanent
to t rauc at
0 ,
00 0-0000. 0 0000 00-000000000-00 0-00000-000.)
The Banquet H.estaurant A Colt, Was I'~eIS I)~n s l'ble
I ~ \, l'ryt h il\ g
. no d (0 Ea( Fin e 'alld il's , C r t':1 Ill. Cig.1 rs a 1Ie1 To b:lc{'o.
ICE CI~ E A l\'\
Market Price,
c. B. B~ntlev Valley Phonb 135
the m them
- -
- -
'l'hl'Y will Ih n appear
- - -......
A Paint
Bewa r " Df the R ut. , Th e decl>or rh" I h e hllr~p r it Is
on t he v ... hlcl un,1 Ute more It r elards Jesse S tanl ey, who has jU9tgrudu· spepd lllllil 11 "l'W "tty of doln ,; Ihe ated from the Jonl's A uctiolleering old wo1'i1: be n rollrl bulM ... r and not School lat Chicag\), is home ano ill a. rut nlnktlc.
Policy That ' Protects
rendy for S8 dlltes. 1t would be well to !lee him, as he hilS some new - - - - - - . . . , - -.....- - -- - I want to bllY you r Wool, a nd ideas in the BuctiOlll'ering line. Or will pay the Highest Market Pd!:e call him, 146 mutual ph one, New for it.
You want to sell your Cattle and Hogs. I will pay you lhe Highesl
~ II II'
II l
ltnd full of JII II" ', :-1ellhe r will t hl' Jllke R e m III rh .' 1('lI st dUllt ct br ao)' "'".e r nllAMhNL
.. -----
Notl"Ce to Contractors
... - ....- - -
uulu~ 1 u td fol will he NC'lI . ~ I lIy tl\lt dtlrk I)l ~
the 1iOllrri ur R t lt ll~ nllon lit ,\' 1.1' II 'r o wllJi hl lJ ' SehoollJJ3t rtc t" \ V"Y II('JI \lIle, SIC\le or OhIU ,!
t ulItll
~"'\le u
fl 'cloC'k p. m.
7TH DAY OF JUNE, 1915,
1 wi I) offer o\t PlIl.llI a AlIot,illo flt my ; ' reshl ence on \\7 ," t:~r iitr f'At 00 fur fUrl l tsh lll K .
1lI ,('I '.5 tm r ) 11l1...o r alltl mU l erlKt l ht) Ul'fJC l thll Illnt C::UlIl/}16t.lull Ii sch uu l
Saturday, May 29, I!) 15 bu ll dl"" l<o r 6R III .. ·h, ·.,1 1I . lrkt uci:"rdl ulr lu BegiDi niog ut 1 o 'otooK t h o ffill ow_ , tl~:;;'u,~r'.'~I:r'l:'~r~~I;\ ':~u~r. 111 ~l\~~u,', "::'~ICr:
E1'lu soh ohl l:/ flodt.<. oon!!l~tln" 10" Olu at III " II/:ol6 IIf lI O;Ssrs. w .oo~. F .. W oru cr .~ ""kit... AN·I,I,.,'18. :,\"•. 1204 · 1~U (" ur n!ture . Oil!hf~, (I t o. )1 6rcoll lit Llhmry lIuJlflln~ . Cllldn"'LI. Uhlu. ::;0 bIg b\llR t D r l orlU fI. JJill. ",II Il OI>""C<l bl n "" tlll~ of .,,111 "1 t' M bon rd I" etl UC(u inn lO be held I It J1I1I 0 7th. u rs. , flr!l 1I0Y 1 9 1 ~ . • , 1:00 ,, 'elucle o. "' .
in!t : .
o f "i t OVtlF.
J~uc h hil l IOW!t ;uHLbili
"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ~_ !!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!! '"
You Ins ure yo ur homo a~nln!lt fire-why' not Inlure It II gninst decay by repnlntlng,ut c ertain Intervallil CI.. Repnln ring IS'one of th e bes t forms of. property In.urancl!. In· the looll run It "'IStl)' reduceK rhe cost of maintenance; aud a fres h cant of pulnt grea nhunccs tluunllrket 'falutt of any home. CI.. Lumber CS P05C:l to the c lements without a firm (:OStln. of pulot wllr rot and dccuy. You r bulldlngll palnted- wltb (I.
thu t Huntl tl f l' \' Cr)'
IJOf'SO II I nte N'ltHod tit c r~ " I. unU till h II ho nc··
t:01l1pnnlcd by a tmJlI d '11 \ ~ 1I 1\r" "t oo o r 80 1IIC! dlNllltortlBlcU I r. ' II. Il,n l II • he bill be" ',
-- - --
will ho
"'Ill rNl Into. null
~~:I: ~~ ~l~: ~:It~ ?:l~At ~. ~P.~::~tIY N~~;:db ~~
NlSI"'II"r" blUdur shull I", " ccopled . U"Ard 0 1 E d ucation roscrv Lhe rlKl 'L t~ rcje<:L auy or a ll hl,I• . By o rd6~ o r tho Uun.nl of 1~lhl 11' hJn of WnYIlt' T(lwlI~hlp \"i('hoo l U hnrlct., \\" nYlles · ,'Hie. S la w 0 1 uhlo ,. DOI OlI Wayor",,,I1 I,,. tlh l" . Ml\ , Ill. I O I ~ T~ ..
Ask the Engine r
rIi i
C \/Ij'
' fresh
Phone 1"· I !{ m 19
Model 35- $10!15 ,Model 38- 137:; Model 40 - 1395
, ',
11\\ 'I
$75,000.00 Th e
CCllwti . II '~ ltlrll("
I Jl : '.,
Capital Stock
_ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ Drillg li S yo ur Cl!lrS. High st price paid. Ca.~11 or trade
- -- -
in transil,
r\ ;t lll l1gC
C apital Stock
cI '-I }' I ' I" .• r en 'ccc. ' 111 llUu r Icked Co m
I ~~~ i~~~ril~:y~;_;{,:t Jl~tJtH~})'~~~~~i~i
Model 33-$ 875 Model 34- 895
il l I \
"(\lI ,~
Try "il\'cr "cu," :iteel ( ut 'o ffee, til e Ul'st :311c (:(IITee so ld. Try (\ call
ns l d ~ \0
JlI tin, sJlecial pnees ill large
To F reahfOn Lemon •. \\'ht>1l 1" lIIonB IIr ~ ll ll rd, co v r wllh Iloliing waI N " ... 1 " Innll
Notice to Sheepmen
Late Clat'sified Ads
q l lj) II, II ' , l,:.IiI r,,1 I">F
lot s
--- .- ---~
l ' ('
1'1; ' ,. II;
,ew goods
provmg m ee ly . called on 'harlt:s :-;llI i th Hlld family "' Work has begun on II new brid R:e Sunday aftt!rnoon. i aereoss Benr branch on the old Statt! Mr. ,Joseph f-Jain t's was a Dayton road, . [ ViSitor r·ecen·tly . Frank Eluon \VII limpi ng nr uunri Mr. !Tred Houston, of Sprin g-liel.:! , Miss Nom Bll i ente rtained a las t ~\'eek on a ('co un t v! II col t fa lt in" s pent Sunday at home. gent! 'Ill an frielllJ la~t ~ unday after. o n h l.!1 alit! batll ~ b rUlSlII g h l~ SIde Mr. Oliver Gri fTy Jr., has accepted l1oon. . jllnd l oot, Mr. 1',lhon wa~ hml up a position with t h Western Uhio Mr . and Mrs. Will ie Alten pnter. Il c,:,ullle I)f days on ccuunt of the Cream e ry at Xenia. tained un IIl.~t Sunday the followi ng acch!t!ul.,. bull ~ IIl.J h~ to be ou t at lht:! - - -. g u Is Mr. and Mr~. Clay Gelne r pres It tlllle. ' ubaor ioo lor t he Mi .'111 Gllzotto and f mil yand fri ('nds .from Atpha. : - - - • - - ----
. nice ill Stoops Building
Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, Nassau Tire!, Tubes and Reliners,
. nd I'ay . 'pu t '_·a . 1i ",
1\(' "
" e\\,
PU IC l'aris Greell.
Mr. I1ml Mr~ . Nt!wton Moor and nCllI' Ly lllc . visit ·tI with trtl. F rank little neie' \ N Sunday gUL'!! LS of Daki n und fumity une ti llY IU!lt week. 'eth Furnu~ :41l!1 family. of n 'ar l Mr. UII1 U M I~. Gel" g ' l'ratt were Wayn ~vttll' . HhulllJillll( in IlilY lOll W"tln ",Jay . MiilS Mary Holland. of l his pl ace, l MnJ . Willi e Allen wall lhe glle~t of was ser i ou~ly injured by steppin \{ ' he r ra n~n l ~ 1\11' ll nd ~1r~ . J ohn Sum s from' a moving car in Day ron IIJ.~I of [l"all , la~1 1'hu r:~day and I"riday ,I Wednl!!lday murning. Her inj urie~ 1 Our schoot will clu~c Fridu v are belni attended at th i\11Rnll ' .~ I" ,. '1' " Valley 1-1 0 pital in L>avlon . I j\J, .. ~rn n 1.\ ~11J \\. Ih teft Tues· , . . ., Jay (',r a !'hort n ~1t \\ Ilh h r Jllugh· Mr . L ec.fo.l · rso n all d MI~ larl1 l Ler Mrs. ' larCn C ~] 'hCl Il1Pon , . O fOg-1 Uu,ll , uf Xer! 111 , wore marrleo lust !.-Ien . after whi·1I shl' will make Wi l. FrIday morning . ming-toll h 'I' home Mr. and Mrs . ('rnne and lillie i Mi:~I"; ,\lI e'(: ' C'h II~W lh lind Wil. g randdau)o[h.ter ~ en: week end gueHts emi lin KI'I ~ey IIlIti til rs. Mary Hawse of relallvell In Wl lmmgton SI.lCIlt ~,"ndIlY a fl£'rII (\on wi t h th e Mr. and. Mr~• .~. 1\1. Copsey spen tl lau cr' da u!{hlCr Mr:< J \'I'I'Y I{ IHntl. 1 ~unday WIth I hIlt]) Hawke and fam M t'.~r s EIII1 ~r l' r'ltt, of X ,n ia ' l Ily. of near Harveysburg. alld I;(,qrgo Mar\ult were SUllllay Mr. and Mrs. I{ay I{rug werc :caltt'rs al tIll' hnrne uf Frunk Oakin. Sunday gu es ts of Mr. lind Mrs'l Mr. Nlil' Au still Md ' d uug hU;r F rank Kyn e and fllmaly Sunday . ViSitL>U relativcH ;n Wliyn esv ilte SUIIMr. Edwarrl Walton, who was in- day . jure<! in ~ runlow uy r~eently, is imMessrs. Wi ll und Hoberl LaRhley I
Waynesville, Ohio
.Wayne'sville, .Ohio
~t :LIIY l'al ' \II' ~ ;}.\·l'lllgC r i liBI ,:, .01 1 t il :, (1) l'n'i li r('lurtl s I ~r I ( r • 'l it 1111111 I lI l H" ' · at. ""'1' ,.~ h :\lIII " tilL va luable sk Ull lil k lco r ll:cd 'lI).! 1"I1I'''~': ';' ·C!. I ipper rv~r lo~, ,,),,!II,: "\] 1 II:: ,' rt':l1II tIl the Tri·Sl ate.
FUlIl' Y l'illl' al'li l (1 ~ , j '~I\ '1'0111.1 ' l ,cs, l\1augoc" ,' ew I'o ta· e
~'lIl Oz~ru. Of l
Burlington. Ohio.
Fnncy Tl'nnc. ~c c
und er the Bu : pice" of the Ladie~ id ::iundHY. • oc il!lY of Ihe 1\1 R. c hurch Al ii Mii\.'! l; " ltli~ ConlH ,r lVas lh sun- I chil\lrt!1I 1"llI up I urt viII bl:! from I day I!U 'fll uf i'rl rs. '1 1111 'hl'lIowelh
Try a lOe an. '"---____ -.Ji L ___ .._
Mrs. Walter {.;IlY . diedai herh. me Mr nrui Mrs, Em!'TS n. onnoTand in th i villngl' ~'rida)' l'vening 80 11 l'enl th we k "1111 wllh her \lllr· , . . A home tale t pi .~ "Th Tom \ :!lts abov~ \) ytu~ . TurnbW ' lh n ·'wlll l. hl! ld illlh Mr.and ~\l h 1' l'Unk. vo k vlSll~d l TllWII Hall , i"rirjay cvehing. Muy ~lst, I \~11h ~1r I' . M. D.,kll1 anLl fallll ly
J L..._~~~~:~~:~~~... .-l
I l'tI (h nics ! !!:Ill rt ll' t t Pea r..; i ' Olll ll'd f'paglH'tt i Libby's AS1 nmp;IL J (coill z Swt'et Pi k1C's
f i I I '
Shredded Wheat
\ f.ISL'ul ~': dlll(lII
. .. n. . . . . . . . . .-~. . . .. . . . . . . . . .-
: ,el" n~~ Cream- to the 1: i-State 1& Like H avin g Money in tlie Bank
. We hope you have in you r acq ualOtallce a com pet nt en gin c r. \Ve would like rou to get hi s opin ion of the Hupm obile. Ei1ginec rs constitu te a little world of and u nto themselves. They a re k en ri lic . but generous ones, when they enCOlln ter good work. And these sharpes t of observers say the Hupmobile is good. . In D~troit-where the rc are many 'a utomobile engm cc rs--one hca rs the highest praise of the Hupmobilc, It would be too mu ch to say .that there is not ~ dissenting voice rega rding the Hu pmobile among Detroit engineers . . But it would be hard to find one who holds an unfavorable view, . By common consent they ll ave settled on the Hupmobile as one car th ey ca'll uni te in commending. . , Now this is not mere sentiment or fri endliness. Reputable engineers will not barter aW~ly t hei r professional standing by unmerited praise. When they approve of th e Hupmobilc-a nd especially of its splendid small bore, long stroke motor-that approval mea~s sorneth ing. It is an endorsement founded Oil extrao rdinary experience and knowledge, It is a ,source of pride to us--and a recommendation you c~n not afford to overlook. Take the engineer's exper.t opinion along with all the other good things ,that you ,hear abou t the Hupmobile. 'Let us prove the Hupmobile in n. quality test. ' . . :
J. B. Chapman, Ag~nt WayneSville, Ohio .
$1200 '.
0 ....
I ~
-- . '---
t . O IL&IO Un. Olert,
-~- .
INotice 5-lellieo l
(If Sale ofl School District Bonds
ho ft! 'oh "ed al. tIlt" ofll c~ 01 I he 'Ierk ()I W,wuo T O'lflUlhl l' Bonnl of ElIuc.n.tloIJ. W "YII i'lIIo, Uhl (o. lIu l II 11 will
o'clvck nnnl\ on the
have the best predervutlvc you cun put on tbem-an abeolute Insurance for YCllrs ngulne t decu y .. Cl nRIDGEPORT STANDA1W PREPARED PAINT co• a sreater area, Is made to sel l'ntllk f ormula that Insurce wear anLl permane n cy of color. J t Is fa r 1110re duc· ble and thenfor e much morc econornlcnl In t he long run than either plain "I CIl d nnd oil" or u mlnure of adulterants sold l i t . "lmrllaln price .• ,
Our int erests UN! mtt f"(\I-)lou wnnr the hut
,au.'luo. OO.
pruc li a l
Oil t!au p ... i.llt quutluo.
rl~I OO
lu IJ
J UII. I filII. 19 l fl. nn" ~' oars t ro m Hllid dtt.LO. $tl , OOIJ, lJO "hel'~J f um venrs from rn at,url uK .lO,UOO,I)1I t l""reo ! II\TO
Kll tli cl a-l e . ~ulU Llill0.
~tnt .nd
:;'''o~~J~t~(Ji~~ ~~~J:I~I::J~~,,~'l'O~u:~: ~nl~~~ ~:ro~:
for I.ht.l Ilu rdHiBtJ Hf U(.II1tI~ uf III Hllr,,1 Hcholll UJlitrlcl. of '\'I.lYi' ' 110Wlll'l h1JI. Wll.trau , (;Ollilt " Uh lo , t il lh£' tl Bg ro~utt: sum q r
tl UOIl, 11I1 t.lli ·n \O ( Ilr~ oon yeltn! fro m "',hOC, UO I>llorl f(l t LWOtlt.y )'tJlU"8 f rom
~~~~:~I~lJ~~~~O~I~I~I~ !~r~~ ~~~:~t; inl~ l:~~:~,
de n omh m tlo lll.J1 ,," \' U II ti IIf In I(l (S Oo n. OO) Un I· l[Lnt. numberod I.:IHISI-"('lI t he ir rrom ono tc ~ Ixtl'. bOLla IlIr l ll fl h 'l' , IL Ut.1 will lJoll.r IlIl.:,rt t n l Lhu rut u u r ~ f ; pe r UIIIJUIU , payable sullli · IUI · 11111111 ,)'. II pOll I ti C I Ul h fl ll \ ' or Juno. und I t lt~ lOth li n), ur I1I)('ullllmr oiwl l ),.,ar. Ihe Htu In· St.U U rlltlUt u r h lt lJ rc 'SL boln~ fIDy /.blo on till' 10th duy o f JUllt I!J I ii. Sa-Itl llO n i.ls, Hlso inlt1 rfst wh uu dUll. will b e IJUYlLhlO ut ti le 1 WI\)'lI U~ . lIlu ~aL,luliut Uauk n W"y n c."4 \IItJ u , Wa lnlll GOOll")'. 01lio, ur Ill. thu FIILh·, ' hlrd Nlltitlll lli Unuk III Cinelllmll l , Ollln, 'l 'wchc I bonds, I.l Ul UhOOi t t o 12 IJnU, ludwd vu; will -he tl ue 011 thu 10111 day Qr J uno l!1~" i twel\le boudH, uu mb c~ 1:~ to .H IJl.Il h II wtusl\'o. wUI , bo uuoou th o LOlli dILl' o r J UliO, 192b ; C.w ol \'o lIo ud s. o llHl b r"l-' :t6 t o at; lm l h luc:Ju !'ollvu wll b" duu un t i ll,) IOlh liLlY I)f .lurl6 1990 : t.wc lvtJ hOllll:i. u uml)ors :n boLiI Indu8lvu, Will lie d Utl fl U "ho 101,11 Ilu), ,,' JUliO 1935 ; 1,\\1 'h 'e l~onI J fi , lIum hc no;4 ~' Iii I'U ho th illchlHivtJ. will hcdlAU oll t.ho 10t h tillY fi t J llOO Itl4U . Snitt I boud :l tU't) Issm',-l ulHlur 8.\lfhorl ~ )· o f ' ho la ws t o f t h u Slale n f Ohll1, pll" II , nl (u'I ~' Sec"f01l8 I 7C23. 7U2 ij llild 11,i 2 7 ur Lltl.! l onuru l Code ut r Ohio . f (lr Ultl IHlq lOHO ti t \'rf)"ld IIlJt rtluds t o , I,rocurc u. diU> Imd ure.:1.1l h ~h t«.:hooJ bulltlhlH n said tll!! 1ric I. fiilll h)-' \.' frLu u .,( .. 1{0801Illlo ll 11M ..,1 hy"'the U unrtl o r Jo:t1ucutlnll or Hah.1 sch o lllhlLrJ t;t. on Lh~ ~ .. h tiny of AI,rll 191 n.
• . Ohio
~~~~r(\'Y ' ~d:~,:\~!~I;:~1 ~1~1 ~~~cll~~r~IIH~~i~ t I::~ Lim I (lio
'u r
19 16. rur thllt III II'JJOSO.
tli(lM] !Joud. h IL \'lIlg '.0 Llill quullitcd 61uCLul'8 oluction duh I lc hl t.110
lu ull I
0 11
19 15, at. which ... lec U(; u of thuHt;) , 'otoiliij tllltl ronL. thero" l. .
11tH! w i
Iwr .
wi,!> yo u'd ' lop as you go by, . POI' then you'd come tQ know 'l'hat our values are not low , but lligh Our prices not high , but low.
,STOP AND SEE THESE Chlld',s Gard~n SetS,., .. Children's Ilnd Misses I Quart . Pant's . . . . .. ..•.... . Watering. I'ots .•... ,', Corset Covers, alrelldy made . . ...... . ... . " lOci Hydrogen Peroxide . • , .
Children's Rompers ... . Embroidery, tha.t wide kind, Yo yd .. . . .... .
Large Pear\ nuttons .. .
lOCI 10c 10c
A new lot of Enameled Rinsing Pans . . , •. , .•
Salted Peanuts, another
. barrel, per lb
10e 100 lac .
------------------------------------~--------~------------~--------.-----------~~.~------WAYNE: \ '] .,LI~, rll() , ~------.---------------~--------------------~--------~----------~ S~6ollJi st Hold Eleclinr
~,~ D_~----------~~------~-------------A r ' ..\ \ 1.. - :'(j,• 1!,'1\· ' [D'1·," .1.',. ~ ;)
-~-~ ,~~-----
in a Bar toom
-. .-u:
jPEii-MENTION/i MEMORIAL DAY ·---;----··---0
Th/\ It!ction h It! SHlul'IlUII 1 • J .. Tho 'l'tmlpe rllllc urama. "Ten Lvtle Special and orw in ::;1''' ci.ll iglitR ill a Hilr I 111,111 , " will be giv en 'chool Oistricts voted to uissol ",' in .'chool If all. neXL 1'hul' lIay night . th ' Lytl e Sp cial . bu t Corwi n Speci I By V. R. ANDERSON nuy ynur r~rtilizerof Chas .. Fry e , evidently want oll to remnin as ~h c Til eveni n~ 3-'~iCJ Il bega n ut (;:·15. June :lrd, at . o'dock. uncl e r the i f you waht a good Fertilizer call The Me morial Day ser vices at. the was, as the vote was over whelmingly wi th a Get li n~ Acquai nted session au. pices of the Hrotherh'lOd 'las~ (Of Chas . "'rye. phone :\9 J.- L 2.'- . 1 sOlllelimt'R, while working' on the who handles Milsun's, the hrlSt c 'rnctery . unday will be in Teadin s Man y f riends W I! r e madll cI urin~ the Christian church . Arlmission ]1) against dissolution . The vllt' ill Ch",nvwl' l Ii h" u~e . ..... would WIC cu~s fi t tli at ti me. W.ord has becn rl'Kev . C. S Grauser and Mr . F. C. Lytle district was very small, only th i ~ 'HesslOn and many old fri ends anti ;!:;c . The cast (\f charllcle rs arc MI'. lind Mrs W. A. Beneckp and ceivl'd by the committee from HOIi . word~, IIml l!~vun did 1I0t like til ht'ar who had nol met 'in ce the I&SL cun-' ai> follow : ten people vo ting for tbe chan),(c. chil d ren were Dayton \l i !l i t,'r~ Tues. Woodmansee that he will be her, it ·, MO he offered to give me two Gilmour were Lebanon visitors TuesIn Corw in 73 votes were cast. day . vention . I cnewc I their a~q u ainl>ln co. Joe Morgan the urunkllrd ........ .. jlound" of "fino rut," if 1 wouldn't day. and every item named in the followy I t was generally ex pllcted tJ HI t At? o'cl".t'k adsol11~ 1 s rdvlcetay l'ol r .. ........... .: ...... ... .. ... .. Jas. Bellham ~ w ... a r Hny more nn the job. The offer ing prog ra m will he ca rr ied out. Country Butler. 25c per Corwin Special would fav or L11~ mu ~h enJ \lY.. Chuice Ie evo 10M exSample Swirhell, a live yankee .... . Sale A Bemis Tobacco e tter, Por WII~ maue beforl! all the " hands," P<lund delivered . Henderllon's Gro· chnr!ge. bu t at t he las t momrn t erc ises were In charg-e of Rev . W. J. It I D . in first l'Ill cundition . Jnquire of Prllye r ........ Hev. J . P. Cadwallader and I a~kerl Ev Knbert.~ if it was somethir,g came up t hat chBn~ed Ihe Thistlf>, pas tor. of the Pre~ uy t er illl1 "i;;;o'I~' Si~',i~" th~.. j;;~dl~~X(:n.1 ....~VI9 Will White. Music by the Band :I goud "Ircr. I-Ie Imifl "Cort!" and eery . vute cOll1plet!:!ly. The schools O\'e r ch urch, 1·'ra~lklln . i Select Readi ng .. ... Mrs. Barton Kell y fi dd ............. . : .. .... ........ Jimniy Mullen Iha burJ:'ain WIIS closed . Inafew Severlll of our young people at- the river have been doing goorl wodl Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughter MU 3ic, Quartet MrH. ~u rlisR m~1 e a 1I1e.. ~, res~ . Mr. Romaine the philanthropist .. . milluteM. I mad e a rnis.q li ck, and my ... ........ .... : . .. ..... 8rne~t Earnhart ~ pent a part of last week with I' e l a ~ Address ..... .. ... .. D. D. Woodma nspe Iinl(N got it. It. Willi II real hurt, temlL'Ci the l'ircu!\ at Lebanon last for some tim e. owing: pe rhaps t tGI~cIR llbWJectld()f, wl}rll'~~ walR 1her Big the teachers e ml>loyed . aIH! the citi· WednCtluay. h: C lll ng e rom I~' . G tl bl Ir or . tives in Cincinnati. Music , Quartet IIlId I WI\8 tied Ul' with fI.,"cu ntract." . I Id" ~ancy reen . le gam er ...... ... :'.ens thought they ought to cO'1tin u cI11'Idl100 d to t IIe "h'II: gil' . Tattoo uy the Bugler ;I'or . .. ............ ...... George Wate rhouse HOI I looked lipPI'uling to Ev, and he Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residence the sch?ols in the same way . instent! We are paying 12c per pound for ~-l \l"('r Ungle ·IJY. o f rranl,~ m , S81.lg Will io' Hamm ond, the ~pride of the ((,ok the "cue," and if ever a man Aft'er latoos by the bugler. the orvillag ... .... .... ...... .. ... Wil bu r Sears hens. Highest ma rket price for der of march will b " as follows: hcard .. uch oratory hefore that time: of L. 1'. Peterson, Main St" Tues IIf ~ndmg the scholars to the Cl!l1 · u,.\ ery pr~ Lty solo , afte r whl,ch M I,S. day and Friday mornings. t rahzed schools here. broi lers. Hendersun's Groc Jfy. B,1l tOil h.olJy and Rev . Mc Dani els fran k Slad e t he c)(ample .. .. ...... . hn can "show me ." !felt 8 little bit The vote in the three Waynesville Band fl Hhllmed my!!elf and 1 thought Chenr ~(Iererti a I!eau thl fu l d uek~' .. [~ .......... :........ .. ..... .. Ethan Crane Ou r great Shoe Sale going on every Dr. and Mrs. A. T Wright and were sa foll ows: Colors s uppor ted by two veterans . " ev. )a rll1lff t en spo .e on . ay· Mr . Morgan, the drunkard 's wife I d oweth would collapse. but he 1I00n 9On. Elliott, were the guests of relI~or Illg til" Price. and he said that uc........ ·.... .... .... Mrs. IJ. H. Palmer ray. Hun reds of pairs to be closed Ten little flower gi rls rt'covered, and promptly called off West Wayne .. ....... .... a ce:1.~ cum' nut by m e re c~l!~nce o r by Mary Morgan. the drunkard' schilll out regardless of cost. J. A. Funkey. Column orOld VeteranR t he offer, !1'irl it Will! ten times worse, atives at Springburo Sunday ~ CIl'arcreek Precinct_ .. 7 go?d lu ck. but by t he InfdIVI.d.ual whdo ... ........ .... .................... rairie Snook Quartet !1M a lIulliciclICV was more than Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge. of Corwin District .. ....... 24 Miss Lillian Wilke rson, I'.' ho has paId th e price. Men a VISion an M hitable Cartw riRht. n Yankee "llUu6{h . . Daylon spent the week-end at the _ _ _ ___- - spending several c1aYR with rei· Music by Banel been girl .. .... ... ...... .. , ...... Graco Carman mell who dl~1 we re .the ones wh o Let us now get bock to Main street. homeof Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Ridge alives in Morrow, arrived home A!I.~embly- Veterans march to the 111 thiS world, Mrs. Slade, the hm :Hord's wife ...... made Ihe price puy About where !.III! residence/l! the late . monument E' M h ' M(.nday morning. and tho. o who worked Bnd w rked I ~ Wright IItanlls, W!l!l a foundry anti M rs. J as. E~ van!! re t urn ed h ome B'rotherhood ClaMS Meeting hard ure the ones who make life a · ...... ·...... · · .... .. .. ..... va urp ~ Heading', Lincoln Getteysburg Speech machine IIhop carried 011 by I~ . O. &1turday evening. 'having spent a 1' h"IS IS a fi111 0 tempe ra nce l' Iay.m . Mi~ Mr. and Mrs. Hadden, W. H. Allen, 'rhe d s uce "IS . IJ~e. po k e 0 f tlle ...... ........ · ...... Comrade Whiteman Georgia Elizabeth ·rispin. Ne"t ito it was the Bteam week with friends in Chillic(,the, The Brothe rhood class of tl;1l:! gran . . Music, Quarlet great invcll tors, ",culptor a nd others five acts. You ~annot afford tn miss :>tewart and Olive McCollum were !taw mill, of PrE!llll Ellis, and a little Ohio. Christian Bible School met at th l:! of thi~ world who hart deprived It. 15c . f?r children and 25c . for Dayton visitors Tuesday. A Dirge by the Band while ten httle farther ur' the Sike was a Bloullhter home of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Kenri ck th elll ~elveR of eve r.v lhing that waR adult s. Com e. You arc most weI. girls strew the flowers. hlluse built an run by John Barn Mrs . Rachel K~}'s l.ett Frid!ly f~r. on last Tuesday evening for th e a Taps by Bugler hart; and) WII8 a butr hor with him an extended VISit With relatIVes In regular monthly meeting. Twel v!' dcar to them. even the necessitie of come. Display of hats aUhe Gustin Hotel Benediction .. :... Rev. A. K. Sargent two or three years Down on lower Washington D. C. and other Esatern memberH responded to roll call al1'l lif . who pAid tbe rr ice t hat their p u~ t(' r i ty mi~hl bl' benefitted. Friday, May 28th, both afternoon Th '1I t t their Third IItreet, abuut wherl' Lizzie J oy cities. ten invited visitors were presellL and evening, Brown & Brown, 10 e veterans WI mt;e a The Mi ~s Lil ey Emley delighted t he Miamis Reorganized jivll9 . WBS II Rhoe "hop. and carpet IJ. Cherry St. Lebanon Ohio hall .promP.tly at . 1 0 clock. , .. A very interesting business ses.~l o n congregation with a beautiful solo, luom of Old Jimmy Mill~. And the " , , . exercISes wlH commence promptly fhe MIsses Trillena and Margaret was held, 'atter which a program was late Uuth Ann Holland became an Edwards. of Dayton, were the week- rendered. consisting of select read after which the benediction was pl'Oat 2 o'clock at the cemetery. The Some of th e local base ball enLost- Between the residence of W. flower committee is very anxious llid maid, and her falher, old Jimmy end guests of Mr . and Mrs. O. J, ings by Mrs, Palmer and also by 1I0unced . thusia.~ta got together last week and H. Allen and the Episcopal church, that all flowers be brought to the Holland, Willi a familiar figure in Edwards. Wednesday MornIng Mrs. Palmer's mother, Mrs. Martha reorgan ized the Waynesville Miamis a amall, round. gold pin with pearl Township House Saturday as soon , hat l()('8lity, and a number of musi cal Arter a ~ong se rvice and devo· for the season. The team journeyed seta. Orahood, Finder please leave at Gazette after dinner as possible. AI perOn the corner of High and Third Mr. and Mrs. W. P . Salisburyd gelections by MI'. Carman and tional pxerCiscs led by Rtlv. A. [( ~ 80ns, therefore, having flowers will to Harveysburg last Sunday after· oftlce. ~I rcelslived Davitl Brown, a carpen- Mr. Bnd Mrs, Leon !:ialisloury an daughter Miss Grace, which w a.". :::inr~c nt . the reports of t he coun ty noon and were defeated by th e score send them on that duy. ter and buildl' r On Main street Miss Mary Ralisbury were Cincinnati grelltly enjoy ed by all prese!!! oflic ials was had . Th e treasurer's of 11 to 6 Howeve r, the chances Rev . J. F. Cadwallader and Mr. The omcera of the Post have deRouth of the old Hend erson home visitors Friday. . The ho. tes,~ , II s~is ted by hel' showed that all ex penses had report for a good team look bright if they W. H. Allen attended the annual r.ided that. in the event of rain, the WIIS a livery 'taille . owned by old dallghter. Miss Bertha and Mr . allti that there was a bal · been met were sound ly trounced . Lack of convention ?f the Episc.opal church, services of the day wi ll be held in the Mr. J(lhn Hole and family, of ~ammy R"gerH, falhllr of Job and Lida Killen, served dainty refre;h ance in the treasury . I )epartmental practice was the chief cause of de· Southern DIOCese of OhiO, at Colum - School Audi torium . if it docs not :'Bill" Rugera, lind next to it wn.~ Dayton, and Mr . Allie Hole and fam ments of ice cream and while a nd secrelari .. ~ then read their reports. feat. several of the players having bus last Thursday . rain the services will be held at the l\ little one stl)! y brick buildillg i1y were the I(U(>8ts of Mr. al111 Mrs. dark cake. The Jun meeting will aile I' whi ·11 an fl'e ri/lg was taken had no prur-tjce this Beason while cemel ry . HilCht acrolll! th ,' street from the W. N. St'ars Sunday. be held at the home of Mr. Carman As Rev. Da rling h a~d to leave town their opponents have been playing Mrs. Amanda Galimore, aunt of 0 _ _- - Iit,tle brick in the IonIC frame building the time giv 'n to him was ~aken ut> fol' three or four wee'ks. The boys Mrs. C. H. Sherwood died at her WUII OIl&! of the t/lwn halls. Exhibi · Mrs. F. W, Hathaway has {e, tions were Jriven there, and the Us- turned homeaftor a week's visit with P & D. Association Meet wi t h general di~cus!!ions on the good showed that the ma~erial is th~r~ borne near Wilmin~ton. Thl!rsday. Te.acher Was Retained and welfare. of the a ssociati on. and uetter results wlll come WIth May 20th. and was burleJ In WIIdct.~ of TemperOth·t! used it fM a hall. her Bon, Mr Ed Hathaway and fam · • . . practice. Much depends upon the mington cemetery Saturday after- \ ond IlIler tlley u~ed a sll1ail room, ily, r.f ~lumbus Grove, Ohio. Wednesday Afternoon attitude of the fans . If the boys are noon. . . f th .. ve r the II8le! room of the John · W The Protective and Detective As· After a sonll ser vice leu by Ernest encouraged, we will have Ii gaud In prllltlllg the names 0 e Keys Firm, when' ,IIao. t he "Squire" Children's Dav exercises will be sociation met Satu rday af [ernoon . Earn hart. Rf V. Newton led the de· Mr. P B. Thompson, who was for- teach.!rs employed ,by the sch~ol team; if the "Hammer Brigade" dispenaed merciful ju~tice, ani I plen· Jb5CVed at the Christian church and a grist of bUdiness .wal\ attend " votional exerci es. after which the gets busy, don't look for much . merly pastor of the Christian church board 18I!t week, the .~ame of MISS ty of it. . Sunday eVl'ning, June 13th. Every- to. Twelve new membl'rs wel'l: Altogether now, let's help the boys, but who has been teaching in the El":l8 A Hoberts was llladverte!"tly There wne more ,quires in the one is most cordially invitt.'!i ta at- adlle<!' to the roll. and several were cOll1mittees mad e th ir re llort s. f he first committee to repnrt was If you cau't boost, please keep still. Lytle schools, left Tuesday for Love- , o":lltted, The board has tretamed J{e,s family, than any I know, unle8:1 tend. dropped for non-payment of du e. on place of holding next conventi on. - - --- - • land, Ohio, where he will farm for M1SS Ro~erts as normal teacher for J forll'et Squire Emmor Bailey. whose The association decid ed to have the and Mr. Stu tzman reported tha t the summer. ~ I the commg year. j.tJrisprwience, woultl pull lhe flock Rev. J . F. Cadwallader preached annual picnic some time thls summ('r. althoug h Mason had asked for it. Contract Awarded of Kevs' all up ,in the air; and tbere at Christ church. Xenia, Sunday af- the date to be decided upon uy th e t hey gRVt" way to Morrow, who had was nearly alwllYs somet.hinll' doinll temoon. Mrs. Cldwallader. Mias ::ommittee. The committee al>poinhad the convention for some - llCraps! Chief among whom was Clara Lile and Mrs. D. L. Crane ted for the picnic Jlrrangemen Ut not It was voted to hold the conL im!:!. Cale Straw I, who, with his son, were accompanied him 10 Xenia. The contract was awarded Monday were -A. M8ffit, H. A. Cornell. E. S vention at Morrow ne)(t year. shot t" death in the IItale of KansaR. . Baily, Marion Osborne. Frank Shid The committee on delegates to the in broils, 'Dan L. ClUlnin6r, alillll ~ale like our Lace and Embroid- aker. .. __ - -state c'>nvention at. Zanesville reLangdon. Tom Burke, Ned and Jim IIryNopor t ed as f ollows: Mra. Adah Fur· sale. Order to Ren at JOe per Flinn and othan who do not well ylvan Lewis, flood of 1913, to John K, 8pencer of yard, the wide fine imported line Will Hatch Pheasants Eggs nas, Waynesville ; ~ ~ • up In m)' melhory. only one third tbe value. The Chi · Lebanon ; Mrs. Bessie Haney. Mor· this county. Mr, Spencer's bid was .About that time In the early fifties, cago Importers RaY it must be sold. ___ _ ro w; MIS. Mabe l Hollingsworth, $18,025.40. OsrAr~ . WriJrht and Emmor Baily Don't fail to get·your wants supplied Oregonia; Philip Whitacre, Morrow; There were about ten bidders from . Sr., built a "plank" road from Cor- for MI: W. T . Coleman. Mason; S. K. a year and tben some. J . A. Several hatchings of I>hensants win fa Wilmington, ever hear of it Funkey: !ill over the country, the bids ranging ACRES good buildings, good land, plenty of : eggs were sent here last week . and Ste phenson, Lebanon; J. C. Carrol!. III amount from 123,463.60 down to ~ ' I 1 .' b d ' .. before! 8M the different faet iOM of the farmers will take them and sec Ha rveysburg,; Gertrude Dilley, Ma- th e amount of Mr. Spencer's. The t wate r, has s ome valua J e tIm e r, an lone • hiBh laborers, had scrapping matcbe!l Mess~. J. H. Coleman, F. B. Hen· to the hatching. The re are several son; Mrs Dora Ward, Waynesv.ille; trequently. Ont' of which I saw. denon, S. D. Henkle, L , A. Zim- pheasants around the neighborhood, Lelia Billon , Orego nia ; Mr . Chus. n~t lowest bid . was only $107.10 ;; of the b cstalfalfa farm s in Warre n County; cIo e to a took place on the' II'round now oeeu· mermon. Dr. J . T. ElliA, A. Maffit. and it is said that they are plentiful Wellman . Frank lin; Mrs. Chas . higher.. Work will be begun as 900n railroad. Price $7000. • pied by the Canlling Co., above Cor- Saml . Smith. Ray Mills, C. M Ro- in some parts of the county. It will Hawke. Waynesville ; L. C. Wilk r- as pOSSible. ' . win. On 'side of Waynesville vs. bilzer. Kenne th Ridge and F. C. be well l()r the farmers to watch son . 'arlisle; Re v. A. K .. Sa rgent, AC'RES', good buildings , w e ll fenced, 125 ae.res Wilmln/llon WIIS 'rpm and N"d Burke, Gilmour vibited Franklin Masonic them pretty closely, as they are great Eil gar Stinsnn , Mrs. Anna P. SarRead ExceHent Paper tilla ble, 50 pasture, running wnter, 2J1 mil s Jim Flinn. (who drov/' ox team for lo<lgelll8t Friday even ing. Sti 11 w/lter ravagers aft!'!r worms and bugs, and " ent , Arnold ColI~~ tt. of Huryeysto railroad. Price, $60 pCI' arc. Wl'ight B many years,) lind a brother Lodge, of Dayton"put on the M. M. l will save many a farmer dollars if burJe R L. Bog an . Mrs. Mar13nnu . (Continu d 011 page 4) de6{ree. let alone. ACRE , g ood build ill rs . all tillab le , close to · BOB'a~. Wayn vill e; Leslie Tuck er At the Wayne 'township Farmers' Ha rvcyslou rg ; C. \V . Mills, Lebanon . Club which met at the home of Mr. s choo l and church, a lld :3 miles to a ruilroad. The committ ee on resolut.ions re· and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee, May 14th, Price, $4000. • ported. tha nk ing th l:! peOI)le of Way· a fin e program wag given. Sam); all'=::::!'!lll:Jll'=i==:J'e Patronize Your Home Town) [!Ji I [3' UTI rwsvllle for t heir hospitali ty , anci Mpredith had a gC'od paper on "The ACRES,fillc improv e ments: good l'alld, a ll Icv I, .. . ~ dWl,lling C'n the m:llInllr in which the condition of ollr army and navy. or, 2 Y:i miles from town. . ddl'gate5 we re take n car e of . is America unready?" We were The nomillatillg >(IIl1!ll ittee re- very S(lrTY that we could not have • ACRES, two sets of buildings , close to town -' . por ted a~ f?" ow!'; I r . )(I e!lt, Alex a ful! report of the m~eting. · [lUX\\'ol!. f ra nkl lll; 1s t vice preR., . _ _ _ -+ _ _ - -will make fine silc. l:J Itev . . S. G r . l1 ~ er, Wo}nPlwille; '!nd Philip Whital(er, Morrow; Had to Purchase Property: i3 rd vlce· pre.\!.. Re v. W. Baron. Mallon; 4Lh vicc,pl'c , A. K. . Sarl!ent. Harveyshurg. The Adair Furniture Co., of Xenia, Sec ret~ry -M . .A. J ameson, .Lob have just purchased a piece ,?f pr,?p, Men's, Young Men':; and Boys" Su iLs , Ullderwear , E1 anon; aRslstant, MlssGertrude Dilley, erty 011 Market street, and Will bUIld AUctioneer, Real Estate :Waynesville~ OhiO 1:1 Shirts, Hats and Calls. Also a full line of Lion an "L" addition to their large store. and Inaur8,nce Treaturel'- P V. l3one. Lebanon . Their business has increased greatly Brand Work Shoes at '. Elementary De pt-- Mrs . Arthur during the lastyellr; lind in to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Ross. Lebanon . meet the demands of the fast-growSecondary Dept- Mrs. Clyde Me· ing trade t-hey were compelled to lov. Lebanon . . have more' room . Read ' their ad. in 1...____________....;________________________________ r;I I!l Adult I ept.-S, V. Rettig. Car- another column.
- --_-.0---
¥~ii~~;~b~~~~£~~~ .Rhal
I131 ;
1 !
'E stat I h
,~I S urn m. eft m
~I ~I
Pett iconts, Dress , Conus , Wlil't~e and Colored Wn <;.·h ~
Goods, Table Linen, Lace""
Embroideries, Ribbons, No-
~a ,~I ~ o
bOf~~chers Training' . I:l CoIII.tt. Harveysburg.
Muslin Underwear, Corsets,
lions, peries,
Lace Curtains, Dr~t Rugs, Linoleurw~,
Mattings Sh d a es.
B E,S'!'
<> e and 65e Ovenills . . • • • • • . nES'I' 75e and 01':_ O(J\; Overalls' .... '. . . .
I I o
les8 price
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The Store
nat!avn You Monq
I will
of the larger towns,
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• • •&&l8111 1,• • •51'&1I'=5551'EJI'=55i111'===511BE'iiI==iI'IDE'===iI'lilll'==5i1'lD 1
t ha t . after hard wOl~k, had ac\:iieved what they had g ne after. The adrlr,*,s was punctuated with illustration after illustration along this line. Mt e r singing "God Be With You 'Till We Meet Again," the convention of 191 5 passed i,nto history. 'rhe convention was the largest that has ever been held. The committee appointed by tbe Wayne To\Vnship had ha,dly ex;peeted S(l great II! (:rowd, but . they were equal to the occasion. The committees appointed could pot have been in better hands and lhe,y all worked with zeal that placed the convention on firm groundll_ Visit· ora were loud. in Weir prai.. of the manner In which they were treated. The convention profitable to thoee who aDd the speaterswe", yeryDlUch.
The International Film C9 .• of Cincinnati, is to film a pboto play at Franklin this week. Margery LaFerll will coach some young laJy of Franklin to ·put on a play in that enter· prising vi1la~e. The youn~ .lady was selected by vote at the movIe . ~hows there, and the w~ole play "fIll be staged in Frankhn. The pletures will be r~, to show in a week or two.
ty Pomona
Will Meet
Co t Pomona t ID 'tro~w Satur Wi and will be enu,r: day'eel ~e M 'w Graqe There tallIn) be '1·te°.HOdeI_Uon·.... from w qUl --.WQDemueGranp.
Gran~ ~ee The
·i I
m .:.
Mi!i.~ions-Cclia Spencer. Lebanon At their regular meeting Saturday Temperance Dept - Dr. Keller, Co IJ d fEd t' d Lebanon . the unty · onr 0 uca Ion rna e Visitation Dept. ·- S. A. Lewis. separate sllpervision districbl of Wayne Township, Mason and MorLebllnon. row. , At th\! same tiine they disAfte r the reports alld the election lIolved the Northeastern District enof OmCerA. M.rR Curtiss good tirely by transferring Harveysburg, talk on "The Graded Les~ons . The Massie Township, Olive Branch, and points brought out bv her were Spring Hill to the Southeastern Dis~ mainl y that the teacher must be verv trict. care ful and not get discouraged in - - ••- - their work with the boys and th!! girls. She gave im;tances of great Will Film Photo Play
• _.
Dept.- A. S. Important Schoo
ing to gain a place ill the world, and
.3ge· 68C
Come and 8· ee me before you buy elsewhere, as
~I raer~ ~~heWf~~:~f ~~~e:~y j~rf~
. 1:1
rnllis~~me Dept.-Olive Peck,
i {u · n SElIRS i· '
m j
~ l' icC-I,~eS , ~ ~ason.
We have receiv~ a big line. of
H' I $ _ efte
50 63 ' i 153
====;:;::: AT
Having installed the latest machinery for Vulcanizing Tires, I solicit your patronage, and will guarallt('c the w?rk to be as Good as the Best. . Give me a call, whether you wish twork done or 1I0t. 1 will be glad to explain the Vulcanizing process to you.
CARL SARVIS .'. .ext door to tile Wnyncsville Auto nnd Mnchil1c'7 Co"
·T he Ba~quet Restaurant Everything Good t o Eat-Fine Cand~es, Cream, - Cigars an<l Tobacco. ,
- ---
f .By HAROLD IJJ"~'('Eud by /'/crurr, fr' "
,." ,1,,;[ I'litCJu I'roduct/OD ut t b e & 116 Polyscope
III til . ltIfttll'r lOf \ h
tlud tl 001
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QIlAP1'l!lR O- Amvlnlt III A IJa.lla Hllth·
l!\tonne4 by Umbt>1I I hll' . h, r bfIln. d0&4 aha III lo bol Queen. Ami
~WUl~I~ ;.~"thr:t'::"'~~n~I;.:',;
ruM unmNt'1e4- Shl III II1van .. van OAII' to dIIAIr: It o.,.r, ·
nt-She 1I1J11 ... ru..,. nt)" Ia
lbat the Dlua t uDC1e r llo t\\"o ordenhJ ~ be&ltta. If .h • • urvIV", ab e will ~.,..,.utud to nll&. I ~ lV-.1ohn Dru ..... ILIl A m m~ ...... b.- UC&.
: CII.U'TJIIB V-Tbe el."hant ",hloh ........
' " - hu rrwn th.. """nil oC her trial. ruow ..""'T • ..paraunw ber from Druce tuld lbe :n.t 01 UIe put7. I~ W-8b. tall.,. .... Cu... · lo a
tomPt., but t.bJa h .. ,'on Ie tho .. bodG aDd 0Jbe III torce<! to II... trom It. I ~ VU-lilb. IIndl " "'tnat IQ :U:~~nI' to f&ll Illto tlle bAndl of of a
~ triU\...... ~mart VlU-K"thlyn Ie b:ruat>t to In Allah. &rl l olel, to MIIA. "ho, 1ln4lnc bor aun I","'().
1!16. -P!!'lIlIo
thro'tnIlier illiG til. 4ullioon with .ta _04 b7 Btuoe
L~"~~IIO~":a,&l:OuJ"tarer.; ~ ..~ .. atruok by. buU'"
~ . ~or~-~C1veD
"I Will Tell All.
Am Dylngl"
ed to do. And on the night of tbls solle r oco\l.8loo be sat In tbo lbrone r oom b efore a d es k I1 Uor d with docu. menls. Ae h e noleped 'Writing (\ note he summoned the mnJordomo. "Have this dellve rod at onco to Haro SahIb, whom you will 11 lid nt hI s bun. galo w outs ldo th e city. T 11 hIm also th a t h 0 must b e present tonight, be, XIV-Tb. 00100.1 .. DomJ. hla frI end. and bls duugbter8 . It Ie , d reali, a rIaoner. It" at vita l Importanc ." 11114 a bride to.r him. to Ule pa1aoe III 4s.. Pundlta, who WtlS staring out of the tr _ plana .... w~· eli , e trtuurr 1.opaz:4I ~ window, turne d and aake d hor lord wbet he " 'a8 ee ndlng tho Colonel 80.· the eaitrt lIIto ~op. hlb bat be cO uld not .clve him at the banQuet. "A surprise, an ~reeable eurprlae." The DlaJordomo cocked biB ellre l but RnmaJlnl aald nothIng more. At the oolon u)'11 bUD&ltlow tbere wn8 rejoiCing. Ram~~a1 bad wrItten that si n ce the k ing could not be found be would h ead tho provis Iona l gove rn· m ent as r gent, s enrch for and arrest UQlballa. ood at IIny Umo tbe Colonol SJ\hlb s ignified would furni sh blm
(CoW"ah. ~1IMo14 MIooO~
SYNO P SIS. I II runs 11 to Pll)' : Ul6 '-lUll uml' CH.A.PJ'IIR I - ·K .. tlltyn Hnra, bol llovlnK No,.\'. III II. 1I nmAbnl frll It Incum· •b., h>~r, 001. )'I.r., In porll, hao .uon· bl'1l 1 011 hltu to ho ld 0\ hllnq lll' t In Ih. ...atc1 loave. hor homo In allh'rnlll. o JO 'Im In Alla bA' , (ndln. Uml, .. II n, paln 'II. tll<'r<' t o Ha lf' III h l8 frien ds. ad.r to the I h no. 1m. Ill1l1rl ."nu~ • "all,·o nnd white, Just Wh Rl II lut"lId· ~loaool, aamed by tbe la,o klnir WI lob ,
job' that req
1\(1~'\ IIl H t
1u ,,}. 'If',
t) 1 ttl
01 ' F'l r Sl
"Made to W car"
Formula appears on eyery pa ckage.
o r N"tllry W Olk, D e (\ il ~ " "peolltl~v
Me( ,oy, Veteri'narv
Grnd u ull'
Ilhl " ~ I ( II
Of1kC' fit " "ii' J"II C:l' in F . I : ~he r w,)"d'~ lo"IIS". Fuurth t.;lrLoet.
WaYJle svi llf',
{<'uncral Dirf>ctor RIO OF HER and Embalmt!r,
Waynesville, Ohio. all nJ\!l lVe r ll'roml'tly d ay t1r nig-ht Both )lho n'~ in 011;1'''' and I{e.~itll'nt'e . lonl< (lifltancc ,N CI. 14; ~11l111 C phono
C hflil'flllf\d one \ " lIl!h r\l rni ~l l1~1 with funerals . . RMt of ~rvi e!i J,(Ullran!t'(,rl
-- - ------ -
Not.·ce to (ontrac ors "ou
7TH DAY OF JUNE,. 1915,
wltb a tru sty escort tt) tbe raJlway. R:~ :\:~u~~'If."," tl~~~~'",I~\~"~I~)I:'~tl "m~~~,~~~i I \Vl lii,,1U J Fi ro V~. l~rnOJIl ~1 N o. 40 wi l h ,$t hn K • pe n oe r f o r yO~:~~~ 't ~~E;~,~' lI~o~II,no;;II~?t!UrBul\n~ th re e days' journ oy away. Ho added, bn lh lluK lor 8"hl ...-1,(101 tll.LrloL al;c"NIIII~ In I:Ir wor HI! J on' ro turu~ verc\t ot tile I e ) J[jstru ' tIOO , re1Jhl CE-ment nnd howovor. tha.t be honed tho Co lonol gtft". Olnd ' "edOc" tlvns on 111 0 11'1 ,10 F " 1 It l t,, \'or o t d ,'i\lu d~llt 8. • uy . " -C ll"v la n d PIII11I Df'lIlor Snhlb woul d bo good e nou gh to re- Gil mour, clbrk lit 80lld honr<l . ['1 M'" "n; "I ... , I) rllJReeot rep'llr o t l tho ou n tv on nlo at Ibtl o Jlktllt o ( )11"", ..... W"h~ r. 0 I nJ 0" h fl w st h n k Il f t he ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!'!'~~~~~!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! m ain till orde r WIUI e stabltsb od. Wurllcr .' l\lel/lB, Ar '1011,,,,'18, NOH. Il O1· 1) 0';. Rellil Eslate Transfers r II I ".. l" The OIajordomo contrtv d to larry Mcrc;alltl1o LIIJrnr:!' IJlllhllol/!, CinC·hoo,aOl. olh lv. (;Iro"G MIIt(lli R l v Ar n or th o f ~08 I !~.-. 1____-_-----!JIII-~=' 1I111 .. "Ill be UIJOOlW .. ~ .. muoLhl1( nr . 11\,1 . pen~llln br ld go i n Frtlhk ll n bl O 1\8 loog nough to overb l!a.r 118 much of hOBrei "I "ducntl(>lIIO \'0 held 011 JII IJ 71h . I., MOrtl VI lnn ~~ et .. I 1,0 Ge or ge I . ' fi t l ' al ' lhe conve' r8uUon BS n eeded- for h e IDI6, nL7: IlO ,,'c!uckp. ffi. Ie) M"bI' h l •• n .'1110t<l 0 lod9iu IJOr lJ IIOS an ~JlO I ell . o o s o~ e, ~ b:HCh hid muol roll iniu lho "'''"0 ,,( uver y • . I ' at ltt!! bid of COnCreh\ wor k inol ndlng R I undo rstood E ngllsb ft~d the n r~ loo ro;olt Inllll'UtllOO thoreln. 111111 8hull hOI " ••• , , V rJ " t .. " IIUII·It.n to ,eblul un , " 1&0(1. -~ ~ O:<>lU llalll oJ l,y u g"lllcl o ll ~J;tt .r'itl\('iI oC""III" ". . ,oj> AXCIl VlI\ IOtl , rf\ lnforcjn~- oY rI t,y turn ed to tbe olty to carry tbe new. 0:I18101lCrotll0<l pol'>II' n. lhaLl 1 tho bl,l I", ,,,·· Mil" ,I. H.n~ll t il , . . l . lt1l8h,. 4 1 on , IUP: oto , fl 7. 3:i p ll r h 11111, 1 ft- , to _t mballa. blm will bQ cootcr!d IIILu . ."11<1 trll I~ III U"r\n u tnwusblV $L. ll \II' I" lI t ~' 10 p pr JI' 0~f1 1 tt. :130- p er _ UmbaUa- gave a COI.lull.llcolllrurt Lloo lICrlorluan"onllt pM' loorly ~· "rod. \\ 1... ,, 1 0 _ _To _ LIVE STOC'( AND GENERAL Ite powder. botlo 10burauollll UWr\lIl llrtl no hr."", I 11011 '0 J /lI~I " ~ ~1 uncI ('"r o lln o U'Hllil ton I lin ~ l fo oL f(lr ml\lo,,! Ol\rth fillnt " T onI gbt, you aay. R amll bal I I vea bld .ollch "'UKt, be ""llIIrlltolr OIUl o<I 10 LI ,u ) I 1:-'~OS t or A \V I I II ., . r\ 00 ' IJOr c a . yd . 111<1. with thol"lc" t lor""!. NUllO b ut tllo to ( . uo ' II b 16 , 0 " 130 ll~ r Il . yd . IlO AUCTIONEER - , J IUWOHL ""'1",usll,l" bld0l6r .boll 1.0 UCCtlp",eI .. or tlf In tl awilloo t o wn~lo l p, $1. for K fU v n l (or r rltlll \V 'IY a bsnQuoU" "Y b .. Tilt) nOllrd uf EduCI\1.toll rnsc n -es I he rl~h l I X-'l'bt~u:ape e8, uzoor. to mJnet "ny or all \)\U8 . Ilrl~\.nlJltoer F r y lind WIfe t o Les· - - £ - .. +- - - tleu a fU4 "Well put this In bls cup and your Uy ordor or tho lJou.rd nl I::,lucu ll"oo o r te '" y ., I I ' n° ('I 0 ,. I REAL EstATE & . INSURANCE ~ • W T II Bel I III t I I W "!Jrll) " ~I . ·' r,,~' ~ I IHlr'r,e • ARE RHEUMATIC7TRY with u........ ~ tor obllgntlon \.0 me Ie pa id." "1I~l.n3lQI~';,~%~O: ,"0 • r c, 9yn 0 .. " • lire to IJIio ~ Tbo majordomo stared a loog time Oul I IV.yulJ6,·1II0. 01010, Mn)' 10, lUU 'llrl ptnpht>r Fry lin d wife t o LoulB 1£ .:t oo w lLn~ 'IUlUk " nd reb l relie f -,,-~ F . O. OILM UH, Olerl< ........... a_ ....,. - .•.--~. r..- tDat a t th a.' ·Iittl e pack e t 0 f'" .. ow de r. A Fry ~7 .7 2 u 'rO<! io le"ror e k. lo wn. I fr In Rh uwatl ~lll , df' \V h llt 9·' W'lDV I t~~""'UIa co1d swea t f onne d U)lOn his b row un· aD4 ...... but ~th. -+s hll) II. th --'Uhtlu d o tb r Pr.Ol lnu r o dOinl;- . fficc In loops Bu ildin O' " . 1IO~Dldt.aua:;o=:.. t.!~ de r bls turban. 13. fi qu lr ee ~t III tn ,lohn N , wb blle vor 1m "ttll k (h'Ul t'.~ 00, hr.l tbe ' ~'t- of 'BI'Il.,. "Well?" 8111d Umballa, lronloolly, !;;CJ ulre~ lot. No. 7 In Wl'l llht'~ Ad. I~b ,o r o ml1 ~o l ', o r J 0 101. with . lI,.I-6iD'Li':a'*'-.a'!e ~ "Huzoor, It Ls murderl" tlui ou to Wny ne vlll!1 $ 1. 8 108 11 II Li nim ent. N o 1J 6 ('cJ to ru b . ,' ..mba lla abrugged and beld out bl. 811mh B. ~mitll r,o Oeor ge J . Iiud it In-j l1~t I\p)J l..y Ib .. Li lli ment to Two days later, -wben the tlres were b ond for the pnckot. EmUln I.... t:! m ltb p!\r~ n f In. loll' 7 and the " r (Eloe It 18 IV o ut.llJrrully pene~ngu1sbed and the populace hl'd sey The majordomo swallowed a tow ~el.1 I Ilropod" ls will b" rocoll'ed a ~ tl ,U /j 10 W ny n oflv ill e $ .100. • trol,lu g . 11. g o ~ ng ht to th e Beat o f tle4 back Into Ita former habits, this tim es nnd bowe d h is bo nd . " It ellJLll ~}"~~I~,r'I::'I~I~l or~T ~~,~::::\1""1~:I'OOI:lt~I-':lIIltl~IT~ Ai . u . H 118S\~M th aud wHo to tr o llli ltl lln rt dr tlw l; ~lle PB10 ';lm oBt ~omo betook bimself to U m· b o done, huzoo r . My u rc is . yours to ,, 'c\uuk lloon 011 tloo . Im mMlI l1tely . nllta ho t&1 e (O f. louo'l' blla'. boUse. It waa w ell gu a rded, do wllh aY you please. 1, hnve sa Id It: ' Emllln ' rl s t; )JIUt II f l ot No. 21 in Li nlmeol for 2::;0 o f b Uy drugg ist and by men wbo had never been closo "Oegol1o. the n, and bring me the Ma~oo, $1. liod !U\V O It in tll c b 'I\IRo-,,~a l n8t. fOl' to UmbaUa, but had always belonged 11011'8 on tbo mon-ew th n t Ramabnl18 (Clr thu llUrch"". " r builds " C tbo )turnl A n n 'l E U ?C1oh t EE, Beuch C611h, 1:i,lre oed • w o ll e u .J oln\8 to the c1l1eaUeflec1 aeoUon, tbe trlwkly d ead. , You olon e kllow w bere lbe klDg SChOlll DI.~rlct ul WIl)'IIU TOWII"tllp. " :arren IIot8 01 0 und -Ll III Mo rro'\\' , tol. LU IJ, ll t1~ \, I>ud ~jul fl t l n outl like ·011. 1l0W Ol' ,and open~Y mu~nous sectlon . No 18. S/lould they n ear tho hu t In w b.lcb ~~I,~~'O: oo.I\lg·u lndnl~i J~~~"I~l'I\~ l tl'~:\ ,\~1 ;1. P. AntLe r ojo t\ t o Et,b,,1 B. Au. Ole I~ , o or UIOO y lollek If Dot , 1n1berr was poss lb e here: at loast, I, bave hidd en hIm. S6e tbat be Is mooturl"" I~.OOO. OO lit uroo( IIvo years rro,no deT~ , I D l ot No OH In F r ,ukllo faooo, ~" I ipfl ,bot. It d ,\",~ ~Iv tl u lmos t, 10- ' Ilothln. Ibort of ~ tabulous SU Ill ot klUed. l1e IH M HO USOI01l8." :~:~ ~l~~: :6·g~~:g~ t~,'~~,';:;'I(III,':::)nyYO:u':,. \~:~ Ji~j.le Hln ss HI I!' muk nod l{o~tI !!Itlln l loll t. money 1fOuld dlBlodge theIr loyal ty to Tbe mltjor domo delJllrted wtth ouhl OO Ilwool U Dian'towo suld d~ltl rIMO.. G.OOO. G.O ou.o«1 tllcroo r twollty ~wtmLy ·yen,.,. Il\ t' · (no'" Elan: j lM" t oa lf lot III Deerfi ll id1 " ~~~~~!!!"'!!~~~_~~!"!'~~~ Bamabal. now. the constltutlonal r lr beavy hearL Ruwabal WQS an-honest Irom .. ltld • •~ . EaehuC .uhl lJollllnvnT1m It 'loto hl p. $l ._ft. No one Ilould leave th e hou8o m~~ ·. but Durgn nonl IjB~ d spoken. '1 l\'u UUlldr.' <! ( S~O Dol· W In B P ns t' a •.. 1\, I t 0 EI 1M Il dt b .~ ~ ~ ,u. la911"111/0111.1 .... 11111001>110111',,1oll'cOIl8C,:u ll" ol)' IrnOO1Il.O O) OIlU to I 01' enter It. without 8crutinty Rnd ques· At the b anquet. wltb Ita quail lind 01. Iy, b"tl, Inclugh'u. alit! \I ill bo"r loolo,rust nt BIIIW Lbe undlv id"d LIV (l .thir(l ~ of tloD. pbenenut. Ita frulls and 1l0wor8. Its :,I:~lrl~~.u u~!o~I"i:tIJ"I~L::n:~::\!\rr"~~I,~~ ~',~J'~I;;, 101 1'1 0 ~ l i i u M>lck i llaw I~ddl tiuu tu . The eenanta and tbe women of tbe mro plaleo and Ite rarer soblets for 111110 lill Y ur 110,·.,,,, 1. r 0111'1, yoar. Iho IIo-..L lu· ::'ruuklil1. il. Illn.llrnuuL " r I nto ....·9l. lJdll$t I1nYllhlo 01\ .t.he seDan" rema1Ded undlsturbod . Rama· tb e light wIn 8 hll!h Cll8tes permltled l oolh du)' "C J""., 19 10;. 8,,101 IMIO" • . 01 .. , l! h llrl~K E . M UTI)e t o Fmnlo W. . - -- - - - ... _i -ouI, " have It 80. Tblngs bad beoll " tllemo e l VeU OC CUB . IonnII y to d r In, k R a· IlIlIm", (10 10. willlJallk h" III,yablu tiL" llIo ,Iou UcOll i IlIH d IO'~ ..... ~ u \\' oyw •.wh llluclI:-Illo./(,lIol " \\'II Y" "" in 'l'orl,leortltlk tUWII· .Au t o L ivery put in orc1er, There bud not bee n mubul toyed Idly wltb his goblet Wid WIIl'r1l1l ' ·"uut)'. Ohll1. ' It' 11 \ tho 1' lIlh·'I'hlrrl sblp Si l , ." NlltilllH\1 II n,n l, III ( ' Jru; ltlllul l, Ohio . fJ J ~' ol \' e . • R easo nable Rates mu ch c1 &mage d one b Y tb 0 I00 t ers on th oug btl ess Iy IlUij h 0 d It t owar d K a ...• hl md •. IIIII " IXlrs 110 12100110 lucl". II'O. \,111 1'(1 I A It oe ~ TUln e to Llod ley n.tI,l G lIor the clay of the revolt. T b ey b nd looked Iyn. wbo sat at h is' rl gbt. ,III" 011 ,.ho 1111 1, ilfiY " r JUliO 1920 : IWOlt'f) giu M u dl' uhlill HoHIYldad (mo. hnl f I In b UO d W It II a s enso 0 t gra tItU d'f n U01iJt! rl'\ 13 1024 huth ludus" c. \\ 111 . t or -..... .......ure mere1y, l\IIuA on Iy an oc· e or IJOllilli, lou d". "" II", 1011, ,llIy .. 1 JIlIlO 1926; t w~l\l' ot 1>1\ In v,OrWHl, $l Also Agent for 1l:clly.S pringlield caalonal bit ot vandal1801 bud marked Rumnbal's patience Ilnd klndDellll on d 1001,,1., lI u", h"r. 25 10 a'i ","10 Irwlll .• h ·• . "II I l'J L' I I U A uto Jnllbi l1! Tires he 01110 Oil Iho IUI.II" "Y IIC JUliO 1930 . l. \VlIIt·" ' Ir lNt Op be r • ~y Ilne w Fe to allr· their pathway. a s sistaoce througb a ll be r dreadful 11011<1 •. IIl1ml,o"" U7 "" .~ l.utl! lrod usl,·". will r y ' ~'ryo t wo t,ruOiH in Uleouol e e k ' On the pain of deatb no SOldier or deals, Katbl yn sp ran, up Budde nly ~'~<I'~: ~\:,:,II)~~ogl ~· )6~( ~rl? d,~t'?~I,I~: \.I~ rl~ t owo 'hip \ mlaht enter the bouae, and without looking re\lobed for wbat 00 I II I UII (I I J WI" S u I ANY property ownorsfccl The majordomo was permitted to en- sbe supposed to be ber own goblet, but UIU',,\:." :,'~ I~~'III~I ~1I111~; ~'i'I!~~lr); o l di G o\\arrisl:e Licenses -'tho'u t ... nueBUon. Ho passed the In"dvortelltl y her hlinAu cllmo In oon. M I h. 8 11,10 or I) hl U I""t\rll lorl), S.,·LIOI1" ; thut pllintlntt 'ls un "el .....- WI . .1tj 2:., 71;21i li lld 1li 21 () 1 Lho General C'tHJu u r V II Ph 9u ~ I omcthln~ '!'hnt tbey p e nso" parda bumbly. But once InBldo, be- ta ct with Ramabal'B. Wbat 8bo had tn Uhio. (" r "',,' .1",rIlOSIJ " r provldlnB (""rI~ it, J ohn ~1. F,Jx fll- r mer til . Berlhll a t!-y . one . - Ii"" . . /)ruc uro '" sit u li nd OfOCI," lllHh Kl' }U)(JI Ullllcll ll K K ,. I 'f b clln !let u long without. 8 u t cvery 70nll obse rvation, be b ecame a dlfo. mind to 8111 WIl8 ne ver s)lOke n. n slIhl 'lIsLr1<-t "" ll by vl rLI'" lOr n 1(.,." lutl\'o 06"" e l, uOl· I (I Le nuon . M A . ·erent man: For In Umballa's hOUSA_ Th e ma jo r d 0 mo 8 too".. appa . II 0 d • "'bl p.......1<l1'trkl. by 'lile 110.'" "I l': dU"~llon II I KalU JaJlt ('ijt' O ,J P - - - --- .• painted s urfaco n."tls r enewing. for a' • a ,(,/",(,1 Olllh. ~lh 'Iuy (O( 10\", , . I' y tIe , Eu genll 1:I ,3r mll ll t'e n ewit. blook. , . . In Ramabal'lI; there were secre t · wonderful wblle womltn ove r ' whom .1Ol1 loy U Ih,S/.lut/Oil <l ul y the 8UlllO r euson th ~l t n JK'r son n eeds new Clhamber8. and today tho majordomo the goda watch od Il8 the.y watchod Uf~'~'~I';,r,I~I,;.u~I'LI~~: CI ~~~~ (~~lfI:n~lf,~~~~;;'~ '~ . ~mltb of Bullbrll ok l ,f) · Lolli Um' Dell clothes- both clothes nml p a int get entered ODe of them-tbrough a LlODel the winds und the ruins. of wbom be l,hc'IOOMLI,," o ( 1 :!8 l1hl~ LI ,\)t;\I hondo Ion vi"" of Woynal:lvllIl'. Rev. Da Dlal B . s habby. ocmoealed ·boblDd a banglug Ja pahan b nd oot dared spenk to Umballa. She? )~~I~luJr.~~'I~~r.,~\~~ oV~.}~,'~n"'~l,~II~~~I"o.~,::·W~, · P 'l lrnor. . Painting nt regultlr Int ervals foreI'UIJ. Nol He saw tbat he blDllle lf must 2".10 tlay 0 1 ~tn,,·h. 191ro. 8t ",i.ld, "h'Cllon V.'illl tlui I" Eisen menger, drng Stll1l8 r epairs ; while neglect of prunt_ "'- th ft'-bt .. - tb It U b mnre t hnn l.l mnJorlly of th080 vot.ing tht:reut. . v.. e.... a ....r e reyo. m· die. He seized l e goblet ore II v"tlllg 10\ !o"',,r ,,1 lhu I.. unlleu thoreo l. , Olerk to Etll<ll May l:Ie". &y, both 01 I wallt to buy yom Wool, and Ing m ellDS 80TH D repair bUt nnd II IIIIllao aQbor and !lesperate. had. ' s lunk r encbed b e r lips , drank, 0110 flung It Sold 1".,,,,1. "III bo .,,101 W t ho high""\ bld,lur Fra n Jillu . Ituv . 'l'hlstle. will pay the High!!st Market · Price p uln t bill late r, licrouse the repaired IIaoIt "~II~ Il8 ~ candy s e ller, a s ide empty. He was itA good as dead, 1::~;~~tl",?;'::I"· I1, :·:~e:ra\:;;r ~rhw,: '\(:e~:I : ~~:; \\' for it. . work must be pulnted. ' TIle hoa.e not guarded tbon . 80 for lbere wor" ItO antidotes fQI ti ,o",lnr. ('on,llIlolI.1 hid. will noL 10" """ , Commissioners' Proceedin2S' Ald um. .. HJtI!i rtllll4l- 00 tllTO lllpuulud b~t .. tie Ilad no dlfftoulty P' ·glllriing adnHt- poisons U mb ltlla gave . Thoso 8catlld . rtlJ 'l)t) clo" 'k ror L UnO 11\1 "11<01, R oo h;out. BlllH A lI u wetl : -U h l ll 'o rro gRt ed tuaoe. But be bad to gaIn entranoe about tbe table w e ro t oo a s t onl sh r d 10 ., 111 "cll\'~ " ,,,,k wl tloiOl I,ll" SlllLe ,,( Uhlo . . nllul ll IJilyuh h, lfJ th o unlur or Lhc Clerk o f ~ijlll tIIJaIIIIl • 1I1nc1ow In the zenon&. He IUr. The maJordom.o )Ju t ble htUld to , Uun.nl '!( \o;." ... ",lnn. " IJ{\" ,,"nlllLluu LIoM If Cu lv e r t e;o. . }lIp\! $120 70 ; fUss _'A DO& truat elther hla eervanta. hili ~811 r oeled steadlod ilI,uso lr ' nnd tim 11101 I•• ,·,'0\110<1. tllO bloill er will "",ul\'" &11,1 "ttl l"l) Wnr~ ,.. mrlse for oounty .......... VI" . , Im .v fc.lr the hunll)C n",,'artlotJ I·u 111ll! wit.h ln t ou JatiI .1&"e., or bIB cblef eunucb. Tc then Ramabal unde rst ood. Ilay> r",llIlIl~ lilllo l) l . ald aual'\l. .. ~1j8 1 er 11 75 : .x onlu l ,'H y Work You want. t~ sell y o ur Ciattle o.ud • .1 H h tile women ot bie own ,enana. be had ''PoIIODI'' h e gaspell,' .sprlnglnll up ro tsul' l "" ... ·k, ,Ir 110 ' 1", ,1;,,',1" Ii,erool. to \0 House. IIjnlnt e nllD ce of prlsnuerK :lIrI(lfJ by Iln,) 1~" rlI Ill( llI'OIXI",), uf t. he jill . ~O; T U DI FrRz~r , Rfi8 ts tanl, sheri ff Hog. ' [~Il pay you t he ig cst al_'8' tMlen j:&J'tl1e ••ly k.!nd, and WOOl and catohlng ILte majordomo by tbe ",,101 II", H,/r.1 fM,oo l !)jsl.-Icl nl WIlYli" In r e (;Irllcll l:I"OlJt , in!t~ne $2; In . Markl't PrtCe. -- .... I ...t brlb a bl eo t 'th 8 t wo sexea S b ou Id e ra. " P a ISOlIl, ' .• I t 'l'uWUKh ht. \ Vur.rull 'QUilt). O h lv. Qs lh/ "hhUA,x t keeps down" the hIgh maintenance c08t tbat ' olwR)'8 rCllUlt, un .. l waB roMO duma •• If Kuld ,,,,,ldi!.lUll Is no l 1I ltllled . ']ue~t Dve r bl~ uy of I:!u !Doe} 1:I Klr- • - . -- from plIl~r- n eglect. It Is pre -emlnclItly "the paint tbat Umballa entered at onoo bll secrel tdr me. S\lcakl" utltcrwldo I v I,u returned I,-Il ri ll) billelo r. _.. .._ .... od t ' .. '\ l 'ol nC"ldulIlu\ (otu htts lJfleu ·Jt!\"lod U I~U laus . .. 1 t is IIlso most economicol In fh8t C08t, because It ....am.............. to and WQ or wert Lord, I will tell aiL 111m dy ng. the ' 11' 11)1<1 I~·x uupllollLl' 1,1 LI'" HulJ nor. I uy, Cu rOIHIl' H,ud Wi~ne"B f~£8, $ 8.60 .: '0 .. BUPI)IIl'8 blOllllllt. on. of the women aotlog ~. It wae a strange tale ot mlsplaoed Helt ..ul ul.lrlc. o C WOl'1I0 'fOWlISh lll, Woe.... " Tu e r..~l1ka l tEl. Mfg ('overs the largt!st Rurfntio. . "-___ . ' , Coli II I.)'. 01010. hi 9d(\lt1000 I" the amuUlI1 ~ I ~ 9U; Go Il'ge 1:1 . Wilkorson,lIer. - , oa the morning after tbe 10.vall~ and Itrl\t!tude, bllt It was pe- otb rwl8e HUthorl1,(lf1 eACiJ yenr duri n" III Tront yO~Jr houso 10 1.\ new coat of paint: It ~1lI be true parda arrived, and Umblllla knew nol " r,:-rl\ld \\' 10 ,'10 tho 1I0lld8 hB "n t.o run .• ullldem Waynesv ill e, Ohio econom y. »on " cliJ~M the cost With tllKetI, wilter rent plumb. to ft'all n an1)/\001 ,QUnll<o I'ft)· Iho nce'ru rug hller""l nnd bow Io n. Inlt bills and other "deutl" IlXpeo81!l1; 'figure It 08 on 'a'8ICt_ _ ~ tloe 1. 0 1 mllilltiw. . _ be ml,b't hny Valley Phen .. 1 :\[, invClltmcnt, . . 'I'brouab ODO or the wom n lie SCDt a B','IIIH ,,111 lou ruadv Cur ileU"lIrlulI 0 11 l'lo~ IOI,!_ d~r. 01 JUliO. 191D. . • I'IIal Dl...ace to tho m ajordomo, IJIJ.lou r ght I. ,'"",rvtl<110 r"JO!C~ 'UlY ami _II We "an IIh uw you ome very lli ttrac the ~Ior comhlRllrione ond I11.~ yuu udrke QOOu • .,.Indnll.ha. '!'IU__"'bbr with tbe reault . that eAcb ds)' be Uld •• Iounld ),u >oeal c~1 noot! cull "",,,,1 " Wei. . . . . . )'OU DIDD.Y • . WILL YOU CALL TO SKK US) lttanled what .... 1a'll:1na plBcO In th e lor III~h ,olwol UUJliIJ II" Uo" "." .ml 111 nll\l1 I OR. J. W. MILLER. -_.__ 80·" ta .. __ h III 1 or dolh"ott."'(.1 to tlu* Olerk ut tho UO;1.... ' ur A • ..... -17' ..........or t 0 .og E<1ucaUIlIl or lb. Kurul Sr.looul IllglrlcL 01 H • .,.. _ ~ I!oU.1I . J Wayne 'I'OI''11.lllp. W&mnI O"unly, Uhlb. . . . ... N'NIiIiII antS more than tbl.. 'rh~ Uoaid of Etlucntlon of thu ICooral ...DENTIST... . . _ . . - . . . . . . , _ _ ....... _ _ _ _ _ School 11IIIlrielor WA)'n~ '1'IlWD'
Notice of Sale of School District Bonds
N. Sears
.own- I
Waynesville, Ohio
Which '\~ldaJ'Ou,Rather,Pay? ABill
1ST 'DAY OF JUNE, 1915,
alBiU for bQth
,il ls
Service at
Corwin, Ohio
P""'"'\1,,11 "
c. B.• 'B¢ntl¢y
. .\
.om. ROGERS &.·SON
...- -
"- -
~ aID ~~.
Ala7 ll,
IIhIp. WarreD Coun~1, Ohio. by Olerk
JI16-.~RBJJ O. Q~MOU n,
N"'o~mm': 814 ' . Wayaonilie. 0
. Later?
_______ ______ _
~ ay
fl .:)
J. A
Waynesville, Ohio
li nd
Comes in 49 beauti. ful tints and shades,
11""...- \'10"".
Nntary Puhlic
It! s lll Jr ,\·e,l . iu Lil a e" ~ ,,le of E ll z ,bol,lI U: h oo::ula kt1I1', Ul' 'un. d, I r~ t UIIOOtllll, u d b j I . H r;P!OV1'1 . 11.0 I e ('(lur! aod~ $,16. - , I In Ihn h n udtt uf I·ho Jlllllllu 1~ rt\ orlimJ fb I" eol/l le In 1.11 .. lilull r ,t Iho \\ 111 uf Mo tll ~l u <: Wln.l f' I, r\(!ollJl~ (I , .Joh n W In"trl, t lIP Wluowl ' r (' 1 utH t·o I. Ike I t I no ( er h e wi I. I II t.ll!) m lttt!'f ro f t ltl' wil l M :-; mi ll~ !:I flt l ",lei, dt1C' II~"'l W IIII~IHllllilll.,1 t o pn h" t ('. 111 t·Lt.- mu t l or f t hn OIM t~t" fl f A n dro\y R u htllor , tlt'OIl"H"c\ W ~' Mn ~ . I. "flPfll lll ell ood lOlln l",t,ra t.Or H ond $1;'00 . ll l,n r t<" A Ul o u!;, J ohu \ Vil.,)o IIIlII A ~'. ""I Ul i, n t II I, lire np. \lOll.1 tod 1~llllr"I ~ll r ,. . I n t be mot·II' r of tbe ~ullr dI RJ\~h l p Sold by o r ~' rllUk l::IickB, II III1'O r nlld pr Ih o I IIge u f 14· Yllurs . Itllsl ~ lltlll(ln fit NJlltul e Jj f:llUk~ tl~ II l10h !!ulLrdi" o Itl ,. " • II co,I\J l e li In t ll il linliltor n l th~ r'Ku~t o f .-~~ . -~ ' .-....~----~-'"'!~~------~- "!!'-~!"'~~!!!!!!~!!"'~ \V llli ~U\ }:Il ldl1b rtl n ' l. dlloellsou l'nd V{t" 0 ), UI 1111 C" "" " I,,, \V , ~ hlng r .. tl i HOW J . i\l iil"r, l:I.-.ynlH Burc\ e n lind H F. t(JlI' ll~ bIP h ll rloo l t ; " " T>(f1 lI tllclo . * 1 : . HARROD GOT Hu ru!\ ,. IOfI OIl'l'oi"r.,,1 uPJl rn il!'rH ·.Iull ' . '. V'lII 1-1,,," " lfl ll' I; .lllslUIt STOMACII TROUBLE To rr,,1 Mltoy , ud UJIIlI~ trat ol of H ol ' h~"ok, nw, r • l" I\ I(lrH In r tl " I ~ n t1 (> t'l\tI w\I,h II to l.lllluh I.r o nhltl e stute of Ed,UUIlU . Mlluy. d e I ~ I 1» 'lII t l ' IBin , )11 1. f ~:l:J() , I:ldlv ull n lld V8 , C Orti lIh o v et Ill. I'Rlo o f I3t\llt' r ·Po~ t·, I-i . 1\ . ){ , No. 5:17 fur yeti! lind triucl AV(jf.vthln!\ 1 h . ,ud cof, hil t tho unly r e h Af 1 .g'.Jt rell 11 lu te IIPllro ,· "d. Di trl butl u ' II rllOl( u ro r<l, () It,,, . ,' ''po u~ " to r Me "''''' t e tllp n rOlr~' until hMI ~)J rIJlg J urel or II, 'tlo rllil Day " 2;; ; I ' W . ~J1qr k ~, louo r 811\1\1 ('hllmb(lrllllll'~ Tlllll (j l~ ,.lll',·r I n t h e mil t r 01 the I(llflflll«o b i ll ~n , 1 mn!.t' rln L 1 11 1~" I Tl tJ ~ It rllll: ed tl'l'd lind pr oo urOll'l itotlln o f f,\tnrn of Fr b Dk I:Jl le kll nnd Clitl' lI r(l tJlok~ Uoi ll u t (' W n ~hlJ1 ii" f,O; I3IJ" rd of ut .\111' d rug ~t J rll I got imrnpd lol a m iuon. NIUlI t1e l-I Hi olul In BU' I ::I tat.... 'brorltie~, "n pl'(Ir o f loU\~ttl8 r ol l r f." ,1Il thoot, 11I'tlurtfll l h fl l\vlu &!" jl IIIOLSt\' Uo nrl, .110;). ' o r t tl t Itul io t Ol r ~'"oh} '. lI lin el tld, II f e r e lil,illt,: nn '\ rrnon plli n in Ib a I n HI ll uuttle r 0 I,be/sollrdlllll dhl\l Coln", bll ~ , O ln,,: . , ~ ,~ , "' fllok ' . s tn mll (\h," wrlt e~ ~r~. Ll llrt .. H,lt' . 01 Alhll r t () Slok !> minor. Ell .. D.,. Ao cll' rd cm , Rer" I O" >o" ~ tl t)~n'lY fe r r " ,I , Fort, W,lYOI' . I1m1 . Ohtni rlllbio Id ' • .1 ' '\ B lOll\) 1-11 nUL l ~" ' I ~ I\' , ~t' ltO . of /)0 IS ' uppol nt"" :-: 08n 1110 . UII[ HII I ' '10 L I e ,'e r y \\' lou r. '~ . 1·) t I)O 10 v< n (I'\' \' otlOns ; w ~ ~ . 13.-0., . BIl \lj1li o~ $1 1 ;;!; 1). 'I' l,tI Wl' , I n the rn at,t e r " f lil A e~ t.~I" I ' I" L, )I' clnd Ol l1 r .. .-l1l1 I,H t ;u n n o n ~l! U hllrl e~ B Al oDru~•. d~o oa &e d I n . Ij.~; l' h o ~V lldl ... rto Sbr, sll l-'p llel' flH Wa~n :t a. Bird at · vtloto r y lind 1! 1111ra l~AJU Dt I<ro fiI ~d , lIor\1l 0 r *30 30. TO Ilit OOl'\'rJ l'iUE D Prlvul.e 8nl ot relll e tllt P .do r ed C,IDtr flc \.iI L t. : - Nu -&02 w ith In b mlttt e r o f the will o f E d . Z"lo Artllltlll{tl fo r putt lug IU Ioll'Vllr IJltt l1' Willie WaB l(I(t 1110:\t> Uh WBrel !:l, Wn Ik e r, deot}Qse ll . A 0111 11(\11 1i1JtI Ill\d 1I0adwIlll H un Wlirnlol!l nil 81~ lI 'I"0! hell ,1. . M, W u lkor, Ill e wl'<lOW, 01 Ilt,s t o "ller hy FOrD 8hell '~ <l nd rlillinl( I)y '''. r. ChUGII>1 y . hilI) E\~ellt1y 88id, hike unilar Ih o Will Saw w ill III 'l'lzr l·la ornel, t<o wnshill "Wllllt, il! f\ po ptnjay? " H:.t .' "W)u-why , 1\ p(ll'lu j"Y I" A-I\ (;{)m mon Pleas Court No. -l03 ,,,I t b Z ·tin ATI.nlh. !.(A f a !' v8ill hinl " l OW S uits, hliUJlll!.( grnvllI b v El .. d B,. nt..1 foorl u " Arll Y OII 'I b ird, Ir. t:llulIlpley't' Sll.loJ hhl. will lI. NlCllh'L,1 hy .-illrk "r " n il U~ It.ohl' n" UO(' or"" lu" .. , Mil t. '('flr1llillly nlll, " lhe Boord ut E.lucU l lo u u t Wn \'uu ' )I I\"Uilll (J U ,..1,.. U po" IT t . , 8<'ilool IJl.L rICL. IY"YlIOSI'IIJo,. ~Inltl .. ( 0Io h,. ·l,ltllli Im l'1 ,,~ . E ~rI IIll I Oi Dil l I ! r Ol '£ 8 I • lilt 8 nnnv. 1/1 tllli rl y o u WI18 ullt.I ...,'on ,,'cloclr fl. Ill. voree I(nlnl ed to p l,' tntlIT I> nd Hh e id No. 40.1 w l~b Bur I{ 1111 lor vllrlond f\ II p luj v. nnd P II, Maid t he rt. WAI! rPRt " r ali t .. h er " 1«ld fl ll I)IUI1I1 o f rep ld r \V " r k 0 11 b r hlKtl tlI .. \ ~IlW rl! n n dOobt about y,101" bohl ' /\ juy, J enlll l "lJ.k $tOO. Tf> nu' S IHEor lilt.lit I,here \VII" !ltnllllllopeto
1'. ,
Waynesville, O.
1'1\" ,11 17
This paint has been endorsed by master-painters for 25 years. It gives a beautiful, durable finish. Works smoothly and spreads easily.
m laht bo. Rdore lit:. d lo' d IU", Inll)or. ... don 0 >-I' lnlnl'd 111 0 lII\'thod of III lug tlo u SI\I'I'(,t bUlIlu r. . ""'rhe Quail n nil phcos"n t, tb" rrlllt,. lind win e rI' mlllnC'd UIllOllCh"d . Tile hl\lI ll l'CODlO d Berted Rlmos t Inll11 . dlf1l!'ly. Te th e kln~ llrllt: to ~h e k ll)g! Tho 1.: mbll l\l\ eho uld pay h is de bt. Th@y ruu nd the poor k ing In the hut, In a pl t lubl o condition. Helnugh ed o nd bnbbl d /llId 811111,,(\ and we pt aH th oy Icll bIOI ftWI\l'. lIul In th e sar re l clmmbcr wblch WIl S to hu\' b eld w· bulln th e r wus no ·lI ,·l ng thIng . For l'lIlbll.lln loud . n l th ll depllrlur e of the n\ujordo lUo. COlli' II' d R vIall ror reb nbilltallon RO w ide III liS mml· nCl\llollS, 60 poworfu l I\l1d wh IlIIln g, thlll 'loth lng cou ld " tll)' It once Il wns s ct In motion . Th u Ilrl es ts , tlt ll r III rul e rs of AsIa: th e w ls o lind pulloll t gurus, who h Id t ho mos t com p'l li ing of all scept ers, BupcrRlltlon! Double fool that he h[ld b'e n 1I0t to hnve thought ot thIs before! He kne w thnt lh o)' bated I1nml\bnl , who In r eli gion Was an outcn.st itoc! n pariah. who worsblpod but n s ing le 0011 wbolll nono bnd ev r Be n, of whom no Id ol holl been cf\rved and eet up In I> tem ple. BII PertlUtlon! U mbulln threw off ble ro b OR nn d donn ed his ~Bndy eeller'~ tatters, le ft tbo h ou ~e wllhout being QueMtlon ed by tho car 16S8 guard, aud 80ullllt tlla cbJef t e mpl e. Superetltlon! To cow t h populacll, to brin g tho troops to t h UlArk, wltb tilT illS or curs 8 . famln , plngua , e t e rna l da m· n lllloni SUllcrR l lt lon! And thI s Is Why Ramablll and his fo llowo rs foun d tbO) empt,. obambe r .
1'",1,,1(1, ~
1ihat wiD make satisf ctian certain.
hIR olin h,julol! ""U Ill,' l ing I (I bu t • O\tl~ld( til" cit ." th ~l 1".ln,,' 1111'1' QA. d ! he ilr~ 1 n ud fiual II ,ouuu~ in tlll\ t t f ' 'I I Jj. was Just, whnl>o< " pr h ltl " r"plll,, 'K HUrtle es 1\ p O t! ,Oil I ville,rlooeil,s<lu 'U
~)W I
I~;II~~~I~ I~!l 1:1:~:hlll;~III~\,,;I'~I';;;d(l:,"7~ Ul'~::lIt~~. ~'''l~'~;:t ~!Id~~~I:\t~e(~~~~I;~ UP)"
F, I. ";HER\ ClOD
l)f l:f OD n ett uP. V ri 0 Flr~ ~ 11\1(1 tjllnl II U I 00 0\ It! II P lH o verl.
. A,
he $ure to ge .
e~I .. l f
Co. JOIOH'" M. n"(jv"r , ,1 't.."' ~I'l l.
f you ave
lIll Proc~'dll1g8 •
II "101.1 ,ur
, If You
,,,,,,,~', ~.~:,,~ "U~"~,~ ~ ~1~1:~r~~~L~~'· I ~~f::~:~n~ I 'I-~T-H--E --N r -,C-H-BO-R+--H0n n / EWS L.I :.II . ~:I.'~~'.<~'!:.; : :::: $I.gg I [ UU 1I\,IIt/luI(. Mu m Mt., Wn YIl,",vlllll, ..loin .
1I1,l.ln' 'I\I':I." I·JI" 'g-. CIII.L
""11 . -t12 - -
It t
I Ad-
---ll' ~~.r I~.I~~.
r . . . . . . .. . .
WAVERLEY HILL Uy I.allra V.rllur n''Il<1 rhny tell u . or battles tar uvor t.ho lea , \1U..1 we
~ u o\\'
Wo offe r Ono Danarod Dol1 ri r~ Rewllrd for IIny oa~e of CaLlurh tob'Lt .0,lDnot, be au r ed hy Hall'R Val·arrh CUre. . ro. j . CHE NEV & CO .. 1'uleu , O . We , I lie uudersigued hn \'e k no"u F. j . .Cht ney lor Ihe lost 15 yell." a ud be lieve him p~ rlc('t l y ' .. ,. om ble ill all busille~s lrtl llS1lc);un s nlld fillu llcially nhlc tu carry any uUIi t{utio tls II1:l d e by his HU ll.
O llt
\'ur y l1 reat lful u t courwu tho),
NATIO NA l, BANK U' CO MMlillCE. Toledo, O . In I lICna~IDK oWl' n ull ' s C'nl:nrh ClI re is t l1 k~n illl crnlllly , All u\'ur Lha a;rooulitJaiM of Waverly Hili. Wllt,,'\1 th l} KrlUIH ",r'O w" tW qJii'k au uJ thU s lJoo p u ~till ~ dir e~ lly tlpu n the hluod a.rt 11Hu: IIU S IUUst be); Uu tu u~ /l. . uoonlought. Ill.
lu\'o Lu roel. II ml or wllhl·II._nm,lIn g _I,.'m g l"t IU, th e to p of
surl" cu ,,1 the :\y .I~I1\ . Tc~l i lll LOll ia l s SC 'I\ Irec . Price 7,~ pcr ho lt Ie. Suld Ly Lllo t: rt lltl : • Wh",'o tll o wlnt l 1m ... the "CIt~ mak~. I~ cool " II Urll!:!:ist s. wl lh " " "~ht. Tak e Hall' S "'''lIIil)' Pill s lor conltipa· .And "110 hlnhJ 1l000t IUU' towtuor trctm morning liou . UII ulHllt.
Now wh .. L I. Ih .. 1",,,10111 UII Wo.erly 11111.
Anll wIJo &.hi Lhft IUuU whu arc n~ hUlltc .tlli l 'j 'i.. thu ohl .ruop •.incH Adalll, Lh" glinJtJut.lr,
~g:tl:'r.JLI~~I:I':!'r:;'~I~~_~~J'i(jMr~'du~\::'~lli ~t:~r;! mUMI, t.(to
A,'m", tlU) rRCe 0 1 thee.rth IU'~ ule In tho . h",le ut ll;:ri (.I;;:;Jlue rhIK VIMUL LhlLL would lea\'t) nuL lila which .. 11I1II:1'IK,t1 Ul<'OlIld
wrlMgleor vlnr.b.
A.::;j ~lrIJI~~. ",::: fr.:~~III~I!":~I\\r,::" '~~u'IIIII.
~vor)' Jot. o f I.IICtlV1U'tl tnJm tho ruot. to tho (.oP.
Some·Marvelous ExhIbits at the Panama·Plciflc International Exposition
thulr . Ioghll( A .WI', (g:=============~ , Ex IIlblt• In A gr Icu It ura I P a Iace at th e P.nama-Paclflc International ExpoIition SIIow Caterpillar Gaining '11aL lohbY 6JUIIM UIU blue Violet.. IIlKJdhlH' uleuJ), Favor Over Lug·wheeler T,.ac· \1111 a~~ut alJlutt who tailed ~I ,NiHt MtI 'lt-rl ua tore In Farm Machlner),. To "Ivo an ~Iann with & . 'Int ur a 8hnut ; Oil I .II"M Indood ..ru tho ... /tllo,," tl'M 1I"lIt A.n obMerve r In tbe Agrlcllilure Pal· In Lhe 10UIf .errl"" r.."ko 01 Ih~ "",,,I 1C_lllnlll nce nt the PllnatIJl!o.Paclfie Interna· knlHhL. . tlon.... Exposition lit 8~D FrllnclBco nuL Sir Pin de 1.lou olley. Lb. llell..1 cunnot b olp notici ng. In tho dlsl,lay of ur OliO "ho rull.. aillrum th .. gaol 10 ~h" W OIIt ; agricultural power machIne ry. tbe 1101· l~~j'I;:!~I:.!"::I~,~:r~~!~: r.:~~'\~n~;~~~ t:'It.I,:; mo~t comllieto 8Ullel'llcd unco or th e ·. ky ; And W""M a \'UL hanner til"" tiuL',,", In Hamu Dew desll:n o r powor tractor, knowD ae (hOt hllllA,p a lut ~ Illlu),. null UJlo6lUi tho M&Ju~ tho cnterplllar, over the cumborsomo, \y Itl~h~ 8~r:.~~, w "ilOIlO . 'Iw have c lhnlHMl 111 uostable. hlgh-wbooled engIne of a 1'0 throw uti ,llJogulle, to NlIU' I liP I'ul II/lht. few yeara ago. Tbero are tew ot the olel modols on exhibition, ""hlle the 'fl, ~ u ",,", Lhu .Ioputl III Knit'" Wn \'Crley 11111. catorplllar prlnclllio bas beeu al'llltetl 'I'h.. \)""''''0. arllo .. 1111 .. ro",,)' ,'lOti ,,'111 ; TI 'U YCI:~~" olf lht> utW11lIJ U l'Utlt! .. uti 01 to almost overy type ot engine for agrlcultllral purjJOs88. :'lUJ IUKIl)' . ~lI hJtHlI.rmo r the y ul'&"ol), Invoke The caterplllnr proper III II heavy rile aJd or ths Suo, y.lie,m ,ho), 10 \'0 t.OobtJ)'. ;t'u lead them 10 \'ielur)" III., affra)' h b I val')' IIIg I D wldt h s eet meta I can, Oalnllt thUtie who I"" .. ultered and olepL In Iho III.hL. trom ten InchuR 10 two teelaccordlng Whll" tl1oh",l·ruoll clh"lJod up and o"t .... ,,,;lIO" to tbe weIght of the Bnllue. wlllcn lor til" lI,bL ' 8 around two beavy sprocket nlaL a _b. Ooldou AIIO ma,. Inv ...L ali tb. paRB whoels \llle a belt. Tllelie wheels r~ Jl'ur cI,O.",tU aull 1.. lft"" .. Iu~ bUD8"r tor mlnh. , , volvlng, pllollS the chain about them, Now. If 1011 1U'O,'oubtlnrihowonJ. 01 talo th. lower part movln. backward, with Gu o u~ .hOD ~h.. 11" '1" wnrm. Lhu hili .. DtI tho welllht of tbe ouglne resUnl on "he 'Y&lO, AnlillOO Ib .. w....."ldltll'lllaild IlurtJF andlloltl. the broad eUrlace ot tho chain b& Grei/o a)J<l"'" .~ 1I,.lr rwL IIIill' /U'/lIOr 011«1141 ; twoon the two 8procketa. A.uu SI~Otw de Llvn .. I,h vlllorDt"I . klll•. Romlllntl ov", tho 1IfOO1"'_ ul Wnwl)' aliI. An enllne of thl. type CIlD be op,ratod on sround 80ft enough to mire IU ordlnar)' farm WI\KOO. Ere thu II'lu~or . 111111 I,"t
o t.1:\lyJ!I~~atJ~h0J1 'ho darlulOM ia m OdnlOltll ~any t huunlloJ of I..ltl ·men are I,u"hlnll ..h6""; 1:lItl1 dhub JlWP 1.1)' .tep lu a .UHIICU IiU tieelJ.
---_.- ..- - -
F I WERE, A. BOY AGAIN In eom .. ptll>8ra of lale, Or. Darper of tbll Unl\.orflily of Chlongo wa. foulld .. mOhlor.n4mD whloh read .. follow": •• J( 1 wine a boy "i"lo . 1 would road ev .. r, I(hOd hook I oould roaob . I would .. 'rivo to find out trom KOuO btlll. I bow ~ood Dum IIVl'd, and •• rlvo to lollow 'bllir example. "If 1 wefB a boy again, 1 woold oul,lvate now 11,,,10000 with thl' fanltl! of ol,her~ . IInr1 woald lIIud, my own with grOftt oaro 1 woahl atrl ve for humlll'y . "If I were a boy again, 1 wou,d more an" more oualvate tho oom IJftn., of th060 old or, whose grno(u of p8rllooll and mind wonld belp UUI 00 10 my owo worlr. J woald III· waY8 (1Ilek good IlOmllRny. "If I wore R boy Ilgllln, I would IItudy Ule Biblo flvon more thlm 1 did. I ~oold mllkelt" men',,1 oompaoloD. The "hble III nooe~II8fY for ove., bo:v. tllf l Wtue" btly R~lIio, I would Itudy life aod oborno,,"r of our &vlor P9r\!IIIleu~ly, tba' I mlgbt bt'eomll oHlro lIlIe unto 111m"
"',- - -..
- - ---
R«;ad the Miami Gazctte
MOTHERS OF DELIOATE· CfllLDREN $hould Read the ' Fo"owlng Lelter-..:.-Mrs. Slack's · Story "AbOut Her Child's RecoverY Is ,Entirely 'RelUible. . PaJriI~ PL-"'l'bree yean ago my little' gtrl llad' black inOlllllei wMcn left 11'1" witb a chronic cough and lO.awfully i!ould coilnt all her rlbs,lInd ebe COIl' eel 110 much aile bad 'no appetJte. • othlng we rave her seemed to holp heratall until one day Mrs ..Neibert told me how much IlOOd Vlnol had done her little girl, ' 10 Ioecided to try It for mylittleone,andlthlsdoneherlOmuch rOod Ihe Is hungry .11 the time, her IlOt1gh ia.gone, ehe II .~uter and more healthy," color and thIS Ie the firat wintAlr IIhe h .. been able to play out In the IDOW coutlngand Inow-ballingwitbout any ill e~eetL"-M". ALFRI:D SLACK,
HEALTH PROMOTES HAPPINESS Wltbont beaHll , gen alne joy Is ImlloRSlhlll; wlt.holl' good dlgeetlon lind regnlnr bowel mOveDlent :vou p8'3oot bave belllth. Wbv neglect keeping bowl'l" 01160 Rnd risk bAlog Rlok ilDrl alliug? You don 't bllve to. ,'"ke one Rmall Dr Klng'lI New Life PIJI d nllhS, 10 tho 1Il0rllinK you will b"vo a ~ull, froo 1Iow61 move. Uleo' allll fllel muob I!flUor. HelllR your appetite lind dlges'iou:--'I'ryone to.nlght. _ .-, •
The Correct Address Little Anna Willi ~lwaYB glad to ~ay ber prayertl, hut lib\! Wanted to be lIure tb. t ~be Willi heard lu tbe hNvenl above lUI well 88 OD tbe eerth hAneath. , One nlllht, of,er the u8ual "ameo." /layll a wrl&er 10 Darper'a 'Mltgnzlno, IIbe droPlled her head on ~be pillow and olotioo her .e ye. Afler a mo ment ebe railed bn band and, ~av' Ing It fran"oally, Bhooteil ; "0 Lord. tblll prayer oame from 2&3 Urrml Avooue ,. ----.~-
I~.Dle beok ill ullllall, due't~ rb .. umatlRm .)f the mU80le8 of the baoll. Ual'd working "ooplo .. rn mOllt. IIk"l;y to Buffer fr(JIu II. Reller may ue hild by mll~""glnJl: thA bllok wllir CIlIlInberhdn'" I.inltueot two ' or tbree timeM " .... Y. '1'r)' II. Obtfth,ablA ~.erywborA.
On Tuc~c1I1'1 nud Wodn9sctny our t'OWII WII S Hl qlfl.t rl eserted. 'I' ho), wuro BUo urtlO" t\.r(l Coun ty. uoel,," " ' l:Iobool oon ve ntl on h eld Ilt W" y ues. ville. ond thoRU IJrCtiell' spo J)e 10 biMb t orUl S o[ t·bo ol1l e rt ,do ll.HlD t ~Dd h JIlIJltlllit,y, hut of co urs o you ~1l1 not (o rg e t, that o n e yenr neo we were h ostess ned , us is oomm OD, nothing WILS lott nnd o oo. Mr. Willl~U1 Mo 'IlrCOll ADd C I~r (lB L' Blirlun, third dou!-l hte r of Mrl<. Lanrn Hlullln, wer u IllHrri nd in Duy loo Tuesda.y "nd !Jogf\O 11 lu sektlOplog lu tho U eru CIty wit 're Mr. Mol:llrro ll hus IL g ood positio o . l'ho young couple hu ve tho 1)1l8t wlslltlll of their acquaintlllJoe~. 1 _
ut>st wee ... we had o ur fir es go io ~ 'IB iu Jlmuory . It does DOl. I't:ly t o
lake down t.ho bellting s t oves uoleey vou bave a grllte, altboug h qol lo often our g oot! bele ved wlv6~ clln mllke It plunty hot for os. It C . Ullrner, Who hll8 hOdn Il " orlll\lle Rin('.{) "annllry 2, h Ald lL 1101. lO Y lu 11' Wilson '8 In AuruDOB Jlgono.\, IIl1d hilS fl'ooivorl '1111 .00 fur hlN dlll.tllllllty. Mr . Unmer il dellt{htlt d with bis droit nud Is g lt.d tbllt he wII81>8r.ul\ded to take bll'l io sllrRn o~ lInd allyn fo r lIimsolf ·'ollfet." F Irst." .' Mr. IInel Mrs. Levi Jes~o ll (Ire VI8UIDK Mr. aud .dr.. Chas. \.Soent 1er 'Lnd Illmily of Norwood. Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry E. Wil.OIl , o f DaytoD, Wllrtl gue8t" of tbeir p"re ntB Mr . aod MrM. Frank Wilson, of tho Centrnl botel. roollntly . '1'110 H"rveyebarg bllse bll\1 t OUII1 playod tbe Wllyoesvlllo DIne I"Ht ::IumlliY, the 800ro stood 11 to (\ III fav or of onr nluo. We 1i1!1l t lo fl Wllynonllle uoys but oh, y o u !:Inr. veYllbur~ nine. The Z io n Bllptlst ohure h h eld thoir bllpl,izing at Call~ar'loI Ur eok ~,obudIloV . '1·\lO I·re \\lIrO (\ hum e rso I. ere Willi 11 orge orowd o f people In nttendan oe. It i~ buped t h flt th e luun e rsi on will be IflNting tJlro uJCb Ollt 1111 time.
I M rh meAl and-yall ",,01 oblain pl'IlIDvL rei ...!. ;:;,,1.1 owy by 0.,260 J. E . Janney.
1.8..lANNIY,Dr....... W.,...w. ,..1"
·h,·. e: wn'H book "Tbe
IIt "I/ CO lIorth thi nk· .-----. l Ing ubOllt hi this ,IllY of eX ,:IlBCB Ilnd ' T he mnllY fri o nll s of AIrs. ~hu!l eVlU<lonR. "For Rio" felt Ond'a wllld I 'I ou\'or '1'\1\ be g lnd t o kn ow I,hut from no"''' r(', whl r h IR. a ll ,I t.ht) \ III tlbo iA gettln" he ttor oad Is man 'ij - Ill y eliC URO upon IItIB b ' eartb." A . l:!. All oll l\utI 111'1 [" wore sh op. -- ~ plug In LlI\t' v OY~ lmrl; on 'utnrd 'LY . IIf tu rU:lOIl . This iJlno WU8 w oll represeetet! at No, C ha~~.~ for Him . t h e bull ~lI n 0 ut Bf\rvoysb ur g on nn llk T ellc r- I his cll c k Ie 1111 8utl(!f\v uCter oou Ll . right, bu t yon 'IlIUKt ho In t. roduced! . Call yoU brllJ/,: )'l'tlr "u Hbnn J 1" WOlD ' Ed W tl son unu wife ILt·toode d tb e oo- "Who. J Jlck '~ \\' uv If JII k OO rnm e nClt' 1U ot ut ]{lDgman on I b I -. c &I t 1 ' . M WII • t OU/: It YOU " 'JIIlpd lIlI Introdnctlon ·tlrl JI,V oyo nlll i!: r. 80 n B to mo he'd klluck you r bloc k ort l"--.. ne plle w WII~ 0110 ot t he Il rlldn ,ttea. Clevelu nd I'lalll 11('ul 'r. ' Mrs . W. T. J ur llnn hlu! r et urn ed - - - __ .. _____ t o hor h o m e ut Wellmllo Afte r I s lHlIld ln g ~(Jv e Tl\I du V8 Ilt the bed s \(1 o of h Ar lIi8 t e r In D uyto n who hUs ' Time's Chang es. bRo n (lui te siok "In lite ('or ly dn )," ." sol d th r Ins trucI\It 86 EVil E lli s ol o~ed h o r schooi tlv CI pers on. "lit")' used tn go o ul and b or e 0 0 Frilluy with f~ bi~ dmuer BbO~,l ~, tll~k py for 1 hllll kRl'; iI'ln.? din· IInli e nt erl~iom eot OOJ81s tiog o f n ero An at de preSell t time. s nld 80oll~ rli~l og ue~ d aOlntll ntlom, Il ud ' Erastus Plllkley . " \1 you goes prowl1n' I runlll~ f{ rJt.utls . 'J . \V' . .l!:d words and 'rou nd look in' folt n 1008e turkey, you 's b'rorl Tho lDl)Sori t-iad oil tbe fre e fo r liable 10 glt shot yobee't."-W eshIDS,,\I run II nd B o rolLl Be nHOo WU8 th e I ton Slar_ wi nu ll r in th e sl\ok rlLoo lint! Ollp. 1
t ured t he p\'l~o a $ \.f,t) pooket knif e . W . E:I Turry , J . W . .Il:t1wll rd .', W . ,I 'i'n ylo r uni ll /;( jllll l-let4 ILnd K. l G l'h ll tll\l8l' 1I Rblrtllr , Mury I:IrowD !lot tbe sllvo r (loilll r f nr n o t mi~8iug ' I dllY '1'lwre we r o Gl present lind lLlI hlld II g oo d time. Miss F.v. lUll \'os u" with ~ho beMt wlMhes of ove ry Impi!. pnren t and h lend iD t. hi~ oo muluutt.'1, MiR8 EvlIo \vll I tR lt ll nil U ttt/Terent line of w<.lrk tb e oornlng y, IIr "00 m o te it bo "
- --- - -...
. Poet Laureate, A IIIur8ate " 'nA orl~ lll u ll y n pur~IY I univ ersity titl e. bes t owed Ullon " ll ch I mns te r 8 of nrts a8 had eXhibit ed skill In Ih e moklng of Lotio ve rses. nnd It bad nothlllg 10 do \\' It h the civil nu. lh orlt)' , or roynl favor. The nrBt "poPt IDllreale." 10 tbe modern senae, wa s De D J onson. ---- - - - ----
Spote on t< Itchcn Floors. So /lllIny womr n g ri eve hecause th ere art! j;r easo Rpols on th eir kltch· en flool'!! nncl wlll nr with nny I\mount "00 1\ ('"uu t nf my confinement ot · scrubbing will not remove them; In th o prtntlng o\li oe I have for just try III ohol to r e move Ih ese same yon rA boon II uhrontu IIuffer e r fro m ioc\r!-l us tl o n IInd' \I yer tr uble. A fo w spots, >a nd YOU \\'111 bo vlenBcd with weokM 010\ 0 1 h ad an attaok t\.rtLt wall the r eB ult. ----toO I<avo r u thllt 1 WII~ not IIbl e to go 1.0 til" 0 11 811 f o r two da vs. E'lIil\u' Trust In Pro\lldence. t o g et tin y rolief fr o m aDY olbor Wheo 'wo Dl ee t one of these bl,. frelll·m llnt., 1 too k three of Uhnmhol. Itlln's 1'ahlo t s lind tllo nevt (Iny I blazing motor h(>ndll ght8 while rid In, ~ felt Ii ko u new mllu," write s B . C, In the mod ost elect ric belon ging to our BnUoy, E cllto r Unro llnl' News, Chllp, wlto's relations, \VO JUHt go ahead, 10 , • V, ObtRloohle evorywllllrn. trusting that Provlelonce that watcheB over chlldr n nnel druukardB 'Will tako ------~-~ -----care ot UB, ton.
............. . .
NO USE TO TRY AND WEAR OUT YOUR COLD AHI. THE INVIGORATING WHIFF OF THE IT Will WEAH YOU OUT INSTEAD PINE FORESTI Tllonsl1uds keep ou ~"fl'efiDg COlll{hll lind Colds throngb n l gleor and delliY. WIlY make y o urHelf lin e ll8Y prl\y to IInrlo .ls IIlImoot.tI lind epldeml uslIB the r es ult of tI n oglected Cold? VO"~l\~ nnd 'a ids SII)I your tltron , l,h lind vitnlity unies!! oh eok cd In t.bl\ eorly I!t~gos. Dr King 's New Disoovery iM what you needthe 'fiut dO~ !l h elJl!! Your b ell(I olelifs np, y on hre nt,hl' froely IlIld you feo1 MO '11 fl oh be t.t.nr. Bny tI boM.le todltV A.nd . sl·llrt , toltkil1g a t onoo.
Eloot.rio B ittnr s
Hpring Tonlo,
,, . , ,
==flenc.e Posts,== Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
""W. H. MADDEN & CO.
Corwin, Ohio.
ALL NEW GOODS Hutchison & Gibney after their great Fire Sale are receiving the Finest Assortment of READY·TOWEAR GARMENTS yet offered. ~o Narrow. Skirts Gingham Print House Dresses. $1.00 up All Wool Cashmere Dresses .. $5.75 up All Wool Suits .. __ . ..... ... $8-75 up Spring Coats .. .. .. ......... $5.00 up Spring Underwear. . . . . . . . . . tOe up Middys ................. _.. $1.00 up Petticoats Silk .. .... .rr• ••••• $1.00 up ~~:t;.~~.....!t~Jo~u~s~e~~~~. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25c up Apron!i for Dresses. . . . . . . .. 75c up Children's Dresses .. ....... ~ SOc up CORSETS- Nemo, for Stout Figures, American Lady, front and back lace, Gossard, all styles, Frolaset, front lace. Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum will be in.
Hutchison & Gibney OHIO
Funeral Director.
'l'bA Girls ' C lnh ht~ld a soeollli I'CWSJ1ED WEEKlY. $4.00 PER YlAI nioe tlol( Ilt Ibe hUtrlfl of MillS Thorup ::TI:L8, DRUOCISTS. SPEOIAL'IT8. liD O•.':Iat.\lr IoIY t." oons lder lLa onter AN: TUM I: R e, T RAN 8 F • R. 0 A .. t11lnmen~ [or the H o m e Coming ben. .U8 811:RVIOE OAN PROF'I.V UIINa ITS ADVliRTI81Na OOLUMN. e lU . W. EI. !:!Iegfrted WIlil Il Gem City SAMPLE COpy FREE vi s tto r 8at,urdIlY. ,..,... IISW YORK OLIPPER The Juntofa )jold t,heir Annua) Ne.. YOrk • •• Y . BIIIJ~ln e t ~Iltllrd~y evening. ThHre \V£JS qulle 11 orowd Itl littondanoe lind e uj oyod th e eVllul nQS entertllin. mOIlt-. Mr. and M TS. Alf , Gilllln l:lp8ntthe week·ent! witb Mr. Burley and fam · Ily of neRr F r anklin, Miso Lydifl Jllnney, of Dayton. Bpent, ::luncillY 'wlth home folka. Mr. A. Rundall ill aWl 00 'hll slok list.
!~ !~~'!~yPP~ - \Vatter lw.ATRICAL, PAPER IN THI[ WORLD
Ittr: Bod Mrs. John W:rl~b\ eDler•. talned rolatlvee from Wl\mlng\oo, "V Ohio, 8and"y.. ~ie~ Itnprovemen' on 'he belDIt wild. .. tbe -'iii, .unO and mOl'.IoiIIaoo. IDg began W ooneida,. GelD (,'1&7 &oq. So1cIciaI1 blua, 10 . .", , _ . ' o. m. BUDDell was ,j. ~ "anne),. "fi1l\Or Tueiday.
to alWo.vI neommind
.~~ ~ a
=:0:: =u~tika~dI T=:-~
Uow and . Cnlf, Jersey. hot.h In flnl1 oo ndt t lnn, ~onrl r.n "" [n q uire of P . E K e nr lolc_ \\"IY 1t \J(j\'11 Ie, liow it elMrs the throll t· lint! bead Ohto. j2 of Its mucou s nl1U1 o nt ~ . It 18 tblR sn bBcr I bers to t,be MoCall '8 ~pirit of N ewn ess nnd VIgt:r from 14agllzi no. Bend 350 t!l the t·h e bnltl·.h .. g ivlng ,PIne y For(\st~ brou g ht, 11IIck by Or . Be ll'I\Pi n o.'1'dr. lilizeU 3 office, and get ooe of tbe ., auuey . Ant.isoptio uDd bellling. best m~az1n eB on earth. HllY IL IJott le t odlly . 11.11 Dr.uggtsts, U~ .
Augast. 4, 5, 6, SprtDgboro CeD, toolnl, Dou't forgot tbo dat6ll. Air anel Mrtl. JaU\el~ Jaoney, of DuytJn. Hpon' Sonday with bonte f ol k!!, Mr' Uoorge Moyorll hae token .hll h urRell to trllin for spring traloiDg I~t the l!'lllr Grouod8. _______ __- -- - , Mr. W W 8hatz Ilod family IIpe~t ~atl1rdl~y In MlddletowD. a Must .Have In 1\ few da71l yoa oau buy Centeullial Peuollnte allld Buttone. Don't forget to buy Mild booe' the l'Aro yo.u quIto Bure this ' suit good "uD8e, 000010 Ii DElotury . woo't shrink H It gets wet?" Carl Duke, of Lytle, tratieaoled , . Ulne frlnnd&, overy Oro oompllnr bUlline811 It;! town Monday. tn Nnw York, but two, lUI8 8qulrtod Mr. !lnd Mra. Tom Huret eDler water 00 dot !lnU!" ttLinoo SaudRY, Mr. lIoud Mn. Joe VIIi! and da.aghterll, ,of I'r&okliD. Wlllillm Bormell, of ' 08"'0.0, People Ask U.'" ~ apept Sundav \vit~ home folb. .
----- .....
.- .
In r:\11J 'T t I
I ny l",:; lUll" la " "'
,It an ti and An 1 Ani! Iln 0 lind aU
Classified Ads
The Terrors of English
nrt ' Ilcllt'r eqll ipp\'d lll u ll ! VI" hefore t !ill p ly your lIl'cd ~ ill lil' lIuiirlin ' )Jultrial lillc.
T e ES~~(1llal Thing .
-- ...---
If on t:!undllY yon wout to tnke lin outing autl aro where tho people Bre oome to our ljttle oity. W e Ilt'V{I thlt ~tyle, tbe pilOlllo IIond eve rythIng io mllko It enjoYlLble . Puul Vllotlervottrt ond @Iste r Lu~ olle wero Bnnday ov ~ning vi s lt(lr s A Diffe rence. of Mr. and MrR, Albert Merrihow 00 Does Ih o world owc you a ll'lnI' the Avenae, Mr. R iog lLud r",mily. o f Dayto n, Or do you owo It a life? 'rbe Civlo Le~gue wero In 8llB~i ro n RJlfl nt, ~untloy with Olxoll Wharton Saturday and trl\D!lJt.ote (1 IJuRlnoRS lIu,1 wife . . and TburHdIlY WIlR the tlay Rl't for Mi~ Rotll Ulloe, or S IJring Vltll~, oloan uI' tlRY . I,et'a mind the w oWII S 10 t ow n SlIodllY c£lll iug on old men and wo will bl> 1I111lreoitLtod fri onds. ..,. ... . mOl'e. MORsrs. Frank , Vlnre u oo , & Iom on Tbo siok iu this .Iot nity f\re t\,\) out Lu oaM we r o vipitln l:l ' uDlhLY with DllVls proporty o n M'lln 8treet_ the HAmo ut this writing. S~1Du el ,Jnok801l·~. . Wi l l mllk e t,ho prloo right f or Wm . !SIms II nd fllmily, of Morrow, DlLvid H . LUOIIS Wil li visiting Amos qulok RIlle . were guests of friencJfI hore ::lunday. Jl&okso n lIod wite Sunday. N ice properly on Fmtlklin rOlld The glorious rlliu wo hILt! lo ~t Willinm Luoas W,\~ tho guest of with oxtra big lot. ~eo W. N. Sellrl'. wool did uB .good, Qnd we Mhoulrt h n Wlllill1U Brudu oc k un ell wlfo Sunday . j9 happy pooplo with our IlroB lloots. M r s J)IIn Mo rg nn OiI.llod aD .John Wagons, 6 ~et!l ~IDgln and double Flom the prellen' RIIJlllorlmoo wo Bnroess,2 Buggy PaleR, Block will bllve pl Anty o f frnltaud g!Lrden Mooro Hunduy. Bur~on Eunhnrt Ilad f'Lmll y RDd Tock lo lind various other tool8 llrodnoo. j9 Fronk Rudduck f\nd I. N, Miller oalled on M r s. E,Hnhart 's mother Ueo. Zell, Wnyntlevlllo, 0, eHoh h",ve f!. newly pbintod uUlgy . !:iuoduy. OBACCO Sotter almost new will Edward Cr ew, of Dn yton s pen t I, N MlIlor 'rllos ioted buslnoss In IIell rellsonllblo as'l hllve po uee &t.tnrday Ilnd 8uudl~y witb h is sl~te r l..obRO ,\D MondllY. for 80me. J. P. Cummieg!, WaynesMr ~ . John Levi. ville, R. D. 3. j9
"Wben my daughter had wbooplug oougb ahe cougbed eo hllrd III, onll time that Ihe had bemorrbftgu of the lung8. 1 was torrlhl'7 Rlllrmerl about her OQ ,dltloo. ldeelog tJhaDl berlaln'l Vough Remedy so hIKhl." rooommendod, 1 got hor 110 bottle 1\0" It relloved tho onugh at onoe. 8e 8everlll from thlA 1I1noo attonood fore sbe bad flnillbed two b<lUlea 01 tho t:\unLlay ."oboul onnventlotl bAltJ ,bill reD1('d:v sbe 'walloDthely well, ,. a' WIlYDeAvil\o, TnIlA(\AY f\nt! Wedwritei' Mrs . ~, F. Grlme~, Croob- nesday. .. vil'Ie,Oblo Obt./\Inabl" ('IVory wllero, Walter Wilson and family I\rtl v18i11D1{ relat·lves In JnuillDiL. Mr. and Mrl! . W. E. BogflO, Obaunooy Bonnell Ilnd fa Ulil.y, I'dr. Old Man, Too "od Mrl'. R. >L . Bogan, Bort doglln, Keller Boke and tVRo lind Lelllb Bogan wern tile guollt.8 of Goorgl'l 'rommy wal a little l'OgUO, whom ble moLlier bad hard work to mllD- BogAn /lOll fomlly at Wellman Bunago. 'I'ommy, ellOlll16 a well.clo. tilly. Illrvt.d wblpplng, rliD ' from hi M RnhArt Stanley's driving horse Dlot,ht'r And Qrep' oDder ~\hA Rofa got very badly hOlt in t.ho fnnoo ono Propentl, the fMbor camo hOUle. dl\y IRRt week. M18~ Monlm, Bun noll Is vlaUiujl and 11M riD" whllre t~e boy bad tAl< en rornge, orept undllr to brlug blm 'Nllatlve"'ln DILywn . on\ A,1I bo appr~~olle" on' hi" lllUtd~ SevorBlof our young lIoople nt.and knees, Ti'mm.J aaked: "11 Ibe tended tho bll)llizlng at tllltvoys. "f&or yon. ' .oo?·' borg Snnday. Mr . And Mrs . W. E. Bogllo wore XCIII" "holllHlrs !:il,t,urduy.
Wltb au X "to tbe end llpel) ti~ And an E '"nd a Y and IlO E pnnll I i I I'" ~r&Y wha' II A lpe ler to do? . 1 hnn If "leo ".0 tland tIn [ aod AU and aD BEb IIP9Ullde. Palm~a, Fa. .' rhere'B no\hlol maab fcr .lIpeller We know Vinal wl\1 build up yoW' &0 do little on_ and mako them healthy, . Bul «0 and oommtt alouxeyettigbllll .troDg and robuat, therefore life uk • _ • • IJU'!Inta of every frill and Ilekly child Iii thle vidal\)' to ~ a bottle'of Vlnol, . ~1Idciu1 C:od Dver and' Iron tonic Wanted Har EIII "hut.'. It ~ hldullll ~ to try a bottle LltUe lAura'. motber . . . oPllobrl of VlnoI ... bocI7-biillder and Itre'IIll'th- an.u for ber. The cb~. lookiDS &t creator lor ~ child, and lOll do not tb. .lIole .... ID the 4Iah, remonfind It II eU .~ Will re&urD .tntecJ: 'IC)Ia, mamraa, I doa't want JODI' IDOIM7 • ' Gat ldad. I waut • aIIllt . . . If JOIl
bclorclLIl aft
:...--. . . - - - - -- - - - - - - , . - , , - - - - --- - - • .~-.--.-~-o/
MA,( 26, 1911i,
W. H. MADDEN co.
'G1C.O(t D~s:~::ia
JUt6CounUc wholl on ~nlra.c C.•
troubled with Lunbllm, R-.net
Ad i8t~ ree in~ alter e'trDI\: &akea
As Written by Our Corps of Able Corr:espondents in the N ' igh borhood
n".dlJ,~ I.!.~'~ ':r Ih, •. .. . . . lie h...,lIItid Ado. not 10 ~ ,"'l'6< l /I,'u lin... '" . M Throolo."rlli.lI. D. L • Craile, ,!klltor and ImageI'. Dlopl.y IIdvurU81 11~ . ~., r IncJ .. .... . , . 211e I OC
Telephone day or night . Valley phone No. 1 . Long Dietanoe No. 69-2r.
Pa in leaves almost os if by magic wlteo you b eg in usiog " fjDrop'," th e famou.olet r c m ~d y lor Rheu m .,Ii m, Lumbago, Gall;, Sciu c-ic a, NcurnlHi lL
Automobile ServIce at a\l Tlmelj
OHIO WAYNESVILLE, Branch Office. BarveY8bur~, O.
kindred t.-oubl" .. II goes right to Ihe ~po t, SlOps tlte Dch •
llud pains and m nk
DR.H.E.HATHAWA1' WIIYtleAvllle'a LOl&dlolll DeD'II' . OfBoe 1.0 KeY8 Bldg. MaiD B >
Dr. Bell·s Pine-Tar-Honey For CoUCh. lind Co Ida.
liIe wO<'lh living. G...t 11 bollio of "I>- Drops" tOflny. A booklet wilh ench boltlo gi ves '"11 d i r ee l io ns f or use. Dou't delay. De ma nt! ·'[,-Drop•." Don't ar copl OilY thing else in place 01 it. AnydrUl:i. enn supply you. If y r>1I li ve 100 (ar
rlll:1 a r,lrug- sto r e ~cnd Ono Doll nr t o " , ;n~ ':o n H lWl1 ma tic Cure Co., N uwa r1c,
,hi ", a,"1 "I '10 of "5·U.·ops" w;1\ be ..; Ol prep_,id. • .•
WOMEN Love This Magazine M,CALI: S .. 'ht F.. hlon GuIde lad H.u.'·
keepln. Helper-of morc . ·omen ,hln tny olher ,ml.ulnlC In Ihe . 'orld, . All the latut 1t)'lu .very month: also delichllul slMlu th •• enler· ta ln and .reelal deparunenll In cookln., home dtet'.ml ~lnl. rin CY .or~. ttc. , thl' Uchtc:n hou •••ori and su'c mo ncy. Pri ce. nnly SOc ' . ,II'... Iih one c~ lehrltc:d McC.1I Drela PatlOrn fREE. .
11... 0 A PO.,AL CAItO NOW ..oa
. • , A FnlU: 9.anlpl .. ("...,,,, t}r M " I;A U~'tI "A.(]" Zl l.. r.: "r L A VllfolK C""-I11Y (It " '-( ~" l.J:S An, ••• pq. I'HICItIUN , CA'fAU)UW'; ; <'It
L "~A.U.'li 1100 ()II I'rt ... 0" ... •
r., .. ,.,
(~ II U~ t.
AdJru,p...", . N
lIE IWAI1 CO.. 2361. 246 W. 37. $I., Nrw YtR. If. r.
Painting, Paper Hanging; Auto and Carriage PaintiDg. WAYNBSVILLE,
. fREE
FREE , Shop Next to Shen- .,od'e. Qarage~Maln St
_···..-..·. . . .····. . _·. _ . ..·-l ,- ---.-- ---'·-1'
I~L'I'I ~alJlll)1l
l{ 1 ' T'II tell I\ II' Ill'" l i:Il l ktl 1\;1I,
, .. ~,
Shredded Wheat
1• : .
1 -'
I, ; :.
!: :
I:~ ! I S trawberries Ii: ! : - a nd-
.1 1
- . - - - -... -.-
"II ,, '
I 1'1,
'-1 ; It ...
' ,I'·,r...., "II ·
1\ '"
~\\l" ' l I'i(' kk: . \>ickl d ( lIio lls \, hil'l' Ta hle \ ill ?,a r
----------1.£1:······ .. ··..........·-..·-..·.......... ·_·1 •
f e A bl d · en m g 0 ean Sorghum
j •
!.,!i I
Try a 10c can.
• I •••
Grape Juice
T rin ity Sund ay Mny a~. chool anc! Adult Hib le CIIl>l~ III 9:3cl llt!hu,,1 hll ll ~e. PI' ,,,j,I,,d ove r by lhe !' l-tal' lill6 i~ Ih,' AI.;'C lIl a . l11 . Mor ning Praye r 111111 ~l'rrn on Hrv. Tl1u~. ('011,,1 I '; r., BIIIl i-!Uf'~~ Ke lly-~lJringlidd Au () Tlr' at 10:30 a. m . The }.Iu hlic ~o ... liall )· !'elh W. Brow lI lind Juhn 1\ . (;llrll'Y 1 III all Llwr I:OIUI11 I1 . invite d Lo lh esc tiCr ices . HlJhl'r t~, e'luhl n"'al l un l'X' cn·
Lot Own erR An nual Meeting
V oca1T eaeher
, Inquire of
The lot owners of Miami Cemetery Aeaociation will take notice that the annual meeting will be held in tbe Phone 65-2 Corwin, O. chapel on Monday , June 7, 1915, al twp o'clock p, m , tur the election of two trustees, a secretary·treasurer and auch other business as'may prop· ~ubeoribe lor the MllAwi Gszette erly come be.!ore the m.eeting, , J J . O. CartwrIght, Clerk.
- - T1';'d h L
Wa y n es\'ill
rancy Large S t rawberries Oranges,
llaDy patroDS average from $75.00 to $85.00 cash returns per (lOW per year from Butter ,Fat besides having the valuable skim mj)Jtior feeding purposes. . No shipper 'ever los t a dollar selling c ream to thc Tri-State.
Pineappl ' Lemons, Dnnanns , ral erruit
N ew Cabbage,
Potat oes
T ry our Evaporated Raspberrics
Silvcr Sea o ffel! at 30c Can't be bea t
Ion Hi dlJc WI Ll; !. N. MilleI'.
MISSIONARY 50'CIETY!~}I~I~~;eyl~~~~~;Ij{ "~~:ltb~~in~:~a~I~:~
Capital Stock
, ped al this week
1 Jb, Can Cocoa only
The 81an of 8~fetY Firat
It pays t o trade at
: RespoDlibl~Safe-Permanent
J. B. Chapman, Agent
fl~rIH .HI.
MI!llllo nary was enterlamed .!lY MT8. te n OU II for a shor t lime. McC lure nnd M r!!. F'l'Unk ( lIl'c'y a t , th£, Illea.iant l ll)nl~ of l\1r~ ellrey I M e~srs J . n. ('HI' woight. H. A. Twcl1 y·one, llI,'m , t:r r ~ [lon ll d to Corn II , Mytlr Hym an. I" C are.\' . ro!l r' ": 1 ! ~e. II \ 'e ll!' ~ was o,PclH'd I G. H. flnrl sud<. J. I :. IInw!; ,· , J I'!I:le tty ~1:1J!' 1 11 ~ From li r n lanrl ~ Ie.' anrl Fra nk H(...~ lind U L Gr\ll1 e \f c\ut) "in ." Thc pre.si~e;\l read pu n I attell d d insp_ ctjl1ll uf Ih e M a~ofl i c Ilf Ih6 li'ilh 1:11 ,ll ll'r of t ,I hn a ft e l' lodge al Leb.IMn Friday vt'tling. whlr h led in pray ' r . Thl' follol ing \Jrugnllil was t he n 'rh Memorial II II Ht Lebanon is rendl! rE'd : MuRie, Ethel Hosier ; Re ad · no w an o$sl1 red [u"1 InJ I\n orchil et ing , " Give Y Th ~tn to ElIt ," [ r~. fr til Cll1cillllhU W' ~ n that t Hy Ia:!t WilliunIS In; Re8d in~ , "Fa mine Spir- w e l' look ill~ nIte! lh,~ sil nn other its," ~I 1',1. Dul(e; 'Reading, 'A 'hi· nehlils. The hall will btl 40x,62 , linn n~'S1' P oll 'an na, " I'll s. Haw ke; Du e t, I cost in the ncighuorilooJ of $12,000 Mrs , Howell and Mrtl Ducld 8ccom . 1.llw ied by diss Haze l Gusti n on piano, J oh A Funk y ·,,<:.,jv t1 a co n'ul'r~II L il ' Il).~ cflnce rtling work in signment of u pwa rd of GOO ydR 211 Ihe mi ' ionury field Wtlre givell by and :1iic Laces. Nt'arty UO yd:!. fin Mrs. Henkle, Mrs H llin , Mrs 25 C('llt Embroidury i10t h lines are Hathawa,v, M rs ~ ro, . Mrs.. G·rau . ionported to be !:Iold Ilt lOe for choice. er. Mr" . Dodd. an d 1i~s Ste' art N o sale eve r equaled Rut:h a sac ri fice . R adin g . "My Beckie'!:, Th ank OfT r· COllle !Iud ~ell.oarg'lI 1f1s . ing," Mrs . Ie lur l': Vocal 'olo,:" T 11 \ It A!{ain," Mrtj , Grau. r. Du.ring Mrs Es her Siout and dnughler, l he Boei ~ 1 hour. dc::licious ice crea m Miss Maria. leftTu sJllY f or a long nod cak were se rv d by t he hoste . . visil wi th relutivl'il ill al ifornia. es. The m" ctill/!9 Ill' growin)! i n in· Tht:y wil.1 stop liT CIlI' ute to the tereot and ill number!!, e' eh I11l!e tillg WeSl ut Kansas City nnd • pend sevnew nalll e. arc alld"d nnd we feel , e ral weeks with rela tives there bemuch good Is bei n ~ de ne for~ going on t Pasndcli [I, a!.
Waynesvi lle, Ohio
$1200 ~:-~
PURE PARIS GREEN Special p rices·on largeq uantities
We guarantee every shipment against loss or dnmage in t ransit ,
and pay Spot Cash upon arrival. .
Mrs. Al eth ia Alexllndor, Dr . A Q.
Capital Stock
, [Uiliin~ to Lhe C . A. It,
on F I'iday ;'vill be d ,-
livt!n:d 0 11 Tuc~d ay . .Hr wn & Hro . wn, 10 t. Ch~rry Sl , Le bllnon, Ohio.
, , ~ ' . IAlexllr.der lind ru ece, Miss I<athe riut!, 9~ May l ::!lh . th e \\ o~an sF or e lg n of Day lon, we re in t ow n TUl1Sday af-
Seiling Cream to the Trl-State Is Like Having Money, In the Bank
Oruer s tak '
If he's the average Ifupmohi le owncr he's a beLler sa lesman t han we arc. H e wiIl tell yoti intima te things of his Hupmobile ex pe rien ces tlWl t we ca nllot possibl y kn~w-e \'i. 'dence of Hupl1lob ilc quali ty with it capi ta.l "E." And if you talk to two or three of his typejust av e ra e .Hupmobilc own e r - therc wo n't be much left for u s to say when you come in t o see us.
th " See ad
f ill'
, I 'I Mrs.BartonH,Kelly "
' G.. W. HAWKE
<llld L I ·lll~.
He \"i ll pl'Ob.111 ), lw~in by lelling )'1 II tll .. t he l oo k ~ lI Jl 11 I II ' II ul'mnh il e as all invest m c llt. A nd he will proh"b lr ' tlr ' it ' . O Il e of t he best illl' 's tlll e ilis he has c \· r niadt; . H e ~n a )'- if II, pay s :l It IlLio n to fill Ch small RU11ls - p uli o ut a not boo k a nd show you h IN liLtle he has spellt 0 11 r e I a irs in tell o r l ll'c l\' C or c ig llLccn months, or ill two or three years. And th c ll as likc as not he'll f OJgct all about business and inv es tmc nt - and just b ubble over wit h Hupmobil c \';lll h u s iaSlll . We wi ll be glad to leave rOll to hi m.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BRI~G
it ill (\' 111.11",
Iri r ·- mu\, ue l'xcl'pli nal. W(lI lid ,10 l\l an d !\Ir;. JIl~ E\'ar l ~. Mrs I,cl ll' r - i{u~~u11. SIHnel hi ng or two Earl l':vall~ an ,1 S!lIl (~nl'le we re ;;h OJl· --~ j ust h HPl ,en~d nilE! d hY , \\ hen tne old Jl1I 1ti tn Day lon 1 U c~ d HY . pedagog ue 10(01 a ·'oi nl{. lind l ried to - - - - - - - ----- - lick EI' lind J ohn A. Rob ' r tl! and my · 7,dl Me ell rh l. ' lll1 of Mrs Oel.llI elf. an.! he IVII!! no ~\!rup\lcr . lhou,""h ~ . II ~lc 'I·. .lIl1nd, of ~I:! llltlt\ Willi I'llI' ~ho\\ inj:! a willill!!" l'~~- Hnd Jo~t IIul , Itll1l!. rell\uve,' hurl' II1~ t WC'l' k. Th:.L l'nd "rl his tur bulen t l'arc!er lI ~ • I 01' lind Mr. I;. S Gra u-!,'r an d D" vou relllom I.ue r II ..I II , 11 lea,'I,,'r Hon atlcnd d a f lll lcnd at New Marl· :eth" (Ct ln tinll'iI neXl w eE' .) i~on, Da rke ~(·unl\· la-t 1,' r! lI ay . I I
J .•• - - -.- -..... - - - -.......
: i... •
R ' mel d1l'r h e 1',11' , r \(' "i l l ~. rfl; knows just \\' h.lt 1 /1I 1' lIo\, i k ~I 'I 1 il' l' i, . F r It· In 'astlres
tbat ;'11111 ' or-th,) I'hllir ~ ' .1 , and M ,'~ . t . II nll'llc a nd \l,t ar"'r !'i;'( I)' or 111'11'(' . lr ,nd Irs . Lp" IIl1wk ., we rt' ill l' U;I1'~ !Jay tO il 'j'lIP~tl . )' . S, Il1tlH I' . [ ;l'1 1I~ ~t(', ,11' , ·1' l, ' Ih,' lit ll\' uld I
\' 1 II, ,:,' l u :,i Il '1;'5 m en who is ~ llp l'()::-l'l l l~l 11:1\ I:! 110 scntiment
a ll('ut Ih~: Il ~IJ' "1 hill' .
'11'1' )!IIod
h :Hd h e:lded .
~ h o'll t hil l1.
~'" \\',·11 d"IIt!
L._._ _ _ __ • _ _ _- - 1
• :
mu kHI,y nalll II I Atla111H, "rllllflfalh . A.. Pa lm"r, o f t'llurnhu3, wn>! i'r " f ~l arj, 'n Ad :11lI 4 • who hotllll11E'd til e g u '~ I f hi~ bl' " th l;! r, I I!V . D. Ir. ~hhi r~\\'llh r'l,h, ' (r ' III d'lwn wlwre 1'I\L,,~r. Tue>, '''r Oak.lal I'urk i~ . fill Ilt i~ WO l'k WII:i
i :• !
1 1" , b.II' 1'< , re' h ,'- ~ 1 lJ hl~I·~"- "t.'r
~~~~I'I ~ ~~~'i~~1 1;~:\I~:~:~e~h~;o.WI\~il;~~I.; , ~;,~~~,~;:ara, arc guest~ of r e lativE's in Wi ll W hitt> li\· I '~ . Ihl' r' wali a l:ilail" ' • . .
!' :. I.. Butter
a c
I Bpeeaec·hunt u t n
f It .. e ..ouse
: ••••• __ .... ..__• _______ • ___ ..... . . .. ...J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
Koarrno Syrup C ··ary Jane --!1'1 Syrup
Mr:'~ju~ll~r ar~J \ ' ~rc
l ilt r,1.
dimIt!!· ~'11 h is hi\\, ' lr :"('1111 ,'!i 1;..11 , rll'~I1,d I" ... r,' f\11I 1:1 n " MI- T" Ir. ; 'I.d ~in' 1100l 1 I =-> l.rl u rH IlS lUlU ll'S Lucile Hu rh 1 I.,,\l/h'P! . 0111., WIII,I\' I I", . I\'l OU u· Adu mli>, MllY I;;: J!IHl, ''\ dUlIJlhl· r. I man, ".1 I ll.: brl d .. , .lIld I " '1 '\J"ll'" f r him :l,ll~ .hun.lfl, 11 ~""rY,vr k~ in ll~·'l hll '~IH~ 1 Mrll. hn . Uro l, ", f Chit:a~lI', I.~ t h~ 1 t Ill ' ~I OUI tlllll>!. ay, 111 (Ulljg Rue!!1 uf her fricnd . Dr. !l1!HY L 111 r, IlIlll III r~ . 1.. .\ Zirnm er mHII l'll1 h l'llldery w(l rk Il"W , ItllIll c'luuld '1111: I 'uuk ' ' ilL rtained th e ,Jolly I\l a trons Clu " IliYlhillj{ I I' Ilch,afel Lo, n, we . . M ondllY l'Wnlll)( . '1'1 i. ueing th,· 011 tht' cornul' ",h"ro u rth ~ treO:!l I MI'~ 'hl}S. S(I\IIsl rr~' linn ' hil(\ rcll monthly IIl~e li ng Ill' IHIHLanda an,1 I rlI" Ilunh, wu!' II llursery I'WI\(' IJY visicll II' rth l>ui'lon 1'('IIl Livetl lus t I wh' c!' w~r - ent('ftaillcd a t a 6 u'l:lurl O!ll' . Il .. bby • Bnllllanl. u "ncheIL' ~, Wl" " . t!inner ,1'.ni!iI~h "I' Senteh . \\Illl IlUlkl! IllS hOI/lI' with H" hert Hurd . a ·.Iilor, 'M rs. J . ' , Haw k and Ilaug hter .
~ lItll piclll
S :l1 a rl D rl's" ill ~
LU C .\L~
M r, and \ rl ill 'j'nrtl'L", "' II HllI, U ,II dozcn ~h OIIJ.lillg in i)ll}' ,I I Illl',,'IIIY f roll , W IlI1lOgt,l'l, III all 1),lld co urt ! ' . ~I,,,, .Inlll" .h,,"'~ \" lb~ ' .;,Ju, hun ,r" Ill' I!I Lht,~tll rry li tlle llict. of MISS 'hurlul'. .\Btr,.11l I~ "ISHIn!! vue I ,1I .J I~ tll'M I (;r;IY. ullth u ', JII,I )! L•• ~qu in.·( '.~ . M.r lind Mr~. (,' J:: · 1" Il~"ck _ I Iwn. '[,I", hl'k k It" -1t' hU1 1t It,r J Oijlllh I , . l'Oh'l:' <11'1 Fifth -' , 1',' .t; 1 IltllY 1111 U rn- 'Io ~~r . ,'"_ 1 ~ 1': . JIIIII"!l . 111,u ' Ih:l. lu" 1'11t! J <!v, ~'anlUel B rlo(er . MIlY i! I, ]. \11'1 . d IlIgh '" ~1 r l-.d I UK . 1·(;tCI'I illeu :utlllily
; - - - - - - - - - - ___ _
III In' ·\I'I,k HllllI'r
- BRLtAKF.\ !-, i'
A Ul1'10. AL
Started to Run Away
Post Attended Service
Postofficc Will ,Close-
W. R. Hoel Pos t, G, A. H.: at· tended St. Mhry'S church in a body, Sunday morning ami list ened to a splencJio se rm on bv the ret"tor Rev. J. F. Cadwallader.
The pos lofTice will be closed Monday·, Mny Slst. All deparlments will bo open from ~I to 10 a m ., and fr om 5 to G p m. Rural carriers will not IT ake their trips.
#" '
Mrs. Har r~ ~tevens and. Miss ~ I\Y !I , , . Wrig ht, of Mldule I un. whll ~i>mllll!' Mrs. \\ niter J ordan has re turncd Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, Nassau to town 'l'uesday aft erlloun , hnd a frolll . Dayton . Tir s, Tubes and Reliners, bit of hard Ill ck . A pa r t uf t he ha r ·. QUl te!\ nu mber o f Oil I' peop le atness gave way whi le cuming dow n tended t~le L:ounty convention at Mill R oael, and t.h eir horHe started to Wayn esvIl le last week . . r un . Th e lad ie,, ' ju m p d ouL of the Sunday, Ma y 23rn , George Bogan rig and th e hor, e run ir: Lo !I lcll" a nd family wl:re t he lricLi mg of a sur· plume pole. Barrin~ :.t few Hc rutch es p r i ~e d in ne r, by thol ir c hi ld rt'n, Ell t o th e horRe, II u!'nk" Il,slillfl, anu I wo 130ga n and wife. Will Dllnn and wife. blldly !:lcal'ed WUlll en , 11 0 fu rther Ghll ullcey Bu nnell alld wi fe, Rolla Hogan and wif ,Be rt Bogan . Evan (Innlage was d (Jn~ . ' - - - - .. - .. a nd Lela Bogan . l :srl t'lon. Lucille o I and Lou ise Dunn, Rhoa les alld t Gaor ' e BUlin -II Rnd I ell'r Hok e I were p rescnt Al noon a bountiful I din lI'r WIlS en joyed by all. I r . ~llU Mr ' .. Ge'.l Duv is 11tLen~ed Lord 's Day May 30. J 915. Bible ~clll o,rlal' sel·\'lces. al he ~y thlan ALLEN ALLEN Schuol at 9: 30 ' a . m. Inte reH till g l ;)I.s llr s hull 11\ 1I 11lveys~l urg Sunday , Model 33-$ 875 ModcI 35- $10!15 l e~~un!:l , teacher s lind c la~sl;!s . on e f or I all'-m uo n. . Model 34S!}5 lewis "VI"-$1600 Model 1\8- 1375 you You a re wo ko me. , Chri ~ ti an 1.1)11' Wolf and WIfe . Ray W o lf and Model 35 A 1075 M.,del 40- 1395 f<,lId'eavo r 'lIt 7 '1l Ill. Preachi ng Ilt fa mily 9tl~nt SUllday at John Wolf' s 7:ao pm, gubj ec l fur cveni llg ser ' i:.rnest Mannon and wife were al mon, " The Burtlt'n Thai i$ Light ." Lebanon un S:Jlunlav afte rnoon . A wt.!lcome aWllil..~ you at, 1I.1t! cv nill g On Sunday Joe Duv is, wife an.1 service. Corne Rnu l)rlrlg your tw u d aughters took tilllller at ,eorge
................................ ' ADAIR'S ................................
ii~~~~~~~~~~~lr ~·~~I~I~lr~I~I~"~~· ~
' -1
: fri ends. r, i: - -D.--H , Palme - ...
BRIDES AND GROO MS-TO- BE May, at this store, gratify to the fulll's t their tastl'S for beautiful ' . and artist i.e }~ome fumishing~ , withou t plullgi llg- into ext ra \' n.ga n('c . W e reahze that taste IS 11 t govemed by mcome, and O Ul' lin s h~Lve been se .lected. with t~e view' of satisfying those who want furniture of exqui 'ite ta st and ,h1gh quahty, but who cannot afford , or do not care to pay the prohihiliv pri 'cs of the City Stores. ' . '. We are able to sell splendid furniture at reasonable priccs bc' ausc we arc at ~o little expense compared to the City Store '. What City Store wilh it s hea v y operating expense, can hope t.o meet our prices .
i: !• ~
:• :
i i
. .
___ North Detroit Street
Rev . J . J . . e ll will h old his r egu. l Iar sl!r vice on ~u n rl ay. Ju ne 6th, , morning und 'vt!l1InA' at "Beech M4~morial Services ' rove" 'cllu rc'h . M r~. Id a Manno n u nd E t he l wil·1 . .. \ return from T il'PCC::11l0(l City thi R The P! I~th ml1 Sl g t e~H of Mn~lp I weel(, Iln(] ~p e l1l[ lil n ~ .l mOler wi.lh Temple ,307 he ld tliell' Me rnoru.tl F:rnce MAnnon and wi fe se rv ices in th ' K. o f IJ . ha ll in Har. _ _ _ __ _ - - I'eysbllr \r. 011 SWlday ' afll:lrnoon, . May 2~l'd . . ince' llwy il1!ltituted n ve ! I,. REAOV FOR 'AU: llATES y u r ~ ngo they have los l f Ollr,mem' l he rs, onl;! brot he r lind three sisters. Tlw !l 'r vic i~ uC:lu tifu l ,anl l Wll~ weil l ,Jes.'le Stanley, whu has jus t gradu. t!l?ne b~ the O/liCOl'll. rh~ . hall wa~ / aleu from th e J ones Auctioneering IlIled WIth merr.uers anu VIsItors. :lchnol at Ch ica go, is home and is M. of H. and C. re ady for sale dates. lL would be - - - .. -~ well to see hiJll, aH he has some new ideas in the auctioneering line, Or Lod,g-e Had Fine'Treat call him, 146 llIlltual "pholle, Ne w Burlington, Ohio . I
Waynesville Lodge F . & A . M., hat! a treat at thei r regular commUllica t ion T uesday evening. Sol· oman P I'l'd, of Lebanon. acted as ~c ni u r Ueacon. ill the F'elloweraft .) d e.:-ree. untl his work in that capacit.y 1 ,vtl l uffor a !, Puhlln Auotlon "tmy 0 1 iV aH'IJUr excelle nctl. BrotherS' M . B. resldenoe on Wut.tl r ~tr.eet OD 4) 11-1) man, A. B. Kauffman and S. M. Saturday. May 29, 1915 ? ~ell ers we re alllo viijito rs from Leb.:? ~ anlln, Beginning u,t, 1 (I 'olook t he fotl ow • tng : B ooseilulil GOI)d.; f)on " lsting ~'I' of Ioi tov es, Fllrlllt,llre. · Dlsile!!, e to, ~~ I 8,eek Proper Balance. bee big bills f o r t,erUl S, ~I 'I1he truo td eal both tor the parentI Mr ~, (Jora Mlloy . . I and the c:hlltl is bllience In character. ~ I The olr! Grecks dill 1I0t fall wh ile the), "'!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!!II!!!!!~~~ ; , II ir " out tlle lIIaxi OJ: ':Nothtng 'too -=
mu ch."
. ' comfort to 1Iltnsf1lf or to his frIends.
Davis' .
Min Ist er
i ·'
EV,erything .Necessary· to Furnish. the Home
A Mo:e: :ppeal. Dllmer, 1 aln·t
Late CllltIsified Ads
HO~S;" drlver. ~:gl~ ~dPhone -harna:/I-,-fi:'~ clasl
lbiJl 8sree$ Oarage,
bargains for' a dime and a gel1ui'ne
lia ~ illg ever y time . .
For Ueco ration Day: Flags/real ~mall, a for Flags, slllall . .... . ... F lags, large . .. . , . ... ' U mbrellas . ... ... . .. ,
Flaby Shoes , : . . . ...... Rompers ... . . I • • • • • • • Silk Caps, for. Automobil· ing ..• ,_ .. . .. . .....•
Next Door ~ .\0. Gazette Office.
Bc Handke~chiefs, while they last Bc not morc than four to a perI Oc son, Saturday ILt 3 o'clock ' IOC 2 .for ....... .. , ..... . Be' . I Oc Pictures, large, oval I Oc frames., . . , .••.•..•. IOc I Oc Fans, with bead chains:. IOc IOe Scout Pop GUDS ... .... IOc
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The MaguiDe IIaD ..-WayueniJle, Ohio
--------------------------"--~--------W YNE:SVI LLE ,
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~~~~,~!~:."~,~~~,~ I~~~!~~~ ~=----~::;--'==' i I ~~~~MEN!N IISCHOOL HOUSf lerestln g Accollnt of Anci!'nt Wu)nes ville tlistory
E. V. Barnha rt WflS in HI ookvill~, Ohio, last l'huntdn y.
@lb 'lJ drram:~ Jflnlu:
~arting JS. lrJ~ing
Valrlli,tofP anb lrllbt
Mrs. Ollie Dllvi~ Wfl~ shOIJping in Sile Finally Located - The VOle \ ns Cincinnati Satu.rciay. . Unanlmolls- [londli Sold At Goo" PrCllll'l,m . TicklJLs a re ~ cllinJ.:' for ':Tcll N i ~ht s " In Il Ba rroom" at ,Ianne y'.~ .
Howard Gustin spent three days to Water street IIflrl Main . The Maey livery ntable wa~ in Dayton last week. ()nee an enterpr ising walZ'on and car· 'h llS I cynold s. of Cen tl!rl'illc . ehas. Moore, of Wa.'!hington, D. The Grand Army Pos t wi he to m a ke all :l.e kll (l \\·JLo, Ig-cl11 A.l a m.!t>ti llJ.': of tilt' H 'hO\l l lJOa rn riage milking ehop curried on by Dan 'lit of it ~ es t C(,111 was in town Memurial Day. l'u psti ay aflefnllO n, the 'lite for t he Wharto n, and was later a broom fac· C , ia the guest of relat ives here. u nd grntit ud to tit citiz ' 11 -; of W U)'1l . ville alld COJ1 ne w school !wllse was decided upon . 11 n llllity for t1l('i r Inya lt y tory, which was moved le the house T he new ~ It (' . wh ich is the I,)t oWn t, l und gC lle rOlls s uppor t in eOlltril JU Ling (0 th c' S tlC Cf'~"i PureJel'!!ey Sweet Potato Plantsf or Mrs. used III! 1& curryin g establi!lhment, Walter lIale. uf Cnrwin . of .\ kmo ri a l fj :, \' . :\\) t :l. hy !llr. ' urli s. and was known as t hl~ spent Saturd ay in Ci ncinn ati . flOW owned by Park LP.ak. Ofl up ule D. H. Hockpt t, Phone 65-1 Y. . comm ittee reated or ::til imli\'i dua l a pproac lt e d a Ar.n E:ngl e lot. i ~ si luated on th e mi :Isked fur s -t'\.j.t,: huL Water atroet to where you turn to go tv the mill, was a little brick r espond ed chcerft 'lIly ami 1110 s t lihera ll y to the call t' . Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogprs and E. E. I!:bright , of l~ ran~lin,. was roall leauing tu th!! lIorth. on top (If 'J' 1ic'spir it. tltat YOIl 1I:1Ye. the hill. The lot iA nic!!ly situated blacksmith Rhop run by a whole lot Mi88 Ethel Hosier were in Day ten visiting fri endR here Thursday . . alway s m all ifC'. ted toward s tlte 111('11 who \Olull t Cl'r u and has been the> favorite si Le of al . or Jones' many, many years ago On Saturda y. l th ei r sC'rvicl's ill (~ llr etH lIl . the corner of Main Rtreet and Mill try 's peril , appe a ls t o Ollr lIi g hl's t sc n s ibilit ic aJl(I our i1uy Y(ll1r Fertili7.erof Chas. Frye, most everybouy ill town The VlIl(l 1l1oo.; t profou lld ~ ratitudc. for th is sitE' by the bOllrd was una niroad John A Irwin huilt a brewery The postoffice anll the bank were who hanllleH Mil!;on 'A. thc I,,!,, .. III our llcclin in g yea rs it will be a real s o lid comfllr L to ,dl ~ct 1Il0U A. The lot is situat (I in a qU I"t and alRo ran a brtom making machintl closed Monday on account of the ~ ll d feci that we neighborhuud allu is away from til(! in II jJftrt of th" huilding. J rem:!m legal holiday. havc your s ympa th y ami 'ulJ s t alltial s uppor t. Miss Ra('h el Davis , o f Cnrwin, is dust and dirt, while most of the ber reroofing the building for A . visiting with relativCl; in W,lm ing· lit her lots. being- situated on publ ic: It is a m a tl<' r of n o lill\(o · r e g r et that w e arc for ccd til allllf111Il Aman, and in /'Ine afternoon drank ton. . Mias Kathlee n Hnines, of Cinein· t' · (Hlr illabil thoroug hfare:!, woult! have gotlen • hirty·t Ilia gillfl._ of beer, and nailed nati, visited with r .. latives ity to co ntinl1 e thc se an llll a l recurr ences of Decora here I lut.~ of dust makinlt it very unsall iLio ll Day . (It! agT, with a whole lot of IIhingles Ilnd never Memorial day. Mrs. Earle Hockot t and Mrll. Per~y tary. weake ued c llcrgi(' s and u e pi<.:l e ll ranks forbid : the l' fell olr lInce. Am glad to lIlly that Reason were shoppi ng in li nrveys. ITn rt requir ed to m ;tkc th The bonds for the new school ~ince IlSlID, all in toxican ts h"ve been burg Tuesdav Lo!It-i \ 11 'lshli~ ht on Third Rtreet day what it should he. If the "ipirit of [\[ ay :10tl1 is . buihling werE' also opened and I t, "eut out" frum m) bill of f8re. cn ll liuu ed, il will han: to in Waynl'R ~'imler plea!le re· th e Brighto n German Bank, of Cin· And t.here was a COOller "hop on turn to thisviJle b e fo llo wed up alld su ppo rted by the youn ~:er men a n d women oltice. Miss Ethlyn J one~ . who has been cinnati, being th t:: success ful btdders of tlw comm unily. the alley that is on the wellt "ide of teaching in Indiana , is home for the they paying a premium of $356.00, . Thank in g all a like for th e ir interes t a nd kindnc ss, w the hun.e of Geo. MiJlR, aboutth .. e relire from the fi e ld summpr vacation. Judge Shawha n amI Hon. Seth for them . Ii'th 101., and wnll carriP.d on by John with our colors Il y illg. It is underst od that work will be Itlloadet'l, a brother of the late l~e Brown, or Lebano n, were busineB8 vlaitors here last Thursda y. Job Holiand . of Xenia. was the begun on the new school houae all . h\iCca J, ~ides Down on the alley HE RY PRAT ER, Comm ander. guest of Mr. and Mrs . D. L. Crane soon n.q the contrac t is let for i La •1 whflre the telepho ne exchang e in, ,t S_ I... CART WRIG HT, Sccret ary . and family Sunday . erection . The bids for the same will 'r. B. McComlUl had a blacksmith Mr. and Mrs, J09. Ebright . of be op en~ next, Tuesday . "hop, whi~h . later on gave place ~n Dayton. apent Saturda y here, the Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, at residence a crlli!ker factery projecte d by one gU(!lIl8 of relative s and frienda. of.L. T. Peterso n, Main SL., Tlies. Lam.r, who alll() at one time ran the day and Friday mornings. New Centu ry Club Miss Mary Smart. of Cincin'1ati, l'elpgra ph mill . Job Rogers had a ~arnt·lIS "hop in the south room W8ll the guest of Hl!v. and Mrs. J . F', where Dr Sherwood now lives . And Cadwal lader SUllday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin and The May meeting of the New - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ daughte r. Mias Elsie, Gideon noll Alf Leak 1811 a wet and were in Day· Century Club WIIS held at the pleas. Miamis Lose Again Llry grocery , and ice cream parlor Mr. and Mrn Jnmes RoRkelly, of ant cuuntry hom of Mrs. W. T . County Pomona Grange ton several days this week. ",tlere MfR. EJt.cketl lives, nnd Ister Chicago, are the guests o! Mr. and Fram e, Friday aft 'rnoon, 2 tho . tht'Y ran that hutline88 in the prop· Mrs. Frank ZelJ Rnd other relative s Hon. D. D. Wood mar.see, of Cin· After the preside nt called May the meet· Warren County Pomona Grange cinnati, was the guest of Mr erty now owned by Park Leak and here. The Miamis lost their Memorial met with Morrow Subord inate Mrs. S. L . Cnrtwr ight Sunduy . and ing ~ , urder, Mrs, Ronald Hawke eialer. Ella McKir.sey. Day game to Dodds last Sunday af· . .lavor d Lhe ladies with some music Grange Saturda y, May 29th, in the Mr. and Mrs, Ed Hathaw ay, of trrn~on, after elevin innihgs ' on the l)iannla . Twe:lty .two memo~ aN new school auditor ium. Columb The u!l reportB Hats Made In WaynHvlllc Grove, Ohio, are the e OBC y f~n\estfdP 8Y a~ . alo een Was Our last trip to WaynesVille, Sat- bers r Sl)onded to roll call I,>y Observe giving d On Sunday -La~cs t of the granges of the county as wp.1I urday, JlIn~ 5th, at Gustin hotel. some RUeRts of Mr. npd Mrs F . W. Hath· =~yO~OO~1I ~ay thaem8Conor~~f06 th Cu rren.t Event. Mmute s of toes,.~ Cro,vd Eucr As"nmbled Here cas I those treCPrl!!lI ented from Not many or the Ga,.,ette readers away. Hamilto n, Brown " & Brown, Lebanon Ohio the last meetmg were then read .... ermon, lnten and Montgomery and The mal~ featur.e o~ the game w~s ever heard of hilt.!. being made in ' a p ' P r oved. On a Lllo Occasion countie s show quite a large gain sinee Gebhar t s fine pltchmg and, had Ius . _ Waynesville W... II, they wel'e and Election . of officer Henry KinR' arrived homll from support was next ou r last meeting Two hunJred and Mr. and Mrs. JOB. McMtllan of order , and resulted in electing in been as good as his pitching , embrac ed all kind~. from silk IItove Indiana Iftllt WedneRIJay. where he the lfifteen partook of the usual feast and ~ute 3 s~ent Saturda y and he would easily have won ' hi~ gam pipes to ('nes of fur or wool. Oscar spent the winter with hi~ son, Eli the l!!Cture hour WBSone of the bE!St. WIth relatIVes near Chester Su.ndny following ladies to serve the coming hands down . Dodd's , Chnton feature player year: Mrs C. S. Grause r. preside nt ; J . Wrillht wn., 1he hatter, and the King and family. Memorial Day foOr 1915 wasfelJ ow.tew nsman, Dob Burton served last Sunday . and waswall ob. Those present from Waynesville county. little ahop be~me later the tailor Miss Clara Lile, vice preside nt; Mr s. oneo! Grange were Mr. and Mrs IT A whOle timely hitting and general the !Jest days in its nistury. The ehop ofT. T Dodson, and mayor's D.H. Palmer, secretar y ; Mrs. G. J. Cornell, Mr. and W. Mrs. Randall Mor , . Josiah '.or. HolbrOo MI'!!. Alice P. Alcorn and daughter Smith, treasure r. k, AI. gfOOdh.w0teark eventua lly won the game rainy Reason . howeve r,. . office, Then as a JCrocery and Pf"'t Brant made the nl!ll, Oha, ~r . and MrlJ. Oren Strawn , Ruth. leave on Tbursd ay for Phila· .m. , . olfice of Jonas Janne) Jr., next by 80Idiersand several other Lebano n or 18 The program for the day WILS then ground s at the cemeter y 1'1 B uch bad Mrs. Moille Stokes. were in Mrs, Lottie delphia and other points in Penndyl · taken up attenda nce at the The MIamIS. trIed out a young shape that it Charle!l Clements aflll then b)l Gao and Miss Lile read a paper was im(1os.~i ble to hold Stoke!l, Warren serviees Keys here Sunday . and Chas. vania to viait relative s. shortsto p and a young outfield er all of the se rvices there. W. Hawke. Where the Gazette on the "Welsh Cathed rals," and Accord. M,irhen er. They adjourn ed to meet bo~h of whom played sple.ndld holds forth, "8II 'a atore owned by while she found there' were onl\' bsll ingly the speakin g took place in the Wlth Butlerv ille Grange July 31st. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Zell and four. she brough t out many ·'M~r!l. Carl ServiA, Dean Howell, WIth good weathe r. and a little more School Auditor ium, S. S, Haine!! and Ben Evans, brother which was compoin ts • . daughte pructl~e r, of the Fred Xenia, team Hawke and In... . McClure at· and Mr. and of interest in her descrip tion of IS bound to pI~y pletely packed, man y going away or·Jf?CI. and then by ThomW! L, Allen. . . Mrs. Jamee splendid Hawke ball. A)togeth~r now, lel _~ because of the crowded condition of tended the 8'llemo bile ·races at In· family and them. Anothe r !:leI <:etion on the arterwa rd by Jacob Randall Waynesville Lady Honored Mr. JOB. Hawke, ofandBellefon booat the Mlamla. We!, ~oon. De the roo:n . It was presum taine, pianola followed, after which Mrs, Now up etrtlel again wheNl Zim dianapolis, Ind., last week. ably the were guests of relatives he re MOil. Palmer favored the Ilidies proud of them and theIr VIctorIes lar~est congregation Waynes merma n'. "lore is, W8$8 meat ",arllel with a ville has Mrs. B. H. Kelly went to - - -•• - ... reading, "Our Baby." ever bad at her memoriul services in Monday afterno on, where Lebanon day. MISII Rhen Lowry, of "Cedar Crest clWlled by Spenee Borden. or Emmor she was Stand ard Beare rs Meet many a year. Adjourn ment was next in order, Bailey Sr • and upetairs Wall the tailor r&rm." Ruule 2, Rpent a few duys invited to take in the Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Will Stacy, of DBY. and during tfle social hour deliciou 11001' of Clayton Haynes" and was al· last week with her sister, Mrs. Hal· Early Sunday mo rning, when the Da~ services . part Mrs . Kelly read a Be( ton, Mr. and Mrs. Everett McElwee refreshme~ts lVere served by the~ com mittee saw that it would be lectlOn that was very much 10 mayor'a office. And then came IinlJlhead and familv, near Oregon ia. enjoyed !lnd family, of Wilmin gton, and Mrs hostess assisted utterly the atore of JOI. Rogers and son. by Mrs. . L. Men· impossi ble fo r the exercises by those who heard her. The regular meeting of the Stand Nettie Kepl~1r spent IlISt week at the defihaJI. Mrs. Frank JTaylor, Then it bet-.ame allroce ry by E R of Mr. and Mrs. James Zell · and ard Bearers was held last Saturda y Lo be held at the cemeter y , they went • -homeo! Mr. and Mrs . Ollie Davis, at Chicago, Mrs. Frank Taft Printz, llUeeeeded by Jas. Morgan, daughte r. MisR Clara, of ' and Mias at the home of Mi81 Marie Shl\tt.s" to the school house and in a short Yellow Corwin _ time Jean had Ferguso it decorat n. of Dayton. Ml'II. G. and th" by J89 Dinwiddie Where Springs , spent Memorial ed lor the oCt~a· St. Mary 's Church Day here at Sevente en membe rs respond ed to sion. W. Hawk e, Mrs. Orahood a!1d Mrs. Mahlon Ridge had his barber shop, ~he home of Mr. lUlU Mrs. roll call, which was good con!lidering Frank Frank Zell and wife, Mrs. W ., H . l{onald Hawke were guests of the w.. a grocery , Jobn Barnha rt, pro· Zell. Althoug h there WIIS no rain d uring the weathe r. The program of th e The First Sunday aft<!r Trinity Madden, Mrs. A. B. Sides, MisseA hostess at this meeting . prieter. After which it ~ame afterno on c~n8istt'd of good read· the day, th e clouds I06ked' ·like they June 6. Sunday School at 9'30 am: Lillie Benham , Hemiet ta McKins ey a "bum" old saloon, and then to The Cl u b Recepti ing!!, a vocal Rolo by Mrs Grauser , might drop rain at almost·any tim e. Bubject of lesson for rec~;r'8 Bibl~ be held at andlFlo rence \0\ ilson, ME'ssrs. JIIS. the home of Mrs.on will Mr and Mrs, Frank Tatman . twin and violin where a man eould get a deCent W. H. All en 8010 by Grace Carman . At 1 o'clock the crowd s began ar· class. "The Protest ant Reform s. Benham Mns and flephew. of Connersville, After the . W. O. Raper, Chas. SLans. l'hur3da y evening , June 10th. eha\'e. Where Mablon Rillge now riving at t,he school house and by 2 tion," Romans 8:31- 39' buainea s of the melltillg Serviee berry, Jesse Burton and BonA, Abe Uvea. lived the lfrandfa ther of Mrs Ind ., came by auto to the Frienda' wn.~ concluded, dainty refre, hments o'clock it was complet ely filled. - - --sermon and Holy Com~ul1ion at Dakin and others attende d Frank Gallahe r and uncle of Horace Home te vi8it Mr. Tatman ' s mother, were served, the ho~less being assisl· the Bar· Carl M'cClure and Ethan Crane After a beaulifu l praver bv Rev. 10;30. . num-Ba iley circus at DaytQn and Addie Keya, and he waa a tailor, Mrs. Mary Tatman on Monday . . Tues· were in Lebano l1Tueaday af ternoon J. F. Cadwal lader and a selection The public;inviterl to these services ed by Miss Franees SQuires. . day . ' from the Wavnesvllle band, Mrs. On liP the .treet where thf Niidenc e playing ball. . ... ...... Mr. and Mrs. J. L Hartsoc k, Mr. Barton Kelly read a poem enti tied -of Ohas. Cornell ia. was,the tailorah op ::-:=-:==~~-=::.::.=-=-::...::...=.....::.....::-=_~-=-==--:.::.::=::.~,-==-=::-_ =--= . -:_::--=--:.~_~=_~_-:_::--"';:~....- - -....._....._~_=-=-= "Why He Wouldn 't Sell the Farm," of Morris Cook, rather of Will COok and Mrs. Bert Hartscc k and Mias Rainfall for May Her recitati on · was very kindly rt'· ~, and stell·ar andfath er of Frank Par· Ruth Hartsoc k attende d a family lel::'= ==:lI[ ::I ) 1:]. IIhJII. There la where Billy King dinner at the home of Mr, and Mrs. lB' ceived and was excellen tly rendere d . ~ 'B . Il!arned the trade, . Next door up Fred Hartsoc k at Morrow Sunday . St. Mary's mixed' ~ qt,lsrtet compose d The rainfall for May amount ed. t o f M A T w · ht M street Wall a wateh and clock etltab· D L IiAhment carrll!d ,)0 by Mr. Thoma.~ . Mrs. Ida Hocket t and Mrs. Pea rl Ac~ ~hC'8t reet "'aM tht! denml offiee Rieb and son, '. Maynar d, 8pent the total for the previou s three month, Rest." . , ot~, J, Way, and down street to day wlt.h W. C, Dodd and family. of was 4.34 inches The maximu m tem J. O. Cartwri ght, as master of [::I tbe little.. brick building tha~ was "Cottag e Hill , Farm." 00 Thursda y . peratur e for the month was 80° as ceremonies. in his charuct e • jl!we1r.Y atore. and back of it Reeve They aiao had as their guests oompared with a maximu m of 88° in manner very cleve rl y. introdu eristic ~ on Sat· Hollal)d trad a carpent er .!'hop. ced the ~ urday Mr. and Mrs, GllY Kjpler, ot April. The minimu m was 36° Or. the Harris Corner was a dry Daylen . speaker I.f the day. Hon. D. D. C. E Michener. WoorimanRee, of' Cincinn ati. Judge .aoode Itore kept by James HarriR, - - -- - . Woodman!\l'e made one of the best the lather or I. H. Harri~. fr()m that I dd d . ~ to a bank by ~tokes & Harris, Jarvis &~=' at~~dJ' M e ll 's, \ oung ~'f e n " a lld B o)'s' . S uiL. , al:~:ec~~~n ~f ~~ Case of Mistaken Identi ty ~~~~;!~.iJI:, mJcrw ear, ~ Stokes1 .rather of Frank Stokes and ~~~r~he ~~eha~a be~~ ~..:.. Eastern Star Shirts, Lodge H a t s a nd Caps . A b o a .full lill e of UOH ' ~.:.. at Morrow Sat· I, H, Harris, AcrOllll the streeto n ~ some vprv , very good address es Brand W o rk Shoes a l t OW PRICS S. Miss Alta Hisey, while cutting made. Ue made special the corner was a drug Btore opel'bte<I urdayev ening. Several of the la· re~erence by Dr. Treahor n. Ups,tairs was the dies·frl1m Waynes ville l04ge intend. grass with a sickl e in front of the to the .Europe an wa, ~s now gomg ~n, ed to 1l'O. but the hard rain prevent ed house Isst Friday, acciden tly cut her. and said ~hat th~ time. w.a~ commg , (Contln urd on page 4) them. • finger very badly. w~en an' mternat lofl311 J.ud,clal com· ~ mlttee would be appomt ed and all ..:.. r:'I -~---------- . - - ". . .... cnses of dispute s would be settled by ~ . this wOlld·wide court. ' tadies ' Skirts , Shirt Waist. , He said that no memori al -service Muslin Ull ck~wcar, Corset s , was comple te withou t referen ce to the names of Washin g ton and Lincoln ~ Pettic oats, Dress G ood s , I .:.. and he surely paid a glowin!! .tribute ' . to thest! two patriots . His referen ces White and Colore d Was h ~ to the flng also, made tears start in Goods , 'fa ble Linen, La ces , the eyes of his hearers . He spoke of the time being alrnost here when lEJ Embro ideries , Rihbo ll , 0 : the childrefl and lrrando hildren of thf ~ ' tiOIlS, Lace Curtai ns , Dra • veteran s will have tu take charge or ° . R L' Memori al Day. as thr:ir ranks 1. ~ were penes, u gs, ' 1Il0le UlllS, thinning so rapidly and age hill! taken . Muttin gs . and Wind ow . 8uch a hold on the veteran s that they are unable to perform this duty them· lEJ t' Shade s. • gs ' It is to those plannin g necessa ry f umishlD selves. as well a.~ the hundre ds or housew ives . . ~ His address ' was teeming with whl> Intend beautify ing homes already establis hed, that we direct ~ this messag e: thought s of the dny, and hiB hearers were sorrv wben l1e sat down amid ~ , VISIT OUR S1'ORE MONT H, NO MATT ER ' WHA T AMOU NT YOU the applauRe of the audienc e. After INTE ND TO SPEN D IT WILL 'GO FART HES'l ' HERE . . WE CARR y AS • music by the quart et, the crowd ~ tadies ' pure Silk Hose , went .to the cemetll ry to finish the . '. COMP ItETE A STOC K AS MO:;T OF THE C!TY douQle heel and toc, black STOR ES AND OF COUR SE eX~f~~:~'heir arrival at the eemeter y ~ YOU CAN EASIL Y SEE HOW .WE SELL FOR LESS and · white. 3Ue qunlit y THAN THEY DO. OUR I:l the veterafl!l gatherE!d around the · DELI VER WHA for 1' YOU Saturd p M O ..,q,.R ay e .ly ,'RUC K WILL E ' . cannon where ~ Comrud OR HAS~ . e Whitem an , . recited Lincoln'lI Get~Y8b urg speech. on y . .. .. .... . Anothe r selectio n from the quartet I:l OONT POSTP ONE tHE PURCH ASE OF A SINGL E ARTIC LE FOR LACK OF and while th'e band was playinll. ten READY CASH. BUY ON OUR CONVE NIENT PAYMI!lNT SYSTE M AND EN· . Come and see me before you buy elsew here, as I will sell you , JOY THE USE OF 'mE ARTlC U4 WHILE PAYIN G FOR IT. goods at another Memori al day paaaed into less price than any Of. the large r town s. hIstory. . . . TWs was perhaps the largeSt erowd ever gathere d togethe r in Wayn. · --....... N D t It St ' Furn iture. Carp ets ville on a like or-casion. It w.. a N~wletuRgetbaek
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.:"I ~ £.~.~ ~ -~ ~ 1., o r of Pundilu . ll'l l It wou ld not I 1\'11 1· Q r.:~::•.:.£.~... .l ...........................................................T..~u.;.:.r.: ~....;...... ....·.~..• ...• ..• ...·--·........• ........... ... ...... ... . ...... .A·......... ... W 1 ly hold I IJ Jut'" \\' t' If n11 p rl~ tous w ills y
.. .. y
......... y
......... ..
(OoP7"lliba b7 BaroI4 ~ , '"'1''' nol 1<'';11 11) J" Hr"), 'd. t ou nllL8t , ' ot "veil' rI"lI eguu t 11 11,1 thJ~ dUUII ,,!," l " SVNOPSIS. , tn rl> Ih~ ~\llrl n.nILl. , p In the n ro or his 0 \'tI cout r lvl ng ru s ll<(l "Tlid \('11 " \1 r h"Io r " I 1\ I ~ \\' 10 qUI1 I , dlll'~ III: h I1Ilght ~nler 1I0W. . I In. H er bla ck b al r "'us a tullcl ed wit' , lhn l ~" ;1> 1",1 I;ClII'" , . h,. oIUII!!\. CJU.PTIlR T- 1C&thlrn Hare. "'\1",1"; I T il" lII~n In latl()l'~ Et Illl d f rW/l.rd . lu rQ uol t>e , 11 II P"k hu: o o r • mb"r ":\'0. nl\' ho)'. I ,,, ' ,' 1' ,II,\. It WOUld';
011." e_H~~. In pt·rJl. ~BI·I~. j rUlnt Jea ner hom ,· tn ell. , fl
It-A1Md tatll.r, ber
';o ~ itD.J... I
E. v .
to him In AllAh ... In,lIo.. l·II .I .. III>" Ih. t hbyrone. 1",1'",.... •• , ooDder Lonel.toDArnall tho II" ~ .. I . klll¥
- OILU'T&R D~AJ'TWI" " In AIInhR 1""" . , I1 IlJ"a 1.1 Infar1Il.<I bX I' mhnll" 'hR ' I,or t&t1I_ bel". 11...11 .ho I. tV b. que.n. "In.l lIl ...t JIU.n'J h'", She " . " .... nn ~ I. formed bJ' lb. pr1.at.t cha t 110 \\'omo.n (Uln rv.U wunlolTl e4. sbe III gI "en . e,·cn auy. IV> th1JIk II avar. Itl ll retu .... 011\ 1,,,1 t CHA.J'TER .... that . be DI-.'>h. musl undl;lrgo two 1, ' :)' '" S ~u. tid bo4ItI. II I h••urvl\·....h u ,,' 11\
be pumI"a4 to rul... OBAP'l'lilR IV-John Dru ce. 8.n Am on · - CBAPTE!R . .y. barV~The me.. el."hanl whloh t'-
m ill
acent'rom .. ot hor trllli. ber Bru ce an aruno lb. peny. CH.t.PTJIlR VI-.'>h. ILk •• ""rulro In 8. 'nIUIe4 temple, bUl thl. baven 10 Ih. n \)OO . 01 • IioD az>4 . he to fo"""d to f1 .... rrortl It. CIIA.PTBB VD-.'>be find • • retr."t In 'the ,.....I~ on17 to tlill halO Iho han d. oC rfee b .. & - -0 . .pa.re.uthe cl'
111&_ trad....
all.&.J'TmR Vll1~K.thlyn I. brough t to 'lh8 u..bllo mart In A.lla h. and l old to 1Jm~ "bo, bor nlll lnout>· .....~tJuow_ bor lnto th. dll Diroon with
~.,.e-ebe Ia _ e d b), DruOll
Jt.-()oloneJ BAre &110 1I I'M' with IIOI4Iore. It&rla In to Katbl)'ll Ie .truoll by 8. bll lleL ! CHAJ'TJIlR XI":"T'b. ru.1t1".. are &'Iven ~ III the palae. Of Bo.l& Khu. ~.rx::~, Xlt,"""",ppUed b, eamoto II, table jlrtDOII th.uy .tart tor th. t are oaptllrec1 by brIlra.nde. Om. to tbl I&1r of lb. baD. 041.. I .. the 0010".1 a prlaonlf ...eI ,..... &luae anel Katb\)'n II:lI1e4. ' JDb&Il&,
r;pjrfo,,:;o~.~ntt:- U'::~
I{ 4iiitIii th. oonluaJoD Ka tblyn and \BNae ~ &nd retllTn to Allah.. They iDoDoIIot a plu to _ _ tho oolonlt , . XIv-'1'lle oolonol Ia nomSr . but re&l1y a jlrfllon.... rt I. Clnd a bride tor hlln. Kath, aeoea to tho palace In 41abet r.eu. plaba Ilre lI1Ie _ . a tho treuul')' leop&rda uoape til. _rt Into OOI>fII8IOD.
~ ~
XT-Da~' puato "-m,
and b.. .~~
• (IIII;AP'rJIIa XTI~'1'b. 0010001 be&I'I thai ldi youl!8W :;:c~tar.L.WinDle, II Ilbout
to ,arr'v. III ....... pllrfy JOIl",II)" 'oo. WlnnI. ani". . betore tIMar to waDE. Inlo the trIlp prepend lor' l ' UlDbaI.1&. WlnnJ. II crowned and bor t&thn .ttend In thlar pr...,.oe kno.. n
XVJl-K.thlJ!lo 'In cIUIfr\lI8II,
10 WI.IlnI....oom, bllt II .., IDb&1I4I. ..ho ONere tba.t oII8rioI .... MCritlOl to the co4 .. _IMCS b7 the oolorec1
XVIll-KaIhl)'D, dII/rU~ 4n1~"" talt.. pert . In .. p .. b-
~ hldln. no ~ K 5rf~:.0.t.nt .... .. De
her IdentJl7 to lb. IIIW.
u4 DC
f,8.th1n>. Wlnol .. metr .IS .. place In lalter·. wife,
1t'tu1 q ....n
I Ill"' ·b l
1) 1114 '
tlw Cl'll l
or k
tll t
gleu.nlt.! (l t1K O go ld nround h
s::roU l):
IH.c!t .
~ r.rer=1a.
&& ClnR ....
but KalblYD'1 I.IlIpl ... lbem 0(\ the
In thaD t&yo,,"
~~= XX-n>. ~UODI _~ . • •• kl aatlt7 a 4••• rto(\
IIOUoI. ~ ..,...
dIacoverecl 7 ' ulIlblllla, with the rebelL M&4 tor ..III tire to Ill. bou_
· aJLUI"l'JIR XXI-Eaeapln.
hllDMllt baa Ion. luapooled
...tMMI'Mi ~ put throateD" but a 1Ul4 .... v.. Kath·
·E \1 not nors ~
\ •
that 4J 41. III w an· ,th . . .....tanoe ot '1ruce ' h. 11041 the klq wh .... ill ho.d pl'laone4 bF Umti&1le and _ totb.~
back to the olty. an4. "Ith Ihe ""511' "l.aDoI of ~womlln ot lb. ha.rem. m urders the old ILIn.. It II arr&llilod to have Puncl.lta· orownecl qu .. n. but UD\ hn lla MOU1'I8 the '"pport of the prl •• lbo o(l. 'r<l' tUrDt to lb. plllaoo w1lh abeolu le \)Ow"r
and Imprlaona IC&thlyn. Wlnnl., Raro and
', 1
rl ' d
\UI III f r
It takes good paint to please th~ pr actical, conscienliotlS painter. He lrnu v hi success dcp nd upon the quai'ty of his ' paint. Th at's Wl1Y so m any painters insist on using
Pl'ofl lo In to AlIllba, Ile rbn ps to g h'e AI· l Ung m y slBle r. \I bom YIlU hnd t mns 10 0nll' ''' 'Ll d j.III1'l"· )' . T h la ug hte r nlld la llO ev nlulllly to th e Drillah ra j ?" t orr" d f rom Ih .. lJalnc . All nt (1 11 "" c hniw r of II", t\\" glr lR W'l~ UlIl " lc t o
w o h nrd .8houtln~ lind I I'll III p il llg n( lhult (uU, e r 's t'u r$, Alt d 'OIll l! t1mcs h e f at. on 0 mOll1 Ctll IlI tP r YOII I' hO l\ ~" In ,-rcu l" , d B" ,·rL·t I!lIon cc B bc tw ee n wae 0" rrun with fIlO II . Th oy hatl lIru~ " IIl1tl K a thl)'lI . You l h. )'oul h : t ound thu kIn!! III tit h ul Md lI uol Y UII! nud 10l'll \\' l·ll . co IL W:lS . 11 111ken 111 m to I h ~ pll l u~.l' . ThiLL tb Y h ims rlt h nt! \) 'e ll Il youth, hltd Im'e d d!13 noL nu d yo u Is bec'ltlse you OllUl U n nd been lo ,· r tl . \iuL Ito' g rew ve r), III).re." lonely :I t t ho th Oll,;11l or Knt h lyu "Te ll mo 1I1 l " o \'('ntll ully I; olng Inlu IInol lt er home; "ll seo ms thll.t th o majordomo go"o nnd som e young chap woul ,l coou com e the polsoll to Humabo.1, but tho whIte a nd c1 nlm \\·llIlIi, ·. IJI~ U 10 0 wou lt! have coodeso . . no on o bUL AItnh' u. It ol1 ly bo ha ll hn d "Tbe while goddess!" crt ed Um- a boy. 10 brlll g III" l,rl <1 o to hl a fatber's balla. au It etllng by 0 cobro's fnng . roor! "Ay, hIghn ess. She did nol die on . Plcl urcs wpr lal(~ n down tra m the that root. Nothlng can harm her. It ",n lll';. tile \n r i ou~ wilt! nnlma l 11<'1\d 6. 111 w ritten." nlltl II'pre !l:tt'I'~d ali'''}, in Rt l'OI\~ bu'C cR ~And I was n ever t old l" And A I "'d Wl'lI t Ihltll" " II nti ,\'on. n She li ved. lI"e d. nnd 1111 the t c rrol'll l h Ull tir tI C,!:' P H upon hlB uhuultf I'M , H e ,b e hlld evok ed for h er w cre ns n nug h l.t waJ lt u: ." iJl' ~ " I' ~~ Ih l' lI h~ had 1\0 time UmlJlllJa wa s not nbo."" sup e rs Lili on to 1:lou l'n L "l S;~,,, I\ 1llmselt f.or III I 11 1 8 E• uropen n t rn I nI ng 'l' '1', 1 BE CO :\Tl lit:En Surely this gi rl or lh e white p opl
Agnln the n egntlv e. "B ut th e m e tho d ?" l'mbn ll a sm il ed . "What brIngs the wors ttl" e r h a rt) with clIn dl es Ullt! now. nrs a lld InCeUSI!? Is Il lo \'~ or re v· e~ r e n e or SUll(' rs l ltlon1" Tile bald )' 1I0w hends Ilodtlpll like porc loIn ml1 nCl url ns . "SU/l ,·s lltll' n ." w nt on l ' mtJnlla , " l h e Mwortl w h l h' ben ds II,,! kll"I" "e tb o laym an . b M a n d a l"'1\),3 wil l t hr ou gh the n gosl " In th o ,' null outsloe u. bpl\ tllll.I" ,' a gon g bnomud molotlIO\(~ly , , " V,' lI on I gIve th o sign." (,,0 0:, 111 \1 ' th'e scbom e r. "decla re tbo cur, ,. 1111"" all Lh o!! who do no t bend . A wo rd frol.' ",)ur li ps. an d Halllobnl 's troops V 1l 111 811' . r rorm. 00.1 become yours [lIld 111 10" ' " "W kIng I\v es 7" aslled Lh e u hile rbe cb ll·r ll r l . &t curl olls ly.
" I\h ! " And l'mbnlla 8 mll d ngala . WI\8 Imbued wit h Bompthlng more th nn "B ut you. Vurga Ram?" mom !. Sh e IIvpd! I "'fll e r Is I' a· rllll l)ol, 11 onllllo k ing, "Go on!" ho sa id, bl s "olco s UlJilllc (1 1 Whic h' for
". scs pllrpo
G re e
I A 11 It 111 (I~
lin d
""!.~~!!""-_ _ __
I .'
ii' I' . I:
' , ' " 1,,, ,('"
wn\\d '~ 1"'\I~I'.
';I rel't.
TI.I CjJhnllf' 2H
R nHtl , "Ii np llT I~JI"'" \Vhi (lIo rf\'~ In U Hr 1n'1 I., \v n" hip *~Il. I) ' (1\1 wlt,ll W' , H Ih·"hB II. ( or ,11, 1 ti lllo:~ III f, nr I'lI rrll h'1l l tlii .~" w ,"~. :l " 'I r:d .\' ll r,h, nt! '" I' " Ll I. lin e on \" .v n, ~v lll t.l IlIl '1 I,tlbO Il On p ik, '. fo,,(1 lil t! h ' p lll r \vll rk n il I1 I'JJll r t{prtuj! . U." 0 r Olld W~"n" Il!ld t 'l 3flror ee k t (l\\' n Rhl p8 $ 121i.:t! ' 11 11 .,
n" r!II" CfI
MUi{ l hlw lI " \'" II l1 rr~' Mo l.II \'un'" ,", ,1 1"1I11" "~' oro.
'fil A Pell p ll'w gl. ,, ~t rl ('0. v.. H. \\' . t lil c uf\ t . T rIlH " '6 rl'r thf' 'ro'dl"'r fl nf t h l) lIt " rr " w Hu llu r Mill , ' ; " , IIl1d \V '(jlllu" llr, hMi O·. f or II j nel l nn IIod ' Ih er P'l'lIt'lble r a
' ltd
" I IIld ..
, IOfli('"
.-----------,--~"!~~ JI
_ _ _ _____
New . lIilS.
1\.'hlJeu~ .
:--' l lf ll ' I ,dl "
Waynesville, Ohio i WlI),nt.!!Ovillt-.
ComlllOIl !,leas Ctill r t
, till " .
ns t .. t .. fl' r "" fl l" III "lI t , ' 111 ,,,, III I.., r", h o urilJg n il Ih ,· ~I h ti llY " I 111 11(', I Uli,
N ,. t lte
r.l' \\' .. , It .
I h li .1.:
Ve terinClrY
"r N
J. A MrCoy,
Thev ] now it is du,!' lc-. !lin c-towear.'; Twenty-five y at's of "knowing how" backs (!,"cry can. 'ivc it a t rial. Sold by
Pro,ccdi ll~s
"""!!""'_ _
, :
l' unt!raJ Dlrl'ctor
. and Emhalmt>r,
Wayn~sYllle, Ohio. an ~ lV t! rc, 1 promptly day or ni ~ ht ph ()n c~ in Oflic(' lilltl 1{'·s irl£'lIce. L "!lf.:'di ~ tan ce .Nn . H; Il n llle phn ne
C . to ontractors IChl~~.~r Both
unci on\! Coat'll furnill1wd free
.JIl r:J1~~n n tU~ ~l1h r'd
1I A . u n atf'. V~ U . t;; E:I iu o.; .. nH ."~ ,"lu lim,,\. rlll n r ',ie I I ttl. l' nb h c 1'1.01., of r II I .".. tnltl rOl' rp ,l.
wit h (un c rnl s
B ~ t uf k. ·rvic~'
I'- ,'ultkl 1111 1lf will hu n Jn l h 'l'd h v t h l' I'!.' rl, nf th l tlof\rrl o r 1'; IIII! 'nl lullllr WII"i lU ' I " m ll ~ h l p
J.!uaranlf.\t'd ,
l'k l . lol Jl Jl"L r il'c , \ Vn Yllt l:- \ 11 1" , ~ Laln nr OhiO, lJ11 L I &' \' 0 11 p '(' lu("k I. , 111
7TH DAY OF JUNE, 1915,
Commlss io ncr~' ProccetJill lt
r"r r"rIllshl ,; "".""""." lul., r ,,,,01 noulNin l '1'(- 1" 1'111 ,111. 1 I .. r ' I.. ,.,,,,,,f.... ""'1""' '''1'10''.1'''' "r " "'h',,,I ', ' ''''' ', l/tI~ ,,,,·.,,111lI<'h"" I """'>nllll ~ 10
Oi llA " II \\ ., .l-- V Il Jl,' v
Puhli c I
anna's Sea Pa-nt d
.I.,ro,', J.i 1~tc· II(,'ul1j)nd
ri:' Ol ~tt nd
, $:!1\t)4 (', i l,IU II ,. Rnd on IlIf' Wi lli F . I II an d I. you r wil l AI was !!lIs soul . ('or t o ll ,)ul 110lltl'W'I Kili lfWtr\(~I( . HIo"",,.. ,'Ierk " r nh l hounl. l'It'tls IIro nl .. , tlt... 1111 Hh! li t- Ih o lf1(!'" 3,1 ~rrt, 'V uhu rI, ......... you c ho ose?" .uO w Illt~ v godd ss 11", nl18tnll (00) F , I AI ., I I I ' f . ~. Th nr e was namabal'8 gobl nt n 11'1 waR u bout t 1\ I:"n ,\I I (l ,w o u l 1'" 1)0. 1.1' X \tj o i~ 11 ren c' 1 n I)r I ,I r V ••• II U' ) r . " r IV. ,,"r . M!I III~, "\,\'hll.·,., •• ,'I"•• I all . , ~Il' . ~ "rlfl " a'a'''IlYco n£e r en co Tbe ~ am 1 D " ('l' II 1\' VI .. II r $') I' W Me" lIlIl "hu\."'l'flrY lIu ll.lIl1g, Chll'llllI.". {JI, ln. P-Ins\s Illlii .Y' lI ' I J \' .\ fll I I, r1'111l ~II".V \lOW I "nI ru ' . I I •'.' I ~I ¥ 1 II• u " 11101, 'uI\\'111 (WI'IIN I nl. n 1111I or "101" , rrom l J. mbnlla. drink. wh en t h e inti jor 0 " seI".... I III N l I 1 I 1I .' V U " -, . It' UH)V~U1Dt; i ll Ihu I UU rtst U I! . I f " ga )11rl\ t'tI "W • • 'l-lluODH, 1I' ~IU\Jl!O~ oll t,) "II l Ull' II. Tn'~ o • • "'n~ He did not s Ur. HI8 mieD was proud goblot and drained the polan 1111191: . 1> I I b I- II • t '/ 11 I 1:11 '. III , ' 010" (, ..... 1. p .nttIWl( III . ~ n -~ f ipi tl ~, l o!' ).)11 Do I.nx!s ucl UIJ hy lD tf' '. ,IJ n \. Po l~ _u .. + , N · I lu.:h h id 111"~1 ('tHllnlu IIw II nIllAi,f (,,·,'r)' D c 1CNrt and lIaughty, but. tor 1111 tba.t his kD eel! Htl (lOnfess ed e" orythlflg, whero th Mt,y 1 PI' t.) " i Ib Ull t Lh o /-tripo . Po IllWUU t1U ' r Ml'U.I " 1'11I 1 f)" V 1')( 11e 080 ' PC"'111 I" "'r," ' '''' '111" "'. " ,,,I . hu ll 1>0 Ill" .!: C; . abook and h is h eart thuqdered. 1-10 ki ng wntt , wh r e YOU wore . 1'hey nr II.l L n x t oo C 1\UM) (i f \ 111 '25, .I \\7 H't-TU "HlTt' C o. An. nnnll" 'I.IIIIIl""h,.t ,.I.nlll" , ,, ,tl 11.. ,,1 ••,•• • . In· "-,, . . "t3lH , J , ... . undors tood that It was to b0.-n II or Rgaln hu nting t hroug h .tbo ci t y tor YOU . th u L \' c r. 111- mdiil A, , ",,:I u Ir "'-" I'l tf\rn :5hlr '-'f.••.., UI'JIIH r :U'1 wlll , )I' Illt-o.IJ :\ lId I f'tl'll ,' '"oY,'t'kl,' ,',".','·,',''.'·, 'I.":.',' ,',',',',,'"',,"u,,'r "1 '11111 "1 (r\)I' •. \ " ,,1, . ',. a" II I Idd l ours e no hair Jo' LI L l i lt! ' Itb II I' B I I 11, ..111' n lIP" I rl' F rnuklill ,1 ... ,",d"r"'""'·<l OIIo I){'o'rl('rl>' ",j' ·II,.,.<I . 11'111"' 1 , '" 1\0 1 ng. no m e e . or Ie proscu you mu s I 1\ I ho ' ." " I II Ie 1 0 ' po , , Ill: , " " . I 1"",,r ,,"o1 "wtorul Io l lho •• methkods. hIe Ine." N ,dn r o R. Il IlI I!lc l'lloin b ') 'V u ls I Hotll111 1nfol 'ull. $, .4 \' ,I . B W oo .1 hid ",,1'1, IlI U""he 11<'/',lro" 'I)' 'tn',, 1 In Ih • •• d II He dwaIted. II t i p Wh en '''rl hi t dl" Id f' I 1 w II 1\, 'i ce~ t)\ fI I I' )mm l ttp~ hltl ., I, to 'h o vl'l" 'IOn,,,I. Nonl! hilt 1110 erno c p s nn 8WO c n 8, . 1C \\' l e woman mus ", sa ' \,i lb IJr OI Jl' r Il lt Hl l ut 0 ul0, I nf 1 t T\ I 1\ t .., - _ , 11j\\ .-st r" NIKIIL:,,1l11 hlddor s lmll l16 n l'C fj l4."1, the priests re turnedhi to him. N o ~o~ , hu r l .. 1 E llz 'LiJ(,t h BOIIII, $l \..,; . II 1 II lIo11rll II I E"""ali,,n ","""'u.. Ih o rluh' " ~u M\' ~~ " " • It Umblllla. In a vol e IIko oll e helng , lill n i n 1> .:0\ (· 1·\ I~ p d eo l IltLI their h ends b I.lt before ma e. etrunsle d. nu f p rtl1 e L t'l t lH t l . un <. .ll[H"l1l)l\tlI) O R IJ h Il):i 111. d n n H1 S I £OJ "r oror tl,u Ilo'lnlor 1",I" cotl"U of I A h"nufl"mr, , . '" U ' t! II';'"' "'" ", I' 10 ' d ....",.,Iuny nil !Jill.. " I II' lUI I,." If'4I • kl, " I . "'e.t , I, • • .1ill 1 I I . ...11" U .... • .... .... : ;';"U cm hUhHI .. t ''''Y rc presente d n so la am ; Il8 mucbhi us To tbl s lh e prl eato ag reed wi l hou t D n't b LItH Ir nt n [,1... 'I' .. ..4 W, V"' II " 'I'""".hlll Ikl,ual lI istrl<'l. \\·"}n ':N"N ""&""C ''''O,,h,".'3'Oll lllhJ J I"\U flIKI. " "' "u", " . h kl 1h Y bod ove r gI ven to t e ng m· hcsltatlon. Tb ls whiLe WOIll Rn \\' I10,!1 \J e l, I~ b ot III) II I I'u. I ) 1,,", rI' III Yl)n r P~ '.' 1, ~" r v Ie ':' I1 II b el HL Irl'oU ~ ' )tvCom , l 'III,·. I 'n<SI cl\UI,,,,/ WUY IIl..,.' lIhlo.11 10. Oillu. ' )111)' I n, 191r. 11 s e lf. A g low ron ov e r Umballa. tho people w re calJ1Dg 11 godd lOS Wfl S Drngit i~ t II n w un \ <= n r yoor Co n 11lI""'ln 'f1r~ II I OIl~1l Ilt I hI' I3Ln t f' ~'f , F_ '. U I LM UU II. Clcrk DI,,"ch lll11ce.lIlIII ~ Bt.. W.. b'''''',n , lI. t .. , I Hl l" 'I X r d "Hlgbneso. we ngree. There w ill be n d Clldl y me nace to lhul scople r of . Iillntt 0 oy orn 1:11 A A. \ l< . , t erms,N the irs s u pers lltlon . _ ._ _ • _ • 'O lll ll'IS. 1 no r p o f W .. rr ~ 1I Lounty I = ' "I will acres to them wltbout Que8' "W btlt hus gone Is 11 pact ?" nl HI. CII U.!:! No 11 ,.I :l~ Co III 111 n "1Il---a_IICII:II_________I!l1_ _ _ _. ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ tlon." "A PRot Durga Rll m ,. suld the c hi f t ' I<I"" l:n urt. Wll r r OD c."l1l n tY ()hlo. "" Lile nnd power a.gal n: rea.l power ! pries t. With Rnll1abal ~ preadln8 Chrls·l · f.7f, ,'I ' lj(~ MILllu n ~Il, . M IJ1 ~ lombe r These dodl3 orlng tool a should s erve tInnily, th o nbhorr ed creed wh Ic h go ve ('·1a,2\). Z'll n Arnl1 t!lg, two CO il. ("0 ' 1
I) '
~ti l:' t1 lltln r.r,,"d ll!~
t"~)l l'(ct'"
Fll " n~'lJg-
tb ~
.s _
"Hnlt the treasury . must be pllll1 tmmlDent d nng or.
to llle t e mple.' " Agr edl " Hair for the t e mplo and hal1 tor hlmselr; aud lh e abol\shmen t ot tbo Beven leopards . "With this stipulation: Romo btll Is yours. bUl th e whil e p a pia 111'0 to btl mlno." Til pri ests Qlgnllled a ssent. And mbtllla smiled In socr t. ROr mabal would be d ead on the morrow. "The ro r e molDS the king." Bald the clllet p ri es t . Um hallo s hrugged. Tho cblet prlesl sta red soberly at th u lamp a bo ve bls head. Th e king would b e. th e n , Um bolla's affair. "He Is III ?" " He Is moribund . • . Sile nce! " wo.rn ed mbllllll.. The curLa.l n s hecam e viole ntly agl. to ted. Tlloy h eard lbe volcu of the young priest oulslde rai sed In protest. to be an s wer e d by the shrill lanes ot 11 woman. "You ore mad ' " " And th ou ort a stupid tooll" Um ballo.'s h llDd tell a way trom hIs d agger. "J t Is 0 wo mlln." h e sold. "A dmit h e r ," , The curtain s we re lhrust asid e. and t h e pro 10. te d dnn c lng girl who had 6aved U mbnllll from dOllth or co pture
D ... Tablets
. - .. _. ____ . "... ".......,.
"A poel," h
fl eet ed, "To yo u. Dllrga Ram . · th thro nel to us bl\l r Lho treasury tln d nil the allcl ent riles of Ollr cr d r estored." " I h llVe aold Il." Unlbnlla tollo wed th e dancing g irl Into the oQuare before t he t e mpl e. lie turn e d ond smile d Iron Ically. Tb~ bald tOOls I "!.-end on, tho u fl ower of the jll&mlno !" lightly. And the two or tbe m dlsllppeared Inlo tbo night. n ut lho prlesto sm ile d. too. for Durga R tlm shollld always he m o re In tb elr power than th ey In his. Th e re WIlS tre mRl,d ous exc ite ment In the city the next mornl ug. It s eomed lho.t th e city would n a ve l' be Pe rmitted to 'r esume Ita old careleas Indole nco . Swltt lUI tho wind the news fI w that the old king '~na a\lv u, lh ttt he blld been h eld pris on e r nil Ul 0KB months by Durg ll Rnm ILnd the now de posell Council of Tbree . No 1110r13 t/lo old rut at l3ulln eS8. Neve r had t h ey kno wn s uoh t et es. Since Ih e nr· rh'al of the whIte goddess not n tI ny h a d pn8sod wIthout so IDe thrilling ex· clte me nt, which blld cost them noth· Inp bu t shouts "s 0 t h ey desar ' t e d th e b azlUU's an tI t 1 .murke ts tba l morn in g lO W ln ess ti c most sur prIs in g spec taclo of all ; III king who wllS /lead was Ilot dea d. bil l alive I . So. In tho throne room. Inl or . h o gave th e power to R OlUaba.t to n el In hi s Btond ttl I be had fuUy r eeo \'cr ed from hIs t errlb lo hlLrd s hl lls. Moro thllU t hIs. h e dec In red t hat P u ndlla. tho wlte or Rnmnbal. ohould ultim ataIy rul e' tor ot Ii truth th e prlnclpuliLy Wtl8 lawfully h orB . li e would mn ke h is will Il t OIlCO. bUl In ord er tb a t lhl s'
s houl d b e lega l be wo uld ho ve lo dostroy tb e prevIous w\1l he h a d given to Colon el Hare. hla fri e nd. "For,lve me. my fri en d." ho said. "I nct e d unwisely In your case. Dut 1 wa5 nngry with my people ror their cowudice." , "Your maj esty," replied the colonel. "the fault lay prima rily with m o. r.
~U J1I,I1 ~··.
IU hro~I'
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Bl\~e r
"~I- . " Il\ hl """'I'."I"'~I'l n" 'I I"U, ~"fI',': ~':~I/,',',':,~ '".~<I"'''ur/".,,,'''''u f: '\'I~~I\7'.,; ~~~~~~:if.r:::;~,~" ;,~~;:(~'l '',,,,u .',,'',.t ~"~ ';~~IJ;'
I ....S"·I~~I'·I." f'.R m~" i~~n
~~:~~)LOl~.~'~:· \lt ~,o r~ ;fl~~y . ~?n~:
N. Sears
Waynesville, Ohio
A Paint Insurance
. A ll lI ll ";W e r lll'\' . I.. W . W . 'IU rl A ~. I IH1 V ! I.HO t-t r r l'-.. In L l o:lrl ' r, )ck t U\\' f\ . lI ip ~ I.
·lls ~
Protects, Your
Aut o Li very Se rvi ce at Reason ab le R ates
~ \\ i
i\larri o~c Lkcn !(es
r ufu (l 0" f '1 I' I !III - I :! lill'l 13. $7[;.06 8:; ll Htuliotl tl r\'", D'W t o ul'l'l!r P I! 8 EII"pln"" (' u ,~n fnr H,'c"ni r, lu. 'fb Mo )lJ lln •. Tro lIl' t: . ~ 1l1)plie~ ' 0 1' Re u l E Slalc Tr ansfers ~UI'\'f' V l) r, t~ ,'iI' til " n"i ll " Thl1reton P OSI . " ~ I:j I ll r MIlU lh rl ,i1 DII v t x . A . ::;,,01 k ntl I,. I~ .. b:n: vll,r h I ' pen~" s 10\.; '!;' a ll l llll)lld !:JurAl! Ii .\'1. II ok In lil t N J a l In , .\l b. , hnr~"r, ~lI l l1 ry ' lilI 1:\ Irll,,,'!" R() ile f UD a ll . I I 'om on ll'L~I " " . '."I .... ll ...'~ fUI' VUllr e uu . U. W . Ii\lt·"~ t,or LII . l u Oll ,. n ns8 lot , mg \1,11' :?4, I!lJ;i . J I I) , N il, :J;, i u W'!!\~ WU ,Jt! v ,II,., $1 '011 1111(' 1.,lI: 'Inl'l . B ,)y III ~o .lItit) pU D w lr ;:; j N ' . .IOU \VI I,h ' \~r. ' V. 8w nl'ly fo r L l, lllln ' I\'. I 11I'I I'li llnti II ()') I'I' III;II I.r. t\ se w or bOrl h I II I II M. W .. fl USH t.o Lpn ~11l " Q n lo t N·). I hili It II \1 (' (l lll' r~ r e "1\( WII. ~ ou , e H/ iu Wlk " O" " ~ll lJ tJI\l I Si u n t o M'"lUn" RI o,l RLi oHn IItl 'r tl 11!-ihf llk rl,,, ,,, nl 'l 111k ll by... $l , ~ ,,. . $ , )I" I,"0 n r m 11 0 11 e ~ror eA " hl " " IIlI , r .1 ij·" k 1.1.1 Lo \\'i ~ , I., ,~ , IIr 'JI , I " 'I Jjor kl d 11,1 t-~ tlc r ~~ 111 MIiHIlI'Y :;l1r · :-; '). ~07 w lt h.1 I{ S p RIl(·o r. for V"'i N Co. I :.·IU. I. p ut,lI n g In o'lf rnK " ln, { "" ",() r?n Mor. '~I I~'l rn I .r to ;J,\ r lL 13 , rll ' n nd Wa ~-I" ,~ o\ l , ' It ' un I,,' .J . K 'o·u·\\, ,,-rt·~. W~I"I h ,, 1t [,f Jo tij N n 11:1 l'\·pune'lr ~Il W, 11, 111 '11 '1' llr:)Ho ,oc!<lk unt1 11·1 HI Lil lo , 11 1> 0 . Swon. In "'" Rll l,. ~ I .' III F"u uk \IIi 11 1111 tI'l m u L. t; .. ul h ,ml I . ,. ~ ('8 wit h 1'; 1111 \\·ll ot ,. tlrP Fo r t,) C h url it r lJ , tlyu" I ~ IItI Wtbl ' ()l"ull orl ~n r1 l''' ln l lllo( 1111 f' 1)1'ld gll , lil a n sl,r ·ub. L IIIII LH', 1'1 Lund y p llw TlllcI " III ' li n Ax _ ~:'U O.l " F . P O'I 'I<' III I. N 'l ll,1 _"!"'-.._ ~~~~."!:.-----~~_~.!"_~ , Il,rnoo ~I . \1iI IM:t 1,' .,(' 101 1) , .\ IIIII'IIr,\ >:)urvllY , " ;lila.l , ~.l j U \l. C"r ; I( H :-' 11r, '\, :I, u r y " 1 "I I" .l!; I' :t. l h", h >ll 'lt ,'r I.. Ld -" , ~7 " ,l lI d :: i'\J III L L'h,,, "] ' ,$1
Also Age nt f u r Kl!l1y· ·I.ringfield \\'111111111 I i\l~t.;" r r£' u , elt l.r, lT~ ll r Automobile Tires 01 ))"vt 'J 1I . Ubi" to ~t ' ~H t j l,,·iC\ll l ul'. lu .. , u f tl h l \'1 y ~ lJlIlIl , Ho " J . ~ ::i' l.\rM . U t ,,;, r~ h ll r , [l1 j1)I'11I ,1;;')r t, ) ~Jl lIl I Clco CalT. I.oo · h o f )l'roIJK I IU , It:!.-. , Valley Phon e flO- i,'t" A rllltlr Coo p ' r . i V ir!.: 11 W ,\!' Il.In . CO!I(I IIO 'I r , f Ililn l1ti . 10 III ,; Mu v Bllrgm' " f n ca r
Corwin, Ohio
F o!, t l'r , ' :'1. A. ,1.11 11 SO D• .1. P. ('o nlt e Mn r l,o o, ~ hulhnaker o ~ St U u l tlri ~. K v'" tu M i~3 M"lin,iu C hri ~t mlln o f SmU, l,u bJOCJIl . nov . ..!. J .
K!!~l l e ,
I want to buy. your WooI, and wiil pay the Highest ' Market Price for it.
Probate Court Proceedings
CI. You Insure your home .,alnst fire-why not ' Inllure It against decoy by repnlnUng at certllin intervals?
CI. Repal.ntlng 10 one of the bC8t forms of property Insurance.
In the lonll run It vllStly reduc.. the cost of maintenance;, Bnd a fresh coat of paint llJ'ently enhllncea the market value ofony home. «l Lumber olpolled to the elements without a firm coatln. of paint will rot ·and decoy, Your buildings painted wJtb.
1 0 111 m mlt.or ('I f tho \~il l of Mrs
Ollh\rl~1 ur~'"nll'rul''''
shou\(1 n ot ha"e llcce pte d It or r oo .1'11\0 I IS\( ' ·, · Ih' ocnseu. Will IN turn oil. I will te ll you tbo t.ruth. 1t wi II I'Ll l u P "U \t ut '. wus t):lo fi li gree b nsket oC goJd nn l 1:1 111 1I1, · t ,' ~ n l Iho cs tllto c f iVlrE. ' procio us stonc s tb llt brou ghl mil .Iolnt, (1y l: l' ,lCCt., .etl ::llio rwatl DYIW I • back." 111111 W I.. ;." - t T,I\' IIJI' (11' (' OltP',iot. VOll want to. sell your Cattle and "So? An'd nil to r nothi ng. since t ho (I '"Ihlllll<Lru t ";·K. IlrlO d $ ~ (JOO. , Hogs. will pay YOII the Highest hld lllg pl:tce 1 gave you ,Is not th o t 'IJ' , I ~ .1 ' h n 11') rHO tJIll rlt !I ud t\l arhc t Pric e. t l'\l() on e. flUL of th l}t, mOI'o onon. , \', ,dl"1 K"l1>iuk 111'0 H\lpui llte d lip . _ Wtlu t th is wr tclt Durgn Ram spr Il t! i pl', :i~ r -. . ', •~ , I' outonanan tblll . . ." Inl h " IU ' li c rofFe rnM nrlo.l ne k D~nt' I~11 A n'd thell. WllhouL oppare n l r e ason . I\ pp l (., t lo:! fo r II d l1ll 'Riu lI ofl!t1ulI; '-.J. U 1,If~ ~,., he begall to call (or Laks hml, lIl O to lJ" , 1011 . ' Iulo lio 4pi tn l is mllue, ' WaynesYi ll e Ohio bOBuutul Luk Khml. tbe w lte or h ili Amili o licl I u J~) ~!" cn o f' e ig ht you t.h . lIe ord er ed preparllUons ro r nt, f Vall ey Phont: 1:15 'e le phtlnt lig ht; ralDblcd, to lllet! U M _". t.bough b o were but tw onty; his oy G ,' I ~~~~=~~~~======~ dim, h ra lips looee and /le ndulcnt. AII ,I 1fai~h Your Children III thiB cond ltton b e mi ght live l en r lot parents know ~DR. J. W. MIl.LER_ ' twenty years. RnDlnbnl was s oro ILt rO;"I'~II!u.",;::!._.T~hcy fcar 8011)0b e a r L · \yililike Rcxilll They hD.d to walt two dnys illl tbo.O tutel .•• DENTIST••• h1a m1n4 cleared alain. , HI_ lInt WIo 10 cella QuelUon upon hI. retum to hIli (llllee' lo NIIICoDal IIaaII 8 .... YfQDtlt 0 ~ fIIreote4 to
COPvr.I\.l"~ 3
"·I'I'."', :;I"'~IJ,.,I 'Y I_:,~,I:II: ld1t~I,lt''':llrtnn~~!1UI~hIO f,~~)~'._
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" illn whll ,'1111 " " ,I II 11. 1, d f"'II Il" " lIv . , II ' o ulll " il L r" ,,1 Ill, r,'hl • lllll " . 1111')' wou ld 11 1l(H\. Till' I"" lIf Iho {liU II IW"I,1 hll\" ,, 1\1 "_" ".nll/l'li III • lH" : ('UII ~ '1 If \lll' III~ d, "11 .. nou ;: h In lu lh,," \I'" ' If.. ' III .• t, to tlnd 1'1111\"1011 "\\' 11 r snJd U rn bal1 il., wh und. 'r · btl!! ., " nt \ 1h1 t ,t. 1 to ll l \r \ It lUR t · (W II I'l' h Iltood l hnt uhu WIlS h ro fro lll nu I~I ', t n , hall,,'>\ I"" , ,,. ' ''' ,,''~h l )' . 1 \l'1~u " 'hI m . to H 'HI,.,IJ,d ,,,. ,1 l'uII, lI tn In U,e "lJlgbnIlH8. you mu s l bI de with ' I II "IHtch '" of tb " lr I'll: " ,' . Clln' t deBl ro}, t bls night." n ouc u ll,,"l t,If·I,",," ,"IfI OIn k IL u e w "Indeed ?" 0 11 wllh uu t "'~,dl )' '\o," lroyln g th o '''O r dlo ... . c ool\)·. nn, \, \\'('11. I.. t ll ri I, .. g"llIng IJlLck 10 1/llhga lm, . \\" ,11 Inlk It ov pr h eU r mballrl rou gh ly.s[lrung t orw u rd nn" s" lzl'<1 th tll o'r ." n o will , no s l rcngtb . resuUle hIs all· "V,lllIlt hos hn l) p,· u~'l?"hi h ,\t Iho hll " ;:oln\\ " "{' r rtlli n/: was I I horit y? Pe r h nps La bring more white " I WI\B In th o zenllnn. R li PS •• \ • • • HYH Il 'Ir\u t le" ll)' I" ' in/.: prt'lIa l'cd rO'r th o
, AII.h.', Re.1 King Killed. In the rear of th e t emplu Umbolla 1I0ught waB a small .chumber wb lc h was used by the priests when th!'y doIIlre4 to r est 'or coave rso prh'utl' ly, ..hloh wau orten. Tho burning l mp lo lnmplI ot brll88 emphlUl lzed the t1a rk· nllSe of the room rather thun di s · peUed It. A shadow occasionally flic k· ered through the amber bar. Ull ex· plorln8 bat. A dozen or more prlo:!ij t s stoo4 in one of the 121m corne l'll. from which their own especltll Idol wh, ked at them with eyes like coals Ll own upon. The Krlsbna oi lh o Ruby t)YCB, ILD 1401 known flU' and wide but ,cell by tew. ,, In tbe temple ItBeir th ere was a handtuJ of tardy worshlpor s : Th e heat of the candle s, the · s mell or th e eternal lotus ' lIower and s mokIn g In· conl6 sttcks made even the hugo vou lt atl.lUog. MADY ot th e Idola w ere bejewele<1 or patche d with heaten gold leaf, and many had been co¥eted by wandering wlllte m en, who. whe n their endea"or b,eca.me ·Iq:tO WD. di s· appeared mysle rlous ly and we re n e ve r mOn! .kllown In. tho haunts ot m4JlI. A lDan In tlltt r lf appoared sud denly In ilio great nr h d doorway . Hi s tur· blUl came down a lm os t to hi s eycs IUld a n c kclolh cov er ell h is mo uLh. All that could be suell ot blm In the mottur ot count nnnco \\ BS a pu lr ot brillIant oyes Bud pretlatory noao. He . threw a Qui k. plerolng glllllce 0 ltout. aaaured blms U thot s uch dovol .' s n9 he ea.. were h tlr llIl 8S. th en s t rode boldly It burrledly lowtlrd th o rear ·chamber. wblch h e enlere d w lt ho'ut &4e. InstaDtl y UIO Ind ignant ,Priests Whllre W.. the Document He. H.d GIven HI, Friend Haro1 I1\sbed towurd him to e:J:pel hI m Bnd alTe bIni a tOllguo·lru;blng tor h Is 1m· pud DC ....·h en 11 hand Wt\II turusL ouL. and they h" hold upoo e.f1ugor a gUM · ' It • reen atobe . 'I'h y st ppud as 8ud· . • .."CI& yspepsla elflnl)' u thOugh tbey ho.d filet 1111 In. , 1.llble 1 cUI urr nt. ,nn rW.Ye your iDclicenioa. Mill), ~• .curtaIn f 11 1Juhl~d lhe mM III I people in tbiI town have aaed &hea. tatun. and 110 I'tlfilllloed UloUol1les~ 1 udwe baft".'to hear of a cue where , , . • _PIleI\. ' A low murmurlnc IlmOll,. they have railed. W. bow &he 101_ued, &.lid pre.-ttr mula. So1d cml,y b7 Ul-2Ic • bu. GI UMII' DD.a - dwI ,.o~
.... am-ta
• (,l"l tI
he. ..favor people or own persoll anI! thou ~~ _pto at10 Iaot, ea.ry . of bl m. th ink ing the ""h Ue tha t lll ey the t utul)b ro erty or h is re ligion Bloodght. In ~ mtarul., n.. q&Jnet him. sened Lhe msel" es .
at their b . .4 an4 Bruoo th. oo\onel htl UDder blm. Th.
Jn l'(lll H
nnd on h " r nrm ~ an ti ankl('s .\ 111l' hl. tlldll or • .R u nd With h r It, th Cltrtll\rIH. tI,,, y oung Ilrl ea l stll r lll!! 'u r lous ly ,','r b or s hou ld ('r s . sh Ilrc nt d 11 pl · luI' OQ ue Lnbll'a'L
811 \'~r lJr',ccl~ b~ck
loi s /ll'"lur.'l> " ,' ro !1\l C, n . tiU · tlh ,ritH;I '·I':I. tlAL 1(,. III:t ll 'd prlt's to I kl ( t > turned b 1 /11'1 . "t, ,"11 or "I' n I II C6 BeAme m r,' II'I'III kk,"1 HLl Id II : smiles, ' h Id t " ' 1IIIlI'II"'S' sa t 0 os . we I hun 11" "' I' hl or th lR. t you did 1I0l Il dbu" m n k.' Us ~'our con n nL "TiLl ti ll hou r gOll e It ha d not 00' Il rrNI 10 III l' . Shull Hnmnbo l, th e il, lll'co lll. YOllr lIIohAl r. lid t o IH?"l torUI th e 1,rOIl(\gull t!l\ ot t e tu c. ":'\ o !" 'I'h,' wortl was nol spokl'u IOll dl y. but sl lJ lhu,lly. wIth someLhl ng a nhiss. No!" "An d s hull kIng " w ho 11 M no m ind.
lite. I
h!lve the best prCt!,,"ariv. you can put on them-an abeolute Ins nmnce for years aglllnllt dllCIlY.
tI. RRIDGEPORT ~TANDARD FR EPAREP PAINT coven a crentcr area, Is made to sclentlftc formula th,.t In8urea wear nnd permllncncy of color. I t Is far moro durllble Rnd therefore much more economlcB! In the lonlt· run than either plnln "lead anll oU" or" mlnure of adulterants 80Id at • .. burallin price... OUf Inte-fttlf" nrc rnut-ua'-you want 'he'hellt psdnt and we want ttl ..eo thut you a~t It. Cume In un .. I.t u. a bow you color cafC" .. nd--all". ynn the benefit n' OUI' practical elll"rtoac.. on tb_ paint l\u.. Uon.
ROGERS & -SON Wayne8Yllle·
_ .-
OhiO ' ----- - - -
'[HE MIAMI ,',,,,"_'" ,,;:.,,""" "'~""""''''~:'''I 1\11611
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A I.L~~ " '1·1'. I.ICI·III1SI·:-CAI,1.
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As Written by ur o r ps i A )Ic Corr~sp(Jnd . erat.: in th . 'i.I..,'. borhooLl .
JUNE 2. l!l1fi . J
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-HARVEYsBUR"G: --. -Nf- -'Jll Nein--,
I,DO."" , ,r.i~~::!~i,'::s; :f::';;,;,;, , :~
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r . I M I' . nllli ~trS H.,.Jrgo 1'0 0 00 WBr e Mr. an 0 t. rub ar I1nd Mr . Mr . IInrl MrlL ZeO I1H Durlu o, ul . Lll bilnc n vi~itnrd Snlnru ll Y ", ' . anO Mrd. l::I ow l1rcl An~o ". of LJRy to n . L hllO UIi . II e " n es t~ o f A. H . l:illrlnn ' 'l'he rt!a llers o rlh i~ l''' I'''r "ill be pleased ~D"nL Hu.ndllY \V,i lh lh ir pUl'ent ~, ull il famil y. I \\ 111 he lnru roturuUl1 h Oluo Muoto I ~:"n Ihullllere i ~ "llcalll one dreadrd Mr !lnll MrR A EI An ~o n .. . !lIlV ovolling nller u fuw Ihl Y ~ vi sIt diSl''' sc Ihlll scie nce h... I,.",,, able Iq "me . ' •. . (;l oo r ~u B. Uopn le u , of CIIIOlllU tll l. 1 wlt.h T(·lnll vo. I e Cltloluunti. i. nil il s slaKcs. "",I lI ml i. enlarrh . Fllth"r H OilY will UO 0\)8ervcd w,.~ th e w eek a nel !l\lost o f J OljilO '1' . ' 1I1111' s Cal"rr h Cur" is lbe unly posil ive t:!undu.,.. June l Olh .. t the M. Ii: 1:Ill wklJl~ lind fnwil l'. IW IlIII " I::I ~~~ trfltl~not. oU \)u~ lo es~ . l I/'ale rll,. ly.' U'Ilure. h" · ] I e~s t1luke . ' . \ Vill DeVoe .",nd child ron. of lu Leb nn,o n .~l\t\1rdIl ': I/r<, IIOW knuw. to Ihe m~dlca vorne au t · ttn( Alr~ . Y. Call1 rrh Ill'i lll: Il r' iIl s lilUli,) nu lllisen~. re· Lhl~ rnootlnl: ~q ultl Mothor H Uu y. Xeniu. Hpc nt lust we k wit h M IHH Mr~ . . h"s _ BTI1ddock ""lt R a DIl,}' I '1l1ir~s Il rOllslillilioll,,1 Irealment. I'I UII' S bu t ru Bn we will It lve to t,;u t bo~.v . El1l111t\ WhiLe un d !liut er. t Oil vlS I~or one dt\~. In t wt'ek . Uhlo WR8 tlon u,.Jt RIRte i.\ the C""Hrh Cure is takr ll internall y. (ll'lilll( . \ I:l b I Mi~8 NeUl e EvuTls wblle vlblti ng F B · Dllllr Ilnd <1oIlAlJt.ul' Ann'i l i n.nt Ilt /lny IIlIIOWl'th is all Union to englll(ll III Illl IIIl1nurnotnre dlrcclly ul x' ll Ihe blood a.d mUClI IJII. sur IU('eR "I II ... syslem. IIlt!rtby dcslwyill)( In Inl.lhllln ft! lInnd br o ke hur wrl t Mllrln. ''If OilY ton. J tll tlll8 nnd l ·h fl ~. I thu-81 0k Iidt.. , , otsilk. aooording trJ Dr. Willlatrn C . Blu lr , 01 Xfl nio , I;\p o Dt S uudlly lit Ih u Mr RlUl Mr... ~ . M. (Jok Kl lIl MitIs. our .. 1 or " f I·h .. ArohflOlogiclIl Iho IOllndali"I1,,[ lloe dis..use . Ulld l; i\';1I1: Hb t; hU!I our tiymplitby. Mr.llnt! }drs. Robert I:;murt IInu b (lillB of .l OBOl'h Bltdr Ilnd ' "m ily. ' dnll~hto r o nter tnin ed lit t heir pl r nHMIl8eUIII un thA CIImlmH of I·h .. (Jhin Ihe pullenl st,ellglh II)' IJ uildill~ III> the 'rhA II nnll ll l roun ion of f " rll1~r l ant b('m e Oil Ito ul fl IllMt b Uocluy I . Htllt", Unlversitv Ur Mill. III en "OIlSliI"li,," " lid a~. islillg lIalure III doing fl1IUlly, of n (lIU' Vinoinnutl . IIpe nl il s \Vurlt . Tht p"'priuu m h~ \'e so lIIud , ti v ~ ' th e toll o wln IIA~ t If k J) k ' t1l!1\vorinl( to I("t ~011le ~lJ"OimOnM of railh ill li S " umlive I",we. s thai Ikey <ofTe r Mul'(III\' b. li re t,llEI g.uest of. r e l'ltive~ pupils of Buok Ruu .s ol:lOol Will be . g!:. ~ : rlln II I!I the tlret pleoeH III" nufllol.lIrud to ex 0"" HIIlllt.cd Vollllrs ror ""y elise Ihal Tile bll80 bull grouodti t o r ';ondu y h ulll th e "ooulld 'nLUrdny In ,Jnne. ~:I~ fIH~~llY , ~"~ _lIn~ l:l . (;j bilm in rho mnMAOID. . it luils to ,·U/e. &,/11 [or list "I lcslimu- '\>llH 80 wet tbll t the 'Snme WII~ d oA lt h ough tho wellilt flr was ill d u I~t rEIIID ( {,yK' unt ".~y Rllld " 'i'l)lI "'HI, sliit rnotnr.V wn~ Ilrroto,1 nials. forred to ljumo futuro I Hue_ OIU IIlOll t 11 I" r" o' o ro '''('1 " II tbor· I'" ir; f fl u~ll "\1 (no . L. t\ 1to r DD.. k II Il n Add r J CIiENBY III CO To . " ,, · .u IlUl' y. I> e.srM. &.J e nSA ruko an d III· M': 1'11:1""""1 . U , in I~ ·II hy .ltlllll .. '. • .. Berald Barris onr 1It,; tIll M E. ohuroh u o 80Dlll1Y u fto r- Arl.\Jur 'l'homll B and Ernes'• 011 klo . t It I 1I0oommouat.i. t f W. ~.II >lDr! 'l'I) II IIIIIM Whil,..... 81l1rl Ip4,). 0ress: SIlld by 111\ Drul! ~ ls t s . 15c. "u ,0 ~u rynton H qUI II a avora.l) noon to p .. y reApHct to th e old vet e r- no d fnmlly . Ur. M i 11M. "'I'h'''8 mell pItUltlll\:I!i fur con~lip. - With IllS l)lI tronl!. unO why sbouldu t ttns. All nbl e ttdd ress Wtl S d oli ve reu M • ' I' t (1 "b f 0 t i lI(lre .. in mnlhl1r ry troos fwd OOgRlI . 'I'lIke 1·loU·s . :,,"il y be be b P f l' 'f M' . 1. r Ho v tu rnu. 0 oy on. ~ • y r u. rUI1lI?, 0, l!HIl1Su n r r.: . "iRI&ing roillotlv"s here ILL Ihe tlw lI of 'hll ruleinlf or Hilk worlllH the fu'. IIf. n . l'brongh the efforts of our p&stor , Mus lo WIlS forlll ehl'cl by a double tllt~ writ.lng . lo~iul.t :vellr. nr e~1! HII1I~, rlbholl~, l~ev. Walker, we will lI .. ve l:lOIl . qOIlrt.et tn. "'ilk velvetll RIHI fignred ~IIIIM wert. h'" 1 ' . . Ernest Bllrt.soc k lind ramify w ro , D '" IS . " I HII lit t e... E 0 I ur oh l:Iun_ . rhe l1xeon II \'13 oo rn 10 II tee of tho Lelllloon vitlltors r eoently mllunfHoturlll\ . Mr-. PIII1I8Ilnt 18 81tuay.lune 1:Jt.b. Rt. 1 ::10 P. Ill. :J'rom Lltllfllry sUClot,y I" m n"ln~ " rrllng£,_ . Ullt.ed ne .. r t!le(1)onvilie. tbe vo'e Le r eoeived here Iu t> t No m ontl for II 'Ieot or(l OCIOr8e lI ext Mr H. M.. ry HRwee Rpen t, Fridny " '1'1'(\ hUOIrIl.\'1I borr In ' lIJ\bt buff vember, ho will ~1)lIlik to a o rowd ed win te r . wit,h Ed R OItIlIU Ilnd (lilllily , o r Cor wusl.hH flrst. ,'n Hllrn wovun A vellt hUllee. Evoryonll iA oordilllJy Invito Mrs . ~ eo r go Miliolr. wb" sn ff',rorl W W , ptlttllrn frolll thl'" plelle w.. ~ Jlre~(lnl 00. Tbore will bA gllnal mn~io 11Il d II !<trnke of pllra l y~l .. I,,!<t w Ol'k IN In ElIlersoo CODO UI' Wil l> !lb Ollplll]; in lid to lJollry ( ·IHY . willi IIIHO wort' everything will be Ilono tlUlt o"n bll II ve ry c>ril. inll l coo d iti. n . 1J!~yton on o dllY In~ t weok. " Rull. .. t hr,lllllolot,)1 UlIt,I" ill Il titeu lo mall o It onjoyuble. bt!nvillfl f"Olory. 'l'hnrlll\ay, MIlY 27th WIl S 'lleIlIlO)l "In HJ4~ t.he Whl~ Ilr6 ~ldent.I"i d"y umler thll supervisi o n o f thu tloket vutl,,1 in Mt Plea.nnl. Wit. ~ BY I prillted on Hllk mBde ror the purpo8e Duplicate of the Rooaevalt African Vivio Le~gue. Thtl belluMfull,. wn R, deoorated With uell utiful llnworR . In til" (Jill tllo,orv. Tbe lirll' AlllerDI~RRHOEA Shotgun. Rnd the ol"pletreee IIl!lkeMa io street Tbl s Is /.I r omedy that Avery fam . 101u; 11 'If eVM 1lIJlltllfl in Ubiu" waH A dupllcato or the ahotl:UD whIch " I hllvo 11~"t1 Uh llm blnl"io's Lini- ily sh ould bu provided with. ulld AN. mad" .. t I,hlll fllOlnry !Inri (lnrrleri to Col. Theodore Roo.evell took 'With him Iln lIrollde whioh w., Ilre li8 proud 01 &8 • n1 Ilro~de in the Inrt,;er citil's ment for Rpruins, bro lA1l8 Ilnd rh ou- peoially during ,·heRummer months. I.he O.lon' by t 'nleb Vl1!,b lulC. 00 hlB African trip, a gun COOlltructed "tlUUlfl lsn nnl. " Ylrd or ololh of oxpreaalT tor hIm by an American We Are prolld to think thllt we hln'e 1111.I,io pnln !!. lind t hu grellt benefit Think ot tbe p .. in !lod snfIerlog thM ROY kind h t;8 belln mIllIe in t\~ollben nrmortlJ', la on dlRplRY at tbe manufac· tbe pre'tlest towllin our oo unty IItld I IHlv e r eoel " Ad jll~lifies my reooll1- mU8t be endured whl'o medioille ville. IIlthollgb at olle tlwe t!Jere turer'a e:rhlblt In the lItanufacLUrer's when we get onr eleotrlo lights WA monding I tin thA bi.:hest t " rm8. " mo st bo sent f or or befure r elief on D werl' 1a ",0018D. ooUon "od lilk mllltt P!llace at the PaDllma'PRcUlo Interna- v III not bo in JlrreILrs frOlll tiny plIlIll. wri tCH MH:I. h' lorence ' life, Wablllib. be obt .. lned . This remody is ~hor uf view. onr 0llPortonitle8 tor ~elV hlOlI tt'd therll." tional ExpOilltlon. Sun l"runclsco. Tho Droge lire ~ooond to n ODe, whilil WII [IIlI .. It .V D U lire tronblAd wltb . b eu- I ough ly relittbl e Ask auyone who rn:llie pldn~ YOI1 Will C(lrlninly hn hllBU (d it . Obtllinubleevorywhere. gUll C081 lIB lIIuatrlou8 owner $360, are an inlund town , we IIro rtlltChllO ]II lI~ed with the prolu'pt r ellet whl oh __ .. _ _ _ nnd 1\8 b60 utltul design. grace rul very e8 ~lIy aud on IHly of the r Olld~ UIlIlOl"OI'I .. l u · ~ Li n 'm ont "ffordp \Inea And wonderrul 1t,IIIY work would IOl\dlog into our "p )Jllr enll ,v. ~ oit.y. Ub tn in"bl o o vorv ...... hQre. lusUt)' the expel1dllure to IlIlT lover 1'be Boenery Is ndntired by 11\1 'N " ". wall ,;1011 I •• r fonr yeAu with of tine pleceB. Tho atock 18 elRbo- ar" hleB8ed with m~ny rtltlred well_ ~tomaoh trllu .. II', •.wrltt>a Mrp. Utto rately hllDd carvod, tbe bllrTola and to do eltiZe DS who t.ake pride In I1Jlnll, Z.ul'n lll... Ohio. "t 101ft lock are band engravod. and the lock tb Ilr hornell. W A CIIono~ t\l\y t ou weill) t "nd I, 'I 80 weRk that 1.1· I. Il1lald wIth a hunUI1~ aceoe III gold. muob for our ' OW1I IIQcl Il grellt Born to Mr . and Mr8 . Fonce 111. Kt II_VI' h"I'tl of bnlnjf ourlld. The barrels arll of the lineal Krupp IImount of the proi~o mu~t go to our Smeur! nee Lillie BTOwn, of wellt of A frleDd Inltl ,../\ ·about t:hamllo,_ Btoel_ Be fo~ .. tartln« on tbe trtp the energe~lo w Olllen They hu ve 'Ilken town,. fine Rix llound 8011. 1"ln'lI .... hl ..llI. "Ollllino e u~ing '''''11 clt-prealdenf, w rote to tbe makel'll: "I up whd Jur men !lay COlnnot be Mr. unll Mrs . . Jamel! Pepper. of h.~UI..,. of Ihem I """U' ""An I II rCl\lIy think It is the moat beautitul done, Il Leoture Conrse. Evon'tbil>l~ Mi~H .J ounl o Rhbinson is villitlng WOUlI1U" Oblllll .llblfl flverywlll1ff' , gun I bave ever leen. I.m lIimollt polnt·llln tbe direotion to Bllcoeo8. MisH R08 Iia ['brookm.orton at West W"ynesville. IIro vlelting .relatlve8 here. I1shamed 10 take it to Africa and sub- Whooever you read or h oar of prog Cllrrollton this week. Hutchison & Gibney after their great Fire Sale Mr . Alfred Lov ontoftllined rolaloet It to tbe rough treatment It 11'111 reS8 In ur town YO'l oltn at ODoe d pMrs Bunnell Will! fl Gem CI~y t\voa from UDlon J..,'lty, Ind. lullt are receiving the Finest Assortment' of READY-TO· recctve." ollle It ·18 dUll to oor ~ome n 's I' lIort R VIAi lor on 'l.'nl sdIlY. week . The left balTlll I. choked and tbe tn giving them tbeir jll8t QlleS, it t:onvio R oIlIllS OD. D 11:. Bnnnl1l1. WEAR GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts Dr. ond Mrs . flook were Dayton' right open. It II cored to .boot either will Dot mako tl1em bllugbtv if you Uh flAtel' Urocke lt nnd lo'o re~t Tuvl or buckabot or a .Inlle ball. have BUY ~u~ 'A8tions, mon t lOll it to wore OilYt on vlslt·ors II\ ~t uDdilY. vi8itor8 IH8t Saturday : MIss Peul Underwood vhlited In a croup in tbla Palaee are dl. the 101111lR and if found wort.hy it Blrs. fda· C r osley v"sHed h OT Ris frieodll at, Bo.rvey8bllrg lal!~ w'elr. pl1l1l by tour ot the world'. Kreateat will be Jlut Into exeo utl oo. Let nil &e r nt Le bo u on Il\st Tu esd l.lY. Gingham Print House Dresses. $1.00 up manufacturel"l of .portlol armA, Which ' Poels;; t.h .. m. do not mook. The Jr O . U. A . M . lodgl'l ' oelo. MIss Mllry I~ mmll Dnr1ington Is torm an oxhlblt whlcb altrRcts hun· All Wool Cashmere Dresses'.. $5.75 up Decorlltioll of our lovod ones orl~io !lll y III at h e r b o rne on Malo brBtfld thair nineteeo$h anniv8r~!I. dred. of .partamen. Eacb display Ia ry wit.h a IlIrge reception 1/1 ~hlli£ All Wool Suits., ... . ....... $8.75 up I{rllves WII8 remeUlbere,J. rb e r e- Riroet. In charge or a lIrearma' 1IlI11tlrt. hRlIllIHt Wedoe8day evening. About membrllnoe sboold growstron gor 1I~ W. 1:1 . l::liegfrloil Irll nslloted bll8i_ two hllndred were present. Spring Coats ....... : .... . . . $5.00 up t.he yearR pfl~R h.Y_ It brin g8 buo k n sa in OilYtu n TlleRda y. .... rt Cultur. a New Indu_".. Mre, Graco Wolte. of Urb"Da. is tond re colleolions of the ml1ny plOtl8_ Spring Underwear., . . . . . . . . 10c up Mil' Edith Bndly 18 visitlug Vl81tiug her »Urente, Mr. and Mre. Among the loteroatlng exhibit. of /tnt houn spent wHb tbem. It b,,~ fri e nds nt pllyton the Jap&1leee In the Manufacture.. ' " tende noy t,o mellow our dil' poslMiddys_ .. : _... ,. _~ ........ $1.00 up Joe Myers_ Palace ot the panama·PucUlo Intoma- ~Ion~. '.rhe PU 1110ity Co mmittee ot WOMEN Prof. Young lind family, moved .. P~ttieoats Silk ... . _. _--.-. __ ... $1.00 up tlonal Expo.Hlon ia a demonatraUon ~(Jrlllg boro Uentennllli earnestly de LOve This Magazine of Mril. Enrl Bcokettllnddnog htor.of siro tho 8sRi~tanoe of everyone in Into I)r. Rltonoor '8 property 11I8t the metboda and relult. of pearl House Aprons .. _. . . . . . . . .. 25c up week . McCALL'S I. the f .. hlon Cu ide .nd ~Ioute"· cultlntlon In the rar Eaat. Tho dla- "ellr Wayoe8ville, " illited h e r !Jllr- seourin g DADles snd a Idr088e8 of lccf"nl Helper of more .. nlnen ,hln In)l uther Urr Tele, of BuffAlo. oalled on hll Aprons for :Qresses _. ... _. .. 75c up plaT. or this cultivated product, ahow- .'nlp, Mr. und Mrs. 'Ed RuaBolI on form er r B!!ldo nt. A.ny one wbo mllA-llne In the ..'odd. All Ihe IITUI .,.,.Ie. mothor a rew hours lost Friday . every month; .I~o del1.:htful IItnrles thl' cnu~r· Friday. los hundred. of pearl. which until <Jll n do so pleaRe send llames by mail Childreo's Dresses ... . . __. .. 50c up ulD,and ,ped., dCf,.,runcnll In tookln •• hOl"_ pearl oultu~ wu placod on II com· drc:uma"nl. fan t:" wor~. ctt'., chiC .ll lheen Mr. "nd Mrs. .1. ~ . BiQay, 01 tlr oUlorwl e ~o th e t!o oro'llry , Mi8S housework and U\!t rno lle y. 1',It'e. onl y 5Uc: CORSET - Nemo, for Stout Figures. merclal bosta a fow yoars ngo would ORylo'l . were Ilt t.lle Droom ti o n hrld Nelllu FiL I~, at tbe postotn co. • Jelr...llh one celebrltc..! McCall J.)res. ' '}at· have heen the POls08Blona of roynlty, Ilt tbe MiBml oemet er y t:JundllY. ,tfft fREa . VI'. li:rn il.v Wri!(ht., of R ook 1I1and, American Lady, front and back lace. . . . It POSTAL e"'RD "OW ,.OR . will deUght any lover of beautiful 111 , is visiti ng relll t,ivos h , re. Yo u dou't Ileed to Buffer those agJ A t"IlU~lpI.' ·"'JI "" ( J.I AI:I: K WA l.AU •• It: ... Rev, Walker flilud tlJ'e pulpit herA Gossard, all styles, gome. and thQ melhods of production .: A'J!:T~~7:h'l i~t':':JAI.I,·tJ n".. It •....,. l' k1LJoI11IM HAT. Gn lg ro l1e. of GreeD ville, de. onizing nerve pillo s IQ I.ho faoe, will prove Intereatlng to any ob- "olldll:!'. L McCALL'S '1110.00 IJrl.. Olt'n t t'l a .. .r,. CIIIHCCH . Frolaset, front lace. ilv ~ " Ol I Ih n Deoom tioll tlnv nrldress bend, I1rm, shoulders, ob ~Ht fino) h"oll. 14 4."·", 1~ 1If , N aerver. Though pearl culture haa b& Mr,JInd Mr~ , Mnri o n 08born gal' e ::iutllnlllY n ft orn oon al t uo U ul,Torso_ ,JuBt upply "fe w clr op~ tlF .. ,,, I II 'ng m 1cCAIJ. aI. 236 " 246 W. 37111 St ......"" II. r. come a thriving Induatry In Japan, at- IIdance SnlnrcJlIY nlgbt 10 I' InrI!I' list oil ur1h Slonn's Linimen&; li e 'I IllOn ly " l uw Rugs. Window Shades and Linoleum tempt. to reproduce It tn other pllrta nllmhllr of 1>l1opl ll "od a very ooj l)Y \liss Lylliu "vrigh t s.pe nt \Vedoee .m lnutos . You will get ~uoh rel\of will be in. or the world haye yielded but meager IIble time WAR hlld. Ilud OOlllf0rl ! Life nnd tbe world I doy lu DnrLoll . reBultl. will look brighter. ~et a bottle toThe auccoaetul method of propagaThl' Orlving club h.ns eroolod . Dr. nn ll Mrs. Dudlny Keever, of dllY . 3 ounoes for 2Go,. !it Druggist~. tlon Willi evolyod' by tbe Japanese sel. II ~TI\n d ~tllllll whioll odclij t o I.heir Uenterv ill o, w er e ::lund .l)' visitor!! of Pelletrates without rubbi.ng . ontlat Koklcbl Mlltlmo"to, wtlo dlBcov- convllnil1noe And laokR. r ~l lII. i ves he re ered a apeele. of oyilter whIch pr()o Mr CllflrlllR Gmy "nd Mil'R Mllr"" If ylla hn YO flny Auggeptlons for OHIO XENIA duced the pearl on the surrace cir the !'It·Ar were IllRrri ed '('noReillY lit IU £, :.hH Uell to nll itd . I.I Il R~ the .a ou (lny' 01 Doing Their Beat. ahoD. Though the finding ot tbe oys, brlllo'R hnmA nflllr '1IM" r 's Cr eek tl1l3 li ' lI "wln~ omo r~ lind clllll rlllUD : Mr. ITousefly-"W olI . dellr. I begin tera and Inserting the nuclei, tllen ohttroh AflPT a Irip In,tlll!! R vor_ l) r ~Itlf '.)', M .1 . Ifllr r; vioe pre.t to r eallzo thot our tlm o on ('.rth Is waltlns for tbe pe.arl to grow to Po RIII"y~ UII\Y will " " 'll homo In nlll I"nt, . W. I:i i:)ll'gf I. c\; pcc roto ry, short." Mrs. HO\l ~ o nY - "Y(, 8 . but we commercial Ilae ma,. seem m..r-h~P:--'F'itf't-v-l~~tb u-bc"t wi~hl\~ foI ('I lta; A Wltl:i ; Lr a" uror, JeSriA have IIltle to r cg r t . Wo hn vo b on , Vroc88l. the fact thnt it baa Dot rG- II II. W rl ;,i hl. ; , X · IIliv ,\ Ol/UlUltttoe, MISS Bobe r ond IndustrIou s nnll hovo rnlscd duoed tbe price of the gem.: even to Mr~ . Chun \:0l1 1",r Rnd: Mr. Rn,i Lue.v il,Hlhl , F .. nn i'J Jllnlllly, B ~ rlba a fnmlly of 10.000 .11 00.000 chll(lren ."tbat of the moet expan.lve Imltattons, MrR W. A Mprl itt. hll vo Bll oll pnr. ';lu]Jhllll ' UU ; fht ll n oo oommittee. Lire. shows that It II besct with many dUn· (lbllMd "I\V(l 1II~f'c'nll:"r ~'ortl Thi ~ Wli ll or ,V' ilk or~lJ n; pu'b rl oil,y , C, F. Fl,Jneral Director. - -.l'J\o Dla ; WRYS 1II1l1 m oau!!. D. ·E. 8PA"k~ wnll fnr 011r mor(llttlntslu tbl ' 6.IVEiV QUIOK RELIEF BUlln e ll; r llel'ptll ,n , H eo Bllo k; Chee ... the Chi.' Export. WilY or I.Jrtjf'p~rll, y Telephoue duy or n ight . tl(Cnrlll ing, Wult or Ben go; ourio, Derno. Switze rland. exports ... mueb Pa in l eave~ nlmMt V"Uoy phone No . 1 . Long Mr. l\od 'lr8 L A. l:lttrtpn n\r,o l Mrij. W II. 8 le!(frie n . ns if by mag ic ",h '0 hl,;h c r vllluo In SwIss cbeese thnll 10 Dielsooe No. 69-2r. OIl\! I.nn . I'lltlnl. Deoorn tio n dllY h Art>. you begi n lIsing lO r,.. SwIss watches. TH. ORUT••T \\' hon y.11l hllVll1I hl .1 IUM. IIUIU'. wi tb re Il\ti vnl4. . V r ['s." lho Comoll .. 1,1 'rim. PAP~D ~'oor ItvA. r8i".lo ..... rform Its rm.o. remed y fo r H hCH"'. Automobile ServICe at all Times Mr. Rn,1 . dl R Cn mp lwll, 0 1 Wil. li!;m, LUfllbngo. . It , lDJ:.A1N ....." UODM. Yon lHlcomo oontltlpnlod Sciatica, N cnr nl Hi III 1H. WORLD Till' .ond ynu eat. fllrmflbtt\ lu yonr min~ tOrt, wore ~l1ndllY ~ l\('~t~ nf WAVNESVILLE, OHIO und kiuured trou hles, tGJUSII!I) WEElLT. SUO tua ~t m lob irlPte,ul of dl1l8llilog Thl~ ~.hllir ~Iln, AI1'lm, lind f"n,i1y It ~ocs ri ght lO the Branch Office. UarveY8burc. O. (l Ull lu urth t o \l1If! 11)1I ~ poonfnl of ftOTlUo DR~Ociiift, ."I:CI"LI.~, inftllml'R ,.he IItontnch ODd CIIO""~ AflllAlAIll Antrnm. of Fhdl"y, I)" "pol, SlOps Ihe nch · GOeTU • • IU, T.AN .... ". 04 .. n .. o"e", vomiitng IIncr a terrible (,M\letl nn Rcql111inl,.. n,~e8 horo th ~ Dr Kinli'd N ow DI~o o ~' ery, takenns an d p a ins a nel m ra.k es • Allb ..Ii. • ••VIC. 0"" .. "on: bll"d~ohe T"ke Chamberlal,,'. Til b. fore pAft IIr 1'1111. WIlIIK. otlou ed. Will tI )~he and obeok lifo worth living. G '( OTATOE~-~ood for oooldng. ." U.IIIQ' 1ft "DVa"TI.INO COLUMN. letl!, They will tooe up your IIvnr, Un u Ill',' Uolds !lnd the .J)ore dllnser- P lnqmro of C. E Miohellor . R. !, ~ n hotl le of "5-Drops" todo),. A booltlcl with ) SAMPLE COPY FREF oiMn out YOllr8tomRob Rnd yoo will UIlS Bronchi .. l "nd Lung Ailrllenla. D. 4. WllynllSville, Ohio, phone 1i1l-2. DR.H.E.HATHAWAY . . - - • .., YORK OLI...... "0 on lHO lUI weJl "8 Aver. They oul.V Yuu ou n 't uffonl to take the risk of I I'.>'s!' f~ e,,~ch 00."10 SivCG hI li jelll ) ~ r''''''''~ ' d ire Cti o ns {or usc. N_ Y_ ....... . l1Olt· a qnarter. Obtainablo overy ~orinuH illlloss. whcn ,s o obeap ond I i #' .~. : ,' ~ ~ ~.I:I 11 n' t doI,lY. Demnn rl WaYlle.nille·s LeadlnJil' OeD"" EY8:NT Briok: and Cement wh"rA. t)r. King'. New .... ift! l'iI\s lue now f'i mpla" r emedy /IS Dr. KIDK 'S Now 'J··.;f·I"~~' 1'j)· Urops. " DODit ae · B1nolill for sulu, Inquire of E. Otlloe In Keys Bldg. Main S !lnpplied In wnll oorRed glRss bntJ.le~ , Disoovery is obt.a I nlLble. ~o to ! ~.~t; ~~ ( f pt o1 nvthill g e lse i ll 'IO ntftinln~ 36 8UI!IIr oouted white your Druggist to-d .. y. get a bottle of e, Woollard; Varner (If Main Rnd ~ :;;.;:'..::. ploeo of it. Any drug jot5 plll~, for 250. One 1.i11 wit·h "gIM> Dr. King'\! ' Ne-'v [)IlIoovery. IItart Sont}l Blreets. ',:. C'. ll l uppl, you. If you Ii ,,, too for of water \)efore retiring 18 aD av or I·he tr!lllotrnoDt lit once You.will bo • • Ill, n tlr\l~ stor e se nd ODe Doll rt r to Sel'ljng th1 Like , ~ "-"' 1 1\ hC l1Jl1 :lt ic C ~l rc o ....N l.; wark, Ilge dOlle. ~EB8Y and plell8RL t t o gr .. tltlud for the reli ef and core ob. ORSE bllggy and hflrneBR, first D B II' P' T r HontDU .... I:d n. and n b'· ' !l e of "5 ·DtOllS" w i 1J be clas8' driv~r. Phono 3?3Y. or r. e s Ine- a ~. t·Rke. EffectlVl! and posit! ve In re tained. Having Money In the Bank of'U l pr \ ' l ' ~1 iJ., . , .. Mllin Street ~arAge . j\l For Coughs and Colds. tmlte. Chellp nlld economlo,,1 to use. G boUle to.d Ily , lsI! e a d 08e toM~ny patrons average from $75.00 to $85.00 cash returns per he Davie property on M,)in Htl'eot. n' -yOtU ConBt.llll1tlon will be re Beware the Rut. (!Ow Per yHt froOi Autter Fat. besides .having the valuable skim WI'I make the prloo rigM for It d in tho morning . SO foJ r 250., The deepor the rul tho harder It i. milk' for fceding purposes. . It all Dru8;tls t!l on the vehicle aDd tbe more It retards qui ok salo . Nloo prol>orty on Frnnklln roud spoed. Plod a now way ot doing the No shipper ever Jost a dollar selling cream to the Tri-State. old work : bo n road builder and n.o t with extra big Jot. tieo \Y. N. Seur~. We guaranl~ e\'cry !>bipment ngninst loss or damage ill transit, j9 a rut milker. Poet Laureate,· ~nd pay Spot Cash upon arrival. A lauronto wns originally n purely Wagons; II MAt8 Ringle Ilnd donble unlveJ'8lty tille, bestowed U(lon s uch . Bllrnesll 2 BUKRY Pole", B100k WRITE !=OR FREE TRIAL CANS TODAV O~ SHIP IN masteTII or 8m as hnd ex hIbi ted sk ill Rnd TllokJe'lIhd variooe other 'ools . YOU~ OWN' CANS In the making of Latin verses. and It Geo. Zell, W8ynellvl~le, U, j9 had nothing to do wIth tbo civil nu· thority, or royal fayor, The firat UBACCO Reller airllost new will I will offer lit pubJio '8ale on wba& "poet laureal e," In tho modern sOllae. wilsilnown 118 'he W. C. Copnell 111\11 reasonable 1111 have no D8e Willi nen Jonson. rarm, 1 mile n.o r'boost of LySis 011 for'lIme J. P. CnmmlngB, Wayne@. .Capital Stock Caprtal St~ck the ,.ytle Illld Ferry road . ville. R. ·D. 3. ,. j9 Friday, . June ll~ 1915 178,000.00 ' '78.000.00 Cow anlt Ualf, Jersey. both In There I.-No Question CommencIng .ot 10 o'olock, 'be flne Doodltlon, good ooW. In bu\.tha~ in~tion and lite ~~t~ fo\lowlng proper'y, y. In~r_' In r..u., whicb a1waYI lOIII WlLb " can Corn, Rytl. Tobacco; 21 . aoree of qnlft of P. E . KeDrloJr. Wayneevt1)e, j2 be PriaptJ)' nlieved by lakinl • . Clover and blaelra.. paatnre. 3 (lhio. 1111 D'Yls"'psla BorllOll, 2 CoWl!, Fllr~DIDR ImplenblorlbeJ'll &0 'he lI~n·' ~'Clu-e mental Household tJdOdtt Term. Magazine, BeDel 860 &0 ,be made anown on day of . oIloe, aDd PI' 0118 or the W ..... aftIrlaCh I11III.
Some MarveloDB ExhIbits at the Panama.Paclfic International ExPOsition
Finest lot of End Posts ever brougJ.tt to Waynesville. ·
Corwin, Ohio,
- - - ---.- --
Hutchison & Gibney
----- ..
Walter McClure
Olassified Ads
-- ..------
C,~am tip.
e .Tri-St~te
---- _--of
--.- --- - --
Painting, Pap~r Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.
280.'" .'
A. A,lloNell, AllOt.
100 UaIe""
bee, -.p..
Shop Next to Shent ..,od'a aara••l.aln at
LSOG~TY__ F.VEftT~_ ~ i"""'"''
LOCAL: . ~-------..- - - -----......;..---.
7.,,,,,,,,,,,, " "'" "",;,,,,,..
Il,f ~I•..L) it "" . II~. r'tll~ a·tvru In> l\l: ,~,. find In; i. \\ . Hawk hud ua l ,III 1" 11" n, .A \ L ~" ' I'I;t .lIld . Mi.s Haze l (,unln w:. ill ' "'I,a I·nll :,. 1'1 "1. ll ll' two '\'u(:~d ay. 11t.'lr llll.e,I M ~LJ I . II}. ~Ir un,1 ~ r. 1/1 , 1' 1) \\' J " .. ~It II), . ~Ir nlHl ).lrs.1 , [J IPI l'lIl1 l.'.~, 1:.1'.\'110. lh ..;k I li d I. Huwk .. Mr and. Mrs Franki',.. lI alld H. 1'1.( lJ. h('Ollil'·l"l "· ~~ .. r~ \\'.11!... J , W. \>Vhll ls i:lllil' \ J II(" ll dl.l' :Vh~. t, lurence " !I 'on th y. 11(' ld ~ W ilY ' "'B 11" [fI!~' ali<I loday on hURIIII'sa . _
1r. and Mr:\, I) L Cran e an t r· tained at a (; o'c1 ck rlinnerTh ll I' day c\·cning. Mr alld Mr~. R. II I<elly, Mr , and Mr!l. J . , 'art\vrirdl l uml l\lr a lld Mrs. F. H. Hl'lld rson.
Allen 34
Everything you've ever wanted
Mr. lind Mrs . Fra, k 1'. ,/I ,-n le r. t,ained Saturday in hunor of t lw ir I ~ues.ts: M r, untl' M r~. J a~ i{ll~kclly. of hl cngo, Mr. and Mrs. t; W. HBwk Bnd Mr. nn d Mrs . J . C. ' Hawke, .
Your Alle n wlll be a ons tant source of plea ure to you and your family, bepause it is free from mechanical
ALLEN 34 - $895 , ..rf'ti,t ln · !tOli otC 11 ~ ti l l n I! Ii1ll1 1O"tltfutl . Lon .. I tr OJ.." m u' ''' ("lI"n
(? H 1'i~·,t
(!r y'
::.:::::===== AT
(lv,' r at til ,,1.1 ta vern land of ' Hn t tu lou . "1 r.·n t n I:lrpl till " Illck" l UI f' 1I\' \ ,'11. II. w ell l,nll\\'1 ill q ulre at 111I ~ 011, 'l! htl ·t Irv T Ill' rt tlln on th e " orller ""he rt, ilteh, r w'l~ kl'pt by was Itc . ' . S. (jruu~er Itrl,1 fall1il y tur n.,t! I" t It" nr,' and own ed OJ" ,\ . ' " V. a lill lltu.... l' ilc!I\'tlll;Ii!t'r , thell Y W . r~ III fi lly ton 111 ..""uy, 1·1i!1., t'~l d ' ·(llIail('r. Af tl'l hi· dc' ath . I' it h {' \'II I1W the p rlvlIt" t.llilll, (lI ;';:-; . Mrs. Pr i~c ill u 'ornptul1. o f I lIy lon l-lIlllll';.1. Thpl'l' nil uf yO Il 'f 'lIow!; i, \' il'li ti ng WiLh r ela t i\' s ht're . P UI Yuill' IiIP' II'Y wh e l' it " "uld <.I .. th, 11 11'.,( g O\'!! fu r thllt myth ical far~ l' ,'ce "Ten N il< ht ~ in a Bll rronm" a t of II railnill d " f nal rlJ w j;! un~e. m,d .:h'llJ l Hall. Thur~ Ja v 'v · nill~ . 1111 in dillflli"n I r un int .. til J.: roun·u , II~ hill! m". l . if 1I0t ·d! . of it proj l c, ~I r~ Chns. S t lll1~be rJ'Y li nd children Iflr~ Il u~ ~\'l·T\· hlHl. h,'cdllle " " '(1 \1 . IIrc \' i" il ing r eluLivl;'. i.n 111Iy toll. cilt 'd ",1"'11).: "'li h lI' 1\ n.dl rowl Hil"' " all ulIl"I.,k'!l \,,·,[<lIH' tilt· g" - II I d If y ou \l'unl n good F 'rtllizer call a ''''ar ~ t..'l it l ":, :nll 'l'''' Ch ns Fr)'~" phone ·JU I L 2S-. 1\ ' ,"' ti ll ut:d IH' l "-'l'ek I M i~~ Eill ie Su r fll!'e, IIf Kellh rnok , is visi ing Mr a nri Mrs. 'h !l ~. Krown.
., ,I
I I''' WI<: w, t .1 ,d t it" htl·,1 Illul'i IlU(' rv fll r \' 111 IIl1 izi ng '1,1(". I .0111 i l . ""I :';" " >11 1~(.. \l oti WIll gUilllllltC'" thc work I" . " I i' ''lli a· ~"l.: n.· I. f;I"(' Ille II "II, w I! t l" ' 1 ' I' 1l '"~II \ :lI lh dOll e " f 111 11. will LJI' g lall l!) £' :0<1'1:.1 111 l he \ ·IIII!d ll l!.I" : j> H'CI!-l- 10 1 1111
CARL SAl{ V1::)
t it, \,· ,I\lw·... , ilJ.· .I IId MW' hiIlCl Y e"
'\1 dHll r to
ImprtWed the Gazette-
WU ) Ilt:svilk,
H K IIy ~ V oca l T eacher .
C. M Car Lw " f Chic;lIrO. t who wa~ so ill rl'cently writ Pil u.; thAt Irs. ar on , e he is :~lll r h. hCllclr, a nrl "I A" Hay. : . 'ell IHiv e ut'£' llll1ll;' lh 1Il ~ lu wrIte y u lin ll·roi n t ",UI\ Sl f' n Ii' ll . congra t"llI t , you 0 11 the IIIlPI'OV, d F.v~ r)' nl ovi u&.! p url ,' n · apllell ra tll'l' ' 0 1 Ihl' GU Zt' lt.,. It '(' rrl ! !!d . i ndi~cretions. t ain ly m ad ' II (·htlllg'" wlll'n you a l_.----_. ~ 12 jn (" h b f Jet'" v,,' l\l, l >Q u AI I tu r li-. lered the HI.'VIf' I urn ~OIllR' tv l: t f It can be operated at a · Il l' In ch whct'lhft!lo. hom c f or Ill{' AllIltilii if I ·UIl . IJUluin t I I II II IL' 1:",(j-3 Third t. \V i'5t (} n ~ M ('I H (u l .." minimum total cost per not c erlai n IHI\V " Mr . lll'twrilrht , ' _ \ l ~ :\~ .. 111(' 11 \ If rl. ual Alumn i Banquet An n season for oil, gasoline, tires . Mr. S. L . arlwr il{h t . in h is usua l Mi"" Marguc ri w ThonlP ~on. of c nsille r 4 t hI' Alumni as one of thf' nYlIl' _ville, Ohio and repairs. manner . enter tain ed l h ~ bnnd nl - -- DlIylim . ~ Jl lit !\Iollday with relalives . bright s\Jots in hill In' a nd ht~ never ll1is.~es call it un lc ~saway hea.lth ('r uu sinep!l 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . P hi lli ps' Ice-c rpam parlurs Su ndllY 'I'll.' a nllual ,\I I II !I IIi hltlll ili ct hilS dutiCll him Five other models-$875 to $1395 Iaft r the exc rrise" il l Ihe Cen1Nery . I l"e•. n IIn~ tponl'll th b y~ar- to II lat~ Sp cC 11i1 J1f1 r" ~ l 'nlne Ullrl see us. Tue!\day afa'rnoon he e ntt'rt ll\l1 ..d ' /: 111 '. ,1111 1(' :! lI h This w as II lie un . !~ruwn .I.: Bro wll . ( ;U. 11Il hotel. June A sk (or a catalog- ride in the Allen- then decide. t h e t e n little g irls wh o acled a ~ Iacco UI l1 ., f Ille ou t·u f town lI1embel:1 I ;llh fl owt'r g irlM I\t tilt' ~f l'lI1 o r ial _ e T\·i .. c:,. 1 1101 l'ill ll al"lf' III I! ,t h ~ I'~ in ;\II I V I B~~t Fo~~~a, Th ey hael a fin e I itilC. ' ,"'I'cra l (I f I Ill' alu mni wrOI£' 't n ~1 r . IIn ri 1\1 r~ . L Whileman at· th ,I' '~ irl ent req lH':l\ illl:' hi m l U ' t llCIed l\l cn, o rial D ay ~c r v iceK at Xoeilia Mond.lY . Mr~. Naom i HarlulI, o f 'ol'win, , ('I t Ll' dat in unlt'l' ha t th ey t1Ii ~ h It wil! e nt ~ rt llill\;!d Sunday th e follfJwinl{ he .Ihl' l() ~CI tlt'rc I hi!! year Mr . amI Mr R. Wliiter McClure a . gu ests: M, . !md l\lr~. 0 Gas kill, h£' of g fl'll l.int e res t fo r the a lum ni Yall~)' P hone !):i 5 , Mr . and MrM. Cill l\l c l3ryun t, of [Juy· m e m lJp r ~ to ):4't in Ii ll~ lind m ake I hmded the Ba rnu m· Lillily \'ircu ~ in Waynesville, Ohio lon , Mr . J ohn 'pray a nrl Miss Mary I hi~ YL'a r II • • \I·t nf II II me·Cumin l( . Day to n Tuesd ay. 'p ray . f New Burlingtun. Me anti TIll' th o ll~hl It ll" 111'''n ~ lI gge~l(·ll by Mi ~s Eva Ha rton . o f Day to n . i ~ Mrs. Gen. !lar la n and fam ily. of sev prfll rn elll h"I'Snf I.he J iMtunl fil u m. n i. und it wo u ld b· a 1(\10<1 thi ng for I vi sitinR' re lati\' ~~ anI! rriends in nnd Har veyslJ urg . The average fa r~er judges the averthem 10 lIet upon t hl' ~ uggesti 11 I around \\ aync!w ill e . 'Che pr og ra m t h is ~ III' will b e an ('x· I age m an by his capacity for hard L e Talmage, Puul !loll Th ursday evening Mr. and Mr8. ceed lllilly g00d (1m' several of th 'buries Mosh r of Cincinnati Verga MitohnElr. work-his productiveness. G. W. Hawk and daughter Mi s.~ m emhers I"ei ng- on Ihe prOll' ram tha t 'p ent Mo nday witil hi s si5te r, Mrs ' Mr. snd Mrs. John Wllllon !lnd 80n I!:mma entertained to an elegnntly hav ~ not h fm ab'e l o a t tend the · Edith Harris and family. And the qualities headmires in a man Robert. OIl lied on Jes,o BAines !lntl appoint ed dinner , Their g uest.'1 lVer me ti n ~ for ~ ver al year~ . W f' .will ' he admir es-a nd finds- in a l fAmlJy Frl<luy t4ftorn oon. M d M P D CI M Rev. Frank Morman preAcbed at r . an reo . . ajre L!., r. Jlubl ish til ... rro~rnm a.t a latE>r da tI'. Mr. und Mrs. O rlo ' Al exllnder. of Hupmobile. . .. - -- - and Mra. J . L . Hartsock. Mr . Rnd hu t m a ke lI Jl ~' o ur m mds t o come. I Day ton, were th l' ~ lle~L1 of Mr and this place Sonday. Mrs . Emmor Baily, Mr. alI(I Mr .. Mrs J . D. Mllrlatt Sund ay . He likes the strong pull of the long-stroke motor. Caeslt.rs Creek Monthly Mee ting Brltl'h Marrlago S~atl'tlc.. Frank Zell , Mrs. Alice McKinz iu, was held at tipting Valley Thurs day In every 1,000 mnrrl ag6s solemolzed Misses Li llie Nt!u ry und Ruth Hnrt. He has proved that the Hupmobilc will stan,d In Great Brltnln 21 nre be tween tint L tl . ow is the lilll to buy r ibl 0).1 for Ch I'ld ren •S Day at y Frank StAnleys hn.d as their guest!! . cousins. Among the nobility the rate Hock. hard knocks and rou gh going. It is alwaya e the hai r a mi sa~ bcs . BlOwn & .Ilrown. Sunday Mr. and Mrs . Frank Conklin III much blgber, amountln to 46 In ready for service. GU3till hote l. Satu rd ay. J UIl l-! :l lh. and .l:'au\. d onkUn and faml! y. of 1,000. g I Miss Grace Carman enlt>rtained. Wilmington; Palmer titan ley and I Monday afte rnoQn, at a porch party , H e knows th at it is as nearl y trouble-proof as a hilll ren'~ Day will be obse rved a.t M H t La k II d f 'l f family, of Hanor, And Robert SIan I' t h e Normal stude n ts al1d Miss l:lma th Ly Ie · u n rlay. ~e h oil t 8 o'clock I r . ar e r c ~y . n tUn! y; '.' moto r can be. . j G hi , Dayton , w r e t h' 1I11day g u ests vf ley and 'amny. i~o b erts, Normal director. d ay evclIlng, un ,u ne t . M r. awl Mrs. Chas 'tansberry. Th e porch was beautifully deco r· Ile kn?ws that it will ask him next to nothing ---- ~ The marriage of MIlia Marie Starr ated in l1a~s and flowe r and lh for Its board and keep. R epair expense is and Mr. Charles Gray too. place y()ung people s pent a ve ry "I easnnt Mrs. €:ora Mary with her family a'f~rnoon at 'he bride'8 . " W ednee"acv almo. t zero, ar moving to Xenia t oday, where "" afternoon in games and con ve rsa· h ome neaT New Burllngton, Rev. tion, til 'Y will mllke their future homl'. H e needs no technical knowledge to_make such Walker oftiotatll)g . The beet ",Isha. Light r efreshments of strawberriell of the oommunny follow them . ice cream and cake were serv(-d at . illlp!e adjustments as the Hupmobile may YOt~ will miss a good enlel·tain· Manv from this oommullity atHome g rown. The finest of the I a 8ea.~onable hour nnd . late . in th e m ent if you J o n ot attend "Ten req uIre. ~nded the Deoor&tlon exeroise8 beld season, fresh every day. II afternoon the girls departed thank An i nva lid fo r years, and after Nisc hts in a Barruo m " tomorrow at New 'Bnrlinaton M. E. ohuroh ing thei r hoste for the ·pleasant months of u n re ~t and Ru lTe ri ng. on nig hl. I -Iu prn bile his tory ca n be summed ~p as one ~uuday afternoon . The addr8l!8 wall Pineapples Grape Fruit af te rn oon th ey had spent at her May 27, l!Jl i,. lhe ti rell Iteart of go dear aIter another-each season a bigger et "en by Mr. Trnmp, of Mlamisbnrg. hom ~ Almarinda Th () mp~on cellSed to beat, Mr. and Mrs . . Ray Smith ariel v:du c . .... nllJ her SPIri t returned to God who rlall ght~rs , JOlleph Leaming has no' been ao New Bean~ New Cabbage, I' .. of Brook ville, werc )(a\'(1 it. . well tbe paet week. New Potatoes New Onions jru ests r f fri ends hen: Sunday an d He figures t hat mighty few motor cars can show Sh e was lhE! on ly child of Arm · Monday. Y.r. and Mra. W. E. Bogan at- . so c1e:lIl II record. tro ng and Ida McCray a nd w ss born s wllded Turtle Creek mee'tng tlunChick and Hen. Feed, Fine and His own experience is backed up by the experiMrs . Elizabeth Yeazell is enjoying .Feb ruary H , 1870: Or: Decel1)ber day and were enwrtained at tbe Coarse Cracked Corn. home of Mr. &nd Mra Wllll::lteddom. ~6. I . ~ he was umted III ~lIrrl ~ge a v i ~it from her aunt, Mrs. Emma. ence of fa rmer friends and neighbors. They lo W III 18!11 Thom)) on . Of thl~ Untl'n ' lint' Grel{g' and dau g hte r . Miss Flor. Lawrence Mltohener and ELhel PURE PARIS GREEN are all Hupmobile boosters . . The infant child of Mr. anJ Ml1!. th r ee chI ld ren we r e born, t":o sons en ce of Bellbrook. , Comp~n ~lJed on Horace Comp. Buy no w, price is ' advancing. e has. Thompson, of Lytle. WIIS und a ..la u ghte r. all of whllrn WIth t he ' So be keeps on buying one Hupmobile after antone 6unday evef:llog. found dead in bed early F rid ay Hba\ld su f\ i've her. Mi~s tella' Lemmon , who hIlS been ot~er-always getting ' a - high .second-hand EVAn and Lelab Bo,ao entertain morning. 'fhe little child had had hUHorn and rL'.ar.erl il Clin ton 'ounty in Battl e Cr eek , Micb .. f or a year is SPECIALS FOR BUDAY AND eel 8Unday evening FrlADoes Wilson. the whooping ' cough. and it 'iR hio pnee when be sells-always getting a better , .h er ellli 9 ru '!1ar r icd life was t p esent I 'sted as a nur~e at the SATURDAY Olive WilBon ADd Ina Compton and thought that it strangled while in hved tn Wa rr en ( oun ty ani I n ar a r~ o ~ I , . 'n . Hupmobile when he bu ys. a coughing spell. The body was tak- Waynesville. F or ~ ears her life was i J e wl. Ii Hosplla ,GlIlel na t l. 'Ibs . nio Coffee .. ·.... . . 47c en to Blanchester where lhe funeral He is on~of-the-bcst friends the HupmobtleiIa'"s-~-~c s hadowed by infirm ity an ti disease, \ 2 3 ·lb. Cans Tomatoes . . . 15c -was held Sunday afternoon . but no t once did ~ ;'e co mplain, al1('l Th ! Quarterly meeting' 01 St. in America, 1 po und Coc a . . , . . . .. . IBe h r constant chellrf ul ne.'lS ;cll1d hel' Mary 's Guild will be hl'lrl at the Mince Meat, per pkg. . . . 5c The Hupmobilc case is safe in his hands. Ask s ubmillSive spirit w~re and are a home Ilf Mri. J . H. Coleman, Thurs· . Silas Surfac6, of Lebanon, died at b elled ictit,n to her loved on a nd day afternoon, June 3rd at 2 o'clock. him about Hupmobile; and see the cars at our t ore chock full of barjlains. It his horne last Monday. Mr. Surface frieltd s. showrooms, Inquire of pays to trade at was a former resident of Wayne In early w om.mhond ~he ' united Mr. and Mr~ . Ansie m Ant rim , of Township, Iivinlt oil Route 4, on the with the Clar~[sville M . E. Church , FinII'Y. Ohio, anJ Mr. and MrR Waynesville and Springboro road. bu t the latter :years 0 f her life . illne!l Ge o Denny., of Harvcyshu I'g , were The funeral took place at his lat e P!evente.J hell' )Jrese nce at th e ser· reccn t gue tsof Mrs. Alice Mc Kinsey. Corwin, O. _ _ _ _ _ _~------ ' home in Lebanon last Wednesday. vIces of th e s ancluary . Phone 65-2 . A s a wife nnel mot her she WIB F' Waynesville, Ohio voted and fait.hful. as a il'iend. CO li . M~. and ~rs . ran k Ta!tJand !Ion Mrs . Wm . Thompson died at her s tan t a nd t ru (', and in he r eve ry Robert , an,1 MISS J ean ~e g uson of home on Route 3, Thursday, May 27, stall 'lIl in life. ~h e <lit! what s he coulrf. llavton, were ~he ~ues ls of Mr. and May this loveJ on ' and fri end re t l Mrs . J . W. Wh:te SunJay :lnd Monafter a lingering illness. Th e fun · I.o.b. Detroit e ral took place Saturday afternoon in pence . and Iil:ht per) t!tu nl lihine day . . 5·_. Cu or R.....~ at 2 o'clock from the Chapel, Rev ..1. upon he r . ,._ r ..... Cor. '1225 F. Cadwallader officiating. InterMrs. B. H. Kelly , Mrs. J . O. Cart· ' AltO OF TH A /l: I\S ment was made in Miami cem et r y wri ght, M i~ H e nri ~ t'a Mc Kinse) We d l!S ire t o eXI'I'eMS ou r ap pr e. un.d ~ r J . B. Penr ' attended Mem· eiat ion unrl gratitu de to ur f ri ml s o rlt~ 1 e r v,ce3 fI t Leban(lJ1 Monday neil{hb rs, w lw ~(l kind ly mini ~' l lIfterno vn , Yellow Springs Chautauqua and t 'r ed to us in OU t alfl icti un a nd beACRE , good buildings, good land, plrnty of Woman 's Auxi liary of. SI. r eavem ' lIt . To tho sin gerll and ali I Th . water, has 'o rne va luahle timh r, and is one who gave us th eir he lp and sym · Mary 's church will In t:et wit h Mrr, The program for the Chautauqua pathy at the fune ral we lire truly Benec ke FriLl"y aft e rnoon at 2 o'clock of the best alfalfa fa rm s it! Wa rrell Counly; close to a to be held in Ye llow Springs July :1 g rat <' fu l. Im portant bu s i n e~~ , so tI full attendrailroad . P rice, $7000. to 11, has just been an nounceJ . William TI~~~~lImilY anco is a sked for . Thero will be several goo. speakers ACRES, go d I uildin gs, well fenced , ]25 acres present. notably among them Hon Mr. Willis Duvis lind family. 01 Champ Clark, Speaker of the U . S tillable, 50 past ure, rullllillg waler, 2}1 miles Maple Sugar a.nd Syrun. I Lebanon, Mr, and Mr!l ,John Davi8, Hou se of .Repr esentatives. Other to railroad . Price, $60 per acre. I' Mr. I~ rye and Miss Dye r , of' Middle. good headliners will be present uml I town. were S unday gues ts of Mrs . tile Chautauqua will be a good on e ACRES, good buildings, all tHlable, close to I Sarah Dav is at he r h ome in Corwin. and will b" held on the famous Yelschool and church, a nd 3 miles to a railroad. !fow peoplo reali Ze thut· Ohl D leljldtl . . low Springs park . Lhe wo rhl in ~h e [~rucJ \lotiutl o f Mfl Mr. and Mrs . Chas. R(lbitzl'r, Mr. Price, $4000.~ . - -- ... --1)10 ~): rup. Ohto o rup of rnuple and Mrs . H A. Corn ell, Mrll Donna ACRES, fine Iml) rov.e menls, good land, all l~vel, : I ~.y rup 111. lV OI) !IS fuVol·t ud by the Edwards. Mrs !"lInnie Gilmour and Kick Lam. Gentleman U u\1,et! t:H.a l e!i t.:e nStl tl W1I811101'0 Lhlln Warren Keys attended Inspection of miles from town. tJ onl>l ~ tll"t prod uoed In nil ."t the Morrow Chapter. Order of Eastern New En g land I:lt.. t 6ll . Y e t II g rell! Star, Saturday evenin~. ACRES, two sets of buildings, do. e to town _ _ ~ _ _ .. - _ _ , Will Prondergast, who works for deal 18 stlld \Iud prin ted ooooeruing will make fine site. th e Dlflpl a tty rup 1Ddu ~ try of New W. E . O'Neall, fooled with the business end of a mille last week, and E:llglonll. rhe valuHot Illllpin syrup Very Heavy Rains conllequently has been laid up for Il lIDO t!Ugar produced til 0111 0 Is more few days. The mule kicked him on t.h",n I,broe t,ip'H'S tlto Villus of t.lless the ankle and also on the leg, am] it prodllctll of N e w ]1,;ogland If I.h j Min Saturday evening at 5 o'clock, seemed to be some healthy kick, for gle 8t'l te uf Verm ont 18 exoloded Will has been limping ever ~ince. ('I..t o fllot Is tll ..t tuu value ('Ir thollo " cloudburst broke over w.aynesville Auctioneer, Real Estate It takes more than a kick from a produot .. In Ohio W811 $l,1I99.24.B ,00 and the surrounding territory. It Waynesville, Ohio mule to lay him .u p long, however, or more thflD o no tif~h 6 f Lbo v..lue was the heaviest. uownpour experiand InlurlJ.Pce of nliiple t!ugtlt lAnd ey rnl' prodnced enced here for years. In Farr's 5 1IIImll lil ilmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l lili11I1II .... III the OUlted Stl\to~. TbllllelHolluptB .a nd 1Oc store the water poured in the /l'r e prtldu cod i.D pruotlolilly nil 880• back door to the de pth Df two inches .Man Drownetl Himself LloDS of tilt ~tt~Je bot the norlholl4lt. or m(l~e; also the pool room ·of Chas. 1l4iI0l 'U hardly find better to buy' good flfD part Is eepeoi"lIy f"m,)u8 ror tbe Stansljerry was flooded . Several IJulllity all woll as tho q ll,mtity of lts cellars .on Main street were filled ~~~:O<KK~~~OO~KKXX~~~oo~~ . ?oods than here, where savmgs ' Stare you with water. Small streams were.out ' Otto Perry, aged 54, committed mapl., pfudtlots . III the face whenever YOQ appear: .. . ...- - of lheir banks in half ' an hour, .and suicide at .the county infirmary 1a.~I. . lhe dYer was ab out bank filII Sund&y . week by drowning himself in thc morning. The raln 'area was Iiniiled bath tuh . Mr. Perry had b een an The E,86ent lal ThIng. SO!IE EXAMPLES invalid for several years. which wa ' I n Glib rt K. Oll est rton'q book "The as only abo.1t two miles south of ·the reason lor the act. The body li'Iylng Inn" Is i!l s elilellce worlb thInk- town, therewas but little rain. Whi te Light Mantle . Belts, for young men,' --- .~ , ~ --was brought to Miami cemetery for Ing about In thIs Ilay or excuses and Everylhillg Good to Eat-Fine .Candies, lee Burner . . . .. . . . •.. .•. IOc to hold your pants up IOc interment. . ·evBs lonB. .. Fo,r shc telt 00d'8 wind Crea~, Cigars and Tobacco. "Ever· Kleen" Milk Spout Jnfants' Hose . • ;rom nowhe re. wbicb 1s called the '1'\'111 IS READ\' FOR SALE DArES Cor bo,tltles '.' ..... ... " I OC ' Ladies' Hose ....... :. IOc Bnd Is ninn's only' exousp UPOD tbl_ Cerm f>tbof MIlk HOltle Sensible Dress . WATTS' I(;E CREAM IS THE · FINEST earth." Has Sold Property . .. " .... " " . ' .. IOcl · Shields : ••• •••.•• : ••• IOc Jesse Stanley, who has jUst graduFly Traps, thc kind th!i.t Berry Toilet (lin, black, ate!:! from the Jonos Auctioneering catches ... . " ..... " I Oc red, green.. .. ... .. . .. ISc 'Tlk ''"1J • Ch8nce. bchool at Chicago, is home 'a nd is Mrs. Anne Hathaway hBII sold her "Do you lhlnlk the public will stand reacty,:for sale dates. It would be . farm of 120 acres near Ridgeville, through Carl Duke. to George Brown , {or su b It pIIlY!" "L'm not worrylnl well to see:him, 815 he has some new Next Door to of the Five points di.trieL The con. about (be publlo," replied the thea&!· ideas in the auctioneerin, line Or Gazetle Office, cal manager. All I'm afnIld of ia the call him, 146 mutual Jlhone • New sideratlQD Is understood to nave been police." Burlington, Ohio. . , .• oooo.,iooooooocoocoo~aacccioaooooooo a little lIB than ,10.()()0. C ) Imdl!ra rll b lue. 3 , In .. S in. Um l t'o wC"r r lno t "d t h
M rand Mrl! J C, Hawke (·n t er · t ai n~d a t dinner Mondl\v th (> f ol/I) y . ing J,{Ue!<Ul: Mr . anll "frs. Ja~ . J{os. kelly, · f hica~ o . Mr. and r.1 r~ . Frank ZelJ , Mr . an d Mr~ . L 'I' Il awk ~ I ami family. anti Mi ~es E m ma Ilw.\lkl· a r.d !'Io re nc ' Wilson.
The Allen Motor Co.
t t
E. W. RICKS, Agent
l I
: :
Ask the Fanner
-- . _.. ..
.. ---
----- --DEATHS
- -'
(k'- I
J. B. Chapman, Agent
175 50 63 2Yz 153 •
- ...
w. n.
---.- - --
The Banquet ·Restaurant g
pl.c., .
---_.- ..- --
- ---
. Ohio
> Six ty-Se\'enth Year
Dan Anderson 1'ells How Ba.s c Ball Was Fint Played ttere at Close of the War Charl tlY Ewun Merritt wus home un hill college vllclltioo. whe re he had al):inrbed enough of the "game" to ::Itllrt thiog::l-antl Charley was 80 010 talke r and it didn't take long to or· ganizeacluh . That was in 'fl6 or '67. f'irBl Nine- J . Milt i{ogers. Si Rogers. Ed Showalter. t:has. Woolley. Wm . Manninglun. Chlls . E. M~rrilt, We b Irwin. Chilli Kirk And Dan R Ande roon WIlS oli the mound. Irwin Willi bllcklltop We had a book of rule], and one ball. lind while not lIunling in Iht' grWlll and weed!'. for the hall Wl' wollJd be looking at the rulCll. andwe nevor once in the finlt game. diHputed the decision of the "Empire," The fiMlt game was played with a pick(''I1 nine , on the lot, owned re cently b, A L. Farr. on the weEt HIde of -North street. When a batter cnme to bal. he nominated the kind of ball hn wantl'd - knee high. hip high. waist ;,igh or shoulder high, lind our hlmt efforts we re made just! whf! re the hatsman desired I hem and u home run was the rule. All thl' tielderil had "butter-fingers," and gloves were unknown; neither were ma1k<'4 or IItomal'h pada worn . '1'he first . chullenge game was played with a team from Lebanon, on the Sam Side!! fllr,.1 just across the road from the Stacy Kendall property. There may h· BOrne of the Leb IUlon nine alive yc·t, but I alone, un· 1_. it is Web Irwin, of our nine am alivo ' We had I·tller ninl!ll, and ) wall not Itlwavs in the make up, and played Spring Vlllley, Springboro. HarlleYl!burg. Ulica. <there wa." a club I~ r you! Only a few of them alive and Jim Willa ~ et playing). Wilmington, Morrowtown, Bell brook and New Burlington It was while playing a game in that town t hat I knock~ a ball (we were play ing in WlI,rren county) over Clinton county into a strawstack in Green countv . The ball was lost. and .c· bad no other 90 the pme ended !'ight there.
The World in Epitome Shown .by Displays in the Vast Exhibit Palaces at the Panama.. Pacific International Exposition.
Today tho grra Pllnamn·Pnclllc lrJl l'rnallonnl Exposition nt San Fran. claco Is being widely OXlllollo<l throughout the world by tlle millions of sight. soers who have vlsltod tbe cxposltloll IIll1eo Its ope!\lng on F bruary 20th lnst a8 tbo mOBt beolltlrul. comprehenslvll IUI~ Interesting unl\'e r~al exposition that tho world ·has . e\'cr know n. The wonderrul ~ xb lblt palacos hou80 tho lrel18ures or the ellrtb, whllo tho grounds. IIlnnted to milli ons of rar bulbs. are a gorgeous mass of color and frngrnllce. 1'0 th e visitor cnterlng th o gllteB for tb e flr8t time, either by night or day. the Bcone Is certnln to bold the n ~ w com o r spellbound , os tllo vast pnnorama unfolds bit hy bit befoTO th o gnze and tho oyo wanders from 0110 beauty Sl)ot to another III nn endless chnln of amazing surprises, Entorlllg tb o main gate at Scott ·street. fo r tll.tance. U,o vl.ltnr seea th o gront Fountain of 'l!lnergy directl y before bltn. Itll gIant sprays sparkling and {lasblng In tho' li ght of tho warm Callrornta lIun by dilY. or a8s umlng the appearaneo of massca or flowing ·flames by nlghl under the powerful b eams of tho ~roat battorles of Roa rchllll hts trulned IIpon thi s work of art. AMthe Sl,oll I" Hrtod tho oyo falls upon the To wcr of Jewols. th o gr~.l\t centor Illeco or tho CXI)ollltion. aod agnln atlentlon Is Ilrrested unUl the uye haa conquered the dizzy heights of this /,: Olll -S IIddod tower. every corllice and flguro 80ndlllg forth Ita shure ot da zz ling lights. The world '.. advance 10 all brunch us of art. Kc lonce and Ind ustry Is amazingly portrayed 10 the exhibits. Among tho ole trlrlll cxhliJll8. for example. IB the Audlon &mpIlHer. Invontod by Leo De Forest. 1'lJrough thi s Invention the visitor In the Llbernl Arts polnce Is cnable>d to convorao ov r the long dlslllnce telephone wltb his r tatlvOB at t~ e tarrh st Rec tlon of tho Atlantic coasl and may hear the voice ot tho 8peakcr tn greRter volume th r.,1 was actually given Into the trnnsmlttlng telophone. The In ton slty of tb o BOund Is Increased by IlaRslng throu gb hont wavos. Toduy It If! p08slblo for an orator In N e w York city to IlddroHs through the t clellhone 0 largo nudl· enCe at San Francisco. the sound bolng Inorolts d eo that It Is or power groat enough to fill a targe hall. This slnglo advn.nce In tho de"etopmcnt of ' the tolophon~ IP paralleled In hundrods ot othor lines. Tho rallroado 116\'e mllde low round trip ratos and amll10 Ilnd roasouable accommodations are to be had 1ll 8aI,I Francillco and the adjoining cilies.
-------------_._. :. .,-. -_.
1\J l -
II • I
l Openi ng Day at P anama.Pacific Expo- I E PE NGE sition Broke All Expos ition !
Attendance Records
r.L 81t ~ ,ill"''' I-"I·"r(\. ro r expo~ItI' ) II " \I ,'1',. h)·I'k,·"" t tilo 0\11'11 '
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IUOIIR. 'I'll .. hl1 ~c IIII\I ,I I I1 j(~ flild IICHUCCl5t \'Vas Good a nd Acto rs Werc lIfH I t\",r,,")<llrll"'" 1111111111('" wUtl Ile· tl\' h y Hw t hit "'..: "oHtIIlU N I In tl \) AO. Aga in and Ag:a in Th \ Expo ..:,itlun Ii:l :o nll't ·nr1.)' fl t!ll\nnEncored Alml ... 1 III Ihl, ~ u"ly <lUll' Ihll t It will
rile Jcwcll Son ,"c Co., of Cincinnati, Are The suc.:cssrul Bidders
lJe n lo;r a:it SU\ '~ ' l':-t~ In lH' cl')' wuy,
"T(;n Nig-I'ts in n l3arroom" uroke 0/1 of the liveliest times Wayn all recorll~ for aLl('nllance in Sl.'ilO,}1 "jlle hall ex pcr ienceu was on Momlny. 1Iall . At fif teen m in ut~~s after eig ht Lhe time ,el f or th e opening of the the do ors wt:re locked tmd no on" bids for thc r:> rection of the ne N was admi lt d 10 the house . Th e re sc hool house. About t hirty bidders were l.!vc ral who were tu rMd away , were preMenl, anu. in fact, y;ere in and it i ~ too Lad . becllus·e they missed lOll'n all day. Tho uidding was the on C'f the ut'st ho me talen t Hhuws most ~ p ir i lt.: d ever wi tll es.qed . owi ng given ill Wayn e:;viJlc fo t' seve ral LO t ltl' fll el tha t contractors are try· ing \c. get all the w rk they can. as years . There' is no doubt that the olu buil dillt:! in the Cilles is almost at veteran . Mr . J ames Benhllm, wh o a ~:. al lf l s l ill ha~ been seen in t he character of Joe Tlw general r.ontracl was let to Morgan seve ral times, was the draw the fir ,lI Ilf J ohn A. Jewell & Son Co ., ing card. And he sustained hi s past <- r incim ati, for $24 .000.. Thi s com· r<,putation in del inelltion of Ihat fa· pany comes well recommended , and mOUR ch arac ter, which !has made the as il is we ll fixed in the building line, play for n .e pas t fifty yea rs what it it is presu med that it will no t take from Le:1 10 RighI Are Shown the Palace of Education. is. His stronge!!t hold on his au s uch a long time for them io finish d ience a nd his super b acting occurred t he building P al nct! of Liberal Arts &nd Tower of Jewels. The con t racto rs present were all in th third act , wh en he bllu his case _ ._ - - - - - - -- -- - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1 gen ll emen. and when the bids of " t remens" ' eldo m li as this PMt ~"'!!!!.J!!!.J!!!..!!'!.~ _~ were opened no d issa tisfaction wa s b en taken so well anti wit h such "!'!"~~~~"'!!!!.!!'!.!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!.~-~!!'-~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~!!,_ domina nt at any t ime. all seemi ng to little overdrllwing Hut Mr. llt'nham was 1I0l the onl y ::Ita I' • Everv per on in the cast was I bl dR and abo ut the S8me nu mbe r of a s ta r . and the people of Way nesMi~s Minnie Satterthwaite i ~ Quite I ville can well f el prouu of their hi~· ill. Bub ·bids. s uch as ~a..ting etc. t rionic artifll!l . Ray mond Dav is, as Floycl Savage. a young farme r livIvichell. was .. johnny-on· the·spot." Mr. Goo, Lanter and family now ing near Lytle, whose rea~on bega n and was a live wire. J ames Mullen. Mrs . W. N. Sears wag a Day ton Wayne Tp. Farmer's Club to give way recently. was taken to as ~iOlon Slade. acted his part clev· occupy the Maey property. visitor las t Thursday. the Stllte Hospital at Dayton Sunday erly and mad a lypilCal la ndlo rd, The Miamis both won and lost l!lSt Prof. Harrill. of Franklin, was 'in evening. For some time relatives who was fond of sampllhg his own Miss Laura McKinsey. WA1'1 In Day· On May 10th the Wayne Township town Monday on business and friends h.ave noticed th.at he had good!;!, La his det r imellt. E rnest Sunday afternoon. An !lggrega tlOn not been a ctmg exactly right, and Earnhart as Mr Romaine, was suave came over frum Clarks vlII.e ~nd put ton seve ral days 1a.'1l week. l' armers Club mel at the pleasant . . . care has heen tuken t:o prevent bis and poli h d ill hi' manner. lind act· up fou'r -and one half IDnmgs of I f M d'" EI' 0 I lome 0 . r. an _rs. '1118 g es· Harry She~wood w~ tn Xenta doing injury to himRel f or family ed his part well. WilliE! Hammond, abou t the ro ttenest attempt to p lay ball that has ever been shown on the Buy your Fertiii zerof Chas . Frye , bee, The gues!.s were g reeted in a MondlloY mormng on bUBtness. but he escaped the close watch kep t the pr ide of the vi1lagl~ , wus taken rotten. who handles Milson 's. the best . most hospitable manner by t he hOBt , on him, and took u couple of hi s care of in a satiHfa'tory manner by local diamond. Clarksville's . and hostess. assisted by their charmPureJel'tley Sweet Potato Pllintsfor horses to Dayton. where h(> hired W . Sears. Ethan Crane , tiS Prank ne!!S. corubined with Our Boys' good ing daughter. Mias Josephine . The work and Walter Britain's good Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harden d 'd I M d h' h Rale D, . H. Hock AU. Phone 65-1X . a J't .om and staid the re. lade. although the first "lime un." it ching rC!llllted in a 15 to O ' scorf' visited relativeS in Cincinnati Sunday. ay was an 1 ea ay· ay. W IC Last Friday he perform ed som e t he board s. acquitted himself cred- P added much to the pleasure of the for Waynesville. . II '11 t t ·· I Mr. and Mrs . U. M: White spent wild west stunls on the side walks ill ilauly . D~O was in meetmg, as a WI as I.Y WI D parWhl' le the Clarksvl-lle fia~ Dayton with his horse, and t he police Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hart ock. of took of the mo~t bountiful and well Of the ladies, Mrs. Palmer , as ~unday with relatives near Mason, arrested him. He was br ou~h t to Mrs. Morgan, llhowed her deep con progr ess, the Dodds team arrived . Morrow, spent Sunday with r elatives. d I · ed d py Ohio. . prepilre mea ae rv un er a cano Lebanon and contined in the jail. cern in the play by reading her lines and as soon as he could without danger of forfeiture, Manaller Rogers on the beautiful and spacious lawn. Sunday eveninlt' during a severe well. Fairie SnOOk. the d runkard's . Choice Country Butler, 25c per The mornini' hours passed all too Mrs. Gordon Jo~. an~ M~. L,!c!nda spell. he broke up all the f urni tu re child , . was fine, and he r actinp: was pu t a s t op t 0 th e s Iaug hter 0 f th e q uickly in social converse. At 2 M~Kay were Cmcmnatl VISitOrs in his cell and several others and up to the standard. Mi~ Grace Car' innocents. Then there was a ball pound delivered . Henderson's Gro· o'clock the m eeting was called to Friday. broke the water pipe. Prisoners m a n, as Mehitable, t he Yankee i'irl . game . Dodds won by the score of 7 cery. urder and afte r a few well chosen . down stairs were deluged with wa ter 'Nas well up to her standard in stage to 6, but they had to work hard for k b h 'd M u 'l ·t. The game waD a pt ' lchtlra' battle remar 8 y t e presl ent r . n .1 ey, R G. Cros,q. who has been verv ill : a!ld aroused Sheriff Gilmour, who had performullces. Miss Eva Murphy. I ~ Miss Hazel GUlltin visited with tl. Ie program 0 f th e a fternoon Wus 'th for lhe past week, is very much im. / hIS handa full for a short time . friends In Sprinjtboro SaturJayand --' b a er by R Grauser as Mrs. Slade, held the audience betwf!en Decker and Gebhart wl openeu y pr y e v. . The First Challenge proved at I)rescnt. . The sheriff realizing tha t some- wilh her all the time. and her lines the former being accorded a little Sunday. better support , both in the field and Mi!IB Edith Crane gave t he current thing had to be done, immediately we re well said . e vents of the past month . Mr. I remember the names of but two Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rich were ' called in a couple of doctors. who In fr ont of l he footlight..!! Miss r Mrs. Orahood has been q uite ill I Meredith as essayist , ~e.viated from of the N e w Burlington nine. One guests of Dan Underwood and family adjudged him insane. ail d he was Hazel Gu ·tin presided a t the piano. at ~~~~~J' Burton made the best fielding play of the g am e. when he at the home of her £laugh to r, Mr!.. the u ual c us~om of wrl tmg a pape,.. r_ _ _ whose name was Hamillon and the (f Harv<,ysburg Sunday. , tlll(en to Day ton the same evening. and in conn e('.tion with Mr. Frank caught a fly in deep left field lind D. H. Palmer . 011 "'MII~lOg cover ay,' "Train in Monday Mr. Savage was almost Curman with the dru m ~ , a nd Miss other your fellow citizen. Ambruse made a perfect throw to the plate up a child in the way he ahoul Maffitt. and I refer you to him La Mr, and Mrs. Jos. Hudley and in a s tate of collapse, and Lhe doc- Grace Carma n, with the bell s a nd enabling Ridge to complete a pretty Grover Meredi th is <lui!.e ill at t he go." "l~eedinglt'ogs for pro~t, etc.," verify what 1 asy. but I will explain daughter, of Springboro. spenl Sat- tors have grave fea rs of hi s 'health violin, made some very good music dou ble play . In the ninth inning, home of his paren ts, Mr. and Mrs. but gave us ,a 1Il0stl,nte rest cn,g,Paper His wife and two children a rc at h er I Warren. Clinton ancl Green countic.'1 urdllY here with friends . The plea. jng featurE of the occa- Wate rhouse si ng led, went to second Saml Mered ith. on lhe flubJ ect, . Lhe cl.!ndttlon . of father's home . I corner(.'<.i and Lhe ~t wa.q easy sion. howe ver , WUd t ha t the Christian · uur A rmy and Navy, or IS America d I I elI(J4!Ct Wes Randall. of Leblmon . on an erro r, stole third an • a little unready." This was discussed at church wi ll cl~a r ahout 100 by the Louill Whiteman, of Columbus. ; . could, if he would , lell ROmething of later. stole home while the calcher 1\Ir. and Mrs. Horace Drake, · of some length by I rs Ellis and Clag play. The com mitteE! in charge early base ball. n Il I once had an ac· spent severul days ht!re last week wish to thank evury one who con· (a f orme r Miami) was returning tho Lebanon, we r~ lhe Su nday guests of gelt. Mr. Cartwright , Mr. Oglesbee Woman's Auxiliary 1 4lCptance of him &II secretary of the with Mr. and Mrs. L Whiteman. and lhe fl nlll und hel)Jful " windup" t ri but d to make t he p laya success. ball to the pitcher. Ri rtg , cal c-hi ng. Mr . Jesse Lew!!'! . ~ HurveY8burg team which ran about and Frye, al shorts top', \) ,·t h "hlJ""I:d by Rev. Grauser. "How shall we -'-" up well in the field. whil e l)yche did . h b d f " thu8ly: Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway, of splendid work with his trusty bat . 1\1r. Mayers, of Ne~... ark. OhIO, secure t e est stan 0 corn was The regular m eeting of tlie Woo Laurelville, Ohio, sperlt the week-end One uisgu sting feature wa3 the IIpen t Ia.qt wee k With Ill S dllug hter , the special topic for discussio n, the Notice, Fi hermen "Dan R. Ande.rson. general t rend of opi nion being "good foullllllg ua e used by o ~e of the Mrs. Arthur Zell. "Dellr Sir- We will play your com- wilh Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway mtln '~ Auxiliary was held on Friday .. ~eed and we ll prepar::d g round ." afternoon, June 4, at lh e residence ,• ·bin~ Huckleberry nine etc. etc. Dodds players. When a young man Miss Ruth Hartsock furni Rhcd seve ral of MIS. W. A. Benecke. Mrs . Cad· I . . W~ Randall. Sec." J . E . Janney and A. B. Chandler DeJ)u ly Game Ward4!n Keller. of so' f orgels himself as to apply the Mrs. J oe Thompson. of Norwood, . I t' h' h tl the meeting by wallade r opened \ . HarveysburJi. ot 10. attended the funeral of. E. Morris ofller pllr 'lIts. Mr. lind plano Re. ec Ions w IC were grea y fo ulest nalne in the English language is theGg ues t S Dayton . hael til<' pleas ure last weck ' I enj oyed . This closing the program Psalm II . Hev J 1~ . Cad rending Hardy at Pe ndleton. Ind ., \Vednesthe meeting was dismissed by Rev. wallader cund ucted the dey tional o( wri t ing dow n he names of twel ve t<? one of hi ~ op,?oncnts it is time for Mrs, '. J . Inlt I. The Hucklel>erry nine - Jim and tiay, Grauser. Guest!l of t he club were. criptural Quo tations r eprp.s ntative fa r mers wh(1 .reside him to be ostracloed by decent l2 00ple exerci'3CS. Mat. ~lt!I:I. Abtl Rlld N"hemillh Mc Losl-A pai r IICHpcctacl!9 in black Grandma UPP. Rev. and Mrs, we re g ivt:n in 1'~~ lJ onsc to roll,cllil .. n ;al'H!lr' ~ 'reck IIbove New Bu r-. until he can anJ will conrluct Illmsel! Kinsey. Charley . Kirk. Jim Terry. Miss Olive McCollum left Saturday After the read ing of the minu tea a nd IingLOU . U 'I,u ty Kel ll? r had heard as a decent person should. case. Finde r will Illcase relu rn rauser. the Misses Oglesbee. Miss G\,'O . Dakin Sr. snd mY<IClf, lind we them to this oOice . Alice OgleSbee, of Spring Valley. never drollped R ~Iune . .That was mornini' for Albion, 111.. where she lranlltlclion of other bUllin ess. the tha t som ~' of the farme r's along llro Mr Bernard Collett and sister Miss teUloon was devoted to a study' of lille had ueen dynami t ing tho Cree k. a 'bunch of hU8~ ies. I pitched my will spend a couple of weeks wilh No Cern . etery Election Nan. Mr, an rs. ames, 0 'Wi!mi!!8ionary work in Airi~a . An and he made 1.1 " l!hish a y" in tha t dilast gllme with "n Indianapolis club, relatives. . . I"·,e f oun d t h e rn a II rig ' IIt. Mrs . Ear le Hockett and Mr~. minCf'ton. and Mr. and Mr~ . Oglesarticle on "Our Black Bishop." was re<'lllln The Meridians in 1874. r. ih . h Elcook we re Cincinnati visitor s .. bee , of Xenia . In a arame of base ball at Udcn Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Fl'rree. of divided into four sectiuns. Section lID d he a IHi) caug h t • 1!01 In l e act Monday and Tuesday . We j o not want to forget the de(!law Will Crane clll.eh " 1\ foul tip Nell!()nville, were the guests of Dr. I. "'rhe Black Man' s Africa," WIl9 This nigb t'$ fun will cost them a At the cemetery meeting Monda y licious ice cream furni shed as a treat IlCl. uare on hi!! nose. and hili wife nelVe r and Mrs. Wftrd, of near Harvevs- read by Mrs. 0 J . Edwards Sec· pre tly penny . We ha ve re peat dl y wa rned <lur there wae not a quorum, the refo re Nathan lIadlcy. of Clnrksville . by Mr. and Mrs. Oglesbee. tion II, "Christianizing Libe ria." hy IlfCerwurds tboughl; hltn Il9 handsClme burg, this week. same old omcere will holdffiovor waR the gue t 0 fl 118 " siste r. u~'1 rs, W . Mrs. G. W. Hawke . Sec tion III . l'esl' rlenl's along tile MI'amt' rl' ver the - ••- - . A h amI he was a good looker anytime I B t el'Je o · cers H. Madd en, last week . "The Black Bishop." by Mrs. F . B. that a wnrden woulcl sIJrE'ly get some f or anot ler year. 1 WaI! at a pme on the fair grountltl Mr. and MI'II. Knowles Conn and Herilleroon . Section IV .. "The Li- of th em if they starled! anything like are all hustlers. allll as their work in at LP.bunon . Wher. the now Rev. !!On, Kennelh. of Springfield, speut Sunday-School Convention lhe ahove game. It is rumot(.'(1 that the past has been of the very best, 1 believe, W. B Mellish. now of Cill· !!Overal clays last week with Mr. anti beria Church," by MI'lI. S. L. Cart- dynamiting Dr. Dill, Osteopath. a t rcsid ence and seining has been the people did not wan t a change_ wright. eim'lall. was knocked I!O near th(' Mrs. I. Satterthwaite and family . of r~. T . Pcterson , Main St.. Tues · "fhe Girls School at Bromley," done above to·.vn to 1I0me degree, At the same thile. it migh t hav e day and Friday mornin gs, gates of eternity. that he saw the Thl! 56t h annual Ohio State Sunwas read by Mrs. Sarah Zimm erman and thefie persons may come to shown a little co urtesy to the oAlce ra 'beaulifnl "GatOll Ajar" by a wicked day -~c hl)o l Convention will lie held Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray re · and ."frials of MiHSionary Life in g rief if they are not c8lreful. liS game if the people hnd turn ed out so that foul tip that took him ~quare nn t~f' wa rde ns do ywl write Ilnd tell them a quorum might have been present. Mrs. Alice McKinsey a nd dllughter. at Za llSvill e. Ohio. J uno 21-22.. 23.24, bridge of his nOlle . Oh, how he dId turned home Sunday aCter a three Africa,'"by Mrs. Agnes Wright. A very interesting report .of thG Ivhen they Ilre coming Tak~ warn- H owevf;lr, at lhe time of opening the Mis.q Henrietta visited relatives in I!H 5 . Ther e Will LII! several gooa · b}('e(I! and nearly every olle thuught days' visit with Mr. and MI'R: I-:d and fi:!h according to law. meeting a heavy shower came uP. Dayton Monday and Tuesday. speak e: s present prominent being him killed. Ne'ver 'after that di<1 Hathaway. of Columbus Grove. Ohio Annual Convention recently held in ing, boys. _ _ __ _ __ __ which probably was the cause of Frank L. Brown, of Brooklyn, N . Y .. Ghrist Church. Cincinnati. had been £' hear of hi~ · plll)lir)~ ball I t took many not goini' Qut . besides state speakers. The mllsic !lOme nerve thn.'le dllYs to pillY the L . A. Zimm~rman lett Monday prepar<'<l by Ml'!l. W. H. Allen, wh n Auto Rolled Over Twice Mr. Will O'N eall ami family, Mrs. In another column will be found will be in charge of that famous song . sam". Althretl ' ditTerent rimes haa morning tor Zanesville, where hit was a deleacate to the conventiop , the statement of the treasurer, of Anna O'Neall and Mi99 Marlha leader.. Prof. E, O. Excell_ Every l · thu manner of pil.chin~ chllnged will represent 'the local K of P which in t.he absence of Mrs. Allen the expendit'ures and receipts during O'Neall ,were in Cincinnati Sunday. moment will be utilized and those I 1 fOIJlli) my most ..!Tec!.\ve pitching lodge in the Grand Lodge of lh was r,~acl by Mrs. Edith M Harris. the past ~ear. elected to go fr om this county will At 'the close of the meeting a l~lm er Kelsey ·and fmmlly. north of to be clo!!O around the neck. and only atate. . ......:.-- -....-- - Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and miss a g ood treat if they !ltay at home. town. toge ther wi th hiB brother, Jesse pleasant 80cial time was elljoyed. t ' short infield ' Iljes resulted. Infield Mr. and Mrs. L A . Zimmerman .... Kelsey and family. of Centerville. ~ ~ demise. ,'.. --Good Vaudeville Show were Mellllrs. Walter McClure. Jam,,!! Dayton viRitora Friday afte rwhile coming down the 'hill by J . M. .( Benham and Silas Richardson wera nooll. Cook's east of town. -the brakes of Were All. O~od 8aH~rll Flower Mission Meeting in atlenlJallce at the Memorial Da v Was Great Curiosity their auto failed to wOII'k and in order !\EIrvices of the ·K . of P. lodge " to save the machine in front of them Till! first nllle were all gOOfi baUprs. Ifhe L. H. Ranft Show gillen here The town ·was full of contractors t ey rnn into a hlldge at the side of Tuesday evening, was a very credit· Monday, trom all over the state, and • lId ran Ihe ~es well but thl!ir tl'am Lebanof! Sunday • . The next reg-war meeting of the play- was ullknown If perchance Harrv Leon. advlmce for the the road. and turned {wer a couple of /lble . one. The several vaudeville t~e school board was busy all day W. C. T. U. will be the Flower Mis· 1. a ball wal' flerded to a haseman wild. Messrs, C. M. Robitzer. J. C. Hanfts show, came in to.wn last Fri- times, before they stopped, Harry act!! given were good and should they With them. sion Meeting, w,hich will be held t sevtlral' of the team wuu Id walk leis- Hawke, A. Maml, ~yer Hyman. day .Iriving two Mexican pack mules. Sherwood aud Dr. 1!:lIis were called ever come through thi~ territory Wednesday afternoon, June 16, at 2 · urely after th'e' wild ball. whil.e the Kehneth Ridge IlJId 0, L, Crane at- Saturday evening one of the jinneys to the scene, and afulr an examina- apin. they will be greeted bv an Mr . and Mrs. Sidenstricker and o'clock. iri the White Brick church. batter would be galloping around lhe lended, inapecllon of Blanchester gave birth to a colt, which attracted tion the ..e were found to be no bones overflow house. The brass band was daughter Lila took dinner with Mr. All are invited to ~ome and bring baMl8, They didn't do that WRY in lodge F. & A. M.. Fri~RY .nlght. the attention o'f II g ..eat many people broken, but: s everal scratches and particularly fine. each member beillg and Mrs Allred Jones, of ','Cottage flowel:S to aist~bute among the sick ,~, the·~ombined HU'c kleberry nine: J Saturday .all day 8Cj)res of pOO{lle bruises were found . After righting a soloist. Tbe show was clean Corner" on Sunday. and shut-Ins. Mrs. Eva Jones. the machine, which W818 not damaged. think UU!ft I tonk the bakery when it Mr. and Mrs. 0 .' J. Burnett and went down to the GUlitin hotel to see the party came on to Waynesville. throu~ hout. and the performers were . Flower Mission :)uperintendent. will ..' came for muffs. but I made good at Mr. gentleman ly. . . and Mrs. Jerry RlmCII, of Cen- it. It is a great curiosity. the wee Mr. and Mr q • S. L. Cartwright, have charge of the meeting . . bat. arid running the blll'CS. Goo .. terville, ... . the ~ommeneeml!ll t bit of a thing. with ears eight inches . • :.- ..- - Mrs. J. T. Ellis and Mrs. Hannan Dakin was t.he Ty Cobb ot the team. e.xer~i_attended long, and wobbly legt:!. A loc:al man of their twin: nieces at Lodges Will Decorate were guests of the Childrep's and Mat Sale, wlien he Pllt out those Union City, Ind., lut w.eek. · There wanted to buy it but Leon said no . . New Temperance Stunt Rogers Home. at Lebanon, Thursday. ~ great. handa of h41. ),OU I!ould gamble were Want Grader Back Z7 il) the graduating cllUlll ~ --~ . 1 that he had th" ball. Goo, Bl\lIey The K. of P's., Oddfellows and belonled to a nine that was hard to Mr. and Mrs. J, H. Coleman weni Juniors will hold their Memotial A new temperance . Btunt was to Cincinnati saturday morning down. We pl~t!IJ In aeveral locali- Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hathaway, of aervices and decorate the graves of pulled o~ at the M. El. church Mon· where they will spend seVeral davs Tbe township grader, which was tl. up In the river bottoms. Some- Columbua Grove, bare been viaitin their deceased brothers on Sundall. day evemni', when two men, one of with Mr and M ra Clyde Coleman used the last time riear the '1'.elegrapb , Umaa on one aide and the next time relaU,. ~ friendl In and. .roun . • Milia, bu been millsing fbr several June 13, 1915. The aeveral orders them being an ex·uloon keepe.r , dl,a, perbape north of the old ruah pond. Wavnemlle and Lebanon the lut weeks. and the party who got it will . Saturday, May 29, at noon, Miss will meet at their reflP&Ctive halls at cuaaed the temperauee quo.tlon 10 weelr. Ed broulht through In hill (ConUinled next week.) Milllet!l Mabel . Cast and Minerva please ~turn the aame aa ·tlie trn. IQaChlne a fln. Duroc Jeraey pia II a Leah Anson, daughter of Arthur and 2 o'clock. form. parade anll march a dialogue form. The idea wu ar! very anxious abou tiL. The ' praent for bIa brOther 118111_Bath- Maggie (Pratt) An80n. of Norwood. to cemetery. where ~he aervieea will unique and wu putting the old. old Harlan are tile gt1C11ta of WUmlngton In a dlfterent form. The re'ativea this week. While tllere old grader 'WaS turned in tl'1lde lit. and lin. Robert Bec;kett en- .way, It II needl_ to ..,. Hally Ie W18 "iIIlted in marriage to Mr. RUII- be held. All memoors of tbeae or- story t.ertaiDe4.• Il\llll..... of SuD- "'" proud of bIB "boaIb!p" IIld ... Waat, ofClarkaviUe. Gallette ex- dera are expected to be tben Sun· cbureh was well filled. and there they will attend the eollep com- for the new OD9\ and they wu extra muaic. ~~ dellrou C)~ wheN it teDda CCNl8dtulationa. dQ, wltb 8NM ......
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I pr ' !lIng lilLm h " rA "COllrl1l1l> l " For T'U ll cI1t, 1111 (11 rl 1'10 111 llll' '><nll n l 1 1 r'lt It [nurnay Into LU Q,. ' ! otnnTcnil:tll'a 9100(1 I'n t a WhY vI ,.~ Il e l' al,ltI. Il ud h " I.. .. . I 1i00"'I I ' ~ II , Kil 8VNOPSI& I I\"k~. () .': I~ hE'r Als I" r Ordlntlr ll\' nwblll nnd Pll nd lto. I'"ulll t hl p, dt.)· lo ll \I .... III Il II (1".1 1\ 11. • - - . tonrs 10 , ~ . ' . b' d" " IIru c nne! I< ntil lyn W 1'0 f ' lIl'ln ' "IIHO(lIt1t Ih.' I· h i"", ,I u~ II H , ' " CBAP'l'JIlR J- KMI1 IYr. JTRrD. boll~'·l n. ~1IC'h 11 rNp .... l \\ould h \ 8 (J tI on o wIth t h( ol h r, all .,r th ' Illllllne l ,,' . hW 'f&tlMl'. Col. 1'1 .. '., " ~ I~CO~~\~ 11 11'11 . Hil I t he king no 10n.:,,1' cu rt'<l.1 () t 10\' ra when ,,'In lll ' h r c y 8 w l d ~ POMI" I . " I':.NA~,':.."t!°'1'~"I:!. Ulnbll.lI:d I wil u t lb.' wom" n dId. nnd th ,.. "hlt" with rr1~ht b u ral In u'pon th m wIth " :-\ n l Ihp enhll, " ", III )' Innl to tb. lhND. hlUl unue h Afl l'rn oon. I\lId nlKh t 8, th n ws th At L'llI ba lla , nl Ihe hnud ' ,\ "d thl:-. I'Unl' " "' ." : PIIIIlIII", b e , ...lDne&. DAm 11 by tho 11110 k g Inn Dilly Im rll)' nl h' o In 1110 mo r n· Idl hi '1'1 wu. ll1urtl c ... 't!. 11'011 I " '" ,.. " crll'~s I I " lOnny PO r8," BS nllproac n l! . 10 , l • . . - l UllS, 10 \"'er8 r ushed t o til " fro nt o f th !.tu n. ,, " ' ''1111' hi III I \ .:"~ " 1 IIlh., .I", , lilt An hnu r Inl r 11 palnn 'l uln Wn8 low· 1 Illow In ti me 10 witn ess Lhe co lonul \I It .Il I,rn" r Ill" '" I . .11110', """ ,' \\ .. II, ~;'":leed . he t. to bo Queen/ and ('rcd di rt) t ly hl'll eath th o killS'S wI n· I g I th I l i t for Ill " lh .. I''' ,~ l" n 1'.11 0'", II,IIIt; . '0 e~blm. Sbe ...,!'\I868 Bnd a In- I l l ' Tl h l ~ e ye It looke d {lXII lh' llke I try ng 10 prevenl 0 10 rus on a 0 1"1\1'" . lIail u I'll' ,. ,.," \' •. •. 111' (1 ~ h ,, 11 11 b7 • prieat.o thaI no woroa l\ CIID I \\ . , pri e8t. • I I I ,",Ie \l1U ed. Sh. Ia .-tven .,,,,en Ih e ant' wllll'h hnd d pu rle d. He wonl "PnUonce, sahib! '" war n d th Il " ttl ",)111 ,\ "., u"lr,l" II I"' " 1"' 11 11 to tJIIDII It ......... (HI wrltln!! IIbsorbe d. H od he looked I t. 111 1111 1:, , ' "',' " . l ,I II",,, h," \,lr'Il"~ ," CH..\.P'l'IIIR m-Bhe ,. ut l .... !'\I.e. II cl flo ly. 111: 11 h beeu the leas t pr C'lionel li pan Boaln" l lm lml1a " -' I)' I., rri, 11 !.' " " . , ,,"" fF4 t.b.~ lib_ mUl t und ergo two olueu I I ' 0 " 'I\ n J !'ooh Hll \\ •. 111/ '1 10 i t ull d go, or I'WItII wtl4 beUtII. If .hl . urvlv...b. ",Ill ~ oue , . . mode lin attemp t to d raw h is r e l'olv or, !IN tenDI'~ to rule. Th l8 JlA lnn'llil n wns lhe gift of b ' ut the 80ld ler s Ilr v nt d him f rom 10 '1"" 111,,. · Il '\ 11 ': I I···.. I " I 10(11 "II I "II' . .11,111 ,,1 !JUl I I .-·-......R rv-Johll Druoe. LD A m orl - Durga n llm, so-cn II 0".. ,, Ill bfI 11 o. It h n d carry ing Into exec ution h i s wiLd 1m. IfII&IIo ......- bet' Ute. h " 11 bu IIt eSJlec Ia II Y ror thl S· 10 IIg ' I ........... . . h llu Jd .',t. '!. pt..- .· I 1'1 II Itl' l uu l, t hf' UURP I -'-lII1\ V..Jl'be a1ep~ant .. hlob oa:,.. w .. lled·for occasion . It WI\S not hI ng pUTI:~' pries t explained what hntl b~p' CO llI ,, · 11"" , ,. "r ."i:rirom lbe scone ot hor tr lalo ru na more nor les a than a Bun nin g cage In iId. Tho COIOII Ol I Soh lb hla t rl e nd " AI 01 " " Mh",,1 I 1 illY & . ...,Ot.. tl:':;t1~ bor ~m Druce a.n<l ljl+ \\hlc h a tiger wns hu dd led , In a vll o ·~~ce Sl\hlb Bnd hi. YOUn~n8 t duu gh. hellr l :" HUIIl" I,.II 111 [01 tI h d """S lI nu p&r , t CID~It'r. 'rb e l)lllnDQuln bOll r ers , fri e nd s t or ,,'auld bo permitt ed to d epart III $llu','cl ,1<)1\' 11 III ' " lli ' . I Ih, III.tll \I lin , 1. --1 Vl-8be tall..,. rerun III a r tI d l\ It g girl bolt! o ve r powered IIIHI h li ved , ,," 1<1 .1\' ., """I,.' I'll ll P ie, but tbl. I,o.ven Ie tho .bo<lo 0 I rers ,and don ne d l h e I r peace ; but RKa thl Yll Me)nsuhlb Illusl '' 1l lii "I s au. ,' 6""1' . "I 'u litl il a. I h ll'(' a &ad .be Ie t ol'<l6d to II.,. trom It. tho '11 royu l nebea _.. Du U r , "
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hi t r tho CO"lUmes . At t s mom e u o ne 0 hCl\ rers (U mb nlla hlmselt. tru s Ung n o one!) crl\wlod Bte nlthlly unde r tho I CIIAPl'lIIR VItJ-Kathlyn t. broul"t.t to pa la nquin nnd touche d the spring 'uIi:-P!lbIM lDart In .l\lab& anti 1101<1 to wh ich lIbt'r nte d the tiger and ope ned oDb' to
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:O.1IUIA,u:,~ b~%~ J:·d:~!"'!~~~ ~
CII&Pl'IIIK IX-8he Ie ...,.ClUed b7' Bru...
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~ .."tlI. DIJaoe of 1)&Ia KhaD. ~ppUed by oamela0':bY ~.' . 't. ol.!1"oa:.s~;rbr,:"IUla!.°r
ro·~ O~be II
.-~ CIO.ICI •. P It! ~ xm~.. bandit. qu~ •
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L'l'hq • "laDall4 to "TUrn _ . to.Al the 00 0II&l.
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XIV-'l'be oolonel
bUt rea!\.7 a
find • brido for hIm. • to the pa.laoe In c! er N8ClU8 plane ..... W ~N 'lfMD • treaauf7 leoparda ..cape• ......... 0. GOUrt loto -ru.10IL
_.-- .... PD!.~"'"
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0ILU"l'IIB X'n-'l'tle oolonel bean tbat ,~:~tllP~WtllJlle, Ia about
bIIii :rou...... to ••rh·o III
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~1I' P~:r ~~
....WinDle "l\.~-........ sa oroWDed IID4 btl' talb., .t~n4ln all, UlIw preeeooe known
th o bli nd. Th e furious bollSt sprang to tb o wtndo w. 'Mie king wo.s too lUI· ton lahed to move, to appreciate hlB 9angor From yon harml ess paianQuln thi s s triped rury ! Tbe til e r Iu his leap s truck the I odd esk broke It and IIcattered I·LlCqU e r b • t th tl t ao: : wore Just
A llld,,' I-
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For Sale by
r ga a m . n'll yo t dnr,'tI io 'll :,"IIU n il . llut h I'''', Whon th o daze d colon ol prot\uc d I" th(l pr" 1ul1<'o or "",,1 II. lruth will I tho docume nt which had boen I gail y ou We rlltlnol 1.''' ''11. ('onfl ~cllll c ll1 c"neeled t Tmblllla la ughod a ud d o. m , of prolll'r Y (llld ,Icllt h rlll'<' 11 8 III. v ~ ry ~~~~!'-:'~~_~'!""_.....~~~~~_ _ __ .....~~~~_~~~!'!!'"~ c lllre d that he him self h nd for~cd lItr1t 1(1\ c' . ;o.;o! L' IIIb ,,\1 " IlI'O lll)~"~ 10 c r uRh _ __ " ,
J/"'IIIII(\lIy ,!'~!1
Waynesville, Ohio
PUBLIC SALES Dr'- J. A I ,,,.1 ..
IIO ,k,· I1t!· n hoB I GREATLY BENEFITTED BY CHAMBERLAIN'S :\ 0 lIlun 11 II" ', .I K lilY rrl "," 1 It O W rec, 1" 0] Ill " III hi. hOIl';c. \\' ur. hll) is I LINIMENT Veterinary II~ II h'd " " IlII le-I' '; wUI' Khip III ",' rTtlt. , . <.irn,lulll~ of 01", "1r.1 I ln;\,I'("" J Till"'" Is OIl U l",llo\lllY op e ll ." li n " I h l"· r\l ~Ol l . ' h,,,," bHrhtlo ~ Lln i. I will o ffer 8' pnbt ll' 00 whllt PR.Il SNI. ," ent fM ll r lllriHtI .. n tI rlt nn . k .11 'he \V t' ( ' orn, .11 " Alit! "'litII I. Ihut.IlIY lorJ?" 1ll~ 1·1 V" l n ~, "'lIl I I". I( r e ll t bort r th ' r II n o . n , t ' Of " Lytloo n Oll i ·1' at t ( ~ i ' h ' ll rl' in F. It ."\Il(!r "To k '1I'l,I III tho ' 9ml'Iu and r a- I h n VEl ""0,,1 "fill ju ' t1 f1 e~ m y r eoo m . • Uri" . II" !' e .n;r I.l.~" d nou,,"" 'lIl r rp1l1llon . Ou WlI tllIlt. ,\lit! ,o'"lIl i ii1 II, ill lilli, Illl( h ij l:! t ' t l' r Uifl . " I '-'.1" 1 ,I " " L .1I· ,'y r ,la wond '" hilUS!! , r n ur l h ";Ir,eel. wo aro t rt'll lO I..""" A la lcll." ," ri t.'.; I"I .. reu(, tl W II !>I\Wh, 1 FridR)', Ju ne II, 1915 . Tclcphonr 214 Pundl lil wil l.. ,1 " ~Iy lort! 1a nOl Ind 11 .';I' .1I :l r~ Lr. ubl.'c\ '''It. iI li e n. ) capnhl{l of 80 1'110 ltll a ct." 01 tllO 1l<tIHP w i ll . b o , C;o ll llllilUol n g ,\10 n '(l lnck, th o \V uY Ilt!svillt,. Ohio , 1>1111'. <" \ w lIh I I1l' IJI"' ''1l1! n lIH, ' wbl n h , f <<\lo,," Ifl K pr il l'''' I' I,.,· : .". I nt.Ort.~t I n • "No." 1.111 ' 0"' 11 1. ,tfl',lr d;l Gu no By", '['"b'll'co ; .. " f ,_ _ _ And hnn d 1n han d tho), ploo(l bcforo Oll~" ll\llbl0 I-l llor,' whl'lrl!. I LJl nv~r o'n ll hluel! rI1 ~~ J>" ~Illrn. :1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _...~_"!!"-l_~!!!!!!!!"'~ CHAPT.R XXIII. I clltatal'lue, t org oltlllK ol'ol'ythlng but H U ' IW!I. b'IIrmlll lm ple tho . pHreN UIlIl rHtolHllng b twe 'l1 lill,'II.. A Woman S c orned. t.Il~m I f I There 18 "n alA say ing In IlnJ put 1I1 'Ido ku ow o (I n ' 'IY 11 :i'I "' . m U "AI. ull" t ,l her ru rrHI'r n u tu e o f ,\tI II r' lll 'll tl uvu f!e that womlUl a nd Ib e four wlnll s were I t WO R bUL a murmur; lin d U, IW O \)1'\'0111 . Af N '1 t born Bt tho 6Bme tim e. o( the "nme h (lb A A. ,,, 0. III • A u 1 , lurn lld t o \\, 111..\('88 lhe fipp rOl!C a e .I. W Lill~ n \'" ,J . ( '. MI!U ln oA' , funeral Dirpctor mother : blew Iiot. blew cold. bal mil y woman ot tile ~ 1II.1.I1l!. Sit fluug he r- enu A IQ su rt,h'd !III O dl WI sf'd l> ' or temn.... tuous ly. tram a ll points a t h r II t tu e nl! and Embalmt·r. oncs. F;;ha na . self tlown or 10 en n I 'IU • 11 - p lll lnl lfT wlIb LI ll I r (.oo cI _ _ _ __ _ r p slonillcly klHs lng Ih o sbro ud. She Fr6dttrl', k B [)o o", :~ VS. t' , . (-l In the eonaDIl of th e roya l pulnce I b t d r " r~ WayneSVille, Ohio. loa'nod hack I\nd but l or I' a" nIl h, k nnll nli W. W.lli oh rnn Cour t --the re wu a woman, tnl l, lithe, with walled.· RUDlIlbut WitS Iltt70Zle d :, nl rl'4 tltf' '1 1111n 1111' I"l rl'r .. vnr 1h ll 1 lllld Cali anB we n~1 p r"tnJllly ri llY Q~ nilth t a I!Iktn of I~ryh ' aDkd (roses t : : ~:: over t hl!! d DlOllti ll'Ot lu: l. 'I hn t Idlllild- - ri ' ....1 5:311;;-, f1',ill! W . \'1' ('or b," " Both pholll.'S in OUiet! Slid Rf'!\lrl .!IlI'C. brown B8 t .... us a D W& c r c 1 . 80me youll g wom lln 8.lould wa ll o"ar who I~ In 'l M" tl lt f '''I~Wtlr , cl e o lo n g di. t 811CtI .N o . 101; 11 11111(> lJhll lle On bQl' bQre wer g m·ltl· the co rDlie or Ull "ld 1 111 11 "ho bad lIl ur r o!' ,'r " II Y 1Ilh,'r A o.
partlcul.r docum.ont. Ihat the which he held .....a o nol lell:l\ lIy I!Itroyed, Burnlnll wit h the th ough t or ra.... en« •. of repris al. how oould Durgn n.m know t hllt be th us du g h is ow n pit t Hnd It It't L'lcm go he would bave e ventu a ll y bee n c row necl, BS SlI r & ly I\S now bls [lath led st1'R lgh t 10 t ho trendmlll Iln te ring Ole corridor whicb le d to the Ahmed' alone e8c np d. beCilURe 11m· balla had Ln his lrlumpb forgo tten hl m l
~l ' li.
Chonlb." I"ln ·~
r~f1B, ~ nll'll t.~, H Oll~Rbolil
" (I~tIlH'EI
~ I orc.~ ~
Ttl rrll~
A. MAFFll'
U It"l\l l/1 ~
~"". ~kI"'. " ,,, " ,,, b,,","" ' ".,' b," ",," hi,,,. I",
1 1l11~R"d
" dl,.
JI\·2 r
ml,b< " " . " " ' " " '" i , " " " .•i" "on Chairll an li O l\(! r,08c h furni~1(.'f1 trlle of bamm er ed gold, rou nd her n k a an In lofl)rf'lu lloll till' r e moved from ut 1,1.1 nl.ll1' Oil. I. 1 J wnnt t o bu y you r \\00 1, wi th {llnernls r opo oJ POOrls ood emern ills ond r u· sorrow. Alwoys In 8)'nllIntlly, ho w· 1 " ' I. I /" 1 E' d will Imy the Hi"hcst Market ')rlce III h R " tu Ie 0 , u 0 V9 m er Ill' ' ... BM t of !<crvicn gu aranteed. . pL bles and sap phires. And st 8 \VIIS ever wllh thos bo \\'ocl wll h Ilrler. a- J II I 1 r 1 t ' ~ . .. for it ~KMhlTD. 10 ~ 1I0t bappy, mab:U s t oopt' d nnd nt temp ted to rai s e ' o r ., n' ~ (1.1 tlnt li n ' It(l g ml ty. . I WlnnIo'l room, but.. 'From time to tim e h r fingo rs h 1 Mart; Ftnk T lJ(t m lls It . I : Q etralned lit the rooll! or h r gl08SY hrank from his look ed 1\ ,Jnr y n t g uilty ' ~~ • t. ....ue4 b7 u.. ooloN4 blBc k hair nnd Ih e " 'hltes of he r gren t d f r tho Il rst tim Be~nled t o . ~ Cbllrlo:fld . . iIluUle ' II o r de t l'd to PIIY .... D e Yjls gllete n d. She bit her li ps to his pres!'nce. a bu b. t.:}OO for tDlllD ti-lIll,n .::e Of Ill e o\1llrl . I keep back lh o sobs crow ding In b r ble u nd e r wUIClr. tho t wh ich hn d becll You want to sell your Ca ltl e nod ,lie · bet~~U~ to the throat. She pressed he r h nnds to- st r ivi ng tor UlI ~rnnc' cllm to t lt e surP r obale CQurl Pr~d ln~lI H ogs. 1 will (lny YO Il the Highest De.tlt of the Rell King af Allllha. . gether so tightly that th e little kllll ck· \ fn ce. • h sllatch cd one o C Rnmobn.l·s Market Price. III Ih " m llt. t or n r t h ll 1OF-t,lIt.eII , f ' 1e8 orocked. b .. ovle chllmber wbell the fraaedy ocourred I Mll rl b " Ll Pellcu , t1,.ceIlRfll 'f) tlt._, "Ai. alled 80ftaty. he r chn n~. 'ro Ill; CON 1·!. ' UED "' r ll ll' IlIl !ll lt li llC t il X " (l x'l d. They .henrd the noise, the kin8"1!1 criea. Sbe' pacedBhe thewall oonllnes ,.,. ~ ~ 11 When the:r reuhed the 600r Bl1enoe ber with Blow step, with ~sat ste ll"; or III Ih " 1I11 11" r Itf l,h n. r!:' t ntll of ' - ' . • ~ ~,. greeted them. loaned &caInel !,be wall, h er raco hid· .. ~(;l1l1 l l,,:; B. MOll r UI1. d "IIPt\ I'll. R e - , The room waa wrecked. Then! WIW dell In her &rm!; or pre8sed h er hot Point in Verbal ism ' P'l l I. 0 1 M I,':; 1:; "Vpr VAil . Wayn esvill e , Ohio evidence of a eho.. but terrl1lo st.rug. chellks aallinrn the 0001 marble of th e .T ohn ~ " " K, (( ,Imr. " f'l h o A~tnte ufi \ a lle y P hon" 135 gle. The king lay dead upon the fiOOr,!lt.\uce. J " b ll /: , 111>\ . d,."e,,~c(l , p luln t.IIT v p. the aide of hll head crushed in. .HII Human nature 18 mode up of can· !i ll ! ' /:JIlIo! a t .01 . 11e ftlfl,l"n ' . 1!Ia1" turbeD IUId garmenta were III tatte .... trarlllll, Why, when we have hod th.e Pro fr e.o r ( tool,,"~ in OmnIJl)~lllolI ) " r"ltl o.rllt .. I,. ,lpprcl vNI Ols tri ._______ . _ _ _ _ But he 'had dleclllke .Itlngl for In tbe courap oooUy to plan murder. or to - 'oUle o nil ln t b e ul,,!,ij r econtlv r r>_ b OlI.i,, " "f Ilfl.lll p,l,. I1r ,. rli I. corner by tbe wlndow .lay tho Btrlped aid or IURgeSl I\., why must 'W e be rerr e d ttl 1\ WODl un Il~ of " m cul oul 10 th ,. ' "' Ipr t )f 1110 ""t"to (If MILLE R. one. a jeweled dagller In bll throat, troubled with remorse' More thon :\I?O. " Ple a ije" .. old t hiS 'xpr l'R810 n '31' I In.? N J llU ll1M II. " C' ~f'II M"ll All Ramaool wlW , ftnt to dlllOOver the thlll, why mUB' we battle agatnst slUy In r e fe ro)ooEl to It W O IIIII U . l · t;mll ok l! d ,. hl )f l.lt E.' I.'~ lit b n\,1111( IJ Ill) paid 'd eserted palanquin. an.d proceeded to 'mpu),. to tell tbe ftnt we meet whitt too mno b of OClIlIfU tl rt ·IIlI\Stn. 0\ ' 1{1 ,," r l ,dll ~I."lil s 1"~ l otl ~ I 'I (l 1,0 Pilld ... DENTIST... Investigate. It did not take hl~ more 'In! have done' Remorael What la Itt E' re~h l\OllI .- l:Ill ~, · pr()fcs<tOI', ~ 11f' " . "I t,(: r')nlll ll' l"~ In th e h ~u!l d o r th e thM a .mlnute to undentlUld 'w~at had Now. thle womaD of the lenllna be- Ill ig htl be' "on Lb e 'lJ lt r kot " - ,I ntl go. It(tlll iY' ri l.rnt'lr . I,b a I r.t r r I~ II11.l h o r- N a"n D~lnir.w.tkn 111,1, . happoned. It was not an accldeotl It lleYed 110' III the Ood at your fotben _ __ _ .. _ _ _ 1:-." 01 .. il lSll' lh tll e Plltl1 o 1.0 UI A prope r W llyne8" il1~. 0 Read y our own Miami Gazette WAS cold·blooded murde'r , ao4 hack 01 _d mine. Sbe was a paSAn; her (] ttrl I " ~ c:aAl'TICR 'XXD - tJlD~ana .n.eah It stood tbo Internal Ingenuity at Qno beaTen I!.lId bell were ruled by n thou· RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH t\ ( '. VBi l II l lll r. witb th e w ill oJllJie man . Mnd sodl. and her temples were BUed 'l111I1 '.u ,l I) f \II " o f C"lvln G It &nanae4 to havo .Thus fntc took Allaha by th o hll ir ..Itl! their Images. Yat t.hla thlpg r&" I W II " '10k l uI' (,' nr Y" '" - w ith Ii lll' '' , 11 ,,!J(111i'I" ll . p la int,111' VH. Ma. li gnin IUld shook her out of t he lIa&- mol'll., waa atabblng her wltb Its hot At,l1f11 0C II Ir ll nh lt,,' . \l'r tNl Irp . (,1110 III II \) I illl t'r . tlt Il l, r!o""lItI " lI l d Hale fOl' t_ tile ,wI~luto l>O'II'.r loral quiet . What would happen now' needlee. till no torture devl.ed by man GU ll .. . % " v,,~,'j ll , I lh lO, " I lost IJ f 1'1'11 1 r~ IHttl " rtl BIIIII Q, •• HuelUld This! oouJdeQu&llt. , well.t! t lIull l hnt r ,,\1111LHlnlll ltt.r (' ll hP I! IUlTcllttnS hI P d lSTUcn calnp was, ot course. III ut. On tbo momlng sfter the traglo She 'WIUI the ' poor. fooUsll womlln . 1lI t·tll (;( 'LV· lljJ " ' P Il V !ling o urOl . of A,', I'll B ~luy , I;!\ tu y . :j M 'I:!,. .. ay. ter ruin. Not ' even the cookIng u ten' death at the old king. those " 'ho wen t 'Who ro-.ed nu.... Ram i love d him liS A f r le u d tUl ll Ill!\ ul JO llt 1'llIlIn htl ..- A'l II' • P. Mil ' II' rl E 'l !.\~'''l p ,Iu •• IIlIs remained', IUId of bls men there early to worsblp, to propitiate the go d 8 th_ wild ABlatle women love. tram t llt n ':-I ' eR ~l Htd.bntl~JIt(H U!:4 U · t,wo 11 nll n ..· ' , ' 'h lll'l"\' It . . : '\ \' ,,' ,,!,plli ntfd ,I t lt"'m I 1111 1)1'>'" " b w" WI18 left bnt All. whose le g etlU ca.uscd to d eal kindly with them during t h e murdw to t ha "018008d cup. Loved h'/tt,llI!! ul' ' 1. \;) v" S .., p , ,' 1lion .." that .. lulll n il " t'ver)' w er~. htm to limp a Jlttl e. So Druoa wo.s day. wore astounded to find the doors lI1m. ud knew he loved he r not., WvlllillJ' commlUlded by no le8s pers9n tban and gntes of all tbe te mples closed I but ued ber tor bla own 8alOgh e nds . Rca l Eslalc Trall ~rcrll XathlJrn to be h er lather's gues t till Nor was nny prie8t .. Islblo In hla usual There you havo It. Had he loved her. they dep&rted for Am e rica. Dally haunts. Tbe poople were stunned. For nmona nsver would have lifted Ill! ""I1I1 ({ Hptlld,,1 tl' ( ·" .. ri a K ,~ Jl eld o l l Winnie rode Rajoh. He wns such a th ere could be but one Interpre tation ' hu4 (JI' raised Ita voice. And IIgaln. lot· i'\ I> , .1\) ill F ,',ltd lltn. S, l, fuOD)' old p&chyderm, 0. Idnd 01 lawn to this net on the part at the gurus : had nol Umballll 80ught th e whlto L M. nurl L H P"Il ~ O t.o I~ B among hla brelhren. but a8 gentle a B a tue gods had denied the people. Why? womnll, this butterfl y of th e haro;m R o~() n" 2H,X\' tU ' r N 4 In cll1otlou 19, 'r . ... kitten. RUDnlng away bad not paid. Where tore? Twenty·tour bours p9.8se d might ha"fe died ot old age without Ull' R ·1, $ 1 He waa like the country boy who bad wllholtt their learning the cause; the burdening her soul. Remorse Is th ~ J. C/. Tho ul P!< I n to '1' ill , K t1e lo r gone to the big city; he neve r moro priests desired to fill them with te r· rlHlult 01 • orlme comqJllted use loA'Hly. lot N ... ~I U til : .ehll ll nll. :1. could be l!8.t!sfi"ed with the form . ror be rore the), Btruok. Humanity III unchllugooble, for all Its B .1. VOIJl' hlf< 0 Wul ,..,. W Voor The baboon hung about the col ol1e\'s The n came the dlotl'lbuUOD at pam· variety ot aklns. I h i" llU lh v d o,l X I'll r t u l lo tI' N o 2G heela aa a dog might have done; while ph leis whe rein It was decreed OInt And here was thla wornall. WOlltlrl/l "ud ~!i in M I\ ~ O Il, $ 1. Kathlyn. had found n tl&er cub tor a the popula.ce, the BOldle ry, all Allahn. to tell lome one! I Common Picas Court C H . yo uo ~ ~o (frllnk A. Elbon tb1 play n«. 80 to!, awhUe peace rei gned In fact. must bow to the will of the Umballo bad done a peculiar thln& ~ , New Suits. 2 ~.(. na rcs lu W " YIl AI;Villo. ' 2 at the camp. gods or go herefortb accursed. Tbe he had not laid hand upon ellhe r Ra. .\NY ptoperty owners feel They found th o much' Bought doeu. gods demanded tbe reinstatement as mabal or Pundlta. Wbon asked th o t)h e rm n n OllliA VB , RO~R (; h l180 et. . i'e nol N. Idft o \', " rlm ~ t o Fnnk t:l, El boll .S5 Il cr (\~ In WI\yne town. that palnHn~ Is an "01,ment in the s ecret chamber In Um· r ogellt Durgll Ram: the deposing ot rellBOn for tbls genero8lty toward B nl . partiti o n l)f r Qal es tarCl. 14 bip $ U1OO IlCnsC"-tlOnlcthlng that they b61Ja's hOU8e (jnst as he Intended they ll.umnbal. the Infidel; the fealty at man who but recently put a prtce on 'rbo HI,ie A "il Olllli Uo. VEl O. E. J Il\l 1l Muag, 8flmr .. til K .. te Zang , ahould); and the klllg had It Icgolly the trooJ)ll to Durga Ham; U hours hlB head, Umballa smiled nnd ex. Brow n ·nd D or oLb y I:Ir o \\'n , m o ney I can (let along without. But every daatroy ed and wrote a new will, whoT&- we re giv en the ~ople to mllke their pial ned thnt Ramnbal WIl8 not only only painted 8urfnco needs renewing. for Am ou nt ola lm fl d 11 00 wi t h 5 3 ~ Itortlll lu 'lh:llrfl ,lld town~hlp 11900. In Pur'ldlta sbould have back that chOice. broken politically, but was a religious In t.e redt. tho slImc r eason thu t n pcr~on nccds ncw wbleb the klng's IUlceStOrs h ad taken Defore the doon at all tbe temples outoaet. [t .wae happiness for such a John P . D10k RY tn EtIlLh Hinkle dothc...- both «:lothcs and paint, got J h " 1;Il'l Ollrtl VH. A nnll I,ponllrd . 'rblr lf le ll\ ' iu t N.!). r,OO In F ranklin tram bers':""a tbrone. th e POilpl e gathered. wailing and pour- porBOD to die, so he preferred that Ra. a i v n r c" , c ruol l) u u ti nog leo t . shabby . ... .Attar that the re waa nothlog for Ing dust UtlOD the ir head8. from Brah- D1abat Ibould live. $ 4000. , ' Pnlntlog at regular Intervllls foreColonol Hare to do hut proceed to Bhlp II1ln to parillh. rram blgh ·caste ma.Beoratl)'. however, Ramabal's revoProceedings ' tlamuill B W ()(OllwKrtl tuGrsoe M. lltalls I'cpalrs; .whUe neglect of paint. hll anlmnls to the raJlraad. tllenee to trOllS to light dancing girls. Apd when lutlona.... frlendll were 8t1ll bock at h t Rces purt o f I') t N p. 9(14 In ~' rAnkl1n, t Ing meaDs BOTH a Tcpalr bill and n ·, l. n oll B llIo fi" , e" v~1 IlM lloss li S" e the porta wbere he could dls poso 0 the troops , company by company. b &- him, though they pretended to bow to III l3 b flrm P tor t.al tll te(Jordored paint blllinter, bccau8e the repaired them . Never should be eDter this part gan ' to kn ee l at the outer rim of these the yoke at the priests. ' b y o p nr t , , AU K O ~ I. Vn l' ol ,11' . , lIl· ul 1.0 Robe rt, work must be pl1lnted . of India again. Lite WIIS too sho rt. gnth erlngs. Romabal dispatched IL note 80 upon this dny mattere stood . M I D W Rlooh " l 2. t, rtl ot ~· i ll BumiHon Blgh and low the y hunted Um balla, to Colonel Hare. warntng him to fly at thus: , the colonel, Kathlyn, DrUCe and ' W il ltfltn fl . :'\ll)w por t vs uO y , l UIV Il ~ h l J> ~ 1 2;;\I . but -wttbout 88cceS8. He was hi dden once. Bllt lhe messenger tore up the Winnie were prisoners Bgaln; Ahmed WII ~ 11. e ll ll rl Hurls I" I It Ion .o( 111alli. I .lUlL Mnok to W. U Pr ice. un· ....u. Tbey were, hO"fever. !lss IIred . nole an 11 , fiew to hts tavorlte temple. wae In hlc1lnl; and llama bal and his 1.1Il t·lI he tl.t tl HI d I) rg ~8'! l\l:~ lt~t~;= d ivid e d one fll irrt o f ,2 fl5 I\ oretlln th.t he ILnsered In the oil., and W118 ' Superslltlon thus won wbat honor, wife mook ~d by tllOse who once had QOV Ar tho ho m Ilr ~ 6 l ",. w , Vlro:lnil1 M li lltHY l:i llr vllY No. ~11l2. 1Ilnllterl), alive, truth nnd generosity could not hold. cbeered them. The Ingratitude ot e8~ fr o m dElftmd llll t . $ 100., . Oa)' after da)' tbe king g re w 8trollgor Allaha 8urrende~; and UmbaU. klnge Ie lUI nothing whe n oompared I:l tlll,e of O hIO Vt! En n lR S imontol! W. H. !lnd M .. hol P ug o ~o J M. menwly and physically. IIIIUlY or the eBma forth . to the Ingratitude or a people. Jr. Th is ,..".ns-o Is n (,lie d by r:eqoe~ t lind Dn rl! Ul II Il OY lut, Nf). 1 2' ln PIe"", . refol'lDll lIUC&8eted by Ramab&J ~ere All this happen d 110 qulokly that uot A moet ridloul'ouB country : to crown of pr OSflo ll tl. r a.nd \"I t.b tbe oon ~e tl t. keepa down the hlgb maintenance coet that aJwa)'l felultl lint Pl o ln, 'I put Into· force. QuIet at length reall)' evon a rumor at It rcacbed the col~ Kathlyn aSllln ( ror the third time! ) of tI lIl nllu r t. from palnt.ncglect. It Is pre.emlnently "the paint that .11) 1111 K, 8 ponnE'r Ad mr t, o '\tVro lIattled down upon the city. Th ey be- nel'B bU Pl5l1 low till It . wal too 11I.l6. and then to lock he r up! l': OX.t to J\!1 " R'~(.! l' r ~ va. Rn y mood Rog,!rll, 1118t8." It Is also most economkal In fint coet, bec:aUIM! laD to boUeve thBt U mblllla had fled They were to have lett 00 the mol' 'Iuperetltloll as a oorrle r to ' progre8s lI i v or cE! Ie g roll t oci nu d Ililllntl" Ie E. i:! "' IIrlz 2 t.rs t-l! 111 W It"hln~ton coven the largest surface. . to w ll~ lJlp $1 600 .the city. IUld vigilance corresponding: rO"!. The kJllg dead, only a tew minor there Iltanc11 cultom, Everything ,one Treat your house to a new coat of paint. It will be true 17 relued , did muyt be done as Borne aIle else economy • . Don't cJaBR the coet 'wlth ·tollea, wllter 'l'ent, plumbl\\arrilllCC LiccnlleS The lllna had a private chamber. had done It; the Initiative Wl!S etlll 'Ing bill. ond other "dead" upenBas; ftaurc It 0(1 an o_t..,..an Ole ~elow of whi ch ove rlllOlI ~ the chalnoo Ill' in the temples. 1\ belonged Investment. ' . P 1 l'lw rl r'~ 1.;1 . urtli,. e ngin e er I cardeD of brides . There. with his 8her· to the bald prlelta ' only. Ye· s Mal?-Y eop e I ['lar vup hurA t l\!nrl lj till,rr. o f , w. can .how you .,me ....". auracche color com~= ~t. uel w.ter pipe he resumed ' hll But Umbnlla bad made two mls. bave tolclllS the 8Bmo (!t°try-di5treBI and •• you ... m••dYlWceILLClboyU&~8~t-':b.N,"': • Ua) WII 'n My il ln. It'Iv . A , .r. WIlI k\!r. 1 .. ... .al)'ou moo.,.. ' tin Q8e8 h ear tburn. A ' 0111. habit of indIting vera In pure takea: he Ihould h41ve permitted tbe f 'D sla .1 nhn II. WII M n . rllilrnllner ' to n toru g, g P rallul. for be wal a tlCholllr, He white people to lenve the country and YSPblPet ,· l Olllil.v 10 '1\ Dntllrurcl. hoth or M".OIl' I'· II• .,.,. entered the lanana or harem; liven a Iliken cord to the chi of eunuch 1If\';' ~ A JllmO>lOD, J bat -*lon....I' II. lent -for BOme of to .ppl)' .. directed. There are DC John HOflder~oD, laborer to ua __n to plU and dUne b efa... wriU8a Ie". ILDlOU8 the dlU'k JlGOSlleII beforeat,d aftereachm~ wi1Irelieft, Ohio Waynesville ...l, Vella Pitt., hoth of LebaDoD , &V. .... AIId the WOIIIIID .,110 JoYed UJD. that forbl4i the 411pouJ of that chat. you. Sold only by ~_c, .., a. "Innl),. Robert MortoD . . . . . til.... tel bon . . . WOlllltll . 01 1M Jtanm. baUL
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Mr". Mllry Utl w!ce 1I.ud l >ru th er. I Mr ~ . I .!ltlrl~ lClloer, o f Du y t.o ll , vi~ I II Ii: 1 1M . , 'rhnl1lIlP. wore !:Ion d llY F( n . tB \ ItOli he r f/llher. IJ(I 9i ft BQpklll~ 111~t I . MS I, ~e IlII UUU w ill IS l1d I,he DOORcQ-S~ Tioc r~a,lcrs of th is l',i ,lt'r .. iII hi- ple=n=s-=" (!,T . +""'+-lI +r:-n-nrr-Mrs:-tJI1O' B ii w k. we ek ' . E. lIl~e tll' c; un n oxt Su nd uy e\'o o learn th.11 thcll' is HL I ~,.. I O IiC d readed Mr. 8 . Y. olJc H II ttu o ded tb ni n!.; . 8ubjpo~, " Chrlst 's 'ti ll to t She IIIlll n fac4' dl VIII ... l v r.lil, discusc Ih,, 1 ~C i"l"lt' hilS Il('c n a hle IIJ ellre tno t,i nll of tl~ e Ml n.ml 'llm ol r y AR. Mr . Plod Mrs. Alf.red .lOU88, of Yonn/-: ~1 1 U 1000d Yo ung WtlIu ll n ," r\ fal-C t u UI :I~" ,&II .l rti",1 ~ I:t d . i.. 11 11 il s SI'lKL'S, nut! thai i~ Clllll rrh. lIOolnll Uf\ Mundu y. n OlLr Wnyn p~ ... lIe, \' 1 Ited h r pnr- l!:\'orybnl1 como If w ill do .I' II ' ilL' h.•d 1\ \\1\' • .11 II 0 1 0111 11111 11 ILlt il • I l il li'S Cit l rr lo Cure is 110., onl y (l"sili ve /\w l, ji l l , till' ti ~lI rc ,lI ll ~ I w lI.tU ! 'c ul e 1101\' klluw" 10 tli · me dical Irall'r!lity, Onr IIl.1.l tl oity ne ver lno k II In nr" 601,H. Mr. "nd M r8 WU I. ~lr\ uu"trlc lL. f.((ltJd. \' on WIll ho 11l.)rO t h llll we i. OOln l'. . I lIer !,uul ful t:)'\.' ., "cle IJl"; .lIll! I 'I"u \\. II ; C." II l rlo bci ll ~:J ~u n s lilll l iuna l <I i~t\ se , re· b eltotifnl 10 1111 th is wo rl.1. '1'''" or hu r I II~t, Sunda.y . A f l llll Uh ' ,1 "'Hrll w ~t.; ~ la L'e. 1 lle r li a RS . (Illires a cOllslirnli" ",,1 lfe, lIme,,1. ti:lll' s fl () wer 8 lire In bliDm In IIIJll n,lunor', Mls~e8 Florc~~o My r s ~nd Z VII Mrs. Fle t·oh liniflJlll o, o f Dayto n . I f:lIl1·ir l l 11 m l tll :l ll l ilt' l uW I1 CIIIIH d, Cur., is I "k~ " i"I,·m ully. ac l i ll ~ tb l' ItLWn l! oro kopt III 0 '''ed, w('oll~ Mo rrlR w ro YI!H to rA In ID ol nnll1l lipant. tL ooupll\ 0' 'ltl v ~ 10llt woo k Nil J~ irl i,.·uuld I)lM!'! 1 ti C n ll cr ch" 11115 . ,liwclly "I HII' lloe hlow.d lL.d IllU CU tl ll S sur· cut. uulllllo 'S nl oely pllintod. fo ucn" Illst Mooclay . . I With her hOille folks b ort'. I I"res 0 1 the syslem. there by desl ruyil1~ whl te wlL~ hell. property pr lltty glln Mr88 rs W .. lter Dinwidd ie lIud Mr~. blury Dllvi~. flf DlIy ton litH~ r fi fl ~t' r s lapt.·I. u :lIld wrr~ wll ile . I he fU"'It,la lioll. uf the disease. nnd ~i vi llg nr" Uy o' oured of 1111 en ou UI brll noe Jells Wrlllv " r " lil.v,Kl bll~fl ub ll with teud d .leoor fltl o n nt W"yneij~ I\l1l I ,," "S(', I 10 g"71' a lillie whlh' I he pa tlenl s lr~" ): lh by Luildi"i: up Ihe A lld r.,,,dL·,1 lhal II ,,· d:o)' .. ,,~ Io right . ""lIslit"li"n ulld a~si ~liug lIa ture ill d(.in~ Oor 'tow u ie oot of de bt. a nd .1' ; \1 t:oo /:! pu rtutls III n nyton IlLs t. l:l uo d " y. Oil Hu n dll.y. U,. CflIUl,l· s ill' h : llt !"CI S WI'f' l "sfllil C'" , il s ",urk . The pru(lrietnrs hA ve 5< ' muel, CIIll ti OO Lbllt our tllxea I1re lo w. All ~ Mrtl. (;lr~r o lloo ,~ol kerth. of nen r ~ II r .. Horr y to r eport Aunt BU l a ll m y 1o: '1 'I"Y 1:111""', flo·d. I"itll ill li s curali ve I~ '''CJS Ihaillae.y nITer 01 the Rt,,'etD ents Ilbove m en tio nod l 'o r ry, IA RO rlous ly IlI llt t il lS wrlt lo{(. Hnrriel Li nool ll llu ite poo rly at h ll r Utl~ Hundred Unllm. r(,r lI u y e a ~ Il ml tars truo US I ve rily IJtlll evo Now An" ~ 1o .'I II1i1 v I "'y W. Y M ,. ~. Mary Lillllo e, a Dd Mr . tl n d h ome n oa r ' V I\ Yll esv lll e \\'lll:1I tl l tl l )assi l 1)o.~ f,il:. lld sill" s:.l i,l. . iI fuils Iu Clire . Se ud for Iisl u l leslimo- IIhouldn'r. tUIS be /1. 0 i odnOllm e rot t o " I ~e n )lI H Il 111'p l ll(' l' Tf" S h .o.,ti uv ,'" 'l'ruR t ~e Ub " a. E llis IWlde A hll AI. niuls. . /lny onll looklog for 1.1 bom e or tbll t Mr,. . •l.ohn LILll.Ille .. t t eOlleLi t he I\ul o - Clo il' , g.'~ R ' 11( • .,1 · 1(" ..ald . Address : F . J. CH EN EV & CO .• To· WIlUtll to go into hn ~ ln eHS . '('b urn Iii rtlOIl~ In irllll llnu(Jolia last Moudll Y· n OHII tr ip tn O rElgou ill on 'l'hnrHd Iy Irdu, O. 110 line of . ".u810 es8 th ut Is be lul( . Mr. Wil ltnr Uib honN, of Clu cln n utl, Lrm 13"'1IDOO and wife .J. 1.lIlB Su it! by nil DrlJl:g is l.~. 76c : ove rdon e UOlI wo could use flll Oth or 1M A IJen d lll ~ lilA V'IOil 10 0 with bis Tn lll\ u~o und Dl oth llr and M r~ . M I\t~ 'f uke !Ia ll' s . nru ily Pill s fur conslipa ' ilia II wial) 0 11 II f n'l' t ('lI r lion. bll okslUltb s hop. h o ti'll . IJll y~ I O ltlll. Olo t,1I 0~. IJr o tll e r Imd ijlsl or o u Elis t 11 0 1)'1vis Iltl .. n do I (loMtorl y Moet. A Wu IBun f, it: lld uu tll nlt' et ' ing li t 8 ng llr Ron 011 tllltorc\ 'IY notl /-:ro06ry. fortllize r 111111 rnw o r 'ua fe rll. Frnnkhn A're t. J s ~u re III IOl e h ! ~ "t a nd il1g Our I.. tob IOtrlng hllllgS n ut to nil , Mr~ . J ohll Turnor. wbo is u ull er 'n [l(lay . H he rl' l a in!t his Sl"!l t. who wl",h to II s illt i u tb o uetter - tb.~ docto r ' ~ ellre is r epurted Mo me U. E. BellioD nud family will - KII I1!UIS ~ il y Slar. m llnt or onr city, • uelte r u t, this w rl 'in~ . B er ~ on , mnve ul!.ok to DK yton In the nOllr J u etloe Bo~gea 8. wb o hilS heeu In J ,lInns T u m e r "-nd falullY,o f ~lJriug future . fi e ld. woro eo ll o,\ to b or bodside lrae t. dl~poaed for somo time, h. ug .. in '1'1 !:lovern l froUl this plaoe a tl- onded oirooillting am IIljl biij trleods, aH Il f A Slump in Kisses. lor~i1ny . DOOtl rlltit) u " t, W lIoy ooa vllle on tl un . tbem bolng oxtrom e ly g ll\d of h lH Mr.ll ud Mr e ellr l Smith vl al t etl du y lI (t ern oon . A. C Blatr ~Jlent )l\8t wellk In oon VA )ollouoe . rel" ti VI'II ' " a r M I H olly I" ot "'u n Clnolnnlltl wllllre he won bigll d" .y. ' . uc,,, • I'll sob ool bOllnl m Elt on Snt llr<1I1 Y A FrElnobmlln wh o 8Pllarllnt.ly hilI! Nord WII'" r ooelvell ' fr o m B ou . !'; lI i"tunt llon ond h ,r e d t,he fo llowing bOhor" In " trKp "hooting oonte~t. f\ ~(.... I .1t'IlI ,I f limn 011 hi .. !murl .. hilS U. "'OS8 th"t it wonld ',e hUJloSHl blo Mr. nnd Mrs. B pu r.v H n le lIud tOllohors . M ifi ~ Nav .. Y o on ~, Hlokory. W. H . )eenhowor and fllmily , of tOI him to be p r eHuut '18 expe oted' twllU .1II1l1ijlog hlUl rio lf by r eo koni"..: d Il Ut;b l 6r, Mrs. Rev. Gu k ele r . of ville, M1 8~ Mnbe l Sttar.r. WellwlIo, ,j ll tl.1t.. nnmb"r tlf trh.tjl' ~ he ' htlij Wl18blngt,oD, O. IJ were lluellt8 of on Juoe latb, Fnthe T·" Day, 'lL t h o Xunill . viHitnd r e l"ti vo8 h e re lust lind M1 8~ Len" Whltllore, o urllohool. til VIm his Wlfu dnrlog the Drill rf111ltlvllH here la8' wflt",k . M. E. ohuroh. Tbe p"stor i ~ gett in g l'uo(la y . ( Bp-oo b 0 ro vEI.) The "nbnal lo.peolloo or the O. Iinotber dILLe and ~'IlI, her 'lI 0" v b SH t.wentl" vl'llr ~ of bip Dlllrrind h'(I. MfR . A B. Broi vfl r . o f Dilyton , Mis6 E Vil Ellis is spe ndlDg ee ve rlll E . R. Willi bpld TU8~ day eveDlog o f 1:1" Un')11 tblll, In I,h e flrML y"or h n ho"o I>o~tponed Indofinltel v. Notto V !~i I OiI f rleml h ol'o lIlMt , tl turd[~y . dllV K!W\th r e l& tlvee Bnd frl onds at . ""'pon""tl .. hout" hunrlrod IIIM86t1 II last week. will be given III duo time A. It 13 Irton and W lly n 6 mltb., Sprlugfield . dny . (Jr, ~lIy. "lInwiraK f .... uirthd"ys Mary MiliA. of noar XAnl ... splint ::everlll"lrom W"yues vill e pIINAeLi .. nd IlOh,In.YH. n I" ut, 36,700 in tho l'lst week Ilt tbe bome of her daoKh- throu~b here Frl clliY n ll;(h t for of N o w Bur liD gwn. weru viHitor N A . Allen "hd Vr . C. G . Rllndllll mflde I< buslneH H tri p t o Sli ver' G ro ve :v e.. r . I'u th o lIuonl1d yt>l\r ,hie num ter Mr •. Wm . BI61r . part.. unknown to tbo wri te r . noll hoI' lost Thunl(IIlY . on !:IoturdllY lIf tern oon . - _ . ... har wne roduoed by b"lf and 10 the "tllIl H,w.I'l Gormlln. of Wtlmlng groatly to tbe surprise of 0 11 th ll l $hlrd YIIM to tllll '1 tillY. while In th o ton . wal tbe ~uetlt of bor 81~t r ko ,w tb e m Willi timt th ey ('soa'll tl M. l'I1 . Terry lind wife, Drwld Wer. fHlb yen· IIIH hoUor hnl' bad t,o 1.1« Mrll. naymoDd tinrlAy I"l' week Lh e mOll-lib .. \. Llowevo r, t" !'y II TI' CHAM8ERLAIN'S COLlC, CHOLERA AND ne r lind wife. Will Moo"ey nnd c ' mt(lut wlt·b two a d~y. one In tIJe Wife, dI\:.ndE , Bllrry Tb ompso n. Dade Nlok Huff Ullin (JIM werevor. io _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _• DIARRHOEA REMEDY Mr.llod Mrs. T. l) Baydock speut ~ood folhJw s . 8ud f enll y kn nw b ow vII ' rllilllC ALl,,1 ""0 In tho o v.,nloK to RO~ whon they lire n.wIl y fr o m 'be week end In WilUllnKton. 'l'hl s IA II re med y t hut ove r .... film ~"III~I b"p(JuJI"d "r""r tb" Uf,ll yAlIF Le btlooo 00 ~ .. tnrd"v. ily ~ h lln lo\ uu provldod with, I~n d AI!. The W r . M. H. held Ita aDnlvllr. homf'. t~ """rllPPI'.lln III vHlllr.v,' '''lOt al the '1'he inmny friends of MrR. ChnR. Our billie hnll nine play erl t h o P . 'he~u rn", lIr Tl,lOnt b R, peclI. lly durin!!; e·,mo r .. t l1 nt "IIr"ltr"~ !l lon" ho pro HIlry mos tlng at the reHl!\enoo of EIIi ~ will be glad to k oow Lbat ~bD b,"hlV ILrriv Rl1 ev n""'Itilly Il& one klltll Mr. and Mrs. Jell>e I::III~khill. 'J'hofll- e. & .it. L. tO lllli of IJlnolou ll t,i ~un T h lu k of th o puinll uu s nflorln g tbllt II! ge ttiug Ill ong as well 06 ollnld be on tho l ~ t of .1" nUilry OVAry 1811)1 dllY eVl'nlng. Ab')ot 75 pereonlJ dllY "Dd the 800ro Btood in rll vor or wust bo endured wh (' n m edl oin e ex peoted at this writing . OI us t be flo o t ror or befo r e r eli ef Oll n were prNent· Rnd e'n joyed the pro. our nIne, . ynar, Mls8 Edith Bogan, of Wellman. - ---gram and relrA.hmentl!. Mr, Erlkln Bayes liud wife and be ollt,HIDOd. 'l'hla remo dy Is thor WII 8 her13 on ~&torday . re llu hle Ask /ln yon e wbo ougbly Mrs. Juo ol, B"le, of Wilm ing t on , The lInlt band OODCMlrt of the Von BartllOOk otilled on R. J, alll\ROn wall IIl1te Doo &0 'l'bDred"y .. t tended the funorlll of lia s L .. w . IlllS u f d it )bt ill bletlvorywh e re . Knew the Symptoms Murray at LonK . Vlow Stook Farm Avenlng by an RPJlreolalive aodlenoo. renoo •• nother of ·'rb eo . L w renoo. ~ 'I turday Mte rnoon. l'heReupou air oonoert8 wlll oontlnuo for lUany years a r eside nt f on r MI'Il. B. 0 , Atkins ob. ot nM r all ~uwmer. lrelu" held on 1'hurRdllJ town, Mr~ , Lawre noe ~p ll n t the Hu~chjson & Gibney after their great ' Fire Sale , "OOOl n r , my 1111 .1111:1,1 lel,.elo. bl8 IIVoniog if .... eattler permit" If latter 1I1lrt of her life wlUa h e r WUYD08vi!le, atteod e d Qonrtl1rly rnlnd. I f"I,r. li t' 'jlf'&IOUllliy mnm. rbnrllday nlgbt shuuld be J'flluy the dauj!bte r. \]ortl, lu Colorado. Burlnl Meeting at Sugar ROD on lu&t 8flt are receiving the Finest Assortment of READY-TOblea "0(1 1I111tf,"r" 1,1 hlmaelf ., urday aDd Suodav. . oonoe rt wlll be pOlitpon.ed &0 &t.. ut I,eblln.)n. Will. B~ rm el . of Dn y t o n . spent "I", If. )I n.""'I .. ~ '' urday nlgM. Seven I from h e re "tte oded tllll WEAR GARMENTS y.e t offered. No Narrow Skirts Mra. Ida C . Mannon and dRUgb. , YeH ; h e OIIlUUrl! &0 himself. Im rl I Barn om & Bl\lloy sho w II I DIlY to o t h n we k. end willI h l)Ill A t o lk ~, ter MI RS Etbel of 'l'IPPoollnoe CIt.y when you RpEIIlk &0 him bo .&ar., I1t Dooo r rltion DIIV lIe r vi oes we ro ha ve oom e to I!pebd tbe summer IlIlIt week Ana on IIceouot of rlli n y o u hlolnk Iy," did not get home ontll tbe noxt tlay . heln h er o d lltnrdll.Y !Lnd we r e well with E, C. Maonon Ilnd family. Courts of Love Gingham Print H01:1se Dresses . S1.00 up "I k"ow wbat tbe trouble til. , •• "Id Matilda Uudl'rwoad gil ve a very utte ndt' d . ---....~---.he dootor. 8wlJlnlt. .. Ue Ie memor. Mr. WlIlter ~e ar 8 Ilnd fllmlly. of In&ereetlDg talk at tbe M E chur oh All Wool Cashmere Dresses .. $5.75 up IzlolC "ollie 'o<'ge work. I belollS to "Jourtl! of love " wuro IIII"'blilihed SondllY. Ber I!obj eot wos "Wom oD Ou yton. s ps nt Mooday with Mr. ond the .omn lo'dl!8. "-Loul.vllle C.:onr All Wool Syit¥. .... . ....... $8.75 up M r~ . Kl e lnbuUl . ACOUGH REMEDY THAT RELIEVES In the U1 1d.lle "K", wheo ohivlliry "od 'he Bible .. IlIr.J vorual. MIB ~ .J onnl e R.oblnson Ifill Mon Spring Coats ............ ... $5.00 up It'8 prepnred fr om the beallng walla"'" holKht and love .be lIerloua Mr: uod Mrs .•lobn I::IllrlnutTl, lI f ~=====================-=~ ooou(Jlltion or lifo IImollK tbo l;tgher WtllJJlogtoo. wore woek-enti I!nc st ~ «II Y t o II coc pt " IDosltlo n with th o PI De B"lRnm, Tar und B onllv- all Spring Underwear. . . .. . .. " IOc up 01"88 of RO<llflty. 1'he Orat "oonrt of of MrR. Mllrg ILrot Levloy Intel tStnll y. Hake. Kumi"or 0 11 . of Dllyton. We mlxod in /I pleasant. soothlog Cough lovo " Wltll AIIt.ahll .. hod In thR 80uth 15,mp oalled Dr. Bell's Pine 'l'ar Middys ....... .. . ..... . .... $1.00 up Ed 'C Ilrr IB the possellAor of 0 8,lx "II wish hor 8 n ooe~ls . of Fralloe in 'ho twelrUI oontnry fln ronahout lIutom obllo. Mny I,h o M ORM r~ , ell !ltor Cr ooket t.. 'D. E . Hon oy . Thonsandlt bllvo benolito(1 Petticoats Silk .. """ " " .$1.00 up and woe oomposad of knights. poet!' pieaHure8 b e all h18 . Ru nnol! flud '. G il pin we r o LebanoD bv Its uII-'- no noed of your enduro and I"dlolt, alld I bolr (\eol@lon8 on lug thut annoy InK Congh or risking Villi too rs 8 unduy . House Aprons .. ... . , .... , ..:.._2 =:5 ~c:::....= u:J:.......f-_ __ __ R&v. AHrtld Wlllker w\ll be fLO- t.1I Ilubtle qnAlltloDS oonnooted with M E. ohuroh Sun(\uy. JU ole l:lt h, Mr. n ud Mrs. Will Bo xwe ll aud n dangerous Cold . . Uo to yonr d elllAprons for: Dresses. . . . . . . . . 75c up affuirs or I·bo boor. were slven with CoOle ont lind benr blm , B e ts eo . fa mily, of Mldll iotown wore tho or, lI ~ k tor n 160 orlg lual bottle Dr. gr""t forro .. 1\ ty. Children's Dresses. . . . . . . . .. 50c tip tUll'd t o your presonoe . \l onn y g u at s of Mrs. ,J . M. Boun e ll . Bell's Pinfl-Tnr.B ooey. fltart OSlne 8 t onoe flu d get rid of y our Coug h --Mr. and \ i r s SPlIbr, of Xenia. a n (l Cn ld. Til l) Buok Run kid base bllll t01m CORSET '--Nemo, for Stout Figures; played tho B .. rveys bul g ki d bu 11 l\I" e HJlo nd ng a Cow dll YS w ith .J. W . -----America n Lady, front a nd back: lace, TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES RELIELEO tOllm !::!1I~orday lIud the ~o o re s t ood Bodley li nd f" mll y . 7 to 8 1n fflvor of tbe vi plt,lng t ellow. Mr. B llr rv Peuoe. of Mlon e 'll) o li ~ , all styles, Gossard, I:Il1rd worlr, ovor.llll:ert-\on, malin : " Not to' Blame ';:{ Mrs . Rnth VundervoorL IIonU MI ~ WIIS Lb o Snh ll ll ~' gnoa t of h is fnthe r, • tlff. 80ra mu~oleR ~l oaD '8 Llui. Frolaset, front lace . lIlent lightly apl)lIed, a U\tle qllt ,t., I,yde Bmokno.y woro SundllY g u t~ MI' , e. N . Poooe. . f, WOMEN . aDrl your MoreaNt! dtaappellrll 'lIk of QUIDOY King . Mr. nDd MrR. E!u l Ho blBon lind Rugs, Window Shades an(i Linoleum Fllt,her (sto rnl r)-N (,w, ~f)ph tll. "Not,hlng ever hehlud like Mrs. CbaM. Ellis, of near b e ro wns Mr llnel MrA Wm. R ob so n. o f OilY, Love Tltis Magazine mAgic. s OOlothlng muot ba (1Ouu tu rlll1nce will be in. ~Ioan'" Lilljmeot. 1 . oan novol o(JAratcd O:l ll<8t weok for gull ~ t ou e8 . t oo . wero t h e S un d ay gOlll! t H of .J, M<CALL'S II 'he FI hiM Gu ide .nd H ....• y a nr expPDsea. Y ou lire aotufilly . htp)n. lIelper 0' n,u)rb wome n Ihan any other th.mk yoo onough, "wrlt08 tine gr .. Le. Tho op"rlltion prover) to be fm ccoss E n obis on . m_lu lne In the '4lrld. All the 'arnt .. ,In spending m ore t·han your allowllnoe ful UHor. I:ltop8l111ff!lrlng.ll.ohefl,and ful lind Mrs. Ellis Is gottioS' al ong Miss No lllo Fi tt~, Mrs . C. Oros ley ever, monlh; Ihlq doll Cht' ul . unles th •• tRIerDnu g llte r-h Is u 't my fllnlt, palD8. All e:l08llent ooonter-Irri . IlS wt'll "8 oould be ('xpeoted 0 t tbls lind Mr ~ U o. t:le ll ~ r s wo re L eban on 'Ilftl Inc! .peeht t.1;C f'u trlle nl ll In cook'n. _ l\llme drtnn,.M.n•• '.ncl/ work. et~, . thlt 1fr:"tcn foth or . r 've done my best to get '''nt. baUer lind olenD,'r t,h .. n mn~ . writlog . itor s 1'uol\. d ay. vis houle.orl lilt! &1ve m lln ~ " I' rlcr.onlr SOc y oo t o iDorollHo it. - Brooklyn Life. • yell' w1tb Dile celeb rllt" "' ce lli Urel:! J'II' tarit. A H Drugglll &8, tH,o. G e t R 001 • Mr .I ofl . Dllvis. reproRo ntat.lve of Misa Th o ~) on , ,o f Dfly t on. is tb o ",. PilEI!. tle loU.it .. y. PonetrateM without rub. tlur lo.1ge t o tho Gmnn Lolll!8 ~ UOHt, of Mltjs J osie Horrn oll. . XENIA OHIO . . . . A ~,al CUD NOW JOlt biug I . A n n .....,1. Ur':)' .' llo!I.I..AIJ.':t )JA O.U J . ,1i!:1 ... l{nlgllt-s (I f P.rl.hiIlR, Is nt, Z I.no" v!ll" , Mr , ' Irdo 1'eo oo. of Delll.wlIre, ----to. A FU•• o.., .. f W.."CAu..'8 fI,.. ...1.... r lt MIU" Ohio, this woek where th o G ru n.l " punt t ho wee k. ond CATALOGUK I 'of wi &b homo L • .caLL' e l.ot,fIO f' rb. Offer tn L ....,. UUWC.U, Ludlle 18 In RO RRion. .It..,.,,.,... v..pt . 1'1 rlll k~ . Hyphenated Episode Clifford Busic. of oenr Wllrnill~ . JllIIcCA1I. (8., 2J6 It 2'- W. 17. St. lin " ..... r. Mr. IIlIrl l\lr :' , W . H . Bll'gfrled ----_J..ioIl,.-W~.Clll\llI~ 011 fri onds boro Oil t s )I(", 1 Mclllllny i u £luyto n, tb e gnel!tH unlny night .md SonCl .. y , FOR RENT of Mr. lind "Ira. V,1Ill '':rowe . • What bllll bRoome of your hy. e Ranfta P .. vlllion Jlhows givl' lin pheuated friend 1" . M r (Jnr , e r H ud ley. nf BulTalo. f Funeral Director. "xblbltlvD berll W edn osdny nlgb/.. N . Y ,I ~ ~ llImuilJ g t bo woek wltb .. My h,plienatod frlona]?" ['bllY showtMl to 1\ 'orowdod h o n~o bis pare n ts borll Gi VEN QlIle/( RELIEF "Y6H; Y(lor frl ~nll Mr. Womb'tnOOMS for light bOIl~nke e Jllng. Imd II. 8f1tlsfied auulenotl . Tb o~e wlli! Telephone dllY or 1!lgbt- . Wmnhllt" ---.. Irett.dy furulshnd. wiLli modern P d o I c~vc. nlmost Valley p1:l0no No. 9. Long llhl no' go wish tlloy hlld. "Ele la III of lreri.berl .. us if hy mag ic when oon "eolenoes, rermlil rell8onllhle. DlstaDOO' No, 69-2r. Mr~. ElorlLce ~tnm ... spOUt lost "Wbore?" )' n hcSi ll \Ising "6leqoire Itt this offioe. j e23 1) 1' 1"," the Uunousnl·l week with Mr. ~tlllllJl'B ·rduti vlll! III "In Wi\l1a WI~IId.. " - ExohaDge, rrmcuy for Rhol1 n, Automobile Service at all Times ~he oountry . ti .,tn, L ltmbago. (,' Rev. r.1wl" 11IIen tJlA pul"lt Ilt th e ... c iati cll., N c u r al/~i ! OHIO WAYNESVILLE, A, k. It]. ohuroh ono,lay . M f H o llfln(l Ilhd wlfo hl\ vo uoeu FOR SALE unci kind r~d Iroullo... BIUOUS .ATTACIS lL r,; righl 10 tl", Mrs. Mt~ttll1 Flnoh lind son, R, 0 . vlalthl g Mr. William Braddook . Branch Office. Harveysburg. O. FpOl. slops Ibe OIch <;s ,John nyo nod t'll III II y' hBVe heon G,Irnor rlJ~.urned b OlDe Sll lurdll Y nntl p" ins noel mnk 's "fter II. weeks viSit with rehlll yea In vlsi tln l:! Tim othy Marllltt aDd .wlfe AMIl,Y Mllre. bllY. weigh 11r. O If . ~.! li f" w r ll, lh-i ng. C eot . Dayton . Mrp. N"uoy Knell "nd two d"ugb po nnd~ . gnod worker, hrlngs , 'i ', " I",u lo of "5- U ro(l~" - - -tors wnro .rooent gu e ~f.6 of Mrs , nioe oolts. W ill let on trlfl1 to reo •. ' .~o:;~ . 1,, 1,,>'. A lIoo~Icl with HAt'HAW A l' i J.hl,~~Pui1! . c~ch ~lIle g ll'oo ·{"II Am os .lu oktHln And family. sponslble IlfIrty. Inqnlre at 011101'. DR. 'I ~ "' C"'I .IJf't . cl l r eCLI o ns for u se. Tho BIlY bOYII w'e re oolllDg aD AGOOD HOUSEHOLD S,ALVE • ~ j ,t.. £:~,'.r-:r:-' !?Qn ' t d elay. D Cn11111d 'l'OE8-GoOd for cooking. WayaeHi11e'!! I,endinjr Dentllt Wilbur MlLrlatt Sund8Y • . OTA Ordlollry IIl1montij IInll injuries ! :. : 'i.~~( f>. Drops". Don' l 0\1' InqUire of O. E . MI.ohonor, R, Offioe In Keys Bldg, Main 8 That Ladies AliI !:ifloloty will giv.l : ,. ~., .. --:.,t.. I cl'pl llnythlng e lse in fLre nllt of thtrlUselvlUI Norlou8, bUl '. ~~ p!ncoo CIL Anydru a· Il\tllollol1 IIr low vltsllty may make IL 8001·,1 OD &tnrdllY evening, J 000 D. 4. Wllynosvllln, OhiO, Ilhono 66.2. J! i"l ~- C-a n SIJPpty you. ]f y o u li ve too f a r . _, je t6 Lhtlm dllllierous , Doo't negleo& a 10. lillo, nt Ulft M. E. ohuroh bere. • ':1t a t! (Uf.: ~k> r o !\cDl l One DoHnr to out,lIore. hrnille or burt beoll.use It'e Everybody iovlted. w 1U~.n!1 t~ ll f·t1m n t i c nr c ,.Co. , N c warh ,mall. Blooll Pollou has ruaultod 8"lOoel J "okaon wal OlJl1Ug on CE:~o~; fO:r~~~e. al~~OI:;,e~:~~ Dr.Bell·sPin~-Tar-Honev J )},il'. and h" " 10 of · '~·D roll5" " ,ill be from B plu.prlok or eorateh . For Wilbur MurlaLt Th·ur8day . ., u t ro p .lid .. ' • C. Woollard. Cornor of Milin Ilnd ' For Coughs Ilnd Colds. ,,11I.nob ailmonte BuokleD'1I Arnloa MI!8 Isabelle BOlrnard IIbd Min Soutb Stroets. je U; Ber Flltber--I judge " I1Illn, ~h' , · I~lva Is e xoellllnt . I,l.pro'eots IlDd Lauu Mtirh.tt aro yhlitlug wltb Mra by 'he oomptlny he lIeep.. , hM11I I.he hurt; 18 ,tDti~eptj"o, kills Tho ~l1iror-'J'L.un I'm BII rl~hl Infootion aOll pre vouts daoger () u ~ Bart~ook at Spring Valley. ORSE. buggy aDO huroOls, first Mh8 VA lml~ MRlrinU ~nd aliter olaf!a driver. I)bono 37.3 y' or lor I've heoo lIe6111nl( oo'mlltlhY wltl: tlnmplioatioD6. Good for all \:lkha your "I\UMMllr fur over two yoarll . BlolllleheF, 1'iDll)IBR. .S .. It Rbeum, 8pont t:lu o (l~y In SprlnK Valley. Main Stroet Garage . jll MI~!i JAne RO)II.nd And brolher 1!l00,oma. Get an original 2. oun~e he Davts property on Main 8treet, we rEI oallIn g on Silall Rolaud and 260, oox from YO~Jr Drugg lHt Will mako the prlco rlgb\ for fHlOlly tluuday . ---~ - --.-- -----1liiIe . •Jeff Mnrlatt vil!llt8d bte mother qulok NIOft propjlrly on Franklin road Ellon Marlatt Suuday . aflWllro or the "tiL wltb extra big lot. !:!eo W. N. Bears. Tbe deeper the rllt tho b"rder It .11 Wilbur S tllee WII8 ooiling 100 jll Oil the vehlole ruad the more It retard, f rl eu(\s in tow 0 t:!nllday. speed. Find II new way or doing ' tbe Wagons, 6 eeta single and donble ..... LIVE STOC'( AND geNERAL · olel 'Worlc: be a rond .build er and ' oot H!\orn8ll11 2 Bog~y Polell, Block Tackle a~d various o~her &00111 . . a rut Dlaker'. AN EASY, PLEASiANT LAXATIVE '· aDd AUCTIONEER Geo, Zell, Wayne,vllle. O. jll One .or two Dr, KiDs'e New Life PIllII wah Ii tumbl.er of ' wate~ at OBACCO ~"er almoa, DeW wlll ulght., No bnd ollrtJeE'atlDtr telte; DO RI:!AL ESTATe & INSURANCE 8811 reallODII blo as 1 bfLve DO nee belohln~ gl\s (let rl~bt &0 bed. forume. J.P.OnmmIDRII. wa7b~W"ke up In the morDing. enjoy j II frell. olley" bowel mOYOmeb'. BDd ville, R. D. 3.
Oi "i(II H; h .t 11 tlnt'ltt
, I
"" 'I "
---------"'1 ..:
---_. - - -----
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
W . H. MADDEN & CO. Corwin, Ohio.
.. - ..------
.. -- ----
.. - ..
Hutchison & Gibney
-----_. _..
Classified Ads
Walter McClure
Ml. HOllY
----- -....
N. Sears
-- - - --
Painting, Paper Hanging, .Auto and Carriage. P~inting.
Office in Stoops_Building
.Wayne.Wle, Ohio
· , feel fine all d"y. :Or. Kin,'. New Life Pills are lIold byai) Drug",'_, IQbIorllJ!3~ to tbtt MoC&UI 8e tn aD paolrap for 2:io llapztne. Bend 8110 to the • Ga' a &h18 -17. (I. ." " oIIloe. anel get ODII of~e
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The Miami Gazette Office
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Tht) IInnunl basJt\!t m 'e ling will be he ld ut Middle Hun chu reh n ext Church Notices The Jl1: lior (;uil of Sl. Mur v 's .'atu rday ant.! 'untlay. Ser vices 'at , 'hu rch will OIl't'! at the hump' of 10:30 ench tl a y, con duct eu by th e ~I rs U. L. Crall" lhi~ ('vcni n)C. pas tor. Elde r C. W. I{ltdclifT. and ortTII OOOX FR IEN DS ~; ll e r Arnold , of Illinois Bible School 9:30 u. m ., Gco. Mills, Mr. alld Mr". Cl inl Mauden , of Su perintendent. Preac hi ng at 10:3 Clurksville . wert' t l e wt!t:k· nd g uests uy ~ past ll r . Christian 8ndeavor at of Mr . and I\lr ~. W. H . l\Iaddd ell. Board Elects Principal 7:30 p. m. E ve rybody invited. Mary J.:. Mart in , Pa!>Lo r. Mr . unu .\Ir s. liac igalu po a nd son, u Cincinn uLi. IIr~ l hp ),;"J\!~ts of Mr. . At Lh e r egul ar ~chuol boartl 111t>et· , ' HIW:lT IA N Hll n ey l;u~lill ' 1 nd famrly over SUIl- ,utA" Monelay t>veil ing. E. J . Arn old , I , .' . 01 Y of \:' 1\' i;lIrli ng lon. WH>l selec ted a ~ un day, June I.l , . Bible ch(lol lll . . t he prinl'iplIl tor th co ming year. 9:30~. m. Co~~mu nr ol1 and.s mO,n He ('omt.:~ well recurnm e nd ed from ,at ltJ. ilO At , .3U p. m., Chllc..lren" ~ L II~eR Srlv€r, (,f I;orydal.!'. 1.1 J a lar e Ii ~ t O.f a ppliclInts. )ol I Day wll l be (lb er ved I OU arc cor- " I'cndlllg hl::l t"·u weeks Vilcatl lln aL ' diall y in vited to all t l-r ese sen-ice". ' Ite horne'lIt his (.,lftr 'nl" aL Sunlly~idt! - ---: • - -D. H . Palmer . Mini ste r Farm ' 8m P robasco. 8 fllr me r Le bano lawytJr, uietl at 'i ll <!lllnati Sunday Rev. J . F. Cadwal lade r unu tr. a nd w buri ed at his old home ill ST . MAR Y': l H . AlIlln nLtpnded t he Cun ral o C Leb 1l0n , ednesllay mo rning. 'econd , unday afte r Trini y J una I 'i r . S&111 Probnsco in Lebaubll th is ... 13. ' unday School a t !'::30 a. 111 ., I' REA DY FOR ~Al.E I)A TES Morni ng Praye r and serillon a t 10:30. The pu blic invi ted to these 5(' rv ices. The l)on :as tio icty of th e L IOj 'h urch will hal'e a Tom T huitl UI ,J .'s.~e ,' tanl ey, who has j ust g radu· ', 1",1 from the J ones Auction ' e rin ~' WecJding aL 'dlor,1 ha ll on Saturda ('vening, Jul y 3 ro . .:: ~ , ,,, I nt Chicago , is ho me a mI i - -- - - .. - - -r"slly for sale nates. It wou ld bl' w II tl ec him. as he 11l1 ~ ~o m \! new Will HoM Open Meeting i d ea~ in th e auctioneel' ing line. Or call him, 146 mutua! phone , New III r a nd Mrs. Chas. Harner had as Burlington, Ohio. their $tu ests Su nday afte rnoon Mr. and Mrs F rank Harne r and Mrs . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ George Oglesbee, of Xenia, Mr. lind The Wo man 's Au xiliary of St. -=- - Mrs. Lt>.ster Harner an d son Harold Mllry 's claurl' h will havtJ all opl'n and Mr. and Mrs. r~oss H a rne r and m eeLinl{ a t t h e hu me of Mi:!.'l Ki:17.ie Annu al I~eport Treasurer of Miami three sons o( Ludlow , and J ess Me rritt , on Tuesday aftPrnoo n .J un c CcrnetcfY :Association Harner alld flimily, of Spring Valley. 29 th . All wome n of Way ne!'ville li nd (; ",,1, loul. m'o .1 uuP 1.1 9 " . Mr. and Mr~. Horace Compton and vi cini ty are invited . Itl!:l'Ii:I I'n daughter spent Sunday with Wm 13 "'tU I" . . S 9~G. 0 I1 Complon's of New Burlington. . '''01 " .1 "1" ,,. . . 18 1.110 Miss Fr.ance~ ~%on is spending I Quarterly Guild Meeting ~~~ft~lItll' :: ." ....:: . . :.:: : .• : .. l ~ gJ:~o the week 10 WIlmm g ton . I nl u r~ .. .. ... " .. "...... . aU I. r,~ ---.\' l l t l.' p.dll . . . . . . . . . . ,.. . .. . l liJ tI.UIl Frank Stanley and family spen t "I.~ .. I,,~ ~ (o" u n""\l. .. . . .. . . . . L Ou Sunday with Reerl Rho ha r t, of Old T he qu art e r l), meeti ng o f ' t. Su le nil." II 1II",.or .. . .. .ao:J;; Town . Mary'ld;uilrl WaR he ld a t Lh home 1!:" ~1';"~'~::~ . 1 ~.OI' Jesse H aines aud r~m ily spent of Mrs . J HI Col man, Thurs rl~y H, ·[loo'.(. " . . . . . . . . . . .. l S ~(' Fridav wi th Ed Bogan and fa mily . afternoon . JUli e a Abou t fifty were 1'o' ll,' , . . . . .. . . .... ,. , ... 1'; %~ . Oh The annive rsa ry f th e W . F M .. pre ('n t A ~ooc l PI' ~r:lrl\ arrllllg I ItX: I' IOilJl"Li((!O:~ tht> COlllln! Ll ec. MISS L:lara Lll e, S was ell I 1IraL II... al l I1t> h ome. 0 f by M A 'I' . '''h . d M's W II tll>nrlnlon,hlot·. Snlary .... . . . . . i 720,00 M1'9 Nanni e Hawk in T h ur~da \" rs . rl" , .1I1 [ . . " ... ·'M·)'··I" . lin" .. , . . .. GO 00 evenmg Abo ut 80 w:re present Allen .wa~ ren dered a H follow: Organ I.",,<or ... .. .... ... . . .. ~ o~ ' ~1 A sh()rl proJ.:rall; waH r C!lldertld a fte; selcctlon, l\11~B Hull l lJ a r l>lo.:\<; v~car . ~" If.~~".~,iti· L•.;e..·. :: : ...... : .: :: .' .:.' 97:. ~ · h f h t d , solQ Mrs Har Lan Kell y; r eading. "rol(·r. 1'0"". . . .. . .. ... . .. , . 1 .00 W h IC Ttl Tl'~ men s wero s rv c. : " 11' ; I,' V U" rl,h u . 'I u'll'le t Mrs 1".1" ."'·0 .. .. .. .. ... .. · , .. . 1fJ.60 ' 1'h ' " ~. ~ . .. u,,' , . '1'"10"11",, , . . . .. .. . .. .. I~. 7(, Mr~ II,.' ('1' Ie M,. I nlire Hpenl. urs· ' A. l' Wri g h t. Mi'-R CllI l'a Lile, flli g R 1'0 .,01+;0. .. . . . . . .... . ... 1. 011 Iday aftel'noon wlih Mr:! Lucy Comp. 1I :\1 a rv S'IIi~bu r y Mrs , I) I.J Cran e', H."t.'1 110 1"'." I).. , He"' . . .. .. . . . 2. ~ " t · .1 ~. , . " tehd IL a.utl E \ fln ·<.;"\ . ,. •. • . . " " II on . reading- , 1\1i Ill: EOIl Murial!; orKa n IA""" I., ~.u " .. ., HUO. IID Several fr om Iter!' a tt e nd ed t h e ' se le lion. Miss H!ll'l gOc k . I I olll,,,loIII'K ""."10",,·,, 2 0r. 3.~ 11 Bac<!alaur€'ut stJ r l'i ('cs al ".... ilming · I i\ plea. anL f lllllr ' of the Ilfter' 10 72 . H7 'I'otal .. .. .. . , . . I l Oll Sunday evcn illtl. T he addrp. ~ , noun was lhe object cun test. Euch l'u,,11 I"''''''''''J "".· I. , Ill :, ... ... .. $ 6~O .1 ' wa~ gi ven Uy Mr . Me 'heney, pr'si one was )(i ve n a picI'" of cheese c! (.th 1'101", .. , • . • . '" .. .. ... .. : . S~ti 12.6ul dent of Ceda rv ille co il gc. . a,nd a needl' and, lhn!nd. with d!l'cc. : "",·",,·nt.·.. . . . . , . .. ... .... :~~:ff Mr. unr! M r~ Rav (;o r., el iu ~ and i tJOIlS Lo emllr 1{\ r 80m c b] c l. ' <.. .... 11 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . •.. . . . son Dona ld s pent. S'unduy with her Whe n linislll'd, t hey wer e all pu t u p ! _ . pn othtlr Mrs . C~~ey, nCll r Por l Wi! · . un <'xhilllti(>D nnd th e Jla rtir'ipan~s+ liam . alIonh:,J mueh an l u ~e m l'll t by l h Ir l - - - - - - - -- - Mrs. Mary Leamin R' hall a~ he r gUP'!O,e~ . ii , g uest qne d ay las l week her m o lhe r Aft 'r t.he c llnLes t Ice cre am an. 1 i I Mrs POI e rH ' ca ke we r£- se r li't:!o . 1I rs. ar on , e . .. .. _ + ___ I The I, roc!'cds of l hl' 'lOci, I Hdded : ' .
('I E\ M
An nual Basket Meeting
W(' nre ra~ tnl{ I :.' t PC I' puund fur hen ~. lI i):'l w,; t llIa r\" 'I price f r h I' il r ~ . II t'r..Ic r~'JlI ·s (;nll'<!ry .
,'Ie 1111, (·i~.:r J·; :111"
+ ....
W: n'en nUllly hll>! lJe n thrown I qrlt into the :L til Ui" ri ·t. b ' tip
Ir '
. I
IJf tIl(' ·1)/llotrrs.~i()nH I sst'l11bly. Of cu urs the ~C>OC>O<><><X>C>O~O<>-O<X>ooo -<X>o-ooooo-<>O-C>O<><XX>OOC M i<-; Alr aa Wakl h, 'II<l' IS rt'Co\'"r· (' (lUll • i: IIPt disco n t'nteo h.~cau~ Ill ).; fr '"11 all ;I( ,:It k of tit . l1\ltr ll {l~. " f I hl~. l)uL il fl'l'l., ve l}' I'nll ly tu knq\\' thnt they ·hnvc tallen o ur own H pe to I~eta i n Them Uea~ h s IJ r I ,'ps~. who hll~ ' ~ I nod uy his I l i ~· ~lr 1.!a- Il m·kLo I li nd Mr~ ~\ , I:. t r ic l ~ / I nltbly e Vt!r ill(,(, h'; ha. be n Ih ,dd 1\t·!'I.! l'i: i'"I1! ill l1t<y l<l n ~l on I II '1lII I(rl~-S, Dr 1~k!~>1 hlls a greut Di ed " "tI!II·nlv a Burlillj.! on. 1(1111' tla: . Innl1,Y warm Ull>ni t'r~ in b(,th lln r Li '~ I I 1I':o" :r i' " "~' "'I'I(n ""I' 1I1 >' Wa yne>!sus. A pri I ~:tl'lf. Will iam ,J ann l',\' ill l ur ~(lll!l l y. alit.! nt~ \\,i ll lli.i Kreu t ly li e was 11111' 11 in Ltlndrri 1;"lIl1ly, 1' !lIt'I>:ll\oi ," P III'n IIl' UI(.li ll. a~ it Wilt! ;\1 1'- ~1I-'tI. ,I, :11,,1 . l i "~ l\I " rtlta llli"sl'd II iH h lll)l ·, 1 hy thtl Va .. Hnd hi R t'a rl y li fe W II:' "!ll'nl t\Io'Il1 " I' lal oI:rv I (,,,I, ' 1" '111 \ 1""" .. · wllh tela t! l'S ill nellr Wf1 .l'nt'~v ille un his ful IlN'" )! J'I':III'1' I' .,.1 j)r lIlt' r, ·~i tll·" I>l o f th e L ) h : I1 H lf l farm . He w a~ Ih e ~£'co .. d so n. (\1' ('lIllllltlnilV I ha! IIIl' 1111 ,"1 will he ~OTlct '\ '~l·lh . ,' 1I ~(uin Ih i ~ 1'lIm · .Iam t! M. and Sarah Lupt on .1<'tllI y . al 11' 1" :'1:', I; II. (.., ,1\ Itll ~ h ... .." ~J1e nd Emma .Ja n ney ~1:lL h 'r . n,,· !, alld pr l'h .•I'~ I,,· aule I" g ive u~ und rathel' i n),! H f, ~\' d·l.\~ \\ 1111 h l 'r jlaTent:; II - -- lat e w ifl' o f w ill inm Math,' r . Dllril1~ a f ew ('lllltO\'r ' s .}urin)! th l" (' umin)! :\, '\I a rk, 11"' 1) A II I)"rtil'R wi l huUl :lny pxr('p Liull th e )!reu le r pnrt of ltiH life he IV t ~ nn TII"nlhq. I\I!!oo,,, dl II ... l, ny~ Rhtlwed (rt'lwrt'in III t ilil'cI '" Iral1~ :rcL bu si· 1'1111)InyCQ (If th e Sa til I"e n"ilrnllcl :I In 'k of praclit· '. y, '1 tlwv tlioll'X :\1 r :11 I :II I" ", i I "" \1 fI I'd i ~ "','rco ' )(l~!< \\'i t h no t111(' fllr me w Ito rl oco~ Co mpany n~ rnlluurtn r ond Tntl' t' ling cc,t'tli l\ g ll' wl'lI. an.1 all wlto hea rt! 11lt'111 ""';' t' ~H I i ~Ij.·d ~lIl'''I'' "I 1-'. \0\ Il . ,~"a\\"l)' lind \\ ift· ' Int I'n's1'1I1 a l'l' l'I 11 i ~4in n hy nnd 1'!lS!'cnJ:!'£'r Age nt. "II IV ·d l ,' ,;01 111' I hh lll ~11 !I Io\l,ill""" 1'111'111 IIrcler blllnl< I' rOIH' 1'1 1' filll 'li " lit :l1,t! ~ il!'np.d by nH', 1\1 r ;U'.). j I . .. 1 •• !l.'!lo! .. tl h )v(·d to ' h~ untll: l oit'n · ~ I" t h l ~ n" lice . IS',{lwd ) .Iu"hlla ll a rvey. t i l lJU 111I la <, '\1, ' 1';" It I.t) re 1\'1 1' Nld'\JI~ lias a~4: cllt\ d ,l 1,,,:--l l !C fJl
Our Motor Truck W ill Deliver · What You P urchase.
Fess i
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"nrr n County
~1 ran d \] r ~ I·' \' . B:H ll h i 'l :\l nl;i J Ih. .~ rlal' n .l.!rnllult,
:: ' h.-, h,lIl1,' (,n HI":\I "t.', l't.
ntOrlHIII<>d til' !ul ! I) I 'I' "~ . K'll·. t~ al Sunilll}, ,1m' "'. j ~ ~Il",,. , ? Iu,ry Dud\<, Elh~1 11" "11 ' .. & o Hlllh IllI r . ock III \I t::leul,ur 1', ~r: , .!In. o I 11.,,1 'n ,1 pnPfi
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_____ ""' ____ : SOGIE~ EVENTS !
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) sk the Hu mobile Dealer
~ " .~
Ask him wh y he continues to sei'! the Hupmo bile yea r after year. -, . l Hewill tell you: "Because the Hupmo' bile grows better year after year." He is no t afra id to m e t any man to whom he has sold n Hu pmobile. H is Ctl stolll ers last yea r, are his customers this y ea ~ • And better t h~n that- they are his friends, as well as his customers. They go olrt of th eir way to help him make Hupm obil sales. From t wenty-five to fifty per cent of his new buyers, come, he will tell you, from the recomm endations of old fri nds. He does not hesitate to refer to them-they do not hesitate to endorse the HlIpmobile. Do you know of another car of ,vhich this is so widely, so enthusiastically, true? \Vhe re the avera ge m an buys one car, the Hupmobil e dealer buys scores, or even hundreds. He pays his money for these cars, the same as you pay fo'r yours . He h ad to be sold on t he Hupmobile before he would make this in·' tes'tment, the same as you ha ve to be sold. The Hupmobile dealer, natu'raUy, is prejudiced in favor of the Hupmobile But isn't that very prejudice-that extreme enthusi as m- the strongest endorsement you - - -- could ask ? If he has held the fri endsHip of his Hupmobile owners through all these years, he will hold your fri end ship, too. . What is true ofHupmobilc dca·lcrs generallyistrue of us. Let us show you the 1915 Hupmobile.
J.B. Chap~an, Agent. Waynesville, ,Ohio
Allen 34 .
Everything you've ever wan ALLEN 31-$895 W eeti nahoute J I&:" tin "
an d 5tartloK. . Lon .. . H oke m o l o r ( A.lle n)
C711 ndcrt en bloc, 3~ In. .5 la, Unit powel' pi an t with 3·polnt lue pcn l lon. Rv er" mav lna port en· eI01.4 .
12-lnch brake. wllh eq ual·
Your Allen will be a constant source of pleasure to you and your family, because it is free from mechanical indiscretio ns.
It can be operated at a minimum total cost per season for oil. gasoline, tires Demo untabl e rfm •• and repairs. ·F ive o~er mOdelS-$875 to $1395
1M B
m""·,,.II, '" :h"",,',h I"",. [",d, Late Cla ::sified Ads
' ll(}·lnch whHlb • • • • We.ton· Mott Dxle. 32 • 3 ~ Inch t1re L
Ask (or a catalog-ride in the Allen-then decide.
Tbe Allen Motor Co.
i, it
RICKS, Agent
H K 11y I,
'l'hird St.
Pl'OIll' 1:W-;)
s·..... T...... Cu Of ••••• t.r . J . ..... . _..toe Ca, .uu
t· t
Mr Tom Turn cr anr! wife unci Mi~s ' Lillian'l'ewcll spe nt Sullduv at frank f B UGUY - KllhIJer.ti r IU ri n r'lIrl y \y . . , . '1I Ohio lin . I D IlW Inq 'llre (I f J H. C 'lt'l" a) Ilt"V l , ~Ir s . Cll fl rl ey Thom as , o f Fl'rry . ; Irllln. I:t 11 . ~ , WII,YIIO. VIIlI1, (Jh l" . . has th e ml1mp~ . I .J " l n j - - - - - - - - :-- - - - - - Mr. and Mrs. Frank E . Hart80cl( I and f amily enteMrs. rtained lit Sunday dinner, Mr. and Aaron Seara. _ _I111_!'!:Ilia________....
Mr . .and Mrs. Ju~ Kemp. of Day. , B;:~lt Fo~~~a. t on; Mr . and Mrs . RaymOnd Hart· aock and baby Gerald, Mr , ami Mrs, Carl Sherwood and son, Morris, Mr. I W~ and Mrs, James Mullen and daughter .! Edna. . , \ 'all!!)' P hone R;3 .5 Wa'y nesvllle, Ohio Quite a numuer of th e Ferry peo' \ pie enjo:<ed the e legan t Child ~cn 's Day program a t the Lytle Me th o ' iiiiiii; di8t church Sunday e~ening . ' Mrs. Clarenco Foulkerth is very ill at this writing . Mrs. Lillian Hoetop and son. Eimer ----~------~---------~-----. were called to Dayton ear ly MOJlday I HAVE YOUR TIRES AND TUBES morJling to help search for the body of her niece. MiSlj Bernice Cham}Jion . who was drowned 'I'he bod y ha~ I . . . no t yet been discove, red . . ' . Mrs. Jennie Elliott, of Centerville, I was a business caller at. Carl Sher. wood. Tuesday afternoon. = = = = = A T HOME===== Next Sunday evening the • lIgar Having installed the latest machinery for Vulcanizing Cree.k Christian church will bold Tires, 1 solicit your p.atr/,loage , and will guaralltt'e the wo rk their Children's day ex ercises. Ev. eryone Invited. . to be as Oood as the Best. . Givt Ole a call, whethe r ypu wish ~work . done or not. I 1'.he [<'er.ry Ghriatian chu rch held tllelr servIces at the Owen's Chris. will be glad to explain thc Vulcanizing process to you. tian church last Sunday evening, on account of repairiD~ their church. Hev, Palmer, pastor. I -. t door to the Waynesville Aulo Mr. and Mrs, Ed ·Brown enter· Waynesville, Ohio aDd 1IadliDet'J Co. I tained at Sunday dinner Mr. and ' '-i!o-......- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Mm. Ed Thomas and family.
A Big Saving For Tri-State Shippers Owi ng' to tit\:! bu ~ines.q d cp re~:!ior. in the steel trad e we are now ubll' to fUl' ni!-lh cr eam cnml at rerillced price'!, we no'" furnish .Cl>ns,
5 p'all on size .. ......... .. $1.50 each 8 iand 10 gallon s'lze , ·, $2.00 each SELLING C I{EAM T
mI!"IU. .
.Mo ny ~hippt!rs averago from ' 76,00 to $85.00 pe r cow pt!r year from th e sale o~ But~er Fat, havinl{ FlUi:E the valllable skIm milk for feeding purposes. The sour cream can be shipped times conveni ent to th e snipper. . hipments Lwice a week in .the warm w~a~h- . er permit& cream to arrive In good conditIon
The Trl-Sla le Offers Every Possible Inducement ·for Your CreamOur Glwrantee Insures Every Can Against Loss 'Dam, age in Transit. We Pay Spot Cash.
Capital Stock
Capital Stock
I I.--_-ill -______•_________---.
IlJOU'LL like ou, goods. you"ll like ou, store, put you' ll like morc. "
money we, will save
Paprus Plates for picnics, etc.. 2S' for . .. .. . . . .... Goggles, the thing for Autos .. , . ........ , ... Matches, the big Hang- up. Misses' IlDd Children's prawers .: . . ... .. •. , . . KlOg Fly KIller .....• . .. .
lOe IOc Sc ' lOe 10e
MAGAZINES Country Gentleman. . . •• . 50 Saturday' Evening Post •. : fie I,ife ...••..•.•..•...••• .' Hie Popular .•.• , • . . • • • • . • . •• 15c The Argosy ... •.. , .• -: .•• 1& Photoplay. . . . . • . • • . . • • •. 1&
. '
"'. --------------------------~----- ~~--~----------
Sixty- Seven th Y<'ar
---, -------- J '~n: -.-II>.----~------~-------------."~. LLE , OHIO V{}~DNESDA~· -". ]9
.---.~.,"----~~--- ..
(1~7- 19 1 5) I
The annual unnque t of the Waynes · On the 19lh of Septem ber twenty· vill e High 'chool Al um ni, \\:hich will (]/\ VI: AN I UA L CH ILDREN 'S DA Y b held Thur~dny , Ju nl! 24th. is fas t eight years ago Grover Tilden Mer· T assumin g !'Jape, There ha\' b en edith came to blC!!s the hume of Sam PROG RAM several alumni who have expr !'ME"d a nd Sallie Meredit h. He was tht< t heir int ntion of attenoi ng who eldest son of a largp flUJ1ily of eleven; have n t be n here for ~eve ral years . three sitlters an:lllcv cn brother s; two Yo u had beller make up your mind urother s and one sister having pre to Ul! he re with Lh e r e~ c, f them ceded him to the Great Beyond . PI'esitie nt She rwood is t ry i n~ hard All of his early childhood and voung Dan Anderso n Continu es Base Ball to make this the bestalumni meeting manhood was spent at the pare.nt.a l Story- Is a 'Clrcat ran After held here for years Hl!l p him by And cuuntry home, and there he receIved attendin g . . Interesting Program s Were All Thcse LonK Years hiMeducati un. At the early age of The followin g prog ram has beel1 I!J he left home and Wll!! connect ed Rendere d by thc:Childre n of goll en up by t hecomm i t ("e irl chuT!;c with lhe R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Sunday- Schools lind is a very ~ood one: Compan y. At 22 hu was !1Iarried on Cordon J. Wright was the old re Decemb er 22, l!;)()[J, to MillS Preside nt's Address ." .. ...... ...... .. , liaule fan, Kno went with us quite Smith, of Columb u!!. To plara. B. thIS union .- .. .. .. .. ..... .. ... Lawren ce !:ihel"w uou often . I recall u game played in was born one son, 11\. E. Sunday -School .. 1. He Reading of Minute and Roll Call .. Spring Valley, and a lJig bullY triell graIl uaHy rose in hiA Hersch work for hiM .. .. , .... ...... ........ Katheri no Gibbon to pick n fu s.~ wiLh young At HaineR. Compan y, first a trnvelins The annual Childre n's Day ex ~ rMemoir fo r Harry Wdge... ........... who marriLod Lucy Rogel s. but he then assIstan t mnnage r ofc 8al~s!n.an, ciges of t he M. E. Sunday School a VIVISIO D. .. · .... ..... ......... .. .. . J ohn CKr twright we re held at the ch urch laqt didn't !!Clue worth a cent. At nnoth<'r Two years ago he was made Sunday Fifth Memoir f or Olive Par~b all Lcwi~ ... timt: a nille frum Waynesville went Division manage r. The eveniug . An audienc e which com· Compan y ... " .......... .. " '" .. ...... . Car rie ,\lI un pletcly filled t he main "h,y Ji'rank :in, and Chas. Moore. always recogni zed his worth a udi torium . and un· My Student s .... .. ....... Minnie DodsO'n nnd t he fi rst noor of t.he o! WW!hlrlgLm D. C. uml,ired the tiring efforts, and Wll!! ever ready ~unday Snap Shots at Cincinn game, anti beer bottles lind other with promoti ons for him. ati .. " . .... ".. School annex was pleas'~d \Vi~h the He had ......... ...... .... ..... Whitti er Burnett evening 's entertai nment, game birds tll·w over the diamon d. often express ed himself,lIS some day Opportu nities of tbe Young Wo- cess of t he affair was qu ite The sucanll Chsrlcll never flinched . He has becomi ng vice preside a t ribute nt, but alas l man Alumnu s .... ,Elelino r t:arn hllr t to t he ve ry etTicient s uperinte no white f.-ather in his make-u p, and IImbition amI endless perseve ndency rance School Day R~minis censes...... . .. .. . i l took a whole lot of lIBnd to go on prC!SS(.od too strollgly Q • of Mr Isadora Ward. A unique on his young . ........ ..... ... " .. .. " ..... Carl L. Duke feature of the prog with th'e gllme ami I think that was and active physiqu e and ram was each he had to ElectIon of officers lind (,ther b u ~ines.q clUlls furnish ing ten in about l~OO, Any of you fellow H succum b to nature' s laws. ' of the Last P la no Solo .. .... ... Elizabel h Sherwood enterta inment and nominutes rememb er tt'Kt gnmc'! one knowin g :ieptem ber he WaB Mtrit.-ken with what Vocal Solo ..... ...... " .... ... Sybil Hawke just what t he exae program I u!ll~ir.ed Il game ~t Utica once, WI.II the n conside red a slight s troke P iano Duet .. " .. .. "" .. Ruth Hartllock he. The classes we n,) assistedwas to nTIII' the 'cntche r not likIng one of Illy or l)aralysi by a A. His nervous condition and Mrs. Ruth Rogers decislonH pitched the ball right at tht, WIl!! already in a weaken ed la rge (' hur us c hoi r and the regular state and Vocal Solo ... ......... Mrs. Barton Kelly Sunday S~hoo l orchest ra. !,Imp. and the ump always ready to at Christm as time he grew worse, Music .. .. .. . ,. ..... " ........ Olll Gradua tes l.ake a hand ill lhe game gnthere d frum that time until his After the prelude by the orchestra death he - -- ... - - - - h.lld bf s 'bat, aTIII there was no more was strenuo usly battling and the openinlt song by the choir, for the reo ofl'lIhools. He told me afterwa rds covery of henlth, as he expreSs Townsh.·p Farm er.' s Club t he entire school repeate d the First ed it, that he tholllChCl oUKht to have fav · .' A hard battle, .but 1 am Psalm and Rev. '. l:i Grau ser pro· going to <Ired lAis clu!l. J ellS LcwiR is a fair try to win." nuunced the invocati on. The Begin· .--------~-. , umlme, antI I am glad alway:! when ." ners II19!l gave their pnrt of the He wished so mueh to live, but 1 he Wayne Township Farm e r 8 exercise s , a pret ty drill, a welcom e W i,yn~svill o hll.~ II J(ood ball team ncar the end he realized his The conditio Miamis n Cl ub will met at play lhe at lovely Dodds country LlECOR home ATE GRAVE S OF THEIR add res.~ by little Miss Ruth Earnha rt ·- or,.11 t.he Lilli · lOOIlI(.'S thllt ever l'l!' howeve r. and /IIlid; '1 /3. S. Howell was in Cincinn ati of Mr. and Mrs. J . T . Deard? nm ready Sunday nfte rn oon. ff. a solo by Kathleen Gilmou r, recita. DECEA SED IJRETH REN tiIlytod W down Waynl,!! ville. was a und all things are well," but .Tul'sdny. Thursda y, ~une lOth . Tht' ~<lrnlllg lions by Hnrvey and Mildred team from Lyllu ~ early every !!8keof hislove donesh efoughtfor the Hole was bravcIIpent In the ~R ual .Hocml way and a dialogu e and Bong by the en. Ross Irons, of Spring Vall y, vi. • m 'moor of 'which bore the name of lyon withou t a complai V. S Loer, of Lebanon nt , and was lin in followe d br a bountif ul dum.e r. ited friend s here r' riuny. tire cla.'IS . The work of :->illf..'l!. lIot l:iunlly~ i"f'S, but read Rure ever appreci ateive word. t own n Iiltle while last waek. Never was At 2 0 clock the' mee~m~ wa.~ Ileopl e spok e well ' f or lheirthe s mall enough Sons of :-ides, captain ed by human strengt h more courage called to o~der by the P reSIden t Mr. training by Miss Helen s plendid ously Milt Bradstr eet. Ours was the first put forth than by him, and Mallatt . Mrll. C. B ilentley was visiting Mr. and !\frB. Myer Hyman and G. E. ~lley. The program all that flinll, and we play ~1 in the field be· man could do was MisSes Tncey Cla\rgei t, FrnncC!! Jandaughte r were in Xenia Friday. was done for him, but relativCII in Xenia Friday. op~ned WI th p~~yer by Rev. Cr:ause r, ney alld 10ngin~ to ~~ Sidell, 1 did t.he the buman in us mUBt Salisbur y, represe ntsurrend er 1.0 Thirtee n famlhes answere d lo roll ing Class Hazel ch\lcll'lng lor our team, and G. W the Divine and God No.4, then I:'elllle~ed a verY Masters Elliott Wright and Ii:thrlll The Rain ~cattere.d the Audienc relieved him of call; all rules were suspend ed anti lliensing vocal trio. Clas.."es' Sides for Lytle. We took the field, his pain on the evening e, Carl Servi's and Fred Hawke were the old 3 of June 9, Crane were in Dayton Monday. ~fficers were re-elect ed by und 2 each gave n dialogu e Nos, and Lytle \lias r etired in one, two, J915 But a Oreat Numbe r Heard and a Dayton', visitors Monday afterno on. acclamatIOn. sung. three . Then Lyll .. took the Held and Class r Six's proThe circle into which Grover was Exercis es at-Chap el Curren t Events ~ere r~ad by Mrs. gram consiste dNumbe I gavo the greates t exhibiti on of of a 'piano solo by base· born is of nature warmly attache d, . WaYnu Smith, of New Burling ton, Miss Florenc e Wilson is the guest Hawke. The essaYIst was in town a short time Thursda y. abse.n t Miss Helen Marlatt , reading s by ball ever known lk'O. W. Sides did thus the swathe that Death's of her pnrents near Port William . ther a,~ once took UPbemg sickle t~e speCial Misses Helen Dinwidd ie and Opal the slab.wo rk. His only and great has made is a big one and toPIC, What are the merits an~ d ~. Grey, vocal duet.~ by Misses the re· elt asset W811 his persiste nt and de· ,nal'nr'ng hearts are sorely Sunday lhe lodges of J.he townJeantouched C. W. Schwar tz, of Lebano n, wa' . t I e Ifor t , to pu t th e ball Mr . and Mrs. G. H . Ellis spent mer!~ of the new schooll nw? fillS netle and Louella Jnnney and MillSes ow9, K. of P's and the u,rmme exact Crover 's dlBposition was unusunl ly in town Sunday attendi ng memori a l Jthe .Oddfell \Vas dl;!cusse d at 0 some d leng Sunday b th ?v. ed afterno the h Janey on d with Dr, West and Jones anj Cecilia Snook and Iy where Ihe man at bat, desired it. warm, kind and active, ever uDlor r e r--o se rv t e ecora on the serviCE!. membe rs of the club nnd vIsitors the Twenty .Third Psalm by ti on of the graves of t'heir deceased family. .n4 he d.ld .t.hat to the.Que en's taste. lookout for nil the en. but himself ; his present bus. , . tire class. This was foll owed by a The first balr pitched was hit for a iness qualitie s unsurpa ssed; hrethre n There was a good turn his char. Paul Mr an~ . and Hele~ Mrs. ~ukt' d elighted duet by Mesdam es W. C. Dodd and John egale, of Coz· out of the differen t lodges snd a "homer , I I and ll( other runs, mostly act.er frank and clean, with Dr. Alexand er, and Mrs. Alethia a 1II0st zaddale . wero visiting relative s here large crowd was homers , were mrule off hl8 delivery , notable trait (If politene ss at th e cemeter y t o Alexand er, of Dayton, were In town the. club With recltatlo!l8 The. ex · J. W. White, represe nting Class No. and whole. er~IBes last weel<. ~er~ closed WIth m~slc by !I Ihear the exercise s. Miss Mary Grey, . represen ting' and nohma n had been put out, and hearted hospital ity . His Monday. friends ~ISS EdIth t.;rane•. The meeting ad· Class No , 7, read a selectio At a IitUe after 2 o'clock the lodges 1111 had experlcn r.ed a fatigue from lovetl him for his friendli ness and Joumed to meet WIth Dr . and Mrs. "Cherok ee Rosos." The n entitled , outMr. and Mrs. Ray Smith. of Brook- formed in line at the Oddfell excetlMive running to wish the moon stretche d hand, and he contrib uow's Mr. A. Hisey nnd daughte r, Min Clagett , July 8th. number ed ville, Ohio, spen t Sunday tion of Class No. 11 was n splendid with friend s lodg~ room and headed by the New Alta, visited t.o go into 'hiding; ami, Ill! one good them by t he scorGo with friends in Lebanon in WnYflC llville. ,. • br tJ\er exprefllH...:1 it, "Let. usquil. reading by Mrs. Ralph Miller, aa· Burlmg ton band marche d to ~he last week. He was !lnt a membe cemeter y. As t hey were enterm g and go home, 80 ollr wives can wash church, but intensel y r of nny s isted by Mrs. C. S. Grnuser , who, -Centu ry Club Recep tion concern ed . d o ot read Y f or S un the ce met e ry gates a ' r ain storm ' d a) with all things good. from a distance , sang selection s from us UII. ar,... Mi89 Laura Rosnsgl e, of Sprmg· He was more ca me up nnd scatter~ A. Maffitt attende d the meeting Schooi-:- and 1 ~UCAA wo can Ix>at you intc restetl "The Holy Citv." ~<t the crowd . in hum~nity than in Heav. boro. is the gut'St of her sisler, Mrs. . , The compan y repaired to t he cha pel of Nationa l Embalm ers at Cincin. at. thut." _ An offering WAR thcn taken for the - en and immort ality. And with Abou 1:1 , E. Hathaw a)' . The ladles of the New Centu . educati onal work of the Sunday whe re th e serv ices wer e held. The nati Monday . One hundred and f/)ur:ee n runs Ben Adam his name is on the Club, held a receptIo n at the pleas· School and the exerc list of chapel was complE! tely filled snd an,d nut a man I)U~ out. Georlle cer those who loved. his fellowm ises were ant home of Mr , an~ Mrs W. H. brough t to a fitting close an. Hi~ R: G. Cross, who has been qui those who were fo r t unnte e nough to ~I)' wa~ a carltmn o,f I~ontroll-and sympat hies went by the Miss May Wright , of near Bell- ~Ilen, Thursd out for all those ill for the past three weeks, is imle· get ay evelllng , June 10, Harmon y Male Quartet , nil membe rs in wer e well r epaid for the pro· brook , is spendin g a few days with hIS tcum male:" were nlwaY8 8Or,ne- who were unfortu nate and needy 1915 proving . very . . slowly. of Class No 8, who sang an appro· gra m was u good on'e where .out of hne, ann the tall lim· and one of his chief joys relative s here. In the receIvin g line was the host· J>riate selectio n entitled , "Now The Afte r a selection from t he band othy !hdn ~ t help them ~y . . Any ,!f many contrib utions to th(1 was his ess an~ membe rs of the Salvatio executi n ve Day Is Over." Mrs. G . L. Kincaid, of Surdini a, Rev D. H. Pal mer led in prayer. the SIdes hoys can cxplaln to you, If Army a society of 'which commIt tee tor the past Miss year, Lydia and Wright, he of said: SpringOhio, is the guest of her brother s, After a hymn by St. Mnry'~ quartel any be need..>d. " '011,80'. much good they do and so R ' A is t he Iluest of Dr. A. T. n mos t co rdial wel come WIU!I extend · d ' the !'peaker , Hon . Dillon H. Wil son, boro. Christia n Sunday- School •n ,an R . Ad ed to t he membe rs with thl!ir hus· . . an R . G . Cross. n erson much joy they give." Wrig ht Rnd family . f' Lb ' 1 d ed b o e IIl1On. wa ~ In ro uc • _. y A'haPI)Y heart haBceased; a patient band s and fri ends. About s ixty.tive The Christia n Sunday Scbool ob• J ames Mull en, acted as master and kind hURband and father, a lov· Huj:th Ridge, of Colum.b us, spent of ceremo nies. who ~e rved its annual Childre n's Day, Dorn- To Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo were in attenda~ce.. Mr. Wil son made a ing brother , a most obedien t and several d ays of last It was a m~slcal evenll~ g as Mr. Sunday . Ju ne 13th . when a week with his very ~ood tnlk, whieh was enj oyed Carter. on Route 3, Sundny , J une large trustwo rthv BOn and true friend has parent~ and other relativl.' AII~n favoTt.'<! the guesLB w!th a gr~nt congreg ation was treated 9. by those who heard him . Another 13,1915, n daughte r. to another found a new hume. He leavt!S to varIety of Vlct~o la selectIOns which interest ing prog-ram . . selectio n by th e quar tet, and the mourn his lOBS, a wife and one son: were much !'!nJoyed as there were Mrs. G. E. _Randnll. of Dayton , nam es of deceased brethre Th e pr"gratn used was " Cherry n from the . Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, at residen ce records to SUIt the taste and fancy five brother s. two sisters, a father was the j:tuest of Mr and Hem. E. Lippinc ott died at his Ilnd Bios om Land, " u mission ary service Mrs. J. W. rHO'er ent lodgeR we re read, Brother of L. 1'. Peterso n, Main St., Tues-. molher , many relat.ives. and Whit.e Monday and Tuesday of alll?re3ent. hom(' on North Main street, Tuesda y .. fo r Japan, "the flow e r land of the . L. NichO'lson t hen moved that a vole dKy and Friday mornin gs. warm Durll1g friends. the evenmg . Ice cream . and mornin g at 9:20 o'clock . "~lIneral Ori ent. " of thanks be extendE!d to lhose who It seems very sad that one ~o calte were served. 8ervices will hI' held in Ihe Chri~tian Mr. ami Mr8 Chas. Fi~her , of helperl in 'the ser vices- the Th" e particip ating reviewe d the speaker . At ~ late young. hour so st"live', so nmbitio us, and Cincinnrlti, were the week -end gue3LB ~he g uests (Ieparled field educatio nally and spiritua lly in A. A. McNeil , JOB. Champi on and Church , Thursda v IIfl urnoon, nt ~ the qua rtet and Rev. Palmer , which thnnkl~ ' til such a bright .future shead t M g the ~.enll:,1 'Squire WI a nd hosteS8 rl!<:i lation and Hong, The children o'clock. was unanim ously ca J:ried. Anothe r in town Drown, of Centerv ille. were for theIr ~ospltahtyhost r. an d Mrs. ,W. H . All en. t1hould be calletl ,from earth. hut God o .. ~r . and Mrs. from ·the Beginne r's to the InterIec t'IO'n b th on bURiness this morni ng. t e t an d th se y . e quar ' k e Charles FIsher, of Cmcmn ati, we~~ mcdiat.e departm tmts briRgin . Grover 'II, Meredi th died at the makes no mlst.a ell an d we COnl'lKn lodges left the chapel to decorate g the ters, of Kansa.~ City, .Ihe guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, Allen at t hiS inessage exceptio nally graves home of hia father, on the Bellbl'l,ok KII to His keeping , well. In ad. FoundA pocket. book with -..:..... .... a ....... W IUI~ · t.lt~he . ..L . ,qglPo\u ..t!!IfHt of his pl1renLo;. Mr. meeting Thus Ilike, Wednesdn~ eVl·ning , June 9th, . ended anolher m emorial day little money in it, Owner will call riition the program pre8ent cd a trio With Sir Galahad in his Rearch f or and Mrs. Wm. Dau"htc rl:llast week. r after a lung iIln~ . A. yourlll man The Uoly Urnil we say I of Orover 'H ' nt th e Gnzette office for informa tion. in Bong, from the Loyal Daught er's " or t IIe I (gp's 0 f n, ... ayncsvI'II e . I t IS ot prumi!IC, he hltd a h'~ion oC friend,. class. Mrs . Mart ha Orahood accom: a helpful thing and an office that Miam is Play Tie Game , hure "nd at hililKte . home in Colum· life Misses Jane and Floren~e Clark, of panied by Mrs, D. H. Pulmer gave Mrs . A. Q . Bradstr eet and daughbus, The funerRI WIIM held Satunllt y My good blade carves the casqqe r,f Xenia. were the week.en d gUL'8ls of each membe r of lhe differen t 10dgC!! an excellen t . reuding , anu at the will never f Ol·",e t . ter, To Nellie, rememb of er Alexand riaville, were m'llrnin llet the M. E Church , ltev mJln their mother, Mrs . Catheri ne Clark , the living every day and lose of t he program , in a short ad. the dead the Sunday guests cf Mr. nnd Mrs. JUpite r Pluviu 9 and the Dayton dress , Rev. D. C S. G,,,use r ollicillting Inlermc nl My truc Innce thrusle st sure, , every year is a beautif ul though H. Palme t, Harry Murray . Peerless tenm proved to be too strong aJ)peal for t he Foreignr made an WI&!I made ,n Milimi Cemete ry My strengt h is 118 the strenRt h of ten, of Cor.win. and a good lesson was taught to' the Christia n a combina tion for the Miamis to IWCIIUIIe lilY heart i~ pu re. en· Mission ary offering , speciali zing on mcmbl!rll .w ho cam e out and helped Mr . nOli Mrs. tirely B, overcom S Howell e last and Sunday Miss Helen after· Jones is home from the foreign mission endeavo rs and lIis Sister, MrA. fu>beccR Morri~, of Xenis, Mr . and Mrs. F. E. SherwO<II1 at· decor:ll e Columb us for her vacation . Her noon. The game was played in the great need of the gospel in the - -- -ailed 8~, a f/lrmer W8ynes~iIIe r~i tendl'Ct the Huwell reunion lit Clurks· a more or less heavy raill and result· Far East. A liberal !'finny friends are glad to have her in d ent died ul;;,t.he home (lr her son 111 t:ARD OF THANKS ville Sunday . cd in a 7 to 7 tie. When the game a splend id responl c. offering showed . Will We Stay ;at Home ? thdr midet again . Grett'ne Ccmlll,. ThuISdllY evening . was finally called, the visitors had We want 10 express through the • - ...- - She "'r.vetl ..ne sOn and a sitltf'r, Mrll, Bcored 13 runs, but the rules plainly ehas. Moure, after spendin'g a CRthurin .. Cornell, lloor Wllynllllville. columnll of your paper our appre· Miss Rhea Lowry, state of that when less than nine full "Cedllr Crest week or two ht~re with r ellltivt!9, reWill Waynes ville huve Q celebra tion Farm," Route 2, has been Will Repeat Play The funEral was held Hatur,IBY and ciation to the r... ighl\Ors anll frienrls turned quile sick innings are played the score sh'sll reo to his home in Washin gton, the fourth of July, or will our pea for the inu'rmt!nt WIU! made at Bell for thl'ir lilndnes s snown UR ~uring D. the last two weeks. vert At to its present standin g at the close onhe C. Saturda the iIlll~ y morning . and d!'ath of our boy; an.t pie have to go to Leblmo n. Xenia, or she is much better. brouk . . IlLSt full inning and at that time each Th Ferry Church will Cur the beautif ul floral tributes . We some other place to enjoy the day? •, te~m hnd scored seven runs. The "Ten Nights in a Bllrroom " put on Klw want. to thank Dr. Ellis for hi~ Mr. anrl Mr!!. Chaa. Winters teen It Iloes seem too bad that the town ! at Cencannot have eometh ing to kllep her untiring effnrts in our behalf, and tn anrl Mr. and Mrs . Fenton Botts, Mrs Mary Stro~d nnd dnughte r, rain. had a very bad effect. on the tervil le Saturda y evening . The cast 1'akes Over of BU8iness extend onr -thnnkA to the girls of th l! Dayton , were guests of Mr. and young people nt home especial ly on Mrs. Mary Morns, ot Columbus, plnYlng of both .tea~s but It looked will be the same ns was given here as ~hough .the MIamIS were due for 9 week ago, and the residen l:Iuch a day ns this. Even the ball were the week·en d gU8l'ta telephn ne exchan ge for tht'ir kil'd Iy Mrs. B. H, Kelly Sunday , ts of that of Mr a vlc~ory If team haR nothing Schetlul ed for that and Mr8 . .E;, T, Stroud. the weathe r man .h ad little ha mlet will not be disappo inted . Local ftiends of It'red G8!lkey lVili IJtlBillt unce not tn.terter ed. Frank Ku.rfis Sam day, has and Meredit if they they h nnd Fn~i1y. go to see it. ought to "work be intp-reAttod in the followinll pllrK r Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bloch and MI'II. cClrners" RO that they might betheir been s.lgn~d to do the catchm g fo The same compan y will repeat the able Miss Nellie Wooten returned home I J{rA))h I.nklln trom I he 'Mariett a Daily Emil Mend ell\tlhn ami daughte r, of to make a little stake. play' here Saturda y evening , June . last Thursda y from Wilmin gtpn Col· the MIamiS . , , I Journ"l ; • I " ',f".Cincinn ati , were the week·!'n d • • - ...- - • • • 26th. There were lege, where she has been the past many ' that ~ A rrang('m ents are practica lly C.ltrJ Took .B. A. Degree guests of Mr •.and Mrs. M,YElr Hyman . Where's the Oil Wago n? were unable to gain soadmissi year. She enjQyed the school and pleted by whirh ~~retl A. Caskey, of on the Mason ic Notic e night it was given here, that the her final grades were very satisfac Wooste r Itreet, formerl y .ioentified . tory . . Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Mills, Mr. and' manage ment have decided to repeat with the Safe CabineL Co, will take Prof, C. A. Bruner, The 011 fQr the streets has been in it. 1t goes without saying that over the factory nf the -Condu ctor gradun ted at .... it,tenberns it is now, Mrs. Murray , of'near Oregon ia, Mr they g (A.Ilege Corwin for at least three weeks. will play to a full house. and Mrs. Jos. Hormel l and family atRegula r commu nication of Way· I ' I"ilting Compan y, iQ Norwoo d last week. thereby g<'!tting Mrs. C. N. Kishler, of Junction his What B. A tended meeting at Hal'din/s Creek, nesville Lodge No. HiS F. mntter with the com· - - .- - - ••- -This concern 'IM enlf1lged in the manu derree, Prof. Bruner, & A. M., City, Ohio, .and Mr, and Mrs. W. J. mitteeisin the who wa. Clinton County , Sunday . charge that it Is not put on . · f.crure of galvaniZetJ 8poufh"lg, lind· . Buperin will lake place Tuesday evening June Scholl tendent and 01 family, theacho of ol here for r IsoneofthecitY'8growingmduAtrl~ 2~. S?jo!lrn ing brethrim are c~r· spent- the week· end Bremeh , Ohio, the streetsT ~t week would have May Come Throu gh Count y three years. hl.ll worked hardf,! r with their dlally inVIted and all I!trange rs wdl er, Rev. D, H. Palmer nnd br~th. been n good tIme, for there wer~ at I Incorpo ration pa~rswil1 prob"bl y ' this dejlree, and all of his friends . family, least three or four days of fine 11 1 Mr and Mrs. Burdett e George , of ~e. welcomed .. There will"Qe .' : be taken out within the next few WlIoynesville and vicinity work ' stand . road. .. ,weathe r. Get busy, somebo dy,and Wilmin gton, and I' days, R8 BOOn ~a Mr. Cukey com· to conlrat ulatehl m upon The Men ' of Lebano n sent a com· Rev. a nd. Mrs, C. ' S Grauser and ~et the 011 on.' • _ .. hiuucc cs • til8 GeorIJe, of Mr. and Mrs. Pren· 111 the M. M. degree. . . • plete.l the final details of the pqr· Detr9it , we re called ' mit~ee to Cincinn ati several days ago . • _ ...- - ~. 0A' CaZI,rmtwm r:!irmbta'nW ·SecM. lIOn, Cltarles , left Mondav morning here SUllday on .accoun t of the Be! chase. . The compan y wi1\ be known . ' '" to confer with Hon.Hn rry L , Gorden , y E ' r ious illness 01 Mr. BenJ·. Lippinc ott, h . . _ ~._ _ _ ' • for Lakesid e, near Lakerie, I lIS the Galvan Manufa cturing Co. . o.f t.h N w .ere Fell Out of Cherr y Tree 0h'I~ r~~resenta bv'e • .. ~ Mary's Chuu h they will lpend Lhe!r vacatIon. a ~ c !~ ".. e ational Dine Highwa y CommISSIon, ,to have · 1 ;They will ,be absent about llix weeks . Masters Gage, John and. Cha~ICII . G ' D . 11a the road So pass ave a 0 \I" CIa through Lebano n. i : ~. Music (~Iub Study Back . 'Wadsw orth, ot Gainesville, Fla, arThe route through Lebano n Mr and ' Mrs C · T Hawke and Third SundQ alter Trinity. Juu. rived here Monday, and are Elmer Stansbe rry fell out of a about ten miles ahorter to will be at the , Dayton , Mr 2Iltb. Sunday School at 9;30 a. m., home of Mr. and Mr1!, and Mrs J 'E jan~eJ and famcherry tree at George Dakin's re,!- than by the way of Middlet ownE T. Stroud , The dollar Tu_ay afterno on the MUlic Club Momin lr P...,er and aermon gh'en in the M. ily • left Tu~~ 'In their autos for dence Frida)"m at 10:30. of orn!ng, Route 5. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. E. Church 'tiday ,evenllnill', was made an excellen t ItUdJ() fSebatJ an "I was ftlad ..hen they Bald unto me, fairly Delawa re where they will attend • broken collar bone and 8ustain ed Frankli n. Hon. Gorden seeeme d to and several bad take kindly to the' Lebano n r:oute, u.eb ' BIndel will be the oat IU": We wi go Into the hoUle of th W~dsworth are .expecte d .to arrive well was a good tbe8fllC luatiDl, exerclse aof Delawa re bruises and ICratches. ' The little as he aai!1lt would obviate .. here lOOn. and Will make tblSloca llty 'l ject.. . rallwBl I IOClai time. Coli. . ~rd." Come. Mill Sybil Hawke beingon e fellow will be boused for Bevel'lll Cl'OIIinp... there their home. are but four oq • . of the iraduatea. dl1l as a reeult of the ~Idont. tbfe routeth roqb ~ D~ton,
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lllr04t . A ye, Ihey wert! fl gD.. ·nm. is used on your house, T hen ' you wiI~ ~et Al l l" illllS (If but a goddoss woul d hll\'e hl;ld I\t suoh a Ume 1111 tnlplmtiDD 80 groat? Ilut It the limit In bot h beau!)r and durability, gave b 1m 1m Idea , and h a Bli pped IlWOY Mllde in iT-n ine beau tiful shadefot and :I i \J b to com plete II. 1ln.10. K hon shoul4 tints. lf~~ '· fine and w",ar~ fine. .\ oorno In foo t. ') 80 he tl ltl not .p.o Umbolln upon hi" ' i, $Qld b$ k nees, whin ing for merc y. making fu· tile promises. begg ing for liberty. T be fto llliers s pot contemptuously 1111 .itu; y F. BolE cd hI m and Ilra&ged hi m otT. The prlcs ts couferred h os tl ly. IInlll K ban Wnll 0. " a rce Mohu lllm pdn ll. n .• '.r ru t bless aoldler; bls fullowers were 'j Offk" I 'll ,. " ; ; 11 ,, " ~r I' hl. n. ·I·a without fIllV'. Th e men of Allnlm BI1 I1(\II, itlt::1'l '~ u rl( Ii'r Hnkllll I'''~ n might pul u\i a good d e fense. bu t In Ill)' wll', and ,:T. nill·l' !!·'" Rh i l!$1iOr,1l ;13'lr l R f..~(\ ,o .. tll rll(lt ...HII the entl th e~w ou l d be wbolmed ; a ud DUIll". "Muy h ~ rCl I III fl., ,·r/II·,· \\lth II pili' " hri ol ~ " "' '' r lt Dre rll"ld t"w u .. h lp the god a 01 III nd wou ld be casl out to 1 " Hus t c"' r tH'l' H Ih rS l )" hl g,hl1~dH?" $. :,\ ;, r,~ ZI1 I1 Arnl lfn J,.{n, 2 ('(ln lnlottt E, mnke way t or the prophot 01 All nh . fl A~NHA~T. "Drin k th r .,,,,,,,1. 11ll'1I'" e\lIm ('u l l<' r . hrirlgf' wnr k This you ng womll u wltb l he wb! to s k in " Q ' yO ' h'~ h.:l1 '-I , b'lr u' Iroll a Ih u! : !:i ll I1pll,o n town!ll d p :j:'i.U:I ; I.e"" " ~lJhlic hnd tor the nonCe be llte n tb em. Durgn I B " ' ~ .'it. Co "0 pllp~ f.~l1.~ U ; b'rlln k Ram bad played t he 1001; bet wofolll th u are rus c d' Tho kO"Il, ·r. l'I" u! e d IhlR rnl l"'rY· 1 D. 'd iller. O rl''' O'' I ~ t dllr or 7,:(,; .) P All klll ,l of N " 'lIrv Wo,k , lV , ll.. t wo women, he ha d r n ll~n . Th ey blld .)011ll. lnn. ~ u P I'It(\ f o r C lI'rk 0 1 . Ulllbllllf\ ""5 ",,11111 10 u rfurd Ihe m given hI m power. lind be had lot It all LJ C('Il' r t":f;~ I~·. Ulln r Boop, (1X (Jr('~" :11111 rlPI'!1 .. " :1'l'l'ltllt~· Vrob tlle Court i'rocet!dlnl!8 th rough hili (lngen fot th., sa ke or refClr ' Iork , ;3/>1 ; W . W . KWfltlIlY, COU · prisal wll e re It waH 1I0t needed. L et I n th e Ulntte r o f Ib e (\ ~~I~nm('\ n l tr ,I('t 'Ill r,u; ,J u lin K ~ p e n co r, con. him 1'0, tbtln, t o th e tr!Jlld mll!; lhoy. ' Of 1\ . U. Fi>r d yuu ~. f\. ·\;rul g 1M li P' Ir/h't $ 11'1 1140 ; Ell a .. Wlrll lloru, oon were llrroush wltb b lm. He h ud llilly od polntClC\ fI"~ I " n oll. Bon d $1:1000. t,rIlH! $~ P; W'II . tl . GrIlhllllJ. C" Dtrn OI hie lOme like II t yro . Th ey mu s t pia. U h "r l e ~ ,! o n "~, 'UtIov lu :fI r lJll bn 0 '1 1111 . 1!lt't.a2 ; V 11 . I>lnwl lld,l', I'O llk w" rk Cllto this young woman who t.ll e pDQWUI Oberlin t>ro !lPII,n Ol eu Wn y ne I",,:, ~ h ip $r.L25; (' Il .l rl ,'M pIe bell fl'Ve d WIIS lha lr Qu ee n, bu t who I r f\ I Re r ~ , , Bu r n (;U. r ,t.l ",n r k V'n.1' 1I8 t o w n. t hoy knew Wn8 Ul e pltlytillng of poll· Veterinary III the lDlllte r " f t.hA e8 ~llte o f An. sh i p $I H 7~ ; .I Hrry thlle l.v, IUUlbl' r tlce IUld ex pedloncles. .,w /:{ohm f-r t!ec " ,, ~ "'1. J o hn \\'11_ fo r brld ", ~ $:1 :1 :'. ' ; . 111 D H onk I" , Graduate of Oblo !Olat. lJni\'ersl l '" d r Th e eh le l or hi gh pr iest Bulnn m d, oa . 1) 0" o f th~ upp r f1I !1or s. htllllg un- I fn" ~ (ln n " X I)~ " ~~ " ~ ! OI . ~O. '. a nd Klltblya )' d blm calmly, t hou!ll ', ,, ut Rt o ~A r v" , 11I IIW~ M oC I(\lIllnd I ~ ODtTRctij : - ~ , ·111 w l!h O"g n nllt h r kae II threlltened to r efuse 8UP. BrldKe 1'0 . f(·r ltrul l-(H n il \VeAt Mll in , tllI l m ll too III h iMpi ll oo Omce at r l':li ril 'II ce in F. 11 S herpor t. . I' f tl ' 11 f ", ISI TP o tI.Ah nn, n, ' .1:!50 I II WI' m ~ t t ~r (\ , 10 WI a "Mn.J esty, we bow to you r will. Alln. w o ori'" hoy!!!', 1"0urth:';1 reet, !\~~~~II\R!~i'l~Jlf!l!! ' MH rtjn ~1tI1I'8(1t1 , o Pooo oll . Ua h llruh I N o. 1 12 wlt·1t J . K S \JPu tl r f o r r El . ba. ca n nol bopo to co pe wltb 1)f1ltl ~itllps OIl tbEl ", h]ow oloe r·" to t llk a llD I' lrood (J" 1I0 rf1 t e a lU t.JII IHlI ll allo Khnn 's narce blll men. All we 118k 18 ~1I t1 Fl r ~ It'e w i l l ' Ipll lr ror W IlRt ~ tr eet h rhl l~O 1,IlIJIlIWI I thllt you abId e wllb U8 ti ll )IOU h'l Ve t 1111 per BU hrnl tt ed pllt 11 *~3 1 0, f, l r W '11 l ognll y 8cloclml your BUeCOS" or." Ohio ' .John L Ur o w ll , BII Htl OJ ln ll! t,rlt o r " n r~t(l " b utOl p.nl!l ll nrl \J lnr , Ril ,,~ r aynesvi e. "Who s hull be P undllll." I!nl d Ka lh · w tt h til wl ! 1 " n tlt' lt"rt o t I.btl as tut e " I.. n &:ld &20. p e r IlIlIln ! rl) lJ ~ f or 1yn r ll8olutely. (,f 1I 1L1lllull . wl lll, I)!'( 'IHOd , pl Bln t lff 1'1 III lin d :ili . pa r l'Il , yd ror I'B rl1l V::l ' I" r ll E. Bnl' lll.v , t- 1 1, ' a Ce llt.l. fil l ' The c bl er pr! s t snillum ed nga ln. 1 "" t ~ . Sule of r enl eHI.ul·o i~ II J1Jlruy ed , . The movemollt CO SL biOI notblng. One( DI Atr ilmtll!l lrll'JrI' . ~o . .. 1;3 w i t h A ~l P .. r k nr fo r B81a Khan W!l8 back In hlB .cllY nn d (Jor ru gntt1d flo w e r An o lno r eio hen,l. (u t be lJl!ltter uf Ihtl WIll o f HeUlla whIle wo mtl.Il out o f the coun lry, WAl is o n Mo rr ow lIn r! Y, ,,bllll rm p l k ,! he would undertake to deal wll h R,a. lJenOr< I::l '1'0810.1' , " " fI" Stld Vl1illl s bv I'd rr"n~ furnt .~lI l om t o wns hip Funeral Dir..ctor mo.bal and Pundlta. He doubted Bala a d m it ted too p n l l.111 I,!', f3 ~ 25, Kha..n 'Would ~Ur trom bls lmpreg"aand Embalmer, In b m .. tter 'J f tb a e 1,Ilt.El of RB . 0. 41" ,.Itou I:Ito kl'i! & G rltllllln ble olty on bebalf 01' Ralllnbalo bel'Cll . t:r uS!I;lY, dl1(' ) ",ed . Vl otor for oonor et,., u r b t111 ~ e t o, 011 Orllk" Waynesville, Ohlo,The tmll woman who loved Umbnlla .. B. W o~lllr III nv Pt'IDtc cl AX O\1Tor . J'ond by J obu Jtl.U1 aSOn faJ'\ll .. I I N o bo n d r(>q uinl(l . HM rry S beet", ralsod her hands 10. supplication. Lllw R o binson Intd ~erUlIlD Unod $ 4. 7 per 011 . 1"(. Kathlyn understood. She shook he r Ca ll answ e r ed promptly dllY or ni ght WiD .. re u p poi n d "p p~lii ertl. o. Hii wit,1t F. M . .Coi li ns f o r 8 0th pho ne.q in Onice and itl'sici(,lIce. hoad. ' Umbnlltl. shoul4 end biB do.ys In oo '. or ~le 0\ 11110 ruy • fi I.. , At fo r longdi s tnncc ,No. 14; Home ()h o ne the . treadmlll; be should grind the I)r ldge on Hili "lid K'lH hf> 1 R n tld bv Common Plells Court 14-2 r people's oorn. Nolhlng should stir ber Ml\re Bill'" fnrl'lI nt ' ·I.7$lI e r Oil . yd . Chairs ami one Coach fumisiloo free tram 'tbls d ete rmillo.tlon. New "its. No . • 16 wi t h ,r. 1<. Spou o er t o r with fune ral s . "MaJ ll8ty, and what 01 mef" crI ed Sa laam ed Aga in. 1::1. 0 , hll wu"n fl D11 a . B RMh oonorote heltd wftll al o ug r o nd~lde the unhappy woman, now fill ed with ga l,or 'lB. Tboma!! '1'. He rtt,b, money " Dct o re ek on Oro ~onlfll\nd L obanoll Best of Aenrko guaranteed. 8nothIJr kind 01 r e morae. m uch IImU8Pln!!ltL Th o)' lor ced ' blrn to ouly, "Dlo unt ola lm e d t1 67.70 Imel (Jlko b y lJhHe noe Hh e rwood'II r e ~l. "You IIhllll re turn to tbe zenana for t he wri st bn r . RnuI' III, d th ~ Irons o n I lntllres t. deli Ct. IHld Tu r tl eor oek I.o wnehip the prese nt" b ls wrist . lIu d shouted to t he m en to WIJiillm B. and Ne .... ell B. Pbllli(:e $l il7 "Then 1 am not to dl&, maj eaty?" trend. Ah, woll. they knew lh o gum e ! ve.l:f . ,I , Po ling. wOlle y o nl y,8ev 8r,,1 .... '''No:' T hey trott ed with g Uf.'to, foroi ng Il)~ I U"Dl ~ wi th in L~ rest . "An4 Dnla. Khan'" Inquired the bll ll n to k"" IJ pu ce with tlllJIII, n. frl gbt. CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOL'ERA ANn prlaat, fill ordell l ro r II Ileg loncr . P resently Proceedings OIARRHDEA REMEDY "He Ihall atsnd prepared; tbat 18 h e sli p pe d li n t:! fell. and bung by .18 TIlt' Mo rrow . I\tlomL\ Btluk va 'rhlM IK "ra msay that every fAm. alL" wrl st8 . whll., J:!IR less 1\.1Id thl g h~ Tho people, crowll1ng In th e temple bum ped ertle.ll y. T il " Inah re ll ~ Oll 'L'n8 1'oopl08' El eotrio Uo .• Uuurt or- Ily sbould be provldf'd wu.It , lind fill . an4 In the IIQuare beforo II, eulaam ed biB s hou lderls. a nd he ShTI I( e d li nd t! er~ t il .. IllulUtUr t u r eeo v!)r the sum 1'001.. lIy 11nrln /t '.lle Mllmlner mO'ltba, of 'll1 ~.!H f r o m Lb o d~( e nt!allt. Th Ink of th e p,, 11I and Roffe rlng thtl' deeply all KathlYD loft and re turned lo grew 11 11111. He hud talnl od. J ohn Lco llILrtl Yd . A nutl L eonard . mO Rt be a ndure d Wbl' D mo ,lIoln e the palace. Bhe was rathe r dl n y -ove r . • • • • • tbo l!Iucoess 01 he r In8plrutlo n. A re w Among th e. l a~e klns's IJOper s th oy 'asl! is llltlllllR ad wi tho ut reoord ut mo ~ t be sHnt f n r or bt'lfnre reli e f 09 n he oM,d u et! , Thl ~ r e morly Is thor (I11YII mlsht piles without hurro ; but round an e nvelojlo nd d resuod to Kllth. tlte 006\ 0 1 pl ~ intllT : Mi nnie Fn rrow ,vs A bller Furrow, ongh ly relb hla A~k !lllvone w ho .ooner or later they would 41s oover I YI!. It WR8 In grand llott ucn t En glish. that she bad tricked th e m ; and tben, Drevlty or 8pe h 18 un know n to t he d lvo r08 ~r ll u uU l o pl.. lu t lff n nd ell" Ih ,s ll:!r rlit () ht ~in n hl eB verywh e rB, ' the end. Dut before thai hour arrlve4 E ast Indl nn. KliUt lyn r n t:! It with 18 r ail tor d to hor Ululden nlime of ~===~~============== they wou14 . doubtless nnd 80ID() way trownlng uyns . Sh, gav It 10 h or Minnie Wa)t.l oon of leaving tbe olty 8eoretly. fatb er to road; nnd It hurt htl r to !loto Lid" W h it lore ~ . W ill ili Lung , DR. J, W. MILLER. That It woulll be many daya ere the WilY hIs ",yes t ook Oro ot l be cOn' fo ri!' (;" urt ord or s p i inti11' t) r eo Pun41ta wore the c rown-trust the t e nts of tbut letter. 'rlta fi li gree b80ltot CO Y6r ~ um v f $l l '. 0 with In!,cre ~t prlost8 to aprond tho moshes of re4 of 80ld nnd goms; the t rinkets fo r from <1tfend.. nt. ...DE-NTI tnpol-Kathlyn was reasonably eer- wbloh li e hllLd rl eked hla own 1110, Real Eslate Transfers taln. , Ka.thlyn'8. lhen Wlnnl o·B. In turn omCfllllln - \\ eynes> lIIe, 0 Read yourown Miami Gazette "My girl:' Bald the colonel, "you are Druce an<l Un mnbal pe ru sed til e le t- V.E.«lid' :101 , 1'IndI,.C.::illlith A. HqthawflY to B N'.'iollal 5 1 or; Ror CR In , ___ ,_B.1lk _ _Bide. __________________________ , a Queen, If ever there '\I' M ono. An4 t e r ; and to finmn hnl came t be In8plra· that you ehoul4 think 01 luch a slm· tl on . B.eolillD I I 'l' .. . H ·1 lJe l w t n the pie thing wben we had aU glvon upl T hey woul d Bor k Ih lA tr ..u~ure, bill ~1e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!:!9l~ They would not have touched U mbnl· o nly he. Rnmnbal. ft nd Punrllla woul d M IaID! RI ve rll, $1. E'I'/Iott k Motcalf t o !C Islo Rin AMI h In. Kit, Kit, wbatever will ·YOII <lo r lltllrn. B ora Iny th Ir WILY to r r e~ d o m No, ] 0 1, I 'l lIuil 1 :1 ill Mllplfl p , rk when you re turn to the humdrum lite w lt.hout cnll ing u vo n Bulla I{hun rUT Muh.h vlPlo li ~n I{l ng~ Mills • •:lOO at home?" nld. Th malt " r. 11()\vQvor, JU; d to bo L. M. II n ,l MII I'Y 13.,,1 t o (3enrll" "Tbank Ood on my knees, dnd!" aho 81lbmiH d to th o pr lcsts. nml U1 0A() Inld fervently. "nut we ai'O not alllo w ily 1Il 0 0 III )I f' lIow robM 1I~"C(1. 'l'h oy ,It' IV I ~ III rlll 'ls III H .. III Ili o n w w nllbil ' yet. by no menna. Wo must form 'our -cou ld v .. r), ",,,II " rom Iso Dllrgll R i\1n $1. ;:!uIII lw l Hnl WI w() rlh I II Ern (ll'! plans qulokly. Wo have porhnps threo h is t ropdom lignin ; Jlllrs uo tll . "'~ trims, daye' grace. .Alter that, woe to nil or u re "~ . ' k "rH lin d ,I" ri roy th orn. th at .Hl d :-;r',I'I (1I U{ IlIrwo r li. :1 trilelt.1! III w'~Y II (- 1 "WII ~I ,j 1l $1. UB who are round here. Ah, I 11m W0111d II,! Ilurl'a n ll ll l'S rtu ' ~ Ol'o . .J n hn L. fj' I)\" U , lid l or I t,) nr Jo·, tlred, tlredl'" . I '1'(1 IIF. ( 'I II>T / N l ' F.n "KIt," whilipered Bruce, "[ Intend - - . - . _ _ ___ _ "I. WOI'I['." , r·" .. I. 1 1111. r,t IIIt.H No 01 Itral !, :.! 10 L o l lll flO H , $a rl7 il. thla night to see li Dala Khan I" "J'ohu1" • YOUR GOUGH CAN BE STOPPED Til " P.\I<'I I- LI ll i "" '1' .. t,o 'I' lt ll I..ch11111)1 ; .U l uh'"1 1;0 , Inl N tl. 1'< 1 ' IInd "Yes. What tha deuce 18 Allaba. to O ~l n ~ olin' to ... .. If\ I\rll l1 l(h ll', X mer Ramabal mUllt fight tt out a1ono. p0811r A, ~ T\d d , m ph ',n l!"", fl n f1 lu lri ll ~ pll r l of lui "" ,) H ~ In L,d ,nll l' n, $1. But Ilou't worry about me, J ca.n take ,. t,rAAt,lII oot o f Or . Kln K'~ -,",,, w niH. . F nll!k ..V SI1I1 t,hKn \ t tl Wm E care of myselL" eovM" w ill PO_ltl I,v r"hovlI. li n'" all ol ( '" r rlO Li11,11l Jut. 'In WA~t MnID "Dut I don't want you to 80, 1 neod in t im., wil l >l nr .. I,· rid vou , " f Vlln r :~t. , I"e h,. ollll, $ 1 rou." : Co ugh 'Ph i) flrA!: d 'lI!O ~"oth fl 8 t it!') "It Is your life, Kit. I am oertaln. Irritlltl on . oheo k8 :,,"IT oOIl l( h, w hich 1llver:rthlnlr depon4s ·upon the ir findIng 8t, ClII~ III A s h o r t ri m e. Dr . Inn~ · ,· I:! M,' l v.ln Wul t f'~. m 'lohln ist 1.0 out that" Billa Khan will IItrlke It you No w DI Roovn rv It ll~ IlflC1n uNe,l !\ U ~ ~~,Inu My Tt.IIt 8 1'" .. i~ht., b oth of Le t. oall upon him. At moet, all he'll do- oepM uliv for ·113 Yo aI's n Dd L IC llflr.l lIun o u. H.. v. A J . K tllJ tl e, I will be to leT}' e. tribute whloh Rama· teiJd 1,0 onre Yl1 n. \1 o ~ o y lmo k If It, ,!olto l:l . W lI l(n ,,1'. fllrm er of MI. bal. onoe Puudlta la on the throne, can f811M UM 8 11ll t.I f rom y our Drnll· V0J'7 well pa.y, Tbose priests ore dov· gIR' ; It OClH l'I otllv (I IIttl o Ilnd WIll Rml ~ l)(1rg . to n l n cl y~ MU ll t~roby, of I:>llrlnllllo ro. H ov . W P . A . Bom tla tncarnate. They wlli lea.vI no stone h e lll y Ou 80 mnol) Ilhroyq Cl You IORure your home ala/nllt firo-why not lneUft Itl untUme4 to do 'you !nlUIT, alter ,to- I - "- -- - - aaalnllt d~eay by repalntfnll at certain Intervabl? Ott.,) L AlI lJ8pnr!(Af , fnllll"r of day'a work: You have humiliated and B d t H,' t Sornethl'ng W " rr e ll Conn t.y, to AnnA M Bond, Cl Rep81ntlnQ Is one of the boet forml! of propertyln.unnce. autp\aJlld them." . I oun 0 In the long run It vllstly reduces the coat of maintenance, o f Frlwk li tl. R A V . G Il U E White "It Ie beet he should 10, Kilo" her I ____ ond a fresh cont of pain t greotly enhanccs the market ".Iue J ou nD le Hl ohur(l Mny Mvera, father declared. "We'll not tell Ram", r' . . ' ofany home. b H huheen B man all the wa . l tlll r e l~" ()r ~ ' ~ oy ed m un III fa r m er M L l' t le . t.o (""ufie dMnhtlrt., ~ Lumber clposed to the elements wIthout a firm coatla,a tl~;onlh~ but we mustn't lacrtnoe ou~ .CI \\vtllll utJ wJ~» I~ II Il 1l1l1.h lj ~l lI stlo of 8prmg bor o, R ov . Looml8. 01 poln't will r~t nnd decay. Your bulldlnl1ll painted wltb chaMlls for the Bake of a bit of !eot!- I tr"1J h o"t~r; turl:hur m oro, 11 ft III a~ E ld on POI'r!nA o inpl oy ud 0.$ KIDgH t. lobn mUllt l!leek Bala l{hl1n·. e XIJHrr, HI. r oool ,l S II !.ul na( t o lI' P o wuo' Mills t o Emtll Brre 08borne. pr ,ud o f O n e rt,,~, In!lt uu t nll111 meD . bQlh of .Morr ow . R IlV, J . B , BIlld. al~~thl_ b . 'I d to th I . Il 1II1r vy f r l nd von~uroo t o II ') '!lt IOD win . . AA "lU ecaml ras sne e n blm tb u s: 'M1tabl&. I "You II r o ,II , h o r nuly 0 1')" 901'011 CommissIoners' Proceedln~s Ulllballa. He trted to brlbe the eo· thn t 1 a on ' L t~ejJ h o w y o u (ua tl ble 1.0 'dll", '!'be,. .1&qhld and taunted hIm. shoot. 8t rlt l~ht. " Bills AlIow ,!d :-SI·ate or Ohl '! VR. He took tbe rlnle from hla fingers and " 1' 1) toll y n m y !\oore t . ] ~( Io i l\ t, Plllhp f,em lo JC, t o 8 !llld cost ... 13 20; oltored the m. Th o soldiers sDatchell al ong t he )el , b rt rr I w it h my ri ht. ~ t,8ltl of Oblo VB. 8 " rry Southard them Out of his palm and .thrust hIm ey tl, und 1111111111 ul ot:l8 t he ri g h t Jr . , feeij Ilud ooals ~il . 2 U ; lat d e of have the beat predervntlve YOII can put on them_D alieolute Insurnnce for ycun HIlauI8t d!lCay, aloDg the path wblch led to the mill. borral with XUy le f t YfJ " Obl O VB. Ennl e' IiIlrnuD to n, Jr., f,'6a In Allaba polltle~l maiefaotors and "Y (JIl 1" Cl BRIDGEPORT STANDARD PRF.PARED PAINT coven • tl.Dd OO.8t S $10.10 j Btu t e or Oh 10 1'8 " Anef then. I .fro bu l,1l h.I'·r e la,' ,_ murderel'll were made to serve tbe Qrenter area, Is made to sclentlftc formula tllat Inlur. WllU' Elmer ~'ord, f' 08 aucl ooat s '1 6,:10'; etatjl; not a. ba.d law· If It had always Cle ve \rUld Pllllin Dati le I'. lind permanency of colo~, It 18 far more duroble 'a nd th...... Inqnest over body of OhRr!e8 L heen a luat one'. But many a poor . fore much more economical In the lung run tban either [,hoUi PHOD, ooroner .. u tl wltllPE8 devil had died at the ' wrl.t bar for no -_-----..-:'--:----~-- plain "lend Rnd oil" or a mlnure of. udulterant. Iolcl ac • ~7,65 ; W , U, UllulOllr boarding ~'barallin price, " . . other r'6ll8on than' that· he had ol!endj!1l Ilri~ou('r ~ $6 1 03;' R ~ v . .J . H.. tlnllter lIome high omolal, dIsturbed ths seren· Our In,...,.,. are ~u tu;,J-ynu _nf the ben ....,,!lad l!ervHlI' ~ all ollliJ.lBlu ' 37 50; tie~g, Itr of aome prlOllL we waat to Me that pu aer h. Cnn •• In aad let ... bu~oh Self Alo~ln~ l u k t:!hDd C:o. dO .. YOll color card. and aha you tbe benelf '" _ Wben the prlsonel'll BB.W Umballa a _dati ..~_c. OD lb. palut "U_~D. h.lk ~t;~dl! '3 47; , Loblll!,OIl Ioe and ,hQut went up. Tbere were lOme who . 0,,1 ,ll'8forl, B"",20jCbarles lied Umballa to thank .Ior their mi. J. t:!otlwarlz " upplhlM for C. Ef. 15,115; ert., The, hailed him and jeered him Bl W. Leigh,. rtllid oil, IlppJled Car. &110 lIIOOIIed bJm. llt,III, Ohio no; 8 p, Bl.lr,oemous, • "Hare Ia tile pUer rat I" ,525 i lIlonroe" JOhDBtoD, tIIIWdD8t
11SU R7Jn~I:" \.'
YOUII8 WOtUllll of the ZtlUunn.. now 0 1..
orll. hll • • um- 1tl 0~ 1 dcnrl wllh t rror YO. h r h OIll" In Call to rnl .. ' 1m tn ..olalla. india, Uruballa, "Jl olll :" c rl ~t! RaIO/\bu l when tho II' to the w ron~. luuo Imprl.oood Il&med bJ' Lb. I..to k.ll\¥ CIa hi. sOldlQr6 Btnrt d lownrd hIm to cJed
hIm from l h
la tllp l . "Whal!" su ld mb"II,, ; " will )'ou r&CUD I?" . " ~o. Durgn R lIUl. [ sUlnd hor o h ~· t oro you ILl I; a n " COliS r l I k now tb o If.W .. Will . YOu, wlso lind ,. norab le priests. >ou me ll at Alluhu., yuu 801· dl('r •. 8ur\'0 II m llrd ror ? Will you." ,dIll u wove ot hili hao ds towar d til() 11rlo.I... "Htll nd s ponsor to the rulln Who dpllh""llt Iy plnnn ed an d oxecut e d lhe ml s mbl den th of o ur kin g ? h,,11 It Ny to Be uores, th is news t hnt .A IInlll1 pc rm lt8 Itnelr 10 b ruled und bulll .. d by 11 (.'ommoo mimI re r ; a mlin wlthoul fumll y. a. II nr !Lnd a cbea t ? Durga lIum, ) ' OU s lnw th e k ing; )'OU t urn'd Ulxl ll Ihe llll od tilut hnd led and clolh ed )'011 and ruts d you 10 power . . . . Wa lt ! Let tbls wo mon spook !" A d rntnati c momon t f ollo w('d ; a allen'co flO teos8 lh ut tho f1u ller lng wln llri of UI dO"P8 III the hi g h a r cl, os cou ld be h nrd dls tlnclly. Hamnbnl was 0. gr n t poli ti cian . He had st ruok not ,' ni l' wise ly but s wiftly bet or e hi s pu bIIQ. li a d he como berore th e priests nnd mba llll a lone. h e wou ld Il ave dl d o n the s pot. Uut tb er e wns no wa y 01 cov rin g up th is Ilccusnll on, 80 bold. d lrCC) l ; It wou ld IUI\' 6 10 bin· ves tl gat d . Upon hor k nees, he r nrms out. s tre tched townr d lhe "CO W IInll l. rl oSI8. tb e womo.u ot t he IOUU Il Il t r!!m lJll ngly t()ld he r ln le : how she hud 61l"od U m· ba ll nh du rlDg the r e volt ; how aho h ud R cur4ld him s he lle r wit h he r sis te r, wh o W II S 11 ds neer ; ho w she hud \' Is· li ed 1 mbnll o. In h is Bec re t chlllll be r; h ow he hlld contl lled to ber b ls pIIlDS; h ow sbe bod 8 n him wl lll her Own ey0l8 becom o · one 01 the lake beare ra or lhe pal1Ull.)uln. "The wOlll llll lies because 1 epur n 4 he r!" roar ed Umballa. "Away with h erl" orled the Qhlc t prl st, Inw ardly eurslnl! U mbllJla lor
I.~.;, ,~~~~;~:~)OO
Waynesville, Ohiol
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Dr. J. A McCoy"
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o Uaa bo .....
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uV.. K&lb. , lona IIU.Peote4 tbal
,~.~ With
"I Don't Wan' You to, l'"II . ~oe loa ...ho..of h.Bruo~ Ii&d
• !lnel_
I Nlllld Vou."
~iR~MDj~~~e4. ~oe.mtiaU& bll ... having permllted this woman to live wheo sbe know 80 much. "Away with g.'I.;-4. US~~o"'a::: he r l " • '1"'1 of the bU~ ~urc!en 01 .~ ,ta 0 h .. ye " Th o lawl " the woman walled. "The ta CII'O:;aQU60D. but .,"bnll& _~ the. I>Ort ot the prlejlthood, ro- sanclty 01 tllo t e Dlple II mlnel" "Hold !" snld Kathlyn •• landlng up. !~_~ 1f1th al>l!Oluto power G... _ _118 J'lI. W1D.nl.. HlLI'e iLnd In h or hlllllng Hindustani IIhe spoke : "I ll a va aomethlng to 811Y 10 )'ou nU. 0lU.l'TmR XJCnX-II:Mh!yn Ie again -ero.,M4 UlDb&lla i accompUoo 'Thi s WOIllRn tell s tho' truth. Let her e villaIn I. llent t o the 80 uoalruld. You, grave prlesls, ho.ve e Int~ 1t111. lea ves " 1111. et ooDtalnlng ImQi ns. tr.. lUlure ·thrown your lot wltb Umballe.. Liste n. Ifn. Tboy .tUI out II) nnll It. ilave you not lourned by thla time thut Atter " leave the olty Umbe.lIa Is ~ t.6H4 7 th. prle,*- With thti prom~. of J anI not a weak woman but a strong ultimate freedOm It h. "our"" tho treu, on e ? You have hnrrled me and In· . jute d me and wronged me and se t tor").t, all J am wretcho/!. lora, wretcn- tures ror me, but bero I stand, uue!11 There 1& hot lead In · my heart end harme d, Thla day J '11'1\1 bave my ret)Otaon In my bralul J will contoss, venge. My aervant Abmed haa departed t()r the w811e4 cIty of Bala KhWl. conte.. '" Rainabal and Pundlla gtu" d at eaoh He will return with nala Khan and 8n army such all will natten' the city or other, utonlshed. "What ttl ItT What do .yoU wish to Allah .. to the ground, &nd el'Owa nn4 . oont••• r' crIed Ramabal Quickly. Per- vultures a.nd tlael'll and lackale shall tlape , • • . make tbe Be tempi... th eir abl4ln. She olung to hlB hand. "The)' will placeB, a.nd men wm torge t Allaha aI ~er my deatb by the silken o01'd. I they now torget the mlabty Cbltor." Bhe swunl!l round toward the prIests. ,un .trald. KrIshna fond for me! " "You ha vo your8ol,.es to thank. A t a' ' '"WlIU do NU know'" . "Hla lII~y Wall murdere d!" sbe wo~ from me, Bale. Kha.n enters or stoll8 at the outer walL- I hava trlod replied Ramab"'" to e~a.pe 'You by whal mean II 1 hlld al '"'But who murdered hIm' Wbo buUt mT oomman4. Now It thall be wnrl /that cage In the palll.llQuln f Who put ~ar. la.nrta, \)~I" H or :/'011011: voice rang out sharp and e tiger thereT 'Wbo beat anll overJ)Ow0re d tbe rea.! bearon and o nlls· clear. ee ndlng terror \.0 all cowardly ated tholr turbans' Speak, girl; o.nd heart., not le o.et .. mong th ese bellll1 you can yrove theee th Inga, tbere Ihose bentlng In tho breas ts of the prlosts. ''WUl be no .1 ken cord.' " No w," spoaklll, to the s()ldlers. "go "Ilut who wJll bOlleve B. 'poor wom· libe rate my father, mY , slster, alld my &II ot the .enana , .. bus band·to·be ; und woe tc any who "I wtll." "Dut fOU oannot eave me Irom the disobey me I For While I stand here I . iCIOrd. They be.ve talson awe,)' your Ihall lie a. Queen in4eed I PellOe; or war, III.Dllne. ,.nd the plal!'lle. Bummon tIio...er," "And you IhAll slve It baok to me I" the elleoutloiler. Acreet Dur,a Ram. "Jr' . 'Strlp him berore my eye8 of hl8 liVery "JDven to, Come With n w, to Insll!Ula of rank. He Is a murderer, lie sball go to the treadmill. there to tthe telllple." slovl; WI death. I have said ItI" "The teDJple '" Far In tho rear 01 the, cowed ·0.8em, "A7el where all the soldIers are, 'lb. prteata , , . and Ourga Ram I" blaae, nelU' the dooi'll, st004 Ahme4, In hta old ",lao of bhletl, or wat •• ca!' "AI, all Durga Ram: It was hilI ,And I helped him, thUB : 1 eeoured per- 1'llr. Wben he bea.rd that belove4 volel be telt thl blood rulh Into bl. IIDluIon to 'A IlltD the balunl. T here - aaault &Dok place UDder th e comtIIiIHI' of Duraa Ram. and my b en rers' made pneoll, TIl. Our,a RaIn , ~"'~id u a b<larur, blmaalt treed tile daw whleb Iillllld th e klns, \"88 ! 'To the templ I $ lIe ",bo·conree. ~s la " temple, b r \)eI'IIOIl ta va crod. II II II.: lawl I bad fOIW9 Uen I ,.. 1M l1li lordl" ....tuW ot p rleat..
~ """
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A Paint Insurance Policy That Protects Your Home
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"Mal' !at. lett be
tQdyl" . IIQO&. ..... 11 l1li'
lumber aDei paiD, Pll,86;
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The road~rso f lliis I<lP"T will be pleased Lo learn IhaL there is at IC.. l t one dreaded ul' Mi :-.l ull Tr\lul ,lc, he C'UlII ~ U rcHin' O lle rl isease thut scienl'C has bee" lIhle 10 cure i.. 11 11 ils SlaKes, lIod tha t i8 fl lanh. d,OY All sa y I R\\'1II1t' r Kit you , SO }' 111 be l - l1 a ll' ~ Cuturrh Cure i. th" unly posilive le-I" lUll U \ OJ)' ~ lI r~ now knowalo lite 1lI. d~a l frnl er"il)" I li k~ s I " ~c } UII hus Ua , d,d'. de \\ ay 1 CU lon h IIdll!: "conslitulional diseasa re-
-~I+nol, hs 10nJ{unt,1J tbe whl"t1c'
Wlllt l'r Wllijo n lind f urnil y SpOilt
of t,be thra Hber will he h t;tnnJ , !.llllU lo nda)' wi t h Chllrles MoK lnnllY \lod th e olo ITer huller, thfln th e oor n tlu, d ly , of J.JO IIol' 13 Il br ooli . ' .hu Ak er, t tlOD- Bum mer II< g,)tte. As Mr, 111111 Mrs. Hortleo COI.noton
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'um Kc . we ~e' olde r tbe sellHons CIIlLll gO, OWl ull(l do ught.er arul M.r. nnll Mr~, lult m.d !~f~n~ f~IlI~Y, I.lu ly MI~r- , we UlU!4 t HO 1111 we u re tol d in tbe Rule l\:h B(l~lln attended s orvices at " pilOt Snndn y ~it~1 G obn S;i8~or G,!ocl Book t o keep our IIUIIPS N IlW M "rl l n~hu r~ i:ln day in the nnd rllmlly ' . oC' rge ar att t.rllllmAdnnd burnin e In te r est ut t h o E van~e1l 8 ti o oam. hil S m )' riln . . '4uirl'S a cun s tillltl(JIlIIl l r(Olllnu:nt . tt:,ll's Otto M.lrlntt lind fri e nd. of DIIY. Mr. and Mrs . W. W. W eloh flr o p!'lf:jn of Wtlmlnll: tou · Yeurly moetI kl1 L WS I kill ketc h "I . lo Y\l U, 11 0 m utter Cn ta rrh Cure is 1l1ken inl""lIIlIy, acting lng , 1 ton, W OR t he g ne f. at Tim Morlll.tt I th.W ou fun l " directly "1"111 I hl" 101"'0<1 :tad mUCHO U ! slIr- bavi ug ~ome Interior deoo ratiu g , . lIod wl~. fnl'es of Ihe syslem, therehy dutnoyin)! dOll o. 'fhey are al wflYs Ulllkin g '1 h e AhHtlell . MR bel IlncI Ma r thll, M I r , S tenhetl8 ond ~ o c, of Xonla. 1 I S "y~, Mislllh Trouble, YO II hilS ""~" Ihe foundu .iun of IIle diseasc, and "iving lIuprovew lllltH , Clill 't more of u s Star r enter tained In hODor of their I the pu llent s lr~ n g lh hy build ing ul' Ihe find tlomethlng of thllt kind to do 81s tor Mrs Mllrl Gmy wi t h a pa roel • ?ent, S undny with .Jobn Sbllw ond ll4l'lIllSiuH lIIe Evt' r s illct: I kin re llI C I11 bt~ r, :JU' I'se tirt! CC llI s lillilion a nd a~si~tiu", nature iu doing Mr_ Ilnd Mrs , Rlohn~d Cnmpbell . Il uwer Thurslill.,,{ aftflrn oon. She I nml ly. as I kin he, it s work , The p"'ll'ietor9 ha.,e SII much Er~ ward ~te Jlh BIl nnd wife, of (It nenr WayntlBv lllfl, Apont. :::;undH j reoel ved mllny be 8u tlt l~ 1 and useful fa ith in its ('u mli\'c p • . j .t~ rs llull l k)' o ffer ::)4,1 I' s g will ll' r ~ t tlp ri ~ ht IIt're, a u' tu rn p r d~B lIt9, D"lnty refrelill mep ts wers XOIllU, ILnll J ohn Morgan were ll ue Hundred Oollars for uny cas. that with Mra. Cumpbell 'B pnreots urutlll' . .. · fac iu· you , I ~ueHtB of L M. S tfl phen Hami ramlly Au' lick )"' 11 if I kill , li n' fin' " UI jo ol il r"il ' 10 cure. Send lor list 01 testimoThs oltlzi\ns of Malo Btreet In our Herved , nial., wha t YUH ki ll d o: ' Ed Hogan attend d Turtll/or eek :::;undlly. tOWIl are to~ btl oon~ratulated t or Add ress: F, J . CII GN 8Y & CO" 1'0- keeping their preDliacs ln suob a way mtJ"'ting u odlty, ' [Je~ t(l r :::;~~w l\n.1 wite wore l::I uD0 1' Mislnh l' r" II 1J!e, he l<ooked mightily led", O. that ml\kes It 80 very attraotlvo to Mr, Frnnk Poterllon • of Doyton , day lind fllmIly guea ls of J ohn Shaw . Sf,ld by all Drur:gisL' . 15<:, a~l lltlU~tI, that are' pnsslng has hoon the I:! UO!!t of bis broth or ' Ta ke Hnll' s . ul1Iil), rills fur e,)nslipa- tho IIluogerM lie nel. d like n. b"cki,,· holi. dUI ' s slIddenthroogh , Garfleld lind family tbl~ P"Rt week Uharles Po pper and wlte apent tio n . Iy IM'cn lumed ; Mrs , Lizzie k>hldake r was n visitor Several from 11I; re nttonded the I:: un day with F rank Hartsook and AII'dr'. h. tUIII ~.I III1· l nlvtlr'l! ufT , a . h'JIwith trlend@In W tlyne.vlll e Thurs ool lege oom ru tJncement exer olses wlfo. Icrir:: "C""d dll )' . J ain'l gnt I imr 10 fool II ruullcl, .. if r"lks day, J llmes Pe pper "od wife hllve rsheld at ' Vllrninl!toJ, 'l'hur8(\"y dllt :lc l s Ua l Wa : ' The 1915 Boy Thsre I~ Il ~ood tlms o oming t or Amoug t h e g rad u!lles wile Everett lurned hom e a ftor spondlug Jhe • WurhillKlun Slur. wlntllr In Bol mool with thei r lio n all at UB. It will be at t h e Driving Hal nils at thiil pltloe. UI nh traok on July 4th , 'I'be ru en Hnlph Leoming 1081, one of ble Itdw8rd, DOIl't forget t h e sooi,,1 at tb o M , I " ~ I wtJI oo~ \lU' plml In my dtlllr wbo are at tile h eau c, ( t hiN ont er work lIor8uII lliRt woek. The witl-yelll' (;_ E, HI~l1y of WII. E . olm rob &turdllY n ight, .Jnne 10, tAln ol!l'r 'lI ohtlir." ('1'IiOkll wiil burt prlHe unde~flto lld j oat huw to (\0 things to make them winners jDfo•• Ill! Dluoh, 80Y",·.Y .) ml nglo o Yeorly lIleetlng wall beld Per ry Wyson g n.nd elflter, of Mid, Tbo Orogonla nine plaved ll nr ut Uovsr ohuroh nellt' Wil mington dletown were onller8 here Sunday , "I will nllt qllarrel Ilnd fight with my big broth ll r8 In 11116." nino S uoday and tbe reHnl ts WSI'e 8atn r d.y. Orr, ,Marlat,t !lnct tamlly epont ( Wltll' havo J !>tot Il IIttlo brother In favor uf tile r ,.ln, which stoppou .Mury Bog. n land Luoy Compton SnndliY with Tom 0111 and family , ths game, tor ?) were Xoui n ~t;opp I t! IliurdllY. Miss HHlen Pratt '.lOd slater of "I will not pl6y bookey from Mr . and Mrs . Emerson Vau:ier Xenia, w ere the · gU68ts of DI~on ~ ohool to go tiHhlng or IIwlmmlng " voort lire oompletlng thoir now h ome . Oa .. o :\'00 t,h e hahl t ot forl(eUlnl( Wharton "nd wife Sund"y , very r&pldly, nnd whel} Ilon e It -NIII If y ou b" . .. n ' I. ollitivat.e It. Ao (1'hllt I ~, In tbo wInter t ime. ) Sllm ue l Jllok80n wa9 In Xenl" "I will tlfl" r eg olar llttondtlnt f\t be op to t h e minute in overy r osileot. onrdlng 10" Ilr(,,.olll-dn,. phllOKllllher 8aturdlly nigbt, S nlld", Rohonl" ( At ChrI 9t lD" ~ AcouU\ ,u uln tod WilsIe In your Mr, an d Mrs Jo~. B. Ub 'ipmllo wba& to r oulew ber and wbnt to tor. got rnltk A or mn tJIO IhAH of ,,11 1'160. tIme and jus , bet ore tho Humme r and ohildren we re oalling on f rl ontl ~ ~blrty feot of bpwc la olluses abtlorp. pxoursl oo, of oourM,) here ~lItur,d ,y e venlng_ They or e tl o n ot p ol~ f.IDa, tendb t o produoe fev. "Ie. AMEOICINE "J WIll nnt 'akft Dlothl\r's ourrant alwtLya weloome gDOtits, e ra , Ilp~ot- cli ((astion. Yo o baloh ')'hn 1r'lIhflUy t,o fMll ot h' ihA onr jelly truru th" palHry wlthc ut Jler~ a El, fael stu [1'y, Irrit a ble, a l lDo~ ~ In thlll obest yon have an exoel. tlllnlC tha t Dlllkl\8 for 11I1\"l)lty. Mr. nnd MrR. Wl llIum H.,blpon orunll Y. 11 l~tJ ' t Y u-it's yonr oon le nt re medy tor Toothaohe" Brul8ell It II aR f'M .V t o d IvtllOIJ a good mi8MloII " . (l::Ier rallpberry Ja 'u I ~ visUed out of t he cIty I:>U l (U Il Y , !lood Ilnongb fur m ~ ) fl it! n , ElIllliollte tbis poisoll clUM !:!pralne. ~t lfJ Neok, BIl.Qkll~bs, N en~ "'"rtclltter.v,' · It ,v ou only will wllkfl Mr, lind Mrs. W. W. Weloh il L- wlIPte b.v t"~lng one o r two Dr. n lgln , Rbeumlit.isttl and for tt1 0 Ht "I will 00 kind t o (lumh nnlmals, \,uurHolt "" It, tend od the uom men coment 1\ t Ib A King'" N ew Lifo Pills tonig bt. En. emer genoiee, Une 250 boUle ot Fllr"nt thnt II III/l" 10 lov8 meana auoh 811 tlgeFlI, 1I0nB and elllpb .. nt8, " Frlend~ college ot Wtlmlngtll n. and dOgR, howevor, btld (t'lt<all oatil j oy a full free b o\',o l m ovemon t In Sloau'lI LInIment d oee It all-thl!! eVllrylhlnK hlllll'\' II, or tba' be laYIl Mr . and Mrs. 'has, Urny wo re ou t ~ be m ornln!J-YOU fool 80 gr"tefu!. beollU8e tbeee allmeatl! are symp beUor koop out or . b ill nel"b bore\lArythlnK he IIlt " U !!!, . , of towo visitors las\ week. Get 11 11 orillioal bot~le, oontalnlng tome, n ot dl8eaBos and are oanlled Forl(s t thfl perH'1II who busnub\led hood.) "1 wll1 Dot (011, gen, ~hd'" snough. J , C, Uray IS nllmuflloturl ng I. hen :i6 pillll, t rom you r Drugg l 8~ to-day by ooogestion and inflammation. If VOU .nd r(·nt8D1II1' r iho one wbo &as Thill' a y tbtl good dfll yoong, "lid 1 hive t.hat 18 tliklnlr well with tbo for .:lllo, I yon doubt, allk 'hoso who use I:lloan 'a 1I0Uod on you won~ to live long enough uulll 1 ralaersl - - - - - - LlnIDlBDt, or betler still. boy II 200. , .,(,rftl1~ Iho m'l)lIoy thllt yon dirt bot,tle and prove ta_ All nrnll'alsLI, Several .Jr olll hsre attended ~b e )IIot mllk (l lind r Ntl(1mOOr 'haL tb" catch lbo' nfl.beaded boyan th 11 oed blook wbo Iluek hla tongus out Commonoement .. t Wllberforoe Jone .uln& III 1It111 d oinl! hnllinllll8, 17th. I'orll.·1 thllt "~h '.'J) wllrd Mid In d me ,tlMtord"y ,) j llllt blight havl] hUll" 1011,,"1 tor yon, Tbe kid nin e played t,ho nnok Run Hutchison & Gibney after their great Fire Sale Forgtl' th,,1 yOllr rl\lIglon Ie th" nino &turday on t he Buok Run bnll diamond, and the rORulta WElrO In fn. £lDly lilli', al1fl r .. " ,.. rulll\ r ,hllle "n RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH are receiving the Finest Assortment of READY-TOMre. Rohe CI~ Morr ie !lIed nt Lbo el,her. "",ohiD!! the .Obllt IIOILI by vor of tho Harveysburg oln,f'. hOlllo of h or 80n Wnlter M'Jr, iR, ea.st ether rOll tN!. ' "I wall Rlok fnr fonr ye"rl4 with WEAR GARMENTS yet offered. No Narrow Skirts Mr. aDd MrR JOB. Oll vitl llnd , rIO Cella HathaWAY of NorWOod Vorgol the perllon who b .. lIuII. atomaoh tronble," writeR Mrll,OUo dduabtAlr, 00. ,thy, rllt.orned b ome of tOWD , wltb pnralY 81e TltnrsdllY nlgbt. S hll was aged 8l yearB, ill Visiting h_ e r mother a'nd Bister, elpad "bont yoo, .Hld rflmember that Glin .. , Zanll8vll1e, Ohio, "I 100t 8uuday m ornlngaftel a visit In DIlYFuner,,1 wa ~ b eld at hie homB Slit. ,1l1t0111e woub wblle will al\lO torgltt. wt\ll(l nnd felt 110 weak tbftt I al - kln of leveral days, Will Banta , of Ue'rolt, "pent a u rdRY aftern oon ond bur in I wae few dllYs la8t week with bome folks Gingham Print House Dresses . $1,00 up Eortcofo tbo mali who bee fOftl8ken nl(>II' gavlt uI' h ope of bolnl( oured. In tbls vloinlty we are boln~ made In Bellbr ook obm etery, h~re. you and r.ememberbo .alnot worth A friend told mo 8bo~ Chllmber. All Wool Cashmere Dresses. ,$5.75 up hlslll!8d with plenty of hult. k>trnw Mrs. Nollie Sowards 1800 the Blok \, your worr,IIII~. . laln'8Tahlotll, anrl IIlnoo nalng two Miss Mary Emma Darllng'on II All Wool Suits ... _, .. __ . . . . $8,75 up ~'orllo' 'bOl qu.rrlll 0 the mo·rn- ' bott16J1 of them I h"yft been a well berrieR In abondanoe, and every . Hat, !ltlll orltioally III II t her home on tug aDit rem.'mber to IImlle "t night, woma,," Obl"ln"ble overywbore, lhlng Ilolnls towllrde Iln abundllnce . Cl! 11 rl reo 'a exerolsOS 'were beld a t M"ln etreet. of e, l itll' le~, Spring Coats. , ... , .. , . , . , , ,$5_00 up And, abov'e all. forget &h6 bOH. tb o M. E , chur ah luet BhndllY MI1I8 Lydia Janney, of Oaytotl. re Mr_ lind Mrs . A. 1:1, C" ll ett, hav(1 '. vonlng. been. thll wlgbt.have been, and raSpring Underwear. , . , . , . , . , 10c up turned bome lut week aftor a boen ha v lnR Edwllrdl4 lind Gnrnor memoor 'ho wl l l"1Io -&x, Mr/!, lJlnrenott lfolkorth wbo lives plells ~ nt vlBlt with relative. here, Middys, , _.. _... _. . _. ___ . . _$1.00 up milking some interior deoorlltlooll Wasted Time 80llth of towo, la 1:1 It Re:rloul! oondl. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Humbert Ipent 1ft their home on Ule farlD, Silk", _, . , . , ... ,$1,00 up Petticoats tlon, wl~h 110 b 'peB 0' r l!oovery. a few day. la8t week wltb Mr, and Mr. nod Mrs. Boward Ur6bnm A Mr, anti Mrs . Irving 'U nderwood, IolrP. Crawford at MaBoo, ouseAprons . , . . .. _, .. , ,. 25c up familv, of nenr bero, wero S an. V not, It '8 wloktld to negleo' t11nOl!I4 Little BohbY'e lath pr waa a d .lCt.or and o f n..yton, visited Ills folks here last Mle8 Florenoe Hatbaway of De dav gunsts of tbelr Illl ren~e , Aprons for Dresses , , ... , .. , 75c up and meanll ot rollof H'II wlokcd &0 anll Bobby Itketl n othluir ' bettor ~' r l!l u y . trol t , Mloh" Ie vleltlng ber ;"other, Mrs , Am oe Ellis e lliertai ned th o enc uro Liver 111", He.daobo. Indl. thlm to take hill IlIthor'lI oRile In ;1no Mr.oo d Mr s J obn Anthonven_ Children's Dresses", .. __ , .. 50c up Mr, Gao . Beok and MIs8 Belle 8 611UOD , ConllUll&tlo", Whllll ono dOlle hand, bls ovoroo .. t In Ihs orher, and ,LodleM Aid lit ber beautlfnl home t e[fu h ll'd rolntlvee from POlntersStarkey, of Lebanon, were mllrrlect ,11 P ll. Uo . l~r glvel! rllller, Po.Do KO down tlle Btrnot for a block or on Main et root , The attondnnCfl \' lIl e last 8utu rdn y, CORSETS-Ne ~o, for Stout Figures, Il~ the M. E. parsonage at Springfield Lax 18 Podophyllin (May Apple) two t o lIome Imaginary patlllnt wa, good aod II ple8sllOt t.ime woe MisR Rnth ?l1i11R nnd Mias Ma r ie by Rev. W. A, Coopor, a brotber.ln American Lady, front and back lace, bad ",ltbont tbe IIrl\Ml. II aron_ tbe Ono wlnter'lI d,.y, wbon he ""'rtlld Mnlt h up hllv o g one t o Oxford to at- hi w of the bride, ·IIIB' rhursdllY, Liver 100r6ll!811 '~(l flow or hlle- oot bo forg ut to 01080 the door. Gossard, all styles, Wo aro goinC to ba vo 80hool horlJ t ond sohool. Arter a ehort bopeywoon trip tliey Naln;e'I! lo&lIlllI,1I0 In Ille Bowt'l" "Hobby," 081100 hi" mother'l! "gain i 80 they @av, if we get t.euoh hlwe rslnrned ann are now "I h om e Frolaset, front lace. 'I'onr Conl&lJ.Ift&ton Itud oth .. r 1\1~ voloe IIweetly, ""Ieallo ololle thn erll to tbelr Irle ndll on t; on t h Millo s lr ue$ dillappear ovnrnlttht boolltll11! PIl-Do- d oor ," But Bobby waR In a burry Rugs, Window Shades and · Linoleum Mr~ . ChIlS , Ii:Il IM Is i mprovi ng 68 C~IAMBERlAIN'S MI~s Uon llu Br060np attended tbe r..AX baa holped Natll'o to reDl OV(I nnd wont on fun eral ot Mrs Angelluo White at tbe O&UII8, Uet a \)'Jttle frvm Vllur "Rnb1\rt ,. (lIIQl8 fother'l Rterner ra\lid Iy liS oall be px pc'Oted, will be in. Duyton las' Sundoy, OrUl(glMt to-day, tiM rid CIt yonr votre, "OIORO tllllt dl:lor,." 'l'he atten(lanoe ILt Ioh " 8 uuIlII y " 1 hnv('u BCd Uh a mboL'lllin '8 Lin l. Bobhy rlltornoo nnd oloeed Ibe 1)1111 J{Ilme was IlIrgl', tJonMI(llttlon o"ornl~hl,. Pat Bllllin. of DaTton, III olron. m ent for s\lruln8, brui ses and rheu, .. _ • door !:!ome time IMM' b e OIImo I lItin ~ 1l1ll0Q, fr iends hers lhls week, Frank L Horrlf', AmoA and CvruR IHlltio pllln s, u. nd th e great benefit 10 qotetly, put op tbtl 08AO and ovor The Flumers ' bnnk bolldlng Ie In Deboard tr8118&otoil \luR' n 08s ID I h uvI' r ooel\'ed j119Utle8 my reoom. 00'" ancl (ltftrt,oo up RtAlrs. pr ocos!! of r epair, this week . mllndlllg It, iu t lln hig h est tldrma, " Tiffin sevorlll tHy" 111111. wonk. Daniel Wall a Worker "Bobby," "aid the mnther In- OHIO XENIA Mrs (Joo , :::;ollerll, MI~BOS Fannte P"I,n 'orV," n olc1"rly OJ t iz!'n 01 writeR MI~ . If lorence lil'e , Wablltlb grllth,Ungly, "how'lI :\lom pat'l e'n l?" It ld 11 ~71 \l 1\ r e t r uu blnd wi tb ; h eu~ J8oney, Nelllo Fitts llnd BortbR . • , I "Unld," Willi t,IlA III00nio answe r oor town, 1M qlllt.tI fouble , Mr, Cor y m '.tio pllln" Y"L1 will I, Il rtl4lnly be 8topbtlnllon wers In MIamisburg I"st l'rull' tll"r" w"r~Ki"nl .. ln nolnnlnl i "Uoue dflnfl while I RnB shllttlng I" qnit,e we ll known In this vlolnitv pl ell~lld wl lh I,h (l pr,'''lpt r ",lIet whlob week In the Interest , at tbe Ola lind hiA frl t;'lIlls trnst I,bat ho 4llyt! . Ono [.ltnlt'l Lo'ake (ll tllIlt" - ' the old duor, ' Ch ll mhorluin '" Lin ' rul'llt alfo rd~ MUlds' Cllrniv,,\' -Mon J: 0 , !!tronger, bury, Nil, 1111,,111 fl ,n rlng hltl IIt.,_ 1 - - -- - -••.--- -Obt,ulllll blo over . wbertl. Mrs . E, 8. EVAns has retornod TberA will be held at F ri o ncl~ , , tlmA and WIL~ pllid for 1,0.10,000 fr Qm a weeks' stay at Lebllnon. - -ohnroll on SnndRY, Jnn o Il1lh, nD IIhlnl/I"d. Unrlllll .the 'vP"r:8 b" Willi I Mra . ,T . M. Bunnell Willi II (;iem 1I1l-III1Y moe ting . y"tI nro oordially "0 'ollllll. .. hlllir IhlN culn",,"1 wink bo ~ Funeral Director. Ully vlMltor on Tuesday . Made An . Attempt cIHltr..,1 Sou ..on'" " , IolO,1 , '''PVAd t r , When YlIU ·havo" blli .tl8 "t,tN cli II)vlt,Ad to be there IIn(l bolp mnke it Kn onjllyobl e day, GIVEN QUIDK RELIEF hll"n~,v \"'''', .. .t I""~t 11(\0 m.,.ln yonr Ilvor .rutl .. t,o Ilflrform It!! tnn c. Telephone dRY or night , Mr8 I£ .. rl , B ookett Rnd dangh$er. trll..... mnktug IU'UlHI,IUI"" 4 1,(10 Uoot! . Y on oocome oonlltlpatotl Pai n loaves almost Valley phone No, 'I. Long Charity and Ita Oppoelle. 'l'hll ro WIll onCe BO Jrl~bmon, who pound" of .. n~ftr Il yflltr . Be o" l1ld Tbe rood you oot fermeDtA hI your MrR_ Peroy Renson, ROol Bon, \l ! IIR if by magic whon Dietance No, 69-2r, It charity coverB Il molUtude of slnB, you begin using " I)m ll w .. Ix IIe.-..8 II .IIlY, 1IIIIIg ninA ~t. 'mltc h Inel,ead of dljl8lltlng "IhIM Wayne.vl ,le , aurl Mrl!, ADDIlli: IOOl)k, ",ent III t o n r e~l,n\lrunt 00 11 li'rlduy Drop. ," thefumo us olc1 looll lit h".v. HIli IItrlln!!, InnR urIDI4 IIIllt,tnl'lI Ihe IItomn('h and ('a1lPf\~ ot CluolnJl"tl, wore l::Ion ,:l8Y gueIH,@ in Lon t , tlud sea ted hilll~ e l! .. t u table unchnri tobleness hns tho advantoge of remed y for Rhe um, Automobile 8ervlce at all Time. out, ,, .. w"th twolvA fnlll willn, In u .. nMell, vIIDlltinK lInd R '''rrlble ot dr, lind Mrs I!;d .HOR800, of EB8t Raid til tbo will to r , " Bring me a uncovering tbem.- \V, J _ Locke, Ib m, Lumbago, G OII ', . ~bol o I" hle l .. part. time he work lld Nil " beRdachll Tllke l:bamberlalu'lI1'ab- Mil I n Rtreet, Sciatica; N ell fa lSi" WAVNESVILhE.. OHIO Tho wolter told him tboy woro o'lnpor, .nd he viti.. a IBDlClutl drUID let II, Thlly will ton6 up yonr lillcr, Mr Guy (;IlTr, or"Brooklyn, N, Y" nnd l<i ndred tCoulolC$. rnRitAr olellu uut YOUl'lItOlUROb end' you will wbo 11M \I pOMltlon t.hllre a8 Inlltruo- jOHI, out of wh"l o ~. ' It goes right to the Branch Office. Harveysbur., 0, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /loon hA ClIf ", .. II n il ov('r. Thoy nllly t,or in on" of t.bo oollt'g"I!, iH II t homp " '1'11111 brlllg mo Ii .hllrk '" cpot, stops Ibe acltes 'L'llo wal ter rtllpolldod. that thoy and p,dos nnd make" ' 00IIt- a qU.I'ter. Ubtalnablo' overy wll,h hlH parents, Mr IInll Mrs , Wm , ... "" _ _ ____ 4. _ _ _ _ were n ot se rvin g eharkll t oday, life worth livinR. G et wbere, ' e.. rr, of ol)l\r here. n ooulo of "f>.Drops" "'1'lIln bring me a jell]7-flsh I" FOR RENT Mr . aDd Mrs, Georg& Mills , of today. J\ booklet wilh The wa.lter ro"pooded tb&t jilly. DR.H.E.HATHAWA.Y Wayno~vl1le, lind Mr. aod Mrs each !>qule gi ves fulJ Ibh WOII Dot 00 t he bill ot fare, Negligent 11., J Murray. of near OrC'gonIR, "t directi ons for usc. brong we", big b eet IItook' Don't d!!l ay. Dema",1 Waynenllle'!! Lsadlnll DenU" tendod meotinK lit Leesborg, l:Iun for" Thin t he saints In bellveo know I'v~ ~OOM8 for ItgM housekeeping, ·'r... J) rop~, 1I D on' t ile· 'Iny, Main S tried hard en ough to go'· flail I" . already fornlebed, wHh modern Oftloo in Keys Bldg, ccpt nnything else il MrI, BII)) Antrum Singleton, of -Chrl&t1lln Intll lligenoer ConlplAlulnt-Your ",orllhlp, lib, · oonvenle n oe8, rerml reasonable. plnce o f i t. Anydrul:. _ _ _ ... _ ,_ _' _ Inquire at thla offioe. je23 .. III 'I'HIi WOIIL.D . It. uok Ole In thll aoe with he! Vay.tlo. MI88., mllde ber old 1I0me ~,. t CAn lupply you, If YOII li ve too f M frn m it " ru slore saud On e ;Dollar tn ..;.. ,, n.- . . . wmL_J. $4.00 l'iloohlld fh.t . 'I'bat out wall oaUBOIl bere 1\ Ilylng vl .lt Friday. Rho left. -~ Wltll?O n Hh<'Htmatic Cure Co., Ne wark. ~~ by h"r rl nit. here fort,y one yeRrl! ago aud, this A,ccomp1ished Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey ".ph io, 'auII II t\C' ltl0 of " 5-Drops" will be IIOfaAo o.vaal.Ta, aPICIALl81'8, MlljflllhRt6-Where did sbe get was ber llT'st t.ime bnok. ... f:c l p r cp aic!. lit . W For ~gha lind Colds. CO_TU . . . II" 1'.ItAII." III, CAl. I,ho r.ngP . , FOR SALE pur well r('spool,ed ol t !?,I,", Dnvi s AND ·eaue ··.IItVIOI .. OAII ' Plla"l~ Compldlnllnt-I gltvo It to her. I' GrnhRm, ba" boen verv muoh Inav U.llla ITa ADVIItTI.... O CO~UM .. a waR onr flng"gemAnt ring. ,', D.. ugh ,er,·' oalled t,he oonven. illllPORod for" f,ow <1ILY~_ It is hoped ' SAMPLE COPY FREF Mlgls&rat.e- rhe prilloner III lilR- I,bat ' 0 mny'bnVO,. ~poo dy r eoovery tlonaloowlo pape r fll\h,e r trom hi. 0W.~A Bols'eln Cow, fresh and ...,... . . . YOItK OU .... III ohllrgfd . '1'hat IR olelrly a 088C of rogol"r )loai tlon aUhe top of tbe a lood one. Inquire of Uavls Rev, W"lker fillell 'ho pulpit hllrs stllir!l at the well kQo,vn hour of . - Vort&. .. Y. , oontrlbntorv nflgllgenoe,-l'lt BI .... ~ulJday. tfhe more you bear him, 11 :55 p. m, ".doelln't that . young FurDa,.~, O. 2, WaynelVtIle. ·Ohlo. je30 . : , be beUsr friend you are to blm mlln know how to S8Y go04 IilghU" Th~ B arvey" 'lnrg, F'erttU ger 00111" "0008 ho ?" eohosd 'b e YOllog lady AMILY Mare, bay, wslgh 1150 oa ..y 111\ vo 1>Urohll8OO a truok for tbe 10 tbe darktlned h811. "Well, I poundll, aood worker, brings lraDllporkttlon ot ,heir IIno of mer Ihdhld lilly h e doe~ That's :why It nice colts, Will Ise on trial to raohandI8(l. It '1'1'111 be more 8peedy 'akel< hho BO long _" IIpon.tble party, Ioqulre a t otlloo. and A All vi nil '0 the,poor horses, QbHdll\n Eudflllvor "t Erlend8 Un. alfl.hna'i I. HalPplnea.. . , oh~~h l:Iunday night wae lead bv It thou wOlllds' be halPPl" le&nIo .. CEMENT Brlok and Ce~eDt LIVE' .sTQC:< AND OeNe~AL MI~ '· Ethel Mannan, JnterNt II plelUle.-Pr1or. BI.o oh for eal., Inqolre of Ill, AUCTIONF.ER . ' C, Woollard, Corner of Maip and . groflllbR more lind moro and may It -- - - - - - Bonth 8'r~"', jeu; con ttOIle, ~tt.alii' Mrll, J C, Gray enter· UGGY-Rubber."re Bnd Dearly at dinner Sundav, Mr, a'ld RBAL ESTATE & , INSURANCE ' "'I D."', Inquire of J, B. Obap IIr~. , mnel Starr aDd family, of man, R: D, 2, W.yoontlle, Ohio; Creek ohor('lh, and Mr. and .Jel' lin!. eb.., Gmy , Office in Stoops .Building , "n~ willi•• . KoCarran, of Da1.abaorlben &0 'be lloe.Jl~1 aoa, ;....be la.' of hllr mother, Maguioe, Saod 860 ~ abo Shop Next t'! SheN itod'. aar.,.~ ln St II~I, La~ra BarlaD, for Rveral day., , o8loe, and ga' ODe 01 abo It
Finest lot of End Posts ever' .. brought to Waynesville.
"W". H. MADDEN & CO. CorwiB, Ohio,
.- .
.. _.
Hutchison & Gibney
- - - -- ..
Walter McClure
OlassiBed Ads
• ut!JP~FI
N. Sears
Painting, Paper ,Hanging, Auto and , ~arr"iage .Painting.
W.yneaville,. Ohio
8a.."n.. for &b. ,Illawl GaMSS.
tfta"" .... "a.rI,. OIl autb.
1 II
" 1' . ].
piP 01 \'·,l \·m ·... \ 111(' ,\lid ' 'll-iUl t y h a ' t ' fOtUltl that tll "y ('a n 1111\' lllt,'i' l"urnit1.ln: ., ; d P lIg., II, _'~ Ill' .ll .\duil ':' a l a llll ~h ower pric ' thai lhl. } ' all ~Cl ll: · saJtl art i I s ill llw ,-it" . lor ... 'I'll)' huvt: found ~ <.lu i " ' Lo k ,:; la r e ;lIld li p l da te and thl: c\('liH' r\' .t,,; prom pt . 'fill' n
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\' nn i , . \ ( ( . lU, V r '11'1 i."'" :. \ ... I l ;. f IliI dU JO 10 $ f),( \ pe r cuw 1"'1' y .. tl~· from the all' o~ Po ut!. ' r d im" l' ~' ., . IS [h ",Ill} i )0'(11, htl in~ I, RI·,F. the vallla l,lIP ~kl m milk l'\t'fllIlC, l\lr . al Ii MI''; \'n1trr ~ mi th : .1isi Hu Lh Rued and Miss h ril' fill d fi\t nil y . fo r fC'l·ding pllrpo~{'~ • ' l'nll ". (I f ~ pf1li ~ \,,,11 'y . ~ IJCIII III I I TIll' ' (l UI' I:I'PI1 I11 (!lffl lll' shil)II(,li nl li lncli : lIuek with Mr. :Utd Mr~ J(j . I-'vlIll . We E xtend Credit To All Who ·.D esire It (' u!t \' \'lIknl tr)j h ' 'ih i llP'" - . ! • MI' flnti .Mrs. Ifn'd .Jnlles. Sh iplll l'fltM twim: 1\. \\'t!e~ ill .the Wfl r ID wt;u/ h . ' il ag Corner." 011 Ill'cd lI~ll pust pom.' the Jl~lrc hu -l: of a si llg \ . ;1~l i '1' [M Im' k r 'c':1(1\' ca sh. • . ' ( Mr. and Mrs. Ell oud C lIill~ ,'I' II 'r t1lit ll l'f' elltn I u UITIVl' III good 'oudltiun . of Wiltllingl n. w E' re, th gIl ta I lluIII\JIlr of I h ir fri nlls al linne r 'fak adva lltu ' of ( l r l'l 1l\' Cllil' llL P'lymcnt )':-;[10 and 'ujoy the ll ~ ' t ha. t " :: hof' IT!Mr. un,1 \ r~. Wall ' I' Ca st . ulltIIlY. .' ,·u nnay. A mo~t d pl\g htful t im The Tri.Sta(c Offers Every Possible Ind ucement for oLlr Crc!l mwhich you wal,lt wh ik I' ll ' ill g for it , • . I wa~ had by_ t1Hl~e pre!lcll L. Our Guarantee In sures Every e'l n gainst Ln s or Ullin. t Lyman Silve r. of I III U . '. . _ _ _ __ gc in Trlll1sil . We Pay Spo l Cash. :; . pe nt pllrt .) f last wc.. k \ 'I h hiM pllr- , '11' .'il lrl' wi ll i .I r . and M r~. D. H. Kelly enter· • Pll t.!! nn H.)u tc ,I' ~0-~~-24 North Furniture, Carpets, : gradu a c hI l hb ill. (iLli ion ne:tI ~a lOPI at rji nnpr 'u nd ay he fo ll ow· • wcrk 1111< I7t II '~l R: Mr . .and 1\1 rs 11Il". Detroit St. Wi nrcr'll (' II ;1 11[\ Mr un.! Mr . PellStoves Oapita l Stock Capita l Sto ck . 1 r.Ir. UJIU ~Jr,. lI a rl l') Ac\ nm'Oand lUll B Lts, If! Dayl 11, ,IJi.'<l(,s Hllnnah XENIA, - OHIO • child ren I)f Mi. lcll" I\\\'n. nn .l In' l and tina I\ ell nd ISlluc K elly. Victrolas $75,000.00 $75 ,OOO'~OO • I .J n~. j-;vHn H UII :.)",,, ".J ffl'r" II) I j ' , . _ . _ __ : . anti Bt)o lnvII Ja 'r I "penl ' > :1 J H • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and SumJa,· wi It ! rit' nu ..;. Mr. n~d Mrs . . . ~u rLl s ente rJ lalll tI ~u n ctay . June lath, Mr. and The Sl i> n of s~letY FIrst ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The W nr"~ ~' un ~ d~~W ~AA tnI M~ ,J. IL Dr U~ . and ~n . Rob ut .~~~-~--~ , t hl! 'tll te :'UI"'il\' :,l'll o,)1 '''flv~I lt i t,n Al vl.n . (IC W uy ncsI'1l1 . M~s~rs . i\m(,s : '_ _!I!"a!EI.8~elBlli5\l:t\B=\;~:.. Will Start Auto line Plan~ are being laid for two round Annual Wheatfield Meeting aL Zan'~s\ Ilk Jun,' :::.:. :C:J a fil l :!1. l l oL!m, oll and \ Ill lirow ~ , tl) > Myllles t rips a day between the two places. ha v . 11I .,n1l • ,1,',' \ ,t! a~ fuI J n\\' ~ : Ire no Whecl>r ~lI rl ~ tIe ~ u r Lls, o f With the s tarti ng of this new line Ir~ . . 11.1 I:urn: ~ . 1'<; Cnn,; Day .. fI, alit l li S. t\ O l'll f~lIls. :~- Tell the AdVl'rliscr ou Ilead the Ad Ju the Millmi Gazelle T, H. 7.e1l. (If Xeni a. a brot he r of ~hpre will be au to connection with The prospe~t is go Ii for II Bue ess· He .ukc.. I{ L I ;"t.r, n 0.1111 1 Mary, 111 a Frank Zell. o.f this place , Nill slar t e ve ry adjacent town t o Xenia, with ful ~Vh elltfield M e~ti ng at th ~ Ohio B"'~ I.ln . 'HI'I '.41·illf'; ,' vll', II A' I Mr and, IrH. Ed win Fu rn as lI lld an auto bus toSprin'g Vall ey s hort ly. the exception of Yellow Springs. Ag:rlcultu ra\ Experun nt StatIOn on I L,' n s, S r :-:1"JlII(!n . .. n. l'tm~ l ill~ . r:1111'ly del ig htfull ' l!n t ~f' llli lwd at FrIday... th e 25 th .o~ J une. The l Lt' h nUll; .\ 11" JI,'''''i' ll llfltly . I' ,Jinlle l' SII TI,l u,V a t Lh eir pleasant whr ~t l smgood c(mdl tlO.na!ld letters Whi tarre . i\ \ I'~ j)" rn Wa l·t!, :\10r ro\ll ; cQlIll l ry hOi/1 .,. Mr . a llli iI1 r~ . I) ov j" recelYed a t the Station mdl cate thn t ' Mr". M. 1I .. l!lnt;~\Vur l h . L'! li a Elbun . FunHI,.. Mr and Mr.:!. W. C. Uodd, alarg~attendance m aybeexpected· i q r ••goll in; !\I r~. W. T. ,Co,'t'llwn, Mr.l1 nd Mr., '/ II . l'nr! Oold allli Presid ent W. O. Thom pson, of th e Gerlrllli diy. Ma~C) n : .l .t.. Carroll . J ohn Lt!mtnl)ll . Ohio State Unive rsity . n~d Dean l'}I ~ ar :'tin ,m. Allnn P. Sa rg Ill, __ _ _ __ Eugene Davenport. of the College of Am uttl oI..' o ll oll. A. r argent. L lin las!! of l li e Tire Loyal I:l ' rean A){riculture. Un iversi ty of Illinois. Tucker. I-I ar vey~uu r'.t: M I'll Charl es have consented to attend and will Well man . l"ffmklill. L C Wilkersnll. Ch ris tilln Church h Id 1I1t.!i r clll "s nwc tl ng lit the hOllle uf Miss s 'MlI ry spea" at t he evening meeting. Car lislt' . Persons who desire accommodn - - -- .. __ _ __ and Bell Mcl{inne:r IUlit F r ida y On e woman who drive~ a Hupmol>ile, tions for the night should inform the W C 'I' U H i v enifl ~ A fl er th e business Aesd" n spoke for 'all others when she said: Experiment tation in ad va nce, in 0 1'- , • • • • as Contes re fre~htf)ent~ we re ~e rved allli a very plcIIs nt ' cflins:r wus .spent. der thaI rooms may be secu red .. "I feel when I am drivin g the Hup--A M ~ troT! 's ,i1v r Meda l '; ont.Cl.lI mobile as though I we re a part _ I wi I be given unrler th e d irel·tiun of Mi Elh I Hosier was hOBtes~ to of the ca r--or as though it were No Chautauqua ThiS Year th. ' W. ' . T . U. n T u~ day evcll ing, a ntl!rr y parly of young ladies at a part of. me." J un e 2!lth . lit 8 (l'cl oelc , fit tht> Chria· d illflll r a t h 'r l' olTI(' on Third stn' t t ill'l h urch . Inc will be h n r~ erl Sunday A fuur· course dinner was She meant, o f course, that the Hupmobile There will ue no Chau tauq ua lit fl ,r adu lt? lind 10e for childrcn . st>r ved to lhe follow ing guests: Mi;< responded immedi ately to every impulse or FranKlin this year, bu t plans are Go,ld .nlus lc . You cann'l t a fford to cs Grnr e . urn.,an. Flora He rrylnll , direction she gave .it. ' under wa y to have an immen ee pro- m l~ It Wa l eb for the p ogr llm Mary DaVIS. ElIl'n hcrwood , Ru t h gram next year. A new lot of ' nL'x t weak. Hurl SlJc}<, I:.lhly.n J .mt:!M ; Mo ry Sa~I~She meant th at it is always as easily and complete-stockholders have taken hold of t he lo ury. I',mlllll Haw. e. lilarB Haw k€'. ly under her control as her own movements. project and it looks as thou gh th e - . . - _ . P.l ea nor Earnhart nnrl Edith Sheehan Miami Valley would have'the l lirge~t • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ She meant that she always feels safe and sure Chautauqu a ever beld in this s clion and secure, because she always knows exactly for next year. The differences be MIS.'! Mar~ M'Cul!ough, de hl-lh t · what the Hupmobile will do under any and aU tween thenld stockholdershave been t fu lly nt~r atncd atdtnn r rhurf<"~lY amicably settled . it is hoped, nnd the • • J un~ I , Ill honor lIf her gue ~ lq3 circumstances. . new organization will !lee to it lhat . Ha;-.el Uosell, of Dayton, OI~lo. It A woman knows, for instance, hat the Hupeverything that can be done will be wus a l " a fllr ew(!11 fUr the dltfert:!n~ dorle f-or the new Chautauqua , mombe S ('If t j l(1 I~a.rtv who I«m.ve mobile motor will not stall - and because it ~ " • Monday. June H. f or O ' ord. OhlO. can not, therefore) " s sa fest. - - -- - - - - -~--I After din" r a lIucial ime. including She knows the turning radius of the Hupmobile is W t ' II hay rid W ill! tmj yed by all· . k' I DrID rema rkably small for a car o f it s length. That makes 109 mpure a er ] Ih ne 1~(i 3 'l'h ircl SL 'I' ho c pr~ nt were: Mi!l Eva and it C3 SY t o h3 nd le. • N ellie Murphy, Gladys N ut t, Ethel She hal " ulh Oea r th, Mary Fil r. With a wh eelbase of 119 inches, the Hupmobile will circle The Pennsylvania Railway posted 'Va),llC'svi ll " Uh io ' Hel II , . ldwav . Ma ri an lagle. in a 4O-foot slreet. a bUlletin in the Xenia station the i-I uth Miller. Haz .1l Rr ~ell and the The motor is. 0 flexible tliat s he gets along with 'a minimum other day which read: " This water ------~----_....__ hostess. of gcar shifting', . contains impurities and the use thereof for drinking purpos~ is he reby The stecring is so easy that a child can guide the car forbiddell . Signed. D. J . Durrell, almost without effort. Master Mechanic." . The driving sea t is made with a scientific regard for her The water was taken to' Columbus. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tor analysis. but as yet t here has • • comfort-with a high, restful back, and the .eat. ____ _____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.., been no word received from the cu shion tilted at preCikely t he right angle. state analysis. She g ivcs no 'thou g h~ to em erg,c n i w~i ch might require HAVE YOUR TIRES AND TUBES • r epa irs. because she knows tha t repaIrs are so few and I f ~ bctweell1;h~t . hey cnn snfely be fo rgotten. Fight for Fatherland I The H upmob ile is always a 50\i rce of pleasure to the woma n who driv es~r the woman who rides. I That's why in eve;.y Hupmobilc home there's a woman Seven i talialls, working on.the sec· tion at Spring Valle) and two fro m who is a Hupmobile enthu siast. = = = = = A T HOME===== Oregonia. left lallt week for New ' Let us g ive the Hupmobile merit·test a t your convenience. . - Having instaIJed t he latest ma hinery for Vu1caniling York, where they will be t ransported I Tires. 1 solicit your patronage. an~ will. guarantl'e the worle to Italy to defend their fatherlan d . , to be as Oood as tbe Best. The re W8:1 a large train load Cl f :.. Italians at Columbus. The order for Give me a caIJ, whe tber you wish twork done or not. l mobilization came to America a short will be glad to explain the Vulcanizing process to you. time ago, and all able-bodied Italians between the ages of 20 und 39 years Waynesville, Ohio are expected to answer the summons. New Stock just in . The finest Ware you - -- ... .ext door to til!! Wayncsvilk Aulo
l ~ ug~n l'
I' hl'l'
II •
nu ..
urda' l
Ask the Woman Who Drives
.. - - ---
_PER_ ' OO_l.
3~ C
Miami Gazette
Mrs Barton H
Vocal Teacher
:-.. :
J.: B. Ch~pman, Agent ·
- ..---
. Waynesville, Ohio
nod Machinery Co,
- -- ..
l l li
.. .--.
I do hereby permit the eelebration of the 4th of July as allowed by the ordlDances of said village . A s the 4th. comes on Sunday the foll owing Mon\iay will be allowed .
We are offering this "Family Group" at a ridiculoLlsly low price.
habit alid Lrad e q l
$1200ea. ......... ~:i~~lt
._Tr.,... . . 1,_
Car ~ $1225.
f:!~:r~:i~e1le b$cstl\lragaZin5eillotbe cO~~~k~~~:~~i~tfi sides this y ou get and the Miami tremely low price
eve r saw
Mayor's Proclamation
a . McCall pattcrn Gazette at the ex-
M r~ . W!lJt.er U,1tI 8 I "n,l ~n !lH . or BpTlugllultJ , wer e th e I! u e~t~ or r l'llI_ ti VBS h ~ r(j IllS' wee lr . The Miami Gazett e .. ....... . . . . . . $ 1 ()O I The W. C. '1'. lJ en tor lui nefl I1J,! Ohest.er Union !It. th AUll (1X o u All for McCall's Magazine . ... .... - . . . . . . 50 Tburtlday "ftern oon One McCall Dress Patt e rn . . . . . . . . J5 ONLY Dr. B. ). Whl"~ ko r a uri flllBily Home Life .. . . . ... . . . . _. . . . . . . . 25 vl~i1,Ad re lAti'ves in S)tllll ' hurl e ~l lllI l laBt It- rld~y, 1 Ii Jinrt.y of U E worker~ at.t anrl_ ei the mid year /ldlv .. t I.)over . I oh urcb on ~!\turdIlY . OhBS. Mendenhllll. nnd Est b Ar "THE GREAT FAMILY GROUJ»" f:ihambaogh, .Iess6 Bnwkin ~ Imil daughter. MI~s Bernice at.l.ended 1 whIch .,o n.I.1 6 "f ~he.(' three well·kn o wn r -~. ~ ...:~i n ii- btl ohuroh in New Vtenna ::sunday. one f u ll yc .... . ·• Val u e of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Liles !Iud dSllghter, maliazi n ee "lo n e , $1 .00. of IndlolD8polis, lue 'lUBsts of B .. B. AIAo a ny o no M c Call Hawkins and wife. . P atte rn FREE lila. Ubns . Milia, of Xenia, i8 vis. Itlng rolntl·ves bere. Qutto Ii louchlng IncIdent took pltlce In our vl\1age a few days ogo wilen Mn. Q eo. Miller, helpless from 1\ stroke of p8raly81~ Wil l< ra united with her two ohlldren wbom ShA h .. d not eeen for 117 years' When \be Bon 8nd daughter WAre very young obUdren tbeir fntller tOOk them with bim ilnd desarted 2 1 ) ,I ~ t~l J: f' IIr I,Jutti hmTl(t tbe wife and mother. '3he knew H'11(nll; ~ . L(,t,i nt 8lo r h . - 4' 1t':U l . \\·li u lt·~ n il' l\lI lj ll . Dotbillg of 1helr wber!)8boota unt.\1 t ;-I:lu J:..!- h 1 11"\ II a Bbort time Blt0i lind when loformlltl (u.alw'ts : Ul lO L:dl · of tbelr moibl'r'B serious moees t Ol fn}. ' ·,o r'l l ". they oame at onoe to ber bedside. w(.Ir k. nut} spuda )
PeoP~:~~~~:~~ .~~~~IY
::::::::r:: j $1.50
Allen 34
W u tln5(house J I II h t I n 'l: o nd at artina;. L onl: fltroke m ot or (All nn) C yHndcre en bloc, 3~ In \ ' li S 16. .' Onlt l'Io we r pla nt with :\ point tluopentd on.
't'n tu~tI h )
t nlll I1lI l h ('l rnmll y .
Tho ii:iHome
Late Classified Ads
PAp er I\ ftd 38 M&a:az:in... Ii n
Aore. near LyUe, fairly well improved, 80me frnlt. Pl'loe 18 I rlgbt, if lold 100D. loqlllre of A, A.
MoNell, Uen&ervllle, phenel.
&th je80
EVl!r y
m ovin,, ' Ilurt
en ..
cl osed. J2·ln ch bra.ket with equ a l. I,ers.. 110·lnc h w h eelbase. W e»ton -Mott a.le.
Your Allen will· be a constant source of pleasure to you and your family, because. it is free from mechanical indiscretions.
It can be operated at a total cost per s2 x 311 Inch tlr • •• season for oil, gasoline, tires Demounub t. rlnt .... and repairs. . Five. other I models-$875 to $1395 mini~um
Ask for a catalog-.ride ~
the Allen-then decide••
The Allen Motor Co~Fo';~I~a,
-E. W. RICKS, Agent Val1~y~ l 'hone ~a·5
. W.a)'J1e8vllle, Ohio
1 """"mllll~1II1111111111111111111111ll11111ll"11II11II11I111II11II1II1I"11
F MONEY GRFW ON BUSHES you'd ha~e to ·lown
bu shes t o benefi t, but ollr ,bargains aff"r~ "8;re UJl~ • t he opportunity of plucking dimes and nickles in the saving they represent. Avail yourselves.
PLUCK SOME OF T·H ESE Rompers, for the children. IOc , . trap Hinges ..•.. , _ .•. . . lOe Clothes BrLlsb. ; ..- , ~, .. .' lOc Auger Bits .. '.. .. ... , ~ .... ,1Oe :'Ever-Shine" Shoe Polish . No eJry Braid, ..... , . . . . "Sensible" Dress Shields . . Screen Door Hinges . . ... : Saws, they will cut, too ..• I
Next Door 'to
GUette Office.
IOc 106 lOe lOe
Meat ,.t,0unders- • . • • . • • •. l~
.-. SA tI~D:\\"S SPECIAL -
'at o'clock Misses' and Children's Drawers •....•••..•••. 1~ ".
Sixty-Seventh Y ca r
.REMINISCENCES -:~:I ::PL\~~:::~:) CENTU RY GLU B A:h:::,::::i:~:'~:'~::t: W·.· B.' T. U. I
iUlr I'h llrscloy ••yening will tie carried out as g! ~n in 'he Miami UazeLte o f HOLDS LAST MEETING OF THE 'Iast week. Thitl will be all opportu - FLOWER II\ISSION . DAY WAS YEAR nity to hear and site sElveral grarlu· OBSI:RVED aleS who have not attended the Alumlli for severa l years. 'fhe recenLiull of members and the musical program will .be at chool Hall at 7::10 0 ' 'loc k. aft.er which they will go to M. E. ch urch whe re the banquet will be held . 'fh banquet will begin promptly at 9 o'clocl<, Members Have Taken Active Inter- I fter which the toasts will be g iven . Last WedncsdllY Aftcmoon- The eat Il~d Attendance Has' Th .. program committee has pr~. Sick and Shut-Ins Were ' pared a fine (Jrogram and you will Been Very Good ' never regret having attended th e Remembered . meeting. Com e. - - - __ _ - On Wednesd ay afler;lOan June 16 The la8t'meeting of the New Century Club for this year was held at Waynesville, 4; Dodds, 5 the W. . T. U. me t at the Whit; ___ Hrick church and observed Flower the homeol Mrs. J. W. Wh ite. Friday Mission UIlY. The day was perfect • - . - -The Miat1)is t raveled to Dodtls Inst well· fitted to lhe work in hand . . • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • afternoon, June 18th, 1!lI 5. Mrs. E\'a Jones, Flower Mhision After the meeting was called to .Sunday after noon and lost a close order the Mi88e!1 Sy bil and Hillen ten. inninJ!' d ision .by the s~ore of upe~intentl.ellt, had charge of th ~ Hawke favored the ladies 'w ith an 5 to 4. 1he game was a pllcher,'s m '~ellng whIch wa.~ opened by sing· battle L.etween Decker and Barnard, ing "SomeUlad Day." Mrs. Wooten instrume nt81 duet. Twenty mem uut in lhe criRia the better team voiced the praye r of the Union • _ _ _ ,•• _ • _ _ _ _ _ berll responded to roll call with a work behind Decker, more t han otT rhe SCrilJlure lesson consisted of a . Biblical quotation ; at'ter which Mrs. sel the betLer tw irli ng by Barnard . number of appropriate texts read by School Hall, ThuJ'8day evening Ward read a .most interesting paper Max pitched a beautiful game , tbose pr e.~en t This was followed on "Rural Wales or lhe Presen t stri king out 1 batters and allowing by a well·rendered read ing. "The Alfred and Elliott Wright spent DIY; " Misses Sybil and Helen Hawke but one to paas. He WIL~ ably sup· Gift of a White Rose ," by Mr~ then favored t he ladies with a vocal ported by his catcher .. F rank Kurfis, A.~ nes Wright. Mrs. Jones called on Sunday in Dayton. . duet. Mrs. Ellis relld a paper on who caught 8 splend id gamll. The d ifferen t ones for r emarks which "Social Centers" which brought out Miamis scored three runs and Dodds, was responded to by Mrs. Wooten Mr. llnd Mrs. W. H. Allen were man) points in thei r favor . Olle, in th fir. I. inning. Then !here Mrs. James Vandervoor t and Mis.~ Cineilmati villitors Friday. Mrs. Harris, the reti rinll president was nothing more doing in the scor· Ethelyn J ones. in a few well chosen remarks pre· inl,C lin until t he last of th ninth, The program closed with a charmEvery Alumnus is requedted to be Bented ·the gavel to the vice presi· wh en D dd!! tied the score, The ing vocal duel by the Misses Janie dent Miss Lile, who accepled it most Miamis scored another in the first Jones an:! Cecilia ~l1ook entitled on hand Thursday evening, graciously in the absence of ' h I' of the tenth, but Dodds carne right "Roo m fo r All." . After the W. C. T U. benediction Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman is in Cin. 8uperior officer. Adjo urnment was back in Ih ir Mlf and scor etl two the work of arranging and diatribcinnRti Loday and tomorrow. next in urder and du ring Ihe Bocial m reo hour ice cream and cake wer e serv t>L\ . - -- - - uting the flowers was ·taken up. . . . Mrs . Claggett, Mrs Silvers, Mi;jlj Many beautiful boquets with textMISS Alta Rlsey 19 atten'h~g s~m Carroll, Misa Rosnal~l e and Misses cartls attached were sent to the sick W. C. T. U. Contest mer school at Lebanon Uruverslty.- ·Sylm an,d Helen Hawi<e wer g uests lind shu t.ins, and flowers were 'so of the host ess at this meeting. abundant that business houses, em· The following is the program of ployees and others were kindly reJ . T . Liddy, of D'lyton. spent Thursday with bis father. M. C. the Silve r Medlll Contest to be g iven membered .. . . Liddy . unoJer the direclion 'of the W. C. T ~everll:l Vl8ltors /were present who U/ Tu ay vening. JunE' 29th. a assIsted m the work. ~ o'clock, at thE' Christian church. • •• He" . Scarff. of Spring Valley. 15c for adults, l~o fo r ch*lr~n. preached a1J the M E , church SllnEverybody most cordillUy invit ed . Lots of Cllerries This Year day morning, Benjamin Edward Lippincott, old- Instrumental Solo ... .... Ruth Hartsock est son of ilacob and J ane Lippincott, " If You 'Knew" .. ... ... Mu l tha Hough MilII Annie Brown arrived here wu born in Burlington,·New J ersey, I.t is estimated that this vicinity Fridl,1 from Xenia to IIpcnd her 8Um~ 1827, and ,lied at his home in Wav· "Tbe Martyred Motber" ... - .... .... ................. .... ....... Clara T~.omas willilroduce severul bundred bushels mer holidays . nesville, Ohio, June 1.5, 19 15, at the Vocal Duet ...... ....... .. Janney S,sters of cherries th,' E t i Sto " s year. . very ree s age of 87 years. 6 1L0nths and 27 "An Old Man' • ij ry .. ...... ......... hanginll; full of the luscious fruit, Mr_ Will LeFever. of Franklin, days. At the age of ten years he ..... ...... .. .. ........... Martha Orah90d and it i. a safe bet that there will be Ohio. is the guest of ~r. and Mrs came to Waynesville and spent most ~ocal ~la ..;; .... ,........ .. . L,!lcy Emley many cbl'l'l'Y pies next winter. The George Hartsock. . of his life . . He was married to , ..rw~ Fires .............. .. .N.e~~ Palmer fruit ia selling at leBI tl\an' $2 per Matilda Creswell, March 26, 18/i(j. What tbe Bob·o·hnk SaId ........ : bushel. - - -....__ .--......... ·........ .. .......... Emma SmIth Graduates will mi88 8 flne time if To this uDion were bol'l1 four children, Quartette they do n"t attend the Alumna two children with the mother, baving preceded him to the Spiri~ World; TbUl'lldBJ evening. . What Ophelia Says two still remain William, of WaynCl!~ iIle, and Mrs. A'. K George, of Several of our . citizens attended Farmers Are AJI Busy the Horae Show in Dayton Thursday Wilmington. At an Ilarly age 1n life Read what "Ophelia" .saYII an the 'be gave himselt to bis Savior and and Friday of last week . editorial pai'o. While her 8pelline God, and lived his lifE! in his service. The farmers have tak.en advantage is somewhat ancient, yet all of her When this country was in peril Found-A bracelet, Own~r C:Rn and needed me" 1.0 show theil' of the last few dry daJVs, and have sayings are unique and worthy of have tho same by calling at thIS oRlce patriotism. Benjamin Lippincott been wo rking hnrd getting their being preserved. Her witty sallies and identifying property . _____was one of the men that forsook all corn nod tobacco in shape. Harv.est will ~ppear in the Gazette for some and left hiS hom~ t o sbare the fate will comm nce in anot.her week, if time. Look them up and read them. • _ ..._ __ ,Miss Lillie NedrY and Miss Hen- of a soldier, but his life ' was !:Ipared there is not too much wet weather. , rietta McKin!leY were guests of reI· to return home and be with wife and Taking it all in all tllE! farmer is a friends again . pretty bu y man a t the prese nt time. Will Preach Here Sunday atives in Dayton last week. . Benjamin Lippincott will be missed - - - - - - -- this community 8a a citizen and Mi88 Alice Cabn, of Brooklyn, in neighbor. The family will miss him. Rev. A. T. Cowgill, of Wilmington. N. Y" was the week-end guest (If the Ordina tion Services .church will miss him, but heaven will preach at the M. E Church Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman. will gain him, so in his uepartur~ he Sunday. Rev. Cowgill was Ii furmer leaves a ho",t of relati'~es and f l'iClnds pastor here, and all his old friends Thursday morni ng 01: 10 o'clock, . MillS Clara Hawke attended an in· to mourn his loss. will be out to bear him prench . the Hev. Wm. A. Thomas, of Xenia. spectian of the Eastern Star ·Lodge ...- - will be ordained to ehe prieslhood CARD OF TH.~K S at Loveland Thursday evening. hv lhe' Rt. Rev. l:!oyd Vincent. The members of thll family of the Bi 3hop of oother n O.hio Diocese . . Are Here to Attend' Alumni Mr. 8J)d Mrs. Mordicai Ennis and late deceased, Benjamin E: Li ppin' ({ t. Rev .. C. l. Reese Will preach tbe family, of Lancaater. OhIO. were the cott, wish t.o extend their thanks t{) sermon. Several Episcop!\Jians from guests of Mr. Jerry Ennia Sunday. the many friends who were so kind this parish willatttend t he ffrdination. TI .. . town lere are severaI VISitors m to them during a timl! of !.OIIdne'JS and - today who are here to attend the - - - --Mias' Olive McCollum rpturned sorrow. May they be repaid tor alumni. The attra:ltive' program home Friday after a pleasant two their kindness and ;sympathy in a II.Played to Good House will bring out a large crowd tobrighter world. weeks' visit wiUt relatives in Albion. morrow evening:
Mr. and Mrs Wm. BUl'ge, daugh A.ddie and little son, Wa~en, OF WA"NESVILLE AND HER motored t u Kentucky Tuesday, June 15. They arrived in Covington O LD CITIZENS · about 12:30 p. m., and after .d oing !!Ome shoppinp: they left for the home of Mrs Burnside's parents, Mr and Mrs. H. Hightman They arrived here about 3 O'ClOCK p . m. After ataying a IIhort time Mr. Burl\8ide lett for the home of hi!! parents, Mr. and M,s. H. R. Burn· I Don Anderson- Conlinues His 1,lter. aide to spend the evening. The nex t ~ morning lhey all motored to Mr. H. I' eating "Memories" of History R Burnside's where tbey enjoyed a bountiful dinner. They left for of Waynesville , Ohio at 1 o'clock p. m, brine-ing with them their 14 year old daughter . . . . . Miss Marie who had a pleasant two [Pa n H. An<l~r s,," . nfter fhushlllg III• .4 . k' . ~t Ith I t' d ba se hull ~t Ory, !;:lid thll t ended his remi . wee 8 Villi w . re a lV.es al} nisce nllCs a bout W U)'lluvllle. Uut be frlenfis. They enjoyed theIr trIp hus CUllte bad nca lll th is w~k. nlltl from very milch . .
witlt tiS
tlte look' of I"in ~s will ~Iny rur lon g I.intl! . \ Ve aft! glncl tu print lIis
~i,IllSI:~:'i~~~~'I:;O:~~III(:~rllt~l~d~!~.cU;~jO~~: 'j I.tters v ry much dalc.- Ed .J I,
The "think·tank" lid i8 up- what you don't see on the InSide is on the oufllide. The /tweet, dim. long. long ago like a volcan<'. in every.dayat. tire. wells up and will not be denied; Ilnd now we will record IIOme history of Waynesville, that has been an an uPlJt'r shelf of my "think· tank, " long befnre Lizzill Carroll was married - lhe first time. or Annie U. and Mayme Drown att8ined the l'xalt.ed nllitude, . and perfection they have mainlnil,ed for lo- or Myra Baird baked her first wedding cake- much depends on the punctuation - Selah!
~. I' I' I
\, - - - - - - - - - - -
D. R. AN DERSQN The &b<n'e cu~.. 'rom bla I.....~ picture
I But. in lhe h(ulle next to the one _ , in whic\1 lived old Tommy Ridge. " .: father of Mahlon, lived a "geneous" I by the n.OIe of Joseph Stout. a tinner, ; and he alao made musiea1lnstrumenta I and mac"lnes that played Beveral tunes. His .hop was about where j the .toN ·of. John Funkey standa, I and wulateroecupied by '~Jim" Stan· ",ho was the falher of "Ca8e." 1. ton. whQ W88 one of the first girls to learn the type-settinlt business, contem. porary with Lucy Fairltolm. over the i' bakery, on the COiner of· Main and ~ High street. Stantona lived in the . little home of Matt Parshall. Stacy P. Kendall also . lived, when first marriPd, In tht little house. Stan· ton's moved to Portland. Jay county, Inc!;, 1II0ng In .the 60's, and I · saw "Im there in 1888. Other former citizens of Wayneeville living in PorUand at tbat tim~ were Azael l Chandler. Wee Sebring. uncle of 111. I I) W. l4eeks and Sheppard, . ~ aleo a relaliveo! Web'a, and the best Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock~ I flute player 'l ever heard. 1'heN' and Ni88 Charlotte Antram' were 1 abould be many to remember Shep· pard, for often .and ainon, he would ~~~~, of rela'Uves in Franklin Sat· I aroulI8 the aleeper trom his mid i nlllht alul1lber. and for huurs 81 MC'!*lrs Lyman Silver. LPe Earn· \ a time' regale him with a wealth.ot mUflic. that fitlLl(j · l!xactly; the p,~ hart and Kenneth Hough, who grad· '. my mol.her u!iOO to milke, al'!lI on uakd lI't-the O. S. U last week. are · awakening. wlluld glide trom Ih" at hume. • attic, wh..re I t1umkilt·d; 10 the ballC' ~ menlor' cellar. where> I Wall lIutt! Mr. an d Mr8. W. HAil . till' • en, M'188 pies were,ri~. lind a I t 'r tti.'1 I Itlg on Georgia Hadden and MiliA l<JizabcLh i.n" uutllitlt!:uf Il 'pitt, t~IUrl1 wht'lIc,' Stewsrlwere I"runklin visitorsl'hul'8' J came, III1!1 in all prohubilitl', sptlnd. dayevl'ning. thtl tellt.)f Ihe ni"ht, rillint,l' a "night
,·" ' lI h,..Who now remen'hers
the HaQkell< - Sup Tom and Mlry,?I. 'l'hey livefl l; npx~. Jobr 'up Main slil't'l rrom Dr. ' Ellw', Etnmor Bailtl)' moved in, ! when' Hl&8I(etil moved nu t, lind then' I Jim M,,,,,dllllllivl'li ',h... re foi' Il n " lll , l lMlr hI yt'1l1'll 1',/m H8J.ht' taughl • ~h(JUI in Warr"n roullt~' , . 11101 , III . ..... 868,!,r 6~. SltW ~ue rn Cutwiu., ilo '~ ... 882.,&l ~t"n Thomp:i'HI'd .
Misa Elizabeth Chandler left Mon· day for Penn~ylvllnia, where ~e wI') attend the aummer 8chool at Swath· more Cullege.
- 4
. - '''Feu Ni$ht:s in a Ba1'lt'Oom" played Mail Carrier.. 'Was B ltten to a flne audience nl~ Centerville .
---A r~ral mail carrier in Wilmington was bitten b)' II pet dog last week. Tne dog was killed and the head was sent to Columbus. where it W88 examined and fOiJOd to be afflicted 'wi th rabies There have been seve' 81 dogs erult of Wilming . ton suspected Of bein~ mad. and the uuthoritij!8 Rre watch,ng .these CASes pretty close. . .
Saturday evening. The play was well recei veri and t he actors were at thei r best The proceeds will net the Ferry Chu r~ h about $60 .
. _...---
Ivins, of Lebanon. stat
F. M. S. /
r~HSiiN"NiiON-i tt--. _....______ •
The HarveY8burg Dragons will play the Buckeye Dloomer Girls on Sunday, July 11th.
0JVns a Swift One
Banquet and toasts at the M E Jack Johnson. the young pacer Church banquet room at 9 o'ciock owned by and bping trained lw the Thursday evenini'. veteran trainer, Steve Phillips, of Washington, C. H .• is named among ' Mrs M W t.e h te ary a r OU3e and daug-h- the early entries in the meet of the Ohio Racing Circuit which is to be in rD'~~n'i~n:ctr and Thursday held In Marion. July 5·8. Jack John. ee . Bon is ' entered in the Telegram Mrs. J. D. Marlatt and daugh ter Stake. for 2; ~ 4. pacers! with a purse Helen, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robitze; ·o f-$l~ 1 h ls -geldtn~ devel ~-------c......,Jt...:.;;: were in Dayton J!:riday. oped In remarkably q u! ck time a~d has shown some sensational form m early work·outs, and according to Miss Hazel Mayers, of Ne wark the st.atements of the trainer, he is Ohio. is visi.t ing her sister, Mrs: the beFIt pr spect hehas ever handled, Arthur Zell, In Corwin . and some .doisies have cut up the track with the lines in his hand s. Ohio Bond, the ha ndso me bay Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at r esidence of L. T. Peterson, Main , t. Tues- stallion purchased by Mel Beal at t he Washington Sal Ill! several years ago. ' day and Friday mornings. and sold later to Chari eR Hayes • . the Col umbus horseman for a fancy Reception and musical pro~ ram price, is also listed among the en· for the Alumni at School Hall Thu rs- tri es in the Marion meet, Ohio day !!vening at 7:30 o'clock. ' Bond is entered in the Houghton Sulky i'Hake for 224 trotters v91ued Remember "Ten Nights in a Bar' at $1,000 . Ohio Bon::! worked out a room" will be repeated at chool mile last tall in <!:07 ' ",. --Hall, Saturday evening. June 26.
.: . . - - _._...
Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White and Mr. F. B. Henderson attended the Horse Show in Dayton last ThurSday.
Orthodox Church, ' Which Will Observe Evangelistic Day Sunday, June' '27th
,WI .
bas recei ved word from the depa rt. OF THE METHODIST CHURCH ment of agricu lture at 'wash inglon HELD MEETING lhat .~e. made:' the' hig-hest 'grade in tho. c}vll service examination for the posItion of exper t in the 8('hool ancl ho,!, e gard eni ng' depa rtment of Ihe United States Bureau o f education . The position pays $3000 It is. said that in all pl'obuuility Mr. Ivms will i:le('line the posi tion a<:count of the !!er ioU iI/ nellS of h i~ In Ch nrge of Mrs.. Harris Was RenWife, .as the positiun will tuk o'l hi m dered- Delicious Refreshments away .from home the greater part of Were Served the. tim ,:. However it is a g rea t satIsfactIon to the many friends of ~r. Ivins. who received his Iltl \lcation III the Waynesville Bchools, to kn ow 011 June 9, the Woman 's Foreign that he got such an excellent g rade. Missionary Society had the pleasure or meet ing at the pleasant bome of Mrs S. D. Henk le. In the absence of the president , Mrs. Grauser had charge of the meeting and conducted the devotional exercises. First by singing song No. 79, "Help som'ebody today, " and read ing part of the 9th chapter of Acll! Prayt'r bv Mrs. Dr. Macy will be at Harveysburg Palmer. A goodly number of memall next week. bers responded to roll call. Mrs. Harris had charge of the program · R which was as follows: Violin solo, M188 uth .Hartsock was in Day- Mi!\S Grace Carmal); Reading "Abbie ton Wednesday. Ben Adams," Mrs . White; Reading, "Forward," Mrs. Salisbury ; Reading Mr .. and ·Mrs. E. V. Barnhart"A day of p rayer," Mrs. Hawke; were m Xenia Monday. Rer.ding, "The story of Huchum," Mrs: McClure; ReaJinlr, Mrs. PhilAlfred Wright arrived hl'm e Sal. lips; Solo, by req uest. "The lost mite urday . from George School. UO:'\" Mrs. Grauser; CurrenL Items, • were given by Miss Stewart. Mrs. Dodds , Mr~, Henkle, Mrs Carman Mrs. Lloyd Davis spent the week- and Mrs. Rye. Mrs. Harris read an answer to a vlllentine she had sent to end With relatives in Dayto:1 . a missionary in Algiers, in North Miss Mary Salisbury W9.8 t hE: week. Africa. Miss Carman favored us with another selection on the violin. end guest of rel atives in Xenia. Mrs. Rye extended an invit ation ' to the society to meet with her at WI'II lam Michener of Amherst the July meeting, which was gladly College, il! home for the 8ummflr . accepted. Dlllicious fresh bread and butter and strawberries we re Ser ved Mrs. Mary Caskey, of Lebanon by the hostess. who was assisted by spent Thursday with friends here: her motber Mrs. Duke. Right here we will adCl that the strawberr-ie!l Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White spent Were the gift of Mr. wm Frame, . Sunday with relatives at Beavertown. who wisbed the amount of same might be placed in missionary box. I Som~ Illen are noted for their whole Wm. Biggs, of Dayton, spent last hearted generosity . The 8Qciety w~k at the home of his son. Wes. takes this means of publicly thank. BIggs. ing Mr. Frame.
Mrs. Ethel Cooper and littleson, ot Dayton are visiting her parents, Mr . Waynesville Lodge No. 163 F. & and Mrs. H. William son this w('ek. _ _ _• _ • I A. M., had an enthusiastic ' meeting Tuesday evening . The M. M. degree Mi~~ Sybil and Helen Hawke and W. C. T. U. Market was conferred upon one candidate. Ada Michener arrived home Wednes· Solomon Fred. of Lebanon, and .Jacob day evening, from D~laware college. - -!Kohlhagen, of Blanchester, BlI8isting T~e C. T .. U will hold a mar · in the work. Visitors were present Mi88 Marie Mohr, of Dayton, was ke~ III the HarriS !,oom on Saturday. from BlancQester, Lebanon, Dayton the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs JUlY 10, c~ mmencmg at; 10 a . m . land several other lodges. Sherman Dyke and family, of Route 5. . Mr. and Mrs. John McClure and family, of Springboro, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, E. Janney and tamily.
Brot herhood Class Meeting 'The Brotherhood closs of the Christian Bible S '~hool held their regular class meeting Monday evening, June 21st, at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs. Frank Carmnn . Ten members responded to roll call. Six g uests were present. A very inter('sting business session was held. and the chias decided to have a class can· te.'!t to get new members. Captains wer(\ appointed and they chose up sides ready to begin business. After the business was di sposed of dainty refreshmenss of white and dark cake and white and pink ice cresm were served by the hostess assisted by MiSs Grace. Fine mu!!lc W9.8 furnished by Mr. Carman and 'daughter, Miss Grace which was greatly enjoyed bv all present. -------~--
Messrs. J. C. Hisey. Ea'rl Conner, Will Hold Open Meeting W. O. Raper. Paul Brown and Will Prendergast went to. D~yton Sunday and saw the Marco· Weidemann ball The Woman's Auxiliary of St. game. Mary' s church will have an open meetmg at the home of Miss Kizzie Mr. and Mrs.' H. H. Wadsworth Merritt. on Tuesday afternooD, June' and family . arriv.~ here Thursday 29th . All women of Waynesville and evening, and are at present at the vi.c inity are invited. ... home of Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Stroud, of the Lytle road.
MetI8l'1! J _ Prenllergsat. WilbC' r Dakin • .Gt!Orge . Watethou8e, Dean Howell al .d · Harvev Rye lIpi'nt Su n. day ill Cinrinnilti.
Muter Leverll1p: Cartwright, n' Evanston. 111 • arrived hlSt week an,1 willsJ)entilite aumml'rwith hillll:l'Bnc!· Wbile' we Rre "eve l' in Corwill, lel parents~ Mr. and Mrs. :t. L . Carl · U:l call Ul) old Ntitloly Lynch. of Dia· wright. . ' mond Hill; blind uf one ..ye, bu t it of ante bellum , old Virginian. JoU lind i1iJ4 sbll)ping place in MNI. RnIIa Davis Wl!8ver and td'lYIi. Waynesville. where he wall W\lnt to daughter, of .Day ton, has been visit· ; meet ('ongenlbl ~Jlj'ritS . WBsl btl dry ing with relativea near Mt. Holh·. goods atono of Hadden & McCle lhllld. and made several pleasant C81lS (In ' corner M.in street, 9ccupied now by frien.ds in Waynesville. ' the Nltti.,"al llank. McCellRnd w/U1 '. an tincle of Georllia Hadden, And Mr& Mollie Edwards; 01 Dayton llilled where arterl\fards live<! the arrived here lut w~.. The Mi8f~ KearneYB, an,d previous to ~helr oc· Trillena and Margaret will colRe · . cupancy, Halten. a Htcksite prellC~er down lOme day next week. and' they livlod there. (:)n the rhrht hand SIde willlJoend the lummer at their home • of the lane. I"BCUntr up to tbe f .al'm on Third sLreet. ' at one time .oecuPJed by Squire E. , . __ , Jacoba. w1.1o bad ... a Jll)D·ln ·\aw. Mr, and Mn: Geo. Milia Mr. and Orthodox will observe School and what are m;' obligations Jobn O. Falkenblll1f, who wu In the Mn. Chaa Sherwood anddaughte·s . I U. S N. for a term of ftve leal'll. Mr. and · ..ni. JOB. Hormell a'rid EVBDtrelIBtie Day. ,June27th. to the school?" Afternoon Belllion, 1 be arranged "Why am 1 a Christi un. and what .John's father waa a clerk In the T. =hten __.. WIlUa lIeMfll .... at. AI\ all-d., "'ftre. UIU --.L.. I . ' bl'" J, All en .... . . . EvlQlleJtatJe ~ aervieeB at &Ur. Subject of fOrl!no(lnd seumon are my 0 Ig8ti~ns to tne chllreh'" , ~tlDlleclDextft8k.) . ~. c...tMCIl\l~ ... 8abdIi.1,J_"&b. will be, "Wb7dol SundaJ- ' HolII'J of sem~, .I.
Lest~r S
~ up e rVI.or of agricultural education In the ~o uthwe!\tern Ohio di 'rie l.
Jony •Old \ ' hlin la n
Had Very Hign Grades
N 11mb r 3322
St. Mary'lJ Church
Mrs. Sue Suydam, of ~prinifield, Mrs. Bern Dakin and son. Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Dakin and son, of Leb· The fourth Sunday 'after Trinity·. . ano~, attended the funeral of M~. June 27th. Sunday School at 9:30 Mary Jane Stump Friday. a. m. . Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Seats free. The public Lawrence Sherwood, president of welcome the Alumni, arrived here MondaY --~...--- ••--~ eveninar. and Is looking after the remaining detaila pt the event which Christian Chureh takee place tomorrow tlvening.
9:30 a. m .. momin" aesalon 10:30. .. 1--1- Ev alte!'ftoon'8ellllioD 2. o'c """'. eryn ODe 1& cordially inVIted to be PI'8M!Good at any or 'a11 of these _iona. l1118Bkers will be present to handle tJa.eaubjectB. Come.
Mill! Catharine Fromm. who has been apeodlng several weeks with ·ltJ'IIlIdparenta. Mr. anti Mn J-. C. Hawke. returned to her bome in Dayton Tuesday morulna: Mias ~ ~wke accompanfec1 her bome
Sunday. June 21. Bible School at 9:30 a . m. {Ammunion and 'sermon at 10:30 a. m. ChriStian Endeavor at 7 p. m . and IMIrmon at 7:30 p. m. iWerJbody invited.
D. H, r~. MinJI&er
A vc
By HA~ L}) ~lAC GRAT~
IIltll;tr;zled by Plcturts fro.
It in rl ' c to the t r es
(ll.: "lo)~lIiJ1 P i cture Pt04l1CtiOIJ 01 Cllo &1111 PoiYlcope Co.
want to n
sling shopping d ay to you
4 [•••:.!.:::.:.:::.r.:':.,!.:.:.:.:.:C.!C·:';:·!6..~.>X~·XC6»:.:.»:.:.:.:.:.>:«~m ,.
... bf BaroI4
them wddrlf 1'11\\' " 0 Cli a lin Ift- In-.. . .,V" nl'rO lily 11 ijll' u:1\ ot .,;lIst DIng tiUliu ,.1,1 thll t lmo; but In hor b 'IIrt at mf'nt. . tb r WUti ha ir n milo. of It. 01' 0 1' th lll heart. Kathlyn W8S ekeptlaol. Til l sh ' ". aill b. It would bo heUer to make I~ flook or ~ull~ wcr. bU BY. as Sl'nv n· trod the deck of a 8hlp hOOl,,,vard cn mp 011 th t1 oth er 81d e of th e ford . G rtl 11111' 1\)'9 nro. Al hl~h IId c. )'pndcr " boon/l Ihe would always bo douhtlng. Th" II1R,n.ithlb Is weuk from the sllOek wa . un 1 ~ l jll1'l III tr ul!! . Somel lmes II Orltt~h gun bonL wuuld Bruce did not hav o to seek Oa.ln IIl1d 1l,Ight CUlll1118 If wo l,roC()odod." Khan. The nJght of KuUtl~· t'! ·R dell· "( 1~1l\' o ""prythln/r to you. Ahmed . ·drop down h('rp 8udd oi:lIy; but It al· ;; .' anoeAhme/l ha.d aCQualllted th em with Hut is th eT(' nol 80me Iliac" fn rlb ur W(1)'8 wa8led Its tlm o. 1'h<' fish rm hta· errand. He was now all hi WILY b.,luw whore tire wut r /loeB not run 80 know 110lhlng : noth ing III UI O wuy o f to Dala Khlln. Th!'y nl'pd lroublo ru~t ! " guns Bud IJowd c.r v r WlIlI [ouud : " lid " Ilrr mn hlll will know." ye t tho British raj kn IV Ihal AU mo· themsolvtlll no lODger regarding tit fu· ture. lIut Hamnbul kn w only tho b rid ge. wbero a bollt illY th e hlngs for which "All gooa 'Well," sale! Ramahal, "for, Th"y WOII Id havo to Investigate and It ,so dlll gl'ntly nnd v l~o rou 8 1)' sought. to reach this btdlng ploeo. wo must \ix (,loro thu IlIlllk. lln)f on hour'lI jour. On the bench fl s lHl rmt'lI w 1'0 dl s lIlll' PUB the oIty of Balll Khlln. 1 k now nOY- TIl lher " dlnlcult one-brought blU'kln g. A alooll wllh u laletln Bfl ll loy where Ws cape' Ie. It Is not lurge. lhf' m 10 s llll nnd sbo llow woter. Here Ilt anchor In the rud e harbor. Soru of '; It jilts out Into the e 11. tbe l'" r8lan Ul ey cr'lSspd llud made camp b yond. tho Ilsbormcn were r eplIlrlns nctB. culf, perbapa btltr a doz<:!n mll os. At In R nal urnl cleartng. Tbey or ectod and some wero ti nkering about th eir hlgb tide it becomes IlD Island. 'ono th" "moll tent tor Rathlyn. Inside of fi sh Ing bOil!'.. Beyond tbo b I1ch ' .,' Uvea about, except Uie simple fls her- ""hkb S h A cha ng ed be.r clothes, drank nestled a tow buts. Toward th eK m&n. SUll, tbe jonrn ey 10 bllZRrdoue. her t ~ 1l Bud loy down to sleep. oth I' nsh ermen were milking The truth hi. It Is a spot wbere tbere "What does Ahmed tblnk ?" IUI ked r e8S. ts much gun running; In fac t, wb .. ro Jlruc o ,"lxlouslY. Tbo ch ief of tho vlllag _ the hoad· (COpY I'l g hL ll JlI'H ~d CUI' \Jy D . H . T. 1". "~ we round our guna Bud ammunition. "Thnt we are bing follow ed by mau- dloombnrkod trom tbls sloop. He I underatalld that there are g!'pat s&- ~ome I1B81l881D8 blrod by our frl eDds WIl8 mot by bla wlfo nnd child. and cret .torea of uplOBlvea bidden thore." th e priests." the little 0110 c lu.ru bur ed nbout bl ~ Ie!;" 1 "An:r leaporl near'" Raked th o colo"Colon(ll, let UI make stralgbt for In ecatllsy . Among Lbe buts stood one nel the port Ilnd let this Oal;llnable bus bol more 'Impos lng tlmn tbe others. "lid "Perhapa levent:r miles north Is the of trlnkel.t! stllY where It Is." urged towllrd thl ll U,o chie f mid hili family . velT town we stopped at a tow wooks Bruc e, the lover. wended tbelr WilY . In tront of the hut ago."That Is not l)08slblo now." r eplied stood an empty bulloc.k curt. Attached Ths colonel 6 lied Kathl yn i n his Ramnbnl. "We oan now reach thero to aDO of tho whe 18 was 11 frtskJng kid. arms. She played at gaiety for his only by the seocol!.llt Il.8elt, or return The little child paused to piny wltb sake, but her henrt 11'88 h av, wltb to the des8.rt and journey ov r the old ber pel. _ Absorbed In ber pastime. she did not .foreboding. tro.ll. We must go on." "And the filigree basket shnll be dl· Tho colcnel emoked bls plpe mood. observc Ule approncb of a gaunt be- t ~de4 between you and PundJtn. Rlt." lIy. He was pulled he tween necesalty Ing with ml1LLed hnlr and board and I "Give It all to ber. fath er . r bs and desire. He had c.ome to Aelll for I\8h bCllmellred body. Children are , belUD to hate 'What men call Drooloua this nUg:ree balllle t. and be 'Wanted It. gifted with nn InstlDct wh ich leaves us .toa•." with a passlo/1 whlcb 11'118 a1mOllt as we grow older; the senSing of evil "It ahall be lUI you Bay; but 'II' may miserly. At. one momont he silently ",IUlout soelng or und rstalldlng It. aU take a bBndful .. a koepsnk ." vowed to cast tlie wbole thing Into tbe 'fbe cblld lIuddenly gazed up, to moe t Two daJ'l' later the exped itio n W88 sea. and at tho next bl. fin gers wouid a Pair of ey 8 black o.nd tlerce as a kHe·s. Sbe rose s creaming Bnd ti ed I read:r to.tart. They IntBDded to pick twltcb nnel he wou ld slgb. ap Ahmed on the way. Ther wa. Sometimes It leemed to him that towarel tbe bouse. notlllnC but the bungalow Itself at thlt there Willi .omll In'JIslbl. force work. Tbe holy man shrugged ond WI1It d. ... .-m.p. tog In blm. drawln(l and drawlDa hIm When tbe parents ruehed Ollt to . 'UmMDa th.reupon seoreUy tao- ... alnat tlae dlotatel ~ bll h..,.t. .Ho learn wbat had frightened tholr litt le If You Can't Get It At Homelien fl'OlD the treadmill. He WilD glTen had experlenoed thlt fMUDI back I:a one the, were aolemnly oonfronted by a Gamel and told wbat to do. H flUDg Cnllforn'1a. ond had lought IIg11ln8t It Umballa. at the mtnarets and '~we ra for wo kB. wltbout avail. And frequen!. "1 am .hunalT," a Y l UI' Iw aJ ;;,1 re arc ent itl ed lO th e tmel e YO Il can I:"I\,C The chief lalalUlled lind ordered his an/l domee loomln(l mlBtII:r In' the l:y now. when ololle and. undlHturbed. IJIOODlIcht. Ransom! He would de- he could lIee thtl old guru, Bbakln ..tie to brlna thll boly man rtco and th ' 11l ~·arc c lllitlecl t yOllr s uppnrt in ~(l lar:l" they can .trey, them; aye, an4 take the tr Il4Ul'e wltlt tho venom ot bls wratb. the b1900 m1Il1.. ' crvc you.· n T - th orc arc thill!(~ th a i you want- m \!rhbnaelt, linea he knew whore It now drlppl118 from hla lacerlltlld flngors, "'J'l!OIJ art an honelt man," eald Urnchalldisc fur men, willen and 'hi ldrcll- hili yuur loca l ""1., thta Intormellon havlntl been all- Wblch be shook In tbe oolonel's faoe, baD .. · tore " d not CI\ IT)' 111 th cir s t cks, thing that thc la rger taSned for him. Be would se k the flec king II with blood. A ourse. It ''It .. uld," replied the chief grave. ca rly' fifty s t l, re" ill Daytnn have jo ined h an d . in a camstOres a ll d ·t r es wilh g-rcalc r de malid do .. e ll ill Day to n . world. eboolltnl hi. habitation whe~e was BO. · He muat obey tbat Invl~lble IT. paign to I '!i yo u a nd c v cr)'o ne e lse in .tl i this sed ion r tl nd Ytltt prubahly n ee tl ~on1 e thit1g th'rlt y 11 ca ll l\o~ hllY at he mc he woultS. will; be llIust go on and on. "TbO\1 art poor." ri,::-ht lIU \\' . Thi ,; BU l'ea u o f lJa)' l<1 n tIIer chanl s invit e yo u abotl l 1)" ~' t tl;l , ('(>Il\:ern illg the a (h ' anlages tc) you in trad ing ~ after day he followed. Ureleel. His pip sli pped tram hie flnser8 and "T1I&t II wltb tbe god8 T aervlI." (tl come t Day tO ll to b u y Ibese n eeded thing-so ,ill D ily tllJl , in cu min ' l u I )a y tun uftC11 lor a day's o uting-"But thou art Dot .... lthout ambl· ladOmttable. aa .tMdfalt upon the biB bead fell upon hIe knees; and tbul. tIaIl .. 'a Jacltal after a wounded ante- Kathlyn round him. ttn." to take in our 1;','Jo d the:!ler , a ball game, Ih e a museme n t WHAT THE lope. Dever coming within range. skulk· "Let blm s lee p. memsl\blb," wllrned TO 11& CONTfNUED i pnrk ". o r to . c fricnd s in th e d t y. q about the camp at nlaM. dropping Ahmed'from DCrcSS the tire. "He baa The ~' LJa y ! n lo rc s- e vny lill e o f mCrdtalld i, e is included 'b ehtnd In, the mornlna. not Ilbove plck- been tlghtlng tho old guru." "What 1" Kathlyn whlepered baok. ADOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION FOR COUCH ·tna up bite of food left by the treaa(, - have se lcclc tl EVERY WED l I·.S DAY a s SUB RBr\N The fll'1 l1 ~ in t h is Bureau bcfieve iu Tn 'r'H ill Illen:ha ndisun _bra. }doney and re"enge; "Wbere!" DAY. ing, In gil/ing' lull VALUE il) the g ds !Iu:y elL ~\1d in AN EFFECTIVE COUGH TREATMENT thMe would haTe kept him to the Ahmed Bmlled grlml, and Dolnted tovVctlnc day is Y UR clay anti thc5e tOl'es intcrld t make rendering t o the Ctl~t Iller the greatest pos sible ER ·ICE. allaH had h, been dyln8 1 ward hll foreh eaa. One fourtb So oDe teaspoonful ot ... a,r BaIt Khan. he '0188 at onoe "Is there really anch evll~ Ahmedr' Dr' Klllg 's New Dlsoovery, 'akenA8 the (by in lere ·ting. It g cs, a l11l sl \Vilhout say ing, t h at ~.; T h llt s t ate mc nt m ea n s a lat t o y o u . . __ • ~ '1IAit and lOrry k) eee hla l ,rlende. "ETli becete evil. heaTen born, JUlt needed. will S Jothe and oheok th e)' will di 'p lay rich a nd no Yc1 111 ' I' ' ''andis e partkul a rly :~j The WI rds TRl T H, a n<1 'J"A L U h. IIcec .., no further co m· 'No,thlac would' ha,.. pl_ed blm more &II good begeta good. The Colonel S. GOU I' he, Colda and the more dllDgerf I' 'your in s pc ·tio n on t his day , cy cry week. No doubt " m ellt . than to fall upon Allaha like the thun· hlb dltS wrong. And who .llball den,. one Bronoblal and Long AlImen $!!.. _ derbolt.he wa •. But be made I;lll00abat somo of these aurua a supernatural Yon can't alford to to.lle tbe risk of IWltlJ s t ores will h o ld ba 'k :omu 0 1 Ihe ir 111 st co mpelling SER I E m ea n s tl'eatill g c u ~ to lll ers ('ourt cou!'I ly , seekinJ:' premtle that If ever be bad nMd of power? I have sellDi J knCNJ'." 8erlotlli Illness. when so oheap lind bargain ' for ihi s day. :IS their ~ ile ' ia l bi<J f\lr yo ur pat ro n age. to exactly ptovi(\c for their nc eds , goo d delivery e:.:r...:v..:ic::.c:::L."t="4 him, to eend. And Ramabal promised. "Dut onco yo.r aald that we ahould @lmi}le-&-remedy 8S Dr_ KinlPLN.eW exchange o f m erchandisc w ithout hoping that be could adjust and regu- eventually escape. all ot WI. " Disoovery . II! o btainable, 0 0 to Tn lheir indivi dual ad"crti ing- t h e ·e 1ate hie atrai1'll without torelgn u.sslslr "ADd J stili eay It. memsahlb. What yonr Druggl@t to-day, get a bottle of quibble; m o ney b:u:k whcn . wa nted, merc han t s will di s play th ui tcase aII08. , They went on, thla tlm.o with Is written Is written." pbleC Ill8t1clI.lI:r . . Dr . . King'. New Disoove ry. 8tarL s tore eo n yen icn ccs and accommodaor t h e eal (WI th e righ t ), r u o lh. Ahmed. Wearlly she turned toward ber tent, ' tbe trs"tment at ODce Y ou will be tio il ·. alertltcs ill ~ h ow ing n oveltic Toward the end of the Journey tbey but pRuBed to touch the head of her gra&iflod tor t he relief "nd cure ob· :rlli indi cate to you that t h e se 'Would be compelled to crOllS n cbalm sleeping father 8S ehe passed. Her 'alned . . and . unn ' t1a l good s, etc .. cte. s iol'(' b elieve ill Day! II, belie ve in on a rope nnd vine_bridle. UmbalJa. occidental mind would not and could - - -+ - • Afler a ll SE RV I CE is what a i t o re yom traue, and bll lie"c in t he Jmowlng this, circled and rsached this not accept a8 pos81billtte8 these my&- A Humane Consideration brldce before they did. He aet about terlolls II.ttrmuto8 of the oriental mInd. ha sell. SERV I IT represents s tJ'cngth o f theil' st oc k ' allli S 'r\,ic c weakening the 8UPPOrts, 110 tbat the That' s wl,1 OOulll reach out and pl'& it pal'li t: ulal' clilim 10 yoIII' trade. t win your trade. AI )' ,..I,\rc tl, a l .elcbt of JIU,engera oould eause tbe u.rrange a J:IIan'B misfortunes was to "'l'hIIl18 firllt 0lu8s polo pOby," Bel ievi n g in the s Vi Fit and i1pplica· s h ws lhe S uilcase or >e;l l 0PY.tructllre to break and fall In to the her mind Inoredlblo, for there were no aaic1 the de~ler . . torrent below. Be could not othel'- precedents. Sbe nllver had wltue88ed "You tblnk he really undentand8 lion o'f th e fo reg ing- m embe rs o f righ ted c m b le m s 01 thi . Ih l rea ll ) is wi.. J'tIa(lh' the 8pot wbere the tren.sure a genuine .case at hypnotism; tbose e][· the fine points of the game?" 6l1 ked the Da toll ·'Retail Trarle Promo l iOI1 a stC)r e \Ve il worth while :111.1 thi ~ lay waltlnc· n.mples sbo blld &een were miserable the JlfIldent. man fiu l' a ll lI'ill di s play in thei r st o re applies whelher th e , tll illclIIS nrc The elephallts would be rorced to buffooneries. traY8atles, boodwlnl::lng "As weI) 88 yon do. " ~ window ,' :111<1 in th e ir advertis ing ford the rapld8 below the bridge. not even tbe newsboys In the upper "TheD I won't boy him. T o oomshowlI in all\' crtis (,1I1t' l t · '" Sl"r(' ICathl:rn. who had by tbls time re- ga.llery. True. aho had read of such pol Iilw to ahare the responslblli\y ··dOW S. ~ the en l. h ~ lVn herewith: W ill pined much of ber old oonftdence anO thlnge. 'but tram the same angle with for tile way 1 play It would be oruell:y buoyallcy. declared that she muat be whloh ahe bad read tlMl.A.rablan Night' to aDIIDII.IB " - WlIl!blngton Star. by D. R. T. lint to CI'OII8 the bridge. lObe gained -ralry 8torlO8. - - -.. - - - -. , the middle, when' ehe felt a alckenlnc Yet, here WIUI hllr fatber. tboroughly . • ..,. . Sbe turned and abouted to tha convinced of the emCBCY of tbe-l ' PU:u..JLj-_ ~---~---+lHc--------Hi1rv i\rd Olothlng Pa rl ors. Men '. Clothlno , 40 Reed Shoe Co.• Shoe•• 104 6~uth M.ln. t o ~2 Eut FIlth. Rlkc· Kumler Co., Department StON, second .. Jewel 4. VInton Co .. P.,nt'1.1 7 e .,t Third . Irvin , Mill n. , '" d b Uaptain-l:luPP08IDg the barracks , Wm . Byrn •. Furniture. 111 En.t Th ird. thII b r I..re CaVe way, an • e waa doubting In the le88t thllt bls auru I Cappel Furniture Co., Furn iture. 216 to 221 W . P. J enk ins, Cr u gi , F l ft~ &. udlow. ~ F. H. S.rgent. Reotoura"t. 82·14 80uth Main. h urIIId .John atoM·8helton Co., Department Store, 8 to ...to the II'W lrll ng rap Id 8 . Sb e ~ould In the end prove the atronger were t o' oaton fire, whAt CAll would South Mo ln. . O. W. Shroyer 4. Co., Sporting Gooda. BeoGnd 18 Ent Th ird. . 0-_ ' d f t b u t tb e In· of the two. you • .lnnd? ' Daylo!! Co., Fllrn Itll r,. 113 e .st Fifth . &. Main. , WU ......Jle or a ' momen; Oepew. Furn Strs iture t &. Miller Co .. Me n's Cloth ing. 23 O . R. Kinney & Co., GhOOl, liS e ..t fourth . Sn)'~ohl r~ at Co.• Mon'a Furnl.hlntll, te Ea" The Sam Kre.. C o.. Men'. Furn Il hlno" 15 .ttnct to live 'Wa.strong. .As sbe One of the elephanta olanked bl, ('rumpeter (~ewly joined )-8ure South Main. South Ludlow, . to and fro, wblrled here. tlung chaIne r eetlessly . He may bave' beard Borr, I'd Bonnd the "oeaso fire " ~:~~ I·J.:i,~·toJnec~I.~rb:p:"~~;. :if~~;'re · Fourth Louie Troxler Co:, DepI,tment 8tore', a1 South London Hat H ouse, Ma n'. Furnlehlngl, 29 E ast . ' Main. Third. . there, ahB managed to catcb bold of a the prowllnr of a cat. Far beyond tbe Loudon Pnnoh. and Mo ln. Mny & Co .• Furniture , 1~ e •• t Fifth. U. B. Book Store, 8tatloner. 40 'outh Main. rook wblob prolected above tbe tlylng fire. beyond the eentlnel: ebe tbougbt eve?i~tO~.Y' . Book Shop. St.tioners, 2~ w ..t 1 Mea~~c{ ~~y~~ Co., Women'. ' "'pparel, Second Cha•. Utzinger. Mon', "urnl.hlng., 6 •••t Fifth, foam. . k d f tI h d . The F.lr, Department Store. 28 E•• t Fift h. Victor Furniture 00 .• Furnltu ..., lit lIi:.at ,.Ifth, sbe BaW a na e ' arm 88 out an BILIOUS ATTACKS The Faanlon, Womon·. Apparel. 12.:1 Sout h Ma in, ',: Metropolitan Clothe. Shop, Men', Clothing , Walk · Over Boot Sl\oP. IIho••• st South M.ln . .&. mahOUt, loolng her danger. urged back of a tree. Sbe lltared Intently at " Foster. Hegman Co .• Hou .. Furnlohlng., 35 to Fourth 4. Ludtow. The WI),ne Store. Furniture. 1211 lI . .t Fifth. M')'~~f~ . MendoEa, Furniture, 109 to 111 Ealt hlt .elephlUlt toward ber and reache~ the tree for a time .' but BI ahe ellw When you bave" blll)ua attaok 37 North Moln. The aenoraJ Store,' H a rdWAre &. Sporting Goode, WIII~e:'n~ro., .& Co., M.~·. Olothl~lI. Fourth & 1 her ,juat .. !,he waa about to et iO. notlltng more, abe was convinced that your liver fal18 ton perform Us funo. 3,2 to 38 w •• t Fifth. John W. Miller. Drug •. e Ea.t Tllird. Wm . F . OOlm .. n &. Co.. Department 8tore. Rudolph Wurlltler Co.• Plano., US South Lud. ber eyeB had deceived her. BealdeB, tions, YOll become oonlltlpated. H. 4 , Q, Sh o.e CO.\,6ho.. , 21 SQutll Ma in. low. Haal Shoe. Co., 9 oel, 36 South MaI n . Fourth " Main .. her body 800med dead and ber mind The food you aat ferments lu your OHAPTER XXIV. too lioavy tor thoUBht. . ' stomaoh iDstead or dlge@tlng . This 'n a.uoh of T .....UN. Umblllla, having satlefled hlm8elf influmeR tbe stomaoh and oa U808 "Thoee ropes were cut," declared that the oamp would not braak till nausea, vomiting I1nd a terrible I Oem Cit)' Building '" Loan A•• ooletlon. 8 North Dnyton Brewerl .. Co. Olt Srewerle. Co. Main . ' morning, alunk away Into the eha.dowe. headaohe . Take Chamberlalu's 'I'ab' l Ahmed. Mutual Home cI. Savino.... ..,ocl.Uon, 26 North Dayton Power 4. Light Co. Shaw &. M.rch.nt Art Studlol. U • •• • ~II<1lnll' "Bllt who In the world could have l:Je bad failed again' bul bla he-te had Ie til. They wtll tODe np your \lver, Main . . made him 8trong. He WI!.II naked el:. olean out yourlItomBoh ODd yon will ' out them r' demanded the colonel. Ahmed .brugged. "We may bave cept for a loIn olout. Hla beard and eoon be BS w e ll a8 ever. They only been followed by thieves. They oould hair were malted, the latter hanglDg coat a qnarter . . Obtl1lnable every· have cotten bere before UI . . . we were over hla eye.. HI8 body was smeared wbere, - - - ..... - - foroed to ule the elephant trails. Let willi allhes. Not even Abmed would U8 keep our eyea about UB, .&blb. have recognized him a yard off. HII Well Educated Whell one. Ipaaks of gold. the wind had something less thl\.ll nIne hOUri! to earrtes .the word tar. And then' .• .. reach the capo before tbey did; and It ,. He paUled, loowllnr. was neCes8ary thllt be should bave aC\' The LeRov ' Reporter tells of a nli. "And then what 1" compltce.. The Ilshermen he knew to gro who WII8 Oll,rryin~ an armful at ''1 ·do not want the memsahlb to be of ' predatory bablts. and tbe prom· Bobool boob and 'some one asked hllllr,· Ahmed wblspered. "But who 18e of gold would enmesh them. him: "going tosohool?" " Yee, 81111" other. Tho roota 8t~ balanood In year alld ,herG-ought to be '''f\lve .halI.' ..,. that this IB not the work of The half Island whlcb con8t1tuted "Do you IItudy all thoBe boo" s ? A Misfit Name ' December the lIMno WilY, a 'l~rge brauob on oJle tbere mnl~ be two more to be aothe,unu, who' never forget, wbo never lbe cape had the .• bape of a mlnillture "No, eBb, deys me brudder8, I'ae oounted for." sid!! beinjJ matohed by a large root volcano. There wae verdure at the a IKnoran' kinder nlKKer, tilde him, forc"'e, nhlb'" I d h The oenter 'o f gra vliy I, thu. alw,aYI baBe . or lte 810pe and trees lifte d their but yer jellt 'orter 8ee das nigger filii' "Bat the:r would not follow!" Lit t I e ""1 or:enoe 0 Ii Ill)e opon.fl.Dll er perf eo t Iy mn l id "Nobo:'y by "Nay, but tlielr servant would. on he ads here I\.IId tbere hardily. It Willi gerln '. Be has gODe lind olpherod f~tbor'8 1~IJ on be r blrtbullY ntll ne . " Is wor' rled nowadays w ~e fear of death. J will walCh at a m lie long and a half milo wide; Ilnd ole. r through addition, putltion. )lut bet Ulflllll uround 11 1';' neol<. t,he faot Ihat the twelft h month of . In the early morning It atood out like a dlllt,raoMon , abomlnatioD, j oatlilo8- ~"ather t11wa y» ou lled h or tfoodles, ..,- - nJaht hereafter," the ye(lr Ie oa1led the tenth, Deoe~Ahmed _robed tborougbly about huge sapphire l18alnBt the rOIlY Ilk)'. tioD,ore&tlon, ampotaUoD aDd adap lind untJl now .be bud linswered to ber."@I\Yllawrlter,"andDodnDbt , the ledce frOm wblcb tbe eaat aide of Betwe~,,- the land aDd the J)romoDt,ol'J tiOD." Ibe namll. But now s he looked tLt ... eveu *he allolent 'Romanll Boon Kot Fu I to tbe brt4&e bad lI'Wung. but the barrea him in lurpriRe. "Why, I'm ·three· used to tbe aDomaly wheD tbe DIIW nera ll'ft r roaka t0l4 him noUilng. Armed with DOW;. I h o,~ld I.blnk you'd Qall me VeterinarY year wlAa ahltted baok from Marob and hll rille, be plunged boldly back olong "l'hrell>ilos . " 8hil sf\l rI .-Ju!1ge'" to JaDuarr. tbough the old Damell •. . . the 4IIlepbant trail. but returned wltb· Library. Graduate of 01110 S'al; Unlvel'lll ~ of the month" were retained. But WaynesYllle, _t 81!-CleMI. Wboever waa following - - -- - - - - 'bere WBB one of ~hem, who made, , an Idept. aa ' lleorat aa a How ' 1're-es Are Balanced 0"'" ~ 'd in ' F B Sh ingenious tile at It-LloIDIUI,. Can answered promptly dQ or IIIJl'ht 'I'll...... All tIIla worried Ahmed not . Illce a~ re81 ence , ell cally proourator at- Lyonll aDder Both phones In Office and Realdenee. • 1l\U.. 1h-nadll:r uDderltornt- tbat '----He-. - wood's h01Jlle, Fourth Street. Aoguatul. tie lJlBUtted OD h.vlll, l.ODldlataiice,No. U; Home phone 1M muderolll attempt had not been A tree gru WI In perf~t tJ,\Jllnoo aD oertalD mODthly paymeat. made 14-21'. . ....... aplnat Kath1)'D alone. but l' VI\r)' Ilele. WMn iI Jftge bralloh TeIepIIoae 28 toarleeD tim.. a ,.r, arplll'l ChaIn and one Coach 'furDIIbecl free ~II RIIItve _~ __ JndIIII~ ....._. - au 01"_. BIIt for bel' . . . Mboop ont aD ODe etlle ODe of IPqual Ohio wben Deoember oame roand, lb.. with funerals • . 11v.e or '11'0 .4JD the W")!Dn~HJ~ . •• " wu *e moDtb of .... lilt Of ............... ~;;;:.:.1=!.'~ 111 uuaIaI~ : The rllturn to the Ilnlnoo "'JlS loy' 0118
· t
w ,-,
Forty-seven retail firms in one city combining to tell you about ' isn't there? Dayton's advantages. There's a NEW note in that---
'IRST of all we'll tell you what "EVERY WEDNESDA YSUBURBAN DAY IN - DAlYTON" means.
. .
COlDe to ' Dayton .
----- ..- --
Truth·Value-Servic~ S~a1
~~,:: :o~ ~a:~b8~e ~:':n:;~~ ~~~~~; :.na~~~~:
:ba: ::=:s~· :::~:;
-----I&-.. . .
THE PRESENT MEMBERS OF THIS l B. UREAU ARE Cr~r~rt~; ~~r'ntt~~:.I·fr6 ~ol· t~r~a~~ln.
Come to .Dayton·Wednesclay-SUBURBAN DAY
Dr.- J A McCoy,
,,_ 11'''
~~, .Jyspepsifiallts ............,.
Embalmer. Ohio.
'} 'H r_ MtAMI -----_._.
SI .
.... bllah"'l "'....'1' a' LU" lIunll4lllllld.lh Ih" Ratell ur Hub8t'r i ption. '"l1kllilli. "aln tn., "'a,Yb."lVlhti. ul!l ... Plitt Y"",r (.lrlctl~ til IlIl \'al1l'.·], ...•. , 1.lIn ~llIgllI U<IIIY ... , . ...... ... , . .. . . . . . . . II l
hle CO ' r"~'"0n(1 " .orho i.l
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It You Iflt
R"' ~ I,t ,III ,ul"1 11 . lilt!. " I r~1 " uti f11 II ', I', ,'" I
i ' ; Mor. II I for jllr, "'IIIITOl',' .1 " • I ~ rt. . 11,11'''''11 lur In Ih,· nulnt , )t "'''"'lll' l 'v\ , ,,·1 "'-' ,I' "', .• 1 ". " , IFfJ l.. ~t' "fir W" lt-l npen",,',,!, 1·· l r~1 "I,"m! 1,. Ii" .1 .1,11 11' " [J, uUI.lbJ, ",Ironer In 'b
a,re \ft)lIble4" Wlll\ burtbllm, 1 - and Ad iBtr,.. -i fl' lint; alt.r uti,,!> take a
,r I. nlllHlr.
Dyspepsia Tablet:
'p' ,J IIV' eci .
cforo ontlaflerea hmealand.youwill u llu pwmpHellcr. O!c.lou!y!iYI1.l,250
1/ .. , " ""101(
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I&U I,
1\ 11 \A , __ ",",,,,,.. .• t. ,,, 1'01 ...
!:4pll rk~ t
"~ I tt ,I\(J IHI .
tF iI"ft~'ln' lln~ 1 ~ (tl'l nnt I l\ flV'(\~\ 1 \.' I""~I".r II urk l lil\I\'.; E . ' .... 1 J . E. Ja nn.y. t il II II »".~,,".ar .. t PUWY"I' , ,j (,1"1 ~ "u I "J ;hl 1,, ' lIiI t<lt"l ~ 1<' lItnkhu tow". U(Ilt.IHJ If( J ••i~"I" . I r l h lll . • • • • • .. . •• • • • • 6c l IS II I,vrOVl1 u • 1, 1,,1 II , 11. \ \ " I~. '· I\."t\ ' Imtr llct 0 1_11\0" Ad • . "ilL'" , ,,·,-<)<1 1\,. Ihl"" l' h n..'() IUHl'rUWlii . • . • • • • • • . • • • • anc ---- .- - - - - 111 l b •. f'I:<r"I~ ' f (J/ltl"' r\ f I ""-.'li:"') 11 ,\ M , P"rkf'T, Lr IO~' w ork, D. L, Crane , b:ditor un d MBongur. \ 01"1'''')' Arh url i.ill g I,.. r IIII·I! .... . .... . lilt: JH ijCQ Ullt ~ " l \'un un L"ClIU MLC .... '-~ ~to bl" ,m!) rlill ArlJ tl '1 .r!flll Ilt,,1 ""1'_ /.: d,,,,, r' ·wtHhl\J I 'j' r" Fr " nr B r anIII Ul 'tIIt,mi Oft!. ,,. (1()IlI'l I I~ Iq'l" " "'" \ ·.I·lfl, '·&I·d ~tHvto. ,.I'lth ot hlo VI!, ~ I in h tl Bt"l ,. ' f l~ll l\ c Ht 11111111) , 1Jt.rll"~ 11 11 11 111"1 11 , Jr " 60 : B W. JUN~ 2:1, 1915 . deoeasell . Jj'ln t IIDd flntll t\CI0l1 I1n t IJ V I O P , ll'g. l ~e rVloe8;dflfendlng~lmer ------..,..... . I I ~ app ro ved. ~' o rrt I flO : N ,," ooftl Robber Stomp IRD S100 Many of unr oltlr.onK wh o \ve r e IW All F I B I . t l \ . M First and fin a l nei ount In tho .'f<. CIl .. 1I 1 1:1 f nril!lIo mp~ f or Olerk, '1.65 ; )t"'II.r Thil1:J~ SIOO REW" , 1'8 orn fI>r an IS HI g? oet ()f r . nUll, Mrs. BOI l\oo Lla r~, Mr: I tn'e 01 FroDk Blok8 minor I~ np_ A . D. I:!h nl f,~" brlciRe lvork, TOTtleqoalntAel wH,h ·I/Ioyt()n. Lull ons wil l Th ' ~e'"l~rs o! Ihis 1 ~ll..,r "ill be r.lel\scu r eg rot bonrln'go of hiM death fit 1I1H h~~ U~O~I\, N . A. Hn rlan, o t Ceo ter ~,nd ~I rt'. <';hns . Olltrk 111111 M~ . Ernest ' pro vet!. A nd I h~ Court Iil~(I!! t lie 'rfl ak town~lIlp ~ 16 ; The W . B. An. 10. " I!.:(\~nh"rt wlllieuve for 01111 ornl .. in ~uw of f,tl r.U.StJ In tile hnnll e of the dnrR" n Co" lIuppliel! for Ule rk, $tl'; " .' l"IlIr Ihl lll(!I " III" ', 11111. 1, II arnl n dn 10 learn thn t tbere is .1 It,""l Ulle I reacled home In l:bl1tt.a no gil , Teetl . 'I'lle v C, Wm . H ~r\1l 11 , of J,:lI rlllllofll ,01!oKe' I I,I\O liolLr fnlollr o guardlnn, oue ~lIld es t!ltll A '1'. Rattlj{. r Olld work, Franklln 11 li" \~O\lltl n",ku h i.. rlloord hUll : diseuse tlml sciCli e hil S hcell nll ie 1(, ell re (nnurlli took 1I1noe lust. FriclllY, in.. IL\ h om o tor the summer . R \1r· RnI\lh Dvke wIIs in Lebl100n Tho wlJ l of R\llllln C. l:Ioo\' or Is ~: 'w nsh lp $67. 50: WArren Ooonty ' 1'" th i nk ", !th ,,"L OUIII [I>Ii"" oln"rly ; i. all il~ sl:l~ ~'S. ami t hnt i. 1l.~r~11. t.ermellt IIt.Clmtto.n oogfl. 'l'b e writ.M!'t' M El lz~ Loth RO.!l~e,!, who hao , uh m 1 I\vonlng , nd"nltled to pro II/He. .r Ime". le g,,! ndv ., $27 GO ~ Valler t'o lov" hi .. fulh ' w_III .. " tllllonrllly; ~~~~'!o,:~a:~~~a ~~7h~I~~ic~.llrmr:::,',li~~~ or romoUllinr!l bim us -01tO of Lbe ju lM, . li: Qerott <.;Inrk lI nd MillS Roth In the Wf\U r of thll eRtate of ro lephooo <';0 , rents "nu toll8 $33.S3 '1'0 1I0 t Jr, ,m hOllf'Mt lllllt,lvell (lurllly : CalArrh !Jeill!::l consliLuliollnl discase. rc· liosl I\no wittiest of m en. l:Je wil li beo n t euohlDI; UOUllJd LIC tiol oooo in B o d rl '1'1 IAllnnoUe Sni der, trl\nsorlblng re o 'J'" I ruU ill (JoII 8ud hSllvll n /j~onre_ ' lui fl'S a con liluII"n;'!1 l.reullllclIl . rtu!I's the hl ~t ' 01 Beveml ohlldre n . H I~ 'rl1 om" , WIl~h , ill "t h Oiln!' for Ibo '000 w er o ~rlldllllt(ld from S~eele Sn 0 Iy" . . (;ullurh Cur is tuken ",I<rnally. aClIlIg 1)lIrofl !" wor o Biol;slto ~ UI\BllrR, rmd II nmm t r . Lligh l:lohoul Thurs dl1Y eveDiog 11' eRR . 0 1 vor, eCleR.~~, 1011.IAS O Ollis 10 Conoty Reoorder'II offioe . E. 'Y . oover s BlIPO n """ exoo ut"r 1 "3~ ' II ur e nll cl w~re . o f I .\lr . Walt r ][onri o lt ~ M,. <'; hIlP. R OV.. M :So dlrt(.'lly UpOII the blund aa,j IlIUCUUIIS S!tr - tho Id ohnr op they Ilttend(l(.1 still Bond $t~OO, .I o lln A, Bllltr , C G ... il. 111 1."" uf th" system, Ih~rehy dcsln~y!"~ s tnnds undisturbed 011\ mOllomeDt W est 1I111t 11, Uam On B . I\ IIR r~ I.JOhnH Itnd Mr. WilhAm Gox, of Eulassa nd P V. Bone lire RPllolnted 'onLrfl ots Let- No. U S wltb John I) Ie fuu ndaliun o! lhe dIseuse , l\!l lIl; l VIO Il In memory of tho de/lr old itizen s IlDd r"llIlIy, tit, . M"rys.~ lll o, ~ I ) nt Lyt.lo lire the pr oud owners of Uodge '1ppraisers . Wolfe for putting In sewer on Hlok . Quit Thursda y I\ OU ~ rlllilY \vllll ro lnt lVI'8 DutO~8. In the n'llL t'e' r of .be estato of ••ryvllie u An d Clarksville pl'-e wl'b lue pullenl Slrenlll" uy Imildin!: III' the "f former yen r8. Be li ved to rOllob co ustiUtliou a nd a.~S i S1 inK lIalurc in tluin g d 11 II K ' " its work. 'rlle proprie tors ha ve '" much I,ho .~glJ of 8~ useful y~/1r8 . liD li e l oro. Mr. WIIIi,,11I Grnhllm Ilnd son , Moses P. Crosley, dece ,SAn. Ct\lia co nc rete helldwlllls by Ben Oleaver's jI H os .. ljllnlj. failh ill irs ~urulh'e po w e l s tlmt Ihey "ITer IOIlVOIf II. wife w h 9 I" very f~oble .1 0Hepll Blllir anll HOll r r Mill e r Bo rl, hll\' O nellrly completed thei r B Greene Is I1ppolnteel Ildmini ~trll "nd olennlng and painting steel AIILlUllllILlnK evi "l In 11\11 tutllro One HUlld red Dollars lor allY elise I hill Her JIlany . . (rlends hope for her IIrO Ilttendlulf t.bo tl tnto enoumpm onL ~A~8 ge. trlx. Bond $2500, J f.lmOl! Follen, I hridge over J onnh 'II Rnn at C lago~t's Mr ami Mrs C8rl P iokerln g Bnd 0 , A. lilgelns find Jobn Lllw lire lip. furm , ~alem t owoshlp $83JiO I ;u!UUIII 11111111:\. 1I111U~11I1( lIud wurry- it. fnils t o ellre . &lId fu r list IIr tcslimo- 1\ Hpomly r e60very . Hhe hllli Illway~ ot' lll G. A , H. Uwe lling un I.. notflll I1IIChl1l I1nd nir~duress: F. J. CU eN IH ' & CO .• To - lIelln snob Il uHoful WOlUan Itnel f o r MrR, Hhriver lllls be!' n llu j(\~' ln g 1~on. l:IUl!h , /lnd Mlea Hazel Mulle ll pointed IipprltlRer a. No. 419 wUh Zaln Armit8ge for { Id 0 ruuuy yetlrS she W/IS eruployel1 in ~ l!ovo TflI du ys vl~lt fr om hor m oth r wnrn viijltl n ~ wl'h Mr . Sherman Robert M. Vlln Some, kelmiDIt'- (\1~fLnin g nnd painting Mnlberry St. w~o~~~inK and lIylnJ( Into It pall8lOn e J:;lu iJY 011 D~uggislj;. l oc. IIor puhllo 80h ool. MrR. ChoR.lo~nllow er Ilod ohildron 1Dyko Imel fllDl ily SDndllY t rator eto. Plaintiff VM. 'l'b01l1~~ B. Brldgfl, Cinolnnati pike bridge' a nel , over .rltl8ll. Tuke Hall' s . lIl11ily rills lor cOllslipaMr.lln} Mr.a. Bnrry Burbenn !Lnll of Port WillI,m\. ure s pellolu!:: II. few ~1r. Hll rry Brown fl\lI off a step Van Horno, et "I elefendflUte. ~lI le r ld llug Ilnd Broodway Broh In ' Leb · ,, two lor.erestlng boys, of Ne wport, elllY H here. I lulld f'l r while ploklng ohorrl08 IlOd of r01l1 estate Is apl'rovell . Dlstrl- flnon und repair of fcot w61k· on 'l'lrlullioJ( 'hilt life iN II grlDd IlDd lion. Ky • Ilro gnost8 of their parer~tll, Mr. N,lxt undl'V will " (1 "'vOn " nl l"tl' c Crnoln r II t hree rlhs . hotlon ordered. Molberry strt1et hrldge Lebllnon put worth IIviall(. lind "lr8. Frllnk MIII I! Mr . ul1rbe!lon • u r. ",,," , 1127 85 'l'alliing oootluoously about yourItl moon or of flll\ r g e fioorin" mill Dl1y :.ut ths FrlendR obu roh. Rov. M r~ l l. Crawford Thompson hOIl In lhe m .. tter of the gUlu<1lan. Sunda.:y-School Convention fit tho a~;)ve nnmed city ;<> Benjll.min 1:I11wkins no(\ farully, J . re turned h ome fr om a viall with ship ot Floyd Snage. oonfined In No. ( 20 with Zl\ln· Armitage tor lIelt And yuur "Rl1irs. Del'rellillUUI~ :VllursO!r I\nll Ulak: ·B. 1'le11 0 Il nd wife, oC B\ol'rulngtoo rel"tive~ In Blunobe8le r. the Dayton Stllte H08pl~"1. Wm fil18 and Rpproflohes to Brob on inK light fi, your a!inutllS . M~. "~! M~", t Andy :Shlll;kerdof Rev. CIi8@.l\o oormlln , of Jamestown', Mr. Wllhum Dyke wall In D8ytou B . \)Iewlddle 111 RPllolDt ld . Bond (2reen 'I'ree roo.d by olel '1'011 Houae, &yllig unkluil tb\ngll allou~ ao~peolQl1y elflOted delegate, Ilnd nPII\ f ~u n g~~ w~o L ~\ty lind ,.the rs will bt. preAB ", . Dlnnor ou bualn08R Tbur~dflY. ' ROO. Rod VIITIOU8 other jobs of BI18 aod quaiat .. nolllliuld frlendll . mauy otber Soudn}'-t'ohool workers guus 80 r , .. n .ra . . a u. will he Ron'od In tbe bllSatllBnt. MIRR A(11l BllrdmaD hnR rot.umed ILpprollobe8 Rnd brloge r opl\lrs Turl.t08utl1l8 thil IlIlllt, hoMing on t o In tbl/:! violnltv wi I attend tbo Oblo Mr . \lnll Mrri. BanJlUnin Campbell , W . C. Smith fIDel family ,, "oni, f I t . It ' th I I Commlsslonerll' Proceedln2S 1,IBoreok township S;163.tiO. ere the gUpstH " rllm u II oaslln , VIR WI re .. t V08 vIII dllllllrBtlllLI.. eXp6rleDoell. ~Qnd .. y I:Iobool coDvent1on wlrloh o r. noor W llyn Cl~ 0, w tho ,,"ook. ond with W A . Rmlth In 'Inui nnRtl. Bills Allowed-Dan P . Bono, oost8 - - - --PIt.y lng yonrflllU llOel bAm06ntn~ ' metlttlln Zau e~vlllo JIIDII1l2, 23 and t:lDnday of Mr . •\llel Mra. AdAm Ilud f"m ll y, of UrbAnn, Ohio. in UIII!e No. 1H34 MRly VP . Oblo , yoor !tlok of opporlunltiOo!. 2", At leaat 85 ot the 8800untllll! Ollrnphell. M.lss EHtlt. SI.nov 1M hOlDe fr om $4.5ti; Western ~tI\r, leglllallv .• ':17; GREATLYBENEFITTED BY CHAMBERLAIN S WritinK leUorM wlloo tho blood.11j will bo Tllpr 'lllontecl by doleglllos . Mrs. O. C. UlO.lver, and MrR. Hoy O. t) U . for h er ~ommer vaoat1on . 8am D Benkle expenses Costello i LINIMENT bot, ' whloh YOll ma, r el(re, Iflt ~r . All d elegat08 will be e018rtp.looo ClelLVor lind bilby, of Cll\r k~" ill e, Mr. ,Je ~8e Hurloy find B Roeeell dltoh ·SIl6.S2; Roy E . Mill ~r, fees , THIRTY-SIX FOR -25 CENTS Ge' hart were In Oregonia on bosl_ and expt'Dsee, (.i08tello dttob, 1411: "I hllveused Ohamberla.ln's Llol1' h!uaaani tba& 0.11 'he good obl\noetl on the UbilOtaDqUIl plan. with lodK. wero week_oud gl1e~ts of Mrll. F. L alIll ollflOrt,n nltl6l! are gune by . IDgMand breakfnllt furnlsbed . The ""rrls . u r. Kin~'s Now .•If .. Pills 110"0 DOW ne~!I ~undll.y . Xeela Olty Workhoolle, keeping ment for sprain8,.brulsee and rheuCarJlill1l' and orl&lolfling ~e th l> IJrograrn l)rl1vldtlll for twolun oh eoos, 'rhe R8d IntelllgoDcll rORohed us uJlpll ed In wel l co rk ed gIBB!! bottle!!, Mr. All Fox I\nd wife and 80nB, prisoners $10.50: C, G. Marvin, 8Up- mllotio pillns, and ~he great benefit beltt r .. iber thllo tho worst In otbl'rs. ons f<.o r tbe elemtJntary w orkerM Ilnel 111 lit week of one ut our hlgbly r ,·. oontnlniDJ,: :lG ugtl r cOllt.ed wllite TbomBotl, Milos, o.,d Be'ler were viI!. pltell f or Conri Booee '2.S0; Day toe I bave reoetved justlfiee my reoomDrol1lDln.c that :900 would 110 b .. p tbe othor for the 8edbndary work er~. Ilpocted frlond~, Mrll. ,II\De ' lnmp, pil i", for 20.0. On!:' pill witb a ~l nR 8 I tl o K wltb Mr. Uhas .• (2ebh~rt and Blanlt Boolt & Printing Co., reblnd- mending It in the highest t~rms," II.Y InllUUle otller pll1ce o r olroum . Tbu wllKlo will be 11 apeolal feature cl}' ing Ilt th o MAs() nlo Homll, AI of wuttlr hufore r et.t rlng IR f\n I\ver family Tb~rsday . Ing eto. ' 276; Morrow Lumbsr Co. , wrlies MIS. FloreDce Slife, Wabuh, IIAnces, . Prof Ie n. Exoell'. the Buthor o f t!prI1gUBld. IInll Intormont lit tbe ugll d o~e . EIIRY 1I0d pleaeaLt to Mi88 Glonna .Brown , of Dayton, @nppli68 $12.75; The Galion Iron Ind. II you are troubled with r heuOlillUng on your pnins Imd aohel! oumerons hymn~, Is coming from lIellotiful Minml Cemetery by the talte . EfTno tj"" a n d poAlt.lve In rll was vlRi tlng hsr pII.re nts, Mr. Bnd Worksl\nd Mfg Co, sopplie@$12 3.77. mlltio pt.t.lns you will oertulnly be IIlld 1II11110rtunl't! 10 IWllry one who e hloogo nnd Prof. A. A I{oper. 0 , sl(le or h er hURonDl1 lind two (lnullb. ~t1 l t,~ , Clt OIlP lind econ omical t,o u~e. Mrl!, 81m Brown SundrlY. Ohio Corruglltell Colvert Co., pipe pleased wltb theprOI1l11helief whloh will hRt8 0 to YoU . Wlnon~ Lake, wlll assist him terl', leaving one (lIlUj{hter. Mr~. Got n boW El to-dtlY, take n dORe toMr. and Mrs Earl Randolph Ilnd $36330; Willi tern Star, 8upplies for Obamberlain'lI LinIment IIffords. tlPIJ()UI8tIDIl bll til whllt yun wonld AmollK tho nationAlly known sPflflk .loHIO DRllln , of Lobllnotl, tn mourn ni g ht-.v our onlltlputlon will be ra Mr. Ilnd Mrs . St.. oy Lamb were vls- AudUor, Clerk & Dist. AMieasor $11 ; Ob~lnable evervwhere. d ' , III ""Ule one ' l~o'IO pillos lind el" ora will be Frl\ok I•. Brown, joint hel d eJlllrture. li ovod In tho 1lI0ruing 36 f.:lr :ilio.• Itlng with Mr. and Mre . Sidney your b "8t 1ft your own decretary of the World'a )Sunday t!n'n day, Jnne 27t b , t,hore 'VI'III b e at 011 Drllg2;i st a Lamb Snndl1Y. Utt~1II1! hlly IUto I.bo future lind ::lehoot l188oolallon; Ur. lfronlilln I t tl F d - - -- - .. - - "1' Elf b M h-"I' 00 d f S no nil dn y nleat ng 11 leo rum, fobnooo Is Aboot all plRnte.1 and d 1 It I I d f re.rnlll" II )UU& • n. 08 0 11\ .. _ nlf Mo re 8 'I e ,uuubs ,,_Ilkr 0 un l ohuroh . You oro asked to be prOf Is lookieg fine . tbe bOlllo r tho p .... a n t day IIJb 00": ug '-'\Ir. genera "ont ' • - - --"eoretary of ' the IIl1nolll 8undllY. B,~eebA\J and boras noios are the ~boolafUlool"tlon: W. U. PonOO,IISMr.s, Amos Ellis w as a vi8i tor in mllin ' attraotions ,,' the orflsent lloolllt6 g , nora 80rlltary o~ the In- Zenia recontly ,'I,he guest of r luti VOS writing. The Lytle hall team &8rDlltionnl 8unday.l:iohool 1l,'IIOOW- Mr. Bnd Mrll. F loyd A.nd ers on . played its fint gllme of the s68ll0n tlon trom (Jblollflu; and Dr. E~. A. r. Moler rmll Fld Co.n mllde Born-T() Mr. 0110 Mrs . Albort whee it defeatot the fast RldgnUle l.ewl. of CIDolnnatl, Il husinosB trip to WIIDllnllton 01\ R.ooto. Ii 800, lnnt 'l.'ueaday. nine on tbe 10001 dhlm ond. Tbe ..:..-_ _... _ • , !r'rlrltlY in Mr C/l~r ' s t:I,xon auto Mrs. J , M . Bu nno ll Mtonded tho llDe tip for Lysle WIIS as follows : . Hutchison & Gibney after their peat Fire Sale wblob boo ['ocontly p\lrohnsed of hOrBe show at. Dayton 'I'hondllY , Dyke olltoher: Gebbllrt 1lltoher; AL1,B Y ·I'E I.IU' \l ~llm- e,1 II. Ny. 11 1
Rotes uf "'ilvcrti8irts:
[,' TON
----- ..- --
i~ to~,r?:'V~;I~~:~ ~ii~g~:i::~t~~le~:.mlI- ~~:!~~: ':;:U~~~3~d~~: ~:~t;a:! ,are receiving the Finest Assortment of REAUY-TO-
our .-lru"giet, WEAR GARMENTS yet oifel'ed. No Narrow Skirts IIf1 tbl s week a ttendin g the Uruggls ta The Old Maids' oarnlv,,\ given 8 . 13 ; F Laoy" O. F . : W . Kruer, R . 'I'hlB tA "remedy that livery film (Jonventlon ut Detroit. hiloh Frldny an d S~turdu.y ulghtll was F, and R. Dl\vls, . L. F. ; Umplrell Ily IIbould be provided wltb, and liS TIHue will be no meeting at the .. groat 81VlOOSII finuDchilly ADd oth er. Borfllce aDd Jaokson, The loore was 'eam 5 to 4neede in f ..III vor of Ly'le . All I II y . d nrIng' h ellomlD e ., montbs . \ M. E . ohurc h 8 nu d IIY, J une 27', 1.1. wise, Those who assumed the re the 1''''''' a good manager Gingbam Print House Dresses .$~.OO up l'bln~ of the JIIlln and Botterlng tha\ Thev will ~o to tbe FrleDde oboroh s p onsi billty .118 well nsU,e p.utIOl . f If tbey have the material .. nd the All Wool Cashmere Dresses .. $5.7'5 up must be ondured wb('n medloine Bnd ~lIl!i8t In makloa it a day t hllt plLntll in the ou rDlvCll Ilra rooel vlog splri. to make a good team . Dyke IIIUlit btl t:lHDt for or before relief Cd n wilt long be rernem hered. hlghBl!t prnlso and oongratnlatlonK !lnd R . Uobhar. who recentl, played All Wool Suits·..... . .. ~ .... $8.75 up be ob$IIlnOO . This remedy: is thor J Hamilton BO~Rn, one of ODr for th eir ('ffortll. with WAynesville, were the lIat. Spring Coats ............... $5.00 up oughly reliable . Ask any one who lead ing groonrymen, was atleneling A nu m ber from Springboro &t- leries for Lytle. Dyke oll.ngM tbfl te nded 11 ritm oe lit Phil ::Spenoe'8iD gllme 00 aooount of thfl abieooo of balU8l'l:1 1& Obtainable everywhere oourt liast week U\l jurvmon_ Spring Underwear... . . . .. . . IDe up • • • FrJl,nll tlhldaker, dellier ID fine Ridgeville Wedo€sdtlJ e'vening . their re,nlar O&tober B. R . Uebbarl Middys. , .................. $1.00 up horseS "od ClAtt.ie, "hipped ~ obulo l:!u uday. Jone 201h. W Il8 K. of P . and he did very oreditable work. 10\ of o"l·tln tb Olnolnuatl lBst week , Dooor-t t iou OilY. Mr. Ell lis, grtt.nd The great feat ores of ths game were Military Ox('n Petticoats Silk ... _..... _... $1.00 up and (ouod ready lillie for I,h em. c hlln ce llur of !ltl~te, was the speaker. the masterly pl,ohiDg of Gebho.rt In House Aprons.............. 25c up Mre. Chilli. ) Ellie III Im proving In aud B08dio 'ij JlllDd of Fnnklin, for. the plnobell and 'be fielding of Allen Imagine a .dal!hlng French oav~\r:v be81th us w II »B Is I)Oeelble M tar nislled th e mosio, ~mlth . Tbe grands\and play of the Aprons for Dresses. . . . . . . .. 75c up "moor riding off '0 war upon an ox I Mooh a BOvere ope rntion MI6 M. ·E. DllrJinllt on I~ etl lllying game WB8 when tlmith leaped hlah " To be 8ure wo have heArd of 80hller~ Children'S Dresses.. . . . . . . . . 50c up Allnt Mary Jane CI .. ver who Is I~t th e pOInt of den tb at b er Milin into tho air find nllbbed a wild pitob who rode clellhantil, and mnles-bul q aile poorlv is I!pendln!t s6verRl st.reot b001 0 from ri ght tleld .aud OIIooght tbe CORSETS- Nemo, for Stout Figures, an ox I 'the French leland of Mad- oays with herdauglltor, Mrs . George G 60 B ok ,,"d family we r e Day_ runuer lit seoond, thus resoaleg In IIgll8Ollr. bDwever. p088088e!J A whole Davis. of Wellman. BA~NHART, A'merican Lady, front and back: late, . toll vl Rlt ors Itl~t Tn~ srlay .· a double plo.y . 15 strlkeoots were regiment of o.z en "cavalry," tbe Mr. nnd Mrs. Elvin Fires und ored ited t o Gebbart Dod II to Abram Gossard, all styles, fomlly, of lIear W.ynosvlllo, w" r e Mips ~' Ioret'lo Bat,h WBY bl\8 r e , (the Rldgflville pltoher ) The ~eam only one In oxistence . The l .. a8:)O ~otary PubliC for ~hts Is tbll 'sot tbat borll6l1 O~n. S nndl1y ' vlsitors of Mr. ,,011 Mrs turned to Detroit IIftor (J. IIl el~elln t will be grel\tly strengtbened for Frolaset, front lace. visit With bome folks. next !:Innday's gllme wilh tIllI rOj!'ulnr AU kinde of NO&ary Work. Willi not Rurvlve 'be o\lmaCll of the ooun- Mil t on Howe try aod thersfure a IInbtlUtuto bad Mr. lind MrR. Lewis Beors nud ~on, ,d.ls@.ll1o e ,B1sh opi spe.l dlllg" f3w olltoher belllnd th e bat ntHl R. Rur. Rugs, Window Shades and Linoleum and Deeds • Hpeoia",. to bo Ilrovlded. After numerous Boward, of J jifl'orsoLlvllle, c!llIe(l on ell~Y ~ ill Fronklln this wel. k. net at short. Everyone h o\lrdl .. ,ly will be in. experlmelitl, oxen were doolded np. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Millon Howe for MI s~ Ro wen f~ Wr lgltt" o r Rod Lion, Invitod to o.ttend the next game, on ftl the 0008 ;' 8uOO8llM'ul moon\II, R week'~ visit .. ttenc1ed tho Old Mllldl!l' carel va l • __ ...___- - and they have bSlln trained' to plllDr nnd Mrs . .1llmes WRrd, of h or e Irlet :Sot-ordIlY evenliJg. • _ _ _ _ oen Clet with IInrllrllllnlJ .,1t1ll. al- Cresoou\ Vlllloy Farm, were Suuday Read your own Miami Gazette DR. J. ,;W. MILLER. though of oonrl!6 tbey Are not very goests ot W .. ynesvllle frl ondll . ... W. W. Wllllonwhoballrepreel'ntKpe£dy,-'l'he Amerloan Boy . OHIO XENIA ed' The H. W . J ollns Munville, Co, ... DENTIST••• of N tl w York, In Ken too ky for t,be pRIlt. Yl'lIr, will 111110 rOl'rClsont. thf\fT. RESTORED TO GOOD HEALTH 10 Virgillin. and T elln"IIt-1ef', Bis "1 wall Blok for four yel\rll ocvtt.l1 nlAOY fri ends will be glad to loom Mr. aud Mrs. Raywond WIl'OIl domaob trouble," wrltee Mn. Otto of hie eucoe88, We are alwl1Ys In. hEld 11 11 tltllir guest.s t:lnnd8.V, ,100 OW- A Holstein Cow, fresh lind OlasstBad Ads Ganll, Z.m811V1Ilo. Ohio, "I lost terellted 10 thA .welflire of our young 8hllm lll1ugb IHld fluuil y, of n ellr n good one_ Inqolre of Uavls weigH and ' flll& 110 weak thllt I III· men wbo are oltlklng tbelr murk In Ne w Rurlingto.l, lOud Rill sell Slina· All Kinds or Furnlls, R. D. 2, Waynellvllle, Ohio. moet Kave up hope ot beIng oured. the bl1slneS8 world. ley"nel f"mlly, of Port WIl.liIIUl . jeSO A friend told me aOOu' Chamber1'bom" tI Welsb, who h'a!! been In J (J8~0 t.Inlne~ bad t ho misfortune Real Estate Transfen FOR RENT laln'a Tablllt8, and IIlnee using two Fe. Dodge, Iowa, Ilmployed by to lOBe Olle of hlf:l fine <Dolts , It Is AMILY Mare. bllY. weigh llGO bottles of them I have boon 0. wl'lI 1\ largll horllware store for s everal thon g h t It WIlS straok by IIghtnlog poonds. ~ood worker, brings G rl\nt and Ella Hnook to Phoebe womlln" Obtalnablo everywber!'l. YBKr8, Is IDIlklng his ptlrent8. Mr. ~ .. t urda y evenlDg. nice oolts. Will let on . trial to TeBilruer oor\h Ilalt of lot No, 128 In - ---,.•• - • . and Mrs. W. W . Weloh, a two Mr. Rud Mrs. W. E. Boga n find ROOMS for light boulleileeplng, sponl!lble party. Inquire at ollice, wt1ek'lI vlsl'. Tom Is m eotln!!: w' t h Mr. and lire. Orville 0o mJ'ltoD nod Lcba"Jon, '1. already fnrnl.hed, wl,h modern lSuc:cnaor to Dorothy and C. M , Downs to A Secret Defined 8U!l00ll1l I\nd his many friends Ilro son antoed t·o PIOttll1nt Grove to at· rerms roo8on,ble. Louille find J . M. Nlobl8! lot No. [j(j7 oonvenienoe8, Btlbt\orlbers to tbs MoCall '8 proud of blm. Be r.eport,1I that hie tend m eeting t:illndRY . F. E. SHERWOOD J lll'q aire at thi8 omce. jn23 In Frlln kiln, '50. Yagflzlne. Send 350 $0 tbe b~other Ullbert II! getting I\loug fin e Mr. Rnd Mr8. J. S. Luu nlln~ Rnd liazetu omee, and get one of the Andrew Cox to Mary I . Cox lot Illld e njoylnJl gom\ healtb, nnd later Qftr I''''lolf'''~, Waynesville, O. A IIOOre' IB A tblng whloh .you on In Cbe Bommer be w111 mllke his Mr. and Mr~. Halph L ellrning Imll No. 32 In Month Park Subdivision to bee, m ..sas1nes on eadh. $I 'daogliter, EdnlL, wllr o g u,~sts 01 Mrs. Ollke Phon,. 77 HoUIC Phone (I:a oOmml1nlOIl'e to ono whom you O l~n parobte fl visit. Lebaeon' , $1 . 'rut Be In torn 'eUs it to 110m BFOR BALE Mr Ilnd Mrl1. lSllao ' .\!:vanA, ()f &rnh Pjlwors, of Port ' W\lllllm, &brle Boyle te J. W, .Boyle lot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ,body that he Ol\n trost. Iln4 that Xenl~, were t:lllnda y guests of Mr. t:iunday. No.61 In ·Univerlll\y Belght!! lub. = Bomebudy revll8ls It to lIuotbllT and Mrs, Frank SllldlPtker, of Maple !::level'ol X~ ein BhoPllelrs the pil8t division to Lebaoon, f1. somebody wh,)m be oan trust. And Btreo', weok. LANTS-Celsry and otber garW . B. Dlnwlddte \0 C. C. I:Urouse 110 U 10011 the roo~ds, bat Il ill 1It11l a . 8&!Ie b .. ll wae Indulged In !:Iunday. . Bornoo UIlUlI)ton lind family !lnd den plllnlll fc.r IIBle . Inquire of WaY.Ile"me'e Leadin, DeIlU" . ' l180re', a1\boogh everybody knowlI \t Thll Oregonia nine played onr bOyR John Bellcb aod wife oa.lled 011 8 36 aoreB in Wayne 'ownBblp ____4'. Cbu. StroUll8, R. D. G, We.ypeev11lp, om.oe III KeYB Bldg. '730.62. MlltD S Ch1l8 . Harner and family 8unday aud 'be results wero In f"v)r of our j7· Oharlee Clevenger to ~. M. Shadel Ohio. home nine. Alit the boys how bod Ilftornoon . and R, Earl Bevia put of lot No. STOPPED Auto _Livery Serylce at they were beatea. Zirurl Bo.loee entertained t:lund"y, 829 In Franklin, $1. rJMT YOUR FARMS-Use oor Y 00 don 's neec.l to Aotlllr \bOllfl IIg ~----Walter WlI~ on and wIfe and John Rates ' _ onlzlng nerve IIalnll ID the .' 10M , oloth hunting IIlgnll. Wllllasl George W Byera \0 8 1.1 Shl\rt,le Wilson and fl1mlly Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Ho'new lind R. Earl Bevle lot In Franklin, for yearm. Gazdte Offioo, Wavnes · . \Joud, arm, Bhouldlll'lt, 0lw8t and baok CONSTIPATION CURED OVERNIGHT Misa ~lllbel I:!&arr III attending II. . For Oou~h. and Colda. Ohio, j21 villo, All10 Arcat for KeU,.-Sptinafield JUMt apply It few droJlfl of 800\hln(,l A IImAI1 dOS8 or Po- Oo-Lllx tOlllgll I summer sohoo' at Oxford. Automobile TirCli 810&n'8 Liniment; lie q ole&l:v a few aod yon enJoy B foil, free easy bowel 1..01\11. D. RQana,le til Brioe B. 1.uther HBlnes Weldon Wibon, Worley In lot No, 235 in Lebanon. lulnute8. Yoo wlll ge~ snoh relh,l movement 'n . ~he · mornin g. No Rud oomf~rt I Life and the world ~riplng, for Po Do LnlCl~Podophylln Ulive Wilson and Frances WilBon $1. will look brighter. Got 110 bottle to. M.y '~pple)wlthout the gripe . Po autoed to Ollmden, Ohiel. tIOtnrdav, Mra . B. W. MOLaID to Thom&8 E. Horlloe Compton an.d wife a.nd nnd E. E. Shepperd part of lot No.• day. 3 onuOBtl for 2liO" a\ DruggIBt~. 00 llax ('orr~ott\ t,he OOOS!! of ConPcmt!trates wlshoo' rl,lbblng .. litipat\on bv arousing .t.be Llv.er, ID- Mn. Dl\vls Farnall arl3 &stending 0" Seotlon :lS, T . 4 R. 2 M . R: 8 .. "alley Phone ~1Y. orea_lng Ule flow 01 bUe. · Bllo II .the Ohio . tHaw !dunday Sobool ooD- 11)00. ~1"t1le'8 arlt.lseptlQ In tbe bowe.ls. V4lntloD held 6i Zau8svtale . . u. E. Sheeta '0 John W. Sbeeta. Barn Starr 6nd family wore the \lndl videll one halt Intere•• In 26,~2 With proper amoQnt of bite. dlge. tlOll ill OOw,11I II! ~rreot, No R118, gllestll of Robert . Urll.Y And f"mlly aores In Glearoreek township $1 no fermentation, no ConsUpat1on . las't Sunday. Pap~r ,.Margllre' b'ox et al to .rllnnie OJ. Oon't ' be Blok, nerV01J8, lrrUBbll'. MillY Edith Laird. of Oamden Eitel 2 traocaln Turtleoreek tpwo. Get, a bot~le of Po-Oo Lax from yo Dr Uhlo,'is the !rllee' of Olive WilBon: shIp $1. Drn~glilt now and oore your Con. Mr. Fry is In very I>()(~r health. Edith g , I\nd II, W. Beokwlth to LIVE STOCK AND , aENa~AL 8Mpa'''ln overolght. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd BaDe W. C, Torton 10' No. 13 In Bien', JUDe 21, a 800. AUCTIONEER addltlon' to LebanOD, 1100. W'&'~SVILLE, Th& 8erMn I:\upd.i ISohool ola.. Probate Court Proceedl. . met at tbe hDm.e of 'Olive Wlleon , , ' ToeadllY evening. ~EAL BSTATB & ~NSURANCB In the m.~ter of the _.'e or Freel FornI". Luollfl BUlhmaD, d&anley N. "amelOn, deoeaaed, Anna Furnal! Bod MI'8, I"'VlI i'urnaa ('.aan approv_ prooee41np uade, "tood to payton olle d1~y 11&11' week, former ordsr, Office in Stoops- Building Mr. and lin, Raletlh 80ltan a\. 10 'he matter or l'IQ7d Sa..... ,hnd8llmeeil01 at New Hope SOD. AppUoatloa 101' a4mllatOD or _me da,., &0 o.,,01l8..se boIpltal II malle, ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-"!"_...;~-------~~ M '
E. V.
Hutchison & Gibney
-- -----
A. R. Chandler
· -11-s' R 3y M 1
..-- ..-------
CorWin, Ohio
N. Sears
Painting, Hanging, Auto and Carriage Painting.
Waynesville, Ohio
.hop Next to aheN "od's aara.elMaln at
The L bali(Jn Chautauqua will be 1) r. heiu ut Hl1t'1!)Ol1 J'al k July !I-H . ~I.\ d,lYll of I wo pl'ojfrlJl1ls n day Per· Mundll ml!l$ioll wil l b gl \'en to rt'~ 1 onei ble l "r"ol1~
call.p c,n tr.'
Savin2'.., For Tri-S ate It.lIi~
(I \': L' J I
non ! 'lIrk . 'a.~OIl li~hl8 :1 ;;0: tll .J.'; ye r~ . ~. l.OO, (,hil r!r n fron' I children urnl r Ii y II r ~ , Crt!. Tid · I eL~ lind folder" cnn be had .al J lI n· n ey '!! d rug stor .
s E1.1.I
.1 , .. ,lIe.,"
Ihe -tl t'i,1 I ruell! we are now l,rlCe", \. nt'''' furl\ i ~ h Cbn!!.
(; l 'l'F:A : Ttl
I '~
TI'I·.'1',\·fi': 1!-3
"a t , "uvin", 1, 1' 1'1 1'; I tw vaillallie ... him milk fol r r... ·d.ifl)I·)Jurl'l):lt' , Till' i-tO IJI' c l ,',\m ~'lll lit' ~hipJ1(!d ' lit linteR i'\!I1VPnI'nt III t h e Hhil pe r . Shi ~lml'nt" twice U W 'l k ill the WBrm wenth . - - - - - - - - \'r per lll it" ' r !lilt 10 uni v ' in good condit.i on
Th e Tri·Slal e Offers Eve r.~ Possible Induccmenl for Yellr CrOllm Our G1IIIfOll tcc III ~urcs Every ClIn Agalllsl Loss or Dum. age in Trun.11. W e Pay Spot Cash.
FftrlUe r IJ.rI; vljry hosy 'l'ub/t.cOO s Uiug beiol!! t b ", o rd 'lr of tll o ll"y . Mr. onl\ Mn. ' h .. rl v Tb o mll ~. or Troy , e nl er l·ain ed com pn n y troll)
,\1n n l' 'tl1p[l,r~ " vt: r:l ~l' rrlll1l 'l!'i. ll(l t .. $ f•.UO vcr t'bW pe r yr·ar ( L'o m th e hlllt.: n f Ilut. Ler
'1' th,· 'lt l m.'" lil'pro' '~i'll
,r, i h.-r llt'l
5 gallon size · $1.50 each n nd U gallon si2e · · .$2.00 each
R t hinl{ II ',j l)l'IltmJ,t MI\'!kn ~iJ n sll " lei bl' Ililidp I I dir,'c or of Ull r·
MI llmiHbu r l; l3uod~y . TRI· Mr and Mrs. u ri l'herw oo() ADd Capital Stock Capital Stock STATE ll'tle @on . Morris I,ook elinn e r wltll blspure :lt s. Mr !lod Mrs , MnrriH R('v.nnJ l\1r~ .. J F BUTTER $75,000.00 $75,000.00 SbilrWood. I and I i ,,~ t ' Jfir:! I.il ., \1' .... CI~CL~N'\rJ. F . E. nllrteook hlld " Vlllllllble ilor l'u'!Rn;l\' o. borse on' with b ..rb wite. T'he 511;0 of Safety First Mr. and Mrs. b:dwlud Brown Rnel ! ~I r. ~ Jld 1 r~ . 1·:ll1w r I(o",o r>l lind . . . . . .n=. .~&B.a~ ~~, ~~~~~~~• . two ohildren, Jean ett.e noel Nelsoll i r.~ r: 1·.~t\I·'II:lIJ;.·r~ II e n ' llarlOl. spe nt S unda y wl\h his mothM .. DO i vl:)llors rUI ·.d,l) ai.ter, MI~ . Julin and Mis8 Bernul Brown . , 'peciul IflU '; I,' HI "I. ~Iury'" cllllrct. H-!I-Tell thc Allvcrt i cr y ou I?ra ti Ihe All III the MiamI Gazelle Leroy E . n .. r tsook haH rol,aroed Su nday 1111) nll l~ . ' 11'- . . l:ar llJII Ii. I from De troit, Miob .. lind will UlIlkll I 1C('lIv m il , UII! I,I' lofl 'rlory ~Io . '8 ~b o n "~BY with his pIlreu tll. I . Mrs. Mary Jatle ~tUI1lJ1 rlil'd in Mrs. C laren oe Fo ulko relh Is iru. :\ Ii Muli!'l ::;a i· hlln· arrlvcd horn ,' \Jl'in ,fj" ld al th e O hio MU80n ic proving "lowly. l:I er lOnny rrl oods MOIIJny e l't.'llI ":t , ulLOr:l two w(,pk . · lI ume lust 'vVedn!!~day. T ht' b od y Bn(l neighbors will ho " Ia rl to fo e vi ~il with r 'Iii iv 'R in' . wa rk. hio . I\'a~ bro1lght he re Friday and u s horl ~e l· l1ice . con ducted by Rev. Sargen t. b e rnhout ber b ouRllhold datio~ ll[(lliD a. ber I'loknes! b,,~ lJeen IODg BUll I ~Ir. alltl Mrs. ,I i.'!'~'~ Burton, Mr~. of lJar ve~·~bu r g. touk place at 'the tedious . O. \\'. M . l~k .111111 Mi .s['s Lillinn Far - chape l. The budy wus interred 111'. MoillB Murl o Hllrtsock Bnd ReuUe- QUt.-IT :lnt! L av!)nn!! Hllrlon weTe s ide that of h e r husband. who di ed WilD fr iend attended the C hildre n ' ~ gu c . ts o f fril'n d ~ III d r ela tives in . cver a l y e:lI'fl Il){O. Day exeroi801 at .Bollhrook S undRY Ui ll ll ch p,; l er TlIc::.da:. eveulng Mrs. J ohn Lind er tlied Ul her h Ollle Sev e rn I of t h e Ferrv p6flple W OOl L " man ilvl'r . who ' ra iLUlted from to LJe nter vllle to soe " Ten N ights iu Ohi:, Sta l l' { l ni ver~ il y. un Wedn - we~l of tn~r n on t.h e Utica road 'un· The garage is a motor car clinic. II BIIrroom.· · .... got)d crowd WII ~ J ay Hta rl I n n .'fhu nld ay t" ForI day evening at l) o ·cl .. ck. Mrs. Linpr~sent and ve ry ono did t lleir Va :Jey. ; a .• Lu ll8S1 1 in ca ri Ill' for d.,. had uee n in in ill health for a long time anti was r ecently taken to Mi' kinds of cars with kinds (lart pxoeed lnl! l~ well. an illl m en ~e crIl l) o f lll'fl~hC!l . 1I11li Hospital al Dayton . b UI un Opt r . Mrs. Tom Turoer h as 1110 mumps. of symptoms and diseases atio n a/ron led no re li ef. T he fun erWesley Bll l1bBW b!ls jast finished .1 r. and M rR. Mauricl' Silver and I wi ll take place t hi >! mor ning a t 10 come there to be cured. pailltln~ th e beliu,Ual llowe of Ed . S tukes Sil vf'r Rpenl lwu days in Col. o' clock Interment in Miami ccm ~ · i:ltrolld . um hus I&st wee k BnN att nded tht! t e ry . Ask th e surgeon In overalls about Mors. Anron 8e:U 8 returood to he r rt!el' plion fll r paren ls und t( rnd uat . Hupmobile. hOlDe In Dayton. alter onJoyl ng anJ the COllllll encemrnt 'xe rcises a t William !{ich , 72 years of ng~r d ied a wee k with b e r dKaghtere. I th e U ni v cr~ iIY . at h is home ncar Htlrveysourj! . He tell you tha t many of them come T uesday mor n ing Funeral se rv-ic "~1 Mr. and Mre. JIiBle!! ThowuA and 1 . for gas and oj!. Bon Lawrenoe vl81ted friends nelir T he f(}l\ o"ling pc (lIe atlended the will b he ld at the home. Thursd !lY Loveland Sunday, fu n ra l of 13 E. Lippincot t Thurs· mrir nin ).l at 10. o'clock . . Illte rnwllt 4'But .. mighty few," he add, "for Mr . Wilford Elllo" bid tb e wis. day aft er noon : Mr. I\n Mrs A. K. in Miami Ceme t erv. fortune to lose & valnaille OOW . Genrg . Mr. a nd Mr . Wm . B. repalfs " Mr • . Esbel 'l'llomae and ollUdren R.u n n~1I8: Mi!15 Mary Belle Ge rg , vtalce(} ber parents, Mr. and MrA of W J1mm~ to n •. Dnd ~ r. a~tl Mrs. 4'1 have no reason to 'booRt' Hupmobiles ., he IS READY r-OR SALE l>A rES
.. co.
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
H. MADDEN & CO. Corwi~, Ohio,
Ask the Garage Man
- - -...
P. L.
eOTIl' . oj- LJetrOlt, MI 'h.
.. - - -
.Jesse t.nnley. wllo. h6S just grad ua t ed from t.he J on es Au tioneering , hool at hieago. is home and is ready for sale dales . it wou ld h thn1l violence. and many tblo g8 wblch well to see him, as he ha!' some new callnot be overcome wben th ey are toI.IILJlh ~ r HOn !!ll,l. the PII1·t}ou of ideas in the auclioneering .Iine. r Both r yield. themselvea up when her Ro n from t ill> ti r ~ t N ttpol ei>n. call him, 146 mutual phone. N ew ken little by lIttle.- Plulnrch. 'l'bo em pornr !'l l\i d it w.',s bl s seoond Burling ton. Ohio. llffeu Be /t.II U jus l i" B uAUlllntle I his deatb . '!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ " I don 't IIsk fur i tlStic.A." Slid Ihe • • motl ~ r . " 1 pltll<d for meroy " Late CIB14Slfled Ads " But. " 8l1hllh (tllmperor , "h o does , not desm VB mor oy ." -,-- , " /:iiro " orl ed tbe mOliler , " It wonld -.~ --.------Aor811 Deaf Ly~le. fairly well \l ot 110 morcy if he cl ose r d It. lind Miamis VS . Harveysburg Improved, lIome fruit. Prloo ill m PfOY Is /Ill I tl s lr f ) r !" right If Bold soon Inquire 01 A. A .. Well , 1 b n," p/lld N 6 (loloon, "I A,.t 'Ball P ark_ nday, J_unp,..27th . See_ MoN~U. Uenterville. Oblo Roth i will have IIPr ('y !" "Groasy Bill" anti " Chie Harvey ." phono8. · je30 And lwr 8 1'U wile s~ved . Gs'm e cal\eu 2:30: Come!
Napoleon fersuaded
Perseverance But. Porseve rance Is more pre valllnl
31 C
He is .its frie~d !Jecause he loves a good earand he can t help saying so. He is always a Hupmobile booster. Let us add t~ his testimony with · a Hupmobile demons tratlon.
\.~~~~=J. B. Chapman, Agent
- ---
The Miami Gazette Office
Canning Supplies
"$1 50
We are offering this "Family Group" at a ridiculously low price. The McCaU's is the best l\l agazine in the country, while Home
~~!~:?n:~~~~ sides this you get and the Miami tremely low priee
!~~~;:~:adi~~~t~~ a MeCan pattern Gazette at the ex-
SERVIS~ Waynesville, Oh.lo
Little Chick and Hen "'eed. Fine and Coarse Cracked Co rn
_.~ ...r?I~~~,~a~Eh~j••~MA~·~6@~A6.a."e
Kiln Drit:!<! Corn Meal
The Miami Gazette .. . .... . . ..... .$1 McCall's Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . One McCall .Dress Pattern. . . . . . . . Home Life.. . ..... . . ..... ......
00 I 50' .. ,; All for 15 ONLY 2.5
: : : ::::
which eon.leb of theee thr_ well-known rn c..:!BZlnea - all one full yea r.. Value 01 rnaeazJ nea alone• • 1.00. Also " ny one McCall Pattern FREE
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.~~.
' 1
Bring llil your. Eggd ClJsh o r trade for the m fit high est I prices. It pal 8 til trade at : I
j $1.50
New Irish Cobbler Potatocs:i~~~="'----~!'~.... -~~~~~!!!!!!'~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!" New Home Grown Cabbllge - --- - --- - - .- .. and Green Beans
PeoP;~~~P~I~ M~~tb.IY: : :
We,1 door tn tht! WUYllcsville Aut o und 1!I1a l: lti nery Co.
Prices on large
WaynesvUle. OhlOi
IlaviD ~: instatled the la t es t m a chine ry ' for Vulcani zing T ires, [ solicit your patronage, and will gUllralltl'e Lhe work to be as Good as fhe Best. Give Ille a call. w he th ~ yo u wish -work done or not. I 'ill ue glad to explain the Vulcanizing process t o y ou.
======AT HOME =====
M850n Pint Jars a dozen ........ 45c Mason Quart Jars a dozen ..... 50 c We sell the Best ltubber Rings in town. a dozen ...... 5 and 10c E-Z Seal ,lars. M850n Jar Tops. Sealing Wax, Tin Lids
He will tell you that the Hu~mobile is a wonder. He w~ll confirm what you alrc41dy have eome to behey:that the Hupmobile stands up under eondltlOllS that would kil.l a car less stuIdy . . He will tell you that the Hupmobile motor is a wonder-a glutton for hard work. • T~e ga;age man is ~he friel!d of the H~pmobile ~n spite of thefaet hat It does not swell his Incorne_ .
will say with a grin. "They dell'lI pprt;i()~larly help my business." After that admission, listen to wh.at he has to say. He knows cars, .
- ..---
Perry Pope SundDY.
Allen 34
Barton H. Kelly
ALLEN 34-$895
\focal lreacher
r Phone 1~6-3
___,_... .' you've ev:er
We' tln "houle 11.« h tin g on d 8 IRI"tln u: .
L an" 6tro:ke motor lAUen) C)'lI nde,. on bloc. 9" In . • 5 In. ' U nit [lO'Ner plnnt witH 3-l1otnt oUBPenaton.
Third St.
EV lIry mov tn K part
Waynesville,. Ohio
W.Iter McClure" Funeral Director. Telephone day or nigh' Valley phone No.9: Lana Dt.anoe No. 8t-llr. AutomObile 8ervlce at all Tim. .
BnacIa OIIee.llarfepbarc, 0.
en ..
ctonct 12·tndl brake. w ith equ.t .. b ere. t 10-1ne b wh.ealbft le. W ~ston·M ou •• Ie. .32 J[ 3U Inch lire • • Demoun1 18bla rlm L
Your J\1len .will be a constant source of pleasure to. you and your family, because it is free from mechanical indiscretions. .
It can be operated at a minimum total cost per season for oil, gasoline, tires and repairs, ~ve other moclels-$875 to $1395 . As~: (or a catalog-~de in the AlIen ..... then decide. ...
TIle .Allen Motor 00. FOA~~a,
Ee W., RICKS" Agent
\~jj.:yrF'~~~~~· sa:;;o;r---wa)ne8Yllle.tOhlo
!mER E . a store-a.-t cn ·(·eut. store and a five cent . ~lore as. well, WIth hargalll many, many more than thIS 'pace permits to tell. SOTE THESE FEW
lIlc IFr:~~:~. :.i~I~~. .~o,r~ ~~~~.
A.prons, dainty for after. noon weat' . . . . . . . .. ... . Aprons • .1arger for your housework ..... . .....• IOe Neek ties, 'For the summer wi\1 'be in Saturday .... . lOe
Fans, small. .. ........ .... . lOe Tumbler. 4 for . .•..• . .•• lOc
Vegetable or ' Fruit Presses lOe
Vegetables Ladles .. : . . •. , Meat Ponnders , .,. . .... Bread Toasters.. .. ...... Screw Drivers .• , , . . .• 5c, Small Lantern •• ,...... . .
lie 6c: 10e
IDe 100
WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, ~'EIrESDAY _~1!_ l:.'-:~_ C)l fi
• Sixty-Seventh Year
TOLD BY fORMER CITIZEN Dan Anderson Continucs Hi. Inter· Citing "Memories" of History
of W~yne.vJlle
'JOIlIUl Sands and John E . Klein ran. dry good II store where the Howell store stande, and J am hete to rceord the only freol·wiII ofi'eringwithout a string to it- made to me. by them, the 19th ~ay of April, 186l. It was tWO full Auita woolen underwear: Others. unaolicited. made extraordinary favorable, sa well u un· necesaary promises-that were not kept. Later on, ' however, A . E Merrit in Bn article in the Miami Visitor. QuesUoned tha genuinnetl80f the patriotism ot thOllC who had nol offered, U}l t.o that time. to "go in regardless." W88 81 glad to offer the enticing Bum of 350 to 460 dollafIJ, for a living hero. to stand-maybe to run 8 8 opportunity oft'l!reil, and folks at home felt a senae of lItICurity, even at so much per. Here i8110me history not found In "The HistOry of Warren County. Uhio" of soldiers who served from '61 to '66. No mention. whatever. i8 made u to Dan, Saln, and Eli Andel'llo", and all three went at Lincoln '8 fir!t call. Sam went in the 16th Indil\na, Dlln and Ell in the lilt Kentucky. '['he 1st lind 2nd Kentucky was raifled in Cincinnati. Ohio. 88 an honor-to Mayor Ander· IOn, of Jo'ort Sumoter f ..me, and' accepted u a tarlht'r incentive for Kentucky to remain in the Union. And ehe did!
Evangelistic Day Evangelistic dllY at the Orthodox Friends Church Sunday was well observed" the weather being Ideal. Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mra. Small. Miss Barrett, Rev. Frank Barrett. Rev. and Mrs. Frank - Millner. all of Leesburg. Highland Co •• Mr. and MI'II. McCoy and daughter, and MiBB Elsie McCoy. of Wilmington; Mr. and Mrs. Ttussel Murray. of Oregonia. . . . The subject of the m(lrnmg 8889lon "Why do I attend Sunda~·school" W88 well handled by MiBB Elsie McCoy, of Wilmington. followed by remarks by other of the visitors. After a most .baunteeus dinner the meeting again ~onvened at 2 o'clock to listen to the talkson "Why should 1 be a Christian, and what are my oblijIations to the church." This subject beinlr handled in a forceful manner by the Rcvs. Millner. Barrett. Murray and our own Mrs Martin. The meeting 'cIosed all feeling that it had been a day of advance · ment and II day well spent. We wiab allo to thank the Gazette for the .plendid annc.uneement given us in last week'il iBBue.
J M. Taylor was a Dayton visitor Saturday. Mrs. B. B. Kelly was in Cincin· nati Friday_
............., ........, ..., ......, ... .,._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _....
THE' ,MIAMI TEAM S0:::' ::'''~::~::: o,~::~ IPI eNIC fOR
5TH I w,,~~:::::~ :~~:'i~:f kh!"i ANN UAl BAN~UET
have ormea an a ociation to carry .on the wOl'k of tle~rcloping n eeries WIN A OAME FROM THE HAR- of uburban Days in Dayton. OF THE M. E SU DAV.SCHOOL The first Suburban ' Day wllll 'heid VEYSBURG ORAGONS this week Wednesdslt From now AND CO 'GREGATION on there will be a . ubur ban Day every .Wcrlne day in Dayton.
Iy (7) Il88lsled . In hIS own s urpr~ ('. ~aturday e~eOlng. when. u pon arrlvIIlI;l' at Carlisle. hc was met .by a su r· prls~ p~rty ra~h e r than a f r~end. \\ h.o had IIlvlte~ hIm to' take a m lc III hIS new machme. . _ . After the q Ui et of the slo rm they
~~~?' ;~;ask:.~ HElnU IH HOUGH GROVE .;~~~~e~Pi~~i~t~~~et~n~~~~~~~~: THE GAME WAS EXCITING I di~:~f;o~O~~y~t~r Mr. Wright who is halld ling the camgen~ral was enjoyed by MarIe A BIG CROWD PRESENT paign. I Laughlin. Pearl and Clay tOil Swartzel In
"Suburban Days are 11111nne sole· ed 0 "Qrellsy Bill" Lynch Struck Out ·Iy to serve the peopl,a wllO come to Read the Rules T Il Ob 0 ~ serv n Dayton from t ho ou tsirle cities. towns, Seventeen BaUers-Oame Gocs and far ms." was the answer. ~hat Day-Don t Forget "The stores will t? some ext nl ; I Your Baskets Ten long Innings make Suburban Day a bargain day, but that is not lhe only idea. "We expect ve ry s oon to induce . . There WRS joy in the hearts of the th e railroads and 'electric lines lo The committee apPointed . on. I~t Wayneaville base ball f ans last Sun· . d . d Sunday to find II place for the PICniC r~gu Iar excursIOns at re uce has decided that it be held' Huh' day evening-the Miamis won atenth · run fa~.es Into Da~t(\!1 on Wednesd ays . Grove. ' III 0 g s inninll' victory trom the HarveysOur 1l880~l atl on proposes that All perRona not having their own burg team with their erBck pitcher. "Greasv Bill" Lynch. in the box. A every peraon who comes ':0 Dayl~n conveyance will please be at the glance at the box score shows that shall be. hontlStly and, satisfactorily church at 10 o'clock Monday, July the fielding of· both teams ' WBII way ~ reated If he. or. she deals at any.st<;Jre 15th . where automobiles wlll be wai tbelow the standard !let by the splen- In our assocJat~on. ~he .!Il!SOClatlOn ing to tak e thEm to the grove. You did pitching by both Barnard and guaralltee~ thIS, That 18 why we cannot afford to miss this p'cni Home department and c~adl~-roll Lynch. nevertheless, the teams were have selecte~ an emblem for ?ur pretty evenly matched and the game stores. a trlangull!lr seal !,eadl!1g tolks especially invited. as well ' as W88 decidedly interesting from the truth. value, . servIce. ~o ,IdentIfy all friends of the school. What to bringtime Barnard pitched the fi, st ball themselves \~Ith ~he assocl.atton, our ~ur st~rp.s ~III lhsplay tins e~~lem "A ligbt heart and a heavy basto Schuler until Kurfis hita two· base In t?elr. Wlnrl,?WS ,!-nd adve.rtlslDg. ket" smash bringing Gustin in from sec · SUltCIl9~ deSIgn rr. udmg Suo No one udmitted who has a sour and with the winning run in the last The burban Day In D!lyton." IS another face. of the tenth. Th e Waynosville band has kindly Pitchinll' honors were about even, o.f our emblems ' mtend.ed l~.emphathe Suburban Day Idea. consented to furnish music for the both twirl ers doi ng Bpl endid work . SIZ.~ W feel, nillo , thut ,People near· day. Lynch atruck out five more bat ters Tho re~ull of the recent attendthan did Barnard, but the latter had Dayton. do no apprecIate aR th~? I'y far the better control and was the may when we t~1I them abou.t I . ance contesL between the \'oung steadier in the _pinches when nerve theoman v entertainment atdtractll~kns ladies and young gentlemen will be ayton. ot only woul we I e a ed t S d t'S d and control count for the most. The of t.o have them patroni2:e our stores, nno~nc nex un ay a un aY Relding support accorded Barnard but ou r theat rs also . Ollr amuse- Scho I. • _ ..___ in the four t h would have driven ment parks. our indu stries, and Lynch up in the air never to return everything of interest this city pos· This i8 not a knock, bu t-a-plain state·- sesSes. Caught Illegal Fishermen ment of the foct;.q T he field e rs who were responsible for tbis tro uble. later cpme through with soms as Game Warden Kuertzcaught three fancy ball-playing as has been seen seen .here in many a day. fishermen 188t week from Lebanon for.illegal fiahing. The young men Here's the story of last Sund9.Y's game In figures: lad a bunch of bass less than ten . , . inohes in their possession. Bnd Squire lIARVEVSOUno Thomas WJlh~~ Ru·h. son . of Devine very kindly lIanded them $25 AO n Ii PO A E Thomas and ChrI8tlll~'!l Carr RI~h. each and costs. As they did not !IcIllIler. 3b •• . • . •.. 6 0 0 2 I a was born December .n , 1843; dIed have the money the official granted =~~b~ :~ ·. ~ ::: ~ . g ~ ~ ~ g June 22. 191G. aged 71 yea~. 6 them tWtlnty days in which to bring w . ~n . rl .• • ,.. 5 2 a 0 0 0 !1l0nths .and 1 day. OIl was umted In the cash. or they would have to
Dora. Barry and J ohn Flarspach • .of Germantown; Lutle Chamberllll Jren~ ~heatley. Grace Kau~man. And h11lny Members from Out of Lew\! Wmters. Mr. ~ntl Mrs C!lfTord Town Were Present to Alexander. of Carhsle; Carne AIEnjoy Exercises br~ch~. Ida and Walter Byers .. of Mlamlsb~r&:, At a late hour all departed wlshmg Warren mllny happy returns of the day . The Ihirty-sccon,1 annual banquet .. - - - -of t h. Waynesvil le High School Alu ;-' took place 'J'hurRday evening, Haines- Wills wilh the largest Ilttendance in ita history 99 members answered to Mr . Russell Haines. of Curwin. roll cl\lI and there were about 60 and Miss Estle WillI'. daughter of guests. At 7:30. at school hall. a splendid Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wills. went to Lebanon Thursday morning. where musical program was render ed, conthey were married at the Cumuer- sisting of a pisno solo by MnJ. Elizaland Presbyterian parsonage The beth Sherwood; vocal solo, Miss ybil friends of the happy eouple are ex- Hawke; piano duet. Miss Ruth Hartsock and Mrs. Ru th Rogers; vocal tending their congratulations. solo. Mrs. B. H. Kelly. Each and every number was heartily encored. The banquet Willi held in the social The room of the M_ E. church. menu coosisted of
Bread and Butter Sandwiches Escalloped Chicken Shmeircase Pickled . Cherries tt-- - -.----------. Mixed Salad L. A. Zimmerman I'S I'n Cincinnati Ice Cream and Cake Colfee _ today.
At 9 o'clock President Lawrence J . C. Hi ey wae a Dayton visitor Sherwood rapped with his gavel. and after a short address called for the Saturday. Mise Dora Ell"" of Wooster, Ohio, minutes of the previoua alumni is the guest of relatives. Mrs. J. W. White is in Dayton for meeting, which was read by the secretary. Miss Katherine Gibbons, a few days. Mrs. A. Maffit and Mrs. Lou Lloyd after which the roll Willi called. were Day.on visitors Thursday. J . O. Cartwright ·read a memoir MiB8 Mattie Cook is clerking in of the lat~ Him, Ridlle. which was Myer Hvman's IItore. Mrs. PrillCiIla Compton, of Dayton, fol'lowed by a memoi!) of the late Is vilitinlr rel~tlves here this week. Oli VI! Parshall Lewie, by her former A, B: Chandlel' and wife visited in teacher. Mrs. carrie Allen. Both <If lHed e LonK War e'ftdlt these tributes were beautiful and New Vienna Sunday. , \ Milll Wlnnifred Davl~1 of Dayton. impressive. Fitty-tour I't!girnenta w~re on the spent tile week end wito Mrs. Julia Miss Minnie Dodson, after being Wm. Collklin·. of Xenia, is visiting introdueed Union 8i ,le arid the Mme number. tJergan. by the president respondhie daughter, Mra. L. Peterson. perhaps morc, on the rebel side ed to the toast ... My Students." Her Mi98 Edna Janney arrived home Now w·h en it, be<-ame apparent that address was tull of the pranks and g cannot a draft Willi .imminent. t.he stay-at- lut week from Toledo where she Mooo. c r • .• • .. .. . • 2 0 0 0 00 ~ thIS Ulllon, two sons ~n.d til F. C. Sawin arrived home last "funny" sayings of her former pudauahlive up to th~ law. for they ouaht to L . lIokan. ct. . . . . .. 3 U I D .. t F k f 01 T M ~ .. home element became "8kaift," and bas been teaching. Harvey. c . ..... .. . . 0 0 17 Z I ers , ran. 0 IVIIL.. ex., rs. know that wardens are continually week. after an extended trip through pils. and brought back the names of beat about to see what would best the Wt)8t. many now abroad in the world . Totalll .... .. 43 7 JO 38% 1 9 Robert ~t. John. of ChlD80k. Mon . . parading the streallUl of the county lM!rve them in this day of the direBt Mrs Edgar Bergan and daughter, • One out wlien "Lnnlng run ~'M scol'lld. Whittier Burnett. in a well pre· Mrs. Ellis Spray, Mrs., Le~~~r. Surface to see if the fishing is carried on legitneed, 1 was added to the quotaol of Detroit, Mich., ie the guest of Wm . Moore, of ' Wilmington, was pared address on "Snap Shots at Cinand Tho~as of. thiS vlclmt~. He imatel, or not. There illotlofsport Wayne Township. So that let out Mrs. Julia Be"gan. • I ~ves beside a w,d~w. five chIldren. iu fishing when a person will only use ~ vieitor at the home of R. A. CrolB cinnati," had many valuable notes MIAMI S lIODIe trembliq mortal from Wa)'ne that ought to be of assistance not eighteen gra~dchJldr~!!l and. three . a little discretion Monday. A8 B II j'O A E towllllhip at the first draft. I served : jI' Y'n Ie DodlIOn of Indian; DaldD. cr. :....... . , 0 gree.t:gr&ndcblldren, two 8tllters, • ~_ • only to the teachers but to the gen1 0 I I fmnrJeanWwi one month. aDd then 1M In, public as well. Mise Eleanor BrItain, lb . .. . .. . .. 6 0 o a o 0 Mrs. Abiga ('o\lle~~of Harveysburg. 80iIIe all told' and got a mapnl- &pOlla, was the week·.e nd gul!llt of OUt/b. Mias Addie Madden. of Clarlulville, eral Ib.. . . . .. . . 6 . a 1 ! o 0 and Mrs John MCKinney . of Kan888, Earnhart. in an excellent paper told Waterholl8ll. 2b .. .. 4 0 I 5 a 3 ar,d a multitude of rel;~tives. ·neigbvleited her brother, Mr. W. H. Mad- her hearers mo~ credit three . y,,*rs and onf' Mr. aDd Mrs. W. H. Al1en. rthodox:Church of the "Opportunitiell Kurfta. ~ .. . " .. ". 6 J 2 13 o 0 den last week. month from Kentllclty, and u a 801Butt.6u. II. .. ... . .. a I o 0 o 1 bors and friends w mourn their loss. of the Young Woman Alumnus." Prof and Mn. C, ·A, Bruner. of D ..... It .. .. ..... . 1 0 11 0I 15 0I · diel- from ObiO three vears and one His entire life. with the exception She told of the women who had montb. Then 1 landed In Indiana, Lebanon. were the Iluestsof IIr. and t'lr:i.;""ri:::::: :: :: : ~ 2 2 o 0 of two years. was spent on or near Sunday·school at 9:30 a. lJl.• George Messrs. Joe and Sidney Bloch. of made good afte r their graduation, Bamiu'd. p • . • •. • .. • B ~ 2 0 I 2 Mn. C. II. Robitzer last week. and after a timet!Dteroo qaln Into the farm Oil' which be was born. Mills. superintendent. Preaching_at Cincinnati, visited their lIister. Mrs and their- name-is-legion. Tol&Is .. . .. . . n · the lervlee of unele Sam. Aaain 8 II 3 0 11 7 He was bOlles~ and upright in all 10:30 by the putor. Christian En- Myer Hyman, Sunday. Carl L. Duke in "School Day wu 1 called on, without my knowl· . . hi s deali ngs. B is one theme in ad- deavor at 7:30 p. m . Everybody inRemioiscences" was .the crowning Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn and • ed.,e, to ftll a sPace in the quota of 8On, Mrs. 1. Satterthwaite and IIarve),lbul'\! ...... 0 U 1 • I 0 0 0 I 0-7 vising his children was be good, and vited to tJlese aervices. ·Dr. Dill. Osteopath , at residence feature of the banquet. He I,tepthis Wa,yDe toWDlblp, and the cllnning daughters were In Cincinnati Thurs- Hiamls ... ••• . . .•.. OI3 I 1 2 I 0 0 0 1- in his later years was often found Mary E. Martin, PaRtor ' of L. T . Peterson, Main 'St.• Tues. hearers in a roar of laughter all th4:1 committee . :t .tuck the price of a sub· day. telling bis grandchildrlm. be good. ._ - -time, and his description of himself day and Friday mornings. SUMMARY etituLe in tnelr c1otltes, and 1- was un· While we feel our loss, we can but at hill graduation was ludicrous in Two-bale BIu.-O ... ~ln. KurO• . aware of the 8hady trllUl8Ctlon for leave him in the hands of Him who the extreme. Mr. and Mrs F. B. SherwoNland Th ......-b... HII.Ii-W. Bogan. no.nard Mr. and Mra. Will Thomu and M. E. Church Sunday 88J'll; until it wu tooJate to remedy. The election of officers resulted as f Lebanon, 'spent Friday Stolon OUM - flsr\'01Sbul1!. 7: Miami•• 111. doeth all things well. family;of Arcanum. are the Ituests follows: Xunod KUD8- Hanov. bul1I. I : ~1I .. ml •. 4. wu allO eredited-for . ' full y.ar by children. O President, J_ E. Janney; of Mr. and MI'II. George Hartsock. with Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwal-' aI:03!*:,!;!t~!'ilic: ;~~~:fo'~: 'ilJt~';; the State ot Indiana, making a record CARD OF THANKS . vice-president, Ruth Chandler; seclader. 8~ck Out.-by Lynch. 11: by Baroan!. 12 of elaht yean, two month. and IIOme ,• .' . Dr. W. U. CoI~. new Superi nlendretary. Ethel Hosier; trell8urer. E. ~-L)'nch. 8: nll.nard. a. We ~eslre to th~nk .our relatives ent nf the Springfield Dldt r ict. WIll dayl. . Otbo Carroll and wife and Walter V. Barnhart. Bit Ba&lnnan- Durtoo, UmJllmo-Lowla and Stump. Mr. and Mrs. Knowles Conn and a~~ fflends fo r t heIr kmdness shown preach in the M. E. church next Chandler and wife. of Dayton. called Can any of you beat it? Those present from out-of· town 8On, Kenneth were the week. end us In our.recent bereavement of our Sunday morning, You are most eor- on A. B. Chandler and wife SQnday were as follows : Can anyone disprove it? husband .and father. Also to t~e dially invited to be present. And then thlll !rloriou. State of [no IrUtlBts of Mr. and Mrs. I. Satterth· evening. Rural Welfare League of Masl'lle . . Mise Ma.., Hawke. Lebanon. diana, for wbom I bad the honor to waite. ....~.- -Got Out Extra Edition Township for their beautiful fioral Miss Justina Hartsock. Covington, aerve ODe ,ear. whose aoldlera monu· R. G, Cross, who has been lIO ill t ribute. Ky. ment, the giandeet of Its kind in any The Mil\l88 Cecilia Snook, Alice during the last few weeks, is able to St. Mary's Church The Wife and Chi ldren Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and land. in ·the comer stone. of which Carey and Lillian Wilkel'86n were be out again, and will be at work family, Lebanon. .. Ie incloeed the namell. of two of guests of Mr. and ,Mrs. avis Fumu . Several weeks ago the Western ----~ +---before long. Lawrence Sherwood. Dunbar, Pa. We.ynesvillea former citlleni:.Sam S lutw~. . Star gave the Women of Lebanon Fifth Sunday after Trinity July Mr. and Mrs. C, A. Bruner, LebaAnderson Co. A, Fifteenth Indiana permission_to uae the paperforone Streets Were Oiled Rev. and Mrs. W. T. Cowgill and non. 4th .• Sunday Scbool at 9:30 a. m., Ser· Infantry, who died in Camp Elkwater M Ra,y S 'th who hu been week for the benefit of Lebanon, ___ mon and Holy Communion at 10:30. daughter. M,iBl Grace, of WilmingCheat Mountain Summit. 20th day of !Jult!"ill bere f~ the lut two weelul ~t week'.! edition ~as used and ton, spent Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. . Mrs. Eva Janney ' . - - - The public welcome. September 1861, and Dan R. AnderJ. W_ White. Mrs. Anna Sellers IIOD, Co.. I. Twenty·llxth Iflil. Vet. retumed to her hom!! in BrookvllJe by the women in adverti~ing and Our streets were oiled last week. - .----• Kate McCollum, Franklin. Vols. - . Thurad l7. . news matter. The Star IBBued a thir- and it is sincerely hoped that the Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hiat~. Win· And another Wayneavllle lad haa ty-four page paper, and, as usual, dust qutlStion has 'been settled fol' Mise Bell~ Eulass: after a nine W. C. T. U. Market hiaDame where moths do not corrupt Mi'. W. H. Madden, MI98 Addle W8$ up'<) the atandsrd in typograph- the summer mOllths. Genial Wm. weeks' visit with re:atlves at Cen- chester. Ind. Mrs. Lina Wright Burch. Sidney, · -but what In-ill a\l tt1e usel Madden, MillB Jane and Muter earl Ical appearance. The advertising in Daughters is doing the d riving under terville and Dayton. is back again at Ohio. The answer to pte8ldent Willllln's Madden spent last Thuniday in Mt. this edition will ~tlt the ladies of the supe, vhion of ou r clipable street the Friends Home. Mrs . Rowena Red fern Zartman, aeeond Dote to Germany may be an Vernon, Ohio. " Lebanon quite a tidy 8um, and the commissioner. Grant Lewis. Of The W. C. T. U. will hold a mar· Xenia. awered before it becomes ' neces881') money will be exPended for Leba- course it is unnecessary to say that ket in the Harris room on Saturday, Mrs. Cora Baker and family, of the wOrk is being done well. July lOth commencing at 10 a. m. Mrs. Anna Redfern Bocklett, of to tear down the old monument to non'agood. Wilmington. are spendinlt a few Xenia. Mi .. J~nnie Dinwiddie, of Indlanreplace. it with one beflltipg the ex days with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Courtalted .poellion Indiana will occupy. apolis. and Mr. Herbert Warwick, Mrs . Ethel Williamson Cooper, ney, south of town. when that. eventful event Is pu"1'd of of ColumbulI, were the wl!8k-ena Dayton. Raymond' Williamson, Cleveland, Ttl'" iN June II. 1916, ani) J predict IrUlllta of MI8I M~ Wrillht. . that the K"IRe~ will · not give lip hi~ Mi811C8 Chsistine and Ann Kelly. Ohio. MiMes Edith Crane and Mary , best '·holt." in pl~ll8Oeven lbe United MiN Elm. RobertI. normal teacher of Cincinnati. were the guests of , StatOJ and It is a Rght now for tht' of the blgh IIChool, WaR elected.yiretheir brother. Mr. B. H. Kelly and Swain. Pekin, Ohio. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MiB8 Jennie Dinwiddie. indianapowife. two days thie week. lis Ind . will ftl(ht- and prHhDbly IOIIC No" 01 Wilmington College lut week. ~iB8 Minnie Dodson, Indianapolis, . . . \.( th(l ~"iser " would ' emolo\,- Wm Dr. Gamer and wife, Mr. George Ind. jJ<'nnhi.f8 to prell~h 'to th .. aUi,·B. it Found- A lurge. heavy bracille l , Delaney and family. of Lynchburg. Mr. and Mrs Stanley Sellers. Leb· rnillhtartd a apil'e of come<Iy whert" initials, with two baby pieturt!~1 Ohio, were the guest... of Dr. and anon. :.n~ c'.m~)· no~ .esilJta. O.w ner can hliye Ih*, same by l'lIl1inl( Mrs. J. T. Ellis Thursday. Mrs. Viola Keys Hawkins, New ' • at this office Mnd Ilrbving propert ., · j Vienna . . PlUMnt Memor.e. Miss Marianna Allen, Springboro. ! •. , ". . ~ The Misses Eleanor Earnhart. Herbert Warwirk. Columbus. j gp...klngoftheBoldiersMonuint'1I1 Mrs. Frank I. n~ .• f ('.olnmbu". Mary and Minnie Davia are leaving MiB8 Elizabeth Mllrt, Dayton. ; agnin &tm~whllr\)abtlllt. 1l:!91.2.t11 Mrs Elhel C""p.. " "r Dlyton.an·1 lonight for an extel.dcd Eastern trip. 13. thi Na.lillillli F,ncamplflf:nl G. A Mr Raym'lOt1 Willi ,mlOn. of rleve T,I PY viill be gone sllverul weeks. NOTIi:S IR WII~ Ii"..,1 in Jndianllpolill. Ind IJnd. 0, vi.ilt!<III' th·· home of M,r. i John IJ CoI"man, M. C. Lhldy ami and Mu . Harr.v Willillmllon lu~ ' A vote of thanks 'Was. tendered to Miss Mary Hawke, .of Lebanon. I myself· lllttlndl'll tilt' .JCca:.ioll Here'" wet.'k attended alumni last week and is J. E Janney, who has served the ·the ,,~ry: A CUllpltJ elf hilarious old. visiting for a week or so with her alut:nni for thirty-one yeara as treas· . · veta camtl il,tll Ihe hotlll wher.. we Lo.t:.....A braclet containing onl' mother, MIS. Alice Hawkfl and fam- urpr. ~ were st(lllping lind After ellch hllli smethyat set and 'f r08ted leavetl' i1y. Impromptu remarks were made treateiJ the other. one of them np Some where in WR)'nesville lut week by Mrs. Eva Loog, Miss Jennie Dih• ; pl'OlU!hO!d Ihe 'b$rll'nder with the Owner please leave'. at the . Gazette Mrs. Clyde COlemall, of Norwood, widdie, Mrs Mildred Harris TaylOr. '!.J)ropositlon. wnul" he decide. b,·t. office. " . . ~assed through Waynesville l\1onday' The bartender "fell f!lr Ule drlnka" The program committee die! good and slorped here for a short time ' on tbi. aeltnowled,ment f.f 8uprema She wil visit thiB week with relatives service this year. as the program ' ey RII a Judtce of worldly malters, F. C. ~arlBoCJr, cubier of ~hll was very fine and thoroughly enin Columbus. and t.bey had KreaL time&, euch or First National Bank, and Mr. In,u joyed , 'the betten, tnalSted vehemently thRl : Donnallv attenrled the Banker s bewould lie one f~vorea In the de- COnvention at cetlar Point, Wednt'so Mr. and Mn. Wm. Kincaid, Mra. Many faces were absent this year, - D. W. MEEKS dillon. All the time t.he bartend~r tJay.--Morrow Tribune. G. L Kincaid and son. ot Sardinia. that have not missed this annual lltopped 'here Sunday enroute from pthering for lM!veral yeals. wu aettlntr th'e m up anticipating D87ton, and spent several houra with what the growl111r CNwd would do J E Janney and · family Dr and R. A. and If G, C There were several present that wbeD he dedded the ~ The propo- Mri ·iTEm. Mr and II'rs. Cha.. D. VI. Meeks ended bla fortJ years service he has rendered the govern- , Although he h~ never received . ,roaa. · bad not been In attendance to their · altioJI was:' A ~ B that when the Elllti lir: and Mn: W. E. O'Neall of llervlee for Unele Sam Tueaday ment and hill home town. Web baa I enough compenilation for the work alma mater for years IDOIIIlIIKIDt fell, It would fall north and lamlly .... Martha O'Neall and evea.. Be .tarts todl7 on bis alw..,!! been right on the and be bUdona, he hu gone on and' mer· Meadames Walter McClure, Chilli. ' and B bet A t.bat.lt wUl1ld DOt, and Ilia no..;.l!Jlla. of .Wooatar. Ohio, forq.6Nt ,ear. So much can be his eourteoul "manner i~ the commendation of bla fellow Rye and F. C. Carey left Saturdl7 Th" officers for the i""n... ln.. -t.be look of . . . . . that o~..... .t~ ,the Ellla 1eUDion at G\(''n- laid ..... • sreat deal baa already D818 to oblige hu made f.OwnImen • . Here's to at least twen- for LewiIton' Reaervoir for a teD are all JtOOd, and the,. · the __ of tJaat ~. dial MOler Pari. RlcbmoDd. lDd .. FrI- beea laid In N8ard to the Damber of frlenda fDr him during Nip t;r more yean of faithful IItImee, • • outlulr. My, the lIab willl'v. make tlie attendance even bu traveled and the fiDe aervice. Web. ' billa for • daJa. at leIBt. ~ ~ (ODD. . . . OD PIP 4)
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Forty Years of Continuous Service for Uncle Sam ~_~
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Ie/UTe ProductIon 0' tbe ~II. ~/yscol,e Co.
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II :" au' OfT nile Ihi " "1...L1" i.' , "TOllp" n .\ . 1.. 1.' ;.1',1\ I} hav pri('c. '['I" !cCnlJ', i, I'l': bl'~t \Ia' l\ 7 If1 C ' in Ih .. l"Ill lnln. ' Wltl I; 11 0 111 I '(ll'~tllli d r,T. lhly Life nnd J11' fll'lc' ~ IWlth I~adillg . lIe· al ~ 1:11ll1agu7in s l . kCall 11Ilttern slll .. ~ l lii" 'Olt ·(· t nnd th(,')1 i!l;ui :a/.l.!lll! at tlte ex·
'tl\: ( btH'. f"/lll ,·ltd, 11'J 'I UL~ \ 'ill hn't'l\ " - Ohftt\U(l f l ' ,," ' HIIl.'1 .oUr! \ U!11c. HI I 1\(' ~ltll·' "")II"'" .,I"H b , 01llu "111f11 Flttr. l'h" liltlr will Jl" \ 1 "' 1' , . JII %lHi. t.lfl\ooli w1111 tl r e, OM,r ec-l 10 nn If t' ho J UIJ\U l t r.lt L.,<oItt\ Iln-~ 1·!l.ci dH
. III III M; tIlt' (lnnr t lHIU '0 1.I IOllddltlo n t " I " . '1' p.!"" I " . • ~ b e 8e m f' tln!{11 1[. he va~ I,. trt.lVnl\bill II n. ~tlU~ , "Iloll f4'l[t.~.r.~.'":o.~':"~·.·.·.·.·.·.·.'!+'!+'!+ ·<O>X~'>.'>.~·.'!+X'~•••":.r.'!+'!+,,:.r.'!+ ........'!+••'!+. . . . . . . : . h-'ct "t.lll(!oll ,II" rlut ~1 .I\lIul &uverin tooollot WIll h i. " W ...,:.a...,. . . . . A~ . . . . ~ • • .., ... u ~ 1~l.Jr\ l\ 'll ho t:I . • 1/11J3I,..It'rJ fl)' Pt.'tureli trot. th e Alov/nz
ttl', !UI ~ 11 :' I. who II " . v" t ed hi nn~y f Ir dlr oLur , I tile rl5rht t o vole in
tremely low pn c 'n lf:~
il l bmi Gbze ttc ..... . . . . .. ... $ 1 01) l\ [('Cn ll 's 1\L !;:lZinc .. .. . ...... . . .~O On . Ml' a II 1) 1'(,:;5 Pn ( t(·nt . . . 11)
(00s>.v1P' IQlIarold It~ . to Q\leellon, tooullO ne ulnr '!lh' u Itl . u, Torchus wcr e Il ghttl ll and Ib t
All ror bv"r.1' b" dlUI d • lit r th~ 11VII ~LoC'k ' nd 1tl~ W1T1 l mlL lit hi b llrn e , 1\I·ol f .,l r. Th e' b, Y 1\ 111, ~ r .. W" th o IIlolt' t ('I)r n (jil l/ II " " rn In h ill ount\" will J;:IH ONI.V "Who la," Tb e chief's wonfl~r grew. i whlle altln and dreea ot thI s ylsflor. onl ored. Th rs wer mnoy sfd'" IJ(\~. 1\ r .~. f h l~ I't .\·t· ~r ,,' 'rt fl.wrLl ~ n h o l l l r~hf(l 11\ It t) U'I IlAI'Il '1 r . grlllultnre . Hill ' Life ...... .. . . . .. . . . '2:; I ? • lill)' h ' '. c.: I • • f(. clt .. n ' 0 III \1 III \,lut r lJ' H:'~ tblUl 1\V \<r I lJfl'rCl Til .. ~ l lIr l ' ~", I r Ill " ru l ~p ~ UU blll~ur und lw tcr'r thlm tl'l't'r T he date.. Whlt.t meAnt th a ll 1/ oullll r SlIntt'nC<!K I 'who hnd doubll 1I~ flUVC'C' bls hnd fr om !lSges; anll within t.h 8 tbe n!'4ul e l 'II\' J'eoplc's Popu la r ~[ o lltlll y .. . . 4-~P 25 "Wouldet put thy haud Inlo /luld fiS I d 11th. ll e tiling til<' door s but und blllla sa ... tbe tru e r IIson fo r the cu r.. , UIIl ,\1.0 ,,~I .H' ~" t~L'I I ,' ''lh« r 3. 101 :;. tar &8 the wrlet nnd toke ...·lI nt thou drOlJllod th o bnr. Next he sought his of the Moh n.mm <tILDS ' ~u n /4 nn tl IlO lI I . " . ',, 1 l u lllni ·' ''"~IIIIU r" !" r uot! the ·I UII.' ~Illr Fr 'frl)l ~ w rit toTh" CQuMet bol~1" gllD nnll nred throug h 11 cm ck In tho dor, hundreds and bundr" d". at P011II"~ Aur "'u ll "r.. 1 " IIl IlIl I".iulI \. ... 0 11lIl n • • ( 1111 0 . To tal .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . . ..... '. 2 15 ''Yell. boll' one : tor I ~m ImnllUI. door H I' IU I.sc d; but th noise ond o r black destruotlon! A I wer p;a ll tlry ., , Whltber lead tbes qll allons ? \Vbot _,...~!' o '-' -~"c'~" 'N> It'ooord o.way . - the mou th of wblch la ), un dN It . I nb l_~_ _ _ _ _ _ __ -'~_~~"'!"'!"'!_ _~_ _ _~_~""!!!~~~~_ "TI·m GREAT r:AMILY GROUP" IB It YOIl would of me ?" Anu Illter. Ilruce. WIlU With L4n~." " oC roolt- Ied to tb e lilt wh ere'ln re' lNI - - - . "Tber e are Borne who n I'd 10 be far OV"r lue dlsnlmenranco ot ({nthl yn. tbo 1I1Igre'l bMk t't. . For II tll n, tlrul'!, Il'h ...1 OB Il,' (\ I','W hlntN If up away to eee things. W II , good man , (,limo IIcross Ihe chlc r bottllllg for hi s mballn Iloted lik e n madlll·llI. II \llId enL\1 It'd hIt .. Itl \: bUilL lie kuew . tbero liB a tr WlUi- und er your feot," lire. H A hnd gon ronh to bunt 01 s..ng, chlUlt d, dug h is htlll,b " 'n I'· Ihal ' Irt'lIriuro h~ ll " n "1L Uln.du 1\ hpr o tallm. Into the v rnucular. leOI)ard, nnd the looPllrd bod hunted gold and 8100 68; chok.·,1. "nl,\1 '.I oUl 01 n I' wllrd. "ltd trollRure lit lhnt The ohlef eould not rCBI t le'oklng hIm . n rl1 c dar d 1I0t Or , for fcu r was true k1ng shl p ; Ih ll Ii r ' lit!. " momllnt mrlL nt urI' Mi d II berly lu lira· down nt th e ,round. tartl ed . or' kllllll/; th WILD; 80 w llllout b sl· w. 01 Ito dozan d&CndtJR. n!1' '1:, v l",ll ll. On tlls r,' III I'1I to Iho Islnod he "Nay," IImlle d Umbnlln. "nol there. tanc or fon r he oought th leopord by tb e taklo g. II lorgot hiM~n (l Oljos no d KrOOlod tho' ~o l {)J) ·1 . nlll 'who t rOUllbly . Think ; dl~ not somotll in g IlIl usual th o back ot tho n ock and by a bInd leg their ne(\JneRS as th e rortun e revellled Hut lor thlH tl "~ I1 .". · .) lm.ft ket tlIO)' happen bore tlve yeaJ'R ngo 1" alld swuog llt'r Into th e sea. Itslllf to him . wuulrl hilI'" b~" " w..t l ' ut 01 Asln by The oblef smooth ed th e tip ot hili The chl of 1\'88 eeveroly maUled. but Ae bls meo at length s laggerod out this Ilmt' . P Tohn lt.' COt rl Proceedlnl{lI nOIl8. "My tath r di ed 8nd I bN'ame b e was nble to get to hie roe t and ot the lower gnllery with t he boskot "llllhnlln hiLl! ) " \IW bll ako t. colone l.' ~ headman of the ,-tIlage." w81k. The white womull had saved his elung upon an Impro"ls ud litte r h" Ir h .. h ,,""'1. th,.11 " , gou ll II)' to It. tor In I ho m il l Ill!' of \.tlCl wi lt ot ~tlrt·hll ~ . ";ntlfh, de ,'''"I' L l. WI ll all mltted til ' ''Would YOIl cnll thAt unUBUO I? child ond th e wb lte ma n had saved espied hi. eneml oR mnrchlng up U1 e II can nltn 'r btl <l Ull From uud 'J' Ihose Ironi cally. . blm. He would romember . hili I Bilek loto U1 e cuv e ugalo. l m· t008. a! rock. . Ilur : wh ~ ro ur e prul.Hlle. Pcpul~r PI ~n!hJy "No. Ha~" Buddonly. "Flv years Tbus the leopard Quito Innoco ntl y balls cuned and bit hl B nnUs. He was '.hose !lsbl'rmOll gnl n\l ?" he dOJll8J1d ed . In I hu IIlntL>!r ot t 110 BHtllto uf F or . ! IN.I ..iIc.! M...~ " 2~" \,,,,) IIgo ; Y8ll, yes, I rememb r now. Sol· sorved a JlUrpOSB, Cor oJI her deadly Ln. unarmed. 118 were bIB men. und be hnd Tbe ml3U werti \ u W e " u , ole pu.;-"..... usudo \V . ~ ho. kulfurtl. ckoelullll. I 1 '.!t 1/1 ' liar " ••r Illn:. 1 h ll 1l1 0 {' t d ~ f t t b k .. , hl J.: I\ ~~I · "C"I I ', d l ll l l' ~t " T I(\'t dl el'l1, who made uil lock ours Iv es In lfmtlooe : the chle! WIU! titled with lIot time t o stJarcb nmong the smug. 0 0' Wit h III,· b·) lllS. which they hnd o nly our o r ('rll I\le c oer I!. 11 I\n i ,,,,,I 111"" 11' ",,,>'1, .. r... ..... ' 1' ':'!Y I'l n.llll~. 1.J..1l'" ,. rfllI 1r l .·tl- , 'h'll lI. ... t , ll lt..... 'IIiU nllll II.· our hut.8, not to etlr torth on th e pain gTatltudo. gl ed arms to lin d his need. J II ~t I)rou~lll lmck . atcoI!lI. ,,,·.•,,1.1. ~ I" · I· I.I 1.1,lrhl;· - I,J' Hllh' d of doath till ordered. My rllther a lon6 Whe n th e colon el and t h.. otbe rs "Heaven.born ," IInnke UJl the man ltn mubnl p(ckQ d Ul) hIli discarded tilts of Uhlo VII. IJltuon06 MainA II· ti.II" "'·'" 0: rill' 1'!.1IIhu ..t(': 11UI) I ~ d ' · a'.... I I ·l llj i ll.! I hll lil I. .~ ' (N Uil>t.I lI""t.Jy-SIlc. y"rt WB8 permitted outs ide. H.e W!l.8 com- camo Into view the former seized Katll· wbo had known wb er e the enve Will' , r1f1. baa} ullfemlRnt iR bold for appear. , '1"" • •• • II " " ." ,,' , t rlrl l11 N. N'll) .ll u h· ! 'n .. hlo, " /\ llIhl1l·I1.\· ••('II·.I.' ",. , UI' fllil l H I An y I)' IU'I' \\'I .rk, U1I t i to lltlelH 1 pelled to row out to the IslRnd. There Iyn by th shOlllden nnd shook her "the.re III an exIt on t ho other Bide. " Stop!'" HOOIl before Uom won Plel\i Vourt 1I .... I' ••a. ... II "', , 'III\·I .u,a .. II !!', .\ ~I' liulrl " " .. I : . , • It· ,. I I~I" ' I' ~" ~ 'I.\ ! III IIrt ( I'"hu ,,!.,, In t} lIln r be waa bltndfolded. Only two men no- h ysterically. 'Ve 08Jl 1:1'0 througb thnt wtthout )'on. " Tltey flre [rightened.' · xplntned the Boud 'SOO. I I",,",1 , i I I I ~ . :\IIll ItttIU~ IIr,U'lh",l l .t"1':1I111 1. II I JI HII, " lJ "'H~ IH l l..l th ' . t :d Uhlllll! (Iuulh' . .. bl,..l Hllltl ' I \I" ' , · l· l .. !l l \. , ,, "'.·n.·.. . 1'," ~ .1I 1,; . II'. lto lH. 1,.r ll1 l ll companied him. They cnrrled s ome"In Ood's nome, Kit. don't )'on know dsr peoplo noticing U 8." c ..~ . In tbl> IDtttter ot the estate of 1t"\1 .. ,· \\·""k al,. , N' ...· " I" I) .·). l\llI .. lr II '" 11\ :';'1. ~ 1 ''4 " tll 7 !; · D ell! J-Io~a " " t r'l l\4, ... . ' ,.llml .... ' I,'r ~ 1 ~' h 'l fit. ,.1"'1" 11'1 1 \ ,. " ,1 thlng th~t was ver), heavy. My tathor nny better tll"n to wondur off alone? uA fortun e tor eaeb or you wh en you ·'\\"ttl1. t hey can co ntain their fright Martba SUlith, deo en8M, Anna M A WJ. Y 'nr' " ~ .... ill r .. R 0010 b II t d e- !:inoo \!( and Willmoro Billokbnrn arf 11 ~ 1\ ell .:. .... thi'! .' ''''' ' lIl Y . • \ 1·/1 1... \lItl l) , 1 ": UI , •• 1." n ' II'l " I', lfI..I hl (1I 1 l" I'"'' fHUl 3 6 never knew what the 8trauge, shIning Do )'OU wu nt f.o drive me mod ?" put thle on the s loopl" I wo nr o In all NY. Wb"I.. . ... ;Jy ~"f .'I~ 'litH U Ult !' 3 11 , ' , 1. 1. ~ I, •• " I I Ili OI O l lili ll •• , .. ' til Ih,,". h \1I IUII I,l n ·'ll h " u·" ,,1 1.... 111· 4., buket held. Then llIe eol<tlers went "\\ hy. rath er. I wasn' t ntraldl" Beek through tb e cave they ru sb«,d, clnred. "1. u.I'n them." appulnted l'XllQu\orl!. No bond re ' ~. - l l".I h , ..... r ltH!t Ill r , btl'! 11,..' At ";11 ~ I . t , ..... I.," Ih'H' .· h."..,., r ""m llrr 1" ", \ ,.nt.)· lO r ,," .\J I . 1.~ I .. .. ·., . \ ... I . IIIH\ '" t h.· .'t'I ,·l1l,. · · • • ·' H 1'-1'11" 1·,.t l",,,II'I. 1 I. J I: t\ ., ' ut·. I(. ·•• I ,~· away and we came ouL No ODe wBII "Afrnld ? Who said anything about torohee flaring . Once a bearer sturn. "Hurr)·. c\'e rybody! reel It In my quired. Dav id E. Dnnlll\m, Glint I t_ • .c;.-I - . .. , .. '''tA l t'n-n' r n l tlo'1' I .IH .... ' f • • I .h; u l l t . .. , :', ' \4' .. ric., ' \ ' ''U· N III I. bur.,.,1 _ __ _ ", allow lid on the leland till my fath er your being IItrnld7 Dld.n 't you know bled over II powder can, and the torch boue~ t ilot thnt. blao k dpvll bn.s the Corw i u and Juhu Fol l Y tlre ap point. died." tbat we w r e belns follow ed 1 It Iw trolUlu re. Oct tb He m n Into the ed R.Pllui ss rs Tn ;• •" .,. , ::1 monc:y·.nuinc ofF" r o p n I" "fd a nd nrw .lIb~ribe,. "DId b. tell YOIl whot It was he mballa! Ah ! tbat gives you 11 startl" bools. Hr . [lic k up tbos oare. Get 1n the rul\ttor of t he ",III of Blla~ Act Prom[l~ y-Write or Call at This OHjc~!t'1 Too Good to Miis be1pe4 btll'7 yonder'" "Golonel !" saId Dru ce gently. In, II:lt: you. " 'Innle; com eve ry· D 8orfllCIl, dp.cllued. Will I. ad , "No, hal,. olle. He was on honorable "I know, Druce. I tIOund barsh . But bndy! " nll tted ~{I l'r ~ba til . DIaD. Wbat41ver tbe secret WIUI, It you woro tea ring your ha ir. too." Katbl YI ~oZ<ld 81.\dly at he r rather. 10 Ibe LOtlUer ot the e~ t. nte of ~_. . pueBd with bJm. We were not ourl· "Forgl" e me," crl d Kothlyn, pen I· Treolture .. tr nMlIr~; that Orat. Sbe WIUl 8tllul D. 8 urfaOh, deceused. ~'TIlnol ~ , _ _ to tent. for ahe kn w abe had dono wrong. be81nnln ~: to hatu th e ve ry 80und of A . S ur face 18 I\IlPol n\ed I.'xeo utor . roa~ VI! rk Villaroreek township "U ..... the private treasure of the "J did not tblnk. But Umballa ?" tb e word. Tbe colone l be..CI been ner ..... N o bo nd r eqllired . F~ . BllmHton $IO.~/j : ,'.1I1£11! I:to~hy. Oow"r~ f or • "YCII, U mboUI\.· On6 at the keeJlers 10 UII. Impatl nt. and IrrItable ever alnce P. V Bono .ou Wll~l.In nglesby l ou nrt b Olltle nnl} Jill! $20; Dttn 1" 1 " killS of Allab&, and the man was the k1q blmaelt." found a .k nlte by that brldg . nnd be docum ent had been dIscover ed. lire a\lV l1i ul od "P I.rlLi~e r~. Bo"I', OI)~IH In t.wo oOlle~ $08 H . ; J I'StiO funeral Dirpctor Tbe ftlberman aalaamed. Ramabal IdenllOee It ae b 10ng1ng to Till rE'C emly I{at hlyn had IIl wa)'s be10 the ' li dt er nr Anu lt Mar ll' R u "el,r,031L.d pwork W, ..RKlltlIOf(tllUdtnwk'· nnd Ernha*ml ~ r,. ">-d 1 am· ...... __ n • • I ILDl boly U b II Wh b b I I Ith Ileved bl'r tllther to be perfcot. but . , . II b l P • IIrry y O t', rua wor , ..... . en .. """"~ . m a I\. et er e s a one or w h th b b h Pul~t'. Cnur l. Rl'l'rOVtlil the nd ol,t.lon l .. bor anll n1ntt>rl,,1 WtI~ ll lngton to recover thIs .lr9asure, whleb wlUl muny. I do not know : but this I do now 8 e 8Il W at ~ wue umlln . e of tbls li tt le \:'rl by Mr "od Mrs . Waynesville, Ohio. died to the temple of Juggemaut." know : we must und'or no clroum· had hi s !lowed spot. Tren.sllro ! Uefore J o hu N Broca " nd up'r nllmo i~ ~Ol v. 9 ·n~hO~p Z$411 ; PAB. Mttannoe oonttr .. o~ ..... 1, ... 1 1 k:n t h It her or WInn ie I So he It ' . .• u. , ~ .. 0 rm ~e 000 rn t)" DU ~o 7 one, ow 110 w ere stanCllA become separoted again. Now. . OhUU @f'!J to Anna \I3rle Brlloe. lU I 70 ' Ur ll~o n l a Brlq!lo O. 7 Cullllnswe recl promptly d-ay or nigh t. II hlddenl" l'm gOi ng to Quiz U1e ehler." "Colonel," said lJrnco, taking a 1 , h 0 III /t! er 0 f I I10 estH te o f R' . ' J Both phones in Ofllce lind Itesicl.,nce. "we noe les" '''nn a U e . «rlltell for Go tAHo Ditch $10 30; c bance tJ1Tow, n ut tho chlor Milt that no pefllon ~ I P t Iva.·e • K . "pen " lOllg dis tnh(,ll. No. 14: HLime phone. "J do. What I want Ia the UM Tof hundred ollll'ls tram the s60J)orl Sun. b e ooll , Ur Oil Iey, d I'I Oetilibl. o r, 0011 t,rlll t ' I7 i A. M ,our sloop anG 'mon 1 ean trual 0 de80rlb!!d had llMaed or been 800n. No I t b II 01 ' d " Bnlll of po r (Jun l pt()llGrty ordllred. Pll ~k tlr, oont.rllo '$36 26; MRdlBon 14,2r . )'OU, u mDOh IIOld u your banda oe.n one but IL holy man had como that JlOlle we e mil a ear ou . r.n we t 1111 0 1 I t U n ch fIIrniRhed freehoUt" mornlnl!, and he hod gone to tile Island oUl'1lelve!1 h a d stralgbt UJl the coast! In tho, IU !'tttlr IIf ,he o~ ~"te o t U (), III :1·.Illle on oOlltno .oe. Chairlf anci one with funerals. "I wtU fUnlJab 70U ,nth men aa boiJ- In tho sloop. It Is not Iralr to the women to put llIem I ~u btlll a (.'OIlIJlIr. (\lIcol\S811 U~\lI"teJ'. tello Ollob $125970. . ." . . I117Mlt." "For whaU" to any fIlTther ha r dHhlp." allnh erltllnoB tllX t1xtld. 00Clt.rlle~1! L() ~ No. 421 with C. R~t o{ l!~rvic(l ",.u aran tecd . "Tllat will be .umelont; and )'OU 'The ohlef smiled, " BnlcD I have s worn to Ood tho.t Biz Ir l or v .. rl oUt' r OlHI wo rk lind IIha1l ba" 70nr Ilold." bead. but IIhook hi' Umballa 'shnll !lOt ha,,\' that treB8llro. Common Pleas Court . sewer lit ,lnok '8 oHner, 'l'artleoreek TJle wor.1 of a holy man II nenr "Was It not a blUlket of gold and Ramabtll, do you und rstand what It .1 New Suits. township $ 6820 _bJecte4 to ICI'1JtlnJ In Indta. precloue .tones?" demanded tbe 0010Umbtlll. #eountl.ng the Gold. will mt'llIn to you Ir be succeeds In BI\'ee Vii. Hob el t Bttte8, dl422 \'\Ilth the Utego ul" Brldl(A Umballa w.. In good humor. Here nel. !'eachlng All aho with tbat t r u ure voroe; @ ro8~ n eg loot ut rl n ty. eto Co,. for Ileel j olU Rnd oleanlng and Veterinary he w... eeyeral bOlln ahead at hi. Tbe chief', eyes widened. Thore holder all but sprawled over blm. Urn· probabl y mill Ions? H u will be able t~ .. thn Tb omlls VB Barm~n Pl\intl~g steel bridge by Cbrilltian ~ -. sold l r In A'lllIha Th""tor w "1 . Ubl,,1 8 r"rm In Salem 'ownahlp <lraduate of Ohl' o !ii/HI tlnlve-" enemlee. He would have the tlllsree. .. ere o''''e- wbo knew, tben? Bruce balla's hair stood all end. Fear 1m· b u J~ ever)' prl at .u'" e 100' " ... .. nnd stIli havo nough left ror any e9. OWIlIi. u vo roe, gr olle 0 g .. $S48. ... baaket etag up and transferred to the noticed hie lurprlse. pelled the men toward llIe exit. Th Ef P I M AI .....ro ... C I I S" blb ": ld "Th I d b b t travagan co •... at h e moy wlllh to plunge om'II, r u ceto n v~. arg Iret ..oop ... re .....e a one .. "all " Colonel, obow the good cblef the ere a pow or e noug el'e 0 In.' ' . . . . . B. Pri noilCou,dlvo roe, w l ltul abSllnOl', reach the nllaae. And Umballa would royal sesl on your document... blow IlP a.J1 or HInd! Hasten'" Office at rCrJidt'llce in-' I" ; IS . ~tter ban lI1IOO8IIded but for the fa ct that The coloneJ did 80. and the chillf At llIe moulll · or the exit the men "Sahib." su g!!e~ted Ranlahal. "let U8 Real Estate Traosfen LINIMENT wood's hou&e, Fourth Street, the wlu(i leU nnaocountably and tb ey salsam od when he ea.... the royal Blc- ·wlth the torchM, tlndtng no tUrlber 1 8011d lhe womon to lbe seaport In care IoIt more thAn 611 bour In handling llIe nature. He wae mightily - bewildered, need ot them, CBl'eleesly tlung tbem of Abm ed. while we me n s ee k Umbal· R M. VIlO Horue. Rdmllllstra tflT Tclcphont' 28 "I hl\v ou~ 6 d Gh~Ulberlaln'8 Llnl. to R obert A. MO'utoheuu lot No. ment for sprllinA, brnlses and ·rbon. e.loop with oar&. /l.Dd grsdu811y be W6ll ' mado to under- e.alde. la." When the. aloop lett the primitive stond that be had been vilely tr.lcked. . "~IIII" roared U mballa; "you bave _ "Good ! " Oruce 8tnlck hla hand.s to- :l7:! III lfrlln khn. '.?tiD. mdlo· lIalOs ... lid ~he great henefit Waynesville. Ohio lIIDtI~ the ablet returned to hla hut "To tbe boat.8I" he sbouted, 88 If deetrayed us," gelli er. "Th e very th ing." I. 0 Bird a~ ~l t o 'lifford F , R 08S I h l\ ve re (I V.,rI jU~tltlB 8 my reoom. and told bI.a wire what had taken Jllace, 8uddenly awa.k"nfng. "We may be too He fled . The bearers followed with "I retoau to bo IIclmrntc d t ram Calli· lOI fl ores III Sllr l n town blp, 11 I1lnndlnlllt in thn hil!hest t. rms ." like the IJDOd hUBband he wu. They late, lord8! He s old he WB8 a holy the burden. Down tho Bide of U1e er," ~p.c1 a red Kulhlyn. " U he Ie dster· If P R nll \0 David Roll lot No 7 writes MI tl. If lo renoe t!lIfe, W .. blUt h, woald be rtch: man; nod I believed." r promontol'7 they a1\d. Under a pro- mined tll pursu mball8 back to AI· In Bulleni Ie, $30. Ind . It ~1\) 1I 11t'1l troubl p.d wab bouSuddenl7 the cbUd set up a waillng. They all ran h08t11y down to the Jecttn, ledse they paused, 8weatltlg lahn. I must RccomplU1Y him." V. E . llnd C 'lrrltl HlItobloH ioJohD nullo p " ln s YJU will ourtnlnly bo "And I!" added Wlnnlo. . ThI'ousb the wIndow sbe had soon a beach to 8elze wbat boats llIey could. wtth terror. B'uddenly tho whole leland B . tlntobJDS lot No . 61n t.yle'R BUU plea sed w i th t bo pr,JUlpt relief ",bloh Funeral Director. bold leopard trot over to the bullock Her e Ihey met a heartrending obsta. rocked. An exploaton tollowed that "NotbAng more to be 8aid ," and d_lvlHio n In Harlan township '2,500. ' h o mb rltlln ' ~ r.in·ment IIfford~ • cart ud carry a way the Itld. The ole In the refuBll1 of the owners. The WIU heard halt a hundred mllet\ away, Druce signed to th 'bootmen to stort. ObtalnlllllCl nvor"whero. M. Re.v ooldRJlnd wife to Albert ehIet'at once s umlUolled hIe remainIng abler, however, Blgnlfled that It was where the aunboat of the Brlt/eh raj "It only lhlij breeze had not come up ! Tolophone ilAY or uillM -~--. meDt and llIe)' proceeded to let a trap 'bls w\ll; Rnd, moreover, he command. plltraled the IIhores. Roclla, treBII. We could bl\ve cnught hIm betore he lind Da ie v Daler lot lu JorwlD, $1 VRlley phone Nn. ( l..on, Ma,\,V B E lrictge to Ethel M Eld_ tor the pro')l'le r. Tho cat bad already od that the flebermen should handle Band llUed the air, and 8mall tires mM/I 'i'.~ .. • D\8tl\uoe No 119-2r, A Movable Town ridKo lot III :-dllokiol\w subdivillion killed one bullock and Injured another. tbe 0lU'B. They would' ho pald. Thut broke out bere and there. The bulk 'ro Ill!: 0 N'J'INU IU'I to Ertlnklln, $500. . They knew that the boast would not WOB dlttorent. Wby did not the wblte of llIe damage, ho,,:,ever, wu done to _ _ .' _ ___ - - Automobile 8ervloo at all Time. return for !lOme ~ours, bavlng gOI'!r8d people say BO at once? They would tho tar Bide of tbe promontory. not Ethel M. Eldridge to Alloe C There III A 'own, Gar'ok. In ']'\bet, lte.elt upon tJie kid. But It 'Nail well to go anywhere tor money. Not the most where the trtghtened Umballa stood. M" lotitly In t III MlI!)klnl\w tlubdlv\s whloh moveR tWine every yoor For WAYNESVIl.LE, OHIO be prepared. . ausplciou8 sl,n thought Ramobal. A twisted rltle banel tell at hl& feet. Ion to Frllllklln , '250. th,ee m onthll of tbe yoar It ill lilt Branch Office, BarveJRbu ..... 0. 'Toward nOQn tho other troaaure They got Into the boats und Jlushed "To the Bloopl" he. yelled. " It Is all "'hon so n 1111 v a II I.li Ii J\l8 'Ittao l1 Mnry A. Bigl er t,o Joha 0, BeaUy u,'\tect Ilt, Ille plnoo wbere II III ti e R. lee.era 'm"w up ,nUlln a quarter 1Jl ott. overl" y o nr It "liT fllllt! t., llHr forol i ~8 fun c . lot No. 70IJ In Frnnklin, $2100. . I lgDRted o n Iho DJI\p. Uurlng the a mUe beblnd the village. The men On the way 10 the Island the coloOn the far ,Ide tbe oilier ·trelUllJre tt OIl~ . )',) n h (lcomo oon"t.l llllted . J u bn B . I:i Bldwln lind .wlfo to , other Dltle montbs It i6 llot shere at folk 'tholllht It advlsable·to reconno).. nel consulted the map, or dlagmm, he _ken Btood buddled together, scarce t T IIA r" oel y u e/l to !\lrlllnohl IlL y- our Cbarhl ~ A. Bill I \ No. 10 In ~on'h sll, bnt, ie "bollt forty miles furt,b er t.8r before enterlq the vllloge. Ono beld In hie .band. It was not possible lmowlnll which way to turn. The mlr- st'llll/lch il1Ht l"Lt} o f di ae~ tlog , Th l.~ PArk ubtllv lslol) to Lo~non, fl . BA~NHART, louth. Ilt B UInI)It lower aUltude never could tell. Winnie declared her tbat UmbaJla knew the exact spol 1IC1e of It wu that none of them wne InOtilll~' ~ tilt' ,,1,0 1110011 (lotI ell n~e J u. M orrl~on anri WifA to Wm . Cltm'a tio coodltlo ns are the OAIU!O of intention of snoozing while ther walt. A tllIgTee basket ' of sliver, tilled hurt. Perhaps II. quarter 01 an hour n"u ~eu, "" mitln/!; IL"d II· torrlhl,\ rha oker ,I r. fOnd \vlfe 73.87aoreR In tht8 1II1gratory habIt. Wben tile Notary Public b end 8(,hA l'" ke e h III br·rluln 's T u b. t he N. ~ qU llrto r of Beotlon No. 2, beat grows too intense fDr oomfort asBed before theIr faoulttes awoke. with gold and gems! Tbe man be- P ''Lookl'' orled Kathlyn, pointing aea- , 1et~ . ", 11 S wt' 11 ton e np you r 11Vf'r. the wholo town t)tloks up and, drlv. All klndll of Nutllry WOI k, oame all 'eager and exolted lUI II. boy. ward. l' olellO out. your ~t,omnoh nnd YO ll wi ! I 'r. 3, It. 2. M. R. 8. $'l. N. Band WIIlItIlD Tbaoker. Jr" log thll herdl! ..r Y!lb, ebeep and and Deed"" ~peot"-H".... .f>,,.,------=~=- _ The Instlnct to hunt for treasure be.. II 'l'b I What abe saw W88 UmboJla, sotttng soon u O Il" Vl'll IHI ever : O:'/' o n ~ glnB just outalde llIe crndl& and endB adrift the boots wblch bad brougbt oost. Il '1 ollrte r. Oht.alDnhle overy- Lo J . C. Murrisou I J ill No. 298 Rnd gOlltll, 1JI0Vt) 1! lip t J tbo higher altl. :! 6 III W ikoff 's tul.dl tion to MIIBOl) tnde. and thll trllde,.~ tram Indla at JUBt Inside the grave. llIem from the ma.Jnland. . where. *1 . , I onoe begtn t drift In . '{'ra·te oonTo return to .Umhalla. Upon land· - - - _ - - - - Came a eecond explosion. tsr more .. " I tlnue!! f or three months; tbeu, lng, he asked at once If any .. new furlOU'1I than the tlrel Tn Ihe down. ' T . nod {,. M. Reynolds to Alhert , before the severe 'l',botlln winter DR. J. W. ·MJLLER . .... bere the cave was. One man did l\Dd IJ ld8. Y Daler lot No.1 In Uorwln , ooglull the town moves tJaok The Blnck Bean Club know the way, hut he refused to show ward ru8b Kallilyn sbltmhl ed nn~ rell, 11. . • It. The re were aplrlts llIere, ruled the debrill faUln, all about her. C. M, (lDd r. L Reynoldfl to Albert • - • ...DENTIST... by an evil god. One of tu e fl\ ntnAtio olubl! of Lo n- 'lnd DIlIHY Diller I ·t No 14 nnd p~rt CHAPTER XXV. Id UU I~ the Blook Benn o lnb, Ihnlt.et.l of lot No. l() In JohnR On'1l IIddltlon "Take me tbere, you, ..nd I will enA Husky Fowl OmOBIJn ter without barm. Am I not holyf" t. o fort,y m emberp, ellob of who m I.) Corwin, $1. Wayne" 1110, 0 li.tCon" BalIk BIlla:. Tbat put rather a new race upOn tbe Complle.tlo"!l. I) - .V" ILD lmtrl\nOO foo of .£.10 8nd 11 situation. If the billy man WIUI willing Blinded by the dust, trlJlJled by llIe ~i wH a r IIDl ooat as nuuual Bub.orlp Marrlal{e Liconllel Willie Ollme in from theebod to risk an -encounter wIth the god, far rolling atones, Bruce turned to where tlou. They meet only onoe ll year. where Uoole Rufns was 1110hing a Walte r .:!toner, employed at 1l()1I ' 1 ..... ",lIJd 10 lII .. lnu~ be It IlInt tbey ahould pr~veJit hloi. he bad Been Kathlyn fall. Tbe explo· hUrl tben II bAg 18 p,a · Beo rOllnd, oon C hrist mllil ohlokall fnr biB tlmRll city l uro wit.h Dr. Khoup'. An ordinary seeker wOllld not bave elon-thll last one-bud opened up .... Inln g· ,tbir&y_nln" white bOl\nB and lug MIU ~ , Middleto wn, to Hazel n 611bew'8 dinnur. Croap lIemud,. One . to. will .ureb pr...... tound Iho entrance In Ii lifetime. Um- veins of strange gnse8, tor the whole OD 6 blRok hO'Ln. 'l'he member .who C lara Yager , or Frankllo. A. C. "~nnt 80 S I" he orlAd 811 he ODNo 9OmILl..~,!::: Kft~'yn, Bruoe and the Colonel Plan. balla had not known eleetly where the promontory appeared to be on Ore. pir k8 t he billoic bean Is oo mpe lled to Vall, .C P. taroo , "whllt dl! you think? Uncle ~ A ..... .i>Dd pIeaaJIi8~ Eldron C W olf, farmer of Eden. Rural! II! ont in the sbed bUBklng a .cave WIUI, but be knew all llIat the He bent and caught up In hfs arms get DlHriol1 within the enllalng ed. and ourled up In h er rugs. Kath- CAve contained. Wben tboy came to the Pl1lcloue burden, stoggered do,¥n twel VB m,)nths, and the rOlllllinaer WII, to. tlntah M. Rld~r, of Blan- hen l " Iyn, however. could not realllt the I~ Umbul\a 8Allfed; tbe tang oC IU1- to the beach and plunged Into the wn. Hul mnly vo w t,o l'emaln alngle nn.1I ohetller . Rev. A. J. Kss'le. loOSing to look upon llIe sea n«aln. phur became evident both In hi. noee ter. A tbln trickle of blood Oowlng th e nt·xt· m eeting. A honse 18 far. Frank A . (juard, farmer to Veda Bhe could aeo the lovely blue water nnd on bla tongUe. He understood. It down ber forehead explaine d every. nlsb ed for the pro- pectlve brldll- BltnJI\, bo th ot IJI'bllnoll. RllV. E. Hitting Him With the Truth throuch the eptuletl between the treee. · WII8 simply a small spring, a mineral, .tblng; a failln, lltone bad 8truck hor. ~ro"lII nut of the funde 01 t.be olnb, C . Kerr, . Soon she would be flYIng over tbat In which sulphur predominated. He "KIt. KIt' 1 bope to Ood ilie trensuro wh loh n,lso Ilell.r .. the oost of 'he Will ill m A. Glud, railronder of ter, llytila for bome, hamel came out with eome cupped In hit went up also." He dasbed the cold woddl o ~ fes l,lvl t.io3 Ilnd of a t·hree OilY ton , to. Mo.! 'l'rovil\ r , of LebonCcI', Mr . B08~tfl1l-1 wonller how it Sbe went tarlller from the camp h·unds. He drank and ahowe d tbem water Into ber face. I wO',k e ' h n n·Ay mo l'" . Rev . A . .1, K(l~tlC'. would soom it I ooulo huve all t.be than lIbe really Intended, and came un· that' It was bafll)less. BesIdes, he ·wu Tho otbere were unburt, though : - - .. - . - -John ,1 , :i'i.htlr. U180uf .. otnrer to monsy I hllvo given t " obl\rlty piled expeote4ly upon the leopard. which a boly man, and hie presence made In: 'daaed, aDd for the nonce Incapnblo ot ,J ~lI e E . Bisbop, b"tb of Frank lin. on a pl1\tfl berme me. . .t004 guardlq Ite cubs while they ettcctulll IIll evil spirits wblch mIght coherent tbougbt or action. • Ofton Misunderstood ltev . Nl obolAH ~obneidor. . ~rl<, B II II~t.ful - 1 t'h lnk y/)n 001111 SJ'Ow1ecl 6IId toro at -Ille dead Idd. roaw ' wltbln the cave. "The boate!" Bruce lold Knthlyn ~'III dlstloguhlh the VI 'lfC, . . Kathlyn rBeJI~d that she WII.8 un. Umballa, Impatient all be was, ba4 down on tile sand and signed to Win· --Commlssloner8' Proceedings armed, and tha.t the leopatd wus be- tQ de pend upon patience. By dint of nle, "Tend to he r. I must lake a Bsr UUII IJ S I QIJrt i o tll O (loo rw~ )' tWlM1n hllJ' and the camp. She could InquIries bo learned that wild Moham· chance at the boots. We could cross' hot lu J:i /1l1 1l1l11i1 tbtl s lottllTilll< young , A. V. Vall '9118 Bilpolntlld II ~ In. a.llIe roofe of the village below her; modans hlld cast the spell upon the the' neok of sand lit cbb, but lhubn.llo It,dv Wlt R i n v lt,int;l him t,o anI I aRllln. 8PflO t, ;. of t.h o FrBrtkHn Wall nt f3 Aa a Reminder. If'rnncos 1I'8S tlnclln,:: It· ttr eAome to eo to~ the buta abe ran. Tbe leap- cave, set a curse . upon Its tbreshold. wnl be rar away before that time. KIt, "COnl fl nrOlll1i1 t' - M-8-S .-8" 8ho pbr duy . . ar4 lloocl .UlI for a wblle, eyeln, her U mballB tottered and deatroyed tbls Kit: my poor glrl'I" Ho patted her b egau tryil1l( t.) I\V . ·undRY. but t,b a Bills A\l o WA(I -VorOIIllJ"~ .itlqllAst be kopl III on a r,rlny doy. After sev· doobttuJl7, then made up Ite mInd to • by rell80nlng· tbat the curse of II. Mo- wrists and calle d 10 hor, und wilen illlntetl (ld woe t\f\V~r ft nl~ b rnl. 'l'b e ovor \.Jouy of w .. L . I~ll ble (\ n, $726; '!f11I 'rulH ullpcnl" 10 b(l ollowod to gO -,•• chase. Sheh'" talted blood, bllt hammed lln could not affect a Hindu. lInally her lips sUrred he roue olld d (lg tb ClUgl\t /Ilia II I(111nt "lIlo'ew" '( Ollr14(1 ,1 Au,lol:l!ou, utl(lertakors uut. sho sall,l e mphattca lly : "Wall, I had DOt _ten. FInallY, he ottered each snd all of' them waded ant Into the oea, follow ed by Bud h e did 81l1' viollM, bnrlili ' Bnrnh JUlie AyorB RID going to lou ve thIs bouee and nev· Meantime the little oblld ball .torgl)t· • . ' ....tutlh-anQ 'iliAtour hardy IIshermen. The freshenlb& _ _ --,._ _ _ ~__ ,76; .Iohu I:lhanlltKUr, I'olld \II ' rlt, er come 1!l\cll." Thinking to' rrlghten tell bw lou In her Intel'l!at In the bill· breeze, being from the southweat, ald· lu 11CIr Rud tllntll rlul '6 90 i Dr, W F . It r out or lh o Iden 1 sold : "Very well, ed tbe swlmmere, fOJ the boats did not Read ·your own Miami Gazette MUSd, wltmjslI fel'H illl'Co st.atll of Ohio then "'e'll Jluok your cloth os," "No." Jock cart wit!! Ita (J'OteaqllB lur ; and ah.ollmbe,cl Into the cart JUBt &II Kath· . .. . -. drtlt out to sea, but In a northeasterly v~ Elmor }·ord .$1 40; C. W. ,S pll rke IVQ.I1 th e calm reIlly. "I think r will I7ll ap~, followed by the e scited DTy.spebl!I~., dlrection. Tbe aloop WIUl squaring - - brhlj\e work, Union tllwusblp to; leave them here BO YOU eRn sh.voys reo \eOputd. . Sbe .w the chUd and ~...... __ ~Wllt tor llIe mainland. . . 01110 Corru/lt1-tpd llulvl'rt ' Co., Vlul\ member Just hOlv big I wae 'When 1 . 8UI.CIIBd· bel' lnattooUvt!l)' from the wiIl...u.n JOUr iDdi&eItion. M&IlJ DId Umba.J1a .!Jave llIe treasure? Wal1li} Your Child~en S&IUIQ i Joha W (llfa, "ridge ""'lrir, II¥·t.·' ..rt. TIle Jeopard leaped Into the cart people ill thla &owD ban wed ~ Bruce wondered, ae at length his Often children do l)ot lot parents know lAbo r "nd materhtl '4076; lJl' N, at ... nar, wbtle Kallll)'ll ran toward '. . waban,... . ed up and tooll hold or the they ara C9n.~tipa¥ •. 1·he.y ~ClIl'80ml!o A Bl1milton, plIsteur 'rel!.twllnt ror tile ClllWa 1I1lt. Into wbleb ahe su.· W. "-- d'A ~'nwale of llIe boat be bad ploked out thiDgdi.etalltefUl. fhey.wllllikaRaall lLltl. Abram. f100; W , H. Elhon, Thl. II Fre.. . •• - &DIJW'''''' - DOrderli.-a mild luative &ba' t.uta b id 0 ..... ... W hi , , "'1 ...... wltllout til. formallty of an· " _ 801cI _ _~b7 ~. bo.L to brlnl down, Would Umb&lla han like ........ Bold ODIJ b~ at, 10 OIG&I. r 11 wor., a8 0, 00 o"n~" p .y1hl............ • ...._.... ~ed teDlldtJ enouah to Iwta on ~ -.....- . ". . $4240; 1'. B. MOD08, ' bridle Walk, preclated. If you want your advice ohaqe mOD., fortol,b;e::;,a~p'~~I~IIJU~":::i::'.~ItIraIiill"~ '. ... . ._ &be~ ~ ao 'AUjl -tQ.l&.bL faoe ' ~ ~ e1rtett1l1Xl' .I. Eo ,,~. t!aJem &O,"'Dahlp '14,10; Ra, Wolfe, .ADlai. rn.
i People's
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J A McCoy, · ..
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Walter McClure
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; ..lIlkobe<l Wetlkly
III III" 0 ..."1.... UOl..... ln Ibo RateB of Subscriptioll. All..... 1Iu1I,III11!. 61,,111 I:IL.. W. ynoll\'iIIu, Ubill. Ontl , ...... (olrl,'lly III ... 1\'.... ,,1 ,' •. , .. . ~ I.UO r:i1u«lu \''OIlY .• •.•• . , • . • . . . • . .~.l
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n .Il. I ·lI t . i Ie . . fi 1.1 1.00 'J'- I\ '\(I ' . ~ "'hl enD nw' n WHe villic ur8 f:\Kturcfll Y. S kirt s - Wa sh kin ', lip from . · 1.(0 Mrs. Lolla 81gler lind lon , l:lauol!l, Sui s A fine ' lill , lip from . " . . loH fo r 'Ievelamd Friday where . Marlo Bort.sock hilS boen v lt!iti nir MI'. lind Mrll: 1'homtls Whe t. el. o( th ey will 0\1\1( 0 their fnhlff' Bowe. \ SIOO REWARD: Sil k Waists , IIJ fmlll .. .. . . .. . LOU nelLr Bellbrook t.lte Plij' Dllyt(JIl, flrQ CIlBSts of fnJallves Iltld I air Ju eph Y o(Jray ' Rn u flllllily The r.aders of lilis p" ~r _ill be pleased relatlve8 week . \'011 wi ll UC lIiprised wben you ee Mr .. WliutBel III fI~bln!f Mill a~ u'Bua l wore V I8IM Il/( with Mr. /tlld Mrs to learn that Ihe,e is at leall one dreaded these Wais ls Al ben Vorn ell . '1'he " Willin g Workers " of tbe 18 16oe'lnl( with aile I! ncoe!~. diseuse ihnt science Illls bee'n nhle to cure i•• 11 ils swges. !lad thut is Call1rrh. S ugar Cr eo k BlI Dd/IY Hobool ulet at nnd Mrs . Wm. 1140Clirron, of Mr. 'Iyda Cox was viRIUn g hlB ,dr. \\ a It Dresses, ~ 1.:3 (), :$2, for. . . J .00 D R , ADd l' r w n souris us t,hn rnl. Hull's Qu ta rrh Cure is the olily posilive the bome of Porry Gutherie ·i·burs . On. t ou . woro S u ndny g uest~ of p 'lCeots 10 LytIc ~undI\Y . I Wing "rlioh. tllk l.l n fr OID one of the cure now knowa 10 Ihe mediwl roo.fllily, 11ayeveDing. A jolly good tIIllO 'W B~ t h Ir pII.rC n l,R . '\\ anI Sk ir1 s, new lo t a t 3. bargain I •. Mr . and Mrs . Uoo. C. 'I'homplloD oomloll of tllft day Ih ;,t 1M ~"gooel we Ca!nrrh being.a c~)JIslil utiollal di5Case, re o r eported lind n g ood Ilfograln wbloh Mrll. L I:'\~le Lilltor. of Uln clnu~ tl . IIrll vlMlttng with rolatl veH In Blan . qUires a const llullonnl lrulmell!. .bU's $5. $. and $ 10 q uality . . . . . . . . . 4.25 oonsisted of mualc botb vO MI !tnd Willi the g1l 0K t I:! nnduy of Mr. !loti oh este r afn unlnu t n t)aHH It .Iong Dan Lntarrh Clire is lllken intomlllily. B.-Ling Inetruw ental WIlB t ho feature o f the Mra . AnlllB Ellie . . " dd.: ""be be~ ' thing I Rver nw, dlrectl,. upon the blood ..ad mue. OIlI sur· Silk Joves, up from . .. . . ..... . 50c Mn Bertha Woolley and ohlldren (li CeI 01 Lbe syslem. Ihereby deslroying evening. . Mr. Burry Bll r ! eau . of Newport, lire vleltlug with Mr. IUld Mr~ . And lIooo r d Ing too my be llof, nil WB Ihe I" ulldll liull of ihe dl5lllnse. " "d ~ivilll! A . 1::1. Coruoll . wife aDd dnngll te r , KS .• spent Sunday h er e wit h hi ll William Bro\m. ott n li n nr H"y rlne.n't IlJtloellce In Ihe pallent slrengl h hy build in.: lip t he lrml\ took dinnor with Mr. aod Mre family . Hest Assort ment Sheets, Pillow liny way the t ron!t of thlnge 1111<1 ~oll'lllulio n and IlSS~ lillg nnture in doing ·. Iean Pennewlt. of Bollbrook . Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Aneler"on IIn ll The ball \rtt we b.al.ween Lytle 8Dd Cases, Etc. .' . • Its work . The proprleloR have so lUuch Tile qnarll n \lne for acarlet fev or 80n. Cllrlton . o f XeDIR . and Mr . A. Ridg evi lle WII~ fI one sided afhir mlnrllll lillii'll IIln~' be olloyed or faith ill il s enmti v. po wers 'halllitey oaer bas beeo lil ted frow the bowo ot you l(ot ynu,,- It will do to re'ld all" Hllndr"d Dollars for nny cu .. Ihal AnuenloD, of Wttverly, oaHuu on wIth Lytle having the bl", side. S h 'e 1s from . . .. ..... :,9c, 49c, 59c 1'h ~ resu lt of the gllme 1888 follo WlI l .. nil IIOu(IOr tho belnw. Anrl II"" It. f8ils to cur.,. Send for Jist of teslimo· Thomas Hont·er nnd fnmlly. Tboi r fr ioDlll; h re Dunuay . , 1 J t nlu.I • . trlenll! and nolgbbors are g lad t o Th" Vlvlo LeHguo ", II I give " R B. E Sheet s , hleac hed . . . .. 4!) J 59c 69c wheu 1IIIIhol18 prill' for thtl war '0 Address , F . J. CflUNaV & CO .• To· lee th!lm Gut 8811ill. Lawn Fete here :~aturd" y . July H. Lytle .. .... ... ........ .. ...... ... J:~ 1-& 2 dtolllD' iCorope, what Is tho 1l08WOl' ?" 1,,40. O . Tbe Mallin fBmily Antert!tined a t ·heets . h mstitchcd ... .. .. 75 1.00 , or t u e bonefit of ~h ei r organlzlltlo n Itirlgoville ............... .... .... :l ij f:j Sold by all Druu ists. TOc. R e"o IV"CI tl IR., T be I"w of oom. Take H'lU' s Wumily 'HIll for ",onslipa. dluner I::lnntlay Mr . and MI S. Law Mr. Ilnd Mrll. Theodor e LI"vreDoo IOt rlkeonlt<: IJehhfu t 17. Abrlllll! Pillow Cascs, Itctnstitche l. .. . (IfIn tJl~It.\11 IIboWH OM aKBlo eaoh day lion. reDoe llarlwriKbt. of Dayton . uOli mot her M~1l L!lre . linn MrH. 10. B,ue 00 bull s, GebhJlrt3, Abrams tbf\t (\vorythlnll bas ItH prlon. Yell Miss Mae WrlghS bad for h or J OOOSi of Mlddl et ow o, "ntoed~. Hit hy IJitohed ball, Lytle I . Pillow Cases . . . lOc, .L2 >- ~ c, 15c 25c and Mol,her Natur. IB the oollhler KUellt8 S unday aftern oon, lhe Missell tb rough /lllr tow n Illst week aDd Ridgevi lle 1. l:Saoritioe Bile, R. lfeb. anlt,be demand" full paymeut. I Nellie Mnrpby, Nellie Riggs. Len ll stopped ovor 11 fow mln ll tos 110 thHt hart 2. I:!tolen B88e8, Lytle 5, Ridge h ..dlny [no and I go, the flno 111m. Thomas, Uertrade BnDter. Messrs Mr . Lllw r oooe oould 8"y hello to his vllle ~. 2 Baee hit, Oyke 1. Surfaoe ~auitlnlC' that went wlib It. aDd C8rl 'I'homlAl, Romeo Riggs, Millard mao y friends. Mr. Lawrenoe waS I. 3 Ba~e Bh. R. Gebhart 1. Urn mothor nature who i. 10 relentlllIB Marphy, Morrll Hunter lind Elliot a "Ian'am of o ar town for m,ny pirtle Snrtlloe and Jaol!son . 10 ber demand!! for vaymlnt "Ill pay WllIh.mion. ;roan and HI 'hat time h e euooeeded N'I games until aHer the fOU1·th. you an hnn"red folel for what yoa Clarelloe Berryhill h&l'l made q uite In D1l1kiug many friends . Galn08 wllnted with IIny good ama. do, Jr 10U plan. a ~ralll of 0010 Mr. Ueorge Sbaw and wire w_a a ohango In .bIB farm by moving The bond ItIles mao t or Warreu tonr tOil me. espeoially Wayn08vlllo Dator" will Ri'fe you thrlle e...11 f or 0"lIIn8 00 John 8bawand fBmfl,.. baok tbe barn !\nd ~Iv lng It" now Connty h14 V8 b een cammng in this ancl Uoclds . yonI' worll: . In uIltnre', jastloe thore All Kinds of Conture and a Dainty Pupil Mra. Annlo Newlanel "as '\I'Ieltlng ooot of waalhllr bonding, - - -.. vlolnl ty fOJ: bU61QesII reoontll. areno boles anllak ont thl'oagh ber Ion "Dd falDlly recently. Several al tended the Areoplllne Y onr IIlwyer olID 'i ie' a BtlY-YOU "Peeky" Vook, who li ves part or Jolin GilJllon and tamlly were reo GYIlJDailtioa .Klven llt t he Daykin hiM time In WBynellville, is fre. am paid with a oold and rele ntle", RESTORED TO SOOD HEALTH An oIl pupil of Vonture told h ' W cent gUOllt8 of 'Beet Norse and fam. trllir (Jrounds, by Ul e braves' girl preoillioo alld oharlloo thtl 811me way . q uently seen npon onr streets of "I WIL8 81~lt: for four yef\rll with the master OIome Into hl8 . oboolIn the wor 1<l . Your orlo. for meroy Bre onheeded \ly. oTeninU8 He m o.y OO[IOlllde &0 go WIlliam Luou was calling on Mr. ·and Mrll. TrIlCY, of Fairm ~ut 10 h OIl"o koepi ng here, who II:OOW8. .tomaoh ~rouble." writes Mrs. Otto room one day wben tbe model wlla Youdlsoboy the Ill'" Bnd yon 811t villted her wother. Mra. Lillian He rnl~ht fool us, we have baen Glint', Z~DQSvl11e, Ohio. "1 1000t In exoeptionally good oonditlon, the yoorll. .Ab Y08. Mot.bor Nature 18 William Braddook and tamlly. wei(fl t end fel t eo w6llk that 1 al. \tgbt espeoll\Uy fine and the olronm. [Sucaasor tD too led . . kind "llIle rlbe lleemslndltferent for 1141.. :Oorot.by WV80nR 'hom thl' Hoetop . most gave Ul-' hOlle of being oured. lI'aDOOII of 'be seance alklgether aawheD yon tlllre y our Jlaml nnt of 'he olty la nailing 00 ber oarentll. Miss !I'lorenoe Lnoy has boon 00 Oblil. Mllddfl n arrl Ted home from .A hlend told me abont Ohawber- sploloas. All he Intered one of sbo F. E. SHERWOOD Ore Slall bM11I np ahe burn When Detroit "fl er /level'o l days tltay in IlIln's Ta blets, bnd slnoe using two tltudenle got up and went to tbe t ub Moeer8. t!amuel J.~lt:8on, Clifford the siola: list. Wtl repllnt Ilho 10111 us forlClvn oor. BwUh, Lewil MorRall, Emerson 01111 that 01 ty, "n d repor~ed a very en. Throng h the kindnellA I)f tho bottl08 of them I have been a woll of water in the oorner, le .. vlnj;l all Over POitofflce, Waynesville, O. 1I~lvBt!. We only Bin a,alnst 001'. Eld Marlll". George Marla". Lester Bngor Crellk Christian ohuroh tho joy a ble time. 'Woman" Oblf\lnllble everywhere. ~e reat burled In t belr work. Offi1:e Phone 77 . HOIIM Phone 6·3 jl8lvPII It doeaan 't Injnre Uod nor (Jill, Walter Murray and rboma l! m ember!! or tile F erry ohu roh will Remember_tbo great aUrllotion. , What are yon going to I\o ?" Ilsked -. J\a~ure . OUI dleoded the ball Rame be&"een bOld their l:)nndny School and a.t the Dr iving Psrk, Sflturdll Y. Contnre rougbly . 'l'be stndent prenohlng tbere nnLl1 th eir oharoh July il. Balloou aeceD sion, IIlr s hip, Wlly06llvll!e aDd Harvey.burg. Mbllwed his hand8, whloh bad some 1)8in& on them, and replied 'hilt be Franll:lin Luoaa w,," calling on 18 fiDlshed . l'rooohing hy Rov . hurdlo r1l08, everyth ing that will THAT Pal luer evary firlltand thlrel"S un aay ILt·t rtiet and eDlAr taln . I..et 'hi. be wall going t-o wash them. Contu.re Amott Jaokl.lOo and fllmlly . dabbed hll thumb In 80me paint au It'. \lr.' VIlf8l1 Irom tbll beallnll A dell"bUnl eveDlng WI8 enjoyed mornlDR and eveDlng of each mooch . your ouUnl!. Y on do n ot need to J'loll ltall'om, 'I·.. r "lUI Honll,_11 t·he palette of tbe nearOllt "tudent JCmeraon Dill .. nd bill many Every ono oordially Invited to at go to Coney JlIlllnd to spend tbe 3rd 'Jat cO llie diroot h ere Hod asel8t In . milled In Il Illeru<n lit. Ilootblng COUlh fllenda at a 8urprllte party RiveD In teod. Mr . And Mra. W. O. E ..toll. of lAnd made a smear on tbe dl1lDty pn· t5nnp 0111100 Or. BeIl'II Pine 'l'ar bon F. E. BartJllooll and wire. Ol\rl ml k. ini Ibis a reoord bre .. ker . LIlndedowne. Pa. , ~re the gueete of pU's torehead. "'i ou'd baUer waBh of hili lUst birthday, .lDDe ·y.o or faoe, coo," he laid. '!'hI face Auto Livery Serylce at 1Ionoy. 1'IIoU8111111s bave beneft~d 16th tal hi' pareDt. home. The Sherwood and \fIfe. Marie lind J U.me, . Two new Ford macbi ne8 landed A. O. Easton and wife, at t~e e~lI bv ItII u",,- no npAlI ot YQDr endnr. eveolug wa. lpen' with mailio Ilnd Barli8ooll:, .Morrla S herWOOd, Leroy In onr ' town last weell: and the Reasonable Rate.s Mrs . J. M. Bunnell 1I'all a Oem waehlnl wu she lael deDa when 'hey had flDlabed tbelr 111/1 tb ..' , Illlno.vhlK Coullh or rllllling gamllll. Ai a _lIoDable bonr dlliO'ly Bllrtllooll:, of 04ltrol&I Mloh.. B"zel "s howters" are learning to operll te City visitor WedneRdlY . work for 'he day. Tbe dainty pupil • daojlterO\l8 COlli, ~o k) YO\lr dlllli. refreahmoD'" were lIervell, TIle Taylor, of Bollbrook ; CiraeeUarm8D, them . MI.. Mary Emma D.rllnl~n took ihe ' hint to 'heart, . apologised AIIO tor Kelly..springfield 4)1',11111: lor /I l!io ' ·rlBl nal bot'le Or. ~8I!ta were: KI811es Ran.SbeehaD, of WaynellVlllo I Orh.1I 'I ·hompeon. Rumor hall It t hat we are soon to away Tae.day mornln" ". anl;laat down at lila eaHI without Automoblle Tirea Bell'. pillf',·rlu.1 hlDey , l&ar' Ulllni Pllnlloe Mar)"t&, Adria Coroell. of Lylle. were royally entertalDed ba,' o a weudlng In t hill vloi nU" plflaell hor .late borne on Main IItre.t arter vllIUlng the tnb. If he h.d not done II L ODOO anli "fj~ rid of your Cough Edna Cornell • .ADDa Fnrn~, Ada to a five oourS8 dinner Snnday bv Who will be the neltt? 8n IlIne8H Of many monthll. Foneral 10 he would never ha '\I'e enttled the Iud Ge,ld. Mr. and Mrl! . Raymond Bartsooll Benard, Lenlt ..M ....la~t, EdDa Dill, Mr. and Mra. llhas. Finch and 1181'vloell oonduoted fcom the Ilome sobool again, Meun. Albert "arlal" .FrodrlJII aDd hUle 80n. tamily, of Dayton. WElre Snnday Thur8day a' 10 II. m. Mr. Bnd Mrs. J B88 Baker and visitors of Idre . Mattie Flnoh aod Benard. Wilbur "arlatt. Alfred Writi~g Mr. and 1011'8 John .Albright, of Valley Phone 9O-1 y' l:Jay,. Alvin Earllhart. Walter daugh&en took dinner at WI11 80n. Robert. Day&on, ",ere S prlnllboro vlel&on TIRED, ACHING ' MUSClES RELIELED /::lqoireB, MadleoD J:lunhart. Mal[ 8 trouds. Mr, Bad Mrs . Wm . L. Barvey 1111t Buoday, There Ie thl. good 10 a l"'le IIbra_ Barnard, Marvin Oay, Fntd Brad. Bard worll:, over-exertton, mean B. O. Cornell nnd wite "nter. made II flying trip to DI~yton Well. Misa BeUy Wrl6ht, of Dnqne.ne, rV-Ibat" frighteD. the bebolder. dooll:, LMtel' Dill. The gaee&a de. ialned l:iunday . oeiday to Xenia Sundav, .. nd to Fa .• Is ,pendlnl the snmmer with stUr. aore muaoles. ~Io ..n 's Lini'1'."0 bundred 'boo..nd "OIUMIII are parted at & late hoor ",llhloll him Mra. Laura &oket~, ot Waynes. Clnoinoati the first · of ~hi. week . her grandpareni8 Hr. and IIfI. J_e ment ligbtly &pplied. a Ilttle qui ~t, eDoDMb t.o dlaoonr"lle a man tempted 810re lIapp, bl.. tbday •. and your sorenllllll dlaappean )lite ville, vlllHed hlr dapg[lter, Mrs . AU of thle drivlug was done In an W~jih', to prln' a book But unfor'un ..tely in..g1o. "Nothlog ever helped like Mr • . "a«gle S*-I'I' and frtend or Ma8gie Brown the llAst bu.lf of the Ohio automobile . he Tery nfteD _ya kl blmllllf, •• .. 011. ClDolnDltiand Mrs J(>bn Bolland Min Luoy Banta shopped 10 Day. 810ao's LiDlment, 1 oan neVlr week Mr . and Mrs. Frlln.k Shldaker I or _he.. boroka .... Dot re"d, and tOD 1.. , week. t~ank you enougb, "wrltee oDe grateGIVEN QUIOK RELIEF aDd Ob.... Dill. :of Spl'ioR Valley Roy Cham~ra, of Fairmont. who htl ve 11.lnted their pre~ul'08 In tho Mrbapa mine will be" Be eom . were oaillng OD Mr. and MIS. MillS Jennie Roblnlon, pf Dayton, ful neer. Btopeluf!erlng. aobe., and Pnin leaves almosl I .. toot IItyle, whloh addla greatly to purchaee<i t he JoneH farm has 1m. parBII '0 the drop of "a tel' .that 0001_ Thom"l 0111 rhonday evening. apent Munday wtih hO!De folke. paine. An eltoellent connter-Irri. (IS if hy magic when proved Ita looks' plllnting the house. Maple Str eet. Mre. Bhldaker 18 A plAiDed of being ooDronndoo alocl begin using "5MIIISIII Fannie Ind Luoella JannlY tant, better and oleaner than mns a.n E~rnhart alld family were loa' In tbe ocean. A genie tooll: l'hemany trie!lds of t:lteole K emp, member of the Vlvlo .L eague and were Day&on IIhoppere one day tbil tard. All OrugRis&8, 150. Oetll bot. u lhe famousol ct pity on It and mAde an 0Yllttlr IlwaL BalUnI on Joaepb.-.Marla" Snnday. of B"UbrllDk, were ebooked to bellr tldvocatea Improvsment~l. for Rheumntle $o-day. Penetrates without rnbweek . " , , low I, It beKl&mll onll of 'be flne. Mr . Robt. !:Imad, of near Clnolnof the aoolde nt oauBlng his doatb. Goll Mr. and Mre Elmer Sheet., or bing . , .,.rla 01 'lte 08Nn and tn time 'be natl . flDd Mr. F rank ~hl d"lI:er por ... ~lIll k • oblet ornament of ,hegr.t motf1ll" CHAIBEIILAINIS COLIC, CHOLERA AND obnsed sever81 floe army horlles lut Middletown, w.r. Springboro nil. 'orll lut Sunday. It socs right 10 Iba w ale. Ibrona TbeMe "ho are mere oom: spol. slops Ihe aches A GOOD HOUSEHOLD SALVE He Was Only Beating Time DIARRHOEA REIEDY , pl.lerl'l, Imnaton, oomme.""I, piolr. Qolnoy Kmg Is hnlng th. 0041 ~ Dr. aod Mrs. Carl Bordon, of lind p'liu9 nod m nlces , era of pll",_, orlitCil by She .ea. ThIll III a relfiedy thdflvery fam. . Ordlnl1r.,. ailments and Injllrles houscs I:J our olt y fi lled wish blaok Columb11l; h&ve moved · '0 !::IprlDg. lif" ,\lOrdl living. Gct -'D abor', thl*8 OD "hom no ienle il1 IIhonld be provided wUb, and III are not of tbomselvfl8 8erlolls, bu t dl lLIDoude. Mr. J{lng bae been In bora . II I)()ulo of "f>.Drops" will ...., plt,-_"JIl -f-orner ..emalo pIlOtaUy dnrlng Ihel'lummer moq,hs, Infection or low vitality may mBko th o coal bll810ess for I!e·v eral yearl 100111y. I\. booklel with The oonduotor of the band was Mlal Rnth Miller. of Wapako each boUle gives full lb. drOll of water 00.. mao Ulen Thlllk of the pain and suBoring tha. t~em dangerous . Don't negleo' n "od supplies t he 01 tizeo.s wltb t he neta, la the gueBt of Mr. lAnd Mr., J. a ragtime enthulla~'. Vlolen'ly he .Ji[(Jc!ioDs {or use. " 'work ioi ao becoDle the pearl. mua' be endured "ht'n mediolne onl, I.IOre. brnlse' or hurt beOllUtie It'l best ob&nlnnble . Weldener. beat · time, leanln, far O'\l'er, now Don'l dtllny. Demand mnllt be lIeoUol' or before relief can lIwall . Blood Foison has ' resuUed -Voltaire to";ard one InstromeDt, no"; toward Ada Mulier, of Mlnm lHIJllrg, Miss _______ •.-4P_ ••______ "(\-lJropti" Dou' t :lC' Tbe all.day meeting at ths be ob'"lned. Thil remedy Is 'hoI'. ' from a pin.priok or Boratch . For ie vislUnR ber unole John, north of ~nother, lI'amplD8 hla toot in hi8 copt anylhing elso io oDfthlY ftIl1able, Allk aoyolle ' who aUlluoh all~en.~8 Bnoklen '8 ArnlcR Friends ohurob Monday waf well to wn. paro~vsm. of mUSical tervor and place of it. An,.drvg· , Itttonded and enjoyed. .. nlf~ 1&. ObtBhuibleevBrywhere "'~lve is eltoellent . It proteots and h seemtnK about to spring from hi' ,t "ar. n .pply you. If you li vo 100 f~ r I ------~.~ healll the hnrt; ia Bntiao\ltlo, ktJ18 Bo me of the siok are on the r ..pld bolt aod oarr, the exoltement ot bla . , ., .1 II s,r ro Bend Ooe Doll ar to , road \0 reoovery. greul y to the de. i.,;y; ~ ~~: ,: U. I Hl !i h u,lult ic tire "'0 ., Newnrk, own soul . o one 01' ano$her of 'he Irony. .I", an d 0. 1 ,-110 of ··~. Drops" ".,;1l be Uiht of 'heir rclatlv61 11.nd friends. The Invelltor seldom proflte by hie penplrinl( muslolaD8, Mike fol. ~ t: ( p rep";'!, "I • How It 8ounded. Blemtrlhe8, l'lmplee. S"lt Rheum, Mr, John Ryn6, Dean, Oblo, lowe4 his every mo'\1'6 with ''''01BallOn-"What 18 your daughter do- EezemlA. Get an original 2.00noo made a business t,rip through thlB productloll. The Cbln8lle Inented n ated eyes until ilse 010118 of the gunpowt\or.-South BCII4 .Trl\lulle. bag at the IIlano'" IDllbert-"80un41 260, box from your Drnggll.t melody; then with a dlsappoln'ed "eotlon one day Inet weeii'. John I.. .. It .ho ...all ietUDg h~r mUll ]I"" well kno wn h er e and o"n al waye air he IItarted to leave. &om~· bu y o 'Lttl~ If ther el8 80y for sale. "Bow did ye like 1&, Mike?" alike. , ' Jerry. Mr.ood M.s .•Ias , Ill,. I::lhumaker "Come away, Jerry," lIaili Mike Il n (1 80n, Evera t.t , who III e spending In dillg"et. . . ,.4. ....~ .. ~._~ . -1------===:;;-------I~!Ll!Um lJl er at rndin n Luke. apent "Ol've been wl\t ~hln' him . ~~ put of IO ilt week I1t t·heir home In PROPERTY an hour. and he basll't hit one of r,hls olty, thlm yet I" Sick headaChe, bi1l~l. uul Miss Jennie Leamlng. of Dayton, ()hrl~lIno and Anu E(elly, of Cin. $4.00 PER 'llJJt Aores near Lytle. fairly well bAd breath ueUlUllll, by'mao. Is vlalthlg 6& &Ile home of Mr. lAnd olnna.t I. were nailing '0 0 relatives Imp·roved, some frnlt: Prloe Is tit'. bow" Get .. bol: 01 RealI Mrl!, ,los. Leamlng. 1.l ere Bat,urdB" Imd Huoday. . IIOTtrLe, DItUCcii8T8, . ep.OJAL,."', right. if sold 800n. Inquire ot A. A. R llv. and Mr~ . W. B . O'Neall of oOeTUM.ln, TIIAN.,..It, 0"" Orderli. . 'I'baJr.nlllltlJ'UIII.~ AND . . ua •• "VICE CAN PIIOFI. tlnl7. 801d oi:a\J b7 UI MIO ..... BlooDlvllle, and Mr. Rnd Mn. ~. L Onr nice vl.itod WIlYlleav!lle MoNell, (Jon teut 110, Ohio. Aot-b •• UBI NO ITa ADV.IITla'NO COLUMII. . ... L jM~:-' tlUrfBoe lind daughter were tbe 8allday Bnd played tllIlir bOYI nnd phones . j e30 laestA of W. E . Bogan and flllully . re3Ulted In favor of Wa·VoolIVllIe. SAMPLE COpy FREF ___ ow YOltK CLIPP. . Raturday nigbt. Tbe Cubs of thle plaoe played t lie YoIII_ .. '1". A gloom has been o&s, over our l..obanon cine lind rosn lted In tavor FOR SALE community by the dOR'h at Mre. of Lobanon. . Cb• .-i1e·Barner. She was taken snd Th ~ lind intolligenoe reaohed nf! denly III on Friday ovoolng IIn:i di ed Tneeday morning of tbe ))a88ln. t!uodllY moz:ning a~ 8 o'olock . Tb e Away at Willlilm Rich one of o.r DOT A'rOES-A lot of lood oneil. HATH-AWAY oommunityextends beartfelt 8ym. old oltlzens who bllll Ih'od 1111 of hi., ..- Inqolre of J . O. Ba'wke, Wayn08 j 14 pathy &0 the bereaved tamily, lire neAr where he VllIlled away. ' ville, Oblo. WaynfM vtlle 's LeadlnlJ Deuttas Mr. and Mr... JOhD Wilson wero Be leaVAII a wife, tbreo daaghters. 01!ioe lD Keye Bldg. )lidn S bu. of oorn. Inquire at Xenia 8hopperl, t:iaturday. two S (IOS and one slsh.r to monrn 'I'had ZIW"1lermRD, ' Way· (Jo"erno, Willi. "'•• prlnenp'li IIJlllllller .. t the Corn lJc?y'a BennieI', IlUII8 Lelah Bo8an entertained a& his departure. Be hlld followed j14 PlqOl, Olllo;*,urdaJ', Jonel1l. .Addl'fttlMlnlll )a,fJ'I oro"d h' came. 00.' !tlonor Thureday, MlsS68 Edith Lalrel tarmlnl! . tnrlng hi. stay In this nesvllle, R. R. 4. .! .'ro.f,Jrliln favor of 'he Jnnlnr CoO'!lI'I" work ' RII promoted by tbe AIJ1 I. of Camden, OUve and Franole Wi!. world and be PORll8SSed a gred many year·old Bay Yarll' for BIIlo. sired oultur.' CommliOfllon. BII dllOllI'8t1 'bll~ "nJ ,umorl' tn Jhtl effect that bn 1IOt: and In,. MIAY Compton. friends. Be ",as ot a oheerful dis. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honew by C. B . Pnrcell, dam by Me. wu '.PJKl8t4' tlliM wllrk w .. re .. l)o.olntflly raltle. 'l'ha' I)e fl"ored aa,l E.angelil!tio Day gredly enjoyed poeltlon and WIIS a great eDtersalner quette. For . furlber Information For Cou"h. and Ooleta. , (1Ooour".ull Bamll hef" ro 110 W"I'I ()flvernor and 'ha' be IItllI urled alit! .by the IlBoplo Sunday at tbe ollnroh. being p~808sed . of motber.wlt .. nd lloooqr&tCl'd 'hom Whon bIt w... (.Jon/iraulD&n he had hlmaeU offer en knew when Bnd how to ·apply it ; call on J . C. Bisoy, Waynesville, ;14 Mrs. Howard l..eamlng and Mrs, be wm be remember'lId for ble Ohio. '" Bnd ~Id Hlfl 11][1,1'111114> ofllle boy wllll ~"d grown tbe ,mOil 0(\1"11 on ODU ·~, .or8 tD hl~ d"I'~lo'; ' (Jnvern tlr Willi. toolt I\otlve pal" tn the ,'ate llpe'l. Cooner. of nelr Wllminl(ton, were affllblo an~ pleasllnt wa'Yo,f D).eet108 LANTS-Celery and other garpeople. Tbls '\I'lolnUy e,x tend to 'he • Inti o~'nt."." whloh w •• ~Jne'Ot II IImenror oonte"'11 for Oblo buya and girl .. . gOeBts of JO • • Leamlng Snnday . . den planis fc.r sale. Inquire of ;>-.( 'bl", "...... . Thfl Oo"ernor urged to ae' Into ,be aame and try t t:' Mr. and Mrp. l:ioraofl Compt.on re. bAreaved f .. mlly their hearUeU Oba•• strouse, R . D. 5, WaYDe8vtlle,. .wln a vln'ory "t, Homn l(amA worth while . . 'uraed trom Z'loesville ~htIrlld6y ~yml~thy. Obto. . j7 whete th.., were delpiat08 a' 'he - - -...._____ .i '!Junday SohoQI oODventlon, ~T YOUR FARMS-Use our . Mr. "nd lire Rilymond Wilson AM EASY, PLEASANT LAXATIVE plath hnntlDg SlgDI. Will 1..8' eoter*-Ined a' supper. Satarda~ Ono or two Or. Klng'lI New Lite for ),"1'8 . . Ollzdte OlHoe, Wavnlll· eVOblD'g , Mlleell f!:dtt.h Laird, Ullve' j21 .. nd i'rltnols Wlleon and Me;ers PIIl8 wllh II t llmbler of watew:- at 'vllle, Ohio. ' Welllon Wilson and Liither Bl\lnell. night. No bl\d n"nl~atl nlt taste; no bfllohlng gall. (Jo' righs &0 bed. 0W- A Bohiteln Cow.- fre.h ·and LIVE STOCK AND OEN'ERAL Mrs. W' E . Uo!,ao visited with W"ke n\l .In the m ornlnl, enjoy a goocl one. 10qulJ:e at Oavll reta'ives In Lebluion Snnday , a free, aullY bowel movemen', and "urnaB R. D. ' 2, Waynenllle, Ohloll AUCTIONF.E~ jeSO ' . ~============ foel fiOA all day,. ·Dr. Klnl'lI New Life Pille are !lold by alii Ort1fl8l.... AIlILY ,.,.are, bay. wei.h 1160 , 36 In en orlgiDal paol[aP t for 2!io. ReAL ESTATE a INSURANCE poundll·. ·, oad wor.er. briDP Get a bot;tle to,.day-en;[oy $nt8 eftey, " Dice 001&11. Will Ie' 00 'rial &0 reo pleossn' lalt!'Uve. Ipouelble party. Inqnlre.' otlloe. --------------------------------~-- ~~----
D .\!, to u
InSURlInCE A. R. Chandler
.. ..-------
- - --.. ..---
Ray Mills
--_.- ...---
----_4 _ ••- ---
Corwin, Ohio
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~d~tA:'I~~~. P~~~~~ord~~r~~~
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Olassilled Ada
- - - --- - - -- - - ---,-
N . .Sears
Office in Stoops Building
WayneaViUe, Ohio
-.- ----
Painting, Paper Hanging, .·Au~o . and' Carriage Painting.
Itlbllarlbere &0 'bell~IJ'. MN. Twlek.nbu,." .Alia'''' Shop Next to aheN'ilod'. GaraselMaln 8~ lIIpzIDe. Sen4 aGo to the "Xn. Rlp»letoo'a an.ruOOD · teI!It. otIlGe, .&D4 .._ ODe of the ...4 Mn. Twlc:lteobul7....... & ,...,... , Bab,loo of ~dI.•• ............ aaeaitla.' .. ....__-------------------~....-
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you til come to Dayto n ·during JUly. tores, ~UI It\~lJ I tIl ' th' t I P' h ! Mr. ftlld i\l rs ,I. w. Wliit eentel" I' ot e tli n "0.: CRn ·lIt. We hllve l · 1 big It e; ar c ear ng elr oc es. 1'1ce av ta l"'" ., l d l n"" r : '\tu rllay MI'. and more Ihan Il dozell rbt:l't'y tree.':! . Ihat . 11 d 0 wn-d o,\v n - a n d ~ t'll f th d It' th • ~1 N W. 1\ \ i. 1. ,.. hi th" M i!lS"!! , hav . LUilh 13. "flU bu!-!h I~ o[ liS lin 1 ur er own. IS e , M. ' 1111 ,. fl "I:!, I' M..:l,llllu lli . d l \ r h!B liS. oU ver !:la\ I nu all), one h o u se \ ife s semi-annua l opportunity to repl nish her . \\hu II(!m rl!:, . C' II IlIlp Lb u IIIS ·Ive . OUl"
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, 1110 . Wl! wil l lI.eL d l)\ II OUL of needs-and In oing s o , s h . 11' " n'! ~! T>I W. Ii. Al len nn'; the rlierry tr '1'1I , alld ati,ma.t I eae€;' . ';'. " tlt( hung,co·I< . Will. J Olllll n"a Brynn . Inakes her money go furth r ' .\1 ~q~ 01 \,' ICl lI I,ulI1 w~rl ' 'nlel" Il l! hu: !tllluiliull y~t , hu ~ llh . how . f h t HlIlE'fi II ~ \l Jl P"! lit I I' bl/itt I'! MI. fau lty. All of LI S Dllnll)crllo\.!l that than at any other tlme 0 J E. .1,1'''".')' !llld fil II ily M ndll\' think it wurtl thei r wliil' to live in 'V(' IllIl ~ , t h United S t~ILt! unll ohey he r laws anti the Bull MIJogc - l-'tuml at the ~I'.·. Illlt! ~1.' ~. :1.. i~ 1"lIrna'! han as ba ck,.,f \\I ll rl rolv WilslJI1 to who~a esd Y l' S agal' n ex e n c - '_hl'lf .. o1cl"'nrl~ la rgely t he out. II", .. !, ..-11' I. las t Friday ti lt' J'url"emellt .. urban Day Dayton-just ;V] i:~e~ LOl .lI u dll I J.'il IWII .. J Uline!) , ~" m'" of thj~ ticklish affair, but w Ii .' l'!Irl'~ , I Il lta" \\, ilk N:'U II . lind arl' l;oin iI to: ee it. thrCJug h r pgard d nes d ay W I 1(,liS of tlw hti.le len·cenL torp 10 , '",,'('plllt Su"oll . fh' 'd in t u the s hill o f . tate . He urban Day. fa iled to recou nt t ha l n wast) , t o be W edneR- Mr. and ~'lt-~. J .\ FlllJkey had as 1 has l~ lree ti v , llIust have a ~ting . He Did you go to Dayton last g on!! whe re tho wuu tibine twin . day? If you did, you know , without Lh ~i r ~ 1I "St s :It .· IJP III'r ~flt ur da\' th- ,'el ah! Ihll1 't lm ww hatm-m·enill g'. \li~:< ~ .J,·ulli,· lli nwitl d i" ~t!18h. SL;lIJds fur; l'lIl we fi nd it in our saying so, that the Suburban Day nrl 'Minni ,' Vud."n. Iff III,JiaJlalJ ulis . th . Lliblt~ I here mu ny good thi ng!:' lire fou nd, au when yo u sec selah, Plan is going to prove a very i mpor~ a nd Mr : IIll ~,Il" W. l l. ,\ II('J\. hanl{i ng 10 tilt' coat tails uf an ella nt event to you. tilJgu i~heO \lurly you exclaim. eudio-. Suburban Day is THE day of all days Mr . and Mr ~ . W. H Allen wi t h I meter ? . t hei r g'U !!:;t!-l, lh~ 1IliHs t, Mi nn ie !Jod - I He has nn .t:l hOS -IIIII~ lost! h d when Dayton stores ' out- 0 t em- ~un. alld .len ni l' 1liJlwiddic. ll f Inuia _, tConll nlled next week) selves to make your trip to Dayton a a polia a nd . I r~ )-;" U Long. of Co l- , - -- - __ . - - . bl u nr uu ~, llIulor d to Day tun Frid uy d b profita le an enJoya e one. el' enill)! lI.nd hud sup p ' r Woman's Club I \lll.fi
t e
year. N t W d
ub as '11 be u b- '
every W e
Come W ednesday, JUly 7th-COME
-- -----IA -- JI
The Itore. who dl.play thlo emble", and the "Suit. In the ir window. artd tldvert ts l n o are th e Dayton .tor•• who are on.'o u. lor your trade. wh o will give you nt erchandl. e. andI quwh o ymay be des,Jended u porell.ble n t o d e,'l l f. I,..ly ","d a rel wIth you. W . recommend In.t you trade with them. calC "
. ._. ~ .. _ .
- --=
Und er the capt ion of " Bra nching Out" the special edition of th e WeStern tar last week says of the New 'V<OAI'lnr Club .' . Ju Th New Cen t ury club of Waynes. vl·lle. ()h l'O, wa"_ or"~ anl'zed I'n 1899. federa ted in 190 lind j oined the Gen~ ra l Fe leration in 1913. The me mbership is limited to twentyfi ve and me -ts the fourth friday in ev >r y Im 'nth exce pting through ' Julyand Aug ust. Mrs . Edith M Har ris th e P r es i u ~Tl t fo r t h .. comi ng year hlUl for her IIssi fltltlits an able corps of olfi e.e rs. \"or the past ~wo vears the c lub haR been studymg Scotland. Ireland and Wales. The pBSl year, in udd itiutl to the stud y of Wal es t here hll!l been olle paper a t t!ach mec titlg on live qUt'lltions of the day. such a.~ sanitation. vocation. al t rai ni ng. child welfare. mother'8 ' pensions etc. The work next year wiU ' e ntircly miscellaneous. T 1:3 club haa U Rocial hour s·l .the elose of each meuting when light r efresh m.:!nts are llerved.
Mr . and Mrs. C ha~d~l ray, 'SVedtl o f town entt!~lallled al In ner unt ay , he fu llo_w, l ~ .• gue, "l~ : . .1 dMr M and B M. rs., LestEr Kc.l1 r1 ck. ;' r . lin ri:!. elrplc JO lle~. C'~h·""rs I . am The rle and ~m erson ,',art J larl .
- - --- - - - - -
That Relemblance. "Wbat a tunny looking man that CIOnductor II r" eaJd MM! . Jiggles (In l he trolley. " Yell." 8ald J Ig"lea. " I've been tryhlg to think wbom be looks like. Bis face Is very famtllar to m ." "Ob, I Rnow wbo It Ill!" Bilid MM!. JI ggles. "U·. our lotd1lehl"-Judgo.
He Camel. "W he ro do we fin d the moet mlsel' abl l' ot mon ?" ex clnlmed tbe exhor ter
rerven tl y. . "You don't h,we to t1n d him ." responded tb e man In Lhe f ourth ro ...... ce nter. "be b u nts you up and tell. YOll all cbout It."- Phtlade)phl& Publlo Ledger. .. .
_ _ C'Yl_ . ~
_I. . . .,.
Mrs. ' ha l'lclI Barne r d ied al he r o'clock home un J ay lIlurn in )o!: lit from th e r es ult uf f1t1rn ly ~i s . Abo t u year ago he hud a slig ht stroke. f. H. Farr was a Dayton vi itor bu t seenwd tu /{I!l OI'llr Lhut to som e Tuesday. extent, bu l on Friday aflern oon s h 'Na8 strlck.en again, from which she Miss Ruth Hartsock is leaching in never rall.ied. The i un llra l was hel at her latH home Tu clay mo rnin Spring Valley today. at 10 o'cl~, ck. MiB8 Katherine Gibbons wa in Xenia F riday visiting relatives . H. S. Kilimp. nllar Bell bro()k. d ied last Tuesday evening from t he resu lt Lit tle Lola Sears is home, ha ving of an aeeii dent. While loading hay spent last week with friends in 'll chain broke s triking him on the Miamisburg. sk ull and fracturing it . The youn gOrdained To Priesthood man leave1! a wi fe and f om children. Mrs. Earl Gray and Mrs. Carl Sar- The funeral took place at hie lale vis Bpent last Wednesday with Miss home Sunday 8fternoon ~ Rev. and Mrs. J . F. 'ad wallade r, J ennie Cook. at ·Lebanon. Mr . amI Mrs . W HAllen, Missee Letitia McKay, Clara Lile and Olive Miss Adda Thornli8 .• well know n in McCollum and Mr and Mrs. D. L . Mr IUld Mrs JOIi. McKinsey and this vicinit y. died at hospilal.ln Day- Crane alhmded the ordinnlirm to the son, of Morrow. spent Sunday with ton Sund ay afterr~n. She wa.'1 a priesthoorl of the Rev. W. A. Thomas Mrs. Alice McKinsey and da ug ht4lr. daughter o.r the Inte Ueor~e Thoma , at Xen ia Th ursday. and a relatIVe of. Mr. DaVId Thom8~ Th e ordination services were very MiB8 Jane Madden and Master 'fhe' fUnt!ral Will take pl~ce thts beautiful. Bishops Vi ncent and Carl ' Madden. of Clarksville, are af~ernoon at lhe porn of Mr s. Aur!lll Reese tog l.Lher with seve ral of the 18pending several weeks with Mr. a nd CrltE's. nea.r prmg V!llley: and , 1Il- clerlrymal\ of tilt! diocese aRSisled at IMrs• W. H. Madden. , te rment WIll be Ill atle In MIddl e Hnn , the ordi na tion . 'I cemete ry . ! . - -. - - --i
Finest lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville. ---.__ ~.---------------------------_ ._.-
.Corwin, Ohio. ego
A Big Saving For Tri·State Shippers Owing to the busin ess depressior. in .the !lleel trade we. are now ahlp to furni sh cream cans at rerfuced prlceq, we nou' furmsh ebns,
5 gallon size .... .. · , .... · $' .50 each . 8 and 10 gallon size .. ·$2.00 each ELLIN G CREAM TO THE TRY·STATE IS
Many shippers averngefrom . 75.00 to $85.00 per cow l.lt!r. year from the sn le of l:Iutter Fat. having Jo'REE the vall1abl skim milk for feerling purposes. The sour cream can be shi pped at times convenient to the Ilhipper: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shipments twice a w~k in i ht! warm weath· • er per mi ts e ream to arrive in 'good condition
The Trj·Sta te Offers Every Possible Inducement for Ycur Cr08m Our uU llranlee. Insures Every Can Against Loss or Dam. age in Transit.
==f¢nce PostS==
- -- -+---+-- - -
Standard Bearers Meet SplaSh of Big Shell. . V, !lOIl a t weh'a·inch .h II ~(r1 k08 tb e wat('r It throW8 R "s plntlh" higlJ er tban . & battleshlp's mil. ' Th e "SPlaSb" l The Standard. Bearers held t heir J obn Welt v·er mllde a bllsl;neMs weIghs Db ""t ~. 00 l IlS, eno ugh to mOJ.lthl ~ f!1eeting at Miss Su san 'rIll to Columbus IIna Marlon. 0, drowD IL S Ju ..ll Hbl p. ' Wright s aturday ufte rnoo~. Aflallt week by motoroyole . ter a short progra m. consl!!tmg of vocal solo, Janie Jones; reading, Funard eervl088 for .the late Ethlyn . J ont's; Vocal Solo. Sybil H , S. Kemp were held Bunday of. Hawke; rellding. Mrs Cadwallader; ternoon u hlR home south of town. solo. Mrs. Bar toll Kelly, A pleaeant Qnlte an tlnu8ually I'ifie 8a\heri Dg social hou r WRS enjuyed by a ll, duro of ralatt vee and frlend8 were In at. ing whieh lim e dainty refreshmente tendanoe. Be leave8 110 wire and wel'e ser ved \)y the hostess. fotlr ohlldren \0 mourn htl! 1088. --Mr. Oond Mrs. Joe Zea and daughter Belen, of Centerville. Ind., moThe 4lll of July right tored down an4 IIpent the pas.t woek New School House Started by buying the best with the W e& ver and Breld ord famtlillll. , GQOd Thing s to Eat! Rolla Ullvia t. viBi\lng hts brother G round was broken for the new Jamel, of Union City Ind . school hou s Inat wee k. land there ill Water Melon s on icc , CantcII large force of workmen on the C. V. 8arn888 and family of near _ _ _ _ _ \-Ore8001. motored .here And "1lenl loup.aJ:l_e a chcs, Pine Apple., . grounds. The ~ntracto r8 are hust lers, and ill a very short time. Suuday :.vltb hie brother ' J . 0 HLnges, Lemons, New Apweather permitting. the ne w house Harnes8 lind flilitily . ples, H ipe Tomatoes, New will assume due proportions. It is n Mrs . H ~ rr)' Won vor of DJlvton Cabbage, Cuclimbers, lhe b est notewort hy fncllhat home ir. duRtry spont Thurellay wltl) ~rB . lJIus Cream Ch eese, Wafe r ,' 1iced iH bein g employed liS far as possible Brelsford Dri.ed Ilee f, Edgemont HutterMr. !lntl Mr~ Art Tb"rllhlll 'LU I' "rack e rs, ~ lI' cet Pickles a nd famtl y, nf ut'-a r Alphll ~ I ent :-3uu c1 ~. Oli \'e . Play Was Repeated w il,h J o nll ~ Wh :tJl crfJ nnel t'lIlnll .v MI ~a l'ibrll il H.l)ll\lr b~ul( h o f n or ll NU TI 'E ou r low prices in ,, ' t ·wn .... h" Iln~ Iwon unLIt" tho . C illSS .J (l r : M nson pints , '15c ; . "Ten ~igh ts in a Bar roum " WIIS dol' ' 11" ,. n'lr o' il' r"ll(ltt p tl I " prl \' i"~ MasollqtS', ;,Oc ; E - ~ pints, 1;5c ; repeat ed h re Saturday nij(h l , and E-Z qu uts, 75<: . itgoe wiLhou t !laying-that theplay . We !ell lile Economy Glass Jars wall g iven in II mrl ch' b!!tte r shapETo Apprecillte Colo,... than it WII~ thf' fi rst nig ht. The play . Onl y II few l) r tbe great palntel'l! Purc Paris Green. has been givt>n three t.imes within bo \'!· he l ' lJ 1: 1' ~lIt " color is ts." ror th e r e· th ·' last. m.ir\ t h, and I.h f' net (I roceeds gJ'l>tlublu ro' Il"UIl that lll!!y could nOI wi)1 be neorly ; 200 ' pecials for FridllY and Saturday dlrtu Iy see colo r. u.nrl to \lllC Ii paInt· .. ., e rs th e ma"ter colorIst has boen calle d 1I ·lbs Rio Colree . . . . .... 47c crll d.· [U I U garish'. Tb \!' ti n e thIng ror :.l ·lb. l'lIom Peeled Peaches. ·.• Oc , P. O. Hours f(lr july 5th e vc l')'onl! Is lO e ulU\,lIte lb e ey (~ to a ; \ · l h. · cnl1 ~ Coo ked Oats , . 5c ;
OO~ ~ CPER oDz:
The Miami Gazette Office
~--. ~--"
Capital Stock
We Pay SPOI Cash .
'Capital Stock
- $75.000.00
CD. o
,': ','[1\\;\; I.
The 81. n ofBafety FIrst
Having installed the latest ma.chinery for Vulcanizing Tires, I solicit your patronage" and will guarantee the work to be as uood as the Best. Give me a call, whether you wish ~work done or not. I will be glad to e)(pla~ tpe Vulc~ni zing process to yon.
GARL Next door to the Waynesville Auto lind .Machinery Co.
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Way nesville, Ohio
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Allen 34
you've ev~r W etltlnahoue. 1 t a h t i n anc1 atanlnll'.
Lon. _trolle .enotor (Allen) Cyl\od.,. 00 bloc, 3" In . .510. Unit p-oWt!:r plant with a .polDt a U'Plln_lon.
.".,,. movin, Ilart en·
Your Allen will be .a constant source of pleasure ' to you and your family, because it is free from mechanical
indiscre1;ions. It can be 9perated at a minimum total cost per season for oil, gasoline, tires o.R¥>"""ble .Im.. and repairs. Five other mo«:lels"':"$875 to $~395
CIO'H_ . U ·loell brak .. with equal· 111l0·\nc ll wll ..lb .... Wnleo-.M ott ••1& a • 3~ t oeh tlr ....
, . Ask for a catalog-ride in the Allen-then decide. •
The Allen Motor CO•.FO~~~,
E. W. RICKS, Agent \'~ }'hooe 83-5
Waynesyllle, Ohio
c1o ~ e an d ev er ollEen ' IlLlon of al l hues and shndes In lJl.ture. tor In that wnl' on ly on" (:U II II1H(' tb~ pleasuro of the hl gh" Sl Iq}prt'Cl ltll o n or lIuluro. slllen· did li S ll' e \\'1) lIIlrQuo rp.v e lalloll8 of .l be spectru an I. hi Its dlvlllJl.tlOIi or (he composition or ra ys or IIg bt.
"anCa1l1p' S. tipS, 4 cail~ .
Ohio Sugar COlO,
Lobby open f rom 7 II m to 7 p Ill . A.l1 dplJar tml' nt.'! np(:n frrln. !) to 10 6. m . and 5.lo 6 p m Car riers will not make tri IJ4 po not call when wind()\\ saredOl,\ n
IF'ire ' Works _
_ ... _
25c !
caus . 25c
!\II kinrls , spec l3.1 low pri ces. -
.- 11_ _ __
- -_
... _
IS READ\' FOR SAL.E II TBS Insect Fei gn. Death. The dea l h ll'lLtc!l !Jlletle hllil the In·
varlu bl e habit ()f felgnlui; death when '!!_~ _~ . !!!...~~-~,~ -~L'!!!!"~"!!"'!!!""~'!!'!~!!' seIzed or dl ~ turb e tl . Tbe s lmulalton - -- - - Is so p .., r ~ l s l 'IIt t hlll whp n Imm ersed _ _ _ _ _ _____ In wU ler. Of ij Vell {II alcohol. the In· -:--r seet remlllns I' rtlJctl y Im mova ble, IIJ1d , will al\ol\' Itsolf to be burned altvo rlltlJ er t han be tray Hselt: The ttck
Mrs. BartonH. Kelly
made by th e de atb wat c b resembles tbat made by tll pplng tbo linger n.ul upon tb o tabt ~ 8 o mucb 10 tbat 'tho In8ect mlly be le d to recomlDe~ce hIs .oundll by dolns tbli.
'l'be woman II the 'Woman wlao II tbe lealt talkl4 abollt.-Q14 PlOY.
J esSe Stanley, who has just gradu. ated from ' t he Jones Auctioneering School at hieullO. is home and is ready for sole datetl. It would be well to Bee him, 'as he has Borne new id ea'! i'n lhe auctioneering line. Or call him, 146 mutual phone, New Burling-ton, Ohio. . .
It ,
Late CJatisified Ads ]" hO . l\(!
Thin! ::;t.
be . patriotic and still save money
yo ur Fourth of July purchas irig here. · '
...._--,_ __
.' BfTTE~N
11111111/11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111
.. -t-.-_
- - -_ _~---4., _ _ _~_
~OW-Jllrlley. fre,h aDd a iood
b-one , Inqmre ot Seth Fll'rllall, WaYDlIflVnle, OhiO, phoDe,SHX . jl6
by · trad~ .
FOURTH OF JULY GOODS . Jnpan~e tantcm ...• _. .. 10c jllags . . . . . . . ...... .. . 5c. IOc ]lire Cracker Fan .• , • . . • . 5c Lily Drinking Cups, the thing for picnic ..• •.. • '. 5e Paper Plates .... ·....•..• 1.Oe D oilies, per package ... ; . . 5e Straws, 40 for. . . • . . • • . . . lie
Next Door to Gazette Office.
Small Flags, 3 Cor . . . . .. " Salted Peanuts, per 'p ackage ... : . • . . . . . . • . Candy, per pound. : . . . .• Place Cards, 12 fur. . • . . •• CaDdie Holders for .cakes '6 for .. ..... : . • .•'. . • •• KeepCooloD the 4th. FaDS,
" 5c
5c: lOe: l()c 50 lOc
'.~~~~... •
..........".., ...,...,......, ..,.......,...,.w ••
Whole Number 3324
•••• " •" •"• "• "• "" " " " " " . .
H t: I~
il I'n)i.r j'upa.rfld
Or: ST, Mi\f~Y 'S CliU RC H
f(lmr{ / Ielote lhe No w r(j'lltury Cluh 111/ Aft'I/ . A,I II(]' 1'u IJ lor Bills.
T he M , E. Sunda y ~ch l)()1 pi 'n ie 1':lbe r~ I t u f'.~('I1. h,ll' (,f P. rlh III a l Hough's Grov Mund ay WIIS well Coll ege, will be at Lit e While Bri ck attended . and d ~p it t: t he hea vy ruin Church F irst Uliy, July ll:L Morn~ Sunday t he grounds w.·re in a fair ing ar Jo:ao. Elf t rn uon at :J o'c lo::k , Lect u r e <in "1{acC! Prejudice and ~••~~~~~~~~~~••~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ shape. Th erewa~ ~ go r dly nunlher . present. uespit . th 'olhl'r s II ractiuns Hroth ' rllO(/( I" in tue ev 'nillS{ ' at T he oLj'Cl uf lhe Sucial 'un l or IC \lr~ to peo ple to do in t he school boar d sign ed Ly twelvp. voters, of the day, and a fin ' lillie WI1:i hRd . o'c1o<:k. i::ve l'Y li e is cord ia lly in1lll!VCmelll i~ to make lh u ~chuo l I h(l use; thin g!l socia l, ed uca tiunal a nd In Jersey 'ity the public schools The Orthodox Fri eltd:; :undayvi tefl. hl)u ~ e llle ci vi . c nl 'r (If t he COl llm u · pn litical. One of t he r asons. w~y have been onened to parti ~an poli tical school al~ held thei r picnic al. the Of R('acli n):5 and Music Entertain Dan Anderson Continues 11il' Inler · nity, at any rat e wht. re there 1, . 110 politic" l"nk in a ~ew com pl exlO ~ 111 meetmgs; for Lh~' r eg u~ at Ion of ~h ese "(lulli ry h .me .of M r Th a(1 Zi Illnll'r· a La r~e Audience- H ad csting ""'emorics" of Hislory oth 'r I;um11l01l reso rt allli to h rlll ~ the cit y whe re thl" movement or l~l· th e Huard of Etlucatlon published man , There was u Iinl1 attendance th e l-(ruw n (Jeu pl u of all classes to· , nal '(1 WHf; that the people who cuuld a set of ru leHd(Je: ifyinf{ the hour of a llli lhe day WIIR pleaRlllltiy Rt l lit til 'ocial H o ur of Way nesville ~ ·l hcI·.fo r. th ' 'ommon' I<ol<d of aIL ' gil into tllu sl'hno! hUUS~8 at ni~h t I OPCni ng the do,\~s, . Whi.Ch ent ~an~es this hORpitalile hll me. l;ames and a Il 1:1 ob\'lIJus that I h' ~ch(lL\1 huus ' kn -w what was gOing on trl that elly we re to be used allli fo rbldd mg gene ral goud t ime was had. i ,i!l mO:lt C:Jllllllllllilies u ~ed only l and ill iSLC.d upon talking ab ou . i L' l s mok~ng in or a round the school - - --.The Woman's Auxil iary of St. MaA cote rie of wi ts, E. Ulliley , ArPaulina ButlerwI ,rlh, four th child tlu r lng ccrl<11ll ho ur of lhe day, l and lh mlll ut e they begllD tall,mK p remIses, ry'S church held an open meeting nol d Doone , Neddy Lynch. Sam 01' Mou rman and Fann~ Smith Ilu t whe n the reSl ()f lhe commulliLy is about it many lhings became impos· 1 In 9ctober 1912 the New York at th e home of Miss Kizzie Merritt Rogers. Sr .• David Eva ns, ~ r .. J oe l terworlh WIIS born Ill'ar Mai nev ill e, bu~ily engaged in bread ·winning sible, fo r ther" a rc scores of th ingS , Boa~d of Education gr~nted t hl! use on Tuesday IIIte rnoon. June 29th. E vans, Geo W. Hrown . Elton Dud- War ren Coun ty , Oh io. Glh mu. ]lIt h, work'. thaL mu st U(! 'Pu t a stop t o arl<lthat of I' ,gh tecn school audItOriums for The meeting was ,jp .ned with m u. ley .- t hat lot ; Slid a nother rpl{ ula r, Igaf-!. anLl died 7lh mn . ISl, 191 5, ut It oc'cu rr eLl to the Ill!nllellien of wi ll Atop tlte momc!nt they are of , political rall ies , sic. Hymn 261. The president, Mrs. was my fath r, Dr , Wm. H Andu r· he r home on Third s tr eet . WaY lws, ~ l lIrJi Hon, Wi~, who ~lfl r L ·d thi ~ where OJ n I\'ill list en; for the t reat· The Chicaf{o school board has CaLlwallaLle r read the scripture le8Bon. wCI'e III 'mherll of 11 clu b that ville, Ohio, agf'd 77 yl aI'S, I month ntov ~ ment th a t inasmuch a~ the \lIent of bad p(d itic3 is exactly li ke open d its assembly halla for politica l Hallie p , Co'm nton , daughte r of son. I.,a iah 55 . Rev. J . F. Cadwallamad e a r ooke ry (Jf the Ktore house of and 12 days . lI ur (,liler \Va>! ana· schflo l hOllses belong-ed lo the com- the III 0.1 ern treatmellt for tubercu· meetings . I am ue l B. a nd Mary K C('m pt'''l de l conducted the devoltonal exerHadd en &. McClelland , snd t he way live of 'amphel l t(I lI n ty. Va. !Jnt! rnunity il wa~ perf ectl v legitimate losis- -ox posure to th e open air. Th e J ou rn a l of Ed uca tion has the was born Gth month, 21s t. l SI;U. cises. Scriptu r al Quotstions were they did " rook," oh, my! An epen moved t o Ohio. with his pa rents, in II1IIt lhe comm uniLy shou ld li se lhc lll T he g row ing importance of the fu llowing a ccou nt of t he fi rst political and died 6th mon t h. 271h, 1!)15, g iven in response to roll -call. The d ebate . on any live 8 u bj (~ct, in ter i812 and Hettlell on the littl e Miami fO I' it i! ow n en tertainmen t and school center a~ a fllctor try the civi .. meeting held in a school bu ild ing; aged 46 years. 1 mon t h and 6 dul's fo llowing program was then give n: Fpersl'd with well· to ld s tories, till ed Hive r in the southern part of Wa rr -II ~c hool inlt when the YO U \lg" peo ple life of Ihe cr,mm unity has. been at- songs w~r e su ng by 11 gr~ull of he was un ited in marriage tv ou t tho long eveni ngs lill closing Co un ty. were: nut vccuJtyinK the lll, and that testCiI by a numLe r of Sign ifica nt chi ld ren l!l. fro nt of t he bUlldmg; Cha rley T Harner February 'l , 1892 Vocal solo, " Lead Us , Oh Fathe r " l im tl , He r mo ther , Fanny mi lh. waB it woult! b · a ~(JodiJea tu hav~ lhe re eVCllts dur ing the past few yea rs. It hree mu sIcIa ns played an~ the men This was truly a happy union , To ........... ... Miss·Edna SBt terthwaite I was always inte re,.ted in t hat a native of Bu cks (J unty. Pa . 111 all kind~ of gatherings forsucral purProminen t among th e we re the and women tu rn ed ou t In goodly them we re born fULl r ('hildrcn, "A Motherof Slave Gi rls" .... ...... .. "gang," beca use it was a~ goud as abou t th e year l 11~a she ll'oved til PIISt>~ , for cn te rtai ninenls, for con· puLlic llll' tin g~ held in t he school n u mbers, On t he walls hung master Horace H., J enni Msrie, Clemen t .. .. ,,'" .... .. ... .. ...... MitIS Clara Lile 8 "mov ing pictur" ~ I,ow." i" 10 nl!' "All EJitor's Testimony to Efficient Wayn !:svi llL', Ohio , l ra vu lin g ~h ,uis· fer ·ne .~ . fur any le{: iLirnatc thinK I houses ' Illring the fall of WI I under IPi.Cces of art while on a ll s idl'~ ~vere M. a nd Mary belle, no w. My fa t he r had a Sl'n ~e of th" lance in !I one- horse wago n In com· thllt migh t brt~g neighburs and ,' t he uu ~piccs of the, l.Aevel lln~ l~e?e~ a· s uch mot toes , as, De a good CIt izen . Only sixteen months ago th e deat h Service" ........ " . Mrs, Cadwallader Ete r nal fi I ness o f thin gS- li nd b oy ~ pa il I' with E;':l'a AdamR, one of rr i m id to~ ·ther mlhe schoul hou~e~. tion of Labo r lo diSCUSS the Inltla l lve Use good Judgment , and many angel v i~ited t his happy horn e and Trio, Consider the Lilies, Hele n were nut elig ible - so when I wa n' t v\ ay nesv ille's ~arly settlers fhat I ullIll:l stand in the, illlpi 'st , and ,refe rendu m p roposa ls for Ohio's other!!, "This is fi ne," said one old pl ucked one of the l airest of the Marlatt . Ol ive McCollum and busy playing " Well y, " wilh the l\I(!orma n Bu tt e rw orth and Fanny terlm i ~ the ::locial Cent r rilol' ment new consti tlltio n At first there mall. " I wOlllle r why t hey d idn't flowe rs J enn ie Mll rie , The remain. Hazel Gustin, othe r " kids" of the t own , I would :;l1lith we re manied Dth mo 7th. tha t the school house!; mig ht be , was ao me objection to thi s use of th ink of holtling meetings here ing ch ild ren ' wit h t hei r fal her arc "Aft e r Many Days.. ........ Mrs. Crane sneak into the s tore. OliO sli p behind 1 25 They settl ed 011 the ir farm n'lIule plac s where the people of the public )lroper ly bu t an a rrangement befor e. its certainly bet te r t han left to mourn t he lotlS of a devoted "A Let ter f rom a Mi:lSiona ry in a la rge !.IIble tha t watl piled high where all Lheir fi ve children were co mmun ilY me'ting togelher mi~ht wa ~ finally reached where~y school ~ goillg to Bo me back room of. ll salo?n . wife and 10l/inll 1T.0ther. She a lso Ind ia·· ........ .. " ........... Mrs . Harris 'with g·o ods, and. " stOll. louk and lis· ho rn , . , i<now each other and Ity kIl OWIII ll' co uld be nb:ained f Oll" meetll1gs u pon Wh y you can take t he mlss us WIth leaves one brother H orace Compton Music; Hy mn 249 t e nl" t hey we re always great on She was a m ember of the F riends At the close of the program dainty Here they mingled their JOy s and eac h othe r be better able to wurk fur t he presentation (if u ''"petitio n to the you t o a fin e place like this. " conundrums , on ly one of wh ic h will contributing to the cleva the common good of all. Our inR' t he fall el ections of 1911 in church and always enjoyed a t tend ing refresh ments of ice cream and cake I r eco rd . Geo. Brown was late , and sorrows Lio n a nd comfoTU! of th ei r commu · The very defini t ion o f comm unity Los Ang eles thirty schools as well as t he serv ices when he r health per. were served and ·a pleasant social some one had. propounded to those a ~ranch Iib r!!ry and a chur~h were mitted her to d o 80, She was con· hour enj oYl>d, present. "what is t he worst kind 01 Ility unti l his death in I ' 4l. when !~ " 0 bOuy~: m('!11 who hav e thillll~ ·1.HI:'i'{:***'f.~ * was butlh ree years of age III comlll on. .. 1·;;<u»ed as polhng places, Mil waukee ve rted at a meeti ng held by Rev , 'rhe letter read by Mrs, · Harris "baL" tha t flies a ft e r nig hl?" J oel Paulina Pa ulina spent a number of her g irl · Th e st udy of the Socml Cente r 01' 'I{: , . . ., . ."11: used the ba.geme nt of .s chool houses Frank Mil ner at New Bu r lington. was from her niece, Miss Edith CrisEva ns answe red , " A brick bat" A- hood ill the ramily of EJwar u Civic en Le I' is lhe sludy of s\lulltanc· ;~ 11115 article IS partleas polling places , • Ohio in 1908, She was often heard enberry givigg Ii d escription of the bout that ti me Geo. Brown drit tNI Bu t tedays r worth, soU tll-WC-'1t of Waynes· OU:l life in communities , The I!chool laws of Kentucky have to ex'press her love for her Sav ior in kindergarten 8Clhool of whicl:l she, in and imm ediately J oel pu t the new ville What you do is to Ollen th ~ school ularl y app licab le to tb been a mended so as to legalize the public testimony and her ,li fe cor. ha s c~arge in [n~ia. .. Oh io, having finished hE'r school o~e on him in this wise, "George: u~ation at the Mllin:V1 1I Academy, ho use ligh t ·it in lhe venlllg and conditiQll " e.' iSling in use of the school house when school res ponded with her pr of ession. A hberal offermg for miSSions was what is the wor~t ki nd of "brick· ed but in the early 81. LI s " hI!. Wil,h h(}r say here iR a place where ):ou ate ill I!O~ in sessi<?n f or uny edu.c ationa!\ To know hell was to lo ve her, given amounti ng to $8.30, bllts .. that fly a fte r m~h t1" Georg~ m olh e~. moved Lo her late reRid nee welcome to come to do nnyth.lIlg that ;l!- our mid t tQoay- Ed. rehgl~ulI, agrl(l~ltural; politIcal, elVI She leaves a host of relatives and . '~__.- -WIlB 'silen t for only II little while. an,1 He re she not only ministElrl'd to he r occu rs lo you 0 do . and the Interest· or SOCia l gatherings. . friends who will sadly miss her . wi t h a tunny li ttle g rin said , "I *1 . P 'ous in the sig ht of t he Lord WeT U M d I C t ' t mothe r 's "eclini n'" years. but found ing t h ing about this movement ill don't kn ow un le,,, it i ~ ha rd ones," time and ~Ieasur: in adding to the that a gl'eat many things have oc- ¥ ~:~ **.;:<**** I (Contmued on page 3) is th':Cdeath of · his saints. One by • • • • e a on es and t he la ugb w"s on J oe l. J oel 'Evan~ was a man vf superio r intelh- ~mfu r~a~hap~n ~ ofUI~e wit h _ _ _~_ _~_ _ _ _ ~~~----~~~~~===================~ ooe we w me ~ llie grte~ ilie - ~- - - -' - - - H eavenly home. I t closes on the g ence, and vast informa lion on mosl whom she mingled, Many l>ersong The sil ver medal con test which was CI twiligh t it opens on the d awn . Ou r any s ubject, a nd I havll put u q ues can a nd do testify to her deeds of service today ie a requiem . It is a held T uesdav eveni ng a t the Christion to him, lind he would lOOK ~t ki ndness and charity Besid e'!! th e sad ye t pleasan t offe r ing t o the dea r tian Chu rch und er the auspices of m e Rnd puss on anrl never open hw numer OUHindividual gifts she (1 I) na tdeparted, one who has left behind the W, C. T, U. was an occasion of head . Perhaps 1 would ml'ct him ed liberally to the I"rie n',ls Boarding again in a wee k or f O, 'and witho u l Home C all earthly care and sorrow. By lhbe much interest. It was a mat ron's memory of her life may our own e contest, which is rat he r u nullual and She wa a birthrigh t member any prelimina ry he would Il~s wer thai Dr. M~cy will be at Harveysburg inspired a8 we unite in r enderin g there we re fi ve part icipants. qUl'stinn us though he was Just asked the Reliliioull Society of Friend s al)d LaLe abbaKe Plunts f or alii.... homag e, She has simply atep ped The invocat ion was g iven by Rev. about It. That Willi his way! If ht' a fa it hf ul alt ' nder of ilS met·tings was lik ' WIRe an active wo r ker Park Leak, all next week. from the garb of humani ty into the Allen a nd t he foll owing p rogram didn't kn ow, he would find OU L; be- Sile in t he Tempe rance cause in her com· The Boy s Strike Their Stride an d companionship of angels, rende red: ,ing Bure that you wan ten the in~o r Mrs, L e Hawke is visi ting relaand Are Putting Up Good Mr, and Mrs. C. B. Bentl cy spent Unseen dcar loved one: bot may mation. or would not have as ked him mu nity. be illJ{ a faithful member of Instrumental Solo ...... ... ...... ... ... . ,. the Wuman'R hl'illlian T I1lJleran ce tives in Dayton. Arliele of Ball Monday in Xenia, we fee l th ee nea r Uli every hour. as ......... ... "." .. .. Miss Rut h Hartsock Unio n fo r many years , anti g ave lib· if the da rkness hel d a nower ; a nd E.ccentrlc Nclghbore " If You Kn ew" .. Mrs. Martha Hough lind lI1eUIl~ fol' th e .1 J oe Ma rshall , of Be llbrook, is seeing not we know t hat it is t here; erully of her t ime . 'Ile rea' I ~oo d Miss ~lurvJ Salisbu ry spent Monuay, . f r ag- rance swee t enH a II " The Mar tyre-d Mothe r ............... . spending several days here. because Its Arnold Boone moved to town from uplift 0 f h um ullIty , ks lead I1n u nassumi ng life an with I'elalives in Xenia. tbe air, We close our eyes ano 10 boo the John. n. Sides farm, on the Oay· , k d The Waynesv ille Miamis celebrated Id ' g~eat th rong of. man ' in GI ' L' '1 ' t h t MI'ss Margaret Russum, of Dayton. we have Thee here, Oh! wo r . 13 apal·t ton al1d Lebanon pike, and into the as to the I '1 k I I "a e Mr. and 'I·,u. n~n Parker. of the the orlous ,·our .1 WI wo rous· d t . I 1 ~ '" • I iJlg victories. Sunday afternoon, is t he guest of re latives he re. an ye so near , so near. hou *l opposite the M, E. chu rch, S Ie mig It easl y rna '0 lie BJl.,U go uth , are visit inK relatiVe:! lere. Ou r Boys simply uu tc:lassed t he Daywhere the widow Keys lives. Af ler of the poet he r own; his death Silas Wharton. an old· time "I have not loved t he world, nor lhe ton Ice Co, team and sh ut t hem ou t. Miss Clara Lile has b\!en visit ing friend and neighbor of my fa ther and ' wo rl d me. Miss Irma Gray, of Cl ark viI! , is 15 tu 0, Barna\'d he·ld the visitors with friend s in Xenia for the last few River Out of Banks . maybe grandfather of Amanda I have hot flattered its r ank brea th. viailing Mr. Walte r Elzey and family, t thr e widely scatter d hi ts, t wo days. ' . WrIgh t , lived there. Then Coat es of them the very m n kest kinrl of nor bowed Kinney, COples Kinny's wi~owed To its idolalri > II patient kn eC!, Dr. P. D. Clagett i3 alt nding a crntches, and . truck out 18 of t heir Miss May Strawn. of Detroi t , mother and Bon, J ohn P. Kinney. No r coined my check to smiles, no r sa le of Short Horn cattle at Mans· bulters. while 'the Miamis mauled Mich .• was the g uest of fri end S! he re lived on North street, two doors today. th . visiting pitcher fo r 17 h its and field ied alo ud Sunday , from Fourt h street. snd Clint Kelly . In crworsh 15 runs and played a fast , snappy ip of an echo, father of Minnie hli'nn, or " boo hoo." T hey could not deem me one of game in the fie ld and on the bases . Mr , John I" r om m and fa mily. of lUll heard her mother call a er, when Monday afternoon therll was a Miss Celis~ia .A.u~tin, .o f the Bells uch ... · Day ton, spent the 4th h re with UALL GAM E , The Havana ' Ribbons, ~rook road ,ls vlsltmg WIth relatives she waa crying one day, lived on the r elative:!. corner. Wonder if Minnie is ye t of Davton . came down fully expect- In Dayton. C l a rk ~,on Buttorwo r th. a brother. alive? Then a man) an eecf!ntric by lind hi s fami ly of P ortla nd. Orellon , irg to d u plicate t he d rubbing t ht'y name of Piel point lived on that cor· Ma rtha Wilham. of Law rence Kall· Mr. SOlI M~s:. Carl H ~wke, of gave ou r boys last year, but 8Y. i~n . J, H. Opp spent several days last nero Who remelTlbers an old brick sas I/, si!lte r, as well as a nu mbe r of Dayton , were VI Itmg reluLlVcf! here ings of some of th e best ball playmg week with his da ugh te rs in Toled o house, on the S. S. Haines lot Ihal nie~es a nd nellhews , chi ldrtln o f on the 41h. ever done hl' re sent t. h m home WIt h and Columbus . stood next door to where Charley Ruthanna Witham. latfl of Union the short end of an S to 5 acore. It Hawke now IiVI!B, and a widow by City, Indiana. and Edith Girton. I~te The li<umon Hull bllse ball t eam was no walk·ove r for th Miamis but James Davis, who lately j oined the the nllme of Wright liv~ there. t her,' of Westboro, Clin t"n Co unLy, OhIO, will pla~: the Mialll is·ut Ph ill ips Park a ha rd f ought; well earned v ict or v. at N orfolk. Va ., is home on Jobl'! L. Thorr~. llarna rd slarted to p itc h t he game, navy wi t h her uumcrous f ri ends and Th ursdllY af ternoon. . a thir ty days ' furlough. " l~-day be fore afneig hbors , s urvive to DlOllrn her j , Mother, M!'y I 00 Out to Swim? fecterl his ,.,ork and, afte r be had al· loss, Judge Willard Wright and De pu· Dr. Dill. Ost eo path , at re~ irl e n ce lowed.J. hits and 2 r uns in t he fi rs t --. Who rememhers Leah Wright bet. of L . T, Peterson, Main Tues · t lVO Inning3, Deckl!r took his place ty·Sheri fi' Waggone r were in town ter than 11 She was ' a chum of arId h lei Cle visitor t o 8 hi ~ a nd 3 a short time Saturday afternoon, Tendered Good Position d ay and F'rillay mornings . mothers; and at one t.ime J heard her runs in the last 7 inn ings. Kurfis telling mother what a time she hud cRuj{ht a swell galll and Ipsde 4 hits Mr. and Mrs W. H . Allen. Misses B. Har tsock a nd da ughl er. . Mrs. - - -... pUlting on cream. not 01:' strQ~b e r . four times up . Lack of space Georg ia Hadden , Elizabeth Stewart - - -... -+-- - Lester ..'. Ivins. who was elected Miss Ju ~tina. we, e g- u e~ t !l of 1\11-8. in ries but- the older gIrls , wIth a l)J'events ou r gi vlng the b o~ score and O:ive McCollum were Lebanon bunch of high ,schoQI girl~, including president of the National Associ a· Matildu H ogier, SUllduy. Making Improvements and a more detai led aCCll un t of t his visi tors Friday. Took in the Fair the mother of Mary Gard, had t ion Of :-itate Su pen 'isors in inrin game. ati las t ' fa ll, has been 3sked t o n been balhing in the st.ill waters of Miss J ennie Dinwiddi e left TueE1 I (J 2 0 I 0 0 \)-~ \~ ~ Mrs, Alice Alcorn and daugh ter , the Miami river, which IS known as be~ome the d irector of the natiomil clay fllr : 01 II In Il.us . wher e she will II 1l 11J1Jo lion, which meelS in Oakl a nd, associa ) ti .,ml.<, , :'~ :: : : : 0 0 • ~ 0 J I 1 z- ti I b • Ru t h, arrived home from the East The mIl k depa rtm ent of the WayFrank E . Fisher, of Rialto, Cal., tne " olp rivt!r bed" up tit the H o r~t' s pend a m on th With relal\vcs, 8al , in Aug ust T his is certain lY!l ;':"rn,;,1 1l,,,,,,- llihItUll' . I; MII,ml •. 6, 2- Saturday, after a pleasant five weeks wri tes a sbort and int erestin g lett er nesville Cun ning Co. , has been mak· Shoe. Leah ' told mo th E' r Ihat Bunw 1I11O- 11II,1.I0". 4; MI. ml. 1. SLolQUU ... oo• 't 'th I t ' tht! gentleman lind hil(h posit ion f o r to t he Gazette . He says, in pa r t : ing extensive repairs to their pronaul!'hly boy, was fis hing near .whe n' Ill h ho" • . I ; ~·tlnntl " , r,. b ouble Pllly- Rlb· Vl&1 WI ra alves, M I' and Mrs. Pmnl; Tufl and 1i s~ l).Jus. UII ~ol r- l~ rl 17,or. 10 ; MClJ~I1(l ld . 3 ; "I want td ask my F..ast ern fri ends pe rty during the last few weeks. the girls went in. and he had 'crosaed one t hat he will fill with d i g ni~y. l,' rlol ,, \1. 1; 1I". ".r, l , . ; lJ or:kc r,~ , J tuISOIl b y J t'lInne F e rgll~ o n , nf Dnyton. we re - Mel """, I" I' 11 ·ker , ~ . lIoLI r l if they have attended the f s ir. ) Th e inside of lhe barn and the stan- -the river IIno m9ved · t heir clothing RlbMr and Mrs W HAllen Mr · . . " . • hope that man y 'g uestH of M r, and Mr" J W. White , htlil~ KrhJlZ'J r · Mc Unllld d .. ... rleml am' Norris : will attend, A chions in th e stalls a re being painted where they could not find ! hem, an \l ) 11"i;'18. !I"milnl. lJ uCllOr "",I Kurlls. UIII- J . B, Pence , and MI SIIca Hen rietta and (he barn is taking on a cleanMonday , then hung alOound, while they hid Christian Church Illro--J. \\'. 1." .. 1.. McKinsey and Olive McCoilum were Darty of five , including myself, went Ino king appearance. Th~ir cattle are by auto to San Dieg o We : .found behind', and on the sunny sid e of the • -in Franklin Monday evening. t he f air all that it has been adver- looking sletlk and in condition. large ~ycamor~s that 1~loed t~le bank . . MiHs i\ nna T hompson , of Day ton. ThiAdepartmen t has m ad e .quite a Su mlny, Jul y 11. BIble , chool a l Sl)l' nt th e ·1[ h wi th he r parl'nts . Mr. Nothing I'Ilew. Ed B f 0 t ·t M' h t ised. One can only \V onde r how on that lIi,:e of the rive r tIll thl'lI we~~ a8 red 88 boiled lobsters. and 9:3\1 a m Communion snrl aer m( n and Mrs, ,1 . S, T hompson , of t.he 'Thl time 1t '<)las beeo discovered . ,' gar , erg an.. 0 e rOI. IC . , so much could be accomplished in a neat pile of money during the past h ere hSatturvdl'Sal.Yt few years, but it is ther e. We year, and as the management i8 neltt 'morning' coulon't put on their a t 10:30 Q m . Christian E ndeavor at. Leba no n pi lle . t hat t~l sl lll\IlI ' engln WI\.S koown In Jome,d hIS dfa~llllY k crossed the border II1to Mexico at ta king care of the minor detailll of . . 200 B 0 even ng an WI ma e a !! or dr --~-:" u' ntl' l th-e· y hud r';cel'vE'd a coat '7 p m . an..l perm nn at 7: 30 p. m. '< " " . ' gy'p t as oarly os Ihe year "with hi; mother and othe~ relatives. Tra Junana. a small tow n consisting the establiahment, nothing iB over,. of - c-ream', She then asked mother if E ve ryboJy ihvit "d . ' . . Mrs. Olllt' DaVIS ami Mrs . Nettie E The machlllo tn !lues.lIon was a roo . . nlostly of 8aloons and curio stores. looked . "wn~ had'. had fl splor breakfllst1 I) . H, Pa~mcr, MinISte r ' m ore t bcoret Icn I th an . h '0 Kepl er spent last aturu..I ay wI• t II 1\1\'. tnry nftolr nnd , Manager Snook will begin in a w A short time ago no one was' pe rMothebJ.eaid. "yes," aM·t " at' Yan f W ' I f th I 1'1 R ed d ht and Mrs, C. R. Ad!l ms, 0 est practtca l. A Gree k Bel aptat on 0 e Miss Haze II e y e , aug er mitted to cross the border on account or two g etting the machinery of hem up t he rIVer. had cGugbtt ou R e e, d arrlv . ed h ere Th urs· .. Carl eton, Ohio. 611.mO Id en. "3. 11.0d D, IItt 1e Iater ror 0 f O rane the Mexican war, bu t a t presen t canning factory in order, and '811,' . 8ee that let Dan out, nkely: - Teachers' Association t urning the spit. Then st eam power day morning from the East, and is of everything is Quiet a t this , point. soon as the grain ri}>ens the factorY (Continued nex; ,week) . Mr. and Mrs , Elmer pah r, of drOPII d ou t or sight for centude.. the guest of Mr. Harvey Gustin and We did not find hotelB nor restau- will be ready for business, ..... Xenia, and Miss Edith Hadley. of family. rants charging e][cessive prices . • F . C. Gilmour left last Wednesday Spring boro. we re week end g uests The rush of work duri ng the orange e vening for Ye llow Springs wbe re of Miss Hazel Gustin , . Mr, and Mrs. Lou Hyman and' season i~ over and ~verYl?n~.who clm What It- W.., . he joined ' a part y ' .who at tended the children. of Xenia, Mr. and Mrs. Is planmng a vacation trIp. • Ohifl State Teachers' ABlIOcialion at' SI"'Yl!or·old retu med trom hlB lint - • Mr, and Mrs . S, D. EVClrlY'M of da y at S1lnday 8l;hool. ,v er,. proud that Kohlhagen and son, of Lebanon. I Cedar POi.nt. for t~e week . Dav t on, sp,ent the 4th here rs. ho had I o~oed tho song that the chU- were the Sunday guests of Mr. and St. Mary's Church Everly will S~y here for a week or 4r n san g as the;y marched In to the MnI, Myer Hyman. ,CaJle~ Account Sickness two at the FrIends Home. nssemblYl'oom. " What was the IODg?" . asked tb e rond parent or orthodox pel' Among those who spent the 4th in Mr, and Mrs . J , El. J anney, Mr. BUDslon, "Ooward, Chrlsttan Science'" Xenia were Messrs. Ralph Smitb, Mrs . John S. Thompson, of t he and Mrs. W. H. Allen . Mr .. und Mrs , -Judge. Walter and Chas. Burnett, Dr. A. J. Lebanon pike. was called to I{okcrlllo .. J. W. Whi te, Mrs. Cynthia ,E vans, McCoy, U. M. White. J M, Taylor, In'd .• last week on accoun t of tbe. se- Mrs . Hanna h Rogers. Rev, and Mrs, Elmer Rogel'!! and Earl, Conner. vere illness of her. son. She arri ved J . .F. Ca dwali llder. Mr , and Mrs'l borne Saturday e.-ening Frank Zell. Mr and M rs, Sarn.ue No U.s to Him. . • _ • Mereditb,the Misses Anna Meredlt!l, Tbe l)riBoner threw tbe .magulne. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwardl W C T U Market ' . ' , ' .. Olive McCollum allli Florence Wtl· aoraBs hili cell ID 11118fUllt, and eunael and Mr, Herbert Edward" of Den·' ' . . Miaa Edith Badley, of Springbr)ro, IOn, Mrs. O ..... Crane. Mesetl. J. B. eloquently, ""othln' lIut eonUn~ ver, Col., arrived here Saturday The W. C. T. U. will bold a marI'm to II. evening arid are tbe i\l_ta of Mr. and Mr, Paul Ohmart, of Colnmbuy, Pence, Ben and Ray Mills. attended \.tcrle.... bo powled, ~ aDd MrS. o. J, Edwards and other ket in the Harris room on Saturday. were the JUeetB' of Mila Hazell~u. Cbautauqua at Yellow Spnnp Tues- IaIlllC not nlativ.. ' July ·lOth commencing at 10 .. m. day. tiD, Tuelda1. W1..,WW""""'W _ _ _ WW ...
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Adventures 'of Kathly
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IlIcllllltl:; thv llw n dl~ne rs d. nnd mUS. ,."Utl h:t PlctU~B f rot' ,bel Moylnll Picture Productloo of tlte Selig Po/.), cope co. rro m hln hlcl h. I' la ~ 1'1I'olllla liM Y un· o lllllr of' h it< ~d"'Il"'a fu ll II.to pi CC'B . f 1'h" rll \\ 0' hI ,' llv llj4 ht, lit I ' us t ro r t.!.:. : .:.!.:..::.:..::":.:.::.::.:.:.~"',:::.:::.!:.!.~!,,:.~.:::O:.:.!.~.~.»!'.'!.!.:+!.:.:.!..:.'!.~.:.!.:::.'!.:..:::..!.!.:..~.:. dJI ' th. , l , rl l jl\\1 t . TIlt> 1))1'1\, Iud ,·,1, h l' d :.;;:;;..::.;::.::;,;;.;..::.;:;.;.;.;.;;.;;.:.;~.;.;..;;.;;;.;;.;.;~;,;;.;~~~~~.;.;.;...;.......;______,...w 1111'1)1'11 to UIII1Ilt't , ,," 1l11L1 warrllrc . IJU L (OOppIjJhll>7BaJ'Ol<l Jolw'(l • ..-h) I I",y 1'1,"1<1 'll t 1'".1'1' \\11 ....1 Ibel .. h (ur ~ ~ 'P,I~I CUIn L()(IO llng to t ho g roul! t ",lIh ""t "(\lilt 1:, ",,1 "IIlIa.. Ct 'r ull. , Umbnlla pno!)d th., d",k o r Ih ' Rlooll. ~'" ;{.~".;j". \1.,/'l rc ' n~ l '1\., wnl\l' Ill"" " ~ " \I"'I m" n. h \\' IIS cl utchl ll l\ H"nw. th,' ',,",PI"" nil " I,H.' 1"''' l ic' \\ (' fl' out thl nkln' n n d Jll ollJl tn . ' II .· MI W his 1,10 hnd to ken th 1I0id awns rrum LII thl" I' In h r hllll(\. H r t!HtH' r t(l<,k I r Lh,. \"y tloll U 'Il ~ r' 1M It II COli' mles Ie/win g In til\' n' rue d bOIl18· 1 1. 01 )' Il.u n. LO whom It ' bclong d . us h~r ur th C' Ilrm alld null d h e r buc k t(' 1 c m.·d, . Hnd bo /I Iny ' d til m!t'nj4 'n oll ~ h? Ali i " g n t., , him . KUIlllY II put be r halld U\>O Il UHt 11' ,1 till' " ,"l.'r " I th l. ol1e n mUlln) roMI rn~\()Od, h"colll"not l'HrrYUwIlY Thul'. In t bl. 1)(11 (· .. t'u 1 flHh rorln"II R 1 111 " I" 'a" "rotoctlu"ly , Th,' ' hll.1 h" ,,' ull ,r,'; .. th: '~ns UII(1I1 tl". L..<,us· , . ~ up -Shy u , .. .. II a " I' "r· h d gume o f 1\"IIC 11111I Iluwd the lrul\8u re. Ii 1ll1lKt hIli'" h, lv, lin I ilI ng ' b 'glln tool ly. opon d.. her 1I111.I hann ' lin" "I''''' LI'I' II'''" t I' I\lun a nnod rorco ot \U~ n hI' (,!luld trU81. On , ,)i1 l ~. for tit 1\\'0 a r c 1II" ·\.lIlrubl" . . .. an (1 dlsclo A d IL yollow SOv fI'l gn .' h:ljl 9 .'It .. ny filii ' . "\.':0(:1 so . hnJlud th malnllln" W l\r~ A h ",,'d tl ll(1 t h., I<)Y 'I I IIIl1nl h, III hidltH;. wa Lch " d th u CO li ' 1'11<' IIrKlIru nt b~tw ' n t ho hi I lind lIlt·fll.< ·1<,.• , '''' In ."" " .' f)' \I' hll t \'l' r nl 1< nl'rs : b,' h lo,1 \"fl' Ihr.,,· Ill t' '' I" ~I 1: 1. ,· ully . II I' "I!"" """J l ht' rl v,L1 hlA I1lllt!n n\l1l [0110\\,Or9 w.' nL on . II I",," Ill' h",1 fUI"I"O', 1 \t, 11I" );old.<I Hzzl"d who wBnl('d bls lito ns h" \\ l\l1 t".1 DIJf<'n d. hi. c hh· l. Mil '" th Hn~ ry "JollI'," Rllltll\ uU.ly n, ")'IIU RI> nk 111<' l ll rllll " th Ira. Tho onl)' hi '" hll htld IIl.Y lU I) ,. tlll·, ' 'X,' hllll",,,,,, und kn pw thut dis- 11Inlll~L I can und~r BLu ll ti on ly 1\ wo rt] '1'1", N.I,.It,,1 "'n~ IfR,·It,hl" .\\I eI Il' ll the cupldJty ,ot tbe m r,n 1m th e sloop. ..~ n"lo u had b" I: UII. The '\Ie n 01 t lto) lltlr(\ IIl1d tho ro. Uut II s l 11, T e ll Ow In ",l lh KllIhl),II·. Itl" ' L II \lulll<l Ita,'o 11 thoy . could 00 mode to slnn d by • III " I:!' c\ lI sl e rct.l nbout. c' hlc.r thtl t all we d eire Is to bo por. 1" "' 11 ,""hlll); . h" rL III fOfll ha nl ln('sa to hI m. thore was 11. tnlr chan co, On ('(\ "\\,h ~ r,' h,H''' rOll hld,hlll 117" tI ... \11l1t ed to d'o )lnrt In peaco lat or." sh ItIL\'O " 1","l y II nlll);""I"" <I 1IlL' rc b,'lIlo us h e W /l.B 'of II. mind to bea,'o lhe bus ket Innn dud th u oltle r. " It h,' long8 Ul tbo nu.l" 11. . lgnlO r nntly. m n. • o vor the roll and t rllst 1.0 luc k In find · sah ib," " Whnt's up?" " You Imvo 1\ "l lln, Kit. bu t what Is 1ng It agnln. Out tho tbou"ht lor o at " lIld ,I '1I what?" " Th ' rhlld has a 0010-& nrltlsh It 7" his h ...art. fl o simply ('ould not "0 IL "Th e lr casuro you and l he talso holy S O, ' ( r Ign- In her band.. Sbe know,. " I !Inro 110t tl.1I )OU hero. You afO Parhnps lIe cOlllft s tnrt a r p\·olt. or u n f' to k from th e lo rui(hl "u cuvo!" wh ero Umbnlln. hlUl .ccrotctl tb" 1r Il.H' too "X('\I t1 . \tul I b ~IIll\'" I 'nn lend 'Win ovor tho chlot or the vllll\go. Ho " Ful tio huly 0 1107" uro. Since fntli or CMnut \;0 butlg d yo u to wh,' r() l ' mhll l1a hll" uurie d th o had n own h onMt men to filII n.t tit "Ay, wrotcb! He I. I urga Hum. tho from hIs purpose, lot us t.")' docelt. You un.k ut. I r 'I thn( \ Imbll ll n I. wlltcb. sight of gold, Ul fig ht t or It, to commit mnn who murdereu th o king or AI1IV k L t h chi t hll 1 oXJ)wJn t o Ing £O VPry 1I11}\ 'O "' '' ," uke. And I dllro t§PCfl(>r." 0 e e w ~ a ny crimo to r I t-nn rl , I r nee d b e. to I11\; " _ tnth s ny h l' IlOpNI -U lllI l"\ Vl~ n I U!J tl ga l u-' die tor lL nut th o chlet was w lLh his rh e mutin ee r Illu gb ed and wov d To tho chI ef Bruce 8111 d: " T h" Lreas. t hIs mUl lny to I' ll<l In III K l1s t ~ r fo r U9. onomlea. Flnnlly ho came to t110 con· Ills ha nd toward tho smoking ru ins uro Is ovlo1e ntly lost. So, n.fW r 11 short lI o Is n lollo. S Illuch \\'0 cn n rely cluelon that tho on ly thl llg to b don 8 ot. t ho IJromolllory . ., " I'01lt. w,> Rho ll r ot urn to ou r Cn.rIlYDIl Ullurl. lIu t II wo try to IIllJ L blm opel!' 'Look for It t11i!r o. ho sn.!d, und e r o.nd depa.r L We do not wIsh to be th H Iy \\'0 sball 1090, Pllth'nco ror a IIttlo waS '0 cnrry tho tr Il.ure (liroctly Into lbe chIef's hut nnd the r e IIWalt blm . mOU nllil118 ot rock nnd dirt IUld sa nd. cause or troubl e botweea you and )'011. \\'b ll . Tb ' rl'. tltoy lire leo vlng us. He 'lVoutd bribe Ihe m en wllh him But· Look Co r It t horel And who 16 thi s I. " Thoy nr'e grumbling. but I do aot bl)tlclenUy to close the ir moutbs. 1t Ah· wh ile lunn who Bays tho holy ono lS I ~I~ 0; nllb th bo the go ldl" 11 YO tlt:"t m"UIlS IIny th i D~ 80rlous." ' 0.." u • Stalso 1 , ey onovedoubtless gBV O I I t P 'op I e." BI1 Id th e med waB on the " 1.ore. t h e game "".1\.8 f~~8 ." ~The holy "Now . the ll Wi up. But he swe pt the maInland wltb ')' BUY It . you scoundrel. cned tbe tholD that bl'tore the explos ion." Druel) chler, "eomoJ ' to m' houa , You aro h is gaze and dlscoverod no s ign ot colone l. advnn cl ng; but Bruce rGo l lald hold ot hlt! ann tn II frl ondly fll8h. welcom." th('re . no w tlnd a lwa ys , You him. . . trailled blln, se Ing that t bo situation Ion. npparon tly. but In roallty lUI .. ba\'o Ih ls <Ill Y . iiVl'd I1\Y lICe a ud that As a matter or tact, Ahm ed had at' Ittlld dtlLken lUI unpleasan t IUld sinister wlLnl lng, "All we wa.nt Is 11 s Ught re1It of my ch ild. I nnt' gra te ful." ranged bls ele phants so that th ey could r ell. In your house. AttAlr that we .ban Inside th,' hu t Kl1thlyn drow tho ·· PIl~.l on ce. colonel; Just a 1Itt10 dl lllo- proceed upon aur Journey." eb1ld townrrl h er nn d gen tly pr essed I a y. ho urge<!. The mutlnOOl'1l could offor DO 1"OII8On. Op l' D tb" ti ghtly clu Iell d !lngers, She bl objections to t hlB an/l slgnlfted pluc ked t he so ,'c: rei 11 from tho UtUe "!Jut the man lI esl~ "Tblll may be, but Just at prosent ~ It was all ooe to them 80 10118 es pink pnlm uud held It up, Th e child's 1ho re aeom lo bo more men 8land lng tatb er Bill zed It. won eri!4; ly. hack or him tllan back o r our CbJe t ; "Gold I The y li ed to me l 1 knew her e! Wo have no ,,'ay ot getting a It l " wll.rnlng to Ahmed. WaW" I "Yos:' said Dru ce. "They did fi nd "Jackal," spoke tbe cbJef wrathfully, the treo s uro. They brought It h ore " UIOU lIe stl" an d burled It quickl y. And ~e believe "Ah! thou haa grown too tat wIth your litt le 81 rl kuows where. Ques tlon r ul ." he r." "Ayl" crIed the men back ot the muIt was not an Ol\.8y malL s r . Tbe chlld t IDous one. 'W1\.8 nn.turolly shy. and the pre sence ot "Sahib," said the chtet. without 10. Illi t heso wblte.sklnned people struck 'Iog any ot bl8 natural dlplty, "the bel' uBunlly baobllng t ongue with a m an h na betrayed me .. 1 lIee the IUBt of species of pa ralysis. Aut ber lather ~old In Welf' eyes . mv\! prGtlago. But waa patlont. and word by word the 80you ho.ve saved the lite ot my child aret wafJi drngg\;l d out of h er. She told nod mine , and I will throw my strength ot the sUlleo bullook cart, ot Ule dig. w1Ul you." glng hi 't he sand. of the holy one. "FaUter. cnn't you seeT" asked Kat\). In BOIllO mn.nne r th ey must lure Urn. lyu . bnllA trom hIs r treat. It WI18 finally "See whatT' , agreed upon thot th ey all retu rn to tbe "The luevltablll· It WI\.8 In my b oaJ't camp and stettl haok ut opee In a all tho way hero tbat we should meet roundabout way , Th ey woul d come w lUl dlsaBter. There Is yot time to sufficiently a r med. Luter . the chief lllsve he re pea.oeCully: · ~ould preten d Ul 00 wnlkiag with his But he r pleading fell upon the enra child. of II. mlln wbo WI\.8 trensure m a d, He So ,,:b\lo Umballa stole fo~th from ·'WheN Have You Hidden IU" De- would not lis ten to renaon. Ahmed his bIding pll\.O&, re&llOnably oerta1A manded the Chief. could bnve told Ko.tblyn th&t the 014 !hut his ue ml es bad gone, Um bnlla gunl stood back ot her '''"the r , PU8bl lgot lo gethe r hIs mutinee rs Ilnd made start at once up the oOllBt to the sen.larran g mOllte with lIle m t o help him porl He was waiting on the naU... e lng, pUBh lng, "He 18 mad," wblspered Bruco, "but Icarry a 'II' UY tlt e tr usu r e that alght, tho highway 10r the return of h1e maatBl', The Tl'ellaure I. Found. /Tlghtlul o\\' n r~ we r directed : to tbe quite confiden t that he :would brIDg the we cannot leave J11m.'· "What w,ould I do wlthont you. Ibrokcn stl 'k In th e dllUl p sand , bMheraome trinkets with hIm. He the white people de parted. Tboy ba d That nl~ht. whe n Unthalla Ilnd his knew nothing of Umhnllo.'s ex ploit. Johnl" From down Ihe beaeh Ul\l QlWl1:a l1f/ caullOd e nough damage by tlie lr a po mcn arrIv ed. IL ho le 10 th e snnd groet. .,.:.;t"'::"-"-."-'-n ......:...- - - nie appalling' thUllder ot the exp!opearllnoe and It m ig ht be th llt It was I d tb 01. ' It wos s hape d lik e 0. mouth, s1011.1 wonied him. Bo would walt tOf through tb elr agency tbat the prom. lon80 d In la ugliler , Just eo long; then he would go and' ontory WI\.8 all but destroyed. Tbe leek. ' You em Enjoy Life TO DE OON TINUED fish would be drIven away tor weeks. Eat what you want and not betroubled JlIverf village duet hIlS bis s uccessor A.Dd what would ilie fierce guo ru n· withindigemon if you win take. In hoPe. Thill In dh1dulll WBS one of ners s ny wilen they fountl out thnt their those who hiUl he lped Umhalla to Dyspepsia I atores bad gone up In flame and A carry the tronnure trom th,e cavo; In • ~Tablet t amok? AJ, all What woutO tbey do If n o t , 1~ '8 wlok e rl t o ut.'g leot I1In e~~ fact, tho llUUl who had guldod hJm to balore and alter 1Mb ..... Solei ~ but beat lhe m and torture th e m tor und m eao s of rell of , '!t .", wlok e d t it tbe cave Itself. He s poke to. Umbolla. by u.-~_ • .box. ~ ~ _:... , .:..~ permitting any one to entor lho cava? e n!! ora Liv er !lIp. H l1lHfllOho, Iutil , Be Bald that be uoderstood the noly J . E. Janney, "Wh en lhese men come." ans werod ge~ l l oll, (J OllsI,ljJllt,IOD , Wl! u one d ose one's plight; 10r Ul the se yet sI mple minded village tolk Umballa waa stW ~~~~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ of Po.Da .Lux glv ,~~ r Alier. po.Oo Lax 1" P i ll n lr.( MIIY Avplte) tho holy one. Thelr religion WIl8 the = • •________IIIIi_______________... ' w ithout tbed op I,; hy rlp<>, b.,
"Holy onet
h o 8ald, "we
7OW' enemies who rollow." "Sow," eagerly. "'Yon/ler 1s the chlaf's hullock cart. I m1~e1t will find tlle bullocks," "Whn.t thenT" "We shall be on the way south betore the othe rs ItUld." 2..-'--...:.-...:...-----r-.!;§>B-~x·tro handtul f goUI fOF youl Get the oo.rs aut! Let US htIJTY'" "More. holy one; these men wUl obey m e," , "They shall nll be weU pald." Um balJo. had reached tbe point ",' here he could not plan without treachery. He proposed to ca J'l'Y Ule bas ket IDto the ju.ogle sofllewhere, bury It, ~ make way with every mIlD who JmO'W the secret; thon, e.t the proper Ume. be would ' return tor tt with 0. brave caravan, hl8 own men OJ' tboee wboee loyalty he oould rePlD" chase.
We are' better equipped than ever before to supply your lleeds in the Building Material line. '
•~~..J~!!!!- ."~~_.!O~
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Finest ' lot of End Posts ever brought to Waynesville.
l'eOP~j~~Sl::~p:'ln'",~:'l"IY ... :::~~. ~~ !
$1.50 I
People's Poplliar blonthly
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Proceedings Adl1\l\ W Itz,ll VtI. Tho C. c:. C ' & ' t, L. RV . ' 0, j ury r en <l e r s ve rdic i in fl\'Tu r or tile p luint lff in 1IIll' lUnl
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Fl ') rA R outt VI! . J IISI' \lh 8 R 'l ut.t ' ,cmllllllll , l "" l ulI: .llhill"u ,· I I div o rce g rtlllt ed lint! pltlintlfi' I,; n' I, . "lljI"r ll,.. ,. f fl ,. 11 11. C r ,·" t " r. I': 1""Ir ' , I r .'1.11" 111:1' . !;, .... ,. f r" 'n l'''r ftt· tt'f' I·Y , -<Q 1 :ItI 1, :;"" '· ""'1'1. OIH.·{.r I ' ''I"It·,... . . 1\ \' • I', l ',r .,, 1 ·r,·:(or'l , '. 1 0\'1. 1 I' s t o r l'fi t o h e r lII .hie n num e of Flor. , ,I , . " 1 ,, '''Ulll~.&.I ·\S 1\ .. , 11\' .&.\111,' ,' 1 1 , . II~ " •• 1 \ " •• :0.., '''' \ ,. :"- .1..: •• • 111: l\ tl lIl ~' r Alh" !'o IJ " 11l. l r ...od. . J rtIrlea. TAi. unu&uo! money •• a ving ofF.Jr op n t o Id e nd n e~ $uo$criben An 6 11 1~ l:l ll~d er \ ' 1' Arthut· jlodrr , ,livo roo /o:rnnt,t'cl an d c n~tlJcly " t ohlld Ad Promptly- Write or Call at This OffiLe-!t'S T';:J Good to Miss I given t , plnl ll tilf exel u i"e ly . ~\,B She rw ood va Clarenee I:Ih l'r. wood rli vor CA g rlLntecl . o u stod y o f m iu u r ohlldren g iven t o plaintiff ,!Dd h Bnl to l..e bn no n, uls ll hllnd ttlil l I n th e m atlor of tho bo nd o f PrO~. At Mec l.lIHl lo ~~ r e et br\d g~ , l.MbllllOn • eonting AUo r u IlY. Bo ud of l\a50 ill nnd IIla('l nK t.:on or ot e ar ound W l"~t· • ru rnl~ lI ed. ,.ter at 'I' \\'iu or ea k bricigo west (If {fUneral Dlrpctor Cllrll~le "till. If,. ' and Embalmer, MarrlaKe LlcenHU No. 42H \\'llhOrll ~ n l\il1 Rricl l!!fl C"., , I:Inrpe r 8to,.. I· bpllm WayneSVille, Ohio. Elber~ F 'uinn, statIona r y en · for bnnU" g gin er 1,0 pparl L Florey. bol·h l1 f brld~ .. tr' I.. 'hll l\on, rt' p,. l rm g urn ... , and delivering lIud ereotlr.g BaDle ~ebanon . R e v , A. J . Kllstle below Mn in "II 10 bV Pe , r .. " O !1 ; 111110 Call answ 'red promptly day or nilcht Rus~ ell B lli ne"" fnrmer ot (Jo rwin, Both phones ill Uffice a nd Resirlence, l Utl1l1~ r hu ll r " pllir of p.le lJrak eil llt· to Illi!to l BluvlIY W I)!!', of Wuy ueR Long cliRtance,N o. 14; Home llhul\e 1 vina rarlO on Llt.M II . ~I IllIl rl 'v er, vill e, Rev. Bu~b Wllt,1I0U. 14·2r , Wa l' m) Ju. d l:i uruiltou 'l',)wnd u ip", hail'S ami one oach fu rnish ed free OI1"rle~ [ ~rae l , Ul ol d er of Ril' l a~' , M tj.13, with funerals . to r.1.. G e ll er, of Lebanon , Rov. ~-~.~----Rest of service g Ullranteed . G , E lJo wtly.
-------+. TRAVElING MAN'S EXPERIENCE " In tha ~l1l11 Ul ll r or Itl 8 I hnd
Real Eslate Transfers ,Josc pll1'. Marlatt t o 0 0 MAr lntt 5 1 !LOtOS In W .. yne to wn ~ hip. tao t:) S. ' mUh lit 81 t,o R. . ::ltliyton 3 t m otf< of tea l estuL", iu Ha rl lLn tow n blp $1. All ce Coo k , to Frllok E C r osi er 101,8 No , ·Ill, 50 und 51111. no uth P IIU s u bdlviou to Lebllo o o . $ 1. E n e"t and Lola A, Swigert 1,0 1i:dwllrd .lIlll R ob ert Blair lots 'Not, 7 Ilnd 8 10 ollth Park subdivision t o Lablloon, $l. Alice W . Gl\ ln ~8 et al to Lilura W. Inn fls lind Annl\ Mill Ie U,tlvltt, lOti I fls tllte i o Ciibnnon, Ii. -(,!lUrll W Innos et al $0 Alloe W . G llilles aud F anni e W. Weld palt ot lot No. 9 in Wrigbt's addition to Lebllnon. $t, , Mllry E Wornlz to Laoy B Beok. e~t, purt of It 10' 10 Corwin. 11. r 6'. Lukens to Luta B. B one lot i n L e banon. $2000. Cor'L Uerrn.ril . IJove to Lllnra YOC01t ool ·l ot N u , 1 in li:llioh 's tlclditi!lu t,) Lebunon, $1. A. F ~iwon to n and W. ~ .. Mosll to Cbllr los E, Buyw tlod 3 traots ot real esla te in HIIDl ilto n tuwllship 11.
Dr. J. A .. M(:Coy,
," or e ntt.~o" of c ll ol fO Tw o pll y 101l\n s ' W( rked over tu fr um fo ur u. m . to () p . m Veterina'rv w itho nt, "pvlll~ we liny r lI e t ond tben to III m u 1l.1 e,v did n nt expect Ul O Graduate of ()hin ~ Ial I Jnivt>rsl to Jive ' thllt I htl:l u est t elegfll))h fo r my' ffllIl1ly. lu~r .. ad (If doing 80, 1 IIllve ~hll 1I0 t~ 1 p orler tlfty oe nt!! Office at r irifmce In I". Ii :::her. tlud l o lll hiru t o bl1Y Ul Il'~ b o l,t 18 of w ood's house, Fourth !-ilreet. \.ihl1 wb ar laill ·s (Jolio, .V b9 I e m .~ "n ~ Dturrlloof\ Re 111 ed v, .Ind IlIk e n o sUb. - Telephone, 28 8tltute. I to;)k 8 duubls d OSB lIoonrd. ing to ~he dll'ecti.JOs and w ent t v / Ohlo Waynesville. Hlee p "fl ur t be @lIobnd d l1l1a At n v.. 0'0100" ~It" llllxt 1II 0 rn1D~ I w.s --- ~ o.dled hy my order "lid to ole n ~ rc. l n for ID y n ext ~t o llpi o g point" II wolll !Dan but f ee Hng rRth e r shoky fr o ml the 8eve ri t,V of tbe Iltrack," writes H . W. Irel l1n d , 1..0 ul sviJIo. Ky Ob Funeral Director. telnllble everyw h pr B. v l\ry m o r b us
. Corwin, Ohio.
#, '
Walter , McClure
.... .
Telephone day or nigbt ' , All Have Three ~orml. Vallay " hone N" Lung All things III the world lIave th roe Di~tl\nct' N l' 6\1-2r rorm s; these 1\f0 gaseous, lIqul.(l alld 801\d . Eve ryLhlll g ls moving 1.011\ Ol\e Automoolte Servlco at all Time. ot the ae Corms Into 1l00th llr . For I,,· stance, th e sputum Is a IIql1ld. Drlod WAVNESVILLE, OH10 In th e opell air. It soon become s a Branch Omte. lIarvenburl!: , O. solid , Th on, pulve r iz ed, It Is take n up by lli e nlr and Ci rculates In mlnule dust pllrtlcl 8 , some 01 wblcb are too small to be sce n.
Llv !lr. Incre ll~es · tho fl o w of 1;1\0 N.ltnre's onti sll p t,io i n the Bowels. T o or Ooustipatio u nod othl' r ills Commissioners' Proceedinis dlau llpellr o ve rni g ht boo',use P (I.Oo. Lux blla h elped Nntn r e to r emov Blind p ensions for ~be quarter BARNHART, tho Cuulle. lJet 1\ bo tt le frllm youI' end i o g J uoe HO, 1915 wore 11110 wed Dru!(g lst to.duy. lJe t r id of yoU! Notary Public Resolutions pnssed to borrow . , 1]0nuU[)atio n overn I ~ht . mooey for m ilking n eOeSBal\Y bridge ', : : I 1 r em en 9 ~11I1J Otlff') to tn'old draughts. ex:, . All kinds of Notary WOIk. ~jllJ!Il--... CBilll1 Allowed-Dllyton File, Ell. pOHure. Hndden ObUnl(e8, and tnklnlC nnd Deeds a t:ipoolalty. Loved D add y, Too. velo pe And S \'Hlonery (Jo " Bupplhls 'a tr eatment of Dr. King's New Dis. Pinning a U OWI' I' on my IItLle foul' for l'r ell8ure r U; Ba rrett Br08. covery, will pOKitlvely relieve. and y ear·old boy'8 suit 0 11 mother's tlay, I s l1pplies for P. osooul,lng Attorne y, ' 10 t.ime wlllsl1roly rId y ou, or y o ur I saId to hi m: "Yo u Ill us t wear this ro se 600' O bl o ( lo rr\l~lIt e d Vol vert 00. Cougb . The first dose soothes the I toda y to slto w thnt YOII 101'0 your piJl ~ $:1il9 ,10; Uulion Iron Works, Irritation. oheok8 J.'om cougb, wbio~1 J. W. MILLBR. , m other. Edward ." 111 a IIltlo wh il e he piVe '50 ,67; Tbe MoMlmus.Troup atop!! in a SbOTt t.lm e, Or. King. r otu rncd 10 m, s aying : "Mothe r, Co , r eo o r d .fo r Probl\ttl C ourt, 117.50; New Dleoovery hall been u8ed su:). ••• DBNTIST••• pl enso \llo nno t\U' r r OAO 011 m o 80 peo· W . B . Stllnlige & Co., I!nppl\es oe8t1fnlJy for 45 years and 181/:Uar1lOpi c will k;l ow I loye my daddy, 100."- $L5 ,50; Cbarles Mlldden, .pII\nt and teed to onre y o n; Mo ney ba o k U It OmelI"JD 011 for bridge pllrpoees $L5 20; J . K . tails . Uet,. b o ttle from your Drog_ ExChI\U gC_,_ _ _ _ _ __ Waynell lIIe. 0 !h&lODU B&IIk Dldl, Spen oer, Itlmber 1115':1.66; Leanle gist; It o o ~ta oulya little ILnd WIll Wbltaore, rOlld work, Union town_ help YOII 80 muoh. eblp$2". 60 ; Bert Reed, brldll:e work Deerfie ld t,ownebll) $45.50; Uoorgfl 81.oP1JIIct In l1)' m.nn_ work Harlan and O~ l ly Thought. 'suro with Dr. t:ibOColP·. "Last winter' I u @ed · Ohumber. Veldt, bridge O,uup ncwudr. On. $47. 30; Harlan The cnlm or d ls turllan ce of our mind I.iln·~ L inimcD t f or rh e um l~ tlo p a lm, S'llem township to.~ .. Ill 8urdi pro .... 8tttrne s~ !lod 1!0r e U eA~ of Ihe k ne e~, Whitaore, lumbe r $105 65 i Ell T e mp. d o p~ not ft APClld so much on what we , No ~owIUI1~'!:: lind ca n oo nscientiously 8uy thut Itn brldgo work tJarlllll townsblp r egn rd ns th o mo,e Importllnt t blngs &roll. 4. ........d p1eulq.yrup-loOo.. I n evor used .1uy thlng that di d w~ $il2.10 ; C. (J , Emm a us bridge work . or life 11.8 In IL judi cIo us arrangem ent tlO muob good, "-Erlward Vrnr t. EI Turtleoreek tOWllsbip $23 50 i In. of lhe little thln g~ of dnlly occurrence. bo, N. Y. Obl"iuuble e verywhere. qu e~t ove r body of Floyd Tnrner -La Rocll efollcRll ld. U 6,75 ; M: , A , Burke. plumblU~, 8uppli tls nnd IRbor jnn '102 86 ; R a y. Poor Olagl1osls. mond BRrshbargor, Biliary, $69; .1 "W ha t you n e<' c1." Ba ld lho e mloent ZBin Armitag e, tw o oontruot8, $101. Artiotic~ m otl'lclll mo.n. "Is moro boft lly activity, :15; Oregonl ... BridJte (Jo . • contrbot, Ac onlll , ,,nh~tllll wBSle. in y onr eo<rect brilliaot 'You should e xerolso your back and $199 ; L, C , t:lmHh & Brother t,.v po- tblrty f~l\t (If l't ' we'l!! 0 .. u ~e8 IIbilo rp fil1ioh, _biDed wiIb I limbs ll.D'li fect. Wb at's your buslnees:" writer tor Reoorde~'8 oH;ioe $93,15 i tion of p ol~oD8, 'Imel8 to produoo fe" ""DOIIyal. . . . . I"J rLm l.he leading tango' expert on Orsgonla Bridge Co" oon'rao' $818,. ers, n p@e ta d tge\ltto n. You b o lolt tbG champngne lI oor of tho o1ito lob- . '0 'gIlS, fe el stutfy, irrH'.l hlp, alm o~ ~' ILe r pa'luc ," rB'!lJle d the ' unhappy Coutfllota Let-No . 42i, with R. A . orunky. It len 't you-It'~ YOllr 00 11 , Pallent.--Olevelruld P llLln DenIer. , lI4o(1ulcheon for oonora Le repair to diU ' n , EIiOlhl>~t() tlll e l'\ Il~O ll J n s bridge bv .Jobo St . CI.lr farm., W,ILBtS by takin K one o r t wu Dr. Clellroreek to\l1ushlp nnd putting ln Klng'to New 1,lle PIIJ@t.uUlllht. I!:n- I eilrerwaie!Le cItoic.cI se""er ou Mlllard Rond, near !:illrr " j O)· tJ. ful! fr ee bO>l.el WOV(' Dl ~nt In diteri. . pun:huCn. Outrageou sly Funny. , In Franklin ' tow\lsblp the mornllli!-Y ou fenl ' a.) gr .. tefnl 'fbit "I'll n ev ~ r nguln IDvlle tha t protes· dtr oup's Gat ao o rlj(inf\1 bottip. ,00 ll tainlng I 'onh. heavleat ar.de oj ~I 01ULI hun\t'r ls t to dinn er;' e'xclulmed $ 87.60, No. 425 WIth ZlIjn Armit.oge f o r an plll~, fr om yo dr Druggl ~ t tp- uy plate aruI esquioitebeaul, Mrs. NI'I \\' lyrl c h , "" hy, bo made our , Of ~.mo, ~ Ic.I 1':Ill'Ii Kh butle'r Iu,Ugh,"-Phtlade lphln oonorete utoh by Blookburn-'l'lllon ror 25c. flll'nls o n L ebanon and R ed Li on ____~_•• _ ..._ _ _ _ 1"" clleIYicc aDd oatLedge ~ ilIact;.Il, l"r,marbble P ik e (Jletlrcreek to wnshIp $11l~ , durabilily hu"..,.. No ' ·126 with Zllin Armitage for What J . F. Gloom Thlnki of T. J. Daft, the popuW IiIIe it ooncretll t,oe raplllr to Big Brhl ge "1)0 you r 'ad nly comic po ~m 8?" 10' ~sn,tr """ tA"tW,.".N , { Do Not GrIp.' -- ' ami ormor 1(1 wings Hn rl refllLl' 10 qulred T ~ nn Y 8 0.1 . Daft. evldell tly 011· Sold brl...... ·W. La'" • pleaunt luaU", that wiD ~tnllll l)~idgu. both Oll Le ban on · al.d gllng fell' :t co mpliment. '·Ocoaslo'oal· R ~d t.hl ll plkB by (JlIRrle8 Dn g"n Iy." r epli ed .I. Full r Oloom, who haa :~~ ~. do 1\1811 what you want 't to do. ~ and Ii' 6111111l!lIr farm ~ , 'l'urtlecl e It a hrl ght tho\1~h c,·1\ mInd. "ao.1 th oy II! ........ TOWllSbill 15895. ' olwaya mnke ilia rt sadder It nol ""IBer 1\...11 tbouand8 of thai and _ '-~ I , .. »7 wUh the Oregon{1l Br. d~e mBn."-J\a.lISIlB City Star., p-*••~_i!:.. have never RaIl • ~Uer ..mady for &he 00 , for 'aklnll down the trulS Hell l _ --. boWQI Sold owy bl UIo 10_C!Il~ , bridge bl D~an trel'er farm eu, of i 'G ...... Pleaaan' Plain. Bulan TownehijJ, Read yourownM aO;JI azette . . . .I. Eo oIlIftM¥•
dbtanca. "I 1160 IIght,N murm.ured Umballa. Be tried to Bct coolly, but when be spoke his voice cracked and tbe bloo<2 la his throll.t nigh Butrocated blm. "Sand, holy one l" .owell. what ot slLlld r '"You can dig and cover up thIng!! til SfUlt! and no one can possibly ten. Tbe sand tells nothing." They drove the bullooks forward , meroUesely till thoy came to whll.t U~ balla conllde red a suitable s\>Ot. ' A pit WtuI dug, out not herore UmbaUa had taken (rorn the onaket ·onough gold to act Ule men wild. They were his. Be .mlled Inwardly to thhik bow olUllly they could ha.vo had aU of ltl They were still honOl!t..· , Tho aa.nd smoothed down 0'" tho baaket. It would 'not have been J)OIIalble to!' tl\ human eye to dl8C(IVa. th allot wlLbout a perrect range. UID< blllla drov e down a. "ro'l<eo slick dl· 1'~ lIy ovo'r wh t e Ule hQ.Aket lay. He lind btlat n t.h.ln1; th )' wou ~d lind notbhl(tl. 'ow to rId hlmR It ot thesa s lmvlo 10011 ",ho trusted hIm. TIlII man who loB!!"d to becomo the ~hlt\t'a luCClt\88()r was then played upon II mNlhl; to e t tho two root\onl at eeola throat; a 1I8rfect e11mlna.
$1 0
I n I ho' ma l t o r o f Atlu WIII~. A P 1111 ILl InTI fo r IItlmi,,"i l1n of IUU to Dllyloll ' llU h o~ pl l, ltl i ~ m ild lu tb. III1t1 t('C of Ih o :;~u ttl u f ll'"rnll lld oJ W. ' h" kolfurd , d e o ll tle. l 'nil: :'liallJi n~zNl<.: .... .... , . . . . . $ I 00 1 ul l\H ul' l' r \. vnd 1\ 1 nil 's ~I n gn.zi ll c. , .. .... . . , . . . . ~\II ror 11\ I h I' I'IH llt e o f 'I'rt1ll1un F1 0 hn ll ~' 1 1:1 LV ,lo)f'("",'d Fl r ~t ttelO mut I~ IIppn vetl . Q ll e !cCall 1) n 'ss 1':1 tll'r11 . . . . . • . . IJ 0 l11 ] Arc ..... . .. . .. . . . . , . . .. ' . ~ .. I II \.ll(O rl~ I"l ll I)f 'ltro line \Y , t).,1<10 11,1, btlll t' timu r ies, fiftoenth •l C IIU llll ! i~ lIJ1prn vod . In Ih tl ~tll l tl of Th o lllll~ D. Wulk . c.r , ("'rll l\ ~ it . ' ~ c cu ud un d finnl IIc. 1 o l1 l1 tl~ ullllr o " otl "THE GREAT MILY GROUP'· If lr6L II IllI fit... ' IHllJO llIJt in t h o ~s tn ttl n r Juu e D ~ c llun o k, d~ OIl Il S d. '\V f-!)I .. 1U1 4:.,,\V\l t I~ ul'I'fllv",l o ac full Y " t " '!'wo lfl h " nunt in I·he E'elln l!l of U 1"UA.'Zincl!' "lo n". $ \ . 0 0 . T1hl llll( S J 'l!l" fI, li f'O u~t'd, ill tlvpro v,'cl A 18 0 JU lY or. f"" McC a n 1" tho! m ll UI' r o f I, !i '~ IIppti oli l ion Putter" l· R E':~ of tt", n ew ly In n q )n )'nt llli villt' go of [,Iellll"n t PI ilJ , Ohio. fo r tllvi~irlD of ~ffAl l~ MAr..\11 'F th e 'l'o\\' n .hl11 fU lll!!' . Di visinn II Sk8d fo r i~ ordered , III til 'lll1tter 01 111 will of J. ,I ll It n Dill , (\ (,OP '" ~ II WII! id ut!. mill"rt t o prn lllltn. ' l u th o '"l1ttllT of th e ('~ ' I\ t. ' 01 I. . atJ l ltuli COllll tllbl p, d " cell :;"d Co l. lu l or.d inltnrit.noe f.Ux. I. fixcd . (Pobli>lc4 .....llr- 25<. r.. , ,r":'L.hd r:.·,;,· - 2Se. """I ~' Ir " t, IInLl [111,, 1 ucco nnt i~ .. IMO "I'. ._ ~ I II!, "tor h l.-l l hll ll1 " ~ lJII:: rllt.lo:,15 o r thrl1lllu: Joi h l r h ' ", pro voll . I ' ~ttl" I .~. J. 'f: L,' r h' ,,-( II 'f. II . n IHl tl mel ),A rt lc' los f,lf{l\" r)' lIu.y " , 11'. 1• .III W'ltll<lll. 1fhalU "">1,1rtllltl1l~ 0. HI'"I' l a l A. 7 E l\l ..-:' 1; , .1', 11 1 '-1 ' ), Ih .11 1 Common Pleas Court : 'I'ho C Iv! 'Ut i AJ!...I .lU\J~
The Iaodtng was made, tbe basket .conveyed to tho bulloc k cart, W!tlcb was empt!eil ot Itl! batt and leopard trap; the bullocks wor e bronght oUt and barn os8ed- nll tbls activ Ity betore the fishing boats had covered halt the
\\·C fll (I/rcting tlt i~ "Fnl1d1y :roll l'" (Lt a ric1it'111 111t~1 It;w pricL'. 'I'll McCall's is t he 1J ~ · t ilia u'lim' in thc COU Illl \" wIllie I ,(I1l1t' I'l)p itlar ~I 11th1)' I.ife BnlIDaga7.itl l Pcople't:s arenlso \\'or th H·adiul;. 131'sidc s tlti Yf)U g t u i\[cCull pattern und t lie ~Iiattli ( ~ a2I' tt e at the x· trt:lIlcly low price. •
Pro bate Court Procecdlllitl
r {l"t l d und n r o n 'IHI )' to d purl."
"T'huJ'u oou l d not
n Illrl1U t-I Ur,.. I ht~ro n nrrl'ti C1lL!)U
tit ;) ~IHll'"ll ( yl ' t\ fit thotlll ArnhR . ITf) IJIlck to YOU f hOIll' " '\'lw"C whlto ,,1'0pi shaJ:l bll Ill)' 1l,,~ t ~ .1II th(\y bave
lill \.! \\ nHl (or II "'tUt ot
IIlI1t1Ut 'llr.
Illlh •... ' \\lII11l.IU
or us hlUl .. nt., h
Choosing Silver .,Ie,
ROGERS·BROS.TM, :'':::!-dayllUda
1I J'U h ll" IJt'tJ\\f(H,l, ly II[ th Ol ill, ll ltl
Allen lhalllJ lnM. lI .m tu .. Wa yutuu,II It.\, Uhll! , _
_____ _
~ll '.'iti
R u llI' nf , "to ~"I~ptj
\t 'l\ r 'RlrliL~\
1 ~ lU'C h"
l it
Ih~~ UIII 'I'1
Jl1 . .....
'1 1. 11"
-+------, -.,!---~-.--.
Hutchison & Gibney's
I MII"~[J ('liul:4o ~~, Orejl,On alld 1'0!1lD. I I t;yl \'ULlIII~ bll \'e ud Ipteu I'lwllar la ws.
As Written b OUI' Co rps fAble Corf'espond. nts in the Nci~htlorhood
The 1II0.. t ontullroh Bu"'in~ laws on ALI.lCY '1' l£ l. l£ l'lJUNI!: - t J\I L 1>1> . R l f \ I .. I 11 CI; 0 i ( "crIt S lll ~ thtH' so hjeot were " t".OL d lJy I,he I ltol\clln~ l Awn I". I'" r ' 1111' •• • . ., {K' I s l,,,t of Witloootl!u In 1911 whloh ' ChI .. tU II t\dli u,,1 II I I \ "t'l.'fl Ihtt IIIIllPl ItillY till' BUllrdli f Ed ucntlon In Ilger I 'lt II'Cl\ illM..'rll llll •• •• •.• , • • • • 'J')i} .. - - - - - - - ---.....- . . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - D• L • Cr..n l16'<, 1:.li"dl' tor nnd MOJ f ~. I • 1 IHpit,)' Ad, ,·"I.h,g I~" I""". . ..... . I W oltl 8 of t he flrli~ , s Boond and third IJ l:WOUlIfIi ~IH' n u n con ti Iwl. ol lla~ IIro nntborlz~ d to es tn.1I1I ~ b lind :VJ.idc\ys, fill as Oltl llent. . . . . . 1.00 --[ mlLln t.uin t or olli lure D and lIelUItS In ' J t.: LY 7, 1 9 1G. t e poh ool boilulugtl and lU t,he ' Sk irt:, - Wa~h Sk irt s, tiP frc)l1l. 1.00 '-- ---I' --' ~t;rno uda \l nd r t ho IOtlllBIC Om ent lIf . ..... I ---. Lhli ~c h ool oo llrds, va catl ou sohonld, Stlit s- - .\ rille lille, lip ,from . .. . W.OO ~L"le 11 1 <Jil,,,. ~Iy or 1"I"d", I ,'I Mr. IInu r.lll< . lur vlO Hili rJ t.1I11 illl"ij ~JVIi Burton, o f Ullyto n \Viii rHlld log r ,)olUS, I'brury st .. tlODS, d . , I' /. IIll.1S LlI" "I)' . . \ . " "I\'HU I,t) ~ prl ll~ 1'IIIIIIy WI/CIT" Mr vl~ II·ln· wit It hnr plllre rJl d Mr, nrJd b,\tlLl ~ Olllh~, gymll[J!liOOl, pu bllo ,' ilk \ a ist. , II P from·., . .. . , .... 1.00 '.'u ll k J ("~ 'fl\' \,' ,,, I"~< rallt I "".1 lie I, lJ liln l \1ll wlll lll)(lIIl1 l,l,u'l;funilTI 111 11,' 1 11" . .1'"110" I3ILnon . ' phlY I; rOUlIcI!.' und pnbJlo hu ths wit.h. 1 \'0 11 wi ll IJe sur p ~i scd w h en you see M:- IIi HI PHIllI{'1 U I tt ' 111m ('j J. lhl' Il 'Y . ~ ' . I .. I t th I" I . ' g IJU' , I 11t ·"~. II I I Ill' ,. lit> "II~ III hn~lI\f'~_~ Il't'i' fill'" ~h u rt ' JI' • r " /11110 "1' I"o r o, n "tad nt o f 'lU"A 0 IlIrge .'1 II r H" uon ... . " ('I! ,' r H 1- " " d ,, ' ,I 10 ,{I w lt llt IlI lt ..: ' . n . ,' IIflll1 ", I(y lJ 1 '1 " . " • '. th cse W ais l ' ' . 1.~ l'lI1pl oYlI<i OU t1 . II 11It,(' rostlO g II OOOUllt ~f Hoola l ~e"(lh 'r .. !' III N .. r llll,r ll O h iu WI ll Ird", CU II~l r lI "d ~', I,· II r" , ~",jd, Hlld titllll 'I " LI Ih (\ ngh~ thll C' 1tIlIl ~L1 hLIIW th,' ( I Ii Wash On'sst' ·, S I..-,O, ,~ 2, for.... LOO ~lve'illl lIl' lIl " " ,111 111 1/11 "tJI"'f IUII II.y ,I ,u l ,a id linll ... ill p.,\' III, """ IIf ONE I li c'lli/. (lil t I ,,~~ will 11 1I' l'I r gUlII . !:.l "lJrgl'lFron. !u,1t1 11 ,1 f rlll t 11I!lpeO. ',Ctlte l' woek .. t ono ~ f th o Ohuotuu !llld 1' \ '· 'l'IU~' I ) I' lv ln!,: l'tl rk AH""r lntll lll WI ll , to r. \VII 'Lrltld wuy;o glll,l t hOllr ul 'l U"~ h"s 'Ul1 u.V !J e w th ough l>! of 01 Ollj-I:I'IIII; h I/ Bio i I~ r' l"' " InlH / 111,. H J1 ' I'll{ Ell. OI)l .I..-\ lt:..,r", . \\ 001 Skirls, new I t al !1 'bargain Illl erl s t. . . ;veur. () "'"W' ( 'lI lllll~' "Io n , il< 1))'0';" ell c",~ .. 1 (" lnllh, I:'.,.' .~" 'II,I"II ,c. I· "r<_l l hO l oi thlllr Ill ulln oe ~utU I 'tlll.V, ,I nlv t il rosnlt Ro f cllllClllilJ u. ~J r Ii:rn o> t, E ', r nburt, hn leftfor B e rhe r~ Q l1l c k , edltorortheFarrn $5, $~ an d $10 lJlIillily . . . . . . . " 4. 25 1"") 1l fr " " 1 t<I'(1 UIlO fn 1,011(',0111) II : I Ill' uYLh"I!,c "rIl AI;LS .'IAldUI.( ~I~I ''' ' 1 0th \\' h ~ lItb llY WIII ~lv.,tlll ,a r.lrIlo. J. R I'~ K J . CIlU' j,\. ' . .. 1 'L n ll F ireslilu "t1vllnced the IlI>rt loD. hln",l f'I1II,. I'ul I~ lu b I b~ iii!!. S\I'UIII I" IlCfor~ III :l nd sub crihcd iu I t~OIl!! llro "."o\·ct lry /ln l uu Ollt! u f " two " l .. nth~ to ur of thu wc .- t. lu r Deed of rum 1 life f (lr .uoll ClI lll. S ilk CIon."", up fra il}. .. .. . . .. SOc !,:e~t IJllyrmmt fill' Ihl ~ section 1I1lhe my prC"""~C, Ihi~ Illh UIlY lIf DecclJllJcr, II ey .. Wa UUH . ~Ir~ . l1i1tull ::lIIlCY uou MI A~ ~e l D1l~ llluolLy lo s pirlltlon II ~ WIl l CO Ole b is l ur v ot Ib l! (ruit. lnuUf!I.r .\·. ' Wh i l., A . I!. 11Ill1,. , . .. I Mr . nnd Mr~. U(lvis <.1ruhum uro tlt/I(:Y "10 \,l" tlOl( II Cle yuluud. t, hrou~h tl.Jen~e of the soh ool ouulo r Ih o ""Ilppm)! lire predl OUlI1( IIl w tSe~ I ) II. \\ . (; I, EA:>()N,. hllunlJ l)' IIIt; I,helr coont r y h UUl e ;\)Is M"ry ' lIIi1b,lU n , who ha n oto nly o f o rgu oize(1dII!CU~Alou 00. 1 l:Sest Assortment Sheets, Pillow low pr' £w~ , Ih (l g rowAr" "r,l );l UI Il l( 10 I. • I . I I I . .• i " l'\lJla rr Pubhc. wll h \'lIillt lI a ll' s (" Iarrh CIJ I ~ is tnkell illlc rllrr li '.. u611.11 YI~Jt u" wit 1 ' (l r l' ster Mrs . l·ortulI1m ent unu reorou l. ou lOb pur · /IInk ll nll" 'OY 1) 11 UCl'OUllt nf 111(1 uo r. Cases, Etc, allu ,,,I s <l in" " ' )' " po'I Ihe hl,";d ~lId 111 11 · ] IHII, \I\' \\ el ~h retorrlCl tl to h l~ Crnwlllfl l l'hompson I,ho pll~t \voek . ti ol/lurly t lla m uo" of oo'operlLtlve reouR crOll ""'s SUl rIlC~S ,,[ II ,,· syslc ' n. & ",1 r"r 110 llH, III Ft . Dod !,: Th L1r ~rtILY II fto {, r !t"B l'(:lorrl(J(1 tu h e r llo m e iu BI'ln. o ote rpr t~o . , '!teets from . , . .... . 30c, 40 " 59c I r ~ liIllOl\i ll i " Ir~e. nwu wlwitH V!:'il wi lli h is Jlur llll ls l! lJesle r . 'Th o rO IIlI,iou o[ tho Suci tl (Jeutor . F. ) . l' ill': :II E\ & C ., T,,'cdn, O. , 11l!rp, Mr. 'Hill ~lrs . Al fre rt' (:l I\i!' AM Bnll to th ~Ico probl e m nnLl the fe uHI. : heets, hk'tle ltcd .. .. . ..&:Dc, 5!k G~c !':"'!. Ii>: 11 1,1 . Ur"~Ii'~lq}lic. ,, ' . He v lI od !'o l rs. :-;"r(,((m t, nttl' n d orl rt o oglJJ.['t V Itl I" woro viHit iu,:; w il,h I hil jt.y of mnk ing tho sohool tJrope rty DIARRHOEA QUICKLY CURED .. ' nkc 11 ,11 1 S i " "lll ) 1 ,II, f"r C IIsll r·,· IL iU'Jlirul u t UIII" Vllt W erlnl'Nl"y uf M r. ullll I r~ .'IUln,!1 I::IlIlne~. I I,bo OO Ulm ou rtl!l. ollioory thr ou~h Shc ' ts, hcmstitch d ...... . 75c· LaO "AuOUL IW O )' tlur~. II gll I h"d IL Me II frl OIJ '!. Xlr . Al b(l r ~ OO[] lLhu "pent th ~ ~I h wbleh m c n und w orn HIl at 011 vere IU tn" k o f dlllrrb oc ll w h ;oh 1,1"1. ~Ir~, 1I1ll r glHot L vioy vi~it o(] itl With. Mr. II n' l~\l r~ DII\'id P o pe. . church es uod u o ch orub IIlIl Y unit.1) Pillow Cases, he mstitched. . .. 25c his tal! for OVIl r 1/ "'"uk," writ e~ IV ()ayl('o I"HI wee k lint! r toru l'u h uUl o i\1 L l' I fo r tho Ulorn l bottormeu t uf 01, 10 tJ, Jon es, Bortl ,d,~. u. "IIJl'(!1I1I1 . allY .v I e '0 e utt oo rlco tho Ilftl was Iln ul hOl' su bjec t lJrou"llt P illow Cases . . . 10 ', L .!1c, 15c 25c :i1l.lll n IIlY "" ll urullgllL With h llr ,l lI lIoe lit 1;llru,dll.lIl '" w" re h o ul!o . " 80 wenk "LIII! L OJ UIU 110* s'n uLl Ill" ~Ir. II lit1 bl r~. Ir .. A . l:Iurl ~ lIok t u l{lIoh~ner, Ollio, 'L11 urtlllY eVll lliu " " 1 11 . f 1 ' rigb L A t1 rUl: g l~~ fI'OO Ullll ll lld el1 .peod th e .Jtb. " ., S to I q ues tloo 0 lllDlllgO OhuulJ rlaill 'M '0'1 r, Cilolum. ILutl On r IIlml l'ltly oil th e !Ju,,,I/! hoI' S lh, wel/lh er Ulli n ~nvo n~ II ve r y 1,0 th o prop erty and tlolling of the DlnrhoB II R~lIw <ly . Tho tlrst dON,. on o nu llu · 11Iltl Ihtl 811ure ~ l uuLl in IJIlI (j ay fill' th e 1:lnr vt,y~ lJllr g oole bu'1JdlD Ks the fnets were prodnced rellov,!d 111 11 lind witblll l.w ' l UII .YM I MI R~ Vill'lIll lll1 K iaoy I~ aor lo ll n. f f II ~ t 1 IIr llt ll,lI ,'~ pl'c"dly th e rt' OO~, 11 8 ' 1·0 Hll o lY tbtlt the tl otonl eJfllot of WaH 11M WHII 11>1 "YIlr" Ohlllllill blp Iy ,II lit I.h a lI u lJlo -of Mil!~ Alice "vur 0 Ol'~, I 0 . ~e vorJIl 1.,YtIO h ll r ~ S were t o hll ve l th,~ oontluull utj OIjo WU8 to improve 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r u overywhllrfl. 'benOWOI,b 'rh o Il llc r.ty kn own us Ih o WlIl'd 118 n e nt er d und Wll w ore nil o.n tb e blllld h gl! n ot o uly iu ucoommo . Mr . ,mil Mr,; Elll o r ~IJU GO lln or 11011 h OUl e all .111110 I!trl)o L 111 " Ill' towu Ud oot th llt tbey w o uld buve oa rri ed datlOlls for tb o odult meeting~ but . 011 , \:I ulIler r e lorn od hallie Moud u., WII S r eeo utl y . lI11pr nIHu\ "!l! II H n ~"" ofl' hi l(h ob L ho "ur~ . for their prlrue u so aod t!J blltterAll Kinds of ovoniDg "fl r,.· fuw tIll Y" Illll llSIl UL reudy tll lJ e dl ~ IJU~ed of. lUis wtll Mr. Frfluk t:>nyder [LOll wife and Lho olouDio g nod ventilatlDg 8Y8- mor!il ",up port from thl) ~hrl I'UU her olto Does for mllrrylDg bappil y . COUldn't Solve the Probtem. I itI I f L> meke a Dl :e h o m e t or s ome on at Mr nna Mrs. E~r l Duval l celebral ed tems Arter reU rln g 'rom b".I" MH 11 cer· \' • . WIt I r tl " IV U!! n tlH Ilyton . " Vtlr)', Jo w flguro , t.lw JI lt in [)"ytou MIB~ Edith ~l orri so n of La Porte, will be inoreasod . There Ilre sevortll Soolul Cellte rs tl1ll1 mnn continued La mll lnlalllnll ot· I ,l lr , Lleoqltl ('mtt lJ"d the ml s fo r ,I ohn W \ \1/lLOrR, of Oflrlf'll'd , ,' I,' J olI n ' ) llU 'tlta \On8 In Leb lnll, beo,IDe e nthused with the 80'. IIce I n II. d ow n t Own b U Ildl ng. i I " h a(I luo ek 01 IU!li uK "ho rse [' ne dt.y '1(181 'ouncct,i utt lIll ill~ort\n (lu mlln 0 f " • ' l \ III ,g 01 ,,1 Cen te r idea wl.Jile living In tbe in Cinci nnati 8nel n ew o o es lJel Dg wc ~ . . \' / . '1 I~ oun O\' ur l:'nlll h)' . no nee d 0 t Il nn d . t urt Ilerlllora WIl H OU I ' , • ~nrufl UOt A, onlled on ., ,1~lI n >! n . ',. . 'h loago COlllmon~ 8ettlollleu '; she org .. nized 10 all tho s uhn"hs. 'fhu ot town nlmost nil the time . A rrl nil M.·•. Edw,l rd Cook aud oillidren su rtln o.e Ag~ n oy la r!t wtluk. . M,. Ll1~I~~ h. oorlo\; and Wlfo lLOU htld ' been a studens 10 the ohool (jf m oat promioent Is tbe Uuloo Bethel, of bls poinled OUI tb l' Incon Hi~ 1 nc)', s pl1t ~ undllY wlt,h h ll r }lllTe ot,.. ller e F ro m tb e I)T s~ nt out,loo k in thl.. ,~d~" I.elll~ 1 ~\ Il I1lJls(l~ ~ud Mr.Orlan 'iv lcs llnd P hllantbroJJY at the another ODe Ie tb e U nh'e rBity ~ettle. [Successor to nnd ' &eked him wh y ho dldn ', give Ut i MlsH BS 1~\lltI 811011; tmel Mildred . I II •. , ., f rhll llptll) 11 ''' ~ cll' ~p1 n ~ li t PII Sttdolltl same lillie and return ed to b er bome ment . Mr. Frook Moore Is the "' IUl Ulty t IMO \V I ue a gouu or p o ", b ol'e Mr I Onflok I ,; lJUl ld lu a Dlreotor or 800lnl Ceotors Ideveral tho olnee." " I \Von ld," Kilitl th .. olh er, \l e Bee, of UHlI D, I), lire " I, pr ese n t m nrrlalles this f"lIl1l an Ilubllo s lIl es, . " g I" I,rulu od IIncl experlenoed w a rtIer. have F. E. SHERWOOD IIlso lJeeo orgllDlzed in Dayton " but J tlOl1't know whnt to do "·!th tll lJ guo t R o f Mr '~u(l Mr~ . Willie . 1\1 au d b rN Aru oO! Ellis lire h ous e. . One Ootober day B row people lu. uillo. lbo rug." All DOt Ibi s '1llHce, b rl"f ' tl " I ilb ' t MI'. uu(1 Mrs . 'Iure u oe Smltb, te res teu In tbo wellure uf tho ~irls By tho 801 or the year we will Over PostotflC(, Waynesville, O. Mr al10 Mrd Wolte r Dllkiu en elllDb l YlDt!,:,' I fi,m r lOrn" w prlln Mr. IIntl IIIr . Allen al\rdiD~, Mn, nud wowen ot the rapidly growlDg House Phone 6·3 hllvo u.bout 150,000 iovostod 10 O[flce Phoue 77 " IInc eu n G U ower~ , ' S I b I \11 It B I I tor ltlill d lit s upper ~ llOd ~y evuo lu,: . "uno UI t. a n t u er en wore olty of L" P o rte mot at her b orne to 80hoo1 bere in lowo to S&y Dotblng Ib olr uncl o und BUDt" Mr. lind M, B Cho.s . MaKlu,u o y , ot OI'lTkS;'llIe. m oto rll1 g · u odtiY. I' ditloutls tbe openiug of ~ Soolul 000 . or the oountry licbool8 tbll t will be A M 13 (l It' of Le III and M lind hI S 110010, wb o h,\ s boe n o ll~n geel I\lr Lester · L on g tlnd wife WOHI te r Old You Know That. . rEI ., tI n, T . for dom e 1,Ime In u ltSI!IODll fI' wo rk . i .' , . 08ed 180 days or 6 h o urs o nt or 365 As B rhym In ,'I. Kl choh'R I'olntn lI,nd Mrs Bur t b olmes uut! sou , bllve b ee u lJ old lDt; ru ootltlgs u tJo ,; VIS I!U!< w H~ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Among the group wore the High dllYs nf 24 hours or Yo of the tltue out. t ho owl 18 1Il0s t uu!<rn mrn n\lca l hllrles , of Deor Leelnu . our st rce ts fo r ~ev rill cven lolls. Loo~.:'; ull d .. ~ . So.bool sOllertDtondent the Methodlijt Now lieteo I fherll i8 no plu.oo for In Blly lng "To wb' .? 10 who?" illsl ead Mr Berunrd Alle n,MiSB N ohL Bil', The Cft U ~O ill u. wortby one uuu WlI Mr , (lnd Mrs. FraD.k Wooley aod !uwls ter, boslness womeDuod sooleof "10 who m? to W lIlIIl?" nut lh tI Mn Fre,1 KIter ILDO Mrs. Magg/l' should cun r lhuto 118 IIbe rallY!l8 if! clu ld r eLl , of Dayton, .... ere vi Itiog ty women, no~ knowln~ folly what our men and boys ~o meet but in the pool room 1 i no plaoo for the bOy8 )'OU can'l OXI' al 11111 It fro m UII owl. !'I0 wllll anw ed to ~lIyt, o n, lind I'n· pos@lbll', the mooe y g lo !! to tbe wl tll M.r, nnd Mra. Wllllllm 13,owo. w&slD tho mmd Of. thiS Young en· and girls to meet bnt on the streets; Plld eveo 11!8G Irom 8. bolted ow l7 JOyud Ihe 4t h ,t I.he /Soldier s l:Iome ~ opporl, ot Lho noedy in I.his viOlnlty. M~. lind Mrs . •JUUlBS Jobns were tlloei!lst, b 'lt re&llzlDg a growing surely there is need of lIettlement IittrvesLi ug is DOW the o rd.)r df It Is not. But to some forulgn Iim,t. v illiti ng with frleuds In Day too n~ed Bnu glad to ooml! If Ihey oould work tn oor owo town. Now 18 tile Auto Livery Serylce at Reasonable Rates t lto dllY am oog our farm e rs . The 'J'be BuOk Hou bll e bt,1I nlD Sunda,' . wor k ou$ plaDs lor tha betterment time &0 pu~ In ~ plea to tho _M/hooJ r clmt rllin R we r e (l x oe(ldlnl\' ly bllli play d t'bo !:ta, veysburg 'ulls llt til '~'be bu.ll gU D1e b ctwMn Lytle aod ot t,he soolal condition of Iha ~wn. board to arrange fo r B gynlUllom Such I. Fr~' 1 HumanIty. IlO lillY ~Dd~rllin but, we re exoollent Orlvltl{! Purk tl ml rl\s ul~ed 10 fuv or RprlDJl:horo r8B ulttld In ~oother vlr1'he first meet-Ing WI\8!lD eothD8i- and SOCial room In the Dew sohool Also Agent for Kelly-Springfield "Mllny n mun, " sa l,l U nclo EbeD, for the /. ro win g c rOll'" o r our hOUlO ulue, tory for Lytic. l 'ho B,core was : aatio oue !ind others toll owed : fao lloule fitted with vluloos means of Automobile. Tires ",lot Idll he_lllIle or IUligo fe r mil B N"tblln Aus tin uou dou g hier Harry BurlJeuu, or Nowp urt, Ky., R H E t o rdY glrflS, sihOP I';1 1rl8 , buslDelsls mtehn e nterlainmonl to suit 't he tastes of whlio de muslo is 1;1)1 11 ' co uldn ' l b CeMr, aU. lelltll1 Wtlru rll':Ol1t D,LY lo o vi~lturf . •. f il l un pro 38S ona meo as we as e ~ pent the ·lIb Wltu his nUl y w JO Ly tl e..... .... .... .. .. .. ..... 19 24 6 geDer~1 publlo, wore M ' 1 to 00. Jlorsunded to walk t wo blocks 10 do Now who would be better fitted l:iuDuay at dinner ~lr H. C. ~ro @poodlnK SODlO tIme bere wlLh pringbo ro... ....... ...... 8 1i 14 operllte . All gave their , rovAI to hILve 'he sllpervlslon aod ovor. IroCery 6tore." Mr DOjki.~ BDd !~IDlJilY euterdt8inecl R t h cl r ptlrtlntd Tbi~ g ume gllve I.he b oys battiog of tbe work and werll eager to leDd 8lgh' of our Soolal Oeoter tban lhe Valley Phone 9G-I X rold Hnr r i~ f.rllu8R oted lloaines8 pr uot Ice f or t h o Ir f ntura gllme tbelr 8upport. " n ,nrs. J Oun on08 ladle! of lbe New Ceotnry Club. .. r. lin8n d. son M ra a,· A in Iiu Olon d ,0 f D ~vton, ... [)Ilyton F r lel8Y, M BT(letley, or LeoillD, lIud Mr . nD el ngulns t the Miamis. Miss Morrison hoped to oo.operate Killing I "sect, In Seed •. Mrs. Be rt l:Iolmos and HOO Cbar les , Edwin I:' m lth trtlDetlcled busin eE<8 B om e runs- Abram 1 ; I~ . 6el·. with the Rohool bonrd In using tbe Injurious in, eCIS round In Bced e of u ~nr t.' 1,111. Mr. F, M. DlLkin 10 tho Q'.l uon cl. y FrldilY lind ':;lIt- h llrt 1; 8 bose hit. '8 . Uebbart 1, "ohool bnildlDg, but \blll oonllerVllo Read the Miami Gazette may be killed wltbout nlT(lcttn!; the ll nd ftlllllly, Mr. linn Mrs. Frank urday. !t. 6 ebbllrt 1; ~ bll PIl hits, Burn8.t 1 i tiva body did not approve of the ge rmlnll.tln g qu nll tles of lh e 8ecd by 'on k 1I1l1] duuj(hl.'r t1l>111U , Ell Cook, Re v . Wnlker will be at the M E. "'llrflloe 1, K r e uor 1; donble "tOll I new tangled notion. Wlthin!\ row treatm ent with hydro cyunlc acid gaB " r Rnut o Ii Dud Mr !Lilli MIS WulLer ohuro h ~ ul1 dI\Y. July 11 t h. Bnrnot lind Dy ke Bit by pitche d daya, bowever, the county oomm1S. In a vacuum. " h A,.mll Ar DllklU IlUd olllltlte n Elllruer tlon Vnlldorvoort's lJallutl. bllll, Lytle :l, Bllso o n balls-off Bionerll gave theu8eof theold ooun GIVEN QUIOK RELIEF Mr . ' b u ri dY Kll ldOY und n ophew, rul u ew hOllse Ifl n ellrlog co mplot lO n WoITl'lIs tedd er 1. ' Strike ou~-Oeb. ty jail bnllding for a slx.months ex. i Selman perlment. The first cORt of puttlnll Pniu leaves nlmost of I;'i~o P oi nls wer A o.l li oll " to th e l1 ud when llni ~lted WIll be IlIoklng hurt. 1·1 ; \V oO'eus tedder 1. mplres Ja, kson, South !lnd the dingy, vermlo infested bollding ns if hy magic "he n bedl!i(lo () f tlLll t orLOI r 'tI IIlflt or 111es In no par tl ,·ulur . yon beci n usiag "5·or(lIoo. in order WIIS '275. the cost of run· PROPERTY Wil b c l1llu tl K ul80Y Ifl Ht , 'uUtlay. MI . uud MIll. J o ho VlwdtlrYo ort, T h er e wor e several ladie8 present ntoK It $121i 0 month. Drop. ," (ho famou.Old . remed y f or Rheum a· hllve purohtl Hcd IL . lIxon rUlluboll t lit tb o gnm and we 1l81l tallm than" Witbln three w onths from tho !& l1 toruoblle . 1 lism, Lumbago, G a UL, Tako Note of the Small Th ings. , Illem for thei r loyu ~u(lport hoplog first mee"ng tbe old jllil r espleD . Aores Door LyUe, fairly well Sc iatica , N e ur illgiil Practi ce youl self, tor h eu \' 'It'S s ilkeo John K ollnin, of ·ltlrkSYille. ~b/lt, tbuy will IIttend the next Rame dent In Its Dew aUi... e~ weloumed and ki ndred koubles. improved, Bomo fruit, Prloe 18 In 1IitlO t blngs alld Ihen Ilroceed to t ruU ~ l1o ted btl luoss in our olty .)ul y III evou g reu t er nowll e rs. ·Wo· "Iso tlbOllt 300 to an Informal mosic8le. II Coos r igbt to tbo rlght,lf sold sooo . lnqtlire of A. A. grentor.-Ellictetua. 3td. t1H n k I.ho gen tl we n for thefr at. From that day tbe Woman's As~o. MoNell, CentervIlle, Ohio, ·Bof.h "['lUI, slops the nches 1llld pains nod malies Owolog t o th e iD cle m clIoy o f th e tcoU 'lIlot'. Corne oot Ilext Sunday olation booame a plitt of the life of phooes. jeSO Iif" \Vonh living. Get woalh er th,\ fonrth w .. ~ "Ill:lllt yor y til II] boo~t Lil l.! L ytle teom. F"rE'- the town . Nearly 200 members by n bOlllo oC "().. Drops" q uiet. \V 11. tbelr Reoer oos RDpport have kept lexlny. A book let ,vith ·Our tlelrl hG e ,wh o I~ k pri"'flt, \he work moving. elloh baltle gives ('ull FOR SALE f III ~ . " . tletnohll leuL h ll AMEDICINE CHEST FOR 25C UltltlSeS in sewIng, oooklug, hll Hlwt elircelions for ' use. ijh o\ l!d bl .I;ill Il l! 'L b rNe 111/1 11 li nd bull, blJRket wetlvlug, ifl'tl uou, \;ler. Don't e1e1 ay. Demau d " ()..Dro(lS." Dou't tic· li t! /I fellri l'ss 1Il ~1" 111 tile lilllo III ]n IIl IA ch(,l!t . " uu huve tin xool· mnn. [\ free employment "KeDoy. DI't- t! lie "IVllll,L ·t riO!! of b or ~"H It!n l rn lll ~dy fll r 'L'UOI,hlloh e, Brnltles, a "Isltlng nurse u.nc1 free room lind l ':::;E:~~~iliI ccpt a ll ylhiuF; else in ASTORE-Good puture, rl~bt •. rlnce of it. An, droll· [rom being d r t)w Di'd i u IL fl oml llud :oll'rni lls. Dtlil Nt'c k , Bnoklloh e, :Neo. l odgi ng for ~lrl8 and women whlln ;i ot cn n .lI ppl, you. IE YOli li ve loo'f ar In town . For furth r Inform" 0 0 d oubt WIll rpo"lvu u g'Jld Ul lld,,1 rll iflin Rh l1 D1htl M m !lnd f or mo~t In neod lire pIovided, 'vIII a e1 .... /( "toro sond One Dollar to fr om tbo ' 0 wuur of t b o s l e"u~. " II'II'rl,: UCItl~. (llle llt>o bo)~'le of ADother pbase oUlle Soolal CeD \ er \Ion oun ut the Gazette offioe. J21 ;',LlIlloin n Hh ~ll mfl tic Cure Co., N uwa.rk t Llurflold le ft h e ro s e ver rLI YO tir!! ngo -;luu l1 '~ LllI lUl OUt d o{'s it all-Ibj~ Idea is advanoed by Mrs, MoDoDald lhi ~, "",I n h" I" of "l>·D rop~" w:lI be J. E. Jann.y, OW-Jersey, frol/h aod a good .;.cf IIDd j Ollled tb e r cg ult~r urillY Iln d llcCllu:le. t llOf Ililmoots lire symp heridan who proposes "The New H I r 'p:dtl . W oue . Jnqoire of l::!eth FUCllIIIl, served b ls time out lIud Il !luiu Oil. to w s. n o l, di ~ell es, nnd are OIl.used National Fire~ld e " or the oountry. lI~trd wl l h l'o rut u ruln g to his h OTlll' I)'y (l IJU/( ~ Ii o n nnd inlloll1Jnlltion. If wide u il e of tho public Bohool bou.l!e~ Waynesville, Ohio, pb ono 33 ~3X . . j14 ~• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •I - - -. . . .---.---~., LO _ell, bIB lIl ulh ~ r /lOci fr ie nds \:I," \'tiU ,1(, \1 I, (\, I; t h osl'J wh o u e Idloan'~ n~ 800ial Oootere for boys and glrle . i6 rOlJl e lllbe red h ro onl! II. fetir 1(1s!< 1. IIlII/H' Ut , o r bot le r s tIli. buy 0. 260. IIftor sohool bour" aod io lhe eV o-IIOTATOE -A lot at good ones. flillo\\, eut)r gotlo ull \1 tl lwd Ys wlillu g ·hutt\ IJ .lIl1d pr lie it·. AI) nr~gglst8, lug_. !:ihe s lIys we are employing Ioquire of ,J, O. aawke, Wllynes t o Rivo R hmrtl nt; IJ lulll 10 th o Il (let y . . - -- - polioomen, ~rO I\nt offioers, oourl,8 ville, Ohio . j14 IL is b op d th ill, ho wIll lllw lI)'!i 'bt1 Dud reformatories .. 11 over tbe THIl CRIlATE.T Owing to the business depressior. in .the s teel trad e we. are now s uocess ful in hl~ \'onturo~. 1\1) United I:;tntcs to t.eaoh ohlldlen tbe bu. of corn . Inquire of ablt> to furnish creUDl can!! a t relluced prlCeq, we no'" furmsh CI,ns, ,Ioobt th e ro is n o private lu I Lto e lli . wron g "'liy. They are working Thad ZIIll'llerU11l0, W"y. ploy ru ont of Unol.tl 'li n, th llt "'o nl d bl1ru uud Kelting flit salllrie s out of IN THE WORLD nos ville, R. R. 4 . jl 'l 15 gallon size ·····,· · ,·,' .$1.50 each , IlIU ko us (] lie u ppeu ell 0 () II ~ Un, fi ,· 111. Ill"k ing crimi OllIs out of ohllllren, lCBIJSHED WEEnY. $4,00 PER 1!AI 8 and 10 gallon size, .. $2.00 each It. WhS thl'J will o f t h " M"k ... .. 01 ~I r. II III I Mr s . .100 V,til !lnd ftlmil y lu t,bis thW are nlded by somo ptlr. year-old Bny Mllre for sBle, stred II0TllLa, DRUCOIaTa. IPIECIALI.n, '" 11'·.lr u. I ." v l· IlIlE I I; ~, ",i fl' or .''" mil kl 10 were !:luu< I ny gnestll'ot ontRl\odtil lcherl!wlloBO Illeaoflm 1111 g lod .I,'·u"" by C. H . Puroell, dam by Mo· h f hlld TRAII.F.It. C"~ SELLING CREAM TO THE TRI·STATE IS of <;hll8. !£lI i~ , ~ b Oll ld bu 1,IIken '''VII .' , provlug tbe 0 IIraoter 0 0 reo quotte. For furt,bor inforruuti oo OOITUM.~8. 'SUB 8I:RVIC. OAN PROFI7 from lier IUI/O'd Ott UM on Jl1l y 1, III ~ I:Inr~t. s. is toslllLnk tliem, glvetbelO nosul1. 0011 on J, O. Hisoy. Waynesvtlle, "ND Many shi ppllrs average from i75 ,OO to $ 5,00 8'1 UlIMa ADVllltTllINQ CO~UMIIS u m "fl or 8(""1)1'111 weeks uf SlIJTo, r. Will n;IIAt on nnu fhnllly bllve reo pe r nou sSDd thew to hed, Agllinsl Ohio. per cow p er ), ear from the sale o~ Buu.er ~14 SAMPLE COPY FREF, Illrnorl to I,h ulr b ()tl\ O iD Landsdowne tIl t d oot I' 11 " 'le group Fat. having 1'REE: the valuab le skIm mIlk 10". She IOtH'eM h e r 1ll1sbnlJ cI, Me VOti 1 ft I1rmy B ,an B ... " I'll., I,ftllr /I ul ol.lsllut vis it with hO'llo w"o are trylnu to t"lIe hoi" of tho LANTS-Celery and other gar. . . . . . . MKW YOItK CLI .. P ... for feeeling purposes, , d"\lgltl,e~ ... six s ilt/.e rs Clml t W ll" u ' .. ~ ... 11_. Yo"' . . . Y. b ro th or~ \.0 m ourn h ... r rl OjllLrl,or k ·lk e. problem In tbe right WilY. 4en plaDts fc,r slIle. l nl]ul re cf The sour crellm can be s hipped at times Mrs. Elli s wn~ i\ g ren t m nnll ge r ill Mi ll!! ~har rlt, ts of Miamisburg Mu,lame Mootessori IS "howlng Ohl'l8. Stroose. R. D. G, Waynesvlllp. convenient to the Rhipper. .~ ;;; her b 01ll1l w b oro "h e 1!11l' nt tl1l1 ~ Jlo nt, sc voTllI d"Y's lIult week with tbe eduoatlon,,1 world how to jlllide Ohio, j7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sh ipments twice a wee k. in ~he warm w~n.th. • ~ rente r purt of li e r lim ' , nuel w ·. ~ M I~8 811<1" !dnrst. InfRntlloimpul8esinstel\dofstillllng . er pcrmi ls cream to IIrrlve III good condItIon ~l1oclltul HI tBtl oblng h or " 'lu g ht r H Mi$s U IlIIU Bru9COO wos u Qneen tbem ()t)T yoim FARMS-Use oor DR. HATHAWAY The Trl.Stl\!.e Offers Every Pos~ibJe Indllce~ent for Yeur Croom Lo be IIble to mllst·or th o work in 11 '\t,y \'i~lto r 60 W:lrlll dllys last weel!. Tbe klndergtuten is founded 011 oloth hunting signs . Will lau wo ll lte pt· h llI e. 1-'1 fI hu d 811c rifl oml 1\Ir' II nel Mrs. AJlBn GreKg, (It ~he Ilomo tho Jry . Tbo boy looutst for year/!, GIlz<>ttO Offioe, Waynes. Our Quu.rantee Insures Every CAll ;\~aIll5t Loss or Dum, Wl\yuaHl11e'. LO!idlnlJ! Denltlf boysUke KardeDa . . 8ummer ollmpsof11.110 age in Transit. We Pay SlIot Cash, j 21 "' lIny I'Iell~l1re 8 tl,1 1\ ' Ile r f 8m it Y 'on le r",' IIEI, u!.tfl n tI e d tlIe I unerlll of ~he lire siruilt.r Illstances IlD ville; Oblo. Office ln KeYB Bldg, 1I&ln B 1t11 ~ 1l1, hll Uf' t:it by it A well Mi ~s MrLr' Em ma Darlinglon 'bere I ' I","t lind UBo l ul Ii (1 hllR gon o but .It,st 1'hnrAeluy. inlolllgent tretltment of the ohl d BubBOribtlrs to tbe MoCall's WIll n llt IJ{, f . 'rJ:lltte ll, Ih e pym pJlLhy \\ ill N '''' po rt, o f L e hanon who pr~~I:'U:;heridan propoees. to brlDg !l4f\gazloe, Bend 350 to ~be Capital' Stock. . uf Ihlll V1 Inity ~o out to Ille bo hlL. lJ ?llll 1118kIIlK' nu ' cXI,onded' trip tile yonng poople of tbe oommunlty liuzottJ offioo, 8.nd get one of the Dr.Bell'sPine-Tar-HOnev . Capital Stock ro,weu 1I111111 y. l1('r r Cll1lLltlR w e r e throll~h tb e west·. \\IU~ renewl0l: no. togother "nd giv~ them some 80rl. Qest magazines OD earlb. U For Coua;hs and Col~ 1IIId to r ~~ ID AII~ltni o<,m lorv l]n n inl"nc~s h e re this week, Elf happy and ' DormlLl @ooilll life to $75,000.00 1 'b r e h I' lI~rllut~, 8 . 10rR IIUllouu Dr . .1'. G ~'lIrr, of \ SCluth Cbllrles. I~ad t.bem away from tho volg(u I ============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ brolbe r Ilro irll el to res),. ton ''1 l1mt, ~U.l1 dll:s" with hi. 80n M. J, danoe hall .. , oho"p theater@ lind de. - - .. ~'llTr. (tlld ut.h or reluMves .htlre. grading inilueooes. Hbe aaye whul The Olin ofSafety FIrst Mr~ . MnrlhlL Buonelil walla Gom boys a,nd girls uoelll" to mee$ eaoh BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP City vl~il n r IIIRt ~rueBdl!lY, otber,' The more the Sf'Xe8 mlnale ~ IIm~~•• ~~aMm=~~zg~~w~'--e~......1t A 11 .. ohlul Wl1l1llLll .\lWIIYI! hili' Adum Bridgo and MI8S Mnry together froely Ilnd under oleBo aod go od dlgt'l! llOlI . It you r digesl·iou HnPRll tt of FrlWk!tn wer~ oalltog in deoen$ enviroDmentJi ,h618ss dllnger 101 flloll.v. ( 'hlllll bor l. i l't! l'"hl !lts will Springboro ODe clllY IAFlt weeIL. . there Ie of pervBnion. d o you ~ ud. Oblllinublll li v ely. 1:'r o$ . nnd M rl! . Elmer Silahr, of l:lumim nature naturallY wlln\8 to whe ro Xe niu. arB tllo guestH of Mr. and eto right bnt It i8 full ot electrlo alld Mr". Ha illey. . dYOlI.nilo /fo roe• .and rna,,' have H. E . Penoe lit Mlum!tlpolie, MioD. vfln&. ODe oanoe of dlreoUoD I. OptImistic Thought, Is the goeet of U. N , Penoe, worth a ponnd of res'ralnt. The . ~) A lo\"er .miln's lnllol'lIn nco Is founO Mrs Anne Hilthawo·v IlJ]d daDRh- deepest need of the sbop girla, fao. · LIVE: STOC'( AN D GENERAL tAr Lorottll were Ridg,eville visitors lory ' alrl B aud working glrle In In ovory eQUll tn'. AUCTIONEER So ndllY II fto rooon . general 18 tbe rlgb' 80rt of oppor. Mlrifl .I cllnie ·.RoolnRo:D. of Duytoo, 'oolty to meet YOUUK men. Tbas I. 80ndllY wltll be~ parent8 bere. nature lind tbe sohool hOUlle wlll . Yea- Many People - - , st>f1llt Mrs Gao. Beok was olilled bome become tho meetiog plllce for all .. REAL ESTATE.« INSURANCE have told us t.bo IInmc et()ry-distrea Inst ·wee It 00 aooouot 0,' the Serl008 ol.nell of youug meD and glrla ; and after ee.t.ing, gll.8CI, hoortbum. A I\lnesil of hor neloe, MIs. Mabel )frl. '3herldan 11&111 'hu wUl bea})le Lewis. &0 IImdy ..aoh other under f."or.ble Office in Sloops Building Iilrneet Ellston, of Newark, N. J, oondltlonl!; meeting lDany, aDd ,bl! d oll-lor " ,,1181t wltb ble 10UDg girl, inll'ead of labjeotlDK before IIDd after each mea! wil1 reline, atollpe. parenti after a blaln.II 'rlp to benelf to orUtollm, aDd dlareapeot. Shop Next to aheM ilod'• . Qar••e}Mal~ 8t )'C?U- Jlo14 0D1,y hy _2Oco .. '/lJBa"le, Wash .• Han Fl'aDollOo aDd 1.1a often tbe ca. "beD .he.OM .... = ... L "anne),. other weal.rD polDU. to the pabUo claDoe baU., w111 ban ...--------------------~~-. .'"""IrM:
j __'r
. ") "
lJ U1
- - -.... -.---
IOSURlIneE A. B. Chandler
Ray Mills Corwin, Ohio
OlassUled Ads
A. Big Saving 'Ftr Tri-State .Shipp~rs
JEW lOBI GLlPPa'~ri':
*-........ ............
. W. N. SearS
- - -...
- .--- --
Painting, Paper Hanging, Auto and Carriage ' Painting.
· ~~t Dt~:,:ia,
Waynesville, Ohio
Will Pay You to Wait For Your Peaches
1'1" J ully Millrons 1l!'1.I their 1·t'gular 'nw,'l i'l C at the hwnc of Mrs. Wil ~lI l) Ed Vfll' tlH MOllday 11ft 'rtl oon. 'rhe annuRI -ILh of Jul y dillner was al the bome of Mr. snd Mrs . J B. IUI!lI1JUn Sumlay. Th"'I' W"P the usual numb'r jJl '. enl ami the tla)' wm,l plcu~lln tly II IJ 'nl . ~ivt! '1
Th is fmit is filII\' III:tf llTl'd hd\ll ' l1l'illg' pil'i, u\ :I ud a larg'r p('rl'cl1ta gc o f ~ lt g:l1' Ih , 111 all y oll\('r
'o lllail is
..: r(
WI1 .
1\1 iss F lora Berryhill c 'I el)l'al tl the Fuu rlh of .luly by entertaining at 'Jinner the f ollowing Iluctlls, the ~1isses May Strawn. Susan Wri~ ht, ybil Hawke. b ll en Sherwood. E:thelyn J ones. Helen Hawke. Ona ·trawn . Grace Carman, Carrie Mills. Hazel GU~lin . Mary Salisbury, Edith ·heeh an. Eth 1 Hosicr, Mllry Sher-
I'' I f f !1 I
')1 1111'1'11 Ilhl" Isl-,lIlt! I\·:\dh · ~ III 1,.. .. 11 Ih, · Il1l1d, . ·1 fr" tn S(' pfil's! !" n..tnh r lI' nlh Sf'l' lI , 01 'yo"r g r" ,·,·t I.",' 1(, .. , 01 f ll !' you . 'I ht Tn p Uri" Yl'lIr will I,' lUll!' Itu l,y I;II'){" :tll d 111<' 1'1 11'1' Illw .
"~l1lh p l'
wuou .
l; j
Mr. anu Mr. ~c8 nu er areyand family enter tained at their home near Dodds unday Mr. and Mrs. Wall ace Stephenson Ilnu children . of Mi-Idl etown, Ellen, Russell and Hcrschel K errick, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs._H rry Emley and son, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Carey anu son, Mrs. Emp. Smith a nd Misses Ellen, Leafy ant! Lucy Emley.
Saxon "Six" ·s Genuine streamline body, very grnccful an d T)lcasing to the eye. Wido! doors fl lI~ h fI lling with concc(lied h in!;\!:'s; bOllne t b < ut tlully tapered to high, well·shaped radiator.
HERE is the "Six." which, we beli eve, offers tlle most unusual value of Il ny t ouring car on the m arket today. These arc our reasons : Six-cylinder motor, long stroke. hig h speed, developing 30-35 h . p. Only car with a six·cylinder motor at a price as low as $785.
Left side steer, with center control, offording the ' greu test convenience in driving, Et tlJ in getting in and out o f car.
Exceptional roominess; five pDssengers sic-commodated with ease. Only one car at less tha n $1250 has equal inside width of tonnea u scat and none has more.
At wate r- Kent ignitio n, t horoughly proved and efficient. Three forwn rd speed transmissio n, sli ding gear type, acknowlc ged to be best.. '
Complete equipment of unifo~mly high grade incluuinc Gray & Da vis electric starter a nd lights, speedometer, extra demountable rim. electric horn, one man top, two piece rain vision windshield_
Mr. ant! Mrs_ Chas. Clark and children Mabel and Stanl ey, of Franklin, Mrs. Han nah Lew is. Mr. alld Mrs. J CS8 Bo omershine, Mrs. Abbic SLolces. Ernest and Maxwell ,"tokes, Mrs. Ralph Lewis and son L~lie , Mr. and Mrs. Hermall Lewis anel little daughl er. Mr~. Clara B. Lewis, Perry Bailey and El ry Lewi ~ , :>f Daylon, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clark and children Earl, Lucille nnd Wanda and Heber mUh. of Lytle, Ill.ude up a jolly party for the 4th 8t loe hospitallle home of Mr. and Mr~. Walter Janney.
Waynesville, Ohio
&Read the Miami Gazette
V ocal Teacher
I. . . -. .-. .-. __ . . Phone 126c3
Third St.
Waynesv ille, Ohio T_~
. -.
H. B. Reeves and family, of Ri('hOptlmlstlo Tho,!ght. outwl\Tdlie Is not yet 'born who can pleaae mond, Ind., are the guests of rela11 handsome /lJ'e mentally doformod. tives here. everybody. Dr. H. O. Whitaker and A. V. 1"0' land are spendil1.g the week in Atlantic City. Vernon Hansel and friend, of Springfield, ure guests of D. H. Carr and family. . The whole neighborhood sympathizes with Wm. Hiatt in the .10&8 of his eldest daughter. Jessie. 1<'or mnny ,y ears she was a resident of this community and leaves many friends .here: . George Manu, a life· long reSident, died at his late home, Monday morning. Ilt the age of 93 ye~lr8. . . Trevor C. Haydock IS recovermg nicely from an operation performed in the McClelland ho:>pitallast week. M isS Florence Haycook spent tht:: week-ena at the home ~f Mr. and Mrs. Ira Scroggy. . Mr. and Mr.s. ctias. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs, Grant Lowness and daughter, Maxine, of Dayton~ aI guests of Jo!eph Blair and farml
For Horse and Carriage Owners How much does your horse and carriage cosl you p~r monLl.? How muchofaoinvestrnent do they reprcscnl? How much do you usc Ihem? 'I'hinl 0_ til"", 1" - queuio~l ,-",en In your S a.XOD you ca" go Ih,,,,, or fnur
eomparc the: hone and c~.Re cod wltb thai 01 tI ,e 6lIon- whe!h", Ihe S- peNC:118Cf" i. "; ,I $785 or the 2-~ ,oaJ.t.. II $395.
tinle1 a. far in an cvenil'S-' tide. You can ad 10 you, c1el\1i". liun ino". -qu.~.r Ih. lime. Vou can do more. caD enlOY mUfC. can liv. mOre.
S...on eara or RO<od .0111. TI~II"l\cIS of them, in u.., Ihro",houl Iha counlry ••re malting aood. Y ...... will do the .same. .
hone and
,... ..... .,.... a 5... 00. For the co.. ...........iAina them you taD...ay
",.,." • s..o.. .
- '-
W .ot'n"hou.e I I.... h, I n If and et artln ... LonK atroko motor (Allien) Cyllndu. 00 bl~, 3" In. x5 In .. U ni t pow. r plnnt wllh S ·~l nt l "lpenslo n. Ever y mavloJ vort en· c loled, 12.l nc:h broke. with equal .. It ta. 110 1ncn wheelbue. W c. ton-Mott aala.. 3'l . 3\4 Inch Ur.... Demoun t abta.rl ms. 4
Your Allen be a constant source of pleasure to you and your family"lJeoause it is free from mechanical indiscretions, It can be operated at a ' minimum · total cost per season for oil. gasoline, tires and repairs.
Five other m04els-$875 to $1395
Ask-(or a catalog-ride in the Allen- then decide..
The Allen Motor CO.Fo~:~a.
E. W. RICKS., Agent
Let US take you for a ' ride In the SaxOn.
J. B. Chapman, Waynesville. O.
W a·'nesviU e .~Ohio
)' 11 c IlC' 3·5
VU~LC.A.NIZED =====AT HOME===== Ha\'iog installed the latest U1a~ioery for Vu1caniz~ng Tires, I solicit your pattomige, and wlil. guarantl'e the work to be as Good as the Best. Give me a call, whether you wish ' work done or not. I will be glad 10 explain the Vulcanizing process to you.
CARL SERVIS Next door 10 the Waynesville Auto 'and Machinery
Waynesville, . Ohio-
r---------------------------, ~.---_'~
___I_. .'.
,For It.. prica of
AU.EN 34-$895
-------..- - -
Sawed-Off Sermon. Dut B lot of ll'eople wll o a ra
Waynesville, Ohio
SON, ."
prescribed for that a ilm e nt.
you've ever
lBase ]lall
8TA.TE OF OH IO. WAnnEN OOUNTY.SS: I. 1. O. Oanwrigbt. OMilier of tho abm'o Damoc1 banll:, do solemnly swear 'h ot th a uove sta"'mont 10 truD t.o .tho 1>001 01 my 1uIo"ledge a.nd beUe!. J. 0, OARTWll1011T . eMlller. Bubecrlhod IWd .wom b ·rurn mo t hl. 30 lh clay of Jlllle. \916. E . V. lJ!lI'nhart. Oorroo~ A 1\eS\: Notllr,,_ I' ubllc til J. w. Wlill'E~ W. n. ALLEN . J. B. I'ENO IJ: .
& ~.
Dr. LcGear'8
Re medies is hased on his p e rso nal d iagnosis of a p articular ailment and speci fica lly
Allen 34
5unday, J IY 11t h I
Eo h o f
Body finish- No car seltin g for Icss than $12 50 h.as a finer body, finish. There is cl oss and sty le in every line 'of the Saxon "Six"-and the pai ntillg and upho!itery is a fi ttjng dress for such a car.
Allen MoKinney. of Alpha, OhiO, 8pen' FrldliY and /Saturday with R. J. Morray. First quality materials throughout; Tires generous in size; 32x334· rims Bruce LInder, of M.lawlsburg specifications of materials for the Saxon demountable; wheels artillery type best wu bere on Waune.uuy . . same as for cara selling at $2000 and Miss Myrtle Harnase, who 18 Il!grade hickory . Saxon is 200 to 400 more. tending sohool In Leba.n ')O spen' pounds lighter than other cars using Suturday and Sunday WIth her home same size tires. Saxon the modern car in every detail; fo lks here. sty lish, distinctive, complete in equi;po. - Thomas tlherrod and 811m Green Cantilever Bprlngaof vanadium ateel; ment llIld up-to-date in design. were here on l:>aturday ' baying afford greatest riding comfort and !llOOK_ We qr. nOID In a po.irion to arrange ,two, steadiness. The newest and best aprinll )'OUR ride in th" "ew Saron " SUI'. DN,,~ Mrll. Hogemyar, of Milford, . 18 ~uspensio~ known. .,..trctiOlU in order 01 rcquc.t. ~ spending this week With her .,0", Charles, Ilnd family of tbi8 place. Berl Bogo.o, of (Jaeanrs Cr~e.k /Iud si8ter, Mi B Edith. or Wellmon ,I1(u VI> us 110 tlhor\ but plellsnnt oall on San" tillY moriling EhB Larrlok, of Leba noD, Mrp. Mary Ell Il B .. mtltou, of Wilmiogton. (~ud MIss LollI Ruutlb, ot Wayne2- ,--- - - No. 2220 ville, were I·be gU t!S~d of Lnoiontl Fr .. zior lind wl1e un ' ·und(IY. REPORT 0 11118. BllM8myer bnl bought hiB Of the Condition of the Waynesyonoges$ 80D, J. Lee ' tlligomysr ville National Bank, at Waynes· 1\ new buggy. ville in the State of Ohio, at thQ Frllnk BtirreU haa returned to Farmers are bu~y nOlf: In whea 'bllll1ome at Leesburg after spend'r close of business, June 23, 1915. Watermelons _ . RESOUIlOJJ:S. I U log severn I days with bill stiltsr, Canteloupes aod bay. Mrs. MinnIe Hnrtsook Is vary ill Mrs. Ruth Mnrmy. Loane and claccUllta ... .... ... . ua8.8 7 T.8~ Onnlralta. wuocured.... .. ... 8. 19 at- ~bls writing with brain fever. Several from this IJIRce a tt .oded Pine Apples, Orangea, Lemons, V. s.. B ODcU u..ecuro c1rculalfon (par .. a1ue) .• " . . ...... . .. • • 00.000.00 The Bereno 0la8S 01 tho! Il'erry; MIAMIS vs th~ ·funeral of Mrs Oha8. Ellis 00 Apples, Cukell. Tomatoes, Other boDeII t.o l8Curo Pa-tal Sav5 d S I h Onions 1IIp . . ............. 0.000.00 DAYTON OXFORDS 8a.turday. 1Ms . Mary Davis and daoghter, all ay oboo met a' t e bowo ot 1ecUH1I... otlter tban • S. ooDda Albert (Jor II 8l1oturd'lY night. Dorothy, ' ot Barveysbarff, 8pent (DO' Includlhll ltoclut) 0,",811 There WIIS 1l1nrge attendl\Doe of the 1 a oouple of days IlLlit week wHh ged .. " ote. .• . U2.263. ao Canning Supplies of All Kinds .Do aocur\tleo, .. . . . ... .. llT.2 6'. l O OI88S lind mony vlel'ors Inoludln g Geo. W. Uavis fLnd family . lWeI< )'ederal R- .r,·o Dank the Owens t:lundllY ~obool who were Phillips Park, Waynesville o. F . Thompson. of D"ylon, IMiWiOiilli ·uu8·!PJ:~~. ••••• .. _ . . r,200.00 4,200.00 Pure Pari, Creen . Inviteo guests. After a line pro. spent the 'J th with r91aUvea and -'ll allier at.ocka. lucludlllg promgrllm lind retreehmen te , tbe 80011\1 frl ouds here. ium on 1lWle . . . . . . . 2.500.00 G. 700.00 bour was "pent very oojoYAbly by 'I'he Oxfords nrc a faster tesm Mr. Clarenoe Keooon and wUe t 8 000. O~ Special This Week ~nId~t,b'1':T.;r":l· Re..ervo ·b.uik 0. &00. 00 . lhan the Hllvana Ribbolls. who nee II1ISI1 Jes8ie GlLrner, of (lamdefl, Due hom approved ",,,,,rvo agOll ta A Regular 50c Triangle Cedar all present. III New Yorl<. Chic"", and st. Tho many friends of Miss Ada played such a goot! game here last t'ennesseo, nre spendlug the wee~ Mop and a 25c Bottle Cedar Loula .... .... . ... . 2.006. 28 'thomas were ehooked to h eRr of J Monday. They are all serni-protes-' with r elatives anlt friends here. IDotber a - n'eCltlH 81 . IO~.IO SS. lOI.U Oil for ' . ~lo.n81 currency . •... • . .• . . 73.91 her dellth, Severn.l attonded th o sional play rs . Mrs . Chlls Ellis died at her bome Note. of otber national bank • . . 1.160.00 tnnerlll which wall held In~ t Thurs. -" Oll@t of here on Tbursday morning 'l'oW coin aDd cerUflcat.e8 . . • 10. bJO.IO Leg&!-Icoder NoW. , . •. •••• .• 6,000.00 day . Game Called at 2:45 p. m. 8t 2 o'olock and wile burled .OD ~lLtRe<tempUoD fund with U . S. Mr. Anon liears has belln at th e nrdl~Y lea ving a husbnnd n.nd sev:en , Trea.iUl'lll'(6% of cl:cuilltlou ). . 3.000.00 home of bla daughler the PILst weelt. dll ughters. It pays to trade at Total .... . .. . . . . ..... '" .' s . go .O OO. U Hiss Marie Hllrtsock has b~en vis. "0. BIlY, detu sllster, can It be truel LJA UILI'I' lE9 Itlng her grandpareots In DAyton. And did our mother die. Oapltal ,tack pAid In . ..• . . . ... .Do.oeo.oo And to her ohlldren bid a.dlen, Mr. lind Mra. Ed 8rown and fllm8ui'DIWl fund .. .. " . ... ... . . . . »0. 000. 00 \ly apen ~ SundllY with Web 'qulres And IIOW lives in ~be 8kvP ' UDdlvld od I'rotlto ... . 12 0.92 1. 06 lind fawlly. ~ e.~pald .. . 8.9 ~2.91 10,9H . 14 bO. OOO.OO =~~J.!f ~~~ii.i .subject' 'to Mr. and Mrs. JaB. Mullin lind Notice is hereby given that no . obeck ........ .. . 277. 0 U . 11 daughter spen' k:ionEiay afternoon partnership ex is ~ between thl' 0ert.lBcnte. of deposl~ duo lu IIlllB 'han 80 doye .•• • • ,. 6.943 .8 ' ----------.---------.--.---------~ with hsr parents;--Mr. nnd Mrp. ~ nd e rsign ed and A.' F . Mil ler. Pooc.J ,lDviDp depollte .. 600. 6~ 2 63.65 6.10 Daled Jul y 1st. 1915 . Toc.J .. , ... .. . ......... . ' 490.000 .U ' Allron !:lean, Of.D,:y:oo. Minnie J. Sattert hwaite I
tion of th e 1"'lIelt h ora" in Ihe w o rld. g iv cq free to e .. ch one of Ihe fitOl 24 people who brin g this edv crtilem ent to our Itoro. T ho pic tute il 16 x 20 inc !. ••• in full colorJt: .. "d i. B opl e ndid l ikenea. of "Dr. LeCel\r" - IIo " giDnl P erc he ron Gelding. 21 bandolall. w e ight 2995 Ibo . Call (or yo ur free p iclur e l oclay.
- --_.- ....- - -
Dry pi te clutch, same type as on much higher priced cars.
112-inch wheelbaaei longer ~ wheelbase of any other ''Six'' below$l2S0.
Thi. oil paintin g r ~praduc .
31 C nOlo PER ·
.The Miami Gazette C)ffice
Rew.rd or PU7II.hmenU
.As n general tblng When, we talk to B man who use8 a lot ot LaUD
to gIve him a Roman puncb.-:Dallas New...
IS ~EADY FOR SALE DATES Jesse Stanley, who has just gr8~u ate<! from the Jones AuctioneerlDJ" School at Chicago, is home and IS ready for ' sale dates. It would be well to see him, u he hu BOme Dew Ideas In..the &IlctioneeriJur line. Or call him, 146 mutual phone, Ne." BurlillKtOn, Ohio.
(iH ,
ERE are some specials especially des igJ.led for
your especial benefit and should rc'ccivc your . special attention. . SPECIAL VALUES
New consignment of DISHES ' Plates , Cups aDd Saucers
Desserts Oatmeal Vegetable Glass Bowls Tumblers Next Door to Gazette Office.
Fron~ Comb.... . .... . .. . Hair Wavers, ' G for .....•. Pillow Cases .. _. ... .•.• ••
lOe lOe IOe 'Dress Shields ..........•. lOe
Hoosier Gray Granite . Ware, • .. . •.... : ..•• Granite Buckets .•. . •..•• Fresh Vean ut~, 1 lb ..•.•• Fresh Candy, lib ...•...•
The Maga$e Mao WafneaViUe. Oblo_
Sixty- eventh Year
J 'L
Nu mb r
~-~--~----------------~-----~~~~~------------------'-------------------------------~-----------.------------~--------------------,------------------,-------.---~~-------.~-----------A Cyclonic Sll.orm
in 'Day (01l
Dr A. T.. Wright hns a new Sa~ on runabou t.
J. W. While was TOLD BY'fORMER CITIZEN cinnali
visilor in ('in·
'l'hur~u!lY .
Dan Anderson Continues His Interesting "Memories" of History
M·ISS All a Jj' .ISt'y , n f IJ 'han . ')II , spent Sun day here ~"ilh h ' r fat her ' S Miss MinC'rva Harlun was II l!Ue;! t o£ rr iends in Harv c.\l:! I) u r~ Insl we 'k.
Will Frazer, cit.y edito r of t he Here's a fell ow none of you have had a thouRht .. f many a year. His Wp.st jJ rIl Star, waR II vi sitor hure name was Henley Mercer- Get him'? Sunday. I rem,' mber htl .was sweet on the The F ri endl y Group will me ,t al Bister of George Barger, and the Bargers lived on th e corner where lhe Friend s Horn e 01 Frid ay afl<:r· the !<'rienda Home Htands, and father nOOI1, July 23rd. Barger worked for Moses Henl ey, Mr. W. N . Sears nnd fnmily spent Morford, in his tan yard; so did ' fath er of Jeff anti other s, Then the re Sunday with Mr. Allie Hole and was 1\ Charley Brown, II bachelor family, of Roule 2. . llncle of Mrs. J . T. Ellis, and he wllR some hunter. I went with him of len Or. and Mrs. Dudley Keever, of alld always had a plenty to carry. Cente rvill e, spent Friday afternoon Ther~ was Wm. BisphBm on lhe co r- wilh relatives here. ner of ThirJ et r~t and Mill n oad. He had a daug hter, Mary, and son. Mrs. Rachel K 'y arrived home (nicknamed S uckt humb, from B hab- T hur~day from a long visit with relIt he' had acquired in early life,) and ath'es in Wash ington D. C. I beli eve they went to Michigan 'fhen 1 had B chum by the name of Hear Elber t Itu sell un1ay in Jack Dalbo, who lived with his u nc le, aome (,f hi s best lec tu res . H ~ i an who Willi a moloer, in thE:! fou nd ry of a ble talke r , and can intereRt you. R. O . Crispill, and lived on Third street opposite the FeUer property Mrs. B. H Kelly was called to In that neig hhorhood lived a goot! old 811 ul, by name Grace Bowker. Newark Friday evenin$! on accou nt who wben no lon8 er able lo pay of lhe SeriIJ UMillness of hAr broth ' rB quarterage, W 811 g i "en Godspeed over the hll18 to the clas ic Cedars Mr and Mrs. P erl e S!llrenbi elal1d of Lebanon, where she dire, II good family, of Dayton , we re the Sund llY old Methodiat, ~he was always in · que'9ts CJf Mr. and Mrs. Lin ley duatrioll8, and did what ahe could; Mendenhall. Mot money to tht! heathen and own blood, and then ~e nt to the cou nty farm . She 1l1eepR. and will neve r Lost- ClaRi ring. b£>tween W"yknow the Ibsa of hell stol'e teeth, n nesville alld Ferry, 'aturdayeven illg. a eold bue. If ynu I.bink I'm wrong, Fi~~e r please leave a t the Ga· look up tho record! . ze e o ce. Julia Ann Collin", ·who lived with . \\lrs. Alice Hawke and daug hter her 80n, Bart Golden and wite, across the IItreet from the C:nzette office, Mary and the Misses Emma 01 rtand afterward Bart.moved to Indiana wright and Martha Burnett were y,... Colllna lived in a little lOx.l 2 shopping in D.ayton .Saturday . two-story omce. on the corner of the alley, on the lot where live, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Gilmo ur, Goo. Matthews. Wm. Golrlen also daughter and on , lef t Saturday was a 9011 of Mra. Collin.. He was morninj!' for Detroit, Mich .• wh ere , a carpenter and buil t and lived in a they will visiL fr icn d~ for several house near the old water· tank, in wct!ks. Corwin. where (Jld Tommy Pierce carried OD' 8ll decent a saloon. as any dry l~f'Ij(m could wish tor. Will Mi ~es Aronie ~nd Mnme Brow:! Hixon lived there several }'eara, and left Sunilay. mormn !! fr) r 1111 ex t en 'l ~ Western t rip . ~~lIl e gone they wil l J ohn Franey. for uwhile. I attend the eXpOSition, lind visit \vilh I relatives in the We t. (Contmut!d next week)
The Corwin Post Omre hilS been The C. E ociety of the Ch ristian moved into t he building opposile C. church will give a " Calico Carnival" W Henderson'a g rocery. h a~. at the home of Mr. a nd Mrs . Homer )3. r'own will move hill g rol'l!ry inl6 l c arey . FridilY evening . Earh lady is the room formerly occupied by the to be drt'ss d ih ca lico and the men Post Office. The building known as in old clothes. Anyon e drClj8ed up the Grange is undqC)ing~numerous l will be flned . Admission 10c. Everyrepal",. body come . .
··.·l'""dl ll ~ ( 1'11 111 - t> 1:01 .. 1 a I" 1I 11lW,;L th t lullti · Ucean , th " :\lurm CI r Ia~l 11'1.' k WII S (j ue o f the w rst hat hll:; vi 'it ' c1 th' CJl it Ii ' t (lt H TAK E TWO "'ORE (j Mr:S I Y Iror l/l any y '1Ir~. The .·Lorm " ·nL iL~ U/,EI<IOR PLAVl i'Hi ('yellilli' forc fOI' !l ·veral hund r ,I l11i l <,~ , but tinally died out wh!:;l1 neul' the c ast. :cures uf li\'(~~ were 10 l and thousa d!:l of uollars' worth of prop 'rty IVUS d "Htff 'yerl. TIl{' 1;l')I'11\ hit Clllcinnati anu vicinity wil II full rl,r ·e. . I'c'ral d ' ad al ' r 'purll!d fro III th rc Hnd luts uf Hill! th(.' I(ISP., to Sensational Ficld ln " a nd Bat tit. " ·IIru llI.! rty d"~ , ., lro·ved. _ ... .... lhis tUfrit ury mn n 've r be known , ()er :ltcd the Fa. t Dayl oll Locally there was a hard rain, but O:-.ford Team ~ca rc l! ly illlY wind. Tlw rain wa e· pcd"l ly "eve n east of this locality. Thursua:v morning the ri ver be-' ,:ran lo rise al1d th e bottom. were Ou r Mi amis ha ve annoxed two f1ootl ed . The water continu ,," ul mor victories since ou r la8t reJlorl rise until Thu rsday nuon when it Last Thu rsday afte rnoon , the Har- ommenced running ov r th e aventl mon Hall leam "urn ' up fr om Leba· in lCl'cTIII plaees. Abou t Ii o'dock non fully cx per li n~ tv ou t-chL'!:; the lhat cl',"nilig', hull' 'I' 'r , t he flo u Will; M i am i ~ fI ~ uaul y a~ thuy uid Ii picked- at itH highc~ 1 lind LJ ·gun lv fa ll. It ur bUllch thAt wen l tu L 'uilnoll frum is claimed by several that the corn here a few weeks ago The Miamis wi ll no t be hurt ver" much in the Jid th oul·classing, taki ng t he long bottom. , as the g rowlh was s u Ilkient ellli of 'an lllo 3.sco re. lo with stnnd the UII d . AL the slime The Dayton OXfords, who player! timo lh~re will be severn: hundred here unuay afternoon. certainl\' thou ~ and J lIarM' dmnag in the came up t'o tlHiir llplendid advllnce ~1ial1li vall ey , . notice; lhe)' are su rely a fast Lea m III mauy pillces briuges we re rhe Miam is hud to play some of Lhe va heu away and the Big Miami r ose v ry best ball of which th<'y arc cap· to over len fe t. The people alongallie in order to win a 5 to 4 l,icLo ry. t h i~ river ue15an to g uL . coreu, al1n lhe first Inning , two singles and though the authorities claimed there fo ur Miami error>! netted th l:! visito r w as no imm diate tlall~er The two runs Our Hoys came right Ivatel' fell I'cry rapidly alle r it once bnck in their half and tied it up al! a ~ torted . --resuft "f three !!inl!'lcs 811d two er· rors . by Wt'lluau rn . The Oxf(J rds !lcored their last two in th e thi rd on Arrived Home fro m East a doubl e, t wo ~ i ng l cs a nd the last throe Miami " r rors Bob Burton harles n. Lewl ~ arrived hom was the fl r t Minm i to face t he pit· rrOIll a three-w!'eks' vi it wi th hi s cher in this inning and Brown j.liLched sisJer ill C ffcyville, Kan .. Tnur day the ball about wais t high over the ven ing. Mr. L wis, in descri bing Illal e. It was returned lo tht' the CI)l1U ilion of th e West, paints a catcher ufter it haci been knor\( ed JJict ure that mukes every American over the cen le r li eld fence and Hag · sad wb ell he Lhinks of the conditions gerty had circled the bases. flOW exi~ting in several states Two singles, 11 douole und an error tbruughout the Weal. He stat~d enabled the Miamis to pu t' pver the that ill ~I\me purts of Kanslvi and two tallies ne e!lsar:y to win in III MI s.~o uri there woulu be no crops at fi ft h. ~fter lhis. both t eams settled all . hardly any hay . The wet down and played air-tight ball , Bur- weather that has prevailed l her e all ton. Gustin anel Dakin doing especi· eason h88 played havoc wi th lhe aliy brilliant work in the field . Kur- crops, and at one place he atated tis made a sensational catch or a foul lhey had placed a harves ter on a tty while leaning fa r (J ut over th e HIed, and then hitched hllr:;es to it to wire fence back of the home plat cut the wheat, or what wheat they The score: cou ld gel . The machine was pro· I)elled by means of a gasoline eng ine O XF URDS In other fie ld a sickle An 11 U PO A. E on tl-ac sled. Miller. t h . e... .. . .. • 1 7 l 0 was being employed to cut the li t t le All n . ef . . . . . . .• . . 5 :! I 3 1 0 wh at tha t might be of some account. WN~~;.'~ : ::! { .~ ~ ~ g He 1\190 Slated that t here was one ity, however. that was selling ~:;:r.:;glrr1~':: :::: :! ~ ~ ~ g commod l'''b, urlJ .. ,,~lo , 210 .•. . a 0 0 S I I very r apid ly. and Ihat · was h orses, Well lmu", . 3b , 111. . ' (I .~ ,~ U 2 that are being bought by the warring U NIIII, )I •• •• . • •••.• _ 4_ 0__0_ _0_~ /lations of the old coun t.ry. At St T " IRI . . ..... 31; • 8 2 1 fr, B Lo'uis, a general station for the otllhlYcslcrn stales, was herded a ~II A } ll S _ All H II 1'0 A E sea of hur CR as far as the eye could o 0 reach, and the animals lue bringing Ed II' I'\Is. It . .... flit. 4 0 I 0 C; U8t1 .. . 31l .. ....... 4 2 3 2 , 0 a faoay pri 'e. tc o. I t is a good Uurton. 21) ........ 0 2 2 3 ! g Lhing COl· the rarmer who has lw or KurU.. c .. . .. . .... j I 2 b ,1 1.",10 . rl .......... 1 0 (I 2 o .. more head to Id LIJO e oJ , f or it will \ Vn \. -rhtHl:.U. rr , .... 2 o· 1 0 ~ I~ carry him tbroug I what is predicted Dakiu. d .. 4 0 1 t I' r yu. RI • • .• •• ••••• j II C' I' 3 ~ to be one (If th h:lrd t win te rs thi D cr, I) . . .. .• •••• , U 1 (I Orl.alu. 1\1 ......... ~ 0 n 11 ~ ~ country has know n for EI long time.
'I'ollllll .. .... . 31
Ox ford ••. . . .. " .. . .. 2 U 2 U 0 0 '0 0 0- 1 ~ll.ml" .. . . , ..• .• . .. . :t 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 x-b
Brown. G; bv lltl('kurili. II IL Uot,m,eu-uy Decker. 2. ~hll.- I If .. 2' m 11l8. lInl/,lreJ . W. Lowl. .
---_.- ......_--
Warren' Co. Girls lEntertain This clipping fr om the Sidney
Du- Daily 'ews wil l be of interest to the
kfn 2. iOncriflco 1l 11.- 1 rltlllu 'J'\\ o -.bRbl' , l li ts-A lIuli . f( \)f'hush, Etlwnr lls, lCul'fl1I. W t'· LurhouSQ. lI umu i{ull-lJur(un. l!:arJlENI H.uud-Mh\lu lti.4 . Doublo J'ltlY - ' -tI1:tOn to l'ulI.rb.ug lo ·lllltnr. Struck Out- by
people here, . as th ho:stt'ssus menLioD<.'d were War ren Cou nty girls, M r~. Gastineau being Grnce Collett before her marriage, and M.rs. Tom Burch, f ormerlv Llna Wright. "The lovely ol d·fashioned home ofMrs. Plez 1nu rice IIsti neau , on _ orlh WnlnutAye .• formed n charmIng setting fOr a mo t delightfol <iffair , wh n . he and Mrs . Thomas Ch upple Bur h entertai ned abo ut a fl-:'"!'etI- f t:, eir fl'ient. afterlloon. 'E ch g ueS't was most cOl'dia ll), welcumed upon her atrival and ask,·rj ·to do the thir.tj!' that mOSl plea,ed hel·. Th r ' w re lables of auction bridge olJd of wh is t, bu t lIIa llY prefer r rI til e pleasant chat .,vith fri onds UI)On the porch or in the rOOIllS frQll'l'an t with /lowe rs. In lhe d inin" room , wh ere t.h" elaborale lunch was sel'vo9, an immense bou q uel of lark spur 111 the ceuter of the elinillg table. LJlend ed its coloring lVith tha t of th ruom . Out·of-town I! uesls wer e Mrs, Clyde Hiatt, of Winch ter. Ind, a sisler of Mrs 3 urch, and l\liss Florel1ce Vanatta, of Leroy. lIl. , th e hOUise guest of Mrs. S:1I11 Knupp. - - - -n
Here is
positively the most comp.eUing value ever offered. That IS our claim. We mal{e it unreservedly. And we back. it up with tbese reason.. :
'The Saxon "Six" is the . It isn Sa"on- slyli. h. . lint five - passen ger sil<- diuiduGI . In iudistincti q ):ylinder fflr !I~ a price as of a ppeorRlll C, CODSUUC, . low as $18'5. \t has a small tion nnd performancei t h"~ bore "lih speed motor bl en II , urprilw; ' to every of wOllQcrf\tl flexibility, · perSon wh() h(la 8een it, lIIloothnes, IUId powcr. Remember too, the Saxon The Saxon "Six" ie in no ·.· Six" lsa fully equipped KIlle a IIJI8I1 car. It ii car. Th.,..c is no extra big and roomy. remark- 'c/uu'Jle for electri~ sta.ter able In Iq, riding ease andli&hts, or speedometer, . ~d steadineu. It has II \If anyone of lll\\.II1Ibcr of 'CIIII ..,beelbue-tl~ In. other deslrllble ~venten, p.e.: plentv of tea room i • ct;rI. All these are a part plenty of width; eeatlpg of the CIIJ'-Ilt the price of comfort For five adu\tI. · $785. And nU nn! of 1/1\1.
Cormly hich grade.
ID abe -In allarouDd .peel. llartlooa - I t com- •
tal · t "
JIGI' Ia thIa car "j~ .....,automobJ1e.
If,..,... _nt. car ''''
.t ....boI...mll )',,.... owe It to JOuneU te In...tlc.t. tchla 1u.,<I.
5.... r - or. .
",_ .. placlq
J. B. CHAPMAN, Waynesville, Ohio
_ ,____
EW HHiH SC I1001. TO HE 8. H h:elly wll~ i LAID BY MA SO S d iIY.
Lale Cahbaj!'l' Park Leak.
wark !-illn. ' DI~I \· 1
I'I :ol)l8
rot· . ole.
Wallt d - A (wk . Ap l)ly Jo'rienriM
II m', WIIYIICl:.I'i lle, 01 01" .
MiRS I~tlylha Macy . uf Xell la. was I r. t T' ' I and Horscs Mal,e Past Will Tal(c the Leadi ng Part in the a visituche re over !:lunda . .·as lac { Cercl1lolly~Th c
P ublic Is Cordially In vi le"
On nex Tuesd ay afte rnoon, July 2 .,'cl"ck, the Grand Muste r of the Grund Lodge of Ohio will Iny Ihe cn.rnerstone of t he new 8d wol buildin g. He will be a>i.~i ted by local brethren I1ml those f rom nearby lodge!!. AI'rang-ements were compl eted for the ceremony at a meetin g held Tuesday evening . The line of ma rch will be as follows: Forming at the Ma I nic Temple, march north to Third street, east on Th ird to Tyler, no rlh on Tyler to the school g rounds. Retu rning , the march will be so uth on North street to Fou rth, west on ~'ou rth to Miami , east on Miumi to l he Temple. The formation of the par ade wi ll be:
~O , Ilt
Tyl er Waynesville Blind Lodges Grand Lodge Officers bu sines.~ houses will p robably from I t o" o'dock, and r esid nts along the line of march, also other ci t izens, are requested to deco · rate their ho mes with fI gs and bunting. In case of rain, lhe cornerston e will ~e laid according lo p rogram, and the orat ion am-vices will be held Ilt Schoo l Auditorium. This is a ve ry inter esting ceremony and every O"1e wbo is interested in the school is invited to be prCllent. It is not intended thal it be for Masons alone buL all citizens are expected to be present, if possible. and make it a gala event. Mr . Jewell, the contractor, and his superinten· dent. Mr Robinson', are taking an active inter est in the occa!!ion and will have eve rything arranged in good orde r at the buildin ~ .
Th e
WaynesviUe Girl Honored Miss Marie Miller has won signal honors Ie the Ohio Beauty Contest, now being conducted by The American Art F ilm Company, of Columbus. The vote pf Lhe movie patrons of the state has placed her nmong the first fifty beau ties of the s tate. who will be invi ted to Columbus at lhe expense of the film company to be filmed in animation, in a few days. From the!e fifty women will be picked. by 'the vote of the patrons of the leading picture theate rs of lhe stat.e, lhe six who will be the g uests of the companv on the Ohio ' n 'n ll ty Special, . which leaves Cu lu rllu\lOI, August 12th for a munth's movie camera tour of lhe west, including th full tou r of Yellows t one National Pari" and visits at both EllpositiollS.
Ti mc- tl orscl1l en Are EnthUSiastic
Mi ~~
Abbie Roland. of Co r win, visited rela tives in Dayton hUlt week.
Dr. Dill, Os t path, a t r Hili cn('c The lIarv ysbu rg Driving Club of L. T . Peterson, Main St., Tues. helu thei r r a ~ es Salu rday at their tl ay and 'Friday mnrnings . new d rivingo par k. The in lent ion of . the club had bcen t o have the races M I ~ Hertha Hole, of . I.)ayt n. II'PH a week ago. hut owing- to t h e heavy t!le gues t of .Mr . . and Mrs. W N. rain the t racl wn~ tlot in fit condition an d Ihey were ~us tpofl e d until Scars arid family last week . , thi ~ later date. Mr~ . H. E.. . ~ursl( .allil Hon .. of The track \YaM in fine cond ition, Mason, we re V.lsltlll!\' with r elatlVl'S \ amI a number of very good horseR . we re ente r d . As usual the ' prenear WayneSVille last week . liminar ies were not set tled until thi!! Mr. and !'1rs. W. 11. ~lIen . ~rs J . \afte rnoon, a nd the races did no t ' O. Cartwright and MIM Oli ve Mc- Rt urt until 3 o'clock. :rhe large Coll um we re in Dayton Thu rsday. \ crowd pI' 'sent, however. were very . A" (lI)U natu red . and by the help of the J . n. Pence left Sunday for Sul - Nell' Bu rl ington band t.he time was phur Lick Springs, tak ing with him pleasant l)' passed until thtl races h i~ brolher, Frank, who is lui te ill. began. Considerable talk was then ocMr . and Mrs. Aaron Su mmers nnu casioned between the horsemen as to g randdaughter. uf Te rrill , Tex ., are whether it sho uld be a mile or a the guests of Dr . Elli s and J . E. half·mi le heat. Genial Tom Dill. the Jruiney. irrepressi ble blacksmith of Mt. Holly, was the official starter. and no doubt Mr. and Mrs. Pool. Mr. and Mrs. j udcing froll! hifl work of Saturday, H . W. Beedle and Mrs. Kempfer;of h' wi ll im mediat.clv make application Troy. were guests of Mr . and M n. for a license as official starter in the . grand ci rcuit. H e got t he hors~ S. L . Cartwright, on Sunday. ofr ~l!o m ()t imQ9 . The 2:10 trot WII!! decided to be Mr . and Mrs. L A. Zimmerman left Monday morning for a t ri p to the mile race, and (i 'Ie hor~es started Detroit. Buffal o, Toronto and Ni- In. W. O. Gustin finally landed three agara Jralls. 1'hey will be th~ guests heals in this race. The beat time made was 2:48. of the Dahl-Millikan Crocery Co. The 2:30 half mile pace was beMrs. Edith Hartis lIud Mr . H a rri~ t ween three starters, and. Walter Mosher left on 8.'1lurday fo r a trip Gray landed three straight heata. through the west. Th ey will visit Uest heut 1: 14. q()th the Panama and ' an 'Diego ExTwo starters in the 2:40 half mile positions, cominl{ Iwme through pace ended in three straight. heats of Yellowstone Park: A. Truett. Best heat 1:10. . There is no doubt but that. the J. E. Janney and family, Mr. and citizens of Harveysbure and vicinity Mrs. Frank Zell. Dr. fi nd Mrs . Hath · are very much enthused with this away, MISS Edith Sheehan, Cliff flllrt of entertainment. for the crowd Himes and Miss Clara Lile were was there with "bells on," notwithamong those from Wapnesv ille who standi ng t he fpc t that farm work is attended Antioch Chautauqua Sun· pressing ao hard at the present time. The half-mile track is a good one, Jay. and waH very fast ~aturday. The Elbert Russell. who will go to John boys over there enjoy the outing Hopkins University this winter, will they get every day or 80 as they put be at the White Brick Church Sun· thei r" fl ye rs" on the t rack', take out day nil day. Go and hear him. as their watches and see if they can th is will be probably the last time make it in 11 or even better. for several years to hear t his noted man.
M, E. Church Notice
P ublic Sale of Square and Up rig ht Pianos, Church and Parlo r O.rganp. Ed ison Wax Record s, and ' ot hel' Rev. Bransford . of South Lebanon, . Musical Instrumen ts, Saturday, July 2.Jth. E. Trovill o, 22 Broadway, will preach at the M. E. Church next Lebanon, Ohio These instruments Sunday morning . Everyl-ody is ~or dially invi ted to come and hear htm. wi ll go to t he highest bidder.
---_.- ..---
Dr. LeGear'.
Calendar Free!
Prisoners Break Jail
Remedies are . prepared by expert Veterinary Surgeon of 22 years ell: perience. They get rllults.
Just received; Last Wednesday morning thirteen aome beautiful inmntes of the Xen ia work house c:a.lendars, size made a break fo r liberty by prying The 'WAyne Town. hip Fflrl11 II lI: 14 inches, uf[ the duol!i of lheir e ll ~ . and they _ Chlb m escaped vl!llTit! lhird ~ to ry route by in full colors. home of Dr. and Mrs Clagett . The means of rope mad .:! fr.om bed clothTo each of the morning wa ' Rpent in th e us ual ing-. A prisonet· by the name of first 24 people way. there being several gues t ~ Clegg, was the man to whom the bringing_ this present for us to meel and m i.1gle other prisoners can thank for their advertillement with. Ii bE1ra1 ion. if onlv for a short time to our atore, we Aft er a most bountiful dinner we Wedne day evening some mis. were call ed to ol'.ler by lhe presiwill pre~ent crean t hrok e in the home of L. D. dpnt. After all business oC the elub • one of these Chiles, so uth of town, and t he next had been di sposed of Mr. Riley, our handsome calmorn ing the ff1 llow was caplu red presid ent, aEked Miss ({u lh Chand.ler endars.fru. Call for yours todayl bacl\ of the Kell y farm by Lon to fake chnrp;e as this wns to be a Beckett.. and IN ns held unlil Conmeeti ng of th e l oung folks A m o~ t stable J oy arri ve:! , when h was ROCERS' Waynesville • . Ohl~ SON. enjoya ble Iwogram of recitation., landed in the lock-up. He proved instrumen tal musi'c and >longs W M to be one of the e~caped prisoners . giv en by t he ch ildren' and you ng Wednesday evening Mar s h a I • folks of t he cluh. Daughters, of Corwin. got two sus· Mrs i3artnn Kelly, a guest. fn vored picious character.!! hanging around us with fI viloal selection and a read Corwin Bud locked them up in the ing whi ch was very mu ~h enj()yed. Corw in ' b astile. During the night , After a few hOI" talks by other htlwever, they broke the lOCK.. on guest.s we adjourned to meet in Noted Divine to Lecture thei r cell door and eSCal)'ed. FrIday August at the union picnic, the plact' morning Supt. Crow. of the work a nd t.imt> not yet decided. Elbert Russell , late of Earlham ho use .. came down and took t hem - - - -- -;-~College, will be at the White Brick back to Xenia. FROM 20 TO 175 ACR ES-5 top renting and get Church First Day. Jul y lB. one of your own; it: cheaper and lo ts more Sunday-school at 9:30 a . m .• speakResigned Her Position; Ing at 10::10. afternoon at S o'clock, Masonic Notices atisfacl ion ; will cost you nothing to look. lecture on " Race Prejudice 'and Mrs. Ali ce Alcorn bas resigned her Brolher.hond " in the. E!vening at 8 S P e cia I communication of positi on as matron the li'riends' o'Clock. Ellery one i-; cordially in· Q Waynesvill e Lodge, 'ruesHome to tllk& place in Seplember. vited. day, July 20, at 1:30 p . m , --Sh<l has acceflted tile position as mao Auctioneer and Real Estate to participate in the cornerstone .IayWaynesville, Ohio tron in the [0 riend3' Home at N"rris . town Pa This is quite an advance· Swallowed Chicken Bone ing of the new High School bul.I~I~g. • Members urged to aUend. Vl81.tmg ment' for Mrs. Aluorn the home is ~ and soiourning brethren cordially much larger thun here and quite a Mrs. F. W. Hathawal' had the invited. lu crative positi on to hold. We are misfor tune last wf'ek 'to swallow a J . O. Cartwrig ht, W. ~. always ilIad to hear of one in our small bone, when it lodged L. A. Zimmerman. Sec y. midst ndvancing. but florr)! to lose in thechicken throat, and in consequence this estimable lady from our town. she suffered very much with it. She Waynesville Lodge No . 163 F, & ... is, we are glad to note, a great deal A. M., will hold its Slll;te<1 combetter at present. ~~-.munication Tuesday event~g . J~ly Card of 11hanks 20th, at II o'clo~k. SoJ~ummg All kinds of Spouting and Roofiqg W. T. U. ).(eeting . brethren and visitors are cordially We the members of the Methooil;!t welcomed_ and Furnace Repairing Done • • . Sunday School wish to thank all · J,.O. Cartwright, W. ~. those who in any Wi?! contributed to The regular meeting of the W, C, L. A. Zimmerman, Sec y the success of mar picnic. Fspecia\ly T. U. will be held on W~nesday are we graleful to tbOlle who 80 afterooon. July 21 at the home of kh.dly furnished autol'llobUes and to M.ra. Maffit. "Chrl.Uan Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Be!'tley and SHOP NEXT TO SHERWOOD'S QAIMOE .the Waynesville band for their music Citizenship and All In ar- daughter Mabel, of XenIa, spent and also to the editor of tile Miami rears far dues will lOttIe at Sunda,y witb Mr. and Mrs. C. B. GazeLle for adverUaiDs it 10 well, t.pia meeting. !8DUer. ~P. . . . . .~--~~--------------~~. .~~~CS~~~~N.~.~. . . . . .
Farmers' Club Meets
0"- -
-----_ ..
SUM MA RY · SLalon DalW»l-Edwn rtlil l Voterhot1l'lo.
The Best Touring Car Value the World
------..-- ..------
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• .................... ........................•.......
------- ---
---... C,
WlljneaviUe, OhiO
Ad,entores 0f Kathieen
By Harold Mc(irtll h OHAPTER XXVI. Ended Troublee , It waH Ahm d'H augK \lon Iha t tb01 In turn IIhould bury 1I1 Ollsrnl' bulleL ' Uti I"IllulonUlI tll"t If ,II ' ), ",. mptecl to proceed wltb It t1I1lY would follo wed and lloo nor or Int r Sol by UmbeUa and tho mell hI! bad OIl awar from tho TUllIse ch lot. Tbe 1I.hermen wero 1I0id mad and at t not accountable tor wbnt tbey d or planned to do, He IIdvllJ1ced th ot mball& would ba.ve DO dlmcullY In ueIq them to tho pItch of murdo r , mbella would bllvo at bls bock lind no Ian than twenty men. orlllod ruthlOll8. Somo BO \l n ty miles 100d wu Brtllab ' torrttory. IIDd herner tbere wu British territory ere were Drltlsh soldlors. With em the)' would r eturn, leaving the 8Il to utety behind. "'l'IIe oommll8loner thero will obt," aald the oo]onel. "No, ublb," repllecl. Abmed. "The em..htb bat every rlsbt In the world thJI treaeure. You posaess the doomute to prove It, and Dothlng more 11101 be neoeeaary to tho commission·
c101 d
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l moa,Ui It.... L IHIT til cohllllli ftlld 1110
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" Kit," ~1rtd her rntll"t. "our ol1ly "hall a 18 to rrifuse to 1\18coY~r to tim IIn.1la whore Wtj IlIIvn hl,ld'lIl tht. bll" Kalbl) " 1'11 1 k(JL WIOIlie , It YOll ollan your lips It w re tt~(1 m nny. It \\"8 nu \luu a ~. will b,' dl'Llth- yourA. .KIt'.., mlno. Tt 'l ~[\re lo·· 11k", Ihl-' 0 Kit on l sudden" ' lId ort'ecll1l1l1 ', JIlui 1111 (lu hc "o b"nn ~ '"" e'" "I" honor It mbBtl1l ,I'onlil IIIIfI rlalc~ l 10 Ih It "" Ll CA roll' .Kn .·~8, Th 'Y lind ,., • Dot tu l r ""nll.ed th r!,p(Hl r r\l ln~ ~8 lO conv 'y U8 to th e 8pnport I'd J;lndly and d l' \" II~ h !ng nully of til nrcb " \I. glvo h im nil the lrelL'llI "1! nrid all th e ~ la in, l. 11' ''nl1n, H !Inti ('o.lI ght Ihem man f t bav B of my OWI1. Hut w 01 th "'r ,;uo.rd and t.hey wor ugHln know hIm too woll. lie \ 111 torture j &DDar"lo' ., In hIli 00\\ I' T, " 'lmt ne ... U8 n.U." Bnd nna'" •. n(ll'nlaaure .. a furious
daulbl 'l
roYOnllo !
error! to , ,,I ll the IlUmbt.>rA agalnl!t hIm
Hen r 'hnt
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IIi..' .
, \ cry 81mlU Anhnul
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I' It II " ,II w'l, • '" HIli 0 COlliI'll rho "1.",,,\ RD' I , ,Ii, " f I I II 1'1 ... I , . 111\' uuf. lop,. ,. '"' C ", ,I. rmuh.h M 'l'ul'th 'lit Nurlh At. (' .,."r III , Irl"" '~ r hl' .1111111" t "I "11,1 II I L, • I I I I I 1 I I I ' ,.. \' IlI r u , ..,11 , • (1\\< 11 " II 1\'" W II'" ,' 1"'\\111)( 'Inlll\" I ~ ' 1I 111 ~ " ,"\1 t "111 I i I . I ' I , Say ", nm- III rlltl" r '" d"uli!hl~r," I'II!!.I 11 11' ,n " m ~I .. I" u n rO II~ lllj.; 1> 0 1\ 11111 trwh ,,· II I!h .. , 11., WIt 1"1 - 1 '" , \\'l l1nlo. bmnoh I1It''''1\ 1,'1 t IIh,I\' ,lIb. j.!rl\llI\,I, IH "h'lIl1 .. ~ hljl b .".. il r .. x I r rl ..... ''I caDnot eat t.hIII or \.hat. rood l it (1<111 !lot agree with me." Our !Ill ir6 to r1 • 1 I I hil t llll~ u "". 11111 I h ( n. I1n. , IllY" II i> "I'll •• " ... It, 11 1<' 111'111111> burnt! 11 1\1 r\1 " " I'ut th" I"". a.a n I." 1"0 ('[)I " . all of t,bem is to tllke a .. l' h II 1 I 1 1"'t-' ~ t Il'rt'. "·""n· 1111111 11· ""'I\lIT HI " lIlt;lI' hlll'k III II, IIlHI .11 lur,·· , .lill ll ti'II1I1I1"r.\'I", II II I I I I; , ~ezccdR., Dyspepsia , l I J 1\ 1 I 1\ 1\ gn ll'r~ I ~ "j,:~ ,e h"~ " 1\ (llllllu~ b,'Otl I hn JlYI(IIIY IIn!C' ppe WII ~ (.e. 1'1~o '~.'" (\ W)·,·, ,' um"I)" 10bO"I:( 8by' Il ~tuJl"-'dJ' r, ~ rllwd III 1/(;;, by rhu lh'l-Oh I,Tll \'a l· ,T ablet rrut'll u~ lJCC' Ullfitll ll\ nn t ':JUl U 8 I I · ~I I 1 ("oJnf1I1I ~ 'n"l -- - --I r. J3v"" tl n~l . \Y':~ 1t\ 118 ) t;'Fl(' r I'· ' lbefoJe and afw eaoh meaL 260 A haL . Read yourowllMiamiGaz.ette I I , II ! lll' OIlIl. ""TH t1~I,I~ It. h' \ J. E. Jenne,., • or IlE ' ll~T l ~I " IW ('"I I 1 t b "lllllg u '1I l'url!! lJ y tho haH
~hl" J\nthh n I ' pr"c ono
' ".1 Ill" Ie ,1 I .,11011 III" .'r ""',Ir n Ir I II' I bll(f
II .
To Us
' ''But" j,hmed." Intarpoeed DruCll. "we nOll. or us Brltlah..eubJ oots," . ~"'Wbat dt1rerence will that make. Ba-
"'Quite iIIlOtl4rb. lDng1and II! not In IIablt of protaotin« DDybody but OWD S'.Jbjeota. We sbould probably lbe held 'up till ever:ytbtng was ver ified AIlaha: and the priests thore would at lI..ltate to charse ue wIth forgery d' lIeav80 knowe what e lse. lAlt us J'1 the tJuket, by all means; return it IUIII c:&nT it ."'IIY by piecemeal. o euTJ' It aW&1 at It Ie. In bulk. be OOIlrtiq .ulold..... Ahmed ICJ'&tobed bIB ohln . Tl'Ullt a bite I\Wl for lOClo. "AJI,d. belld..... went on Bruce, .. the would 10 ell oyer tbe Orient and 'I1l... would come Uke 6188 scentbClDl)'. No; th1II must be kept seIf _ 011'8 to ret away with It. It be worth leae than a mll11on. l"Ye known white maa wbo would OlD' tlIJoatll for a handful or ru·
11m Ume Iince the expedl' .tarttd out the colonel became
a maD of actIOD. cool In the Ia...t aDd fol'Nlabte4, Tbe budablps lor blI'IIIOU'08I'&Uon. the many da1l88 1'8 !Uuua.Il wbleb be bad paged and the ICIODItaDt wo'" cnoer blI daugbtera bad W 0IeIr etreet upon hli mental and pbJdoaI tHIl~, Heretofore be had bIeR CIOD_t to let othen lead and 'bUD4lJ follow. appuenU)' hoplns UtOe for 1I1Umate and freedom, Now . . .... til. 00100el of old, the Intrepid aia4 reeovoehl I11III whom Ahmed ~ foU0we4 III man,. hunUng Up&-
above and In their It wm pay Ther. a re WATCH. '
st ru who displ ay the m In theIr ahow windows advertl.'1ng are the .Iorea you beat to tra ~e with. over forty luch atoree .
AY, JU Y '21st
We have told you in previous announcements that SUBURBAN DAY was going to be something more than a bare invitation to come to Dayton to trade. Trading in Dayton, with its remarkably well stocked stores., is in itself a big inducement, but perhaps you don't funy appreciate this, You know it is true that you can get goods in Dayton that you can't get at home. You know also that the prices in Dayton stores will usually save you far more than the cost of the trip to Dayton. You know these things, but still you don't come to Dayton as often as ;you should. . The fare to Dayton doesn't amount to a lot, but it IS an item. For WEDNESDAY, JULY 21st, we cut these fares, many of them nearly.in tWQ. •
A'Few of the Reasons Why "Jou Should Go to Dayton BECAUSE BECAUSE~
..~ IJ)l'8I4 out the men around Ih. GUIlD." be . ordered. brtBkly, ''In· IItnat them to ahcot onr the head of ~ wIIo approacbea: thle the 1Iret U - '!'be I800nd Ume, to kill. Bruce hu the rtpUdeal 10 let UI ret bUllY, 0... there. whim! that boulder 111, The "-""'::"':-'':'''::'--poud 'will be damp and eoft under It, iu4 when we fouolt back there w111 .be DO !lip of Ita hilYlq been 41aturbed. 1 ;i-'----"----'- - : - --.......M...,....lh. aDlmunltion that Wa':l, Gift m. tb&t lpade." ; It wu coed to Kathlyn'a ears to heu bar father talk Ulle thta. I At a depth of three teet tbe buket . . . Io_red. covered and the boulder ~ad Into plae... Arter tbat the col~ iltletoopM and combed the iurf ....here the boulder had temporarll1 r81ted. Ue . allowed hll wonderful woodcraft :there, It woul4 take a keener e)'e than tUmballa poue..ed to note anT dtlturbo gee. The utetr ot the treaauJ"e illti· matel7, howllver, depended upon the 1o:JtltJ' or the keepere ' under Ahmed. The, bad baeD ,with the colonel for ,.,are; Jet • • • Tlie colonel shrugged. He had to trult them; that was all then w .. to the matter. H ere Wat a treaiuri that mlgbt weu teat the hon· .elt,., of an,. mlUl. No one could. toretell wbether the 10)'&1t1 or bls keep"
Clearance Sales arc on in ncarly all the tore. .the merchandi e selections in D ayton st res afford yo u advantages that are trcm cndou Iy inter· eSlirlg. ' you can see YOllr fr iend s In Dayton and buy the things you need 0 11 the same trip,
y u ca n go to Dayton's theater and amusement I)ark -see new people, places and ,hinga, y u'l\ enjoy the o uting and general g od time ,of the trip. and y 11 owe yo ur eli a nd family uch a n o utin g every
nce ill a while,
You'll Find That the, Individual Dayton Merchants '-
Axe laying themselves out to make this day interesting to you. Watch for the ad'vertii?ing of the stores \yho display the I I Suitcase" or the "TRUTH-VALUE-SERVICE" emblems. Go to , the stores who show these ' emblems in their windowB. These are Dayton's representati¥e and dependable stores.
READ THE REDUCED RO'U ND TRIP FARES In the Lower Left Hand Corner It makes no dltrerence whether you ' spend ton
cents or ten dollars wbll e )'9u Ii.-e !n Dayton. YOU • can get the r educed rarl) regardless. Fill In till; number .of tlckelll YOII wllnt (one coupon Is eno ugh)· a 8 we ll ft. your Dame aDd address.
, ... woul4 .tao4 up .. atnat a teIl!Pta~~~~~--~~~ed~~~~Du~~U~.e4'&8DO
altematl1'8, he muat tru.t them. , ~ .A. ;.nUnel CIU1Ie ruehlnr up-OOe of the ~pen. " . ~etl11nc 111 IltampadlnK the el& p~tel· he crled. ~ aIId the men with blm ruehed .lluDe4'. oplnloll, con81dertnll wllat lq ~re them, elephante weN Important than colored llton. and ,.u- metaL Without the elephant. the7 would Indeed 1Ind themMl..a til ~ .tftlta. I "1Al,.. lIIme awa,. from here," a'" 'Bruce. pletlnt' 1IP the Implelnenta IIIId IhouJderln. them. He Iwalked "Tera! ' yarde away, toea84 ~O'fel and pick Into the busbea. tA;I~ at Uie turf l1li4 etampe4 on It. «I~ns aPJ)6&rllllce ot hannr been die~ 'I'be oqIonel nOOdad apP!'OTiIltl' It - - a Bood point IUId he bad "ooke4lt. TIler. r8turmed haaUly to camp, .... aboUt two bundred y&!'de Jbe70Dd the boulder. EatblTn entere4 .um to abuga her clotbee. I'aKged. tJec1 l1li4 bllnlt. The odor of wet t oIoUl Is De,.., lII1'88able. ' And be 'needad 4r1 lboeI. eveD If there t l1li hoar or two before bed·
ott tin
,) '1~
,t .....,.
Read Thes~ 'Round ' Trip Rates and How To' Get Them
Good Going and Returning July 21st Only
' G
0Db'. one tlBphllll thad. IUcoeeded tn
. III 80mB manDer he had liI'au.ad blI P4i1: ,but what bad started 1lIIIl GIl the IUD ther Dever learned. GCJMr elepbantl were ,waylng un· . ...117, lin thel~ pess 'Were deep and dleir obatn• •tout. Ahmed and the I~,. ....eDt atter the truent on foot. TIle D018e or the ehue died away. lIftoe wu ItshtinK bla pipe. The cqlo.11 :wu naDllnlq by tbe tireltsbt a , lew _eralcJa wbtc)J h' bad, taken from the...at. Ilamabel,... pleaesntly , ....... at hie wife. XathlTD and Win. ale .... 81IIustq from the tent, wben a , . petted their ..tonlabed ~ ........ __ 1U'I'OIUI4ec1. Prom" lite __ tJlDbaDa, from the other J[athlJn 1U14 ... tatIler'••kI..· In
.... -u.n.
II .
Yellow Springs ....... ; .... .... .......... ... .. ....... 60c Round Trip Ceda]'ville . .. . ............ . ....•.........•.... ·. : .... · .7 Sc ., Wa,ynesville ... '... . ........ , •.••• • .•.•. , . , . • . 90c " 90c Jamestown .... , .• , ." •. .•• , ........... . .... .
.. ..
Simply buy your Round. Trip ticket as usual.
Write your name and address on the coupon at right and the numRer iD 'Your party . When in Dayton present this coupon and the return portion of your ticket at the office of this AssQciation, and ask for E. W. Ment~l. Secretary Dayton Retail Trade Promotion Bureau. Greater Dayton Association Rooms, S~cond Floor U. B . Building, comer of Fourth, and Main Streets, Dayton. Mr. Mentel will refund you the difference between the. advertiised rate aDd what you pay the railroad company. Be lure to tear off and fill in the coupon. You MUST present the coupon to get the fare ~efund.
Coupoa to
the Ticket Agent Fill In, llle '11110"",,II'MIII
N umber of ticket. wanted . .
' ) ,U II .11 .
-I' I lA d t·· \/\ cs 0 \'ur 1l>1I1 A' ----'''----------- I I~u~ublgl:.or.I., J)o· lu rl l,·"" .. l · • • • •••• , " ' " 2Ik lu""ltll, 1 ,\ d~, l..lI .. ,1 tl VlI Ihl'" D. L. Cran e, Editor a nd l\1eris g e r. DI'I)ll1ylJ':'~rtl!l~~:I';~II~j;,;'il : :: :: : :::: )\' ,
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'S, fi ll
assorlment . ..... $1.00
, 'lOel Mr, n u d 1rl! . li,irvey Mi lle r Ski rt. - Wns h ,' kirts, up from . 1.00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -. ~ -. - - __ w 1'(, visi t in g w lt.h Mr. uO ll Mrp. ::; lIi l ~- - A fi ll ' li llL', up CroU1: . . . lD.OO I' '"' 1\ Un h ~ I I f UI ' ,,. . ! 1' 1 I ' ' . WI )) Gr oi" btolllSuudny. PI' cJr• 'll L;t ~ I~~ V c~ , ~ ~ U C ~S on e .. I " " , ,-!I.I ""'·· ( s.. A lrrell l!."'IY"rll" ,II( A tl nol,u.ll 'l '1'1, hll ' y rlll ll ~ h llV lJ t\l\u~edUll1 'h '1 ' I''.l \\' II I' k '1 \ . I I .S Ullil t .. \ . ttl " I f I 1 • 1 u r . ,u l( "r II l'r UUI'IU .. I' Silk Wa ists, lip from . .. . .. . . . 1. 00 Ji nlnk.J Chelle), nu,ltes tlll ih II,u\ I,., is - ~1dv ~~o .n B' \\~; I I~(lll ~ t ~ b ~reJ n t, ..11 1M I: l u::~gO to t ho g m lll In t h e bOt tOlll , fi n d Mrs. H'lIlm el Hil ines 11)'l 11' MO ~ , \ '011 "ill I ('_su rprised w h cu y ou see ".u urh t.d , cr IJ L' I O · S lIiclCjllll l lll' r Ilf the lirm "r p , J. I,; henty I r m e. . I r , • II "I (I ,a no 1<1 ng I UD ~ .Ja' nl ElS 81111 \h ~tH ( 'lifYor d ·j 'bo-Ilp. hl o & t o., uuillg b usin~~~ ill 111l! Cit)' u! 1'". 1110 11011 ellloy ln " h fa to It,s 1I 11ll1lIlt,. , . Erl f) r uwn nnd (n mily WO I'C) 6h o)l . ~oo 1Il 0t Ire d t o F' rnll k Jl Il I:; n nrl ,y I I ~ . u ~ .! ~ d f these Wa i-t s peDo lew r"~U " III I' WII "to at t,hM! ledu, Coun ty ll n J Still" ufnrcsuiU. II lId I ',rho ~ l1 io Longu III t ill r,,!{ul>u' PIIIg in DnYltlo ' 1IIurd clY , ' a vonln g'" I """ltun 0 t },) YOllr . IlIl d If IIII OWlld t o thlt t said fi rll ",ill I,ay III' ~ UIII IIf 0 1£ 8Cl8Ml un tillt,u rrillY .Iul y to IIDU tu o M 'I' I~ , . \Va. h J)rcsscs, ' ' ..5U, 'il 2, f r . . . 1.00 rll m~IU 0 0 til l! troeK fur lle vll iop. H U N U I{/~ D. D I. LARS for eac h a nd c ,·. PI'opi/sH loll of h ll\v t~ R ~' 1Il1 th ~ tr s lo\\;H . . _. lInr tHock 1Mltll prll \' lnj:l 111,., n ll u MrR. ( 'lI r,O)'. Mr.::I11 flllI lII wllnt wou lclmeuo su ve l'ol t.bo nsalld ery case of Ca tnrrh Iha l Cll nn ul I"" clJr<d 1lI 00 0y Wil E! tii ou.. ~ud -lU I ' . lu Iy. . I Rogl' rll, IIn ,1 ~1I!\lI F.vll l' r nte r w re 'Vool Skirt s , lie w lo t at a barga in d hll8rll f r tll h II; ro we rs Wl tb t he by the use .. r HAI. L· ATARR H CUIU:; . not 0 our "'II t h m ~u ' \I \\ on I I 1I !' 1l r y H I1,,1, I) Wil Mllrl JU' Iy 1 yiHiti lig with Mr. li nd Mr ~'rnllli '5. $S a nd $ 1(J quali ty . . . . . .. . . 4,25 I, rllt' ~ Of U t ln wld .Juunty ovurloll ded, . , 1;.l{A N K J. CI-Il! ~gv.. 8lle'n d It nLl I], e ll j oy '~~ u ~~~'II;,'~ull Jiicklld 10 tl lO f ll('o Il ud olJuut tblJ R oge rs 8undny . the ~r"w er~ lo r "bo h, ~t tw o wl.'ll kll S\\ orn I " iJr[~[: ~:f, d~d ~~~~;~~te':' LI\die.~ , lo t t u e m e u ud"I~e ,vo~ \~ boud Wit h II- ho r e . D,', BrI) k w n!:l Mr @. Net,t i e E,rn rlok a nd dllu~ht llr, I Silk CIon ' , u ~ fr m . .. . . . .. . 50c l bl~en l)~ok~ng the 8nllill II,ree n ~y &re~I~ ~' It .. VO Y , I ~ flen ll it Bu nd th e ~\J\VII uud you ~ulJ~:~ lc~f~oU tlu d b ill wou ud glven l+l fcdy ~ , MrR Ll u le J u n AS lIud ~ 11. 1 f ru , n o, .,e r I,ll r Ul ie ve lbe t leew (Scal) 1\ . W, GUl AS N. lJlv lo LOlll,;u li buy Dn n of thel bo nll ~ . " I: ' Thor !. H P~O t ~'ri d "y afte rn oon wi tb ' l:Ses t Ass ortment Sheets, Pillow IIIII~ prom o ta t bf Il ro wth or hul t.; NOIUf)' Pu hl ic. IAe ~ our un cest,o r t! !lILY t bo lr'!IKUIc .lllu \~ l lh u g W.orkllrR o f Lhn ~n g~ r I Mrs, W,::; Dy k e Im d dau g b t or s 11lC' IhlDlIlllj! 1111" lwe n uu nfi ned Hal\'s Cnlll rrio Curl: is tn ke .. illlcrmol ly ,.Llil Wtl wi ll h"vo th o e ujoym e llt. Cr Il k ::;1\1I11.IY ~ cb ol l wil l h olu 1' 1 Mr , Hn yrn on (\ ))Il v i ~ nf 'i o iunll t l Cases, Etc. 1lI08 t,l), to tb e El b .H ~It IC. IUj thi " will li nd acls di rectly UI")II lh. bluud UIIU III U· Mr. IIII Ll Mrs I::l ~o H u r vo" IIf ~~cl(d a t t bo E.i1I u t t Bo h oo ~ h OIl Rll l iS slle llllin ,:: II. s h or t vucn t.! oll wi t b helh ll hll.{crQI>, ulthoug hHolUe l(row CO LIS surfaces of Ihe syslem, Se nd for lJ hlok I 1 1 T ' d , . ' I 1 Lh urH!luy tn' 1I1111l'. ,I uly 1". Jil i n. r e laLti voslnol\rV lllalle ~ heeLc; from . . .. . . . . 3Ile, 49c , 59c e rl! h"vlI (o uucl tbolr IAHIUOIi I!'rol'M II"SlilllDnifl ls, frc~ . ,tlS III. n l . e l., .mll " ,ur .1I 1I 1 (.; veryon In v it ur\. I > . overlo Icled '1'1118 wo rk mns t be 1'. 1. C HI£N ~ V & 0 .. Tuledo, 0 , Mr~ . Go ... I::ln rl ll Ll Il VISit Ml', I:lnr'1'1 I . . Mr . Ed g ar [tl ttou r etnrn et\ lll~ t 1I0ne ",1111;, tl t • . I U Sold by 11 1\ l) ru ~ l(l sl s, 7&. Inn IK t ho g rnrH lfl\l,lJ or of Mrs Ii Il 1'. I I~I n °1POlll e Dt o f 111 lD Lncko.v Mo nda y .from 11 sbo r t visit with Sheet. , .blen hed . .. ~ .4!)c, We 69c o , 11' I>euo ,ea R1 6 D It! Tak" 1I,lil' , Fumil y Pills for cnllstipa- vay ,IOLI Ojh o Is nl Mo II lIolcfl " f] A tllll IIfu >0 1 Milx we ll \\'08 11 !:m qu I ~n fr lond B In rJ lll ninn ntl Ui l~r f I{I M 'II ' " to t ho COl li III Ull l t y !:l or II I1\II Y rll t Bwges of d l\ vel opmeut, bnfo r e lion. Sheets, hcmst iLclicd .. . ... ,75c l. OO the pit btle b eoume fully f O! m ed. It ' 0 OKS I B. fl'i nds wl. h u or HU OC~B8 10 life The nOWfl (1f t,h e dfl ll t,b elf Mr. IH u el1.J1y Ibe "lntlnOr ,)elloh wiliob ___ _ _ _ Mr. lind Mrs. Ai ltB r t Mer rlho,. M . ' I::lnnry I>Iue8 wh o plls6ell o vor t o t/w Pillow Cas s, hcmslitchcd . . .. 25c Is removed ftu t. bIn wb er e tile frul~ s pe llt SlIttlrtiny I II I(u os l!! If Mrs. M Il nlllll rs . A . C. 1I1 11 111n . •JuU1 ~8 , nt h.'r eb re e"rl y Suodo y mornin g II ot uUlform 81:/o~ the g r o we r sbows Worle y, dto~D ~ed , T h e will an d Aonle 1'borllo Il un r WII YOO8Vllle. H ~I./~'o~l:o 1111(\ cl IO nl!;h ler ~~1l1 ~1rt rle OIUllO ve r'y uoexppc tert ty to h is mlln y Pillow Cases .. . 1Oc, 1 2~c , 15e 25c 00 ~rllrerenol! I)u$ tbl08 It 80 liS to ~wo codiolls uretldm l ttui:1 t o p r o lHt le. Mr uod Mrs . ·hll s. Moore lin d Mr. P ll t, t ho 4 th Iu A 0 1 ~ . fr iends h IJ r e und elsew h e re. 'I " t t ' . u t iH Oll!;II }lreveo_ttll e b milo h e8 f row b reR kl Dg. In the m-'I,cr of 11, 0 e"t " le o r J (JhD 11\ d M rH o £L ' rll n \". H 8rvuy, /) r Il cur .., Mr. IIU, d M r~ .. h l" U P n o e wlt IoI I,e nt n no,,!l u 0 onrl8.8 p"8se _ __ •• _ • QO " r u , I t ,1 I' 1 ",lI.lnrdllY ")]11 ' u u uoy wi~h A. ' . III th t k Worloy. de ooll ~ ed. Zi mrl U . Wo r. ul! Ill oo n . n. n Oil", up t o ou r Itt e City Corn cllllud f um ily . uur V !lge e I'" w ee. ley is IIppointed tl ,, ~ o ut or BOil:! d UlldllY IHI U utt,oudli(1 t h o bllll gIlUl E' . - -DIARRHOEA QUICKLY CURED $~GOO , W. Z Roll. I!:d t:!. Con klin O nr lit tl e olty on Hu oduy I ~ Ii lre T he ialdlea of til Bibl o 0las8 o f th e "About cwo years IIgo I hlld a ee IIDd C. W. IviuB lire !lI'I'Lll oted li P' At.lftlltio Glt y III th e ", n m m ( r t iule Fe r ry ' Uf] (l IIY r;oilou l h eld n 8001111 vere QL,la'.'k of d iarrhoea whioh ,uRleerll People f,)r mi les n nd lOil ulI 0 nl e t-o II.L the UOntll o f A . C. Mnlltn lI od l~ \ltelJ for over II w ellk," ~rltes W , ' in tbe malte : o f tbe e8tllt e of holt} s we ll th or o wd a OI} ellj Iy th o fllm ll y W eLl u o~ d !l Y af t ern ooo . li:8oh lJ. Jones, Butord, N. U. , ~heOlllllo Cenll H oO', d c ell8ed; 'Ilrtnln s tool! bo. pl to ht,y of tbi R vl oi n Hy, wb ,' r o I ~ OIlIJ wns t o) I'l vc r~ d oll ir nuu toll h ow All Kinds of Take a -: ) so wetlll: tbll& loo uld oot II lIod up. b'1100glog t G this L'Rlate l\Od r ematll. 'Ibouodll In VllSt. '1 n lln t.i tiIl8 ... t a tl ~;::e,~~;t~:~~tibO ~~:~~ ~~~!~~~yt Mr , an d Mr s. H~rbert, '; utt arHIr~gb' . A d~uMg ~I!' re?ulDmended log Iln~old Is DOW di s t r llm ted to ti lll l'~ . Vo m e ea rl y Rnei I\vold the M rn ou th e m wnl t (\ .. l\lte r " w /l6k Ii pI IlKIl Ot. vIMlt Uhamberlaln II ,01 c, t:bol e rll Ilod proper pt~nles. rush ! . with Mr. and Mr s , J OB. tJ nlo olC , roo Dlarhl)BIl Rem edy. Tbe flrij~ d 0811 Dr. I1ncl M rs . p , D, Clagot t liTO Mr. Cl u rt lr ~ . IIth .. n ,) ouos, of turn ed, 10 th olr 1I0lUe 10 D ,~yto n Il1st , Tonight relieved me 80d Wlthlll two dllYtc 1 10 the matter o f tho e ~tllte o f J . UO vlllS: t Ullir bouut.tfo l ou untr y h om e W y U bVIll il, Mr. nnu Mr • . Elmer "'MurdllY will act a laxative In':the Wal •• well 88 ever" UbtnioRble Miltoo UIII, d e Jeluled . H ebe r M . fres h ooad np w ltb pain t, muk iog ih Enrub u rl,. st r. o nd 1I1r ~ . U,,1'I She r' , he r e . Dill 18 8"polntod tl X8l'utor Uood pponrlUlce m Or o per feot, if au b w ood Aod "110 Morl'la , Mr I'od Mr." . d Mrs . fArtb urLHeo ~ morning ~ - ~veryw 0" ~ ~ b dllr ljoo a o d ohll _ _ _... __ - -' IInOO. (i. F , Brown. J ohll A. Jom e Mrs . R" J III ntl l:lu r t!loo k u l.ll li t ll reo . 0 oenr a BOOO. SP60t Frlduy [Successor to J. E. Ja"".y. ~ou lIud L E,. Blgon,Y tire II.ppolo t e u could be. ~Ol) G tl rul d ICpflDt -'uo d ll \' I\f le rn 10 0 wit h Mrs. Jn8. All eo ,\Od fam ily. F. E. SHERWOOD appr8i6er&. Mr , u nd Mrs, W ru Wrig h t uo u wilh F . It B utso k a o d r .. mllv , MrR , Abt Ihi neE!. of Duy ton. via d llUgb te r , Mise E t,h e t, s peo t Noo rl ny '1'1 L' u B l' lIed w ith Mr aD d Mr Fraok Buw8e Common Pleas Court wi th Mr@. Wrl ., h t's m oth er, Mrs ' F 10 '" II( 1t ~~ar,. r s 0 uss o f lob e on e U!\ y IU ll t ~ee k. . Mines Make New Demands Over PostolIic~, Waynesville, ~lIdred Ellgle . e rr y ", \\l lt .. y oc u (lc l Ulet li t th e New SuUs. Office Phone 77 . bo rn e o f !ll r . li nd Mr!!1 Fmo k Sil yd e r I\1 cS8rll. E lm e r J,>ratt aud Jobn House PboDe 6·3 William R. Hllrtsook vs Abfl gnil rhos. U III , of Mt . 80 ll y, s t nrted Fri dEIY ll\'uo in g Af t{\r th e too . incto' ~b oomnk e r , of XCllia we re t)undllY rbe d e ve iopme ot of qul okBll ver Brow o e tlli. 'J'o q u iet tltlo t o lllAI tbo b Or8S!! o t Drlv i n l{ Vl ll·t> pInk pl1rLDLw o olut!~ w8>1 otteolled to u il , O/llIe rs n t the h Ollle o f F. M. Daklo . mlDes promlsAI! t o mIke large de. e~ tn.\e. a ur~." y , Mr . Dr Oil 10 0 cop e nj 'lye cl t ho " lowe r W edcliu g (;onMi88es Lul8 Sa ms lIod Mildred mands f or oordwo od Rnd ooostrue. W , F. Eltzro th VB . Cbarles W. ~tl l1, b .lt is 8 !O u noes!! ns u 8!o ur ttlr . teH t. Th e p i iz w inne rs we re : 1st M 1Bee . of DOllo . r e t nro ed bome at. tlon 11m bar OD the 1'00 t o DBtional Probate Courl P.tdceedln&tI Munge r. m ooey ooly. bmouot oll1iJn . Mr. Qnd Mrs . J oho Vuoder v Jor t pr ize I.. roy I:IArtsock b ooby p rtze , te r Il plell8uu t wee k 's v isi t. with t he f orest, ArlzoOJ~, , ed 11 03 32 wltll lDterest . b8 ve purohfls ed a ',",xoq tOll r lo~ oa r Bom er Tb o rua~ . Ice e'r ~I! m aDd ca ko 1 form e r 's brotber Bnd Sister, Mr. In Ih& U1~tter (I f the w1l1 of (Jeorge f olly equip ped. wtu ob th ey will eo- wer e se r ved ~o .. h ou t ao g ues ts . Ind Mrs . Wm . Alle o . BtDell, d ect!Jl~lld . Beollena Bloe., Proceedings j oy aod will also eojoy bUYin g ,t heir - - _,_ . Mr. and Mrs . Uhas Kelsey, of wl~ow, eleota to I"ke uoder the will. "'loDle J ..... tter.hwaltd V8. A. F. friend s sllare with thom In th olr ell 0' 111 d h Auto Livery Service at ... ,,,. . v CONSTIPATION CURED OYERlflGHT enterv e, e an ew,tbe from III. ' the olllll,e o f Cilludo 8. De, MIJ1er.II.lies lire approved, S~Ule. j oywent-li. n Ully t on, wer bere 0.to nep IIttend fu. Reasonable Rates WUOIII. dt;(lell~lld . lieoolll) IIn.d 11081 Dleu~' or d ero d I Mr . Bnd MI'!! , Al he , r t Mo r r lhe w e n • A I!m all d ose of Po . lIo. ,L nx t o night Ul'rlL I 0 t tb e f ormer '8 sist er Miss ... w"'"'__"'........._ .......·.,.,.·"."._..._ ........"""''''''''..... 1000UO' III appro vI'd . In tbe maUer of tho beRrlog' of ter talo od ror dlno 'lr 8 \1I1.d y lol r Rod 1.\11d y ou enj oy CL f ull , Ifr oe 8Ilsy bowe l K e lsey . I WANTED AIBO Agent for Kelly-Springfield In thu e8~14te of Cb u le8 Ii: EtLro. (Iet.Uloos t or n8 turalliGII~ioo No. lS. 6, Mrs. AJt Ed \vl1rde, of At.l un i d, 0 " mov em e ot i n t·h e mornin g . N o Misl\ Wil Amlna Ke l8ey.a rter a Un. bArt, \l uCtIIt 't!u, JillSt ' .1Id dual 110 7, '-Dd 9. Dato se t lor hel1rlng I ~ The pop ui llr- Suxoo IlUtO dls t ri b. gr iplog, f o r P o Do Lax Is Podo phyli n I gerh g Illu e!l@ , p88Aed n Wlly at ~be Automobile Tire8 . couot. ,IIIII"'(Irov ~d. , September 28,191 5 aJ 10 o'olook II. otor fo r t his territo ry. J . B, Ulw p MIl Y Appl ) wlt-booHbeg r ipe . P o t home of Mis • .Alice Cb e noweth.oo BUY~50 h ead of good shoats. The fifth a CIlCl unl In tbe eBlatt! of m. " man aod w ife. w er.e In tow o S u o Do LBX correc ts t h e cao 0 of ·un. W do eedny , July 7. 1915, Bt tbe aio Write or see D. N . Dawsoo, 'fhoDlI1H U Wllke r soo, deClt'Ilsed,18 Marria&e LJcenael ' dRY. ~ tlJl nt if') o b v nr ou sing t b o Li ve r, 10- of 71l year8 Rnd five m o otbs. Mil. Harveysbnrg. Oblo, j 28 approved, Bv d the oour& tinds thtl ) . Mr . J oh n P eo oe and M.i3~ R en - cr en ~l o g t,b 6 fl ow of bi le. Bile I Ke lHey 's h ome 'lYas 11.1. Centerville. lIum Of t!i :49U 60 In ~be baods of 'he Artbur R. Sted(l om . e lpotrlolao o f rl etta M(ll{l n~ey, of Wa yo es v ltll>, l'Iatu r e '8 flll tise ptio ho I,b tl bo we ls. b u t be lol!' uoabl e to .ttend to her Valley Phooe 9O--1Y. 'meLee due s'lld alltllt!'. Doy tol1, to Marloo Lane, ot Fi-lIooa· we re S und uy vlei tors io th is v loinity Wi t h proper (llUOunt, of bile. d lges h oo seh old du t ie@; s b e b"s, tor more Io thl!t!atat6 of Cllftord 8"d Albert. liD . Ruv. G uo E. WI~ it e. 8 !\ t urd ll Y's lI'I8t.1 nee, gt ye ll uod e r tl on 10 bowe,ls is p er fec t, No ga ~ , tban a yellr, m&de ber bome with DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP Hiok8, mluor8 l'he 1L000UOt of tb e. Ulinton 'fRylor. fll ,r ru e r of l:larkfil- the d i re otl n of tb e Drivi n g Uln h. no fe rru llDt ll tlon, DO Conf:l lolpa tlon Miss Alloe C henoweth. where. after trtl08~otlo os ot Mile 'I'rovillo . BA ville tv I I'mll Bo wman ot Morro w. was a ,h owling 8u ooess Bea ntlful Don 't be 8ick , u er voot'. Irrltablo. maoy month. of painful soifl'rlng, ~uarulKn IlIapvroved. Rev. Artll u r Co~pe r . ' s tr~ln .! o f mu. lc Yo' r o relld r ed b y Get, a b ottle o f Po. Do LIIX trom yonr she hilS recei.ved the be~t of cllre anil N0'l'lCE 18 hereby , glveo tbat)1o In the e utllte of James Edward Ffflools V. G rI1V, lUll ohloe hllnd the N e w Borllo g too bond t he fuir Drugg is t n o w Rnd l ore your C (lD . klodly atteotioo, aDd everytblng partoer~hip exl8te besween the W .. rd, dt.\CeMed , Flrl!t and 111lul II C. to MUTY 'Ar lee .J o rdao , bo th of g r ouoc11 olU llntut e .•od loe orellm CII D- sti llll t.i OIl o ve rnl~ht . Wll' d ooe to stay the'hEmel of death uoder~lgoed Dod A. F. Miller. oouut III DI)prflved . Mus on M . A, JlIlIl oHo n. J . 1', d y g llve It lh oppo8Tllnco of n. r eol • -MillS Kelsey was ever kiod and p8. Mlnnl6 J . Satterthwaite. Dated ~/VEN QUICK RELIEF In Cbll mtlLte r o f the will of Jobn Irvin 8,,\loy. !toe ruuD t o Byrll fa ir 'l'b p cl ub 18 c(1ll1posed of m oo, tl eot. beruing her suffe ring wltbout Jnly 1,1915 . j21 Paio leaves nll'Q.OSt l:IuIlMWO , Dot h ot Mo rr o w R ov .•1. wu o li r e t bo rou~ uly umpetll ut to 1\ murmur. Bnd in the t ime thllt 1111.0 as if by magic wheu H , Baldwin . OOOd 'lot, a.in h ' nn d m uke it A @uccePB IJlIslive(lllmoog Uti bad made many you beSio using "6And w b y o .,t u uv e 000: Let the warm frlonds who will mls. her PROPERTY D rop . ... (bofnmous old Real Estate Traosfer. fur m Br 8 oompe te ro r p r iz e,," on tb ei r plea@ant 8mlle 1L0d ' kindly worda, l1ev. L'r ao " Burial se rvices were cooducted at lism, Gour, Joho M. Wil Bon e t "I to F. M. lind Pr odu oe, oatt.le ,and fl ue b orses. Wo c .. Morm llo p r ellohed Middl e R uo 0 h uro h F fI' d ay ILt 1 Sc iaHca, Neur a lg ia Acres , neor Ly\le. rairly well Cor. B Bh ookey lot N o . GS in A V8. h ove Ul ertl aod the Dtteudan ce he r e uo d ny. • I d ' d C aod ki ndred kOllbl cs. 00 ock &P lDterment ma eat eoVeterlnarv improved, some frnl t. ' Prloe is 100 I::leight.o, Turll oreek towo dhl)J w.o uld be i mmense . Do oot s a y It It goes right 10 the c.ooo t I d on e, beoll use It ca~ . Mr. !ln d Mrs . RlIl ell'}} Bogan w ere te r v llle with ber loved ooea gooe right, If 80ld soon, IDqulre of A. A. $1 r.pot. stops \he aohes the tluod a y g uests of Zimri Ei ulo BS befor e Graduate of Obio ~I uf . l1nivenl MoNell, CeDtervllle, Ohio, 80th 'l'be BI OlD e r Ui rl s of 'ioolnnnti a nd fumlly . . -- - _... _ --aDd pains BIld makes Stella uud W ' G. Wbetsol phones. je80 lifo wocth living. Get Tllom811 S, Ha rdin 3 tftl Ctfl of 18nd ~ ot 8S fur a s Mo rr o w SOllday m oro (\ bollie .of "I)-Drops" Ing ItDrt I IOPD on d Ma nng er Gh AS Ml s8 R e vn Br o w n h ns II ~ brA DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION , FOR COUCH Office at residence in F . USher In lin d o eRr Corwin. loday. A booklet with M.llcici en t,h l\ t t il y hMl lIli tlsed th e g u est MI 8 Clioe of Dlly t,oo. David Htlldenbe h.uer to Mllx C_ wood's house, Fourtli Street.' e ach boltle Gives full tr" to lin d ()o nld g t 0 0 f ur th er .uo . JhA uncoy B nnn ellllo cl fam il y ILDIl AN EFFECTIVE COUGH TREATMENT FOR SALE Fleischullill l ots No. 71l aud 1)0 10 11188 b e woul d Rend f or 'th e m. , 'ru e MI ~lielti Mo ni Oll u Bllo'nell and Lel ll.h di rc'C li o os for use. Oo e f o ur th t o une t o,I- \) "lI l n l ... t D on't delay. D emand ' D ee rl1eld. tl: ' T~ephone 28 mnon ger q uie t ly mlde me o tlo n of BOgllO nu t,~ ed t o Yello w :Spr i o gs Dr Ki oS 's New OltiOOVOI:)" ~uk\>u us "(). Drops." Don't DCLldll C. WllIla wll t o Eliz. b eth L: It un el yo u wo uld be s ur prised h o w .:)It.t,urd,,,y to aUend l:b llu t[ltIqn ,. , oee d ed . w ill 8 }otbe IlUU ob eck c" pl a nythiog else, in Waynesville.. • OhIo Hoot, l o ~~ No. llllDd 1210 WIlIhID8 Ulllny oluu e f o rwa r d nuu offe r ed MI 88 Ma rth a turr 114 slle Dd lo g Ii Co n ' bs . t:olds aod the more dlloger. Sows aod 33 little pIK~, from ~;;:;::=-~ pl ace of iL An,drul· BubdivistuD t,o M"8 0n, U . one ,,'eBk to mooth old. All 1,\ CAn supply YDU. If you live too far tu Ir s e r vl T bey " r riv erl b e re t c) w dR YS ",, \t,1l b e r si st er Mabel OUtl Bronohin l nod Luog Ailmeo~s. , fTi 01 drllg SIOro scod Olle Dollar to Y o u oa o ' t " O'ord to take the risk of healthy aod in ~ood ooodition. a . :;=l====r=================~l Graoe B , Whitacre l u l:li:.oAlbe UI t" 10 ti t1l tl t o 1)lay ou t' ni o e, Bod so nre S tu rr a t Odor d , OUl o . ,": !l nsl)n Uhe ll matic Curo Co., Newark. 129 're Bun~.lot N o. 13 10 WllliaDls s u\)o toad '10 fa;v or of t h e h ome t ea m ~e varn l X e o i" ~hopp Brs tb e post ~ urlo u 8 1l1n es8 . whe o 8 a obeap Dod W. Benoh. do . "nd " , ,' '!lu of " G·l)rops" will be d lvilioo to M&IIOO, IL. They we re on certlLln ed 11 \ the K'll'· wo e k , ' , ~ Iw pl e a r emedy liS Dr. Klni 's N ew .40 : prepaid, .. \If . lor. ' afe w ho re h os plta h t y r eigos ' . ,Dlsoov6ry Is obtaloable. · ll o to R088 ~ 11 T. Spencer . to Jllmes L. AS1' U RIi:-G ood pll8tnre. right nprem e , Mr n ud M rs., J. . LOA ~l ll g. onlled YO llr Dru gg ist t o.d IlY. get a b ottl e of F.uneral tor. I1towo l ots Nt,. land 2 in Spooce r 'l! In to'lfn For furtb e r Informa Tbe 8uPPllPpd t.l m e f or ~oh 1')1 t o ~n JOn ll,t;hnn MI1Ier (l'n d wl fe~ nodo y Or. Kiug 's N e w Dl soovery, stllrt tloo' cnll at tbe Gn zatte olIloe . J21 subdivision to Lebano.D, ' ~ OOO. UIlI! IO is 'e ptelllbe r, ILnd up ~o t h is I f tprn oc ' " " . I,h e tr6ftiDl e ot o t once You will be , 8, B. IIlId E, C. HaDry to S B, time Telephone day or nlaM , we h u ve OJ)O tonoher el\1 plo~' ed I~ ali o \\i lion i.! b ave liS t h eir gnes t KrtLtffiod for the rell e f "nd cure ob. OW-Jersey" fre i/h and n. good Craiif,aod Peter 'Oberllo 42Y. acres Valley phooe No. 'I . Loo, k m o re , u b ' llh ow Ruche l ll ober ~~ o. Mor row, Ublo .. ' taio ed. one" J Ilq uire of Setb F-a,fl't~+lIIJ......I-~Y:lIII~UJLd~.......U - - - -- ---:.....,.....:+... In BarlaD tOWDlblp DlI&a008 No. lIg..llr. our puplJll an yt hiol! , 1\9 tb e 6u tlre r~ . Luoy COOllltOIO . Mrs. Martha - - - -•• - ...- - - Wn.ynesville, OhiO, phone 33-:17.', E. K. and M. W. Beokwith to W. lot "is fr om M tsso uri. " THIt ORIIATUT . 1o n o~ , 1I1 rs. Em u Crew aod MrM. . j14 AutomObIle •• rvlCe at all nm•• C. Turtou lot No, 12 10 BelD's ,,11. Mr. Knd Mrs Earl H oo k e t ~ :md Merl e ~ t o ln t l r e 11 nll soo 'l'heodore dttlon to l...ebilDon, 1160. dAug ht er. Mr. lind Mrs. P e, oy R etl SIJ lit ',rblll' ~dny a t Ch UUtILUl]UIl. OTATOES-A lot of good one8. , .N THII ~RL.D ' WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Robbrt S. Keever to 8. E . Ru d. son IIDoi 60n we r o !:iondll Y vi sltor tl o f Ye ll ow ~ p r i D gs , Ioquh'e of.J. C . ~Bwke, Wayne8 lVlIIJSIm) WEEKI.y•. $4.00 fER YlAI man 130 111 1I0ro~ In 'r!lr ~I BG rlll~ k Mr , !llld Mrs , Ed H.uILBon . of Eu st vllle, Ohio . jU .l ll bn WilsO n. w il e ).nd two 800!! Bru~ Ollee. Uarve,ibuq. O. lOWDShlp ". Mllin s treet. oull ed 011 Z. It' Sn luBs nod family IIO,..L8. D RUoOiiTe. 8PIIO.AL.lln. Mr. U Lw MIl"'lutt 'speot SlItllrdRY Com e 1I0d aee th ll fll st Ede n ton ull duy llft ernooo , bo. of oorn . Inqolr6 01 GOITUM.RS, TRANS ... ". CA~ an d "'unduy wltb his pnre nts. Ziln'llerruun, WilY, AND .. UI 8ERVICE CAN · PIIOF'I':' hull t eam j1\Il Y ,t b o d l~r vey!\ hl1 r g R osie .Ioh n 0 11 . o f priog VOlney Mtls t " r UIIJ'l Pmtt Is vI~ltiug ble ne8vllle, Thad ,TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE ." UtllNO ITa ADVERTISINQ COL.UM .. a R. R. 4, jl4 nloe ~\1u dIl Y. 'fb " Eden to o 1:lUYB Bn cl Lucy Compto n at;te od ~d Tur t le. g mndmll. BAI(NHART, SAMPLE COpy FREF "In tho summer of 1888 I hud bnve n ot been be ate o th is s oa@o o , c r ok m ee t,i n g I> unday. • Mr. Elmer PrllU WIIS C81l10g o~ year-old Bay Mare for 8ale, sired . - . . . - Maw YOIIK CUPPIII a , very severe attbok of cholera - - - - -Orvill e Uo mpto n :lod famllyand hl8 motber. ~otar>: Public .' ' N_ Yodl.... .,. by C. B . Purcell. dam by Mo. morbus 'l'wa physiola08 \vcrked ' Mi llS . L,nulsa GomptoD oo,lIed on over me trQm four _, m. to 6 I) , m , NEURALGIA PAINS STOPPED Miss MIIdrcd Baines. of !o;\1rlng quette. F~r fnrther lnformlltioo W"lte r Wil s on's !:lundllY II.fteroooo Va1l 6Y, 1\08 b aen vis iti llg Miijll Velmll CAll on J . C. Hisey. Wayoe8vllle , All !lllJda or N,)"'ry Work. ~\Ill wlthollt. giving' me &oy rellel fiod You d on ' t n eed t o , l'I ufilJ r t bOS6 .lg Wm . Compton lln.d wife spent MarIILU !lud pareuts , Uhl(J , jl4 aDd Deed8 • t!peol.l~y. tben told me they did oot eXJleot w e ooizlng o ervB' puhl!! 10 t,b e fu ca ~'rl(\ n ,V w ith R o b er l~ StaulClY (lnd Levi Red erx uoel wlfa wore rocont belld, Ilrlll, sh ou ld ers, Oh ~8 t a nd haok -====~==~=======' to live; thd 1 hal best t e legnt ph O ~T YOUR FARMS-Use our BATRA,W AY fanlilv . for my fllmlly. 10steRd of doing ~ O , .J08t Ilppty "few dr ops of soo tbio g Ru ests of L , M . Stepbens and fl\Dllly, clotb IlDn t\og sig ns, Will lost ------~ , --~.------1 lIave t,be hotH) }Jort.er tlf~y oen til SI080 'e Liniment ; lie quietl y a f ew Le wis Bartsook a:\d fAmily And f or yearp. GHZIl t to ornoe , Wavoes Wfly,a e.vtlle's Le&dlolJ DeDtt., und told hlro to buy me 1\ bottle 01 minutes , You will. get suoh relief D'R~ J. W. MILLBR. THIRTY·SIX FOR CENTS Cur ol B8rnard have been vlsitiog ville. Uhio. ' . j21 UlHbo in Keys Bldg. Matn B Ch"mberlllio"8 Colio, Cboler" IL d aud oOlll lert I Life lind the w orld Ur. Kill~'s N ew "ite Pills Bre DOW Mr. Elleo M8rlt&tt aod duughter. DI .. rrhoea R.emedv, .. nd tll.Ke no 8£0 ,1. will loo k brig hter. Ge t a b ottle to Mr Edword R08 , on 1I0d family, ••• DENTIST••• dltute. r took 8 'double d OB6 uccOl·,I. dn y, 3 onll ce a t qr ' 2Go •. Ii~ Druggists. ~ uppl le d 10 we ll·oorJa:13d gl8Bs liottles, subserlbtlrs to the MoCall , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oon ta lnlng 36 8u g u oOllted white Mr8 . Mlonle Mat InU, d"ngbter aod Ing t-o t.h6 cllreoti'1D8 Ill1d weot l u P ene trates without rllbbin g Maguzlno. Seod Slla to the pills, for 260: One pill with II. g laRs , s on, noel Miss Ula ra Daugbters w ere O~ce' ID ' Yo ayn«m lIIe. 0 81tlflp lifter tbe seoood d ose , At fi " e' lla"etH office, Bud get ooe of \he Dr. Bell's Pi ne-Tar-Honey, ---. --+, --NalloDaa IIUk Bid•• of wilter bofore ret lrlog ,ls an ave r visiting John Levi IIDd fumlly 80n. c) 'olook 'UII next ..nor\1log I w . ~ best magazines on earth. ,Sf og e d08\l, E asy aod plea8a~t to dilY. For COUKhl Ind COlds. Optlml.tlo Thought. =:=::~:==========:;;:;;;;;:= cfllled by my order Rod 600k a tril l a MrA, Jobn 6ibaon 8nd daugbtel's Ho '8 not yet born who eM pleue tnk e. ElTeot,lve nod positive ln ro . tor my Dext atollplDg point, n w flll ~tlJ.t~. Ch eoi) ,,:ad eCClllomioB) to\1BO. lue' at Bellbrook. 8t o pved ' {D In t!)lhU,,!, mon bot feellog rather. sbaky froll! evorybod)', sure WiLli Dr. t;boclP. I . ; ,. ll st IL b ottle to.dIlY. 'i ulte a dose toBeroie Jones. wife !lnd 800. of , ()ruup I1emudr. OUI the sever ty of the attaOIr, writ c" . I 1.61$ '!!IIL I Oroli pro... H W Ifchnd' Louisville Ky Ob nl gbt-yollr Co0 8M p~ltlon will be re · Lytle', were' culling on TIJoma8 0111 No .omIL'O~I'!l:: . I , • ' , . lioved 10 the morning . SG for 250., und family, Sundl1Y, .......... lIDdple&alDal1ftlP-6Oltaloable everywhere. BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP 1111 Drug gis ts ~h8rlle Benderson aDd family are A be auHfll1 womlltl 1IIwl~yt! litl ~ visiting JOlep'h Marlatt aDd son . .._fIIII!II___!III______________'!'I'IIIiIIllllliIlli____il:;:, good dlg e8t1on , If y our digestloo 1 18 fI1Ult.y . Ohambe rlai:l '8 r"blMs will • Plant Also at H~.me do you good. Obtainable evelY· Correct. where , A110t-"You've' counted nil to ."he N enrly 3.00Q.000 yeung tree8 were .' pet, out thIS year 10 the n\.~IOOIlI for nicely, dear. But don't you know what aawed·C)ff 8er"lc". But a lot ot peoplo ,who are outwar4· est~ of oortberD Id tilbo a~d ' Mon. cornea otter eJgbt1," lIll,a le-"BedL1VB STOC~ 'AND OBNERAL if, handa,orne are montally der.mod. tao~ . In the St. Joe odloDal fores t ume." , io Idaho 3,OOO,UOO aOEe8 will l:e AUCTIONABR
~~~ li.1
InSURlInCE A. R. Chandler
Ray Mills.
OIasaiHed Ads
Corwin, Ohio
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
Walter ~Clu
'1 '
M1. HOllY
DR. H.E.
-------.- ..-------
N. Sears
..- ...- ---
- ----
Office in Stpops Building
Waynesville, Ohio
-- .
.Painting, Pa.p er Hanging, Auto and Carriage Pa!nting. -
plan\ed_.______.~,__ ..__-----
, Maily People In 1his Ton
BENEFI TED BY CHAMBEIRLAIN'S tlllMEMT Dever really enjoyed a .eal _&iJ . "L(lIIt wi nter I tl 6f'd Chamber. ~wo advised them to take a la lalo'll Liniment. for rbeum~lIo palnl , 8tlfine8e lIod lIoreno". of tbe IIDea • • aDd cao ooo801en&lbulI1, eay tba" ud 8oJ4.." I uever used -tbat did n e Wvze bJ'ue-360.... .
c"'ran, El. oldil~~I~~~ e.ef1Wbare.
ael& DV.r:.: after"'..so oJ. Ie .Iannq.
.Shop,Next ~o 8h.... 1tod·. Carage:MIdft St'
It.YNaYII.I& 0Il10
'GI--jD~~8~i i}~~-=f~N~]
1r . l1 ml Mr,.;. Will Frame' I'lIlI-r-
I Mialo>.l aL RupJ)() r Frid ay l'vl' ninll M i S~ I'S AIIII I ' 1",11 Mam e Brown lind EIl I IlUI 1\. i)< hwuy.
Mi. - Haz I Cu .- lin ntt>l'tain ed a IIl 'l Wld lll'sday u ig- ht in conlpli mellt t her hou 'c guest Mi. ,. Ed ith Huuh'y, of Rpnng IInl'n. " ;,00" II'II!! th l'hil' f r"" turl' (If Ih" e\' l'lIi'n ~ nft~r wh il-h i ',' {' l" llnl allli .:ake 'w e r e ~er t!J . f " Y YOll n g' pc:opl
m fl RI DII Y I!J ·
~a ;'. ~aI , I ~
~ ~ ofO~heO~U~~l:;e~~ta s~~i:J e;=~tt: ~ [;]
The S. Fred C ., Le'b anon, (),, A n nounces
. the largest---and greatest mercantile event that the b, uying Public has _ ever known. a
~I S7 5 000 00
worth of high grade merchandise plac d on sal at reductions lh mo~ t radical-a sale for Men, Women and Ch ildren- Men's CloUlin g. Furnishing Goods and Shoes- Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments- I r y oodsCarpets'-Rugs- Furniture- Crockery and Groceries, The opening da)r will be the greatest merchandising sight you ever saw. Thousands of people will come to this Gigantic Sale from' every nearby county. Prepare, alHl Ilr. e, to attend . ', rang : tlliS. sale nex t week,commencmg .
S V Jt¢ ,. ., , . .
hban~n ~
W. H. MADDEN' CO. We are better equipped than ever before to supply your needs in the Building Material line. ,
CEMENT ====;:=J'~nc~
Finest lot of ' End Posts ever brought ,to W a~esville.
W-.- ~ __~ADDEN & CO. Ohio.
, a 1:'==3' a [:'==3' EJGG:E= ==:J' a
Matinee Raoe! at Harveysburg, &t. arday. A large party of friends of Mr. aDd Mrs. Bh~iver oamo over from RalDs l' oro lind SpeD t l:!atnrdlloY with them. W H. ICODliower aDd family are gnelh of relat! ves hele. Mrs, T. Y. Harlan and ob i Id ren, of idlamisburg, are gueatll at the home of A.H. Harlan and family.
R. D. Co lleU III spending hili vaoa at Niagara Falla. Mr , And Mrs, Ohae. Mendenball 1101'6 on their ",ay to t he Expo~ltlon loin. B. W. Keloh and ohl1<lroD and Miss Helen Blair, of Ubloago. are here for tbe Bummer. A, W , C hellowe~h alld WIfe are oaring for tho bome of Mr. and Mra. Chaa. MendellMll daring f.helr ab. sOlloe. Trevor C. Etaydook retnrned Wednesday from the MoClellan ,H08pltal, Xenia. whore be undorwen' flO operation. Prof. J , B . Painter .. nd fam!ly, of Dayton , were gu eyta of H , B Haw tins and family over 8unday.
A number of ' the older residentR of t.he town had quite ,a surprise dprunQ' on them Tuesday, when Mr. Julius of Richmond, Ind " Waynesville in an ""'- - n urtn:-mrrd-t!lllioo on several of them. Mr. was a former resident, and it has been 63 yearllsince he left here, and he has never been back since 'that time. His father was 8 ,taill'r, and worked f or Mr. Cook. father of Wm. Cook, in the old tailor shop where the residence of Charles Cornell now standa, Mr. Cottie met more of his olel fr iends than he had an ticipa led ,
~ . -----
C...,.,.d Trill .... We be.e claDe 8I\'W)'tbI~
JIOlSlble to preserve the Pb'mouth NAnd 1 don", blame,... New _land h., to that lined aDelL"
..._ . ._ _ _ _- - - - - - . - - -. . tt:, I1.IIIu
0... "
'1'111' botl y nf M i ~ Ilst'll l!! H lint. dau ghtcr (th lal e ~;u lllu ci ,Hunt. nnd !I !lisle r of the ' la tt' M r8 W R 110 I. was hrOlll.lht he re Saturday IllClr ninlr f rom Cil1cinn at i. and the Re n ' i ' 8 \Vere held lit Ih~ C, apel, R"I', J . F Cadwall ade r offi ciating , Th c! H Unl N IV 're formerly rcsiricnts Mrs, John GI'UIl . of IJclr. it, Mich. of thiMvi ill i1y. was th g U C.~ l of Mr. amI M ra, l~ rcd Elbon las t week. I. READV FOI~ SAl E ' 0\ TES Rev. D H, Palmer and son naniel ~ p el1t la t wcck wi th r lativeH al .J es..,c' ~ tnlll y. who ha~ jUPI graduBremen, Ohi o atl'd from the J OII I!.'1 Auctionl:!tlring Miss Rachel Sh eehlln. who has SChOlll at hi 'B )!,O, is home and is been so ill for a numuer of m onihs, ready for sal e dates It wnu Id be well to sec him. as he lis,. some new' is slowl y improvi ng. ideAS in the llu !' tionecrill g- line Or call him . 14li mUlu al phone. Ne. .James Davis. of Corw.ill , is vi siting U urlin~t.o n , Ohio. h i ~ 9i ster. Mrs EI'e relt McElwee and family li t Wilming ton.
Liltlt! Delt.ie Wright. of Philndel, phia. is t ill' !: l1 e~t of Mr ann Mrs J. B. Cha pn li n :l nd othe r relatives hert'. Mrs . Will . T hor p" , of Da~ ton, WllS t he gUCH II f ~ I " Jason Sh ehlln. Tu esday . l.nel ~ I ". Prank Z II. Wednesday. Mr . Hnd M I':I. L . F. Perkins. of Atlalltll, Ua. ~ r e viilitir g Mrs. Pl' rkins' pnrents. Mr. and Mrs. H, H . Wadsw orth.
Mrs. Barton H, Kelly 1 I Vocal Teacher
TIl l
li e
Third ,·t.
Wn.ynt': villr, ( hin
M'r .•and Mrs L . Nicholson we re in _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ C lu mi1us Monday attendin g the Grand Encampment of the Odd - !!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~ f ellows Lodge. - - ---
1". C. chwartz. of Columbus. writes u from Colorado Springs. t:QI. Mr. hwnrtz is taking a month's yacation, and is spending the time in the West. and is thor· oughly enjoying his outing.
A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirpctor and Embalmer, WaynesvIlle, Ohio.
,Public Sale of Square and .Upright Call ariswered promptly day or night
PII~nos, Chu rch and P!llior Organs, Both phones in Oflice and Ite!lidpnce. Ed Ison Wax Records, and other Long distance No. 14' Home phone
1915 ~
You can pay at the Waynesville National , Dqpk,
FRANK D. MILLER, Treasurer
of Warren
County~ ,Ohio
Mre, Laura Funnell and daughter Dorotby, of I.Jlnoinnatl, vlHlted ber paronte here last Thursday. Dorothy will epend sOlDe time witb ber 'l grand 11l1ren ts It Is reported that Miss l'lnralJel M8lI:well, 'daughter of Clifferd Mnx . 'I\Iel1, of DBUr Middltl Rnn, sDd lvu.n Laokey, of near Centerville, ,eloped to Kentuckv laU ThoradflY and were mflrrled. Airll, MiDnie MoClaiu and ~on, Joshua, of EI Puo, Texas, are vhdtlng her parents Mr. and Mrs. ' Lewi8 Raper of this 11111008. MlsRes Ruth' Mills aDd Marie Molthup' who have been aUendinR school a' Oxford, IIpen' tho Ub wUh their home foIls. MI88 Ruth liraf, of ,Wallbing'on . Mill. en'ertalned lin' Thoraday evening for her guea,t e MI.. BeJen D.waon and Harold Dawson, who wUl leave 800n for Lbelr home 'in Lonlslan.. ' Little Sugar Creek wlllhl,ber las' Thorsday than aDY time dartol thl. eummer. ·
..Former Cilizell
• Mtel' 'Long Years '
WATERM ELONS ELBERTA' PEACHES PINK MEAT CANTELOUPES RIPE TOMATOES MOORES GASOLINE It can't be bt'al- its 16c a gaUon Mason Quart J ars a dozen .....60c Mlison Pill t Jars. a dozen .... . 45c J elly GluMsel!. U dozen,.......... 20c New Cream Cheese, Sliced Dried Becf, EVHporated Apricots, Peaches, P runes ' . ' .
Moved His Stables. George T. Lanter has moved his horses, Arrowsmith and Woc.dford Star, and MlImmoth Jack to thE Macy stables, where he will be glad to see his old friends and many new ones He IS .nicely situated in hia new location, Give him a call.
----- ...- --
St. Mary's Church seventh Sunday after Trinity , July 18. Sunday-school at 9:30 am., morning service and Bermon at 10:30, The public invited to the8e services
.- .
Fell Off a Ladder Edgemont 'C racker. The Beat Cracker made, don"t buy any other kind if you want the best _ _ _ _ _ _ __
S Sa peelal for turday
' 5 Pound Sack' Granulated Sugar
' th h $100 ' th I Gro~c , wor 0 cenes purchued that day. Cash or trade only
WI .
ReoeQtly J '. ~. EtunbarS, ~f Lebanon, who wae working rep,, \rlllg .. etable In' the rear of hie Warren .'reet property when In at~empt ~o move the ludder Without , getting down, thtl ladder Ilnd all fell Mr. Earnhart fRI!Jng on hiM baok sod .ho.~Jder. Fortunat.. lv no bOll. were brokso.-Patrlot. - , - - _ 0 _ ••_ __
1IIIIIIIImll l l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:lllllllllllllllliiII
~O~ UR SLOGAN- "Less
Article or a , Better Money."
FQR INSTANCE Child's Doottees ...•..•• ,. JOe ClliJc!reJJ's AproR.s, : u ! •• ' •• 1~ Misses Fine Ribbed Pants •• IOe 2 quart Coffee Pot •• ~ •••• 10c Ladies Fine U ndervests, . ,IOe ' R,4pple Hair Wavers, carel. J Oc Neckties-White aDd Fans, to keep cool, •••••.• lOe: Cplored. . •. •• ••••••. •• JOe: Brilliant GJ us Dishes ••••• 1Oe Suspenders, .... .., ...... 1Oe: Pillow Cases, ••••••• ~. , •• loC
'---Cv~1I NervC/uI T"';ubl...
Ner.vouB troubles may be l1'''ut helped, It not cured, by outdoor all, and an abundanoe of rre.h air III the houe.
\ ' 11.
.. -----
g rn
MUlical Instru~ent9, 'aturd'ay, July 14.2r, • • 2tlth. E. Trovlllo, 22 Broadway. Chairs and one Coach furnished free Lebanon. Ohio These in,truments with funerals . mt:Jl. wi ll go to lhe highest bidder. Bait of service 'guaranteed. were received by the bride-elect. Daintv refreshments were served. Among those present were: Mepdames W. p , Salisburv, Wm. Huugh, G. A. Kibler, J. Hartsock, Allen KibHAVE YOUR· TIRES AND TUB~S ler, Asa Whitaker, Harry Earnhart. W. C. Warner, L. C. Pelln. W. C. t:J Kersey. Clarence Edwards. C.. A. Taylor, Carroll Deatherage, J. D. ~ Chas. Marlatt, W. C. Dodds, S. Howell, Robitzer, Carvin B, Penn, A. G. Thompson. Gl:o. 'Robertson, Lewis = = = = = A T HOME===== e= Burns, .Tohn Segale, Clint Ward, Having installed the latest machinery for Vulcanizing Morris Sherwood, Geo. Zell, Orner Tires, I solicit your patronage, and will guarantee the work III==3113 ~~~~gShe~~~~d, ~~¥: Co~~~~~;,r~: to be as Good as the Best. E Frazier, Rqbert Ballinger, Chas, Give me a call, whether you wish work done or Dot. I Kibler, Myer Hyman, Fred Elbon,' will be glad 10 explain lhe Vulcan izing process to you. alld John Grau, Misses Lillie Kibler, Bessie and Jennie Warner, Lena Whitaker, Li~zie Hltesman, Abbie Graham. Sara Burnett, Gertrude Nut door tCl the Waynesville Aulo WayneSVille, Ohio Kersey. Laura McKinsey, Helen and Machinery Co. Marlptt, Ellen Sherwood, Martha Deatherage, Lizzie Kibler, . Mary Sherwood and Helen Sherwood. , One Who Was There
, "• .... banon ,0.
5551'I:l'1555:J'EJl15==:J' B 1:'==3'B[;1==31[:JI:'=53.
Clara an,\ Henry MiIlel',of BprlDg. field, flre the guests of their grand , fAther, Henry Miller. Vera and Earned Patterson, of IIr.. Lee Cayl aUendod tbe reo Springfield. are vleitlolr at 'he home union of papila of th,o 0 , S. & S, o. of Mr, and Mrs . J . W. Haydook. Bome last week. The band furnished mnsie for the
~ de·
Ohi .. hIl and -I 'l'acl\l ~~ 1\1 11 I'l' v II 1he lIIa rk!'1 I r n lll 'cp o ll;llIlIl'l' f'r r~ t ttl Or tuu r t<' nl h. R ' t hll l.you r )!,rllrl'r hall ih III for l'u n. 'I' h, c rnl> thIS yea r will ,\1 un ll:<ulIll y 11l1'A'e 3 1\11 lilt' 1"''''''' In w. Th i..; fru it 'is full y llIa ll1l'u l· hefort' 11 ill g pit'ked nllcl l'Imt:l ill ,' n 1 :l I ~ t· J' p~ rl'l' lIl a ~l' (,I' "'1 ga r tll :1II ~l l1 y o'tht' r
Watch for Full Particular. in Next Wednesday's Issue.
,~.I:. . ... a
15 .days,=::::::;=W:Diijd8;12i.~~~~ 15
ing, After which dainty refresl;· merIts were B<!rved . Th e hostess was as.~isted by Mrs , Ronald Hawk e and Mrs. Wilson Edwards. About twenty-five guests were preSt'nt.
g iven last Saturday I.Iftcrnoon by Mrs. J. Wilson Edwards and Mrs G, W. Hawke, at tbe pleasant home of the former. The "ffair was in honor of Mrs. Warren Edwards. of Denver, EJ Col. Delicious refreshments of cher ry punch, ice cream and cake were served Those in vited were: Mesdames Hathaway. Evans, PeterlIO n. Harris, Moshe r. Taylor. Barnett, Barnhart, Edward s. Keliy. Crane, Coleman. Hend rson, Zimmer man, nr. Wrigbt, Agnt's Wrig ht, Satterth· waile. Haily. O'e vilt. Alle n, Thorpe, Clagett. Whi te , Hinkle. Cartwright, ~ McCoy. R Hawke, Chapman, Robit· zer, O.' Neall, Milie r, 0 J , J:;dwar~lI, D. Everly, Misses El11ma Heigh way. Annie and Marne Brown. TrilI':' lena and Margaret Edwards. K;zzie L:.I Merritt, May Wri ght, Elizabeth ~ CarroU, Henrietta McKinsey, Martha O'Neal, Susan Wright, Ruth Hart· ~ock , Olive McCollum, Kathryn Dakin, Margaret Russum, and Emma I':' Hawke. L:.I On la!t Thursday afternoon, July ~ 8th. Mrs. Fred E. Sherwood WBS hOfltellS to a miscellaneous shower, given in honor of her sister , MillS Lillie Kibler, whose marriage to Mr. Ralph Houston, of Sprinll Valley, Ohio, will take pi act.! in the near future. The weather being pleas·
~;ool, ~~m8,~nre~~r:Oofn~h:c:~~~:
On Wedn esday c v ninl{ MiS!:! Hen rielta MelOn ey was hoStesR to a
U L.y 2
Your Peaches ' ''II h ~ 1'I\
Miss Ednfl ' mith. of I{out I, tit'· , Iightfully en terlainE'u the Loyal H v . anr! Mrll. J . I" , a.lwnllud er Daugh te rs lass of th e t:hri~tiall 1 church last Thursday evening, After a re in Xcnia today. ' I devotional E'xercises and the businel'8 session, refreshm ents were served Karl Uro",n. of Leban on, visited :~~nr. very_ Plea_ sa_ nt 8_0_cia_1 time Wlls relatives here ' unday.
It Will Pay You to Wait For·
NextDoorlO . Quette Ot1ice.
e\ c:nt h Y (>ar
REMINISCENCES r~iNAL-MENiioN-i COR~ERSmNE tJ .... . . - . . - - - - - - - - - .
01= WAYNE VILLE A D HER MI's C. E , Ucnt.!tlY Satu rday . ' OLD ITIZE NS
Late abllaJ!e Park Leak.
in . ' c nia OF NEW S0l1 00L ( lOUSE WA ' LA ID TU ESDAY
Plnnt!l for
~al f'.
Nice line of white felts, last o'r the week . G. L: Smith .
'rh e Dayton Sun duy N Wl! hue! l h~ f oll owillg' unlloun 'emenL rela tive ttl u Waynesvi lle Iml y: To a g rou p of int ima te fri clIt],; ' who we rc I{u ests Sut ul'day mo rning at. he r home. 129 Edgcwood ave nu • Mrs. J . F . Eich · horn an nounced th e eng agcm t: nlof Mi l:l~ Anna Thompson'. of Wayne.w ille, .. und Day ton. a llid Sherman Shonk, of t hi::! city . It w a.~ to meet her co u ~in and h o u ~e guest. Miss Kathryn Eva ns, of f ipl y, Ohio, tha t 'I r!'. E ichho r n in. vited her fri ends and no t t he slig ht· est int imation of t lile impending a n· nrl Unrl!11l nl wall g iven lhe gu es ls. The evening was de voted to five hun· ul'I~d !lnd the game's continued me r· ri ly unti l 10:3 , when .a dai nty sup· p el' w a' ae rv d a t the card tabl 's, The II P Jl o i l1 l m ent~ we re lIlstefully arranged in pin k ane! white , harmon· izinl{ wl Lh the clusters of pink and white s\\' · ~t n~as, lil ies und da hliaR. whi ch decked the charm in g inte rior of t h house, J u. 1 as Lh e supper wa" fi nished liUl I\! Robe r t Me rkle, aLlired in pink and White , deli ve red the priz s to lhe winne rs, Miss I<' ran· ces Kehl'le sec ur il\'~ lhe boohy, a kcwpie, whi('h lold lh ~~ inte rcs t in ~ story . Th bride·elec t WII ~ LJesieged wit h conj(r alula tiolls a nd good \V i ~h es . . he. is a r' h a r rni n~ y., ung woma n wilh many I al lon fr iC'llds, having mad e h I' ho me in this cit.y f(lr th e pa!'t (ive year", whi le conll cted wit h a local conce rn of which she was sec· re ta ry . 'Th g roo m t o he is t he manag e l' of the Daylon 'teel Const rue· tion com pany and is t he SOlI of Mr , and Mrs. 0 , N , Shon k of o rth Summit !ltr 'ct. The wedd ing is Hl ltlounced to tak e place in th e ea rly a ut umn. ThoHe who shared the. int e rest mg ne ws we re: The Misses Ka thryn E v an~ , Franc s and Helen Keh rle, Ann a Mun e r , El la Breen. Viola All en, Nell Feldm aie r, Anna Thompso n, Mrs, Oscar Conn, Mrs. Don Bs set t, Mrs. Ches ter Coppock, Mrs, J oseph Brown and Mrs, J oseph Me rkle.
Whole Number 3326
0 - - ...-..----.....- ___ •
Mr, Wm . Dav is, of Cincinnati, vis. OF p'coP.l.e TO COME TO LEB. ited his sis ter, Mr~. Miranda, last Ii ANON, OHIO week. Dr. Mary Cook at tended the War· ren County Medical Society at L banon last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Gail Russ um! of By the Mcmbcrs of the Society in Dayton , were the g ueats of relatives Extraordinary Magnitude-Will Dis esting "Memories" of History he re last week. Song and ill Select trib utc Lots of Men:ba.nof Waynesville Readings . dise to People I Shoes-shoes, all kinds of shoe.'1$5.000.00 worth. All will be sold at r eduction. John A. J:o'unkey. A summer day like Tu esday could Mr. a nd Mrs Rus.qell Haines we rE' ColJen III so built the hotel on th e On Ju ly 14, an ex tremely hot tl ay, The positive announcement of the be ell made to order. for ha rdly have the guests uf { elat ives in Lebanon /' /l rl l.!r. the Arnold Hou ~e , uc ro ~s_ th l! t he Woman's Foreig n Miss ionary Mrs Harry ,lacobs and two chil· S. F red Co. Lebanon, Ohio, announce it was a ti llY uf days. The hot spell Sunduy . bl r , II I WIld the Wuudl'uff Hous!! Society me t at th e plellsant " ume of dr en, of Toledo, are j(uests of Miss a Gigantic Sale of extraordinary 'O f lh l a ~ t six' o r seven davs was wht! rl! Ch!irlie Cllowa ilad er ~ot his Mrs Chas . Rye w ith a good ly num · Emma Heighway. magnitude throughout every departRun shone out broken and . while t h(: ber p resent, At roll call the me mo first wit e al'd (lIl down Lhe sl reet ment at the most radical reductions. Mrs. Ern est RogerH left Fr iday pretly hot . i he uir was purified lInd nEX t doo; 10 the Geo S Sal p home, for a two w4:eks' visil with relalives ber s respond ed wilh a passage of . . ThA sale embraces reductions on all tha t c"u ld be ue. ired th e day was all MISS Lula Vandervoort was t he the goods in all the' departments Scri pture . "Work for the night is lived a fa mi ly by name of Lykens 111 Jllmest own , Ohio, .for July , WIn . Maningt<ln ma rried one of the com ing. " was sung, ufter which t he gueRt of relatives in Lebanon last I throughout the entire store. unreA large crowd of citiz n:! an I presid ent rf' ad paf8ages of sc:ripture week for several days, girls another married Tom Bispham, \SerVedl Y for ] 5 'days from the 23rd Mr. and Mrs, WII1 Russum , of st ranR'e rs saw thll loyi ng of t he cor· (I may be wronll the re). but this f rom the XraY5 of God 's word and day of July for 15 days ttl August 7. led in prayer. The prog ram of the much] do remember. On e nig ht al Dayton, s pent Sunday with Mr3, J , ne r·tiLo ne uf th e now ilchool·huuse :It Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residence The mammoth advertisement i88ued 2 o'clock, A large number or Ma· W. EUWIll'ds "nd dl.lu ~htel's , a ft ernoon was opened by Mrs. Me· of L. T . Peterson , Main St .. Tues · to this efl'ect and the unheard·of a revival at the M E chu rch I stood sons f rom Lhe local lodge and ~(J v e ra l Glure r ead ing "Wha t Chris tianity day and F riday mornings. at the door. At ita adj ournment barllains there mentioned will charm ou tside lodges were present and par · has don e f or th e people;" "The esMr. a nd Mrs, L. A. Zimmerman and offered my arm to 'allie, as I the most inveterate bargain hunter. in the cer emonies ticipated tablishing of a hospital in hftia," thoug ht, and iL "took" !ind I went arrived home Satul da y morning. Miss Rachel Ridge, of Cincinnati, and as genuineness of the offerings At 1:·~ O th e lill e of ma rch Wf\ Mrs. Henkle; Recitation, "Memories' is spending home with her, chatting . and hav after a weeks' visil at the lakes , couple of weeks with cannot be doubted, they being backed formed a t the Masonic te m! Ie, and Mr s. Orahood ; Vocal Solo, .'·In His Mr. MahlonaRidgoand ing" u great ti me. until we clime to by the firm's emphatic guarantee family. was composed as follows: Wa ynes Love " Miss ~ybi l Hawke; Reading. the gate. when she inviled me in, re Cleal'ling Carbo'1s and Grillrling ville Band . preceded by the Tyler of to take back goods purchased or re- ' "Band s and Beads," Edna Janney; marking. that the girl8 would be Valves on Ford car:! $1 50. All work fund money, a crowd of thousands the local lodg : local lodges and then Raymond Davis arrived home Sun· and thousands of people will come Curre nt items, Mrs Farr, Mrs. Duke along in a minule- - if you'll believe guaranteed at the Main t reel thEl grand ofii:ers, Th line of day evening, after a two weeks' vaMrs. Gray and Miss Ste wart; Recita me I madea "sneak!" 0 U. Sallie! Garage. to LebaMn during the period of ma rch was take n up as given in las t ti on . "The Starless CroWlI," Mrs. cation with relatives in the Ea9t. this Gigantic Sale, July 23 to Augl~ the house next Cynthlu Evans' wQek's Gazet L . Palmer: Heading, "H e is counting Mrs. J_ C. Hawke and daug hter, hou8e. Iivild Ed Bostrom. He Waf ust 7. And an extraordinary large Upon arri val at the grounds, t he onyou." Mrs. Williamson , con'3table, and wel!t to North Car.o Clara , and Mr. Ralph Vance . of g rand Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols, of force of sales people has bE'eD emomce rs too k their staLi ons An interesting Jette r was read by Sharpea, Fla .. are the gUe!!ts of Mr. ployed and will be on hand to wait lina, and Tommy Bispharn, moved In Morrow, spent the week-end wi th upon the pla tform, and the cere HIe Secre ts ry fro m our loved and and Mrs. P. E. Kenrick and daugh· upon every customer with accuracy from the countr,v, brinlCing Tom relatives in Dayton. monies \vere started by smgi ng absent me mber. Mrs, Grauser. in ter. and Sallie- O, you SAllie! Tom got and d ispatch. Transportation fare " Ame rica ." The g rand otlicers wel'e which she s poke of them having such a · llo~ilion as clerk in the d ry goods from adjacent cities will be refunded Mo. t Wor~ hipfu l Gra nd as foll ows: a qelightful vacation and that Bro, . store of I. H . Harris. wh o was sell Warren coun t y, and I , fr(>qu ently Master. Carl A. Plocher. St . John, Mr. and Mrs. U, M. Whi te , Mr. to purchasers of $20 worth of merGra user was regaining his lost hea lth ing out at cost, and the boy!! BOon saw Orlando and his brothH, George, l'Io. 13; Deputy Grand Maste r, J. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and Mrs. chandise. ------~-- , ina much as he had ' j(ained five had Tom dubbed, a9 Tom COst, and up to 66 but not sincll lhen , Edwin J anney, No 163; Senior R. A. Cross were Dayton yisitors pounds [lince his vacation began. was Il nickuame that stuck. To sho',y how excenlric ones "think Grand Warden, Frank A Hartsock . Delicious refreshments of ice cream last week, All the things I wrIte &bout, are tank" Noted Man Spoke operates: I was not so sure Harveysburg, No, 312; J unior Grand and cake were served by the bostess. from memory. on ly; and a kick on the that 1 had the greatest number of Warde n. James W. Ward, No. H13; Mrs. Lester [vins, of Lebanon'who shin, or nice liltle letter calling my Boys in DJue, sent out by one dflddY. Grand Chaplain~ John h' . Cad walla· .... has been at a I18nitarium for severattention to any inacuraoy. and I will Head the list wilh that old-time der, No. 163; vrand Orato r, Dean Deed For Railroad Filed al weeks, is back home again, very Elbert RuaseJl gave three interestmake it better or worse. I lIee in one blllcK smith, Zeph Carder, - Johll \ ~tan ley. Lebanon, No 2(';; Grand Double-Header Lost. much improved in health. ing talks at the White Brick Meetingof the articles you have !lotten thf' Jim, Ambrose, J oe, Zeph Jr. a~o Mal'llbal, Loren Huber. St. John, No . house SundaY'. nis morning theme tailor, Uriah French. as und e of Charles. Count em! A flock 01 SIX, 13; Senior Grand Deacon , T. Ruy The Dayton ' News printed the fol· Horllce and Addie- B. Keys- Fnmeh, and he had also a "bevy" of only mith. Brookville, No, 596; Junior Mrs. B. If. Kelly arrived home was how to live the Christian life and We don't like to t hink much about week: lowing last what constitutes the Christian. In was tlJeJr grandfather. one girl. Bln::ksmiths were some Grand Deacon. Fred im pson , MorAll proper ty of th e Day to n, Leba· lost :sunday's dou ble·header, . for, from Newark Thursday morning. the aftemo.m his lecture was along prolific. Dave Eberly , Bruner, J~lam row, No. 265; Grand Tyler, Warren non and Cincinnati Railroad and Tel" ; ike the ill-fated Cincinnati Reds, where Ihe was called on account of the same line, but in the evening hie Ohio Before Ihe War ::;am, alld " Cricket." I don t see H. Keys, No. 163; Grand 'frea ure r, minal com pany in Muntgome ryand our Miamis and the Dodds team fell the serious illness of brother. her theme was on Race Prejudice. The why so many 1I0n't rip me up the Fred 8 . Henderson, N o.1 '3; Gr and Warren coun ties, in 'I uding the rail· down with a mighty thud when the who is improving rapidly, gentleman treated thia lIubject In an Ohio, "bero' de war" had a law back , it might be that 1 could fur· ecretury , E, V. Barnhart. No. 163; road , branch road!!. s witches, rig hts crisis caOlt!. The Miamis lost their entirely new manner. and hia talk game to the Dayton Shilohs. 6 to 2; prohibiting people, of If'SS than half· nish information worth at least some Grand Stewards, Fred B. She rwood, of. way , eq uipment, mate rial, etc .• I. F, Perkins, who has made auto while blood from vl'ling . Man) .)f the spare time. No one believ6$ No , 163 an'd F. C. Carey, New Bur. fo rmally passed into the hands of the bY 'some of t he most horrible base- repairing a specialty for the last fif- was listened to with much Intereet. is the time I have , onday of election. rlOW Ihat his influence has anything Iington, No. 574; Bearer of Corn, Cincinnati. Lebanon and Northern running the writer has ever seen teen years, will guarantee all hiB Large audiences greeted this ~ble 'when lkeee Davib would challenge in c~mmon , only a "happy go lucky " Lewis H, Whi temau, Xenia, No. 49; Railway company, 8 part of the them do. Two or three fielding er· work, or no' money asked. Main man at each session. . ·Mr. Russell will probably be here a\l those, not really "dyed ill de but can see lhat tradition is all out Bearer of Wine, W. Albert Merritt, Pennsylvania lines" in adeeJ of trans· rors, due mostly to a disarranlred in· Street GaraKe . . 8Kain during the .ummer lICbool, wool, " and then. Emmor Baily, who If joint. and as Missouri is but a few Harvevsburg, ' No . 31 2; Hea rer of fer fil ed for record with County Re· field, gave the vivl\ors the lead in which will be held here sOme time in W811 mostly a judge of election. mi leS west of us, if you have the Oil, P. H. Bailey, Bellevue, No. 273 ; co rder Elias V an Sroyk Wec!.nesd ay. the firs t inning. and. although they August. Those who did not . have hammered out 10 safe hits, our boys ~y Hawke. w.ho has beel! in De· would ' hear thei r explanation of "goods" to show. for all this well- Bellrers of Large Lights, Amos Va n 'l'he cons id era tion f or the t ransfer. the pleasure of hearing thil able "just how it all happened ," Bill meant supplication , show me whe re· Doren , Harveysburg , No. 3l2, G. F. as set oul in the dt!ed , entails pay· n ever overcame it. Decker's game trolt for some time past, is an Day· speak~r will have the opportunity at He ton again. Mr. Hawke ha.'\ been Magee, of Crosswicks. was the in the marvelous appears; but when BNwn, Lebanon, No, 26 and Chas . ment to t he Dayton ; Lebanon and was a heart ·brenker to loee. that tIme. . whitest of the lot. Next came J ohn tbe wind is in the right direction is J ohn un. Xen ia, No, 49; Heare r of Cin cinnati Rail roud a nd Terminal held the visitors to four scattered promoted to assistant cas,hier of t/.Ie Mos.q. also of Crosswick: lhen Sam the time to p ray for rain bu t say. Holy Bible, quar e and Compasses, company im erest."! of t h . um of hits issued one pass and hit two Wells·Fargo Express Co s, office an L , mothers, a barber of Wayne~., who wants m o!'e rain ? Do the)l.~'-hIh-~- Brallen, Lebanon. No, 26: $400,000 and t he a~s umi lJg of an in· baU;·men . Be waa well supported Dayton, a well·deser ed _.promotliUk St. Mary's Cl,lurcb--. ville. Magee was "7 come lebben; it! Who wants less· rain ...:.thats us! Stewards Supporting , J. W. Rey. debted ness if ~300 ,OOO 0 11 the purt of by his battery mate, "Old Reliable" Moss. "!oe·eleben·(oly fo r, " anv We art! prepared to take a chance nolds, Cedarville, N o 1622 Iilld Ed S. t he g rantee. Tak ing ove r of the D. Kurfis. Now, just watch the Miamis MeI'Srs. Wm . and Bryon PrenderSmoiliel'll. "Eleben eights." with the whole shoolin' match, lind Conklin , Lebanon, No, 2 ; Princi pal L, & C as provided fo r in the deed come right back with a win over the gast, Lee Hawke, W. O. Raper and St. James the Apostle, Eighth Sun Dayton Odords, next ::ibnday. There was a family of two brothen [sized up t he American note to the Arc hit e -c t, Edward Weber, l.' t wbl ishes Pennsy lvania service !Je· Ray Mills went on a Dayton excur· day after Trinity, July 25th. , Sun In the second game, Dodds was up sion to Cedar Point Sunday. Mr. day School at 9:30 a. m.; Morning and' a sister that were allowed to Kaizer. and durn me if my sympa· Thomas, Ky. , o. 80 . . t w n Cincinn ati and Dayton . live in the tuw n. by the name of thies aren't on the bli nk, and I am Aft r the invocation by the ra nd The property dee/ led Wednesday against a rather difficult proposition. Raper left the crowd at Sandusky, Pi-aver and sermon at 10:80. Cook, Delia, Eli and Aleck One of now in favor of making J ohnny Chaplain, the Grand Master execu . begins fJ t t he poin t of connection of Three m embers of the Franklin team and will spend this week the gttest The public invited to these servieee. the men was captured and claimed B!1\1 pay for, the hold·up of A ~eri ted th e work of laying the corne r. raill'08d now oWl1lld by ~h e g rantee, and six members of the Flying Mer· of Rev. and Mrs. C. S. GrauBer, at Sunday, August 1st, will be tbe last as a runaway slave by a lot of iean producers. And I have notIced stone, the different office rs dOing nea r DQdds in Clem Creek township, kle tf>am, of Middletown, playing LakCllide. service before vacation. '. Southerners, near Xunia. CDok, ,p u t- that a person who reaps all t he bene· their work in an impressiye ma nner , Wm'l'en count y , Bind , extends nor th under the name of the FrRnklin team defeated our neig hbors, 8 L o 3. in a ting: up a stout resistance was killed . Bts should take all the chances. And As the corner slone was being lo w. through lear Creek and Wayne If I didn't avenge Cook. I tried to when any of them bellig-er~nts come ered into position the q uarle t sa ng tow nships in Wat r' n coun t y to Wash· seven·inning game , We get our in· for four ,years. The Cook's were so out to Lafayette, and attempt to lay a seleclion. . . formation concerning the make· up in g~on, Va n Bu re n and Mad River black thal: charcoal would make a violent hands on our grand old 'rhe casket contain ing the recol'ds Lowns hi ps in Mo ntgomery county, of the s o·called Franklin team from Each Dr.LeCear . white mark on them, otherwise they artesian fountain, surmounted by wal -then placed in the , stone by the having its nor t hern terminus in Day· thei r announcem ent published in the Remedy ia l11ar. Franklin paper last week. were white. ' • the statue of the Marquis de Lafay· Grand Treasurer. The conte nts (,f ton. anteed to give In passing I ~ee in your last Issue ette then they have me to fight.. the casket were as f ollows : Record eatilfaction or that .Jul!ua Cottie had pa!d your I ba~e a very warm spot for France. of Ce ntralization, Sal e of Bonds, money refu;nd. town a VIsit. t reme!"ber hIm, and There is an easy as well as safe way Awarding of Contracts for Hi gh Chautauqua Closed ed. Try eM his old dl!d. They hv~ over . the to do 'em - get indigdant, call home 81'hool Building, List of the chief You ought to tested remedie•• tailor .shop, and MOrriS Cook hved our ambass'ador. and refuse to ..Iet officers of the United States, State. have one of oPpos.lte ~h«: fire !lnd lock-up. '~ng l th.em play in our back yard- To County, Township. and Municil>al The Lincoln Chautauqua at Leb· these beautiful before Cottle's tIme, Orlando KIger hell mit em'" ' ofiicel'll; ~am e~ of Coun ty a'ld 'I'own· calendarl, 'n·- -\\1h"O'!!' and Wm. King ' worked for lAIok. • -' ) sh'!p-Bmm:hlf Ed ucation, Nam~ of Wilhelmina. dau ghter of John and anon ended last Wed nesday evening in'a blaze of g lory . TheChautauqua (Continued next week the County Supt. and Teacher err!. Cornelia Kelsey was born nea r CenKiKer came to Indianlland settled In full colors, size was a success both as an entertain· ployed for 1915-16; Names of PO$t te l ville, Ohio, FI~brual'Y 19. 1842. ment alld also in a financial way, II x 14 inchea_ Mus ter and P6~tal empluyces and She quietl y passed! away at th<! hc'me Weonly have a The entertainers wele the very Rural carriers, Copy of t he Cincin· of Alice hcnoweth which had been bt!st and everything went from the few left, but if nati Enquirer of July 20, 1915, COl y he r home f or the pas t eighteen start. The promo tors are to be con· you'll be quick of the Miami Gazette. Maso ni c ·al· months , Jul y 7, 1915, aged 73 years, g ratulated on the enterprise. and it and bringin this end r of 1 115 and 1915; li epo rt of J months a nd 18 days. has been proven that Lebanon is a advertisement T wo si ters ha ve preceded her to Chautau qua town . the fi nancia l standing of Lhe Wnyncs· to our .tore ville National Bank , Collection of th e Great Beyond She leaves to loon, you can Ire' one. Call toda7. Views of Warn e~ ville , 0.; History of monrn her loss three brot hers, Al bert ;;,t, Mat'y's Church. WaynO!lvi lle, 0 .; oE Los Angeles. Cal .. J oatham, !"of ROCERS .& SON. Historv of M. E. Church, Wnynes' Tul lia, Okla, a nd Charles. of nt'ar Waynesville. 'Ohlo Spring-bOl·o. together with several ville. 0 The ofl1cers having found the stone nephews Ilnd neiceBand many friends square, plumb. and levt!I, the corn of ::ihe had been a g reat sufferer for nouris hment, the wine of refresh· many monlhs but bore it with chris· Mrs Bethany Cnenoweth Is very ment a nd the oil of joy was poured tian forti t ude , When in health she ':'oorly at the time of this ' writing,. d the Grand · 1' as wae al ways read y to visit the sick .. k ' II over Ie cas e. an LJ • and help those in need. Mr. and MI'II. Chas. Braddock ~nd ter declared the work wel,l aone. son Ernest were the Sunday guests In a few well chosen remarks Lhe Her f uneral waHheld at the Middle , Grand Master introduced · Brother Run Baptist church of which she was nf Mr. · Ed Roland and familY, of Dean Stanley. of Lebanon. as t he a fait hf ul member. The services Corwin. ' Grand Orai.or. and he gave a line were conducted by her pnstor Elder Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dunham. t!ilk following the matter of ed u~a· Chas. W. Radcliff, after which the of Lebanon, visited with Mr. and FROM 20 TO 175 ACRES--Stop renting and get tion. His remarks were pleasing remains were interred in the Center- Mrs Ernest Hartsock Saturday night one of your own; its cheaper and lots more ~ aT:l and were liste ned to aUentively bv vil le ceme tery, 911 Friday; July 9, and Sunday morning. satisfaction; will cost you nothing to look. the large audience present lU15. Mr. and Mrs. Will Casperson and There was a t.ime not so very ' nng ~o \'~be'l\ .the men Afte r t he be nediction, the parade .- -- • daugnter, of Corwin, were the' ¥uests of the h ouaehold were ol~PO.::<!-- to theIr. W1WS ~I~ daueh tenl ottemvting to dnv e on Autom~.ac; .All] I was again f ormed and marched back Rangers In,,,.'te Ran'gers of Mi:. F. M, Dakin and family on to the ~e mple. where the lodge closed. • Sunday last. hall been chnn acd wil h the con\to\} ~t the , 1U~n. •t • tile eolution of the femin;n. m oto.m .!l ,probl""";, a~ Seldom hss it been the privilege Miss Nola Hill spent Sunday with. £Iil,an Is sofer than 9 hot'S ~c:ause st .. alway of Waynesville to witness. such 8 --her parents here. Auctionee(and !teal Estate Waynesville, Ohio luteIY under control of t he driver. class of repr esentative people as was The following invitation was reMr. and Mrs. Frank Hawes left Eale ~ hondling. aim pH· SlI ltQn ' s p c r~~~ms:::~ galhered tegether to witness this ~eived last week f r om Mason, and is Sunday for a few days visit with Mr.I ............~~. . . ." .....~~....." ...~............~~........ cit of, operntion-that's "10m su re . auspicious event. self.explanatory. It reads: "Your and' Mrs. Link Sides at the home. I' -&.~t maltes the Saxon SO c.1me through 10 ~uch Hep~esentalives ftom lodges from company and their familie!!. with Mrs. Chas. Braddock was visiting ..... drl bettd shape thJlIl11 Jargu .aro ~ ve. cllr woul" have d cne. . the nelghbMhood were . pres 1_ent, aT'h1d well·filled basketl, are requested, to I'n Dayton on WednesHay last, Womf;D In all parte of the Trip ""::IS rult of, plcasu~e. there we~e 75 Masons In me. e attend the celebration of thll 75th country know tire, charm ~oxon l'ulllUrd every claim Mrs Fred -Kifer and Mrs. Katie Wal'.neavllle b8l.d gave some, fine anniversary of t he Mason Horse Gfdrivin&tbeSuon.lVo\ra. madc .for it," . mU8l~ and was a great help to the Ranger Co., Satlur,clay, August 7, Howell after a plea..~nt three weeks Bmma Walth. of ¥-olme, . ,,__ . ....'11-.. dl~ OCCIl'!lon. 19] 5. at the MallOn Fatr Grounds, visit' with relatives here retumed tri f Ft. The .......on .s .~ ~ JU' I rnad,e a prom. tillct!\le diffcl'i.-nt. • - • A horseback par.ade of the comt\Bny Tuesday to their home at Maneh~ LauderdaJe, •• to • ' f won U 'r. ) -the Jt l. a lloro Moline III FIn · · ('h h will be forrried lit 10 a. m . Good ter. Ohio. , , lonlet!t' trip"on .reful economy. And C,hrlstian , urc music, good apel8king, games and Mr: and Mis. John Allen, of near , All kl~ds of Spouting and:Rooflng cord by a ~n • ........ it aJ1(l ur( ~ the h,,~d. amusement.. Committee. Sprinllboro, w~.r('l 'the guests of the owner in a Saxon . est kind of aervtce - - -... ~,.. 0 latter'rs parents here one day last and Furnac:e ~epalrln, Done j 0 • 0 Sunday, July 25, Bible School at cal'. Read what without fUnchili&. week. Ibe ~ about· the . 9:80 and communion and sermon at L. F. Perkins j'a now workinlr at MiBS CelIBtia Austin was a Dayton 10:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 the Main street Oarage, and he has visitor one day last week. WIMoa wUl_ h ... J'I!Ur old_In tho _ .. S'cl1r1taW~ ............. lIptIoftal. BIeoc.1c otorter an • , p . m and sem,on at 7:30 p. m, Ev- for several y~. made ~pecial!;Y e1')'body Invited. f Mapetoa, SelfiloStutera LetTie J. B. '-'l1apm.n wa,:,ue. SHOP NEXT TO ~BRWOOD'S GARAOS Work. It JriU be well to call and . • - • OpUmIMlo TIl...... • G tte tee him, if 10 11 In need of this It .. IDDT to aIq . . . . . . . • .... Read the MiamI aze ... oJ work.
Dan Anderson Continues His IlIter·
Miss Alrna Waterhouse was a Day- Performed the Cercmony According ton visitor Thu rsday. to the Ancicnt Riles of th at Order J Ba rga i ~ in all summ er milline ry . (;race L. Sm ith.
- - - --' - - -
---.. _1.____
A few calendars left.
Women ,L ike to Drive - 'Sa:io ,\
..... "---- --...-......... •
Wa'DeaviII~, Ohio
==:1' [:IrE'55:11[:.11:'55:1' r::J e55:1' EJIE'==511 l!lIE'==51. lEt====,i [!I
55=' eE'
... b ... Ac\yentures of Kathleen \~
~ ~a ~ .~ I!I
tlnrohl Mcul'nlh
"R'utltlyu lrlul In lUll I f) 1'(' tll ~ we . lnlthlll Hr:u uml till otll fa SOIl1
duY, It
1I, .d Hh
W H ~olnll
to dl'l1ot !\ V, Iwl" el l )' II) WCl'llhll! , fO I eb n vor lind t\(llQ to In thIs I"ntl '1'h ~ tbo ugllt ClUusml' htlr t·o Hmll," tlt •• plt b r detll)u.\r. or ndvcntu n. a .. d . li lT r · Ing ~nd hl\l'(\shlp s ho h n" ht,,; mo ro thnn lIor Allar" 61 nr o comlll tn t hl~ b nIgh ted counlry. If shu ' ",'r "HCtl IJl>d' eho ' would h. n nltln t to B I I dow n to th o /lUIBt humdt'um ot o rrll ll ~r)' /lX' 't stenco tor ml\n y rn nntho, Wb on th " 1 ~llh nll l !! w ro 1, rOtl('r1y ISM die d with hn bowd tlhtl 1'mba lin gnve h lR tllt~nt" \n to Ih (\ rl ~ntl' N, li n h a llutS ilflJm ,,,vluJly. Th e)' w('ro ,,11\ ![rlends. Wht\t ollld h" .10 r r thOll1~ .. o nd t1l't us to 1Iin tlQ1\\lo rt." RIIIII th e Icolonl;ll, "Imd on my won1 or ho nor 1 will ttln y ou whor o wo h n, '" hld,I,' n the Itrooeuro. " "HoI" ' ~ored mballD , nrm . nk lrnbo, c::J '"'I'd be n fool ( 0 lIut my h ond In lo suc h ~ 1& trap, I lov!) you too w 11. Y PI I n m utot w bolly without h enrt. T nll rna wbere It 11a8 nnll I w ill lot yoll go," "Cut our thronts nt onco, yo u bl'nst, Itor none of us will t ell you u nlle r any r:'I condlttons save tho8o I h a ,'o nom d . l:.I M en," the oolonel con ti n ue d, " t his man ~ ill an Ingrate, a t hl ot nnd a murde r e r . He has promised you m uch gold tor your part tn thIs, But In the end he Iwl11 oheat you nnd destroy you," Umballa. la ughed. "They hll"o ILl· IftIldy bnd tholr e nrnost. Boon , th e y ' wtll ha.vo more. But talk with th e m ~ ~llioad, urge, proml86. No more qUIl&'tions? Well. then, !laten. RllYeal to , tme the trealUl'9 and Jau may go tree. It you rettise I abaH take you baok to A1laha.-not publlc17. but secreUy- ~ there to Il!ftlot wha' pUJllsbmenta I see ~ \ttt." ''1 h .."e nothtDg more to IIny," r&the oolonel "No' And thou, wblte goddess?" Kathlyn lltared over biB bOM, her ex})l'088lonless . • It stl rr d him ~
Come to Lebanon, Ohio.
( /1 1'\'[1111)' allll c,,"silll'r lh~ , (t~ct l h .. t TllC H, Fwd \ Hnl',:ul~' 1ll.'\:er u t1 \'('r l i~~ ~, \ ' XI rau r· dinn ril\I, ~ Ih'f . ' ~ yuu l ' Im l1c c l HJ \ \ - ~uur
READ "ll'nrlUllil\'.
\\HI ' 'fYl'r \lill . gCl ,!"ol her e1,.ln
like lhis
n J! ~III - t n hll , I1Icl cil.lIl(lI .. c like till "" (or ~ 1I II ll·C l1h.· II.tO U~. l" lu .... Jl rk(:~ . L()IOC h elP Friday , Ju1 y 2:i . to t his, t he g n l(\ h:' sl "1. 1t.~ r n n " " ,r SU\\', ~' II t1 supply yl! l1r~U with Y\lur uh . tlrt' ;;, ..;kln, '\ :\ 10;1. dry ~u()d s . t'ln t ll1l1~. 11 11I)l' tof , f1Jji(" , ~flk.· k l'J)' :u1I1 ~rl) edt·..... RC'tncm'C'r, in nr,uC'f t n h nelk jilt 111.111\" Ih ntl ~."lll ... Ind t il()u sa lld ..: "f c H R er .. 1101'JX' ~ \\ hu \\ ill Ct)l11C' to this l:,iJ.::"l ntk sah". r(l r l hi~ &;; pcrt:ll rC U-.O I1 t h,' I ~ lid 1 nl~ ' Ii fn,. n Pl'l ;' d .. (
and 'frac tion Fares Paid to Ou t·of-To wn T rade.
Ladies' Waists C hina Sille, Lingerie, I.a wn, Voile. I.ace. Net. S.ti ll and M . ...line Silk W.illl. in every n.w efit CI .nd nyle I S1. 50 v.lue. gigotlc tal. price The grealttt group of ..ai. t ..lueI \0 be hid ill Lebanon. Ladi .. ' and M issu' ",aim, in all the ntw .'rip. efl.cll. of china sille, li ngerie, Inwn , \,oi l•• lac. aDd nel. ud of innumerable other materia" '2. SO vlllu... G igaDlic uI. price DO.. . . ... . ..... . .. . .
$1.35 SI.95
Ladles' and Misses' Wash Skirts
.Ladies· Dresses
Children's Dresses
Ladie. an d M i,,,, Si lk Poplin Dr..... , crepe ct. chine, rile al ine silk. Frcn h ocrg es. impo rlet! cove rt cloth, These dre.. e, o:ould 110t b. bough t for I. .. Ihan S7,50 when ),o u st. Ihel11. Place d on ' Ie at Ihe ltig1ll\lic ",Ie pr ice of
Come htre and share in the.e wond.rful valu •• , Ladid' and Mi... .. W a. h Sltirts raline. pu r. lin.n aDd Jlique; mad. "1' In evuy n eVI' S1yl. now .. am; t ho new Ra r•• lao •• an d slitch.d belt , with .co r.. o( dtttchable p.arl buttons; a $1. SO nlue. iillanlic sale price Sille cr'.pe de r hin.. .i lk chiffon, silk Piqu •• ratin. and linen wuh s kirtSfor porlins, F,.nrh " ' r(c , lingerie I. c. and Ladi.. ' and M ine. ' an endle.. lUlOrt· nel d r...,,'s that rO ll co uld nOt buy ordimeDI of e ve..,. new ",alb f.bric ; in thil narily (ur I... Ihan S I 5.00. In all the group" included eve..,. ne .. wanted style. highly linted co l rI lAd shadel-e.ch lire.. one &tyl e ala kind ; POlil ive $12 .10 ,),00 and $2. S.O value, Givalue. ; now (or Ih. Hillantic gandc tal. "nee .... _, .. .. ' eale price of . , . , ., ., . .. .
$1 39
Bo'ys' Oxford Shoes
Ladies' and Mis, es' W ash Dresses. Those who come lirst for th ele wonder n lues ... ill get the he" stl.ction, ne ver again will you get Ihe opportunily 10 buy I ~mlh d.e,. for lu c h lillie money. Every ()De of Ih •• e SL SO wash dres s.. placed a" sale (o r thi. gipntic ;c nle (or· the small price o f onl)' Ladi e.' Dr ••,es-L.diu' and Misses' dre sats btau liCully m.de li p In Ih. pop· ular thleee t ier .lei", po inted tunic., and rufli •• whh box pleated anel plain Ikirll, o( wasl..blc ilk ~olkaolot black j F rench crepel. la"III, including allO lhe new Ladies' and Misses' eo", and bol ~ ro .fleel••• If trimm ed and Shoes embro idered wi th tlowen 100(: o r Ihort . Ieeve. in ev.rr delica •• rolor and (abric, Up 10 $4 . 00 nlu. nolV H e-lot O.fnrd. On t of the \'cry best values you v",rill ever in finel! .n~ .oflclt yici kid. v"ent lil'3. Ilet tb"" chance tel ". 1, each dress a $1. 50 $i.OO ,cal ue. :- Dr&'lffilic-• • I~--45 "alue Uig.ntic sale p rice $1.95 price, now . . , . .. . . . , . . '
no" t .. . , .
, ..... , .... . . .
Hoys' Wash Suits
' 7. 50 Men's Suiu now $'I.95-0De 101 of Men' l and Young M.n'. Suill all . i,... Palm Beach made by America', foremolt min tailor., ' elel!JlntlJ' trimmed 1V0nb .7. 50. Gigantic ..II $' price now ... .. ... ..... , . . • .)
4 91::
$12. 50 Men'. SUiIlIlO,,", S7. 95-H.re is anolher lot of the bUI 'Uil yalue ever offered in Ohio. Men'l Fin. Tailored Suits. mad. of (oreign and dome, tic won led., fancy chevioll and .nry DeW pattern '0 pl.are w.1I wonh ' 12 .50-
;i~:I. ~9~ :: ~i~a~,ti,c. ,•.aJ~.
S 15.00 Men,. Suits now 19. 9S-At "9 , 95 y ou are offered Iho choice of 30 model I and 120 patternl of Ihe hne. t $IS.00 Sui II ever plac'4 on ale in , Ohio. 000' 1 take, anyone' s word for it, com. and look , worth S,I5 .00r 1915 models G igantic ... Ie price now • $1. sci Slip.on Rni ncolu now SI :95Men'.Slip. on Raincolt s relular ' 3.50 v.atu.s mo~ .1 1915 , G iganlie ..Ie PrlC' , • • , ... , . .. , , . • •
$1 91)
Middy Blouses $1. 25 Ladle,' and M issel Blou. el, of the very bell m3~e Rnd mllerial. palch . pockets. belted and vlain in white and rtd and blue trimmed; child" • • bloulel
~I~~ ~~Iud.d, G~g~~ic .~e .~r.i~~ 8ge
rn I:]
Ladies' Wear
Men's Pants
Il Ow .
( ;igan t ic snl e price
nnw ..... ,
$ l. 00 P.tticoau . 49c- M u.li n PetticoalS, all . i... . ho th lace and .mbroider y Mrn'. Pnots- Dist inci de, igns; made of im\lorled woolens; excellently tailored ; trimm. d. Regular price 81. 00 c:\lsimere~ , plains Ilntl cheviclu ; trouseu Gigant ic lale price, now .. . . . . Ih al fi l verfect .. nd lailor fi ni shed; so ld r.gularly (or $2. 50, Gigantic sa le pric. now . , . , '. . , , , . ' $1. 5 M en' lI Trous ers-l\ len· s custom made lroUlers ; l ailo .ed fro m e xclu.lve patternl; Ladiel ..nd Mi .... A U-Wool Serge I!JIrm.nl s lhRI PI) I. ... Ih. masler· touel, Walking Skirts in every lize, in evrry of rl e""nr. and refinement thl.! appeal lIyl.. You mUll . ee Ihe. e sleirts to re- only t o !lnn who demand and re(luire ali,e the m"llnificent '1ualit)', the corn· ,omelh ing diff.ren t froln t\lt ordinary plele perfeclion of Ihe make and t he ,,\I faclorr mad.; they are Imarl and full of wool quality aerge material. Everyone di l ting ui 15 hed exc luli venePis; Bold fo r mer '" of these 5.00 sk irts in one lot i. mBrked Iy rel! ular for ~J . 5 0 . Gi$2.45 j(.nlic sale price , , , , .. to be sold during Ihil giganlic for Ihe unheard·of price of $1.89 l'an l. ·- JI!u e Com leta ".nls, 6Sc value. S10 . ltirtl in one gr.al 101, . Gigantic price 29c now ". " . , ..... .... .. ... .. $2.!J5 now
Ladies' Skirts
Men's Straw Hats $3. 00,
2. 50, U , OO
tho lnte8 t s ummor
~I~~I '.
'l'ealtlllu& (,'o nl-e h ' I I,lo
you w ill Oud horo . Till. 8to('O II .... IO"!! boon notod lor III,vlug 1110 00.1 KIIC~ u Llc _alo 1"lce no\\' S 1.6' ' l . ~ 6 .ud. .. .... .. ........ . • $5.00 M n'. Pnnama Hat.. thaI arc Lhe • cmo or jlCrlOCLlon III e,er), ..... pect It IA )""t tbo hU ~ha~ ill belog worn and tlla~
$1 15
~h() o...
O .~to nt .
nnw ' 1..&6.
2 ~c 3 ~c
UO " ' • . , • • •. • , ' , • • • .• • . ' •••
Me n's
tur lllHd m'h."t wenr thnt monnS 861,,,1\'0
lu ul (,,(Iln tor' . 011 I'IhapeM lin d loal.hHn4 ; u ll lil7.OM ; strlcLly u n ion Rlnrle: M c l ("y 8Owl-..l : l), co uaOltdnwd lot. wor lh S:I.UO o S~.t\ O bud
SI '45
1'. ,,,- _ Nap Lha So. p now, . . .. . .. .. • . . . .. . .. . • .• 19t' Colfoo per I)(luul1 uoW' . .. ..•. , • • .. . . . • . , .. .. .• . •
15e 21c
~! ~~J<,~llll~I!,I:~~~~l~J H~y~~~ ... .. ,
,~ . OO; your "' , ok~ In this glg&.utfc 8tllu price . . ... . .. . . . • . FruU Jar llIu!;" a3 .00 Me,,', hoOll now 1l.95, Alen '. Vt UC UJcn. now .•. . . • .. • . •.. .
si ngle and ,louLI. 801" IlICe . hotlll , Loudon ~h::. R ub · No.. ?Udro Wnshi llfl In vlcl kill box .nll cop, extension rtullllilw call. Every pa ir llOII LII~e1~ "liar- l)o ~~uur. Ofgnllt.ic .Iliu IJl'll'., . ', ' •. ~r~n~~~I.~~I~?~~~.~~~.~. ~ .nr.eod. lorllood "'OIlr, A . land.". $8,uO 6c, Arlld 0 101lB Slarch uow •• •••. • •. • . . • • , •• ' . . • • . . , . S2,~0 Felt Mell'. Rnt s In ono f!J'8U lot bu t ,Iltlll ,,,e broken LlIo 'Iulllity ellll remains ~~Il~'no~~~~~t"o .~~ .. ...... Ou. Arm an~ Hamlller Il .klu~ u ,~ o Men. ShOOt no .. 11,45. Anothor Iluda. O lillUllI~,"hJ I"' L'II. , ,." ~~~?~. ~1:~.!~.~~1~ .8~? lot corn u. In vI 'I and <:OMvall. In bllltcl,nr ur plt,ltI bale. Oood yenr \\"It,. h nil. tIIlwed : ,n .GO v.lu lll: all Sidug durl~ Ihl.
Boys' Straw Hats
$l,45 U.60 and 14,0 0 DarOl'Ord Shoe , .neelal liurillg; t hll kigollll ... n o· P riCCII S2 65 nc,w 12 9S tuHl •. ~~:?~I.C.~I~.~~I~.. .. .......
S 1.60. 11.00, 25(:, nay'. Slr.w H ata, Jl1lIt
3 ~c ~ ~c
SI. 95
*r u mnt oe:l
1...(.*110 :< SUllt), blH
Men's Oxfords
Strnw 11MB In . 1I 14 .0 0 ~t en s
t o<:. Quaker Coral FI""e. no w. •.. . . . . .. . . . ... . _. . .. . . _..
~s m
~ ~ ~
Rugs and Linoleum $500 IUllm ln It"". J l,96- .l a~· uhlcunt flurad 8ml vrluJllul " " 1.11 110 "
quall t.y to be comddunttl Hr.L. S ~ uU Vb I· lh o t hing lor Lho tilllo f. llows In " Inrge c-a rro·t 81111POS, Rellul" r 1 1,60, 11.00. 25(:. values to btlllOld du ring 10e. Sl1lDola 2 In I Dnd Whllmer'. whlle ~::"w ?1~8~1~~~ '~I.O")~~(j." .... . h 1. 50 Woo l Floor HUN' un\\' H H- III LhJIlIlgantlc ·.n lo Jlrleu ~~~~~~~~.: . . ?,I~~~~I.C. ~~I~, •.• , S ~C tver), DOW 9c . G ~ nnll . . . ,. , . . .• , , ,. brlgul d""lg ll. 9> II .1",," ooaulilul i. th e wo rd thu.,- tull y dcl'tcr lbu6 ~o<: Boy '. tlod }Jell', OBJl8, gl, lawn. U iglU.11.1c _Rio l.r".:o.. •• • suntJc 1",10 now .• , tta. ~o Brulillel Se.ml . .... lluK" ItO" ' '6,76. Boys ' Knee Pants -E,<quJ.lte bill Il.IIY)· 1.... lIlI rul rUK " wIth ~Or . Boy'. WMh J'IUlIIt nnd all wool pautJl, doop bMldIlll hem. un "ltd, r.gul.... Men's Shirts and ~~~:'~LI: .'~~~ .pr~.~ ~ . . . . .. . . , . . . . ~.:1~·l~I;~~~ : U 1.~.t~'~ I~~. , .. , . . astIOrl m cn ~ 0 1 l bo
15 45 '
- 33e
&~U:tY~~.I~I~7.':;"~I~~ .".'~ ~~I: .
18 C
38C 16C
Ladies' and Misses' Coats
Olgnntic sale price
• • •
111)W. . •
~Oe , 75c, 1 1,00 Mon'.Over.lls and Jum pers. Olgamlc sale IJrlCD DOW
Men's Furnishings
yle no IN ' (JOe . aGe and
Monoa 8us pondors,'
wo rn Nor lolk., Military IUId .llD lm acaaD Vannor'. B rtlC88. K.t" lind otho.... 01nlodels In every . Izo aDd e, I,ra largo sizes II ~11~ti w~1:Jt"CC8th~u 1~~le~a~g...;~~~~ ~~aL~~ ~~~~ ~~I.c.o. ~~~, , ~~~ lO h,,,o malill un, ' Thl. I Dclu~OII the Palm Men '. Iltuldkon:hleh l ile. 10<: a nd Ge reg-
.s:.'. ...... ISc 3e 19c Olgall t lc salo price wid ... , Towels lIIon'. gflrl.erR 25c Men's Uarlers now lor 2Ge In a ll colors, ISc 10e. Uuck "lid Turkish Towels now Giganl,lo prlco . . . , .. ,. , ., .. . . • 'l'urkl. h a od I[u"k 'r owel•. JOe, 1C fl od 2Ge lIIen'. Neckwear woupOO In to value, OIll antlc ",,10 "rlc'"', ... .. loWl , noy.· tlCII, wt\llll and 9c sUk ueckwear th_ prlt'Ol! , 16c .nd .... .. . , ... .... . . S5 •95
1..InoltnJ 111 , u o w
ula r sellor'll In eight Ilumbo..,.., p llLln . h om .. NLltched DUll cOlored bonlo..... Oillanti c 81110 price Ito\" 8e, tic lIUll •• •. •• ••• 50<: aud 25c hlell's DolU!, o il slttl8. DOW 3b<; Itie.
7c , sold
~o<: ~pecial
'Ladies' HOSiery
19.15 25c ~4c
110"' .. . . . . . . . • . . • .• . • .
'U , o~ Lea~hor
00 .. . ·. " . " .. , .. . ..
glgnnLlu ... Ie prlL'J. . .. .... , ...
Men's Hose
$3 95
llen It (."cmts. '.1'".1 080 1.l0.00 coat.a "'" plucOd 011 • • 10 lor ... . . , ,.
. IAlIOl ou lII -~ Oe.
'52,0 0 SrIUO'" Kltcllun Tllbl ...
1 6c
.. .... . ...... ;./ow I'roc...
33c Furniture Department '3 . ~0 Iron I1odK, 38c foG.OO I ron Dod•. hili .1'..... ,. 1.95 uow • •. • , .• , •. . .. , . . .. . ..• • li phol.",,,,,, 19 Uo ucb , 115 .00 Chllfonlor II'lth Mirror 38 C IOlid ollk , now ... . , ... , .. . . .. 55.eO I'lber Iloei<or, liurlull lhi. 3,65 39c glg.lILI ' " 10, now . , , . . , :. , .. ,
1.301. adI6!l' Cnnu SB S6-The lJTO ..test 10e Men's Ootton Ho"", all.s17""" ",IngrouD 01 Lalilw;' nod ~I 1Ho"" ~'08L. to be rorced hee l and~. 'GlglUltJc 101ln,1 allY who"" In OhIo In ovory st y I•• oalll price 1)OW .. . . . . . . . . . , • • • • • • • C Nortolks " "d Allll ~ary . Lyles &ud modols m ado up trom t ho nnt."Sf. of rabrlclf- 10e. ntack o.nd Tan H_ to be tIOld French ""d A mll.l e.n all wool Il9IlUnH durlttg t htH , lllaotle oa lo .. .. ... .. . I!tlrgcs "repes and check_, "Iso Palm noa.cJl. 2Ge. Silk and Lisle B o In .. 11 colors,'douNo f'Cs t.rl ctl n8. 'J'bose who . com o ' tll"'MCi 1i9t tho bllSt selocllons lro m til l. loL. ~!fohe;:I~.d ~',. ~~~,n.I.' ~ . .• , . , g"orV'one of the,", $7.50 CO"UI wUl 00 60e. Bilk HoRO In nil colora aud a moat .acrlftt'tl<l nUfl solol ILL Lhls gllll"e. ellent 'IlIalll y 1,0 be IOld tic sn lo for tho I m ~1I pnco 01.. . , d uring tbIJI g lgautlc lale IIOW , •• S 10.00 ,Ladl",,' COats Now U .95-Lndl08 ' and lUB!!e<I Palm Boach eollll aUk lInod coats 8atllr finIsh and wool GlObardln881 st>rtlc8, cropes. wool chock6. nnd inlportoo' In o\'or), w[\utocl n ow
.,, ·it
35c .. SSc ~~.I~~~ ,I~~~~.. .
25c M Otl'6 Sblrts .oa Drowera 18c, Men'. 1.I.lbrlg'gan s h lriH Btlli drawel'll, 35c. ~~~~: • ,~~~~t~ L.I~ ,•.a.. ~ . ~~I~~ .. , . , Men's Work Shirts 50<:. Me ,,'. Sblrl, and I.rowors lOc. 6Or . Mo,, 's Work ShIrts sa.,. Alon', work Me ll's Shlr t8 nnd DruworM, ftOc .. \ ' U. tU UiJ In shirt •. o no . l){'CI~llot . 60e, volu "", OlllllJlllc 8ulu IIdco DOW. J , • • , • • , ~~~ ~~t: ~~~I~~1~ .8.~1~ .~~i~ . . ... 6Oc. ~ I en ·. Negligee Shirts- In t he .o l~, GO<: ~Jo n 'l Unl ou Suit. now 3 , Mon '. nuli dutn,·".blo collar, Ol,:;an· U . lo anrl Aluollll UnIon Sulls, IIOIIl ~i o al\lo I)rlce, .•. , . . . • • . $1,00 8.1111 1 1 . 2~ Men'. BhlrLa-ln a va~~~.~' . . ~I~~~I~~~ ~~~~ p.r~~ "" , rloty of patterns, Dlao spor tshirts. Olgnutl ' Ba lo pri eD . . . . . C Doy', ~o<: . 3Ge: And 2~c ,hl rts nnel draw60c Bo),s' K . •'< E. Bloultll.ln a ll Or'S UU10D Bull8. por u.!Ikni" in III
poulin .
$ 1.69
Silk Department 35c C hi". Sillt 18 inches wide. G igantjc ult price . , . . . . . " , 59c China Silk 27 inc h.. wide. Giganlic we price . . . . . .. . . . .
2Lc 39c
Lace Curtains
11.~O, ' 6.00 aDd $ 3.60 AUTO OOATSUu.rant.,od ,' full cut and m.do t.o gIve' 7c Prinl. 5 ~e Calico. DreSl, Shirting 15c Oh lld ren'. HOHe' 1e. Oh lili ren'. }IollO, . ubotlD elal WOllr, Olg&ntlc ...10 elc, be, t American Pilntl. .ell for 7c price DOW ' •• 96, '3.~6 and. . . . .. • regular. Gigotic we price ~f.:'I::,c~~. .~~I~~,.• ~.I~~~.'~~ , . . ,. C IIOW per )'ard ..... , . . , , , .. , 2Ge, Children '. D..ster Bro ... n bo.... a I,BuLle swe price DOW. . aC 7c Huvy Unbl.ached Mudin, Corne 25c La,lIos' BoslY 16; ,. Thirt y dozen 12 ~c La"n. in the mOlt beaut iful a u ort· and pic k oul wbal )'OU want, lold 7c Ladles' lIul ler Brown lfo.. , goo,1 """'>r io- ment o( co lon. G iganlic sale ev~..,.where . Gigantic we 43 /. C mont 01 t'Olors. al.. ayn sold lor 25c 7'4 7e pn ce, per ,.rd . , . . . price, now .. , . . , , , . , . , . . .. . . : . a pair, Glganllc s"lo prlco DO" . B MI<:. I..adles a Uk Ho.. aBc. Ladlet'Slik 22 ~ c Voiles and O rgandle. in Rowered 10 and 12 ~ c Shirtingl in lotid colon and Boot B ooe In all the fancy COlO'" all pal.t ems. In Ihe 1t3. on:1 lat est and tIloS! . trip••• c1.ver. neat I tylel and 73/. SIlOS : rogulnr 50<:. value. [)Btlem._ Giganlic tale pric. 7'4 C clever d.signs _r.gular 22c voilel Gigantic sale prlc" ... ... . .. . : " BelKltlful ~atte rtl . Ladltlll' IUld ' MJ .....' during this gigantic lale ... 16 ~c Steven. Cralh. a world c.lebraled hnnJ kun.:lllor•. wort h 10e" I ~ .. 2~: and 22' ~i: Ric. Cloth In full iength C\oih, to be .old during tb. . a~c on sale ror the glg.ntlc oale 1272C lrigalltiClale DOW ., • • , • • ,.. now . • • . • •.• •. .......... . , .. prlL" of 19c., 14c. 7c. and ... . . . • . .
1 16\
$1 85
Wash Goods
13c 13c
CONDITIONS OF SALE Every article' Bold at this GiGuarantee . !rantie Sale will be sold to
buyers upon conditions advertised exactly a8 pre. !ented or money refunded on demand, Goods purchaSed that are not satisfactory to the purchaser el'chan!red or money returned ~'itbout the nec:essity of any explanation if returned within 24 hours after purchase was made,
The S. Fred Company Lettano11, OhiOa - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _....J
. . Day The 0pemng
Will be the greatQst merchandising event you ever saw, 'You never will see again such a sale as this one will open Friday morning at 9 o' clock sharp. July 23. Because the low prices fhr which tht! goods are marked to be Bo ld for, intfrests every economic shopper. Because so many thousands will take ad. vantage of this sale, come early-however. remember if you cannot come the first day- this sale runa for a ppriod of 15 days- so you ('an easily attend this sale any pf the other days. Here are the daYB, Sale opens Friday, July 23 and ,continnes to Saturda)' July 24- Monday July 26-Tuesday July 27Wedneaday July 28-Thursday July 29- Friday July SO.LSaturday July aI-Monday August 2-Tuesday August 3-~edllesday August 4-Thursday August 5-Friday August 6. closing Sat. August 7.
Out-Of-Town Trade: Notice-+We Pay Your Railroad .and Traction. Fares.
NECESSITY 'KNOWS NO,LAW Sale', ~e~ :~~C:~U~Sda:~:J par~~~~ ~::~~~Did iJ~i~Dd:::~~~ Thousands, upon thousands will be here to this sale; but re·member. all preparation are made with bundred soC special clerks recruited to wait'on ali the local. and out 'o f-town . trade. However. do not take any chances. Remember. the first come wiJI be the first served for everyone who attends this .Gigantic Sale,
--THES.FREn-Ce. LebanOO, .
• '
a~'===51iml'===5IIIEJiE===ilU:lI'===5Jnible==5IEliE==i5~ E===!lU!lI'E5I=II'IIII'5EEiiI'lIl'EiEail
Betore You Read Tha.o Price. , te ll you that it Is nQt our policy to uaggemte In our a dverlis ing. We dcsire to emphasize that we posi. I.e'
m EJ
12 ~ cCurtain Scrim. Gigan· 7}1c tic lale price, 12}i c valu. . 1. 5,0 5..i.8 Curtain ". Lace and Em· broi derr, R~llIid , $!. SO val. 79c ue., G 'ganllC laiC price ... . . . 6Se JUeached She.II, 72.90. .pecially gott." up for hOI.h and room ing hou.e •• will pass inspection, was con. ider ..1good valu. for 6Sc; Gigalllic-..t.---;;,= - - -I!:tt---......price. now ... .. .. . . .. , .. " ,. 38c Sl.W nea Spre. dI19c . A rare barb",in. our bllye~ secllred .ev.ral ca. .. of thi s lIumber ot a big conce .. ioll. 79c Glltantic . alc p rice , .. , , .. .. . ,
IlIk tletl
~pecla l
1c 6c l oco por cuu lie uo ¥" .. . ..... . •. • ... . . . • . . . ..• . 9 Uk- , TOJnato08 . por cnn 1;c now . •. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . , . . . . .
Site. .&1 0 price now aBc, 19c Bud.
250 BClYI.W ash Pants. 1I0w H e-Boys wash r~ants lold for 2S e. Gipodc 17C sale prtce, now .. . . . . .. ... . . ., $1.5 lind 2.00 Oliver T.vis. and Lillle DUlch Sui ... 1.19·- Our ' cnlire lIock of n ay . "'Mh Illits Ihat laId fo r 1. 2; , 1. 50, 2. 2.511 end 3. 00 placed on ,ole for the Irilr-l ntic .ale 69C price I of 8 1. 79, l. H, 1.19 and . ... S1.GS Ifor }loy, and Children. Kn,ic k.r. bo clcer' S.. i" . worlh 2, 5O-Several differenl ' Iy lel n( the fine$! anel belt of Bovs Scho ol Suils. splendid 2. S0 value, •• iz. 1 7Sc Slip Over Gownl 42c-Laelies' and 8 to 15, G il(antic ~Ie $1 Mi.... Go"n . , made In exce llent qualily fr~m pn cc now . . . , . .. , . . . . .. .. . .. .6:> mllilin. trimm.d with embroidery lace ribbon 'and b eading. ReltUlar 75 c val· lIe~. Gigantic l aic 42c price II OW , , •• • , .• , , • • • ••• • , • 19c and lSc Corset Cover, 19c-Five diffe rent Ilyl • • both lac. and embroidery trimmed. made 0 1 excell.nt '1ualit y mus· M en's P.nts- Go od qllal ilY pants. ",elt lin or cambric, armhol es are (rimmed I . tailore d; .. 1«l inn. cail be made of ~ well al front and back, r e~ ular 3Qc and greal IL<so rllnenl of "ripea Bnd lin es· all 3 Sc ..lues. G igaotic ..I, price .i,es , ,,Id 'form erly for 81. 25
Grocery Department
Ladies' Undetwear
89c hi ldren. Dru se. 4Sc-ln ,,\I th e lor. Ladles' V"HlS, Ik. Latllco Dlld MltIB"" I .... IS 10<: vDlu"", OlgDIIl I' l ight and dark cnlon; (u\l Illude whh solu I lr kc IIUW., • • • • . " •. • . . . • • bel., Giiant ic . ole price 2 ~.' . untl 15c. Ludles Dnd ~l llIseti I' ,,"(g. ,;15c Ol~antlc RDlo prko no\v . . . . . . ". now 170 auel., . ..... , .... . ".... C
..... ,.
'Wash Dresses
$2. 00 value BOYI' Oxfo rds II 9Sc. - AII litU, lace. the malt durabl. boy.' . hoc m!,de-:'ell. rlltU!lr for 2. 00, GIgIDIIC w. prtce ,., . . . , . , $2.00 Childrln'l Oxford. Shoes now 48c - AD allortment of Childrtn' , O xfo~ds S~ .. ~2 .00 "al~ .. in one lor. G lgantlC ..I. ptlce . .. . .. " .. $ 2.2S Oxford., lace Ind bUll on-reg ular $2.2S value.. G igantic oale 95e . price no .. .... , ... ... .. .. . "
Sawed·Off Sermo .. ,
The s. Fr'e d Co.• .Lebanon.
153.00 flluu no .. 3 1. 45-&hoe. all lites In dumbl. cobite can"". ",orth $3.00. G ipntic sal. price 82. SO O xford Ihoe. 1I0W S1. 19--Ladie, ' vicl weln and truol. .wellen up-Io.dale Ityle.; all siZOI in lh. be.t qualilie. o( IUlher. wo nh up 10 $2, 50 Men's'" Young Men's Gigantic sale pric. DOw . , , • $3.00 Ladies' Dtil. Shoes no,,", $2.48.' Suits Ladi,,' patent and vici k id Oxford. lace '10.DO Men' . Sulu now ,2,9S-0n. lot or button Ihoe•• French and Cu b.,n h e. I ~ , of M.n' . aud Young M en'. hand tail"red (or dress and st r.el ..car; lIenulne 53.00 Suill. made of fan cy "orsled m.terial. and valu Cl, Gigaotic sale price elegantly trimmed, \vorth ~ 1 0 $'2 95 now . . G igantic , ale price .. .. . . , . ••
. nut s lot ot poople who a.te outward-, I:] 17 handaome are mentnUy d eformed. ,
15-- DAYS -,----15
::trDurin g this Giganti c Sale, Cedar Stamps will be Re-) ( deem ed for $2,50 in Merchandi se 'a t the , Reduced Prices.
1.&die,' man·taIlored mlu In every .. antcd fabric, Frencb and Am.rinn I?'?pliD'} gabardine.. lined throuehout wllh , ilk peau d. , tl'ilI' in all colon, including blark. nA VY and B. lgium blue. The . ltirts are plain Har.d pl..ted and Ir0r.d. Ev.ry one of the,tllIllI i ..nupto ,IS,DO valu •• all In one 101. On we $4.95 . for the gigantic ..I. prioe The very bighm cJ... Lldi ••' Tailored Suit., .ach mod.l on. of. kind. mad. lip in Satin finilh and ..001 gabardin ... French .nd American "oplina, nn,1 im po rted men'. wear clo lh; lilk cuddah c10lh Ind. mannilh lI"es; IlIk lined througbout , In the popular beltea Illd con,ervalive modell. caeh It~ed hand tailored. nrying wilh pl.in Rared plaited and gored Ikirt.; ve..,. handlome • • Iyli. h suitt, .. hich we can 1101 attempl ·to (ully delCrib. or eveD convey an ides of their perflci b.auly. Suit. lhal you have to pay your dr.llmaker to tailor DO less Ihan !30.00. Each . uit is a regullr $1 1.00 suit. aD n le forthe gigantic we pric. of . . . . . .
Commences Friday, July 23
Ladles' '" Misses' Suits
I I r is a sale that comes to you 110W giving ou th e opportuni'Ly to huy ~ lIl11l11 c r good for the C reatcst Clea ran ce: , YOII have th opport un ity to htt y this mcrcha nrlise for pri es lower t ha n ever . 1he lowest-priccd Clothin g, Dr Goods a nd Fumitllrc a le v r a ttempted. Lebanon's hcst reJl uted Ik par tm nt S tore will eli. tribute int o th c people hOllies , Mercltal1dis for values thut wi1lll1 urk c\earnn ('s cx 'p tiona l. A gigu11tic sale ina ugu ra ted throu ghout evcry departme1lt for fifteen days ,
One lot '5.00 Black Silk Taffeta Wailll
~ ~ . 5 . . . .7M::::::=:'. -"--'y ~a -a.. A..-"I&___ ====:R5 =0 " 7 " THE S. FRED CO., Leban'on, o. ~ THE S. FRED CO., Lebanon, O.
than outspoken contompt would done..
11 .0+ gant i~ Sale
"And you, pre tty ona r UmblLlla oye d WInnIe speculatlv Iy. . . Wlnnle drew close r to h e r sister, but bat was ILl!, " So be It. Allaha It sbnll b e, wttb' I'!'I lout a meddling Ramabo.l; back to the' a:" ~ru8 wbo love you 80! " He aropped ~ IMs blll1ter. "You call me a m UTd erer , II admit tt. I have k!l1od lbo man w h o ''W&8 always thro wing hla be nefl (s Into my t8(:e, who brought me UII not as a cOlI\Panlon but 'IUI a pIny thing. He la [::J ·dead, I sl ew him. Atter the first, ~ what are t wo or three more crimes c t thle orde .. ?' Ho snapped his fingers , "I want that treasure, and you w ill t e ll me wb ere It 18 be for.e I am done with you. yoti w l\1 i e ll me on your knoes" r:'I gladly! Now, m en I Th er e Is B long a.;.a ;Ioume), betore UB," ~ The colonel, Kathlyn Md W Innie wero torced Into one bowdnh, whil e t'Ombnlla moun\ed the oth e r. As for 'jthe Quasl·mahouts, they were not p~r Itteularly happy beblnd th o anrs of t be ,I:] le le phnnts, wbo, wIth that k een appro- ~ o(8t.\on of the ir kInd, under stood Injetlnctlvely that they had to clo wltb novlcee. But tor tbe promloe of gold that dangled betore the Ir eye a, threats lor vtolent death could not llRve forced r:'I Ithese m en upon th o e lephants. a.;.a They started, Mat, .and tbe 'unglo Ioloeed In b ehInd tbe.m . All tor UmblLlla, he oared not what r:'I . became ot the otbe r prisonors: ~ They were be Ing he ld eaptl vo In one ~ <If the v1l1age huts. The clile t had ploaded In 'Vain. He WIUI dishonor e d, for tbey hn'/1 modo h im brenk hIs wo rd ItO' the wblte people. So be It. Soone r or later the glitter or gala would le nve 'their oye. and the y 'Would ' come to ~
over, wi tt get. frw railroad. trucl ion and Inter urban fares paid round trip for a distance of forty mil s.
0 ..
'I'll ~rca LC' :; t amI mil. t :C Il a Liona l M rca nlile :Ev n t th ut t he buying l1 uhli c h :L<; c \' cr k110WII _ The~. F rcd n. br ings t your door tbe oJ1Jl rtll1l it to 11II I S ummcr goods for r 'dul' d prices Jlever h an i of ill th c' histury uf mcrcha ndi sin garlJla ls iu Warrcl1 COLI lit ) .
15-~ -DAYS---15
Ail oll t· or·town trade attending this Gi· Free gahlic Salo and msking purchases of ~20
, II.·
tively forbid Dny milrellreteDtation or exaggemtion you !o commonly see in advertising. Our eStllbl!shed repatation is too widely k nown. The S. Fred CO, therelore absolutely stands guamDlee (0 every eUltOlDPr and in proof 01 our good good Inith wc hereby ~grce to refun~ mon e y to BDY Jlul'Chascr (or n!ly rcrutOn whattloC'lcr , If dissatiSfied. '
The ~. Freel C~mpany Lebanon. Ohio.
"'HE "'lhll.h~1 W...,kly "I 1~11,,:.tl" lIlI ( \11""
nulllll .. ~. 11"1,, S t .: w~
' lSiul(lo Cor'y ••. • • . . . , • •• ••.••• ...
A~":; ';;'::;~~A;-:- ;::-~11 '
nnl:-~f Ad :
In Ih~1 Rates of. SubKcriplion. . , yo,," ,'Jllu . 1.1\010. 0111' V"or 1~lth'lI)' hi "II"."..,·) •.•••.•• 'I . ~~
t ..f l
As WriU n by Our Corps of Able COTlreapond. rtis il1/t - - -._, en t s in lh e Neighborhood ---,--- - - - - - - - - - i Rlltl(\ll11.< Lacals, rocr llow. , ... , .. , , . . ' " ~ 6c I tJl4",ltlull ,\ 11 •. lIot to r t d lIvo 11110 1"- ' ._~_ _ _ _ _ _~_._ _ _ _ _~.,-. -.--_._,_ _._ _ _ _ _ _ " . 11b roo 11llu.J rt lnnfl .. ..... . . . .... -Q. L. erline, Eoitor and Menag r. 1.IIsl".Y ((,·.rtl.luAI ~rluo h ...... ~ .. Hie I lJl""o uUt~ K I ell on CODtract. J U LY
in. l!)lG.
Common Picas Court Sulls. laude H. R eed Vl<. M. A . .Inlu _ Ilon, II!'! IidmiDistrutO l" 01 th e u~t ll tll of In.I1,es M. Cook, d o IH~ed. ulC11ey', ulrIonnt ollliUlud * l k~ij :lG,
tenm . pluyed
our 0111(1 Sa ndll Y' lind the re~ul t of THE GREAT. CROSS ROADS . . til Ir oO'l1 rt,!\ wn~ fo vor -of 'Our nln(1 to It"'u f ngut gitm muoh Inte rest wa~ taKen. WHERE 8UYER AND SELLER MEET Mr. 1:I 0Wllrrl ~uhln, ofblud Midd letow n in
Proceedings i Wollingt,oll va. Ml nnl o ,T. ~tter.hwnite. N,ltluln .TOUIA nnd Albert F. MI ]ler. 'rhl!! IIct t'on I IUI ~sed wltbou~ r eco rd. EIi~,u.bll th
11.8' 1'
\' nll \\ 111 he ~ IlIpri cd when )'''u see 111 ~e \\'ai'i l ~
\\·a.,iJ [)rl'<;"C~ , ,S r ..)0, 1$ .. , fc r , ..
Enooh Osborn VS. I:i::atllflhn e (I .• • l)ornA di vorce I(mo tcd pl .. iutln'. 1 CUAtody of the cllild 18 give~ t) tbe d efectltlc t with t be p r l~ilego of ' vlst Llc g M,old ol!i1d on th first clay of elloh mocth,
a Sun duy Boest o~ Quinoy Ki ne, \\ 001 Ski r t... , new lot:ll :l bargain T bo baSKet w eting ;;l1odn y Ilold $.), $.' and. 10 quality ........ . 4.25 In Adllm s ' grove uo dor the d iroctll1U of the A. M . E. cl.Jllrch was wellnt. Silk CIt"'l'S, up frOlU .. , ., . . .• 50c tend ed . Peo]lle frotn Lebnuon !lnd lillj oinlng town ij· woro present . Real ESlate T ransfert l:Sest Assortment Sheets, P illow Mr:.. nod Mrs. 'Frunk Howe and A. F. mll or to Min nie J. l5u t tertbd nghter Mis!! Mlugn.rie, at Culiwllite 2 tracts 'In Militliry Hu rv ey I Cases, Etc . rorclll, lire 1J0journin g bero for Ii (J n t~. No. 21114 , $ 00. ' I!bart tlmll, whure they 1I1lVO ' 1l IH1Y Mr. Itnll Mrs, Marris !:lherwond, B Ci t • ··It 'd s f rll l11 . • . ••• • • ,4!k, !ifk: .lflLUeH H. nud L etltin . urtEs .a fri e bdll to 'neot tl, 10111 W Itl! Ol) [l - nOllr 'iVllyneuv llle. SIlent S unday o The Wavno Town s hip BUl\rd af (lu. g rntnlu.tions. with Cu r l :-;!lo rw aod IlOd futnilv. out.lon 0 1l2r, uortl!! In t:!tlOt IOU 1, '1'. 3, Sltt'(,:' I ~ , hlca ' I,d . .... ·I!k, [jOc oUc OIMI... I State of Ohio. Cily 'O( Tuledo. I ss Mr. liud Mrs. L ewis SOUll flad Son Born-'ro Mr. Ilod Mrs. }floyd R. [j hetween t h e Miami Rivtlu, ).ucns Counly, I' . BowarCl., Of. J etl'erllonv tile, Uhl o, (] '11 'l s , ll C'lll s tiLch rl . .. .. .. 75c 1.00 '1700 . I I"',t IIe IS were Ruoday g ll e~ts of the Hu we.. LYllge, u 110 sac. "Ab" ut two yeurll HMO 1 b"d 1\ Ie ~:rnnk J. C hcney m~I k' L'S ontlt Vf'rll ILUn·: k of dlarrhoe" wh ioh seniur 11lI rlner of ~he hr:1Il ul P.~ . t:bcney Mr. Imd Mrs. J os. D ll via I\nd Ulivo Diowhltlie h as been quite ~h arl e8 E. Eatoo aod 8 . E. Lewis P i llow Cases, II I11st it hcd .. .. 25e 1 s t ilt! for oVllr a W Ilk" writes W. & Co., doiug buslnc~" In the CIt>: 01 TIl' sl k the pn s t week wi th mump~. t o E P Kirby ~. y' aore¥ In t;ectloc "l b ledo, County nnd Stale 1I10rCSU IU. ""~ daughter, Uor ut hy , were ' uDdlty A I.! C II ' f Ii d ht 21, T. 3, m. -1, botweou the MlliUlI .' " ' IJ. Jones, Buford, n. U . cOIl me that said firm will pay lhe SUIil of 0 lj, guest s uf t hu Whll!",,1 IUIDlly. . "'; Otll 0 ,WI e ILO nug er Pillow Ca ~t'~ . , . 10(', l~ Hc , Hie 25c 110 well/[ Lbllt 1 ouulll no~ s'"nd ,up- H UNDI<lW DO" Li\I~ S for cac h alld cvmi.s Irmll, Edw tlrd Murphy Ilcd Rlv ors, $1. rlgbt. A druKgls, r eoonlDl~ci1tHl ery Ca lle of.Catarrh Ihlll l'llllllut I 'cureLl T)le Me.tl.J Olli t chu rob WIll givo a flun lly tou k l::!ucullY dinner with J ohu P. Fitzgera ld t o Andrew 13. Chlitnberlnin's 01 c, Cbolera Rnd by tbe use uf HAI. ..· S Ci\'/,i\IHUl t:UIU~ . sOOla Ion Ih e oh ul ell ;:r l.l llndil Wou _ I<'runk Wri~bt «ud family. Cnlp In.lots No. U:lO, 131 and 132 In I Dlurboe .. Rorupdy. Tbe tirst dOlle I:RA NK } . CH ENEV. n SdllV illgllf., July 2H. Uorue out Th o oommlttell oUllo Seurs family Park Plaop, addltlou to Franllllc , relieved rut! und within two dllYlI1 Sworn t" bc:(o~e me and subscribed in Ilod IlB.ist. Thuy n ee d y our m Olley. m e t ut the h ome of Mr. aod Mrs. $ 180. WaB .. a well U8 eve r ." OblmoRble my prcscn~, lhlS nth tlay of December, Mr, uc d Mnl W. L. Hor N y .. u d UIRr enoe Wils on to mll\ilo the neces. Zlmrl O Worley to A. Wl\tklns, everywhere. A',~:aI)lS&I' 1\ . W. GJ.tl ASON , Mr . l,n d ~1r8. Hurry ::ll!idllkorall d !.IIlr ,\' I\rracgoinent~ fortbelr reunion undlvlded·Y. lctereat In 93 ncrss in \ Nola ry l'u blic. tw o cblldruc lIu toe(l t o Lhe Z Ou whIch, will lJe I]Ald fhe lIeoond Bat. t raoUonRI S('otlon s No. 19 lLod 2u , r. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken intcnmlly t:llutlny. urdny tn AU{1.uat. 5, R. 5, M R. S. $ t , Paint Mail.Boxes All Kin ds of AN EASY, PLEASANT LAXATIVE nnd nC I ~ di rectly u pon lht blood Ilnd tlIU· 'l'bomlLs Wl.Jelsel trun~aoted busi. 'J'l.J e mllny fr ie nds and neighborll O. D. Thompson and wife to A. L. One or t wo I>r. KlO g's N ow LirA . . uus surr"ccs of the system.. Send for I n ess in Ddyt on IU. Bt week. of Mr. tlnd Mrs. Boward MoUluce Bennett 2 : I aores In Deo rfl ehl to wn. t~:. tin!onials. frc~.. f:lnrVUI!' Imd thrnshln~ iu ' this surely xtecd 0. helpinl{ hand to Ship 11. Pills w ah 1\ tu mbler of wllte r at A little pn\ntwUl m"ke 110 new . I' . J. HENEV: & CO " Toledo, O. vici nity is pretty w tlll tbrougb. r.b min th oir trouble . 'l'11elr ooay nll!ht,. .No bntl cnu@('tltlnl: tnMte; no rural mlloll box. JU8' now it 180 Sold by 11 11 J)rUf!~ISt.s, 75c. . ' d Probate Court Proceedln"! belching gllS, lto right t o be d . dinKY, gloo!ny, rua'y, eye Jore II Take HlIlI' s Fumlly Pills for cunslipaF r III time to ilme the Clvlo Jtttlo h OUle WUH enthely dostroye • I, uot II gooo trade Ull'rlE In front 01 cioll. Lellg ue hlil! bee~ spukeu of t,brou gll by firllill t Huoday o.bo ut 12 o'olook. In the matter of ih e Will of W. Wilke up Ic the m orning, ecj oy "bl;! home of a pro~re8"lve tllrmer " Lhl DOW SY m edlcw Ilnd mllOY go.od An IIlrUtn wo s glvec , and hellrd by Ltlw R ubloson, d eoeased . .'WIJ1 is Il fr ee eusy bowel III VClme ut, !lOU fSu~'t.'C!ISOr to fee l fi~e 1111 d,lY . Dr, K ing '" ~e\\l 'fhe wlte hnl! been ~oolalnR "bout sugljeatlans huve hee u mlid ll by lIlan y people Attending ohuroh lit Ildmltted to probllte. HII looks . .A few oentll wurtb 01 Ihllili. They hllve on trl ,,1 now a Sllgllf Ure k , 'I' hey di d Doli in their In the mDotter of the estate of W . Life PiII ~ fire RaId by .n l1 DrngglRts , F. E, StlERWOOO J He. Ic flC or igin II I plloknge, for 2;;c. palD& aDd a few mlnutlls l"bor WIl l Remember? Jl~ht·, lind It fouod slltlsflAot6ry, our power to silve their fUrni t ure but Lu.w H.obIDflOn. deoeused . H e rbert Get Il bottle to.clny- cjoy this o1111 Y , nlalle tbe pa88er. by thlDk m ore 01 littjij cIty will bo Hluillped tlll'o ngb. just It few pieoes wer e carried o'o t, C. Robinson is apPOinted exeo utor. Over postorrice. WaynesviUe, 'hIli b ome and the peoule wl.Jo livi aut; and tbey ore ul wO t.lgurlo g on Il \·be ruof oll vi og 111 bllfore as ~1 8tllnce No bond required.. Raliu B,ubaoh, pleasllut IIUt"lIti v O. Officc Phone 77 House Pholle (l·3 u U. By Ii, Burian piRnO for tbe bllll Ilc d lInvll oon· could be got, Be had no Insur-. Howard MoUlure and Alex Box\v ell ~1 ..II- mtl"n8 have t~e nluue tr80led with a L.ycecm Bnr ellu f or 8ooe. are appointed' RpprlLi~ora. Sugar in Cold Weather plainly wrIt en on tbe m.1! box I T he l.eb3l1un Pi ke to the Il tl le imn four 8ntertulnmel.ltl:! th1 II'I"'1t r:- B enry B oetoll, wbo was kicked (;nse at County Commissioners vs. lL'" JUII' 1111 mauh Lbe bu~lnt:8H of t,lI e lJridge, Ihen the ri ver road to th hOllse 'rills L eng ue are h enda of fuwlli o.., by IL horse, Id Irnpro vlcg slowly. Alpht'us Cortis Ward, et Ill, la dis Mrs . Wuldo Elliott hud the ml~. missed .wlthout prej Ddlce nnd wlthflUlllllr to lilt people koow wbo I~ I U\lOD the hill . :rhc old c(lvered bridge d J tbelr own wor);;, 1.111 v e .ll!ui r dOing bUI.ioess at, Lba' pillce linG U 1 re member II. ohurob afi'a t rs to look lifte r lIud fortune to loso h er Ilold watcl.J I out reoord. Sir E rnest :Shaokle too, tbe Ant· P laut 68 h I. for the bnelnelij mlln Oh, to be back where I used to be . mllny soclll i funotion s, ILlld wtth I'll given to her by h er paren~s liS a urotlo oxplorer. hae reoently report· 1n \own to hllng oue hll algn. ! t ' 1\ Both lime and p'lace for me, ~h ut t ley i are oour teous nn d 100."l' ng grudolltlnp: prescot. Sbe prlzell It A. 0, Vail,lIdminl.J!trator wltb the ed lome Intere ting thin l;lB about • A )Jftrs of tbe New Drelll on OhiO For lhiugs would II II bk thCSii IllC I' D1 sure torw"rd to IDllkinK tbe morals ot vory blghly nnd a llhoral reward will annexed of ap.e eatate of Oalvln foode Rnd df6ell.8ee observ ed In ' he .o..mpallln wblob tbe Agrlouhurlll U"lel s both theS(! co uld be. oar tpwn better. will be paid to the finder. Miller, deceaaed plaintiff VB. Malln- Antartlo. Be bn~ tlilR to aliy : Auto Livery Serylce at t.:ommldlilon bal! ptOIDoWd. Mr. DoDd Mrfl. ~Vm . AlIa ,of Way _ _ _ _._. dll .II1l11er, et III dcfeDdant8, Balel! "To 8h-,w you h uw 'vlllllllble t!llgll.r Reasonable Rates - - - -. - • A hili to a looks mOUllt u'i" bl)j h; nes ville, were soen to pass througb are approved and distribution or . Is to tbe employor, tbere \V1I8 au a o· A hilt's n hIli 1.0 n Illau I dered, So the eyes of D boy amI his age thmIYD in our town la8t .!friday anroute to oalllon when we IDIlro.hed 321 miles, BEAUTY Theil lbe yer\fS wc'lI backward 51 " II Wilmington. d .. . .~. . a rawlng laden s ledges in fonrteeo Also Agent for Kelly-Springfield Marriage LICeoael work\ over-e:s:er,. n • _ • B a r It. lJt;IlUIIIUI WUWlllt ·ltl~".l'8 haH Automobile Tires and a haIr. Eve ry t w. h ours home on tile hill U'lIt WAI up so i: ,- Walter MarloD Williamson, ollr. daYIl stiff. sorA muscles. toll lood dll!lllilion. It- your dl(!tldlon To his we eaeb t ook two or three lamps of hil:h. ponter of Ros81110yne to Mrs, Mary ment lightly applied , a I t g-'qllbt, III fanlty. Ubomberl ..d l'l! r"blet8 will lIogar. Wltbln t en miuut,es of Ol\tTo him 'twas hi/!b. )'ou'\I agr e, Rn d yo nr 'Sor enes8 dlsappear8 IIko A. Bile of Mason. Rev. C. E . Ll\pp. fog them we coold feel the hent go do you good. Obluinllble eve.y. Forl'tn think ing you 'wCore 11 hoy, " In the 8UD1m er o f 1 I had maglo. "'Notbiug ever helped like where r n rna n you C<Juld It' t. be, I' v ll ry severe II t,ta K of obolera Commlsslonen' Proceedln,! through our bodIes. 'l'be bighest 10Lln's Liniment. r OIln never temperature of th .. t mllroh '11'118 62 Val ley Phon~ 9O-I X ----.~morbua. 'l'W() pbY6l o lt~n8 worked t bank you enougb, "writes one grllote. R esolut·lon pl\ssod grllntlnR ~he A g-ren t big hO Il~e. n stllble and ba rn over me from four H . m. to (l p . m . rcl user. I:!top88nfferlng, aohe8,and Dodds Canclng Co., the p~lvllell:e or degrees bel~w zer o."-Ex. smlllier ones 'round abo ul. Don't Smoke Cigarettes A Anrl wlthp ut glvlog me any reli ef a.nd plllns. An excellenl; coccter-Irri . piping wllter to Its plllnt trom the S1Ilu L:ehn usc. w ondlI0u5e, mil lcllfJusc t oo, tb c t old me tbey did not expoct'm e t ant, be~te r and olealler tban mus, land of Johu Lewis providing oerAnd ()t lie r~ wilhullt " doubt to Ii ve ; tb"t I bn d best t el~g fl\pb ta rd. All Druggists, !l50. GatlL bat- tRln restrlots I\nd conditions are ad- Read your own Miami Guzette 'fllll Or6 IOIIH or N !! w York la~t odla lld, II." where the brQok fa r Illy fnlU tty. Instend ()f doing so, tlo to.day. Penetmtll8 without rnb.' be red to year WIIK OVtlr *200,0oOIOOG, .. no Th" . thwo ro ugh, 1 gllve tb e botel porter tJfty cen tt! BIIl8 Allowed-P, B . Mocco bridge ijllolf of the fire!! Olhl81nlf tbltl lo~.. Wl'are the trres were 111I1 as could be; lind t old him t o buy me 1\ bott le of bin g. - - -. - --- - work Salem town ~ bip $27; BOYII' were traced directly to Oltrele8Sne@lI, Can Y'l ll r('lIlclIl ber fhe . tlme und ,Iued Cllllmbet:ldln '8 Oolio, Uh oler u. and GIVEN QUICK RELIEF IndustrlRl t!ohool olot.blng, shoes, m .,'ob ell "nd oi""rtlttes le"(\IDK In 1 Clln, and n l~o see DI"rrhoca R em ed"" IIncl take no sub'htl OIlrele.~8 list. eto. , for Inmates from Watren P ~ in leaves a lmost stltnte. I took n d ouble dose Ilccordns .if by maGic whop county $7[j 3; W. H. Madden & Co. The (lId co,. reLl bridge that was dark by iug to the dlreot\,)cS ILlld w ent til you begin using "5dar, cement 11360; Qhlo Corrugated Drops."tbe famau,old ' '\1 I1Igbt nothinlJ blacker could he. _ slee p after tbe s cond d ose . J\ t fi ve Culvert Co., pive '211.90 ; B. P . Bhlir W r m()(fy for Rh eemaA' D1akiog the "erecps" lm vel up a nd o 'clook 1ibo -next .nornic-g I WIIS Davld .Bopklns WIl'8 in Kenll\. on oement $12 25; E. Wilkerson 8ervioes --------oulled by my orrler Rnd took a train t ism. Luinbago, Cout, down bnri,,1 committee Salem township 'Sci atica, N t3u r n lg ih A weuklless nl 'he knee. for my n ext stopping polIlt, a well buslcoss lal!t Friday . BU Y-50 b ead of good shoats. $1; C. G, Marvlu, suppllell tor oourt nud kindred kou bles. Veterinary . m fi C but feeling I litber @hRky fr om Mr. and Mr!!. John Turner bave house 12.45; C. W. Spllrks I,lrldge . Wri te or see D. N. Da w~o n, II goes right to the The ford. llln t wns jusl below t hc bridge. tbe 8everity of the .. ~taolrJ" writes gone to pring field to vl81t tbelr j28 6pot, SlOpS the aebes work Union townlhlp $:l.70; Xenia Harveysburg , Ohio . Or the bridge ·!>""c Ihe furd, maybe, Ondulte 01 Obto ~Ial. Unlverll· H . W. lcolilDd, L6ulsvll\e, Ky. Ob · son Jllmes . Turner 8ind family tor City an p:lios nnel malu:,. work bouse keeping prliloner8 Where tbe q.u kkso lld swaUowctl bo(11 talnn ble everywhere . I\whlle. ....:::...-life \\ orth living. Cet during June 19U 115; U. J. Wag. rld~ r Ilnd horse . n hOUlo of "5-Dr_o",," Fred H oyle, who Iive8 sooth'ot goner Hervicg notloeR In re Costella DISSOLUTION PARTNERSHIP · Office at residence in F. USher Years and ye rs bf r YOIl Dnd mt , today. A booklet wil tcwo, was strlokec wi.th Rppendloltls ditoh $6.13: Chbrles H. 'and Bessie o,tch boilio gives full wood's house. Fourth Street. Altho' the road from school Was straighl. 'rhursday but Ie mcob better 'oday 131anoy rect on Annex ' ·It 11 ; Tru ~ . ---------- - - , diructloos { or UOO. The two miles b Olli ' were lung, autl will BooU b e Ilble to be oot. tees Publlo Atl'llirs ligb , (o;J I (\; Burt D OIl'1 delay. Dc ma.od Telephone 28 For that str/light road wus t wists and O'1'ICEl II! h oroby givon 'hat no Mn ter Oeoil Hn velOS. of Dayton, Reed, brldl{e work . Deerlield t»woLllrtlS . ,, DOD't aep ll r tnerr;hip existll betweeu the J~~~~I"5-l>rops, C('p t no r th ing etse in h ILS been uuder t he dootor'll olue ship 157.05; B. K , Mulford Co., Waynesville. Ohio To a boy or pIny and song. Ilcderel g ned nnd A. E'. Miller. placo of iL Anydrull' with mu.lnrlG rever Ilt the home of nnti.toxin $Ol. 5u; JeI\.Ddlphtherll\. Mr. CrI\\Vforcl '.rllOm pson ,wd Mr. Mlncie .1. SlItto.rthwalte. Oute d :lot can lUI' ply you. 11 you live too far his gmndpar ents Mr. and rs. Esom nette ~nider trans. reoords, R eoord Blltterflies Dnd bees t\l1d snnkes Clyde W right nr c on a .two w eeks' Ellruhart. July l,1 9l5 . j21 10m a drll,: slore SCIlt! Oil" Dollar to Were lrnveliRg thClt sanae way, ( <1 0 , era offioe $35 i The BuU·,l olnt Nos t. ' .'· , II)hO t1 Hheumntic u rc Co., NcwtLrk. A·"cRgin" you on to ~ h'c 'em n chase : trip to De tr oit. able l :nlvert Co., pIpe 1,,0; C. W, .Miss Myrtle Whit/l, o re eo'ertalned )hio. l\o,1 " Iy. 'de of "5·Drops" \V; II be Do you retncmber l 1 do. Misues AilD II , Dor/\ and Velm l~ SpRrks bridge work Union towcshlp .,m prepaid . ." .. ' mltb were vls ltlog tn West CArrol. Ilt 1::!11nde.y 'd inner nt her bowe on $71 .84; R. A. MoCutoheon road and PROPERTY W. M~plll St ., Miss (]oldle Groeno, hc rence by the sides, both right and l ' ton I:)aturday un<ll:lllbdn.y. Funeral 1)jrector. of Old Towu, and Messrs. J esee brldge U52 ,50 \ W. N. Allen, bridge lefl. Mr. Will Smltb Ilod family, of C1l1stol:\,and Jesse Wlle.ver. work, qlearoreek townabip $19.60 ; W"" alw"ys ill the way ;' Dliylon were vhllting w ith Mr. And "IIVlIYS a' nail II'ns lu rk in g aboul, Telephone dllY or nigh' . . Aures n ell r ·Lytle • . fll irly . well Dr . RIteno ur hal! pllrohas ed a new- J. K. Spencer first elltlwute oootTllct frank 'Smith lind r"lDlly SllndllY. IIUtO . . PrrJ\lo::-e-jt:IS+ $3!i7.20; Tho West.ern I:!tar pllmpbAddinG .sorrow \0 your pla y. Valley phone No. i. Lung improved, some frul,t',': ""m --If~ llb-I-lt--t-UI lets, list of R, E ohllcges for DI"trlot rigbt, if sold soan, l c q l1.ls8 tltonl.lQ; Brown. o! DI,ytoll. Diaanoe No. 1lG-2r. Mr8. Molli e Thomu8 aud Miss THE ORIlATEST _. And n dileh bc:s!de lhnt rc lid there wn~ . spe n, t:lundllY with bel p " ren t.s. Ne llie I:lowllrds spent. I.. at Thor/lday A88easor's office $78.20; Oregonia MoNeil, Ullnter vllltl , Ohio. floth Bridge Ca ., 4 oontrllots $014.58; The 'f'was s/)meli{nes dry, 'most wet, ~rs . Bessltl Lucy WAS vi!lit,ing wi th With I'd rs. Hu r ry McGinnis at Ly'le. AutomODlle Service .t .n Time. And phones. j 030 lhe mud tha t dUHG 10 shoes m,Ll Mr . (lnd Mr . Osott r Mowry Snnd,.y Western ~tlir, government en velopel! Cbo·s . Dorry, lin old Bellbrook boy for Reoorder $32. /l0 ; Benjamin clotllcS IN THE WORLD WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Made mother ofttimcs frct. Mrs.ld Martin und BOD, Lonni e, ollJled oc trleul! 1 bere last 'fhursday. Sparks refunder on tllxes 112.80, MLISHED wr:my, $4.00 l'ER Y!.Ut FOR SALE of Duyton l are the guests of Mr. tle is now 10(JlLted at DetrOit, MlcbContraot8 Let- No. 4:t0 with. the Bnn~ Office. HarveJlbul1r, 0. u.nd Mrs. W1I1 Crelgl.J"tOD. ItOTEL8, DRUociiiTS. 8I!EOIALIIIT8. The river thll l qUI dOWIi Ihere iglln. Oregoula Bridge Co, for repairing --------~------------ COS TUM E R 8, T II A N 8 F'1t II, 0 A" Mr. "nd Mrs. Chal' . E . J obcs aod In front or the house upon tile hili , The W. U. A. held tbelr regulnr "nd erecting, pmlntlcg Ilond lurnillh_ AND · BUS . SERV ICE CAN PROF'I'\" Wnl deel> tight there, " as all gel out" .... son. Olen, I.T d Ail'. Ilnd Mrs. t!idney monthly moeting ut tbe home of ing with creosote plllnk and Hex Sowa und 33 litt le plgR, fr OID 8'1 USINO ITS ADVERTISINO CO~UM"_ And deeper il t the milL Lamb were In ' nltyton Scndny. one week to m ootb old.' A \I Mr~. J . C. Uuouingham eallt of town Blook floors, two eteel bridges at BARNHART, SAMPLE COPY FREF. healtbyand in goorl conditio n. J. Mra. Jdll Leaile Ilnd Mi as Mildred IUBt lIlondllY lIyenlng. We8t street, Lebanun, 11690. And 1 can ~member when Ih. thinGS ........ NEW VORK CLIPPER W. BeRoh, Wnyt)eHvtlle, R. 2. j !l Sburp, of ClllCIUU(1tl, were tbo gcest. Notary Public grew smull , Mra. A. H. Borten has retorned No. 431 wnb W. S. Graham to H.w York ... Y. of MillS Adu Hnrlitnlln the IlDst week. home after IL wee:kll vl~*, with build 0. conorete arob flllB lind For I grew fast, alld they ASTURE-Good pasture , right retl\aillc(I " ,~ they'd, alwuys been, Jllst Mr. und . MrR. Alleu Bl\rdlog, friends hero. Ic town . For furtb Ar info rma _~=:: , ==':_~~ ~ _.~~====::::~ ~ms obanglng ohannels on Wilson Ron.d ~ Allltllldll of Notary Work, 'l'h. ",',rld SC~tI\S small toduy. . Mrll 8ulsoc aod Mr. WRlf,er Belli -.-.-.- ----by George Mills' fl\rUl In Wayno tlon oall at the GU)lette olTIce. JZl and Deeda a I:Ipeollll'y. were visiting wltb Mrs. Ann !:luuth. \owDshlp at '5 23 per 00. yd. :for Oh , for a'dny, or maybc, tll'O, 015T YOOR FARMS-USA onr DR. HA'l'HA W AY oonorete and aUe po~ yard for earth .II1lsl1 Leona MoGlnnls Is visit.IUg LI1 the place with the eyes of n boy; . A GOOD oloth hunting signs . Will Inst Wllal old-time wonders one could see; flll. w.ltb Mr . aud Mrs. William HlAines, Ordinary u\.Jmeuts and Injtirle8 Wayneu-Hle'8 LeBdlna Denttaa Whal pathos, mirth allll joy. of Belmont. No. 432 wttb the Oregonia Bridge f or yenr~. Guz'ltte Offioe, Wa y nes . DR. J., W. MILLER. Ilre not of thlllnselvfl8 serloue, bo~ 321 Office In Keys Bldg. Main S Mrs. Cr .. wford Thompson and 80n infeotlon or low vltRllty may make (;0. for building and ereot.ing Do 160 ville, Obio. c.;11fi'ord, Ilre vl8itln~ reldlve8 in them dangerous . Don!t negleo' a ft. spRn steel brIdge from Old I[lngs ••• DENTIST••• BI"11ooesl or. subscrillllra to l,be McUl\lI'S aut, sore, brnl8e or hurt beQan8e It'8 RI ver bridge, over Clleear's oreek nt If ~ Magaziu e. Soud 350 to tbe 'rhe vlUaga of Lyt'l e was very liwllll . Blqod Poiso[J ba8 resultsd Noab Hain'e s ford In Mall8io town. trouble4 ,nth beartburn; g __ aIIII muoh shoo ked over tbe destb of from a pln.prlok": or 8cratoh. For ship and fitting reotllnllullU' oreo. (.:Juzett3" offioe, Gcd get ona of tbe Dr. Bell's Pirie-Tar-Honey Wayo., 1IIe. ( I afe a dim-l feelfn, .r~.ee.ting take bes' magazines on. earth. tf Mrs. Eli7.lIhcth Longllcre who passed ullscob Bilmeats Bookleo's Arnloa aoted blook and {loor at $3865. For Cougha and Coldao ~ Dyspepsia to the a ~ber shore between 4 Dond ::lalve Is excelleut". llt pro'eot8 and • • () o'olook t:lundllY eveniog. _ i01CQ Tablet bellis the bnrt ; II!I !lntl8epUo, kills 81.OPVOd In l:O mlnlllat Lyde bllse ball tcnm Bdded an- in(eotlon and prevelats ' danger01lll COUGH beforellll.d after each meal ud,yclI wnt HU'l' ..ILb Dr. Bb""J,'1 CrouP .• 1!6mody. oue ob&aiDpromp' nlilf.Sold ouly.by Ut,260 other victory to their list t:!undny oompliolltions. ' Good for' all Skin It's prepared from I.h., healing teD .. ul lnorcli provO: Ask the bays whllt the soore wn~. Blemishes, . l'lmples, Salt . Rbeum, Pine Balsam Tar Ilnd Honev-all J, E; Jann.", No .oml htD~C::: 'Eczem... Ge' an original.. 2.otinoe ml.xed In a pleasant. 800thh'Jg Ooogh q4 p1eul1llr alft\P"'"l>Oo. 250 , box from your Druggl8t t::I,rnp called Dr. Bell'8 Plce.'1'u.r Honey. , Thousand8 bave benefitetl by Its UIl8-no Deed of your enduro "LaBt winter I u@ed CbllmberIng \h'" annoylng Cough or rl,klllg Ialn'a Linlmeut tor rheumatlo palnp, a dangeroua Gold. Go SO your deal8tlllness and lIorenoss of the kneep, er allk tar' a ·150 orlgillal boUle Dr. A~to rlUd ORD "oon8olentlOUllly SHY tbat &11'8 Plne.TDor-Boney, ltar~ nelna: I never used anything tbat did DIe at once and Ie' rid or your Cougb o mllcb good,"-Edward UrRn, El LIVE' STOC!< ' AND . GENERAl,. ~b.l, and Oold. :N, Y. Obtl\lnllble everywhere. rbern'~ goad oheer IImong folk~ i:lllrvest Is geoerou · .
Bnr o- To Mr. n.nd Mrs. Will Ward. low , II 8 veu pounclson. ', (\wllrd Rro wo , wife, !!on , and ullug hter e l~olll\nd .J ellnettP, llpont tl iluduy ".'It,1t P er ry Thoma8 and fnmily . Tho ~o il\l thllt w,a s h e ld ti t t h e oboo l b u e by the Willing Work . urs oltl~s WAll' u roly a tin co 8, The lJ !luLlfal ovenlng untl Do lnrge cr o wd wit h woll fillod pur 013 wa s Doll tl.JDot Wf\~ uece nry . Lor oy Eillrtsoolr, of Daytc>n, spont Hlltu rd n}, ncd S und ay with his pnr-
.\1 idt " " Ii II(' a .Il l l llll· nl. . • : . . ,::;1.00 ·Sl irls - \\ ';1 Ii • I il l-i , U Jl HIm. J .00 ~ldls - A li l li' Itl I " u p fnll}l .. .. 10.00 ,'i lk \\-:I Cil~ , "i' frnm ..... , .. .. . 1.00
'1'110 E denton hnll
Gib ey's
rurul Ohio tltllte ~81r ib tho oross rOl\cts whero huv ll r And BPIlur m eet 1'hfl IlUSi ue .. 11 former lIIakes ~Dges vll'lting , Amarlc" '. ~ re"test eXjJoijltlou -Premtulnll ' Iue lIberdl. U"r.ll log IIIlly be 1''' 11 by I\sllio/l, A I,rlp te tl!1! 8tot~. ~' .. Ir is a proHt s h ollpln<,t
t.onr All 81gna now in(llollte reoord lutendnnoe litld exhibits . Thtl fo;ronads "re beltntlfut, made so by the nrt of th laodllca pe ga rden er. The mllny nq Ilests lor II I11L0e 8HSUro thllt the ·g rouud '!YiIL be filled wltb tbe newelt Bnd the best. Write fOl' o/\tlAlog and Ic formation Do It now.
InSURJlnee A. B. Chandler
----- ..
Ray Mills
Corwin, Ohio
-.- --
' J~
OlassiBed Ads
A . McCoy,
====-=-_. -.
---_0 _40_ ___
===::!::============I .Walter McClure
KG 'Lmnm
E. V.
, "UP
.- .
.. 4.--
N. Sears '
.Painting, Paper Hanging,
and Carriage Painting.
Office in Stoops
Shop Next to Sherw1)od'e Oara882Maln 8~
0. . '
Dr. Mac ' \ ill be all nl')(l \ "k.
Hils Our $5000 Shoe Slock And Every Department
here • ____ .
_ .......-.-. ______•
Mr. lind Mrll . Frank Hesli ami Jlar veysbllr K\ fumily. of Itoutll I. wer(' Lht! unrlay . Ku e~IH of Mr. and Mrs. I·:arl 'onner.
It Will Pay · You to Wait Your Peaches Northern Ohio lslrmu Peaches will ue un the market from ~ep temlll'r lirsL 10 Octobl'r tenth ee thll\ your ~rllc~r ha~ ~I lt' m fol' )'ou. Th c rfl~l Ihis yeur willlJ unusllully Illrge And I hl' pI iI· .. Inw .
This fruit is fully lI1:ltllrt'd lJ(.forl'! bl.'ing Vil' h 'u
l'on~aill" rl larg-c'l: p~ rl'e lllag ' of sligar Ih :1 11 a ny oLher
'III': A. T. Wri f,fht h. ,lrivil1g unow SlIlton runabollt.
The J olly MalronR, willl their hu . bands. wero ntllrlllined l it II sixo'clock d inner III th e home of Mr. . Allen Hai nes. of/Xe.nia, visiled .rel. and Mrs . J. O. Ca rtwright, Mona'ives here ruesday. day evening,
Jlats, fl o",ers, ehiff,)!]!!. etc .. chea p. (~. I.. Smi.th ,
M1'9 . Al ice McKinsey ami !laughter Miss Henrietta . had as their guests , Mrs. W . S Grah am visit ed friend s Sunday, Mr. Goo. Riley auu uaugh· I ers, Misses Blanche and Perle niley, in ~pringfield. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell and M)'. Frank Silver. J . O. Ca rtwright. of the National Bank , is taking his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. ross enter· Mr . and Mrs. F, B. Sherwood and tained at dinn er, Saturday. in honor family' were h reTueRclayafternoon. f Mi s.';! Caroly n Smith's annivllrsary day. Th e guests were Mi!<Ses LouiRe Miss Rowena Wrighl:, of Red Lion. and Carolyn Smith . of Brookville. visited fri c:nus in Waynesville, 'rues- Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. C.' W. BarnetL and Mr. Ilnd MrH . E. V. Barnhart. . day.
In every department, during this sale all goods wiD be On Satunhiy afternoon, July 17, -Old at a decided reduction. Take advantage 'of these wasMrstheHannah Antram. of Lebanon. gu st of Mrs . Graham Mrs. C M Robiltler ente rtain ed (juite n number of young girls in • cut prices. The four pages of selected values shown in the Tuesday. honor of Mi sS HS1.d niley. who is i the summ er here , After Large Bulls-eye Circular will only show that our Large Tolyon Lawson. of Ky .. spending • pleHsllnt soc ial hour. dainty refr esh- : visiting his aunt, Mrs. ltouerl ments A pccia l Sn leSlllall were se rved, Those present Stock ·is being Closed Out. The 105 foot store room is full. Berkelt. were Lillilln Jeannette f rolll the I'nd o ry w ill he Louel la Janney, ElSie Gusti n, Every article will be a bargain, no such prices have ever Miss Helen Hftrris. of Dayton. is and wilh It S for th e wee k. Mabel Salisbury. Reva and Lucille grandmothul', Mrs. Alice Horrnell, Opal Gray, Janie and Hel en been shown on retail counters. We·want no lagging sum- visiting A ny olle l'onlcmpl a l illg McKin sey. Joncs alld Helen Marlatt mer business, we prefer to.give you the profit and goods buying a Mr. Edwin herwood, of Pennsyl: must be sold. You.love to save money. Our large stock vania. is his Mr. F. Evans-Smith •••• J. Sherwbod. ...... PIANO ...... . at the unheard-of cut in prices helps you to do it. • Frances Squires is entel tain· On Sunday July 11th, Miss Glenna Come and bring your friends. Bull's-Eye Sale Prices ingMiss her friend, Miss Glenna Harts· Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. and horn, of Dayton. Will 00 WEll ·TO GIVE US A CAll Mrs. T J . 'mith became the bride surprises everyone, young and old. of Mr. Lawrence Evans. of Spring : The Friendly Group will meet at Valley. The ceremony was per· ..................................................... 300 Men's $2.50. ~hoes for $1.92. the Friends Home on Friday even· fOlmed by Rev. LeClar at th4' paring, July :23rd. \Ion age in Bellbrook. They will ' probab ly go to house· 400 pair Ladies' $2.50 Shoes for $1.92. c-trfell the Advertiser you Rend the Ad iu the i\tiaml Gazette Albert lRolI, of Elrllwood, is lhe keeping in the fall. Frie nds extend best wishes and gUE'st of his uncle Albert Sheperd cong raru lations. Our stock·is too large to give all the reductions. every and family this week. --.,--pair will be sold at a bargain. A. MAFFIT . Vernie Beckett:. of Harveysburg, visited her parents. Mr. and Visited Clifton Sunday Mrs. Robert Sunuay. Funeral Dir.-ctor Mrs.BartonH.Kelly and Embalmer. The Corwin elevator will be closed Misses Alma Waterhouse and J JVocal Teacher until .Monday owing to the sephine Oglesbee aad the Messrs, Waynesville, Ohio. W. ,~ .
Co ~ingt o n.
Wilk er~ o n,
i ~ itin~
Mi ~s
Beeket~ ,
death of Mr, Benecke smother.
GotoJl)hnA. FunkeY 'Bstore dur-
gl:eatBulls-eyeSale. Every· be closed out at a bargain.
- ..---
C. E. Beason and 'family snd K. E. 'Owing to a ru sh of business our Thompson and daughter Mrs. Mabel . PRINTED LETTER HEADS a~~0~~~r'J~~~h~u~ti9;n~~~~~ School at ChIcago, home and 18 readers will pardon us if we tail to Terry were shopping in Lebanon on
heads. They are adding thetr wHe 's n"me. They aleo add tbe name of tbe bank a' wbiob tbey do bnsloe8s. h's both dollarll and lIenSIl. The beet credenlial • farmer can have 18 tbe name of bis '6ink printed on bill letter bead• . . Try U, Mr. Farmer. Uoosts little. U·. worth. lot.· The Agrioultural Commission belLevB8 thllt it 1. the farlller'lI duty to be a bU8tnes, man tn every lIeOle of tlle word.
ready for sale dates. It would be give several items of local news this . "!'dell t? sehe him, ~9 be'h!lS SOl_me neOw week. I eas III t e auctioneering 1I1e. r call .hlm, 146 ~utual phone, New Mrs . Alice McKins!!y spent several Burhngton, OhIO. dlSYs last week in Morrow. the guest • - • of her son; J . N. McKin.ey and .:' family.
Her WaItt M...u.... A teacber In one or the city Icboola -Who, to say the least, Is or rather lIelleroWl proportIons-wail trying to esplain to ber BCbo11lJ'll the correct mea,urements ot the humalj. trame. "For example," ahe I&Id. "twloe IU'OUnd my thumb, once around my wrist: twice around my Wrllt. once around my neck, once around my Reluctant Luck. A K"n Critic. Luck II an uncertain performer. It neck. once around my wa.lat." Then ~ Boy-"Ut'. 110 throngh the _PU: there', IQuirrelB and-lote of doesn't olwaYB feel like reBPoDd~ Bbe pauaed, and a shrill voice trom the I\mDJ'thlDp ill there."-Yale Record. to ,an enoore.-Clnclnnatl lIInQulrer. back of the room exclaimed. "TWice around yer Wa.llt. once around the city 1laU."
W. ·H.IADDEN, CO. We are better equipped than ever befote to supply
some place on Main street. Finder will please leave at the Gazette office and receive reward. ' Why Editor. Age Premlturely.
Cul prices in everything in miliinerv line. G. L. Smith.
pra'r meatln'sf" "J calls 1t plumb 100\' Mrs. Geor' Lanter and two c:hilieb. aah I" replied square-beaded old Drotller Clank. "Ubkaze why: De dren, left Thursday for WilliamsLawd aln't gwine to tumbie out o' bed burg, Ky., for a two weeks" visit early In de mlLwnln' to listen to with relatives. • bunch o' nlggers dat's got all day to do delr praylo' lnl"-Kansas City Lost- A diamond, oblong shape,
"Will you pleaso give me," an East
Mrs Matilda Hosiel' amfMiss Ethel fo~ an extended viSIt wi th relntives in Iowa and other Western points.
lett. Sunday,
Miss Ellen Sherwood, who has been quite ill for the last two weeks wa'> UnwillinG to Impole on thll Lord. a~ain at her oid'stand in the Howell "What does yo' tblnk. sah, 'bout de "Yangelllt'B notion 0 ' boldin' aunrle • . store Monday,
your needs in the Building Material line.
Mrs. Elope Stiles and daughter, Mis.q Dora. and Grace Patton visited relatives in Xenia, Wednesday and Thursday
IIlde womnn wrltoa earnestly to the Btnr, "a Uttlo I.nrormation through your columns of 'Answers?' I am makJng a shoe polish Ilnd want to know what In gredients to use 10 produce the shine. It Is all satlsfnctory except that It does not give the de• lred pollsh."-Kansas City Star.
Told Her About It. Eugene attend ed the weddIng of hi' Aunt Nan, whlcb took place In church. The bridegroom and beat man were waiting at the altar for tbe bride, who was Blowly advanclog up the aisle. to the strains of the wedding march, when Eugene', childish treble Boundod clearly: "Hurry up, Aunt Nan. Mr. .a.bbot·s walUn, for you." .
. Mrs. Ha nnah Rich and Mrs. Elizabeth Legg. of near Harveysburll. Bpent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mendenhall.
, Finest lot of End Posts ever bro~gbt . to Wayn~viIle.
& CO. Corwin, Ohio.
- --
Come to our store during this great Bulls-eye Sale. The greatest bargains in our large shoe stock. John A. Funkey, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. BeDecke lett morning for Napoleon, Ohio, where thE!y were called on acco,unt oithe death of Mr. Benecke'. mother. thi~
-----~--. au".. __ to........, JdII\.-.....J1IdPt
Having installed ' the latest llIuchjnery _foL..llulcanizin_ - t.__Tires, J solicit your patronnge, nnd will gunrant{'e the work to be as (jood as the Best. Give me a call, whether you wish :work done ' or not. I will be glad to e.xplain the Vulcanizing process tp you.
CARL SERVIS Next door to the Wnynesvitlc Auto llnd Machinery Co.
Waynesville, Ohio
You can pay at the Waynesville National Bank.
FRANK D. MILLE , Treasurer ' of Warren Cou"ty, Ohio
Be Outroyed_ nature we must eD Working blllldly .. do nothing to overcome them . At most we can avoid their destructive Influence and allevl· ate Bullerlng thoy gIve rise to. But the forces thnt nfe thrust out by ourselveB, thnt. spring ffom our own minds, must be COil trolled alld overcomo. Tboy are prlmJUve. They are brutal. They Ofe o.nlrnal rorces. Against th ose we must direct our en· ergles.
In Bpite of the. weather Ia&t Friday evening the calico carnival at the ~udge. home of Mr. and Mra. Homer Carey was welll1ttended. A nice prog-rom VB was rendc~.red, delicious refreshments MIAMIS were served and 8 very pleaaant Dally Thought. DAYTON OXFORDS Too austere phll080pby makes few evening was spent. ......e men; toll vigorous polltlc8. few llood ai1bjjlct8; and too hard a religion. Governor Willis r.>r" ..n' ....'rM Phillips Park Waynesville few reUglou, pereons whose dev.otlon ren County Ia&t 1. of long contlnuance.~l Evremood. pointed M a member The Oxfords are out for re\rang. Commission, for-the 5-to 4 defeat the Miamis the erection of a r.ncl~,ulm.!!Dt. Tha One Who Kn_. banded them, July 11th. Barnard, Crawfonl-"Dld he fAlll JOU that •• IOldiera who fought Decker and "Old Reliable" Kurfta ....... gom. to III&J1T the wldo""'" Lookout Mountain. CrahtlhaW-"N'o: the widow told~
- ...- - -
Base· Ball Sunday, July 26th
wiIJ be th~ Miamis' baUery. aa. CalJed at l:.a5 Po m.
Miss Ruth Hartsock will present Forc:ee to her pupihl in recital 011 toe evening9 The forc es of of July 21' and July 2!1. School Audi- deavor to avoid. torium at eight o'cloc:k . they do we can
Ernest Earnhart, who is , touring the West, writes us a. card from the top of Mt. Lowe: overlooking Sari Of the Same Opinion. Gabriel Valley. He says he is having Mtldred-'.·Oon'l you think Miss EI. a fine time and the weather is all that 4erly looka much younger 10 ' her new can be expecteJ.
hatT" Helel?-"lndeed I do. Why, Mildred, It makes ber look but very IIttl,e older than she saye she ta ...,....,
Saturday afternoon. Mrs. 01lie Hagemyer · and sons Estel and J . Lee spent Friday with Chas. Ellis and family. Don'l forget the Ice Grea~ Social at the church here on next :saturday evening July 24. , Clarence Kennon and wife and others spent Sunday at the Old Fort. Several from this place attended th e Box Social at Asa Whitacre's at' Green Brier last Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Lacy and lady friend of near Harveysburg spent Thursday with Mrs. Lacy's mother Mrs. Mary Williams. We are·Rorry to report aunt Har· ri~t Lincoln quite poorly at her home near WaY'lesville. . Miss J essie Harness spent a couple of days last week with her sister Myrtle who is attending school in Lebanon . , Frank Harris, of Harveysburg. was here on Fridav. . J. W: B. C. Wolf, one of Wellman's business men' spent R couple of days last week with his son, Lew, of near Wilmington, Clinton county. Mrs. Wm. Hoopard and Mrs Dor· othy Weckerly have returned to their home in Dayton, 0 ., after . spending a couple of weeks with Mrs C, E. Reason, Miss Hill, of Spring Branch, is the guest of Miss Ollie Hagermyer. Clarence Kennon and wife nee Miss Jessie Garner, arc visiting rei· ativesand friends here . Ed Jeffery has a new auto.
Third St.
Waynesville, Ollio'
Le' the baDke.. be your book· keeper. ' A c.D04Ilecl oheok ta a good aDd a 401lbl. noelp'- The cbeok aa4 tie ••ub are b 101 ailent, sure wtsa_ 'b.' yow paid tbe btU tr a07 ocaedUpuleli. Thef.rmllr ollli:bt to ha.... check book, aDel bll nam.e aDd a4d1'. . priD&ec1 on tbe ,heokH. Tha' .. til. "'a7 'be bnaloH8 man dOlI ta. '!'be f.nner mu.' leaI'D \hs Br* of belD... buin. . man, ' . . . . . . . . . .,. . .UiDl printed I.".r.
Mrs Sarah Harlan and Mrs. Lydia Harvey, of Harveysl!urg, we r e guests at the Friends' Home, Sunday.
Harvey,. Rye and Fred Gons were at Call answered promptly day or night Clifton Sunuay. B oth phones in Office and ~esidence. Long distance,N o. 14; Home phone 14·2r .· Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals . Beat of service guaranteed .
-------------.- I, I , I'I
3JCONOMYi iS Ihe . road to wealth, (Start th~ ·jo~ey~by:trading. here~
FOR INSTANCE West E.lectric Hair Curler New Dishes, Plates, CuPfi; Saucers, Deep Dishes, Salads, Glass Dillhes .•• Ket.t1es, 5 qt., 6 qt: ., •. : . Paring KniVes.......... CaD Openers ... _.. •••• .•
Next Door to Guette Office.
lOe lOe lOe lOe lOe
Paring K'-n1v~ •.• : .... , .. .05c CaD Openers •.••••••.•• ~tOlSc: Handkerohiefs, ........ ," Olia Lilly: Cups, for drinking •.•• 050 ' Place Car~s, 12 for_ .••• ; ,. lOe Sc~", Dnvers. ·. , • _, , , , ., lOe Pic:nic Plates .•••• _...... 100
The. MaguIae Mala WayaenDJe. Obio
, Si:xty-Seventh Y ar
Whole Number 3327
.J u~lllt :\~
, '(wl' rnl distrl'S;!ing' acc ltlclll : look . th ' l it' L '!lUlifU II ' Nellie 1\ FittR. s<lcrelary of the , . place la~ L w ~ k. alld "" hil none o f . :ipringboro H om e,Com ing committeo A\' j ES\ ILLE 1\ P HER 'uhhath morn inl( o f .11I Iy , II, .I!JI ~"I Jo~ . Evans is Irivins:ranew " ll,xon the m hay - been futul. they we re Mr~ . •1. D. Marlatl waR Cluit sick haR r rwa rtlL'<i liS the program (01' one of Lytle's nh)~t belm'cd and r~· ~ ix" car. very painful." . OLD CIT IZENS tipcl;ted eitiz ·n ~. H£:Ill'Y K. Si:Jc . • , Ins t ~cel;. . I.hl' three day!'! restivities which will Th u rsiluy morning- as J uler Sihey. yRs.~ed 8Wby at th? Ilg'c 61 HI yea rs, . lOll< "Iact) in that village. beginning who works 0 11 the Il arry Stokes was in Cincinn ati J esse Lewis 2. munths and 10 r1 . I},S. • ~is.'1 Helen Marl alt was a Xelll8 with Wedn esday August 4th. On Dairy farm , was brinllin g up the Wednesday . Wedneaday eve~illg the Busines.'1 He WIlR tho, son of Sam uel and \ lsitor. Saturday. horses fr om pasture. one of the anMary Rutter It! .~ . and was bo rn in . Men's Club of Ule county have been imals kicked him in the groin, mak. Att end the Gr eel~e County h lir. ing Il very painful wou nu . He man. Lan 'fI~tcr cou nt y, Pennsylvania . Mrs. n. H . Kelly spent thc week. invited to attend, and the businesll August 3,4, 5 al1(1 Oth . May 1, 103 1. The next year. I ' 35, ~nd with fri clllls in Cillcinnali . men he re have an invitation. The aged Lo reach the hou~ '. hut hefM(' It i ~ parelll. C'lmc lu Ohio an d lIlaLl· [J r(j~ra m j " as tfJllows: Juing' Mu anuther h o r~c Idck ~u hilll Da n Anderson Continues lIis Inter. t}. t ir home 11 'ur Iti.J H'I:l ville, lie was Wed nesday. AUI,I'ust " - 100 Yard Ernest Hogertl spent lh o week · end on t he leg'. Ho will bc lait.! up a t uf a famil y uP twel"l) chil dren , ho beMrs. AlI'l1 wi ll preach at the M. l)a~h. over 16 years of age. Pole wilh relalivcs in .J all1el1tow n. home for 'overal day ~. esling "Mc mories" of tlistory ing t he eig hth chilt!. Only t wo of J::. Church Sunday morning at 10:30 Vault; 100 Yard Dash . under 16 years H . 0 Cornell, while hau ling wheat of Wayncsvi lie of age. High Jump; Fat Man's Race. t his family are now livin g. one !l . m. last week . met with a pain ful acci· L . A Zimmerman and Myer Hy· Wheelbarrow Race. fellows over 16; brothe r, Amos Side~, a nd one sister , dent . . It scems a~ though ·the loau man we re in Cincinnati laRt wc/.!l( . arah Haines . both of Wayn es· Miss Sad ie OPI), of Toledo, Ohio, is ack Race, f ell ows over 16, Small Mrs. hud become top·hellvy anu ups t viIle. v i~i tin~ her parent~. Mr. anti Mrs. J. Girl's Race. all under H ; Shot Put. th rowing Mr. Cornell ofT. and he Crosswicks indul~cd in q uite a so· In 1850 . Novemuer Gth. he was H . Opp. Mi cellaneous Events- MotorCycle Mrs. Stanley ' ell erR, of Leballon" landed 0 11 the ground fra cturing nis ciety of cfJlored people. ~r . Huck and Race; Bicycle !{ace; Slow Automobile was the g uest of her aunt. Mrs. hip. He was t a ken to t he hospital Peler Lynch. and An!{cline. Hen ry married to Lucetta Wharton ami Miss Mabel Smith. uf Greellfidd . Race. . Alice Keys. Friday. in !Jayto n. wh ere the fracture wa~ HarrIson had a family, Bub. Blll- after hc!' death was again married Evening- 7 p . m. Band Concert; red uced, but it will be some time be· (Bill wa.':1 buried alive by Ii cave·ih of t(l Chloe Z. Morford. on June 6. Ohio, is the guest of her fath er , Mr. 9. Hc had no cl1ildren. but leadves J . H. ·milh. Visiting Delegations of Business The Wal'ren County Pomona fore he will be at work again. tlw well, on the r ig ht hand side of II1 devoted wife who m ourns the e· Men's Clubs. Friday , S ila~ Richardson . who the road as you enter Corwin. from pat'ture of a l oved one. Grange will meet at Butlerville. next 'rl sd A ' 900 works for Jasun 'heehan, run a Waynesville), and wa.'1 r escued alive, ~aturday. July 31s t. Most all of his life was spent in Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler. of Day. lur ay, ugust 5-: a. m .• by Band; Add ress of Welcome pitchfork through the cul{ of hi s I g . aile!' Bel' eral hours, ur, was it a life· Warren coun t y. F. or a s hor t t ·,me t on. are spending the summer with Mu~ic Ma~'o r M. J. Farr; H iatory of SpringMr. and Mrs. Geor ge Har Lock He .started to ge t ff a load of hay time. as Bill put it, when he clime to he ran a grocery in Corwin, bu t r elatives he re. barD. J esse Wright; Reminiscences not no t ice t he pitchfork harl lind did of lhe well. the top spcnt most of lallt week with rei· farming was his chosen occupati on. . by former r esidents and greetings Spoiled Hla Thoughts. also started. and a8 th ey reached the Wonder if Seth W . Brown remem· For a number of years he has resided atives at Arcanum. Ohio. Mastel' EtlJan Cran lelt thIS fr om the absent oneMo Noo n. 12:30 Little Billie WIl K lyin g Quie tly, with ground they collided , with th ro' bcrs Falri ckEllis? Therewasagood in Lvtle. looking after' the farm in· morning f or Colu mbus. where he p . m.; Band Concert; Church Reuneyes wide ope n, tlut apparently 80eln g suIt lhat Mr. RiChard son is limping citizen. sure! inns - Reformed and Methodist; Ad. t erests and fo r several years was a will visit relatives. Re v. and Mrs. J. F. Cadwall ader badly and will not be able to do any noth ing ' . Alte r n whlll' hi s m ot he r On t h Da ve Lashley fa rm, before faith fIJI helpe r at th e g rain elevator d H S F M C Y II reS9, on. . D. ess. . .• e ow .Bked,' ' " Dreaming, nUll 1" "Not and Miss Clara rLile visited with work for several daY A he mov d 10 il, c rad le and all, lived of L. Sim onton . He united with the M. E. church Misses Martha Burlll~tt and Emma ·or.ings, <?hio; Chur~h Reunionadrelll.nlng; tblnklng." r eplied Dillie 1m· friend s in Wilmington Thursday . a man by the na me of Hober , who ~Ive.rsa hst and Umted Brethren: plltle ntly. "and wh n anybody speaks \~ a stone mason. and his wi fe at Haysville now Lytle. when a Cartwright spent Tuesday with Dr. to 01 0 It cut. the think ri ght In two, gathered " Yllrb~" alo n ~~ the fi elds young man; and by his deatb this and Mrs. R. Michener. in Lebanon. M18m.1 Vall ey C.o ll ~ge and School Messrs. Elmer Rogers. U. M. Reulllons . Evenmg- Band Concert. and hi gh.ways They had one only church nolV loses its oldest m e mber. and I 1;Iv~ to cegln all over . .aiD. White, F. Ii. Henderson and L. F. Dayton Adopts Novel Friday. August 6-9:00 a. m. Band daugh ler bu t I don't uelie ve she eve r He was a conscientious'Christian and Perkins were Dayton visitors Th u rs· Miss Ina Hamilton left Saturday Conce rt , K. of P. Re union; W. C. T. day afternoon. Advertising Plan went to sr.hool, though old e nough. all a 'live and fait hful worker. For evening for a week's visit with her U . and I.0. . F . Reunions'" Jr 0 . in Wayncllv ille. They (:am ' out to a number of years he has been a trus· L ffi 9chuolmate. Miss Susie Brown. of U. A. M. Reunion . Noon . 1:00 p. r and lIettll!d in Wa rren or Indialla. h I I h Mrs. John Segale and daug h ter tee 0 te e lllrc , W lICll 0 Ice Yellow Springs. O. m .• Banel Concert; Ci vic Parad e; AdBenton coun ty, be twee n Oxfo rd. hc held at the time of bls death. He G hllve return ed lo their home in CozOne of the most unique mcthotls Benton cou nty and Pine Village . was inte rested in the Sunday Sehool dress , Hon. James Cox:. former ov· zadale. Ohio, after villiting with of advertising a city. its beau ty Rpo ls. Warren counly . In Ihe s pring of ernor of Ohio. Dr. Craig and family were the relatives here f or a c(.uple of w('c ks. and othE'r attrac t ion Q has just been 1857 ! was sent by my brother·in·law. and in every affair of ch u rch inter· est . n]ways ready to he lp by devot - guesta of Mrs. Ag nes Wright and carried out in Dayton by The Grca ter Tom ::ico n. tn Milford, III., to buy ing his tim e and also in a financial da ug hte r. Miss Susan. Sunday. They Mr. and Mrs. n. S. Howell and Dayton Association A motion pic· UI) a hunch of hogs. Milford is way. He was of a bright. cheerfu l wpre enrc.lSte from a VIsit North to Tl1e Best of References. son. Dean. left Sunday morning in ture film has just been completed about ~O miles wes t of Oxford, Ind .. uisposition. ever greeting his friend s their home in Norwood. Ohio. Mrs. HIram DnJy-"Can you get a tht'ir machine! for Chapman La ke. showing Dayton's parks and boule- and 25 miles to \,. he re my brother· in· with a smile. and will be held in lovreference trom your last employer?" Ind.. and will spens! a month at vards, street ·traffic. buildings and low Jived, open prairie all the way, ing remembranee by all who knew Mr. F. C. Gilmour and family ar- Appllcant-"Sbure J can. I've been and other featurl'l' and only a .• trail" of a r uad, and 15 fine residences. that delightful summer resort. d h' d rived home Saturday eveninsz from a workln' for meselt for the ptUlt .Ix A romance. culminating in II big 1lIi1e.'1 to Hickol'Y G rove. till! nearest him. eo r 'several years, his frien II a visit with relatives in Clevehmd, O. months, an' .J r ecommend meaelf ~ cllu rch wedding forms the basis for ettlement, ,,{ two farmllrs. I start. wa tched the fee bleness of age creep· fI yoz very blcbly," Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwllrds the 8tory. more than ] 500 peo'pl E' ed befo»e day, wi th my bunch of ing upon him. yet his last illness was Mr, Gilmour has received a .. atterand Mr. Herbert Edwards left Thurs: taking part in the production . hogs. and had gotte n ou t of sight of . an d th IS O ing which he has accepted. of to = "!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!! 'day morning for Detroit. whero t hey There were some eighty or ~ore land, when suddenly a specter ap· o f on Iy a f ow h ou rs d uratlon takeoffe ther.district superintendency lViII spend a couple of weeks, ami settlllgs and five. days were r\!qulred De8red from a sid e I>at.h. or road, ~e ~h~\:er to his prayer that it mil!'~t the Strongville township sch.o<;lls of then go to their borne in Denver, to take nil the pictu res. Those who and hailed me. "Good, morning '" The funeral was held at the Lytle Cuyahop Co~nt.Y' The POSltJ?~ Is • Col. one that was stmllar to the POSIti on 1°11' lVere present whe!l the pictures were. It was the Robe , ts g irl , afollt an d Ch Th h d J I 10 urs ay, u y 15, at he held here and Strongville town. a taken say the settings were fine . alone a nd .10 miles from home. 1 , urc . cl ck, conducted by Rev. S. W. ship is to b~ ' congratulated on reo Ladles' Dress Skirts There will be lots of good things M.ter ~ week 's run at t~e Victoria had ~ horse and buggy, and a whole oCamp~ell,. of . Beavertown. Inter· ceiving such an excellent man for on the Greene Counly Fair gro unds Thea(re 10. Dayton star.ting today. lot of lunch . a iour,g'a\! on jug of ment In Miami Cem~l~ry. The pall- th it'on The Gilmour's will 'his year. The directors intend to tbe films will be shown In some 200 water • . and now I had accumulated bearers were: WIlham Carmony. . e pos I • k f h' foI~ Ohio .at.BCt' make this the banner fltir ycar. ciPes throughout the country. a girl. and helped her iinto the rig. Sidney Lamb. William Cox. Frank probably leave next wee or t elr 1'cM:I>CtI .ro the aweet.alt," Attend next week, and you will - - -....- --.with her worldly posse8!!iolls . She Duke, William Brown and Frank new home. JDOIjt IWIcloua peach 1f'OWL' never regret it. drove the horse. and [drove t he hogs. Smith . Fnll' 'Ill rull, _tured berere' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . lIc!In« picked. COJItalu • and we made Hickory Grpve. where perocenlaCO o. 81Ipr~ Mrs. Elinor Robison. of Atwood. A Holiday for Bellbrook .wecorralled thehogs,and we stopped CARU OF THANKS .~ . ........... .......................................... ., ........ . ....... ... ~ . PI'O'ICII b)' ao&4f!'l WIlt• • • over nigh t with a family b~ thename . . .,.......-.... .......... ........ ................. ........ .......... ..... ........ . . III '. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stibbs, of of Moore. 1'hey had a daugh ter . ~ wlJ!h to thank. the. friends and Lebanon. and Mrs. Nan Burger and Mary Ma rga ret Moore; . who sfter- neJghbor~ for their killdness and daughter, Irene. of Goshen. Ohio. A game of baee ball will be plaved were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ~'. W. Bee 'hilt your ' lrfOCer hail at 'Bellbrook. Ohio, by the Uricho ward marriP<i a- J knew the man help durlllg my I~t~ bereavment Ihlm for you. Cr•• fo.. • ... Hathaway Friday. In and Morrow, hi~ occu" .Sunday Also to t~ank mmlst~r, and · .the , '"or will . . • •••••U,. ...... (Amsteur Champions of Cincinn ati ) well, pati on. nameObio. [hav'ebut forgotten; Schoolthefor theIr be~utiful ... It.. 11"'- law. On the 1J'le.r. and the Bellbrook Club on Saturday, but they may push through yet be. floral tribute. Mrs. H. K. Sides. kel In ."undance · from Sep· ' Mr and ·Mrs. John MrKnight and July 31st. at 2 o ' ~lock. . tember Ie. '0 Octoblr 10th. fore I clos<l my sketch. • • l.>on·t .IIn untlt you can .et family, Mr. Walter Me Knight and A Loving Cup donated by t he Waynesville sent some " bully Il.em Th~n Inalll on wife. Mr . Will Ecton and wife. of Homan Mfg 0 . • of Cincin nati. will near Springfield meeting house, Mr . be given to t he winnin g team. boys" to the wartoofputthetheRebellion. and [am going m where We have just received in stock everyand Mrs Dan Dawson and family, There will be present at leasL they rig htl y belong. I am pOSSeil..'led • • " ' thing that is. required to repair FORD Ot,.w. eo.•• ,. ....... of Harveysburg. Mr and Mrs. Car· thirty members of the Cincinnati CARS h ' rington Ellill. of Waynesville. s pent Council, fifteen members of Udcho of information not generally kn owtl, hr' CU..... 0 .... if .. elf" enters largel y into the sue as Sunday with Nelson Hamilton and base ball club. and ' II number of and narralive. no one is robbed of his The regular mee ting of the W. C. . family. e others. including the City Hall Rep little or big "lory ; and I was from T. U. was held at the home of Mr~. resentat ives of the daily pr s.~. GalTY Way nesville; " A. Maffit. Friday afternuon, July e He rmann, P res. of Cincinnati Nat'l !<'irst L will name fam ilies who sent 23rd Leap:lI e B. B. Club will be pr sent threl!S: Dr. Wm . R . Anderaon fur· Th'e meeting was opened with . , This event has been planned and nished, Dan. Sam and Eli; an in Lin· music, .. orne Glad Day . " Mrs. . financed by Councilman Michael co In's first call ot 75.000. John Mary Martin read for the scripture Mullen, of Cincinnati . whose summe r Roberts sent Ren. ~"erard D. and lessonJ:he 113th Psalm and conduct. home is at Bellbrook. John A. G. Robe r ts . Gabe Phillips ed the d evotional e:(ercises. sllnt as his q uota John , Jason and The minutes of the June meeting Steve. were read and approved.. . Right here, I am going to make During the bu~ines9 session, Mrs. Crushed to Death Waynesvill e, Steve and .myselfproud . Haines reported a new union organ· le teve and I had ~ he hOllor of taking ized at Oregonia with thirty.six , . • e Par t ill the last battle of the war, members. M"rs . Janney reported a eu st of the Missi8!!i ppi. at Mobile. second union of thirty·seven memo . ' Cru's hed to death while in a drunk· , teve was in the navy and the boat bers organized at Morrowtown . en stupor by the cars at S. Lebanon, he was on , the Milwaukee. was blt'wn . The program for the day was then recently. was the sad story chronicl ed by exuhangesJast week. Fiv!3 yo ung up 'bY 'a torpedo. in fron t of Spanish taken up. oW. men went to Fosters alld 'got drunk; fort. 'l'he guns of the Milwaukee Subject- "Christian Citizenship and they then bought liquor enough to were r ecovered and pu t in battery. Peace." regiment, Trio- "Call Upon Me" ............. . _. Waynesville, Ohio last several days. and etarting home rig ht in the r ear of 'my teve ? DIdO ... .. ................ The Janney Sisters ~ ~ they got separated and Paul Hop· the 26hth k Ln<l iana. · [SayI ! Sd u t in any one,o t l lS ay, wou "Christian Citizenship" . kins, aged about 1G years. laid down syotand and ta ke f or twelve daYR. what P M J ............... ......................... ......... .. .......... ..... 011 the railroad and was · crushed by we did. for any amount of money? art 1st ..... ...... :........ rB. anney ................................................................... . . Part 2nd .. .. ............. M ra . Cornell the cars. h Reading-" A Little Child Shall A sad state of affsirs, that only a Remem ber th e tim e t h e SIlarp soot was shot out of the tree. inside , M' G short ypar has brought about in the er the field works of Spallish fort? D _ Lead Them' .. ..... , .. .... ... ISS rey u"," "The Shame of Our Nation" changed conditions of affairs and by Pa rt Ist ... Miss Anna Vandervoort the vote of the people of the county. member the s hot, cut off a ili.rge When you buy ee just in front of our works. and P 2 d M' Eth I J It is to be hoped that this may be a tl broke up a family of Coons- that· art n ....... .. ISS ' e yn ones a Dr. LeGear 8010 .. .................... .. lesson t o the youn g men of the . h d Instrumental were keeping h ouse In t at tre('. an M' HIM I tt Remedy you county. but will it be? Here IS ' positively the most comp.elling how the Reba tried to kill us all. ..:...... .... .. ...... ISS e en Ar a know that it i. touring car V91ue ev<!r offered.. That IS our w hen we J. umpe d t.h e . b reastworks, "A Prayel' for ' Peace" ...... Mrs. Duke prepared by all ·'clailn. · We .make it unreservedly. And we and never let up unlil we had bagged Memories for Paulina Butterworth eXpert Veterinback it up WiUl {llese reasons: the last of three COIDns . We had were givcn. she having been a Cru · you still can ar,: SUfieon. Warren · Co. Rep~e,sented a ·few trenches and "boom proofs." sader, and a member of the first get one free, by and Qur experience givCf! ulla better W. C. T . U. The Saxon "Si,," is the ltisn·(?Rxon- atyli.h. insending a label underStanding of jUl~t wbat they Aftcr the benediction a ~ocial lint five '· passenger ai,,· J IIIIJulrl. In its liisti"ction of "pr..:a rllill e. conltruc· cylind~r car at a price os from anyone are doing over in Eurc)pe. hour was enjoyt'd. A number of N. L. Bunnell. Lebanon. was low aa $785. It halos",nll 1 iOll e nd perrormanct.1ithas of Dr. LeG ear's (Continued next week) visitors were present. b en 0 tlUrpri Ac to every Governor Willis last appointed by boR high specd- motor Remedies to ... person who hl18 aeen. it. week as a member of the State or wondtrftlr n exihility, - -- +.- ••- - Dr.L:D.LeGear llDoothncss nnd power. Board of Agriculture . from Warr'en Medicine Co .• County. l ' he board held its first RC~lcm\ltr too, the SellM St. Mary's Church 729 Howard St. meeting Friday at Columbus, and The Sax.on "Six" is in no- " fix" isn fully cqu/ppet/ . St. Louis, Mo. John Begg. of \"ohlmbus Grove was 1CIlIIC: a small cnr. It is ·car. There is no extra big and roomy; renlark· charge Cor electric starter inade president. This beautiful . The Ninth Sunday after Trinity, A. P. Sandles. the retiring seereable in Ita riding case nnd lights. or sp~cdomcter. calendar is worthhavillg. · August 1st. . end .tendiness. ' ]t h D8 0 or nny onc of'Q number of tary of the board. has made a fine Buy a Dr. LeGcar Remedy today. Sunday 'School ' at 9:30 a. m. Ser long wheelbose--t t a in· olher desirable convcnlcnofficer. Ilnd while in Qffice made' mon and Holy Commu nion at 10:30. cos. All these are a part thousands of friends throughout tbe .chea;·"lentv of leg room; Waynesville. Ohio 'SON, • This. will h the last church service ROCERS • Pljlnty· of width; wiltlnl! of' the car-nt the price of state. be.f ore vacation. Sunday School oomrtJIt for Ive adults. $785. And alt a~ or UIIi--------~ every Sunday morn in", at I1he usual ID elie-in allformly hiah grade_ hour. 9:30 a. m. but ,after lIext _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-,-_ _ _ _- - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _~ around .peel- • Sunday the church services will ·be tialtione - it comIf 7°U _nt. c.or , . discontinued until September. Sho'pper8~ Attention pareawlth <:u.ecll· th ••hol.'omUY,7_ • • ID& around $1250. 0'" Ii to 7auroelf ~..
J. H. Hi-chl' , of Colu mbus, wh tl will be the pe!', onal conducto r of th ~ six wi nners nf lhe Ohio UeRuty can· t est alld th eir pRI·ty on the Ohio Beau tv l:illecial on theie month's tour of the WI'.st. hll~ departed for a preliml nary trip ove r the propo ed roul e oj the I:Ipecilll to prePRre for the enter· tainm8lJt of lhe party a t the various J!top.':\ Th e animated photographil o f the fifty winne rs in the prelimlllllry con · test wia be shown Boon. The mo tion pictlll e puIJlic will be g ive n an (lpportUI' ;I.V. by vote. to pick the six who will be the guesls of the film company on the specia\. which de part!! from Columbus August 12th, fnr a Western trip. which will includ e II full tour of Yelluwstone park and the t wo exposi tions. Miss Marie Miller is a contestant for this company, and it il'j JlOped by her m.a ny friends here that I:Ih will be one of the lucky ones to partici. pate in this excursion.
or \\
-I SP'~CJ~U~J~LSALE I Myer' Hyman's
Island Peaches~
RBduction in
Myer Hyman's
...., ",i,••".
$$' M'
al'n 8treet Garage $$
\IILlID PEACIEI ""w.n· •••••••••
$ $
$ $
The Best ,Touring Car Value in the World
A xes, I Connect Ing R' ods, HeadL.·ght Bulbs All klnds of Gears, Etc., Etc ·
S $
.d $
Cleaning Carbons and GriDAllng Valves on' Fords $1 50 work guaranteed '6'&1· n
Stree't Garage,
$ $ $'
calenders. gone but-
---..-. - ---
~ .
lnv .... l •• te Ihla han"
Nor Ie thi, eAr "juet
eo_ "Sl&" 1>010.. piaclna 70 .... W-.
J. B. Chapman, WaynelvlllQ
Great crowds ~re attending the S. Fred Co. sale at Lebanon thiS week. On the opening days the store w~ crowded aU the tIme, and the extra force now emplo1.ed at tbiA ~tle
aale. were ~UIJ' from mOmlDg until ev~Di~ • . ~ their ad. on another page, then pick your clQ aad go to.tbe aale. It Is 80 atu~OUI that It wUl have to be _ to be appreaIated.
Sudden Death
All kinds of Spouting and:~ooflni Word WBI:I received here that Mrs. and Purnace Repairing DoneJ. • • Rachel Elliott Lane had died very suddenly at her. home in Lebanon this morninB at abo.ut 4- o'clock1 death belllJL due from a stroke 01 apoplexy. The funeral will be held SHOP ND... SHERWOOD'S QADAOB .1\ ' PHONB~~ at her late home in Lebanon Friel., _ .. IV' moming at 9:30 o'clock. Interment , __ - __ . _ !......~_""'-_----.""!"_~--------
Wajne.ville, Ollio
will be laid. In J4Iauil GIIIleterJ.
'l'H1& IllAMt
••.Th. e... adventores 0f Kalhleen It
ll, \ n ,mUtL t-rUIIHtl'
And tna ~"'Ii ' \11100
hl,,1 1m! r ee,' nlly ht'I'n U I,('ocerul nab. (<rOllan r..1l Intnrmlttent \lot ftesbc8
~'. h
IIl10ul hi" throat.
\ hn . HI) clt'tl' rmln",' ttl wrl11!\ tbo BO) "r t from olthl'.r lho ('olonel or ble By Harold Atc<irntll rt n ll hI r . return tor tll O trollSllro nnd dn(lnrt tor 1l:g)·pt .doWI\ the Per.s\e.n guit. H I> "ould hovo · t ortured his cap, MoonIlRbt . . 'rb VTTUllln ~"IJ· I " , thl'~ 011 Ih o wa r . bllt Ill' "'os or l e~lt.nl; 'II h ll.l'lDl'" alll bolor \thl but cunfinl n GI h~ ",,,nt,,.l to rool 11I1 llll' luxll rl B h th Ilrlsoo re, OU ~lInrll. An ·(llt phun t I hull torwlIJlY kuown. to uuloy hlm8ell . quoalod In tho dl stanc . UI o t ph)'slcnlly as w II Be Illanlnlly. He aJ!adow a sl ok I OIIMd. then Ll.notllt'r mlH,;ed tho 1.h llnmtloo. or his kloll '8 Tbe guarda lumlloo to tllolr r",,\ and Jl ' 1I • rnrnbled away tor dear lit 10 lh o He made 11 wide detour aod came noarost bul, orylng the alarm; Bruce I 0111 BI tile renr of his ho u ije. No 00·0 OJl~nod the donI'. which hlld no lo<;k , I wn ~ In algllL H dlsmollntod Bnd en. and peered t e rth. It ,"Bt nnlnro l Ulat tl'r d,· tound three or tour or bls wbll. the leopards sllould give their hnmedl· om 8la,'os who wb n be r evealed his ate atl4loLlon In Ibo t wo III n In flight. Id e ntity. ielt u; old turror IUld· fe llr Brueo. relll l ElDlt ""bat . " ........ - - of til mall . HIll JlrlBouors were brougbt called 80ftly to Rnmn.bA.1 and Punlllu\; In. A allwe took the ol ephlUlts to the .end. tbo Ulreo ot thlHn stolo out Int o Rillbi II. He wBnt ' d to run IIway and ·the nlsht. toword tIle camp. Brue did duc1l\l'o 1 m blllin's pr08 noo, bill tear bot erpoot to tint! ao.)'Ol1o thoro. \Vhat W.UI ton Mlrnn ... be wlUlted ,,'ae tc arm himself nnd to TO n& CONTINUED examine the boulder. MeanUme, Ahmed returned wltb tb e
tent 'Wall overturn d, tho long grnsR II La8t winter I U ~f. d Chambertrampled. ana the oolonol's Bola·topee lain '8 Liniment for rheumatlo paIn" bat lay crumpled o enr KlI.l.blyu·s tent. stiffness Bod 80rene88 of the kneel, "A1. &11" bo walled. But. being a Rnd can · oOD s olen&lou ~ ly say that pbtloaopber, bla walllng wna of sbo!;t I never u8ed anything that dId me elIurat1on. He ran to the boulder .a nd tlO muoh good, "-Edward t:raU. EI · examIned It enr ruBy. It bad not been 111\. N. Y. Obtainable everywhere . tonob!tcll. That was well. At least thnt .... meant that hi. sahib and momsahlb llved. Treasure I He spat out a curso
•• , anell threw bl8 r\lIe t\> bla ebouJder. Dut ,hie 1'889 turned to joy as he dis-
Cov~red who tbe artt..,ale were. "BruOt! 8&hlb t .. "Yee, A.bmtM).. UmbaJIa got tho bost of 'lie. :We -wenl trleked by \.be truant A!leph.anL Bo baa taken KMblyn back to Allalla." "And 80 Iball· we return I" Ahmed e&lJed to his weary mell. BJ. Idea W&I to ftn the elepbant aaddle baa- with tho gold and atones, l eave It In tntet with Bala Khan. who 8hould In truth thla time take bls tulwar down . ·from the wall. Ho divIded bls men. one oompanT to ItIard and the otber tp labor. It took halt an bour to pusb ba.alt tho bonlder and dl« up the ba&ket. Atter thllI WIllI done Druce and R&mabl1 and Ahmed the indefatlpble oan1eell the trold and precious stonos to til. eIIpeolaIlT ma4e laddlebags. All toll; It tool!: f1Ill7 an hour to complete
Probate Court Proceedlol' In the maUer of the eslak of W. Law Robieon, deciealed. private lale of. peraonal property I. ordered. In ahe m .. t~r of the guardlanlblp of Tholll68 E. Bamlin, mInor. Geo. A. Bolland Ie appoln&lld. Bond 1600 • T. E . Boover aa Extr. eta .. . plalnlIff · ve. Charles W. Sliver et al. detendauh. PetUlon in application settle, de&ermlne Ind rell.ter tlUe to oortaln lands Is filed and I!ame Is reftrred to Frank e. Ander. lon, examiner of titles.
'" U i [j
IJtmkot--or our warl"
Umballa reaohed the ....ncleot gate or at the salile tIme BruCE> stopped before the wan. of Bala Khan's city.
,800. James F. Soboonoveretal to Wm. SohooDover lots No. 236, '16 and p.rt. of Iota No. 215 and 217 ID r'ranklln, $1. M. E. BlIdebrand and wlfs to M. F. Baynel undivided 1-7 In"'relt In two arao&s of land In t:leotlon · 30. T. a, R 4, .14. R. 8. 1600. W. C. Bndlon to Marlon Ploker. Ing lot No.' 12 in Maple Park lub· dlvlidon to B;lngB Mme, 182.60.
He pulled the curtalnll ot tbe bowdahs &ad threatened deatb ·lfthey oalledout. From time tc .tlme he gavo dIrections to the wee,ry men aatl1de the elaIPbult'e neck. The tbought ot gold was Inot as telllpUo, aa It hnd been. Tbe~e Ir notllt'l wloked tonegleo' IIIn8ls hru fear 111 hta beart. This falae holy out 'Wu OW had heen tbe moat power- and moanl of reUef. It'l' wloked to fUl IIIIID lD all Allah&. Here be -would enctiTo LI"er llll, Beadaobe, Indl-
gOll~lon, CouI"patloD, "heD one or Po· Do-Lax glvell .r,,1Ief. Lax III Podophyllin (May Apple). without tbe IIrlpe. 11 BrOus. Ule Liver. IlIOrea ••• 'he flow of bileN.ture'l aDUfep~lo lu the Bowel.. Your Ql1llltlpaUOIl aDd olher cUlappear onrn\ala. ~u.. P(\.J)o. Lax bu helped N. . . . &0 nmo,", cae.... Oei. boUl8 fIolD ycnar
Drlllild to.4a)'. 0.. d4 ol · )'ov
. '. :l.on
~iltil"l h' •• le
aprlln., pric~
-1~ ('
ulc price now
8; 1.!)5
r: ,$ J .;]0
Latlin' and M i:' ~ ~M " l'ol)iln Sil k. 40 in. O.forJ Slto", 1I11l.ngigatlti c sale tic nle price I\QW prie. now
$5. 00
Iron B.ds full .i •• , . lad.ir s· nod Misscl' ~ij(l nli c
bale Iitle.
Silk drr t:se. J pupliu,.
crt ,~t de C.· y~I1I:,
$7.50 Colton fdt
Ladi.s· and · Minu'
515 Men's Suits now 59.96 7c .
Mep·. Strow Hlu. Hony unbleachod giilDtlc we 1'ri.. mU811n gigantic sal. pr'co now now
Gigantic sale price. _... . : ....
50c M CD'. N.,llgel Law .. gll!antlc aalo Shiru, gigalllic .alc prlc. 110" price no ..
$25 Men's Suits now $13.95
$1 ~.50 Men's Suits now $7.96
Tbc cream of a stock of hand· made Suits is included in this lot. No store w ill sen them lower than $25. 00. The finest fabrics, tbe newest patterns and that artistic tailoring tbat is so distinctive and pleasing. Every garment is
Here is another lot of the best suit value ever ofTeretl in Ohio. Men's Fine Tailored Suits, made of foreign and domestic worsteds, fancy cheviots and every new pattern to please. Well worth $12.50.
worth $25.00.
Modell 015 Gigantic sale price now ................. . .. .
Mon', Poru.knit, B. VoU.. and organdlCl't
it $6.00 Raincoats
The best value on market for the money. Gigantic
~~l! ~~i~~.. . .. . .. .
".n·. Panl., o;""n. Ladles ,,,,,I MIMes " .v.. '" glgautJu oalB tic Ille price oow prkoe now
M •••• Sutpender., Embrolderle8g1ganllc trigall de tal. pric. lIIe price no" now
Min.,' .i'l• • ) IIIrn tic sole price now
$ 12.50
W'.!b'1n c~:l'~ t!I~'m
Ladie.· and Miuci ' o glg~Dllc • • Iu Ilrl Ct) Silk Dro .. u. lIigan-
tie we prict
Alrmlnoter n'h'" ax 12 ChUdrtD·.
glpn,lc lalo
prlt'" (ipnlic
$8.00 Ralnc_oats
The pe.:-r of a~y perfect fitting garments and wearing qualities of very best grade
Men's Slip·On Raincoats, regular $3.50 values-lIIodel 1915 . . Gigantic
materials. "hes'e $8 garmentS go for the . Gigantic !!ale price . ·
$5 45 •
""- -
DMI'IlII Vapor ItOvo Chil<!reo·. all 0900\ (J!uoUno or coal olll St~ COl",. ,i~ c prIce lie sol. pnee no ..
t:!':otl aal.8
:!! ~~~~... .... .... ~,9.5
50e J>
Now Proc..... lAnD· Silk (>amlol., !lillDleum gll(lDllo ' .Ie tic iii. "riel 0009
price pow
Uphollcered dinIng Curtain .crim, JIi. room c·cllalro gigalllic b ""nbc ale price now 1110 price np.. -
Mell', Oxford Shoes ~~~U~ t,:'~l~~ ~)~~~ IIIgllltie ..1. · price now.
1111alll IInoloum ". Bed Sr,rtod',
M,D'. !I.nuine Por- Ladl... and 1>11__ u.knit,B. V D . &BaI- v...~. gl glUltic 8ul6
August 7th ..•.
Men', Overall' and 111 D nI AmoekOll apron ",'-nlle TIIW' C .~l8leh """:.UU>II'IfI,II- 1 Oil ' . am,a Clblna .Uk 31 In. "Ide Suit 0 __ IIlg;"nllc bam. orll(antlc • •- . • c. ""00_ IIlgallllc SIlle glglllltlc oaJe price 1110 prilO no.. . prl- IW~" laic prle. now I)rlca flOW
Jumpen, ~
39c . 15c
Quaker 0tI1J & Com Tomatoeo I*' ean 'rnn"toee' .r.r Flake" .".oPD.CIc eaIii Prlco glfrUlllc • • ....,- ......IUA
price 110"
........ .....
.... .... ~
Lin'D, tril{antic oal.
Trunlu glglotlc aule .peclal lot) gJppllc price
5c .
Ore.. (illngtl • ...,IIIII~d I C Mill', Auto Coati, . relon ••, IIIl1Dtie Ill.PD . lie &al. pri~ III. pric., now no"
95e 13.e
$2.50 Mon'. f.lt har.. aaIe price now
l5c .
50 and 75c
Copper Walh BoII- Steven's ' Cruh, III. er, . gillanlie .. I. pntic sole ' pric• price Obw . now
rantic ..Ie price no... Mercerilld .
J t II ., GIu •••• lIi -
CONTI.NlTING TO'&II...... g lov...
Mill'. black and taD Li.le HOIO, lIipnlie .ale price now
price DOW
brillD union lUill,g;- prlce DOW pnlie ... price no,~
!,antlc ••10 I.rlce no.. tic ... J1ric. no ..
aal. price
M.p'. Neck .. ear Lodl"" &.11.1 lIl_ (ope .peciollot) tri- sllkho""gIHantl csal. &m tic aal. price noW' price DOW
$] .75
$l3~95 ~~~~ti~O~le price n~.. ~.'~ $1;95
16c •
V. D., Athltlic.hin. ftowol'll!l patterns 111and clar"'e", gipntic cantle ..10 prlco now
tale price no'"
·One lot of Men'!>, and Young Men's Suits, all sizes, Palm Beach, ma~e by America'S. foremost man tailors, elegantly trimmed and ' worth $7.50. Gigantic sale price now .. .. ......... ....... . . .
$1. 95
Leather uphol.ler Comblnalion Suits CClucl, glgluII' ..III (mu.lin \ Lad iel' aud
57.60 Men's Suits now 54.95
At $~1.95 you are offe red the c1loice of .3 0 models and 120 patterns of the finest $15 00 Suits e ver placed on sale in Ohio. Don't take nny one's word fo r it. come ann look, wortb $15, lIH5 models
Iron rramo sprlnJ:1\ Ladi.s· . nd Mi ....• ",l'::h.nLlc IIUolo prioo Suits, ~i~rali l ic ,.te UO\\· price D OW
• P • -'_. B_ ptlnu, n..M en, 1D1o, 11.-- shlrtlna. calico. 111t ic oal. price aow g anLie WB prloo now
~' . $. .)_. a .-
M.n', P,nt Silk 1Ad1",,' and MIJ8CII Ho.,. trill1lntie tale Oxtonl ollOOtl glgrwtlC price DOW ..... price now ~
50 Ib, giganti~ oale Ox/Old Sho .., r i prict nuw gilltie: Ill~ price now
Vl ~
w:autic .ale Vricc nuw
The largest ever held in Warren County. Thousands attended the opening days. Join the crowds. Railroad Fare refunded to out-of-town trade.
Mu.lin Slip Over Ohln n silk 18 In. ",Ido Gowns, .igantie sole alg~l l c saID prlcc price 00" 00 ..
silk & lingerie wailtl :'I ll lc: I1rit'c now
gigantic oule price
I an Ie
Beldin, Spool Silk. l l on's Oxronl . bo,," gigantic ,aI. price (ono fi l...,lol lOl l ~I ' g ~nllc •• 10 l>rlce now now
udi .. • llnd Missu' China .ilk. M."aline Iron lied., gigantic
15==~DA YS==15
Unlbrlilitan "Ilk H . . . hlt", uml .Im w ". " 0 ' ., It'ItUnllC ~Ign"llc ..,,10 l>rko
lI e
Ladi .. · anti Milln'
'be abllent; tor I cnnnot guarantee protecUon. Leave It wbere It Is and bring III with you. Save myself, no one of · Imy men knoWB what your saddlebags 1conta1n. Let U8 proceed upon our
· 35c
~ . ou
$t.()U ' .
Ex Par'" John Hamlin. Mary E .
gatbered T. J.Gaehr. I'WftlabI the cltT, 1101'00 eyed, lean IIofaed _ "bo uked nothlDg better Elmer Leslie Doyle, farmer to Laora May ' Schumaker, both of Ithlll to .0 to para(!lae, wbere thoy ba4 Morrow. Rev . Wm . C. Weloh. /but to lI8Iect wb&t bour! they would land be happy eternally. F'or Bala Real Estate Tranalen IElIeD" '1U'1IlT ... wholly Kobamm. . Charles E. Eaton to Granville C. danl IIId I!IO loq ItnOt! ..... It they bad tqapt _tbat the,. romped toward AI· Tal1ts lot No. 12 In Maoklnaw Ad· JabI,· wlth tile .plrlt and elrernloonoe dltlon \0 Franklin, $1. G. C. Tullis ~o E . M. Ed,)D lot of papplea. . I Ilamabal aat In h1a bowdab, ea4 No. 11 in ~h8 Mackinaw addition to ,ad 4leplrlt.ed. He blmllelt bsell al- B'ranklln. $400. 34onroe & J ohnBton to A. Ray - - " - au. bonorable ma.n. bad IWftr a.oted treacberously to any. haQ Lind !tnd wife part of out-Io, No.2 ~ a hanlulr but never a usurer. In In ElIloU'a Addition to Lebanon, tl. ib1a beart hs. knew tbat be etW beld Uanel Burch to Renll D . V. Burch Ithe Ine of hIli people; but the,. dwelt one acre in Deerfield town.hlp near III the llhadow of supera~Uon. Ml\son, $500. "'Bala Kh&n, we have been rrtt'lndll. Martha Fox to ThoDlas E. SweeD&Dd my father WI\B your good erlend·... ey lot No. au In Franklln, $1800. "It III true." W. J. Emmons to T . E. HooW'er "WlIl 70U do a favor tor tbe lion r' j , "Ye., If the Colonel Sablb anell hIe Extr , 103 aores In 8eo~lon 19, T. 2, R. 6, $1. dauabtsr live. . If tbey are dead. woe WllIlam' Link to Marie Borntrae. to your people. 80n of my friend I I ger 81 Cil acres in Washington town. laa~e sivon my .,.,ord to the me maablb. I ' b_e mnde a threat beeore my men IIhip, $1. LaIn Dunn to Annetta. Dunn part &ad mut ful1l1 It If ] would hold tbem hweatter. If the Colonel Sahib and of lot No. 127 In t:lou&h Lebanon, II. Annetta Dann ao ' Lulu Uunn lot bI. dauchter live, ask wbat you wll1." No. 126 Ind part of lot No, 1271n Ramabal bowed. "I wUl set my Clamp ftve mllee b& tIOuth Leoonon. $1. TOnd your walls an.d walt. When 1 A. C. Vall. · admr., to Theo. and .8eo the memsahlb ·1 'l'{1Il salaam, turn EUa Field lot No. G In FranldlD, ,rtcbt about faco and go home. Now, '135. . 'to you, BMlce Sablb: Leave not your A C. Vail, admr., to Marla E. Itr,uure within my waUl wben 1 sball 80hwartz lot No. 656 in Franklin,
Common Pleas Court
J oe
Huck and Turki.h Men '. wnrk slttrl8 ( 1 Towel •• I{igantic luI ) glgallLlt·.alo !Jrl . ~ pric, now now
,3.50 ·
Hoy'. II\.! Children' , ho· ·. .1'; . " E lIoy ·. W ,a1h Pann. Roy' , Str.w HII. lIoy.· Oxfor'! 5ho.. , Ohildreo 's U.ford iI ... 's U,clall.. j:i- 110(1 Shirts a",1 II 0 y • <I I'oru sknil •• Ie price Sui", lIiltlDllc sale Il luu .... K:il(!U\lic sile lI i,anl l sn le Ilril' u Irigllntic sale price Ili ~alllic lal. pri. Shot. (.1 1( 1) g iKiUl- gantic IiIIlc p"ce \)r'~we,., I:iganti c Shim $( Uraw.",givric e no\~' ,'ric e .10\'\ ' 1l0W nu\. now tic talc price now now SOLie price now f!lntic sale price
S l .iilJ
Hoy', W aah l'anl~,
gipDlic now •
f401 oould durm. the preparaUon of dian of Thomall E. BamUII, a minor and Ed"ln Bamlln. ParUSIon of meaJa. . I JIan7. tIme tho Impullle CBme to real OfItate. John P. Dlokeyae edr., VB. Bel ~oiI to pluck tho ahI,n Ina metal f!Jld ~ atoIIes from the aaddle~1 mar Dlokey et 111. Con.truotloll of aDd to. them out tnto the jungle. to "Ul. PrOceedlnl1 .be Jolt the crack of doom. There .-were aI80 moment. when be felt nolbMary A. 80hwartz vs. The VUlage ~ lIot hatred towan! the father of the of Lebanon. plam"ff II awarded lift be 1oft4. For thellO trinket. Kalb- 12500 damages. . · lJn had goue througb torturea u P. K. Applegate va. Thom .. T . '.tl'Ichtfll1 atmo.t .. th~e In tbe dar- Bl\6th al, Permleelon Is Rran"'c1 of tho tnqul.ltlcm. Upon one tblng hi! to havlI eherlff Bell real ell,-te UpoD -.Dell Ajlmed had apeed. dOllplte Ram",. premlleJ mlltead of at door of Conr' 1I&r. WM DnItA111t, theT would leave Bouae. 'the tnullre"sth Bal& Khan and tol1ow lit. UIII7 to the walla of Allaha. If (,larl W, Dodd. farmer to Blanohe b&rm befeU any of thell' loved ones ..DOt OlIO tItone Ihoulell remain upon an- Wardlow. boSh of Waynollvll1e, otIaer. ...ad Bi'Uoe declared that be Rev. D. H. Palmer. ;woa14 II86k Umballa to the en(ll 01 the lJarl Lee, oarpenter ot Lelan, to earth tor the infinite pleaeure of ta,. Eme Ada Jame., of LebanoD. Rev t i q 1118 black throat In bla two handa Eo C. Kerr. end 8QII...rn, the llte out of IL Ralph B. Hooston, farmer · of ~tuaIlT and without mlebap the,. Spring Valley, to LUlIe B. KIbler, jCIUU to tJM waI.hcl cf~ of tho desert, of Wa7nenlJle. Rev. A . J, KeeUe. 10.1& Khan" Itronpold. BeJa Kbal\. of Georgo LeODa rd· lI'elll. Y. M. C A eoesll~ ..... a1w~ ready, a1waye i:!eoretary of 0le"e1and, to Mary npared. BetoN n"bt of the day of Florence Van Dyke of MBllon, Dr,
entnl an
.... Hi .on
\)r."IS, 1:1- Mid d., Hlllus • •. W a. h ' I.ir ll , g ' ~"' _ L."liu' ·Inn Mill .. ' LaJ! .. · ami Mi . ... • 1...1108' ~nd Mi ,~e.· Ladies' an,l MiKlt" Cadit. · n,l Mis •••' lIun j(JI.... AI.rtlll~, yte lute. ~ipntit ~alc: ,nice t IC' $.1, prlll'e tUIW Suit" ,ittanti l(llo \VaiM!, .-i~atlllc ale CUln, 5!i~rant i r we all wnCJl sarle tt kirtl, p~lIi n:u tf, ~i~antil' ~ilrai\tic sale price uow l'ric:e Il (JW prict' 1I0W prirl I\tl\Y rig-",uti . !'\ale rriC1! _lie ~ric . nu\\' HnW nuw
~OJ'lIIMi · ~b.., snatchlnc what IIloep Smith, GQOrge A. Bolland, ae guar-
New Suifl. IUio work. With _tar anell toOO, and well Barry Bartley VI . Ben Younl, cmod. thoy bepo the journey baek habea. oorpUII, )to Allaba. a tormldablll cortese and lin 110 1.ender moOO. Thoy proceeded In
n uw
'. 1.;'0
I'm hillln h lHl no Intention wbo.tovl'r I ot IIln)<lnlt I;IIA prrRoIIC k.nown In AU",
l'HE PubUlhllll W... kl,aL
Blutt.. ('lI h'., lu A,1eu BuIIlUUK. :.fatn tlt.., \\IL ),IIUIf ,IIIt'. ()hr.).
)'"(Our ( " ~rkl.l)' Itt u,l \ .. m ~, \) . .. ~ . , _ , 'I.no
til UHltJ LUll)
("A I L
~ . . . . . . ~ • • '"
• • . ••
-- UntcH of Adve rt i ing
- - - -- - - - - - - - - - It
D \ L.
•. .
I As Wti Lten
fir Subsl"riptinn.
1\'lIn~ 1.o"I\IN.lJIlr 11'1Il .. " " .. " " " .
1;[..... [11,'<1
\0 ~.._
I n , ' U IIno.
5<: :
t'he vII.tltn of 1 Ident whlc' h mlgh' hILve I provOD fatlLl. LII t Friday while I IUinlin g in whoul l or Mr. (;/iliiillbil i' ' Lhe loud UOA t pinning hinl botwoen 1\ HMI1QH " 0
'---H-A'RVEYSBU-A-G~-O--C-AE-S-AR-S--.-C·~-'R---E -EK--'" ~::~~:lo~~~:l1"t:!ri~~~g~~i I' ~~I~~~ I I I OloutH looso . El I\ ulforuu In t"n
Crane. IJ.:ditor and M_c_n_o_g_e_r._
by Our Corps of Able Correspond-
nts in the Neighborhood
Hutchison & Gibney's ==n~·w ' Stcck== ;\liddy <, tilll: as~ortOleut., . . .. $1.00 !-) kirt:,- - Wa sll !-)kirlS, up from . 1.00
:~H ,
I!Jl !i.
Stll te of
hi" . Cil Y of 'l'lllcd'l. ( . 'I'he IC I) l 'rpO lll fl'stlvn I nt t he M. Lucos C(J UII 1Y, ss. It. ohnroh .r-{ \\".(l(l nFlRd.. lllbc:. Fr3nk J. ' heu ·y IU ll k~. oalll II,ul he is ..... II ~ wpl l IItlOnclocl IInti tlte mU Rio ~e l1i Ll r 1",,'111,·, of I he ti,," ,f fl . J. CIWllcy & '0 d lJill J{ h u. ir ll'Mi in tile Cit), lI r ] 't,- r cmfler(1c1 by I hfl I aflrktwi ll f1 01·(11H'~ . led" . Cuno ly UIIJ Sial ' n ll)l ~snid, nnd tra wn~ v .. r y tu n ') '. nl' proOlll t e(l , nnll Il,nl su id mn will puy the S UIU ul ONg t hey IHO ooru lIllIy In vitod lIuck . I HU NVRED D O I.l. A I~ S for cach a nd c,,~ , Mrs . EIIIl. Wilson m ot.h er of l\lr~ er! ('~ se 01 Cu.la rr h! "u! .,;" uuut he, cured Co ru Th ompson Of' nenr We llmaD', b) Ihe usc uf HAI,.L <':A J AR RH CUR E. i8 Cj nl te poorl y at fhl wr iting r HA K , . CH ENE \' . 1 . , .' SII'OI'll' lu J.cfut·c lUe .",U slIbsorihc.1 in Mr . \ VI lll llUl Utly nes . or ",rlllll lnll · Illy preSt'lIce, lhi., lit h day .1 lJc~e lUl"' r. tOfl, is Iwr u vi ~iLl ug old nOIJu ulo. A. u . l!!till. tuu uo. , (Scnl) 1\. \\' . Gl.liASDN, . Mr. Lev i Hutton, of Li ncoln Ill. 's " 1 I" . l Nk'ulary Pullll'I"' 1o.nd who hUN soe n g:; ijul.ll m ~·r s i~ Ii nII ... a arr, ... ure IS n e ll 1I,lerna Y hI! . I' II b ' nllo a c [ ~ di re'ctly II Jlrolllhr hl""d fwd lUll-I" .TO VIMtmg I fJ r ot1lers a url sister . CU ll S sur f:ccc s 01 the S),SICIII . N:IHI lor [li e J-jOr.tOIlR lire lont: li veu poul,l e. crslimonials, free . n o ' lor f:ltItl,OIl, lIiR I r ll t.h or , who is .... J. CHliNE V & CO., Tolcdu, O. well knn \vn IIH nn Diu ]lmotl t ionet: Solo by all J)nol!~iSI 5 , 75c. . 'llJcl i · 00 YOIl ra old is th e busies I . 'foke 1-Io, II' s F'"l1ll y Pills for c' lI s1i pa- m!UI :y ou cun find In our villn ~o . l,on. l:ie hilt! three lurgE> gurd e n ~ to wbi ob _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ he devotf38 1111 01 bi ~ t ime !Lud lnkoe t
DIARRHOEA QUICKLY CURED " .... lIont I.wo Ytlllrs "go J hud ale Vel'e til I" k of dlarrhoell whioh la8tell fur over" woek ," writes W . C . •J"ollll, Borord, N. u. " I heMme ~ 11 wtlHk thot I oould not s'und opI . ,cb'
t 600 lnm e uded
- - - --
UbHm berllllu 'R . :01 c, C h o l e T!~ ond I" d F Q DII.. hoo" ROllledy. 'l' ho first do~o 'ree 'rom uarantine relieved flIe"lincl wi t lull tW() (lllY!ll WaH 1L8 well U8 ever" Obtnlnllble overy where. The llist r emalnl ng qllRrontine for. - - -- - - - -tho foot.al1ll.Uluulb d180'll:Ie In till' StilLe of 0,)1110 hllo been rAised by lin Well, What Do They Do ? order effeotlv;! July HI, 'llOtI known Export says l1,a" Wrillll'N to lhe con· lUI Ame,.. rlment No lL to J3. A. 1 trary lIotwllhstn nd lng, bullels lIelth or Order 2:lS. Ohio bU8 been in ]l1U'1 whine, blss, how l, hum nor wHlsller. or 10 WllOlo oude r qUll rAntin o for Vory well. MBJorll)' wIll lake lhe ex- (oot-nnd.mouth dlsellse 8inoe Illst. vorl's word for It.- New York I!lvc nlng filiI, but t he e xtent ot t·he qauan. Telel.'1'a.... ' ttuee and the ee,'erlty of their reg. nllltiona have been steodlly dtwln· ~~~~~~~!::~~~~~~=118bed Ill! the work of s tamping ont the pestllenoe progreR8ed . Tile 81lme order whloh removes the qnarant.lne from Ohi J frees the whole ot Rbode (Hbud !lnll r eluRse~ ' Ilddlilc.nllJ territory or altere the ex. Isting regullitlon8 lu the states ot Conneotlou,. illinOiS, MlI88aohnsetis, A uto L Ivery S erylce at New Jer8ey.t New Yorlr, P enDsyl. - ·Reasonable .Rates nnla and west Virginia.
Ray Mills
01\11 h 1,ri t1e to it ; h o h~ ~ a
lur~ o
pil e
of long wund uII(1 whH e r os tiug he willlJe f"und ""wl n ~ It. iutu ~tOVlI lu u ~ l, h N , l~ n d II t~i~ht . 110 IUljJrUVO ht s lime r" Illlln g IID,I we b"Vll no het ter \l os t ~ u ilJ divitltlll l In onr mids t, Bo Is II. " r(lIIt II n tnnl ~t, Iln tl bAI:I tL nAm e for ulmost nllY plllnt l..lfe t o him surely is Il SIl OOtl~H; ho hns beon Kond to a ll find his fr iouds 'Ire nll m hered hy the 800re. '1'\\' o of ollr oitizens go t mnrri rl Il\st week. Wh u will be the n ext? The Ctv io Lelliluo ent e rtllin d UrI:! J uhe Owens. of Lehllnon. at the home of Mrs. An un 81,rrls Hiltarduy aUorn o n . Re fr esh me nts wore serv ed nnd lin ellj Y.1ble t ime w ile hbd
Mrs. Mand .... nd orson. of Xenia, OAme down Tuosd"y f or u three dll ~A visit, go tng t o Cl nclnnntl F,idny and to LehllllOU nnd Duytun SlIturd(l.Y li nd Snuday ret nTuiug to Xeuln Sunday e vening accompanied bv ber Bon . Cllrlton. Mrs, And erflon - - -.,- ,- - - enj oys her old hOllle nnd 'I"ya there Allo Aa'ent for Kelly.Springfield Is no pluoe like Bllrvl'ysb urg. Automobile Tire. CONSTIPATION CAUSES MOST ILLS Our townsman, CbIlS, 'I'nok er. wn s a delegate to Mll8slllon t o ntt.end the Aoollm .llulilled wB8te In your Rnral Ronte Mati Carriers Convon. thirty feet of bowels 0llU8e/l abllorp. tion last wuek, r eturning home rion of polsonl, ttlnda &0 produoe fev. 1'llursdllY . I ers, upeela dlgea&lon, You beloll VaIJey Phone OO-l ~ i a8 , feol 8tnffy, IrrltabJo, almost . Mr. lind Mrs, A. MerrHl ew w ere ~~~~~~~~======= oranky, It Isn't you-It 's your Qon guest.1! ot Mr. and Mre. (Jeorge dlth:n. Eliminate tbls POISODOUS llenny one duy llll!t-week . wute by tailing ono or two Dr. Byron aRr hellu, of NewJlort., Ky,. All Kinds of Klng'lI New t.lle Pills tonight. &n. 1afler se veral wecks visit with his joy a fUll free bo\\el movement in li(raudparents, 'Mr . and Mrs F E, '-J ~he mornln~-yon feel eo grlLtef n1. Mills. returned home Saturday . Get an orll(lnal bottle. oontainlng Mrs, Mary Sarvey returned from :16 pills, frODl .your Druggist to.day I Kmgs Mill! Erlday where 811 e WI18 tor 250. several dn.ys·the Ine~t of her unolll, I. A, Oyler and family . Bhe will lSu~r to, spend SOIllIl bIDe with ber grand fatber, Oeorge Harlnn . of Ea't Mai n F. E. SHERWOOD 1 Consider the "E" t3t We remem ber Mary when sbe used to skip ulong our streets hu vln" .. Over Postolfk.~. Waynesville, O. wl&h her. bor pet dog. Offh:e Pboue 77 HOUle Phoue 6-3 ~ODlO one blLs advanoed the opln. Mr. And Mrs. Ja'lles Evnns, of ion that the letter "u" 18 the moet CIDolnDnti. nft er several day visit ==~============ unfortnnate · letter 1n the EngUdh bore with re luti ves, r etn r ned bomo alpha bet, becau ~e It 18 u1w"y8 out of Monday. 0118b. forever In debt, never out of Mra. 18all'll Evau s , of Xonill , and danger, and In Blides all the time. MI8S May E vans. of Mlir shfleI I. For some reD80n, be overlooked Oregon. wero t,he week- enel ~uesf.s the fortunatoll of tbo lette r. B S we of Mr. l\Od Mrs . Frlluk t!hldak ar at Veterlnarv ~ call bl8 attention to the faot "e" Is their beantifnl h ome on I:!onth Graduate of Oblo Sial. Unive...l' never In war and o.lways In peace. Maple ::It, U Is tbe beginning of existence, Mr. IH.d Mrs. W, C. W elob hllve , tbe oommenoement of ease, and tbe purobllded n seven passenger B UllOffice at residence In F. II Sher end of the tronble. Without It 80n lou~Ing 0111'. there wonld be no me~t. no IIfl! and wood's house. Fourth Street. no beaven . It is •'he oenter 0" hon. Mr.R Rnd b t Mrs.. ' 'IHerald 0 1 Bml~b C nnd eety. mallee love perteot, nnd with. IIOU, 0 er It./lu " re. Ilrll onn or Telephone 28 were ont"of town i I t ' d out It there oooid be no editors, •• v s or8 un ay. ' J. HawlJt·on BogRn , one of OUI Waynesville. OhIo dev1l8, nor news.-ltieleoted . merohants. It.U, oded t he fnu erll.l of ••• hts uDole, Jaok Bogun, lit Clnrks '
IJllIU. Drs. \ J\~ht unu Ii us er ,oeu oulluu uuu \ h uught 1I1l8t tn - - _.. tnk him to tho Dllyt.on hospital, Mr. ·lInd Mrs. '1lllUnoey Bunn oll ;'Ih l' ro he wi ll relllain ahont te o I Imll l\1~Mr8 . W . .E. Bog"n at. I Y"', . I I, nll nd Ih u flln eral rot t hei r 111111 (" 1 M rs, ~ . E I:J n rl ~(l(1 k spont lus t ~ . •J. Rojtn n, of "oo r 'lrtrksvlll u woel; wIth h ~r pILr "I1U Mr . IIn'l l 'un ,lIly. ' MI'~ , Aaroll .f!(ltLrI; of 1)"yl oll . 'W;lItor Wi lBon's h llve purohased ' . J\l rtl. A, 8 Corn 011 hils be en quito u now" n tnm o bil . , ij lCk t tl pu st w ek. 'overn l.X eni n tlu op pors tho pilat '1'll o tUllny fdtlndd lIud lloigblJors weok. . 1 0 ( 1111'. IlIld Mrs. ll owll rd lIIcC lnre Fmnk ' t"ul oy uud family ,vorll l lliid Ii tUisoel lunonul! Rhowor III1I t g o HIS Of P ulill e r 't unlcy's, uf LltHlr Frldu.l" Il ft ern uon for th TIl . TI10Y l<' erry. u"tlIlY . reco lved muny usu ful proscnt . I Mr nnd l\l rs J S L . d ~h. : und Mrl!. Ulysses Clurk. of . , . . uUllllDg IlU Xanlu Bn t II f d I' k ,~n ew 'Lys U8. wee ', Mr . unu MrH. ChuI'IlJ8 BlllJb, of .' Ptlint orBv lllo. attonded oamp meo t I t h t he, Mullin family . I In ~ lit 1)"y IOit I I\~t, ' nn d ~ y. MIss ],d n" Kel ..ey h,, ~ returned 1 Wolter WII ~oD '~ lI.ud I~a y m ond from soh.oo~ anu will remllin ot \\7 i)~on 'R ut.enclocJ. CU llnt~uclull Ilt home unLII Oeptmuller. W i lmin b: tun oimduy . !'o1r ~. LIl1io.n B o eto )) ontertalned . ntllpb LE'nrulng nn.1 family sJlent oOlllpany one dnv lllst woek . . ::In ll rlllY wlfh li ll\\'unl LOllwin g 's uf Mr ; and Mrs . llllymond Bnrtsook neur Wilutillg tllu • and lIttle ijon (;Jor"ld s pent Sator. ' 'l.im r i Hlline~ h ilS trelll ed hiB ' .IILY evening I\n,J ::In uday with his h Oll hO lu Il now cont of pa int . I parente . . rVlll a CUU1)Jt'l D, ·wife IUlll ~on Mrs . LohL P onn WIt, of Bellbr ouk. lind Loui RI\ 'ompt III s pent Su nday spent a few dllY!! with h er 1ll1rents wi llI A . V . ..c) 1.' ItiD d' 8, 0 r N B ur.. t ho p6S\ week. ! 9 \V llngtolJ, Mr. and Mra . John Tewell aUlI Miss 1\11\ brI t,ur ho s returned rnmlly too k dit~n or with Timothy hom e rrom Ox ford ..... he re 8he hl1d Barton and famIly. Mr. lind Mrs . Carl ~ho rwood and beon "ltoncJ. iog s ntn n 'or Bchool Mr. and Mrs EU fil eue Cn rt ~r of eou Morris IIpent one dRY recen'ly 1£11\zer, olllled oli Mr. und MTH, 8. ",lth hls .p~rentll. , . Letlluing . 8 u nclay afte rn oon. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Maxwell, MI'. "nd MrH. Ch'~ll e8 0 ray, of nellr M~ddle Rnn IHe tbe prou{1 8nrv oysburg, spont 8nllday wUh possessora of 11 I:)ax(ln mnohme. Wes ley Benhllm dl i some pl\per• . Sllm Stllrr Ilnd fl1lO lly . Prl\yer m eeti ng ""ill be at th e Ing for Wm. (;iutbrle Io.st week . cllnrob WedoeedllY e,vening. E very. Heverlll people ot this vloloityat. bouy w eloomo tended the vllodevllle given at BerUlHn J onos. \\"iIlllltn 8t1rlllll. Waynesville Bl\turcIIlY evenlni· Alh ~rt Cornell ond wife, of Lytle. of New Bllrlington and Lnov Compton IItl ended 'I'urtle Creek meeti nl: t·oo k dinner Sunday with ClLrlll'ln . Co rne ll und grnndmother Mrs. S uoda y , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Maggie Garmun.
,.. E
Insu RlI n
A. B. Chandler
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
W ill Dinwiddie hu!! been lllid up t he pnst wee " with mumpa. Ble lit tl e g rtlnddau g hter Mllry Snvage 11180 hilS the mumps. Threshing is the order ot the dAY . Ild Brown's wheat making the beat field, whioh WII8 more than 27 bushels to th s nore.
Iu th is ohes t yo u hl1ve un exoel. lent remedy flJl' Toot btlohe Brnise8 lSprnins. btlff Neok. Blloka ~h 9. Neu; rn lgl ll, Rhe umlltltim and for most emer ge noles. ne 250 ba tt.le of 10an'S blnhnent d ocs I't ILll-t:!lis beo"osa til lie ni hu elnts Ilre sym II tome, not dlsealleN, l!lull nro ouu8ed YOUR COUGH CAN BE STOPPED by oon geQti on and InilulDmation. If yon d oubt. aliI; thOR\' who u~u !:llonn 'R Using care t o Ilvold draughts, ex. Linim ent, or botter still , buy a 2Go. posure. sodden ohllnges, and takln~ bot-tie "nd p r ove It . A ll Dr ngglsts. II. treatme'ot of Dr . King's Ne w Di8. covery, will positively relieve. and In t,ime will sorely rid .you, of yonr Congh. The flrllt dose soothes the Irrltlltlon, cheoks your cough. whloh stops In II. ehort time. Dr, King'. New Dlsoovery bl\8 been ueed snt). oessfu lIy for 45 yellrll and Is guaran· ~lss Belen .H.obinson left the pas1 teed to onre yoo. Money baok if I' k f .wee or Chioago, where she will tails. (Jilt a boUle rrom yoor Drag. mako bor fnture h omo. gls' ; U oosta only a 1I&tle and WIll Mr, tl.nd Mr.. Aaron Summors of help yoo 80 muoh. n6/Lr Da11a8, 'rex., Il\re vi Itlnll Mr . a nd AiI'M. J ohn 1\10Clnre aud other I re Ilti ves here. Tht~y will stay for tbe Centennlni nnd n ome.Comlng.
. -.
Mi sses Ed ythe and Ceoll Mount wore visiti ng reillaives in Dnyton the pilat w eek. Mr, Dlld Mrll, W . R . Siegfried were Dayton v lslt.o·rs Fridoy. Mra. Annll Archdeaoon hilS reo Lurn ed t o h er b OD.l8 In (JEJ~ te rviJ\e Ilfter a vIsi t with .her 8i~te r, Mro. J ane Langdon . ' The ml\ny friend a of Mrs. Irwin Early (nee Mamo R08n~~lo) were sorry to leo.rn thllt ahe bad to nnder ~o II very aerl ous oporatlon at the Mia o)1 V tLlley Il osplt al.
. .-
Read your own Mjarni GUette •
G9c 1.00
25c 25c
The Great '
Greene County fair Xenia, Ohio, AU~UST 3,
_- ..
Waynesville, Ohio
.- - .
4, 5and 6, 1915
Bigger and Better than ever.
Special Free Attractions each day.
Mrs, Looy 'l'It.ze and Mrs . Mollie Oil vis, of Cinol nnatl , attended the fan eral of Mrs, Elizabeth Lonqaore t3nndIlY, Word was l'e09lved from Mr. and Mrij . Ollus Clllrk, who are touring tho west. rrom Yellow8tone Natlonl11 Park ju!'t as they were . going Into the Pl\rk .• They wrUe th"t tlley are enjoying their trip very mUJb. The I,ytle Ball tellm journeyed t.o Clark svilJe Sunday und were defellt. cd by the reorgllnlzed tllam of that plu ce by soore of 12 t!) 8. The fea hues of t,he g,lme WIIS the fine field· Ing of Surfnoe and Abrams for Ly. lIe lind Conders for Clark8vllle. Bu.tte ries for Lytle, Gebhart, Abrams lind BUfnte ; Clarks~\lIe, Onrdst. Gray and MoKlnuey.
Speed Entries close July 28th 'at 11 o'clock p. m. All other entries July 31st. at 11 o'clock p. m. . Books can be had by writing rv:,~----~------~~ the
Sick headache. biJioumeas. pilea and bad breath are usually eauwd b)l inaotive bowels. Gd a bOll of ,Rexall Orderlies. They ad gently and elfeo--' .tively. !3old only b,. ua a~"_!O oene...:
J. E. Jann.".
Silk Gloves, tI p from ..• ,. . • ••
Sheets from . . . ... .. . 39c, 49c, Sheets, bleached .. ·.. Age, 59c Sheets, hemstitched .. . ... ,75c .Pillow Cases, hemst~tched .••• Pillow Cases ... 10c. 12~c. 15c
N. Sears
Cases, Etc.
, BEAUTY MORE THAN SKIN DEEP ville. 8undny. en~r~t~~n~r~'r ~~d~e f~oo~n b~;~~~ Rev. Wall!er filled, his appoint- ' d A be a utlful woman a Iwayt! h as t h t:! d t til M E .u n ny. good dlge8tlon.· If your digestion ' men ere un e.y a e . . b'or es t Ta y lor and D. E. Bnnnell ts fanlty, Cbamberl"i:l's Tablet8 will ohnroh. were Miamls bll rg ,' lsltor8 i:)utllIIlY. c;Funeral Director. do you. good. Oll'ainllble ~vely. J . Barter ':!hldBker. of Deaf WII. where. . mington, '1'1 as olroulating among Mn . Cella Hathaw ay. at Nor. I _ I flcqaalntanoes here Snndt'y . wood. Ie spondlug t he sommor \vlth T~Iephone day or nISh'. Miss Pllnllne BorlBn Is visiting her m o' her, i\irs. Mllry Brl1 sou}). Valley phone No. I. Lon, Di,\anoe No. aGo-llr. . hel illllte...-Mr8. Wllllt.Itl-MO,bttf'flHh+--=M =,= ra. r. E Bnrnhurt., of li'ranklln Making Bean Oil Paint . 1 of DByton. . Hpent Wtld oesduy w ith her m oUlor: AutomObIle 8ervlce. at all TIme. Miss Wllhemina Noale Is .again ot Mrs . J, M. Bunnell, home, . Arthur .Null, of Lebanon, was the WAVNesVILLE, OHIO Manohurla Ie mlAklng a new paint Mr, and Mrs, R W. Kilylor bave g nellt of bls pl,reuttl over Sunday . • Mrs. Ernest Orey, of Rldgevllle~ oolof the bean oil that Is prod uoed Imrohased the property known liS llranch BarveYllburc. 0. there In tremendoD! qUDnUUeM. the Ward home. It will be put in spen t 'l'uesJny w'\th Mrs. Walter ==~=~===:::::====== The pulnt 18 "aid to hit wilterproo l spink span repair bnd will be mude Rogers . Ira Doil -of Wilmington WU" a and fireproof IlS well &S obellp and their home, 'I'hls ShOW8 whllG&Jon lle done by trying. Ilnd they keep !luest at the home of :Mr, and Mrs. dnre.ble . • BARNHART; bney trying. " W, A. Null one dny tbe past week_ ----.~The 8abinll nine played our nine Don't forget th el 4th. li tb t\nd 6th Notary. Public here l::IondllY Rnd the finisb wus 118 of August,. If yon do ,you ""ill re. Are Starting . Mink Farms follows: 8 to 6 for 8ublna. jl;re t it . 8pringboro Centennial and All Jdada of Notary Work. W\II. Beverl\l f.om here It.ttended the HOUle.CoDling . Wltullngton Chautnqqa Sundny. Mrs . .Mnry .li:DlUltl MoLllnghlin . aad Deed. a J::Ipeolalty, . A mink farlll has beea .tarted 'l'homlls Dill •.or Mt. Bolly, 'Wa!!ln (nee W Il son) ot Springfiold, who. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== near l-'Iohud. Idabo, in ~he Co~ur ,.Uendl1uoe at the bllll g"me here Wll8 for Dlany yo,.re a r esident of d' Alene ua~lon(\1 forelt, and I!lwllar Bund.,y. Springboro, die I nt her Illte home experiments are under w ..,. in the Mr. and Mrs, Obll8: Gray were Wednelid·u.y morning. Interment in DR, J. W. MILLER. ndlonal zoot ,'gloal park In Wa8h. out_of.town guests tlundRY. Springboro cemetery Friduy lit a p Ington, D . C, m. I • • DENTIST... Mr', and Mrs. C. W. Rllnda!ll\nd Misses Luoy B!lnta &ntl Fllnnle Mr . and Mrs. Wllbnr Ivens. of Le.b- Janney llpent the week end wi~h anon, oalled on Miss Ellzabetb Ran · Mr. and Mrs, B. Ii;, . Wilson at Mnd ~ aynen lJIe, 0 Watch Your 'Children laon.vllle. . doll Thursday. ,- - orten children do n06 Jet parents know Oep . Oldham of Jamestown, 'Was they lire colllltipllted-, They fear somea Idp rin gbo~o 'V11I1.tor thle week. thing diataateful. They will like Rex:u1 TRAVELING MAN'S EXPERIENCE Onlerlice-a mild IlWItive that tnatal Misses Olive Ilnd Grace Becll "In th'8 ' summer of IB 8 1 had vIsited r ellltives·l.n Farmersville and ~~ Blipi'. Bold ODQr by us, 10 _"" 1\ very severe attaok of ·oholera Oolumbus t~ulI week. J. Eo Jann.y. morbuB. '1'wo IJhyslolans ,v orked . over l11e from ~our •• m. to 5 p. m. . without, giving lPe any relief lind Safety Firat In the Mlnl,try, Too. then told me they did not expeot me "And- ab-'w hat salary 'Would' )' 0\1 to 11 ve; thllt I hnd best telegrllph for my family', Instead of doing 80 BX)'l act?" a aked DE,acon Klutchpcnny of I eave tile hotel porter fifty oents t·he ohurch nt Hllrdllcrnbblll. "Seven Rnd told blm buy 'm e I. boU'le of tlUn.drcd dollars 81 year, without donnOhnmberlaiD's COlio, Qholerll and Ul)n parties," repHed tho nppllclLDt for RenledV,llndtakenosnb. the )'lastora.te. "Eight bundred and LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL D.tarrhoea ' . ~"tnte. I took a double d08e accord. Ilfty, w!tl1I" AUCTIONEBR llg to the dlreoti'lDS alld went t\J 8 eep after' tbe seoond dose. At fI ve 0 '.010011: 'he noxt . .nornlng I was o ,lied by my ordor Rud took a 'ra1n f Jr my DtIxt 8kpplug 'polnt, a well man bul feetiDg r,ther ehak.y from the I18v~rU7 or U13 attaO.... writee Offiee in Stoops Building B. W. !telaad, L)ulllvtlle. Kt, Ob· talD~ble everywbere,
$5, $,' and $10 quality. • • . . . . .•
Best Assortment Sheets, Pillow
Wash Dresses , $ 1.50, $2, for ... 1.00 . Wool Skirts, new lot at a bargain
I \\
Walter McClure
E. V.
You will be s urp rised when you these Waist s
Corwin, Ohio
Suits - A fin C! line, up from ..•. 10.00 'ilk Waists, uj) from .•. " ..•• 1.00
Classifiud Ads _ _ _ _ _ _ _.............................._ ......
Pathetlo• . DR. HATHA.WAY Another pathetlo ' Itttle feature of - - - - -- - - -- - - - - enryday lite Is the 'Way a stout wom· Wa,YDNril1o'. Leadlq DeJdId verging on middle age will read the 'Mala 8 o BUY-50 head-of good shol)\8. nn directions for making the angles. trim OBioe In Keye Bld8: Writo or see D, N . Dawson, an4 shapely, to .meet the demands ot B~rveY8burg, Ohi~ . j28 the sbort skirt vogue, and laborlo\lsl, but confidently go througb all the prescribed . exerclees,-ColumbuB (0.> Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-'iqpef JOUl'1lill.. FOR SALE .P . aousha and Colello
:-----------------------0:-------.. .
AHRIAGE-Rubber tire, almost new, will sell at a htngaln, JJ. 1::1. Muxw.ell. H.. D. I, Waynesville, Ohio, Borne phone (\!l5 Cenierville.
t:'OR SALE-l coal range. l heating C .'ove, laid hureau. 1 go.oar', 1 ga80line IItove, 2 kltohen Bldebo~rl1" l ollice deek horae and bnggy, Cheap If sold 800n, F, C. GUmoar. all
Paper Haniing, Auto and Carriage Painting. ..
EED RYE--A '>out 50 boabel •• S Como t ODoe if you wan it. Inquire ef C. H'. Sherwood. W&y,.Dee· ~
ville, Ohio.
SoW8 and 53 little ple~j from one week to montb old. All healtby.and in good oondl'loa. J. W, Beaob, Waynesvllle, B. 2. )29
IIUblJortben 10 the MoOaIl'. )lquiae. Send Slio 10 ,be 100 Uue'U otBoe. aacl . ., ODe of abe
ahop Next to 8herw1)Od'. aar.s.M.ln at
·I'-_....._...,;.___ ___"!I""-_ _ _ _ _ _..... ~
HA.PS you have a better' way of 'corning to ~ayton than by i . t D ay t on on the "1 tr' " I tro 'I ~y-Wh e th er you conte 0 e . ec ICS or on
. C. S . Maxwell has a ,new "Saxon 1' 01' lilt' .'o('onol lime \\'ilhll1l1 year Sb:" car. i . h thelif, ,, fW . II.!:nril.'i;!vellrBof h t h d b t h t e s e a m roa , w e e r you CaDle y motor ~r or In t e a 'e h~ 1"'l'1I !;1\\t,tI thl'l)l1J(h' the ip: I , . ' . r1on fRn'\i1y rig. d..oesn't so very much Dlatter. The important thing for t~ dUI'lltH1 i"tl' h'::\. dn~ (If t~w l>lllO'l,.J a c~ui~i('£loT~:y,B\~::tm ,M.'k , .01llO, , Ilir utIJl' /, 1" "" 1'1,'. 11lL' ill'llt til. L.'1nCI' I \\ t . you to >consider is whether you can afford NOT to CODle at a ll o[ blll,!d lrul1:1fll "IUn louk pl ac Illa • . . ' (."Il:' r:... t.:h .RIlI anu m severnl l F.red Hartsock , of Morrow , has when Dayton stores are offeri ng so Dlany thlngs of lnterest on 11I\unlhR :l!{n. Tit!> socond occu rred , been having a tussle with Lhe mumps , __ -ll S u b urb an D a y -EVERY ' WEDNESDAY • , Sut u rdfY in thi~ dly, wilen surgeons Wed , nOlKlaytllpped ,:, ve in (,f Earl Gard, son f Miss Mildred Miltenberger spent • W. Uanl a nel'lwll' "r I he lItricken • unday with Mr. and Mrs , J. H. lIlith. ' I11 Ul1, 1II1d l'~~li«"('~1 him pf 1.~I I1IO~L tI , , piP! Ilf 1>1.",(\ , "'lI~h II'll:; let IIIto lip ,f W. 11. (; unl. M H I W' lk . . -, ' By special arrangement the "Dayton Movies" will be shown at the Victoria \',ein T he illlltl('tditite etlh·t ll f the infu . rs . ar ey I ersoll VIRltt:U h ~ r Theatre, Dayton, next Wednesday, Aug. 4, from Noon until 11 P. M. A sion of Iilond \\'<1' r('mal kaule. 'rhe ,daughter, Mrs. Lester Gordon, 111 • ood place to cool otf. P opular prices will prevail. B e Aure to go. (Also paloit!nt. who has bt'cn 1\ sufT('rer fOI' Morrow, last week . many month" fr oll1 II II cu liar form mowing July 29, 30, 31, Aug. 2 and 3.) of anaemia. hacl bt.!cll gradually Miss E lizabeth Law, of Cincinnati , growi ng weake r for the lJast th ree wall th~ guest of Mr. Qnd Mrs, J. B, week s, and was sca rcely consciou s. Chapman last week, . Almost inst an tly aI te r the fresh Tho' · Dayton Store. who displAY the blo d was 'tak n up Ily his veins a D r. Dill, Os teopath, at resid ence I'S ultcaee" a nd Il Trlangl o " emblem. Sl ot of pink :11111 arell on either 'heek of L. '1', Peterson, Main t., T ues· In their . how window. lind In their his ey('s Iori:ghll'lIt.'d, and his whole day and Fri day mornings, advertiSi ng, are the Btores It will pay 'f h e botl y bcc[lme rc-invigoratcd, process of improvem ent conlinut'U 51) you beat to trade wllil. There are rapidl y thi!lt yc~ t~ rduy morni ng Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Merritt, of over forty luoh . tore .. abolll :'l o' clock he awakened nnd de- South Charlpston. ar !!,uest s of Mrs. manded bre:akfaal. And th attend· Ella Michener and family. ing physicians S{ly his condition is in every way much improved. Mr. and Mrs , I?rank Zell, Mrs. Earl Card, a young man in his early twe nl ie , feltlitlle efTect from Alice McKinsey and Miss Henrietta the loss of blood Satu rday, the only Mc Kinsey left Monday morning for r esult be ing a slig ht weakness, which an auto tour to Michigan , where thev will visit relatives this week, g radually wo rt! away . Th e ~ecllild operatisn ditfcred from the firsl in th at the ini Linl lrans Dr , Mont Masnn,' wife and daugb, fusioll wasacCOInplisht!d throug h con· tet and Miss Adkins, of Norwood, necllng the veins lind allowing the Mrs. Elizabeth Hartsock , of Birmnew bl.lod 10 be pumped directly ingham, Ala., Mrs. Ella Rowser, of into the vein~ of the patienl ,- Mon- Davton. and Esq . John T , Brown r ovia (Ca l. ) Daily Newa. and wife, uf Cente rvi lle, are the 2'uests today of Hev. and Mrs, Cad· wallad er , at the r .. ctory.
I ! I
- - -..
-~ ---
Martha Elizabeth Longacre, daughter of: Jacob and ·Louisa Godlove, was born at Wardensville, Hardy County, West Va., November Mr. and Mrs G. W. Hawke en· 121, 1850, and died suddenly at her tertained at dinne r Sunday, Mr and lale home in Lytle, July 18, ]915, Mrs. IWnald Hawke and Miss Kath· . I aged 64 yeall'S, 7 months and 27 UaYf. r yn Dakin. BIVEN QUIDK REI.IEF The Gleaner (Uris ",ere enter· Mi88 Helen And M&8~er Rne DIDShe wa.~ of a family of ten childI~ain le"v~ Blm06t b lned by MiB8 Flon Mi,heuer Toes. wlddle. of Waynesville, were week. reno Her g irlhood days were spellL ;~ulf.!:i:;:~~n;~t ' d&1 afi.e.mooD . , end gueets of M..r . Blld Mr., Newton with her-lJall'ents in West Va., and Mr, and Mrs. F. H. Farr enterDrop.," Ole wnousold A party of yoang people enjoyed Moore. , on J anuuy 4, 1876, was there mar· rllm<;d y for Rheum,· .. camp Inpper nelr the old dam CD 11181 Mary Cameron ~ae the Rued ried to E.i:w ard L. Longacre , oon tained at dinner Sunday the followtis~, .Lwnbllflo, G,,~! .l'ueadayevonlDg. la.' week of her oousln, MIs8 Thelula after they moved to Missouri, w ler e ing guest3: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. ,,~dtl~;~'dr!':t·;~~~f';';: Jilll,fl Ooyl entedailled a oomPdaDY Sollera, t hey only Rtayed a few yea'r8 th en White, Mrs. Itlmma Dakin. of SpringIt gO<lS ~ight to tile of friends ln honor of hill bil'l;h ay, Mr. Bnd Mrl!. Ralph Alexander went back to Virginia, Afte: a field, and Mrs, Fannie Brown, of spot, stops the acl)es July lHIII;. ' entertained laet wetlk the HiasOll couple of yearR moved to Ohio, Columbus. a,nd pains ;:n.d makes A large party of yoanr people en. ElIz&betb PreBner and Millll.MyrUe where thell' after,ward made their ],fe w.Drtb Imog. Get joyed 8 danae In Erneat Harley'ij Yeager, of Clno\nnatt. home . To this unton, one daughter ' , 1" a r LaII Ange1ell, and born. . a boWe of "6-Drops" . new oorD WedneBday n i gh to f laat -u 'IBB Anna B e., d htwo MsonsLa were 11 H ' . aThe 'ed ' Mr. and MfS. Josh Foster, 888lsted ~~~t:~~~:~:: week. Cal, il home for ~ t"o mODths vl.1t . BUMg tehf, l CIOl'SS' d Uj ablUbe8 · t t by his sister Mrs Lida Killen enter diroctions for uso. . Mr, and Krll. ZeDOII HarlaD, 01 with her. father, Jno, Belt and with marc k' l'dan h~ h ath a e JUSd tained at th~ir r~ral home la'st Sa~ ·- 0 f A • Bother Jelatlves two weehas so , Wlovingly IC eand iran ' h 08, I Doo't del3y. Demand i.ebanon, are t h II gu__ , ~,_. mother since ten-- urday, Mr. an d M rs. J 0 hn N IC "f>.Drbps." Don't ac- Harlan and family. 1IlI'. and Mrll . . Linley MIU'\aU are deIly cared for of Sharpea. Fla, and Mr. and Mrs. ~~~~~~~ir..;~":..~~ Mlu Llzale D. Sarmon, of New' Ti81ilng BprlDgfie!d frienda. On Septemb~r 2nd of the same Perry Kenrick and dpughter. liot un.upply ~O\l. II yoa live too far 'own, I, vi.ltlng ,rlenda here. Mll8 lob.bel Sallsburv, of Waynea· year Mr. Longacre met his death in • - ...- - {corn B drug store scnd One DoUnr to MIllS Blanohe MoNary, of Rain ... vllle, waa the weok-end gU8IIt ot Dayton by :a runaway horse. 5\\'1\01<)0 Rheumlltio ure Co., Newark, boro, who haB bellD visiting dial frlende. ThE' deceased \Vas of the Baptist NOT A RACE OF APE-MEN Ohio, find II I .tlo o[ " r;.Drops" w ' lI be LeODa Hhriver hjUI retul'ned to her Mias Lanra Louise Barloy lll visi t. Faith and for a number of years has ....ul prqpaid. .., home. Ing with Dayton re\[ltlve8 . bl'longed ttl a church of that t1enom· Abundant Proof That American 'CaveDwelle,.. Kn~w Adllantage. of MIs8 BerDloe Hawkinll Is aUeDd. .E(. M. (Jopsoy an.d wife were week · ination at Flat Fork . Vegetable Diet. log the Conferenod of Young B'rlend8 end gaests of PJlUlp Sawke lind She lea v~'s tWDsons, Isaac and Edd Winona. Lake, Ind, famlly . win .and al~o five grB!ldchildren. T - e American cave-dweIJerll ' were Mrs, Oe), Miller died at 'he h )me Irwin Bnook, of Soath Lebanon, The mt~rests of her chlli'! en an . of her d:nlgh&er In DaytoD July 22 18 visiting friends here . g rand chl dren were he~ m terests. not ape-men, not even blg·jawed, , . She was always enerll'etIlL and.YMY. ",·browed_ mea eateJ;8 like tho al· Interment waa made in Xenia BaturMr. Ilnd Mrs Ne~toD ~0 .1re en. domestil: in her habits of life . S.he leged associates of the famous albeit day. ter&o\lIed tlunnav, Chae, lSattor'h. was held in resp~et in this commu- anonymous owner of, tbe "NeanderTHI CltlATleT ' ¥.1m, D'CD Le. Cayle h! In oamp with hll reg- waite and wife, of Waynesville, nity where she has lived"'the past thal Skull." Corn and squash seeds, I '. IlJi.lllN .11..(""1:.1\. tment al Yellow I:jprln~8. James Gray, and wife and MIs8 twelve veal's. three kinds at gourds, the stone met· . III THIE WOIILD • MI811 Lau.r a Beory, of Cleveland, Gray, o~ Springboro, aod ErDed At an linexpected moment with ate and the slender bon~B of bIrds ftIBI.JSiID WEEnY. $4.00 fiR YU1l 1a 'be IU8I!t of M488 Jennie ReeVIl8. ~~i:' Wife and cl&u~hter, of Ridge scarcely allY warning d!!ath'B fatal tell of the largely vegetable diet 01 ~ DItUOc.m. tlPIOIALI"", E1i1Abetb Reeve. 1& vleWnl h e r ' , _ , :::~::.er came and claimed her as these primeval eave·dwellers. Elvldencl!s of religIous wOl'shlp coeTU M • It II, T II A" IIF lit. 0 A_ brotber" B, B. Reeve. and tawily, The fune:ral services were beld at abound; lI ~t1 e eetuf8s, with places for A.O .ue 8111V10. OAN Pllom r RI b d E ' B tT . T tl 8Y VelNQ ITa ADVlElITlalNO CO&.UM ... 0 0 man , xcurSlon oa ums ur e the Lytle M. E. Church Wednesday the sacred fire among the dwellLngs, afternoon a,t 2 o'clock. Rev D. H and larger ones In the open canyon, • - • '. SAMPLE COpy FREf. Palmer, of . Waynesville, officiating. where circles of communal hUtB In· .......... VORK OLIPP'1t Read the Miami Gazette Intermtlnt made in Miami cemetery. ".-Yon... Y. Officials in Chicago are busy tryirrg The pall-bearers were: Charles Geb. olosed .the central floor, hardened by the feet of thousands of danoers. ,",!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!",!!!!",!!!!",!!!!",!!!!!!!!!!",!~I' to locate the blame for the great hart, Willia m Cox, Ste~en Burnet, Here, ' 8tm unexplored, are hun· '" clltastrophe of last week, when 1273 k D k d dreds of tiDY cavern houses burrowed " people lost their lives' on an excur. Simeon Brown, Fran u e an In cliffs 500 and 600 feet high, col· sion boat. The Eastland. a pleasure Henry Foulks. ored In maroon , ochre, sober gray boat, turned turtle as it was leavinlr - -- .....--~••- - and gypsum white-hues that in the ita dock, arid several hundred people either jumped into the water or "The Maid of the Mi~mi" sunset glow In turnace·reds and royal purple and deep lavender. were lost by drowning, Not tar away. at CaB a Grande, 8 It was a sad day for the excursion race -of tall men lived in larger iets, who were going on an e.x cursion Beginning Wednesday noon , July 'and.left ~helr mummified dead to for ,the day, and every mun, woman and child in Chicago feel the loss as 28, the p'e ople of payton will be see- ot sbi:.toot braves and btoad.hlppeil ing th o!mselves in motion piqtures, ' women; ,while at Frijoles the bodies, all their own, This is the result , of The ·Greater . We are better equipped than ever before to supply ... Dayton Asso ciation having gotten up ewathed In woven cloths, were of mea play enti tled "The Maid ot the dlum helgbt, with here and there a your needs in the Building Material line. >( I!; R.EADV FOR SALE DATES Miami," wi th a cast of local people. talle.r wl!-rrlor.' Reservoirs to 1m· It commences with an accillenl at pound water for siege or d~ugbt ; . . the New Miami Hotel in which the ditches for Irrlg~tI.on; plcto8T8pbe Jesse Stanley, who has JU~t gra~l1- leading ma n is hurt , All the way tbat are a melange of bird o~ reptile, ~ted from th~ Jon e~ Auclloneerln,&' through is a love theme that gives it beaste and weird Imitations of the bu· School at Chicago, IS home and 18 a natural interest. All the settings' man form divine ; pottery In shards ready for s~le, date . 1t would be were choSI!n with regard t o their ,and un~ro~en; Bpllntqred ~ws ~nd ~ell ~ see him , Il:lI he h~s sO,me new beauty and advertising value to the featherless , BJ:!'0W/l; flber-Boled san· ' . . ' dais, and ~Ionkets thickened with rabIdeM l.n th.e ll;uctloneen ng h~e, Or Gem City. call .hlm, 1~6 !"utual phone, New In the course of the pla.y , are bit tur ~re found In 8?me of , these Burlington, OhiO. worked in aiD aeroplane flight, a polo anclept cavern bouses. - Notlo'!a1 • - .. game, a canoe rellatta, Dayton's Rid. Mallulne. ,ing Club. Country Club, SoldiEr's ' ''''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Notice of Appointment Home and severnl downtown scenes. ;: The climax is a big wedding partie· E.taLo 01 P II\lJlua Uu tlorW\lrth docoa.'!&II, ipated in by fou r hundred people, 1 NotlmIs h cmhy 4 1'011 thMA. 'ii. Chandler with the bridal party in• fuHweddiDg hu been duly UVl lO lU tOf I aud qULlI UIOf! as Au .• • mlnh.Lrnt.or ul 'j'u .;.Llllu 01 )'lI ulI .. II nultur- Iattlre-wlth flower girls, malt) of worth, IlLto 0 1 'yarn:.. ":"UOI'1 , 011 Ill, \l""~"-. honor and be~t man ' brides maids DatlM.1 tills 21Lh lIn y of Jul y, tVl !). -, • • A I.TO:' 1". UItOWN and attendants, a real minister, ' and JUtll!8 01 tho Probate cOurt all the other t ' I'ngs July 2 ~-3t _ _ _ ___ \" orren_ Oounty , declared rlmm.by The Para_ . Ohio The film IS
--- ---
All $1.25 to $2.00 Waists .....••.
Waynclw iUc, Ohio,
Insect Feig ns Death. Tho Ilcalhwnl II bel' lI l' hILS the 10' . vllrinbl habit or relJ;ulllg d l'nth whrJD selzod or dlsturh,'(1. 'I'h fi lmulhtlon la ao 11I 'rshlt ' nt thnt wh ' lI IlIItnl1rRed I" water, or nvon III III obo\, the In· S ot remains perfectly IllI movn blo, lind will n\low Ilee\t to bo burn ed a)\vo rulhe r than botray Itsel!. Til tick nlllliu by the tl onlhwnl h respmblsB 1I,;\t m fu\ 'l by h"lplllg t hil ling er lluU UpOIl tho ta lll so mU 'h so thAt tl\V illR ct IIIIIY he led to r comUlOuce bill Gouuda by dollll> this,
For<;ea to Be Destroyed, The for ~~ Ilf n llw r ' II' must en dpnvo r to n" tel. \ra"kl ng blllllJl y os they do wo Mn do 1I0lhing to ove... como' tllP "', j\t m ON t IV cn ll 'Ivold th olr rtostru ctll' Innucllca arltl allevl, ato the Jluff rlllg thoy gll'o rlae to, nut th e torc S thnt nre th rust out by Ollrselv M, lhnt spring from our own minds, 1.1.". t be con trol! d lind O\'ercumo. Thuy RrO primitive. Th ey arc brutal. Th ey nro animal f!>rees. Against tlt c~1l wo must dlroct our on· arg\llu.
\I 'oo00titerZE ~f£tn
ilt., Xrnia, ef)io
Anuounces a ll \ b. o lll te
T E of thi season' . tock arc offered at concessions that will iusure·i mH1 diatc disposal. Prices al' greatly reduced below former quotations.
Trimmed Hats .... . .. .. . , . . . ,$1.95 Untrimmed Hats . .. , ... ,.... . Children's Hats ..... .. i ... . . .
45c 75c
ar-e also showing New Fa]] Models.""
~===================~ " "Tell the Advertiser you Read the Ad lu the MiamI Gazette.
i -----------1
A. MAFFIT Funeral
and EmJmlmer. Way.nesville, Ohio.
1 Mrs.BartonH.Kelly I 'I Vocal Teacher I
Call answered promptly day or night Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance,No. 14; Home phone 14-2r. Chairs and one COach furnished Jree with fun erals. Best of service guaranteed.
Phone 126-3
WaynesvilJe, Ohio, •
VU·LCANIZ:E D · =========AT HOME~======= Having installed the latest m'Bchinery for VulCllDi~ing Tires, I solicit your patronage, and will guarant('e the Wjprk to be as OoOd as the Beat. Give DIe a call, whether you wish ~work done or not, will be glad to explain the Vul.canizing process to you,
. CARL SERVIS Waynesville, Ohio
Finest lot . of End Posts ever brought to Waynesvillee,
,H. MADDEN & -00. Ohio.
gon Feature Film Co. which did the ph ~to work to be the best local city The One Who Knew. Crawford-"Dld he tell you thai he pictures ever taken, .-. was goIng to marry tbe widow'" Crabshaw-"No ; the widow told me Ibe wu «alIig to marry hlm. "-Jud,.. Polaon Little UndeMltood. A pols on whouo nctlo,n 18 little un.' c1erstood by the medlcnl profes810n', although It Is ono of tbe most 'uBetal of oil, nnmely,. stryc hnine, .11 being tn· ve6t1gated. It Is uBed a8 a stimulant Quite getlerally, Ul> to one·thirty.·eeeond of a grain lJelng ~ cJmllllste re!l wltb 1m· Ilunlty. But Ir the doee be Inoreaeed ,ever so lIt1tle, tho dlUlgors ot tetaDli1 are very il;rcot. Wben tet.anul dolia follow, bow'ovor, I>llrat1oxlcal BI It may seem, the 'curl) aPDllcc\ IB the admID· titration ot' more strychnine.
What They Wlnt. "SO ,tilt. woman, who b.. neYR done anyth,ng but attend to hM' home. wanta to the advertblnc of 0111' theater, BayT What QaalUlaatlou haB ahe the 2obT" "Well. telIa lIle Ibl IaunrJ IIOW
ao luI&p &
_to- '
Peaches CorCaoning' Now is the time to buy peach·
eS for canning, Fancy Elbertas
prices very low. DCln't wait;· \yiII. have,a lot In Thurl!day ..
Fancy Ripe Watermelons ' Faney Oranges, Lemona Pure ParlA Oreen SpeciaJ pril;tlll on larqe lots I
Chick IUId' Hen Feed 'Coane and fine Cracke4 Corn
th:nmarket you wiD ~d d at the riPt price
Moore's Oasollne If your ~\ine IltoVIt don:t work right Moore's Gasoline; we sell it. .
If ltal:. it b
!:1 11111:11111111111111111111I11II11II11II11111111111111111111/11111111111111111111
FOR INSTANCE 5'-6 qt. Kettles •••• ~ •• , •.• , IOc Stocking feet. ~ •••••• , . • • lie Jelly GlaSses 6 for 16c:' . •' , ••• ,. • , • • ••' 25c . per dozen, Horse Shoe Tumblen, 6 . for 150; per dozen ••••• , 25c
"Fipplette" Tango Cards .• lOe
West Electric Hair Curl· ers, •.•... ; .. : . '" ..•• Ladles' V . , ests .......• , . •• Pillow Cases ...... ". ,. ,. ~v~ Gloves, • .' ....•.• , Child s Undershirts . .•.•• Ribbon,-alI kinds, .• , , ••• Next~rto
Guette .Oflic:e.
JOc lOe loC lOe lOe . White Role Toilet PAper.. &: lOe Ladlea Ho~e ]ourq1~ •••• 16c:
- .~....-.:'*"
... '
Ne.xt door to the Waynesville ..,.uto aDd Machinery Co.
'ott ibis
ent h Year
fo'ait-I .------~.---*
Next week Lhe Wil lllilll,ftoll and fi rst Annua l Horse Show wil l at . ' . tracl hundreds (If people from t his Ra lph Vance. of Mor ru w , wus in vicinity . Th e pro~ ram i!l the ~est ·tow n Sunday .' Yl!t nlfer ed. al n Wilmington Fair" . w!th l1ensnL10nill free ac t,s oach clay, A. A. McNeil. of Cent n 'ill e, was wl~h n complete chllr.~e of pr~gram in town Friday. dally; balloon. ascensIons dally by Mada m ZerUlah , Moore; a HO.rse Miss Ruth Snook i visiting ' with Show.ot 21 lIumbe~8 each morning rela tives in Sou th L.ebano n . ofthe falr ~om"?enclog at ten O'cl ock, . an ex tensive MIdway and othe r fea · r and Mrs. J ohn I~romm . o f tures. Of course mllTly will be pur- Dayton, were visito r~ here ~u llll aY. ticula rly interest:.!d in tile racing pro · granl. t h' $500 stake races btling Messrs. Myer Hyman , Dr . II HlI er the Inrg cl\l ever offered in Clinton and D. L . Crane were in Cinci nna t i county Ho rses are en tered from all oller the connt.ry alld one even Friday. from Canada and track records will . " .M1SS Ruth Ha~ t.~ock IS spe ndi ng bll broken. The admission to this fair i ~ only 26c daily nnd there is no lhl s \~ee~ Ilt. Wdh umRbu rg, Ohio, de mcmna t 1. char~e for rigs or autos, the first an . fair ill lbe Slate to make this can· Mrs . El t a Pri ntz and son , J o·. of ce'38ion . The grounds are covered with beautiful trees and the re is Dayton. were the ~ Ul!sts of Mr. and plentv of shade. Bring the dinner Mra. J . M. Tay lor Sunday . along and enjoy youl'llelf all dllY . Mr. H,l), Hawke and 80n, ami Miss Ella Lutz of Daylon, we re Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Ha wke The Fan Primaries T)le primaries for the fall eleclion will ue held 'fUt'8da,y, August 10Lh. This primary 'will be confined to the village precincts of LebRnon and Franklin. All nominat ion petitions '. must be filed with the Board of Deputy State Supervisors of E lection on or before September 2, 1915. Thse. nomination petitions willap· ply t o villages where 110 primaries are h~ld . • ~ ••_ __
Miss('s Ada Michene r a nd Ol ive McCollum nnd t he Messrs. Linfl ley Mill s and Wm . . Michener att ended the Chautauq ua at Wil ming t on Sun day. F ranklin, Oh io . will have a new pos toffice building . P la ns and speci· ficat ions have been drawn u p a nd work will comme nce on t he buildinp within a f e w weeks.
Mr. and ' M rs ~f .ve r Ryman and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zlm· . . merman and daughter, Mr. a nd Mrs The ' 49th annual COllett· MeKay C. M. Robiuer and daul!'hter. Misses picnic will be held at the usual place, Alice Carey and Hazel Riley pichiced on Sllt~rday. AU jiust 14th . at Clifton Sunday.
Did you .et one Free? Th;' heautlf..l oil paintinllrepoo. d.ctlo_ of the laraelt .horae in the world. in full colon,.ize 16.20 incbe.. We onl, have a few left: and they'.., free to tho; jjn~ come",
who caU at our atore with thi ••dvertiaement. Thie pictllfll i. a beauh'--7ou 'll rellrct it if ~ do.'t aet 0 _ _ call ~"tV.
Whole Number 332
Remediee that have a proven repu·
lation for results. Dr.
LeGear '. Remediell
have been ulled 22
yeara-guaran~eed to
do the work " .rllt.
Waynesville, Ohio
:unllll'~ I'
Till' Schclul ullier t he .' . . I I . of th(,' I\d ancClIl tlnl Com mi t. . :r.h~et) lh ~u 'mLJ of Lh' 01 11~ ~Ul + ~---------. The a nn ua l Hurne t re nnion wu.~ tees of Indiana and Jl1inoi~ Yea r ly or WAVNE VILLE AND HER ~Ih~a brok~ carn !.lhal Yhlld w Sprmgs held at the hOJ;ne of Am os Coo k amI . Meeting3, will be held Aug ust ~O. 27, 010 CITIZE 5 (' ~n JY ' w Tt~ t. eYI a . been for Ho l me~ S toops . of Dayton. is vi!!it· famil y J u ly 31,1 915. . . 1915 .. al Waynesvi lle. Ohio . Th e ~ li e aY8. liS IS t I~ l.lrgest 'n mg relallves here . As us ual 011 such ~j:caslOn s all ~av.· mee tmg ho use ann shauy P ublic cam pmen t ever made 111 tht! alate, t hemselves to the JOy an d g ladncs ' ~ch ool g l'ounds opposite m;lke all ~ nd allthough l he w,e~~h~r v.:ar ex· !\IIr. n~d M ~, Ll nyd Dav i~ vi~it.er\ o f th e day . Though we cannot closl! Ideal spot fo! a Camp. Meals will re rne y \~ arm d ver) Itl e SICm ess f riend s m Xeni a Sund ay . o ur eyes to the fact tha t our ran~R be served III t he Friend s' Llome w~ e1f~rl ed ce ih h h.'H e been br.oken and many ambl· cl os~ by. n ,,a ur ay er e was a s am Mrs. A. Elmo re . o f Cincinnati . t lOn unreahzed yet far more nu'r,ckets good fo r boa l'd, lodg in&". ~at\~. a ng..much s~rategy ':Vas II, s~d I visited he r mothe r II 're las t week me,:ous t han t he wreck.s we leav a nd ullll!ctu l't!s and illlter tainmenlil "y. e"o ,1~ers anu men III tlelr behllld us are t.he biesslllgs whos (ur lhe week. $1l.00. LcMS t ha n l he Dnn Anderson Continm:s Ii i! Inter" hgl~t. lh e Heds w J n. ou t . ho.w. Mr Puul and Miss K 'lthleen Hain es brig ht ness has illu mi na ted our path week, $1 GO IJc r !.luy . 'l'ickel':l good e~e r. IlC OU l,lt o ~ t h!:b' syl ~~rlhr uf C i~cinn u ti vis ileu ~Yith relative!! way and we g lauly m et to recall t o r ull leClurcs wil hou t rneals $100 csti ng "Mem ories" f)I' H istory !! r'L17 I. D ul'lIl g' tl att I! .t e here Sunday' lJ leasant lllumoricMuf home and tbos nre Admission to lhe lectures 'of ~n~ of Way nesville ~mthu cor P we re usy ga therlll g ' nea rest and dearest. l b morni ng, 2{j ce nls. AdmIssion to In e . oye w 10 we re overcome y . . . Th o~e p~esent were B. F. ~i1 h; a ny etoeninJS 25 cents. Sing le meals t h h e!lt. PI'· and M r~. Wlth,Lm . of KlIlgs and Wif e. l' rank Coleman and WIfe. 25 cents. No adm ission will be Durl!llf tb e Ilcam r ment lher e l\1 1 11~ . we re Sunday g llests of Mr . Hulda Burnet and sons . Wal te r and charged on t h.e even ing of lhe 20th 11'0 Lh ' Editor- Tel l YOlOr Lon ~sp"ml . wer e VISitor s p~e nt . f~o ~ a ll over and Mrs . I\dam oops. Charles, Sherman Dyke, wife and or lo l{ound 'r abl' a nd "e"ot'lona l I' nt . D an Anderson. that I.c .. \'c rl (J kt,c\ the cou n try .. '", ov. Willis vIewed t he _ dau~hte rs , Lave rne and Rhea. MilU ,. e . . · l) r~C Ca rde r " he n he gave the Da me s t S c.J d d H J-' 1 G d CI meetings. CII tl... C.~ cclc r lamily . He M' r\'cd wit h reops un ay ~n ress l?ara e. e :.a r ray. an l a~ . Stansbury dre Graham, Lvdia Ann Gordon . The foll owing featur es of t he pro. rue cig htt~ n mont hs in Simon' s Ba ttery was a~co mpn!lled by Secretary of S:l W the Urlcho-Bell brook game a t Harl Harv ::y and wife, Alvin and gram al'e unnOUllCU a l t hi1; t ime' in \\·. s( V i r~ ill i". in " >4- ' 116. 1 di In' t _late Ch~ . H.tldebrand. ullbrook Satu rday afte rnoon. Doris Harvey. Slacy Burne t, wife Elbert Ru ssell-- A cou rse a ll B'i ble like tn sec lil y ClJmrud c sli!;n. tcll. us thcre , I t was el\llr~ a.tcu t hat at least and sons Home r a nd Chester , Owen ~ lu dy and a ['i r!>t. Uay aftt!rnoon ad . never was a he w'r ,r>Jd it r Iha" hc. li e 2v,OOO I>eople VI Sited the ca mp Sun· A. 8 . Chandle r a nd wif e and Ed- Burnet and wife, Ha r vey Burnet , dress on ")Jeace." . died ut Ihe ~Id i rs Jlome ill DaYl o lI.-- d ay . _.... win Chandler and wife attended wi fe and daugh ter Catherin~, ~ ab~I, Ur . 0 Ed ward J anne y. of. Baltl 'rhe " I" ,ve " as wri ll!'11 to li S IjY \' e ll · Quarte rly Meeting at Sel ma . Oh io, ~I el en, Antlm and Rue D I~wldd~e, mar A course on "Quakeris m and rralJl. [I . D. Ru~ r l s . o f Uswe gu. Kall) Monday . Sanmol Bu tte rworth and Wife, G.lI. Prl!sent Day P roblems ,. Ol d J ohn King loaned Tom. Billy Piano Recitals . bert Frye . Ernest Buttetworth, WIfe Geo rge A. Walton., of th e Geo rge and Charley. Pad dy McKin ny had M1'8. Car l Kirn. of Lanc~ter , Ohio. a~d son Burnet, Milton Keys and Mrs A J Wool ery and son F' cd Wife . W~rren Keys an d Amos Cook School, Pennsylvania- a course on a ne8t of five and not lI\ one wen l The annual Recital last ·week by of ~Iu'm bus , wert' called he~e run: ) a nd family. •_ • "'Fhe.. De velop ment of t he Re lig ious Old Billy Mills sent Or l\s tus, Si and . - - - Life. Ma rl. Two sons of " Bill" Rogers, the pupils of Miss Ru th Hartsock . day on acco un t of t he death of Mrs. C '1 Effie Danforth McAfee- t wo lec· Milt and i- it was too t ou\rh fo r Si, was Iler haps t he best yet g iven by Isabel Ba,yhan tures on Norway and Russia . he bRbied. and his dad dy went to t his accomplished and talented teach· ' . ounCl Holds Meeting Wilson 8 . Doan - one lecture, "'n Virg inia and got hi m re leafled under er of ",usic. . . the unde r'lIge law . All i lacked The cia s is so largp that t wo even· Mr. and Mrs. ClIfford Ridge, a nd t he Trenches " Other si ~gle lectu res . Roun d was sa nd. He had size. and was in in'bra were necessary fo r the recital. Mrg. Thos. Chene.y. of Cin c inn~ti. . . r abies on Firs t.Day School a nd othe r l)eH eCl health, but he WWl sans. sand . but both evenings a la rg e and ap · Mrs. W. C. Marvm , Mrs . Carohne . The CIty Dads ~et III reg~lar Be!!' Young People's Prob l um~ Lew Staley JSu t a d rum escor t ou t preciltti ve a u!.lience g ree ted the per· Hoge rs, M1'8. Je nnie Rogers, M, s. SlOn Monday evening . Routme bl!BIHlIl'lIhbarger and Mr and Mrs. F. B. ,ness was a tte nded to, after which One e vening wil l be devoted t o of. lhll service, an d in j uxta position , formers. From year to year t he progress of ~herwood, of Lebanon, ~ttended the I they took up t he mat~er of gra~iD g music and read ings anot her to a littl e sc rawny Milch Hobi nsoll, brothCam p· fi re with SOllll~ and s tories !! [ of " Bull ifallt " Robinson, had over the mor e advanced pu pils cpn bl! Intermen t of th e r~mam s of Mrs. ; th e stree~ an d · making ne~ s.ldeThe afternoons will be give~ t r. loads of sand. lL was at the battle noted, a nd t he beginner fl each yea r Edward Lane last FrIday. IwalkS leadmg to the s: hool bUild!!!! . o-f-c cary Creak. on the Kanawha , promise well ~o r th~· fu ture. recrea tion . Waynesville F riends extend a cor. afew m il es f rom Charleston . W. Va .. . T hp. execullon , tlme and express· d ial invitation to Frie"lds and others, in 1861. The Eleve nth Gild Twel fth Ion of each pe,rformer was e;xcellel!t. ~ ~ :~ and those who have experienced Ohio and First and Second Kent ucky 'a nd gave eVI~enc e o~ painstakIng former Summer Schools urge you to composed a brigade com manded by :Lnd .thoroug h mst r uctlOn . . MIS;S OPI?, of Toledo. a mUSIcal come Ilnd enjoy t he w eek in g ood Gen . Cox. The Twelf th Ohio, or fellowship wi bh FriendS' fr om many afe w com panies of it, were order ed faVO ri te WIt h ou r people, added places. to take the f or tified little burg. grea~ly to t~e ple~l!re of the two Martha O'Neall. Chai rman of R e. W. Goodt', commllnded one ~vemngs WIth a vlol m soJo. charm· ception Committee. of the companies, It Wilynesville old 1O¥ ly render ed a nd rapturously ra- - -- -- • schoolmate of mine , I knew that my celved. • _ ••_ _ _ r egiment wo uldn 't be " jn it," and r SpriQgboro Centennial "fell in," in Geo rge's c6m pany to Defeated Themselves see a r eal fight. We had had a scrap with J enkins' cavalry o n his fa rm a Every thing is in running ord er for few nights before, and had a 1088 of the Centennial a n'd Home·Coming a t one pri va te !silled . a cap t ain and nine The Miamis t raveled to HarveysI' Springboro. The opening exercises m en wounded. burg Sunday afternoon and played a little base ball and more--(we s Larted off in grand style, and there Talks Ab out War Boys are hundreds ot form e r citizens In can't say it he re) . Some very weird a ttendance. The secretary writes all and raw decision s by Umpire Shane We Jef t o~ r boat Trana'por~ around coupled with som e poor judging of follows: The Business Men's Club of WayneSVille, has been invited a bend of-the river , ana we had bu t flies in the outfield, gave the Burg to a ttend the Centennial celebration a short distance to go before we boys a lead of t hree ru.na in the first on Wednesday evening. 1:1 on. S. D, came in s ig ht of the for ti fied place, two innings . Then the Miamis did Ft!-SS addressed the aud ience t his af· al)d let out a veil that wa.'! t he first t heir ball playing and secured tern oon . ThlJ rsday at 2 p. m. Hon. intimation t he Reba .had that we whal should have been a good, safe Ra lph B. Cole. of Findla y. will speak, wO re in t hei r r ear , tbey being on the lead . Incid entally they made the and on Friday Hon. J ames M. Cox 10Clkou t f or t he boats that were in much tout ed " Greasy Bill" Lynch plain view f rom the for t. We sho w his yellow s treak and q uit co ld . w(1I g ive an add ress. l'berc will be some thing doing ev- cha rged ove r t he s lig ht breastworl(s Then. with the scor e 8 to 5 in their e ry minute of the time, and if you before the Rebs could change f ron t. favo r, t he Miamis quit playi ng ball are an old resident • .or it you have bu t we were met in a mi nu te with an d Ha rveysburg too k advantage of a ~jndly feeling for Spr inlrbot:o,. you at least sixteen to one, and we had this laxity to t he extent of scoring Will s urely g-o a nd a t t end the Cen· a chOice to retreat or become prison· six more runs. 80 the final score tennial. . e rs . Mitch Robin son, l he puny and stood 9 to 8 in f avor of Harveysburg. ..~.~-----zan umptive Mitch. ran his bayone.t into a Reb, a nd didn't have streng 1:h to pull it out , s o lost his I{un, a nd I L' ht ' K"U d H write his glory. Only on one other Ig nmg 1 e orses oeonaion did 1 see that sort of a trick. a nd 1 hllve a record of fo r ty· nine months' service. Don' t forget Saturday, about noon. as John Sara h Cather ine Frit ter. was bor n Mitch. Before the war lIe was a hab. Weisenbarger, of near Utica, with near Ba rne!:lvi lJe, Belmont Coun' y, it ue of the MIami visitor . and a coupl e of farm ers. were working Ohio, Janua ry 1, 1842, olde.st of the agai nst t he advice o f a ll the "force" in toe hay field, a thunder storm came seven children of Humphrey and would persist in " setting them up ." up very suddenly, and the lightning We escaped without the loss of o.ur str uzk t he hor ses instantly ki:lI~ng . Ann Perkins F ritte r. She came to Warren County in sq uad. w hich was to m e miraculous . th em. The m~n who was drlvmg 1868, and w~ married to J . Wm. - Yes and you can tell t he f olks f or th e team had ~IS feet on the double· Hartsock Februa ry 15, 1870. To me; that we lef t the f ort a t Scarey t r ees at the time the s troke came, them were born three childre n F ra n· just exactly whel"e it was, and ne ver and he and one of the other men cis A ., Mllrtha A. Cleaver and Ira A. took it a "little bit," o nly for a'-but were badly IIhocked. It was a nar· row escape for lhe men. Of her three children and t hree it Wal:l no joke. There was II boy killed at Peach • - • grandchildl't!lHtH Bre living except tree Creek, near Atlanta. that worked Martha~. . The fune ral was held at her late for S. S. Hained, and w ho bad a red Brick Masons Arrive home in HarveYRburg, Obio, Mon· headed si ste r, who married and in Genlltown, and t hey are in lived day morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. J. F . Cadwallader ofilcinting . In te rment my memor.v all rig hL, bu t the nllme Last Friday morning ' the carpen· is no t on fi le. Th ey were related to te rs was made in Mi ami ceme te ry. and cement workers left ftor Nels Blackfo rd in some way. The Jamestown -----, wh cr.e they will stay name came to me in the n ight-Geo. until the work on that job is finished. Brlnl,er. Fox Family Reunion Tuesday morning the hrick masons (Continued nex t week. ) began their work on t he new buil d· ing, and with fai r weather it · will The Fox fa mily will hold their an· not be long befo re the bUildin g will nual basket dinn er and reunion a\ ·a ssume fill(! shape. the Dayton fa ir g rounds on the sec· • • • ond S/;\turdny of Aug ust, 14th, and urge all members of t his family arId Will Give Dance t heir connections t o come out and en· ~ . ~ joy a day of I' e ~reati on and rest. r4rs . lsabel Bayhan ~i ed Sat urday A P1io gram will be given after about noon. a t th e 'home of Mrs. Messrs. Harry' Hausch, Wilbur 'which athletic con tests will be open Belinda Rogers. where ahe has been to all present, sack , egg, potato and making her home fo r the last two Burhman, Kell er Hoke. Hobart years, afte r an illness. of about two Marsh and Emmor D. Baily will give other events. , A chicken ra ::e ()pen only to the months . 'fhe body was taken to a pl at.form dance ·at· the home of ladies. The entire g rounds reserved Wilming ton her old home Monday Mr. Houflch on t he J. M. Cook farm, afternoon, where services were held Saturday evening. The boys have for lhis event.. ~~.-----in the M. E . Church. and interment mad e a fin e platform, and it is their ~ We have just received in stock every• made in the cemetery 'at that place. intention to g ive regulAr dances this ~ thing that is required to repair. FORD ~ summer. CB(C
aS 'b
.... W. U. MADDEN 'CO.
"nat'. tlat! Point~no.iny' of
In cross-continent runs, non-stop tests and in everyday use-gasoline cost averages
< -
only U a cent a mile or ~ , of a cent per passenger• . No other automobile in tho world _compares with' it for real >economy of upk.eep.
~SAXON $395' Then's a trim, fpcedy Saxon .... Iilng for )'O.U ot a prlc" you Clln atrord-a ..tongly built, !'Owerful, roomy enr that will give YOll of leivii:e-at the COlt of a few centa n day.
Male. tour motoriDIL dream. cam" true. Start toda, b,
. calm.. u. up fOl' a Salton rid~-~ "o,lH conycnlenco
==========AT HOME ===*::::::::==
• {'
HavlD2 IDstalled the latest machinery for Vukanizinl? ~.res, I. IOllelt your _patronage, an'd wlll guarantt'e the wor~ • to be .. Oood as the ,Best, GiVe' Die a call, whether you wish 'work done or not.
wU1 .. ,lad to .explain the VulamiziDg. process to you.
CARL SERVIS Waynesville. Qhlo
Mrs. J. W. Ha rtsock died at her home. in . Harvcy.~ bu"g Saturday mormng very suddenlv of heart trouble. T~e fun eral was held at her late r esidence. M()ndar morning. In terment was .made .ln MIami ceme·
PrinciPll1 speaker is Hon. S. D . Fesa. t~rv. Eve ryone interested in Sunday-school work be there, if possible. . Word was received · here·MondaY Gertrude A. Dilley, that Wm. H, Gard, WhD had been ill A&sistant Secretary for tbe last ,ear, bad died at his ~...... .,. ~:---home in Monrovia, Cal.! after: a heroic treatment by inf uslon ot blood. Big Masonic Picnic The body at Mr. Gard'will be'broughl to Waynesville lor jntel'nlent, but nothing has been heard up to this time 88 to when it wlll arnve here. "U~I,,_~:1IU1 A bulletin will be ~ted at the poet· ~. office when ul'angemeota ____ ••___ . r , are made, ,
i Main
Sunday-School RaDy
A grand Sunday-School Rally for all , Sunday·school workers in the . be ' held Lebanon. ______________________________________ • County will August 15, at at 3 p, m.
""~'" ~"""""",,,~
J. B. Chapman, WaYDesville~ o. ~
------.. -- ..
---.. - ..- - - -
SUNDAY EXCURSIONS FROM WAYNESVILLE PE"NSYlVANIA LINES, AUGUST OTH Special train to Springfield and Col· um bus. Round trip fare to Spring· field. 85c: round trip fare to Co,lum. bus. $1.40. Train leaves Waynesville at 9: 35 a. m. For full particulan consllit B. n . Ke lly. Ticket Agent, Waynesville. Ohio. ,
-- .
Street Garage i
$ A~:'S' ~::ecting Rods, Head. $ $ . Light Bulbs, All kinds .of - S· $ . Gear., Etc., Et~. $ $• jog·Valves Cleaning Carbons. and Grind- $. J' on Forde, $1.50. All ~ , work guaranteed. # -,
Another Saloon to Coine ~ Lebanon will-have another saloon abOut September 1st. A I.i cenaewu Il18ued by the . board, to D&1ton par~ee to opea saloon in LebaDoa"
~ Main Street .Garage, $ Waynuvllle. .
Two' UceDI/eB awere nfuaed on~.... f · . 1!PIIl~ ~,~.reiidence aDdUDft.- ~~~~
==;]!J B IEL==:1:Jr:J iE==:llI!lE'==-a!lfo1 NEXT . WEEK---Wellesday~ Thursday and Friday- m t:1
1 ==3IEJ =5:l113E'==U:JE'=311EJEI=='t:]CS==:1I ..o.;,;:=~r:lI==::l EJ 1: iEi
y t{nrol
\(:(Jrllt h
I ut ally Uwlln\lll \lad m n I) olur, to taut! tlrlnl< wlmt th y 1111011. Lator h fuund lUOIlI ht tL clnmlLQn ·lIlul!or II) t]t kllclHIl1. 'rhul 11'1. ~h re \.b~Y b loulSud Umballa CWlt bla IlrlKon r8 luto tb lecret ehamber. Thl,1n h gay hImself up to the luxury of a bath. had his hllir and beard combed, hIs body ~tl'ted with tI rrum R, nnd put on his nneat ralmenL Tnon De o ...,a" 10m , ... AI for hIs prlsonors, he dId not vlalt thom agnJn that day lIor yet U," nllhl. Tbe Initial tortur of 8\1 S P OilS 'Was ~ owa)'a eIC lI enl. ne thIng nn· Cloyed blm. bow(lvl,1r-not a murmur ,from tbOllI) enlm-jJy d wblle p ])1 'Who w ro about to fu denth . He l'a8od a811met tbls la.ck ot feeling, for It robbed blm ot bolt ble pI oeUre. Ho liked hl1 ...tcUme to wblne and crlngo and beg tel' meroy. LIke many rlcb AalatlcB, Umbnlla bl\d bill own mon.gerlo. He had In· bertted tt alon, 'WIth the deml·pallLCe
r:1 IE55:J' 11:==:1' EJI:'==:1' EJIE'
lIdmission 25 Cents
Rigs and lIuto$ i'ltee
==' EE=311!IEr==;==='EI=
==:JU:1EI=='I:IEI=='1:11==:1' [:J =='1:1 lEI r;1i
==' e SSI:'==,t:] EI=='1:]1:1==,[:]
3' eEl
==*! [!J =3IEB
Florenoe E. ~' erri lj et 41 to Riloilol _ - - - - - - - - - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _ _ __ DIVERS DO WONDERFUL WORK l\lld WilhAUI Kelly Bovoral lots "nd fore ono of 'illS gOQs. ..... \J Inllbono _ trllole of I"nd In Sill om townsblp. doubtloss entored secretly." aavlng 'of Bullion From the Steamer $::1UO. • "What would you odVllle! For 'God', Empre.. of Ireland 'Sald to 'Bo Marriage LlccllllCl sake; think of slJlDeth Illg, Ramaball Record Feat. Ho may be torturing th em l" Harold O. l:!mlth, farmer to Ethol "Let ua enter the temple," sald Rao All tho mail and silvor bullion on Conner,· bo~h of Harveysburg, R ov. mnbal. "Ahmed, brIng t.he treasure A , .1 . l[e8&1e. and loave It In the care of \.be prleslB." baud tho Bunken Empress of lre/w ct Probale Court Proceedlnill O wor B. Nlxoo , omp'loye Davil A few momenta ll\ter Ramabal ad- ha ve been recovered, as lhe result: of drellsed tho uBembtilgo. "BaJ& Khan one 'of the most remarkable fept s of In the matter or Ibe will of Bar. Sewlog Moohino l.:o., or DaytoQ ~o Is bosttle. but only for the aoke of btl deep-water sAlvago ever attempted. rlH GHrol3r, deceBsed. Au.hen~l . EUn. M , Mnlford, of Lob.lnOo. oat.ed oop.!' of wIll approved by Walson. . friends. He laY8 down tbls la". bow· Wllllllm L ~ylve8ter, clvll enover--obey it or dl80bey It: Tbe Colo- Wh n the ship was suuk nenr . the Ptob~to 'ourl of tucas Cou nty Is Rineer of Buffalo. N. Y. to LAura nel Sahib and ble daugbtera are to IIC mouth of the St. Lawrence It Bettleil admitted tu reoo rd. J . Harvey Gll rner Extr, pll\iotlff V. GregR', of Morrow, Rev . Chillies freo, to do wbat they pleo.ae "'I\.b the in the soft mud at the bottom of treallure. Pundlla, accordIng ' to the the r iver, which is l 3S leet deep Ilt va. Willitull H~nry 61lrner et nl. de. Wlillam-. wlll of tha late king, sball be crowned. low tide. he nlso heeled over at a fendttnts . 6 e /rge Jaok. Joseph Commia.s1oocra' Proceed/nil Wll tklns and W . D. 'orwln are ap. Obey or disobey. I warn you tbal these are nOl my dlctatea, but Bala sharp augl. B ecause of th.e e condi· poln'l!d apprl\j~e r8 In this oause. Bills Allowed-W. O. Gdmour tions the diver were compelled to Wt\liam H . HOB8, admlnl ~trator fees for April 1916 term of Oomm.oo Kban'a." "Peace. peacol" The cry roso from work at Umes at the Ullusunl dept h of the est"te of Ii:llza J. Davis. de Plells Uonrt '7" 73 i Burrongbs Add. ceased. pJlLlntlff V8. J . D. Ro ' 8 et al ing Maohlne Uo • re~lrII to addln~ all dlrectlons, even from the prleBts of HlO feet. themselv08. To familiarize the divers with t he defendauu. Frrtnk Brandon 1811". maohlne tor Distrlot A818B80r $6.22 i . poluteu gl!l"rd!tm lid litom for all F. W, Thompeon & Son, eleotrlottl The blgh priest hold up hI. band for I\uppllo,8 and water hose '5.45; W ellence. "We obey, on one condltlon- arrangement of the sillp and Ule minore in this oaose. In '.be e8tate of Mary K . Brown, B. ,Elbon road work WallhlnRtoD tbat the new queen laball to DO maDDer location of the strong box, pasteIntorfe re wllh her old relllllon nor It- board modele were made, and the deoealed. First acoonnt II approved. townshIp U 50; W. N, Thompson, tempt to force her now rellglOQ jnto divers wer-e thoroughly 8!lhoolcd with In tbe el~ta·te. of IiImerson Conner tsxes for Jnne 19t6, for Pboebe M. SmHb, '216 i HarTey bl. BurneU, ' the templo." tbetlO · before being permitted to un- et all mia'ors. FIrs' and fina. ao. work Wayne towneblp To thIs PundllB nareed, dertake the work. A8 a further pre- ooun& Ii approved. 117 ; The. l:!aDltary Grocery .np. "Ramabal. soldleral To tho houae first work that WIIS done 1n the I!et.a te ~f hllorlea lind W, piles for janitor oourt house 11; J, or ' Umb8Jlal We shall lind them Caution the , Will lor ROIS, mmors. &oond ao. W , Jonbl palD&lng oour' houee and therel" cried Abmed. by the dlver.s atter a hol.e had been connt if, AlPproved jail 86. 71>; Rlymond Hallhb&rgor UmJlaU& aqua\led upon hi. cushlone cut in the Side of the ship was that Firat 'Allld tiMI IIooconn' in the AR. lanUOr'EI ealary $60 i The Dayton 011 the terrace. '!"be aooond bar had u.,.bat~ In tIM TruclIIIUL been removed. The beasta were pres. of bnlkheadlng all flanking door· ~ale of K~n8e1 rhompsoD. deaeued. Blank Boolt aad PrlnUnr Co .• ClAD. Villi oovera and l'ebulldlnK Coonty and passageways along the Ie approv4'u . ' .n.a tM ~I IIIIter cUecI, ..nr..I 10.' theIr wet mllUles to the opentnga ways route to be 'foll!lwed inside the a.h ip, First and final aooonnt In tbe el. Reoords $<1211.7$ ; 0 Ohenoweth bar~ before. Tbeie oxJllted _bat WN and llrowltng deep ehaUenles. go astray or 'ate of John Harper, deceased, i& ber work for prisoners a' j"UI1,:US ; .c.n.4 tlw Oourt of DeaI.h. Tbere 1'1119 . "Once mor'&, and for the last Ume, 80 thAt ' no diver• could Oregonia Bridge 00 , oontrac' '189 ; • 11180 appro ved. 'WIll you reveal the hldlnl place of the lou 114M to tbla 00I1J!t, and In tlw get his. hose, hlehne, or t elephoue 10 the mlloUor of tbe guardlanehlp John E, Gerrard, plas,erlng at jail, \.. ___________...._ _ _ _ _ _ _..;.._ _ __ CI8ilW CIf eaoh aI4e WeN ban. and beo treasure'" 41 i J . C. TrovUlo, I18rvloeB burial ---,." Not a word from the prtaonen, It conn~t\OnB tangled. 8'0 furDlsh as or Reobon H . Dill nn ImbeCile oommlttee tdIid uaeee ban u..,. 01' leopudl 0lI' Salem townsblp I. ~uch prolcctioD as possible against Maud Kohl Is appolnt,ed. Bona . - . ar wQ4 boar--'Whatever pleueel tile), told or dId not tell It would have All Kind. of !the ownerl fuQ. MIUl7 a fO)'Il bat. made no cIIfrerence wltb the mal\ the cold water each div~1' mnde ,viIS '~OOO, Iliventory filed. equipped ,vith Tubber gloves, which Silas L, Bentlott Jr~, as guardian 'tIe,had beeB wapd In thl8 court, eomlP above. He was drun" CONSTIPATION"CURED OVERNIGHT ' ''The thlre! bar I .. were made thin en ough to ennble the of R!I;V~clud M. Bennett., a minor. tIIDM Uaen, ar a tIpr and & . Bllt It dId riot sUr. 'd ' If IplaIntiff va Ett~ L Blake et oj de _ a IIIoI)Ul1 u4 • boc'. . DiRctor dIver to- gut e- Ill-rose who.re necca- fendant8 . J. Lee Thomp80n, W. A, and yon en~oy a foll, free.eally-bowel- "Tbe thIrd bar; remoVe IU';--_ . l1mbaDa. alIer hII bath, alk84 it th... sary by the sense of touch alone. \PIIl'kbIIlIlDd Jereminh Parkhill 6re Tbe elave who had charlie of the movement In tbe morning. No and Embalmer, • old bou' ..... sUll allve. The heav~ . apPOinted to appraise lands in 'his griping, for Po Do.L8lI: IsPodophylin •• . ' · lion ".. WId tho' tho an1mal bad died meohanIsm 'Whlc.h operated tbe bara May Apple) Wl'hou~ the gripe. Po . -.".-...t=-15~r . to] Waynesville, Ohio • . . . A RICH ORPHAN oaule. . In the a.p a few 4aJa aso. Umballa retu.ed · to 8ot. . Perhape hlB refuBal . In tbe mutter of the will of John Do Lax ('orreots the O8ose of Cun, ~ UiD anae4. Be bad bad In mind a lI;ht saved tbe Uvea of the colonel and hli W . Coon.en, deceased. Wlli Ie ad- s tipati()n bV aronllng 't he Liver, to. F. E. SHERWOOD 1 Call answered promptly day or night 1bMW_ the boar ant! a leopard. to daushten. Tbe bastinado was ormlUed t<I pro hate. Emma S . Oou ' oreadog the ,flow of bile • . Bile I@ • Both phones in Office and Residence. dered fer the poor. dIsObedIent wretch. IIt8It hII c!J'oUlaUon, al it were. deD tbe widow elootll to take under ~ ature 'a autiseptlo In tbe bowell, Over POIItolllc:e, WaynesvIlle, O. l.ong distanc;e,No. 14; Home phone . Be o,Glftd hla pt1Bonen to .,. Then be ' 1VaB thrown out Into tbe the will. With proper amouDt of bUe, dlgell. ,Bou.. Pbooe 6-3 1~.2r, . ~ into tb8 Court or Death ancJ: IItreet. ChaIrs and one Coacb furmshed free And there BRae found him and Iil the matter of the e8tato of lion tn'boowell Is perteo~, No Ifall, Offlce Pbooe 77 there. Medltatfon . was ezcellellt . with funerals, John W. Conden, c1eoBAeed. F . M, no fermentatl-;m: DO Oonstlpatlon. r the end. A parapet ron round tb.e ~ed what 1''' toward.· Best o~ serviet! guaranteed, The eventa which ' follo'Wed were of • Onnnlnl1;'hom is appOinted exeIlU'or. Do.n·t be Blok, nervonl, Irritable. and frOm there Omballs could Get a boUle of Po..Do Lax from your Bond $4 1500 Barry Lr)llar, D.vld 'breath1eu rapIdity. Ramabal and tJ~ " 888 e"lII7thtos below. HI. vIctims e~· DnnbGDlaud Will!am'Veaoh are ap- Dragglat now' and oure yonr Con. A" ~~~~~~~~~~==== IterecI tho oourt 'WIthout e~ggllng'. ballA met upon the parapet In a. strug· Btlpation overnight. • • 1'1.. C poInted nppral6ers. . 'Ther .merely ltood closely tos~thar to sle whlob Jlromlaed death or the tJ'ead. mm to the weaker. At the same Ume In the matter .:If tbe will of Mory tbe. center. Vet~rlnarv~ "You _t". ' said Umballa. "Now, Bruce opened ·the door to the Court Emma Darlington. decellsed. Will Oracluate of Oblo SCat. Unlvenll I~ admit·t ed to probate. .bere have you bIdden the treasure'r" of Death as the final bar dropped In Kathl:rn walked over to one of tile the eIIIJI,1. At the alllht ot blm ' th~ In t hE! matter of the estate of tClIP8 . and peered Into It. A sleok cOlonel' and his daullhten ruBhed to Mrs. Enpeck-Rcrll'S a story of 8' Mory Emma Darlington, deceaElerl. door. lWughly he hurled them 'tt«or trotted up to·\.be bani and 'purrod the WIlIlf\m 1'. Darlington is appoInted ·mon who octually sold his wife._Now, O!fice. at, residence in F ,. IJ ~her Aut~ Llv.ery SerylCe ~: (' ootaldo. IIlammlnll the ~n door, upoo oaq4 lovlted her to soratch hlB head. wood s bonae, Fourth Street. Re.alonable Rates execotor . No bond requiNd . Bow. what cio you tbink of tbllt? ., .,.; 18be dId not aocept the InVttatlon, how· whloh tho Inturtated Ug8n lIung th.mard Early, Abe Cook and Wllllam .. Enpeck-Oh, there arc some fool • •0 Telephone 28 er...; GOwln1l \.be specIes tolerably I18lvee. Slegfrilld are appointed appnleers. A week later. ' Kathl:rn, WInnie. their . Alia Agent for Kelly·Sprlncfteld wen. Usually thelle courts of Geath 10 the wlltter or the elltde or Re. men i.u the world ~ho will buy any Waynesville." father and Bruce, accompanIed by the Ohio lbad solid lteel: doors which could be Automobile Tirea old th~ng. OOOCli S. Crosley, deo8'lSed . ·Prl vate · 04r.wn up or lowersd at wtll. The enl. faithful Ahmect, reacbed the coaat an.d 81lle of p~rsoo ..1 propersy Is ordered, Bet eatl for thefr beloved Callfornls. =u dena were more like cages. "1 leel sorry for that poor, mother· VERY NEEDFUL. With no ltttle curIosity sbe noted a The parting with Ramabal and Pun· 'l oss girl." ,Common Picas Court the real Queen of AllAba. who at dlta. tllnsular arrangement of the three con· ''Well, why don't YOIl mllrry her." "Better lour that section. I t is 11 New Suits. Iaat bad come Into ber owo, was & aa4 'tral ban. The.removal of these three Valley Phone 9O-1 y' ono. Katblyn and ber rrteods bad "What 1 want is a motherless girl land flowing with milk and honey." IbaN lett an openlnK 8umcleotl)' wIde come to reapect the devotion' and .loy. Nellie Snook Wise V8 .•losoph A. Funeral Director. "How IIbout l)laces where you can !with s lair income." lfor the ogre.. of the Isrseat tiger or WI¥e. dlvoroe, gr08s negleot. alty of thl' oouple who had shared IUan. ' . wttb ·them 10 many trlala Int! hard· Pllnline B, MoLaUllhjin vs. Lob get gnsoline P" "I am not answered," sold Umballa. IT WAa A GOOD THING. ~elephone day or night. anon UIIIvorelty and Robert• . Boyd , A cllolt reBounded from the fe,ur IIblpl. • Valley phone No. 'I. LoD, A. REA.L FAN • Ma~8hllll money. Amoout olalmed • • • • • • ,.14ee, and a bar dIsappeared from each Di8t,anoo ·No. 1I~2r. 'rhe Jounll newspaper mlln to whom ''Excuse me, madam," snid the '4.10 wltb Interest. lof the eaSeL "1 understand Vnncssa Wombat WInnIe 'was engB8ed and the grla.l~ agent, addressing the ludy who nu· W, R . I:lqolor et al va, H. I. "That wtll be all for the pTI,1 SBn!." likes basebnll." AutomobUe ServIce' at aU Tlmu GIVEN QUIOK ~ ,eatd Umballa. "Food and wator llOU Ahmed sat on th,s IItepB of the bUD- 8wered his knock, "but I should Uke Whltemlln ot at. Il:quitable relief. In CalltontlA ooe ' pleasant afteI'. to show you 11 little device that I nll1 Dawn P. Fawcett VI. 6eorge A . ''Yes, sir. That girl likes it well WAYNESVILLE,. Paio len,:\e8 almost 'will not i-equlre. Tomorrow momll1ll saJo.w OHIO noon. The pIpe WI8 cold In tho hand al If by IDAIlc wbea ,a!IOtJler bar will bo rllmoved:' of the reporter and Ahmed's el,lr wea introducing. All you hove to do if Davis, money . Amount. 'olahned enough to pay for her ow.n ticket." you begiA aIIPl. ' "'" Branch Office; B.rve,.b1ll'l~ 0. $100.65 with Interest. And be loft them. . 4ead. whlob always happena when 000 simply place it in your rcfrigcralot Drops," thll fLMP.!iP.0li\ Onrbead tbe blue sky was growln. Real E.tateTransfera r~med'l for ft~,-P'I!~' 'blu'" and the ahadows In the Court. of reooanta an .elcltlng tale and another .and it will savohall the icc." . lI.m, nm~ Qclll\. 11Itena. Among the lIower bod. be"Indeed 1" exclaimed the lady.. ,Death !Po dee~r bla.ck. A ' D OCTOR' S PRESCRIPTION FOB COUCH Sciatica. ~I""_I,I~ ' two young womeo wandere4, "And do you guarantee it to savo G. E. \"'01"'''0 Y l l • Art' hur R, Green • rl)' the liezt mornIng tbe t(tWJl yond ed IUId kiQdr~ 'tf1I\1~I" In ponseo. II half thelceP" . AN EFFECTIVE' COUSH ,TREATMENT . B. V. BA~NHART, , 1018 No. 20 and 21 and fraotlonal It gou ",ISltt tq UIe bellll to .eetbe In the squares. Bala foll ow by a young man panama eet caTelessly UJlon hie bane!lole No. 22 n.nd 23 in Morrow, II. . spot, atop! ~II IIC\I... One foorth . to one teaBpoonfulof ,Notary P~bllc :K,ban'. army la~ encamped outside the some "Certainly, modam," he r eplied. head, biB face brown, hIe build and pniDi JIld ~OI 'clty! Those who possessed treasures Ble'oder but round nnd muscular. "Then w h y don't you boost yO UT Kretz James B, Dilley et al '0 L p, Dr KiD,'S New Dliloovery, ,.kenall life worlh livhl(, Get , II lld B L F I t ' N 51 ' dUll plte for tbem In tbe cellars of "And that, Bahlb. Ie tbe etory." . . . rye a I 01. , Deeded. wl11 s'lothlt auel obeo. All klndll of Notary Work, Willi a bollie CIt "6-D~! . . Ibu8ine88 by offerl.ug two of them to 52, G3, 04, 66, lIud 66 In Dilley I:!ub Oou" hl. Colda and .She moredan,er'their houses. Wluitn tbo great temple lilghe'd Ahmed." today.· A bQo~lot ~/th ond Deeda 110 "paolalty. oos Bronohlal and Lung Allm~n", ·there waa a lIutter among the robed "And Katblyn lIave ' the treaaurea jprospective customers?" queried the divl8ioD to Ma80n. 8150 . each boltl" III..,. f\1U afford to taka 'be rl8k of directloQI fOf use. IOCOIl. 'W hat coUld they dQ r ' They to the poor of Allaha1 That wee fine." wieo female. "If one SIIVCS half the W. C, Hudeon to Martba E New. You O8n', Ulnesl. wheo 10 obeap and PoII 'I dela)" DOIII&rid 1mew not w!jere the white god~e8s "You have aald." . :ice, two would save it all,'~ oomb lot No . 10~ in Park Plaoe ,jub. serioDs . "()..Drops." DoQ" IICsimple a remedy ... Dr, KiDK'S New 11'''' nor UmbaUa. Tbey dIspatched a divisIon to KioR' Mille, $121) . "They ellould have banced this U» DR. J. W. MILLBR. cepl llIlythlnll 111tlI 10 DlsoOvery · 18 oblalDable, Uo , to JII,laee lljesBengor to the camp, but tbe balla." Warren L Keever to Ml\rgare' yonr Drurtrlst to-daY.Ie$ • boUle of plnceol.lt, All, ...... messenler 'Waft aent bllck before he ." : .'''lIeuppl,. ,og, If you lfve too far "No, ·sahlb. Death III srltetul. It t. CD' Keever l y' lIores in Beotion 26, r. 4, Dr. King'. New DllIClovery • •tar' had palled the 0~tP08t8. ••• DBNTlST... " "N ~ d "ug otoro send 001' Dollar to not a punIshment, It 18 peace. But RE OMMEN S CHAMBERLAIN S COLIC, R . 3, M. ll. !:!. '1. ' the treAtment &&'01100 Yon .will be Wben Bruce, Ramabal. Pund'lta, and " n .;on Rhoumatlc euro Co" N-ark. CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY neUA, frlllctional alJd E. J . BrowlI to G. A·. But_ Kra&lfled for the relief ,And cure obRam, called UmbaU.. wtll Bpend l:hl , on;1it \Jr,Jllo of "u.Drops" will be .Abmed halted thetr elephants bel~ore Durga the remainder of hlB day. In' the tread. 10' In Frlinklln, '1. ,.Ioed, • N~~ Bldlr, Wayaenlile~IO z 'ot pt'c?aid. ~ th.e temple they were gTeeted by \.be mill wlilch 18 a concrete hell not abo '" never helltah '0 reoommeod B. J... Frye and wife lind L . P ' 1I0W terrifted prIests who begged te' be stra~t. Always round hla ankiea there Ch"mberlain'I ' Collo:. Oholer" IIDd Kretz und wife t :> Alexandllr W •. and tntonned .,.hat nala Khan proposed to. will be Iron, the lIalla of the nlsh.,. Dillrrboea Remedy, wrUel ~o 1 Battle Bill lote No 5i, 55 MId 5610 N •• r-8lghtldn.... "Deliver to us tbe mem8llblb." chaIne. Always ' hIs ' ...rtata shall be Willl~ms, mercbant, Jeelle, TenD DlIJey llObdlvlslon to 111I80n j Many peojlle belteve that a obUd The oprleal8 swore by 1411 their @ Iode brulaed and torn; lor IIOmetlmell he . '·Ieellmoreofltthaoofanyo&her OsoarA. E.ton to Beath E,ton .may be born . n~lsbted. but this II lJI.at they knew nothIng of ber. wl1l lose hIB step ud haq b7 lila p,eparatloDI of like oharaotsr. I two t raot" of land In Hammon not the OIIe. NeaHlghtedn,- aI· "He .peaIta the truth," voluutl,1ured wrlata. 80 much for lqratJtn4e; 10 have aeecl 1& mYlelf and fonnd I t ' l l wa7B reeUllB from 1tra1n, an4 In the :P"lbel ... the clile1 t)tlB1lt fell be- much for the bUndn_ of Nnqe." ,ave me more reJlef tbao anything ' own. l. P 'I~. ....t majority of cuea Can be pre"Do ou thtok 1Dn-'aA4 will f t . llao I ha~,e e"er tried fJr the lame ~~==~~====~==~~==~~ "ented, or at lel8~ kept 40wn to low Yr' purpose. Ob'alnable everywhere. ..." atep to . ' deai'eea. 1\11 kinds of 'Spoutlng and~Rooflng • az • "PerhaDII, But 10 Ion. . . ~ and Furna~e Repairing DonoJ. .. • rolel JuaUy. 80 1. . . . h. ooaaOlt, abeta her: lDnlJand will no& men. Pel' ._ Lay . Folk. . "EYen el IIOme folka bowed 4ar bpi, if one of them dIM. • • , 'there! the mal4a oa1J1na 7OU; ADd __ a tre:e pouum farm In ds nar I 1'W . . u4 brew tlMI; CoIoDel BahIb'I worl·... aattl Brother WWiImII, "de1 ~ SHOP NEXT TO SHERWOOD'S GARAGB ~ 1'ouJu't be .. DO hu"" tar lit du, , . tear d.,.4 llatter climb a $ree W 11& .. ~.~tla." OIIiII&MnUW,
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:\i idd) ... , iii C ~lssur ll l: Ut. .... . $1.00 , ~1.i r " -'., ';dl ;:,1:ir 15, lip f l'uUI. 1.00 'Ui LS -;-; A fiJJ' lilll!, up fro m ..•. 10.00 S ilk Wa ist.' , up from .. . . . .. . . 1.00
I:! UltUllY.
iilli . ~.! notl Mrll lI:m tll'SOl!l (;oo uor '~Ild tO~~\~:~i~tuplH'D" WU I! u t thll JIlUll'~. t ~l <lilt mood Iud ·rn.vor of I:ltlrveys. dOD dpen ~ t he week endl II t tllli hoUl/;! \ ·ou will surpri sed wllcn you ee of hor paron'ts MI' a.od Mr~. (:olJl enz Johll Morgllu wn!l IlllioR on ,, ~ 1l1l'rcury will sur.ly d"Slr,, ), tbe ~n.c ' hurl{ . th ese Wai ' Ls of nllllr 'l'I PPf IInof'. Le,,, lp l::Hellh n nu(l r,!mil 'y rnnolll,ly. uf SII' II u .~J ClllJl lllvl 'I)" t1c ~tL II KC the I ~"'I, nTtl"y It ift h t. WII'I I~ ve r y IlArlc M i~8 Alloo 'holl owel,b oml Mr~. TIl(lm ns Ue~s hilI< ('Oml ll~ny fr olll , n It 1 rl:5SeS, S 1.50,·$2, for. •••1.00 wh"le ~y to .. whell en.lr rllllo: !l Ihn' ~ J:h olght just Buch II. niglH thut -I t lit. mllClIUS~ lIr[ul'cl . Sud , ur[.ek s should ' to m" ke ove ti t oug I Bertha I;{as t lind da.ughter Graoe Vlrg lDlfl. ue ver be Dscd cu ep t 0 11 prcscri pU"lIs . r y vo e r 0 ~VO I' of eoj oy II n trip to Dliy tOlll IOS H~l"lrtuy . ! Hu m uel. J aQkeoll \~"d In .un yton V. '00 1 ' kirts , IICIV lot at a bargain from reputa ble I'hy~icin lls. ~ Ihe damnge I bo olllnit t bo 'O~D that we mlgbt $5, $ .. a nd $10 q uality . •. • .• . , , 4.25 Mr. u.lId IItr~ . .le.si. Rohllld. of I Saturday. I Ibey " ill do is tell rold 10 the good yo u hn ve t,be neoAs. .t'IOS nod tbey Dnot can possibly derive [1'0 01 them. Hnll' ~ bll go Uon 10 aDY othol' wily . GOt Beli brook . ViRI ~ed the form e r 's ~ Utto Marlaltt uull Es ter Itye nnd , 'ilk lrwe ' , lip from . ... ,.". 50c Cll lorrh Cu.... nlan ur"cl urcd by F. J. th o ooo voulo noO!! Rnd pny tat"r thn t grunl1 pnrcTlts Mr. nnd Mr~ Fm.ulc f rlen(lR were visiting 'l'imotlly Milr. lutt lind wifo ~unduy . I Chelley & Lo ., Tilled",. n .. ("," uills . "" hi 'til" wily t h o ott.IUS uutl to \Vn~' wi l.u Iluwso lus t t:illtu ,·tllty . 1I ~~ 'Utr y . a,\(l l ~ I"):,·,, " 'lc",,, Uy. :1(:111'10: Ctl U V0I1I .Il II Oc.~u.rotl '1 i ll g. "ovouluIlII V I!Jl.II tlng w,,~ holll tit Mlllti l I{uu It' .lojl' M(,r.IUtL ~pUll t !:)nmluy wll·1l 1 LSc st Assortmt:nt Sheets;· Pillow d ll ~ c 'l y " PUll lltl! IJluuu li nd IUUCuU. slIr· why not no w. " '1.'110 Ul vi o Leil ue ullU roh ·ll.turd ll.Y !Lnd b u oduy. his motllor. f~l"l:S or lhe s),slcql. III I,uyilll( liall' s Can do no lOOrtl tllnn tl bg , Cases, Etc, Mrs. E lmor Royer WIlH 10 Xonlu MrH B 'uma Oumnl nlld MI s C~th. l::lt llrrl, <;:ure l>c sure Y" u J;H Ih ' ::~ IlU' . . ley u.VI, lI1e. II ,s lakoll illtcrtlull y allti lIIade in 1I0no. Wbene ve r yo n 0'11n bond orlo o (;I\lnol. of Wlhuing to o. Mrp. ' shOPPIng r ecently. ·["'Ae,llI. Ohio, by F . J. Chtllcy II! Co vou r t ow n then y ou will havo .. n Eurl·EvlIoo8 tlnd BOil Uayle. vi~ltad ' It e ls fm lll . ... . .. . 3ge, 4!)C, r oc Joll.:1 UibMon was onilin g on his TeSIhnnlli"l. free. . I ap to.dllte tow n (Ind yon r propocty wi h Mrs. Frunk DI\kllll ItI At HRtUt" flon today . .~1I1t1 by IJrll ~j; iMs . Prie!!7T,c JlcrlOOl llc. \\'111 be w rtb moro au " coun t of Sh cts, hI a ched. : .. A rle, 59c (jOe uuy. M!lx Barnllrd WIIAn ron ont f,;UQst J uke Hull's FomiI11 'III' forcr"' 5t il'aL iL" l~ tho oonvenlonoci!. M I~!' ~ol" filII spent atur<1l~y of !,lIs bl othe r Carroll nt Bellbrook. ,'lleeL,>, he I ns t itehed . .. '.... 7 5e 1.00 Miss Ethel t:!tewllrt, .,f WllulIog. MiSS .J loreuce Uhllm1liss WIIS cull. to n, Ilnl oerl to onr city Sunday oall. night 'Im d SunLiay with her par ntH P illow Cases, hemst itched, , , , 25c hera . . m g on he r sister. iDg on frlendd. T horll llH Dill , wlfo nnd daughter Mrs. Frank Da.kin vi~ l ted relative8 Mr. Bud Mrs. Chus . Madtlon en. Pillow Case's .. . lOe, 12Y2c, 15c . 25e Hpent Bundtl.y In 0 ytoll. tortltlnull t or dlullor Suuday Mr. in Mt. Uolly \lo(lny. Mrs. Corll Murlllt t WII B oolling on Mr. 1t '3d Mnl. Willie Allen cILllod Alfrea Edwurdt! (' f (;o llege Park. Gu. , Mrs. Mildred ~~l1gl e . Mr. Bern on MI' . .. ud Mr~. Jj' rtlDl; Sflms, nellr Mrs. Ellen Marlatt ~uDdl1Y after. noon . ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Lewis. lion U lIott lIod slata r. Nan and Dr J . h' erry one day l"st week. A uut B t,hl\ny UheIllo~eth is on Muster Me.rt ln Marlatt is vlsltlnll \ Kober' and df1l1Rhter Mnry lind ~1.r . 1.:1 . lSlIoy. the slok lil t . his uu ole and auut Mr, ana Mrs. ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..! Waltllr WllliuUljI. of Wilmington Mr. Bnd Mr>! . Mlltoll Howe llallB s Mrs. F. M. Cook aud daug hter Earnhart. I wero the 'l'hnrsd'lY g t13ats of Mr . theIr g uests Snnll,,),, Mr. !lnd Mrs. Master EdWArd Baley wus In I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!~'!!! -========~===== I"nd Mr~. W . A Null and hmiJy. Lowls &larA !lnd sou. Bowu.rd. of Ilpent onll day lus t VVI1.elt wHb b or Mias Laura R06n 19le waB *be Jtllfersonvlll e, Mr. and Mrs. Frank paTtlUts Mr. nnd ,M rs. ThonlBS Laoy SprlDR V u.lIey t:!l\turday. M Howe a-od dllu ghter. Margery. of Ilnd f"mily . . Edward Bugl:. and George Mar. Rloh ph08phBte depo81ts hllve gOllst of r . Ilnd M18 . Oscur Cl ev . Oberlin, 0 ., MIss Hazel M.ito be ll . of QUite n numbo,r of OIoclnnati latt IIml Bon were in Spring Vall oy been dlBoovered In Uhlle. \lnger F riday, Leela-n, 0 .• and Mr . and Mrs. Elvin Butols's paS8ed ~hrough our violnity t:!unduy , MeBsfs B. D, Long a nd W. A, Il'lres. sca Il od dau ghte r, of near enr onte for BellbroDk t:iIltnrdo y • ..--.- -Rubhor oultiVtl.t\OD ill iuoreasi n Nnll mllde a buslne@s n ip to Mlam. Way neBvlllo. whe re the Be1l 1lrook Clu b und the rspldly in British Gnlana. g IIburg Saturday. Afte r relllliag this newsy sheet THE CLERK GUARANTEED IT . J 08eph Marsball and jGruost Long you llre s ure to h lloV6 "miles of ~r~c~~I~~~~~ the Queen City met were Millmisborg vlsUors /:l!lt nr lay. smiJes." Beoome u s ubsorlber, if MrM. . ICdwllrd Cook anll fumlly itA onsto mer came ioto my sloro Uta h bllS IIlx moontllns wbloh ~r . aod Mrs Fred tltanton and n ot ulrendy, of th e Mltlml G"zotte. Hpflnt Suu day with 1\1 r . and Mrs. the ot her (lay and said to one of ~y I rhu moro) tbltn l~ . OOO feet above sea 10lerks . 'bave yon anythin~ that family. of (;olumbol:!. ha- ve been vis. AgaIn ano t h or one of onr well Ie. George Pratt. levlll. _ _ _ .. _ __ _ oW'e diArrboel\.i'· and my ol erk went. •••• ,~•••~••O. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ItitllJ th.o former's aont, Mrs. ( ,has, speoted el tl lll1ne but! beeo oalled from . a nd go t hi In ' a bOlt.le of Chamber. Both sl\lt Bnd frt1Hh wllwr fl ah ~ro (;hapman. us t o the high t hrone, well riD OlluRbt In Lllke Mil rl>CIIblo, Vene. Mn. Julia 8tllnten . of Centerville. "OrOWD that oannot, be t ransferred. THIRTY·SIX fOR 2 ~i CENTS Ini n'8 Colio. Ch olera u.nd Dlarrhoell Remed y , and said to him, 'i t thiH ZOIlItl'. ' was the guest of r elutlves }lOre one U WIlS Mrs . Snrah KRthnrlne Bart. d~y \he pilat week. dook, wife ot J ohn W. B'~rt80 0k . Next t-o 8grionlt·uro the forests of Maurloe Miller went to MlohlgBn Ber taking aWIlY WAS on ~xpeoteJ, ~wt!dl!n form its largest so uroe of ,h'll PBst week to attend the fonoral bother life wns "be ye u1so relldy." iooonle. ' of Hrll. Jacoh 1'aylor. I ,be lellVf'8 a- husbl1nd and two s o nil, of water b efore ret,lrlng is an aver. J . B. Berry & Uo., &a Creek. Va . Mr. and Mn. JOBeph Deardoff and , her daugJl,ter having preceded her llge dose. Easy aDd plea8ll1J't to Obtainable everywhere. • Woven Wire poles fot olectrlo daoghter Auua May of Merrlt8town I several years before. She was a t~ke. Etfeotlve and positive in re· • _ • . , wlree or Jtg.hts bnve been inven&ed were tbe Sunday gU~lItfl of IIr /lnd member of 'be PythlaD /:lliters and suit. Che6.p aDd economical to use. •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . by. Cblcflgolln. Mrll. Nato Rogetl" . I WaS always present at their meet Get l\ bo~t1e to.day. tako a tlose to· , logs wben In lIer power. Our oight-yonr Oonstlpati on wtlJ be r e. Breaking Him ' • The v(Jl'oDle of water es'imRted to . Mr, and Mr•. Cbae Beo~ enter m emory of her will shine like b"rn. be oo!ltHiuE!(t In the OOlllins and th~ taln.er\ at a fam'lly dinner on BUndllY' l lng stall, The bereaved family heved In ' the morDlug. 3tl tal' 260., . _ _ __ _ _ __ He walla hll1'd.workiog nnd Intel. . . , I' , . inland 8,,118 oonneotod with thsm III Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Newton Dearth alld have !3xtouded to them the I!ympa all Drnggsts 823j OO.OOU ouhlc miles. d'lugh~r Jnll were Germantown thy.of thlil eommuDlty. ligent FreDohmlln. bn t tILe Eoglish ~_ _.... _ . villiton SUD day. , Mr . and Mrs Frr.n k I::;hidaker verbs still troubled hIm. Mebra. .I oe Badley and Clyde were QueaD CIty visitors Wednes . "Ab, tbe yeR, m'8Ienr, Mrs . Mount motored to WUml.o gton t:!un' l day of lSllt week. Brown other dny ," '1h.,saw 8ald ,'oan " , , . A Dog Cheated American friend . "and she telled U day. Mn . .Mary D81'ie and dauRhter -1 mea.n, told-me tbat her 80bool ,. Ira Wel1barun . of BrooltvlJle wall ' Oorothy, aUer two weeks etaF In That one d og a\ leal!t not ooly trnnBlootine boslnelll here the paet Dayton. retorned ' home t!aturday Mr. lind Mrs. A. 8 , (;o rnflJl and was 800n to break down. " " Break up, 8urely." daughter MIsll Irma e ntertai ned I'O~.on8, but hall treen known 1101081 week . night. " Ah, Yo!S, break up? Your verbs ~ • Jy So.obttloC, it! tbe oonvlo'iQn of" Mrll. MBrt.bB Bunnell was a Gem Mi@s Etbel Mannon, of Tippeoonoe frlen de ~onday . do trouble me so ye t ! Break upA.. yonni Eoglhlh Ilrmy offieer who City vlf!ltor 'I·ussdIlY. Ulty, \vIlS oaiJlng on friend s here The "Willi ng Workors" of tbe tbac WBS U I "~ · own • .,t\m"rtoookeupaulel. Among • N . P eoor , Mr. and Mra. War. &turday. ~ogll r qreek Sunday Sohl)ol were "Why WIlS abe going to let hor otber trlou, thtl offioer has \rRlne.1 ron !'once Mr and Mrs .p l{ Mrs. Anna Eloook. who for wall)' roy Ally en tel'talned by MI~8 Glenua sobool break up so early ?" Bobll~ 'l'hnn4u.y eV8oinR. After 1\ thtl dOR to 8PlIWer " letter oull," Peooe ond' MrA . Ida UhTIHtoPbe~ yei\rs waa a 'reflldent of Clnolnna-(.i. ",Because lnfinenzlI had broke n .lId ftl,oh hjs owner'" lUall \0 th u m otore 1 to D~ytOD Sunday IIond is now a oitlzen of ber native h onie. s llor~ progl·o.m ico oream, odke and down In It." W818 table. Pleftloo wl~h tbe dog'l! spent Ihe day a' the Soldier', aome. Mr . Eloook's hoo 11111a not what h el' lemonade we re served EO aboot 20 "Broken out. It is a bit pOI\'~lIng, intolllgtlnce. r the Misses B!lz<'1 aqd Mary MoCro.y man y f r Ien d B WI)Illd II Ite f or h er to goe8ts. h bl' f I I ,hebloffioerI fill) into isn', It P" T he Mullin fnmlly had for their ':;'m tOhegb~:'~ra8': : b~::P 0 sug6.r of XeDI", aro visltlDg Mr. and Mrll: have . " Broken: out-llh. yes I And Bbe ... One mornlug lloon :fte~ lobe trum. (itlu. Burrough lind .Mise Lanrettu> \VUbur W. Wllsoo. of Lexington, 8und.y goests Mr . fIon d Mrs. Edws rd IS going to 108 ve the hoose In ohlli-ge peter hlld Ilounded "Ietter call" t be Wei h . Ky , !lud his frI end Dr. ~nte Kell er, MurpbY!lnd tamily. Mr. and Mrs. Of Il 08 rotuker, as she fears It might &4.rs . Anna Arohdeaoo,? Is visiting of (;,lnOluulltl, were guests of WIl. Frank W right !lnd fllmily, Rev. be !:Irohen-liow do ) say that, !!panlel ooms In with neither p8perd plea.ee?" bnr I! parents l ..st week. Dr . Keller Palm er, wit., and two oblldren. Jlur letters, This wal! unusoBI. for her sister. Mrs. Jane Langdoll. The fr iends of HArry CorneU are " Broksn into, I expeot." 'he offioer 8ub8orlbod to a dally pa. (llyds Wllkereon. of Carlisle. 'lVap retornlng home Thursday ni ght. ·'That·ls it. Broken Into-by the per tb .. t lnvulllbly arrived in the 'ran8lo0'in8 bUSiness bere this wOllk Wilbur. IItilyln g over . for /luother glu.a ~o he~ r ol\hls sp~edy reoovery. , . 1_ week gomg fr()m h ere to Day-toll and Bi attendlug physloian Dr Wright burglare. " mornloR ,, ·mll.i , but he tltoullbt lit Mr. and Mrll. Will .l!:arly Hpen' UlevelBnd r eturning too Lexington will SOOD ha ve him performlDg his "Is her son married yet?' · tl,e of it Rt lho time Aboot eleven BnodllY with relativee lit . Dayton 8unday . d.ties on 'he fllTm ogai n. "No, t'h e engagemeot Is brokon o olcek, howaver, the dog entorod MIas Henrietta Moore of t : l p r l n ' . 'fhe Bears 'Il.mlly re,n ulon wllI be tn. b~1 master's qo ..rtsr8, and deposited fleld lind . Mist! L dla Stunton~; Owing totb e rain ~lIe M. E. 800lnl . . "Broken off. Ob, 1 hl~jll ' t beA rd , II muddy p!l .... r on the fioor The (.Ja rme, I I OOA .• ., Wt IYI b II h ere f or ' t h 0 wa.. b eltl two nights and1 thethsale at held 10 tbo sa.me g r ove where i~ hns · "ftloer did Dot ..- undera~nd tbe . .Ito. of tba\ ! III sbe worried aboot it P" Co t I I orel\m WIIS an Ilverllge Sa e, e mu· beeu held for many ~rell r8, Augnet "He only broke up lhe news to . aUon, bot he Rave the dog a. lamp n enn a . slo rendered by tho Clarksvillo or· 14, 10t 5. Good Ulualo and program. · ot lugar. .Balf an hoar later tbe • - • ohestm was up to t he minute and Als o rofreshmeots of all kinds will her las' wt\ek . Is that ri ght ?" " No you shonld !Illy just 'b rok e ~ dOl app••ned Igl.l n wltb a very IEUR1LSI was lnuoh appreoluted IADd it is up be on tbe g r ound~. Everyone in. 'here." 1 PAINS STOPPED vlted II;) bring thei r well fill ed blls oramphld and dirty lener In hla " II ro UII to repay t1lem . . " Ah well, '1 am nearly broke. my. moath. Tben the oWller'a en.plc. ,Yon don't need to lIoffer those a'g FrlAllk L. a ,\rrls !lnd Ion, Berflld , kets add spend tho day with them. Clu.relloe Berryhill has been OD sel f bv tholO ve.rbll of yonrs !" 10111 were lroused. . onlalng nerve plllns ' .In t,he raoe drovtl . their truck to Clno\u natl And he went 'Bdly ou bill w."y.8e Kave tbe .d og another lump of bead, arm, sbQulders, oh es' apd baok Thursday, returni OH witb a load of the slok list for 'a few dRYS. 8elec~ed . . lagar, and watolled blm. Be SO! n JU8t ·apply a few drope of soothing furnlto.re. F . E . . Bar'&ook and famllv had ... round tbat the dog had burled thl' Blcan 'l Liniment; Ue quletly .o. few Li1l1fln !:lliker a.nd Klltherins Bmith !!, neB~s (or din ner Sunday. mornlng'lI mall in tbe rear of tbo minutes. 'You will get soob relief 'Jf. Wilmington, were goesle laU The Ferry Ilnd Waynesville ChriF . Show Respect for Bee. oftloera' me8 ~, Bntl WaH digging U up oud oomf"rt I lAte and the world week of Mr and 1.1 r~ . W. C. Weloh Un n ohurohes will h old their 1)lonio Attention Is calJed to tbo tnet that et a. bottle to- and tamlly. returning to theh A.ub'llS~ " alG, In Cbas. flong h '8 " leUer at 9 time, appllreDtly witb will loOk brigbter. Secreta -r..:.:..y.fL,--.:....:....:.:....:::..:..:..::..::.:!~~---=---' no ODe over seemB to tbl k or a bilEl lump of IIngar tor eloh day. 8 oonoes tor 350,. R' Drugglets. homell SnturdllY, taking p8SUgS In grovt'. a view as a bug . . IDsect 1s a bout the worst pleoe of mllll. Penetratea wl\hoot rubbing. 'htl Bullson auto, piloted by Mr. - -- ....... thing. they oro e,'(II' oalled. - - _•• __ • Irvl08 Weloh. No donbt be . will be heud from often in tbls ol1paoity .DESPONDENCY DUE TO INDIGESTION ...- - Do Not All Shed Horn • . ' . .' A bout t hree months ago whlln The elk. Ilke all othor members of 1 wall Roff ring fr om lu d lgestion tho deer family, loso th eir borns BV· · FOR ASPRAINED ANKLE wbloh 01 used headaohe lind dlny ery year. The hollow·ltorn nn1mall!, If you wi 1\ get a botUe of Cham. spell s snd' made me feel tired and like tho goats nod nntelopos. do oot oerlaln '8 Liniment and observe the des pond ent., I begnn takiog Cham. WANTED ahed tbelr horns. directions given ,herewith fBithful berlaln'a Tablets," writes Mrs. Ueo. Iy . you will reo lver In mach le se Bou, M"oetlon, N. Y . "Thls medl. time thun 18 usually required . Ob. oine provel\ to be t he vory tbing NOW IS THE TIME TO [ needed , .\Il one day'f! treatmtlnt reo tQlna~,e everywh ere. lIevod me Itrea tly. I tlsed two ·bot.. Eat 8kun!<. In Arllltntlna. - - -... .-.~--SELL THE SURPLUS OFF tIes of Ch!lnl berl"in ' 11 Tablets and The Onuch08 of the Argontlno are Crafty EdItor. they rid m e of tronble." ObtaiD. THE FA~M • . tn the hnblt ot hUDtlng skunks. not A Vlrgll).la editor tit reate noll to pubeverywhore. Illerely for tbelr Cur, buL aleo tor their OUR CLASSIFIED AD, !lsb the Dame of a oert.llln )'ounl{ man WaYDN ville'll Leadin. Deaatn l1esh. who was seen bugging and kissing a Ollloe til Ke,.e Bldg. . COLUMN WILL HELP MaiD S girl In tho pflrk unles8 bls lubsorlptlon YOU' SELL 11', to tho pBper wl\8 paid up In a. week. MiAs Leona MoGinnls returned . FUty.n!no young meD ca.lled nnd paid home Sunday from Belmont ·w here =-~.============= up tho next day. while two even paid ahe ,wu tbo guest of Mr. and Mrs. a. year In advance. . Dr. Bell's Pine-T.a~Honer Will BllioM. W I!, tbe undefllRned, .... 111 sell at FOR SALE .~ Mrs. ChBs. G ebbut Ilnd daught·er Pu bliC Auotion, aD the uremlse8, For Oousha and 00I~. . Alloe were vl81t1ng relativea In' one·half mile north IIf Lytle, on 'he Fr.I1klln Friday. Lytle Ilnd Fsrry Roads, the proper. . . Mr. and Mrs. ChBS. Clark returned t.y knowD lethe MoKlnney property, SEW ING MACHI NE I\od Lllwn fr om their tpur of tbe West Frlda1. OD Mower, ~n good oondltlon. John Burson Is confined to his l\londay, August 16, 11)(5, OheRp It SOI~sool' G~~u~ro of ,,~~s. home from 1\ seVere sprain in 'hi8 .. BeglnnloR aL 1 :ao p. m: Tbe Wee BIggs, orw n, 10. '. lillkle. ' . property OODI18tH of () aorell of laud tire, almost I!II_III___~________~___________~ Morrla Cdraliam, driving hie pao. Improved. with a . Clne.lltory hOUle, AJ{lUAGE-:-RUbber new, WIll '8011 at a l1argBln. U. .. ing horlle. Allenton , took flra' money frui t, water. eto. '. H. Max,.ell, No. D. 1, Waynesvllle, at the Harveysburg race. ~atnr!1a'Y . Beirs of 8arnh MoKinney, Ohio, Home phone G Ii Centerville. . all . Time, half mlle, 1.0', • - • Lovd and .l!Idgar P"tten' were t:"OR SALE-1 0081 range. 1 beatlng Engraved "plt,ph. vllitlng (rlende In Clooinnati 'he 8tove,1 old buroo.u. 1 go. cart. 1 - He- could have O,all'Ved out his fCJil. r LIVE STOC!( ' AND OENE~AL past w84!k, gatlullne e'ove, 2 kltoheD I!ldeooaNI, Kr. a.nd M.rs. ClareDoe Smith and tune It h~. bad cut ou't drln~uq.. lomoe <seek horse and bngp;y. Cheap .' AUCTIONEER !Ion Allen, Mr . and Mra. ,loe Smith Ir Bold Boon. E, C. Gilmour. all , .nd i){rtl. Ann ~mlth enjoyed a fulh. WAYNBSVI~LE, 109 trip 1\t ')Ie Little Miami Friday mED RYE-A'lout 60 bUBhell. ~EAL ESTATE &,INSUR'ANCE hnd Saturday. They: reported the Come at ODoe If 700 wan' U. In. . fllhing good aleo plenty of mOl-' qolre of C. H. Sherwood, WaynN. qol~ IUId oblggen. ville, Ohio. all Office in Stoops Building . Orlan ilTbomlllOD SP8D' 8DDda7 wi'h hlI pareny Dear Loveland, nbaortbera '0 'he KoCaIl's ahop Next to 8he...·ood·. ae,,'-e2• •ln lIr.p,siDe. Bead a&o &0 til_ tiUlt'l. oIIIOe, 1114. p' 0118 of ... of
I Will i
::g~,l~:I~rt.~::;;1?:~~g' gL~~:A~~~~:~;:.~:~
I The Great
C t f ·.. reene 'OUO-'y .0!l1'I.F
6. :
I X · Obi ' e 13 0
AUGUST 3 4 5DOd6, 1915'
Bigger and Better than ever.
Special Free Attractions each day.
Speed Entries close July 28th . at 11 o'clock p. m. .
i i
All other entries July 3ist at • 11 o'clock p. m.
---_.- ---
Olasslfled Ads
L. . ..:.:~~.:..~.~?:...........
---...--- _--
Book. can ' be had b writing the
N. , Sears
Painting, .Paper Hanging, . Auto. and Carriage Pain~. . OHIO
. ._. . .
o~~mOad.Dr.vla re~ ''''''bIi _~~. ~ 'Pleur.D'~""': ,
WaJDeavUle, Ohio
~4444""""",,,,,, ••••,,,,,,,,,....................................................................~ •• ADDITIONAL LOCALS
1- 'rhe JollY Matr.)n . . wilh thl.ir h1l8'
I bIlIH,IS. WOrt' entertained III the home , of Mr, Ilnd M rA R<fl uid Hawke Mon· SI)ccial train t o pring-field and Col - aay evell ing . lHls , Round tri.1l fare to Spritog. \ Mr. and Mrs, J . Ii: J anney were um field. SSc; round trip fare to Colum· ~~~~~!!"'!!!!!!!!~-!!~~~~ in Dayt n Tuesday. blls. $lAO, Train leaves W ynesville , at 9:35 a. m , "~or full parliculnr8 - - - - - - - - - - - - Mrs. F. M, Chenoweth epent ,last conRu ll B. H. Kelly. 'l'ickt.!l Agent, I week in West J efferson. Waynesville, Ohio~. Mrs. Ornar Lewi\! visited r elativ('s in Spring Vulley 11:1.St' Friday. IS READY FOR ~AL B VA TES
Mr. and M!'&. Lee Hawke were in Daylon Friday.
THE WARR EN COlJNTY BUDGET COMMISSION will m 'E' t 'th T AX- PAY ERS :Illd TAXING O FF.ICIALS of 111 Coun t y a t til pluc s and hour ' c1E'signated herein for Lhe purpose of di cllssing the n~cd s of the ariou_ t axing distri ,ts, t g ther \\'ith the rates of t a..'(at ioll for the cOlUin g yenr. . . All P rson 'irr sp cli ve of th e Taxing istrict in whi '11 t h y live, a rc ill iLed Lo a ttend the m c: Lin to b l1clU neaf ' t t heir res ilt I1 ce . L et there be n full altellllaul'C of those who arc in teres lccl , and who is not?
Mrs. Barton H. Kelly
V ocal Teacher
Mr. and Mrs . A. B. id{Js spent Sunday with relatives in Dayton.
MEETINGS FRIDAY, AlTGUST 6 10:30 a. 2:00 p. 4:00 p. 7:00 p.
Harveysburg, S chool House W~ynesvllJ e, School Hou se Springboro, Schoo l Ho use Franklin, Ci ty Bldg.
County_ in
9:00 a. 10:30 a. 11:30 a. 4:00 p.
Morrow, City Bldg. Maineville, School Hou se South Lebanon, School House Mason, School Hou se
the ('.ommon Pleas C',ourt Room on Satur da y, 2:00 p. rho
m. m. m. m.
Auguat 7.
The Budget Commission of Warren Co.,
FRANK D. MILLER. Co. Treas. DEAN E. STANLEY. Prosecuting Atty. JOHN M. MULFORD. Aud~tor.
Mr. B. H. Moore. of Wilberfor ce. spent lhe week·end wilh Miss Ina Hamillon. Miss Marianna Compton. of Day· ton , is the guest of relatives here this week .
Miss Thelma Chase. of Lebanon. spent t he week· end with Mr. Nelson Hamilton and family.
Wear His Smile of Satisfaction
Dr. Dill, Osteopath . at residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ofL , '1' , Peterson. Main St" Tup.s· day and Friday mornings .
The WaJncsvi\le Grnnge will hold their m eeting Satur~ay evenin!l, Au gus ~ 7th. after wh,('h ,there WIll be an I<:e crea~ supper. G.rang~rs a!,d thplr farntll es are cordIally 10' vlt ed lo btl pres ent.
Island Pea-che$ 'Home-Grown :
~I ~. C . ... .,~, 1••1~."r:· 1' PlCWeft ..~'
_ Bea ,that · ,our lrroc.,. ~ II •• them for )'ou, \ ' C .... Woo ,.... Will H ' . . . . . .11,. ..... , ......,. . _ I.w. On lhe mUktt In , abundanoe from Sap. .ember : tM no October leth.
A ugua& 1-31
by using a real paint
The Exe,cutive Committee of the Warren County Sunday-School AsS/) The second annual Hom e.Coming ciat.ion will meet at M. A. Jameson' s of Ronchester , near Morrow. will be office in the City Building. Lebanon, held Saturday, September Jtb. Sat urduy afternoon at 2 o'clock. All members are requested to a ttend Mr . and Mrs. Cliff Ridge. of Day· • __- - t on, are spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Mshlon Ridge. Hisley- Williamson '
SHERWIN-,WILUAMS PAINT, PREPARED is ma nufactured from the purest of materials 'becau e The Sherwin-Willia ms Co. control the sources of their raw materia ls. Gives protection for the longest possible time. Sold by
EolaW Paulina ButW&bat .....o nh deceased. Not l~'O of I. hoftlb,. A. 'Ii. Oband ler
U".J!.•.WI!' e ......... '
~~I~t~~:!rr ~C~E':.\,':ltlagil ~~~U~~ D'.!&~:
Oeaat7 ........
WIUTeD Counl,y. Ohio
....ortb.l~ I O of Warren Ooun~y . Onlo. dllCOaMld.
n alOO thll ~7~i!~b~f ~~~A~~N'. ............... Judgoof &heProbaWOourt • July 38- iIL WIIl'I'tlD Ooun~y. Ob10 ..... ellat... 0 ..... ·
Waynesville, Ohio
Notice of Appointment
' until )lOU can ,et "th.m oJ' Then Inelll on ,
Miss Naomi Patton. of Williams· burg , Ohic', was t he guest of Miss Ruth Hartsock last week.
Judge ot the Probat e Ooun .
IDon·t i.u.n
He~bert. Warw!c~. of Columb us has Just been appomted G~neral Agent.of the State Mutual LIfe In· .ur8~lce Co. o! ~rce9ter, .Mast,. for t;entral OhiO. With offices In Co l. umbus . We are always£,lad to note the advances made by Wayncsy ille boys, and esp,ecially in t~e crule of such a hustling. energetic you ng man as Mr, Warwick. .
Courtty Officers to Meet
Mrs. Belinda ROlrers attended the The His,ey.Williamson Family Reo fun eral of Mrs. Isabel Bayhan. at ========~===-~ union will meet at the resi:lence of Wilm ington Monday afternoon. J . W. Bisl!Y . 2,X' miles southeast of E "al<i o f JJnulo P. It arller. Deccued. Waynesville, Thursday, Aug ust l~, Late Cl3f!sified Ads Th e Waynesville Horse Rangers' 'O LI"" I. heroby given Ih>' E. v. B ...nh~ h.. heoll duly ' PllOlrlled anti QualWed ... All. ............_ _.......,..,." 1915. will hold their annual picnic Saturmln l~ trM o r 011 he BstaW nr flame p , Harnel' ............._ _ _ _ ....... • • day. August 21" ]915, at Hough's ,.tc of WOmlll ('~ tull~y . Ohlf), dilc:euod. Datoo thl. 2nd day 0.1 'Ugu,& 1916. G'rove. WANTED- TO RENT ALTON F'. BROW ' . Christian Chul'ch
Notice of Appointment
/ ... ortbl'm Ohio 181&.d I~_ are the B\\leCt~' _~ IWlCloua peach lfI'O"uJ FruIL .. full, matured beforel brllle plckocl. ContahlS • perClCDtAce of sllpr~
In Insurance Business
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Noted Man Speaks
M Mare, in
Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. C. Phillips and son attended a family reunion Ilt the home of Wm Shambaugh. near New Buritngton Sunday!
Work and BroJoEi gOod oondition. In. There Will quite a crowd of quire at tbe KrelghofJ farm, Or~ Several citizens went to Sprin,boro Waynesville fans at the liarveyagonia, Ohio. a18 this afternoon to hear Dr. Fesa. burg.Wavnesville game Sundayaf. ternoon at Harveysburg. ARE- Bay
The Pennsylvania RAilroad Co will start their summer excursiOnfl next Sunday. See announcement in another column. This is the first excursion for this seailOn.
MI88~ Hazel and Elsie Gustin. of Way'ne3vilJe. are guests of Mi'.lll Lou· ise Clark. of West Main Street. Hazel Gustin ja an accomplished muaiclan:-Xenia Daily Gazette. . 'Quite a number of K . P·s. of Leb· anon, Pll8l!ed through bere tbis morning en route to Springfield; to spend the day at the K. P. Home. Mver Hyman joined the cro~d here.
Miss Helen Louise Cartwright, ac· companied by her aunt, Mias Eliza· beth Abbott, of, Chicago, arrived here Saturday morning, and will vis· it with Mr. and Mrs. S. L . Cartwright. The local Masonic lodge haa received an invitation to attend a com· munication of New Burlington lodge on Thursday, Augu~t 12th. Work will commence at 3 p. m., followed by a luncheo,n .
JO,,'ZZ·ins't'y •.• 37 @run 6t., *rnia" I9bio
Saxon ~'Six" is Here the roost unusual value of any tourinc, car 011 the market today. These are our rea.aona:
Sb-c:yllnder motot, lonl , Btfoke. high speed. developing 30-3S h. p. Only car with a aix-cylioder motor at a price as low as $785. Exceptional roomlneu I five passenger!! accom· modated with ease. Only one car at less than $1250 has equal ' inside width of tonneau ileat and nODe baa more.
Complete equipment of unlforml,. hhrh srrade inc1uding Gray & Davia electric starter and lights, speedometer, extra demountable rim, electric born, one man top, two piece rain vision wmdshie1d.
liZ-Inch 'Wh~elPue' longer thaD wbeeIbue of any other "Six" below $1250. \ Tifte renerou. In sIZe; 32x.3~· rimII
this season's stock are offered , at ,concessions that will insure immediate Prices , are greatly redJlced disposa,l. below former quotations.
.. Trimm~d Hats .... ... . . ...... $1.85 Untrimmed ,Hats .. ,.,.......
450 . ,
Children's Hats..............
'-'We ·are
also showing Ne~ Fall Models ..... .
wheels artiDery type best grade hickory, Saxon is 200 to 400 pounds lighter thaD otbCr t;8R UIina
. ~e aiR tira.
Cantilever ,aprlnpof vanadium steel, afl'ord
riding comfort and The neweat and best apriDc
Genuine streamline body, very graceful and -pleasing to the eye. Wide doors flush fitti ng with concealed hinges; bonnet beautifuUy tapered to high, weD·shaped rlldiator. ,
Left side steer, with center control, affo:rding the greatest convenience in driving, and in getting in and out of car.
We have plenty ~f old wheat , flour. If you want good bread. it is the best '
Three forward, speed transmission, sliding gear type, acknowledged to be be8t.
Dry plate clutch, same type as on much higbee can.
Moore'S OallOline If you'r stov., don't work right, , useMoore'sGasoline; weseJllt. ,1Sc 'per gallon.
Bod)' finiah-No car scIJing for less than $1250 baa a finer body finiah. There is class and style in every line of ,the Saxon "Six"-and the painting and upbolstety is a fitting dress for such ~I car, '
Pure Paria, Green
apecificationa of materials for t.he Saxon lS8J1le aa for C8l"I eelling at $:1000 and more. '
Star Tin Can.
Soon the modem car in every detail;
for ' canning Tomatoes. etc.
stylish., distinctive, complete in eqUip.,
Seeded BD4 Seedl_ Raisins, , Evp. Aprieots and PeB:Ches Tbis. week-Fancy Wat... MeloDB
ment and up-tcx1ate in design.
,It- ft_.. Saon "SUI".- 0..,.,
n_ III • IIfMlHon to crrPOII,. " .
Indiana Mep. faDC1 LemollS• --....Jumbo Banan... New Sweet Potatoee,.
~ In ord.rel....,....r.
J., B. CHAPMAN, WayneiviDe, Ohio
'. ...
1,l Iilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll:l l1l1lll1 l111111111/
StJictJy pure . in .I, 2, 6 and 14 pound packages; 'lIpeeial pric~ OD lim lots
, Flnt quallt,. materials thr(:lUghoutl
FOUR rid. In
Miami Gazette
,ZIMMERMAN'S Old Wheat Flour
Atwater-Kent Ignition, thoroughly proved and efficient.
W. _
rl! .'t he
Prof. and Mrs , E. M.. VanCleve, of New York City, ...ere the guests of Mr. and Mrs . J : W. White Tuesday, They leftfor,their hoine this , morning, accompanied by Mrs. Fannie Brown, who haa been ' the Whi te's house guest for several days. '
Announces an Absolute
Seversl auto loads of Cincinnati businees men passed through bere r:trTell the Adverti~r you Read the Ad Saturday evening enroute to their borne, after spending a couple of days with Mike Mullen at his coun· tl')"home in Bellbrook. , '
HERE is the "Six" which, we believe. offers
Dr. and Mn H. E, Hathaway are attending the Centennial at Spring' boro this wee~.
By orcl r of th S tale Tax Commission.
Ice Cream Supper
SATURDAY, AUGUST 7 m. m. m. m.
J esse Stanley , who hus just grad u· , -~ ut"od from th ll J ones Auctioneering I Mrs . John Davis, of Dayton, was School at Chicago, is home and is , P holl 126-3 'l'hird ready for sale dales. lt would be i visiting relatives here T uesday. well to see him. as he has some new Waynesvill .' hio Miss Laura Henry, of Tolpdo. is id ca~ in the ~uctio n e e ring line. Or , the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit. call him, }lit;, mutunl )lhone. New Burlington. Ohio. RAymond Eyer. of Dayton, is spend ing a few days wilh relatives here.
EverrtbIDe pod to ..t at
FoR' 1N8T~CE , Auto Caps ....•••.•••••• Misses' and Girls' Belts ... Children's Muslin Drawers. New Turkish Bath Towels Dress Sbields ..••• '.. . . • •• Baby Ribbon, per yard. .• Fountain Pens. • • • • • • • • ••
Next Door to
Guette oiice.
toe Erasures.. .•. .•...... • ..
tOe: lOe H)C 1~ 2c lOe:
Colgate's Tooth]Paste .... Silver Tea Spooas ••••.••• Tin Cups, 3 for. • • • • • • • • • Tin Tea Kettles ••• '•••• , " , Egg Beaters .•..••••• , •• , La!le l3uttooa ., ••••• , ••
Ie lOe:
toe , 'lie:
lOe lOe: lOe
Whole Number 3329
hurs,~V Ba-rton IT
i1'or 1J1 'Iny year ItY )J ('pi ", ha ve Eslatc Transfers ,I ! Y ~n"'llrll l at ton()ocl the (j olmo 'oun btllm t"k in/( tb<ll r \·/lclIt.i,m s un d nlJw ty fll ir Thnr rtay ane1 r~pnrt. 11 I !\r~e W C' (tilmour, ~horilT t o ~:(lWill ll E VILLE A 0 ,H ER it hus n'll 'hed tho coun t ry, tiut soru OF WA TOWII. HnmllJI r.!I' .. 0 rAN iu. 'nrvo)' 1[;52 t of ll~ ti ro loft III t lum '. July it! OU6 OLD C1TlZE 'S A . .: . Clrnoll hl'B ueou under tbe a;; per ' A. • , 01 tb o vllcution w o ntlJ~ tiud ve ry doo tor'" Cilro f r 11 lew d,IYS p"ij~, ooe who ClIn geL uwuy froUl thoir U. r.l. IIlId B. .If. Whi te t Goo rge Pholle 1:,(j-3 'filii'll St. but is much better lit tbls wrltlog, and Dell inh Lllng n1.II'OnHC r lot In hrIDe <.I00ij 60 , unel the ro,t of Ul! Mllrie Har tsoo k hllij t'oen visiting Hamiltull township $ 1. who cunn ut lOll ve for rOll ~l1fJfI prln. fr,i,eoiJs III Xenlll tile past week. oipu lly IlnullIllul IIr St) "fl'ectou h.V i \' •• J . 11. Hll rn, r ux t /'" tu ,J 'ln, os L. aylll'sv ilk" Ohiu the fue liog Ihllt w u u~hl to 0 1. erve Mr~ . Lydie Mullin, of DIlyton, Rloh,l n] t \'0 t rtlcl~ In '1~l am tOWII_ ~. ship $:1000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tho nforestliu vuoution pllrillu. fhut hlu! heon visitin g hor Blijter, MIS . wu .il1 ~ t ~a IHOllOiI' lIud i..nllgioe Wtl A, V. Mullin . L G . nnd ,'u llie • alit to J. A. C.fu foel the 0001, Invlgorating IlIke Dan Anderson Continues til! IntcrTho !:lears r ennl on will bo held i n Sonth undlvidtlu y. intertlst in 2!l.:l7 br ee ze~ tit! wufted from tue hrolid c Hng "Memories" of History the Slime Jllllo,tl Suturday, August 1-1, nor si n Tnrtleoreek townshi p 11. ' 800. O. ,I . BurnAU, J . E . Janney eX)JlIn!l~ of thfl beuntl ul olty of De. 191 5. liood 1110 , 10 linll llrogrnm. of \Vay ncsville . Mrs. ~obn I:Jflyn(1r died Ilt h e r tr oit b r instRUCt" or tUlit we are E. fm(l K Gordon to J, A. !:lonth Ilnd Edw! n Cb/lndler lire oppolnted Everybotly in,·itod to spond th o cltly homo in M ililll l~bnrg last Sllturcttl .v undi vld t!d y. Interest In 28.:17 aor cs appraisers. the bClnlltiful sceoery of with the Sears family. Rofresh in '1 urtl ocreek to\Vn~hlp U . ' evenlug , FonorlCl 8u r vlce~ w en' viewing I e the estate of i::!tanley N. JBmeYellow Stune "nrk, frOID th o wlomoots 00 ground . 0 St h eld at t bo 1I0me of her son, Mr dows of u CI vio L08gno special ovor Donni80n Un l ve r ~ity to t he Frank- SOli. d oceased . Third' an ·j fina l BOMorri a Brownlllld 8i ter were bus. J ohn C.. rtwright paid the price to Everton Bllyner TllesdllY afternoon lin 10llJrOVement Co. , tot a14 aud co ant Is approved, the 0 , T . & i. , but at th"t wo llTe the utmo·t with hill lif e. ·co. W. 0 0 allrry' Ps noe, of Minneapolis. oo:ntlut, tAooJe Sam ' . Anderson, and Mitch inesd 8bollpers in Dayton FridllY. 3 15 in FmnJr lln, 11,O GO. In the estu.te of ElIzlL Jtine DElvia ·0 MiuD, iR vlsiti llg h is fli tber , Mr. V. Bertild Burri ~ !lUU Gllil Go rd on HobinsOll, fill died in West Virginia at Wm. Elliott n ellr Ferry tln tood to Deonison Ullivorsity to Clifton F. deoe!lsed. Fi rs' OOOOUD' IlIllpproved: U t W 0 al e I PODOll . In the estate of Martha D. Pence, aru viSiting Ilcc juuintunces in Kuu. auoul the sa me ime in 1!l(iL "Old" All'hu. Suoday. whore thoy spont the Mitl ur JllC rt IIf lot No. a1:.1 1n Franl,. J oe Maninltto n had lIm·e uoys thal dllY wlLh Anuy Vosler and fumily. IID ,I1500, i' t Misses Evelyn and Myrtle Trow @aB. deceased, Fonrth acconnt 18 ap. bridge "pent Friday wilh MIt18 Mllry Tile Springboro Home ·Comlllg \';VII Sberwood to Clare1l0e Sher- proved. III the nellr future our sohool bell helped >lume. J ohn, "Hi ll" and Lul«: . ] was in t.he battle of Hesaccil. Ga., 'wa9 well atten led by SIlveral reBid · wood 3 t raots of lund In Turt\ecreok l1al!8ett in Franklin . I n th oes · t t f R b t W 11 will be beu rd oalling In tlte pupils towusllip $l a 0 a a er y e et · Mr, lind Mrs . J oe J£vnns ILrs ttl fur fu rther Instruotions In th e after my time was out in the thrc.e iog In thlB vioinl t y . co ·C I tAil d bl minors. Seoond aool)ont Is apMrs. J aR Moilin and daughter. f>tue.t8 of Mr. /Ond M'r" Hllrry SmUh , printed work 1lrel.lClrillg t hem to bo years service. Tho Fir·t and SeconLi MlLry J',. 00 !ran or.. on a n pruved. Messu . J orry N'elbel IlDd Perry In~truotur~ , 'uut who ts ~o Instruct Kcnlu<,l~y reg-imentB :returned to Eduti. visited ber parents, Mr . and Bell o McGnlre lot No .•,(l In outh I th t t fEd d B ' W I bt J.eban oo,$ l. 11 eesileo war . rg Humbort mnde a flying trl\! t il them. publlo aohools mUtit be a kind t .incinnRLi, to be mustered out and ~lr8 . Auron t:leus. of U ,yton . l'h I K M t I' Gh I decoosed. first und fi OI,l oooonnt 18 Ravm oucl Hartsock wifeuod bilby, di chargl'd. and the enthu siastic Frllnllhn Mondny . of n secro t orde r, , ar es . onroe e a .o (U os approved welcome we received , was not' ac· of Bellbrook, were guest.s of h is par- W . and CIElm B. !:lnell t\\lO tracts of . o lI'rldllY of lust week onr town co George Randolph MillS J onl;',je Rnblnson Is e nj oyln!,! rded other regimentll. Nothing onts t:lundny afternoon . land in Union town ship 11. Iu the matter of the eBta'9 at Il two weeks' vo cation WIth h')llll' wus vl ' lt d by the following COUClty was too g(,ul! for u.' . After parad. Jomes '. HlIl1lllton, deoeasod. Benolholals, J uho M l1ulr ord. Auditor; ing lhe principal s trcE!ls, we were Ch ester, aut h 0 r 0 tolb. Tb MI 8Res MarjtlHetnnCl Dor othy Sumnel Margolis ot III to .W . H. ry C. Bumilton I~ appOinted admin . \)elln ~rllnltly, Pr08eca tor; Frnnk escorlc.od to different hal l . and feasthlrk. of Xe nia. lire ~)lending ~ week Smith ,61l.7ii Bores In WU!!lllDgton I@tmtor. Bond 13000. James Van "Get - Ric h - Qui c k Mr. John Wn gnor. who met wilh Miller, 'l'rcl1llnrer. lIud t.:llllM . WBg ed and (laltered by the ellizens g e n. with frit lid und r elntlves. , , t a pllinful uocldent last T088da~ t~wn8hlp I L Meter. Ephriam !:lnook and Robert lIer, Ueputy 8beri ff . (Jome ugaln Mra. Lil liun Hoetop entertained erally. We all felt we were compen· Walhngford, an IS afternoon wblle taking In hay, is you are nl IVny6 welcomo. Edward A. Long to W. " Reve- Brandenburg Bre appolnt.ed approllsated in a degree. fo r what we had her two nephews, ot Dayton, tho naugh lotoS 113 and 114 i n Avalon ers, wife, Lillian Chester. mnoh Improved. "las Brighty Antrtim, of Roswell , been doing the la~ t t hree yellr~. pu st week. Heights ~u bdivl slo n to Lebanon, $1. Robert M, Van Elorne, admr., VI. .. f MI8s anora Wllr wlok of Ci lloin. New MElxloo, Is tho g uest of he The Ferry ohurch Is rapidly pro. The regiment went inlto camp back A gnpptn'g ta eo ove natl, Is the gnest of Mr. and Mrs unole Probate Court Proceed/nz. Thoma~ B' Vtin Borne ot £11. ~81e lind nont, Mr . und bus. F. of Covington, while I got privilege gress ing. Whon oompleted It snre · of real estate IInown as "Thirteenth and high finance. Be ' Clyde Monnt Rnd ramily , MtIle the last of. the week. to stay in Lhe city. I hiLd a brother, Iy will pay tbe m embers Rnd others Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Charles Wrigh t Bod F.rank C. Anderson , Admr. , vs, Paroe!" II approved. Dlstrlbntlon Emllla El1l8 vl.lted r Alatlves Will. living, ana doing bu~ineS!l t.here ror the work the y have d onated. of prooeeds are ordered. - sure t 0 rea our new olalldren, of Pittsburg, Pa. , arrl ved ' in Mra. Xeola lll ~ t weok Bnd too III tlie and he took me Lo the Henrie House JIU!. Thomas sold one of his framo Annll Stibin et Ill. Prl vllte sale of hllrel'ndl'Y !lnd Will spend I!evural Fair. on Third street. and I went and honses to Mr. Swigar t, who some real ell~ate IS ordered . & les are ,!:lUas L . Benne" Jr. , vs. EUa L. days with Mr. alld Mrs . J'es8le later approved and dilltribution or Blake, et at. Private sall1 of real J. Hlirt-er 8hidllker nILs purchased Mme as 1 pleased. I VI' as parading time .6!rO had his house destroyed dered . Wright, the IEltter's fatber. e8ttlte is ordered: the streets one day, and. met Coates by fire. Ot.ho Moore, oi Sprln/( a Ford tonrlng ollr. paymnster.in·chief VaHey will bElve the job moving It Kinney , who was . Mr. und Mre. E J. Spahr, of In the matter of the eltate &arl L Gregg to B'ranlt B. GrElgg Fred l:ihane lo~t tWJ valuable an Xenia, will arrive bere Friday for a hnl1ll1 by Jlghtniug l:;undBY morn at headquarters of The Departmen t W. J . Ben ham will give Chas. PElullna Bul.terwortb. deoeasod. A. undivided one-half interOllt In 1&~ visit with tho laUer's paren tll. Mr Ing but . WUjI Insured In Wll«lln's at Ohio. He as\!etl WbLBl 1 was do-' B. Chandler LI appointed. Bond aoreB In Clearoreek townahlp 16000 ing. "Waiting to be diRcharged," Cornell's h o u~e a new ooat of paint. and Mrs. J . W. Hadley. agelloy apd a promp.. seUlement· said I. " Your otHeern," Baid h , Olln\on Gilpin was 8 Lebanon wall made . "are having trouble settling their ac· vlli~or !Sund ay. . Mr. and Mra. Al COlllijtook and counts, is causing the delay, The THE CLERK GUARANTEED IT ;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiii Air, Bh IIutz, 0 f D 'y t.o D, bOB pllr. famllv, of Ansoni~ , O. were guestl! pay-rolls a re all ready tiD sign if vou "A oostomer came Into my store Mr and Mrs. P. D. O illge~t ~n d of oh88eu t he Mitchell wood north of ii will go with IlIe to. headquarters. tb'e other day and said to one of my ftlmlly i::!l1nday. , and you are all ri ght on the rolls, I '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~ t own and Intend8 oOllvertlng It into 'bave you anythi nR thl!.~ will = a park and erecting a bungaloW. Our town "'". well represented at will vouch'for you anJ ~:et yo.u a di s- olerks, ollre dl~rrh oell 'r and fby olerk went \The work bepn Mon day morning. Gazette t.be Xe nia fair lust week tind reo charge, and pay." , Read the Miami ~nd got him u bottle of Chamber. ports were in favor of Xenh . lain's Colio, (Jholera and Dlarrhocl\ Mr. ond Mae. J .. E. Shumaker Dan Gets His Di scharge Remedy, and SB.ld to him. 'If 'hi. I!!I__________________________. " and son Everett, oame h ome from does not ou~e you, J wllJ n Cot charge their Bummer cott age Saturday, We went to the omce of the pay de· you a oent for It,' So be took It epeodln g Snnday nt tbelr winter partment, which was in t he old Na- homa and came baok In a day or q uarte rs. tional theatre, Bnd Coates llsked one two and Bald he was oore,I, " writes beverul from h e r e attended tbe of the pay masters, to look up Co. H. J . B . Barry & Co., !:!aU Creek, VB . platfoqn danoe n' Waynesv!lle !:lilt. First Kentucky pay re,lI, and- yes, Obtainable eve ry~b ere. urduy night an~ all oomplime nted Daniel H. Anderson, private, no Mr. Slilley tor 'he oo nrtesy shown. char,ges again t him. "Well, make Mr . Bllrm'ln Dakin, of LElbanon, ou t his discharge certi fi cate:, and pay oal1bd on bla auot, Mr~. Mllro Flnoh hiQ1. [ vouc h for him . ". 'Aftel' the signing of the pay· roll, r was handed here Sunday. , The Friends Sabheth t:lohool gave by Coates Kinnev, my discharge and toelr annoal picnic Thursday. As pay . accompanied ' witl' , this little usual '~ei r Btte'Jdclnoe WBB lar~e speech. "Dan. you arelhe first man Every body invl\ed to a tte nd tbe Tbrashlng Is bolng brough't to II to receive a discharge for a fuJI th ree sooial given by 'be Ladles Aid Sat· years s~rvice, in this department!" urllllY night, Au gost 14th . olole In thiS vicinity. 'fbis -vIol nlty has heen vie Ited r e- So? . It was three days late r that Mr. 1:3am Shaw and family were oently by severe e eotrloal 8torme my brother, EIi ,-althou gh belong· doing some dllmal!e and ~C&ring the ing to the same company, got his calling on Mr. John Shaw I\nd ram. discllarge. If auy one questions t his, 1l;V Sueday. . wrong doars, Levi Hatton aD bls 9<tt-b birthday, 1 am prepared to meet them witbMr. John S wishe r and family Anyone who uses or ought, to use left his relati veil hore ror his ho'llo book , chapter, verso, puge; day and called' on Mr. Gljorge Marlutt lind In I..lnooln . Ill., he lrtivels 'by him. date elah ! paints and varnishes, w ill be glad to knowl famil y t!unday. Charley Merritt was a very little selfand loo ks to be 60 He Is are· Charley Bll1lr, Shermllu Smlthsoldier, too little to be hit, so came markable man that we have just taken the agency for Oor oity WIlR r epresented lit the home and was n use fu; citizen as long ann hlend oalled on Mr. Lewis Murray Sunday. t:;prinllboro Bomo Comiug last week, as he li ved . ' and ollr represtlntlltl ve oonsldered it Mrs. Geor ge MarlliU,. MIS . JOhD a gre~t trell t to he the re. Another War Story !:lhaw, Mrs. Amos Jaokson, Miss f..(mn. Marlatt were visitors at SprlnK - - -.... ...- -Here'!! a war story , and 1. was Valley on e dllY last week, right there; a nd 1 beg pardon of any AN EASY, PLEASANT lAXATIVE Ma@ter ChaHey Myers spent the who tbi nks he would relish being week.end One or two Dr. King's ,New Life one with Mr. Josepb MarlMt alongside at the t ime. But that wss I,'llls With a tumbler of wate~ a t· years and years a~o, and [ regard it and family. in this locality~ For fifty yea rs this line night. No bod IIll-useat!nll: tasto ; n o now , as onl y one inciden t of many I A S UI pl'fse was gl ven I n honor' of has been t h U1Ocld's leader that's why- _ belohing gilB. ti'o right to bed may call up in ' the near future. Wilbur Marll\tt Wednesday evening Wa)lO up In t he mornillg, enj oy Tbere was a man assigned to my ,Abont forty gnests were pres eDt. we chose it; and we are kaders in good " free, eASY bow!!l movement, and Company r. 26th Indiana. who hud '; Mrs Annie Mewland who has been fee l fl ne ~1l day. Dr. King'", New been drafted al)d he made no sec ret things hcrc--;-that's .why they chose us. Life Pills are Bold by all Druggists. that he would not go into battle, nor vis iting her son hilS reto rned home. It's a pr etty ' good combination to do a6 In "n orlglnul pllokBge, for 2~o , fire a ~hot at his friends, the enemy . Mr. Bill Luoas and Mr . Lewis Get a bot,tle to.d"y-eDjoy tbls eusy, We had worked our way from Fort Wukley have been visiting trl ends business with. pleasllot hu:at\ve Gaines up Dog ri ver, sluggish . deep In Holly . Llloe Cr"i~ nnd fn.mlly bave beoD Imd crookedest evor; so croolled lhat both ends of our boat. lhe Tarrascon. vls ltlDg 0 , Marllltt and' fumlly. touched thesarneshom. Don 'tthink Mr, Amos Jaokson had his hand the Milwaukee, Steve Phillips' boat, burt ODe do.y lnet week. wtmt up that river but went on up Mr . l!:d'~vard O. HlHtlook baH pur~ L. Waynesville,rOhi 0 <fI Mobile Bay, to engage Spanish fort ohllsed a new seven }lMlBenger allto8everal from this plMe attended in front, wh ile we in vested it in the mobile. t,he SprlD(tboro Centennial . ' rear on the land 'sid e, and to the - - -.... ... Hr . Bernard Urout Ilnd Miss Edna east. The river ran t hrough a large Smith, of ~Middletown, were the scope of si1tc,1.cpo~it, and had a wealth /Cuests of Mrs. Chas . Gebha rt Ra tur_ of the rankest grass 1 ever saw. We day, . landed some dozen m iles or so from Mr. and Mrs, Clarenoe Smith and Spanish Fort, and cautiously ap· proached thrQugh a forest of pine ' son Allen were sight seei ng in and trees. aroond ClnohLnatl Saturday Rnd As we would go into camp each Mr~. Bethanv Chenoweth is lying Sunday. ' . day, we were d·ISP1aYE)d in line of bat- dangerous ly III,- /I.t h er h ome here. Mr. and Mrp, ,Tolleph Smlt.h were tie order, and in less than a minute Mrll. Mary. ~cott and oblldren in Da"ton Saturday and t:lunda"". aC'outrements were •')fl' and hu ng on spent a ' day or two IlLBt week with " '" MIIII! Maoy Woods Is the gnost of the gun Btacks. and everybody got h er pllrents bere. Mr,anf\Mrs,ElmerWoods; ' bfiUBY, some hith a:{es -h thev came Mr. and Mrs . George PrEltt are Mrs . Sherman Dyke ond daogh~ ]fst-under t e eye 10r t e engineer, bntertalning I,helr, nep!:Jews Maeter te'rs Laverne l\Od ROil spe nt '!:llltnr, two and of len . four to a tree, and in ErD8l!t MoCray, or Davton, And d ,y Rnd I:lunday witb frl e.lds In a very shOTt time trees were falling George SmlLh, of Trtlblnllll. ot the '.-------:..----..:---==-~-.,...--\ Dayton. a\cml{ the whole line like magic, and tl f thl Itl (, • no one, so far as 1 know, e.ver was . rue a s wr n D • Mr. Berm&n Gllhbart Is sunerlng caught by 'a falling t ree. The limbs Mr .. Elzev ~oott and famLly were fr om a very ~evere cu, on bls. te f~ were removed and 'carried to ' and Ghe Sunday guests of Mr, and Mr@. hand. "stacked" in lI.'continuousline along 'Willie Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Laoy Craig and sons HAVE YOUR TIRES AND TUBES ' . Louis nnd OIE1renoo Brown, ot ,tbe whole front . Then. men with Dllyton, were vl Mitl og their grand- band spikes, enoug h to carry, eacb ,of Spring Valley , were the I:lundo¥ parente, Mr,lI;nd ~r~ . dlmeon Brown tr~, and some werl~ who{)pers; and gUllBtll of Albert Drake and famtly. tbe pa8t wee k. lay them u.p~ held by- skids, while Mr. Hnd Mrs H. C, Vakln. Jrrank Mr. and Mra. Simeon Brown W8l'S others detaIled .wl~h pick and shovel, Dakin and family. Mr , and Mr •. bhe 8uesta of Mr, and Mrs, ErneBL put on t he finJshmlt touches in an George Pratt Erues' Dakin and Brown anlt faml1y, of Dayton. I:l.t- hoo r's time, and we felt as eafe 88 fllollly Ernest MoCrAY of Dayton. = = = = = A T HOME = = = = = urdayand /i!unday, . a "bug in a rug," CJ eorR~ Smltb: of Tl!ebinell, Henae 'Having installed ,the latest machinery' ,lor Vulcanizing Alr anil Alre. Elmer. . Wooda en. (Continued nlext week) Drake, Ar'bor Thomall, Frank COok 'fires, I solicit your "patronage, and will guarantee the work ter.llled I:latnrday evenln, Mlu • _ , .' and Walter D~k!n I\nd family vlaUed yo~ Itcic:k and poulwUh Edward Cook and fa~ny, of LeUa lDonll and 11118 Leona Mo to be as Qood as the Best. try deerV.ato be treatGive Die a call, wbether wisb ~wor\; dODe or not. I GlnDlain honor of Ulelr BU.' AlII8 SIYUIIiIEO Route Sunday, ed' with abe. teeted Maoy Wooda. rOIl II Mr. Na'han Aaa'ln and danlhwr will be glad to exp~ain the Vulcanizing process to you. pr..c:riptiollll of an Mr . and 1111'11. Walter K.enrlok, If you will a boUle of CharD. Cell,ta were 'he ,uel&ll of Mr. espert ,VeteriDa7 Mr. and MI'II, Pllfry J[eDrlok and 08rlaln'l ,LlotmeD' olllene 'he Mrl. Frank JlaWIlO one _ day ~.Dr.LeGear a dalllhaer and Min A1!oe Gebhu' direo'lonlRiveD fatibfal. week, Remedieaare ....,.. .ere &be IGeat. of Mr, aDd lin P. tn .aab 1... ThraahtD, baa been 'he order of IJ~~=;~. aD4 bmilJ, 01 LOT" . nq"': Ob:. ~e amoq oar fermerl abe (l1li' M rR. Eel. Fox, of Mlamltlbllrl1. IH 8110nliing tho wCll k wlt,b h ar II1Ir l'n i Mr. on,l MrK. ,.I. ~~. Roblns(!u. Mr@. E . D.IMorglln Is vldi t m g ber daugbter Mrs. Borry Smltb . Mis@Mllry Wright 'pent Frida y Iu Dllyton . r Mr. Erutl~t Siegfried. of D,lY tall , ill vis I t.le~ hiS paren \~, Mr. II nd Mr~ . W , B. ti l '1Ifr.III,d. If till romors tHe true, t.btl well ~~~~. bells will soon riog In !:lprln!;.
Sixty.Seventh :f ar
It I \\
a fIn a n cIa wizard, a man who do m ina ted the we a I tie h · s tan'd,l m powerfu h men f G taro, ·l h f d IN. b h'IS grea t es d ' eSlre.
eac er
d h'
.- .
- --.- --- -
- ---
.... &0'''.
Springboro Centennial The Centennilll and Hom '·Coming held at Springboro la..~~ w ~k wa a hulte I'UIlCCIIl. Much of the credit. tor this affair iA due to the com· mittee nppointed at a ree nl meetinl{. and as the committee were all hust· lei'll, they made the affair a success . . Mayor M. J. l~arr. who formerly lived hore. and Miss elli.: 1,'llll!. the spcrelary, have been v~ry h~ sy for the IWlt few weeks 1)11 LLang L.l' pro· gram and town in sha!>1! fur this gain occasion. Prominent speakers were prescnt each day- Bon . , D. Fess, Hon. Ralph Col and ex.·Gov. ox made speeches. and wpre lislen,'d to with relish. Jesse Wright had n volumouR paper on the history of Springboro that 'was fine and n very true account. Thursday evening had the banner attendance. The booster clubs from Dayton, Miamisburg. Lebanon and other places aUended in aulos. and there were about 150 machines in the parade. The parade of Springboro citizens was he.ld Friday afternoon. and it was said to have been more t han a credit to such a small village. There was a large· crowd present on this day. also. Many raunions were held, such as the Ellis and Antram families, the Jitrerent lodges. the old college, etc., and many old citizens were p resent who had not been ie the home town for many. many years. Altogether. the Home-Coming was a success. and the memory of this occasion will live · in tha minds of thOl!e who attended the Centennial for many years to come.
The choicest wares of th~ entire country and the world find their way to Dayton's Retail Stor~s. Design suggested by group on the Arch of the Rising Sun at Panama_- _ _ Pacific International Exposition.
".. D..,...... ~w...... . , . . . . . . . e.ltl.,. .. tWr ...... .ad 18 "..., ... wtt.J ....... , .... t ..... It wW PU' , . . . . . . . . . trade wtth. n .... Ar•••• r forb ............. WAttl1 .
AGOOD HOUSEHOLD SALVE . Ordillary aUmen'" and Injnrlee
are 00& of 'bemael VIIS serious, but lDteo&iOD or low vUaUty may make ~em dangerot18 . Don't neg1ec\ a cO'.8Ore, bruise or hart because It'lI amaJl. Blood POilOD ball reeulted from. pin.prlok or BOratch. For aUauob .UmeD" Buoklen 'lI Arnloa ~lve til exoeIJen'. .It proteot8 and heal. 'he hart.; I. antisepilo, ]rIlls tnfeo'loD and preveD~ dangeroul oomplioaUons. Good for all .SkID Blemill,le., l'lmples, Salt Rhenm, Ecsema. Ge' an origins I 2.00n08 2&0, bo% from your Druggillt.
.- .
The Pr()~tive and Detective AseoclaUon have just i88Ued invitations ~ thlllr annual picnic to be given August 218t at Hough's Grove, on the 'Springboro pike, one mile west of W8.JJlt'8ViIle. Of course all members of the As· sociation, with their families, are invited to be present, and any friends you may wisb to personally provide for. Theee picnics are getting tQ be regular feature& of the year to the farmer, 88 well as to the trades people of the town. There i8 somethlDir doing every min.ute of the time during the day, and eo far the weather haa been fine at almost every picnic previously giv.en. The committee will engage a speaker for this occasion, .gether with the readiDIJIHlnd-1>thert- : - --· · features will JI8lI8 away profitably. The crowDing feature the d~. howeve~t is the ball game. The town and tile country alwava play. and this year wiH be no excep· don, and the game wUl be played hard. for both sides have been about evenly matched. . Don't forget t hia day. August 21, .' 1915, and bring your families with ( you.
.- .
Friends Summer School The Summer School under the care of :the Advancement Commit- .
tees oflndiana and IJIlnois Yearly Meetings, .will be held August 20·27. 1915, at Waynesville. Ohio. The meeting house and shady Public School grounds opposite make an ideal spot for a Camp. Meals will be served in the Friends' Home close by. Waynesville It'riends extend a cor· dial invitation to Frie~ds and others, and .those who have experienced former Sommer Schools urge you ~o come I&tId enjoy the week in good fellowship with Friends from many places. Martha O'Neall, Chairman of Reception Committee .
.- ...- --
It'll prepared from tb~ healing Pine 8&laam, T.r lind Bonev"":'U mixed in • pleallADt. soothing Cough H,rup oalled Dr. Bell's Pine··l'ar Honey. Thousands ha ve beni\tlteCl bv It!! use-no need of your enduro Ing thil\ annoying Cough or risking a dangerons Cold. 60 to your dea1-' er, ask tor a·160 original boUle Dr. Bell 'lI Plee.Tar.Boney, start ustng as onoe and get rid of your Cough and Cold.
... - --
Electrical Storm Sunday morning about l 'o'cloek
tQia vicinity was visited by a terriffi~ electrical storm. Lightning struck the electric wires and burned out a transformer on the east-tide of town. Two eows belonging to L. Nicholson we~ alao struck an~ killed.
18th The Following Round Trip Reduced Fares to DaytoJ1l will be obtain'a ble if tickets are bought at the ticke1t office of the lines mentioned prov'iding you present the filled-in coupon. Good going and returning AugUst 18th only. Fairfield (Ohio Electric) ............................. .. . . 25C Round Trip Osborn (Ohio Electric) ............................ . .... . 25t Round Trip Medway (Ohio Electric) · ........................... ; . ..... 3St Roul1d Trip New Carlisle (Ohio E lectric) .... . .. . •.... . . . •.......•.... 40C Round Trip Lebanon (Lebahon Traction Office) . .. . . '" ., . .. . .. ... .. ... 4SC Round Trip Chambersburg (D. & T.) •..•..••.......•..•...••....... .. 35C Round Trip Vandalia (D .•& :r.) : . _. ......... .... ......... ........... · 35C Round Trip Tipp City (D. &-T .) . . .............. . .... .. . . ...... .. ...... 40C Round Trip Troy (D. & T.) .... ... ...... .. ..... ........... . ... . . . .. " . Soc Round .Trip Piqua (D. & T .) . .• ' .' . . ..•...•.••............•....... ..... 75c Rou nd Trip Sidney (Western bhio) .. .......... . ................ ... $1 .00 Round Trip Be lure to tear oft' and fill in the coupon. You MUST present the coupon to get the reduced fare. You can buy one or as many tickets as you want; with OliE coupon~ if you fill in the n~mber wanted in the sp~ce provided.
you B:~ong 't he many hu~dreds who. came to V'Y·' , .·Dayton on the July Suburban Day Excursions?
If you were, y6ulknow tha~ it provided you with a tremendously interesting shopping trip, at but low
expense for th~ ' railro~d fare. ' . ' . : This Wednesday: August 18th, Excursiol) gives' you another opportunity at the same Reduc~ Round Trip Rates. T~ose who didn't come on.the last Excursion 'will make a big mistake if they miss this one. Daytoli's stores, whose splendid merchandise and wea lth y assortment! must appeal to you, though there were no other 's pecial induj:ements, are in the midst of the mid·summ er c1can·up periods at bargain prices. Most of the furniture stores are holding tlleir Annual August 'Furnit ~re Sales-a big event for everybody.
Whether you CQme for a· good time" or to SION, We~nes day, AUGt,JST 18th. .
you'l\ rcalize both on t his SUBURBAN DAY EXCUR. ' -
' READ THE REDUCED 'ROU~D TRIP FARES at the left. U se the Coupon, on the ..right, as directed. There arc no stiings tied to these rates-anyone and everyone may· get them rcgard. les&, of the amount of their purchases while in Dayton.
You'll See ' ·T hii "Suitcase" .Design
~n. the windows and advcrtt slIlg of many Dayton ,stores. It is ~o rellJind you that E~ERY WED· NESDAY IS· SUBURBAN DAY lN DAYTON. It is your guide to those Dayton stores who are -members of this bureau.
.For Fare Reductions by Refund From XENIA CEDARVILLE
Take tbis Coupon to "the Ticket Ageiat
You can look upon lit also in the ' na· . t Ufe of a guar.antee-a guarantee of good merchandise · and the fair adjustment of allY claim you might haye.
or other points not Hsted abQve read special information in' folder distributed all over terrltory. .
Jesse Stanley , who haa just·gradu. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~7=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!~~~7~~!!!!!!~~!!!!~!!'!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ ated fro';D tb~ Jones. Auctioneering ~ ) ~.... -~O;';-AifvICl la:'.- ~ . for a fair there was not Q~lte 88 School at Chicago. Is ~ome ansi is Budget . ready for sale dates. U would, be . ---youf£•• ou'o, ....._"-large a crowd at the Xema tlUJ' well to lee him. 88 be has BOrne new "11_ _ •• . t .Ideas in the auctioneering. line O r . patiu.l" 111113' aba, if ~ \ ~ 1 88 the year before. There ea11 him, 146 mutual phone 'New The Budget Comnuasionof ~:--~I!! l~l~ of J!8Ople tbef8. howB\lrIiqton, Ohio. 'Coll!lty, conaiatil1&' ofJ.·M. MIlUord , III\IIii1AY1~ ~_---= faIr W8II up to the • - • audItor; Dean Stanley . 40 110\ nlieY. JGQ. - • p~ was good attol'll", and F. D. bIc&\IM DO 8\Mr bome IIIiIIIII WIlL • ever AU ' kinds ·of Spou~lng and:RoofJng IIiI!eJ- William80n visited our ~ 01111 ~1 .VoI, 10 ~ ~ _ ~ was
.I. L ........,.
Repa1r1na DoneO. • •
...... ';l'HI: MIAMI GAZS i
MIAMI G \ZltTT'E -------.1 .-----------~ I ~~~~:~;:~:,'::~~,~:,~.": r.:.': ,~.l'!•. "..!!':~~:"~.:,.~:.~~.~:~;;~.~ :.. 'l!!~~NAl MEN~I~N_IiF,~:::t,;;::;i?~ .•~m~."=', 'tho ~: ! !!~S~NAl MENTION array ur ol)oaker!:l ha been THE
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- ---I l'A I' nJarnes'. I ,Mr ' HC!nn~"I'b ~ ., . wwn I.cllred t h
.. - - - .
amI M'Ifl.q Ia ra 1.1'1e 'ISllC( . . I fr ienrls in f tlthe Itll tho t ' rt ing pro t ' III L"OSj , Ra tes of Advertisi ng I tnis wct'-k. ~' ()nE' ~ le, m o~ III er es Inj( an I Xenia l'huJ'Sda n, ..dlllK La.' U ', I",r lin' .. , . . .. _, , ,_ , ,~ !Ie profi la~le In the hi to ry of t he Year· • y. '. ('1 111"'1. :\.1•. nnl t.o xr~ Iho IIno I Mi!lS ElizaL til Chandler has fe. IY .r~l~ I.nlt. . • , M B JI H f ' vlcc D. L. Crane, Editor and Menage r. lJlIJ"lay lJ~~LI!\~tI¥.::~·hj~i, : : ' ::::::: i~ , turllcd htlme Crum her Poastern tri p. I III hrllL p~lJhc ser will !le is Lh~Bg'rue~t ~f M~~eI!U~liniJ~'~~'?~;!: UlIll'l.JllUt8 ·I.'un un cOI,nllet , held at the Frlcnds Church a t 7: ,{ '" --7"""-------~-'--------~-- ,.....:---LUWI'Clll'j' i>uvil:l uI Daylo" .S I>. m , W ·dnescl ,'y. ".UglAs t 18th. Mr!l, Mayers, 01 r. vulI.-w ill c. IIltl . , At:JGUS'l' 11, HilS. 1visiting III (I oine of Mr 1/ All yt h,tlr ~1Hl()tlngs .w lli be at the is visiting her si~ter , ~'1 rs. Art h ur .~-~-=--=:- Carey - . aud1t11T1UIII ottihe - ollege glOullds , l:ell. Among t ho who will deliver ad · -:;;~~.n BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR GATARRH Miss Alla Hi. y, the L. U" at (!r~~~lls and s.urn.lons afe: Gon '!. R v. anu Mrs. ~.':;: . raus rand ::. THAT CONTAIN MERCURY Lehlll1('n , ~P('l1l thl' W ·ek·end wit h ce ~. , J·tJ· prvl1.lls'l C(~larl esh WI.?otl. ~on, Charle~ arrived home from he r fath ~ r. man. P Il!<, .0 1' r!cm i'l ~ IUrc, UTt· Lakr·,;id" loday. Innll. Maille; '[ruman Kenworthy , 1 ns Ille r" "f), will ~ ur~l ) rh'slru)' th" SI' 1I1.r. and Mrs , Fr d Hart ock, of I,:vafl~elbli,c ·upl. (If Ind iana Y ad y Mr. Edward lIni n . f Indiana. is uf S'" CIt Alill 'cI,mvt ' Ie ly denlll!!" g uc.;ts of r lalh'cs J\!,:ctmg, Samu el ~:l\~ or th,. Pa~tur th e 'u st of his parentH. Mr. anu whnll' ~ysu~ m wilen C'lll ~ rtu g it lit rtlll Ah Mf' l'row , we r F'rlcndsChu rch of Mmni>lIpoh ,Mmn. Mr. b'noch Haines . I lie mU CU IIS surfaces. Sue h nrlicles s hould here uDday. Prof , Elbert Hussell, of Johns Hop· uever be Dscd except on pre.' ripl ilill S frOIll rel'ulahlc physicians. us I he dnll1agc N P. Clyi.lllrn , of Washinr;rLnn klns Univer~i~y ; Rober t Simpkin nf . Mrs. J ennie Me uno, of Kokomo. III 'y "ill <Iv is lell fuld I" Ih\: IlI,od ) ',,11 C: H ,. II pcnt F'riuay with MisH Glara W ~ t crn. , hm a. Ro,~. A, lI a.t.l ley, Ind .. was the gucRL of Miss Letitia cun l lU.~ iht y deli"e fro lU illl'IIl, Jlull' s Llle at the recLory. A.'s t. S c y, of American F'rl(!OclfI I McK!lY last week . Ca tnrrh Cu re , ll"Uluf"clurcd hy +'. J, .. l30arcJ of I"ol'eill'n Missions; and I;:lill!l ' - Chelley /I< Cll .• ruledu, 0 " ~ o llt ah's 110 The smart, speedy Saxon costs little at Mr. and Mrs. M . ,A . Cornell a nd I Armstrong, &litorof the MillSionary I Watch Cor our new serial "The mt.' rClI ry. a nd L InkclI internu ll)', nC ling I Ball of Fire. " It will begin August the start and n ext to nothing to run. It liirce ll y " 1"111 the 1,loor! "lid ",uco'" SlIf - J~u ghler .. of , Dayt on, a ro visiting Ad vocate. An unusual llumlJc r o f youllg pe '1 25lh. It is a g ood one. ("l'es "f I he sysle m . III /)lI y illg lIa ll' s with , elullves here. h as swept away the t barrier to the 1)1 are expected Lo be ill attendance Hl u rr" CUrl' 1H.' SlIr e YU lI ~et tilt! ~ I1U .. Mr. 111111 Mrs. J os, Thompson, of and cducatiolllli class!! will be cun· . Miss Edilh Smi~h, of D.c~lVer, Col., 7 - - - - . , - . - illC . ]t is laken illlcl'I ", lt y ","l lII:ule ill p/eastt1-e of everyday motoring. 'I'uled ", Oh io, hy F . J . ' hcllc), & Co, Norwoou , are the g uc Ls of relatiyes du ctetl fOf them unll'I' COtupol nt l IS lhe guest of MISS LetitIa McKay T'c st imnniuls rre~. I ,adurs. . lin, I other r elatives her . h,?re for a few da~. Think 'lel,{,t a Saxon meow to YOft- speedy transSold by Urll/:g isIS. Pric 70c pcr bOll Ie, I Th~ re will bl;) preach ing services . .. . portatio n-wh en and where you will-health rake 1i:Lll's FUlIlily I'ill s rure" Jl slil'alion! Mr. RllIi Mrs. J as. Stoops, of Van I eaclt day and all day S'unday. A g n- I MISS Br!gh~l e An t r im. of Haswell. - rec rl;!ation and busintlss utility-aU the joys Wert, were gu.ests of Mr, alld M rS' 1eral . in vitat ion is .ex te nded to t~e New ~exlco IS th e g~est of Mr. and Adam Stoops Sunday . public and t he r~ will be free admIS' \ Mrs. 1. O. Clagett thiS week. The body of W. H. Gard arriverl ---of 0\ ning and driving an automobile-at the . sion to all of the sessions . ' here Monday morning. and the . - • • • • - - • • - - cost of a f (!w ("ents a day. It makes no difference whether Mr. and MrB. W. H . Allen and ' .__ _ _ _ Mr . Arthur Zell left Sunday funeral took place at the Chupelthill y o u are weathy or in modemte circumsi:mces. The SaKon Mi!lS Olive McCollum were Cincin. e vening for Pittsburg, where he haa ufternoon at 2 o'clock . Rev. J. F. is l Ilt ca,. for the m ;'n who mllst practice economy. It is nati visitors Thursday. ' 1;he Dayton Fair accepted 1\ lucrative position with als9 tilt ,"oice of many rllillionaires. It it Ihe car for youl the Pennsylvania Lines. ~,!,!~I!~~!i~ , M~l%~l~~~;et~~:~rment , Mi ss Helen Hawkins, of New Vi· An" day th .. t ytJ" ran spar< 1/,. tim .-m ~ · 1I showytJu all tho /I •• , -- . . - - - - - - - - - -~tt An au tomobile is to be given away Mrs. George A. Sodetle, of Toledo, en ~a. was the g uest of Mr, anu Mrs. during the week of thE! Montgomery pO'."" .! 'ile Saxon by cu:I"ol drmou'rurion . Wh . ...1uI1I It b., arrived here Sunday morn inll, Ohio, W. T. U. Meet!ng Mr and Mre. Wilson Edwards en· C. r. Hawke last w~ek . County Fair by the Thomas Manu · and will spend some time with her t .. rtninal a t inner ~urday even· uring 0 , to the person who parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Opp. Waynesville, O. J . B. Chopman, Wilbur Sides, of Dayton , was the fact ing, Misses Emma Beighwav, Kath· The annual mt!eting or the W. C. ryn Dakin and Henrietta McKinsey , week· end g uest of Mr. and Mrs. buys a ticket alld at the same time suggests the best !llognn for id nli· Miss Mary Card, Miss Anna Terry T U. for the elect ion of oRic rs and Saml. Smith . of Rou te 5_ !ying the company's retail advertis· and Mr . Alger Gard a rrived here payment-of dues will pe held with IIWllllillllllIWllillliIIIIIIIIWill lllfl!llllllil!lIIII!111:1I111!111I 111111~lIllli!llmllm~llmlllml!illlll1lJlillllllD~. Miss May Wright gave a delight· ~r. A. Allen, of Washington, C. mg . Nev~r b~fore has t~ere been Monuay from California, to atMrs, Duke at the Hinkle home on ful party Friday evening . ' I::ieven Wednesday. afternoon. August 18 tables of "600" passoo t he time very H. , visited with his daughter, Mrs. such!1 racmg card , filled WIth events ' tend the funerru of Mr. Wm . H, J . A. McCoy, last week. j to s u11 every cluss of t rack pn~rons · 1 Gard. . A full attendance ill desired pleKsuntly At a seasonable hour The new f('sture thIS yea r IS the Dr. Ilnd Mrs .. Whitaker enter. delicious refreshments were served. . S. G. Joy and wife visited the d ~rby races each day , Tho runners Mrs , Hallie Ridge and daughter. 'alned on Friday R"y. aDd Mrs. Shrei ver and Miss I"OODo., Mi811 M, E. Church Services latter's sisters in Clermont county I Will be on th e track e veryone of t1~e Elizabeth . of Cincinnati, and Miss Elizabeth Reevos and Mls8 Vera Mil3S Henrietta M=Klnsey informal· and Cincinnati last week. I five days, and th ~ porses offered Will Dolly Ma rvin. of Lebanon, we re 1he draw the be!lt ammals that make the week· end g uests of Mr. and Mrs. E, Patterson. 'There will be the 'reuular aervicH Iy entertained a small card party Mr. and Mrs E. J . Arnold an d Bon Auto Livery Service at at the M. E . Church next Sunday Tuesday evening in honor of M iss - Mr. anll Mrs. Myer Hyman und I K entuck~', Ohio ,an~ Indiana circuits. V. Barnhart. are gue8ts of relat.! ves iD Wilmlng. Reasonable Rates The faIr USiloclat lon thiS year has I Sunday-School at 9:15 a . m., preacb Brilthtie Ant ram, of Roswell, N. Mex, daughter and D. ·L. Cra ne were in arrang for a colored babies show , The Friendly Group are planning tOD . fng at 10:80; preaching in the even- who is visiting with friendll here. Lebanon Friday afternoon. Jesse Hill lost a fine h()rae by • 10 be held 0 11 Tuesday afternoon. a pilgrimage next Sunday 8th mo" ing nt 7:;.:1) p. m. Also Agent for Kelly-Springfield Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at reside nce Prizes .lhe same as in the white can· 15th da" to adve~tise the Summer IightnlOg :saturday cIgh$ . ,l'ev. C. S. Graueer, Pastor. .Mrs. M. E . W.aterhouse ent~r_ _ _•• _ • tamed the folJowmg guests at din· of ,L . T . Peterson , Main St., Tues test Will be offe ~ed . Automobile Tires '. Camp. F~ r particulars apply to • ner Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J .. Q . day and Friday mornings, One of th~ maID featuree o[ Inter· Allred WrIght. est at the fair to the country boys lee Cream Sot181 at Lytle Gona and family, Mr. and Mrs. RUBWm . and Bryan Prendergast. sell Salisbury and baby daughter. Mi8!l' Mamie Woodruff. of Leba· and girls will be the Jive stock judg· rriI. The Lytle Cliurch will have an Ice ~r an~ Mrs. Ronald Hu.wke, Mi!j8es !I0nt-,.was tile 2't;est of Miss Kather· ing contest. The board is making an : George Pra't t. Robt. Burton, Ea,,1 especial effort to inter !9t as many in , Gray, Marshall Haines, Phil Hop· • Vliney Phone 9O-1X Cream SOciai at the .HolI, next Sat Josep'lllne OgleQby. Nettle Ea~nhallt. me t'rendel'gast l/lst week>. FOR SALE thiS work 88 possible and all expeot· kins .Jr. , Lou Printz and F. B. Hen" urday evening August 14 E . ,Mesarlj, Clarence and Harvey Rye Frank Hoimes, of Circleville, was ~ng to try fo:r the prizes should make derson were in Wilmington Sunday ODe chrdially i~vited . . very and Fred Gons. ' the guest of friends here last week . their entry aa soon nClw as possible. aflernool) at the Clinton, Washington ~ , . - - ..- -C. H. ball game. ' " WAijBlNG MACBINE-In good MiBB Alice Care, was hostess to He left Monday for Van Wert. a Sunday dinner party in honor of Resolutions Mrs. Walter Cast, Mrs. Frank order and other honeehold .' Collett-McKay Picnic Mrs. Chas. Smart, of Cincinnati • . her cousin, Mr. Lawreoce Davis. of Braddock. Miss Dora Stiles arid goods. A , M. Zell, Corwlu , Ohio. Fu I D· to Saturday and Sunday with spent Dayton. Those present were the a25 nera arec r niece Grace Patton, Mrs, Hockett. It has pleased our H eRvenly Fath- Mrs. W. Salisbury and Misses Alice SEWING MACBINE and Lawn • The 49th ' annual Collett-McKay Misses Mabel Salisbury. Edna Cor- Rev. alld Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader. and Embalmer, er, in his infinite wisdom to remove picnic will be held at the usual place nell, J.jllian Wilkerson, and Messrs, Mower, In good oondltion. W '11 Ohl Mr. Allen ComRtock and family sister. Sarah C. Hartsock -from our Carey, Lillian Wilkerson and Mabel on Saturday.' August 14th. ' Alfred Wright, Carl McClure and aynesvi e, O. of Ansonia, Ohio, vili'ited Mr. and midst. We are remi nd ~d to heed Salisbury a ttended the Greene Cheap It eold 800n. lnqnire of Mrs. Chester Snook. . Wee BlggB, Corwin, Uhio, alB Mrs. p, D. Clagett Saturday and ~hese words,' "Be ye a lID ready, for Count.y fair Thursday. Call answered promptly day or night In an hour when ye know not the BOD Th~ following persons attended Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rye enter· Sunday. Ali RIAGFr-Rubber tire. al/Dost Both phones in Office and Residence. of man cometh." Sister Hartsock Richmond, rnd.. Yearly Meeting tained Sundny th" foll owing guests: Long distance,No. 14; Home phone now, will Bell at a hargalD. lJ. Mrs. Matilda Bosier and Miss was one of our Chart.er members . Sunday from this place , Jason SheeMr. and Mrs. James Johns and son, :s. Maxwoll , R . D, 1. Waynesvillo, 14.21', arrivr:<i home Saturday after Whereas, She was of a quiet and Ethel ban. wife and daughter Edith, A. B. Ohio, Bome phone ' I) f) Centerville. Chairs and one Coach furnished free of Lytle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hartsock and son. of Spring Valley, a pleasant visit with relatives in unassuming disposition, and t he life Chandler and, wife, Mrs . Edwin all with funerals. tha t made ou r association with he r Chandler and dilUghter Ruth, Seth Mr. and Mrs. Allie Hole and family, Iowa and Kan8aa. Best of service guaranteed. , . pleasant. is at an end . Furnaa, wife and son Roscoe, Emmor I:"OR SALE-1 ooal range. 1 heating Mr. hnd Mm. F . C. Carey, Mrs Mrs. Clar~ lJadwallade~ returned Therefore. be it r4~solved, that S. Baily and wife and Seth Furnas, Walter McClure and Mr. Jesse I" 8tove, 1 old2 bureau. go.cart, 1 =======:=::: ' ========-~-------i] to her hom In Morr~w FrldRY, .nfter Maple Temple 's uffers the loss of an Jr. gasoline 8tove, kltoheD 1sideboards, .. Thomas. her S1stt:r , I honored, und t'ai-li1{-uI· member. desk hOl'se aDd bnggy. Chup 10ffioe 25 Pound Sack Best Cane Gran· Word waa re(:eived her e 'last week If 80ld soon. Il'. C, GUmour, Misl! Kizzie Merritt served a boun· That the heartfelt sympathy of the all R. • • ATHA W A:Y ulated SUgar only , tiful dinner on Friday eveping in " Pyt hian Sisters" be extended to the of Ihe marriage of Miss Mabel Strait , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilki rson husband, sons and Lheir fa milies, in and Mr. Leslie Carey. of New Vien· honor of Miss Elizabeth Abbott. The snbsorlbllrs to tbe MoCaWII WaynMvtlle'8 Leadtnl DeDUit . . na, Ohio. at the residence of the ot her guests were Mrs. 'Rachel Keys, and two daughters. of Dav ton. were thei r ~or ro w. Magazine. Bend 360 to 'be Omoe lD Keye Bldg MaID B th~ week ·end guestS of Mr. Harley bride's uncle, F. Gillum Cromer, in Uaze"3 omoe, and get one of the , Mre . Bannan Rogers, ' Mr. J O. ', WIlkerson and family. Elberta Peaches "There is no death , the stars go down, Dayton, July 30. 1915. Mrs. Carey best; lDaga~ee on eanb. Cartwrjght and family, Mr . and Mrs: U To rise upon some fairer shore was a resident of New Vienna. Ohio, S.· L . . Cartwright, the Misses Geor· Oregonia will celebrate he r hun· And brilth~, in heavens,ieweled cro~ but,was employed in. the Lebanon gia Radden, LitZie Stewart, Emma ARE-Bay Work and Broolt BARNHART, They shme, fo r ever more." schools. Mr. Carev will be remem· ~artwright, Martha Bu,nett, Belen dreth anniversary in 1916, Harveys . Mare, in good oondition. In. burg in 1929, Mt Holly in 1933 Mar· bered by a host of friends here, as OartwrilJht and Levering Jr, Louise quire at the Kreighol't farm, Ore Paris Creen Notary Pu~lic row in I944 'and Corwin in 1945. Re.~ol ved, that OU I' Charter be he was the superintendent of the gonia, Ohio. 818.J 6 Pound Can. only -----draped for 80 days, t hat 11 copy of Lytle schools for three years. F'rank Ha~i1ton and family. Mr. lhese resolutions be presented the - - - - - -All klnd8 of Notary Work. WilD The Masonic Picnic Ande rson and family, and Mr. Potter, family, a lso be attached to and be· ' FOR RENT and Deeds a I:!peoial"'. of Newport., were g uests of Mr. and crome a part ~~ the minu.tes of Maple. TIRED, ACHING MUSCLES RElIElED Fancy .w.ter -Meions, Indiana The aTlnual Warren County Mason- Mrs. George Hamilton, Monday. em pie No. 3,,7. Ba rd work over-cxert,ion mean Canteloupes, JeJ'S('Y Sweet Po· ic picnie will be held thia year in OUSE-Elgbt Rooms, Dleely sit, . ~ Martha Dllyis, stiff, 80re m~801etl . I:\l'olm'~ ' Linitatoa, New Cream Cheese, Snell's grove one mile west of But · Mr. and Mrs. Corwin Hamilton of Xenia, and 1"rank Andrews, of Day. Commi ttee Anna l:Iar~ls, went lightly I\pplled, 11 little qntot. uated In Oorwln Inqllire Olives, Pick.les. Bulk Peanut lerville, on Wednesday. August 18, 025 Butter. -, Cora HarTIS. auet your BOfoneSiI disappellfs Ilks A. M, Zell. Gorwl n, Ohio. 1915. The O. E. S. have alsl1 been ton, spent Saturday nig ht and Sun- ' - - - - - -- - mlLgie. "Not hing ever he)p~d lIke Funeral Director. invited to this picnic, and it is urged day with Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Ham.' -. = = = = = = ilson 8 101ln's Liniment. I can nover .!fry ~oore'l Oasollne that aa many as can will attend. • DESPONDENCY DUE TO INDIGESTION tblmk you enough, "wri/es ODe grate. WANTED- TO RENT Telephone day or.-IDght, ciir~~..:n;~:::..r.;~~--'!'c!.o'iU),tlu.IW;hroe--lJ}~~ ' when CuI usor . 8topllsnfforlng, aohe8, and Valley phoge No. T. Long I wus Rl1 ll'erln g f rom Indigesti oD palus. - An exoellent oounter.irr!· , Distanoe No. 69-2r. IVhioh o!l nl:led headaobe and dil:ZY ttt.nt, beUer and 011)3ner thlln mas· ARM-A good tlum to rent on Star Tin Canl Notice of Appointment sp oils 30d wade me feol t.ired and tard. All Druga l s'8, 250. Get a botthe 'birds, by ~ good, oompotent The Best Made. Mason 'Jars, Automobile Service at all Time. des pondent.,l begn.n taki ng Chum. tlo to.day. Penetrates wlthont rnb. person. Inquire 'lt 'b ls office ' E.~ale .. f 1I1\~t.lo 1'. n&nler. DoceMOO. -, E-Z Seal Jars No 'I<:els hereby IIh'oll lI,a~ E. V. Dan,hnrt ' a 25 , .... beell duly I\llfl!tIIlICtllUld (luallOCtl "" Ad J. E. Janney and famil~ went to ber.lalo·s Tab le ts," writes Mr s. ~e(>. bing . ".-. ARM of about 100 aore8. Addrel!8 WAYNESVILLE,. OHIO oltho E.LMo of I'btllo r. Il lltnu' their cotta'g e on the Fran II' n Cha u· Bon , MuoefJon, 'N. Y. "This medl. Watch our advs.~get our prices IIlln laWlll~!'&tor of WOrrtlll COUIlI Y. Ohio. docaa8Cd. ol ne IJroveu to be the very thing box 186, WaYDesvllle, O. a18 Branch Office. Barve),eburc, 0. Datoo thllJ 2nd dill' of AUJ!u.t 19U, tauq ua grounds Monday. where they We own stock in 3 wholesale [ net'ded. us one dBY 's treatmeDt r llAL'r ONI'IIHUWN · '11 t ' f f JudKO of tho')'robato Court. WI . S ay or a ew days There are lle"ed mo greatly . 1 tised two bot.. booll88 and ' buy ' our goods Auguat ~ -4~ WIUTCIU ()oullty . Ohio a number of cottagers already t here. right a\ld our prices are always t.108 of Uh'lw berlaiu ''8 Tu.blets and W t , the un de rai ~n ed. ~Ill sell at ' -the lowest Mr. and Mrs. 1". C. Gilmour. they rid m e of trouble." Obtnln. Pabltb AnotioD, aD the promises, one-half mile north of Lytle, on tile dau'rl.lter and s~n left Tue:lday every where, ' ,It pays to trade at Notice of Appointment !'llornmg for their new huma in Ly t le UDd Ferry Ro"ds, tho l>roper. S~rongsville. Ohio. The many fri end l:! I,y known ,Bs the MoKlnney proporty, Announcement ESIIlW of Paulina Bu~t.orwet1oh. d_o.seit • • of the Gilmour's wish them pros, on NoMeo 18 horob, rlvoll th ..~ . B. Oillmdior Monday, August 16, 1915,. hllll \JeOn duly 0j,pohlt.od 811d , \uallllc<1 118 Ad· perity in their new home. mhll.\rIl4.or'ol ~ ' 0 Eltlllo 01 l ..ullnn nutter' The many frie nds and patrons in lit 1 ;30 p. m. Tile Beglnriing worth, lato of Wnrrell CoUD~. 0010. dllC!lnsoo. The guests at the Friends' Borne Lebanon and neighboring ·towns. of property ollosi!\ts of 9 , 6ore~ of lll'ld Datoo ~h1. a7th ~ay of July.ltI G. Al_TOJ'j Y. DROWN, this ~eek are Mt8. Urban Unger the Inte lamented Mrs. Rachel Elliott improvt'd, WIth ~ ooe.story houae, Jud(!() of. U,e Probate Cou rt and little daughte r, Dorothy, Mi!\S Lane, will be glad ·to know that The fruil,. wate r. eto All Kinds July as-at WnmDl eounl,y, Uhlo Lennerman, and Miss Emma Moody . Lane Hat Shop, over which she pre, Boira of 8,,[.1b MoKinney. Qf Dayton. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm . sid ed so long , greeting everybody - -... Tattmall, of Memohis. Tenn. ' wi lh smiles and wordiS of cheer, the while dispensing the hitest in millin· Several of the members of tbe ery desigll s under a guara\1tee that P .. & I), Association of Wayne Town- each article would prove as ship went to Mason Satu'rdllY afte r. repr esented, is not to be • •~~ lSuCCHSlir 10] noon to attend a pir.nic given by the ~ill be,continued und,er the t:1II~I ..nt;1 Mls8 Myrtle Oorr , haB retarned Mason Horse Rangers. Those who management of Miss Ella Stuart of .P. E.:,SHERWOOD from I~ ~overlll weeks vIs It WIth her attenlled wa re: Mr. and Mrs, Will Lebanon. To th o~e who know Miss Stuart. nnole MelvUlo RaD sel, of I:;prlnfil· Cornell, Mr, and' Mrs. H. A. Cornell. Oftr PoItotlb, Waynesville, O. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Evans, Me88rs. com ment uplln he r qualifications fi'8ld. Off. Pboa~ 7~ , HouIII Phone 6·3 1IIIImllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUillIII M. A . .Cornell, Hance Drake, Ed- would be superfluous" , butto those .·,rhe band furnlshod /Dusio ~'the , ward Cook, Ghas. Frye and son. ' who may not havE.' had the plelUlure KeDia ftltr on Wedoef·I1I\Y · , cif meeting her, the administrAtor B , W. Kelob ; of Cblcago. bas ·MesdameaFrame. Funkey, Mosher desires to inform the m that' she ie joined bls family ..hore for a iwo EAD OUR ADVERT1SEMENTS Iln~ MepdenhaU went tu Lebanon not only a milliner of the highest week's vistt. WEEK WITH CARE, AND THEN B. E . UIlVykins ,and Bernioe E Frlday.afternool1 , as representatil7<1 or.d but is,Ja lady of charming per. HERE FOR VALUES RARE. of the New Century Club. Mi811 and everyori,e visiting the Bawkln8 attended servioe& a' New An~a ' B Johnston, ' president ,of the rest 888l}red of a cordial Lexing;on .$Ilnday. Mr. and Mrll. Chas. Mendenhall OhiO Federated Clubs, addressed' the Callsnd meet 14isa Stuart Women o~ Lebano~ a.t Harmon Ball. find SOJ'!1,e mid'lIumme~ have retutned from their western trip. ' , , TJJe,meetmg WIUI well attended, 'and you;had not I!Xpected. White or Black Stay Bind· Thin Tumblers , . . . . . . . . • 5c Mill! Lol'll WhBakar Is the "g6llt Miss Johnston's addresS was fine and • - - - -ing. , .•.•... . 2c, 3c, 4c, "HorseshOe" Tum b Jet s of M.s8 Vera Pat.ter80n o,r Sprlng:tboroughly t'JJjoyed bf thOse who Dress Fasteners, not to r)lst 00 per dozer,J. . . . . . . • . . .. . 200 heard her. RECOMMENDS CHAMBERlAII'S COLIC, Held. Boys' Belts,............ lOe White Granite Ware. a · ======~ CHOLERA AND DIARRHOEA .ftEIEIIY· Hair Bow Fastener. • . • . .• lOe beauty. • • • . • • . . • . . •. 10e '" Dever heal"'3, 110' reoommeud Ladies' White Hose ••.•.. lOe J.Uy Glasses, per doz. , •• 25c Ohamberlaln's Colla , Cho1en and Ladies' Black Hose,..... lOe Coffee Pots .... , . .. ....... tOe Dbrrboea Jlemed.y,n' write. · 801 L8diea' Vests •• ; .. .. • • • •• lOe Fiuh Candy. per lb .... '. lOa William., mel'DbaD', Jeaie, TeDD "1l1li11 more otl, Iltbu preparations of I hue nllld l& A LI • E , ' T"LIlI'11 r. l'
,-C'A'I_ ."
__________.:-. __--::--________
, $395
, I I
The Ca.. You Can Afford
R ay MOIl I S
alassifled Ads
Corwin, Ohio
...' --_4 ...---
Special This 'Week
D H E H- -
------ ..
.e. v.
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Walter McClure
18.0 .al.
R [l
! Qc!
Sale Begins Friday, August 13
Sale Begins Friday, Augu'st 13
l lt'sl :11) ' ~ I e ll ' s \\ OI k-
All our 5(k 0 ru lls, BuCkeye Bra1ld, hest Overall mad , only
ill ); ~ llirt. llIarl(' ,
Of l.lew and desirable merchandise to be thrown 0 '11 the market -at less than w :bolesale pricec;. An unusual opportunity for the people of Wraynesvi~le and Warren COUilty. Sale begins on
And contiBusa for ten days. Goods must ble sacrificed to make room . for the incoming Fall Stock, Don't fail to atteBd this sale. Lit nothing keep you away.
Men'l Night Shirt.
44e 'l~e~~!~·~~.~~~~~ ~~~ .......... '.. 8ge
Men's fine cambric, low or high tfeck, all 50c and 75c grades. Sale price . . .. . • .
Men's Hosiery
AllS!~ ;ri~/~~~ ~~~ .i~l.~I~ .c~~~~. .... .... . .'
Al~~~C ;~~e~~~ .s~~.. ............. .. . ... 12~c All 25c and 35c sox All 50c and 75c silk sox Sale price ..•........... ... ........ .
23 c
Men'. Suspenders
25c and 35c:Suspenders . Sale Price. : , . . . .'....... '.... . . ...' . . . All 5Oc.Suspenders Sale Price ........ . .' .... ............. .
Men'• . Straw Hata
A1~!1~2~rf!~ ~.l:~~.~~~~, ~~~ .... ....... 79c _ _____ Al~f~()()ri~~:~~:~~ .~~~~ ~~~ ..... '. . . .. ~.45 Men's Underwear 1.00 B. V. D. Union'Sui ts . . Sale Price . . ............. . .•.... . ...
Great Values Mentioned llelow: Men's and.Young M~n' s Pants
The Frat and Perfection make of Clothing are up-to-the-minute,. and we have them .in all sizes. shades, fabrics and patterns. At the prices given below you are ~ssured of getting a b{lrgain.
All our $1.00 to $) .25
8ge AU Men's Wool Pants, all colors, all ,50 nnd $1.75 $1 . 34 Sale price . .. . .. . ....
$3.98 $4.50 8ge
Ladie' s House; Dresses, all $] .00 and $1.25. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladie 's Waists. One lot of Women's Wash Waists, high or low neck: short or long ~11~~~~~~~==~~;hoO:~~dS2 50 sleeves $l~o $2.00. Sale price. . . . $\
Men's and Young Men's $1 2.50 to $13,00 Suits at '
$8.75 ·$12.75 $14.75
~:~tsprice .. . .. . . .. . . ....
All 53.50 and $4.00 Pants
Sale price . . ........ .
All $4.00 aud $4.50 Pants,
Sale price .. .. . . .... : .
Men's and ,Young Men's $15.00 and SIO.50 Suits at
.75 $2.45 $3• 25 '
Boy's Clothing
Ail $2.50 and $3.00 Ladies' Waists Sale price . •. . '... . .. : .. . ... .. . . Women's Silk Waists, all$1.50 and $1.75, sale price .. . . . , ... ... . ..... .
Read These Prices
Boys' Double Breasted and Norfolk style Suits, in plain . and fancy mixtures; prices ranging from $;i.50 to $4.00. Sale price _ .
$2 98
\ "
Boys' All ,Wo!ll Suits in Norfolk style, in· cluding Blue Serges; prices ranging from $5. to $6.50 Sale price............ •
$3 98
Men's and Young Men's $1 .50 and $20.00 Suits at
All $1.00 and $1.25 Pants Sale price ........... . .•. .
SI.00 Porosknit Union Suits ..... . . .. Sale price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . 75c Elastic Union Suits . . . . .. . Sale price ...... • . ... ... ... ~ .. .. ... . $1.00 and $1.25 Superior Union Su its. Al1~~c ;~~e':~~ .~~~~'. ~~~: ~.o.~s: .~~:~". . ... Sale price ..... .. . . .... . ... ' .' . . .. '.' . AI1!I~ogrrc~~ .~l.. ~~. ~e.I~'.~ .~~~ .~~~'~. ~~:~. . Men's 59c and 75c Union Suits 0 Men's Lion Brand Work Shoes at Reduced ' Prices . Sale price ... .... ... .. '...... . : . . ... . . Boy's 35c Porosknit Union Suits 0 Sale price .. ' .' .. ... ..... . .. " .... . , . Dry Goods Boy's Po r 0 5 k n i .t Union Suits 50c Alk!f~~i~;~~~.~.~ .. ... . .' .... . . .. .' . . , . .. . quality . C Sale price Alk~~~)~~. ~ .~l~~~~ .~~~~~~ ...... . ... 6~c Men's Genuine 'Balbriggan Shir·ts or Alk~~~~~~ ..:~. ~~~i~.~ ..... ... .. .... . . .. . .. 5~,c ' Drawers, 50c quality . Sale p~ice . Alk~~ p~l~:.c~.e~. ~~ .~~~.l~~~~~~ .~~.S~i~l. . .. '.' . Men's P oro sknit All our JOe and 12:J.1lc muslin Sale price . . " ... .. . . .. ........ . . . .. .. . . Shirts or Drawers, All 35c 'quality rcd or blue Table Lincn . 50c qualitY44c Sale price ......... '.' ...... . .. .... . " . Sale price .. All 25c & ~35c Shirts All 59c and 750 pure Table Linen, in. all ' colors, Sale price .. .. . ............. . or Dra'Yers23c Big Reduction on Linoleum & Matting to dose ·out Sale pnce
23 45
Ladies Skirts, all $3.98 and $4.50 Dress Skirts. . Sale . price ... ..... . All $5.00 and $5.50 Ladies' Skirts. Sale price .....•. . ............. Kh.alti All $6,00 and $7. 00 I ...adies' Skirts Sale p~ice . •.... , .... ....... .. .
Men's and YOUD, Men's Clothing
8ge 8ge AI1~~c ~~~e~~~ ~~:!~.~~~~ ~.~i~~ 59.c AI1!1~ogri~e~ ~~:~~ ~~~'.s. ~~~ ~~.i~~s.
8gc 45
Ladies' ·D.ress Skirts
Re'~d These Prices
44 G
.230 .450
When ' you jpdge Corsets by the materials , or even th,e fit, you take chances ; almost anybody can make . a good-looking corset. You are perfectly safe buying. a
Kabo Corset or Brassiere "
All 50c and 75c Corsets, sale price ...
44' C
Al'!e~!, ~~te $~;r!~~~~ )9C
All $1.50 ·a.nd $2,00· C6[set~,., sale price . • iJ Brassieres, all styles, 5Oc. and 75c. goods, . Sale price ....... "
95c ·.
. I
Sixty-Seventh Year
.--,------:-.+_ ~~mera·
b"u,"""'" "."... by ...'h
Th. "muw
Clubs Meet -
J RE'M-lllIl~6EN(lE-S f
Whole Number 3330
Sum~er -School °.- --..:...--------
w;f,h,~:;;:':d~.~~::::'A~Cg~~~P20~~i~~ ! P[RSONAL MENTION', 0
",.'on "".lIng of Th e Misses Brown of Waynesville. Lebanon Franklin and Wayne TownOhio. who are spending a few days ship Farmers' Clubs was held in --27th, is about ready for the program. t t - - - - - - - - - - . in an ta Barbara. as the guestsof Waynesville last Thursday. The day UF . WAYNESVILLE AND HER The committees are working hard 1\11'. and Mrs, W. P. Carman. weTIl was all that could be desired. and OLD - I:ll' IZENS and will have ev.e rything in readineBll Lf><! Frank. waR hanged by a mob the honored guests at a Beach tea there was a good attendance. These by the time the day arrives. F'ol- at MilledgeVill e. l,a .. Monday. given last night on the Japanese roof Ilatherings are to 'be I!. feature of lowing is the pr'oRram for Ihe seven . garden. all the guestfl being former 109. . these clubs, and no doubt as the --days: . ~1rs. Eml!la Grubb. of Dayton. rellidenta of the Buck.eye state and We have known the subject of thi~. . . . yea" go by they will be altended Sixth Day, Eighth Month 20-7:30 VISited relatlve~ here last week. members of the Ohi,o society of memoir fUI' more than a hlill csnturv ¥!BB Ste!la Bishol? of Xema, IS more and more. as the gnod fellowp. rn. Address of welcome, Warren Santa Barbara. Keys on behalf uf the Friendly Severa l frorn hm'e attend ed the 'upper wns sel'vad at one long _ Social.I), Mr: Gard was one of th" ~sltmg ~lIsa J oaephlne Oglesl?ce ·ahi~ of Thursday will testify-. - '1 he membel's of thedifferent clu bs Group. ne~ "o n ·eM. MlIsic. An· Collett.fll cKay IJicll ic la ~ t week , t.a ble. lilt! full moon coming up ove r , mO!lt Interesting and charming perSODS whom it has been our privilege Mrs. Barton Kelly was the.week- began \0 arrive at 11 O'clock. and by --nOUUCtlmentii. Social Time. lhe channel waters adding much to to enj~y. Warm, II:ffab!e a.nd gen end gueal of relativetl at Newark, noon a large number were present. C. H I I Seventh Duy. Eighth Month 21Our new sel'ial "The Ball of Fire" the pleasure of the Clccasion. The er~us m his home; m mlngh!lg with Ohio. The reception took place at lhe Dan Anderson )ntinues Is n er- 8:30 a. m. Meetin~ for Worshil). will start ncxt week Don't miss it meeting was rich with reminiscences f~lendll he was superb. considerate. homes of Messrs. Hawke and ~II, esUng "Memolrles" of Hlslory 9·10 a. m.George A. Walton. The De· of lhe old homes in Ohio a nd speeches M d M La C t ' ht and at 120'clock the company went· of Waynesville velopment of the Religious Life; 10· Mr. und M r~ D. L. Crane vi~i tcd .~:ere Jl.Iade by several ?f the g uest,s. kllld anrt c~urleous... rs' wrrnt~e at wrlF t to the, M. E. church, where dinner • 11 a. m. Effie Danforth McAfee, RU8- friends in Springfield th rce days IU3t l he M IsseC! Brow.n are Il)structors .In His. bU:lmess . quahficatlOns were f Dr. ~ 9upcrlo~, keen, co~rvatlveand com· 0 ay n, VISI ted re a ves ere as was served by the Dorcas Society. - -sia. its People and LitefRture; ] 1-12 week . two of the state institutIOns of OhIO. p.r~henalVe In conSIdering all propo week. . After dinner the company gathered a. m. Elbert Russell, Stories of the one at Xenia anj the other at CoIsltlonll. . at 2 o'clock and the followinll pro· On three succeeding days. did we Old Testament. 7 p. m. Round 1.30rn- To Mr. and Mre. Andrew umbus. They are touring the Pacific By his well"balanced mind, with J08,. !'darshall. of Bellbrook. is gram was rendered: Remarks by follow that sort of program. Not Table. The Message of Quakerism Y II W d rl Au"u!;t 11 th coast and stopped off here for a perseveran~ and energy, he accu- 8~ndlng several days here with the president. H . M Snook and a shot was fired at us by cannon. un- foday. Anna B. Griscom. Leader; eaze, e nell ay, '" . brief visit with their old friends the mulated qUIte a handsome. COJ1lpj!- friends. reading of the minutes by Miss til we were within two miles of Fort !l p. m. Wilson S. DOlin, In the a son. CaImans. leaving last night to join umcy. B.e.was broad and hb!lralln Blanche Riley. A select reading by Spani~h . Along about 3 o'clock on Trenches. their party in San Francisco. Mi89 Anna Meredith left Saturday Mrs Barton Kelly was well recei vl'd. or about Ap"il 1st, a shell of the }o' irst Day. Eighth Month 22- 9:30 Mra. Grace L. Smith is attending public SPlnt; ~o man contributed more valul~le ~Ime and means \0 lhe f01:a briefvisit with friends in Cleve after which the election of officers screech·owl kind. came hu stling a . m First Day School; 10:30 a . m. a millinery opening in Cincinnati ~omm~nlty s mterest and welfate land and New York. for the coming year took place. through the trees-Clip! Clip! Clip! Meeting for Worship; 3 p. m . Elbert today. Drowned in Hole's Creek than ~I!t ~r. ~ard. One of the enPresident S. L. Cartwright. Waynes Clip! I don't knCIw how mliny trees Russell. Our National Defense; 7 p. Mr. and Mr!l. John Leonard . of . ville club' vice-presidtmt J M it did hit, but it was a rouser. We m. Meeting for worship. under the terprl8es III thiS community nearest 'to Mr. Gard's heart was Miami CemDr_ Dill, Osteopath,. at residence Snook, LE,banon club; Secr~tary. halted for a brief time, when an care of the F riendly Group; Song Kings Mills, visited rei ati ves here Miss Ollie Owens. aged 35. lost her ~unday. etery; for man~ years he de,":oted of L. T. Pete.raon, ~am St., Tue.'1 MiBBIrene McClure, Franklin cl ub ; aide-de-camp. from Commander Ma- Service. life Sunday near her home in Cenmuch va!uable time. and lI'ave hber- day and Friday mornings. executive committee. Elias Oglesbee, jor General. W. H. R. Canby. ' came Second Day, Eighth Month 23terville. by drowning. About noon ally of h!B mt'anllt9lts sup.~rt. The . WaymlSville; Ralph Robinson. Frank- rushing up to Col.. Clark Command- 8:30 a. m. Meeting fOT Worship; 9·10 Mrs. B. H . Kelly will sing lhe she went to Hole'a Creek, accom~ubst!,"~lal finanCial cond~uon of the M~. and Mrs. Chas. Har~k and lin and Robt. Mooney, Lebal)on. ing 26th . Indiana with a message. a. m. George A. Walton, T~e Devel- ~ffertory sol~ at the M. E. church panied by several friends where she II8I!OClaLlon ·should be credited to Mr. fsmlly spent several days last week Another reading by Mrs. Kelly When the Colonel had read t he mes- opment of the Religious Life; 10-11 Sunday mornmg . went swimming. and it is presumed Glrd 's efforta. A fervent, sincere, with relatives in Cincinnati. and miscellaneous talks were en- sage. he sent the Ad j utant down the a. m. Elbert Russell, Stories of the she took cramps. and before help 9hristian gentl~me!l' he ~eld tenacjoyed. S. L. Cartwright • . Milton line, until he reaehed Co. I, to which Old Testament; 11-12 a . m. Robert Mr. and Mrs. George Funkey and could be gotten she was drowned. JOusly to the faith In whl~ he w!U' Quite a number of our aitizenl Earnhart, Dav!d Dunham. Rev. I was a mllmber. and his order of and Grace Brown. Woolman House son. of Chicago. are visiting Mr. and It is said she was a good Iwimmer. confir~ed, but broad and .11!>eralm went to Yellow Sprin .... Sunday to Grause.r; Dr. Ellis and several olhers detail was: "Capt. Wheatley, de· 7 p m . Round Table. Friendly Ideals Mrs. John A. Funkey. d to the th V1lege of .. ' Ied A b d' b ploy your company in line of skit- in College Lifp. Florence Doan . .. ~g their .o . rs~rde and pn Mllltl!r see the soldiers encamped there. were ea, ended on. the notpro~ram er rea mg Iy mish. and go forward." Captain Leader', 8 p. m. Effie' Danforth Mcaccor Had Bad Luck WOrship , Mrs. Kelly _ Af. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and ter this the company repaired to the Wheatley had USI deployed. a\l but Afee, Illustrated lecture, Norway ac::ordmg. to the !l.lctatea of their daughters Kathryn Ilnd Esther were own cooscJences. . Mr. ~ohn Summe"!lie~ and.daugh- home of Mr. C. T. Hawke, where "Smith." who had atood "pat," as 'l'hird Day, Eighth Month 24 - 8:30 Dayton visitors Friday. While going to Yellow Springs With the Waynesville National ter, Mlsa Mary, of Cincinnati. wel e they enjoyed Il general good time. he said he would. The captain was a. m. Meetinlt for Worship; 9-10 a Sunday, U. M. White had the misBlink. as a meJ'!lbe~ of the Board 01 Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. _ It was aaid by I8Vtlr-ai-pr-eaent that a man of few words. and always m George A. Walton, The DevelMias Mary Salisbury. left Monday fortune to l-reak the rear a'xle on this was the moat I)JlthuBiastic meet- knew what to do next. He called opment of the Religious Life; 10-11 evening - Directors and In hie! official capacity CroBI. for Bellevue. Ohio. where his automobile. After spending the of Vice President, ~Ia aervices are . Inlr that has been heldso far All out," Anderson, <:ome here!" I was a. m. Elbert Russell. Stories of the she will spend her vacat iol . afternoon on the road he got home fresh In (,ur memories; and we at- Mr. and Mrs. Klncald.otDayton, preseot enjoyed themselves fully. there. "Fix btlyonet! See that Old Testament; 11-12 a. m. Dr. U. about 10 o'clock. He was accomtach much imoortance to the keen were the guests of Mr. and M\'F. • _. Smith goes ioto battle!" 1 was be· Edward Jannev. Quakerism and PresMrs. Harriet E. Murphy and daug h panied by Mrs. White Mr. and ....Icily d the II" t 'nterest on his B Sa rth I Ro · . hind Smith, with bayonet pointed ent Day Problems. 7 p. m. Round ~ in '!dvoratG.~ erection of I':~~eek tie wa te, on ute ~ just above his belt .line. when the Table• . in charge of the ,Friendly ter, JUlia, of SapUlpa. Okla., are vis- MTs, Warren Barnett. iting her mother, Mary E. Martin. lhe commoclioul bulldinlr which w e ' JoUy ' House Party order forward , Co. l! and I was on Group; 8 p: m. Camp Fire. no~ occupy and enjoy. The Missell Bertha l<eller, ~oae- -the.lo inltantly. while Smith liesiIt' ourth Day. Eighth Month 25 ~ Mr, DO'lald A.llell of Cincinnati, DR wu a constant, co~rvatlve l'~ine, C. A. IU;ld Mqaie Brunat. of Saturdayafttllnoon. August 7th. tated lonll' enough to know if he 8:30 a. m. Meeting fOil Worship; 9and1S&pa~le I(MlIor. We devoutly Cincinnati, are the lrUesta of IIIr. Mbs Edna Janney, of Waynesville, stood it out, he would be looking at 10 a. m. O. Edward Janney, Quak- spent several davs last week with mourn hll 1<J!18 today, but admire and Mrs Gord\m Joy welcomed to ber cottage, "None. my bayonet. on the front of the pro- erism and Present Day Problems; his uncle,. Mr. W. H. Allen and fam. _ . BUeb," at M.iami \Talley Chautauqua, cession, but he ·didn't linger only 1011 a. m. Elbert Russell, Stories of ily. and cherlab hill "'auliflil life and ~ej()h:e in hili °triumph over death Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Coleman and the following: Mlaaes Edith Basore. long enough to see thllt reinforce- the Old Tettament; 11·12 a . m. Galveston, Texas: was visited by ~Ved, That a copy of th!s >'00. ·Franela. of Norwood, are thE: Beatriee Booth and Isabelle Booth. mllnts were'at hand, and we kept up George A. Walton, Th,.. Developmemolt bealven the press for pubh· lrUesta of MI'. and Mra. J. H. of Carlisle, Kath~n Eh),. of Ge.r. in line, and pretty 800n bullets were ment of the Religious L 7 p. m. anothe.r tidal wave. and thousands catl0!l. on~ c,opy seht to the ~re.ved Coleman and other relatives. mantown and Vivien VanDerveer. like a swarm of bees. 1 said to Smith, Familiar songs; 7:30 Jil. III. Round of dollars' worth (If property derelllhv~ and a copy spread' upon the ot CarliRJe. I'm not going to fool with you any Table, Practical Experience in First stroved. minutes of the bank. At the aame time Mr. Walter longer. and be sbot, with no chance Day Schools, ThomasB. Hull, Leader. - - -•• - • Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Sieker, Mles W' II ' f W'I . to I cd to Rhoot back. Begin to fire!" And (...·irst Day School workers are Inl,i'rieda Sieker and Mr. and Mrs. 0 I lam"! 0 I mlDg n we com he did. · I watchE~d him for a short vited to bring quel'ltions tor dis. ' . K. Brown, of Lebanon. were guests to his cottage on First Avenue the time. and saw thllt he was doi ng the cUBBlon.) Took Pre'm,-u"IIUI Wed e!Id f M d M following: Messrs. Cameron Booth _ .......'_ last n ay 0 r. an ra and Norman Booth. of Carliale, Ken- "real thing," in real ~ rnest.!lCornin ~ Fift!l Day. Eighth Month 26-8:80 • - ~ . ... ., Sam Meredith.neth Hough and Lyman Silver, of to take "cover" like all skirmisheri a. m. Meeting for Worsh!'p; 9-10 a. J. A. MCUlY showed hia horseat W '\1 d W Itt' H . t ari\ privileged and expected to do. m. O. Edward Janney, Quakerism MiSs Mabel Smith returned to her Wilmington fair last week and eame Mrs. Mattie Sears Cosillr, of Tre-· ay,!es~1 e, an a r unnlCllt. but stood out in the open, the per- and Present Day Problems; 10-11 a . off with a firat and a aecond. belns Mr. and Mr'II. Joe Sears and of ~llmmgto~. . Mr. and Mrs. Will soni fi cation of the real fighting spirit. m. Elbert RUBBell, Rtories of.the Old home In Greenfield today. after Mrs. Sears' sister, ot Miami COUJIt~j ~:j~hyo!r!~:nJngton. chaperoned (Continued next week.) J'rcstament; 11~12 a. m. George A. apleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. were callers at MI'I. Mary Upp B The merry time began at Saturday •- • Walton, The D"velopment of the J. H. Smith. - _ ••• - - - -. - - - -. - - Saturday afternoon. evening dinner when the girls pre. . Religious Life.~-'7 p. m. Round Table, pared the "eats" I.IJld the boys offi· Subject and .leader to b!! announced. Mia! Addie Madden, aeeompanied ciated in the kitchen-afterward . 8 p. m. MUSIC and Readmgs. hI J.1i. Jane Madden and brother, Sunday the party attended the Sixth Day, Eighth Month 27-9 a. Muter Carl. left for their hOllle Fri· Methodist Sunday School and ('burch --m. Round 'f able, Subject and leader day morning, after a pleasant visit at Franklin. Monday morning was Wm. B. Gard born February to be announced; 10 a. m. Closing here 'anhe home of Mr. and Mrs. sJ)t!nt in visiting the Eby home and 22nd, 1845 in Wal'ren County, Ohio. ~eeting; for ~orship. _ . W. H •. Madden. the Experiment Station near Ger- and died July ~~tb . in Monrovia, A Children B Hour WIll be con· Church Notice mantown. · After returning boating Cal., 1915. He followed· the occ~- ducted each da~ by a competent Measrs. S. D. Henkle, Kenneth and bathing in the Miami River was pation of farmin lt the most of hiS teacher. Excursions an:l amuseRidge, E. V. Barnhart: B. H. Kelly. enjoyed. In the evening the boys life, but retired from active business menta will be planned f<?r the .afterPhone 126-3 Orthodox {o'riends Churcb. Sunday F. C. Carey, O. M. Rob.i tzer, L. A. prepared a unique "Hobo Supper" life about twelve years agn, leaving noon~ by the. WaynesVille Friendly School at 9:30 a. m. No oUier ser. • Zimmerm!,", ~yer Hlman, A. Maffit in the Upper Grove. Tuesday morn- his farms in the c:are of tenants and Group. !-Wglstr.ar, Ruth Chandler, vices durinR' the day as ali will attend Waynesville. OhIO Sam\. Smith, H. A. Corn~lI, and Ding the crowd includhlg Mr. and went to California. In early man· WaynesVille, OhiO Yearly Meeting at Wilmington. beILl" Crane !'ttended MBIOnic locIg~ at MI'I J. E. Janney. of Waynesville, hood he became a member of the - -- •• ginning Au gust 18 - - - - - - - - - __ - ,New Burlington Thursday eve.rung: mototed to Hi/lit and Dales where a Free Will Baptist Church, of which O.K.'Seed Store .... _ delightful dinJler was served at he remained a member to the time h ..... ao ...u-poO" ..C1. II"'~ Horse Rangers Picnic ....... .. ... ... THI8 III THE COUPON ............. . Adirondack camp. The. rest of the of his death . Christian Church O. K. 8EEI) STORE. DIPI. .0, lodl .. .,.,1t. .... I day was s~nt at tbe Sqldiers' Home In the year 188'2 he was united in . " 'llhout I n, 01.11 184t1011 on "" liaR pte&le Ht'Id , . full p:u1ltulft n or tbe new whmt with fUll nporta and Lakeside park. The good times marriage with Jremmie ~isey, ~u~ If y~u wa~t to have the time of l ooro .rO\~C'r'f and othen.. ancJ .mdatu.. phOl O_ continued until Wednesday after- after six years of' ha~py wedded hfe your hfe ~o~ t forget to at.tend ~he Sunday, August 22. Bible School ,t rom ' Ill'lha. Jour nft't.r t o euhlUliO 0" OQulll bu1l. etc. -noon when the party separated with they came to the partmg of the ~ays & D. PICnl~ Saturday. Everythmg at 9:30 a. m. Communion and ser (\\'rI" pedectIY 1>1a1Q.1 . the expectation of meeting &inin in. and the loved companion was laid to Is ,roundlng In shape, and the out- mon at 10:30 a . m. Christian En · n,. t\ame •. , ..•. .• •. •.••..••.••.••J ••••• I.' 916. A Guest, B. B_ rest in be8utiful Miami cemetery. look is for a fine day of sport. Bon .. deavor. at 7 p m. and sermon at 7:30 u, - - -•• - Parted in life, \lnited in death. he Robt. Shawh~. of Lebanon, h'!8 p. m. Everybodv made welcome. ...~ ............. ............... ................ .-1 wiJ b.e laid by the side of her to been engaged to sp!!~k. and he IS '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~----J-.!'ret ~ t tillmany the resurrection game will be between For Ye&rs (untilmorn. his voice fine. WayneThe andball M!lB8ie Townships. . This I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ failed him) he was engaged in min- oU&'ht to attract If nothing else. Bethany Dunevant Chenoweth was isterial work in the vineyard and ThElre will be readings and ~ general boni April 19. 1880. Departed this made many- warm lifelong friend~, !!,ood .time. Come and enJoy a day life AUlrUllt 10, 1915. age 85 vears. who w.ilI mi&'! tha brother that IS In the woods .. a months and 20 days. October 1, gone, for !when slickness and death ---._-----1846, she was united in marriage to darkened the h~jme he was ever Joseph Chenoweth, and to tJ'ais union there with his sympathy and help. Cut Wrist with Sickle were born six children, four sons and lle leaves five hrothers and a sister two daughters, Absolem E ,John R.. to mourn the 1088 of a kind and Elenor Jane, William Z .. Joshua C. loving brother. His niece remained Ex-Mayor J . O. Cartwright met and Martha Jane, now Martha Jane with him after his wife's death and with a very painful accident Lacy. She leaves to mourn her de- looked after the ill terest of him and Saturday. He was working in the parture; three sona, one daughter, her father, .and smoothed the path- basement and a grl1$~ !!ickle fell from ten grandchildren. one .a dopted way of life for him by her kindness a nail, cutting his right wrist. It grandchild, five great grandchildren and devotion. " was a fortunate thing the sic1~le fell and a host of relatives aod friends ' Let us bury the faults of our flat on his wrist or the wound might In June'1857 sbe 88ked for a home brother in sand that they may be have been more serious. He Is with the Primitive Baptist's at Mid waShed away and inscribe his virtues. getting alung very nicely but will dIe· Run, was reclved and baptized which were many, on the tablets of not be able to work for some time. • _ ••_ _ _ by Elder Benjamin Lampton: · After our hearts, and we .so live that when a few YfBf'$ she asked for a letter of the time of our d.epa rtlJre is at h~d dismjual; th, request was grant~ we may hear t:he welcome "'Well St. Mary'-s Picnic 'a nd she still had the f.ull fellowshIp done enter into the joy of our Lord" of the brethren and sisters at Middle to meet Brother William and' all the Run. ' On this let~r she·was received loved ones In the sweet bye ar.d bye. St. Mary'a church and Sunday the church under . . • - • .- . School "'ill hold their annual picI'~~~ l~:!:f~~~r of Elder C.. Smith. nic, weather permitting. tomorrow E~ I: a member until ·the Teachers Will ~eet (Thursday) afternoon on the School that place became extinctr campus. Members and friends of tben abe asked fur her letter ano - - -' the congregation are invited to bring pve it to the writer saying, "keep ·The Warren County Teachers' In- well filled baskets and together enjoy thia · until I call .for it." While ~t Is stitute will be held ' at UOlversi'ty "God's-out-of-doors." ,ad .to part with dear motber It 1.8 Hall Lebanon, AUl(U8t SOth to Scp• _ .. 11472 Acres and Buildings . ...... , ... . $ 70 per acre comfortinlr to know she bad a eoOO tember 8rd. Thtlre· wjl1 be several 143 Acres and Buildings ... .. ....... . $ 90 pet acre hQP8 during the .last eight days of' .sl!e8kef!l of re!'l0wn in atteiJdan~ and Give 'L ecture I her life. She aald to several that she die SeB8lOns will be f.ull of.!,ducational . 100 Acres and Buildings . .' ....•... . . ' $100 per acre was ready to go. , To the writer she instruction. ProtrNm will be prinl-' 165. Acres and l3u~dillgs .. . . . ...... . $ 65 per acre "all il w~J1, ' I wish the time ed next week. ' . Elbert RuaseJl wiJI give the Ternhurry and come for Die to go" •- • .perance . addrellll at WilminJll;on 50 Acres 'and BUildings. ' .' ..... ... . . $ 80 per acre eo on the morning of . August lOth, ' Yearly Meetlnll of Fren~~, 81~th108 Acreil and Buildings . ... . ...... . $ 80 per acre at 10'elock and ' thirtJ-"ve minu~ I;)eatl\ day, 2 p. m .• 20th, 8UbJec~, Civihza'abe went, aeemlnal7 without pain. tion vs. Saloon... . . all!l without a atruale. On be~lf of Temperance Comnuttee These farms all have good buildings and none are over 2~ miles.to railroad. .. CARD OF TILUlKl The v.erable Cyru Sudtti died at • - • W. dMre toezpre. our heartfelt his home IOOrnbia ~ut 10 Will Attend PiCDic tbuaU to our frleada and Delshbors o'clock, after a 10118 1UDeIIi. The tum our ... bereavemeat ..., Mr, nval wUl take .pl_ace J'rklaJ at 2 • Mcaare ancIeon fill' thtdr accomo- o'clock, E. cbweb. Rev. ", ___ I mbel'll of Wi.YitelliVll The ChIldNn. Trout lD. . . . .t in MI· od""'Y- me __ '" . • _ • ami I Ire are pre....~.nlr A
claimrng W. B. Gard. July 29, 1915. 0 - - ' - ___ ...._ II at his hom~ in Monrovia. California. a well rounded and successful career Som~ cool ,,"eSther lhis. left us at Ihe three More and ten ' . pcri~, af~er a heroic struggl~ with I Mise Stella Bishop, of Xenia, vlsitphysJ(:al dlu88e of twu years hnger- ad Mies Sybil Hawke last week. .
WeWillTrade SeecI, WheatWilk
. Bar . H K 11 I:Mrs . ton. e y I Voca1Teacher
. -.
.- ---
4_ _ _ _ __
to • • •
t •• tf
to • ••
Atlas Portland Cement The Best Cem·e nt on the Market. Fresh Car Just Arrived.
Farms ·F or Sale!
WAyNESViLLE ......
'.~!WM'~WDi plflq a: afoaDdtheir the
KIJkar8 part tomorrow. PI.Obabll _~. fine time.
I. ... . Poclilltertabierl.
W. N. SEARS, Wayneaville, O. . Auctioneer and Real a.tate. .
: • 0 . ·H2. \\ lib o "'I.\UIIItl tlrldllil I llu, for boarn bridge 2 Dille. ncrtb I JlImea U. Burll Bl t, fir lll"O, to 01 ~prillgborO, em BaUgJUI\BII road; Fiord ,IMrrIOIl. bo'll of t\oll\h Leb. al~u bea m bridge 00 Red Lloo flO" \'lnnn . RII\·. A. J . I\:l'l!t\1'. Frflnklln r ond by lAW Robinson 'B farm $JlI .'17. . . . R~1I1 Eslale Traollfel'll No. U3 . With ' the Orellonia R(ou l.1 0u, v ialtec1 hie m tiler here a Jooolo E. R,lg 1'!! at "I to B. D, Bridge Co. for brld gn on I rwin 's fow d8'y~ Inst wen le. [ rCommon PIca Court Dltl1r, 4) u(lr 8 10 Sea. , 2ll, T. Ii. R.:I, r ond, just ""eat of Cu1umbla pike, Miss Ms.ry ~'Il ta, uf DilyIOD, v l~l tlug h omo folk:e. .. M. I{ . 1:)" $2, 00. Deerfie ld tow,o shlp, '1 10 .5 4 M iss WIlAttl B"tlinwtly. or Phi l. ' . New Suits. . B'runk D. tln,l LuurA M. K ibbey t o -No. u7. With A. D. Bond for Ju ia F. ~o t(tur H P rry nldru: : lo ullla E i{ogtlrl! 3 truol!! III T urtle. oorruguted sewer und lI"wer with Rd olpb~. l a ., Is viSlhl~ bor grand . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !" [ .. dl or .Illld II Ul ony, cr " . ( OWl) bill, $ 1. 0 uarete b a rl'l'mlk on nion rOHd 11l,; tber Mrs. Mary Blll~t' p . Luoy 1:-. ('rull . MtlAlllU 1:1. ,'Nil .1 A. 8 " nl.b ttl.llllI1 CS IJ . l ehllllllY hv 'ook t"rru lind 'On MIlI!oh08te ~ MIH8 P otir l W im tl, (I f lIll.y l.VI1 , Willi 1 lUI\! Lydl(l E oil V~. 0 .)rl!tl 1_. "S;j~ Ilore .. lll 'i'urtl oorook t uw usblll root! ; IIlso for fOiling OU 1l ruakhu ~hll K06St \It Mi ~d JeuUlU ROlJ lU on • ·'fhe Sixty· i'xlh l1uua l Fair of lhe \ arrell County Agri ullural odel wil Croll !lud 'tuerln.!l A. ·.. oll ; l'q ul. ~:1~0(1 . . "nd M~dd l l\town , rOlld, . by 'h~rjel! Ii fe w (ll~Ys IIIIIt woek . Miss Mlludl'l Borno, f [.eb6 non, he h Id ( 11 th lr grounds Oil . table rellor. M rs~ EII:J.l1b th Snrger t t o HlralU M ~b;5n s ' farm, Frankhn .to wnshlp, r tltllrned homo Sun rll\ lifte r Il Proceed i njts 'r €l rWWegN, slllulI t rll ot In BBmlltilu $8 . ., . . \ w lI ~ lI i ll :ii I No. 4w9, Wjth R. A . MoCutolleqn plot\llI.Int vis it. f\t t.l1O 11 ' 111 0 o f Mr . . TUESDAY, W EDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY , 11. D. bRWllrln ,mil B. 8. HRth • , ' . fot oleaning .Qnd painting ·lellr. all d Mrs A <:lllpln. : g oor v . '1'po . 1'. lJell ~h ; nl1cgl~' I!r(l~k ( " J\ lId€lfROn, flll ,rur .. t o lua Qreek bridll:e, on Cinoinnati Ike, in 1>lons of tho petitl n Ilro (lonf(':'scd MIIY b:aylur Pfl~t 8 of EfHHI\ 1 lots ill F ronkUn townshl 150. p MrA trip G ElDTne:rdu.y . Moy er morning Ifl rt o n un ex· ond pllliDW]' flJ'e In~ t.ru t.oo t o reo Hnn'CJ's burp;. $uOO. . p' . t!loded v t he 80m of 11 1111. 1 Illu. JlJIl V R uy lo,' t o R . W . Ktlylor No. Hi . With A. D. Bond for MIII~e Mn.r le 88100 Dnd Oort1. : • :. 1 I[ I . ' . ooo orete abut men ts on Union road Mlloytle B 110 ThOtDSI! V ~ p Oll rl l l1n"iVlde(, one· III nCer So 10 tlev. b J h M h' f I F k Sto we were g uests of Mr lind Mrs. . 'fhoma!l' dlv-ol" I~ Itr tlnt.,,;l , 'XI lu. ar ..l parts of iut-s ill Bar vtly burg, I ' y to n hiurP.1Y 578 arlU n ran . Ra3' 'ross Frit.lay evonlng. • '. ' I "'1 ID owns p,. . MillS Bo ze l LlltDll n vi Uad Miss 61;10 control t tll lfC ul1Clr~ n d H I\' Oll '" • r . ' to the pltlln ~lll'. .'o~() llhiue I:llLl ltlt 1,0 1... R . 8mitlJ. No. 44u . With Bert Reed for 3 ...'" 1'1 liS vo Bur man east lllll r of lot 4 1 in j.obl1noD $ 1 oor ru~ated sewere In Deerfield ~::~~!eV~1 MoC/lbll 0 0 0 duy las ..... ar .... ll . lOW P. I ' • townsblp 181 25 'rbOlllllll .; dlvoroo ls " runl.cd pllllu t llf . , R. M. VIlO Horll , ndmr., t o Ann~ . ~ _ ••_ __ Mr. Ilood Mrs. Mutllar Kelsay, : .W lllium H. N OWI/O rt VB. MILDly /). , Arthur, lot ~ 5 2 in F rnnk lin , 1100 MBry Mllther Ilnd gentlemen fd entl fr om R\oltwond, Jed " calling ou Mr. IIIlOD e t Ill ; 8al1'8 Ill'e I1 Pllro \' ~ u \ flyue Shu rts t o Stanley ~~ . ROBS Ilod Mrs Cly de Moullt Sunduy . And d l8tribu tioD ordered. flDd G le11D Ro 8, lot 6 In I:lo uth PlLr k If not; It's wloked to negleot iIll)088 Mess rs. Hnd Me~ dnlUe8 Alber t . Marriage Llcelll!eS :3ubdivlsion to Lebanon, II. and means of r elief. It's wioked Co Beston "od (J b ~r l eM Wri/illt mo· • W ill be hetter than ever. Enlries are co ming ill fa . t, and t h rc will he plenty Obsr les B, Sl1rfaoe, f armer . 10 Commissioners' Proceedlnlts encnre Ltver 1118, Hoadaohe, Indl. t ored to hldlann ' uodBY aod SpODt • of starters in each class. . MrR. M~I'I lIlny 'hllll1111a o both of B\I1s Allowed-Ohio Corrngllted ge~tlon, Constlpatioo, wh en ODe d nse tlledfty. Waynesville. M. A . Jaweson ••J. P. Cul vert Cu., pipe $20860; Western of Po. Do.lAx gives relief. Po. Do, Mr. and MrR. Bl1rry I:! urijt w re lAx 18 Podophyllin (MIlY Apple), .l!:le R. Dowll y . rorPlor t.o I\lrs. 'tllr ICgll1 adv . , ;)7. 25; W.O. Gil · gUllsts of Mr. li nd Mrs . GeorGe AnDa M. Tatom, both of Leblllloe. m our. maintenance o f prisoners without tbe ~rlpe . It arouses tbe I:3ohonok III F runltllo IRSI, Sunday . Liver, Inoreasos tbe fl ow of blleThursday Wednesday Friday Rev. .E. G. WeIll: . *122.61l; Elmer Bowell b ridge work, Natllre 'a aDtiseptio In I l)e Bowels. Mr. Ma ny P t:n ce hns returned to Reuben Ellis, laborer, of South Clearoreek township $2736 ; J . K. Tonr CousMpation o.nd othElr Ills bil! home ID Mi nnelliiolls, MinD. Lebanon, to Ada Susnn Bry8Dt, or t;peuocr, s oond e titnllte on oon. d llappear overnight beo~1l8e PI'-Do. Bis father, Mr. C . N . Peuce uo 2 40 ' , "200 2 : Hi Trot. . . . . . .. . 300 2 : 12 Pal' . . . .. . .. $:~()O t ra,ot 14..3] 5 30 i 8a-m D Henkle fees : l rot. . .... ,' $ 2: 15 Pace ... .. ' " :300 2: 20 Pace . . .. ... . 250 Lllox baa helped Nature to remove oompu nied him fo r a shor t Visit-. ~~~~~=~=~=~=::-.= Bnd expenses f or July $1(;1.35 ; Ohto tbe OIloUI&. Uet 0. bottle from your Ur . Wiliter Sleg frierl lind fnml1y ~ : 25 Trot. . . . . . .. 200 2: 20 Trot , . . . . . . . 200 2: 24 Tro l . . . . . . . . :.lUO Cprrugated C uI ver t Co. , pipe 1161.110 Druggl8t to.day. Uel · rid of yonr of Franklin, spent "o ll(lay wHh the &1tllmi Ga~ette pub. tax notice $2 ; dootor'lI Ilure nts here . l'ho Ftclbkltn Chroniole plJb. tax ConatlIJotlon overDt ~ht Tbe W . (J. T. U. me\ at th home B . . notl oe $2 ; Tho Morrow Mirror, pub. of lUss L.ydlll Wrlg llt Wednesd'~:r cgmntng at 10 o'clock t here will be a Horse Show. tllX notice $2 ; O. S. Higgins, postaBe tlt\ernOOI). H a ndsome premiums. The Dig IVIidwa:y will he open • for Dlstriot A8sesson $5 ; Warren GIV£N QUIOK REUEF :Mr. M . V. Crew tln d fr.011).y, re every day, and there will be hundreds of different attrac tiolls on th e grollllch;. : o unty rimes legat adv. 127.26 : JOB FOR THE PSYCHOLOGIST Pnin lenves almost J eanneUe t:ulde r, 'rlln 80rlblng reo. tUl'Ded tel Dayto n. Su nday, after /I ns if by mag ic when you hesin using "6- tlr d e, R ooo r d er ' s ailloe <1!31i '" ; J . M Probably Will Keep Him Gueulng for pleli@ant villit with Mr. I\ nd Mrs. W H . :Slegflrled'. Some Tlmo, If He Can D rops,'1the fnm ousoltl Mulford , postage fo r A udi.or 's oftioe rem dy {or Rb" um.. $10; Collateral InherltaoOB 'fax Work It Out. Carter tladl ey, of Buffalo, N. Y FRANK ELBON, President M A. JAMESON, Sec'y' (I,m. Lumbago. Goul, Fund. fees due Aodltor Bnd 'l·rea8. Is v ieltlnlg his paronts. Sc..i.ttir a, Neu ra lgi a uaer $3.8 ; John A. Blair hardwllore At last an mi.n cnt psychologist .1. E. R.oblnson was 110 Dayton vlsl. S. P. SMITH, Vice-Pres. D. OUlTERY, Treas. : and kindred t~oublt;s. supplies for janitor 1726 . : hILS made . an important discovery t or last Monday . It g0C8 rigbt to Ihe spot. stops the a ch"" Contnota Let-No. 440. WI~h the whieh does n ot upset all our previous Miss Adll Mollln, of Mlam:8bur~. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '" •• ?f.d pains and mnkl!S Or egonia. Bridge Co.; for steel beam v isited L,a ure U& Welsh last week Itfe worth living. Gel bridge and new t lp and nllol1efa ou notions. President G. Stanley Hall Mr. Ed . BaDtn lind dRughttlr, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .! n hettie of "6-Drop.;" Lebanon aDd Franklin pIke, by 8 of Olark university is the discoverer. Mlllloen t . r otol'ned homo lIf1er 0. (o(by. A boolilot willi Til t on 'a farm; al80 3 railing jobs .ADd his discovery is, OS8umiog him viSit wit.h .bls motber, Mrs . John each botlle gi""" full -1 6 54 to have been oorreoUy reported, that Bllata. dircc( ;ooS fot" use. · . where they attenned tbe Lytle l\IId Coined "Angela." Doo't delay. DcmtlJld No. 441. With Oregonia Bridge the typical American girl of eighteen U1arltsvllle boll ga me. An "angel" was 8011 anclont gQid colo :~I~~I "ii'Drops:( DOIl't ue:· 00. for roittforolnK lteel work and ,ears i.e so interesting that h o would Mr. B (lro08 Wharton and family , weIghing fou r pmmywelghta alld vllI· ccpt anything else in repair work OD Kerlel'" aroh, Tar. uf Ulltyton, were vlaUlng wl~h Mr. ued at 68 111 the reIgn of Honry VI , Veterinary pineo QtiL An,. drill' tleoreek tOWD8blp; arob rails for be almost willing to go on his knees In t,bis obest you bllv.e an exoel· Clyde Wharton and family Sundo.y. lind ILt !Os In 1.he reign ot Elllzubetb I • ell" IUPP'y ,Ou. If you live joo (~r Blaokhurn aDd TtUon aroh Dear Red to her, not 118 II, man, pomllpB, but 118 Oral SurfilOB and William Car. In 1663. It wok lts name frum tha Qradulte or Obj/) SIal. Unlvenl' , le nt remedy for 'l'oothflobe, Bruille" 'l'\ ,1 c1~\I!t 1oro; sond Ooe DoII,r to Lloo Ilond sewel' rail. atBlionta farm' 'IIn_ n I b umntle Cu re 0., NCIVM k, I .... f ' a psychologist. Spralul, IStlff Neolr, Bookaohe, ~en. mony are lpendlng a few day. olligy of lion aogtl l emboBsed ou one "', un .~,l .· Ie of "b·Dto .. w" l bo • a 80 one t'1'8.""oor .)r .ewer and Now it happens the.t plenty of r n!8 Ia , R heuma t lam Ilnd for mOllt fishing at Lewl,,~on 1<8IIervolr. ,Ide. t .,t pr':(l.Ii . ' .. . testlng rod. '170,93. . One 250 bottle of Office at rCilidence in }' , 11 Sher people.81'8, lIB a matter of fact, doing tlmergelloies. 810l,'n's LIniment d oes it oll-thll Mr. and Mrs . Harrv Oebharl. of wood's house, Fourth Street. every day a8 men what President beollou8e t hese aliments are 8yinp Miamisburg, were viettlng witb Mr. Fhdng tile Blame, Hall suggests doing 118 a psycholo- to me. not diseases, find are caused aDd Mril. Mablon Gebhart S.. tnrday Teiephon.e 28 "nJlnlts BOY8 that when he wall gist. But nt just this polot the by oongos\lon ond Inflam mllotlon. · If aod Sunday . young ho WlIS the Ilrchltect of hi. youdou 'bt, ask thos!! who 118e tl)oan'II . Mr . and Mra. Irvin Burdmflo, Mr. Waynesville. puzzles begin-and Illso the task of Ohio Li niment·, or betler still. buy a 250 and Mrs. Bllrry G ebhart And Mrs own [ortllne." " Didn't they have any the psychologist. boUle Blad pro ~e It. A ll nraggl~ tl! Mablon G fl bbart motored to OIuoln building Inspectors 10 thODe dllya 1" It is presumed that the job of the --_ . - • natl BDnday. paychol~i 8t ia to fi gure out how our The Lytle ball team met aDd de. feated <Jlarkllvillc team at (Jlflrk@· Optlml.tlc Thought. brains work. If he can figure out ville bv 8core of II to 6 The geDorollB mnn grows rich 1& ' how the brains of the typical Ameri· --~.--givlDg. ,. can girl of eighteen operate !lod re· TH. CII.AT.IT •
W ..,,'
IJ ':,' l1l1t \" .
H v W. If.
t .... rll,
Ii· ii =
= i i
September 14th September 15th
September 10th i • September 17th
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
vo!:ve, he will have conferred 0 Vllst and benefit on bewildered Mr. ISert SM OY, ' Rn~sel Burnet, +~~oo1lliiiiiY-~~~mfi~~ii-=1Ki~l~!I!~hhJ~':(~l~htl~n~~R~,nWilliam .J ackson , Or. , on Jtln 000. ~oot., .. nd Lea t, not 118 psychologi sts, ta r' KeDrlollot teDl1ed the ClnotnnRti , but ns IDen. The distinction !lilly P1ttsbnrg :Nat1ont.1 Le!1gue gamo at not look important, but it contains Clnolnnatl !:lunday . Mr . and Mrs. Frank Brantlenb\lr" Illi the difference betweon being or .. , and family, of MadiNonvlll e, were not being "in the know." the gOBlt8 .or Mrs. Emmll Fon)ks Mr. Harrington Emerson, the fa- Bnd fan~i\y Sunday: moua efficiency engineer, classes Mr8. HopklDs , aDd dllughter of among the greatest organizations of IndlaDBlllolls, Ilre vl. lting with Dr human history the organization 01 and Mrs. L. O. Brook. Mr. anel Mrl. Audrews Cox, of South Lebnoon, were tbe guestl! of Mr. ADil Mrs. WtU Br&wn olld Mr and M'rs J oshua Chenowe t h d nn. day. Aooumlllulated wa8te 10 yonr Mr. Otnd Mrs. Wb!ter Kenrick and 'blrty feet of bowels oaUle8 abllorp. Mr. and Mrs. Sumuel Balnee, of tioD of polson., 'endll \0 prodnoe fev. Lytle, we re visttlDI{ with Mrs . Wt1 ~ ere, up~et·8 digestion. Yon belou lIam Dnke, or Dayton, !:lunday, gas, feel Itnffy, Irritable. almost Mr.llUd Mra Will Cox, Bnd Mr oranky. U Isn't you-It's your oon d itlon, Eliminate thl8 poLSOn0118 aod Mr'S . Crllw fo rd Thnmpson flod .aate by "'king one or two Dr. son mt)tored to Clflrk av llJe Sunday Klng'lI New' Wre Pille tonil!ht. En. Joy a full free bowel movement 10 the mornln,j(-yon feel so grateful. C' Get aa orlJf\Ii~1 bottle, oootaining 311 pili., from your Druggist to-day for 250,
------_.-- ..-----HIS PART.
"So you're in tho ncw play that's to he presented tonight-Ieolling man?" . "No, misleading mlUl. I throw the detective off the scent,"
'By George Randolph Chester and Lillian Chester
RENZIED finance and the effort. of some modem churches to seiv~ God 'and .Mammon. form the theme of this unus~ ally interesting slory by the author of "Get-RichQuick Wallingford.'·' and his wife. Gail Sargent. channing. young and handsome. cornea out of the West and into the .lives of rich and inOuential New YorkeD. A NapoleOn of finance and the young rector of the richest chwch in Gotham are among the suiton for her hand. How she changes their W. hopes, ambitions. and their lives makes
. a spl~ story.
.By all
means read
..f The
Ball of Fire'
''He is a man of great promise, i8n't haP" "Sure he is. Just now he is. being sued for breach of it." THE RI,GHT KIND•.
"You have to hove nerve these days to run a car.n "Yes; what you might call motol
nena!' A CALUMNY,
"They tell me your I!O~ mentality at school, lIra. Comeup." "That's 8. lie. My adn didn't need Dothin' that money c~uld buy,"
JEW.1081 GlIPPQll
...- - -
"A bont t hree months LgO when I WRS sntfering from lndl"estloo
whloh o!lDsed headaohe and diuy I wlllleH at Pnbllo A notion at t he ."..IA, DIIUCc.rn. 1.IOtAU',.., IIpells aud made me feel 'tired and , }"te ' r8l!idenoe of Pilulina Bunor. OOITUMIRI, Til "'''III OA~ AND "UI alllVICI CAN PIIOF''':'' d8l!poDdent. I began ' taking (Jbllm t h d q W III berlaln's T~blets." writes Mr8. Geo: Owholrot on e oease, in Iloyn. sv e. av UII"O ,,.. ADVIIIT1IINO oo..u ..... Bon, Ma06l100, N . Y . "This medl. ' SAMPLE COPY FREF Saturd a, y Augu st 28, 1915 ol ne proved to be tbe very 'hlng . . . . . . . . . YORK CUP.IR I oeeded , liS one day '8 treatment Ill. Beiln'Dln~ 8t 1 o'olook Lbe folloRIieved me grelltly. I used two bo,," Ing property : Rousehold and KIt.Ob. tIes of Uh"mberlo.ID'1l Tablets o.Dd en FornlCure oonslstlng of 'rable8. they rid me of trouble." Obtain. Chlllil" tovel, CooJtlnl{UteD~lll\and All Kinds of e verYWhere'. Uarden Toola eto, - -'- __ - - -See blp: bl11& for 'erms. A. B., Chandltr, Admlntstra :or. W. N. !:lean, Auot. Expert In Sliver Lining •• H al1-"Blythe Ie I\. pretty optlmlstia abllracter, I hear." WIlIl-"r ehould 8ay DR. 'J . W. M.ILLER. . . SuCCftSOr tn1 aa. It he fal1~ In business, ho'd thank beave n he hAd his health ; It he failed F. E. SHERWOOD In health, he'd tbank hellven be hnd ... DENTIST... his buslnes8. I\.nd It he failed In both. Over Postolfil.~: WayneSVille, O. he'd 81\.y there WILS DO use havIng ODI Olllco In without the otber." W.YDen lIIe, 0 Office Phour 77 H Ollllt Pboof' 6. HalloaeJ Baak B1d"
. .._v_.......
InSURlIlleE A. }3. Chandler
laCS-5J[:] ,
Com¢ to X¢ni~, Jltt¢nd
I Adair's August Furniture Sale I ~
. Come expecting to see the grandest Furniture and Carpet values ever offered by arly'litore in this vicinity- and you will not he disappointed. No !patter what you need- a single piece of Furniture or the complete furni shings for the home-you are assured extraordinary savings on every purchase. ' .'
Youll be surprised ~t t~e" Largeness of OU~ Stock ~.
. . Persons visiting this store who have never been here before universally remark "I didn't know there was such a large store outside tbe cities." Adair's Furniture Store carries a~ complete a stock
a you wm find in the near~y cities .a nd the beauty of it'is that 0l!r prices are so much lower.
~ ShOUldl~~;~; ;~=~~:f t:;;nd~;;pe:;~:~ a~~:~
And why
iii ,
"Bpea!dDI' .of electrlr,lD, ' mod,,"-
daocel, ban you Been the ln4ucUoD eoU."-Coroell · Widow.
, 20-22-24 North Detroit , 'Street ' - -
AllJjrl 'EI'
EI Furniture. Carpete, 8tQyee. .Vlctrolae
-;c •
lHI~ ____
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l'ubll. hrJ W.... kJy '" 'ho ljlU lhl Vllh'6 i.II ' lIiii Alloll UIIU,ihlll. M. tu ilL.. WuynllA,iIIo. uh~) .
(1 " 0
Ral. tlI IIf Subscription. YOllr ("I"
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Al.LEY '1' E I . GI'UOI'iI~- I ' A JI. 1\IJ, 11 1
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'!'I' l) Cnll ntt IHul MoKay ploulo , Mr. Frank Bf\wl'e ill oonClwn to The MIIlnll (~u~r "rly 1110011111 of whl h h I'"~ b"P ll It k ed rorw'H,1 to hUI h Ol Ill \Jy iJln bI .\\ IlI h ~ 111l'" o f PI'IBn h. w/\ ~ hllll! .. I, I,!tll; 1111 111 ~'ri .
fOl' f hlrty -Ihr e yea rll, we.s " et 6c mu h Rppr I .. ted l u~t SniurdllY.
J"tlueMrswrlt.! llg. . lint Grubb,
: c1I1V, S.,tu,·dIlY tlnel l)UlHlny I 'Pller Ot\ tuo, Ie Willi n large at! ndanoo aud 11 ver y l 'l ttiud ,,\I J H. hOl h J ll~'I' III ltv JllJUIf '. V. _ W It,ll und fa mily wit,b tbe gu ~t of rallltlvoH h ere tuls good UleetlDll' . T I~' h, lic rlhH1N ••• • •.•.••..•• . l ttt.: D. L. Crane. &litor and Menagor , D ISI" u~ "'J \ ""!I "<IIIY I.crl" b .......... lUe til Ir Invito.l g Olls ts uttende d th., . wtlc k. MiS!! FrnDol)s W llllon h Ull Il~ hu r H Utt.' , 'JU Ulw Ilh oll tJ U CODtrI1l.,· ', Uullett lind McK uy 11ionlo, makio,, 1 MO~ A r~ . <Jl)u.rloH f~o (1 WlirreLl La c y I gu t MIs BBrolo Uu lUl'~, Of WII. t b o Iri p iu tbul !:1ndson un to wlt4 ot Dnylon, WI'f~ hore to alteed th'e Illi ngten . . AU GUST J , 1911). Irv lng , .t rhtl sluering ..... h o 1, hw or.l of tb Il' g"HndUlo lb or M,' , if. and r.Jrij, 8,lWll" l ~o,-,l}(! r, 01 '1'110 fur-mor. tllllt ItllV t! wllOut lIuli , BlIthlLUY 'lumowut.l.l IQ ~ t !J'rilluy . 'urllili!;tull, U hio, WIlCO tbo !;110 ttl ,Ollts stoodin(( ou t I\fe In foal u l I Mr. nDd Mrs . Nule l:illwee, o f of Horuoll Oow ptou'H t,he lnHt purt l (>~lllg I,h ir oro p ~. _. HI ling Vil llflY, a I nt 'I\tllrdny nlgb t of the \v llek rmd ItHonded l~l1nrtl1rly lIl r. A lfrecl El1wll. rtl~. of Collegfl Iln el ~ll n duy \ 1I11lJiis (Iare nt~ 'lIt this Mee IDg . Brol,her MO!lh LJr IIlld Pork, <'~ o, \Vns Ib o gnl'~t o f H,I\'. piaN' l oharge ,of t h? {lor VI os u nday , l 'luo! '\[ 11'. A . Jo( t-ilIY I!Ant f llr U o'rlo k · Mr, Will (~/lmrdl i~ Iln tortlllllin/i whlo h 88 lllgc ly lIJ1pr('o\llton by llill no r 'J'burAduy !!I;'OnIO " I bll< o.iptrr lin d" n iool' of ('in("\nnll I1 1111. .J nmes UIi ~e spent la t w(lek t h e nt tha tilllE' of thl8 w;ltl ng. ' , Mis es Muryuelll' Ullrn er nod lOlL ' gUBst of Uarlton And <:l r son. of Xeui u. I M~ Rnd MTs Li;p olll SiC! I:l nnd f om ll tofn redturne~ llow e FI r l? ny I . . r om 11 ew lIys YI~ lt wtth ro ull 90s t3e 9 llrlll fr om \Jore I)ttcn ded t he naught r ~ w e rll cR,ll lng ou Mr. lind in DIiVlo I I . M11"Oulo 10111(0 at Now nnrlil' ~L(.,n Mrs, J.' . B,1WREI ImdRY , W .,' I ] · •. M' M M 0 f D . . c., Bogan and flltully uRllni Bill oJim u l n!; o UlIttdlll sb uul u !l o t: lus t woek • 188 . nry 0 my, 0 uyton, IS th ir g uosts Sat nr lay t o luL nd bo permitted to he oonduoted on. Mr. lind Mrs. ' CbIIS. Mlldde n ut- t·h o guu t of h or unele ~ml uun t Mr. QUllrte rly Moe t,in g Mrs. Lizzie The smart, spe<.: iy Saxon costs little at publIc rUlldl!, ~ Do out dra" II Ilry r lid . tended the danoe at Wllynesville 11Il(\M rl!. (Je D, PrtLl;I, Uus "'" uk . l::!~oddom a nd grn~d . dnulI:bter of the start and next to n othmg to Tun. It Frltl uy ni~ lJt. Mr. Bert B a lm es, of n Ilr Leelan, Oregonia . Wbeu IL h " le or 0 rut Oppellr8. go Got d It with 1& rOlld eorllper Ilncl I::le veral fr om here attended the ~lnledcl on MI . I\nd Mlr@.WRlterDnklnMr . lIDrIMrs" J. S. LoIIDllngluII1 has sw Dt away the last banier to the tix It, out ,he 80d oif o' the sld €s of your ; Wi lmington fair la s t week, Su tt y . - ' . . ,ll! tbeir g uests tholr broth or li nd pleasure erveryday m otoring. Mr. Ilnd Mn. Lev. Cartwri ght lind Mr, Rober t Lllsb ,ley IS s ll ghl,Jy m · wife Mr . unu Mn, E. B. Powors . of I Tile HI/Clo d ortil!t 11111:1 no 1 0~1l1 rlKht, roull~ und let lhe water IIway. . tw o grandchildren, of Wuyne~vill e , tll8p05ellat the tI'De Ilf this writin g. UlIl'lX, Kun ene. upon·tl", I'u ullo roo(l, Think of 7Vlt It (l SaxolJ meml.r to YOIf-speedy transBetter let the I\utomllbl' )ee blow wore gn eS t u 0 f t"ue Cen t ru I h a t e J Miss 'olieta Aus l;ln ond M.r. Ullf_ Mrs, ES I,her G. F romo, of Wa s hportati0J1 -wh en and where you will-health tha dost ovtlr the funoe th~o to drag FridllY evenlDg ror d P rng 1I, W h0 wil r e marrle tl IUS t 109-t on, U. U. Is vlsltln t,{ fri oDds In Bapbbzlml work III cx peDMlve Ilnd It op Iota the mlddlo of sb u rnnd ., . . recmution and business utility- all the joys un!!lltlsfllotory. v ~ L lldieB Atd me Ilt Le88le Tnoker s Wedneeuuy oro lDuki og an xteuued thl R oommunlty . ' I of owuing and dri ing an uutom o tIe-at the Mrs , R ebeoo',' VIII, of " t , B oll" , I ThnrRdbY, t rt l) tbrou g h t ile. E IISI o.nd will be II.t if your onl verta hll vo :lot been h o e t o tI I f d ft S t ~ w , cost of a fe u' centS 3 d ~y. It m al.t'S no dIH.'rl:nce whether Road maintonunce mu!!t bo OOn· pruperly bollt then telu thtlnl om Tb ... w nny fri onds of Mr8 , Allna ' m Ie r rl aD Il a t;r ap ,0111- IIII >! beeD the g uest of Benry 'rtlw I ) on are w"."uhy or in moderate clrcumst:mceR, T he Saxon tinuoUlIllo ,lIt"matlo put In new onlls I.nllllave the rOlld~.' Eloook will r tlg r ll t h eR ring of her hor lilt IL t Bll1 VI w ~MII1 Ulltlr uull fllllli ly t,h e l'lt.tor pllrt of tbo I sllrlons illness , Bhe hlill boen ulltng De. yton. woek. . is (lit cor ( N l11 e lJV.n who muS! pra li ce :onomy. It is Miss A~loo Uh en owetb II! tltt~Ddln g {;h anoooy BunDe ll Rnll fllLUll y and (h~ ("~;(6 of many millionaIres. I t It the c:u for you ' Offlol,,18, alld el!lJeellllJy Inspeators Keep your rooel free from ' water for sume time and he r ooodition III t he BnJltlflt ASS?clutlo n ,,1. 6reeD_ Mls8 MODiDli~ Buollell were DlIyton should no~ permit the taxllllv~ra to' aDd dry If you expeot It to remain no better . 04":1 da, that 10U am 'ftl'" If.., IIm . -w o·" I"nw YO" 01/ II" ,,'1(1 Mr. a nel Mrs.' Peroy Reason and Ville. lull taDa thIS week , v lsttors Fri1lI\Y. be Imposod D111JD. bard, smooth !\Ild frell from JIInd /IOt. 1s cllh~ S(J.J:on b;J lJctuQ[ r!cmollJlrall.... /l'Iw,""IJII " 6,' sen lind Mrs. Elsie boekett 11Dd Tb e .Ao gel of Death hRI!' e ntered Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Klncold, of Dllyl oD , ftnd IIlush. daoghter, of oe).Lf Waynesville, our mIdst I\od ,t ak:en fr om among 111l~ \luen t b e gu ellt of BeDry R tIII tbo clIse of dullt. mud nnd J . B. Chllpman, WaYliesvillc, O. onlie,l on tbelr parents. Mr, lind us one of the ,1lu6st, lind mas' ~Ighl y terthwllite tile PlLst week, weeliH, tbe neutrality Illw ml\y be Keep tbe holes aDd rut.a filled and Mrs. Ed Res son , Sonday ufternooo . esteemed wOOlen of onT VloiDlt,y . ~ violated wi~h ploprlety. Mr@ BotlulD Y -Jhllnowe tb l\\ I,b e Mr. und Mrs. W. E. BO~'ln nod nf orowned with a sial/I! 'award tbl! slde dlt~he8 aDd tho water will no r. YOQr ... :1 m onths aod d~U:I~~erf ~~luhG ~pent ;:odnesduJ .lUmI1lIUllI~llmmm\lJlm!~Mllmrnllllllilllmmnll~I'!I1lillIOO~ A road roller tlUa a lloarlflor are ooJleol alollg the road I&od lIoak Into '1Il~' ~d!:~:;o~: o~~~ b~~~!:~,:e:~ 'Ige of owner,lIhowed severlll at Ibe Wil. dl~VB . Au n t '.rht1DflY (ns lib", WIl S W t , 8 . . ar eorgt! Og,.o flU eaob Ind88peDII&blu In the repair It, wington fair Ilist woek u.nd Oli m e ·[o!enerall y oa lled) waH lovod ltori re' l (!l wl ly, of Wellmao . r and mlliotenanoe of publlo roadH, Ollt lIucoCBsfnl. apE Led by ooe llD,l nlllllJd h er (\oa l h Li Ule Mll ry Edith S tunley was I Bow about yoor dltohell? Aro hu ~ t ou cb lld tbe he nr ts of r ellltl "es the g u e tot lIer g ruodpare ntll Mr. , The Man for the Job . Repair aoeS , malnCalD, for "1.\ they free Irom weeds, or lire yo u Mrs. Uho s. Bnrstlor and th ree in- lind friend s anrllort 0 vnolln oy tilnt ' un d Mrs. W. E UOtDpton, of N ow A bank shQuld t.u ell'one,l out by sUtoh 10 time lines nine " Ie blgl\1y gOIng to permit them \0 ohokA UI) terestlng ohlldren, or Norwood, are CI~nnot . be fill ed . H or dispositIOn I Burlingto n, lust wee k, the , anltor, Dot by till' en . ldoL- Judge. app ~ lOBble both Toads Ilod IIIr8O's. and dam the water baok !llong tht. the gnosts of }lra . Buutlers pllrents, Mr. Ilnd Mrs Levi Jes!lop, of Ml\plB WII, obeerfn l und lovlog nod ebe Mr~ . ClJllUIlOOy Bunnell eoter - road. street. wne e ver rOlldy t o I! r etlt ber friend" t l1inad h e r par ents ItOlI s ister Mr I - - - - - - Water Rlid olay, or urdl :lI~ry earth, Au t o Li very Se;vlce at Mr William WAtkln 8, of Morrow , with (J 11~st. retob edha nC1 l1od frl e ndlv I Rlld Mrs. George BllgU~ anll Edi t b' l Notice of Anpointmen t when mixed invarillbly form mud. .Tustho'YV.manyof our rouds are wo rd s. '1'00 muoll Cllnnot bo said of of Wallman Sunday. I teaso na ble Rates r{eop all of tblllle off of the Burfaoe 81101Y with 011. A ,.utnolent quan . called on friends here r eoently lind t h a klod tleeds s he hil S dune OD --tlty Is a good thing to llrllvent dust" '~f\ of tbe rood . Ilooomp,'nied by bls ~I' o l l n 1 " ' h f d II I EO ' a l o of Iioill J', lI .rD"r, lIocollro l. .~ • • Ilart I 'Ul ~ may VI Il. Br rleo 8, v e NotIce I. Ih'reb)' ~h'I'1i tl l1'~ g, \ . " "rn!torl bnt potting on too mooh III a wbete of whlo11 be Is very proud. Mr a belte r It le by havlnq Icn ow lI h OI' r YOUR COUGH "AN BE STOPPED It ... boo" duly "I,!">uIlHI'd IUHI II ".lllIc<1II ,\11, Also Agent for KclJy·Springfield U IIllclslratoror th Eo .." of UII"I" I' . JI "r".t WatklD!! Is Il very line vloliniS$, 111\~ A trnu hellrt hll ' cen ~ ed a plillent. "Build the 001 verts 110 'hat the 01 mODey, A utomobile Tires ' " t d f I .. • Ih te o r \ \'urn: n ( 'l 1Ul1 y f )hhl d ct;c~ "tl. waser Will, of~eo!l88lty, flow througb ma d e I .1\ au y or sovera year and kind Ulothll t und g r aDdm otb ol' Using C/lre to ,lvoid drlmghts ex. Ub'W , hi. 2ml 1I11\' "r .\u"uol, 1 91~. them llJld not liud a way Ilround or JU~~J'.?I~'I~:' ~~I';!~~~ !ourL. County roaq otUoltl ls mUllt, get to. aDd bas gone ae far ID this oouotry aD d lov ing fr iend hilS ,found u new IIOM Ureo sodde n ohaoges, Ilnd taking beneath them, W,.rre,l roun,)' . Ohio 1181ber and determine upon 11 DUO. a's be oon go In t he way of instruc hO~'6, 'rhe ohildren aud grll nd - II. treatment of Dr. King's New Dis. AugusL 4-3L tl08ble plan tor repair and rul&in- tiona and In t ho near fat-are be I'X· ohlldren wll1 o]is8 her, the frie nds covery will pOllltively relieve. and A oarel8ll11 and uDlIllUied operator tt!lIanoo-:'free from graU of pension peots to go to Germany to Inorease that loved ber Will miss b er but 10 t,tm~ will surely rid you, of y.our Valley Phone OG-B{ of .,. rOlld grader u~ually leaves the -and one 'hat wHi give a. dolJar'b bis abillty. Hod knOWH bes~ and we oon8111:n all ough , 'l'he firet dose sOlltbes tbe Notice of Appointment road In" WO"800 ldltloo ,bllD wheD wor&h of eervl'oo l or 6110b dollar 8X. Mr. BaDry Vandervoort ie im. to his keeplog, irritation, olleolu! y our oough. wh~oh be ~mDlenoed work, proving bis hou8e and baTll down stops In Il short time. Dr. Klng ' ~ pended, E.tul o of l'auliuQ llu~I""wQrth, doo'OI I , aD tho farm With paint. We lo ved hl)r Oh we loved her, New @Isoovory has booo u~ed BUl). NoUeu 10 \lol'(>by ,h oll , b.\·,\ , U. handler !from tbe present appearanoe and But Jesus loved h er mOTl:!, oe8l1fu11y for 45 years and Is gu&rllO- h ... .1>0011 dul), "I,j,ollllilfl .. nil 'lu nllllt,1 n" t\tJthe e.mount of requisitlonll being A~d be bll8 OlIlled ber Irom UIj teed $0 onro yon. Money bilok If It mlulBLrutor o f llo E.lulC> of 1 Qulnu Utltlllrfall s. Gel· " boUlo from yoor Drug. worl,b.l.lO or \,,"rrnu (',IU tlLy.Olllo. U IlS<JIt, .Funeral 'Director BEWARE OF 'OINTMENTS FOR CATARRH made there' III' to be 8eveTlii ohllngll8 . ro yonder goldElD sb ore. Uu.,oo thlA 271N!·~~;~r ~1~IU I\O lf";N. Embalmer, awoog tbo renters nf farms : . Tbey -gl ' ; It ooets only u little and Will JU"I!U tit Lbu l 'rVUtlWl U\lrL THAT CONTAIN MERCURY Jul y 3B-aL ",,,rron CO\lIIl)' , Ohl(> " d~':n~~J~ntng oarly as farms are in RECOMMENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, help yon so muoh , liS mercury will ~ urel y destroy the :;en S!' Waynesville. Ohio. of smell and completely der.tnge tht 6,,111 Uordou lifter a two weeks CHOLERA AND OIARRHOEA REMEDY whole S)lSle", when cnterlng it IbrOllgh sojlJorn retaroed bome Saturday Call answered promptly day or night lbe mucous surfucu. Such articlclls hould night very muoh Improved physl. "I Dever h esltat \0 r oommend Both phone in Office Bnd Residence. uevcr be used ClI.cept 0 11 prescription s Chamberillin 'il Uolio, holoro and Long distance,No. 14; Home phone Irom reputable physicians. as tllC dUDlI1IC oully and milD tully. {)illrrhoou Remedy," writes 801]1 Ihey witl do is len fold to the good you Mr. aDd Mrl!. I£lstoo Bayes aDd 14-2r. ~ Williams , m ercha nt, J osse, 'l'eon~ enn IlOssibl y deri ve front them, Ha H' s eon, and Mrs , Jaoob Bale. of WiI.Chain! and one Coach furnished free FOR SALE ., I sell more of it thaD of IWy otbe : Mrs. ClareDoe FO,n lk ertb died at Cala rrh Cllre, lIlanllfllctured by F . } , mlngtoo, motored through onr ctty . with funeral s. tlons of Ii k EI oharuotflr . tl t r epllrn tho home of her m othor In XODln, Chclley 8; '". , Tuled" . 0 " colllni"s no Snnday. Best of service guaranteed. • h ave n ed It m vsEllf it.nd fou0O, a Tuesday morning, Angnst 10, 1915 mercury, :11111 is ta kcn inlcfua ll)', ac tillg EAC B Eo:;- FIrH', norl f!ood for, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hartsook after ga ve lIle Olore r oheif than al,l yt,blpg She leaves a hnsband, son I\nd two cl;rcelly 1.11'0 11 I he blood li nd IllUCOU S suroannl og PUI·llIltiQI! . W\lI lin ve =::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ fllces of th sys'em. 111 buyin g Hall' s two weeks 9Gay here with relatlvll8 e lse 1 have var t riE!d f ~ r tbe Sll me dAughters. bOllldoB a host of friends. about 60 bo, In'l11i r o of H , SutterthCrll a rrh Cure 'be surc you get the ge nu· r eturoett to th ~lr home In Dllyton purpQlle." Ubtuioa ble everYwbere. Interment tn 'Xeuil\ oemetery. waite, R D.:1, WIIYOARvllJo, UillO, inc. II is la ken inlcrnully "ild lI!l\de in 8unlluy eyeuing. DI~.H.E. HATHAWAY l'he Willing Workers mat Ilt the phon e 31; 3. Toledo, OhilJ, by F. J. Cheney & Co. 81 LII ~ t S unday there W8S a thron g home of ASll Elliott to vlao for the Tcslimorliltls f~e. _ ~--~--+-~~~~~Y7~~~~~-pluy they will give ID the netlr Sold b Druggisls. Pril-e 7.'ic per boltle. of poo!}le goiog tbrough our town iD B AIGTO . - ..' nnd lllWd, rub herTa ke Hall' s Family l' ill5fOrt;~lIIslipation! aotoea, mo~oroyo l e8, ollrrillllos Ilnd future. tires, in g l)orl oODdl ~io n. For huggles nod some walking A.t the E. H , ,Brown and fllmily, and plllhnnlo.rs IDqu il'O of f". ll. Bi8phlllll ::::::::=::::=::::=:::::::::::::::::::= first glanoe you would say lam 00 81 Carl Sherwood and flimlly took a Woynesvlllo, t)W.>. l1:uolid Ilvenueln Clevelaod , but thut A , C, Blair iS ll.ttl3ndlu g the Inter- pleasure rid e Sunday nfternoon, WIIS u mlstflke. However, I.oople OM AT lCS- Fnr onDo l.Dg 1>nrSIzIng Up Baby. BARlSHART, ----.~. are 00 the move more than ever l)a. 'n&tlonal Clny Pigeon Coutest at visitlog severlll hl&unts of boyhood POStlR, nlo(!, fino ~t(lO k . Call 1. "Which sldo of tho bouse do you fore . Chloago this \\'0011: ' daY8. Notary Public, 'nttertewal tfl. Wllyn~a" llI e. Ohio, think t1le ba~y resemblee mosU" Notary- Public Tue Reeves re~mllon WIl8 held at. MIs8 Margl\ret Clark re~orned Va ll ey Phon 14:1- 1Yo . Mr. and Mrs. George W. Davia, Tbo qualltlcntlOll1l for a netary pub- proudly naked young PopjOY. "Wellthe h ome of J . H . Reeves, Suoday. !ome Suodoy after II. week ~ st,oy of Dellr Wollman, IlDtertllinod for lic are Just orrllnn.ry Intelligence and h'm!" answered Smith. "I can't see WlllB Til '11 MR ' Ith roln tI ves IIDd frl(lnd ~. At\B1 N' MACHiNE-Ill good All kinds of Notary Work. 1I0nlldly. SCI fllr as nge Is conc8med, that he looks 80 ~ ery much lIko the dinner !SundllY, Mrs. Mllry Jaue e (;o ett- 0 .ay ploDlo was Pearl Cornell h08 purohul!ed the I\nd Deeds B I:lpBolal\y. ~'d o r , und nluol' ilotlsel\old any age after twenty-oue will IlII the side of 1\ bouse."- \OVomlln's Home Cleaver, Mls!l Anna Terry, fruID belel at the ullua l Iplaee, Suturday . farm oooeownoo by Mook Plokering. goods , A 1 "-oll, Corwin , bhio. Companion. ___ Monrovia, C"llforDltl ; Mr. aud Mts 11111. 'rh ero WAS A spOOit1i mil ting of 8uooess to you Peat\. n2G Frtlnk I!owe aud daUGhter, Mr. and t he Mnsonlo lod ge r bursduy nfterF. E . Hartllook aDd tllmlly hud Mrs. Elvin Fires and family Mr. 0000 and evonln g. T he MIl8ter '. EW ING MACl1lN"~; f\Ull Lf\wO aod Mre, Ernest Maonoo and faID Mason' degr ee was oonferred on for tll eir guosts Satorday evening Chlld...,n In R.u,.I •• Mower. 10 t;: o ,~tl OOD,lIt~O D, IIy. Mra. Jdl!. Mannon end clRughter. Aroll Copsey, Fraoh BI II.\t , Clarence and Snnday morolug Mr . Ilnd Mrs, RusRlsn peaaant women have, 00 f,D Thlnge to Worry About. ' heap It sold 1:10 0 11. lnq olro of Mr/,. Etbel, of 1'ippeoanoe Uity ; Hllrry Funeral Director. Tbe pulse of a kRngaroo 18 only Bowe aDd Mr. and Mrs. JOB, W , ~ . BlIgford and Zlmrl F. Balnos. al&rry Bnyder lind Mr . I1nd Mrs. Wes Uiggs , ' rwll / Obi, averago. from .Ix to twelve ClhUdreo. a1 ' Saverlll b r at bren were present, Allron Sears. a,ll of Dayton. half as rll8t 8S that of n man. of ",,110m about balf .urvlv~ Oa'l'ls and dlmghter ani Mr. and b ow neigh borln~ lodt;es. Lunoh The Mullin family entertained Iln hs rl burs t,l. the r.!oCRII'8 'l'elepbon d ay' or night. Mn. A. Maffit WBre ollllers In ,tb e WIIS S!:lrved ',,~ six 0'010010 , !lnd hIm WednBsday e venlDg In honor of the Magazine. Seod 350 to the Valley phone No. 'I. Long II>rt 'Tnoo!'. Big t·lme pll&ylng oroquet quet lit Clluk Sisters Music both vool\l Uazett 3 runce, IIDd gilt ODe or he D!sMmoe No. 50-2r. The Ohltlllploo ployors were J08 Kant t:l olltl,nd o.nl~ L!lorenoe Blok. and iD!ltrumont~" wile well rend er ed bee$ magllzlu es on ollrt h. ,.-:tf~+,----,_ _-:-::_-"====--:-_::-=-_ ____ If You'._~-+-'"'<A.lt.""-,,.......-'""'.wI8 ~'Ireil , man s pont 'lThureJa,y In Sprln"'field. by t~e girls, Light· r efresbluents " were served lit 0. late hClur, IU'IItrouble41rithbeanbll1'll; .... and Miss Etta Konoedy entertnilIOd ARE-BI\~ Work Ilnl~ I3r~oRj Automobile Servloe at 01\ Times The J<~ , L. mild,s 0. 81.u prlse 00 'a~ feeling alter eating takea I1Br SuodtlY sohoul olass lSaturdl1Y Mrs. Bernloe Bough uDd son oM ara, In g ood euntlit ion. 10. OHIO i:l mitb Fridf\V evening 'in 1111 . Dyspepsia , afternoou at hor homa on Malu Cnrll.on hODor or his bir ~hdny Itnni versltry Forest Rpant ~uodll.Y .vltb hor unole q uire at tbe Krolgb01J fa,rm. Ore WA YNESYllLE, Bnrry Coroell aod family. , gonia, OhIo. ~I:"f! I Tablet · street,. Rl t; Branch Office. Hnrveysbuflr. 0. I MI~s t1nrriet Smith, at Colnmbus, In ~plte of tbe rllio I:!tlturday sev-' beforeAlldaltereachmeatand.youwill Mr. anu Mra W. W. Weloh, Jos IS the g n Bt of r elnt! vo~ hero. ~--~obt.aiDpromp,reliaf.Soldonly.byua,260 Carroll und dllughter, MrH. Annu arlll gllthered ",t thB Seflrs I ennion .. tWill Rell.v~_Your Indt"'llo~ '1'be WomAn 's Foreigu MiMsiooary ground to help celeb mte their 30th Mtloson, a.tteodecl the Friends Qoor. FOR )lENT J. Eo JannlY· J. Eo Janney. ~erly meeUng Ilt, Waynesville SUn r. ~o oi ety. of N e w Burlington Ciroull, annual reunion , The dinner Wll 8 fu et at the ann~x WednBsdo.y. day , . Bpread ID a lllrge bllrn uOllr Lhe Mrti. E M, P a tte rson and dangh grovo, aOd suoh a dioner, all the Mrs . James Hllines, ltt Garwin, spent Snndl&Y with Mr. aod Mrs, $er Mildred II.re visitin g reilltives delleaoleri of tbe sellsoo. After the h ara. fl!ltlt t,lIoy Illl retnrDed to 'the woods Jasper Meroer . - - --+ -~ +-- - where' an elegllnt program was reo. Mrs, Lutie Vandervoort Marry. dered. The mosll) furnished by tho hew entertained Mr , ond MrR. OakOUSE-Elgut. R oolll8, 0 1 oly s it . TRADE MARKa AileD fa.mlly wall II.ppreolnterl by all . lie Unglesbee and farully for Sunul\ted In Corw in I I'l ulrfl of DlEaION" Refreshments on the ground was CO;'VfIlQHTa 40. day dlnner. A . M. Zall . C orwlu , 01110 . ,0 26 Anro n e lI!I~ ndln61 ae1l:olr,h and. dMlcrlDtian ma, the oblef dellllht of evory ODe qulckl, tl.no rl,n,lu .01'" OJun,on tree .".t.hor an Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Anson eoterpr sent.. UI1Qlltlnn II pfu h"bl y 1)(l~onttWl" Communl~ tRluild for dloner lSunday, Mr. and tlun t!ll!lLrt l lr co lll1l!ot1t al. "ANDBODa 00 Patent.l . "'U. treo. (fld ~t .~Bno, tor i&eul1n.J!aLIK1tL Several of thil vlololty atteoded Mrs, Morris Bh(\rwood, of o t'ar WANTED - TO I~ENT Born to Mr . and Mrs , Chas. Kable tbe IIOOill1 g iven at Ly~le. ':c~~~~~:,,~:.Il:"';I~~~'~'lt~J~~':tt.co. noel,. Waynesville; Mrs. Margaret Failer , Thnrsdaya. fine son. ,A, S. Cornell and family enter l, r Day too, and Miss Osee Ansoo, of MI R Doro~lly Ha.rneS8 has ~one to Sci~ntlfl( Wilmington. Greenville on a three week's vlllit. talulld oompany tlaturday evening AI:tM-A good fllrm by th o thl rtl!l, Ab nMo,n,;l, lIh, .. ~.,ed ... ~ kIJ. I .. nteot 01.. . , Charley ISenl'f! and wife bad for "'qulre of "11Y Kibler , WilY. c.,."on ,)rIH-.,nth., nny •• Joom". ",,,.deale ".rou.,II. lu u 1oar. t \If 8014bJ'all ... Mra. Minnie McClain, of EI Paso, their g uestll Snnday Mr, and Mrs. II eav iIle, Oh io 81 I t Ie I Bre.day, Texas, II.nd ilOU Joshua Nagley l!ave Joe Sears aod Misli Oelll\ Sears. 11' .... 01> ~III"', . r SI-. " ..hIDaIOD. D.li: retnrned from a week's vlllit at Deillware. Ohio, 'aod ,are now with The Mullio fllmily h'ld for tbelr 'ARM-A good {lIrro ,t o rent on ";'======:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: tbe " blrds. by II good, oOlnpeten' her parent~ M.r. Bod Mrl\. L. Rttper, SUDday guests Mr. lind Mrs. Aaron Bear " Mr. and MIS , Barry Suyder. \lerBon. Inquire ~,t th ,e offiol) .t6I)~ IDmlnu~ Mr. and ' Mrs . (JaTO) BneDII, of 0 d MI M I B t II 26 SU",' wltbInDr. Bboc!p. CruU» lIou,6!l7. ODe Dayt()n. have moved in with, her ~~Ok.Il'tOD' an 8S ar (J ar Mines f.enora, Ellza.beth and ARM of ab out lllOaorea . Addres8 ~~ ~~lr~n;'iol:~Y~ Master B'omer Mowser visited ':larBuoe Ryao ara vlsl&ing reJatlves h~~~~ts ~r, Bnd lIi~r8. Eeom FArnbox 186, Wlt:yn osvllIe, (). ul I kllBllo & """'lWd,plconalnll~~ Shop Next to She"" i)od's CarageiMaln Bt bere. Jamel allr~sQolI Bundily afternoon. Remember tbe Uolon plonlo 0, , William Dodds and daogbter Bre the Sunday ·Sobools to b~ held In J. An enierprilllDg man .ooor .l1'erry vlelling hili mother. S. Tarnor's wood\!, 2 mUes welt of .h&;s been puUing lI(1:h'Dlng boge in .Jo)!Ih Holland an'd wtfe, Rebecca town, August la, his aoto ligbts to save ollrbon, Dui aud WiIlla~ Lucas were oalltnll Elgbt lie" DiemtlOre werelnUia'ed •- • on William Braddock and fa mil". ID to tbe Urt10ge Lodge Ill8t Tuosday .A sohoonar boilt 10 Amesbury In, WUllain Stephens epent ,Friday BIgb~. ' 1 or; and ollOd tn the war of 1812 .IlII and B Iturday with ble daughter. BarD ,t o Mr. an,d Mrl'l, Dr. West,. a privateer, ,mils 10 aotlve lervloo LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL' . Mrl! Reed .aud · daughter "«"ero sooth ot town a Ion. In the bl"hie OOllstlng trade. ', visiting John Levi's. AUCTIONEER . Tbe W, O. A. h~l lt( thllir monthly !!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Berber~ ·Yyerl. of Belmollt; I. meetlnIr a\ the bOln!, of Hrl. Perry vls'&lnlC hlB g~ndma, Saokett lut Monday af~rDooD, , All kinds Spouting and:Rooflng Perry Wysoog'lI tl\ree sliter. ESTATE&: INSURANCE A. B ,. Howland II aD. the liok list and Furnace Repairing DoneD· • . oalled OD him ~Qnda1 · ~ '" !Carl )larla" IlpeD' 8uoday with Growth of Indi.try~ hie f.'ber. Office in -Stoops Building lin Boland and ohlldren were . In ten ,.eara' Ule fOWlWo, at,lo.... pblo aDd cold lD4u8tr1 of die oal1bqr In .Rou~. Sunday, SHop TO SHERWOOD'S QARAOE UDltecl Statel auac.t \re1l1~ Bilmllel Jaob ID . . . . wIlDe tb& oC __ ~ bIIII
Rn tes
A d\'ertip.j nR"
\len,lIl1lr l~K 1>1a. P<lr 1111 • ••. , •• ' ••. . .•
0 .
--- -----------
BY dESSEITAYfloa Erlitor of1Jetter ,Road's and Street;
The Car You Can Afford
ay Mills
Corwin, Ohio
OlassiBed Ads ' .. ".
E. .Y.
' W
Dyspepsia' Tablets
Painting, P~per Hanging, Auto and· Carriage Paintinge
Walter McClure
--- ----....._---
'."UU. ,I..
New York
. ..
:.- WaJneaVille, Ohio
tll8ltor ,...~.
Wayneaville, Ohio
TIm 1IIA..1
Dc l 50(' ill g
Work ·'
b ·t
m ndc
•••• The greatest success of summer selling of high grade mer-
This Clearance Sale has been the talk of the town during the last week. ," , chandise, such as Clothing, Shoes; 'Skirts, Waists, Muslin Underwear, Dry Goods etc. etc.
READ THESE PRICES READ THESE 'PRICES Men's Underwear $L.OO B. V. D , Union Suit:.<! Sale price ................ .. .... ...... ..
Men's Hosiery
$1.00 Porosknit Union Suit:.<! Sale price .......... ............. ...... .
89c S9c
11.00 and *1.25 Superior Union Suit:.<!. Sale price ................ ..
Men's 69c and 75c Union Suits Sale price .......: .................... ..
45c 23 C
Boy' a 25~ Porosknit Unjon Suits Sale price......... ............... ......
All 10c and 12,Xc sox in all colors Sale price ................. ..... .. .. ...... . All 15c and 20c lOX Sale price .......................... . 12~c All25e and S5e SOlt Sale price ...................... ....... ..
All 25c and 35c Shirts or Drawers Sale price ....... ........... ......... ..
44c 23c
Men's fine cambric, low or high neck,
. . .
All GOc and 75e Men's Fine Shirt:.<! Sale price ......... .................... . All '1.00 and $1.25 Men's Fine Shirts. · Sale price ................. .
4Sc 89c
~~!C~: ~.~~ :~ ~~~.~: ~~~
44c 89c
Men's Shlr.ts
'fhe Frat and P er(ection Illa hc of lothing a rc IIp· tO· the-minutc-, alld w have tll 'lll ill a ll s izes shade's, fabri s and pallerns. At the pritl's giVCll bl.' lnw you are a ssured of gettillg a bargain.
Men's and Boy's Caps All 50c and 75e Men's and Boys', Caps. Sale price .................. .. All $1.00 and 11.25 Men's and Boys' Cape, Sale price...........
You Money
Men's and Young Men's $15.00 and :$10.50 ...iuils at. . . .. . ... . . . . .
Having" installed the latest machinery: for Vutc;anizing Tires, I solicit your patronage, and will. guarantee the work to be as Good as the Best, Give Ole a cllll, whether you wish 'work done or not. I wm be gla'd to explain the Vulcanizing process to you.
CARL SERVIS' Waynesville, Ohio -;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;~~~;;;~ !!!! aDd Machinery Co.
QYTell the Advertiser' you Read the Ad lu the Miami Gazette !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ , ,
Ladies' Underwear Women's Muslin Underwear.
5~:~~c~~.~ .. ~.i.~~~~~~~~.~: ...... .. 45c AI~!I~ ~rf:e(~. ~ ~:~..~ ~~.~.~:~~.'~.~~ .... 89 c
All Men's Wool Pants, all ~o l ()i'S, all Sal e P rice .. . : . . . . . . . . . • Ladies' Mu slin Onderskirts, all Boys' All. Wool Suil::! in Norfolk style' '1.50 a,!d ~1. 7r. $1.00 and $1.25, Sale price ...... Sale PrIce .. . . .... . .. , . in<:luding Blue Serges; pri('es rllng. Ladies' Princess Slips. a\l '1.25 AU Men's and Young Men'~ t-_,OO ing from $5 to $6,,50 and'l .50. Sale price...... ..... and '2 . ~ 0 Pants e] Sal e Price ... ......... • Ladies' Corset Cavers, all 25c Sale PrICe . .. .. .. , .... .4 • and asc. Sale price...... ... ......... Ladiel\' Muslin Drawers: all 25c .. and 36c. Sale price ................ . Ladies' Union Suits, an50e arid AI!'!te~rfc~d .,~.~~, ~~.n~, . , .. C Al§!~ ~ri~e~ ~. ~~ .~~~I.~. 75c grades. Sale price.......... .
$3 98
44c AI~:~~rf~e~ ~~.:~ .~~~:~ . $~~,45 BOR~a~~cp:~~ogal~po~ic~~~ 45c 89 $3 .25 89c
Mrs. Mary E. Maxwell, aged 76. while attemptinJr to cross the track of the Dayton and Xenia traction, at ,White's corner. Wa.8 struck by a car, , and before they could reach Dayton she was dead. The deceased was the mother of Clifford Maxwell, who lives In the Middle Run district. She al80 leaves her husband, two other ~ns and several grandchildren. The funeral was held at Bellbrook and interment was made in Center· ville Tuesday.
Next door to the Waynesville Aulo
98 $3 98 $4 50 89 c Childr n's Wash Drc.sseR , a1l 50c 44c and 75c. lile prlc .. ... ...... .. ..
L'1dies ' kir t~. :1\1 $3 !lS lind ~q 4.50: Dl'(!l;s ~kirt.s. ' ale price ~' All $500 and $550 Ladi s' Skil'I Ej. ~Ill e price............... " All ~? 00 and H O~ Ladies' . kIrts, Salt: pri ce.. .. .. ......... • Ladips' Hou e Dresses , all $1.00 $1 25. Sale price...... .. ....... .. ..... .
Men's and Young1 Boys' Clothing 80Y8' Double Brellsted and Norfolk Men's Pants s tyle Sui ts, in plain and fancy mi::<· All our $1.00 to 1] .25 Men's 89c t ures; prices ranging from 1-3 50 Khaki Pants, Sale Price . .. . to f~ 00 $2 98
Killed by Traction Ca.r
=====AT 'HQME ========
Ladies' Dress Skirts
89 C
22 C 23c 44c
Women's Hosiery Women's 15c Hose ale price ........... ........ ..... .... .. Women's 25cand 30c RMO , Sale ,price ......... .. ......... ..... ... . All 50" and 7Sc Hose Sule price .............. : ............. .. Buh~alow Aprons~ best grade. all 50e and ~5c. ' ale price.. ,........
mao.- a nISY' I.
Dry Coods
$8 75 $12 75 $14 75
Men's and Young I n's ... 12.50 to, I3.0() Suil~ at,...... . ....... ..
The Store That Saves
Men's Night Shirts Men's Porosknit Shi rts or Draw· ers, 50c quality. Sale price
Men's and Young. Men's Clothing
Men's and -Young Men's $1 .50 and 20.00 Suits at. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Men's Suspenders 25c an d ~c Suspenders Sa le prIce ...... ........ ........ ...... ..
. -.
THE CLERK GUARANTEED IT CIA oastomer OI)me into my IIlore
the other day !lnd said to one.of my olerks, 'hllv~ you anything 'hilt will onre diarrhoeal" and my alerk went and got him II bottle of Chamber. lain's Collo, Choler" an d Dlnrrhoef\ Remedy, and said to him, 'if this doee no' onte you, I will nut oharge yon a. oent for It.,' 80 he took it borne and ClIme bBOk in a 'd!Iy-oT two alld said he was oored," writes J . B. B<luy & Uo., t:iaU Creek, Va. Obtnillable everywhere.
--_0-_'- - Wanted to Rent
Special Sale -Friday -Saturday 2S·Pound Sack Besl Cane Sugar and a la-pound Package of Soda, . Both ,for . .•.... , •
$1 60 H~MS--Skinned Hams 16c ' per pound, only ... .•
Mrs. Loyd Davis enteltained a few friend s at a thimble party Tbursday in honor of Miss Elizabeth Mart, of Dayton.
12c 22c 42c 45 ,~
EVl!ry Article MR' k,--d
In- Plain Plgures
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright en· tertained in hunor of their house guesi, Mis.~ Abbott, of Chicago, Rev . and Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader. Dr. "nd Mrs. J. T. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs. Hannah Rogel'fl, Lev· ering Cartwright, Jr., Misses Helen Louise and Rhea Janet Cartwright, Clalra Lile, Olive McCallum, Kiziie Merritt. '
We have lOOn to 1200 bushels of the finest home grown peaches of the standard ' varieties. Prices at Oregonia, $1.00 per bushel; 1.25 per busheJ if delivered. Tele· phone orders will be ,eceivcd and deliveries mode as promptly as possible.
Mrs. Rach'el Keys entertaIned at dinner Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. S. L Ea t of Oregonia on Harveysburg:pike. Cartwright. MiB8 Elizabeth Abbott, Canning' Supplies Helen Louise Ilnd Levering ·Cart( I~PECIAL. PRICES) Telephone-Harveysburg 19--3;!1. wright, Mr. and Mra. J. O. Cart, Mason Pint and Quart Jars wright and daughters, Mrs. Hannah E·Z Seal Glass Jars Rogers. MillSes Kizzie Merritt, Mar Economy Glass·Jars tha ~urnett, Emma Cartwright, Sta.r Tin Cans Elizabeth S tewar t, Georgia Hadden. I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Sealing Wax, Glass Jars Ethelyn Jones and Edna Janney. ' M8S0mC . N0 t·Ice (';:0'" 1\.DE ADV FOR l:iAI E OATES Extra Heavy Rubbers , Mason Lid s. Red Virgin Sealing Wax Mrs K. E. Conn. of Springfield, ' -, ' and Miss Margaret Satterthwaite ' Jesse Stanley, who has just gJ:8du. I\\OORE'S OASOLINE were hostesses at a charming affair ~ Regular communication of ~twh from th«;l J.()n~ Auctioneering ]f your ntove don't work right, on Tuesday afternoon, at the pleasWaynesville IAdge No. 163, ;)C 001 at ChIcago, IS home and is use Moore's Gasoline. the ant Satterthwaite home. . F. & A. M., Tuesday evening. ready for sale dates: It would be best mado, The guest:.<! were entertained with August 24th. at 8 o'clock . Soj~urn. ~el1l!> see him, 88 he hll!l BOrne ne~Il..---:-"":"':~'; games and mU,sic after which they iog brethren cordially Invited. II ellashl!, the 16c Bal. J. O. Cartwright, W. M. ca. 1m, 146 .mutual ........."'.,. were invited to the dining room All Scrap Tobaccos, The color scheme throulthout was L , A. Zimmerman, Sec'y. 'Burlmgton. OhiO. 6 pac\(ages for. • . . . . wh.ite and green. The place cards Wllre attached to white /lnd green ribbons which extended from a It pays to trade at beautiful centerpiece of hydranglas and asplI,ragus fern A miniature ' house on the end of the tahle, in which a small kewpie stood holding the door open for a kewpie bride ~~~:-====~==~~ and groom to enter, sug ~estlld a mystery which was cleared away ,
,We will have a carload of · fine Ohio Good farm on thirds. Can handle -----------a good sized tobacco proposition . Peaches on track Wednesday morning, The very best of reference cheerfully 'S . ZIMMERMAN August 18th. , T.hey were grown in the furnished. Wanted for another party farm of about 200 acres for cash rent . Suit· orchard of W, W. Tibbals on the Pleas- able for stock farm . Address or call ant Ridge Fruit Farm, near Wakefield, at this om ...- - Ohio, .and .is as fine fruit as ' any o~e -I - - - - - - E-y'-EN-T' d~~~nm~~'r~~lt~e~:,:;~sgf~ ~~~pi: and read as follows : This certifies Had Terrible Fight SOCIETY that on 'the 31at day of August . in might desire. They ,h ave the finest the year of our Lord 1915, Lawrence Oregonia witnessed a terrible fight .--------.----------,--~--*It M. Sims and Edna M. Satterthwaite color and, flavor of 'a ny peaches we S.unday .. One man was said to have Mr, and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer enter- will 'be united in marri~ge. . been seriously cut, and anoth.er one taine" last Wednesday evening six ~be refreshments whIch consl!!!ed have• ever handled. was badly u~ ~p. . Tpe partIculars tables of "500." Delicious refresh. Qf I.C~ er.eam, cakes and punch were
--_.~ e.
a!e sca~t, but It IS Bald that some par., mepls wer e' served , ties will be arrested on a serIous . charge.. There. were eight or ter. Mrs, I!'. ' B. Henderson entertained ,the Jolly Matrons club Mondayaf. men mIxed up In the m~lee. - - _ .- . ternaon. Refreshment!! of ice cream and cake were served.
Dayton Fair
AA ELBERTA •••••• $'1 .50 A ELBERTA •.••.• $ 1.2.5 AA GEORGIA 'BELLE , $1' , 35
Farmen and farmer's boys and airla will find more to Interest them at the Montgomery county fair this fear than ever before. It is not an Idle or boastful claim when the man. I _ _~--------------_-~_---.I agement declaree that the 1916 show !9 to' be the Qlggest, busiest and best In the state. The racing program this year is 0 the- best in a deCade,' Eacb day
Mr.' and Mrs. Loyd Davis enter. 'I' I t W"'... ad M tal'ned at . (mner as ""ne a~. r. and Mra. Frank Zell, Mr. an M'rs. Adam Stoops, Misses Belle 0 Neall and Elizabeth Mart. . , The Loyal Berean Class the Cbristian !' unclay School heldottheir regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Homer Carey' last it' riday nig'ht. " After, the class· busl·
A Dy order f or peachea 'or any k·.Ind f merchandiSe in our store, wiD be given ~:rGe~lilM~ de~~~~~e r:t/e t~!u.: =ai:~u~!~nj:1!t~.sf~t ...L L f tt til d·O be appre- day purse of 8200 as the climax on Frf· . Ule uc... 0 a en on an WI afternoon . . Mrs. W, N. Sears entertained the - '.:..&
...:_... -~ L.,
.....&aI-U -
- - .
, Q ' .
-W.edneaJay wllI-be.ooe-of-the Loyal UauA'htll'trR dayaot the falr. - The Boya' Live tian fhll!lirr'l!a1l1ai. Stock Judgiilg contlBt will be OD (n U"""~U'K tull force at 9:30 a m, (Je"Ot1tlOal~:~r;,=:r:= There will be plenty ot am1lll8lDalt I
e S rocery =::In=~~':..:= .~=~:l~J .
delicIous. . The guest:.<! were Mrs , S M. Miller, of Spririgfield. ~iss Elizabeth Mart. of !?ayton. MIsses Sara S9t~r. thwalte, Anna Furnu" Edna S~lt~, Rachel and Edith Shee~an. ~omml,& Bunnell, Susan WrIght, Em'ma Hawke, Ruth Hartsock, Olive Me· Callum, Mrs. Bert . Hartsock. Mrs. Loy'd Davis, Mrs M A Sims, Mra. Fmmor Baily, Mrs Lilla Devitt, ' Mt's. Henry Satterthwaite and Mra D. L Crane. '
... .
. PrOperty Was Sold
The property of tile sarah
McKinney hen.. neal' Lytle, was IIOld Mon. day:to Alex Traylor, of Centerville, tor·$78O. .
'---fOR A SPRAINED ANKLE 'oi Chom. oerlaln·. LlnlmGD' and abeene 'he dlreoUona liVID &herewUIi faithfnl. ly, 1011 win reo IVII!' In much Ie.. ' If yon 'Will get a bo"le
Ume &baD 11 uuall, requll'ecl~ 'Ob.....b.. nwnrlaen.
"*'lou ,
can Ii\nally "Buy You""lf' Rich" by here. Just PJlt the difference in tIle b~nk,
tJtis 5 and 10 cent store to
~dies' Hose-white- ' and,
I' Deep Dishes .••.•••.•• '••• black ........... , -, ••. , toc .Salad Disbe~............ Ladies' Undervests •.• '•••• tOe -Cups and Saucers .• , •.••• Pillow Cases, .••.••. ; ••••• lOe Plates-Gold Band........ Side Combs.,.,......... tOe Ne" Music-AU the latat Back Combs •• : ••• ·.. , .... tOe hits .................. (I'ront Combs ••••••.••••• lOe Jelly Glasses. per dozen .•• Plii:ket Fu_en, per den. lie 17.qt. Rwing Pans ••••••
lOe lOe tOe Uk: ' loC 2Gc
," .
Sixty-Seventh l(ear
Whole Number 3331
...,..... _____ • __
Dr. Macy will be in Harveysburg al\ nex t week.
J . W. White was in las t Thursd ay.
Brow~ was j l)UChas. s in ~s Friday.
Mi88 Leafy Emley has been quite sick the past week. Carl and Fred Henderson wele Dayton 'visito1'8 Monday.
Dan- Anderson Continues HII InlerMi88 Marths Burnett is quite ill at estlng Ii ," emorlell" of History her home on Third stree t. of 'At ayneaville Howard I-I o l)kin~, of Dayton. was in town a short lime Tuesday. Our old-time friend, Dan AnderShn. ill writing his "Reminitlcenses." M. L. Slover, of Muncie, Ind., WIl8 which is being read with great avid· the guest of VI'. N. Seara Runday . ity bv our family of readers, haa Mr. !Snd Mrs. W. C. Phillips and made few mistakeF,butwhowouldn't'! A'fter a\l theMe yea11l tv recall the lIOn were Dayton visitol'1l Tuesday. namca of men and 1N0men long since gone, took a powerful memory. We arc C!lad to be corrected if Mr. . Mrs. Rosa Weaver and .daughter, Anderson mal!es a mistake. We of [}ayt0!l. arc visiting friends here, wi II be glad jf any of ou r readers see fit to send in the proper corrections. Rev 0 H. Palmer and family are ·or any little Incident connected with visilill,g Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Palmer Mr. Anderson's "Reminiscensea." at Columbus. The fnllowing is from an Old Way.ne Township man, and he has Miss Mary Prater l1as gone to R correctilln to make which, ..... e spend some time with her sIsters in gladlv publish. He write;e: Spring Valley. . Editor Miami Gazette: - I thoullht J would write a few lines to let you Mrs. Ollie Dbvis and Mi88 Ruth kllow how much I enjoy readinJr the "Reminiscenses of Waynesville Ilnd Hale, of Corwin. spent Wednesday her old Citizens, to by Dan AnderSon. in Cincinnati. Hl\ aure has 1\ wonderfUl memory. Some time a~o he mentioned TOIII Fred Everhart ' and family. of and Ned Burke nnd 'Tom and James Franklin, are visiting Ollie Davis ahd . Flynn, but he was In error in tht' family at Corwin. . name, James Flynn-it was Jobn Flynn . . His wife WIl8 my aunt and Mrs. C. R Maxwell, of near Col· he went t Bourbon count" Kansas. umbuB, is the gu,est of Mr. Frank wht!re he was engaged in farming until he died, In 1893. Hia wife died Carman and family. there in September, 1872. He spealea of the b8llC ball nine In Dr: and M1'II. T. I. Way. of · Cin· Utica. In 1869 and 1870. I r.ernem· clnnati attended the funeral of , her them well- there was "Had" Harry kearns Tueaday. WilBOn arid Lewis Kirby. John Boger. Jim Welleand Joel Stokes and ottlers. Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residenee "Had" Kirby and John Bo~r. were f L T P M S and t., Tul'8 It does me good to read of these ' Mrs. Eva Jones and daughter. old f.miliar nilmCII' I left Warren Miss Ethlyn, left Monday for a visit count1 when a boy of lleventeen, and with relatives in Chicalto. would like to tiel! the old scenes one more: Hoping to see many more"of Rev. D. H. Palmer and family Mr. AndenMIn's Remlniaeen8es in the f M d M r. an ra. Amos OazeLle, .with best wl8hee. I am . wl're guests 0 . . Y'oura truly, Mendenhall at dinner Sunday.
T. U.
I_ =C_ ~~+--
in Dayton on
Miss Mary Hawke ill visiting in Cincinnati this week.
Masl er E V(lre tt~ear~ is visiting his An Interesting Program Was Relltiered- Outlook for New Year grandparents in Rossburg. Lool<s Very Bright Miss Henrietla McKi nsey was the guest of Mrfl. !lll nale! Hawke u few days last wcek The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. WllS held with' · Mrs. Duke at Mrg. Frank Shid aker, of Harveys· the Ii i nkle home on w&filesday afterburg. Rpen t Thursday wilh Mrs. noon, August J. The :.meeting WUII ~lic e Mc Kin sey. opened by repeati ng the Lord's Prayer in concert. · A!ter' ·tho! readMrs. W. N. Sears ano children reo ing of the minutes and other business turned home Saturday afler a week' s the reports of th e differen t depart. Visit in Daylon. ments. Flower Mission.F ranchise. Sabbalh Observance, Scientific 'femHon. Alfrerl McCray. of Dayton, perance Instrur.tion. elc. were given. The-election of omcers was then was the TUCilday guest of Mr. and held which resulted us follows: Mrs. M~W.H.M~d@. . Palmer. President; Mrs Duk . Vice Presid ent allarge; Mrs. Smith : ReMisfI Vada MacPherson and Miss cordin g Secretary; Mrs Silver. TreasMoon . of Wilmington. were gu ests urer. The 'followi ng Vice Presidenlll at tile Friends Home Thursday . were appointed by the new President: Mrs. Grauser . First Vice Pres. Miss Mrs. Raymond Drake. of Sou th Anna Kelly. Second Vice Pres., Mrs. Lebanon, was the guest of her moth· Wm Frame. Third Vice Prell., Mrs .• er. Mrs. Frank Snook. las t week. Mosher. Fourth Vice Pres. Mrs. Janney was retained 118 Cor· Hill ten men sbown In the nbove pIcture have been sele<' tcrl by Governor ~'1I 1t 8 as tile Ilrst stnl board 0: n/:rl· For Sale- Brood marp a good work- responding Secretary and a vote wus tur~. lUI esUtbllshed by tbo Mallow la,,_ passed by t h e recentl y ndjourn1'd SOS8I011 of the leg l81l1tu re. RendIng er,9 years old. Inqui re of W. H. biken on the superintendents of the (rom left to rt,;ht. the members in t1,C' [)Icturo are tbe following: Madden, Waynesv ill e or Corwin, O. vtirious departments whic\! resulted as follows Mrs. Jones, Flower MisFlret row- I. S. Myers, Akron; DOllnld R. Acldln. PerT):sulIl'g ; '. K Pal raon. PIketon; D. D. Sulder. Gra· sion; Mrs. Smith. Franchise; Mrs. tlOt ;. JobD Begg. Columbus Grove. Rellr row- '\'. U. Wcst. P ,.ry ; Or. J . W. Kirgan. Cincrnnntl: C . A. Branson. C. J. HiSey left Thursday for a Silver. Purity; Miss Anna Vandercadtz: Newton D. Dunnell. LebanOn. An e R. D . Wl1 l1uUl sou . Xenia. . visit with his brother at Everett. voort. Scientific Temperance InIn making t11ese selocUon s GO\'ornor Willis too l< COUDs I wi th Ih e olfl cers· ot the St.l.~e Graoge wtth tIl e . Wash., He will be gone sevelal struction; Mrs. Grauser, Sabbath leaderil at tbe many organIzations 0: rarmers IInc! stoclt br'lleuers of the stuteo and men generally p~mlnenl In weeks .• Observance and Sunday Schoola; agrtcultural affairs tn the etate. The bOll rd wIll itlwe la n~ r pow ers and gr eater responslblltty tban any oL.ber Mrs. Tomlinson. Peace and Arbitra· such beard tbal over bold office utilI or tb Rt u l gO\' Irnruent. The fi r ~ t great task to devolve UPOll Ita Mr. and Mrs. Ed Decker. Mr. and tion; Mrs. Mosher. Press; Mrs. Frame .ands ,pili be t\le dlreotlon ot f he Slale Fatr. MTS. Harry Smith and daughter. of Literature; Mi88 Anna Kelly, Period. icals; M1'8. Palmer. Mrs. Kelly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-;:~=::~~~~~':"::~=~~~~:--:::=-=~=~=-==::-::=== Springboro. Sunday with Mr. Assistant. Contest Work; Mrs. Janand MI1I. JOII.spent Evans. -' - - - ----ney. Parliamentary Law; MTS. J!1unkey. Health and Efficiency. Mrs. White was appointed Organist with Mrs Snook as Assistant. The following . delegates to the . 'Reba RIch. Mmervs Harlan and Cyrus Smith WIl8 born January 2, The Wart'en County Teachers' As. Mabel Cast were in Wilmington Me-,n' C;ounty Convention at Franklin. August 31. were appointed: Mrs. 1834 in Wayne Township, Warren ---sociation. which will meet at Leba. day. . Janney. Mrs. Wooten, M1'II. Kelly, county, Ohio. In this Township he OF THE FRIENDS IS MEETING non August ::0 to Sept. 3. 1915. at . WITH StJCCESS University Hall. will btl of interest Mrs. Court J. Murray, arrived Mrs. Tomlinson and Mrs. Frame. spent hisentirt) life. He died Au\!:ust .. A short program was then ren17. J916, _aged 91 yrs., 7 mo. and 13 to the teacher. The program in part here llll:lt week. from Rogers. Ark. da . Seldom is a community 80 han. ____ is as follows: Mr. Murray '1'7111 follow her soon lUI dered consisting of a pleasing eong ored in that it keeps one .of its.citi· Monday-B:30·9, Registration. Supt be can dispose of his place in Arkan· by Mrs. Kelly, "Help Somebody Today," with guitar' accompanlmen't, and a reading by Mrs. Janney, en· 989. Lawrence Moran. Mrs. Ollie Davis spent last week _ .. our line to with Mra. Everett Mc~ 8I 1851 , 0' t Ph oebe Gram. ah F.or "Shots at the Liquor Traffic." He IIOOI'! had- pW!bed Eiwe(>her anddaughter family. at Wilmington. • Xenia ... . Industrial ;..1. work in . Our Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Coleman and titled, The meeting was closed by rewithin the distance -of 600 yards a l'!loat 65 .yeara they ha,:e happIly Schools;" Round Table. · lson, Francis, left Sunday for Colum· where we 'established our line, and . en-t.0yed ~ .othe~s affectlol1ll. --Afternoon- Departmental Work, bt;8, where they will visit ·for a few peating the W. C. T. U. benediction Mrs H. H . Wadaworth, Mr. and .. dhehwlfed' SIX children, three sons . Arc Given Each Iliay and the At- Supt. Chas. H. Young; "Some Ele· days then they will go to Toledo for in concert. had it well intrenched. and improved, The next meeting will be held ,a t and ,held it. until itA capture In Mrs. L. F. Perk. ins and U. M. White an. t ree aughters, twelve gran.d. ' .ments of SUCCelS," ,Supt. .Beggs, a sb~rt visit. the home of Mrs. D. H. Palmer, thll tendancc Very Good Despite Tuesday-"Home CredIts," Supt. a n\arbt rush'of only the pIcket iines Vlere Dayton vlaiton last Thursdlly. children and three Itreat grandchll· dten / Bad Weather Begg; "The Pedagogue," Supt. H . Mra Margaret Ch ase and d augh- third Wednesday in September. ceasedmourn the departure of the de · C B ' J'n the trenches. my COmpany. led by - - -.... - - Mr. and MI'!!. W..--Po-Elaner and . . Aultman. atavla. ters, Thelma and Clarine, of Leba· Captain. Wheatley. waa In the trench· . t n...t.b ~nt LI'e u· I'ttl d · hte r, 0 f CIeveI e mithmoved . - home after 8 oPt"~u e - .. 1 e gran aug an d • toe Waynesville Until . that time he I AfternoonW·I Departmental G S t BWork, W non, returned to theIr ce. and ..... rlOK Deaths ' tenant John A. WhItsel, with a Bmall are vFsiling M~. and Mrs. N - Ham- was an agriculturist. Th.e last ye~r White tents dotting the SCbOOl 1S~~~~I.. C~ soA . B;~~er; uV'T~hers; a week's. visit with Nelson Hamilton t::~~a:rf: °fott:e~~':fy~~~CI~~~ lIton. he spep.t upon the farm Rnd at th.e campus and very . wet we~ther Plans," Supt. Begg. and family . cause of the let up in the firing, . age of 76 years he was able to cultl· greeted the .commlttee last week Tuesday evening-8:00 p. m .• ReGrand Waldron, aged 80, a form· which had been constant. for eight Mr. Earl Sherwood and famlly. of vate fifty scres of corn. wqen the .Frlends Summer. Camp union-University HAll. Misses Eleanor Earnhart and ,daya. It waJ but a few steps. elgbt. Dayton. were tbe Sunday guests of Mr. . S~ith w~ a.mall of remark- started the1~ pro~ram. D88plte the Wednesday- "Relation of Teal'her Elhlyn Jones and the ~essrs. Orlan er resident of Waynesville, died at o. ten unUI we ,were In their ritle bie brother, Mr. · Charles SheJ'\1!oOd able vltahty as eVidenced by the fact fact tbai It raIDed almost thrl!<' to Superintendent" Supt. Degg; Thompson and Ray Mills attended the home of his daughter. Mrs. BesWaltz, near Bellbrook,last Thurspita, but liO "Johnnies." Whitsel and famUx. that after a Ii,t roke of paralysis seven last days of last weel<, and despioo "Factors in Cont;ol," Supt, F. B. the MasonIc picnic at Kilkare Park sie day ·night. He is 9urvived -by three years ago ' and a broken leg four the fact that thl! tents and the Harris. last Thursday,. ye\lerl ba4;k to . the captain. loud 80ns and two daughters. The funerM~ Clara .and Mary Hawk~ years allo an~ nine months.of almost g~~u.nds ~ere wet and damp,. ~e Afterr,oon-Departmental Work, enough to be heard a mile, • Captain, al was held at the Waltz home Frithe,)' are evacuatingl" and our squad spent a few days lut week with Mr conatant pam, he astonlSbed ' his Vlsltmg frIends began ·to come m. lo H. E Cunningham. W. P. Vander- M d' M 8 S H 11 d day morning at 10 o'clock, and in· pushed through port boll'll. and Mrs. John . Fromm and family, friende bv the way in which be held numbe~ for the fi1'St day. voort. . r. an ~. . . owe a~ terment was made in Miami ceme• into the fortification. It. of Dayton, on ~ life. A .clean life. and good The committl!es of the Friendly Thursday- Demonstration Lesson ROn! DEa?, altd~ home tromF t~Jlr was dark ,. We could lee ' bablts were hIS pos&eS8l0n. These Group are to be complimented on in U. 8. History. Fletcher Hawk. outltl~ lo They n lana ear y r! ay tery. the Reba BtftmlJo~!Ji. Un. Joe. Evans spent laat week coupled with God's great. out·of the fact that they made everything Afternoon-Reading Circle Work. mOhlQ~ al~had a fine time. !dr. Harry Kearns died Saturday g h t~t~h~e~~;~~:~:~; ·thll IIJrltt of· with friendaln , MMOn and attended d~rs are p.robably responSible for nice and ~nug for the visitors, and Teaching Penmanship. l!.iection of altodu .t e weat er was not very morning at his home In Ridgeville, and quuter. the reuniuB of ' the 69th District of hIS many y.ears. although they ha.ve be ~n working Officers. go . after a long illneSli of tuberculosis. . red . Mr. ~mlth. wu a membe., of the but a short time. everything was in Thursday evening- "Moral Oblig~. l;~~~~~o~f:~::~ 1I10lMlde'd by 'the Rebekah,'on Tbu _ ay. Method18t EpIlICopal church m Way· perfect working order when the tion of the SchOOl to the Commum- Prof. Lester Ivms, o~ Leb~non, Funer&l was held Tuesday morning it our I nesvllle: He came from that stur~y timeaame. Some of this group have ty, l University Hall. Supt. Begg. l';!ft last week for qolumbla ' Umv~r- at 10 o'clock, Rev. Cadwallader. offishells, Lea1i~ E. Carey, wbo was recent· Methodist stock. of ~he e~rly h1S- been u'?tiring in their effortR to . ' Friday- "Three Kinds of Teach· Slty, where he w!ll take a Bpe~la I ciating. Interment in Miami ceme· exl1)lode, hntr 'l .. l~t\llean I)' marrtll,lat }Io{ew Vienna. wiU take tory of Methodism In OhiO. 8e niake thl8 the best camp, and as far 109, " Supt. Begg. C!?UI'8O. Mrs . . IVinS accompamed tery. t the supermtendency· of the eellOol at could ~t of an ancestry II! the as their work is cOlllcerned they have AfttJrnoon- Depat t~ental Work. hIm. They WIll be gone for some " Poor-Yncle . an paeaed \Away a'boUt Somt'rville. Ohio, this winter. . church of whillh any man mIght be made it so. , Miss Eleonor McCarthy, Miss Elma time. Friday morning," was the substance 'that num. jUil~l)'proud. HisgrandfatherJa~es On Sixth Day ' evening at 7 :30 Roberts, Wm. R. Spriegel. of a letter written to us Monday. and away. I Mrs. W. F. Mcfarland. of Colum· S!Intb.w~ th~ fl~lt pl't'ac;her to raIse a 'clock. Warren Keys welcomed the • - Mrs. Hiram Eyer, Mrs. A. B. Sides Although sick but 'a few days Dan struck PlY by relievins bus. and Mi88 Elizibeth Wilgus, of ~IS ~olce 1.n ~e mterest of Method· visiting guestS, ~n behalf of the and Messrs. Wm. Carmony and Oral R. Anderson, at his home in Lafaythe colored servant a confederate Eustis, Florida, are the il\lesta of 11m 10 Ohl.o. FrIendly Group. ~rhis wel:ome wa8 WalJe--Snider Surface motored to the Reservoir ette, Ind. took a chill and then cam\! The first meeting of ~he . Waynes- responded to by seyt'ral of the visit· lust week and returned home Sunday a collapse, was unconscious, and officer of his arm load ·of eats, con. Mrs. AlIce McKinsey 'and daughter. Biathig.Of two good old country cured ville society was hel.d In hIS grand· <:>rs. after which Ii social time was -evening. They had a fine time and passed quietly away. Friday. August hams. .nd about .lorty pounds of Mr. Jos. Evans, ' Wilbur Evans. :~~~f~e~~~e'm:e~:~:o;l~~:~t ~~! ind~lged in. . ' A very pretty wedding wa.~ solemn- cauo(ht some verv good fi sh. 30. 1915. The funeral was held Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. flour.' We paid more a'ttention to Mr. and MIS. Earl Evans and lIOn aociety. Tho firat church which the 1he real work of the camp began ized Thursday evening at Southview I . tblpgs «000 to eat, than we did to Gayle and Mr. Alva Hartsock at· Waynesville society had was builded on Seventh D~y, when they 88S~m- I!'arm, near ' Lytle. Ohio. when Miss Miss Bessie Smith, daughter of Mr. and his remains were laid to rest in those not good to eat. Comparative tended the Washington, C. H. fialr upon tbe falm on which he was bled for worshIp at 8:3~, after whIch Beulah Snider became the bride of and Mrs. C. H. Smith. left Fridav for the cl'metery at that place. reared. severallectu~es were gIVen. Raymond Wade. Six little. ribbon Toledo, where she has a good posi ly only a t~w of the investing anny. !liBt Thursday. Not many weeks ago. when Mr. WBII in at the finiah. beeauee they In the death of Cyrus Smith WaynE' Tl:e main speakers for th!! . camp bearers~ Irene Snider. ifeva Davis. tion with her brother, who is in the Anderson sent a batch ot his "Rem· were unaware ' there was : to be ont! Mrs. A A. Linton, of Wilmington. township lOBes her oldest citizen bul are' George A. W~llton, preSIdent of Kathryn Stewart, Janet Ritchey. ' chandelier business. Her many imscenses", he said that the doctor had told him that he hsd euremic thai night. 10' only thOle in l the iii the gUfet of Samuel Butterworth our way is not God's w~y and it hIlS G~(jrge School. Pa. , · Elbert Russell, Vaden and Guilda Wade led the way , friends here wish her SlICCess . poisoning. and that probably. that trenchee gotrln, 1 know there wert Li' f ed b . God' . d t to late f Ea Ih G lie'" . M Em to the altar wh ere the ceremony was ' othersin .butldonotknowwhotheJ and wife. M1'II. ntonisJustouto . seem BElt lo s ')U gmen 0 r .am 0 ",e. rs.. e y f 'e.' '"'ut not many. The next daw the hospital; where .be has been felr remove from earth to Heaven one of Danforth McAfee. Anna n. GrIscom, performe<l by Rev. W: P. Coed°leb ,· 0 : .J C Hawke left Monday morn would he his last writing. It was the U "th ' h' ., Th d . :!d Wilson S Doan Robert and G Dayton. the ring service us em g . · · .. . - lust thing we ever received from him . wer "d. 'o~r investment of the 'fort we the last rep weeks. • IS spJrlts. e rewar prom IS" " . '. ' . raCll both prettv an,1 l· mpre""l·ve. mg for TIffin, O~IO. as a delega. te A friend of his. who wrote to us, af .,.... . .. has been given and "'e bow to the Brown, Dr. 0 EoIIward Janney and ... ~ f th W i l l d fJ will of oUr Creator. Thomlll! B. Hull. All of these speak. The bride's cousin little Dorothy rom e aynesv1 e 0 ge 0 un)or says: " 1 have known •Uncle, Dan beJran 'ziltzalr allProacb!* to,,'arJ the fort,. all along our lintl, which ex Mr. and . Mrs. Stephens, their • _ • ers are noted in tneir se~eral lines, Dawson was ring bearer. Miss Hazel Or~er. to attend. the st~te meetmg ever since he came to the home, tended from Moblle. Bt.Y~n .the lOuth. daughter and'huaband, Mr. and Mn. and those who dlo not attend are Creager, cousin of the bride. played whIch convenes m thal City Tuesday eighteen years alro, and a better 'Held Up by Foot Pads missing a great tr·e at. the wedding march. "Heavenward." and Wednellday .. There was a new friend I never had. He was kind to t,o ,Fort .Blakely. on the north. We Peterson have been' pay_air a wl'eka would dig a trench. about tour teet. vl~it to their relatlvea, Mr. and Mrs Visitors are present"" from New The bride was attir.ed in a beautiful scho"l house dedlchated ~ondlay af everyone, always had a cheerful wide;' Uld five or mote feet deep; €hli. Clark. of Lytle. ' York. Maryland, Pennaylvania. Illdi- gown of wbite silk crepe de chine ~e~tu°ont'edandthas t teh Natlon.a hO~lel word'for all he met and he certainly tbl'Qwina- the dirt \lp.~n tbe '8IJemlea . ' WynneKeeller,.son of Dr. and Mrs. ana, Illinois, Nebraaka and several and carried bride's roses. and was ~ 81 a tabl ere. e occasIOn WI will be missed in the Soldiers' Home." A more extended notice aide as a breast wo~1r. ',[,hpn "." EthanCranearrivedhomeMond~ Keever, of Cen~ervi1le, who is at· olher .states. . attended by Mis~ Ethel Archdeacon eano eone. · will be given in another issue. plink. Ind nail., I ft b' i I . tend1'n"" ·th· Fr1·enda .Summer School I'n a buautl'ful gown of pink silk, l • • would take two· Inch n , .' eve':) n~ a er a mont . II ·V 8 t WI .. '" The Friendly. Grou ' are loud l'n '" them v atia~ elgM"n 0" loW"'", . I I '. Col b H . , here. while goir.g to the farm near " c a r r y i n g pink sweet peas. The ...- - , . . St. Mary's Picnic inChes long . aawing a not~h at the re at ves m· ~.m UB.·. . e. WBII ac· . Rld~evil\e FrIday evening, WIl8 held their praise of thel support they have groom was attended by his cousin • od t companied by mi88 Hazel Woolley. V bl received at·tbe hands ef the different Glenn Wade. • h to Boost County Fair .0P8Xrio fllea.r.ganedenl.~~!frt up. y two footpads near ena . . . theamj:c . . ., ol'~to . thaee 'who will vialt " rere for a 'few .d~s. station. The.fint-intimation he hade churches aud . th.~ · citizens of Way· Follo'Nlng the consrratulations re o ur dirt, and then take a ramrod outlck of theirpreetmct' was When they fired rtesyille. They are noto~~~ttendi~g {reshments were serVed to about St. Ma.y's church picnic on the . and punch . througb the dirt. until The Berean C'" of the Chriatian a revolver at him. tbe bullet going l;he cam~. but they aN glVlng their sixty guests. school campus. last Thursday was . ·we 6ad aD unobstructed · view-'only Sanday School will boJd a market through ·the .cu}tain in the tIlschine. support In alm~t every ,way they The presents were many and beau· well attended, about 60 of tbe mem- Are yo~ goma- to the Warren for theatum~, loga &lid ~rush-of In the .Townahip 8o~. · Saturdll1. He IltopJ)ed ~d thetoo~adswent can. The camp II~ a matter of !D~ch tiful. . hers and the Sunday· school attend. Counly, Fau1 . Hav.e ~ou anything to all In front. AI1 .tbe ."M" ran In August 28t11;be2l11D1Dc at 9·o'cloCk. throup bla · ~kets, gettlhg about importance to tbe toWll, and It IS a . •- • inlt. 'The weather was all t~at take. there ~ exbib1t? ~emem~er • diaaonal direction, makftia- a ·co. m· Everythinll 8 * to '_~ 86 cents and a fountain pen . . It was hopeful sl.in to ~ the Interest eo,uld be desired. and an elegant this II your fair, and. any' httle thmg I!letellneofdefenee. all well u offt~ , . a narrow squeeze for the.voung-man awal'ened ·m he.r CltlZ~ns. • Cailed to Dayton I!icnie supper wae eerved at '5 o'clock. you can do to make It a success you Tbe. Reb!J.bad cu~doWD a thiCk for8llt .Muter E~ ' lIeQrv • Mr. and he tbuugbt he was lucky to get im~:li~~~ ~\\~:l: :=o~~ Everybody bad .. good time. ought to do If you bave canned :rub::, Arthur ' ConaWU. ' of oil. well as be di2' the Central Cominittee will be held • .- • with the Ric:ldnar oqi ••, - Marr I4cCra,J, ...... DaD lIol'IrBD. to arraJ\lle I for ·t he Gerleral CClnWalter McClure and Sori were with you. It costs but a trifle to Ibl~ed. O~ . . . . weNatf,... ·Mel1ia. :Kattie.IIaI?e~~Joe ~t . BantlStandRemoved . ference ' whloh .1vUI convene lOon. called to Dayton on last Wednesday Graham Reunion take these things and you migbt , qU8llt Inte~ aIlQ boom" plAnted Sundar Mr. ~. Geo' . • .. This Will bring soveralmore ~rlende to take charge of tbe funeral 'bri!1Jr back a ribbon or two. ' ill all each P. . . . 10 that a p~re Pratt. . . to Wayneavl!le, . ¥ ~ car haS been arran~ments of Mr. C. C. Fortney, Waynesville citizens ale ·to be con· of a few ~ would exDld '. The Baud stand on JIaIn stree~ chartered and will ~rive ~el'e about one of' Dayton's oldest' and mblst The Graham . Reunion will meet sratullted this year. We have' the them, We ooaIcitadl7 ~... Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 1Ir. comMonly knOWD . . ·the ··bOl( pen, tomorrow,!flth Frieade fro,m the prominent under~e~. The ser· Saturdq, August 28th, at the b~ president of the board, the WeTiii tbe ..., tt-. _ .• Uttle white aDd Mrs. N. BamUt.aa .......... wu removed last TbursdQ by Street East. ' . vices were beld from hll home 2006 lJ.~table hom~ of· Frank nesville band will play evel'1' day of 8M or dIItu. . . . ol the d. ... 10& Hamilton aDd 'Vera Noble . . CommIaIlouer. Grant LeWlI. .It About t1Nnt1J IUIt~llea took E. 3m Street, Saturdar aftemooD, Weather permlt~. the, are ex· the 'air, there are 8everal hOl'll8llU1ll evIiIenaI eaoWrb. to bep 114 ..., SdiIdQ . .' (dbmer at die bailie of mabla c1eeJded im~ent DOW the vlaltors to FI~ AaC;r-t Monday after wblcb the tunera puV went oe,ctInIr a ~ atteildance. All that will exhibit, and a1toa'ether we fielD un. Wtlb, c.ner at ~ tbat . . an never to ~" etreet afternoon._ lr.f: ~ lie l18Ve"a1 by auto to New Carlisle, where In- ~en.ij ·of tAe famlll are iDvI~. ought to takeagteat deal of illterat (~ Mat .....) bull, &f!airaof • d~ tIae week. termeDt wu made, . DoIl·Uo~.~ bIIUfao . ,ID the fair.
r~~~e~!~~a~~~i fa~~e'!.°~~a~~~ ~ay F~:r;o~oml:~.
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n1ot!"~L1y us It h w~rll pla nulllil til /' IIlU k lll'; bls tlll1'(1 alt"IlI, 11 til lhnt bur· t sod 11 11)"' "; more BO! Why , buck thOIl. f un In tllo Hacl\ pr elud e. • , I bomo, It a IIIlIn dr allied" U1'1.!lllll "y"u hlt\·,fn·l Ho ld hew you like our I COJOVnICHT ~ffOD:F"S ' vast IUl thnt. he JU Bt ta l k ~,1 about It fIL UI(lll~ ohl vh urcb." s ugg esl d the . : ultura l S iet will . The, ixt '-Rixll{ A nllu(ll Fair the Warren Connt n:P:J~ ·1.J:(ftJ '1.,. _ . tor Ule r st ot hla lire ; uuel l'l oy put , Her. ::imllh U yd wltb plellsant onae. held p n tltdr grounds O il ' CO/IIIoItAmw I a IJOet's wrcBt~ on hJs tQtn iJslone." tholl);h II .r IL r liovod thllt sbe was . I : "Now yolt'r tnlklng S~n llotlellt, r 'l gOh lll. '--' rIch . by Inherltn nco. IbM mou .., torted "tubbY'mllstached J Im Sargen L T he sudrl II snnJlln Gull'o eyes tlUJ'o • TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, , CHAPTER I, tncnn t nothing to hlm. "You 8111d. a whllo ago, thnt you 'IIm ~ I I' • I III .., It Ilk t h h t. .: ' ,, Not enough, " grun te,l Van Ploon. bThl ere strIctly on bU 81ne88. 0 dId w . ) ,C 0 1 .Ir . "3" e 0 B n I ' I I . LI c t" I te rlll): III 1I11l' gill S II. t he 3 11 11118 ht l~th No Place for Sentiment. hondlng bnok tbe ellvelo pe' and twist· 8 8 110 pllce 1 0 ~ ...ell m'~ ' hi "It se'lIl s t o he 1\ nllll nrk llbl)' luc~" : SlIenco pervnd tl thq dim old nl81 0s Inll ogaln In We g ueral dlructlilll of nurus r..rnm:ln ·! \\~llJ ~he : \I kO ~ ~ llvo ••lI t .ro rls,.. .. HIIO S1l1 it d up lit blm, ' • or tbo Mark t Square hurch ; the IV1U· :1111. . s il vory b '.Lrd n ) S liger,. CO C UI' alid wua r ' ",nrdud .ll a SLlOrt !rOla tot' ~UD. 8t~111l8 tbrougb tbo r I:~~ "~U\pIO." rc.torted Allison. "You . ~~:.~i-~ ·('Itde!~~~:/r:::~~~u~~ tL~~ r~\~:~ Mnn lllng. AllI so n fr~OklY 'uCf,\\vcd. . : Septembe~ .ato!') ",llldo"8. cast, on th o /I 0 , ~1\ I OUllt ~nlthlng tor the buildings. over Ih~ tlou d of tho fnmo ll" Henr i The bnlll n II nr tho s uate ,'clIl ry wnS. 1 : hlle I dOll l dellY that they yie ld tho D r 's cruclllx nnd ho gtiollc1 . Gall truck "IUlIltJ tJy the 11I111crtiu lice. on tho vucant benohes. palches of ruby and sappblre, of om rnld an d Of . rich st hlt' ornc of nny property In s ~:~e n t 1\'11 I~oltlng con lcm platl\'ely Gail P it h c ('y e s of th o n ,'. Smith togll'. tbeso soomlng only to nceenlu· : tb e city. th ey ~re tho most decr epi t C II '10 th olher ot tb o gra\' o VO. nord ti s cJ !!t"ud Uy on be r. IInu turn d ato tho dimness and tho 8l1enee. t onements III l'\ c w York. T hey'lI (1\11 rn m n to III et th m 'f hey wcr COld. ho In tbat silence the " catry door dOll'll In less than ten years. You tr:" ~~~~:ra ti gbt" conceded Allison hnd thought. them blu e' but now t it y •• crenked It opened wIde and It was hav them propped up now" I ' • . &8 Ie a'vleJo[l hod eu1td ~nlr bee n Sel J Im S I d 11'1 I t curt lv. "::;uPJlose )'ou fellows talk It woro green! Shc Atarcd bac k IIltO.: : therel DnUlod In the goldon Ilgbt I G 11 b tr:.end~dg a~ce 80t c ~o~ y ; . m'or ' by you rsolvcs, and let me know 111em for El mOlllent. al.d II .utIle r(.!d . from tho transopt window brown. I a . u sl ~ . no scew 0 0 ore, your b08t after." s pot Callie Inlo th e dellcale tlilt of h · r t alred • browno(\yed r08y:obeeked no.~ 8 purt c e . "Very well." nesented Jim Sargent. oval heek!!: th on s ho turned doUber\-Vi II be beLter than ever. Entrie are corning ill ra. t, and tiler will he plcn t y atoad ~ 81rl v.. bo might have been on~ 1U8:c~~~r :~n:~~;~~ ~~~Ue81:u~~~~~ with nn Indltrereuco .~blcb dId not aLely. to lht~ mu r velou Rly bOll\lI~~"1 big of sta rlers in each L'las . or. the Blender etalned·glnss vIrgins W . T. Chlsbolm. bls mullou cbops·. see m to be assumed, Wo htlve 80me trans JlL \ll lidow . it IlU d L ee n decome~ "r~ lliegclden light H amj~ hrn~g ~~ from tbe r~d e DIDg ~ mb~ mauern W d~cu ~ . and womay s~n ~ ~ . ~ o m? ~ RllI o~ ~~n e~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ the ed8es ot her balr Into an nu reole. thl' skin bcnentl1. He hnd 8pent a DB well ~ra!h this thing Ollt rl gh.~ glass ~rll s.t 1n th " "or~d , nud Ita sub· Sbo stood tImidly, peering IUlo the lIfotime III r esenllng Indlsnltles be. now. We 1\ let you know tomorrow. ject .I em Il!\clf to tl "eullh or color. Wed ne.sday F riday Thursday dimness, 'and on her beautifu lly fore th ey reac hed hIm. I It \I us hrlRL lurnln g Ih, Uloney. • eurTe4 lip! was a bait questioning "Bulldl~ Inspectors cbange," IDsln. change rs out of Ihe t ell1pl . • 2 WT $?OO 2: 16 Trot. ...... . .300 2: 12 Pace .. . .. .... :\00 Bmllo. uilled Allison. "Politics Is '"ery uncer('/'0 OR ON'I'INUE Dl .: :' rot . . . , . . ,. 2: 15 Pace . .. . . . . . ::iOO 2: 20 Pace . ... . . . .. :zr.() "Uncle Jim," abe called. and then! taln." - - - --2 : 25 Trot . ..... . . _00 <l::20 Tr t ... . ... . 200 2: 24 Trot. . . . . . . . 200 waa lOme qua1ll)' In ber low voIce Four IndIgnant vestrymen jerked wblCll 'II'ILS 8LraDgely attractive. and forward to nuswer that Insult. 41aturbtna. "Gentlemen. this Is a vestry m eot.' -Dr Georlle. Gail, I forgot that YOll Ing." e lcrnly reproved the Rev. Smltb Beg iuning aL 10 o'clock there will hc a Horse ,"how. 'We", to co~e tor mel " saId JIm Sar- Boyd. advancing a step, and 8oemln8 . Handsome prem ium s. T he Big Midway will b op II cent. rla!ng &om amid tho group of to reel the need of a gavel. HIs rlcb, every day, and there will be hUlldrcd . of differc.'I1t attractions 011 the gr unds. CeII ·.1t! the dIm transepl "We'll be deep baryt,on!' explaIned why he was "hroqCh In a few mlnules. A1\I80n. rector of the' rlcbest church tn tbe ~ou Yere a:bout t o prove somethIng to world. I 'Il8, I thlnk." 01111'0 eyes were dnncJng. but olber. Probate Court P r oceedlng:s "Prove Is th.e rlgbt " 'ord," Il8reed wlso she was dem ure)less 11IIeif ns sbe M, A. JAMESON, ~ec'y F RANK ELHON, President 111 tho lURUur of tho g utl rdl unshlp the .toct1ly built man wbo had evl· stud ied. I.a tUnts, the members of tbe I)r ' ) PIU OII,t hl. 8~ rn e ra n d MOl y Bell dendy ~een addressing the vestry. He rIchest vestry In the world. Sbe esU· I 0, OUTTERY, Tress, S, P. SMITH. Vice- Pres, 1:I1l1·O''''. luill o rs ClariONT. BMner was. acu~lr !lonllOJOlls ot tho presence mated tbat elgbt ot tho gentlemen Ie Ilpp olu te ti Bon d $60V. . of Gall, as they a U were. "Your ren- then prestlnt were IUmost close enough ~ In the IDAtt.l) r of tb e est~ te of to~ .~08111 that lliJa Is a mnUer o( to tbe anger line to swear. Tbey num. ; I sentiment.' You are anlllou8 to have ber od Juet eIght, and they were most 'BAttie P . !:furne r . deoeused. E V . ~ BarnhR r t '1eappoln ted "drninlst Tl~tor. lltty ml1llol1 .dolllU'lJ to begin the eree- Interestfngl And thIs WII8 a ves try tlOI1 . of a catJ,lOt1ra1; but I came h~re meellng! Bo od '5000. to t&1,t' bljllnellll, and that only. Grant"The topIc of debate was malley, I In t be m At ter of t·be ostato of tna YJ" . the tUll normal apprecIation believe," Buggested Rurus Manning, Mary E. COIll'tub le . deceaseli. Den- ADOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION FOR COUCH Watch Your Children ot 79t1l' Vedder Court ,Property, a.nd resoulng biB oenee or humor rro'm Dis B, CIJ'l8lnbl1' Is IIl)polnte d ad AN EFFECTIVE COUGH TREATMENT childnln do noUet ptIrCIIts know the IIO~ tlicreue of your &8'!rellate somewhere In hlB beard. He W&II the r:nlul Atn o r . Bond $750. ' buIes they are constipated. They fcnrllOmOo ~ )'OQ canno~ llave, at tho end In6del member. "/3I1Ppolo we retum Veterlnarv .I0.10S, J o hn A . K~ll e r !lnd Thoma 8 One .foor'b to one teaspoonful of thing distllstcluJ. They will like &xtlll of teD ~"'" a lJIlnny OVIIr torty,two to tt. Is Allison'. olrer 'll'o,tli coll8ld. B Brx\loy Ilro appoin t ed appralserll. Dr Kin8 '8 New DJlloovery, taken lUI Ordir\.iee-a mild laxativo thll' tast.oe m1ID~ I am llrepa1'l!4 to otter you, orlng?" In tbe matter of t.be will of Ella needed, will l! lothe and ob eok ~ aupr. _ Sold only by WIt 10 _u.. Graduate of Obio ~Iul lJnlven" III ~ • IUm whlcb wl\1. at tbroo "Wbyt W InQulred t~e nasal voIce ot LInder, d1floea8ed. WIlJ Is adlUlttlld OOUIt be. Col(ls and ,bo wore daDl{er. J. E. Jann..., I .- - aD~ f' half per cent, and 10 ten years, clean.shaven old JOlleph O. Cook, who to() problltll. ou l! Bronohla l· an d Lung Ailmenu. IOffice at residence in F. II "'her .produce .. that ~ct amount. To th!. was BaPcut1c In money mattors. The UII L B J YOIl can't ~fford to take the risk Of '" 'And TbtIL w••• Ve.try Meatlng. '" lill e nn ett . r ., U8' gI Ullrdlan I '11 h h d wood's house, Fourth '" l!treet. I ~er ou s I nOS8, w en so 0 eap lin I aM ~o mllII0n." . sta.ndard Cereal company had attained I BI I E t k Ii !I , et 1/. s~ ell pimple 1\ rewedy a!! Dr. KIDK'II New faire, wilier ren~ ¥7 : The ,Jobnston Gall looked at her watch and roso ·e 0 VII. t·" .. ''!How .much did )'on alloW' for In· Ita coloasa1 dlmenelona tbrolllh 1'8-1 nreappr;, vpd DlstrlbutloD ordered. Disoovery J8 o btainable. ao to & Watson Co., IIllp p1l0!! for IAudl tor l Telephone 28 creue ·In t1!e value or tbe .properl7 TN energeUcally. . State of Ohi o n. Clarenoe Maine. your Druggl8t to-day, get II. bottle of tlol 60; A. D. Bond, brIdge wnrlr I 8lI/le4.1'llcholu Van Ploon, whose only bat8ll; and he bad Invented the II.. I "I BhAtl be late at LucJ!e's, Uncle knowledae for .evera! «eneratJonl had vloe I . "Tbe only nllL80n we'd lel1 to ' Jim.. I don't think I can walt for you ." Bond In \bls 0118e Is approved nnd Dr . King '!! ' New Dl8oovery. etart Franklin tow nllh lp $19; Elmer i WaynesviJle. Ohio beeIl c8p,tere4. on ~.. ohe Question. .AUlsou would ba that we could cet " 1'11 be very bapPl to ' take MIss Ularenoe M"inB i s d !sohllrged frvl;1J the treatmen t at once You will be Huwell roadw ork 'OleMoreelE towlI- 1 gratified for tho relief and caro ob. ~hlp$l7 7 6; The BudgeS commIS8101l 1 =========-====::::: ' ~_ Tbe ·ortalDaI Van Ploon had bought a more moner than by the normal,. Sargent anywb.e re ebe'd Illie to go." 'he oost iJody of the sh er iff. In the, matter of the elltatt! taio ed. expeJl8eB '921)5 ' Warren UOllnty v-.t trsot of Manhattan . for a dollar tum trom our love,tmenL'" ' ottered .AlII sou, almoet Instantan e")'ve allowed two million for the oualy. . aD aere, !Uld, .by that Itroke of towel' CbariA8 M .. B.eAo h, deoease.1. · Eu T imes. 188al a'dv,', $10.10; The Leb. >J " E a non Plltrlo~, le"al ody.• $9 '; The tq I'enla.. had placed the family of prollt ' at Market Square oburcb In "Much obliged, AlI18qn," accepted geniI' E. BeAob is appoin ted admlnIstratrlx. Hood $600. Frell Bart Dnmford, 'both uf MMOD. Rev. R . W eetern Star, legal adv. $9. , Van Ploon, for all eteml..,., ba,ond tbe dealing with me," elated AlllllOn. aa.tJn SlIJ'gent beartily j "tbat Is, if she'll go prolrerlng the envelope wblcb no on~ with you," Hook, J o hn ':. Trovillo and Jobn 1:4. Hageman. Cootraot. Lei-Nit, 4.&& with W TH. O"Ul'.aT -. ' neoeutt,. of thou.ht. , I'Or auwer, Alllson P&l10t1 hIm the made a move to take. ' ''1 wUl not pay "T.hank iou," said Gall elmply, 'a B Vandervort are appOinted tlpprlloltl ~ea1 Estate TraDlfers S. Grahum for puWu" In oonol'!Jte 'I'Irn j 1mD envelope .upon whlcb he bad beQn fIc· a dollar more.': . she stepped out at tbe pew. er8. arob "nd oorrnlRted so"r ob WIIY- '~lru AI" ~ I n th e ma t t er of t b e g otlrdlllnllhip J. a nd M . M. EI8ten to J hn !freeze D8sville Rnd Burllngllln rna4 by Ail · IN TN. WORLD W. T. Chlsholm was Buddenly re- I The gentlemen or the vestry rose nrtne. checklIia oft an item as bo did l'OBL1SlIED WEEnY. $4.00 rER YUI 110. He not1cecl that Gall's IIpe mInded that the vestry bad a moral al one man. Old Nicholas Van Ploon of Ma.rg(lret R . ""bin, pe rlll ipsion Is Iota No. 93 Bnd 94 In M!lple P"rk 'd rews ("r01 W •• yne townsb lp ' 185.25. tWitChed With IIUppresaed IiIlrth. 'S he oblfgiUoo 0 {be-iii'it er' Ulfder -dhrcUF even a leml/leoto stand gracorully on g ramed t he gllapdian in . this o"ose s ubdivision to Kings Millt', 'J20":-- -No(),.-4~--w.U:w. Gu.ham for ItOYltLW, DltucciiiiTa, .PECIAL.."'. tUrned. abruptly to look b&ck ' at the elon. He was president of the Majell- one le8 . wbllo ble veet bulged over the to s8sr.le and oO Dlpr o~is ~'a 01,,101 .0 1 E . B. a"rper to B. Ef. Blttlr 2.24 two Jorrugllted s ewers and -f1lJ-.- ln OOaTUMIt"S. TitAN . . . . ". OA~ Itrtklnc ' tl'&D8ept window, and the tic Trust company, and never forgot back oUbe pew In front or hLm. Bllld e~tlite to oertalu property In aoresiD 'rn rtlecrae' townsblp. $16 . W .. yne t wnshlp $155. AND .UI .EftVICE CAN PIIOFI~ tljree vestrymeo III the rear pew im· that faot. " I "I tblnk we11 have ' to make you B ~I onx CIty, lown for $200. W . U. Gilmour, 8herlff to. A B • _ ••_ __ In' UII"G-ITII ADV.RTI.I"O-CO&.UM medtately ..t stratghter. Willie CUD"To what UM would you devote tbe J)8rmanent member 01 the vestry." In th e m 'LttOI' of the es ta le of ODd Mary E. Pqmmelllo' No. 48 In SAMPLE .COPY FREF I1tngham,·wbo wu a bachelor; hutily property of Mllrket SQuaro church Bmlled MannIng. tbe })Iltrlarcb. as be R"ohol A. Lsne, deoei\8od . Edwin Malnevllle.,$ 375. . . . . . . . YO"" OLIP"•• FOR A SPRAINED ANKLE _tlle4 hla. Vandyj(6. )Ie was .0 het 8Ta'!§II ru.ked. ~bnwad. •.btII ,adl(lus. "We've boen ll.Ile.d. A. Lane Is ItppolnLed udmillltitrator. Catbarine Riley to Leaona Riley N_Y-. .. ". If you will get !l bottle of Cba U!Bund '4500. A. B Kanfulan, W . C. lot 093 In Fr&nkl!n $1. o.erllin 's Llulment and ob~erve tho <:illmour aDd G . E . Brown are ap Belts R.t law of John Sauter. de. dlraoUons given 'herewitb fllltbfllJ. 1 All Kinds or ~ "55=:J~ pointed Ilpprllisers. Mr. KanfmaD oeBBed, to F ran'k Bau'o'r ·he undl. ly, yuu will reQ .ve" tn mooh 1£1111 i[:Jl '..:I bolng nUtlble to eerve II . W. ';uem. vided six-sevenths of two·trae.. in time 'han I. usnally required, Obenlng Is appolntM t o s erve in hl l' place. , F r anklin t ownship It. talDable evervwhere. I
WI1 S ;
lLLUs;rnl'TED G r: C.D,
I:I. :i
, IlS
September September 17th
......................... ................................................: ............ ....................................................................
:Dr. J. A. McCoy,
I -.
"rDTCAL . Pi'
''' I
at..555::1'lEU":1:5551, '1:5551 '. nEU:'i5=5J 'i:;=5J'a'.'i5=!5I'U:I'1::555::1'I:h;
HE G REA T========== '. =======;::::==. T ~
I~ th e
Illatter '-of the elltttte of Wllhelnlll1& Kelsey, deceRsed, Cnas. E. KelRey Is appolnt.ed udmlolstrator
Mootgom'ery 'County 'Fal'r ~al· ~!~v~:i~t~~~~:!!~:~a~~~y~~;~~: :~:~~:;;~_~~~:!:11,8~:i:r~:~: .
, .
In tbEI estllte of Oeo~ Boff, de. ceased, th e f1rl!t .nd fin.1 poooun$ Ie approvQd. _ t:I In 'hI! estate of Lewl, C. Nixou. ..... deceased, the ti ret &nd final acoount Is npprcl'ved. 10 tbl! IlI!ttlte of Oynthla A. 'Mer. r\ll, dOlooaBol1, Jtbe fir s t aooount Is approvod.
• .
I Sept em.ber 6 , 7 , 8 ,.,9 10., "15. ~ DAYTON OHIO , '
. ~I ~ .:.
~' ~:~':e~.d.
M onday Sept 6 "La bor Day " . . of, all LiveStock., Grand Parade U nited T rad· es and L a bor CounC·I".'S PI"cnl·c on Fal··r Grounds_
BIG . . pAY
~ N-lneteen Horses an'd Runnlng • . Racel-·-three Harness and two 58 '200 IN RACING PURSES ~ Running' .Races each d
1:1 '
' ay, Wednesday, Sept. 8. . , So.dl-ers' D
I •
AII ' Soldier8 arl.' Admitted
An Automobile given away Free, by the Thomas Manufact.ur~g Compaoy, of Dayton,.to the persoo suggesting the best "catch" phrase to identify their retail advertising, Coupo · it for suggestion wi.th every general admission. ticket.
Flo;en~l e
, "'MOSBY, eres. D..
• • • • • • •&1'
r.t .....
Pleas Court
dleB'i11 "'ll d' I B Wi . 8 a owe -" . Dner, eel'· vloes on burla' oommlUee $1 ; Peter E . E. Cons t&ble VII. DeDnls B. D. Blltfleld. eervloB8 on burial comOonl!table at a.1. Partition. mUlea fl,; TbeFrauk Sberwood Co., John Sh"w VS . Alloe Lee Shaw• .paiDt Bupplies '29 26 j Xenia City divorce, Kross negleot. Workho:tlse. mal~lenauce of tnmates from Warrell COQnty "60; M I U The Miami <:iazeUe, adv. tax payerll arr ale ~ no"oe $3 60 j WUllon UngleBbv. bor. Walt-er ,J . Splnnor farmer to Inez lal Samnel D . Tibb&11l'75; The w. Spnrllng, both· of Mil8Qn. nev ' r4orrow Mlrrol' adv'. taxp"yera.DOR. S. Bagema.n. . . .tloe SS,60; Ohio Corrugated Culvert Clifford E . Prugh. farmer of !Jay. Co.,' pipe ' 84; Truetoo8 Publlo Af · .ton, to Celleta Audln, . of WaYDell- :::'::=:!===========:::: ville. Rev. W . J. AloMiohael. . . Bomer 8nell. farmer to Ethel May COLIC Common
New Suits.
~"'I -:-
. .
. -,
Dyspepsia TabletS ,. , .
,,~H2~!~~ !~~:~!~~R~!a,.!~~!Dd
Ch tmberlalo'. Collo, Cholera /lnd , DI.rrhoea Rfmedy," ",rUea ~Ip '-'lt A • Williame, merohant, Jene, TenD ....... I't!lieve your iDdi.pltoioD. MalIX- - ~!.(·lOn more of 1& tbaD of IIny other paop1e.-iu this town have uae4 .them ~ttonll of nita oharlloter U andwllllaveyeUohearofaCBMwbere boa,e Deed I. my.elf .and foond i' ha,e failed. We know the for- !lave me more rellet 'baD .uytblnl
I:] L L HOLDERMAN Sec; .' • . ." . y. m=.
and to 69 Bores In SIiOtiOD II, T .8, R. 4. M. R. B $1. StilLS L . Bennett, gaardlan to Mor ton L. 8'all tbe undivided one_ h alt Intere@t to parts of Iota No . 1191 &nd ~57 in Mallon, 'IU5. . .Il.. L . and ROII4II1 Blake to Morton L. Stall the nndivlded one·half in. terest In Jjart of lots No, 169 ~Dd 257 In MaaOD, $Ll25. ~ J , I•. Jonea to Jamel B. Jones 162 76 'aore81n,t\eotloD 27, T . 4, R. 5, M.Will R . B., 1500. and Mollie Moore ·to E. R . and Bes8te Waldeck two email tract. 'In Ulearoreek townsbip II.
. ,
~.; lis · 1 -. .,.
B~~o:s,we: ~t' ;. v~:
Th e f oort h aooount In tbe estate of WI lliam B. ()Iamen t, deoeased Is Ilpprovlld. d I I I t D P Mo ull Ii [!J ; ' Edward Woollard to Edna Wool. ~ Maple is nppoloted guu.rdlan ad lit om lardp~rtotlotNo IlnOhl'OSquare tor tile mi nor dl1 fendtlnte. Pu bllo We yoe8vllle, '250. 8Blo .of foa l 6etltto ordered. Clara Stroop to Henr:y Miller 3 traots of land In Cleatoreek $ownIII the m ettfi\1 of the gOBrdlllnsblp Bhlp 'l. . of Graoo B ooh t., oonfined in the 13 Dilyton State Bospi.t a l. iCngelbert J . O . Thol:npeon to Belle Colbert ~ Beoht i.s appointed. Boud 11700. the Wllst one.fourth of IIl.lot · No. In the mtL&ter uf Lulll Brown. :119 In Lt:bltnoll, $1. AppllovLtl oo for Bdwle810n of 8ame Proceedlntr;1 _ to Da.yton State Bo'pltal ia mBde. Tbe pj3tltlon of Wtlllam Knedler In tho nl fl,ttor of the wlll of Wll- Sr., et al for the improvement of linm Elammon, deceased. ' WlIl Is tbe approlloh to Foetel' bridjJe. F08· B admitted t.o probate. . ter,Obio, wall read aad pJaced on
Seeond Automobile Show will be held on Fair Orounds, Fair Week
In the estate of Hbnnab ~mith. the fiUtl I 1lO0<.lDnt Is ap
m "
°veiad~edd!l·tx08WeVaelntOtbr.SaOufttewrotbteraen,nl~tiD' v
..•.- - -
t:1elr8 at law of Jobn S anter, de.
A. R~ Chandler
Read the Miami Gazette
PU-S-L-IC.-·S-A.....LES ~
F, E.
. Qver Pbs~lfic~,
I w:tI1 offer at Pablto &Ie at my Olike Phone 77
Waynesville, H
re ;.idenoe In Lytle, Ohio; on OUM o.lIe · Saturday, September", 1915 DR J W MI Beginnll1B at 1 o'olook the tollow ••• L~ER. log personal property: ODe B orse, ! • BOQeehold and KUobllo Furniture,. -... DENTIS>-lTh.n.,....-----~Cr-_ 1 Buggy, Harnese, etc. . . Bee blr billa for \erml. . Olllce¥1D u. II 0 Mrs B. K . Sides. IlI"ODaI D&IIk Did.. ....aYllenl eA. A. MoNeil; An at. . W. E, Kenrlok, Clj!lrk.
I wlll offer lit Publio 8ale at my
former resldeoo 0 In Barve"sbnrg OhiO, on > . Friday, AUgU8t27, 1915
U rPPERE 'Re• r
OIVEN QUIOK ......... ...........
P.lin lenves almost as if by magic ' wheQ you beg iQ using "6DropS/' lhefamoWLold remedy for Rheumatis m. Lumbago, Gout, Sci"llea, Neur&'l<<<ia
Beginning at ;t o'olook the folio w. Ing pereon!il proper'f; Stove 8, Table8, Cllrpet8, ChalrB, eta. Terma o"eh. J . W. Hartsook, Walter LIIOY, Anot. I wlllllell at Pobllo
~oo'ion et tbe
late reeldenoe of ' Panllna Butter. worth deoeBlle<t, In Waynl svllle, 0010, on ' Saturday, August 28, 19.5
spot, IIlops the. aches . and pain. and maleea . life wocth liviD!!. Get
. BeKlo"llng at 1 o'olook the folloR_ tOR property; Household and Kitch. en Fnrnltnre eonslstlnll of 'rables, Chtlln, :Uovee, Coq)dnR Utensils and Gardeo Tools ow, ., . See bill blllll for 'erms. A . B. Chandler, Admi/Jistra ~or, W. N, Ideare, Anot. .
e"ch bottle gives foil
~~:,~tCJ!f.l~~ ~!mnU: .
"5-D'rops." Don·t accept' anytbing else .in '. plncDofll AD,dno.;.,,1 ,'I", .tipply yoa. H you live too far " m " 'Irllg store Bond Ooe Dollar to ;".\ :'!JSOfI Rheumatic Cure C~., N warte. "h't ' ~tni! nld.h~l lo of "a.Drops" " '11 be . ~ o Jlrep" •
w.. N. LIVE
' 0~tOOps B Uildin m . g
W.'Vneavill-- Ob.io
:. ~ ~~. beL =~:r.e·~:'!~::lef~!!~·w= .--------..--••-.,-..- •••-,.III!~• • • •1Ii ..
; Ublhll'ed W4M!l. 1)' af Ibo 0,.. Alleu Hulldlng. Mai" I .. Wmynellylllo. .
A L 1•.b!'I:
The Ohio State Fair
Ratel of Bubac:riptlon.
ODf' Year (IItrlctly ID ad\'u ce) •••. •.• . ".00 tlwa le ( o V7 . .. " .• " . .. . • .. .. .. .. .. • .O~
MIANII .,\1.., (III",., ID I Mo.
Ride8 of Advertising
----,-- - ----------------- 1tllru.a.1l neal1 l~G Leu,.,. ... I't" Il,,~ • .• •. .•• • , • . . • . 00 A,t1a. 1101 10 .)l.(·t.IC.~d fivil Un..
,] \ h ~
bu.,'r l h.IIIK .• • •• • •••• • • . :150 J UC
D. L. Cmne, Bc:btor 8l1d Menager . Dyplay Au, erlf, lul/. ' ...·r IllCh .. " " ..... . DlicOullt• .II'''" 0&1 rolltr.ct. AUGUST 25, 19'15.
As Written by Our Corps of Able COl'respond. ents In the Neighborhood
' BEwaRE OF OINTMENTS FOR Cl" TARRH M.r. and Mre R. W . Kaylor .nd F. E Bart.sook ball ' been " M r, And Mr8. P, B. Hawk , motored I slolt h il l the Ilast woek.
Buy G.)ods at Home
THAT CONTAIN MERCURY'- . - - I-tft--BtorUflfoniaine Thur~r . Do tho w all. ot d.er houses of tile 1' lS mercury ":ill su-Iy dCSlrD)' lbe sense day'e visit wi th relati v&I. rtltnrnins' .~ IDW Xe tJ u ren f 0 1 smc ll Ilod,. 'complttcly der." u!;'e lbe tbe same evening o )on ~r 1 VIl Y .., ? T b h d 0 rt I I All ee Osee 'Anson, a fter a week 's \Jouu ty ? .., 0 Illl Vi y a y 11 whol. systclil when cute nl{ .t t Iroag 1 visit with her paren's. ret urnetl to buy 01 them! Yon Wilke yon r I the mucous s urla l'el . Such nrtid es'shC?uld Wilmington l:iunday, where shs '.n e woney here, tb lJ n why l eod It ol1t' ucycr' !Je used ea~p~ on prcsc:ripllOIlS .... hunurt>de IIf milos tl) l alllO firm t hat- l from ":pulab.le physlclanl. as the dumaae a nloe poshion. will prob. bly IIOOU y ou pri.on marle Jlbey ",ill do IS t~l1 fold to the good ~o.u Friend. Yearly Mee'lng d Wil. goods. IInli oocondll thd lUe m ude ~~~Sib~~ r..en~n~~:::lU~~dm·b/~~~? IUlnRkln was Attended by the same by Door unt nrtuU tl tll8 who are look . Cheney & Co.; Toledo. 0 ., cootaiDs no people from here tbd have attendtng to lIaln & 11 vllhr)od at the Uptln8e mercury, and is laken internally, a.cting ed tor yearll liM b o I.q,mofllot.urer. direcily UPOD tlte! IJlood and mucous l urRev. W.lker filled the pulpi\ I1l're 'I'b e, e u rll 110 mllny t hin lt 8 to look f~<.-es of tbe SystC01 .. In buying Hall' s Sunday. IUtu when yoo lIoal" way from home Cutunh.Cure lie sure you get the ge ll~. Rloton's big show 1.8 giving a and possibly you ba ve not oonald. ioe. It is tllken internally and made In week 's ontertainment under oanVAS. ered 'tlr thoujtht of It an. LOolr In'o :l:olc~o, Ohio. by F. J . Cheney & Co. Tbelr ottendllnoe ia large and ver.v theRA 0111 II tUII "-nd see tllat you do l e~lImon lu ls rre~ . . b will Sold by D ruggl~t s. Pnce 7fic per bottle. Instruotl ve . If YOI1 have not been, f b not buy u 0 eap ooncerD'" 0 Tuke Hall's Falll' y Pll1g forcollstipalio~ you bad better burry i If y ou do not lIeod Y UIl tbe olleapllilt of oheap aSlend your life wUl no' be complete. gO~~~~onlzd your home merobaDte The. Woodson. reunion took plaoe SatrudllY In our town. The aUendund if y ou d o not 8et value received, tlley will. In all probability, mAlle Homeward Anoe was tram Day ton .nd Lebanon. 1& r lgllt wltb you, and you WIll be While the weatber woe bad, a !tood IIIItls tltld Anotblll' reaSOD for pat and enjoyable tiDle WII8 bad, paSI!.. . lIng a re.olutlon they would try it ronlzln "" b' om e Is for 'he upuolldlng I' m nearing bome l the-old .Cnmlhar ..tlg It t of yoor own borne town , that III, If ShiDe. out like tender eyu IlIumtnatUlI o"er nex year. yoo IIllve BDy pride In yonr home A well loved I lltt; faintly I bear her sing On ~undoy tbore was Il bll.sllet Cown. Across the dUlk '" J Cure through the lDeeting among the Zion Bap'llIt and Don't knock I If an IIn~rprl8e Di,bt . A, M. E ohnrohlls. wBnts' to lieek your home to~n booat Toward boD:'c, s".et home. Mr, Frank ~obertl•• of Dayton, " even if you don" gel a for'une 1D0klred· down "&turday and WaR o~t of " yonnell. Everv dollar I part tbe velvet .badow! where they tbe guelit ot his parents, Mr. and liddtld to the tax 1111' makell your gloom Mrs. Ab Rober~ . oommunity worth jUlt thOl' maoh Tit ...al deep ill driHed IOmbefllesi IUld Gee. M. Edw.rds Ie plasterlnlr mOM!. TI~ri:l~ine from mood drenc~d lenvu & ne", honle 'or Fred GOD8. Fred Think over 'his m.uer. spend bellevee Jn having the oage before b that loye may _riog your woney a't h OlDe an d lee ow Some ollsw'rillg gleam into tbe quiat room he get. 'he bird . qulOltly yonr hOlDe 'ow a w\11 de.f bolDt', t weet home no W.rd reunion will tate place v610p. . •_ • Saturd.y, Aoguat 28th, at 'he Alvin Tbe sbepht rd nl,bt leads to tlte! dlstan. Coa&el grove near Apllngfield churoh
Home Merchant-Mail Order
'Our home merehantl pay tbeir taxes here and help to defraY the local expell8e8. They sredoing thei r !Jut towdrci building up' your town . The mail order. man payl no taxes here and . is doing more than his .hare toward destroying our I!;om· munity. Who are you supporting!
'''x •
.., •
'ion don J,u~ 'to lIutre~ UJon unlelng nerye paine 10 She faoa head .rm ehouldera, ob ~.t and baok JUI' 'apply • .few drop! 0lt ,10oth,lDg Sioau 'a Linlmen' i ' lie "n e 11' • • loj mlnn&ee. 'You will Ie, lIooh reUe aud oomf"l't I L\fe and the world will look brighter. qat. bo\Ue ~ dar : 3 Ol1nOOl for 260,..' Dru8gll &8. Peoe'ratea wI'hou' rnbblnl ·
---- ...
. J . ll. toreeherll, Gray, one of our mos' Hi. stnflY flock and counts them ODe by perOOI finbbed up prOF. 18st, one, And smUca tltem welcome home; tbe day wee " .nd repor'ec\ a very . good yleJd at grain .nd of 800d qualUy. well dODe. Sinks to the cbant of prie, tly bours. ..bite· Mr. snd Mrs. Frank L . Barrl8 souled. and lon, Owen, were 'he KoeBts of 'belr daughter. Mre. Belen Peterson, 'But Dever the she pberd love so true as of Bprlog Valley, Suoday. mine, h" Mr. .nd Mrs . 'l'hos. Whet,el ADd never fold s 10 _ rm, &0 close as 1 II 'ransao~d buslneBi in Wilmington That ban out wint'ry ..inds IUId' laow, to one d.y l ..a wBllk . k_ I 50ft comf.rt to aJU1l1tver held lIar Mnt, M.rleU. Carpenter, 011 e. £\ke bome, .weet homi:. brated ber 78'h .nnl"ereary Sun, dal'. alld leveral of her frlende and And. tbis I knQ)'r, tbat never "DUD , l'"l,Uve. dropped 10 OD her for .dID. Del' Tbose preeent were : Cbae IIQIDt-Sweet t he .nd famny. MIl'on lio" e and ~ l:!e~~t~:t/::reOits ~reath 1l1I1ll f.mUy, E. Boover and wife, Edward . lir . . Carpenter and wife, Ohu. Bagemyer .. ;uaJ'omeward lteps to . " Uter, &ladder and family. Amol Allen .nd .wire, beat Ilnt, ,G eo. Ellis aud daugbter, Hr• . Toward bome, Iweet bome .. Annie Terry' .nd eon, W.Uer.
'-:-Milt! Irma Corn ell h6s been visltIng ber IIlster , Mre . Lola Pennewl', of Bellbrook . . I.
... .
a T he unl?n ploDlo whloh wa s helel ' Turner 8 woods lost T bursBay was grand 006S1 About two hund~ed and sgtty ~te d lIJner 'A. geth er. rhe obioken raoe by the mi nilllera wall langha ble. Rev. Le Clar of Bell ilrook b81ng ihe laoky o~e , and reoehed the ohloken for h is speed. Mr8. Sam. K. Bainee reoeived the prize tor b eing the 8wirtest in th e IItout ladio8' r60e. All enjoyed th e d.oy immenllely, both y oong IIond old. The Thomae fam ily had for th~r Mr. and Mrs. Uarl Sb ee\s and litt le dau!tbter , of Mlamillburil', Sunday. Mr. A. W hitacre bou gbt the fllrm whore h e now r esldel of Elmer Keover. Mr. and Mn. Carl SherWOOd and IIUle 8 00 , &lorr ls vlsltea. hi8 parents, Mr. tlDd Mre. M. A. Sber wood. Ma8ter J limes 13.art80ok Illent 'hts wook wtth hlol grandparents, Mr. and !lin. Aaron !:!earl', or Daytoo. M.ra. Jennie Mullen and little daughter, Edn~ a nd Mrs. Oilludia Cornell, epent J:)n nday lift ern oon with friends in Bellbrook . Benry Wo'klns. wife and oh ll. dren entertai ned oawpllny a t I:!unday dinner. i ue 8 t~ ,
DESPONDENCY DUE TO INDIGESTION "About t hree m ont h8 bgO when I was RuO'erin g froql 'Indlgeet lon whloh 011 used h eadaohe lind diuy spells ond made me feel tired and desponden t., 1 began taking Chamberlain 's Tablet s," writes Mrs. ~ eo . Bon, Maoerlon, N. Y . "TbiB medl. olne proved to be t be very thing I needed, liS one day's treatment reo Ileved me greatly. I need two bot. tiel ot Ub amberlai n 's Ta blets a nd they rid m e of t rou ble. " Obtain. every.where.
• _ :'..._ __
on 'he
- --:-
SPRINGBORO Mr. and Mn. Cba&.. Chapm.n enter t.lned at 6 o'oloolt dinner on Sa'urday Mr. and Mre: Waite, Wilker lon, Mre.. Martha Goins)! And MillS DeY0lIl. Mr.• nd Mrll . Albe,r t Beeton wIre Oayton .,18ltorll 'Friday. Louieo Johnllon hae re~ur'ned to bar home In Penns.'''lvania af>-r a c 1'" week'. visit wI th ber aunt, Mr • . Lehtia Beaton. Brusoup a nthllwa:v, of New Yark City Ie visiting his g'rllod motber, Mra. Mary Bru8cop. J"oob Johnson, of Indianapohs, Is having li delightful vialt with bil daughter Mre, Wm. B umbert·. wm Bormell, of liJay t on, was the lueat of home follll over Bund.y. Hrs. Bannah ADti7am of Lebanon haa been vlemog her brotber, Jo. eeph MlIler and fam'l'y . Mr. and Mra. Chall. ChaplDan eD. tertalned on Tuesday Mr. and Mra. Cbu. McEwen and Ella Downing, .f RlohlDond. Ind . Mrs. Tho•. Buret and. daughter Blida and Mrs, Hury Burst were • hoppln& in U .yton one day the pad week. Ella Downlo, or Hiohmond, lnd" spent ~be pas& weelt with Mr. and IoIrs. Chati. MoEwen. Perry Bumbert fieft Wedn88day tor Mnnoie, , ~nd." wiberll he' will a'. tend the numbert rt~ union. Nate Bunt hll ,~eturned to hi. bome in Tn.keille, A.la" atter • "lsi' wttb . Mrs. Annie ,F olk and Jdlu Lydia Wood, Mrll, Clara Brown is villting frlondll In Dayton. Olyde Mount and fall1lly .. pent Snnday with Mr, and Mrs. Ed BeD. .el. Belen Rnd Mabel Rlppe'oe, ·of Greenville, are vlsltling Mre. M.l"ba Bunnell and eon Dwight. Carter tJa41ey, o ~f . Brookl,n, N. Y., ball been vl.ltllig J:ila paren'I, Mr, and Mrll •• Jo,eph U.ldlef.
wah more 'h ouel f1n·t.ered 1n Itt! fa OOtl
tban at I\uy other sl mU"-r evout,
III t.be ooun i ry , with promise of the
flneet exb lblte of I\ ve stook, far m produotl .nd ftlaobinery ever peen In t he It ate, wit h a horllt! show oon. duotfld a f ter t bo fae bion of the fll. w otlt< Hho ws of Il4l1d l ~o n I::!qullre mr. tIen. and w ith t h e tlhowlest. IUld WOllt brllli~ n' -tlrewor kll s peotao lee w hloh oould be pnrobllsed, members of thu new State Boa rd ot AgrIcu ltur e ar e more th ~n' sat isfi ed that Oblo bi'li e Fair, Augull 30t h ~o September :lrd, I he Io r aa 0.1 a large corp oration to a I~;t:n'rf recen lly - · ·Slnee I Hot my tbe lirllt t o bo given . under their Saxon 1:0l1d. te I /ell "e t he bill car ausploe!! III to b o ana of th e most h o m e , (o r mother a n d Ihe gi, l.. Th e s oooe 'aful of tbe many Pluoeessful S IIxon ill J lut the .t/oin g (o r econ o mioues whl1b th e Buckey t:!ta 6e hus ca l mo t. ,l'/rlll ahou o n bu.ine.. er · offered . ra n ds and is i,/(oal f o r an afternoon The offioee of t ho Itate tnir board . p ln out t o t h e Clu b." Ilre the b u~leB ' places In t ile One d4Y . as he was leaving t h e office to stll te , hesl d ~ Y B, fi ll ed wit h b orlle. make 11 troin, hiu big Iimou. ine stD.Iled. Smith, mon , exhibitors, concession aires Ilnd one of his city salesm 1. happened to be juat privilege men, Wilking tinal arrangestortin!: out in his S,u n . 'fhe "old ma n" jumped in nnd the tru.1.y Saxo n got him there m81US fo r l helr visit t o COlum bull on time. N ow ceeh of h i~ city m en ia equipped next wllek, Ilnd one psep will be with uSaxon Wld " e bas o n e of hi. oWD- aswell Rumolen' to convince th ut th ere will The Saxon i. Wl ever·ready, roomy and be nothlng laoking, from sldeshuws po",erful em-Identicnl in style with the high and popoorn men to tbo more digpriced two' ()I1osc>lcer Dutomobile,. It costa hut nified display!! of art . m llch inery. $395 to own - and 1· 2. l\ cent p~'t' mile to run. frul te, ve&etablos, st ook, b looded It affords the most economical means of every racers, eto. etc., to mlllee t ho Sillt" day transportation ever known. Fllir groundi more than teem wi tb A d e m onslration a t y ou r eon llCnienu life fur five da ys next week. will p r a lle th e Saxo n'. Iru .. wo rth. 'l'he fair bOllr d was par tloularly for tuDatll In procuring Palo 's WOD. J . B. Chapman , Waynesville, O. derful speotaole, "Opeoln g of tbe P lln.u na Clln ~ I, " as It haB boon In gr el\ t demand slnoe Its fi rs t appe ar. Ilnce In Chio.IKO some montb s ago Th e board eelJllred It In oom petltion witb 8everal other cities, for thle week, by Bending l\ personal r epro. lIontative to Chl oogo to press Ohlo'8 ol.lms. Ther e Is flo ma gnlflcont 80enlo dlllplllY, educa~ionlil In Ita n ature. which will show the ro ut e of tho new PaQama canal , and whioh it OOlt $30,000 to ' produce. Tho 80ene opens on a fe t e day, giv ing op. por tunlty tor the lnt rouuotioD at a olrcue perfor ma nce part loipated In by representll tlvt!8 of olronll families whose name8 have been fam oos In Enlrllind 'a nd America for a hundred year8. ('ariton La wrenoo, of Uh iclIgo, Js This III followed by an at t!lok on visiti ng C. E. Mllnnon a nd family. Panama oity by sell , laod and air, Mr. and Mrs Goo. Bogun /l nd 'fivlng an Idea in & grapbio way of daosbte r Edith vi81 ted with Uh ll a n. ' le t 3rrlble baUlea no.w being>fong U . oy Bonne'JI nnd family 00 Sunday . Mr. a nd Mrs. Geo. DtlviK li nd BOO , " ver E nrOlle. The ulty. of .f IInllom" Is entlroly destroyed, theo comes G1An ent ertaioed th e follo wiog Auto Livery Serylce at Reasonable Rates ~b e gorgeous display of fireworks gues ts on !:lunday, Mrs . l'IJllfy .J. whlob oonclude~ th e. entet't.aln men t. Clea ver, Mis~ Ao na Terry, Mr , ~nd Four hUDdred and fifty people par. Mrs. Frank Bowe a.ad da ngbte r, Also Agent fo r Kelly-Springfield tlolpate, and It Is noS exaggeration Barry Bowe Mr lind Mrs E lvlu Automobile Thee to say It wlJl ,be the \x>st exhibition Fires eon and da~ghter, Mr . £Lnd at it l kind (Jentl'~1 Ohio b .. eyer Mnt. J oe Davie and da u l. bter , U. E. wl t nelaed , M.ilunon . nd tawily, Mrs. JdB Mllnn ie ' he IDten' lon of 'he board &0 non and daugbter Ethel. live more for the . money. at · 'be Valley P hone 9O-I X . Itate faIr, this year, than ever bofore, and eetabllsh a smndard After two ye6r8 1 exper iments t he at whloh t.ture ' lJoardl nlay aim . Philippine governlDent Is a bou t t o Mond..y will be Ladles' Free Day, bIogln praotlcal work In planting this popnlar fea ture baving been oampbor treotl all over the Isla,nds. restored. All women will be ad. lDitted 1ree of oh.rie. Funeral Director TUOIdaT w Ul bo Columbus Day, For every 100,000 peraons In ·Lon. and Embalmert and Columbns, being biwk of th8 don there are 46 plaOOll ot worsblp fair more enthuslastioally 'bl. year Waynesville. Ohio. tban ever before, will try to UIII..lce .nd six theaters. I' oue of ahe bl, days . of the week Wedneadsy an. Thnreday will be Call answered promptly day or night Grange Daytl, and Thnreday will Both phones in Office 8l1d Residence. allo be deslgnatod as Go,ernor's Long dis tance, No. 14; Home phone Day, lUI Governor WIllis will spend ...................,.•..,...................."".""._ _ _ _ _ _........-. 14-2r. ~be untlredllY on the Rrounds Ilnd FOR .SALE Chairs and one Coach furnished fre6 will m.ke.n addrees. Friday will with fu nerals. _ ___--'____ be GblldreD '8 and Old Soldier 's Day, _ _ Beet of ser vice guaranteed, when lill ohilclren under 12 yel&r8 of age, and IInltoldlertl wbo fought In GOOD tined Wbllilt !lnd fl ne Rye l -==========~~~=~ tbe Ulv\l War, will be ·admltt ed free seed for sale. Inqllire of Lowls l' of obarge. , ... • .& Simpson, Wllyn esv llle, 0 . s8 DR. BA.THAW AY ORN- 400 or 500 bushels of good . . oorn fore~le. Inquire of Geor ge Wa,YDee\'-iU'e 's Leadm, Dell.... CLERK GUARANTEED Bmith. R. D. 1, WlIoynesville, Ohio. Omoe ill Keys Bldg, Matn 8 CIA cusklmer came Inlo myetore s8 • toe other day and 881d ~ one of my lllACBEt5-FlnO, ond- {lood fo\' clerks , 'have yon anythlnjt tba' will ol1nnlnR purp08es. W ill 'bave core aiarrhoea ?' and my clerk ..... ent BA~Ni1ART, and got him a bottl\! of Ch .. mber- 8bou~ 50 bu, Inquire of B . Sl1tterthlain's Collo, Oholera Iond Diarrhoea waite, .R.. D. 2, Wnyn08v\lle , OhIO, Notary Public 61 Remedy , and said t o blm, 'If thle pbono 30 S. does not oore yoo, 1 will nut ob&l'ge Willa BAET O~-I:lo co n d hand , rubber. AIJ kinds of N otary Work, yon a oent for It,' 80 be &oak it and D e~!lle & IdpeolaUy, home and OIUDe baok In a d.y or P tires, In good ooudmon. F or two and said he was oured, " wrlt ee particulars InquIre of F. M. Bisphaoo 81 ~~~~~~~=;::~~~~= J . B . BArry & CQ., &1& Oreek, Va . Waynesville, Uhio. Obtainable e,v erywhere. OM AT OES-For canning pur ... . pORes, nloe, fine IIlook . Ca ll 1. 8attertewAlte, WayneSVille, OhiO, Funeral Director. Valley Phone H3-1 X'.
Ray Mills
i'or the I.., foar yeare Mlnnelo'. CDNSTIPATIO Iln CURED OVERNIGHT haa produced .nd ID&rteMel oonlld. Th. 'Man fol' the Job. A Im.n dOleol Po.llo-Lax toolgM /.. bank Ihoold be elUDed out 111 erabl, 1Il0te thn oll..hall ,of. Ule And you enJoy a foil, free easy bowel the janitor, DOt by the culUar".·,Iuq.. iron ore IIro<1uoed In 'be.~, 8, movement in the morning. No griping, tor o Do. Lax IsPodopbylln May Apple)~lthout the gripe . Po Do Lax rorreots the canso of Con· IIUpatlon by arouaing ~he Liver. inoreakl ng the flow of bUe. Bile Is loIature ·. antlseptlo In tbe bowels. With proper- amoune- ofblle, dlges·· tlon In' bowel. III perfect, No Ras, DO fermentation,. no Constipation. Doo " be elok, nervoue, irritable. ~tn!elS Get a boUle ot Po-Do LaJt from your 01'11"1.' now and onre your Oon. AU bUl wm or. pracSlce th.& Dlllollen joy.riden aDdl~d IUpatlon overnight. . w •• ~ road (andlla. orlm., .Ialn•• m.ntaoa ilhonld be loolled np IlkdOdaU , o'her OpeD vlolatent of taw.n e&b" 'ax paler, . a.liled unm tbe, h ... aeD18 endoEh The for the pAOIIla tbe ,qbea. to proceed on 'belr joorDey. tion wbloh Ibooll1 ' GOW be mOIUe. , rioUely oODaldered, A brain befuddled by boose II no' fU kl direct the movemenU or the 141.. CJleDna Baley, Master Jaoob Don" forlle\I&, ,ICoDl'ruo"on, re dr\\'er (>1 I molar "eblclll and 18 a MariaU and Ma.'er WIlliam Ben. . .11' .nd malnten.uoo,·· aDd 'h.' of mananoe to 1D0tol'l.tII aDd .11 oUler derlon, were "Islting Mr. 811.s Ro. 'hlllCl "malnten.nOb "Ia 'he .rea_t. 1IIIIrI of po bllo loadl and ICre8&8: land and famUy. Mr, SAmuel Jaok.on waa ID .ed d I Those who p., tAxell In Ohio W 111 B. d 'IF The ."a'Y W Irei .... pro• . roa I . ' ahoDld remember ,h.t. m.ln a,nM" e • •ur ..... ao leap everl.sUDII)V a"er shem, lIea rJaIi 01' in.'er.ooun'J' hlah.ay MI', William Lucal wok dinner bo' d~D" 'orse ' tb.~ tl tallell mon8Y onoe OOOltruoted op to the ....nd.r I with Mr, Lewl. HorgaD And fAmily requil'ed b1 'he De8upper, wUb Mr. Amol J.ob\Jn aDd a lot of U kl buUd Ulem. p.r~men' la 'aileD over' bY'-HlI4HHI..."I....u 'Amlly one day lal' week ' . . Wbere Ie YOl1r ooont,. or lawn. for tuture m.til,sn.noe. Mn . Frank Dakin and 'oblldren ship maohlnery I' BUIUng out In '. were vilitiag hel' moUler Bunday. K. E . Thompson and daughter, tbe fe .. oe OQrner like ala' of t.rm Co lalnh 10011 .nel 10D, ' 1.1'8 MI'. O~rIM Gordon and family Mra. Mabel Terry were . shopping In maohinery, or at w9 rk' OD the road? OOmlr::: &.boo" 'be oondmoa of our' were Tllllklre ID Ms. Bolly SundAY. Day'on on Tburllday. oono', rOilde, elpeClall, about · the alnt. ,fJ4Iorge M&rla" b .. bee,n "II· . MIIII Audromeda Thompson bas The way lo oon vert a kDooker iDe praotloe of dumping .'oue, 8ra.el lUng ber liok 1D0'her, Mr•. ,NAnoe returned '0 her horne In Dayton, to • road booIIklr- lfI &0 h.ve ~m~ and earth OD tbe aurfa08 of 'bll Itnee. . .Uer spending a few days wUb rel. 1.18II1D.U talle 1111 money from hilD roadl ·.,d oalUDI tha' repalriDIr the <'-1yde Sander. and famUy were .Uves and frlendll bere, and m.ke him tbe OWDer of ~n .ukl· rcia4: tJtop 'bl. praoUce. vl8itlng Mr. Jobn Sh.w and family.• Mr. and Mr.s. A. B l'almage and mobile or a Ford. Verne Bouah and famUy oalled .ou, Lee, vlelted relatives a'Sllve r One deflDlIloD of • "aloU·A.ok" OD 14:r, Jobn Mor8an and ramlly Grove on Sunday afternoon. The Edalor of tbe "Dally Newa" II shat 'he I•• toe 'G'.prqp_ We one day I... weelt. Beveral from this pilioe rpen' Sun. at Mm. Ohio• •y" "U il buman fl.od a 10' of 'hem ju.' a ••oon&l the Mr, Thomu VIll, wbo hSB be3n day wUh relatives In Harveysburg. effor' th., 18 needed lu our roed lmpronDieD' ofa road 18,8Ugge,ted, liok Ii much Improved. Lon. Brannou and C. V. Barnes!! building · aDd I' Ie human : eftora, boi we 'hiDk ,hll' muob of 1& t. doe MilA !:tbel Jonel aDj! mother a"ended 'he WaU & Fonas bog 8ale needed' l~ malD'enanoe .nd repair," to. t.ok of undenttandlDI of the at Xenia on Saturday. Be Ie oorreo'. ..IU8 of aD improved ' road to 'heir .pen' frid.y with MI'. Amol JaoJE. . own oommunUy, 80n and family, R. D. Lallard, of Lebanon, and 11 ~rMUn laa. I Mrl. Jell Hmlth hae been vr.Ulng W. H. Bowyer, of Kings Mills, There ta a N.UOO: tonoo..,' Jakel Tbe Mople of $he Uni&8d Sta_ her mo'her, 141'1. Finley. were bere on llonday and bough, a couple of fine red hogll of K . E. prond r~~ .tate 'ooWa" to II8Id improved ·roacll ~o" '~n Mr. and Mrl. Underhir'b, Mlu ThomPlon.. . ~ lh; P:.:::o':UV' vl1~le to an1sblD, e1M. tIn per beDl of Mabel Rye and Mr.OUo Marl.U viiiooaD. ' ~d from 'he door ol.'be bome 'be pub!lo roaclI 0' &hllJn~ . . . .. lMel .-r, aDd Mre, TlID·,thy Marla" Mi8S MlnDle BaKermy.,l', of Nor-' ~:b~~mpro"ec1 road.; 'l'bi. ~ea'iI!al. are ill any way I~IU'O'~ ,fa .a"l ' D.nlel Dill hal r~turDed frbm Mr, Ed Long and wife, of FArmerl- wood, \s 'be gUflU of her bro*her, loserea' will bring rnulte.lad no'b ••,.te. bnt,fl. . P,.8I'~' oUhe .roa I .. "IIIHn Xenta. . . ,\11., .er~ the gUels" of Ilr. and Chas. and family a' this plaoe. tug ~n "top l~ lIlt()8p'.b~ lIml... b,. .e beea imp-rond., • - .' Mrll. Will Lonlf ~und.y, . Mr. and Mr• . Frank Sh.nll have Mrs. IllUzabetb Fo'l 1ltl.nd EvereU returned kl tbelr bome h ere nfter Donahne han retur'ned. home from vllllting & oouple 01 ;weeks In .daman extended ,lelt ..rl'hrelaU"ea in lUon. Or•. King', New i.lfe Pllli are now Red Lion. MilS Anna Terry, of PlI!adena, auppJled tn well·oor.ed gla.. boHlel, Mr. tUanley Dullll, of MtU~url, II Cal., Ie ....illiUng rel.tlvee And friends oonamiDR 86 eug.r coated whi~ plUs, for 2~, One pill wUh a ~I"II ...leltlng with Mr . . and lint. Morrill here and a. Dayton. Mr . aDd . Mrl. K. E'. ThQmplon of wa..r betore rot,lriDg il an aver· Graham. , • Mr. tJlmeon BroW1Q iD o.7'on and daulhCerl, Mrs, ·A nna 8rann JD .lie 4088. Buy ana pleua.. ' . . .nd ~lrtl Mabel Terry .Uended the 'ake, Oeo'.l ye and ppllUve In reo Thursd.y: lul'I, Oheap And econolDloal kl ulle. Louie aDd CI.re~oe B.rown, ~, fnneral o( Mri. Irene Moor ae Leb. Ge' a boUle &ake a dOl\ll to. D&1W.U, hne beea 'vlIlUnR ah"lr allOD. Monday. M.I'II. Ida Hanuon and ' daullbter, atlrh,-"youl' eon.&lpaUon will be reo l(r1Iudperenti Mr.. II'Dd IIrl. SllUeon It••ed la &he mornln, . 86 for 260, Brown tbe p••a w~'k. . Ethel Mrs. Mary llanno& and d.ugh. aU Dl'1IIp~ aasel Bonaaa, 01 Georptown terl, Ru'll .nd Glenna -vtaltacl ,., . wall vl.i'laa 'ber lIiltel' Mnt. Ilart LoTeland on Friday. ... Wardlow thl torel1llr' 01' _tae week. ' . ~=--=... -----.... __ t _ . Mr.. Il'rank Bopfjl w.. in J;>ayjeD qy~n eund.y .. ~l, ,_11 lin, Bidse, Lam , .f L,tle hal t . . bMn ...".1lI &he
BY dUSE. TAYLOR Editor ofBetter J{qads and
- .-
. ;
Painting,' Paper Hanging, Auto' : ...d Carriage Painting. ORIO
' Q ~• •I ahop Neat to ....1'Yf1lOd·. ara.. nI -
Corwin, Ohio
--- _. - ----
Classified Ads
Walter McClure
MAOBINE- In good W ASBING order, ' and other ' h onseh old goods.
A . M. Zell,
~o r wln ,
Ohio. 0 25
to the MoCall 's 100 subsorlbers MagaZine. Bend 350 to the
Telephone day or night. Valley phone No. W. Long 'Dletance No. 811-2r. Automobile ServIce at . an TIm . .
OHIO • 6azettl omoe, and get one or the WA YNESVILLE, mag.tIlnes on earth, tt Branch Office. Barveyab1l1'l', O.
FOR RENT property known as HOUSEt.be Brown B oose. Inquire of ~he
Dr. ElliS, Waynesville, Ohio .
ti l
Rooms, nicely. sit . HOUSE-Eight uated In Corwlo 1nq uire of A. M. Zell. Corwio, Ohio. .
'wANTED- TO RENT 'good farm by th'e tlilrd ~. F.ARM-A lnqutre of 6uy Kibler, Wayneav1l1 e, Ohio
good tllrm .t o rent on l =~~===~=====::=~~= FARM-A. ' h e thirds, by Il good, competent Dr. Bell's Pi'n e-Tar-Honer person. luqulre 'It 'h iS offioe . a 25 . ror Ooutha and Coldl.
TJMr. "I. No w ....
........,....s '..... whWI.=m·
r.,.Ira..II~,...=-.. D~~ ;
T_I. i . U
1¥'...... . .
~fI.Ir; ~'
18, ~'Ie . .... at
F .R AZIER All kinds 'of ' Spouting and~ RoQflng and ,Furnace Repairing Oon'eIJ. • .
PHONE 2t-2"
Week in Dayton 1 ;;.;:;;.:::;:::::.;.:,- - - - - -- - - - - -- - - I IOpening
'Atlas Portland Cement
With Wl'men 's free day reo ~tab· "Discar dl'd summe r hats of farmwith !rl, ~(1ltlil'r8' and ChilliRhod. 811the in live who men of ers and IIlI'lIi,n R fenLurll. lind with \lay un'n'tj lhu for wanted burban' towns are popu lar with lh· public n!-t.' thi otillir says th." 1 ber big bonllre of Septem l' th pro)!,rnm. the rl p II again Re. Lh of Secreta ry E. W. Mentel will ope n n xl Mon· I·'air Iule ,' Ohio tail Merchants' Bureau whose I'mce hill hi e. Jl c t(.'(j t{) be th e in the G. D. A. rooms in thl3 U. H day for \\('t'I( W ~ ~Ind mon h\l of news· Building is receiving station for Day· lil!St. diR tule l" Bir ClI. ion of til ton's discarded headg ar in thes paper ly a llhlD y malting days of prepara tion for the co·oper - i not primari ion, but. that it i the peavle' ative fall opening week festivities in Litutun til' ueople's playground . how. . rst fi the is 14. ber TueNday. Septem fis:rllre out the mo t whil.'h to thnl nnd b~ will which week. day of openinjf J'm till' th ei r admis gi'l.cn.ll be can night y cotlclutl ed by the SalurJa sian price wou 1.-1 plllRSe th e peopl ~ bonllre. to .,,~ u big som Burning the summe r hats of the b tt r thallon>limply I.ho I t oll t side 'of tl)e money of amuee· the will be only one of -------.: men , The boanl therefo re. has ment feature s of opening week. ledger L__.;....;...___ __~-------_:_on how to J"rive a big 0 11 rc!;i fill'u up· with s contest puzzle , Window !~~~ !!'''!! nI pleu8~re for every worth cent'fi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!~!!!!~!!!!!!!! cash fifty and hundred a of . g wardl! liP nd; it wants to visilors the cent enter· also will public Lhe for R.e~ . Renr!et ta "MO<?re, ,..~f Sprmf · prizes $l1ow possible wi t h, biggest til give who people n suburba and Dayton Five Points Reunion tain o,r fi leld , sUb.Jcct SOCIal ""nter. attention to t he tive. out pi ling up any d Lts for tux pay· Co~ nt~y LIfe," and a general mVI- will give close . ers t 5 III '. goods. new of showing ta tlon IS exten.d e.d to all to come out day . , Mallin .f! rule for exhibitors give ndise showings in the win. Mercha et b~k annual out: 19 ThlS hear. and of ~e~D\on ui ~ p hlYB of The Sixteenth Ann!lal J{atherm g. dows will probablv ue even mon0 Ilt. prom ise of the Iarll'~SL the Five Points School !?I. trlct No. dinner and home commg puzzles . livestock, farlll prod uc ts. machine ry . contest the than tractive a .be to peet e~ we as early Come 9, Olearcreek TownshIP. Warren dmner popular as those will undoub tedly be. etc.. ever p n in Ohio.en tsLarger hav County Ohio. will be held August little mOTe prompt WIth the "We all belong to the same com. prizl!S in various depa rtm 28th, the fourth Saturda y. a t thl;! than usual. exh ibitors; larger more . ry ed secreta attract the ed conclud ," munity mittee iveCom E.'xecut . poli yof home of Mr. ,!-nd M!'8' John McCtJI. ~ "The Retail Mercha nts' Bureau will purses and adoption of the • - • loughs, OPPOSIte Bald school house, wit h the 1915 lIi)( m nies in , tead of four to satisfied entirely be not vere Vander and reLytle ductiun has where the fall opening wnek unl e~ country and ·winnerll. with IIIl d U"cle Eben. road .croues ~e road from Leban~n the sulted in the largo at en try list for the to ute contrib people n suburba Eben. Uncle aald hoss." well.fed "A races of lillY s.tate fair in the co untry r unDlng s~l~ht .north fr m Bald recommend roh de lDao bonfire and win some of the window this yellr . In real sport. lho 'tnt(' place, and IX mIles ~~t of the -Is a botter priZES." contest ," harne8s faDey dan • _ __ __ and Dayton pIke. There dat own8 hIm Lebano Fair races are cxpo?cte d t o furni sh will be nan address, ~t 2 p. m. by the as many thrill!! all any ef lh e fam ous mile trucks of the country . The May Be Heavy Loss !!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!!'!! !!'!!!!!!!!!!.'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wayn esvill e state itself wi ll be a large exhibito r. THE STORE TH!\T ~~ Build ing hilS be n set entire One ~ Ohio aside for slate exhibits . and th(' SAVF.5 YOU MONEY The farmers are very much wor· Stnte InduRtrial Commission will ried on account of the rec~nt heavy have the largest di'lplay ever al· rain!!. There is still a great deal of tempted by any stale departm ent wheat and oats to be threshed, and Its " Safely l~ int" show and other ~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it begins to look as though they nev· ~-~~-~-~~~~~~~~the people their ~-~~~~~ibi~ will Kive er would be 'now. The wind of laaL exh large this what of idea first clear week blew the besvy corrl down in Departm ent i~ doing for the people. . Th·e Hisey Reunion many places, and it is feared that it The Stste Board of Adm inistrat ion --will also be damaged to a great ex· will have an enlarged exhibit. and in I,. tent. August 19, 191 5. rsday, Thu On fine of head fifty show will addition to 'family Hisey the for day id"BI an ~, produc farm Guernsey ca ' tie: and meet for t heir annual reunion at raised a t state institut ions Wante d to Rent plac\!. J oseph Hisey's . One of the big feature s will be the thei r usual unusual Mr . ond ~Irs .. h 08. Clark of Lytle, large number .~_ _ spectac ular and educati onal Pain 's This year an a family dmner Sunday to the gave with met do always we as and came th.e of Opening ~" display s firework Sumuel Mrs. handle nnd Can' Mr. g: Good farm on thirds. will be shown . hearty welcome from Joseph and followin Phon ' 126-3 '!,hirdISt. Mr. and a good sized tobacco proposition . Panama Canal." which The ' tallies being in Stephens, of Lebanon, Ind. Hisey. Ellen fifty and hundred Four niJ{ht. at Indianof lly n, Peterso ce Lawren Mrs. The very best of referen ce cheerfu canvas large by tered shel persons part,icipate in this produc· reailiness. furnIshed. I\Srs. Mllrgar et Everha rt, of at Panama , in coverin gs, seats for all, and coffee apoli~. Waynesv ille, Ohio Wanted for another party farm of tion . A fet.t! dayts are t Miamisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Miltl'n brough soon ladies the made. all lO red he gat residen the and Mr. and ille Centerv of . Sheehan ______ about 200 acres for cash rent. Suit- wbich con.. ____ _ _ Mrs. Elmer Rogeu. pe,rform atlce. is in· forth tbe baske ts, spread the able for stock farm Address or call see a great drcus presi. The tables. the upon tents tl~e <?n ~ttac~ t~rrupted by a th rIlling at this offir.e. to be seated and par. cIty b~ land, sea an.d Blr. g1Ylng m dent invited alland . . . this they did to graphIC manner . an Idea of the awful take thereof hy asslBt~d te Whl fYI. U. Mrs. ' dIn. After tion. satisfac Read the .Miam i Gazet te own r!!8 ul.ts of modern . warfare The their over the preside nt called the Mrs. Em~t Rogers . e~te rt!1ln ed a was clly IS dest~c)yed entirely; then cOll}es ner afterto' any 'P rty of III,tle pellP.le, Friday. the great dll~play of fir~workl}. wh!ch meeting to order to attend nD?n fro!'1 2 .~ 6. 10 hon ~ of hl3r minutes bemight there s busines ch l wh. new mg everyth ~e introdu will neIce, M!!!8 LIllian VanHarl.lOgen, of all d, reelecte officers read, 1914 of durl~g devhwd have manufa cturers Dea~. O.hlO. Th<!se who .enJoy ~ hl'r afterThe paid. and allOWed bills Pam The onth. the past twelvem ty were the M1Sge!l Lin a . hospltah ation convers in spent was noon mama by d ,\>reeede be spectacle wi 11 en . Kathryn ~ enderEo , .. H,arhng Van ice eating snd e lemonad g dtinkin can· day, B~ILDING moth Horse Sho w. each on.. ElSie .Hay, k~, . Henders .Es~he.r }[enia from Carr Rue La . creain great ducted atte:r t?e fashion <?f the gh.t, D I r ill HenCartwn Jane~ Rhea very W88 It cream. the d furnishe horse shows gIven at MadIson SqulI.re HlDk~e, Fr~lic. I th ElIzabe d~rson, Mi88 all. by ated appreci Gardell, Louisville "nd other horse much Sara Mlssll . Alcorn. Ruth Ie. Hmk Frank ~ EVER Cal a Pasaden oJ: cente.r s. An offer ot nearly $2.500 Annie Ter~y Best Cane Sugar, sack $ I .6Q Cooper • .)o'ern rry, St.ansbe Ruth dine. back ju~t er in prizes has attrscted the fin est Bowl' wife and daught 'Mildre~ Har tsock. 90ns Hawke. and n Hsmilto e Clarenc bal. from The , S~tes United in.the horsefles~ Star Tin Cans, per dozen, 35c of Flo Wayne. Ind., Car;e- ',,!!!~!!!!!!,!~~~!!!!!!,!~!!!!~!!!!!!,!~!!!!!!,!,,! State FaIr IS fo~tunate III being ~n family. e, fi-om Chicago, and I : Laurenc ton S lan~ Cleve a Horsesbow . Circuit. ~enia, Selma. Someth ing No=w f!how c1086'9 Just befor e the FBI.r. others' from !layton .gton PEN NSY LVA NIA. . and Spring ROAST ED HAM then fro~ the fair the ho~ y.'lll Farmersville. Wilmin this her Altoget . present beat' It can't be ~o ~ Indlalilapohs, then ~ LoUISVIlle field were LINE S meeting yet. ThIS has b~en re pon Ible for the was declared tho each we long ent~y hst of horso3ll whose val· In the evening Next Sund aYi Aug. ~9th Buy your Mason Jars this week ues run mto fabulou s su ms. le. wholesa !rlcesJess..than ~~!~ Round~ doUD-G c tor~=~~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~ili' ~lira~Ln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mason Pints, SPECIAL TRAIN lvII. Waynesville Quarts, per dozen ...... &OC
The Beat Cement on the Market. Fresh Car Just Arrived.
8'r OR E
run l
]=Jugust 28t b
A Bi g .Re du ct io n
.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ..
-;Kher~~ ·~:l Teac I~o~[~~_ ~~,~]II-~:Voca I I I
I I l
·Di arr hoe a.
S 1.1 0 All Scrap Tobacc o'"; 8 to r ~8c
Pure Paris Green,r'5lbs
- - OHIO,
Paying ~OC· for Eggs It pays to trade at
. 8.25 c.' m.
IrOt POri I ulo•• conl ul':.,O,· R KeUy 'rl cko~ Alltlut. '~A V '" EB VILLE
adlmit,ted f ree of charge. many provements made to Buildings all in all an effort to give the more for tlheir money than they ever received before.
The' canning tactory atarted last _~~----_------_; Tbursd ay and ran until Friday .noon • .-_ _ _..:.___ ___ ___ Tbey had to stop then on accoun t of the wet condition of the fields and were not able to start until Tuesday Th~ Dayton Fair. afternoon. Everyth ing is running smo,)thly. ' and manage r Snook said up "Never in ita history has Mont· the corn was the best he had put We have 1000 to 1200 bushels of the finest home gro.wn time. some it for 88 fair a such. had gomery county . - ••- - =! peaches ot the standa rd ~arieties. Prices at 9regon ia, will enjoy this yesT." declared Sec· the !luring retary I. L , \-Iolderma.n, $1.00 per bushel ; $1.25 per bu ~hel if, delivered. Tele. . Picnic P~tponed 1915 exhibition. In number and ex· phone orders will be received and deliveries .made .as cellence of exhil-its this yt'.ar will be . I , .. . ahead of all others and featqre s have prom'ptly as possible.
. -.
Glt ow n '
Sc,hOO~4~~:~O~~~~~~~:~~~:~:~.~A~m~0:n!g~~~~~~~~~;·~ l;r~ ~ ~:~!~ ~ ~:;~ ~;~;~:f~ij~ :~ ~=r:~ ~=~=~:~~I~~ .' .R dY,' f,'6ft'~lng or Oho!j~tS:t,~ld~e ~~~ h~t1g:~t:~~;n~:e t~~~~c~;~ OOT1Bth,peonH4~ ~~~~ta~ Day. Septem ber 6tl}. Thl' breaking point.
e .,
e go
We are ready t9 assist with the larges t assort ment of Boys' Suits, Girl's Dressl!s, Headw ear for Girls, Hats and Caps for Boys. Shoes and all kinds of fumishings for boys and girlS.
Commencing 'Friday Angnst ' 27tb J
to Saturd ay, Septem ber 18th, inclusive, .we will 'give large tablet and pencil with every pair of boys and girls' shoes of school age, also Double Cedar Stamp s with boys' suits and. girls' dresses.
t he Boy 's live stock judging con at 9:30 a. m.; the white baby show, children 's day and soldiers day. Op this day. children of the county under 15· years of a~e will be ad· mitted free of charg!-; soldiers will be admitte d. and to the Irrandstand and other con~ess ions und~r th~ direct charge of the fair board, without charge. Three harness races and a running race will be the features ot the sptled program of Wednesday afterno on. Judging of stock will take place Wednesday afterno on in ~he center field inside the race track, in front of the gr·andstands. Entrie!1 in the horse departm ent. have tak,en practically all tbe stable space available
- - _ . -_._ - -
OUr 'Advance Fall Sale of Cotton Good. in all Depart~ m~nta. will 'commence Frid .y, Aug ust 27th .
$3.00 la Jlerdla adiae
t2.50 la Cu.
i~ ~E~a~s~ ~'~o~;~o~~e~~~OO~~~~~ 19.-3Y2. Telep hone- Harve Y/ibu rg
The Cleaver, Carr and· Rich reun, ion will be held at the usual place Saturda y, August 28th. A cordial invitati on ~xtended to all • .
---_.- --....
MI·I!. ]t}lIa Webb ond doughlOI' Mllry, of L!mA , are. vleltllig rela&1 VI ltere, Mrp. SteUa Bar,n6s9 who Wal! takon Berlou@ly iII'wlth aoute In Ifge@ttOD . II! now Improv ing fast MIse Grace Brown blls gone t ) IS READ\'. FO~ SALJ3 D;&. rES Arcanu m \0 llpend .some timet with Wright and ramUy. Chas, JeSse Stanley, who has just gradu· Mra. Edwin Hopkin's who wen' to ated from the Jones Auctioneering lIome time ago on aeSchool at Chicago, is home and is R ORer, Ark, serious IlIIl08H of her the of oount be would l.t dates. ready Jor sale d home lae' 'than returne mother new some has he well to s;ee him. 88 by ~er mother , anied 'aooo~p lillY Or line. ideas in the auction eering ing. improv slowl,. ll! who New call him. 146 mutual phone, Mr , and . Mrs, JohD' Warner ~nd Burling ton. Ohio. ohlldre n, of Benton, 1[10., arrived ~ .....--~ bere la.& evening. for a two week'lI . viel' "Uh her f4l'her, Rolla Davie aDd other relatives. ),IrtI. John Ed~rds ll! confided to . ter 'homB With aesllllla. Harry W6I&98r, of o.,.'OD, ~II~~ ' rela \1 V88 here last 8aiuiay . The ~llllr 01 lira, JOiephln8 'Ta&e Sanday nigh t wa" tiarglaallle4 and quite a 10& of oanll~ frail .&oleD. Geo. Mill. and w!f~ .Da)'ton, ,tilted bla liiterl here ' liS' 8undsy . Mr. alld Mft. Lew 'Raper ipent .....-I~a...8und.V wl'h their ctalllhter, W. i'ulterl Oa .... tlprtog
-_.- --
. E~
Cleaver Carr Rich .Reunion-
w. Gift uti &ed••• ·1TA11P8
Glean AtklDa aud wtle,ol PzCmdace. B. 1.,.... .....iD l b8l'
..OllaR, lira. 0. !IabIII.
~ou can literal ly "Buy You,rs elf'Ric h" by tradin g here. Just put the difier.ence in the bank, and you'll have this 5 and l~ cent store to tHank. BUY THESE Laclies' Hose-w hite an~ black . .... .. . : ....... . Ladies' Underv ests . . " .... Pillow Ca.ses . . . . . . . . . . . .. Side Combs ....•.. •.. .. Back Combs .. , .•..•.. •.. Fr~nt Combs. .• . ••.• •.• .. Placket F",teoe rs, per doz. Next Door to
Gazette 00iee.
lOe lOe lOe 10e lOe lOe
. '.• ! Deep DiShes •• • ........... I Salad Dishes. '....... ••.. .• "
Cups IUId Saucers Plates- Gold- Band. . . . . •. New MU$i~AIl the latest hits ..•.. . ; .•••.•• •••• Jelly Glasses, per dozeD ••• 17..qt. &toeing paDs .••• "
lOe lOe
lOe' lOe
25c 10e
• •!!iII~7:
- - - -. .- - - -...-!I'JII...;.-1!!!J1I~
Sixty-Seventh Year
Whole N ~mber 3332
Buy your Boy's School Suit at Myer Hyman's. at reduced prices,
RilY r OIIl' Iloy. · I'ant~. JlatH and CLOSEO LAST -, EEK~WAS A
Gnpl;:.11 My l·IIYIII(ln ' ~.
J . C. Hawke visited relatives in Day ton ~unday.
1)on Anderson Continues HI. Inte esllng ' .. Memories" of History of WayneSVille
Born '1'0 Mr . and Mrs. Ed Han by J r., Munday . A Igll al :10, lfJJ fi. a son.
flee, "where we were at." Three days before the boy's time, was out, he was detailed ,t o work In the trenches. He let out a genuine cry, and BlIid, "I know i'll bt> killed if 1 go, and 1 want to see my molher. Won' tsome one volunteer lo go In my place?" 1 had known his moth, er for several years - she was a wid ow, and near neighbor of one of my sisters. 1 said ·"Job. I'll go ye;
Mrs. Mary Caskey. of Lebanon. was in town Monday .
A greallllull of lJU t" citfzen~ are l:Ipending th is w 'ek at the tate Fair.
Mi88 Mabel Cast is visiting with r elatives in Wilmingnon.
Born- To M rand Mrs. Si r! 1·~IIi. Afl,er a Profitable Week at the Sum. Mondny, i\\I~lIS I 3n. 1 ~ lI ii . a da ugh: mcr School""7Ccntral CommlUee t er. A\ct licre Scvenlh Day
Mr. and Mrs. ll. S. lIowell visited relatives in Clarkdville Sunday. We had quite 1\ young boy in our company. wf)o had been a recruit in unottier Indiana regiment. whoije term of service expiring, was mus· terell out, and the recruits trans· f erred to our ' regiment. He hud been with U8 for quite awhile, and Willi II good '1 oldier. We were on de· tail, every ·night. either as pioneers, witb illtrenchinllOolll·, or as "snif· 01 lIie heMdlrear of in· ters, " to nick ,~ quiBltive Rebs; who were wanting to
MI'. II rnc ~ lokcR Hnd fAJ1lily ~ JJc:!llt Sunduy \\'ith r InliveR ill Day-
W. T Jordan, of Wellman. ill spending this week in Columbus.
2:35 Tr<lt. ..• •.• l~: 2:23 Pace . ... . 2:22 Trot ... . .. 600
Wanted-Anapprenticegirl,Brown '2:~: ~.eo .. ,,"IU: & Brown, Lebanon, Ohio, Phone : rot...... & 303A2 1:12 P.ce . .... &00 Bartle't t pears for sale inquire of J. L, Mendenhall, Waynesville. 0 ..
2:16 Pace . ..... 1000 2:'S Trot.... . . 600 2:1S Pace . ... . 600
2:28 Pace ..... 2 : 2~ Trot.. . ...
----- -----
Reuben Julies i~ driv lnR" un Allen m!lchine, purchased Lhruugh E W. Ricks.
Th e Mi es Mary and Minnie Davis SEPT. 3 arrived hurne [rom their Eastern trip Pu-e Saturd ay eVllnin~. ." 2:16 Trot .. ..•. $1000 l3uy your Boys' Pants. Hats and 2 : 14 Pac..... . &00 Caps at Mye r Hym an 's 2 :20 Paoe . .... 600 . FRIDIW,
'I ... ' II rs .... Iranda Cralle. "f CincinnaLi. Cr~~ . gueSt of Mr. allol MJ'~. to{. G.
ST Buy your -Boy's School uit 'at liE ra.ce meet at the alale talr th is year Is goIng tel be a renl "bummer." Tbo entrants are more enthu.l, Myer Hyman·s. at reduced prices. asUe Ulan ever before In tho hI_tory of Ohio falrdom alld devotees or speed thrills a re solng to have II par.dlBe of Ilxcltement. Clneey thoroughur~d" already' Eire helng worked out In their paces In antiCipation of tbe Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman and daugh· faIr events and the trll.C!k Is belnl put Into IIno condItion. Speclnl ar ranr;ements are being Blade for tM COil' ter are visiting relativeS in Cleve• I, h wUI give an en ence 0 women w ° Ilre (ond of wlln..slng fast horscs at their best. Tile followIng vnrourum land. c inkling ot whal ls to be eXDoct ed : Miss Helen Marlatt spent a few days last week as guest of Miss Opal Gray.
'1&00 600 1100
Mrs. Dr. Cllml)bell. of Dayton. was the g uest of Mr. anti Mrs . W. S. Qraham last wecl. '
_.- -
The Friends' Summer Caml) closed 'lunday afternoon, when the crowd "f visitors del)arted for thei~ homes, lh e maJo " rity f t h em commg . f rom lhe East. The sessions from day to ,lay were well filled . Worship and lectures filled the morning bourtland in the afternoons the cummittee en· Le rtaineLi t heir visito rs in diverR . 'tors calm I ' ed th ey ways. Th e VISI I wt!re en t er t· amed'1D a very peasant manner by the local Frienda. Tbe lectures ~n "The Development of the ReligiouB Life," by George Walton were enjoyed very much, I\S were also the "S tories of the Old Testament," by Elbert Russell. Dr, O. Edward Janney·alec. tures on "Quakerism and Present Day Problems." were. IIlso profitable, and all the epeakers were thoroughlyenjoyable. The RoundTables
can't kill turned your to uncle Dan!" Uuring thefeatures evening sessions t,hey his Ami wars smiles. as Phonel63IL2S. Mrs. Esther Stout and dllughter crowning of the were day, the a.9 chance,' in the "boom-proofs," was M r. C , C . E lf E uge ne, Ore'" Miss Moria. have arri veL! horne from' d' everyone was get into the y er. 0 .... . h' Iahle t II to ed a Lhouslnd to 01 e. Out on ihe line. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs, ehas. th eir Western trip. ISCUSBlons IV IC I a ow . we had' bllilt 9 preast work. five feet Gray on Thursday. Here'e fa the people of Waynesvi • ___ The city co unci l ordcl'ed new crossOne »f the pleasanteRt times during high, and eighteen feet aer088 the And here's to the Summer School; ings to be placed at the corner of ~fr . and Mrs .. W. W. Smith lind the camp was held on Third Day top, along the front of the entire Mrs. Annie Bradstreet and daugh. And here'f! to our worthy instructors PROMINENT FA,MIUES HOLD Main and Miami streets, and Street cJ:lldren • .of Day ton, arc visiting evening , when a musical program of regiment. and then close against the ter, o. near D"vton, epent Sunday And here's to our weath I THEID ANNUAL 0 Comml·"' I·oner Grant LeWI'S s.nrted With relallv es here. more than ordinary excellence was • ...... er so coo. " REUNI N "".... given. Caroline Hutton, violinist, breaSt works we had excavated ooom ·W t ' I with relativesliere. LAST WEE the work last week. The cros!ings M·ld . . MAT f ed proo s, cover WI Ilrea plDe 0Jr8, Here's to the chiefs of the k i t c h e n , K t d h fi· h-" 0 F II I r ed .Sh a Ik • plalllst, n. , , and then 8BJld to the depth of five And here's to the walters, 80 true, are co,ncre e, an w en illS "" will ur 'a hatN are now rea dy. Wright. Mrs. B. H. Kelly, the Jannev teet- hlrge enough to hold com· ' Mr. Ed Scmermier. of Columbus. i\ndher>6'stotheheartyeaters - - be very fin e. This iaaworkthat has Brown & Brown, No. 10 Cherry Sisteril, Mr. andMrs. FredSberwood tortably each company, Our tent!! is the guest of his slater, Mra. R. 6. That means all of you. been needed badlY, as the old cro!'R' street, Lebanon, Ohi(). relldt!red a very delightful program pitched in I~ne, in II few feet of our CrOBl for se,v eral days. The Graham Reunion ings w~re nothing bu t bumjlsl a nd . o.f music. A fine paper by Alfred br/laat works Our works were just Here's to ftOme of our visitors, v~ry shppery at that. ~ht:re WIll be The Misses Myrtle and Hel e,1 Nice. Wright and remarks by Elizabeth at the crest of a hill, and then came Little MIB8 Martha West is spend. We can'name onl¥.a fewThe annual reunion of the Graham a other added atthe OhrlStlan church Jey, of Dayton. are ihe gu esls of tho Lloyd made an evening of ' rare en. a valley, then a gentle rise, until the InjC a while' with her grandparents, But first"we will mention Edith families. was held Saturday last at cOWh~i: we need oh Main street , in M i~ses Hazel und Elsi Gustin. jOYllIl.'nt• . outside foredtilicaTtihon of Spanld i8h~ Fort Mr. G. H. Ellis and wife. For without ber, what could we do? tEhlebhosl?ltable country home of,Frank ; order to mako it equal to other AIttlr the IlrOltram the Friendly' W/lB reach. ey cou It our , on, Just below tow.n . . villages the size of ours is a paved Lee Benders()n Is spending his va. GrOUD went out on tbe lawn and had works with their field artillery, and Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residence There s Russell, the sage from Earl- Mr. Elbon anul hiS family ~ad street. Main street o~ght to be cation at the home of Mr. and Mrs, a camp fire, where songs were sung their gunooats had a perfect range, S ham, spared no efforts t o make everythmg aved from d ' h th d Otho Henderson, so uth of tow n. and marsh mallows were roasted until but fired but three shota from a ten of L. T . Peterson, Main t., Tues, And that tall George School man comfortable for their gu ests and p II one en to teo er, an a very late hour. inch Columbilod. One struck our day and f1:iday mornings, And s~e who told us of Norway , their house and. farm we.r~ never in ~ilf~~~ th~~~~l9 ~~d be elected who Miss Mary Salisu u ry arriv d home Fourth Day afternoon there was a We will have her whenever we'may. a more attractIve conditIOn . The lone. IlleD . nnt soc·lal feature, the enti're work8 in an extended anllle in front For Sal e- Brood marl' a go od .work b asemen t 0 f one 0 f t hearns b had • - • Sund ay eveni ng, aft er a pleasant. camp ~visiting the home of Seth Fur. n f company A . but dl· dn't find any • body. The 'next shot went Ii little er,9 yean old. Inquire of W. H. Elizabeth Lloyd was for dignity, been transformed into a dining.room Get In Your Petition visit with r elati ves in Bellevue, OhIO. nas. where they were entertained by ., farther and plunged into the llround Madden, Wa)'nesville or Corwin., O· Bull and Janney from Baltimore; and was decorated, with flowers and that hospitable hou~hold, and de. at the .very roots of a tree a man Were cbiefs in this great meeting foliage . The dinner was 8 typical Buy your Boy's Schoo l S uit at Iicious r efreshmentil were served. M-. Clark Cadwallader. of Mor. We'll remember them evermore. Graham dinner: and needs no further Petitions for municipal ofl1ces have Mye r Hyman'!!. at red uced Drices. was "ba(,:kinlr." I was watching the ,D . comment. to be in by Thursday , September 2nd . , F i f l h Day afternoon tbe entir~ ahell, as he Wall; be it known, that a , large o.lumbiad fired a elow de· row. apent last week with Mrs. Agnes Our httle lady from Jersey In the ~fterno()n the assemblage T~ere are several petitions sent in camp again made a journey to th~ tonating powder, and you could see Wright and daughter, Mi!:18 ~usan . And her. tent-mate from the state of w~ called to or~er and some inter- thIS week !~om here. R.y the looks Messrs. O. ustln, Walter Cast, Keever farm, near Ridgeville, where the shell for a wonderful space of Penn., . estlng talks mdulged in. C. H. of the petIti ons ther e Will be plenty Geo rge Lanter IIntl C. B. B,entley they were entertained with a picnic time When the 8hell struck, the Mr, and Mrs. Allen Haines. and Have helped us a lot and we kno'N It, Young and Corwin Drake. having of opposition to th e differen t plums attended the Blanchester Fair last supper. This. also was a very pleasman pitched up a fourteen foot tent Mr. and Mrs, Crampton Lott, o,f JU8t tell them to come again. receDtly returned from the Pam ama. (7) that will be handed out at the w ek . urable excursion, as everybody prespole and shoved into the hole out of .lCenia, were visiting relatives here - -.-Pacific-Exposition- g'ave pleasing ac- fall election . If you intend to run ent had to tell a story which made siRht. Tbe next one came my way Sunday. There IS Nutt and Lawton and Jack· counts of thei r trips. The invitation for an office don't forget to have Mr. and Mrs. OlJie Da vis I\nd fa m. the tim.~~ptI081J-'IteI~I~~ontl~n!;~-:--=-_ _ _ _ _ _ _,.:.:::~ 1 was standing on our boom·proof, At SO!?, . ' . of Charles T. Ellill and fam'ily to your petition in by the 2nd, anL! it i1yand Mr. and Mrs. Wal te r Hale On Sixth Day evening the Friendly and watching an instant saw 1 "lias Mr. and M1'8. J. H. Coleman and uame a httle late to the town, hold the 1916 reu nio n at their home must have on it at least tw enty -five and family spent Sunday wit h Lon. Group held an hour of worship at right in line, so like achipmunk,l Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane: attended And Woolman was represented was accepted. The officers elected names oC electo'8 in the district . don friend s. the home of Barton Kelly and wife, went plungin~ beadlong into our the Woolley· Dorsey reunloll at Piqua By Grace and Robert. Brown. for next year are A. S. Collett. after which a Boclal time was had. boom·proo·f, knocking a whole Jot of Thursday. •I ' President, Charles A. Graham, Vice· A A L' dd h This was also in the form of a rabark, off tbe head log- no, that WaynCIIVlI e 8 hustlers were plenty Pr~sident Kathr)"n Drake Secretary Take Charge of Home C '1 InLdn . . son fn . a~1t ter, ception to Mrs. Alcorn, who has been wasn't what made me bald-headed. . Zeph. Emmor, Martha. Ruth, If you ' . ' y par {s an Wife, a Wilmington, foremost in the Frillndly Group and Rut it was Steve Phillips thtlY were The teachers from th~ WaynesVille please, -and severnl other fn ends wer~ guests who left Sunday for he.r new charge ~ter as hi' battery was only a few school and the townahlp schools are Bu~don'tletusforget the announcers The EI1I·o~ R"'Unl·on Howell Pierce. and wi re will lake of Sa m!. lluttc nvorth and Wife Sun- at Norristown, Pa. te a t Leb anon El'lzabeth ch'Ie fl y-an d Ke y s . . ... charge the inFriends Home bout day. . . a 'culirtered yards, back of us, and that ~hot went atten d·ID~ t h e 'IDS ft I U Octoberof1st. place of Mra.aAlice Qn Slx~h Day morrung And here's to tbt' house of Furnas, The Elliott family gathered at the Alcorn resigned. In the meantime . . . tram al rIVed from the East with entirely throUit h tbeir lunette, but this wee • did no damageh and IBeft' litthle sign °ldf old Elliott hom estead to hold their Magg ie WI\rner will have charge of Md 1~~l .Ed ItLh H.adley ,.,of lI~prlllgbDoro, about twen~y members of the CenMrs. Sarah ZI. mmerman left Fri.' The Ft. Ancient rid. e .was great ut t ey cou A d h K ~nnual reunion . It was a most en. the Home. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce an u l ijS • o!lIse Ilnu . , aster on tral Committee and SeveDtb Day · having been t ere. hit or z\g·Z8Il9· with ' any of their ar· day for LoS AngelI'S, Cal., where ahe . n t e eever triP In prospect Joyable day, .the great feature. being will not come here strangers. as they Clark. of Xema ~cre the v;uest s of wa~spent in t~e GeneralConfer~nce, tillery. 80 I was on d,eck as asnipper, will.apend the winter with her .on Adds one more pleasant date. the excellent dinner which wall made their home here several years, Mr. Hurv y Gustin and fa.mlly llUIt whIch was decided by the committee · clau A. All night long 1111lw noth· and family. . And here's to Indiana, spread .beneath the trees and greatly Mr. Pierce owning the elevator at week. to be held at Cape May, N. J., July ·Ing to Ship, so I .kept up a cf)ntinu.And to the state of llIinois, apprecIated by all. Letters were Corwin. Their many friends will be 6 to 13, 191&. The Co~ference llUl~ ous watch-with. lippea! . Mr. Leste.r Curtis and IlistelJ, But mostly to old Ohio. read from absent members. Arter glad to welcome them back Mr. and Mrs. Geo . Parker and al! day. In th' ~ ,evenmg a fit.ting , Thought He' Yilll Hit Geneva and ' Esther, retumed last And all her girls and boys I dinner the busilness of the society . daughter, Hosetta, of Harveysburg, Ch!'"3X to the day s work, the MIsses was transacted anrl a Buitable pr<ia ud Mr. Spencer Pa.rKer . of Colurn· 8 1lzll:beth . and Ru.th Chandler yery week after a very pleasant visit wIth In the gray of the morning no relatives in Chillicotbe. And to all her gray heads and bald gram rendered. The following offi. Helping At State Fair bus. spent Su ndllY even ing with J. hosPlta~ly ent~rlalDed the committee Reb sbowing up for a passport, and -heads T 'ers were ~~ next year ; H. Curtis and fam ily . at a 6 a clock supper at. the c~urch. it being near time for the relief to d M W H All d And red heads too by the way President. Waldio Elliott; Vice PresiThe ey.fJIl¥lK was spent In musIc and appear, J thought I would take 88hot M:O~e M~lIum left Frid~ya;or To doctors, m~rcba~ts and far~ers den.t, Olive Elliott; Secretary, Elliott Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Hathaway left story telling. ='-==-------"-'-~ at an innumerable flock of low·flying, Sulphur Lick SprinRB, near Chilli. teachera and all, we should Bay! Williamson; Corresponding SecreUtry Friday evening for Co lumbus, where Miss Vivian . Stihyell has heen se, On First Day several of the visitors Mrs. Webs ter Elliott; Treasurer, they will spend the week at the State lected as PhYSIcal ulture t eacher.at went to Springboro and several to wild geese. ' 1 heard the familiar COthe, where they will spend I8Verai "swieh, swisb," or their wings; and d And may we treasure forever Frank Woods. I~air. Dr. Hathaway will aasist in the S. 0 & O. S Home, Xema. Selma. where worship was beld in was brin~lng- old rougb·and·ready ays. In memory wherever we roam, the secretary's depa rtmont , an d M rs. 1The man-l' fri ends of Miss Sli!w.ell in the morning. rn the afternoon sev. around for action. l.ookinjr up for' And carry with us a plenty Hathaway will be 8&1istant manager Waynesvill e are eongratulatmg her eral auto loads went to New Vienna the goose, 1 was just in time to O!ee a Miss Dorothy Dakin, ot Jlannibal, Of good things, to share at home. DI~aths in the f ancy work department. It iRian her good for tune. ' for worship. They returned here l~inch" mortar shell buret rIght over Mo., arrived Mre last week band will •_ • very gratifying to our citizens to and left for their homes in a special and a mighty few teet tr:om rilyhead, spend the winter at the ome of -know that they are represented,in Myer Hyman \~ent to CincinnaLi car, which had been chartered to r was standing at'the'Ume,ori a ledge Mni. Amanda Wright and daughter, The Day,ton Fair Ed'!Vin Hensley. aged 59, died at the state departments at the f8lr . today , where he will be t he guest of carry them East • . Thus the Friends about a foot high or BO, we·· could MiB8 May. his home near R:idgeville, Thursday •- • the Me rchall ts and Manufacturers Summer Gamp closed. and after all , more readily teacb our loophole, and -- morning at 5 o'clock. The body was H Ra P" AssociaLi o:l . A good prog ram has ill said it was a very successful meetT,hese people who th.ink that the shipped lo Ellison Crossing, Ky.. Ofse ngers Icmc btle~ arranged, wh ich will include ing. The visitors were well satisfied .. , get back to a standing Position. 1 Fr.ank ~. Farr and wife were in began to realize that I was daad a~d Oin.cmnatl, Thu~ay, buying their racmg progrllm de~rmmes the suc' ISaturday morniJlg, and the funeral a trIp to Coney I land and the Zoo. with their treatment, and they all aat dowJ\ wit.h the du,1 tbud, youv'e hohday "oodt, 'lhey went early 80 cess of t~e count¥ fair a~e going to be took place the re. I~terment. was Don' t forget the Horse Rangerl' \' had a very fine time. doubtleM read about, and 1 have ex- ~ to get the pickol6cand lOe goods well patlsfioo thiS y~r In Montgom- Imade III the famllly lot In that city. picnic next Monday-.Labor OILY It M' A ' dM B' • - ••- - perienced to...a -lower 'Ievel_ Boyp -and they got them ery county. In additIon to the rUII. .. . . Isse8 mile an .ame .ro\\ n a,r· who were near came to me and askoo, nlng rac\!S that have been provided , was post))~ned untIl thiS date on ac- nv(od home fr~m thtll.r Western triP Another Citizens Gone ' · '~wperellreyou hit?" lsaldldii:lo't . as an added feature of each day Sec· \ M A d S tt edl d count of Inclement .weather. The lust weck. MISS Annie left Sunday There will be a IOci.1 at the Lytle retary Halderman istrying to com. ' drs. f man a u ./n an;gw a y, committee earneslly UNe every . to resume her duti es at the O. S. & know: jf 1 was hit. I-ut knew 1 had j hall " Saturday evell,ing, .September lete lans for an automobile race to II!, a ormer resl eni o. aynes- member to be present. as they want s. O. home ut Xen ia, and Miss Mame I H·II ed 62 llle 8!1 d DHa;veY!iur!., durte at her to make this a gal!l ~ay; in fact ttlll will leave this \V~k for Columbus to of~h~ateIM~.a:~dalrs. Ja:Hi'U~~ . 8 l~ ~p. 8nd bottom: and we all be 4th, under t~e !,uspicea of the . Lytle bt' held Thursday and Friday after- '
to gelt8ay~ when another of th~ churcbed A-EltoOdbodpro.¥ra!lltedwlli ileBkY bullets cam~ down alongsIde. render. ver y 1nVI. gBQ
into the ground not two feet aW!lf. and lhe next lDinute 1 w~ burled In the sand 'up:io my ·neck. The cor ' poral of the guard had golten back out of the dansrer zone, leavin!{ mIl. believing me dead, but I worked m)'_lICIt lOOIIe, and saw the' safest pl~ce · for lI1e was at the end of tbe trench , n~re8t the fort~ Th" ~ir was full ohhella.~d when tbeydu;t n.o t burst, were easilY . dodged, 1 soon found out Iwualone on the' lob. and made up my mind to hold It, What was . in the 'a ir, that w.;med Job Jennlnit . who ill nQw liviDlln Attica, tQt he would be k,U8d if be went 011 hia de· tall. EVfmtaw.enttoprovethatthere " .. aomelouiidatioD for his belief, ~ he Waa no eoward. (Go fnued eat week ) III n • • - •
be noons. I at:~ ~nsh:!t ilineS8~n The aboJ;:ili Wednelday will b3 ('hildren's tree be brought hem Thursda between day, when all uuder 15 years old will 11 and 12 o'clock, for Inte~ment. . Mr, and Mn U. M. White 8pent 00 admitted free to the grounds. I ... _ • the week·end witH relative. in Day, This will also. be soldier's day. All i ton . They were accompanied ' by veterans will p88!l in free, and will -Hatbaway-.Surface , Mi;1 Lillian VanHarltngen, who has be given prizes'offered for the oldest j been -their guest for the past three soldier present, and also for the weeke, . , youngest vet.eran.of the Civil War. I At the ·M. E. parsonage at Lebanon . Another new feature of the racing last Wednesday, Mrs. Anna Surface Mrs, H_try Willlamson arrived prognm;1' will be the running races was married to, Mr. Glint Hathaway, bome Sunday after" three weeks' to be seen every afternoon of the by Hev. Kastle, in the presence of a visit with relativea in ColumbUi and week, ending with the ~erby race tew friends. Atter the ceremony VA¥ton Ml' and Mrs. LeeCooper Fridayafte~noon,forwhlch apurae theywentto .the home of Mr. and ld n·broqbther bome from 'Day of $2.00 la <'flered. Mn Ben Mu1l1 where " 2 o'clock an :ad IpeDt 8111HlQ hen . Exhibit of the .tate agricultural wedding brealuast was served to the ton . ._ de~ment will be one of the things immediate families, Tbey will make of greatest liltereat. to -the farmers. I their home for. awhile at Cincinnati. Mr8. Alice Alcoro ~d d.~itbter, Soil lertility animal inilust17 and The Gazelte with--tbeir friends,here t Ruth. lefPaSu~ ~IIIiIDlrA for ~rll' horticulture ~11 be empbasized. extend their ClQlIllrtltulations. rlIOOWD. , WDe~ ~ra. Alcofl1 w, •_ • • ~. ' tale ebarse of. FrieodI Home at that place• . H... IUDJ frllllda ben D.1. I . Will Ope will mial~. cgaOOu .n
bthe~t and I~rgte.st PlcnHlc eVRerbgtlvSehnaby resume her teachmg. Iflo,:galliza Ion . on. 0 .' . w' l han Will be present and deliver the address. . _ •
Morrow Chautauqua The Morrow Chautauqua will be held the last of thi>! w'oek, and con· tinuing into next week, By the looks of the weather t he committee will have to build fires or else hold themee'tingin theoperahou·s e. • - - ---
Pulled Down Premiums
Qeorge Lanter was the lucky one last week at the Blanchester Fair. He look four'f\rsts and ' one second with hia stallion. Woodford Star. He was entered in the genl!ral·purpose and saddle clUReII. e!~=t:~~~~~r:~af:!!ter Trinity • - .'''.-at St. Ma= . Stokes Family Reunion I"4!IIUlI'l8!l_ next 8,m: ~=:I:(~ at The St,pkes family reunion will be " held Labor Day at the home of the ,late Wm. B. Duke, III LJtIe.
died at his home in WaynesVille. Saturday about 12:80 o'clock. Htl was stricken with paraiyllia Frida)' aftem90n, from whiCh be never raIlied. ' Mr. Hillman was bom In W~ne!P ville and spent all of htl lifo ~ere, witb the exception of a few yean at Lytle. He was abutoher and 8Pent his entire Iite'at the buaineu. Ouring the last few yean, however, be bas been in ill health, and although able to be .around mOl~ of the time, .·hl,,'lbeen unable to do much work. He was well known in the communi • ty, and qis.deatb ,removes another ~ell.kn()wn .cltizen, Mr. Hillman. was married several years ago to Norah 08born; who Bur. vives him. She is at present at the State Bospital, at Dayton, and is In ver.y poor health. The funeral took place at hia late residence Monday aftemooll at 2 . . o'clock, Rev. J. F. Cadwallader officiating. I-nterment waa made iDe
Mel cemetery,
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IITHt bllslnosa promotion. Allison thr Ill' ' l out anoth l' notch at 8\1 ed. and SeventY' second II-hlrlod from th 8tr H onlrnnc e UJl the avenue to th I I ' I' rOller t ~rtllng, nud halt wny. d~wu th o D' nI10D~S '/t/(JI/T _ I block. 'IIh ro bo Ulado a 8\\l rt bil l 'J. 1< ~ ".,. f ) wlLh • Iemo~t1I' slop, brluglnltor wtlllobl8lel L I .n nn Inch mnr\ e OUB nccuTflcy or Uie nV1l!1I16 11II 0 IIIl F8ell .. " ' =-Ok- of the curb. She /lash d nt him a smile and ran sine beforo ho Rn8wer('<I . lie nlul no· lhe stepa. Sbe turDed to blm again up . treet s the In dy Cl'orybo thot lIccd CHAPTE R II. Bla red Into hi!' enr, Ilnd It nnltercd hi m Immense l}- to bOl'e ' eo pretly II "Why f" I wltb him. gIrl "Snowl" exclaImed Gnll In d light, "The wcalth ot Market SQ\\arf.! lturIIlng' UP bor - foce to th e d \lcnto no r mnl." he ,tlallc8, "And tb Bun shinIng. 'I'IUlt cllU h Is na lural , and xllllllncd . " It a rl~c8 par lly rrom the IlI1 flUS snow tomorrow l" of urol,orly wb1cb A1II 80n helJlf.!() 11 r Inlo hi s U1g , 111- Iner nae in \'nluo \1rnollcally wortb·. whon d ! dollU wn8 cked tu nnll t. runl\bou Iltitloal.looking Is r spon· Iher In 08 If she wore 80mo fragil e bot- Ics8. Ju dlclou" Invest ment " bnlanee_ e th for sible with freeze gllL ml hous 1)lant wb lcb "Oh, botberl " nnd Oa ll glanced at Itho firat cool dran. 1m· end blm Impatien tly. "Your nnlural "Tho pretty wblte snow 19 no fritook pulse Is to defend wealth because It ot mine," ho as8ured h er, os b
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lrh~ Ii i •• t:.~~~IJ;~~:\:~IlI~~~n~:~~l ~:n~~ I~O~~I:t could . ! hor to hll r. Atoll Ilt th~ housc,,, lOllS II t.o Ii; millll~l\ I Hilio ro bUR)" sug• . not l'''RI~1 tJ~, wkkrd tell her enou~b I '·1 be thnl 0n 1 RU:;1!11S1 hIs To . hIm neW I «e.~tei:l'. ~~~Ison, ('uger O~ a boy. beclluae tire I'Y n'" ,n 1"lId now c~uld wllh , and GaU, Lets - cried fI to r~gt upn n bla bnd discarde d wltb hie he whl h • Ilaugb r Iy Rnswered. '" "We'll Ir~:ile,
..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ....... •••• :
~ r "11 r(1"~ 'U.' n". _ ~1'.\ . . . . t II· ~' r't! 'nf'" (IroPIII'U jnto Ihl. w, Il k ,,, ~8 In Int<lr~;t ..~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0 .......................................... ~Irl . Rho II I aPl'rt'cl ule lind IlIl mlr
r Is. shu bnll m ' "Wby?" · Ho drolll'P,j Inlo n 811 nce SO ilcuse IblLt lh o Ihu mp lI'n~ "hnll8t au \ilbl , 1lI'IC.ked ; : . ~'IlJ s h Wil l! "IIlIII'Hl' . ,h \ hadhowover him deel' r tllall 811 kIl UW, Sho hud no t und ur~IOocl how glgallU~ : the mUll's tl O\bltlUII8 llfid bo II, lIo r I how vnln b WI\H or hl~ r nil), IllUrl'el. OUB pl'ogrosli. Artor rill. WIlY sh o u l d : he pause. wlll'n h li art SlI c h powcr In : 111m? She did well 10 81ll'olt sll~ht· . Ingly or nn , uellle\' m.'nl Innd by n. man of slIeh proved 1I 1)1I1Iy_ N ew nm- ! blUon s sjtranjt up In hIm. 'fhe nex t lim o be Inlked bnslnl' ". with Iter ho would h R"" mmplhl ns ~tl\ rtllllg unde r . • : 1I'6y; SOm l' I \ 1111 tlH'O l1l llCl II rroBl' ct. :
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iclI lll.lI [L\ I ' oeidy w il The Sixt y - S ixLlI AuulIa l Fair of l lit, Wurre ll Coul\t y g r be held on Ll il!ir. groLllld ~ 0 11 . Y, TU ES DAY , WED NESD AY, THUR SDAY , FRIDA
S ep t emb er 14th S epte mb er 15t h
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Elltri(' s arc cOllli ll g ill fas t , anu (11£'r(' w ill he p le nty \\ ill be better tIWII e\'C'r. • • : ' lchh:ubreu,tl ralo O ' n ,8(1I'I' SI avethe toward l l e" in 'nc h ' l IS!; of .hooded ond cruou latingly Into tho the • He lookod ue. wllcol _ . -;. < !> I nr s • I to InvesL The money shOUld sky. "This parttcul ar downrall Is a . ur plus are Wby • I likely to cost tho Munlclpnl TrllnsjlOl' have been spent In charity. : • ltatton oomPlLllY several thousllud dol- they suviug It'" Court Picils Frida y C'ommOIl Th u rs day W _dnesd ay : : Allison bogan to t eol tbe lIame 1'0Ilars." ' s processe .: lew uits. : "I'm curlou9 to know tho com mer- 8l1CCL tor Gnll'efo rmentul :300 ,~ _. . .. . .. uce P 12 : 2 300 ,. thougb, .. . n mllD'e, 2 : Hi Trot. . . . . olal value ()f a sllnset In Nc w York," which he would • Ar oo () I un £lr v",n ,. ~ . Frunk Bt ull. Pace _ .. .. ... . :.!'50 20 2: ~~OO ... c,.... thle 1':1 15 : with 2 her $200 ut .... looked .. he : 2: 40 Trot.. Oall IImlled up at h1m. Allison hnd wben ,100 . m o n y unly . umouut olult.u r d tbol' so WIUl • In mind, she 200 2: 24 Tro t. . .. _ . . _ 2QO ~2 t 3_2 ' wil,1l j D t~r M.. . . _ . . .' _ . the impressIon that unde1' 'the cover of thoughtremlnln Trot 2U :l: 200 . . __ . him .... puzzled Trot she 25 : <l that e : her OXQulslte ly veined lids lIhe · was ougbly tJookins at hlm comerw iae, and hllvlng more tban ever. • Proceed ings am. an bae church "Markol Square Sn!t \..:.0 I'~, • «feat deal ot run aU by berself. pnlls lIIdiuna ml~ Be how. , llor~e a hc will he tn, Begrl1llitl ~ at 10 o' d ock there • "We haven't oapltallJ:ed sunsets yet. bltlon worthy of Its vestry," '1 '1'1 B- 1\1'.1 Eo ley Mil lin g Co. ct· 111. Tlli ol,ns e . I I runabou t to his • brlnglng d. r her, formed ontnoo cllVlth . luway WI I b OpClI laughed di8rul~8 nd he 19 e Ie hope!!," settled . have l11 we !but prellllLl me so ul a l aoeu· an st ju glide, ewlft a lDith : Stllte 01' Uhl u. '\'H F r tld "Then there's stili • commer cIal Op' rest. with Incbes beblnd the taxi In a ll the .gw unli s. tions attrac nt dilTcre of ' u hUlldre lJe ill w re the three and every day. ~t,.," abe Ughtly retnrned . "I rllte 1+ Bond Is r ednced to $ 1500 und 8L1me mil· 6tty has It ee1 QnJte Irlend!J' to money, but It's front Of tbem. "Whf.!n 18 furni s h. I!. I::!nllth is r e leased. dollars. It proposes to start build. IlIUmate here. I've beard nothing. lion l on catbedra ent magnific most the Ing ." Monday on came, I IIl.nt:e RIM' Estate Transfe rs " Oall Watche d the Alert Figure of AI. A. JAME SON, Sec'y ~eII. 1D. ebUffb, " bo ebuokled , America n soli." FRAN K ELBO N, Pres.i dent aDd Meda . B J. to al et OI'Hlg B, S. Be.lde aa Motlonle Tenlely ilIOn, "Why?" she pondere d. "Will a tlfty Borto n , 4 1X floros to tinrl uo t ow n;!~ S~~~~ d~ :~:ryle~~ sbock to mUllen Her. D. GUTT ERY, Tress . dollar cathedra l save soula in , S. P. SMIT H, Vice- Pre s. ,26(;0. Ship an. be to boll the tor waited ehe as Ill· money ot aat.~~~:n~~~ded. "Didn't he ~:~~:~?n to tho amount Lith U_ Will 1« rus to ElIznb3 tb L ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '••••• ••••• •' ' . . • tbat query tho!' Iwered, 1Ul<l nodded to blm with trank ~."".', "'''''.''''''''''•••••• •••••• •' '•••••' ' ' ' Wtll. 1n town. 12 D llund "'l don't think he'll make tbe mls- \ Allison enjoyed 10114 of port Runt .lool<l.ng vlvaclous Two ry. J:j"rnilto to eomrade III DJB ~ubiIJlvI81 ')U oughly. cor th k t ~e agaI" ... • e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. n, an d ALII son 00 ..... tall and black-ha ired and s hll) $70,1 ........................................... I "You must ssk Rev. Smltb Boyd." womon, one . nar Into the avenue at a. speed '\I'hleb oud botb blonde, and )letlte other tbe bea. like. . talk "You . : chuckled Ililade Gall, unused to bare Inches of be Ira M. lind 111Ludo E .' t uts m 1n t.) both pre tty, and alender .bly fllllhlona \reewat. class Alileon as 11 demon thonl': and sur· (Jhllrl es O . J.e,vle, 49. fi aoros ill '-- - - =-- ~ 'Do Not GrIp.' "Ob, no,N returned Oallgra vely, and ,rusbed 'o ut Into tbe ball oOl1oret e a roh tlnd ~ldeDIDg grlldf's driver. lJ'he tall tramc policeman WaMhln gton t o wnship ~1. M( Coy~ her. laxative that wiD pleaian' rounded haw. mol'D' W. every lko p pray "I or.o tone. Sptlngh new a uppl'r With on bad ll fi they tluct arm ond - jarOUDd whoso' upra.lsed NUB to Geo1'lto W . E{ , J do. '" to Edwllrd E. Allison J instant, an wha'YOl For lUI' 'do bears Ood and 1193. e night, esldeno r every 'e and lng heehau ' her by " 1l~1!I ~e ver ul lot in " I1tb 'c lrcled enrllecl a tranlt tribute to It: _ .. Veter inarY ~'_~_"It . ,& of reverenc e In her had a glimpse of lIer, In ber garnet Mnrtw. n :lind n slIlnll t ract 9dj~onnt ~ V~~.Ibeal1~, an'd ahe telt relieved. Sbe mo." The anote tor y iJl'tb!1no GrablllD sprightl 13. a. , by W ~1t11 lIanked e, 465 fljo, turquois and '--n AI" wblch to t1 ."'-c I I d fi to slIt o wn , II tl t I Ihad eberlaho d 80m", feeUns that they voice "'as ueo .e Gradua or ()I'l" -~ 'I I Iinivel'tl" IU ..... UI ~ another sprlgbtly 11 thoUNDdii of them and we ~ IY gave IDlltant respect. "I bave no v1810n' In bluo and ond MIlrg9r et L MlIddoD COl ure e' llrot,~o, Gn wn all n and hav.n.v erlellla better1'8mody for the Frl1nk . he .liOl11d be Ul"ll8tact' thought be alld pink, lD vIsion AlII. Mr, "Howev er, even II, eburoh must dis· Quarrel wltb rell8lon. WbY.!Jer ayes hoard the suppress ed sounds of IUter- to A E . Bll I Blanobo W II1t,1I1I.11 1011 (.hveQ Burne~t,1I on Lebano UIf lO,conta.- ' Sold ollly 1Io1'tII. BINo eew(lr , hella Wlllls, tho. eburch." pike; Dayton Itnd 1t9000. nprons . ~ ClIiIIII money," went. en Alll8on, as It son, ] love 110R by Oa1Ytll'ty fum (In Office at re~it1Mcc in I" II Sh ",' iD&l then the door closed, and the llUle aorOll 10 H'lLmilton tOWDl!hlp ~ -hlcb eve8 lame the , Ja"nell. £. glowing J, -ere to p, problem _ townshI eok decided ~ Clearor , Bill. .... ba4 just l Bunnel I\nd T ~ RU~lIell tt) 'lark e WilmeH wood's house, I!'OUl.t h Slret!t. '" mlsohle t Now- ourtaInll of the hall wlndowB bulgod Emmllo t.. Bpe no~ r par~ of lot Hil In ~17Ci . 76_ . I'Which he had B1ven weighty thought, had cl08ed In satirical down trlpplng came Gall and , outward I 8tUllIl.lDA a "FIfty mUllons Isn't mere monoy," they were rapt. "What TelephoRI' 28 Leb~nop " $1. the stepa. ed. No 466 wlt-b Oregl'nlB Bridge Co, lretorted Oall; "1t'8 crimina l ·wealth. If '001l1el" sho suddenl y oxolalmher with JIIIl'k, the IlIW and up raced They fOI' new 8t~el joIst Rnd o"k rAilers AlUson. who had followed Obi!) Fans in Japan I\\arrls\l:e licenlle l no man can make ' a. million dolltu'll Wayn esvill e. drtvewa ya tor roadwll Y bridge on Colllmb iA admirin g attenUo n. bls mllld aacom- and around the winding n re r ... W of (orIDel' honestly, how can ' a. clJureb '" Wade, R oob Jn or tion IIXbllll1'a arted ld IIght·he the Deerfie wtth faro', Ia.ughed mpboJl .. C leaps, V b. eager pike In .Alllllon lIl'erye!l out tn.to ,the ~enter puylng beNl In them lit · ooun ty to Be u1uh ,'jlliuer of WilY town sh Ip, *<! 0, " In rellef_ Alter all, sbe wu a glrl- chUdren, and if there was Of DUlture ne8viUi!. Hev, W . P. Cooley . trace any nt mome tbat B'ane ore ]Jut io all sorts of cori ous of ttOn and wbat n girl! The 6Kbllllra Geot~e B. J limes, hu t ober to Freaa one aware U8011 In .Jap.. n. At wrestlin ll ,Hl1:I tbe drlvo, and of the IInow bea.tlng In thought, they :were neither , Rev . l All Kinds of that tbey were M . Israel, both of Leb~nol fenolng mntche s tlle nmplre!! olw~:v~ ,he r face, and of the animate d conver- of It. They were glad . various iUflll!. ' WtIl tbe and llrles Uh 'an, swiftly In tbe USD a I"rge saUon, bad 80(, the olear sldn ot her JUlt living, and moving V/88 snowing. th Rtl 10 ~E flumer In Bllrrls, E. Rl SU Chnrli3s m ot.ions of I,hls fan oonsllt nte III"n - In . UPON YOUR LIVER '-' face aglow with color. Her deop red open alr, glnd that It begInning to Ellen U .. rte r, b ~h of Lebano n . gllBllle whlcb the 00nte8tf lntR und e r light was . lips, exquisItely curvod and balf part- glad that tbe K J R veblcles ollier rfeo~Jy , and to whloh Ibey . pe were ro stRnd tbe slultthat Its fade, with liver wblle h Flagllls dazzllDB of Tbnt eil, dIsplayed a row ev, ohm ing. wos Buch J. ut , teeth and the elbow which touched In the park, tbat tbe world and 't hey gl8h flnw of bile Is wbllt mllkes ,lhe pay prompt attentio n, ThoOf8e"V'l Court Proceed lnltll Probate r ouKh plnce; bappy and hrl8ht Dr. girl haR a fl lu fllon Dlade .. 80 dark lit times. . look world ' no Quite pleued, -too. .o-be blow- tbe - ob~ r~oal 11res . SU~lIlIOr to IItrBlgh t to pllper bls was magn eUc:-""All~-r~81!t!"'to In t hE' mdtor 0 1 ~he will of Will. H lng's N e w LIfe Pills go lIether. waking with or nse ,.M a dust ~I !lt n ; the fArlD by ty dlffioul the of believe tbat bo WIIS forty·five! root tbe Is Will d, d3ceB~e mllton, F. E. SHERWOOD bl" 01. Eo Janne,.. 1t"ir1lII sUlIll8b t, though the olectrlG' tam Hil "You're tond or colllos," be guesalid, up t he Dation of tbe live r IIDd In. e1' has a st ont )an to winnow _ _ to tlare up tldw ltted &u .pr obllts r variety Is made of Anothe grllio. Now King's . Dr bile. surprise d to find himself with an ea. lamPII were beglnnlDB e th g creasin n. Fra of will the uf e~.-matter svill tbu In Wayne thq Postolf~ when 'Over "ell, be aDO" olin thln whloh ger Interest lD the likes and dlslllr:es ItIIrouih th'" Lite Pills oause the bowels to ~ot wllter proof pllpor . ' B grellt came In ols M_1!lrte l. decell.8\ld . Will bav,ng oreates and lind drive. wntor rocky In 'a th08e dipped rounded away per!. ell drlv.! rid now 0 a ly ee was fr It mora girl. ' in of a YOUIIB HeulW Pbooe 6· been a pproved by ProbILte Collrt Office Phour 77 ooolne~1I by. evapora t ion , DR. J. W~ MILL ER. da.ye," 250 a bott le , ence. "moody or. Is "me , Connty mery M~n'go )lerch~d :~l~ little lookout house "I adore them I': ahe enthusl utlcally called Gall, Involuntarily put. dered r ,e eorded here. "Ohl" of one have I bome, "Back . declared ST.~. ••• DENTI In the matte r of tbe g uardian ship hand on his arm. "I want ber tine white." pure a but every markIng of George I•. Thomos m fnor .. Chas I" th to and tender Dc eomethl 'l'here \\ OlII~hI
nyOeUverknsOb"o' utlhdnhtnl\\~earhklledt
!Dr. I .
wan," ... _..
J. A
.. .
A . . Cha ndle,r
I. I-!I· ~ TE S;~ IIN AI; ~;F IU: ~ ~ A. T SJ; I~U ~T, GIlI BIGI SI·1 ~ . ~ :~~~ ~::b~ .;~~:: : , ; :~~t!~ ::: :~:2 :=~. X:;~ :§~= Y: ~~ri k;~~ :;~~ --......... .._"",0 ~~}~ . was
JEl1081 GLlPPBl ,
. .
A 'D'CD p'A.("£.1 \,
TH. ell.AT. IT ~ '~'CAL
. ' l~lru
WEEnY. $4.00 l'ER ~ IIOT.JU . , DIlUociilTe, 8PIE0IA LIIT8, ftJBUSIII!J)
OO.T U M •••, Tit All . . . . 11, 0 A~ AIID ,. UI •• "VIO. OAII PIIO',":' . , UIlIiO In ADVIIIT I.,IIO COLUM ...
_ _ _ . . . . YOItK OLIPPER
11_ York... .,.
T Ie • J " • U 'FFE R E R S
r EU M A "H
81VD 1 QUIO K RELIE F' Pain leaves' olmost . s I'f by m'g,'c when ~ ~ YOIl begin ming "5Drops," lhofamousold reme~y for Rheumn· ti3m, Lumbago. Gou: Sciatica. Neural ' ill h:s.c altcct..ocskin~ rrel·gdhkt°tUobltC " spot, slops the aches nnd pai ns ond makes lite worth living. Get II bottle of "5-Drops" today, A booklet wilh
~~c~I~J~sg~~~ ~':),~
Don' td el. y. Demaod r. "u-Drops." Doo't RecclPt "Df~tthiADg °dlso ill p nee 0 , . Dy ruc·
Ii"" 100 ln r 60C~r OJl~.,DJ!~~'~r~ be If you
,' ...,0.
Io:.q, 11,.1111. b. ·U" of "1.o.Drop"" ,,'lJ It.1
~thway, and was out and on Oall's
A «Irl such ae Gall Sargent could hardly escape II. If there was a fa· vored suitor AlII Bon ratber pitied blm, for Oall was In the city of strong men. Busy with an eoUrely new and strange group of thougbt s, Allison turned Into the park. and Oall uttered an ellcla· matioll of deUght as the fresh, keen ' sir whipped In her face, Tbe snow W8S like a filmy white veil against the bare troes. and enougb of n bad clUlIB, by now, to outline, with sliver poInt· lng, the lacewor k ot branche8. 00 tbe turf, stili green from t~e oPen win· ter, It lay In ,tbln white patches, aDd sqUirrels, elad In their sleek winter I gl'rment s, were already scamper ing drive to tbelr beds, crossing the busy II-bed t It wIth th e a d ro nesa 0 aecomp 'l' , metropo litan pedestri ans, tholr busby taUs bopping behInd them In ungll.inly
]lolr In the runabou t were the east drive at this bour for a)lent, -bound mao was thronge d with outward roadway was allppe.... cblnes ' and the ., . wltb tbe new-tallen anow. Steady or nerve, keenh of eye, flrm at hand! Gall wateh ed t e alerl flJrUre of Allison, tensely and 'yet easily motlonlesll In the seat be81de her. . t d Al th f 11 P h er aps ee ng e s ea '1 gaze. • IIson turned to her suddenly. and for a moment the gray eyes and tbe brown ones looked Questioningly Into eacb other, then tbere lea.jlo·d, frem the man to the womsn a somethi ng whlcb beld ber gaze a tull second longf.!r tban she would bave wisbed, II t" h o Id Ith "AIr' "GlortaogreulIl~' 'llhe ~~eewd. '~llIdmon?t' ....... W nt ,, ~, t~ ~,o 1n_ he promptl y advlsod ber." ..Don . That. a sImple enough 80lutlon. ~!U!!lOtlngh, In thll en~JV·ladlln elr,
N. Sears
Office .in Stoops Building
Wayneaville, Ohio
IIlde of the car with the agll1ty of a younget er aftor a robin's egg. He helped ber to alight, and would bave helped her up the hili wIth great pleasure , but 'she WIlS too nimble and too eager for that, and WII8 In the lookout houBe soveral elope abead of blm. Wben sbe was QuIte finlsbed with tbe view, and turned and went down tho hnt, ono of .her tiny Frenoh heels BlId, IUld she mlgbt have fallllD, IIad it not been tor tbe Iron like arm which be threw back to HupjlOrt her. For ,ust an Instant sbe wae tbrown fairly In his embrace , with hIs arm about her waist, and her weight upon his breast', and. In that Instant, the fire wblch bad been smoldering In him all atterlloo n burst Into 1IILm e, With a mighty repressi on he r esIst ed the Im-
1)4ytOn SCtlte B09plt~ 11 9 Illade In the m lltte r of the astnte of Rf). beoD/18 C rossloy, decellse d, 811188 are approv ed.
ii' P
roce ngs omm is onere Bills All owed- Frankli n NewlI, adv. for BUdgot Oo m. lI 'ad 'freasn rer '440; Westorn 8tll.r , logl1 l nov. DI~ " trlotAI~sO~ 80r M.50 : UllIo Uorru gaied Culvert (JO .• pipe ${O :10 ; M,, ~on Ap. pe,,1 a d v. fol' Dndgar. COlD . aDd l'reRsur rer $6,20: J o hn Murray , tux refund.e r $4 .n ; Parry A. Romoh r, roadwo rk D~ern .. ld towDsh lp $8; A , D. Bond, oontrllo t $89.25. I:Inrvey M. Burn eH, oou'rllo t 3U . uO ; W. I:I. Grah 1m eonlrlio t· $3l8.1·2 ; Ber~ Reod oontmo t $HI.25; Urogon l" . Bridge , Zs lo Arml. Co, "ountra ot "gn9,iH' '" talte. Ii contrnc ts '660. 04 i' R A. MeCutoheo n 2 eOlltfllote f 37.50; 81UD
:~~~~ l~~i::e ~:!II:otOt:::~;:~I~~r~~!I~ll~~~ :~~d~~ ~~;a~128b;rl~~::~:u!townl\hl ~'1.50:
1:1 .
' )15 S ep tel.ll-b er .6 .7 8 9 1 O I
m ~.
t:l ~
(Lab or Day ) with Gra nd Ope ning -Mo nd8: Y, ~eptk.,at6 12:3 . 0 p. m. Para de of All ,Live Stoc '
I::J ~
g;~n Itlncttve ly sougbt, though the arm ~pa~r8bW~Bbln r ' • eo an,t 2, 7 dg~, waork &~nnk tremble d whlcb had heen pressed I In. T o,wna Go bl p 2, 6;..,e Rnu about ber. HIs heart sling, all he officera ISO; belped ber Into tbe macblne and 4upplle s for oonnt,y r.I i::;eoi~: r.'I cfyU~f t~v~~~o ~~qI~:s '~i~~~~, sav~ telt He ber. beside In sprang d... ~':'I age joy In bls strength as he s t a r t e L~bor, WUne811' .~. "nd ooroner on Alberta M bls under wlleel .tbe telt and tbe car over body of ,lameR ..., 'Voun.er $8,10; It1quellt h.a rd grl" He was youn.... Wllllon, coroner and witne81 $5 .16.;, ,.... .. Bopklne than he hii:4 ever been In bls boybcod : Iuques' over bo'iy of Paill . n4.1:15 e. wltness aod r oorone ever had lie thon atronger strong, . been ID bls youth. What worlds he J a. with 450 . Let-No t8 Contrao new tbls might conquer -now with e Qulve rt by I:l . ' , . blood racIng tbrough blS veins. It MelllDlpy f Jr ooncret . . ' Mllliga u on fllrm ker I::!huma Wm, thrust y sllddenl been bad be If was 8a Road ; aleo sewer by MoOlun g and K Into tbe tires ot oternal Ute and en. ttohan farms OD Lebano n and I ' h II d wt h d in ' t a t e V8St, Irrealstl b e Hamil ton R Olld and roudwo rk owo 'i'unleQ reek towtl8h lp $U\6.90, terce of oreatlon l Gall, too, was disturbe d. Wblle sbe No, 451 wub Bert Reed for fonr had laughed to cover tbe embaJTllllB' S d State Agricu ltural Schoo l Childr en's and W e d nes ay,. oldiers ' Day" Childre J),'s ·iu Daer. ment of her ~Isbap, she had }leen ti~~~~,~!~~h~~~~r:3 repairs ~ Day. All Soldie rs and. Childr en Adquite collecte d tlnougli to thank AlII. . Baek Yard Carde n Exhib its . k No , 452 wllh Waltor N. Allen tor S • T F d 'tt in . eon for bls read,. aid; but she "ad felt 0 $750.0 Count y Farm Dis- Exhib it, r~e- . oys "'11ve toc JudgNnll rOlld by Clift Monl~l ' e , the tbrlll of that tensed arm, and It lIawel: onfarm . ' In Cltlaror aek townConte s. t, 109 ums Premi had awaken ed In her mInd an: entlrely gamery play~ 1:1 .hlp ;J1I 78. , . ~ ne" "e.n o~ pUllled conjectu re. , . ~o. 451.1 with Orsgon la BrldRjl Co Gravity with a man Invariab ly leads beam bridge anll .Fair. by the Thoma s Manuf actul'l 'ng at Free away blm back . to · tbe consider ation ot h18 tor rl3ad WilY eteelwood given obile Aut.om the WiD, top .by Bam l! ...lIen with 0111 • F Co to identif y their retail Iea din g Joy In II fe, business ; and .be Woolilwarcl tarm o n the Frauikl in ' ., West ifth Street , lor the best slogan or motto · 1199.... rood n Lebalo , I an Indulg: was he admis sion tl·cket. evety' with nrat tblng AllIson knew n coupo Free store. l genem depar,t ment o .r 8, for 1:1 Ing In Quite B unique ! weaknea tor l 6rllhllo No 454 with W , Not eXllc~ly him; ho wae bragging ~: flat·toot ed; but, with tolerabl y strong wlth- tbe 'Dalr. ~ ection ,secon d Annu al Autom obile Sbow In Conn .:, . " Inlllnuation, be caTe her to understa nde WI.t -II the Slit R.m.....-FO'" ==== that the coneolldatloD or the ImmeDs :=== ==;: . =:== ==== =::= =========:::=:=:==~~:::=~=::;::~ 'I 1l4tI(;: , Yor,1r: wa.s tlpatlo n' ......... of New a ous "Conl ing ttactlonas Intel'6llt an undertak tremend about IOD"ICIUlIIIIW" IIbecouldCOlllprebend.an~that, hav· • 'l'h1aIS.~UIIt ~t;8f' nr _ .. . /6..~" '1'bnDI In. attained 10 4111,. • Innnmit, be rolt ~aoJj[1iliY. ~--' .l.~I anllUed to tUrD bl_1I to lighter Ifill , .xt; • . pyety aod . , • ' • thlbp, to enJo,. life anlS oq -tIDoI be t.o tha t trivollt)- , to rat. .. It wer, .upon hili 1\"4 I\IIIIIIDM . .., ~O\L Bold 01111 II, ... 10. .1i!v ~ ' laorela. -- .. II... .. ---
Day Picnic, · , 'All UOlon d T ra d,es an d La b U· . . or olte
Day .o n Fair Gro unds,'. .
· ng , N·Inet een .H arne s and R unol
' ' .ree Harne ss an d two m Races --th Run n.ln, Ra.ces each .d ay. ,
EJ m
I .s: A MOSBY' Pres
WI~ ~ ~.!!7'.
'Elm.5;ii5!1'EI "E!!iE!I'CDI'==Eai,a==5I'ElIi'E==!lIEUIii.!ii~'EI -
Ih~ (j "~"\.Iu
PuhUHI". 1 w. ·kl, III 1111I,'u hI 11... 1 Ratell of Subserlptlon. AUtill U".IIII1 I1:. Ml ln !lL .• W a)\lltOIvlllu. Ullin. 01111 Y"a. ("Irlcll), lu .wnllto ) •. .', , . •. '1.00 tI ' u~lt\
V.'I')' .. , ., .• . , •.. . ,., .•..• , . .
RatcH of Advertilling lluadlllg 1..00,,1 • . pcr line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fJl lUl8lllOtJ AU8. 110 110 uxrOOlI nvu IInCl! l :hr04) 1 IIIK>r~I O Il' . :'.' • •..• . . ... O. L. Crane , F.ditor and Menoger. Dlel.lay A(Jv"rt1.l n~ . pc r Incb .... .... .. I l:Ilacounll IIlven un conlrac ~.
. Ml. ·HOLLY
Mr, Jelale been visiting MIIII Edna wrltlnll · . Mrs, Olara
As Wrlttc I by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighboflhood
aile 10e
SEJPTEMBElt 1, 1915.
Dill and family bave Mr8. A. W, Dill. DlJI Is slot a' this Marlatt 18 on 'he slok
Hr. Walter Baley .was In Xsnla Saturday. ' Mr. D"n Morgan flud Mallie Mol' gan IIpe.nt t;llturdll.Y with Mrs. John Moore aud father . I James Sinltb "pd family, Ora Marlatt and family were · ~ undl\y gneet8 of Bert MlIrlalt aDd fumily, Mrll. (Jeorge ~BrlRt.t Ie I\t Sp InK Vn.lley at the bedside of ller motb er who 18 slok. Mr. Willtam Luons spent SODday with Biley Glb~ on and family ,
Mr . and Mrs. Jlimes Deady and Robe't<t 1::;tanley bart lUI their guelltll tI.e head of a large co,poration IlUle daughter, Lourn. Joe, of Uhlca- , Suuday Mr. and Mrs, Elmer BarnBII to a friend recently--" Since I /lo'f my go, were gUll.8tLOf F, H 8hld&ker.. and 80n oLNew Burllug'on, W ", olfflr Ono A nndred D U.lrB !IV I R. M. w . I.A N , 5">:0" l(oa4.I"r- 1 '"a"" the bilt "a, " 'llpwlud tor Ituy Q118e of Catarrb tbd and" wife MondlloY h om", (0' moth", and the ,1;,1•• ' The Several from tlilll oomwTlnl,y at. , I)IIUl1ot be cured hy Ball's Olltarrb Sa "on i8 iu.t th" thing (or economi. 'Iho greateat show to give their tended tbe Baines Reuolon IIot New Th. I" Ye,1 "lUI lovinl( "".h.•• ul, 1.lhe" iriond Uorfl cal motoring about on bu./"".. erp"trons value reoelved showed here Bope, lfrlday. , Il"li p ilb u: ctto rc~t . L ivll1l(illtnsuhood' s nnon . F . J. CHRNEV & CO ., Toledo, O . rand. and i. ideal (0' an .. fte,noo" last wpelt tlnd this' wllek 18 to Tbe W E M I:! t t N B T il" 51l1'" you pnlSed to whcr. Ihe . h"duw. '\ t , Ihe .. hdcr9i~ nrd , hnve kn&wlI F.) . . pin out to 1h" Club." Waynesville. If t.hey, Ket I·he pat. liDgton at 'he hoinn;~r'Mrs,tJ Role'!:'~ . "Iill Ch~ney lor the lasl 15 years, lind believe One day, ns he was le a ving the office to Weru ","i ting Ilff Ihe lIighl , pillDwoti upon him perfectly honorn bl.c in all business ronag" from this week II stand 'bllt BoUaDd tmturday afternoon . make a train, his big limollsine stalled. Smith, tlle,v did at their 11111' week's stand, The hurd ••. nl your loucr run, you oIeel' Imnsactlons II ud fitl3llcially Q ~l e lo carry ~hey will be bbukers, For crowds {Jnc of his ci ty. salesmen. happened to be just Miss Elllz .. beth Clark 181pIIlOdiDg T hnl d« p 11,.1 'omes 10 . 11 who are of carlh ' blaMing out in his Saxon. The "old man" Thai d trp Ih"l luolhulh. !>;Jb., the old and oul allr oLJliga ltnllS mode hy his firm . bere, 'hey were imltaton of Billy ' I few dllYIl with her aunl Mrs. Mary NA·llON A J.. UANK. OJ' COMMERCll, iu ped ill and the trusty 5a>:0" got him there EVERY HOME NEEDS A FAITHFUL Burian. ~r J\ I ' Toledo , O. ~unduy in Pililadelphill. 0" tim e . N ow euch of his city men is equipped HRired I'alriarch. T I.o ••• )'el .hat once Hull' s Ca tarrh Cure ilUll<cn hlteroally, withaSaJ[on and ' w has one uf hi. own- nswell. 'l'he Vulley 'l'elepbono OOUlPI~DY is A oBll ed mooting of' t he Y. p. S, COUGH AND COLD REMEDY were) Jill tJ acting directly UPO Il Lilt: blood and mu . wllkiog 80me very muoh needed im. RBI! held at the annex, New .BorSa:ro" Is an ever-ready. roomy and The When ~eason8 obange ftnd colds Wit h1...kindly hnuell Ihought alld light,_ now CUll S surfaces of Ibe system . Testimonials p, ovewents, at our exobllDge fi od Hngton, Saturday evenIng. powerful car- identicnl in style with th .. high ld appear-when vou fi.rst detect a oold sent free. Price 7{1 cents per boule. Sold PI iced t wo-passenger a utomobiles. [t costa but oow we will tlxpect very p;omJlt Mr. and Pdr". W. E. BogaD, Mr. after sitting next to one who bas lIo: hin.t the . ilcnl lid., hu. IIIcmnriuhyall drUI:IIst S. ~ $395 to own- snd 1·2 II cent per mile to run. aurvioe. and Mrs. RlIlelgh Bogan anci Evan sDeezed, then It II tbat a tried Bnd We min Y"'I Hurry , min thRt vni" e ,vherein ; It affor ds the most e conomical means of every T her. <t WI ll , hu. lenJer loving warJ. lor rake Hall 's Fumil)' Pills (orcolIstipalioD Atr Bnd Mrs. Frank Andorson, of and ~Iah Boglln attended the 08. tested remedy should be faithfully . day trans portation ever known. 1hoMe Lebanon, were olrculating in thlB born r eunion neur WlImln~on Ifrl used. "I never wrote a testimonial Who nurscJ, and cared, and loolhed, Oil I, A demon.tration at )lOur "on""ni""ce vlcinity!dllturday. day, before, but, 1 know positively that will prou" 'he SIUO"·. true worth. Can ~~o!'~::,"~lear Ihy '.~Icollle foolltop. of Motor launolle8 are be used In Clinton J. Cleaver purchased MI@s ElIl1 Maud ~avls blls 118 ber for mYllelf and family, Dr. Klug'lI J(elurn. Thy droad of death ''''" maught, Cblna on tbe Rher Swa'ow. II. 8even pasllenger a otomoblle Louill guest her oousln MISS Mlldred Bur· New D1aooTer,. i8 the best oougb J. B. Chapman, Waynesville, O. thou le.l1ud remedy we ever osed anti we have VI through the effOl·ts of 'Edwin oett of Lytle. T o know thai lif. beyond embodied DO One Australian ranuhman hili Ri~ks. Edwin's mllny frlend~ feel The Compton Mill" ReunloD wm t~l ed them all . I I GOo aDd $1. 00. More IMlill than beset II ' litre-your life 250,000 head of otl.ttle Ilnd 200,000 proud of bil ability ftS a 8aleamtln . hold tholr anuual l)ionlo ~turday, Wa. KOo.l a ml kloJ and ,tru~, and ill your flbeep. _ . _ __ _ _ Thls'lI! ... blgb.lj rllde lIutO II.Dd ooe to 8ep'ernbllr 'tb at tho usual plilce . • tatt . Last year tbere wa~ 31 .-I.D9 home. ieoure the results mUI' be a high. All reilitilles and flrlende are OJr· (Jf future life Ih. virtue s, I(ooun •••• Irulh And kindn ....hall IJ" Ihme. You kllew 8~b d en trl88 10 'be lJlmaditl.n north. grade repreltmtath8. It I, fully dlally invited. Ihal UOMh eqolpped wltb ..1i modero equip Mr. aod Mrs. J.Iil. LeamlDM are MUll enm. 10 all. You knew lhal Ille mu.1 w88t. men til', spending a few days with lela'ives ( Dcl.)'IlCl) . d o•• IORects and tree d18811888 annually Barr,. 8hldBker sbowed 8l1ver,,1 In CiDolnna~1. You tllew Ihal DUlh i. bUladr.amle" Ileep clOaee 150,000,000 damage In tbe horses wbiob were conSidered tbe The Berean Class was plellsau'ly Mr. and 'Mr8. Ed. Eyer aud daugh. COIllI.ose'd alld alm yo u enlertll iUlo De.Lh·, LJnlloed ~tatell. moet up.to.date Iigb$ barne"l1 hone II eDtertlliued by tile AduU Cla88es or ler, Dorothy were week-end guests Emhroc" wilh ... ming joy, knowing Inat exhibited at ahe Blanohe.ter Fair tbe Waynesville Friends Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Moore, pain N" loaller held II. Iwa, beyond the lomb UlIIh hall six mouatalos wblob !farry 18 a young man aud hall School Frldl\y evenhlg at the home Mr' . Mary Cp(ls~y entertalued at Your lall thouKht wu of hom., aDd tho.e rille more 'ban 13,000 foet above 'be .. brlgb' future as a eUCCOBllful hllrse- Ilt Mr. and Mrs. Davie Furnas. Sunday dinD.e r, Mr . Barry CoPSIlY you loved IIIl1.n, 8nd takes quite a lot of pride Thfl W. C. T. U . had a publlo anti daughter, Uraoe, lind MI88 Nlnll 1M level. 'That 1houghl itililill/Cen wilh you. we do aot In borees, II.nd Ile handles a grelit l'emperlloce mooting in the Friends SmUjJ, of DaytoD, Mr. flnd Mrs. Know! we canllot ..y thai D.alh i. all there ohuroh New Bur li ngton SUllday Aroh Uopsey and family. Ultlll hIlS Ii 722 manofaolurlllg II!. mllny every yellrly h to lile. Perchance il b that lif. It The Rloh and Ca,.r reunion was evenlnR. 'l'be addro13s was given by tabllshmen's, employlog an algro. BUI begun when Dead. apv ••n, and when Mrs. Ueborah Lloyd remalos beld Salurday jn the beautifol grove Bomer G. Hlddleoum, pastor 01 tbe aboul tbe same. MfC' "Vliin the IOYed who laved us h.re. ga~ af 74,618 perllons :Tbe towoshlp hlghwtLY' superln. We know how vain it i. 10 try to 8Uild a on tbe farm "nown all the N. B, Friends choi-ob, XenIa, Ohio . teodeot IIball divide tbe gravel aod Tbe MIJlle. Effie and Amy Norrie, e rid with word., yet tho.e who loyed and Zimrl Bllines Ilnd family spenS of XenIa, were guesh fuesd"y of tbe unimproved pobllo roads of the , The government telt of bontlng Rloh farm, Mauy of tue old raoeM IIlDurn Iheir . were not upon the ICSDe, and new Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Burnett Mr. and Mrl!. Ray Eagle ,0wDehip Into road tlragglng dla. 18 IIlx bourl In sa" w"ter and t·ben LoSl, can Jlel. "'me .olace from Ibo bcl tba. (lices are taking their placeB. of New Burlln~ton . ------dlx bOllrs' expotlure '0 'be IUn, Thou arl Irtc Irom paiD, pcrvlexitiu of D"vld Rutan , wife and oblldren, trlcl's whioh mu ~ t tnclude fiJI mall LI S I Davia Grllham, wife, cbildren snd ' Cbaunoey BunneU's bad as 'belr of MeobllDl08burr, lire spending lhe route8 Rnd main t ravele(l r oalls A t Earl b- yu .. loved all nature, on her bolom U 0 very ery ceo at - Thou Ihalt r.111 yOu loved all hiih and grandoblldren attended tlls Grllblim ,gnests Illst week their oousln Jobn week wh·h her parents, .Mr. and withIn tbetownsblp whloh are grav_ eled or un i mproved, bu t be8hllll n ot Reasonable Rates liable reunion Saturday near Waynesville. Bunnell and family 0' Beggle8towo, Mrs, O. Grlfby. .TO THE PUBLIC Thinr , you loved the good, the kind, Ih~ put more than 81x miles of r oads In Mrll. .Mildred Eagle eutertatned Ind, Barlen Badrelyaul! wife dtende'd any ~ne dragging dlstriot. true, ,ou . "1' feel tbat! owe 'he manorao'ur. . ...- -Also Agent for KeUy-Springfleld Loved Ihe voice of her who carod, mnd era of Ubamberlaln'. Uollo, Uholera for dinner ~unday, Mr. and Mrs. theWl1IIhlngton Fair Tbursday , Wm. Wright and dllugMer, Ethel, ,oolhed, and I AutomobUe Tires Ittrll. Ed Rutao, ot Runbury, 0., BILIOUSNESS AND I:ONSTIPATIOI Wllmlnglon, Mr. and Mre, Ber' Lnlled 'au illio ru.. A I 11l0t'1linll dawlled and Diarrboea Remedy a word of wttl!the lues' Thuredtlly ot Mr. and I(raUlude ," wrl\88 ~t'l. T, N. WI&h. Barlllook, of Waynesville, and Mtllll a .11I certainly surpriling that .auy alld Sleep, ~n had driven away tbe. mllu that erall\ Gowanda, N . Y. ~'Whsn I Bldy'ba Macy, of Xenia. WOlDan will endu1'e the mteerable Mri, Ray Eagle Huni Up<lDld,e oiKlit- Yeu loqked aerou began , .. tln~ this medlolne.l "1111111 Severa.! from ilere IIttended' Year Mr, and Y ra. Lewis Seara Ol1d 800, rbellngs cansed by bllIonanels and I will offer at Publlo Sale at my' . great JlIlln and feeling serdbliY IIlck, of Jelferaonvllle, were /dun day Vl8lo oonltlpaUon, wben relle' ilJ 110 8ftflll'l Iy; Meetlnl at Wllmlilg"'n Sunday. Ih" . re31deooe In Lytle, Ohio, 011 Valley Phone OO-l~ V~le of cIarkn".., ..... away beyo.ml, the due to an . attaok of Bummlr oom. I'ora of Milt and Frank ·Bowe and bad and at.o \lUle eXjJeule. Mr., Miaa Thelma Sollerll 18 III wttb Bcckonir'lI beaml 01 mom lhat oPen~d upend plain'. After takln8 a dOle of I' 1 Saturday, September ". 1915 Uhae Pook, Gatell, N. Y., ",rUe.; &yphold fever .' Show,d the way to ..erluluI( lilth!, and bad not 10DI to wal' '01' relief 811 " famllieR . "About aye ... alO I Illed ,wo boUlel AI you l.,lIlttd your II.iril a... 10 btl Ralph AlexaDder who under. Mrs. Beglonlng lit. 11 o'clook tbe tollow M. Edwardl Ie plalltsrlllg Geo. A part of Ihat.lhat rei,nl ~yond out Ipher. beD"aled me almoe& Immedlasely." a Dew boolle for Rose Conklin near of Chsmberlaln'lI . 'tablet. and they went a serioull operation Is Improv. Ing persooal property: ODe Horee, AI G()odneu, Klndlllll, Tnnb aDd Lon. Ob\alnable 81'erywhere, oured me of bllioOllneel and oooltl· lng nloely. BonBebold and Kltohen Furolture MoKay', statloll. patlon. " Obtatnll bll3 everywhere., John Peterlon and wife were vis. 1 BogRY, HBrneBa, etc. Mr. aDd Mrll. Barley Cleaver, of , Funeral Director Bee bllf b\lls for terms. itors In ~prlDgfield Thursday. Xenia, were guelltsol relatlvel here Mrs H . K, Sides, andEm~er, Sunday. Bruc!! Bmlth and wife are the puA. A, MoNeil, Auot. en&1I of a flne son. . Several from' Clarksville attended W . E. Kenrlok, Cierk. Waynesville. Ohio. tbe ball game here I:!und&y: Mrll. Paul Peterson, ot SprlDI! ======================= Call answered promptly day or night ';ralley, Bpent Sunday with ber par. Rev. H . G. Blddl,eoam dellYere<l THE NEn 'BEST THING TO THE PINE Both phones in Offiee and Residence, ente, Mr, and Mrs. Frank L, Barris. FOREST FOR COLDS 15an'l ltcellent uddresA on 'J.'emperance Long distance,No. 14; Home phone ••• in t.he Friends ohuroh ~unda.y even. Dr, Bell's Plne-Tar.Boney wblch 14-2r. Chairs and one Coach furniehed free Ing. . gools' &0 the very root of oold troubleI'. with funerals. U clears thtl throat and gives reli ef MIS8 Flol'a Barlan Is the gues' FOR SALE .Appllcationll looate. eetablleb, termlnkng whloh roads shall be fire' NONE EQUAL TO CHAMBERLAIN'S frieodllin Best of service guaranteed, trom tbat clogged and 8tufi'ecl feel· Day too. tlltn, wldlln, IItrsigbteb, vao ,te or Improved shs townthlp trall'.. es mal' "I bave tried m08t all ot the Miss ElIz~beth Reevea lett Friday Ing. The plneB bave eyer been the ohange the ~Ireotlon of ,. publlo ·take IOSo con81deratlon the amouill oough Durell alld end thllt there 1M trlend of man In drlvlog aWRY oolas. OOD tleed Wbellt aDd fine Ryel~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . rOlld, eball be made b, JII'Ulon \0 of suoh 1l0Dat! In', --t~~ihir.i~Ml~~'~tll Chamberlaln'lI for her sch )01 w~'rk In Taooma, Moreover, ,he pine hooey quaJltles seed for eale, Inq ulre of Lewis . _ __ _ never falliU ·Wash. oo... ,y (l()mmlaalonsrll IllDed br at are peculiarly effeotlve In flrMlog lellBt twelvs free holdsrl of the . 'me promp~ relief," wrlces Jus, Tanner who hllB been 11 ving ohlldrell'lI ooldll. Rllmember th"t fi & Stmpsoo, Wayneev1l1a, O. sS DR. HA..T~.A.W AT oouotry rl8idlnR 10 the 'Vlolnl', of Tbe townpblp trnateel may "P• V. lfarner; Mooapel.l er, lod . In ll'1orlda for sevl9 ral yeare, has ORN-400 or GOO bushels of ROod . , . . , .. he propollellimpr Ivsmen\. potnt. lome oompetent peraon or When you h .."e a oold glYe tblll bought ' the ' Barblne property In oold broken at the IItart greatly. reo mov~ the possibility of complloa. oorn for anle. Inquire of George Wa,YIINv111e a Le&d1D, DeaUn peraone, wbo "ballao' nnder Rener remedy a trlalllnd llee for yourself South Burlillgton. "Illireotion of 'hs oounty htgb wa,. wbat a IIplilndld medicine It 18. Rmlth, R. D. 1,. Waynesville, Ohto. Office ill Ke,.s Bldg, lttaiD B D, J . FarqUhar lI,pent Sundllyat tlonl. lIGo 'l'he boud ofuUlII.e88 of any town. luperintendent to tnllpeet the ·wor. Obtainable everywliere. 88 ----~--~.--.~----bis home. . .blp muy levy aDd atllleea upon tbe of Improving luch roade, a perllon About sixt,. frlendll of Mi88 AgneB ,axable lUopeuy of \he lOWD.hlp d08lp.&edaelnlpec&or, sban reoelTB II:ACBE~-Jj'lno, nnd flood for ~tambaugh tsndered her a IIllrprllll! P canning purposes. W1Il have " &iiI' not f'xee8dlnll 'hrlM! mi)M In for eTery da, ~lQall,. employed 110\ BARNHART, ll'rlday evenlug. !dhe will eD~r any ODe year upon uoh do\llllr of $ax. euob work, a 8um Dol to exoeed foor 6 boni 50 bu, Inquire of B .. Sat.tertb. college ai Oxford In a fsw do1YS. able property tbsreln for tbe ole of dollan per day, to be tixed by 'he waite, R . D, 2, Waynesville, Obl'l, Notary Public The W. F. M. S. of the Frleuds Impro~inlr, dragging, repalrlur or ioWDIhlp 'rustees and to be paid 00' s1 W. A, Null and Bon wert! trtLD •. pbone 36 S. ohluoh met at the home of Mrll. L, maln'alnlllR aoy pab1l0 road or of 'be 'ownsblp &rnlleeB upon Ih.. \otlnll buslnlu in Ceoterv~lle one 8. Holland Saturday aUernoon. BAETON-8eOOOd band, rubber. AllldDds of Notary Work, Willa roads or part lheloof. Suoh Ie• ., order of 'be townsblp t·rQllkes with 'I'he farmera were pleased to see Mise Nita Beere, of Davton, II! 'he day the pall t 'Week, tir ell , In good oondltion. For Ilna Deeds a I:Ipeola1&,.: IIhull be 10 addl,lon lo 'he lev,. of 'be approval of 'he ooun'y highway "old Mr . tlun" laBl week. Esgnes' of her slIter .lrs . Wm. Reeve. Carter Badiey bal retnrned to partioulars inqulre of F. M. Biepbam two mlllll authoJ'iwd by law for gen. lJupedn'enden&. peolally 'holle wbo bad th ...lr grain Tbe bU8lne~H men of o~r village .Brooklyn, N. Y., a.t.er a 'week'8 vis WaYlle8ville, Ohio, 111 eral wwnBhlp purlJOlell, bu' .~bjecl In ths fieldll, and were unable b have arranged for Ii big IlIobor day I" wl\h his parente, . \0 the lImilatioll upon lbeoomblned The iOWDllhlp 'rn8tees may aBl8l1B 'hreeh. oelebratlon next Monday afternoon. OMATOJts:...For canning purAftsr an extqnded vl.l lt with rela maximum rate for all taxM now In Ilot ao f'xceed all or an,. part of 'be Malter Calcl Bartllook hall been vls. There will be Mok raoes, potato Uves hers, Aarou Sommen lett lallt poaes, nioe, fine Htook . Call I . foroe. oos' of Improving a road, agalnat lting hlB eillter, Mrll. Wm. Stroud. rAcee, m \ltor ovcle raoe, oontesta or week .t or hie home near Dallal, Tex. Sattertewalte, Waynesville,' Ohio, Funeral Director. Gideon Baines had the ml8fortune varlou! sorls aod a balle bllll lame ' t hi' stees soall de8la. ,he lands, no' more lh"n ODe mUe Oarl Ban, of Miamisburg, spen, Valley Phone 143-1Y.. Til , e owns p .ru from eltber lIide or a termlnnl! of io tind a Ysluable oow dead tluoday F.,tll vs Leans, The band will fur. nale lb" road or rOlldH or pall I Hid Improvemen1 al 'he trae'e88 mornlnil' • otah mualo. There will alto be a Sunday wlib Ed. Woodward, wife llnbtlorlberll to the MoOall's Telephone day or Df!ht. and family. . 'hereof within said tO~Jlsblp '0 be may determine. ,V alle,. phone.No. t. ng , Magazine. Bend 350 to the l'be "Willing ,Worke~" of the band .esUval tn .he even Ing. Spoolal Improved. _____________ Alrll. Angulltnll Ztnlr, Of. DetroU, (laM'&! office, and get one of the Dilltance No. 1Ig..2r, tlagar Creek l!!unday \:!obool en'er features are being IUrBnged tor. Mloh., Is vlslttDg EIiZ&beth ~Iaok magazines 00 eartb. U TOWD8blp tru~'Btls may Il~Pt do. The.r e "ball be In eaoh town8hlp \alned 'he. "Light Bearers" of the ford. Automobne Service at .n TIm. . natlona of.(abor or ma'3rlals for ,bl! not ISla tban one nor more tbaD four ferry /dnDdl\Y Sobool WednesdllY fieleD Houok, of Dayton, W&ll 'he' WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN GOLD propOled improvomea" aDd In de. road d~'flD&8. as the townlblp tru .. eventng at 'he home of Marie Hart. week,end RUest of Clyde Oampbell, CIDER MlLL lees ulI~y delermine, The dtdrlot or look. After:tbe bUlllne.1 part was 1'1 have ulled Chamberlain', TabOHIO WA VNESVILLE. • Mr, lind Mrs, 0, Githens had al • dietrlots ahaU 10011lde All the ~rrl ."ended to, a'n Interelltlng program le'8 alld fonnd them to be jus, as Braneh Office. B~rveJllburc, Q; tory lu eaoh · iowDllh.lp. Town.bip was well rsndered. VartbUI gamos reprellented, a qulollt relter tor heali. their Sunday Buests Ellrl Welbaum ILL run Wedne~dllYs "teaoh arulteel ahall appoint for eaoh road were the prinolpal amueemenlll 01 achel. dizzy spell. Bnd othst SYDlp. lind wife and Mrll Mllry Early, of AWONDERFUL ANTISEPTIC . week alld other days It Dec. I dl,'rloa a .uperlll'~u"en' 1!'ho lib all tbe eve.nIDg. Prizes were awarded tom II denoting a torpid liver and U,iamillburg; Chas, Ellrly, wife and Germs nnd 10leoUon allllra"ate be knowu· all tOWDllhlp highway the beBt IIttlste, tbe Misses Gladl!' a disordered oondltlon 'of the dtges- Ion and Ualvln Long, of Mlddle'own. 6s8ary. Mulleu & Son, F erry" Ohftl. tf . . . B'lier and Ns 1 Murpby, a box Lf tlve organl. Tbey are worth &helr . Tboll. Miller spent Thursday 10 ailments aud retard heallng Slop IIuperintendeut. chooolatell'; Mlel Belen Flier. the "elIiM In 801d," writes MilS Olar. the Gem OUy. th., lulectlon lit' onoe. l!1Il the ' YDRA U LIO Cider MI1l fit I:!prlng booby prize. Morris Williamson r. A. Drlgge, Elba, N·. Y, Ob'alnabll gsrml and 8s' rid of 'he pOlaoOll T 'b &r clyde WUbrsoD, of Carlisle &ranlValley WIll rnn every Tuesday. For tble'parpoae allotele application he &O\Vnl 'p . na&ees ehall fix,'be oetved also as .fir8' prize, a box of everywlaere. ao'ed bosln88B bere·last week. beginning AUl(ust 31. Albert Crew: of Sloa.u·, Llnlmlln' no' oilly kill" oompenaatlou o. 'h..&o.,n,h1p high. oandy &uU, Ice cream and cake. --~.------Helen 'Robln80n has returned 1115 'be IItn bnt deltroYII tbe flerlull ... ay lup.IJrlntendeu& for 'tmelo&aal. wallllerved a' a late hour to about trom Bsveral week's stay In Chloago. Tbllneu'ralill88 Infection and give. Iy t!mployed tu ,he , ~teobarge or hie &ht1'&,. five goests . . Earl Humber& imd .!!lUa KBlltle. nature tuBIII'Ince ~y overOoml~R datte., which oomP!iD•• &IOD sh .. 11 be Tbe Itttuell irma Cornell aDd Eva '" meyer, ot Uellanoo ha.ve been vhlt. oongell&lon and gives" ohllnoe for paid 'rpm 'he 'o~nablp road .und. Murpby wlih &heirgen'lemeD friend II FOR RENT -~ lng Wm. Bum bert and wife. abe bee and aorm.l 110w Ill· the motored to l.'llfton Sunday af~r Mr, .Allsn ij!1ll&h hall beell vi.iUlIg Mr., . Chu. Miller and. lamlly of blood Sloau'. LlnlmeD' hI an em. Jt Bhall be 'he dnt,. of tbe' aoun. ooon. OUBE-l'he property known al! Sprlngfteld are vllllting Mrs. (,yntbla erllen~y doot.or and ' Bhould be, kept cUt of oltles'and villsRe, toeabae the Mr. and MH. Lewil Clark and' frlencla tn Daylon. the Brown Bonse. Inquire of oon8,au\ly ou haad. 2110.. 500. Tbe main graveled. and unlmprov.ed baby I'rederlo, were roy aU,. euter. Mlu Lena rhomell Ind M... Luoy Antram. Dr. Elhs, Wayne8vllle, <:)hlo. a1 Il,OO Illze ooo'aln.llix tlmOtt as muoh ·road, ·wlthlu 'he llmU. of .lBld o.Jr klDed by the MuJlln family the puS Mendenhall. of .Dftyton are the John Staoion spent levera)'daYII &II tbe 260: . parl'"on to be dr.a lged, gue~" of Mr. and ' ·Mrl. Chas. Clark. tn Rlohmo:ld last week, week . Mr . JilrDe" Bro~b, of Daytdn; has Mr. and Mrll. Newton Dear&h and I4.r. G. MOWleI' bad tbe mlsfortDne WANTED- TO RENT &0 100e one of bls bell, hon08 one been villl"ng M.r. and lin. I:Iimeon datlllhler IDa and Mrs Jennie Duke . wers WayneaVl\le Tlllitors Ato~d&y III Brown, . nillM lilli' week, The anImal Mr. Erue.' Earnhar&hu returned evenln,. b8Bd fastened on a barb wire fence the wel&. . Bayee Leach IIpent Hun~ay In FAKM-A.good farm by the &hlrda.I::::~=~==~=~~=~=:::: ou&&IUIl 'he jugular Ytlln, aDd IllmoeL home 'rom h.1~ ~Ilr Inquire 0' Guy Kibler, Way- D . " •. ,everlng \he . head fr~ &he bOdy, Mr. WilUamBr()wn w~ In D"y~n ~"Ion. neavllle; Ohfo . s~ r.Bell'sPln~T~r-Hqner n _e a gr~at lOll. on btllllnllls S-'urda7, . Mr. and IttH. Crooke",' Mr., and 00uPe Md ~ Laroy B. Barilook hu aooepted a Mr: and Mrs. ('''h''. Gebhar.·and UrB, Henry I>ear\h; qhelter ud poelUOu u time-keeper In 'be Brow. ~Il Hermau aDd ~UKh&et' AUoe a.. John ('''roolte", Ilia and UeulUl neU Boller W.orb, a& o.y'on. 'ended the Hlpplle SharrU reianlon Dear'h aud Newton 1Jeanh and The lit&le Ion of ' Chal, Cornell aUheDa"oulI'air,rouncla8a&urclay' wife were ·among &hOl4! fTom 'hiB lira. OhM. Olar.k sn\ertalnlll Fri' place who "MInded tbe Dea"rth rewatI quite "Ick Saturday. 0,'. SllIgle 10 honor of~. her ~1II "... union laa& WjldueBday a& the bome wa. hptlly oalled and ,ave him ud 'MI.. Lena of ClIn\OD Dear~ a~ Frankllu. mec1toal aUentloli. . I L1I07 lttend8l1ba1l Barty Cornell and IOn en&er&alnecl ThoDl&l &he followln, ; 1111111 Katb. , ~ ryn C) .... k. LeoDl. lIoGlIIuill, . Rhea !:Junda" .' All kinds of Spo ... tlng . a. n dJ~ooflng and ZElma f5teo, . The W.lklD(I famU, 8Iljoyed a IIr. Orl.a ThompaoD II vlei'ing 1118&80... trip IllMurcla" I ~n~ Furnace Repairing Donee. Th' BaD'. famll, Ila4 ror tbelr wI&h bla parellte a' Loveland. 111'. and lin. Cos aDil Mn. fJunda, rrank WrI,ht aDd .4 111', aDd lin. Barrt dred anet l'rIIIDk ttiJtbe. mok.nd &0 BaJtOD I'nday. -I,I.8tepberll. Itn. IAlII. .· Boe&op enaeniiDed SHOP-NEXT TttSHERWOO.D'S QARAOB Bole I'JOIIIe OoJ'le. n 8hop NeJlt to.~.N ~.d·. aa..a• • •aln 8t 1&. Ad lin. r ...ak Sadtb aDd ram. 1lu1oD.,O.&tl. . ."' . . . . ..ot IIr.
In Memory of Harry Kearns .
R ay
.. -
.. - ..----
Corwin, Ohio
BY dE.SSE TA.YLOR. Irlitor ofBetter Roads and streetl .'0
Olassified Ads ............. . .
Waker McClure
.- .
Painting, Pa~ -Hanging, Auto and Carriage Pain~. W.&YlVBSVILLB,
,\.--.;.~___"";;';;"'~~_I1111!-~~----....,J Ib' 1aDI1a7.
.... ,...
Waynesville, .Ohio
Show Feature
Greal l-lorse Mrs S n, Henkle was hOlltess to Lo,'or" "I well-breI! horMs ar" !!Illn!: the Jolly Matrons MI,nduy arternoon. A v ry onjoynble time was had by to . n~ ttlo fair 11 IIn" r n 01 "nlnterruptall preaent. d d 11 ht. Tbls will he flue to til lifo ran,emeotll just porfeot d tor Ulree Mr. nn{l Mrs. Cardngton Elli~enterl:uineu 11 uTldllY dinnf'r, Dr, M. . West and fumily, and Mrs. G. H, Ellia and daughler, Nom,
September S.·EndingSeptember 15 Given Free
Mis,; s lIBI IlIJd 1.1 ary Gray ent rtained 10 Ullin r of Tho rsday the f illlowinll' glle~ ls: Helen Marlalt . ElclI nor Earnhart, Pauline Marlatt and Lena Marlatt.
With each SOUTH BEND MALL·EABLE ,RANGE s td during th ale. D n t ~ail to VI it our store dlUing this sak, , ee lh good thmgs that can be had by buying this Rang . Don't forg l the dale, 'eptemb r tb to 15th.
M r, amI Mrs . c, M. Robitzcr entertuined l'uf'Rday evening at a "500" card party. T/1 r welo eig bt l a b le~ . and those present enjoyed the evenin~ very much. De\icioU!~ refresh · ments were servcd ,
$12.00 Set of Aluminum Ware
SPEGlALrTHIS WEEK nuil Sn(!,rcluy
Thursday. Ftid:IY
1\11t' Sugar 25 rOllnil Sn.ck
Faucy I'ink
$1.65 500
3 cans for 25c ----"-SOc Jelly Glasst s,
d Ol ..
only '
A HC)Jfl'S Iltat!v!' or the Amcrican Tohacco COllllllny will be herc this week to Jlla('e on ~alc at ur st ore ollly these two :;pccial oITcrs :
Special Offer No. I
See the Aluminum Ware Display in Our Window
Rogers & · Son Waynesville, Ohio.
Mr I\Dd Mrs.' Earl Conner enterA :..!5t: I I riar I' illl', o ll e 1 ilc Till Corner of the Live Steck Section. lained at dinner Sundtty the folio,\' · (If Tuxcuo Smokillg '\'oha cco • . ing gueNt: Mr. and Mrs . Ruml. blA' night horse A h ow~ that will bCl I \lllfHlle of Pi,,· ' I,'rllll~n;. Hainl's and Bon, of nenr Bellbrook, given dUI'lug tho eXI' silion. The vory Totf\1 val ue lilt:. Mr. nnd .Mrs, HaIrY Murrny anO hlSh E'8t typo or h OI'S fl es h 1M goi llg hI All for only 25c Mr. Haymond onne r. 110 gIven 1\ chnnci t o d ! ~pl n y lhll brll· Offer No.2 , lI.ut l·!l'cclli of Imin ing lind brflod. If Mr, and Mrs. B. H. Kelly ent.er' f~ tOe plug of Old Kelltucky, 11 Ih ere is Runh II th ing us 81 'lstocrtlcy t ain ed u few friends Thursday even fine lea ther 'l'ohacco Pouch. ing in hOllor of their ~uests, Maurice ILUJong IImees, thon t ho Crl' UDI of tll O Cull ett Illla wife. of New York City, qultlO UIIP r cloise 's will be ill elovllr Bnth for only IOc A very pleasant evcning was en · nt the' fnlr, A k ee n lover of horses n ly one to each clI st o mer, j oyed by th ose pre !'nt.. hlmsetf, Snerl'tllr), Du,nlnp of the new Dtlfing this sili c we will sell n lot Mule hOlml o( Bgrj(' ulturc baD persdn· of w'lI kII own btands of rlt: Mr~. Cy nthia E vans gave a delight- lilly InnuRllrnl cd th e h~r&o uhow r n· dgu rs lLl I ss than \\I holesalc ful "[,00" psrtv to several , of her luru. He Is J;olug lo look uftor It him· prices. f riends Thursday evening, TherE' were seven tables, and a pleasant self b eC lI ll~ h Is going to lnke a lIer· 7 for 25c,- . 16 tor 50c evening wa3 spent . with the cards. sonnl prtd In thl ~ Dart of th o bi g All ·cfo.pTobacco,6 r 25c Delicious refreshment6 were ser\'ed s how, at a seasonable hour , Fresh Oysters this \ eck EXTRAI T he re Is alao goIng te be glv. Mesdames Edith Harris and Laura Fancy ;>' Iichigau Ce le ry en an exhib ition of trained Mosher are entertaining at dinner JCI scy S \\'cet Potatoes horaes ond ponies. The or· today in honor of M ra Mildred Tayrangement. have Just been lo r, of New York City, Mrfl , Amanda Bril1g us yom Eggs, We IIfC made for till I. It la ·.. Id to be Wright, Mrs, G. W. Hawke, Mrs. paying 22c doz ono of the belt ·school. of In· Ronald Hawke, the Misses May telll"ent horaci In the country Wrigh t , Clara Lile and EmmA it pays to trnde at and Ita pupil. to be able to per· Heighway. form Btunta ,that arc almolt un· canny. The Standard ~earers at their regular m~ting, on Saturday after noon, gave a shower in honor of Some Comfort. Mias Edna Satterthwaite. A dispute hetweon 11 lIuree n'nll a A sumptuous picnic supper wa, patlc,lt Isn't Ilk Iy to be 11l1u rly ~o 00served In the basement of the c.hurcfi rious tor ilio pat! nt 11 8 dl liute bePrecocity. to aba,u t twenty-fiv,e members and t\Voe~ hiB "oulOfO.-SlJO'k srua.u a. : PreQdC)l~y ll'ill)' II d Oil d nil A forn, view. of profllllhm.l meolul d vol · Il IU nL UULI friends of the bride·to·be. Many I>eautitul and, useful presents 18 hlKtllllC d wh en I\. hll" 11'\'8 yearN old bns lorirned that the drum stIck I~ and 11 hoat.of good wishes were ' raDol til best part of a turkey gobbler, cl'Iived 'by Miss Edna. -Houston Poat. Notice-:-FOJ:'_Sale
"H EALTH .A.I(D CPMFOR'I' i'IRSTI" That In Iho rIn ging year's 8t&te talr manalfeme nt. In no pr noue ex ll()s!Llon In
~ Ioglln
JrJiZZinsry *-' ..... ,-. ... OPENING WEEK
tory of Ohio beve more oaJ'efUl plans been m ad l) for (htl com fort belnl or the lens of tbounida of visitors who will 8"'00P rtown upon Cohtmbul just prior to the witek of August 110, Not ~ato r olpts, DOr finan, olal allowla!:. nor ellgarne"l to please exblbltorij o r -r.o ll ce~~lon al re s will be allowed to ltalld In tile way of tbe real con\'cnlonce or tha vlsltorB -tbe people who will make tbe fair, No tlma or money or pains hill! been spared to oluko hUDJlY olld weI· OOIDe those who come tor tho fair. Tho teo m en, m emb rll of tho u w state ,eolll'd of agrl,ullQro. have determlnod to pin eo the InteJ'<)sts of th~ vlaltor drtlt.. They ar. tbe mea wbo havc the tall' In 'chnr!:e. It Is their .eere· tary, Rimlolt W. Dunlap, who hUll Kivell out tho word tbat nothing ~hRJI Btand be faN the gUNta of the fair. So It Is that the IDoat elaborute plllDS hlw b , Ilil made for the ftttlnl: of rest rooms, for the htl1nl at specia l u tlondoDls, tor lll e cleanIng of Itulld· Ingl and around a, and foi' the makin g oC nrrang(lmellts that will give IIpe01111 attenUOil to women and ohlldren. Tbe he&ltb at the grounds 18 colng to be guarded 88 n "er before. rn· . f.et.lOD~1 111118 will be fou,bt to n sta.ndstlll. Milk and water IUPpllOll will b. InllpacLed hourly. Rules will be mode r Quiring 'onManl desnUMss of all food and retreBbmellls, In fact, the cO-<)f)ernUon oJ Ibe Columbus health omelaJa has been enlleted and "ood au.t .ea.ral b.alCll bI· ap,ctera w.:I1l he CGntinuouely on !.h. jp'OUDI&. .
Announcing the arrival from New York of tnc newest and most fetching creations in Trimmed Hats for Women and Children.
Thursday. September 9 Friday, September 10 Saturday, September I I
of lhle
th .. his· INId 1'o'tllI·
the- Op.8 JlIDg
37 Green -S treet
Wbat III tha madmlJJll wb n It COIn811 to th. as6 of a Boose' 'rbll Ina,. Ronnd like • 'rtdlc:uloul qU88tton. b~t It us a tOllch of tbe ec:leaUlic after aU. It Is rolng to b9 on. or tbo Jl)uIUfarl· OUII ltolt Quai-Iell wblch the' stilte fnlr will try to &D,wer. For a t the fair tbere Ie g91Bg to be on exblbltlon • gandur Ibat Ie known to bo 42 years old, And be III solog to he vary much
& Ught CCJlDJlt\ny ant! the Big P'our
_Botb th.e Columbus Raltway, Power
Atlas Portland Cement
r.r-----T~~.n~~·r_~,.~~m'nt ' awte The Best Cement on the healtb ccmllnues. Tble gRud er, bougbt with a 8111ter 800s., ke,J~ Fresh Car Just Arrived. at the Ohio State Fair, Just 49 Wall
yean!. aeo. by a Madlaon county tarmer. The goole died . of old age two J'88ra B.8D: bllt liIIe p.1\der .bows only B te" of Ule nc· (lompastmonta of lonlevlty. . AI \be req... t pf hili OWlle.r, be "as tltac!!d reeentl, In tbe Btat!! nsb hatohery at London, '!\'hsnI be 1& an Interosting al1d weI· come guellt.
WHITE'S arTell the Advertiser you Read the Ad lu the Miami Gazette
On Wp.dn' v evening, Miss Edna raIIrofld ahrw.~y we eomplrrtlnll thew Comell entertu.oed a few friends at pIaU!! tor tb. carry4n1 of vlalkln ffom a watermelon party to meet her Columbua to tbll Itato fair croundl_. cousin. MiBS Velma Cornell, of Dayton. Those present were: Misses lloth the eleck)o lines flood tlul IIt¥ll1 Opal Gray Helen Marllltt, Mabel rond e.r. II)anJl.lng to II.. mOn! OMa Salisbury, Alice Carey. Adria Cor this yeM t !t.n IIV!!'/' . owlag to tne gen- nell.Cecilia Snook and Lillian WilkererJIJ expe ~~ tt on of gro&\.er crowd ... son, Messers. Alfred Wright, Wynne T!>e atrelt rallrood. as QIIuaJ. 10lll run Keever, Colrl McClure, Ernest and hundreds ,o t e~tra CBI'lI to the talr Madison Earnhart and Barry and ,rounds every day of the flllr, whllo Russell Satterthwaite, ths Blr; jl'our company w111 continue to oerry peoJ)le direct from tho olon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite, Station at Oolumbus te the fair trrounda, of Route 2. entertained a number of Thore w!ll be InformnUon bureaus young mell Sunday at dinner , " They the beneOt ot ,-18Itors at the fair' were Alfred ,and Elliott Wright, grounds, In the atate 'bouse Jlard, In Lawrence, Ell and , Seth Furnas, tbe fall' grounds and at other places In Ro~t. and .t;toscoe I' urnas, Emmor ColumbUs. Columbus hotel keepers Ball:( , Jr. , Wynne Keever, of Cenand boa.rdJlng house proprietors are tervll\~, Jas. .Borgard us, . of Penn"s~ruolbg up" tor tbe occasion of the sylv8D18, Anlla Furnas, Ruth and tatl'. ~tra Rceo1l1modBUon8 are belDI Harvey Sack~tt, of Bellbrook, and Pl"OYldecl for. All the hotell a re alit. Mr. and Mrs. George. Wood ar,d Ing commor!llal tTavelera. wherenr . daughter. Rllth, of Sprmg Valley. pOijslble, to a\'old ColUlllhu8'durlng f air week. In ordor that all llollslble space . ... August 29th, the friends . __ and neIghbors of Mr. and Mrs, Doan Brackney gathered at their pleasant
.- ...
' I
~=============~~m:a~y_b:e::;~~v~e:lI~t:o~t:b:s~f:a:lr c:r~0~W~d:8'~... • Exh ,·b,·lor's Space A II Taken . I
25 Recipes ueed by Or, John Hyatt (deceased) ill his practice of Veterinary Medicine Price f1.00 . L L Allen, 219 St. Paul Ave., Day tor, Ohio.
---... ....---
ready sal e 1t wou well to see him, as he has Qome new ideas in 'the auctioneering line. Or call him, 146 mutual phone, New Burlington. Ohio. .
.,---------Wanted to Rent
One olthe most deligh'tful Bocial events of the season was a ·tea given last Thursday by Mis" Emma Hawke and Mrs. Wilson Edwards at t he beautiful and h09pi~able home of the latter,' known as "While Lodge" ' At 4 o'clock the werry party of . gi rls entered the 'peautif\llly decl'lr· ated dining room_ The table in prGfusion" of softly· lighted ,candles and smilax. At each plate waS ari ~rti8~ic place card, a smal~ ' lighted CBl!dle arid ." smal,l, ' inno~nt, . white heart, But the guests on being told 0Il10.. bletor7. ·to hold the 8IIIall white hearts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the lighted 'c anales were much priaoo, for 88 if by the Thlnp to Worry About. Deserves AdmiratIon. began to . aPll88r TIle pulae of a 'kAnl1lroo III olll,. Our r.drg lrntll>ll . rill' 'the mnn ,wbo,' SePtemb~r 15, 1915. IIalI .. rut .. that of ,a ~ 'whetber 1:he c(.nv !'flaWOD startB 011 who was' immediately sh,[)W8Pf!d garden yaEIS or th IlhlJosophy or' 13erc· , conllratJllations, .Is the 8C1cornp:lialled !Jon, will iyet IIring It In throe lIelrol\ daughter of Mr, and 8e~teneelJ to his ravorlte hQbb)'.-MUo' Hawke and a graduate of waukee JourDRI. . le1an of the 1916 cl888 -< Mr. LeMB¥ is one of the prominent . , Thls c1iaeaee Bhould be treated lIB IIOOn ,0ullg bulinet18 men of DB¥ton • .. the tlrat ·unuatural looseDeas of the . The guesU who included thelntlbowelaappean. When thIa Is done a Self-Rlghteoua. _ mate f~da of ~e bride-elect _Ike ~~berlatn'aCoJto, Vholera ....... Diarrhoea Remec1l-will dect a people," amid UDcle Eb!!tS; MiBIea'1!'mia Kelley, Etbel HOIIV, ThIs remedy caD AI"8)'11 be deblu\von like It " ' thell CI~ = e , II1IIallOIU:iiJlOll even fa tile moat II8ft1'e ad 11,,0.'1111111&1 nmlri .. r'''' d~t dey wu prepanll' Ha J-l.' • '" Uld ahoiIJ4 be bpt at admltlallce' lip' on \Go,. itf'TT~~ BeDrlVERITABLBl stampede of exhlbl tors for space at the .tnte fair Is one Th e entries lire coming In so rast that the <:aIlaolty ot the big C'Orpl' of lIeo plo attached to the state fnlr management Is being taxed to tIIeutmost. The lI.vo stock en trice ba VII boe.Q particularly heavy nnd tbe liTe Itook sbow, Rccordlng to an official pre· diction, olll!lJy will be tbe biggest In the history o~ the atate. More U1BO 800 horeel snd 1,000 cattle alrell.dy have' been entered, The· sheell. swine and . , poultry ue rllJllllng In,to the thoul&Ddl, " Already all the machinery lIulld l nc_ b~v. bl,en sold out and "ov~rnow" apace III 'beIDa ITl\Ilted. The sruna III true of Il'raotloaHy all tlle other ex· ' .!ttbltl, Thli is olearly IndlcMlve of tbe tact thl~t the most cordial feollng' eaats between !.he exhibitors .. a cla.1 t.nd the 'ralr mana80menl Thera 16 a 'Plrlt Dr Co-operaUOIl that wlll make tho coming tair the ,reate.t In
Next Sunday, Sept. 6th SPECIAL TRAIN LvI. Waynesville 9:35 Il. m. .
Good farm on thirds. Can handle a good sized tobacco proposition. The lIery b~t of reference cheerfully furnIshed. ' Wanted for another party farm of about 200 acr.es for cash rent , Suit· able for stock farm Address or call at this offi ~e , '
Round Trip Fare to Springfield: 85c: To Columbus, 11.40 For plOrllculul1I OOIUlUa B, U : 1(<)lIy. . Tlckc~ A'OD~. WAYNKSVILI.K,O.
Mrs'.BartonH. Kelly Vocal Teacher Phone 126-3
ISpringfield &Columbus I
J esse Stanley, who' has just grad u · ated from the Jones Auctinn.'" .. n",
h.,me on thewedding. Day ton pike celebrate their china Atto100'clock about sixty went with well filled baskets ond after th.e morning greetLate Cla~sified Ads ings, sat ~own ,to tabll!S filled to overflowing with every conceivable . . . . . ¥ , " " ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . delicacy_ Each family remembered FOR SALE Mr_ and Mrs, BraCkney with a beau . -----''----------~ .-.-tiful piece ofChina',Vare, making in bu. 8e~d Whellt..... tb,.e~l) fld all a fine collection, Visitors were early, very olean. Re" i~. present from Dayton. Lebanon and Waynesville. The guests were: Mr. !ered Sbrop8hlre 81leop and some and Mrs. Samuel ChaTlton and daugh· ewes. 'I'bad Zfmmermal), W"ysll, ters, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Charlton nesvllle, Oblo, pllone U.5. and family, Mr. and Ml'II. C. J . Marquardt and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Duke and children, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reeder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl. Shinn and son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Archdeacon and family. Mr. and · Mrs. Benj. Young ond iamily, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Sheets and family. Mr. and Mrs Emery .Charlton and sons. Mr and Mrs, Joshua Foster, Mrs }!;liZ'llSmiUi. Mrs. Sadie .. imington, Mrs, RollerS, Messrs. Fred Gray, Frank and Marshall Harlan. . One who was there
Til irct;:St.
Waynesville, Ohio ,
-- -------
ot the mOllt lnt4resL1ng of th.e pro-fair features,
;';-;,'.;..-;..~;;-~ w-l.fIIfIr Ieaft -'th~'\.OIIStar.
. SAVE MONEY ON THESE Dust Caps, .....• ,•..•... "iOe Ladies' Handkerchiefs •• • • . 6c )feD's Red Handkerchiefs' large size •••••••• , • • • • •
Boys' Suspenders ••.•• ". lOe Men's Suspfnders. ,•. ·.•.•• lOe BaChelor Buttool~~ .•• ,. l~
Placket F&stellers
School Supplies--
Pens aad Holders Fountain Peas Pencil Clips Pencil Boxes
B!:t.::annEl"f.:n IJ2. The v......1De .... n' o:t-.......... -. W.,..vJUe. 01110 A:~ JIlL 'Rquald~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~.
Sixty-Seventh Year
D~n Andeiiorl Continues Hil lnter. eating "Memories" - of H~ory Wayne.vllle ",
, (j,
Whole Number 3334
Warren County Property Given to Tenanta Outright-Relatives Trying to Break Will
Lust Thursday Mr. Fred Fu rnas Ilnd Miss Lucile BloIhrman ,took aD auto r ide to Cincinnat i. visited Kentucky, and came home Mr. and Mrs, Fred Furnas. P arental objections to the match. on account of the age of the bride, made them take the trip tQ.Kentucky. On arriving home, however, t.he blessing: of the parents was given to the young couple. and all js serene. Mr. 'Furnas. who ils the son of Mr. and Mrs. Seth l··umae, is one of Wayne Township'. most prosperous farmers. and is a 'p opular young man, Mrs, Furnae ~s the daug \.. hter 0 f Mr. an d Mrs , A, M,Bul'rman, · ,wh 0 IIve near New Burlington, and IS also ve ry popular. both at her horne an d in Waynesville, The couple have not decid ed as yet where t hey will go to hOLHekeeping, but WI'11 apen d their hon4aymoon among relatives. , Mr. an d Mrll. Furn"s were the reo ., clpients of an 0ld·1ashioned belling Saturday eveni ng . and the bellers, as well as the YOUOIi!' couple, had a great deal of fun out of it. The Miami Gazette, together with their numerous friends, wish f<>r h t em prosperitv. • -.
And Have <1 Good Time, and Visit Your Friends-They Will Be There
Officers for
the :Eosulog
Elected-Mrs. Byers Made Life Member
_ There are !!ix members of my regiGeorge B. Oldham and nine others 'fl W '11 b d . , "Too bad- about I n.ck. My hus· The annual Warren County Con· aynesvi e' an lhare prllctlcmg bun d Sill'd I Ie wus II 1wllys a f rlcn ' d m ' ven"-I'n of the W. C. T. U. was held m ent h re in the home, who were in I18rdICm ' or de r t 0 give ..., Methodl have entered a petition in the come CI' t'Izens 0 f n~d ." I'n t he ' st church. Frankll' n, mOD pI eas court ot Clark County, for th t somc ood musI'c t th , . " "I feel 80rry for that poor, molher· th l>. siege of Spanish Fort Bod know e coun y g a e Ohl' o. Tuesday, Aunuat SI, 1915. the purpose of b, reaking a will made Warren County Fal'r next week "Yes I s" • all about it We made a large num- less gir!." by Mary E. McLaughlin, who died Thel'r musI'c' I'sall new and up t d t • , n WIl)' , Near the time appointed delegates ber (,f wooden mortars that would o a e. from nearly all the local unl' ons had "Well, why don't YOIl marry her." in Springfield July 21st. and they lue progressing finel~. throw a ten 01: twelve-pound ahell "What I wnnt is a motherless girl The deceased left a large estate. P resident Elbim thinkll the fair , arrived. and were cordially greeled fully B mile, We cut the logs into with a fair income." eatimated at 175,000. Her home'Il b b tt tb' th t • • by members of the W. C. T. U. of aec:tions aoout two feet long borini stead, together with a legacy of, wto'rmeer eyeearr , lasn dyetahre baonarad aanrYe Franklin. out the CO!nter of one end, shrinking £4.500, an auto, J'ewelry and family k'109 t 0 thOIS en d , an d 'If th e Our beloved president Mrs Emma wor Chapman called the conventl'on to ' red.hot bands of iron on them boring heirlooms were' lett to a colored th ' 11 b kl'nd a d I e wthea fal'r wneatghevr . .. 1· order ' . Devotional exercI'~ and gouging" out a touch hole; and couple that had been In her employ " ~ """ wore • em tehrr'oomadnay:oltnoeod our gun was ready, and two men t hey WI'11 prob a bl y pu II ou t 0f d ebt - - - - - - _.- conducted by of for many years. A farm in Greelle Mason. Obl ·O. Mrll. , Mrs.Anna AdaDowyer. Thl·rkl·el.l could carry it easily. We carried county ahe devised to a tenant by the this year . II them into our t.enc.. es. and set thllm name of Evanll. Another farm In One of t he decided improvements B. S. Howell wae in Cincinnati gave the addreaa of welcome in a on end, with a proper gueRB of the the asme townahip was to be sold. to of the fair will be in the horse rae- Tuesday. very delightful manner. After the 'Ing. 'Steve Ph'lll f X ' 'II response to theaddreaa. elevation. A handful of powder Pay the legatees, who will r('ceive IPS, 0 ema, WI mittees were appointed varlouacom· and reports chucked in. -and a shell with its fuse III b . B b sums ranginl' from $500 to $1,000 "go" the speed horses. and with him Nathan Jones wps taken Quite ill from Secretary, Treasu' rer, Creden. . ,. O r. macy W e In arveys urg each. A farm in Warren County. cut to Buit the distance; and a burn· t th I thO ' 1 1 f te M d ' . a e po e mgs WI move as r on ay evemng. tl' al "-mml'ttee and Co~ndl'ng inr: stick would do the rest. "Anti a II n~ t week . west of Lytle aud near Springboro, than In . f a vv ormer 've n.' .\ Secretary were given. Agir'squar. over!" '''Put this In your pipe and was left to two tenants, WRiter w. Don't torget to take something, Miss Lillie Noory is visiting relatette was rendered at this time smoke il." "Berecomes your light. Mrs. A. T. Wright and son, Alfred, and John W. Kruer, outright. h ' ~vi tb lOU to the fair. Fruit tives in Dayton this week. ' which was' particularly strl'ldnll and ninar bug!" . We were but a few ~od8 were Dayton visitors Thursday. She further devised that at t e IS plentiful and very fine. and you highly appreciated by all. apart and Mid all BOrts of mean thIDgs ~eath of these people, the farms and may be able to bring home a few The officers were elected tor an. to ooch olher. On one other of my MiB8 Edna Janney WIUI the guesl homestead were to be sold and the dollars for the little trouble you have Mrs. Frhonk Elbon has been Quite other year: Mrs. Emma Chapman, detalla. had an {idvenLure out of the of New Carlisle triends lut week. proceeds were to be equallv divided to go to. sick for t e past few days. d The local schools will close here Presi ent; Mrs. Anna B. Eldridge, among the trustees of the Clark ordinary. r W88 de"-iled along with a lot of Friday in order to give the children Miss Kathleen Haines. of Cincin- Vice Presideot; Mrs. Oba M. Welch, Memorial Home for Aged Women, our regiment and a couple of memo Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman 'pent tbe Humane Soeiety of Springfield, ~ , un opportunity to attenJ the Warren nati. ,epent three days with relativeR TrtareaBureMr; Mrs·RMathrthJa Davis, CoSecbera of th .. 33rd lIIinoll to do trench several days last week in Detroit. and the Friends Boarding Home ot ayton, OhIO, Sept(:m~er 7-More County fair on ChBdren's Day. here, re y; , rs. u anney, rthe Indiana Yearly Meeting of the tha~ 80 stores were beBI~ged , today • _ , responding Secretary. work. The 33rd IIIinoia led off, and Religous Society of Friends, of by w!>~ld , be contestant~ ~ n the fall The delegatea from Harveysburg we~ given axea. I came next, and Born-:-To Mr. and Mra. Nolan Waynellvll\e. was given a spade, When we had · ?pemng 8J!agram prl.ze contest. Mrs. E . V. Barnhart is visiting extendt>d a very cordial 'invitation . with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith, in for the convention to be helli at that trotten to the end of the trench. we Conner, Friday, September 3,1916, The petitioners allelle ' that the ~all Open~~g-:a full vIew of ev~ry· writina is not the valid last will and thlPg new" proved to be t he ImBrookville, Ohio. place next year wbich w,a s "Iadly lound the limb of a tree barrin, aeon. testament of the deeeued, and the p'ortan.t words . . Hundreds ot .fam. accepted. Afterthenoon-tideprayer PI'OII,eBS, and Re,bel Una. were b!Jl Mrs. A. T. Wnghtand BOn, Alrred, suit will be prileaed on the g~oundll Illes wl~l be pourmg ~v~r the hst of a few yard" away. We were ID Mrs. Liuie Prooter, of Mineral the oonV4lntion adjourned to 1:80 IU Point. Wis., ill vialting relatives in p. m. A co~mittee of the Fr~k1fn marge of a Di"I8i~n Flnr:lneer, and visited w,i th frlendl in Springboro that und"e influence W81 exerci~ sto~es In hope of ~hllDkmg of m~[e in the preparation ot the purported artIcles _of r8~all merchandIse. and aroul\d Waynesville. W. C. T. U. h8d nicely arranged the he ordered one of the 33rd men 10 Sunday, , will. It il also claimed that durlhg Blanks wII) be gIven out every day tablell in the dininr: room of the eel. up and cut the limb off. He laid, OIl' can't ehop.·' Then he , told Mias Sarah Burnet 8nAnt several the last years of her life the deceased for the !text week t:o all · !"ho . ask, church and prepared delicious hot The home of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Mra, ·M. J. Milburn, of Xenia, hae coffee, which was served while each the next one the same·thinr:, and he days last week with friends 'In W811 almost continually under the They WIll als,o be maIled t~ lI)QUlrers ' influence of liquor and b~ been i.n- b'y the Retail Merch~n~8 Bureau. Satterthwaite at Waynesville W811 the been spending a week with Mr. and lady placed the contenta of her lunch ar.awei'M the same thing, as the other Springboro. clueed to make the will under the m. Greater I?a~ton AssoCiatIon, 2d floor scene of a very pretty weddi{lg Mrs. Ell Dean, of Route 3. box upon the tables, and as they had. Then asl was next uked, "Can th I red f 'l hUB BUlldmg Tuesday afternoon, August Slst, at partook thereof, chatted and enjoyed you' chop?" "Not very well with. a f fl A. M. Zell, of Pittsburg, llpent Ii~~':ifu he:' co 0 , anll!, w 0 .W~nesda¥, th ll fifteen.th, wi,lI also -1 o'clock, when their elder daughter. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and the social hour moat thoroughly. spade," ,was my lanie exeuee, and no Mrs. McLaugblin, who was the give a fine 'view of t~e wlhdo~ rebus Edna M • wae united in marriage to son, Dan, spent Sunday with Mr. !lnd The afternoon &eIIIlon was first deIOOner said than each of tne Stlrd Sunday with his parents, Mr. and wite of tbe late Dr. J. F. McLaugh- puzzles for the solu~lon of whIch $SO Lawrence Sims. They were attended Mrs. ,D. L. Crane and family. voted to the report from the lIuper· Illinois, was pro1ferinK me the lise of A!ra. John Zell. by .Mr. Keller Hoke, as bellt man, intendents ot the different departlin, of Springfield. waa bom in ~8 offered as ~r8t P!IZ~. - . their axes, whIch, name of ax Will -as one of the,boYI put it, "a helova MiB8 Marianna Allen, -of Spring' Springboro, Ohio. and was the daugh- New scemc pamtl,,!gtl WIll form and Miss Louisa McKnight as brides· Mr. Harold Howell, of Chicaao, is m~nts of work, aho,!"ing that the The bt-st one of the _two, had ijoro. is spending a few days with ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Aaron backaro~nd o!.!"any W1n~Qws during maid, The bride was becr.minglyat- s'pending his vacation with hill par- Unl,?ns pad been dOIng good work but half a bit, othenvlle was In goocl Mias Martha O'Neall. Wilson. She was also a relative to ope-nl!!" w~k. -strlldng colbEr com- tired in wbitesllkvoile-and cariieda ents, Mr. an!! MrS. B. S. Howell, ' dadurdlr'!!.'thofethYee&raf·te'nlmooenn ~Indltfthere_ the Brown ar,d WilSOD familltlS of bl~t.lons w.111 featur~1 othE!r5. very- bridal bouquet of white roses, The eondition; while the olher W811 a poor near Selma, who were prominent ~htng new III every hne, li! the op,enbridesmaid was attired in light green ence to the CaUIe." by Mrs. Viola D. ' excQ8e tor a apllttlng ax, and, you Dr. Dill, Osteopath .. at residence oeople of that place. mil' week i41!~ of .the co· operating crepe de chine. They took their Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wadsworth Romans, of Columbus, Ohio. Mra. never want an ~ wo sharp for that of L. T. Peterson, Main St., Tues _ _ _... _.. merchantsllt 19 !laId at the Bureau. places before a blink of green foliage a!,~ ~r. and ~rs. F. 1:.. Perkins were Romanaia not only a pleasing speaker bulineas ' So 1 took,the one with the da.y and Friday mornings. We woula like to 13ee some of the and over them hung , a huge white vlsltmg relatives near Morrow Mon- but one calculated to inspire her half bit, I had·come to the eonclllsion country boys bring in fuel for the bell. They were made one by the day. hearers to better and J1'eater work. that the otber two f~lo1VS did not bonfire of Septembel· 18. ' beautiful ring ceremony of the EpisAn unusual feature In this 1MRi0n Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and daugh· reli8h-the near proximity of the Rebel copalchureb. Rev,. John F. Cad~al-l Mrs.J. R. Wynd and child, were the was wher.e.the Franklin We:. G. 'P:-.-H:.:--...:.....--~--"- linea. and the ~ Poaition; the ters, spent leVeral dll,)'s last week lader. of St. Mary s church, officlat- gueats of Mrs. C. S. Grauaer during presented Mrs. Byers with a cerlittle ,ellow ale ' W8t abowlng wj th friends in Middletown. . his absence at the Conference In tlficate making her a lite member of ing. plainly- not to 'their credit. And After the ceremony a lovely wed- Springfield. State OrganiZjltion, ahe havlDll mounted the log, and beJPlllhe baz· For Sale-Brood mare a good wotk dini8upperwasserved in two courses been one of the crusaders. ardous' undert8llinr:. Tbe engJneer er,9 yean old. Inquire of W. H. Seated at the bride's . table were: Miss Rosainond Dakin, of HanniMrs. Romans addr6i1lled the meethad taken..-the .reat of the detail M~ddenr WlIl'neaville or Corwin, 0Mr. ' an~ Mrs .. M. A. SIm9, Mr. and bal , Mo,. arrived here Saturday ing in the evening and ol'fllUliled a In front, anll allotted each one The following two-room consoli· Mrs. L. M.. Slms. Mr. and ,Mrs. H. eveninr: and will spend some time Young Peoples Branch. ahare. in the continuation of Mra. Rachel PUAh and dauebter, dated schools are located within the Satterthwaite. Mrs. Chas. RIdenour, witb her grandmother Mrs A d Mrs. Mary F. Frame, Reporter ,. trMeb. , . ~ " _ Le~non, were die guests of Mrs. Warren County School District; Oreof Springfield; Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Wright • . man a ~----~ ...-----I had Ilt.ruck but a few times, whe n Gibboii. and daughter last Olive Branch. Pleasant Plain, The HOl'lle Rangersl postponed their Davis. Mr. and Mrs, Israel Satter• I heard a Reb officer, !Omewhat to ""._--'- Foster Red Lion, Utica, . M d t f thwaite. Misse3 Louisa McKnight, I my, left. say, "Thar's choppin' out Ruth Hartsock, Mess~ Keller Hoke Miss Katherine Alexander, of Merril~tat.own, Genntown and annua I p ICOIC on ay on accoun '0 the wet condition of the grounds ... thar. Come up una-all &nd take a Mrs. J. W. White, who was a lay h d and John Riley. At another table Dayton. and Miss Hufford, of Colum· d S ~p at 'em.' " It w~ aJerrible d~k delegate to the Ohio Conference In The evident advantages enjoyed .rhe rain ,u n ay Wa.t!i very eavy lin were seated Miases Edna Smith. bus. have been spending several days n1aht"and I couldn t see th~em nor Springfield arrived home Monday by the patrons of these echooll have It w,as decIded .tl}e ~~rove. would not M S t 'th M d M EI E h .- a very hl'gh plane of be lD fit , condition. '. It IS probable Sarah, Anna. argaret ' at fir· WI r. an rs. mer arn art, could they see me, 1 ~hop UIIi evening' , lilted them "' 11 h Id thwalte, Mrs. Mable StauP. Mrs. K. of near Lytle , e enm, . listened, and when·I heard f! an ~Y9ter E, Conn, Messrs. Kenneth Conn, efficiency. Of course, in a two-room th~t the cor,npa~y WI mand " a11 readv'''I alid down behind , ' , Mary E. Martin together with her the log and kept up the'lmllr888ion . GI~is and Beatrice Reddick, o~ aehool eat'.h teacb~r expends her supper some time du~mg thlslall, Harry Satterthwaite. energi~on four grsdes instead of on when afin extra effort Will be rna e to 'fheY ,left \n an a,u to, amid. rice and daughter, Mrs. liurphy and "ran.... ,I wautilhn the job by hitting CinClnnaU, have . ret,!rned ho~e, e\flhl, she would be- compelled to have.a ne program. , f Th b d ,., IS the best 1 cOuld at any old place . after a pleuaot vllit WIth Joaephme do in aas one-room It I!, a.matter of much regret that con ettl . e rl e s gO!!lg·awa,Y daughter, Miss Julia, of Sapulpa Thursday, Auguat 26, dawned All the ecbools the PI~D1C had to be. postpone~ ~n the gown wae a, brown traveling. SUit Okla, are visiting nearPortJand: cloudy, but soon the aun began to w\>uld give out llOund. Bang! and I Harlan. smile to prove true the slogan of their ven. two dIfferent OCCasIOns. as th IS 18 the with black velvet hat. They WIll be Ind this week wu up with renewed d~te,rmlnation delikif-lll'6.,-i_m(I8t.-I..W "~ time, 8in~e the c~omQ!.ny started, at home to their friends in C i n c i n · · · ' clan that "It never rainl on Ul4_--------'-~ to cut oft that limb, or die In the a~ John CummiDlPl, ol Route 3, was p icnics tIi8tt1iElY hid to aban· nati. , '_ ..._ _ _ S. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen and', Sherwood reunion'" Early in the teJ1Ipt, Then came another volleJ'. in Lebanon Monday. John is clerk That time 1 was a little' bit alow br of the eleCtion board and met ,with number of don them on account of the weather, MiB8 Olive McCollum arrived home day, about 100 relatives and friends , IIOme Reb was too fut, and a bullet them Monday; and appro· but it is hoped that: at a later date from Sulphur Lick Sorings Sunday assembled a second year. at the fine caugh~ the '(Ilid~le <!Hhe IX handler priate in content, of these they will give somE!thinl{ tha~ ~ill , evening, after enjoying a week at old country homestead ot Mr. and making it ueeleaa, and I called for schooll Bre fumiahed with pianos make up tor the Joss of the PICniC. that famous resort. Mrs. Oniar Hollingsworth . where Mill Ml\bel Roberts, daughter of the other one, and becoming ees· perate stood ,u p. and buried the log Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Roberts, of ani d 80 me arellsokwetll • n an d so ep toWI suggest ou aany I M ' USl'Cl'an"" to Make Tour Dr . and Mrs 'H through and bad been pulled down Franklin, ia the guest of Mr. and would be we difficult . E . Hathaway and warmes t lrree ti IIgS, we Ieomed the ·mprovement. Boards having Mr. Wilford , Elzey, who were ern- old and the young and a swarm of into the trench when panic sieged Mrs. Harry Murray. Itbeee RChools. The In charge merit the ployed, at the Ohio State Fair last babies, ' ' one of the 33rd boY8, and here he d t' f the'r Mias Agnes Hornic'l<. daughter of week, arrived home Saturday evenA bran·new up,to.date bam made comeg' p(lll mell right in on top of me , Mrs. Anna Dakin and the MedSrs. h. h I Mr. and Mrs. Otto Horn'ick, former The regular Quarterly meeting of ing, tired but happy. ' a' capital dining hall in which the knocklni the engineer off his feet. Abe and WUbur Dakin attended the Ig est commen a Ion rom ' residents of WayneBville. ,' is to go on St, Mary'a Guild will be held at the aiMfw811 the w.orat'case of lICare, I saw funeral of Mrs. Nancy Knee, at constituents, Fletcher Hawke, noon m eal ta blea fal rly groaned under in my 'th~ee term8,of service., I County SuperlDtendent. a concert tour of th.e state this fall home, of · Mrs. J F'. Cadwallader Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell, Mr. and the goodlest goodies of this most Spring Vall., SundQ• in company with Mii18 Marie Street, Thursday afternoon, September 9th, Mrs Walter McClure. Harris Mosher bountiful iJeaaon. After the inner •" • bive concluded long alCo, that It of Rockport, and MissMl!ry Weisen· at 2 o'clock. Frank Robinson and leveral oi:he~ man (and woman) had been more was a ' foolish Rleca o~ ' unnflCeSl8ry ~tein, ot Springfield. All ,of these As this is the so:ia1 meeting. 'be· from here attended the Home-Com. than aatisfied, the CJmpany adjnlted buza~, as the·l'jlmb-tA!n to twelve Mjaa Luelle Ellis lelt. for her home Stokes Family Re~nion young lauiea are sLudents at the Cin, ~ore takin.g ,;!p the work for the com· ing at Bellbrook' Monday. itself on the spacious, shady lawn InChes ' ,was n~t moved after it \\Ia~ in St. Louia Friday morning, afEer cinnati College of Music and the trio mg year, It Ii!! hoped a full attend.. where Steddom with his camera , cut oft: 1 know ..~or I puaed under llpendingseveral week8 with r.elaUves . About sixty 'members of the are artis.ts in their~everallines. The ance of the members with their transferred the Sund""'go-to-meet- ,, it afterward, Mveral times. The here and at Springboro. ' Stokes family met in the eighteenth many frl~mds of M.'ss. Agnes here In friends will be present and enjoy the . A, B , Chandler visited i!J New ing smihia to paperj while ' babies -next time] MW the boy froq1 t~e annual reunion at the Duke home- Waynesville are wlsbmg them a ,verY afternoon together. Vienna Sunday. Mrs. Chandler. Ilept" children played Karllea. and ',SSrd lIlihoUL wtlBllng_a band 8Ull, H - beatinJln lirge letters, this legend" nawke and daughter, stead.in LyUe. on J...abor day. successful tou~. Mrs. Cadwallader will he assisted who has been visiting relatives and th4lir elders enjoyed a mental feaat • _. by Miss Letitia McKay. attending the Chautauqua at that of songs, letters from eight of the ' CoO. W-A-ft.D. marched all along our '"::i1~b[,"bi-~ Harry MUrray, Mi811 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Earnhart. who JineS eeeorted by BOI<liera wJth bay.o, I .~.~:-.:!:I:. Raymond Conner now own the property, acted as host - - -- - ...- - place, returned home with him. absent oneEl, and talk.i by Prof, nets, 'and . drum-equid playing the saturdQ,. ' 'and lioateal and gave all a most cor.Young, Fred B. SherwOod and MarRogers' March,. .;, ' , dial welcome. , ' Mr. Harry. Carr and son. Rollie, o~ pret Irons. - for another, At noon a bounteoua dinner ' Dayton, V\8lted their relatives at It was voted to' retain . , (~"ttI'!U~:n~llt week) , ' Hrved to which ,all pr~t did am. Beech Grove, Clarksville and Bar. year the present of6Cen who ' are ' , Ji~.1 ... " ; . ~ : •.~.• - '~. ' '_ pIe justice. . vey, sbu~g and were the ~ests of S.ylvan Lewis, Prtllliden~~1 HoI, The weather was all that coul<l be Mrs. Mary Upp Monday n\abt. hnoodpWOrtb, Secretary; ~~ B. Sber- " "Tlte MelhOdi!a~ , Conference wished for and the well kept house , w " Aaslatant: Secre~, and \ h aM,UnCiA made an Id~l meeting M dM J L Charlw H. \ Sherwood, Treasurer the afternoon a abort bus· 1:. an rs.. • Hartaock and and meet at same place nAst year', WIS held atwhich oJ1i" daughter, Ruth, apent Sunday in Lutly, on themoet Ideal of days ~ . ,for 1916 as follows: Fred LaCY, son' of Levi Lacy of Morrow at the home ,of Mr•. and the moat delightful of spots with tne Prt!llident; J : MiltLytle, while fighting a bumble~ Mrs. ' Fred , Hart80e~, and enJoyed ,nearby river hilll "beftdina u in President; Barry nest Mood,y, hlld the millfortune to the Chautauqua bemg held there. benediction towanlthe aettinr; lun" T~~~~:;~J_ S. 1'81sey. run asplinte'r In hisefe. He was , the 19th annual Sherwood·Jeffery ~:l'J1~I'lV._ -, Commi.ttee: taken to a Dayton hospItal, and the The Woman's AUxiliary of St reunion cloaed with their customary Sliver ,and Joel docton give him but little bope of' Mary's church will meet with Mrs: hymn, "Bleat Be the Tle.t hat BiIlda." saving the eye. The younr man is D. L. Crane Fridav aftemoon at 2 ' • _ • about 1-7 years of age, and his many o'~lock. At ibis meetiq the united ' • biendaare hoping fora apetdy re- oftering bOx.·· wlll be opened· A Attended Trial covery. • _ • full attendance d_red. "
D' Mrs ~ A Zlmm Will Race at Da)'toD r aar, ~ugbier • arrived bo='Fu~
M_ri. F, S. Elboo, Frank Shiel· aer, Emmor Baily, Frank BreddOck, S. J. Joy IIld Dr. J. T. Dill . . .
, ' ev8IIiDg after a pl _ _ ~ vfIIt witfl ' Homer (Mey tookC. B. Bentley' re1atl..e in~ CleYeIaDcl. Ohio. lin, ~~n ~---'---:-':-:; horae, Allen O. to D.,ton 1I~1l7 ZImmermaIlalliater. Mila A...- Car- the trlaI of Iqt\i'Salitia. ...... ,in h1a auto traciE. The horae Will be ~.. accompanied bar home tor who. It fa alIepd., .... WarNl 8IlteNdintbe~, there .thIa . . . . a .._to 'x .,.. auto . . . . . . ___ ....
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·Ith IL party of ·frl nds, llud tht' tOIlPN.l. I r, l{'tlg 'tI atroeta aro 80 .UPl'ory." 'll li .. >tued)' oj It Il'd llh' r I, It hilS "I should JudllO Mr. Al1tQI)U to btl II, hoW II .. "'\II (\11 tho 1.111 ot for "0 "cry CBIIR ble drl~'~r'" Rilid It v .• wllh yo~r~, Yfinth IIn'tl 01 I IIflO ~Clltlty Doyd: 'lnd the ladl s ghmJ(\ at Jim. " I t I II dh I i env)' Hie m tIl!'lr IIrlv n 8 II le lll like 0 t ~Q.lt 1 l /<! Rll fl I,ll( 11\181lL "a Pn t1rn o ol.~ IIlld long trnnbl 8 ILre !~~8~tllllg.~~·ond er Ir th era will be gOOd , of ton 011\18 I hy de l ..y of tr tmeut nr. KI llg'~ N ow III~oovl\ry Rtppe
ou'~F~~~.~ j~~~~~,~I~o!~~~e~~~ I~~;~rn~ fh~~~J!:od~~~gdl\l~~~:'~ ~~o;;Ii~:;:
Illg r.lelory. 'That flrst ShOW WIiS Wlit If it flllld , )00.•md t1 .qO. .Ind It froze. Now ther · '1\ a good Inch " on top ot It nnd, at this rate, th I _ __ should be three by morning. A IIltlo thnw. ant1 another fre ezo. und tl Illtlo IOF, NEW ENGLA~JD
,. aU ·won't be hom e," he nnnouncen
CHAPTER Ill. The Change In the Rector's Eye s. 'l'be grand privilege · ot' lit I'll. Jim &r.1!nt'. hAppy 11te ""18 to worry all ;b;ljilAld.· Just now, a6 ahe Bat on tbe eeven Clhalra and tbe four bench 8 ot tbo mahogany pan lied library, amid • wealth ot .er~us·m l nd c d soulpture and palntln.r and rar old prlnlB. sho was balhedln a new ecstasy of painful ~nJo)'Illent. Sbe wils worrIed about ~am It ' was slx·thlrty now. and 00.11 bad not yot returned trom Lucile's. Mre. Helen Davies, dressed for dIn· ner ",Ith BI much care as If sll8 hnd been about to Bttend one or t be unat· Wnable J,[re. Wa"erly-Onltes' annu· a1., came sweeping down th e nll1rble .ta1r. with the calm aplomb of one wbom noth Ing can disturb and, lorg· nette"1.n hand, turned Inlo th e IIbrltry. "I'm 10 Illld you came down, Holen'" breathed Mrs. Sargent. with II. sigh or . rellet. "I'm BO worrle~! 0011 hasn't (lOma home from Lucile's'" . 14.... Helen Davle8 sat beneath tbe ltable of Mi.llerva presenting wledom to the world, and arrnDged t}le rolt1s «It lIeLIQwn to the most graceful adTanta&6. "You ebouldn't expect her on time. oomlDr trom Luo1le's," Bbe observed, with a smile of proper pride, Sbe was Immensely fond or ber daugbt r LucLle; but ahe preferred to \lve with her alster. "I bave a brilliant Idea;" Grace. I'll telepbone," and without Beemlng to eJ:art herself In tho least. sbe glided from ber picturesque hllh·bncked nemlah chalr, and eat at the~lIbrary ·table, and drew the pbone to ber, and ..eeuNd ber t1a.ugbter'l number. "Hello, Luelle:' sho called, In the , 'most h1 end~ ot tonea. "You'd better lIend 'OaU homa, betore ' yoU]' Aunt 'Gnoe 4e1'elopl wrl.nldea." lin. Belen Davies' It.i.ened 't o the ~. & lparllle I.n her black .faL "1\'he1"6 la ehe?" lJlterrupl8d M .... "Sarcellt. 'holding bOil thumb. "Out drivlll8:' renoned ...ter H~en. "Haft ),Oll lent your In't'ltatlo.D8 tor the hoflle )latty. Lucile?" and she dlacUMd that Important .ubject unW loire. Sargent'. tbumb .$ed. "WIth wbom III Gall dri't'lDc, aDd wbeN'!" ...,lIed alater Grace, ~Ious tor detail. Mn. Helen Davies toncbed all of her fln~pe tOBstber in front ot ber on th. Ubrarr table, and beamed en Grace. . . ''Don't ~orry about Gall," she amll· inll), a:4vlIlJ d. "She Is drlvlnr wIth Ednr,t JD. AIlIBOn. He Ie the richest· 'bachelor I.n , Nsw Yorll. thougb not so· a1aJly pro'mlnenL No one bas enr been able to Intere.t him. I predIct f' -~~-'::"":':;"''7':-::-':''''':~-1~ ' Oan a bn~llan~ tuture," ' and sbe moved onr contentedly ~o b er ·tavor· lte OO1Itra8t With MInerv&. "OJali would attract . anyone," reo tunlfid Mrs. S&I&ell1 complacently, and then ,a little oreue came 1.11 her ·brow. "I wOnder wbere ehe met blm." . ",At'ilIa Teetry meeUna, LucUe said," "Ob.- . ud ~re. Surent's brow oleUed l ln~tantly. "JIm Introduced theDl': J ,wonder w,here :JIm Is TOO , Tb~1 400r opened, and Jim SlU'gent came I.n, ,nplng the Inow trom bls Itubby mu.tacbe before be distributed Ills CllltOmar)' hearty &Teetlnrs to tbe
ri ght, H eloD." remarked Jim, 8lmtln" 'upstaIrs. "Alllson's a flno fellow ." , . "[lu I whnl ,,'111 IlQ th Ink or (Jail! " pro tes d 1I.' len. "That sort of unCOD\' n lIona IIty has gone clear out. Jim. you'lI bave to ge t bnck tbat number!" "Sorry," r eg relt d JIm. " Can't do It. Agnlnat Ille tol cpbone rul es," and be went upslalrs. posItively hummIng. The IIVO Iltdles looked at each oilIer, Dnd BIIt down In tbe valloy ot the shl1dow8 of gloom. Thepe was notbIng to be done ! It was not until nino o'clock that they ex pressed their worry IIgliln. At that hour Ted lind Lucile Teasdale and Ar!y Fosland came In " 'Ith the exubel'ance of a Now Year's eve celebrsUon. "It's great 'slelgblng tonigbt,/ 8tated Lucile's husbllnd, who was a thIn· wais ted young man, with a splendId natural gift for danolng. "All tbat's mIssing Is tbe bells." chat· tered tho blaok·balred Arly, breo.klng straIght for her favorite big couch In the library. "The only way to havo Bny speed In an auto Ie to go sidewise." "We're to get up II sklddlD g match. so I can bet on our cbauffeur," Inugbed Luclle, fluffing her blonde ringlets before the bIg mirror In tbe ball. "We slid a complete cIrcle coming down througb tbe park. and never loat a rev· olutlon!" ."l've been thInkIng It muat be ha.d dr:lvlng," tretted Mrs. Sargent. "Gall eho)lld be bome by now!" "Allison'. a safe drIver," comtortet1 Ted, who liked to see everybody happy. Jim Sargent came to, the door of tile at-lIdl', In whlcb ,h e was doeeted with Rey. Smith Boyd. JIm 'Was praotlcally the younc rector'a bullneas suardlan. "Hel\o. tolks," he nodded. "Gatl homeT" "Not yet," responde4 M .... Sarpnt, I.n whoB& hrow the creasee were be· coming fixed. "!t'. hllrel,ly time,'" eetlmated Jim, and went back I.nto the study. . ''I'm terribly vexed.- conftded Lu· cUe. etoppln, bebl.nd Ted's abair, and idly t1ckllnr the back of hIli neclL "1 tbought It would be Buch a brilliant acheme to live ,a V(1ntel' week-end party, but M",. Acton Is gol.ng to live one at. her country place." hBefore or arter?" demande4 Mr!!. Davies, with whom this was a polDt of the \1tmoat importance. "A week after." an.s wered Luolle. "but her Invitations are ouL' 1 wish 1 hAdn't mailed mine. What can we do to make oun notable'" That bel.ng a matter worth consldeJ'o lng, the entire party, with the exception or Aunt Orace, who wu lI.tentnc for ~he doorbell, set their .wlts and tbelr tonguee to work. Mrs. Helen [)a,. "'eo. took a lIeener interest I.n It tban any or them. Tbe Invitation IIl1t wae the most linportant of all, tor It a long and' arduous way to the heaven of the eoclalJt elect, and It took genera· tlonB to accomplish the journey. The Murdock pia, Orace~d herself, ba4 ramu)'. . . 110 great·grandrather. Murdock Senior "Where'" Oat1 T" be wanted to Iulow. bad made bls mODey after Murdock 'Out dri't"DI with Edward E . ,All!. Junior was married, but In tlme to -aon." anawered both ladies. give tbe girls a thorough poltshlng In "8uur' InqulNd Jlm Sargent, and an exclusIve academy. Tbuslauncbell. tIIn he ~ed, "Sbe's ~ clever gtrl. Helen had married a man with a great· 8man .. a whip! Sbe nearly stu ted great·grandfather, but Orace ·hal! mar~--.~ rlot I.n the 't'eetry." rled Jim SargenL Jim wlUI a dear, "Wu W1llla CUnp,lncham there?' 'In- and had plenty of money, anel, wae 0.1 quthd Mra; Danes I.ntetelltedly. ,good a raUroader as Grace's tatber, "TOok me In a corner after the meet. wlUr wbom he had been &Teat chums: ,Inc ' and told ,me that 'Oall bore a r a- but sllll be was Jim Sarcoot. Oall'lI marbble ",emblence to the Fratelll motber, wbo had married Jlm's broth· er, bad seven ancestors, but a mothMadol1Ili, and mlgbt he call." The telephone be11 rang. and Bar- er'e family name la so orten over,ent, who could not train himself to looked. Nevertbeless. when Oall came watt for ' a servant to sltt the mes- to marry, tbe maternal ancestry, all 'eacei.aIi.weroo It Immedilltely, with 10th er thlllgs belDg favorable. mIght hla charaotertatlo eXPloSlve-firlt-llYI- 1even secure her un Invitation to Mrs, labtel!: . Waverly-Oaltes' IInnual ! Reaoblnc "Hellol" this poInt In ber cIrcle of specl1latlon, "Ob. It'. you, Unole JIm," called a IMrs. Helen Davies came back to ber buoyut Tolcs. "Mr. AJUeen ant1 1 have I IItilrllng place. and loked lit tbe librarY ,fcnui.d the moat encbantlng roat1bouse ' clock wltb a sbock. Teo ; ud the girl In til. world, and 'We're golni to take was not yet home I dina"., 1)e.". :It's all rlgbt, Isn't In" Rev, Smith lloyd came out or the "ce~nl"." he replied, equnlly buoy· study with his most active vestryman, an~ "Enj01youreelt, Chubs"," (lnd he . hu.-' up the recelv4\r. , and joined the circle of waiting ,onel" "What 11 IU" asked ·Mra. Davhis, iIi He was a pl8WIant addition to the a tone c1latlnotly ahllJ. She had a pre- party, tor, In spIte of belonging to the ,moDltloil that Jim Sarsonl' ba4 done clergy, he was able to conduot hImself aomethin, fooilab . " He .eamed so In Reme ln a 'Quite acceptable Roman .. ~ fasblon. Pleasant ae he was, they wished be,would go home, because It was not ,convenient to worry in hi. company: and by this Urne Luelle hel'aelr was begtnnlng to watcb the clook with Bome anxiety. , Only Mrs. Sar. gen~ telt no restraint. An automobile b ~nked at the door sa I~ It were stopping, and ebs blilf arose; then the aame bonk sounded haIr way down the block, and Ille eat d01!'n again. . . "I'm so worried about OaUI" she eta!!l,d, ,J\014I.ng her thumb.
Slar ' of Exceptiona l Mlo gn itude.
A po t star of excp ptiono l mngni. tude ho r i en for Xc'" F/ng lnnd
vl eN. "Sll o's n!1
says th Americlln IIl'view of Hevie,,'s. "(ll l iL ~I·as ill old Eng lllild that it merg,'!! (mill n 1IIi.l · hori zou, ther ,' to I ~ r~'o!:! I II'·zn " for II' h"t .. ... . . ' A U " it IVO . 'fhr book wlli ch hns I,ro\wllt <:: to i ts nuth or thi s. 1n :lSlIl'e of laltlO bellrs th., Wit', liS fl'lil' illlu IlB sig-
of B os ton." . cleo~p~8~.08t~I:8~ IlOO~:~~~ ~~pr()~:d Tit j1.wt I Fro,st born m Hnd Conrt, Unell! ot 'lSG7 B2 Son FranC ISco of a );('11' 1'.nglulltl fn- In h"lIIls or aumlllltltrMor uoe sold ther nnd /l cok h mothc !', ;,llIrch eiltnhl. 2G, 1875. The elole r Frn~t \\·os thoo Common Pleas Courl l' . /. N S it 'l . II I a n~w p~lp e r ('c I nl' III \ . 11 ' \ .10 ew U 5. metropolis aDd was prOnllllcllt ID Ethel Agee V8 Jellse Agee, di · local poli tics. He WI'ut thither from Vo-co, grol!R !leg leot aod oruelty. Luwr UC' , io :Mn ~:\lIc hll H('ttS' lie died LKlIrl\ G. Hopsou V8 . W illiam R wh 'n the boy wna cit'" 'n yours o ld , Eio JlHo n,lli~oroe , gross Degl oa, " ond lhe fll/JIIly returned to theIr old Marriage L1cenllH . home. n is sccofluary schf)nling ol'cr, HobWilford G, tl'athllw~y, roal estate ert Fro t w(,'n t to D llrtlllo nth college boslno~8, ot Ul n oinDati , \0 Mrl An. for It II'hile. Tot finding what ho ~b Mu:orJc\ I:;K urt~loe, of Waynesville. . , ee. e. f cit h c wUlltcil, li o furn ed to Hnr· ev. L . YI e D . " n obertaon, farm er of vard , there to bc n o b itor satisfied . Clnrk8vllle to Miss HeJen LouIse This hrcnking o\\'ny from cducntional Edwa r ds, of Oregonia. Rev. A ••1. opporhlllif.Y IIlllde the il1llHetlsion K e8h~le C' .. rlea Maxwell Lever, olergy. among fllmily '(HlTIc,tio ns of n e'I'rmlln, ot ClnoinDatl, to Misl! Ruth do-well irJC:linntions, correSIJondin grly Waldene Em erso n. ot Loveland. implli ring Inllt arilll pros pects thllt Hev . Woo. MoKlbbon . oth rw isc II' u111 J HlVC itt'CIl bright for J . Wilber Hath awnv, farmer to hi m. . Rut his II'IlS one C'f thc na- Miss Rflh Mlfoe Garrison, bo \ h of ture tllllt HlU:t 'row in th ir own b' rlln k hn. Rev. Norman t$weat. wny if t hey nrc not to br ellk. nis Lawrenoe Marloo Slm!!, wlegrapb opera tor, to Mlel Edna May Satter. studies llWOY f rom n ndcOlic bonds .. L • h tuwaUe, botb of Wayn9nUJe. Rev.· appcar .0 rlnv gl\' n i.m as much Cad wallader. . as he h ail g.nthcrcd witllin. Altogethr, lIe manQgcu to !I8similate Real Estate Tranlfen wi nt he 'nceci"d. Hie bent was tl. L, Oa'rtw.:lgbt to Oharle8 M. to~nrd p ych ology Ilna its f ruit is 'ond J ohn O . Gartw.rlght 49,25 aores discernible i l l hi, 1 QCtl'y. ill W ayn e townsh ip, Sl. . . Thomas M. Clark aod Hannah WIJl i\lmaon to Elias Oglesboe smlln INOT DESI RABLE traot in Ma8sle townsblp, 'J.'b6 mae M. G1ark aud wife to Ellae Oglesbee lot ill Mas91e towD8hlp, 11. Thomas M. Olark and Hannah Will iamson tG Elias 0lliesbee 51 78 noros In W,.yoe 'own8hlp, H unn"h A. and A . C. WilUamson to Elias Oglelbpe 61. 78 Itoores In Wllyne township, .t: Gertrud", Lytle to May BeJle Wood lot in Uoloo to,vnehlp,' ll . G . I,., tlroVo'n to W. W , ~hurte part of 10 No Ii6 in South Lebanon,
Rev. Smith Boyd Clme Out With Hie MOlt ActIve Veatrymln.
more snow tomoM'ow, ~1l0 I'll uo lOlO1;71o' el! to make a bob,aled." "1'11 help you:' oltered Rov. Smith Boyd, with n glow of pleasure In ilIa particularly fln e eyes. "I used to bave a twolve·sellted bob·sled. wblch nevor started down the hili wIth le88 tban 1Ifteon." "I nevor rode on one," complal.ned Arly. "J think I'm due tor a bob·sled party." "You're Invited," Luell e promptly told her. "Uncle JIm, you and Doctor Boyd wlll have to hunt up your bam· mer and saw." "I'll atart right to work," offered tile young reotor. wltb the alacrity whIch bad made 111m a favorlte. "It tbe snow holda. we'll go over Into ~e JerBey bills. and sUdo," promls d Sargent with enthusIasm, "l'U , give the party." "I @eem to anticipate a pleasnnt evening," considered Te d Teasdale. whose athletic. wore confined entirely to dancIng, "We'll ride downhill on the sled., and upb1ll I.n the machines." "That's barred." Immediately pro· te/lted JIm. "The boys have to pun the girl' IIpbUl. Isn't that rlgbt, BoydT" "It was correct torm wh en I Wall a boy," returned the rector, with a laugb. He held hIs muscular bllnda out before him as If be could BUll teel tbe cut or the rope In hts palms. He squared his big shoulders, aDd breathed deeply, In D;l0mory ot these healtb·glvlng days. Tbere wae a flush In his cheeks, and hie eyes. which were BomeUmee green, glowed with n decldod blue. Arlene Fosland, looking lazily ac ross at blm, trom the comrortable nellt which she had not Qnltted all evenIng, decided tbat It wne a Bbame tbllt he bad been 'cramped Into the minIstry. "There's Gall!" cried Mr!!. Sargent, jumping to her filet and Mlnolng Into t1l0 bnll. betore the butler could come In answ~r to the bell. Sb e opened tbe door and was Immediately kl8sed, then Oall came back Into the library with· out stoppl.ng to· r emove ber turs. She was tollowed 1Iy AlII8on. and s be CBJ'o rled 80methlng Inside ber coat. Her oheelul were IOs1 trom the crlap air nnd the snow sparkle" on llOr brown bal~ like tiny diamonds. "We've been buying II. dog!" sbe breatblpssly explained, and , opening her coat. she produced an animated te ddy bear, with two blnck eyes nn d ~ne black pointed nOBe protrudlllg from a puff ball of pure white. She Bet It on tbe noor, where It waddled uucertalnly In tbree dlrecttons. an d Onally curled do wn between Rov . Smith Boyd's reet. "A c011lel" alld Rev. Sm ith Boyd pIcked up the warm Infn nt for nn ad· mIring Inspection, "It's II. beautiful puppy." "Isn't It a denr!", exclalmcd Onll . taking It away rrom him, Rnd fav orIng him with a smile. Sbe whIsked tllo fluffy little ball over to ber Aunt Orace and left It In it.at lal1y's Inp. while sha tbrow olr Iier furs. "Where could you buy n dog at thl~ hour?" Inquired Mrs. Dnvles, glancing at tho clock, which stood now at tbe accu sIng hour ot a Quarter of eleven. "We woke up tbe kennel men," laughed Gall, turn ing wltb a apa.rkllng glance · to Allison, w bo wes being In· traduced ceremoniously to th e ladles tiy U ncle Jim. "We had a perfectly ,glorious evening 1 We dined at Rose, lear Inn. entirely surrounded by hectlc Urbts. tben we drove fiv e" miles Into tbe country aDd bQught Flakes. We came home 80 tast tbat Mr. A1JIson BI· most bad to hold me ·ln." She turned, lallghlllg. to ftnd the eyes of Rev. Smith Boyd fixed' on her In cold dlaap· prova!. Tb.ey wore no longer bluel
·N . Sears
Office ~ Stoops Building
Hurry-J lmow my ow n mind. Rcss i\~J) o n't introlluco me. BOARDING·HOU.SE CHATT ER.
"The at rong hould al wnys IIssist tho lVoak," aid lhe j] uJry-11a.ircd blondo who wrilos type between
meills. "But ,it isn't alwnys possible," reo: joined the cbl!orIul idiot nt thc pednl extr mHy 0.£ thG IlItlhogU lly. · "Why isn't it ?" · /Hiked the key tickler. · "Well, tako lhe but tor, for 'exampl e," said the e. i. " How cou ld it possibly ass ist the co fTco r" WAS SHE WILLING?
."1 wish we could mnrry," said thc · poor but of h l!l'II; SC honest young man, "but, cand.illly, I'm not corning my snit." "W-well," faltered the fnir mnid in the 10.l'e sene, " p-perhaps wo c·eould get along without suit." APPROPRIATE.
Wa:vneaville, ()bio
Winter is ott the way. Sub. for the Miami Gazette.
Pro~eoutlog Attll rn e.v, "2.7i'
r oe & Johnston, bridgo II\U t uJitll~. $77.5J Joslab 1:10lhroo' , Reonrclo', k eeping til' Sl'ot.lC'nlll ITlll oxo~ $12·1, W. 8. G rrlhull1 , ~ conlroo~~. $34n.:Ifi. Ziliti Armltago, 2 OOn\rH otd, ta82 GOll \ raots r.el, : No . 4f,7 ,y Hh Oharles Hlforner for ~rlfodi ll g , li nd Kravellng on W8SIll't\ vlllo Ilnl) Bl1rJlngton r Olld r?r An drn w'd fllrm, Wayne township '67.40. No. ~5~ with Bnrvey r.t. Bnrnett fOt'oonor et o aloh ' o nd filiI! on Gorcl road by RoblnsoD& Balhnger farms, Wayne township $194. No. !lull wit h . Frauk 8tokes for oonorete arch on Waynesville !lnd Lebllnon pilre by E\1~pna EVllne ' farm, Wayne towosbip $1 76. No . 460 with Funk St,okes for oooorete arob on [,ytle !\rld Fivro Poln ts roud by Bunt farm, Clearoree" town8hl 1 19" liO p.. N• o. 461 with F rank 8tokell for oonorete IIroh 00 Township r oad by Blllbop & tltoke8 fltorm, CJe&roreelr. town8hlp, ,167 . No. 462 with R . A. MeCntcheon fol' ( ODo rel.e work rapairing brak e at Deah ~t ("rru "'r nklln ' o ~ "u , c II • ,~tI t! h lp. ' 4 O. - No. ,4GB with Z.ln Armitage for grtn/eUog lind gradIng varl l,us r ORde tn Tortleoree).o , tow nslll l' f70
Dr • J. A . McCoy, Veterinarv
Oradullte of Ohio !- Inl
DR. J. W. MILLER. ... DENTIST••• (1m"" tn IIl lIonal alD~ !l'dA .
Are you bllloos, dlzzv *lnt! lI~th'S8? N_ YOfti. II. ,.. Dr, Kiog's New Lite PIll s tllken ,H once ~ej z es npon oonst.lplltion unel ~. - -~tart8 tbe bowels moving nator~ll y IIOI! Baslly. Moreover It !lotH wltb out g rlplog. Negleot of a eJogglld I ' system often leada to moet eerl oHs • r r • oomplleHotlons, Pol uno us . mlltt,er s GIVEN QUIOK RELIEF anel a body po~rly func:tlODlng neeel ' immediate atteotlon . If y on Wi8h Pain lell\'ClI almost fO Wilke np t o.morrow morning us if by maGic wben happyt:J m ind and enUrely i"lti~fi"rl. you beg in using "6start your t,reatment to.olght. .2no Dr';p"." lhofamousold a tiottle. rB!1Int\y for R ""urn.· cism, Lumbago, G Olll,
"'u PPEB£R-.
cLltil!a, N eUJ'nJgia
Ii · · i i :
•:: '
i I
, I ''' I~
d r ll ' stl~rc s~md Ono ])olli' r to ~ .\'j ' 41 '!n l\ ': h. .~'lm !' lic Curl ' ("0., N d wnrk, III in.• 'l-Htd ;'\ 1 . ,1c uf ":, 1)""pS ' I be
I' '"_
,"nl rcp .. id.,
. ~-fAIR
II :
'The Sixty-Sixth Annual Fair of the Warren County Agricultural ociety be held on their grounds on
Sept~mber 14th
September 15th
Sep~e~ber 16th Septem~er ·
THE ,·R.t\CING PROGRAM Will be ·better than ever.
' !YcEI'm, but I ' d rather u sc soft soap!'
Entries are cOm)ng in fast, and there will be plenty ,of starters in each class..' '
- --~
~oos risht to the Rpot, stops the liches /lotI' pnins and m'dkeslilt! wor,h living . . GCt..~ a bollIa of "ij.Drops" . 1000ay. A booklet with each 1"001110 GiV08 'lln di r () ct iolls (or lise. OOtl'! deloy. Demnnd ~r.. l)rops,.. Doa:t 'ac· cept IInythiog elsa itl . . pineo of i L An)' dftl.,.at "fUt , uppl, JOu. If )'lll' li ve too wr
i .......................,....................... ...................... i
- - - - --
· "Mr. Catehit, your wife hIS jut called you up on the 'phone:' . , and ire Jut to oall me
an,1 kindred tcoubllllL
................................................................................ ~
"You know, Sally, you cnn .put in-
"!...~~.'!!!!'_~_ ~-"!!!...!!!!...!!!!...!!!!...!!!_"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!
Dally 1'hought.- Lucy M. MoFa.rland tu E J . and De not angry lhat yo u canno !!lake Nettie Bllrrlson GO aores in Salem others what you wish them to be. t ow'nBhlp,1i l. - - --' silice you cannot itlll Ke yourself wbat Bimoel t:limpson t o EdwlU'{laDd )'OU wlHh to be.- Thomas a,Kempls. Lydllfo Method lot N o.1 In Ridgeville, 1300. W. O. G\1m our, 8heriIJ to Bo'; ard -T8ke-. ' --, 'I O. Ore~wel1, 162 aorea in n ear East Morrow, '10,384 40. (~~.~:, J olin W . and E. j. Domford to Jllmes. E . Ook'e partR of 101,8 No. ~ " Tonight a nd 4 an11 611 of lot No.3 ID tiOutb will act ~ a laxative . Andl tlon to t!pringhoro, $1. ~ ..~ .' .mornlnll '-. """" - . LlLwrenoe J. Cartwright to Charles
''lVe scll pinno music by the pound antl orgrul music by the choir!'-Oolumbia J cs.ter .
itia tiv~ evon ill your scrubbing!'
Office at re:l icilmce in F U Sher wood's house, Four th Street.
. -,
"Ho" do you' 8ell ~our mus"ie?"
.- .
i~~I:I~c;e~~I:~I\~ ~:bJ~. $~'I,,~:!tt~,~
" Cleanliness, you know, ia 1i~t to godlinl!S8!' "Maybe; but one .doesn't.feel very TO . ". feel thaH owe the maonfaotur. godly \V.hen one is clellueu out!' 'en of C?hamberh,lnje Collo, Choler,1to M'ORE TO COME, and Di8rl'hoea Remedy ·a word of gre'ltude," wrUe. Url,·T, N; WI&h. Pessimist-You hnven't had s,ll Gowanda, N . Y. "When I began aaklng lb'l medlolne I was ID that you wanted in life, haye you P great pain and feeliDg lerrlbJy Ilok, Optimis,t -No, but 1 haven't had dne to aD aUaok of summer oomall th~t I didn't 'Want, either. plaint, Aller &alrID, a doee of " :1 had no& lonl( to waU for rellef.1 it T.4E LOQICAL SEQY.J.tnm.... baall1lted me almOIt Immedlalely." Obaalnable
~he ~lIm
' w.
A. H, Chandler
nificnn~, , ,~~,rth
I nSURlIn'-'E '-'
Fr,olt Ie Called by the Critic. •
1 1"'une~al Dirpctor
c.:omllliuloncu· Proceedings
Tho I)O lH\ I,f ~'rnllk 0 M11ltlr U8 and Embalmer, 'O\ln~'v Troll~urer In th e ~1I11 1 l'f Waynesville Ohio. $4 ~,OOO Wllt, II Jl pro v,HI I 'l'bo bond of R y Ill. Mill er 88 alllLn~w r ed prl)\'T\ptly tiny o~ night Probate C<lurt Proceedlnl:s Comity tlighw " l:iti pcrinbeoclent Both "hones in Office Dnd f{eslrlence. WII~ apl'rov ad. to' , 1.( h Al l d ' G 11 W \; LunguIRtnnce,No, 14; r omep one l u ~he mol,ter ot the will of Lewis .' BI11 . Iro nH. Will Ie Ifodmltted to pro" owe. 'I on 01' II, H ·'lr roto. plpe, '171.·10. If , ttl. tl llUlm~u Jr., Chail; ,un d ~n e Coa ch furnished free agent., pr ' U\lum on Bo'od of t:ounty with funernhl. ' In th e luntt r of the estl\tll 01' 'l'reusnrer for OUtl year, 11 u.s · D"y- B t f ' t ed Lowis S . IrOllll, decsllied. R J'. top 8111uk Book ,c;, Printing '0, un. es 0 I\tlrVlca gUIIJ:an ,e . hawbl\ll la appointed xeoutor . vna o v r8 dUe) topltirlng onnt.y Bond ~HIi OO .Johu W. - I:!hl\"wha-ll, '800ftls, $21. lIhio \JOr rug ll-tM- '01. Jam~8 j, " l1ou aDd Orflll 8tr~wn are vbrt Co., pipe, f13 60. If. M, 8 h 'lo· AU Kinds of It 'I r ond work 'L'nrl.1' oreok I,UWIl IIPllulO led Ilpprftlaer !:l W . 1:1. ROfH o"·. lIdl,l1iniRtrator of ship, $' 2. P~rry ~Volf(', brid g e the e tute of ElIz~ OlivIa, deceased work, Wlfosblngtoll towmhip, ,3 ,50. V 8, J . D. Ro 8 et nl. Fioal d eoro(l J OI1O Wolfo, bridge w or k, MII ~~ ie or I eg lstrlltloD Bougbt. Mllttor IB tOWJlsblp $70,'. 5, InqueHt ovnl' body roferred to Frllok U. Andorson, ex of Mltry Rldlmann. ooroll er MId It mln p . of I,Hl es in nnd fo r W "r r ~ n witness, $7, UG. .Iohn Ur e~l( .. llrld gn UnDnl y. w ork, Ulou rorefl k town~ t\lp , $ 17 ai;. In Ili a osla LIl of Ha m h ,\1. El I~w k _ C, W. Hllurks . hr ir1ge wor k, Uulli fl F. E. SHERWOOD Ins d ~oeas erl. First Ifo ll d flnnl uu. f,1l\VI\ ~l,lp, $ifi 87. lli<Ylll n lld llur"h • c unt ill ap pr ove;:] .' b8r,;er,llllll Bon d, I k bOOry / $60 kll t Albll rthiD. .71 '\1; Over PoslO tlke, WaYIl""'Vl ," ,., . ' lle ' 0 • I n Ihe e~ l llt6 of Alvin C Vllo t'hlll r olo( w"r , run n lIwn@ II, .' H"u, .. Pbonr II. 1 1 10' fi ' • K In!.: Powder <';0. , cr nuhtlc\ st~lII e , OUke Plio". 77 ~ cenRec .. 1 Irst lIud un l Booonn' 1'I 0.;)-1 Bort Heecl, hanJlujlsl.nUIl, . JRPPhrovEl( . t fEd M . $111.60. BurmA" 1(ollt('r, r Olld Vo'ork
cnrel 8Bly, .tllrtlng tor the HUlrs. .. ho's dIning Wllh Allison at sowe r ndbou8 ." " l nehap ronoa !" gflBPed .Mrs. Da·
M. nnd Jolm 0, Carlwrlttbt '025 nore 10 Wllyne lownl>1I11I, $ 11090 ' 1
III It llHlyare ' "", Ili~ Overy
16 Trot.; ....... $'300 2:.12 2 : 40' Trot... , , .. .' . $200 22:. 15Pace ........ 3002:20 2:25 Trot ...... ,. ~oo 2 : 20 '{'fat : . ..... , 200 2: 24
Pice ..... ..... $300,' Pace ... , .... 250 T~ot, . " ...' " , 200 ' ,
EACH 'MORNING 'Beginning at W.o'clock ~here .will : ,be ~ Horse 'Show. . . premlU!"s. 1 he BIg Mld'ray will be open Hand~ome
every'day, an1 there F~ANK
behulldreds of dIfferent ,attractions on,the grounds.
ELBaN, President SMITH, Vice-Pres.
M. A. JAMBSON, See'y O. OU1TERY t Tress.
............. ..................................•••. ~
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ......................~~~..~~~....~~tf..~~'·:
l 'H·E
I' ubll. hull WftUkly III ~hD queUe 001.'0 In the RatcR Subscription. All II Uulhlllll(. ~1.l u HL .. W&,.uIIII. III... Ohlu. 0/10 Year (fll rlr.LI)· lu ach anL'C) •••• • ••• '1.00 . • til ng lo OUI'1 .. . ........ . .... .. ... , .... . O~
SPRINGBORO. Born '0 Dr . ani Mra. Oalll Bor. dIn, on lut Tu8llday, a Ron.
THE NEIGHBORHOOD N As Written by Our 'Corps of Able Correspond-
1iI1. . Jennie and Kathryo Robl. lIOn, of Dayion, epen~ Suuday witb ents in the Neigbborhood bome folk. g.:l1I~Lf:j:~·,;~iol ~~o·OOd· j\yj, il;'08' " Dc Mr. and loire. Alber t Heston an d ~ Dc Throo illllcrlioul . . . . ...... . . . O. L. Crane. Ed itor an d Menager. Display A<1vurti. log. pur Lncu ..... . .. " l Oe IU .. Wri,h' m otored t o Lebanon , U IOCUUlllio "I "u UU coulrllc •. Tol!IIdayafternoon . Mrl. Kay Cro.1 ana daug hter at SE PTE MBEU 8. 19l5. teuded the W olf reanlon ~t 1.I'0 rt Anolent, Satorday. 'rhe foll owing young people of T he r.e will be a I:!llver Medal Ora Meslr •. Benry Deci er aud Foster DaytoD sp ent I:!unday the g uests of torloal lind Musloal oon tes t at tbe Coffeen tranlaoted business near Earlle.t Guide Book. Th onrliest guhle book WTltten In We (lffer One Hu ndred Dollars tbe Uelltrnlll.otel . MIs8 l Oti .WI e· 1Methodis t olluroh i n :Nl.lw Burllng- Fort Anolent Iut I:latnrday after. tile IDuAllan langua ge la "Instructions Reward tor oDY oase of Catnrrll Ghllt mantle, Anna K il ble, Moure J ohn lon, I:!e ptembe r 17; 1 115. The Ild. n oon. . fo r ~~orrRlne Travell." a duodeclmo I ultnnot be oured by B t\Il 's Uutarrh Irable, Albert Wiseman tle Ilnd Will mission will be 15.., f or flldul ts and 100 Mr . Wm. Hombert is "pending SImmerman, returning home Mon fo r chil.1ren. Th e O(I1\orlcal con published In ] G42 by J ames Howell. Curo . a few daYII this week w ith h lR day. testa nts are : Esther Shambaugh , daughter, Mrs . Amoli F ox, of <3er. I " AK Wll S natural III thoso days." 80yS F . J. CH Ii NEY & CO .• T(,ledl.l, O. The W. O. T. U . b eld m emoria l MaryUollett, Lena Noggle, A nrora man town . tho London Chronicle, "Hqwell as· We, Ihe \lnd~ rsill ucd ..lmve kno wll F.] . IsumoB that an yono trnvellng on the Clwoey Cor Ihe IU8t 16 yenrs, fllid believe eervloes a\ tbe Friends ohnroh Pete r . on and Re va SheElban . The Mr. John MoClure wae a delegl\te The day of false pride and clt"avognnce over motor cars is PWlt. ,conllu lit for plousure was able to him jlNC.ctl y honoruble In nil bll~ lne es TbursdllY afteroooo In .emory of s lnqlng oontestantll are: Leona They ere no longer bought on n "price tall" ba5is to show tJls t . 'onterlnlne .. Cooke a Lallully and tmllsilctlolls oud fina ncially a"e Iu curry Mrs. Sarab Alltharlne Hart~ook , de· S hriver, H eleJ;l Blair, Ella Mand from here a' the M. E. Oonferenoe In Sprlngdald Ills& week. the buyer "bed the price." We no Iunger hesitate to buy a low BOllle young youth hIs Pago to par. ' out 'I."Y " hUgn lions mnde ,by hi. finn . oe.lsed. Mrs. Hartsook was a faith. DaviS, Ina Mae Com pton and Veda priced cui, pr o~i ding it possesses the very desirable qualities of .Jey .1IItl chldo wltholl whereof h b II NAT ION AL BANIC 01- COMMERCE. tnl m ember aod belleve'd In Its Horley, 11lsees Fannie Janney, Luoy Banta . , e H R. • Toledo, O. style and efficiency. We buy today nn the basis of dollar·forand Bertba SteveDlion attended the MItiS Erma. MendElnhtill spent dollar value. We judge motor. car. by the service they give in htl.vo 0 ca810n enough. and 10 get some Hull's C"la rrh Cure i.taken internally, teacblngs lind 1&8 porpole . relation to the price. . tnlro lodgings to keep hous of blm· nCling direclly upon the blood and mil ' Tblll vlolDity oootributed more WedneHdllY afternoon wl\h Airs. fliaoher 'lI Institute at Lebanon lilt week 8 If ; bllt sometimes he muy frequent cous surCaces or (he system. Teltlmoulals tbao her share of attendanoe for Rllleigh Bogan. Mrs. Ohu. Tbomp~on and Mre. Or<llnnrl08, tor It wIll lIluch' breake senl rrn. Prlt-e 711 ce nt s per boltle . Sold the Ohio State Flllr at Colnmbo" The friends of Mrs .. Mllry Corr The Saxon Ideo from the bei;lnning was to go one step rarther E. D. RUI.ell were Dayloo IIboppers \iy all drugaisls. nnd omboldon him.''' than ~er before was achieved by motor car milkers in combinlut week. Feb were plLloed to bear of the Till<. Hail's Fumil), Pills lor constipation Thursday. ing econ0n1J. efficiency ond .Iyle . laet The lo .tructlons to provide tor a O. J. Oleaver transaoted bnslne88 death of her husband, Charles O'et·lI, Dr. and Airl, J. W . BleRfrled of tour th ro ugh Fronco. Italy, Spnln. Ocr. in Cinolonatl two days laU week. of near Xenill, WedneedlLY mornin g. We .ell the Saxon car with· the absolute confidence thot, on the many. Oolglulll nlld Holland, "all which Clarksville's bUlllnel8 men In Mrs. Gleu Will'lon and daughter Dayton, were gneate of Mr. and average, year in I1I1d year out. under nil kind. of condi lions, It mny bo done completely In tbroo years Boys' Stock Judging Conteflt their an'ae made Il very oredltllble oalled on Ernest Hurley's Wednes- Mrs. W . B . Siegfried, Wedne8day. will carry ita owner w hat~cr number of mile. he WtlJltll to go at und four month s, which four mooths I Mre. Jesse WrigM, Mrll. W . 8. showing upon onr stree\shere Wed- dilY. less expeme than Wly oUler automobile in the world. ullow tor Itinerary removals alld Jour. needay, . carrying with ~hem their . Uharle8 Barner and daugMer, Siellfriod and Mn. Cbapman attendWednellday, beptember 15th la tbe own band. They lorely booe' for Marybelle and Mrs. Jlnnle Mills eel the W . U. T . U . oonventlou et neys, and the years tor roeldunce In places." . In tbose daYII "torralne day on whtoh the Boys' Idtook their own town and not for Sears & apent laot Suoday in Xenia. Franklin, Tneeday. Mrs . Chapman Harle you "ad your Saxon dem on. troNa", trovoll" meont something moro than a Judging Con\ellt will be held at the Hoeboolt or Montgomery & Ward or We urge y ou to ac t no w--(o r only 6)1 your Zimri B I 'b d ·h I t wa~ re-eleoted preSident. Warren oonnty fair. All the boye any otber mall order houle. l:lnocesB prompt a c tion can We a .. ure you de li~ a nes a a·s . e r guel monlh's skip tllrough Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Smith enterover I:!unday Mr. and Mra. Samuel "'Ined OD l:lnnday. Mr and Mrll. 01 your c ar when y ou wan t it. who desire taku part ehonld rll. Ie lI ore)y 'heirs • E11I8, of oear Uld Towll. pori. at 'be lIeoretarl' 'I Offi08 prompt. E. B. Morgan, of Dayton, and Mr W. A . Merrltttrfln81L0ted bU81ness Roy and Carl JonB8 lind Raleigh J. B. CHAPMAN, ' _ Waynesville, Ohio A Boy's Idea of Breathing Iy aU :30a. m on Ihat day. 'I'hree 10 Dllyton Friday. Bogan aut oed to Cinoinna'i MOll. and IIrl. Henrv Deolter. :\ of tbe boya who en~r will win and Mre. "ell an and lon, Mr. Farma are ohanglng haDd~ , rllal day. ' a free trip Columbal during Donald, and Mrl. Olarence Croilly A boy 14 years old, who wall told Farmer'e Week next winter with eatate III looking op and brlnglnlr MIB' ,Mabel Starr aUended .'he eplnt 1'hursday In Uay'oD. 100d retorll8 . to wrUe ull be oould aboot brea~b. alll'xpen8es paid, There tblY w\1l Mrs. Levt UreathoU88 returned Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bowe and T8&~~~tlkIn8'ISute at Lebanon the In8 In" oomposltlon, handed In the ,ooel.,e ~peollLl ooaoblnl In stook Monday aher a week 'li vilit following : jodglng and 'all8 par' In a s'II'e oon · their dangbter Margery, bid fare. pasMrs. W. . E . Bogan 11 on tbe II10k home with bel' parenti near Hillsboro . "Breath Is made of air. We MIt. The fair board feels tha. ev. well &u their friends h ere TU8l!day lIet . OlassUlsd Ads ~rI. Levi GreatboUie retnrned breath with oor long., lights, oor ery one wbo 18 prond of hll oODntry a.n d are living In Oberlin, Ohio, Barry Hurley and family epent home Mon·d a,. after a week 'e visit liver aud IIllners. If It w.. u't for should belp losore a large tornoot where their daughter will attend Saturday night aDd Sonday wUh with her parente near Hillsboro. our breIL\h we would die wben we of boY8 80 'hat tblY oan ,Plok a team college. Their mauy friends w ish Rily mond Wileon '8. . FOR SALE Ilre .lIijleep . Oor breILth keepll 'he wblob will be Irood enongh to win tor them greltt IInooes.. lIr. lind Mnl. Ray Crols and daugh. Mre . James MeInUre had aft her ter, retnrned bOlDe trom a sever"l life (lolng 'bronRh our n08el wheD tbe ltate oontellt. rbe fair board Is Preparatlonll are bolng made to - - - .A uto Livery Service at goest TueedllY, Mrs. Mariare' Mlloh· daYII visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. we are allleep. BOYIi that .tay In Il giving 118veral1l0e prizes In addition start Bobool here September 13. Reasonable Rates ener lind 'amllv. Bosh els of good Uo rn fo room 1111 dllY shoold not breatbe. to \be free tripe. Gilmore at Lebanon The labllrere bere c.bserved Mon. 'fhey should walt until tbey get ant • _ ••_-,-__ Iwmndlotll 81l1e. Inquire Mr. and Mra. W, T . Wllaon and day September 6 al IlUother day tor Mr.. Alfred Gilpin lind IIbn, of (\OOrH. Glrle 11111 the bnatbe dllughter Olive, Mrs. Glenna Willon Dwight retorned home &tnrc ay of A. Matllt , Waynes ville, Ohio, Also Agent for Kelly-Springfield recreation. wltb corlletll aud ~ qneez e the dill. and dangh t!!r. Mary K"thryn were 822 from a two week's vlMlt with rela. Jue. Dinwiddie. on far m . · Automobile Tiree Crilpln Llpplnooat la marketing {lram. · ~}Irll oan't holler and run In XeDla Monday dtern )on . tlvel In Colnmbul. some very oholoe melonl of his own like boy ~ beaanll8 their dlacn'llie OOD I:!eed Wheat and fin e Ry e Chauncey Bnnnoll and family and Mr. and Mft!. CollInil have tno"ed ralsloK· Hqneezed to mnoh. Jr I WIl1l a girl seed for sale. Inqnl re of Lew ia Miss Monlmia Bunnell spent Thnra- to Sprlnlrooro. Mr. Colllol tl the Mr. and Mrl. ~. W. Randall and day lu (. . I:.o\nna\l . r d rather be a boy 10 I Dan ron and & Slmp80n , Waynesville, 0. 88 alelataD' enperln&9ndenS of our Mr. and Mn, Wilbnr Ivin8, 01 Leb· hailer aud bave II great blfl Cllallram . The bnslDIIII8 meeUnB of 'he C. E . lobool. anon ware gneste of relatives here ORN - 400 or 500 bushels of good Valley Phone 9O-1X' lIoole'y wal held at the home of Wedneeday "fternDOn. Mill Nellie FiUB liable tobe ont eorn for Bale. Inq uire of Geor se Bernice Ba. wk108, Tnellday evening. again, after a several daY,1I I1In88l. 'l'he ~nprAme lJoll1'~ or Planama Ai. L. Klnl . olll ooe wagon load of SmUh, R. D . 1, Wnyneavllle, Oh io. AIrs. Jennie MIllII 1fVaB In Xenia 1I.. lulI&"lned a reOtln' law whereby hogll last wee" tba& brough' him Thnrtlday e .· . '1I1l goveroment rnerves owner~hlp ,~,~. Mr. King knOWI jUllt bow. In metal mln611 :lnd depoeltll of ooal Luoile Buhrman anlll Fred Furnas Mil. AnDa Eloook Itlll remalnl bu. Beld Whea t. threshed and oU. p.>orly, wbloh Is regreUed very tlurprlaed t belr frlsndl by lolng to W"YU8olvlUe'e Leadins DeDDIt "1 have ulled Chamberlaln'l Tab. early, very olean. Regili. Kentuoky Thuraday to bl married. muoll by her friends. . leu and fonnd 'bem be jual all sered Shropehlre sheep aDd lIome Omoe In Keys Bldg. Main 8 White .plne aod . yellow pine ~re They were entertaiDed with an old Mrs. Frank Wilaon was oalled to fuhloned beiJIng ~a\urda'" nlgM. repreeented, a qulok reltef tor bead- ewel. Th..d Zimmerman, Way. the woods m Ollt niad for boxee, aad aoh\ls. dhlly .spells and .o'her IywlI· Bremen, Fairfield Go., Uhlo, on ao· sl5 aaob oontrlbn&e8 more tban 1,000,. Mr. and Mrs. W. E . Bogan had toms denoting a torptd liver aod neevlile, Uhlo, phoue 'U .5. count of the death of her brother, 000,000 feet to 'be box Indaetr,. an. as their gueat. Bdnnia, Mr. ,nd a disordered oondlrton of the dig. . David Weldy, ";7bo, lit the time of nually. · . 1I0baoribafll to the MoUaIl'a hili doath WIIS poat.mllster at tbat I4rl!. George Bogan ond daulhter &lve organl. Tiley aro wor'h their Magazine. Send 350 to the weigh, In gold," writes MI88 Clara place. Mr. Weldy had beon 10 de- Edith, of Wellman. • The "um '0 I'e -paId for dugglnll Funeral Director. Ii .. e'" omce, and lie' one of .... DrllrRl, Elba. N . Y . Obtalnabl. ollnlng heaUh for two years, but the ~ball not OJ:ooed the lIum of 6fty The Compton.Mllls Reonloo was beet mapsin88 on eadh. U everywJlere. end came unexpeoted and w"s qolte held Saturday. A largllr atseodanoe oentll per mUe for eaoh mUe "rav. Telephone day or Dlahi. a IMok both to his reilltives Bnd 'hlln · lut year wail Oln record, the 'eled while /lugging Ihe road. Valloy phooe No. , . LanK friends, and bll! frlende were num. uomber belog 121. ClDER MILL 8uch Ie Fate. Dlamn08 No. 6~lIr. bered by tbs BOore. He leaves a Cbarlel' ElarDer and fanllly enter . 1'4 early 500 'loree of laDd nellr "He had braved a thousand dangers wlfe,ooe dllugbter, two Ions. two talned 8nnday, Mr. altld Wn. Jelle P aris are devoted to ral8lnJC yonog m the land of So..88e strongers. war 111I'er8 and foor broth ere $0 mourn Automobile ServIce at aD tim.. Compton and daugh1ler, ' Mary, of and t.mlne, flre aDd tempest. epldem· trees of pecollar sbape for umbrella ILL ron W edneldoy s ,)feaoh hll departure. Dayton, Mrll . Edna Barner and handlo!!. week and other dllYs It n eo· WAVNESVILLE, OHIO Many of the lIasBle Tp., W . C. T . danghter, Marjorie, of XeDla, Mr. Ice and the reet." (Thle WB.8 tn met. . • rical torm tn the London Ohronlcle.) essary. Mullen & Son, F('rry. Ob membera attended their Connty U. Subsorlbe for the Miami liaz3tte. and Mra. Rllleigh Hoga n aDd Horace "But yesterday at five (and It'e lucky Branch Office, Har-v,y.bllllr, .o. t f Convention a' Franklin Toesday. Compton and family. 110'11 alive). be .""a8 burt In a coUlslon YDRA U LlC Ciller Mill tifl:! pring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r --~.~----Frllnk ~tf\nley and lon, RIlIMII, with .. boy 00 roller Bkat8ll." Valley WIll ron e vor y 'l'o e8c1 I1Y. antoed to Sprln&:fl.eld, Batordav. begionlng AUgust 31. .A lbor t Cre w. 8 15 EVllrett and Bomer Baine s eD8nt "I have 'rled mas' .n of the I:!nod"y w\t.h Je8lle Balnee and fam· cough oures and Bod thllt t here 18 lIy. none that ",qual Chlimberlllin '. BARNHART, Several were Xftnlll shoppell 'be Collib Remedy I, bas nevor failed Bave you ever gone throogh a to give me prompt r elief," writes pallt week. $yploaf pine for8tlt when you hILd Ii Not~ry Public - - --........ -. W. V. Harner, MontpelIer, Ind . TRADe MA.... oold! Whaf a vlgorou8 Impulse It· D£aIGN. When you havo II ooU give thiS 8en' I How you opened wide yo ur .All kLnds of Notary W ork. WiIl8 (lO~V"IQ"T. &0remedy a trial tind see for y ouraelf lunS8 to take In, thOlle InviRorating Anr on e Benc1h!, a IIk et eh a nc1 de,arlctlnn ma, and Deeds Il I:!peclal ty . A ·oomtnUDlty Is known by the Improvod roadl bave a money wbat 1\ splendid medlolne Ii Is. q.llfl "" l~corl81 11 ()u r C)l'llii On rreow et,h or &D Pain results from I:n3ury or oon · lind myllterion8 qu .11'1811. Wes. Dr . l".Cl'ln t'n ' I probabl , Jlft1tHl lable. Comman'. . roada It keepe. value al well al a ~oolal value . Obtainable everywhere. UmuUtUICLl, ftoIlUdonU" l . HA"DBOO~ on 1'.leOte lIe8tlon. Be It n enralgla, rheuma Bell 'II Pine·Tar Boney . posse 8 8e.~ u m l f re&. QI4tnn PICone, f(.lr lOOOrlnR.JIateDta.1 l""to n18 UtJIOIl lb rOu "h atU OD &; co. hOI , . t lem, lumbago, neuritis, too t baohe, t hoRe stimnlat,iog.qnllutlee and over IpftUll no l-k,. wlL ho ut. en.tao, In t.be . Throw II way yoor olubB and ge' PUSH. If yon oan 't p08h, PULL eprain, broise, sore at.iff musoles or oomel! haoklnfl oonghll. The Inner Dr. Bell's Pi ne-Tar- Honey on tbe good roadtl wagon. If von oaD', pull then pleue ·lreS oat Loet Curls Are Found. whatever pain you bave ;ylold8 to lining of the throat III lI'renlltbenod For Coughl lind Colds. of the way, In a ploture IIhow at a. MadlsoD 810an 'e Llnlment-brl.nIlS new frelh In UII aitaok again.' oold gllrmll. A 'tI . n t!lIomel , ItIdltr At ed weotl ,.. J. r l"elt cdr.. culldlfJU of An, . alellLl Uc Jn urn.... T ar m!ll . . . Are ybo io fAvor of Improved - _ _ _ __ _ street theater one evening a little gtrl blood. dissolves the oongestlon, reo Every family needs a boUle oon rooda? If no~;yon don " belong in Man,. oonntry -roads ar" pa1'8d- and her mother were seated near me. lIeves 'he lojury, .tbe eirouilltion 18 iltan'ly at hand. 250. Uhlo . . --- B'''''Cbom.., 1116 r Ilt.. Wub IDQ.on. with good Intentlonl, bu' for $be A comIc picture wall on, 'ahowlnll a fref' and your puln leaves a8 if by Improved rORds will ·keep 'hI! mos, pi&r. with IU1IlPi of lod, lI'one, lady "making up" WIUI palrit, powder. maglo. Tbe J]atnre o:f Ita quafltlps talBe hair. etc. The ollmax came when penetrate Immediately to the sore Waa It for Hlmf boys and glr\1I on the f.um I1n ~l will rutt! and ru.bbllh. the Int_ted little 81r.1 crled out: HpOt. DOQ't keep 011 lIufferlDg. Get BUthen and Smlthertl were nelcb· b~'IDfl tbe.olty folkeou,. for 're8h~lr. "Oh. mamma, there'll the ·curll you a boHle of Slo:m'a L!n imens. U~ e The old laying "a .'Itch In time 10llt at Aunt Be11'a party. Wbere do It. ' It meRDIl loel",nt reUef. Prloe bors. Tbey were friends betore they became nelghborB. Tbe enmity lilart· Looking at "n improv.:d load ""Vetl nln6 " never applied morl! ap. you 'apoBe abe found 'emr'-Cblcnco ,,50. and 500. 00 bottle belde elx ed by Blltbers' boy pUBhlng Smltbore' from tlie t!taudllOlnt 01 the almighty proprlately t~ a pair o( pantll tbu TrIbune. . "meB aa muoh as the 250. IIlze. kid oft a blgb picket fence and Dearly don.r It 18 fonnt\ to plly a bandlome It does to 'he matn'eolin08 a btoaklng bls young neck. Then dividend eooll Y8l\r. wagon road, - - - ...- - Smlthen killed four of BlIthen' chick· ena. Atter tbat -tbey glared at each SIXTH OLYM'PIA'O.DATEO' 1916' other "Bel1 ou 9lirth " is baok 00 a bad While there may be a few "aria· like a couple of hone tbleves. road wUh a n~lgbborlD g IILDd owner liooll tn tbe value "If fann lands, BlItben hired· a colored man to n III oart alDly lIurprlllfng tbat any W 'OMEN Originator Had the Thought That who will not 81gn '" petition for I,be 'here'll ao unquestioned faeS, 'bat mow hlB lawn. 'Rastns threw the WOlJl"n endure the mllera hIe 8port Might Ultimately Take oon.'ruotlon and improvemenl of a III 0. pneral rule, tbe higher "a\uea tbellnlls Love This Magazine grlLlllI over the fence Into Smltbel'll' oaneed by btlloullne811 and the Place of War. are larlely due &0 loperlor publlo oonltlpatlon, wben relief ISla easily new road. McCALL'S .he Fal hlon (j" ldc a nd Houseyard. . hlplor Hrlper 0' morc wome n 1""'\ any olhu roadll. mapdoe In .he ~'o rld, All Ihe latest I l'y l n "Hey youl" yeUed Smltbers. "What had Ilnd II' 10 lIUle eXtJebl8. Mra. When in the ninetics Baron de ' . . Mud knows neither tbe farmer, eytr, mondl : .150 ..J t llthtful .. orles ,hi t entt r· uln. Ind .pe d .1 d c p arllflt tU S In cookln ll. ho me · ' he :rural mall carrier, nor 'he an&o Impro,v ed roadll are 'he eumarllll OhaR Peok, Ga'ea,. N. Y.. wrl,lee : Coubedin devoted s,o. much of hill In thunder are you doing'" drulm.k1n& f. ncr 'I.'Or k, etc., t ha i lI a htc " 'Rastus blinked. "Abo. u , II Y"1f aflO 1 uaed two boUlel mobile own"r. Mud may have A o( ol.,\llza"o.n, the e ...ide~C16 ofln . of Cbamberlaln'. 'l'abletl and they ork. .'nd 1$1\' ( money. Prl ee, o(lly 50.: "n.a tob yo' mool, mleter," 'be •hou, ••...r. whh time ond energy to th.e revival of the one ctlcbr.tcd McCa ll DreIS Pi t· 1II~ in ns·' ure bot we have no DlO telllgon'i education a.od reBoemen., IImlied. . oared me of btlloUlln811 and ooollSI ....D fR EE. 9lympic games ' he was B~tuBted by Pf it in tbe mIddle of ~he road. b~t bad l'oadl !IN the lip · of baok patlon." Obtilinable everywhere. liND 4 POSTA L. CARD ,..aw 'OA roared . Smltherll. "I !lln't or . ' . . . wardn_, lodolence, or a . oarelesli 1 A P'R&£ ttampl . Co,.,. r>t lt eC A I .L~ UA Cl AZI, .r : br the belief that interniltional competi. cotNMule!" i. A FJtA:K Cop, (It " ~ALL'8 r.... 4., .... .. I'R£ Y1U M no mnle!" .' . Lh o"'seDlblp. C ~·rA l .oo UI! ; u" tion in sports might take the place of No' .o n\y mtil' 'bo qnallty. of. 8 _ _ __ _ _ 'Raltull etered. L Ibe Au.'S '1 00,(10 I ' ,b. orr., t u a:nn cltuacn . AII4 u .. 1~ .. ( _, N "Aln'teha!" internationnl str~Ce, Harper's Weekly be gasped. Then bo , Dangerous Method. loll and .be lmprovemon~ 1M llllis The 'raps~r'-tloD qUMllon will 1I£.au CO.. 2361, 2~6 W. n ab St. lin v.1t. H. T. Icratched his head. "0&11 tunny," be "What ore your usual modes of pun. remarks. . 'lIot<lr1 '0 \be man who waote to never be lIobed a. ' long "tI t& OOIIt, b . farm but bef ~re he will flO "De gemman wbat IIh here lehmentf" was among tbe question. Five .Olympiads have been held added. u.y • • to a ent to even look a .. muoh to oarr~ .. t)O of a,rteul Bay de grUs foh de Jackass nes' dob ; N to a teachor 10 a rural dl", . with,. reahl tII!!,a n.}('- koow that It Sural produots to,Sbe rllllroad 8ta\lon submitted a1nce the gomes we~revi,ed at Ath· - 8. E. C. Smyth In Judge. AND AL" THE FAMtLY , 11\ a arm e ~fA ... ..... . . d. I. f . b d *d trlcl 10 Ohto, Her answer was, "I try ha. a telephone, Ie IIlong .• raral ) Rilit oeft.o ,Darry,. our un r .. 'moral 8ul181on first. and It that does ens in 1896, ·and no"r when moat of Two and a balf million readen find it of m'all. ronte and" good road. mile. over a raU!oaJ. Discouraging Burglar Gentlemen.· not work I UIl8 capital punlsnment." E urope, including FrllDce~ \he coun· absorhing intereat. Everythioi in'lt Is It had beeo )J.oped by · the better AI It was a neighborhood wbere moral try of the baron, i8. I.t war, the pro. So y.eanUnd........ ft cla88 of ' burgllll'll that b, observance auaslon had ·DOt been a Buccess, and We 400.000 ~ every 'lI\0II111 ~ posal to 8ubstitu,t~ atlhle~es for war- of the strict rulea of tbe game and IllVing premlUII\Il aDd have DO "Uc!1CIL AUF the children were BcarCe. the commitnewsdealer willihow you a copy: or write tbe .fare has been made alrom. 'Phis time fellowlng the example ot Buch eminent tee took ·no rl!lk8. pubUshedor.trec lamplio- II iJc)IIal will do. Prof. Walter B .- Cannon of Hanurd authorlUell' "Ramel" and other lien· ISe A copy !1.80 A YO" universi~ is ilie od·vocatti. In· hie tlemanl, bur«lal'll a hl«her standard at profjIHlonal work and etlqu,eUe book, ''Bodily · Chaxlges in Pain, mlgbt be reached ..nd . maintained, and Hardly I Mltt.r of Creld •. Hunger, Fear and Rage," he diSo new I of luch deplorable dlnl1lenoo '!I ·am 1OlT)'. but .I advertised for a Bcalulinavlan cook,'" aa14 Mn. White. CU 88eS the relat ion of emotional from Banctton'ed procedure .. Bleeplnl "t.aw4 Bake!" replied Paralysla Pearl . changes to tho ~ghtillig iostinct, and In beautifUl, clean bede with bootI· on Waddle•. "What dUrerence do It malttl a~es with tqe milit:ariBta t.ha.t. it is canoot tie other than dllcouraa~ ·to wbat a Il1dY'1I 'lI&\on am, dOlI 80'1 aha firmly fixed in manldnd and that the the Beau BJDmmell -of the pletul'8lClft I"-~iage anti eocqtna aTOcatJon.-N_ ' '1'~ ~ an ~ kill cooltt"":;'"JildCe. '~8UIU! of hi8 . rct!elilrches prove it lI(ornlq Il'elevap\l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . true • . There are, in his Op~iOD, ."phyliiologicnl pr.ovillionB ~or fierce All kinds ,of Spouting and~Roofing st.ruggle:' in men u , well 88 in the and Purn..ce .~epalrlng DoneD. • • lower loimale; Wihen there
1'E I.l': I· lI uNE- C... .L L
NO. 112
Rate8 of Advertis ing
This is the day of commonsense in .buying motor cars
Ray Mills
- --.. - ..----
Corwin, Ohio·
.- .
-_ _---
Walter McClure'
BY JESSE tAYI.OIt Erlitor ofBetter Roads -and :"Ii'h'~'A
E. v.
.- .
$citntlftt Hmnltan.
MU'NNr&CO:3~~Bs,::,::,INewdf'ik n.W
.- ..
.. -
- - --
---.- --
,. _._ --
for Father and SO..
Painting,. Paper ~anging, Auto . d p.u.ting. ..
,.J ... E. FRAZIER
band-to-~d enocnnilter
01' II
Wa,nesville, Ohio
·to dlap1al .aDd UI8 ' :lDdivlcfiial men did enJ01 !lgbl~g; The aixth OlVllDnUui
Cemen II!~~;~~;r ARE:~UI~I~l OffiCES 11 ~ : : : J l a e : : t!i55l·me:::1: 1 : : : = l ~ E : : : : I g l 5 l ~ : : : J ' 5·a~ai ~ 'I Atlas Portland tt c 155 • 5Elaa l5
The Beat Cement on the Market. Fresh Car Just Arrived.
S'.r ORE ,
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!_~'!' To Make Ba ndage.. ADDITIONAL LOCAL~
Banda«el can be prepared from the '1004 •parta 'o t 'worn nheeta or lillie,..
Mrs. Eva M. Lee, of Bellefontaine, '9ODlent-olie Inch 1"11.10 for Hngers. two visited with he.r mother, Mrs. Ida M. tnohM for foct, .two nnr.J on halt to AlIcn this week. thne Inchel for hend nnd arm. and four mohel for legs. A good WilY ur Mrs. Cynthiu Bvans lelt this mornk . .plllS them In condition ror U8 B II inlt for Franklin, for an e?ttended to lea.! the rolla In a ver/octly clean visit with her brother. A!llaIe trull Jar. Missp.s Stella and Rachel Thorn. burg, of Urbana, Ohio. wm visit with Mrs . Ida M. Allen this week.
: :=::::::::::::=========:::::
Henry King arrived here Tuesday evening, after spending several montbs with relati.ves in Colored,o,
SPECIALS THIS WEEK Best Cane Sugar 25 Pound Sack only 5 Pound Sacks only
New York Cream Cbeese
35c 22c
Fancy Big Hangos doz. only IOe Standard Tin Cans doz.
Old Wheat Flour Moore's Gasoline gal.,
Jersey Sweet Potat~s, Ce1e.ry, Malaga Grapes, Canteloupes Pu~
Cider Vinegar gal.,
Muon Quart Jan. 40:£. Payiq
24c for
Mr. ~nd Mrs. F. p , Jones enter. tained Friday at dinner Mr and Mrs. Herbert Davis and daughter M~r· garette and Mrs. Dr Eber Revnolds and son Arthur. of Xenia.
25c 50e
Eggs teday
payll ~ trade at
"ZIMMERMAN'S ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!
8th TO 14th INCLt}SIVE •
Mi8S Grace Carman entertained on last Saturday eVelling. Those pres· -ORI 'UIlA 'Il) =' en t were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rogel'll, 1'rus tee If P1I hi ie A trai rtl- J . E. MiBSeB Hazel Gustin, Dorothy Dakin, Janney, J. W. While. Ii M. Sher· Mesars. George Waterhouse, Ray· wood. mond Davis and Emmor Baily. Marbhal - AllIpg Mendl'nhnll. J . G. Haines • Bforfl Elzey , Mayor- ll . E. Hnlhaway, On Friday afternoon the Misses TrellSUfE.'r --J. II . r,l l ·man . Clarn Hawke and J0gephine Oglesbee Assessor F. W. Ilal hnwny, A. n, entertained at the hospitable country Sides. home of the laUer , in hon or of Miss Council- M. I. . I'nr~hull. C M. Sybil Hawke, whose marriage to Mr. Itollitzer, C. '1'. Ilawk e, I-;I",er J{og· Frank LeMay will lake September ers, F rank Z,·II, G. W . Hawke, 15. The affair was a miscellaneous Clerk- A. B. CharHllel', shower and many usefu l gifts were Ttl \\ NS JlII ' received by the bride· to be. After the shower a delicious two· course ARSessor-Cha F. Hurnl'tt. lunch was served to the followinp Treasuror - J . O. ar twriKht. guests: _The Misses Sybi l, Helen . BORrd of I·:ducation-- J. W'. I Iilll'Y , Emma and Mary Hawke, Ellen Sher· W. T. Clark. " ha wood. Edna Janney, Ethel Hosier, Trustees-· W. '. Graham . v ~ Edna Kelsey, Henrietta McKinsey. Cornell. Haney M. Burnell . Tacey Claggett, Mrs. Charles Hawke, Conslable,-A. A. Hisey, Mrs. John Hawke, Mrs. Ronald Clerk- r~. V. llarnhart. Hawke, Mrs. P. D. Clagett and JUfltice of Peace- So . JOY, Mrs. Wilson Edwards.
Onc Iwo-<!UMt
t WOo(J.uart
Aluminum Lipped Sliu,o Pan.
Aluminum Double
Rice Boiler.
One one- pint Alumi·
. PreDerv ina Kettle,
num M euurioR Cup.<
• • D
~ ~ S
~ THREE ·I~EATHS··· ~ M!d~yC'e~~~~~~~~~t~~~~~~m: WARREN COUNTY fORMER CITIZENS ·rn THE SOUTH BEND MALLEABLE RANGE IS ALWAYS PREfERABLE a WAS HONORED ~ m ~ I m I ~ '. --a Rogers & Son, I NOTICE Wal'nesville, Ohio. .~
George Thorpe and wife, of Rich· mond, lnd .. s pent a cou.ple of dtlys here tbis week visiting relatives .and
- - -... - ...- - -
This Entire Set of fine Aluminum Cook· ing W re During the Week of our BIG RANGE SALE.
week at the Ohio Conference in Springfield.
Mrs. Henry Satterthwaite and daughters Sarah, and Mary Edna. Warren County was honored again llpent Monday at the Home-Coming · E H' II k at Bell broo. recently t h roug h MISS mma I, of Morrow. who, with Mrs, Farmie Emery Converse, of London. Ohio, Those who attended the W. C, T . drov-.l the slakes to mark the location U. convention at Franklin last from of the monument at Lookout Moun. Waynesville were Mrs. Martha tain in honor of the Ohio Volunteer Hough, Mrs. Emma Smith. MnJ. I f h Ruth Janney. Mrs. Mary F. Frame Infantry, a R'r~t many 0 w om ost their lives at this historic place. with Miss Edna Janney as driver. The monument will c09t $20,000 and was authorized 'by the )astlellislature. ,., The commiillion present to select the ' that f us b ttl it were a II m se amo a e "above the clouds." - - -.....- ••- - -
aber Hyman's store wlll be c'OIed nntll 5 o'clock Thursday, September 9, 1915, on account of the Jewish New Year. •
- - -... ....---
Docto,.. and D~II•. iarge number 0/ phy.lc\ans are themselves Ilddlcted to the UII8 of mor· phlne. This Ie DO wonder, conlllder· Ing the strenuous llfe they lOlld. and the fact that they Ilre conUnllally handling tbo drug. ' Consclen!JouB physicians have tor Bo~e time paat refused to adminIster It. but then, wbat was tbe uee. while there were 10 many otbers wllUn'c to do 801 A
---.. ..---
PENNSYLVANIA LINES Next Sunday, Sept. 12th
On account of the postp:>nement of the D & p. picnic, the ball game that ~as adyertised to take place at th~t tIme Will ~ played Saturday at 2 ~ clock at Phllhps Pa!,k The game Will be l?etween ~assle and Wayne Townships, and It ought to be a screamer. .. - • ,
$1.00 Round Trip
W. H. MADDEN ~ CO. ,
One dollar at five per cent compound interest for 1,000 years would amouut to 104 quintillion, 69 quadrillion, 620 trillion, 917 billion, 985 million, 83 .thousand, 392' dollars '$104,069,620,917;985,083,892). Th.is is the result obtlliued by Edwin Soule,. a freshman in the Newport high school, !lays a Marysville (Pa.) ·dispatch to the Philadelphia North !American. , Assistant Princil'al G. W. Damitz of the Bchoot 'wagered young Soule that the could not solve the problem. midnight one Soule worked night, consuming. two tablet& and four pencils. He received his dollar.
the Date aod t~e Place.. .~
, -
~55=5I III:.==5:I'~JI:
....... .,. Announcing the arrival fro111 N w Yor~ of est and 'most fetching creations in Trimmed Hats for Women and Children. d
Thursday, September 9 Friday, September 10 Saturday. September I, I
. ..
37 Green Street
----.-- ..
E ata\o of
Dillman doceuod.
Notice ·19 hereby glveo ~ha~ MUOIO J. baa been dul y app- .lotod and 'Iuaune<! Ill! mhllltl'lltor 01 illo Estate 01 Oland ' BUlman, It.te of WD/::n Co un~T, OhIo . ' . . Datod t lla 2nd day .ZDr.8~"j.~HlfJ~N JIl!1.., of 'P robate Coun. 80 ptember Il-B~ . Warrell County. Ohlo l
.' .
Jesse Stanley, who has just graduated from the Jones Auctioneering dehool at ChiC8i{o, ,is flome and ill ready for sale dates. It wOl,lld i1e well to see him, as he bas sOl'Jle ideas in the auction~ng line. · call ·hlm. 146 mutual phone, New Burlington, Ohio.
pi.arrhoea. ' - ThIs disease should be treated
Satllfy Him. To tbe young IDIlP who aat tlmldl, Teacher--Ethel, can yon tell me In -a corner tellhl! a bandsome YOllo, where moat of the match. are madeP woinan 15 l~t!et uway that be would 'IN.L_1 I' b I croaa the world tor ber, abe coyly...... ~~ m not I1I1'W, ,ut 'gueaa that sbe'd t<1Lt!sf1l1Cl U he almp!J 0ermaDJ, SwecJm---9!-heaftD. prouecl tJa. _ . hallie ca. ~w1tbo11.tH.
_ .~.
&Ii the- lirst UDnatural looaen08ll of the -bowels appelU'll. WheD thlB Is doDe a !ljngledoeeof Chamberlain', COUC, Chol. era ana Diarrhoea BemedJ wtD efr.aot al 1IUl'8 • . 'l:bIa remecJ.y CBD always be deeven ID theDlOlltll8Y8reand/ cuee, and lIhoalcl be Jrept at neMIy for bultaDt 11118, Jfenr fell,.
J.....;.j .'
Her - Own SUllne ... The chnrmlng young woman who expected to be marrled soon. went 'te tbe reglBlrnUon book tOr the tirst time. Tho mlln In .c harge , a~lled: . "With' what party do you ell:peet to ar,'Tell the Advertiser ' you Read Ihc' 'Ad lu_ the Miami Oa.zeUe be amlin led?" "That's none of your owned by, Paul. Wysong, of Spring business," , she replied. , "It I have to Valley, who has done soml' good so there." work this summer on the, turf. will ter, tilll his nome I'm not galng to · ~o to Tol~o this wel.'k . The ,how· ---'mg of thtS horse at. Colu'Ylbl;lB last week ,:"BB very dlsapPolDtmg to Ambiguous. many frlem!! . On acco,,!nt of a ear!! hand Farquahr, who tramed the aniArtist (showing Intest plc tllre~...,."My mal, was unable to drive. and Bert Blair essaYlld to drive him, but with ~~~~~~8 w~~ l~a~r. tOF~~~~~~'I~lb!!: serious resulIR. ,It is hoped by many never see~ anytblng a;rIore. horrtble."~ friends heTte that Paul will pull down .Doston TranscrIpt. • a handsome~ piece of money at Toledo, as Pittsburlrh's trainer will be behind --~ him. .Notice of Appoint~elit. ...- --
_ Mrs, Nancy Knee, an aged Spring Valley lady. died at her home there Thursday Ilveninl{ , ufter a long ill. ness. resulting ff,p m paraly is. Mrs. St. Augustine's Church Knee liveu in Mt. Holly for many years, but has been living in. Spri~g Ther.} will be services at St. AugValley for sOlne tirne. She was the mother of 1l chilkren , Mrs Anna ustinE-'s Church every two weeks on Dakin, of Waynesville, and Mrs. Tuesday. The Ia.qt service was held June Marl~tt, of near Mt. Holly,be· Tuesday, August 31st. sides Mveral other sisters and broth· ers survive her . The funeral was St. Mary's Church held at her late home Sunday after· noon. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity September 12. Sunday School at 9:30 ,&Ira, Phoebe Levering, of Wash· a. m. Morning Prayer and ' sermon ingtOli. D, C" died Monday at the at 10:30. 'l'he public cordially in· home of her daughter in Ashley, vited to these services, Obio. The funeral service was held Tuesday at 2:30. Burial will he at Wasbington Thursday. , Christian Church 'Mrs; Levteri ng was a cousin of the Cartwrights. Sunday, September 12. Bible ~----~.------School at 9:30 a. m , Communion and sermon at .10:80. Christian En· deavor at 7:00 p : m. and 'sermon at 7:30. Everybody invitt'd.
One of the 'm ost enjoyable ~nd in every way up) ifting ex,periences that haS ever come to the editor of the Reporter was the 'ten days he recently spent at Waynesville. The lectur.ersin the summer school-three mt'll and one woman- were persona of excepti()nally 'hlgh mental and spiritual qualities, 't he kind who lift ANTI8TRENUOU8, . to a hIgher plane all who come in contact witb them. And tbls was A.8kitt-I say; old man, ' how did, t'1le of the student body too. :r~e y,ou happen to marry a widow?' tbanp that came to U8 there WlII Eaayun-weu, you ' see, I did my )onlr re~ai!l. They stru,r.~ too deep .._'+l.~ft _,~_ . . to· pB811 qu,,~k)y.-New Vienna, Recourting as I d 0 eV"'J~g ~ porter, . , along the line of least resistance. - - - - . - ••- - -
SOME -VERY FINE RAGE IN TOLEDO , tbe famous trotter of LUSCIOUS FRUIT thePittsburg:h' Farquhar stobll!s of Xenia. and . We are indebted to D. W. Meeks for peaches, the like we have never eeen raised in Wkynesville. One of them will almost make a meal for .two or three people, and they were eertainly fine Thanks Docl _____ ' _• ._ . ' '
An expert from the faclory will be w ilh o lle week. . We cordially invit you to call
al OLlr store to see the range demouslraled and this fine ~et of high-grade aluminum 'ooking ware that will h given FREE with each SOUTH BEN.D . .MALLEABL~ RAN G E sold during the week of ollr big r~nge exhibit only.
and good cheer. She has helped many people In .many ways.
Newer If Not aetter.
Mrs. W. J . Irvin died at her home in Ravenswood, Chic.ago, last Thurs· day. The funeral was held at her late residence 4443 Ashland Ave. [:J Fridayafternoun . Mr. Irvin and his son, Arba, took tbe remains Friday night to Cincinnati where the inLer· ment was made Satu rday in pring G rove Cemetery. Mrs: Irvin was known to many of the older people of Waynesville as ' she frequently visiled here in daYII gone by at the home of Mr , Irvin's sister. Mrs, T, T. Dodl\On. Mr. Jrvin ~ is a native of this place, WBB rai~d and schooled here and . has the sym· patby of a IlarKo circle of his boyhood . friends. M'r/l. IrvIn was l'rominent in the Chri!lti~n Science Church in Chicago, having bt!lIn one .of itll III <'Brliest members. ' She was a prac-
WILt PLAY ~~~~~rair ~~~~if~a:s ~~~:a~n~t~~~ BALL SATURDAY and traoroinary mind character.endowments radiant with of sunllhine
"Can't you ulle a lelia hackneyed ell:' preasloD than 'He hiked for the tall and uncut Umber!' .. asked the edllor. "Well," said the young reponer. ... SPECIAL TRAIN Lv,; Waynesville mJgbt say. 'He beat It to the torest reThe regular meeting of the Exlervel. where the weeping wUlow. ecutivP. Committee of the County 8.25 •• m. bave DevOl' had theIr ' eyegl8811el hr panloul&N OODIIIIl& 8. B , Kelly Sunday ' School Alleociation will be tI1mmed.· .. TIcI[. . . . . '. WAYNESVILLE held in Mr. Jameson', office, LeJ>arion. Saturday, September 11th, at 2 p. m, All County officers Township presidents should be and present if poBIIlble. Gertrude A. Dilley, Aal!lstant Secretary
'The co unl v bUf rd o! cl cd hao their banlhd'ull ~lpl\lhi\', when thoy met in LdJanon, for thtofe w r£' lots or pe(itivll senl in t lIlt'm fllr the coming munidpal de ·!iUll. SI)me of th I> tiliol1l1 from Wllyne TownRhip S IV re St'n t in lute, but were able t o ~ gctu nlhe \"'111'(1. lIf'v\! l'li1el 'gs. The I pctilitJtl>! hlllid·r! h \\' I'r' given u h y John 'lI mllliIlK~ . clcrk of lh banI, and [Ire us fol lull'~ : I
Illpe_lt perfeotly clOlln, RolIn six to el«lll yards In length lire mOB ~ oon·
dinner, Mr. nnd
JUST A FEW ITEMS Embroideries: Pillow Case9 Dark aDd Light Dresser Scarffs . Doilies 1. 5. 10c Table 'Covers Pillow Tops Corset Covers Neck 'fies Next Door to Guette Off~
Candies: ' ' Toasted Marshmallows.. lOe Raisin Frappe •. : ••••• , lOe' . P~nut li'rap~."., ••• - tOe May Cherries •. .' .••... , JOe Fudge ...•..•.•... , •• , / lOe Peppermint lJalls:. , . ..• llle
Cream CODeII ........... lOa
Salted Peanuts., •.• ,... lOe
. . ...._.
-FD1UU1A I utr H. FIIDD- The: _ lU\I\
Maguiae Mao WaJDaViDe, Ohio
-----IJ!!II~---~---- ~.-_
Sixty.' eventh Year
.... . -
Whok N timber 3 35
ATTENDANCE ' jSpecial Services to be Held at the Friends Whi te ' 'Brick HORSE RANGERS _~eling Hou se
By·th e late -Ol!n R. AnderlOll Whu Rc.:all~d , j "'clitoric's " . of W nyne.ville D,.es IiIlV one rcnicmb er old Cal" S8Il(:rlh wuite. Josh'l! Daddy snd old 'U illy" Creame r r "~illy' used to "lea up "und rdurnin g home. ~ouht Cldl his HOII, - "Alulerlloll! Ander~n! Go down in lhe medJllr, and soo il that big vite Btone is a hog, ond if It 1s, drive 1m out" Old Mason Bor. .den lived 011 Water street. And the Crooms ' family lived nearly on the -corner of Main and Water street. Sam Me " une lived, wheD first mar. ..led. inththe house . But terwor nON liveswh"re . . 'rhe Saml two 'Docwr :5mizer s liver! where Mrs. Mathew'f lives. and right in thatlitt leoid !line/' they. in connection with Doctor J lU R0 bb • co 11 bo .... a rated th e ce Ie b ra t ed "I<obbe Linime nt," and put it on th~ market thruugh out lhe surroun dinp
Ninr innings of blowing a nn gr·ll nl . iog. nllll r,lll nf grumhl ingR nb II I hmv they wou ld fUl.'l Suntlny morn· ing. th o ball ga me hetween M II ll.~ic and Wuyn e Township WtiS Jllayed al Phillips' Park Sutu rday aflnrnoun The Ma.!I.~ie TOIVn!!h ips were cup· Lai ne,l by Ben Hawke IIIIU the WII.l' nc 1'OIvnships by John lJawkc. Thc' sharp beaks of both captains n( ver lost a point in thl.' ~alTl~ . al t h ') u~h they lost oearly all 111' llll' hil lis , C!-pecially the on ::i that ough t tu hnve heen caught. Th,:r ' were n() (1 I er· rors on either sIde. and the gam!' wnR rull of m ont, >lpedall y lus t by those whll playetl , The game ~tarted olr in greal slyle. Warre n Kevs pitchirtg for the Waynes. eight men facing him in th · first imling . Chas , Winfield. who pitched fo r the Mnssi()8 had only flv· men to contend with tho rat half . ELIZAB~TH LLOY I) AND ANNA n. GRISC OM and he diRposed of them infi short order. The line-up for the two teams Of Philad elphia , Pa., who were among the specia l as foll ows: tions a t our Summ er School , wereMassill Wny ne ' will hold specia l servic es at the Friend s Whit. Brick attrac Meetin g Hou ' ro , S;'x"t11 ] ~y E'veol'llg J S' E. Or",d'O rIT. c '-... at 7: 30 o' clock. _ Every body cordia lly invitu.1 to thes . ervicc d. S~ve~~~d.lb C. WI' nfield , p W. O. Raper hWl bis . fine flock of "IV ' HKt'Y,~, 1'." . Silver Campin esafthe fair this week ,E.. Cook Il W IW. Ben Ha~kt'J 8.'1 , 3b:c. u Th '11 b d bt f h' b' Roy Weeks. 2b E' C k f H B' If W. ~rn'efl . rl
'hans and Rhode leland Rede. L. C. St. Juhn has hit famous Black Mi. W I hit f norcas an d W. .' v. ec a 0 0 White Rocks, Mrs. Laura Sides has a pen or two of her celebrated Rhode -IBland Reds, Mrs. E . 9. BallnllJ (J kif too a coup e 0 pens. f rom her f a· Plymou ill noth Hocks. doubt that Wayne T'OWlnahID ' 1 1 b . ) t f bl WI forI'Jng a is 0 no 0 place, ue there' county where there are 10 fine chickens br~ U right.
A F.H~ A Y
, The Hchools he re lltarted in good shlt'llc last week The ncw tesch"rl! employed for this year hAve hlken hold of lhe'work ill earnC!lt nnel cv. cry thing is moving IIlong nicely The rooms are cumfortllbly filled, and there was a larger registra tion at the beginninll' of Ihis week than there hus 'been for several years l'he hillh school i6 crow.led. 76 pupils being en rolled . . The grades enroll . ment is us followa: Eighth grllue- Ia; 8t!venlh grad " - 12; sixth graue- 15; firth grllrle15; (nul th grade- II; third grlllletl; second trrade- l:l; and the firllt I(rade 17. 1'lJere is . alHO a Cull enrollm ent in the normal school, many coming from all parts ot lho coun ty. _ _ ,_ __ ..._ _ _
~~1~~'fi~~~adi~;.~~~::f~~~~ ~~~~~~IE:~~it#eijk:~~ -,-PERSONAL-MENTION.•it
Waynesville. ' . My father, Dr Wm B. Anderson, for many years, manufa ctured hill . N . ' •. Gastrlc eutra,.Izor, .. amI sent It in "ligon and car·load lot to No. 87 Milln jltroot Cincinnati, Ohio. Onto ,crr the film, Goo. Hunnewell, otTered me at. one lime 1500, if I would w.rlte out t h e f ormu Ia and lit 1ve it to h1m · I 'knew the formnla as well ad did my •&a'ther. btl ' to u was und er llroml8e no~ tell.' So I didn't get the five ' l)undre d Hunnewell couh~ ' oul and I confeu .tbat ,t did lauk tempt· .i nr, but. I do not. hay, to kick, my. .If for being untrue to a trullt. ., Tried To Buy Hi. Vote
BAll ~
• _
• -
11/\ \ 'TO
fORMERl Y LIVED HERE At Last A 'collnts "ir. I rculdcr Is Still 1.I"in~ , b\1 1 Serionsly In jured
Sf\lurday ev cni ng a HhoOlin g atfair took plRr in J)ayton . which ifl o f impurtlUlcc tr, 10,,\1 rr·nd(,l's . a.<; Mr. an, l Mr~. Krenl l!!r )j \·c.1 here for a time, anrl m\lvc<! tIl Dllyt(,n Uh Ol.ll twelve YCllTH nl- o. Mr . Kreakle r had a store in th prescnt poatoffice bui\!ling, lind both of th III made m!lny friends whi le here. inc\! he moved Day· ton he hllR been employed as to a t rav· elinll salesma n. The Dayton paper says the alfair: Latofe Saturda y evening . Kreakl r rhn from his house and cried : "She sbo me thruugb th e heart ." Hn wall has tened to St. EIi7.abe th hOllpilal whcre he is hovering between Ii f'0 and dll8 th . His wife. Anneppe, thc oill y olher )Jcr~on believed to have
ER'S GLUB -, -PERSONA-l-_M_-E_-N'T-_'IO_-N_-l-l~~~~i~~:§b q:~~:u~1i~~!:.~~ ~~:I~~~ITq~g~H~: i:E~:~~::n~~~~
maintai ns that ){ rankler . or It third 0 - - - .•. - Warren Keys lo! t his elll8ticit ya f. party fired the shot, , te th thOd " REGUL A" MONTHLY d Ed E. V. Barnha rt was in Cincinnati HELD C k Alter a day spen t in in vestigation r e Ir mnmg an ~ " (10 J . W. White WliS a business visitor started Tuesday. to roll twi8tllrs and fortu· of the Kreakle r homicide mystery , SESSION WE:DNESDA Y in Dayton Thursda y. . nately lasted until the game c1o~e'~. police arc still further to beWinfield lasted the full nine irimngs , lieve the story of l beinclined shooling, aq Wm, Thorpe , of Dayton, was in d 't hed d 1'1 ' told lJu t Mr. he husband and Mrs. . Charles Barton KreakKelly were an PI c a gOI) game. tOwn Tueeday, Ie rest ler. Abullet imb ~ded in the wall in Columb us Saturda y. of theduring playersthewere fullbut of haled enthusito was found by the po I'Ice S d a8m gs me, un ay, R. G. Cross was a Clnc'I'nnall II'~ k ed thelr . d I which was so fixed Il$ to further cor· viaBee a bmanage a ImOC Mrs. Frank Snook visited with reI· ways wUY. an roud a · roborat e the IIUSI d' ltor Jut Friday. d w get out ofthe th lan Btol1Y, a t ---ativesi n Mason IRat week. it it happened to come too swift. an~ tJis ''1if ; AnnepI 'eKreaksler, shotblm . some of "them" faTmers knoe 'el) J. E ,' Janney and family ' ",ere Were Read-t \eeUng Was Held Mrs. Krealder sbjll stjoks, to ber at Mr. and Mrs. Myel' HYman and some "gosh·d Dayton vl.iton Saturda y. erne<\" hard ol}cs. too. s tory that,Kr eukler eithsr shot him· ' , Home of the Swains near daught er spent Friday In Cincinnati. The game'ended in favor of Mas~ie, Kelf or the deed was done by Rid III , . a third , althoug h Wayne has not yet finished party. All efforts of t he polic, gev e M [..... . e to . . '. The crowd was exceedingly large. shake Curtie Thompson. of Loveland WI! her story of the Ahootin g and , rs. u .. Stokes IS qUI~e 111. Ilt. the <there being three real heavy-weights to visiting frienda here' last week. draw a · John E. 'J.'aylor ran the teleilrBPt! confeasi on from he,r have home of her daught er 10 Wtlmm g. on the gl'ounds), bu t all who ~aw the been' withou t avnil. At the pleasan t 'c ountry home of ton. mill and bad a flour Bnll feed slore. game thorcrug hly enjoyed " · IOcllte it, dontlle alleyon North. atreet, Word from St. Elizabe th Hoepital Cbas. Cornell apent the s.week.end M l'red with Port William relative Wlow wbere the pal'l'Klnage Btanda. r. an d MAi rs. The BCO b I 'n Swain near f 0 \I is to the effect that Kreakle r is lyino; re y ~nl gswasa s O\~a: Ridgeville. the ·Wayne Township atdeath Jamee Lloyd- guess he married IItl '!j door. and little hope ia All roads will lead w Lebanon thi8 1 2 3 " 5 6 7 B9 held 'for his recovery . He is still Fllrmer 's club h,eld its meeting di~:tio~d many are golnll; 'aunl of Walter Kilbon· .. -wi~ a fil'lll in that Massie ...........2 6 0 6 ii 0 0 1 -1 - 24 e0l1dciou8 and able to Dr. A. T. Wright and !!on Alfred Septem ber 8, 1915. The day repeat that derk or salesman. Then JOI. J was a Owen llurnet, while going up the were Springb oro visitors Saturda Wayne .... ... ~ .. 3 0 1 5 1 2 ·1 3 O- I\l wjfe shot him as she decende his Y. perfect d the Septem ber day, which the Hrown, now of Indiinap olis, [nd ; below.town laet Wednesday even. - ..-stairs aturday evenin's in their men enjoyed to the f nllest with their vi!t :i't~a~jati'!!es le~~ rog~rU~ thenJoiI. G KfJ8 WhUeJ . J, Brown. iog had a narrow escape. It appean: ~:B Mni. Rebeeca Randall, of Davton, camp chairs on the beautifu home on Meredit h street. Mr. Kresk· was ~1e6man, 1 would drop in for L he strack a rut in the road, l and Grove, Ohio. and his it the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. well < game of cbess, and to write up on4 machin e kept lawn, IeI' admit.l; tile love affai r with Mrs. while the ladies . e n. made for the fence. Thl' White. Kath erine Warne r Coval, of Colum· joyed the social hour before dil)nel' Crandal l, that. had been cveryw hert .leering gear brolre and the machin e bu s, a nd ~tate!l that his wife shot him on the porches and in the large and Bnd IIont! (lvcrythinll;, and according went on through the fence Mr. and Mrs. Ray . of Day· 'and Mias Leah ~mllh, of throug h jlilJlousy. ati. comfor table parlor. At noon a boun· ton, are the guests ofCraig, tu hit! own stateme nts, made lJy JOt started to roll down the hill, ' 'a bout is visiting her parents . MrCincinn Mr. and Mre, and Mrs. titul dinner was served to the thirty. C. B. Bentley this The JlolirE~ wi ll muke another at· IIlld I, who 'kept tab, hll w&!' about 70 or 80 feet, Mr , Burnet week. . grabb~ Gt-orge Smith. 0 , lempt l odl\Y t o shake l he woman 's five club 82S yeanl old, or Wi,Yne8ville'soldesl hold of the mlWhine membe n:lpres ent and a and ....ad ijlory. They are in possession of cer· number of invitEid guests. Mrs. , We,' Joe and I, gOt up some uniqui' with 'it. It turned over tnree t.(l roll Mra. Cynthia Haines, of Bellbrook, times Dr. and Mrs. M. S. Wesl alld tain fac ts whi ch it is believed will ibir,gt in literatu re which were later .... hile I(oinll w.as assisted in serving by her spent the week-en with Mr. nnd the grade. aDli·the children took dinner with Nelson I.'t.olen, but here's oue that WIUl88ved. greal wonderdown aid in drawing-a confcssi orrtram iTer.Mrs. Kearns and Mrs. Way Mrs. Chas. Satterthdwaite. of It all is that ' be wat The regular meeting of t he Wo- Tho po it ion of the bullet and tho ar· and several can call up an inodent . Dotaerioully hurt. While heeldlp togethe r with Mrs. Earl Swain and ed Hamilton Sunday. man's Auxiliary was held at the rIll1gem ent that hBJI""ned at an election, wl)ertMiss Edith Crane , At 2 o'clock the of the room wheTe the h 'I d h home 'of .1 roMrs. D. L. I Cr . I ane "-. presl'dent called the lJ)"et'!'ng to order, I wil. severa cutRan bruises, not inll Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, at residence aft rnoon, Septem ber 10. on l"riday shootin g occune<l support s the h.us. I was ul)llIg nly eve uo::l1 t'ft .u e ecl will result.' aa he is able to be . " ban,d'lI story. according to the police. G. W. Woolley, of Columbus, whell the fol1oW!nlr progr.am T. Peterso n, ' Main St., Tues· Joe O'Neall to Lhe office of probatl: "" was of dayL.and Friday mornings. ...,uv •• "u somewh~t lame' . Mrs. J . F. Cadwallader opened t he - - - - .- ••- - judge. The day before eleetion'I'I~:~~qt~::~ was ;. pret, ty vet visited hi. inother , Mrs. Louisa rendere d. EssaYist, Dr. (.;Iaggett, meeting by reading Psalm L Rev, badly Woolley, laat Friday: , Mome one in Lebanon asked' John W ' who chose 'for his subject "The His· ' tory of tbe Short·ho,rn breed ." Thill F. Cad",al lader conducted the de· Keys, "Bow are yOlJ cOl'l;linlrP" " Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson and J. votlonlll eXllrcise • -: ••- - s and crip lIrlll Mrs. G. L Kincaid, of sardini a, was an interest ing paper and right, everybody Is lor me but was daughte ~s .and Mr~ .. R. A. Croas Quotati OhlQ, IS the guest of her brother s, dilcuased at some length by Mr. were Wllmmgton vISitors Sunday. roll call.ons were given in respons e to A.t1del'llOn..~md Icanbu ybim(o rafew R. ' A. and R. G. CrOBB. trilqbile sl' "few day's afterwa rd Oglesbee and Mr. Cartwr ight ,lind the t ransaction of others. The special topic "Shall we 8S I was;n !lebanon for hewl!', •and ran MrB , Isabel' Neely and Mr and th~After following program was r busin ·ndered : un Blnllnat WarWick. , a Democr at lOW.wheat early or laie?" dis· ' Mrs. J . W. Mr. Ne.ely, and of Mrs. LilI\a, C. M. are the r and J\d t'b; lirat tbltlg he ,uid,wu , '!Dld edt f M d MAS The Lepers of Palo ceo lEl~E· daught er and , Mrs. J.Robitze Ii. Marlatt ~:~~ ~aa '~:npal.tICIPateO Judael{eYR offer you any trilobite!! guests 0 r. an . rs. . toops. , wer!! A Christian King in Af rica. in Wilmin gton' Sunday ·after· aeveral ,-tbegen eral for , your sup~rt·t.. "Not an)'~" thnnul, t To m HP.BS. who lives on Route 1. noon. .......... .... ... . . .. ... .. .... .. Mrs. Whit .ys I. "Well. ' he aald he could buy b"lng from the 28th of Sel)telnbl~r For Sale- Brood marRag ood work ' A Friend of the nor lh 0 ( ' Waynes ville. sold his farrn Country Folk, the 5th of Octobe ~ r. . A d· ... th er, 9 yea,r s old. Inquire of W. H: i M ' N ' tiL C . h • you I or.a aew, an .~roo.. e I00k .... ......... .... .. ... ...Mrs. Henderson 1000t week to Froo l. . Russell, of Leb· so 188 e t e . urhs as return"-.l Madden, Waynesville or Corwin, 0 " ture of the club was things, he jUst ml~(rit:' ' The .con~iuer ati on was better • ' Sailurda At ,,'lhome the close of the' progrum lhe nnon. after s~ndlng the 'summe r Flora Robert SinaUINed on Main street, . day at than 10,000 , lind was made thtough with ,her uncle and aunt U' In Chilli. meeting , .10ff · b '. aboll! where Miller, the biaeksmith, d The Junior Order Lodll;e will have coth.e. mteu ' . erlng oxes were opene . W. N. !:)cars. , lived. Dave,£b erly, who had a ,ton of the nnlV\,.t,. .n; their regular meeting Saturda y After adjourn ment a ple~ant 'has. ' ol'boya, hved OIl or, neal' the equa,. or . sold his evening All membe rs are urged w soaial hour 'was enjoyed . come. - -- ... --'••- -Tben there wBf!a c!lUllle ofGarl.ers~ _ _ +l!!I!lL--!pJ'9J!E.P.--.-J~~~~LLt1;-::¥~---,.-----;;;-:-:.:=--:~ . Kate .~~--dr~ma\ers. ·, . asters; Ray Mills is driving a new Saxon : ' , An 'Eccent rlc, Quaker ters; M Foul" purchas ed through J. B. Chap· , dahlias, mClrniing·bride man, tlie genial Wayne Township Mrs. Silver. Ulilllllitl; deoree agent. " mixed bouqGet; "'rii!·nrill Whitt> mixed bouque t and some others Mrs. JetT Smith, Mrs: Julia Bergm whose names I failed to get. ,The secretar y WI\lS instruc ted to and Mrs Mary Ann Wise spent the send a letter of sympat hy to MI;'. and day last Thursd ay with Mn. James We are under obligntions to B on. Mrs. Elbon, on accoun t of the Illness Prender gast. S. D. [i'ess for a copy of the report of Mrs. Elbon. The, invited guests iasued by the Departm ent of Agri · of Mr. and' Mrs. Swain were Dr, and The old Rtory of Il traction line Miss Anna Carstensen left for her culture , of the Reconn oi s.~n ce Soil connect ing Xenia Mrs. Way, of Cincinnati, Mrs. Lou home in Cleveland Tuesday JameHtown, evening Survey of Ohio. It is a splendidly Washinglon C. H. with Keams, of Dayton. and Mrs. Earl after a pleasan t visit with lind Wilmington. Mr. and gotten up report and treat!! ot the Swain, Mi88e8 Mary Parlett will , be Adda Mrs. L. A. ~immerman . brough t uFl again by the Mrs.' A. E. Wooten and family diffelen t soils of the state. Dayton, Springfield and Xenia Trac_ left.Tuesday to join her husband and Graham and Bertha Earnha rt. tion CO'.. who wiil operate the road, ..... In Kaneaa, where Mr. Wooten Mrs. Myel' Hyman and daughte r, providi ng it can be '[nanced . ' . ' has ,charge 'of a M. E. church. ' ,_ It is high time that some one Mrs. L. A. Zimmer and daugh· ter ana Mias Anna man Carstenaen were to bring up the qu~tion again of Davton visitors Tuesday. ' ' n conn ectillg ' link from Xenia G. 6. will through Wayncsv illQ to Lebanon. Conference of the M. . isn't it1.:.--~ to behelda tSarato gBSprl ugs, TU ,19~6. , I~I , Lebanon, were the Sunday guests of . ' , . " . Mr. and Mrs. W. ·S. Graham . '. Mn. Geo~e. English and daughte r, . ' - - - -. '..' ,.' , , " After being married for many of Badaxe. Mich •• eQroute ,.Aaron B. CblUldh!r :was stricken ' Elmer E: Keever. who was 'dellci~qDI! t~'f~,.hQlen~ I.Can:lllna . .topped off here forto aSout,h hurt In years, Mr and Mrs. Omar Lewis day 8 WIth paralys lslrfohd uy afterno on and Florida by helpini friends land a big took ~heir honeym ......n,'a.1It her, alater, Mrs. A. I,l. grave tears are, enterta inoo tor 'his flsh tri~ la~t Sun· last spring, arrived nome last day'" and went oon week:. to .cuba. Clinton . , He has not been well for week. He is a'lI;reat deal better, and COunty ,, , where they spent the day • ' w~, but "continu ed to.do Is able to get around, but, .\ we'are with relative s. They w~re Bccom· Orlan Thompjlon, who has beell w9rk until !astFr ld,BY , when,h e sorry to say, Is not h.imself yet.,' panled by Mr.~. B. LeWIS and M!'5. ,. The W. C. T . U. will meet with. ~n~~:}!~1 working at LYtle left TbuJ1lliay for ~u forced" to !lIve up, . , Mrs. D. H. Palmer on Tuesday after; ' , ter Ethan £.eMS. hi. home in Lovelan4. The man~ . -.. ,. noon, Septem ber 21, instead ~f , at Mrs. Rebecca Wolcott, MesSrs. - - -......-~, ....- - --'friendll ot Mr. · Thomll8On will misB the regular time. The topic for·the IABaC Merritt , Wm, Wolcott, Chesoor him, butallwleh.bi~ ~eh.-tofluck. will be Seientific Temper ahce Wolcott and Mr. and Mrs. Chu. , p~::~~~~~~:: " A !ull attenda nce ill a Wolcott, of Miami County, were S. D. Felli, wife and IOn are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S; - -
Warre~f ~~~onat
PARALYSIS s!~·~~tM~II~:~g~~~\heRo~:;!~~~
. -.
w. Co 1. U.
~==:~~ W~It:fi~n~..;'~~ I~
lip'pt'ES'~,:~~ and othe: ~~uves h~" last
d,tiea ~f importance,
will make ilpeecbea,
TAKE. .THEIR SEATS 'CoUDt1TreaaUrer Frank D. Miller, Count.J Record er Josiah Holbrook and Count.J Survey or Roy Miller atartecI thelrte rma of offtcelu tweek. The c:ounty c:ommiaaioner. will, be if)· duot.elUDtoofBceoDSe1J\ember20t.b, &1Ml \be audiWrODOctober 18th.
- ..'----
Masonic Notice Regula r communication ' Waynesville lodie No. • & ~ M., Tueeday ~;:.~ Septem ber 21, 1915. at S Soj,)urnlng bretl1reo and waVII weI ome. J. 0, Qa~=~~ L. A ZI
'1J[Llgf mr
~11~ld:.'~It~; :rll.~:II~hl ~1)Ph:~III~~lut:.~ :~U\.'~:;"'I~ ,tluat he wal.a personal 'U.t·/lV€lry for i "I
'~ P ~.,~~t
.. Big US CClrning I'ul rIlBI," ~"d I'", J,rt1HI· btl Iltl rllllm lind [Jotl .. )' \1 , .,011 .. , , ' V"~&' ! , wl~.lch she .a\,e berMel' lI,rell.~ cr <lit ~ l) I~t Ilf t o\\ I"'d.Cl \ 11IIl')' 1: 1' lnn~d, . h ,w c) u tl",lh will ex 111 bit, Itt X IlI11 The 'PnlllUldcs ~pecl~.1 wll~ not fl larl 1" ~I f~"dl It I\\h ,,0 It 8 flO d IIolld spank '''I 1' 1.. Itrl'dlly . _~NltllUhl'r an, IIIIt! • wIt h oul l\f1~K Sargonl , he d olat d' i t .:' lUll L cr 1<. " I Ill, IC'I"II 111''''01 III blllUI( Ijtlrlth~el l f , bending upon her an ardclIlt gnzG, !lod "Hold <-"1m tI'M of till' slo"k ? " ' ,,'rywbt1fl' b.\' tho, nt/ln y lIj,Cutil "U I Will Relieve Your Indigestion " b(,IIIl'\I'I,,)\, 111101\ her tI ijlrlU .. whIch dl " No. ollly Its Irnnl;I.,',I lttlnn. reo 1111 tlJ"hll{lfetl .. ndft1 rtlllhhUllf ll\\~e F:on~F ~mOln" Illn)'od n nusll or p~rr ot ' bit I' lh, tu~.n,Qd S II:' cnt CO/llIlII, '('fill y. I Wl\~t j.1l"tllu ll l1D In til . wll rld . I'bo 01, It. Ja""a,., 1..) OnU br alhl 8slr thotlght him Ih" tltnc~ ,,11i l). go d deal scattered, I /lllrlllUl) twu fl"lIey Ir llutl h .. tl l ,-~~~~!,!_ !!!",!!..!!!~~!!!!",~_!""!_ =- _ ~!!!,,,!!,,!!!~~_~S!!!,,_ ~~ I . most danl! rously haudStJllIc thtn/! sho I euppose. IWllytl betm tho In.rl(ost tbllot t,rnV(' 11I Family Portrait.. v , n",'" Cfff' ~Tf'R hlld over scen, bill sl... DlI"~" ,1 Ih" "SmoJ.l boldlngs eotlrely, and nono II tHl fllls "(lIl""U tb e JU , n~ 1I ment, TI:er., lti Il brall tl fu l hotue on T.aOM unU l~y forolgn uee lit In him , 'fllnt I\'ullld or th e holtlllrs ,Irouil." r cpllfld Baril' nt. b.1I t V I nd It. 1H'008"n r~' to, odd InlttlY Iltlv mud c hIm compl'lI' I "ll slBt'tll uo ~llIrl<' lind COlli'" 1'lKlll IJII,rl! t'llf ttl th(li r tl'ulIIl! III ortl(' r t,u bland thut tilL' 011'11 ' r " wl ~ t l (I (0 lL·tl~\l YnODF~ " I'm Borry thllt tll l 'III'I~:'Jt' IIIH·('tll l baC'l,. IIU~ tltu blHlIti ICOhl"llI W(II,'L IIlI ,' !'[o vltl l.' { ." I' !I..,,. I(rant qllipllWll t . t or t b o IHlIlIl1l tl'r. 'I'wo l)tlrvctHUi wtth TPrE'IU1UJOOK. . .~ I will be d In)'OO." ~b I'utlll ~ luld hllll, I PIl~t"C(' lu ' ,!IId In Ihlllr u.nullul i ll "(" I \ll rt ·~ " , '1vublv 1"~IlLh rlltlr" u<l Hocra l IIwbhlol.l \h'lIl"IJ~ lhls rt!"ld nc j~r/ON I but sh I mvor oll Iho' dellb rill n" 6~ ' pr xl 9" • (tI1lo! I,V trnu ~ llu r ~th t' btl{ sb ow, l ~ 0 mtghl b lho.m tI Il 8 oe la un chlll !; 111. In , of thu t ll ncls lon with 1111 upwllql nllll i "1'h"" th,' IIIOC'1I 'l "r~ s n 1 1\ (' 1\1 lO be IV'VIII" O\r 1'lIll'loy o\l , t hnre nro .UO In lo 10 'III 8ncla l)', 110 \It )' we nt tu look , ,I!' In (l.u ermllie "'lllen iot~~ y- f sldolong glollce. which 8h" WA S s lllrrleJ ' wurth bu yluf! ." ohll" I'\' ''(\ ,\1116011, with / h"r~n .. , 40 I'lIl llt 'lntl Ilno\ 1\ m e u!\, It OVtlr. UP"'I <!\I t /'lug th boudoir ot pink rnee, 80 gentle of spoecb and to recognl2(' In her~Ellr liS df li tll'f't 1'0, " list nl)pn"~llt IllrtllTpr"ncc, " 11:l' r,l\1 I)r 11 0 ollg to , ~ " O \vo rl el ( "mrul a youllg 1V0ullt n III Ill\) r of lilo fallllly, IV. ' , , "0111)' [ 0 1,1 ,'" ullt n .collnI'Uon , ,, "0 .. 1<4 l uk .. . l'urt in th A grout.. : , th eir O ) 'O B 1'1'11 U)l nJl 11 1)l'\ l\lI tllll l l'oJll' mllvoment. thn.t h r vis ible ~olf aud Quer ry, her Inolslve mind seemed lo be two " 1 hnv n prior rlnfm." Intl"h(,ll All t. ' chU"klml ~;lI rf':M I. " I Jlun L l.t.1I0 .... you ol rODIl prulC fIl u , t hi s worlll hil S o\'\ r UOll ltll nil tllf' wall , T hO')' "Iso (lb· n I II I lID 1wn Teo Many ,Men. l erv d n Ocntri<;c. On o ot the l1n rlY "A consol nce mUBt b n nulRonco dllT r nl cronturos, I eon . stolll/lul! up nnd lokfn~ lI!'r UI' rh e w ro tlltl'rcHtrd II rn ro:." s, [ • "'VI . " . , •~ . " " I WOSIl '! a w ,·k 111;0," IIn<l AI1J60u A. tlttlng In tr oductton to tbe woo Bal[l. " W ' 11 . 'It WI) ct. Illite Iho jlO\l ~o. to a rector," e)'mpnthlllOd Oull SUI'- cl I), ore ~eu BO bitter ngnlnst tb nrm, II B m) IUTn to guide dls8 :surI k tl -Inl'ftll p"rfOI'IU"rI OO tills '·O'l.r l~ tIl" h 1" d hi t l bl d I t I lo d " look N I OU t n('ro ... ~ CI t.A s tul'ry ~ y ( 0 10 • v ~ .J t .... 111 you III a SIl r01UO \'e til f ... mlly sent, as she walked Ull tbe hlll besldo lu rc , utI a one \\O S rou e. geni on t t6 wo·pnS6c ug r ~.., , I trc('-~Cn llllp(' d hills. " With lh n coml'l.,. preeuDtl1t10n of the new , IlJ lt~,nlfloont Ilorlrnlu. ?" -JII/I"Q, Rev. Smltb Boyd. OQl 8 0 ,ntl h nllou t what she hnd sold. Th ere was 1I0mclhllll' n " about AI· lid I r N Y k' U otooullir lJU gOlI.nl • LIlllll R ookb " ' t or S11ft d lh e but ni)ollt. her. IIson 11loo lgll!.It There WflS 1110 thrill ' tlUII of til!' 'l·tI IlKIl ft l (I n" I' ('Ill' 1°, rlliK III '''llloh Ilo"rl" lOOO" Oh. r llcl·~v rS t IIk"OJ Tho t all young roc IC I f II I I I I lrn n"Jll1rln 1 LOll $\'~h ' l/l . UlII \ It, II (. .. ,. J thto raj ot lh 81 d \ 0 !rls oth r hnnd, " llIldll I kuow I was." tiho con fessed. U11 ... l eel " nt Oil ~ you I U 1 ~ In lOr 11 blll- I' :utl'lll ,lIlI lll)lI, I IhOI/t; hl pu rt. Ev t' r youo I.. "dvl~oLl to !;lot lin "mplgrums aro l 119UIIII )' 1Il0r\) cl vur C IIrern d ahoul It borsult, " All ut vole .'. nud t\l'~ llt)' ) " ill'S sel'm ·r! . I, I \~/I" Ihl'ou h, It s(' '/ltl' d u bl~ IIrhll'I'(\. c ur ly " turt In o rdl r to 1)0 thurt! In D~. J. W. MILLER . thao , Lru'e." he IlnnllY r 811Onded, wltll OIlC'O I seem to look 011 It os ao old hnv e been druPllOd from hl s8go, Ther melll tlll'n lf."r IIl1lll """ Iin,18 to (I corn- ti'ltll ror the pllruue wbloh lIt.urts a twinkle In. hili ey 8. It hud lIee n In shoe whh,b should be ClIl!t Ilslde. W/U! an Intens lt)' about him, 100, alld t I'k I IIII II I n "r olll"tlv u t 1011 m Ilnd whloh Is ,. d Itt I d I l o a ' nr o ))rICtorltko comlHllsion JIlUJI .'e ll (' I', 1 0 III ng I,"m 11 .1 )' .t' ........ • " hIs . mind to shurilly defend that Is so e InuO~8l(l 10 0 8 0 . 10 goo n I a 8 . . , ' I ha nd ; tu cO II\'e rll" fOllr millions or II ltl ~ l,o hp ~e I1nythin lct of it s kind ... DENTIST... eha r 8e, but be rotlected that It wus th o wo rl d. ,Moroltt)' Is on tb ~ In· , which d e c ld ~d Gn ll ·on n corwlu till ~ r' , co It' to olla o.\nl to hnntll e lbt'm twe r befon' attempted In Lbe history IP • (If clrclls bu In 088 unwise to a88ume the 81,eech worth crens o, n8 any page ot btslor), wil l aloo a ll had elll r lalned, Sho \\ as I p I I~ Omce'ln iIIe, 0 lIorlous conaldorntlon. 1\10reover, he shoW" oppressed with mpo tOlllght. T he W I tout Cl1nrtl Hon, nnd tn rl'dls trlbu lll "
0 .
' n! l<\IL J<f.l1... V
L , "" "If' llllU51wrD 0/: CD·
II I rfff"",",[n UIW 1. 1-<-: , T"'T -
'= ..
.Dyspeps,-a "Tablets
A. MAFFIT funeral Dil?etor
Hnd g ml,alm ... r,
Waynesville, Ohio. GIIIl a ll~ wcred IJfcnllplly day o~ Ilhcht HuLh )lhou s in 0 trice lind lletlldenc , l o ng ditl lu.nce. No. 14; lloma phollt! I ·2r (,huira and nne Gonch furnished fr wi Ih fUIICl'Hls . HI'~ 1. (If " 'I"vicl'l v. lI uran ~ ed.
All l\ Inlls of
IOSURR,n eE A. B. Chandler Suoc...-ssor to
I .,
It :
~I. n.)
UIDk 6 1dll.
Over PDstUtfl" t, Waynesville. 0, il" UEt Pboll~ f1 Office Phon~ 77
J . . A. McCoy,
bad orne to this tobogga.n pnrt)' fo r "I bello,'o thol 10 bo rrue," b e IIR8t· worl d Wll8 full of Ih m , and rh ey had thl'\II ulolll: th e slImo II Ill'!!. looked li ke - • Veterlnarv bOl\lthtul DhYlllcal oxerctee l Ill' 811sured hor. g lad! be obi 10 closed t09 nonrly IlTnund her. n. 1If("~ worll: but n~~" I'm lJ('glnnlng '''Tben you're guilty of I\n plgram," , ngroo \\'Ub he r upon 80melhtnA', Sudd enly aho broke nwey with a to ,~ccome 1l1ll,~tt,I Otls. Graduate of Ollio Senl . lJnlvcnl' " 1 htl ve ~r itlll lUost all of t h e retorted GaJI, "Who "'as annoyed with "BU I It Is In spite of th e cburcb. lall8h, aod, taking the two'passenger "y Oh . J '8e~. dgrllll1 ed .Tiro Sargent. Rev. Smith Boyd without Quite know· 001 beonuso of It," sbo ImmedIate ly sled f rom Smith Boyd, who stili s lood 0\\ want a 0 somolhl ng you elLn rougb ouret! uDd Illld thn t. tbere I,; Ins Why. , "You can't believe all you udd e(l, ",,"ou can't 8ay thnt ib ore ts In prooccupaUou ut the edge or th e r oally ca ll a jl1b, lt 1 r m.. mbcr right· tiona tho.t l'llutl.l ChalDberllllu 'l! omeo at resid ence in F, U She I' it has never fallell are compelled, 68 a mitllste~" to SOy , " a lrtHuOrlllou8 !/Ioral Inlluouce In a s rou p, ahe pic ked It UI) lind ran with Iy, yO u stlll rle~ w ith an equl)lnlOnt ot Cough Reuledy wood's house. Fourth Slreet, GIVEN QUIOK ReLIEF "That," retllrned RI!\'. Smith Dor d congregation whlcb numbers eight It. and t.br w horself tace forwurd 00 four hors .. ,'f1n H Url tw o mil s o r rusL· to give m e prompF r eilef," writes coldly, l'1s a matte r of interpretation." hund red aod sends less tbM IIfty te It. us sbe had dono whon she WII.S n ed rail. What do you wnnt to conqu er W. V. thrn6r, Montpe lier, ln u Pnln leaves almost Telephone 28 \V b D you ulive " col i glvo tbl8 u. if by !!log ic ",hea. He commended hImself fo r hl8' pa· services: The balnnce show th eir de- kld'dy. Ilnd shot down the hili, to the next?" ou begin us ing "u. Itlenoe, u he proceeded 10 lostruot "otlon to Ch rlstlnnlty by a Quarterly Intense dlsOIIProvll1 of R e\'ore nd Boyd ! Alli son gluDced d.own UtC bill, tben rei llodya trltllllucI lieu for yourself Ohio .... hat 0 8l11e ndld Uledlolne , it Is. Drops." the fnmoll.old Way,nesville. 'thi. mistaken young person, She wos check." Dick Rodle y, ever alert lu bls ehosell bnck out l~crOS9 Ihe s torllt sky , om remcu y for Rhenma· Rev. Smith Boyd felt unfairly hit. Drof 88 1011 , grabb ed a light s teel racer n IV [('f\'cor !iua poss sBed hlrn tonight Ol.lt"iuII.ule eve rywhere . • lova.ble SlrI, In spite ot tbe many tiSm, Lumb'go, C ou, ~. -----thtnp he found In ber of whlcl1 to "That Is the BOrrow of th e ohurch," f rom tbe edge of tbe bank. alld. wl tb a wblcb mn d ~ him 1\ Iloet. nnd loosen d Sc.i ,nica , N e ur al gif\ ~lenpprove. "The eye at t b n ed1 he lIadl), oonfessed; "the lukewarm. magnillcent run. slap pod hlmseJr on his longue which . prev lou8 to this, nil" ki n.lred t.-oublcs. t.h rou"h which the camel was s u\)- lIess of lis toll ow ," the sled and darted In Durs ult ! ThIl could ulmost 'alculllLe Its ull .. rnnc 8 Boys' Stock Judging Contest )1 Iloos r lsht to th o D ere t . II I d he b In perc ntag o. ~POI , slops lhe , chcs polea Dot to be able to pass. was. In She fe lt a trace of compunction foJ' rec or s P cubr Il .!d adreElst t~Il!lce III "Tb e world," he snld, Dnd pail1!l n"d makes re&llt1, a D4L"'ow city gnte called the him ; but why had he gone Inte the one corn er, Ut "" war . A ISOll . \Vednest1BY . olltoUl ber 15\h Is tbe life wor th l iviog. Get THI CItIATIST NeedJe's Eye." mlni8try? looking down the hi ll, grinned, aod lit (1'0 DE ONTr~ ED} -;::-- du y on whl b t he Boys ' t;to ok u bollle of "5-0 r ps" J \ldglng Oont !It will be held at tbe Gall looked &t him with that IIllle "Oan )'OU blame them 1" she de- a cigar. t",IIIY, A book let with emile at the oorners of her red 11118. maDded, 8S mucb aagrleved as If she "Com ing Allison 1" called CunnlngW Rrren oo nnty fair. All the b oys each Nottle givtlS fulJ IN THI WOItLD dir c tl OD6 for U5O. wb o deSire t~ takt! pftr~ Ihoulc1 re. eTelldl down" curved loshes 011 h r hott suffer ed a pereonal dlstrese. ham. "There's room for you bolh, JtJBIlSIfED WEEKLY, $•.00 rEI!. T!4 Don't del"y. Demand po r~ nt tbe seoretary '8 01ll6e prompt. ,chueb, and beneath tbe lashes a The rector flusbed as ' If he had doctor." 1 .)v':~;Jl~~~I\II I\\l "/)..Dro1'!!'" Don 't nco I'IOTIL" DItUCo.m. SPECIALtSTS. Iv at 9 :300.. m ou Ihat day , fbree .parkle brlgbter than th e moonlight been strock, und he turned to Gall " I d?,n't think I'll rlde this trlD. ~ ~;!;;;;:;!!!~!IU cc pt anyth Ing e lse in OOSTUMIlItB, TItANeFlllt, CAL. ll[ tbe boys wbo enter will win OD tho 8now orystnls In the adjolnlng with that cold look. In hiij areen OY88, thanks, r eturned Allleon, aod, as the p lnco at i L A nydrull' AND . . US eEItVICI OAN PItOf"II free trip to Columbus during field. , "That Is too deap a lubJect to dla- rector alilo declined with pleasant IUl'ply ),ou, )f you li ve t QO hI' .V UliMa ITS ADVUTI81NO COl.UMII8 l!'a rme r '8 Week next wln \er with "It leams to me there was some- CUllS here, but If ycu will permit me, thai1ka. Allison gave tbe voyugerS a rn;! SlOre scud On Dollar t o SAMPLE COpy FREF I1U l"XpenS6S pa id, There th ey will .' 1 H 1:.( 1n Rhlluma tic tlru 0 . , Nc \,a.rk . th1ng about wealth In t.hat metapbor," 1 will luke It up with you at tbe he nrty push, and walked back Lo the , . . . . . "I", YOIt. CLIPPIIt '" ~I\' ·" IHl t h , tl lo of ·'5-Drops" \ \r 11 1 be " coei ve Ilpeollli coAoblng In stool!; she ob8eryed, hsl' rollnd eyes flaahlng hOllse," he Quietly returned. and Lhere oamp fire. N_Y_. . . " . 'n , r,r"' fl J h:. ... ..I judging nud t a lle pll rtfnl\ s tate oon· open .. tho smiled up at. him. "If It wall a. dogged com pulsion in hla tone. "I rece lvod the ultimatum of your f Common Pleas Court .h d t es t , The fal r hourd feele thllt ev. ,,"U 10 dUll CU It Ilven In tOle a)'a or "I shllli be biBhly Interested In tbe vestry todny , Doctor Boyd." observed 1n tbll maher of jury commleelou er y one who Is prond of hit! ooontry a rich man to enter the ldnadcm of defense," accepted 0011, with an ago Allison when they wer e alooe, "Still henen, how can a rich churcjl hope ,'gravattDg Imlle. tbnt eventueJ fifty million." Edger Lndlum lind U, W , Uoglosby II b ould help iUllnre a largo turn ont. of boys 80 tha ~ t hey c.-n plok 1\ team to euter the. spirit ~t the .oapel'" There Boomed to be but ver)' little "Well, YIlS," re turned the re lor , a.pp ol nted , ~. $mlth Doyd 81tllr;and almOllt to say after that. and tb~y brlekly, and backed 'Ill> comfol'tnbly te , Donn Fawcett VII Ge rg~ A . w hioh wHI be good enongh to win I'OIIIIhly, drew her U"II, . . a 10118, Ibw 8l1eatl~ up the bUi to&~er tewar4s Lhe , bl?Z(). He well a. dIfferent mRn Davis. Defend ao t gl'&nled &41l' y th e IItate oonttlll\. fhe tllolr buBlid III ' gl vlng 8eve~al floe Plflzelln addl\lon bobIlecl. aooompanied b,. appropriate tbe yellow camp ftre, fUmm. IDw-",l)o now, . 'We ' dlecussed ,y our proposilloll dayft to IP lellEi . t,o tbe free trlpi! . IICI'BUI1I, came Itreaklng down tbe htU, .at eaob other., ' NOIar the (op of the thoroughly, and decided thilt, 'In t ell. • and pueed tbem. TheT both turned btU h I r years the p1'operty worth fifty 111 11 . Cbarl1l8 M, Woodwllrd , admlols. We are offering this "Family Grou p" at 0. ril1tculously low price and followed Its proareSI down the thO the, et,rm nedBcarlth,cab~ lOOtH! at lion t~ you for Ilie purfose you ' bnv~ tr~tur, vs, I!:lmllr ~. Whitlloro . ~d: In e roa an, w er numbed ' mIDtstriltor Verdlot for plaintIff The McCall's is-the best Magazille in the counlry, while H o'me .. ~w S white road, to where It handa, Ihe could not 1.OO&te the little In mind Con~eQuently why take less?" In t he S~Ul' of fLO 33 27 ' anrl -b ls Price of Drug. Fixed. Life and People's Popular Monthly lined away 'n a IU.,.. IlDe far at alaep with which It had bean. held Amson surveyed him shrewdly tor a t ' The Oerman ' gl1vernmllnt hllll for arealso magazines worth. reading , DeIthe boUom or a hill. , HUla and val· "Ma, I help you'" oUered the ~. moment. ' , oos s. " yoaTs Ilxed th o rotalJ prIce ot drugs, sides this you get II McCall )lat t ern Ile)'l, an4 lencaa and tree!J, and even· tor, conlltralntog himself te politeness. "Tbat's the argument of a bllDdlt," W. H , Newp~rt VR M,lInly D. WU· "en to Lhe extent or desillnatlog what and the Mjami . Gazette a t the ex· a d1lItant .etream were covered with "Tbank you." She was extremely he remark ed, "Why ac cellt ull tbat BClU at. BI. MelvB B. WIlson Rranted muat be chn rgod tor bottle, cork, latremely low price • l'the f1eeey manUe, of winter; ,.while ' sweet abeut It, and he reached up to the prIsoner hos wben bls (rle nds can leave to II I amllud~ent to her all · bol or, olutmol\t bOll used 10 dlsue ns lu8 IhllJh D!t)l'bead In a,' sQ of blue, huns a -perform the courtesy. The rounded raise a little lUore?" swer, to th" o ro s.p,tttion of N ormOu the medicIne. 1'he Miami Gazette .. .... . . , . .' . . ,$1 00 1 l~und, ."blte moon, which ftooded the column o.f her neek W81 wblte all "I don't lee the U8e of metaphor," L. Rlohmond , . COIUltrylld~ wIth mellow light, a.nd marble 10 the ' moonllght and III he retorled the rector who dealt profeB' UpUad 8t.ateR F,delltv CO. VII :~============~ McCall's Magazine ......... , . . ,., All for ·liO' .trewlid apon earth'. treeb · ro)Je & BOught tbe eluPlI, bls fI~el'1t: drawn II10nallY In It "Bu~loess Is business ." Board oJf Eduilatlon of. the Village of - - ---One McCall Dress Patt ' nl. . . . . . . . 15 ONLY Iwealth 01 countleaa sparkling lIems. from hlB woollen slovell touched ber Allison grunted, and flle ked bl8 Morrow, Def endant g r!lnt ed tblrty Appral@er~ Waltar MoOlnre, 1', Jeff Home Life . . . .... . ... ,., . ... .. 25 ~ "'ThttI fa a wonderful lIermon," warm. throat, and tiley' tingled. He ashes Into the lire. ri ll Y! to p lead. S mltb and !:Iamuel Bntterwo rth imUAed Gall; then ahe tomed til the started ail If he had received an elec. "By Oeorse. you're right." he agreed, LDOY E, Cr oll et al VB Geor ge il:state of Fronub Collins et ai, m i. !rector. Sbe IIOftsned teward him, 118 trio Ihock. and 81 he looked Inte her "I've been trylog to han dle you like Ur ull e' at. Ou appllo;\tion l.be de nor s. First lI.ooonn~ 8nd final 1\8 ;.~ ~w that he, too, had partakl!n of eY88, a purple:'mlst e,eemed ·to a-ChUl'ch, .bu ..... no\V-l.'m..golng-a~ fendant~..!8 grtlntec1 le:lvo '0 file de. to Frenoh ColliDe tHed by gUllrdhLn, .2 tI!e awe and m-.jelty of this acene. He between tbem, Be mechanically tn. like the buslnes8 organlzatioa you mnrre r , ' with ce rtl\in Ilxoeptlon8 noted, &0. lt004 '.tratsbt and' i&1I, bl8 splendldl, tened tbe 'olasl)8, tbough hla f1u.el'll are." ' ' W. }I' , EU"roth V8 Cbarles W, oonnt Is approved and oonfirmed. J)OIaed ~d throWl:l back, and hIe gaze trembled. "Thank YOU," BIIaln said Rev. Smith Boyd reddened. The I14nn ger , Le~ve g ranted five days "THE GREAT FAMILY GROUP" Real Estate Transfers lreatlng tar o1r wbere the hl! 18 cut Oall, and .he did not notloe that her obarge that Market Square c hurch was to plead. whlel' Clon_.I _ta of thea .. three ;aaaln8t the IIky to ~lad sCallops. voice was unusually low. She went a r emarkably lucrative enterprise was well ..known 'm oglU:in e. - all Mary m, Stier to Muy G. Bow ver Probate Court Proceedln,1 "It fa an tospl~tlon, he' told her, on over \0 the .sroup gathered around becoming too lIeneral for comtorL on.. full yeal·. Value of 90 aores In Salem townllhlp, $1. rn"g"",'n.,. ..lone, 1111.00. with a tene ID ble vibrant- voice .wblch the lire, but Rev, Smith Boyd Btood "Tbe vestry hu given you their deIn re estnte Ruohel A. Lane, de . WllliHm Slyo to Marie 8lye] lX AI_.. nny one McCall ;I!le had, not ,beard before; &nd for that . olslon." he r eturned, standilltf stiff ODd oelued , Ac1mlnllltrator files addl. In Turtlecreek 'ownllhlp $1. P a ttern FREE ,brief tostant these two, between wbom straight, with his bauds clasped beThe Dayton, Lebanon and Cln. theN bad eeemed lOme Instlnotlve hind hIm. "You may pay for the Ved· 'I on 11.1. bond In tl. e s um of 12000, In rlt est ute of William 0111, de olnnatl Railroad nod Terminal Uo. der oourt tenement property a cllsh antaconlllm, were n~r In Bympatby than either had thouilht It possible to sum whloh, In ten years, will accrue oeused , Ella 0 , Dill IIppolnted ad. tp the Clnolnnatl, Lebanon 8& North be. Then Rev. Smith Boyd hapto fifty million dollars or you may ~et mlnilltntrlx, Bond $:1600 illed. ~ po e ru Railwl\y 00. Oontrtlot between ~ed . te remem~r lomethlng. "Tbe It eJone," aod his to~e was as foroe- pralsors George Perrino, ,,"olllloo' E. g rantor and grantee whereby 881d grantor agreed to sell and opnv&y mOJ'll~t;)' or .1mmoral!~ of riches defully crlap a8 Allison's, though b e 8c~tt and .1. C. Wilson . , peruIa upon Itl U1Ie, he sonorously could not bide the muslea.1 timbre . In ro Id.. Havon, TIli 9 OIiSO oom to said Slantee .all .of 1\11 r"l1road, IDg on to be b ea rd nnd 'lie oourt 'branoh , roads, swltohes, rlKhtl of lltated. U be .tepped out Into the road of It. drati;l11II' hIs aled b shlnd him, "I won't pay tbat price. and J won't being' fully adVIsed finds tbat Ido way, equipment, m'l'srlllli and sop· p'ies, anll all tte property whether toU~~~1 ,the noley. loiterIng crowd l let the DNlperty alone," Allison Bnn\)- Htt.ven It! not Inanne. Estat,o of G eorge W . Gll rey, de .real, penonRI or mixed for" oertain with ths ' number two bebsled, "Marped back. "The city needs It." kat Square' churcb, whloh I. the one ' For a moment the two men looked oon~oc1 . In r st, and final account of vo I coble oonsider"~loD, $,100,000, Ennice A, Mhaw, widow e t ai, to eaoh other levelly iii the eyes, There exeoutorll tiled , I l'Q~poae you meant 111 your comparl· aon 'WIth the rich man.' Intends to deseemed to have sprung up some ne w , Eti&lie of R. T . CunnlnghlllU, rul . Rule R tlndRIl et III 0207 a J res In ' vote all tbe melUlll with which a ktod enmity Jietween them. A thick man nor. 1.'blrrl and .fiolll aoooont of O!elllOfElek ,towDllhlr, 'LOO, Pro!ic!ence hal blellled It, to the ,lorY with ,a stubby mustache came puffing guardian Oled or God.up to the fire, and sat down-~led-' lrrTllM!1ltate of Wllbelu'tiDa- l!Colsev, "And the glerlftcatlon of the bllllonwith a thump. ' deoells.ld. Inventory lind RI' lJral8(,. -, "1 Don'l Feel Good" _ aIre vestry," IIbe added, still annoyed "Splendid exercise." he gasped, hold· . nlellt Illed. 'l'bo' ill wba. a 10' of people .IIL with Rev. Smith BOyd, though ehe did Ing his sides. "[ think about a week of In r E' esta te of J IlIUOS 8 Hllm\ltol! UawWyt.beirbowellonlyi:Iee(JcIeanIin" not know why. It would ·elther reduco me te a IIvlog deoeaBlad, Al1}Jolb t lD en t of H enry Acaln Rev. Smith Boyd drew her skeleton, or kill me," C. £:Itlm\ltl)n 118 Ildruinl atta t or filM jt~.,~ out of the road. almost unle ntly, and II "Your vestry'g an aBs," Allison took lind rtloord lld. will do tho tricluuuUnake),oureelfine. uunecee8arlly to advanco of need, to " E sttito of ~lllry Rlloh , d ecea sed pl?oasure In InformIng him. We know tMb poeitively. Take ODe permlt a ttilek. mlln to glide le isurely , toliigbt, Sold ooly by us, 10 ClCnta.· Slime to you !Lnd mnny of them, First lin d tlnal Ilccoont of excoutol by OD hla,Item80h on a handsled, He l!uffed Jim Sargent, "WhaL's the trou· , Bleel. Il,pproved ILDd confi rmed. J, ~, .lInney, sUd majeetlcally onward, with baDPY ble wltb you? Trying to take a bUSI- 1 forgetfUlnees of th.e dignity belonging , E~ tl\te of I:"l\ul Ti t le et Ill, minors lies! advantage of a church," to the president of the Towanda Vol· "I'd have a beUer chance with a First and flnat IIccoun' of guardian ley railroad and a vesLryman of Mar· Jew," was AlUson' s contemptuous reo flied,. Ilo\>provod lind confirmed, ~ ,ply. Est_t,e of Leonidas Soutb, deoellosed :lI;~t Square church. • , "'That used to be Iota of fun," re"011, see here, Allison!" r emonstrlll. First lI,nd fiua~ uoconnt of exeoutrlx membered Oall, looktll8 &fter 'her "Why Are You 80 BItter Allaln.t the od Jhu Sargent s erIously. He even rose fll~, approved and oonfirmed. 1I11101e 11m In env7! . Church!" to his feet te make It more emphallc. Estate of Irvin ~hellrer, deceased, "Market 81luare church has dis· where ehe ha.d left him, ltarlng ItU' "You mustn't treat Market SQuaro First H,nd !i01&1 "ccount of IIdmlnl/!tra~or filed , allowed and cunfirmed. ~nBed , mUllon. In charity," the' reotor pldly at the .round. He'wu In a whirl Churoh wlth ~ so much indignity." "Why notT Market Square , church . Estate of Sumuel BOlli, deceased. (elt It hlB duty to Inform her, al they of bew114erment, amid whtob tbere w." 'Bome unreuC!DIII8 resentment, puts Itself In a poslUon ,t o be consld· First a.od final "coount of admlnlll_ "tUted up lh-e hili ugaln, but beneath It all there wae an IneS' ered to the light of ooy otber grasping, trtrix :fll ed"approved and confirmed, , ,'u tt'll Uke our church I1t home It pllcable ~ Now , Is ,the time winter 88dnei.l. COlt. ninety '06nte to ' deliver a dime." organlzaUon," In ra will of Milry p , Mulford, dereading •. think· Iq Ume ' , f or the Paltsade lpe",Juat ehe retorted, brlstllog anew ",Ith bY' , Re.v, Smith Boyd, finding In hlmselt 06llse!1. Will filed for probllte. .one aggravations, "So long 8S, you clal, Oall," called I;uolle Teaadlll.. , the growth of a most ,unc1othllke on· In r'e will of Benry D, tUarkey, ,"I don't koow," Ia.ughed Oall ."I IeI', decided to walk away rather thllo decea@ed , Will flled for probate , can deliver ' hallkets ot lJrovlslonB 10 peraon, I~ 18 all rlgbt, but the minute think of going on a private car thfa lutrer the aggra.vatlon whlch mU8t en· lnlre ~1Il of Mar:y:' E, MoLnugbln , you let the mOney out of yotir s lgbt It tnp," and ,ebe 80ught among the group sue In thlB conversation, Consequent. Altera ,thJrpuab ·. too many paId ha.n ds, for dlstrocUon from certain op~ree· I,., he st~... ted dow:Jl thli hill, dragging' dece"sed , Au'hen'loat~ d oopy of IIlve thought. Alllaon, and Luolle an'd Jim Sargent'. lied behind him for com. will tldmittod to recpr~. 1 found this out Just berore J resigned' Ted. Bnd Arl),. were among the more pan,.. There were no further Insults In f e e8~pte of J'. Ml1ton Dill, de. corrie n.earest giving 1.0':' .w hat YOLI from. ,o u, char'lty committee." , ooIl8\ld. Inventory tlnd , IlppralBe~ , 'He I~ked a t her In perplexity. She , f~mlllar ftgure., ·be"ldel a startling to the" ~huNlh. ho~ever. , , wa1'~-tl1e 10981 AAhui.I.I. pro\ld17 Introduoed 81 .. Dlolt , news? ".v..~ .xw u., thQ, relaUOIl,o.:IIL.Ule mentflled , , . " . rwu.a9.Z9.IIM Qd ,ao ».."_ Ul ,~c~lWD: lWi'ate of John W. Irvin, minOr. = ~ . -Nln'h and fioal laOcount of guardian filed. ' Est.ate of Mary E , Oonstable, deoeased. In'lenSOry and "I teel that! owe the ' manufaotur. merit filed. 6~HEN you want Sale Bills. Pamphlets, Let· ers of Chamberlain'. COllo, Oholera Es' .. 'e of Ernest Oberlin ei III mi. ter Heads, Stlltements, Dill Heads, Eilve]~ aDd Diarrhoea Remedy a word 'of norll, Third and finul aoconst of LIVE STOCK AND ,OENERAL Rra~tDd.," wrtw Mr8. T, N. Wltb. guardian . ope.s f .Dodgers; Yeat; aOoks ; 'in fact, all Illed. efan, Gowanda, N , Y. .. When I kmds of Prmttng, call at the Gazette ollice and AUCTIONEER Wn!I IRqI R. RoSII, odullnfdrator cf began taking .ble mediolne I WaB In great,pain and feeling "',ribly lick, ea'a 'e of E}\za J . On vis vs J. D. ROIl get prices. You will futd them very ~easoDab)e. dne to aD a&tack of Inmmer oom~ et al. Decree fOf reatstratlon eD. ReAL ESTATE INSURANCE plaint, ' Alktr &aklag a dOle ot 1$ 1 tered ,~ag11llt 31, 1916. Order taken lor eale 01 real eati_'e. ' bot JOUIr to walt for relief Ie It - ---=====-------11,1bad benefited me almost ImmedJa~ly." £Iaate of Frederica Bebbeler, de. Obtainable everywhere. oeased Fll'lt Rnd final aOOODD& of Office in Stoop! Building, admla'lll'r.tor .1Jled. , In rll flII,.ta of OlaD aUlIII.D, de. Mllee J, OIbom appola&ed Winter is on the way. Sub.
----.. ..----
". ~:
to get' your Don't you
. _.
&Cribe for the Miami Gazette.
I'llhlll!blKl Weekly h l-Ibe Uozullil Onlo" In \hu All n lJulhllnl!r, Mul ll !i\ .. IV~YD ,lIIe. Ohio. _
Rate8 of Subscription.
0110 Yonr \.Lrlct!y III a~ lv.a L"') " " " , . '1.00 tlln"h. OoPJ . _ . . . . . . • .... ... . .. . . • •. .0)
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Rates of
GAZEllE Adverti8i~g
I ~1c::.:11~~ ~:~~.J~~.I~::.n.· II·V"'· i1i.oo· . .
,.'.1 ' t 1'11""" lnsert;lrul • . . ..• ..• • • • . . • 0, L. Crall , .wI 'or an d MenBger. Vleplay Advertlkl ng, ""r h,cb .•. _ . .. ..• Dlscouol. on ooDLrad.
. lie
...... - --;i""--
THE NEIGHBORHOOD N As Written by Our Corps of Able CorrElspond. ents in the N.e lgnborhood
tile' .... . : : . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . -.: --.... - - . - - - . . - . -
--- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -s r~ PTEMBER
-- - ..• -
• •
15, 1915.
•• -~-
More Evidence From Saxon Owners L etters from own c~ in all parts of the count ry t ell of tile sty lish Saxon's never· ralling nnd econom ical perrorma n ce. N ote these few. "My $axon hn been driv· Ions; di. timce over 2110 o:rtJy miles. The Saxon il the en 1800 miles through· heavy sand nnd ritht car for lhis country." mud. I have spent only - J. P. Ri der. Republic; ce nts for r ~pDi r 8. Wasllo 1 average ooout 33 miles to the ~allon of gosoline. "Today the Saxon i . the Recentiy 1 went through car of th.e rich and the a mud hole where three poor alike. It has come lurne cars had be,," stuck to stay and I will al ways " own a Salton. I have and. p.'.' lI ed out with driven enou&h to know horNes. how reliable it I. ev"'Y' -Geor!:e L. Jacob:!. wb"r"."- Fr. McCabe, St. Morenlito.la. C o l u m b u s R e c t orYI "Althffi'll h the road. (be. Stooesooro, Pn. tween Spokane Dnd Re- You will find the Sam public. Wash .) were nn lcle ideal for your everyday motorina:needa,juat deep in mud. the Salton made the trip ~ asthousandaofOWD' all O. K. The car era bave found it. wa l l' ed r i II !I t • AS .... nofd• .ulcon.
BY dE"E tAYlOR Erlitor ofBetter .and'. . .TWOO<.n..... I
hDllroved roadll lDake ratln Ufo (Jood roads, like good s tl eet$, tlDd pr uflt",hle. mltoke babltatlon along lbem most desirable.
UtlrbO tlV 6
'. 'fho ro .. dA do 11010 belulJg to allY Ubarlos Sumner sllld: "The road ,,011 tICal p"rty, set or fIt,otloo, bllt aod tho Hcbool mOlAter aro tbe two bre thll prupel ty of all I lie pooL/Ie. most IUlL/Ortaot IIKuDtS in advaDclo g ci vIUzoatlon.' · MIIOV 10titRIlUllt! Olln bo found "bero the roads hll VB boon nll~de to 'l'he dllJereoOo botWOOD a good I!lilf"r IIJ order ~o reword 80me po. road and Ito bad road 18 ofcen equlv. lI~iolll hllnohman. alent &0 'lie dUfer"Doe between profit and 10l!8 . Mlloy ,.OIId@ In Ellrope wblob Itore oentUriBIl old, Rnd bettur todllY tbllo Improved roadR eooourage "me ever, IIrO bener beoa.nll6 they havo and fol'08 III the traolipormUon of blloo IIYllhHD .. tlolllly repairod and produo'" •• woll a8 to beautlf.v tbe malntaloed . oon,D try tbrollgh wbloh they pa88.
throuL!h .
G asohr,e 7 &al·
wlnee you. Phon. and ......... Ie. I,"
J. \3. CHAPMAN ,
W ay nesville, Ohio
The l,et' plOl wh::J 11 ve In townll .. nd
Raise the I!tllndurd of rOfld Bod rOlld wOFker", \lIke thelll oot of tb., outagory of !log oatoberl! Bod oreate who IIvo uluog the I't)lidll ' Itl.. dlol! a more wholOllomor6t1poot tor roads, loto or out of lhe townB and 01t16ll. rOBd workors and anI' road laws.
011,1,,11 uro UB muoh oolJcoro.,d 10 tho oou~h ti OIl ot to"dll oa1I I1re tbe peopl"
Tbe road IIlWIl ot every 8$a&e sbon'd p,rovldo fOI compulsory road eauotlun 'of OonD'y cumwlsllonor8. towlltohl p trustees, cooosy engineerl, aDd rllBCl lIupervllOl'8, aod for an lUI lIual sohool or 11II!lrac'loa .
f:frTell the Advertiser you Read the Ad In the Miami Gazette
Ge' IDt'o the O8mpalgn 'h18 fall Itond eleol competent mon 118 tOWD ship tr08'ees, Inpply them "Ith men, money aDd 100011 aud 'ben w.. tob how your drellm of good r~s will be fully reall~.
PoIILlCd caD oever be eotirely The time bal oome for a geDeral ellmlub.~" frow lhe bOllne88of 1'0,.11 forward mOTemen' to~ Improved con_trllotlOD, . repair aud malate. roadl, rOAdB bnm abd malD'alDed nanoo.an&U we hbT6 II. bnl'by 8110,1. under a generaliloiform pIau, road~ went for tbellellloSloD lIoud rewD,ioo to be paid for by an wlio derive or meo for wtdhoell8 for 'belr work. beneU&I or pleaaure therefrom, 10 nlber ,ban for sbelr 11011&1081 a1l1l1a- ablt all siiDa wllJ poln, '0 a good UOD. road' eV8rywhdre.
'1'0 OON II·I' & 'I· " ·!' I ~N_O.· OJUe).
All kinds of Spouting and : Roofing a 'n d Furnace Repairing DoneJ.
W aynesv:ill~, Ohio
"UIII.1 llaNOS FROU I' . We olIer Uno BnDdrod Doll'lf~ . 'l·AXA·I·lvN . Roward for "oy 08se or Catarrh 'hal Do I~ ~Ivod 1>)' \ It, (leuoral A_ lllblyol I)tlooot bo oured by aall's Camrrh ~~~~1.i."'I~ U;:~~)()tllttOD m aU bo 8U~ Curo.: , . . ~ d. Dllttc>d 1.0 ,he ..I""''''' .... nl the IIla t" or Oblo. Oil F. J. CHRN£\V & CO., ,1 oledo, . ~,,,' Ilnt\ 'l'u_ a , 0".,.. tho AI.oUtiay Iu WI!, I he IIndClsil:ocd, Ila YC known P.l . ~ .. . umi)<lr. 1910. to lID.ontl J\ rtlc lo .'\11 or tho Ch~ ncy lor Ihe last 111 yellrs n nd beline UOD.tI~u'lon 01 Lila t!tuto or Uhlo by tim • . ' addUlu" ol lloction U. to""", as 1011owM: hun p"rfectly honomble 10 nil business _ JUI ~'r IiIU,ULU·l'luN. • trnnsncllons Bud financially a~le 10 cany Prol"""'" a au&"~8mel\t artie'" Xli of , out obligntions mnde hi. finn . tile oouallLulluu "I Ih& .... Ie "I 0" .... by Ih. "",111101101 a -.llull "0 lludu l&lIat.o<J N A IONAI. nAN~ OF OMlIIERCE, _ tlon n 01 arllcle XU. relaUwelO thH Toledo, Q . \aX.Uon. ~I ' II' en & 8",,,,,.,'lIo0 ,. r_hlld01bYbond. &be UIrom ....eral A-.nlJly 01 ,.1 S lnrr,I Curc II ,..." to "en In terWi II y, lltf) SLate.HI UJoIo. 'rh"'f)- IIIUl&ol lhememl><lnt Q("ting dlrectl, UPO" Ihe blood snd mu· lIlo<:lt)(I ... hOlb lu._ coucurrlut( I.hl!hllll! cous surfaces of Ihe syslem. T.Sllmollials •..I.al, ,horn 01. all l><l ... b",ltl",lt Lt , 'hn 61..,· sent frel! Pril:ll 76 cents',.. r oottJe Sold Ion 01 tbl • • Iate In tllb lUau ...... IlrO"lil80 b y ' r' I ...... nu tho U.... L " 'UtlIItIu,y ..rtor LitO Ii .... blnu- loyall drugaisl S. . <l a7 In NovUlDIMIr. ·l8lb. " jJI"Opo....11O .up".... Take Hall's I"umily Pills {or COPtlipalion m""L artlclo .x II b, au ",hllUunai 'teClIoo lo . IloI d-.coalAlllof'_U" article xu 01 tJ:t~ _ ·ooWlLlLutlm. Ohio..to12. read 1M 101lowI: lkIc&Joo II . JIOodA of tbe ....... or ulllo. or 01 &1>7 lubdhl.lloo or dlalrlct 1."8/'001. au\bor' 17. . b7 law 10 "110 bolld•. "ued 00 or aflor January I. lUlu. aballl><l "UDlP~ 'rolll ....n · lloo. JJe U furlobllt NIiotved . Tbat a~ web olee· ' lIooal>o,e referred lot> tb" lupnlemolUo abul be pllOCOd ou ,be olIlcJal belIil~. In ,be mlllltJer
PHONE 24-2,U
E.... EIdP1'lI'lO
E. v.
8afe to Pardon. BARNHART, When a man Is sincerely penitent. and ,;\ves satlufactory evidence of tbe Notary Public eame, be can safely ~Il po.rdoned.-Lln· 4)01n. All klnda of NO$ary Worll:. lind Deedll a ~peolaJ&y. -
Yoo will flnd Dr. Klog'8 New Life PIlls amos' satl@flloto:ry laxatlvo In t"eillaelnjJ tbe polsonl frow your eye. tem. Aooumulated wtlste and pol 80DII Qause manifold ailments nolosll I will olfllr at Pnbllo 8Ble, lit my relaa8ed. Dlzlllllee!l, I!pote before re81denoe, l ,U miles wllst of Way.nae. the eye8, blaokne88 a nd a mlsorable ville, Ohio, on tho lowor Springboro feeling generally aTe Indioatlone Auto-L very "fjiylce 'bat you Deed Dr. King'. New Life "Take Thl. atuff and Keep • CION Road, on Reasonable Rates Lookout." P\lle. Take a dose to night and Wednesday, September 29, 191~ you will experlenoe grateful relillf IlS we folks aro all golnS tp be IWay Commenolng at 10 :00 o 'clook, tbe by m orning. JGo. trom bome, and they can bave wee followlDg obll.ttols: Six Borses, Allo Agent for Kelly..sprlncfield .-.~--long cbat." Automobile TIre. Gattle and !:fogs, Clay . Oom, Farm At Mrs. BODd's, ~lllrvin found also Ing Implements and BArness. Lettie absent, but he delivered ~e Bee big billa for terms. packllge of books to her moth or, sayGoo. Dllugher'y. Ing Leonie !lad sent them nnd wus C. T. Bawlre, Auot. APINE WHOOPING.COUGH REMEDY Valley Phone 9O-1X muoh obliged. Tbey wore two vol· W . E. U ' NII~\l. Clerk. Mothen, Dr. BeU'e Plne·Tar.BonMr. Bnd MIrR. Go.rn'3U Olevenger, umos on the subject of woman's clubs, ey 18 jna$ the remedy for your abll MlslI lJyn\hla Antrum, Mre, Bugh wblch the young divine bad loaned to dren'. aold all men'.. The fac'ls KOllling Bod d~ugbt;er, Marie at. Leonie. 'hat pine ill a qulok enemy of cold tended 'he \J . B. oonferenoe at MI. I will offer lit Publlo 80le at ~he Reverend Dunscombe, eby and reoondilions. nil qoaJlUM 10088n 'he amillborg las' ThurBd~y. R. • • ATHAW A Y tiring. listened ngape to tbo message late resldenoo of alall Billman on mnCOU8 In tue 'broa', Boolhe tbe Mre. Ano& Arohdeaoon spent sevbbn by his bOUlecommunicated to lungs and open up 'he air p~lI,agee. eral daye hero tho pIlat week the keeper. Saturday, September 25, I!HS Wa.)'DtwriUe'. Lea41n, Dell"" Tbe CGmblna'lon of hODey, soothing flUORts of her @Iaterll, Mrs. Jane Beginning at 10 o 'olook tbe follow· omoo III Keys Bldg, .IIalD fl' to him· "Remarkablel" be breathed and pleasant, wUh the loole"llnll Langdon aDd M1'8.Ella WelBh self. "Elxtraordlnnry I" he burst forth, Illg property: Ooe Borse. Buggies pine qoallty m~kAs t~IB an Ideal Mr. Bod .lIbs. John McClllre Bnd onco oJone In his room. "Ohl thore'B E'o., Housebold !lDd Kitchen Fnrnl oC1ugb remedy for obtldren. Eaob ture. ramlly SpODt I:3llturdl'y In tbe Gem Bome ml8takel" pltollllDg vear brlngll for U new frlendB Terms mads known on d"y or 811.1e. First. because, he reasoned. Leonie . Ulty. A 'amll ot rowlD obildren caoMiles J. OSbOID, Administrator ' WIl8 the most modest, tho'!gb oharm· Rutb Miller hRS r,a tnrned to ber no' aftord '0 be w 'bollt It, 250. W. N. Ide81's. Auot. Ing. YOUDg lady In tbo world. Next, 1I0me In Dayton Rftel' 8pendlDg lhe Funeral Director. ' • bottiI'. Walter MoOJure, Ulerk. tor tbe rell8on' that he dou bted It aho "'!'!!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!' ------.---~.~.-----summar with her a'll n~. Mrs. Jas = cared eoougb tor his socloty to endure Weldnor. Telephone day or nllrh~ , Lllura R08DHgle vl81ted frIends at hi ... dull complUlY througb a lona eveHI. Probable ,Defftat. Valley phone No. f. Long nlns. "A man dllt bU~1 biB na<;ktle. to Waynesville tblB weell. , 'Dilltanoo No. S~2r, It wae true he bad called on ber matcb do color of bll 0)'811," eald Mrs . UeJlil Rltotbltowoy bR8 ,roo ::,::,:,:=1 UDlea. had loaned her boou. Uncle ' Eben. "mltoy bJ!.ve good . tallte, turDed to her homo in Norwood Bf _ _ _ _ _ _,.,..,.,..;",._....,......,..,.,...., Automobile ServICe at all TIm. . (oO l'l'l'lN Ul!:O ON PAGE c \ but b0 a I' n IIa bl 0 l0 IIlIVO good Jud" .' lIafra. John JOOwardB, wbo has "een ter spending the lIummer with ber men"" . . FOR SALE OHIO WA VNESVILLB, under 'he dooter's cara tor &everal mother, Mre. Mary B:rusoup. • Mr. and Mrs Webster tJbeets and weeh with asthmlto, Is now able to Bnneh Office, BaneYBbaq, 0. be out . . 1008 RaVmond ond i!'erman aud MrB. In 11111 there were 00 cottoo milia COLDS NOT LEAVE WILLINGLY - MI •• Pearl Underwood, daughter Chrls'hia tleus slMmt l!!alurday ,,' In Japan, with an Investment of 12.gange, alngle bllt: rel shot · approximately $31,000,000. gun, In fine sbape. inquire of BeoaUI8 a oold I. atubborn II n,o of Mr. aDd Mrs. Jobn Underwood, tAbanoo. (J, D. Mille. Wayne8vllle, Ohio . ....IQD,wh'y 1,0u Bho~I.4 be. Jn8iead of thlll plaoe, and Mr. Panl · Moore, Mrs. Clyde Wharto.n and dangh_ . 829 of hw.,.rln" ' U oU', 8e' luro . relief of nllar Barveysbllrg 'were mauled ter, of Lytle. 8pen' Wedn"tLday with The finest of Japanelle 10 oalled by $akin, pro f{IDg~. New ~oo'f8ry. tn WaYDesvllle 1u';Tbnr8day even· Mr . and Mre . Levi Glreatbou8e "rice" olgarette paper Ie made from lNE Blaok Horse, [) years old • .Dftngerou8 lIroDobl!,1 an.d Inpg a~l lnM, . Mrll, Ray CroBs smd d"ughter, the trlmmlng8 or fiall Itond hemp, tJurry aud Runabout, all in m6nta ofleb follow a oold whloh baa A lar,e orowd frOm tblll place'at- GlenDa,lpen' the put week with 6rllt.olall8 oondltlon. Bave no l1lIe been neglt10ted a' IMillqnl,!!,. AI tended 'he Dayton Fall' la11' Wlll'lr . relative. at LebanoD. them lind will soli right. See W. your body faUhfnll:p' ,.:t'I'Ulee 'hOile ahll. Ww. (Junnlngham of Green . Frllnk .KesUng llpen',MoQday wl'h Reaaon for Her Social Promlnenee. · for s)!1l oold germ!, DO ~lter atd ban be gll'- TlUe, who oame ~o ."end .be Bell Mr, and Mre, Albert Hea'on. "Eh-yah !" BBld tbo landlord of tha N. !:lean, Wayn08vllle, U. eD Ihan ~be u.e ot \hI. remedy. It&' brook home coming WIlS 'be go e.' tavern at Polkville. Ark., In reply to . lCdna and Belen Dantt spent tbe !lierl' hIlS 'been leB&ad by old and Sunday and MoDela,. of Mr, and Buthele of good Oorn to plto8t week with relativlll a' Mur. the Question of ttio KnnDas City drum· young. Get a boUle &o.day. '6oe Mrl. Chall. Brel.ford. Immedla'e lillIe. III quIre mer. "Tbe fady tbat Just passed Is ana dook. Ind '1 00, ' , of A. Mamt, Waynesvlllo, OhiO, 'o r . of our most prominent society leaderl . It hIlS j 118& leaked ou* tb.t Mr . 822 Sbe's already caused tour meo tl! be JaB. Dinwiddie, on farm. Bbrry: L"mmeand MI"I Ada Mar'ln. and as you sow, sho's atll\ IDOo .WORTH lHEIR WEIIJHI IN GOLD , ·ehot: dale hive beeo marrled.• looo Jone. bu. Besd Whellt. threBhed Thay will re.ltJe with" 'he groow's' "l' lIa"e aled Ohalinberlal~'I"Tab. dlum young and considerable bc.o~ early, 'Very olean. Reg!". puenu,Dear 'be WallhlbgtoD MIIIII. leb aDd (ound Uienll to be jud 8B lome," ,ered 'Shropeblre sheep Bud 110m!, Mr. JamM Utowl, Ule undertaker, reprelented, a qnlOIc. relief tor headeWN. ·Thad Zlmmermlton, Way~ pDr~l8Cla new,lIaxwel1au'o. aolaM. dlllzy speU. al1d other .,.mp. neavllJe, Oblo, phone 44.5. s15 captalna' Salarlea. tomB deno'tng a '~'rptd liver and uUroil Banarei bU .Bold hla barda dlBordered oondltton of the dlgeaThe Balary of captalllll or the uan. .tore to Job'n E, £IUoU, I1lbeorlbere '0 the 110(,&11'11 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~.!!!!!!!!!!! tj·v e organl . They lOre worth ')I,elr atlaolio IInors ' of the larger clUl .. Mag••ln!'. Bend 360 to ,he . welSba In gold, I I ,,-rltel\ Mille Olar" runs {rom £ 800 to £1,200 'a yea~1' Uue"J oftloe, and get one of 'he trom ,4,000 to ,0,000 In AmeriUll PAlNf-THEY .:~e~~':re~lba.. N. y, Obtainable 'b ee' mapdnee 011 eartb. " moneY. Ii ---:-.~ . . Tb~ OOUI~I'lon of 'he blOocl In I.. Bubeoribe for the 1IIaml.GaI'lIlUe•
~JI~'"i~..'r" rfJ'Nt111j~B:~ CNIlo~t\
"or loo'her IlUl\fuap aIa~~ cillar I<l d~'''l'' IL. ' If ad0d:toc1 tllUt .115';:men~ ~~~J. la Il effect 011 tbo rat day· 01 anuary.
0J1ARL&8 () OO!mVBR, Speallor ot the .l!oulIO of ReJlrHeuta~lv .... O. I. 1l0WAK)), l'f'OIIIdellt llro lom 01 ttle Bella.... AtiolltlKh\pnl 271 IUI~. lJolloOO S la.... 01 America. tlt~'" 01 Ohio. om"" 01 the Bec:nl1arr of S\&Ie. .
..t!: ~.,~~~~ dA!t~~I~~ 8i:~
or ~\'~·8~
tJ:ta rOrlllJollIg .. .a exemDlllled (!UP>'. caNluJly .,omparlldl>)' me wJUt tbe orilrtnAl rolla now 00 lIle &0 thla onico .ad 10 my onlcla! eu/lU)(! 1 ... _ret...,. 01 Stale and fOUlld 10 be ~e ana corneL, of a Jolot ~llIlIob. ad0gc.d by
~he Geperal A_mbly O. tho B\&IO oJ hlo 00 'bUSth dlly' of Api'll. A. D leu Md lliOi110 ~blaOfllco oO: tbo ~8lhdayof API'II A. D. 191', "Otlllotl "JollI\ R_lu\loh to Alllood Article . I"", ~-'! 01 tho OotllU.uLIoI1 or Ohio by tho ,clop01 ScetlOIl 12. " .• r ' , '0 T ..\lnlou7 Wlloreol. J hayo lIoreun\ll aUbIofjbed my naDII.; IID<I anlxfMl nl, om ....1
_ \ at tI.O ' UI~ 01 00101111>111•• 01110, lit" 3~t"
. n, 1&I ~i. IlI1.nEURANT. 8ecretar~ 0181ale r'A~lORlZATJON 01" l'UJJLIOATIQN . DepartmenHI Public I'rlnLlUIl 01 Ohio. ,Publk_'1011 ftl Uto aoovo b.o.-. lUIIond· meD~ . t.o tbe oOnatltuUo', of.Ohlo.- \loder Sec"aD' or ail act u\lUe/I ... At! &:et Nlatlng I<l ctId&In pro_I ameodmellta. 10 tho ~Da\IiU' &IoD 01 OIlI, 'aDd tho publlca&knI aJiereoObl," , ~ ,. b7 tho OOh_1 AMmbl,. or 10. ,18, I Ill. 8lICI ." UlI8IICIf)d A J)rII U I U ' II au'lIorillOd by tbe Department of . Public I'rllItllIII or·tIle 8t.te or Ohio. . • . JOIl III. OR088 Su~rYIMr.of ~ubllc Printing d.y olJune.
Ray Mills
Corwin, Ohio
VV~e~ure ----------~
OlaaalBed Ads
Painting, Pl;lper Hangm,, ' Auto and Carriage Painting~ . .
Shop lIext to .hen.d'. Q~r. . . . .ln 8t ~.;...--~~~------------~~---!
- -----
BILIOUSNESS AND' CONSTlPATlOI dow O61lHl 'to .,..In.. pelle'ra. 'he 810an'I,Lln.mID' oongeetlon and -=:=======~====== Jt-Is certainly 8urprliins 'bat any ....na the blood &g ~ow Ir""ly. 'lb. wlimaD ·wlll endnre tbe mlaerllate WILL raD Weclnead.YlIllfeaoh b .dy'. warmth: II ren~we~ ~ 'be )*In f\lehnp MUlled . by blllousnel8 . alllS week aDd other daYIl If D89it lODe. 'J~e "iDa. or woman wbo baa rh.iI.atitrn, neurallia or o'her palD aDd fanl &0 keep t!I06D'1! LI~ mIlD' ID 'heiT home I. like a 41'I),.D· Ill, maD refaln. a rope," Wh7 nirN, Oe"·IIo&"e of B10&D'. 110 atld 600, 11,00 110... hold Il& . . . .
....... ,. ....
conltlpa"OD, wbon relief ill 10 eluU, ~ MaJlea& BOD, Ferl'1.0hlo. . , " bad aDd a' 10 little elljJ8Dl8. Mn. . N Y wrla. · UbllS Peak, Ga':'i u.8a cwo bot'IM HYDRA ULlO Older MIll.t ~prlDI .......... ..::.. ~t~~;:~:~ 'tablete and 'heyVaUeY W1Urall8YeryTueaday • . eel me of blUouo8U and oou&1. ~. Aupd 81. Albert Orew~l __ __ ; : . .... ObRlDalllJOYet7wban. .. .16 AG"--
PIl"""'." ...... Co. n--=I
- - - - - -....~
!...............................~~~HH~~·. . . .~~
(COlltj nu tld from page 3)
I Wll,L In.: ' I,l)Snl) . :AT R I'he mlrrialle 'of Mill.'l Hawke TAK ES HI S OW LI FE TUESDAV a Dd at the Snnda), 8choo\ plonlo sM t to Mr. I"rank Le May will take plac HE I. (i A 1) '\ D . A '()( -T hAd huon very gmcl uo 10wIlrdil him. I, this evening a t the M. K ~ h un·h . t •• When he compar"d bla Qui t, oednta - - - - - -,makeu p with 80rn e of tbe hrUllllut ,,11· I Inge beaux, how var, Elm r \)U II S, J Mr . atld Mr s, P. E , Kenrick anu combe felt that ho ",'a8 In C1 d Id d 1 daulthtel' Ber t ha ente r LRined a~ uinI ner Sunday Hev . D. H. Palmer and minorIty. Sert.llI vely be hnd t rl 'd to : smother lhe buddi ng love lb lll bad I f umily . 1 t akllD root In his llellrt. -I • l.n.I, 1111 It II " IV,~:. u I i ch WIth all bla nualyslol of til lrt'8 Ill. t I Th ' J olly Ma troll:!: wi t h t heir h l1~ 81tUatlou, be could not gOl Leollie an\] 1 • • \\ n~ II '1crrill ic BI (lw to band , w r e en tC;l rlui noo a t l he IWlll e the I trllnge h1vttnt1on out of hlH mlud. . . . .. . ... 0 . . . . . .. . . . ..,.. . .... of. D r. I1 nd M rs . J, A . Me 'oy MUll • t l is FallJl ly PerhflPs little Marvin bad ' 1111111 more lillY e vening . Th ri! we re un ly It f~w than he bad bean tolll to sll.y.. A\ a\l ~!-~~~~~~~--~--!.-~~~!"!"!-~~~~-.:-7,-!-~~ ~~.~·~·~ I.Ibsenlme mbe rs, A li ne'Mupper WII!! \ . events, n fe w minutell b'eforo eight se n red at 7:30, :mu Ii jo lly . Lime was J ulin Mlld ,bel' . :Igt'fl :!:1 . kille" him- o'clock Lb at oyenlng Mr. Dun8cotnbe had a fter ward :· Deaths . elf nt hi>; l"ilIIL' in I,ylll' '1'I1C511llY slrolled In t h dlrl'Clion of the 'rrl pp aft ernoon nh"ul .-, v'doele The home. An IrrE'sl8tlblo londstono M r~ . o rnh lIi ll man ui I nl the Mr a nd Mrs. ' George ' mit h en- youn/! n IHil had been uili lll! (o r !I 8 omed to pull him nlong. Tb en lhe timorous youn g lUlln trem· Oh il) Stil t .. H(lspi lal in Ih l) \1l1l Ttl1 ' te rtained F riday even ing in honor uf coulJle <I f week s. uml Wcll t to Dayton their da ug hte r, Mi ss Leah , of Cinci n· yesterday t. c n~u It a do l o r . He bled Quit I1S he no ticed a Jlght In the day ,\ftell!OOn , afl er II 101 g illneM ·. nati, the foll owing gu e~ta: Re v. and Cll f11c haL'k b Olll' III lhp a f ter lloon. oll of tb hOll80, wli ere selltod In an She 'Vas tilL' \I Ife (I f l) ltln Hil lll lUl1. Mrs. J . I". Catlwall adl'r. Rnel t h chullg' ,.1 hi ~ cll)t he ~ . \I' 'n l t u t he nrm cbalr \\'88 Leon ie. Should he ven· who. wm' hU rle d IIll1lut t lll'eM w ·,'kR t ure r Yee- uo. Finally ho mUBtered II~O. un.! t h. · d uugl'l I' Il f 1\1 r!l ~~ a Misses Clara Lila and Em ma H eigh . barn aflll "w t hllll~c lf . I Ill' T he y o un~ man II. p.II II :l:! rc vol ver , courage 8umclent to open the gate. li nda Osbu rn . wl :o "u rvi v('!l h(' r way. . a nd onl v Itn·d til, l1 ne ShOl . Au ul His beart h atl ng .mlghtlly. llo .started hody was brnug ht.. hen ' T ue~duy evening-. and the' f Ufl e r-~1 will la lle Lieut and Mrs. Mille r . Mrs. He 6 o'ch ci; ' OUIt· q r lhl1 t umily went to around tor tbe 8hle entmnce to tho plae lit her Illle rl1sidenc ' Thllr ~tl u}r beccalumdail. of Day t·on . Miss EmiliA t he harn wh 'r ' th!'Y f/l u nd the body house. He IItood In th o shndow llear tbe af tl' rnuo n at 2 ,,·do 'ilo Hut c hin ~on, of Xenll). , M r and M r8. stilT in ll -Ulh Mr Mock h{'e W llb a · man of Ifood .tePII, doballng with himself as to the S. L. Carlwrigh t. a nrl M i R.~ Ki 'l.7.ie Merritt enjll;ed t he deligh tf ul hos- haui !.;;. nml was u ~ u a l ly ;l ),:'OU " - 1I11 Notice of Appoill t men t pitality of Mr . a nd Mrs. U...'OrJ.:e W. t ured Y Olln ~ IIl RII . und hi ~ fam ily li re .~~ u uib uel ':''';;"''il'7 ~ii~ "...... ~~ Ebrig ht at their p leasant home in at a lu ~~ to 1l~~iRn Ilny reason wily he r e\'e r~ n d "{vok up."Why. It'e 1\ burglary!" he gllopod. sh\l uld ta ke his life . Xenia, on ThursdliY . K Ht filC ot CHn nl! I I III IJlllU d ~ ~Oh..,\t " l. The body W I1S " h ipped to Butl er, "ThILL mn n tonk 10 ror 1\ con federa to .N~)t lct) i.to! h OW l ! )' j.{lVt.! 1I lilli ' ) l llt llii J. ll:illt)r u K v .. lh i morning , and Ihe fun eral who Is somowhere a ro und . Tbey hovo h M I)Of]JI tJ u h - !JIll' " lItt~1 ntlt! qllnllllltti li lt .\ ,1· m i ll st.mlu r ·,,1 LI LI' E.. lIl h.' Iii .. . Iitlhl I l l lJ l~' b n . The Loyal Daugh ters class of the will tI\~ie plal'" l here tumnr rLl W80me ch lororormc.1 ~ 1I 88 Tripp and are IotOt· IUlA) ur Wu rrull l \ 111I1i) U lli" , lug th e bOI\Htl ! I must aeti" and be U all)t j thi s 1nd tilLY A L~~8~~!~\· ~.:?J~\'N Chris tian church held their r egul a r t ime . dll6hed UII t he ate l's, The screea door claas meeting a t the home of Mrs. J udF.U " f I'rol... 'o llr L. " rroo ' 0 11111,)' . h ll) . w"s hooked on th o Inside. Mr. DUllS' Suplolllio r ~- n t. Roy Chenowe th FriJay · evening. combo tore It Oil 11 wl tb a wrench, A ND ALL THE FAMILY After devotional exe rci ~ e3 Ilnd t he. darted acrOSB the floor to the telo· businesll session, a ::IOciAl h out was Two and a half million r eaders fu)d it of I ~ READ" FOR SAl E IJ ArE S took \I» th r eeeiv r . phone and absorbing interest. EVl' rything in it is enj oyed, during which t ime refr ' h· I " he shou ted . "scnd the po. "Central menta we re served. .W,.,Uon So Vou Can Unds...fllnd . lice at once 10 Mr. Trlpp'o home. It J ~ss e Stan l y , \ ho has j ust g radu · We IIcl I 400.000 coples every manch without Is bolne burlllu.rlzcd!" ·be Ddded, exclt· a tL" \ from t it· J une AUCli oneering givln,] preniuflla and h zwe no 8OJlcitata. A ny newS!' l!nh:t will WIOW you 1\ copy; or write: the edly. Mrs Amns Mendenhall entertained 8 ch 01 at Chi oago, is home ami iM I,ubh:lbcr fo r free sample- a poolnl wlU do. RENICK W. DUNLAP, Then wllh .. dist racted look at th o r eaely for "a le dates. It. w.lul d b.. the L<oyal Berean Class of thf! Chris15c A COPV ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'! tian S u nd ay School Ias t Friday even· The social meoting of 1. Mary' s h IplesB LeonIe. he 'ran at a basebull well to see him. as he has slim new $.1 .5 0 A VEA R ing. The meeting was opened with Guild held Ilt t he home of Mrs. J . F. club belongIng (0 MIlTl'ln standing \lP ideas in t he a uctioneering- Jille. Or Popu la r Mechanics Macazlne No . ~ the usual devotional service after Cadwallade r on Thuf day af te rnoon. In a corner of tbe roorn, seized U and call him, 146 mutual vhone. Ne w which the regular monthly cla!lS St!ptember .9. 19 1fi, wllRwell llttendsd rlln out on tho poreJl. Burlington, Ohio . . But his call bad boon heard. He business was t:ransacted, followed by and much enjoyed by a ll present . ---.~ f a very pleasant social hour. The The 1;'011.\1 Anna Contest caused a noted' a racket 118 of some one comIng Dslly ThoUllht. cl88l! then adjourned to meet at the g reat d eal of merriment and most down the stalr&. Then a ebarp whfo· I Tbe best woman la the wo mlln who bome of Mrs. Pearl Lewis the second of lhe Il.Idies l uund the five p ennies tie, and two 811nklng torms made ror Friday evening in October. they were g il·en . e ntirely to small a the slreet nnd dlsl1llpoared amId tho 18 ,tbe least talkod about.--Old Pro,," !!um to pay for the compl aints tbey Illght ShadOWB. ' T h lft diflOlUlO sholllil IJO troutM 1111 fwm All tbe thoughta of Reverend Mr. made. An orde r that was effective SepCIS tho fir~t unuutuml IOClllc'nc!l!S of th,' I tembe r 1, has been i88uec\ bv the A tine musical program was ·ren· Duuscombe w ro for Leoni e now. He bow els Ilppellrs. 'Wben ttll" III dOlw 1\ dere;l on the Victrola and late in the r eturned to the ell room. Tbere waB Best Cane Sugar, 25tb .150 I PostmllHler General extending the hi ngle dosa of ChamoorJain '!\'Collc, 'h(ll Late Clat'sified Ads afte rnoon ice l'ream and cake were 0. dead tnlnt of chlorororm In the air. era and DiIU'rhocR Remedy wiU elr~\'t II Standard Gran. Sugar .46 r ates of insurance on fourth class cure. '!'bls .remedy caD always be dp· served The a mount taken in for He threw up all the windows. He ........................... ( or parcel P08t) mail matter. Here penlled upon ev n In the most 86V r() ROil t he Parish B ouse fund W88 "28,10. Erie Dried Beef, Medium Jars dubed Into the Idteben Bad returned t ofore packages not exceeding 125 in dlUlgerou8 CHI! ,and shonld be ke}.t lIt WANT EO- AGENTS . 'lVlth a wett.ed towel. Be placed It 15c, Large 25c. Regular 20 v alue are Insured for afee of I) cents; - - -.-. ham) relldy tor instant OI.e. Never leavo aerollB tbe brow of tho inaenslblo girl. a boveand notexceedln~$60 . 10 cebhl· and 30c goods. 116m on,. journey without It. Sbe moved, slgbed falnUy and Now the value below $5 will be in· AN pl\st 30 with hone /llld bng. breathed more treoly, He hovered Old Wheat Flour surable for 3 cents, Mrs. Lydia Ann Gorden, who Jives gy lIelll:!tuok CondI t ion P e wabout ber, allxlous and dlBtressed. Albino & William Tell , at Corwin. slipped an,d fell on her Soon someone would ' come; · be folt d er In Warren Couuty . "al nry . 70 ' , back porch Monday morn inA', hurtMason Quart J ars, dOl . Bure, In respollse to bls message or per mouth . . Ad'dresc Il Indu strIAl To Appreciate Colore. ing herself severely. It was thought 2:) alarm: Ah ! . these were precious mo- Hldg ., Indlflnllpolis,· Ind. Cur" Colds. Crou p ond W hOO IJl n~ Cou ~h. a. few of the ~t paiUtei'll Only at first that her hip waa broken but Gun Shells-all kinds Black. mentH. That lovaly face drew hIm have been Kraa.t "co.l orlats:· for tho re- upon examination proved to be olf\y Semi-Smokeless & Smokeless nearer-nearer. He could net belp It I gretto.h1e rOllllon that Uitly cO\lld nOl severely bruised. It is hoped by her Tbe tempting lips were 80 close! H The Si xteenlh Sund»y afte r Trinity di vinely stHI color. and to auch paint· many friends that she will . !loon reo Fresh Oysters, Bulk or Cans September 19 . unday· ~ch oo l at presBed one rervent kls8 upon them, .era tho maBtor colorl8t b... beeo called cover. 9:30 a . m . Morning Prayer and ser- and then drew back agllast at hIs Imcrude and ga.rlsb. Tbe line th1D« for - - -- ..... Celery and Edgemont Crackers mon at 10:30, The public cordially pulsIve te merity - bls conscience II named It "lrea.chery." invit ed t o th ese services. Kiln Dried Corn Meal Tb ere was a knock at the door, and and ahades In nature, for In that way • there he confronted Lettle' Dond, gaz· ollly olle cen have the pl_~ at the Pure Jersey Sweet Potatoes, Ing lu with wond er·fill ed- eyCti. Had Grapes, Lemons, Malaga Ihe seen Ibnt lend or careBs? Ob. ho Peaches. hoped not! And theu he stumblingl y , Bpectrum Is In Its dtvina.lIoJ1 o. the explained the situation. composltloll of ra)/s of Ucbt. . Sliced H!lDl, Dried Beef, BreakOrthodox Friends church . Sunday _"I _received 8OmO-booka..beJonging to fast Bacon. Come in and see School 9: 30 a . m .• Geo . Mills, Super ,ou trom Leonie," sald Lettie, "and how we cut o u r meat on the came over to lind out what It mea.nl Pittsburgh, the classy 2:16 trotter inh~ndent . Preachi at 10:30 American Slicing Machine. Told Her About It. of Pllul Wysong, won the $1,000 race pastor. Chrisiinn E!ride:nv(n-"IIt"'1::30-'-N·o'W~I-'Bee-·a-:mllltal~e-·on·"tblt-'J)IIl'nrr-r----:. Eu,ene attended the waddln. of hls at Toledo last week. He got a bad p, m. Cfa.'18 in Friend!! Historv, little Marvin." Bring' your Eggs-paying Aunt Nan, wblch took pla~ In churcb. start the fint two heats, but man- Mary Frame, Superin tendent, at The police arrived j\lst as LeonI e The brldearoom a.nd .bee' m8J1 were aged to get ahead and win the third cl ose 01 Christian Endeavor. had roused her dear fri end from hel' 24c · waiting at the altar tor the brlde. who heat, and also finished first in the Inaenslblllty. Then It waB discovered It pays to trad~ at that the IItUe bag given by the bur· was Ilowly advancing up the allIe, to two succeeding heab. Paul surely , the atral118 ~f the wedding march, haa a find in his sorrel gelding. He glar to Mr. Dunscombe held all. tbe f&.mlJy jewelry. when EUlene I cblldl~h treble 80unded · will take the horse to l:leveland for Since '1847, 'Ihe year Rogets Bros. originated e)~tro-.nver facetlOOn. ___ "You-you won't teIl1" ' be f1usbed clearly: ;'Burry UP. Aunt Nan, Mr. pl,uing,silverware bearin~the trade mark "WtROOERS BROS.· Abbot's walu.n. fIR ,ou." _ _ ___• _ . _ _ _ and floundered, as be walked homo Mr. Ilnd MrA Leon Hali~llllry were with Lettie. baa been . ren~wned for quality, wcarability and beauty. ' vlsltiDg with Mr . anI} Mrs. ClI1I8.11.. "I surely wtlll" lIashed forth the Unwilling to Impole on the L·ord. Jobns ~ nnclI1Y. urllWlhlevous young. lady dofiantly. ~ ~, "What doea yo' lblnk. eab, 'bout de Mr . Ru.ymoncl Ge.b h.\rt IIpeot Sat- "And Leimle will be glad." '.angellst's notion 0 ' holdln' sunrls8 ard" y , ,od ~anday wit,h frienda lu "Ob, I hope 1101" murmered Rev. EIpra'r meetln'a?" "I calle It plumb fool· Dayton. mer Dunllcombe eagerly and-LeonIe Ish, a8hl" replied 8Qua.r&-headed 0112 ~tamped on forks, . spoon! ,and fancy MMnIt pieces it • Several from be re attonc ed the was I Brother Clank. "U hkaze why : De uannlee of beaYlelt platIng. perfect workmanahip 'and a tOll fa ir . Day Lawd ain't gwlne to tumble out 0' bed eXquisite design, assuring long and satisfying service. Any R!<lph Dyke, J ohn Burflon, ,James HOW BRASS PINS ARE MADE dat early In de mawnln' to IIston to article of silverware marked ".lJ9 Rl1IIlIIS BROS:; may be • buncb 0' nlggers dat's got all dllY to Johns, Georgo I:loott attended the selected without funher inYeltig:ltion. do dalr pray In' 1n1"-K8Jl81l11 CIty Giant R ed ball gam .. "t OlnoinnBtl. Proce .. Ie en Intricate One, but th. Sold by leading \Iealers everywhere. lend lor atalope Mrs. Monroe tH.etler, of Trotwl>od, Work I. All Done by M .. Star, .. C-L" .ho.wlnl: all patterns. aD.1 Mrs. _E;,d~.~~VV~er'~~~I~O~f~D~R~Y~tr.0~n~____________C_h_'_~_ ery __•__~___.~~~~ IIIDfDiftt e.tra •• IA 00•••• rl'es. 0.... · were the -. n."naUClna18Un, Oo.8._.;) . CbB8. rt Toesda.y . To make a pin tn nn lolrtcate })ro. No. 2220 Mr. ,Je8se Burley has btleo vlaiting cesa, but It Is all dono \ly macbln-ery. A spool of braSil ·w lre runnIng friend!! In Dayton the ptl8t weelr, on Bteel posta te red Into jawB wblcb Of the Condition of the WaynesM~ . W. J. Beggs, of Banlllton , bite olr the lengtb of the piD. A smnJ. ville National Bank, at Waynes . was 10 Lytle tlaturdft.Y on business. length Ie left to make the' head, wblch Mr. Ber~ Grllham, of Dayton, IB formed by three rapid blows 01 a. ville in the State of Ohio, at the close of business, Sept. 2, 1915. ~ven~ !:lundllY with hili pareDII.· hammer which moves forward on&R£80UII0£9. Mr, Mao. Plokerlng hll.s pnrcha8 ( d twentieth of an Inch at each bloW, The LoUIS and dJecoUDt. ... .. .... .. U7 0~ 08 7 .• 1 Ihe Cornell homestond. pin tben drops to an lliellne In which 8;or~':itl=~drcuiati';'; 90.16 . • - .. - - - a.re grooves deep enougb to admit Ule
i i
Open In evening at
j" .
5 0 'C1oc k
0.... ..........
- ---_. --
. .
- -- - -
:~::::~~ ~v!; :~~':~o~or~~ :e: PITTSBURC WINS
... .....,.....,.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
"Silver Plate that· Wears
----- ...----
.. - ..
4 •••• "
~::h:a8~h~::e:!~:: r:~~::;:,r:; ~~It:~ I
- ---
For Father and Son
- - OHIO.
m .7 00.8 ~
so!:':.'Jilee'o'tiie'·tii.:D ii.::~OD~~ (not IncluUlh/r o..nocl unpledaed . . . . atoeka) . . . US,160.85
'00 00 I Leioiamouni·unpald:.. .
bevera 1 from thle plaoe a.Uended Cbrlstian Endellvor 8Hlprlng Valley I~11' oilief iiOCJc:.,?~~·~glD'g2:~~~ Sunday evening . I lumODlallle ...... . uoo.UO 6.;00. 00 Mr. Rnd M.8 W. E Bl1glln are ..nirJng . .. ..n_"O . . ... . ..... 8 OOO. U~ fromhOUll8 Jo'etJerai bank a.20u.00 vlsit.jog Mrs. Bog ', n'l! puente W, 8. I oDue Duetrom.~Pl'Ovedreoe"~~ODI" O'Neil, at Bloomville. Ohio, "Iso ber ~~:~ ~~'. ~~~~~o 1~~B:i eillter Mr~. Battie Surf"Ot>, &t Ridge Inotber ReierveOltlN16.987.87 18. 10 1.'9 way ; Ohio Ol'ber check. on bllllk. In the ~ The !armers are ver-y busy fll)1ng , lame cl~y or toWIl .... reportIn~bank.. .... . . ... .. . ... .. . 65.7 8 their IIlIo '!! . ~~~I~¥~u~run::~~,;~ ·ti~rib:: nU l Total coin and certUlcatel ... 'I~:gr.: ~g lir•. !5awuel Wileon. 18 vl~UiDg lAI!AI-tenderNotell .. ........ O.OOU.OO her mother at New PariS, Ohio. Re!iemlltlon tund ",Ith U. S. , TnlUww(6% otclrcu.latlon). . 1.500.00 Mr. and Mrs . Wllbul' Smi'll, of ToCal ... . ......... . ; ..... U12 , 21 ~ .8 2 Eleaze:r, visited wltb Raymond WiIMon '8 tiunday. LIABILITIES Reuben Jonee o~J)ed on Garfield Oapltal.took p&Jd In . . 100,000.00 Burplu.e fund .. ....... eo,ooo.OU Peterllou'll Bunday afternoon Tot.al Capita' and ·Burplu.. . . . .. 1'0,000. 00 Mr. and Mre Raleigh Bogan at. UDdlvlded profit. . .. • 117.»69.10 ~u:pe .... pa/d ... 1.001. 11 J6.US.0' Olrculatlng no",", . . . . . . .. . ..... 60,000.00 tended ohurph at.New Bope8anday.. Dh·ld8od. unpaid . . . . ... 6'6.00 Waller VVlJson and familv ..ttendIJldl vIdual dapotJJIAI IllbJect to ed ohuroh at Ogdeo, OhIO, Slloda.y cbJICk •• •. . • • •• •• 295.060.36 Oert.lIIcateo of depoaJl due In 1_ aDd tocllE dlnDer with John Crl'es, 'han .0 da),I. . . . . . . 8. atiG. 11 Will Dann and f~ml)J' aDd 'IIn, Poet.ai ..~ de"""It. .. 110.al Tot.ai depotJlt.. : .,. . . . . . . .. . aOft, 2C1.78 George B08an speo$ .Snnda,. "Ub Total ......... ,.. .'... .. UU.l15. 82 Ohaun~181 Bunnell'e . STATE' OF omo. WARREN OOUNTY.SS: Robert Sianle V Is 00 'be 1I101t: III.' . J, J . O. O.,"~tie!':r"ler of til. abo •• The f'rlends lyf Keller Bolre lIave aimed baDIr. dO aD Y ""~ &hat tbe alave lta&emell'" true to ~be ~ ot mT him a pleasant lurprlse ~'orda,. ltno"ied&e and belJef. evenlnEI· ' . J. O. ()ARTWRIGHT. Oultler, DOD " forlet the _oootee, a.' New l!ublcr1bed aud .wom before me &h.JI 11th day of Sept, IIIL E. V.' Bll'Dllartl • BU'J'Tingioll H . E. obtll'cb I'rld&,. Oorra:& Alte.l: Not.a17 Pubuc. night, September 17, 8. LEV. OARTWRIGHT, J, W. WBITI!', Mr, I.ee Bao', of ChioaIO. Ia• $be W. B. ALLB... ~. 11leI' Even" Sa.I..... 8
::~~~ :~~:O:t:h;o~tlt~~m~: ~!e c~~~
tact wltb a cylinder with a file-like lIurrace, which causes . tbe pIn. to tUrD rouod BO that It Is IIbarpelled on all aides. It next droPB loto a receptacle. where a. layer of pIns Is placed, and then a layer of fillely-ground t1ll until tbe pan 111I1Ied. . HeM and cheml; a' tb e pIos wIth t'ln. oa1 80IUUon co. Tbey aro thon polished til a barrel revolving rapIdly. They are plaCed In the paper by a. macblne, whIch seizes tbe paper and crlmps It' Into divIsIons ae wide as the length of the pIns. The bottom of the box Is 'made of sQuar.e steel bars, which allow Uie ehanks, but not the beads of the pIns to pass through, The bars are In mot1on, thua sbakln« down the pine UIItil a row' Je formed, ",hell thity are clamped In place bi the' ban. .Ii. fold of paper 18 pushed up apinst them and pl'eesed Into place. . Tbts Is 16pealed until tbe paper III tull, when an· other takes Ita pla.ce. It all Bounds In· trleate, but. beln« done by maohlnery, 1t. '1 rapid and chea.p, else we cO,uld 1I0thave the bUllonl ot pilla that we
=--• .
H. Com ... "Where do we lInd tbe moat mi • • able of men T" ~olalmed the uhorJ8I' ferventl,.. "You doa't · have to ftnd hIm," ~e4 the man In the fourth ro.w, C8Dter. "be hunta you up and tell. rou all about 1t."-Phlla4t1pbia PIIblio LecIpr. ,
--_-1'. . . .___•
,- .
~y .
JUST A · FEW ITEMS." Mem'ry f.i.n ks- r.Otitdoor " Embroideries . ...... ·...... lOc sports and Indoor fun Wagons-for the Boy . Mem'ry Links 'them every or tlJe Girl. , ..• ,., .,' , ,Uk: ' oue" ... . .... ... , • , ..••. 1Oc Glo:v~for busklng ... , ••• JOe BiJrnt Wood BoxesGlasses-to keep the Sun HatJdke rcl lief, Bon Bonl, out of ),our E~e!J " • , , ~ lOe Gloves, 'NeoJtties, etc,., :1Oe Fr~h Candies-lus~ come Pencil Boxes..• ", •• "." ,~ [Oc in, per lb .•..• , .... , , ,.1Qc:
Next Door to
Guette Olnce.
Sixty-Seventh Year
Will Make an Address on Temperance Question
Whole Numbel' 3337
IiiRSONAtMiN~ON-iI w. tJ~ -
, UF
Mr. C. B. Bentit'y visitl'd relatives in Xenia Sunday.
Fancy P'eachea for White'B Store.
L. A.. Zimm erman ill in Cincinnati today, '
W, N. Sears was in Shelby County Friday on business:
• -
C. T.' U.
Frank Mill er was a Dayton visitor
canning at
"Rev. and Mrs . J . F. Gadwallader Ily the Latc Dnn R. Ander.son :W ho were Dayton visitors Thursday. Rr L:nllcd "Memories" Levicy & 'Howe, of HRrveysburg, . of Waynesvlile has a milliner from Cincinnati.
Tu e~ dny ,
\Va 'Jjesville
Friday, Oc tober 8
F riday, Odobcr X
3 p. m.
3 p,
21lO empty Cider and Frui t Barrels at White's Store.
Mr and Mrs W. H. Allen are in Antl·Clgarette Program Substituted Cincinnati today. for Scientific Tempcranc~ Instructlon W. N. Sears and D. L. Cran e wer in Dayton Thursday afternoon.
Miss Dora Nelson. of Lordsburg. Speaking of toil houses, of the For Auto Livery. call on Geo. J . The W. C. T. D. met at the home four that acuarded the portals of Cal.. is the guest of relatives here. Waterhou:le. Phone 5;1- 2X of Mrs. D. H. Pal met on Tuesday Waynesville, one only. on the Xenia afternoon, September 21. . Mrs. Hannah Booth. llf Lebanon, pike rl mains The one below- town You can not afford to miss hearing The meeting was opened by singwas the guest of friends here over when first I knew it was controled him. O. W. Stewart, at Waynesville. ing "What a I!'riend We Have in by a widow, Keech. who had a son, Sunday. ' Jesus." Rev. Mra, Martin read the Oct. 8th. 3 p m; Sam,and daughter . .Anna. I knew Scripture Lesson, Provc'rhs23. Ml'II. ' The Hon. Oliver W. Stewart, who repn;sents the ' F lying Squadron J101111 dation, will Mr: and M·rs. S. D. Everly. of Anna beat. The toll house on the up, Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeMay, of James Vandervoort voiced the prayer Dayton, were gUCbts of Waynesville perSpringboropikewas presided over speak at Waynesville, Friday, October ,at 3 p. m. 1f the weather is propitious the Middletown, RPent Sunday with Mr. of the Union . Then followed a hy':"'let me llee- John Pence, lather relatives Sunday. second song. "My J esus. I Love and Mrs. C. T. Hawke. speaking will he on the street, if not, the me€!ting will be held at the M. E , church. of Perry Pence, Perry's mother and Thee" Temllernncequotations were M,w Marietta Franey, of Colum· t.wo sisters. No' sign of where it given in respon se to r oll-call. then to KenJames Kerrick was called stood remains. Then we climb the bus. viBited relatives here • couple of ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;=-;;;;;;:';;;;=-=-==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;=== tucky thi,s week on account of the followed the reading of the minutes Corwin Hill to the cemetery entrance days this week. and other business. serious illness of his uncle. Mrs. Palmer was appointed deleIn the shade of an ash tree, slood the W. S. Bonneville arrived home gate to the State Convention at Daytoll hOUB0 of the Waynesville-WiI· Mr, and Mrs, John Sears, of Darke ton. September 22, 23 and 24 and mington plank road. Mary Ann Car Saturday, after spending several county, were the week·end guests of many others signified their intent ion roll, daughter. ot Eli Smith, of Mid- week.s in Dayton, W. N. Sears Ilnd family . of attending. A new Union at Leb· dleboro; Clinton county. who was a anon with seventy members was reo brother of F'anny Smith Butterworth. Dr. ,mil. Osteopath, at residence ~r. and. Mrs. J. N . Lambert, of ported. A report of the County CLUB HOLDS ITS FIR,S1 AlEET· mother ot Paulina Bu~terworth, of L , T. Peterson, Main St" Tues Indlanapohs. have been gUP.8ts of Convention at Franklin was given by Paulina Ilbsolutely the best worn aD day and Friday mornings. INO OF YEAR Mr s. J E. Jannev and Mrs. G. J. who ever lived, only had two beaux F. Hathaway. returned home Will give two performances here Mr. and Mrs. J . A. Funkey , in Waynesville. Thursday. October Smith. The rell:ular meetin, of the J. O. last week from a visit with relative<l One came and asked to l'set up," she 'A first class milli~er of experience An Anti- Cigarette P rogram had 7, Phillips Park. consented, and after a silent hour. U. A. M. 'will take 'place at their at <::Olumbus Grove. Ohlp. and while Show day will soon be here. and in- has bee.n secured by Levicy & Howe. been substituted instead of SciCIJtific she suggested that he "scatter" out hall Friday evening, October lat, there attended a reunion of the 21st Temperance Instruction . An origdications point to large attendances. Harveysburg. Give them a call. of ht<¥ si1: l1 t; and- out of sight out O. V. I., at Findlay, Ohio. Mr. inal paper on,"Our Habits" by Mrs. A no~ble example of the Ruperior of mind. That event didn't troublt! Mr. and Mrs. Archer Hnrts!)Ck. of Hathaway met an old comrade there The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Whilely was read by Mrs. Duke. quali ty of the high class American Paulina a little sbe soon waa her own Dayton. were the week~nd guests of and the Findlay Daily Courier says: Interesting talks on the Anti-Cigand European acts with this show is Mary's Church will meet Friday individual self. able to look down on ~r. Jesse Hartsock and family. Anothersingularmeetlnl{_!t'as that people. six feet high, and enjoyed of F. W. Hathaway and W. C. An- Were "Vacation Ecb s"-Many Rollo H . Heber's Performing Horses, afternoon with Mrs. S. L. Cartwright. arette question were given by Mra. James Vandervoort and Rev. Mr/l. life and entertainment of a host of derson, whp greetoo each other here Ponies, DO.l1keys and Bears. Aerial Told Expctienc:e in' Very friends immensely. The other beau For Auto Livery, o~ 80 • J. today for.thefirs~ time in flftyvears., For Sale-Brood mare a good work- Martin follow,ed by a gerleral disSnclls, Trapeze Artists; ~Iying La Oood Poetry abruptly .asked ber t:o marry him. "I Waterhoule. Phone 54-2Ys. Time had BO chllflged them tllat each VORS, Roman Ring Aerialists; La er. 9 years old. In~ uire of W. H. cussion of the question. The meetwill not!~' W8l\ t:he answer. atld 80 sl'le ~. 800 t, ,failed to recognize bis comraqe at "'ere & Mead. Acrobats; Madame Ml;ldd en, WuYnef!ville or Corwin, 0 \ ing clOsed by repllatlng the Wo. C. T. Blliled,'tler CQJ10e on peaceful watets Hear tile Bon. Q,lver W. war Qoce, but in th" course of the I con· -(;1: benediction in. concert. Clementia ,and Ell\~l In tneir Bul'Paulina was a niece of Martha a fotceful and elqquent speaker on veraation ol\e mentioned that he had The New Centur~Y' Club Held it! lesque Trapeze Act; Allen Troupe, Mrs. Lizzie Wellington and daugh- lhe next meeting will beheld with Smith Anderson, wife of Dr. Wm temperance. at Waynesville, October served in Comnany G, and a glad first meeting of the new year at the Wizards of the Slack Wire; Heber ter, Mabel are taking a tour through Mrll. J. W. White. October 20. . Topic H. Anderson. my parenta, When 8. reunion. followed after fifty y~rs C?f pleasant (loul)try home 'of Mrs. C, M. Brothers' J<'amous Acting Dogs and the west. They are now at Sedro. Christian CitizenshIp. Several visitorll were present at MarY 'Ann Carroll. with a ~unch of ' . leparatlo!!. Mr. Hathaway hves 1Il Hougb, Friday , aftElrnoon, Septem. Monkeys in playet. City of Dogville;" Waahinlrton. the meeting. Robt. Beckett arNved . home last Waynesville and Mr. Anderson in ber 24th. The meeUng was called to Odell Sisters. International Dancers, five kids, came to Waynesville. They --~---.~-~.~----located In the house wbere I, N. Bun week, a~ter spe~lnlt a couple of Carey• .There are few ~urvlVors pf order by our new president. Mrs" and many other sterling artists .p. Mr. and Mrs . C. M, Robitzer,80n nellllvt's, or did live. Shti was thl' weeks WIth relatives a~ Cynthiana. that I.'ompany now and It·is seldom C. S. Grauser, in the chair. Twen. pear together wi th 8 con~ress of flrst only toll taker at that point. Whill' Ky. that those who have not answer:ed ty.one memb!!rsrOSIl,onded to roll call class clowns, forming one of the M. C. Liddy was the 1aa£ one tp take ' the l~t roJ\.~1l ~ave an opportumty by givina "vacation echoes," which most satisfying QJ1d attractinK per- Tuesday eyening. · VI II L Before you buy your winter hat. of meetml{'. was very interesting'. We found we formances ever presented under can· .tnll at the lower gate. ' That h(lU8e was moved IiOmewhere off the right see ~vicy & Howe. They have a Mr. Hathaway 'was very glad to had BOrne who were real poets in our vas. Mrs Clark. the candy maker. of Heber Brothers for this season Columbus, and Mrs. J M Milburn. of W8¥ for the little old "Narro" new milliner, who will trim your hat m~t his old comrade, and he says he club and that every ooe had taken have all new aets and features. and • . GuageRailroad." thatprettynearl)' right. had lhetimeofhisli,f eatthe reunion. a v~ration and IOlhe who at first of Xenia. are the' guests of Mr. and "did not came." MarY Ann Carroll •- • thought th~y had not .had aiJy vaca· as in the past. they have the cleanest Mrs. EIi_Dean, of Route 3. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman artion, had more than most of them put and most refined show trave(jng. was a mteruf Elizabeth Smith Sher Bring the children. The performMrs. F. C. Hartsock entertained The Kings Mills Hi journeyed to wood ' Gause, ' mother of Dr. Thomatt rived home "I\uradav evening. after to th N t 1'h Sherwood, whoiIC 'wlfe was Phoebt> a three weeks' visit with relatives , a !~rder~f g::eLi~g' ;~~~g~~~ ::e~ ances will be given afternoon at 2:00 her mother, Mrs. Laura Mosher. of Waynesville Friday afternoon, and Bailev, ~iBter of .the one oftwo Em· ni Toledo. president, Mrs. C. S. Grauser. She o'clock and night at 8:00 o'clock. the Waynesville and Mrs. James Worth- they went down in _ qefeat to th~ mor BaIleys Jr. gave the ladies a cordial welcome and doors opening one hour earlier. ington, of Cleveland on last Thurs- tune or 10 to 7. The WaynesVl I~ HI To-day, June 26,1915, 'the Society Mrs J. W. Edwards and daughter, __. _ A said she hoped this y'E.·ar would be one Band concert before each perform- day.- Morrow Mirror. ' did some very pretty work, e~peclallY ot Notable Indianians, of ChiC8g~, MiBB left 18st week fr,r their - II -H of the best. ~nd ~vanted it to be ance. Special bargain matinee at 2 . .------ with the stick.- ln the thlrd.and. p. m. Ladies. 20 cents; children, 10 Ill .• 600 strong, ea'me by epeeial train ton. after spending the a pleasant and profit;ableyear. Next Mr. Chas. Corne ll, Mr. and Mrs leighth t he:r poun'tled Kings pitcher Qver ihe Monon railroad "and pie' here. on program was a 'Word from past cents. Night prices, l!5 cents, chil- Ralph Miller and Rev. C. S. GrauAer hard, rapping out tw,o baggers g!l_ _ 9 _years e_e 16 cents. nlced on the. battle ,field of Tippeca· presidents Each r(~ponded and told dren under attended. the funeral of Mr. Cornell 's lort'. S~veral sensatIOnal plaY~n IDs noe and all the tribeS of Red Men in Mi88 Grace Carman. ' of WaynesThe members of the Christian In a few words SOm(~ of the interest· uncle, Hiram Olllesb~ at Port WU- th.e field marked bo~h teams. KI g thiR vicinily and beyond, with a \>ret· ville, who is inlltrucling the ,youtpflll Endeavor ljOCiety of the Christian ing events that took place during liam Tuesday afternoon. , HI were prett:r SWIft on the bases, ly fair armYI mnder Gen. HarrISOn. at Roachester, iR makinlC her home church and friends of the eociety her administration which was of and five of theIr runs were respon- . had 1& battle oefore.:a moving'picture with the Robert Gilmores.- Morrow held quite b unique eocial at the borne great interest to all t he ladies pres· J siDle for their fast work steating , • . all G For Auto LIvery. c o~ eo. • bases. Gebhart had a finger hurt in mach,lIe. and I waa one of tile vic· Mirror. of Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Palmer, ent. Dl,ll'ipg the sQclal hour a dellWaterhquse. Phone 54- 2Y.. the second. which somewhat impeded tims t.o fall dead i arid its funny death Thumay evening, September 23rd. cious two course lunch was served by Mrs. T. Conklin. ~f Port William'. The rooms wer~ decorated with fall the hostess assisll!d by Mrs. J . W, has no ilting, BO I -fell brayely for my , his work behind the bat. On Sunday. September 26. Mr. The high school girls were, In II. copnto'. , But it you are ever ' un· who haa been thefuest of Mr, and asters and d~has. Numerous ~on. Ward, Misses Hel'e n Hawke, Reva Oral Surface. MiBB Mildfed Burnett. measure, responsible for the victory. foftupate enough to see the picture. Mrs ' D. S. Howel. left for her home teets were'glVen during the evenmg . Williamson and Dora , Nelson. Mrs. ' Mr. an.d Mrs. W. A. Surface. and Tbere were a bevy of them on the don't take I~ M'real, for,the one Oil Sunday accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ,T he tree contest and flower cor,.test Riggs. of Newark, Mra. Ed Thomas, Mrs. 'HIram Eyer motored to Chfton. grounds , and aided Waynesville by the pile of brulh"Is me. being- they Howell broultht forth muchJaughter. LIght MiBB Helen Hawke, Miss Reva Wilwer!3lloing to scalp me. but I ' d i d n ' t · refreshments were served during the liamson. of Dayton; Miss Dora Nel· J. W. Satterthwaite, of Laketown. t~en to Ferndale Park" where a fine their applause and class cry. The Waynesville base ball team n'Sed 10 that in aenaation I met and Mrs. 'Thos.' Lackey, of 8 ven ing : hThe hapPYIParthY departed son, of Gal., were g:uests of the host- Utah. writes us the following in· dmner wa~ s~rved, ~he afte~n~on teresting letter. which has made us was spent m s)ght seemg. the. taking will journey to Kingman Friday, to up Wlw,. and Mr. and Mrs. ~. P.C1y. f or th ei r omea at a ate our. con· ess at thi. meeting. • feel good for the service rt:ndered . of some fine pIctures of the chffs.and play th e fast teall1 of that place. (Continued next week.) Wahington D. C.• were th,e gratul'a tinlt the host and 'ho~tess o'n -,~.--- Be says: "The Gazette of th~ 8th returnjn~ through Yellow Springs • _ ... - - --. - • Qf Rev. and Mrs. their entertainment. failed to reach me for some cause. and Xema. This is the first time a paper has " Hear the "First Gun" of the temfailed to reach me 'in over thirty Fresh Baltimore Oysters and Calyeal'f1 that I can .remember. 1 am perance eampaign this faU, Friday, ' ery daily at Whlte'a.St,cw1._ still interested in WaynCllville news, October 8th. 3 p. m. - - -... .... and I do not want to miBB a' single . Glenn Johns. a pupil in Ul'~school paper. ' here, went to Morrow MondaY,eVeti1 have also been greatly interested lng, where he wlll teach school ' ,for , in Uncle Dan's' Remlnlscenses. althis w~k, on .accoun\ 01 the illne811 , A series of seven serm ons will be though r think he made some misAn· eltp.I~sion 'of. ol)e of. the small pf the regular fe,:cher. ' Thumay evening' Wyoming Lodge . prt'ached on Chrislt:l:l seven worda takes. probably he forgot. 1 will llOwder mills 8U~ings Mills occurred No. 102 1. O. O. F,. held a very cutting' tobacco laat :Thurs· spoken from the. c:rOS9. These ser· ' While meet him. perhaps, before long, and at aoout9 o'Clock Tuesday morning, " , pleasant meeting. It was in the Cllrl Hartsock, of Springfield. w~ day Martin ~ethOd. who )jVel\ west mons will be preached on seven BUC· th en he will explain. I don't feel aqd one ,man was ' ki)\ed. ' Garber nature of a Ho",e·Coming, and ot Lytle, had the , ritjsfoi'tnn~ to cut Sunday nights. cqmmencing like saying 'poor Dan,' for 1 think Ayl/itonk aged, 27. He'leaves a wid. in town T~urtlday. Mr H,artsock.ls almost the entire membership was arm very badly, and almost bleed Octol)er3, at 7 o'clock. he is better ott' now. ,He has reow,,' and 'one 'child The eaulle WBb repreacntmg the Pearce Wall P4~r his present. ' Grand Master Edward' Hereafter. on account of Increased to death before the doctor arrived 3lrd, "The Reach of turned home after his mission here riot bown. - , " " eo., and when he m.kes Waynesvtll~ cut, wa made near the large ,!' Oct 10th "The on earth, and has, perhapR.· eom- business. Ford cars will be assembled Wright. of Greenville, Ohio, was Mr Aylstock~was well known'here, hlB ol«l frifln~8 are , ,;,e~ glad to aee The vein in the arln,' and hlld it been just Parad'iSe;" .Oct. ' 17th pleted all that he was sent forth' to in Xenia. At present the cars for present and made a fine talk to the , aa pe was a' ball player and had been. him. a little detlper'the results might bave "The Last Chllr~~e of Affection;': do a9 faithfully as the great majority this wrritory are assembled at members. Visitors were present bl!Je a~veral 'Urnes' with the ~n different. lie i~ getting along Oc!;.24th, ·'The . S~,litude of Christ;" that liave gone on before. Dan An· Springfield and then delivered to from Springboro and Lebanon. , ,teani. '. Mesa",. Silas Richardl'On, J. C. nicely at the present Ume, however Oct. 31st, "Christililnity .and Pain;" derson, by some. may . have ~ Xenia. As BOon as arrangements After the session an excellent repast '} " .~. Ra"'!ce,L. Nicbolilon. Heber Smith, ,.----.... Nov. 7th. "Life's Work Completed;" considered rough, but I loved hIm., cali be made they will be sent direct of oysters ,was Herved to the lodge, . Chis Burnett iWd Sajnl. · Smith at· ,to Xenia from the factory and as· Nov. 14th. ·~'Some IIntimatiotls oUm ... sembled there. thu!! saving a lot of tended , die Home.Cjiniing of the mortality." , ' l; Springboro .' l. ,d. O. F.saturday ,These words wer'e spoken for you. ,I; evening, . "-, '" You are invited to s~nd your Sun· . . ~ "'. .....;, \ time, • - • day evenings" at these'services. An lotfll' M~ry , CaiIk~y; with her opportunitJ will be given f!lr you' to mother, Mrs Hannah Anlram,IIave PlIblicly Acknowledlge Christ·,' , . Clarence S, Grauser. Pastor. been rl,lnning th:e 'Maple.!n" sum!fl,e r botelat Lebanon, have ,taken room's ,) at thllt, place ', ~il 'wll! Jetlmi to ' WlIynesvl~~e In ttill aprlng. , David Mason, an aged man of ' Mrs. D. H. Palmer was sent as Oregonia came very near ending his a delegate to the,S tate conventiqn of lite Friday evening in a ve,ry tragic , Walter Chandler will take the in- the W. C. T,. . U .., held al Day~n. manner.. Be. thought he hea,!I surance businell8 ot the late A . B. Others attenCllng from this .locahty' burglal'f11D hIS stor~! and he got blS Chandler. and conduct itln '~he Ilame were Hev. and Ml'81 y. S. Grlluser, revolv.erand started to look for them, minDel' that it I)as been conducted Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frame, Mr. aqd but ~ell over a box and the gun was In the last few .y,e ars. Mr . Chandler Mrs. J. El Janney. ~v. Mrs. ~artin, diS(harged. The bullet struck his w1ll move here al800n aa he can clOlie 'Mrs. EdIth HarriS. Mrs~ RIchard body near the ti~rt and the bullet ,his bllsin81111 aft'aifl in Dayton. Mr -Duke, Mrs , Davia Fu~as and Mrs. went through hlB body and . struck and M~ ' Chandler will be welcomed J. W. W~te. ' on the wall. , Mr, Mason at las~ ac- by their' many flienel8. · . .. ""--~---counts waa getting alonl( very nIcely, ' . _ • '
B~~n~~~fe~&hl~~~td ~t:rn:h~! U1AYNES\lIl1'E U\ n
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at 10:80. The pubUc Invited to tb_
-"~ '
- ---
- ...---
BRhteenth 'Sundar alter October Srd. Sund., School al 9:30
:;:g,,::::=~'itr;::'.~ ..... ·<I'SEVERElY,BURNEn
'J.'blrtY.:rObnh~c!Jrmatl;.at ' Ci~her 'Makes Funnr B~eak-
,W hat a silly mistake an 'extra cipher will make. In last week'. , isSlie und.r the CaptiOD :'CanDine . ComPany Makee New Record," the At the home of W. B. Allen OD ty.- made it J5000 wheD It Mould ~onclQ ~ht. in attemptig totue have _ 1.600. Accordl" to the a flaIb ~t ~~ 11_ Ruth ~~~=~~: ~ I, 1 4~:t:. ~ the Dew record _ fu·behlIl4, Bart.ock WII ~ barbad em ~ the old 001. ' .. ' U. bIDIl aa4 ~ "
. , Bally DBl',at the CbrfltIaD chul'Ch. Sunday. October loth~~!. w~~1 You to come. ~_ .... -d ~~ prolfl'lUD'l Rem~=.~ bel' 10. 915. - - #~
mt.'lfIlC\t Aunt Ui' h~i1I" ,: lion wblch Quite cht~~
L~ ~f"" "',:t.
I-.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . .~
ORIIII 1m· lJu18t1', to 8"1110. "In Ill.- IIlNlDthn o, It l Three Really ~::;-Onea. T_ Ie JU llt as wvll to "tudy 10111' "I."urt u· Whloh Havo Had an Event· p,y. I!odl Dick tbere'. e ~ nltl 8. or cOIl ful HI,tory. lind y. lorlousl s whom nel ono con~ld~r Willie Cunningham. ",b08~ one And Ow thll hislor ic rclntion nmong only drawbn k JII sucb IlU ·~ tlol1nble .J. .I bealth thnt hll mlgbl perslstl' lllly In· ' \\'ll.torll'uY9 is ihis-1h at it WII S th('~e Probate CoUrt Proceed lnU lerfere wltb your 800ln l 8Ql!,'1t \(·s. and lies Dnrrltm the of 'izllr(J s thu lu the Dllltt Ol' uf '111e Il~tllte of, Houeton Von Ploon , J om rrank hft.rlotl .Bo. po rus hy th .. tt'ur.ks IhM ~ ot 0U. la tho moa eligible ot nil. and 10 hove Mlohll P\ Bt'Oller, dilOOU~I> A. P . lumbllS in que. I aou 11 Pan/linn cUlInlowltrd B ~ tlr t uJ W Del!. J HIdlatlnct ~ t(rtIct cd hie nttentlo n Ie n l'l II llllro.is rN. thtLt is, ill 'I" '~I, 01 U W/lter hi ~hw/ly Unlph . l\lr. AlI llIon, \YuJl ruthur Qd·I UIIRh/", I' uro 1Illllolnt 1 1lI<' U! hI~ lei' 0 f t I 101 Uf:j~lItu 0 1 !~'Ulll .!£lIrollC to \ ill. Ilc ro~" the 1\ t.In yeur_ " I'anced " "PI II I" I d 0011 "YOU'Q tblnk Lywl JrnQiI, d eollll~Od, In'V eo tory lnnlic- alld it WIIS os UIO BUCCCS or o~. e. e ae RI1IlJ nI8f) Ulen\ Ill' fl ied , und I lI',(\s a horBo. of t he ob olete Hy?,n ntine roule to "I know Jus t ho,"' YOIl fa I." stnted I In tit mnt.tl' r or t.b~ will of W, l ncliit. thot the • lI CZ cRlInl was Aunt Hal n, Bl1tlr Iy unrunt cd ; "but W,ll IS not lid. The you havo yo~r future 'to con.sld r. nnd 8 .. G!\rc. (l "~!l!IO coustru clcll. 0 llcooan t of plnll ncrl, fUlll 0 l·o ll b IJr ll t II,I.et1 uI and nco." contld your Invito I wlBb to 0( . tory hi 1hc in ence 1'081' 1\ coincid l ('1,ol'hu was !lot. In h er voice tbere was tbe Quavor of fno~ I.hut MI' tJarri CHAPTER VI'. of bu~ the thr?c 111 pha.si7.es the satis faction ,lme 1 lhe at "tllf~ t,l\Q of deut . much concern tl10 pet!- which 18 to ue felt at the Am r i nn "Tbank you: Aunt ~el en :' said Onl1, deoettse . W . B ; Allen, ,Had Thoy Spoiled Her? , 11111 pllper flow U;)n e r vyithdr/l'\\ older o th or y IIlncerlt tbe realizIng or pl\Tlors the In ed coulrol of lhe P II III111m cn ulIl. We Muslo rosound woman's Intentio ns. lind . putling b r the filp8 qf t hi .. cOurt. Jim ,SlIrg nl'S houso: musl s o s we~ t ti ll r 'oli 7.\' how dcp lornhle und inCom 01011 PIcas COll rt and comllolllng- In ILs h\lF\lIolIY thot arms around Mrs. Davies' neok. she rcrl iuLolNllul,· it would be f r th ill l c killsed her. "U Is dear of you to take 4utl t Orete slllll' d to th ~ belld ot tbl! I Suits. New ighwuy 10 be! placed mltlc r such bigIi so mucb Inter eat." Iltalrs' tO \.Istcn lu \lIingled eC"IB!'Y and Mo. 8clfi h IIlI d xc il1 sivo rul o 0 8 Delle oled, . VI:! y Mo~(IDn M,lryE pride, Up lbT(lUgh l1l hallw y Oontod " I tblnk It's prldo." con reB8~d Mra. to.blo ('lI d j~ll Il IIIHt.IUO o clenr. mellow soprano lind a rich. 111. lIi Illlll wh ith for cClIllII'ie s hilS conDavlea. naively. "I won't keep YOU UP Kin ney et 'de I) barlton . blendod eo Ilcrfecily 00 to bed. nnd r eUef. Gall. lhll ])lIrciIlDr'lI r', ur to bo 6ublonger. .trollecl minute a Ithat tbey aoem d Iwln tones. Aunt Idn N. (l es jc t to Ihe cli>ltnrlmo os nIu} IIwnnce '{ern Y. <l abb a rt hBe~ekesp. Y nlo cfnn·"oOur r~~:s ~::p a~~etphet~ ~~!I I stnte r till t I ~ • Graoe. drawn by .a rn c1antlon she , . whi ch hil I'(' ut t imes II fini led the. lIez <)Q o. ro" ,pur could not roslet. crept down to whero and wltb a PArting carOB8 ght." Oood·nl m~l· 11>(' vt<. C. Bishop cllnnl. lind which would freq l1 Cl1l1y ot, J~lI Wrlgbt she could sco tho 80UTeo of B with room, own bel' to sbe went ody. Oall. xccptlonnll), pretty to.. Willrerl lon, . rnquey "I' c1C11.Dllg~8, prcl'ni i U ll'I'C In 'r it not f or the senae of e dut'1 well perform ed. night Ln her slmille dove-color d gown ctively, and " m ount, ohumerJ , $10,000 retrospe amlied Gall nso,'rtion of Hl'ilieh uuthol'i ty. Yet WIUl Its ono pink rOM; Silt Ilt th o ,T. M. EIUDhll.rt VH . G OlJrge W. tried tho blu e IIgbt under the canopy tltl! [(lmH' r h i ~ f ory nf tho Isth mus of with ber. fo.re0\)0"0 0 a munoy lnwerlng plano, wblle but turned It alit lmmedlntely . 'Ind M,ny J!' r e Ulan, lamp, per· or look a 1 1"~I'~tS tlmt if left to lorH I nnd I'nnl1nllL hla obest expnnd d . olosure errect bettor mucb a gave Tbe green I ot peace on bls fnco, Blood Rev. . Uultie e MurlllH VI!, Jo ~eph T ",m Imi Ih' JlJtll of the canu] tli r moonllg bt aD the floor. extre me ornolty . woul d ho (,olllf)Artlhlc in evil with Smith Doy d. ~alled berself baok out or tbe Mll.rlatt" ulvoror . She Enmplu red, Aunt Groce atood and though I.. Wbo s prevldu her ot mlllts lhu t of Ih o nn1'Cltlncl1~B lIud 'r Otto· Proceedings lltitenod unlll tho close of til ballad . tblB GaU, and wbat was she7 wall ~I I/lIlJ nnt! t hnt of lI C7. ltuder lIuti\'e next the for Letdl~g through h I' music Thore blld come a now need In her. a P . K . AIII,l e~l1 t f! V!l. '1'l1omn8 'f. E~YJl tiflJI fulo. 'rhcso iuttor huv troat, GIlII lOoked up at tho young doc· seemed ng new a wakening. Sometbl Buath, ~Illc~ Hllprovell tLlId distribu . tor. and milde Bomo smiling remark: ou ly now, !tHor IlI IWy yenrs, nnd ne 10 bave cbanged In ber. to have crys. " on o rdl reel . Her sblnlng brown hair, WRyIng Ilbq,ut crystalli zation tbls er Wbatev II rc ul t of iu,'st imubly costly Wllr, tallJlled. Brown w O. B l\ rl 3~ck \'8 A b(lgoil her forellend. wns caught up In a was, It bad made ber know tbat mor- et- III \0 !<Iruple rllt e\' d into the fortuun t e " tute f.,o ill .. nt,l doll· e th nnd. baclt, the at knot 'slmple waB not to be looked upon ns n estele In thIS ()II USD 16 C}ui e ~od ngulns l which wq .hol'c peacefu lly IIssurcJ to rtage tbo like ",DB 'eate color of ber cbeeks Hair Rip· more Inevltab lo aoclal eplBode. HOT All OIICIU1 of any o f the :lufilllcla nts, ,'fresh gtow at dllwn: Rov. Smith lloyd She Sat. With Her Brown Ml r cnn41 frolll its vory inceptio n.thOughtB flew back to Aunt Helen. ,... 6houlde Her Around pIIng tllO. e, \,Ij. Ubo rlC'l8 Koelln, Kuelin M. 1dll bent sllgbtly to answer. anli h rr/l.rn~y, in the North Amer. relalnea. Tne Hor eyela.be s bruBbed ber cheeks, r Hnd de· (1 c' rgc lImUed 118 be BJ)Oke: bllt ns b e hap· nanaaome enougn to be hIs blllCk balr and the little amlle of sarcasm dlvoroe Is l(rantcd l,Jllintif c\'i('w. R ll iClI lng feQdl\n t; h! ooj inod frOID int-urfer lponed to find hlmseJr gadng deep In to Adonls.llke DIck. wltb black mua. twJtched the oorners of her lips, with re'll estate boloogl ng to plnin. ·the brol'l'1l eyes of Gall, tbe smilo be· and black eyeB. his curly Oall . eligIbles of list Aunt Hilion's his black goatee, bls pInk tiff. 81m to fade, aDd Aunt Grace Sargent , tacbe and HISTORY OF THE NEWSPAPER 1J0t ; tely delibera teeth; OaU, revIewed thom now J obn P. Dlolloy oxtr ,VB . B olmer acared, mn bMk up the stairs and Into cheoks and bls wblt o advlln· lIoelnl the of tbought the wIth tbrowQ bead bor o. erect. Olokey e t 111, e ourt gi veil constra her 0\\'11 room. where sbe took a book. gracefully Inst itution H aa Made More ProgrOSI and her taces they mlgbt oller ber, but a~ men. In America Than In Any liDd beld It .1n ber lap, upside down. back. her brown balr waving th em: It Sha reviewe d otbera whom abo had Hon ~fl cer'l;ulu I nrh of tbe wi ll o f ~l1 r y E Dloko . . deo nsod, Other Country. , Tbe remark whIch Oall had made woa Ourry wblte !Makes between Ute, hor In time firat e th For mot. p was pain tully beautlfu l. pt)! . 2"X ~ Tho L . & F. Uu. 011 tundurrl thJB: olously self-conB and "Children, go bomo." Buddenl y com. lIba was trankly \lod die ed settl Id lJ'lile , Co. lon ot nOWE fru "You should have used you r voice doily period l'ly ell very It about At men; curioul manded Mrs. DavIes, "DIck, Pllt the IDtel'eltod In reaohed .profellllionally." her third staae m l~sed wi t1.lOnt fiolll r coord . thalD. 1'tters were ,·ir uillted concern ing b d og b Be k_ wore d ahe bad the rector was: ot fo~nd It.... reply )'OU The pr~ce age, " I dO." tall"1 tbe ent: r. e'felopm of TunAre estate l lll blic IlIHl oflic iuJ 11 ts in nOll) Real "I suppose we'll have to go bome." the ., appose I aball haVe to be marally," sbe p~ce ullcl hilla. 'fho first priol o y "I d1dl1't mOlUl oratoric 'orHe rllert, Hlllfi ~ ld to) OrvCl. R. ~:W."led ~ed. "Dick. put baok that rie4 ODS daY" age. and now the IIge "" to ,,_.. retum A A nA~ou" la".bed . t"'eli. ~ . .... unlli. \V .". ~'lIlrvle in ,u new pnper was tbe Oazolto , pub. 10 d nnd .... 0 lot~ nell won: Sbe "Put away tbe dog, Dlok," ord/lred of coDedoua awakening. as to· wbat ~Ion to l~tlbJl n on, %1. her aearch for the Den selectio n. She li ~hed in NllrcmlJ rg in H~7. Ot1l(l1 'Van FlOOD. derat1, 1n lome perple~lty. 'had ~n that 'cbange ID the aiDtlo. "It the heavier voIce of young t't nI t H, y flud RllOdn c· lIutpies I llQw d Gerlll/my in jS811, ' rnlv. K P. L. rath· : nasenoe bel' about broll,ht II~ away." him L.lVE STOC '< ANO OENE RAL "" le eo rare to lInd a perf at apeakJng "Go me along. GaD, I'll put nrett." browlI, I 8 nU! 1 'l~lI N 0 &t, 611 OU(1 "'" ~ ~d ehe lmlUed ber In in'~ prinlClI lJ~Wllpnp\lrs hI the fel. hI At sInging r perfect abouh a It with brougbt coupled bad voice AUCT IONE ER I approac h. Dick placed the 11'110 \iOD tu M.1I8on, $1 'voloe," /!he rattlod on. "Here'" that EllgJund. in 16~2 : .....e \Ib\'V)' olOok chlmed the bour, 011 yo lIubilivit. with groat care. In OaU'a sool.. put lowing order: 8.l::!nrt W. tn e t..un A. Ii: slm1l1e UtUe 'May Bong.' Just bAl'- puppy, and ",U 1631; . wcd n, I (lH ' nol: took her arm. Van Ploon chargo. ' mony, that·8 aU." . togetber t be and etartle4 her ou t of lier reverie. of uut.J ot N ,). 11 in \Vnyne svll\e, $1. !I'nmoe. tb too ,· h and aat In ; nll's in, 1708; Turkey: lIghta, the 1656 on ld, lru t\u1le4 She Jllme~ . OnclI more th eir voices rose In that tM .. I er' 0hi e.r arm,t and to rlfi' REAL ESTA TE & INSU RANC E Rll r. W. c; Gilmou t 0 ret urD hont of ber mirror to ci'8 ber balr . away Io'en \ ' ng. 1$27, aug od, 0, JJovtl!t\ jo most ~ C the II()" Is 77 27 on which olln;, J a, perfect blending ber to clung Flakecr to hl8 bed. They I tb tl bll une or thoae atra brueblQBI for whlob l.ad 4.76 nores outSide Buill 0 rporll of journnlislIl has de llcat e o~• a 11 ,nost olleoUoDlltely. bendIng over her ...... T ho progre 0 ara ons. n 110 ~teftll, and ..hlob It repald ~Ioo , 2300 g melody Itllol( tbere was an apJHlalln In Alii rlcll.. TtlE ber id rap c)alled most tbey Office in Stoops Building nnd Iloon side; either on tbese , momeDt that symPl\thy, and, In David nod l:Iophill Pl okeTing to ii[':jt AmeriC!lD nowspo pr r, clllls iel1ll paused dt!Bbe beauty. mucb ao wltb d berHe If Iu th e g IaSB. C. A. an'" G ~ri!j" Br own, lot No. two wore In aa perrect nceqrd ns their Oall! BUY Tbo otbera were road •v to go wben llbeI'at eI 0t y t " " of three ptlgo of t\\'o columns ouch ''0I Cea. . '1'h ere . I'.II eOJIl.e thin g In th e tbey returned from the collie nursory, Wby, this was a new OnU, II. more po- LOI In MIlSOD, "'I. .. . and R hlank pagn, wus ]lllblishe d in atood for a R onll"le "nd L. D.~ B eber M DI' ll ,, had It AIII80n .. Wbatt wasI lltl musIc at the human tone wbl~h exerts. and tbe three young men Gall. tent 1 Alii h t bo of al" trllot~ Oall \VO t door. Meloy the DlII near row no~too on optemh r 25, IG90, un. a J£volyo in to son. es B 8 u a u er po ent a ma81lotic attmotl9D like no ot ber In moment 2 'I' Ii U 3 MUS aggressI ve Aillaon. I diE' , th o WOI'Id : wblcb breaks down tho bar· 1ooked the~ over with a puzzled ex- Strong, forcefUl, itself. . i1er the coption' of "Pllb1!c k Occu:r· , . , • 4, )00 n A thrill or an about them He WBII potence rier. pf antagonlBm, wbleb BweeplI preaaloll . Wbllt was tbero $1 reliC(' , Both Fo reign Rnd Dom ostic," I> I STATEMENT In d b bl B. V. BARN HART , polae, It Dill Was e1 EvelYI) D. ""Ieloy to Beber M ),et. and ercbeeks. 0 ung with 8p aw~ the walls ot selt-entr enchme nt, wbloh waa 80 attraoUv c an a it was immedi alely suppres oed, ber but 1 IntO . orept 1IuBh Blight a noe, eXJ)eMe , breeding pollsb. l. d 8urenesl tt b ex· No. hl of lot und monago- · w c a mots an draws. wblch Notar y Publi c Stal4llDent or tho owne ..hlp published Aunt Orace bad worMed about J im's ~nd L. D. Hosnllg le, p:nt In 1704 the Bo ton News Letter ap· mont EveD tbe 11~ 01 tho MIami O U.LIAJ. IllalDe and does away wltb eltplana · In80lenoe, groomIng- what' mouse -sbe 244 In L ,e bl1oon, ltatant Olln d;Imllco Iftre tJrof' foolsof -"IIIIIoo 1 sheet or one aeellnrd <\o~ 00 tho 00 I>y · printed Van r("QL1lrOO i:Y~'i"~~I.\oi9?:.lo ....... tion. ·T hls..,as the ftra~' bour they had 81111 A'l'thnr R, Green to C. M. Gold J cured, WOlk . . WIlIR thought she beard, and tbe s llvor foll""r. D., I•. CMllle. Wayneavlll ~. hlo; - A-H klndR of N/).t llryHpeola paper. It flo.urish ed 'for 72 yeMs. ROB8o lots No. 20 Blt.rry (1 .pollt wltbout n clasb, ond Rev. Smith bearing tonight! an m~n ng , uil.lookl ay. · dllD8ero Lualle's and cbest, nnd Deeds It hall, the ID stan4ing OTtlne. \YI1)'nua' l L, O. were , BUll Pullllob~r They ~d ~~tt~~&b tonight, tM and blul) ~2 eho.w No. Quite will allots eyes data g DO'1d. bta Tho followin hortie. until' all these toplca- had and 21 and fnotlon new . opened. ;=;:_ door ~==; front ;;;the and ~;;;; from .~~~ ' ~~ music . of L n. ""' hrought another SlAck Allnlo alld Marne Orowl1. OWDel'll, tbo unmlB' ~3 In Morrow . $1. ndvnncelllcnt in the United States : Crane. u..-. "Brougb t )'ou a prodIgal," balled falled, '!I'ben IIbe' detected the rack. J:!ondholdo .... , morigllG.... LIId 'OLherIl8CUrIL)' Uhllrle 8 M. Goldma n and Barry l"irst printing office ·in 1639; first near button Bwltch a of cllok te takable Gazet ha ' '1ln n1 MI' lat(lhke ha tIle al\ppm. Read : a I holrlel'll. The buUer, an aggrava ting Image Ullcle Jim. to '1:lle aentral Sa vlllf(8 Bank to CUlcl ¥ubttcrlbcxl bolore me tbls SworDuone. p'r in 1690; fi r st politica l pa· 2s.b door open for by. It must be III Gall's 8ulte. Hadn't Ros80 day nf SOl'LBlhlJe r .1 91 ~. • 'l'rost Co.. of COvillgtOQ, Ky., lot.I' nuwsJln With onl'1 one joInt IQ bls body, pa· pocket aa be held the . & quite Iny Sbe yetT retired child the daily paper iIi raded Bo)elllJlly through the ball. and the prodigal In Question Questlori N , 20, 21 aod fraotioD,.1 lot! No. 22 por ill 1733 ;' first JI:. v. Jlamban. NOl~. PUbUC· 1 Oall was watolllng tbe doorway . atill pooderlng tbat mlgbty unable to Bnd 23 ill Morrow , ' 1. 1784. back again with t.be oal'!1 tray, while' tben, and , ' mlnutea ten for I S " .. the rector IlIlD.g "Juanita o.U and omeone outelde W88 vIgorou s, Marrlall:e LicenllCl hom an old college lIongbook. '!I'lilob The prodlglll came rell any lon'gel', IIhe sll~ped oul ot bed PROOF OF BEAUT ". '.. the Reveren d Boyd bat1 dlsoover ed In stampin g bls foel.. be There was no ball. tke acroB8 and. buoyant Allison. to proved and bond In, and stook LeMlly, N. Fr~nlt of high glee. Aunt Orace came down the doors t)le under from ot Btep, spark.l1ng of eye, firm of ~aw, ' lIglit coming of MlddletoWQ, to Sybil HAT H A WAY GIVEN QI/.ICK REIJE F R. "She's n beautifu l \~omnn: isn't wind. Smll. elth,er the boudoir or the bedrOom ,' BO "sleima n, . staIrs and out pO It tbe doors or'tbe and ruddy from the nlgbt welcome, be Aunt ~rll()e peeped Into the latter N ~ Bu.W'ke , ot Waynes ville. Rev. J. ~~ when ,. ' -'11 e ' s . La a dI n, DeJ10"I· ,\'lQgic almost If bylenves W8,)'.G e.... ns Pain muslo 8nlon. Tbere were voices of IDg wltb tbe surenes s of and took her apartme nt, then sbs tiptoed 80ftly D. Nolt,o n. I 10 .iful? I should sny she 181 '"Benut . Mage of er farm . usiag 615anlmtated greeiln( ( In tbe ball. and came eagerly up to Oall, Purrl8 beein Artllur you D. pink ot St cascade ber J4aln In Gall, ' Bldg, away. ~eys io com. m~ felt () eho . the until d Drops, "lbe famouaol Aun y return ed to the door JUBt aB the band. retainin g It O live MeQtz of ; Yo~ just ought to hllve hcnrd 'oo waQ Statlou remedy for Rhoum". withdraw It, recognizIng 1Iullerles, waB at the nortb wIndow, . irllnkl\ ri. R ev. 'fhI8£le . hy 0 Id ' tl h !II grouc ~~~~~:~a::;r::~ g open ' tbe book pelled to thrlll. 10 wily y upmllS face earnest ber (ism. Lumbngo, 0 01>1/ The bare,t trace of kneeling, wltb agaIn tbat ., pale IItar Sci" licn, Ne uralgi" Jelee J. BI\110y, 11',)11 worker to sTloke to h er." QUQty, a fiuab Ilame Into Iier ilheeks, and paled turned to one bright ' beamed . me," "Pardon nnd kInd red ~oubl es. "There'a a IItUe sUrPrise out'here tor agaln. Bes£er Rbodsp , both of Lebano n UED) OONTIN BE (TO • • • • . • • • It ~nes ri ght ' 10 tho ThoulJh~ tlo . lur Optlmla 'fay e L!.Vern 'Iou." Rev. • _ 0 P" t. stops tbe aches L II let b , Dl_ th and can d s 1111 who ,garment bom f ber yet b not .. III obanged He Oall e a . U· e ..... wll 0 no",e Joe Holman Pay 11 0, brakem an on ' pain&-add makes Hnd ng dlsdalDi and. hair . y. wavln, ber tor .,.eryb~ dow~ LaDrll Belle FUneral Direc life worch liviag.. Got cUo and Tod Te&8dale;· handsom e Dick Snbsorl be for the Miami Gl\zet~, rllllrond of Dnytoo , to Perform ed a1\ VerDe \ La Rev. o( "li-Dropa" . bollll' Radloy and Arly Foaland and Houston tbe bolp of her maId, n Leba.QOD ,of ~ M.arlllt' •- 0 and Embalmer, duttel, to the putting IOO py. A booklet wilb " V~ Ploon, had come clatterin g In &8 tbe IItUe Dightly I'aylor. '. per. a In . Tben. an esoort for ?tIrs. DavIes, wbose pet away ot ~er clotblng q';rcct ioos for use. Commi ssioners ' ProceedillR:8 Ohio . fectly neat and orderly boudoir. sbe fad was to bave as many young people sat ' Don't delay. Dcmnnil ~f.l.!:~~ , . In . 1 serlousl' horaelf take to , down any from all poBslble ' bling· her home W. D. Corwin and .108euh Wat. "5-Drop:l." Doa·t ~a, hand. Cllll .answer etill romptiy day or nl~ht · ".t:,'S{}~ place. ccptnnylbiu!I. else in bavlog boen eleoted oOlll/nle . a kina .,,'j:;L·~ili:).: t,brougb ' : gone ce. ever Residen you and !;lave Office in and phones door the Both at lmook Tbero was n Connty . and ' I'lnca o ~ it. A~, drua, ' "Where' lI tho baby?" demanded 4~ long distanc e,N o. 14; Home phone .\. .I C'IU statoly MI'II. typl ()ol pine furest when Y OIl IIl1d Ii stonerR of Wurren quppl" you. If yo liye too (nr . their bonda nre nc..w bandsom e Dlak Radley, headlog tor on InvItation, ~e tali and flied g b'avln 14-2t: It ls8 u Imp, 8 vigOrou Wbat" Holen Davlea came ID, frUled and ruf· oold t 1\ (bll; ~joro. sgn'~ \l ao :pollqr I II s aoooedl ng 1:1. L, the stairs. Chairs and one Coach fumish ed free • 'II 1!:'.1 Co., NeWArk, found the sena I Row YOD opened wide yonI' SWOrD Iuto offloe u l ~n] htoll mat1 c • "SWy, )'OU mustn·t l" cried Lucile, lied for the Qlght.: Sbe In green IUlII!iB to iall.e hi th08o. iQvl~oratlng Irons !lod F. t3. ~lrnp8on. A, C ropn" \\' 'I bQ !,'l, ~nd " I "lIe of ,.:,. 1 > . . s boudoIr . fune~lIl guest WIth little n dainty. sbould • and started after him . "Flakes "I I'P;jlJitl, 'I __ 1'ell Or, Bilk er !! o coeod~ bimee)t . The Dew .1Itlea. qu eed. lnns guarant mYllter ftn!l servIce of est 'down n turned had· Oal\ . dlmnesa t.Intod be aeleep at this bour." i board orgllU'lzed !lnd mude A, a . posse~8e Honey r Plne.T" Bell'a the except room the In lights preside nt. ''I came In for tho 80le purpoae of aU tbe eanoP'1. and tho ~e stimnilll 'IQgI1UCllltlO8 aQd over. Bakel'. .teaol!~g Flakes tho turkey trot," de- green lamps IlDder the auditor W"8 instruo ted The Inner The ' . • ooogha bao~IDIi with hel brown · comes elared bandsome DIck, ano ran aWIl'1, IIbe Bat on the dIvan, .Uounty 09lllml 8slone.8 of tho hened notify strengt Is tbrod the of hair rippling about hor 8boulde r., her lining . foUow sd .by .Luelle. Oonnty j inlltruo tiog them Il germs. l:IlIoWlJtO oold IIglllQst and liel' In Its alhok "Luclle' s bocomln g. passo," crltl. knees olasped In lier arms" pespln. Every family Deeds a .tiotile oon- tba' t lll e WnrreD County Comml8 slippers boudoir little olzod Ted. "8he's /llrtlng with Rodney dainty 810uers wl11 meet tbem on tho Ertel from ber lIowlng pink noellgee, wbUe stantly at hand, 230. tor \ he second time.'! ROlld- the line bet ween Warren .... • . preBher to . "Can YOU blame ber?'~ defende d Arly tbe dIm green IIgbt. Bulted d the olear Ilod Hawllto n Countl es-oD WadDes. dllY, 'Septem ber 29 at 108 . m, Foaland. Sbe WIlB sItting In tbe deep ent re1lectton&, only enbance HAS A NAGGING: 6P~ U8E. Mra. Oa"te. - comer ot her favorite coucb. nursIng pink ot her complexion. 81de of Oal1, . Horaoo Ohrk e~ III of CJllllroreek a BJ8Jldor anklo, and even ber ohlnlnll moved over to the otber ber. and lald mauied life 1t1Ownl!lh ip oppel&red before the boiud u.n:hap]JY his "So d surroun could 8bo r l! of the road ruo. black billl', to say nothlug at her shin. wbere ~ow Is the time to . get yo~r winte r. <lrov(J poor lfeek to eoliet with thE In bebBlf of renlll head on her sbouldo r. ~ black eY8jl, seemed to be 6nappln . the brown he Da;v~on' pike to Lytle• from Ding DO nce intellige qulok whose 00.11. . alli es." .readlr:-g. Don' t y.ou think . ; , 'WIth wicked dollgbt. M'OLio'D oarried g ri.utlng Tru8too s ,ot ably o~ comf\lrt lay aped, eBO nt seemed mpveme came death > of Dick 881d e jnw~ Qg the bandsom Improvi ·"Yea; In and ! LUCile Hme :J10() for aid and a clear amulln g down the stairway wftb Aunt Holen's shouldor. leas terrible to hi~ than tlle jaws of road. , so. not could Sbe out. rIppled laugh ' aprana ' J!'.Jalt0ll betwon them, and OaU 'llbe bond of the IJ;lOomtDg nllditor and ralle' life!' Instantl y to take the bewilde red puppy ' the IImlle of eatbfaet lon {bed li t $5000 for ~he 'erm be. wal reDavie. BeleD Aunt .'rom them both. LIttle tilonde Luclla with wblcll OO,t ober tB, ~915 and extend (rlnnh]g RI!. PI,EA8U RED DEFER A . gave np ber ~tere8t to tho prior right, ce~,ved that ~~ugh. yean.· two tUR pleased My dear, 1 am quite . well come neare st gi~ing you what you but Rodloy pretende d to be obBtlnate Motion oo.~rled of t·he Dletrlo t Aa. em~l should, like to pay Subalt bliJa bavo "Yoll la(d. abo you," wHh dOWD to aoout It. HI. deep ' eyOS burned . wa~. -::-the lo~a' news ?' '.' that little bill of yours before I go ae8l011 trow ItI:! pl'el!lIQt Joe.tloD he.stood bending above 11ant f,uture bSfore yon." '/! ,offioe on · Ootober into GaJl'., A.odltor County I long, tbe ololed; e'1ellds ber, and. bta smile, to Boyd'B con. GallI! . '. . ". 00 her lany, Mr. Snip.. ' ,J,101 5.. COfttraied pie ' had In It thnt danger. brown lasllea ourved dOWD than1i sit; you, ThAnk Tailorof Bille A.l1ow e4-Man ttary Supply 8PU!de a ~u.t e rnealln heeke, o . women few whleb olnaUo'lI .. ' oua Co" !IUpplle l for Janl tor; 53.60. O. mllClblevoU8 Iou. could real.U Gall waa J)OalUvely emU. brlghtnea8, wblle tbe ' t r cap't. W. S par-b, bridge work, . UnioD ern-Bu Subalt of conaere the at twitched smile little . ~ \Ill Into ble e1ell! lp U2.10, W N . :Allen, ,to\vnah , ·"t'a.bll)&u!" OI.lIed Ted. "All ready he~ 11)111. you want.Sale: Bills, Pamphlet>. tetOtearcr eek Town.b l" work,. .brldRII I Pl. VI'4lDaI7 an were .'10U It (ilONE UP. ·for tjle l!Iext reel." work brIdge Shl1.tt.Z, D. . A , Statem ents, Bill Heads, 'Envel50. Heads ter a make to; toqbt. "Hold It a wbUe." bllgC ed Arly. and would urge ' '10U, town. ote\lk 'l'1lr~18 worlr, IId O r' an!! , ex· Id nally , opes, Dodgen;, Year Books; in fact, a'll ."en n e\', Btnltb Boyd was !oreed lIeleotlon among tha excepUoof wbl~ Bix-H ows .t he job, o . man Bhfp 113 50. A. D, /::!bollz, l materia n1aJ matrimo cellent was Picture tbe , to adm.lt tbat kinds, of Printin g, call at the Gazet te office and worl( aud r oad w o·r.ll:., TDLrtlleolree,1I YOIl bave a cbolce, but, ",ltl! roul' g . Salary gODe up yet? bod, over lnqqeec 65 US shlp, t.owo made get 'prices. You ~j}l find them,very' reasonable. Dix-l guess so. Tlie ·bOBS traordlnB1'7 talenta and beautl'. JIIJi eeloJf GEIOr\!e Bf8hop oorone r and wit . vloe la juat to tbe' ooDtrU7 . You an assignm ent today. ' .oeM, 16 '30 Zun ArlDl&8ge, two Ihould delay unttJ '1011 h&Ye bad a oOlltrllo h. ta76 -&0 A. 0. Bond. You t. JU4IIm~ tor Dll)' wider oppol'lU A NATUR AL CURIOS ITY. t, '157. ·E".ret t .Blair. roadoontraQ .1IIU'1te4 _ allq.a ,et . . bot h."e eok &ow"lIhlp 1420. TOltl~r work, . . preferen ce, I 1Iop&- ' ''Funnl' Isn't it 1'" (JaO'. qDite 'UIIN8aODID, IIDpaJH "Whats :tunny'" to ....." l1li& ibe oJotJIe4 liter
W. H. MADDEN (. # CO.
to eOY' 1
' cl.
- -
Vi, N. Sears
Waynesville, Ohi~
H. E .
"u fOloed .......,.
"N., Mat BIIiD.~!!!
J IS. !'!!i
--'-.- ..---
"That graaa widows don't
_ wecJa.-
" _~-~~~ ~' 2..
l'llbll,"" I W\~'kly .~ tIIo O ••OUl, (11111,.. 111 lit" All "" Hlllldl"I(, ~I QI II lit ., W ayo(lOvlll". ohl .. ,
Rates of Advertising
:Jt::m~II1:i~."J:,er.,I~~ce.Ki iiv'u' 110"'" . . oc
O. L. Grane, Editor and Menager.
Uut.t!tI of Subscription.
I'"t) Year ( trlctly III a'haul..,), . •. . . . . 11. 00 t!l uillc. CoI';\' ... . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ... . .. . .03
l ' ltroo hillClnlon. , . ..•..•• , • . ,. DINIlIr.y Discount. Ad\' cr t I8111 g per Incll .. .. .' .•. . , II 1voo 00 colltract.
As Wr:1tten by Our Corps of Able CorrE~spon ct ents In the Neighborhood
lOC ....
SEPTE MBER 29, 1915.
'l'he Civlo LeBgue me' tla'urd~y
. CAESARS CREEK t(l.r Bnd Mra. bllB~1 W IlHon, Mr,
HOW'S THIS1. afternoon lh' hume of Mrs. ObI\, l and Mrs , Joe Dlabr'o /lond baby _SECOND 'ANNUALWe offer One Hundl:lld Doltlus \1. Welob. where business was srans- danahter and MI 88 J1'r.l\nole Wilson Reward for Bny oa8e of Catarrb tbd ..oted. A very orMltlloble Abowlng too k dinner with Bb,m ol\nnot be oured by was bad by a liberal attendanoe . Sunday. .fAll fESTIVAL Cnre, theJ. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. From the appeuranoe onr ' Lnther 8.Blne8· wa!1 h ome from IIlIdersiJ;ned, have lDoniolpal officers will have to hold Wilull ngton oollege over Dnday. a~
Wll~on '15
l:J~lI'8 CIIou.r~b
presen~ known F .) . Cheney for the IU5l1 5 yenrs, and be lieve ~helr offices nn~1 their Sllcces80r i.
F. \ e,
Mr. l+eorge MuriaLt nd family were !;undllY vl8ltor8 in ~llrlng Vlllloy. Mrll, ;Sum!. ~haw Is sloll at thle writing. Mrs. A. M. Dill has retnrned hoOlo. Mr uud M t 8. 'rll Ol !JIll, and dRUgb. ttl,· Wtlru In Ballut'ouk &tnrCluy ulgbt, Mrs. Jobn Morglill . or Xa ni" , wll8 t ho ~atn rd o.y lind Sunday gue8~ of G. M. tl~eph f\ n and wife. . William l:Ialey Wllf! In Spring VIII· ley nt unlllV ,on busloAs8,
More Evidence From Sax n Owners Letters from owners in all parts of the country tell of the stylish Saxon's never.failing and economical p erforman ce. Note these fe w, "My SOliDOh its been driv · Ions; di stance over 200 en 1800 milcs--roostly m ilL.,.. The Saxon is tlte
'Xenlll'~ Reoond AnDual lfnrmer 's him l>e rfectl)' Ilollornble ia all bu~llless eleo$ed and qualified .
Tbell6 offioes are nol a very phmeant obligation, bns these mAO who hl\ve served to the !)eat of tbelr ability Ilnd under_ 8bndillg and 'Want to be released IIboold be aooomodated. Who will oome forward and oifer tbeir 8erV.IOAij In olthor I)liloe ,for two year8.
Luoy Comp~on and Marlba Jone8 attended th e W, C, T . U . OODVOlltioll ILt D~yton las t, week.. , Mr , an~ Mr8 1:3am St'Irr vi8i,ted t,beIlltter e f ... tber at Mid land City SUDday . Mr . and Mrs. Frank KYlle visited at Chit rley Barner '8 'SIUIICJIlY,
"1 feel,t bat lowe the manufaotur. lrnllsucllolls a ud liuBllcinlly " .. Ie tu enrty ers of Cbam borlulu'li Coli o, 'hol orll FBU ~'e8L1v"l promlees to eolipee uul a ur uhligati,)lIS made lly his linll . r ight cru for this country!' throu&ll heavy sand o.nd and Diarrhool\, R emody tL word at Iluythiuj\ 'hat has ever been held In N AllONAL DANK 01; COMMERCE, mud. I have spent. only - J. P . Rider. Republic; ~rutitude," writes Mra. T. N. Wltb. Xenln,·l.Ind elltabh~h II. mark of per Toledo, O. 1'S c ents for re·poirs. Wash. orl\lI, Uowl.l nda, N. Y. "W hen I t"otlllU tbuL other oHletiln lIoutheru 1·l uU· s Culllrrh Curc is tnl:en internally, I average about 33 miles ' beg/lD taking t·hls m ed loll: l e I was io to the g"lIon of gasoline , " T odny the Saxon . i. the r blo Will find -hltrd to equlII 'he ,acl ing dircc:lIy UpU II the lll(lud Ulld II1U ' great poiu lind feeling terribly sic k, Recently 1 went t hroue h car of the rich and the teHti "1\1 1M tlohodulu(\ for Oot.ober 7, L~) US surfuces of t he system . Testimonia ls o mud hole wHe re three p oor a lik.. I has come dne to an attaok of ~ ntnlll e r oom. tI, nnd Il. a~ld all arrllngamenta hl\ve sen t Cree. I~ril'e 76 eents per bottle , Sold lorge C:IrS had been stuck to stlly an d J will nlways l'uen n1l1l1" W IDlIokll tbtl oluelng daVIl b~ ~U drllg!llst~". .. I, Is your duty to sa orifice your Tbe little frien ds of Margoret pillin t. Afte r tl\king 8. d ose of It 1 o.nd pulled out with own a S;I~on. 1 have (jf thlll il,'1It "lul1l .. u Bummer Wook" I uk" H"II s humly Pdls fo r~OIl ~hl'n hOIl pleasures and liberty thnt faf, tarT PlIlVO ber 11 pleolsant s ur1>rlso hud n ot long to WILit for r elloh8 it hors.s." . driven enou\:h to know benofited me almost irnmedilltel y. to lI. bnllnur ovunt for t.h ls ·dI8trlot. Prof, Rolph Tole o&l1ed on triends Saturday Ilfternoon . h ow reliable it is every· -Gear!:e L . JBCO~, where. "- Fr. McCabe, St. in Lebanon Saturday !lDd Bunday Mr. and ' Mrs. RRymond Wllllon Obtl1.lnabl e everywhere. "::Iume .. Uraotlon lor evory !pIn Mo.rengo, Ja. Columbu. Recto ry ; U ' O " laUII beeu the moUo of t·be oom. Ilooumpllnl \jd by superintendent lind daughter Mnry r:o.·t herlne spen t .. Although t he roods (be. Stoncsboro, Pn. mit\ee III abtuRe, and from a glanoe Sidney Watklne, r etnrnlng !;;aturday ':luud!lY wi t h Mrl!. Wil~on 'I! 81@ter at the program It will be seen t ... at Illght. lira. Ervin Smith, of Now Bllr. twccn Spok=e ond Re· You will fllld th e Saxon public. W ash .) were on"'le ideal for you r cverydny the Vlan bIOI! met With admirablu Comrade 1. N. Mill er .. "ended hie IiDllton. d eep in mud, the motoring need . ,jUllt II OOOtlBil , From tile b"by IIhows to reuolon the SUh O. V. I II.t Dayton Tbe W. F M.I:I. met at the home Saxon mode the trip ~ nsthousand90fown· the dally aeropll\ne fllghH ootblog . Frldllol' and on Snnday morning he of Mary Bogan I::!nturdl'Y Rfternoon . all O. K. The car cr. hav e fouad it. left for Washington. D. C" wbere It was In the natnre of 0 shower bll!l be .. n oveclooked tbat might walked rl~ht IJrove attrllotive for tbl! people of be will attend a soldiers oonventlon for Mile FiorI!. Bo.rlan who WIl! throu gh . . Gasoline ~I~::";or~d..• j!~,::: ·,blll oommunlty. alld make Ihs te8· of 1861 Be was aooompanle(\ by married to Mr. PieJlreOiI SnndllY consumption, 7 ea!· .nd .rr.nc. 'GO II. Uvu.11\ Inllguet tor people all over Me88r8. J. B, Bogan and Lee 1,·al· afternoon, Tboy wl\l IIvlt "t DRY'rbo Barllom and Balloy Greatelll' rbe wlfe of Methodlllt mlni.ter!b mRge. They will return iD nliout ton. thllllltlOtlon of the 8ta~, 'fbero Rre J, n. CHAPMAN, Waynesville, Ohio !'!how OD Eart.h, whlnh oomea to l~l1lllndll of Illlfadell, dllY 8u'J night WOII' Virgln&a bn~ boen marrl teD daYB. Mr . and I\Irs. Orvill e Compton ne- Xenl.. on Thursday, Sept.ember 30tb. • tbree11mll8, Bn malden name was aUrllolions, all d every tbl ng t h a'lloes Mr. Bern DlI.klo haa oonneoted oompanled by bet sister Mrs. AnnR olalm to present this yeRr "A Clr. with a real festival. Partridge. bel' Bre' hUBband was himself witb tbe alotbiD'" de""rt Williams who 11\ vi Itlng ber from ous of All Nations," meanlnK o':le •• I d named Robbins, her sBOond Sparrow, .. aTh eRa ff Ir I8 b e Ins s ...ge nu er men' of the Levloy & Bowe Dry Adena, OhiO, autoed ~o Oregonia thrtt Is filled witb all n ew featnre the aneplDe!l ef she Xenia BUllinel<!l ,be preeeot QUIOIl. There are noVi Gooda Emporium. Tbey have also Sunday. sho wn now for the firs' time and , 01 'I La • "h 'wo yonng Robins, onsl:lparrow and Meu ~ A8BO th all. s. year • e thres Qnslls In .tbe hmlly. Oue employed .tbe lIervloes of an exper. Zlmrl Baine!! Ie on the 8iok list. presented by 470 world.•famed ~rtl8t8 fe.'lvalliet 110 record tor .U.endance Il'andfatJler was ~ I:!wan and anotb milliner. Our town needs more en · Rillelgb BOllan and wife visited who r eproeent e very n!\tlon In the on its firllt attempt. 'rbis. year 'he or & Jay but bo'lI dead now and terprlslDg flrms . hi8 pnrents W. E, Ba gtln's Sundtly \vorld . The e uMre world ba8 been so.o nred by special Barnum and I:V"Tell the Advertiser YOII Read the Ad In the J\liaml Gazelle sky leelD8 to be lhe lIml\ for oon. & bird of Paradise. 'l 'bey live on Mr. and Mrs. H . E Wllaon, of aUernooD . Bailey agents 80 t.hat praotloally all IJuost, and peoplo of t,hla vlolnUv 0 b t B d f lire looking forwtlrd to tbo Fall res- Hawk avonuo, and she re11o" who aytoD, were t tl guell ·8 un ay 0 Mrs. R{)bert Stanley spe nt Taes the arenlc stllrs that are really worth tlvul'.l ! the bRoner evens of lIoo'b wrote 'hllllll a Lyre aad a rela.tve shelr parents Mr. and lIrs. Frank day with her paront.s ·W , E. Compo seeing take part. ern Ohio. of the famUV.-ExohaDg e, W1l80n . ton's. ' Tbere's material enonJ;lh In this hllve a now tel.e phone Unole Georgo Mills hils returned yertr 's oirous to make I> dozen oir· _ We are ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!'.. ooerator. lin Bllrlnn who b8S h ome frolll a pleasant vi sit at Rloh, onbes of tbe old day8, A "big top" been a IIIUbrul Bervant to ,he'publio dId 080 .feet loug, Dearly I, UOO employ. for Beveral years. has r88lgned her mon , n . aee, tbree rlngll, four elovated platc - - - -+ plaoe, whlab will tll.ke plaoe Ootoforms. Il.ores or aerial Itpparatns, the ber 11" Time will tell tbe oaose of biggest stage e ~er ereoted for a dra· the resignation. BILIOUSNESS AND C6NSTIPATION mlttlo pre8entll.tloD , B 1] O.oltBe men We are having our sbare of showl Jt Is certllinly s nrprlslng thllt Ilny ligerle, 760 borses, lor t y elephaDtII. All kinds of Spouting and: Roofing Fri~ay and B"tnrday nights we had W(,U1&n will endure th e mise ra hlo a atreet parade tbree mil es long. "lcDoVlng ploture and vaudeville fllellngs caused by b\1loU8ness nnd A wonderful prolude to thil! great and Furnace Repairing Donen. !"!o'YW:~ IIho" and Bober Bros'. will be here oPQstlJla ~Ion, w bOD relief Is so ea l1y Jlr008 Is tbepr08entation of the newl October a had and at 80 little OXjJonso. Mrs. lDIlgn ificent, speotaonlar pageant, UbI'S. Peok, Gates. l~. 'I.. wri tes: "LRna Ropkh" in whloh mqre than lit II (lua Kl>un'lI. of Marrow. ODr WaYDesvill~, Ninotv. per (',Que of 011 1I\la\1!! lu \ Wb, no' national lll,bways i IUllt' 1I0lUtor. wae ool1.lug on frieuds "Abou~ a'Yllar ago] nsed ~wo bottle/i 1000 0bnmoters tllke pa.rt. Every. United I:4tHtOll 8 . 6, ollrth road8. well1lt8 naUonal woierwaYII? of Ohamber18'ln's 'l'ablet8 and they on e should get an earl, 8t\lrt on olr· bere l;aturdn.y. SHOP NEXT TO SHERWOOD'S qARAOE PHONE 24-2Y. . Dr. aDd Mrll. B. G. E1lI80n. of oured 'me of blllousoe8s and oonsti· OU8 day in ordor to be tbere In time The Goverllment improved the l Never oan we bave exoel1ent roads West Union; were the gnests of patlan." Obtainable everywherB. for tbe parade whloh starts .t 10 11. m, and whloh Is said ro be three btlrbora Wlly not ~Iul roadtl to 'Jle j uDtn we .adopt II. patlol .Ylnem of friends bere Sa.turday and tlllnday . milea long. harbOra? repair ..nd malnten~noe . Mr. ..nit Mre. Jaoob 'Reece a.nd -----Mrs Mary SmithJ of Dayton, were Olassified Ads ··P. P ." may 8tond for "P..uoel Congreea of tbe United 8talf'e has vieaora of Mrs. Barriet Ashmore FACTS ·FOR SUFFERERS P .... , ... bnt io r~ral od.rrl~,U In b"d givoo muterial 8npport s:> every. I\nd Mr. Warren BmUh lbe first of roud .~illtrlotll lL melfiDIl pUllh and lhlnK bns a 8'yII~m at n':'ional high. 'be week. Paln results from InjuTY or oon· FOR SALE p~ll. W&YII. Onr ball Dine played .. donble &e8tlon. Be it neunlgla, rheuma· B elElO Robln80n left last week for tlsm. Inmbllgo, neuritis. 'oothaohe, hellder Bunday, Tbe first g&me was Auto Livery Service at ,lImproved Road." .bonld be 'he with the Pennaylvanla'a and Te· Cblcago, wbere she will make her sprain, bruise, Bore stiff mnsoles or Will somo knocker sSaDd np and Reasonable Rates slogan In ev~ry commuDity, . but Red Yea.rling Mille Ho~ , In give uny reaMon wily tbe Govermonl wbBtever pllin you bave yields to !lnll;ed in favor of onr nine 4 to 2 tntnre home, prime oonditlon , ' For Infor. IIhould noS build a. My.tem uf n&~loo · slgnl Bbonld be put alDOl,( 'be roads The second game wall witb the Rev, Kneleley o'LlIed on Rev, Sloan's Liniment-brings new freah to direct ~be tra.eler 00 hi. way. Edenton's Rnd reanlted In a tie GrllUBer at Wa"l'nel!Vllle one day blood, dls80lves the oOllgestlon, reo mutlon 0811 n.t tbe Gllzett,e offioe Also Agont for Kelly·Springfield R1 blghwaY!l· 01 3 lIeves t:he lnj nry, tbe olrouln\lon Ie Game wall oalled on aooonnt.of la.t week. Auto'moblle Tires Elizabeth Sohaefer, of Middletown fre e and your pllin lenes &S If by A man wbo la opposed to rOld darknesll. The "baok w tbefttrm" movement maglo. Tile D .. ture of itll qualities OOD Apple Butter, ma(ie froin ------ ~~.-----W~8 tbe week end gelest of Mr. and IB a joktl so long Ila the road baok iu Improvement III wortb aboul al! penotrate immediately to the lore good apples and Rood olaer Mrs . C, Crossley. muoh to 1\ 100 ... lIsy a8 a r .. zor the I .. r.m la Imp.Is.ble llve or lIilI: spot. 000 't keep OD slliJ'erlng. Get vlnegtlr. Inquire of Mr... I . BIIItterth· III to ~ oolored man at &. ':' 'l./JflJ!,!..I -- CDUGHS STOPPED .John Newoomb. 01' Denver. Ind. , a boUle of Sloan's Liniment;. Use wltl~e, Waynesville, OhiO. mon'1l8 of eaoh yl'\lr. Valley Phone !lO-IX plonlc. Careful people see thnt tbay are vieited bl8 daughter, Mn, Henry it. It menns Instant relief. Price Deoker. one day last week . . 350. aDd 60e. tl .00 baH Ie boldl! six 12.gange, slngl fl barrel shot '1'0 '~avol mUeit 011 mud road" and To Ill[ &U old grllnl or stune road IIWpped. Dr, King's New Di800very Ben John80n and dangbter Estber times "s much all the 260. elze, gun. In fine sbape. Inquire 01 then locldeoly Dud ... bar<1 road, )'ou should Bonify. htlrrow. wllter la a remedy of tried merit. n h&e ...... ll. D. M1lI8. Waynesville, Obio. wltb ,lgBS Wl sbow YIlU 'be way, and roll Is Tbi, will a' lello8& make .beld Ua own on the market fot'&O of Colnmbus. J&I!. Johnson. and MleR . s29 brlnal joy io'lie traveler'810ul 1& .mootb fot awhile and 'he opera. yean, Youth aDd old age 'estlfy Anna Woodward , IIf Sul1'ol., Va., '0 lSI soothllJR and healing qnalltiee . were She Rneste of W. A. Null and &Ion II very obeap. INE Black .Horse, [) yeaTS old, Pneumonia and Inng troubles are family tbe past woek·. I:)urry and R,unn.bout, 1\11 In llural mail an." freight by parcel Veterlnarv often Dl'uted by delay of trea\men'. Mr. and Mrs: J68lle Wright and first.oltlS8 oondltlun. B&va no UIIO PQIS but; DO' a oent lly Conll!e118 for It Ie a faos thaa 'he frelgM raH Or: Klllg'. New Oi800ver:v. stope Mr, and Mr's Alb.lr~ BestoD at for them ond will Rell right. See W. Graduate of Oblo Slate Universlf,. road. k) baullt over, n looke . like begin. at the farma"'B door, and U those haoking oonghs and reline" tended. 'he funsralservioos of Aaron N, tlears, WaJ'Desville. O. s~9 Coogre118 "K ,. tbe oar' before 'he we wan'-redno~on in 'ranlpona.ioD la grippe iendenoles, Money baoll Chandler al Wa.ynesvllle TuesdllY. borel!. .. of farm ' produo" tben the road if Il fails. 500. aDd '1-1.00. . .Mr. and Mrs , Abe Cook and Ion ,8ubsorlbere .to tbe Mocall'e Office at residence in F. B. Sher from the larme'r'lI door ml18' be lm. motored to Trenton E!unaay . -----~-~.-----Magazine. Send S50 to the wood's house, Fourth Street, Bad roadl make oblldreD bo,.. proved, __.,_ __ ,,-_ Mre, Cbae. Cbapman Is aUendlnl! Did you ell.t fonr pound8 of pea U&zett.3 offioe, and get one of the 188led, plgGon.'oed, pe8vllb. orOll, the W, C. T. U _.oonvemlon at Day. nut8 la.t year I Yon wlll bne to do bess m.gazines on earth. Telephone 28 eallow, "red or. 'heir yonng Uvea and Bow long oould I'.dlroad o)mplln. tr ton thll week. . better iban t.bat iblB yenr. If you BOre .., 'beir paren" for bringiol Ie. IUD &raiDI uver a .y.tem of Mr. 6nd Mrs. Gar! Blaokford and Koep peaoe with the peanut illdustry ===.-=--:::;:= - = - = " ' = Waynesville. .Ohlo \hOlD into 'bill mudd)' world. ,raek.lf no l8O'ion men were em. family or Red Uon spent tlnndllY Aooording to tho Amerloon Peanut . , t>loyed ..loni . 'he .yaHm to repair CIDER MILL CorporaUon, more tban four hun. bere the !luee'e of the formor's anl1 maintain the bach? . Theaame The iemperance talk given· by motlier · M~8. Eliza beth Blaokford. dred million lJOnndB of peanutll were ThIs caD DeVet be an ideal oOnD Imporhlnoe of oonal"nt matna8l1anoo Mra. Bappler Sunday evening at 'hI" Mr. and Mre. W ', B. Siegfried oonsnmed In the United States last try to live ID uDtll It Is In~rlao8d, eppUea .'o our pnblio roada. JLL rnn Wednesdaya,)teaob: yoor, or fon r pounds for every In. Obrl.tlen oburoh was largely as· w;ere !JaY too vlelrors Friday. DR. J. MILLER. wUb II. network <!f bl,hwaY8, an'd ~ . _~~ week and other day. habitant. Tbe produoUon of pea. tealled, . . - - - - -Mr. !lnd Mrll. Jeslle Wr.lgbS enter. Duls blls doubled 81noe 1910. 'blt bl"bwIIJY'.IIO markell til to dlreol ..~. to B. Dellroyed. , essary. Mullen & Bon, Ferry, Ohio. Mr•• Elsie Traoy and two ohlldren tained at dinner Tnesday Rev. the t.raveler wblob road w take to The · tor688 ot nllture we muat 8D tf ...DENTIST••• ... Bnnday wi'b her .motber, Mr •. Ellr&abeth Loyd aDd Miss ADM reaob bll destlo·a Uon. · deavor to avoid. Working bUDdl, .. tipent Lillian Boesop. of LlnU .. delpbla lind P. J . Grilloom . the)' do we can do notblD, to O'le" om"" In NONE EQUAL TO CHAMBERLAIN'S 'Mrs.· DOla MoCrayand two ohll. Cad wallllder, ot Clnolnllatl. W.yaen 1IIe. 0 Na&lon.1 Ba.rl.k Dldl!. The propossd Inorease of eternal come t~em. At moet we can >a"o&4 dren aDd Mre. AlbtlrtColDull visited "I h~vo tried most 1111 of. the Mn 'J. R. RoblDson WAil 011 lied to All Kinds of revenue on liqnor8 .tid tobaoco with their deltructl.e lnnuence and a1leVi·. Barry (lorneU'. Saturday afternoon . Cinolnnotl by tbe llJiHl8S 0 h er 80n cough cures and find tbat there Is whloh w bUild a .y.'em of nailoo..1 ate the .u!rerin, the), glye riM to. Mrll. " . E, Hartsook attended tbl! Fred. Sbewas Ilcoomllllnied bv her nono tbat e'qual Chamberlain's b llhwaYllili not .. joke. lor It 'I ba. 8u~ the torce. .that are thruttt out b)' fnne·r.1 of Mr. Be!;t Seltner, of Cleve. 800 Ralpb .nnll Or . JIl8 . Lubnrgh, nopPI''' In lnrnlnulee Cough Remedy . 1t bas never failed spru with Dr. Shoup'. 101lerlonel), oonlldered by maDY oUJ'!lelT8II, that aprlnl from OUl' OWD land. Wedn8lday. Tbe hodv wall to IIlveme promptrelief ," writes Croul:. llmuooy. Oua , Mr. "nd Mre. W. Ellrly were tQeu In' man)' parte of ,"0 tJol'«1 !Dlnd., muet ba controlled and o,..~ brough' to Dayton, where tbe fnner t.c4 .. Ill 8ure\i pro'''' W. V. tlarller, Montpeiter, Ind Nu .oml tw~,!!!: S""81, , oome. , They are prltqllh~. The), are all8rvlooa were condnoted a' bit! Middleton vlsl tors 1'nesday. When you bave ~ ooli! give thIS _ A .... and l'ie.... IDII. ,r1lp-11Oo. . brutal.· Thel' are a,olmal, fOlCBII. ia'her'. resldenoe, Ben 8oltner, by Mr •. T, It. Barnhad. of Franklin, remedy a trial /Lnd seo for yonuelf 8Wnl Wednelldfl,y' wlt4 her mqther, wb,,' a 8plendid medlolne It Is, SlICCfUOt to ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!~I~ theM WO mUl~ difeot OUl' !,~. Rev, Vr , MoO...I8Y· Mrs. Mlirtbo. BnnneU, " " .~. . Obtainable everywhere . Mr. and Mrs. F1Dyd ~vage and F. E, SHERWOOD ....:..-- ~ ..... ~ . ~~~~~=-: ,hree ohlldren len (or DetNll, Mioh" Qver PostoUlct, Waynesville, O. 1\1 ba\le uaed Chamberlain'. Tab. - ·r p ' . .:-lIifi last Thur.day, Boo06all to y olU ACLOCGED SYSTEM le'8 aDd .outid 'hem' to be jos' as " y ..-;~~f _~le, :< 'i floy4. Ho Ie Phone 6· Office Phone 77 Funeral Director. Wm. Dinwiddie had 'he miafor rOpr8lent~ .... qutolt re!fef tOt bead. haft to14 UI Ute" ~ ~ NEEDS' ATTENTION 'Doe &0 lose a,valuablll ouw'lae' w;eek. ..01~81: dl&IIY '8pelie and other .ynlp. aftei'~ pIIIjI;~~. Ars you bllloU8, thZ2vand IiltlB8sP Mia. Nellia Murph, .. wbo '91'II1II se Telepbone day or' nIght, tom. den~ifDg a torpid' liver and . ~.Pib.tJ}J'a,;1 .. dllOrderecl oondltlon of tbe dlgee. , ~",-¥;; TI ~ ~ rlonlly ',burs iD a rnnftway some Dr, KinK'S New LUe P-IHII 'aken at Valley phoDe No.". Long time ago, II elowly Iml'roving, Ber onoe seille8 upon c,on8tlp~Uon and [ will offer at Pnbllo Sa)e, at my ~i ve -orgeDB . TIIOy are wortb tbelr before and .Iter eMJ1l..-J wiD . . DI8tance No. 6~2r. man)' friend ... nd &ll •• wlab etartll ihe bowels · m ovinll· natnrally re~idenoe. IX miles weet of Wayne8. weigb' ·in golel," wrltea .• UtI!! (llarll ..."........t- .... ~ &nd easily. . Moreover It aotll with ville OhiO, 011 the lower Springboro . .A.. O·r.\gRI,·Elba, ~,Y. Obtainable )'O..._~ ~ ..oJ J"!:'. ~"';;: . . . . b er. apeed . y, reooverY• ou~ /lriplng . . Negloot of a ologged Tula diaeaae should be trented as800n Automobile 8enilce at an TIme. everywhere. · 1'. E . Bartsook, wife, eon and 8Y!lt~m often leads to most .e~ionll ROEl d,on l1li t.4e lirst onDatnral loosell6sa .of the OHIO d~uKbter. Jamee and Made, .Leroy oompUo,;\tlone, PO'\80n~u.s !!letters . WedneSl\ay, Septcmber.. 29, 1915 bowels appear,4l' Wben tbiSc!t d~~i WAVNeSVILLE, • ." " III. Bar'tirook, of Dayton, arid .IUlie and a body poorly fUDOtiO. ning ne·-.:t .' 'single d08eof vbamberlain's . 0, 0 . nI~ II ter "'! "" I t 10 00 I II: th era6lld Diarrhoea Remedy will eJfoot a Branch O~ce. HarveJ'sbuqr, O. 1ItOD& .ullen were roy a Y .en • Immedlate 'attention, H yon wish Com lpeno !Ig Il . 0 a 00, e Core. Tbla remedy can' always he de. . OIit eevereand Salned a' "be bOlDe of Mr. and )In, ~() wake up to-Dilarrow morning following ohattels : Six BorBee, pended npon even In the m Raymond aartsook and, llUle 100, bappy b mind aDd lentlr~ly 8atl8fied, Cattle aDd ~ogs, liay, C<1 ln• Farm dangerous 0IIII88, and: ehould be kept Itt Gerald. . atars your treatment to' nlibt. 250 Ing Implements aDd Bllrn68s, . hand rea4y for Instant use. Never leave ____•• _ ••.- - a bottle. ' See big bil1~ lor . te.-ms, home on a jo~ey withont it. . o _ • Goo, Daugherty, yiQ'JJRIJUOlcao. C, T. Hawke, Auot. I. ---. ... • W. E. O'Nlllill. Clerk. "Do ,011 obeerve tho 801,den rule!" (. Fam[ly Portrait-. ... HN'ot8trlotly,"'anawered Mr. Grab- 'I'IIere III a ' beautl'ru) home on Leel _'1 ' ''I'd :fUll lUi ·aoon ~ . . _.land that th~ OWDllr.a wts~ to leue ;1n!l • ~ " . for tbe .ummer. :x'wo P!l"enu. with known •• GartwrigM farip on , , .... , I, • , • , • .Iilm cerli1!cat.l _, BOOIaI ambltton tbolillbt thl. reeldance tbe I:!tate rcad 2y' miles nonh of Til. Cit" . ,UT . ~~~~::::===~===.==~~= mllht be the means 9t laUlloblkls them Wiloyneevllle, Ohio, on 'I'Im ""rOT. ' . l:Dm) I~I'N lU"~ An'''.....n4ln ••• ulq.. an<ld _ _n ...~ lato local ~lety, Ill' 'they went to look Tuesday, Oetober •5, 1915 ,_~ " ._ Til. WOIJ~D ' qUI CKI, .... rLoln 0 ... ophllO'll ~"be&h.'_ It ov~r. Upon entelring tbe JlOodolr.ot . . 0.. _.. In ,"nLlnQMPl'Vb~bl'_~malun' .... the f ..""10 1 _ ",_T. ~'OO!1!l....... 11" .... "'.1 oonDoJe.,faL' NO 011 Pi/ ....Ie • • JOWl. woman member of the tamll)', BeglnlllDg .",t 9 ·SO • ibarp a. ,,;..;....;;,. lont free. d ..t ""OJ t ~ • pal, I&a. their eJBII fell npon a beauUtul ...... low.i ng property' to 'III. : Ii bOfe88, IIO'nL8o D"UCH!I.,... ....ou"...ft, 1·'I.'l.~~:::I~Tof,~ "': .4:0._we 40nDa on the wa1l1. That allO 011- 8 Ca"l., ~O bogs, farmlDI Imple oonv ••• OA~ ..Z'~'!'nUIa. .JI~AItIA ~ 1\0 IIRII\' II Beatrlce. ,~ ODi of the party men". hay, .'ra". booaehold goode, MD .U• • • •VlO. OAII 1IttOtm" 1I8.ld. "Well, If we a. taM the ItoI\H. be!! big bUll for lerma. . . VII. . m AD¥.IITI8INa OOWM... ,1\1 ~~ Tom ~881 _ SAMPLE COPY .fREf. _ . '::' , • will .mlDOft til. taIDlIf W. N, ~an A. A. lIolI.U, .A.aou. ...... . . . YOM oU.... . I.rt.'IIii .......... _ oJ. B. Qlapmu, UIeIk. . .......... .,.. 1 _Jl"«~
BY .lESS TA.YLO& • • .' Erlifor ofBetter and
----_. _ .---
Ray Mills
C()rwin, Ohio
----- __._---
Dr. J. A . McCoy,
- ---_. - -----
InSURlIOeE A. B. Chandler
Walter McClure
e,..,,..lI!f:D .
D·larrh ' oea.
Painting, Paper
:Hanling, Auto
atid' ca~e P~DtiDg.
P!iI~~~:u'3li~:y a~ar:: ~!~I::~~~ 1It:I , r'OBllupP~, t~'e . ~ P
er"" ........
...-----~.1 Anen Mod~l "37" Touring Ca~-=-=$795 __~ J ,fr-- -- =s=..","'"
Cloaks, Suits, Furl and' Millinery
Ha s just received a full line of fine Ladles ' Silk, Crepe and Linen Wa'jsts, also a big line of Ladies' Skirts. Fall . ·style. Come and set: tliem. We sell cheaper than any city store: .
line prop rtll's II Ibnging to the J(~ffl)r.<oll Tvwm;hip H unl of Educa· ti on. wert· aold in Gr ('nc ounty IlllIt week . h flLI . ,~ uf Ih c ntrllliza· tion of lhl' pchOllI". 'l'he prol erty brous:hf "4-130. Th · uuyers .lravell'U froll\ ~ch(l(\ 1 to "I'hool as t h property w as old . In one 1) 1' lwo ill.lillIce 'court pro· c t'di nl<~ will b ' i IqlilliL d iO' or de r t.o II ler milll' II h.. t llt'r th lanel can righlly u sold . a~ lho cont ()l1 ders claim t hilt I hc p rop!' ly r vert s ha~ to Ihe ongimil c,wlIers whcn a ba, . doned for scho,. 1 1'1I rp'.!. es.
- - ---- --
• --------- - - - ......-.-~ '*
I Rlul..lll rd ['n « I <l1l1 hus vuroh 'llled ~bo Jalll l'8 Du ffy pnl(Jfll' Iy un il:os l s'root . eom!HI~ rU lI llll ~ ~500. M r Eo l\1i1l nil' 1\ I",w lt gln'(, II plnllo r eoi~IIJ In Ihe '1'11"' 11 1..-11011 Inst !:llll,u r dllY ovenlull. i'bp hllll W!l~ orowded lind h er pupil nil (Ii'l wtl11 Mrs. Edllfl H opk in •. of Mt. Vn r ooo IH vlwltiug r 1c1!.IVLIHlIpro. Mr. Bm ry LUIlDln III ctangoruusly III lit bls bome n Il r !.h o Wu!;blngt on Mille. Mi ss I!'lorllnolJ Myors nt(llll ll od the W C. 'J'. U. lIloe tillg in O"yton IRet week . R obert Flnl~'y, who WAS t bken t o a OilY ton b OB p i~u l with typh oid to. var. Is iDlpro ving il19t 111111 18 n ow allle to 8 t up. . Mr lind Mrs. E~ rn Eu rnh urt e n ter ta ined rolt~tives fr oUl Mluwls. burg I:!nndllY . .
Ftt4r!d Co.
- --.- - - - --
HI. Probable Defeat. - .. man dat bUY8 hte neoktlee to match 4e color of hlB eyes," nld Uncle Eben. M!Ilay have good tAste. but be atn· liable 'to have good judI'"
'. ' '
'ru l~
GEO J WATERHOUSE ml~~ 1'c~\~~ c~btJ~~ tJec~~~J~~~ta~~a~11 ~IO~u~; lie
·· Oh'10 COrWln,
General A880lI1bly (II
OQnatiLutlon of Lbo 8tnlA> Of OhIo by tll~ a4dUIOIl or I:IecUon 12. to read lUI fol\o"s: ~ JOINT BItSOLU'J'JON. Pro~lllJ a . upplemaDt to anlelo XII or . &6.e cc.lIlltllulio.o 01 the at..", <If OhIo. by the a<I<lJUOII of a _lIon to be deelgoa.leol IIOCLloD 12 of artic le XII. rolutlvo to th ~ .,xemptlon of bonda from Lautlon. Be It "*lIved li), the GelloraJ Assembly r
~~:,~~o~~~gi.~~~~J::"rl'f L~VI~IIf.:~N
Phone 154-2Y.
'l:lla t thero .h ..11 be 8ubmlttoo"'w the elocon the IIl'11t TU88(\IlY arwr Iho' f\nIt Mon· dll,.ln November. UI G. n 81'01006nll0 8UPI,10-
to", of Ihla .Lal.e In tbo maWlnr provided by
- ---------.--- -
Con"ress O~Hilh.Class Trapeze ZIMMERMAN'S DRom' a r'o"A speir' 'sts ruI 31 .-CJ--.!!!!.!!.AM.W!:~_H---_""....""....""....===-""....Acrobats, Funny Clowns and 25 Pouud $ Best Cane Sugar ' or d s WisestTrained Animals only 1.46 a .sack WI II
Beet Sugar, only $1.4Oa saek
E xtra Iarge
fancy Elberta Peaches, the best Peaches . that have been iD town.
New Wheat Biscuits, pkg.
:~~~~~X~8.rncu: 2~.JU'?~~~~t~~DIl:!'
OO~I~~OI~.or g::;'~!"o~OI~e :::,•.'~~n;hIU, or or lUIy .ubdlvllloD or dlnl1et thoreor . ..utUor· l&ed by In" to lsaue bOnd., INUed OU Or ,,' wr J ..nu....,. I. 1816. III all be exomPt from IU"tieR;, It furlhor """,h·ed. 'rhul aL ouch olec· tlon abo.e roferroci w thlll .uPJ,lemon. 8hl1l1 beplocoo on theofflctal bal\olo. In tile mnnllor Pljl'old~~I~ WN~~((Y;~E~ 6~~lo~H, t>V<fIMANgR'RINIYI9J~..?t;l~~:I~rl6n
DISTRICT THEREOY A U'l'JlOIU:tBD Il~ LA.W TO, 18!! UE BONDS Fuml TAXA. T JON ." or 10 Olbor lallll'll"ge .11I11c1en~ly clonr
to <Ieo/guaw It.. It ""'0r,tOO thl" 8uppicruuIlI ~~. take effect on tbe i nl dny of January. OHARLES D. CONOV.EU,
Speakor 01 th. HoU8ll or
If your stove don't burn right, use Moore'. Gasoline.
-hY New Cream Cheese , New Jer.... Sweet Potatoes. GUD Shells-All kinds. Fresh Oysters, Bulk or in Pint an d Quart Cans •
We 'sell EdgemoDt Crackers ___ __ _____ ___ •Fancy Michigall Celery, Cran· ' , H-I'DZ PI'ck sum. b arnes ~ , bo Olives. Pure Cider Vinegar. T ry a can of Crisco. ______ Everything good to eat at
O. J. KOWAnO. f:;'l~~m of ""0 800ato.
OIDco of the Secretary of Stato. I Q. HILDE8RAN'l" Secrel ..ry of
. o. SLulu 01tbe 8talo of 011.10, do llerob), certify I loU tllo foregoing Is an oxemplilled COPY. "a...,fully compared by me with tho orl((lnal rolt. now on llIe In thl. olllce and III my eUl ela! c"oto,l ), Ba 8ecrnlury or Bta\.4) oDd toumJ to 00 I·ruo
IItile ~~ 2B ~~=\. f~~~~: ~!~~~:I'"ugr8~. ~r, th d~y of April. A. D 1916 and flied In
. th.\aOIllCDon tbe 28111d3yol AI"II A. D . 19 1u. entitled " Joln~ Rcoolullon 1.0 Am end Arl.lclo I,tlon XII oltho CollBtllullon of OhIo by the "d" I" Section 13:" In of Teotlmony WhOl'8Of. I huvo berculIt(l 8ubacl1bed my ncune. and IlInxed my olllel ..l "".1 aUbe Clty .of Oolumbuil. Ohio. till. lGth . <Iuy oUune. 'A. D . 1916. . C. Q. HIL'lJEORAN'r , 8ecrotnr, of Stal
~ A<f11'tUORIZAT ION D"p..rtmont or
Public PrlnLlng of OhIo.
Publlcallon of tile abOve propell8d ameud· rnen' to tbe OOllBtftUtiOU Of.OhIo. uudor 50("
tlon a or an aot entitled. "An &ct re\Jt.Unl;
ont of JOE E . OROSS . of .PUbllc PrInting
Lewis' Bakery Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and Cakes, the best and most delicious made. Try them and you will never want to eat any other kind.
Acrobatic.Equestrian Monkeys Sir ROlal, the human~like Giant Rhes u-s .M03ke!t iii I.mpersonations ... rRfr; BAND (ON.cfRT before - ---- performalJces.--POSITIVfLY ONE DAY ONLY 2-Comp.ete cSftows Daily~2 Afternoon .at 2 and Night at 8 UNDER WATERPROOf TENTS
pecial Bargain Matinee at 2 P.m. Ladies 2Oc,Children Uk, Night prices, 25c: Children 9 years, 15c. -
. certa.1n proDOlled o.mondrl1outa, to the Co llll tit u · tlDO01 0111, and tho flllJllcallOD tll"""" ." p..-J by the Gonera AlICIWlIbly of OhIo. Ap11128. 19U. &lld ;\18 1UI10ndeoJ April ~ ~.
oP8fJ.::ZIMMERMAN'S I. ~~\'\iclt>r~t~~Nh~Y8t.!~ 8upervllor I
Lewis' Bakery
WaYJleaville, O.
·M onuments . We have over 100 monuments 00 ' hand. WeIseIl the best work and b'I1Y in such large quaot'ities, dit~ct from the quarrie.s, that We can sell you work atJwhat it would cost the smaller dealers. We canl show the largest stock of monuments that has ever been ' shown in Dayton or Southern Ohio at prices that will surprise and convince you of the faCts we are stating in this advertisement,
F. C. .MERKLE CO. 214 N. Main St••
... _- _.--EVENTS ---.·1
Mrs. Li zzie Prllcter, of Min eral Point , Wis , and Mr~. Isaac Fr ye were guests uf D. L. Crane and falllily Wednesday. Mr. and Mr:l. D. L. Crane hiul a:l thei r g u esb:! at s upp er Thursday eveni ng, R ov. !lnd Mrs. J. F. ad· wallad r, Ur. and Mrs. A. T. Wright . Miss Clara L ile anu Master E lliott Wri g ht. Mr. and Mrs W . H. Allen e nter· t ained at a 6 o. c1ork dinner Monday evening the following gu ests: Mr a nd Mn;. G. W. Hawke . Mrs. Amanda Wright, t he Misses MAY Wright, E mma Heighway, Emma Hawke . Dorothyand Rosamond Dakin. ami R uth Har tsock.
Mr. anti Mrs. Sicller, Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Miss Frieda ~ i eker, of Lelia· non, Mr. Blyn, or Cambridge, Mr. a nd Mrs. S . L. Cartwright w e re mO!lt roy ally enter tained on Sunday at the deli g htful home of t he Mer~ If wllte r lind lig ht accounts are not ditha, by the h ost, hostess, Miss Anna paid by Oc toiJl~r 9th , both will be cut a nd t he boys. ofT and a charge of$l.oo will be mnde for turning on agail'). An enjoyabl u evening was spent at By order of the Trus tees. t he country home o( Mr. and Mrs . Clinton Hathaway. September 28, when about thirty of their friend" Fire Prevention and n eig hbors walked in upon them Day Proclamation accompanied by the music of cow · bells, horns, anvils and 80 forth . The evening was spent in old fash It Is fittin g tbnt the exeoutlve of II ioned games, cards and music The company left about midnight ~tat.e give eVA r y postllble aid lo aoy well 11Iroot 11 effort for the oon Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway many eervaMon of tho lives nnd Jlroper~y of happiness. Mrs. Hathaway was of its oltlzen(,- A 8plemlld prop/\ formerly Mrs. Anna Surface. ganda for "SlIfety Firs'" and ,he URe of ·the power!! whloh wise legi8. Friencls in Wilmington of Miss Ill tion hR8 gi v en our depa.rl.went of Pearl Warren have heard the good worksh ops nod fllotorl1l8 hllve news of the announcement of her en · greatly r ed ncert t h e d enthlll~od dan g agement to Robert J. McMillan ge rl! on lraosportetloD lineR and In who r esidOlj on Route 3. which was winOH aud wlluufl1otorles, but tl-e made at a meeting of the Springfie ld eft'ortl! to edoClite the people 10 ro ~wnship E mbroidery .club, at the !l lIrd to th e dh uger of uo·oldental home of Miss Warren, September death or injury from 0.. r1essn0ll8 17th. The pretty country home of wlih fir e hava been inudeq uatl'. the War rens was decorated with Muob hos hoeen prllll.ed r eferrtn l! yellow lind white and the annou nce· to the eoon lO mio was le fr oru our ment was cleverly cont rived . . ' oarele88ue~ ' lu tbl) o se of Ohio's Miss Warren and Mr. McMillan are nil tural reBo U rces. 1..1.1 we, I.Ind even WIoIi known and their friends are a oonstltution .. 1 uOle ndment, have g r eatly pleased at the announcemen t been eOHoted. for their proteotlon , of their coming marriage. The wed· but ill8ufn olell t publlo Mlentlon Ie ding is to occur in November. - WiI· ooing given to reduotlon of t he mington Journn l eta\I!'1! enormous tire wade of six to elaht m illion s of dollllrs " YIjIlJ', nlne.teD\ha of whloh Is obnrlleable Sold I!'il)y to Eastern Man to the oareh38sness or 8 0 111 ,) one, eltberaroblt e o~, buil(! or or ooou pllnt Philip Spence, of Ridgeville. 80Id A oamp&i@:D ngtllnst loss ot life his filly last week, Pointer Queen. lind proper ty by · liro WU8 Il larted 1.1 for *5000, to Eastern parties. The few yeurs & I~O by a Coolmitltae of filly made a mile this seaeon in 2:07, Publlol ty aDel EduOdt·lon In Chloago. a nd is capable of doing still better To slimnlilt e ILll t h e people to no t hao that. - - -... -...-- - tlvlty In the romovlllg of sll tl o.mBO!! for an enormou~ I.Innoul deetrootloD of weallh Ilnd life, I proolalm tbat Batnrduy, OctQber Otb , ahail be ob. lIervad 10 th'e Atate of Ohio ,,10 Fire [>[even~!on DIIY, 1 urge tbe rem ,,,al Ch ~s. Blair, of Columbua, spent from llubll J !instltotlollS, dwelling". faotorlsp., Ito reM fihd ya rds, of all last w eek: wlt,h biB parentll. ~r8llb whloh might be set afire by . Obae, loenhower nnd fllmlly, of ~park8 or DlIltoho!O. ; Port William are the .,gUlll'ts of rei. 'l'bat II ro d rills be h .. d 10 00 HeKe ative!! h ere. dormltorlee, MtGt6 lustitutioDs a ud Wm . ' Moon a.d family, ho ve fe.ct orieH : moved to the . property of Mrl!. Appreolat.l llg tb o ImpresslbilUY ' of Oharlty tl tanfie1d . the mind in YlllHll, . r reoommend An interelltlng servloe was en. U'nt t.be ~':l pl>rlntIlDlle ut ot eaob lobool r equl flliL fire drill on Frldn'y, joyed at 'he Frie nds ohu r oh Bund,,;! tho dl.lY prlloedlllg tile date or Ffre e'Ve.n i ng. Addr essr.s were d ellverd [>reve,tloll n..y. nod tbH·t eaoh by fivE' youog peo ple of Wilmington t.slloher be li n.lrnot ed to explain ~o In 'tho 'tntereMt of the y ouog Frlendl n.otlvltles. hiS pupils tbe lid vllutnge nnd neoes· Harvey Bllwkins hilS sold his sity for the work to whioh tho fol. lowing dllY fts deaioated, o slng taot... property to Wm. MUh, who will "'hlob, doubtles8 w.ill be printed In m el ve to It 6000. the nowspspeT8 ot tll nt time. . 'I'b'e Ulnrrll.lge BunclliY p. m, or Given noder wy haod a nd .the 1!~lorli E., oldest da.ngbter of Mr. lIud seal of the Stn te of Ohlo at th M[8 A, B. BIlr1f1DoI\t) JOhD ,C. Pio" oapital oity of Columbus tbh six. In, ()t Dayt1lU. W08 beaut.lful In lid teenth day Df ideptenlheor, 1915. ~Implloity 1lbey were tt.ttend " d by Fronk B Willis, Governor . W,m. Harlan, brother. of the bride C. Q. Bildebrant, I:!eorlltary of Btnte and Miss Ruth H •• rla.n, Ii niece The ring servioe was 1I ~ed. ;Jesse Hawkins parformlntl tbfJ oerewooy Ooly the imwedLlltu family of Ihl' bride aDd a few olose frj'end!! were presllnt . The groom 18 1.1 highly r eo speoted yonng EnglUihmall and. h .. brldl! has I/o large ciroltl of frlllndp I will otfur at Publlo I:!&le q,t my whose best wI8hes go wltb them to resldllnoe one mUe Bouth west of their new home In Dll'vton, Ohio; Waynesville
Dayton. Ohio.
..- . I ¥; _,:-' "1 LJ r~u...
~ , ---..
I .:;A
Mechanical SpeCifications nit l'tiw 'r Plnnt iJlchll l ('~ motur. cl u tc.h . tranHmi ion. gelle ra to,... .stn.r li · . , ~ motu r Rnd all conlrnl ling petials and lever . 1\1otOI'. All en, lon~ strnk.· -r.)ur c.v lindors ca~t en hl o . 3 ~x!). piston CH H placelOcm ~~ l in. Lynite ulum inullI c rank Cll"" Sil nl anl l p w rful' dev elopi n!t :17 H. P hy dy namom tpr te;« Lart ing Lighting and II(Ilitin n We. Lil1 ~hou R . SI' :em. (:f) n8i~ t !\ of engine sp I{enemtor. ,'e rt ie-II ignil ion IIni t. C' . •ml)i II ·.!1I)ll rk p lu gA . lI eavy dllty sto rag LJalter.I' . Ii Volt. flO Amp Ilr .• C~p;tclly Silparalc stllrling molo r ){ '!\I'c.' I to fly · \II he ~I lim. ::l pin,.; m oto r Ji'iO H. P. M BI·nd ix autl maLi c ~I ' II' control. CrlUUrtltor, SLr <ornhUl'g. I,ll au xi liary a ir cOlin 'ction Ail' cont r ol for cold weaLher s Larlin g on nstrulllent hoard . Vulves. F.ncil'Red . ClL.~ 1 I III h eads, ·tecl siems. Val\'es illl en ' hangl'lIhle, adjustaul e pU'h rod:! . Cooling . Therm o-. y phon. -11{ !Calion wat·1' c pacity . I:, in f ll Cl, tuou i Ir radialo l·. with roul1(l f'( 1 sholl Lu b r icalion. IJl1IlJiml Ill, force pump f eel undoCOIIS l ; , . \ levul Hl'l ush S l·!;· lem 'ix ·quar t rr" vl)ir wilh II 'Jut gu g e . Plung,,1' ",lIml) rnain ln in ~ constan t leve l. Cl utdl. CllflcLY\.Il!. lJ l . leel s tee l, leather luCI!CI. la'; in d ill ' neler . 2~~ in. witle. 8ngages /111 inner HUl' fuc e of fl)' \~hce l ; stilI., .. J 1 2.~"· tn pur . SpringM in face In lldng g radual C(llI lu t, uuju stllble vressure . no g r ail' bing or slipping. . Transmission St:llect.lve slllJin g gear type. thrp.1! forwarrl ; , I'ds nnd re· verse. Imported S. K. F annula r , se lf·nll gninjt. double ro w bull blll\ril1gs. Chrome, nickel s leel, d rqp fo rged g ears and shaft . FOllr s plint'>! • on slid in" I!ear haft. Aluminum ca!'le. Ratio on low , 12 to I. Second Gy. to 1 Direct on high. 4 to 1. Rever e, 14 to I Control. Ent.irely f rom driv e r's seat. lof t· id e ~ t e"r, center control. lu tch ped al overated by left foot; se rvice brake perla l accelator and sta rtillJ{ switch with right. Spa rk ad vance and h and thrOll l con trol levers 0 11 t up o f steering co lum n. w i h fr iction con tuct on seg me nt Univer sal join. Heavy dr"p-forged yokes, hardened and I!rounJ pins, enclosed in pres ed steel. g relllre· tig h bous ing of hall all d 140ckct type . Steerinj:! GilaI'. Wo rm and full genr type . II·reversible . Worm operatin): agains t ball thrust ueurings , eccen lric adj uslmen ure ... 'Nibl" frol1\ ex· crior . 17 in . wulr. ut sleering wb el. Fore and aft roach r Oll with ad· jus table ball and sock et spr ing j Oint on each end . Rear Axle . . Full .floa ting tY1ie . 4 t o I ratio. l '~ in. oiame tc r. lIick f'1 st eel shafts. Ball bearin s , t hree and one ha l per cenl.. nickel :ltet:J driving gea r and pinion. evel g ear differential. Pr e~crl ~ tec l hllll~ing. S'rakeB. Service brll'<" 12 in .x2 in. ex ternal ~ontl'act.il;g, rig h t foot con · trol. Brakeeqt: I" zer, Em rgeocr brake 12 in. inte rnar eXltanding. r ig ht·hand lever (,,,ntro!. Sprinps on brakp band ~ p revent dragging . Front Axl e. One·oi' · t! I ·bearn· drop ·forged carbon ate·!1 2){ in .lll ,Y. in . section. IX in . Wi, rill's, . Extra large dus L-proof nickcsst 1"1IJall bear· ings in frqnt Jlubs. Frame. Pressed Rt~ol , . , ')·)6 in .x.LY. in. channel sec tion. 5-32 in. thick . Four ross members . ' ,(idly i)ractid , hot r iveted: Sprilllis. IX in. wille, bi ~ ; 1 carbo!) s pring ate I. t rIple oil t COII)erod Il'run\, 34 in. long, ~emi·e lli ;>tic , se~co 1 ~ lIves. R ar &emi elliptic ()!) ill. lunll, 2 ill. wide, aevan leaves . ,tandard and ground I' olt wit h oil g l'Ot,v e!! Ilud g rease cups. Fuel Tank. Rear with Stewart·Warner vltcuum ta nk . W heel8. 32 in . art illery type. Ki In·eI ried . second !!row th. ~trnigh t grained, IX in . hickory spokes and fellows. De mountable rims . Tires . 32x3X, straig ht side. Q. D. )lest S iandard makes . Non· skids ill rear ]W'ad (;entad. 11 2 in. wheel base . Width of tread 56 in. Hllad clearane ,. l OY. in. cen ter of front alele , 10wI:st poin t. Body. Five-passenger . Handsome boat·shaped design. Roomy nnti com · fortnule. l'_xt1'a wide cloors. F luHh typ . concealed hinge._; ducp. lu .. urious upholste ring, diamond pattern luftin~ . Fitted wilh r(Joe rail and foot rail. Linoleum· cove red n oor-boards. alum inum bound Instrument Board. Contains Bpeedomctel. s~' ilch e. fur ign itilln , Iig htin l( and s t.arting, ammeter and air control le ve r. flu lh moun ling" Instru · ment board lig ht Fenders etc. ' Crowned fend ers. with ample wh e l c1enrance All shet't metal...plu.ts.pr:essedJ.r.o.m..1b.re e· pass, d ou ble·pickeh. d, cold ·oiled aut.o· mobile st ee;:1. Fenders' and steps rigidly uraced . Hood has concealed s ide hing8'l and rubber body pro tectors (111 corner!!. Finish. Black and Oliv o green. Sheet metal p9.rts. jnpann~u three coat.~ . baked at 350°. Body, gloss fini sh. NiCKel and aluminum trimmi!1gfll Standard Equipment. El ectric self·s tar te r, electric headlig h ts with dim' ming switch. Electric taillight I)rovid~d with license bracket. ~Iectric horn. ~peedomete'r with trip Rnd senson ol·l ornet.er Rea r tire iron . Elctra dem ' untable rim . Rain vision, ven il ating, plllte·glllSS wind· shield . One man mohair top witb s ide curtnins. and slill cover . Roba rail and foot rail. Full set of toola in canvas case. Tire r opair kit. Compound pump. LI(ting jack. Weight, 2,300 pounds. ' . Price and Terms. $795~OO, f. 0 b . , {I'os.t oria, ' Ohi o, Terms: D IlP 1~ i t with order: balance payable at destination. sight draft with bill of lad ing attached. Model 32 Road ster. SamespecificBtior,s as above <MorloI 37) exce pt road· s ter body. of handsome des i$(n . La rge rear ~ompartm ent, acct!S~lble tr~m both sides .a lld rear. Price of Roadster $795 00. . .
Sept. 30 evening, to Oct. 9Inclusive
.- .
E. L. RICKS, Agent I~
. Way.nesville. Ohio N9tice of Appointment
Jesse Stanley, who has jU9t g radu ~ _ • ated f~om the Jones Auc tionee ring --- ~ ' h ItCh' . h . d . Est llle 01 Oe.nora HIIIUlDU .1000olllltld. :SC 00 a lcago, 18 orne an II! NoL1co Is heroby given Ih«t Mil.,. J O.bom ready for sale dates. ' 1 t would be 10 ... hoop'duly upp urnt.OO "nl1 'IU.IUI"'IIIII A,Iell to see him as he h n • some ne\v mlnls"alor of UIO i!:COLII\.l>01 CJonora , HIUnum . •W . . • . ~. Inlo Of Worrell UIIunl.y. Oblo. dCtl.II.cd • Ideas m the aucllOneerm~ lme. Or l)"t.OO Ibla 2Uh !loy 01 Sol\lembcr 191 6. i N ew ALTON ~'. nHOWN ca11 .h'1m. 146 !llu t ~a ~ one, Jud flll or i'robate Oo urt, Burlington, OhIO. epl.ombcr Wllrrcn DoUllty. Ohl".
Thursday, October 14, 1915 Belllnnlng /It 'l o'olook 8harp · 't he following ~J8r~on"l propert.y: O :le HorBa, 7 Cow... 10 Bogs, Fa,rmlnQ ImpleDlentlil and aonsehold Goods. See big hHjli fo,: Morroll.
L, 1:1, WhUeQlan:
Late ClatJsified Ads _
._ _
.ISpringfield&Columhus I j ~~~!ANIA I
·H°<i-Pol ant1.0hlna Mall! hog,. ,N..e~ Sunda v , 00 .. 3rd good 008. .Oall 21.2X' H~r. I ".'lIburll, or 0011 00 I'l'aIInnddn~. II .,.cIa! TRIo Ln. W.w.ftIla tor I~ Barvey.bor'g, Ohio. ' 018 11:18 ••,111,; toMlorumbga·':,e •. III. AtteiId t.b. at DedJca&Ioa BallDd : : ; Pan ,i.•o; tAl of M. W. . W.,Deafllle, Ohio. • IIJlIfIIIrlWd ..ID .
A PQre.bredl=Io:!II~:n~nli~q~: 011
:c.~. :u:
'C - -
NOTE iHE SAVJNG Baby Caps .. . .. ... ...... · lOe . New Tango. Cords . .. .... lOe Towel!! .• , •. ..•...••..• for 25c Handkerchiefs , .. •. ,.2 fpr 5c Stickerei Braid . ... • • • • .. lOe 1.adies' and l\lisses' Belts . .• ... , .•• '•••.••• JOe PjJJow Slips! ............ 10<:
Next Door to Guette
Calendar Pads, for 1 '113. .. Curtain Rods.... . . . • • • .• Birtliday CaDdies', ' per box 24 ... " . , .... D~ver Egg ,D eater •• , ..• " Men's tnitial HaDd· kere hief•• , • • , •• , , •• , •• New Candles ........ ,...
02c lOe
' IOe JOe
1Oc: lOe
Read the ads on pa~ two and three. You will find
the ~onlblnaUon or. fer on pages two and three. Send lor them ..... ~ea()
them .very Interesting ......
'. _
Sixty-Seventh Year - - --.........------
(Uill Talk On T~mp~ltane~ RALLY' DAY
____ E
--~ - ]
The Hon. Oliver W. Stewart, who were The annual Rally Day exercises observed a~ the M. E. Sunday · S d F School last Sunday morning and Fl represents t h eying qua ron oun-"day·school were a decided success. The Sun· . . room and main audilor· OFRCERS WERE ELECTED · ·11 ' k t W °11' ium had been very tastefully decor· d_ ation, WI .pea a ayneavi e on ated with cut flowers and potted . plants and presented quite a pleasing Program was Rendered Friday, October 8th, at 3 p. m. If the ap~~ra~~~'h attempt at a special A GoodFollowed by Victrola program was made. a solo lly Mrs. Concert Kelly. sung in her own inimitable weather is propitious the speaklOng WI°Il manner by the Beginner's and . class, being the only special numbers. The Woman' s Aux iliary of t, be on the street, if not, the meetlOng itors It was thought best to show the vis· just how the school works. Mary 'R church met at the home of . f'llrtificatea of promotion from Mrs. S. L . Cart wright on f riday h varIous departments to the one next afternoon . October 1. WI° II be he·l d at the M• E· Ch urc. higher were given to th08" entitled The mCtlling was upened wi th
The meeting of the I entucky Trot· lIorse Breeders ' A~sociation. willch is beillg helJ at Lexing ton, Ky .. from t he 4th lo the 1(lth, will attract hundrerls of strangers to t his home uf !l nll borse fie< h. The g rounus it i~ said are the hand· somest in the U, S., and the grandstand will a('commodate about three thousand people. Everything around the ground is in go oJ condition , and those who attend will meet with ev· cry comfort im3l:inaLJlc. Oil of the features of this meet will b tpe music , W<,be r's band , of Cincinnati, which will play during the entire engagement. A llIongo those who went .to . the races from here were: Mr. and Mrs. W . E. O'Neall, Misses Belle and Martha O'Neall, and the MesSrs. Emmo r Ba ily , Jr, Robt. Furnas, Harry. atterthwaite and Dr. A. J. McCoy. t.i n~
a ~ong
to Ihem. The totill attendance was 192, and the collection $8.47. Souvenirs of the occasion were given to the .following: Youngest person present. Marion La Fayette. lhe four·weeks-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Nolan Conner; oldest person .~~ ..... HER present, Mrs. Rachel Keys; mother Dr. Macy will be in Harveysburg of largest family present , Mrs. Bui-ton Earnhart, who· was accompanied all next week. by her husband and entire family of six children. Allen Haines, of Xenia. visited rei. _ _ _... _ ••_ __ atilles here Sunday.
REMINISCENC ES PERsoiAL"riENiiiI - -.... --- ... ----
TOLD IN TERSE MANNER By the Late Dan R. Andenon Who
Recalled "MemorIes'" of Wsyneaville
Buy your winter Blankets and Comforts at Myer Hyman's. Mr. A. MatHt was a business visitor in Dayton last Friday.
For Auto Livery, call on Geo. J . Waterhoulle. Phone 54- 2Ys
The Harveysburg Association will hold a matinee race in that place MilS Clara Lile svent the week.end Saturday afterrioon. October 9th. with friends at Cincinnati. AR'oodprogramhasbeen arranged, as followa: S-minute trot or pace; 2:85 pace. and a 2:40 trot. Five en· For Auto Livery. caJl on Goo. J . tries and Uiree to start is required WaterhoUIe. Phone 64- 2Ys. in each race. The entr.ance fee iB 5% of the purse. and all mile heats. Mr. and Ml'l'. John Smith were Admission. 10 cents. The Association have had several Cincinnati viaitors last wet'k. good matinee meets this year, and this one promises to blithe bC$tgiven Levicy & Howe, of HarveYBburg. yet. A number of good )lorses will hasa milliner from Cincinnati. race and it is' expected thll,t there will be a good number of entries for M. and Mrs. EnoR Hill, of Ceaar. each race. ville, spent Sunday with relatives There has been a Qot com»et ition here. . among several horses over there all dummer, and the ownera are deter· Don't fall to read the Grace Har- mined to find out Which horse' is the lowe series they a~ all good, J E. best. All lovers of harness races ought to go to HIlTveysbutg Satur· Janney. • . . day. for it will mean a fine treat.
One of my school mates that BOllIe may recall. WII8 Eliza Jane Hooey. Her tather wa Andy Hooey. and lived In the last house on the Jeft hand lIiile of the Little Miami raIlroad in €orwln, opposite the canning facoo,. ry. And Sallie Ann Moran. lived nellt door, arid ntll ~ her lived Jennie · Clar~. theblue8t,.eY,ed girl 1 ever saw. Her father and John Flinn, with .their families. moved west in '07 or '68 and stopped over night at my Jlrother.in.law'8 home in Warren coullty'; Iud" an4 1 lost tj'ack of th(,Dl The Hammell House had a propri eoor, an Englishman by the name 01 Yeom~n, "git himP" After Squire Hammell's time. who went from thtlre to the farm. known as thE' Jacobs farm. .He had a pretty daughter "Sallie." A'itd about that time .. boy by the nam.. of C'Alrt· wright, "Sammy." came from "Jar· Ray Hawke and ~n, of Dayton. sey" and lived with Uriah French. are v~itinl! with Mr. and Mrs J. C. Then Ulere waaJohn Kelsner from Hawke. the town of Mink-Raysville- Lytle, He liv~ on the. comer of M~ln and Fresh naitimore Oyatel'll and Gel. T~ler, In the brIck and Perry Staley eJy daily at White', Store. lived.there several years. Upatreet, as you tunl to go down to the ' mill . , . where Mark DaviB lived. was a fam· Mr, IIIWI:C Wilson artd famllyvilited ny by the name of Thomu. One with relatIVes In Ken tucky one day wu'iiamed "Haze'~ an~ they . went lut week. hence. shortly after I began to aecllmulate evi~ence 1 am uffering Dr. }iary Cook, who was visiting your readt:r:s. On the other comer with friends in Cleveland, returned lived a family by name of Rogers, home last week . Olle of hiB boys. John. or "Yiw" was . . a freigbt. conductor on the Little Miami railroad. Sam Linton. who . You can not afford to mias hearing married "Beck" ·iIammell. John him. O. W. Stewart. at WaynesvillE'. Work. who W88 a hostler for Ham· Oc t, 8th • 3 p. m. mell. and who with Lou Staley, Eli arid myself. walked to \\i1mington . Dr. Dill.' Osteopath. af residence to enli8tin .the Company ofCl!ptilin ofL. T, Peterson, Main St.• TufS Harlan. be dlsaPpolnW- Aft •• and Frid AV mOrllin.... ', Then we only four to counted the ties to ~ . ..., ..~. )forrowu,wD. where we entraine(i tl\ nd W· , Mr. a Mrs. alter Sml~b and Cmcinnati. where 'we entered f<>r • W hole lot of trouble tba't luted chUdren .~nt the week·eml With ~r. and Mrs l j E Werntz at Co inore than fuuryears. . .• • rWID. - . -Bell(hem that marri~ 8.-:' . . mantha Terry, and Mary Terry that A first clasa milliner o~ expenence didn't marry JOB. B. Collett, and has been secured !->y Levlcy & Howe. Vincent l'erry, Goo. and Will Terry a~rveyaburg. Give them aeall. . - the last time 1 saw Will WIIB in 1874, in Indianapolis,Ind. . . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ridge and SQme one, name the boy tllat Ilved "hildren. of Cincinnati. spent the with the l:linclail'l3. I saved him from week· end with Warren Barnett and drowning-, ill the fd ill tace, just above family. . the spill way. but have entirely for· , gotten his name. I also pUlled Mr. Richard M.ink and Mr. and ,. from the uottom of tbe ftood-~t.es Mrs •. Wm. WitUlrs:.o' Dayton, '!Vere , pool. J,>elmont Mc~ynold8, apd~. gueilts of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips . . other-maybe 'Martm-who\ live In ha.st week.
RESERVES GET REVENGE SUNDAY Aided by the gilt edged ,pitching of the former Xenia boy, Omar Green. the Reserveahad no difficulty yesterday afternoon in evening scores with the , Harveysburg nine when ' h h th h d they sent t em ome at e sort en of a6-1 score. Green was in the best of shape I,lnd pitched the art~cle of ball which has attracted the atten· tion of several !couts during the past &e8IIOn. He allowed only tWf) scat. tered hita and found ease in the enjoyable p8atimeofwhiffin~. having t. cau.,.,.. th e rtlti' remen t o~.' fift een ba· ters by t\le sl'rike·out route. With fine support the ex·Xenlim was never in tt'Ouble and while he was holding the former victors of the Rderves in his hands, the local boys were pound. . I .u h all ov r the fleld Il tting !~:tD;evenge efor the d~f~t he l'eItistered on bis last time out. The ar.fticle of ball put up bv the Xenia crew wu a marked improvement and they ahowed a world of stuff be· hind the clever pitching of Green -Xenia Daily Gazette. . ~--...'- ...- --'-.
music, that fine old hymn , "Oh, Come all ve Faithful." played on t he Victrola. - Mrs. Cad wallad er read the scripture lesson. Psalm 57 , Rev. J. F Cadwallader led the devotional exercises. '1'hen foll owed another bealltiful hymn, "Lead Kind l)' Lit.{ht." Scriptural q uotations were given in response to roll·call. After t he reading of tho minu tes the election of ollice l~ was held, this being the annual m,eeti n ~ . The old officers were all re-elected, Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader, president; Mrs. O. L. Crane, vice-president, and Mrs. Laura H. Mosher, secreta ry· treas. urer. ' Various matter!! of busines.q were taken up and settled foll owed by the program for the day . l''irst on the prOl:'r~lI~ was a reading in two sections. "A Visitation of tbe Ch urches on the lsthmu!l of Panama." Mrs. Barnhart, Mrs. Ed· wards; Reading, "The Bell of Lhe Chapel in San Pedro Martir," Miss McKay. After adjournm ent Mrs. Cart· wrijrht favored the ladies with a chOice selection of Victrola music, wl)ich was Dl ch enjoyed. As the ladie$ were l~b ut to dcpa~t for thei~ homes, Mr. Cartwrighl, with his characteristic hospitality, invited them, with Mr. Cadwallader, down atreet to parta ~le of ice cream. On reaching their d·estlnation they were bountifullY served with cream and cake. Before dillpersing a vote of thanks was given ·the genial host.
~." I.2:S:~~~ t~ih~t§c;:~~rR~~~r~ . 'Hear the Hon. OliverW., stewart ' ~n remem.ber IDc.14en.ts•. dat$, Jo· aforceful and eloquent l!P4!aker- on
:':t::: ~rac:s!Ho~TtI ~~
J.lmeePierce.llvedwJtb Dr. WilliamIOn; ,Moll)' Neal and Sadie Neal. their father.. ,w a "pla~er. and w~t .to BoulderCitj . .. Idlho; Geo. Po~le. a lIhoemaker. and the real shoemaker, John ShoeDlIikerl tived for. time in tlielltU.houl8 belo.~.tP_ _lI's, Chari." .Kirk •wa his 1tepIoft. Joe Slater' had a IOn Will waa. ·'dO&'. JreriaD," ancIaaOOct . . . too. . Con&bnled nat Week..) ( . , .
• •
411 £Oair -~:'II;i' Illi
They come, they saw, they realized. Never · before such crowds, never before such a style show. never before such realization as were yours and e verybodys at fred's Style Fes· tival. Its the talk of all Lebanon, every section of this Big Store tells a com· plete story of Newer and of Betler Values. The Pioneer House, of Lebanon bids you all a cordial welcome to visit he re this week. , Music, Flowers and Sou venirs Qur· ing entire ·week . There will be special attractions in the way of demonstrations in various Departments well worth comin£! to see, Great money saving specials during Opening Week.
---.....__.-- -
Bear tile "PInt GaD" cd the __ tiD, . Jelul SmltIi,
FAMILY MET ·EUNIO' N'I IN A R, . About sixty mem bers of the State family met a t the home of Mr. and Mrs,. Walter Caat Sunday and held a family reunion. There were visitors from Clarksville, Wilmington, Ports· mouth, Lurhuerton, Bloomington and otber places. On account of the wedding anniversary of the Casts it was decided to hold the reunion at their home this year . • It was a very pleasant occasion , many of the family not having heen together' for a long time. At nooll two long tables were set under the tent on th e lawn and a delicious fried chicken dinner was served. Everything that could be gottt'n together for a fried chicken dinner wa.~ on the table, and the guests diu ample j ustice ·to the good things set before them At a late bour in the aftern oon they departcd for their homes, voting this to ue,one of Lhe happy' occasions of their liv\!s.
==:1:':-. fa11~ J'rWaJ. ~at=-SIIII ~ =~.V4
Supl. Spreigel introduced the firet Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kelly visited fire drill of the school year in a Wilmington relatives Sunday. ralhet "near·fi re" manner. At 9:35 Friday morni ng the schollll'8 began Fo r Auto Livery, call on Geo. J. tl) smell srpoke, and precisely at 9:35 the alarm was Bounded and in two Waterhouse. Phone 54'-2X. minu tes lhe ent ire school was safely • of the building. Mrs. Etta Printz, of Dayton . was outAlthoug the experiment was a the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. surprise loh the teachers and scholars Taylor Sunday. they all maintained t hemselves in a very creditable manner- but two Our girls' and boys' Booke at 25c persons in the building knowing that are instructive and intensely inter- such a thing was going to be pulled esting. J. E. Janney . ot!'. Supt. Spre jgel and Janitor Parshall. . Two or three visitors were let into Mr. and Mrs F. B, Henderson and daughters, aud Master Ethan rane the secret, however, and were on hand to see the result of the drill. spent.Sunday at Clifton. Coal buckets filled with paper and rags had been lighted in the base· Mr . and Mrs. Joe McKinsey and ment and were carried through the son, 01 Morlow, were th e guests of lower halls. The momenl the alarm his mother and sister Sunday. :was given, the piano player started for the piano and to the strains of a For Sale- Brood mare a good work- march and the t riangle the .,1!Cholars er, 9 years old . Inquire of W. H. marched in good order out of the Madden, Waynesville or Corwi n, O. building, not one of the scholars - - - -- --Hosiflg-t,heir stel}.- alt-llough-th6Y-- - - Before you buy your winler hat, thoug ht a fi r· was imminent. see Levicy & Howe. .They have a The drill was a success, particunew milliner. who will trim your hat la rl y as nearly one hall of the pupils . ht ' were strangers to u fi re drill. rIg . Should a fire occur, ilis no doubt but that the scholarS will all escape in Mrs. Malsbury and daughter, of d d Lebanon spent Saturday and Sunday goo or er . with Mr. nnd Mrs. H. Glistin and - -- - -- - - , family. . Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton have returned home after spending a couple of weeks with relatives in OilY ton. "
TheGemetery Asaociation are put·
f~n~~~ n::m~t!~~ (~~~ r~:~~~: all finished it will help the looks of
Mr. and Mrs. John James. of Co,m· terville, and Miss Jennie Co"k, of Lebanon, spent Sunday with Mr:!. Susan Cook am)' family.
. . . . . . . . . 1004 be,
Messrs. Wm and Bryon Prendergast, Thos. Pierce, Dean Howell and George Waterhouse saw the football game in Lebanon Sunday afternoon.
Henry Vandervoort, whQ haa been HAS US TROUBLES quite ill for the past several days. The motor truck which was moving the Dakin family to Daythn, had a little bad luck as they were leaving town Monday. The clutch failed to work, at the corner of Main and Franklin road, and the machine backed down the hill and ran off into the ditch. As luck would have it the tOI> of the truck rested against 80me bushes by the side of the road, and did not upset. But little damage was done, alid when the truck was righted they proceeded on their Way to Dayton.
---... --...,..
was taken to Dayton Thursday. where an operation will likely be performed. Rev. C. S. Granserand Mra. J . W• White attended a conference of the IItewards of the M. E. Church, Springfield District. at Springfield, Tues· dRY. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Cross left last week for Brown County, where they are spending a couple of weeks with relatives. They will attend the Georgetown fair tbis week.
St. Mary's Guiid will meet w.ith Mrs; 0, J. Edwards, Thura9ay af· ternoon, Octilber 7tn. As·this is the annual meeting 'for ,the election of . offieere, a full attendance Is desired.
'. "
Mre. J. W. ,White bad a. number of. house guests from Dayton last . 'week, for a Couple of daYlI. Mre. P. N, Sigler. Mrs. L "H. Vinson, Pittsburg. the Wysong trptting Mrs. A. F. Taft·and Miss Jean ~el" gelding. started in the grand,circuit iuson. Saturday. but behav!!d himself nther badly. He lltarted with a field of . The Tom He. sale wa well .ateleven horees and finlab.ed 7, 9 ~d 7. tended rru-sQ. BDd eve'1thlq He wa pretty sick dunng the early IOld . blab: the .... amountiq to part of the week, and it wutbouant l8Yeral hUDdncl dollara more than u recovered. Mr. B_ UlMlCt.I: ail. wu con. the street, ~e.tli,el'Pelmalltting. that be had DOt . duct.ed»>7 .tucdcmeers Sean and ~ for the MiamI Guette. IIcNtil~ Come and hear
t .!!,.
Mrs' Frank Elbon. who has been seriously ill for I he last few days. was taken to the hospital Monday Rally Day at the Ohrlstian church. morning. Sunday, October lOth . Wanted, who? You to come. fille school and fine Mrs. Wm. Haines , of Harveysuurg. program. Remllmber the date, octo· and MiS8 -M~r-y Smart, of Citlcinnatl·~.1Il!'~"""'...oI..i!9...,r!)...<--'''''lu·UK.-.J.l..............LI'' ·u'' ' n' 'd''''' . - - - - - -were calling on Waynesville friends with vou. Saturday. - - --+- ...- - -
~J dIe . falr JrfOU!.1tt~ ~f,!,will
Buy your winter B1ankels and Comforts at Myer Hyman's.
Get ready for t he old.f;1shioned Hallowe'en Social to be held in the Social Rooms of the iM. E church on Saturday evening, Octobe'r 30. Come masked if you want to, an~ if you don't, come anyhow and enJoy yourself.
time, . ' . ,. .. . . Amol18 thOll8' wtlo attend.~ . e dedication 01. the K. ·P., H.ome at . . . §Iprinltll~ld Sunday ·were. Mr. and . . Mre. Frank Zell. Mr. aDd !Ire. 1'. C. ' . Hawk.,Mr. and M"!. A. B. SId.. Ea.rl Evans and W. O. Raper: sen t · Mr. ana !Ira. L. A, Zim~ IIi'. ·thelr chicken!! to Hamilton' thls week and Ure. U. M. Wbitel".r. and lin. to the lair . Tbey will bave to go OLIVER Ed TholDBl. MI', and Earl Oem- tome if they brlnR' ba'k any ribbons. , aer, Ju. Beabam , IIiaI LIllIan BeD- tor the7 wfll be IItrona'p com~- Who wUl _..._. __" bam M.... J. C. . . . . Btar7 Uoa. 'The Hamilton Po'Illtry ...... • IPU 8t8nIben7 D. ~D ~ of haviq_.ow this pemnce m Hockett, Mart ~ WInter deelded tn hold their ahow .at getober 8th
J . E. Brown, of Lebanon, was in In Good Shape-Children Marched town Monday on Uusiness. (0 Piano Music like
A ttent ion - Lay by 25 cents for you will \vant to attend one (\f the besl Miss Mary Salisbury spent Sunday home talent concerts ever given in with relati ves in X~ nia. Way nesv ille. NolV don't forgel. Thnnksgwing nig ht. Particular!:! Miss Zoe Duke. of Dayton, visi ted later, with frienus here Sunday.
.-....- - -
Readers of goo d lit 'ratur ' wil l be int e res Led , h readi l1 ~ til a d s :tI1 p nges 2 a nd 3 , 'file willLrr is ap proa<? hi'n g-, nd eyc rybod y will hn.\ e lots of Limc Lo read during- t he evenings. If you wa nt th e n ews of t h c· li n , read ca refull y tIl ad pertai llillg t o til e (l lTI uillutio1l of the l\Iial11i (,nzr lt a nd lhe Cin c illl1ati Tim s·Star. Bolh of t lt t·sc Jla p er. nrc in teres t iug and o lT rcd a t a pricc you can nOl an'on1lt! t urn cJow n. You read th e CuzNte b cca u se it te lls '0 11 tht' homc IIe ws . You read L11 • 'f im es·Sta r h cn us iL ml lll c i s )'( u w itl! t he world. B s ides , th sc t wo 1Iewspap >rs . then' is the Womall 's World, Am erican Farming , G re l1 's Frllit Growl'r, Ilo m Life a nd Household jOllnta l, e ve ry o lle of Ul l' m goo d n ·arJill g. yo u wu n t. you r hnmt' IIl' W;; a ad a gOOlI lot o r fiction s page 0. Th ' Gazelle alTe rs yo u a L a ve r y , ma ll os t , . :'IlcCn ll " , l o t hl·r 's j\'l ag-n in a lld Ladies ' WOl Ill , tlt re o f til l1e: t maga zilles exlant. YOII oug ht Lo he inLcrest ed i ll good read iug, a nd yo u surdy gel it ill th c magaz incs.
eahties, etc., but . when It comes to te t W '11 0 t be _ the grounds 'considerably, as well as nam!!B, I could name butldreda of 8 mperance,.a ay,nesv~ e. cor . improve the conditionofthe grounds. , ._ The bam on the Harlan farm. JUBt . .' ° --people, if I 'could ollly remember • . their names-. avlng' no one it.o "elp '" 'west of the Harveysburg bridge, wa. ' Mrs. Stella · Cheno~el.b has re.· burned to the ground last WedneWay , . me ollt .1 rlepend f niJrely on II' suffi. clency. 'such as it appears w~en it. ar- turned, hOJ!1e frC!m Dayton after evening. with alm'oat all of the confaves lit the exbaust" of the "thmk- a week' villit ' With Mr. and Mrs. tents. Ed Shane. who lives Oil the ·tank...• " ' .' Weaver anil other,. relatives, 'place, discovered amoke ~~Qut 7 Whbever remembe~ a Benjamin . . . . . '. _.' o'clock, and going out found the J ~ Lippincott. a wagonmaker,' w':Jose _. Mr. and Mn, J. C. Hawke 8!ld Mr: barn in flames, But little stuff was &bop is th~one in f~ont oltb.e Wrutht and Mrs, A. Maffitt attended IOSpeC· saved. and the. grain, etc .• lost wu pro~rty', and whO:J\v.ed in the houpe ·tinn of the fythian Sisters ~)dge at covered by insurance. ,Mr, Shane , where Dr. Adam I"yed and TI) Harve . sbur~ •.1uesdav evenmg. ._ hall had very bad luck this summer, Iived.....BDd' tll-m. by golly/, • , ..; he lost a horse and colt l ~y light., other loet Qut, :'I\lOms 'up-Hen AII~n MilS Lizzie Pratt left lut Tueada; ning earlier in tbe season. Does any ·one ·.~11 the name of. avenini' for i Cincinnati wheM.. ahe . • - • the bUll~m music tea\lher. that bOardvisit rel"~v88 fo.r " week• . then . e IIhb whe.... KIndle., reiaUves of Kiule Merritt; a e w v, w a v. OJ' IO~
Some Interesting 'Reading Matter
- --
There were several m017ings during the past week, and several yM to come. Lee Hawke moved into the property vacated by the Woottens. and Mrs. Martin moven where Mr. Hawke vacated. Geo. Hamilton will leave the Leak property Boon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chand ler will move into the Brown property on the Franklin road this week. F, C. Sawin moved to Dayton last week. snd Chas. Stansbl'rry will move where hevacatei.l . . Mrs. Anna Dakin and sons moved tr, Dayton Monday. Several other changes will be made soon, and several far mers will change' proper.ty·soon.
ft .....
HEBER BROTHERS' GREATER SHOWS Will gi ve two nerformances here in WaynesVille, Thursday, October 7, Phillips Park. ' .' soon be here, and inShow day dications point to large attendances. A notable example of the Auperior quality of the high class American and European acts \Vith this show is Rollo H. Heber's Performing Horses, Ponies, Donkeys and Bears. Aerial Snells, Trapeze Artists; Flyin~ La Vons, Roman Ring Aerialists; La Vere & Mead, Acrobats; Madame Clementia and Earl in their · Burlesque Trapeze Act; .Allen Troupe. Wizards of the Slaclt ' Wire; Heber Brothers' I"amous Acting Dogs and Monkeys in playet, City of Dogville;" Odell Sisters. InternationarDancers. alid many other sterling artists "p~ pear tOJ{ether with. a congress of first clllBB clowns, forming one of the ' most satiatying and attractlrii per- ' formanc;es everpreacnted linder canv~ebe; ' Brothers for this Season
have all new aetS and features, and, . as' in toe past. they have the cleanest, and moat refined show traveling. Bring the children. The perform- . ances will be given afternoon at 2:00 o'clock and nignt at 8:0!l o'clock; the doors opening one hou" earlier. Band concert befl>re each' perform· ance. Special bargain matinee at 2 p m. Liadies,20 cePta; children. 10 . centa. Night prices. 25 cents, cbll. reo under 9 Y81U'8 16 ~ _ • - •
Read _rowa 1-
MJesaia.-tut .'
11 : fID' [ ' [ ~:'~~:~l::iL~~;,?;;;~~;·,,;;: ; Etraordinary rJzrlIJ~ '
- .
c.ourt was, Ilt this Ilr'Hen t mo· man,!, hurch proPeJ'ty, "11'8 JUKt ",),.;ro you 5uld- rlgbt fll om III the cen' ter at ow Vork: nud (b bulldlllg V~ddoF
!tY:;G ' ~Ol)r-.'F nA \.11\O·:I 'pH 0[5[1'n . I :~;o(;~~!~h \:.I I ~ ~~d~~~I~ntl:~t ;:.~I~II~~~ tV \.1.; 1l<\JL l<L-\l'V 'L 11 1~ building of everY .muulelpol tl'llIlSPOrI
ana LILLIAN Cl1E5TER . .
III MonbaUI)n!
Way.,esIJ IUe,
---:======= ===========~===
The Big Bargain of the Season
,] 'rr Ii 81~~~~:0 ~:U~':I~~r ,~~~o~~~r~l ¥Od~ I totlon li n
A. M·AFFIT Funeral m ctot' , ..d Emhahnrr,
From my
I .
Call a:n siveretl j.l ~"f[l ptl y UIIV o~ nij(ht BOlh jJl)olu!s in Oi.it and l'esltlenc~. LMlll' distal1r ',No, 14; Home phon e
H Zr,
Chairs and one 'ouch f urnished ·free with fun tlrals . Best of sendcfI gu aranteed .
r ctly Into subway, L., o~ trolleY. Wb II th CCHUO 111 v ' r III lin e ' I whIch Is 1l 0 W the l\UdeonUII ut, thoy Ie «JHPOItATIOH • I'WIII bo lau'Oed, not ner S9 tho , ~ ~~ , . _ ~ - - - river, or In Borne aide streot, but BARNHART. -:.:'.:!:::~ ual--~~ :::7. cn -'j -;~~'" I r ight III th eir own doora, scattcrlog The' Mlollli Cazettc, weok Iy , and bl~ glRneo ha-d Ftrn ycI m ' from tbe Midcontinent terminal over Notary PubliC , ~ Tbe qove rnor of Ohio hn s by CHAPT E R VII. once 10 the rod ,streaks on tho bl8 a hundred ' traction lines! " Ble vole, The Clnolnnat, TimeS-Star, dally d mOil Now ho appronched It, an DtoolunJut!on direoted oJl cH·illell tI; . 'Itll ab ~o rbed Inter ilL. Which had boguo In the mild bant r or blenn up tbeir prem ises OD Fire P re- All k inds of Notary Work. WI1IIl The Woman's WOrld" monthly Stili Piecing Out tho World. s(lIdled It " ' " n man PBBslng an Idl e joke, had rlseo veDtion Ony, But,urdlly,Oot,oberllth. lI ud D d8/1 ' 1'(101 Ity . The mill) at tbe nit d StOt1l1l til "YmJ'ro a sll1art boy. Rd. he con· AmerIcan Farming, monthly . . ftn( Islall" Is tlle to a r ing so triumphant that he WIlS >Edward E . AlIIaou's Ubror), b gru" clud"tl " Across Cresr~ U I ' 1 'be flgu r e8. furni s h ed by It\l.t I ~~~==:::======~~~ I , I' k ' ould snoke lu 0 rail· al illost sl10u l ng. . Creen's Fn.llt Crower, monthly y ar 's fir e IltatisUcs t-uy "U l..EAN ; '!lOW, to devclop Uttte strcatdl, but th e)' "Il ut(- dbutH - WIlII a tWtlnt u~~~' ",!~nk were boldly marked. null they llUl:l':('ci. ~~~~. P~ou) ~:Ul1lt tbo only crllck tUllt UP!" In on pltola. ~8lf Il mlllioo Home Life, monthtr pro tes o . e was s u or....... H .. ore · wIth Ilstmordlnary clasen 8S , Ibe TICO· Ih!' big syst ems havon'( tied up." d onus wou lel n ot UlII kl' good the HAT FJ A WAY J HClusehold Journal, monthly "A ll y(t u CO " get me to ndm lt, just do0!8 the Mldcontln!?t gel to lbe flro 1088 In Uhi O fr OID Of'V ltloted rub n. • • ell mark wblch Allison had drllwO , , tI At tl,O city needs an eight· Crescent 181and tube, b i~h durin g t·be Itl8t , ,·,.r. 'rrull, , from New York to Chicago nnd from only l Ull tires were on u f' I by spllrlul \V " yno~V Ill O 'R Londlnp' DenUM' " night here," an d Allison pointed to 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m.~. . . Ohlcago to Bnn Frandseo. There ~~:k ~\lb~ BcrORS Crescent Island, un· O e from bl1rDlng up rllb ll\~ h on the OI1\nll In Keys RM I(. M,~ln I:lt were long gn(ls between them, but der l~aBe to the Mun icipal Transporta· hie nlap. " You c l1l out of the tub o \ premises to get rill ot n, and only 27 !bella dId not seem to worry hi In \'cry l ion company," stated Alliaon, s miling to the L. and 0 ., which hll8 0. loug· You can' l fi nd better value no mntter how hard you , nre repor t (1 tiM fr om rubbit<h Ignlt lDuch. It WAS the IIttlo Rlrel ~h s, with Rmttflcatlon . A compltmont ot U\Ile tracking privilege over fifty mlloe \ try. Thillk of it~y ur ow n home weekly, Cincinnati's i1lg . But m ore thnn 11 11 'r of t.J- e I?SB iIometlmes ~C8rcely ovor nn Inch. t his sort from shrewd old Tim Cor- or the Towanda Valley, Ilnd term I· of t1l1 7,G58 r eported a p ' rom fi ylng bigges l and h st on -cent daily newspaper and FIVE which be drew with ullcb oddent mAn, who was re(lut d to be the foxl. nates at Wlndfleld. Al Forgeson. how· 811ar\l8 WIIS fr om "1" ;,s lighting pleasure trom day to day, und uow. est milD In tbe world, was a tribute ever, just ten miles after th e L. and spk'lluid home and fidion publica tions at a bargain rubbis h, IIU" more' fl' , n ba.l f tbe L . l6llvetl the Towando. thot road-" ' OOt\IIIIlonaUy, as he 1189sod In Ilnd 011 t, hlgbl y flutlerlng. pri~e . . Tht: !\fIAMI GAZl>.'1·Tl~ gives you all of the in~pontl\neous 00~1 bri~'tI ,. , .:ires st.orted he etopped by the big globo an d ~avo "Tlrot's right." approved Tim. ",AU "1's crossed by our trllcksl" rbank. III rubbls b . terestjng loca,l 11 ws about the folk s you know , while It a contemplative wh trl. On tho dill' I know Is a 'guess, and I don't tell eagerl)" Interpreted , "The Mldcontl· GIVEN QUICK RELIEF Ollreless smok en L" ro ed ull $26 " he jolnolS his tnr west rn grou P ot guesscs. Tbls Is a big , ob; thoulh, ne nt, attef Ita direct exit, saves a the T il11e s , ~ta r k eps yOll in tou h with the llews of the PRill .j,. \'05 nlmost 330 wort,h , and me el ,II tbese fir e" little marks by bridging t.hree small Eddl o. A subwoy to OreeceDt Island,' s9Yljnty,mlle detour! Th eo U's a whoa world, ill additioll t o furnishing you with val" as if by , ag lc when we re from thrOWing ,)Igu r sLnbs 'J! ppe; he receIved a caller In the per· under proper r estrlctlons, Is just an straight. aboot tor Chicago! Btrulgbt you beg in uslog "6Illpe BBhed Into rubbish . Cblldrtln uablic! a nd intcresting pec ia l featUl cs\that no other IOn of • short, weJl-dres8 d old Wlln, ordlnllry year's work tor the boYB, but on again out woatWbl'. All laou, Orop.," tho fnm ollsold pl .~yio g )vlLh rnllto bes or .f ire ooat who walked with a CIlne Ilnd looked this tube polles Its noae Into Oakland your route Is IIlmoat aa alr8lgb~ 118 an do ily' ('an gi\' YOIl . I...atest and most reliable market remedy for nhollmn, 'l" I, 1l4, nnd In f1 maj orl tv 'Jf OIlBel! half .sleep, by reaaon ot tlle mOllY bIlY." IInow! It will have a tbree·hundred· li. m, Lumbago, GIlIt!, reports. Don't overlook t his opportunity, but send the blaze ~tllrt6d In ltuer.-By Bor\ pub wblch had plied up uniler hIs Sci ' llcllo Ne ur a lg;a "I'm quite aware of tbe 81ze of the mile shorter baul thlln even Ule Inland H. Buokley, t:lt.He Iflre MnrsbKJ. in your order ~oday to . nnd kindred koubk'!L ey" and nearly closed them. job," chuckled AtIlBOn. "However, Pacific I You'll put that road out or It goos right to tbo "I'm ready to wtnd uP. Tim," re- Tim, there'll be money enough behind the bUB!08ssl You'll have tbe king at JjlO.t, stops the aches marked Allison, oO'erl ng bIll caller a tbls proposition to flU tbat tube with trnnBconti nenta1 -lInes, Ilnd uone _~~ nnd pillD. aod makes ~, antl lighting one himself. "Wheu greenbacks." eve·r be built that will eave one klllkl" lICo worth Ih·;oS. Get 08Jl we lIaye that Vedder, Court propBetween the narro~'B\ltted anll His neck protruded stili fu rtber Cram 1\ bollio of .. r;.Orops" Never tllke pep8 i~ and prep ~u putty eyeltda of TIm Corman there his collar 118 be bent over the m·ap. toelay. A booklet witb ertY condemned '" WAYNESVILLE, OHIO tio ol!' oontnlnlog' pepsin or other dl. "Whenever you give the ·word," reo Ilea.med a tl'aJ)e ot the old.Ume senll. "Here )'ou split ott from lbe 1vUdcont!· e~c l1 boule gives b,lI go.~lve fe rment 8 fo r iodlge8ttoo, a p dir ec tions for U5d. falted Tim Cormall, who spOke wltl. "Then It's built." He rose and n eot's Dloln 1I0e and utilize th (l While Don't de l ~ y , Demond tI\e m ore yoo I"ke the more , .o u will. 811 IUitbmatio voice, Ilnd with the quiet leaned on his ca~e, twinkling down 011 Ran80 branch; from SlIverknob- My "[r-Drpps." DOD't n~ · bll ve to '&ke . Wbllli Ie n eeded hI dignity of a man who hili! borne grave th.e man whom, years before. he had Godl" and bts mouth drollped open. c opt I1n)~h ing elso IU , Ii tonlo IIko Ohu.ube rlllln '8 Tablet8 business reBponslbltttles, and bad picked as a "comer." "I'yli beard "Why-wby-wby. you craBs t,he big ,;:;;;;;.;==-!"""" placo of it An"dnlr' tha' WIll enable the 8torolloh to p er. bOrDe them well. , I t CIlI'! aupply ,ou. If you 11 vo ( 00 Car Real Elltsts Traoafen people Bay tbat money's wicked, but range over tbe IDlnnd Pactfic a own form Its foootlon8 na'~rally, Ob· .Allison Bedded hlB head In BaU8fRa- they never bsd a.ny. Wben I die. and tracksl" and bla voll'e cracked .. . , en " drug store send One Dollnr to ",n".on Hhclimlltic ClIre Co., NeWArk, tlon. . go . down to the bIg ferry, If tbe Old Edward E, Allison, biB vanity gratl· M&ry G. Boyer to Loyd B. Miller, tuinllble everywhere.. ' rin, :\: lI\ fJ h":"' Ue of "h D rops" w;U be "You're lure tbere can't be any hltob Boy comes alOIl3 and olfers me enougb Ded to Its very core, sa.t bllck com· lot In Frnnklin, ", ~u. l pn", pllh. 1 .J In IU" monoy, I'll go to hell," fortably, sn11l1ng and Bmoklng, until Jane Ulemons Emmons t-oThoma8 "Not U I say Il'l alI 'rlght," and the Btilllaushing A1IIBon telephoned to UrbGllk awoke. M. Oht.rk , 461l0resln rrl\nklin town, WorClI W8l"6' Tim'. 'only reproof: Hla the olftce'o of the Midcontinent ra.l1") lIuppose we can come to some ar· . 8hlp, 'toile perfecU,lenl, and there wu road, and du he4 out to bill runabout rangement," he mildly Buggeated. l,'barlM W. Zell h WillIam Dow. ,no aUnt In'1ili! 8)'88. Ofrended dIgnity just In time to lee Tim CO.rme drlyUrbGnlt looked at him Btlll 10 a daze dell, 4 aores 10 Walhlngton town 11&4 no~ to do wltb bualne~, "Oive tug around the corner In hili D~erled for a moment, and a trace of the Grand Jurors ship $~OO ~ me week'. noUce, aud the Ved· landau, He t.ound In PresIdent Ul'- creases came back Into biB brow, then C' 1 W W ~ Donald P, MoMIlrt.in, admlnlsCra tJ~ Coart QroperiJ 'jI'Uli be coodemned; blink of ths M4!!eontlnent, • Ipare man ' tbey raded aW8,... W, Ill. Orn 1 , ", o e i ' • tor 'fbeo!iore A. Tlg'll': 18 aorel! . THa CIUIAT·I .,. for pae C!itf tll"Dll1a1 o~· tbe Mqnlol ~~ who h ad wotJI t hree vertical creates "You figured all thlll out bllforo you Wbltno~8. Bflrlan i W,. T , Bulford , In Stnllln .ownslill,' 1436." Th~ pqbllo 18 Witrned al!aln8t Ii fel~ .' TiBlulportatloD comp.any. Appl'a1B&o Iii hili brow oVQO one thw"rted a.mbl. came to me," he remarked. "00 what U nloo i .RI~ymond MoOurdy , l;~r' wbo h a.1! been oolleot\Ji~ lDone., ,lIltiDt., ·tIl1i-tl.one .mlllloD." . lIon: Bis rich but sprawling rallroad terms do we get In'" Ilree lr " Eug ne Uoudell Union' Lee R . Randall lO , M. J . White, . IN THa WOIILD .. .r:- "1' • ~ ; wanted to be 'reassured," system ran faIrly ItraJgbt atter It was (TO BR OONTINUED) Wrlgbt Hill, HlimlJton i B~rry Pru' 169~ 1I0res In Deerfield towDI\~lp, foi' Ilnb80rlptl on t o three mnllillzluell J'UBIlSIjEI) WEEnY. .$4.00 Hll lUI Rll d giving a. reoelpt beaded "Ne'Y@ -r)OlOiIIed Alllllon, "J took your word well Btarted for Cblcii&o: .Dd fairly tel', Way n e : ObnrlA8 KOf\PP, ttllmll- $ 1. ROYIL., DRUcciIaT9, lIPEOIALt."', Agenoy Woo . ta r Experimental St.Ol · ~t 1011 oonld ewIng It' wben I mado straIght ~m that way point unUl It - - - - . - ...- -- ton i O . .A. ~trnwD, Turtleoreek; 0, MarrJalte Llcenaee fl " and signed D, B. Wnrd or I:i. . OOS TU M 1,,8, Til" N SF I It, C A .. · lilT own samble, but nllw I have to became Clrunkon wIth tbe monotony or 8nbeorlbe for the Miami Gnzette. A. JobO!80n, Bllwllton i Ed O~ker, Georae Beber Shumalrer, . f.rmer Boo Ward . fbll! r ooel l)t s eems to be AIID ·.US SERVICE CAN Pilon: ' ctrq :other people Into It." tbe weltem foothtus, where It gaDlled Tur,}eol~e ek'; EVllo Batfleld, '1urtle- ot UlarkBvUle to Pearl Ashmore of all. t.he Bu beorlb. r8 e ver.get for their av UIINC ITtI ADVUTISINO CO,"UM". ~ "That'. rllht:' speed Tlm. "I and angled Ita way to the far aooth - - -•• - - - -orllek; A, '1', Roberts, Il'rlloklln; W Oregonia. Rllv. A . J. Wlllker: ' ., 'SAMPLE COpy FREF money Tbe Ohio ICltperimen' t:lta . ...... get oO'ended over straight buel· . ti tb P III t, rrI H Beak, Tcrtlecreek; Smith Wat. · , IIIn8 Bumiltoll llharles BlI.nks, laborer of Middle- tlon doea Dot oooduot a new" ugenoy ,...,... II&W YORK OLIPPER a.a.. lu other Umes TIm Corman and around . p e ae 0 eoas a ~. IM- yo.-. II. Y. town, to Luo1le Sldoo, . of Leb.non. n or doe8 It oolleot mouey fro'm t,bo WOillcl' bave ...Id "get Sore:: but, as he log thers dnlty and re.ttlIns, .fter a. Petit Jurors Rev. t;te ele . . publio for any purpose D.;.red tile end of bill yean ot use ful thousaDd·mlle detour from ltaooun_ H l\ rvey BraoBon Batea, tarmer of ~lt.,.;- he wu maldn8 Quite a IIpe- but that road bad no ellreot entrance WIlltol' If, Eltzroth, t:llllam; Barry Leb.uioo to Ros~ Bell MaGratb, of ~t1 , or z:ellnemeDt, aDd ' stooklng' a Into New York cIty. It approached trom the north, ed wa_compelled to MoVey, Deerfield ; H. , MllClore, OregonIa. M. A , Jamesoo, J. P. ~ ..yel')'. · ~~ becoming 0 coo' UfSjC circle completely around, o,er The foUowiog "negory whloh &P- i'r"nklllo ; B . ROOSII, l:Iamllton; B , Dennl8 Moore, fnrmer uf Mailon, tracks, to «aln a ferriboat enl:ral~cel.' lM'8red In the Ram 'B Born some time Bonpe, Deerfield ; Harry L King, to Auna Mule .WUbelm, of WavPassengere ' lnured to wu a baok Ie sUl1g:~:~v::!a~ ~:~~~::ow: Deerfield,; Uburles (;~Ieman, Frank- nell ville. Rev. E. V. Kerr. anil' apenny oncel hal>p·elledtn.;..(J,_M~fioJllu' I r eo,k; - Lee " Commissioners' Pr~edln2s counted but to oome.' ,o-tb'e'r 10 ~h,el1(lme pooke\ ThompnO b, Deer fl hi : J W B ,~dl ey. half their journey done when they .. Vloorcree k : llll.Y ner Borden • .I!'rllnk. , LIVE STOC ·1: ANO tiENER~L came In elgbt of New York, DO mat- and ol1oe tbe dj)llllLP~gan ~o ut ou lin: A. \;lOUD-\rvm~n, Fr~nlrHD-' , W ,_8 _ ~tanal(e. snp pll es for o!lunty AUCTIONEER ter from wba.t ellatance they hod come. alra lI)oe a red -4l0W In a. new barn E tllmllMon , Bu.rlnn : E C .DonbolU, auditor'3 I B E . 0Il,.t,u8b cor oner, It. big 'l1;un" Ilald the onlam; W. O. Turt Ill, Turtlror eek ; inQl1 t!.8t, uver Louis"E. Mook"bef', "Out marlleUlIB for rallroads today, yard. uI Olll" luggested AlUlIOn. dollar, "aod yoo are a nobody. I I). B. WorJey, Turth'oreek: L <1nill foes anll OORt~ 1760 ; J.E, McB;lonev, ") don't know'" smiled Urb.nk. -. am whtte and bright and you are Pelll! BUJ;Dllt.ou; Mal:v lu Phillips, rOlld work, ~2 6 26; Elltlt E!ld llo~l REAl.. 'ESTATE INSURANCE 100k.t a iew:' . only adoll, mild 001 )red IIUlelDdlan. OllI O~; WIlIi.ll m . lAt F~ vrp, '['urt,le- Vo" ce m ent, posts ..nd oil 1~~.63 : L ' U . At,\Jertl(1n ~Oll", lumber '40a , ~7; "Here they are," aDd Allison tossed I am reliRion8 for I a~ 1111 the lime oreek' oott Os borne, Bumllton. him a memorandum slip. sa,Iog '10 God We rrtll" and YOIl • Randllll ' & Monger. ·clot.hlng for Office ih Stoops Dui1 (~· . 1 ; UrbBIlk glanced .t the slip, 'theil .re on y Ii psgaD , 1 am , patrlollo, Common Ph:s$Court ,prl80ne re Z~ , 50; Dan P. Bone, POl't tor 00 one aide I have th(l Amsrloan . . Ilge ,I): L~wiB Gllt.tery, .roadwork In be looked up at &Illson, In. perplexity, eagle lind 00 the other the Godde88 MIlrgllret Wh"rton VP , Ellrl Whu U nion township '"SO'. C. W. 8norllll, Ll'. 1 bIt f fi f fil d .. ... He bad a funny forward angle. to hili neck when he. was Interested, and the of uer'y: and ny 0 8 0 rl'l· too . Ohllrges c. oOlltell'pt e · bridge· work in BamtltoD IIond Unl9D wor•• tor &h~ FourCh 01 Jnly, I .. m alJtllnali defllndflll t , who ie aeked to tow08hlp SSS SO ; 0, C. Emmone, crelle08 In his brow were deepened un· he,venly minded, for ' I h~ve st~rs appear September ~7 bridge work in '.l'urtleoreek town . ttl tbey loolled like cuts.' to thlok about, and voo don ' t have The Ma80n bnn li: VI!, Lee R Rao . ship $10; Bllrvey M, BllrneU. oon. "I thought you were joking, und I'm anytblng. lam preolo08, for lllm dall. Order token for sale of real traot 458, bridgework in Wayne stili charItable enough to think ,s2· nloe tirlgh\ 8Uvec, and everJon~ estate . ~wnship .,202: John R . Spenoer, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, What's all thI • .junkT'; . "ao&s me. Mut YOIl are ollly baae Charlea E. Mitten nnd Franlt Wat. 4th esUmate o:Jotraet 406, $4031; ra;;~!~t~: ~:D:::: :1~~I;~bu~:~ oOPP?,r and ~oboely oa!es a soap fOl ' Ittna .DI"tIEl'l d Oing bU81ne8S under tl,tephen Gorsnoh, damagee, .Mo.. . 11 " ' 1 h lIames of 'Mlhen 1\ d WMltlnB VR Vutoheon rClld $",0; R. A . MoOu':lh. AlII'eon d rew t orward hi s. a h a Ir, "s orne yOU, . "That mllY ?,e a 110, ell J t e Wlllte~ ' 1!:. SOlOar8 Ualle oompro .001), same. '60 I Jobn ~. Bpeo~~, 1 bought outrlgbt, and ID Bome J hold 1I"le penny, YOll may ~~ more \ mlaedltUa dlsml8s'ed \vlthont record, oontractl 4671lnd 46B, 1:l51.56; C. A . control." " . p,\rlotlo 'hao I am and ..., more , . Hlzlir contraot 469 1161 60 ' Ore "If, you're 8\,rlou8 about Intere8UDg rehglolill tb"o I am but I go to lela M. 8omer8 V8, Wlllter E So~ gonta' Bridge Co .: oontrllot ~6~, the MIdcontinent In any or t,W.L.I;rm,,"-j..OllUll~ .nd 8 ere C08e dlBml8sed at Illlntlft' B .1. " renA:ln ' t "oo"ts . P De. ' .... ,Il erty, we don' t l need to mucb deal more than you: ., , New Su,.ts. oourl bouse '1. 36 ; Raymood Barllht1we. H .Urbaok leaned baCk. and 'held _. bluger, anlnry nl! jnoltor $60; Joho hIs IInee. "There are ani,.. two ot Tbe Mfllleahle tlteel Range Manu Wolfe, oontrllot 471, $108,:<6; B. Jil "All ' I Know 'a a GU..I; and I Don't tbese roads approach the MldconU· faoturlng Vo. V8. Wnlltloe Hardware Dtlatu.b,lnqnest over' bvdy of Ed. . T.lI nent Bystem at aIly point. and they Money. ; amount c lnlmed '2D7.31i ward Osboro, fees aDd ooeW, sa.60 ; are useless property so f.,r u .". are aod Inta resb, ThomaM E. OorWln ve Bollrd of noleaeur oollector at rare o'ld Jewels. concerned; .the 1.. BIld 0 ., In tbe Jllast, "L'\st whster 1 tlsed It. bottle of Oommlssloner/! . of Warren DOnn'i, He dreeaeci tbree Urnes. day. and the SUverknob !lOd Nugget OUy, Probate Court Proceedlop. fees nd oostB. -IS 00 " Weltern 81 .... , "H bo ut tb e Cresoentil d su". Uough hRemedyI for • e an ... In the weat, whloh touohes our WhIte Obam"'erlalo's '" 8nppiles for auditor and onmmll . 17 Estate of Edo" Botta winor ,.. , a bad "'ronchl.1 oou • I fe t 1t8 "'.~ . Range branch at Its Boutbern terml· benefioial ! " " ,. c, . Ilipners. ·1" 2fi ', Blind .... Dlllonll a1· effect Immediately find be- Fi I ' 00 oot of aunrdlftn flied .. 0 ...~ O (Ie any time," and Tim orman nua. We couldn't dO anytbloc wltb ne .~ 0 '1 lowed for qnarter ending September. Geoked tbe uh611 trom hie cigar with thoee." . rOre 1 had flDished the bottle.! was . 10 rll will of W. fl. Oa.rd, deceased . $777.09 . . . . h ~ "Th ' boo t cnred. 1 ne'ler tire of reoommend I I t th t th· I" , 'a IleaYllJ' .emmed anu. e 8 • "Ycu landed on the beet onea rlcht ,. , t appear nK 0 A cour llo lin Y uI H, E . ""oa': -s- eJeote".. ole'r k . . . 't rI ht lng this remedy '0' my frlend e,' d d t t b I Id t f th - ls ... .n ou .. " ...: ha~. e, .,een working on. g away," BmUed AllIBon. · "Howe~er, I write. Mrs, WUJiam Brlgb., Ft. eoe en no eng n re8 en o. -. e of tbe board ot ocimmlesloners. . don'.t propose to eeD theBe to the w~· Wayne, . Ind . . Ohuloable ever". Stllte I~t tbo time qf ble deoease, Will A specl.1 o01Jlmlttee w.a appol.Dted "ialDIII, but never too strong," -s'here'l DO Deed for any partlcuta.r cootloont. ) propose to .bsorb the where, oould :00' be udmltted to probate In on ,eold.er'• . ~onulJlen' blllldlng and OanipulatiOD til ' that," .declded AID· Midcontinent with them." _ _~... - ' ...- - tbls o(,nrt. t o .lldopt t~. planl f,'nd lIame- ,be leoD. ",ho knew tbe tractton situation Urbank luddeoly remembered Alll. E. y, Barnhart, admlnlstrfltcr of liroblteot; C. W . Randsll, ~banon: ~ the laat nickel. "Tbe cIty needs son'l. tractlon h1stery, and leaned to... e8tate of BIltUe p , Rarner, deceased B. Lev . Car'wrlgbt, Way nee ville ; . \that oatlet, and It needs the new ter- ward to look at the' job Iota arid rem- . rl;ere tt:":,~u~~~~~~. on iA,ns V8 Charl1l8 T, Bnrner et III. W . AdalO Beldge, FrankUn' ; 81g Elohol. 'rlto", , ~hloh will be openelS up. I nant. BSa.l a . . . . CbestE,r. Mnple Ilppolnted guardian zer,'Morrow; P , K. Peoce, Spring. ·th1Jik ",.'d better pUBb the subway "Th1s list Isn't oomplete," he .u.. _.... .eland that th e o~ ners wIl!hed to lease act litem. ' .. ' boro land. Tb • _..... tor lhe Bummer. Two parvenu with e and turned to AlIIlIOD with a leriolD ~lal ambltioD tbousht 't hll residence . In r ·e Ilfl81gnment of the Bernstelo • --...---...,. .rlgbt on. .amls to tbe main menllon w.ould han to be made In 40.ltlon In his eye. Bro8. ManufnotorlD~ . 00. D eel of ' .tell yB&11l alljbow,~' "A.lmoBt," and .Allleon hitched . .. :::a:!t.~O~::t~~D~ ~~~u~:~~t~!~ a i!eignmen\ Wed September 21,1015 · "It's better right now," Im~ed.latelY Uttle cloBer to the desk. "There It o~er. Upon entering tb. bOUdoir of a' 2 :05 o'olock exeooted by' ~he ' lIiIIIellte,4 Oormau. In ten '1e.~ he/ .malnB .an ",,",gate of .three ·huntlred •· ..-D. womau member of the familY, B6r:lsteln Bro9. Mauofaot urlnK.Co. .; . t ' be 4e&4. . 8nd twenmU6I of road· to be buUt tbelr .. ~. OJ eyel tell upon a !)eauUful III... to Artihur B . Ewald, of Clno,unatl, in f 'You wm flod' Or. Kin"'", " Ne;' Ltfe .. ~' tblnll, too, ·tbat we'd better pl'O> ID four sholt. stretChes. In a~dltlo~ to dODna 00 the wall. .They a1eo ' o~ AS81gl~ee files bood 10 the ' 8U .0 Pdls a mostilatiefao"'ry lexatlve, In ~'de for a heavy future OII'pansloD," tblll, I have . • twenty·year oontJ:aClt a. .ed. a Beatrlce, ODe ot the party $600. Bllrry .W aUer; ~y La~ and releasing tlie polson'l from Jourl'Ja. ' :went on AlUlIon, glancing expectantly ov.• r . h1l.Jldred·mUe Itretch at the In.. ea1d, "Well, It w. de take the bOUle. Ill, ti. Oswald appointed appra!~r~. tem . Aooomutated "aBte ·,~nd. po!' Into Ttm'i old eyes : "We'd probably land Plcljlc, a tf!lOk rt.bt en.trt into WQl , J,Ou' plea.e remon tb. ra...\)' E , V .. Barnhart, ndminls\ra\or, n, 80US oause maolfold allm.on,. on]eaa better provide' for a doubllHleck, <light· San Franolsco, anel thIII," he, dleplayed IIOrtralt.,"-Jn . d,.. Oh~rl e8 T . Baroer, et_ al. Order ·releuAd. Dlzllnetl8, .pote before · track tube." '. to Urbank a prellm1narJ' o;opy ot an takep '0 sell real e8tate, Apprailer. tbe eyes, liJSOItDetiS and. mi,er.b)e " TIm COrman drew a wheezy,. breath" ordinance. .uthorlslDg the IDII;Iled1ate • _. .0 . J . Edwarda. 0, R. Bunnen aod fe~l\og g8neraJ)y a~, indiC!AUo.Ds aDd tben be arlnned t~e 8enlle 8hadow bu1l4lna of e elaht-trackhbethroush Chatle8 CorDell. . 'hat JOIl n~ DI. Ktog I liew Life or hla old,tlme griD; bllt It .Wl had CJ'8eoat bland to the malnland. -Poe. . . . ~lJ1s, Take. dOlle \o ...gM aod' tile I&IIIB ,lplrlt. IlblJ' ~ caD undemand tblll' .191101. Rea.on for He,. 8.Dcll' Promlnono.. you will u:~euce lfI'.teful reU", Myou aot a ben OD," be decided. In project better It I Bhow J'CIV ._ .. ..p,. "Blh-yabl'" ea1d the ~dlorcl of tha . by mClrDlnl· · IIGti. .
I•. IllU~Tl\l'f'rD n:nfg~ V I<f\.1
,. C D.KJ.... nIfOD"'S . . or·
This , Carefully ....................
for ISeven 1 year
E. v.
= IDoH E
I $3.35
. --.
- -- -
\v. ··N.
Waynesville, Oh.io
................ ...... .. .. ..
I . l
'.J D $ I b
I, .
• ''Ioc\et1,'' TIm ' could manage very .n4 he 1~ ' 0Id hII UttJe ~ . DI~I, to use t..hlouabl. la~gUBSe, llketoll. .. but 'In .b~D6Ia ·b. rOilnd .lt Imposllble U It had b"':"n posllibl. to __........_ ~ ~ til. third or fourth m.lnute of the proeeu or Ume aad w~ and , ~ttoD. ~e ha4 taken 1D ev.", wearlDS CO;Doentratlon, Pre.tdent Ul'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ bank . of thll lIIJdCODUnant ,would haft rla~ trom h1a tu~Uon of that map wllb a llrow .. lIDootll . . _ ba117'L ' Inatead, hit Ope _ t dry. I i -he~nriiiI'"'liJa DBCIk tbat tunny; anal., and ~ lie dlln wIIJa the fooIIIb;- motion 01 a ,
..'" dlreat iJltnIlee .. . . cd
~;;~e::I:!~~'~!;. ~I:;~~: RHEUMATISM A"O ALLIED PAIN5--THEY ed I MUST GO I. . mer. "The' ~y that JUlt PUB !I on. ' .
.-. Fo-....... to Th. rOfOa, of 4-.yor to aVOid, tbey do ~I\ OBIl com. them; . At
Be DeBtrov.d. s~ety ,leaden. . . . I She'l already caused ' four men to be The, oonlies~lon of the hlood in Us nat~re, we 'muat . . ' Ihot; and .1 yOu UW, sbe'l 1t1l1 m .. flow C"U888 lJ8to, Sloao'l Mllimen' WorJdq bUndly aa dlam 70UDS 8IId eODlllderabl. hatlCt. pene,lr,tes \Q. the oongee'lon aod do nothlQ ~ ""e... .om.." the blood to flow #reely. 'l'lle DlOlt we. can .~old body's w... m'h la reoewed : tbe pain 461tructl~e' tislullloe and .U.yt· • - • Is' ROlle, 111. "mlo or womao who tb. nfrlrlnl tJwJ ...... rIM to. --..,.,f--t......"lllllmatlll1J, nenralgla or Q1;JaII"HJut the rol'Cl. that .... tbrIIat out bJ' paln'~nd falll io keep ~Ig.n'. Linl. ourael,. . tIIa& IDrIIIS from 01lJ' on men' la ,h.lr home Illite a drolVo m~ ~_ III CIOIIUolIecI ail ONI' reftllinlr a rope," Wby DOBI.. fteI are JFImldN. TIl.,. 1ft . Get - bottle of SIoaJl'I Tbu' are ~ roroee. fl,OO bQUl. hold lia Umlllt ,.... ", . . t'IINI& oar .. of our malt prominent
." alSO. lite,
.,. '
tlflllYlLLII, 01110
I'ubUahdll \Veekl)'
at Wa)'DeeYllle, Uhlo
D: 1.. CRANE, Edjt<,r a nd Man o~or
Our Creat Money.. Saving Offer
':::S ~:A:I:H:~=ll
.= October G, 1915 .
TR I S BJ(;' C L U n
'l 'lillll l.th Oil 1\ ~mllll
o0 lory ; IJIIlQlte,,' lin oolon'tl 8trength, AmI olimb ndVllrHlty . Lettuoe ,,11 ~ up hnd dolug ; 'fhtol8 don't turulp wben we watt ;
Ir we \lse a 11 \lie pepper
We Olin bee' decree of fote Be fl8 IlaHelit a8 (\ worm wood i 'I'ry to Oae\ dull ollreaway ; And somo ,hyme YOtl '1\ see 'be U\dl~ h -
Dn lYlllng of a hrlghter Ilay . . . -A merloan Fiorle"
- --...
Subscriptions may be new or renewal. All magazine subscriptions begin with month's issue unless some other month ia mentioned on the order. All
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
McCall's -Mlagazine
8ergellot- ' BIlIt ! Yon oan't go magazines must go to one adIhere." dress. UnderScore each magPrl vllte Murphy-"Why no~, .Ir?" &rgeant-"Boonuse It's tbe gen azine that Is a renewal. oral 8 tent II Private' MurphY-"T heo bed d wbat aro they doing wl~h :}>'Iva~: above tho door?" _ •
t rl yt.·a rs, \\ it h mo re subs li ber. t11 :1I1 ' H I: y nl h~r fa shion Dlagazin c. Fifly exclusive drsiglls III IIthly. showillg III leSt McCa ll ptLltems, wliosc. 51 )'1. , fil, s implicity ond economy make lhclII fors l ch ice of thousands 01 we ll · dr~, ~tI womell . More lhan 1,200,000 familie s Inve McCuIl' , lo r its whc,lesome s tudes I Yl11 pa lbelic a rti le.s ulld newest
! =
---.. - ••---
Corwin, Ohio
MAN'S TRIO is nearly three ~~~~~======= millioo copies every month, C l assified Ads
- -
-- - ___
All four for only
' all1e •.__ ........._... _ .......................... ........__ ......... _ . ............................
. ...
DR. J. W. MILLER. ..• DENTlST•.•
illras' ln Fancy Ncc(I~~ work. CHRONIC CONSTIPATION "About two years IIgo when I be. gan IllIlng Cbllmberlatn'l Tablets 1 " bad been entl'erlng_ for lome time ;-____________________"":'- ........... ,.. ..... ' wHh Itom~h 'ronble and ohronic C'lDstlpo.llon. My ooudltlon iw I I ~-Cut Ihis Coupon Out and Send to lis proved npldly through '~e U8e of M ami Cazette - $1.00 ..0 Ibese lablel.. tlln08 laklug fonr or McCall's • 50 I five bottle. 01 abem my health bU8 • i Date_.......... ......... .. ................... _ ...... _......1!) I been One," writes Mrs. Jobn New. Mother's Magazine I 60 i The MIamI Cazette con, Irvlns, N. Y. Obtainable ev· Ladles' World • i - - -+--- - Waymls ville, O. dry where. 1.00 I Gentlemen ;-1 orcept you r g reat Money .Su vi~g OITe r . APINE WHOOPING COUGH REMEDY For . $2.~!5 enclosed , please send The Miami Ga zette Optlmlatlc Thought. Total· $4.00 I . Motneu, Dr. Bel\'s Pine Tar-Bon. The .enerolls man grows aud the New Womao's Trio, all for 0. year, to the ey Ie Joe, the remedy for your ohll· II iDa address below; .
~~:~ ;Ino~ !~ ~1~:~n~De~e o~a~~:~
$4.00 Worth of Best Reading- All for Only $2.25
So like tho ol\bbogn-I{et a he&d-
. When th~ SlAP ill gOlle, the tree Is dead. !:lap la the elixir of lifo. No greon bl",de IIfti Its s pellr until the 111111 rlBes. It 18 the mllBler tha t Il.. lntll tho ftf)wers and lioda red for the rOIIlll. It gfldll the broallts of lIirdM, Iloll It III th'llr gladoesa It dlipplell f be OOUl!lir'8 hide and holds the silk wln~ed 101leo\ to Ita oonl'llo. Out of tbe waters ot the eartb It oomos, !tnd It Ie waIted. . Wltbont sap the treel. daad, and wubont sap che man 18 dead. Be m .. y walk and talk, but he I. dead Jt he bave no tears for Sorrow, no pity for Alliiotion. no ' llIodue!!1I In bia beut for Mlaf'lrtune and no Iiv. Ing love for bie fellowman, he Is doad - '(he New Erl\
IRay Mills
I wl l1 offur lit Public Hille ul, In Y reRldl1hoo OM mile ollth wflB t lit Auto Livery Service at Wo.y nl!8vtlle THE MIAMI CJlIZETTE ~easonable Rates OFFER SAVES OUR The Homo Pllper- 41. 00 a Yeor Thursday, Odober 14, 19 15 THE NEW WOM.AN'S TRIO Bel Innin g Ii.! 1 o'olock s ll 11 tr' t h e Also Agen t for Kl!lly·Springfi eld READERS 51.75 CASH fl\llowin~ IlUl'KIIIlf41 proporty: () .o u ~ro.1 A10UL .. I)· Mlllluinos t"r Worn· Autmllol)ilc Tircl:I ,\Il-llOloClllo.r l'rI"" I .~. OO per y~\U. Borsll, 7 'o w~ . 10 U PIl . Ftl rU1 lt l ~. lrnplllluoutll 'trill Buu:l hold Oool.b. ~~~~ -~~~~-~-.=.n~-~~~-.~.~ -.~~~ -~~~~~~~~--~--~-_~~~~ !:lee big billK f o r t erlUd. . L. 1:1. Wuitellll'D . Valley Phone 90- 1% 1 wl\l olTer n t Pti 1>110 Sale u I, m y rOlllrl noe, 2Y. ml los e,,~t' f)f Wr. yno" - -________~-----viii. on tllo . Wl\yn<'lIvlllo nn(l Hor veysbll rg pike. kll o wn ns tll a GlllulU farm , on ; j}etu mtoman'.u r I Thursday, Oclobcr 1.1, 1915 . anb Be ~in nlng at 10 o'clock the foll ow VeterinarY I ing property : h o r s ll~, U Cnttle , ~be ~iami ~a~tttt 1 t:!ow wilh pig, due to fnrro w IIl~t Graduate of Obio lat. Univeni" of October. 7 henrl young Ewe~, Old s ubscribers, by paying the [l'arming lmpleruonbl Offie at rc.'lidence in F. II 'her See biB bills f or term s. amouDt in arrears and one year .l obn Woollard . wood's house, Fou r lh Sireot. Wll1. Mill", A n()t. in advance, may tiJke advan'relcphollc 28 W . E o 'N 01\1 I. Clork tage of this grea,t money- BVWaynesville. Ohio 50 Cents 8, Year ing offer, The combin ed cirR ead the Miami Gazette c ulation of THE NEW WOA re~"~ ni ?c " F as hi,," Allthor il y I() r
lIallk IIldj/.
Waynesville, 0
J:'OH 8 "III-Ono rllgi@tor otl big typo - _______________________ C Poland Ohlnll BOIU, 2 YOllrs old ; I) dred flows, one Il r flgl te red Polllod Uhinid~o w. F. O. 'I'homlll<, Route 1.
SprlnK Valley. Obie.
dlRens should be trp.llted as ~ooo th e tlrRt unnatnral l00800eA8 of th bowt'ls I;PpIlOt'8. When this Is done 1\ I!ingleil08o ot bnmoorhdn ·sCollc. Chol.. era aoil Dinrrhoen Rl'lIIedy will effect 1\ ·ure. Tbi" rll Ul~d y C.ID I.Ilways bo \le· . INnd()(1 U poll .,V" 11 In thu llIost severe and pure-bred 2·ye'lr old Bnl l ~O)o uaogerou8oBSr.'!!. aDd ehould be Kilt at . fu rther information. I DquirA band ready for instant IlBO. Nevor leave of M. W . Sli ve r, Waynesville, Ohio. hODle onlljoorneywithoutlt. Thl~
' H OG-Pollind . Cblna Male bog a t • good oue. Co!1 2 1.2,Y. Har. v ysbn rg, or 01\11 on jt rnnk Rndd uolc. Bor veyeburg, Oblo 01 3
Red Yearling' Male Ho~, III prime oonditlon. For infor. matlon 001 1 at tho Guzette office ola
Walter McClure
i ollndl,lona. hI! quaJltiBl 10080n ahe POST.OFF I CE ......__.. __ ._ ._............... ST/'l.TE ..... _.~_ mocoua In the thr~., .cotbe tbe Funeral D'irector. HOW' S THIS lunga lind opeu up the .Ir pa.... go •. OOD Apple Butter. made from STREET NO......,............................... _ .......... R. F. D .._.........._...... 'l'be oomblna"on of boueY.lOothlDR We:offtr Out ~lInd rcd Dollars Reword good apple". Inquire of 14n. 1. nd pl_nt with the lOO801IlnD for any case 01 Catarrh Ihal cunllot be a, .... ,t- Ii ' &gIll.ln ... In tllo NEW LAJ)]ES TlllO [l()8' 8l\ttertbwaUe, Wayn esville, Ohio. '1'elepbon8 day or night. a I . .. cured liltll's Catarrh Cure. . Hively IIIIIO. 00 8IJIlt W OIlU "IhltOllIl":'J10 0 ooptlou. oilO Valley phone No. f . Long pine bqq"I1~~ mfIlK". tb " an ~~~hl H jlW. Ca'turrh C\.lrl! lias l.II!~n IGken by ' -__________________________.....;..... _ ......__ ._.•,.. __.,_.. _............... _....... ."... "•.•,.••__ .............. _ .. ..." .... _.....,_............ Dilltan oe No. 69-21'. t sDQaorloor8 to ~be MoCaIl's oo~ ' wm_y ~ for ohld~n, _e I mb~~ w~~tl~~~ 1'lUIIIing year brloK' I~ P4)W friend ),ClIl1I. lind has be/:<lmc known a U~~6~ s Ihe mOllI :~=~====~~=~~~~~========:=====~==~~==~~~===~= Ben d S50 to the Automobile Service at all Time. M.agazlne. A family o. grawlnR children caD- reliable rtmedy lor Call1rrb. Hail' s en· (jazett3 011108, and get ono of t he ., . nO$ afford to ,'be ,wl'hout it, 200. tanh Cure neu tbrollllh tile BI~ 011 Iho beB' mAgazines on earth. tf WAYNESVILLE, .' OHIO· a bottle MucouasW'fllCCl. eapelling lhe POllOn from . _ ._ '. the. UJood aDd healiDg tile diseased por· .= Branch Office. BarveJsbu.rc. O. 110M. Alter you have taken BaU'1 Catarrh \ CIDER MILL George Bogan and liaugbter Edith On aooount of wet, dry, oold or bot Woman'. Advanuge. Cure for a shon time you will ICe. great Barry Hearn a.nd s l8~or M&ud. of "Women undergo greater trlalB thaD ImpronmeDI in yllur general health. Start weatber, chaotanquas or fair!! or were 8hopplng In Buveysburg Sat' Lebanon, wore Sundl\y guests a~ sbo men." 'l'me. 'alr one. but no mllUer I lI k~tr HnU's Catarrb Cure at' once !,nd 80me unkno1tn luhsillnoe, blls got urday.' . ILL rnn WoonesdBY81)feaoh whom they have murdered thoro'. Ill. f~~'d 01 C&!Rrrh. lend ,lor teltlmouUlls. a corner: on the news In this vlolnity WI\) Mooney and wife entertained home of Mr. and -Mrs. A. Gilpin. week and o'ber days If neO&lr and M.re. J. Bad'ley and daugh and nn'll the spell Is broke thle LIB Wbo'sel snd Wife one day las' way_ an BCQultla\ or a hune jul')'.- F. ] . CHaNB ~& CO .. Toledo. Ohio. ter Edith and Mrs. WIltkln8 sllen~ e88&ry . Mullen & Son. Ferry, Ohio. week. . nf!W8Y sbeet wlll be short of a let of Loullvl\lo Courlor.JournaJ. Soldjby all Drll,&1.I1I,.76<:. tf enlightening knowledge. The many George Ellie alld family, Cbae Sundny at BIllnoheater, the guel\ts of readers will please 118k that· tblH Ellie and daughters, Cbae. VlIlare Mr. Ilnd Mril. J. Sbank. spell be broken aDd the writer b a and bride and Mr . Euoob Berger Mr. and Mrs. W. FlUe spent 8un. pn' la po88ea810n of .aU 01 bl8 fBoul. ~peDt SunLiay with Mr. Bud Mr8. day with Mr. and Mr8. John ~tronp All Kinds of tlee aDd ao other., lind that 'hili Ceoll Boover I\t Olarl[8Vllle, nenr Da-yton. plApt!r may be enlarged, the olrcula. Mr8. Marietta Carp,enter has gone p Ed Bensol lAnd son Myron. of Red tlon be Inoreaeed. nnd every ooueB· to millie ber home wltlb Mr8. Am linda. !J\on,spent Monday with Mr . and . '-' pODdent do~ble bill QapI\oity. TheD Garner tbls winter . . Mr8: 0 Mount. ODr brother editor will feel elloour. Mr. and Mrs. L. Deardoft' aud tal.u OUr.Bohool Is progre88lug nicely . h ...ul+-lTiv-ftl"".....-m"......I- -,.,tll be In bet lIy, of Dayton, were guee!1 of Mr. ter oOlldlllon, and bls vl!.luable as.. nnder tha management of Mlee I\nd Mrs. Jliaw Rogera thepllst week. al.tants will r eceive more f,>r their Mabel Starr. SU~5S0r to Mrs. Oeear Merritt bas r eturDed Belen Bartsook has I{iven np ."nlcee which will a88ia ~ tbAm In F. B. SHERWOOD home fr'.>m a vleit WIth her grand. Eaoh IIpplloatiou fur .\a~e aid AllpUoaalona by OOODt., · oommlt. uvlng up a goodly amoune of money sobool on lIooonn t of blld bealth. Jderle and Faye EIIls at&ended daughter, Mrs. Earl Robln80n, of Ihall.lao CloDtaln au • .aroomon' ou 810nerl te aho l\a'e hIghway 0001. that' will fiuance a bal)PY bome for Day~n . Over Postolf~, Waynesville, O. I ,~e par' oklle oonu,y commlllllionel'll mlaelouera for lid from Iny appro. tbew . . " ' beD this ooonrs i\ will be . Friend. Sabbatb Sobool SundlAY. Ohae. known the world over. It oan be Flttll, who WII S kloked by Office Phone 77 Hose Pb!)oe 6· or &owaahtp lroa'ee8 ic pay ODe-half pria~loo by the ~&II&e lhall be filed Tom Thompson ' Is aaststing Geo. of Sbe CO&lll 001' Inllluding expentlO prior '0 J ... nuary l" ' ~f the oalend"r done by aending In yonr Dame for Ellis barve8t1ng his OOrD. • Ilnloely. horse Illat week, Ie getting I\long :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!'~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!! of eaneY8' fear ovor which .uoh appropriation. a nmple oopy. Several In this vloInlty are 1081nll • may be made or ' become available . Barry Pence of MlnnOl\llo\lE', l.Ipent floral tlarrlB arrived home from tbelr hogs with ohollUo.. several days with relatlv08 hero the tho West Friday nl~ht . Be.wlll be ehas. Hageillyer I~ Dd wife wero pas t weok. The oonnty hlghw:', 8Uperlnte!l' The oonntry highway .operlo. Rlad to have YOIl oall him op It yo'll in Lebanou SaturdI\J'. Eli1,a.beth Scblleifer f!pont the week d.ent·may le~ o. bl ..e wllObluery, teuden' shall anonally on 'he tlret want Co take a ride, Cecil Boover and wife are apend. end with ber parente o.t Mlddleicwn. coole a~tl eqolpmen' for hllhway. day of November malte or 0&118e '0 . R. W . .Kaylor Is making many Ing a IlIItrt of this week with Mrs. Clahe.' or bridge repair, at a prlOll be made a written laveatory 'of al\ Improvemena on the Ward property Mr, and Mrs. W. A. Wilkerson '0 be approved by thtl county 00.0- Inob mlOhtuery &oole aDd equip. whlob wl11lOOn ba ooonliled by Mr. Boovor'a father near here. visited friendS near Oregonl~ ontt Not muoh wheat 80wn yet . mluloD8re or township trnltees. tadtca"DI' eaob a"lole rand and Mre. M.. rlon Van'reN. d"y tbe paBt week, --ltatlng 'the Taloa " bereof alJd 'he Thee. Whe,"1 ~1\8 been having Mr. and Mr!. Elmore (jraham The oonn', highway luperlnten· eitt'mated 001' or' aU' nooo.....' re 'h. deoora&or al work on the In. bave retulned from a week's visit den' with 'be .. pproval of 'he palre ahereic anel dellvor Che Ame seriOI' of ble beantUal home, whloh wUh tbe former's sister, Mrs. B&11 COLDS DO NOT LEAVE WILLINGLY In OOQO'y Oomml88loners or 'owneblp ~ .t be coua&y oommlaaloaerl. loon be open ic tbelr mllny Tennessee. Un8~, may oonltrDo& suel main. ._ " frlead., Because a oold 18 stubborn 18 ao . Jchn ~tllnton bas ' returned to bls taln wat.e r troughl and dr~nltln~ When .. P6rt . of an Inter.oOtln'y Mr., Abna Bloooi 81m remalne reason WbY-Y01l"8hould be. Instead home In DotroU, Mloh., atter 6 fountalnaalong publlo hlghwllye at bllh".y or main market road III eerlooaly Ill, with very little en. of "w8llring"lt ont,· get sure reJ\ef wo n~h '8 vlelt wltb Mr. ·and Mre. oonven\ent IlolnY. Improved by. tbe Bta&e, by oontra~~ ooaraiemeu&. by taking Dr. King's New Disoovery. Oh ftS. ChllllJDan: ' . h Oor Fermlzer Plant I. working Dangerous bronohial and l~ng ball. 114r8. W. A. Null, . Ron and dangb. or forae aoooon'. &oa ~r cen' of' e , tline but that ie the wav ths mAnt8 of&en follow 1\ oold whloh 88 " The ClOunt,. 111gb way IInll6rlnten 008' of II&ld oon8'roo'loo or Improve- over , oil been n eglected a Ube beginning. A 8 ter Illld Rev. Kuelsley were Miamis. de~. mAY by a permH 1D wrIting. men' .hall be &118111111Od aralnB'the dividends are oreated. your budy faithfully bl\ttles tbose bnrg and Franklin vl81tor8 MondllY. Mr. lIud Mrs. Will Humbert spent an'borlze Sbe ownen of propert, land abuUI.Dg " thereo!, aooordine ic MIB. Mary '301 ar t.. of Clnolnnatl; oold germe. no better aid oon be giv. ~djolalDi the hlghwaYI. a' their beoella, provided tbe mtal "moall' spent I.., weok In thIs vlolnlty. en tban the u.e of tbl8 remedy. Its several dtloys the PIlSt week with Mr. 0,,0 IIXp8n88, '0 looaw and plln' a8881111eU , ag~ID8' ao.y o.wDer .or Wal&or G. Brebm, Frauk Laud .merlt has beea tested by old and end MrA. AmOl! Fox a.t Germantown. ,reM eUbjeCt to bl. approval ". tUlabll"lng proparty .hall n/)' exceed mao. Benry I.l1berelll, Frank &n. young. Get a bottle to.day. 500 Mrs. OhRll. Orooke~t spellt Tues. kind 81ze and location, ,hlr&Y·lbree per oeD' .nf the valoa ford, Walter Fraak and Uhrlltlan and 11 00. day with Mr, and Mra. Elnler Sheo· tlen of 8uoh abatting properl,., Bebuater ,of Miaml.burg, wefe Sori. ____.~_....._ - , han and family near Centerville, " •• ., '. day "Ieitora of 11"" A. DsnUord, wbo .. Mr. and Mrt. P. K. l:'enlle alld Tbe coun'y hIghway s~pe:l:teU. £ao~ appUoat\on tor .t ~te a~d in .. a gu..t of the Cenh ..l Botel. Mrs. Idll Christopher spent Tuea In cross-contin ent runs, non-stop tests and eleD' IlIaUt"ve ,:~:! ;n~:o :;:~ tbe oonlt.,.o"on," tlnp~q" ~en', Ba'r oum & Bailey'. 8bowat Xenia day In Lytle tbe gue8ts or WaUttr in e.v eryday u se -gasoline cost averages Kenrlok anli wife. .h~abe ;nb g:-!'ry bat ao' wl,hlD malntenaD~ .01' ;"'~\r .~~(' Ife~. 'he 80'h, wlUle 81100ea8. jOlt beoau.e only ~ B cent a mile or ~ of a cent per· passenger. No wa,.o ' e u ·Iot ' 11' . aDd oonn'Y'or ~In\maio_tl'~. all 10 many at oar ol&lzen. at.ended. __ . The many friends of Mrs. A. Van. ,tbh~ illlm~~f.."oo:~faln\! f~; ma : be a ·proJ;lCl'.i r oe,,' .fl~· ~ "rellh'l tlon ' Oar vlolDlty wu vl.lted. byaver;' other aut9tnobi le in the wodd compar~ with it for real derveer will be pleased to learn tbat 10 luoh trees' 'hat She oollily ijOiQgl\~lolle Qr dl.uteroua flre WedDeMlay night, Mr. mllrle. Dill and family, 'of her aon Clarence roaobed tbelr home ' e a pr economy of upkeep, . town.hlp 'tne'eel ' i""D~ 'ha " he September 211&b. Mr. Barlan owner Dayton, llpen' t1nnday wl,h 'l'om In Wubasso, FIlL, 9.a fely. lIol.o a.lDlnry. . . pnbllo In&ortld 'de~~lid'b'e 1m- of tbe bn..ned-harnlnever carrlea In. DIU anil family. . ..... ... It IIbaJl 1M, onlawful for aay per- ~r(JvemeD' of tbe ili\8r.oonD~ or . snranoeand hie 1088 wall tota}. Mr. WllUam Dodd, of Dayton, spent el.Jll firm or·oorpo.aUon 'oconstraM main mariet road dOl('r bed, blob Shane, 'he tenant, loa' oOUIIllterabl. SUDday with hll mother. . WHEN BABY HAS THE CROUP a w~lk 'or Ilig a ditch orols ~ publlo may laoiude aDY.POnloD 01 a: Igh. but ea". he wa_ well proteoted.: Amol Jal\bon, . Edward I:Il\ley, There'. a Irim, .peed!' Saxon _ iring for you at a price you can hllhway ou"IiJeohDymunlolp'a)l&y way, In ~1l. ,UIiII"t'o, W ' "mage, Mr.: WaUer Hammon, of Moricn M",rla",. Wal&er . Haley, When a mother lellwakened from aff~d- a strnncly built, powerful, roomy ear ihn! .. IU give lOU wUbou' the bOnMn' of 'he OOQntv when the ii.me ~W a ' ooD'U Daa\ion at aad Mr. aDd Mre. Wlll William LOCAl, William Baley and sonnd 81eep '0 find bor ohlld who yean of servi,!'-at tho cost of a few centl a day. hlah~a1, .1Ulli'rlntendent, ,own.blp tbe propo88cp m i"o't'ement. an!! '119 were Sunday call- &t.muel iaollBon Wen'to the ebow hBii gone to bod I!.pparently In tbe blgllway '!1perlbtendt'nt ~r 'ow,, ~ OQnlan, 'of the COUQoll' of the ,male ere the Bo.tel. .t· Xe~la Thur,. ' " . beet of healthetrnggllng for breatb1 Mak. ,.our motoring dream. C:jMDe tnle. Start ......, "" calUIl8 u. up for a Saxon ride-at ,our ~D• ...u_ eblp *rn.~. baa fln' beaia ob~lned~. . Mr, aDd Mra, ·.1oa. Davie 'and Emereon Dill, Leder Dt!'I. 'Heber 8be Is naturally alarmed. Yet if daush&or and ilre. Margare' Levloy Smith · Bnd Tom DI\Il' and family sbe ORn keep her ' presence of mind aod IOn l ~11de, were .t;\uDday vial • . were aUhe .how Tll nr~daT tn X,e nla. and 1'1 ve Chamberlain's Coogo Rem ErnBI, IIa.D. BJI~ Milia and fan~Uy were, oailing edy overy .ten mlnut88. unm vomitJ. I,J. CHAPMAN, Waynesville, Ohio ::==-~;......;~;'--""~~-:,:~~~~~:-:~-:-~~t.;~-~I. icra 9 f · anel lira. Inll: Is prodnced, . ' qulok relief will .DO~. of Dear here. ' on 'Rom Dtilandtall:llly ~nc1ay. follow and' the ohUd wlll drop '0 KI.II Karp.,,' Todh~ter, of :MI.. KI~e and Ni" Walton, of steep \0 awa~en In the morning III mll1trtoD, w.n oaIllbg on Spring Valley, were Saturdayalld well a . .ver. 1'hll remedy baa been bere 8aDday .....DIDg. ~UDday ,,\alton of .:Mt.. Bertha Mar. tn oee tor ;nany yeare wltb ulliform - lIaater Jolin KenDedy and III•• la" : euooetl8. Obtainable everywbere. LUotle' TaoIIer won the priae lin. Ber' Barl&" ..nd famUy' • _ • bJ'iDlliallD &be moo Dew wen' ao the ahow .t. Xenia . • J Reluctant Luot. · . ln~ .'h. ~1ID4a,-aobool on Rally Guy .OhenowlI,h.nd famllyep8n' Luoll III III uncertain pG'IOI1Il8J'•• It Day. . Sa'arday and SQliluy wt~ Amo. '4oem't Ill...,. · feel 1I11e ~. . . . III.. Lillie Nedry, o~ Corwin, JaokllOD and family', , Pel' of rell!ltl.1III h~ l..t week. ~ank Ocmuill, ol~ ' uaJ&oo, wa •• to aD enoon.-OlIIc1IU1&U IliDQuJrIr. SUD~aT""altoMI DaD B. Dill. . All kinds of Spouting and:Rooflng . 1111111811 MorgaD .... a Sunday ca1l8l' OD lire. Jo~ ll00,a. . . alid Fu'rnace Repa'. rlng Done9 • DaDlel LtIOU aDC IOD ad friend were Salida, ......coft of Amoe Jaok-
1 00
Insu RlI n E
BY dESSE TAYlOR . Erlitor ofBetter RQads and
A • .R. Chanaler
---_.- ..
UThat's the Point-
, Economy of Upkeep'l"
- ---
D $395
"Painting, ' Pa~ H.tIIiaI~ . Auto '. and ~e Painting~ ..
Shop NeXt to .e"'·'1od'.
Q.,... ••I" at ~
80m;' '''''' . 1JIa1'111••18" . 'j!~Z::~t:wa. • SandA' ~&dIr 01 i
Wa,DeiviUe, Ohio
io ..
' .
CorWin, Ohio
Nt::~ JUSTICE: _____}v~~Tff .
MI "~
Music-Flowets-Souvenirs, every day this week.
i i
------------------- -----------------
The S. Fre' .Fall Festival Di"play
. ~njg rtlilOCl . I th I\ hlt J) IIVIS I girls of he r und \iY ScliotJ l dass lust T$ 011. Crowd El1'~ corning ill wilh l' xpcclall t qnthllsin sm a lld arl' ~{)i n ' o ll l wilh . The twenty·four JudieR of Ohio l'1'n sd:lY ","(min~. tl\O~t.: who hu.vc nol vi. ilccill', dll ri n" til!' fll'st OP(,lI a s ali fied realizatioll. Court of Allllcals last week el cted . Judge ReynoldR R. Kinkade. ot To· --_. - - - A k for (lC'ara,ill " ing day we ext nd atlotlic'1 onlial . t1{1 I l:'l1.r.lleSl ill ' itatiull lo viil. U"I tlti" ,,:c?k. le~lo, chief ju~tice, to t'lucceed W. H. ' Mr . find Irs. Cli.f!' l'illl{L' 8\la fllnl . In comparable l ,1 s and in - mpa. rah l values in ('vel' d,(' pa rt1ll!'11I an' w..lIl1llg . Vou a r paying eruUJ :~:!I ' 10 3.ic for . .. o b ~tet . . Kmder. of Fm~la~. ~uqge Albert I ily. of 'inl!'innali,11I1i1 II'. /l nd Mrs . h~ au . . . H. Kunkle. Of. Sprtnjttield. WIIS re- E.. V. Barnhnr • w rc Suntl y. din ner elected secretary. The ,!vening of guo ts of Mrs.. Arnnlldll WrilIht. terms of court next year m the nu: . m.eous ~ou!lti~s WRS set as ' f olll,lws: I ~ -. - r . an (urtlP:> H om illY . . '. ... :~-polllld C:I II lac FIrst district. Bu€ler county Ap rIl 10 I Mr~ . Rlilchel I\ ey~ . Miss Kizzie \Ve r 'C ived the fill ·. l S~ rttnc nl of· F urs COil i!)t in fo of 'ou ts . . ' .:. Ir[:; a nd and . ~clober 9; CI~r~~~\ CO~ ~~Y' 1 Mt'rri lt. MI'. and !'I1rs. ' . L. Cart:\ luff (Y(·r ·shawn in J, balloll , with special Pri' s durill g )pl'tling'. . . . Apr!1 3 and October 2. 0 co . y. I wright we re mo~ t pi asnnlly enter. April 27 and October 2!'1 Hamllto~ tain II ilL Sunday dinner by the N w lodels of L a d ies' a mi Mi s Cloak, and ~'LtiI S :'l1' a rrw lI1g dally. JOe county, Jan uary 3 a!ld November 6, Misses Ca l'twri"ht and Bur nelt Warren County April 24 and October '" . 23 .----' . - -Mr. and l\'l rs. E. V. Oarnhart linAre )'01;1 getting go d C Ollll t ry 1311 t ler? terLainecl ': I"riday evening at s upper MARVEL OF MECHANICAL ART in honor I f thei r guests. Mr . . lind can furn ish au the ry be t. Mrs. lil1' I idg\) 111111 family . of 'in· 8tr.... burg Clock Ha. For Yea,. Been cinn~tl. Mrs. G. W. Hnwk'l and Miss Men's Suits and Overcoats .... .. .. .. ... .. . $15.00 Values ' up ·t.o $25.00 Bring in oll r Eggs, we can usc 1OQO dozen tn. Admiration of VI.itora . I Emma H 'Ig hw ay, ol1d on a turday eaeh week--highe t market price a lways to the CIty. evening they ente rtained at suppe r Mrs. 'A manda Wright. Ilnd the Missel; $65.00 Ranges for $53.95. Strasshllol'g, the capi tal of Al sace- May Wrig'ht. Dorothy and Rosamond We Arc Pay ing for Poultry Ihis \¥ eek Demol1 stra l iOll of Peninsular Stoves & R Ollges, Thursday, Friday I {' :-;; 11 111'11:1 y T JOrraine, which is a crucial cenler a!. Dakin . Hi!ns, per lb .. . ... . . .... . ........ . 12c strategy ill tho western area of war, Mrs. J. W. White ntartained 1u.'1t pringers, per 1b . . .. .. . .. . .. . . ... , l~ c . is ·rema rkublo for the gr 'nt clock 01 Tu e tlay afternoon in honor of her We give C dar la lllps wi Lh all . p iab. Broilers (not ov~a 1.l4 pound ) p r Ih ] 5'y:!c ita cathedral. 'I'hi8 clock, wluch is house g'UE'SLB . ~ rs. 1'. N. igle r. Mrs 20 teet in height, was made by J ean L. R. Vinson . MI S A. Ii'. Taft and Miss J ean Fergu ~o n. Mesdames C. S . Special1.rips for. poultry a turdays. llalltiste Schwilgue in 1 8'~2. Be~idc5 Grauser. C '1' Hawke, F'rnnk Zell, \'orious !U!tronomicol de\'ices indicat- F. H. Farr. ,Barton Kelly, Chas. ing true solar time, It hus a g1'!l8t Hough. Dora Ward, Dr. Claggett, Silvers . . M. Robilzer. J . D. Plan ctarium in which aro repres('ntcu Morris Marlatt. Harry Murrav. Calli e Cro;lS, the revolutions of tile plnnuls, 8 0 that Walter McClure. Frank Carey. Dr. ~ . : ,! ,'., '" " the relative posltiolls of each Juay be Hathawa:~. Emmor Bai ly. Lina De. seen at a glance. vitl, W. H. 1\l lon, J . E. J anney. On a platform above ate movable Misses GE!orgia Hadden, Lizzie StewADDITIONAL LOCALS .figures ropresenting the four ngcs of art. Lula Vandervoort: man . . At the first quarter of an hour ••.• • i ..................... ..................... .. a child strik s tho bell with a rattle; Miss Vernie Beckett is vitliting rela youth in the garb of a hun t~r atives in Kentucky. To Make S.ndagu. strik it with an arrow tit t.he halfFarm.'» from III acres to 490, all imBUld..- can be pfepared t rom lbe hour; Ilt the third quurtcr a wafr ior Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett wert. proved and close to railroad. ranging COOl! parts of worn sheet a or pillow in Dayton Monday, strikes it with his sword, und at the IIllpa if perfectly clean. Rolls sltr 10 fourth quarter nn old mnn strikes it in. price from $50 to $130 per acrc. ela'bt yards in length Bfe mQs t conBuy your winter Blankets and with bis crutch. A figure of desth 'Yenteut--one inoh wide tor lIngers, two Comforts at Myer Hyman's, 1I\Obe. for teet, two and one-balf to appears and slrikes the full llOur Xenia 113loone are getting in bad tJuoee Inch.. tOl' bead and arms and already. In their seeminglv anxiety With a bone. toar Inch.. for legB. A good way of Wm. Bi2gB, of Chicago. is visiting On the hig~()St plattorm is a nnm· to sell all the booze they can. they with relatives here and at Corwin. ue»tng ~em In condition for use la are sel\in: 1 S to minors and drunkards to 8eal the rolla In a perfecU, cl61U1 Read our Combination Of- rul sized figure of Ch fist, and when 118 fliSt as they can. Cbarges against aJua fIuIt Jar. death strikes the hour at noon the tbree saloons were filed TuC!\day for Judge Stanley and Ed Conklin, of fers on pages 2 and 3. They twelve llpostles pass before the leef selling intoxicants to minors , pupils Lebanon, were business visitors hert! m Friday. of their Mnster, bowing 8S they do of the Hi~h school. The boys had been.to Washington PROP08ED AAllIlNl'lONT TO T H E ought to interest you, get your 80. As Peter pa8SCII a large cock C: H. on a football excursion, and OON8Tl'1' TI0'N OF Olll • Mr, and Mrs. Jos . Thompson, of perched at one side fl pa Ili8 wings, when ret,u rning home the~ regaled Cincinnati spent Sunday with relaB.Xlt~lNG PUDLIO BON DB FROJll own h()me paper and' a daily', rulllea his neck and giv s three times themselves, pretty freely with bottled tives here. 'I':AXATlON. • . beer. At firat the bovs told a loud crow. tory ilimt a showman had gotten the De i'~= J'bh'l!!~ G_ral AeiHUllbly 0 1 or get your own home paper Everybody uses Le.wis' Breau and liquid rl~freshmen ls for them, but . Miss Dol'" Styles and Grace Pa tton ~D 1, A. llropollltion lIbaU 11" IIII\>later said II. young mlln in Xenia had were guests of Xenia relatives mlUoed 10 \lie e\edo ... ot LileSl8k1 of Ohio. Cakes, the best nnd most delicious •'. Thu~day . tIIe~ Tueldfo, after the lI ..., bloll~a,,,ID and three for the housewife purchased the beer. November. l~U. to 1UD8tlcI Anlelo XU olw,o • 'fry them and you . will made. Severs,! of the boys on the·football Oo...tltu~\QD "or tbo State 0 1 Ohio by I.he ' never want to eat a llY other kind. Bquad were suspend ed. and they adclJUon 018ocUoll 12. 10 read .. tollowti: l'h '11'd h . h k ' Ernest Harlan. after a year's abo !a JOINT BKSOLIJ:rlON . I cy WI a l cr m er wor , will not likely play again thiAseason. sence, hSII returned home from PnaJ)CMliDc a .ul'J)lemon~ 10 ar~lclo X 1 or I:i &.lie coWltllllllon of Ulo Mlale QI Ohio. b Y' I t fA probable t hat th e license of the Galesburg, Ill. '* !.be addition 01 a """tioD to 00 d C.il.'"1lfo1Alll • saloons selling the beer will be reo . _Uon 12 01 ..rtlcle XJI. relatlvo 10 UIO e""'l'ptlon 01 bond. from la .UOD. voked . th us putting them out of bus· Be U r'eioJved by_the OIUlIll'&l ANIwI,blyor Mrs. Louisa Woolley is visiting _ • • • • • • •_ _• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iness. the State 01 Ublo. Three-altheollbe memben with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Walter and I· elect.ed to both boWlOl concurring Iherelll: 1'h&t tberelball' bo aubmlttllllltO Iho olcefamily, at Lebanon. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~ tor8oUW. 111 tbo .. Iklr tho \lrovldll<l I",.. on tbe l\nI~ TuOllday lInIl ~l 00' . daylD November. 19ID ... pro_I to 8UIII)10Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman and meo! artlcle,xU by ju. _!Jou to Fresh 01ster~, . Bulk or Pint and daughter. and Dr. J. M. Miller were ::~:tIl~~'ri"!,rntj~Utol ~~~?o:';~.:ol Iho Qu~tCans. visitors in Cincinnati Sul)day. 8eeIJOD 12. Bond. 01 the .tato 01 Ohio. or 01 r dJatrlCI Ilteroof. autho r Celery. Cranber.ries._ -\led byaublllvtlion I.." to IIIIuuoboDda. l.uDd 011 o r alter . Edgemont Crackers JU9t look at our fine' assortment of .ffollUU'l' 1. 1&16 •• hall be oJ:el!l.pt lrom lIua · Mr. tu~dM r8 Raymond Willion 's tJon, took :d ilJ oor wtth Wllb ar ::Imith'8 girls' and boys' Booke at oilly 25c 1I0 II Iurt.ber \'OII(.h·oo. Thl1~ fo" suel. o lc",Fancv Olives , Heinz Pickles 1100 abo,o relomx\ t,) thlll 6ullpiomOUI 8hall Regular list price 5Oc. J. E. Janney. near Elonzer Mond ay . be placed ob 'he oOlcial ballol . Iu Iho mILuuur We have over 100 monuments on hand.-nr.;!fI'r~ Mr ,wd .:Ire. John Wlleon Bnd ~ vlded by law an~ doslgllILled lUI 10110,..•• Pure Jeney Sweet Potatoes. TO EXIiIMPT nONJ,lS ISS En ON OK Ml1gbt r , FrDlIoe , c lied on W. E Douglas Hollingsworth and family 1he best work and buy in such large quan tities, direct Bermuda Onions AFTER J.LV\JA RY 1. 1916. Ob' 1' ilE S'I' A'I'j,; Boga n 'E! t;nnd.y ,.nAru oon. of near Oregonia, were the guestM from the q~arrieR, that we can sell you work atlwhat ~fs~it8r .p.rEltlo)' !U~-!16~V!2~ff ~~~ MangoR Fancy Ohio Peaches Mr~ . l",un tan's ta th rr tiled Fri- Mr. and Mrs. (luy Kibler, Tuesday I,AW TO ISSUE 1I0NOS ~' 1l0ll TAXAit would cost' the smaller dealers . . We show the evening. T10~:.:..or l,IIo'hor laulluugo .UI\I CIOlltl~ cloar day of los t week. New Rolled Oats largest stock of monuments that bas ever been shown . !g.'ft-hk-"·~l!~t o~ j!,'~. m~;:~~,~ .l:!l\muel ElliS, of lIA.lf Kenitl, atNew Crscked Ho'miny lU G. 'VEH. I tended o b I1roh he,'s Sunday . . Mt: and Mrs. Andrew Brehm and . in Dayton or ' Southern Ohio at prices hat will surOll AItLE D CONO baby left Tuesdayfor Dayton where 8\111akar 01 tho UOUlill 0 1 ll.;pl'(IfICD l bll veo, .M r. lIo rJ Mrp. J ohn Bellob Ne", Raisins prise and convince you of the facts we are stating in O. J'. U Q W ARD . \ oalling on Cbl\!. r, Bar ner'8 SoodllY they will make their future home. . New Pancake Flours . Preoldout pro Wm oC lh o SuUUlu. • this advertise~t. · . The A~opkld Aprtl 27. 191 b. bU1!iness will be conducted by afternooll . UnHed tlLLeI of America. his brother, , . . Stakl 0 1 01110 , Mr. Robert. I:!tauley brut ren&ed Get the habit and trade at ontt... oC the. Beerelt\ry 0 1 Slakl. Ii fnrm IWllr Wilmington, O . Be hi l. O. Q.ll ILDEDIlANT. S",,"'lary o C Si al., 0 1 tho St-t.kI 01 Ohio. do 1,et:()l)y l'<l"lIy thaI Messrs. Myel' Hyman, J . O. Cartbusy gelLing rnllllr to sow wheat the CORlllolulI fa an oxem&tIlIOll COil" c·a re lully wright. E . Myers, W. R. Spreigel, thero this woe k . ~~8~tit:{. ~&.;I!~~ ID~ (~~~lIrcl...~I~i~~'; Dayton, Ohio. Wlllt Ar Wilson find son, RlIymond; G. W. Hawke .and D. L. C'ane at.... BecrollU')' 'of Su.... aool louml 10 be tmu . and correct. oC a jolnll'OllOl"llo ll . adopled uy lind dst1ghte r, Uli.va. Ilttend ad tb I tended Masonic lodge in Lebanon ~riday evening. . Ib6 Ge.ncral Aucmbly 0 1 the 81ut " IJr Ohl('1 UII show ,It X n l" 'L' hllfS<l,\y n igbt. ' Ihe 3/lth da, 01 April. A. I) 191 ~ allllllll.... III Ihl. onlooon the 21h hdayo t Allrl! A. O . 19 I D. · Frnnk Stl\uley ,\od fuwlly were 10 enWtled 1I_lutiou t.o AnWllI1 A rlj~lo • Mr. and Mrs. T. Frame. Rev. J Xenia SlIto rduy . .xU of t he o C Ohio lly the l1do l.' · 1 lion of Secllon U ." , Mrs.' J. F. Cadwallader, Rev. D. Mr . 1:1.. Miller .. url 'f amily have and I II T osllmooy Whereof. I hovo h OI'tl UlllQ fiubocrlbod my llawo. b"d tUI Lt"'~ lilY officl,,1 moved int ) the t eDlHlt 11" 080 on the H. Palmer, Rev. C. S Grauser and IlO&l &llho Oily of Columbu • . thl o 26~b IffllllO GI)'m pteo hlrm. Ae-wm-work Measrs. Dr. Ellis, .J. E. Janney, J. day 0./ JUD6, A. D. 191 D. . W.' 8irnOh. J . H . ~mith, M. V. ,Hob-· 1 . O. Q. UILDlW ltAN·j·. for Chal!. ·r durner. Bec",tu ry 0 1 $ I n lo litt, Tb09. Pierce. Sam Meredith. Dr. Wm. Mo Ire haa moved Into tbe Hathaway, F. H Farr, E Arnold QA\l~ORlZATION OF PUD I.I OATlUN. ~mflll h lJ IlS B '10 UhlirH y Stanfleld '8 and . W. R. Spriegle attended the De~. rlil1flnt 01 l'ubUc Prlnllng 01 Ohl ... farol' temperance lecture by Capt. R. P. " ;on~b~'~t~~o&.c::.m~I~~~~ 8~J.~~U~~1~~~: We eeU 400.000 copleo eYe..,. month i Gilo r ~e ~Iill~ SpoDt Wednesday Hobson, of Merrimac fame, at LebtlDn a of an a~1 &1>1111011 . "An act rola ll uk t.. Ririnll premium. and bave DO aoUCIto .... cerlaln l,ro~amelldUl cn ...... W the (Joust1tu· new&d.e aler will show you a copy; or "rite THE BEST OF SERVICJo: wUb .hlhn M Bi ll and ramtly. abon. 'Tuesday evening. lion ot Obi , and the fubllcatlon thorool," wbillber for free eample - a pOIta) will I'uood b y I.h e G e llura A..,-.rulluly o r 01110 , AT ALL TIl\JES- DA Y OR Everett Blitne entf!rtatned sever. ., April 2 ~ . lGU. MId .... nlllUJl<loo April 2~ , III of 1118 oo \J ego frl oodll 8.undElY . 191 0 ... au~horl .od by thu 1)0 1"lr,.muD~ ul NIGHT-GIVE ME A CALL I'ubllc J'~t1ng 01 WO 8t~~~rE~ Srt'OSS H owimt Lall lUln!: I\nd family -vIII, Supervtser 01 l'ubUc Prinllng Ited hi pure n!, Mr. and Ht·s. J. ::I. Phone 54-2 }~ I I-ell mlng Snndllv . .. , Mr. aDd Mrs. J , S. Leaming were at Plitnter 8vllle Mondny. f
ii i
Henderson's Corwin, Ohio
Waynesville, O.
Lewis' Bakery
Waynesville, O.
JlU WllllJ' odtilUollU
bY .; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ----- --- --
Good Things .to Eat This Week
"Jolot Co!llltll.utloll
Read S p Ie,nd·d Off'e, r on P.' ages 2 an:d 3
GEO. 1. WATERHOUSE .. Corwin, Ohio
- ...----
Now is the time to get your winter reading. Don't you .thlnk
Will cnme nearest giving yo,""what you want-the loca.ne~s?
ter Heads, Statements, Bill Heads, Envelopes, Dodgers, Year Books; in ' fact., III kinds of Printing, call at the Gazette office and get priCes: You will finfJ ~em very .reasonable.
, The i9th ' Sunday after Trinity October 10. ... .. . ·SuildaY i. SChool at,, 9:30 · a • .mi J esse tat)ley. wQo has jUit·gradu Morning 'Prayer aDd sermon at 111:30. ated from t he Jones Auctioneering You are invlted to these 8ellYices:' School at Chicago, is home ' ~d is ready for sale dates. 1t would be '., , . well to see him. as he haS some new '-To App.:eclat. Colo.... ~ . ideas in the auctioneering line. OBI, 'a tew of 'the p-eat »~tf!rs call him. 146 mutual phone, bavebeen &1'eat' '·colorf.ta." .for the reBurlington. Qhio. IJ'8ttabl~ that th.!!!' could 1I0t' ...
dlvltiely aee C010T, iJld· to .uch "jjaln~
WATER 6 LIGHT''NO'IICE ;=~::rJ?o~:~~~~~ .
CW~HEN you want Sale Bills, Pamphlets,. Let-
Cl08. aJld ever ohlerftttloD-'of all 1111_ . _ ,.' '. &lid In ut\1ftl tor ~ tIlal WU' . ' :", ,.. on17 ODe ~ faa... ihe' lleuure of th~ If water and light aceountjl are riot -bl,hut appreolatJon" of oabmt, .,.... Pllid by Octo1!er 9th. bO,th '.wlll be '4Id as the woadron., ...ve1aU~ ~ tJJe off and a charge 01$1.00 will be lpeotram 111 sa ua. iIIvtDatJoll. oC 1M for turning on again. . .', IOmpnltJOIl, or rut ill >1Iah&. .
.... .
By order of the ' Trtl8f~.
' ,.
't:!ijAKI5G .tb. ",,=0,",'" U . . . ilI..""tlo. .. .......""".. .'
.. would fegister a~o"t--;Ilp1Q1ef heat. but our prices would correspond w'ittt th~. mercl.!ry when down to 5 'or ]0 above zero. . '. . . ' ., .i
'New Ribbon . ~ . . • . • . . . . •. {icticke...i Braid .. . .. , .... Novelty ~r'aid ! ........ \ Feathentitcb pre,id ... _.. · Embroidered JtIOUDciril;.
China :3yrup Pitl:hers, a beauty . ...... . ..... . ehJoa' Cre\L1I1 ,Pitchers.. . . lOel' ;" Dutch" Creamers, Sugar '. I " Bowls, Plates, Cups and pe1 yar:d •. .•.•...•...•.• ~. JOC: Saucers .•.•...•..•.••• lOe Dust Caps .•..• , ....... . JOe China SaUd Dishell ....... tOe ~ty Waists. for Children.lOe Fresh ~y. ~.. . • . • .•.• JOe
Guette Office.
IOe ,JOe ,JOe 10£
1m llllf ..NUl.
H. FllBR' The Man 11ft _ WaynaviUe. Olde Magulne
Read the Cumblnation ot.
Readlthe ads Otl pages two and
thr~e •
. You will find
Intere!ting .• ~ ...
·fer on pages two and three. Send for them ..•.•
Sixty- eventh Year
Wh Ie Number 3339'
REMINISCENCES f-PERsiiiLiiiiil· .~----
WA\,NESVILLE AND HER Buy your Winter Clothing Of Mye: Hyman. OLD CITIZENS
R. ,Andenlon Who
Recalled ,"Memories'" of Waynelville With thie issue ends the "Reminiscences" of the late Dan Anderson. In the las~letter we ever received from him. he seemed to divine that he would not send us anythinlr more. IlS he said the doctor had Lold him 'he had enmia and that he wua on the way to the land he had been travel· ing toward for severnl yeai'll. These letters of Mr. Anderson have been inlensely interesti~If, and had he lived he wrote us that he hsd more in his "think· tank," but death removed him before he could get them to us. A man of remarkable memory for one of his 81le, a writer of more than unusual ability, and though his memory failed him in many instances. yet, we think, his old friends found enjoyment in hill writings. Of course. he made mis· takes. esl>eciaJly as to some names I1ml Borne h,caJilies, but be told the story as he had them pictured in his mind. and olthough they were some· what rafllbling, they fitted into his mind as in a sequence. ' Whatever his failings, and we all have- th( m, Dan Anderson will remain in the minds of everyone who knew him. Rough. generous t o a fault, kind to those he loved beat, bis memol}' will ever remain. Peace to his ashes! '
Three quaint ones were: Tom Leon· ard. Marlin Hest. Sam Beam. Drew Sweet was in his element. whene"er he could get either of into the office of thll Maami Sam would be "promu "renigadlng" around of his home his good ~ould ~ther a couple and start tor Sam. . Sam. having a far.away look, and some start, said ''It-looked 'omnibus' and I WIIS out of tobacco. So. I left her to follow, but ahe does a Jot of waehina:. 'and goes often many miles on foot to do It. May her kindly Ipirit find aha· ven of rest:' Now we will revert,to more recenl tim~ where if we gut in,"bad" wt' will offer no excuse having cited • ease in point. tbat will bear us out. i.n .anythl~ we may say or leave un·
Buy your Winter Clolhin gof Mvcr TAKES A (jAME AWAY FROM 1-IYUlan. LEBANON
Elmer Rogers was a Cincinnati LIeutenant von Retlow bnd only busiriess visitor Saturday. glanced mooh nnlcnlly at the list of lIb1pa whIch hIlS commlWdlng oMcer For Auto Livery, call on Geo. J hlld given hJm when be took hIs subWaterhoule . Phon., 54-2Y.. marine out of Cux.bavel,1. Now, read· Ing It, he tolt bls body grow rIgid Mr, and Mrs _ Carl Servis were wIth horror. He took n letter from hl8 pocketweek· end visitors in Dayton. one whloh had arrlvod trOID Amerlcd via. Italy only two woeks betore. It Levicy & Howe, of Harveysburg, WIl8 hom MtBB Lucy Dalnbrldgo of has a milliner from Cincinnati. Clnelnnatl, O. MIss Datnbrldge wall just an ordInary Amertcon gIrl, but F. B. Sherwood, of Lebanon, was the onll" one In life tor Von Reuow. visiting his parents Monday. He had decIded tbla when they met 10 New York, while he woe attache to If our work is not sstisfactory. we the Oagshlp of the vlslUng Oerman squadron; and MlslS Lucy, Dfter 10Dg ",qk no pay. Main Str,e et Garage. deliberation, had wrlttAlll-welJ, that Born- To and Mrs. George Adams, she waBn't Bure, but she was comIng England. Ilnd POBst bly sbe would at Corwin, Sunday, October 3. a son. to sltp oyer to Rolland wIth her aunt, lind, of course. If he had leave of Born-To Mr. Bnd Mra. John absence durlng thls dreadful Whitaker, Saturday, October 2<1, a LIeutenant von Dutzow looked nt 80n. the list of shIps eJlpected hl British y;aters dllrlng the we.,k tbat b'e was Miaa Nell Smith, Of Wilmington. to w absent. He Wnll to torpedo 11.8 is visiting with r elatives and friends manl" ot thelle as possible, 1,In, on the bottom ot tha sea botwoen ex· here. plolte, to gnln Ume and remain In Mr. and Mn. Harry Sherwood safety. And at the head of the IIl1t were visiting in Ger:mantown last Will the 1>fsrlamne, on whtch , MIss Balabrtdge WIl6 to Ball. Thursday. His Instructlolls were expltclt onoa. Re Willi to torpedo every mercbant Mr. and Mrs. S. Le .... Cartwrillhl ship wIthin IlIBht ot hllr fectlon o( the ' spent the week·end with friends at Brftlllh BOacOBSt. He wu to think Troy, Ohio. nothing ot the lives of thoae aboard. -He 'Was to , dive as eoon lUI b_bad launohed his mlaal1e upon Ita dead· Mr. and Mrs. J , H. Linton, Clarksville, were visiting' friends ly p~h . and to withdraw, leavins here Saturday. the luoldeaa PIBe8PS4Irs and orew to perlsh. The Marfamne wa, due to arrfve Matthew Burch, of Williamstown. Ky;. has JJeen the lI'uest of Mr_ and air the 801Uy coast III a tew ho~. Mrs. U. M. White.
COoDyrl!!I" .
1915, hl'
rl G,
war . . .
The Marl.mne Wal Now Clear'y In
VIew. the 'Wheel, telt the sweat pour down his tace. He Blared out miserably aorosll the waters. To send tbe womnD he 10veC to death IIllong those wave seemed the act ot a devU. Yet tbat WWI hll duty, and be must cnrry it Ol'.!. or-return
W1Cl\ lllS lllSk lIUnCfOlOlll ., to Taco dIsgrace and rutn. He lay til Wnltr,Just out of view of the SctJ\l e ~. dtVI' Ilg. rI ~lng nga ln, or 1I0ating almost sulJrue rged. with liar!. SCO))o above tho waters. Bearchlng tor the doom ed pal!sarlgor vossol. Sho WIIS due to sight tho ScllIlos nt "bout four tn tho nttcWtxm. Itnd precisely at four he saw the IIno of smoke upon tho borlzon. nnd . l hroul\h htB glnsslls, tho t wo fuun els ot the Aber~romby lIue. He shouted down the onglne tube nnd ran awash toward tho ship, No olbor ornrt wns UPOU the een; every ODe bad Bcurrl ed Into secu rity, ID fear or tho raids. Tho Marlamno was now clearly In view, listIng a lillie liB abe rolled In the trollghll. Evld\H111y the II resonco of the submarine wn8 entirely UD· suspected by her 116 sho mado ber way slowly toward the ornleh coast. 1t WI\S the bittern 8 8 of d ath tor Von Reuow. DurIng the t \II mtnutes t.n which lhe periscope crept up to· ward Lbo Mllrlnllluo be II ved over again tboee days 10 /I merlcn., WhOD he had begun to reallzll.b ls love for Lucy, her dawulng love lor him. Duty bad carried him awoy, but bo had written to her at 18"t. unable to ))08tpolle learnlog or his fate. He lJell oved sbe cared tor 101m; he had relt su re that 8ho was cOlDlng to Europe In the expeotation ot meeting hIm. He had written to ber once: "I wou ld give my Ufe fo r you. Your lIIe 18 ever saored to ma--wlll ever be." And now, like a cowardly murderer, be was creeping up on the traok of the vessel that carrted ber, rssolved to a1uJc her. murder his 8;111IlQthellrt
A, Maffit wao a business visitor in Dayton lal!t week. Buy your Comfort s and 1:l1ankets
of Myer Hyman.
Mrs. J . O. Carlwrig ht issufrtl ring At Every Poin l- Wayncsvine High f rom facial paralysis. nailed and Ran Ha~s like Indinns J. F.. Janney spent n couple of days in Cincinnati lasL week. The Waynesville Hi school ball . Rev. C. S. Grauser was in Cincin- team went to LebanOn Friday afler· nali 'l'ue~day on business. noon. and came home with another victorv. The boys me rely oulplayed Mrs. E. V, Barnhart is suffering Lebanon at every poinL Waynes· ville mad e l 4 hi ls and haLl IS stolen from an attack of poisonir.g. bases while Lebanon only got 5 hits and 1 stolen base Guslin had the Fo r Au to Livery, call on G o. J, boys at his command all the way Waterhoulje. Phone 54- 2X . through the gaine, and was never in uilnger. Myer Hyman and Thos_ Pierce A funny incident happenoo when were Cincinnati visitors Tuesday. Burns the migh ty batter of the Leb· anon team went to bat. Several ad· Mrs . Mary Caskey, !If Lebanon . mirers of his went out into the field Will! calling on friend s here Monday. to take a snap shot of the mighty heave he was going to make, and GU:ltin only pitche:! four straight L. F. Perkins and F. B. Hender- ones acroSll. and he went to the bench son were Dayton visitors Monday. pretty downcast. Severa l sensational plays were Mrs. Philip Hopkins fir.. had made during the game. nnd the only a slig ht stroke of para lysis Sunday, sad feature to the victory was the fact that the boys hat! to hoot it Mrs. Mary Lewis. of Dayton, is home from down the pike for a tho guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank couple of miles, owing to II punctured tire. Zell. ...
Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White attend· ed the funeral of a relative at Mason Sunday.
(e lJutlll Ucd all pn ge . )
BOYS SURELY WENT SEASON TICKET~i .fiELD DAY Dr. Dill, Osteopath , at residence of L. T . Peterson, Main St., Tups SOME LAST WEEK NOW ()N SALE , AT HARVEYSBURG day and Friday morninp,
Mr. and Mrs. W N. S0!8rs and family epent the week-end with relatives in Darke county. ,
Call a t the Main Street Garage and get your repair work done. It will Oh I would live longer. 1 gladly would stay , vay you. Though " storm a(ter storm rises dark o'er tbe W8Y;" .' Chas. M. Brown, of Third street, Temptation and trials beset me, 'tis is beautifying his home with coat true. of paint. Yet gladly I'd stay where there's so much to do. MI'II. Sherman Dyke and daut{hter, o 1 would live longer-not "away of Route 5, were Dayton visitors from my Lord"Saturday. F'or ever he's with me, fulfilling his word; Mrs, Ellza Jacobs, of Oredondo, Fla., Is visiting her sister, Miss Emma In Borrow 1 lean on hi.s arm, for he's near. Heighwav. In darkness he speaks, and my spirit doth cheer. Born-To Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of Route I, Monday, October Yes I would live longer some trophy 4 •.a daughter. . to win, Some soul to lead back from t he dark Mr. and Mrs. Ar't hur Leen, of path'! of sin, Some weak one to strengthen, lIome Dayton, are spending their vacation faint one to cheer, at the Friends Home. A nd heaven WI' 11 be swee l er fori b a or. -. g~lrere. Mr, an~ Mrs .. G~y KIbler spent But-would 1 live longerT How can Sunday w~th th~tr SIster, Mrs. Ralph I decide, Houston. m Sprmg Valley. With J esus in glory, still here to abide?' A first class milliner of experience 0 Lord, leave not the decision to me, has been secured by Levicy & Howe, Wher e best I can sar.v e thee, Lord . Harveysburg. Give them a call. there let me be. '
If you want good work, call at the An attractive window display Is Lyceum Enlcrlainmcnl Course 10 bc The Harveysb urlt Base Ba.1I team Main Street Gauge, and if the work that of J. E. Janney the druggist, Given by Wesley Class will bu will celebrate the closing of the is not satisfactory. no pay. for W. 0 . . Raper and Earl ~vanB, The Best Ever season, Sunday. October 17th, by have on dUlplay there th" rIbbons having a field day. when the manageMr. and Mrs. F . B: Henderson and and cups rt'Cei ...ed at l.jlbanon and ment will g ive speCial priz~ to the family. ar Id Mrs. J . H Coleman were Hamilton on their birds. We made I person making the most accurate in Dayton Saturday afternoon. the assertion that tbey would have to Sew;on tickets fo r the Lyceum En· thr-Ow to second ·base. the longest go some last week at the Hamilton tertainment Course to be given un· 'throw from home plate to center For Sale-Brood marpagood work· fair, and they surely did, Both der the auspices of the Wesley Class field, . the fa&test run to first base er,9 yean old. Inquire of W. H . these gentlemen together showed 21 of the M. E. Sunday School thi!! win· after bunting the ball and the best Mndden, Waynesville or Corwin, O. birds and took away 2l ribbonll. ter, have been placed on sale and time made Jo r a home run which "was going some." The fol· may be secured from the memberE Rilles governing the.e contests wd. ; , lowing premiums were taken at the of the class for the usual price of will be made known before the can. Mr. and Mrs, Wylie Craileand Mr. Hamilton fair: In about lhe year 1798. one 8eiJja· . $1.00 each. The course for this yvin. tests. and any player that has played min Heighway. and great uncle of Court Crane, of Bethel, were tbe Evans-Buff Orpmgtons-2d cock, ter c.onsists of five excellent num bers against the Harveysburg Dragons week-end guests guest. of relativa .'Jiss Emma H~ighway, came to and 1st an.d 3d ben 1st ckl.lst. 2d Rnd 3d each of which is tbe peer of any· this season will be eligible to enter laid out the beautiful ,. village ot here: put 5th pen. Black Langshans-3d thing ever g iven on a local course. the contests. Waynesville. At that time'the wood~ The Metropolitan Stars open the After the contests a re over the cock. 5th hen. White Rocks-4th were fu 11 o~ Indians . and.it was un· Henry Vandervoort, who was op· cock and 4th hen , course 'fhursday even inl~, November Drajl'ons will play t he ·Penn. R R, llIIfe to go to MCHolly. more so to erated on at the h~pital in Dayton Raper- Silver Campines-2d- hen. 11th. This trio. two ladies and a team 1£ Cincinnati. The R. R. team . Haryeysburg. lut weeK, is reating as easy as can 1st and 3d ckl. 1Bt and 3d pullet. gentleman ; give a progt'um of vocal hal! bt'en beaten twi'c e by the Drag· Sqme lJIore"o( the eccentric char· be expected. Earl Evane has two beautiful CUpR and instrumental musiia. read ing~ ons, and the game will be a fast o ne, aetel'll ot Waynesville.· Who remem, be took for the best Orpington cock· and character sketches: for 't h ey will come with blood in and for the beat Otpington pul· The Boyds, society ente rtainera, their eyes. bers Jake Ritter? Jake was a baker Mrs. :Agnes Wright and daughter, etel •_ __ _ _ and liked hia "bud'Ke" and durina Mias Susan, spent the week·end in let. To say t~ath~ is p'roud of them. give .the second number. Wednesday such times Jake ·woukl become ob DaytoD the gueeta of Mr. and Mrs. would 'be pultlng It mildly. evemng, January 5th. streperous. At that time, Tom Kin8 C. G. Williamson. ~ ---_. - - - - - . The Castle Square Entertainers. a and wife were ' keeping a boarding very versatile male quartet, will be hoW!e, where Will Phillips lives, 'a nd here Thursday evening March 30th Mr. and Mra. Pearl Sigler. and son, Jake boardt:d there for awhile at Glibl'rt Allee Eldredge gives an least. In a .w ar of words, Jake Will and Mias Jean Ferguson, of Dayton, evening of costumed charac ter the week·end Iruestl of Mr, a poor second to Mra. K1nlr-my. but , sketches and impersonations, Friday J. W. White. COUldn't she saY things! Amona bands they ,tumbled ,Jake, pipe' and Male Quar . all, Into the street; Jake was fuJI of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Alien and the telte, colored jubilee lIingel'll. will fillht. ·arod kept on inBlatlna. "Coriu MiBBe8. Georgia Hadden. Elizabeth give the c!osin" numbE!r, Thursday Warren ~eys, the Beau Brummell evening, April 27th. , ' oud of ttre house and put me oud." Stewllrt. and Olive- MlOJIlum wqe Xenia's fall festival closed Satur· The date and place for t he dr~w· ,o f CenterVille: was very fortunate Col. Wm. Maninitoll, then being Dayton visitors Frid.y. day night ina bh.zeofglory. While ing for reserved seats will. be I1n last ,week at Miamisburg at the fall mayo~. iaaued a war"ent for Jake's 'arrestforatlemptingto takeherllft' Mr. John .Johnson , and family, of the weather for the past week was !i0unced in this paper at an early date festIval beld thpre. ~e hO!lestly had the finest decorated Ford m the 'p a · and the trial was held in the IIttJe and Miaa Ethel Crawford. of not at all desirable for fluch an en· In the future. .- , rade an~ he got the first . p~lze. brick oClieeveHolland oriMainslreet 1~lblna. Ind ., were KIle8tB of Mr. and tertalninent, the city was crowded every day of tbe f~tiyal. There Warren I.S u lucky boy, f r ever since and Jake "fuller , nor a goOlle," ws. H Madd S d his own lawyer, and .w hen it came to .• e~ un ay. several new features this year, he had h.ls Ford ~tolen last year he Cr'Ollll questioning, Jake eot beyond the birdmen at the fair grounds haa run mlo al.1 k!nds' of good luck. attracted quite a good crowd. It has been l!JlI":Jated that a young all bounds of deaency, and was hav The street booths were very hand . la~y over at ~haln.lsburg . had someIne a "hellofatime" uklnlf Mn Klnlr questions. That opened tht some with their show of goods from , th~~g to do With him gett,mg ~he first the storeil and the products from the . , prize. as she had !!;Orne .relaltve who .flood gates, and ~et out a torrent of farms, and attracted quite Ii greal was one of the Ju.dges . . Anyway, Irrelevant answers that, the mayol " deal of attentlon_ Besides these th War,ren ~eels very kmdly disposed to - WM unable to, check, and '. ' The cannil)g factory of A. A. LIn- variou8 , conC<!SBionll about the city that sectIon of the country. ','many "gema" Ujat"l . Wish I • - -write bere, got In.l o . the hp..tllrll'l,ll ton at Clark~'fIJle. closed last week were well pa.tronized, an<l altogether The ' improvements at tbe Ferry bf 'the ~rm Illv.ing their ~plo)'ees a th festival was a decided succeSs church are rapidly nearing com , ~rs. King swore that bill chicken dlOner, A good timt' e pletlon" and the almost new edifice •'poked a )liltor in -her fa~. fo)\ow~d. . • - • will be dedicated some time Dttxt Jake wanted to \tnow ,what , month. a pistol it was "was it a revolver pis There is an immense basement put ' tot Did that pistol have I! roOiter. Mr. and MftI. · LeRoy Davis and arid.did tbat ' roOater hllve ' any hair son, MO!,riR, of Dayton, and Mr: and under the chl,lrch, and the old part is being built larlter, and when finished on jt-!:~ and tb~ sudderily-in,the sam~ Mrs, Herbert Dlavls. of Lebanon. . will' be a handsome church. The brealn, 'thruat his spectacle. case full were SundaY-lruedts cif Mr, and "Mrs. new be,1 arrived Monday, and as In the face of Mn. King. She fell F.~. Carey. ' soon as 'the belfrv is t:ompleted' it over exclaiming, "There it is 'nowl will be put in place. The bell ill of a and Jakeaaid; "Mein Got, I8boo~ Rev. and ;Mrs, C. S. Graueer and " good, deep tone rich and mellow. The fi rst accident occurred on the , het , mit 'mine specks'" Case ' dis- IOn. 'W. O. Raper, . Mr. and, Mn, , , and will be an 'added comfort to the new school house last Friday, when , dmiaaed. .,l George' 8artaocli;~ thos. Pierce and - --' The Heber BI'OII. ilho:;v on T~urs. members of tl)ls'church,, ' . a steel beam that was being hoisted ...- eeyeral others from here attended day ·ev~nlng was well p.atroOlzed . Tile church under- t:he inlnistrB· to the third fl oor, in , ome manner the-,Hamllton ,fair lJlllt,week. ' • The epla wea~er probably kept tions of ,0 • . H. 'Palmclr, ' haa made fell, and struck Harry Wheeler a ,. a great mlUli a~ bome,'and the farm· grl!!lt p,rogreli8 during tbe It&t' two glancing blow on the h~d, kn!>cklng en are'lO bUBJ at the ,present time years, and the ' 01<1 . cI!.!Jrch . ~as In· him d.own and rendermg him un· that thily did not ~e tilne to come odequa£e for the growmg member· consCIous ,for an hour o~ more ~t is The ahow, ' whtle in part was ship making it absolutely necessary said that I~ he had not Jumped Ju'!t good. was'not up to their show for iarller quarterS. when ho dId •. the beam would bave ux.~"u, The hQnes, monk~V8 ' ~ _ _' _ '_ crushed the life out of him . The very clever .tunts ' young man is getting along nicely work was far \)&.' and expeetj! to go to work this week. for this exCfl\ent. • • ~:~~=~d.~: band Wall not:up to, .u and did some very - - ' - - ' the performance.
FESTIVAL A]UCCESS eVT~i;gs~!:~le;Js~iver
On Friday morning. October , 8th. our community was terribly shocked when the news Wall bro uKht t hat Mrs. Frank Elbon had passed from earth's labors to Heaven's reward!!_ Very ruthlessly , has the band of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. lIett and death laid itself u po n us and once daughter, Charlotte, of Indianapolis, again we are brought face to face Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dan with the shortness of time and the Surface. , length of eternity. Emma I., daughter of G,iibert M.
Mr. and Mrs. GIlY Kibler, Mrs . Euphemia Hough , and Mrs. Alltln Kibler were shoppers In Dayton last Thursday.
ta:!~' t~e~h~m~~;p~~1 ~~tb!j~~~ ~~~e ~~~il~6t i~rW::'e T:wn:~i~~
Monday, whero she will undergo an Warren Co., Ohio. She &pent her operation. jrlhooddllYs at home upon the farm, WI er parents. Un February 1 • ]88' the deceased was married to Mrs. A. G. Smith and three daugh· }<' rank S. Elbon. Two children, Fred ters, of St: Rt'gis. Mont:. are visiting and Bertie Earnhart, came to bless Mr . Wm. Cook and other relatiyes this union. They are living to' com· 'here. Mrs. Smith was formerlv fort the sorrowing heart of fathe r Miss Faye Cook. and hueb»nd. Mrs. Elban WIIS oj a quiet. unllSMr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen left Burning disposition. She walked this morning from New York City, openly and plainly before her :tell ow· Philadelphia, Boston and other East men . To her husband she was a ern points. They wlll probably be helpmate indeed. She was Ii good gone for a couple of weeks. mother in all that the name implies. A neighbor and friend who was more than willing to contribu.te her Ahare The C. E. Society of ' the Christian toward the alleviation of suffering church will hold a Backward Social and distrese. at the l. 0.0.1<'. hall. Friday evening Because of this she will be missed October 15. Come whether you have in the community, but the home of received an invitation or not. Ad· which she was n very vital part will mission 10 cents. not soon recover from ber ' going away. Hl)re 'more than anywhere Read over our offerS on pages two el8e will her wise counsel and godly and three. They will interest you life be missed. and give you some good reading tor Mrs. Elbon was a faithful anil cona little money. send in your ~ame, siB~nt· membe~ of the Orthod?x money and which offer you Wish to Friends Church m Wavnesville. ,Ohlo. acce pt for they 'will not be offered For some weeks her health haa' been t o you 'but for a short time. failing and It was with the hope', that , she would entirely recover . that she Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Albert and conse!l~4 to go ,t o the Mif:inl Valley son, of Hagerstown. Mo .• Mr and Hospital In I?ayto~. But It was not Mrs. L. C. Peterson,' Mrs. Anna to be. Medacal,lIull was lnadequat~ Morgan and 'two sons, ' of Spring and Burldeal skill failed and on FrlValley, and ,friends from Lebanon. ~~ tnomlng. October 8, 1910. she Franklin and New Burlington at- J(JlDed the company of the redeemed. tended the :tuneral of Mrs. Frank She was perfectly resigned Ii<' what~Ibon M(lnday , e)/er should come and elCpr~ her. . Bt!lf, as ready to bow to the will of her Creator. There aie left ' to Sunday, October lOtl;t, \VJUI Rally mourn'ber departure, her hu~band, Day at lhe Christian church. These t~o children, two hrothe~'8 , two siS; occasions help to rally the forces and tera., two grandchildren md a large build up a loyalty wo~ while. Thtt circle of friends. ,Bible School W~DOt larse. cl. . ahowed waUlnan_ andbuteNery effieien- ,,- , . 'CARD Oli'THANKS . cyln UM!tr work. A ,pleuinlt pro· ' Yie desire to thank ouz: any gram cotiaiaUJJlr of J't)CitatiODll b)' '1leJihbors and friends for thlllr kind· _ memben .of tile Primary Depart. ,ness durillJ our late aflIiietlion, Attention'-'Lay by2U centl for you meta. a 1010 b, Altha "PaJmejoaad to th., mlnleter. the will want to attend one of the best duet by MIla GraeeCarmaD anclillae taker and for \he home taleD~ concerts ever liven in Turner wU 1INI8Ilted at the eloee of eeot by the W~eaville. Now don't fol'Ptl the eehool. . era' Club, tbe 1'IuPIkItrlvtna nlaht. PartlcuJan Bo\JCIUeta were bro.' IDd ct!8- Board aDd tb~ later" tIlbUjlwtbo"clu'Dd ,ibllt,~ n ou.
.... ..-----
'TutSDAl AHOUDAY ...... o.Mtti41.
(} ' ~
rrnr ;
~ ]j~lrf' ~b~~~~~!!~~f~~l~~ £~II~F~~\,~~I~S , G' rouGr DANDOLPtl CJl[)flIt: ~~:tt~dbO":I;ll:1 \I::~n~~VIIIH~tl \~l~:~, I~ = end LILLIAN,CHF ~TrR f" . ~11~u~~0~:h~lllt~OUY::UI~'o:'~.~1~1I11t. p;:~ The l.lJ...v \ ' 'r
xtraordinary Value! I
not at tho cJburc b ; tor It h "' forgotten tb pse tbln g~." ,I "You don'l kuow what )'O U tHO 88)" ing," th e r ctor told her. "TllIlt ISlI 't n il YOU m(,lIn," shp r . 1
Mit:oy, Dr. J. 'A I VeterinarY
AjtrtonltUrlll S 011(1 of t be Ilrlmltive ll rllduli lc nf ( ir· :-1 .,· I Jni"('t~l' "I\ujlll,M ntl ul. 'Dlil n . ~'r IW tho I ~ . d ll WD of Iv\ll:.l~t'!() n iHi111I tJ. nu hehl like II I, t\l,! i (it-'1( U ill F . U. ShUT If' bl gb otlteem, 'l' l, e A n t'lDU'd 1101 Li utl u In CtlFOlle .. d p, UlOII<l. 1t wn~l' .. i.ou ", ~'I)\I rth HI reet. I h U8 been .bol (116m I of Il l> '1 Illloe III 6 lljC . Iu .Awurluu l~ 11.... 11 glllwr,I l D I h Ollor "'Itb tho llnlltl' lIg yellr8. CUy Ohio lI u d ooun t ry draW ~helr ijl1>ltenlln9" \'Vaynesville. wh .u people begin to thInk. r Ilgloo . frow the soli, uud thtl furd h OUle hi ~~, II v a but th e cbu rch dies, 118 Ills dolug Ollll {If eha g crmt !UlIMtut!onlt on ·llev. Smith Doyd cou ld b ' wh ioh the ROjJnbli o secnrtlly ro~t.::I. .• _ TfOIf • • trlum\lllllDt. 'I11ere wn~ 1\ 'url ut &1\r· '1'he lIsl or f 'l"l'llIer boys tblLt ht>v tl . . .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . ., .. -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ riMon to omluOnOtllR 1l. long one, li nd ., ' CllSm au his lips. 81ldlids fiftee n t1l0US8ull QOIIUrS 8 y\!1lr " Are you Quite Olldi s l nt ' " 11(' Ohi o point" t o 11 tllllllber of them a 6 Funeral DirPctor In. chllrlt y rellor In Vedder court cbnrged. "You bnve jUst bl>(.\11 objec t hor most iIluNtrtOUI! aODR. 'Th e MIamI Cazetto, week ly CHAPT ER VIII. alollc." log 10 tbe prosperity or th ' clJ urell . It [s not.h o wilver, t o the e m i nen ce· and Embalmer. 'The Clnclnnat Tlilles-St a,. dally . . .. Gnlt·s eyelids closed, ber lashes "PIDllnclally." sbe admll t d; "bllt It of " f"w who tire " ugug 11 ,n i , but The Mine for the Golden Altar. The Woman'8 World, ,:"onthIY curv d on ber cheeks tor a D Instant. Is a eplrl tua l bankfllpt. You r Ilnlll\('I\1 I/ 111. th e prONjlerU.v I~nd h appin 8d 0 1 Waynesville Ohio. Vedder Court was a v r), drunkard an.~ tho corners or ber lI [1s twitched. pro~p"rlty Is tI dlrecl s ign or 'rou r rl" the mallY wh o follow It, ~1l'lt au In. I ' American FarmIng, mo nthly among tenement groupa. Its d creplt I\nrl bow much a yenr doos Market 1I&IOU8 decay. Your IInan 'Iul IJank· Llndry or ooouplitio n Is to btl jUd~Oll . Ca ll . I d . h old coden bu Idlngs, liS Ir wQak· Square churclJ tuke out of Vedd r r uptey will como later as It hilS dOllo Green's Fruit Crower, monthly Tho prog r II~ of scienoe MIll iu VtlD' 1 answer IJ pru':!IPt y ay <,l~ tl1 ~ I kneed trom dlasJpatioD ond scnlle de- court t" Mon bill; a dded to the oonveul noet! Both phO!lCF n Ofhce a~d Iteslrlcnce., In Franco, us It. I~ dOI~g In Ituly. U" it Home LIfe, monthly cay, lea nod ngolJlel eacb other crook· Ilnll oomfortH 1>1 rural I\le. The Long dlstaJlce ,No. 14, Home llhlln~ "I WUS wlllting for tbat bit of Im- will do nil ovor the world . Humonlty ~f c,,8ehold Jou rna l, mo nthly edly for support. ond Ie r d down nt pertinence," laugbed lIIallnJng. "I tr('als the church wllh Ibo l!on ~ rl1sllr I~ollitiou of tho far m Itl 1\ thi ng or Chl 4;.2 r . . _ _I_ _ _ _ _ _am________________ tbe sodden swarms b ~1I atb, out at shall btl su rprised ut nothing you sa)' du e nonce vlllunlJl e ~Of\'IIUl who hU B tho pIlst. '1'b ;! telo\lbol\l rorullDl1ll ~rs ~nd one Coach furnI shed free " roken'llaned window!! whlcb gave slncl1 tllat Ilrst du), when you cha,.. : outllv~d hts usofu!lie.s." d Ilvory ' Inte rurll uu r ni VUYI! ~IIOO With unerals. somohc.w n ludicrous elfcc t or bleared o.ct~ rl 7.l·d Murket Square Illlr h as 8 Wilds fiud t be au\omobl . a r e bring Best of !ler vtcCl g uuran tl:! lld. "lily d or child, Il umon lt)' can no \'or eyes. There bl\d once been' a nllrrow romnrknbly lucrAtive en ter prise. Ha"e do without religIon ." Interjlo.cd Unddy l ug I·b e c l~y lind tll rll, .. g oommu· letter \'nl1le no mntter h ow ha rd )OU strip or curbed soli In the conter or ),ou nC\'or f(' lt nny com p\lnctlons or MU DD ing. 1Ii1leti lu to o l o~e r unloll, "ud Ul llking t ~y. n11n k 01 Ily< Uf \\' 11 h Oll1e weekly. Cincinnati's tbe str ot, ;whore three long-s lncc-de- consclenco ove r thnt?" ··Agreed." 8111d Gall; "bu t It out. / t.Ue Dlltu rul nnd soolal IItlvuut ge ~ partod trees had gh'en tile quarter Ita "Not once," Rllswored Oall prompt· I growu th,·m. II uUIgrow I>Ogllll18111, ' bl gg ('s~ an I !Jest o nc-ccut dail y new sp~lI er an d FIVE " tl tm j oY Dl en ts f cacll h n P UHStJH. name ot "court," but thIs SI)aCO was Iy. She b nd s lurted to seat horsel! on Idollllry, und 11 sco re or mlllor IJJluses ~io n of 1111 Our nrblu : (lOI'UIHtloll, p~enc\ l~ ,hol11e a nd fict ion pUblications a t a bargain ~ Notar), P ublic now as baro nnd dry a s the asphalt one ot tb '1II1,ty b nehcs, but bnd l in btltwE160. Now It I ~ outgrowlllg the 11 never berore III the \I ' to ry or ~b,· pncc .. . I he ~ll.\MI GAZETTE gives Y 1I an of tlle ill - • ij tltI', is begirltllDg f,O .. JaJrticm to t b, lurroundlng St, and, ae It WI'I8 too chung d ber milld. " It I bud be Dr.;IVI!D relig Ion at creed, In ItH prugr ' AS 10Imall even for tile purpose of children to any Much selr.lnJust lce, howe,'or. I , wllrd morality. Whllt we nucd Is [J, te re~ ~~n g l o~a l lIew abo \l ~ the fo lk ou know, ~vhile IHIluml beuu ty lIod - I ,vutlog it: . ,\ 11 II ln <1s rat' N o{.jl\,y Wo'rk. Will .. at play, Il woodon bencb, upon which should re vruucll myselt now. I Ihlnk I now rollglon.'· Ilud D ·edll I' • IKollllt·:;. 11 uelloe of tlltl oouo try, " tid 1\ how' tlJe Il1nes S ta~ kcep~ ;'ou m louch with lhe news of the no one bad ever Imt, os, tndeed. wb)' l\Iar~ t Quuro chu r"h not only co m· I "Yuu IIro billming the ch urch wit h II u n a C8rID fi gures pr omillon tly In thu ehould they T bad loog ogo beeu placed morclal bu t crIminal." w hole worl~ , III nd~llIon to. fu rnishing YOll wilh vulfa ult whIch · Ilea In th e Ileollle," pro· ,Ireoms of the pr o'e~"I ' )DI\ I tu6U alld on It, to become Jooa Q.jolnled and ua~ le and .1IJ\ e rC'slmg speCial featule's t hat no other' "1'11 hove to give your soul a ebas- I teoted tho recto r, s hocked and dis· the urtl sbn~ of I) ur I 1 ge altl ee. ' woatber·spllntered and rott ed, like all t lsemellt." smiled MaDD Ing, "These turbed, IIDd ye t teellng It' his duty to 'l'h o r urn l haOle is (be 'L blltle, n ot latl y an RI\' C ' YO l! o La test all!1 mO. t relia hle market the Test of tbe nelgbborbood. peorl mus t IIvo somewhore. and be· set Gall right. He was ns haU'led at O'll , ot ludul!l r y Iwd 01vic vi rtuo, ~eporl s, lJ lI't verlook this opportullit , but scnd , As for Its tennnts; they wer o ernotly CRuse Vedd .r oourt. belllg church hlmsolf tor ha Ving been sove re with . This dlA6IIIIe sboulrl be tr ntod M B()On hut of 1\ f r;1 vI'ul, lind "bIding pa lbe 80rt birds one mlsbl oxpcct to prop rl)·. 18 exAmpt from tnx o.tlon. ber in his mInd. She was less frIvol· 111 yo m order today to ~ r lotI8w. I:!1I0 r ll(\ llIernOri C~ IInri ns t.h first uonat-mlll I (M)~('III'M~ of Uw bowels fippel\.l'S. When this 18 dODO II And In suoh raul nests. They w I'e or th ey t1n~ ohco.rcr ren lS bere thun any· QUS than he hud thought, and what sbe "creotl on!! oenter In ~ he far m. rrnly H ln ' lo dOt!<lot Chumoor1l1in's Colle, C hol man y naUOnS, but ot Just t\VO main vu· wlwre In thQ city. It we were to put needed WIlS spiri tual Instruction "The dI d Rmkin sa.y: .. ~o Fcene is COil. 'ra und Diarrhool\ Re m l1y will effec t II , rieties: atupld and squalid, or tbln nn tl up IDlpro\'ed bltlldlngs, I don't know people aro lukewarm." . Ilnually loved bot une rlatl by j o.v. onrl'. This r lJOIedy- 'un lIlwo)'s be tle· furtive; but !bey were all dirty, !lnd whero Ih ey wou ld go, because we "What elae .could tbey be with tbe I I 11OUII~n :0 bor: ~lUooth io fiolil, penlle<l npon e ven tn the most \!I!V re 1Ul,1 lbey boro, la their complexions. tbe \\' oul~ be compelled to charge more 'watery spiritual «TUel whlcb the fll i r III l{ul'r1 en , full lD 01 chllnl." h dangerons CQ8Il8. IUld sloonM lJO kept III poJion at crowded breat hing spaces. r OD L WAYNESVILLE, OHIO I ~ the,ef o rp, pM ' 1 'nlilrly fitt.log til ; band r Olldy tor Instant UI!8. Never leaVOl ch~rch provides tOO r etorted Oall. and bad lIewemge, and unwboiesome " cl ny !!ohould ue Met IIPtlrt tit Ihl hOIDe on 1\ journey without It. "I am tnteres te<J III koowlng wbat "In orde r to muko tbo 8ame rale of or insufficient toad. II'ultrul S6li HO II of ~he .vllur, ",h I, profit." t esponded Gail. "Out ot all your partloular Dew re llgloo would' be Into this mire lb ere drove an utterly th is misery. Market Square cburch Is Ilke." ' r emarked Daddy Manuing, hlu f e harv es ts urll t::al h tJ~lllll n, '00 10. out.of·plnce UtUe electrlo coupe. At reaplns a harvest rich enough to hulld twinkling e yes reltlng atrectlollateiy - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - -- - - IlI'lIt ... the e nn ollllD~ Vlrt uO!! or agrl OR. J. W. Mi Ll E~. the wbeel was the frosb-ch eeked Gall a fifty million dollar cathedral, and I on ber. " ultu r e Rnd o nr ab ldlOg grotltuue Sargent and with her WBS tile twtn· ' 4 1 Don't Feel Good" .1"1\ dtute to th ilst! who '1\1 t n e 8uil. llUVO sllfficlent dIsregard for the pur· "It would ,be a return to the DImple kllng-eyed Rulus MannIng, whose '!'bat is ",hat a lot of people teD uS; Np'ot b or If.ldo ~ try III m oro worth.' tlcular deIty under whom you do busl· ralth In Ood," Gall told blm r evorent· ,..•DENTlST••• white beard rippled down to his sec· U8un1.ly theirboweleonJ.yDeedcleanain.. .ilr I,bls reco ~t11 tl oo. nose, to feel s ure that be would not ly. "It Is stili In the bea rts of tll ood waIstcoat bulton_ They drove destroy It by lightning. I want out of people, 118 1& will always be ; but th ey I, ~'ranlt B. Willis, G OVllf roM 0 1 l ull"" In 810wly the 'length at the court and t bll8tuto (.t Oblo, h rt" b y tI Ill! I ~nll l , I/"'Iooal ll" .. k Ol~~. here." have nowbero to gatMr toge ther and back again, the girl studying. every det>u d pr oclaim Novoll ., ,, 12,1 015 II. " FrnnklJ, BO do I," admitted Man· wOflblp." We keow thill positively, Take one tall with acute Intere·s t. They Btopped '~ Ilrlcu lturlll Oil), nlng; "althougb I'm Il8hamed of my· DaeSdy MtlilnlDg laugbed au be de· '1'119 '6ac h tD~ or I ~ rt O:llH u : e baa --.-- --_.- .. - ---1--'''--tonigh. t . Sold 0011' by us. 10 om ... In front of Temple M1~slon, wblcb, selt. It'. all rlgbt for you, who tire tooted that bit of oarcaam. J . Eo wtth tta ugly, red and blue leHering young, to be fastldlou8, but your now fonnd ~ pll1oe, I " e loII ly In the Probate Court Proceedlnll:lI "According to tba t we are wBsting nearly erued by years at monthly Dadd)' Manning 18 coward enougb to our new cathedral." J'llr .. IIICb (101~, bnt, Vf::r.\ ,.ro llen.l . ID, III the ntut.tllr of tlJ n eRtlJ t,(l of I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ tile Cttv pcl\Oul~ flnd Iu II r hh ber eorIJbblnge, ClCcupled an old store room want ' to make bie peaee with heaven, "Absolutely!" aad It struck tbe rec· 1 rcoom. OUQ8 uled .. a Biloon. after a life wblch put a tew I>Iot8 all tor with po.in that Gall had ne ver dfte 'l'rovtllp, decolIR8ll. ulef! .lre OIl- Doo k and . rliltolng Co.. lIuppll e Il1 stUutluns I)f Itl" rnln r THE OIlIATIIT "SO tl\lIi 18 lbe chrysalll from ..,hleb ,lbe book." $'1.6 1 : ta t.e of Oblo va Edille ' 8011 1.I'8nd Ibl4 t IJlIIIl (11 thll$' . nd ill the . looked more b6autUul than 1I0W, ,vltll provt'd. 1I . 0>11\'rs of the butterll)' ealbedral ~ to emergo," I n l,h4 lIl utt,or of tile gqllrllh'-D8blp c08b lind ft I'a 'II 0 ; olom buJ gl'ao "o~, olfbroh ul!, She lall8hod at blm IIpeculatlvely her obeeku flushed aod hllr brown l commented Oall, . . MannlnB held the tor a moment, and then abe laughed. lit THE WORLD eyes snapping with Indignation. "Your of (ill r tley JOBS, /Ulnor. W. F . Moss Bhi nk Book 00., supplies t e r p , J . o mnu rOil, ftn d othor OIViO, r oll8 ou8 ' lI ud Internal OIS,.PiZlltl ond, tll" rt " ,· door open tor her. and betol'e sbe rose Is IlpPointed. Bon(\ $1000. fi,25; ijarriot Webb r nnd work ~ ~'T, SMO PER 'tIAI ' "You know. I don't bellove tbat., cathedral will be a m~nu mont, buill be allproprlotely cel ebrated, aDd I lbe peereeS ll8atn around lbe unlnvit. Dadd)' Manning. You're an old fraud, out of tb e proUts wrung from squalo r, In tb('mll~tBr or t he nB81 ~nm etit of S8lem townshIp $281(6.; Georg e B. IIe.1'Et.t. DtlucOiSTS. 8PBCIALlaTtl, ~ ·cour!," wbJch not eTen tbe bright who does good by stealtb, tn oroer to to tbe vnnlty of your pclngrogatlon. Ir t be Ber ns te in Br<l!l . Mfl{, Co', prl- Anderson hurllll ot B . F Wolf, $7:; ; 'e xpr~ss th e 1\ 0 r "tat hope UJ ~s we COITUMERI, TRANSFER. C'A winter ' BlIDBhlne could reUeve of Ita galo tb'e reputaUon of havlll4ll been ) were the dictator of lbla wonderful vate 81.1e of propertv ordered F. 8 _ Slmp8on, bridge work Elalem may lon g continue the preced ont ea· AND .. UI .all.VIOIE CAN PROFI~1nt;Ineasr ralber, lbe sun mllde It In t,b o, est-n t a of John E Emmons town ~hip $5.UO; A O. Vull, se rvioos l ubl abed i n tbis " ellr, wbeD we hll,VIl .W UIING ITtI ADVERTlelNO COLUMN picturesquely wicked. Tell 1119 why city at acblevement, J would decree only the mol'll dismal by pres en tins yon belong to Market Square ch.rcb." tbat catbedral nev!)r to be built, and deee Ised. Ihe first aooo'o nt I.. ap: nR Inspector Franklio Willi $231 00 ; b 110 ' 80 8ignlilly bl llssed by th a SAMPLE OOPY FREF lbe ugllne.8 more In deal!. . ;Zaln Armitllge oontmot I1S .?G ; Jj'<&tber ot Allin tb e ahouodlng Ulb. "Becnuee It'll 110 respectable," be Vedder court to be utterly destroyed I" proved, . . . . . .IW YOIII( CLIPPER 1'TuH I I'\~8 PllbJio AffHj r~ bill ligh t n le8 of 'he 80il. "Thill Is lb.e mlpe wblch produces twlokled down at ber. "Wben an old .. _ Yoltl.... Y. ''It III perhaps Ju nt aa well that you I a th o m ulot,al' of the gunrdlan81llp b II $3 311' G F B • i ·' li'rlLnk B. Willi~ . GovHn or lbe !!Old 'll'blch III to gild the altar," as· s lnnor baa loat every other claim to .are not the dictator of the city." Tl;le of RllrJ ey L . d I , . r nVln nf uranee U. Q. Blldebrant ~eo("tary ot tit, . . aD e ra , m u r, L . O . premluw I II ; H. A. MoCut.oheon ee!'ted Manning, atudylng the sido- respcctablJlty. be ba8 blmaelf put on young Rev. Smith' Boyd gazed down at Sanders IS II ppol nted. Bond 12000 roadwo rk Fra uklln t o wll8hlp$223 50 walk. '1 don't think you'd better come the veatry." 10 t he mll l·t r of the elltate of J oe Cooper , r e pairs Sllll:;; Inquest her !rom his sIx reet ot serious pur~ lIeN. You" lpo1ll'our 8hoe~H He dropped behind on !belr way to Ch~rl e8Il'rallz,lleceased. I nve ntOLV body of Garber AIYlltOllk fe es and pos41, with all ' bls previous dlsoppro"I want to see It all tbls tlms be- the door, to surreptitiously slip eome- val Intensified. "Th~ hIs tory ot Mar- and .op prllise lllent ill fil ed . Prtvllta cost s $7 UO; O. W . Mnrrlll & Co cauee I'm never coming back," Insist· tblnlf, whlcb looked like mOnOY, to tbo ket Square church Is rich )\11th In· aale ot per80nal prope.ty III o rdered . s oppllet! tor j l\nUo r .S2 UIi; JOllluh ed Gall, and place one dalnUly shod man with tbe roulfbly bewn count&- stances or its userulness In both the Co Bol br ook fee r ecord lllg deed 650 ' nance, and aa he IItood talklnlf, Rev. tod't. on the stop. mmon Pleas Court J . M. Mulford, Jlostnge 110', Wl\lte; s piritual and the materIal world, with • "Then_f It bavjt.!l!..§!1am9 Sir Wnlter Smltll1lm~dS!l me J..!!J!Qt quite breath• e"ldenlle of Its power tor good, wIth t'lt. J o lln. e 8 ~ e"l e nt for-waterwny uve-STOC'( ANO' GENERAL . Rale,.h,'.' laughed the s ll very·bea rded lessly, but as 1f be bad burrled. $100 : W . C. Gilmo ur, boarding prls . rea· jUstification for tta exlstellce, with The Moson Baok vs. Lee R. Rlln. "I knew ~n wllre bere:' be said, Manning, and, to her gaspIng su rprise, ooer s ' ·!20.63. Bon for itll' acts. You make the com· daH. Cnl!e to settled and dl",mi8sed A UCTIONEER- be caught ber around the wnlst and takln, Gall'8 slunder hand tn hill own: mon mlaiaks or judglog an entire bod)' Contrll o , No, 472 WII S let to Zlll n withqo t re o rd. lifted her aor088 to Ilie door, whereat lben bla eye8 turned cold. Arruitugtl tor b uullllg !!'ravel OD Milto u lind WlltkiDR VR. 'W . C. "You recognized my pInk ribbon trom one autfllee Indlcatlon. Do you BeTBral soiled urchins laughed. and suppose tbere Ie no elncs rlty, no can· King, OILu~e is oon:Jllr uoaiRed lIod Wnynf'svi ll e aud Morrow pike near REAL ESTATe INSURANCE bows." and sbe laughed up at him one vtn~ary·taeed old ~oman grlnned, 'l'urtleci' .. Ie oboroh $39 O. science. no consecration Lo Market • In horrible appreciation. and dropped frankly. "You hIlven't been over to SQuars church'" HLs dsep, mel~ow d ismissed wltbout record. ~-- .~ ~. --Ida 'M. . oUlers V B Walter lil. MlDIlIng ~ tamlllarly respectful ourtsy lina lately." baritone v~brated with the defense of Bomers, UBURe Is dl l!wls ed at' plrlio. .. he pa,sBed. Office in Stoops Building hl8 purpose and that at the Institution tlff'lI oost. "No," be repllec!. ''Will you be at 'About tw ~ years tlgo wben 1 be· Th~ was no one in lbe mission ex· which, ~e rep.r esooted. HWhy do you Vera 1. Gebhard t vs ld" N . Spied gan uslog hH mbefluln 's 'fllble ts J cept a broad'shouidered man wltb • bome this evening? '" "I'll bavo ~ur music seleoted," and, suppose our vestrymen, whone time Is et at CUUfie 18 oompromlsed . had .belln Buffering for aome time roqbl,. hewn tace, who ducked his In the very ,m Idst at her hrlghtness, :ot enormous "a1ue, lind a space amid bead at Manning and touohed bls foreJume,!! Fallen is r O .llppoluted 88 witb ~totnaoll trooble ond obronlo their bus), working hours tor the atCOnl!tlpatlo~. My oondltlon, IOJ ' lIQl;er to lbe 8lde of bls head. He was s be was s topped by ·tbe sudden sam· falrs at Market Square churcb' Why OOU1't Constable. bern ens In the rector's eyes_ placina' buge eoup kettles In their do you s uppose the ladles or our guild, , Pearl LeFe vre VI! ltlLlph LeFevre proved rapldlv throogh \he use of Simple little .conversatlon; QuIte hole. tn tbe c:ounter at the Tear or lbe who have agreeable pureulta for every dlvorve 18 gr~nl~d . CU!ltody of these tabletll. tliD,oe laking fo~r or room, BIleS Manning oalled attention to trivIal tndeed, but It had been attend} hour or tbe da)', gtYe tbelr time to chIldren qrantad plaintiff ex five 'hem &lr8. my Jhohn ealthNe",. hUll- :~-------------"IIJ!I-~----'" fIIJIl ":;'- - _... " ed by much shtltlng tbought. To beoept Ilrs t Is seven daYIl to uf eaoh montb beenbottlee fine, I t of writes this. committee and cbarlty work'" He .gln with, the rector regretted th.e neduring whloh time defendant shall ton, [nlns, N Y . ObllLlnl4blo ev. "A pl'&CtI~1 mission," be explained. ceaslty of disapprovln, of a younll paused for a besltant moment. "Why ''We start tn·b,. ilavlnB the bodies." I!lTywh ere. do you suppose] am so eager for the have tlielr cn st ldy. lady eo undeniably attractive, She "Do you get any rurther'" Inquired ~as a pleaellre to lbe eye and a slim· building. on American soli, or tbo most Tag Gall, glanolng !rom lbe empty benches Real Estate Transfers magnlflceilt house of worablp In the and the atrociously colored "rellglowl" ulus to lbe mind, &,lid always bls flrat world''' ' . Impulae wben he tbought at bor was o. F . W l1linms to Clora.R . WII I ,GaU's pretty upper lip curled. llam8, ilt ai , undiv Ided one.fifth pllrt 10 plaYI~~ 'he game calliid "ele. one of pleallure. .An incident Dasbed to\he 'Nort-llea8t qUllrter of Seo, :l6 phans ~g eaob ohUd takes the "Peraonal ambltlon I" she snapped, back to blm. Tbe night of the tobog· gan po.rty, wben she had stood wIth and. without waiting to see tbe pallor in r. 4, R 4., TurtJeor eek .township, name of an antma)-dog. oat, tanga. roo, pantber or a nything he .wlllhes, ber face upturned; and lbe moonll,ht wbicb struck hla face to stono, she $1. , but one must be t be elephant and gle'a mlng on her round white tbroat. beeled ber way out tbrough tho mud Jo~n W. bbl~whl\n to An~a t5tout one must be the mouse. Th~ elllHe had trembled. much to bla later to h er COUDe. 186.63 ti~Ore8 10 8eotlon, 26, 'I. 6, R. 3, phant tries to oatch 1\)1 thll animals sorrow, as 1!e faetened the scarf about , (TO BE OONTINUED) at exoept 'he monse, aDd the mouse ber warm neck. How ever,~. abe was . - ~. J . F . and L. A l:Iawyer to James trioll to catoh the elephant If the the visIting niece ot one of Iils Yelltry· Ber08w lli aores In Deerlleld town. elophlJnt touohes'one of the animals Of tho elmo Opinion. men. who lived next door to lbe recthnt I1nlmol mullt go Into the menag· Mlldred-"Don't you thlok Miss El. shIp, It. tory. ' Jbcob Kltohell t o Berd Reed 6.93 erie (probfibly the front yard) Be Gall jerked ber pretty bend Im~ lerly looks much younger in her new aores in Deerfield township $1. triee to gel 101\ the anlinl\ls Into the tlenti),. Jt Rev. Smith Boyd meant bat!" Holen-HIndeed I do _ Why, J abo W . I:IhawhllD, ' Admr ., to menagerie without geUlng oaDRht to bo as somber as this, she'd ralber Mildred, It makes ber look. but very A. V . '1od Le8ta 8nook, part of lot by tbe mOUBO. If ~bere are maoy little older than she 8aYI .Ile \8. H~ be'd stay at home. However, be was No. 53 I.n Lebnnon Ohio flOOO ,' "bildren thare oan be two elepbants tbe rector, aneS ber Uncle Jim Wall a ludge. Waltl~r!:lt John to W~rren Conn- al nd two mice. It one of 'he el 'phBntl vestrymnn, and tbey . lived rlgbt nnt o d I t It s,oauiht he II put IDto melillgerie door. ty. hl'~, prlvllege"o r~ n, e 0 p e too, but he oan be resoued If tbe ' In fronl, of farm owned by grantor, other elephant touob bl ,. "You just escapod a blowing up, $100. TI e. m ,-",enBDoctor Boyd," observed "Daddy" Man. . va mell. ning, jolnlnB tbem, and biB eyel M. Corwiu Droke, Admr .• to 08· .... Y~UR twinkled from one to tbe other. "Our oar E . Willillms, eto., the Northeast young triend from tbe West II bllrsb Tbat sluggish liver wUh Its alull'_ quarter of S eotion 26, r. 4, R. 4· , wIth tbe venerable Market Square glib 1l0w of bile la what makes the 116,000. Germl and Infeotlon aggravate ' Ch urch." . world Jook 80 dark It tlmea Ur B. B. Poling to De maS unttery, allmente and retard lieBIIDg, Stop "Ag.a ln?" and Rev. Smith Boyd Wall King'. New Llte .PiIls go IIt ralght t~ ~wo tro ots In 'i'urtlooreek 'owneiup, that Infection at once. Kill the gracious enough to aDitio. "Wbat Ie &he 1'00& of the dlffioulty by wakhig $f. germ. and .ge' rid of the pollone. tbe' matter with It tblB time?" up the .aotloD of 'he liver and In_ The <Jlnoinnfitl Ioe Co.. to The City For th~s Pllrpol8 a lingls application "It 18 not only commerclai, but crlm. creallng. tbe bile. Dr. Klag'e New Ioe Deli very Co ., cf Clnolnnl~tl leal!e ot Sloan '" Liniment not only kill .. lnal.." repeated Manntng, wltli II sly ,Life Pills caule 'he bowels to aot bold to Is everaillore8, lll~d of wbloh t.he j,paln but l1el 'roys tbe j(erWII, smile at Gall, wbo now wore a little ,more freely lind drlvt! aWay thoBe la loolltlld in Bamilton Townithtp. Thill ~eu'rallzee Infeotioo aod alyell' red spot In each cbeek. "mood,. daYI. " 250. a bottle. Warren Couoty, S1. nature- 8111.&,.noe !Jy o-v:erqooilDR (1onle~'IOD ~n~ gl.v~ a ohanoe to~ Rev. ~ml!b BoYd'a cold eyes tUl'Jled • - .. HI Drop~ Bohlnd to Slip 80methlng green •. ao be 'glanced at thlll dartna 'tie free and nOr~ 110w ot 'he KIlling IlIaeelta In 8eed•. . Marrlage:Ucenaes Whloh ~ookod ' Ll,ke Money. bl~. BJOIl.'1 Llnlmeo' I. an emyounl! person. In oireneSlng the 411111ty InJUriOUII Inaects tound in Beedl Ohmer B , Fox, farmer of Miamis- ergenoy' llootor anil Ihould ~ · ltep' pieturee Ob tile waUs to the ' wlndow8. of Markst Square cbul'ilh .be offended Il!ay be . killed wllbout atrecttng the pUt ... blcb eddied a mails ot humanity hi? own. . germlnaUng Qualities of lbe leed by burg. tl) Evangeline ' RoanaBle, of oonl"'ntl1' OD band. 250.. GOo. The aU-but'·.ullmer.ed In hope l essne8s. . 'Wbat would you have UI do'" he. treatment wltb hydrooyanio acid gaa Spring bora. Re v. J. , B. Fitzwater. 11.00 lize oOnulo. liz 'Imlll .. l'Duob Tboma8 M. Bllny, laborer of M~d'l &8 tbe 250. . . In a vacuum chAnlbAl' . "Sometltnee," replied MailDlng. quJetly uked. '; d I eto w D, a nd Pearl M argatflt KID. '!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!~!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!! .,avoly. "I have-aeen a 80ul or two "Retire frow ' b\1l1lnel ..• ahe In. v n bere. It III because of these two tormed h1m, nettleeS by the IOvel1 .• • ;~r , of Morrow, "ohn Trovlllo, J . 9r lbree poaelbllltlell tbat the mission Bneer at her youth aDd Inexperience. I, kcpt UJ). It mtgbt lntereat YOU to ' Sbe laid asIde au." perplulty tor ' R oy B,. Schnell , ~ormer to Mildred Well ViDol Mfio Malrllb , botb of , Pleailan& PlatD. , .Kide Strong, 1019'fI that Martet Square chul'ilh future solution. In mOipenta lIloh al . . lbll the rector was ta:r from mini.. . R e v. J . Ili. lj1jtzwa ~e r. Wayoeaboro.Pa, _u ,I 'W1III·all run do'l"ll ~~~=~~~~=::::~~!!!!!!! ahJer tert.l, anel he eSll~ed a quickll... to Dr. BeU :s Pine.Tar-Boney whloh Albert, T, BrlOte, laborer ,of Mid. after a hard Iil"ll of broDehiti. '.~ it 1\'_ 'Quite out of prOportion' to tlJe goee &0 die very root of oold tron blel! hard for me to keep about. I hlid pain! aPP¥8Ilt eaDle. "ne _holti trouble It oleal's 'bit throat and Rlvel relief dletowD and Susie lAmb, of Frapk. in my cheat IUld took cold easily'. A II" . l~e 'v J . B . FUzwder, wllb\, MaTket Square chUrch I. tIIat r~om~' ollollled and tltlllJed feel· frieDd.uked ms to t17 Vlnol. I dId and they bYe no 'Oo4. fte oreator bas f g. e p n" bave eyer been the it built me up 10 I am Itrong and well Commissioner.' Prcx:eedlogs been recluwcl to. formula." fiend of mao 10 drlvlog aWAY ooldl.'. and I am a\J18 to do my boUl8wOrit whleb DaddJ' Mannina DVed lb. rector the Moreover, tbe pine housy qUIIIUles Appltoll tionll for blind paneioDI I h~ DOt done for tJiree monthl before takrq-VIDol."- Mrs. Y. R. Hoa"In ~_wer ' are peouJlarly effttO&hr.e 10 fighting ha ve beeD reoelV d. WaJD8lboro, PL "l'OIl'n ~ aoaraIlIat," be' (lbl1drell'l .o oldl Reme~ber thU .. Several . oontrl8o&l were BOUGH. Vinal ciiiatlll UI appetite. aIdI digea. oIIarp4 Oall. . oold brakeD ., ahe Itar' grea&ly realao' 8DI~.r.tt1 don, makea JIlIN 6rood and ere&teI :~.:~ poeIlbUJa, of oompUoaBlaD ItiniJpb; . Your mone, back if ~ j
. .
\ T
Big Bargain of the Season Read This Carefully
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N. Sears «
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i . B. IAQDEN ~ CO.
E\' ER
IN WAYNf,SVILLE _ . ~ _._
-"1 '
.. ,
Pu hll,hdt\ .Wookly at Wayuoaville. Ulllo WIl alTer r)ue Huudr~d Dollois Re wa rd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ (Clr !lOY CIIM: of Cuuirr h Ihat C:lollul bt ~y Hull's Ca larrh Ou re , tl. L. GR Ato/E. Ed itor and ~nnger H a ll's ('fl ln r rh Cll re h llK hCEOII tak.. n by lurrh RulTerero lur I h" pnsl thirty-five .=-~-ycors. a nd has become known a s th" 1lI0i t Ootoblli' 13, 1915 rclinbl~ remedy lor C.. lsrrb . Hall's Ca_ turth Cu re acl., Ihroul:h lbe Blood o n the MncelUs s urfCIrce. eli llelll nl( t he Poi!!Ol1 I fO lD t!lI' Hlood Clnd helding Ule diSOl1sed pur-
An Introduction
Wunl t il knew n foll ow wbo C It U d c, qui t o II lot fOl' vlJu? S ure l lllouoduoe vou - be . ~llnd M rig ht t.here 'hefllr e Y(JD,BOe P I n the mirror ? Evory day Bto ill with yu u a ll yo or w" y .
Ou Creat Money-Savin
1'ho llomo
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Old subscribers, by pay ing thc amount In arrears and one yea r in adva nce, Olav take ad vantage of tiiis grc8.t money- aving offer. The combined circulation of THE NEW WOMAN 'S TRIO is n early three million l;opics e\'ery month.
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Illvoly mU8L lio"",,, 10 0 110 u(hJI'I¥8-no ~
. BY JESSE TAYI.OIl . '~itor of1Jetter Ro.a.ds and
Ml HOllY
Alrcnt for Kelly·Springfield AutvmobiJc TirelS
Corwin, Ohio
In the Un ited State. T here ,. a Re· Valley Phon versa I 0' t he' Co nd iti o".
. - 1X
In the United Sta tes as 1\ whole tho number of males is 2,692,288 in H. fJA"'lJAWAY excess of the Ill! m ber o'f f l'm II leB, th VI 11 l ne.4VilIe '1\ l,oarUu" n nt ll' r atio Jx>ing l Oll mol L'S to 100 f males. Mll.ln 13t In most European countri es 0. re- Offioo 'in KaYIl BldK. versc sit.uation prcvu.il s. J n England nnd \Vnl 8 tho llumber of mnll's to 100 femnl es is Dil ly !I:~ . 7· in Fmncp, !H1.7 ; in lire (I e rr llll u empir\), 97 ; in Iully, nO.ii, and in .nll · ia, !lB.\). Funeral Director. Th o excc~s of mnlcs in the U niie.-I Stnf t's iR chi efl y on,' t" exicnsi l'O im· Tolophone day or night. m ig ration, 1\ mu ch Irtrgcr pr portion Va lloy ph one No. 'I . Long of the i nlln ig nll1 ts being mnles than . Dlstnooe No. 69-2r. fom llles. I n HJOl', for "x!lIl1plo, nut of n to ta l imllligmt io n of 1,'285,3'11), Aut o m o bile Serv ice at all T imes ouly 355,373 Werl' fmlllllea. . OHIO Among th l ri811 born, howel'cr, WAYNESVILLE, t he females outnumber the mal es in Branch Office, BarveysburK, 0, 0. ratio of 100 to 8 2.6, tho explana. tion b 'Ing the Inrge unmber of Irish g ir ls who come to the United Stntcs to engngo in I\om 'stio work. .
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are tTouhled with beanbum __ and a dia\reued feeliol alter ...linR takn
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T HE ~E W W ~I)M AN '8 T RIO 3 ~o.t Monthly !lfaga.ln rQr WOOl-
Alter y u h nyc l nken Hull's Co larrh Cure fo r a . hart 111Dt!' y(>u will see • great improvemenl in you r g. neral health. Starl InkluJ! I-loll's ~u1nrrh Cu re at once a nd gd rid 01 (·111arrll. Se nd fur to;st imon Wls. ' r('c . . II. J . CH q EV!& CO .• Toledo. Ohl . -
rmd 1J18et your Relf, 'lad , ke you ga.y Qr ~ "d . Her An ~ wh on ttOmot!llllK m ust bo done , }lrst Picture Show Be 's the ·oue· Tbut ca n 0 0 It wUlI n vi m "Graolous, IBn ·t I' dnrk ' " mutIf you 'lI hut bolleve In h i m! tered old Mrs . Glmps, as 'he olnema aUeudanoe with one strenk of his elllot rio lam p ahowed h er a lIeat·. Loosening her bonnet.strln gs, Mr ~ . G. t ried to penetrnte the surround. Ing gloom . "liow d 'j OU like It, grandma ?" Inq uired her yoon~ grondllon, wh l) 111111 boldly 1\000mp'lDied 'he old lady on .this, her initiation io$o th e glu. monr of the HIm. " 'Sh-'lIh I" wat! 'he grandame'8 only anlwer.' 8e veral times be essayed to Bound her BS to her ImproeslQo of t be bu t was ,Hternly made to his "eaoe. On r o"ohlng home he told bls mother 11011 that bad IlaBsed. "Didn't you OILre tor It, mother ?" abe Inquired of Ihe old lady. . .." Yes, my delu," said Mrs. G., "but, wbat with the boy tfilkln~ and me gottlng a bit df'ar, I oouldn't hear a word they said !"-8t. Lou!8 Globt;l.Demoora •. (JO UI B
''But riches do not bring happiness l" protested t he lover. "I know that," r IJllod tho sweot young thing j ''but riches will buy 1111 automobile, n.nd if you havs all automobilo you cell go nfter hnppineas."
All Kinds of
InSURlIneE A. B. Chandler
Tbe oounly oommll8loDerS may 0_ I f I" .. d d Su~r to "Science states tho t there are .,zens ka , .en Will New"or t, of .Le banon, wo~D In 'fhom-w 8 Haley haD a let tho work al a wbole or la 000- 'hoo'\'era U II'0 oor t 110Ir 0IaSI d e r ~ been Vilit'w- .. I ' I • e .. am .OD wee an re t 01'ln Mond .. y, W m. Baley and famt·ly. 10,000,000,000 mlorobes on a dollar von en. s80t 001 ao m.y be deter. ted • t'· d F. E. SHERWOOD mined. They flhall award Ibe oon- por a grea. a ... D anoe . Cha._ Penoe, Jr" w bo Is attending Mr • . Martha. OUngb.m and Mrll. bill ." tuot &0 'he 10'1981' and bell, bidder. Fred Sbane 101t anutber horso last lohool at Deloware, met tile Boring. Marie Sha w )lave been vleltlng a' <r And yot wo tj:Jink com petition is Qver PoStolJl~, Waynesville, O. week making seven Sin04l AnSDIt bora dolegatlon at Springfield Bun. Spring Vlllley . HOI. PbODt 0the 8tb. Thlllia a very great losl to day, tlamuel Jaokson ia worJrI.DD a' fierce in our own 'sphere of exist- OfCIce Phone 77 our. aDd Mrs. Ed Mullin aud " ence." Before entering In,o a oon&raol blm, ~hle being hll fint yoar In JD Corwin tor Leon Salsbury. Th .! ooullty OUIDlnlsllonen may 'b- ooun&y oommt·al 0 re eb II .. tarmlDg • " ... 0 e a r . . . . da,oghter !£dOli, of Dayton, were t h e a8fl1lll8 t he 'utal 0 011' and expens911 of qolre • oontrllolor to execute a bonrl 'rhe raoes a~ Ea8t Eod park Satur- gtlests of trlends h ere Sunday. Mrs. John Morgan and-dAugbters NO CHANCE FOR AN ARGUMENT. IIl'ld Impro vemoot agulns' tbe 10111 payable to the At .. te of Oblo. Suoh day WIIS B failure as 'he.r have been are visitIn g ber moth er . and laM;' looated withIn 'wo mlleti bond IIh1LlI be oooditioned tor tbe " II lummer, very dl aoourag I'nK t a oalled Mablon Griest, Neb ., MftS t er Ob ar 11e L uoas I8 v ISl·tl ng on Mr. and Mofil'S Omabn, , U. Welllll-st "Aller all,' remnrk ed Mrs. Gudof olther 'Blde of s~ld Improvemenl, payment of all matorlal and III bar 'he dlreotors and all oonoerned. Mr. Amoll J aokson. abou t, "homo Is the dearest spot Oil y IIcoording to ,he beoefi t8 relluUtll1,( furDlsbed for or ueed tn Lho oon. Mrs. William J ones lind AOO 'wllre Tbe blUlll ball game d t hle ploce TIJlUrRda . ' hereto, IItrootion of tbe road for wbloh s~ob played Sonday with 'be Edenton udHh Githens spen t t he week recen t guests of Mrs. Am ps Jaolr8on. i!Il'th." "It is," onsll' 'r c1 Imr ·hIlSbltl.ld, leam, ,"0 finlBh up a "e whlob was end wIth her aunt Mrs . C. Early, at Ed d B 1 0 I L G oontraot III made. Middletown. ' . war 1\ ey, nv d OOIlS, uy A portion (f the OOIlW and e][. 'h , hi h b II , made abon& three' Reeks ago, an"d re ~ . Ohenows\b, .lobn LUOIlS, DlxoD wh o wos busy auditing .tho IlOn_ • ereo ,w " no ex The board of ooun t y oOr, lmle . aulIed In I avor a f B IIneys burg 10 Mr. and Clee<lone-half, sh .. li 0beI Ipaid 00' ot . Mrll . E . Wood wa rd a nd Wharton and wire wore XenIa vlslt- b~, tbo proclledl of any levy or levies IIl0uener. m.y elthmd' a propodod to 7. . falDlly wore In MI(l d lotown Wed· f orI! IMt wBok, . ----------for road pnrpotleM upon 'be grand rOlld Improvemen, low or tbrough Amos Ellis wae a Queen .Clty vl8- n~hI\Y' d /lid N 11 . t W d E l m e r Pr&. tt Ie visiting his mother. 'he (.' o uuty, Ilnd tbe a monlolpalUy when tbe oonsent 01 Itor 8nDd1lY. v os , an.,. u spen e n es. dupllOllto lIf Read the Mia mi balance of 'he ooalll Bud eXJlOliS8S 01 'be ouuDoll or said municipality h"A MI@8 ComptoD, one of oor teaoh. day ~n Middletown . In:amDI!I Bb~w is siok at t blll writ Mid Improvomunt, .sball be ll88tl811ed been first obta~'led, aud auob OOD- erl, apent ijdurday and Bundayat Mr. and Mn. P . Breh m ",nd Mr . . upoo auti oolleot6il from $p e owners aellt l'ball be evidenced by tlle prop . ber home in Loveland. and Mrs. M. J . Fur motored t o Earl Marlatt Is h ome vlall ing biB or-real &It.. .Uua~ wltbln one er 10,IIIIIltlOD of tbe oon noU of aald Mr. and ),In. ThaI!. Whet.el a'r e Middletown Wednesd ay eve lng, fo t h er . Olassified Ads balf mile of eltber Iide of ~Id hD. muulolpat"y entered upon Its reo 8pendiDK leveral days In tbe Gem Mr, aDd Mrs. J.Ohll Momure fOn Ullvid LuOlls ' h IJlIse burned and . . . ,. IIrovemen\, In propor'lon to tlie oord. CUy. and daughters and Ann&. Hormell nearly every IIrtlole . ............. benefita aooruin, &0 8uobreales\a~ Tb.oounoU of the lIIuololpalUy 'J.'be l!It.ork hall again Vl8i$od 'ble we,re In Middle town WednlledflY 'l'homlls 0111 and family lire visit FOR SALE .a cetermlned by ... Id oommll8loDerl mull' approvo luob pillDS, epeolfica. commnnlty bringing to Mr and Mrs . .e,\,eniu g. Ing J.osh B ollaod and wife, "ODS. prot1lee, Or08I1.800\lon.s a':ld el Horace St;ump a flne girl baby both Mr. and MrB t G. Bel)k, Miss Lorett a RU8sell Morgon 18 visiting Lewis .. ... "__ d b II "- dolug well, The father Ie very BathawllY ana Mr. and Mrs . Milo Murra y . 'l'he oouoty oowml..lonor8 maw •• ma ...., an .uo ooUIIO mayen..,r d f h'.. .. 'b J I • e , -i'h 'be bo rd of pron 0 .., urB orn , Beck were In Mlddle towll Wednes Mllry !\!oore 18 a Xenl n. visi tor. Ty pe Polrmd Ch\DII plgl!, m llol!)!.' amaee 'hB '""A'·l 001' and eXp9neea ttf. n.a ,aareem In 10.... . . .- 'ba Th e 1p980h m ad e b y RI 0h man iI ,lay evening. lI """ • . and gilts ; also tIo re w y~ ar l\ n " l\ , a,ainl' 'he o-nerl oouo y OLmm 18 nen." "" e p . IU. P H" ~ t Leba Tn " tbe Im "·o-emen· ,' " . ' ~ lo'h -- ._.. • d f 81fton o""on. non es1 0 'b I d f ' AI , 'fb ese' nr e ~ Ir ed by a lion of Byron, of re"l esta\e l.xlateti withlu one 01. e eaa.ma-.. 00II. an expeDae 0 day nigh'. Oo~ober btb, wall Jlstened na ear. o. Ie on rlenul Lli the g rent breeding hog of E Gratmile or t"o miles, WI 'ho .pe\l'loDore Aid ImprovemoD' 'hat II kt be paid k> by Rome of our oltlzens. ,. They Lebanon Wednesday. L L. $ar of Iowa, 0 . 15. MllxweJl , Wnyn ep~ AND ALL rH£ FAMILY ,may . reqt;lOll~, from eUher Ilelo or by 'he m~ololpaJl'y . wen' frem aU over Ibe oounty, and IUr, ond Mrs. W . ~'bee<8 a nd sons vllle, R. 1. 0~7 termlnulof ...Id Improvement,. ao. 'hoee who did not ho.r blm were spent Suoday wl$h relatlv~8 1101 I w\ll olfe r at Fu hitc sale at m y oordm .. Tbe bOard of oonuly 0 the . loerl. Never m ' ISII hm-rlng Ridgevllla resldenoe. 2y' m iles e~s' of Wayn6s t:'OR SaIR- 0 De re " w t he benefiu rOlu"lng , ," lIuob nal ,,\ate; or Ibey mav ..... aloller. lany ooon'y b.ve him If In your power to prevent. jib, lind Mrll. A. Easton, Chll8. ville, on th e WaY0l'svllle and Bnr C . lIot &0 ellqead one ha.lf o~ the 00II& &0 oonltruo~ a Dubllo 'T_rH~lntD1rr -l Our t1Ule olty was well repreaent. EoetoD , wife Ilod eOD spent tiun.iay veysburg pike. known 8 S tbe Gillum 6 elred 80ws, ono B r llglaiered and'expenl8801 luob Improvtlmen' out and a now , or eel a' Xenia '. fall festlvalllL8t week. at ~prlngfield tbe gOBsts ot lJr. and farm, 0'0 Ubina Sow. F. (J. ThomnA, Route 1. ' . Friday, October 15, 1915 Spring Valley, Ohi o. Dpon 'he owner. of real ' 88ta'e sl&- Improvlug, reoonltruo~lng, or re, IIlvtlrybocly and all of their reilitivee Mfa, John iCo.ston'. a.,ad· wltbln one-ball mile of either palrlo, an exls&lnl pnbllo road or were in ,,'&ondance 1'0 you may Mrs. C. Crolley en tert ained bel' Beltinnlo g at 10 o'olook tbe follow ' Papul., MechanIcs M•••zlne stde or tlrmlnus ot I!Alei iwprove- part tberoof by' gradIng, paving, IInow there were .ome people. 'notber, Mrs Chlls. Bell l .y of Mor._ Ing property : 8 horses. II Cat\.le. OG- Poland-Cblna Male h og, a e No. CHICACO • men', In proportion to tbl! Mnedu dralnlug, drBllll1" gra'\'ellnR, mao- there. ' row and her sister, lIf rs. Mel vin 1 tlow wlt.b \JIg, dlle to farrow las t good ono. Oall 21.2X Har. Mr, and Mrs, J08. Davia moved Snydor, at Lebanou 18~1!' Wedoe8day. of Ootober , 7 head young Ewe@, veysburg. IIOOrulug to suoh real 0IIt.a\e al de. adamlll:log, rOIlurfaolng or applyIng, or call on Frank Ruddook, .ftrmlned b" oommla.·loner. , dU8'• nreventtUv88, or by otber'lll7 . 188 Into tbe Wal&er Gra, property made - , ,8-id .. litre. Martha Bonnl,ll llpeot-rrhurs- !'"rmlng Implementll . BarveYlLburg, Ohio. 013 whlle 'ho remalnd"r' of tho 0011' and Ill!provlng tbo I8me, vaoan' by Jobn W. llarteook. day with her nepb"w at Middle. 8eebis bills fQr terms. ald The "me Is nBfPtr when we w\ll tOWtl. J ohn Woollard . ou$ of 'h.e ,expenBe811ball be V pure-bred :a· year old Bull. For proceeds of any levy or levies for Tbe filing of a petl'loi!. IIlgned b~ have a new telephone lady in oharge Mr. atld Mrll. C. Blookford and Wm . 14il1s, Auot. further Information. Inqulro rOad purp08es apon 'be ' irand du- at leasS _ftUf .o~e. por OODt 01 tbe of our exohauge , family, of Red ,LIon spent tlunday W. E , O'Neall, <Herk of M. W. Silver, Wayoesvllle,. Ohio. plloate of tbe oouoty . lan40T lot 'owOerl, rellden\a 01 a Samoel 8~Oops has Bold hll tamlly wUh tbe former'a !l1otber, Mrs E. 013 GIVEN QUIOI' RELIEF county. wbo are to be 1p6(1lelly ,axed horae to Roy Early, of near WU. Billokf ,,·d. I will 8ell d Publio AuotloD a\ my Red Yearling Male BOK, In For abe purpoee of provl"lng by or all8.lIId ~or IiIIII i~'provement, mlngton. . • lilts. Cnrl, of Jamoe'own, Is visit- home .OU t.he Wayuesville and Pa in leaves a lmoot prime oondltlon, For intor. &lnalon" fund for Ihe paymea' of wl,h 'ho board. ot oO~'f oommll. Bern Dakin, of Lebanon, Is doing Ing Mr•. Ida Chrlstopber. as if by mag ic woo ~ C1arkevllle l'ike one mile l outh of J'ou beGi n usiog ufi.. tho'countY'1 portlou of the OO!I~ anti IloDen, will ma~e bDomp'!!I.~~ylor a area' olo'hlDg bnalnMI io ,bis . . . d" W ·W · 'ilk a d Waynesvllle station, on . . mlltlon call at the GMzette ·ot1lce. Drops." rhe famo ~ol rl 01 3 ...r. n IIIorl. . ' erSOD I! expoqeeiOf oonstruotlng, improvln,; the commilliooin to act ",Uhln viol Thursday,Octobcr2l,1915 remedy {or R hea ma~alntalillng, drallli-.gand repalrlq IIx&y daYI, . . . . . W.lnter II 110' hand and we are not· Oaoar Clevenger alld wife lpent l ism. L um b:lgo, Goul, Three BorseA, 15()attle ,11 kSbeep, rilllrda 'he coolity commlsetonere are 10 a 'polmOD to aooept it. but I' has Wedne.day e'\'enlng at Mlamllburg. 001) Apple Bntter, mnde 'trom Scintica. N eura l gin Impleme~te , VehloleJ and t:Iarn_. good apples. Inquire of Mn. I. a1ltborlZQd '0 levy a \ax no"t ex~ad, Tbe oouuty oo..~ll8lopere may, come to s\ay jUl' tbe Mme. • - • lutcl kindred Icoubles. 'fermI made known on day of la\e. Satterthwaite, Waynesville, Oblo. III, two mUll upon each dollar of 'h~ with the p'i'"!n&a, lo,n of a petl~loo, Cha• . Edwarda. II oreotlnlJ at his BBY I t goes r ight to tho J. L. Meodedhall. 020 , taublo property Of 'he said oouo'y. take tbe Oecl8llaw:y , ~Cept '<' oon beauUfulluburban bome a garaRe. WHEN A HAS THE GJlo!, slops tho ach es C. 'f . Bawl<e, Auo.~. nnel pa ius und makes -Said levy.ball be 14 addltiOD to aU struet, Improve or repati a pnl!lIo IIr. Edwardl bellevea In 'he old When a mothor ISI.wakened from subsorlbtlr'8 to tbe Mocall '8 W. E. O'Ne!lll. Clerk. life worlO living. Get other levlea , authorlzed bi la" fo~ l'OI\d or 'a pan 'herea.1 upO,n ' tbo ..ylo, have the oage be~ore you ga' soUDd Ileep to find her oblld "ho .Mngazlne. Send 350 '0 'he n ha llie of "5-Dr~" ,." ... ...__ .~ ' rOad . purpot!8II, "buS 'aubjeo' '0 'he pllBaalle 01 a reaolntl'on \.7 UUt nl. tbe bird. He will Boon have ~he has gOlle 10 bed apparently In tbo U"zett ! office, and get one of the tod uy. A booklot \~ ilh A. I am going to qni& forming I bes~ magazines on ea.nh. Ilmlta*lon on .he .oomblned malti moul. vote deol.;rtng a ,;.Dooeilny' 8anllo and Ulen he will go' 'hO, beat of health ,'rug8'1iog fOr broli$b " each boltle gives full mum rate ·for an taxes oow,lo foroe. therefor. automobile · she Is 'naturally alarmed. " Yet ' if wtll otJer f ,lraale on tb, Jobn Sml\h (lirCC l io os for use. farm 1 mile west of Mt. Hollv, and Prqf. anil Mn. Lewtl How., (If she Clan keep her pr'B8enoo of, milld Doo't delay. Demnnu. 3 miles north of Waypesville on 'he Bablna, aDd Mr. aod Mn. Lewil and alve Chamberlain's Coogh Rem ' ·5-Drops." 0 00' ( ncCIDER MILL cept lUIythlog e lse io' ~_n, of Jetfenonvllle. were Suq edy e'\'ory \en minu'l,. until vomit- old State Road, on pli,e9 o( it. o!\n"d..... day .U8l'~ of Mr, aDd Mrl, J. ),lllaon InK Is produced, qUIDk relief will . Wedne!lday, October 27, 1915 "i.l enn aupply ,.ou. )£ you live too far Bowe. lollow and 'he oliUd will drop to Uommenolng at 10 o 'o1ook a. m. 'he ILL run Wedneldays,1teaoh \ . >rJ a drug store send 0 0" Doll ar t o Mr.· aDd' Mu, Wm, Wrlsbt., of atoop to awak'e n In tbe morning al folloWing property :' Ii hOrll68, 10 ;week and otbe~ daya If neo. :" ·."IIIJI'" I hcoma tic Cure Co., Ne.wark. Wllmln,*C?n, were Sunday' vlalton welt aa eye!;'. ' 'l'hll rl,~edy hae been oatile, 211 boga, farinlnglmplemony, _ary. Mullen & Son, Ferry,Oblo. c,)!" o. alld :L b~·t1 u of "S-Drops" ",.\1 be olMn. WrI,b". mo.ber, Mn. lUI. In n •• for Illany yean wltb nnUorm honlehol4 goods, . Ter'llll made ""at pr~ p nid. • . • tf dnd J:aalo. , . a1lOOllll8. 9btalnable nerywbere. IIDQwn OD day of ...le. Jease '3ml*b . Preaohloi .t the M. Jil. churoh • - • B~J, Ooiober 17. Come oot &U~•. .' 'nloa, Dill, Auot. /Ii. K•• n Clrtllo. bear ReT. Walker, Small BO)'-" Let'a &0 tbTOgp the Having deolded qolt farming I caIDPIlII: there'a 8Qulfrell lUl\l-lota ot will .ell at publlo auu"on a& my tunD)' thlDp In there."-YaJlI a-rd. CIIAIBERLAIN'S COUSH r6lltdenoe on . ~be OrOllly p1Aoe 2y' IGutb of Centerville, 011 'he ::==~~~~~~~~=~~= milQI D!iytoD and Le)lanoo pike, 00 All kinds of Spouting and Roofing .. Lu' wlll'er I ueed a boule of Tbuntday, October 28, '1915 Obambtorlaln'l OoUlh tMmlllY for and Furnace Repairing Donea. Beglnnlng at 10 o'olook, the folbad bronohlal ooulJb. I f4tI' Itt 101oYiD1 property kl-w1' : 2 bOreN, \~=~~~ lmmedlate1, "nd beco!!., ·f arm lmplemenu, 165 .hook. . '1 bad blebe4 '&b. boUle J' w.. of OoJD-, hOUlflbold podl. TerDUI 0Iln4 1 D • • •'tlN of recommend. mada IID~ OD da~ 01 tala. IDa '!all ~'10 my ftl_de" I'raDk A, BeftJ' SHOP NEXT TO SHeRWOOD'S QARAGE PIIONB Shop N.xt to 8h.rwood'. ln _ . . . . . liN, WtllIae Btllb" it. W. N.1IIan, .A-. W.,., 1iatJ. O_.1M MW1The o.o uol.y ouwmisilloners ma7j 1llIII8IIa the '"t,,1 0011\ and expeos811 or .... I!A la ~ lUpr ;) V em 8 0t agll IOltt , b e 1ao .... 100ft tell wl t.hin ons mile of eitber IIllto of IlAld ImprovolneDC, nooording 10 the boneH ~1! r08uUlng, tbere&o.
.. .. ~
- - - - -- - - _ --
For Father and Son
Pain.tiug; Paper . J:langing, Auto ~d Carriag~
WaJDesvi11e, Ohio
a ••••••
J . B. 0baJalua. CIer~..
f t . MlAIiI
'fBl1~;';'~~f" ."d Bl' 'k' 'I L~~~ -EY!~J . .
W ynes vllle, Oh io
Agent fo.. ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles. Nassau Tlle~, Tubes and Reliners.
-------~' lOYAl DAUGHTERS
Miss Helen Richardson of Dayton I . ' .Mi s Ifvnri l~tta Mc l InRey ente r· wo ~ t he g uest of Mrs. i ulia erlla~ IlIllned a ..mal.l (,I.mp,' ny at clIl'fla ' . Th ursdRY CI ,· II I11g' . several dllYS tll8t week.
Mr. an.1 Mr>'! OWl"n J . [lurn ten· Mr. and Mr . urI Hawk e. of Day· ton , were the Sunday ' guests of Mr, t.ertained at rl in n r SundRY. Mr , anil Mr~ . Wi:1Grlls uy a nd P:dlVt\ru :quir es and Mrll.J , C. Hawke. f DU),\.on. Mr . [llul .iII Tll J ohn 1< in· Mr . and Mrs. C. o. Be ntl y left d/'r, Mr . ami Mrs I,'ra nk Kinder anli this m orning to s penli B ou pl q of dau~h te r &l ith un d [)()ri~ , of Frank· lin , 1r. and Mrs. Frank Burnet. Mr . davs at t he Lancast er,. Oh io. f air . Rnt.! Mrs. Mi llo n 1\(· :! Rnd Warren Mrs. Lizzie Kauffman, of S iR Keys . of Cen tervi ll e. Mr. an d Mrs. prings. Ohio, hUll be 'n viiji l ing Sumul'l ilull e rwnrt h und Gi lber t Fry a nd Mrs. 1\1111el Dinw idd ie and fri ends here f or the past ! t:Jw dll s. Camily. Model 35-$1095 Model 33- 1 i5 For Auto Livery, call on Geo. J . J Mrs. Fru nk Zdl l'lI t l' r ta in ~1 a few Mod el 38- 1976 Model 34895 Lew is "VJ"--$1600 Waterhouse. Phone 54- 2Y. . fr iends Tu esday aft 'rn on in honor Mod I 40- 1396 lIf odel 35 A 1015 ed. r ~· ~ h , i ~ lealling f or Be for e you buy you r win ter hat. of Mi see Levicy & Howe . They have a a pro l o n~ed uliscnco an d 11 1 ~o mel't new milliner, who will trim your hat Mrs. C. E. Loui • . of Dllylon. who is visit ing h ere. who I:mny yea rS 1I1Z'0 right . lived he re . Th C'~(' pres nt we re Mesdam es Mary Lo uis . (layton; Alice The regu la r meeting of lhe W. C. McKins ey . 1. . 1> , L:bg tt . Ra\!hel T . U. will be held a t t ho res idenct! of Keys, S L . Curlwl'ig-h t , J . fl . F un· MJ'II. J . W. White, next Wednesd ay , key. J . H. Sm ith. ;co Zell. C. 'J' Octl'ber 20 lh . A fu ll attondance is Ha wke. E-I . K Ila th u\\,[IY. Eva J OI\ C~. desired . J . E . Janney, j~ W. Ha wke. M i ~seR Lilly Ned ry . I, iz;,,;c Merr il t anu .. At Home" cards were r eceived Belle 0' Nt!all . he re this morning , ann ouncing the S il! 101 of Fine Peaches for Can · marr iaJ{e of Raymond J. Wi llia mson nim!. the uest of the s "ason t o Miss Hazel Mae Houser . a t Cleve· and Ijric p right . land, October 12. 1915. The happy co up le are on t heir w ay to Waynes· New Pancllkl! Flou rs and Karo ville, where t heir ma ny fri ends will be g lad to extend to tl-tem thei r hesl M. E CI-IURC H \ N New Oa ts \ wishes . . ------. ~ -----Sunday morni ng lI'ill be th e ti me of Pure Cid er Vinegar , Moore's llT. lau nchi nrrr l. f our Forward Move· GWloline . Celebrated Riley Day ment a mpni gn. E ve ry m mber and fri end uf ch urch should be present Freah Roasted Pean uts. lb. l Oc (n the evening t he third of the J a mes Wh itcomb Riley 's birthday ..eries of sermons on Chr ist '!l la t say· Ne w Raisi ns, pkg .... ..... .. .... l Oe was celebrated by the Co rwin·School ing's from the cr oss will lie preached Octobe r 7, 1915. While the f1 f1g was ubj ec t • . , r lrte Las L Charge of AffecKiln D ried Corn Meal being raised, the pupils and tellchers t ion ." T!le public is g iven a cordial stood by and sang th e songs, " Salu \.(' invitati Bulk Mince Meat on t o. a tlenti t hese se rvices. to) Thy Flag." "The S tar Span~l ed Cla rence S. Grau er. Pas tor . Payinll 27e for Eggs to·day Bann er " and "H u rr ah f .r t he Schools of Ohio" They then marched into ] t pays t o trade at the school h,ouse where a ve ry nice FRI EN DS ORTHODOX CN ULCH Y ou might imagine that every program was rendered. Each one SIl 11.] ay Sc hool a t 9:30 a . m , P reach · was cheered after reciting. Both union suit j about like every teachers gave a very ni ce talk. and i ng at 10:!l1l am . by the pWlt~ r , other uniOJl su it- and not we were very g lad t o know that ChriRtian En deavor meetintr at 7: 00 p. m . Quaker Study Class at p. m. m uch choice betwe n them. James Whitcomb Riley was s till Iiv· E ve ry bouy is cordially invited to Ing on hiB sixty second bI rthday. But an inspe<:tion of a Supert hese services. Josephine Harlin ior Union Suit would show Ma ry Martin, Pastor. Thelma Hardin
-, ZIMMERMAN'S' Fancy Peaches
T Loyal Daughte r' CI!IS! of tlte bristil\n church held their regul a r o nthly class meeti ng , Fr id ay e ven· ing . 0 tober lh . at tho home of Miss Grace arm an . l'h memlJers r ponded tl) roll cull by lfiyi uSl somo I; urrenl ev ·nt. '1'he businCl!S ~ Ci!8 i o n th n followed . 'rhe claas hlld mad tl B pl E.'dge of $l li. and ha vi ng raised chat I.\mou n t th ey Illude a n ther pled"" of $10. The 1 rOll ra m fo r th e evening was t hen tnken up whi ch cons ist ed of re~ din gs and music Miss Carman a nd Mias Tu rner gave a selection on the piano and ,mu ic was also furn ished by Mr. Car man. Mias !I Carman and Turner, Six R'uest s w ere J1r~en t at th is meeting . Dainty retre~hm e n \.s were jj ' r il ed by t he hostel . Th nf'"", (t cl ass meeting will be held with Mrs. Wa lter' Elzuy t he s econd Friday eve ning in Novem· be r.·
Underwear or "Superior"
you a great diff r nee-a difference, in qualit y of ftibric and in finish; in fit, comf-ort and serv ice. And such a difference to make t he ordinary kind, usually sold you at the s~me. price, look like a left over. . Why buy mere underwear? lnstead ; buy
Superior The Perfect UnIon 8ult
- can't gGp i n. the eeat -- can" mtll,oh n or bin -aIUXl1/8 fi ts perfectly al~ WQ.t/B Thus you get "mind ease " and "body comfort." . There is no more "fitting" time to buy Superiors than rig ht now. Come in.
WaYnC\JviUe, Ohio
THE MAIN STREfT GARA6~ Is now fully equipped to do Livery Wotk. We will take you on
Any Road Any Place Any Time
Give us a call and you will fi nd our prices are all right .
-- - _.- ---
('.(IrinLlt MI... _" I lUll a city tax collector Ai:la Bl'''t!nty. four yean of age. J W811 in II wl'llk . 1'U~:.doWli c:onditlorl. II)' ~~ftt w id me .bout VlooL I tItt'd It and I" • wl!ek noticed conaldertIble impl'QY('m .."t . I oontlnued ItIl l1.li8 _llOWlhav .. gai;"t.od.twent,y~in alp," and (. 1 much atJOnger. 1 COII.w.rVlntll.1I11 kJ!IlftlOereatu tNactb
~iii~~_w •
We wan l horses 5 to 10 yr a rs old , h ig-ht I ;j . l to Hi hands, weig iltlO()O' , J(iOO poull d s~ We will :1 1.(1)11 . Mllll's a nd Horse fo r. the .. ollthcrn T ra tl~ (ally c( lor for : lltlll1 l' 1'I1 borses) . Don·t. he a fra id to bring your 110l'Sl'" ill . \V ~\ ill Guy lhem a t good prices iF they arc lite. r i~ l l l k illd .
rc pr e~en ts
--- .
---- _. -
-_.-----SE·· BAll WOn'lO " ,SERtES IN EAST w..
b:r.'' .
Everybody uses Lew is' B read and Cakes, t he best and most delicious made. Try them and yo u will n ever want to eat any other k ind.
Lewis' _Bakery-
Waynesville, O. E
IVlonume'n ts ,
We have oNer '100 monumen ts on liand . \'Ie sell th e. best work and buy in such large quanti! ie.·, dir~tt from the quarrie!', that we can sell ·y.o u · work at what It would cost the smaller dealers. We can show -the l arge~ t stock of monuments' t ha t has eve r b~en shown in Day ton 'or Southern Ohio at prices tha t w 'll surprise and convince you of .the facts we ar>- sta l ing in this advertisemen,t.
F. C.". M~iItfi;±£----€{~-'-'---I;:::-;---.J.;i
214 N. Main St••
,H ''!'E II JANU AR Y I. 19 I.!', 01" TIU .E STATE OJ,' OBIO OR A N Y 8uD·I)JvI8JON Ol~
DISTJIlO'r TJl IDltEOP' AO'fllORIZED ilY LA W '1'0 ISSUE B ON US FROM TAXA· ·I'ION."orl no ll>erIQuguoge lullltlentlr.c1ear to d""~U '''' I L. 11. idO~OO thla . upP omeu~ .~I~~IJ. t. e ulJOCI on ~h8 t day of Jannary. CII AIIL&B D OONOVEH. SllOOkor " I ~h" UoWi8 of nuproscntatlvea. C. J. llOWARD. I'roaIdonLlira t.om 01 t he Boll...... · AdOJ)teU April 21 . 19 10. Unlto<i Stal"" of Amerlc... , . OUlro ott~~a~~~ OIBtate. I, O. Q . HI LDEBRANT. Secro~1lrY or State of Ine S,"'" of Ohio. do h e ....by cortlly' ~lIat
:;!:~!~~Jb~ ~,:t'..'i~~~~I!0:.lit"JJ' ~J:r::~~ Phone 64-2 ~ OD lUe In Lhi. o lllco IUld III my 01l1c1a1 cualody I\i! 8ecretary 01 State IUld lound to be true "!!~'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~ anll correct. 01a Jolot nJIIOlutloD. adOl!t~ by ~ . !;he Ooeol'l>l A_ mbly of the State of Ublo~ on blJa 2 th day 01April, A. D 1915. and 0100 In llestored. To Health lly'Vlnol
Blanchester, 'Wednesday, October 13 Morrow, Thursday, October 14; W aynesville, Friday, October 15 Lebanon, Saturday~ Octooer 16
.. -
. ,., . E Y AUTO LIV R IP.!j\'JltJE"1:'ltMlr~ ~J'l'l ~"B'Ig~:~Et) 6'lf°~~ . ~~::::::::::::::::~~~~~::::::::::::::::~~~
W e w ill b e at th e follow ing pl aces' to buy hors~ s
W~rd was received here last week of the death of Mrs. Phoebe A. Keys, of Stockton. Cal ., who died about the middle of Sl'!ptember. She was the widow of 'the late Thos. J . Keys. coldly, deliberately. There could '. be who we.n t to California in 1850 and no chance of rll8cue out ot the trough died in 189&. Mr. Keys was the son of tbe Atlantlo billows. "The torpedo II In the launoblng of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Keys, and a brllther' of the late Judge, Jos. and tube, slrl" called up hIs aIda from below. Evan Keys. Von Retzow trembled: he could not ·Mrs. Keys was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Moses Trimble, gatber voice to answer. He WIIJI not who formerly lived here. She was mors than. half a mile from the 90 yeaJ'8.old at the time of her death, Marlamne now; she was almost and she leaves three 80ns and three broadelde on, and tbe .abmarlne bad daughters to mourn her death. Her maneuvered lieraelf 80 tbat her DOlle husband when he went to California pointed due a10na the OOUJ'M lila, tH The Walt'ren County Teachers ' . Assn. will meet jn Lebanon , Ohio was a miner for gold and was later a W~do mUlt take to 1t11b. steward at·the Stockton ~tateJIOII' :on-netzow . hesItated. Theo . he Saturd.ay, October 16. '15, at the pita] . heard his voIce gIve tbe command to National Ba nk Buildi ng . . The funeral of Mrs. [0'. S. El.bon. . tire. 10 A. M. Lester Surface met with quite a took place at her late residence MonThrouglitliiPerlscope Von ltetzow Devotion a l; Music in the Public day morning at 10:30 O'clock, Rev. saw the white traek of tbe torpedo . Schools, M.. C. M~rey, Lebanon. misfor t nne ~t t he Hamilton fair C. S. Grauser officiating . The fu- through the waves as tbe released atr. George Gr'~en, Sprmg boro; Round. Thutsday. He went to 'get his rna· neral was largely attenrled. and the bubblea .came to the surfllOe Then TM~bllle, led by J . A. Oppy, K ings chine at the close of the fair that day, but failed t o find it . The case remains were Jald away in Miami almost ImmedIately, there. c~me tb~ I S . NOON 12;00 TO ]:00 ha.q been put in the hands of the P. cemete ry. dull boom of the striking torpedo. Demonstration and Expl anat ion of Von Retzow sboute' the oommand t he New Education ·Method . Read- & D. Association There were 8f'Veral cases of thef t reported at Ham· ,David Hathaway, an aged man, to rile. Tbe s ubmarine came up, ing, Miss R udy, Cincinnati ; Rur al ilton , and the town' seemed to be in fatber of Mrs. A. S . Sides, died at ftnt at the bow, then at tbe Itern. Educa tion, E . C. Kerr, Lebanoll; t he hands of thieves all last week. his residence near · Utica, Sunday And, an Inatant later. the water WIIJI Every . teacher in Wa rren Count y Several from here were in attend· night. The funeral will be held at whIpped white with pluDglng shell. should hear Miss Rudf as she is ance a t the fair . his late residence today at 1 o·clock . Tbe suhmarine, plercsd througb and devoting I~er entire time to this -~-----.+.~. ~.-----Interment will be made in Lebanon througb by some UDlleen assailant, work. ' Come llrepared to ask ques· aank like a stone. . " cernetery. tions . yon Retzow bad· been ' atandlng ... Mi as Roth M. Ed wards, See'y. alone upon the bl'ldge. The waves J . A. Oppey, .Pres. Read your own Miami Gazette oaulllld by the destruoUon of the lItUo ~ Mias Ida Crone, craft swep~ him lnto the sea. As he Ex. Com. "' C. M, Rpudebush, atrock out he saw before hIm tbe . / G. H Ger ke. broken Umbers ot tbe torpedoed craft '------..... PROPOBED 'AMENtlaIKNT ' TO Tim and " new BrltlBh torpedo-boat de·· OO NSTrr Ul'IO OF OHIO. .,. wit)!. gunl EXE.MPTI NG PUIILJO BONDS Fit OM !'troyer, b'rlskly toward hIm. trained, ma~g . St. Mary'S Guild met at the home , 'A,,·,{NI·lON. seell; s · boat was low:aalUY-UI of Mra. O. J. Edwarda, 'l'hur!lday j3 I I cd IJ 0 and, almost at tbe same tlllle tbat ' afternoon. October 7th, and the fol· lowing officers wllre elected : Mrs. e \~~uecl bht~~ 6110n l A.uemblyol the lut of tbe wrecked Ihln sank be· Sectloe I. A 1"0110811100 . hllli be aub· 'I" S. Graham, president; Mrs. J . mlLted to tllo elllClool'8 of tha Btllt" 01 01110. 00 Death th Il waves, Von Betlow WIIS the ll1'8t Tuos<.ll>Y oller the Orn Mooao, 10 hauled, struggling fitfully for breatb. H. Cole man, vice president; Mra . .E . November. 1 9 1 ~ . to o.mend A.r.leln XU 0 tho aboard the 'rellCulng boat bv the crew. -V Barnhart, secretary and treasurer. OolllllltuUOII of t ho St. "" or O hio by Iho a<ltlltioD ot Socllon 12.10 road u lollow.: A tew mlnutea later he etood before Work was planned for the coming lOa • JOIN1' RESO LUT ION. th Base ba ll enthusias ts all over the year , and Decembl)r 1Jth set for. tht! I'rol>Olllug D IUPIJI"UIV,," to artlclo XII of e commander of the little torpedo • . :. the 000.11.",1011 01 the 8tol0 01 Ohio. by boat. count ry a re looking t oward the East. a!'nual Christmas bazaar and market. a tho Addilion ola. lOCllon to be d... lgcatcd· "I for it is there that the g reatest base fleCtion 1201 article Xli . ....1.llve to tho nm sQrry, air. The fortune or b II b I exemptloD 01 bouds 11'0 111 .&Xa.IOD. war. you know," Bald tbe young ot. a att es are being pulled off ai . Be It reeolvod Glllleral Al!IIOmbly 01 ft th l I t he presell'~ time, between th e P hiltlto 8tate 01 Uillo. I'bree-Ulth. ol lhe momllen cer, ra er sheep Ib y, Btret(lbing out adelphI' u National a nd' the Bo"'ton elocto<i loo both hl'UIOH OOllcurrtog thorolll : hla hand to Von Retzow. 1'hallh"","ball be l ubmlttoc.l lw the elec· Ame ricans . Friday the Philas won. tol'8 ofthl•• totoe In I he JUalluer provided by "Will you come Into my cabin T" b h . . " la.,... ODthe 11...1 Tu~ ..y iIIUlr t he 1l... 1 Mo u. be added, Icadlnll tbe way. "You are. ecause t elr g reatest pitcher was in day In Novomller Iau. a Ilropo••1 to IlUllpla· the b ox, and on Saturday, Monday moet artlcltl x u by all idillLlooal MCllon W of eouna. paroled durIng the sbort d T 1 lle~~l""I'ul!!lI"oIAld D ol- OhLIIUo0tol ~adW'~I~I,oOIXI01...18.0f tile voyage to England. I believe we can !in . uea< ay the Bostone won, milk ~overR I rrom thl8 ol)mrpunlt.va.fmg It thl'ee straigh t for ' the Bean . ten dod t llo (all felltlVf).l Ilt Xenlll. CO ~, . Soclloll 12. Boedl of tbo I t al<> 01 Ohio. or make you comfortnbl&-dry, at any Eaters, 'There have been good Sil.~ur(}ay dtllfnoon. f1..:lDtfY"I'!~:t1!::~o°60~~~~:.~~reg~· :~~~f:r rate," he aald. . crow.de p:resent at the games. Ilnd Mr. and Mra. B orace' Comptoo lind In the cabIn Von.Retzow sWllooked h d h' k' J&DU&ry I . 191ti. III&U be e...,mp~ Iron. LaU· tl0R: It lur' ller ' ~Ivcd . T•••• at such ~IClC' t1zedly at tbe other. e very 0 :'I w 0 IS ta tng an active (hughter. 1M. Mr. I\nd Mrll> R,\letgh . , .~ u~. v 'A part are.ha. p.py, f or. there isl6ts of' Bogan and Evotn and LeliAu Bou-an tlOD .bovDreI. """, to thla l upplnmftnt ""all . re you not goIng to hang me?" monev m Slg h t f or t b e woe h I Iot. took dlnn t! r ~nndllY wltb Sam MltcbI>e placed 0 0 I he official b.lIoL. In tho moneor he ask·ed. ,
or Army lJse and' :'louthern T rade
W. Stewart. of Chicago, who J OHN E. QREEN. Washing ton C . H ., Oh io the Flying Sq uad ron EY, Waynesville, Ohin. Found a ti on. s poke here Friday nfter · C. B. BENTI . ' noon in front of th e Cazette office. ----.~- - :!""Hi R>t p h was liRtened to w ill> a t· Iature tli framen law ' 0 that it \\1 111 tention for forty minu tes , and a 'good 1I 0~ ~ause. lI.nn OY I~n ~~ tu innocent. IIIIV' cro wd ~at hered to hpa r him, braving . abidin g CllIzcns Il I Lht! o l a (~e of t he · the cold weather. His s peech was . I Attorn ey anera l and the Prosccu(· a good one, his points being dr iven iog Atto rn ey to elCNc i~(! a broad · home with st rik ing force and b} mind ed d i:lc rimin ali un Wllich ai lliS li t hom ely in ferences. Mr . Stewart is linforCCllwnt of the Roir lt r lll her thlln a m i n i ~ t e r of the Chris tinn church in the leller of the la \Y . Chicsgo. and has r epresented his - ----d i~ lr ict in t he lIIinois legislature B ca useo! thQir fa il ure to til their His talk made seve ral vo tes f or the Notice of Appoi ntment r ig ht Hide, and he will be welcomed statement oC expenlle account Stlver a l melllllld women of Xenia . prominent to orne again a nd s peak to t he citi· will probably be ha uled up SOOIl to " •• • ;(' "c Lut'. ' u, 1'. KI. I.... 01 .. ·.",. ,,1. zens he re . answer to t he Attorney General NOLI :e I. I, uI'C h), l<l\cll Ihlll J u hu " . "n" ...---Th'ere were about 91 candidl tes fo; 'I L.w...r!tthL h'''' b ll<IIl 'lUI)' "1'1",illl<,<1".,,1 tl II.II I1,·.1 AU m l rtiri lruLo t wit h l hu will nHll u,<(.~ 1 tit t.l 1 1~ the position of school board on the JJ:8l. to 01 L ll cOL L~ ... 81.le.. Itl i ul W rrell recent prima ry ticket. and none of cO~~::1i ~1.'I° ·7~11~';'!~L~, Ocwl"'r. 19 10. them t urned in an f'X)lE!nse accoun t, AI.'r" Jo'. It ,I uWN , " ~ I'rohate ',,'rI . a nd th e Att orn ey G ~ ~ ,. ra I h = wrl'tte . n OCLObor I - S. J uol ~" \Itil" Lt." r roll ·"umy. 11111 .. . - - - -- to the prosecllting a : .•rney a t Xema. to fi le charges agai:. t each one of Notice of Appointment lhem, The Xenia Gazet t e in a n editorial ' -' - - t tol :~Yh' Genlfe ra l ~~'t'~ ?chor~g~Ifr~~::':,~,~~Im':.. O.born sflYll , t ':~I~t thhe Aed ST. MA RY'S CHURCH The Loyal Berean class ot the cug hl . w ue as am (. Irn'Ml to "'" boo ll '1U1~ til'" .j lll I un\1 111111111111<1 ... Afl r u' wit htltand. rnlnIMr~tc'r ol<tl.~ Iiikl" l<l olllo)l\or mltIlIlUI . Twentieth Sunday dter Trin ity, Chri!lt ian Sunday School held their make suqh a n order. f;l" I~Ul or w.. """ " (·(I.IILy. 0 1110 . d ll<" .-1. · b' h . reg ular mont hly meeting at the ing i t may b e WIt tn t e le tter 0 tile Ua(OO thlll 2. t/t Oil,. ",,!<lI',(lIlI lII'r ~O l o. October l'7th . law governi~ hit! office. If fhere is ' Ab'l 'tll'l b' 1I110WN of M rs. Grant Lewis last F rihome Sunday School at 9:30 a m ., Morn . tell'Igenee enough m ' ·t he I'elS's ..; - September ?_at. J Ul1c o 01 I' Nh. La '()u r ~ W611'1l11 ~ uuw, O!lln. ing Prayer and sermon a t 10:30. Th~ day evening. A goodly number of not Itl mem bers r esponded to roll call, and public invited to t hese services. two visitors wer e present. The . Rev . J. F . Cadwallade r , Ri!.Ctor . meeting was opened with the ueual - --....- - devotional exe rcises. The class business W8 S then transac ted af ter which a very_pleasant social s8!lSion was enjoyed by all .
thl. oOlccun tl,e 28th day of April AD UII6 "IItt1.lod "Join' ROIIOlutlon 10 Amend A(1ICIl; XII 01 ~hll OclOIULUtiO D 01 OhiO by lion of SectlOI1 13. " ' the &\lop· .
",,::J;='::~.%:0a:'J' ~1l~:Je..,·~"::l!~
oeaI aL the 01'1 01 OcllDmbw. Ohio. UlJa 16th da,. IIf JUlI" . . D. ~.'~. HlLDJ!i8n~T. (Seal) 8ecrotar7 018t&l8 AUTHORlZ,~'I'JON 011' I'UBI,JOATION. Oej)llrllrumt of PubUc Pnotice 01 Ohio. l'ullllcatioD of the abovo p ro. - I ameu d· meDttA> t"'OoDltlOUt;\ll~ ~.f OhlD. undor ilec·
~1~~::;~D\flDt: c:i~~u!~t~ llOo of OIlJ . "~~Jllbllca,1otI UI..... ~ ..
! ~~8~71~:'
and I U
~,=~~cocI: h~~ ~~~" ~'ol l
The BrltJ8~ officer protested feebly. "Listen," .sa Id Von Retzow. "I will tell you something, to sb.ow you what d t 't G m Til uymeana OU8andermano (lers.marry0 woman I love expect to was ' aboard ' the Marlamae. I was ordered to Blnk ber-and I .,ank her. ~cording to my instructlon8. But I tell you that It will haunt me for tile reet of my d.,..," . To hi. amuement tbe ·young Eng· Uah ofllcer, who had been regardIng hIm WIth . an expreillon deoldedly qulsslcal, lnterpoled laughingly; . "( m·" all well relIeve your mInd, 81r," he lIald. "The IIfnrlnmne was awa re of ;yoar amiable inteotlolls Dnd slipped In by another route yesterday. The old tramp that you torpedoed waa a decoy Marlamne. She hadn't a Boul aboard, and-:well, we were lyIng In walt tor. you upon her leeward f· lde. So, I'm ,Iat'! to say tbat jour ean were groundless, and It Inythlng can be done to ma ke you comfort. able-" Von Retsow wrung hl a h uda and ~auCed Uke a CralY man. up IUld dOWD the cabin. E "~e8~ he abouted. "Tak, me to' ng au .. qulct as you OlD. I-rve got to fiad out whather. the Xarlo ~e baa let ~IE ~ ~ YJ
pl!1y~rs. clubs a nd the National com· ener's noor New ·Burlingt.on.
miSSIon . - -- .
EASTERN STAR' . HAD APROGRRM Th~ Eastern Star a~ tbei.r · rei'~lar"
me~ttng Monday eveDlng. entertamed
thel r mer.nber~ In an un':l8ual manner a a~lon ' Will ove.r After th~~ bUSln""''' """'" a good ptiogram was rejldered an~ a light luncb was served . • - -- - - •
!!I;~~IO~,ffjear8·t'e~e~bol~D~vlae w. 1 ... _ "...aab~UmrB'1, <
Ohio, on ' . Friday, October 22, 10JI BegIDn,\ngatlo'olooll: abarll,1-89 Head S t';lQt OOD...tinl om 6' load MIlch ~"a aDd 3 BoWl!. with Pip. aDd tShol '-• .15M big btJ18.oUmDII . E._II, La....., Wm. ·l4Ul.,4uo&. -
. A number of frleD Cls 'atteoded 'be ' funeral of WtlJlllm Fl'ye whiob took: plaoe at Bra.ndt Uhlo t:lund·' Y.· Mrs . Jennie Wilson, Ullvp Wlillon li ijlnna WiLsOD flod little ·Man; (';otberille were Buuday Kuests of , ....n. Stlm .Wllsoo's ; Rober$ 8kDle1 wall hO"'e "'nDd.·y 1llIlllltlllllflWillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill,111111II111111111/11 ... '" .bat .re'urned 'Q hili work Sunday 11'::===========~~~~~~~~===f=~~ eveDinB. '. Alre. lIary Bollan and Marianna ~O' U L Do.... u ·a tl.ellded &he runeral 'or U r •• L be surpr.i!?ed a~ . what ., EJb;n at Way'D08vlUe MODday , '" . .chase heJ:e for less . money ' ." . Corne and see for . yourse.lf. II Addi 8$ 1 I . • h n. e liD ey · v 8' . er lIarenY, Mr. aDd Mrs . Win Coml' $00 las, week. ~re. OJi~anOeY Doun'ltll vlelted he . r p a reD'· .. a.• We 11.... ....n.."'rld ay. Towels, 18 in .~J.l8· In, Tea Cups and SAucers. Mr/l. COnner aDd Osee Learning Good w,:ight. '. : ... 3 for 25c ~·Ca~icil" • •••• ~ •..•••• lOe ware ~uB8l. of Ralph LaamiD,. Mon. H~ndkerc\lIefs, DIce for Oyide Cups alld Sali~rs; . da~. R b ' women . . .••.•. . •• 2 for lie "capitol" •• '. • • • •. • • • •• tOe mra. eo eo JOD811 ap8ut 11 Men's Cotd EDd • . ~ . Mop StiCks .... " ...... ,,' ,Oe of daYIl wUh her daughter, Suspenders ... : ..... : • • Hk ~'After-Dinllel' Jlints" Ha'.le Peteraon hllli·weet. W ibarDdrhm&DWuhometoa' I Cott~1l H~se Feet .•• • ••.• lOe good and stroag . , .• , •. lOe Dammg COttoD ••• • • 2 -for lie Oys1U-aiId Soup Bowll .•• lOe ten'G-lb-e tu~eral of hili gra~drother r Wm.l'rye ~andIlY· Mr. aDd liN. Fted t!&a~D.Dd baby ~ext Door to werel1l8l\aofMre 8&aap'.paraote lIr. and lin. aeDry Sa&terlhwa'''; Guette ~
.~~.IIJ!I"",. .~-!~~~.~~!Ii)II!!II~,,".
Sixty-Seventh 1{ear
IN HIE PO~SE~SION OF FORMER Mrs. B. H. Kelly was a Cincinnati J.(ESIDENT visitor Fri~ay.
n. '. How II wils in (;mcinn aLi I\T TI n: PHILLIPS' I CE HOUSE PLANT Tu psrlay.
Bryon and Jesse PrendergasL spent Saturday i'n CincinnaLi.
Mrs. T. Harden is visi ling relativ es
Mias Hazel Gustin spent the, weekend with friend~ irl Springboro.
O. /'t\. Hamm~1I Tcll. of the History If our work i8 not satisfactory. we of.a Dictionary of MSk no psy. Main Street Garage. Grandfather J. T. Liddy. of Dayton. BpentSun· day with his father. ~. T. LIddy. l Wherl .my mother di~ in 1906. Mi~ ne9~e SmiLh. of ~~do. ~ . ahu lurL to me 81l her only lion. the liLLie Llict.iunllry Which had been used visiting her parents here tor a short hy 11I.:r father- aschool-mnster. who. lime. having tauj(ht in Cornwall. hill na· tive counlry. emigratedto the United Call at the Main Street Garage and Statt:!!. and eventually located In I{et your repair work done. It will Waynellville. where he founded one pay you. of:tho largest private schools in Ohio. The dictionary 5~ inches x 5% inch· Stephen Phillips. of WaShington es, 1 6 ]6 inches thick wns compiled C. H :-: is the guest of nls sister. MIB8 by Stephen Jones. aUlhor editor of Ann Phillips. 1\ "New Biographical Victionary" and "The History of Polanda." print· Mrs. I. N. Harris. of Dayton. was cd by J. Bouvier in 1809. and sold by Il recent p:uest of her mother. Mrs }Jennett ond Waiton. No. 31. Market Alice McKinsey. Street. Philadelphia. It was proba bly bought by I11Y grandtathar while and M1'II. Guy Kibler re visithe W(18 teaching in a school. in New ingMr. with relatives in Columbus and Jersey and broullht with him when Circleville this week. he came to Waynesville. . It has long since become obsoleteMr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and daughit never acquired very great author· ity- butin 1809, ilhad reached afifch ters. of Brookville. were Sunday edition-and it antedated Webster guests of friends here. by nineteen years and Worcester by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anson and thirty·seven years. Web8ter:'s ·'Com· pendious Diclionary." however. ap son. of Cincinnati. spent the weekend with relatives here (Ieared in 1806. Jones aimed to improve on the Dr. Dill. Osteopath. at· residence plan of "Mr. Sheridan"-avoidlna his "discordancies" and correetina of L. T. Peterson. Main St .• TUell his " improprieties" Sbeddan·sdic· day and Friday.mornings. lionafY. ,even Walker. the lexlcog· rapher he admits to be greatly su· For SalQ-o-Brood mart' a good workperior to anything that haa preceded er.9 yearll old. Inquire of W. H . it, but he accuaes Sheridan with want Madden. Waynesville or Corwin. O. ot acquaintance with the. analoli~ of the English langll a~es.'· 8ack of Miss Lillie Nedry left Monday J l.1nes and back of Sheridan W81. morning for K aosas City t Mo.• wher-e samuel Johnllor"a dictionary. , pub- ahe will make an extenaed visit to lished in 1755. Jl hns long lIinee be· her Idater. come obsolete. perhaps it never had a very larg(l circulation. Irvin Miller, who was visiting Mr. G. M. H. and Mrs. W. N. Sears laRt weflk re turned to his home in Greenville. So. this is the volume the school Ohio. Thursdav. master Quoted. . When qUe!tiona arose as to words Dr. T. Shel'wood left Thursday and lhair import; for Philadelphia and other Or mistakes in pronouncing wer.' morning Eastern point&. He. will return lJle eagerly noted. And decisions demanded as if in latter l,>arL of thi~ week. a court. . Mrs. Emma Retallick retumed There was "Walker" and "Sheridan home laat wt:ek from Sprmgboro. where ehe spent a week with MT. and great "Doctor Johnson" And Webllter and Worcester were and Mrs. A. Cook and family . just coming out, nut "Jones" . had established hill . Gus Requarth. of Edinburg. III., and tlenry Requartb. of -Dayton. hiaheat conten90n, And aa to hiB judgment there never were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Stansberry. was doubt.
Whole Number 3340
~~~~~~~~= -=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
HELD R.EGULAR MEETING LAST WF.EK . The regular yearly election of Supt. of Schools preigle has 3 officers of the M. E. Sunday· School Ford. and will :visit the schools in a took place last Sunday morning at hurry now. With the number of th., u'lual Sunday·School hour. The schools and the distanCe!! he .has to officers electt.od tor the coming year [ go to each one. the auto WIll get are as lollows: Superintendent. Mrl'. him to the different plaCe!! in good Isadora Ward. Asst. Supt., Truman time and give him more time at each Wardlow. Secretary. Louella Janney. Treasurer. Lou Printz. Pianist, Alice Mcellng Hcld at Hlospitablc Home place. Carey. Asst. Pisnist. MiB8 Mildred of Geo. E. Riley, ncar !-lmith. Chorister. F. H. Farr. Rldgc\lilJe ---
.. - ..- --
BUSINESS WOMAN'· 'Th e morning of October 14th. dawned amid clouds and rain. which GOES TO REWARD betokened unpropitious weather for
the meeting of the Wayne Township ~Iuh: b~~ undaunted hy condltlons. a goodly number of members a~d guests liS , Bell,lbled at the be~utJful country resIdence of G. E. HIley and dau g hters. . . The genta~ hospitahty. 110 ch.arac. of ~l~ home and the kmdly 01 frIends rencle~~ all obt~ weat her C(IndltlOns and of t)me. _, the noon hour. a bountiful dmne.r was ~rved and c1ul,}' apl>reciatedt Tlie meetm.g .was. called to order a· the u.lIual tlme .wlth VIce Pres, Chan. dler \0 the ch!llr. . Before taking 'UP.the progrlim ,?f the dav. a short ~l'rvlce was held In memory of the I!lst~r so recentl y tllk· en from our .mldst-;-Mrs. Frank Elbo.n; !lnd glowlUg l!lbutes of all' pr"clatton and eslee", were offer ed by m~mbers of the ,club and guests. . An l.nteres~inR' pn~gra~ followed. !~c1ud!ng a hvely "dllscusslon of our PensIOn System . . ft..-tan unusually late .hour the club a~Joumed. to meet m Novem~er WIth Edwm Chandler and family.
Farmer's WEDDING atmospherIC
~:~t::c:~CIII~ Wll~ in
in [onuay on Lusin cHs.
Isaac Kell y spent Ius ThurstillY Groundcd Wire al Plan t Produced with relatives in Day to n. Shock Thai Cau sed Man's Dca th Mrll. Cora Harrh,. of Hnl'v ·Yl'l)LII·)!. IcaveR soon to sl>en(\ the winter in Califo rnia. Last Wednesd ay eve11ing the citi7. 'ns of our town wero s Lartled when Dr. < nIl Mrs. ' j\. T. W,.i~ ht ami the lIews ~p r e ad thal J llmcs Smith on 811iott, spent Sunday wilh rcill' had been electrocu ted at tho icc liv('s in Cenl ", rvill e house of W. C. Phillips. About dark soDle gentlemen ca me Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richanhon to th e plant and wanted some ice. and family. of Dayton. spellt Sunday Mr. }Jhillips and his fllm ily were out with Mr' Julia Bergan. of town at the time, and Mr. Sm ith went to the house to wait on them. Mr. and Mr:l. Frank Zell untl Mr. He was gone for several moments and Mrs . J . C. Hawk e viRitcd rel- when Or ville Ph illips went into the hl ,use and · found him lying on t he alives in Sabina Sunday. ' 110 r . The as.~istance of the gentleMrs. Mary Swart'l.. of t; aleHburg. men in the auto wer e called for, ani! 111.. is visitin g her moth er . Mr~. they carried bim into !he house and by the time the physician. arrived he Naomi Harlan and family. was dead. Invesligati on proved that it was Mr. Frunk L. Taylor. of New York . was the week-end guest f Mrs. on account of the light. fo r one of the gentleman tried it and he was Edith M. Harri s anti family. kllocked down but soon recovered. or(lIIer lJilatu sh was summoned, Mr. and Mrs. Walte r McClure anu fam ily spen t unday in Spring VaJ · and after making an investigation ley. t he guests of Mr. and Mrs. rend ered his verdict that the man Omar Barrell. . came to his death due to turning on an electric droo light at the ice MI'. and MrA . am Kinsinger. Miss house of W. C. Phillips. the wire Edna and Hugo Kinsinger, of Col· being g round ed. thus producing the linsville, were viRi ting Eth elyn Jones, shock thal caused hi a death. The acc ident was a very sad one. Sunday afternoo n. , Mr. Smith had worked for the years and Mrs Nellie Dale. formerly Mi~ Philli]lS' fo r nearly eight over the affair. Nellie Kelsey. of Wabash, Ind., and they are hear l-br oken ...- - Mrs. Kate J ohns. of Lytle. a re the guests of Mrs. Euphemia Flough th ili week.
Miss M. Cora Dow. the veteran druggist of Cincinnati. and the founder of eleven s tores. died at her home .On Thursday evening: October 14. Sundall; evening at 7 o'clock. after 1915. at the c::)Untry home of Mr. and a year's painful iIIn~ , Mrs. Elias Ogle!!by. neat Waynes. A short time ago Miss Dow sold her stores to a syndicate. thus cutting ville, 0 .• occurred the beautiful wedding of their daughter, Josephine. herself off from the large bUdiness t" M:r. Fred Gons. she had estnbliehed during her busThe verdant foliagel fresh grass iness career. which . extended Qver Mrs. A. ElJmQre. Jos. Thomp'Son and abundant flowers suggested several years. She realized that her a ;June se~n. rather than October. time wns not long and through her snd Paul Haines. of Cincinnati, were The house was handsomely decorated manager Mr. Hopkins. made the visiting Mrs. K Thompson Saturday and the bountiful and delicate dint ransfer of the stores. the total ~rs. Elmore remaining for a visit ner was ACrved·in the moat skill full amount of which ran Into the mil· this week. manner. lions of dollars. The High School boys went th Mr. and Mrs . Raymond Will iamson Kings Mills Friday afternoon. and, At 3:30 Mrs. A. K. Salgent intro. Miss Dow wns partial to Waynes· Ville boys as business men. The late arrived her e from Cleveland Thurs· of course came home victorious. duced the program by the song. "Oh. Pr'omise Me" R de Koven Op. 50 Hsrry Ridge for many years was her day evening and spent the remainder Although thlo Kings Mills had "loadand following·. Rev. A. K. Sargellt advisor. and much of her business of the week at the home of Mr. an(1 ed" up for them, they were equal to growth was du.e to him. Next came Mrs. Harry Williamson. led the young people to the altar the occasion. and. although the score where by a beautiful 8011 lengthy Clyde Coleman. who has been manawas close. they nevel: were out of the ring service they were declared hus. ger of her store on Fourth street Mrs. Lyd ia Gorden. who had the running. band and wife. and Central Avenue for the last misfortun e to break her hip a few One of the Kings boys was badly During congratulations Mrs. Sartwelve years. He wns al!!o an advis- weeks ago was tal<en Monday to the hurt· by running into 1\ barb-wire gent again rendered a brilliant in. or of Miss Dow, and through his home O[ her daughter. MrR. Will fence. scratchin!: his face and bony strumental selection by Albert Franz. advice many changes were made for Phillips in Centervillll. pretty badly. The rest of the nine and following this the whole com. the betterment of the stores. Frank . were badly sc ratched in humor. and p!lny repalred·to the beautiful dining Hamilton. Leslit! McCune and Walter Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stibbs. of In- tlley tried hard to dOlVn Wayn9Sville. room . Stoke!! were other Waynesville boys dianapolis, lnd .. Mr . and Mrs. Lou The score by Inn i ro~s was liS follows: who worked for her at different Stibbs. Mrs. J ohn Stib b~ and The ~ueata \yere: Mr. and Mrs. J " 1 2 _3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Martrn-oons. Mr. and Mrs. Quincy times and all contributed to the suc- daughters. ot Lebanon were gu ts . Gons with John and aister. Mrs. UPP. cess of the stores, Miss Dow at one ot Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hathaway .aynesv.IUe .... -O 0- 2--{)-J-()-2-2-{)--'i I{mgs M~l1s ...... 1 0' 0 2 1 0 11 0' - 6 Mrs. Lizzie Sears. the Misses Bettie time told us that she would take all Mondav, the Waynesville boys who applied to Lids and Nettie Oglesby. Mr. and The boys will close their seBtlOn " '[His "Preface" is a wonder of he.r for work. as they were good. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Walter and Mrs. Qeorge Oglesby. of Xenia,'O.; Messrs. J . O. 'a r ~w ri ght and F. Frida~ ·afternoon by play ing Lebabitter attack and ardent defence. daughter Virginia. and Mr, and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Clagett. Tacy conscientious boys. and always B. Sherwood. and Fred Hartsock. of non Hi an other game at · Phillips' He II&)'S. Mr. Salmon. editor or Sher· liradburv Poole, of Cincinnati. were and Dunbar, Mr. Chaa. Cornell. worked for he.r interests. l\'lorrow. wellt to Dayton Tuesday id.n~s Dictionary has put forth an In- Sunday lJ.uests of Mni. Edith Harris Ju~ge and MrS.. i{isinger. of I!laton. . J W P tt.c f Atl ta OG At the. time she Bold the lI tores she evening whe re they nttended a field. The base ball poet haa written the OhIO. " . . . a rso~ . 0 an a ·t wrote to <tach of the managers a meeting of Group 1 of the Bankors ' troductio\l evlCiently intended to de· ~d fmllly. fo llowing verses in ·honor of the vicAt 6 p. m. the happy couple left was 10 town FrIday. and he · haa message to the eifp.ct that she kll(,W preclate the sY/ltem of Orthograph), AllSociation. tory achieved: of whlcb the afth edition is here reo F. B. SherwoQ(l. of the Citizens with Mr. and Mrs. George Oglesby. a very busy day. He ~ought, 11 her time was short. and tha l 'whi le spectfully submitted to .the public Bank Lebanon. is epending part of for Xenia, and thence by Pennsyl. horses. several of them gomg to .he she remained they would all live in The Backward Secial held by the Look who's here on this cloudy day. He haa overshot the mark:' the' con· hiB vacation with his mother. Bis vania railroad ' to Cincinnati . and SouthE!m c9tto~ fiE!lds. Mr. Patter· her memory . . E..Society of the Chri~ti an chu rch The hoys of W. H. S. who are going son paId fine prices and. some of the The funeral was held Tuesday C. temptuous, virulant aQd .uDlentle- wife arid children were week· end thence East. a success socially and financially . to play It was a v.ery apparent trial fOl horses brought 1?-1I they were wort~. morning at her late residence in was manly style. while it degrades a Dian Iluests .IBO. good program was r nder ed and The Kings Mills team down on the Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby to give away ~r. Patt.erson w!I1.r:ettlTn h~re agam Walnut Rill s. the Rev. Frank Nelson. A of learning can, never affect my the backward mo\'ement afforded Rhiue. their laat daughter. but they are !f there IS a POB8lblhty. of hIS ~C\lu.r- of tbe Episcopal church. officiat· character." • And coming home, ill the Gazette. Dr. Johnson was "certainly notlnMr. and Mrs. E. Belt: Mrl,and Mrs. much comforted to know that she is I~a- more hones. , W•. O. GUBtl!l WIll ing. Interment was made in Spring much pleasure. to shine. laJlible." Indeed~ he was very falli .. Wm. Ri!ey, of Xenia. Mr~ Val Simms to live near them. A. K. S. litlve. any wh.o wI ~h It all the. mfor- Grove cemetery. All the Dow stores Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Helldersonli bleasJones' pro\'e&. and IO~ Wilford., of Snnng .Valley. _ _ _•• _ • mattofl pOSSIble. Frank Shldaker~ were-closed from Sundav at midnight Mr . and Mrs. U. M. Wh~le . Mr . With "ginger" a~d "pep" in the of Harveysburg •• lOld hin,1 the fir,test until after th~ funeral. Walker encouragea~ "modem af- were v1sitors at the home of Mr. lind start of the game. Myer Hyman. Mrs. G. W. Hawl(e. one bousrht here. the alllmal brmg· • _ •• _ _ _ fectation.and departs from the gen. .M!!'8. M. Si~ms Supday. And through the contest we'lI be the Misses Emma HaWke. Mabel uine euphonical pronunciation of just the same. Hadley. Elva Roberts. Veda McPherour languages." "He left lOme Mr. and Mra. Frank Snider and son. Mary Salisbury. Mrs. , L. A . One. two. three ru ns. lknow we'll thing still undone." • , son. Elmont:. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. r Zimmerman;-Fred Hawke . .. As to Sheridan" JqnBII"felt pain" D.uVall. and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond others from here attended "The And th~n it is time for Kin~ t o fret. wl)en he saw his Dictionary taken 811 Wade were Sunday guesta of Mr. EG·VH J Bird of Paradisc" at Daylon last IOle dIrector of any penon studYing Chas. Squires and farpily. Wednesday afternoon and ·evening. When we appear on the dial'\1ond to Watch ye therefore. for y~ know to acquire a , knowledge df E.ngllBh " play - -not when the master of .t he house Acco..ling to a .recent i8l'ue of lhe The'umpire is t hinking of this to say. pronunciation,"l .' Supt. Spreigle" ~lIa PrinciPal Ar· s= conleth •.at even, or at midnight, or' "One, two. three." and you are out . . nold and the Mi88e8 Clara Lile. Hen- Cinclnn'.iti Times Star the Little But Jones defended himself in per rietta MeKinaey. · Mary Davis. Maria Miami was to have. ,tocked up with Sunday W8l\ a fine autumn d . (I uick. at the cockcrowing. or in the morn fect humility. ' . Who s the next victim to fail at tho so~e good Lake Erie fish. partico and the roads I s bout here w::~ ing. . Lest coming suddenly he find As a master supreme in the scipnce 8tout. Frances Squires ' and Laura stick." larly catfish. It will be several "burned" up all day br. machines. you sleeping. And what I say unto and art·of hie lanauage. McKinsey attended Teachel'll' 'Also befo:r~ t h is is done. One after another' rol ed through . you. 1 say William unto all, Watch. . weeks, however, Jam<>.8 Smith. son of He was sure of hill'~ystem-he knew ciatlon at J.e~non ~turday. This is tlie way for us to think. as the consignment intended ror this town. some on sight-seeing stunts dEb h S Ita utility- .' . Not of the cider we're going to drink; Read over.our offers o~ paaeS two pla.CA all died at ·Cincinnati. Ac· ~ome nUlting ana yetothers on busi: George . an Iiza et mith. was And all that he 8lIked tram the gen. and three. . They will Intert,t you cording to Game Warden Kuertz the. ness bent. • But think of the victory. its just fine. born in Greer. County. Oblo , Feb· eroua ·'Pubtlck'.' wall "pa~ronage" ' d . Now step back boys, we've been over ood ' d' f ' railroad refused . to paace them on -- .'"! ruary.17. l865 [n the year 1860 he . rea 109 or h t . f ~... tit til ft ., with his parents came to WaynesOhio friends of the Misses Alma an live you BOrne g the Uhine. . He borrowed the best from the a -little money. Send In )'our name. t e ram or "ulpnW un a er ville. where he has lived for more and Anna Clements 01 Long Ueach. ...- -, '~Ureat Doctor's" pages' 'm oneyand which ofter you wiah tu the regular Cl:preas shipment was than fifty years, One of a family of Cal . are glad to hear of the succe~· He improved o'n the works of Sheri· accept; fOil they will not be offered loaded. and before this could be arseven children. only three of whom ful efforts of both in their vocations. dan-and Walker- ' . to you Qllt.for ·a short timl'. ranged the train had left. and 88 the are now living. one sisler and two Miss Alma is an accomplisheci mUHiHis own liltle ' bvok contained the fish could not be shipped out before -b h cian and will instruct a cl88!! in truth of (he • a""";' . , . night. consequently they died· in the • . . . .. . the coming scason. &W Mrs. J. A. Ftjnkey left. this week tanks The mHtter will be referred' . Hallo~.? en ~ntert8ln"l\Ant c~nsl!lt· rot Theers. 11 th of January 1892 he was music durmg He. a8aerted his clalm-but not'\vlth· for ·Toledo. where she will aHend t~e to the State Agricultural Board for 109 of a comIc drama, .muslc anil united in marriage. wit~ Eastj!r " Mi~ A~na infot:ms us I hat she is out rancur. ,.' Ohio State .'ederation of Womens' htem to act on. of all Borts! to be ' g!ven at the Yeigh, who SurviVe! hIm. t~a~~mg tn . the~ Kmdergarten Dept . .But 'JonCII ' and hi D' t " nary Clubs. which convenes there{)ctober . Warden Kuertz said the fish wel'e Hall Satu~1ay. e.v enmg; OctoOn the evening of October IS. 1915. Euclid Ave. School. LOB. Angeles. each hall a" n..y." s IC 10 - -; 18th· ~22ndl". 1;here ',will be several the finest c:onaignmentever sent out. ~th.. AdmISSIon 10 and 15c. in the 6lst year of his age. the de· She has asked for ~om e OhIO. autu~n , n Th "p~ bl' k" tl t de ~emand8' ladles fro!" Lebanon who· wUl also and it would not be poB8ible to get Supper - served free. Everybody ceased met a tragic death. In the leaves. to be uscd III c<!nnectlO WIth Fl(lyd Ferris. who has been work: e u I~ ad la ma attend thIS meetlllg'. h i t Ilk th thO It come emplov of W, (;. Phillips. hf' at- he r work, . Gladly WIll we comp\y ing at Corwin in the telegraph office : . beyona ' anot er 0 e ese IS year. • • _ .. tempt~d to turn on the electrici .... In with he.r roques. t as w.e ,hop. e the d prec ent. . Baa~.liketheol. d texJt'og . rapner. M ' d M L waa a rearettable affair. some past.removed h8!l been pro- . r. an rs, . H Whiteman . County Prflldent Dan .Bone had a rear room of the Ph'll I Ips .b"" U~lIless ll!em(,lTIeS ~ f . 01110 bat e u.les IYIII e~ er•. for moted andtime has been to Weat away. ' '. left Monday'for their new homeln not been notified as to the consl' "",. house when in some· way a current remam WIth them amId Cahforma d J efferson. where he wlll take cha.....e And Webster an Wo,rcester. t h e X I Thi th b e" was formed that passing through grandeur . "6 Standard and Stornlouth-which en.a: s war I)' couCle ' avo mant. but Pogeibly would ,have been his body stilled hili heart forever. _ _ __ _ of the office at that place. This is ill mOllt excellent. lived III our midaL for the ast three b time' to have'tbe caDS emptied at J S' h h h.J a decided promotion for this younlf , _, . yea.,. and a balf• .!IiI~' have made the proper, pl,ac8ll. . . .' , ames mIt was a w~rm ear....... man, and his many friends here are But the school.master'l dlC:tiORaI')'. man1~rienda. We are!ll1'l'1 to lose '!bere have been several very fine The Warren COun"Y Pomona g!lod natured.•.unobtruslve man. A glad to see him get it. He removed Mr. and Mrs. Whit.em~ ,from our l-asa·taken from the river and creek Granle at their half ' o~ Saturday. ~tnd. and obl}gJng ~elgbbor. gentle , . " his fall}i1ythere laat wo!ek. Lawrence dear volume. stili liyee. It IllY on hili desk In the IChool 011 the ~lbmlJnl17.. ' . thill aeason. and it poaaibly . was for- October 80. 19115. Election of 0(- III hIS h0ll!e~ mdustrlous. honllllt and . SimI! ~as taken .his place f~r a ~ime. bill. ' ., ' tunate that the river hall been high fleers ~Ides other busineea will 00. unH~~:lnmb~g~iesed by loved ones but hiS many fnen~ hope It WIll be Ria IIpl~lt ensbrines It and even ye~ , The followlDIr ou'toot-ton' 'people' all 88UOn, aa too many ma)l have eupy the day. ~d a good atten~- . and friends. . permanent. IfIves attendaJ ,the faaeril of Jam.. Smith been taken.. The email basshave8).lC6 18 reque8t.ed, - -- .......~-.--To Ita qua\nt. yellow pqea • charm Satufdlll mom/fir. Mra Anna been,active, too, but true RpOBtsmen ~ • .. -~ • .,...,..-OARD OF THANKS ' myatlcal.. . Beller, of Colujllbua; 1I1',·aiMt Mrs. have tbrowu' ~Il luch tha,t w'e~ ... . At the rectory on Tuesda~ &fterEd S Itb Edward and Erm Smith ' undersize back mto the river Thill We desire to thank the many kind noon the Woman's' Auxiliary of Whne' writina: hia I8l'DlODII . be DIed lin. \o'~BalIlIr. of XerJl~. 'Mr. and is aalt J!hould be. ro~ they wilt prove . friends that ministered ;to us during St. Mary's church pack~ for II shipIt. no doubt. d " Mn. Frank Pratt. lin. Wlleon ·,OB. a blellll1ng to tlfe sporfiman next 'our late affliction. in the death of ment two boltes of clothillR. one each For be preacbed on the 'Sun lIP a. home. Mr, OUit MOON 11ft. Dlen 1f1U'. . " _....:..- . .James Smith. also tQ Mr. McClure. for St. Raphael'&, -House Monterey . . ' Red Lion, Green ~ree or ~Iue Ball, Manlna;on, IIr. aDd lin. Laurenee It 11 thought by lMIVeral of our ar· '. Rev. J. F. Cadwallader and Mrs; and St. AndrejV's School Se.wanee. W.hile IlCilDg to church laat Sunday All ODe8 be bad Piwcb-!L!.D Saint, Evant. of Sprb:w ' Valier. lb. and dent fisberman that the carp are Auditor 'it Is, • J. M. Martin and Mise Liley EmIl!)'. Tennessee. The garments ,!l\l be 'm orning Mi8B : AnDie U: B"?WD Auateland ToweY-ad ..... t.owna Mn. Arthur ADIob. of' ~atl; 81'114uall, decreuiDIr. . . there hal . the chair . The Family. distributed among the mountaineers. twisted her ankle and for a time thereabout. Mr. ud lin. Fred hIbut. lira. DOt been 110 many caugbt thll '!88SOn. .' Mounts •- • 80 destitute an4 10 worth1 of Uliat- feared ahe was I18rlouaiy lujurad • .ReIponaive . . ktnclJ1 to hII on. Allae 111m... of 111m ,lIr: Wm It Is hoped that tbla III true. as the will need ance. . but after a. few applications of bot diertIbed "can.·~ 1lIm._of~'lIr, u4 carp b&.,. proved a mleerable failur. Count)' If you want good w01'lf; call at the. . The au!Uary is V8l-¥- active wltb water the pain ancr "welling p~ V!!',bk of 0NaaIai Mr•. LtwIe In our . .ten. to the detrlmellt of office be- Main Street Garage. and if the wQrk the beeinDlng of another year and away and abe w.. lObn abl~ ~ j (OoatID- OD till PIP) 'A""",,! of LeIIiiIaIDt ~u. oabat .... of aport 4Ih. ilDot .tilfactory, DO par. . doiDI molt excellent work. ' -Home WeekJ¥.
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Her li e t l)fl rtllOr cli me In "l' arch (I f hC'r l)rOse nti y, aud th e Inn l1l(' Rtfll~l, I Ull, and AI11~o n, noddi ng 'R hI. mllny ocqual ntllllcClS Jm' la ll y, tor b, ' "nil In I
. dInary · VaIue', Xtraor
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w re snytn~; ltIal tn ey wor un CA' IrllorrlJ ll llry handsome couple. CHAPTER IX. "Th'c r Is no c ntury I)hm t, " ho t!hn"1eI ~ sll l)' cOllfess d. The Storm Center of Ma gnetie At· "I kn wit," an ll she laughed, traclion. " I don't millfl a,lml lllng thlH It wa s uDrotber )Jon 8," SRld lilt rl ocutcl r .\ point -blank lie," he cbeerfully told 'red Te88dsJo commandIngly, wllh hl R ber. " I WUllt d to get l'OU ou t hore knu ckles on bls right kll ' olld. blR olon . nil to m)' $olr," aud his voice elbow a t th propor ling le. weuL dOWD t wo tontls. lie did It 80 " Yes, sir, Mr. In terlocutor," rcpli od pr tLll)' 1 . Willis unn lllg ham, wh080 rbl,nck.fa ce "~Il' hUll ty. 1l0}JPY cblldbood days," . makeup" seemed mnr l' louply 6 bsurd klUllh d ,0 11. "Tile boys used to talk In concectlon wlt b hts brown vandy ke. UmL 'I'll), 011 the way hOlOe t row "Brother Bonos, when d oe~ " er ),' school." body lovo a, slorm 7" "I don't doub t It," and Dick smiled "1 don't know, Mr. In terlocut or." a d· appr clu Uveil'. "Tbo du llest sort ·of a mltted Brotber Bonos CUlloln ghlllll, boy wou ld find hl mseJ( soy lng nice tou ching hie kInky wig wllh th ti,) or Ihlngs 10 you; but 1 s ball alop It." one finger. ''When dO(1s 8\' er)' body " h. vloase don 'I !" begged Gn U. love a storm f" . '0;\ '011 nro so dellghttul at It." Interlocutor Ted Teasdalo rOl'lld bls li e llOullced 0 11 a com er bnlt hlddcu eyo over th e a ssemblage, of Il1tr or by a t ub of Cer ns. There wa s no beucll more, In h.ls ow n ballroom, [lnd SUllied thtlre. but It "'tiS at leasL seml·loolated, In a superi or fllJlu lon . The ebony. and he leall d gr ncefully agalns L Ihe taced semlclrclo ot Im promp tu ruin· windo w ledge. loo king dow n at her str'Ols, banded together that mont lng, earn sUy 0 8 s he s tood, slenderly' out· leaced forward with IUlt lc.lpatory g rlOIl. Tbey blld h ard t he 'oke In re hea rsaL lined against the gr een 01 the fe rns, In h er gow n 01 delicate blue BlJarkltng It waa IL corker I . ''Wben It 'a a Gall," he repU ,d. with opalos 'c nt fl ak os. " ~b nt's Ju sL the trouble," he com· whereat Gall Sargent, at whom evor y· body looked and Inughed. fl ushed pret· plalned. "I don 't wish you to be tily. and the bones a od tambos m ade a ware th ut I am 8Ilyhl8 what you call a f1ourlsb, and tho Interlocu tor all, prelty things. I wish, Instead , to be nounced lllat the Solt Help GI 0 clu b ell'ectlve," and th ~re was a roug hness would now IlDg th at entrancing di tty, In h is voice which Il ad come for lho firsl tlmo. Slle wa. a t rifl e atarlled by entlUcd "Mary Had a Llllio Calr." It was onl y In t he blossom ot th e' It, IUld she lowe red h er eyes berore evenlng at Te d Teosdale's country the Bteady gaze whIch he. poured down bouse , the samo being about leve n on her. Why, he was In earneBtl "Tben take me to Lucile," she o'clock, and tbe dance was s tili to bog1n. Lucile ')' Badalo's vl1'1d Idea tor smJled up at him, and strolled In to. making ber bouse porl y n otable was ward th e ballroom . Willis CUnningham met th orn at tbe . to Induce their guests to amus e them· . lIelves ; and their set ba d d epended door. "You pronllsed mo the first dance," upon blred entertainers tor so long tbat the Idea had all the charm of dis- he breathl essly Informed Ga.ll. He had tinct noyelty. Fino? No end ot ltI been walking rapidl y. "I've th o second one, r emembe r, One could always be sure of bavlng a lively Ome around Lucile and Te d OsJl," Dick romlnded her, aa be Teaadale and Arly F08lahd. Oerald glanced around the ballroo m tor his Feeland was at this party. Fine chap, own partner, but OaU dis tin ctly felt Gerald,. and' henutltul1y decent In his his eyes following her as she walke d attentl0ll8 to Arly. PIty they were so away with CunnlngblLm, "I know now of what ye ul' prall Ie rott~ bored 'WIth each otlier: but ther& Y011 were I Each should have remind. me," Cunningham told hel'; "the Oharmeaux 'Praying Nympb.' It mlUTled 1), blonde. "" Gall ' Sargent fairly eclntU,-ted with Is tho most spiritually beautiful ot all enjoyment. 'Sho bad nevor at le nded the plctutes In the Loune." 110 brilliant a house 'l)lU'ty. ' lJ /3r own ' ''1 wonder wblch Is the stronger lIet ba.clt homo had a lot ot tun, but omotlon In me ,ust now," she' roo tbls was tn BOme way dltrerilOt. The torned; "gratified vanity or curlosf'ty." "I hope It's the lattor," smiled Cnn· people were no more clever, but thero nlngham. "I rocsJl now a gallery In wblch thero Is a very good copy of the Charmeaux Co.nVllll, lind I'd he delight· ed to take you." "1'11 go with pleasure," proml8ed Gall, lind Cunningham turned to her with a gratefn1 sm lie. "1 would preler to show you the orlgloal," he ventured. "Oh, Jook lit .them tuolng their drUIDS," crIed Gall, a.n d he thought she had entfrely-mlssod his-hint, that the keenest delight In his lite would be to lead her through the Louvre. and from thence to a perspecUve 'ot picture galleri es, dazzling with an the hues 01 tlt e spectrum, and all long as IItel He had other thingS which he want· e d to eny, but · he calculutlngly r~ s erved them tor the day ot the picture vIewing, when he would bave her ex· cluslve ' atlention; so, through the dance, .he tnlked ot trlfies fllr from hla Ileart. He was a nIce chap, too; Dick Rodley wae on ' hand with the last stroka of the music, t o clf,i lm her for hIs dance. By one ot thosa waves of ullspoken agreement, Gall was bolog "rusbed." It Willi her night, and she enjoyed It to ilie full. Van Ploon do.nced 1'Uh her, dance~ consclentlou81y, keeping perfect time "Th.,. , J. No Century Plant," He to the music, avoiding, with practiced 8hameleilly Confe.aed. adroltnes8, every possible pocketing, were more clever people among them: or even hem contacLs with. surround· that was It. There had boen a wider Ing couples, nnd acquitting hltnlfllif of rallae tram which to pick, which was lightly turned observations at the ex· wh7. In New York, there were so plra1l0n of about every Beventy sec· many clrolee, and clrcies within onds. He quito approved ot her; ex· circle.. traordlnarlly so. He bad never met II The ImIn whom Luelle and Arly had girl who approacbe d 80 near the thou· C?o)(eeted were an especial 'Oy. They . sand per c~nt grado 01 perfection by had &ll the accomplished outward sym. all the blue ribbon points. bola Of forvor without any of Its opJt was wblle she Willi enjoying ber PIUIII". InslBlence. Ge.l.I, as an agree- second restful dance with Van Ploon able duty to her now found selt, ex. that Oall, swinging with him near the pertmented with eeveral of them, 'and south windows, heard tho honk at an tound them meet 'llJJluslng and plene- a.uto horn, and near the conclusion ot ant. but nothlq more disturbing tbe dance, saw .A.lUson standing in the Dick' Redley waa tbe mqat ll~ralat- doorway ot the ballroom, with his . ent, and, in spite of the fact that he hands. In his pockets, watcblng hel' waa 10 l1awloosly handsome as to ex. with a smile. Her eyes Ilghted with oIle rtdicule, GaU found . herself. by I pleasure, and sho nodded gayly to him over Van Ploon's tall ' shoulder When Bnd by, defendIng him ll8alnst ber I the dance stopped she was on 'the r own Iconoclastic . sense ot humoT He elde of the room, Bnd wa s Instu:' reached her after the minstre l s llow, the center of a bnzzing little knot of wlaQe ~OUIIton Van Ploon ond Willis dancers, from out at which carefree Cwuiloabsm were 'sUlI struggl ing pro· laughter radiated like · vIsible fiashea ~BDely with theIr burnt cork. and he of musical soood. She emerged from tole, her from under the ve r y eycs ot the group with the arms ot two bright. Jack Lartby, while that smJtteu you.th eyed girls around her waillt, and met WU eKchanglng wit, at a trem ell.d ous Allison s.t urdlly breasllng the currents lo~ 'WIth caustlo Arly· whIch had set towa r d 8 th e conserva· th Fosland. ' , -~t V,'In' YOUth Been e n e w ?,~llnDtulrYk tory, the drawing rooms, or the botret. , e conserva t ory, c "Nobody has Baved me a dan "be Balled, b~ down at her, his black oompJalned. . c:e. eJ'!!._ ·alowln',llke 00sJl. He. ItroUed with Gall to tho Beat be. "Nobody expected you witll tomorblDd the 1'OIe sorsen, but It W88 fully row, ~' Oaf) smllingl7 returned, latroon,.-ed, !Uld he 'Ied the way out to- duclng him to the girls. "1')( beg yon ward ~e aeranlum alcove. one ot my dances from Ted or somebody." -whe~ II the century plant 1" He wall • tremendou'Bly pleasant tellow. ,,"one will be enough for me, unlees WlaOIl she . walked througb a crowded " ou can stea) me lIome more' at your ' J'oQDI. with Dlok, she knew, Crom tbe OWJl," he told 'ber, Ilonc ll1l dOWn at Ioob or admiration, just what people her, from coltture to blue pointed Illp. .' . ..,..- pers, with calm appreciation. "You are looking great tonight," and . hie gaze came hack to rost In her glowing eyes. He.r tresh colot had heen helBht. ened by the excitement ot UUJ avealng, hut now an added f1u~h swept IlBhtly over h.e r cheekl, and paeeed. . 'Til see what I can do," Ihe apecu. ·lated. looking .at har dance card. "I think ODe II all 7011 pt." "I'Da laclq O't'lll CO 1Ia,.. that,," decJanct 4I1IIJlIl1A-~_~
dnll!'e ;Sown. 1 nat 1\'U Just 111 m tlml' to Illln'lsh tile bllrret. I'm hungry as a bear. I slart ed out heft.' wlUlout
Th e W oman's World. monthly Am e ric a n Farm ing, l1lontllly
I IIii
Cree n's Fruit Crower, m o nthly Home Life , mo n thly HO useho ld Jo urn a l, l11on.t hly
She Wu Glad
Re sc ue
Herse lf
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_ , ':'O l ~ ,(,;~lJ ' ~ fill~1 h ' Llt.:r vu lile 110 m a tt e r how hard y ou t ~) . I h m \..: of It · - yntlr OWlll10me w eekly , C ill"I·Jl ll ... tl· '~
) I ggcs~ ::llll
Ics L () lI c · C C ! ~ t d a il y n e w , pa pc r :lnd FI VE s p~ endl~ ,ho llle an d fi c t IOn p u b lica lio n s at a bn rg aitl p n rc. . 11.1 ~ I I A 11 GA ZET T E g ive . 0 11 all of til" u · 1tt l I . ... e re~ ,.111 ~ o ~a llCWS abo l1 ~ 1 h e fo lk !,; y ou k n o w , whil e t he j IIIlCS-, L:l: kce p~ ;'0 " III l ouch with th e n ews o f lil ' w h oil' \\'orl( 1. . III odd. ILio n to f urni s lll'IJg .ou " ' I' lh \ 1' 1) •
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~~~~;t~!~Il~~~l~~~eW::D:a~~~!~~r: : NEWS I
n~~~~sotd ~~II~:, :a~~a: ~~s s~~~ a~~
GLEANED There I. }lo QuesttQJl • l~hlCh ~)et1 FROM GnU AT HOUSE ~~DlPtIY 1.0Ved i ~KK:I:
... ..- ---
I I i
'1. .
ow . ,. . ...... __ ....,
Ha rking Back. "Vou sny YOII hl1\,o bean go ing wltb M1 8~ F1lbbs Il lon g tim e?"
but. that i,!digcltion and tlte walr••ed feehng 01".aY8 wilb it can g Dytnkin aS
I I DubblLt. " I have II new frelgh tugo TSapeblPet a t)roposltlon (or the NIlU onal Dair y Products cons ollclatlon." before and nIter each meal, 2lic a ~ p ". e. "a"MY. Dabbltt brlgbtened visibly. 'Be hil t! robnle CQurl Proceedln", been missing something keenly t hese • past two days, und now all a.t once he E~tll to of Willia m H . Vons tAbl e , / .' reallled what It was : business. cJOOIll~SI d . .In ventor y lI u ri IIl'pralse. lrwln S nOO k, jr to . R ebeOOIl I< '1 can't see any po/lglblo n ew an gle," !De nt d lllllen ad with P lio slIl e l::!n ooll, lot In 801l1.h 'Lebanon , $1. . returned Babbitt c;nu~loU8Iy, and with of OIIl~ . t.r.I')s nu lhorlzell. 1 " ll rl "'1 d K II .. rd I _, ' . .. 68 ,,-,c wnf e ey and wi t o g ance _ th e dushlng Illstil te of Mll r y ill 'q n8tn 1)le , de . t.o 'Iydo B. Hllney lot. in M a bac ..wa youn. ·Mra. Dl\bbUt. He headed Ill· oea He'd " P ublio dul or ollllttois au. $1. • orrow, aUncUvely tor the library. t bor izild ' F '. Le.ugbIngly GaU flnlsh ed h er thIrd ra o k trtlOt Mlll l1in r Frllnklln, and wife a.l to G A . II,l th.o 'nm l te r III th e e!\tl.te o f Wilmer, dtlJlce down. She bad enjoyed several Bern s t ei n B ros. in ven tn r y Ilnd av- . A1bal t B t G '" sparkling encounters In passing With prnIS{'lll An t fil et.! . ;..;".10 ot IHope rty b o lzer 80 mn ~o B)orge B . Over. Dick Rodley, aud she was buoyan t!>' "utho ri7.od . f). . " ~ III t:!u tlln town t!hlp, exbllarated IllI s he started to s troll E t a te of J ohn t;! , E mUl ons el l'trom the door with her partner. She oel)f)od . Fi r~ i. 1I0COllutl~ .. proved. n l. f beoil or s U. Fie ld and wife t o had wanted to find cberulrcheeked .. ,:hf\rle~ 1:1 , Cole Rnd J . R. Houser Marlon Kenneth, Bnd togetber t bey lo w ed a nd conlirlJl ed, l ot 10 Frnnklin, walked throug h the conser vatory, nnd 1n t.h6 UlIlr.I4' r nf tltl' g llllr lillO~hi)l . . the dIning room, a nd tbe deserted bU. of flat:! ey Su Id (lr~ . tn luor . L D' Uiyde BI~Dey and wif~ to ChRrle8 Ll nd e . t 'I dl 8 1 Edward K e lley, smt.lll · r.lot In ""II-m liard room. with Its hrlght light on the o il I S IlPI'c> IO 0. !l llll r o n. OUl .., u groon clolh and 1111 til e Tes t 01 tho $2,000 towns hip, $1 . In t ho mutlet o f UI O Bt. ~te of .M. '1'. Baynes, f\8~ ignee to Peul S rooms in dimness. Tbere was a na r. row apace at one point between th e Uhl\r]es li'rItIlZ, d ocoil~ ed . 1'lVeu lo ry Barbnu g h, 70 Heres In Frllnkliu chairs and the table, and It un OXIHlet. anc! apprul some n t ve rifi ed. Pe r. township, '788.63. e.dlY wedged tllem Into close contact. , s nnal prtlllUrl·V ord er ed su ld tl t pri. • - - --With a 8harp Intake of bls breath, the I vlite s d,le. . fellow, a. ruddy·taced, thlck.neCked' l Benry C. F nlOz, udmini Ht,r otor VI! fulHlpped young man wbo . ha d fol· GeorgE' D. Fran:to at III Ord e r g runt Puln resul ts from injury or con lowed her with his eyeo all evening, cd to s e ll raul estate ut pr ivtlt,1l 88ie Budde nly turned, and caught ber In bls Tb oIll us E. Hoover ox co n tor VB ~ Ilstl o n. Be It n l\uralglli, rhenmll embrace. Charles W. Silve r , et Itl. ' Kr ll b MO- tls m. lum bHgu, nenritl@ too~baob e OolI, turning, hurried out 01 the sIde Gtaw. Lela A1 o Ur l~ w a u, l Virg il Mo "'prOin, brnll!e, sore stiff mnsoletl o~ whn t.e ve r pilin yon havE'! yields t o door to the veranda.. H er knues were GrlJ.w lUnde pa r ty defend nnt", trembling, but tho fresh, cold a ir E! t l\te of b'r tlue riotl fleblJflle r , de- 8loan'lI Liniment-brings nllw frelb steadle~ her, and she walked tile full eMsed, F mll l IICC() n ll t UP Ill'oved blo d. dlss olve8 the congestion, r e length ot the wIde porch, trying In· .. J\ o wiJ(1 I\n d e onfi rmoo ' \leves the Injnry, 'he Olronll1tion I_ stlnctlvely to forget the sic kening bu· Estll t. of R beoct~ V. R h O ) Ilrd In. tree lind yonr Vain .1ell ve8 lUI if by magic. 'rbe tJatnra of its qualities mUiation. She WIIS nellr a willdow, 811n e. 'rbird 1I0COtl Ut aJll/rf. ve il: III penetrate Immedilltaly to the 80re and, advancing a step. ol1e looked In: l o w e~ IIn(: coofi rnl cd spot, DOIl 't keel) on 8 uffe rit1~. Gilt It Willi the library, and Allison sal . there, so clean and wholesom o look. E~tll t;e o f JUUl es I:J. Mille r, deoeas- a boUle of 810au's Llnlrnen6 U Ne lng, with his plllk shaven face and hIs I ed . F l nl\l uoo() un t Ilpl)f UVell, al. It, It weODS' 1uslAnt r e lief. Pri ce 35e. IIn(1 liOo. '1 .00 bottlo holds sIx white e vening wnlstcoat, and his da rk I low ed find con fi rnll'd . . hair beginning to sprinkle ' with gray EstuliO of Mao 'l 'l'o villv, d eoo Ised. tim es 08 muoh .s th e 250, elze, at the temples, He wao so sturdy and Fln tl.1 lL(lOo un t "PIH uved, II !lOwed IlDd - - --' .so strong and so dependable looking, OO nfirm ed. '. as he sat earnestly talking with Dah' l '~'he trus teos b ip of Ellzt\ beth COUNTRY'S EXCESS OF MALES biLL OaU hurried to the front door I Hu mes, boncfioiu r y . T h ird II COO Un t and rang the bell. tiled . ' In the United State. There la aRe."· "Hello, 01111," greeted th!, cheer y T ile l; r n~ tetl8hlp o f 'I' P . U nine!! versal of the Condition. voice of Allison, a e she CDJDe In. " My benef!olnry . '1'll1ru 11 0 ollnt fl lod. ' In Europe. In tb e mu tte r 0 1 t llo w ill of GIlS dance next, Isn't It?" His v\llce was so good, e o comfort· I t' Ii ~1;l p () PP(l, d OC HIIIlnt l , Will til ed for In the U nited Stotes 08 a whol o lng, 80 reassuring. I prO btlt.3. ~t to r h ~u rlll g U(;tobor the numw r of mol '9 is 2,602,2 8 in "I think so," slle .repll od, Btandlng U . he81tantlyln the doorwa y, nlld Ulank· E stlll,A or All r on B. Uh lln ,ll ur d e. excess 01 t ho nnmber of females the ful that the lights were canopied In oODsed . l Dveu t or y Il Dd apl'r~I Be r a tio being 10 6 mnl cs to 100 fom'alcs. this room. meut fli ed. In . m os t E uropcun eount-rics a reAllison drew the memorandum 11Ild E t . '" toward him, and rose. .~ ·ul,e 0 1 .. e lto n D. duffo rd, In. verso si tuation prcl'llils . . In Englnnd "Dy the way, there'o one thing I for- B~t~o. lIlrs t nOCIJUllt o f g uardia n and "Illes the number of males t o got to tell you, Dabbltt, a nd It's rather ' e . . 100 :females is only 98.7; in FOlnee ImporlBnt." He besltated uod glanced I In th e ltIu\tu of the estute of MIn. 06.7; i n )jle Germlln empiro, 97; i~ toward the door. "You'll excuse me nle U. 'l'lbbttls , d eoe as ecl . N. A just halt n minute, wOIl 't you, Oa1l7" 1 8amlitlln IIllpOInled Ildmlnlstmtnr. Italy, 96. 5, and in Russia, 9B,9. 'rhe excess of IDtl,leB in tho United She had noticed that assumption of Bond '3000. £J.t!. Uonover, W. G , And e r ~o n lind U. •1. Mille r Ilppolnted Stn,tcs is chiefly due to e:xtenstve imluUllIllt" lJlIlIerstnlldlng In him before, I~llprlli~er s. . migTlltion; n much larger proportion ~tll!a:h: ~~~f~er~t:~~ =~~~red It. Now lu t~e IDll tt.er of t,he ~state of I.n. of the i m migrants being males than "8 I" . oetta H,. H l d e~ dece tu'\8d J obn () on Inu : ~b ~11~e granted, lind j)flssed UlLrtwri Rb t IlPI)ointed admlnilltmtor' femnl es. In :1.907, for exnmple, out ' of 11 total immigration of 1,2B5,349, e . rary alcove, a sheltered Bond $ 3000 nook where ahe was 'g lad to be a lone E . tq fescue borsell from the whirl or stllte ~f M iry M. Corwh, <Ie. only 355,373 ·wcre fcmales. anger, and Indignation, and bumilla. ~r11l8e d. 8 000n l1 acoo unt 1I11proved, Among the Iri8h born, however, tion-above all, . humlllation-which owed IIn<1 o<'n~fmed. .. the f emllles outnumber the mnles in bad swept uround ber. Her tBce ' was In the m .. tte.r cf the guardianship a 1'Iltio of .100 to B2.6, the exphmahot and cold by turn s , and ahe waB ai, of ' Vho,r le~ .J . rlbbols, i ill beoUo, mOBt on the point' ot crying In spite 8eym our 8 . Tlbbn hlllP llolnted guar. tion being the' lnrge number of Iriah girls who come to the United States of her constantly rolterat ed self-ad : dian . Bond '4 000. to engage ,in domestic work. monlsltment that slle must control her· Real Eslale Tranlfen selt bore, when Allison came to' the door ot the alcove. . Oharlos B. Work to E , J Mlnniea! "All right, Gall," he said laconically. lot In L.ellilnon , FOR INDIGESTION She felt 8uddeuJy weary, but sho .N e ver h.ke popeln and prepara rose and Joined htm. When ehe UOUI\ ooil tolning' Jl8P1!in' or other dl. slipped her · band In- his arm, strong, geptlve terment8 for lndlgestlon, IIi' . IUld wnrm, a.nd pulsIng, she was aware 1,1 e W(lre YOIl lake the wore YOIl wUl o( II thrill from It, but the thrill was '181'0 to .takB . Whlit 19 needed III Ju st r ostfulneso. I toulo hke ()hamber(tlin '8 Tabletil' "You look a little tired," judged the pe l'. practical Allison, as they strolled, Side Jaci<8Iltll, MII8.-"I ',hall feel repaid r:bllt WIll enable the' eto lult-oh by aide, Into the hl\lI, and he patled ror writ;ing thl' letter If I can help any rorm ttl! fnnotlons naturally. Ob . the .slender hand which Illy on his tired, wom·out mother or lioueekeeper' ~· .ioablo e verYwh"re, to ,~nd h,e altb ILnd .strength .. I have• . 'a'rm, • 1 have a fBmlly 0(- five, lew,· cook "Not very," sbe lightly replied, anl\ , and do my b\lusework and I became very unconsciously ohe onuagled ber hanll mucb l'I~n·down in bealth. A f.rlenil . That Relemblance. more comfortably. Into Its resting uked.l)1,e to ~ Vlnol. I did so and now "Whnt a toony looklqc man tbat place. A IItt.1e sIgh osca'p ed her \lpe, I am well and Itrong 8Ild I!I.Y old time condUctor II'" ee.ld Mrs. .llg&1es on the deetKIrawn and fluttering. It was a ene'lQ' baa been re.tored. Vlnol has aD trolley. ' "Yee." laid Jlg8188. "I've beon IUpenor .. a tonic for worn-out, ranIlah of can lent. . down, tired mothers or houlekeepers. ,. .!!2lnuo think whom he looks like. (TO DE CONTINlJ11:D -lrIri. J. N. MflLTON, Jackaon. Mile. Kia face Ie YU7 familiar to me," "Ob, J mow who It III" laid lira. JJqJ. . Balteoribe for She Miami <lue&s. J. E. Janney. D~uggltt. WayneavJJle. "Ira our aoWIIlIal"-Jadp.
- .-
I • :
From the Whirl of An ger. II l ' ua. ) c all( . lrIt rl' s t lllg s pcc ial fcnt llI cs th a t n o o ther excellent hu mor In th eso days ot bui ld. d iul y can g l\'C ),0 11 . I.u l es t aw l m o s t r <>l iu hle m a rk et : lng, and planning, lind clearing g round f l')>o r ls. DOll't o\'erloo k tllis op p o rluni L ' , buL S lld tor all enUrely new superstr uctu ro of life, circled around to the di ni ng r oom, yO ll r o r dl' r loda y Lo where he performed 8t\,vage feals at tbe buttet. Soon lie was ou t lignin " • standing qulotly at th e edge ot things' lind wBtchl ng Gall wi th kOell Pleasu re: both whon she dancod a nd whe n, In : the Intermi ssions, tlt e sollun ts of tho WAYNESVILLE, OHIO :! party Sr8vltated to h r like II edl('s : : to a magnet. Her popular ity pIons d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • ...............~ h Im, and lIultered bl m. Sulldenly he ____ caught s ight 01 'E ldrldgll Babbitt, II Allison was experi encing In th e con. tenlpl nUon of Gall. .
1I0w InU h of tllt h,nur>lIcc or l~ nrly , 1onvlrolltn lit, of tl. e habltual 'd reill" tlODIi. whl h ompr 80 for ouoh or ,lIt! --~.~ --=t ile lroll rin g ,ot h i ~ de ' InY', t here I ~ hi even our .1 'Il p ur altitude to.wnn) l All Ii nvCl- '7"11, ee F ~ l'I'ns . lllo xt rlla l 1I'0rlo-t Oll'urd wlla t WO ! All t lalll!.\s III III<' \\01'1(1 1..1\'0 tllrcs ;til Nu tu r! Not long a ~o 1 Oil ul f rm~: 111,':e ~rfl /,::I.llo 1I~, IIIluld nn d mallY weeks 10 the prolrJe oountry or 80 11<1. E, " I') till . \; IIi. lu ' \"Ing froDi ono the " 'est, a SOlltlO ot ollprcsslu CUll' of IlIeNO! t.. l\ll~ luto 1.llolh p r. Fo r' ln· Illuntly Increuijlug In weight upoo illY st nul'\' th., ~1'UI1)11l I ~ It IhIUIcI. Dri ed ~!I\r l t. '1'h08o endless , levtll 1)II1.1n91 In th l!' IWII nlr, It. Roon Il Olllt!S n ~ hose runcls tltn~. tl l r labell W I Lllo~t II . solid. 1'h, II, 11IIIvl'r!z"d, It I~ lulllill 1I i1 reak 10 In tlnlt) . A hOIlSO, U SIOUP bv III" n il' ' 1Ilt! ('\ 1'l' ulntPR- tn mIlHHd"'"----~~ or bu rn a, n fr uit or uh ard, nnd th eu u d;ISI ~ I\ .·th!h H. HllIlie oC which ure lCh ' clum p ot hurd woods, a lollO broke tho sl\ln ll to u.· •CI'II ondlestI, lInt r.Jo ll l)(o ny 01 snow·cov· ered Ocills- IIO, not flelll , but In l1ul· -------- ~, tu des wh ere a Slllgio lurrow cou ld pu t I a gird le about Ull enUro townsblp In ACI.. CGEOSYSTEM my hOlllo IUlld! Ny souillu ngur d tor a 11111; wy heart craved, with a dull NlLOS ATTENTION lo])glng, tIlo sight of a IIllk d blrolL A . o YI' U 1'l ho l1 ~, ())zz : "lIr.1lf.. I. l j '~~? t r e lIun s alort asu lnst tho wl lli er sky. Dr, r~IIl !t ' ,.. N,) \\" I,HI! Pal l. t u kOIl 'Il, Unc k thro ugh Iha ndlf eR Illulns or ""oIl .• •·i ~.,, ~ IIP')II 'Otlt<IIPh t lo ll II njl illinois tho Ullin !,m.wl 'Ii a WllY froltl 1'11' 1'1" t h" "1 ".;,1" .n lw f ll ll 1l1lf,\,l rn ll l' Iho Botting KIl Il . Bnt tbe l . xt day lI ~ ht II UO (I, "II \, . i\l O I' I1() V r It, II Il IH wilit dl l!clos d the gen tl e, ro ll111S s lopes or n llt 1:1"11"1110( jIl "I! It'o l, ,i f .1 t'1 1f 1{~"11 Ihe Mollnw k va lley, Dnd boforo llIany ~). I;'''' I "Ito). I" '. 'II '1I11- L ~lll ll , . ~ Illl urs hu.1 IlD usc d th o Uerlls hlr hill d omll p' i,·,. II " 1 ' . :', " '11 " 114 lll 'll l , nl II' ro nll ilbolit us, li ke f :' Ilila r thin gs "lid II h nd )' 1" ". \ '1'" tld 'ltng II' ,·,1 recol'cre d. T h calU ol·\!. !np of Gfll)" itl1l1ltld mi. 1I11,' u' If y o u w)~ll lock to lho north wop . ol ppbl rc·lJlu o to ,, " ku ti p t" ·Ii, ,, rr 'h'· 1ll 0ri llnl r II l1 d boc kun tng. T he u ~ are r moun· lI . lJ I I~ I I 11, " 1\1,11101 IIn l ll uly ~ ll li .Und. talns \l uro tit Ir r " .. .J h Dla nll es. ~t ,.rt. .v .U I· t l'4:lIl IIl) '" t , n ig h t . tGo I,rtc kod wllh gr cc n, nllove t he snowy 1\ l.III t,tl ll I lnter vlI19, nnd Inld I heir u p· r en red )u tll nes s turk agu lnst lho sky, Sha d· Or. n{J erO UB Metl h,)d. I <>WY rnv lu 5 lot Into l~lel r lIaolls, s nt;· ,.\\ hnl un! Y"U )" 11 :\11'11 tII' H l r~ tlr r un· gcstlve or roarln ll brook s a nd the mys· t 'r y ot tho wlldorness. The clouds Is h ItlC'ul : WI\R n Il\ O Il ~ t h p 1111 4'» 110 "'"' t ra llcd IlUrl)l o abudow·anchors; the SUhllll UI' U to IL 1 ~1I C'1l\ ' I' III II rllrnl . d iR' SUll IIl1s lt ud frOID the leo on their t i- Iet I" (1111... 11.·r tlll ~ \\' l' I' \\' IIH, " I I ry scu rr 'd ledges. And II. weight soe med mom! HUII'I Inn II)"KI. 111111 If IIl1Lt .1/>l1M suu d nil' IIrted from my s plrlL. 'rile not w .. rlt I 11 >1' CII I)IIII I p"u l ~ htllU Il t." words ot tlte nnclen t psalmIst comes' Au Il "'",!' ,, n I Kll hll r hnud \\' h,'rll nloro l to my II P8 unconsciously : " I w ill auu s lllll had rliit bpP1I n Bure '88 , nud lift up mlno eyes unto the hills. From tll o c hll'lr~ n "" Ir ' ",·urcc . l bl! cOlO lIllt· wh :Ice comelb my help? My help tee took 110 rl sit•. cometh froUl Gorl. "-Wal ter Prichard . Ealon In Hnr po r'8 Ma gtl zlne.
---------------... 'Th e Cinc innati Ti m es-Star, d a lly .. ,
: • •
Read This Carefully
Th e Miam i c .a zette , WIjICkly
Sirk h,·... lud,u, 1,:li"I!,I\C''I''J,iI 1l .md h <l un' ,t il. ," \. ILL.ly ( IUS" lJy in!lcth'c h.m clH. I L a hu t nl lt~ x :\U OrolprhcM. fhl net s enllv " lid ellen. \lvely. ~olJ (j\, .' by lIS.itt lO , t:tIlU!.
Innuence of E rly e nvi ron me nt Is (or U. the Iron Ring of Elich Dest iny.
The Big Bargain of the Season
::~;;~:t 8~~~: t~~ar.~ ~·o~· ~~nd
Sci r-Rlghlco ua. 1H'() I, h l,"
~ al tl
I IU' 1(1
"tll ll<s II 1>(> II t 1"':1\'('11 11110 It I\' II P Iil ol r o wn prnIlN I)' .lnt .1,' ), \\,(lR r rf'l'n rlll' to tllck II 'No nrtllll ttil llcO' s l 'n 011 10.- WIIs hll1j;lOIl .glll.\'.
6T for?" ''Delore the Ta ngo :- ra ze." • FInancial Str :"ge ncy. Dlxmyth- I 10R t $50,000 In less than ball a mlull te lus t ni ght Ho'ax-Wbnt's t.h o CKlilll: tion? Dlxmytb- l propo sed t o Miss Ootold " No." 1'OlI: and she !l Graduate
D r. JAM C . coy,
.- .
Ilniveuf' ~
~I ul
Office nt r e.Ji lenct! in I~, II ::lher CHRONIC CONSTIPATION wood's house, Fourth:il Net. ' About tw :-o ysors ag u when 1 be. g an usin g Chllm be llaln's 'fnblets I Tclephon(' 28 h nd bOl;ln snfferlng f ur 80mEl time with s tom ach t,ro o1>lo /lnd ehronlo Ohio O'lDstllltlIIO. Mv oondltlo n In. \Vaynesv iHt>. p n vl'd r llpili l y t,h r oDg h t bEl use nf th e~ o Illbl e ts ' I Tlc ~ tllkln g fo nr or five b o l t l e~ o r ~l! w my b ll ll ltb hU 8 bee n fin e," \V riteA Mrs .• ' " bn Now· 1 MAFFl~ l' ' on, Irv in!:! , N . 'I. Outlli n ubl l' e v. I • rywbor . _ .____ . ___ unern J I)'Ir..ctor
. and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohlo~ ,
Worke rs H;,ve Fou nd It Make. Much Call answered IJrOIll pt ly day o r night Diff erence a8 to Which End II Botb phO~les ill Ollice alld ltesidence. In the Ground. l ongU I lam·I.!,No.14; Homo )hOn6
Tho a verllgo pers on in planting a post Is vcr)' likely to place It 80 that the upper end 18 In the ground. Th.ls he does on th o h)lpo thosl8 tbat mols· ture will follo w We Hame oourse In the post that sap IlUrsued In tbe troe from whl oh l ho ]lost was taken. In \lclnt of filet, water flow s olther way through th o pores at dead wood 80 that. a s fur as the trans m18810n of mois ture Is concerned, It docs not matter which end ot a post Is in the gllOund . A hundred a nd twenty·flv e posts sot ao years ago hn vo just been ca refully Oltflmlned for inforinatlon on this very point. Elghty·slx of them wero ptMcd In lhe ground Inll up, and 39 top down. Ot tbe former, 15 or 17 ]ler cent, were decayed, os agsJnat 13, or 30 per cer. t, ot the latter. 'j'he o'bserver very logically con· clu,Jes thRt the direction ot the ' flow of moisture through ·the posts had Itttle or nothing to do wltb tholr con· dltJI>D. In all Instances the greatest decay was at the ground IIno, and, natursJly enough, tbe posts In which the amsJlest diameters were at this line ,had sulfered ~Ile most. , Tho conclusion arrived at Is, ther~ 1ore, that It post" are to endu.r o to their Umlt. they must be so · sot tbat their largest diameter Is at the ground line. Tbe quostlon as to ,w blch ond 111 liP II of no practical Importance,
Chairs and one Conch f urnished free with fun erals. Best of servi ce Ku nr a n teoo.
Muoh More Literal.
Notary. . Puhlic All klt\ds of N utllr ) WOI k. Will" I\n(l Deed s .. ~JI () o llll'Y.
DiarrI10,ea. ThlR rl;I8el1SO "hool(l bt> trclLted R9 Roon All t bo ~r 6 t !:lnnlltuml. loo~l' nl'SS of th e oowels aplleur R. Wb n this 18 don o 'n 81n I.e oO!\e of CllIllnhel'lllin's CoUti,'Chol . era nnd l)II\Trboea H utoll y 11;11 e.ffoot II I?ure. This rellloj~m'_~:"II~lyT·,I4;I)~·~I-4l\lll_lw~I":·~... l' nde<l upon even in thu lUost severe anll , -= dllDgerOtl8 0IIII08 , and Ahou)el be kept lit hand r andy for Instant tlse. Never leave home onl~ journey without it.
- - - - - - - - __ --
_ - ____ .2...__
DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTIST••• Olllco' llI N."ODII nlllk Bldll. _.. - - --
"JUllt as ,1 entered the theater laat esJd Minerva, "r heard some"ne Bay: 'Now for the dirty work.'" ".And ~en 1 suppose the 'vlllaln c~rned olr the girl," ventured brother
replied Minerva. "a 'com8dlo.n "'&I on the stage. and when he ssJd that he started to blacll up hla taceln full view ot the aucllence.~
- --- _ .
• ,
Optlmlltlo Thought. . • ~ . 8V U81NQ ITI ADVIRTt8INQ OOLUM ... A ,'llever man's inheritance fa fotm&'I SAMPl.;.E COpy FREF . In !lYe" cp1lIlti-y. , IIKW YORK CLI .....1t . . ..- Ye"'.
w . .N. ,LIVE
AUCTIONBER ReAL ESTATe & INSURANCE Office in Stoops Bultd;ng
WayneaviUe, - Oh.io
l'ul,U. ho>ll
al W. ,.,"",vlUlI,
eUlan h
,;" n ,~,c" f llr the "' I~t thirty .l1vc yean. tll1d h",; bl!cIJ IIIC kllulI'n '15 Ih~ 111081 rcli al:lc ' ~I1 ... (Iy (or C.. tarrh. Ha ll' s Ca ·
Octobe r 20, 19 15 ~
~1Ir '
ac l.·
t i,rou ~J ,
l'O~r;"r you
11"... c luken Hall's I Cure fur 0 short lillle yo u wili see a grcat i"'Irrovcnrc,11 ill your g,,"C!ral health. Slrut t nk ing Ha ll 's COlarrh ' Cure at onCe! .and I ~Cl rid 0 1 catarrh. Seud f r IcstllllO'lJols,
I -
U10y are corurtipntOO. 'l'bry fenr I!<~me U1ing dilltMteful. They ",mJiko ROIuLlI
Our Oreat Monlev·!~a'~111
lhe Blood on th~ MUC<)lJs-sur/ut'cs, nlpcllinK lhe Pouon frolll I!'l: Blood ond 1"'uLini! tb dlsrnl;ed p r' " ,rlr
Watch Your Children orten cWldren do not let parents know
oITe.· Uhe H IIl1d rod D"lutr, }{eWt1{'(! fllrany ~.,,~ ul Cnt,,,rh tllnl cannut be cu red hy 11;.II's Catanh Cure. ! II. I •. CItANI~, Editor and Manlllot.e r 1IIl/l·. Cu lli nh Lllre hils ~N' laken by Ulliu
THE NEW WOMAN'S TRIO K gr~.~ MOllbbly MUll1lZlu08 (o r '/1'0111' ('" -lIl'll'ulllJ' I'rlco U .OO por yonr .
ru \t1 mk "ll In Iljlllllh'lt Ilntl trllIl SIlO. ===~====::::"-=====~ HlIun ure touut! iu t·he IlRperB, es. - - . I,··ui,dly lOll tho nft·orlloou d rII Il08, / One tlmo howo;vor, In an HeDI about wher~ Htorlt!1I of nOWH 11m written thlsl'ollroud IIY1!\om . tbe 'YIM! mllde
QI:f)r jletl1
mO~an'S,~rio anib
renewal. All magazine sub. scriptions begin with month's issue unless some other month is mentioned on the order. All magazines must go to one address, Underscore each magazine that is • renewal,
McCall's · Magazine 60 Cents a
A rcco~ nizcc1 Fashio n Alltht) rily for . ,i ),"3 rs, wi l It nlUre subsc ri lJer. tha ll any o th~r fn sldon rnaI;B1i n•. j ;Uty exclus' ''. designs mun thly , s huwill g lutcst McCa ll pa tterns, whose sty le, fil, simplid l y nnd ecunO Ill Y rn uke the m first chuice of tho usn nd. of well · dl1!ssed WO,uen . ~ I ore I han 1,200,000 futlliti.. luve McCuIl 'a for its wholesome sluries I ympalhetic nrl ieles and ncwcs t idells In l;ancy Nct:d lewo rk.
....... -...... . .
Old s ubscrlhers, by paying the amount ill arrears and one year in advance, maV take a dvantage of Ihls gre D.t money-a ving offer. The combined drculaUon of THE NEW WoMAN'S TRIO is nearly tbree million copics every month.
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii iiiiiiiiiiiiil
Auto Livery SerVlce_· at Reasonable Rates
AI 0 A~cnt for· Kelly·Sp ringfield Mr. Glenn C. Davl tur ttl on n Automobll" Tired I,rip WU~G lJlJ I bur~ d ay, Ootobor 21. Hu xp"ot s to viHlt Iho r"ir 'H 'II U FruuolHno, fro'1' tboir.bo will gO til MfHSh flllitl, Oregon, to visit bls aunts, M r8, W 01 . Warwlok lIod M r8 Valley Ph on e 9U-J }.f Wm Urhne~ find tbelr families ~ e will be !pr, a Mven~1 month ~ . 'ovor al from this oomU/unl ty a ttend ed the tUlle rul of DElaD I3ho nll. han lit Wllynesv ille on Monday . HA1'UAWAY Viola Jo rtifltJ und Edna DeatLJemge vl~lt e d fri eudR in Covington, Ky. , "':' n.YDe.. lIle 'Il Lo,.dln J( Dentt.; on !:ial.urday &nd t:lu ndtly. Offioo In Koys Bldg. 1\111ln St t:) oo l~1 'onLer on t:lat.urdIlY olf'lbt, (,lotober n, MlIsCjuelllde Sooial. Uorne .
Corwin, Ohio
Woman's Advantage. "Women undergo Areotar trlllls thall meD." Trll o, rnlr Olle , bllt no mlllte r whom they h nv e murderod UI rO'8 u.l. ways an nequillal or a bung Jury.LouI9"111 Courler.Journal.
Walter McClure Funeral Director, Telepbone day or night , VlIolloy pbone No. '1, Loog DIBtnnoo No. 61)-2r. Automobile Service at all Tlmea
OHIO IBraneh Office. Barve1llburK, O.
I will 8011 at Publio Auotlon at my bOUle ou the Wnyoe8vliio nnd UIBTk8ville I'ike olle mile 80ut h of Way nesville station, on
_-......._............... _......................- _..... _-_.... __.._-._._.
D a te......................_.......................... _._ ......191 The MIami Cazette WayneSVille, Q, Gentlemen :-1 accept your great Money·Saving O lTer. Fo r $2.25 enclosed, please send The Millmi Gazctte aod the New Woman's Trio, all for a year, the address below:
• $4.00
.... _.... _...
Ray Mills
D u. H, E.
r-:H- Cut this Coupon Out and Send to tis
Miami Oazette ' $1.00. McCall's .50 Mother's Magazine 1.50 Ladles' World '. 1.00
- ..
jIIfliami 4§a}tttr
Subscriptions may be new or
J. Ii. Jlnn.,..
$4.00 Worth of Best Realding-,AII for Only $2. 25
1'S ll u~ h llVtl t hu hll hlt of !letting f' ee. • LrU!' ~ II')~ HtI, IIn,1 HC'W Il t.hu fIH the twl8t I F' l ' C" 13NE~~~ CO ". 'I uledu. Uhiu. J!:I v.m I he IoIUerij III nllw8pupars in Soldl y ail Dnrta:lSls, 7li<:.
IIDd IIO~ DIl ill typo In ~ oont!~nal It tbo "Es08.pe; · but there WitS nCl~h. ruoe 1I1!"1D8t liwo to "muko lln InR In ·tbe Item to indlOIlte tram udilion . Lt 18 1I 0'"16uf burry, hurry what It hlld Il.ollped, 118 the ueWb Is " rullr u"deel" (without . . ._ ..._-,-IICOU l roodlDg or 'u ny Iiliront IlwouDt l of odtt.III!! ) Into the vapor . A frhmd olln bo oOllvertell Into n -Ill1od uy tho ,,\tuple dropping of tho ItlLCer "r.·· Me n trlod Ollti true lire o llHlly 11 111110 tirol!. MIII,lUn l'Ic t1l1'O • . films IUU llIJ1 d" Into film s In 'l twlllk-I lin;.; or III . 'yo, "JIll II oa hu pflraon 0I1ll \)11 LUI' noel Intu (~ 0111111 without mll oh truubltl, ullrllll{ ~be Ide Wllr In the Bnlkllll ,,' tho BIlIl!illn army vltlyed a proml . nent IllIrt In the fighting lind ouo '. , JlII!M the olible n ews J!tBted thd the BlllglBn ••rmy would Invllde & ~own with a nlime Ihat oould hllrdly be wriL&fJD, lot llIoDe bo pronounoed 000 Ilu)16r run I,be lltory In bill ok. laood typa un tha fr,lnt plige uudur tbu IJlrj.lllttt halldllnGti It runli on that puge, IIlIll tbe rel1d(,rs were surprl~ed \u IUllom tbo lollowlng morning th~t "Borghus" would flut3r tho town tn 111I08\ioll ; IIlIye lin exohllnge. An umu81ng twlR' of tYJ)e onOA developed In proof sbeetll, aud It WIl8 Juok thllt thtl p"per did not print. the Item Ilud cauae a Mensatlon . It - - -... - - wae In " I:Iontbor1l olty, and oon federato Memorial DI1yl8 beld about II wee'k aftor tho ouetollury Melli. ',rilll lJ~y nortb ot tho Oblo RIVer In writing libullt the pUlIodo and tbft old soldier who had worn gray unlforlll" In tho wlIor betwoen the stllt-el!, YOllng Amerloll bad rllprelented the rel)ortoc mentioned the ·'oott·le. tbe fit O1l1y at ollUroh 1I000rred' veterllnll who had tlIllrobed "What did tb, minl8ter aay?" through tbe 8treel·lI. . hi. mo\her elked . Wbon , ho proofs of tbe Itory oame "Be a knooker, Rond you 'U find an froDl the oompolling room, tbe type opening," .IUI the &/I'Onl8hlnK reply, mode th(\m " btl ttlo.8011red veternns. " "Jobnny," she 811 leI Revorely. 'j'hlll of oourse W!18 correoted and "don" m"ke IIght 'of religion ." 8ent baok to '·ho oODlposltlg room "I alo 't ma," salll tbo bo,. "Yon wit)) tbe request for II revised proof ask uny olle. Knoolt and U shall b~ 1'bOllo CIlme 1I0wn and ,be "ooUle open unto vou '-tbll"e jnlt what 110 . lI!)4rred vot.erans·' hllcl ,rown 1nt,o 8111d I"-Jndge, "ho"IIl.l1o.. rell veteran8," BIIok to - -- -+-...- - \hll prmter wene sbe proofl ,"nd otl Dally Thought. t be Cill rei dtOlllvt they were refe.rred DII not angry tllut you connot makl \0 a8 "b"tlole.soarred veteraoa." On the PllolUo ooas' she news othera what you wloh tbem to be, p"paf8 In 'obbrovlntlDg tho Soutbarn Ilnce you cannot mllke yourselr what l'aolno Railroad, oaUlt 'ho hEel_." 70u wlab to be.-Thomae .Kemp...
DnIorli_a mild lrucative thllb &ailte8 like 1Iugar'. Sold only by UB, 10 C8IlUl,
ThursdllY, October21, 1915 Three Bor8oM, 15 UIlLtle 11 I:lheep, Implements, VebloloJ and dllorne88. Terms mude knowD on day of 8ale. J. L, Mendodhal l. C. 'r. HRw"e, Auc t. W. E, O'Noall, ClArk. I will ol1'er at Publlo !:lole at my residonoe, just east of BarvoYRburg, Ohio, on
Friday, Oct~bcr 22, 1915 BegInning &t, 1 o'olook .sbarp, 12D All four for only Bead Stock oonel8tlog of I) good POST ·OFFICE .. ......... _. ___ ......... __ ST ATIL _ _.__ Mlloh 00W8 and 5 Sows with Pige . and ~boat8 . Bee big billa for torms STREET NO .................... .................__ .......... R . F. D. _ ............... .. E. M. Lnkens. i Wm. Mm", Auot . All MllfllWn ca . III tho NE W LADIES TIUO poe. , l!Jvcl ~ IlIU.~ 00 IIOn~ 10 ODO ruJdrOill-no eXCOpliora L.-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---..____•.. _ _ _ ____ __ ._________ ._ _ _ _ .. __.... __......... Wm. Hllrvey, lJIerk. Name .. __ ........_ ...... _ .......... _ ._..... _ ......___,__ ._............. __ ..... ..
All Kinds of
All I am going to quit fal'llling Ji will 011'er f .,r ellie on ths John Smith farm 1 mile we8t of Mt. HollY,ond 3 mllee nQrsh of Waynesville on the uld ~tate Road, on Wednesday, October 27, 1915 SuCCC!S!Or to Commenolng at 10 o'oloot a . m . tbe F. E, SHERWOOD 'ollowlug property : 6 hones, " 08.t~le, 2g boge, brmlng Implemeute, Over Poatoffice, Waynesville, boulebold goodll. Terms m~de Offloe Pbo ne 77 IInown on day of lIale. JeliSO '3mlth . Th08. Dill, Anot.
InSURlI'n CE A. 8. Chandler
The Pennay1vaDI~ Ball Team The Tewell falIllly ontertalned' Alloe Hare was 'he guost of Mra . played tbelr tblrd gamo wltb 'he Jim Burton lind fawlly tlunday. Jane Langdon rbnfSd~y. Dragona I,ast SnDuIY"Dd tha vlsltMrs. Ehrer Kelsey I1nd Mrs. Wm Ilrs. JOlepb Miller Isen"r",lnlng Ing team oame ou, vlotorlouB, (j to 6. Dinwiddie Willi enltert/t i Ded lit the her alster, MrtI. 0111, of Mt. Holly . O. Mrl. ld& Ahlors, of Pittlburgh, home of Mrs. Frook J'OUOIl ono day Marie Albrlgb\ la vlsltlnll' In Uin. Pa ., Osoar Poolk nod fllmily. Mrll. last week . olnnatl, " Oenll Brenne r, Mr. and Mra. Rnhm. Mrs.:r. J: Hartsook wal a bnll. Dr. lind Mrs. Liggett, of Middle. lIoum8el, Mill!! &1111& Mnellor,.Pdr neS8 oCiller In uaytOon 'I'aosday and town were the gUIsta of Oscar Clel'. B. C. Brenuer, MI8S lolll Henlz, Dr. Wednesday. eDlter and wife Monday . Pllul w. 'rllpplm and ft1mily, of Mr . and Mrs. A. S, OOlnell and ),fr . and Ml'II. Pleroe 6roby werl' Dayton, were l:!nndoy guests of The daughter Mias Inlll~ bt1d for tbeir "'nes&8 of relatlvAa at D yton tbo Baving deolded to qllit farmln/ir I ~ 03ntral Hotftl 0" ~ ohioken dinner, . .. ...., a ,~-~.. U uO u Bund"y p;uest9 Mr. ond Mrs. Jean pass wee/l:, will lIell &t pnbllo :luutloD lit, m y ...:::.:::.:.::....=:...::.::.::.:=:...:.:::.==:..;=.:::.::.:::.;:;.;;.;:~ wbloh wile aoknowlodged by them PennewH, of Bellbr'Dok. .. M W .. . '0 be a real Obloken Dlnnor. _r. and fS . ,Benge 1I0d son resldenoe au tbe Crosely plnoe 2X . 'l'be Mullin [umilly attonded thtl Harold spent /:landay O'feoinjf '~lth mil es tiou~ll of Centerville, On the Bsnjl101ln Evans, who mends funel'lll of Mr. A. ()., Mullin's sister re)~tlve. a$ Ridgevillo . OilY ton aud l~elJll n o n pike, on 'rhe Iltate hlgbway IWllrovemenL OOUD~y oommlsilioners, 'owlUlblp M 611 1 th t t rnnd llrotiuood by the llta'" levy of trnsteell and villllge oounol\8, IIIbHII sholllt while yoa wata, III moving hll Friday 'fhe bodl' WII8 brought Thursday, October 28, 1915 . uri al-a&--Day ton. 'Ma u~ra J II P n t w~~ e b gues lOt throo.t41nt·bs of ODe tutll ahall bo liP hllove tho eame power Ilnd autborl. aboe.. from its present loo,,"on to tbe k~lifol'nl Ed Brown and . fam ily royally en. r weelr. 08 n a aml8 urg liS Beginning At 10 o'oID(,k, ·the fol. pliod to tbe oonstrnoUon, IUlllrove. to ooopllrllole In abo oonltrDo'lon, im upsta rs room8 over t e ownl! Ip mon': Ull1inteZll1nCA lind ropllir of la. provement. Ulnintenanoe and repair Bouse. d tertalned SnndllY, twh . ond Mrs. W. Nellie Fitts spent the-PBst week at 10 ""lUll property to· wit. : 2 borlles, ter oUlloty and mllin mllrkot rOlldll- of m"in and mllrke' (olldl.! Illgrante<) Mrs Maud Anderson lUI 80n, B. Squires. und son Wtiford, Mr. MI~mlllburg tbe gnest of her ouusln 1 oow, fllrm Imploment.M, lM I!hockll I!8vunty fl vo ver oonS \0 wain Dlllrket to 'hem 10 ~hll oon.truotlon, 1m. Oarlton, of Xenia, epe!l' Sunday and Mra. lJhas. Cr:r oelland little Bon Mr. Minnie Miltenberger ' Of coro, h o080 bold Roodp. Terw!! uH,de known on day 01 s f,lft . Orville Mr. lind Mrs . Richard Mur. .; . roads. provemell', malntenaDoo lind repllir with Mr. and Mrll. Amos EiJls. " d R us. the_r. and Mrs Clyde Motlnt were . W ' L.' B IUvey wero rRoY an d' two Bans, Frank A. Berry d M of Inter.oonn'y blgbwaYIi. Mr. an n. Wilson an guests f f d t C te III -.., W . N. 8eMB. AU()G. week eud guesb of frionds tn Ur· 8ell and ()lIngMer, Rath, Mr. lIod Wednesd 0 nlla s a en rv 0 The funllt! erived from tbe re~11I J . B Chapman, Cler lor. bana,Oblo. Mrs. Ed Hough. ay. 'ra&lon of llutomobll8ll8bllll be eql:llllThe board of Goun',. oommlsslon. Mra. FranlllShldllkor Is visiting In Borry Cornell'l! llntertai'ued com. Mn. Ed. Johoson, of Red J,lou, I" divided I'nd one blllt .han. be ap. ere may 'provide annually a fnnd pMny &'urday. was t be gueat ,of her IIIAtur, Mrll plied, "nd u.lld, in tbe m ,inteDanoe for 'be repair and malawnlinoe of OblcaRo P. W . Brebm, Wedoe8day, • ' . I will oller at Publio Haole lit my Rnd rep!!ir of m~ID m~r.e' roadll, bridges and GOUO'1 highway.. The , !!red Harlan haa sold bls farm to Carl I:lhel'wood ,~ntl little 80n, D. E. Bunnell WSll & Muldlotown re8ldenoe. near tbe Elm 'l.'roe, ou tho ond from tbe pIIlr approprllaled for repIIlr and mainwnance fUDd .han airs. Clara Oonoor. Morris, Leroy Bartsoolt, of Dayton, vlait.or Sunday li'erry and l.y tie rood on ule OD main IDllrket rOllds 'be S"'te not be I... than 'weDty dollar. for Ben Bawk, R. W . Kaylor, Tboe, took dlnoer with tho n urt@ouk fum. • blgbwaycommis810ner may provide. eaob Ollie of ooonly bl"bwaYllin 'be and Oha8 'l'noker I!oeat IlIs& week at lIy. . Mrs . BUl-ohlns?n, ot ,?"Ylon. spent Friday, October 29, 1915 .. • TU68day wUh JIm flames and sis. county, l:!nob len!lll .. hall be in ad th8 RellllVolr Hlhlng . Several ~ttende~ tho sorvices a t tor, AdO!l /Lnd Mr. and Mrs. A. Rlln. Beglnnlog at 12 :30 p. m, tho fol, dltlon to aU other leviell authorized Mr. end Mrs. ·W. L' HArVey trans. tbe Sngllr Crouk Cbrlstlan ohuroh (11Il! lowlug property: 1 HorsIl,7 UuHl" , Tbe I!tftte blllbwIIY oolumlllllioner by law torllllid pnrpoee8 lind wtll be aoted buslnOits In the Queen (,,'1,y Sunday evening, Servloes oonduot . 25 Bog!', :.10 Oblokel)B, OIovor Huy , 'A ND ALL tHE FAMILY sball malntulll and repair, to the .eobj8CI' '0 tbe IImltlitlon upon the reoontly. ed by Rev Palmer, 0' Waynellvllie Mrs. W. Keevor, of R lol\mond, Oats, Impl ll1ll8o tB, I::illrnes~. . Two and a half millIon readet'tl find It of required IItandard, all iDter:oounty oomblned maximum rate for all tax. ----.~_. ~~~:~~, ":~1~ye~oa~1::~al:ve~~~; ~~;ielting Mr . .ADd Mrs. a. Oluven. See bill biJiIl lor t"rUlft absorbillg interest. Everything In It is blgbways, Dlaln market road, and e810 foroe. P . . F. (:o rooll. bridllllll lind onlverhl coDstruoted by WIIHe" So You Ca" U"de...flInd It aood les800s oonldl be lellrned by Mr. ond Mrll. WfIJ Doorlb, of W N. tl6l1U, Auo t. the ;:Ita to, or 'lIokllD over by tbe We IIdI 400.000 copies . ver)' month without tbls subjeot. . Frallklln were here 'l'Desday. The publlo blKb way8 of tbe stilt+! RECOMMENDS, CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH IIlvIn/f premiums and I'Dv. 110 IOlicllors.. Any I _ _ _ Robt. L'l mb, Clerk l::Uate utter baing cODdlruoted. neWlklerut r wUl aho" y OU a COPy: or write the \1rs. Ellz!lbeth Miltot)berger, aged are dl vlded Into tbrEie (; auOl, ua'me':" publlaber for (roc aample - • 'postal ",ill do. -------.~-- ...-----117, who had II. large olrolo ot friends Iy; atate road., oonnty roadl aDd "Lilst winter I uaed a hOUle of in i:Jprlngboro and oommnnlty, COUGHS THAT AIRE STOPPED Read the Miami Gazette $'.50 A YEAR · 25c A COpy OhaIDberlaln'8 OOUllh Remelly for 'l'bo oOllstrnotloll, imi,rovelllont., townllblp .road .. i majtlt Jn,uioo onel rtlp8lr or mllin <a) StOtll roads !!hBUlnolude !!uoh a bad bronohlal ooogb. I telt Its careful people 800 tllll t they Rro passed I ",ay Monday afternoon at tnltrk"t rond .. oHhlblh.blld by law, put or partll of the InteJ:.oount.y benefiolal e11'eet Immediately rand be. slopped. Ur. Kitlg'll Now Disoovery tbe home of ber . dangbter, Mra. m"y b6j(ID 1Iot. IIny polut, "Dd 8hllll 'hlgbways and main morke' roads fore I hlttd finished t.ho bottltl I was is flo romedy of triod m orlt. It hll~ BOlle Grllbllm, at Ridgeville, MrR. L, Greathouse aud Mra. E be QOlIstruotlld . wllh }Jlllonl.4, UlltllUI! Q\! hne ,be~1l or may h.reafter be oured . 1 ne ver tire of rl!oommend held Itll own on the market for 4G anll IpeOllioatloll1l ,Ildopted by the 'allen ovor ~y ~he II"''' a8 provided IDg thlll reDledy to 'my frleuds" yens. Youth uDd old age testHy Blllok.ford spant Tuesday afternoon ohief highway engineer, with tho in 'hil 80', and luoh roadl ahllil be wrltee Mrs . William ' Brlgbt, irt, to ita 8ootblLj( lind healinll qaalitie8 with with Mr . llnd Mrs. Ohos, Wale IlpprovlIl of the s'"te high way oom. malDtllnt!d by the slate hlrhway . Wayne, Ind. Obtainable ever,. Pnonmonla lind lung t.roubles aro FOR SALE often oa.u~od by delllY of treatment;. wlilioner. departmen', . wbere· . (b) Oounty roada, sh"IlIDolude all ' • _ ...._ __ Ilr. Kb'g's New Illlsoovery .. tops WHEN BABY HAS THE CROUP 1I'0lld8 wbioh ha"e been or may be 'hose hacking oongbs !lnd relleve~ GIVEN OUiOK RELIEF. Wben a ~other ill awakened from 'l'be Blate hl",hwRY oODlUllssioner . t~proved ~y tho OOUII'Y by plaoio. la grIppe tendonoles. Money baok sound aleep to find bel' ohlld wbo IG Type Poland Ohina pigs, malee Pain '!eat>e9 n1most fOay ex'end & proposed road Into 0. , brlok, lto,ne, irrav9l, or other roal1 If it fallil. r,OO. aud t l.00. and gflta i al80 a few yearlingil, baH gone to ~ IIpparently In tbe ns if by magic when lhrougll 1\ village when ShA ()(inllent building matorlal tbereon, or bere you begin l18iDg hI). --b68t of healtblltruggllng for breash, 'These are IIlr~ by a lion of Byron, of the oonQoil of 81l11l vllIave b88 1tofore bnllt by the atato and Dot Drops,"lhe famousol cl ahe is na,urftJly alarmed. Ye' If t-ho great breeding bog of E GI'ec. a part of the luter.oountf or mal" fire t boen oli'.lned. r medy for Rheuma· Told Her A.bout It. sbe can keep her prel!Onoo of mind 'er, of Iowa. O. B. !tlaxwell,Woyne@tism, Lumbago, Gout, . '. market IlYI~ Df roftdll, 'oge\b;r 0:47 Eugone attended tho wllddlnl of hlI and alve 0llamberlaln'8 Cougb Rem ville, R. 1. Mra. John WIlliams, of · Dayton, Sciatica, Neuralgi ll whh lIuoh road. '1l1' hBVII been or Aunt Nan, which tooi:t placo 'lo church. edy evory ten mlnutee nntll vomitand kindred tcoubles. Tho "nllul 8",'e rOlld levy /of may be oOlllbooted by 'be town. Is vi8ltlng frlendl bere. It goes right to the Mr. John Edwards, wlio had a The bridegroom anell belt. man 'Were Ing Is produoed, qnlck relief will I:'UR Sale-OnD regll&ered big type tbroe tentbs of ono mill lain •.ddl· llblp trusfeel to oonform to thl' 6PO\' stops the aches atroke last /:la'urday waltlulJ at tbo altar for the bride, who follow and t he ohlld will drop to .I" Polllnd China Boar, 2 years old; tiOD to all other lov:les mllde for any . 8'andarlill for oounty roade III fixed naraly'lo rr.i~Y:T::i1t~ · and pains nod makes Wall Ilowl, tad'flUlelnlll up the allle, to Bteep to aWllk8n ' In the moralnK. as 1\ dred ~OW8, ooe a reglswred POlItDc1 purpose or purp08811, and sba11 IIOt by tbe OlJuotv ' co~m'tl810nllrs! anll ovenlng 18 a IUtie better today, liIe wOC'tb living. Get well all ever. 'I'hls remedy hBS beon The Ideal Medlolne Uo., of Piqua, the Itralne of th& wod41nl marob, In use for lDany years wUh lInfform Chinu Sow. F, O. Thomas, Roule 1, be oODstrued. BII Iimhlld, . res~rloted all suoh ro~da eblllJ be millutained n botUe of "I>-Drops" or deorealed In amount or other. 'by the oounty coml/.llIIlloners, who 'I{Ilve G ahow here for ' 'wo when Eocene'l cbU!118b' treble lIonnd\!d SUOOBt!II. Obtainable' everywhere. BI)rlng Valley, Obi.,. today. A booklet with clearly: "HUl'l')' up" Aunt Nan, Mr, each bottle glv"" full weeki will be a. HarveY8bnrg for a V:'1~e by eny existing law. I : dir ec tions for use. week oommenolni Oo'oller 26. All Abbot'. walUq lOr :rou." OOD Apple Butter, made from Don·td.clny. Dem'}od w'e re well pleased with the able -, ' good appleR • . Inquire of Mre. I. ..I>-Drop!l.... ~oo·t DQ" talent and 'beir emoieot man~le ' copt · anylliiog els<! in Satterthwaite, Way~eBvllle; Ohio. meot they. lave here aDd wert lorry placo DEll: AD,..·4iI1lI020 THE COLOSIOIFMANKIND to He 'hem 10. ' . Ci • t Ctlfl auppl" "ou. If YOll live t!)O far 81lb80rlber8 the MolJaU'8 i'" m n drug s tore send One Dollnr to CURED BY' PINES Anshony WanaKhall b ...: pur. Magazine. Bend 550 to. ,he f;w.,usoo Rhoumatic Cure Co., Newark. abued tbeGlouer proped,_ Con. Have you ever gone through a. The Suoda.., Sohoole of Ma•• le 60etU o1Jloo. aDd. get · one of the Ohjo. onci n. ""'tlo of "I>-Dropa:' "';11 bo .ldera~on SlIlIli. ~yploal pine (01'8llt when yon hall a 'f<)wosblp will hold 'beir ' Cooven. lie8' ala,aslnee on eaRh. "u n! prepaid. _ . .' • . . tf Al Da"l. who works io ' Daywn oold I What a vlgor01ll Impulse It '(00 at 'he Beeob Gro"e oburoh ou I tl' be for lIOn' I Bow you opened wide your BaDday afwrDooo, Ootober 114. The I i "' b .. heendays " e ...' ni re Iun8 s ."h i uV.,.vra ,_ 'i nl "h-me of "he m-"Ing w'ill be i TemIIMIveral . ro a vee .0 _Ite i n 'Ole • u 0 ~o . 1I tI new Ind mYllterioDl qu .Utiee. . . . Dr. peranoe. Appropriate mus c II . 0. . V. Malo~ ereo ng a e BaW" Plne.Tar Bone, pOellOl8e I ,belllg prepared. Some oUhe coon'y dwelllog bOUie 00 hili lot on ih . tboM! '8'lmula!lagqlQalnies and'over oftlalrs will be present Every oae !'OrDer of W_t aud fiaaklln ~,. oomea baoklnl ' oenllhe. Tbe lanllr oordllllly tnvUed. lit;. Ave, ),flller, the barber hll Unlni ~f the throa' Is lI.t renalhened lin. Mary j , ,Oleaver II laylD, porohued" Ford ranabout. ill U• • 'taok apiliut dold ,elrml. with her datlghter Mrl. ~eo. iMvl.· . Mre.IIQme L!Ullme aad daUllhter E"ery famtly, D8ellii a bonle oen for'" while hoplilg 10 r'lpln her All kinds ~f Spouting and Roofing Ilr", JOD... Whltaore have. ROlle &0 laD'.Y.' band, "11)0. helt.lth. ' and Fuma.c:e Repairing Donel)" " ' . 10diiD• . nD a few dlys vial, with ' • -- • . JIta mdttb B9pn hu alm~'. re.
II I Tlr l'lI\IlL
THE Dnl ns 8mm. A\.I\I1 .
.BY JESSE 'llYI.R d '..... Erlitor or Detter Roads an
For Father and Son
---_..- ..---
. -.
Painting, Paper "anging, Auto and Carriage Painting.
Classilled Ads
J.' E.
Shop Next to afi... ood'. Qar...~• •ln _
• _ • ."
No U.. 'l'hl ~ MI'OU hIa ..u
Dell, Thou'" Iloqua~. 1II1II& WOIII&D wtIo ........ ~.. be .. TIll ' ....... &sIIIa4I \IalltIlt".maD • ..,......."..
tIG. HIm.
oovered from ber II000Ml, tile mqutnM Walter Tlbbal. from Daytou II aDd carn4 natUDe a' John Betarhwaya, collUaDeI, Mn, Bebeooa E!aD4enou. or. . lAbSHOP NEXT UOD. vll1i&ed at John Wolle'. "'l~IIIiI""";' .to . lit . week,
Wa'.. ..~YW _....!lI , Ohio e
W. H. MAD EN (~ CO.
=========:::::===-::-::::::-,= -~,------- -:-"~--=
, Ui " stut1y" was unly a comer---in I tho uld dininlt room'Neath an old fRMhioned clock-by a ' Mrll 'lint HathawllY. of willllu \\' full ·(1llen Mr. 11 ('11 1' \\ <I), nc~vill(', hod f IJI' thei r g llt'sts To the liJ:hL and th perfume of oldon unlltl}' Mr. Be n -Hathaway. f ashioned !lowersI Cilll:illlla'tii 1r. and 1\l1'i!. Ben lull. A chair with 8 wid aspread lng urn of n ar J. lmnon: M . M. T . !l aw. for a desk . thorn .. of Xenia: and Mr. Ern t Mull , of I'illsllurg. PfL. . I Here be studied hi "J ones." hia ' ~ WIlt..'IOn." his .. Wesley," . hia Mr.Il;Hl MI':<. 1';0 'o()k. Ilf ){l/I , l 4, Bibl enl! r tninil\1 SUI1UllY Itt £l innet'. the H 're h Illarketi th e crude papers I followin~' guests' Mrs ·\rUw r An I that he broughLhome from ~Il hool . ~on and' 8(.n . ~f Ci~~i;lnl\ti, M I'R: I Her he rearl. th . old "Western" Lucy I'nttt. liRs Lily and l\l r . and alurday, Night PortGeorj.T Prntt. and Mr. and MI'l! . .And Itf!re, I tanoy, muy one see his G or)l;e I'r~tt, I)f HoUle ,1. gh ust . • _ • ~t>-----,-.---.-
marks seiling plans. . an epo~h In Krug , !,
trODAY, Octobe r 18th. a.n d every day until , . further notice, '
L: '
UNITE'O PROFIT • SHAR'ING COUPONS a re packed with .
KG'S' and
with other nationally sold product. which bear UNITED PROFlT. SHARING COUPONS. It meana that YOU can Ave quickly for a particular J)I'eIDium. .
You have here an opportunity to takeadvantage of the great UNITED PROFIT-SHARING plao:.
KRUG-UNITED COUPONS will be exchanged
for valuable Premiums at the UNITED PROFIT-SHARING PREM· IUM .S TAnON, 8 South Main Street.
Go there, see the premiums and get a catalogue..
NOW, NOTE THIS CAREFULLY Thia plan eanceI. ALL other Krug p.._nium plan. after Oct. t +23nl Such ...... KRUG'S CAKES in exchanp fer Kna,labell
Mcwie tickets
ia .....Dp far ICng labeIa reguW pnmiuma u .hown by ICnq premium meet. Ia f t. . . . . for Krua !.bela, ...e .0 ...nceDtd b, the DeW But we wiD redeem II· Gal' h ' , aD 01 the old L,Ja label. (bUt not the Knaa..tJaitecl..,.) that our
. . . . . . . . . . -.eeI.
Yoa t..e, DO doabt, been ~fUIIY am. 1CrQs'. label. and ~
fw .... time. We wet )UI let d.e..Jue of theM 1abeIa. We wiD our bekew, all of the t.beIa that)'Oll DOW' haft.
Iba""-e ndeID at
Go 'to your Grocer, uk for the .peciel ..... ,i..'", list NOW,
I~ J'O'W ..
thea ..... ar . - ,our old
............np them far the
iCru8 ...,. to
....,mIlD )OU ·waDt.
ICnq Bakery and .
If J'OII haven;t tJ.e ~airecI number.of JabeIa, we will ucbanee ';
~~~~~~~b~h~~~~~~~ _ _.... ' F.. . . . . . . .t I ,
0-- ~ wiD eschanae the old Krua labeJa f . the' new, KRU~. UNJTII) . . .' . in orcIer to let you .tarted OIl . . thia aewt:r, bItnrer U'l'aDpiDeDt. ~
Y . . . Grooer H •• KRUG PRODUCT. bearing K.UG-U,..,IED Prollf-8h.,."", COli
ll'OHK GO "ON night Hallow'eEn eominlr on Sunday this year, Mayor Hatliaway LET GOOD 41 hils decided that Saturday evening
---SmfT GARAGE 111 now f ully equi~ped to do' Livery Wot k . We will take you on
Any Road Any Place AnyTi~e
Give us a call and you will find our prices are all right.
A c6nslderable number of the counties in Minnesota have already voted to exclude saloons under the County Option Plan adopted by our last Legislature The benefb ial effecte of this action are already ob servable in our Indian Mission at Birch Coulee . . The fact that the towns of Morton and Redwood Falls are " dry" has already worked a perceptible diminution in the drin\<· ing, which has been a source of great danger to some of our Indians There were always some disreputable persons to be found who would aet as neente to secure liquor ' for Indians but tlince saloons have been banished from -Morton and Redwood Falls, this nefarious ,work has been rendered more dlfficult. - Minne80ta Episcopal Church Record .
Robbers broke . into the Yellow Springs postoffice TQesdBy.morning and got away with 'between $500 and $606 in money and _Bta~pa.
- -..
will be given over to the fun of the ocC¥ion. On. this nigh~ there .w!ll be epeclal police, protectlo~, and. It 18 hoped that the boys and 1P ~18 will be so a~tracted br the spmt of the evening and to IDnocent.amu men.ts, that th~y will not need extra pohce protection: • . Due !Iobce 1:1 gIVen, however. that sn! mlsde~eanor before or ~ft~r thiS date, Will be pushed to the hmlt of the law. ' . The bo)'s ~nd g\Tl!i of the .present day ~re gettmg over the feehng that to re~ove gates and o.ther Buch d~ B\r:uc:tll~n of p.r operty IB . I)!I8t their dlgmty .of ha':1D~ a ·good tll~e, and tl}ey. aM beltmmng to reahze that ~Is 18 no way to celebrate the Geca· l\On.
A rc You
I'll ttlll~ 11 a lIew ROol' oi l'rLl..t.i llg tile old \llt c?
n .ell .
fverything In Building Material Wbell yn u want t o lise
LumberCall on ns n.lI(1 we cnn supply yo u with the b.est a t tbe lowest
1m ve
Or. ill fac t, n.lI Y kind of Hn n II.( you want or
S. L . Car tw rig ht , who is one of thecounty '!:Icommi ion on the Memorial hall , at Lebanon. was present at a meet.ing at t hat plac\! Monday. The cOlll rn i»sion of five were all pres· ent except one. a nd u.g reat delll of . busin ess 'WIUI attended to. . . The ar(!biteets. BausOIith & Drainie, of Cillcinnati, presented the I)lans of t he bu ilding and after con9iderable d iscussion they were adopted. The bui ld ing ill to be a g rand me· morial to lhe old soldiers, and will consist of a basement and one floor, taking almost all of t he ground space at t he com er of Broadway and Main st reets. The building wil l be of light brick, commod ious in Illl of its appointmel<ts and thoro\.lg hly up to
Shingles Felt Roofing
Mrs Ron uld Hawk entert nin d at dinner on Fridl:lY in I'onor of Mrs. F rall k L. Taylor , the .foll ow ing lI'ueslij Mrs. Anmntl a Wright , Mrs. E. Y. Burnhart" ~11's bA lilh Harris,·MI'l!, R' bt ' ed9 d D, a respecte Laura M If)~llt!r. MrR, F rank L . Tay lor .l 0 • ~ L~~va r t . ag und th e M i R~es May Wright, I':mma c'! lored cItizen of ~arveYflburg , Heighway nnu Dorothy Dakin . dt d at th home of hIS ~o n . John Stewart. last Monday venmg . The funeral took place at the Colored ~1r_ and . Mr~ . ChlUl .. Rye enter- Baptist hurch in Ha rveysbu rg, lamed ~at ~lIln~r . u ll~ ay ~n honor of Friday morning . Interment was Mrs. Nelhe Dale, of ~ ahru h! J~ d . mad. in ' the c('metery at Hilrvevs. Those who enJoy d lhplr hOMpi tahty bu rg were M r .. and MI's. Eddie lJartsoc k. . of Sprinpr ·YalitlY . Mr. an..} M r s PreeDennis aged 7 , <lied lit mall mith, Mr. and Mrs F. C. the home Shapahan, of his son, &1 Shllllahan at Carey. Mrs. Kale J ohns. of -Ly tle. Wilmington Thursday evening, aft er Miss Ali ce eh now('th and Miss Alice 1\ long illness Mr. Shunuhan lived Carey. _ _ _ __ ..._ _ _ in t he Beech Grove neighbo rhood fo r mBny yellrs, and was well known I here. Th e fun eral se rv i!es were I held at the Catholic chu rch in Wil minglon. and the rem a in ~ wt're laid b sid e that of his wife. who died several vears ago. in Miami cemetery.
o WllVnesvi lle Lndge No. ~ M., Tuesday t>vening, October 26th. for the purpol'C of special communication of
F . &A.
confe rring t he E. A. degree. So· journ ing breth ren and visitors welcome. J . O. Ca rtwright. W. M. L. A. Zimmerm rm. Sec'y • .
--. Have Moved to Sabina ...
Mr. and Mrs J es~e Sears, former ly of t.:hicllgo, have moved to Sabina, Ohio, where Mr. Sears hss purchased d~te . a g r o~ ery ~tere . Mrs . Sears was The in'terior will have a banqnet forme rly Miss Hattie H awke, daughroom, a huge assembly room, ladies ter of Mr . J09. Hawke: cloak room, lavatories and . every ' Everybody uses Lewis' Drcada.nd thing that will go to ma'ke it an upakcs, the best a nd most dclici us to·date place for the gath erin~ ma de. '1~y them nnd you will that will be held there. ' never want to eat auy other kind. This building will belong to the county, and will be a g reat memor ' ial to th e soldier boys, and a place. OF ELECT ION ' wbere they can hold ilie differen t B~kery "ounty meetings they may want from In complillllce with the r equirements ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IIlI:II!II;I_:E:l_"":::ilIam_ ~ime to ti me. of th e laws of th e State of Ohio, II I . U. E. Hathaway, .Iayor t)tItualllled ~ho V \Ua~ of !!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!"!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~~~!!!!!'!~~~~~~!!!! WIY bOllvIll6\r"erebY oallly tbe eloot OI'll of sa id lItagc, that on . .
M' I· ayor s P roc amal10D
W aynesvi·11e, 0 . "_III!I___
Twenty·fi rst Sunday after Trinit y, October ~~4th: Sunday School at 9:30 am ; Mdm .int-Worsiti p and:..ser.mon ~ You are invi ted to these services,
~!~~~!~O\7.!~~~:~~~oc:~_l;~~~ ~='==PUBLIC'
SA " LT E===
6 ::10 o 'clock 1'. I. a~ Mll80nlc H a ll wltAln ....Id Vllhlgo an olec~lon ",III bo 1181,1 for tho IlUrllOle 0 1 c hOOlllog I DO 101l0wlog oOl.co" for ....Id VIIIIlflO. 10-wIL.
Having ren t d our farm, we will sell. without res~rve , from the Old Reliable Grove Herd, at tlte Mill Grove F arm, a miJes norUleast of Mor· TrelUlIll'C1' Oorooralloo A _ r row, Ohio, on the Little M'ialUi R iver. on J lI.'IVl co or Peace Six Octlllcllmoa Throe lJoard or Public AlTatro Octob~r Ol\·ou undor my banll aoll oOlCllL1 lM'al a~ my oUlco III ..Id VIU",o. tillA . 19~h day 01b cBeginning p rolUptly at 12 00 o'clock, noon, toller. 1916. 11 . E . HATII AWAY, 1I.a),or. M a-yor Cler lr
30, 1915
Saturda "
CtlRISTlAN atV RCH HEAD UF R~OISTERED 6: HIOH ORADE Sunday. October 24. Bible School at 9:30. Communion and sermon at 10:80. Cllristian Endeavor at 6:30 , Notice of Appointment and sermon a t 7. P rayer meeting Consisting of Bulls, Bre<l Heifers and Calves of both seJ(e~. carrying every Wednesday evening ,at 7. You .Botato o f L uoolla E. Sld88, d o.:caeod. t he blood lines of the most noted families of the J ersey bre d . Many o f are cordially in vited to all these ser- 'Notice I_ lIu",by filv80 lh.. ~ J o hn O . Cartthe offerings will be the get of the. t wo great bulls- Lett y's Exile J07,Hn:j vices, D. H , Palmer, Minister. ::If~~n~:::~:='r ~~:rIIWfe"!:llfi:,::;~~\I~f~r.! and Lucy's Agatha Boy 11 1,324. now a t the head .Qf the Mill Grovc g.LD'" o t.....Lu ~'O ttu E . SId... I.te ul Warren Herd. anti proven sires, We have oeen breediog catlle for 20 yean!. Outln t)' . vllln. dC<.'t!uod . M. E, CHURCH Dilled tbls 7th "oy of Od ober;' 191 6. ~ OPT Motto-"CODstitution and Capacity." Sc;nd fo r cat (l lo~ tle Co III C AL TON ]0' . 8UOWN , Sunday School 9:15 a. m. You Judge ot tho Proba'" (JOun. to this sale and bring -a ~rieod wit h yon. L unch Oil t he g ro unds. W"rroo OonDOY. Ohio ought to !be there. Interesting. On October 13- 36 TERMS-Cash. or banka.ble note for tI months, with interest at 6 per Saturday nigh t October 23, Mr. D. ""!!!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!~ .ceot from date, H. Jameson the Grand Chaplain of = COL. D. L. PERRY, A" C. BA KER, F,RA K GALL A.H ilR , Auc ts, the Kaffi Sigma Pi will be present to AMENliMENT 'TO TaE TOM DEMPSEY, Sales Manager, organize the boys. Mr. J ameson PROPOSED OONS'l'JTUn ON OJ;' OHIO. will ' address the congr egation on' Z. O. WORLEY SONS, Props. Sunday morning in the in terest of EXEMl"l'ING PUDLIO DONDS FHOM the boys organization . If you are 'l'AXA'rlON. VaJley Phone...... Morrow 4-2 ' ' MORROW, q l:UO interested in boys make yo'ur ap · Bo It reooh'od by-'7l; o-u;;;,eraJ Aaaemblr of - I _ _ !2!2S pearance at the Sunday morning ser. tho tI~IltO cf Ohio: j 8ec~101l 1. A provo"ltlon sbun be su.b• v ce nmtod to tho electors of the 81 ato or Ohio. 011 . Iu the ovening the fourth in the ~~y~~io~:ln~~~tl::,roJ9°Af:\.%~o I:!nld:lt~ f~e ' ~ a~ nd series of sermons on Christ 's last Cou.~l tuWID · of the St ,,1AI or Ohio by tho _ ilayings f'rom the cross will be addltloll of Sectloo 12, to read ... follows: . ... JOIN',· B8S0LU TJON. · . "The S0 I'ItU d e preac hed . S ub Ject, l 'rOpottlug u , uPlllcmcn~ to artll:lo XU of of Christ." lncreasing congrega· tIle cUllStl~utloo or tho stale vr Ohio. by . . h ~ho addition of a _tloo to be dea1gn'tell . t tl ons an d m ense mteresL IS c ar- . _~Ion 12 or attJcle XII, rela"vo to t bo Q.cterizing these Rervices. Time 7 exemption or bon18, from tlUatioo. .Bo It lesOlvod tbo Gelloral Aseombly.of o'I c 'C...K. You are "mVI t ed . tho Stato (If \11110.bY'Three· Il 1111. of UIO membllN Clalnmce S Grauser. Pastor oloctC<l to both hiouaet concurrlllg tllOI'llIn: Tlln, thcro ohall be 8Ubml ~t.oa , to the electottl 01 1M • • lnlAl 111 . ho m~ollll!' Pl'OvldCU bJ I.. w. Oll lho IIrst TUC8(lay altor tile ftrs t &Iou· da)' In November. IgIO. B pro """,I to. RUPI.I&ment arllcle X 11 by an .." dltlo Jl~1 section to bIl t101lgnalod secUOIi 13, U'ticlo XU' of thO COlUl\ltutiou Of 01110 to roW WI IOUO W8 : . section 11. lJoll\1t 01 \lIe iltato of Uillo, 01 any .~l><llvlmo o or <IJ.Iti'lot t"ereof, author1%&<.1 by In" to I..uo bouclil. IMUoCI 0 11 or kIter
Read Splend.·d
lalluary I , lU 16. ahlLll be e xem pt from eJOll . . Uo
r .,on Pages
It hlrtllor 1'\)jj(,lvoCl , That at alloll olee~Ibll abo • ., re!orrocl .... t hl~ 8upplomeo' 111.111. be placed on Ih. olllclal ballot. In tbo·m..uoer The Will ming ton Daily News csme to our desk . last week. The daily p.~Jlllr.k~A"r·~ rrfN~1~~~r8E~ 6'lr°~ti started last Thursday, Bnd the edition ~P'0~l\~flRINIyIOJ8'I~tli.':r~~A6~ TH EREOF AUTIIOIHZE D U Y was full of n ew~ and ads. Its pub. DISTRJ<,,· LAW TO I~S UE BONDS II ROM TAXAlisher is W. J, Gal vin.lor Jamestown, 'l'jON/" or In other 1I>llguage lumCleotl, Clear to d Clll 'lIrill to It. · U ad(lI)1(jjJ thla .u"plemen~ .a · hU B Lli nl~ and 'e nt~,rpril!illg hews· sh.II 'tl1l<o oll'oc~ on the Ill'llt II .., ot J IIfluary. paper .ml.ln, who' is filll of·the best G.. OKABLE8 D OO~IOVE li. newspaper ideas. ani1will undoubt- m • Speakor 01 tbe ·I1oWlO ot ~Dl'&IO n tatlv8l. edly makE ! the News a go. . 0. 1. HO WARD. OY8ter~ pro tlOlII or Ille BonRte. Wihning'ton is a city large enough Adopted ProIldent April 31.191 6. ' . to suppo.'t a good daily, and 'h er Dnlted Statee of America, ' merchant:! have always be.eli of thA Olllco 01 tt~'~hIO;'t Biate. Cranberries, Celery, · Pe~ches, : type for iI. prihter-good Grapes, Sweeta. Onions 1 o. Q I H'ILDEB§fANT, Seol'OUrr of Stala tho Stato ot Oblo. do hereby' certify tllat V""'tiR,. "". Here's to the Wi1mi~g. of tho (ol'llllQlog 1.1 an exempllfie4 copy, caretullJ The place to ' buy Edgemont ' ton News. :. comoarill by me, "Uh tbo origin" l'OlIII now . .Crackers . 0 0 Ole In till. onloe and 10 my oOlCIai o... to.11 &1\ Secrela!,), of S"'\.O and ' O,uM to tie true auti eoc:.ed, of .. IQIo' reeolullon ..adopt&<1 by New Oatal New PanCake Flour, ,tho'General. AMembly tllo State 01 OhlO on I In .New Raisina, New Hominy ' . II tlle aonlCO Rtll d.Y , D 1810 foIId fllo<lUU. tbll OD iOI t beAll"" 2 8Uj~Aay o l 'Aiidl A, D. cotltJed ·"Jol", R_lutlon ,lo Amonll Article Made E.[er DeUoate Bo" S'tron... XCII tile OonalltuUoli of Ohio, by tile ado~ Creamery Butt~r J .... tlon of ofSeeU oD 12.'" . , New York Cl!;Y.-" My Uttle boy was ,'n Teatlmoll, Wbereof"I bave Ilereunto In a veri weak ' i( delicate condition 81. IUbllcrlbeCi Diy DUIIC. and IlIU.eIl my: official Kiln Dried Corn Meal result 0 gast tis and the melUllell' and .... , tht! Oily of , OOlombUI.• Ohio.....t.h1l ·U~h d.,.otJlllle. A. D, J81D. there Beemed no. hope of saving his lit,. . o. Q. HlLDEBnAN,]!. Clean EaIIy and Kirk~s Flake The doctor prescribed cod liver 011 tiUt Secret.arr ol8tal8 Wbite Soaps be could not take it. I dedded to tq AMORIZATJCJN OF l'UBLioATION. Vlnol-and with splendid ,multi. l~ DeDartmentof PubUc Prln~11IlI" 0 1 Ohio. l eemed to agree with him BO that now be , Piib11ca&1oD 01 the above 1>1'0l10II00 amend· .Payin&, 28c for Ens to·daY· I. a Strollg heillthy bo~ "-Mn. "'HO..... ment' toof\.lie Cooetltutloll of 01110. 'Wlder Sec· ~. ..... tJon &II IIGS _"Wed. "AU act rela&11III to F1TZG!lRALD, l 090 Par Ave'. , ~. Y. City. co!r&aIolII'Q~_eadmr.D"'. to tile OUDlltl~u. It pay._ to trade at We gUarllntee Vlnol, our delidOUll Won of . Obi' &lid ":J'Ilbllca£IoD thereot." cod liver IIJId iron tonic, for nm-dowa' r1ldld'8~"1:r:. ~ ( U ~-::~ AOlrl~brr" c:ougbi.. coldl 'ua 1'11.. IULboI'I8ed bJ the DeJlUtnlont 01 •-tilfW:Ml~itC~tJ!\j~5t' condldon" b'roncb1tia. . chronic . ~-~ Publkfl'fIDWlfoUIIe stat, or Ohio. - ,
Headguarters · '
1916 MODEL "37" TOURING CAR- $795 NEW SERiES LEWIS "6"- $1390
E. -W. ·RIOKS Waynesyllle, Ohio
.....t for ALLEN an.. LEWJS Automobiles, and RadDe Bone Shoe Tread Tire8.
I' •' E• J~D~t Druullt, WBYIJI!IVDIa.. ·
"OBB.C~~_ sa...,-ofPabUo
..TH~E ' ',"
'1 ,
Children's 'Fo~es •. ;'., • •• • lOe Vnifol1D ~air Bow New 'faogo Cord .... .. .. 10e Fe.st~ner . . .. .. . .. .. " 050 Womens' Supporter:' .• , .• lOe ' til ew Co,nb! -Black, ' Men·s ·Susp'~Dders ... . .. .. lOe White, Blue .. '......... tOe Mt>n's T(es .. ............ lOc 'I' False Faces . .. ..... . . . lOe, 5c Cbildrenli Uuderwear, .• " 10e Sboe'Brusha . .. , •••• ,' •• .lOc Boys' K~i,,~•... '.; : ... '. , .. 'IO,c Emb(oidered Flouncing. 'per yard . •' ....... . .' , •• ,IOe See our P,cture dtsplay.only !"c
Next Door to CD I W , The, Magazine I'\M..& rl\ll11A " WaVftesviUGaaette ........... ~-. -. Ohio " _ _II!II!_ _~_~_ _ _ _" '_ _ • _ _ _ _"~ •
Sixty-Seventh Year
Whole Numb
MANY rLEASANT DINNERS And Luncheol18 Enjoyed by Relatives and Friends-School Girls Hllve Picnic Mr. and MI'!!. W. S. Haines and Mr. and Mrs ; £arl Conner enter· tained Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Fred Slagle, of Richmond. Ind., and Mrs. Sarah S. Haines Saturday. . The Jolly Matrons, with their husbal)ds. were entertained at the hume of Mr and Mrs. C M. Robilzer Monday Ilvening. After supper - cards furnished the amusement of the evening. _
The Clinton County Fall Festival, which startS today in Wilmington, promise9 to eclipse all for~er festivals given at that place. fhe at. tractions are many and wonderful Ilnd it wiJI do you good if you attend tnis wonderful showin" of what inton County is doing. The band contest today is attracting 8 lot of attention, and several of our citizens went to Wilminjrton to hear It. The outside attractions are also of the best and they are all free. Among; the distinguished viRitors will be W. J. Bryan. Gov. 1". B. Willis and Senator A. Pomerene These men will probably · say something that will pay you ·for your visit to Wilmington, any or every day. You will Burely miss a treat if you stay away from the festival.
Mrs. War ren Barnett arid Mrs.
E. V. Harnbart entertained at din·
ner on Saturday. Mrs. lo'rank L. Taylor, Mrs. Amanda Wright, Mrs. Edilh Harris, Mrs . Laura Mosher, Mrs. Ronald Hawke and the MiBBC!! Mny Wright, )i~mma Heighway and Dorothy. Uakin. Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hawke enter· tained at llinner Sunday the follow· ing gues.s: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle. of l<ichmond, Ind, ' Mr. aod Mrs John Fromm and family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, Mr. Ray Hawke, of Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. WIII ~e r Janney and Mr. and MI'll Lee Hawke and fa!llj\y. ,.
Dr. C. J. Fudge, of SprinK Valley came near losing his life Saturd~y morning when the acetylene tank m the cellar at his home Mrs. Fudge, when she heard explosion rushed down cellar and found the doctor enveloped in flames. She snatched off her large apron Rnd skirts 8nd smothered the fire u~ her huaband'g clothing. He was serious Iy burned about the legs and !eft side and was rendered uncon.'lCIOUB tor Quite a time. But for .Ml1!. Fudge's pro~pt action, the accl.dent might have proved more BeriODB. ---~.~.
Mrs. Eli~al'elh Yeazel entertained at dinner Suuday the . follo'wlng , guests: Mrs. 'Naomi Wrillht, Mr. , and Mrs. l?rank Wrigbt. of Route 1; Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Huston and son, of near Dayton. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Sherwood and family, of near Ore The rural mail carriers started on gonia, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Haine.s, a new schedule Saturday morning. Miss ' Estla Haines, Mr. Marshall 'rhey leave the llostoffiee at 9:30. in· Haines. stead of 8 o'clock, as formerly. Our carri(lrs have been bleEsed heretofore Mrs. S. L. Cartwright entertained above the other carriere In the neigh· very pleasantly with a .luncheon on borhood, by having an early schedule, Wednesday 20th. The invited guests thus enabling them to get through - wert' Mesdames Mary Griffin. of their work early in the day. The Lawrence, Kansas;. Lina Devitt, present schedule, however. will keep Cynthia Evans, Emmor Baily, H. E. them at ,w ork later in the dill. Hathaway, A. 1'. Wright, :J. E . Jannev. L. A . Zimmerman, G. W. Hawke, J. A. Funkey. The Mi9BeS Elizabe~ earr 011. Margaret Warner, of Selma and Klzzio Merritt. .
BRINGS BACK CHILDHOOD DAYS . !<'ifty years ago on October 25, 1865, Mr. JOB. W. Haines WIlA mar·
ried to MIBB Slie. Wright, at the home of her father, Oscar Wright at the corner of Main and North "A little more cider, too." The streets, In bonor of this event Mrs .. abundanee of app'les this year has Agnes Wright and daughter, Miss made the possibility of BOme tine Susan, entertained this worthy couplE: cider for the winter's use. Just
d dinnu Mood~. ~~kd~e~ming co~
.~ Mrs.hu J. W. ~me Edwards
fA) see diamond ~eir many~eir friena" ~at
fortunate enough will cider. h\ekurynuts and'bave-apples, a good warm fire. Ma"ke'el us think of 'when we were ·cliddten.
lheywish mayof live the
" .
}The ' townablC' truBteea are rid of an old ~d mark ~at:baa _ looked upon wbo can remember- It In ehildb9QCI aI 'one of the great cJu:..tJb
It Is
Last Friday afternoon, ,whic~ was ._~-1--.=~;;;-;;--=-=m;;;;~"""'iiiv;;;nj--;--, .eOAm a half holiday. waS very much endays the Grand Jury . Monday joyed by a number of the high lichonl a corning mill evening. During tbat time thev ex· arirla. About three o'clock in the ' ~y an eX'ploslon of .. over 70 witnesees in 27 case9, . afternoon. nine girls, with a wheel· at G<>ea Station last Wednesday, amined Harold But.ler .. a,ed 27 years, lost hip returninK 14 true bills and ignoring bartow loaded with 'all things naces lite, He had just gotten fA) the 13. · . . ' aary to prepare @upper out of dool'!! Chester Johnston and Fred Kehoe started to t.be woods. After select plant when it let loose.. and alte" the were. indicted for grand larceny, and in, asuitabl~ J)lace, ,t hey 'bullt a fire eJlploaion he walked some distance burglary and larceny op two co.unts An Evcning Spent i~ An Old Fasband amid lau,hter. burnt fingers away from the lICene before he died Several men were Indicled for car· loned Way-Singing and and jokes brt>Plred·, tho supper. He was a sirigle man. and waa one of rying concealed weapons, Frank Fun Supreme :After everythlng: in sight had been t~eir QEilt C!II\ploY~8. • Thomas. Raymond Dumford. Harvey eaten. a large box of, ma,rstl~lmO'o,yS Reinhart and Ben McGill. was brought forth. The girl!! gath· Fred Colvin is charged wi~ assault I --ered' around.the' fire anU roasted thein snd battery, while E;arl an.d John Uncle Nathan and Aunt Peggy and sang the oli.! 'bmilh.rcamplng Sou~ern have a count of songs ,until ti.ne. which' flies 110 fast . Peterkin cordially invite you to a anFour.felony offi. cer. . . h f th elr . when .we are happy brought dark. indictments were re H usk'mg Bee~ given 1111 onor C! ness about the merry baM. The , lumed but are not made pulilic, and . Thomas Jeffersolll Peterkm, who wheel~.rrow '~ail c~rel~ly lo,de<) ' W..J .. Bryan Is to make a flying two misdemeanor eases are alBo 18 home from colle;{e, at School Hall, and as the moon slowly climbed trlp<through Ohio this time for the withheld.-Weetern Star. Friday evening. Novlember 5. froJ.ll behind. tlje hilltops and peeped IJrys. He began Moodily at Steuben • _ • A general good tim.e ill expected. .through theq-ees. the ~rls ~tarled villt! ..nd will end hili trip_in Cleve· Notable amonl{ the IPleBts Who will homeward. ThoB;8 part!cipatmg In land SaturdaY. evening. ~r .. Bryan be present-trom a distance• .,are Mr. , the fun were: ElSie Gustm, Louells, will De in Morrow Friday. October Algernon Fitznoodle and Little Lord Jeannetteand .l<)ancea Janney, Mnhel 29. This wl\J probabl)d;e the nearesl Faun1llelroy, of·Boston. 'the AV"ni",a and ' H~!!l SahsbQry, Hazel Riley,. point for 'WaYPe&vllle peOple ttl hear Aelen Stlerwooa ana Ollvl! Allen. , this remarkable, man. , -.;...--.,.-_._, : ~. ' .
anil daugbter. nights. what a time those · who are
MisaTrilJena, of the Dayton. present te. t!njoy "oldenwerealao wedding dinner. Mr. and Mrs . .Haines are enjoying ~he best of health, and It is
Fancy New Orleans Molasses at Mr~. Win aJisbury was a Xenia Fresh Cou ntry Buttt!r, 2fic a POtl lllJ White's Store. visitoT 'rue day. at Henderson's. Corwin. ' Th er · arc yet a nUIIII,er Df g-itllS wean W. O. Raper was a business visitor Mrs. Susan Arnold was the M' uesl Mi s.~ Belty Ogl esuee, of Ruu te 2, Who always come Ollt un Hnll\>w'··clI So com' 111 0 11)1; a nd we I\'i ll rt'pai r And Ga ve a Vcry Fine Talk- Proin Dayton Monday. of Dayton f'iend s laslt week. sp nt Monday in Dayton. To t he Metho(Ji. t Chu rch; \\'(' will all ~ ram R.endcred Was a meet there, Fresh Country Butter, 25c a p~und , Miss Jennie Cook, of Lebanon, L H. Whiteman. of Xen ia. was Octo ber the lhirl ieL h; that' s the rlutr·, Oond One at Henderson's, Corwin. visitetI relatives her e last week . ctdJi ng- on old fri ends Monday. 13e ~ ure an(1 com p t nu r j'lY() II ~ fl!lf'. Dr. C. W. Henderson and George Born- To Mr. and M rs . 811is Long, Mrs. Ell en Manington, of Spring Tbat your disgili:l' may he comple te . The rel{ular meeling.ot the W. C , ZeIJ were in Dayton Monday. MontIay. October 25, ] 915. b du ug h· Valley. spent Tuesday wi th relative!! Le t each wear pi llow caSt! IInri sheer. T. U. wus held at t he home of Mrs. ~. ~~ . Or some mlll,e uillhat i~ ha rd Lo heat. J . W. WhilH . oll Wednesday afterMiss Annie Brown, of Xenia, spent Ami YOll will 1m sure )' IlUI' fai t' lu nUOll, Uc tube r 20th . The meeting the week· end with friends here. The irresistable Sci)) will provoke Mrs. J F .. Cadwallader and Mrs, meel. upened by Ringillg "illest Be the rl e you to la ughter in sl)ite of yourself D. L. Gran e were Day ton viAitors Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and at the Husldng Dee. Monday. Then COIllC with u ~ lu Lhe Socia l hall, That Hind~ ." Mrs. Grauser read the >;Cl'ipl ure lesKon. the 11 th chapler of Mrs. Llna Devitt were in Dayton l~org e tl i n g w e are mortal~ , a ll . Hobr ws. Rev. MI'R. Martin voiced Monday. Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residence Mr, Will Thompson. of Cincinnati. With fun and f rolic the tim ~ will IIU\\5 , th(> prayer of the Union. Scriptural of L . T. Peterson, Main St., Tuesday called on uld f n ends here one tI ay Man and wom~n. as man and lass, I)llolalions W CI' givon in resl)OnSe lo Will t hruw awny ai llho't of pare Mis.~ Ella Levering, of Washington, and Friday mornings . ' . 'Inst week. For Ghostlnntl joy~ wi ll all La there. roll·cul l. After the read ing of the D. C. was the guest of Mrs. Rachel minutes and olher business t he fol· Keys last week. Mrs B. H Kelly and Miss HenriMrs, Edith Ha rri!I, Mrs . Frank low ing prog rnm W81 rendered : . al · lunch('()n shulI we m et Lastly Taylor and Mrs. Ronald Ha.wke were etta McKinsey were Cincinnati visi t. And who but lik es good thing to eal'~ It has been a long time since you Xenia visitors on Friday. ors Satu rdav. " Christian Citizenship" 'Tis here our mask!! wc will let fa ll Reading. had a good laugh. Come to the Part I .. ... .. .. ... ... ...... MrB. MOHher So cOllle and join U!l. one and ull. Huskinir Bee and have it. Mr. and Mrs, Lee Mendenhall, of Miss Clara Lile \Vas called to l'art l l .. ..... .. ... Mrs.G. T. Hawls e Hyue Park, Apent S\lnday with Mr. Xenia Friday on account of the death l{eadllll( - " Y ('~ , I 'm Guilty" Gao. S . Baily and son. Oliver. and Mrs: Amos Mendenhall, of her li ttle nephew. . ........ ..... ....... MiBB Helen Marlatt mutored to Waynesville Sunday, and Vocal solo - "Does J E::S US Care?" spent the day with relatives. .. .... ... ..... .... ..... Mrs. Barton Ke lly Mrs. J. C. Hawk e and Miss Clara Mr. and Mrs. L . F. Perk iDf~ were " Teachin g Citizen hip in the Public Hawke are in Columbus attending visiting relatives at Bethel, Ohio. Saturday and Sunday. >::,'huol l! in Pittsburg." Mrs. Duke Mrs. Rachel Crew, of Route 3, iR the Grand Chapter of the O. E. S. visiting with relative3 at Winchester, Addr . by lhe Co un ty PrC!lident ... .. .. .. .. ......... MrA. Chas . Chapman Ind .• and other Indiana towns " Found - Pocket book. Owner C3n Rev. J . F. Cadwallader and Miss have the same bv calling on Post- Clara Lile a ttended the funeral of a The visit of Mrs. Chapman was Clerk of Courts Dan B(lfIe-and master carey'1lnd proving property. relative at Xel)in Monday. a g reat pleasure and her address!111 Sheriff Gilmour, of Lebanon, were in The will of lhe la te M. '. Dow im;pirntion . A number of ladles town Saturday afternoon on business Mis.q Ruth Hartsock spent the Miss Ruth Hartsoc k heard PIlA' was probated in Hamilton Co un ty from t he new l:Jnion at Oregonia week· end In Dayton, and was a Sun· Quale Amato. the world·tamouB bar. last week and one of the most r eo wcre also p resent and either visitors. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson, day guest at the Deeds home. Morain itone, at Memorial Hall Friday nigh t . markable wills ever probated in that Arrangements were mMe fA) hold Mrs .•1. H. Coleman and Mn. M. Farm. county . Her legacy left all her em· tE'Dlperance maBB meeting the last Simms were Dayton visitors Thurs· Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock ployees something Ilnd several of hllr 'unduy III Octobor immediately preDr. R. J . Michener and wife, of motored to Darke County last week friends . Th()${l. remembered locally ceding t.he ~lection . . Lebanon, sp~nt Sunday wi t h bhe a.nd spent the.. week· end with rela- wer~ H. C. Coleman, son of J. H. 'lhe meeting closed by, repeatmg Coleman. who will receive $500 per the W. C. T. U. benediction in (lon- , Mrs. J. W. Edwards and daughter. Misses Martha Burnlett and Emma tIVes. year until his dealh. Hallie Ridge. MiBB Triilena, are spending a few CartWl'ight. cer t. daYB with Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Ed· Jacob Hisey left last Wednesday widow of the late Harry Ridge and warda. Mr. and Mrs. E~Lrl Hayes and evening for Washipliton. where he Mrs. John C. Rid~e wi ll ~c h r~ · daughter. and Mr. P. R. Kincaid. of will spend some time visiting his sen, ceive $3()(). pl;lr an num until thei r death. Misses Dorothy Dakin and Henri· Sardinia, were the w4*!k ,end guests Jos. Hisey and family. The residu e of her estate will go etta McKinsey and Messrs. Emmor of the CroBB Brothers. Baily: and J. B, Pence spent Sunday . . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle, of Rich· to th" Symphony Orchestra ABsociain Sabina. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Berllan, of mond. Ind .. are t!te guests of Mr. tioo, of Cincinnati , to perpetuate the Middletown, and Mi'. aud Mrs. Jos. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke, Walter Jan- musical interests of Cincinnati. The estate will r each about the million Mrs. Mary Griffin, who has been Woodward, of Frank lin, were the ney and other relatives. mark This noble woman kindly a guest at the Friend9 Home tor Sunday gueats of Mr. and Mrs. John remembered tho e who worked for eeveral weeks returned to her home Beach, of Route 2. Don't fail to see Fitznoodle, from her The October meeting of the New , and who helped to In Lawrence, Kas., Tuesday. Boston, "who was bo'n in Boston makeinterests the bu ~ in ess what it is, and Century club' was held at the pleasNext 'Thursday night Doctor WH· along with othah gweat men of whose un timely d eath look une of ant country horpeof Mrs J. L. ·Men· Rev. J. F. Cadwallader and D. L. Iiams a man of state wide reputation culchah," at the Husking Bee. denhall . ~ riddy afternoon. October Cincinnati 's mo ~t helpful ci tizens. - .1-.-c--_ _ _Crane were in Springfield Thursday will address the people of Lytle and ·22nd. The meeting wns called to l1 attending the meeting of tbe Dayton vicini.ty ~n Temperanc . Good music We !ir';! agair. handling the famous ord er by the president. Fourteen and smgmg will be one feature of Sliver Shce Cake. Please leave your Deanery of the Episcopal church. members responded to roll-call by the meeting. order so yOU may have it nice and "Th~ American W 1 J . O. Cartwright attended the . fresh for Sunday. W. C. Phillips. we many" Masonic . Grand Lodge ot Ohio at M~ . and Mrs. Harry Hamilton and . . Dayton last week. as the represen· family and Mr ..and Mrs.' Frank An· Th~re Will be.a Umon Temperance tative of Waynesvil1e Lodge No. 163 drews and. family. ot Dayton, spent Meetmg held m ~he M. E. church ::v.e a very on . Sunday With their parents, MI'. and on Sunday afternoon, October 31st, reYlew of "Laddie.' Mrs. F. H . Farr gave a r eading · entitl ed "A Little ... Mrs. J. F. Cadwal1ader, Mrs. C. B. Mrs. George Hamilton. ~~l~:!~ For program llee another , . Girl's Questions ," which was enjoyed Bentley, Mrs. Laura Mo~her. Mrs. . J . M. M.ulford . who has been )n by all During tbe social hour a E. V . Barnhart, Miss Letitia McKay Mr. and Mrs. How'!l~d Thomp~on, . and Mrs D L Crane attended the of Seneca, Kansas. VISited relatiVes George Daugherty. who has been the audi tor's chair f~r the last tq ree dainty' two course lunch was served annual c~n~oca'tlon of the Woman's and friends here last week. It has lin ill health for the last two monthe, years, bas been ap\)o!nted .Supervl~o r by the hostess. assisted by Miss Auxiliary to the Board of MiBBions, Ileen thirty·si ~ year:s !lince Mr. h~ gone .to ~ sanitorium in Day tOll. of Agents f or the Equt table Life Warner and Mrs. J', T. Ellis. Dr. Assurance qt,. of ew York , alld Mary Cook. Mrs. A. Moffit. Mrsl .S . st. Andrews church, Dayton, last Thompson lttft his ~:hlldhood home I fil s many friends here ar hoping for slart~d 011. hiS new .work la~t . ~eek. L. Cartw right. Mrs J. 1'. ElHs, MISS Friday. ' and he found many changes.. ; a spelldy recovery. EI~ wII! sl1il. h ol~ Ill. old pOSItIOn of Warner, Miss ll:lizabeth Carroll, ~rs. edlto~' 1n chIef o~ tht! .W tern Stat', Ira Rich. Mrs. Silver and Mrs. Griffin but hiS offices WIll be In th e D .L. & of Lawrence, Kas . were guests of C. R. R. loo m.~, whe ~e he Will be lhe hostess at this meet\ng. glad to meet hiS Id [nends. • _ ••_ _ _ This position is 11 lucrative one, although it will tukl! him away f rom home quite a g reat tIeal. Mr. Mul · _ __ ford is to be conl!;rntulated upon hi ~ new venture but his cordinl weJcom . EXTENDED TO E,VERYONE TO will be missed f~olll the court house.
The Warnesville Canning Co. has shipped al its output of corn for the year J915 except one carload, which will probably be shipped 800n. The output for this year, however, was not guite up to the' standard , owinl!', of course. to the bad weather thl" summer. but the corn was of good quality. and the price was about as usual. The company, under the manage· ment of Supt. Snook. intend to increase their output of milk in their dairy this' winter. Th6Y have pur· chased ten more high.class cows, and they are ta~ing advantage of the fine weather. and are cleaning' up the grounds. The harnyards, and lanes are beinl!' scraped clean, and every precaution' taken to ausure·a sanitary plant. .
aMllClClMIL ~~tiJ;;;~
Get ready for the old·fMhioned Hallowe'en Social to be held in the ocial Rooms of the M. E ehurch on Saturday evenillg , October 30. Come m8l!ked if you want to , and if you don't, come anyh uw and enj()y yourself.
----- ..- --
fREE UNTil 1916
year. Mayor. Hathaway de,cided . thllt . Saturday evening will ov~r to the fun of lhe OCC:a.~II01' . On this nig ht there will be ~pecla l police protection, and it is hoped that the boys and girls wi.1I be so attracted by the spirit o( the evening and to inn ocent amuBements, thst they will not .need extr&. pollee protection. • Due notice is given, however, that . any mi ~de meonor belore or after this date, will be pushed to the limit of the law. . The boys and g irls of tbe present day have the feeling that to remove gates and other such destruction of propert; is be~~th their dig~i.fy, and . they are beglnnmg to reahze that this is no way to' celebrate the occasion .
her SOth. Admlson 10 ~ .
· It Hallowe'en entu tal nmen t com 8· in" of a "comic d~ I t muaie ~d ~rtaHall of allSaturday aorta to he gi.!~ aeetttC)oe Lytle
Have you subscribed yet for The Youth's Companion for ·191M Now Is t he time to dei it. if you arc not alreacly a subscriber, for you will get all the issues for the remaining weeks of 1915 free from the time your subicription with *2 OU is reo ceivpd . ' . . . The first edition of-the WHming' 1'he fifty.~wo IBBues of 191~ will be crowded With ~ood . r ead m g. for 'ton ,Journal· Republican came to.our youn\f ~nd old. Rea~m~ thl\t IS e~; desk la~t week. The paper ill full of terta!mn g \ but not wishy· washy. the best news from that locality and Readmg t lat leaves you. :-vhen you it IS edited in the same able manner. la~ the paper down., lJtl~ter IDfo~med The semi· weekly will give the suh. Wlth keener aslnr~hon!l, With a scdbers a lot more of reading, howbroader outlook oh Me The Com- ever panion is a good paper to tie to if . you have a growing family-and for general reading •. as Justice Brewer once said, no other is necessary. " It yc.u wish to J(now more of the. brilliant list of ~ntrlbutOrs,' from our ex-fresidents down, who. ,will write for ~~ new volume in 1~16, ' and if you 'i\'1sh to know 8Ot1'\e~lOg · M~.G. 'J . G.-aham. of X~. of tbe new stories for 1916. let U8 ral900 B, 69~ , pound pUmpkin!D her send you free the Forecast for-1916. back yard this year and ~i!.~; Every Dew Bubac:riber . who IIt!nds nate enough to take first p. _ _~~ f2.00 for 1916 will receive, in addition the Fall Festival ..rteIb UY· .... to tbia 1~'8 fi'ee iaauea The Com- Graham .is the wife ot SU..... panton Home Calendar.: for 1916. School8, .and a lormer ~t 0 THE."'OUTl:l'S COMP'" "'ION A 4 ' ' ' . Wa,yn8ll::.Vl.:.:.Jl:.:.e._ _ • _-~--,
under ·the St. Mary's nr4~~l!ds will go to The for~y·thlrd conference of the Adml88ion Ohio State Board or Health wI~. I representatives of local boards of will 'be opened at health will be held. at Dayton, Ohl<!, 'a.......,-.. drt·IO',.ltol·"nm Wednesday November' 11 and 12, 1915. ThiS o ~trJa cllarge for conference is for board.. of health and health officers of all villages of than 3'000 population {censUI and ~U townships in aeveraJ' including Warren. '. - . '
------_ .~1.
&ild~.: NewSabaDriptiO:-~-:t thi8 ., . .
Supper aved free. ~~ n....
.·"~·~'··' Read ~ c.,~~~~!
'l'RB MIAMI lb, "lOtil "A "lHlll""_. "ud t"IIO It u\\'u1 lbe volcI' of ,,'d frum ~'o u.' JU~I'llh O. <'lark. who had buill tho 1 lloh')'lJl pltt mllt' d. "You can't do It. I (1\\ II my cOli' tlllldlLfIl Cen'al cOllllllmy uul of tllll' ",hl'lIt \,Ie"ntot; "~\ho I~ to b 1I1f: mI''' ' trolltng Intcr"~l .. utrlght, nnd no stock a rch of your II w mplre?" anmbllnl;N on th ... board ot lrilll.. An Por .just a llIom lit '/111 11\1111 I 111<1'li atreet Anhpr '11l alll\r ui roy 810ck or . "bOUt 1)lm. Yas tly dllt r ollt \1~ l hcij\' til e 'urnlng <'.II llaclty or my mllrOllu. I 1111' 11 II' reo fl'O ID th rull·beard ed Ila\"· Wben you drDve me out of thc In,~~ rmnn to the 8 U100th' llhUV~1I (lltl Jy' I tloo 11old. I l(lo k ndvlUltli1l of illY x· 8ellb G. Clnrl. . th ere wati Hum" ulle ox· Il rhmca Ilud Intr nch~d IIIYBolf. 00 l' t s~ltl n whIch WIlK the SUIIIO III IIV ry I on Ulld xllIubl ." . mnn. IUHI ' Ulat eXI)I' 'sslOIl \\' 118 IIlIl K· "I wish y u. wouldn'l (u k!) fh nt nltl· 1 I 1 ry. Th He men. by til s ll I' rure' tude," returnud AIlIsoo, trOll bled. l'll of Uielr I)erso llllllly. by th e s heer <I,IIIlI· looks to you ail If 1 were \lllr.ul ng you DUlIce of tll rolr wills, ll)' th Bh~er \' Irll· beculI "c or thnl 0 111 qllarrel; bu t 1 1 Ity or tb Ir ()Ilrpos s . by III sheer dog· wn nt you to know that 1'10 not vln. ' gall I> rslslen which balks at no all· dlctlv ." grouna until It IlIJpenN\ as nn Iron web stnd Qnd beRltnt 9 nt 110 fo . had "I don't th in k yotl nro," r(!~lIud Onl: I In 11 city sky or epans a river ; Grnnd ln. fought Ilnd s tran gled nnd throlll,,11 rym plo. wllh I1I0n\(0 (Olltelllpl. the I nlon Fuel com{lllny. ooal and tholr way to th e top, unlll th e)' s tond. "You'ro Ju ~t fI dllmn l'd bog:' CHAPTER X. wood. frolO Alaska. to ·Pennsylvanln . head Dud Bboul dl' rH IIbol' . nfl th" A I a t !lush s we pl o"cr AllIson's ·-a....tl."'.n. Tlllre I. Your Emplre l" with a ll und all Its onormous by·prod· strong mOil or Ihcl r rpUI,cclh' do· i fu co. bu t Il was gOlle In a u las tlull. '!'be .enn Quiet gentlemen who 6at uets; Tuylor. the Amerl nn Telttl les mains. safo rrom protes t or dis pute "It hDl lpens that I ocod Ute n w Gu lf wtth .Allison at bls IIbrnry table. tol· cOlllpnny. \\"001. oUon. !lax. th e ~aw at soverolg lllY. b ClltlSU IUln has rll< II I & Great Lnkes ~y stelll." he WOllt Oil. III lowed tbe conoludlng flourish at his alld Oll lslIC(\ Ulat rilll or C\'ery tb read s tron g Dough til <.10 thCllI lJalllc. '1'11 'y Il perfec tl y I ",,~ I vole/): "all d I pruter . band toward tbe map on tbe wllll. lI,nd oC clothing we wenr, or uny other t x· w ro tho lIull llfcaf e<.l c h nm l >I"n ~ or to bu y It fro U! you III II fnlr I.rlco." either nodded or blinked atlpreclntlv~ . til rabrlc we lise except s ilks; Vance, th eir !;latl86s, Ilud the life of ' ,·.c ry . Dalrymp lo pill 011 hiM hut. ly, Tho red line oa hts mllp WWl com· tbe Untied Sta.tes Supplies company. mnn In that groull was nu epiC! Who ~~t Isu't to r Ral ." h o stut d. plete now, a broad. strnlght line from mca t, sugn r, trult. the main blood nnd was to bo monaroh of the lIew (, lIl plrl' ? "Just n Illinut , DulrYlIllllo," Int r· the Atlantlo to the Paolflc. and to It slllOw builders at the coun lry. Gent le· Alli so n nnswc rell thul qu es tion IlS posed Allison . . "1 wa ut to sho," rou I wore added, on either side. Irregular. Il!on. give me the trolghtnlle controllod simply n9 ho hud tho uthers. sOlllethl lll':. Lonl{ In hore." Illld he I t.II8Ung I'Od lines lIke the legs at Il cen· by you r s ix companies, lind I'll toss "The best lIIan," ho said. opened 111 0 IIbru·ry door. Ullede, the teeden of tbe various sys· the rest ot tile coun try's frol.ghillge Th ere hnd been 8 "cn big men In Oulrymp lo stcP loCl1 to th e ODC nlnl> teml whlob were under control of the to a beggar:' Am erica. Now there wero eight. Thl'Y and 8UW. lIot morely . U," P II III II . mid· new AUantlc-Paclllc rt.llroad. "You forgot Chlsbolm." Dabbltt r~ ill I rcoogoized thnt. dle·aged 1I11t! 1I11St. slu ill'; "rou nd a "Tha~'e a brilltant piece of engl· mInd ed him , nnd llallk!lr Chlsholm's "Ot cou re ." wont on Allison. "illY I\llra r), tllb!c. bill l'ructtcutly Illl t ho neerlbc. AlUeon." obeerved buge Rlcb· white mutton ·cbops turned (Iluk from ard HaTerman, by way of gleasont the a pprecla.tlon which s lowed In his vrOIJosltlon do('s not USSUUle thn"l nllY fr Ighllll>l & no oss ltl cs of tllO lilted man her e will beglo by rc llnQ ulshlng StUH,S lind pruNicull), IlII lts-"moncy . a comment, and be glanced admlrllll!ly ruddy·vel ned face. control of bts own l)8rticular brunch POW ('!" 1I1;lI ln9t wh loh his tollll)' mU llan &t AlII ..n after his eye ' had roved "Allison wa s quito right," r eturned of tbo l uternnllolla l Trll1l8portnlloll dollar mllron.d sYH tem Willi of no more I aroun4 the 1I\tle company ot notables. big Havermon with a dry smile. "The The teat o( brlnglng theae sevon men trelghtage Income on money Is on Item company; 8uga r. b 'cf, Iron. stc"l. 011 opp o~ llIoll thun II to), trnln. and the oth~ r commoditi es will all be , "- tlltl tmnsportu tion departme nt together at a ipeclftc hour was great· ecarcely worth consIdering." "Give the Ationtic·Paclllo tbls under their prese nt baodllng; but nch to b o gOl'u rn ud by a caullell composed e.r than haTIng oollsolldated the brll· broncb will so support and benottt tho of th o rel>Tf' Scntatlv Qs of tho various lIant Ilew Atlantic-Pacific railroad. fr eight. and, Insid e of two years, lbe other that tho position of the consolt· oth er d"lmrtm cnl s herei n mon tlon ed." "Let's lOt to .the details ." buke d a en tire bus iness of the United Stato... dation Itself win be ImDr gllnblo dron tI 0 11 th vol co ot Dllbbltt. Tolce with the .. olu~e of a St. Bill'- wltb all Its ramill cations. will be aga Inst competiti on or th e nssaull R of Tho rep rpl!ollt nl l\'es of tll O varlouB Ilar4.. It CADle from Arthnr Gmndln, merged In one management. an d th at the head of the Union Fuel compnny. management ours. We 81lall n ot need goveroment. Tbe advantages of con· other del>n rtm uts tb ercln moo t\oned trol. collection and distribu tion. are so I\' 1'0 b ent In 'collc entratcd attention "hleh oontrolled aU the wood and coal to absorb. nor purchD so. a. single roll· vnst that they fnr ou twelgb Iln y pos· on \' r y B nte ll cO, IlIId phruse. and ha the United Statell, and all tbe 011 ta rOlld uotll It Is bankrupt:' sible qu estion of personal Ilggrnndl1.e· word. und Hy lluble of that Importaot the ·wo.r l4. His bald Bpot C;lUDe exactly "Sensible Idea. Allison." approved menl." docum ent. 1I0t OllllttlUg 10 IlUY impor' on a leTe1 ..... th the back of his chair. Clark at tho Standard creal compnoy. "Don't hedge. Allison." bnrked Ar· tallt attcntlo ll to the pauses wblch an· and be "are allerce mUlltacbo. "It's a logical proposition 'wbich 1 had tbur Grond in.. "You xprossed It swcred tnr ( :0 III ItlUS ; and none looked "I'm puttlng In the AtlauUc·Paclflc 10 mind years ago." right In th e first place. You 're put· up. Dall")"lII f.1 la closed tbo door genUy. .. my ahare of the pOol, ce.n tlemen." "AIItHon's s troke of genius. It seems Ung It up to us to step out of the local "'Now will you se ll ?" InquIred AlII· explained Allison. "My project. as I to me. consists In getting ' us together/' cbamplonshlp clll8s. nnd. contend tor son. ban told you. 1. to make this tho smiled Haverman, hanging his arm tllo big bell." For n mom on t tb e two Dlen looked matD trnnk, the vertebrae aa It were. over Ule book ot his c hair. "The prize ISlI't big en ough. " pro· ' Into ench oth r 's y~B , while tho old ot the Interuationel Traneportatlon Banker Cblsholm leaned torwnrd on noun cod \V. T . Cbl sbolm. as If ha had nmlt y. besun while they \Voro stili In eomDAlll'. I bave oonBolidated with the tllble. Ilnd stroked bJs round cbln decided tor the ro nil. As' ben tted his tbe womb of tim e. Iny chili be tween tha ....·P. the Municipal Trans porta. reflecllvely, "There would be some calling. be was slower mloded thnn th em. At one los lnot, Dalrymllle. tlOD companj., and I bave put. my 011· disorganization. and porhllps financial the resl. There are few Quick turns whoso In w mllscles wero worltlng coo· tlr, flFtuDe In lt. to lay It on the table disorder. In lhe first two yeara," he In banking. "Vulslve ly, b ull rnl scd bls bUllde, 118 tr abaoJntaly UJlenoumllored." . oonsldered; "but the railroads are al· "Not big cnol18h 1" r epoated Allison. be were minded to fall on AllIeo n and ~ threw down the Atlantlc-Paclfto ready harassod too much by the gov· "Not big enough. wheo the Union Fue.1 strnagl e him; I1l1d It wns not the tact ..uro.4 and the MUIlJOlpal Transporta. emment to lbrlve und.- competition. company already supplies every enn: that Aillsou wus probably the strong· UGD oompaD7 In the form or a . on... and. In the end, I belleT#thI. propoBed dIe wblch goes Into tbe Suilnn. rllTlS er OInTl whi.cll rcs.trll!llod blm. but a sh_llYpe,mUen pa,.r. , centralleation would be the beat thing tbe pumps on tbe ·Nlle and the motor blggor Drlde . '"We'd bette!' al>polnt 8C!JDoone to' tor. tile Interest. ot the country ," boats on tbe Yang;Tse.Kyang. supplies "No.' he ~ ald, agt\·ln with that In· '10011 aftar the liIPJ end of thIn...... w,berein Chlsbolm dllplayedl that he ~e all tor the lubrloatlon ot the car' IlnHe cont IUIllt In his tone. "D rea\t, ~ the towerSD« Havennan. was a vestryman or Market SQuare of Juggernaut, and worilB the propel· me.· "hoM oarelea.. lo-an,tng attitude con- church wherever be went. ler of every aeroplane? Not bl"g "All right,'· occepted Allison cheer· \rut:ecl oddly with hte d1anlfled lolig "What Is your propolIlUon'" BIked enougb. wben already the orgllnlzl\. fu ll y. a'nd evell with rellc[; to r hl B wny beard. . Gnmdln. -who. because ot the Belt·ash was IIUI\' frce to pureu Ita normnl .. 1 "l'lltat;e care ot It." said W. T. Chis· aertion necesaltated ·by bls dlmlnuUve t onll represented .. ere ave driven course. He crossed to.'tho door whlcb tbelr industries Into every Quarter of . . laolm of the MaJestic' 'rrwst COQiPIlDY, el.ze, seemed pompous. but 'WaB not. No the earth 7 Wbllt shllll you say when opened Into lho hall. Ilnd poli tely and drawing the statement In front at pompous mati could have . JDerged the we Join to our nu clous tho grellt bowed Dalrymple Into the guidance of him. be set a papenrelgbt on It. wood. coal and all Interests. and. bav· steamsblp lines . and the torllign mil. old JDllb ra lm. "The lint step III Dot one of Incol' Ing mergbd tbem, swung them over roads? Not big eooughT Oentlemen. "Dnlrymp le woo't sell," be reporled. poraUotl," went on AllIeon. "13etore his own shoulder. . look herel" Be etrode over to the bIg wben ' be rejoined bls Cellow members tbat Is 40ne there must be but one . AlIIson's answer conelsted ot one of the Int ernational Traosportation rallnN¥! .ystem In the United Statell." word. company. BmootlHlh,.T8D old J.o sepb G. C1aTk "Consolidation:' be lIald. J osepb G. Clurk looked up frem a lIod4ed lit. beed. Tbere W,BI but one Tbere wae a moment or silence. Bet" of Joltell mcmornlldu w~lch be bad' 4MlreAl .Co!l!paDY In the UnIted . St4tee. wblle lhese men absorbed that Simple been nonchalantly setting down duro and the Standard. In the bBB1nnlng, Idea, and glanced speculatively, not at ing tbo reading. bad been the lIIDalleeL Two at tbe Allison. but at each other. They wore "We'l\ pI ck It UJ) In tbe stoc.k mar· baada of rlval ooncarns . were now ~ !dngll. these headll of mighty corpora· ke t," tIe carelessly sll ggested. Clal"k" emplO1, one was a pauper, and ttllD1i. trolle emlssarlercan\ed ·their "Can·t," repli ed Allison, with' eQual thne were dead. He disliked Ore pau· . soverelgnUell Into the farthest comen careiessnes8. "He'e Intrenched with ' per. 'll the eartb. Like friendly klnl!8, tIley solid con trol. nnd I Imagine be doesn't , Robert E. TaTlor or the Ameri<:aJl had helped eaoh other In tbe prolecowe a doIlDlr." TexUlea company, a man wbo bad lion at tbelr several domains, but thlB Oblshol m. with bls fingers In hla QIJIUI dt.proved the tIleory that con· wllS ~otber matter. 'whlte mutton cllops. was studying atnetlve OOslD... ~UlI ' Wail oon1lned "That's a Inrgo proposItion. Ed." clean·shnven oJd Clork's memoranda. ~to tlI.e North. IImOOthed bla 81'1lY mil&- stated Vance, very thougbtfully. All "A panle will l!e necessary. any· ,t.Ioabe -nftecUT.el" with the tip of bla sense' or levity bad gone tram this .how:' he obsen-od. "We'lI acquire the mIc14te ·flnpr, all the "87 out to It. meeting. They bad come. as ij1ey road thllD.M ~ . poInt. I tIlougnt. to promote a large mutual tn· . ' '(TO Bill OON'l'J!><UED) ......:.:._' - - - ~ en He where 10U .....11 tear up tereat, but not to weld a Franlrensteln. the .... u4 "'eet b1l1IIo sltUaUon to a "I did not underetand your liroJcct to ~ft.bla uteDt." he t~o\l8bttully be so comprehensive. 1. fl1l1clej] your COIIIJIII_tec!1 "'but .....thout · the ImpOI'- Idea to be that the vnrlou~ compl1ol es tan'DOI'th and IOUth maln trunlta you r epresented hero. with Oblsbolm 11~ CIIIIIIOt make a tlIbt "eb." financial controller, 8bould take a mu· ·-Alllson . • ent onr to hili wall map. tual Interes t In tbe support of lhe At· with a atop III "hlch there "lUI the lantlc·Paclfic. for t he pllrpose of con· .~ of a boy. J.. L. Vance tbe solldatlllg the raIlroad luterests at the tUnlte4 Btatee SuppUell company, country under one mauagement. there· ·New Suits. !"JalcJa c!p-DtroUad ~f. BUgar and pt'ap- by aervlng our own transportation ;tICalI7 au otti... food product., except nceds." (ioorge ~lIineyer vI! R ose All. thoee mllht1 nacesllU.. luider tbe ' "Very well IIut, Vance." apJ)roved m eyer, ILPPot11 by pllllntltJ swaya of the standard Cer8al com· Taylor, smoo\hlng his polntod mus· Oharles 8. Jaok RO Il va. ()hnrles J. P&D1 &D4 Eldrl4le lJabbltt'a National tache.· DaIry l;'roc1acta conaoHdation. lltudied "Tbat Is a mere logical development "I'll .lump orr You Tomorrow n the Tlbbtll8, et 1\1, portill o n. Slock. Exchange." Belz. SohWf\lI & Co . v~ . Carl ' W . tbebuoyant Allison with & pUlzled ex· of the rsllroad . slt~atlon:' returned AI· preealon. Be bad Been Allison am... IIson. "It I had not cemented 't his dl· globe. From New York to San Fran· Hondeuon,. money on lv, lI'm ount tl) car...burtlened manhood, and lIud· rect routo, someone would have made cisco a r ed IIno had already be eo olalmed $101.03 wHh iute rest. deD1y E4 _mad twenty yean young· tbe consolldaUon you mention within traced. Now he took a pencil 111 bls •lnme8 tI. WII\luce VI! JamAR B. or.' Only J!IldrI4Ie 13abbltt knew the ten years, for the entire railroad Bftu· band. aod placing the potnt at New W"Uaoo. for apllolutmeDtns recel vor. II8CI'et of ·\tht. mlraculoul rejuvenes- atton bail been disorganized elnce tbe York. gave tho globe a whirl. girding Lingo ElIl\rdwnr e Uo. V8 D. L C811.CL lJabbltt had marrte4 late In deatb of tbree big men In tbat lIeld; It completely, "Gentlemen, th ere 18 Willa nnd W . D . Linde r. tor IDc ney. Ilfa; .. bealatltul YOUDC woman I and the scnUered boldlngs would be. your emplrel" prlnolp.Llond Intereijt. -th. Iter to the nprth and south Bit· and .a re. a.n easy prey for anyone vitAl· Again the. nasal voice of old Joseph Proceedings uatloD ta bere,." Bald Alllllon. and he Iy Interested enougb to invade tM in· G. Clark drawled Into tho sUeoce. 4M a tlrm, 8w1ft; green line down dUBtry. I have no lIuch minor pro po. . "I euggest that ·we discusS In detail o a"y fC:or~ell V8. W. B. Ree der, lICInIM' the tTDlted States. branching at sllion In mind. 1 propose, wltll tile tbe coodltlons of the consolidation." PI"lntlff ill ordered \0 reoover the aacfa··end. "George Dalrymple will be AtlanUc·Paclllc as a nucleus, to. IIrst. he remarked. . 8um of '627 H with intereet from 119ft In hair an hour,1llId by that time as ~ ·have Bal~. bring the financial tor· Tbe bell of A1l1son's houee phone the defentlllnt. I ctUBt "We maT come to some agree· mlnals ot every mile or railroad In tbe rang. Jullll F. Snider V8 , Perry ~nlder, mall\!" ' . United States Into oae central omce. "Mr. Dalrymple. sir," snld the voIce dlvoroe is granted. "1'J' 4el"!ndtl on what you' want," With tbl. I then propose to combine of Ephraim. M. A. .lameson 1\1 g Ullrdlnn ' V8. ~me4 ,ArtiaD!' Grandin, wbo, sItting the Natl.onal Dairy Productl consoUda· "Very well," replied AlJIson . "Show be8lda ChelmmenlMl Haverman, looked tlon, the Standard Oereal company, him Into the study: Babbitt. wlJl you 0.8 Blgg ln". admr . S~le of real ""If thAt bad sbrunk 'hlm by blB . the Amalgamated Metals Constructive reacl to the ,enUemen thIs akeleton eatllte approved . JamBS EI. Wallaoo va. Jnmes Bruoe mel'll proxtmlty. company, ' the Union Fuel, Amerl~ plun. ot organizatiOn 7 If you'\1 excuse Wallt1oe. Jam B" B. Walilloe 18 liP. "'IftIIht. to be&ID .....th, .. stated AlB- Textiles, tile United States Supplies, ·me. 1'\1 be back In live minutes." and tbe etupendous finauclal interest. polnted· tecelver . Bond $4000. BOD. lRumlnll. hla place at the b~ad of swayed by the banks tributary to tile , "I)alrymple 7" Inquired Taylor. "Yes," answered AllllIOn ' abstracted· Rleal Estate Tralllfers the tallle. but not bJlI seat. . "You gon· MajesUe Tmst company. I propose to tJemen ",present ·the lariest frelgbt· weld these gigantic concerDs lnto one lY. and went Into the Btudy, - Eline Ji'ol k et al to O. B. ~later late· ace' Interelts In the United States. corporation. wblch Iltall he the mlgbU. : He and Dalrymple looked at elloh ~o. ~67 and ~50 lu Franlllln, U . YOIl all know your relative products. e8~ orgllnlzaUoD the world bas eve!' other silently tor a moment. wIth tbe unrll Kellenberger to R. ' B. and ud ~t.ln order to sraap this eltuatloo known. Beginning with the control of old enmity sblnlng between them Dal· .comptetely; 1 "Isb to enum"rate tbem. transportation, it will control aU food, . rymple, a · ronn five years AlJleon's R. R"ndl.} I lot In Red Lion $1 . E. K, nnd J. W. !:lnoot , to Frank B&Ilbttt'll National J;>alry. Pro~uct8 con· a'lI appsrel, all construction materl&1e. Bsntor, a brisk speaking man wli.b a IOUdaUon can IIwlng tbe sblpment of all tuel. From tbe IIbOOll on hlll feet protrudlni jaw and doolHlet gray eyes. and EVil Brueggeman, . Ad.nr. 76.65" e~ery' oqnce at butter. crearo. cheese, to the roof· over hili head, e~elT man liad done more than any · other one btl- aores II) HAmlltoo township $1. eiP and lIOultry hanllled tn tblll couo· In ·tbe United Statea of America. fJ"om man belns to develop the transporta.- F. and · Josepb Mlmler to U. W. U11 Clark's /iJtandard Cereal comp~y. laborer to president. ahall pay' trlbute tion '.Ystems o~ New York. b~t biB gltt wbeat. oorn, oat&. nee, barley, malt. to the InlernaUoDal TlanaportaUoD bad been In construction. In oreatlon, wbereas AlUllon's ba'd been In combl· . loar. anlT ounce of breadstulfs or ' . ' cerw.l ~de. amwn on Amerlcnn soli" company. Gentlemen, if 1 bave nation; and Dalrymple had gone Into Ua_, the Amalpm&ted Metal~ dreamed big. It Is .because I bave dealt tbe rallroad busllleBil. "Dalrymple, I'm going to give you a . eoa.tnictl~e com9llD7 every pound with men who deal ODly ID large Xade strong By Delioiota Yinol 'Gl-boa.1ead anil coP~. and evelT tOn dreams. What 1 propose iii an empire obance, ~ nld Allison briskly. "I want LakeJ:!ort, N. Fl. - " Our little girl 8 . of ora, from the moment It leaYea the greater than thai e"fOf swayed by a111 the Gulf 1& Great Lakes Railroad sys· yean of EI$e wea in a debilitated, nn· monarch In hlBtolT. We elgbt men. tsm." down condition and had a stuDborn Dalrymple had produced a olgar cough 80 ,ahe was weak and ailing all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,.bo are here In thIs room, can bulld that empire with a IIctatcb of a pen, wblle be waited tor Allison. and now the tlR;le. Nothing helped bar until and ciIII bold It asalnat the UBl!uUa be Ut It. He sat on the corner of the we tried Vinol.Then her appeti~ land she illiltrong and weill and of the· worldl" . atudy table and surveyed AlUson crit- IIncreased wllb other of weak. delicate HIlI voice rang All ~e ftnlllhed, an Ically. . children Vinal. "-GEO, A. Babbitt looluid at him ID wondw. AI· -'~I 40n't doubt I\," Jle replied. "The ··CoLLINS. lJaon bad II1wa7l"'been .. atreDg II1&II, .,.Item J. almost completed . ~ .' bat DOW, In tbs. eeeoDd 7OIIth. be "wu "J'U sllcept.a fair oler tor your can· This IlD Alltaeua apl'lDllDc mah fI'om ' Cbll trolllnc Intereat." wOIIt on Allison. J earQa. TJaen . . . a 1lUllD8Ilt'sluU, an41 ".ADd If I won't Hll f" DUal ~ IDt.o IlleJ .... ..".l'Il '!,W! ~_~ ~ • at
slhlllce. "AlIlllon:" It
(~ linton
- .-
WilDlington, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 27, 28, 29, 30 Get away for a day or two an d sec the show. to mingl with the people of ) our neighboring"
I t will do
\' 0 11
~OO (r
COlli I tics :l lld '
visi tors
will he especially w \comed frolll afar and made to fee l at
h O Il1C'.
The a ttractions are all free.
There is
j 1 rederick
DoUcll wlio will
walk a live wire encircled in sparks a nd ll a mcs ; also It'rank R ob illsoll who will fill his balloon on the street from a Ford engine fi nd make n double parachute leap on his way back to earth, every clay. There will be a band cont est of all th ' h 11\ds of the county. also Price' s
I re.rnier Band of Greenfield. and the Oth . Nat'l Guard'. Band of Columbus. Four thousand school childre ll will march in the school parade.
Bootbs will
e1 ,!
"nd one mile.
AmOllg th \
distinguished yisitors will be WilUam Jennings Bryan, Go eTn r Frank B. Willis and Atlee Pomerene. Something good all the tillle will be going on as we have one free attraction after another.
minute full.
HON.M ..R.l)E~YER,Pres Ex. Com.
T. E:htr nor. at III. Pr! vote l"ale of r aul r~I,"" ordered . . . . Ie Illter ap.
You Can Enjoy ute Ea' wbat You WIlDt and not be troubled
and after 1Mb ~ 80Jd OIQ _- _~....
Il V P lj 111,,1
• -. Humor of the Classroom
by u-3k " bas. ~ .,
dis \' 1butl In oTdertsd . 111 the mll';!1f o f tho gUllrd.lanllhlp fi~uneral "f Ub\en L IO.lil, mluor. ,Iohn U. ~ Pencil I" lip Hlin te.l . Bond $1600
win take a .A?'a~ Dyspepsia I ~ _ ' Tablet ·
with indi&eatiou if you
- .j, E: J.n".~.
1.;1 b I t.!.1~1 a ~l!r,
Waynesville, Ohio_ Call answered promptly day or night
84y' Aorellio John GrabtlID
Survey $41)00. Joseph Bl008 'It al to Edward G, !:Jines 3 ~raotllin Morrow'and 8&lem township!! $1. . Edward G. Blnel al to Benrl. ettll. Binell 10' No. 2 In Whitaore I! ,ulditlon to Morruw •. W. C , Ullmollr. sheriff; to Ralph P. and Rosella GrllDdln lot in
M~lnevl1Ie, $906 .
Bere Ilre some reoentJy pohll8hAd ttdditlonl to tbe lI"t of 011l8Rrootll howlers: A Conll8rvatlve Ie a sort of green house wherll yoo look at the mOcD." "Parliament aSl!lembled In September and di8sembled In .Januuy_" ,IThe people of Indl& Are divided lato cuts Ilnd out088tl1." "AD ab.trilot Donn I~eomethlng we \Ian think of, but oaDnob t Rel-as " redhol poker... When Nellon f . ught him Napoleoli w:al bet1ten at Trafalgar, :where be died. Bua he said' "J have done my dn'y lind I exp~ot everybody el!16 to do hili." " The funotlon of 'he 8kln IS to keep ' In the booell,and welookmuoh nlon wHb akin on . If we bnd no skin we Ihould go about Akeletonll."-LoD_ don Mall . --"'--... - ••- - -
Both phones In Office alld Residenc .
l..oojf.distance.No. 14; H9IR&-f)hone l4·2r.
Chajrs anq one Coach furnished frep. WIth funerals. Best of service guaranteed •
••• DENTIST~·••
. ~l\I'ah B . KlIgatrlck and mHZ,sbeth S,tubbs ~o Ohllrles E. Yonroe a traots .om",,·'n \\ 8)'n", file. 0 In Wasbington towDshlp, Sl. Na'loDal BaIlk Dlda. John A. Tbomplon and wife to~. .. . ~~~~~~~=~=~~~== J • A. 4. and Alpba Aunglt and E. W, 8preug several 10t8 aDd parla of lote in LebanoD, $1. . E V. Barnhart, Admr . to Charles A~ T. Burner undivided one half In terelt In two URCte In Wayne town. :CHRONIC CONSTIPATION Veterinary ship f2450. 'Abont . two ' yeare ago When 1 be. Marrlale Llceo.. !Jan Dslng Chamberlain's '{'nblate I Oraduate of 0!t10 Sllil. Unlveral . ' had been lIofferlng for Fome time Fred Uons. farmor to Joeephlne "with stomBoh 'rouble and obronio Oglesbee. both of Waynfl8vllle. ol)n8~lpa'lon. My condition ,101 Office at re3!dence In F, JJ. Slier Rev. A. K. Sargent. proved rapidly through the D.e of wood's house. Fourth Street, Rdward FOlter Coffeen, farmer to tbese "tablot.. Bince taking fonr or Eva May Dngan. both of ~prIDgboro. five boUles of them my heilith haa . Telephone 28 Rev. J. B. Fitzwater. . been fine," write!! Mrs. JohD New • . . I'(nds !>fill Brace. mill woraer to t~n, JrTln~, N. Y. ObtlllnlAlile ev. Waynesville. Ohio Bazel ItIargeall Aehba. both of tlrywhere. Franklin . Rsv, Ar,hur C09per, . Bomer .1. Rlngsby. olerk of Blue Ash, to LeODa '(i.. Jrw.ID, of Mason . . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~. . -JI!II------.~ , Rov. C. S. WllTlamll .
Dr•. J•.
Probate Court ProceedlnK'
10 'be est.ate of N&tbl1n B. Rloh IleoMlled. Fire' lind 1111.01 aocoun t lSI IIpproved In ~he q1l1tler of t.ha will of GUHtav Poppe, d l'o8llserl. · Will Is admll tod to Jlrob,'~. Widow oleot.! tu t8k", unrler t.he will f 111 the malter of tbe e~ta'A 'f ulI'av P'IPpe, ;leceBll8d. Marlb.. J • . P(,ppe III "PJlOllltt!d f'Xellulrlr • ~o bond rpqalr"d. Z O. Worley, ' A. J. 80hsarer aDd Gears!! W. Jaok I ..8 appointed appniterl!.
B. V, iJarllllart, Adm.
W .y~esville, . Ohio
~l \\oyu... , Ule 01110 ~ We alTe r Uue HUIlIlred &lullars ReII' rd _ _ _ _ _~________-"__._ _ fur any ruse of l:at ~rh that call1lut be
1'111111 h<-.l \\'""ILly
,. l~dlLll r
I.·ured hy Hull's Catarrh Oure, Mlmager Hu ll 's [atur d , Cure bus IlI'ell lake n by
. Our Creat Money-Saving Offer Ollr base bAli nIDe, who 01\11 them_ Bere we .ue ago lD. , TIlJR n1(~ CoLU R UEltE J5 A WHOLE enlarrh sll{k ten; I, r Ihe pas! thirty·live eelvee the DrllgonB went to E,lio g Hev. SOil will d IIvBr 0. 'j'"mper. )'C1lr~ , and ""s l!c~ume kuown oS Ihe mu.t MIAMI CAZETTE THE Oc:t"b r 27, 1915 rcHoLIe remedy {or Illarrh . Hull' s Cu. ton unday. lind ploye:! t.hllt team IInoe l6cl,ore at the cb uwh hC' re on, O",,,' ER SAVES OU R YEARS READING FOR TI,u 11 0111 Pal",r-! 1.111' II Your lurch ure nets throll)! h the 8100d on the o n their own grounds auu the r eo next !oo1undllY evonlng MU'cuussurf:t('(:s, expell ing tlH' I'uisoll frum I:l ult of the vlalt WII~ Iu fuvor ~f the M .. M Torry .ll.nd K. E. 'l'homp. THE NEW WO MAN'S TRIO THE WHOLE FA.MILY HI~.\ l>t:RS $1.75 CASII tile Hlood n ud healiu/: tbe diSO! llscd pm· DrJlgou~, 11 to G. Bon sp lit Bnuds y tlfl 6ru oon with d gr ' ltt. MIlJ\lIhh ' ntuga:d.ws fur " 'UIIIlJu- lh~~l1lur l:"rIc f a. uO IkJt ,VL1dt. lions. Wilh'lm, JlliutlI Grousy 11IId fawlly. After you have take n llull ' s Ca mrrb j I 1111 I Bill H' LY lIoh Wiusor Htnrls . . Cure lor a short lime yo u will ~ a I;~nt Is SCI our'! uJ( .n no ti. . Il hilS t\l r l!' Mnry J. IOllvcJr 'iI. @ pon(lh'g .. . '. improvemenl in.yourgeneral health. Start proveD hlWHOU to b!I " pitcher of t his WBll k with Ml'tI. JUllIth Uollier, taki ng Hnll's CGlu rrh Cure at ~l1ce ~ nd more 'hlLn the ILverllge . 'Mis Bessi Warner of Green Briar get rid 01 cuiarrh. Send fur ICSlinlOliluls, :,On Satnrday of JIIHt week we were wU SStlle guOest of Mrs . 'V. B . Blai~ free. " . blessed with 11 , .. Ik ')n r oblbltlon from FrhltlY unlll MondClY . ~--~----------~ CHH NE VI& CO .. 1'ol~do . Ohio. t- " R Will' .• npon 1'06.8 Y ev.ohQ.rob, 10 lOof t!. Orlnncl ll Arnnnon lflcl lfhe Youu g J u ,m.!er to ultl lIud l'xpec1\te tbe Ruld, y a ll I Urlla:~lS15, 7uc. ot tbeour 1st BPresby'erlan IIdUIJllhHrlll,lUu ut jutlhco, to gllJn :::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::=::::-:==~ L(blluon . He wu@ lIooorupll nled hy Pt.lOp 11l8 lUe!l Ullg on 1 ~ I~t ~ uDd llY IU Orurt~ctl ~ "' OI~D Cy ulld bllL"'r IIro· Mr. IIDd Mrs. Frlin" ADder soD, Miss oVElnill g. Mabel Eulae and P . V. Botie. rhe A Mrs. HlltUelcJ , of n tlur r~o bun o n \IlIILllIll "r t ho pUU jJJo 'tll lIlt·r ~~ ~H, the jl!du .oman'B O\JD~LILULluU or Uluu hilS fixed. the talk WIllJ made in elLrnest ILnd It was will be our hello girl after Novem anb tunD. 01 Ibe UOrullHlU .Plell~ J udgt!ll to the POID' ; the' best of . order WIlS ber 1st. II ~ ~IX .>'eur~ . Tue bl1l1J O OUIJIII-ILutlUn, hlld. No doubt his talk put Ulany '0 Mnl Muuel To rr y s pont Slllllrdny ~bt ,miami ~a~ttt£ llo y,tlyur, I 'qulI'e!\ t htl ot ullr ooullly thinking and thnt i\ will do a. great dteruoou wit b f rlsu ds, ilL Olive UIllUIUIIi Lu uo IlkOtlld lurbo HmllS delll of good on November 2nd. Bmu oh. ~~ ~ Rev . Wlllker wIll fi ll tlte pulpit ut W. B . Blulne was 10 Doyton on Subscriptions may b~ ne w or IlurlDK tllUt lIuwe pUflOll. It longer . Old slIb sc:rlbers, by paying .tbe lIlJUIII IUCI'!Jlltle Ihe "llioilluoy uf aholle ~he M. E . ohurch SuodllY. November ~a turdrl Y !Lnd !:3undllY the .griest of rcnewal. All magazine sub. amollut III arrears and one ycar wh u hltllrvrot the IIlW-, they 06r 8ll:lt . You lire oordlally r equeated his daug hte l' . tU11J1y Wuu llI hllvtl tbu tlUUHI ~ Il'e()t to be present. !:3eveml fr om t his pl lloo attontion scriptions begIn with month's in 8IJvance, may .take advanon LbliSU W110 ' Iluwllllster I·uo III \vs. 0 Mr. and Mrs. AmOA Alleo , Mr . Utb o e ntert,lli-:tUl ent lit . I·e!:lonl .. IIon issue unless' some other month Tho l'r ultMu JUU"e Wh ll IIIIIUUI! d . C lage or this grC3. t money·av.. tlnll 80n HlI.rry, we re tl undllV guest~ ",lItur I\y 6Ve mll !; gi ven "y , 16 IIIUrrIQl;6 IlOOlltiell , OulDlults Iusliuo of Mr. aod Mrs . Lo"le I::'eors, of W. O. 'r. u. till a ll ropo:rt itt< 0010. js mentioncd on th e order. All lng offer. The combined cir50 Cents a Year i1er~O Ub ~v utly lumH, OVtlfliollS ~he. lLd. Jcfl'ersonvillo . 1>late RDooess . wlui~~1'IItlOu 01 e~ IIHe @, 1ge1tOlOd tor ~ ....... magazInes mu st go to onc adculation of THE NEW WOA rcco~ lIi ze" Fas hion AUlhority for lUur 1'''11111. Bu~ l.hll ~lork or ~onrtll _ _ _... _.,_ _ _ DanI el Underwood Is the busiest ,I . \V T .. ylor Wild SlIl:nru Oll u<t to 4 .1 years, w il li lW'I C s ub ~c rihen MAN'S TRIO is nearly three who Iii ontru8tllLl \Y uh thu lllll.ltinl! wlI.n In this " Iol nl.ty. Il e Ie ship. Uolu m tlllR 0 0 E'rlduy 00 uooount of drcss. Underscore . each mag· 111:111 a llY o thfr fB ~ hi()ll lll U~az i llc. IIUlI Oil!"" utillJ tUg cuurt rlloordl!, thu RECOMMENDS CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH pIng e8vl'ml car 10lldR of flne apples. tho9s rl ous Illness of hIS Hon, ChllS , azine Ulat is a renewal. million copies every month. Fill y ~xclll s h· . d ('s i~ l1 ~ 1l1Ont bly , tlhllrl lY wilo pl'ellerVlltl the ptllloe lind REMEDY Mr. Underwood 190 fine fruit p;row· wb" hlls t YlJ hLlld fev er .' \VIl {~II hope showing latest Mel'u n patlcnlS. our n il" LUll u n.lllr~ 01 ~htl OOUl·t In~u er. fc.r A ~JlIHl'I ~' r ecovery 'I\·!tosc slyle, nl, si mpli lI y " lid ,,\fuot., tbu .l:'rOHeOUtiog ALtUrDllY "Lust wloter I used 0. bottle of Mrs. LIzzie Sear~ o.nd Essy Gray Mr . Fletohe r of Cedll Tville, wtiE 1\ economy m uk ~ them first chuice of wh o IJru'gll to jUlltloe Sholle who CbBmbe rl~ln's Cougb Remedy fOf are spendlug teo days In Ken'ucky . 8undllY ~U(lljt at S unn y Hide !l'llrLD . t housunds of \\'en · dr~s~ d women , Mor~ t han 1,200,000 fnmilils luve troD8~r~"" the IOWtl, the AuulLor 11 had uronohial oough . 1 folt Its Mr. and Mrs. 'rhos . Whetzel, after MIKS iCrnm" Ellis a nil. MrR. Eva McCan'. for It 5 wholesomc stories 1~lId 'l'r lltl!!Uror who tJafegobrd and henefiollli effeot Immediately "nd be. being' absent for two w"eka, rO- Vlllnrs @)le nt F'rlday witb tbelr SIR. tympnlh.elic an ic.Jes and newest coli, Il' 1·1l" 00UII&1 IUDUIt, tlte COlD. rore 1 bad fillitfhef\ 'ho bottle 1 wa~ tnrnod hero Thursd'lY . ter Willi MrH, O ll ie I:lllgomyer . iuells III Fancy Needlework. UllH~IUUer8 wh:J bllVIl tbtt tlllenUln .. oured. I ne,'or tire or reoommend Mr. and Mra. JOB . Davi!' and Uhlls. HagerlOyer !lnd family were oJf tho~1l Vl1bt Humll, tbe lttJuorrler Ing this remedy to my frientillt daugbter, Dorothy, Mies Kmmll Sunday guesta ot Chilli . Ellis ' autl auu t!urvey or lllJOD whuHe i:HlIgt'noo wrltel Mrl!. WllllaDl BrigM, J! I Whetsel, Mrs Mugaret Levloy nnd tnm!ly, of ne"r Bllrveysburg. "nd IIccuruoy dupllud your property Wayne, Ind. Obtlllnnbio evory. eon, Clyde, .were ~unday guest'! of Mrs. A. B. TlIllllllgO Ilnu son, .J . :---_ _ _ _ _ _--:- ......._........1.'- .................................. . rlghu, ON el~oLed lor only Cwo where, _ _ _ _ _ ••_ _ _ Mr. and Mrs , 11'0. A . HlI.rteool!, Lee, were shopping In Le ban on on :trCut this Coupon Out and 5cnd to Us Y"tlrs. Dayton , Ohio. Saturday . I Uudor tb e . present order or 'hinge, - - -- Miami Cazette $1.00 Mu. Eva ThomaB kaher severll Wo c,re g lad to repor t Miss Edith btllol'U ~ OO UD~y oHiolLoI hilI! uven h Itllllntld tbe dULles of hIs ufflce h.. wee ks nu.rslnp; her slo aister ere, Bogun better lit this wrltlog and wo ,50 McCall's Du te .......................................... _ .. _ _ 191 mus, aook re·eluoLion. '1 'eD month. who la quit-o slok, retnrned to h er all hope bv I·be tlmo this oppeArs io Mother's Magazine 1.50 The MiamI Cazette home In IndIana laat Thursday . prin t that ab e will be much better Mtulf tlJU Audllor III .. worn luao ot. Waynesville, O. l1ull y o u IHU IIgaln YIHmg ror him Il ~ E. M. Luken's sale ot live ~took and out or dllnge r . . 1.00 Ladies' World \UU IJrltllllry eleotlun. EIllvelJ Mr. nnd Mri!. laUIlO Wilson Bnd was quite a I:lIlOOeSIl, greatly to the '3evern.1 frolll '& diMtn nol3 IlHended Gentlemcn : -1 accept'your great MOlley·Savi ng OfTe r. 1JI0uthl! Ililar tho turee (JOWWtl!. RaleIgh Boglio Mtolluell the Meo'it eatlefaotlon of Mr. Lukene . the S. S. Con vention be~o o n SUD For $2.25 encloscd, plQllSe send 1:he Miami Gazette Hionera, It~o')rder. '1'relLBurer auo (Joofereuoe a' Rlohmond, Inu., 11&8' Beveral of onr oltlzeoe will vaca te J"yafternoon. Total - $4.00 lind the New Woman's Trio, all for a year, to tbe burvuyur enter upon 'heir offioial week. their ItatloDS 'hili winter and will A 8 . Allvn oDd wlfo. !Milt Bowe address below : dULles tutly ure tlueking your !tup. Wolter Wllllon '.Lud family I&ntoed be In 'he lIunny louth, where IIlln. II.nd wife lind son, Burry Ilud 0 Miss lJort 0.5 the polls for their renomina. $0 HIghland (;onn',. ~un(jay and Ihlne and happln'lI8I relgnll~lInpreDlft - ('horupeoo speo.t Sunday with L . M. Name __ ...... __••...__ ........ _.___ .__ .__ ..___ _____.._.~. All four for only 'IOU. visited their uuole JOllah MoPher. Several from here a"ended the Bears and family lit J eft:ersonvllIe. POST·OFF ICE _... ......._ .... _ .............. STATE. _____ _ it II:l au t!-xoeptlonal man Indeod Ion Rnd family. Wt(mlngton Fall FestIval and reo HaYRe Keever ClOd witt', Rny Bllr. who UIIll lboroughly mll.ster 1111 'ho Mr, Bod !tir!!. Robert Stanley "nd por~d II. glorloua good time rIson and wite of Lebllnon, OIlIDl' np STREET NO_...... _ ............. __ .......... _ ... __ _R .. F, ·D •._.. _ ._........ iutriollLe tlutlOIi of Ilny oounty otllC<l ohlldren visIted Pulmer I:Hllnloy 'e Thla week we are having a Ger. and spent S qnd ay WIth IL A, Ellis durlu" the firllt \ .. n ur eleven lDon\hlI near Ferry Snnday, mao Medlolne show at the TORn lind fam Jly east of here All !lagll.ZiDOI ID ~bo NEW Li\DfEB TRlO poaonhe term. and dUll llpenl1 l1,t leut W . E Bolan and family called aan, and are showing to orowded • _ _ _- IlJVOI~ mun \)olll)m 10 DUO nddrllfl8-no O..Cllpt\o~_ _ ~ ..... ,.._ . !...-----------:---~---.:. ---.~.-.-half &haHIUlolleelllng renom ,na'lbD. on B. F. (Jomptun's ~unday atter. I, D(IUS'' '' and the health of our oom. tloob .. oonuUIOD ill uo, fair either t.. Doon. !!nelnritaYrrllevaml.uoh ImprOv,ed swoe 'RHEUMATISM AND ALLIED P,AINS-T~EY ,he olliollil or So "he votire, JeMee B~ID~ and 'amlly IJUended '.. n All Kinds of' 'j'h., Illw gUlualllOOll to livery mau oburoh. here l:lundaY,bud 'ook dinner The farmers are tbrongb eowlng MUST GO I weddtng of hersl~ter. Wm. Barlll.u I Yes-Many People ' -',.j Il fl.1'1' ond Iw·""tllal trial In &b.. Z B I h , d t"1 I t n end . have told U8 the BIlUlO etory-diatrea oourts of t·hll tll~~e. uu' yOU arll wl&1l hll bl'o'her Imrl a oes . ,. ea ao ou. ng corn a IL 11 • The conj{estlon of the blood In its is tencblng for her. Ellrl Coyle WIlS laid up with 11 se· lifter eatUtg, gfUlllS, beartburn. A . Mra. HeDr" Crew 18 OD 'he alok. Huekloi wood andonn fl ow OtlU8el:l pn In . ' Iolin 'I:lL'In I'U1en t o.lleu olloU to patl8 judamelli u p o n . lew otber corn, thlngeouttlng Is all they have , _ _#aliI. Dyspepsia; . your oouuty 1,11101111(1, "' t.he primary lIa&. penetrlltes to tbe oongo8\lon lind verely sprained ankle IllS' week , Lee MoNell and family havB _~J(,.. Tablet !\ eloo&ion8, beloro Lhey b a,"fe hI. d 11 ... HI • 1U r. and_re UoB .... '" J ODell an d handa at present. e.ftrte "he blood to flow fl'. eely. 'l'he f"lf ond tlumment trllll, bnd betorll B.UIII Pe~r.oD vl~lted Mell. Jone~ The following nameu persons, of bodY'8 we.rmth Is r enewed ; tbe pain moved '0 their property 10 South Burlington. before and after each mea! will relieve, 'hoy ll.lvo Itlld ~ ob"l1oe .0 pruVll 'H Treblens Suoday. t:lhe 18 very DaytoD, were I:!Qnd'a y gueete 01 Is gon e. 'rhe "man or woman wllo The flr~t number of the looturA you._Sold only by ua-250. \~ Succraor to the. Cen'ral Ho~l: Meedamel:l Ida has rheumatil:lm, nenrlLlgia or otber tltllll' real IllTcl Ira , its worth Ilnu low wl&1l oon8u'Q)ptlOD, J. E. J.n...~, F. E. SHERWOOD . abiltty. Horace UOUlllton's bogll stUl 000. Welelnantel, MarRaret WelsenBot.eI, paiu and flllls to keep !::ilolln 'l:l Llul. oourse will be given In the M. E. ... U uuor ~he prosent system elootlont! 'inue lo die with the oholera, Anna Kabel, Me98ere Clarenoe Koob, meot in theIr home 18 like 0. drt1wn. ohuroh Thursday evenlnl1l. Ootober urll entirHly too frequent. One Ib Mr Rnd Mra, ~mulll Wilson I&t. Peler HOllimel, John Kabel, Jeall In~ mIlD refusing a rope." Why 28th, by &he Hawkeve Male Quo.r\et. :::::::::===:::::==:::::=:::::::::::::= Qver PostotIice, Waynesville, O. hardly oVllr wCore 'he oaQlJllllgll &laded ohuroh a. Sprlag Valley Blookmore, Beary WelsooaDttll atlll aufftlT. Get a bot t le of 8 toan's ll60 u will ooosist of vOoal mnslo, Bax. HOlle Pbone 6 . Office Pbone 77 for .Ilothllr Is well under way l:!an<1I1V, . Alber' Weleeoanlel. aDd 500. '1.00 bottle hold six timeb aphone qUllrtet and baujo. Admle.• lion 250 und 150. 'l'bey often uverlt,p sllob o&bHr . . Mr. and Mn. Tbol. Wbetsel and as muoh ae 250. size. Th I ooun'y Ie ke}lt In OOQlltan' po. I J;lleph Leam~DIJ~ enter'alned Sun. Mr. CI-de Levloy were sboppers ID _ __ _ ,'lI'loaL turlDoll. . day Mrs. Leamln:~ e alster and hue. • band Mr •. and Mr/l, A . E, I:!lmmonll, 'he Queen OIty Monday. I will offer at Pa bllo RIlle a t my FOR INDIGESTION Boward Leamlnl{ and three ohll.lren Mre. aanuah Crll8well IIttendod realden08, Dear the Elm Tree, on the "nd ltalph Leamlng o.nd r.mlly. 'he II. E. Quarterly meeting at Never take pepsin and prepara· Ferry and Lytle road on Puneral Director. WHEN BABY HAS THE CROUP tion!! oontalDlng pepaln or other dfBeveral from here aUeDded the Olarksvllle Friday o.fternoon. ge,tlve ferments for Indlgel$lon, lie Friday, October 29,_L915.___I-____ Wboll a lUutl10r III Llw.. kenlld from lenlperance lecture New BnrRev. and M~s . Sargent attended lIound IIlllep to find her ohlld who 1I n ll\On )l'rlday nlgb'. tile more you take the more you will BeglDnlng at 12 :30 p . m. the fol. Telephons dllY or night. ' . tbe Baptist a8llooiatlon I\t WIlt:I\!ng. Mrs. Amanda Silum and danghter, have to "'lte . What 18 ~eeded Is )owlog property: 1 Borse,7 Cattle , ball gODe lO b.:d lipparently in 'be ,aLuther D.ines Will . home over 'on la"' week. Valley phone No. 'i. Long Wm. Lucas. Dllvld LUOBe were vis. a tonlo like Chamberlain e Tablets 25 BOgB :10 Chlokens Clover Hay _ _ _ _• _ ..._ __ ben of heahh~trugliling for breath, Sondny frOID Wllmiugton oollege. ~, DIs"'DOtl No. 60-2r, Itors of Amos Jaoksou a,nd family. that Will enable tbe s\OmlLoh tihe Ie ntUur,IUy .Iarmed. Yet u per. Oa'l, l~plemen\8, B~rnese. ' L6lab 8ogo.n cutert.lned the sbe can lleep hllr prBIIllnOtl ot mind Seulor 011Lllll from SprIng VIlUey B. A. Dill, of Dliyion, il:l visIting form 1\8 funoUon8 na'urally. Ob · Bee bIg b!lls for terma . Automobile Service at all Times odd lIive UhalOOOrlaln '\I Cough Rem Blgh Behool Friday nlp;ht. taloahle everywh~re. P. 8'. Coroell. COLDS DO NOT LEAVE· WILLINGLY hla motber . edy nory len mluutBII un,1I voml'. • W . N. tJeare, Auoi. OHIO W AVNESVILLE, Mre, Amoa Jllckeon Is Blok at thle Becauee a oold 'Is stubborn 18 no • ing III produced, quick rllllef 111111 Robt. Lamb, Clerk reason wby you should be. . Instead writing. follow · ILcd the oUlld wlll drop of "w8,uing" It out, get I:lure relief Allister Carl Dllkin II:l 'vlaltlng bls st.t:ep to a. ILlteu lu the mornlug a/l b;'l' taking Dr. Klng'l:l New Dlaoonry. grandmother. well Be ever. 'l'hlll remedy has beeu Dangerons · bronohial o.nd luog Ail Mr. 811m I. Jllokson was at hom e 10 Ude tor illatly y.oars with uniform mAnti! often follow a oold wh iob ha ~ S;:.nday. l!UCCO<lll. ObtlLluablo everywhere, been neg)eoted aUhebeglnnlng . A~ Mr. John Shllw and family lue --yonr body faithfully oottl.BB those gU8llts of Mr. Hillos StlleB noa.r oold germ~. no better aid 08n be glv. t'prlng Valluy C.lmmonolng at 12 o'olook, sharp, en than the ulle of thle remedy. Its , , Thln,,1 to Worry About. Th moet valuabll:l laud In th tl the following ohattels uelonglng to merit hae been t8llted 'by old and Mr I:lr lDme l I:lhaw hal m oved t o The pulle ot a kanga~ Is 0011' worl~ Is In f,he Sahara Desert. 1\ 18 p . M, Hathaway, deoeased : 1 HOrle, yonng. Get a bottle to.day. 500 Bobtown . aalf .. faR u that of A lUll. de valullble by the date tree. 4 Cattle, Uorn. Whe,,'. Ollh, Bay , I !!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!! and 11 00. Mra . Cors. Green Is vi:!lting ber ~~t oovet every spot where enougb Ohlokens, Tnrkeye, I:Itrllw, Farmln>; • - • mother . wat.er clln be had to make th!lm Implementa, Houaebold Goode . Mr . iJlLn MorgAn and danghter of 81l1e . w Tbls great lund value comes Terms made knowQ. on visIted triendl:l In Mt Holly. man th'l1re tbe II:llzabet:::h:!::!.:: 8:J,' IJ.'W prodeotlve power of tbe ,tree, nil ture's greatest engine of prodUlltl III (J, T. Hawke, Auot. It 18 reftlly remarltable th~t we In W. E. O'Neall, Clerk, GET RID OF THOSE POISONS IN YOUR the o Livery Service at • UnUed State~ have used trees (Dola)"ed) , SYSTEM I 13" little to do our work ror us. Reasonable Rates An urobnrd of block wIUnuts, Or You wlllfiutl Dr . RlIIR'8 New Lift' <-' hlokorle ', Ilr native hazels, burled Thareday. BII waa aD old Pills 11 most elltillfaotory le](atlve In shagbark or Oblo Vallev peolLnB,. wIth trOOll all ""'___________-....... Also Agent tor Kelly-Springfield loldler, releasing tbe IIol80nll from your sys. Automobllo Tires tem. Aooumul .. ted wlLtlte aod pol good as the best wild oneil now FOR SALE Mr . and Mre. F . M. Blett wllre 80nB clLuse.manifold oilmen's unle88 growlnp; wOllld be very, very valu vl,Uorl In Columbu. 1'lleaday. , releusAd. Dlzllnes8, epotll before tl ble. Wby don 't we h~ 'lie them? . A nomber from hf're "Ullnded tbe the eyes, blaoknesl:l and a miserable Merely beoauBe we haven t notioed ModeI'D Woodmlln banquet In Xenia 'f eeling generally ~re Indlolltlooll -IIod hll.ven' t though£. n III hIgh GOOD BaldwIn Apples. b'or In-. formation oall ou Lindley Men . Valley Phone 9O-1Y. Tuesday nlBht. 'hat you need Dr. Klng "s N~w Life time we oaught up with the people rlenhall,~ phoDe 7•• 1 L 28. WaYtles. Bev. Moorman pa8tor. of tho Pllls. Take ~ dose . t(> nlgbt and of tbe desert. We now know bow to propagate ville, Ohio. ' . nlO friend. ohuroh moved ·11I8t week to you wlll 'experienoe gr"~fql rellllf all the nut treell, and elLu turn one Blghland, O. The vacanoy has not . by lDornlng. 250. good IIhap;barli or billok waluu' or Ouroo M~le Bog8. eligible to yet been filled . , - +---THE AMERICAN BOV and pecan or hazel Into mJIIloo8. ~ut reglaler a' f"rmarfl' prloes K. Mr. Bruoe Sml\h apent.lI~st week where are the euitable pinen' 'reel! E Thompson, Wa),nenllle, Ohlfl, lHE MIAMI OAZf.T1e · with bls father, John I::3mlth. . from whioh to graft and bud? Valley Phone Barveysburg, ltl.1 X. Mr. Tip Neeld Ie enjoying bl, VII-' '£0 belp bring promising nut tree I nS Both for1:;' OI\'lon with Rprlng Valley frlendd. to light, and thue lltart a new In~ . . One,," Vear~' . • ,.' Mrs, Dan Folt and 1I*,le nephew dustry, the Northern Nu' Glowers CO\V -Jereey Cow. S y"ra old, of Day'on, woro week ond glle." Qf A!lsoolatlon 'Is offering oash prizes fresh,o. good milk produoer, lolaUvee here. JellBe HBw~lnll, J .•1. Bm, Mr. of from '10 to $50 for _be bee. tree Inquire of W. 1:1 . Wbltaker, R, D. I n10 lire Newton Moore and .Mr~. and Mrs. A. V, Folo.nd :a ttended the of blaok walnuts, butterDuts, Ihag 1 Waynesville, O. Gecrie VeUera were Day'on vlel\Ol'I Men 'a' Conferenoe gf Friends lu bark hlo "orles, hazel nuta aDd • Rlohmond, Ind., last Wllek. northern p80\nl. t:lend a dozen nllte ~~~~~~~=~~~~~~I Thursday. Mr. aud . Mra . .Ill. M. Copsey are , Mill Helen Blair, of Xenia, waa flOW the best ',nnt tree of any kind tbat you kuow of t9 Dr. W . C. . lpendlnB tlie, week wl,d th.e lr daugb. home over Sunday. BA~NHART, Deming, Seoretary of the ~or'hern &lr,llrl PhlUp Hawke. The friends o.t RaYIiDond Orllig Nut Growera A~eoolatlon, GeorgeNotary 'Public , MI.. .Pearl Smith, IUa$e Junior gave hIm a Btlrprlse Thnraday eveu. town, COIIDeotlollt, o.Dd alit for pt.r. ' . .C. E. Pnatdentllavoa'WllI: to mo'h. lOB· 'loul&1'I of the prllee aud !nlea of ere ',l'In~reday af$erDooD a' tbe All kinds of No"'r,. WOrk. Willa Min Eleanor BaydOj)ik eot3,taiDed 'ha oontest. a few f~lenda wUh a "al!y pulUng "dendll" ohurch. ""d Detl(1B .. IdPeolalty • . We bope Iqme of onr readers ,,111 Tue.day eyeulnll of I •• , week, . I ~ ge\ th_ prlzel, for .here ~~ IOm~ QUI&l II number of YoUDg people very fino nota' prodnced In the ter- .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~--_------_:_...._-_~ aloolal at CorDstalk 8Obool rliary oo"ered by this paper. . I PINE WHOOPING GOUGH RfiMEDY .t~Dded bouse. welt of SOWII, Thiu,dar . . --~'.... Motherl, Dr. Bell'. Plne .Tar.Hon. ovonlnR. Bubeortbe for the Miami Gaze", oy II jl1ll' tho remed,. for- your chll· The U1natrated Tonllp.rlnOll leo .... drea's cold . aUm.ntl. The faot Ie 'ure dellverJtd OD . 'be s"eet by Ulat .pine II • qnlck oDemy of oold Rev.· EldrIdge. ot Coltimbna, Friday otlndL'~ODs. r" qt:lallflea 10088n 'he l.eDin" WU ooe of 'h,1t moe" forol. All kinds of Sp~utlng and Roofing muoona tn the 'brba'. BOOtbe ,be ble addru•• e"fer llah,ned to 10 cur '~ . IQqs aDd open DP Ihe air }WI'.gel, nUale. ' . and Furnace Repairing DoneO. , .' The oemblna&loD of honey, lOo'hlal Mr OMon! Allan of Wtl I Aad pleasanl, "nh 'bo lpoI81JIDR toll Will~I' q ...llt, mat_ ,hi. an Ideal and 'l IaaGe to 0. ~ O«\qh romed, for obUdren II'IIoh B A. ., . . paaat... .,.. r brtDP lor U De," frlaud. ion UO_1 ud d • ., wUb l PHONB~~ ' Shop Next to 8he", DOd • Q.r. . .~• •,n A f8llltl, ot IJto"lalJ oblldren 0110- Jlt a.4~. SIIOP NEXT SHERWOOD'S GARAOE
D. L. OHi\ NJ;,
- --
$4.00 Worth of Best Reading- All for Only $2.25
........ ...... I
McCall's Magazine
, I
. . . .--.. -,---.- -..-.. . ..-.-.- ----
InSURlInCE Walter Chand.ler
4_ _ •_
.. -----
Walter McClure
Ml HOllY
-====-_ __--'-_ __-,-_--::~:..;.
.. - ..---
8u:;;n~;~r d~!gw:u:dha~ w::dta{~~
OlassUled Ads
Corwin, Oh~.o
Painting, 'P aper H_aging; Auto and Carriqe Painting. WAYNBSVILLB,'
J. E . . FR~Z]ER
at -----~--~~"""!"-~.,... ..,..,.p~ :~14
:..____. . .
&0 be wiUlo•• It. »&!. of
L, &Ida
! PER . -~~MEtiiiii
CHRISrJA N CHURCH 'The Richest a"d Best. j Mil k O b tainable. nOl'jrllUm III Wh ile\, Storl'. 1 ,llIId,,¥ . Octl)b r ~~lst. TIihICSc.hOOI IV ----. 1 8~)rt~~il ~1~:e~~:~on6'3Jl~:3~;~: ~~.~ Those who a pprCd i\Il' ~onrt ~illl1\n l ' .I<·IW V 1II11k \\ ill"H'I' pl('r,~1'(1 Th~rc willi he lot:l (If Illll$ic lit th mcm b; plIstor 7:(jfl ~l • . I • •• '. with tli e product of I hi' \V .Iylle~vi lle 1/:\ II' ' . ~II , 11,,\1111. S tl'Jok t IJ~ W ILli ' Hu k lll K nE" ~' ager, say s thc herd of Jcrsey.s \lre now lin 'r Ll lau ,' ver. These nrc nren for by ca reful assisto nts whn rllWlly~ ~ec th ut udh1. E CtiURCH M essrs, Waller M (.tun' tlnd J . M. ders, hands null vessels IL l wa. hcd lean Ilnd stcriliJ(!d. Ttlyl r were ill lltlytoll 'rlleHday. SUlld ay School 9: 15 a . m. 125 out The milk is rUIl throug h tcriliz d ~ tr 10 IS , alld i,unl '< litHely t'l lill ed . last unda y. Doo ' t ' il next Sunday, b fore botlliuJ;. The llottles nrc t horoughly wfLSh d and ~ t cr ilizcd wit h hot water. Roy lI aLhawlIY . uf Laur Ivill . Pr~ch ing 6crvice Itt 10:30 a , 11,l. , Ohio. made a Ilyinl{ btl ine. trip to !s ul.JJec t of lIermUn, "Ou r qonstll' T!le citi7.cns of Ulis comril ullity m e to be . 'lJngrutlJbl d '011 II:" ill !!, Wa)'nesy ille Satur day uoncy. Food for thougbl In this slIch on en lefllrise close a t hand. \ i5itor5 ~Lr(; IVcIl:O Ill C. . uhject. You will b-J inte rc8t~ . On Sunday evening the fifth in the Mrs, S. O. Eve::r1y , Df Da yton, who erie!! on hris t's Last Sayings from • • rr~l'ei.1 a Iltr ke rl f p'aralytlif l u.~ t the cross, will be preached. ubject • 0 WI! 'k, i ~ Rlillh l ly improved . \ .. hristianity und Pain ." Enjoy a !:!un9ay evening with us. Special - ->- -- "..t.: s:-J_ _ _" Mr. una fllr . Chus. Sherwood a nd mu sIc. Mr. lind .i\lrll. J!l 8. Kerrirk 8IJent larence S. Grauser, Pastor Sunduy with relat ives in enia. .------.---..
and a·r.e now
Krug'~; patr9Ds receive the ben~fit of 'the famous .UNITED PROFIT·SHARING PLAN, which really SHARES the manufacturer's profit WITH YOU.
SAVE ·KRUG·UNITED· COUPONS and combine them with your other UNITED COUPONS. You can get the articlE~ you want QUICKL Y and WITHOUT COST. ,
Your Grocer Has'KRUG PRODUCTS-bearing "RUG-UNITED Prollf-Sharlng Coupons The NEW Krug.United labels will be exchanged at the United Profit.Sharing Station, 8 South Main St., Dayton, Ohio, and not at Krug'a Bakery in the future.
But Remember We want YOU to get the premium .-yo~ ' want with the OLD
l! W
W. B..P[ADDEN co.
J onllthan Smith. and Mrs. Ro~ a Twenty.second Sunday after Tr in· Berryhi ll and ,la ughter, MiSl Flom . Rre s Jl c nd i n ~ the winter ill Colu mbus . ity. October 31st. Sunday School lit ~' :30 a . m. Mornillg worship and scrmon [I t 10::10 As Monday next Mr. J . Heller and ni · c . Mis3 Fan- wil l ti e All Sliints DlIY, the sermon nic Mar ti n of Xeni a, Rpent Tuesdny will be alJPl'opriate to the season. with Mr. and Mra. W. S. Haines ---
.:=================---_ -_._---. _Art- You
----_ ..
Miss E thlyn J onI' is teac hing the eighth g rnde tlf\!:I w ok , on accou nt of the illness of 1\1 iss Anna lind r;r· voor t
PulI iJlg
Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Llaincs and 1 will offer for sale Thursday, Mr. 31id 1\1r'9. [-'red S la~d e . of Rich- November 4, 1915, the sixty IIcre mond , Ind. , spent Friday wi th Mr, Farm of thtl lulE' D. M. Huthaway and Mrs E lsworth lI!1iIl1' S. situated 4 milE'S nOlth of Lel:ianon, 1 mil e 'west of Utica Mr. and Mrs . D. C. Ridg e, Mr. . Terms of ale- One third cash; and 1I1rs. J ohn Munsel. o f Dayton. one third in one year, one third in and Mr. MUlIlsel 's mother. of Marion, two years. Deferred payments to Ohio, vi itccl Mr. and Mrs Mahlon bear interest at 6% from date. Ridge unda}' . Elizllbeth Hathaway
Shingles Felt Roofing r , in rnet, all Y hin d of Roofi ng YOll wuut or need.
----_ - -...
Wru! announcin~
fverything in ' Building M aterial
·W hen
aod gentle H ORtiE-G\>od lIohool ohlldren Will
for oat fol' feed In good hands, or will sell for $75. InquireR' this oflloe. nro lo~
Waynesville, OhIo Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, . Radne Horse Shoe' Tread Tires.
Headguarters . For Oysters'
-POLI'X'lCAl; ADVERTISING . Cranberries,
Celery, Peaches, Grapes, Sweets, Onions
The place to buy Edgemont . Crackers
I New Oats, New Pan Cake Flour, New Raisins,
First Convention of the. Catholic Prohibition League of Ohio ils a Working Organization
Ne~ Homin~
Kiln Dried Com Meal
, . The Ca,t holk Prohibition League of Ohio held its first convention in'Columbus Thursday.of last week. Representative Catholics were I>reeent from all parts of the state. . Thursday evening the convention was given over to a dry and wet debate, J! E. McCrehen, a. Catholic layman of Columbu8, defending 'Prohibition, and C: A. 'Windle. of Chicago, espouslllg the.saloons. McCrehen asked Windle the following questions, which, of cOQrse, no saloon advocat e can answer: . 1. What has the saloon and the beverage liquar traffic done for any patron which is of benefit to him? . 2. If Pr",hibition :is unchristian in character. w'h y do practically of the Christian' churches and commw;alcants favor it'! . . S. If the manufacture and use of intoxicating liquor as a beverage is helpful, w~y do the large per cent Of the ·industries discrimina>e against the rna",: who drinks? . 4, Is the use of H1l uor is beneficial, why did the' 47 great insur. ance companies of the' United States eay. through MT. Hunter, that tile moderate use of intoxicating liquor shortens life? . ... 5, If intoxicating liquor is a good thing, why doe3 the United States Pharmacopoeia bar whisky and similiar liqUOrs from being' ~ognlzed even ,as a medicine in the United States? 6. . If the saloon, which is a dispenser of 'intoxicating liquor as a beverage, is ' a benefit, why did the United States Supreme Court characterize it '8S a source of crime and' misery to soeiety? .' 7. WBII anybody 'e ver made a mor(l useful citizen by becominll' a patron of the saloon? . 8. Is it not a fact·which science has demonstrated that alcohol or intoxicating .liquo~ is neither a food nor a medicine, but a poison to all lite? ' . . 9. If Prohibitlon is unchristian and immoral, then why do the vice intereate in society, brothels, gambling dens, houses of prostitution. line up'for ~he liquor t'ralfic. and the Church, sl)cret orders and philan· throplc ~itizen8 line up against it.? ' 10. If the saloon is a benefit, why is it subject to special regulationll a.nd placed .u nd'ar the police power of the State? . ..11. If PtohibftioTL is a failure, why do not States now dry return ·to the wet column? . Hamilton County' Dry Amendment League, Dr. I. D. Jones, . . Cl,Wrmau. Cin~.innati; Edw. Hauenscbild, secretary.
Hnving rented our farm, we -will sell, without reserve, from the Old Grove lferd, at the Mill Grove Farm, 3 miles nor t hea t (I f Mor · TOM THUMB WEDDING ====:;:::::::;======= Reliable Ohio, on the Little Miami River, on JJ. E. HATHAWAY. Mayor.
The Women' of the Civic 'League of Harveysburg'. will p resent the children of that place in a 'Tom Thumb Weddi,n g at the Town Rail on NovAmber 5th. The proceeds of th~ play wi ll be used for the betterment of the villal~e of HarveY':lburg, a very noteworthy object,
Captain Billy CorkbullJ, high liner ot the maokerel seiner s th is · year, landed his ,Reoond trip of fi~h within a week nt I:he fish pier, !:lonth B08son. 8o.tnrdll.Y. Ll\st 'l'ncsday . h I'
broullhl bie Ale"mer, 'he Lois B . ~ln with over 1000 maak . My Aim-Your Trade erel. ' Slltlllrduy morning be ' b tu'! lS,OOO pOUIl<1 S of huge and Olfdl ulllEl and BOOO tinke rp. Counttng t:ntul day mornl.ug 's . t.ri p 'the Cor)(bum QUALITY- Above the Standard hos stocked betwe'en ,OOll uud SERVICE-That can't be beat '20,000 'bis /ieIl80n , nod ber m ~~ havo shared over ~900 enob. PRICES-To please all. 'l'be're "\'Iare, beSides the Corkhnm four ves8 ;lR tit t he Vie r. all with Rroundfl~ h BU8ineRe \VII!! brl~k and de,tlerE' were kept bnsy right UI) GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, the to the nOOIl oloshig bonr.' , Phone 54-2Y. Corwin, Ohio. '! 'he V89f1e ls in ond their oatoheil were: 1'be M ~ ry C. !lnttls \\I.ilh 11,000 I)OUladH 'haddook, 7000 pounds ood, ,6000 Jloundtl potlook, 300 n pounds hs·k .), 2000 poanda oualr, 1000 II pounds 80rod nod 200 pounds h ull but, Ho.m the Hoath OhllD uel; the 1'lIooma from George8, wi~h 3000 poands haddook, 15,500 ponnels ood, 200U' ponnds pollook, 2000 pound~ oUflk and 10UO puund!! 80rod ; .tho w.. B. MoodV , from .1elf ties with H),OOe polipds pollock; and tl}e B . Irvln~ .f~om the IJllme' gr () und ~ with 200(> 'pounds of polloolr.-~ew Bedforu (Masl) News . . Is now ' fully eqqlpped to do I.!lvery Wotk, We will take ., you on
Notice of Appointment
October 30, 1915
Beginning promptly at 12 00 o'clock, n~on,
7' v
':'75 " /~
Consistipg of. Bulls, B~ed ' Heifers and Cal,ves of both ~exe.,>, carryin!; . the,blood lines of the most notecUamilies of the Jersey breed Many of t.he. offerings will b!!"the get of the ,t wo great bl,llls-tetty's E?i ile 107,3(',;$ and Luc:y:s . Agat~a Boy 111 ,324! ,qow at the head of the ' Mill Grove Herd, and proven sj ~es. We . have been bTee~ing cattll! for 20. yeins. Our M:ottO-:-';CoDsti~ution aud Capacity." " Send (or catalo6ue Come to tbis sale and bring a friend with yon. Lunch on 'tlle grounds .. ' TERM~Cash or bankable note for 0 months, with interest at .6 pcr from date, '. . , ' D. L. PER~Y, A . C. BAKE R, FRA K GALLAH l"!..R, Aucts. TOM DEMPSEY, Sates Manager, ' . ,
. '
Z. ,0 . WORLEY & SONS, Props.
V~ley Phone-Morrow {·2' .
1f.=:::::::::::3 TH~
VIayneaviUe, O.
Publle AlTrura my hal,,1 and olllel,,1 8<'al at said Vlllallo, thIs IUtl1 day of be·
Jt' paya to trade at
Any.RQad Any Place AnyTime ----'-
Ma'yor's .Proclama't.·on
_ _ 4- ..._ __
uses Lewis' Bread and best and most delicious Try ,them and -you ..wiJlto eat any other kind,.
- -
Pay ina 28c for Eggs to.. day
' 1\11
OF ELECTION Song ......... ... ............• .. .•....... Choir Scripture Reading, Mrs. Cadwallader In complillllce with the requirements Prayer ........ .. ........ ... ..... Rev. Martin of the laws of the State of Ohio. Song ........ · ......... ...... ... ...........Choir . 1, II. E. Hathaway. M ~yo.o r1Jl1l VlUageor Ji'ive Rev • Grauser r.o Wllyn08vlllo••hcl;Cby noWy lb . (IUallOed 8100' . •Minute Talk ' ....... . .... 01 ~uld v lI1age. tl.At ou Readmg ............ M IBS Helen Marlatt To d eS ay, 'November 2, 1915, Vocal Duet ........... SaJisbu Five Minut e Ta lk, Rev. 6:30 o'cloclc A. M.•,Id Reading ... ... Miss Elizabeth MII:\WiCbcl{:::ld io~t~".~ . . . .~. . . . . . . ._ _ _ _. . . ._ _~$. . . . . . . 1 . ._ _• Vocal Due!. ...... ...... ... Jl:lnney tollo"l'iDg olllcero ror Fi ve Minu te Talk ....... .... Rev . -!!!~!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~ r.g .. ... ......... MJ:s BMtOn.;f.~I~Y-t-T:~im;;;r----~ ---.... .. .......... MissLucy D,,"nlU1\; tiOIl .................. R v.
Clean Easy and Kirk's Flake White Soaps .
wan t lo lise
Call 'on ti S anll w' supply YOll wHh best nli tile lowest
A Temperance meeting will be held next Sunday a fternoon. Octo· ber 31st, at the M. E. church. Fol· lo~ing is the program:
a nell' l{oo r or
\ c hu ve
--_0--.- --
Pal ' hill ~ I he uld one ~
received he le last week Krug labels you have been aaving, Bring what you have to the Bakery and we wiD the wedtling f Miss E lsie Beach, of Bu ckhorn . N. Mex , give you the premium for the labela you have plua one cent for each five label. to 1\ Mr. Childs. also of that place, Mrs. Chi lds is the d[lughter of Mr. you are ahort o( the listed number for the premium.' Or we will exchange your tlnd Mrs Saml. Beach . ~ho removed OLD Krug Iabela for the NEW Krug-Vnited labels. " to New Mexico several yeat s ago Tuesday next will be elect ion day . The many f riends of the bride, who th ere is not much on the While is well known her e, w ish her a 'happy ticket to attract voters. ~till t h e married life amendments ought to be look d after with care. Th(\ firs t one mu sl be voto:d RIGHT. The second olle Ideall" •• Other. See Him. ought to be voted ycs . The third An Idealist ,III frequently D. man wbo one should be well looked after and ALLEN 1916 MODEL "37" TOURING CAR-$795 III trying to thlnlc UJl BOnle diGDltled u· the fourth one needs your consideracue tor Dot working. 41 NEW LEWIS 6"-$1390 tion' Th~re is but one thing necssary. Vote Ilnd,vote according t vour P~incll)lcs
Late CI8dsified Ads
Ull8 call
and you will find are all right.
T~ ;neUcioUi
PbUadelphts, Pa. ..... ., Last Fall I troubled with a very severe bnllnellial cold, head8.chc9, backache, my stomach. I waa 80 bad alUmed alld tried several me4l1elJ~1II!o did not
1I!1II11!llll l llmllllllllllll"lIIlllll11ll11lllllll1l1ll1illlllm~11111111III11
Ohildren's 'toques ••.••.•• New Tango Cor d ·...... ,. Womens' Supporter, .... . Men's ·Suspenders; •.•...• Men's Ties ...• ' .•••.....• Cbildrens Underwear ..... Embroidered Floundag
. ,
lOe Uniform Hair Bow ' JOC . Fastener ...•. _. '.' .: '. . 05c lOe , New CoQlbs-BJack, .
White, Blue. " ......... JOe
1OC: J"'alMl Faeee': .• • " •• .. IOc,
lOe Shoe Brushes. .. .. .. .. ... Joe Boys' Kaives . •...... , . . . illc ' per yarer. ••••.•••• , ••• JOe See oul' Picture display,ooly JOe
r-PERSONAlMENTiON-ig H 10 .-----. _
Whole Number 3342
...-0:...-, . . . .
Go to the Husking Bee.
B. S. Howell is in Cincinnati today. Frank Woolley, of Dayton, was in town Saturdsy. Mrs. John Smith was a Dayton visitor last Thursday.
Though the Drys Made Such An Advance That They Cut a Very Wide Swath
Go to the Husking Ree.
L. A. Zimme rm an is in Cincinnati today.
Mrs. J osel)h Evan s is tlu ite sick at this writibg .
Mr. and Mrs . George D. Mills .lolly Times Were Participated In · t1qbgobIins, Wllches, Clowns, Ye Mr. and Mrs. L. Peterson were spent Sunday with re latives in Day· B Those Who Were Prcscnt Old Timers, School Oirls, all ton. Y Dayton visitors Friday. At Functions Had a Fine Time Three J. C. Hawke and Will Cornell Lebanon Sees Results of Saloons and Votes DryThe County Vote About Miss Charlotte Antram is the guest were in LEbanon Satu rd ay on busi· of Mr. and Mrs. George Hartsock. Hundred Dry, Hooray! - Results Over the State Show ness. The home of Mrs. Elizabeth Yeazel, The Hallowe'en festivities Satur· on Third street waS tllc scene of. a Very Substantial Increase. Go to the Husking Bee Friday day evening p8ll8ed off verY quietly, Mr G. E . Hiley and fami ly were much merri ment F'riday evenin g . wit,h but a few exceptions. The evening. Lots of fun ahead of you. SundllY guests of l\1 r. and Mrs. when she ente rt.ained suoul thirty of evening was given to innocent merri Maurice Silv ~ r . her fri ends wi th a Hallo\\ een party. ment. and many were the pleasant Mrs. Marie Keller, or Cincinnati, . The party were all masked, and in featu rei that made the evening One Election day passed off very quiet· Marshal I Treasurer Mr. and Mrs . U. M. White and t his cost ume games we re played. A to be remembered. Ghosts were Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Iy. although there was a very good J ..G. Hames ...... .. ...................... 63 J. O. Cart wright.... .. .. 122 1ri3 164 Mr. and Mrs F . B. tlenderson are most enjoyable time was had. the plentiful, but;lhey were of such sub· Joy. vote out, especially in the village. Wilfred Elzey ........... .. .. .. ......... 62 Halloween !lpiri t prevailing during in Day ton today. stantial sizl:! and apparently so ilarm· There was an abeence of votes in the Amos Mendenhall ........... ,.. .. .. .... ~ 34 .. Conlltablc th e evening. . less that thev were not molested . Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and bl t f W. J . Bogan ... ... ............ .. .... ...... 24 A A. Hisey .......... .. .. 100 14!J 148 " The clown walked down street with children, of Lebanon, spent Sunday t owns h Ip. presuma y on accoun 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Sidcll and Mr. . Delicious r efreshments were served the sedate nun, and big farmer8 here. the fine weather, and eLi the farmers Council Assesso.r Bnd Mrs. Gordon J oy spent Thursday by the hostess. were seen with little Irirls parading and Friday in Cincinnati arl'.not done with thei r fall work, G. W. Hawke ................ ,........... 147 Chas. Burnett ........... 108 156 tho streets. Thus the onlookers were One of the very pleasant social M fS. , C. B. Bentley attended the they preferred to work rather than Elmer Rogers .......... .......... . : .... 146 Justice of PeactJ mystified, and there were lots of fine funeral of a relative at Spring Valley Frank Zell ......... ..... ,.... .... .. ....... 141 Miss Grace Carm en is taking a n f unctions of the past week was u costumes, especially' of ye olden today. vote, M. L. Parshall .. .... ................... . 134 S G Joy .... .. ... ......... 106 161 127 enforced vacation on account of " 500" purty given by Miss Kizzie . In the municipality elecUOii'there CT.. Hawke .. .... .. ..... .. .. ......... 126 C. ~ . Leak...... ......... 13 times and of ye olden styles. 4 31 scarlet fever in her 8chools. Me rritt last Friday afternoon. At The town was crowded with people, was quite a rivalry among some of C, M. Robitzer ...... .. ................ 109 " o'clock a delicious three· course School Board fTIasked and unmasked, and II. great St. Mary's Guild will meet with lunch was served. The guests wcre: Board of P ublic Alfain J . W. Hisey.............. 56 '148 159 The red ear of corn wi ll make Mesdames Edith Harrj ~ , Laura time it was to guess "who Willi who." MI'II. Will Graham on Thursdayaf· the offices, butit was all very friend· IYh' TherehY'as nTobt dmucfh rivalry in J. W. White .. .... .. ...................... ' 131 W. F. Clark ...........,.. 57 134 IS!) merriment at the Hu~king Bee at Mosher. Frank Taylor. A. 1'. Wright, The merry crowd jostled each other ternoon. t e towns Ip. e ry orce were H M Sh d 129 School Hall Friday evening. on ..th~streets, and everything Willi L. A. Zimmerman, F. B. Henderson. out at all the voting precincts work. . . erwoo ... ...... .. ....... .... .. Amendments merriment until the late hours of the Pretty dry weather for hUSKing ing hard to gain votC'J. We arevery J E. Janney .. .. ...............,... .... .. 119 Lee Hendcrso n, Israel Satterthwaite, No I yes .... .. . .. ..... III 133 night. ] 22 Stokes Silver, of Ivorydale, Cin· Linn Devitt, Emmor Baily, J. B. corn, but theyll do it Friday eveninR' fortunate in not he,ving sal(\()ns, 80 Assessor No ............... 39 87 62 cionati, spent the week· end at t he Chapman, J. H. Coleman, U. M. After the crowds bad disperRe<i, a at the Husking Bee. l the wets voted their sentiments 'and F W H th 9 l\umber of young boys and men acted • • a a way .. ... .. ...... ..... ...... 3 No.2- yes ...... ........ . 32 26 71 home of M. W. Silver and family. Whi te, G. W. Hawke, Wilson Ed· did not do much work. A. B. Sides .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... ,... .. .. .... 84 . "smart." Walrons, buggies. car· ward s. Myer Hyman, J. O. Cart· No .... .. ..... ... . !;3 127 77 Following is the unofficial vote of Dr, Dill, Osteopath, at residence riages. boxes and debris of all kinds wright, H. E . Hathaway. D. L. 67 John Hawke, of Dayton , and MisR WaJne Township: No' 3Yes ...... .. ...... . 32 39 were gathered together and hauled of L. T. Peterson, Main St., Tuesday No .. .... .. ..... .. 71 102 63 Mary Hawke, of Lebanon, visited Crane, Misses Elizabeth Carroll, to Main lIt.reetJ for no other purpose and Friday mornings. WAYNE TOWNSHIP their mother, Mrs. Alice Hawke, Margaret Warner. Mayor . 't han 00 be dOing something. Time '., E W Corp No. 4~Yes ............ .. . 54 72 68 Sunday . H. E. ilathaway...... .................. 1&9 was when thIs WII thought to be Ai_n. Jeese BUrWn Harry Sher· No ...... . :..... .. 76 106 82 Trustees Mr. and Mrs. Will O'Neall delight· very funny. but the finer W,IYS of wood and Wal~r Smith were in In- W. O. Raper .................... ......... 66 Chas Cornell ............ 122 Mr. and Mrs. James Zell and fully entertained a few friends at Referendum eelebta ting the occasion are grad· diailapolia lut Thursday • Clerk W S, Graham ........... 107 uaUy comln~ l-O ttl'll front. and they No. I-FOil ...... ..,.. ... !!5 46 4.0 daug~ter. of Yellow Springs, were six o'clock dinner Friday evening at are being reeogl1izef1u the only way . Mr Emmor Bally and ~188 Doro- L- A. Zimmerman ....................... 57 H. M. Burnett ........ .. . 103 Against.. ....... 42 70 69 the Sunday guests of Mr. and M'rs. t heir beautiful country home. A:II Frank Zell. through the rooms were Jack o'lan· to celebrate the festival. thy Daltin attended ~ M!lect dance in ·Treasurer perk No 2-Fo~ .............- sa 31 42 terns and sprays' of autumn leaves of . Several ·parties were . held IlL't Wilmingtoll Friday evening. J. H. Q>lpman .......................... J56 Eo . V. Bamhart ........ 128 175 168 Against ........ 38 74 73 week and they really observed the Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Grauser and all tin ts. The dining room. which festival as it was done in ye olden Mrs. George Daugherty and daugh· was lighted by the soft glow .of can· Mr. JSson Sheehan and family time. Many a forlorn maid' threw a ter, Mias Stella, were visiting In dies, presented an especially attract· ive appearance. The long table was ball IJf yom out of the window, fol· spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Monday. decorated in Hallowe'en fashion. the lowed it up and found the initials of Albert Heston, of Sprlnjtboro. . . center piece being a handsome can· her Cuture husband Other .such In J. ~. Hawke Iecelved word. thIS delabra surrounded by clusters of nocent games ·w ere played' and tht Mr. and Mr!. Harry Sherwood, morntng, .that. a brother of John scarlet berries. An elegant three participants enjoyed the fun, BOmt Mrs. George Zell and Jesse Burtor) From!"s was kIlled at the Traxlor course dinner was served, the guests -.ven thinking that It would come were. Indianapolis. Ind ., visitors last .lItore lD Dayton yesterday. being. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ellis, true. week. TEMPERANCE "'EETINO AT Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ro\:jitzer, Mr. At a late hour, and, In fact, during After several weeks vacation Miss lIr.d Mrs. liulph Miller, Mr . and Mrs . all the early hours of the morning, a . There passed through Waynes Ie 1\\. E. CH URC H The main building of· the Warren gan&,< of men and boys paraded the . Messrs Saml Smith, S. D. Henkle, Saturday a man with a push-eart County Infirmary, together with a Ruth Hartsock has r esumed her Sidwell Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Barton 8trests, cursing and making the nigh t Elmer Keever and Herman Smith at- and a WQll1&n with a go· cart. The --bam belonging to Arthur RoilS study in piano and will be in Day'ton Kelly, Miss Martha O'Neall and Wednesday Elf each w(.'e~. ,Warren Keys. hideous ~pparently ,t heir one aim tended the Worley sale at Morrow burnedwas to the Tuesday. An go-cartandcontained 7·months·old waa to show the people that they Saturday. child the· trio a were working alarm sentg round in ab01lt 11:30, and knew how to swear and perhaps their way to Cincinnati. They were ' the entire force was called to the Mrs. T. E. Cummings, Mrs, T. O. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Kelly, opened Mr. snd Mra. Walter Cast. and vaudeville artists, who work in sum· .. thought it 8mart." The town was fire, which was supposed to have Mason, son and daughter, of Xenia, the Hallowe'en season wit.h a ~e• extra poliood, bllt it seems with but daughlllr, Miss Mabel were- Sunday mer1;ent vaudeville. and they became caught in one of the upper rooms, Mrs. Julia Bergan- and son were 1ig1fffiJl masq!Jerade party !n. whIch \Cuesta of Mr. and M·rs. Walter Ken· stranded in Columbus several weeks Brou"ht Out All of the Faithrul- and before the fire department guests of Mrs. Mary Wise Sunday about thi rty· SIX guests participated. little good . ri::k, of Lytle. At lOme hour of the night, a gang .. could get there had gained eon· A card hanging on the front door ago. The man and woman, however, broko the lock on the barn of D. W were very independent, and would I\\eeting Was. Conducive siderable hEladway. The inmates. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans Mr. and annou!lced that entran~e could only Meeks, took the tsPB_<lty his wagon, To Good Results however, were all gotten out, and M J ' h E W'lb ' d G I be gamed by followmll the rope Mr. and Mrs. Walter EI~ey and not accept alms, but preferred·to go are housed at Maple Farm and other • re. osep vans, 1 ur an ay e which was stretched from the door changed the wheels, cut BOrne of hit! BOn were in Spring Valley Sunday. by foot, to Cincinnati. --buildings in and around Lebanon. Evans ' spent Sunday the 1l'~est9 of around the house, and down intO tha They arrived In Xeliia during the harness and threw the hone feed all called t here on account of the 'seriou@ Fan Festival, and they secured a po . The building was a large one. Mr: and . Mrs. Henry DeCKer, of cellar. At the bottom of the cellar over the 9table.~ Thla , matter ought illness of Mr, Th08. Middleton : siuon in one of the tents there, but There w!'8 a Uniol,l Temperance three Itories high, and was appar- Sllrlngboro, steps stood a ghostly figure holding to be looked into by the authorities, as ilie show. did not do any business, Mass meetmt held In the M. E. ently in good shape" and it was for to play Buch a m ~ an trick OJI sucb a card on which wali written, "Who Mrs.J . C, lr1urray. who issta,v. they-were in as bad a plight a'l when .Church at 2:30 p. m. ~m Sun,da}" thought a Are would not do murh a man as Web Meeks ought to be Mr. and Mis. C. T . Hawke, Mrs. enters here leaves hllpe behind!' punishable. to th'e full extent of the Ing with relatives at Bellbrook, ,Is they struCk Xenis, and they proceed. October 31. The . meetmg was I!I damage to it, but owing to the rapid' G. W. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs . n. S. With creepv sensations we retraced Jaw. · It will cost Web an amount of quite ill. Mr. Murray cam~ from ed on their way ',toward Cincinnati. charge of Mrs. D. H. Palmer. Presl- start it was impollsible to check the Howell imd several others from he re our steps , again following the rope, money to repair the damage that he Rogers, Ark., on account of her ill· The couple have been on the road dent of the W. C. T. U. flames. It is not known at the pres· attended the Fall Festival at Wi!· and'found that the journey ended at can illy atror" to pay out. nearlv a month, and do not expect The exerci':!es were op~ned by the ent' time how much insurance was on mington last week. the dining room window through to reach their destination for tell song, '. Onward Temperance Soi· the buildinll, but it is a total loss, At ,t he M.. E: Ohurch social room • -which entrance was gained by means of a ladder. 1he'evenine waS aiven wholly to the , Mi8888 Veda McPherson and Ma days'more. They are picking up a di~.rs," by a flOe choir of mixed everything burning but the brick masqueraders ~ their friends bel Hadley went to their homes in little money on the road, however, vOIces. walls, and It is thought they will NOT'CE~ In the ab'Jence of the real host and athetlng walnuts, hlrkory nuts Mrs. J. F. Cadwallader read the BOon topple over. . hostess. Mrs. J . D. -Marlatt and Mrs. After parading tlie streets the crowd Wilmington FrIday afternoon in or· and shipning them Scripture Lesson, t he 12th chapter of • • Alice McKinsey welcomed the guests. went there to finish up. There was der to 'be at ,the school ·p arade of the '-'U""'JUG,., markets They struck ROmans. The Rev I Mrs. Martih led 'fhe rooms were taste fully d~cor· an immense crowd of people preflen~, Fall Festival. ' of 'butte'rnuts south of in prayer. Another insplririg 80ng ated with autumn leaves. Thesilent most of t}lem being masked. . There was the old witch telling fortUne8, claimed they .would followed, "Arouse YE!, Go.od Peo~h•. " ST, MARY'S CHURCH guests moved th rough the ·re,oms. n money ' in the Cmcinn~ti Next was 1\ recitation \:iy two little . '. g reeting each othel' wit h node and the I ,weet Candy girls, and' after ' Mr , and M.rs. W. H. A,lle arrived .', children Frances and Elizabeth· Hin· Twenty·third SundBY after Trinity hand.shakes. An alarm clock on the Ume,. for unmasking a dainty lUDch borne Saturda.y attemoonfrom ~~!'I'hliail~e~ii; ~wu sel'Veel of sandwiches, 'pumpkin Eastern trill· They visited many are al\ in goOd' healtn. the kle, "The Little Burden Bearer'8 . November 7th. mtln tle gave the signal that all bad seeming to enjoy the out. Prayer." . . Sunday School at 9:80 n. m.; Ser· arrived and th'at a game of " 500" pie 'and coffee; Tbe Dorcas aocillty plict'B and cities of jn~rest ,while much aa thej>arents, and they Rev: Clarence S. Grauee.r gave a mon and Holy Communion at 10:30. would be in order. About 9:30 tho ma(le a neat. little BUm out of the oc· gone, arid they enjoyed their trip very muc:...1\,.arrive In Cincinnati in'good flve minute talk on the subJect of 80 Everybody invited 'to these services order was given to remove masks "" c8siori. ~ great importance, the coming elec· ___ and t hen the fun begar. . Costumes tiOIl and a Dry OJlio. Miss Belen The Warr~n County Pomona of almost every conceivable design , Mr. and Mrs. C. T. naWK~•. ~~ Marlatt gave a reading. .. YeS', I'm Grange was held at Waynesvil e, Ohio M. E. CN URCH was in evidllnce. , daughter, ' MIIlI Helen, Frank..ZeU and Mr. Guilty," followed by-a vocal duet by October 30, 1915, with a good at· Sunday School 9:15 a . m. Com After a de licious lunch was served Janney and family motored to Misses Mahel and ,Hazel Salisbury, tendsnce and a bounteous' dinner mence servi'::(1 Sundsy morning at Hallowe'en gamf',s were indulged in dletown ~ last week and spent ~ "Answer Our Prsyer." . A pro~ram of music readin~ and 10:300·clock. The sixth in the series until a late hou r when ' t he ·comp.any day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeM.ay . . of sermons will be preached on Sun. dt'parted voting Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Rev. J. F. Cadwallader gave a five· ~ys was rendered. minute talk on the vital temperance The following officers' were elect· day cvening. subject, "Lifels Work without peers as entertainers. issues of the present ' campaign ed fol' the ensuing year: Master. Completed." Arrange to be present. Those who enjoyed the 'occasion J •.' Cartwright attended .thtMisses Luella and Jeam~ette Janney Marie Benham; Overseer, Harry After the service on Sunday 'evening we' rl!: Mr, and Mrs. L. A. ZimmerBanken' MeeUng at Wilmington last '11 b bll I II ti' f man, Mr. and Mrll . v'red Henderson, rendered a vocal BOlo, "Pray On, Mosteller; Lecturer,' Mrs. Emma h .. TheXenia 'Dally Gazette laat week Thursday,'afternoon. Several prom , Shultz; Steward, Lyman Silvers; t 'e re WI e a pu c nata a on 0 Mr and Mrs. John Cartwright, Christisn Motber." say. that Captaih L. IJ. Whiteman, frient banken ,were present and a de While working on a barn at OreRev D. H. Palmer Bpe~ke in 'behalf As9i~tant Steward. J ohn Shultz; ~; S~~~d:;;v~~'n:~pr~!~l~:k '~~ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hinkle, Mr. ana ~ho movedCfrom here back to Xenia I1ghtful IlEven'cOui-ae clinner was. gonia Monday J. E Frszler in lOme of the cause of temperllnce and en, Chaplain. Lola Mosteller; Treasure\" .first Quarterl,; Conference will be :Mrs . Ronald Hawke, Mr. arid Mrs. r~ently .. boisted his political served at 6 0 clock. " " " manner .lost his balance and fell to couraged the voter to do his duty on Benton Scott; Secretsry, Lula Scott; held. Dr. W. D. Cole will be pres. Wil!\On Edwa.r ds, Mr. and MI"3. J. A. Jiahtning fed atld \s after 'the X9 nja I' the ground, ' cutting-- and scratching ele.ctlo!, day. ,Tbis was followed by Gate Keeper, Chas Worley; Ceres, ent Let ulrmembers of the church McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. D. L . CI;8Ile• . poIl.hnlUlterllhlp II • Mr. \Whiteman i8 Mn. A. K. George with her daugh· himself badly. His right eye was ~ readmg by, ~rs l3art0p' Kelly', Ethelyn. Jones; Pomona, Ma~ga~et be present. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Claggett, Mr. . .oflhl! ol~ 8Oho~1 of Democrats, 811.d ter, Mlss . Mary Belle. left M.ondsy also hurt and he i. suffering a great . Judl'e, Morse s ~eason. . . Ludlum . Flora, Edna Cornell, Lady Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. and Mrs , U. M. White, Mr. and there will be' quite a ~reat deal of 'IDornlngforJackaonville Fla where deal from that member Mr. Frazier Rev. Mrs. Martm gave a five .mm. A8Sistant Steward Ona Strawn. Mrs . Charles Robib;er, Mr. and.Mrs. opposition to him, as ·Harry Rlee. ed· tIley will .Viait. Mr. and Roy was putting a tin roof on the barn ute talk on Prohibition I/olid the·dan· • .:.. • E. Barnhart, Mr. and Mrs J08. itor of the Xepi~ Herald and J . M Maswi-a; Mrs. ' Masters was for- and before ho eould really tell huw gers of ,intemperance. Miss Lucy Orthodox Friends Chapman, Mi8Ses Henrietta McKin~ Fletc:h~r. both pr9minent merly MiI!B Ruth GeorS41.:'-'Wilming· it happened he fell from the roof to Emley liang the · solo, "Save Ohl!)," sey, Dorothy Dakin, Martha O·Neall. tOn Jour,nal " " poliLlclans. are .fter t he the ground. Mr. Frazier is resting which was written foi: tlie present Bible School 9:30 a. m. ' Preach·. Messrs. John Pence. Emmor Baily Mr, RIce seems t q have ~.. . .., as easily 8S could be under the clr· campailPl by Mi8S AllI~ E. Beatty, ing 10:30, Christian Endeavor 7:00 and Prof. Spriegle. . . P., m. • _ .,--cumstancea, and It is thought that of t.:ardmgto,n , Ohio. ship,' and the 'fight " haa ,D~ T Sber.,,'OOd he,will BOOn be out if no complica· Mi88 Edytha Macy ga've 'Ill eading, ._ • - .. . ' , SWiftly that;'it hrttlought (rom his Eiwte .trip tions arise. horae- may have 'be inll': The doCtor looka "Is it Worth the' Sacldfice,T" . The place_to g\1.ar:ant~ th, trip h\ld . n \'tlff hetlefi1el.al exercises closed with.the~ bi.n'-mictipn The way tickets are seiling there In ' , ' by Rev. MR. Martin. ·( ~ill be a fine crowd at the 'Hu,king ranks. '. . , , hi ' d it Ith t m, an goes w ou :Mr. Whiteman III an affable 'cOurteous ' gentleql&fl,' and if given he enjoy,eel eve,., minute . Th M"ddl • 't' the postmaatersbip would flU the he waa ~wat. plllJed In the readl1}p ' and mUSIC, only a 'few shoeks of com to gather. as. I eton. a _ormer CI lZen bill very. nicely, ' Hilt many friends ~d the stirring worda the min. the bam ,to get ready, pumpkin pies who lives In Spring 'Vl\lJey; had a ' isters made a deep imp-Mlon on and the feaSt to , • prepare, and.aU will paralytic Btroke last Friday. and ,it .,~1~~re hop~pg that he will land the M~~nd,.dn~ciitr~Jre~tt::J=d -proved to be 80 severe that he died their hearers. be in .readlness for the occaaIon. • . Tuesday mo~nlng. The fUneral will • _. " family, Mr, u!1 lira. E . 11. Runya'n . . , . , -~--, You WIll miss a treat If lOU do not . Wnmi~gtDn s ~al~ Festival was be held at the ,F.,.lends chutch at and familY. of Lt~. Mr.-dI see the hUlkers the mernment.oyer a ~eeiJeel success. Weather con- Spriil,R Valley Thursday attemoon .
ih~,h;gt.~~r~C~"I!~ ~~:r~I.~r ~e: al~r~g~~t ~~~~~~r I~ o~=~~
SCHOOL 'Dl5AS1ER' 1..'
WAYNESVILLE BOY of .' DECEIVES MENTION B. a. lin. er-PI'. SCARlET FEVER,AT I.tU VTLf ad lilt; u4 lin. J. ill, r.t.::=:1e of' ·Dea. were Q~.
san- "
IIr. aa4 lin. U, II.
, r::e~g~LO~1 ~l :!~= i~rth;:::c::ded~e~n::~u~b~ declaimers. Come. • - •
day. Friday there was estimated to have been a cro"'d of 26,000 in that place'. The great attraCtions of the da,v were all that could be deslMl, and a large delap· tion from Xenia wu ~Dt, 'Ihe maiD attnetlon for'" day, bo\ftv· er. wu Wm, JennlllJl'l BIyan, who ~t quite a Ilttle time with them utllncildentalll made a ~ on femptlranc:e. Fall festivals are prov_ to be a pod drawing qrd for IliW
at J o'cl ck. '
SHOOTING SEASON IN The rabbit al)ootIng MalOn _...,. ~..... Monday. and tbepopOfauna beard allover ThIs year the
rIDr' rJi''. ]J[[L DJ\NDOLPn cnrn ' IlL(}
end LILLIAN rHF ~TrR . U.u....y · .L
IIllU.STQATED 6Y- CD ~nOD""~ ~ ~ ""
_; .~~
"You are most f suppressing tbe "Ind," Imll9 asho ltn ·1t(lM d nWIl R l v'hluh 8tnJga cd to pop Iota 11 r I'Y" "I bave beclI srelltly dll' tllrlipd by til ' 1 Dgtb to wblab your un cl l~r hu .
rT "
r I
h lu\
1111'II,\)mURlc rnck, "')llch I rUIfII> al uf lhtl nul go "trnlght on
urely You Can't Afford
appaTeuUy gone." the young r tor weD' 00. and bavlng plun II Into this
lhrOut;h'l nud d"OlOlls h Vcdrtl'r cour,?' Is U IIrnudal nlld 1\ , hV rt\ce 10 ' Ivl· ' IIzallcln. nnd to tho city. uS wo ll liB to Itll Pf '9"nt l,rollrlnLOM\! IHler
opeulng he begaD to hrl'Ulli1l 1II0rn waa familiar ground. troely. This Onn r\Jsted a 'pallll 01) the ,,/I Ra of tbe bench bQhln.d ber. ond 10llnl' 0I Mclt to.clng !JIm, BUPDorted on ono beautl ·. fully modelcd Ilrm. Her rnct) IHld ' s et serioullly now. "Howevor:' 'went on lh e wior, " J ~~ ~~cloMn~~~~ 1
he withrlr(twlI. allo you w ill lIn c t pny full p\ic f)l' lIH 'Sl' ma/.: t;.ill(':-:. courl llliould h down. lIurn d UP. sWHllnthl1l1lpd. pt rrom t llll 10m ra e I If your .tim i. not out, d lI't <leb , but om 111; :I lid \ c will give ' u f ltie nrlbl T he bOl\ rll of h nlth IIhould ocolld~oin It ns ull sll nltnry , tho III b('llcfit th Combina.lioll 1T r. Atlelld to it nL one. buHdlng cOlnml~slon tiholll~ oollt'lemn __ __ t ... _ __ :::z::t? _ _ _ _ 11 liS IIn eafe. th e dl'ltnrilll(,llt Cit Pllb)lc I morals ISllould CQll dcru u It JUs unwbole- I 8mnot" . . I ~vblth~t'Ih~b~ ~gd l ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~____________ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~_ _~
To let this
['PORT NITY lip aW>lY from
Tlti <.l
'r j'
$4.'0 0 Worth Qf Best- Reading-- All for Only $2.25
tbe 8plrltual orrors. which I am COul · III a 8trOn!; w r~H (\o wllhln blmselr. bllt llelled to judge I1mt you hn\'c I' C U' (hI;) 8plr-11 flllnlly "onq uercd Lhe neNh' j curIous moving object to whlcb bls o.t· mulated. by 'IIny other m('ans limn IUld he lield hIs tou gue. He cemem. t '3ntlon hnd just boen cnlled. . patlont logic," he res umed: " Mo.)' J ' .. . "11\1188 Snr8ent claims 10 have a ·new 'dlscuss tbose mntters with you?" Ills b E' r r cl t HIl l.nll \\ 3S ~ unr,. o,nd )0\1111 111"1.. ~.""~ . CHAPTER XI . 1m Llglon." he observ ed. "She has s nld va Ico wall 8 rav e nn d WIlR 1 \&If'J~ ~~w ~ ;g \tV per i ousd , an ru II 1:11 . ,, '" " " " ' " Il\' ItJ;IHI 1I1l\l111" '. )alII Solvee the' Vedder Court Proble".... most unkind things about Mnrkel ot earnest sincorlt\'. 00(1 tb e mus ical S slm ll li t rorb arnncc cutll e ~o ReT. SmIth lloyd. rector of lbe Squ are churcll. She 8ays tbnt It Is a quality alone of It ' mad pntll'llt log- stron gl y 10 his nl d l hnl h,' \~ns " v('\\ F (ricbu! cburoh In the world. dropped strictly camm er Inl InsUtutlon, and leal dlscu8slon se('m nttrnrtlvc. • (1~le to "c k n,,\\' l o)ll~ ho\\ b,' nutHl11 ahe ,!,!lriJ~!!iIJI:II-;'li'I____irlll ~bt ~tPtltt bla laat collar button on the tloor. and thut Its maUve In deslrlD8 to bulld tho "It you like " sh e os~cn t d. s rnlllng \\ OS wh l! u s h., "':18 611floll d. -- - - - ---.---I Iloolled dlsUnctly annoyed. The collar ne w cathedral Is vuu lty." at hIm wIth ' wlllrul deceptl n. .The Al lison hnt! b~ l'l\ . vle \ll llil he r with • 'button rolle4 under hIs mabogany Be ollllUl\d to meutioD Gall's turth er wIcked thous ht h~(! occur red to h er m~~. g\c d 1I(lt l1lr" I I Al~ and rC~Jlecl. " ubscriptions may be new or Old subscrIbers, by paying the 'bl, hbo,. and conoealed Itself ca~fully oonrgc t hnl his own moth'e lu doslrlng that It I ht be ber own dUlY to Dy GeorgI', thnt 8 n ren t hl ea. hu nmollnt in lIffCarS and oneyc/l r beblnd one of tbe legs. Rev. SmIth th o new cath dml was perso nal ambl. broaden :::sg spiritual uoderstnndlng: ll1ollgh~U\lI1Y <:11111 111 .' ;t(011. .. ;" il . I rcnewal. All magazine sub~1d; there beIng none to see. tl OIl . nndor Illd npt compel tho.t ad· "Tbank you ." be accept d gravely . thl"k I II t a r tlown \ "(lll l'!' rout! fo r scription s lJeRln with month's ill ntlVllllCC, may lal, c ad"l1l1 ~ .lald. aside hIli hlgb di~t.y, and got ''If yOU ' will give me an h (lur or S<I "0)'11" issue unless some olher monlh Itlgc 01 this J!lclIl lllotlcY-lIay: 'down on his lrnees. tbough not for any eacb Vo·oek. I shall be ve ry happy." clerical purpose: wbereat tbe little col. "I ain nearly always nt home on ill!: offer. 'I lie combined ciris men lIoncd 011 Ih corder. i\ II 60 Cents a Year Tueaday and Friday evenings." 8 Ug· 'lar button sbone so brightly that the cula ti un of lliE NFW WOmagazines must go 10 one ad· rector's bulgtng e)1e ca~ht the glint .ested Gall. "Scarcely an yone calls A rcco~n ized F a shion ALII horil y rur 4.; ye<trs. wit h nl(lrc suusc li lJc rs ot ·It. Hla hand swung rou.nd, at the bol uro clght·tblrt)'. nnd we ha ve aln· i :\ "l'S T RIO is r.cnrly threc drcss. Undcrscore each mag1 hOIl 'U 1Y o lh ~r lash; " " mn~" lil\c. 'eriel of a lonl arm, and captured It boner quite eorly 0 11 U IOS ' evculn/<s." mil ;lun .::op l::5 every month. azinc t hat is a rcncwa I. Fifty l'xclusi ve d csil' HS JlIOIllhly tere It cOo14 hide any furLher, Lhen Sbo begun Lo lle slucl'fllly luter stea s howin g la test Me '"" pllt lerns. ,the JOUIII rector withdrew hIs throbIn the project. Sho had ue ver 81ven wh Sf! sl yl~, ii i, silllpliclt y und lllDe bead and started to raise up. and horsolr tIm e 10 Qulle exnctly df'fl ne econo m y l llttkr. t 1it,.~ 111 .irs t C'hn irl! of _ _ _- . -. . ..:.'2a her owo ottltude towa rd s lh 'ology us bumped the baok of his head with a I hUIISU Ilt\S "r \l CIl · flt ,'"sed WUllleli . i\l1Jl~ Lhan 1,:.llJO,O\.· r"lIIi1ies l "v~ e:aoll on the bottom ot an open draw. dlsllnct rrom re U8 10n. Rnd she re lt Common rlells CO llrt Mcu.1I'1 for it s whulcsolllc s lories er. Deal enough to the top to give him that she shoilld do It, It ror no othor ~v U'l ,, "h e ll~ nrtklcF und ""\\,esl i &oad 10Uf; sweep tor momentum. ren80U tb'Ln to avoid maklug hnpul · t.llte vs. t'ertl '(llvin. Dllfoutlllu t itleus III FUlley Ncedlework. ThIa misbap being just one dcgree be. sive overs tntoments. Re v. emlth Doyd senl·ouo()(1 to ply u fino of $ tOU'tlld JODd tbe poltlt to which Rev. Smith would helJl he r to look squa rely Into oosts. 'onteno Ml1"11 nt.l ml ullti Bo,d had been consec.rated, be eJacu. her own mind and h er own "oul, for Drdur o f oourt.. lated U toUOW8:-lie bnd a very active Int IIIgence. and ~tl, . e V~. Hnrv y Rel nbllrdt P lou No, It fa not r espectful, nor proper. was. moreove r, tll e most humunly of 0. ,t III nlll r o uto rl' d. Boud $1000 ·,trCul Ihis Coupon Oul and ~ nd 10 l is Dar charitable, to eet dowu whul Rev. fo rcefu l cleric she bud ever met. Dc· "tILt " "~. 'i'lI l'm "" L{o berts. p len Miami $1.00 B~lth Boyd, ln tbat 8tre8~, ejacul<l~ed; 81de8, lh ey could a lways 6111sh by of nut ~ ull ty ente red Bond 1750. but a beauUtul/ ~ray·halted lady. bellu, singing'. . .50 tiM with the sweetnes8 at oonlent ond " J shall ' make ar'rDngemeuts to be lat v~ . Fru I II 'l'il o mtl~. Pie of Dnte .......................................................... 191 the ' happlnssll ot . graUfied prldo and over 8S ea rly a8 you wlll permit," do- tlot g nllty onWrocl. Buud fIOOO. 1.60 Mother's Magazine The MIami Cazette tha IdndltneslI of humor. who hnd clued the rector, waTmly 11810w with tll[E' v!<. EHI IIIllI J hn ::! u the rn Waynes ville, O. paUBed at Rev. Smith Boyd's open the Idea. "We s hall begin with the Pl elL of 1t1ll1$Y fJntll r.,tl. e n to noed 1.00 Ladies' World door to 'In.Qulre how soon he woul d be very beginnIngs at' thIngs. ond , step t o j.il t,' r 80 du ys nUll !.my oJJ 0 0818 . Centlemen :-( accept your grea t MOllcy·Sav ing OfTer. 40wn to dllUler; bastUy cover d ber by step. develop, J bope. a 1081cnl ~euten(18 Nuspendud so 10 0'; II ~ de. $4.00 I! l 'or $2.25 enclosed. please send The Miami Gazell<f T~tal mou~ with her hand. and moved away justl6Catlon of the vast spIritual revo- fend .. nts ~Iuy ootslc1e of OOU Dty aud the New Woman's T rio. au for a yea r . to tlte from the /loor. wltb moist hlue eyea. lutlon which hne conquered the Stato VB Bon MoUil l. Pie .. of not .,ddress below: aromd wlllcb twinkle!) a dozen tiny world." ,gullt,y. Bo u(l flOOD wrtnldSIl born at much emlllng. HI should like Dothlng better." Fltate VI! . Rfiymoml Dumford Name _.- .......... _.. _.............................................................. " ..... , ............ , .. .. All four for only When the dlcn1fted. young rector Ho LaId Allde Hit DignIty and Qot mUled Gall. and Blnce Rev. SmIth Plen of not goilty ent·ared . Bond POST·( ·FFICE.. .. ..................... _............... STATE ............... . caple clown to dlnne~. fuUy clothed and Down on HI. Hand. and KftMlo Boyd role Bnd 8tood behind ber and '1000. apparently In bIll rtsht mlDd. his moth. . tilled ' bls IUIII:8. sbe Lurned to the !:3tate vs. Chester JohnsoD and i STREET NO ..................................._._ .......... R. F. D. .................... . er, who wu the beauillul &ray.haired mIssion: . it dldilotliecome film to aot plano and st1:Uck a preliminary cbord. Fred K e boe, P letl of uot gul lt .v en. ~ with the twtnllltna blue eyes. from piqued penonal prl/le, .,-blch lllie traUed oil Into a tinkling teredo nond $1000. .AU )rlll!IUJoOfl lu tho lv"EW LAvms TIUO """. III \. ty must bO lent to OUO hlnws- lIf> Ul(.",ptlOlld IooBld aaroe. tbe table andllmtlsd In. Jofrs. Boyd studied him as he.-184 l1ttle run. by way ct M enetl y greeUnS Hoote 'II. Gro or 'I!lnvor; Plolloof 1.-_ _ _ _~--------_.·;l,r'f'(---.J.,.......................... ,............ ........__........ "'-.......1,_., ........._ ............ ...... 0, •. --.,,_......._,_~._... , ...........,.... •• 4"'~enn .. , a t bla dl .... ' .e' . for h ;' ...... lomj)erly at bla' , fleb. and the twinldea to tbe pl&Qo. ' 0 .... ..., _ ~ 't u "1n ot gulilty eut arull . ml $~ 0 1 DOt; ~ ' P'QwnolJp. tall; bl'OlLd·llhquldel'Od once mora returned to her eyel. as \ "We IIha11 bO«ln with tbl'! oreation." , .., IIWl oqhtrtt.t~ at aU. In riaUt7 be . • h~ made up ber mJnd to cu,e TOO'e pursued. tbe "ctor. dwellIng. wltb 011 WIl M. t:\to()k w II V<!. J nbn R. ..... • 8hock.headed. aU&htly freokled Irritablllt,y. plea8nre, on the Idea qf . a thol'9 u g h t-lt kw~l1. No ioe to (lefElndant 0' . ~. t,.' A'LL KINDS Vf , . .UI'cllID or nlDe or ten. b)' tbe name at ' "I am oB.bllmed ot yOU," she told ber progn!8B throusb 'tbs mazila of roltg. der cl by publlollt!lln Wb.YOllr_ou'oflOrtafrOlIl~ I [: . "BmftUO'" on tbe ~wn oommonl, and 80.n. "Tbia gtrl IB .Bcarcely tl'enty. If loul srowtb. Ifbere were certain B ,. r vey a .. tl diok vs . JI'S ie R ed · -rod" at bome. ' I . remember rightly, and I'm aure that vl\3lle points wblch he wanted to clear diok P .II i ilL! ff o roi a~ 1 d tu J:>lY t fJ "Aren't yO\1 becom'ng a trl1le lrrlta. I do. you came to me. at about. twenty. up for blmself. d tlfand .tut $~ pe r ",'au k and $15 fo r il' bIe at late, Tad'" she Inqutred with and confessed to a logtcal dlsbellet In MADd wind up wl\b Vedder court." e~1)fjD8'~!\ Il_ r i' lg tho \l ndenoy 01 lIecauae DO o\~1l' hOIDl ~ will. - - -. 8011c1tude, wllefuD1 suppressIng a . the theory of creation. which Included. She had not meant to say that. It tbls a '·Ion PI inuJt' l\\l!O lallv\l I amile :wblcb ftaabed ~p In her aa she at cour~e, a . ~lbel1et In the Creator. just popped IDto her mind. and popped 61e ILme llded p otHion. 8:oJd01i11b1\11,~O~ ., . '. i 10 "Tbo hll\iolfd IIDd t1nper8tltionR I remembered that eJaoulation. It was You were an Infidel, 'an athelet. You oil tbe end at her tongue. Jamlltl B. WI~l\hoa VB. Jllm",!' J . E. Janna". tbe PeD lIsy lvIlnl n OerOlanM." b.V ab~lItnl In. mlnlBter. or course. but were 80ln g to rellnqulsb yoUr atudlel "EveD that wUl be taken up In lts 3 ruce Wll 'looo Re o,' lver orlhued Fogel. Pb. D., t h e Iluthorl abe bad evsr contended that mlnleters and give up all thought of the cburch." due logical sequenoe," and Rev. Smith to oper.ate proport.v n,uct to omplllY - bfl~ cul1l)oted a 6 flrs l band mony .~ and ebould be. made 01 clay ; T be deep red at tbe Rev. Smith Boyd prIded hlmselt on bavlDg al. h elp n EIBded . Waynesville. O. Nanoy Jane ~urraos, Imbecile. I hundreds of th e beliefs whloh' were Uld c1a7 Ia friable. Boyd's face testified to the truth of ready d Isplayed the patiene" whlcb Oha rlB8 W. WoodwArel, adminis. Clluse !jet tor beorlDg Ootober 20.. onoepar tBnd paroel of t he lives of , 'Tea, mother,'1 belleve ' l am," can. this ornel obara-&. and be pusbed baok be had como expr essly to exercl8e. trll~or v~ . 1lll '1IIu E W,bltuore. ad D ' T ' muny of tbe PJtolled\ngly interelltln g Qver ?ostolr... ~ . Rea I .. state ranSfen people, Who wC' r n often ,,"ok t-~ Rev. Smith Boyd.. consldB~~ ng hie tlsh permallently, . Gall was Immediately aware that , minis ntor. Ueed .. nd dIstributIon .. en of OWe«; Pho nt /1 Ii OUIt' Phollt 11 ,; the matter .,.,Ith 8erloul\ . ImpartIality. . "J most bumbly conle8.... be stated. be WaS exerclslllg patience. He hod l or(ierc(l. . J Eugenia E Beaoh to D'aIIlY DaviA by lIomAln fO~ l!lHr yeure Btl "Polnn. Xl'll. Boyd surveyed ber Ion with a ane! Indeed be had wrltbee! In splr1t reproved ber . nevertheless. and' quite . , l;tI\tet V~. Ch1J.>rd Penny. Bond B/ul se and otben farm in !:;tLlem 1 8YIVl\nh~ OUtOll " . ~-81e. . man tlme ~r Uiat ~lDembranoe. coldly. for havlug violated the tacit $1000. towDsbip $9.9 00. • 'l'be "~8 nnft s upereMtlons " l,ne uniler vur (lOR I f) Bdll. tr~lli. '1 thlDk your sppeUte'8 dro'pplng ott "However, mother, I have elnce 4Ja. ~reement to take up the dliterent J: .Milt on·EBrn b>lrt VII. ~ eorge W B,AI<NHART, Phebe BBrner to John. A Tbomp : tbood 10 (lId III{P. n ll d oover nel\rly • DWe," sbe commented. and tben ahe covered , that tu be a tralUllttonallltale phases of theIr welgbty toplo oDly "10 Froomlllo t III. Settled ond dill. son, 116 1l0reil In BMminoD town. all tbe r e lu tions or lite. Tbe brief 'WU JbrewdIy Illfent, thougb the t)lroD8b whIch every theological ItU' their due logical aequenee." Ths rec- mi!l8 ed Notary Public shIp, $1. e draotll whloh t " llow some at ttrInJdee of humor came back to ber' dent paa_.' tor. In this .emerllenoy. would bave • New Suits. H I'hl>mtlB (J. Chrl8tie and wife ·to ~hlch IIro not n ow to 0',IIn1 of our by and by. "I don't tblD1t you "Yet )Iou wou't anow It to a ilrl. found no an8w.er wblch would .tand Will" ~ enouah IOOIal diversIon," ahe cbarged Mrs. Boyd. with ths 8everit1 . the test, but Gall btU! the Immense ad· W. R MUllenl 1[ and Vir~1\ Mul. Lewis J Beoker, 12;\ aores iD Wasb. r eeders, will provo) of nnu8uBlln. All kinds of N ? tary Walk Inp:ton township '1. terest to &\1 : . Bnd Deeda 8 ~peoll\lty. 8I{aDy &/lvi,ad blm. "You should 80 which sbe could muob better bave ex. vant~e o.f femlnlnlty. lenlx vr.. J . L. Smnll nnd Ellzilbetb Mar;v ElleD Rlgg.' >Samuel RiggI', A ohlld born In May · will no} live out IIIOr&. Vou abould ride. will. but pres8ell wlU. a laugb. '~When you d18' "It altogether depends at whIch end ::!mall M )Dey and ilt.lmAges ; amount lot In BloDohBllter $1. long. . al".,. In the ~mpany at 'young end CaTer tbat lIll' 10ung lady. wbo leems we start our sequence," sbe sweetly olalmed '750. ~la people. Becaule ;rou are a to be In every way dellgbtful. 18 so reminded. ~'l\{y own Impression Is A Qhlld born on SOliday \vlll be. B . U. Ke.1II8on o~ ai, to A. G. G Il. Da.Wll ~t Sto'ok ",'eU ' VB . J obD R reotor Ie no r-.oQ' tor )'OU to 8pen(f misled el to critlolle the moUves of thnt' we sbould begin at Vedder court J:jtookw"lI . Dlvoro e; wIHnl abo mour et aI, lot In Springboro. ~l. oorue' .11..001 ,. Dr•.Bell's Pine-,,!'_~, . Honey JoUt IIPitori Umllln Cloomy 8011tude, as Market "Quare church, you wIthdraw IUId wo~~ back to the crent1on. Ved· eence. For COughs a lld C ' Idio Arthur G.' Ullmour and wire to Any on ~ born on Wednesday will JOU bav. been doIng' for tbe put Into YOU1l dignity. with the privilege of d\,r oourt needa ImmedIate attention." Lorellta V. Stow ve. J obn B Stow, Robert Shur, lot In I;outh Purk ..$l be a tupld, ",~. , ." J II layman, and announce ~hat ..'you do Tbat was su1Dclept. When Allison Dlvorc(3 and alimollV; oruelty. Lizzie Broka.mp to Henty . Grnee. A pOIllon bon dorIllg a thunder. Be'f. Builth Boyd would bal'e liked noL approve 01 ber.' What ebe needa, called, tw enty minutes later. they ser, 51' ucreR In Hamilton township storm will be 1111100 by IlKbtntng. to ...18 that be had been very Tod, la rellglouB Inlltructlon." were at It hammer and tongs. Thorp Probate Court Proceed InKs $1. A child must r eceive ,UI flm lIU)', but he ·had a oonlolence. wblcb Sbe had carefully 'Ironed out tbe WaB a bright red epot In eacb of GaU's Estate ot Frsnk E. ,VeK"ley, de Elmer E Wbitaore, by s heriff, .to nnrslng fr om 'be rlgh' breaa' ~o • . wU a nula&noe to bim. He bad spent tiny little wrinkles around her blue cheeks. and Rev. Smith Boyd's cold John Lebr, lands in f;larluu tuwn. tbat It will not become left-haDded. mOlt of hla spaie time np In his study, eyes by the time ber son looked up eyes were IIlsUnctly gTeen I Allison oeused. Third aecou nt flIed. In the matter of ·AnDa Garner I!hip. '6,000. Whotl a ohild Ie bapUzed It Is glv' l uner Irec or with hla cb1D In hla band. trom tbe profound cogitation, Into bad heen duly announced. but the MllrtbHo Ja.n o Poppe to Ou.s tu ve e n a few teAspoonful8 of the blip and E mbalmer. '-roia are, quite rtaht, motber." be wblob tble reproot lhad thrown hIm. combatBllta merely glanced at him, Ordered that shtl be seut to (he W . . . aom1!ed1 COntlll8ed. and .• wallowed ·~Mother. I baTe ' been W1'908," he and Ilnlahe4 the. few remarks upon Seate huspital o.~ Onyton ior troat. PO,PDe , 15 aores iu t! ..lem ~.p wli", bl P. ti8mal w at~r, so that .It mav be I t. brlg.h~ an d .. good ~ID ger. two IPQOIItuls of hla' 1I01Ip. It Wall ex. ad~1ttod. and he ·seemee! ever so wblch. they were. at the momeDt, en· meut. oelleot ~uP. but, atter tailing a bite much brlgbter for the contelBlon. He goged. He had been Btudylng the tabIn ,he DHtter of th e 'wlll of Joel Myrta ~. PUe to ChILrls8 J. Oel . 1f ID bup\lpm the ohild doel! noh ~ a wafer. he laid bJlI spoon on the drew bIs tlh toward him ODd ate It. leau wIth the Interest of a connols. COOk, deoelH\ed. Will admlLted to .ken, lot 1D Frunkllu, $1. reoelv!I ibe Dame IntenJed fo r 1& ' It ICall ans",ered p ro mptly d ay or night , adP of the pl~te. LateI' the Rev. Smltb Boyd pre,ent.- aaur. and be bod devoted bls 'ruo~ probl\ \e. .Robert A. Oookll\lpointed EHzHobeth J D~vI8. by admlnlstrn. ~lIlliot live long. , • .Both phO!lElS ill Offica and Residence • .... think I'U drive 10U out at the ed blm liel~ at .James Sargent's bous'e. earnest attentJon.'to Rev. Smith Boyd. exeootor . RIllpb Robl~on', John tor, to JIlrOBS Blong, a I.orea lD Bllm. A cblld mil. It not tie nllrned l:ongdlstaDce.No. 14; Home phone bo1iae, T04," Mn. Boyd decided. In the: with a new, U.bt shlnlug in hIs heart; '~So glad to see you." said Gnll oon· Murphy anel Ed t)tonteubo roogh up lllion (.ownship 1920. a ,U er" dereRsed membor f the fam . 1~.2r. , '. . UIIla .tones IIhe had used to employ' and be bad blue eyeS: He bad come venUollally. rising . and offering ' him poin~ed appmlsers. Joseph f!nlder tlJ Sumuel B. l1'aulk. lIy, or It will n ot live to be old. ChaIrs and one Coach furnished free wh!!Jl .be had sent blm to bed. "I to ibow Gall the way aud the IIgbt. ber band. It there was that strange • In the matter of tbe esta te 'of ner, lot In ~outh Park, $1. If a obtJd I~ ohrlstened Eve It will n:~th/Ul'1e~als. teed ' tJrlDk 1'11 land you ' ~ver to Sargent's ,If sbe bad doubtll. and lack ot faith. thrill In his clasp. sbe .wos not aware Uha rles Frtlnz, d eeensed. Report of 00& live loug 0 servIce guarBn . wDtlbt. to IIlnI ",Ith Gall." and 1Uppant 1rreverence. it wu h.la or It. . a dmi nletr:.tor t>ppro,.ed Commissioners' Proc::eedina:s Tbere WIIl'b e no more 0 h IJdreD In ' 'l'IIe rector of the richest cburch In duty to be patient with ber. for thll "I only ran In to !lee If you'd like Barry Robinson, road work In ~ family Ilfter one ot tbem h08 been th. "worl4 4uahed a trUle. ane! looked was the fault of youth. He had been to take a private car trip in the new . In the matter at tbe f'stllte of at the barley In tbe botllml ot bls youthful himselfsubway baIoro It Is opened:'" offered Minnie U . '.rlhbals, deoeased l~. Turtlecreek towDshlp '20.25 j J .ohu named for Its ,f dher or motber. DR~ J •. W • .MiLLER. W, Jonoll. repHolrl at oonrt 'hoose If the empty oradle Is rooked the I«M1p. ,HII mother regarded htm quIet. OaU's eyelld8 dropped and tbe 001'- AlIlBon, turnlllg to sbnke bands witb ven tor }' lIud appraisement filed. R oxi e Moon ordered seut to . ·tute . $18 S tu r, leg!tl no&loes '10 40; Zaln baby wtH hllve 00110 . ' lJ. and tbs twinkles went out ot her ners ot her lips twltcbed wben Rey. I;tev. Smltb Boyd. "Will you join us, bORpitl!llllt . 011.:7 ton tor treatme nt . Arm.ltllge t • con.truot 472, $S9 ~O; t!tepping OVflr IL. ohild whlob Is .,.... She bad. been bound to get at Bmltb Boyd's name ",as broll8bt up doctor?" , ', •• DeNTIST~u · In the matter qt the wl11 of 1>. M. FrllDklin .~e we, t.ogltl notloe '0 ; 'Ihe Iring on tbe fioor will reta.rd itA .« ae bottom at bls Irrltablltty, and now to her: but IIhe dId ber hair In anotber For some ' reason a new sort of 1 Dttthaway, deoeased. Will admitted B (Jole, Uo:, SUpplieR , f or 80rvey or growth. . . . . ,Ilad arrived' at It. . ' way, high on her head Instead oflo w Jan8 e had cODle Into tbe room. and _ on ber neok; and then she went down. It affected the three of t bcm. Allison to probo.te. Widow el80ts to take U5.50; Oreg')Dla Bridge 09. , oon It blld '1 ' N.ttO~~II)lI'':': Bid•• . _... would preler not to 10." be told bewt\derlnl In her sImple little dark was the onfy one who did not noUce under the wlll: Elizttbeth BOoth trtlot 464. '161.8S; (nqu08t b.:>dyof Is B ;e~r: ol~~f ;I~f:e b~~:b~hen It h • .IUlIy. and ~e eyes wb.l cb be lifted blue velvet cut round at tbe neclL that he hod laken GaU's acceptance way n:ppoiDted exeontrlx. loven.' Bertha Allstook $4.00 ; Inqnest hody . •_ • . tory.'aod BllllrBtsement omitted. ' of Tho/llue Perrine . $Il 25; lnquelt , , .. to ia. f t n 001dl1 peen. "f do not "I was afraid tbat your 'Toloe wu tor gra1lted. . In 'lie mlltter of the estate of body of .1am08 SmUh _f8.65; John a,ppr'OM of 'K III BargeDt." out." remarked Gall. In .a tone SUI!' "You mlgbt tell us wben." sbeob. ~ ~U8t one leoond' the rector's geatl'Ve cf the faot tbat that would be a lIerved, transferrIng tbe lIame of h or Simeon G. Guard, d uoemd , Inez ~w, s npplies . for jll~itllr ~:a 60.; lYI 111001., falt an Impulse to .bake Tad . tragedy Indeed; and !lbe began baul., eyes ' from the rector to Allison. "I L. GUArd !'PI)oillted administratrix Uolombus Blilonk Book Co., lIupp1ios Bond $S50 P. V BODe B II i ~or probate judge '5; IDqaeat body , '. BOrel. Oall Sargent: waa a 10ung Iody I.ng fortb musIc. "You baven·t bsen may bavo contllcting engasements." Veterinary of"lrhom an,. 10uill man mlgbt' ap. over tor eo lonll.'· , "No.. you WOD·t." Allison cheerfully BHonta ItJId AdAm B: Morrl~ Upp"ol~et of unknown aMId $475: Raymoll.~ Dr. ' Bell s Plne.Tar.Boney w~lob Barshbarger; !!alarv ~6U. g068 t o tbe very root of oold troohle~. : . •. proft-lln4 wbat wu the matter with Rev. SmIth Boyd colored. At tlm'e s Infcnaed be r; "because It wm be at Ict appra isers, 1 .b 00 !noUon A. C. Vllil waa oppolnt. {~0Iesr8 tb~ throat and' glvt," reoitll Graduate Oblo ~I"I. lJniversU •. 1041 Sb., 11'&' beg1nn1ns to. be bumUl. 'the way of spIritual Instruction WIUI any hour 'you Bet." . ,n , e mntter o( the elltate of ed Inspeotor tor th'e proteotlon wall from 'hat ologged and III·nO'en feel· , .. , .tea IIJ the raet that, at thirty-two, be ' quIte dlmcult. Nevertbeless. he bad . "Oh," was tbe weak response. and. 1i'~rdIDllu~c1' W, Sbaok e1ford,d oeased., 'd Franklin at $3 p'or day hi. work Ing. The plnf'1I blLve ever been 'he nl . lia4 DOt ·Iolt bla head 'a nd made a fool a duty to perform. MechilDh;ally be rec08 zlng that .he was fairly beat· ~rllnted ~o \lell oll.rttlln bondt!_ to 'begln wJ1en ordered the oom: frteDd of,mfln in drl:vIDI!' awny oold~: Office at reaidence In F, Hher , 'of Iiliualt, to the point tlgbt sboes I had ~ken bls place at the 'plano. en. her white teeth flasbed at hIm In Order Ed" I,! of Sllmuel W. Keever, de .. ml8sionbrM. Moreo".,Itie pine honey qua)l ~le8 wood's bouse Fourth Sl.-eet 1ul4 poetrr. 0"01' a ctrl. . . standing stralgh.t and toll. and bll a smile 01 bulnor. . "li!uppoae we aa.y ceased.. ElM} aeoount filAd .. CODtraot for ' tl1e atone wall ~o. are peoD!larIy "JJto~lve :In nrlltlng .. j .. ' ~II' u.d the "olce ot KH. lJoyd blue eyes softened as tbey automat· ten o'clock totnorrow mornIDg.'· WII1ll~ m H Rose. /ldmlnl8trator teotiOD and earth fill aD Love~1d rhUd,eD 8.001dll R ember th~' 11 T~lephone .28 ".. IIOt oold ai .he had .meail.t It to leally tell on the piece of musIc sho "I am free at tbat ·bour:· Bootod D()()VII •. J. J). 'ROBS Bt al Sale oon4rmud lind Murdook pike was awarded.o oold broken at the start grea$ly reo .... BIle ha4luddenly felt lome tu', of " bad opened. Ot counal~ wall t)lelr to..· tor Boyd. In answer to II glance of ::~:88 ::,e j)oBslbllUy of complloa. Waynesville. ' Ohio ~tlI7 tor '1'012. 'vorlte. the one In wblcli their voIce. Lnqulry from AlUson. He felt It bls and dee d and dl8tributlon ordered • •lohn Burnell at hi. bid $:.148 75. In t b" mlltter of Ib" IIppllQR~lon J . K. Bpenoer was awarded the • "'Well, tor oll.e thing. she has a most bad .oared tD the most pertect unto duty to keep In touob wltb publlo 1m· cll8acnMble lack 01 l'8verenc&." , he ~on. Gall glonce4 up a!. blm al ebe provements. .Also. beneath bls duty for app()lntDl~nt of gOllrdlltn of oont~()t for b<lUding ~ oonorete .!'!"i!~~~~!!!'!~!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!~!!!! atatea. . . brna ed a purely Imaglnal'1 fleck of 18J' a keeD pleasure 'In the taak. . dam along Or8ftonta road Kentel''' .. IIIIi___IO:I_ _ _ _~ farm at tbe edlmate .76. ., , ~r' and ltlrL Boy4 knitted. • duat trom tbe lIeYI. For an Instant "You'll be' vel'1 muoh Interested. 1 her "I don't bslleTe you quite I the brown eye8 and the blue onea met. think:' and AlIIlCn slowed ",ltII tbe Oon,raCt . . . entered 'into with ~tand h.. Sba hal tbe moat He Wll8 a tremendously nlca le11ow. ever·present prIde of aohleveme nt. Zlllq Armlt".,e for ' cleaning ou~ a-1.tttuDJ Bhnpllt rell&\oul faith that alter all But wbat 11'&8 wom.tn. blm' then h~ Buddedly grinned. "The new abflDnel of oreelt' at · ·.oregoDla aDd • Ilia.,. ..... aeen Tod." .. ' . "Before we al.nl J abould Bke to take Isub'way stope at the edge ot Vedder moklnR proteoUOD to Oregonia and ll~ltored To Health By 'Vinot . Th.!tn. ' 8mitb B01d. watcbed hla up payer ~tten.~ he bePIJ.. feel· court, waltln.... . ' (I>1\.ye BraDch .roo(1 ILt the eR$lmate t STOCI( AND· GENERAL . -.......... ~ , u If It won 80me tn.c at · a tremen40UJ dllldTan~e In There WaS Bllother little paule 01 At\el}, .Vk.- l was weak, t:Un-down ,lU • . -- _ the p...once ot the mu8lo. To ob\'lat. embarrsesment• . In wblch Gall' and 110 appetite. my ,blood W8S poor. I coukl AUCTIONEER !!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!~\'~'I thla. be 4rew up • chair. and lat flO- Rev. Smltb Boyd were very caretul 1I0t slel!p nights and WaH rapidly loa· .. I Ing flesll. ~ut r atn'1I f8nner nnd had to' BEWARE 'OF.CHEAP SUBSTITUTES m. her. I baTe called thl. eveDln, not to g ance at each oth er. Ullfol' work. Medicines had failed to belp me In tha capaolt)' ot 10ur tamPDI'IU')' lunately, however. Rev. Smith Boyd until I !took ViDOI. After taking three In tb eMlj d/ly~ 01 hen oomJlf:llflon REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE reotor.N . was lucklel' enougb to automatically boUle. my appetite is fine; I sleep well\ It I" l.nno, t"n~ Ih ,, $ Ihp. pnbllo should O&IJ•• eretldl ha4 a tan4tIDCJ to an4 without conselous mental procell my blood Is good and lam well agaIn. ' Bee t.b\lt. they ,Wl Ilhamberlllln',j moker 4cnnl, lnIt abe ieatraJsa~ them. IoId the sheet of mUllc whlcb bad' long -ORLA.!lDO W. BORKEY. a"medy and no' take IIUb.
oman'.,; 1II"r"o anb
--......·n. .--~a--
Cazette McCall's
-:~. IQUE[R
SPELLS,IOSURfll1eE W alter Chandler . .
~===========~ I EdwlnM.
A MAFFIT Fain· t .
aynesville, Ohio.
Dr..J.'' A
lib ..... abe lOoJIe4 been plaeed OD ed the III'IIIl ~ adorable WIlT. S .'Whell _ "en lib • elnClil ''Wb, .top at the •• plano. of Vacldar '
NMh4. BeY. 8mlUa _4 bbMeU ocnutr IDQutre4 Oau. with a IlIl'VOU . . . , u4 eu& . . . JIWe IVIr. macb u II th. worda IlIA
------------- _ _ _. _._ J
:~~~~f~r~~~~~eod~~liv~e:r~'~:IJ'OII~ . proaa. .,U1IIetllIoIU fur tb., '-..Collllh kit of Uhamberlstn
'AIM - . " HI . . . . a. . J. Eo " ...mc:.r.
1*I---_..____________ \V~
" I!!~~ :~
extra RI!1DlIdy be" etood the teat aDd been ap' pJ'O eel for more iliaD 'oUIYCflr• .
Obtainable .~ere.
N. ·Sears
Office in Stoops
W.yneaville, OhiO
m. 'fHE
l'III,IM ,,,,,
Th.· rca" .. " of this It:ll~r win be pleased 10 ICll n! thnl there is at leost Editor and Manager one d' cnd~d <lIsen;' Ihll.t ,;cience been !I"lc I" Cure In n il It s stnges, III
W ..yn\lOivllI ... Ubi"
Ihn l IS caln rrh . Cul lirr h heing hy (">I1st illl,jonu l rtqulres "(IIISlitllt lunn l· trealment . Hall' s Catarrh Cure is Ln k" " iutcnmll y nnd acts tbru the Dlo<.d Ion Ibe Mucous urfaees of I he Sys tem I hcrehy destroying the lonudR.li,," nf I he <l i.,·u,;c. J:i villI: t he pa· l!"nt srrenatb loy huiJdill!{ up Lhe en n stitu · tllJn Alld IIssis tiul( nUlure ill doiu!! its work. ~rhe .ro()~iel(Jrs haVe so 111ucll
NOVEMBER 3, 1915
'PlellHe speod me wall t·, Il little faith in tlie curolive l,,"'c r. of H a ll 's Mllluta' orled ; Ca tarrh Cure. tbut tll 'y offer O ne Hun · dred Doll nrs for nlly CfI!lC tbn t il lails La ] J " bw"nt 10 Ulok e cure. l!!eJl d f ( If list (II ICslimo lli" I• . Iby UHY frl ond, tbe Hour, qnlto Address: 1' . J . CHlINfi \' Be CO .• To. ~R'IHfied ledo. hiD . Sold by 1111 DruggislS. 7&. Tbut l 'ln tlwnke, And qllite Ail reudy in my plAoe to ,. ~lIllle
All nil my tiny brotbersfifty.nlne."
"Don't PIII!S me by, " l~ little Mluute' said; "Won 't ynu plt'n~e IIBO f just tbe little IIKbt that I mRY t abod Muy prove to be Just Ih:bt enongh to help 80Ule one to flud . The WJ I In 1M lIot 1\1\ evll imd un klr\(\ ?' ·-I<';xrl'angA .
• :
The Big Bargain of the Season The MIami cazette, weekly' I The Cincinnati Times-Star, dally The Woman'lI World, monthly American FarmIng, monthly .. Creen's Fruit Crower, monthly .. . Home Life, monthly . .. .. .. . . . . .. .... .. Household .Journal, monthly ...... . J
Tbat sluggish liver with ita sluggisb 1l0w of bile Is what makes 'he world look 80 dark at tlmos • . Vr Klng'B New Llf" Pille go straIght to the root of the dlffioulty by waking ap the 80tlon of the liver and Increallng the bile. Dr . King's New Life Pills oause tbe bowel I to aot more freely and driv" away thoBe 'mood,. day•• " 250 a boUle.
It may be a 8urprlse to yoo to learn tb8\ In many casel oroup oan be prevented . Mrs. B. M. Johlll!. Elida, Ohl.), relalell ber ezperlenoe fl. follows: "My 1I"le boy IllInb... .... j eot \0 crouI>. During tbe pHlit wlnlur I kept; II boUle of Ohamberlllin'w Coogh Rtlmody In \he houlle, aDd wben be began havinlJ tb", oroupy oougb 1 would give bim one or two dosell of It 8nll I~ would brenk the tlUaok. lUk e It bl't' er for ohlldr.. n t,bo.n nny other oougb medlolne becauee ohlmren tllke Ii willingly, Ilnd 1\ la . lIafe and relilable." ObNoticell ha1'8 been lent by .he t6ln&ble ev, rv.vhore. pos181. department to all Becood 018l1li •- • omoee r8(tUe8\tng that In the fatore LOlt Curl. Ar-e Found. more careful poliolelJ he purllued in I It b t M dl80n ~be oare of the goveromeut money n 11 pc ure 8 ow a 8 II Accompanying tbe ·order.. waell reo atreet theater ooe evelllns a lItUe Sirl qUIl8\; to keep leeR stamp" and moneJ aad ber motber were seated nellJ' me. plaCleIJ' tba' might- b8llva\lable for A comic picture wall on, showlol a robbery Isd,. "making up" with paint. powder. l'hls ~ClUon II taken It 18 laId \;0 falae hair. otc. Tbe climax came when oataowD tbe very profitable palltlrne tbe Intereeted little girl cried out: I ofrobhing p08toffloe!l From ftgnret! "Ob, mamma. th~re'8 . the curlll you presented it Is 80ld 'I,d tbe governloat ~t Aunt Dells pa~ty. .~bere do ment lost over 11110,000 last year In )'OU spoae IIhe found emr ~hicaao p08t dIice 'robberlell, .. large percent'J'rlbuo6. age of t·he 10811 went au\; In IItampe while oonillderable money was'llso -----.~- ----taken. In tbe. maj c. rlty of ca8es government inspeotorB oould ll'ld Notary Publlo. no oloes to elleot III captore of tbe Tbe quaUllcatlonB for a Jlotary pub; tbleves. n Is. tbougbl that tbere he are jUllt ordinary iutelUscnce aae! are ".'amp tenoes" In tbe hODeaty. Bo f!U' as age II concerned. oltl81 whllre thlevell can redeem AII7 &lie after twentYoOD. wU1 !Ul til. 100' with tbe '10111 of a lJ8rcentage IaIIl. . . to tbe "broker."
P. O.
- -.---
: ~
• •
• averILl fr om h t·o nU, nde,1 a mlHqoerudo bllll I\t 'Wi lllllll g t'\I1 tll1lllJwe'e u nhsht, un ll Mrl! 1>.111.tOOlt ' ~ollt \lIll O ,VuH cllnsitlorod t.o 1111 tbo mo t Ii ·truotlve lu l\t.tonc1n noo Sb e l'l~&lr ell t U uu llllltu \ VlUll lln • '1'1111 yO llllg ' K ull rutillll of ttd v foi oit.y un jo 'eel l:Iul lo w • II. N o d,,111lltlU VI U~ rO)Jort.ou IlOU II v er y enjl y .. hle. t.illie W I'" bud Pro ' . RJ lllh D. 'Po\(' hit. pllrohILs (] au 1.)vurlt.nlJ rllnn hn nt IID,1 h r flllllti l It \,.,r .l' 0 lUv o ni c nt. 1\ 11 enj l)Yll olp. iJl'w Hn rllll1 wbo in hi .. bovlJ llo,1 d ays SPfll11 c, gre!1t dl'lIl of hl~ tin e iu 0 111' VIII" " I', but of I ~ 'o YOll r s lo u8
Row to Grow
ISeven for $3.~J5
• •
tel mn ti on t hn l w j1J ..,a Ve ).'IHl timu.l u hfl f nlll i I11tIlH' V.
to " f It I Rlttl l)JV tluntlllS you r un tile CUU Dt> a -o r Otl a I'" 1:.1, J[ l'tJU prcte r. \\T ~ w il l r:l' hlly '" till y o u n free cnrw c Vl' r twl1{' r o. Rrn f'! ... rtln~ pr()dltdl']u't of nu r J\' l'\v t;ulnlllJ,:'-ltn 11 x in. Lfll, k Cfl)U" tI lld 1!\f'CO cosh Pf"lI t ~ (rhn l I'r6 p .II. . hu t hi ",imply l}lu.~ "'t · d w ith h lnl~ t hnt of ',·un .:-. H!t t\', Z,.,,,fI ,,,. Slnrit i1r •• ' ~
nanle nnll
o lhl r ~St;
wl1l ('nalJIL' »"U II t Il ,..b.;un.: bUI1lt'c r CI r' tH of lint· ~ t fnllt- :\nd ".·11 th em :H t o nm :1f ~c l prh.. 5. ~I 'hc w ht'llc h unk I filh-d w llh tll Ch thut wlllinh n:!t t nnll l o'drnr t y uu - fac t:; ulJUUL ho w fr al l'C l o w \:"r',
111 Lebllnon, fllI ·1 h' rhluy Wllo! C IIl lI tt : 1on a ll IIC(IlHI ' ' UnOllti ncoumpllllieu : hy illS brat h ~ . . u· la w, tJ. W H.un• dall. Mr~, Annn ·1£10 ok . tiil r omllinf< : ve ry ~ielt wilh very IIt·t 10 h n Jl e ~ of h llr r('cove ry. Mr. nn(l Mrs. HMllrn >it.l1mp IIrC' : hmld ing (\ n \V hou ~ o on tho f 'lrrn : wllHr tlley will movo in th e n NI r <) fu(.ur ll . : Mr . IInrl In;. ~1l1rion V 'lut, re8~ ,In.. ! m nvlll[l in tn tho pruJlurl,y IIlt1,1v •• Jlnr ubll:<e ~1 !lud rOllllirol\ by H 'iV. Ko .~ lor . Ou r ow n iA uuiol-l LHertnln·r]
!. .. flt wOll k
I r,'n.- fm' t s ~~J:l t cll lllh .l ~lr. o the tru th Ilf th .;t I\xlo ln "~In rk , ' r(:('" iteRr Jl'ru ft. " H Ufl' lt itlll1ifl' nn tm lll'(,f,h' r 1>h 11(15 .,r \to Idim: Ir lllt~ nIl t hn 'u~h tho book.
St;uLl f u r yc:m r I.·OP)' to dny to .
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisi. na, Mo. Rcatllt find Ie/uti nh"ut ti le new rrnlC· tre" t rlull~1Jh li t ~I.U k H,I."'" 111 11 ~ ( :I"f~; l ury 0 1 SUCC\,l 1i5 - t ile
U r. o uu c· L lfu
i .1
wit h !-too(1 ~ h ows .
11<'cd th iR prnclicnl, c,,< pcrt ill! rm ntion. Whelh r Y ynuU own o r illten(l P b !l t n ' h.' w trees or n thouSUllIl , it is il1 (() r·
UIcl n ira 'I'UjlPkn . J~,," ., id 1I0 W li vin g
: •• Meliloine Co. • to crl)wilerl
of Superb Fru·t -FREE
= •
You c~n't fin? b tter value 110 Illaller how ha rd YO ll try. Thmk of It-your own home weekly, Cin c inli a ti '~ bigges~ and best one-cent da il y Ii wspnper alld FJVh splelH..hd home and fiction pu hlicGt io ns n l a ha rga i II price. The MIAMI GAZETTE give:; 'O ll all of the in teres~~n g lo~al news abou~ the folk s you know, while the 1lmes-Star keeps yOtllJl touch w itll III . n ews of thl' whole worl~, in ad~ition to. furnishillg you with va luable and mtercsl1l1g spccm] fC[llul CS that no otiler daily can give YOll. Latest all(\mosl relia ble market ~eports. Don't overlook this opportunity, but send In your order today to
- - -... ...- - -
~ •
Read This Carefully
Extraordinary Va ue! I~"~ '~: ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~!~ I"~"
drllllm8 ere Hclence hHH n ~VB r beon RblB to gtVAl~ Ht\tIB. f"otory IUlttWOr to thl" queetloD . DI1ulJtlc(4' dr6llUlS lire oaused by tbe activity of 80me PilI' of the brllin durlog sleep. BODle IUvfllltlgalorll believe thllt sleep Is III ways acoom · panied by dreams, but only a tel" ue remembored. We know that 80me part.,. of tbe brain never sleep; I'lIlJeohl1y th08e part.. tbat govern tho breathing heart~ be.t"l dlll'e~. tlve prO'lI'!L", eto. UJealJ1a are now oonsldered worthy of ttoientlflc study And Ilsyobologi8ts lue paying Dluoh Ilttcntlon to tbem. A number of booke on tbe sabjeot have Io.telv oppuared.
is. .
( 1 year
.A .. common
lOAm OAZ&i
(f rlIUU' Ci(Jldcn-tl·,· t r (!c df ' vt"lnpTJIf nt
. hOl t r \J".j .. lti " ,,,11,11 r{, c I t (;d th e S~w F al..ts al"'\1 1, "S tUl l. iJelfcio utf ,lI St f\ l'k g ur\y 1·~HJ j.·,ul, (If U. 011 tht: 10 h'''1 p cnc hl.' s , ' tllrl: I:Jr (" ~· J:" r o wu . J . H ,II RIt~ l · t ·al'1u.:~ . nl"o L incn ln J '4,.'IH . St ll r k ~t tl illm l ' r Il l'~' Clh'rrr. "fnm ltl o th I " , h.1 Jlhll H rind ti ll Iht! ,.tlu.' r r.Ull'lII ot ~lrlrl ~ I tru'& fru I 1 1'l . lJ ~rrh!h H n11 0 n ltUJl\.:ut:\I .. ~
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/1/.11/ Iff tht
""'rlllt 0'"
~1t/ 'J/ .
SI k 8,::.
D ep t.. A Louiaioua,M.o4 I t
Ill'l ~rhW\"!tI ~lmDlI: ' ~ 1_6t41 :;:u J~\c"'~r o~~';;
rHJtl H.',~'
Stark Bro 8 DCI)t .
Lou itiana
~~.~1I1 Mo.
~,~!tr~1i.~~!~!:'n.'~~~ fll lik lflW
n.~mJ -lm:akhu::
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wlIl·l, hou~ e~ h"lvinJ{ Munt\ .. y . , ,~~~~. ~~:~ ::~~::~: ~~:::: ::~::::::: ::~: for tiprin!( Vnll flY . nnel Frllin y night / n . F. Il ..... . .. . ... ........ . ........... .... . .. borne t .. lent, will give 'rum Thumb ' P. O..... .. .. ........ ............... . ... ... .. .. ... . Irl(lrrluge u '1'own 1:11111. under th o s... te .. . .. .. ... .. . ........ .... .... .......... . ..... .. lIr otlon of t he Civio LOllgno, IInll there ift 'ne doubt but the uttondllDco Stark Bro's Want Good Salesmen-Cash Commission Paid WeekIr wi II b~' ~econn to none Tho Fall Fe~ tlv,t1 at \"\-Uuungton \VIIS wollaUeDded by our people and report it n perfrct ~ucoeS8. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO ' An Overlllnd Vuudoville Rhow bnvo drawn by burro plI!lsod ib rough our town StitordllY from Clarksville R dhurossln the StOUlU OIJ afro m eul s. Funeral Director • to I,ytle where they lire to pillY for It Is dne t,o Indi gestion !llI tl ellally one week. A goorllllog h from stflrt remlldled by taking one of CbawTelephone doy or night. berlulJ;l '1I 'l'B.blots lifter meals M I"P . to tlnieh. Valley phone No. 'I. Long a'3ory Pndgban, Vlo to r. NY., Attornov Mll rous Hhoup. of XenIa, I Dlstanoe No. 69-2r. writes: "For some 'tIme I W UH WU8 In our town SatordllY looking a ft er bnsmess pertatning to bls 00 troubled wltb heuuuob o lind dt8tr e~ s 10 my stomllob nfter ,,"I,luf>, ul 0 Automobile ServIce at all Times Tho infant; of MI'. and Mrs. Wm. Several oC 'J ur farmers 8 Id th air cU)JatlOo. wltb oun!ltlpat lon, About six l1Iont·h ~ WAVNESVILLE, Mr. and Mrs. Ephrulm ~mlth and ago Ma8ters, of north of town 1"811 bur. hogs la8\ week, the price raugi ng OHIO I begun taking CbllUlburloiu's ied lad.lhlday. from 00 to 70 pel' pound . 80n,I)f Loveland, VIsited Mr. Smtth'e Tablets. They regnll1ted ·tho a otion Branch Office. Harveyshurl', O. Mr, ~our' Murray arrived here M. rd. Terry and K. E . Thompson mother Sntul'dB.Y and Sunday. of my bowels and tho headache and from RoRer. ArkansaB . Thursday, attended the Surface trial at Leb Mr. Oeorge SInian, an old olMzen other 8nllOY8noe8 oeased In a t;lhort ~o bI! wnh hie wife who Is In a nry anon on Friday. of our to~n, is very Biok and hll time." Obtainable everywhere. lIeno~ ClonjiUlon; , Mre. Hatfield Is bOW our hello ohance!! for reoovl'ry are not lit all ------- --~.------~ Fhe fire\; number of 'be lecture girl as Mrl , Mrs . BarlaJ] stel)!! down enooaraging. DR.H.E.HATHAWAY ouurl!e Willi Riven .tn tbe 'rown Ball Rnd out Ilnd will take up other work Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bo.rvey trans Expert In Sliver Lining •. 1111' ThurallllY evenin!! by tbe in the nellr tuture. aoted business In t~e Gem olty laat Hall"-"Blytbo Is II. I)relty oplfmlBtlo WRj'uelv1lle's Leadlnll' DeDUllt MoKin.e;, Vocal Quartet and they ~lbert Bsrrls, or VOrellman, WRII week , . obaraoter. I bear." Wnll- "I shOUld su.y , Omce in Keys Bldg. Mllin 8t were fln&, and everybody was well h'lre on ~uudllY oUlllng' on friends. J. C. Gray IS shredding fodder, 80. It he fail e d In bustn 8S, h e'illilnllk , Wm . Blaln8 and falIl1lly attended having fiolshed olover bulllng. pleased. henven he hnd hlR health ; It be fail ed !!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~ 'fbe Bellbrook GranRe gave a Mas. the funerlll of Mr. SIRlne 's brother The Hlgb Sohool ball team played In health. ho'd thnnk heaven II had querade pariy In 'be Town Ball last Samuel at; JIlm6stl)Wn ()n Thur@dIlV. Waynesville FrldB.Y and was cle- hiB busi.nesB, nnd If h rnn d I'n boUI. 1!'riday night. A larBe orowd tarned Several from tbis plaoe transaoted fell ted • he'd BOY thero was DO use havlug oue boslness at our oonnty sellt IIIBt Moving Is being Indulged in by a wltbout the other." oa\;. great many In our midst; . Mra. Ella Brown Gregg, or Detroi\; week.. Mloh ., arriToo here with the body of Walter Cleaier has boulI:ht a new Rev. Wlllker prellobed here ~unher hUloond. W. B. Gregg l:3atur. engine "nd will run I~oolons Frll- day at the M. E. oboroh lind On Auto Livery Service at day and was burled here S aturday z\er'8 ahredder tbls tllll. November 7~b he will start s pro- Read yourC?wnMiamiGazette Reasonable Rates afSernoon. tJ. V . Harne8s and Wife and Lon traoted meeting, aeslsted by Elmer C. V. Malon Is building a new Brannon and wife were among 'bose Starr, of Uolumbos.· Also Agcnt for Kelly-Springfi~ld oo'tage and will move in the firs' of from tbia plaoe who attendod th 3 Qnite a nomber f~om here attendAutomobile Tire» next month Fall Feetlvaland h enrd \V. J. Bryan ed oonrt in Lobaoon 00 Friday of WHllilm Webb, wh) has been very at Wllmin~ton on Friday. laltt week. slok with pnenmonla is slowly 1m. Severnl from II. dlstal!loe attended Everybody here IS very busy . proving . tbe Temperllnoe lectn re at tbe The faotory is ronnlng full tIme, CorwinLOhio~_ 1 w{1I Bell tlt Po bUo Hl\le, - m es Mr~. Wilbar Snyder tIond obildren, oboroh h.ere on Sunday evening improvements are being hurried up of Dnyton were the gU6llts of Mr. delivered by tbe Rev. Sell. ' before bud we'lther. and all 'hilt Bre north of Lebanon, t milo west of Valley Phone 9O-1 ,Y. a~d Mrs. Jonal Whltaore Suoday. Quarterly meeting will be held a~ not bUBY should begin drive braBB- Utloa, - - -... - • tbe F. W. B oburoh h ore 00 Bet- headed tooh and reap resultll. Thursday, November 4, 1915 urday and Snnday, November 20 Mr. lind MrlJ. Paroy Reaaon. of C:>mmenolng at 12 o'oloCk, Rbaf) , and 21. near Waynesville, were lJuellts of AWDNDERFULANTlSEPlIC Mrs. K. E. 'fbompson met with tbelr parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed the following obattels belonging to Germs and Infeotlon altgravate quite an accident on hlst SlIturday Reaaon on SnndllY. D. M. Hatbaw"y, deoellsed: 1 HUrlle, ailments and retard healing . 8top afternoon. t:lhe fell aud fraotured Mr. and Mr!!. Marvin Blanton and 4 CMtle, tJorn. Wbe"t. Ollts, Hay, that infeo\;lon at once . Kill the a rib. but It! gettlolJ along as wellns dllughter, of Spring Vltlley, oalletl Chlokeus, Turlieys, Htraw, Fllrmlng germ. and ge& rid of \;be poillon!!. oould be expeoted. Housenold Go,ods. . on Mr. Bod Mrs. Wm. Hobersoo on Implements, For tbls plIrpOllI • single appUcatlon 'I'erms mllde known on do.v of aale . MIs8 Nellie Jordon 1lllS returned cSunduy. Elizabeth Batbllowav, . or SIQan~s Linlmen' not' only kl11t1 Miss Jennie Reynolds, of near Exeoutrix the pain but de8troys the ~erlU8 to her bome here from Cbicago. --. here, Wil.li the Inoky oontestant in This neutralizes infeotion and givell 0 . ·T. Ho.wke. Auot . winning the eilverwllre lit the mednature · 1l8lltitsnoe by overooming W. E. O'Neall, Clerk. iolne Bbow 8atu~dlloY nlgbt . ·It has CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS oong8l&lon and gives 8 ohanoe for o me in dne time If the matrimonial the free and normal Row of the This is ft Dlodlolne Intended ell. blood. 8loan'lI LinUnen" III an em- peclally fo~ stomach troubles, bll· reports are trne . Mrs. Lh;zle Soars und Mrli Essie erllency dootor aod IIbonll1 be kepi iOUlneS8 Rnd oonstipation.. It ill Olassiliad ~ds oonl&antlyon hand_ 250" 1500. Tile meeting wltb muoh SUOOORS Rnd Gray rel.urned bome from Kentuoky nrtor a week'lI ab8en08 .. 11.00 alze oon$&lnllll:l: times as muob npidly gaining in f"yor and pop. as tbe 211.0. . Uhss. Olllbretb, representing the ularlly. ObtnlnabJe e.verywbere. FOR SALE 's _ . Jonell Wlftoler Uo., of Oolumbus, transaoted busln68B here Friday ot laHt week . . IG'l'ype Polllnd ChlDll plg~, ma.les 1'he javenlle offioer for this oonnty anil gll\lI; a few .vearlings. OlIn fiud . plenty of busluess In tbls Th4lSe eired by a son of Byron, tbe .Mrs. 8ar"h Null, Bon "lid daughter vlolnlty Rud should be looked ofter. great breeding hog of E. Urotter, of Mre. Clas. Sweeney and · dnulh&er We have several yonngsters tbd Iowa. O. S. Maxwell, \Vuynesville, .Berbert; f::iatterthwAite, of Day tall. spent Wednesday with &.Ir.llnd Mra. would be bet. ter e lf from their pu· R. I, nU 18 tbe I(oest 0' Mr •.and Mra. J08eph Earl NUll, ents tbau with them. GIVEN QUICK. RELIEF Haines t;hls week. Clark Bargess, Rfter severlll weeki! IANO tor El I~le or ront. Inqulro M n, Dill haH returned to her Mn. Willie Allen il the guellt of bome in Mount Bl.llly Ilfter a weeks' vlllit w:ltb bis SOD, Honoe, iu Wlsat tflls offioo. n17 ~.'1~ ,,~I;!i~)/O;::~:Tc n~~~~ her parents at Dean a\; the time of visit with her .slBter Mre. J08epb oonsln, retnrned home In thne to f r il l! het:;in us iag flf)this ~ritfng. H ij n m".... lhe famous old caBt his vote. Mmer. ULL-Holstein, he is 11 good onll. ): Ii n l1"'! cd y fo r n bc umn .. Mr and Mre. ClIRS. Bradllook have R0800 001:klln. of MoKBYS StatloD, Mr . 'Rnd MrA. BRrry Smitb spent Also 1 good S.ow and Pigs. Fot' _". !i-' tj" ITI. Lumbago. G Ollt, lui thelrgoeat Mr. Clio' Grobb, of TburlldaY in Dilyton. oalled on Ueorge In. Edwardl Sun. iufolmation 0.111 on El. H. Brown, I~ -11·~;:'l~", !':;d " lic~lt Ncurnlgin Dayton. ~ ~ ..... ,'t;;... afi:~ fri ud red koublrn;. R. D. G, Waynesvllle, Oniu. n17 Mr.. and Mrs. W. 0\. l'iull, ' son and day. "''''~·~I. ..r,·. 1 :. r~. fill . IIt to t h Il Meellng WI\fI held at Middle Run d8ughter motored to 'Vandalia Silt . . .. :'~ ~." ~ "rot, s tops the aches Baptl'. ohnroh Saturday and t:;nn. nrdayand were the E:oeilts of Mr. ' GOOD B'a ldwln Apples. ~'or in.. ..~.:f.~.(l t/j :l1lli P:lillS n.nd m a.kes da;r. '. formation oall au Lindley Meolind Mr81 F. W. Rosoagle. 1;(0 .... or'h IiviDg. Cot EVERY HOME NEEDS A FAITHFUL rlenhall,O Mr. and Mrs. Gecrge Pra't apsn' llilone 71-1L 2::;. Wllynetl. • /''''~j,''f ~ Q l.lot lle of IIi)...Orops'l Mr , I:!Chaefer, of Jama8&own, spent COUGH ~ND COLD REMEDY Sunday wtth Mr. anll Mrs. Edwa~d Sunday here the gUIIBt of Mr and ~lIJe, Ohio. nlO • 11. toooy. A booklet with Cook. of Roote j ; · . ...:, ';'. ' "ncb boille g ivC5 full When !leasonl ohsnge Rnd ooIds IIIr8. P. K . .l'enoB and Mr8'. Id" :,., ~:~; .....~ tJlre c t io os for usc. OR 'E-Uood And gentle for appear-when vou first detllot a oold liun'lng l18alon for the "bunnies" l.'brlstopher. · ,.~ ... l ~: D."u' t llc hly. Dema ud sohool ohlldren. Will le$ out openl 'od~y aad banters are lIe8n in 'I'he Ulearoreek Township SU!JdIlY Bfter Ilttlng next to one who has , ,,~\ " ', J ' r'Cp!i-.' · Doo',t acall dlreoslonll. I:!ohool Convention wOl be held San IIneezed, then it III tbnt a tried and for feed In good -hands. OT will Bell . ti::l~~ ccpt un~b iog .elsa in Will Gerard 'Wall a Cinolnnllotl dllY Noveql~r 7th at the Red Lion tellted 'remedy should be faithfully for $75, Inqnire al \bls offioe. nl0 .- p !" c.! tlf 'l Any drulrulled: i'I never wrot~ a testimonial , ;. . • I'V1.v Plt!. if ,"" Ii,,!! too f nT ' villitor .. pars of 18s\ week. M. E. oharoh . L)urOo Mille Bog8, eligible to before, but, llrnow positively that ' . 1 ~ :"!llr\J ! 'r. d 0:-0 Dolli1t' to Mr. alld ·Mrs. l11-anll: Cook, of Ubarlel' Easton of .ll'mnjrUn spent for m,8"lf and family. Dr. King's register a' fa rmer/!' prloes. K. ~, !·:'t·n · ' I~ tic ,.,.,. ~ r.Q, .N (!' \" ~\rk, Route 4, enter\;"~ned 1'. M. Dnkln Sanday wl~h his plU'llnt;1I Mr,' and New Diaoonry Is tbe best .oough E. Thompson, Wilynesville, OhlO, t•. ~ ., • lti cL .':, l.) L O l)!'-' \" in be and family, of thlll place, tlunday. loin. Arthor Eaeton ' ~"lIl. ~ '41 remedy we -e ver llBed and we have V"ney Phone Harveysburg, 11l-I U . . na New. "\'ery scaroe thIB "eelt, ' Mra. Rlppe\Oe or ' ()roenville III tried them all," GOo and $1.00 . vllIl,lol her aunt Mra. Martha BallOW-Jereey., Gow. a YOu.cs · old, (DeJ6nc1) nell . .'. f.reah; 1\ good milk l)roduQor. , . Mr. and MrB. 'tom Burll' and !!on Mr. aDd lin. George Pratt ao were o.~ltnlJ 00 lIr I aDd Mn A tb Inquire of W. 1:1. Wbltu1!:el', R. ·D. oompanled by their daulhter Mra. Taylor Sunday • r or 1, Waynesville, O. . nl0 Itd~ard Coolt, of Roate · , lpent. . . : '. Satarday ID LebanoD. Mr. and Mre, Ed 901reen 8pent ' .. n. 0"'--1 \1.. '-I'ed Sunda,. at Bloe Ball With 1111. and . F. O• . Oornell, or Dayton, lIVlU . UIU" III B...... <au 00& V... II .... 'Mtey MoQandl811 rela"Tes 10 DaY'OD 1a.. Thursday Mn Marth 'B ' 1 II & Sunday vlaltor wi\;h D.ln E. Dill, ud I'rld.,. . • a DDllle and Mrs, Earl Marlatt, br Daytoa W61l " • , Rippetoe 11lII,0t W~lnlllday wlih Mr••Dd Mrl. Elsey Soon, of Wa,- rela&lvll8ln IIlddletoW1I Sandar visitor with Joe Marla". n8lno. and Mr. and Mn. WIllie • 1Ir.. Will.t!Jr D~dd, or Dalton • .a.. Mr. and 11,r8. Heber Troolrmorten &l1en IIp8D' tJunday 'be' guest of ahelr narenY Mr and Mrs J Allen . or D.y'on lpent I!'ndt~y wl.t h IIIBB Ued hla grandmother. r'. • liar)' Laconr IIr. Edwa,d Or'e w, qf DaylQo; All kJnds of "Spouting and Roofing ~h aod Mn. CarriDlton 1Illlltl, of lin Est. t wu a w\I8k end RUBI' of hlillat.,. Wayn8lvllle were 8uod.y 'V'IUOI'I 'he ~8It of P Pey Mrs. John LevI. and Furnace Repairing DoneD· • • at tbe home of 'heir parente herll lela Oh"lltoph~r Samuel .JaokllOD eowrtr.lD1IIl OOJD..... and 111'1. 01&y .Ba1Ima.. and IIIl&oa 8heehaD anll';'-,,"'" Pan;, for lapper &amrd., .veolllK. baturda, and 811Do II ,MI'I'• .lobn Morpa, of DaytoD, of ber tIlIwr lin. 'e...1 • oaue4' OD W. tbe weelr.end gueet or IIr ./~ . and family. Sahlr4a7. SHOP NEXT TO SHERWOOD'S GARAGE da1llb'fIf Mn.~ . .1I. Blepbenl, autqftd 10 Ik. AaIGe.JaoboD .......
Jrl t'1I 1
~ho\V"d nil
i ! ii
The~~S!~;~~II~y T~oEo l~:oOM!~~
I Walter
R ay.
I .
. -.
', 1
Painting, Paper Hailging~ Auto . and Carriage ·Pain~. WAva.SVILLB,
8hop Next to .be.....od'. aar...~••ln at
. "-
Wa,nesville, Ohio
THB IIIAill GI~I5555==~I~i~======~
Huskin Bee ~
Line of
FrIday Eve, NOlo, W
Ninety Minutes of Fun!
.... Admission....
A~ults, 25c
I: I ·
Auspices St. Mary's Guilds
W ~ a
AUTO : Ll\, ERY , My Ahn-Y0':l' Trade
SERVICE-Tbat can't be beat PRICES-To please all.
Is now .fully equipped to do Livery Wotk . We will take you on
Any Road Any Place Any Time
Corwin, Ohio.
Phone 54-2X
~~~~~===I Late CI8lfsified Ads
Give ulla call and you will find - -our prices are aJl-rigb . .
i==== '
QUALITY-Above the Standard
The new Wl'lI at the power house w8sIet into service this week. It is made of the finest materials and it is hoped that th9 water service will be bettered thereby. There are aaveral other needed improvements that will be made in due time.
Poland L"bln8 Ml\le PlgI!. BIg Type ' breed Lng. W, 0. Weloh, HuveYllbnrg, Ohio. nJ7
''Willio, whnt part of speech is an IIggP" "A noun, missY "Yes; now, what gendel'?" "Can't say till it's hotched."
Phone 116
"Are you· tryIng to miso anyth Ing Dn your suburban placo this seasoll?"
." Yes; for one thing, I om .trying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!! very hard to raise the rent!~
Bacon-Thst neighbor . of you I'll tried to cut a wide swath, didn't he? Egbert-Yes, but he failed. He waa too narrow.
TbOie wh~ appreciate good sanitary Jersey milk will be pleased THE TREATMENT. with the product of the Waynesville Dairy. Mr. F rank Snook, the manager, sayl tbe herd of Jerseys are now finer thau ever. ''What are you now doing for the .. Tpese are cared for by careful assistants who always see tbat ud· patient, Mrs. ~ abby?" den, hands and vessels are washed clean and sterilized. "Why, that fool doctor ordered us The milk is run through ste.rllized strainers, and immedi,at~ly chilled to give her epidemic in terjections." before bottling. . The bottles are thoroughly wasbed and .sterilized with hot water. CONSOLATION, . The citizens of tbis community are to be congratulated on having IUch an enterprise close at band. Visitors are welcome. "They 8IlY mell of brainl\ live longer thlln others." • "Oh, don't worry. I guess there're • • uccptions to that, ••• ' too." ,_4. ___
ALJ;EN 19]6 MODEL "37" TOURING CAR~$795 NEW SERIES L"~WIS "6" -$139{\
E.·· W. RIOKS . . Waynesville, Ohio Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, and Racine Horse Shoe Tread' Tires.
Singer Sewing Machine for little girl, For particulars call at the
Singer SeWing Maohine Office, Nov~mber 5th. MaIn at.
waynMvUIO. Ohio
Lewis' Bakery .
Lewis' Bread and Cakes, the best and most qelicious
E verybod'J" uses
Willium F'rnme. Ilccord.i ng to his old cu lum. remembered the boys at lhll poli ll in th tl East P recinct yes to rday. by bringing them!l fine basketful ot apples Mr. Framle' a lwav' r eOl emlJers everybody .
FrAd Wil lllllUS W08 the viotlm 0 1
'~looP~ PtnI 8UOPWUo;)
p921181JA9p 'lp911\ 'IIA\OP UN eUlO;J.r9AO (l991uVanlJ 'IlO ~nolpl~ · "IU~ . 00011 pa1l .I9A" PO" 81\OPI19P 11 I, IOll!A
'V 'W '8.IW -
.' . ·NOSIH:>.L!l H ,,'pHIl .10&0 I ' .I~.,tIJlI
-UOON "11I~ lVaq 91p 8! 1I
-mOA.lOU 9W11O.1aAO pll1l91!,add" Atn(1leq 'IplIO~1 a\ll U8AJ3 11111 IOIl!A pU1I PlO IDa' 18 IIIW I '(OUlA WOJI pitA!.! '1nnrlFc---<f'rv-1in:oyn- ,rtnif-'VI'm-_riIll - --.,-,.;1--IIH-";::-1IP OA"q L.!i!~!I!l ~wiWt ~qL}O ~oW( Nalpo lO1l4 1,,-''3 ·S .'ilII\AUII9.IO •
toVIA q
~8. ..,..
010·SIB 18 .,IOM
_111!1_ _ _ _~. . I. B. J.." DruiIWt W..,.........
--~~----~------------------. ----1
Eaay Case to Cond uct.
8 11 11 1'8
Arsenic Not F a ta l to Bird • . In" ~sllGo !l\l n s b y go\'vrnnl" nt ~ cl c n ·
'lre coml'lIrn th 'el y row.
bll t Ihe attorn ey ror tho defon8(, wIl en i tl sla ~ho w 11m I th o I'pl'aY!II!': of II' cs II good ·lookln g wo man Is th o {le la nd. , ",.lth prOllarnliollR of nr!lon!c 10 (' 1\ mI· 811 t ab uuldn 't worry much .-A lchl ~ on nnto 111(1 );~'!I"), ","I h III not necl'Bsn rlly Globe. kflllnl 10 \)1,,1 8. Th ,. nc ardly of lilrds
'1 1n
r01'IUII8 ",hNO muc h ~\lr:\l' I\lg Is dono CUll \) 0 " .{ p,·tl n e ,1 by tho fact 1I1r.1 the ap ...l)'ln· '<lit 1"I " h '" tI .. , 8 Uppl)' of
Things to Worry About. The p1llso of a kangaroo Ie only Inaeot ronrl 31111 .h e bl l'lls bro obll~e d bait ne tast 08 th a t of a man.. \ to ROBk 'h ... I ~~ .. h~ r ~
_ _ _ _ _~v
- ·'
W. H. MADDEN ~) CO, Are You Ptlt~ing
on Il new l~o{)f or Pat ltillg thc old OIl C We have
Shingles Felt.Roofing
---_.- ...---
r, . in fact, a llY kiml of R ofing YOll need .
' W a~lI1 ].'~ l eece L med Union SUitS. Excellent in fit a nd 1ini b . R emarkable. value at . _ _ _ _ _._._._..:.;, . . . . .
Mr . C. Burgess blls r etnrned bome aft~r a most del1gbUal viSIt wltb his sou in Wiso osin. S0vernl from this violoitv "ttend. 'ed tbe Fall Fesllvlll held WHo mlngton the P"Ht weell .
Women's Union S uits . All woo'I a t • Women's Union Suits. F leece Lined-of heavy cotton 5 'O 75c value special. . . .
Mrs. T. B', Mc(ioirm eud Fon ~pent t.be week. end wlt·h re lot! V~B
wnllt or
-m-ij-lhing-in-' Building Material
When yon want to use
Mr. Rnd MI'!. Ch M. VilJlLr8 hove
gone to illlike tbelr home In Lebil. non. M'ips Berclll F .. oly ~peot IA PI ThurddllY with hpr sister, M r~ . Call on ns anll we can -Women' s Shirts or Drawers. Mary!:)hlrden, . ~ supply you wi th tile Heavy Fleece This vioin itv wus \VI' Il r pres en f_ best at tbe lowes.t ed Ilt tua "huw ott, I:fl1rvP.Y dhurg dor. 25c & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ing the pR!'t wee R. Mrs. Jo hl1nth:m Flo\,lln 1Il1,~nt Childrcn's . Union Suits. Thursduy aftilrooon wllh M r~ . I!:vlI Villars and Mi 1\ Emu,,. II:1Ii8 at t.b Heavy Jtleecc home of ~he laUer . from 50c to. . . . . . . . . Mr. a.nd Mrs. Bh>n Worley und Mr und Mrs Oliff Hil \Va., ,,&tended Cbi,ldren's Vests and Pants. the, I!'all Festival lallt Thursday lind Mrs. Oliff Ba wke r.onlalned for a few Made of hea V)' d!',s vlslt. cotton fI ece . . ... . .
, Lumber .
50 .
75'C 25c
.. _...---
CO____ RW___ IN_, - ...... - ~~........ 0~ I
'i.-.. '
$3 0'0 50C. 98C'
Mrs Nelson MoKeever was agr!*,ably surprieed It...t Friday evelling when ehll returned h ome from a drive, to find a number of Deighborll aDd 'rlende aSSBwbled at ber home A pleltllllnl: eveDiDK was spent 10 oonvere&tion, moslo.IIDd gllmel'. Miss Bessie ..varD or spent· tbe paRt week with MrR WillIl1w Blair, of Beeoh grove. Mrs. BArry EUDbatt speut I'rlday a ....... . ..• ... •. w.th MrE'. Aea Whitaker . ._ - -~Btlrry ~h8.W and family were shopping In Lebanon SlIttlrdfiY. i\lr; Wttltor Whitak'llr ~Dd family, of neAr WI\ynellvllle, llpent Sund,y w1t.h A ria Whlt.,dlor lind family. • Mrs l:Iurvev I:!UrDElU, Il0l1'11. Harry i!.nrnhal" nnd . IIt·tle dltnithtflr and Mrs. A~a Whi t.l ker n,'tended th e IV . 0 T, U meeting .. , Orellonfa FJtdny ""ernoon. Mr. (,;,erald ICwhigfrom Kentucky epeo~ ·'he. pilat week wUh. Robert BalliDger aDd famlly and Tom Courlne'y aud wlte. · . Mr. B~rr:r Arm8trong, of Springfield, Mr. Willie Clemene and Mr. Tom Andrews,' both of Cedarville. spent 8uoday with Mr. W, C . Warll. er lind family. Mr. and Mr • . Tom Counney, ~er. land tt.:wing and La'e DOlIn ' atteDd. fld tbe Fan 1i'ea&ivat at Wtlmlngkin Frldl\Y. . . . Mr. Barn BhawaDd 'amily .spen' Suhday wUb Mr. Joe <:iregl aad We also carry a full line of The famtly a.t Morrow. B,radler Make of MeD's, Women's Barry EarDbart and family Ipeul and Chlldren's Sweaters from SOc: ~und Iy with Frank II boa, of W"yup to $5 00. Come in and see us ul!e.f1 ~ before muying elsewhere, 0 '0 ~..tarday Mr. Robert Blllllnier Ie" for Kaahloky no hulDaA. IlluEdn.~mIUl,I.t'r. Keller BOAt
IIr Serben IlPredltb ·.pent HYMAN, .. ·UId "aDd.7 neD_ willi MI. Laaa
Ellis Long, Manager'
bo ~n It oOlllpl et~ ~Ilrpri so Tuosduy evenIng , when hi ~ fri un ds (111 me ttl !100 him. If be hflc1
nol, iUEl slpcl upon Ko lD g oot fo r the t.l vuninlf nnd t10methiug bad to bp uone to keep hIm I\t hOUle. Oor neighborhood W08 weH repre. lio n ted ut Ulurksvillo WednesdllY eveDing. t)evoral fr olU thiS plaoe beurcl 8r:i'f'o Frlduy , lIome I1t Wi llOin gt!>n l tlnd 11 few lit M :rrow. Miss' RaUl Euwud;c was ~he Sunday guest of Mr . I£d. J t>tl'ery IIDd tamily. 'fhe Progr salve Bible o l fl~s enter. tnined t·110 'Ilnduy Rchool wIth n ma Fqoerude sootnl ul. Ed J e1JerY '1i Mtu rduy oVl'olng. A good ,.Iml' hilS beE.n the report of 1111 present . Misses !)ellrl And Myrtle Bakfu wore en to rt .. lned tiunday I1t tbe home of Mr. E A. Joff,l'·Y. Tbe 'LlldleR Aid will meol at tbe bome of Mrs. Chlls. Allen Thurs. day, November 5th. Mr. nod Mrs. J W. Goddard wl're 8hopplng in ClnolnnaU Friday. Mn . ' George Smith vi~lted her slater.ln.law, Mrs. Walter ' Bally, -can't "ap i ,nt the II a' tluuda.v. -can't IIUtlcl1 lIor bind Mr. Ed ROBI! aud daughter are ou -a(JlUa.y~j fit s porfectly all 1uavs t.be ~iok 1I~ t . Come in "nd try my Union Suit Mr. and Mrs. Luoins Frllzler BD· Service ter tlolned l:IuDday ' Mr. aud ?ire. Frl1nk Hhank ond fllmlly. - ---- _._=---::=;-----:::;-----:::; The You cg Ptlllllle's Bi ble CIIl88 will moet .. t tbe home of MI~s E li z. (,beth J /)lIU~oD Frlda.y evening N JVeUl ber 5t.h Let nil members be prc@ent.
98c $1 98
Main S t reet, Waynesville, O h i o.
",hilt OJi g ht 11I, ... e
Men's S upecior Perfect Fit Union S uits. From 98c to ... • Read the Miami Gazette Men 's Sb'IC t s an d Dra:wers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ . Heavy Cotton . F leece at. . . . . . . . . . GIVEN AWAY ----.__.__. _ Men 's l-leavJ. Natural Wool Sh irts or Drawers t
We hay a BlIm! (' 1' () f lligh .Orad Sew ing i\lacllilles. that have h II li S d lml v a :41 lor l lilll . Drophead 1D1lChill~ S frolll ::;;7 .!J ~ , UIII [ TOj hox 111.' ,ch iJIC' from $5.0U lip. 'J'h t"sL' II1:lvltilll': a n: ,til in good onl r i:llld ' warrulli ' d. \'It: 11 '1\'(' a filI I lilll! of thc latc!'t t y p in Sillg r Sew il1 g- .\b ellill $. A !> IlIR\1 pay m lit OOWI1 and a li Ltle l' 'r r I1l1l1tlh I \l L~ olle f these 1 ganl tI~ :H:h in '~i n om ilUl\I \'. Repa iring a S pcc iall ' - Ve will e1l'H II and adju t y lIC ewing Machine f r ::Ji l .OU durillg this sale only. MachiJlcs re nl ed h) L1w week ur monlh. /\. full lill of S upplies kept for nI l Inak e of machines.
- --.- ..---
(Ih' ,
Friday and Saturday, Nov.. 5 & 6'
Buy "Superior"
. 1
'Mrs. ' hl1$. 1 Gray . were married Wednesi.lllY. October 20th, at L ba· Il on. The happy eou l>1 left Imme5 diately f or their w dding trip. and wer galle a w ·ek. vigi lillll ~\ltfa l o . Ii ICfll'U Fulill. and o'ther lal! ' t own~ They arrived home last Thursduy evenin~ Mr and Mrs. Earnhul'l QI e wry popular. and th e are rec!' ivin ~ \'ollg'rnlula tions rrlJlll their fl'i emlJ.
Lots of Latest Music Many Funny Situations W Fine Dialect Comedy
III priecs of. ewing' i\!ad lilll" ; fr i ll d,l
I 1
Mr. I':merson It:arnhllrl, of Mr. Iand Mrs. Burton J!.arnhaTt, and Miss Mary Gray, .laugh te r of Mr. and
A nd every stotY a g uod on ' 'fhey are entertaininll. but that is not all you can sa)labou t them. You For th!' En ir(1 li'amtly k now there is hardly ~ periodic I pu bli $hed thal i<l not f ull of ti me· wasLlnll s tori es. but not 1\ Rin gle·slo· ~ ry in The Youth's olilpaniun is a time wast-:r. Take the Storie:i of C. A. ",tephehe. It would be hard to pick out one from which you ca'lllot At.SChOOI Hall, learn something useful and yet t!n· tertaining. Some of The Companion stories re· fresh your knowledge o f g e s,rrUllh y; some tell you the mysteri es of chern Oil· . istry , 80me r eveal tlje eecr ts of forest ry and of general farming. Thl!Y cover a wide range . 'rhey are ·hos At 8 o'clock en with an eye to lhe possibl t:l Iikin g~ of every member of a Compani on family- atories of vigorous action Petcrkin Ulld his good and stirring adventuro for boys. sto· ries of college life and domestic vicis· wife and family in vite )Iou to at~ situdes for girls. slories that rao ge r-t. tcnd this old-fas hioned Husking ~ all the way from sheer drollery to .., Bee, and they protni e you a fine deep seriousness for men and women. There are no stories quite like lhose ~ ime. an evening of genuine futl. in The Companion. If you are not familiar wit Ii The Companion 8.'\ it is to·day. let us semi you sample copies and the Forecast for 1916. Oil' New subscribeT!l who llend $2 .00 for 1916 will recei ve free a copy of . [:J The Companion Home Calendar for 1916. in addition to all lhe remaining 1915 issues from tbe time the subml' scription is received. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION. Boston. Mass. New Subscriptions Received al this Instead of "Underwear" Office. There isn·t. a reaso n why you should ...- - not ,.,.ear Super ior,lile Pe rfect Union Suit. It o vercol1les and does away wi,th slipping and sliding shirt.s and 1::1 drllwC'\'s-that unco mfortable bunch Children, 15c ing 'round thc waist and the many No Extra Charlie for Reserved Seats ' .., other inco[] veu iebces of u two·piece Mrs. Hannah Cartwright Reichpl. garment, mother of Lawrence J. Cartwrig ht. After you have once put on Il Suo passed away on Monday eveninJr at their home in Dayton, Servi ces will perior-when YO LI once know how be held there on Wednesday evening. it giv es you " mind ease" nnd "body and the relatives expect to reach eomfort,,-,yoll will continue to wea r here on Thursdav morning at 10:30. thelll, for when the casket will be opened 8t the home of S. L Cartwright. where 9' 'E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~!!!!!!!! the friends may see the face of the !! - - one they knew years ago.
FOR INSTANCE Barrette, for Misses ...• ,. Barrette, for Adult.... .. II' . an go aIr Pm . .... . :. . Uniform Hair. Bow Fastener •• , , , .•.•...• Tooth Brushes .... .... . .. '1'ooth Brullla . . . . . • . . •• Fountain Pens, .. . •• , . ". ,.
1M. .
05c lOe lOe
I '
05c All BoOts that I have on 100 haud DOW. and are sell:lOc jog for SOc, spec:ial""
Si. -tv-Se venth Year
r..--SoClETY--- EVENTS]
HUSKING BEE iPisOiLiE-itTIO(i~ ORY-fOHCES .---- --.•._- . or
~--- .
School Hall- Thursd ay
Whole Numb er 3343
evening . ARE HAPPY OVER GAINS MADE A de ligh tful darice w gi ven in COURSE OPEN. THUR DAY AT EL~CTiON Hogcrs ' hall Snt ll rday eveni'ng. EVENING IN r l RST NUMBER Mrs. B. H. Kelly was in Cincinn ati About twelve coupl es we re present . Thul'sda y.
..- --- --- --- -. . ch ool Hall - Th u , tIny
O. M. r~idge was II DayLon vi~ito r Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs . Chas. J ohns, of Lytl e, entertai ned Thursday tlve ninl!;' the foll owing g uests: Misses Vada Margar et on tl;el McPherson. Alma Roberts . and the SIck hst last week. Miss Sarah Burnet, of Springb oro, Mess rs Lee and Ernest r:a rnhart and Account of the Bee Is Graphic ally spent the week·en d with relatives Election Will Make the State Dry- Glenn J ohns . Miss Ethel Hosier spent the weekTold in ' Rube Hawkin s Lctter here. Will Bc lhe Attraction- Program end brKe ClUes Made Extrem ely with relatives in Ci ncinnati. ~c hool Rooms and .Wagon s Are Put To n Friend ConSists of Reading s, InstruMr. and Mrs. Frank Burnett , Mr large Gains Into Shape For Using- No Mrt., Della FORter is ~pendin g a a!ld Mrs. Milton Keys and son Warmenial Music and ~on~s Mrs'. Edith Harri >! is visiting rela· few daYR with her brother Dr. J. T I ew Cases Reported ren, of Centerv ill e, Mr. and Mrs. tives in Mt. Gi lead und Cardin gton . Ellis. Owen Burnett . Mr. and MrR. Samuel Hungry Holler. Ohio, The dry forces through out the Butterwo rth. and I~ ry s pent November 10, 1915 county are jubilan t over the way tht'! Sunday with Mr. Gilbel·t Mr. Bnd Mrs . W. E. O'Neall and The Met ropo litan Stars will give Miss Lllna and Mrs. Ernest Conner Anothe r has returne of scarlet fever ded Han . Silas Plunket t. E~Q .• election turned the first number of the lecture course Miss Marlha O' Neall are in Cincin· veloped atcase out. There BUlter was worth . from a week's visit with Lytle relative the past week. s in practica lly a gain in every precinc ::iquecdunll, lnjiany. nati today. at Schol.ll lJall. lo·morr ow evening , t Dayton. The scho'ols were closed and the in Warren county and Lebanon , ovembe r lI th. Dear old freno SiI'e:rooms and the wagons were fumiMr. and Mr".. Raymon d McCurd y. which went wet last year by The entertai nment star ts J . M. Taylor attende d the funeral gated. In fac.t, the s~hoo! I take my pen in hand to rite Wm. Thorpe , of Dayton . wa~ took on new life and went dry128, rlloms Mr. 'and M rd. J ohn McCurd y and ly at B: 15. Single admissionprompt of his by nier e, Mrs. , 35 cts. Eva Metty. at have been fumI gated tW Ice slIlce the you II. few lines too let you no that I shaking hallds with old friends here a majorit y of 10, thus making MrR. ehas. Cross, of Lebanon . Mr. The Compan y consisU quite Xenia \of Monday Mr. ehas. . . firstclls e developed. hulnt dede } it and hnpe you are. I last week. and Mrs. Thoma Di ll and daughte r, F . Pratt. Miss Nellie Richerson, a gain. , As a precaut ionary measur e th.e Jlurty hig h dide last Friday night Xenia went dry. also. and lhey are Miss Edna , of Mt. Holly , Mr. and and Mi!l!l Mary F.. Lindsay. ' hIM Waynesvill e school rooms were fumlOon t f'l ulumn . ::it Mnrv's Gild!' they had u al to ear t Ie . etropoI'ltan gated Mr. Pratt possesses a very fl exi· Mrs. B. H. Kelly and Mr . and Mrs. i(> happy over the r esult in Green Mrs . Allen Emerick and daug hter , Saturday. While there are no old fashioned corn shuckin on the D. L Crane wel;e in Harveysburg County that there is 'strong talk of Gladys and Miss Leona McGinnis ble low baritone voice , with which ~tsrs at School Hall, Thursda y even· cases reporte J around here, t he schoo l house plalfnrm , down to Sunday were Sunday voting g mg, uests Novemb on of the Mr. he proposi er and thlills Hlh. Mrs. tion his to audienc oust the e during the afterno on. school di rectors took the initiativ e Wuynesv ille. only they called it Ii saloons again in that county, es· J. Berne J ones, of Vv tie. rendition of his 8010s. He also dis· . . . and are trying r best to k ep t~e Huskin g Bee. Me an the old woman pecially In Xenia. plays J . O. much Cartwr Ight lS spenchng sev- schools in the thei clevern ess in his portray best of shape. it IB MrR, H. W. Ritter, of Cleveland, The time is coming weil l an set down in lhe school house eral days al of at charact DaytllO , amI ers and that in attendin song. not his g th~ remarkhoped that the Mr. fever and will not get into Mrs . S. L. Cartwri g ht en· wi lh the r es ~ of the speclelaterl' & Ii ~ d Ohio, is the guest 01 her sister, Mrs. far off, when the state will be a very the schools here. tertaine d on Saturday. Novemb er able dramat ic ability enablin g him Scottidh Rite meeting s. amight y fine tim e. When they slart- L. A. ZimmerlDan. dry proposi tion, and there will be no 8th, to move his audienc e to smiles and· "Be careful of in honor of Mr. and MrR. Cha r les mild sore ~d lhey was a old mun out ther that saloons. Even in the larger cities tl'ars alterna tely. He also delights Mr. and Mrs Dane Richard son. of throat." Such is the the warning given looked like Mr. Spriege l & a nigger Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Hender son the gain was very great, and for M. Cartwri ght. of Evansto n. III. , his audienc e with his hig hly humor- Dayton, visited their old friends, Mr. out in Greene County. where au epi cum ill & Ihl'n Dere cum a IitLie kid & and family visited with friends in that ro~ason alone the drys are confi· the foll owing invited gUI'Stll: Mr. ous and a ccurate mimicry of animals . and Mrs. Mahlon Rid ge on Saturday. demic of diphth eri~ is raging al the and MrB. John O. Ca rtwrigh t and lhe nigger sed Ihe kid had stole sum Middletown Sunday . dent that in another year they will daughte Mr. Pratt is the pianist of the com· I)resent time at Painter.v ille. There rs, Rhea Jan et and Evelyn . ps uv the frule kake (Lec Kran sez that be able to carry the sta te in the dry Mrs. Rachel Lost- O. S. U. class pin . some. are some 50 or .60 c~es reporte~ KeYIl. the M is.~es Emma himny. His reading s have also won kid will swipe the fl'ute kake to hum if . column . a pla.ce in t he front ran k of art- where near the school house Finder and Dill. Osteopa th, at residence Cartwri g ht. Martha Burnett and the counly IS dOl.n g ~1l tbat I.t he iita haf a chanct) An then here or Dr. ... ists in that line. L. T. Peterso will please n, Main leave Kizzie St., at the Tuesday Merritt . Gazette office. can. to. bre~k up the e.pldemlc. Anticum the old we man & ~he boxed that Miss Richerson took up the stud y toxm IS bemg used WIth good effect. kid 's years jist lilt Mis . Lou Barnha rt and Friday mornin gs. of violin at an early age and from Mr. and Mrs Reel Alexand er. of So far there have been no fatalitie wourd. An en the y (; ng .feUer cum s. The membe rs of the Helping Hand the first showed a marked talent for Mrs. Jas. Vander voqrt, of Route hum whi h wuz gon way tu colige • - • Sewing Circle met with Mrs. J ohll the instru ment Her bowing is ideal, Spring Valley. are visiting with friends and relative & they pow·wowed round civer him 3. spent several days with her mother s for a few days. Simpson Thursday, Novem ber 4th her tone rich, full and satisfyi ng, conside rble Then the yun. folks in Lebano n, last week, from 1 to 4 p. m . The hours were and her illterpre tationa show a fine Thos. Middlet on, son of Nathan pleasan tly passed with needlew cum & the yung colige feller made' Ii Mr. and Mra. J . H. Colema n left ork t raining and a wide knowled ke of speech & I never knowed that Geo Mrs. Maybelle Fitzger ald and son. and Amand a Middleton. was born in and 80cial chat . Dainty r efresh- the repertoi~e ot the instrum ent. today for Cincinnati. where they will "" aterhou se knowed iIo tarnle meny Howard . of Dayton . visited witb Bellbrook, 0 ., August 25, . ]850. and ments were served by the hostcas She entered the Cincinnati College of viait for a week with MT. and MrB. died at hi' home in Spring Valley, A few momen ts were devoted big wUl'ds to 88y. All begin s)mekin friend8 here Saturda y. Music, winnihg many laurels as well Clyde Coleman. . to Novem ber 2, 1915. a&e 65 years, 2 business after which they cor", fer deer lif 4 here cum lAc adjourn ed as a free scholarship as a soloist in months , 7 days. Kran & be/:un 8in~in about how he to meet with Mrs. Neh!on Hamilton, that institut ion. She was later at Prof. Chas Emerick, wife and son , Mr. and Mrs C. M. Cartwri llht. The carlier part of hi8 life was on Thursda y, Novemb wuz gittin up a show & wanted to 18th, 1915 the head of the violin departm ent at of Smith College and Thomas Foster The Warren hire a bunch uv peopleeeR to sing fer of Chicago. are guest8 of Mr. and spent in Waynesville, but for anum· Those present with E!r County Infirma ry, the l{oanok e Institut ber of years he has made his home were Mesdam es JamesMrs . Simpson Va Miss Richeso n e, at Danville, of Butterw orth Stntion were calling which was hurned to the ground last him & here cum Mis. Bart Kelly & Mrs. S. L. Cartwri g)lt. Curtis. hd a Gladwinning on relative s here Friday. in Spring Valley . He was married man 'Ellis, John Tuesday. I\as stood for nearly half lowed as how she cud sing & her & s, l!:11. Simp personali ty that never fails to fi nd Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sears and to Mary Hiatt, of Spring Valltly, son. Carrinlt tonWilliam Lee wuz l!itLin along purty well & a centurv . The loss to .the county favor with her audience. Ellis. ' Mi99es Ina Ruth Hartsoc k was in Day- will be abou~ '60!OOO, and there ?laB here cum a Dutchm an that looked family and Mrs . . Allie Hole were Octobe,r 22. 187., ' and to this union Hamilto n. G,meva Curtis, Miss Lindsay is a Dramat ic con- ton~iss Maria Tueeday evening and heara ~ I>o"!t '25,000 ' lD~urance . carrIed. were bo'rn two daughte rs. Mrs. Simpson and Nora Ellis. like Kizer Bill ar Fred Henderson Dayton viaitors Friday. tralto and Musical reader. She has MadaJll e Louise Homer, the Metro· rhomm ates are beIDa-taken car~ ~f Clint Bailey, of Ubano n. and Mrs. 1 er tother &. Lee axed him did a full, rich voice, clear and sweet politan contral to, sing at the Victoria . at the Maple Farm ho.tel, Howard Babb, who, with their mothhe ~ an t t.o jine the show & cud he Mil!s Jennie Cook. of Lebano n. has er, with and It 18 a g rea t bread th of tone anJ . ten grandch ildreu, one si'Jter. [)robable that they will have to be sing & he cumme nct to holler about been spenein g a f~w days with The many fri ends and relatives of wide range . In the renditio her n of Mrs. Sarah Lippinc ott, of Mr . and Mrs. T. E . Co urtney en- housed there until a new build Waynes. Mrs. Chas. Cornell IItl'd lust his dawg & he wuz huntin molhpr , Mm. Susan Cook. her quite a Scottish songs her dialect is perfect in, is ville, two brotbers, Charles Middle. su rprise last Sundayga~'e him & here eum a little Irish gal & by motorin g to Her musical reading s have also won tertaine d Sunday . Mr. and Mrs. Ed. erected . Everyth ing possible Is beton, of Dayton , Robert Middleton, her home snd remind ing her of hel' h!'r Stroud, she cumme nt yelpin about her dadd y Mr. and Mrs. Will Stroud, ing done to help the JlOor unfortu g reat favo.· with her audienc es. Mr. and Mrll, J . 0: Cartwr ight of DanviJle.- Ind.·. a number of other birthda y . & mammy bein Irisb (1 reckon she A sumptu ous dinner WII! She is a produc t Denver. COlorado. Mr. and Mrs. O. Henderson and Mrs. nates to be comf()rtable. wuz &fee red folks ud think frum the and daughte rs were Sunday guests relative s and a host of friends. are spread to which all did j ustice. The and has studiedofwith of the ~~ looks uv her thet her old folks wuz of Mr. apd Mrs. Ed Rogen, of Dodds. left to mourn his departu re. He day was lovely and all retturne d home most eminen t teacher s some In Americ a. united with the Church of Christ at in the evening wishing .Mrs. Chin),mans) & Lec & Mis Kelly they Cornell he posseeses a mag netic persona lity had l "'::::'-whoap there I mighty nigh The Metrop olitan StaTH will give Waynesville, Decemb er 1869. and many more happy bhthda ys. Those and charm wins the good sed 8umthin that wouldn 't go thru the first number of the lecture course waselw ays -found to Jive a true, up. presen t were: Mr . and Mrs. Henry graces of lhewhich a udi.mce . right, Christia n life. He, with his_ Harris and childr en. Mr. and Mrs the male-h owaum ever thev hed a a.t School Hall, Thursda y_ e\'.enine, ------ ~ ~ ----wife, a eron.·united witilthe Fr iend~ Pearl Sherod and Bon. hard time tryin to shut them fools Novemb er 11th. Mr. and Mrs church of Spring Valley, and was a Lois Fully and children , up &. then here cum a Jew peddler & . faitbful membe r as long as health Mrt. Tom Sherod . MissMr , and they axed him to Sing & he went Louise Mrs. Ehzabe th Hathaw ay and her permitt ed. For a number of years Gutheri e. Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. · and Mra. Chas. Blackbu rn over & .xed Miss Hazel Gustin which brother , Joel Barrett Orr , have taken. he worked at the Barrett flour mills and child daughte r and two Rons, of New wuz thumpin the pianer how' much the rooms in theren. Mr. and Mrs. Two immllns e turnips are on ex· Ray Pence fiat. over but lately has .been working for th~ Wolf and children Vienna and Miss Marne Watson, of hihition at the Waynesville wood she charge hi~ to p'ay his Hawke's grocery , Mr . and Mrs. Nationa . . Mercan tile Co., ~here on .Saturda y. Stacy Burll..ett and child. Philade cumpny ment & she told him f5 & he lphia. Pa, were calling on Bank. The largest one was raisedl ' ren, Mr. and Levl.s onofJo hnJ.an October dRut~~ 29, cy, just 'friends as he here was Sunday read V to Mrs. Ch8ll. Sherod I!CZ it wuz ~ much monllY & he went . by J. W. Hisey and weigh a four children , Mr. was born July 4, 1845. ne~r Wllmm gOrlan ThompsOn, of Loveland, start with hi8 work, waR stricken and Mrs. Webste r and back & sed the sonll buut Soloman pounds and six. ounces. 'and is a perSq uires and son, son, Ohio, and died at Lytle, came Ohio. up Friday with paralysi evening ~ from which he never Harry Emley and son. to attend Levi jest a8 well 88 Eph Barnha rt fect shape. l 'be other wlis raised by Novem ber 5, 1915, aged 70 years, 4 Mrs. the Frl!-nk Huskin g L. Bee, Taylor w~o has Jos. Rosell, and weighs three pounds and spent a cuuple r1aine d consciousness. cud & never. Bung a ' durned bit. months and 1 day. He was uni ted been spendm g the.sum mer .wl~h.he r . ounces The n the death of Mr. Middlet own, Than ' they brung in a Chollyboy of days wi.t h friends. look like they in marriag e to Ella He!'s Septem ber mother, Mr~. Edith HarrIS, JOined SIX\ h b ' Spring Valley loses one of her best d y t' r. 869 dude from Bawstin g & a over· groan d' they h' ld b ' b h' her husbanl i In New York last week mgt 0, ~ e IrOO ea Ing. an "one c . elD~ orn to t IS h tl little cuss they called little Lord Mrs . Cy'nthia Evans arrived home respecte d citizens, but our way is '11 k th ' f t surely umon. Sarah JI. dymg would make a good at full the meal age of were ley WI rna e elr u ure for a bi famil Fontlro y & the kid he pulled Wednes day evening . after a pleasan t not God's way, and it hll!! seemed 6 months and 10 days. the mother home. g y. ~hollyboy's . lltool out frum under visit at several weeks with rt'lative s best in God's judgme nt to remove dying in Septem ber. 1878. from eal·th to Heaven , one of his him &. qumpe dbim on the fioor & at Frankli n and Cincinn ati. •- • He again was married to Elizabe th 'The regu.lar meeting of the W. C. children . the little lord he tried to sing & Kilgore, Februar y 9.1879, who died T. U. will be held at the home of cudn't carry the tune in a basklt July 13, 1901. To this union were Mrs. Ba.rton Kelly on . Wednes If you like Slood music and plenty The rolllng stream day Jest after a red·hed ed Irishma n & of it. (lon't of time rolls on, bqrn four child ren, Eimer E., Flor- afterno on, Novem her 17. fail to hear the Metrop ol· 'rhe t,?Ilic But still lhe vacant chair his red.hl!d.ed gal cum in here cum a itan Stars at School ence M , Myrtle M., and Fred R., Hall, all for The Thursda the famo us United States Marine afterno on will be "ForeIg ny Recalls the love, the voice, the smile reel live Cbinym an & the Irish gal & evening , Novem ber 11th. bant.! wants to stop off at Xenia and of which are still living speakin g People. " A fu ll attenda nce Of one who once sat there. Chollyboy they jest had a fit rite Ruth Tewell, da ughter of Mr. and The decease d united with the is de3ired. -7""r Th "" e flowers we lay upon the grave, give a concert on their r eturn fro m Christia n church at Bethel, tben &. there but they let the Chink Mrs Iobu Towell die\! l1hllrsday Ohio, the SiUlFra -Miss Anna Marsha ll, 'wbo-has made ncisco -Expo!lit ion They May atay & he sun~" a eong abQut Chiny· wither and' decay, evening at 11 o'clo~k at Brights dis· 1891. and to the best of his ability . asl! her a home guaran In tee Dayton of $~150 all lIumme for one r. arBut th,e love we bore for you. dear The Kiddies .said, "Now Mama Dear, ease. ' The funeral wail held Satur· town jes~ as well as Ernest Earnha rt matinee concert , ami tho mercha n ts has lived s Christia n life since He School kin which i8 gain sum & then 6 u v rived home last week, and will spend Lunch·t ime again is here, father, was in good health of mind and body, day afterno on a t: 2 o'clock. Interof Xenia the think winter this in im W~ynesv exhorbi ille. tan t Will never fade away. the yung fellers brung in -their gals at the time of his death, being sick For all us ki ds "tis hard to bake ment was made in Miami cemeter y. price. ' Consid ering t he merit of t he And what's the use when there's led by Dorothv Dakin. &. giv' a pur-ty Marine bsnd it looks like thiR was less than two days, his death being drill &. Suaie Write she said a speech t Mr. and Mrs. J C. Hawke,. STONE S CAKE. cauRed by neuralg ia of the heart. Miss small price for t ht~ benefit Levi Lacy, aged 70, died at his de- His death being bout how the men wood go to m~tip Clara Ha'Yke and Mr. Lee Hawk'a Six kinds-one price- 10 cents. so sudden only one atfrom havi ng such II band stop of home in Lytle 'l'hursda y' evening. · & 'WOUldn't iiv no money & the tended the fU,neral of Harry Fromm For sale at W. C. P hillips'. the children was present , and his and play in ~ uch a city a ll Xenia. The funeral was held Sunday at 9 win:lIll !,IV the Gilde hed to glv ahows at Dayton Friday afterno on. leaving us 80 sudden leaves a vacant a . m., the Rev. Grauser , officiatinll. .... -:-- ---~ & sleh to Kit the nioney to run the place in our home that can never be Miss Hannah Kelly was taken to a Interme nt waS made in Wilmin gton. meetin &: when they IfOt W Hevin. filled. and it seems so hard to give Cincinnati hospital last Thun:da y. ¥r. and Mrs C. M. Robitze r, and . Don't take chances in the ·matter jf the men ever got, ther8'~ the'wimln daua where she was ' operate d on. Miss hter , and Miss Emma Heighway of Christm as preserits. You don' t . . Kelly. wood 'g et t he best If tbey wasn't motored in spite of h er ad va.nced years. . George ~arlan , aged 80, died to Sardini a, Saturda y, want yours, like 80 many others, to at .. . stood the keerful &; Chollyboy he played '. ~nd spent a cOuple Ohio. operatio m a n bett ver{we er and ll. brIghte and it r hiS world. ~ome m Harvey ,burg Saturda of days y there be received with Indifference , or tune:on "new kind uv a eontrap abun with relative s. is hop('d bv her many frien:le thalsbe evemng : The f~neral was h~la to- ' worse, and ten days after ' Christm as he sed he brune frum Bawsting"&' will soon be able to be at home day at hIS late residenc 10 o. cl~ck, to be cast aside and furJlott en bim & Mary Salisbu ry & tbe Irillh again very much improved in health. th~Rev. A. K. Sargene tatofficlatm You .t ake no 8uch chance in giving g. gal" t~ ldd they each ,B unr a .lIOna Rev. and MrS. C. S. Grause r and The Youth', Companion for - - a year and the nigger he did 2. But! purt) son, Charles , and Dr. Did you ever know of a home in William Sibcy, who lives on the nilln tergot 1 uv th, funnye st thinp, E Hatha", a), and Gayleand Mrs, H. The ers of The Youth 's Evans at· which it came amiss, or of one in Companpublish Stokes farm, died Friday evening ion will, as always at t his Tbey wuz a old · made lin the gang tended the taberna cle meetin i at which it WM not conspicuous on the season, prepent to every after a long illness. The funeral ' 'thet kept runnin ar.tAlr a old bach Xenia FrielllY eveJ1ln i. library table or In someo .'s handa whose subscri ption is paid subscri ber was held Sunday mornin g athia home · she called J08ler & mighty nlih for 1916, . all throuih the yearT at 9 o' clock, and the body was taken a C'.alendar for the new year. "tered the life ou~ uv tho! poor old If I were yours!.. you were mineIt is worth while to make a gift of gem of calenda r·makinjt.. TheIt is a ~ to Maineville for int€lrment. ·cuss but what she dun it fer Kits me I'll tell you whatand Again df!c the death Saturda angel y ·haa seemed visited to we'd do-:' be a day fur _ _' _ _ __ that sort. and it is wbrth while to orative mounti ng is rich, cause Ronald Hawke'~ got 1 wife.& Justlun chupon Stonels CakeD but the the acciden home of ts John . Just Tewell after and dinner family, W. H. ivine- receive it, too, for ·T he Companion main purpose has been ~ h!,r &'Bert Hartsoc k R ben m~rried ,And let the cook skidoo, near Lytle, to produce Ohio, . and a Madden taken their came Mm. Harry· L. Metty, over to town with illustra tes the bests traits in Ameri- calenda r that is useful" nigh onto 2 yrs, bu~ _ she run arter and that a badly lacerate d hand. He wall un· lillie buby girl. Ruth Geneva , 3 years of tlle late Fr~k and Racheldaughte r Six kinda-on~price-'-10 cenia can life in itlt- 8tories and sketche s, purpose has been achieve Tayl~r him .. & made him swing her.& he old. d. She died fortuna Novem te ber 4, after Fogleso ng, died a~ her h0'!1e ID enough to get the fleshy ' For sale at W. C. Phillips '. ' upholds the best stand~rda. in its arhired the nigger: 2 take the ' Job & just a few days illnesa parl of his left hand in' a planer bit, ot Bright' s Xenll Friday mornin g at 20 c: lock • ' ticla and other contribu tions, and then the nigger & the Irhhma hel and it took off a lot of lhe flesh. diReasc Mrs. Metty leaves a large farmlyo f . " '. combin es the ' practica · him while BIle sed h,im. a 8peech nbout l and informLiltle Ruth called' herself "Papa'8 children . The funeral was held at " Mr . Mrs. A. G. Spahr and Ins with the entertai ning and bloodMr . Madden is working , though, as ",antin to ~t married & arter a childrenand _. it would take more than that to stop Sun@hine" and she was indeed a ray her late home Mon~~l a{ternoo~ . . Mr. Homer S~rand MI88 atirring! while sbe found a red ear &. when Mary Goode, of Xenia, of sunshin e in that home that now Interme nt was made 10 the him. · 'irON guetlta ' If you do nol know The CompanXerua they told her she cud kiBB 'any, feller of Rev. and Mrs Cadwal Michael McDonald, while shred- b8:1 been made so dark and deaollite. cemeter y. lader and ion as it. is to-day let us send in the pili she run' arter him &; he MiBB Clara Lila onSaturd~l , ding She fodder was near · of a town, bright,' fell ·sweet off a dis· ...t. , one or two current issues free, - --.-:.. ---_Mr. (saac' Llncoln was married to ' load·of fodder and spraine run behin Chollyboy " I aueaa she ' d hi91~ position and loved everyth ing and YOll may thoroug hly test Mrs. Philip Hopkins died at her Mrs. Mabel H~mmer at I~banon last rather badly, 80 much. smacke d Chollyboy -& thet 01 Irish Tbe 111_ Annie Brown ofXeill a. qualltv . We 'Rill sendtbealso y, COnBequ<mtly. she was a home on North street Tuesday the Wedn~ay ,by the Rev. · Hunter . very painful for him to 80 that it 18 every~ man he.sung a soni' bout a blow·ou t and Mame Brown ot COlumb eveget aroul)d , favonte In. the commu~ty and will ning about 9 o'clock from u.. Forecu t lor 1916, another Mick bed & M tol who all came down' Fridl,f "Mr. ilie effects Lincoln has alwll3's lived • eo • be sadly miaaed br all. 'evenfn g to at. ( Every new lubscrlb er who sends Wayne towhahip, and is 1& very In . of paralysi s, after short illness; pop. wuz ther & what the1 dun "what tend the Hulkin g Bee, and She leaves besides her parents , The funeral services aw.m lpent the 00 for the' fifty.twQ weekly ilisues lar YOUDg man. The couple will be held at they hed to eat &. dumed ef th81 reat of the week YiIltlq friends $2 three live' siatera and one . brother of lS16 will rec~[ve free al1 the IBBues on. the Lincoln farm . 'I'be Gazette , who her late residenc e Friday morning at didn't more stuft then lAic Krane , are beartbr oken, but dear • for the rtllt of 191(; and the Com- extends to them its eongrat ulation o' clock bitself a et ' in 6 weaks &; a trf to think of your "Littlefriends Sun.::::.--.--~~~- - paolon Home Calenda r for 1916 them • wuzn t the -abIDe," . 88 not dead but jU8t gone to . THE YOUTH 'S COMPAN10N, B.lveli to be with dear little Geryears old, dnaed up " tryln . to .c kute " I died jt'el)l'I1:al'Y New this p _ be dUD it 2. . I thllnk Up Office. and little . ~:~O!~~,~!,~ looked kiDder fu~ " jen UP to'f lll'llbrual~ 1911, • _ .._ _ .; -, edgin round &; blUled there ',
Myer Hyman and C. B. Bentley were in Xenia Thursda y afterno on.
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as r. A strong .h.a nd c\ul cltl'd fhl\I'M f .. rho>: pach_ .lthl.r 'V " n ' h(','~e II In I ho (lo.rkness, ftrm. r 8 u ring. T h,' th" tl'rnll'llIg of IIt"ir lo ll nih . 'f1ll'lr . ~ l "nlllrlall br""11 tlll,~ <'10,,1 11 hI' h~'1fI1 r ector. .'1' let this PPUR TU lITY slip nwaY ' rr~l\n y~u. This blTt'r \, ill " • fr01l\ II \\> furwnr '\ ' "tl ot tl1I'Ir lit lie ~ 0 1\ 11 w ithdraw lI, and YI ' U will ha\'e' to p:Jy 11111 pnc for lh sc .tna~: I lu nnol Ie r bll It In I h\ lIr , wlll' rc , ~ III(,~. I , of Ih ' tl'i n!o !lIds" .ml b ~ I\lIltJ; 10 l,ro· lr' your tim i lIol out, don ' ~ drill " but ('o me in , ami we W ill 1~ "Ausllo(ly !Jurt 1" . Tim Conllllu, lhe , • glv YO ll e n 'e th,'l r CJISl'S u;;:llIo.; l tho 1ll'l\· tIIl· , , voice of ngo, but olh rwlso >!lcad)·. the benefi t of the om\)in atioll OlTer. Atten d t it at \lee. 0118 go.n 6 . whleh " .'ll' I,IOW (.II tlml lhey Imll 10 brcolh , AI'rll'h Oil t1\o '\ _ _ _ ZL _:e!!L2S. . :no: !It Iltl lI;: :::'I!:!e Notblng bud." ~ " wr's 8,\vice, ' lley ha,l ~lolld up III /(iIfT lhe cn r to 9('ap , It .. !: r,; U\llltl~ rl slr'~' nI10DF'~ "Gull 1" AlIl sou I1goln. 0 ~Jk I<J1,. J( .J.r.1 • "Yea," len r vule d, with tbe COUI" time «JIfIIOII1J TOIf Ilr j.,'l'(·~6 U. \\ l ilt Illl' lr moullt. '. • age WIl lcb hus no so~ . II-J;tlpe nnd l bnlr brN' ~ \S ha ving nn I "lIlrs, T ellsdal e? Mrs. Fo~lnnd ? shnfll" IIRl ns lIlId nJlllllnnccs In tbe middle ' of the T d ? Doctor In tlll'l r IUIlt'" :It ev r. Boy(l?" nn d so lllrough bnmth, Arl )" tl ml'l)p,l. sll elltly c rum · 1\oor, the li st, Evorybody snlc. . 'I'Im Corman, as A1llson'8 persona l Tho SIINI".I of t ho FIIt •• t, "It Is an accl<lcnt,\1 blast," snld Ihc I,\ln ~ \0 th o 1I0ur ; th, 'n, n f,' W 01111.\1 ~ R A ebort. th ick old man, gray·boa rtl. t'lw rf's cntnU"o, was right on tbe spot. volco ot Allison. H e bad figure(l t bat Inter, \"ucll , nll.1, 1.'I,lc·pl rkl'CII by tb o th au gl,l Ihnl IhO' hull s:o uo un(l er , " Co me Oil out," ho InVited. anG a conclso Btllt ed and pulf·eyed and londed wit h nOI" ement or Ju st whnt 111111 moull jew Ie, mot Oal1, Lucllo and open<'<1 1:'0 (loor, wbereup on tbe tbree bnpponcd might elCpcdlto orgllll lzll' Gall fl'lt he'r o\\,n /(o I\~t, g r 'cllng; whpn suddenl y. Illoltlng Rh l,,«1 thl'oug h yes oArly, Tod TC88dalo nnd rt v. Sm llh r ij~o n slb l o- I oo k lng men Immedia tely tlon, "We o.ro belOW Ihe Furm oulll Boyd, at the loot or tho Sl\bwilY ~Ul lr8, aroso. ridge, over a hund red fe't d <' II, nnd whI ch wc r Slarlng, ~ho ~nw n crRck of bl flsed li gh t! "Show her how It works, Tom," he th e lube ho.a 'Cl1vo(l III II us, 'and Introduo ed blmsolf with s miling 'l'hero There \\'a ~ a hl'ltr"1' I'Y from ~hca d! Subscri ptions may be ease as TIm Corman, bllum lng wit h directed. . DlUSt be 110 wa sle or QXartloll. Don 'I Old subSetibers, by pny,l ng the nCII' or Ttlo cmck of liK ht wlol,' ndl. Atlo lh t'f much prIde In bls wld es l, r~nd tame. So It was tbat Edward E, AIll Bon, move until 1 lind wbat IcctrlclI l uan· one Ill/penre d. All mngazine sub"Mr, Allison couldn't be hero," ex· sta nd ing Quite alone on the platform &ers there are." amollot In arrears and one year pl) m ~ "",r fepl to th e renewal. plo.lned Tim, leading the way to tho of lh e Hoadle y Park ato.tlon, saw tbe A ' mnloh /Jar d up, nnd showed th o rlgbt of It, nnd 1:,,11 IIlr"n ll), fnllclcr! scripliolls begin with month 's in lulvancc, mav tllke advantbat she brightly Ughted private car. '''We'ro a pproncb lng trial trip oar stop, and pale fac e of tbe engillee r bonu log air sb e could 1('(>1 " r.,·slol'lll ll ;; 01 th e issue unless some ru n slo wly, and run backwa rds, and over. brcl\th"11 wl,h 'lI<,h Il'nrlng other month tllge or this Rrrat mone.y -sllvdart fo r wa rds, and perform ,nil sorlS "No matches ," ordor ed Allison. ''',Ve pain. Asaillst tho 11,,111 (ll tho opr n· is mentioned 011 th e order. All 50 cents lug orrer. The combined cir' a Year Ings, two figllr PR . til (> (lil ly t wo wh ll'h of oxperlm ental moveme n ts, boloro It may need tb e oxygen. " . rus hed down t o his platform , with a culntlon of HiE NEW WoHo nnd tbe englneor mnde ,th Ir were left to \\'or l" .1 1'()\''', Ilt fi~ s t wl lh magazines mllst go to one adA r(' Ct' ~ lli ~e " Faship" AuthIJ rity rur the slow, lim p 1 ' I rI " " ~ nl XhUII StlQfI , rOBy,cheeked girl standing at th e way back Into the parlor C! :, y c.{"ns , wit It 11l0 1l' ~ uh~c ri her. compart dress. · Undersc ore each "'A:'oI'S magTRIO is nearly three and thon wbeol , ber brown aYes aparkUng, her ment:. They took up ·tb \ h:t1i ;I I:)' 01 ht r ru sl ~ i oll maga zine. e door or th e np proRchlnwith Iht' reu!'\\,,,d , ' \1;01' of red lips pa rted tn a smile of ecstatic motor well in the lIoor, and g trill 111 1'1\ , Sho could (lIs· azine tbat is 0 renewn l. F ifty l' Xc!II Si\'t·. Ul.'S Ij.: I1S Trlull thly. . milHon copies evcry month. In a f w tlnguls h th orn danrl)' now , by th e s hu\\i l1~ IIl les t ~Ic C ,, : 1 l)o.pplness, bor bat art and he r waving mlnutoa tb ey rllpl ncod It. pa (l · rtl S. From lbe IIgbt which whusc s l ylt , li t, 5 jlt~l'licil y . nlld brown hair flowin g hehlnd her In tbe sounds tbey seemed strr a III ' d . In, th R tock)" remark ably st rong ('("!) \tU Ill )" m:,kt' l he m hrsl l'IlOlI.o-"(' of fl Kure 0 1 I II lsnn nlld Ih e tall. sweop of the wind. To one side a tood clumsy. t hu usal1us uf \\l· I1 · dll·~sc d \\ 0 111CII . a a hlgbly pleased motorma'h, while a "Tbe.t much Is lucky," commfln teu sln owy fl guro or till' rl','lor, Tlwy wore ~I .... Ihan 1,:!l)ll,(~ lr (" ",ilies 10"" workin g Irnnticnll)', ,\ I'ison with his sbort, thIck old man, and a carele.. AllIson. "Tho nllJtt thIng f.ll'Cu ll ' y fo r i1 !" willl h!$u1I1c $1 ries Is t.o dig." tat man, and a man wIth a blgb fore8\"1upa tlu.' lic Iu·,icl.:s uTl d Ht~ \\'CS t "In rront or behind 1" wonderod tbe coat alT. and t it r rlor wi th bls cont nnd vest both I' mO"ed , nn d ono sleovp. bead and one wIth a red mustaoh e, all el1&'lneer. itl" n, In l'alll')' ~ ('Ctll~\\'urk. smlllng Indulgen tly, clogged the space "In front," deolded Allison. "Tbe ex· toni almont entlrel)' from his s hirt, r eo veall ng his 8w e ll Ing blc ps, and lL In the rear. ploslou came from tbllt directi Allison boarded the car , and greeted bas probably shakon down on, nnd long, r'cd scmtch. Gall's sensos were moro or numbed , so that the;' \l'l,r r educed to bts guests, and came stre.lgbt througb tbe BOI\ there tban beblnd, to tho motorm an'a cage, as Oal1, In 80lld clay In the renr, a nd furtbbut It 's almost me rely opllon l onsclousn ess . er d-Y-Cul this Coupon Out nnd '5t'lld tO'l ls out." respons e to the clang of tbe bell, 00.11 telt th e rector's band Buddenly eo tha't ab 60W things phologrllpbMiam $1 ,00 i Caze tte Icall y: but, ven In h pulled th o lover , She wae jUlt get· leave h er own. It lIad be u wonder· r ealized thnt whnt r IIl1m bll 6 8, 8he tlng that eaay starting glide, and she tully comlort lng tbere In sho hn(l th ougbt McC all's ..50 the dark; 0. trace or Wenk!l Dat e ... "... ".."..... _ ........ ...................... ,.... 101 e8~ In Iha rector. " ' 08 wae filled wltb pride In tbe faot. BO firm and warm and Btendy, lIo had only the grnce which hnd rounded bls "You should not stand barehea ded not talked mucb to her, Ju st Moth er's Maga 1.50 The zine Miami Ca zette a f w etreDJ; (h. In tront of that wtndow," greeted Alii· reassuri ng warde, In that Waynes ville. O. low, melo· Ladie s' Worl d 1.00 Tho two figur es lIent In wa rd towarll aon, almost ro118hly; and he cloled It. dlous volco, wblch thrllled he r as (l Id each CClI\lcmrn :-1 accept yo ur grca t Money ·Sa ving OfTer. ot.her. T hore WII S a 1Il0ffielll of Oall turned very sweetly to the mo· otco.slone.lly the toucb of Allison' s For $2.25 enclose d, please selld The Mial1li Gazette torman. band, lUI did tho eyeB of Dick Rodl oY, mighty s traIni ng, and th en tho w),ole Tota l - $4.00 aud the New Woman's Trio, all fo r a year, to th e "Thank you," ahe said, and gave him Dut sbe had reco lved more strength cent~r belw en Iho two omcliB rolled away, A buge bou lu er bad barred tbe tho lever, tben IIbe walked baok Into from lbo voice of Allleon. address belOlv: tbe car. It bad required some repres· bIg, Allison, II. power, a force, He wae po.lb, and Its r moyal lel down a rueh a Slllrlt of PUrll, Name .. alon to avoid recognizIng that dlota· of oomme.nd. Sb e began, for ~11 fOu r for only th e llrst abQve, le ttrosh ai r rrolll 010 groun cl torlsl attitude , and AIll!!~lD felt that time, to compreh end his magnitu down , t oo, u fio od of do.z· de. . POST·( FFI CE ", .. ""." ... , . ........"......... STATE IntrDduoed Hlm"1f W1th Smiling she WAS ratber dlltant, and zllng ligh t; 6ml In Ihe cur ving, under.. .......... _ wondere d "Wbe.t he.ve we to dig with 1" The Eaae .. nm COrman , rIm of 11IIe 011 nlng, stood tb e two stal· wbat was tbe matter; .but be wall a voice ot Rev. Smith Boyd, STREE T NO .. , ...... and " tbere ." ........... " ......... " ... " .. R. F, D . ................. .~.. wart men wh o w ro th e s urvival of practlca l·mInded and he telt wu a note of Maerne88 In It. to pick hbn up at Hoadley parll. 'MIss that It would BOOnpenon, All llagnzliloo In tho l'i1~ W L ADlIl:S'! 'H I O JIMtbe fittest! T he mer o InsUnct of self· blow o.,er. h h I b' lIIusL bfHK!JI \i W lIlIU oll ll.rc -nQ oxt:; pHona, "The benchell up In tront here," Sargent , .. bOllt_ of th, part)', ill pre/lerv,nt!on dro\'o (1nl l forword, wlU, ----~"I've been nectectl ng tblll vlsw," abe yelled McCarth and -------~'- , .............. tbere was a r ip. 1i';Ory, toward the to h ..n cbarge of eveqthl ng!' ~ observed " pclng out Into the rapIdly ping sound as y. 81)U rCe ot tbllt lifo· he' tore the seat from gh'lng nil', and !lite 8crn The aid" 1200'" ..lei open as tbey ap- dimin ishing pel'llpeoUve. mbJod through then B he of them. preache d. apd thl!)' entered the oa..- glanced ' np eld\l_lso at the tall young "Pardon me." It 'Wall tho voice of llle wl~l(l ow nnd rall townrd tbe t\Vo Ill ter th flce ,nd ~nroz :o.IUl <l with ~ aDd d~ ear, rurulsb6'd wIth r eotor, wbose UYo u men. ~rb ey cnmo hurrl dly down to BA~NHART. eyel were' perfectl y the rector, up In tront, ' are lroubtec1 willi heartbur n, gUM and Ino rC' HFcd vi nic c!' wtokW obaInI aDd a ·well..tooked but· blue, meet her, and ellch gave ber a hand. "The bale.nce . • ' But . of .. diltrMSll hu you sh! sit HR d down, feelin& I k I' " and bn after \~I. eating d tbo take a tet. ill the fonrar4 compart ment were N ~) tary Publi c He anawere d somethIng or other. keep rested:' ordered A1Ilson, ('1'0 IJlt CO~ TINUED ) hoy " 'Thnt tiolllld br e'. k ~ \ 11 OllC" now three nilponIIlbl~oo1dns men and a and the convers ation wall 80 ob.,lously aleo up In front. "McCart hy, Boyd Inore l AD II r,e l1ro l' 011' 11 I r . cleud lloT . mot.annaD. and one at the res POD' a tete-e.·tete that A11I.on remaine d be- and I go fll'llt." than ' be for o I '1'0 \l int _ ! To Ilrn) . ! \11 kllHl ~ ... , N 'IAry Wo, . , Ifblee, a tat sen t1eman who did not bind, TIm looked up ~oreen d at aft.eT AlII'OD each meal with nnd 0 ,' I~ If ~p"r' ILJ~r , and,you It The 18 ... t,tJ(1 long m orl stT1l8gle begB.n. Tbe ll no ,, 's opAnlllg _10 to ~re how bi. cloth08 looked. a complac ent Ir1D. obtAiD promp' relief. Sold onIy.by u.,200 • Thts was too 'tl nch lind r OIn' ' .. ... the llitler I8t arouped togetber fn tbe hack ofgIrls tbe the \aiU ~ h leaMd Into the parlor. bcslde him. , ha$ broke fr om Ihe pKrly ~ w c lled J. E. Jenne", car, moving but very for there "All read7'" be IDQulred, ~Ith an "Well, IDddle. J put 10 a plu, for was much broken glasslittle, t o a · 6oreOUl wb n "Un cle J oe" about. Up In .... ' 01 collceal lng a Becret Impreeal on you," stated Tim. with the ab of one front the tbree men could be beard ahnokle d : "Pot np yonr WCapoD', Dr. Bell's Pine·1 ":f·-Ho nev that 1I'Omeq had 110 buslnes8 bere. looking tor approva l. ohUdpEln, 1 won', ~ ho ot any more." maldug an openIng Into the aQre In Bsmlho n townsh ip, $1. Tlm Corman, who had carefu lly aeen f o r Coughs crnd .C old&. "How's than" inquired Allison. abo tbroqh the forward windows debris . They Cb~rle8 S. to It th&t he bad a seat between Gall straoted ly. JpOJUIOn et ai, by talked a great deal, at flrst, ~herltf, te Uh!lrlee ~, Jsokson , lot In au4 Arty, touched Gallon the glove. _ _DJII:I_ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _• ....m Common Pleas Court "Boosted you to the girl. Bay, IIbe'8 capable voices. Tbey were strong, 1111'.11_ " lnte rfer. Frankli n. la,ooo. '''Ready , thank )'ou," sbe replle4, a peaobl" Lng with each other, then helping, State of Ohln ve. ~alDg brtahU, at the loo8ely IIrBun MoGill R ebeooa Ann Bish op to Emma J . Allison looked Quickly back nJed fat man, anI! she could Bee that platform, and then frowned at ' tbe comblnll18 tbelr strength to move Rlea of gnilty e nte rel by defenda nt t),mpkiu 8, lot In Woodvi lle, $50. on bl' beavy atones and the like, tben they who Is es nte no,-d to poy a fine $250 . lmmecitately a portion Of. that seoret zealou8 trlend7.~TerIMl Laura M. Tlbbaie to Oell08 M. f8e-1iirlrenrt'i;,e,~;~~: working Independently, or ILDd oosts • . wae-l'emo~ed, --Worley , lot In Lebano n, 11 ~ dliJ: In effootlve unison, Ith an euy gilda, whicb Increase d about met" u. E, 'rlbbal aa owner s Bnd pro· 'Eugene E . Beaoh to Dsisy Davie TIm Corman WIIB tbe posscsso r of a prietoI' of rne .,pllre Food gr eeery wtth surprl.ln g rapIdIty loto express "Don't you :worry, Eddie; Il'II all I>bosphol Banire et al. 95 aoree in l:io.lem town "fl!lcent .fa~ed " 'l,ltol1, with 22 VB Wohllr on C Gilmou r, et -Peed. the ear 111112. Into the lOng, gila- right." laugbed Tim. ''I ... 1, De. 8hlp 19,000. . ,teD~g tunnel, Btlll moist with tbe so that abe bad to get hinted to her, murrer to petItion overrul ed. It , that you'r.e ·A. B. Hall to Raymo nd a.rrleo n 0401'11 ot baUdlng. Tho State t Ohio va Bnrr y Rolo about t"e most eligIble In New !'Im Corman bad adroItly blocked You. I let her know party hllr~, Pl oll of guilty enter ed by de. et ai, Int in Lebano n, tbat no man Heury ~tarkey to MII.l e R . ijutton, Gall IDtO a oomer. &Ild wail bol.1118· In tbls vUlage bal 'ever fendant who Is eenteno .. d to he oo n skinned you. Iter attention . fined to the Ohio State r etorma tory 3 acres In Barlan townsh ip '1 , She wanted to kDOW how you made '1Dcl .All1aon ia ana of the smartes t tbl!! big comblna tlon, . and afMans field. I told ber Putting on a new Roof or CommlllSio~ers' Ptoceedin~s boya In New York," be enth~las· )'OU made 'em all get oft: lAun L Hllpaon V8 Wlllia,m R pushed ·em Pat<:hing t he vIti one? UoaIl)' declared. "DId you ever 8ee' olf the map. Take It trom The Oolumb us Btank Book Man HapeCon Deoree tor tlivQroe gnntad me. FJddle. We have t.n1bocb' .. bua, ... be 1sT' atter I got tbroug)!, sbe knew wbere pl1Lin&lff who is a'iven ous tody at nfaotnr lng 00 . flO; George 1:1. WI I. "He. leema to be a very energetl o ' to find a happy bome." mI nor ohlldro n . Alimon y In t b e \lsmson , services aD burl... caul. II18II," Gall "lI8nted , with a Budden Allison's brows knitted In QuIck an· snm of $ l2.60 pByable sem I monthl y mtttee 11 .; V"lIey Teleph one 00., rememh rance ot bow bus)' A1l1son .bad ger, aud tben sudd!!nly he also oerhln pe rson ,,1 JlrOller~y. rent tor prolleou tlug tlttoruo y $2.50; startled tbe aI~ been. W. B. ~fO.n9ge & Uo" Il UpphSI for subway with Its first loud laugh . He !:)tllte of Ohio V8 Ohl1ster Johnson "Gets an)'tbm .. he coes after," .Tlm understood now, or thought he Ilnd F~ed Keh oe. Plea ot gu t lty eo. Jan l tor $7 50 i W. B. titn nllge & 00:, did, bitorme d ber, aDd screwed one ot bls GaU's dIstant attitude ; but, knowIng tered by defends nt Uh ostur JoJ1nso n 5u pplios fur oOllnty auditor $US 75 ; maJI)'-pulfed eye, tnto a wInk: at wbat '1110.8 tha matter, be could easily who Is rrern /loded t . oll8~od y ot the ~tak alta · M fR. 00, eOIlplloe. I ur pro· ,..hlob IdgnJlleaDt &Cl~on 0s:U looked straIght en It out. bllte judge $2 25 ; Bert Reed bal'wce sheriff tel aWtli t sentenoe r, in fact, any l:in~ of out · at the motorm an. "Never t ells on oontrllo t 473, 111.50 i U ,' M. Mo"Thanks , Tim," he chuckled. "Let's - Roofing you want or ~hte of Ohio VB Uhe8tf> r J onn80n ,hili p~ to aD7body. nor Wbe.t. be talk busIness a minute. lJlung road wcrlt In Tnrlleo reell I bad you and Freel Keh oe A plea of g nll(y need. "trabta. lUit 8088 and aets It." hold up tbe Vedder court condem na. hBvlng therefo re bee n by defend *owD8h lp $114 ;til; Stato at Ohio V8 ~t'" a I11ccl!IIstul w~. I sbould Uon because I Wm Bark, got a new Idea lilst t h e sen of ~be oourt t hat ooat8 $9.15. M , A, Jameeo ll feea and Judll8." ftllpOnded, now able to night. Those b~~:~~~~.~~I:~~~~ lee the ahe humor -H~~ H~~:: of Tim Corman 's vol· ~~~~ ~~, I ~ ~ ~ ;~~:~ The Itoooun te at two deposit orll's, be oonfine "Well, the b' the I at C'.olnroIJus, dIll. 10hDrd. unteer 'mluloo . but a red epot begin. have to make The Leba non ' Niltlou" l B.nk bnd fo r Muoh ti me as the Ohio The IllIIi' to dawn. neverthe less. tn either TIm. CHlzon8 Natlon,, 1 Bank for the Buard of AdmllJi strlltiun mllY det-ercheek. month pf Ootobe r 1911i, ~ere audited "Thatls what I tblnk," agreed AU!· mine. "What I Hke about him Is that he son. (lnd found correct ' . ...... wtnI/' went on Tim. "Nobody On motion Ihe auditor wae dlteoh Probale Court Proceedlnaa Tim Corman looked up at blm 111 tJit. town baa ever passed blm the sbrewdl y out of bls puffy ad to make the followlo g perman eut slits of oyes, In r e e tate of Rebeeo!! J . Orosley . trllnster ll : Froru reoorde pm.. Do fOU know what he dldT tor a momllnt, and consider rs fund to ed. tleoea~e rl" '!:Iale of persona l propert y the oonnty He atart.4 With two mUes ot rust and tund f80(l: Wb~n you want to use ... get you," be saId, and the busl· by exeouto r, II pproved auel oon. urere fund to t ile ooanty from 'reaR fDIlr bone IlIlI'II. and now he owns thl! nesll talk being conolud fund 11100 i ed, Alllson fbmed . ' ..bole warn." , from t,he IIherlfft! fund 'to the oounty went forward, In re will ot Rose 8 .· Wilson, de. fnnd $300 j from th~ probate jllllKell bltted her brows. She bad The gIrl! and Ted came haole pres. Greggory W.. the Flrlt to GIve Out. oeal!ed . Will admitte d to prob"te , fnnd to the oonnty lund 11100; from, beMd,. ~ of tb,1a marveloua ently, an~ with ~ arrival, Gall tile betOra, and it had Interoste d hor. brought Rev. Smith Boyd Esta te ilt J ohn Schcfur er, dooease d , ttle chuks fee fnnd to 'he oounty jewels on the Inside and a ruby on tnto the tllnd 1300.. Total '2.900,' e~. had been popCtII tor an explanao crowd, whereup on they Call on ns and we can resolved them- the wlnd~g stem, and hll' constitu ted Flnt Bnd fiun 10r oo11l1t admini strator tkm of AlUIoIl'l ,tretDendouB force. o'led. selves into some appeara nce of se>- blmself timekee per. supply you with ~be ' -rhat wu • wonderful achieve- elablllty, and Allison, tor the "Thirty minutes ," be called out. "Its In ro estato of Joel Oook, deooaae d. amusebest at the lowest .ment. Bow 414 he accomplish itT"' Invento rs und npprai ll8ment tiled. ment of the 'companY'. slyly startet _Id our shift," , . -Made 'em 8N oft and 'We.lkl" j TIm Corman Into a line The men crawled In from outside, In re estate.o f Fernan do N. ~hllok, iboaate4 TIm. with · vallt pride In the remInIscences, so replete pf persoual but tbey stayed In the tront compart · In uncOIl· eltord, ~ooell!ed, Bale of pllr80na I Are yoo ~ionll, chzzl' and III$hl88' taclL "AnY Ume Eddie run aeraell a sclous bumor and so frank In uneon· ment: The all' was growIng a trifle proper ty by ndmlnl etrator, Dr', King's New Lifo Pllis t~ken .. ' miD that bad • street 'car line, he solous dlscl09ur08 at C8l1ous knavery , close. and tbey breathed heavily. B enry 0 . FrAnz, admIni strator VI! onoe Ileizes npon choked it oui ot hUn. He's .. wizard." that tho compo.ny 'needed no other . "Oood·by, gtrl," called the gayly fu· GllOrge iJ', Fraoz et lIl. Bille ot real starts th .. howell\ oonstlp ation moving natural ly 'l'bIa'' atat_eD t seemed to be some- entertai nment. nereal voice of Ted Teasdal e, "Hus· esl"te oU[IBrm ed, dlled and dlstrlb~ and ea8lly . . Moreov er It aota with wa.t cloUded in metapho r, but GaU Out In the open, where tho Bun band la goIng to work." . ~Ions Ilf proceed s orcered. . ant arlplng , ;t.j eg1eo' of> a ologafld • mllll8l'6ll to iather that Allison bad paled the electrio l!ghta at Anotber IntermIn able walt, while . In r e e!ltllte the car of Oharles l!'ranz, de. system ~b1,. · Uaed lint-prin ciple methodS I Into stokly yellow, up Into the air, the rur grew more stl1l1ng. There was oea8ed . .l8earln g on olalm ot ad. oomplloolten leads to mOfl$ I16rl'oal atlons, Potsono ns m~tter_ oD bI8 roTa! pathway to s uocess. no further levIty after Lincoln and the peeMI1&' Into tblrd·sto t')' tenemen . ""YCIQ mean that be drove tbem out 'down narrow alleys. aDutter ts and motorm an and McCartb y had come mlnlstr ator agu1Dst estn te of Oharle8 and a body poorly functioD IDg need Franz Bet for hearing Novem ber 30. Immedi ate aatenti,o n. with 'of ~"I"' '' If yon wl,h , back: tor the oondltlon WILS becoming Counties!! ftapplng p\eoee of Estate of Blidey L. SanderA , ml to wake up to.morr ow '"Puabed 'em offl" ehuckled Tim, work, tben suddenl)' Into mornin serious, Some air must undoubt edly UI,r . I•• O. Sanders appOint tbe darknes s ed g uard. nllppy 1.1 mind and eDtirely _a'u.:ne(~. ' 1 "'ADybody AJlllIOn like8 III luok.y," and or the tunnel l18aln, then out, on tbe be lIndlng Its way to tbe car through bn, Bond $2000 . 8tart y our treatme nt Io.Dllh .. 'WltJl the Mendly familiar ity of an old Burtaee of country field.. and " _ _ _IIlli_IIlllii___"-III!II_~_"''' tbe 1008e debrl8, but the oe.rbonlo aold .~_ Real Estate Transfe n man. TIJIi Corman 'patted Gall on the winter landsoape, to the terminaclnar)' gal exbt.led trom a dozen a .. bottle. ps:lrs of l. It .pift. , ' .'WIIII more co~y III the tUDDst; and they lwigs was beginnin g to pocket , and Erne8' Hoppe tu John' Maag. 1 "It OC!CIun, to JUe, that I;m negleotl ng returned there for lunch. the opening abead, though, steadily mf opporlunlt1ea," ob8erve d GaU : rls' Suddenl y thlP'e c,ame • dnD. mume4 pusblng forward , displaye d no sIgns ... '"I'm . 'upposed to be running tbll report, like dlllAn,t GrIlle of ~ 01 leBlenln g solidity. ear:. act going to tbe IfUI door she calinon: thentbe' Tbu elJtabUshed Ihorter shUts now; aD Interval of IIl1enee, lOoked Int9 the motorm an's compan - an ln1lDlte.lmal ani, whloh th~ car .. Qllarter of an ' hour. • The men C,lme The BOQ. JOIeplt uanDon once miGt, which . . . III,..., aDd had . .tI ran lImoothty on. &Ild,to Yields to Delioious Vinol half r181~, theY IIl1ently In and out, and a8 sllenllv vlBlted -a IIobo,.1 of a toWD wb.,.. 'be ... Ii. aDd all ION til ~ toolI looked. at each oth~ worked, and al silently r ested, wblle to _WUed qU8l' Shreveport, La.- " I bad a bad atom- wu billed to llpealt 11011 wal flDter_ tlonlnlr. Then. all at once. came a tile gIrls carrIed that beavy burden STOCl{ AND GENE RAL of aeh trou.bl<l for yean, and became 110 iI.lned by an 8xblblt,t t)D or amalllu r IltUpeudoulI roar. u If thl world ~d women' . hardest labor; waiting! well\( 1 eould luirdly walk or do ani \1l'atory , tbe I\l'leotlo AUCT IONE BR n belna the IpUt asunder , a ,oltlng aDd per~, " My, appetite W88 poor. my fO!ld "Battle "f WIUerln Greg&ory was the first to give out, u I , • hea4)ollg ltoPPU I, " oIatteiJl lr, aDel then tile Injured motorm an. Wlton diigest, 1 bloated and Wal vefJ Ju •• Rill the boy r eJlched Ihe nervou8, I tried many rem&.tapping aDct oru~ anI! lI'lDeJIq. their turns came, they had not lhe RBAL BSTATI; " INSURANCE I'llaw Vinor adver- ot'tbH fI .... t p.r" ~ l'apb , t5peaker CaD • dMfBD lq in ttl -.alume. ad with it Itrenatb Dar the aIr In tbelr • lungs. D 1'1 ~n(ldlloIY' II " Vtf vp,ut 10. vloleo& DOW my Iltomac1 l .:;;....,..:---1f-K=adAr1. · 1m_I blac)me u 10 1DteaI_ Stronc Mc0&J0tb7 was the next to join £O~lPloltel1 . and I am I DWSd; 1e6III~ aImoIt palpa)lle to the them. . " "bo' ,b ub I lhrtl' .. deolellDl Office in Stoops Build,u" The IhlfU had reduced to two, of, 'lie 7011D"'..... .., A dMP . eo two men each, lIT DOW; Ted and 014 ~=r.1'~~. $lD7111lt.J11 Did,e IUId .w.oll IUId lb. IDCI ,
;~GIJ'O~(j[ DANDOLPIH11 Q['crrr J 1, n
, or ··
lllUSrnA'rrD 'r C D
AI~'I~~~:l c~~;~~~r:I~, :~~U~!l;';f~~
f' :Tr' w:!~'s , :::~~ ~tl
f Best Rea dl"n g-A ll for. Only $2.2 5
$4.0. OWorth
lov~ Drilie N~M~ ~~~oo d, M t~ I--~-------------------r---'---------------~~
·• ..,·· .. • .. • ... · . - ' '' .... ·.·''.. ... - I ..
............ ·. -
-W. --H. IADDEN , CO.
, mwl'elB1011
Are You
Shingles Felt Roofing
Everything -in lIuilding Material
Lum ber
Pric es
IO. ___OH __ ..
------..-- ..-------
w. N.
Wayaeaville, Ohio
ne~~_'.~ ~~~~~~
., "'--
'f UE
l'ubllilhoo WCt""y
at WII),n
iUe" Ohio
dets uC this IlilJX'r will be 1'lrn!iCO I I Hit I hill til I is Ilt leost dr(:nrl,·" ulren!;C tlu.1 $('Ience has 0 .' L. 'rIANI!!, I~di tor and Manager Olle h~c lI dble lu ~ u re In n il it s s Inges. li nd I lutl i~ calarrh. Cularrh ~ing greatl y =~-~=-~~======== Inf\uel,rcd I~y c()lIsli'l1l1 iOllnl cond it ions N VEM BEU 10, JH1 5 req ul res 'con u ,ul iullnl lrellLment·. Hall', Clltarrh Cure is Luken interna lly nn d acts Lbru the Olood o n I he M ucQuS Surfnces or the Sys lrlU I itereb ' d egLroyillg the rnUlldnlilJII I Ihe cl i...·II Sl'. g;"illl: Ihe paI i III strength hy b uild illg' up t he cOlislitUIi II and (lssisting Ill1\1trC in doing its wo rk. The , rO llrietors ha ve so lIlueh foith in Ihe curolh'c powe',s " r R ail's An [ d@b spud wen t out , on a wtlsb Cu lurrh Cu re Ihnt tIIey oITer One Hun· And ~o u ll ht t,ho onion b d ; dred Dallal'S for QOy CIlSC 1I!:.t it tnils to "1'bu t'~ llie fo r m e! ' o bser ved 'be cure. Send lor lisl of testimonials, J\ddrCM: • I~. J. ' H ENE Y & «;0., '1'0· sq ullsh, , ledo, hic). . Sold by "1I .. Drugglsts, 75c. Aod .. II 'be boetR tnl ued .red. " Uo, WILY !" tho onion weepiDg orled, "Your lov o I ouunot btl i 'rhe pump-kill be! ,our I~wful brideYou OIInteloupd with rue." "In a fuctory , " "Whd kind of a faotory ?'" But ODWII' U s till the IIpud he OIIW 3, " Brlok. ' , And IllY dO}"n .. t her feet : "You make brloks ? " Yo n olluhfl owar by any name " No, de fflotory Is made uv And it will s molllL!I Pf'" t; brloks, " And 1,1 00. RUl lin e"rly rOMe . "~ow, La8zlry, IIl1 ten, " Batd the And yuu l 'vo oume t lIoe; ,llLwyer. "WhlLt do y o u make io I:lo don', t urnip your I" vely nose, that faotory ?" Bu~ spinllC'lmt with with Iue. "EiRllt d ollllrs a w eok," " No. no I What doe8 tbe fao~ory "I do not Ollfrot ILIi to wed, make ?" So.go, 81r,If you plell8e 1" "I dunna.; a. lot uv money, 1 The Ulodellt onl no m eekly Bl1ld, tblnk," •, And le ttuce, pra.y bu ye peall l " Now, listen ! Wh'Lt kinl of 00, 'blnk 'bllt YOIl hit ve n ever BeeD Iloml" does tbe f/totory produoo?" Mysolf, or swellod my I'igb ; "011," ~lIld Lapzky, "good goods. " 1'00 loug 11 Willden 1 h uve been "I know . but whitt kind of good For fuv ol's 10 your Tye ~ " goods? "!'he b98t." "Ah, splLre IL OU8S!" this poor apud "'1'he beBt of \'I haU" prayed "Tbe bellt Ulere Is. " "My oberJebed bride you '\1 be; "Of what?" You are the oDly weeping wain "Of <lose "oods." 'l'bllt I! currant now with mo I" "Your hODor," uld the lawyer, And a8 thl! lrleh tuber ~poke "J gIve up "-Elr. B e caUGht ber by surprise, ADd, gl vlllg ber ntloholle, Devoured b e r with hili eyeB. l 'he
... --- -
WA \'11B19IL.La. ORIO
THE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighbor hood ----~--'-..-.-~ !"".----,
Mr. WII~()n ()~Imrno !l;p,d Fridny Imon vonl n/! li t hili hom afttIC "lworKI thM 111 11 Hllrv iel s
f'. 1" lI ll r~ 1 were beltl Mv octuy lIttorn ooo BUri,.1 n t Bel'brlJl/k ll1 tis () iu ' tlh~bury It! muiLill.., lin Nwmd t1 vl.l t wi t h hor 8 i ~ tor MI A Ur. U Ollt, of wark,Obio,
_._--.---.-...... ........,-_. . . .-..-
, Tb e re will
How to Grow Bigger Crops of Super b Fruit-F~EE
"uevol'Y \ll'Bunlll ur, ut file t.wo wn"k .. by
Frl(Jnd ~ oborol! II slutl on ~ rr 0 11l
t 116 KaolO TlltlOl oK OU ?Ifed t his prac tica l, ex pert infrmn ntion. W,h,?lhcr Willia m 'l~ohon o r, of Lebaoon , 'MiB80~ Bessie ond Jonnin Wh r nnr i01l 18011l101\ty, ' V' II .. 11'11 or I1H Cll d In pl:lut n J J W trees or n Iho\,sancl . It IS Ulfrl r· :1'be [ noorlll ser vi ~c'~ of 'l'h OUlIL~ accompanlod by eight of bllt Ir len d~ fspent BlIlld"j afternoon with Mr" mn til) n t ha t will SO,'\! \ l"ll rl m\!, l ltb(\r nnrllO o ncr . 0 (>1 h ! Simply ' cpll us you r from Hanlli ton, OLIO, wele I:!tlnday Robllre Ballillgor MI~ ldlotou WI1r? he III Iro lll th" n am a. Rod a Ll r C$s on the coup on -or o n a PU!i Htl, if yuu lHofer. " ' ,, wm gin,lly nutl l yl"\1 n fr r o c nO)t C\'c r'iwh c r nro J'!'f" ( fn£' p rllf1iJd 0l18 guelltll of the CeDt ral. Mr . AHlL Wblt"ker' /ir.d lIt.tlo 80n, I Friend!! cburc h 1 bursclllY f1.Hurnn ,n. of nur N ew CU(:llnll -- tlO J1 x Ij In. b oo kCU ID" (l nd l..art!'cc.:ns 1 '()rf 'rit Jl.fro m c rl') ~~ thnt Is RhUOly p llC\;h.l wll h hln u tha t ot )0'11 Un((, thrU l )' . ROI II II" 5l:uk Itt!, ". Never in tbe history of 8utomo. Ra lph, ij peut 'l'bur@ld"y wil.U, Illl' Lee P~ t rS? D 11011 wile. of X,amll, will c nnblu y on to Itccuro b UnlPiJ r n, p " l r ('!l-rr";,I~ (hUl clI1 l1ba 17.e tho trlleh blles were 110 many seen 00 thu former's parents Mr. U[ d Mr~ . En. w .. re til\. :)unu lIY gil ~ t :\ o( bl.. of hnt.'s t (m h- Rot! 8",11 t huU1 {I t t op. o [ tl!ullx IOlll " S llI r k'rrt't,'!1t Jl ~ nrPtul •. " move al OD Sunda y. E verybody ge ue EvuDs of La laD . w olil{'r. III nr).: ur prict.·!l-, 'I' hc wh l.le- bllu k I ~ JiU e d H l!:uuHnlll(l' ,tH', ~AtI1rnl,c ul' r phfH OH w ith nc, ... , hIH wI1l1 ntl' I l!Mllf\l tl" ~ tr u N l~( 1I'l1ll1n..: ( 1Il1t .; :l . l lJ l r lJ~l..:h lh u boo k . and his brotber bas a maohlno. Mr~. flll r vey Burne tt Wli8 shop: Mrij l'adl ~ Aluxhnde r uII ,l dllugh y uu- ftl.c lS ubOUt bv w fruh 'l!n) \\'-:r.. S L!nll fo r yo ur CO l)l ' t oO ny to tor MIlrY are ~ ptnd log ~lt o weel: Romine Shumaker, GDO of o ur pi UK iu Dl1yton Wadu EU!t1.a y . boys, who has a Doaltlo n in WtI Mr , IiDd Mrll. roml Cour tneyeD. wit h uer tluog !, ,'r a'od b usblluc\ M~ Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. mington, wal married Thoreday torLul ned the fo llowibg on SuodllY l un d Mr . J O-bl ,1l InW OOd. of Itook. R c {ullt nOll lcnm nhll ut t ho IIt' W Im!l· (;r ilIlO" G o ld en - th .· cd ' vel Cl DITI (o u t t fl'O l rl uLUDh It{ St:arl.': Hr\,'j\ l(mu Cen· t hal rC!'o I'C HI " chll llr , .'1 L" t; r th(.J l\'uw nlgbt to a yonng lady whol!e home Mr . l\Drl Mre. E T . ',troud, Mr. IIDcl f~ rd, 111. tur y o f ~UC~SS - llI l! "lJoublu·L lle" I'uc ts u h uu t "Stu rh lJ(.olloto u:- ." Stlirk was DeaT P ort WlUtam. W e ex· MrA WIll 8,t r outl. :Mr . lind Mrs. I Mr . J ohn Mll lu oo di eu ut h l.~ home JIarl y 1~ l b er!:l . a m! nil Che lilt es t p ·ncht: li. St nrk Bro·s-.:rown . J . H , 11(lle Oth o Hiloderson aud Mrll. Jda Monday ufter Il hogerl og IliuesM, tend oOIlgrlltullltlons to them l'e nchu, nl -;o 1.lncrdn 1-'t:Hr. "'I n rk Our slok people are not ImprOVIng Stokoll Bnrlnl lit Bellbrook. M n nlm o ~n t.'y CIu: r O' , Mnmmo th ( :ftlll ~ Plu m ulHJ ull the other f ; lIu('ln ~ :l lnrk , very rapIdly lind theu friend s arc Hllrry Ellornba rt /tnd flllllily !lpll nt Mrs Elizabetb Por ry. who wos Uro':; fr ulli ,bc r rlc ti 8 D(2(J rDQ.w e nluI S ~ deeply oonoerned . 'undli Y ufl orn oon witb Mr FTflnk ?lIed here by the d nt,h or ber ~O ll. Get Our N ew Cata log , s.utc Mr . • nd Mn. U. G. Whetflel are Elbon. In.h. w Mr Midd leton , ~el ur n od SU II . FREE I11]( 8 Inch" ' - fill " d ~ ~ 8ro' , oODtemplatlng a ~rlp through the Re v r.. oOl llis, C'r 8pri n ~boro, >!pont clay t u h r hom e in i::;1)Tingflold . . r o m C(H'l!'r t o , c n \' er wllh beaullfu l pho· ~ Dept. A &ulb In the neIAr futur'q for tho! t:a tu lIll\ Y mght with Aij8 Whitllk er Mrp. Orville B ood , of Duyton , lM h .):rkuh 8, "Iul/ us 0" , . LouI.il!l.Da.Mo.. !teneflt of Mr. Whet. ~I '1I h .l altb. Imd tnmily , vitllUog I' 11I 11ve8 hare. cv"/h',, or a PUl ral/c S"f111 me nt on~ o • bcnrlnl.!'you rnumo 1)"~IPlli d, fou r N IJW The new Dlloltiter at the A. M. E. ~ IH arvey Burnett Il u d fllulily ut.. llm! fludrt!~:. h~;:''f~~f .~%:~rt'~ ~~ ohuroh filled the pulpit Bnud~y. tendotl t.be Farme r 's Ul u b at Ed. S tark Bro . ~ rnnUmc n.cunJ. bnakln" D e p t.. A , . pruOLf. Mrll. Qilinoy (,arroll. of North Ohllndle r 's B"tn rdrtr, HOW TO PREVENT CROUP LouiJiAD a / . I c!xlk'Cl to giant "" .. . • . , Vernon, Ind .• II Vl8lUOI her mother, Mrs. Ida S iokes spo'lt th l' ptut It muy be n ~ nfJJf I ~e to yo u . t,n a&ra Mar1 Edwards. wellk with h e r d6u gb er, Mrtl. Tom lelirn t b l\~ ill m a ny CI,ijOS oroup Ol1n uld man Grump, of tbe Clnolnnatl (Jourt n ey . Mo. / ... ..:: :::::::::', :::::::::: :::::::: P JIlt, wae here ti8hlng 10 Call1!arll Mr . •m d Mn Ofmll'nd Bud OhRS be Im;vented . Mr8. 8 . M. J oilnp, / a. p.o .. " ... ........ ..... " ... ...... ....... . oreei: ~&turday of last week. bein g iJearl, of DllytOD , speot i::!utnrdllY Elida, ObI.>, relllles ber eXI'arienco P. O..... .. .. ...... ........ ..... " ............. .. .. a rapid fisberman winding of his and l:! undll Y wi t h BlLrry Sh a w a nd 'It! 'foll ows: " My JlUle boy is ~ u b. jeot to cr oup, Durlnl( t,h e p"st WiD. StalAJ .. .. . ........ . ....... ...... ..... . ............ .. reel, conoluded there wasn<l fish t o fam ily. te r I kept II bot,t le of Uh nmberlaln 's be had .. nd I!tr.rt~d back to ble home Miss Lena W bttfl.ker ~ (Jl'D t T hu rs- CouglJ Remedy ID t he ho uMe, Il.nd Stark Bro'a Want Good Salesmen-Cash Commission Paid Weeki! 10 the Qneeo City ooogratula tlDII day night with Misses Ma r thB BLd wh en he b eg~n h liVlujf t·bd.t oroup.v hlmlelf 00 the Idea that be nl'lve r oougb I would gi ve 11i m one or two would agalD go flshlng 10 uld Cu s ars EdDa Deuther age of Beecb Gro ve, but while he wall here In dlsg!llse he Misses Anna Bo r w(!1J a Dd SlLra h doses of It and it, would br ellk the mad\! many friend a aDd tbe latah BurDett spent S un day wilh Har vey Il ttac k . I li ke It bet 'or for chlldrt'n CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS t hlln an y . oiber oough m edioloe .triog haoga out to himself aDd Burnott tln d fl1 wlJ y, ' This is a mediolne ' In tended os. • oh lld ren take it wllllDgly , b ocause 'he' .Mr., for tbelr return. Tiley Mr, Jimmy DaklD E~ n d wife, Mr. poolfilly fo r stoDlaoh t roubles. 1111· Funeral DIrector and It is s1lofe a nd relia ble . " Ob. were llcoompanled by Mr. tltW Mrs . Andy Pott.ort aD d fa mily lind Mr . IO U80088 Bnd CODNtl plition .. It Is, and Embalmer, Boraoe Wllllamlon, reporter on the Tom Prloe spont B8t urd ~y aDd BDo toRi no ble e V.Jr v wh ere. A y ouug foreigner waa belnll I meetlD g wltb much BUCOO~S uDd ... Potlt. day wltll Mr . J oe Priou ODd ·famlly. tried iu oourr, laye t.he Publio Led lI< pldly gai ning in fav or ,IOU pop. Waynesville, Ohio.~ l ger Ind tbe quelltlooiog by the law. Mrl!. Mlldre,t Jl:agle eDter$(llnea Mrs. Rut b Bellz aDd li ttle daugh. ularlty. Ubtal Duble over y where yerl! 00 the opposite elde beg.n .... tor I5Dnday dinner Mr. and ,1ba. ter BeleD 'spent 110 fe w' dlLYR of th e Call ans we red promptly day or night "Now. LaSky, wblLt do YOU.Oopio GhM. M.. dden and Ion John. 11011 an Pll.at week wltll t be fOllller 's mother " Ven? " asl16!1 Lutizky. Both phones in Office a nd Residence. old time frIend, Alfred Ed wardl Mrs , N el80n MoKeove r und da ngb . Long distance, No. 14; Home phone , "Wbeo you work, of conne," laid 600rMe Barlan, a pioneer oilizen , terR, Mlijl! Cora. ILDd Mrll. Carl B eat h, 14-2r . the I""yer. (If ou~ lIU)e olty palaed away Satur. spent BuodlloY afternoon wi th Vn J Our sleotion plIssed off very " Vy worlr-" Chairs and one Coach furnished free day evening, after leverlll yean OOD. Venable and wife , quietly and ·t he followin g omoers with funerals. All koow," ssld tbe llwyer. "bat bement. Be lellvel a wife, two .. _ _ ~ 'lYere e hioted, Mayor Oliver Wahon; wba.l\tP" Rev . John .crit es Bnd wife a t. Bei!t ot servico g'Uaranteed. IOnl .nd Unee graildohl.ldren to Marshall, 8 / H. Hopkins; Towosblp "At benoh ." tendedl ohuroh here Sunday and mourn bl. departure. TrUltelll!. Heo . PenewU fraok I "811~ !" ,roaned. l. ""er., '~~ere Ill' .•lId lin. Frank E. IIllls '1"1'111 Wllrdlow aud Howard Woods; prllllobed tor us. THE COLDS OF MANKIND d 0 ~ou work ILt a benoh?" In a ahor. time 'ate up thllir win. W. E. BogaD's ent ertained the Clerk, W. W . Tate ; 1'0,,0@hlpOJerk, CURED BY PINES • • • ht quarterl In Newport, Ky. U . M. 1'urDer; Uonsta blo, Ralph folloWlllg guests Suuday a t dluner ; Hllve you eve r 8 00e t hrough a . Mr. aDd I4It, Lew Searl, of Jef. typloal pine forest whlln you h lLd a Hopk\D8; AS8e~s or, Walter Din· George Boglln , of Wellman, Mr, ~nd Veterlnarv wlddle; JU8tlce of the Peace, Oliver Mre, Will Dunn BDd t h ree ohUdren, terllonv1l1e, were . Sund.y gU88tll ot oold! Wbat & vigoro'118 Impul8e It Wetlloo Ilod CouDollmen, ' Jobu of Fort ADolent and Mr. and 114ra. Graduate o' Oblo Siak Unlvel'llly alr. and Mra. alliton Howe . sent I Bow you opened wide yo ur Raleigh Bogan. Mr. Alfred Ed Rard., after se,'erlll lungB '0 tOIle in thOlle IDvl~ora&I D g Canning, J ona8 Whitaore, Waltsr Mr. Bnd Mrll. Robert ,t;tanley took mootbl vlalling friends he re wl\l ft nd m1AMrious qD ,litlli!8. Yea, Or , Kiliao, Rolla Davis, J. L. Myers aud . dloner with the laUer's parenLs Office at r esidence In F, B. Shar leave for hie borne In Atlanta, Bell 'a Ploe.Tar B'one,Y - pos8 e sso ~ C. V . Mml, A grea' many fIIlldeota are now Wm. Compton '8, of Now Burllnllton, w ood'B house, Fourth Street. Georglll, the 17th. I tbo ~ e atimul~ t.ID8' q ua1ities and over Bunday. Prof. Ralph U. Tole 'Yillited bls oomes haoklDI ooughll.. The inner haviog their bODt!rs wlrel\ for eleo. Jobn Willon and family villi ted at Telephone 28 parente In RlghllLod county I:!a'ur. lInlog of the tbrollt IB Is trengtheoed trio lights. ,)¥III R~,!Y' Y~J~I.~ Cot>,r\I1tt. lOIS,., aI<CI"N Leo MUls Ilnd Wendsll Hook, who OamdeD, Ohio, a o;:Juple ,o r d"YI laat dayaod Bnuday. J. L Jlln!le". ID 1&a a ltaok against cold gtlruie. WayneSVille. Ohio Rabbit huntera are very uumer. Every fBmlly oeods 0> bot,t le can· are t\tteDdID~ sohool at Ada, Ohio, week, spent lall't Monday and 'fuesdllY a.ao Wll80n's l\Dd W~lter WiI- ""!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0081n shie- eeetloD, and all repOrt stantly at hand. 250. with their pareDta here, 80n'l lLutoed $0 Xenitl Bunday after. plenty of Kame. ---Jobn Barn8ll1!, who bae been ser· noon to attend tho Oliver meetings. Rev. Walk"r, aSllsted by evangel. DR. J. W. MILLER. 10uIIly III with aoate IDdlges&loo Is Several from t his VIOlDlty atteDd. ALLEN 1916).MODEL U37" TOURING CAR-$795 let Ellner I:!tarr, ot (Jolumbns, are Ilble to be out agalD, ed tbe Fa,1I Festival at Wllmio"ton boldlog protracted meeting at tbe NEW SERIES LEWIS "6"- $1390 , Mre . J08epb ZOIl and daughter las' weelr. M. E obllroh ... DENTlST••• Be leo, of Centervllie, Ind., were the Mr. and Mrs, Cbauncey Bunnell People are bavlng their ohlmntlYII gueats of tho Weaver aud Brelsford we re shopplDg ID XeDI .. Wednesday. omce'rln put In' good repair for the wlnter's famllles lallt week. LeVi t5hambllugh got hie foot ~"'on.1 B.al< Did,. Waynenllle, 0 1IIIe, Mise r,lIa MoClure, ot Red Lion badly spralDed BliturdBY while Court Murray, wbo 'bas been Mrs. and Misl! Rubv MoQloUan , of Blue Ball were the weekelld gue@ts of ye ry Ill, remalDs In aD uuohanged playing bllsket ball, oondition . Mr. and Mrs. A. T, M\lter ha.ve 'l8 ALL KINDS OF BEWARE OF1CHEAP SUBSTITUTES ' i1y. their unole, J ohn M.oOlu.re and film. (Jarroll Baro~ rd ,wl11 800n open a tbelr gnest their da nghter Mra. In thelle days 01 keen competition J ohD Trowbrldg WIIIII the guest garage'ln the Wright bulldlDg on N. Crouse,ofColnmbu8, Ohio. ' "isl..nportant tbat the pnbllo shoDld uf bl' illi teI', Mrs. MiDo le DavldsoD, Main St. tee that they get ChBmberl~ln's of Mldd leL wo, . se veral da.ys IILRt Willie ulborn, wbOfje de t\th ocOough Remedy and not take 8ub week. ourred lit his home In Spring Vanoy OlassiBed Ads ."tutes Bold for 'be ute of extra Arthur I l ston aDd wife s pent I:Iaturday afternooD. was Wf'lI kDOW D profit, ChamberlalD's Cpugh Rem. here lind t.be funeral wna held I1t hlB edy hie 8tood the telt and · been ap. severnl day s last week with their late h ome Mond,\y afternoon at :I pro\' ad for more tban forty yearll s on, (Jbarles Eaaton. of Il'rankUn, o'olock:. , Burial will be maije 10 FOR SALE ObtatDabl~ everywhere. Mr. BDd Mrs . Uha B. 'Swsoney and Bellbrook oem.e t ery. .... daughter, Mr. aDd Mrll. Earl Null, WaynesviUe, 0. ' Mr. and Mrs, Esom EllrDhllor& were PPLE:J-Bave ~ lot of good, Mrs , l:!llrah Null, son and daughter , I:!unday vlsllors In Dayton Waynesville, Ohio ' ' extra dtopped apples. '1' heso were the Suoday dinner gnos ta of Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, and A. R . Bowla.nd and wife visited Aro not t he oommon d ro p apples , Over PostolIice, Mr. Bnd Mrs, Jobn Brown, of theIr BOn OSOIlf and family in Day bu t tbey uro good oncs, a bout Bll Offh:e Phoae 77 House Pbone 115 , ~ine Hol'Be Shoe Tread .Tires. Yankee sbeet . ton last HUDday . iood BS pioked . Prloc 250 and 600 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Miss Ina Uell1th arid Lu olle (:jar. per b us bel . D. B. Underwood , stioh were the gueatl! of Miall Ruth PhOlle Ha rveysburg, 23.3-. - n2" Mr. John 8yahsra aDd family were Deartb. "t Centerville, s everal days yllll$Ofll of Mr, Georgs Marlats alld thIs week. _ FACTS FOR SUFfERERS POland China Piss , ' 15 eaob . 1 famIly . . . Mr. ILnd Mrli.,Nowton Dearthand Red Mille Rog. lnqulre (It thlll P ain reeult8 frow Injury or oon, Funeral Director. Charley Blair aDd Sherman Smith daughter, Ina, were Mi ddletown vis . ' n 2·1 geetlon. Be It n euralgia, rhenwa , ollioe, werll visitors of Lewis Murray and Itors ODe dllY lut week. tism, lumbllgo, Deurltls, too'haohe, Telephone da y or n ight , family. Mrs. Ed Woodward . ti'n d dnughter IIprBin, brUise, ijore atUr musolea or IVE PolaDd UhiDll Millo P lglI. Valley phone No. y. Long JOIIeph Banm vlalted bls grand. spent Wednesday with IMr. aDd Mrs, wbn.tever pliin you have yields to Type breeding. W. C. BIg ~olher ooe day las' week. ~mon Cr o~by . . Dts~n08 No. 69-2r. 8JOIlD'8 LlnlmeDt-brinlS new ftelh Weloh, Borveysuurg, Ohio, nl7 Hlia Margare' Marhtt wae gueet E".L Whllrton, of Lytle, has been blo.)d. dlsllolves the oongeatlon, ro. of the MII"81 Gladys and A~na Ro- vt~lttDg hel grandpare,ntlf Mr. lind Heves the injnry, the oiroulutlon il! 1G Type Poland Cblna pigs, males Automobile 8ervloe at all TIme. land. Mrs. Levi GrelLthoulJe, frel' lind y our pain l e a~es as if by lIDd gil'8; (\ fe w .vearllDgs OHIO Joseph Ua l ley, wife' and daugh. mllglo. The nature of Us qualltle Thllse eired by n son of Byron, the WAVNESVltLE, Mrs. Fay Morgan, i f Day too, spen, theweek.end at home. ter, aud Abe Cook aDd wife spent penetrate Immedlntoly to tho Bore grellot broedlDg hog of E. G retter , of , Branch Office. Barveysbl1l1r. O. Earl MarlaU III home from htl 1:!1lnday at Ansonia, the gueeta of spot. DOQ 't keep on suffering. Get Iowa. C. S. Mllxwe ll, Wu y nesville, :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II boUle of BlolLn's LIDlment. Use &1, nN WOli:. Prof. aDd Mrs. Elmer S(lahr. Samuel JlLotllOn il! at home. Carl . Blaokford and fa.mlly. of It. It melln8 lost.ant relief. Price lind 500. H .OO boUle bold8 six IANO for IIBle or rent , Inq uire H.A'l·~.W A Y ' Joeeph BalDili and friend, of Cen. Red Lion , were the ltuell&8 .lf Mrs 350, timos as much 118 the 250. I!Ilze. at tbls of[\ce. n17 Hrvllle, werevleltorl! In Mt , HOl.I)', ElIzI&beth Blaokford Suntiay. _ __ ... - , , -_ _...10W!lYlleolJ ville 'a Lel&ding DaD"I' one day 1&1' week , Mre . Anna Arobdeaoon haa 10U LL-Bolstein, ho Is a good one. om..oe 10 KeYII Bldg, . Haln 8t (Jarl DaliD W&l thelu8l' of hll turoed howe aher a vlalt WIth hllr Modern Children, &r.ndmother Bllo~ay . slaters, Mrs. Ella We18h and M.rs.' AIBO 1 good Bow Rnd Plg@ . FOT ""!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! Jo unscrlblng tho chtld r,eo ,wbo bad lofolmatloo 00111 on E. B. Br own = . WIl)tam Dodd waa vlaHlog hili JaDe Langdon. • mothe ~ tlnnday. . Mr. and Mra. Boy MllteDberger moved In next door little Helene 8ald: R, D. 5, Wuynlll!vllle, Onlu. n17 , Mu. WI11lam Brllddoot Is IIloi: at lpeO$ Mqndll1 evening in Franklin. ~Tltey 're 0 0 1 troubl esome children; OOD BaldwlD Apples . b'or in. doa't do noy thlng you tell them thll wrUlD!r. Barold &iil1er and 1I1ster, . Mi.. they fortoa tlon 01L11 ou LiDdloy MeD. : .. not to clo but they do everythIng yOIJ .Mr. Ar.thur Ailsori "1'8 :vt!,ltlog Ruth , of Dl1ytoD,lIpen' l!I8veml days don't S6Y' anything about." . tienbllll; pbODe 74.1L 215, Waynes. ur. Rerbert Madan aud .f amlly 'ooe the pass week: with .MI~ . aad· Mre, nl0 ville, Ohlo, James Weidner. , Auto . Livery Se.r vlce at - - -... - --day last week. . Mis. Ca.rolfne !;mlth a,nd Ills tel' of Reasonable Rates ORSEl-Qood and "en tie for lllu Hslen ltimlth ie homll for a (ron Mouotaio, ' Mioh., . were tbe flobool oblldren . Will Jet out Manufacture of Ghee. week. gueat, of Mr, aad Mrll . Jeln Wrllht Obee, the Dati ve butter ot India. for feed In good hands, or will ~ell, ,A lso Agent for Kelly-Springfteld III', William, J008ll, Mr . Itlverl11 day. lallt w(>et. which bas,been Imown to keep for ceo· ~or $75. IDqalre a' ihls office. nlO AlltomobUe TirU \:~~~--~--~.;,~~~-----~~~-:'"t:--~:-~-, I'maller and Mr. GraDdeD Pryan Ell 'w I h ~; were 111 Mt.BoUwlaat week. Mrl!. a ' eo ia 1I1'liJndlng a;tew turies wltbout becoming rancid. ill J days \\(Ub 'he MIII8s1 Alina and Jo. made by boiling butter until aU th!, OW-JersIlY Cow. ::I YOILr8 old. IIr. Almo Pierce wu, a goes' of .Ie Bormsll. ' . watery partto1 B QDd curds have been freBb a good milk produoer • Don aloz:po an, d lamlly tbe put to ' d ... P W B h M _t, aD _rl!. . . • ra m, rll. removed by v dmmlnc. Inquire of' W, tl . Whitaker, R. D, M. J. Fan aDd MiN ,M ary Jane week. " nl0 1, Wayneavllle, O. Valley PhoDe 9O-1Y. .'rOhD lI.rlaU and Markua BoustoD Beal ware tbe IU98" of alr. aDd. were haaUnlla.t week. J'rll. Wm, Baal, of Ulamtlbarg Sa,. Ill'll, 1I~ lloore II vlaUIDR Mr. ur~" DaD liorpD ad lamJ)y; - - _ " _----' _ _ . 'H~qing, DISTRESS IN THE STOMACH
- ...----
Dr J A McCoy,
3l~ lIysplpsla-~ TaMets
'. "'_110, .. _
.. -----
.- .
Walter Chandler
.- ----
'W alter McClure
DR. H.E.
M .11 Ray · 1 'S o
- ...
Corwin, Ohio
,-._....::;.p. , ":""ftp ~ .....e · am.....
.. -
lublorlb for 'be Miami QueUe
COUGHS THAT ARE 'S'JOPPED Careful peOpls ,lee tha' &bey are atopped. Dr. KIDI'S Bew Dteoover, 18 a remedy of trtod merls. 1& 'baa held I'" O'WD OD \be mar",' for ",0 Yoa'b aDd ;014 . .it
There are Dlauy people wbo bave a dlet.r.lllin 'be nom.oll after meall. It II due t q lndlg8lhoD and H81)1 remedied by laktDg ODe of .Chamberl.l. '" 'I'ablew after meall. , Yrl. BIIIIIY' PadabllD, Viator. N. Y .. ........ : "Jor lOme time 1 w .. .01lbled with beadaohe and dia\r811 ID m,- stomach anllr eatlDr, wttluloDu'PII'IOa, Abo",lI:I'~t::C~: 1 bepa 0 Tibll-.
FRAZIER All kinds of Spouting and' Roofing 'and Furriace Repairing ~oneD·, ••
Wa,Deaville, Ohio ~e~:~'I~
OYSTERS Celery\ CranbQrril'~, Eclgemo~t CraCKers. ' Kiln Dried Corn M aI, New Bulk Oats, New Hominy, New RaI8t~nB.N w Pettijohns, Nllw lWisins . New urrslJl:!, . N ew Mince Meat, New Cheese. 'w Pan .cake Flour. New Buck· wheat. Jersey Sweets, Bermu· da Onions.
Great City'. Sew:lge. ]f.,·ery ~" hOUTII Ih,'"" Is 110111'1',1 hllO th,> lInl'l III river l\{'.llQO.Olll\ Ilallons at I New York ItY'8 t; " n~" : 11110 Ule North rh' cr 132.0011.01111 ItnllOIlB nnd I ,nto tile EIlBt rlv I' 2fll.\I OO,l}1I1l gu llonD. ~ThP rtlll:u1 i r ,'OIll/Dullie-nUnn of
.'unday. 1 ovember H.-Bib . Ie . ' 0 VVIlYIWli'vi1Ie LI1~ I/!·. I". & , M. Nfl. l ~i:l. WI ll take plae hOGI at 9:30 a . m. Communion " . , TUeRday e 'c ni/\I~, Nil t>m!w.r IOI~. amI sermon ,at 1():3(). Chrilitian En- " 8p"aah or BIg ·16fI~11. 1'he ann uul elt',·{jeon qf nlhce r s WIll deavor at (\:30 p. m , and sermon at I Wben .. twelve.lncb 6boll slrlllcs the tnke "llIce Ilt thl·s nl( elin)\'. Wf)rk in 7. Everyb dy mllde welcome. wat r It throws 11 "splo. 1\" hlgll r lhun Ule F. : Je~r', S.,jllurl) illj.r ureth· a blllUesblp's mllst.· Tile "t\plllwh" ren aud vi illll ,unlil1 Iy wekomed. w'elglLB ahoul ' 2,000 tous. enougb :.0 J. O. r.m·twrhdlt, \V M. M. E. CHU RCH tlro"'D I) Bmlll \)Ip. ., L A. 7;lmnwl'/lULn , 'el)' Y. I Sllnday SChOLlI !J:15 u. m. P reach inl{ ~e rv icc III 10:aO a m. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'I!cz:=!!:.~~~~_~_-_~~_"!_::'_ ~~~--~"'-~'~~-!'-~~~~. JIL the eveninl!' t he last of the ~ 1'le of stlrmons 011 ChriMt's s:lyings frO! the' cross will be preached. Suhject "Some Intimations of 1m· mortality." Be present and be helped . . . Cl arence S. Grauser , Pastor WINTER f. ST. MARY'S CHURCH The Twenty·fourth Sunday · after Trinity November 14. ' unday Rohool at 9:30 s . m; Morn · ing Worship a ud sermon lit 10:30. [ was glad when they said unto me, We will go int,o the house of the Lord.
ur ul e\l buthls Injarles
Moore's G88oline. the kind that burns well in cold weather. New Cala Soft Shell Englisll Walnut.'!.
..-".- - -
Payina 82c for Eggs.
Bver 'hody uses LC'wi s' Bt'E'ud ami Cakes tlte be. t.allll1l1(lst c\di ·iolts made .' Trv them nnd you \\ ill 11ever wanl to ea.t any other kind.
( IIi vI;!r EI uOlLIl s /mel fnUli'ly' hll. ve 'j III ·vud into the BrlJ\\'\1 prUptHL. ·. ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~ Fl'll nk B. B1l1ir, ot Duyton. ~ t'Hnl'l = II. pu rt, of 111'1. wl.lok 'lt, bill h ome IH r lol .- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - .JII l'. l'e terson und fll,n tly htlVe lIloved in to Riohrud JI1Utl S' pro)Jerty. d b 'Id' ~ - OOO r)llr balll!'. b"11 tao II) W" S ' Ihfon I 47 acres nn 111 m gs .. . .. ... , . .. .. ., ;) 0 Ad by HOX'lTIlItHiObool Frlu,.. y, Hi-H. ac re:.:; and .oJ sets of bi.li lding::; , . . .. $UO 0
. >. "
" ,,, . -
n. vn acres
and 2 sets of building . ... . !J;7000 acres and builli.ngs ... . .... .... . .. . $\)() per acre v"'3 acres :1nd buildings: .. .... .. . . ... . ;SlllO p r acre (j:j acres a nd b tl ild ings .. ... .. .. . .' . . .. . $7() per acre 40 acres aJld Iju ilding.J . .. .. . .. .. . . .. $~~()U SO n.cre: and, bu ildit lgs .. . . . ... . .. . .. . .:. I no per acrc 8:3 a.c res atld h llildings.: .......... . . . $lOU pCI' acre 50 acres and huildill gs ... . . . . ..... . . S7(1()() 145 acres aod 1.>lIildings ... .. . . . .. .. $ 10,1 )(1 (1
Dr WhitAkor, Elmer ReevrR tmcJ B. H ~lI lJer went fillhlug in Pa int Gro e k l:>atllrrl" ___ y .:.. _ . . _ _ _
l·h ll lill.la dollllhtArof.r " hnTAwell , nnr) "'l In (It' 'rl vr ry ~ LlIl ,l, ' nl y 1" ~1 W. N. SEAR S , i Tbur~ ' I ~.v IIVl'III"\;( wi/II nrlHht~ :..-_ _ _ _ _ __
It pays to trade at
Waynesville, O hio
t b'Hf l"OTJ' O\V.
Mr /llld Mr~ . 'Rrl ' h etwn od ' "nd 1111 11< Mllrri ~ . "" "fll w:u c~ ""ftllp dll"I ~"o k rllm il y "'u/ul ,. v" ft tlr ll ll(1I1 .
"' oil .
$16 SO $" 50
$3 00 . Buy" Sup e rio r"
ftt 'rs
MURDERER 'GOES 0~8: ~;~~~: ..~:~~ ......... $1.50 UP FOR LIFE 98c
$1 80 $5 48 $3 50
~w E wan l _ our n ick le,
W want your dirnc. we want your dolla r too. Rea l bargains l ir-kle every In:e-we have them he re for you.
FOR I NSTANCE I nfants' Bootees . ......• . Ribbon, all i ind!l . . .... .Dtess Binding . .. . 2, 3, 4, Children's Underwear.... Aprons ......•.. _ .. . . .. '. Pillow CllSes . . . . _... . ... D resser Scarfs . . . - . ....... Bath Towels ........ .. .,.
560,000 FIRE
:~7 ~~~'r':~
My Aim-You ... Trade
QUALITY -Above ~t!!e Standard
IOc Pockt!t nooks .. . .. . . . lic- I Oc lOc .Milk Hot t le Covers, • 05c Aluminl1l11 . . . . . . .. . . .. 1 O~ IOc Smokers' Sels.,. . ... . . . . \Oe IOe lE urn t Wood Boxes . . . . . 10c lOc! Dolls, Ijll kinds\ lOe for al\' Children .. .. ... , tOc 10c D!>lIs1 for small
.. -F''R'·A 5 cNtoKlOcH. FCAhtlRdrRen.
Gazette Office.
~I'l;~ '~:~~::i:: ~~::
Way uesvill c, Ohio '
SERVICE-Tbat can't be beat PRI()ES-To please
Phone 54-2Y.
Late Clasmed Ads
At the ·CIQse of lBusiness S~pt~~ber 30, i ~ 15
Btg Type' Poland.Ohina 6 lIale immane from obolera. In. ~,
qalle of 1. Rt.Uer'hwalte. Wa),nos.
. ~)Je. Ohio.
RGAN-m good order, and a O fine tone. Yon B88 it by oallfDIr on Mrs. Raohel K;eye, . Way-
neevllle, Ohio. .
Is now ' fully equipped to do Livery Wotk. We will take , youon 'n
Any Road Anyflace . AnyTime ,Give usa call and you will find ". ·our prices are .all righ.t . .
r 1\1 ~ n y fn IHJ~ 1I1)(~ .~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~.'~~~~~~~~~~"'!!"'!'""~"'_~ _'!:'~~!!!!~~.. nail\lIbu/' sTII('! ~.'i' mJll1lnLze with them 10 C _ _ _ _ _ _ · --- - ----
Tht! Eastern Star lodge met Mon· I d~y evening and elected officers for LI ) ~t'~ Mr And MfM , (je nrgo flnrll1 lc lt the coming year. They are as fol,'uv en I luAllllm rll of the ;i'nrn' 10\l1s: Clara Hawke. Matron; J . E. l ' hri ~ tiI\D nh'unh Ulnt lit th l' h flU Janney, Worthy Patron; Jessie Robit· d M r IIn(1 MrA. A I :o rnell til IIU O. zer, Asso . Matron;' Laura McKinsey. Suits and Overcoats,in a ll the new I tlnl' ~j nglug . COnductress; ·Christle . McKinsey. h ddt I I ' '1'11101 Ul" .k llnrt.y nt th e h (l /II" of Secretary ; Amanda Maffit, Treasurer fr~m~fO to~.~.~~:.. .. . • \ Ru~!\ull M uri-11I1 ']·1l 0il'.... El V" LI!!1j! and Mabel Farr, Asso. Conduerress. ~ hod n m ort y till o. '1'1Ie IlIlltt A 01 · Adapted from the EArly Pennsyl. After the electIOn of officers a fine Sweaters. from \\111 8 ~ur(ll.9 C0ll110 A lit(ilt lu rt'~t. vanta (ierman8. lunch was served. 50c up to .... ........... .... . • , .~AB "llrvod lit U I"t a b o ur to 11001\' ., A. ohild lIhould orv imIDo ..lIlltely Men's "Superior" Perfect Union ~ . \thii Iy gUBsts . . after 111 birth, and it ~bonld be from J ohn ROlls ll nod Ollt.her .. nterSu its, . Ilapped DotUit dOel!. $150 u p to .. ....... ......... • I~:~:e.d Alia,; Trliylor lI od eh :\. If .. woman's drels tura ap in Ibe bMllt ahe bas A lover, or U means Instead o 'f "Underwear'" Rov . P ulmn dl_ppointme'3' that d~y, (lr abe We also carry a full line of Men'a talk ~ol1"OY e vening . wtll receive lome money, bnt ehe Corduroy Coats and Pants. '1'here isn't u reason why you should t:levuru l "ttelltl~d rl,e p ili\' 1;1 '11 " 0 mad ep1\ OD her droB'. AlBa, Ladicli' Uni on Suits, not wear Superior ,the Perfect nion nt . t h e . Wavll eNv ili1l ~ch o o\' 11,1'1 A bramble In A woman's Bkiu In. 60c and .................... ......... Suit . I t overcollles and does away FridAY e vening . dloa... a )onr. Lewis Haines, the man who killed Cotton Blankets. from wilh slipping and sliding shirts and t.i1I1!&n tloelnp nod 800 h"d to r To Rain the admtra~ton of the op.. Duman Duncan in Yellow S)lringa re690 up to......... .. .. ....... • drawers-that uucomfortable bunch th eir goe!lt.8 I:!nnday. Mr And I,r ... poet.. leX CArry tbe beart of an owl cently. WIUI found guilty of murder Wool Blankets, from ing a ro und th.e waist and the many Frank ~m\,th, ~~).n I\nd d'l\lgbter8, to yoar pocket. in the eeeond degree and was sen$225 up to......... .. ..... .. • other inconve:niences of a two .piece Mr. and Mrs. AlvlAl:lmUh "lid b~ by. Yo~r dau'ab\ere will not. marry if tenced to life Imprisonment . ·T he garment ' . Mr~ . Lol" l:'eDnewit spent tbe thete ..re 611)' peaoook'a feathe re In man was indicted on first detrree, but Comforts. $1.50 up to ............ :. . . . . · · j week_end with her p'lr8n'S , thehooll. Judge Kyle. who heard the case, Mr. and Mrs. Will 81,rond looll "!'ake four olltons. na'me tbem; and tllought the murder had not been dloDt'r wi,t h bifol }Iareot!! l'!undf\Y" place 'hem oader ~be bed , 01' tbe fully established iD the hearing and Mr. nnel I\t r~. [.11 wrenoe 'fboflltl!l I*OYII in the eVIIDlng. The one thAt was not premeditated and he would noel 'woc hlld ren spent. tian dll., wLtb hili aprooted , nest ~ornlDg beau not be justified in finding: him guilty :Purry POptl !lod f4mll y. 'he oame of yonr fnt'n re husband. of murder in the first ~egree_ BoU an egg h ..rd, ant It 111 balves Mr. Bud Mrs. B. Laokey enter-can't {Ja'Jl' -in the .~eat aDd' fill one witb sale. Eat this tained tb eir obildrAIl Sundul', Mr. - can't bunch nor bi?/d wUhollt'drlnlting water, golrg b,.ok-always jilt. perfectly all ?. BYst and Mrs. W"ldo E llio tt, Mr. and Warda aPiaire to bed. 'l'be man Lutber All en Bnd Children. Come 'in and see us before Come in and try my UniC?n Suit . Mrs. who will bring yon wa~r during Mr. lind Mrs. John Allen ODd tumyou buy any place else. t be nl,bt w\ll beoomeyour haeband . Service lIy. Mr. and Mrs. Iviu Laokey. Mr. and MrH Edward Brown and A big fire at Osborn, Ohio, last oblldron were shopping in Dayton week destroyed the famoua Osborn Haturdll.Y · Whip Co., a flour mill aDd an t:levator. THE STORE THAT WAYNESVILLE, !..Qzoy E. Barhock epe nttbe week. SAVES The 1088 was about $60,000. The \'OU MONEY OHIO eod"-'lth his parents. c~uee of the.tire was unknown.
I ti l ('n Stl.
- - - -..!
WaynesviHe, O.
Lewis' Bakety
Perfection Coal Oil Stoves. LanternB, Lard Cans. Shot gu n . Shells. ,
Bn ir.o l:l!lwkln8 ~PBut a part a f I.. ~t weak t n Riobmond, Ind . 1\It'. lind MrR. J . O . Pia kIn w~ek - el1cJ glloats 'it tho bome \If A U . Hllrlnn. . mlm or LIlUlAr re1\ while I\t "ork 1m PM rl 8bort'·) d'lI De w 1100se 'rno!!d V of la ~t wlIBk. Be WIiR severely
Mine,e Ham, Weinere. Frankfurters, Bologna, Dried Beef..
CASH ON HAND .... ~ .................... ~ ........... $ 189,35S~38 ,.RUNNING ST9CK AND 'DIVlD~ND,S ..._....... . $1,415,367.74 MORTGAGE ' LoANS.. .... ...... .... ............ .... .. ~l,299,481.85 . PAID-~P STOCK AND DIVID~DS ... ..... ..... . 2,004,34i'16 TEMPORARY LOANS .... .... ... ....... ... _...... .... ' . 44,674.11 DEPOSITS AND ACCRUED INTEREST... ....... 6l4,257.49 FURNITUIU: AND FIXTURES... .................. 1,000.00 DEPOSITS from other financial institutions.... .. 104,000.00 REAL ESTATE .. .... ............ .. ..'.................. 12,355.00' STATE .FUND~ .. .... ...... .. :... .. :. ..,....... ... .. .. .. 15Q,OOO.OO CERTIFICATES OF ' DEPOSITS ....... .. .. :.. .... , 50,000.00 RESERVE AND UNDIVIDED. PROFIT FUND. .. 309,333~60 INSURANCE AND TAXES due frOiD borrowers 439.65 ',UNCOLL.ECTED EARNINGS ... .... ... .,..~ '. ...·....... . 9~621.39. MISCELLANEOUS ..... ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.... ,.. .. .... ..... ..... 9,621.39
Total . . . . --' OFFICERs--WILLIAM H. KU·HL~AN ..... . President . CHARLES H. MEYER',Vice Pre.. ud CeD. Mgt. FREDERICK .W. SCHOEN . .. ... SecretarY ROBERT ALBERS , . .... .. . Au't Secretary .KARL KARSTAEDT . . . ....... .Treuurer ROY' G. FITZGERALD ......... Attorney
Totai ,. . . . $4,606~927;38
·Reserve and. Undi~d~d. Profit :' Fund $30~,~333.6O'. '--"AFFIDAVIT'
. '.
8TATE OF OHIO, MON 'TGOMERY COUN1:Y, S8: '. . ' :. .' • Frederick W. Scho en, being first dLily sworn, .ay. tha: he la the Secrttary. of the .Go·rma"la . Bulldlnll A•• DclatlDn of IDayton, Ohio, and that the abov - ' tement Ie ,correct. ' '. . _\ ·FREDERICK W. SCHOEN, Secretary. . 8ublcrlbed and eWor'n to before me thl. 211t day .of October, A. D. 1915• ,' " ROY' 9. FITZGE'RALD, . , Notary P",bllc in and for' Montgo/ll~ry County; OhIo. , CERTIFICATE OF :rHREE DIRECTORS. . • We, the under.lllned, Karl, Karltaedt, Edward T. Hal!. and C.l rroll ~prtllg, the 'Inance Com'mlt. '~eo of the German/a Build Inll A•• oelatlon of Dayton, 011.10, do hereby certify that the foregGlnll I• • true and correct Itatonncnt of tho flnanolal condition of laid Aeloclatlon ~or the fl108I year ending 8eptember SO, 1915. KARL KAR8TAEDT, . EDWARD T. H"LL; CARROLL 8PRIGG. "'lnQce ·Co"lmlttee.
The 0ffice~ and .Directors of thil! Asso.c iation take pleasute i~ inviting t he atte~tio" of'the readers of this paper to ita FortY-second Annua1.Financial S~tement which is published herewith Notwithstaqding the general business depression which has prevailed t),ro.l.Ighout the country during 'the past year. the Association is able to report a slight iocrea'se in Resources. ., Particular attention i. directed to ,the Reserve and Undivided Profit Fund. III seUcting a depository for your savings. the institution's means for safeguarding your aacotmt sliould receive first consideration. This Association offers depositors the pro~ection of an ample Reserve Fund of $309,333.60, of Resources of over Four and One-haH Mil\ions, 'and has a record for safe and cooservative business management extending over a period of Forty-two :years. Appreciation for past patronage is expressed, together with the wish that the Association may continue to merit the good wiU of its patroDi, both present and prospective. . "--
, Bixty-Seventh 1{ear
.-....-..- --------
Buy your Winter plothing of Myer Hyman.
This Commission has aIipoiht~ one week beginning Sunday, November 28 and ending December 5. 1915 inclusive" as the time for and the duration of the Mission. Do you ask : What is a Miss ion? "A Mission is a special effort to convert souls to God . . It i a concentralion of spiritual etIort upon one place for a short time. "
Morris Miller, of Springboro. was Ouest of the Evenl.ng, Entertained in town Monday. Them ami Their Ouesl8 for an Mrs. M. Simms llpent Sunday with Hour with Brilliant Talk relatives in Xenia. The men of Lebanon held their regular meeting Monday evening, and the principal guest W88 Gov. It' rank B. Willie. The evening was a memorable one in the history of 'Lebanon'. Thl'se meetings that have been held by the Mlln of Lehanon have all been very instructive and · helpful to them. and on ' each occa· sion t here has always been some one to speak to them and give them r.ounsel, and the men themselves have <liscuRSe<i the different phases -of community life and by this means have added much to their comfort .and welfare. , Gov . Willis had a portion of his
_aff~fuhimthd~e~n~ Joseph O'Nesll. Hon. L. K. J~~ Lang·
-don . Chief Clerk Edwards and N. L. Bunnell. Secretary of State C, Q, Hildebrant was unavoidably de tained and could not come. The -early part of the evening was spent in handshlking anti gettinll better acquainted with the governor. ~e a is man who always remembers hIS friend II and he seldoql forgets a name or face. At 6:30 the company Qf two hun· dred men mllrched to the dining hall, where Ii Bumptuoua t'Ur~ dinner wu sewed by the Women of' Lebanon. IlDd where everybody did justice to the good thlnp 'Bl!t before them After the dinner. Will Lewle, pres· ident of the association, introduced Frank C. Anderson as chairmon for the evening, and he. in a few apnro· priate remarka. introduced the Governor. Gov. Willis' remarks were confined to Oblo and her. men. He paid a glowing tribute to Lebanon'e most noted men-Tom Corwin. Hon. Milton Clark. aoo Larry Langdon, and several , others. Ba dwelt en· ,t irely .on the good men of Ohio and 'What Ohio OBI done. for ,the United :States, of the great politiciaDs, me!! .of letters and men of science. H I~ :speech was replete with wlttlclsDls, · ,a nd for over an hour he beld the en tire attention of those present. HI' sait.! that Ohio wss the first state iD the Union. for she wss made 'u~ ~f tbe different elements of the orlgt· nalslates weich made her cosmopol. itan and unique in the state of ~tates He also said that the RevolutIOnary War was started in Ohio aTld ended in Ohio. and the history of the coun try proved it. Hel .referred ~o hili visit to the San Francisco eXPosItion. of tbe different wonderful things at that upositlon. and he said that evervthing connected 'with it was made . - poaarible by Ohio genius. His talk was thoroughly, enjoyed and he made many friend. bv his visit to Lebanon. The governor left for Morrow at 90·clock. to catcb his train for Columbu8. ' _ The Mtln of Lebanon are to be con. gratulated upon the aucc8118 of the eveninll an!! upon the fact that iliey were able to Ilet the goverr.or to be with them. The meeting has not only done good Ito the cltizetlll of Lebanon, but,,1 over the !=Gunt}'. 88 repreaenta~ves . we~e preeent from every township in the countv. who went from Wayne ' Town.hlp were: , Mears. W. H. Allen. J . E. Janney, L A. , Zirnmer'!lan. S. L Cartwright, J. W, WhIte. Frank lElbon Walter Kenrick and D. L. .Crsne.
.- .
Preaching . Mission
The ast 'Gellcral Cony lltion of t.h Prot tani. Epi opal Church h lcl in New York in 1!H3 appointed a Joint. COlllnJ.ission for a 1 alioll-wide Preach ing " Mission, said Mission to be held, if possible, simul t.aneo usly ill every Parish and Mission of the church througbout the nation.
School Hall- Thanksgiving night. Mrs. F. H. Farr is a Da,yton visitor today.
Try a meal at the Home Restaurant . . Hoy Ch\!noweth, Prop. MiSSP.8 Helen Marlatt and Edytha Macy were Xenia visitors Saturday.
An effort to win men and worn n to Cbr i t, and to rev ive and deepen the spiritual life of those already endeavoring to serve H im. Heeding the call of the Commission the week beginning November 2 will be obs~rved by St. Mary's Chu rch, Waynesville. '1 he Rt. Rev. Theodore Irving Reese Bishop Coadjutor of Southern Oh io wiIl b~ the preacher Sunday, Monday and Tuesdays· llights-r'·i ovember 28, 29 and 30. . The missioner for the rest of the week will be announced later. "COME, FOR ALL THINGS ARE NOW READY."
Miss Mary Salisbury visited with relative8 in Xenia Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Walter Britain. who hIlS beetl in Indiana, is at home for a few days. workin~
Mrs. Morria Rogers, of Ro~te 4. ia visiting her daugbter Mrs. MIller. at Middletown.
J NO. F . CADWALLADER, Rector of St. Mary's Church.
Buy your Comforts and Blankets of Myer Hyman. Mr and Mrs. C, M. Robltzer spent a couple of days last week with rei· atives in Dayton.
Mal'li\'aret Ellen Hopkins. daughMrs. Mary Cukey, ot Lebanon, Is ter of John and Mary Sellers. was visiting her IOn, Mr. Fred Caskey at born in Warren CoURty. 0 ., July 1846, and died at her home in Marietta, for awhile. Waynesville, 0., November 9. 1915, ~ed 70 years. 5 months. The year Dr. Dill. Osteopath, at residence 1873 Mias Ma'1r8ret Ellen Sellers was of L. 1'. Peterson, Main St., Tueeday and Friday momlnlf8. two milea from F~. Ancient. To Born-To Mr. and Mra. · Fred this union were born aix cbildren dying in Infancy. Tw08urvivf'. ca...key. at Marietta. Oblo, Monday, four Pbllip Jr. and Mary. Mrs. Hopkin~ November' 16, 1916. a IOn. was one of eight children, six girls two bo)'s. there being two sets Mr. Herbert Britain, who is work- and twin girls of which Mra. Hopkins Inll in Dayton, at the preeent time, of wu a twin. four sieters and olle vi~it.ed bis mother over Sunday. brother having preceeded her to the Spirit W~rld. She leaves from her Don't forget the date Saturday, family to mourn her 1088 two sister. November 20th. millinery display at and one brother, her two sisters livPhillips Rettaurant, Brown &: Brown. Ing in Warren County. MI'!!. Mary Lebanon. Oblo. Jane Farris and Mrs Annet Maloy. her brother George Sell era living In Miss Sadie Op)). of Tolado. was Califomla. Mrs. Hopkinll has lived the guest of her fatber and mother. most of her life in Warren County. all her married life in WaynesMr. and Mrs. J. H. Opp laat week. ville. bu t ten years which were spent at Mathers Milia where her husband Messrs. W. N. Sears, F. W. Hath· operated the mill. Mrs. Hopkin!! w lIS away, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane and a devoted ~fe and mother. and Sl>n, Ethan, were Xenia visitors Sat· when not busy with her household urday. dutiee, she spent her time with her flowers of which she ' was a great Mr and Mrs. Eugene Keck and lover. Mrs. Hopkins was a firm be son, Char:ea. of Dayton. were Sun- IIever in the Great Beyond. and in day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter her last moments when sbe could Chandler. utter n.o words ahe would point toward the Great Beyond where she Mr. and Mrs. Earle Hockett apd would soon 1fO, and Tuesday night, daughter \\ere in Xenia Saturday at 9 p. IIi. her Rpirit took its flight to the GOd wlio gave. and leaving a and Sunday, tbe guests of Prof. husband, one IOn and one daughter. and family. . two lIilters and one brother to mourn ber 1088, with many friends. Her Brown & Brown. of Lebanon. Ohl~, life anp loving deed,S will ever be will have a millinecy display at Phll· cherished. lips Restaurant, Saturday, Novem CARD OF THANKS ber 20, 1916. ' . We wish to extend our heartfelt Mr Hen Woollard and daugh- thanks.to the friends and neigbboF8 ters Mary ~nd Nellie are visiting for thetr kind belp and aympathy.m Aaron Woollard and family at our late bereave~ent. to the ",IDls, ter for his consohhg words. and to • I d Luc Emley for her 8weet singHagerstown, .~ ,
:u~:! rok:~l~g ~~P~:th:~d Miii~ GOOD ROAnS DISCUSSED
Th~ i;diea of the Chr.Islian church will hold a Thallkaaivlng ma,~et. Wedilesday, povember·U. beglnnlllJ( at 9:80 a. m. . Mr. and MD. J. E. Janney and family were Sunday RUests of ~r. and Mrs. John McClure and family, of near Springboro.
p HopkIns. ~n and Daughter - -- ' -
Importance 10 the Farmer
. , The Wayne TownshIp Farmer s club held a very interflSting and profitable meeting on Saturday. November tbe sixth. at the pleasant rural home of Mr. Edwin Chandler and family. After the usual greeting of mem bers and guests and a social hour. all were invited to partake 'of a dinner fit for a king. The afternoon to order by the the meeting was opened ing of America. routineofbusiness. by the program which up-to·date Current Events, Sam'l Henkle: an excellent by Mrs . Chas. Hawke "Thanksgiving 'with Sorr,ow ," The Special Topic. . '<lood Roads" was ver}' freely , discussed and broug\lt forth a number of good ideas. Mrs earl Duke read a little pOflm entitled "The Man ,with the Drl~g," which was very appropriate at this time. The sun was sinking Jow ,in the west when the lJIeeting adjourned to meet with Rev. Grauser and family in December.
farmer. MisS R,cheson iaa vloiln. ist of ability. and lOme of her best numbeia were the aimple songs she 'played. Mi88 Lindsay hBd a good contralto. voiCe. ~d read several
~~!'~~~~Ie ~~e~~'~I!t~i~b ~~~%tll~l: L~:".~!~*f!:!:o~ ~eTt:le:~:d~~t~;:·not:. t~f~eb~ ATTENTION' MEMBERS ~iIl s~~ asT~~en:~~n~~~.:r
be hl'ld ak Golumbus... Januar1 ' 3lat to February 4tb, .llron118.es to be one ?f tpe grea~8~ agrlc~tural ' . meetings ever hel.d,lh Ohio. Sixty · lectqres,by theleadll)g ~arm author' rUeji of the cornbelt wlll . fonn the ., three session. fi~e·day course which wilt be offered fr~ to the farmers of Ohio. -
. .' ~
MASo.NIC :LODGE 'ELEGT OFFIC At .. regular. meetin~ of .. llIe Lodre 'No. 168 F. Taead~ eveninlt;
e. .tectad dearee. ...• or ~L_~~'4~!: ..... Cnm!,o W. II,; \.i. Bawke,
• J.
were gueeta of Mrs. AI.lce. Keys Bnd wl\1 daulrbter, Friday. an time In January. Watch the .' '. . for announcements, Mrs. Eu~~hemlla H.ougb, Mr: and Mrs. Ed Hough 'a nd Mr. and Ml'I'. •- ~ Guy &ibler sPeni Sundll1 with .Mr. and 'Mrs: Vern Hou~h and ,family at . '. . Ed,emont; -near Da1ton. . .
W 'llt RUN' FOR
WUaon ·GuldllL.Mr. ....."'....., Peacock. of ulan· I.
Walter Stan.
If I'we~ )'Oul'tl-Uld loa ~mfne I'll tell :roa wbat' .e d do-. Juatll1nch uponStune'. Cake DIvineADd let the ~k aId~•
SIx ldD~prlee-l0 'For • • at w, C. PbDIf1Ia'.
to. This is the first confer~nce of. the kind ever held and they WIll take up such as a Platfonn Policy forsubjeCts the COuntry Church, and the Training of the Rural Ministry, Fi. nancing the Country Church, the Country Church as a Community ('.enter the Allies of the Countrv Church and the Church and Rural The ' embraces all beliefs. Bnd the ,president of the Commission is Prof. Shailer Math. The committee is composed' of aome one hundred ministers and laymen. and the Rt. Rev. Theodore I. Reese. Bishop.Coadjutor of the Episcopal chu rch of Southern Ohio. is on the list. _ _ _••_~_--..._ __
Child,," of the 'wmtielh ,..,." advertilling. for thE! J!re~ium' I b~ to advlle that r w.tli expect mem~ra of ' thia committee to llusy In the t.erritory assigned and make full ~d com'plete at Q meeting of thiB
chool Hnll -Thanks~ i\'illg night. PREPARINO FOR ANOTHER INDUST RIAL SHOW E, V. Barnhart is in Cincinnali today . Buy your Wint er Hyman.
lothinR' of Myer
Buy your Comforts a nd Blankets of Myer Hyman,
In preparation for the entertain· ment of J50,ooO pers<,>Ds from all sections of Ohio and Ind\a~a. Tho'! GreatMrs, Viola Harlan is visiting with er Dayton ~ocialion IS putlmg the Iriends in Dayton. closing touches on arl'!!;nga!Y'ents for th~ conduct of Dayton s bIggest Try a meal at the Home Restau· and fine~t industrial expositIon to ,be rant. Roy Chenoweth. Prop. held January 14-22. . ~v ery article mBf!u factured I}\ Born-To Mr. and Mrs Lee Hawke Dayton will find place In the exp~slNovember 15, l!H5. a SOli. lion and there will be displays of innu merable things made elsewhere but sold in this city. . Electrical contractors and speclalMrs. B. H. Kelly snen t lhe weekend with relatives at Newark. Ohio. i!ts will use the entire ~event~ floor for an exclusive electrIcal dIsplay. If yo'u enjoy good livelv music be embodying every device known. at School Hall, Thanksgiving night. Automobile, bicycle. motorcycle and carrisge men will. have a dIsplay surMrs. Jane Foster. of Butterworth passing all P!ece?lDg a~to sh~ws C<?nStation, is a g uest at the Friends, ducted in t~IS city. With a dlver81ty Home. of accessorIes. . Displays of General me~chandlse, office supplies and bU8Jness sys· Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Lewis of tems; of food products. nat?ral , Burns, Wednesday. November 10, a modified and manufactured will b~ daughter. additional features of interest. The part that Improvement a8S~ ' A new stock of Misses' and WOo ciations can play in a commu!l,l ty wlil mens' Mittens at IOc- Farr. materially enhance that sechon to be to construction, building Mrs. e- w. Cleaver. of Xenia. is supplies and landlleape wor~. Eduthe gueet of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. cational fCl\t~res will alao show w,~at thO! public schools are doing In mBentley. . dustrial training. Emergency hospital, bureau of inMessrs .. C. W. Henderson a~~ H. formation. nurserv and recreation H. Wadsworth were DByton VISItOrs rooms have been' arranged ~~r the Saturday. service of the thousands of V1slton. Heduced rates are available on prscMliIB Ruth Hartsock wu in Day-' tically all electric and stearn roads ton Tuesday and heard Geraldine entering the city. Farrar sing. •- •
Obit next N ember 22 ' It ~ in Xenja tb~~ ev:ening,: and will ~ttract a large crowd The beil is on its way to Its old resting place In Philadelphia. and aa the crack In the bell haa widened 80 much. It Iii probable that this will be its last trip.. ---., .- •
CHURCH NOnCES CHRISTIAN CHURC~ The Christiim church will hold their Tbanksgivlng service on Sut;!day evening November 28, as thIS . will be the' mi~8ter's r.egular ap· pointment here.
' ST. AlARY'S CHURCH Sunday neltt before Advent. No· vember 21st. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.: Morning Worship and serm~n at 10:30. You are invited to thcae services_,_ _ __ ••_ _ _ .
Next Wednesday. Nove~ber 24. Buy your Winter Clothing of Myel' there will be a p rog~am. In • eve~y room and in every district ID tlie Hyman. Wayne Town~hip schools. These . 'A~iiiaei~Mf1 pro~rafJtft1t!'e'gotten up {or the purMr. and Mrs. O. J. . . pose of g iv 41g the pup!ls 6 chsnce .to daullhter of Dayton , attended the appear in public, and. IS a v'!ry W!SO funeral of Mrs. Philip Hopkins last thing. The public IS cordIally Friday vited to attend. The program WIll • beglO . promp tl y a t 1 o'clock , and Mr. John Irwin and daughter, Miss will end at 2:30~ _ ....._ __ Hattie. and Jean Eagle, of Bellbrook. visited with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Zell Sundsy.
Afternoon and evening, Saturday, November 20th. Millinery. Brown' & Brown. of Lebanon. Ohio, at Phillip's restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs . . C. M. Cartwright 'Quite a bit ' of elt~ite!'lent _w.as r('turned to their home in Chicago caused in Corwin Monday .~veDlng, Friday after spending a pleasant when the piston head of the engine, . week ~tth relatives here. ' pulling- the 0:35 train, blew out just after its arrival . The report was The Womans AUltiliary of St. Ma- plainlY,heard in town and .80tlnded ry's' church will meet with Mrs. quite a' bit like tba cannonll.ding ~e. Cadwallader at th~ rectory Friday tween the Germans and the Alhes. affern)on at 2 o·c1ock. The train wu sidetracked for nearly hours, until an e~gi~e from could arrive and help It on. Mrs. W. 'H , Allen and Miss Olive - - -... _ e
E"" W.".. Kn..... "
sr: !~Ii ' Now is ~our chance to buy your Monday. winter hat at greaSatl~ rtuc~ rat~:,
havel~n"L'l~~;~u~~rl .~u
J. W. White is in Cincinnati today on businelS. I Display of All KInds ?f Adlcles /\,anufactured in Daylon Will Gordon Joy was visiting in CincinBe Exhibltcd nati Sunday.
LIBERTY BELL GOES THROUGH ,OHIO :r:~nsa:e1i~~d~infda~~ i~a.t.~i?t
As chairman ' of the committeP to will
t t - - ....
PROGRAM ·fOR ,WAYNE Sc~a~;' of ~id~l~t?w~~~er~~!:t~ , lOWNSmp SCHOOLS end of theIr SIster, Mra. Je&se
MIAMI ~UARTERI.Y ' A conference of the Commission of Churcb and Country Life \yiIJ be 'QUAKER NIEETlNG held at Columbus December 8, 9 and . . QUarterly . . ~Iaml Meetl~g of t he FrIends Church wli:I' heldl_ here S!lturday Bnd Sun~ay. Therb was ~ulte a lar~e gathermg of people and the meeting was a good one, Among those pr~nt were Marth.a Warner, Reuben Roberts and WIfe. Sam!. Battin and wife. Nathan Branson. Mrs. Orlando Battin and, Dr. T. G_ Farl'! of South Charl~lton. Mrs. Evalm Howell, of . Rprtngfie!d: M.ra. J!lne Foster, of ButterwJ).rth s Statton. Mrs Ida Keever, Milton KeY8 and ~ife and ' Warre!1 Ke,ys. of Centervllle. Jesse Wrlg~t and Albe~t He!lton and wI~e and Mrs. LetitIa Best(ln. of Sprmgboro, Mr. Keys and niece. of Cardington. Ohio.
InE~NAL--------e MENTION-iI
The little old cabin in Waverly Lane, Sits dozio~ asleep in the sun; . With window8 like Ilyes balf-closed to the light, Where the vines o'el' its lattices run, rose-bushes crowd up Ukefrlendlll to its sides, And the trees with a murmurous sOllnd. ' Stretch out their long arms in a blessing of peace. And thick on tbeneighborlng: ground. The pinks and the violets struggle to keep , Sweet tryst as in years of the past. When tbe little old cabin in Waverly Lane Buy your Comforts and Blankets Was'first'home of a bride-and ber of Myer Hyman. last . Alice McKinsey was a guest little old cabin in Waverly Lane, of Mrs. her daughter in Dayton several Has sent all her children away; . Like a mother she sits in her place days last week. as of old. Miss Alicia Kelly. 'of Cincinnati, But her arms are quite empty today . For far o'er the mountains and far spent several day! last week with Mr. o'er t he sea, . and Mrs . B. H . Kelly. . Her sons and her daughters have gone. , Mrs. Mary Burns and Mrs. Ethel And 80me who closed eyelids in MYers spent Fridav with relatives slumber so deep, . J and friends at Kings ~il1s. HBve waked in a far-away dawn. A new stock of Children's Toques But still the old cabin sits dozing alone. ' at lOc-Farr. . Forgotten in sunshine and rain. And on its old door· step I ponder and dream Mrs. Earnest Miller & Mrs. WebIn the qui~t of Waverly Lane. ster Elliott. of CenterVille. were the Laura Varner Rel!d guests of Mrs. J . D. Marlatt. Thurs· day. ------~.-- ------
Mr. and Mrs. Perey Reason had as .The fjnt number of . the lecture :FARMERS' .WEEK tbeir gueats Sunday Mr. and Mrs. COUI'86, the Metropolitan Stars, was E. C. Mullen and dautrhter, Edna, well received and they gave a verr and Pau.I Reason; of ~·tOil. entertainment. Mr. Pratt IS AT COLUMBUS ' aring Y0':1'1 old.h~t IP:nd have it re-' , man. and his best. was delineation o~ ~he trimed; trImmed wbJle you wait . • Brown & Brown Saturday, Novem Combining the annUal meetln&'8 of ber 20th. at Phillip'. restaurant. t~en .ohio' State, dairyni"~'s ,..~cla.:. tbo • th~· ~t: ~;:~~oJn:~~Ut~e Mr. and M.nL Howard. Hopkins, of
A Very Timely Subject of O
Whole Number 3344
8~own & Brow.!1 • ur ay. ovem ber 20th. at Phllhps rl!staurant. , . _ Jerry Ennis, as usual, is spendmg a couple of months in 1,1Iinois. Jerry alwaya goes there during the corn· bulking BeasoD. nqt only for profit but on a visit to that g~ ,state.
S,ASSOCIATION I.~:o~:;.:;;;elor
RECEIVESTHIRD BEQUEST '." > ' . The wi~1 of SethJoltnson~who ~ied at MoraVIa. Ia .. Sep&faaber SO. WN probated at Da.Jto~lHdO-..;!dDday • It provides a hequ"", of. ....000 to the! Otterbein HOrn8\ Wilt of ~banon . . This' is the third btquest m8.de to the Home in wills ' gone to probate. and by far ·thelarpell of the thr_ee_._ _••__ ~..._ -::-:c-:
~e1JALl1T1Drl ~<ito~(i[ DANDOLPl1 CIIr5fIIL ,ena'LILLIAN CnrsrER 'rr ' .J.S.IIllU5T~A1TO rc.o.rmom:s I: CHAPTER XIII. GIlII Dodllee the Spotlig ht. ImmodJatoly after Oall hud reAch ~ d
nor arms. DCCB use soe The two girls expressed ilielr condolence and th 'Ir horror at tho outrage, an d vol· ubly pou red out more 8ym~tby ; tben they sn t down and sbrleked wi th laughler. "It's too [I ",rul tor wo rds !" gasped Lucl1. "lIu t It IS tu ony, too." . Gnll's chin Quh'ered. "There sltould be a l8.w aga.lnst s ucb t b l n~ s," ,,she broken·beartedly returned , In a ,' olee wh lcb wavered and hailed with tho ocboes of recent aobs. "I 'll put tbe Plan et out ot busl· nass !" stormed Jim Sargept, stalking up nnd down tbe Ubrary, with his tlsts clenchc'd an d bls race purple. "I'll b!lnkrupl them !" and he paused, as he passed, to r eas8urlllgly pat the shoul· der ot poor Aunt Grace, wbo sat pe ~ rec ll y numb holding one thumb until 'the bone ached. "The press Is the pa.lladlum ot our national liberty, trocle Jim," drawled the soothing voice of Ted. . "You e&n't do a th1ng about It." counseled Gorald Fosland, a sUff·look· Ing gentleman who nEWer made a m1&take of speech, or manner, or attire. "Sbuoke, Gam" sllddenly r1lmem· ber.e d Lucile. "Tbe Big Faulkner reo ceptlon Is thle week, and your gown waa to be 110 IItunnlng, Don't go bome'" Mrs, Helen Davies cast on her teather-bra.lned dauahter a gtance of severe reproot. "Bave you no sense of propriety, Lucile'" Ihe warned. "Oal1, vel'T nat· urally, cannot rema'ln here under the clroumstances. It Uoel creat credit to h er that, Immediately upon reBUsIng tbls horrible OCClurrence, sbe tel& graphed tb her mother, without conBultln. any of us, that IIhe wu return· U atl \0
11ft a trm'oll llg veil.
home from th e accident tll Ihe su h· .,.,..,. anei hlld been put to bed und 'l1"en tea, and had reI1cn t ed l~' assured the doctor t bero WIiS nothlll8 the mot· tel' With her, they brought. at her ur· II nt r OQuest, copies or the "e~lrR s ," 'II'hlcb were al rendy being ,'e\led fram eve1'7 atr-eet corDer a ntI down every qnlet r esIdence block. Tho accounts were, In th e mai n. more or less accurate, barrln!; th e rud tl\at they Btarted with the RS8Uml'tI (111 that th ere bad been OUQ ltulHlred In ~U ao n '8 p..Tty, all kill II. Ln\l' r Is· IIU C9, bowenI', regr Hully reduced the number of dead to torty, six, Dnd finally nOD8, at which polnt they became more or los8 cober nt. aud gave an exact lI.t of the people who were there, the canle ot the accident.. and 'a 1D0st appreelaUvely accentunted his· tory or the horolo work ot tbe men. AllhouSh ,he regretted that her pic· ture had bl tbJs time crept Into the publlo prints, grou ped wllh th e mur· ders ~d defalcations of tb e duy, she wsa able to overlook this pel'1lonal dlJcomfort as one or lhe minor pen· alt1ee ,,'bleh clvlll!:lltlou bas pa.ld tor t.. JII'081'eaa, Uke electrlo l1ght bugs an4 electrIc tan neuralgia, and the .mell of ~ollne. In the meantime, tho r etiresentm. UV811 of tbe ,ay and eare-!ree nnd absolutely unourbed metropolitan press. were b,. no means discouraged by the fact that they bad not be n able to much, Qcept hectlo Ima&lnlnl>s trom the Qterlor ot tl,le Sargent hoUie. The, .. ere busy In everY other possible dIreotlOll, .,.,Ith the eame oom· log." "I Just wanted to co home," .ald mendable peralatllDce which we ob'&erftI:in an ant to drag a a1'Uehopper GIIIl, her chin quivering and her pretty throat tremulOllIl with breath pent up IDd doWD a col'llltalk on the from sobbing. JIome. lAW. . . . Piper of tbe Morning . "It'll blow over, Gall," arpe4 "Uncle l!Ianet. • eome1fhat withered an~ '11m, In deep dllltreBII becau.e ala wu puckered UWe woman. who bad sena, COlng 110 BOOn. If Bhe had only Btopped !eoouab U! dreu ~ . . to IDclte Doth· lone enoush to pack ~p, tha,. mlght llDc )u~ pity, quietly sUpped on her 'bavo persuaded her to lla,.. "lu.t fol' l'llel, little bonnet 'WI~h the funny rib- eet It, and havs a good tims.'· "Jim," ordeie!! the lteI'D voice or bon bow In the back, and hurrIed 'out 'to the magnl1lcent residence or Mr s. Aunt Belen, "wm you be kind enough PlIyllll Worthmore, who loathed pob- to see 1f anyone Is out lD fronn" "Certainly," .,reed Jim, wondertnc Uotty and had photographs taken once wb,. hla wile's lister wu BUdden1y so a mOllth tor tbe purpose, . The reault of that' U,bt·hearted and severe wltb him. llaht·beaded interview, In which Ml'II. "n's Ume to llaTt," called Ted with Phym. Worthmore., by special r equest, practiced wisdom anowin8 ten min· Instruction I . . . 1I0t !luoted, luddenly sprang on utes for good·bya. the ltartled eyes of 01.11, when sbe and forgotten msssageL The adieus were said. Aunt' Grace. leaped throUSh the Sunday Morlling Planet'. at eight o'clock next mornJng. clallplng Oall In her arms. began to .An entire pace, embellisbed In the Bob, out of a tun hean lUul a general center with a beautltuU.r priated pho· need for the exercille. Gerald FOllland toCraph, wsa 4elloloo to the sensa· took the hand ot his wlte and kJased tioDal beauty from th.-mtltdtlrWestl It. lD most pliant rsablon. HI ehall mlsa you dreadtUll,., mY Around . bel" were lrouped nine amatter pho~pb.: Allison, Dlok dear," be etated. '1 aball be thlDklng of you," J'8o Redley, wmls Cunningham, Houaton Van PIcon. Rey. Smith Boyd, a sa.llow lpond.ed Arlene. ad.lustlng ber veiL' TOuth wllo bad danced wltb ber three . Mrs. Davlea drew Arlene JAto the __ _ tlmea. III COllDt who had lIald "How do ~~ room. ),ou 'or and l8l1ed tor Europe, and - It Vine 80 ' sweet or you to agree to two men wbom, Ihe had never met. accompany Gall," she, observed. "h AU theae crack 'ell&1ble8 were class I· would be useless to attempt to Intlu· Cled undel' the ,ensral head ot "Slavea ebce her now, but I look to you to to Ber Wftc.h1n& SmUo," and a big, bring her bllck In Il week. Her ~roB- ' ~ecJ.tn .list wu ctven, In extremely pecte lire rellUy too brilliant to' be 'blaok·r.oecs type, ltatlllg, lD doUan lnterrupted by an unfortunate episode an4 ~ the exact va.lue In the mat- or thIs lIature." rlmoaJal aaarll:e\' ot e&\:h Blave; and • • • • the U...,. pnlU wbo bad put togetber One could readily see that no deviathIa I)'tilpoet1llD, by a towerln,ly happy tion from hlB routine confronted Ger'thonsht' concelYed Ii1 the very he1gbt ald Foaland this mornll1ll. He had bad ot the .1'U8h ho1U'8, totaled the whole; bls plnnge and his breakfast, ' bls ma.ll IUI4 ..... It as th. commerolal worth lind his paper laid before hIm, and ' of GaIlII beauty and charm. It ran yet {here was somethIng gbnatly about lhe. feel of the house, It was a8 If Bomeone were dead,! Gerald Fosland made ns radlcnl a deviation trom his dally lire 8.8 he ever had done. He lett his mall unopened, after a glance at the postmark; he left bls paper unr oad; he pIcked, up bls bat and gloves and stlok, and started to leave the room. As he passed the door leadlnr to Arly's apariments. he besltated, anil · put hls hand on the knob, He slanced over his shoulder, 8B a guilty conaclance made him Imagine tha.t a lIervant ' was comIng In, then be' gently turned tbe knob, and entered. A tiny vestibule. and thon a little Frencb'&mY salon, and then a boudoir, all In dell· cate blue, and sweet wltb a faint. dell· cate, evasive tragrance which was like tho' passing of Arly. Something mllde him stand. for Il moment, willi a trace of reeling which camo to Ilwe. Be did not notice. until afterwards, that be I bad tiptoed, He went on to the dainty blue bed· , room, and looked earnestly about It, then be went back to tbe boudoir and ' seated himself on the stitt chalr In whlcb he bad, on rare occasions, sat lind chatted wIth her. Be remalned , tbere perhaPB half an ·hour. Suddenl,. . he arose, and ca.lled for his Jlmouslbe, ~~~--:,_~;""_ _ _ _ _ _ _.J and drove to Teasdale's, They were T;;;' 'I'netlnet of Self·Preaervatlon out, . be was told, Tbey were Ilt Mr. Drovo Gall Forward. Sargent'e; and be drove straight tbere. Somebow, he wal glad that. eloce they lato thliteen 1\a1U'IlII, inclUding the dol· were out, they had Ilone to S&rIlent'e. lar man ~4 , the two · ciphers for He wal m9lt anxlOUII to lIee Lucne. ~=-.: Luan.. TeudaIe an~ Arl,. Fo~ "1U1t lD tlme to jolD tbe mourners, IaDd -arrl.ed at ETargent'e ' bouse Gerald," creeted Ted. '.'We're dolnc a at t_ o'clOck, an4 bad been let 1n very solemn lot of Ga.11fn&." at the , .1,4 e '-enU'aDC8, found Ga.l1 "I'll Join you with pleasure," 'acree4 "abblac l;Ier 07el with a POWder purr, ,Oerald, teellng more. at home and tabu O'Om .. UUle blaell tra.yellng bag lIgbt of beart here than .be h~ an,.· , lalCh IIt<I04 open at 'ber .Ide. Arlene whor;e during tbe day• . Lucile .eeme4 '=:.: ~ ~!.\d J"t~r thu LllcU. lo ' particlliarly near to · him. ·'Han)'.01l ~ any Intimation that OaU expecta to ,. retnrn BOOn'" '"None at all;" l ..te'4 Annt BeleD; with a queer mixture ot IOmbern_ and 'Impatience. "She only writea abOut what a WI,. ·t ime the,. are ha.· lns, and how d,JlahtfuU,. ...., her trimdl have baa about ber, aDeI Iunr popul';' Al'1T b, and well tJibID ..
• •
Uaat." "MIl' .. popaJar ..."",haI...• ~_r...a.
urely You Can't Afford
BY JESSE. UnOR. Erlitor of"Better ROIUls and "'IOhooOo4.'.· T own.blp rOllds ~hQ U in olude a ll publlo hlahwaytl ot t h e 11M ntb r r,h~n t Me o r aonnty r OUl1811S h erein. befure de fin ed, IUId the t rustee of' 8aoh t,)wnshlp sball m lli ntalu _\I .uoh 108d s ""I tlllu ~belr f spootl"e ~ o wo8blll ~; Rod prov (led fnrt.b er Ihat tbe oounty oomm i 8~l oD e f l! ~ tlllll bave fullllower and lIut·horlty 1.0 1\8sillt t ha to wo ~ hlp tru ll tee ~ 10 m lll.ntalnlng all fl noh r oads . but o othlo g herein II'b a\l prl'l vent i b e t ownship true tees from Improvlni IIOY· road within t.heir respective townahlplI exoept ae otherwise proviD ed in tlll~ a ut .
Wb c,c'/ r
bij(b ,, '
i.rl\'~l! I' v .. r III Ibl \lr \' I'd
or Ill l'
~ t"td
I\DY .'\ Ut'
I t tbis OPPORl'U lTY slip a wa.y from yOIl. This of(C'r will );0011 be wiUldrawl1 , and you will htl e Lo pay full price ,foF these mnga zines, If your time is' not out, don' t delay, but a nte in, nnd we w ill g ive au the b enefit of the Combu1ation OfTe r. Attend to it at once . '1'0
=_ .= = $4.00 Worth 0.£ Best Reading-All for Only $2.25
al li uh \ltvl~ I Ll n tb r"" f. \ ~f,\nrltln en glnA with tbru t1r r oC w llP('lli <;I lIippod wlt.h I ll~~, ~pl <, ollKIII ' or o~h L' r Jl l'()j "c tl orl ~ p " rinn~ly de s trnoU .... to pn oll h l~h \\,,, )' ,, hn ll e fined ( ,I T v' r.v oll'allM lIor Ifl,,-lO t htl u t n Ih' IlH r~ nor m or o th.,n t wo b nD. ared d o li nr ~ .
Wb (le ver. bioI; uhtt1'g I uy law wi th t he du ty or o6 u81 ng 8 ny Ull. hup ro vu(1 I!rd \' ,,1 Tfllld or pll r t ther ll. otto 1m ,\ r ll fol!/l'd I!h III wfllfn ll.\' f~ I], oegleot lIT r ll fn e n r Hl ,' U t he 88 '1 1e to be dOUl), in '11011 II tIIlUl n eC un I 'I'he stat-e, oonoly lind township with in Ille ti me fI -1',1 by 'be l~\V IIh81l 6floh 0181ntaln the ir r es peotl ve s ball ori orn- iotion tl ll, ... io f b tl~d Subscriptions may be new or roads as deeigoftted In th e 6 11\, ~!llflcl\ . no t rn nr !l 11\1111 Olt\' " " II IIr"", nUl' I fl~'" renewal. All magazine subtlon h ereinl\bovEl 8e t ro rth ; prL)vld etl t h lltl Il I1 d 'll l"r,. scrlptionll begin with monCh's how6ve r, thllt eithar th e oooll~y .n townsbip mtlY, by IIgfeement 'be. issue unless som~ other monlh twean 'be oounty oomml8slone l a Wb o~" c r plll("~~ lI[1on II n y po r t, of a ~ d town stll j.l trosteee, oontrtbllte a. PU~ I I O blgl)" "", IflLl8, r uruL stroet, ill mentioned on the order. All so b e reVlllr and malntenllnce o f I Dr Il ley ,. ~[' r ,1~O k~, " :ltI 118 , wlrl', tbe r oad!! under the oontrol of 'he 8 111088" tlU I!. o r ' ,Iilo" Hi llol!' , .whiob magazines must go to one ado lher The state, ooonty or town Dfll>~ dlllUl' !!13 . or hlJu ro n lly lle r~on , dress. Underscore each magshIp or IIny \WO or· m ore of them velll Itt or ul:1nlld l.rI\vnhllg ul onl( OJ may by agreemen' 8xp8'ld any o pon ~ "ld 1i 1ll hwIIY, ~ 1I 11 11 be fln ed azine that is a renewal. fuods av .. Ut\bltt for r oad oone t ruo n OI m ur u t..h H11 I W" llnnd red r1 ol lur!' tlon, Improvement or replilr DI)On or In p rl. on II li t, 1ll0r(l thnn si x rO~lIln.lde of a village or a vllloj{e m on th .. or ha l t.. may eXJ)eoll any fnnd s aVIIollabie for etreet improvemen' npon r OlLd . Wboe vv r eD t r~ npOII, or travels ontalde or 'he villilge lind leading 0 '1'01:' /lny p 1r t I u r t ho hl Shvl'llY 'hereto. witlJl o tb o Iltllt U, In \'iolutl ou of the trAffio r oles, ond r l'llllll Atione dnly Tlllegullh and telephone poles presor lbed by IIIW, or ~b e Rtllte hlghalong the publlo blghway mllY be WILY o o mml s~I (l IH' r, 0 1' t b e ooont? ueed for 'be purpolle of Rttaobln j!' b lg b ~ ay "uperi nteDtlen I of 110 y tbere'o. or plaolng 'bereon IIlgn ooo oty, 9b ftll be tinecl nll l m or e tch!ln pOI'e. gnlde posh. waTolng Ilgnt! or olle bundred dolll\r8 , li nG Ie than Miami Cazette , other slgne, when presor i bed by t be [ va do lltl CR, IInel in IHllll ti oll Ih erel o. oblef hfgbw9Y engloear or oo unly 8uob porsr>n sbllll 1;0 li l~bl e tor all McCall's - blghway loperlotendent. d lllllng98 d Qne tu " lIoh hig hways .
Q!:be Jldu ~oman'SS ~rio ~bt
anb .-tami
~alrtt£ Old subscr ibers, by paying the alllount ill arrears and one year
60 Cents a Year A recognized Fashion Authority fl,l r ye~ rs, with mure subscri oor5 thull Ully other fa sllioll mnga~ ille. Hlty exclusive desiglls mOllthly, showing la leSt McC,,1! pultcrus, whose slyle, fi t, si.m plicit y und economy m nk~ IheJll firs t choice of thouSO lld s of wclt ·d ressed WOI1lCII . More I han 1,200,0,\1) InlIIi1i. ~ love McCall'. fOf it s wl,ul..oru~ swries . YJIIlx\ thelic IIrlicles und ne wcsl ideus In FUllcy Needlework. . ii
ill ad\'anc~, may tal~e 8(lvao" age of this grell.t mOlley-sllvIlIg offer. The combinro circulation of THE NFW WOMA 'S TRIO is nearly three murlon copics every month,
_ _ _ _ _._ _~ . . . . . . -J.L-.. . . . . . . .-.. . . ---..-.. ... . . . . . .-._. _. . ._. .__. _. . _.___.__
'l'he state highway commissi on er within IIlltty days after the taking effeot ot the Aol (Septelll ber 7t.b, 11H1i) tlhllll prepare lind pnbli8h a. Bet of traffio rulel and regnlatlons governing the nile of, and 'raffio on, all rOtlds of 'he It.\e. All ro leR and raqolatlooll sball beoome effeoti ve thirty dAYII aftel' published.
11 IIh n t1 b tbo d uty or tbe prote. ootl n g I1 t t or ney of t,he oonnty t o prose t' u te 1111 ff eodorH of t hl" IlIw ulIOU RlIPliOO \l on of nny o ffiolal or lnCllvlrtulI1 fill ll g any nffidlHit. before any ml1 g l~tr n te of tb e ooonty, and oothlng ball p revtlnt tile pros 0'" Ing a tt .>rn ey Irom proHeontlng offenders OpOD b is own Inlthuive.
~~~~;r~~!ri!u:;:g· h~
NEWIe GLEANED It d . ::q:~~~d ::!d:~surro!:rth~II~~O,a:n~ ! 'FROM COURT HOUSE studying him cllrlously from that ' ~~Wbat. dl' )'O\'
'$ 1.00 .50 Mother's Magazine 1.50 ,1,00 Ladles' World
, J hear trom Arly?" 8he
- 14.00
~ Cut
this Coupon Oul and ':lend to lis
Da te _ ....., ......................,...................... .,....191 The Miami C8zette Waynesville, O.
Gentlemen :- } a('cept your great Money.Saving OlTer. For $2 . 2~ e.oclosed, please send 1'be Miami Gazette and tbe New Woman's Trio, all for a year, to the address below: a me .............. _............................._....................
All four for on1y
y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... .. _
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P OST· ( I F FleE .... , ........."._.. _._ .. ...........ST ATE ...................... .
STREET NO........ _ .. ., ........................""... "......R. F. D._" ...,............. .
All ~!.gar.ln ,," In tile ~lIlW L DIE TRIO poa.. 4 -_ _-...;..;;...._ _ _ _-..;._ _...1... __ ,_._ ••,•.. _I Ll. . .. vly DlU'~ I,oe HOllt to QIII) add.--no flXCOPUOI). '1 _'''-'''_''''''I '' ·_·'~···''··'''-·· ·--''· -
____·tJ·····'·''_I'_....,.__ ..-,._.....
I . Fran,IUI" rOIl~l!oO to Evere.' vs R(IYlUond Domf(ml M. A. Jam A_ .t'earson, 40 !lorea 10 lillmmou &own- I '!I,111,. fel!8 lind OOllts I1Q ,05: ""tllte V8 thoyare constipated. Tbey fear lOmeship, $1. Ben Momu, W.' Z Roll mayor, ' feee shadow. ' Edwin t!.lt' urnu to Jamell A, IlndQosteS".OI> . tbingdi8taatefuJ. Tbeywilllik.ReuU "Much the same," he auswered; "ox· 1 Orderliee-. mild Iwtive ~II' taateI Whlt'Rore,2 !lOreB In Wayne towo. 1 Generol oon&roota were lot to John oept that tihe mentions Oa.ll's popular. Common PIcas Court lilte eupr. _ Sold 01111 by III, 10 OODU; $200 J. Iro08 for work In TorUeonek It)' Instead of her own. Sho hlld her AddlUonal gUl\rda by or,1 or of J. L Janney,' If, B Woltord t o Martba A l:Iouth townllhlp and W. D. BOlltb for work ma.ld send ber ' another trunkful of clothing, 1 believe," and he tell to ooort wert! appvlntod'to ttSBi!5t Bbe rlff ==============~ 1 aore In BarIlln township, $1. In TOltleoreell e8 full owa : Lombsr In transportin g pri80011 r9 tJ \be p eo. Muab W , Balmer ~o Ann Eo Eo per 100 foot ,f,3: jolst,. 1.'1. 25 per 100 gazing Into the fireplace. . h No loaa real eBtnte In Leb-non II. feet; telun and band $3,60 I' oommon "1 am very much disappointed In ttenslary at Colombns l:lolomon Freet vs William c.. Doctd , Is appointed 1111 soo execntrix. ~,w.. w, labor 12. Arly," worried Aunt Helen. "J sent Jodgment In fa.ol:' of pltllntiff In the bond r equired. MlU'liage LiceMea - - - _ - ...~-Arly spectOcall)l to bring· Gall back In Estate of Edna BoU., minor, a waek, and they have been gone nine snm of $240 60 ticd decroe 10 foro. OI08orll 8rllntec\. . FireS and lina! aooouol or guardian Bllrty E, Lyle, operator of Xenill , da)lsl" The Bruoe tlewing M80hino Co. Illed . Approved and oontirmed. Elfza both Perul LaBellr, 'ot "I'm glad tbey're having a ' good li;state of Catharine ~lIJ1s, de Leblloon. M~ST time." observed .JIm Sargent. "Sbe'll VI The 8. F ired OOl[l\)rmy. Motion CODle back ,,'hon abe gets ready, Tbe to make Th ~ Prllot iollol Advertising oeased. FirS' and tinal aoooun& of I'.S8o Wlillor LI II O'oID, f8rmer, aod The oonRe \ton of tbe I,jood , III Its New York pull Is sometbll1ll which Co. a. par~y d ofilJ1 d"n~ helllin over aooonnt flIed. Approved lind 000. Mrs. Mub,,1 RIlI.h \:J ammer, both at n w OI&Olles pain S]olln 's Llnlmen' ' ....,...I1-Wil;'J:nEiI!~U1J'_....H:es-1lDiOtEl~__ hila you In the middle of the night. rnled. Defend llot,1t granted leAve to firmed. penetrtltas to tbe oongestlon and file anewer In 20 davs. Estate of Oharles Phal'8I!; deoeased ThO"llIlt' G. F ox, maohlnllt of .t-arts 'be blood to dow fretflv , 'l'hQ ao.d makes 1'ou get up and pa.<:1I:." W A . I:)i nky VI! Jessie Maotz. Ftl'lt and final aoooon\ of admlnl. ~Iamlsburl\', Aod Myra Edith ~Uplo body's warmth Ie r enewed: the p~fn "Yel, but the .eason will .oon be over," worried Aunt Helen. "Oall's Motlon. for Ilew 'rill) overtoled by tralor flI~d. Approved and oon· of epringboro. Rav. Kerst . . B gooe, 'llle "m!&o or WOml&D wbo . presence here at th1s time Is 10 Impor· agreemeu' of 1I 1I pllrtieB and oue flrmlld. _ FraDk B, Armburster, ~" ohl.nl.t hal rheomatlem .. neilrtllglll or otbflr t~nt tbat I do not see bow eho can dismissed withont reoord. Eslate of J08eph A, Barkrader, of Middle\owo aud "audl~ a.. Per. pain and l/llle to lleep !:Ilolm's Liol. ment ,ln ihelr home Is like .. dm",n . neglect it. It may a1l'OCIt her entire Frank Pearsoo V8 RebeooIL Pear. minor, Third aooooJlt of guarClialJ rlne, of M'Orrow. Fo,l)1er ·Weillb. future life. A lecond .ee88011 hI never Ilon. U"'86 oomp.romilloo, seUled flied , ,Approved aoel oonflrmed. Albert J. Ol~h, olerk of Arilngton lOll man reft!eioa " rope." Wbv 110 full 'of opportunltletl &8 the first and dismissed. EJ-tllte at Edwin F. Harkrader, 8elghts, and Cora E. I!lJver. of antYer, Get a boUle of 810lln 's ' 850 one." . . and 600. 11.00 bottle hold lilt timll" Beojamln E, Roed VA Frallk Bow. minor. Third aoooonl; of guardiall Maloo. Hev , Baldwin. as moah all 260. Ilze. "Ob, nonsense," laughed Jim. yel'. Demorrer to pe~ltlolJ 8US. flIed, ~pproyed and oonfirmtld. ... "You're a fanatlo on matobmlllElng, lalDed. Plf.llotltJ granted 10Ave to Estate of Margl\le~ Ill, H.,ra:rad,er, COmmluioaera' Pr~lnl' Helon. Wbat you reall,. mean I. tbat file amonde1 petition In ten dIlYS, mloor: Third aooouotot 1I0ard~r.o , .'0 . Wilber Iv,n., typewriter . .p. Gall should make a choice out of ths tj&JVey R'eddlok VII Josslo Red. flied. AI)provell 'and ooidlrmed. , plle. $11i0: Same, dyptherla anU. matrlmonlal k D eoieie f or.., iii yoroo IJrllntuu _.. . E stSIt' .of E \lz~ b et h Halnea, belle.... t lxln "5 ., Same, eoppl\- for 1anitor been plckod market over." before It baa all dl 0, ; Walter l..arrlok. frelMbt and Lucile watched Gerald with lDtense plaintiff who is given onstody and 1lo1ary, 'rhird aooount of 'rast~ one of mlnClr ohlldren, de fendant flied . Approved and oilnflrmed. . ge 5(10: Lebanon Ndlonal Interost. She could lICIlroely bslleve granted leave to vlsi~them atretleon. fent of eafety 'box $5; Oblo There &re over 18000 rellular)y the startlll1ll Idea whIch bad popped able times. .'ate ot 'Welton D. ButYord, Ian. J onngated Oolved Co. oalvert pipe '3It.abJlehed librarIes In 'be Dnlled Into ber headl Gerald's only ..ppar· atlo. I'Ir.t aooount of guardlaD 120; W ,Ii Uraham, bddge repairs ~~te8. oontalnlng mo r n 'hlloD 711,. ent devlaUon from blII normal atUtude ad~~i~~:~::~:!8 C::II~~thl~' R~~~ flied. Approved and oonfirmed. $27.70; Colnmhull Blank Book Co., 000,000 volume8, ll oooh Ung lo .~. .bad consisted III ILbstractedl,. slaril1ll dlsmlesed . .In re 8t!tate of Sarah A . Wlltlt de. reoord book aad blank• .J!rr olerk 'Ietloll jaRI oomplle() b.' tIle UnUed Into tbe tire, instead or pay-In. Jlol1te oaused. · RowllrJ W. lvlnll ou ap••18.80 i Wal"ron C Gilmour bo!lrd. -S'aies orean of Edocatlon The attention to evel'Tone. I5hl.te ot Olblo Vd Cbeater J ObOBl)n 1)lIoatlool" appointed admini,tra'or. log and waehlnK for prlso"e:s 1875.. nomber 0 volnmea II' an jn~relU!e "You lIoare me," sal4 Luolle, etlll and Frerl K ll hoe, Nolle proseqnl Hand, $800 filed . 7,7 :: G, C, Marvin. IUPpll.es for of 2(),000,000 IIlooe lOU" ' . 0 ft'a"cblng Oerald. "I'm no t " .' · goingt0 entured to tbe Indlotmeot. • In re e8&ate of Lewis 1:1. 1I'00e, de- Count,1 jail la,lIi; W . B. Robln,oD, ~)f tht ~ , 849 lilJr&.rlo:. cont-alnlnjf State of lIhio l!:)[ Rei. At'ton .0M,s ed. Order QUide ~o sell personal loea ,on . barial- oomm"toe , ,000 "olum'ps or '(filM, 1,8U ale le_ve Gall out tbero anr lo,nger, I'm going to, have bel' back at once." Brown proBflonbing V8 'I'he O. H. & property tlt prlva\e eale, elto.p~ ,J WoOdw.. rd, same tl; C W oll\llsltied 0.8 "publlo lIod II()Olei:v . Gerald ralBed hie bead lmmedlatelf, D. Rnil way ()(Iwpany. Case Bettled stock in uregonla Bridge Co , at not Unl{leeby, burial Of. ElIsba ' C. MH libraries," and J;006 ore Bohool all;1 and amned at her. 011 d dl swisSed witbont rLol>rd nt less than "ppralsed value. . lI'a rd $76; John Law & Son, auto- qollege IIbrarlell. Pnbllo and sbolet,. "Splendid," ho approved. "Fact of OOllts of plnll1til1. I~ re 611\ate ot liiohael Hemler .nobile eltpenlB for board of vlsl&ors libraries bave ao aggregate t)f uvel' the matter lB." and be besitated an Borry Os born V8 tbe 0 L & Rail. deo8i&eid. luyentory and appraise: $IS.80~ O. D. Bll!hop, ro~dwork In fitly million volume~. with leven InBtant. "I'm becoinlllc el[tremely lou&o way Co. Jlt3ply filed by lellve of ment l\led, Turtleoreek ,&ownlhlp "1.25'; J 'r million borrowers' CIUdB In fOloo; court . Est te of John F Graham d. bdilge "work in OIoaroreek en~lrely free to t.ho publlo. • aome." Even Ted detected eomethlng til New Suits. " . t i ' $61 90; Zaln Armi~a1fe, •• Oerald's tone and In hlB face. ' ceased. , F1.ret and olll llooount ot '478 $21' J K ~panoer "It's time you were waking' up," be In r e oPllllcat lon for appointment admlnlatrBtrix flied. 476 _76 j' E. Warwlok: bluntly commen'ted. ''1 sbould think of Kunrlliuu for Nanoy Jl1ne I:!urtaoe re estate .lf Salah A. WeBt, de. 10r .jall $865'; Jeanbel& Transorlpt bom pro\lI\te court filed, ' oe.,sed. It appearing to tbe oourt transorlbillir In recorder \8 you would be lonely without Arl),." tbat the v81ne of liald elltate 'le leaB j Arthor Bryao., I11ga1 "Yea, l.n'tJt tlme," agreed Gerald, " You will tind Dr " Klo~'11 New LifO' studying the matter carefully. "You Probate Court Proceed/ap , tMn 1600 ordered 'hat appcai.amellt I'e etate of Oblo v. Cbes. Pills a mfJB,~ .IIallllfllotor,y IAltative in , know, both having plenty of leIsure, III ra appllontionfor Il.ppointmenl, be dlBpenlled wllh. ' Bud ., Fred" Kehue $70; relAaSIOtt'thBpolaonll fm.t n your 8il .. 'there's never been any occasIon tor us of gUllrdlan f or Nllnoy JIIon8 Surface, In rtl estate 6f Aliol!' B • . Olln'oo, S~&f! 'VI! PerQY Lang. W. Z. Zoll ,tern , Aooamul,,~ed .wl1ste and pol' to travel separatel,. before. 'and, ieally, imbeolle. deoeued. Ordsr. laken to Ball per. mayor, feell IIod 001&8 1540; StIlte va BOnl! oaole manifold allmen'lI oolus: . I ml8s ber dreadfully." Order 'm ade tb~' some suitable sODsl property prlvll\e .ale . '. n6t Georg,« RobertI'. ',J08"ph ·.WhNeel re1B88M. Dlza1netl8, IIPOtA befol'B ''1 tblnk I'll have to eet her tor yOl1, perBon 0') makinR spplicatlon and le8ll ,btln appraised 'Value. ' , mayor, f_ and 006&8 fIU. LO; titite the eyee, bIIOllbl'88 and a mLlerabl& Gerald," promise! LucUe, 'I'emoving filiog II statement and bood as reo In re eat.. te of Edwin ti. Walker, feollng . generally . are lildlollllnnl! ber hand trom In front of her eyell, qufred by 1&\11' be appointect goardlan deceased. tiale of pereo~al properly that .you lIeed Dr. Klng'l New 'L ifo and smllll1ll at him reasBurlng1,.. She of the pe rson II utl esttl te o·f tbe sdd approved aDd oonflrm.4, 1'llIs , Take a · dOlle tu oIght and \:ould smile beautttUlly JUBt now. The N ',noy Juno 8 urfooe. fherenpon ~tllte vf Ohio VB "Jnnis Donnell. .v 00 will eltperien06 .jfrll1taful rell6f " incredible thing IIhe had thought ·she , Nanoy Jaoe S nrfnoe, b;p her 0()on8f11 Plea o~ guiUy enterel~ by de,eDdans' In ,'he8~ "&1S ot keo~ oOmpetitlon bY,m..:rnlog_ 260.. deteoted wall pollltI"el,. tru!', and tt gave notioe of oppeal to bbe oommon t9 tbe oharle lpo the ioformdiQD It I.i.nportarit 'bl,$ f,he puti\l'o shonld made her lixcltedly bapp,1 Oerald 'l)leu court. Appeal and bond Illed filed, .enlenced by the a jura so pay 8eo tbat &hey get Obamberlain'lI E, 'Foaland had been JA love with hla a. ,200. ' " fine of $50aad .0 081'0.f prbeeoutloD Remedy ana not take lIub In re estate of Rose S. WUlon, and elteontlon i. lII'lVarded merefor. 101d for the eake of extra wife, and had never known It nntil nowl . ' deoea~ed. Will admitted by order I h ' III f Ala J B II rOb ,.- ' Notary PubJlc "'If you can wOIt that miracle. and he.r.t itofore 'Inade, by tbtl oourt. n&0 w 0 ry. aero . t. ham erlalD'1I ""ugh 'Rem',. ' brl all ba k wi b b I ' deoeaBed. ' Will flIed tor probaki, ~l' h ....~oo(Uli8 teat ,and been ap. . US G c t er, you' lipread Luay J. Anderson, formerly Loa, lIet for liearin, Non~ber' 11116 prayed for more tball forty years' .AIl kloda of NOlary Wort. au.nlhlne aU over the pla.ca," d~ef Atklneoo, tbe elteoutrlx nllmed-in ~'a.e 'o f 11:' Alar&ln 81m' D • , Obtaillable everywb'll'e. alld Deedl a ' Mpeoia.lty, Jim SarA8nt. "U's , been like a f'd•. the will, uppl~ared In open oourt and 06118ed. J'lut aooount of =cni&rts neral here Blnce lIbe went 1I0me. on appltootlolo doly and legally made ,fll e d an d 'IIU1lpeli ded • . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ", . You'd think Ga.l1 WB8 the mOllt Important lIectlon of New York. lDvel')'·RealEllale Tilllll'. . bodY'B blue-Alii Bon, Doctor Boyd: ev· erybody wbo 'knew ber inquire II, with long faces, when she's comlne baclIl" "Wbat dro yoU propose?" Inquired . Mre, Helen Dnv:lea, with a desree of '$TOC'< AND 6ENB~'AL Interest whlch Intimated th.a t sbe was qllite ready c to lake any pert In the . AUCTIONEER con BIll racy. . "I bave illY little Illan:' laugbed Lu· clle. 'Il'm golng to sand her an abso· ReAL ESTATE ..t INSURANce lutely Irreal&tJble reminder of New Jorkl"
Watch Your ChlldNln
or!.cn children do no' Jet panmw know
1800 liBRARIES
1=================== BEWARE OF CHEAP SUBSTITUTES
w. ·N.
• -.
EFSend the Miami
ou.tte to .ll'I2Il·4:~m~~~:i:~i~
relative 01' friebd tor CJarIItmat.
J. Eo '-'I" J,
Office in Stoops BuDdfng
'r UE
SIOO REWARD, SIOO The reudcIs or this JIIIfK;r will he plens... d 10 leum Ihal there is at least
D. L. CkANE, Editor ant! Manager
NOVEMBER 17, 1915 ~
NONSENSE Where IlD u ~un tind & OHIl for. hll knOll ? Or key tor IL look 0 : his hatr. Can his 6ye8 be olllled an 1I000dem:v BeOllnse 'here are pupils thereV
... ., ..
- .....
_ _ _ _ _'_' _ _
....- ._ _
nne tlrcud"d dlo;ease lI,al ~it!Dce has beell a ble to ~'Ijfe In nil ila S l"~ts, and Ihu l is ~nl~l rrh : Cnll1 rrh ~ing greauy InRuenred by ~ n5t1tutloDaJ rondil:ions As by Our Corps of Able Correspoml,requires Qonstilutiolllll lreaLment. HaJl's Ca ta rrh Cure is laken iutenlldly and act. the Neighborhood' tllru the Blood on III Mucous Surfaces or lloe "Sy.s(em thereby tlcslroyiug the --..-...--........ .-...ruuudlltioll 1If. tlte t11..,lIsc. giviug Ibe pa· ~--'------------.-.----.--IICUI strengt~ IIY huilding up tbe COIlStilU' parents, Mr. !lnd Mrs. FraDk L tlon anrl assjstin~ I1nrurc ill doing its Harris . work. The ,roprietors ha ve so much Mr. and Mrs.~ James E., Shumtt ke r r"ilh in the c urutiv~ ' powers <,C " nll's and Bon, Everett. entertl,lnfld tlnn . Cl.l tll.rrh Cure Ibal the)' offe r Oi,e HUll. dred Dollnrs rorl1ny CUM! Ihu' it loils to B~njamln Evans la looated in lhB dov for dinner Mr. and Mlrs. R omine cure. &end ror liS! or testlmoniuls. upslaira room of the Township Shumllker, nf Wilmington, Mr. "nd CO., '1'0· Baulle, pegging Ilway putting on I Mrs ., H~rber, of P or' Wiliitull. Mr. Address : F. 1. CHHN E\' I do: Ohio. ~ Id by 'a ll Druggists. 75c. rubber heels, hRlf soles and any old CI~de E: r.evlo.v !'uo Mr. tlnd Mrs .
Wrltteo eots in
.- .
How to Grow B igger C rops of Superb Fruit-FREE
. V. B"rn e~~ IlIl U fhmil y m'l l o~c(l
to Xonlu on ,~lIt,urdltv whero tba v !!)lI'll t Ih e day wi t h relatives . . Mrll, Ueo , W. Borall no(l llo.nKhter l1i@H Ell ith wer!' !:;l1n(]lIy gUIlS I,tI of Mr . IIlId Mr~. 'Iur OCO suo ru n01l1' :::i1l1'log Bill. Gno. W . Uuvla and wi e ~jJel t undnv with Ii C Atkiu Bon un,l famll .V D,IU' WI1 YlJusvill . M. lIl . 'I\' rr r ., ud K ~~ , ThoUlPijOIl ",en~ Iu Duy t o I t ho fi r s t of the week \,jeo Burlt .w d wlfn OIJt.Artoln d th Ir t,wo Bon s tram Springboro on Sllnduy, Buwanl Woods lIurl wlfo, or near Bellbrook, oslled 0 11 K. E, Th OO1I" Ha n !lud ",ire O D 'l'ueHdny. Mts, Orle All cD Burgett, of Lell. Iluon, Is l'pondiDg ' his week with h r parents h ore, A tl. Allen . 1I0d wife. DOD't f o rg t Quafl arly moetlog wi ll bo hald at tho F . \N , B. ohurob h er!l on neXI, 1::3~1· llrrlIlY lIod tlUUtlIlY. !:llltllrdBY will he an all dny mef'ting I!:vorrliody Invit ed to co mo lind bring their dinners , '11,,". BIl~ rmyor and wifo lit f· tatned on i:iuuduy I·bll followlog tl oeste, Mhl~ell Lenn, Voda liOd lrw EllI~, of Ulokoryville lWd Fred BOllermyer nod family, of Sprlo jl; Bill, The ringing of t·he ohuroh bell at WoynesvlJle was heard plRin at this plRee on 1I18t l:iundoy evening , A. i:l Allen flnd wUe entertained on Sunday Milt Bowe, wife aod 80n Harry, of Hnrveyeburg, Hond fI, Mi ss l'hornpaon, of Lebanon, I[y. Miss Viola Jordon spent Sunday In Xenia. Mrs. W. T Jordll.n and danghter Vjpla spent FrtdllY WIth Mrs. Idaud Creo.ver 10 Lebanon. There will be a Box 800lal 1$ the Beeoh Grove sobool house, Friday evenlnlt, November 20th, Come,
pertaining to mondlng shoeB. J1'rllnk l:ibtdaker, of thlB otty. In the orown of his head wbat "!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! Be all rlgbt he Is a cobbler not J . Bllwiltou Boglln snil bis two Rems lire aeH a."oberry oobbltir." 'interellt.lng ~OD@. D&vls and Fred at. Who 'raveltl t he brldg or his nosf? 14rs. Lntle VllUdervoort Merry. tended the show ,at ~he o peril. B o us~ bew wllll,eave in 'he Dear futnru ~ond!lY ,nit(ht. Wileon, t·h e wagl. Uan he fix when Doeded tbe roof of his moutb? for CovlngtolJ Ky., Ilnd will bll !lb. OIaTl, wlla the stor 110tor, With I.be nlliis on the enda of hlB sent from her borne on the avenue Mra. Joeeph Dllv la and danghter, toell? all Winter. Her presenoe will be Dorothy, are vtsltlng In Dayton mle.ed by her friends , Mr . end Mra In A. Hotrllsook. What dOCK be raIse from a slip of Mr. ChBS, Harlan of Indian Terri. lJRptaln Melville B"ye8. no uttar. hi~ t{ll1gUIl? tory, was called he~e on aooount of ney, of Wllmingtuo. tmo81loted Who plllYs the drUID of hie eanf the dea'h of hie father, and will r60 bUHlnesR In onr oUy Su.$!lIrdllY. And wb n olin tell I,he out aDd etyle main here Indefinl$ely. Tbere will be preaollinl~ a t. the ,A. Of ~he 0011' thet hll 8tomaoh The Oregoola Bridge Company, of M. .E. ohuroh i:londIlY. November 21. wears I Lebanon, are ereotlng 6 bridge TIll1ok"gl ving Is nellr at. hund ; tb e aoroslI Caealllll Creek near A. U yenr uf 191 5 wI11800n be in tbe PIlS L Ciln the orook of his elbow be sen' Kings' home. and lUi I,be ye" rs P II SS WB ioore ...", 10 to jllll? Mr8. Floyd Andenon a~d a )n, yellrs lilld ouly II short t.i m e until we And It YO WhlLt did It do ? Curlton of Xonla were week ,end are forg otten, and only r(lferred t o Bow doee helhurpen hl8 ellonlder gnest. ~t Mr . and' Mn. Amos EIlIII. lnoe in IIo gr el1t wblltl . This sbould bl.d ol? I'll be hnnged If I kno'l\, do yon r Mrs. Eugene Jeffery. of neAr Ore. not exis". but It d o . gonia, wall ehopplng In our oUy Sat. • - -- -- - - ... urday. . HOW TO PREVENT CHOUP Pro'moted mil' tlng otM. E. churcb alleiated by Elme·· Starr, the Evao It may be a eurprlse to you to geUllt from Columbns, III still In lel1rn tbRt In many casul oroup oun progreas, and tros t a IIreat amount be prevented , Mrs. B . .M . •Jobnl!, of good 11'111 be daDe. Ellda"Oht.), relatell her experlenoe Joaeph Prloe and family have 118 to11owlI: "My Ihtle boy 19 sub. moved w Xenia. vaoating the 1.. N. jeot to oroup. Duriog tbe potS' win. ter I kep$ a boUle of Ubamberloln's KIBe Eugenle Whitaker ent~r. Miller property. Oough Remedy In the honee, and talnecl 14lsa Mary Tboma\! Wednes. UiYSI81 Gran' WheMe( ball gllna to ~drp~d from the .early P ennevl., day nlgh'' I,oOSlana tor 'be heUerment of hia when.he began having that oroopy Cloagh I would give him one or two vanl" Germane. 14r, Barvey BoraeU and famU,. phYlilool oondltloll. doses of It and It would brenk the M.arry i88oDl;e$blng borrowed. . en'ert.lned tbe followlllir oft 8nn. MIN Tbompeon, of Lebanon, Ky., aUaok. I like It betler for ohlldrt'n Wilen a ~Irl is. aoxloue marry dill': Dr. J. W. WarQ and Wife, IIr. who haa been In oharge of 'he milIhe abonld feed the cd from ber I Cbarlea BOU8h and wife and BOn linery departmenS of &he Leylcy tban any other cOJ]gh medicine Iboe. KenDeth. & Rowe general st()rll left for her beoause ohlldren take I.t wUllngly, and It is safe aod reliable." Ob. If a man offeri bls Sroulera to hilI Mr. and Mra . Shan"', of Oedarvl)le, home Monday morning, after a very " ..In.ble ev.jrvwhere. wife tbe fins morning of bll wedded Ille visiting Mr. W. U. Warner and snile_fal leason , While here'lhe made the acqualntanoe of mllny lifo_he will !>e· henpecktd . famlly. A Ian&hini bride beoomel a weep Mra. Asa Whltaller and da11ghtere people and leav88 a multitude at inl wife. Mieao8 Eogenle an~ Lena were abop friends who retrrea her leavini. lib. Boward Graham hal pur· The flre' to 110 to bed on the wed. plog In LebAnon &~ordIlY. - - - .... dinK nllbt will be the fir" to II1e. Ilr. Harry Ea~nhart and family ohaled an Oakland machine for his If a yonnger ,18Wr marriee before spent Sunday wlib Mr. Elmer Earn· 'amil,.. n II! a beallty. J aha '"' I I """" AI Leeter Stookmall, 10 yearB old, JIr •• ana bel' aider slaterl, the older anN haT' and family, of Lytle. n _orr I, 0 &u.u.n, IIOD of Mr. and 14rl. Millard I:!took. APINE WHOOPING COUGH REMEDY mUll danae la,allk atooklnge. "re. a.r,vey Borne" lpen' Wed. aDd 14r, Kibler, of N,e,v W,..hlni' man, was running down Halo Street Mother., Dr. BatJ's Plne·'l'ar.Bon. To.bave luok 1n m&rrlt'd Ufe jomp n8lday af"'rnoon .nd Thur,eday 'oa, Ir&Da&oIed baln8ll. here laa. he wal .'r\lok by aD I.atomoblle ey i8 jilllt the remedy tor your ohU, week. .' roc)m1IDgout. Terrace AV-EI . f.bema dren's cold ailmente. The .aot " o ..~ a broometlok afwr 'lle ,.el1dlnl. wl'/1 har ~ren~ of SprlDlboro. Poaamuwr Merritt hail been OOD· ohlne paellng" over one of h18 lege. tbat pine Is II qnlok enemy of oold To dream 'of a funeral meaQl a Mr8. W. O. Warner aDd dau~hterl w hia room .lnOl November Be Will taten at once So t'be dootor '. o()~dltlons. Its qnalltlee loolen the wedding. MI11181 Jenole alld Bealle, aDd Mrl. 110.., 2nd, bul at '11.11 wdSing 18 moob im. office where he wa. eXIIlmlned but muooue in tbe tbroll', sootbe the Drellm of oate aDd you 19m quar. Ada CourUtey SpeDt Thoraday wltb proved. beyond two bad brulll8s lbe was not I ung8 and open up the air palfagoe. rei. -'Ire. Rober' Ballinger. Le,.loy & Howe lold and delivered ~njured. .rhe maohlne ~~as driven 'l'he oembination of honey, soothing It a woman mende her apron Ibe Mre. Bar.y ey Barae" aDd lire. \0 Robert Sheridan s fine Overland by a oiroulatlOD man fOI' a Dayton and pleuont, with tho 10018ulnR ahe lPOn. ber luok. 88r"e Earabart .. nclltltle daugliWlrl \ourlDg oar. DftWepaper. pine qaality makile tblB an 1deal If your nOlle Itohes )'OU will be Ruth and Jlarie, apen, Friday wlSb Willter 11 near a' hand and many Born Friday to Mr. and Mra. oough remedy for ohllclren. Eaoh Mr•• Aaa Wbl$aker. klste4. of UI are wondering what we bave LiDley Marlatl (Hachel Smith) of puelng fear brings for It new friends A tllmlly of growing ohlldren oen. KlJllI:g. spIder at IllhI preV~DtII Maawr Ralph Whlkter apeal don,e ,,1&h our ' lumm.r'• . -lfII, Bpringfleld, a ~ potInd daughter. aore hande 01' felonll. Saturday wltb 141.. Ratb Earnhart and noS belni able to explain U, re ·Mrl. Willie Osborne is slok ""Ith not IlfIord to be wah out It, 250. a bottle. lolves thaS nex' year we 'W1IJ noS slomaoh trouble, A pimple on the iongoe meaae Mill Anna Borme11, of Sprlnl' O&ugU ibll ~ay, bua .1 tilDe ?oa have $old an n.n trnth tlulUlng bolO, who h .. bet.n lpendlng the be P~N8I 'he dletr"" of 1a., year III Jlrl. E. O. VanWinkle', of Ulifton InLe» 'he fire three '1m. wlll oause PIlS' few daY8 wllb Mrs. Harvey forgo""n and we are back Into the 8elghtll, vtllted las' weel: with her t, \0 dtlappear. BorneU, hal retarned home. aame old rot. t:!uoh III life lo all parente Mr. and Mrs. Moslle Walton. A dea 00 your hand, & leUer fr"m ' Mr. and Mrs , Aurlllua ,Alexander, The people of tbia neigbborhood olvUlzed oountrles: 'he oOllDtry, . Mr, and loire. Barlan Barvey have of Dayton, are spendi~lg eeveral bave been bnlY 8hredding aile past If aba' "11188 ' Into the honee the weet. lold their farm \0 a Mr. Hanke, and day. with relatolves bere Cross, of near Garman town, .deville after 'au. Yr. Haney bu rented .ooe until he Mr. and lire. Maxwell Complon, la Blair Mre. Ada Courtney !!pen' Saiur. visiting hla brolher Ray Cross NeV8raklp oua iraalng In a ~ve. day 'fI tth loire. Charlet! Kibler, lladeoDe ahaS w1ll meet his approval. of CincInnati Are J.'lpendlng tbe week and fo.m lly. meD'l brlnll bad luoll. . We weloome 14r. Ban 11. 11150 OUl' with his parenls. Ifr. Verner Dea'bemae, of Beeob number of the loetore Charle~ PenCe who is a"endlng mld. a t. Thll firat A oat paNing brlnlB ROod luok ; a Grove \'181&ed IIr. Georle WarDer On Bon day afternoolU) lhere ta whloh II to be held here tbls wlDter ' lohool at Delaware, the week. ao"badluok. . on Bunday, Sunday 8chool al Weiman e~ooJ will be DecemJ>er 10, the Ruaaell end with home folka . lIfever pick up money ~rom oroea. bOUle oondnowd by Mora. Enlm. MUlloal Novelty Co. Jamea Baloee a"eoded thed8dl. roacle ;1' brlllgi bIld lack. Wolf aad Mn. Anna 8t1n.on, 'wo A fire broke oato Thnrflday noon oetlvn of tbe new 1, O. O. li'. build. l ' II bad luolt io m.le' .. 01'0lIl· or our mOlt etD\lleD& ladlee. a' 'he bome of Mr8. Mluy Duree. Ing at Vanclalia Saturday. eJed."oman. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Weloh and Very little dllmAge watl dlJne. Albert Hes\on and wife, Mon. Ln. Joa. CarrolaUended qua:rter)y rJ1ae'14r. Burke 111 obnfined tlO hl1 b'o me Uola Beltoll, . Mra. Caroline Johns laafor 'be Frienda churoh at Xenia. with a levere a~taok of glrlp. and Ellen Smith spent .Friday with u'·orda... . A num b er f rom h erl~ at.en • d-A A prel'y good firm la Walch & 010' ~ "" friend, aud relatlv8e at Lebanon. Mr. aDd Mrl. Ellbu Underwooc\ Frl!lndll Quar'erly meeting and 'be C~de Mount and family aud BId Walt, ADd aao'ber II A,m, Early & paned 'hroagh our ol&y.l:lunday 10. C. ·E. Rally d Xenia Sa*urdayand BeDleland wife were the guests of lDi In hi' Gran' &uto mOloblne. ~aliday. , Will Irwlu and wife 8a1arda.y. Cayt8 i , Aad 1&111 . anotber II Doo & Dalre'; )In.. Anna Elooo.k still remalne Mr. alld Mrs. Geo. BeDson enter. J. B. Ohapman. of Wayu8llville Bat &he beat II probably GrlDD & very poorly with Iin1e hope of ber tained Sunday Mr. and Mre, Benry w.e tranlaotlng buelue88 bere l/ltl~ Barre", being be"er. Walton, of Lebanon, Mr. and Mrs week. - W )IDaD 'e BOIDe <.Gmpanloll. . J1r. and Mra. Thos. Whe&eeIOAn Jno. WaUon and Ion and alliS Mrs. Ellen .Jobns an(1 Carollue found now lot " helr beautUul {''leland. ' tlmith IIpen' aeveral daYllaet week home oa Eaat Main IItreet. Mrs. Leroy Davia, of Dayton, wss with Lydia and Mittie Wrlgbt. r. f 'P a rl I, .,. Clyde Cempbt!lI, JIr. &MOwaon, 0 ay., h Il8 the week end gllest of lIirs. D.ke ~ LI • • rd i h bl of Oa.yton, t M spent J m~v8cl hillamlly here and 'I open. aod Mrs. Carey. ' .'!>kU ay W , B, aun, rl!. ane Inl ~p" blaoltllllith 'hop In Ohaa. " . - -~ LaoRdon , liadden'aproper'7. ' Mra .. Ed Fox, of MlamiBburg, Our . towo JI 10ll1n'" one of tbelr COLDS 00 NOT LEAVE WILLlNGLY en apent tho paet week with · her par. .. til J , E . Robinson and wlte . ifOCMIry .'ortlll which will be mlaaed Because 110 oold Is 'saabborn Is no verymuob. (he ~oom h .. been 00- reason wby yon should bEl,' Iostead Marlett" Pu~h @P(lnt SaturdAY at oupled .. a bUlID81111 ro!)m flJ'r many of "w8llring" It out, get ,sure reller Germantown with Wm. Bawk and yearl and I" hle'oryl8 811001II8, by taking Dr. Klug'sNew .D1soo,.ery, wife. Mrs . Clyde Wharton lIod Velma &Imer "3tarr.l. e'V",nlella~, Illled the DangeroDB bronChial and laug all. pulpit at 'he "Ienlll ohuroh, 8un. tn.flntll often tollow a cold whioh hilS SmUll. of Ly$le, spenf WednllsClay day morlling. been negleoted at thu'beghmlng. As wltb Levi ureathoose and wife. Mr. and 11r•. A.. B, Talmage, who your budy faitbfully batitlea those P. K. Pence ~nd wife e"ltertlLlned are ' among 'be mOlt pro,perona cold germs, no better ald . ,~an be &iv. at.sa Sunday ellenlng, W"lter ][en. farmer. tn thla v.lolnl.y, are hnlng ,e n ,Chan •.he ulle of tlill remedy. It. ricl!! and ' wife and SamnElI HalneH the eXWlrior of their dwelling houle merlS hilS been tested by old and and wife, of Lytle. decorated yoong. Gem 110 bottle to,. day. · 500 John Meyer 'anl1 family, of Lvtle, Mr. aDd Mrs, Mllion ' Bowe and and tl.oo. epent Bunday with Mr. and Mr., Barry,' aooompanied 'b y Misa • - • Barnbart. Thompson, of Lebanon, Ky ', were LI~tle Eva Whar'on, of Lytle,l" ~un'day RUNlB or lIrl, Bowe'e par. visiting her grandlJuents, LeVI en", Mr. and Mr.. Amoa Allen, of Greathouse !lnd wife. 14rs. Moaee Fred, of Day tOil, Ie Dear bere. Mr. aad MH. Bobe.... Faber, .of ,.ls1tll1l Venna Brusonp, Dayton View, Dayton, were ' weell Mra Jetta Carol, at' -Indiana Mrs. ,Bayner Borden, of Franklin, eDd gullta 0' lire. "'ber'l pareDta, Tielt;i William Mooney 'and wtr~ 140nday wUh Mn. Charled IIr. aDd JUl. A. il. AnIon. · lat, weet. . , .' II1ee Olea A~lOn, 0(' WUmtna&on, Mn. AnD.. ,Boover .,nd sll~e~ Ray OrOBS ~Dd fllmlly and Tom viaiwd her paren.,. ~nnda1 Mr. and lCmm~ £1118, werl eho,pplJlIr ' In Burlll and fa.mlly · BL'ent Bunday IIrl. A. 'fl. A.Dlon, · lliaruvlllv In' &turdIlY la 'a,rnoori. eveqing In Frank lin. '" J:cl LulleDa wboee beautlful .arm Mr. aad Mra. Bobert.8h:lrdeD hne ---'up \0 oor Ume oUy 00 Sbe &fiDe b&b;r Ild ,..t 'heir bome. . \8 belU'tf),IDI " wlab paiD' M and JI EJ W I h" . Willie Was Using··It oemllit Iii hill 4&1", 1I4IIra, 8un~~y to Le:'OD. ' r II . • ' apen~ "Willie, did y6u lee my new The,bumane oOioer '.or thtl OQIID. Several farman iD 'he 11U'rooDd. 'y WM I.n thle ~oInitl s.turday Iq oonn'r)' are I8lUlili their bop. lhavlllg brush?" "Yep. mom, lie nelllg " lo paiDt lodkhJR atier. lamUy or Ill· 'reaC~., Olttr Sawke apen' one day 'ba bird oage.' · their l~oOk~e)' ha.e plenty 1.., wetlt 10 KtalDau. ' , but 'hey abey Jtave been alred befote01ll'oourulOmeU'Ueand Mr. Barry 1'0000, of Plq.aa Ohio eWleD'tlr will ba. . ao line more Of oaJled on: ChU. &. lCUiIIOD 'n.wincta;; DISTRESS. iN 'THE STOlleH afte~II00D. liefore ,hey will be .0Dd. . There are ruany people who have ' Pirool ·Pe&ll~. of 8prlnl lire. W'anea a dlll\ieNln 'he Itomaob after meall, iille)',,,,iII a 8a'DcWJ: peal Qr ~,r dar aUeraooD n II due to iadlgeltloa and 88etl, lin. J04I lIell1QnJII ",medled by &8l1lng one ' 0' Cham. apen' ou. aftelfDCIOII berllllll'lI Tablel.after meall. 811'11, 10 BarveYlb'orB. H90FT Padlhu, Victor•• N. Y .. .rl"': ""or aome 'I me I wu voubled wI,h headaohe and dllt .... til Ill)' tdGmaeh .f&llr ..'lal,_lao
.. - ---
. ~
JC g , 'I'bOlllllHOll IInll M, M. 'l't rry "tteuded the Oleo_ver' and Kec (ir trlUltu Lebl1uou IIL ~t wE'ek. Wm. r orao,Y .10(1 f,troll y, E'lrl Bo ket 'lDd wile \V ore 8 nUlIllY I! u ea l~ of ~; , U. IlInllOI1 /lnd r"mlly'. MIRd ,J lln etto Brown. of lIour Wlhnlugtou, 'Uotl)n Uo. 81i ot Hu nd"y with b or h l)1ll9 folk rl her
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fn8r kl' t priCeR . The wh o lo book Jo; filled wit h fneb. Ihlll wllllntc n.::.t nu(\ III trut t )'uu- (oct S "buul huw ftult·U l owt.:rtl
Stark: Oro's
BC3 uflfulllfC:-J.;lxCJ, n:tfurn.l·co!o r phQtl1s of 1~· It.d'nv f"JlIH 1111 thCltll ~ h tbo bOfJL SUD\.! (ur you.r coUy tway to
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. Rend hand leorn nhau t thl) new rnJIt· Grt ,h u!\. (, fll\' ' n - Iht: tree dcvc:l oP1Jlcnt tree l dumn ]l (rf SIw.rk Ur o·:I I 11(( Cen- • that f UIi I 'J I:\ " cl')Uo. r n ' II.'' (i .:t th" l\cw tury o f SuC!ccu- t hu "Uoublc- Llfe" l'tl c US Ahn ut "S tark D eitcl()ui'o ," Stlitk .
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M ont morency Clwrr y , M nulluoth ~:nhj ~ I'lum fl nu nil tit!.! O U lt 'f Cum1luq Sturk , H r o's lrults,bcr rlc s and O rD am(!nttlIS ~
Get Our New Catalog , FREE fro II IC 8In ch" B-flllc(\ ~,1 Ul CO\'C f to ,
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ho imr w trult 'A'f'"wcn a r~IJ Inak nc"nJ .Ln:aJd prdlla . 1 " .. ~l to plant ...•. , .••.. t-reel
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1\..... 0 .. ........ .. .......... . ...... . .. .. . .. ..
P. O................. .... .. .... .. ........ ......... . St.aU>., ... ..... ......... , .. .. .. ... .. ........ ...... ..
Stark Bro's Want Good Sale.uneD-Caah CommillioD Paid Weeklf •
Funera' Director
MrB, lJlaudlll (',ornell and dRugh ter MIlia Irma transaoted buslnesR ID Dayton Buturd:LV, I Born to Mr. Ilnd Mrs. lJbIlS, TholDlis a fine girl, Aaron Sellr6 Bnd Rarry Snyder were down from Dayton hunting geme. ' ~ .Ed Brown and fawlly, Vernia Hougb, wlf~ and eon, of I:!prlng VaHey, motored to FOllklr lind oald a visit &0 the Cornell and Penny famHy . The MulleD tamlly entertalued oompany from California I:latu~day evening and Soitdfl.Y, The ProgTes.lve liternry met at the Elliott s'ohool house Friday evenln., A good proiram W8e well rendered. Everyone enJoyed the talk given by La Clf1.lr of Bell brook, A vow of 'hank!.' waa then extended for hie elegan' addresll. Carl Sherwood was In Dayton Saturday evening and Buuday. Harry Cornell's antertalned oom. pany j:)und"y. Luoy Sherwood nnd son visited the Hartsook famIly I)unday, Several of tbe farmers were ehreddlng oorn last week. The little Miss Edna Mul16n visited ber aant lind uncle Mr, and Mrs , T, E Bl&rtsook lees week.
and Embalmer. Waynesville, Ohlo..1J ,
Call answered promptly day or night Both phones In Office nnd Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone 14·2r. Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals . Best of service llUaranteed.
Dr. J. .~. 1Ii:., Mcoy, C Veterinary Graduate of Oblo Shit, Univers/ly
Office at residence in F. B, She!: wood's house, Fourth Street. Telephoae 28
..,.. ...
DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• D~NTIST••• o.m.ee~
Wayoe8\'llle. 0
N.Uonai BUlk BId..
OlasslBed Ads
'V e "viII I:IRUly mnll you n frco co oy of ou r New Cnlu..hu:-n n J1 x 8 In . t.. o llk
t hu t
---.. - ..---
practica l, expert inform ation. Whether Y YUllU own orthis intend to pl ne t or a Ihousnlllt , it IN illf or'
OOD Tobaooo Boxes .for elile. G For informo.tlon Rnd prices In. Walter Chandler quire of zen & Bon, WlttyneBvllle, OhIo,
Waynesville, O.
Male 'Big Type Polo.ud.Ohl.na pigs. immune from chalero.. In. Over Posto~ , Boult Phone 115 quire of 1. SatterthwaIte, Waynep. OHIc:e Phone 71 vlJ\e, Oblo, . n 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~=
RGAN--Iu good order and , 0. fiue tone. YO\l ORO sell It by calling on Mra. Raoll~i- K~YB, WIl.Y· nesville, Ohio. .
lot of good, A PPLE>3-Bavo extra dropped apples. Theso not the oommon drop apples, flo
Walter 'McClure Funeral Director. . Telephone day or night. .Valley phone No. 'I. Long Diltanoe No. GII-2r • .
t>ut they Ilre good ones, ubout IIoS good as ploked . Prloe 250 IIond 500 Automobile Servlco 111 1111 Tlmo.. per busbe\. D. B. Underwood, Phone Bllrveysburg, 23./l. n~' OHIO WAYNESVILLEl, • Polan(l Chlon Pi s s, '1 5 elloh. 1 Branc:h Offic:e. BarveYlb1ll'l, O. Red Mal!} Rog., lnqulre at this olUoe. n24
VE Poland Chlnll Mule · Pigs. P BIg Type breedIng. W. C. Weloh, Barvoysbutg, Ohio. n17
WaYDCY ville'll LelldiDIl DeDall' OOioe In Kej's Bldg. lIalD St lG Type Poland O/1lna pigs, males ""!!!~!!!!~!!!!~~~!!!!~~~~~ and gilts; f\ tew yetirllngs = ThAlle sired by a son o~ ByrOll, tbe Rre"t breeding hog of Jj:, GreUer, of l owl\.. C. S. MlixwelJ, Wllynesville. R . 1. ' . ' n24
Ray Mills
for 8"le or rent. PIANO at this offioe.
lnqulre D17
Auto Livery Serylce at R,e asonable Rates
u LL-Bolsteln, he Is a good one . B Also 1 good Sow And Pigs. For Alia Illfolmat\on olll on E. B. Brown,
AKent for Kelly.spri~~eld
AotomobUe TirClil
R . D. 6L lIoynesvllle, 9010 n 17 subsorlbui8 ~o the ~cCIttIl'8 M.l'gazlne. Send 350 to the Gaze"" 0~Q8, aDd ge' one of they a\ley Phone ~1X' bee' maplli1nea on eartb. U I
Corwin, Ohio
Ja E.
'All kinds of Spouting and Roofing and Furnace Repairing DoneD·
\Va,aeaville, Ohio SHOP NEXT TO SHBRWooD'S OAIt.AOE
PHON, 24-.2~
-EVENiSl: .. ------_..... ----., SOCI
Mr. !lnd Mril . D. I.. Crar\ ~ ha.l n8 lheir ~UL'Sts t rlltll1N SUllcl!,y Dr , lm u Mr a.· A , T . Wr i ~ h l 11 f Oil. Elliutt.
A big touring car for five people
11'. DIlIl Mr. F I" "I: 7.,'11 L'lltcr, I .if , II : l :IIIII'y " . '\ I I 'in lind ItlU vhl .r. M I' I ""-"',of Bd l· hr4lllk III J M.r. 1I1I' ,. \-" (; , ra l· ~y.
1'.1 ,' >I nti \ 1" \\"Ir, ' ,- \ hil lll(",· . M,·. hr, l " ,, - ":' UII \1,,,., li llt ~ l r ~ . I ' ~~i< I inlil \ ;" , I ~\ I I I'll t 1\' l 'rayrn(>r ""rt' '1I1111 ~ 1' )[tI,·"\ t, of l r.llnd Mr~ . J (ll' 1'illtl C!~"
~1ighty .
resistless power that see ms capable of sweepyou onVand~ on f<?rever- that 's the first thing YOll feel when you Slt behmd the wheel of a Saxon "Six .'.
most IIstnullding
Y ou sense it in tlle motor's low, h ealthy purr. You feel it in the st ady, even pull as the car gets under. way.
pc rlUrDlIl lIC.
In this s real rur t h' eaton ~lI gin eers IlIl 've .ncorl'omtcd thnl most ndv:ui!e d ideas lof motor car design:
And then, when you step on the accelerator, what Ii revelation of power you get. The car leaps forward-eagerly, like a bound unleashed.
High apeed motor LIght welp;t Yacht line body COmfort for all passeneers
Speed is yours-as much as you want-with only a touch of the throttle. Hills are like level places. You ro mp up steepestgmdes with . out the sHghtest feeling of effort. &xon"Slx" hus proved It', hill-cllrnbi"" nbilit y on nil the rumoul tes ting bills 01 l he country. In the 8tnnlford, Conn., Hill Climb, it took firs t place . Up the three ·mila mountain road at Uniontown, Pa., it spood In , minutes and' seconds, deJeating all cars ".1 Its price c1nss 0.114 some that were higber pril;ed. Ralph DePalma, the world' s ,reates. mcillg d ri'Je r,who compeled, sai tbeshowing 01 the Saxon ",iIl" at Uniontown W QS the
laxor, high speed 'motor plus Saxon light weight is the combination tbat gives such wonder(ul f.X>wer. Vncht line body gi . cs the "Si,," Its st rlkillg benuty and style. Ample room In both driver's sea t and tonnenu giyes CeDlplele comlort for all pauengers. Come in nnd see ihis splelldid ca r. Let us pro,'e to ' O U its power a nd qUllli l, . In choslllg your touring car don" be COlltant wilh aayth ing less than n "Six." Six-c)llnder high·speed motor, 30· 35 h. p.; yacht line body; two·unit elect ric s ta rti.n g and ligttlng: demoantable rims; ere· man to p, Timkel' axles nnd bearings, vnnadium steel cantilc\'er springs, 1 111 in.It wbeel base; a.xa u Inch ures, 1I0n-slcid ill rt!nr.
'395 WIth detachable Coupe tOP 455 Delivery car 395
....x.. Road.ter
Thanksgiving Dinner Fresh Ba lti more Oysters. Bulk or . ill Sani tary Cans. L ave you r order a nd we wi ll st!e Jl' nncy
Consisting of
>\ery. Fa ncy Cranberri e!:!,
I'!d ~ctn \tn t l'lu·klJ rs. Dun'l l~t :lIIY \l 1l tt>1I you l lw y have
Vo~a l and Instttum~ntal m usi~
1'1' " I<e r!< just ns g Ollll. Thecc • 1't."1ll 1l ' SII K OOU I.Cj Ed g c m u lIl ~ .
N w Rai l;i!lli. New urranls , Ne w Mince Mea t. Ne w Cit ron. N ew Da tes . Ne w Figs, ew &lft Sh ell Ca la Walnu ls I . N e w Evp . Pcachc!!. New P runes. J e r. cy Swccts, F la. Ora nges, Ballana." , Lemons , Grapes, Heinz Pickles, Fan cy Oli vcs, Ne w Oats, 'N ew Hominy. N nw Pancak e F lour. Ncw Che ese
Under the auspices of t he
m. B.;
ADMISSION, 25 cts. C hildren un de r 12 yrs., 15 cts. No reserved se ats. P ro g ra m to begin promptly at 8 o'cloc k . .
ZIMMERMAN'S . '~Why"W"e Never Ma rried" will alone be worth the price of ad l' issi o n •
Come and eni )Y. a good eVCniJlg with lW . splendid attractions await you,
---- -----
i'2fA: ~
E .W · RIC' KS .,
Wa neevlll y e, Ohl 0
Ntent for AlLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, and Raeine H Sh Tr ___ d Ti'r_es_.____-1 1_,._ _....;___ ;...,..._ _ _o_rs_e......;;;...oe~_._ea -
Precocttl' may be dellned BII & form ClI premature mental development tbat II IJllItanced wben IL chUd five yean 4114 haa Jearne4 that the drumstlck II'.. Rot the best part of a turkey gabbler: .-Boutoa l;"oat. .. - -
Price of Fixed. Tho GermaD government has fat years fixed the retail price of druga, even to the extent of designating what mUlt be ohareed for botUe, cork. Ja. bel or ointment boa: used in d\spenalnl tli8 medlclne..
............•.•.................... ........• ~
, Home
L"~. m~nthly ........ .. . ... . .. .. .. ..
Seven for ,
1 year I $3.35
~0Id .Journal, monthly . .... . . .... . . )
You Can't find better value no matter how hard you Think .of it-your ownbome weekly, Cincinnati's . biggest and best one-cent daily newspaper and FIVE splendid home and fiction publications af a bargllin price. 'fhe MIA,HI GAZETTE gives you' all of the interesting local news about the folks' you know, while the Times-Star keeps you in touch with the news of the whole worJd, in addition to furnishing you with valuable arid interesting special features ' that no other daily can give you, Latest and most reliable market reports. Don't overlook this oppqrtunity, but send in)'Pur order today to ~try.
PI~:f~ ': .0:r~yl l.!Dbd-ul!rg;(H!:ltBb-tuWr8dra -/-I---LI-l-l~II.l~II.h--.I!.- Building Material
-- - _.-----
Wben you wont to
Lumber Call on os and we cnn supply you wi("h tbe best at the lowest
Amertcan Farming, monthly ... . . . . .. ... [
monthly . . . .. . . .
. -.
Cr'ee\1'. PI'\lIt Crower,
Shingles Felt Roofing
At the rt'g ular m eeting of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, h'eld last Th u rsda y evening at the Mechanics Ins titu te Building . Mr. Whittier l3u t'n et~ of Norwood, gave ....y·s.oop. a lecture, "The Phases of the Moon," 'rhe Mt l!ses Veda Sumner, Georgi" illustrated wit h stereopticon views. The lect ul:e was w ell received . as Mr. Wbetsel, ·Martba Luke ns ~nd Vi o1" Burnet was accordod a vote of lhanks J nrda n ,,·utoed t o X enia Sunday anCi lI Gtend,·d ohuroh Bud SUOdBY Sohool . at theconclus ion bf his lecture. O t;r fir t 800W of th is aensoo tell 00 MondBY · Ceoll Hoover aod wile, of Clarks. ville , are visl tlng Cb1l8 . Ellis an I flimily . Bob 'blrdeo's bllove a n\lw girl '1'aoy L .:>uitle. Bert Bogao t! \le ot l:)ubday wltb bome f ollts. Prot. Toll. of I:ltuveysbnrg ~I gh The flOe Indian summer was ISchool ute dl nue r ' Nlth (~eo. El lie broken Sund ay wi th Ii r ain. ' and aod 'fllmll y S[lturd"y. during Sunday nig ht a slight snow Mrs Bllrdl~ .I ord"u nnd Vlo[u fell. The wea ther for the last month wereehopplng lu Leb" non'oo Ftida y, has' snrely been ideal with lots ot 1'be AtlS8 ' 1I Faye Mer le, Mil bel sunshine, cool evenings and the and Vell'" JIlJlls "od Viol" Jord"n lit. farmers busy getlinlllheir fall work teadei1 the Junlor P .isolll" oroch d done. . olub at Edna Dell,heredge'8 home baiorday 8fterno L ~ . Mr. Bnd Mrs Lis Whetsel left Monday evonlng for lioulslana. shontlng, but be oh8erved that ORkley Uoglullby and Tom Jlloh when be hims Alt hegl1n to are through 's bredding rodlle!', the moo kerB wonld again begin to oloae In opon hlro . l hen lie stood Btill Ilnd gll,ve one tremendous Bhou!-. wherelit 'he m onkevs we nt btlok again. 'l'bI8 "me l·b6 ml~n h od gain d fully twe'n ty Vlird s ~nd WitS about to repent tbe oall whe n ~b " re !tPPollred "Ma mma , did y uu eAY tbb b"hy a nllw fig ure on tlle Hoene in tll ~ /lame from h"nvlln?" '''Yes, whyP" person of tin aged, decrepi t Wf;lmfln "1 don' t. think be oum e i 1 r.hiuk Jle bobbling throuK,h the m ids t of th e Will!! fil·cel. Bow could ILngel~ slOG "nlmlll ~ . . .wit,h him pattin' up tbat holler 1111 \ Thl8 a.god person IIbook two or the tlmu?"-Bou8too POllt. Is now fully equipped to do tbree of tbe monkeys by the plloW~ . Livery Wotk. We will take as !!he Jla~8e d. N/). [loop pr hnd ah£; you on . ·oorne w it.hln bearing of lbe Brlttsh. er thIn abe olls ned on blm tbe .viAle of ber . Ivr"th for dls ~urblnl( tb e · Ii· crod lilllrnl118 to tbelr retirement,. 8be 11&60 the ifl lrurie r to deptt.rt. un<l Por Tired,' Weak, 1II'ervou WomeD PI~ce thut quil)kly , ntl orrl er whloh hI) 101lt no tim e In e xncntlug. '1'he monkey" . Bellefontaine, Ohlo.-"I wish 'every IlI1 ~ eem l' d ImllLl oit l:,. t o obey tbr. tired weak, nervoul woman could have Vinol t for 1 never spent any In old wom.nn 's biddin g , lIIuklDg Wtl.y my Gi ve U8 a call and you willJi nd IIIe Utat did me so much aa for I·be mall'~ rlltra .. t . that I spent for Vlnol. I WBe weak, our prices are aU right. 'l' he old WOlll ll )l , it a ppeared, was tired, worn out and nervous, and Vinal , employed by the Hrll hman A to aup- made me Itrong, well and viIWrou8 after ply t he m onkeys ,vit b thftr food everYthing elBe had failed to help me, eaoh day. 'J' b oy .were wOI'shlped and I can now do my hOWlework with "-Mre. J . F. WilBORN. . by 811 t he people lu 1,11e ooon\l'y plelUlure. Phone 116 We guarantee Vino1" our delleloua cod ronnd. who brough, offerings of liver and lroll tonl~ JOr all weak, runrloe and sweet-lneatS · to them OOD- doWn. nervous, ell/bUltated condltioDL lInually .~ Harper '8 :.Vee~ly. J. It Janoey, Orugllt Wayn~fIIe.
Read 'This Carefully The Miami cazette, weekly .... . . . . , . Th. Cincinnati Times-Star, dally . .. .. . . The Woman's WOrld, monthly,.. . . . . . ..
The·Big Bargain of the Season
Are You
INDIA'S SACRED AN ILLUSTRATED _MONKEYS . · LECTURE GIVEN In various parts of Indlll m onkeY8 are regarded as objeo ~s or worahlp. Oue of the prlnolpal monkey. iemples Is at Nuddeli. ~uoh veneratloD Is I!hown there to BoolmaD, the llionkev god, thll t vlsltou mav Dot enter the oourt of the temple without removing their ahoes. On ooe oOOlllslOD aD Eoglhlh offioer, In paelllli up the oouotry near Nuddea. obanoed ~o s'roll loto .. bamboo junlle wben biB boat had 'pa' to" for 'be olgh. . He bad not advluloed far befote be heatd " terrlfio uproar all about him, and lIe wajl not a lI"le allumed to beh Jld a who}e lumy ot the largellt mookeys be hp,d eve~' leen making towllr(l hlm trom all qu IJ'tere. l::!omEl jumped on the Iilrouud b&fore him, ot-bers swung by tha bambOOJ over hl8 bead, and maoy olosed up the pll.th 10 his rear Several femillee bad yonog ooell oHnglng to them, bnt \his fao\ did not seem '0 reoder them leSIi aKUe tba.n t.he o'hera. The !!.nglisbmaD kDew Dot wb'\t to do. Be yelled at ihe top of bls voloe for I118sistalloe. To hi. in tense relief, eaoh time that ~e yelled tbe monkeye-retreated a bit. Thl8 enoouraged blm to, persevere III his
A nu mbe r of our people attended th e Friends meeting at Xenia :satur· Why Va ccinati on Pays. c aptai ns' Ga l~ rl e B . day a nd Sunday . St ntlstlcs show t hat to 'V fi cclnnto a T ho ":,1", ,, 'or Cn lJtlll nll or tho lrnDBMiss Dorothv Carter, of Hig hland pers on Ils plnst slnall pox al public ". ntJa ll Lic lin e n! 01 t he IltYf;C r elMS county , has b een the g uest of her P AUSO c o~ t9 abo ut twe nt y·llve CelllS' ] rUDs from .c 00 t o j; l, ~ OO a YC'lf -iJr cou in, Frances Wil80nand othe r rei · while the dlscJ.l se Itsel! cos ts thu pU\)· !ro rn $ 4. 00 0 I" 56,000 l o Amcrle.w atives here the pa..~t week. Ue Oll u.n .. VI\T!IJ> ° · · b.-II ' $50 11111' caSQ. monoy. Isaac Wilson and wite vi~ited Samue l Ellis' at Old Town aturday night !II._ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ .. ' and Sund ay. Mrs. Lydia Sheph erd and dau gh· te r, Cora . visited her daughter, Mrs Lena Bogan, of Clarksville. Sunday. Miss H elen Miller attended the wedding of her friend. Virginia In a lette r to T. P . Riddle , direc- John ston and Robert Fuller in Xenia tor of the Buckeye Corn Special last week . The hog cholera is still ralring in Tour, Governor Willis makes this our community. Several of the comment: "1 most highly commend the Wash- farm ers are suffering heavy . losses ington trip with Ohio's young (lorn from it. g,owen; a nd b read bilkers. It is one Albert Wilson visi ted his cousin of the m 9st interesting trips· of a Homer Haines Sunday. PlIt\ing 0 11 a \lew nooi or similar sc~,pe t hat has been planned Mr. alld Mrs. Raleigh ' Bogan, Ina Palching the old o ne? and its ed ucational advantageR fo r Compton, Evan Bogan and Lelah Bo· . W e b ave • the .youth of t he state should not be gan attended the C, E . rally at overlooeecl. 01 Xenia Sunday and were enttlrtained -~- -at the homtl of Harvey Hawkins and wife. Oscar Harris flom Brandt, 0., is iJpending a few days with Wilbur Burhman. • The farmers are busy getting their Or, in fact , an y kiud of corn shredding done. Roofin g you wa nt o r need.
ALLEN 1916 MODEL "37" TOURING CAR-$795 N~W SERIES LEWIS u6"~$1390 '
i~ t
you ur ~ II Ot d i ~ a p p o int ed.
Eve rything good to eat at A num ber of t he relatives nnd f riends of Mr. and Mrs. Cli fford P r ugh, of neu r lJayloll , galie lh em a house-warmillg I ~ ~t T hu rsday Those p resl~ nt we re: Mr. Bnd Mr s .John Smith , 11'. and ~ I r ~. Jacob Scott <lnd family , Mr. and Mrs Tim· othy mith nn 1 da ul.: hler. Mr. und Mrs. Mont, H'IhhL :mel dau g hter , Misses J o~i e and Irene ' milh . Mrs Rebecca Hobli t. M r ll I,;hns. Rye , Miss Alice Chenoweth . Mr. Nnthan Aus· tin, of Waynesville, Mre. 1da MeAd· ams and daug hter . Mrs . 1~lI a Cor · win, Mrs. Summers , Mr , Rosie Weaver amI, daught f, Mrs. Mollie Collins, Mrs . Clara H ughes, of Dayton .
" .8Ix" Tourlna Car f785 With detach, Llmoualne top 935
""ou'" Roa.d ater
ever I ce ll,
~l r . DI I(I , ~I , ~. rI , 11 l\(· lIyenle r. tainerl a l n " l) U" p:tr l ~' WedliC'sday e ve nin!!' in hono r of their I{ uest. Mi:lS Alici a K lIy , of illd l1 l1 a li . Aboul s ixteen g u t>~Lq werC' prC'? nl and a very p l (' II ~ll nl ('v nill)! w a ~ spent D eli ci o u ~ l i~hL rpf r shm n t~ we re se rved:
Any Road .Any AnyTime
Lewis' Lewi.' B~ery
AUTO : LiVERY, My Alm-'-Your Trade ' QUALITY- Above the Stand!lrd
WARGAIN da ys are oot few and far between with us. . Here every day's a'bargain day alld our bar,: ga,in c~unters fill the entire store. . . ~
Everybody, uses Lewis' :Bread and Cakes, the best and most deHciou$ made. Try them and you will never-wattt--to eat any pt~er kihd._
. • • :t
. ~1~'
SERVICE-That CAn't be beat PRIOES-To pleue=aU •
Rall' Rah aats, for Boys Smokers' Sets •• ",., ·•.. , lOc and Girls . .. . • " •• ,., .• lOc Pepper~ B.oxes, like you used Dain'ty Coats, for the ' to (Jse .. ............... 05c .Baby ............... ,; 'lOc, Aluminum P~pper and . MISS Damty Barrettes, f Salt Boxes,., ••• '. " , ••• fOe for ~irls ..... ;: ....... O<3c I SQap HOX9 .. .. , . . . . . . . . . . lOe Favonte Hair BraId Building ~Iock! .•......• , tOe' Clasps. , •.• , , .. , , , • , ., 05c After-Dioner Mints, ' Uniform Bow Fasteners .. , 05c per pound,., ......... lOe
Next Door to
-.., -
Sixty-Seventh Year
Keading. MarY ' Autin, A Story of New Bope .... ..... ......... Mrs. Silver Reading, A Letter From a Fri'3nd to a Friend ....... ..., .... Mrs . Janney Vocal Solo. Sing Me to Sleep .. .... ......... .... ..... ................ Mrs. Kelly Reading, The Least of Thtllltt, by Bishop Mclntyre ......... Mrs. Smith Report of the Stale Convention ..... Mrs. Palmer
"There remalneth therefore a rest for ,the people of God." Rebecca .,Jane Andel'lOn. daughter of Jamel Moon and NUlcy Jene AIIdel'8On in the s.th fear of her aare. at the home of het daulrhter in Bellbrook. O .• at four o'cloCk Saturday morninlr. November 20. 1916. after a lonlr illneaa, p~ quletlv and ~fullyJ.. without fear, into the life beyoDd. un December 6. 1882. abe waa married to Joseph Courtland Murray. of which union two children were born; Florence and Clara. both of whom with their father survive her. and a nephew. CbarleaAndel'8On. whom aI;Ie haa had from infancy. Some eillht Jean IIgO, because of. the threatened decline of Mrs. Mur·. ray t~e family removed to Arkanau in the·bope that .a change of climate would :restore her to. health. but it proved a vaili hope. After years of ~tter and wane, hOJ;ie JDd deepalr. she returned to Ohio to await the end. wbich came a tew months after she reached Bellbrook. The de. ceaaed lived. not along,.but an active life. . A true woman in her home as wife and mother abe found ·her ephere lIf greateatacti~ty and usefulheBII.· De· . voted and Indullrt!nt abe waa ever read.7 to aacriftce b.r 'own comfort to tile convenience of her loved ones and friend •. ' ExteDdlng beyond the border of ber iinmediate famlly~ her heart and bome were ever open to those needing lhelteJI and 'proteCtion and mmlatetlng hands. Facina- the future. the'vears will come and go, and menio" may prove treacherous In other thing.. but will reproduce with freshneas the tendemesa and love of the wife~ mother and frlen.d now Jrone. . The deceased united with the Chri.tI~ churc:h'.t Ferry·1n thl! year 1880. f • , "May light perpetUal ablne upon her and /her end be peace,... -
SERvrCE 'AT T.MARY'SCHURCH The regular mel:ting of the Wo o ALL NE , T WEEK A very distressing a cirlent oc· man 's Auxiliary was beld at the OO>O<l>O<>O<>O<>O<>O<>O<)o()o()o()O()O()O(xxxxxxxx>oo~c>o<><><>oO<>OOO<><>o>OOOOOO<><H) curred Friday at the home of Emer· rl:'.ctory on Io'riday afternoon, No· 80n I~rllzi e r. who lives between Red vember 19. When OId~Ma!l Grump (Claude Shafer) and the poe t-humorist, H orare Williamson. Lion and Frank lin . when Marion E.. The meeting was opened with w.e~e bere fi sh. mg near. Harveysburg recently . th e Gaze tte gave a n at" Ullt o f their ~ix-y ear ·o ld son of Mr. and Mrs. music on tho Victrola. the beautiful t f [<razier. wo,; accillentally shot by hi M "Sanctus" sung by Trinity church VISI. on receIpt o ' wIuch they se nt u s the following cartoon and poem : 13·yea r old ul'ullwr. Th e tw o ~rot h choir. Mrs. Cadwallsder read the e r~ .. who have heen trapping for Rev· Scripture lesIOn, Psalm 46. Rev. J . When old Man Grump expressed the wish eral day!!. started ou t to look after Rt. Rev. Reese WlIll3c the i\\lssioner £1'. Cadwallader condu cted the devo · HU~~ If TH' To go some place and have a fi sh thei r traps, and t be older boy took tional exercises. for Three NIRhts-Come along with him a small rifle. When And take our wives to cook the s tring, The fine old hymn, "Guide Me. Oh @AE:SA~~ . WEFE he attempted to load it , it was acci· and Hcar Him Thou Great Jehovah," was then I quite agreed it was the thing : dentally discharged in Bome manner, played . Script ural quotations were SoelPl61..c ~ TH' FOl.-t< S Wc settled on an eurly date and the discharged bullet hit Marion given in response to roll-call. The and went into the bowell! and clea r \\ hen with some fifty kinds of bait IN HP\RVE'i'S\5URG minutes of the last meeting were The last General Convention of the through his body . read and approved and the business And other t hing s packed in the Ford Protestant Episcopal Church held in Help \Ooas gotten as gClon 8 9 possiof the day attended to . I-\f'D ~ We with our wives said all-aboard ble. and th e Iitlle fell ow lingerecI New Yor k in 19 13 appointed a Joint A new line of work has been taken in agony un ti l Saturday mornin g , Cumm lssion fora Nation-wide p, each For Caesar's Creek, where we'd been told "5TR\WG t• un this year in e.. nnection with the when he passed away. The olde r ing Mi s.~ion, saili Mission to be held, Church Periodical Club. Each mem Thc lish were thick and very bold. boy is al most prostrated I1lI well B Y if puseibl e, simultaneouslY in every ber of the t\uxiljary is to send rl'g· Parish and Mission of the church In fact , we had been passed the thought the r est of the family. ularly one or more mascazines of throughout the nalion. at his parThe f uneral took place These fish were crazy to be ca\lght, ' which they are 8ubscribers. to a This Commission has appointed entl\ residence Thursday morning. given oddress at some distant point. So when Old GrulDp threw in his hook ont' week beginning Sumlay, NovemThe FrazieMl formerly lived at where these mal(szines will do much ( 1-1 is face bore one most pleasant look Dotlda and were well known here. ber 28th and ending December 5. good. Thh work . i8 in charge of The family have the sympathy of all 1915 inclusive. as the ti'me for the And soon after he'd cast his line Mrs. S. L Cartwright. Ubrarlan. duration of the Mi'JSion. Do you the community. The following program was given: J gave those bass a chance at mine; ask: What if! a Mi~ion? "A Mis· • Renort of the Convocational Meetsion is a special effort to convert It wasn't long ere we lost heart, ing at Dayton ............ Mrs. Mosher souls to God . It is a concentrati on The worms refused to do their part The Hou!e ()f St. Raphael ...... ..... . of Bpirilual e/Turt upon olle place for ...... ......... ........ ... Mn. Cartwright Or else the fisb a long that way a IIhor l time ." An Ideal ............... Mrs. Cadwallader An effort to win men and women Were taking off a holiday When We Found the Mill·Folk ...... . to Christ, ar.d to revive and deepen Bu t anyhow our waiting string ....... ........... MiBS Emma Heighway the spiritual life of those already enThe next meeting will be' held Hore not the weigh t of anything desvoring to serve Him. December 17. with Mrs. Coleman . Heeding the ('all of the CommisWhich looked like fish, and with a frown ----------The Men's Conference of Friends sion the week beginning November We packed up as the sun went down of Wilmington Yearly Meeting met 28th will be observed by St. Mary's, And on to Harveysburg we sped at Wilmingnon Friday. There was Church, Waynesville. The Rt. Rev. a good attendance. the Conference Theodore Irving Reese Bishop GoadTo find ourselves a meal and bed elicited much gO()el. Homer Biddle· jutor of Southern Ohio will be the Where. thanks to those who took us in cUI'!lJ. of Xenia, Pres. J . Edwin Jay, preacher Sunday, Monday and TuesAnd t reated us 'as kind as kin. of vvilmin&,lon College. S. E. Nich· days nights November 28, 29 anrl 30. oleon. of Richmond, Ind .. Judge The misHioner for the rest ofthe Who .lit the fire and made us feel Levi Mills, of Wilmington. and sev- week will be announced later . .' Ourselves at home, and such a meal • eral otheMl spoke. " COME FOR ALL THINGS ARE We ate our fill and 500n forgot The friende of the Wilminitton NOW. READY." Forest, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Yearly Meetinlr have been making JNO. F. CADWALLADER. Smith. had a Darrow eecape with bis About the fish that were not caught Rector of St. Mary's Church . a great effort to get a t housand new life last Saturday morninl(. He was And Grump said, lighting up his cob, members. and for this one reason "••- - - out hunting. cocked his gun and "Huh. this beats fishing all to hob." alone the Conference was held. leaned it ~Inst the fence and then George D. Mills was present at started to climb the fence, when the HORACE G. WILLIAMSON this meeting. and at tbe banquet wit'e atruck the ~un and the entire In the evening was one of the speakload tore away the fteshy part of his rlgbt arm. The la~ artery of the arm was missed by only a fraction of an.inch. The young man had lots of grit and walked to his father's houlI8 in New Burlin~ton . He Is lrettiDg al9D8 nicely. Robert J. McMillan aud Mi8B Pearl t t - - ... - - - - -. This Wednesday evening at 7:30. E. Warren were muried at the Prayer and conference aUhe church. Buy Boote &Sboes of Myer Hyman. bride's parents in Wilmington last . Miss Ruth Hartsock had as her This service will be a preparation for Thursday ry the Rev. John McMillan. guests Sunday at dinner Miss Justina the Mission. ' M M M'II . Ha tso k d M- E H k Thanksgiving Day service at 10 Mrs. C. B. Bentley was a Dayton of Lees b urg. Oh to. ['. c I an IS r c an lea mma awe. Xenia woo struck wl' t' h an epl'deml'c '1 k the son of Mr. and Mrs. J08ellh Me..., 0 c oc . visitor Monday. M'II fRo t 3 d h' b'd . of robberies Sunday nischt. and the First Sunday in Advent Nov~mI an, 0 u e . an IS M e .IS A delightful impromptu dance was houses of Rev. Kestle. Milton McKay. ber 28th. Sunday ' School at 9:30 the daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. WII- · . Ro • h II d 1t1ltll;l~D~rtc~i~~I~:- S. ~rauser were iam Warren of Wilmington After g!ven In gers a Satur ay eve· Harry LeSourd, Rev. D. D. DOdds. a.m.' Bermon and Holy Communion . '. b h ' • mng. There was a small crowd A. D. DeHaven- and- Mrs.7 o'clock. Bishop will be present and a reception gIVen y. t e groom 8 present but all enjoyed themselves Geyer were entered and money hI · . parents Saturday evenllllr, the happy h valuables ob~lDed at each pla:e en- preach Sunday, Monday and TuesMrs. J . F. Cadwallader. was a young couple lett folt' a weddin~ t oroug y. . The Helping Hand Sewing Circle journey. tered o A collIe dog fiDally alarmed day nights Holy Communion with hFld its fortnightly meetipg Thurs- Xenia visitor last Thursday. Lizzie Tat man . Elizabeth Carroll the burglars. and thev concluded meditation conducted by the Bishop, • _ ___ day afternoon. November 18. 1915, and ~Mrs. Whitely were leasantly they. had enou~h p,lunder. for one Monday . Tuesday and WedntlSday atthe home of Mrs. NelllOn Kamllton. Mr. and Mrs . B. S. !lowell spent tertained at the hospitabfe country e,,:emng. and they !1lade their e8Ca~e mornings at 9:30. Although the weather was Inclement Sunday with rela~ivea in Clarksville. of A. C. Tomlinson and family ~Ith~ut any possl.ble c1u~ to. theIr A childre n's service addressed by the members were all present and last FJ:iday. IdentIty: The polu:e beheve It was the Bishop at 3:30 Tuesday afternoon. much work was done. Buy your Blankets and Comforts the worK of prClfesslOnala. however. We are highly favo red in having Dsinty refreshments were served at Myer Hvman's. Bishop Rees() with us for these three by!he hostess. They adjourned to ------.--~.-----days. An opportuni ty for a r eal Miss Emma Hawke imtert ained at meet on December' 2. 1915. at the Born-To Mr. and Mrs Walter Dr. McChesney of the Cedarville pper Friday evening in honor of home of Mrs. Ell. Simpeon. t~~~~:1 ~~~f~f b~o~~is E~~I:y~ Britain. Friday. November 19. 1915, Qallege, and state Inspector of Nor- Miss JUl>tina flartsock, of Cinc.innati. inviteil to these services. a IOn. mal Schools Shaw, of Columbus. vis· Those present were the Misses Ruth ited our schools herE! last Friday. Hartsock and Ethel Hosier. . 'Mis8 Kathryn Dakin. of mncin- They fou~~ the N~rmal School in . . own soul. or. what will a man give in ~ti is enjoying a visit here with rei. fine condItIon. and Dr. McChesney atives gave. a nne talk to the students of Friday evening Emnior Baily Jr .• el(change for his S()ul. " • the High School. The talk was '~_~ " I7H"" a card party on account of his educational lines. and was natal day. Abou t six couple enjoyed Quite a bit of interest is bein~ Mr. and Mrs, B. H. ,Kelly visited by all who heart! him. the evening. and all had a merry attempt of Attor· -----.... ~ ....- - ~;;~~~~~m8C~~~~::~~in~C~m~·~c~inn~a~tI~Saturday time. Delicious refreshments were ney """"'''''' to revoke the license Co .• of The State of Ohio
We wiah to exp.-eas our 'app,ocla· tion and gratitude tor the klndnllll8 shown ·UI i~. oQr afflictlo~ and bereavement bl' friends and neighbors. Youreympath1l\nd lov~ liave ~ade . le118 h~vy . the. bu.rdeos anel com· forted our hearts. I Court ¥ur~'. y and ·Family. , ~
little oilehad their home '. yard and in lOme . die .tank and wu tank. contained a~at
- ----......----
IN fiRMS ' AFFAIRS g~;:t~!t ~h~~eitw~~wfi~:dm~~~f~: . ... _.- --
:,~I~~::bl~: f~~t1;~
hundlredla 81~lhtleBS pctl'llODlofthe · bibs I Ilk bl nd poop earam IDaaproDS.. iron holde.... kitchen Iinena, baskets, fUga, etc.• anel aa .tbese arti'elee are BOld the mOD", is turned over to thll pel'8ODI making them. You can heln these blind people by buying ... articles, and ik ' the pr cee asd 'JS these no more than asked at the relrular stores: Make out your lilt and send to the Ohio Commiaaion for the Blind. Columbus. Ohio. • .. •
<4'~ ====
On Caesatt's
. . . . . . . . . . . . n . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .
The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. wae held a t the bome I)f Mrs. Bart!)n Kelly on Wednesday after noon. November 17. The meeting was opened by singing "America." Mrs. J . A. Funkey read the Scripture Lesson. P~a lm 75. after which the Lord'lI Prayer W83 repeated in un ison. The song "Some Glad Day" was then sung. After roll-call. the reading of the minutes and other business, the·folJowlng program was rendered:
Report Was ~ead":"The Program Was Fine and Was Well Rendered
Mrs. Kelly was induced to give us another sona- "Goodnight. Little Girl." which was much enjoyed. The program was of unusual intereet the general subject being "Foreign Speakinll PfOOple." After singinll the Temperance Doxoiosy and l'epe&ting the W. C. . T. lJ. DeDediction the meeting ad· journed. The next meetlnlrwill be beld with Mr•. Funkey Dec:em~r 15.
Whole Number 3346
SCARCITY 'OF HOOSES IN WAYNESVILLE The acaJ'l:ity , of houl8I has been noticed In WaynesvllJe for lOme time • It i8 almost impoSaible.to get a h~use even. It !oVou(d 'auf,\lly pay lOme one to build one or two or .three dozen bou ..., as they ' ~ould pay a good invlNtmf'Dt on their money. Mr: Buiih818 M¥. If you have a few hundrel dollara c.: MIlK ielle In the bank. talCe It ouhnd ') bivelt In a bet. tet"pa,inl propositiOD and put up M few hoaaee. The toWn Burely needs them, . .
.. ..------------
TO GIVE ANNUAL SHOW ofba~~:. J~~~e ~:~!~:~:1t!t \~~rh~~8; Mr . an d . Mrs. E . V. Barnhart
There are dol· la.rs· worth of securities held by Monday evening. A very pleasant Waynesville men. and if the license evening was enjoyed by all those is taken away from that firm, it Waynesvill e friends of Miss Chrismi~ht poBlribly mean the loBS of some The annual show of the Miami present. tine Kelly, of Cincinnati, have remoney to our local people. ceived the announcement of her Valley Poultry Association will be marriage to Howard Fee, of Clarks· u r • and Mrs. Cal .McBryant and held thiS year the second week in Mr. snd Mrs. Joseph McMillan. of burg. Ind ., which took place Wed· W Januarv. Route 3, gave a · reception to their dau~hter. of Dayton. were the guesLq· k' The executive . committee . f nesday. November 17. at the ·bride·s of friends here a couple ot days last IS ma mg great prep'aratlons or Hobert McMillan and btide home in Avondale. The beautiful week. this annual meet and It is probable ~al;UI'I~av evfmln~. Rev. John Medouble ring ceremony was used and that it will be the greatest show ever wife and friends from immediately following the happy held in Wayne8ville. The catalogues and Springfield Meeting couple left for a honeymoon trip. If you want 'lrood fruit cAkes for will be out 80me time In December. were present. Mrs. Fee is a former resident of YOUr Thanksgiving dinner, you will ------ --~~----Waynesville and is well known here. find them at Phillips'. Last Friday ev~ning the Senior She is' a graduate of the Jewish Pittsburg. the horse which made Hospital Training . School and has entertained' the High School Dean Howell. Oscar Smith. Will Quite a sensation last summer. and faculty in thf auditorium of the owned by Paul WysonJ/.'. of Spring bee~ unusually~ successful in her proand Bryon Prelldergast and Georite scho('1 bui lding. This was the first Valley was put up for sale at Wash. fessl~n. Mr . 1-ee Is a young man of Waterhouse 'uw the foot-ball game of a series to be given by the respec- . • C H F'd Th h sterling character. . in Lebanon Sunday afternoon. o~ Mr_ and Mrs. Fee will be at home tive classes. The Seniors have set a mgton . . rl av. . e Ho~er Carey, our drayman, has worthy example for the lower el898- w!ls bought by Bert Blair for '1475 . to their friends after December 18 Cl k b I d • The si mplicity of the evening Pllt~burg won a clear thousand dolBuy· your Winter Clothing at ha~ hIS auto truck overhauled and pamted. and he dlrove it Monday one of th e signsl features. lars above all expenses last sum mer at ar s urI{, n . Myer Hyman·lI. morning for the first in three weekI'. a carefully prepared pro- and has a mark of 2: 147,4. truc~ lopks like ~ new onll, and The lady teachers ---------MI'!. J . W. Snook and daughter. The their qualifications for voting of South Lehanon. and Mrs. Wil H,!mer: IS Just get.tin~ eo he. can I~. as he 11as been amlet~d by demonstrating conclusively their Crane. of Morrow. were scuesta ofl drIve ability in the manual arts. eapecially Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Croae last week. with bolls for a coupl~ of weeks. • - • in .sawing wood. . M-. Miranda Crane. who has Light refrellhments were llerved •• • . i which all ~ent the.i r w~y re.· , been spendln8' several weeks with Mr, and }It'll. R. A. Croes. left TuC!!• II . ' . '. . Several of our citizens intend t() day for Pitts1!urlr. where she will . Mrs. H. E. Hathaway was hostess --take advantage of the rates on the vlltt with reIatlVe8 ·fQr some time. . . at a most delightful affair last St. Mary's church sent a box .o f famous Corn Trip. which leaves for The ~gular meetinlr of the Wayne Thursday at her pleasant home on garments. and a barrel of canned the East Friday. The trip wlJrtllke ·Th. )Iiaml-Union. (TroY. Town.hlp Protectiv" and . De~tive South Main street. A delicioul fruita, jellies•.et~ .• t~ the Children:s eigh~ days. and will visit the priDcisay'.: . Aunt Kate Faulknf!r. Association wlll be held at the Town· luncheon wus served In four couraea. Hospital, at Cioomnati last week , m pal CIties,of the East. CODov~r. II improving after Beveral ~'P House Saturoa, afternoon at 2 ('ove....beinlr laid for 32 guesta. Tbe time for Donation Day. The Epjs' . • _ ••----week,' IIIc1m. . with a Mvere cold 0 clock. AII ,memlMil'l are requested tables were prettily decorated with copallan ehurchee throughout the ... beart iIoUble. Although she to be Pl'8lellt. .. . .. centerpieces of larle white c)JrJIIUl. Dioceae of Southern Ohio also aent at hIa DOt bean ~ed to her ':*ldered . • themums. and the lavon were dainty barrels and boxes to thll hospital. aD,J tima ber condition \a COD81 ' little crocheted baskets SlIed with • • •
Buy your Blankebi and Comforts at Iber Hyman·s. • . Dr. J. A. MeCoy and Ralph Smith attended the horae ..lea at WasbIngton C. H. last Friday.
P. 0. 'HOURS
-- ..
..' ,.
-~ urely
E(\itor of Better RQads and
The M. . .go From New York , It was good to be homo ! Gall won·
dered thnt she cou ld over haro ~o on content away Crom th o loving sh It r of hor many, mllny trl nIl s. Sil had grown 'II'orld 'IV Ilry In all tho 11\160 gayely of New Yorkl She wos dill' lIIusloned! She was bIos . Sbo was tired f 1r1vollty; anll she Immedl· nthuslas llcally ately planned or agreed to take part In a aeries or gay· cUoa which would have mad an twe rage hard·worklng msn antiCipate th orn 'II'!th an already hroken constitutio n. The house was tu"ll or tllem . morn· tog, noon ADd night ; young gl rle. aedn(e and Jolly, and all of them ru:c1 t· . Cdly «lad that OaU was among tllem again; and young men, In 1111 th e degrees tram 80clal butterllles to plod· cling busjnesa pluggers, equally glad. Oood, comrortable home (olks theso. who were c1ellcloualy nice to th e etate&, hlack·halred Arly, and votod her a tremendnus beauty, Ind Btood aUght· Jy In awe ot her. The half cynical Arly, n ewtog them critically, found In them one note of Interesting noveltya oortato general clelln·hearted whole· lomeness, and, being a Beeker after the unusual, and vastly apprcclatlve, Ihe deliberately cultivated tb cm ; nat· term. the bo,s, hut not so much a s to mue the other glrt'a hnte her. To the &trIa Ibe made hersolf evon m ore attracUve, because sbe liked th orn better. Sbe complimented Ulom Indl· vl4uaJJy on the point of perfection ror wblch eacb, «irl most prtded herself; .he told them that they were Intlnltely 'more clever than tbe, women of New 'York, ~d beUer lookIng, In gelleral; Ifor the' New York women were mosUy clothes and makeup: and, above all, .he OIined them thetr truer lives I No ll'Oup of .younr people could re.Sat lOch carel'ul work as that. eapectall, 'Wilen performed by & YOUJ13 'Woman 10 adroit and 10 attrallUve. ' and eo well IlOWDed. lotbey lost their a.,kwal'dnOlI w!th ber, wblch removed &111 BBnle .or dlacomfort Gall mJght lhave felt, whlc~ waa the alm to be accomplished. in those first few dayS Gall wat the bapplest of all creatures, ,tn Iplte or the fact thnt the local pa· pen bad carried a poUter echo of that despicable slave ItOry. At nights, however, begiDlllng wIth the second one, when the girls bad retired to the mutual runway of their adjoining IUlte8, the conversaUon would turn IOmethl.Dr like thSa : "Let'. lee, thI. 18 the lIeventeenth, ,.!an't itr thUB Arly. "Yea, Tueada),." cODCentratedly s& Jeot\Da- " obooolate, the box ot whIch bore a New York name. "la{1'I.o Matson's loe ' skating ball 18 toD1rhL" A Iidelonr cluce at t e bUlly GalL "She always haa Buch ~rlc' 'lA&l
"Doe.n't IIhel" Gat! draws ber /Ian· daled teet liP under her and stretches doWil her ptok nellllaee, so that she 1100", like a Itur · Btatue in tinted 1YOry. -AlIt. lucIl totereaUnc people. That 'iDew artist Is certain to be there: l Wba~. liSa name! Oh, ye., Vtodow.
Jlll"1t. Frn,,'- IfI\1cU' trlltteY m an m ~..!: great, glll lering social pageants waa a simple, wllolc8ome lIttle ball like tbls with all her dear girl chuma, In their J'lretty lillie Pa ris model froc'ks. and all thl.! hoys. In ihelr shIny white Crall Is. . u one hlld changed, and she qu ll (\ rclt, l'xcept ror the prt!1!ellCe of Arly. lhnt she had fallen back Into her old fami liar lit . Wh y, It Beemed oa Ir she hlld been home tor ages and Ages I A I tbe end of the Sargent ballroom, where Gnl1'8 sedate bu t hospitable mother al ways aat until the "Homo, Sweet Homo" dsnce was en~e d, were th o aome dear. familiar Ilalmll, wblch Mnrly. the Ilorlst. IIlwnYB sent to ev· erybody 's house to augment the home ~oJl oc lion. The gorgeous big one had ~ loat gone, but It was s prouting two otb ers. Treme ndously gny affa ir. Every· bo~y was deli ghted, and said ao ; and they laughed aud danced and strolled and at o Ices, a nd said jolly notb1n3s. and know, juatUlably. that they were nice and clover and happy young peoplo; and Arly Fos land, with any number of young men wondering how old h or husband was, danced conscl· entlously, and smiled Immediately whon anyono looked III he r. Gall also was dan cing conscientio usly, and hav· Ing a perfectly hal'PY evening. At about this hour there would be some· tblng n ear four hundred people In the ballroom Bnd th o drawing roollls and the conservatory ot Mrs, Babbitt's. Sbe was " 'hlrllng near the balcony windows with a loll young frlond wbo breathed, when there waa an exclama' tlon from a group of «iris at the win· do w. Vivian J ennln,s turned. She was a rlrl with tho sort ot eyee which, In one sweep, can flnd the only fourlea red clov er In a ({)ofoot tleld. "(}all!" she crIed. almost dancIng. "GaUl Do come and see itl" o 1 ' al dId not desert her par.tner; IIhe merely started over to the window with one band tralllllB llehind her aa
~~~I ah~:a~8 ::!y:~la.
goateed, and had large, IUSt.roU8, melt· log black eyes, while all hls OTaI cheek wae the ruddy bloom of health. Elvery gIrl In the window Blghed, aa, wltb II movement whloh was grace In every cbanglng line, he IJtepped out of the . brilliantly lIghlAld-llmoullne, and came elowly lip the Btepa, tall, slender, magnlflcent, In hts Ihln1n« Silk. hat alld bls Howlng Jnvernel8, and hil white tie, and his plaited IIhlrt tront-<lh, e.verytbJng; correct to the laat detall, excopt t-or tbe trlftlng touohell of orlg1uallty, down to nls patent leather tipsl With a wave ot Cl8J'elels eaae be ftuuS back hili Jnverr ness over one shoulder, and rang the belli "Dlckl" crIed II. voice ·Just behind' Gall'. ear. 9al1 bad not known UIllt ' anY!JII& waa leanIng heavily on ber 'shoulders, but now ,eho and Arly, with one accord, turned and raced tor the vesUbulel "You handsome thlngl" crIed Arly, as he stepped tnto the ball and held
r'lT slip mlVay fmm y ou . This o ffi.:"r wi ll 50011 be withdrawn., and yon will ha.-v· lo 1 n I fuJI price for t IL S Ill agfli',lll Jf your lim is not out, dOll ' t d lay. but com in, a nd we wi ll ~i\' 'ou the b nefit of the Combination OHer. Atlend to it at one . CL
Best Reading--All for Only $2.25
ROlt t! Ugl ·l.t\"lI Sb Oll\\t l, kot n I n ------------------~I-------------------A mil ot Itupro,' od r oad Is w ('rlh ,,.VMS UU ll III Y lond tOWllijbil' th (, ullaod8 of oolumnsot r oad s pel>Oh . e8 and r e olutlou l!. BOUd II. mill!. Ancitmt wlBllmn bllllt, r acl for utbt j}tlu atoml1n'~ ~rio wlLr, Inn · llIud'm l ill u gbt WIIU\8 . anb T be subjeot of rOlldl 18 tlltl old " 8 r Ollds for oOUlml, rcia l tlnd iUIlu tda \ , ibe hills. but U i8 more InlereMting rOlUlon~ /lUU f o r pl el\sure. ~bt ~a~dte now tban e ver b efor \'. Du :you I.o ll .\, tb t Ilie If do rnl ~ G ov oroUl . Il t, has 11 8 witch rl l; ll t tv The late Elbert H u b bard snld , ulc l r ond C01>,; rn e tl II liS It h u ~ to Subscriptions may be new or OILi subscr ibers, by paying the "lnetelid of hltohlng y ot. r Rllgon to u u llel ,) ~~ 'J I\loll~ , ,,1\, 1rneL lu ck amollllt in arrellrs and one year 8. star, sUllPoBe you lus t go t In t ou oh nod dam ~ III IIlll' I ""<1 ti 11,1 tl'llI uur renewal. All magazine subwISh tho iood ronds lUOVenHI!I\ . " h tlr bo rs OpOIl ~ scriptions begin with month's ill tld va tt l.:C, mav take advan-
(;;l oull i I~~~I'" ,,~~~~lt1~ woy " issue unless some other illonlh The applloatlon of '" little " lI or se 8enle" to Iho repa ir anll malnto. b ut ;v,.u r~"lIy 10 '1v l' I/!·,1 L IoJ mo u· . is mentioned on the order. All nanoo of r oads 'lnd street8 would b e fl y uofl)ro Y<IU 1"1111 III 1111 U 1'0,, 1. __ magazines must go to one ad. A mighty good Inveetment . 'l'h oou~ tr Ul' I 'I u r nllo wi lo of I dress. Underscore each mag. g<lod : IId~ , II I un t'. III Ih'Hro for Ten Ohio oountles-Ashland, Fay . mo re lUl l,,". a zine t hat Is a renewal. e"fl, Highland, B ookl.ng, Muski n g. , I um. Trumbull, Wa8hlD ~ ton, Mon t· WHhou t eMC 111,1 t 0 ' 11,' Ilto.!pe r lomery, Riohland and Coshooton- ' l:IystflUl li t ttlllll "" I', ' '.1'" " Ul' rctUliI! II.t ~he recent eleoti on, voted t o fa. ' wlil IIlwllYS too J""I tl " HI >le o t Utl Ul vor or addlUooal oounty rood l ovlo! , 1I0W. whloh means that thORt! tell countlel:\ YO UI' gmnoll 8th, .. ' ~ "flY of hulld. '11'111 spend about '4,000,000.00 for \D g Nulls will l'tH 110111 Il Jl u uu er road ~ tn the 'next five yeare. rooeu t cltlY t l:ll fljll.
In tbe atruggle agaInst bad rOllde j 'rhe r on~ q Ul'4 10 1l 11 ;;;- C a"ed to every lIoo of buslns.s and e very be u 1 011\ OIJ" !l u,1 I~ I~ !lOW lo t,or. oiilzen should be Interested. loounty. iut il l'.~I'dO 1\1111 n uOllu Wi de.
".rh iai~
~\ :~ "'lIO ('y
Cum:i :1: ::1"
a QU li.1" n.o.!,.'" I.H milnyticllCS aaeh d llY. 'Jh ~ .. n ;,-e" j
w. &'Uar.nl~. t ~ you.
em to be antil fllo t.ory Bolel only by UI, 10 cen"'. J . !. ".nney.
of this
Ing offer.
60 Cente a Year
I!reDt moneY·/lav· The combined cir-
culation of l l-iE NEW WO·
A recogni zed Fnshiou Au lhorit y lo r
. ii years, . wil h more sub sc ri ~rs I ha n AUY oth!!r (aslliol1 magazine .
M;\ ~'S T RIO is nearly
Jlilty C/Cclusive designs monthly. latest McC" n pallcrus• . " 'hose slyle, .lit, Silllplicil Y Il lld economy m nkt Ihe m firs t choice of thousa nds of we ll · d r,. s~d women. lot (Ire lloan J ,200,()()(I (a milies love 1IlcCnIl's lor ils wb..!esotne stories • ytn pa I be Iic nrl ieles <lnd n~ wesL ideas In 111"'cy ~ e edle work .
mU:io l1
copies every month.
s how ing
Cut this Coupon Out and '5end to lis
Miami Cazette - $1.00 .50 McCall's • • Mother's Magazine 1'.50 1.00 Ladies' World
Date .......................................... : ............. 191 The MIami cazette Wa)'neevllle, O.
• $4.00
Total What Is the 11
_ _ _ _ _._ _~. . . . . . . Jl.... . . . . . . . . .-.. . .-..-.. -.. . . . . . . . . . . _..... _._ ...._. . . . . . . . . . . ...._. _. __ .
Chur . h en'ert.alnmeo ts , PObIlO ! Dou, t ~ ~.~ou · r ~d leo'uretl, and all other f (lrm ~ of wlLh p UII\.Ic; , I r r> \\ III Dltlke t wo amosement, 'and g ood p eop le for hoi \ ti T 01'" U"W IlIA)€n u nelahbortl ooon& for naught It you I - - - . are Ilep•.rated from· tbem by II m il e I A bllu I noda' lnu IlIl<Urelf .. blld or two of ImplllUllI.blo ronds, lIurftl",s.
Arly. "Hurry on In. Dick. We wanl to exhIbit you." , "J don't mInd." consented Dlok cheorfully, and stepped throu gb tbe doorway, wbere he made a deolded sensaUon. Eleven girls dreamed of hIs melting eyell that night; and the town boys 10llt their monopoly. VIewing GaU's L to vlctorioul IIcraIDble With J\rly ror an lUdlcatlQn toll OW, and immedl· Dlolt'l exclusIve poea88slon. their :;~::d : without lOOklns around. eb• . ~~r:::.anlmOUIJY reduced th~m to
A rich, brown Ilmoulllne, In ....hlch the dome light WBS brIghtly burnIng, had drawn up to the stepa. inside. among tho rlcb brown cushions and hanalnse, and pausing to ll)ht a leisurely olaa· reU~ Bat the most wickedly handsome man tn the world I He wae black· haired and black.mustached and black
'I'D let this opp RTU
\;laId .. bad r ORd!l ' tlxJl 1'1 nI' \' 'l'bu I,OOr b,)rl . I 'h "I 1"" plu m eetin g IIni Otltin lze R good'ro"ds Whll IIv t till) 1:( tl.l\· mll,\ o ,d . ue olu b. __ ntll til hl! HI[t('11 J UJ U''II'" WIt h, \ (M tlJllh ~r 1114" t > (\ , uOliur Ill .. t llllit'''tld or CII ~'I\l b I!.II) o ld ourlh "'XI tllll.( !tl\\', I I", g, l unl, \\ILh I road, ~u~t ilrli!! i" I. rou(\ p tl~l(lIl "o~ ~I't rl ~" I1,,',hlll . :
You Can'·t Afford
four for only
Gentlemen :-1 Be-cept your g rea t Money ·Sn ving O lTer. F or $2.25 enclosed, please send The Miami Gazette and the NClv Woman's Trio, all for a year, to the address below: Brne .............._........................ _....._.... ........................................................ ..
'-______.___$ 2_._2__5_____. . .___1_ _!~~·=~.:~~~~_~~~=~,~=
POST·Qi I FICIL ... _............._ ........................ STA1'E .................... ..
STREE T NO ...................................................... R. f. D . .................... _
NEWS GLEANED th~:r !~~d~n~t ~~~ ~::a~~yOdp~~ PENNIES AND NICKLES FROM COURT' HOUS.E ~------. -
posed, urglne hla enterprise In coming after ber aa one ot hla clalma t() con. slderaUon; hut Gatl. laugbLng, and Uk· Phlladelpbla. produoes a.1I of th e Ing him tremendously, told blm he was 1' loklO!! Anel pennl08 m allufaotored too handROme to be married, and sent III this oOllot,~y. L t yen lOU,OOO, blm back home wIth a tresh gardenia OeJO penni es uod 60,00 ,000 nlo k l!!!! 1 in hll buttonhole. That nlgbt Arly were 'urned oo t . "be I)utput will and Gall sat long and ' lIl1ently '011 thll be I&renter tll16 year to meet the ~omfortable couch 10 front of Arly's oontillneu IllIoreulie in .th o demand fireplace, thlt one In ftulry blue furtlve- I for sm,,11 oh"o~e. 1y studying tbe one In fturry pink from UoldRoc18i1 vor 00ln8arel\leoman. lInder her black eyelashes. Tho 0110 ufllo t ured in t h e l'h l1n <lelphl .. mint, In pink was' gazing Into the tire wltti \ li t! well a8 In ./Ij t'w Urlenn a nnd Ban tar.aeelng brown eyea, and was brnld. FranolSOo. t ilt! two other mlnts ,of Ing and unbraldlng, with slender whIte the ooun t ry , tbat at Ullf80n City, IIngen, a dowlng 'st,rand at her brown N ev .. recen t ly h o.vlD ~ been dl!loon. hair. Unued . "Gall" ventured the one In blue. PhH14del phlt\.'8 mln \ 18 the oldeet ·"Yes.:' This ahstractedly. and large8t h ~'iD g be n ostubll bed "Aren't you a little bIt bome81ckf In 1'192 by Robert Mo rris. A SUlO.lI am." ISUer "0" upo n t h e ,lbsorve aide of "So am U" answered' Gall with Bud. she ooln lodloat es thu It Wfl ll mode den animation. ' In New ()rleanS,ltd!mllll "s" Indloates "Let'l co backl" excitedly tbat U was m.Rde In tlan Franoilloo, "When '" and Gall jumped ~P. a~d "00" Willi the . dlatlnguleblng mark ot the (J",rson (Jity m int. The (TO DB OONTI1'IUED) o.olnl fro1:p i,he Philadelphia mint are unmo.rketl . So, It one wRnts to -----~.~, know 'Where h is small ohon ge orlg: Ina ted he has buh " 0 olllke IlD OXllm. ination. . Thle Is a medlolne int.eoded es. --~-----peclally for stomaoh 'roubles, bl!· 10UIIDe88 anel oonstlpatlon" It III ThtnlllJ to Worry About. meetIng with muoh IIUOO08e and The puls.e of a kangaroo ·111 onl1 rapidly galnlni In favor aod pop. ularHy. Obtainable everywhere. \ Iaalr aa ~t 11.8 that ot a man.
II verbal adorer:' llaUCba GaU, atuclylnl' aD.ldoully over ithl ~ of whether Ihe WlUltl ianother piece of chooolate or not. At· IlIOn bad aent euch good onel. "Vlodo1l' satll prlIc." , "That'. wh" I adore him, from" , dlatance. Of coune all the nice regu· ,lar teUo1l'1 will be there-Dick, Rod· II, and Ted, 'and Houslon, and- Oh, ·ohl I t!)rlOt to write Gerald," and with a .w1ft pa88lnr 1.:IIB lomewhere be,t1l'een Gall'. ear end her chin, she hur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . .'t. . . . . . . . . . . .~ I rle. toto her own dressLng room, wIth a back.wI.ld rlance to make Bure that 'o.n I. ltariq, with loftened brown . e181, dOWD into ber chocolate box, and -w. there amid the confections, the ta;~, llwirllng skater& In lIfrl. Xataon'a .~n1ng ballroom. Tbere 'Were lOme who would not be at that baU-AJlSaoli, and' Rev. Smith Boyd, and~lene has plenty ot time to write ~er formally duUru,1 letter wIth· out ~rbance. GaU has letters, too, os the days wear on. She scarcely bas time tar them amid all the Impro~tu goyotles, but Ihe ' doos find a chance to read . them· lome ot them twice. lC she'd ol}ly come back. Tbat was the tenor of ali"her letters; if she'd only come The ~Iaml Cazett~, weekly ..... , . . ..... ") backl Blels tbeLr hearts, 'lIhe loved them; and 'yes, abe longed tor tbem, The Cincinnati Times-Star, dally . . . .. . . even here tn the happy, sheltering en. ! The Woman's WOrld, monthly , .. . .... " Tironment or her 'own dear home anc2 American Fanning, monthly . , . . . : . . . . . . ;; triendlll There were sUII other let· ten; a conftdently trlendly one trom Creen'. Fruit Crower, monthly .. . . . . .. I .Allison, who Bent Iier regularly candy I .Home LIfe, monthly ... .. . , . .. . .,' . . .. , .... and ftowel'l on alternate days; a 'Iubltantlal one from Houston Vnn I . HOu.~hOId .Journal, monthly . .. . . , .. .... J Ploon; a thoughtfUl one tram W1l1ls j lnalde Sat the MOlt Wickedly Hand· CDlIDtncbam ; a, 1I0rld one from .Dlck lome Man In ~he World. • RodI8Y? nl~ little notee, calculated to' I' out a hanf;l to ellch of them. "I've a relieve her embarrassm ent, from all noUon to klll8 you!" You can't find better value rio matter ho w hard you her ".1&"e." except the mIssing count. "All right .. he beamed do n h try. Think of it-your own home weeldy, Ciocillnati"s and ~ dJ.clllslon tram the Rev. Smith apartng an~ther beam tor 7Ia~.n r:~: Boyd. Tlt,at WIlB one of those which Gall had not exaggerated In memory' biggest and best one·cent daily newspaper and FIVE Ih. "!lid ~ore than once ; tor It was the maglo of hla melting eyea. It splenilid home and fiction pUblications at a bargain Qatte worth It. could not be exaggerated I . price. The MIAMI GAZETTE gives you all of the in~ere 'NJU, an Impromptu party at "There aren't any 'Warda to tell you Gall. bOUB~ a Jolly affair, i.ndeed. All how welcoDle YOI\ are I'" Id G II terestipg local news about the folks you know, while b.r old .~_dfalt frlende, you kndw. the butler disappeared ;~th h~ '~ -the Tim~s-Star kf;!eps you in touch with the news of the ,,110 wire. Quite l,utllo1ent to fill hII'. &lid InverJ).eH. whole world, in addition to furnishing yo u with va.l~: and tbIa was the nr.lIt of the "What on earth brourbh'ou here to uable and interesting spechi.l featllL s that no other traY llttle -NQ . J,l&bbltlfS arralr ~ biBII. 118'1" demanded Arli. daily can give you. ' Latest and most :relitlble lllarket , "I came to proJI.Qie to Gall," an· nounced Dick calmly, and ' took her ' ~eports. Don't overlook this opporltmily. but send hand apln, 'lIendlDB down on lier that in your order today to wODderfully masnetlo ...e, .0 that lIbe panIc-stricken In the Idea that De --=,-f";;=~=-= ":..-':.=...A==-:="-,-,=- hla PJ'OJect
Extraordinary Value! The Big Bargain of the Season Read This Ca'refuJly
ISeven for 1 year
I $3.35
Probate Court Proceedlnp In the maUet: or the will ot Mary J . Bol\oroft, decealled. Will II ad. mUted to probate, Jllmes Follen III gUllrdlao V8 John ~elsey, et al. GuardIan Beeta '0 sell real 88\Bte ot his ward and 600rt orders him w noUfy all inter. eated partlel ILnd sets date for bearIDg.
In the matter' of the estate of Levi Liley, deoeuaed. Elmer E. Laoy ) 11 appointed admlolstrator. Bond '~500. W. D, Ollrmooy, O. W . Cox !\nd Clyde Wharton are ap pOinted app alBers. In ·the m atter of the 'rrullt Eetate upd '3 r the wUl of Jobn V . JaoJ[ de.. OMSlld. Permle.loD is grauted Tru<j· tee to seJlII. Norwood ·Ohio WRter Works bond., In the ml\tter of thll eltato of Martha D. lUzllr, deceaaed. P·r lvate sale of three IIhar~1 of Lebanon Na. tiona 1 Bl!.nk J:;toolt 18 ordered. In the mllt~r of Wilbur MoKIr. ney. Applioation .fot: IIdmlll!lon? 811me to Ol\yton S~tel:lo8IJitIl11H made. , In the matter of the estate< of W m . Dill, deoe~ed Sl\lel lire tlpprovtl~. Common Pleaa Court New Suit.. . OS.ate of Ohio VI!. George Blazer, Indiotment for orurylng oODtI8aled weupon. Transoript, . Rliohel C . Fi8her VI. Clinton D. Craig for d .. mages. BarrieL M. L AmmoDe V•. John P MoLelin. money only. Cella B, Greene, admlols'ra\rix VI V . B. Worle,\l', Blleonlor et ai, "qultllble relief. Amount olalmed $6833 and In'erellt on '1100. John W. Lingo vs Le R01 W. SnideI', attaohment and garnish. ment:. '. Roy' R. Anderson vs. Benry 1[, BIlIIi et ai, par\U\on aooouDting aDd eq nita ble relter.
snd M'lu))ie M. W II ldron, bo't b of Leb /.ron 100 .. 1111 00,,1 J o., loe ftlr Franklin. Rev: .1. B. FltZwllter. UOQ,t f1 u. a IU .80 ; III. /I, Jllnl6 Oil J P. dAllONHlons In OtI"e (Jlli vs Real EJtat.c TraD.ren Ford $5 ; Wt,ll Mo Uounll1. IPIP I eer. Anna E. Nixon w Bllrry A. Nixon vlof.8 01111(' of Ohio w · J hU ll ,n Rnd eh oe !70 ; C; Pt. 8170" r, rOKc)work « traole 10 Tortleoreek township 11 'Kl'or!Jeoreek t o woe)up '114. 7Q ; P B T. 0. Obrls\le and wife $0 W. U. MOlloe.oon ' r not. $1 00; W •. Gran'lm (;lUmour tbolr shore III !hple Form oontraot '1l0.90; Bert Reed, hr llllto Botel properLy in Leb.. oon. $1. repnirs IJl)erfi eld town hip $96 75; W. Chester Maple, Trustee of the A. [J. Kina, C() lltrtlO ~ 'I G; J K estate of· .II: M. Ullsktu, bankrnpt, to Spencor . s ix t iJ BM I, 01u l fIIO t $1050 ; Auituftt ~. Irwin three PDrJ'elll In P. A Stamps , slwll r ~ p,.t.r~ tor i U. Dlllt.e oOI.o ty j uil $ 1; Uljaricil bl. tOWD of Cozaddale, OhiO, '28~0 CorwlD Bnrn~ et t:U to Carohne ul\kfjr, trl\n.I JOI'tl~tlt)O of David Prleo j J, bn LIl'lf & Sage Born8 10 \ ' ltl I::!on$b Meobanlo to Juvenile ourt E?on, ..\lto ~e rvioe ,.ir oounty RUt_ elreet, Lehanon . Ohio, $1. . John M. Dfl vi ~ to Robert and veyor $lB j Vay ton I:!tltttl HO~llit.al, oJothlng for oounty In mates $"'~'7 10; Emilia E - a uss lot in-~ed ' Woodblll Ce metery Association tor' Ohio, $175, oore of Rcldi · rs 101· 126. Emml\ M, ftr ower ' to Wm. <,J. ~==-... -.-~~ Dodd real , es tlile in rurtleoreek t'}wDshlp $1 •. B. A. Nixoo ·to Eo gene and Anna Btzar one aore In ::!eo, f, T . Ii R. 3 to Tnrtleoreeh: townslllp Il. L . A. Wir$blln and wife to Stow" Dr. Bell '& P loe.TKr. Bon lll whloh IIrd Bopping so IIOres In B.mllt6~ goe8 to .the 'Very roo$ of oold troublet'o It,olear8 th" throat line'! ' vetil rollc>t 'owuahlp·l1. W.I~r 8 Bilker to W. J. Soho from thllt oloR~e d "nrl "t utftld f41l'I. ing. 'l' b/ij plDea h"v e flV .. bean tllo bertt U,4.71 aorea In Hamilton \own- friend of mun in dri vlnl! IIwny OOIds. ehip' $51)00. . Mor.e over, tile phie h c. uClY qUIlJlt·lel'l Elmer E . Keever to W. B . Rnd W are peoollarl;y t'ft'~ oli '\"e In flghUng M. Wbitak er 89 06 aorel In West r..hlldreD'1' oolda R !'m eDl berth., IL Wayne township $1. oold broken At 'he 8t~rt greu'ly r eo Belen H, Belloillt &0 WUlIam m oves lhe posslbUt\y of oompllOIl. Bendrlolce pllrt of lot No. '7 10 irlllS. 25, Wikoff's' addltton to Mallon, OblO, - - -....
Deserved Trlbut , ''You see, we. hav o, dono everything Bille Allowed :-~allon r"Qn Work p08slhl e to preserv e Ihe PI11Doutb " "And I don't blnme yeo New & Mfg, Co., oulvert pIpe $6190; Oblo (:orrogated (..'ulv!'l~O;>,or:f!,~+~~~-'!li<aa.....a...JW*..w...Ul,u..--'---::--:\:::::_...;J! IIl8 j Malon Saw Mille; bridge. '24 j Truetees Pnbllo Aft'lilrs. 52; ' Xen(a City Work h ou~o """'1'11l'8 prlsonlsr& $6 j A • L . KI ng, ,rul~",·... un. Mllesle tow'J8hlp t149.t2 ; ~A~NHART,. Ounnlngham, legaillervipe~ III Oblo VII- ReInhart $50 j W, Notary .Public Cbleslter Maple Isgal 8ervlcee, anse of Ohio VI! MoGlll , '60; Wru. · L. All kinds of N otary Work. I ~l1la Soellleolng, legal servl0811 C&lIe of and Deed8 a ~peotal'y. Obio VI Tbomal! $50; L. M. Pliuoe 80pplte8 for County tlUrvllY0J: 820;
v. .
It mRY he fa .'~orpri8e to , you Prooceedlng. learD th8.t In ma.nv OIlSU or'oop oll.n . Emma Zlegiemier VI. Joe. Ziegle- be. p~evllnted . Mrs •. B. M. · .Johnl!, mler dlvoroele gra,n'ed and plaintIff Elld., <;lbl.>. relates her expClrlonce It! restOred to her malden name of ~. follows: "My listie boy is IIUbEm~B l..ogenbrunDlII. to oroop. Onrlng tbe Pit S' wi". ~tate of Ohio VB. Grover Cleaver, kept II. bottle of Ohllruberlain '8 jory fioqs defendant guUty of 8S. Remelly In the ' 1101llle, lind 8HOU. UOllrt fin'es him $&0 and ocets he beg~n havln~ t IlcIt oroupy and (l montbs In ooonty jail. This I woulll gt vo blm one ' or tw,o . plLrt of sentence 1811nlpended dOH. of It and It woold. bret&k '~e ulJ"i1 lurtber order of lhe .oourt aUsok. l11ke It bet'f!f: for ~oll1ldr... n , tban ' .ny other. ooogh medlolne John W. Lingo va. ~roy W. Snl. beoaoso ohlldron take It willingly, der, olerk, IR ordered to 1180e an or· ILDd U III lafe and reliable." Ob. der of attaol).meni. &aln.ble eVtlrvwbere.
Marrlqe Llc8lllOl Barvey W,
MOTHER' SUP-ERIOR SaY' Vinol C~atel 8treDgth
Rosary Hill Home, HaWthorne, N.Y• . - "1 have uled Vinal for many. 111ft. dOWD1 ~eak or emaciated patient:. with benent. One young woman waa 10 weUt BlId ill abe could hardly creep to my door for aid. 1 supplied Vlnol to her IJtIeraIly and in a montb 1 bardly~ ~. She W8l! atrong, her C!olor ebinDlDc and ber c5ieIie-roUDded out. "-1I0'1Ba II. ALPaoNSA 4THBOP, O.. D., We guaranteeVinol totlbal'Dlll ~ &II:
=:::.-::.~ ~th. bloOd , J. Eo ~.,.
N. Sears
. Office in StQOPS Build;Dg
o.....,W.,... "-'-.....
n. ·L.
Editnr and Manag r
NOV(]]MBER 24, 1915
DISCOVERED Be Blno \,lHJr fj l H~ WIll find yo u out, At lurty' five 01' Ibara~lJou~.
'l'lle IIbl~ bllldue~8 or your bead Will <buw wha' kind : f We you've
- - - . --- ----.----............--:......-------.....
Yoor pud,.:y taoe will testify 'f o idlllDel'lI "lid llvin~ blgb. A 1"l.lIid uRat, to beauty's onllt,
. Wl.!! toll of Illumber... tilu& 'yon 101lt.
A IIOt Infrequent little \ine Will say you looked upop tbe wine. ApprOlloldng ogl', too 8wlrlly met, Will tell U/:j somethi og of your I!et. A sell at troublllll from Within Will bllbble of wbllt mlgbt have been. '1'he grltylng h ul .. behind your earl' Will quite epitoml1e6 the yearB . Be Bure your Slllli will find you out At forty-flve or 'herellbout. - St, I.onll POlt. Delptltoh -~--
..---....--..-.. ..--------..
~--.------~ .---.-..-------ool~-·-Th" leud"r .,r lhi~ pa~r will !Jc, pl""..,d 10 I itrt\ Ihtll Ihe.c is III IfnSI ant drcll.Jru dl asc Ihul ",,;eIlCI>. lu1S been ubi!: la cure III ~II lis sIuKeS. !lnd Ihlll is calarrh. Cll~arrh ll4!in~ greatly IttlluclI cd by CtllIslilulionul c<lndiLions As Written I;>y of Able Correspond. "''1ulre8 COllsLitUliollal treaunent. Hall's CullLrrll ClLre .is lakr,n Internally "nd Ilcts , ents In the Neighborhood thru the Blood an the Mucous urfacc. of tbe System thereby destroying the ~ ~ foundation of lhe diJ<'tlsc. · glvinf( the Ra· ticul strenalh by building up t he constilu· tion 8.lId ns.~islilll: nllLU re in dornl! its wo rk. The , roprielors helve SO lIluch !:d lll ill 111~ cllruli vc powers (' I. R nll's entarrh t:UI'C lhul lhey offer One HUll. dred UOllo.r5 f~r uny case tlL.'11 it I ll!)! to Prof. Rlilph D. '1'ole IIpent t::iafur. Woodrow Warner and fOlmUy and cure. "end for list of lesthllollillis. Address, F. J. CH ENIl V &: CO., 'to· day and Sunday ,In Lebanon 'II1ltb ~Ir . nnll Mra. R obert Ba.l1ilOger !lnd ledo , Oruo. Sold , by a ll DruggislS. 7bc . friends, returning here l:lunduy clllughtor. onsnolo, IIIHlDtl Sunday evening muoh delighted witll \he with B '1'. \'Ioe lIud f"mill', of noor
The ollOdld lined about your eyea Will teli no oharitllb 'e l1el.
,---_.- ...
_1oM. ......... _ _
IIl~h!~erdUls ~~~e:::a!nw:~~erll:Yo~' 1 ~UEER PH 0APNHOESISEpSELlS
men tban Frlend8hlp, and Indeed n!'J t.hoDllht III more familiar to 'beir BsplratlOns. Th.l nk of the ImportBnDe or Frlendllhlp in tbe eduoatlon I Adopted from the !!IIrly t'el\nlyl. of lOen . Ie wtll mall:e a mlln bonee'; vania Germane . it will mall:e him " bero; 11 will make hllO a salot. It III the etate of Everytblng pJanted by a parson .he 1!lst dealing wi&b "he just, tbe before·hls death will gradually dif'. magn&nlmoul with 'he magnanl. When bewltobed, lilY the broom mouB, thb sinoare "Itb &he !!lncere, before tbe door. The first pe.r son to man with miD. i'rlelldllhlp II, 1101 oome along Is the-wltob . any rate, a relation of perfect Cut ' y our oo,n8 wUh a 1e~4 man '. equallt.y." _______•. -.... 4._______ ralor. Nan a toad '8 foot; eVf'r the I!table door to drive 80d keep 00", ' the wltchea. If bre..d dont rll!9 It il bewltobed. , LoAd a bewUohed ,un with a bal let of hair. Onr expresalonl of frlend.bip are The gon or rlfie w\\h whloh yon lometlmes pu~ to the test. When Artemull Wllrd lILY on hIli kill a O!\t wont kill after 'h .... It your ohlld tllol'. call "'bree dying bed London au intimate friend sa~ by hill bedelde aDd 1'8gu· tim .. througb a lnothole faolna tbe larly gave him hill medlolne, Be ellll&. approaobed sbe bed Incluld: .. ArNever take an old broom when 'ewu., It ill noW' slme to ~ke your mOVing, medlolne. You mUlt not take the oat with ~ "No" Rid Artemul leebly : "I yoo the dav you move; I' IIhuuld " ilon'~ ../lnt U ." fetohed b~er. "But." Mid hili blend, you ~U8~ Women will Dot becomll home ~~e U. It will help yon" ION'\) .. said Artemu8. ' "I don't Uke 11011: If 10U lew lIalt and bre ..d Into their paUIooatl. It i 1 won" 'Ike U." U " 00" bill Indlgelltlon, !!teal "Take It for my like; 1 woo1d do anytl1lnll for you," "tdd!lie friend. a dleb-olotb and feed It to her. "Wonld yon? " laid Arkmue. with Tie;' ti,olen apron I!tring round 'he lhe old "me twlDltle 1n bls eye. Iprained leg 01 the hol'l8. .... "Yes. I would," IBid 'he frleDd . If you fetch plga OD 81l'lIrday, "Well," galped Art.mol. "then they will not tbrlve. you ... lIe It. " . If bntwr won" oome, Jab the ------~.~ ~.~----milk wUb a butoher lnife. Don'S dilOlllll tbe leUlng ot hens t:irSencJ the Miami Gazette to a at meal. tlme or the egg. won' relative or friend for Christmas. . hltoh. . , When h!\DS wan" lay, Rok up a 8110. "BlaIS, 10 oeatl a dozen," "Dd ,hey will oartainly beliD today. Wh~n bolllag apple buUer, pus a oopper oent or a peaohetoDe into the keUle to prevlnt " from 100rahlOR. . VIDegar will be .'ropg If tbree women blow into 'he barrel. A woman will lo.e ber hUlband .be sranlpllinu pUlley.
'rip tn hll new Ovorl"nd. M Itt. ' eldee' . son of Mrs. Emma Oltnel is quite poorJy at this writing. The old year Is almost to an end. And many lire passing r esolutlon8 whloh will be put luto effect In 18 16 i we Are going t() RO to ohurob more, will at~end thtl prllyer Uleet Ingl, will endeavor to he one of tbe leaders iu the Bible OIIlSB. Will dona te 11 berally for oh orob benefits, and will endellvor to be more 01 a benefit to the world 8nd If we will all apply this treatmen~ we will do away wltb law, OOIHtS Will adjourn sine. die and wooldn" ,hlB world be ((rllnd lAod It would be wortb living In. tbis ohanRe wuuld be very notlotlllble and proper,y woold advanoo In prloe, the oarpeuterll would be boey "nd everybody "auld want to move here. Protraoted meetlDg Is in progr8fl8 nnder the Instruotlons of Hev. Walker. (lbae. and Luolla Vandervoort. of ne ....·hero, were oa11lllg on friends Satorday lIillbt, When the word reached ns Sab. bath morning tbat tbe Flat Fork ohuroh was on fire. It orealeli quite a IItlr among our 01 tlzens. They all feel how nllOe88ary it Is ~o give a helping band In tbo time of noed. wblob spellkl well for anybody or anv vlolnl&y. The ohurob WI8 In 8ured IlOd only a Bmall losi was IUBalned. It will be repaired as onoe, J. W. Klbler, of New Wasblngton, OhiO, transaoted bosioell8 here the first of tbl8 week . Onr pOlioe oonrt 18 doing a. II "Ie bulnesa 1111 of tbe ttwe. Now, boys, do not blame anyone bnt pay wha; the oourt obarges and \hen be tI baUer man thereafter. You will gel a great deal of pleasure out of tr\Ting ~ be a gentleman. lire. E, n ,MUll left her homll lall' week for Newport. ~bere she will be joined lOaD by her buebliDd where $hey wlll rem ..ID during the win"', U1e gu." .r Mr, IlOd Mr•. Elarr, Sarbeau. Cahin Edwards leU for Klngfleher ()klll., where he will vi8ithll daoah. ter, Mrl. Dr. Linder. Arter .eyeral month'. vilU wt&h relaUvo. here Alfred Edwardll Ie" for the snnnYlontb Fri~y morDlng which he oa11s hll hnme. Mr, Ed wards hu many friendl ~bd are Ilways glad to Ilee him but regre t seeing him leave, but the best of frienda have to part. The followiag named olUzenl et tbls vlolnity appraised the e.,de of 'he law G. W. Harlan, Ilelllrl , A. J,. lIoler, Ellall Ogle8bee and Will Baine. on Moud&y, November 22. Mra•..J.dz:!l.iP.Bnlan, widow, '111111 admlnilter Ullon the elta.te,
EVERY HOlE NEEDS A FAITHFUL COUGH AND COLD REMEDY When lIelllonll obllnge I\nd ooldl! appear-wben vou firet dek!.o' ,a oold aUer Ilttlng next to one who has Ineez9d; theD It i. that a tried and taBted remedy should be fait'bfully UIIed. "I never wiote a testimonial befor., but, I know pOlltively that Jor mYlelf and family, Dr. Kiog'lI New DllIOonry il the best oough remedy we ever 08ed and we have tried '~em all. " . tiQo and $L 00
Waynesvlll Mlslles Rnt.h aud Marie Ea rnbtu t spent ::la torday wUh MU8ter Ralph Whitaker· Barry Earnhart and family eo· tertained Mr lind JI1n . .I!' r ed Elbon, of nellr Wayn es ville. Rundl~Y. Mre. Hnrvey Burnet lind dlll1ghter Ua.tharlne took Sunday dinner with Mr . ..Dd Mrs . B. E . Buthaway, of Wayne8vllle . Mrll, HRrry ERrlllmrt a nd little daughter BJ)tlnt Frlduy wltll Mrs, Huley Wilkerson . I..lttle Charlee t:lhR\V who 1ms hod the scarlet fevor Is reOO\ ering nloely , Mr. ha rl es Kibler and d aughter, Lizzie, were In Wllynesvill'3 Friday "fternoou. Mr, Rnd Mrs . Burry .I£nrnhart were sbopplng In Leblmon Ela turd"y. Aft" Whlt"ker Rnd fllmt'iy on ll ed on .Iohn Whitaker, of near W,lyncs. ville "'unday IlfternoOD.
- - -..
SPRIN& VALLEY Mr, lIud \1rll. F . t. Blet' ore apending severllll d"Y8 io BftltiUlore wbere Mr. Hlet~ went on buplne~a. . Mr" Rose SmUh 18 viRIMng with her daughter Mrs. Linley MllrlQ~t at Springfield. Mr. ' IiJlIsworLh Fulk~r80n died Tbured"y afternoon 'l~ the homo of hltt orother WiIIltlm. Be bUll, beon n rather poor health out hill del~th Wta9 unex)leoted. ~ervloe8 were held SatnrdllY afterno on froUl tjle resldenoe Mrs. Riliph All'xnnder vi sltrul the firet or the week with Mr. aud Mrs. Will Johnson or Dayton. Mrs Ubns. CraDei nnd little grond. daugbter Murj orle White vi"lted t.he first of I,be week with rel/ltives in WilmluJ.(ton. Mr~. Fny Srn ll" und threo ohlldron who h,lve be u spending sevllral weeks wltb her ~ Ist f r Mrs , Dongln~ lind other ,relati ves returned FridAY to her borne iii Mont,lInli . Mrs. Idf~ Mondenhall is IIpending sevenl dAYS with Mrs Alioe Wlliton of near New Burlington. We are t,o bave eleotrlo IIgbts on our streetll this week Ilnd In the hou~B8 In about three weeks, Mr. ann Mrs. Rarry Cook and son or oellr White's Corner were gueste FrldllY of Mr. and Mr8 , Douglas. Miss Mllds teflober of the primary room, Is confined to her home by 1\l0 8S8. Her pilloois being fllled by a High Sohoolilupti. Lee Hamer a.nd wife, at DAyton, spent Suud&y with her parenta, Mr. And Mra. John Hood.
OLIVE BRANCH H. V. Warwlok, pf Dayton, was tbe week.end euest of his dlaughter, Mrs. W. H. Elbon. '1'he fodder shreddor Is atill in tbe neighborhood. 'l'he oyster Buppar held at Oharley AlleDIl Saturday night '11'111 well a tteoded. The ' teacbere of onr 11011001 are preparing for a 'fhan!r:s8lv1l!lg enter. talomens, WtdnesdllY aftel'noon , MIlIII Pellrl and Myrtle Saker lItere the Sunday gU8l'1I of Miss Winnie Chrilteo. t;aturdny was mont hly meetiDg ctlY at the Friends ohoroh. Mr. and MIS. Ed J'effery IlDd fam. Uy were goeetll of Mr. and Mrl. Joho Edwards SnndR.,.. The Oregonia W, C. T . U. will mee~ wltb Mrs. Ruth Murray, Fri. day, li!ovember 26tb. Mr. aod Mra. (:jeorge 'Smlth en. tertalned at dinner I:)nnday, Mr. aod Mra. Luol08 .I!·rastler, AIr. and Mn. Frank dbnnlr: a.nel fatDilv. M.r. Ind MTS. Wlt.lter Bailey and Mr. and Mril. Oliff Van Born Ilnd Ion. Clark. -------.~-~.~----
(tl·t It I 8fr lH,ly ~!e nt..1 U." l' ur 0 ti le coupou - u r on ,l thU.lu1.1f yuu proftJr.
W e \\'111 J:trull)' m t\1I yo n n. rrc(.'l Cflt'Y of our N C'w Cll tolul:- Rn J I x 81n, lU lok. t hn t IN sirn t')l y pickert with hll1ls t h:H
u"" rvwh l" ro
mnrke t pr lt.:t.tft . Tho wh l') l hook ,,, nllcd \vlth I nchl thn t will fntl'rc;HU nnd in~trllc t
Ht!.lUtU ul U'r·,i/.e, nntuJ'Ri 'coln r phntos of h.!Htnnr~ f ru l l ~ :1.11 t hrl')u::h tho book . Scml f or your copy todll ~' to
:r1l~~::~lrr~:;~ ~~c~'~~r ~;~~.,~ ~ I~I~: )'ou-fac ts a!lout buw
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. R tR\11t ROI l II'.lnl Jll".u l tr eL! t riu litph t Ul'Y u(
~1 . 1I 1 .
SUl:clo:b:t- l itu
ThAt slugglsb liver with ItI slugglIb flow 9f bile III what. makea the world look BO dark at timos. Dr. King'B New LIfe Pilla go atr.18M to tlte roM of the dUlloulty by waking up the aotlon of the llver ana Increasing the bUe. Dr. XI.g'll Ne" Life Pille cause the bowels to not' more freely and clrivl:! IlWII.Y those "moody dayl'." 250 , a bottle.
----_. - ...
f irime-'I r : o lth.:n- th ,,' trco fl\.'vul(l DtIJ "t
H Ult H ; ! .. t'o " ~ ~.1I.1f I .t." (i~ · t I h" .', .v ) rllcts uh'Jut "St:1r~~ LJl.'lIc l ou~,·· StArk
E urry J<;lhertu. n n 1 nil thr J(lh.· ... t J1URl·11 CJ . S t Ark Hro '!1 ·l!rrJwn . J . H. l ltil~ ).1 'ac lie<{. nl,:o 1.l ncoln I'e 1\ f , Sfllrll; 101. ln rn w r tn cy Cher t " ?oIrUllJllnth r;Hlll ~ ] ' 1111 11 niH I till rhD ntlwr f am""': Slutk lirll's tr u h""Ucrrl~s noll o m ll ou.' tll al !:! .
Get Our New Catalog
FREE !rclm Ilx 8Iudlpl.-.III,"" -.I ell '" r t o ,
c o\"cr with uenutHul p11ocOl:! r np hs.. "tOIl Ul tht. ,
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Dept. A LouiaiaDa i Mo. ,
J# •
~I8,';,'!! Dept. A
S,.,..d ma ht ODC~. J)4tf1tlJlIhl. you r N uw CUtul l-.t, t, lIm" ,,, ,, 1
bca r fnc }.our namoZ nm..! ,,,.h Jrcss.
how r nllt·ltr"Wl' r1I ftru ItItlkhll{ J'\:~fl.J .lJ rua.kiu"
profll •• 1 u)I;gec:l
tu pla.nt ... . .. t· · ··t roaa
/ . .~=~:::::.: ::::::::::::::::: :::.:.
/ I t - V. D ....... .. ........................ ..... .
P . O.. .. , ............ ............. ............... .. StAte . ...... .. ..... .. .. , .... . . .... ........... , . ... ..
Stark Bro', Waul Good Salesmen-Cash CommissioD Paid Weeklf
~egl8tered lind eligible to regllter. Both pho!1 es 10 Offioe and Residence. Pllone~- Valley 1, h~~~ dlstance,No. 14; Home phone Centerville 726. d Chairs and one Coach furnished free with funerals. OLT-A draft weanling, lind a good one. Eor lnforma.tlon In. Beat of service auaranteed. qaire of George Robertson R . D , 2. Oregonia, Ohio. d8 . 8 , D. Benkle.
Tob8ooo Boxl!s for sale. Dr. J. A. McCoy, GOOD For Informatlon and prlol;l8 in_
qulre of Zell Ohio,
Oblo Slate UntvUsl'y
Male Big Type PollAnd-Cbloa. plgl. Im.m une from oholera. In. qaire of I. Ratterthwalte, WnyueB- Office at residence In F, B. Sher wood's bouse, FourthSlreet. ville, Ohio. n 2'
good order and a. O RGAN-In fine tone. You oan eee It by
call\nK on Mrs. Rllohel Keye, Wayneeville. Ohio .
Telephone 28
A extra
a lot of gOOd, DR. J. W. MILLER •. dropped apples. Thele are not the oommon drop apples. but they are good ones, about as . .• DENTIST.,. 1I00d all ploked . Prloe 250 and 500 per bashel. D. B. Underwood, . Il\t:eBD Wiyaenllle, 0 Pbone Barveyllburg. ~. - n2' N.'laDaJ BUk Bid,. Poland Ohlna Plus. 115 eRoh. 1 2 Red Male BOi. Inquire at thll offioe.
n 24
Poland Chin" piRIJ, males B1GTypa and gIU.; "few yearlings
Thlllle aired by a son of Byron, the grea~ breeding hog of E. Gret\e~\ of 10'111&. C. S . Maxwell, Wuynesvlle. R. 1. n24
InSURlineE =:.============= Walter Chandler
subsorlbers to tbe MoCall'! Magazine. Beud 850 to tbe (:jazett3 offioe, "nd get one of tbe bellt magazines on eartb. U
Waynesville, O. Over PastolIlce, Oflb! Pbone 77
HOUR Pboae 1 \5
Walter McClure
. This disease should be treated Ill! 800n fl8 the tirst Ullnllttirlll lOOllcUel;8 o ' . bowels Ilppellrs. Wlien this is dOUG II . Funeral Director. ~Ingle closBof Obllmberlnlu's Colic, Olio)· IlralUld Diarrhoell Rcmecly "'ill effect I~ oure. This remedy clln always be <Ie· Telephone day or nlgbt. pended upon even In tbe most 8Ilverenml Valley phone No, 't. Long dungarous CRIl88, and should be kOllt ut pistanoe No. 6G-2r. bimd r endy for instant uso. Never Jean bOUle on a jot1l'llily without it. Automobile Service at all nm_.
Braneh Office, HarveJsburc, 0.
D~.H.E.HA.TH.o\WA.Y WstDNrille'. Lea.d1n, DeaU., omoe ID KeY8 Bldg. Main St .
Ray Mills Auto Livery Serylce at ,
I, t
. Reas~~ble Rates
AlIIo Agent . for KeUy-8pringfield ·Automobile Tires
Corwin, Ohio
Horn Sullll-15 months 2Bornl:lbott and 2 yeara old. Also one Sbort C II . Cow with tleife~ Cnlf. All a answer~ p romptly dayo~D1A'ht
Shop Nut·t o ....rw'tOd'. a.nute
l lic~·n~w rtll! l ~
H'fI' H 11,1110:' (",'U · "lJ oubiu· l..Hc"
Funeral Director and Embalmer,
fru Jl'urowers
t~~~:~f~ll~~l .t.1;J;~ r'i:.~I~~l~.~ ;'t~(~~11'~i~~ ~
Here Is a ' D18tter at information for sohool ohildren all well 8S tor grown-up people, Do you know how many slgoatures there were to tbe Declara.tlon of Iodependenoe on J oly 4. 1776 ? Fifty SUI:. Of these twenty.elx were lawyers, BOler· ohants. 6 physloonB, 1 pla.nter. 6 tllrmers, 1 printer. 1 soldier, 1 aurveyor, 2 statesmen, 1 general, '1 sailor, 1 minister and 1 Ihoemaker. Tbe olnest of the Signers, at. the time of Blgnlng, wall Benjamin FrullkHD, the printer. He was 70 YOllrs of age !l'he yuunges' were Thomas Lynoh, Jr, aud Ed· wa.rd Rutledge, bosh of whom were lawyers lind eaoh of thein was 27 yellt~ of age. Three ~of the Ilgners were born in Irel"nd,.one In England, ooe In Wales and two In Scotland. All of tbe other I were born In Amerloa. The lalt of the lurvlvln, melObers of those who Illned the Deola.ration of Independence WIWI Charles · ~rroll. of CarrolUon, w·b o died November 14. 1832 i age liS years. Two of the algner., JOhD Adlme Ilnd Thomas Jei!erllon, cUed on the sime day. Julv 4, 1826, exaotly fifty yearll from the da" 'hey Ilgned 'be Deolaratlon of IudePendenoe.
Painting, .Paper Hangin" Au~ .and Carriage .Painting. · ' '.
Crull:> illlc.lla!"R \· c ash l 'rlllit~ rrU 1II ITUp of y4HItlt.: . thll ll'l • .r"'W"IC !il:uk BIV 'N
OlassiBad Ads
Germs and InfaoUon tl ggrtlvate al)m~nts and retard bealing . Stop t hat Inreotion at once , Kill t he ~. germs Bnd get rid of the poillontl, For tbia purpose a IIlnl(le application of Sioan's Llnlmen' not only IEtllR tbe pain but deltroy!! th,e !!erlUa Tbi. neotralizes infeotion lind ,Ivell. The Rev. Id R. Bloks 1116 A,llll,lnature AMillt ..noa by overoomiDg Born Elmo Pieroe and wife a oongestion Rnd glvell a oihaDoe for aao I, by far the flDelt, J trged and tbe"free and normal 110'1111 of tbe best ever before prln~ed The Bloka fine Ion. blood , SloaD"S Linim ent III an em- etorm lind wedher foreorltll for 1915 141.1 Magliie'Swallow, of ergenoy doo~or and should be kept 8goln bave proven their truth and Ipen' wBllk wlah her parentI oontitantly all haod. 260.. liiOo. '1'he valne, and this splendid Ahll!lnao here. ' 11.00 stze oontalnll81x times AB muob for UH6 should find Its way atralgb' Calvin Glolller · and · family. of BI tbe 260• Into every h ome and otnoe In Amer.Dayt.on hlLve moved In&o ~be prop. ioa. The ReT. Irl R , i:Uoke Maga. -----~-------er" ofJ. L . .Jj'ergUiou np POlllnm zlne, Word and Works. nu" hil Run . .' . , unique Almanllo .hould alwaYI eo together, bo\h for . ooly one dollar Toe funeral of Mrs. Court Marray a year. The Almllnao alone ls 350, whoae death ooourred 188' Satllrday prB)llIhl. Send to Word and WorJ,;1 morDing wall held at the home of Publishing Compllny. MOl Frank: hllr dllughter Mrll. Ed Hopklnl, on lin Ave ! bt Loulll, Mo. Eu' II aple' Suee' la,I Monday MilS Nellie FlUs 'II1al fl Oinoin_ al$ernoon. --.~--visitor one 40.,. last w43ek, Mr. BenjallllnB R()bbl~ iii aer Mr. anel Mrs. Harry Smlt,h atteDd. loul, Ul . ed the fooeral of a rel"Uve iD liid BEWARE OF eH EAP SUBSTITUTES lrank Gibbons, who underwent dlewwn WedoBllday. In thele daYEl ~t keen oompetltlon a sertous opera~lon for glllls&otlel d Mr. and Mra. Artbur Easton have It Is i.nportant tha~ the publio I!hould ~he MoOlellan hOllpltal ill recoverin, returned home after a ; vielt wltb 8ee that 'hey ge$ Chamberlain'l! slowly. . ' their BOD, Lhorles, nl'ar ·. FraDkliD. Cougb Remedy and no~ take 80b Mrs. Geo.. Brown il lerioully ill ·Mr. and Mr •. J. E. H.o bln80n en. .\l$utes I!old for the !!!Ike of . ex'tro ber bome aD Blast ti'ranllUn 8~reet llIrtalned on 8uoday, Mr. C.~. profit, Cbamberlaln'8 Cough Rem. wUh UUle bopell of re09very. Penoe, Mell8rll. aud ~eBd unea J. A, edy hlB stood the teat and been ap. aarry Tarner and wife were Bellemlln, Etlwh~ Fcix tlDi1 ·l alil. prayed for utore tban for'y yearll. Dayton visitor. laat week Fio~nci" Be~l, of M.lamllburg. and Obtainable everywh~e. Tom Ii.. wlter aDd famUy, Dorth of MIBs . ,!enni" RoblnlQJl. air Day-,on. • 'SF • &owo. mOTed 'to Day&c»n lal' Monday Mrll. ' ~e"ton . MUler, of! Dayton, Jolin M1111eo, of IIlddle RUD, ball lpeot lever.l daye lae' ~,eek wUb Mrll. Addle 8alnea. movth1 to 'he MIllI farm. . -~ Rev. Ohenot, ' of ~mn, Obto, Will here thl. wau tn .heinwreet of 'he Central PubU.hlng ' Botll8. at. OleTe If lonesome or blue and friends land. . '. untrue, read Psalms 23; .-d 21S, . .Roemer Bathaway, of New York Lt'lke 15. . '. Git" il Yia1&tbg hll 1~lldmo'her, If rade is poor. read lma 17, John lIi. .. • ,. A 11J' aad a flll in • flue were 1m. IIrll. BrulCUp. Mr. O. N , Pllinoe will lean 'hll pI't.oned, No~ ' what· Ihould they It dieoonrBged or In ~bl~, read· 40! ~id 'he a,: .. "lA.l 111 fleato I!lpeDd thl!. wintel: in [)a:v. Paalm t26, John U . ; . 80 'her &I., tJuooagh a flaw in lI.~e 'ana I'lb~da. . ',I f you are 011' ION, r,a4 . . AGe. " . ' _ 141.. BUda BUrlltl eatena'Ded the Hebrews n. If you are ·loain, oon,fldeDae, ill ~~~~~~~~~~~~18"ee' Hateea Club . Sa'1U'I~ay alter. men, read J Cor. 18, ;;: nOOD. · ' If Ikepttoal, read .rOhD II :40 j 7 ·.lIeur•• Clyde aDd Oha~'l. Penae Pbll. 2 :\1.11. re&llrDe4 to gelaware Monday. If TOU o.D" have Yo;lr owa way, )h. A. J. Trowbrldp t • •'111 "On read Jamee 3 , .~J~. n .tireel of .in. read Luke 11: 36.48: 18·: 1014; Johu 8. , If S-OIP8fODl, read 10:11,
lD Rlftitt t hfl,( wll1 IHWC )' n u t lm\." l ulJn r nnd lUI-HIllY.
muno nUll adllrl!ss
1Icrd ' thi:> practical; e :l, pert inEormatipn . Whe lh e r Y OU you q r intend lu pl"n l" f·w tree" or thuu.an rl. lt i. infnr· ,
DISTRESS IN THE STOMACH There are UllLny people WhO hR.ve dlsLressln the storuuoll aftOI meals. II is due to Indigestion Rnd easily reDloclied by taking one or Cham. berlalu'lI Tablets after meale . Mrs. B!lnry Padgban, Vlotor. N . Y,., wrHell: "For some time 1 WIIS !·,oobled with hellclaohe a,nd distre8S In my stomach nftor eating, also wltb conlltlpat lon. About six monthll ago I begMn taking Chamberlain's Tablets. They r eg ollited the aoti on of my bowelB and the helldaohe ano oLher u.nuoYRnoea oellBed In a sbort time, " Obtainable everywhere.
How to Crow Bigger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE
Valley Phone 9O-1y' ~_~
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"!""-:-.....
E. . All kinds of Spouting and.~ooflng and Furnace RepalrJng DoneD. • •
Loet Curl. Are ..ound. pIctu re IIho .... al a MadlsoD I atreet tb t!at ~ r on" (wenlns II Utile alrl \ aud b",r moliler wore .uted near me. A comic pictu re was on. _bowln. II llldY " mnklng up" with paint, powder, ,hJ st in New Goods rlll.e hair, el o. 'I'he cllma .. cam I! when tho IlIt o r~8te" IIttl .. glrl orled Oul : .lllllt r ~(" E' iI' I I (\ fi no lot of Rhell "O b, mamma, Ulere'! tbe cllrl. you I)url( IIi 'kM\' nUI ". lIir Lf rom · lo~t at Annt flell' l Darly. Where do th", 1l11111 1lt u(n·. you apose abe round 'e m'''-CblcQ&o """tbune. Ne\ nrol1:otl ry IIt"'1 I'kg. Hnll La " r l' lbl:;, :el"tl.: tU\ll !:)podI leslS Rai sin~, ow ,urrants, N: w Minet' MeM, N"w Pure Areenlo Not Fatal to Bird •• Buwlt wh at Flour . N ew Put! InveatlgaUoJl8 by governme nt sclen· Cake FILlu r, , 'e ' 1{" ls lone. tlst. s how ' that t be HI,ruylng or trees with prollarath:lus or arse nic to ellml· Try Moore's (:uwlino' II wClrks nate th o gyps y moth Is nOl necess Rrlly lin t' t l ti~ colt I w (la t h I' . fatal to birds. Tho scarcity at birds In r egions wh ore mu cb spraying Is done cun be ex plalnod by th e taot t bat the spI'ayln g dlmln ls hel tbe Bupply ot Insect tood IUld tbo bird» are obllied to Nek It elsewbere. Th o e Gnnt! Edgellll)ni. Cracker s,
With O. tac;hab le Coupe Top
Miss' J-Iazc!l Gustin was a Cincinnati vlaitor Tuesday . L. Peterson sj,)cnt soveral days In Cincinnati lut week. Allen Haines, of Xenia, spent Sun· day here with relat(ves. . Miss Nina Smith was visiting friend s in Xenia Tuesday.
.Two lIutomobiles fott $455 Amazi ng!lS i t soun ds that's exactly what you can get to-day- t wo automobiles for $455. F irst , a Coupe, a stylish, comfortable enclosed car for win~er dri vi ng. Second, an open Roadster, graceful, speedy and dependable-with regnlar Roadster top included. Saxon Roadster with ' detllcbableall-scas.ln t op offus y ~u ~ his re w.l rkable COOlblllRtlCln, T he nll -senson to p is
The ca r itsel£, provtd in tbe ha nds 01 36,m owners Is lbissensoll be tt er t ba n e vcr . Il hn. 011 the mode rn (entu res-hlgh speed motor-honeycomb radiator- TIUIken axles- t h ree·sPl~ d selectl"e tmn mission D-
hnudsuIlIe design u!ld Ii rst quaJit y workmansl'ip . Jt is il lUde of metAl, hanctSOllldy . lileve r ~ rril1 gs o f vQnadium fi nished, wit It rCllIo"abl steel. Elec t ric stllrting ""judoll's aud ve lltilll ting a nd li ~ hling, $50 e.tm . winds hield_ Come m nnd sec it. ~ "Four*' Road l tcr
~:~~' d~~~~~tl~ar
With d C1.at.hablr
Co up. top DelIvery ear
Filono 6_5
L lmo ullne lOP tlS l .. " Ro;u1a tar
Waynesville, Ohio
Miss Alta Hisey, of Dayton , spent last week here with her fathe r .
Ju muo
New Enirlidh Walnllts. Swe<:> t Florida Onl nl-: s. GrllpE-f ru it.
Miss Elitabeth Stewart is spending a week or two with relatives in Dayton. Mr'-and Mrs. W. N . Sears and children, were guests of friends in Dayton Sunday,
. Dr. Dill, Osteopath, at residence of L . r. Peterson, Main St ., Tuesday and Friday mornings.
. Miss Justina Hartsock, of Cincinnati, haa been visiting relatives and friends bere for the past week.
ftOTlE.... DItUOciiiTe, S"ECIALiSTS, 008TUM.1t8, TltAII8Falt, OAl AIID . .U8 8.ItVIC. OAN PItOFI. . U81NC .-,. ADV ••T.eINO COL.UM,..
VOIlK OI..PPIIt "_'Iorio. .
• 611, bUU UU
. . ~ O I1~.O Il
'ro tlll l . -4 , t .. ·, d !t4 .. . . . . . Ot.he r h.) 11Clsl u M-cl:r u )·Od t ll.f Sn \'IIl~. .
. ...
n l , 1 \ 1 hl th"~ • J 1. 011 0, ' u ril ll'S ,It '' r rhnn l' . H tH HUl1'l ( lio L l url lllt JlHt ~.t.ut·k " · tl wlwd
LINIMENT, GUARANTEED to heal wit hout lenvl.ruI a blemlllh, or MONEY REFUNDED, I!Oo and ,1.()O sizes for fresh wounds. old BOretI, B019 backs and 8hollldere~!lU rne and brui8ee 260 size (or Family usc. DR. cOrS ·PAI1CLESS BUSTER
Ie painless and guarunteed to cure SwoenII_Splint,
l'1dfe t or allyenlarll:ement or Done or maIOle, or money refunded. Price 1iOe,
. ~ . O" O . u"
0 H nl'~, '" II I " Ull l1U1 r )\lU ~ tll !} H l , ,
ffor v"tLl.:em a In:-'; ~ \ ( J r .... , t .thl · cogo and Ht. Lollt;td • • 'l. ,U 'l . .f O Net, Un1()t1 o t flu r(um 1\11n~ \'OC'I
o t,) ItI t" rc
t\~ .,
] 2. G 1.1 ~
15. 2D~.5G O. ~ ~
M-.-_,_ For Father and Son AND ALL THE FA MIL Y Two and a baU mIDIon readen find It of absorbing Interest. Everythlug La It Ie W,fflen 10 You Can UlHIentufl It We eeU 400000 COllie. _IT month wI1bout giving prtmiuma and have no IOliciton.A1ty newadwer will ohow )"011 a <01>1: or write the pubUaber for Cree aample - B paRol wiI1 do.
Theater Dayton, Ohio•.
Mrs. EVllrett McElwee and children, of Wilmington. were week-end guestl! of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Davis andfamny.
Sunday, Novembe r28. BibleSchool
10:30, Christian Endeavor at 6:30 and sennon at 7.. Everybody invited.
If I were yours- and you were mine:I'U tell you what we'd doJ usthmch upon Stune's Cake DivineAnd let the cook ekidoo. Six kinds-one price-IO centl. For sale at W. C. Phillip.',
Mr. C. J. Murray, who has been at Bellbrook for the put few w~ka on account of bis wife', illnellll and death, and his dausrhter, Mrs: A, E . Fortenberry, of Paragould, Ark. , left f9r their homes in Arkalll8ll today.
25000 National Guardsmen, 8000 G. A. R. Memben, 5000 QOl'8es, 8000 Supernumeraries, 16 Aero-
Mr. and Mrs. Howell Pierce ar· rived here ~turday eveningl and they immediately took po8se8ll10n of the Friend. home, in the capacity of superintendent and matron of that institution. Their many old friends here are glad to welc(,me them back to their old home,
Playing Its 12th week at . the Vltagraph :rheater, New York, and crowding Chicago's Fashionable Playhouse.s daily. · . . A triumph for Dayton, the flrst.citY .ln Ohio to present the master play-fourth city in the world to place it on the screen. In ltaglng the film the Yitagraph Company employed
planes, Seaplanes, Zeppelins, Submarines, Battleships and Armored Motor (~ar8.
IAoy.Seat 25 I
Charles Richman and other Notable Stars In the Cast
Early Ilornlng Show Two Matinees Daily Ordleatra ' . • ,25c
Evening and Sunday Orchestra", SOc . Balcony • . ' , • IOc Balcony. , , • 20c Box Seats San'c Price As Orchestra
Gifts of Silverware Nothing more acceptable can be offered than attratiive silverware, combining good laste with a quality of endurance which aaaurel lifelong·service. Such characteristics m.ke
. ware most desirable lor ~ts. . T o-day
thi. renowned
Irade mark sasures the purchaser not only of seCUring the oriainal brand of Rogen. ~ut the heaviest grade plate guaranteed by the makera to sive abaolute .tiafaction. The temarkabl~ durability of "00 ROBERS BRoS." Silver has won it the popular title
"$ilPer Plate that Wear""
Koi-.lorL. .pooa. and ruqlOfYinv piece. mar __ ~ ift IlUmefOUI ~ IOlIle 1&ftC)', _ iimple and dwL . SOld b,leadiaa ~ cY«yWbcre.
-auJacue "C.L," ahow..aU poItUIIIo
.".MII _1T...IlLA co. ' (&a_~...-alf"'
0. .• _..-..)
...... 0 -
The members of the Christian church at Ferry held their first Sunday School in the basement Sunday. Rev, Palmer preaching, morn· inR' and evening, . Mr, and Mrs. Clarenc'e Berryhill and children have gone to houseklleping for a short lime in . John Elliott's house . Mr. Berryhill has been loo~ing for a farm. Success to you Clarence. The Willing Worko!rs of the Sugar Creek Christian church will meet at the home of Mr. and Mra. Jess Roland, near Bellbrook, Friday evening for their regular class meeting. Mr . arid . Mra M E. Sherwooll visited their son and his wife Mr . aT d Mrs Morris !:iherwood and son r eo "enlly. Will Stroud sold a fine bunch of hogs Friday. The Lylle Achool opened Monday ~ith no n,ore new cases of scarlet fever. Mr . John Tewf'1I also sold a load of hO~f1 Tuesday . . . Mrs Aaron Seare, of Dayton, paid a visit with Her daughters a few days past. Mrs. E. E Hartllock returning home with her ·and staying until Satur4ay evening . . . The Mullen family enjoyed a borne cominll given at the ' home of Mr. and Mrs UlYBeII Clark and two daughters, of Xenia, Sunday. It be ina- in honor of Laura Anderson, of California: The day was spent in • Bocial" good .pme, with musi" by MillS Marsraret Clark. _ Mrs, Claudia Comell ~ MiSs Irma were calling on the SUDday afternoon.
.. ..-------
------~ ~
Cor tile lllami CI......
Shinglei Felt Roofing [, in rae , any kind of Ro li ng you want or need.
Everything When
Building Material'
want to us e
1'otoll. . . . . . ... . .• • • •• . •.•
Lumbe r Call on n s a nrl we can Sill ply y ou with ti le best at the lowe t
_ ---........
-.T ___
. . ._ _ _ _IIe\IIlII_ _
i'u~. II \1 .
Manuracture of Ghee. Ohe1l, the nlltive butter of IndIa, wblcb baa beea known to keep for centurleB without becoming rADCld. II mndo by boiling bultllr until all t.hii wntery particles and ctll'dB bave beeD r emoved by ..llImmln«.
ALLEN 19]6 MODEL "371' TOURlNG CAR--$795
3. OU.OO
RQ I.mptl:!," fllnd ~' I th U. • Tre... ur'Or(O';, 01 cJ.r<ulntJou)..
Modern Children.
'~Da.~2a . n
II .crlblng tbe children who h ..4 mov " I n e xt door little Helene tlBid:
L1.\ UlI. l'Tlf:S _ Oaplt. 1 .Lock p ..hl In . . : . .. . .. . 160. 000.00 SurplUll ru uJ .. . .. . ... .. . . .. . 90.000.0U IJ Odlvldod pronll .. •. $ ~ I,G70. 70 Leo3 OJ!p<lJ\8{'I! pah1 . . • ~.I 06. GO 19.611.0 4 lreuhollns JlOI('.' . ... . .. ,. . . . . . 60.00U.OQ J)I "l<1oodo un p" I,1. . . . .. . . . • .. . 2 GO.00 Individual " epu.ll" .lI bJoct II) c1,ock • , • • . • . • • •• . . . • . •. . . . 261.071.82 OertUlcat.e. 01 dC)lOlI lLdlle In 11118 0. D60, l ' 'ban ao d"Y8 .. .•... • . . .. . . .
not troubleso me children; they don't do anytblng you · tell them Dot to do, but they do everytblng yon clon't say anything about."
14.0 00. 00
Po_r of the Individual. If only ODe penon-you-makes up his mlD.d to do hIs best for the meet.-
~They ' re
fi OO.11
'I"O\...\' . . . . . .. . . . . .. ... .. OB . U3 . 27 ST.Vl'll: 01' Oll IO. WAUREN OOUNTY ,SS: I. J . O. Cnr~wrls h ~ . OlUthlef or ~hO aboY8 Dft,nOO b,u,k , do IiCIlwnnly . ...OIU ~ll .~ tho a. .ovo IIt.IIWD1en C, l8. Lruo LO 1;lu, beat ot m1 kno"lodgo and belief. J . O. O~nTWRlGIIT. O...blor. Su o.crlhod ",,,I ."'orn IJ61oro me thJ. ] aLb day of Novemoor 1914. E. V. DaruJmrt. Oorrec:t Mlee ~: J . S. lft'~ l>Ubtc.
W. B · AM~tO ...
IHf. MAIN STllftT GARAGE Is no w {ull y ·equipped to do · Livery Wotk . We will take you on,
Any Road J~ny Place J~ny Time
Waynesville, Ohio
.- .
"Your majestY," eaid the chief to "the CIInnibal king, "that missionary you ordered for dinner is incased from head to foot in a suit of armor." . ~'Tnrn him loose," gt'oW1ed his royal highness. "You know I have no appetite for canned goods."
LeWIS' Bakery Everybody uses Lewis" Bread and Cakes, the best and most delicious made. Try them and you will never want to eat any othe~ kind.
Lewis' Bakery
''If you'd sssume a more genial manner you would
" Waynesville, O.
get along better
in business." "Huh I I tried it once and everybody I met wanted to borrow money,"
&:ir.TeU the. Advertiser you Read ' the Ad· In tbe MIamj QazeUe '
''WilJie, whatpart ..of speech is an eggP" "A noun, millS." "Yee; now, what gender?" "Can't ~ay till it's hatched,"
o .
Inc, from that nuoleus the contaaton
Give us a call and you will find ou r pric!!l! nr nIl right.
or ~.t,ooIIBK-'lftu-.Pretad':'·throu&h:=th;r/-J-,Agen~HlI)f'--Al::bI~N-Alnd LEWIS Automobiles, and eoclet)'. Racine Horse Shoe Tread Tiref'.
J. W. W Hl~'"
Putting n II. ne~... Roof or Patching the old one? We have
11. 71 , 75
olt.~ •• • • • . • • ,.
Mrs. Eugene Kent, of Bellevuf', depoatla . . . . ... . Ohio, and Mrs. Charle!! Evans• .of Po.LallJ8vu,,1 'fo ~al dllpOs)t. . . . . ~ dO . ~ ~ ' . 1H Sllring Val\ey, are the guesta of Mr. s m. (llIy.. I)'e, I"cllllllll[! oblig ati ons I'OnrMttnll ug IIIODU)" ho .... Win Salisbury and family. rowed .. • . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .
at 9:30. Communion and sermon at
Are You
Buy your Winter Olothing at N;~lni ';~II~r ',i~Lhjliili 'b",iiu.: : Myer Hyman's. 'l:o"!ll nh' .nll rtlrlltlcot"" . •. Edward Jordan, of Route3, started to Los Angeles, Cal., Tuesday morning where he will spend thE) winter.
What a Girl Can Do. Ono or tbe nutborltl os WIUI uked wbethe r a gIrl can love two men at the 6ame time. Probably not. But Bbe can gIve .. sumclenUy molille 1m· ItAtlon of tho pIUIslon to fool both of tho 1D8u.~olleka r.aoltaL
~ . ~o o .OO
• " • . • •• • , .. t'\J. ltn • . , •• , ' n hll' n ( h liJ11. ltl l~ II UIO(' 11 n' o n l ' lIttt lh rt,; i . ~ ,.) OO . U ( I E q u lt )' iu Lmll 1(lu~ hl l\lMo' . • • • t-; o t a nh d w ( d uo fhll ll "-oc ll 1rnl H ~Cl\ l ' UI"'k .. , . .. . . , . . . N et. 'UJIOllL I) '" trum 'IPI1rn \ OfI n~"
c lt h . . . . . . ... • ,. .
Barbed Wire
1 3~. 2 :, O. Nrt
I'Cil(lf\ 'C AI H llti
00.000.0 0
Done lr. a li i' ~I" - \l ri I , .h'(l ~r' f B colin ' rn l r" r ~I.~t t' Ilr "Ulllr d p05! IS " r t I!I " I ,yI11>lo ( I Nl"ll -
Leltld-tIUUtll.l f
~avin, Ringbone, Curb,
FractlQUAl1 ('u r r n ey , nh,ltcl ami
., - --=====~ =========~=====
Newer If Not detter. "Cnn't you use a less hackneyed ex· pressi on tha n 'H e hik ed tor the tall and uncut tlmber t · " Bsked the editor. "" 'ell ," eald tbe yOllng re porter, " I 'ml g!]t auy ' Ue beal It 10 tho for est relerveo, where the w eplng wl11ow8 1, "" R ll.~ All" d b~·"IHII c; ... 2 (-1 i , 2P J. !l 1 'ri l ia l I UIJII ~ .. . . • . • • . • • S2G'l . 20 \. 9 J b.ue nev er had t\le lr eyeglBJIsel Hannah Jordan, of Route 3, is visO \'enl ru. rU . Utt~,,-·tl n.'C I . . . . . . . • . iting her cousin, Miss Fiehball, at U. t:i. B! ~ I \i l oc I , tol,.oc lt N cJ r c u l t lOll trimmed.'"
Mrs. L, Peterson was called ie Xenia IlISt week on account of tho illness of her father.
W. H. MADDEN di~ CO.
_- -----
.. - ...- - -
Mrs. H. E Bursk and son of MaW·; p f'.' son, visited with Mrs. 'E , Snook and family last week. O f th.:' ( ., 11IlI ' ,,,11 nf tl 'l! W aynes· \'i1 I< ' . ," i ". , I ]lank , 'It WayneR "il k it, ,11, ~ t n l l' "f u hio. nl tlw Mrs, Martha A, Waid, of Route (,1"",· ,,[ . j, \I~ll l·"~ . . ' uv. 10, 1!:I Hi. 5. spent the week ·end with Mr. anti );1:'4" I ii 1I c.' 1 ~ ~ . Mrs. Owen Burnet. . .
( p ur "ul nl'
N . 2 220
Mrs. Owen J. Burnet spent Sunm"it!~~!7l1~":"I ' .~ ..u~:.',l!:~i~~ day with Mr. J. E. Himes and falll- 81.01.' "'' u lJII 'r \"all "" .1('1".1 nl'· i1y, of Centerville, O. t.iur:f'~(I\)W,~)I,lt l~'~~'l' k ill I l:ll ~f'uJ
- - -...
Expert In Sliver Llnlng a. Hall- " D\ythe Is a pre tty opllmlsUe charac ter , I hear." Wall- "I should say 80. It he railed In business, be 'd tha nk h eaven he hnd his hea.lth; If ho railed In health, he'd than k heRven he hnd his buslnesR. Qnd It he talied In bOlh, he'd Hay th ere was no use bavln!! ani wllh out the other."
I .. 11111 WOItI.D ~ WE!XLY. $UlO PD
C r8n bcrr i e~ .
........ ..
--.,.---..- ..- --
Thanksgiving Post· Cards at W. C. Phillips'.
Middletown, Ohio.
"Are you trying to raise anything on your suburban place this season ?" "Yes; for one thing, I am trying very hard to raise t,he rent."
Bncon-That. neighbor of yours Str ong:By Vinal tried to Cll t ~ wide s\vnth, didn't he? Egbert..,....Yee, but he failed. He S v ry, Knns.- " The Gr ippe left m e was too nnrrow. In a ", ',,,t<. h ,' r vOU8 ru n·dow n condition. 1 ~'Q'.~ weill< to '\0 my llOusework and cou. ' ' . l,·(,p. After tr ing dilTcrent THE TREATMENT. me(,: , ., Ji \' ilbol1t b<'llCfit inol restored my II ·:.,ll l. tr ~11 th end a peti te. V lnol is It I!"!',m cl l1\\lcicine !lull VCl'y weak, . "Wbat are you now doing for thl) n erv o\l~ . I" l1 o.down woman should take pntient, Mrs. Oabby'?" it. " - ;,tr9. . E O. FrNI)t.El,(. "Why, that fool doctor ordered Us \" inol. oll r delicious cod liver and iron tonic,·s hn.rpenl! th" ~Lp p eUto , aids .diges- to give her epide~ic interjectiOJlJ.~ tiOD, (:nrichCli t be blood, and .bullds up CONBOLATION, natural stre ngth nnll •• oergy. .t. E. .ran o, '" IJrul!"j!ISI, WayneSVlJle_ "They aoy men of . brains li"e longl)r than. others." - - .. ~ ....~'"'!"!!!!'!!!!!'!'!~"Oh, don't WOrTY, I pe88 there'n ~p.tiana to that, too."
Brs. , Fiadley Made .
AUT 0 : LI\'ERY My Aim- Your Trade
=-QUALlTl' - A bove the Standard SER\,ICg- That can't be beat pureES-To p1ea.e all. -
-==:=:;::-- -
She-I ssw the doctor today about 1089 of memory. lIe--What did he do p. , Slltl - lfade me pay in Idv_
liUCg real wise Cbrist",.s shoJ>pitig can be d'll1 e here, with great ecpnolny on the pa..rt of me . shopper, ana genuine pleas~re to the recipient.
====T 0 Y L A.N D,==-:-= Our Hpliday St~k, . will be .on Display
NQvember ' 27, 1915, You will be welcomed days -to . Christmas,
Whole Number 3346
Sixty-SeventQ Year
Buy Underwear a.t Myer Hyman's.
On Friday evening Mr . and Mrs. CLUB HELD THIRD I\\EETING Beedle were entertained at lhe home or SEASON of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan J ones.
C. B. Bentley was a Xenia visitor Sunday.
Mrs. Barton Kelly was a Cincinnati Saturday. ARELIGIOUS MOVEMENT visitor
Mr. and Mrs. J . W Hai nes had as their g uesU! Th anksgiving Day . Mrs Agnes Wrigh t anct Miss ~usa n Wright.
Hugh Ridse. of Cincinnati, was in
In Fact a Reviva.l of Splrltuallty- town Thanksgiving Day. Much Interest Taken at Buy your Ball Band Boots and All Servlcell
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hogers en · tertained at din ner Sunday Mess rs. Enos Rop:ers, Sherman Rogers anti Mr. and Mrs El mer Rogers.
Work Shoea at Myer Hyman's.
THANKSGIVING PROGRAM Prevailed Througho ut the Entire Scs~ion-Program W:lS a Good One
Mi88 Delle O'Neall was the iuest Waynesville and vicinity is in the of Springboro fr.iends last week. The November m eeting of the Mr . and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and New Century Club was held at the midst of a spiritual revival. St. Lost- Bunch of small keys. I''ind: family entertained Mr . and Mrs D. home of Mrs. G. J . Smith. Friday Mary's EpillCopal church is the scene L. Crane and son, Elhan. and Mrs. afternoon, Novembcl' 26 . A Thanksof lhtl meetings, and the community er please leave at this office, and !rill has manifested B great intert'st itl reward. LOuisa Wo 'liey at dinner Thursday. g iving program was rendered . the eervice!l which started Sunday Every member responded to roll call Mr. and Mrs: Frank LeMay. of eveninjf and will continue until next by giving quotations on ThanksMlddlet(lwn, were here on Thanks· Mr and Mrs. William Sherwood giving. Sunday evening. had as their Th anksgiving guests, As WM stated in previous iBBuee of giving-DaY. Mu. B. H . Kelly favorl.-d the Dr. and Mrs. Thoa. Sherwood , Mr. the Gazette. this miB8ion extends all wilh an instrumenLaI solo. anel Mrs. Harry Sherwood. Mrpi ladies MissJoeephlne Linville, of Milford. over the United Stares, and is the A Thanksgiving ::3tory enlitled George Zelland Mr. Frank Sherwood "Old outcome of a religious movement in Ohio was the week-end guest of Miss Grim's Thankful Heart" was the.church to stren(Cthen the memo Helen Hawke . given by Mrs. J E . Janney. bers and·others who are Interested Mrs. E. S. Baily gave a Thank ~ Mr. and Mrs C. T. Hawke had as giving in Christ's Kingdom on earth Buy your Suit or Overcoat I1t entitled " Shadwick Brown s their guests lit dinner Thanksgiv ing the main t.be mi8slonera are (Cenerally Myer Hyman's. Day Rev. and Mrs: C. S. Grauser and Turkey." exchanging-pulpits, and in this way Mrs. Kelly again favored tho son , Charles, Mrs. Alice Hawke and are Infusing new life in the different Fred Wilson and family. of Green daughter. Mary, and Mr. artd Mrs. ladies with a vocal solo. parisbes. The intercessory prayerll Plain, Ohio. spent Sunday at the Mrs. E. V. Barnharl. gave" a Frank LeMay, of Middletown. for all the needs of mankind have Friends Home. Thanksa-iving Story ~nlltl ed "touebt>d the bearts of many people Good Thanksgiv ing." who are Inot used to this form of Another Thanksgiving story ento Mrs. C. B. Bentley 'was called Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards worship. The services are informal. titled "The Discouraged Farmor" New Burlington Sunday on account entertained lit dinner Sunday, Mr. no part of the regular BIlrvices of the . COopyrlg hL I and Mrs. Geo. Hawke, Mr. and Mrs. was given by Mrs. Will Frame. ·cburch being used at all, and that, of the illn~ of her parents. b tee This meeting was of unusual Ronald Hawke, Misses Emma l,Iawke, too. has app'ealed to many people Mr. and Mn. Walter Dorlin, of Henrietta McKinsey and Dorolhy Interest and the Thanksgiving spirit _ St. Mary a church was very for· prevailed throughout the entire pro· Dakin and Mr. Fred Hawke. tunate:. indeed, to have the Rt . Rev. Chicago, were the guests of Mr. and gram . During the social hour a deT . I. Ree e, Bishop Coadjutor, with Mrs•. Frank Zelllast week. IicioUI two course lunch was served 1 them for BIlven eervices. The Biabop by the hoatesa, assisted by Mrs. Kelly. has made many friends wblle hpre ' Buy Jour Comforts and Blankets Mr. and Mn. F . W. Hathawayen- Mrs. Farr, Mis.~ Lilliim WilkerB?n , by his earnestness and zeal as he at Myer Hyman's. tertained the following jJ'uests on and Mrs. Joseph Thompson, of Cm· set. forth the interpretationa of the Thanksgiving Day: Mr. Frank Mil- cinnati. I Holy SCriptures. His flret sermon Mr. and Mn. Whittier Burnet. ler. of Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Gave Oood Entertainment to a Fino Dr. Mary Cook, Misses May Sunday eveninll wu on "The UfeI I N·or~NOtxl. were tile peata of Halbtlway' and daughter. Virginia, Wright, Emma Heighway, Lilli~n fAutlience-PrOJ~ram Was Worth LiviQe." On Mond~ even. aUves here for t11e week·end. A call to all churchmen in the state and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Dodd. Wilkerson, Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Halbe The Friendly Group held their . Varied One Iq ··Tlle Divinity of Christ,' and on to the conferenee on Chureh and rea-ular sociallilst Friday evening at Ridge and Mra: Joseph Thompsol,l, T-ueeday evenin, "Personal·l)erviee " Mrs. Etta Printz and IOn, Joe, of CountTJ Lif~ to be held In Columbus. tbe White Brick Meeting Houee. of Cincinnati, were guests at thIS The interpretation ot these 8ubjects Dayton. 8pent Tbankagivln. Day Obio, December 8, 9 and. 10, wu -On Saturday, MiB8 Emma Cart· meeting. was well attended and the even· wright was iiven in a plain. practical and with Mr. and Mrs. J. M: Taylor. I8IIt out last week, and the com- . The entertainment llivcn at School It invited Mr and Mra. Beedle. .. ing was very enjoyably »pent. A eplrltual manner as set forth by mlt~ Islook}n~ f~rward to a great I Hall Thanksgiving evening by the Mrs Mary Waterhouse and Miss novel idea was carried out which tbia spiritual and fearleaa man of Buy your Corduroy Suits and !l"eetlng. It l!I ~nttrely 4nter~eno.m- - choir of the M. E. ci:lIllrch, was a de- gave everyone presen.ta place on the Alma, Mrs. Rachel Keys and Mr. God, were to follow In His foutsteps, Panta at Myer Hyman's. mational, and Ismtended for dlstncts rided succ~. A good-sized audience proa-lam. On ente.ring each one was and Mrs S. L. Cartwright to dine to live up to the examplea Nt forth . . that overlap and have too many was preeent and all were well pleased given a paper leaf on which W811 a with her and MiB8 Martha Burnett. by Him, and iD the end that a crown Mrs Hallie Ridge and daugher, churches. . " with the program presented. The number and telling what part of the ot Illory ·would be laid up for them of Ci~cinnati, were Iluests of lIJr. Under the caption "of Absent prog~m, which con:sis~ed of v?cal program theone~ holdir.g these numh . ed who diligently eerved him. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart last week. Tr~tm.~n~ In Cburchea the and Instrumental mUSIC, readmgs bers were to furnillh. Persons holdMrs. Ma,,¥ Water ouse entertam One of the moat pleasing says. Like tbe country pape~, the and a humorous s~tetch, entitled , ing the same numbers I188emhled' t.he folJ!>wmg guests at dinner of these meetings wu the question f ~untrychurch can wield amlghty "Why We Never Married," was and as their number was called they ThankSgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. W box. Questions of all kinds were MiBII Mary Hawke. Of mftuence. But what c~uld a paper IlUfficieritly v~ried to pleue all tastes, added that · part of thtl program H. Beedle •.of Troy, Mr. and Mrs. S. put Into the bOll, ,11 pertaining to willi the week-end auat 0 bardf--U do whose ~Ito,r liv~ 2l! miles distant several numbers calling forth en- which had been aasilfDed them. L . Cartwnght, Mrs. Bachel Keys. k the Christian life, however. and were er, Mrs. Allee Haw e an ......y. andallpear8dm bl8pnnt ah<!po~ly cores. Quite aneatsllm was realized, There.. were quartets, duets, de- MIB8 Emma Cartwright and Mr. J. Having purchased tho Harness anawe.red to the ..tildaction of a\l a few hours a month! LikeWIse which will be applied toward the bates and numerous other ~Ings C. Sale. I_U.,tlUII""" M. A. Sims & Co. which present. A Ilrest 'many of thelWl Mr. lI:"d Mrs- Will Beedle.ofTro),. wbatahouldbeexpectedofaC:Quntry subacri tion made b the choir at and as everrthing W811 extemporaneowned. I will bit glad to queiltfona were pertaining to the Ohio, Vlslt;edhwlthd Mthr. aDfd MdrBI' St churcb when it must share its min the demcation of the ~ew church ous a great deal of fun was created . Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler en w ~;~~a~~aye:s~:r:dd~~ church llind her ways, and th. L. Cartwng t an 0 er r ien s as ister with three or four other . . ' churches.@llilIHleJlim.:onlyanocc.a.Chorus .. .... ... .... ...... .... BytheChoir Emmor Baily read a paper which tsineti the following-guests ~n.,.rll~v-1·1U~Y-ll~ sold out. It is my desire to answers were siven in a clear. con· week. prophesied some startling futures for at dinner : Mr. Ralph Houston all my trade. and your patroncise manner eo that none could mis Sional Sunday? The answer to this . . Duet ..... ...... ...... .... . undlr8tand them.. Mr. and Mr~. Gideon Thomas and question proposed by the Commis· .....Sybll LaMay Ilnd Helen Hawke many of the Friendly Group. Seth family, of Spring Valley. Mr. F. age is soliciwd. Repairing Matly Thlleervlces will ~ ccmtinued this family, of Darke County, spent the sion on Church and Country Life. a Vocal Solo ...... .. ...... Frances Janney Furnas a-ave a short talk, and his Sherwood and family. Mr. and Mrs. and promptly done. sterling remarks caused those as' Allen Kibler, Miss Estla Hainee, and You can find a fi rst cl888 assort'week u follows: Wednesday, Thura- week-end with Mr. and Mrs _Geor&,e branch of the Fedelal Council of Vocal Duet· .. .. .. ........ ............... . .. H BI k t8 day and Friday nighta at 7:30. No Hartsock: . . Churches is eomething like this: A .: ......... Mabel and Hazel Salisbury sembled to laugh and cry by turns. Millard Murphy, of Ferry. After the program a social hour ment of Whips, one an e , service Saturday night few rural churches in a community Voca~ Solo ............. M\ra. Uora Baker Collars; Brushes etc, as can be Firat Sunday In Advent, December Calendars for all size Kodak Prinle mUlt co-operate, then form a feder- Keadll!lJ .: ..... " ........ ..... Eth~lyn .J ones was enJ'oyed and a' delicious lunch in any first class shop • .Mr. 6. Sunday School at 9:30 a . m. at the Ridge Studio. ation, eventually merge their activ- 'Vo~1 TrIO ...... ..... ..... , Janney Sisters was served.. Mr. and Mrs. Cbarles Werntz gave O. W. Hamilton has been retained Sermon and Holy Communion at ities to BOme extent and become Instrumental Solo .. .... Helen Marlatt • - • a week-end party in hOnor of their by me and will have full charge. 10:80. Tbis will be a corporate comMr. and Mrs. J. B. ColelIlan ar- communit, centere instead of merely Vocal Solo .... ........ Mlrs. Barton Kelly guest, Mrs. C" B-. Herrman. of Tex- Mr Hamilton needs no introduction munion of the parish; every com rived home · Frillay eveninll, from a houlIe8 for 'religlous worship. Then Instrumental Du ·~t ............ .: ....... .. as. Those present were Mr. and as he is a firet class mechanic in his munlcant Ul'Ifed to be present at tbe two v.eeka' visit with relativee in they can afford to have resident lias· ... .....Ethel HOSler lind Alice Carey Mrs. Robert Werntz, Mr. and Mrs. line. . . altar. Norwood. tors. A rural church reform cam· Comi~ Quartette ... "The Auctioneer" Walter Smith and children, ' and Mr. Tbanking you for the patronago m Eveninjr service, the last of the palgn to be carried into every state ReadlDl1; ....... ................... Mrs. Kelly and Mrs. Gene Conner a, of Dayton. the past 1 Mlaaion !M!rvi~ at 7:30. Thla Is, to Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Ward spent II to be formulated at the Commis Vocal Solo ........... Mrll. Frank LaM"y 1\ Remain respectfully, be a .conaecratlon serviee at whIch tbree'days very pleuantly with Mr. Bion'e national conference in Colum- .. Why We Never Marrit'd" F.C. Carev we ~II renew our BaptilDl and.Con· and Mrs. D. A. Ferree, at Nelson- bus Ohio, Decpmber 8,9 and 10." Vocal Solo .............. Ernest Earnhart Mr. J. H. Curtis and famllyen... ,-.finnation vows. ville. Ohio. . The .rogram f9r this meeting has • - ....-~tertained at a Sunday dinner Mr. The Ohio CommiB8ion for the Charles . At all the above service. the reeannounced speakera of almost every and family, of WilBlind are trying to make them have Jllington,Curtis Dr. M. S. Westa.nd family ,· • !ftic~~:e~v. J. F. cadwallader will Buy.· your , Corduroy Sulti and g~~i·~:L~' ~Fdthi~h:u~~. t~ a happy Christmas thill year. The o! Bellbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Gladman blind people have been busy all sell· Ellis God bas vouChsafed" Hie presence Pant. at Myer HJj1lan'e. any bave the lime It pay them to [ and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. son, and they have a lot of pretty Carrington Ellis, aruUIU.,...J...cm~I4-----"""1 dolls to . sell The money received Mr. and M.... W. H. Allen.... Rev. J. Curtie and family. from the sale of the dolls all go to to hilrher Id€'a1s and better tlhrlst1an F. Cadwallader, MI8II Ohve Ailen and in the rural distrICts.' J tl>e blind worker, and it helps thein IiVin~.. CO~e ana let OJ share·these Mrs. J. O. Cartwright were Dayton • _ • k ·Z II · ' te to have a merry Christmas. The .50. !dr.and Mrs. Fran e en r'Ylth . ' .. vlaitors Friday:. Among those who started on the pricesotthedollsare$l.OOand$l There is quite a bit of sentiment tamed most dellghtfull), on Saturday One of the largest land sales made Mrs. F. B. Sherwood and Corn Trill Monday morning were Mr. and back of each doll, made by women evening, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. ~Ie, here recently, was made by W. N. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ze ll, Mesdames family, spent tbe ThankSgiving holi· and girls, who do not know _even thE' ~r. and. Mrs. S. L. Cartwr.:lght Seara local Auctioneer and Real day's with Mr. and Mra. F. -Hiatt F. C. Carey, Wiliter McCiure, Chas. color of the clothes, and they will 1 hI! relatiVes from Troy. finIshed Estate dealer when he sold the Ben at Wincheilter, Ind. R~e, Misses Ida Kelstly,.ofBellbrook, not only make some little tot happy theIr visit on Sunday WIth. Mrs. Jamell farm and the adjoining tract Minerva Harlan anti Ohve Allen and il Th d II' Mary WaterhouEje and famIly, reo belonging to O. J. Edwards, last • Mr. Charl~ Cornell. The Itinerary but t h e ma k er as weI . . . ese 0 9 turning to their home that evenln4( Monday, to Ohas. Watkins. of near may be secured by addre88ing the . 'BuV your Coir.fortl and Blankets " of this trIP includes . moat of the Ferry. It is understood that both CHiUSTIAN CHURCH - - - -- at Myer Hyman'•• . Wednesday !,vening last, as previ· prominent places in the East, e9- Ohio Commission for the Blind, tracts brought a high price. . . Surid~; December 6. BillIe Scbool ously announ.ced the school9 of peel ally the prominent .places at' the 00luDlbu8, Ohio. On Friday, November 26th, Mr. If you have a farm to sell, or at 9:30 a . m COmmunion at 10:30 a. Waynetownship.Bllve a moat delight· capitol in Washington, D. C. ' Therl! ... and Mrs. S. L. Cartwria-ht extended think of havini a public sale, s«l6 Mr. Mr. and M.rs. Ron'a ld Hawke, Mlu m. Chrlatlan Endeavor at 6:30 p . Alma WaterbouJe ' and · Mr. Harvey ful pro(lT8m. Each room ha!i ill! will be at l8lU\t three large . train a cordial welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Sears, bis ability to get the bigb. m." Preaching 1lt 7 p. '!D. You own exercille8. In Wayn6llvillethere loads in the party. and they will Beedle, Mrs. Mary Waterhouse and dollar prQves Its self. Rye attended tbe abow Lebanon cordially Invited to theeo servlc•• ",as BOme little criticism owlng- to bably meet~ at tb«! PennsylvaDill daughter, MIBI Alma, Mrs. 'Rachel Saturd~ evening-. • the fact that parents having 'cnildren Ohio'state line, . then proceed ag Keya, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zen, the . than one room could not be tin their sight-seein!r In ~he. Misse9 Rhea Janet Cartwri~Pt, Doris . M. E'.' CHURCH Buy Sw~t en a t M,1ez: Hyman ' ,.s. . places. This criticism soon . . Henderson. Ethlyn Jones, Emma Sundv SChool 'S:15 a. m. P.reach· '. -. > when we con• - • Cartwright, Martha Burnett and was adopted . in, se"i~. at 10;89 a . m., aubjllCt of . Mr. IpId . Mra •.1 W; G. Critchlow Kizzie Merritt. liiorrihi,Jrsermon, ··Wh~re Do the Peo and MI!a Una Elliott iqoto~ up child might have pIe of Tbia Community Spend , Sun: ' . Ky., and 'spent ~l~!=8.uon~1 ,rllllllll)( of appear· . Have y n abunrlant supply of . pu Since the dil,y ?', Hear this sermon. Preach~MI'I!. ·Anna S. water on your farm? Is it handy to Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Beedle, of , in, at 7 p. m.:- Watch the papers (or Thorpo. ~ be run primarily for the kitchen and the barn or do vou Troy, came down on Wednesday, . " . this aeema to lie the -an:<-anno'uncement of, another eeriet! havo to carry this cOlllmoditv during evening, to spend a few da)'s with method , the cold winter month!!? Perhapa relatives. On Thursday. Mrs. Mary .' " of\Sunday nillht t«imona . • Prof. E. E. Som~rer, 'of the only The first real taste of winter came you would be i.nterested In Imowlns WRterhouse and daughter served a S. U,. who spent ·.evenl clue of , . Clarence S. Graueer. Putor. the latest methoda in aupply- royal Thankaetving 'dlnner In their to this viciuitv Sunday. -Near noon week.Mth ht81lIa~~. Mrs. !'t. G.. Warden Kuerlz and hie about ing the farm with water pure ' and honor. Besides Mr, and Mrs. Beedle, on that day. tbe wind began to riso .-'" clean the whole year 'round. May Mra. Rachel Keys,Mr . and Mrs. and clouas appeared in t.he sky, apd be you are interested in ·the lnatalla~ S, L. Oartwrlght -_ and Mlaa Emma by evening the wind bad increaSed ' eeveral.peopIe Uon .of farm 'w'ate" supply ~d sew- cartwright enjoyed the hours spent to a veloci~y of 50 miles an hour. Your pho~llh-NotbillJr will h age ~IPosal in your commuhlW. 1.. It at thia.pleaaant hom.,. ' This was' 8flc~panied by raiD, and add more to the Cbriatmu pleuure will cost you nothing to-enrolLin ,he .' . . late Sunday evening a mow fell tOllether of the I~enck· and , ~o1k " ~e. courses prenared by the ~enaion .. . . to 20 above zero, an.d we are now In The earlier the order. tbe biett. the if he did Dot return department, of Ohio State Uml,erslty ago a few families the midst of a real winter. the w~rk. ,ldire StudIo. willl:aave a bearing on this 8ubj(!ct. Write to J: 1:.. Mcin havilijf their Aftertheplea:aantweatberthrougb Clintock Ohio State Unlveraityi since then thla wblch we have passed for the last eolumb~8, Ohio, asking for:lDformainstitution amoDg few weekI, ~e wintry cold COd~~ tion concerning this coune. year they a.embled at pretty hard on.conatitutionaan ...... - - -...- • of Mr. and Mn: O. W. piles. long table wu set and at each end
SIARTlrD ON THE' f~~:1n~err=!;:.~ ~f i!A:;!h~?f: '. rl[AMOUS ("ORN TRIP
~ebe:::I=..°tl~::o~el= bl~ n~
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P la lot1O' orderlJ(l to reo " ' YI1\' ilUw of $20S.73 frow dofonLl-
hOUBClbold r . . "Oon 't sta rl aoyllllug," h" Ildl'lfl,'\I , "Th r 's Bomo 10u g h mug" lu hl l1 blo k, but you go dl)wu 10 th e \lla , ~
tlnd thu.t tb y'r Pre ato 0 .. In i' f (.cd h Il DOlln Iil t;taoley to A . T .Rnberts With th.eso f w sl mpl r emar ks. be Tn t 1\1 '''lIt''., I r., I 11\ ~'\\, I It . hili iute r!' Li n 10 01' traots in FUQII. n",,1 tur ned his bll 'k Iodin: r ully to ttfr. API)hc ' li lll' loJ' . , III • . "1 ,I ~mu li D t OWllt;!llp $6.75. , OIIU Rog ra. lind, calchlll!; hold at the Cilf' to nu yt,('l\ MI"I , I II' .'11, II) .,1". 13 rthu. Ji'. rles to A. 1'. .Rob rl, ~ wltb hia 1I" "er", bor IUIMe tin tonf I,motl! In Fran~ · Pet In tbe ~rnCT ~u -.. u I n III " 'n tHI' 01 I I ' " I .h, .,r l' . W ~ be ltftod It. up . b"'~ the roots. In 'OWU~hlJlI 00. "'I )1" eor go \ . H IHIII .. , el, " H ,ij, tl : 1,lz .me.!' L ' ' I , "Ther 's no U8S buckln' tile govern- ;t.ie R. Burl nu I R tl llI' In ll,1 Iltl111 i[li,,- Flm's noe 1t.•,Wrlllht t o W. and P ~ mon t," Mr. Rogers decided, uft r Ii ~rl! t,ri x Dnn l $' ,1/(1. Albl"rt T . M. Blnk l y two pnroe l8 in Clellr. '1 ,_"'"'' .fl-iiiiiii--... ,to:O::aOI==~ critical study of the sllDltnry poll ee· Mo ler , W . A . 11 ,110 "" 11 11' : I'~IIIII' ngl( 8- oroek to\yul!hlp $l. man 's back, wblcb was extr moly Int· b,'o nre 1\))1".1111 ",1 .. ~ 11' 1 rll lq(l r . , R ober t 6U (\ 'errie Bmnde nbnr g presal\"e. " It's a g overnment of . the In th H!lI It l ' l' I) f .I"h, . M,'u rn Ap to 8K UlU 1 M. , Bo(ls n 1:3 76 Iloros In U" At'" I ~C" AV. r lcb for the rich. }IllS a poor mun p\! otlth, n r, .. tl 1,m ... I", ,)f Rtl m to' UI\~IllJt ou ~} Wtl b l p II . got any show? I'm a capuble statlon'- Durl o!l ti t It'll, "lilt I \, In ,Ie Ueo r v,e Rll py to Ellis and LaFoette Tho Rector Kn ow• . ary engineer. A'lI I ask Is a chance r'nt IH' t n'l t It ' . t t Ii t 11 P f tJ.:,' f1 lvi n~ 15:1 "cres In Cl (luror eeK town· Rev. Smith Boyd came · down to . to work-ut my trade." ThIB by all .. I I 1 ' . h l p $ l ..l,OI}O break!8.et wllh a mor or less bollow aftertho""ht "If 'II I t I>.I OJ.l ll ( " 'J", . \ \." - ,II 1111111'1.1 J 0 b II J Ed in g fi eld ' 0 L: . au d took In bls tace, and hIs moth er. In· .... . yOU ,~ ve me wo t W il li 1(0. \'" ,,,,,, I I III loJ till; IIPectlng him keenI )', poured hi s cotl'ee dollars to tide me ovel'o n (\ fl r tllll " Il l. Belutl., li.ltt lot· No . 11 In WlkC'JI '. Immediately. Tbere was O,e trace ot Re v. Smith Boyd 81epped out ot tha i ., Rddic.lon t o MU8un, Ohio, ~ 1, way of the sanitary policeman, and I n Ih " 1)\.,01, I , ( IJI ,I'de O. eol1in~ to Everett Peara twlllkle In bor eY8S, whi ch were tb en stepped out ot tbe door. R Ill" 1.,1,. ,I ,. . ,1 nevertheless extremely solh·l1ou8. ~ I I I ~ 111l IltHls .o f lots Nil. !l IUld 00 In "And "vou cllll vour8elt a mlnlsler ot IJ' "III I' I" '" lI ' , "How Is your heud 1" sbo Inquired: S,m1', h 1,8bllnoll, O blo, "1 . the Gospel l " Mr. Rogers yolled a ft C'r ()III r, '1 '1 " Rev. Smith Boyd dutl tully wllhdrew 1,,111" 111 '1' t ", I l 'II" nhru{I:. him. bls mInd trom elsElwhero, to consid er Marriage L1cen. . I ~I I j if " nn.l t l That was a 8ample ot th e mornin g's A 111'11 " '111 I that proposition jU8t1y. "All right, ,I 11l·:t\0. Elnrry ,I . 8y keM, . maroh'lllt of work, and Rev. Smith Boyd felt more t o t lll,f , 1 'r thank you," he decided, and he rell IWz" huthto wn, lLo d 'L'yoie W . Ililyes lnto exaotly sucb a Hlate at mellln· and more, a s be n eared luncheon lime, l" 111'1' " o f Fr,l1l klill . R ov . N ormun S weat . cboly. trltIJnB wltb. bls grapefruit, 88 tha t he mertled Bome cODs lderlltion, Ir . .' • , 1 ,In W~ L . Buwk. farmer of LeuMn. Boyd wlsbed to test. She toonly for tha weight of Lho cross ho ~ ,lO ll, II nd Mra. Suttie B. unnn, of cused her ' keen eye8 on him mlcrobore. There were worse Incidents 1\ r~' I, , Vllytl\l ~ v i lls , A . J DlvIDO. ,1. P. than tbe ubuse of men like Rogers; Ian. (' t , I, .. • copleally. " -,- -"M.I.s Sargent Is com lug back tothe re were tbe bldeous sick to seo, F lnf l''''''' 'I I. I ' l·~ J !f\" p Il\sbt: on the eu·ten Iraln." and tbe genuin ely dletressed to CG Ul' S. [I nff ,,,,,. '"' , , I' rrt tliln. Tbere wa. a cls.tter In Rev. Smith fort, and depthlesB misery to r l1 'v; 11"1 11' I ,'to r Iiole n Boyd's lIervlce plate. }lo ha d bee.n and any day In Vedd er court was It L I I ,\ 1'" I, f1 ', " \ ( int o uu l throat GUO ohest tronb lo~ "~' l . terrific drain, both UpOI1 hI s sympn. awkward wttb bi. speon, and dropped \11'0:1 uro l u tl lLtnUl"lloD, Inl t-8 tlon , Ihle8 and hl8 persQnal JlOcket . It. ~well\qg or 1I0 rell01l8 anil 0111 08S lie felt that thle was an clcellUon· "That la del\shttuJ new8:' be reoba kerl 11 t. (' DOo. IUS likely to lead Ht·~ t r • "f ( .h" I' 1 ally long day. ,turned with frllDk enthusiasm whJeb ~o ~e r 1 01l8 nou bla . Ull u g ht in time Home In a burry at twelve-thirty. A blli! f 11 m ,', 'II ' Wu depMl811111& 19 blB mother. Dr . Bull's .Plne-Tar-Booe y looBen9. scrub, a complete ohBllge ot o\,ory· t'i\,,· ll · I., r , I' \' \01 « 1118 Co Mrs. Boyd bad nothing more to 8BY. tho ph i I{Ul "od dell i·roYII the g'lrm. thll1&, snd a general teellng that ho Ju r y I''' ' W'' : "II ,r 1" ,\ u li ll In whlo h 1m ve se ttled i n t h e tbront or Sbe watched her s on Tod slart vigorhave been 8terllized and bilked ellln , ,I ~,." .,:; should ou.l,. st bls &1'8P6truJt, · with a vi· She W •• Heavy With the Fat WhIch hose . It Is f o ot blog I\od bellllo(C. IlB well. Luncheon wl,Ul the mO lher \ llhH t~ 'u . I:'lnu 1ft " oti!8pt-iO ; boney III 800t,h. J 'I nl l '" l h ill - ,. y&Clty wblch seemed to indicate' that Rolli and Bulge.. ".,11'1 Ifl tb "urot InR- b t b togiltlte r p08Re. 1I e1o(' lIe nl He turn ed 1n at one or ule largW;\ who saw what a long day thl. wn8, Jur y " lie mf&ht tlnlah with the rInd. He I i'. drew bla esp ensrlleUcaJly toward and most unlnl' IUn,tt of the rickety then a tar different type or calls; In phd llllll" :" r !J1 ll\(liou l l}u I'lIlle~ for tlgMiog oolll hlua. buttered a 811ce of toast, and flo· Btalrways. He skIppCd, wIth a prac. a sod ate blaok e&r this tim e. up ulong V 1I ..1 B l' \ I ' . \,l ""IMVo R Ar m~. J nllist on Dr BOil's Plnetbe a.venue, a.nd In and out of tho , tahed bla breakfast. Suddenly be Uced tread, tbe broken tblrd step, and J urI' , '1" .. , , 1it' "', YM f 'f ur· cl oll Y. !l5o ,,11 Drug!! ldt8 looked at hla watoh. made 8. mental noto to once more take clean Side streets, wbere ther e was plnt"u !l1l" I I , UI have an e1i:remely busy day be- up, With Lbe property commltfee. the l1ttle danger at having a tire pun r.· fOre mo." he told her briskly, and feel· battle of minor r epalr8, He atopped tured by a wanton knife, as so oft n l q to _ it he had lIupplled ~lmBelt at tbe third landing, anlS luIocked at a happensd In Vedde r court. with bandlr.erOOlefll, h e kIesed bls du.rk door, wbereupon a petulant voice Away to Vedd er court again , d iR' COUGH'S U 'I" " t:A O U ~ t;ll"lJr I , mother, and w . . cone wltl)out another told him to come In. The petulant mlaBlng bls car at tbo door of T emple aDd walldng Inside, out or F."" .. t , • , "r 'JI mlaalon, · word about paUl Sbe could bave voice came trom a wom&II wbo lat In 1 w ill ..,!l'ur at Pll blio .. Ill tlt \he • .I SI(.lOI I t·o r illll uo o f L il vi :.noy, 81 ~0 abateD him in her d.l aappolntmeJlt. a broken rockered cbalr, wltb one leg range or the lee" ot th08e 8enlle old Uon !1 h ... "' I I. ,,1,. lI il kn o I' n all t he Wm . Car WOIlY ( aTIII. What ",aa the matter with Told r beld stUlly In front 01 ber, She waB bulldlnlls, but not out ot the ran ge or t hem 1',ln '''1 " .. ,, 1\ u:' ~ilo a ~ d y.; mile 80ut·h 01 Lyt.le. U. , Rn. Smith .Boyd 8&D& as be went heavy wtth the tat which roll I and tbe peculiar .ptrlt ot Vedder court, w Dt~. HI'" , I II ... , In II;! on tll'J L.vt le .. n'd Le bl\noo pike aDd OGt of the door. 1I0t a tune or n'nY eet bulces. aud an empty beer pall, on wblch tnllnifested Itllelf most cletu1y vllry rlli1 d, I\\lrl.l o n ~ II,,' 10":" ,I I\nu eRllt of th.., D L. & C. n. R. a ll muScal form. bnt 8. mere unconsclou8 wh1eh the troth .bac! d.r1ed, sat by hor to tbe olractor:7 lenae. r I.., "r.. ~JI t(ood 'JIbe orean .,.as playlll8 wilen he e'n· Lunll II AI tMttna of hta nice. It W.as Quite un- s ide. On tile J'lckety bod lay a man Tuesday, December. U, 1915 hOi I. ' ~ ll' U~81t'~ ulua1 tor Iilm to slnl! on tbe way to propped on one elbow. wbo bad been tered, aI\d the benohf;s were balf 1111ell 00111 A FI YO It t,;')IU ' Ul ll Qlu g lit 100'01001£. the "n r Ill l followillg Vedde" COIlrt, tOIl lie devoted hll Ume unsbaven for day., .0 that hie landy by battered olii human roemnsnts wbo "Kulns t 001<1 ""r ilia , I ob" U.,II!: r brfll! Sorttea. to Ulla portlon 0( hie duUes becau.e beard made a eon 01 Ilyer on hla pretended conyerslon In order t~ pick ot\u be ad ~h n DI'. Kil ' ffs 0 2,CO\Vt!, Impleru ents , Oorn, Eotlder, · he w.. 8. Cb1'll.tian. He had sympa- .quare face, 'JIbe man .at up at once. up the crumbll wblch fe ll from tbe . Dlso<l v( r .v . 1\. lIII ~I t ti ll" I) en t ll,;f- B!altld d r w, auy. Potatoes, Ch lCJkJ n '\I (j OVtlP tII,J, more tban enough, and he both He was a trlfte underalled, bllt broad· table ot Market Square cburch. Cbld. f d by c,ld I 0(1 yn u ll~ o s. B o u hold Goods. t o du? u4eretood and plUed the ~ple 01 Ibou.ldered and ahort·necked. and bad Iq blmself tor weariness 01 tbe IIplrtt, 4G .veltrs G t, 1\ bo t~l ::lell l;ig bi lls for terms. and ' oomtorUng blmselt with the Avoid th e rl ~ k of Hllrl " u ~ L u ug 81 1Vedder court. bllt, In spite of all his enormous red handa. E lrul'r I!;. Laov, tbouabt tbat oDe creater than be had wente . D, og'i I ~ . IDtcH Interest In the deplorable can· "How are :you today, Mrfl, Rogera roo Admin l8tratol'. 4IUOIl' 0( bumanlt1'. weak and hell>- asksd the reotor, sU~ on II bacill_ faltered on the way to Gollotba, he Neil, Acot . A. A. Mc I.... be was compelled 'to eonfess to and bottomleas chair, with his hat OD sat on tbe little platrorm, wltb a hym n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..!!'!! WaltQr Kenriok, Clerk. lalmsel! that be loathed dirt. bls luIeel, and boldlnl blmlelt small. book In ble baod, ' and, wben the prel· Vedder oo~ was particularly per- Vt' lth an unconacloua IneUnet to not Ie( ude W88 lInlshed, he devoted hll won· den d flllghtly. Jl~ w a~ '1U6 " ...... ~_ derful yolce to the blasphe my . . reel In' lta lpeclalty tbla morning. The anythll1& touch ·hJm. uead to fllot with n 1I1l8S1 II wblch be 'l'he organIst, a volunteer, a little had rl!press (I an d tllro tied and ony bllCk I8dlment on Ita pavements "Nc> better," replied the woman, LIInghter 19 one of tbODlOllt beaUh .,.. Itrealled with Irldescencli\, and maklng bel' voice weak. ''l'U nevel' old man wbo kept a sboemaker. Ihop Bmolhe'red since the day s of bls boy· (nt exertions ; It t s ot gred help &0 l1'Ime eaemed to be Iheddina' from ev. know a well day again. Tbe 800d Lord around the corner, and who played hood! He bad trlven, wltb a 11'7 point of the .M1Dkea old buildings. bas .een 1It to amlct me. J aln't RY' Ilncerely In the name of belpfulness, strength ,which was tb e secret of hIs d IglletloD. A still more effeot,util wea pure 01 b eart. , comp Uf ng volc , to driv e out f him h Ip Is " d oee of Chamberl"in'lI Ther even seemed' to leer down at Ing an:ythlng, but It ain't falr," The lIIen witb t he rougb·hewn COUll- nil enrthly drolle. to fou nd hlmaelf on rablet ~, If y ou s h ould be troubled Rev. ~ith Boyd, as if !:tIs being the Rev. Smith Boyd could not resist a ollly cIean-th1q 'In tb. 'Itrellt"warelm I1gh oDtraction oNlle brows. Mrs. tenance, unfortunately not here today, the great xn mlllo wblc h was ivltbout wi th Illdiges Uon give t·h em a trial. f hey on ly cost a qaarter. Obtalntm~an08, .,.hlch they ~ould soon Roge" lnvarlably Introduced the Lord wal alIa Iincere In an entIrely u n- the crlBl'lngs or tbe body ; he 'hlld IIble evrrywhere. notifY. Into every conversation with tbe reo- Iplrttual way; but, with these excep· sought to make hlmselt spiritual; but, ~ A ~. lntoncatecl ;woman, her tront tor, and It was bls duty to wreetle tlon •• and himself, ot course, the roc- all Ilt oncc, tbls can Olct had roused in tor knew positively that tbere was not teeth· IDIIBIna and her colorless balr with ber loul. it she lnslsted. He waa blm n raging som thIn', which swept Lege nd of the PhoenIx. ..,...llq, an4 lier ebeelr.bonea gleam· .not averae 'to Imparl1ng relfg!ous In- another uncallou.ed creaturs 'In tb e up from the v ~ ry Bol es of his feet to Th s tor y -of the phoenh{ Is a com· not one wbo could be reacb ed room, aq with the blah red ot debauohery, stTUotlon, but. belna 8. praotical man. his twirlin g brain, and called blm man s up rs tlUon In several countries. I~ up at him u be paeee.i. A curly- he could not enjoy waating blli breath. by arBUment, sympathy or tearl They mlln! . According to tho a nCient and best acbeaded ),ounaster, · wbo would have "Thefe are many tblng8 we cannot were past redemption, every leat man For a QuJverlng moment he stood cepted legend, the world bas but one been , anceHca1ly beauutul it be had understand," he granted. "Wbat doea and woman; and, at the conclusion of tbere, Il1l1ve with uU the vlrlllty wbloh .phoenlx. This animal, at tbe' eJ)d of , been w__ lied and hi. natlye blood the doctor Bay ,about you~ condltlon roo the Jiymn, he ross to cut bl' pearls was tllO rfcb er heclluse at hIs long r e- 099 years, burns Itself to doatb In a ,u.m ped from him, threw mud at Rev, "He don't offer no hope," r eturned before IIwlne, wltbout heart an.d with· presslol~ . He lellew many tblngs now, funeral pyre or Ita own erection and Smith BOy4. out or a mere artistic de- tbe woman. with sraUHcatlon. "Tbls out Interest: for no man I. interosted many tblngs whloh rl penetl him In an Boon as It ex pI res anotber pboenl1 'lIre to reduce him to 'harmony with knee joint wllJ be stiff till the end of In any thinS wbloh cannot posBlbly be Instant, Ilnd gave b lm the heart to wllh wings outs tretched rlseB froID bJa surround\np. .f.. mouthlng old my days. If 1 had anytblng ··to blame accompllsbed. touch lind the mi nd to un d rs tand Ilnd. the fiamco. With a teellng of mockery, yet up- 'the sou'\' to lIa me. He knOIV himself, ,WOman, with ~t211 clawed like a par- mY8elf with It would be -dIfferent, but ••• lOt'I, ~aed b1m tor alms, and be was I aln·t. 1 suy my prayers every nlgbt, held. by tbe thought that be was bold· he kn ew life, he knew, YOs, and tbat TrainIng the Child. ulwned of hlmBelf that he gave ·I t but If I'm too sick, 1 do It In tbe ins out tbe way and tbe llgbt, not WBS tb e, wonderfu l w lmcle of the ftood only seven Umes but seventy Umes wblcb pour ed In on hi m, he knew lovel A child's III lnd und .sTll rU wlii be to ber wltb such shrlnkln&'. The Mas· morn lug." .W coul4 not bave been like tbla. A "Can that stufft " gl'vwled tbe man lIeven tlmeB, to wbatever shred 01' . He reacbed Buddenl y tor biB watch. a",'eetcr aod mdre Bymvathctlc for a burly "panhandIBr" stopped bJm with on the bed .. "You been pJayln' once crumb or divinity might lie unsuspect· Slx·ten. ne could muke It I SUII Im- knowl edgc of m URic. It L8 lIS nalural -an artl!oIa1 whine. A cripple, d1spla7' a day ever sines 1 got you, ~nd noth· ed 1n these stertle breasts. he strove pelled !by tb ls n ;w ere luro wblch had for a child to slng ·.n s It Is for tho ~hlld earnestly to arouas. enthualll8lD In him· spruDg UII In him, 116 R~nr led : but at to talk. OI ven the KlIowledge of mu· 1nt hla qly deformity . for <the benefit In's ever .happeuelS." "I've brought you a Job," r eturned selt BO tbat he mlcht sUr these dead tbe cUI'b bo slopped. 11 li nd been In slc's rh ythm tho clll1d will easily slip ,. aDd eu.mple ot the unborn, toolr. from him .. 4Qle and ' a wince 01 repnlslon. Rev. SmIth Boyd promptly. "I h&,Ya gbolts, even 1n BODIe mlnute and reo such a 'whlrl or emotl :m thut ho hlld Into danCing, one of the best arts for "Thepool' 'Ie have always with yel" stili t en places to till on the sunltarY mote degree. not r eullzed tbe absence. ot his hilt. givI ng graco Ilnd )Io]se of ~a rrlag e. Suddenly a ba.t8h lind nucous voIce He strode Into th e ml sslon doer, and -------.~~.~.~----'JI'or aPe that bad been the excuse squad which Is c leaning up Vedder Interrupted him. · It was tbe voice of tho 'rays of th declliling SUIl , sirugf~1' IIIIch 0~sn8'" al Vedder court. court." They were here. they must be cared Tbe man on the bed sat pertectly Mr, Rogers, and tbat gentleman, who ,gling dllml y th: ugh tll O Illllln' glass, OWES HERIGOOD, HEALTH had apparently ' secured somewbere tetl on the f;ca llored lIltJe nspemfor within thell' means, IlDd no amount still. or J.l&uPer1slnc charity could remove "I can't do It," he regretted. "J the two 1I0lws to Ude him over, was blage-·as Ir It had heen "ut to toucb -'l owe my good bealth to Uham tbem frOm. th" ecbeme 01 thlngll. In <lon't say anything ahout the pey, but now embarked' on tbe Ude, a .e hnd tbem In mercy nnd compRss lon-on so far, Market Square church telt Jus, I'm a stationary euglneer." He was taken JUBt enougb drinks to ;nake him be r lai n 's T ublets, " writes Mrs R. G N ~ ff. Crookston, OhIO, "Two ttled In Ita landlordsblp, that It interested enough In bl8 course of ugly. , It tbat process were possible. yell-s ngo I W68 liD Invalid dne to Duree4 squalor and bred more. Vet, 60Ud rell80nhig to lay II stubhy linger and· he bad developed a partIcularly " toruoo h troubll'l . 1 took Ihrlle botI!Omehp'ir. the reetor ot that solidly In 'hJ8 soiled palm. "It 1 take tbls two strol1& resentment or the la~est IOJU8' 'los a t th use Tnblete lind ho.ve IlnOe rMpeCtable institution was not quite 'weeks' job It'll stop me from lookln' tlce whlcb had been perpe trated on ho n In t,hll best of beaUh." Ob. at1at1ec1. an4 he bad added a new ex· for ,york, IlDd I mlcht miss a pel'llj. blm. That Injustice consis ted ot Rev. Smith Boyd's refusal to lond him , ' 1l1 DI bl a e veryw bere. pep~ to the prolt and lOIS account n ent s ltus.tlon." it'D tbe led&er of WI particular bouse "Then you won't acce pt It," and the money till .a week from next Satur••• of 0011 ' Be bad hired a erew of torty r ector rose, wltb extremely cold eies. day night; and be l!ad come to expOse muacular men, witl!: horaes and carts, "I'd Ilke to aecommodate you, but 1 tho rector's shallow bYl>ooriBy. Tbls at He lped by Dom~.tlcatlon. 'l' he C)at, 8lreep nnd turkey a r e ex· and ' bilt! , cauile4 'them to be deputized can't afford It." and tbe man remained he proceed ed to do, In languago quito cepUo/la 10 the rule thnt animal Bpe.. aanltar:Y police, and bad .ivan thelD perfeotly stID, an art which he had .un~ulte d to tbe chapel of 'I'omple miscles Increuse In size lifter domeatlca· authorit7 to enter &Il4 clean; wlilcb brought to great llerfectJon. "All .we 81pn and to tbe 'e nrs Of tbe ltIdlea LIon. An uvomge :wlld sbeep welgbB may'bave accounted lor tbe especially need Is the 10&II of a lIttlellloney while then present, most of wbom grinned. 100 pOll nds more ' than ble farmyard .erm-Iaden feel 'of tbe atmosphere thl8 I'm buntln' work.... Tbe proceedings which follow ed cousin. . lDornIng. DOwn In the next block, : "I cao't give It to you," announced were but brief. Rev. Smith Boyd f B' wll~ the aqUad was 8y~tem atlcally ut Rev. 8mlt~ . Boyd llrmly. "I've ot· Quested tbe Intruder to stop. Tho In· work.' thel'tl .,.ere tbe sounds of 'count- lered you IlD Opportunity to earn truder had rights, and ho stood on Life of BIg Gunl. i_ ' lndlyl4ual batties, and loud money, and you won't accept It. That them! Rey. Smith Boyd ordered him Guns with a ho,'e ot 12 Inches ' or mouthlD&l of tbe IUndamsnta l prtn. ends my responslblllty." to stop; but the Intruder had u fr ce moro call only fire 90 tuU chargeli. .clPlflll 01' anarohy. A g?ve·rnme.nt which "You'd better take It, Frank," ad· lind Independent spirit, whIch forbad e Til yare t hen cOI)aldond to be worn 'wo1l14 ·tOJ'08 ~p alid deodorizers and vIsed the Y"oman, 1061ng a Uttle nt the hJm to accept ordera trom allY manl , ~lcld" 011 presumably free and 10. weaknes8 01 her voice. . . ,i 0111, a11(1 blno. Lo be sent· to the foun· Rev. Smltb lloyd, In tHe Interests of 1 dry to baTo ~ ~ew. core InBert~d • . 4epeniielit ¢Usen8, wall 'agovernment "You 'tend to your o~n liuslnesBl" discipline, without wbleb tho dignity - - -- •• - 0 ·of t)-ftDD1: and It had been II partlou. a4vtled ~r, RoCers In.return. "You're anc\ effectiveness' of the cauae could ·.Jar "",doni. on the part of the rougb. supposed to 'run the house. nnd I'M not be upbeld, and 'pleased that this he'll'll; rac'e4 \Dan ",ho had hired tbls ' 8U'PP08ed to earn tbe IIv1ngl Reverend ;was so, ordered him out of the room . DOIiI Help Some. ere.... to sel.e at none but accom,Pllshed , Boyd, If you'll lend me two dollarl till Mr. Rogers, with a 11004 ot abuse Thore Is n't mtlch uso . In telling I which displayed some versatUity, Ingirl you would die tor her unleBs you · briCk 4iMlcare, In the t en carte which a week from 8aturdIlY-~' cnr ry a pretty heavy Ufe Inaunlnce.Jlnlcl t tile curl, on both 81d~ there "I told you no," and tbe rector ltan.. ~Ited Rev. Smltb Boyd to JIlIt ~Im out; _ .. ,ned nOO a eOl1&lomerate maBl eel to leave tbe room. and Rev. Smith Boyd did so. It was .Chlcago Herald. or DODc1t1eer1pt tracmenta of everything Tbere W 88 a knock at the door. ... not mUch of a struggle, tbough Mr, ~~e that tbe rector felt a trace , thlck'armed man with a sbort. wide Roge" tore two bencholl loose on his ..... .. It he had· erased one mark face walked In,. a pall In one.hand and" war. and, at the narrow door tllrough at I. . . of the 1orI.. black acote ag6Jnst a IIcrubbloC brush In the-'other. On wblch It II .dlfllcult to tbrust even a FO!. QuIver ing Moment Ho 8tood The .... ' . ' tbe back of bli head wU ' pUbed a weak man, because there are 'so many ~. ·8011lelloW. nwnU'r " 1WI brlabt . blue caP. wltb "Sanltar)' Po- armll and legs attached to the human ~ aD UJ'PDt lJDpalIe to clean lice" on It. In tarnlabed braid. MI'. torso. be wa. compelled to praoUcally Ule welilk nnd tho poor Ilnd tbe I>lte· pltcll him. headloq, aOIOBI ths' sld.e. ously c:rlppled ot', soul; nn d a grent "'...., . ._rtl Rolers ltood up. "Wbat do )'OU want T" h. quite Ilatn· walk and ' over the Clurb anil Into the wave ot she,me cnllle 'to him: ebame, BUtter I The ' vtctlm ot InJustioe 01088 and tbolllitfulness, tool rail, lnqulred, He walked s lowly up to the plat· "Clean up," rsplled the aanlt&17 JIO' slowl,., and turned to' come baCli. but Uoeman, I18ttiq down hIli pall and h. paused to take a ,ood 10011 at the forD!, 81Od, tu roing to that r~~:~~~!~~~~~~ 4ucldq hie head at tbe rector, tben 8talwart yoUl1B perpetrator, aild 1'& sunlight whlcll aaUrod his IJpturned face as It with a benedlctlQn, he Bald. IDOpplq' bla blOW ~th a bent fore- lDembered thst he w" tblnly. Rev. SlDlth Boy4 touDd hlJDHlf In a voice wblot., In Ita uew IIweetue8i Anaer. "laUe lie picked out a place to • •dlnr hl tile middle 01 the .tclewalk. or ylbnlUon, stirred eveu the murk» IIeI1D, wttJa lita aleaohed aDd lata bJ004 ...- . 4'!!~lIt these, the numb: "NcUdD'
1, J<:": LILLIAN em: TtJ""'IRU.ll....-JT '
\JJ...! l<\lL l<1l.1-'V
E er) body uses Lewis' Bread nn d Cakes, the best and nl s t t1e lidous made. 'fry them and you wi ll never want to eat Q,oy other kind,
R.eal Estate Tranlf....
!'I~oC~~~~:' a nd. you'll
Lewis' Bakery
WaynesviUe, O. -------- - ---=--
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ww.r·~. .~'
W. D. MADDEN , CO. Are You
P utting O n ~ l\ new Hoof or I' a tching- thc o ld o ne?
Shingles. I Felt Roofing
--- -- -
...- - -
lt av~
O r, 'in fact, any k ind o f Roofing . you lV a nt or need.
Everything In• Building. Material Wholl you wn llt to lise
Lumber Call on ns arul
ve can
supply y o u \\"I t h : the best at tbe lowe!>\ I j
- -
Tell the Advertiser you Read lite Ad In the Miami Oazette
~ 795
·E. W.
RIOKk~ '
Waynesville, Ohio Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, And Racine Horse Shoe Tread Tirefl.
- . . ............ .... TIle
IMfore JaIl .-... ,.
\v. N .
P ubll' "ed WolI!I<ly
D. L, CRANE, Etlito~ and Manager
DECEM BER 1, 1916 ___
-==--'::::===0=====:;::===== White Woodwork. Uae whiling n nd water and A. sort cloth. , ' hIHd ons Il ot d Htro)' the pI,lnt I'a 0. more vigorous cl ' un ~e r d oe~. Dul If th ere ure ou tside whi te 'Wlll' dow sills to be cleaned, Blld they are Y I'Y milch Boiled by OXIlOSllre to the wcatller, UUO ammonili. and wuter. De cnr tul In using It, os It removes some of tba pulnt a6 well ae the dirt.
Thflnb:~givlnR Day was oblorved at I,bo Il'erry ohuroh , Tbe mem. bers me' for a g fiDoral hOU80 oleau. IO'~ of the new ohuroh. Dinner was 8erved In the bllsement to about forty. MIs8 !l;dua Kelley took 'I'hanka. giving dinner with her paredta Mr. uud Mr~ . Will Stroud spont Thank6glvl It OilY with trlend@. The Mullou family ontertalned at a. fhllnlrPgivtog dinner, Mr . and Mrs. (Jarl 8herwood Rnd IHtle Ion; Morrie, Mr. and Mrs. i'. E Barts!,'.'k, Jamel and Marie 8artllook, Mr. and Mre. Aaron I:!e .. rs, of Dayton, and Mr. Wosley BIlnham. A lumptuoull turkey dluner waa apilleolawd by all, The Boetop protber8 had the mil,. fortune to l08e a valuable horee. Mr". Minnie Sheets and IInlt. dau81ltel·. Mildred, look dinner with her paren.tII Thankl81v1og Day. Miss EVIl Murphy waa able to be removed to her home Wednesday. It II hoped sbe will loon be able to resume her 80hool work 1'. E. Hartsook and ' amlly enter. talned Rev. H. Va.nZ~nt, of 'he !:Ingar Ureek Chriellau. ohnroh Bnn. dBY . Mil. Joa, Mnllen nnd little dangtl. 'er, IOdna, 8ven~ 'he wE'ek.end with her parents In Dllyton. M.rs Luoy Bq aires and Mr8. Ch.s. Cornell al80 Ii ttle son, Orville apen' Thank8givlng with friends In Wayneavllle. Tbe funeral of ~tafford Beara wal hflld In GreenevUle, Friday November 26t.h. Mr. &>ars was to retlideu' (If 'hla oommnnl'y all hili life, until a tew yean pailS. Mr. and Mra. Thomol Turber "ere bnllnMS IIboppere In Dav'ou II'rlday. The maulAge ot Edgar PaUon W81 held •• the home of the bride. 141811 Ethel Davia, of Cinolnna'l, '['hlnkBglvlng Vay. ...Ira. Luoy Bherwood and little lon, Morria .vlllited relatlvea1n Oay 'on, Fri"IIY and tlahrdllY. The dedication ol 'hI! Chrl.tlan ohuroh Itt :rerry will be held De. oember' 12, lUI), An Interestlnl program be rendered. Maeter Arthnr Thomaa, of MI. amllburg, apen' the week eJ;ld wl'h Jill parenta, Mr. and Mrll. Jamea Thomaa, of I'erry.
As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood
-_ ..
_.... - .. -
-. ~-----------~--------
'J'bo ProgreesLve Bible CIM8 will m ellt with Mr. (l.nd Mrs. Hober tlhulneker, Frldny , Decomber a, MilS L 119. Elbon epent Thanks. gi ving with ber grlAn<lfa.\ber in Duyton . Tho La;J~e . Aid will meet wi t h Mrll . F\'drllllO\l J ulYery, Thuraday, D oem!)er 2, o a cconot ot tho shredding the Orogonia W. U. T. . mat wi t h Mrll. W\l1 Elbon . MI8S Petl rl Baker spent tluncJflY at hOUl e. 'Mr. Rnd Mrs. E . A . J effery nnd Mr. ond Mn. Ed J effery motored t o Dllyton Sat,urdlty nnd oame b urne Sondtay . Revivld llIfn ti nj!:s will boglo nt the M, E . ohur II in ta fe w weeki . Walch ror llit(' r nnOU DCO m elJ~ .
How to Grow Bigger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE
(cd thi s prao tical, e~:p e rt in fo·r m a ti o n. W he th e r ' . Mra. Maud Clea ver and tamil y, Y OU~ YUI1\nvllor in te nd topl allt n "\v t rces or n l hOllstlllrl, it i~ iurorThe betautlful weather we baTe 18aroh Rioh, Kate a nd Anno. .Terd&n n lAtinn t hn t will ~n"u )' fUl tllllt.·, I rlhnr R " 1 1 1!I j lflf"~· . r ipt'f l! Shopl)' HO[1d 11 1\ yon r been bavlng hal been Ilppreelated. find Emorson 1£.. rDbl1l:t .lind Wife • Dame nu"l ndtlrc:is o n UJe COlllJOU-OI" n u n IH.j~ l 'l l, If )'UU p rerer . \\~u \VIII t:ladly nlnU YOli R (reB coPy C\'t!r)' wlu!n') ar e R' eltln. pr(\dl~ln t1 8 , rhe farmers, p~lntora, mechn.nlol " t e 1' b li Dk fl~l vi u l! dln ue r ' wHh W . of uur N ew Cutnl t,~- aa II X IS In . bt10,," cr'1l''' nuw IRI1l 'cash pr j~ r ts fr m cmp s • _e of all klo.de and )aa.fers have been 'J'. J ordaD nnd family ut W ellman. rh at I s simply pll ck L'tl ,"Ith h ints Clint o[ }'uunl(. thrif ty, ~"'IIJ"'rf Sunlc. liro's will (' n"ble you t o Siectlrc bumper crop s t r ~cs- f:tci g thu t C'lnph.l"l1.o tllo trll th working over ,I me, '. rhe Beeoh Gr:ove Aid lIuolety will or finl,s t rnll t-nnd 5('\1 tham a t t p- • o r Ih" l\xlom "SI :\rkTN ':0 Benr I'rult:' Mr. and Mre. Bornoe S'omp will m eet wi t h Mrll Mart ha Uo.vlll on m n r ketpr lce~. , 'huwlu)l e b ook I s tilled B cnu tl fu t IIfc · "I ~ c, nuturnl·co!ftr phn t ofl with rneh. thnt will ln tc re ~ c nnllins truc t nf I (· lttlill~ (nill o; 1111 Ihrnnl=h LlIo bouk. aoon move Into the bungalOW being tho afte rnoon of December 8th All YOU - fue l :! "bou t huw (ruit·growers ::icnJ f ur your":0DY toda y to prepfired for tbem on tbelr b.e .. utlful mllmborl! rt'qnestod to be pr esent. farm. . Ednta and ' Ma rthll. Deatherage Stark Bro's Nurse~ies at Louisiana, Mo. The protraoted mellting at the M. IIpen~ Snnday with Fa y and Merle Cri m es G Oltl cD- the Irco (tcvel .... ru n('n t R ea.dl t Rnd leRm nbou r tho new fru it· Tbe people 'on the wellt sids of E. ohnroh Bltll remalnaln progreslI. Ellis . ---+--t hu t rc"b.ts " (!IJ II I\r nU. " G ~ t cuo • ' w t r ee t ri urllph o f StH t k Dr n ' ~ l('lng - "nthe river are experlenolng quite R Fa ,ts nb"u t "S t a r k O~·tlc l o \l s." S t:lrk tury 0 1 Succe as-ule "Ooublu·LHc" Meeting every niHbt thlll week The Matron Prisolil,as m et with lot of Inoon vf'nlonce In rellohlng ~t~~~~C!;~~~!~~~nUr~~~~ r~~'tl.tJ'.l l .I ~: ~;~~ exoept Monday nlghb. Mra. Adah 'fllimage on Saturday town n ow 11.8 Il now floor 18 belnlf '1' (!IIcheN . ni llo I. ltle,.)n PI·flr . S fn rLc WHY YOU SHOULD USE CHAMBERLAIN' S Tb~nkHgivlng ha! ooms Iltld gone flI'ternoon . . M '\nllUI1rOnI.!Y " her ry . ~r ~m\f ll nt h { , rl )d ~ latd lu tho bridge. If the weother l 'lum atlf1 nil the () the r f Amou~ S uuk , COUGH REMEDY und Chrilltmas III approllohlng and. Chas . BlIl\ermyor and family, 19 fl' vora hie It will be repa.lred In lJru 's lr uJtS,bcr rJus "0<.1 O J·nn l1l cn t rl ) S ~ abont ten dl\ys aoon we will have nothlnl bot the Ubtall Ellie ond fllmily m otored to BIlOlHlse It hAft un e8tllb\i ~h ed repu . Get Our New Catalog , 91 .. memory of U. Thali hae been juet Clermont County on tiullday lIod tatlou won by I t I good wor kK. Mr, and Mr8 'I'heodore Bolland FREE 11h o.8Inehe .-flUoct -.I . B:::'. that way eTer slnoa ' ·1 wa.s a ohild" spent the t1 .. y with Mr. Bllgermyer '8 Beea u~e it is m ost esteemed b.v .aavo a fl\ml1y IlIunl'r Thankaglvlng m co\·t!r t o , c o v ('r \\l lth benutifn l v ho- ~ D ept.. A of only a few years ago. mother Imd t .. mlly. t b ose wbo be. ve usod it for m' " uy In b JDOr of 'heir Bon, Fred and wife; t OJ! r n p h s. 1I'cul lIS th e , Loulais o.a. Mo. Mrll. A. B. Talm.ge, of near here, Miss GILii Unglesby , who Is a t- y ell rs, li S ooeu iou r equirod , find are wb!l were reoently mn.rrled . CtJb~/:~ln~'O~l r::~~'.I &',ul tn~ at. onM . entertained tho Embroidery Ulnb b ee t ucquaio\ed wi tb Its !{ood q t..aU . M,r. lind Mr!!. Joseph Sml\h are Friday aUerno~n at their beautiful tending t h e uui verslty In LeblAn on tlee. 0.01.1 lu.ldw5H . , C~l,~~~t1l't'ln:;: 1~~'" h ow fru lt-vnlwl' ''' nr o propRrlng to pack their lfOods and thlll year Ie s pendlug 11 sh ort vuoo. Stark Bro'. m"k,l n~ I'tICOrl l · hl"eWclnR Becaule it 10080nl:l Rnd reliove. home. tton with her home follkll neur Bar. moke tbelr home this winter with Dept. A. Pro"Ui. / a cold Bnd tllds nllt,iue III restorlnjt Mr •. Winona MoDonald Mitchell veysbnrg. 'their dll ogh \('ra, Alr8. ~tahl, of ~~W. . . / . 1 ~Il~t t.n pIM t. ...... ... .. t rrcft the pyAt om to 0. b oalt.hy oondl tion . "Islled her brother here laat week. Lon BraDonn and wife ate htrkoy SprIngfield, and Mrs. 8&r' Boa'on, Because 1\ does not contoln opIUm of Indltanapolia. Mrl. Mitchell llpen' her ohlldhood with C. V . Barness a nd family or o~y other nllrcotlo ... ~:~::~~~~~::: ~:::::~::::::: ::::~ daYI here. 'I'hankeglvlng Mr. W. W. Whitaker have pur. Bbeao,s it Is within the reach of .Mr. and Mrs. Ira A. Bartllook, of / R. F. V.. . ....: . ...... .... .. ......... . ... ... .. ohll8ed the Slump farm on the on' OaY'lD, were 'gnests of their pa.rents Mesdames Mabel Terry and An na all. It only costll a qOllrter . Ob. P. O..... ........ .... .. .... ... ....... .... .. .. ..... . 811:lrll of 'he village and will take Thankilglvlng oy. Brllnnon apent I:3nnday IIfternoou in Illioable "very where. poIle~t!lon of U as Boon as I' II reo 8 ....... . . . ..... ...... ... .................... ... . ... .. ...,..,-Onr Bunday 'Schools are improving Barveyeborg. modeled. iD memborehlp and In'erel' under . Wm . Dunn and family nnd BertStark-Bro'. Want Good Salesmen-Cash Commission Paid Weeklt Tha UUle 'ROil of Mr. and Mr~ 'he'dlr80'lon of theSnperlntendonts BOlnn epsnt Sunday ",ith Geo. Bo. John Peterson Is 810lt bot Is Improv. and 'heir teaohere asslated by Prof. gan and famlly nt Wellman. Ing. . Sidney Watklnll, who Ie pr!lvlng (Jllrl Dea'herllge and wlfo speot Mr. W. W Whittaker la reoover. himself qnlte a favorite wUb hi. Sonday with Goorg DlIo vls ao d wife ' Olasslfied Ads Ing from an IIUlok of 16 &crlppe. Mrll Estella MoFarJ1l1O and dauR'Il :roUDI 01088. Can't more of you Mesd~mea Barry Earnhllrt, Har. 'l'h" Anahe~ family held ~helr au. men oome ont and help and at 'he 'er. Wla WiuDlfred, of Ne w Bor. vey Bnrne tt und AR/\ Whitaker BtFuneral Director lInal Thllnksglving reunion at the IIIlme time be helplni yourle)vell lington, SPtlDt MondllY with Mr8. tonded Thllnksglvlng llJ:e ' oi~ea In WANTED home of Mr. alld Mra A. U. Men. . and Embalmer, spiritually, finanolally and physl- Anno. Brannon . tho W.ynesv\lle lIohool8 Wednee. denhall oally. . Mrll. Ida Malln on oll,d dllnghter, dllY aftoqlOon . Mr. Will Rye died Wedllellday at Waynesville, Ohlo ..~~ Welby Carter, onr cement man. Misil i;thel, of 1'ipp oanoe City oame E wi11l1l)1 Hoge, MondllVII and Mr . lind Mrs. 'l'om Courtney Bntho home of hiB lion, John Rye . II puUing dowl: quite • . 10' of pavll- down aod 8pent Thanksgiving with t ert,nlned the latters motb-er. Mrt'. ThursdaV8 of eaoh week. Cull Bervioes were heid Friday morning ment ali the ~ngman Blgh :::lobool. E C. Mllnnon and famll,. . IdA. Stokea, af Waynes ville, 'ond her on E. B. Bally, W~ynesvtlle, OhIo. Can answered promptly day or niR'ht II.t the residenoo. Burial In Wayn61 dl5 Both phones In Office and Residence. K. E. Tbompaon, who hos b ean eillt !!r, Mrs. Cora Baker and d~ugh. Mr. Caner II a very emolent man III ville. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone htllline. quite .Ick for the past week d088 ters, of Wilmington, OD ThankBglv. Mr. and Mrs. W, W. Whltabr 14-2r. Ill'. "nd Mra. W. t.. Weloh and not Improvo very fast . Be Is stili ing bBY. . enlertllined 'he Alexander fa.mlllea Chairs and one Coach furnished free family au~ed W LaDoa,lior Thankl· under the doctor's oaro .. FOR SALE Mr. and ' Mra. Eugene Evana and lit a TbanlteglVlng dIDner. · .' with funerals. (lIvin, morning and were 'he week. We had the lar.el' orowd a t ~on, Ernest, and Mr. and Yrl. Ev · Beat of service auaranteed. The Drat baake' ball R. ,~etQt ~he end il181Wi of Ibe. Weloh'a motholr ohuroh on Sunday morning that hlill ILns batt1 ~ld, of Loelanl and Mit. and (II0l110n waa pllLyed Tlluraday nlghi and II"erl 1111, EJD~a Denny and been Shere for quite aw1b.l1e, It Willi MrII . Jolin Wbhtakcl' ana IIUle lion., ABRmo Plymouth Rook Cook. w"l1 Bellbrook, Bellhr,ook being de Ha"te, Marl"h and Edith, !lor on accoont of ' he churoh being on Haro)d and Marl n, of tlear Waynel· erelll RIDgllug and Kuoxdale fOIled In botb gamee. . mlny . yea~ 'hey ran a dry goods fire. ' . viHe, apent Bunnay wHh Ala Whit. etraln at trom II to III eaoh. Mrs . atore here Ind were very luooe.fal ,. Thoae from. dlst&nlce who at. aker and family . D. F: Smith, Bprlng ValleJ, Oh10. Thanksgiving WIlS oblerved by HElP YOUR LIVER-IT PAYS tha publlo eohool bere wUh appro. . . bna lor leTeral year. they havs heen tended Quarwr)y meetilng he-re on Mr. atober!; Ballinger and lIonl, Bome phone G32, Centervl1!1l Ex. Veterinary prtata exeroiaeR. When your liver letl &orpld and In Lanoal~er engaged In lIel)lng t:latorda.y and ' Bnnday were Mrl . t2ordon and Ambro.e have been dll) IIr. and Mrl, Ray Eagle enter. your ~WmlL()h aota qn8flr, take Dr. I.dleeloodl, and U hili proven IUO- Fannte Whitaker And aliter, ReV'. lufferlng w"b bronohl'le the plio.' Oraduate 01 01110 Slate Unlver",y Uln8<l at ~onday dianor, Mr. and King I New Life PlUI and you HlIl O8I8fal '0 'hem. Mell . I::lherrl~' Baldwin and Mlnnon, week. Large.slzed berrel Churn; can Mre. lierman llivanl, Mr, and Mra. lind yourl8lf Jeeling beUer. They We are to haTe a Leoture Uonrle, Joseph Blley a~d wife, ohnrn 1I0 or .0 lb • . of bolter a' Several from here aUended. the Ralph Alexander and Mr. Roy Star. pnrify 'he blood, Kin you freedom 'his wln"'r ~Iven under 'he 41r80Mra. K. Ill. ThompsoD, wbo hnR a "me will sell lor $1.50. Inqnlre Omce at residence In F. B. Sher from oonll"pa"on, btlioulnell, dlz.. lion of the Clvlo LeaKue, We hupe been lIuffering with a broken rib III Box 1001801 at Beeoh Grove lohool a' 'hll omce. book ' dlli wood'lllioUll8, Fourth Sll'9llt. house Friday nlgM. . ur·. ·John Pe'eraon I CI I zlne.s and lndigellloD. You tael for 'hem auooeel. I . lImember a no' Improving very fad Alien Kibler, John Reader, Mr. .. • I In no D~ fhe-jult like yoa wan. &0 f"l. few ~ear8 agc lome of tbe bllllall58 . . Duroo Boar Pig, Cherry Red, Telephone 28 nati on bD~lna.. . Olear the oompleJ:lon wo. i60. a' men ooDtraoted wllh a Bureaa tor A, 8 . Talmage hae palnte<i hi! and Mre. Val Veno.ble and M.r. and Marclt farrowe4, will weigh 250 Mrll. Varl Heath'took Thanklglvlng their lervl088 that wtnter and 1& fell boose. • - • drD,glltll. Ibl" eligible '0 reRllter . AI 1& II • Ohio Tho hllY ballsre and IJorn Ihred · dinner dinner with I4r. Nelson .h. Ian one will sail oheap. K , 11:. Wayne.vllle. o t,hSID to make up the ddlolonoy. MoKeever and tamlly. I know whereof I apeak beoaase my dere are geUlng In lihelr work In Thomp,on, Oregonia, Ohio. Valley Mr. and Mrs. Barvey 8\1rneat and hubby had w dl«. thll plaoe 'his ~eek. dltS daullhter Katherine lpend Saturday Phone 19 loY. B.rveYlburg. 111'1. Laara Harlan W&l Ihopptng lrv8n Taylor Ind family, of with lin, Mable Dinwiddie 8on~ DR. J. W. MILLER. In tbe Gem CUy lJ'rld&y of laBt franklin! came OVlr an ell llpent their tlhort Born Bulla-III month II wellk. . Thaukag vlng with Jaml. Gray and cblldren. and 2 yeats old. Also one Bhort Mr.•nd Mrs. Tem Cou'ney, MII.Luolle GOl'8uoh apen' 8und.y.lth . lildwin !:!mith haa been quite In. wife IU Wellman. ••• DENrIST··· ee Belsle aud Jennla Warner and Born Cow with tielter Calf. All Ina Dearth. dlllPOled for _everal day.. Qllite a little exolt'e ment wal Lena Whitaker, and Mr , Gordon registered and ollglble to regllter-;ElliS beth'&haefer .pent ahe weell The'lIIld Intel1lgenoe oUhe nnex. oaused here on Snnd,a y mornlDg Ba1Jlnger attended the enlert-aln. 8. D. Bsnkle, PhonOl-Valley 81, N" 0lmB~r:.t~BI~_ W.YD",lIIe.O . d ... 00. --- ,... pealed death of Don Snell who was wben the roof of tbe ohuroh took ment at W80ynellVilJe School Ball CentecvUle·725. 'end with ber parente at Mlddlewwn. Mr. Ind MlII. C. 1'. Ohapman.t Iho. 'reaohed his parenti alstelil lire froD) a lapP.:Jsld IIpurk, It waa Thursday evening. OLT-A. draft weanling, and al~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ and brothers Illilt Tbursday. It po' oot before muoh dlamalle ,. al \iended .ha fnneral servl088 of Mr. Mr. Barvey Bnrnett and family one. i'or Information in. JamM HIa" aa Righmond, Ind; wal a Ad acoldeDt Mr. i:!nellieaving done. en ter'alned the following on Tba.nke- qrdregood of George Roberilon R . D . 2, ALL KINOS OF. a wife, four ohUdren, parenti, lIi!!A. S. Allen hal oompleted hili givlnK Day: . lIr. WhHtler Bnrnen Wedneeday, dS Carl Brads.ree' I, apendiDI .. few tera brothers aDd friends to moorn stone or08hlng on the roa4 tor thll and family from Glnolnnatl, Mies Oregonia, OhiO, day. with hnme fo1I1a. · bll departllre, BI remalnl were year. P. W. 3408'lI.rlllu did the tlarah BurneU and Mrs. Mable Din. OOD Tobacco Boxea for sale, wlddle and children from Waynl!l- . For information and prloes In. Wal~r Ban nell of Red LIOD apent laid to res' In beautiful Miami cem· work witb hi. new engine, WednMday with hla Inndmo'her elery. . •- • vlJle. of Zell & Son, Waynenllle, Mr. and Mra. Emme' Beltz Rnd quire Mn. 1I:1Ia Wel,h·. IIr: Mllea Bulan. of Day toni Oblo, dl IUtie daughter, Belen, Ipent I::!un. vlll~ hil coulln, Fred Barlan, IdSt Mra. Sanh Null, lIOn .nd·daughter WAR~UPON PAINI day afternoQn ~"h Mr, Nellon Mc. RGAN..:..ln good order and a Ilpan'Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs, Handay. Mr. Harlan left here torty. Pain Isa visitor to l ivery home fine tone, You aBn eee It by Earl NUll. " nine yeara IIgo when quite a boy . aDd uanally' lt oumes quite unex. Keever and tamlly, Mr. Hllrry Earnhlir' and family nalllnK on Mra. Raohel Keyl, Way. Bertha ~a8pbeneOD wu lhopplnK . Mrl. Anna Eloook .Ull remllins peowdlv. But you aJ:fi) prepa.red entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ohlnlel Waynesville, in o..,'on ~a'urday. vllry Ilok with little hopee of her for every emerKency if you ksep Young and "grandma" Elbc~, of noevlJle, Ohio. a am all 'boUle of Bloan 's LIDlment r..ebanon Thur ~ day . IIr. and MrII. FOII&er Colleen were ~ In .. ., M4CIuoe »-..,. 1'600"'017, . subsorlbera to tbe MoC-lI's OYer PoetofIlce the' IQiMltli of Olaron06 DURAn and ., 1,''''The t.'ivlo League met at 14111 btlndy. It, IS the greatest pain kill Mr. and Mr•. W. C. WarnE'r llpent . ' er ever dillooveret. Simply laid on Snnday afternoon witb IIr. U . M. MI\R8zlne. Send 860 to 'he Offb Pb 7; wife.' Red Uon tlnnday. LaDra Wardll Balnrd"y. Beuse Phone 1\5 (lIlJl6U;t office, and get One of she oae the 'kin-no rubbing requlr8d-h Green, of Olive Branoh. lin. John BS. (;Ialr, of BroohtUe l==============1 Mr. Waren, a student Of . WIl. drives the palu awav, 1\ 18 really U Mr. lill.rry · Earnhart and famll, bell, magazines on earth. was called here by tbo lerloull1Ine88 mlngwn CoUege and a naU VII of !pfnt Sunday with Mr. Wlll 'fallia of her mother, Mil. ~muel Danlh. State of Ohio, OUn'on Uonn'y, filled the pulpit at, wonderful. Menln B. Soia&!Ir, Berkeley, Cal., and tamlly, of Springboro. Friondl ohnroh 'Sonday '0 Il - County. III. man. LII(8t wrHell : "Laat tlatuTdoy, !after tramp Mr. and Mrs. Uharlea EIl.ton are Frank). Cbelle) make. a.'h· thlLt be verya\tentlve audience BA~NHA~T, aroon(1 ahe Pan~mlL Expollitlon Funeral Director. .pendlng the week with thalr 1I0D Ia Kllior partner of the firm of P. J Mr. and Mrs . Percy Reallon, of wet feet. r cam 0 home with my 't.'barlel Ealwn, of FrankllD. Cbene)' Be Co., dolog buaiotls in tbe near WaynMvllle, \Vere HundllY naok 110 stiff bbat 1 oouldn" 'nrn BEAR THIS IN MIND Notary Public • City Tt'Jedo, County and State afore· "u88t11 of Mr. and Mra . Ed Ro8l0n. [appJled Bloan'l LlnlllDeDt treely Tele~bone day or nlgbt. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Mil . Bmm .. Parker, 0 f Day.on. laid, ofand lhat ' said firm will pay the .. Valley phone No, 'I. Long apelit .hll week end ~lth her 11,'er 111111 of ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR. fOT TyphOid fever Is In tbe home ot and went to bed. T() my sorprise, Remedy by far ths beat medlolne In All klnda of NOliary Work, \v1ll. DlaliaDoe No. 69-2r. Mrs. Mame Taylor. ' each and every cue .1 Catarrh tbat c:i.n. James MoCarron, olle of hill dangh. oed morning the stltIneel had the warket for 00ld8 and oroup." an!1 Deooa a ~peclalty. M'a rgaret Grey of Rldgv me wal not be Cllred by the IIlII of .ALL·S C •• hire beine dangeroo,ly Ilok. almoes qllllLppelued, four houn af 99.yll Mrll Albert Blosser, Lima, Automobile 8ervloe at aI' TIm. . 'he ,SundaY "IiJ.. of her ooulln TARRH C~RE. F~AN*, J. CHEN BY. Mr. and Mre. PlIonl Peterson, or tlf 'be leoond applloat,l on I wal ae Ohio, Many othell are of She silmo to .before . V al Iey, werB iueB~a 0 t their good aanew ... . opinion. Obtainable everywhere. Edrll Grey.."' • in Sworn my presence thla- 6th ana day subtcribed of Decem. ijprlog ~. At D~uggI8t~, 25c March, 1.015. WA YNesVILL~,. OHIO Heary Detorth and wife ,;Were tha ber. A. D. 1886: 4. W. GLEAION, ' paflcta here tlunday, Mr. and Mra ......- -·· Notary .Pubilc. B'nak L , ttarrla 811nday lIueat.. of Jlinton Dearab, (SuI) " 'Branch Om~ · H.rveYlbuq. 0. Barbed Wire &Dulamily ol.Franklln. Hall's Catarrh' Cure Ia tau!' intern· • _ ••- - . J8I18 W,J'llhli aDd wife lpen' ally and !leu through the Blood on tbe m... cia • -... 'G 'I'y .. ucoua8urfacea of the S,Item. . SeuI f.r .....ea y ... ~e em 0 • testioionlala free, . , ' ~ al... . pol ... GUARANTEED to beal wIthout leav· R. HATRAW AY A.1!lI1roll8lln concern Is now bulWllo, C.arl Blaoklord, of ,Red Lion", w.. F. J. CHBNSY a ee., Toledo, O. Ing a blemi8h, or IlIONEY REFUN OED. lIr. WUlllLm LuoKa II vilitlng Mr. 'ranAo"nl baltD. . here WeoaeeSold by IIU ·drunlatl, 761:. •• 600 and 11.00 Bizes (or fresh woullds, telecraph and tel~llboD8 pole. of glal8. Mra. Ida. Mannon .nd Mia. Ethel, AmoB Jaolraon and tamlly. , Wayn84rille'l Lead~ DoDlII' day" '. HaII's p.mny-1>ltI~ ,~or consti\*,tlon. The ,lUI 18 molded over a thick old Borca, sore backe Bnd ~ould:c"'~,!urD8 Mr: Danlel 'PrltohJlrd lind grand. ilnd brui8C8. 250 81ze for Family uec. OMoe tn Keye Bldg, , . of woven wire, wblcb adds 01 Tlppeoanoe Ctty, Bp.~nt Thanks· MaID St DR. cors PADfLEaS BUSTER to the atren,tb of tbepole. Tbeao !tlving week with Mr" aad ' M~B. daughter, Mr. Needles tlnd family, Bernie Jonelland flmlly, were yll· Ie polnless aud glllu-anteed to cure pqlea w,1tl neither rot nor rUllt and In· Ernest Mllnnon . Mr. and Mra Goo. Davis enter hlnK Mn, Ab~er Dill TllanklRlvlng. Spavin, Ringbone, Carb, B'!eeny, Splint, seOti will not attack them. Unles. or any enlargement of none or Mrl. Georgs Bratton and famll), PUffB\ broken by an unusual accident, tbey tllined ·on Sunday M:r. and Mra. lDuse e, or money refuoded. Price 600. IIpent Tbanklgivlng Day with IIr. wIlllut 'orever, and now tbat tlmbo~ Coral J)aatbersge. fOR UU av ALL DIIUQQIITa 1. 10 e~nBlve In Europe they are lit· IIr. and Mr.. N. T. Joril an ' en W.llllam Braddock and family.. tle more ' COIItly than ~OOdOD polll.- tar' IIDed durll:ig T:tl1nk,glvlng Mr. Burton Earnhart Ilnd faally, The Amerloan wee'k Mr•• &lrah Rlob II.... M,ude Mr. Oarl Bunard 8 ad family. M.r. 4uto Livery Serylce at Cleaver anll family, ·Mrl. JohD,,Jor. Jeff Marlatt atid famll:r, Mr. Geqrg • Reason~ble Rates dan. Anna Jordan, of Oolnm. Marla" and f"mily vltllted ~. dlsea.se should be treated All BOOn Lo.t and Found. ' bUll, Mr. and Mra. Emerllon , .rn IIll1en Marlatt lod Rrandda~ghter M This the first unnatural looseness of the Penon aI-Will the young lady wbo hlrt and 11111 Opal Gray, : . ., Thankeilylnll Day. bowels nppears. When this Is done a. Alao Aaellt for Kelly-Sprloar6e1cl opened all umbrella I,n front' of tbe doee of Chamberlain's Collc, Chol· AutomobUe Tira mngle IAwll Jon8llliJ Vl8Ulbg bla grandMr. and Mra. Geo. 110,&11 entlr. ~-~~- ~~~~~-~-:-:~-::-~_:-":"~~~__..I tbeater tbe other nlgbt please look 0;11 latned on Sunday, t.lr. an!! Mre, .m other. . &"a and Diarrhoea RemedY,will olfect a the 8114 of thl umbrella for a man a This remedy can alwaye be de· Dunn anil fllm1):" Mr . aDd Vnl tllml;w1II Vill'IDr Mra. Ab- cure. pendell upon even in the moetllovere apd . Mr •• C. BaDDell and family .nd qer DUl one day 1811' "eet • da.ngeroD8 cases, aDd should 'be kept at lit: Ben Bop.n. , Mr. &mnel' Jackeou a"e-; nd~;a-&h~8 hand reIIdy for Instant nse. Never leave • Get Pafentl In A",lrlCI. , home on a journey without It. Valley Phone 9G-IX' .' . 141'1, Jlllie ElIII and '~el" ".I&ad toneral of a. ' rlend at· Xenia. J'raDlle II the belt forelll1 plltron 01 wUh Mr. and Mra. EdwiD Karlln . . tile United Stalel pateDt oftlce, ,.,Itb I'rid.y. )I~. Wl1l11lm Dodd il '~IUDg bl8 Great BritalD followln, Illotel,. Tbe IIl11ea ~n. an4 1D0'her . DeIi'hln,e werll entenalnecl Danlal Dill Ie "111~tD' In' Xenl•• . Wondlrful ModI", lural,.,. UJe III... Mabel, lIerle aDd I'&ye Sault. Luoal, .nd Frank Luoaa .A. I'rencb luraeoa Clalml to'Dye ID~ liIanda). . are "f"IIltln~ Mr. Amos Jacboll .~d v.a\8d a method for IIl1Dt1D8 A 100d prOfn.. W.I enj07fd a' family, broWI and 81"eJubll. .hll Welf.,e LeaJae SalJurday' enn. lira. GeorKia GOMOll, lin. &l1a '!'hll Dew oMoe... Gh.r,e lhepbeD" lira, IIIIIDI. All kinde of Spouting and;R~oflng 111'. '0. N .. ,.... aDd • .: liIae ....rl." aHeDded .. fuaeral ..mae ., Xellia onl aDd Furnace ~epalrlng a1l4 md. IMIi weet. with 111'. alwud a,hne Wli rill&t1lJ ' ....If. SI..er BoJel' .nd f&DIU,. 0Il8 ~
.. ~ W',O<!8VUle, 01110
---_.- ..
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
=:.::============Walter Chandler
.- .
- --...
. Painting, ,p.iM9- Ha..~, , Auto and· Carria,ge p.mtinge, WAV. . . .VILL. .
W-aIter McClure
Ml HOllY
Ray Mills .
.-.' .-.
CorWin, ·,Ohio .
I. E. FRAZIER Donea. • •
WaJnemue, Ohio'
Saxon "S IX "
Oys ters, Bulk or Can --- --- --- Fancy Bl l!uch",d ' tllcry, Jumbo'
Wit h Deta chab le ALL ·SEA SON Top
Crnnloe rr ies .
Shell Bark Hirkory Nu'ts. New a lnuts, Soft Shell 1'~ njo(lIsh rape Fruit. (1r~{n <r . . New D te~. j \l1V Fig~ . Pure Ruck· wheat Flou r . ew 'orn Meal, ew eh (,~P. C' refimery Butter.
Specia l This Week Californi a CHIm ed C;o()d",; Cling Pellchel!. '1 ie II Peaches, Apri· cots ill hcnl'Y !lyrup,
O nlly ' I Oc a Can at
i-PER--~Ni---.-MEN_--lIUN---., I Walter Chandler Is in Dayton to· 1,lay •
For only 5150 more than the cost of a Saxon "SL,{" t ouring car you really get three cars- in the all seaso n Saxon ' I ix" at 8935. First- for winte r mont hs-yo u
have a luxurio us enclose d car. The 'detach able top blends harmon iously with the yacht·l ine beauty of the body. Secure froOl storm and snow- pro· tected from the faiutest draft- you ride in a war"1, cozy world of your own
In additio n the aU ·se.s son Saxon "Six" offers you such fine feature s as these: six·cyli nder high spetd motor; Light , weight; two unit electric ,startin g and ' lighting .system ; Timken axles and Timbo bearing s through out the chas· sis; silent helical bevel driving gears; linoleum covered running boards and floor boards; improv ed body finish, and a score of other notewo rthy features . Come see the new Saxon "Six" with all·seas on top. Ride in it. Compa re it. You'n pro· nounce it the best car at any· where near its price.
ou Then -when ever y.0u like-ysMes
T ',
can just remove the window s and of the all·seasOn top and have . touring car with a perman ent ' grow· of body of top-a type iog popularity.
FinaU y-forf alr weat her
--you caD have an open touring "Four" Roadat er With detacha ble Coupe top
Delver' )'
tS95 466 395
"Six" Tourtna Car
With detacha ble LimOUSine top "SIX" Roadat e,r
t785 935 785
Hartsoc k is a Davton
Buy your Suit 'o r 'I Myer Hyman 's.
Overco at at ,
I Fan cy,8 nd Stap le Groceries, Fresh
S. Howell we~e M.r , ~I'H.J ~r8 . ) III CIOCJnnatl Tuesday.
and Smo ked Meats, Cou ntry .Butter, Eggs, Oys ters, Frui ts, etc.
Clarence Ed ward s, of Dayton, vis. ited Mr. and Mrs. Allan Kible r, Monday.
Mr!l. Lida 'M cKinsey. of Dayton, was a g uest of Mrs. Alice McKins ey last \veek.
lIledal" B uckwhe at aud Pancak e F lo ilfS, Vl!n Camp'lI Hominy , Pork and Beans, Tunn, Pumpki n, Lippinc ott's Apple Butter (Plum, Preserv es and Cherry, B1ackb erry,Str aw. b erry and Peach) . Lemon Cling ])eac.hes (Carqui oez) at ~ Oc I er can. ,Ju st opened a barrel of Heinz's Sour Pickles.
We can save you Ch.-istmas dol. lar3. Let us demons trate it to you. Ridge Studio.
~~r~~:" ~~~~8~S a~~lI~::n~~J
of I. sister Sunday . I
T I phone No. 109
Ruth Ivi Mias. itor today.
car. Simply lift oII t he all·wea ther top, substitu te the touring car top, and then-y ou revel in the suprem e joy of swift flight with the fresh, tonic breeze caressin g your cheeks and filling your lungs.
" , Buy Sweate rs at My er Hyman 's
I------------~----~- I
fCIt . tb~
. Ohio, anil
Stan ley Thor~lI~s. of S~dney Ispent ThanksgiVing with Mr.
DAY S RVICEI Mrs. Ed Thomas .
CO 'F F' E E S
- Ba ttle Ship Urands, Sailor Hoy, 250 per Ib ,. Choice ' :~Oc per Ib , these con'ecs arc steel cut. We have the exclu s ive sale or "Carajn " Cof· fee- t his is our Icnder at 2. 'c per lb. ~ p!'cial B ran'd a n l'xtra st rong co lTee at 25c per Ib,
Mi ~ Grace Carma3 left tod ay for visit The Th(\nk~gi l 1Il~ U· y .- rr\'ice II I Card!ng ton. 0 • where she will St. Mary'l; Chu rch \,,~ weil nit il ded ,. relatIVe s and friends, !lnd Rev. ,J , F. 'IIt1W(\II:III" r p reacllt'd Dr. Dill, Osteopa th, at residence a fine sermon un lht' N:lIl 181 Day. St., Tuesday how it W ~~~ O\)>l c r l'oo in thl' olden of L . }" PeterSon, Main gs. mornin Friday and rved ob!! be Sh'lU'd it how ano limes now, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Simms w1l1 --~. -- --leave soon for Spring V.alley, where they will make their home.
Are You Havin g Troub le Gettin g Good Butte r? Wc can furnish YOII any qua ntity a t :?l:ic per (" ,uud, deli vered allywbe re in Wuyncsv ille or Corwin,
Beginn ing thi s week, we deliver Groceri s, etc., as follow s:WAYN ESVIL LE- lIr Car will leave th e Store at 10 u'c1ock each n,lornin g and will deliver good ' in Way nes. ville and Corwin. Telepho ne LIS your qrder fo r Gl'Oceries, Meat, f mits, Butter. etc. S PE CIAL DELI ERIE8 -Le:LviDg" the Store at I o'clock , we will deliver goods within a ratliu s of :{ trlil~s o f Way. IlesviJle or Co rwin as follow s:T uesdays -New Burliug tOll and Harvey sburg P ik e W nesday s-!.ow cr pringbo ro Pikc, Township Road and Upper Sp ringboro Pike Thursd ays-Da yton Pi ke, Ferry and Lytle Pikes Friday s-Xeni a and Bellbroo k Pik es Orders amOUlll :llg to $2,00 or more will be deli ve red up to 5 mil". . ' Our Truck Will make its regular trips during t he Winter months .
Mr. Howard Gilmore a medical student of O. S. U. spent the week ' with F. W. Ca rman and tamily.
Mr . Arthur Zell, of Pittsbu rg. PR .. hi!! parents Mr , and Mrs. J ohn Zell Saturda y and Sunday .
I vi. itcd
Ther was a II, ke ball game Hilth School nuditori um .Tu e~ ~ evening bct we!'n th ,c!l1 r s an I
Buy your Ball Band Boots and 's. Juni ors ill which th e Sel1lors wel l' Work Shoes at Myer Hyman victors, The roum has been fit t~d . R B' h T up in fi ne sl\'le . ~nd it is he purpos\' . 1. eeee left thiS. mom· at the ath letic club to hllve avera l . ISorop he Will con· games the re thi'S winter, The boys 1Dg' f .Columb us! where duct mIssion serviCes, the rest of the are, enjoyin g the game with <leal. I week . _
CZZ2 _
T1ie M.orrow Masons are p..eparl ng n nh ioken suppel' for Saturda y even. ing , After the supper there will I'e • work
Telepbone yout" 0l'dets \ we will deli~e r ~hell1 and ta ke " your eggs a~d butter , ~aving you the troubl e and bothe r of a trip to town when you are otherwise busy. We are he.re ~t6 serve you, try us.
Wm. Thompson and Mr. and e Trad Your AimMy__ ==== =""== Some ,=== ati , spent last years Cincinn ___ two of er. next the dQught durina' has line this prelimi nary'wo rk alonad d S Mrs. Naomi Harlan and th with week mGH EST MARKET PRICHS FOR POULTRY the past already started Durina-awarde - Above e , tan ar lT! , QUAL family a d week the ' corpora tion 'AND EGGS at SERVI CE-:-Th at can't be beat H Ch M contrac t tor the conatru ction of a as. B. errman n, of Mldrs. four.sto ry addition . contalnina- about PRICE S-To pleasc ,a ll. I, lost a valTex" Is the guest of her 100,000 &quare foet of floor apace. . Tom LaCY, of Route City, land taky A'5 he was Mr. and Mrs. Charles , This will coltiome$200,OOOexclusive uable colt Tuesda parents ",. ==--= , ing the colt to pasture an auto " _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _I.II\I___ _~___ ___ of the equlpm ent..- EnQuir er. . Werntz USE, ERHO WAT , J. GEO alo!,1r chame peed. hl&,hh£ at driven a ~Carttionn'dlltoe keonomw_s:;'y - - _ I _. i'b&hoMe plnete • and raD into t e colt reaking It. that Mrs. T. J. Smith lind Mrs. Albert r-: Cor-..ln, Ohio. •• 21/ had to be shot it and Ie" Hollinaooworth visited relatl' v- t'n' ". Ktng's at n 54, Phone will rebuild l~ entire plant . • . Rnd Mrs Walter Smith .are 8ubsort b for the Mlamt (Jase". ~.,-and Arcanu m several ~ ....,tA, nin g .today et th ir home on Milia on the Little Miami River, days 1' .. ntMr. ~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~_:'''!!~~~~ ~~~~'!'!' ~!!!!!!!~ Dayton !!!!!'!'~ !!!!!!!!! ~ ''!'!'''' !!!!!!!'! '!'!'!!!!! -. !!'!'!!!! !!!'!'!!! !!!!'!'!! !!!!!'!'! North Main stre t . Mrs. Cbas B To Kothen of Delicate ChJ.hIIa ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!'!'!!!!!!! , last week. ~ ~- ' l:Ierrma nn. of Texas, and Mno. . 1'&.-" My little girl bad a Palmyn . Miss Grace Carman . came home Lauren ctl Evo ml, of Spring Valley chronic coogb and was 80 thin you cool c:=being count her ribs and ahe had no appetite. Monday evening , her school , . ber ~eemed 'to belp ber, closed on accoun t of another case'of Runtin g 1;>y the uid of searchl ights Nothing we gave until ono day Mrs. Neibert uked mo to scarlet fever. an amusem ent that sorne Jjot try Vinor, and now Ih \a hungry all the 1"",tD'.1l have adopted in this localit y. time, her cough Is gone, ahe 18ltoute.r been bas nn.auto nights Mr. and Mrs. John Fromm and and. has a more healthy color. I wlah aid the by and town, of every mother who haa a delicate child family, Mr. Ray Hawke and IOn, Mr. seeD north bunnies ...-Mn, ALFRBD SLACK. and Mrs. Carl Hawke, of Dayton of a searebU ght lhl'l poorted. ' This would trY Vlnolee Vlnol, our d .)ieiOUII cod annihila guarant We been almost havA J. M.rs. and Mr. with Sunday 8PJM!al liver and Iron . tonic, to make dlllicato not does ~urely that sport a is Hawke. to the rlght·nunded . hunter and the children healthy and strong. . , J. E. Janney , DfUniS t. Wayncavlll". ought to be stopp;,j . practise The Miami Valley Poultry Assoelation will have a meeting at the Townsh ip Rouse Thursd ay ' evening _ _ _~_-_---------I at 7 o'clock. This will be an im ;:-_-. ;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ portant meet,ing . as they are getting •••• readv for the sbow in January . All membe rs are earnest ly invited. ,' Invitee YOU ' to calland look over th l1ir line of
HE N D E R SO N·' S··-- S U R E
at "Dispose of This Oritsinal Sale .Sto re Stoc k Imm edia tely Wha teve r Price ' ' it Will Bring."
'lB i~ Pers on. Fo. Pa.t icul a.•• of th~ Tl'e .end o•• B ,a J.'lpl llB Vla tt Bel UDd er BQt I• • •aw · O_~J.'Iah'lp apd MaD aBe men t
or the
........ 1
Ne w Su its , Co ats , ,Dress~s, Sk irt s, M ill in er y, etc., ·ar e all i.n th is Do om ed ,83 0, 00 0 Sto~k
. lIome
. ~,ltE · RIDQH,
Week of December ',5th
It_be l" TbII i.I the
If you are thinkin g about giving Calenda rs for Christm as, call \larly, an aee our stock. A nice Calenda r is a useful. all·year present . Get the latest and . best at our Studio, th.. price Is , reasona ble. . , Your Kodak Print mounte d in a nice Calen. dar will be appreci ated.
MOlt Phenom enal Spectacle Ever Seen
- es' of W OD len 's a,n d Miss 'rh e Ch oi ce st .
Calen dars, -Koda ks & Print- Album s
"The Battl~ Cry of P~ace"
t during the financial trouble of th is Thous ands of Dollars' Worth of New F~l1 Merchandise were in transi Manufacturer:'l were a nxious to di " store. We are able to get hold of these variou s consignmet;l~. The ~el1 during the finaucial disturh ance, ~l1d pose of this stock to us, they having lost their oppor tunity to ed. Consequently, our offer of 25 cents on the Dolla r was accept •
. . ... .
200 E. Fifth 'St. Q;,rner Stone
An AII.Sta r Cast In the WlIIlam Fbx Triump h,
' .' The
Calle y
Slav e"
Addlllo'nal Picture s ' , Any Sea~
None Hlgb~r
Is:' now full, equippe d to.do Livery Watk. We will take , you on
Any Roa d Any Place Any Tim e Give UI a call and you will find our p~ces are aU rfeht. ,
moment you eilter 'ou.r: front ' the 'au: of Economy per\l'~des our stock.
ONLY 20 W:OllKING DAYS UNTIL CHRIS TMAS S P E C I,A L I , , ~oys for the Childre n , ' . Gifts for the Grown· ups at p,rices that will astound you. • CALEN DAR. PADS, for male~ your · own , eaJendars, Noth'nz 'More riian' lOe never brough t to tOWQ befo~ , Our Picture s Tbe Cake." '
are "Takin g ,
Fresh Candies, lIb ••.• r
each The Early. ib....... It w,.
-Sixty-Seventh Year
~~i~i~~[_:_ . ~:_:~AN_~~_E~_~_~E_RY~_._:~:~]I~~~~ PRamt·I-N
••• - -
--. -
.-. -
-- -
- ....
Bu v Christmas goods ot M. Hyman. J, W. White was in the Queen City last Thursday.
Whole Nwnber 3347
Buy your Boys' Christmas Suit at Myer Hyman's, .
41- ,.. -
. . . . .-..-... - •
- •
Buy Christmas goods of M. Hyman. MISSION 'lOSES AT H . MARV'S CHURCH Sam!. Meredith was in Dayton Tuesday.
HE,. TO t>A PA! CiO RI(:,Hr TO BEt> t1eA~ ME? fAPA'u. 6E.r· , ST~AP
Guy Kibler was in Trebeln~ B Station Tuesday.; .
Was a HIlJ'h.Class Mechanic But Jerry Ennis arrived home Friday ,. a from his trip to Illinois. . Retiring DI8,o&llIonLellvcs Family Buy your BOYII' and Girls' Sweaters at Myer Hyman's.
Raymond Conner was a Dayton And the Services Were Productive visitor Tuesday. of Much Oood to the L. A. Zimmerman WBB in Cine In· Community nati on business Tuesdsy.
The Georgetown COhlo) ~eWBDemocrat. of TI.ursday. November us. hall the following account of the suicide of Lee Robinson, who worked here on the new tchool house when it was first started. It says: Several day!! ago Robinson showed up at the home of his wife's ftlther. who resides near a hamlet called Hameraville. Onl3aturdaymorninghiawlfe, who lives on the Beth,el road. went to feed the stock two and a half miles from home. On her return ahe could not· get into the I eked Sh houle;;! II . e ca every door bemil' 0 the neighQors and by the aid of a broken window pane they rained ad mittance tll the house, and found Mr. Robinson lying on a ·bed breath ing his last. A doctor wae called. but he died 800n after. The corllner found a revolver Iving at the maQ's aide and another one inside hie coat pocket. e wife claimtld they both belonged her. His wife had been divorced m him about two years. They
Mrs. Cbas. Smart. of Cincinnati. . The one week Nation.wide Preachspending the day here with friends. ing Mission which was observ~ for eight days in St. Mary's EpIScopal Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and Miss church, closed with the t'vening serMay Wright were Dayton visitors vice on Sunday. December 6th. last week. Notwithstanding the unfavorable weather. the first and worst of the 6~n thu" far the attendance was Buy your Chri8tmas Neckwear at se....... .. "{. Myer Hyman's remarkably gooa. The av~rage con. gregation for the week bemg. e~ening. 100; morning; Holy CommuDlon. Mrs. Earle Hockett spentthto week- 30. end with herfarents, Mr. and M"rs. Nothing sensational was attemptEd.Heaaon.o Harveysburr. ed. nor exCitement Bought, but I rev· erently and quietly the peo~ e WOfMr. John Lowry and family. of shippeli God. heard instruchon and Cedar Crest l<' arm. entertained rel- listened for th' ati1lsmall voice that aUves from near Lebanon last week. spoke to many hearts. renewing; spi~itual life in some and deepemDar It Bu;v a box of Holeproof Sox at in ot.h~rs. to find ~xpreuion in ~tMyer Hyman's ter hVlng, more entire . consecratlonf. . and increased zeal In their serviee 0 • . of the Master. C. T. Hawke and Ehas Oglesbee The Question box was freely and left Monday for Kentucky, where judiciously used and brought out they will purchase a bunch of cattle. many and helpful thoughts • . The presence and words of Biahop
Rev. and M1'8, C. S. Grauser were
In Cincinna~ Friday,
Elmer Rogers was In Richmond. Ind .• Monday on busineas. . MiSB Clara Hawke spent the weeken d with friends in Morrow. Buy a box of Holeproof Sox at Myer Hyman's. D r . J .TEllis . dnJ. E . J a nney , a were in Lebanon Friday on business. Calendars for all size Kodak Prints at the Ridge Studio. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler are visiting friends in Dayton thiB week. Vern Houg!l and family epent Sunday with AIrs, Eunice Sears and family.
GENEROUS GIfT ~~~~i:~~:t a~~~d y::Co:~~~ s~~:1i V~I:~8. Ralph, Houston, of TO THE CHURC' HES· It Is said that he could take a blue vetwochildren. Mr. Robinson was a well educated
Allen Kibler was a guest Monday
THEIR Tbebodyof George RidJte. aged firstthethree the 87,. who died December lst, waa in. Reese Mi!l!liOIlthe stirred heartsdaYB andof IJtim. 50TH ANNIVERSARY ~rd~.in Miami cemetery last Sat· ~~~~a~~ ali;~f~~naISI~~e:iof~n ' the community
We can save you Christmas dolMrs Jamea Vandervoort wu . The scholanhip. humillty and!:!i vel7 few minutes' l chA_~~rt Ume aKO . Ian Let ua demonstrate It to you. ITS POSSJBILITIES AND PRES. calJed to Lebanon Sunday 8vanill(l' on almllell8whoothteardhemanan~ mdeeetplh"I'mim,anPrd will there were Mvera "!'AI' IleDt to th e Rid' e Studio· f th rl III If h Q W.,n.ville Nlltional bank. haring i· RieJd~tII of the town, were SUI'EIIlT.DAV USE~ Wit h only a few of the Immediate account 0 e 118 oua n811 0 er bear fz:uit In their lives in daY-a to Roblnaon'a ~ame . signed to them . P~ u well u gratified Thursday members of their family about thelD. mother. come. One Imrnedlat,e fruit .of the Tbeee were inVestigated and found Mr. and Ml"II, Harvey Gustin ~Ii wilen the word wasaent around town Mr. and Mrs. John S. Hartsock, of Mission was that slxtY.five per cent to be no good. . . ;.tilll Hazel Gustin were DQton VII' that the venerable·lIJath&n Jones had Springfield, on Tuesday celebrated L. T. Sherwood spent Thanksg!v- of the communicantl!l of St. Mary's As stated Mr. Robinson was the ltors lut Friday. .. given fiye churcheS In the town $1.000 the 60th anniversary of their mar. Ing with college friends at Long Is- church were present and rec~ved. first foreman on the new aehool A check wu given to each church ' riage which occured NQvember 3D, land. :N. Y. He expects to spend at the aervlce of Holy CommunIon on bouse, and . he made this town his Mr: and .Mrs. Gorden Joy apent for 1200. One half of this amou.n t 1866. in Lima. Ohio. The day was a Christmas wlth his home folks. Sunday morning. The Thank offer-pleasant one for Mr. and AIrs. HartIng was $31. home for aever!ll months. where he several days of this week witb rei a- goea to the church direct while the IJUlde lots of fnends by hls reserved tives at Edenton. Ohio. . . other half will go for the cause of When After tbe Loog Years Plant sock both of whom enjoy perfecl Supt. G. J: Graham, of Xenia, was Fro~ ~ednesday to the close ~f yet ple~Dt manner.. Later he had temperance. Bleach Individual church In. the evening .11 golden elected secretary of the Western the MllISlon. the reetor of St. Mary s .orne differences WIth the Jewe\1 B Ch I t Neck t aeea fit. The churches being the Has Beeo Operated, Ougbt to dmner was served. Mr. Ohio Superintendent.' A880clation church. Rev. J. F. Cadw~lader. was CoI1!p8nY Illd left tb~lr employ, u UYJou~,s r '3 mBl wear a beneficiaries were St. Mary's BpisHave a Lon&:er Service Is employed as elevator at a recent meeting held in DaytonB the Mlsaloller. The Mission HymnalS B~tlng ho was to!nlt' l)outb. But ....yer ym . copa), Orthodox Friends. Hicksite man at the county office building. was mad for the first time il! t. little is known (t him si,!ce he left Friends. Christian and M: E. At the time of his marriage Mr. ,. , Mary's church, and the famlliar here untl.l he returned to biB old home Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rogel'll. Mrs. This &eDerous gift was reCeived Almo!lt in every tOWlll of consider _ Hartsock had just completed a y~r's Buy your Boy~ and Girls Sweaters hymns led by a larl{e vested choir and 8uIClde4. . Erne3t Rollei'll and Jam81 Me(,1ure by these churches with prayer. _ . . with Company B. 192 O. V. I. at Myer Hyman s. proved Indeed inspiring. . • The funeral took place at his old were in Dayton SaturWur. ful thankagivinll'. The motive that able size .~hey a:e havlOg "what I@ the Civil war. They werema~rled • _ • ' . prompted him our oldest citizen to termed as electrIcal. week. They by the Rev . Joseph Uttle, of LIma, ~r. and Mrs. Robt. Carro\1, MI'II. 'home and his body was buried in New H.l'III~ny, Brown County.. _Mrs. Harry_ Murrav, Mrs. John Illve of his w~rldlY goods wher~ he are demonstrating what can be don. e and reglded in -tha~ city for a num- Merrihew and Mr. Frank Carvell. of • 0 Smi,t h and AIrs. Gee. Daugherty thought it would dD the most good, with electrieity, how it works In the ber of years, commg to Sprinlffield CovlDllton, Ky .• mo~red up Sunday wer~ Dayton visitors Tuesday. . ilverycommendable. andhlsthought- off.\ce. shop and in the home. This in 1886. where th,ey have since lIVed. and apent the day With Mrs. Annie " tulnesa will always be remembered is all very nice. and we know here in Befor~ her marrIage Mrs. Hart:aock Thorpe. .AnY one wiahlniStone's Fruit Cake aDd.his memory revered tor all time. Waynesville how it wOlks-only a w Mlu So~bla Andrews, of LID)~. forCbristmaa wUlpleaaeleavethelr .--. few hours per day. Therearesome Th ree chU r!l~ of Mr. and Ml'II Ruth Hart80ck was in Dayton . officee and atores in WayneSVille Hartsock are hVlng. TheT are Roy 'TtI_~AV and heard Yvonne de Tre. d Ith W' C Phill'pe or er w •. I . where the electric lights could be L. Hartsock and Carl Hart.lock and intemational soprano. used almost all day duri ng the winter Mrs. Florence M. Johnson. of this "ave an artlstle and unique en- The Miami Valley Poultry Associac__ M J It Th I h f " tion met Thursday evening and d M W N Mr. an rs. <>aano. I'll. ' . and also through darl, dayt! in the c .y. ey a 80 ave our tertainment. ted the . C. Hawke and Miaa Clara Hawke . summer. SmalJ~r towns than Way. chIldren and one great catalogue committee comple Its ila were Dayton villtQn Mon ... nesville have the twenty.fo.ur hour Mr. Hartsock has for many years work. and the copy is in the hands of . Several of our citizens who ....... been b f th Odd F lIows We have a new line of nice Christ- the printer. There are &few detaUa . te Cincinnati FrIday were obi service. For Instance. ][)ean. Spring· a me~ er 0 e . e mas and New Y~ar's Post Cards ~nd to work out yet. but in tho rnam the B~ a ,box of Holeproof ..sox at boro, Franklin, and as !Klon as the ser lodlle and 19 also a memb~r of the Booklets of all kIDds. Also, a lot of different committees are almost walt in Mor.row for nearly two "ice is established, Spring Valley Gran4 .Army of the Repubhc . . ~tty · penny Cards and Booklets. throu"h with their work for. o,ne of on account of the wreck on the Myer Hyman's. and New Burlington willi have the all AS a remembrance of the occaSion, Ii d I k h W C • 'PennlV between Ft. Anelent and L. A. Zimmerman 'Presented. us .day service. ' . , Mr. Hartsock was presented Monday ,.an 00 t em over. • • the bMt shoWlS ever to be giv,en in , Morrow. '\lfhen the Cincinnati local While it might cost our municipal with a ten doll!lr gold.piece by the Phillips. Waynesville It is hoped· by the asThe ladles of St. Mary'g Guild wiU with an apple last Thuraday_ which and a work train ' came to a head on bold of the cou!lty building and sociation ·that every one interested their' annual Market and Apron waa of the 1914 vintage. He ' J!ur plant a. few dollars molt'e to run on collision. in the , Harrll room Saturd.,. chaIed these apples late las.t sprlnlr. extended time. yet thet'e is a possitogether With a large bou· Mr. and Mrs. t:has. Johna and IOn In better poultry should mue an .. It seems but a rare .troke of for· Sale yellow chrysanthemums. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrick. extra effort to be . p1'esent arid to December 11th. Market will open when people seemed to like eat'ly bility of. more hOUse11 takinr the tune that some of the men ' on the at aPJllea better•. and be had balf a ~eck service if they could have the aug. •_ • of Lytle, spent Sunday with Mrs. bring their birds in to have them . 9:30. work train were not seriously injured left over, whIch he has kept smc~ mented service. Adelia TibbaUa and daughter. Mlsa udged. ., u they were forced to jump from that time. They were g~d ea~ers. Thie proposition bas been t.alked of Flora. at Lebanon. The main object of this B8IOcistion~.....:..._..::::... :. . . .=----,. the speeding train. The engine of Mrs. Rath carey and the ODe he gave UII WBI especIally by individuals for a lung time but , is for .the betterment of thl!l f8l)cy the work train was in charge of En lrineer Clarence Fliher and ·Fireman •• of 1915 are not kee ing nothing definite haa come from . Hlcko)('s Chriltmaa Candy is 'Murray. Charlet ' (ltuemmey WBI days here with Mr. orchardists ~ave the ta,lk. ·It would be ~.1I for the ~est and cheapest tb~ year. Fine them. in in order that they may running the freight engine. h.ne. of Christmas Box 1r~l ~d learn m6pe 'aheut~ pellltl')" liBd tb,ia ,i----::-"..::...:.:.".--,:--......,. ,,;....~ family. since ickin cou~cJl to take. up tilla matter at The accldent happened on .t~ll"l~t f I~ I' d theIr next mee.t mg and thresh the Christmas Post Cards. Do y amen br" able to improve 'and make them I a .r y goo matter thorougbly, BInd 's ee' what . '. Candy always on hand. Buy these better track With the trains h, fu)) . Dr. Macy .win be at Harveysbura hrn.nalu lIt ,!b~re can be done. . goods for the holidays at Hartsock'a . • ~_ _........__• _ __ each other. Two heavy t all. next wee,k. 'appl:oo:r:: ~, ~~v~~ , • • There will be an Independerit Restaurant. . 0, _ • ears were being Ilusbed freliht 'train. Engineer •. around here than this year's Send the Miami Gu'e tte to Farmer'a Institute held here some the work train' saw We Our citlzena who. went on the Com crop waa. . . . friend as a Christmas present. du tbe holidays. As . yet freilht appr{J8chlng him . re- trlp to the East arrived. home Saturthis institute are not \tened his eDgine but the momentum day evening. The,vall report a '!lOOd ' but the committee Is of the train was too grea~ to avoid time liut It wu a atrenuoUi week for , . and bard to complete a collision. All of the train crew them. ' . " . ...................... and it is probable that with the .eetion men u'n der Patri,* ,. neltt IlIIue there will be someM E CHURCH • • . to give to the public that Fannon. jumped from the fast mov· BUY_lour Boya' Chrlstmu'Sult at In, train and all .eaped without benefit to them. . Sunday School. 9:15 a. m. On SunLebanon is to Ilave a new 88D~tarlm]ul'7 • . ~e engine ,of the work MyerHyman'" . Institute has come to etay. day morning the 8eCond in a series of um.~ospltal. The deal for . thls orthe state wi\1 not Ilive UI olie OD "Our Community" · w~11 gBnlzation w&8completed the first of tialn waI almOit demolished. It year the farmers and others be Jlreached, Subject, "The Cost ot N~vember, but after ~be fire at the ·".alate' ln the ' evening when the Sheehan and wife of Cenintertisted in it that they are Saving a Man In,Thill Communit,." Infirmary, and the m~at~ -we1'e HrYlce wu resumed. ' terville. were In ' toWD Saturday. ' Trq~ giving is.an overflow, Id,.,tlArmilnM to hav,e one. If only held Hear this sermon. Evening service moved to Maple Farm hotel. the They will leave tomorrow for ·St . That lays the plans of prudence low; IindeJ>enderlt ofthe state. These in· at 7 o'clock. Meet UI In God'. houle plana were let alo~e for a ti~~! Petersburg, Fla.. wMre they will f incalculable ' value to on Suhciay. Watch the paper for This new cornp~ny. wlij be ~own &8 spend moat of this 1rin:ter. The wealth that nothing suppress, In the first place a new Beries of sermona on Sunday the Home ~1~I'IUm.1I011J1Ital .Co .• men of note Into our nights commencing Janltary ~th. and ·w!1I SpecialIZe In alchl)holism. Goes forth to gladden and to bles~. Clarence S: Grausel' Putor. narcptlc and nervous.cases. and the mesaqe thef bring is worth al\ it ' COlts. The . • The directors of thiS new company Alike in spirit an~ in heart, farmer and the buainesa man ret a , are: J. V. Matt. M, D.. Arne.lIa. Obl~; whole lot out of these meetingsas ST. MARY Ii CHURCH E. H. Shewman, M. D., Cincinnati, As in 'the business of the mart, th!'y a~e calculated to broaden the1~ Third'SuDda inA:dtent December Ohio; J. L. Payne, M. D., O!nc!nnat!~ Not car~ful balancing of gain mmd!! In the great field of agrlcul- 12. Sund~, ~hOoI ' at9:30 a. m. Ohio; J. S. Hagen. M. D., Cmcmnati. Has ever lessened human pain . . tur,. Morning prayer and aennonat 10:30. Ohio; Don C. Westerfield, Dayton, ' . . • - .• , . Evening WorahipandaetTl\onat7:30. Ohio. and Frank Brandon. LebaDon. At the eveninG' ae"lce the Rev W Dr. Herschel FIsher , has ~~. , . Sweet recklessness of love and pence h' asked to 8'0of onlAI»non, the board. If •. Nif... " A. ,Thom~. rector 0 fCh r Is t Ch' urc; reo Wood. is euhifll'. 'Unites us. in the' ~uper-seDSe, 'The SaDitarium Will probably•.})e: , . . ,. Xenia. wlll ,~ p~nt and preach. That scatte,rs riches, 'lavish, free, A cordial Invitation to all to attend. open for bUJine&l about ~e first of .. - ,. April, with Dr. Mott at ita bead. Nor asks ~tum ~ AecordlnJr to the Parrett-Whit.. .- - - ' more law p&8I!ed by . the last l.ellalaThe SUAshine pervasive air ture, townahip and ward . .l88IIlOrI elected at· the November .!fl!~_u~!l! Best typify God'-s ~ess care must live bond In tbe aum -For higb _d h~ble everyWhere • . and take the oath of office . " thir~ daYa mm the date . election . No 'weight: of burden do they Dringprint and have it interpreted in a
g~~~~~~rt:.~~~o~rp8!ldlJ~l'll8v nH~e
~e ~h~1r:-.c:~t~~it~~~~r:to ~ ,
Not Charity
A cliughlg debt to llum and sting; But joy aDd growth that shout Jlnd Tbe purse arid·lieart must open be j And call it Love-not Charity. Laura Vamet
..•---,, ENTERTAINMENT , .....
(Jle1JALL1r1Dr' ~LLEN
. -$ 95 I
ttGtORGI J2ANDOlPn cnrnrIL
. Ad pted from t he early PenDRY I. \',\nla. (!t tlrmans.
cnr TIR . ·l f' ~IIllU~TRATED r: end LILLIAN
6(- c.D.RI10nts .
CHAPTER XVI. Tile Creed of Gill,
)'OUDg laar, SteaoHy reslStlug IlU hu pulso to f 01 bor cheek wIth tbe h!>("k ot bor hond. Silt on the end of the pinna b nch farth est removed from tllo r ector. JlDd dlreoled the most 01 her alt ention to Alllsoo, wbo waB less dIsconcerting. Allteon, costing nn . oc· cnslolUlI glance 'a t the Intcnse young r eclor, seemed preoccupied tonl.ght ; and Mrs. Helen Dllvles, pausing to take her sisler Grace wi th her, walk ed up the stnl rs wIth a forelln8er tapping at be l' well·shaPEd ohln. She seemed to have. rev81'11od plBCQII with her S18· tel' tonIght, for Mrs. Sar8ent W88 eu· premely happy, while Helen Davlee was doing tho family worl1'lll&. Sbe could have bidden AlUaon adieu hnd she waLted a very few minutes. He WIlS B. mILD who bad spent a lifetime lit linking two and two togetber, and he obldod unwaveringly by hIs deductionB. Tber~ was no mlstaldng the nature of tbe change whIch walJ so apparent 1n Rev. Smltb Boyti; but AlU· Bon, utter careful tbought on the' mattor, was able to' take a comparaUvely early departure, "I'll sile YOU tomorrow, Gall," he observe d l\oa1ly. Rlaln,. he moned to wbero IIbe eat, and, reaching Into her lap, he took both her handa. He let her arms awln, from hls clup, a.nd. lookIng down Into her eyes with amU· in, re:prd, he ,avlI her banda an enra preSllure, whIch IIl1nt, for tbe bUJa. dredth time th&t n"ht. • .urre 01 color OTer her face.
E. W. RIOKS Waynesville, Ohio
To bo ~ucoel\~ rul wi th floweri nR 1"BOII', t ool tbe BJlpe, 'frll'" wil l b e/lr fruit beUer If you wr~h thcUl 110 Huppy Ne\v Yel1r. 110Cit into .. tree thtlt will Dot bea r rl"ult, . .Bnro old Ills h olOths t,o drive out gurter Kunkll8. If y ou smell sKunksi ~ moane rui n. A (log ly in g on its bl\ok indloot1:.8 !Jtormy we tl lher. Nevor point yo ur fbg e r 0\ a thuodor-9tarm or at th e sky. You will go orollY If the IDoon shine II on you In bed. (Jutting finger. nal1~ In uew 00000 prevelJts too&heohe. Show the Dew maori Dlo"ney, and r oo wi ll h ll ve more. ' If you begin plasterin g Il hOURe on ~lLturdl\Y the plastering will f~1I off. If YOll u.ke B batb or obonge olut.hin g bet ween ChristmBI! lind Nfl w Y ear yon will h&v ll bBd luok. Rnb w6rl8 wah Il Ituien piece of rlnt! of blLoou. E'ltllbl II stolen Ilt night oure whoo phtg oungh. Kissing " DegtO will oure 1\ ohlld of 'vhooplng COUll h, Burning the oomblng!! of your blllr milks,. lt0\} ~ttlp:d. Ironing tbe bRcks of shirts Ollllbes bolls tl' the well r er. To rll t uic yon r hl!llnty, youebould tnKe off lllioes nnel I!tookln gs in bed.
b~" '['IUlO tb~ first mlln nhlled lJ' t llll onllvu~ Ing with nb?t1t s()1n!Jtbh'~ to 1110 Id\l of Ilw '~lr fll\el .. " .. I hll\l "lllld ll1lu'r I'nl n" III ,I '1l' lIt thoy P,I Ked lin .. l u ubnnt. n il li,lnr 11 01 10\ Ihe tl l'~' ury tlJ b put IDtO tI. .. n l1UgiDtl OhUl und hUIll\IHl 1111·0 \/lu!t onl" trolll . I did llot OO(JI11stt, nr\ ! Ii a ll n J,l, ,, 1' 0"" IIIl,oh I ~IIP. ~bf\ l it WIIS heing (lJ)ullIA,1 Il ow tlv lJ " r r1111J I'RP, f. r I I , d 1.(', ,, III or. It jllrred I,be IIr ver y 1Illlub tlnd 1' '''111·01. unu [hI' h · ~ \Vh ~ " I~~r l' uo cl ume of tll or o reI I o llt uncl ",liS lilR t. el .. rk I)JII ' n ,,.t (",11 , 1 .~ '1\" . I h ll (\ l illY stll1 wOlld er lug wbl1t WH tI hllp ul'l· fl' I ~ll V' t.\' lor' _ w lwll (I n I)rrl l r penlgo to III • "t' run t r om " \\' t'. t , t! I IlIIit r r \/1' 0 Presently I lU)8 rd tbe munftger of l hnmlrUd t,lolltlTli' ~ urlll of P~rl UIC9, tbe mme tell lIome IItmngor as bo tlO wo were ~hl llped Again we I"y biB b IJ.I \(1 on tIlt) spot wb ro I Rttu t.I'U 00 .11 jl Utll ' y, bill- we ';6re W 8 thllt we mig ht bo rudel e luto uot nr (hj~ I I flHI , I'll t molu, y . "'.h en w l r~, OOIlPur ItoHles, wn.lerSlwut", 'IV Il'IlOnFl'! . \ '1I1C8j{ , wo W, r o g lveu or we might evan be sent to tbll I tbo P" YlUg I 1101' of I·ilo bnnk,. United tRtes rulo' no one )ould who b egll u t o d ol A 11S ont 1,0 dO\loSI. tell, I shuddered to' tblnk tbat I t r8. Wilh fonr oompll~ion!l 8 M mleht bnve eleotrioity lIent thn1ugh Urlgbt Il~ mysolf ] wile I5lven t o " me or wl1ter U Iliad in w n or be ex- "('oU entIlD ,yho took U" IWlIle to hI" p ~8d t o all 80rt of. wC!uthllr 08 ooiJ. \ littill clnught.t.r. , We wore IIblOV pl:lr ; pOUF. IO!l shorlotime, bowilver IIhel new, lIud she I, ok us ,10 her we were lIoeeliin~ towurds Wash- brolher utl,l ~ J1 ld : Inglon. I did not ku ow whnt stllto "Soe, 'l'OUl, . I ,np!~ broogllt mil or oities we hod 00000 from, bu'l these n e,'" Pl'" 01e9 ml;lde j 11 .bo~?r of kuew whero we wer e goill g, L illO )I n s bl· ,b UllY. cout,o nmol. Aft er wooy day s of rltllng we nrI:ier bruthl'r ~nld 'J will ll'wo rived III on r do!!tinllt.lou nuu OP we !lool eth l "~ nloo Ul lllltJ of Ibom for 1l1l~8ed the frei g ht d e;, 0£ II c:o rk IYOU Sb l.ll l? " F il o 00 out oel, . olllled out, .. ne o~r of ol)per HOtl :111111 h t,,,ok ll ~ I·(t'l j ,twll ler, WilD 'wo of sliver from BU i Ie, Mont" ILO IHIO 1\ l: r llcl' lot ,. 11 Ill y n' lI l1p'ln lnn ~ '1'hon I koew 1 WIlS tro rn a MontI! nll II lld Il 01 II t ~OA rfl >1 I~ uf mn. t; l I e. oopper mioe. J IllY In tho onr for WOrt' IU A fo r - 011\11 I til III . In hor !.I.e; some time uut was tiDllllv thro '"Vn I ll\l~ I Oli t '!H' el un '\I: I tI\ l' VI. ,I, to nl •. \,; Into a wh'l:Ielbarrow 11m)' hkoD to ity. II ml I "'''" 1,,111111 JIll 1 h",·o ,. plaol' ol1ll ed R smelter " o rl put 10. 1 ~1r1(l ,' h Pl'O t r""" lI l1 lt\ 11\' m y IllllS ntto Ii .. ed.b ot furnlloo t o molt. \Vell U\Vll ll r ," oqll" I(L' ' I ", UIll'"1 suroly I did melt i all till> r ooky 1mb' - - -.- - - - -1I!4~nOIl surTo uncUd g tl' " was burn ed otf Ilnd 1 \VIlII pure oOPI>er In liqUid BEAR THIS · I~ MIND form. . "I onn~idAr ' bUill iI , ' ~ ('oul(h Afto r wnrels fllIoy WIIS pOllred in . I· Rewol l v by fILr III 1J .,~ r -' Illd toinlJ I n 10 lUll to muk e m e m ,r e ~obstllnt.lu l t he mllrlte t f(lr ouill. ~t1 cl . oroup." IIn,1 I WUK J:our d l11tu 8 mold t "R),1! I\1r!l Albfllt Hl ,, ~~n r, Limn, WIleD 1 Wf\8 oouled n mlln t" ok _me, Ojol " . Mnny ot'b ~ r~ tile nr tb .. ~",no Ellld p oll lied nnd fi le(l m e ,I1,d put opinio n. ObtaillGble evnr,Vw h erl'.
Who was that tall, soverely correct Agent for AlLEN and LEWIS Automobilt.'s, and gentillman waiUng at the statton. with Racine Horse Shoe· Tread Tires. a hanch at violets In bls band, and the ll&ht In his CQunlenanc.e wh ich wns never on e~a or land? It was Gerald Foaland, and 'he astonished all bebole!ers by his extraordinary conduct. D the beautltul Arly stepped throua b not withdraw her baua ITOlll Ul" u ... ~ ... . tbe gat8ll, he advanced with an en· Sbe could not! It was n8 If those two tlrely unrepressed smile, 8prln glng palms bl).d welded togetber, and hBd from the balll of hll teet with a buoy· become parle of one and tho saO\o or, ancy 'too active to be Quite In good ganlsm. form, He took Arly's hand in his, but There was an InsllLDt of silence, In he did not hend over It wilh his cuswblcb we elowly 8athored her swirl· tomary courteous pllantry. Instead, lng sensos, and In which he sat, he drew her allghtly towards hIm, Probate COIII'I I'r 'l'etlinll: shocked, stunned. dlsbellevLng his own with a firm and dellbernte movement, ears. Why. he had known, ns positiveIn tl.l u 111 ,, ' t. "r " ", "I"t ,01 anti, belldln&' his head sidewise under Ii'. ly, Ilnd more posItively, thao It she tB rg- Rr C' t I ll.. " I ''' . 11 " , ",,!d the brim of her hat. kissed herl . Cun nh\Kh",·, ,. I ",,'"<1 ~ c1 bad told blm, that tbe1'6 was a perteel kIUe4 bel' ~ the response In her to the .grant denlre mlnl ' t r ll,t,, · , I ""I ,!'..•UO. H F Immediately therea(ter be gave a wbloh throbbed wltbln blm. It bad Bl ow n. gIl H C' ", ,,," ,1 IL ,\1 .J oh n dignified welcome ' to GnU, Bnd with ·come to hl.m from her like t.be WBvel' Brllntl'muIHI{ , ll ' ) "PI" ,lI.' llll Jl [)Pt ... \ ~ _ ATly', arm clutcbed \.Ightly In his own. tn, of soft mUsic, mualc wblch bad er8. he tbea disappeared. As they walked blended wltb his own pulsing diapason '['lla m AS \<; H,l" " r . flK I'C lltOr ('10, rapidly away. Arly looked up at him In a malady eo Bubtle that It drown ed VB : t ) b ll lr l ll~ W Ih' I' , t ill, R J , In bewilderment ; tben she Buddenly tbe senaes to languoroua swooning; /ihl\woll n II" i1 lll"intrd IlCH,1\1l0 I1U ~......................................~~~ ~~a.. .~~ hugged borself closer to blm wltb a It bad come to blm wltb tbe delicate Ilttlm to r Il ilm ioo r i ltt e ru~ted , Jerlt. As they wont out through the far-ol! pervasiveness of tho blrtb of n - - -...... ...---Common Picas Co urt carrlal!e entrance. sbo skipped. new star In the heavens; It bad come It was good to Bee AllIson, big, \0 him as a fragrance, liS a rodlllnce, e w Suits . lUOng, forcetul, typical of t.be city nnd as the beautltul tlntl of e\lrlng bIos· Ita mighty deeds, IUs eye bad lighted BOma, as 10methll18 Inllnltely strongor, I n lilEI III It "r f LLH' l1(1pll tiOl! Ke p ohlld dry, olothe oomforta· With eomethtog more than pleasure aB and doepor, and 8weeter, tblln the (If lilA 'r'r U" I"I'" r M 1'_ ohurch til ule, l"' hi.l expos ure flnd gi ve Dr, "'llIuP 'l n t l'l ,ll1' , 1) 1 I ' l , II ~ II rOl\I Gall' Itepped out thJlOugh the gateB of ,Ieel) of deatb. That tT'emondouB Bnd 8e ll's Plnll-'l'1I r-H o oilY , It 18 plell8the Itation; eomethlng eo Inflnlte'y Rev. Smith Boyd, blazing 'd own at perfect IItnesll and accord With blm he U!U ut(-. f',\t n i ,' u It q t. \U t , Rooth log, antllleptlo, rltl~e8 ffihn e ,r 11 n il ~;: '" t l~ ' ::1)1'11 V tl . I)h logm a od reil aces Infil\D\Rtion, 'more than pleuure tbat ber eyos that ecene, suddenly telt Bometh1ni . telt In ber hand even 1I0W. , Wtl lltlrrt ( ', Ph l'\1 '." Ill' " V nnl y . dropped, and bel' band trembled as CrUjlhlng under his hane!. Jt W88 the' "I can't, Tod," shll eald again, nod l'h ..,· first dOMe Rlvoll relief, Ol>n'inued' 8be felt that lIame old warm thrill of light runner board of the muslo neltbllr one nollcee! that Bbe had un· ILln nn o t c: l 'llU tI , l U;,\ .Gti Wi th .i u t r ontm pnt WI th proper care will t OTC,·t·. Il1a claep. Be wall 110 overwhelming In and tb.ree hairs. which had Ia1n in oonlclouely ulled the name sbe bad n voicl 8«rl ou8 illness ora lonlf cold . Pulling OD~:L lIew Roo f or hili pbyalcal dominance, Be took Im- placid irlaco at the crown of hll head,; 'heard from hll mother, and which Bhe Frl\ ~t P ''' I' ~ ' II Y • ~1. ' ! \) on 't d elay treatment. DOD't Ie' Pa tching the old one? mediate .. poueeaton of her.' slandtog auddenly popped erect, Ten tho\1llUld. had unconloSously linked with bel' t.livoroe, 1 x t r'l n, .. l!rt1ol!,r . y _,ur ohlld IInlfer. G ilt II b oUle toWe have by while abe sreeted her ullcle and years betore, had these three been 10 thOllChtB of him. "Tbore could never day. Iusist on Dr Bell 's Pine Tar. R J E!t at~ Tran. fers aunt anll other friends, ud bellmin&' .rauped, Alileon would have t.U a be a unity of PUrpoH In UB," and now, Honey 1160 d DroKgllts. With JIlIWlabl,. proull ~roprietorJlhlp, IIwne &It on the back' of btl neot. but tor tbe lint time, sbe gently wlthdre'W Th\! [)r.•J L, ' t ph A II~ "m edy ------~.--Gall ba4 _bell as ahe ~iaec1 18 It 1I'ae be peaeed out unmal_ted; her hand, "I C!OUld lIevOJ' be In Sym· Co. t IrI'r "o It III \ .::r/l~ 1 r r. X llore !' ,.thy with ,eul\ work; nO!' you with I!oulb 0 " L e b 'IlHlo , Vil li), 1 that a~tullie. AllIIOIl was ~Uy a n04dlDl clU'81ea~y to thll JOUQ b" mu, ODe hoi'll to -eommanll, to tor, and beetoWlDg 011 Gall a putlnl lIlY vte".. ~Y8 70n DOUoe4 that ... Joh.u Doni y to !fIlL :!II q, lln lot in .way thln...· to mon u .iI sHift and 1'6- 10011. ""hlob w.. the J)erfectiOIi 01 ..." bave never held a Bllrtol1. dispute over LtibanOta, Ohiu. $1. arrana8 areat forcee; and ' thlt, of aallurance. I any toplo but one'" A, B, Kllufmau uuo R. J . Shaw. B&vlng rented my fll.rm I will 8ell 00-'11, was his ul8Illler tu everytbln.: Rev, Smith Bo,d wasted not a mlD· Or. in fact. any kind of Be drew a Clhalr before her, and She lIulhed each time Iha 1001led In ilte In purp08el~all h"ltAtton or 141e took her hand qaln, . but this tim e hB h a n to MJlry E: 1.11mb No. 14 'lDel15 ..t ' Publlo Auotlon at Ollt.l1lp~ ;... WD Roofiug you want or P'U"t of lut f l . 16 Pllrk View Ilnd !<'arm, 'lllusted on HarveYlburg Ind b1a dlr.ection; for be lIeTer renwved preliminary conversaUon. 1 pa tted It betwsen Il1a own as It It were Sobd l yl.lJion to LsbtlDOn 11. need. Lebanoo Pike near Flatfork Bo~ool Ilia IU8 from her; boill. conlldent, IU, "Galli" he aa1d. in a voice wh1ch a cblld'" \ A. O. Fox I!ldward A. Long 10' hOUle, Ii D'lllell Suutb of Wayne,. Dnmle. Wben a man Ulle that 111 Idnd ohlmed of an the love 10ngi aver ~i· "Oall, dear, that Is an obslacle wblcb No . IH. 10 Avolon Belt,;lI ts s u bville on ud gentle and OO\1BldeNte, when be ten, whloh vIbrated with all the Ion will mslt aW/IJ. There wea a time la tender ud thoughtful ane! tull at pa8sIon ever b~thed, whlob p1ea4ed when I tell as you do. Tbe time wUl 11vlllolll to Lebanon , Ohle). $ 1: Thursday, December 16, 1915 D, B, Eox to "~dwll rd A , Lon p: lut deTotian, he Is a ble man 1ne!eedl 'WItb tbe love' appeal of' all the doml- come wben you, too, wtll change." Boglnnlng I1 t 10 :30 It. m . the fol. 1131 in Av Ion l:ieightH , subNo. . ReT. Smith Boyd was at the Itepl at nlillt foroel alnce oreatioll, Ga1l hAd low log proper'y : Obe 7 year old "You dlln'l understand," Bbe genlly the Bar.ent houle to crest her, and 1'eeumed her leat 011 the ond of the told Mm. "1 beUeve In ·Ood tbe Crea· dIvision to Leun.uon, Ohio, II , Blllok Horse, wt!lg hing UI~O pound8. her heart leaped u lbe . recognized belich, and 1I0W he , ~ed tor; the mailer of my canllcitlDOt!; mr J. M. Thompson to lJo r l~ E Mor- Four registered Jene, 0 0"8 fresh anottier of the dear familiar facee. and took her ba.nd. and held It; frlllnd and my father. r am tn no rison L28 l/l ltoros 10 lJoerfic id ~Wll In ell rly IIprlng. Thlrty.ll)llt Duroo Thla was he~ world, after all; not that UIIlre811BUIij'r, Sbe was wealr.. and Ump. doubt, D.O . Quan~arY. no struggle !;le· IIhlp II. ,Ierlley Bree<llng Bop, 4 trletl e world of her ohlldh,ood. Row durerher eyOe from the EVtlrllt t Pe ,~" o n to C C. Collin p 9 Spring Gelts to farrow tn lot in ~1tl.iD vi II, Oblo, $l. 22 Augus' Pill" 13 ent the rector .looked; or W&II It thll.t '~:. ~~~r.!~~n;:~ib~eamT.ile~d~d~o~'h~iLo~nrr ahe .had needed to Co ......y In oNler ber. W , O. Bnd_o n to MArk C. Bell ~OWI!, ~ 10' of R. O. R to. Judae 'ber ~endl anew'? HII eyea the hand lots No. 60, 6L. 6~ ILnd 63, In Maple Red Chioke nl!, Cook .8lrds, Uookerely, 'WeI'8 4Ilrerent; tleeper, IItesdler anti IIId tremb,lIIlC. P,lrk tlllbdlvl lou to Klogs Mille, !:feos ",nd PaliSh, .Bug ~y, Hug", IIlOI'II llIIDetratfnr Into be.r own; and, bent.hta heae! a.nd IdSBed her hand. Barnes, Work Burnels; Corn In Ohio. $150, ,... boltler. Sbe wu forced to look Tbe· touoh was fire, and sbe felt her crib, Bay in mow, Fodder, SBed Oa." t;, K. find Mnr y Murpby to M'Lrl: away from thllm tor a moment. There blood leap to It: "Gall, dear," and hili O. Bell In.lot N o . 116 in Deerfield "nd oilier artlolee . Call on ns and we can _84 a warm ea,eroeu In bll .reet- voice like th.e suppreased cre. Terms D'lude knowD on day of s~ll'. Uniou township $l. supply YUII with i the lnI, u It eTerythlnlr In him were draw- ce.ndo ~ of a trement!oul orean flute; (J V. HARNE 8 . Owner. best at the lowestll l ' Iq !fer ·to hIm. "J come tD you wJth the love of a man. R . H. Grlevt!s, Auol, Xenl8, U. Manllllte Llctnsea WIth a rapl4lt7 w11lch w~ a marvel [, ,oomll to you with the love of one E. 0. Jeffery. Cler,k to aU her str! fi1enda, Gall had IUpped lnapltet! to tlo .reat deetl8, not 1ust Hermon Frederlo" Yorgeo, farm or IIPlltatnl IUlll Into a araamy lace e... to lay them at your feet, but becaUllei of West MlddJetown. Ll.nd Cll rl \lllna' I will ofi'or at PubUo I3l1le ah the ulnl fl'OClk ' Without bavln, been )IOU are ID the worldl" lIe bont lower. Arzlllll. 011I1OOD, of Er t ~!lklln. &ev late r08ldeDOIl of Levi 1..80Y, · also ·m\alllll; and she was In' thIs acutely and tried to ,ue Into the brown eyes Stahl. known 011 the Wm , Oarmony tarm, ~anlou. ssttlnl when Rev., SmIth under thollo flutterln, lashes. Ho beld • Thonall8 Bonj 'l tDin Benrl, em. eltnllt ~d .X mtJe south of Lytle, (),' Boyd CIIllet!, .... Ith hi. beaotlfUl mother ber hand more tl8htly to blm, clasped ,; played In pape r mill~ of Mil1misbnrg on the LYGle lind Lebanon pUre BDd on hili anD. Thll beal1t1tul mother w.. It to hili broast. oppre88ed ber with I\nd Edn& Mtr.y (,ook, of Funklln. ORst of tbe ' D L, &. C, n, B . on In u · uceptlOnal lIurry of dellaht to the treJDendous dellre of hili wbole Be•. D, T . A bbot·t. ' Tuesday, December U, 1915 lee o.u. ' ud Idueil that cbarmlns belnl to dJa,w b.er to him, and hold Joanr lady .... Ith·cllnalng warmth. The her cIa Ie. u aile and a part ot hlIn tor Commenoln,, · at 100'clook, thtl CommiSSioners' Proceed In,. reotor'l e,. were even 'more strtk· all 'time to come, mtogllllg and merc· following ohl1ttels: I'h rile Horl!el!, Iqly cbangell than they h&!! beell ID, them Into one ecatatlc harmony. PermiSSion to d ig t·re nob oor08S 2~OOW8, ItDplementeL Corn, B'mlder, l-'""..,.",·tow.n pi ke wall g anted John ~Ied Strl\w, fitly, 1"otatoeM, Cblok. when he had tlnt met her all the "Oalll Ob, OaU. Galli" Nuollet, pro " Idln g art r tile WI)S eDII, Housebold Goods, lteps, as they looked 011 Gall In lIer There wu a cry In tbat. repetition laid be would restore roud to presen! _my lace. anll atter ahe had' read of her name, alm06t an anguieh. Bbe t!ee big blll8 for terms. oODI1I$1on • . . Elmer E. Laov, ·that new Inten.e look In 'ble e)lea for etole an upward crance r,t him, ber Admlnlltrator. the HCOnd tlIne that eTenlDC, abe hur- faoe pale. bel' beautlful lips ~It Pllfl' 11r.:i~~Ke'lDj;ni;s weJ:o made to rant A. A . MoNell, Auot: rlecl .way, wlill the license of a bue,. ed, and ,to her depthlllllB brawn e),68. tbe Maple Farm Hot" j f6r ' :ouoty T~II the Adv~rtlaer you Re,ad the Ad In the Miami Gazette .Walter KllDrick, OIerll:, ' . JioIjteu, and CIOOlec! her taee at an aJlTe now with a new Uaht whloh ·had Infirmary IJQrlJ o~e s uutll Marob I. 'open WiDdow l.u the illde veltlbule. been born withIn her, thllra wat no 11116, ,There a DIIW lIote In ~v. SPllth forblddanoe, thouah ebe dropped t1iem BUla Allowed-J . t:;, MorriS. s np. Mr, Peater Explalnl. Boyd'l voI041I Dot a greater depth' lIor llJiatlly, and bent her head aUlI "I Can'tl" She Brelthed,' But She Did pUOI1 for Treasllrer *290,11i i RIlY· 1 11m downtown arid see • "Wben "melloWllNI nor IIweetneu: but a Sbe bII.d m&de herself an eternal put Not Withdraw Hor Hand. mond B1&rs hba r g e r • 11111Ilry , i60 i F. presu ma~ly Intelligent )loung. woman eomethlDl elIe. What walt ItT It wal of him luet then" bad he but aeiled W. UuBols, premium on Il.\ SUrllUC;1l makIng a (001 of herself over a Il\eall. a calL that "IfU It; a call,acro81 Clre upon that unlipoliell allellt•. and ta.Un tween faIth and disbelief, I 80e my Polioy, C. B .• $36 ·; Ohi o Uorrll~ILted i.v runt of Ii dog, t fret and fume all . 'plf c.r fIltnrltr. . her to hie arma, anI\. breathed to her way · clearly, and tbere are no thorns Culvert 00 ., fl liJe :U7 .I>O; Tb e Babbs . . They eame after tier. Ted and La· of the love of man for woman, the loTI! to cut tor mo. I sban n ever clll1l1go. " Metrl1l Co . /jn p Ii e l! f " r OlUmon tbe way home," Raid P.. G. PeBter. "Thon I look In the mirror and tbink He looked at her · Bearcblcgly . for a Pleu.s Jnd ga $ 2.5 ) i cdle ba4 arrlvecl. Sbe fi'al·11l • VOrt.,ll. that never e!l" nor 'waven nor falten, A, BIZllr, that, aftor all, sbe mlgbt have done , Qlelt Roelley hemmed ber ID a corner, 80 long as the buman race iba11 en· moment, and then his race grew rcoodwork, T l1rt.1 ' onk'\( lliwnsltljJ _ • Star. grave; but there was no coldness tu It, $8015; C. M. M C;I'I'LIIII .. . I',l ,u l1l0rk worBe!"-Kan80se City ,1'1l11 propoHd to ber again, jOlt fC/'t dure. nor any alteration In the bluenes8 Of ' practloe, 'jII'\thlD eyesbot of a e!Olen He bent atlll cloaer to ber. 80 that l 'nrtieor eo ir t ll ~V/l hltl $ab.~O ; • 0 , !PeoPle, aDd he did It 10 that ilnloollar'1 I he all bllt enfole!ell her. Bla w~rm hla eyes, Val1.ln ~p ll ot r Fr[l!lkllt, .W<1 IJ, ' 61; "J sball pray for you," he said. with S. Lev,. '(trt vr ight" J It H It,OAlUtl O, lmllht think that he waB compllmont- I breath was UPOD her che~k. ~h.~' sal~ry (lnd .PXpllnses, oldl nrs RtIli f inC her all ,her. clever coUfure or dIs· path,. which :wal between them almule faith. . Laughter Is one of the'mOlt health Oomm:IBSIQo, Ull , And $:17. reap 0- lnl eltertlt;)nll; h iB of Ired a neW 'operetta; but, be made brld,ed the narrow,' chaam of air. and (TO BE CONTINUED) i lvely; .101111 W, t:)b.~whLl n, 8 , prem- digestion. A Btili more off'flO~'a~r her blDl~ wblch wae the Intent~on In enveloped them In an ethereal lIame ------inmR 00 IDI:lUranoe Poltcle!\ 'L11; help Is .. do"e of· Chamberl4ln's the deptba of bl, black,eyel, It aeemed which coune4 them from bead to too\ IllqneHt h udy or 1<;1l VllIllrs, Coroner l'ableta, If you should be troubled that ·1Ihe was ID 'a perpetual blush to- and bad already nlIh 'fIelded thuq lind wltllOMii ~4 'i6: .Iobn K. Rpencer, wltb IndigelJtlon give ,them a trial, IIlaht. and , BOmellilng withll1 her ' llito one. . In full oont,raot No. d7G, 11525; They only cost. qnarter, OMaln. I ' . . ...met! w be su1'l1ng and baltlnc and , "I nOlld )'011. GallI" he told her. "I Myers Mfg. (Jo , 80pplles for j '\D!.tur able eVllrywbere, _'f~' ud qulyerlngl Her ·Aunt need you to be my wlte, my Iwe'" .. ~Ll . 2.l5; ,Tune ti. 'Elunter expOllsel to --~~ --~--ileIea DaTIH, ratller early In ' the ev. heart, D17 oompanlon. I need yon tD TtiE AMEItICAN · BOY aod Rtl\te CQuferooee of Uh" rltle8, $7.50 i .DlDg. bepu to I.Ct stllr and tOl'JDal. ' .0 with me throuah tlte, to walk hand THE MIAMI GAZF.TTE WIlHer Lurri olr , IlHolll)g Bnd t r lligp t I "00 home." slle murmured to Lucile. 'to hand wIth me about tl;1e g.reateat fj Oc; .r. · K . PI n oer, 'fIrm l o8~i mll5e, ''!All'o1hla ucltement is )l,Id for 9a11'1 worlt In th. world. the redemption ot ~:~ B?th' t~r ::._$l 'betPaV," •, ! the fallel1 and helpl_, Illto WbOH Thll Re., Irl R. Wok. 1816 Almn- oontruot N o. H2. :$8 t B 30 , One, .year,;,tl _ • Coo 'LrtI()t. L et -;N 1. 481 wi Ih R. ' ~ ' ~' .'the uodlll bl!()ame gen· ,Uvel we may shell ~me of ~he beaut' Dao ~ by far ~e fiqHi, ~.rse8t Bnd beld ner b~fore ~rln'ed, The Hioks fl.. ~oUn\Ohe()h I U1' 11111 . lu g l)I1 ok till enI;UlltIl 011.,. Allllon and Rev. Smith which blOl'Oml In. our own." . '80711 ~ed. The latter younl lien· There wal a low cry trom 'Gap. • lI'Ol'm .nd "eatlierillreollflu tor liltS 8t u ppllr lid or H, r V'l~r R elll it.lnK 'uamua IUiCJ taken hla flutterln,ly hap- ory whloh wall haU a lob. which came asaln have pro'fen tbelr 'r'l&ll ~n~ walt on Mt.'mj Rl v<,r ,In 1l'1'unkllc . ", .other1ham,e earlJ ID the .ven1nS, ,wIth. IharP Intake of tbe breath, a.nd valne, IIDd thla IIplendtd Alma.c llo $300. Sere lam In 8'. Louis ' for the ud lae bad reaorted to dullneBB with , .carr\.ed with It pain and BOrrow and for H16 'should fiud Ita 'WII.Y Itrallbt ,. No . 4 2 with R. A MoUutohoob every bume and oftloe In Amer for bll'ok till Oil W cs t' bun It of Grea.t dr@t time, I am • pellDY, a brlabt .nelI of the thlnnlnl lJUe.ta .. had 1lprotest. She had been 10 happy, in penn~, thonah ram now Uec1 aa , The ·R ov, .. Irl R Hlok, Magi I Mlt,ml al ver, li'rllnllllu $211'. . .....e4 dlap0ae4 to Ung8r. . what she . fanclecl to be the near tu1.j ". . a lIoarfpln. LI,$eD, boy., and 1 wIll AUt Helen thouaht ab. had beUer li liument of the promptlnp whlcb had zlDe. Word _nd Worlr~ .nd b\. ...!!" _~~~!!!'!!!~~~~ tell you how I WU oblalned aDd 10 ~ after tha~ ud ahe clance4 grown 10 aUona within ber. No BUrp Qnlque Almaqao ab.ol1ld alwa,.s ~o '!!!!.!!.!!..~!!.-.!!!'!!!~~~ 'made fil'8t Into • ~nDY and &hen in IJlto the mule 100m as sbe paMet!, of e~ollon Ilke tJi~ had eTlir swePt tOllllcher, boSh for only one dollltr a 8.1 to a ecarfpln, ...', aa4 Iadtte4 her, brow. at 111e tableau. O'fer hllr; DO lUoh wave of 7eam1ns :feu:. 'l'b. Almllnao aloDe I. 350, n- W II . ~ AWtlY down in tbe dark eartb I BeY, IlIIIltia Boyd. wlaO . _m.d UIIUIUlITer. oarrled her lmpetuoully up prepaid. e.~d $0 .word and Worke .I![ade Strong ' By Our Vjnol !ived88 a piece of eCJpl)er ore, 10 ,D. 8M lookIDI. tolilchi. 8toocI leaning oat at he....U u dill bad done. It PublllhlDg Upmpan1', 5,o1 Franltlln tlnuslly beard tbe tbump, tbump of ,a pl.ual pIaDo, _teIIIJIi q.n wltll b..n the eoataUo ~wer, .t o aU An. ,8t Loull, Mo. . LIVE STOC /( A~D OENERAL - - - - -••.- ••-----.:. Fort; Edwa~d, N. Y. -" I W'IUI In a. run· tbe !llIner'a plolrllltell 811 they mined '-"4S.aW..... That ~ •• the rtpe ud riqh and ,.,. nervous and weak condition. 110 I tllil ore 'ha,t was liear me'; bl1' they compleUoI1 of 'eyaJ'J lonatna WIth, AUCTIONBER t.he hODQ work for' m)' little did DO' 'mlnd Ole lor qu.lte 1\ lon~ ret, In the yel7 mldat of It word brolul "~l'!'!~~~l~,~]~ hnd :hta~k~e~n~coiI ;~~u~ver~~I~tm~ei" e;Alaa! one dllY a m1Der walked -j ('~al', HDd 'With ODe , .. ir, RHAL ESTATE INSURANce the lilt d:l\1 D I cama aDd In7 IItuDlIfd Qut11 1 w"s sbovelfld lalo II frelRM oar, tospt,her "lab of otber . Office in
W. H. MADDEN ~ CO. Are You
Shingles Felt Roofing
Everything .in Building Material Lumber
CORWIN, - - OHIO. ..
- -----
.. - ..
..-- ..
Ne ,Sears
RUll' 00'1
l' ul>H. holtl \\I<!Okly
SllIt 01" Ohl... e,l y .. r Tvl~u "
Lm,'1t 8 Cmul!v. gs . I F rallk J. 'h~ " )' IIIIl kc8 oa lh li,al be is 8()niIJr pnrlncr ttl Ihl! firm of P . J Man~ger Chcne r & Co" dulng bll.in.55 In the City uf T l' lr do, C()unly Ilnd Slate afore-
ilL W"YllL"'''lIIu, 1)lilo
Editor and
DECEMDER 8, 1915
sairi. ancl tha t sa id firm will pay Lbe sum' of ONe HUNl>lUtD DOLLAR' fo r Mch and every case lie Cutarrb Ihat can. nol be cured br the u~ of M ALL'S CATARRH CURh. FRANK CHENEY .
t;omlltlm ea we 110 (io: kDow where ' Ut A. S.OI we lire a t Y IIi t·UIt! 00 a" . J.osllph /I ·ao who WIl8 IdwlloVIl telltnll .." hKt" flail place bls horne ol$y wa~. No mAtter wbllre be went I:!t. J OE' WIU 11 betl·er pilice. One dllY he died and be ro.ohed tbe other 8hore Ilo fell ow WIIS Ihowlng blm aroond, when tbe. former St. J oe wan said : "Pshaw. Why Heavon lim ' t muob loer thnn t:!t. Joe. 'f., wbloh 'be other mlln replied: "My del1r sir, yo u IIren't in Hel1ven."
in~~;n~rc~n:~Ot~is~~h~av ~f~~!!~
Jxor. A. D . I ' 0.
A . W. Gl.EA I ON,
--THE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS :_n_~_s I.~ ~~~~~~~,-.----I
As Written by Our -Corps of Able Correspond________
__ __th_._e__
Nol Public. H a ll's Callrrrh rrc is ,. ally gud ncts through l,hc Blood on the Mucous Surfnccs of tlle System . Send f.r testimonials· frec . Tbe protraoted DJestlng the . Miss lrm/\.. Uoroell bU B been on t be F ..J. CHENE" a: CO., Toledo, O. M. E. ohuroh whloh has been In . aiI'll IiRt 1\ f('w daye Ptl ~t . Sold by nil drlligists. 73c. Mr. aDd Mr~ . Berry '1.'uylor. of Hall's FlImily Pills for constipaliou . progr6lls for several weekI!. i88tlll
. -.
10 " PhlJadeiphlllo femily reosnUy "be eogllgllmeDt ot A dlloghter waR anDounoed. A friend calling WIIS milt 0 t tho <loor by tbo colorlld mnld, 1 who ann outlced: "No'm; Mias Alio~ IIln'$ home dis aU'noon-she's IIonl> down 10 de olull .• , "W bo' 0InB8?" Inquired the VIBItor. "You know ldl8ti Alloe la gwlne to be mll'led In de fall," explllined 'he mold, " lIn ahe'll takln' Il oou ·.e In domeetlo 8I1enOll."
offering opportunities to those wbo Are not Uhrlstlan8 to be mnde whole. Rev. Walker .. the minister. de8erves great oredlt for his patlenoe. Be Is " hard worker Ind a good reasr>Der, and when he f.llla to win them Jver with hill theory It 100tII! hke there was no hope for them. The .Iaughtering .of hoge 18 In full bl~e' and S:lme very fine one8 are paylni for their keep. Profe810ra Tole and Watkin! of our hlllh sohool, attended the Tell'oheu ASlloclatlon in Lebanon Batarday. . Ml.8lesComp'on and Lamb teoohera of ollr high .ohool spant Batnrday and Snnday In our vlllage.
MeBllrs. Levloy &I Howe, our upto-dille dl Y good8 firm were In the Qneen L'Ity two daYII la8t week boyInll goodll for 'heir well equipped store.
BY JESSE TAYlOR E~itOT of"Better Roads and
MIAR Abbie Or"hnm Is visiting with Harry Earnh!,rt snu family.
MlsA Cath&rlne Bnroe~ slHmt Wtlrlllesdn y nlgb t with MIsSBS Belon &Dd Antillt, DinwiddIe, at Waynellville . 8S Wbltaker and tll.mily were 8hoppirlg In Lebllnon BaturdllY. Mrs. C'hlu le8 Kibler is very poorly at thi8 writing. Misses Bessie and Jonnle Warner SPllOt T_hure<lIlY aHernoon with MlsB Llzzlo Klhler. Mr,8. Bllr vuy Borne~ 8pent Wed nesdoy wi th her pArents n eBr ngboro. Laf \)08D r eturned from CinolnDati 'l' u!l ~day eVbnlng M r~. Laura f./.,atb 8pent Wednes. dllv wltb her ulo ther Mrs. Neleon MoKe8vflr. Qulle II num lle rhave been butoher log du riug tbe Plist week . MIsse8 Belisle and JebDle Warner flpent Friday e veolng with Rouert Bn lIinger lind tllmily. hI!. lind Mrs. Martin Roush . of BarvtlYKburg, spent Snnday with Barry I::!haw and family. Harvey BDroe\ nnd famll" 8pent HuudllY with Mr. sod Mr8. Erne8t R OBn.lI gle, of Lond Jn . Mr. Frank Elbon spent Tuesday nod Ba\ul d&y night wUh Barry Earnbert IIUd. fllomlly . Barr" I:Ibl\w wa.ln l..ebllonon Mon· dn y. Mr. anll Mr • . Carl Heath entertained tbe fir8t at the week Mr. William De!ltb snd Mr . Ed Bowser. of Oolombns.
· -.
.I1!11_..__.... ..__..________..
. . Lewia Bakery
a·v.ille, O.
·- .
Send for your copy toda y to
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. Rend It nnd lCi\ff! nh n\l1 th ? new
t r eu t rlu111Vh ~ t ~~r~ U'~D~ 1~ll':'L1t~!, tury of SUCC~1ti t (,) U
0 rlmeti ~;ol~~~tlt!~~(:t~~!' 1;':tC:~~I~~.~!
~~£\~t~ll~b(~~ t
DcU c lou~."
" S tark
St a l k
Elbc rlR, Ql1d nIl t ho I n t~s t pencheR, Stnrk Ur t)' II·-J:rown. J . Ii .} I :llo En rly
Pcnehes. nl r.o Llno',l u
lt nrllmorcn y Che rr y, M AflllIltHh
S llIrk
~ l fi ld
f:L1fH)u ~ S l flr~
J'lnm nnd nil th o o lher
JJea 's (.rul ts lbcrriosnmlorn nmcn'nl ':j ~
Get Our New Catalog
FREE 11" 8Iac h•• -fillucl
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Stark Bro-. ~ Dept. A . ,
IoSI"/~ Sen d me at
bcnrfnJryon raaole and uI.1llrt!S8.
0 ,"",.
paaq»lid. tnur NeW'
h~~,:tt-~~.!::t'l: ~:
ma kfnll reoord-bnskln" . roIl ...
~ I ozpoet loptan l ..... ... ... tftICQ
... ~~.~~ :~::~:~~:: :~:::::: ~::::: ::~ ~~~.
n.F. O .. ..... ...... ....... .. .. ~ ...............
1'.0....... .... .............. · ....... ............ ·• st.atc .. ........... ... : . . .. .. ...... u
. . . . . . . . . ... . . . ., .
Stark Bro'. WaDt Good SaleameD-Cash CommiasioD Paid Weeldt
OlasslHad Ads WANTED will kill 1I0ge and Cattle any W E day yon want them.-we
Funeral Director and Embalmer,' WayneSville, Ohlo:'l 1
guarantee sall.flotlon Call on J . T. Call answered promptly day or night Mllriutt or phone 146 SX' . Wayne •. Both phones In Office and Residence. ville, Ohio. d'a2 ·Long distance,No.14 j Home phone
. '
E '11'111 kill Hogl, MandaVI! and Chairs and one Coach fumimed free Thur.daYI of eaoh week. Can with funerals. on E. B. Bally, Waynesville, Ohio, Beat of aemca gUaranteed.
.Dr. Veterlnarv .
AY-Tlmo\hy Bay. Olover Bay Graduate of ·Oblo st.te Unlvenl/y Olover Beed tor lale. In. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Jamell anl quireand of O. L. Rloke, W~YDlllvllle, Miss Je:lnle INnley have aone '0 .Oh 10, phon. 8S.~. dS2 Offtce at resIdence In F. B. Sher Florida to spend the winter. wood'. boUle. Fourth Street. V. M. . AOlllin and wife have been C. Whlie IAlIJlorD aDd 8 . O. entertaining relatives from Oolum• Bl.ok Mlnoro. Oookerel' from TelephoD8 Z8 bus . . gred laylnll,'rliDI! Bome very fine Mrl!'. Rebeooa Weber. of IlUnol' birdla' gannlna ba rlaln price. ,1 .00 Wayne.vllle. • Ohio il visitIng relathes here. aad $2.00 eaoh. lI . Eo Saokee. IIofr. Bsnjamln Robbins, who hal Phone 22 2y' Waynllsville. d22 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I been ver;, Ill, remaIns In an un. NE Alara coming ~Year. old; 8Dd changed condition. D~. J. W. MI.LLER. _ a team of yonng malee, oomMr. and Mra. Orville BerryhU! Ing 2 yeare old. Inqnlre of Geo . Lamoved lnto O. V. Mason'l property ••• DENTIST._ on Welt FrankllD S,., tal' TJlmeday. leur, at Waiher'a Mill bridge. d22 Married la.' Thunday morning ARRED Plymouth Rooll Oook· OIllce]lJa in Dayton, Mr. Le.ter Pierce, at Warn_Ole, 0 erele RiDgling and Knoxdale No'looa! BUk Bidi. thia place and MI18 MarT l:)eUarl, of Co each. Mra. -=====================~~~ Ooy'on, a' the home of hsr .I&illr fitraln at from Mrs. Adl RaDdolpll_ Immediately O. B'. Smith, SprlDIl Valley, Ohio. :; Bome phone 632, Oentervillil EX. loiter t.be ceremony tbey len for the ALL KINDS OF dll) south where he holda a government position. Larae-lized barrel UllurD: can Thll lervioea tor the Jr . O. U, A. 10 or '0 lba . of buUer" M. Lodge was given at the M. E. 10 'I~sohurD wl1\ lell tor S1.50. Inqnire churoh by Rilv . Yeull . . a' 'hie office. dill Miss Prndenoe Austlo, of Ohl08g0. lll .• 18 visiting her parenti Mr. and ·Ouroo Boar PII, Oh.rry Red, Mrs. V. M. Anstln . . Karch farrowed, wUl weigh 250 lb •. , eligible ~ regilter. AI" II the I.. , one will lell oheap. K . E. Waynesville, 0. ' Thomp8on, Oregonl&, Ohio. Vaney FOR RHEUMATISM Pbon.1~ 1~ Barve,1aburg. dlG · OYer PoetolJke. As soon all an a"aok of Rheuma. "1m bellinI apply tUoan'1 Llnlmen~. tlhor' Horn ·Bull8-J 5 mon'bs· Oftloe Pboae 77 Hou.. Phone 11G 0011 't Wille \lme and lID1Jer unneo. aDd 2 yearl old. AlIa one Short ~~~~~====~~~~~~~ ellsuy • gony. A tew dropl of Born Cow wISh tieifer Oalf. All = Sloan', Llnlmen' on the affeoted regll.red p.rt! Is all yon need. The pain 8. O. Benll:le. Phon8ll....;V.lley 81, CetitervUle 725. d8 . l'oeil at onol!'. A Jrr.teful sufferer writel:-"1 Funeral Director. OLT-A draU weanling, and a 'II' lUI snfferlnll for tbree weekll with good one. For information In. tJhronlc-lthenmatllm Ind Stiff Neck, Telephone da,- or night. althoagh 1 'rled many medlolu8. qnlre of George Rober~lon R . D . 2, d8 Valley phone No. 1. Lon8 I.hey flltl8(1 , lind I· '11'11' under the Oregoola, Ohio, Dilltance No. 68-2r. oarll of a dootor. ForSunately I heard of !:lIGan'l Liniment and atter. RGAN-In good order and a ulling II thTee . or tour dAY•• m np fine tone. You oan lIee It by Automobile ' ~ervlOe at all Tlm_ and well . 18m IIlIIp·Joyed at the big. oaJlln&. on Mrll . Raohe l KeYI, Waygelt depllrtrDsnt lI'ore In S. F _ where Desvllle, Ohio. WAYN BSVI LLB, OHIO • 'hey employ !rpm Ilx \0 elRbl hun. Brandt Uarny,blll'll'. 0. drcd handl, aDd 'hey . a.rely "Ill subsorlbers ~o the MoUaU 's ~=~========:;== bear all . about Sloan's Liniment . Magazine. Bend Slio to the :; -B, B tiinlth, San FranolllOO, Cal; G.I58"3 offiee, and get one of the -J.n. 1915. At IlIl Drnggillti. beat m.gaBines on earth. tf DR. HATHAW AT
=.~~!.c:. ~~ I~:~':r:::
'1 '2
.- .
Walter Chandler
ter McClure
B. v. ,
BARNHART,' Notary Public
o wu or inten d tu
;o~ -o tacts about bow frult-6rrowers
Wllfren Clea'ler, o.! Detroit, TIeIted hll8ll1'er, Airs Davilla,' week, IoIlnel! Ruth Edwllrd • •nd VIollo Jurdan vial ted Mra Maude Oleaver in Lebanon Saturday. . , ltr and Mra. F"A. Baruook en: iertalned' on SD~day ilAr. War'!I~ Cleaver, Mr. and Mr•• Geo. DaTtI, Joa V&vle, Mr. and lire. Emili' hI H.I' HUiband'. "acto..". .. The hummlnl of tbe fodder MaDnon and family alid Mr.•Dd . .,.' undentand your ~uBband· hdlstlrelddl!r III IIttll heard , In tblil dllS- Mrs. Barlan Harvey and family. equipped hi • . factOr,. with • pulmo- tric.. . Ray Wolfe Ind·lon. Donald, sPan, tor, Mn. Nod~]t. ··..Well. I .uppal" bl Oliver and· Lelia IDlbon atta.ded Bnnd~:r wl'h Mr. and lin. John bad 't o; the)' hr-ndle 110 much h_". "vival mee.lnRl ., a.rve'lburs Wolfe. , ,"1gb," don" ,.~u .!n_~."." hlday IIveDill8, Mr. Edwin Marti" hal been qulie Ild Role and daug h t4!r, Edith, liok the pal , week. , =D!~:~d.y wUh Luoi~ lI'razier III.. BeleD anteook II lpendln. , HeaItII a ......... B..ah ... 0.. IIIOOlld b!lIltq that EqeDe " ..lf8l'Y, the ohorll"r.~ .hi. week In Dayton with 1&. nd . . ·1I'IOrtal' are capallle of_ ble..tq it m. h b_ 141'1. Ira Harilook. .... ~.....;. OIIIlD,~ .,.,..~ Walo • 0 oroh, III helpln8 _T. lira. U . r .... Dam and III', W.r. - --I,""'~.,,,- a' darverlblllr.. " -- ... tb tela. The Pr--reut". Elible ola. hlld riD 01...,.81' lpeD' ThuedaJ' Wi ... ......tr menur, lin. IIal'y 01..,,81', ~~~~~~~~~~~~~= 1'Jallr I'ISII~ monil~l:r ma_III' a. Severlll from hire ....nded 'he W. O. T. U. iD "e a. th... clA1' afternooD. 1'02'" ODe .. ., 8uAlber' Barve,. hu IOU to Da1" "-, SOhooI, I, I'IDe, ton to work. ........ up There be p......... een10eI ..... • a' Fla' BoDII.7 mona... u4
· _.
this pract ical, e ·pert inform atio n.
pl ~ ot tl f J W Irees or tl t ho,.lstln.l. '.' Is lllrnrmRtI~n t hll t ,.,rill Mtwe)tJU thu IJ.luu rtU l l JJ\fl n )' , It I ImplY so ad U!I you r Dum o and RI,t.irC ,1jI) on Ul0 coupon-or Oll Q. p~t. tnl . it lOU prBCor. \\" vUl c-lIldty m a ll you a fr uo COllY e\:l1rl'whero nTC Reltln" nro, lI" foU9 o IN t:flt Rl()ll-n n li lC H In. bonk crov~ a ml lB", CQ~h nr"lltS,rn'"' n ~~ r~ft°tUra s~:PIY p ncketl \Yllb' bJ nt~ l hllt of yo unt::. thrHty. x ,.,It" ,,~ .. Ulhk lim ~ III able J,im t o I\ecurc bumUCfcro Ds t'rte S-rnc ls .t.h!l t emr.h"HI10 I c tru t,. w e cst n f nl I d II t b n at to pof the nx lo 11l Slo rk'l rceq He nr Jlrult. o! I e ~y8bolD b~~k Is filll-d Benutlfullffc·J;I~1!1 " "turnl·eo lo r phOl09 m{"h r:~~r tChc:t' will {"tereli t finll tn. l nlet ~f Icarll ni:' f nlltA nil Ihrousrh tho book. 'Oil
. y ou 71ccd
Mlun,laburg toole dlnuer with Mr. nn d Mrs F. ' E. 1:I11;tsook. . Ma8ter Wilford quires was unllble to go to 80hool laBt week on 110oonot of slolmell! . Mrs . J oo. Nott did eh opplo(! In Dayton Wedoe~dl~y . MI ~8 Eva l,l.or1lhy Vi'Ill begin h er echooiag ll : c 10nday . Tbe III ' e II q Edoa. Mullen hll8 beEn on Ihe .Iok Ilet. Mrs . Y. E. Sa ' sook, Mrs. Carl ShorlVood ad I ·tl e Hon, Monia. Jam os and Marie Bllrt80ck , we r e rOYlIll1' eot, rableli at the h"lDe of Mr. l1ud Mr~. Ja .JJol8 Kemp. of Oa y_ ton, ~utl~I RY . .. t 11 four COUIsa turlwy dinner given lu honor of Leroy E Bartsook, JllmB8i Sears AUU Jamell Kemp, .U bflin g tb e birtbday of ..11 tbree. Severl1l fri endl! of ol1oh wer e prosent. . MI'. and Mr@. TbomA~ Turner hllve moved lu thtlir oo?:y little home In Uotta.ge Coro er. l:i uooes. to y ou both . Bnny Oor nell nod wife were shoppln ~ III [)oY ~ '>n F:riday. • The m Am berH of th e FeTTY oburch lUll nlannlDg tor a big timll nen Sooday . 'fhey bave 1111 wo rkSd WHY YOU SHOULD USE CHAMBERLAIN'S dillsentl.y. It, Ie h oped It WIl8 not In vain. COUGH REMEDY The Mollen family spent l:iuuday Becllose I t has an esta bJishsd repu. evening wltb Mr. Illlt! AIr!'. Will tlltlon won by III good work8. Becau8e it is m08~ ellteemed by t;'roud. - - -_. --+--- - tbose who have ulled It for ml1ny years, a8 ooca.lon required, "nd Ilre bes' IIcqllalnted with Ita good q~ all. OWES HER GOOD HEAlTli TO CHAMBER· ,leI!. . LAIN'S TABLETS Becanle U loosenll Rnd relieve. "1 owe my good b e~Hh to Uham. a oold Bod aids notore In rell~r\nlt berllllD'a Tablets," wrItes Mrs. R . the I!Jlltflm to a beal ' hy oondltlon. BecauBe It doel! not oontain opium G . Njj't Orookstoll, OhIO. "Two yeao:s ago 1 was an IDvalid doe to or any otber ·narootlo. &O&ule I'll within the reaoh of 8tomaoh tronble. I took tbrltll bolquarillr. Obo ,'1111 of the88 Tablets alJld have III nOli all. It only been in the bee' of bellolt.h. l' Ob- falnable tlverywhere. tainable everywhere.
Mr. aod Mr!!. Wm. Wright, of Wl1mlng~n, were gue.t8 of ~helr mother, Mrs. Mlhlred Jll1gle. on I:!unday. IoIrs. M&ry li:dwords Is spending leveral weekll wl'h h er oblldrsn, Air. and Mr8. Frank Barvey, of near Lebauon. Mr. Warren Oleaver, at D&trolt, has been here for a tew days vi.itIn8 1111 mother and lister. Mre Margaret LevtoyaDd grand daughter, Dorothy Davia. have tor Streets, ~ everal daYI been oonsiderably Ir dhlpoll6d but II thought to be Improved at ihls writing. Malnienanoe, mllolnienanOll, malnUnder 'he provl.lonl of the Caei' The Vlvlo LIIAgne hal purohued 'enllono.,. Your ro.da '11'111 go to Road L&l¥ all lioenso feell paid to pleoe. without It. 'he 8.ate b) owners of automublllll a plano and put It In 'he 'l'own Ball. are oredlted to the at8\o road main' When our women atar' ant to do 'enauoe of Inter-oounty and main any'hlng they alwaya do It, sOllle. t1mll. The Improvemen ~ of a road en_ market rOlldl . lttorgll ebe opportun"y of all wbo Again we ' are oalled upon to hale any'hlnl '0 do wUh Ii. ohronlole the 88d newil of the death Many people who oomplaln about of JOillph tlmart, who .pent all of looal road oondltlonll Ind WilDt to hll boyhood daye In thla vlolnity Th088 who OPVOIO the aarly Im- know "whJ hi to blame" are them- aDd had many frillnde. Be had provemeDi of our imbUo roadl are lelves '0 bl.me, beoaUIB 'hey · talre beeD deollniDg for a 10Dg ilm. and , IIcambllD" blOOD tn. the way of no Interll' In 'he appointment or on tleiurday, Deoember ,Ub" the prOlr.... Le, 'he Devtl kke tl1em. eleo$loD of 10081 road oftlolall. m.HDger of death rulted him and ~ok from him hla apirlt and de ltvered U '0 the One who Kave U. .. Bad rOlld. Impose a greator 'ox thlln 'bu tariff, y et polltlolans have PoliliOllsthaworl\ known enemy 8.188vea two 11"era, three bro'hell beeD barnln" the air for ,eara .bou~ to 'he road queltlon. Drive It out. leveral nephew" nleoea and friends Mrll. Caro'ine HuUtber' IpeDt to mourn hll gOing.. He was Jala tbe tariff ttond doollllg toe road to res. in Aliaml Ceme'ery bealde Tbursday with Mr. Ilud Mre. Wm. queelion. l'ha people Intend to The road qUIII\ion II more Import- hla wife. father. molhllr, slater and Leighty. . w"ke ,hem atllte tbelf POIi'lon. an ~ to 'be peopl&.t home 'han tbe brother wbo hlld preoeded hlrD lev· Mrs. Walter Fitts Is vlslilDjf her tariff and other subjB41. of poll tlo.1 eral Yllara before. m otber, Mrs. Oaule Glthenl at 'l'he surfaoe of eyery road ahoald .othlty. Alra. ADna JJ:loook, whom menilon Ml.mlsbnrg this week,. be made ,,"tllr.proof, .nd dltohes bas beeD made of, from time to Iolr. and Mrs. Charlea Eitt8 anll kopi open to prevent water "lIndinK time, II gradnally litrowlng weaker daughter were Gem CIty viSItors On it, &lonR I', In It or under It• . Rainy. snowy and mllddy wll8'h- wUh IIUlehopea of her reoovery. Sund.y, er whloh Is lIuro to oome, wlU brlDll The enier'.lnment at Town Ball MillY Leoony III on tbe slola: Us, The road que.t.lon bill! passed tbe the road qoe.tlon to every home. nnder thll dlrectlonll of the 01'1'10 thi8 week. .tage of merely 100111 Interes' .nd Leagne WH a . howling (lUOOe88 In IIr. and Mrs . Chestelr WhUtermaD mUllS be recognIzed 118 the ndlon'~ There are & lot of Idle men In the partlonl&r, and was enjoyed were the SundRY gues'ts of Mr: and gre.llleC . probltow. Yoa '11'111 hUlir p8nitenCl&ry. Wby no'-po' tbem • __I-"Jr.....'... _ _ - _ _ Mrs. Charloa W!lde. about 11 In ,be nelt' ollmpalgn. work on the publto r Olldll? Tbe law Mr. and Mrs. A. ~. Collet' and Little Tlrllinia Wo()dward Ie on au'borlzes It, 110 why not have 1\ aOIl, Robert. were SUlldoy irnestll of 'be .Iok lilt. Ninety per ceu' of all the trllvel done' Mrs. Colle"'e mllher, Ibl. Grunm. Mrs. LetItia Beaton spent Sunday goes onr lI~tln~y per oent of th., Mr. aud lin. L A. Oyler and wUh Mrs. Anna Folk and Lydia mileage of road8, and the Ilr.t to No matter how much money yon \'11'0 ohlldren, of Kinge lillie, wllre Wood. Improve Ilre the main market road" hllve to l\p8nd yon will never prl~ p ttunday 8nea. of relatlv.. and Mr• . J. W. Badley 11Dd daughter connecilng all Important oommer. erly progreslln highway oondl&lon. frienda In onr ol&y. Edith Ipllnt 'be week end with 01&1 center.. untU you have .1o ooruprllheu.ive Mr. John Valldervoort anloed '0 (,lend. and rellltlv811·111l Dayton. plan for road ooDI'1'Uo&1on, repair SablDa One dlY lut wee. aDd trAnBRoemer BathawloY hall returned 'rbe qnesUon of atlse a d h .. been Iond maintenance. ' . aoted bDlllIIII. to New YOI'lL after a week'. '1'1.1$ ( I Llnooln King, one of our prosper wUh hll grandmothElr Mrs. Mary a",led by the le81~lature 0 a meet ous' farm ere, 80ld two of hla hlgb every a\a~, and the ques'lon of The atate la Jnst onl bl" commu, bred horllell lut week. Mr. King. Br!lsoap. national hillhwaY8 II now before II hi h Mr. and Airs. Arlhu r Easton apent & Thuflday Conlfl'els. A' the oomlng aeselon nliy-oltlel, 'OWIII, oonD\I., toWD. prldel blmeelf In. brt!8ding wi t h their Ion Charles what your Oonj'relllllDlln or Hen. tor Ihlpa, vlllIIN. farm. and people, olua ao~rl\. EIl,ton of Franklin. do-vase yel? voie noP or daok? and the greate" allIIn tllat Oan ·lItr. Charlel Boroggy. of Lebanon. Mrt!. Cella. Hathaway leU Wed. oome '0 aU II the com~rMlve Im- W.I baok to hla old home lalt week provement of waYII of \ravel-pub- abaklng bandll and looking aUer the needay for her home at Norwood after an extended vlalt with her The. OUI'om of many ~wnlhlp lio roads .nd snlle'a . telephones. oftlolals ot plaolng large' orUlbtd Mrl. Alary Oyler Haney, of Tnl. mothsr Mrs. MI.ry Brusoup. Carl Brlldstreei broke hll arm I~ne. bOlllders, or Il raTel on the 116. Okla., and who hall been here hard .orlaoe of. road Ihould be a arSend the Miami Gazette to a for 'he 10llr will leave &r.turdav morning while trying to crime punlatiable by 10 heavy dne . e tive or friend Oecember orank a mloobtne. Hr. and AIrs. W. A. Early left 10$h. TOBeliay for fuelr wln,er home In O~ytona, Ela. . ' Mr~. M. V. Crew aod danghter of Not Jult What H. M.lnt. , Tho polIOIiBOr of unrallllle taut II a Dayton IIpent the week tlDd wUh fortun.te being. Somet1m~' even a Mra. Crew'. pe.reD's, Mr. and Mr!!. . of great ellperten~ will. how- W. B Selgfrled. ever, In 4lltre'l. lal' the wrong thing. WUl Carver aDd family, of DayIi. certain olergyman .".. Clmclattnc .t son, were the Rllost:! o f,Mr. "nd Idre, a ·funeral cf a wealth,. pa.r!lIhloner. He Benry Dearth 811'nrda.y and t:-unday. w.. partlculllrl,. aoxlou. to Ihow hll -~-... soo4 feeling and Iympathy;- 110 .t a orttlcal moment during the funeral HOW TO CURE COLDS !IIIIIII!III__ _~ :-Il8rvlce•• he turned to ' the congrega' .!!! tlon and said: "ne.rly belove <I. many :Avold UIlOlure and dfllrt~. Eat a tIme J bave dandled thls oorple up- ' right. Take Dr. Klng·s · New 011_ on mT knee." covery_ It II prep~r;ad from Pine '!'ar, heallna blilsami and mUd I.x· .tlve.. Dr .Klng's. New OllooTsry kUla aud expels tho oold gllrm~, On & Big 8c&I •• Plan out your life on .. ble soale. lIooth8 tbe Irritated throat .,nd alEyerybody uses Lewis' Brea~ ~d That Ie what Immortal1ty Mould mean laYI IDfiammatlon. 1& heal8 the Cakes, tbe best aDd most deliCIOUS to you. It your life were meallu~ed by mncou. membrane. Search al' You a few yea.... you mlgbt be forgiven for will, 'OU oannot find a baUsr oonlh made. Try'. them and you will beoomlng abaorbed In the trivial and o'id remedy. It$ ole . over 46 never want to eat any other kind. of sdl8faotlon. tblnp, IItU" ple..,ure., little am bltlonl, yeul. hi a gnMantee ..--+--- pett,.. triumph. Ind victories. But you are to live forever and the trivial can· t u .... D9t UUllty you. Plan for great t.hlD... Reach up to thll hllh thlqa.
WayaNrtlle" Leadinlr Den",t O1Il.c e III Keya BldI, MaID Be
All kinds of Notary Work. wml loud ·Dew a Idpeolal\y.
Ray Mills
Auto Livery Serylce at
'.I'l\iB dllMl81!8 Ihould be treated as soon
. Reasonable Rates
the ~8t nnnatnr!'1 looeenees ot the bowti14 appears. When thI.8 Ie done a Abo ~nt for KeUy-Spriq8eJcI IlIng1ed6eeol Chamberlain's OoHo,.Ohol·. Automobile TI.reI erB andiDlo.rrhooa Remedy wl1l eftoot II cure. ' This remedy can always be de" PaDded upon even In the mOlt I16wreand dangerous~, and Ihonld be kept at hau4 ~ tor inlltaDt 1UI8. Neverlean . Valley Phone .IX home on a jolU'Dey wtthoot H.
Corwm·, Ohio
E . FRAZIER· All kinds 01 .Spoutlol and; Roofln& and PUI'llJlC8 Repalrln& DoneO. • •
W.,Beaville, Ohio
elsoCirif -EviiiSl ... -.
Mr' l -.Christ n s
- - '- '-- -
Mn , Harry M.urray enter tained in a most hospitable manner in honor of Mrs. Howell Pierce, on Dl'Cl'mber 2nd, from 1 to 5 o'clock p m. A grand 80eial time, and a lovely three course lunch was enjoyed hy all. The invi ted guests were: Mesdames Howell Pierc6. Emmor Baily'. Lina Devitt. C. M. Robitzer, A. Ma!fitt, J. W. White, W. H. Allen, R . H. Williamson, J . F. Cadwallader, D. L. Crane, J : K Janney, C. S. Grauser, C. T. Hawke, G. W. Hawl<e . J. C. Hawke. S. L Cartwright, J . T . Ellis, J. D. Marlatt. B. S. How ell , l{. G. Cross. J. A. F'unkey, Robert Crew. Lydia Chandl er. J, L. Mell' denhall. Edith Harris. Laura Moghe r . W. T. Frame , W. P . Sa lisbury. O. J . Burnett, J. H. Coleman, Stanley Sellers, C R. Bunn ell . Misses Monimia Dunnell .. MIlY Wright, Ki zzie Merritt, and Margaret Warner.
lIutomobil~s Ama.zing as it sounds that's exactly what you can get to-day- two automob iles for $455 F irst, a Cou pe , a sty lish, comfortable enclosed car for winter dri ving. Second , an open Roadstl'r gracefu l, speedy and dependable-with regula; R oadster top included. Saxon R oadster wit b d ~ tacha.blc • II-season top offe rs
The car itseU, proved in tbe
t h is ~ mnrkubl e com-
tllis seasou betterlha n ever. It bal nil the modern fea tures-bigb .peed motorboncYcOmb radin.lo~Tlm_
r ou
b ina t ion .
T he nil-season t (lP is
hnnds ,me design
a nd first quatii y workmanship. ] t is
Illude of me lnl , ha.ndsomel y fi nished, w ith wind ows And windshield.
re mo vable
" Four " RoaCSlter
W ith d et Dch.ble
M,OOO ownC(S Is
ken nxle.s-tbree-spee<! selective traullmisslon- can_ Wever spriogs 01 vlln ..dillm sleel. Electric 51 rting IlDd lI~btin g ,l$50 extra . .
es. ------
,cuts a pound
I at Mrs Maryi nHorm aged Mondsy, 88. died I!!_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=. h r home Spr el, ingboro
STA PL 1, : l~r.'() 'E IU ES-Our stock is ~( llnple l c . ,\11 the n ew £;00l1' Ilrc I ,O W itl an d our prkcs (Ill! alw ~y s lh lowes t . Sl't'cinl Ill\'.' p ri.: t!s o n 5 ugcr Ihi ; '.\ ce;"'. '(oilet Paper , i Hig .J{olis ftlr .!.'k. ,'ew ' 'ceded anti S( ' ccllc~ ~ ]{il isin , l Or a package.
Novemher 29, from t.he effects of a rec nl fall. The funeral was held las t Wedne!'day from her late home. he leaves a brother and one daull'hte r. She had n. wide arq Uain ~anee. Fronk C. Thieneman died at his home in Cincinnati SundlU' e ~ enir.lI', Novemher 28. Funeral serviees were held at Franklin Tuesday afternoon lInd iJur ia l lIIas made at t hat place. 'fr, 'l'hicne man will be remembered /,y a host of Wliynesville friends, as he made his home here for nine )'ea ~ After leaving here he wen I Fronklin and from ·tbere to Cincinna ti. He leaves a widow, one d au~h ter nnd two Bons, besides 8 wid circle of frien ds and acquain · lances to mourn hie loss.
ZIMMEKMA ,'5 T eo i ' 9 \'/ft',' r. Followln " ,~; "_, I I I " .,-. • v r test t.b O purit y. ~f' \\ ",1": ' 1· ,'1 u .. lf II 1,Int
por fl ·l'lI), (
I (I" I,
.:1, 1 " dd
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!!;~~~.r~:~\~~~:\ 11,~;~:l:;:I~::';:~\' ~:~~~':
I h; ht ~tl 1'0 0 111 . &Cte r an I'OS\\r~
1r Ii r 'lIlaln s clet\r o f I" I ~bt or ten day s It Is sa fo t o U:lf'. h~l { It becomes t u r b i d 11. I~ ('(l da lu! >' Im pure ul1d un!afe
cycrylhillg t hn.t isg(l(Id lo .It at
and see it.
Pean tl ls ouly
• • • •
Invite!! YOU to call ariel 1<) k over th~ir line of G neull debility and the infirmiUes ! Calendars, Kodarks & Print-Albums of age ure given 118 the' cause of the If yon are thinking abdll l KI ing nlendlirs ~or dl.'ath RI t hl! unty Infirmary Sun· Chriflttlla!l, call carl\' a n(1 ~(!e nU l' st ock . A. m ea llay of .I'orge H , Bllynes. He was Calel;1dllr is Ii us CuI. ull y~8r l)l'e~en l. U~l th.e ))orn · 11 II I' Wllynes\lille, Ohio. and la tesl and bl!l!t a l Ilur Stlld io. t ilt' price I~ lI'td ft'lIidcd in that section almoBt nil reasonllble. , h lite. No immediate relatives Yo ur Kodak Prin t mounled in a nic d Calen Au rvi ve hi~ death. The funeral will dar will be apprecillted . b h ~ld 'l'ul!jlday at 8 o'clock at Corwi n, and burial will be in tbe Miami <;emetery.- Wilmington Daily News. I' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~...;;.-_ _- _ - - - - - '
l IJ
Cclftrv, UrLlIlll' l1 its. 1'.1- 'mou t Cni~ ,t , ; II', I"~~
Mr. and Mra. J amf'S ,J ohnfl, of Route 4, had as their g u sla atdinner Sunday Mr. and Mrs. eorg;e Harl lOCk, Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Hartsock and daughter, and Mrs , Euphemia Hough. .
llI-:: Ill..!t:, I' J l'.~' .
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Kibler, Mr. and Mrs. ,Percy Reason and fa mi ly, Mi!li' l Ethel Wardlow and Mr. 'l'ruma ll : Wardlow were Sunday gu es~ (If and Mra< William Dodd .
... .,
With Oetach a ble Coupe Top
Fancy and Staple Groceries, Fresh and Smoked Meats, Country Butter, Eggs, Oysters, Fruits, etc. We would like to show you the " Peerless Five Kitchen Set" of strictly high grade,first quality Bllie and White Enamel Ware or the "Sensible Seven Set" of higb grade Gray Enamel Ware. These set. consist of kitchen utensils that are us d daily in every home_ Each set has a 14-qt., roll-edge Dishpan, 4-qt. -Preserve Kettle, 5-qt. Pudding Pan. 4-qt. Milk Pan, and a 12 ~ - in . Basin ; in addition the Gray et has a 14-qt. Preserve Kettle and a lOY:Hn. Seamless CQlander. We are using these sets as Premiums for Cash 1 rade .
In the public schools' exhibit in connection witti the Industrial Ex. A.Olbe MlI8eldme WII8 commg; to to drlDk. position here, January 14-22. Vir.... B. CHAPMAN town TueadlU' morning ~e was run - - - -l ualJy every phase c.,f public ' school Wayneav,ne. Ohio Into by an auto, on the bridge at ~h e . work will be shown opening the way three bridg~ The man runmng . Da lly TIlO : ht. , \0 the possibiliti!l8 of the schoo l the machine ~Id not c~l'Ck up, . as he ~ hale"N II,,· \ I " " , It mnn 3 j ~ r ving as the 80Clal ceuter. par ell: wurunnlrnr hke ~hewtnd, a nd It:! the ( rl,m(ls , 11 1"1'0 ,'II 10,< ,I, .. ~ I 1 1,Is life co!lient, and the community leader in ••••• ••• middle of the brldge struck MI el- Wh OD he hR" ,a" 'Ot' f.' . II.t It h o j ..d ucutionul and practical welfare • ••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dine'swlllron sbat~ring ~t to kindlin~ bas on ly III n " ' " ' . ',p I, Illrky In- 'work . , : wood, and throwmg him out on h!s d.,ed tr be l1 au UOt v:' III" rURUY.There will be ten big show!! under • shoul~er. The ~an looked over hIS Lytton. one roof pJovided primarily to show : m!lchlne, got II? and. sta~ted. off - ' - - - .. - - - the lleopleofthtl Miami Valley every· tbing that is made and sold in DayWithout even askmg MI88eldme If he The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery was hurt; . P "t.l(O r, ·d ur.1 '(In !': 1l1 '1lon. The d.rlv~r of the machlne was oroPfll ,·,l,.l. r l,' ' 11 \)1!I,' r colt n· As people enter the Delco building in the State and will pay highest market COUNTRY B UTTER- the very best at 28c per • from Wllmmgton, an~ is employed tries of nit''''' 'fIlAl!er nr~ ~ "nu llIuab on First street, just east of the canal, price for· sound, c1ean:sour cream. We are by a w.ll-kn0W!' busmess mO.n. of 1088 (.OpIIlUI I"Il. [." j.ol.,1 rod uctlon they will be conveyed in immense pound, deli ered anywhere in Waynesville or ·orwin. always prompt to recognize any advance that place, wh~ IS more than WIlling in tb e nltud !itnle" Is ,small. elevators to the aeventh floor, graduto ma1c~ the 10118 cSt t he wagon gocrl. _ _ _ _ _ .. _ _ _ ally working themselves down to the in the market, and wilt take care of your MJsaeldme was not hurt very much , g round fioor as they inspect the variinterests at a,JI ti.mes. CJ;1ecks mailed daily tiUR exbibit". or 'Weekly as desIred to cover all Shipments. OUf Car leaves the Store eaclJ morning a.t 10 o'clock aDd AnticipaUnlf an attendance in ex· cess of 100,000 the steam roads aDd will deliver goods in Waynesville or Corwin. REI'ERENCI: l raction lines runmng into Dayton .An ordimUlco a mendi ng Section No arc prepared for reJucPd rate!! and Leaving the Store at 1 o'clock, we deliver within a radius Pint Matlooa! Dank 2 of Ol'dinance No. 29 providinu an exodus from all points IOto DIU'.Part Street .arltet Bank of 3 miles as follows: for .the compensation of the Mayor Any Reliable Merchant ton. of the Villaac of Waynesv ille, Ohio , in Ciacinnatl. . Because of the charaeter of the Tuesdays-N ew Burlington and Harveysburg .Pikes exposition It is urged that people Sect ion \·- 0 . \t Ol'dt.lnod " 1 lh. Wednesdays-Lower Springboro Pike. Township Road ~he IIIIIg CIt WO),DOO vllJe, St"'L ot t hroughout tbe Miami Valley be~n sec~l ou N o 1 01 U I'lIJIl&nco ~o. 10 ~ri~~I,nl~1i . , and Upper Springboro Pike t Ollee to lay their plana to visit Percy Reason's house was broken ~ tile CODlIIIlnsntion 01 t bO mD yor 'l th f '1 I""" be t>.mCIIIOed 50 as to rend Thursdays-Dayton Pike, Ferry and Lytle Pikes relative. and fr iend. in Dayton durCincinnati, Ohio Into Iast Sund ay w h l e e ami y l 'b. compe.....,loll ot ~ .. o m Inlr the period. January 14·22, renew was away ffom home and several shtJl be ancl Ihoreb7 l am. . Fridays-Xenia and Bellbrook Pikes - .... cles of clothing and other things aOne Dny- f riendship and old tiee and at the' .u-u b le BUlld"",1 (lun.rterly.(StUu)' DolilLJ'tl per me time enjoy the "ten big shows." Telephone your orders, we will deliver th~m and taJ"e you r were taken. The Reason's reside on Suc:UOD 1, All ethe, enJlnl,nclJIi or 1OC~len. the New Burlington pike, eut of 0 1 ord\nnll()5 '-'<luoIlC lIug ~'I IIJ .lil. ordlnanee butter and eggs. town, and ., after arriving home and. "'l:::I'i':,~al-~I:,!~od';rdIDllnCO 111 &11 .1.""0 elJect missing the articles the), at onc ! :'::~or.I~ ':~~/~:!'. IlIld ollel' tbe e.,lIesl proceeded to get busy. Marshal P'1SSe<1 a'l Iho Cou ucll Ohmber thl. tho Daughters later arrelited a younrr tlrn (-l.' ., (hoy 01 Dl!OO1ll bel'-A.-IJ.,,19IG, .. fl . E. li Al'Il A WA r . Mayer. 1lettored To Health 111 Vinal man at Corwin who was found to be L . A. Z [~n"il lC.\l ,Ol. rk. Oamde n, N, J. -"I had a .deep eeated Duling the last six months, we ·have pa~d from Ic to very warmly clothed. as he had on a - - - -- -cough. was run-down, and my lunge were . 2c per dozen more f~r eggs, and at least Ic perpair of Mr. Reason's panu, also a weak and Bore. I bad tried eveiythlDg . vest, coat and overcoat belonlj{ing to 8 n gge~te d without help. O,n8 evepound more for 'poultry than any other buyer in him. The young man seemed to be ning. I read about Vlnol and decided this community. We take the greater part of our a little weak in the hf)ad or else was to try It. Soon I noticed an improveproduce direct to the market, sav ing one and someactiog a part. He was taken to the An ordinance amending Sect ion No. ment I kept on takIng it and tOday I ~~1 II••~tJrii Let 70ur 111ft. b. ot lUI o~ ..rt . .; MI'V1_lIlo lI.tur_ am 8 .well man. The IOreneu ia all county jail. ' a & \ltt~ ~ or _ . oUlII' plea. qr tllr. tbat wiD 111ft .OtI 1 of Ordinance No. 69 providfng times two' profits: ' gone from my luoge. I do not have anX , • p. • 110., 0 . . . .,leDt. CODl, .to CIi. a\'H D0" "lItlo 1'001 baft --~--~.~---.,------for ttie compensation of the Clerk p tF ot u.. to Sup_ OW' I..... Un. of HOIIIWI1ll.IUo.. 'b.tor. ,au 10". ~J~~~=ed fifteen po~da. yO. puJ'tIbUM. , ' Make IOmc friend or relative .9f the ViIlligeof Wa ynesville, Ohio. We guarantee V I 0 0 I for chronic Wom happy by -ndln" them the MiamI' SeclioD I -Bol~ordalD od by tJIO roundl 01 cough8, cold. and broncbitla &Del for all ..... a OfItl_.. the VIII&l!1l al W.yn.. ,'1II0. Sl Dle 01 OWo. tb.~ , OazeUe for a Christmas, present. 8t!cLJOD N il . lot Ordlna""" No. G9 PCrlalnlug weak, run-down· coliditiona. ' ~- •• n to the cnmpcnKatlon or tho oler" of a"'~ vII· ·:rt.u:'om~~ .' A r.. known 1.11. wo,14 ove' u tb. ST-.t.. t maluge, be amended 1\0 as CoO ",ad •• tollo..-.: aoIvoo... . ~hln .. 4>" tIM mtl'ket a.t tho prl.... Tbey are 'fhe componll&Uon 01 t h o cl4rk or ••ld vtllage J_ E. 'Ja(1ney. Drugl" WaynesvDle. , Mad. III D&rion" . .01 thq aft mad. ".Irbt." allall be IUId thereby _nUlu r. herebll' fixed M II..... 111ft' a....lna- willa .. Davia !pIl1t•• aewlllC • p l _ ... One Iiuudl'oo ODd 'I'weu<)'-tlvo (' UG. O~) DolOom. In anll I~I u 4.. IUIt~ro~:~~II11~l~~leo~I~~[~' Dr oecLloM t. , are of ordleam:e8 CODJIlcLlllg wiLli Iblll ordlnaDco ~III .... . , . • UP' . . , are horel)), ntpe.lud, . Secllon ~-1'b.1 8 ordlul>t1co . h ..11 tt.ko eflec~ and be In fon:e rrelll and &.It er Lb. e&rUM~ Till Oh~i~bDas ODl~ aUn wed by I. w. . ~ed Oak Mr. and Mrs, Commons, of Rich· PCrlod Faaaoo .,t 'Cou I/cll Oham lJor, tliia i1,a RraL mond, Ind., are conducting a series ( l oL) dAY 0 1 Due.mhor A . D. 1 ~ ] ~ . ' Pedeatal Ii . IJ. . D.Al'U WAY, Ma7er. of meetings at the Friend's church. L. ~. ZUnlER¥AN . Clork. Iquare d .....:iiill• Forrest Smith who has been In the -- IIIPI top II McOlellan h(lspital since hia accident 11 IDOb •• 'has returned to his hQ,me here. His Iquare; arm Ilt Impr<lving slowly. b . .",. b .... Our Christmas Stock is Complete (the war notwithstanding). . Come. early. pur place G. S, Reeves IB ;In Xenia being ,Vory beaut!~S w. wer. FQrtunate In PUf< cb..lnc • treated for eeiatica. il? sman and you will be doing yo~elf . an injustice if you ' . fUld •• I,D An ordinance amerllling Secti on No. SAMPLI! LIN II OF' TOYS that TO'I, ~. rna4. up tor a.n Exportrr whe wu tor e nly Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harlan spent 2 of Orainance No. 29 p t'ovid ing . . . fail . to s~e the dIsplay. IlflO _ aem. - In lbl . lot )'ou wi I ftnd ton a part of last week with theirdaugh· for the compenl!8tion of th", coun::-...l:r...;II::-r:~~ an4 w. aro uUlI;II them al rl clle· $8.75.4 1 " . . . - Aak to au them. ter, Mrs. J . C. Picldn, of Dayton cilmen 'o f the ViU ge of Waynesville, Ohio. I Mr. and Mrs . T. C. Haydock are guests of their daughter, Mrs. E . 0 sectloll l-noIt ordnluod lIy i he """odl oC W"ytJ,,"vllle. SLOW o r Ohhl,·tJ1nl S< 'lIon N o. 2 Shidaker, of Wilmington. . IMotrler or Silter WiD of Ordloolleo No . 2D. IK'r t a)!l) rJlr to hc ~'O m The )'ounlr fIOn of Mr. and Mrs. pen.ntloD 'of co w' ~lllU~n ,,' .,,1.1 v lll.!!(), 1)0 Appreciate Thia JOII Helrler. of Xenia, ii! very ill of ,moadOO 00 as to n!/,LcJ IUS ItIUu w,,: 'the co nl ~ poUllt.Llon (II .he c'Ou uvll\lIiju 01 8tlill vllluge. Sewing' Stand Pictures Frames " pneumonia at the _home of hia grand- I lIolillo .rtd thereby BAnll' 18 herchy ijXl)(1 nt . BOOKS: p,arents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomll8 Corik- ~:0a"~fc-~J':r~~~.~.OO) Dolin.. pcr aUlJu pJ, II " " ' - _ V ••')' neat ~reamers Plates A. B. C. ·doel,n; 11M .lin . ~(JCtlou ~,\11 othor orcll""nces or stlCtl 'n. One Syllable Primer Sauce , Dilh~s CO lli P artMillS Elva Evans was unable to at- ot ordlnan oes con illcll"!! with U,i. ordlol\Dce men te tor Books on Animals Molasses Cups . .res1.!:eL'i::~ya~Jl.'l~~~;..1I 1I8noo s hnll tako elTocL t hrell4. ne.tend to her school duties on Tuesday. 41 ••, II to. ; The Night Before ' Chri~tmas bet III lorce Im m onel arlAlr ·tho ~nrUcn Wm. Harlan acted,as substitute for out! Salt Sellers maae of 0 ,,1(, portod allowed b y Inw. Cut-Out-Boolea ru", 8(1 ftnP ......e<I 8L tho C<!uncll Olltunb",. tllil tbo her. Salt'lind Peppers lab ; ltan&t Tb~I::e h::~~r.l:..?~_ Un. (101) dali 01 I)~ooml!&r J\ . It" 191 6. E tc. Etc. Etc. Etc. . ao I bob. I The Y. P. B. held a meeting at 1lOPft7 h. . L, A. ZHlME~~~?\;~.~~AY. llay or. ~ ROCK ... I. aJwaya Bowls Salads hl'h the Annex Friday evening. They pollllllW IJI • ,. t1DOLLS: ' _ptablL 'rill. GoldCups and Saucers are arl'anlrlng for a Christmas ba_ 06Il JIooker -., Ia · UP- . ~~ :~~all All kinds . ~f DoUs. New,Holland Ware zaar, December 16th. houl'II 011 " .,.tml ......... III 1In1U.tlOD , ,c1ra1 IOna-. W . Platters ' lIfugs . ....... I;.e&tller; a make an 1IlLoeI10Il PAPER: Shaving Mugs , Brushes IrIfl ........ ... .... . '-1IIIIIIJ $8;50 The' c~test little Paperties: , Pin Trays . Smokers' Set '6.50 Late· CI88Sifi~ Ads :Embroi4ery . DOLL 'H'BADS Music-all the- Latest The kind that goes to ·s leep. Burnt Wood Boxes 'l''!II will be ftI'e to p l _ h.... ecoma In &n4 . . . the lateet 4 ... .,... Paints, ' Drawing Slates• .. Bubbh:r. FOR SALE . Towels and 'l;'oweliDJ Carts, R. R. 'frIOna CoacheS . ' on. ... ~UH4 .. Of WIIlI.m &n4 RIbbon Barrelt! ...... ' .~... Ce4&r, Datu... Banks. . Hatchets, Scout Axes . Christmas Boxes PP LEb-Wb!&e . Pipplna and IIIIIIal • 10011_ ·wIcl.. .. Inob .. . 'St~V~'1, Ranges, Autos, HorDs Stockings . BooteeS · M • ..... It ..... 1. Wth. Baa' Of · York ImperIale, !lood ones HorSes, Sprinklers,' Coal Buckets ............,.... wi.. eacll OMe.t. Books-Brilliants fro~ th";lPoels, Ioqulre of lJ. E o' ~Uobener, Waynes Is now f ully quipped to do Bans, . 'Tool Sets,. Blocks, Tops vine, Ohio, Phone 66-2. d2~ Gospc:I Hymns. Christmas Day, Live ry 'Wo k . W~ will take =..~:.~ ~ $ ,1 7 Chairs 'and Tables, Beds, Cr.adles ,Etc. Etc. :' you on Suit Dressers, Bears ~ Sad I ton Hddles . 'Wft ...... Jut 'reoalve4 .. Pony arid Cart, Donkey r!!! _ _ _ 01 e ..u Ob.. la. Mak. Jewcfry Manicure Sew . Sheep. Bird c:a.e. . Watcbes . . . . M1ecU .... DO.. Tboy :&tc.." ,Etc_ Etc. . Etc. Etc. ' Kitchen Set! Pitcher Stand . 1"' . ~ ___ ........ ~ ..•8.IJO Sail 'BOats, . Acrobats, Whips My Aim-Your Trade ' C OU~ top Delivery ear
Ordi][lance No. 79
J. F. 'Snook, Agt. Wayneaville, O.
0 r d·Inance No. 80
Give .Useful Gifts this Christmas' "Of
Davis Sewing Machines . IIlrf::r
J;.---------IIiI---------a_--rI HENIDERSON' .S
. .. .
Davs '
.. ------
Ordinance No. 81
For the Children
. , Her a Cedar Cheat .for Christmas
......... .....
ea.es, .
,AUTO: LI\,ERY QUALITY-Above the Standard 8ERVICE-T"at can't be.beat CFlFTo pl_ aU.
ConriD, OJdo.
Any Road Any Place Any Time
Give us a call and you will find ou r pric~ are all ~ight
- Candy
'rhe above is only a small list of the many',t hings we have -in. store Come, and come early. THE EARLY SHOPPER IS WISE. \..-
F rO,D k H • Farr. -
Next Door to the Miami Gazette
. Sb<ty-Seve.nth .Year
Whole Number 3348
P~ttsonal m~ntionings
W~ Blieak ~f.human life as a jour· A pr~tty arrangement of ferlls inney and so It IS Annie Lippincott ermingled with the scarlet berried atarted on this life journey Novem· CLUB ENTERTAI NED 8Y REV. tholly, in the recess of the bay win · ' ber 14, 1847, when she came to the dows made a setting for the mar- w"""""''''''~''''''''''------"..;",.,..,..,..,,......,..,...-------,.;,...--..: AND MRS. (lI~AlISER B man~~. your Sweaten at Myer Hy. Calen~ars for al! size Kodak Prints home of Joseph H. and Margaret r iage cer emony at which Mis!r Pearl at the Ridge StudiO. Randall Lippinc.Jtt 8he being the Colvin . daug hte r of Mrs. E. H . ColMrs. C. B Bentley was a Xenia ' Ten degrees above,this a.m . Whew! . first of seven chi1dr~n to bless thie vin. became t he bridt: of Mr . Leslie visitor Tuesday .. - -W H. _Allen waa a Cincinnati Mr. and Mrs. Arthur AnBon and union . She spent her childhood and Smith of near /a:.' nesville. Theser· Buy your Sw eaters at Myer Hyvi81tor Friday. Bon E~~ard, of Norwood, apent Sun- yo~n~ womanhood' in Harveysburg, vice took plac at 6 o'clock Tuesday Buy your hllndkerchiefs of Myer , man 's. . ay With Mrs. Lucy Pratt and tam· enJ?YI.ng her home life and the 81· evening, at (he bride's mother's Hy man . soclatlon of her friends . . Our dolls are a marvel" of beauty Ily. I Capt. L . H. Whiteman. of ·Xenia. home, and t he officiating clergyman When yet a girl great talent for and ver)' cheap a,. only 261:. J. E was the Rev. H. 0 Collins, pastor of Mrs. C'ora Macy is visiting relatives ' was in town Tuesday. The Captain Fine Christmaa CandY'. and pretty . deR~gning and sewing was Ehown, Discllssed P n I ty Freely, and Hlld t he Spring Valley M. E. church. a t Cincinnati fO.r a few days. Janney. /hl18. tbe habit and cannot keep away · . which was developed and made use boxee for sale. W. C. Phillips. Forty g uests we re presen t . .i Effect of Br i n~ing Forth R. G. CrOBB was a busil\ea8 visitor of througn life. Ther e were no lltLendants upon the Buy your Chri stmas presents at Get your Lunch, Candie~ ,a nd h\cliI :' rs' Thoughts in Dayton Tbunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson She was a close observer and great bridal pair, ' who came in togeth er, Carman's Restaurant. Cigars at Carman's Restaurant. M~. J. H . Coleman and Mrs. U M' lover of nature, and often spoke of while Miss Bessie Fitch played the Get your Lunch, candles and White were Dayton visitOIS Thurs. the wonderful handiwork of God wedding march from Lohengrirt . St. Mliry'a Sunday-school will have Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daughday. calling our attention to a bright sun: Cigan at Carman's Restaurant. By invitation. the Way ne Town- The brid e was very lovely in her t er, Miss Henrietta, were Dayton their .Christmas exercises Sunday rise or a glorious sunaet, or wonder. llridal robe of white charmeuse . week-end visitors. evenine', December 26, at 7 o'clock. Buy your Christmas presents 8~ lui tintil}gl! of the .clouds. She al- ship Farmers Club met Dec. 9th at The gown was fashioned wilh a very Mr. and Mr~. U. M. Wbite apent Sunday with relatives near Lebanon. ~yer Hyman's. ways enjoyed watchmg the phenom- the home of Rev. and Mrs. Grau,er. full short draped skirl and was ena of an approachIng storm and the About the noon hour, after all had We can save you Christmas dolBuy a box of Holeproof Sox at trimmed with pearl and silver gar.'Buy your Christmaa presents at Owing to the extremely bad weath- wonder of electrici~. Hills, streams gathered, the club r epaired to the nitures. The bride' s flowers were lara. Let us demonstrate it to you. Myer Hyman/ •. er Rev. J. F. Cadwallader did not and great caverns 1!1 the ~arth . at· social roomRof the Methodist church Opllelia roses. Myer Hyman's. . Ridge Studio. The funeral of M r.' Merton Dakin 1\\1 his engagement to preach I'n Xenl' a and tracted her attention whIle bIrd, where a bountifu I dinner was erved Fol1owing the celebration of the flowen were lway to After dinner, the presitient call ed Mr~. Mary CllBkey and Mrs. Caro- of Lebanon, i. being hel~ todar her. a s c~mpany the meetinR' to orde r and the Club 's ring service. a four course supper W. N. Sears. and F . W. Hatha- S,!nd ayafternoon. . "GIFl'S" In 1880 she united in marriage business wal' taken up . The secre- was served. The bride's table was line Roger., of Lebanon, attended ~ebanon . Interment m Mia .way were in Dayton Friday, . . Select youSr fr~m our with JameR F. Elcook and was bleased tary read a letter fl'om MI·s. W. W. pretty in its decoratlon8 of pink and the funeral of Smith J ames Monday . cemete ry. See our Christmas display, full of ·Up-to.Da.te tock of perfumes and with motherhood and knew w~at it Crane tendering her resignation, white. Carnations were the flowers used on the tabl e. and th re were We are offering a splendid line of The sll~onB I!,ft from the sale new ideaa and desirable features. J toilet artJ(:les. J. E. Janney. was to clasp to ber oo90m a little son, which was reluctant.ly accepted. E. Janney. . . Samuel, who only budded three short M~. and Mrs . W. To'Frame being dainty candles shaded in pink anp books, an assortment larger than St. Mary s GuJ\d on Saturday, D e M\89 Marjfaret Warner left for h.e r months then passed on to bloom in candidates for the Club, were unani- crYsta l holde rs. With the bridal ever before, they merit the appre- cember 11th, .were take!! to the home pai r, th ere wer e covers for: Mr. and ciation of all who see them rangini of Mrs. ~arTls: ar.d will be on sal Fred Hawk) was in Cincinnati home In Selma Saturda~ . M1SS tb.e Great Beyond. The companion mously elected . W~rne~ had temporary charge of the was t.aken in seven years after their Mr. Duke not. being l>resen t, his Mrs. Frank Smith. Mr. and Mrs . in ' price from IOc to $3 50. J. E . there untIl Chrlstmaa. Monday o~ business. Fnends Home for several weeks. marriage. Being deprived of theae place with the u rren t was well .r. B. I:\ ess, Mr. Eli Haines, MiBII Janney. '. Lost - Between Wayne3vI:11 e an'd 13ernice Haines, Mr. William Rohr· Buv yout: Har;dbrehiefa of Myer . loved ones she returned to Cincinna· tilled by Lyman Silve r. ba u~h. Miss Grace Rohrbaugh, Rev. Supt. W. B. Spreigle is hobbling Lytle this .morning, ~ brown mU~IS yman. . SleIgh bellll were beard on our ti where ahe took up her profession Dr . J. T. Ellis r ead a paper on how O. Collins. around on crutches due .to a sprained FI~der WIll pleW!e leave at th _ atreeil! Monday for the fint time which she successfully carried out' to dbetter the conditions of buvillg andMr.Mrs.andH . Mrs . Smith have post- foot. He wa.', unforbunate enough office. Mrs. H. E. Hlitba~a,ylPtlDt 18\'- tbia winter: but It proved to ~ more until health failed her. a!1 selling and the belt !rment of their honeymoon trip owing to hurt it on the basket ball floor. eral days lash week witb her ~ota ,of a mud nde than a 8Ielgh·rlde·. Several years ago she became a socilll condi tions of Ithe ag ricultural- poned Buy vour neckwear for Xmas pres- I, member of thl' Church of the Advent Ists . The paper W illS well received to the fact that Mr. Smith is just at..sprlng'boroafter a severe Illness. , On!! special feature of our stClck i~ WlrtmIt Hills. Cincinnati, Ohio, anlH4lDQ discullSed by 8,Im ost everyone convaleseent Buy your neckwear for Xmaa ents at Myer Hyman's. They will go to housekeeping at Buy your Cbristmaa presents at ,the IIIIIOrtment of Whipped Cream was a regular attendant at their ser- present. In fact some of the memo once presents at Myer Hyman's. in · t he pretty home which is CarmUl's Restaurant. . Seta, will impress you with their viees. bers said they were having the time The .p rogram 'o f the Waynesville · woith, beauty, and reasonable Seven months ago broken in health of their lives and it began to look as ready for them on a farm near Farmers' lnaUtute will be published Waynellville. The bride wore away Mrs. Henry:Vandervoort and two prices. J. E Janney. she came back to the home of her tbough we were g oing to have a fl111 next week. The program laat night a suit of Russian Ilreen daughten spent Saturday In Day- in . Grant LeWis purchased the Drop_ c.hi1~hood where Rhe completed tbis night st!ssion. promises 80me very good.things. faille. She is a daughter of the I· a te erty of· Elmer Keever on Franklin The Dixie Hirhw8,f will run ' hfe Journey, December 9~ 1916. Interesting talks were made by Prof. Colvin who was for years prin· ton, vlsitin" Mr. Vandervoort, who, Road IMt week. through a lIDall portion of Warren T _ b .. Cadwalla(]~r, Palmer and cipal of the Wayne towlllhip schools. we are glad to say is slowly improV· 'llhe Junior Guild will have 'a specIni· County touching at Fra'Dklin. Thia £Aaves ave their ~Ime to tall, . ial meeting Friday evening at tbe On motion of Mr, Cartwright, a Buy a box of R\))euroof Sox at matter ' W1IS decided at 8 meetin a And fl!»w~1'II to WitheE' at the nOE'th We have a new line of nice Christ home of the president, Mrs. L . .\. .. wmd a breath vote of thanks was extended to Rev. -Myer Hyma,n's, . beld last week. mas and New Year's Post Cards and Zimmerman. And stars to set.and Mrs. Grauser. after which the Booklets of all kinds. AI80, a lot of . Butthouha.'1tallseasonsforthlneown Club adjourned t o meet with Dr .and Dr. and Mrs: H, E. Hathaway at . Lonll experlenee and care haa en- ObI Death! pretty penny Cards and Booklets. The Christmas beUs are ringing, Mrs, J. T. Ellis, Jan. 13, 1916. tended 'a family dinner at ·London, abled U8 to buy our stock at the Cal,l .and look t.hem over. W. C. And the Kiddles they are IIlnging - - -... - ••-~-The invitl'd guests we re: Rev. and Ohio, last week. . 10WeAt poaaible figures, and a brisk Mra. Cadwallade r, ·Rev . and Mrs. For they know old Santa's bringing Phillips. STONE'S- WRAPPED- CAKE. demand. ffoorr the sarnefurnlahes UII an Palml'r, Dr. and MII'8 . Ward A gene\'Ou8 assortment of photo opportunity to turn our money Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wadsworth,. Six kinds-one price-lO cents •• .albums varying in price from 10e to quickly. J. E. Janney. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bides, Mr. and W. C. Philhps. S1.50. J, E. Janney. . Miami Chapter No. 107 O. E. S: Mr8. P. N . Cornen, Mr. and Mrs. L Dr. T. I Way, an old WaynesVille held their . lns ~l1ation December 13. Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chap- Mr. and Mrs. Chas .. Chapman. of · . The MilllMlll Martha O'Neall, Grace boy, 8nd a &,ood fellow in the barThe following office rs were installed man. Mrs , E. S. Baily, Mrs. B. V. Springboro.have gone to Harrisburg, Carman and Mary Salisbury were irain, waa elected pl'f'.8ident of the Smith, Mest!rs. L. C. St. John, W. O. Pa. to spend the winter with their for the ensuing year : D.aytOn visitors last week, ' . Ohio Dental ASSOCIation at ' ColumWorthy Matron, Clara Hawke; R'luer and Earl Evan. attended the daughter, Mrs . Margaret Chapman I th W n e estern Star, ~f las~ .wee~, buslll!'t week. Thi81san honor that . Worthy Patron, J. E. Janney; AssCl· Poultry Show at Dayton last· week. Riatt. Matron. Jesse Robitzer; Secretary, ·Mrs.: Eva Jones and daugbter, the friends of Mr. Way are glad to ,appeared ,~article. Con,dltion! In given hi," as there is nothing Germany, by Mr. R C. HlOkhouse. Chrlltie McKinsey; Treasurer, Aman· Miu Ethelyn, were Dl)'toll visiton see Hickok's Chriatmas' Candy Is the We a.re more inclined to cut p.r ices too good for ~ Wayn8'.lvillelte of Lawrence, Kan., who has r~ent1y da Maffit; Conductress, Laura Mc- best and cheapest this year. Fine to a pomt .that will make our etore la9t-week. • . . returned from that country and brought his mother, an old Il!dy beOn December 8 the regular session Kinsey: Ana. Conductress, Mabel line of Christmas Box Candy and popular with everyone who appreHickok'!, Chri,tm8ll ' Caljdy is the tween 90 and 100 yeara of age, bome of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Farr; Marshal, Sue Hawke; Chaplain, Christmas Post CardR. Dolly Varden ciates attractive !lnd goods. Our 888Ortmen't of lOe Jdlshes is a Jones; Organist, Mary Bispham; Candy always on hand. Buy these an~ reasonable IlrIClr.!. '{.~~;:"~:-=T~'I--'--..,--'---==:""':~ wonde.r ful record breaker, 'If merit best and cheapest this year. Fine with blm In a much - longer .".;~I~._ISociety was held at. the hOlne of Mrs. Eva 1. Wllr Wlilte, wno was assisted in Adah, Luella Miller' Ruth, ' Edna !loods for the holidays at HartsoCk's sohd value of the practical and varietl eo for any thing. they line of Christmas Box Candy 'and than we haveJipace for he Esther, J essieiiymatl; Martba, Restaurant. E. Janney. will score U3 a replltation that will Christmas Post Carda. Dolly Varden the condItions of that c~untry pretty entertaining by ,ll,rs. Robt. Cross. Ridge; Henkle; Electa. Donna Edsee all our eU8tomers better pleased Candy always on hand. Buy tbll'Je freely. Dr. Thol. Sherwood, of The meeting WII.!! opened hy sing illli' Nellie for the holidays at HartsoCk's W8ynesville, W89 a friend of Mr "0 Zion, haste, thy mis&ion hi"h wards; Warder, Susan Arnold; Senand 8atisfied than ever before. J. gcoda l(~taurant. HinkhouBe. fulfilling." The pt'l'sidellt read the tinel. John Hawke. E. Janne, . 23rd Psalm Prayer by Mrs. Palmer. After the installation dainty reThe name of Mre. Meyers was'added fresbments were'served, and a social to the membership roll. The pro· hour was enjoyed by all. gram of the afte.r noon was opened --'-Oranges by Mrs. Funkey readinl!l "Christmas Candy Cheer In all lands;" m.i88 Stewart reading "ChristmlLs in IcelanJ and Alat>ka;" Mrs, Hinkle, "<.;hristmas in RU88ia, Norway anti Prussia:" Mrs Williamson. "Christmas in Germany, Switzerland, AU!ltI:ia and France;" Mrs . Barris "Christmas Eve in Jeru8Qlem;" Piano Solo, Mibs Helen Mar · Mrs. Palmer, recitation, .. Bes· s~~~::=~eam;" Mrs. Hawke The barn 'and corn crib on the ( , Mni. Mc- Minnie Satterthwaite form, 8OI:Ith of for one town. was totally destroyed oy fire 1l'lowirlll ftc · last Thursday. The origin of Ihe aud of 'fire it; a mystery, but it is thought ----tu~~\,:ih~:;~~~~~~.~ft;shaking .-t~~~--~~~ perhaps a' spark from a train set it rresl,oerlt of the on fire. There waa no one living in Marlatt theptoperty at this time, and it is Cut MUted Candy, Ib ........ ;•... 10C Fresh 'Roasted Peanuts, Ib·...... lOc "0 Happy H and its ac- also alleged that the fire was of .an Fancy Gum Drops, Ib ..... · ..... ·lOC Mixed Nuts, Ib .... _.... ........... 160 paniment most on incendiary nature. Taffy Mixed, Ib ......... .. ·.. ·• .. ····]Oc Soft Shell Walnuts, Ib ............ 25c the piano, after which the entire There was very little material in Cherry JeJly Drops, Ib ......... ··.lOc Solt Shell Almonds . ............... 25c company, at the suggestion of one the barn, but the loss was consider · Stick Candy, Ib .. .. ·.. ·· .. · ......... lOc Cocoanuts,each ... .. ....... 8c and lOe . of our "faithful ones," sang two able, as the barn 'WIlB a comparativeCocoanut BonBons, Ib .. · ...· ......15c vers!ls of that dear old familiar Iy new one . The loss was covered Chocalate Drops, Ib .. .. · ......... 15c Fancy Florida Orangt!s, per dozen ....................... 15c to Mo hymn. In the house decorations. by insurance. Honey Comb Candy, Ib.... .... · .. 15c and in the proll'ram throughout, the • - ••- - Extra Fancy Chocolates, Ib ...... 20c Fancy Dates, a pkg ........ . .... :.IOe Christmas spirit reigned 8Ul>reme. Many other kinds at the right Fancy Figs, a p'k g .................. lOe Du.r ing the social bour which seventy prlcoes. Grape Fruit, ......... ... 5c, 6 for 25C or .more ladies present enjoyed to the fullest, delicious crulls, grapes SheJled English Walnutl' Fancy Malaga Grapes Fancy Large Eating Apples and coft:ee were served by the hostShelled Hi~kdry Nuts esses. The yery genllrous offering Shell bark 'Hickory Nuts, 121bs, 500 of the ladies was highly appreciated . Cigars in Holiday Packages Big Supply Bananaa -. Buy Him a ripe, only 26c . New Raislns,Currants, Mince Meat . Mrs Chas. A. Hough lIave a very New Prunes, Peaches, Apricots delightful piano recital at her home Oysters in Lebanon last week to the Cecillan .,. Don't forget we handle Bulk and Fut! Cream Cheese Club The program was agood one. Canned Oysters. Leave your New Buckwheat Flour New Beans. ·New Oats 'Por .only .$100 mQre tha.n ~ the cost car. Siplply lift . off the all-weather and Mrs . F; B. Sherwood and Mrs. order for Christmas. New Hominy C. A. Bruner were on the proe-ram . of a Saxon "Six" t touring ·car·you top, substitute the .Jpuring car top, Try a can of Tuyn Fish, only 60 Mrs. Hough began her plano .tudies . 11 th - - . th t . II and ' then-you revJ'io the supreme Edj.!emont Butter Cracken ~ y get, ree cars-:-m e a~ j9Y 'o f swift Wgbt with the fr....h , tonic in Waynesville und(Jr the tutelage of .. tdrs. Kate McUomus. . . seaton Sax6n. "Six"" at 1935. . breeze caressiDg jo~r cheeks ~ filling Plenty of Cranberries Heinz Picklea Fancy Qlivell ...... . ( 1 Centerville is to have an indepen' Celery and Lettuce this week .Fir!lt~for winter .montflll"";:'You lo~r. ';Ings:. : Heinz Mince Meat dent Farmer.' . ][l;1stit\lte this year. bave a ' lUltul'101is enclosed c.r, The 1a ad.ditioQthe aU-seaSon Sax9D "Six" The institu.t e will be htlld January 14 deta~habIe top · bl~ harn:ionioully- olers yOI1 ' luch ' fiae featqres as these: and 16, 1916 This vicinity, like It Pays to Trade .lI.t wit~ the ·Yacht-tiDe beauty bf the body. ' six.,eylinder ·higb apetd motor; light Waynesville, se.e a the neceseity of having an inatitllte every year. The seC~~ ftom storm aDd IDOW-P~' w~bt~ two ' qnit electric Ita'iting and Candy institute has come to lltay, even tecttd from . the faintest. , draft-yOu lightiDr ;system; Timbo axles and .--..-Nuts ___ though the neighborhood has to go ride ia a .warm, cozy world of youa: own. ~al ~Dla throughout the cbasit independent at the state's Bupport. , _; sileat be1Ica1 bevel dtkiDB gears; Th~-whene"er ,"ou- like-IOU :. lino]eu'm coveted · numiog ~di' and There will be a clay bird aboOt at caa remove the Wbldows apd sides Ooor \)carda: improved body fialsll, and L.vtle on Wednesday, December 22. ___..;;....:._~_ _ _;..._ _ _ _ _-:"_ _ _ of ' tlie aU·seallOD top ani! . b~ve a 'a IOOre of. oibuDCitewortliy featt,Ji'U. 'fhe Lytl~ Gun club is to Ilive tourmg car With a ~rmaaen~ .• Come see the a~ Saxoa i.'~" affair and JellS TbomllB will b& at top-a ~ , ot bod)' of with aU-~ tOp; ~ide In head of it. They wiU Bboet forturkeys, cbf.ckens ' and ducks. The lag popUlarity.· it. Compare it. You'll pro.. hilrhest sCore for the event will take 1iaallY-fO', ~o~ it the best .car at aDY· a fiDe dreMed pig'. There 'frill be -1OU caD ..... ~·OpeD ~ wbeJe qear it. price. rifle ranp tthootiDe at wen. Every· bod, rome. .brine your JlW1 8I)d eet , '.7INS ·...... T...... OIIr !eJearam a Christmas turkey. "POW" US WIth ................. IM toP .... d.,aaIWIII. 00uPe _ ~ 7INS . ...........r
___. . --_0---
---_. - ..
ALARGE BARN Chri~tmas .C andies, Nuts and Oranges
,With Detachable ALL.SEASON Top
Headquarters for Everything Good to Eat
. .
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fa., weather
"aad.. .,...,.....
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·[ IT'\F I-Al,.L-EN-19J-SMODE-Z::;;':-~OliI ,n ,,~RA T-lnof. ':I ll<.L ~'vl)AL
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U ,;WIS· "6 '- $1390
~....................... . . .. .. .. ..m.~~~~~. .. .
Vc rnaculo~.
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W. H. IADDE co.
,NOtiCe of Sale of School District Bonds
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Are ' You
SO:tlc, II'rQ PC'
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\\°u. ym,uI\'lIlo , \V nrro n o ·cIOl!k nOO n . uu
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8 'hool U1stn uL.
Vo Ull ~ )'
OhIo 'Hu ll Il . •
January 15th,
)'· or t h 110,,'10""0 0 1 bonlh tJ ( ~he Rur~1 SCMol » IJOlrll' ~ ,. 1 W" ), IIO Tow nshlll \\'''''...,11 UOlUIlY. Ulllu. ID IhollfRreHllW 8111U 01ncou.ao 10 be UlUcU JUll uar)' 5111 . 19 10 DIId ruaLurlng ":2~i.~OI~~ 3rool to bo duo ..lid IlaYbblo Jul y $ I OU O. OO tJlcrco l 10 be dUG aud pay.bl" J uly H th, 193 1 $IOOU.OO thereol 10 be tlue and "0)'41;10 J uly
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Shingles Felt Roofing
morn ing paper s to come LV "'0 u ww w -, '1 and lbe dr ippIng II tillis, with Ulan y " arlllllona. wor In 1111 ot tbem. She Waynesville, OhiC) The PubliC II Arouled. 8 1all ced o\'er toward the rectory a Dd Clad In her fi lmy c ream lac gown, Iho dl gnltled old hurch stnndlng b e· Agent for ALLEN and LEWIS Automobiles, and r, in fact, . a ny kind . of H \ h , 193U Gltl walked slowly Into II r bourlol r, youd II, with mlngl d Indignation an d Racine Horse Shoe Tread Tires, R OI' .ing you want o r Each u ( . ul(1 UOtld. will bo 10 Iho dODom· and closed tb e door, nnd su n k upon II u m11111 II 011. A 80rl ot Ignomlo)' Intllioll u r 1 0 0 0. 0 0. I1Dft n UIIlIJt!rel1 CO US6C Un cJ. ber dIva n. Sbe did nOI Blop tonIg ht t(\ S Nil d to hll \'o desconded up It, IIko Lh'oly from On" La 81 , both I tlc1 uo lUul , ,. 111 bullr hltt'l'\la t llt. tbu I"at e l.' lvEt pe.n.~t,. let dowD ber !lair aD d ohan ge to he r I a mllli wlloso fentures .8 · e m coars li e d UD I per M il u m . IO I.tJrowt. p a ysblo ~tn l .. u.llUua t .. -- daInty ueglta q, nor to punctiliously from the In Slant bo Is doomed 10 wea r Iy 00 , ~ e 13.h dny ot Jalluary and' ~ h o 15,h lillY uf J lily u f OACh u urt a very YUllr Uu ring t ho straIghten the room, Dor IO turu on prison strIpes; Rnd Ule fRct whloh sit e Il f K tt l I', til l lru u( lUu' h' o r .mltl l)(JlH.h. QDd loooovi riclll.'Cl1 the belluUtul green lig ht ; In~ tcnd , Wllh pa rtic ul arly r esontell was tbM n por· d Ol neillllJl u , 'OUllO Il N Li la n .riI \' uf KB. ltI t"uu .. ,1 0h u A . " li d 11"10 \]" L I .. rh. w ,.t IwH lJY "o u ~ tu ht..'i..'(J 1I1U d i lU Ilml Illn rn,llic on th u l Oth all the e l ctrlc bulbs bla zi ng. sho Silt tlou at tbe dlsKracO of Markot SQu nre \ of lot N u . :11) I II MUK" U, Uh lo. t l . t1~)' " I J uly. 1\1 16 . with her chIn In her baud, Bud, wll b chu rc h see med to havo descended 1J1' l tld ~"1 . ,,01 Inle"",1 " tauld bond. h' I<nlllLtl M.. II u ,I;, m III T h e l{ln,. 11 !JOLI! paY I' lltJ at. rho ' Va )' uOI\,lIltt Nl\1IUUI11 Uank her body perfectly In re pose. t rIed 10 upon her. Sho coul d not make ou t C\Va),,, \'111 , O h io ; 1' wo U\!lUJI'J num bered P 01ll'rl (" .('1. , ~" \'{l rn \ 101 In P t' l er K. ti\ ItI(I why this should boo bu t It was. Au ut . study the whIrl of her mind. li nd '\'''0 Inelu. h·o , III be ol li e li nd p oy.· burg,Ohh'. I LI 0 11 lito 1 ~1lI <loy 0 1 J u ly . 11I2 G: 1' wo> bo",I• . Sbe was shaken, sh e knew tbat, Grace Sargent, bustliug about to see IIlIltIbun.>d Tit"", · ""d }' ou r 1\ Itl I tO olUe nod 1{1t1/.: P " w.l" r ( ' It, t n Ihe ,l-'"tlll ~ sbaken and stirred liS sho had nev er thp t 0011 WRS s upplied wllh mo re Ilo)'oblu 0 11 110 0 I ~ tlt ,I .. y or J u ly . 1931: Two o ( CA rtr l'l go ( ' 0., u nc hvl rl r .\ }~ it' Inr ~I . "Id hontls I1l1mt rO\I t Jve nnd SI " luclUBlvo bean betore. Sometbl ng In the deplhs kInds ot dollcacles than sbe could pos· \1 11 1t,() ,luQ IUld Ilo),oblo au 1110 t61h dnyor Whe n yo u \Vant 10 u'Se In l\ i)'"e r u l 'l lJ t~ in P Ate r Mour"" Ohi u Jut)'. ot ber bad leaped up Into Ufe. an d 81bly som ple. S IlW that unmistakable IBaG Probate Court Proceedings , "I" W od. are IMUO<! undur ~ho uuthorlly cried out In ogony, and woul d nol stop loo k or dIstress on Oall's tace, aDd (.r ~ OCUO'I 7U29 01 t he Gunernl Cod ot Ohio. CryJDII' unW It WILlI IUItistled. wont straight up to h er s Ister Helen, In the 00" Uer of th e 6 st.al.o ot W ~nlt l btU\t la W hu ku u",'n (LS T ho W u.yoo '1't 1\\'Ub h l tJ I t lll'u.1 $(.')1001 U [tU..r lct. Im lu'oVtuUl;!u t. '" need you to walk hand 11) hand Ibe crease8 or worry deep In ber brow. Lnw R obinson, decelll!ed . Enl .. !! IIro UUlh1 8. Witb me about tlie «reates t work In Mrs. Helen Davies WL1I having be r approved . . .ul,1 I~ \I" I " will 100 ool d to lit. h IH~l\"" Iottl· ,II 'r rur lu )l I ~~ 1111111 Lhul r 1)0,: vu luu n ud w ill the worldl l , That was It; th o greatest calfee In bed, and she continued tbat [n the matter of t b e elltt~tf) nf '1'0 Itll l Ih n t" \' 1' (lllW" uf :: ik tiUh tl r h\\ I nlt' rn~ l f ro." lhO dalO'l bc lw r. (;u nlit· wort 111 the world I And wbat was a bsorbing ceremony 'While she con· Alloe B. I :I1D'oD, d cOellil u, ~"I e .. you orin "IWtt, s 1""\J Bn,1 orl SIOHU· .. ' h llB,,1 I.lld lt ,.. II I 1I0 t. b ll .l'Ou}.h.Jeflljl. Wel s , ,) Ca ll o n £I S a nrl we cnn I11U ~t, ho tu! 'Um l)on IQtJ b>' u. cur tltl ocJ c'lcc k ror that 'Wort! To lIvo and teach ritual 81dored her sIster's news. IIore approved . sUJl ply y o u with . the LiUl meul. It l,e llot ruttlM1\) tli e RO tt l $ I OU ,OO U()OU u ,..., I\',mt unu Rc th'., Uunk wllth· hi yt fl t.U or Olt(o. mRtlu "u)'tJ lJlu tv the 0 .... In plaoe of rell;pon; to turn worslllp "1 did Dot think that Gall waH 10 In 'be matter of tbe e8tate of J bes t at lhe lo westUl :lJ f p,d o und t r luge 1\90 n ~ ~Oll lt .. a IT dort lte o( II I Clurk 01 • • 101 lIoanl or educt" Ion. Into a social obsenance ; to use help- deeply affected by the occurrence I of W. Vao Dyke, Jeoeased . .1. R V,ID is n p lJlI d A g rou t cum ro r t to o Il /)C1U cnnlU!lou L h .~ II thu bltl I. U.CC0 1J W<I. less belief as a ladder of ambition ; lnst night," she mUled; "but of courae Dyl". I. appoiDted admlnltll,rllto r wi th 1:.\10",, '6 ~ I u ,, !, nu ru h ul ng i. ' ho bliide r 11'111 ,e('oll'll !Llld p al' tor Ih ~ boU'I. UWIU'floo (0 h im flhiu l CU day, Crom tliO l l ll~ o to reduce faith to worda. a nd ho pe t o sbe could not sleep, aDd she's tul1 ot Bund $250. n qll lre.-t.· H lUlln '~ Ll o lultmt· i .. In rrOl1l 8u hl U\l IH\ 1 :-:K ht c huck o r t he procood. t hereo f. to btl roa recItation, and cbarlty to a'n obUga· sympathy this mornln!, and , afraid v"l uu hl" II r Mt " l'pillS tlm pcn ls r 0 ' 1n tbe es'ate of Mary R. Grandin. tlon; to make pomp and ceremony I.' that maybe ahe made a mlatake, and F norve poln o f A"Y kincl . Try It " I !~;~U'i'( 1~~ 1 &~~h~·()r,'I~t.r~~~ o /)~~,~~: .~~ \~I:I~ lub.titute for consolence, and to Inler- feels perfectly wretched." deceased. Irs' aooouot IS lIllllro vecl. onoe Ir .v ou ~ nffA r ''''ir h 1{llO uUl85ism . 8h l p , \\' orron l-'mtnly , U hio . u II~UI~lltUd dam· pelle a secretary between the human Grace Sargent lilt rl!ht down, In tbe elt-ato of Samuel W. K.e ever, LU Olbu gn, :::lore I'h r o" t, I'aln In ~'i: t:t~t~~::t~'?~l {~~l°t!'Jd~~~1 cd, oUlUr· heart and Godl "Did the rector propose'" abe deceft8ed Firs' and ftMI tHlooun t ip . :h e8 1., ::;p'mln~. Urlli e~ , ll t O. H I ~ A ("Ul uch lo nt ul t ILl': h Wi IJCttu lu d ed u pon fbe (lM.nd lux dUlltl c",u u l t h o • • 1d l( ur,,1 hl/ol FOr JUlt an 1II1tant Gall'l eyelids breathlessly inquired. approvB4· exooll oll t for N IIr ll l!,!I" nu tl H ead LJ l~trJut. o f Wo.yuo rj'owl.Is hlp, Worro n Llou oty. 010 10 .lllllcl" ll~ In .. 11I0 UOUO I.ay t he h, lor· dropped, her lon, brown luhel curved Mre. ~vlel poured beraelt lome 10 'be ee'ate ot E Mar tin ·h ll l). aobe. !Joo. tit u ll Orllggis ltI. I 0 11 ...101 bond. nlld to I.IlY Ille princi pal ot lIPOO ber cheete. while beDeath tbem more hot collee, and ncdded. soo,'dao&a8ed . First .000 01l t Is " II ...1,1 bond. G' lIIa~llrtty . nod colluctu blo as othor till • her eyes gl1llted, and a smile touched "She ratuBed h1m:" proved. ' 'rhe rf8 h~ 18 rtlIICrl'od to ....JoeL any nlld aU the corDera of her Ulle; then sho was "Oh!" aDd acute dIstress settled OD In the matter of the e~tll te of blot s , Bitt. sho ul d bo senlod alld ondnrtllOt. Bid. lerlous a,~n.. No, ahe bad deolded Orace Sargent's brow, with eueb a Mary J. Holloroft, deoe~sed Datln lor t ho Wnyno 'fownshlp llunl ~cboo l 018web" firm clutch that It threatened to E. ~taDley i ~ avpoloted exec ut or . ______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _,_ __ __ Irl d Imllro voruont bUild •• aud mnUed or u,,' II ve...,,1 1AI 1ho lurk 01 Lhe noard 01 i':du &1100 There 1\'as a ]mock OU Uie door, and homestead the location. Mra. Sar- BODd $2000. £dmund I:1te w:\Tt.. IJ . o( ttlo Rural School DI. llict o( Wayne 'I'oWD· gent shared the beUef or Rev. Smith D. Thomplon, and Wilha m Bootli UI.vlug relJ ~ II Illy f' IT m J will sell .hlp. Wnyncs\·ltIo, WnlTO DOuuut)'_011 10. .G all Imlled ap,\D ... she laid: ' "Come 111." Boyd's mother,· that Smith Bo),d WIUI are appointed .ppralsers, llt P u'bh u Allot. lo n nt Clltu lp .... awn Tho Board II I EdtlCO \lao o( Lhe R"r.1 School !JI'Lrk~ \IIn yoD Towo. hlp. WlU'ron lim. H91en n..lee entered. tall and the finest young man ID tbe world;' and In 'he DlaUer of the will of .101111 jj'lIrro . s itn u tecl nn H"rveys bnrjt and ltatel, In ber boudOir. frUlI aDd Gall'l aunt W&I lpeechleea with dl •. B I:lleetaDd, deoeaeed. Will is ud . Lob"oon P i ke U lI r I?l t fork soh ool 9 OWlt)'. Uhlo£. V. DARNBAR'f. Clork. 8nakes In United State.. Tt::::::::::::::~ Doc. 15- Bt . . In th e United States tht re are found .' nSe.. She ..t dOWllln tront of Gall may aDd dlsallpolntmeDt. mltted to probate. bou se, 5 mil es SUllth o f Wltynes. viI) ou . 111 distinct species f anokes, 01 UlddINpued to enact U\e roll ot con· "I have ceaaed to worn ollou' Gall's Iu the matter of tU G estn.te !If ,",' hleb only 1'1 aro dllngll. UB to mun, lCIlent1Oa1 mother. . tuture," went O.D Mrs. Davlea compla. Jull'll 8 Hi8ltand, d60e1l8ell. J . Thursday , Dc ember 16, J915 . "Doctor OO,d proposed to )'OU t& cently•. "It 18 her pl'ellent condttlon Hiestand Isappoio&ed ex eou t ol', No Bogi nnlllg IiC ) 0 :30 n. ro , tbo t ol. nt&ht," ahe charced, with aftootionate Ibout ,...hlch I am moat concerned. bol\d r qUlred. Ohllor Iell MuuU I' low in g l>l' operty : ue 7 y I<r old authority. She Is 110 conscientious and Belt.an. Clint Mltcl'tell and JanM Cb l~mbtl r. BI ,.ok ,BO I. e, wt1ll; hlo g 13 50 pou n d s IOn EKEIcutIOn) "Yea, Aunt Helen," nn.4. Gall belan Iytlcal that she may 4iBtress heraolf IIlID are appointed apprlll!lOf s. Fuur r agi.tereu ,J tusey Co ws f rpslt to P!ill plnl .out of her balr. over thll allalr,.and 1 mUllt lI'et in Arly 10 ~be matter of Willi a m F. P eole- III e .. r ly ~1'lri n g Tbll'ty.f'mr Du roo Warren Common Pleas A wjlrrled expression crossed the abd Luolle, and plan a serieB of ,ay· enpllDgb, applloation for Ildmi8810n .Ieuoy Br od ing H ug~, .j t ri ad Suws , brow of Aunt Helen. etles whlcb will keep her mind occu· of sIJome to Vay~n~I:HlIote H espit"l ls 9 Sprint; G ~ lt .. to f",rr ow 111 Spr illl( , WANTED Is n ow f ull y qui pped to do ''I])I47OU accept him'" and 8he fa1r. plod trom morolD! lIntil Dlght." made. 22 Au gus t P lj(l'. 1:.1 BOll rs nu d !) ~ll>rthn E. Mulford Li very Wa lk We will take ly qu~.erecl with lIDiletr. In consequence at thIs kindly d60l· iii tbe mdter of 'be will of R ob ow!'. 1-\ lo t of R. C. R bucl.u Isla nd lloul/ClII o .\VH hnm and Graco A. Wlthru you on E will kill H ogs aDd (;attle on y ."No, .Aunt Helen." QU!b! calmly, elOD, Gall was plunged Into gayety un. ar' "'ewar', deoetl80d. Will I" IHI- Rail ()h ioke n", CllCk :ili rrl El, C()ok('rol~, . Qua 110. 11 696. ~ • Ii" • ~ ile ns no d Pu llo t Btl " " y Bo" y Dy \'lrLue or lUI order or 1 1110 . dUll' w ued day y ou wunt th orn. W e piI111, .more hairpins and ItIll more til she loathed the 8crape of 11 vloUnl '1IIIUed to prot-a t il, . M'" " . from snld COur ~ , In th o aho ye .~ated case. aod Into tile H.We tray by her ,Ide, anel The mere fact that she had no t1me to ID thn maHer of the es'Ate of li llrneS!!, \V OI' k alLrn B8,. ; Co nI II , If) 1l10 tll~'Ct8tJ. l wilt ofTer (or . alo. by WDY ot Aoarantee 811t.is foct.lqn ()~l\ o n J. T . r r ib flAV l -l 'lnOw F o(I(le J' e dU I puhll " "CtJOD . • ~t ho door o rtbe Cour~H oWlO. Marlu t t or )Jlto ne 145 3X, Wa y n 08 1Ih"':'"""6 down hllr rlppllq waves of think did not remove the tact that Ihe Robert StewaJ't, deoelts d. E mm a ,md' th ' r ;; r tlUlp.~ ,' ... ID I..6bauon. , oneD Collnt$'. Oblo, on vlllll, Ohio. cl 22 hafr. had a «reat deal to think about, and Hurd 18 appointed exec utrIx . B\III(I T e rm s lll 'llle l; no l>1 o 011 cl y or SII IE'. ADDt Bllen ltahed a deep slah of the gll)'ety 0011 added dIsmally to her $GOO. Albe rt Adtlms, U eorgu Pur kur ( ) . I AltN!!: ' ' . O wner . ' , E: wl\l ktll Bogs, Mo ndH'I'S nn d relief, an4 'ImUed her approvlll. troubled burden. and William Lo.~tt are I\ppOl o tfl rl R R AL 10 o'clock . m. on .alel <lay. the followlnll _,...,11 da •• "ou bav. shown a d&M hli t"- f d tlr I' . . l:l :r!t1\',· , A uot . X li nl n, U.· <I...crlbed reiLI ooloAt.e. to·wl ~ ; II:; Tburl',l .. f lO nf .1I10lt we a k. Cll11 ....... ~., eanw e, uv, ree an en e., un· appralaen. ' hl U ,Ie ll' r ' 'I. r k 'rb,,· lludlvlde<1 Ill tel'ft~ 01 Hetlben 0; Giv !'! ae ' I nnrl vou wi ll find sr- ' of ,care,..lnB.o whloh I am de- curbed metropolitan presl wODt mer. . " V, \V I ~ ham ao(( Oraco A. WI~ham 10 ~h" Paul- ' )D. E. Fl. B,n,' , \V'tLyne8vll\ I'. OhIo . our price'! ;I re right. U,htecl to tlnd 111 you. If you haDdle rIl d with It I ht V dd Mary E, Cody, f\dmlnl~ 'rBtrl)C VI'. - - -IUI>UuHerworlh Properly : I.Ob No. I. ~7 dla . , y onwar II r g eous e er ..Y.ary.E Ood)' et 01 ' )UblHUIa.l.e.OL ! loot rro,,;. li' !n~!~"tT oJf W"yna.rvllle. Oblo. an your ~fta~ 110 lenBibly, y?,u have court crusade, untU It ha~ tbe publlo reul edtate ordered" I will n\"f.,r II Pu blio !) .. In tit tbe 1aCc1'!r\llrd Rlreot. . -;JcffoniotrSIIlJlm,.1Iond a brl11lant tuture before you. IDdlgnation properly aroused. The . ' . , la te J'e ~i I no ,'1 Le vi .. lOy 01110 !laid .pro)lOny r&OOtl on 'l'hlrd tb o "I mot be an ' awful worry to YOll publlo 1IIdl .... atlon rose to IlUch. ID the mutte,' of the eata to o f k ' " nOl>l'ClIt . trout 00 lhe Nor~b betog Miami, the FOR RALE . " . ' 0• _ '!' L I" r d d" t uown .us 1.Il 6 Un · m . , Ilt'Dlo ny uo--~ .tr~ t on tllo Wut- belDg Vour'b ""d Aunt Helen, observed Gnll; and walk· pitch that, If tho public bad not been 6W II D. ~ron8, eoe!lse. vonr O.r . t t l y' ·1 II r L t lfarm. U ~IIo;;Ca l'C8 ~';;'n tile SOtlthlllllb 8lro:t, • P .l :>itc 116 IDs 0••, Ih,e Blipped her ann arouDd busy wIth affairs of Its o,...n, aDd If It derl certain atook belonging \0 111\1.1 ~~l ~~I e cL .Y: I: ! ~d ~~:bl~[J ~ n ~ k: 'un d Snl,1 proport.y baa been l'el!ula,ly takeo 00 .lira. Davleo neok and kissed her and hlL4 not been In the habit of leaving eetate to be Sl Id. ea "t of th o D L. & ' . R. R . 00 ~u ~~\~~~.~~~ o~Jl,~ra~~,,~g~or.glt~ftt ~~~ !!eoon i .hand Ford for se le. 10. looked oround tor ber chocolate box. everything to be seen to by the people Thomas 11:. Doover t executo r nto. T sd 0 b I.. 1915 1,0 soltl ror lOllS thloll tW'o·thlrd. olappraJoed qolro of J. H, Ubspm~n, W ay. Oan', mold came,ln, and Mrs. Da.- finlWcially iDterested, and If. It bad VB Ubarles W. 8ilver et a I.. 'rl tie ill . ue ay, . ecem e r , "..,~\!,~gl~~8Ug~~¥ Inl6tOlt. . d29 ,*,_ bade her Ilster'1 nleoe ,ood. not conslBted chiefly of a few aotlve fee I' 'he plaintiff as lInoh es:eontnr lloID;tnoncl n ~ f:\ t Hl 0 ·olook. t h e ..,VALI>RON O. GILMOUR, neevllle, Ohio. phon e 65 ~. .' n'-ht ~OIIt cordially, and retired with vocal cords there Is not the sllghtelt ID and to said laods subj eot to the follOWIn g clt lll tel : rb r ee Bor~ ell' EI~&rolh '" Yaple. ~:::.~wa~n Count)',O. • a areat load oft her m1lld; and hatt doubt, It IB' worth repeatiDg, thllt the 81lid leaser a..tates aDd Interests 2~C!1.WIII , h Dplem cn t!" ~orn, F orlde r, D '. I ~ By O. J. WagaoDor, Deput,: eood Jereey ~liI cb COWII, 3 and Mc,C~y, an hour later the " I~htll In Gall's publlo might have ' done somethiDg therein aDd to salli liens, oharRos Billed I::\ tra.w, H Ay , I ott. to 8 , Cblck• - • Ii yrs . old, will be fresh 'hIs mODth lDqulre of Ed. !iluf!tlae. pr,tty lItUe lIulte weDt out. about, V8dd!lr courU ,As thlnge were, and iDoumbranoes 'hereon, be and CD" , Bo~~eho ld G oods. VeterinarY Waynesvillll. Ohio, Pbone U- 3%, . n Ihe 10110nll' hours looking out at · It grew most satisfactorily tndlgnant. tbe 81L0Ie Is bere~y lI~tUed, deter- ::lei) bl/; hill t! fo r lorn,,!. . !l29 the pale .tara; If, In the mldllt of her. It talked of 'not hlng else, In the lIub. mlDed, oODfirmed ond forever quitec\ E lrllPr ~ . L tlo v, Or.dllate . of Obin _ I .I f. IJniverli I ~ calm loctc. Ihe Buddenly burled her way I and on the "L's" and on the sur- 10 tbe sold plahlt.lff as against tho . Ad lUln lstrnt,o r. P P L E t:JWhiie Pippins and face tn ber plUowl ·ond sobbed Illent· race IIne8 and OD the c1lldery com. olalm or nlllllDli of the deflJDd"nts A. A . MoNe ll, Auot . . Y ork 1m perla Is, ~ood Onl'8 I,; tt. tO~ard mornln., IIhe awoke muter traiDs; and on the third day Upon "p\>lioa$\on ot plaintiff foJ' a Walte r U:enrioll, Clerk. An ordinance amending Sectic>n No Inquire of (). E. \lIobener. Wtlyno8 Office at residence ill (1' , B. Sher wt~ a little cry to tlnd her face and of the agitation, before sometblDg else fioal deoree orderln~ reglH&ratloo, 2 of Ordinance No. 29 providinU ville, . Ohl~, Phone 56-2. wood's house, Fourth !;;lrcet. !l 2~ her bandl hot, all 't hele thlnp were should happeD to shake the populace matter is referred to Frank U, A u· f or the compensation of the Mayor, bu~ normol and natural. It III enon,h to the very fonDdatioD of Ite being, the dar8uo, ex,amIDer. relephon r' 2 of the Villaaeof Waynesville, Ohio. AY-'l'lmotlly Bay, Clover BI\,Y ~ Imow that Ihe came to her ,break· city authorities cODdemned the Ved. ID the matter o~ ..be will of Jl)bn Laughte r 1M011 Of tIle m OB t b onl t b Be"1 omalnetl-b,H.J1 couDC!ll"<lt the 'VIII"86 and Clovor S ~ e<1 for 801e. ]D. fut brIIhw,id an.4 roayo()\leeked and der court property .. uDsanltary, 111; W. Kltohen, deoeased. Antbe ntl. fu l ex er t io n. ; it I of ~ r" nt he lp t o or \\' l>ynllllvUle, S ~a.... 01 Ohio:. • Ohio qulr., ot 0 L Rioks, WayneRvllle, Waynesville. human and uD8afe, DS a menace to tbl! ("'ted will approved and allow od in dl lN8t iotl. A tl tIIl more e tFeot,unl Sectloo 1 That 8eclloo No 2 of Ord~ooe Oblo, pboDe 83.5. d2 2 No. 29 l"'rloAlnlnll 10 the coru/lOoaawon of the ammo, with the pleasant greeUnge of pubUD morall, health and 11fe, and ae BDtler oounty 18 admitted t.oprobatfl h tt lp 18 .. d ORt! of ·(JhRmuerl .. in's- ma)'or of saId , vlll'SD, be amen lied 110 u 10 the day, and picked up' the papers a blot UPOD ' clvlllutlon; this \nst b&- b thll\ ooqrt. . ~be White r"'shorn !loll ti fJ l'abletA. If YOI] sh ou ld ue troubled roW. 'UI foUoW1l:, 'l'be coruJjOJ..... tloD ot eby c:- _ __ . cuiIaalI7,and 1lt upon t.he newest sen· Ing a fancy touch added by TltI\ Co,.. 10 tbe matter of tbe estate , I. bereby Ilx "t'ODo\Hunilred <1100) w , n l~eM t lO n I! vo t Ul ln ' R trhtl. ''''''0 '. BI~ok Minoroa Oooke rol fr{)l~ ...U~ . of the tree and entirel., uu· man hlmBelt, who, to his' old a,e, ba4 .EramnB Bridge, deceased, ~"ro . .I:i . ,{,boy . only GO t I\, qunrter. Obtain. DollGra por <1IlIIUIlI. oQyabJe. .quartorly. · . lI reat laying atralDS 80mA ve r y fine £' JD . 8CC,Llon 2 - All otllor Ol'lUO.OCC18 or oecllooa . cu,bed metropolitan press I a tel1deDcl" to link poetry to hll prac. Bridge i8 appointed admllJlstr&t;)r. Ilbl l) e vllry w be re . of ordlu"lll:e8 confli cting wlLh Ihl. ordilllWce blrdBlt !tenulne bargain prices $l UO .... unero irf'ctor IU'Cl bureby re _ l oId . . ' . The tree and entirely uncurbed met". tleablllty. In consequence ot tblB d&- BODd ,aooo. II. B. Anderl'on, de~. --- ~- -and Embalmer, . . Sectlou 3-'l'blt! ordlJia.nco ahall tako etTect ,. cd $11.00 eaoh, D. E, 8t J kOS' ropoUtan prees had found Vedder olBlon, the city authorities ordered ry W. Meeker aod Willis H. Barga r ",d lie 1D force from &/III after Iho earlleat Pbone 22 2,Y. Waynesville. d22 . ' I",rlod allowed by law. court Ind had made It the Budden Vedder court to be torthwlth torn are nppolDt.ed appr"l~er8, In Mexican Hcules• . . WayneSVille, Ohio. :, P nsaOO cat tho CouoClI Chambot Lillo tile , . tocU of the publlo eye. Those few down, demolished ari~ .removed from 1 There uro rnrely fireplaces or stOV611 llrat (18t) d"y of D_mber A...p.•.UIO. . NE Mllre.ooming 9ye!lt& old, and R;\'I'BAnAI. l1.yor. . • .. E, wlao :''Were privUegod to know Inti· the taoe of the earth; therehy JUltlfy. Common PI~ Court In Mcic l<'ll u. houses. or course. In the L. A. ZIYMEtUIl. N. Olork. a teRrn ot yonDg mul.ell. orm, i Can answered promptly day or night I matel, . the working\! of that IIdroh log, atter all, the existence of the tree New Suit•• tropIcs tllelle ti re not required. but In IDg 2 years old. Iuqulre of Geo. L". Both phones in Office and Residence . .. ....ter. o"the publlo weltare, TIIJi Oor· and entirely uncurbed metropolltaD the citi es of th o uplandlJ it Is often Charles Pleroe VB. T, E. K eillor bItterly cold . T here I. a popular boo IDaDo oould bave recognized clearly press I The exact psychological ma. ~6ur, at Mat·bor's M~I\ bridge. d22 }t2~. distance,No: 14; Home phone . ht.,eba band 111 the blaze of notoriety ment had been chosen. The pobilc, for mane, only. Amouot olahned lief tbllt wa rmin g the sIT of a room ARRED }>lymouLh Rook Cook Chajrs and one Coach furnished free wldeh ob~ure Vedder court had sud· ' caught at tbe vory height ot 1\8 trenr.y, 'I ~70 and OOstl. by artlfl cla I heat In tho rarefied air . , erel,1I RIDgling and KDo:{(lBle With funerals. dUa1y :recelyed. Aller havlnll' en· applauded, and ate lte dinner In virtu. of the uplands Incluces pneumoola. but dnred . the oontamlnaUon and conta· Il ous satl8factlon; and Gall Sargent'. It Is doubtrul It this has IIDY real foun· An ordinance amending Secti!)D No. lItraln st from' 'I to sa eaob. MrA. Best of serVIce guaranteed. ] of Ordinance No. 59 providing D. F. ~OIl t b, t:lprlng Valley, Oblo. , "~Il of t,he M~ket ·Squars church ten· dlstre8s cryiltalllzed' Into a much ea. dation. .And the Moxlcan 'prefors to. e~eD~ tor B.Q ~anYJ ;years, the ctty , ler thIn, to handle; just plain userl Ralph Doyle Walker, furmer of tiblVor undllr cover of a pon9bo rather ' for tQe ~oqlpenaaWm ot the Clerk. l:iome ph,lOfl 632, CeDtervllI1I Ex. ha4, all , at onOt!, dllleo~ered that the i, .A.nd.o Market Square church .had MIlIOO, and NeUle Lee Kratzer, of thnn to alt In comfort and wannth att· of the Vdlllgeof Waynesvll}e, Ohio, d16 gATHA W A.. Y ·OOIl4itlOll unbearahle! , Tbe tree ' . Loveland, Rev. B. G . • MoUhllsney . er tile European or American fasblon. I Bo It ordalnod .by tbe council of the "lUngo Lnrgo.slzed bnt:ref Chnrn; OIlD &114 en.. _ I - uncurbed metropolitan persl~ted ID clutcblng Ita greedy bold J Ed I F k b b f of W.. ~n 08vlUo, State of Ohio: . ... ..." . . on a commercial advantage eo 'Vlle e~se w n un, !lr er a - - ----.. churn lIO or 40 Ills. of bn ttllr at \'t' f\ ,y llc,,,,ilIe'8 Lead ln,r DIDlllI' Section 1 'i'.hat 8oolloD NI'. J of Ol'diOUlC8 PNII had ta.l'~n u~, wl~h great euthu· tbat evon a notoriously corrupt cltr . Bradford, and -Elizil beth Fredoni. No. 09 rr~.ln I DR to Ihe compen•• tlDn ot tbe a time will sell tor $1.50. InqUIre ()ffioo , in KeYIi '~ldlll, .al¥m. the work..of poking the tlnger ' dl Dub, of Lebanou. Mltotn 13, clerk 0 lIaltl vutftlle, tMl lUDooded 110 u to d Iii of 1001'11 at'Vedder court. , It bad pub. gov.ernmeDt had ordered It deetroye . ''Talk.'" Kittle Under.tood. rea,l ... fonows: 1' hu compeuoatlon ot tho ,,' t.hls offiol". Real Estate Tranalen . The gIrl 'wns mnklng cooilies. Little clerk 01 al""l vJIIlllle .b&n be nDd Ihereby same IlIhttd photo,raphl of the disreputable Her mlDd was l~meoselY relieved hereby fixed at OU8 BUDd-t "ud TweDW014 IO~ of buDdlnp, and, where they ebout Rev. Smith Boyd. Slle had Mary was toddlIng rOllnd tho ' kltchen. I. DDroo BOlLr Pig, Cberr}, Hecl, fl vo (' uo. O~) Dollara Pet aunum, payable . CIl4 ot _ to drip enougb tbe f'hOafln weU aDd wlaa171 Lnoy Dyke to Walter Clifford . The big hClUse cat botbered the little ll unrlm'ly. Maroh furrowed, will wlligU :l5U ; ,' 'Sec1Jo" lI-AU otber omillall""" or sect/OWl .a: ar~ had rewuched them. had (TO BB COl>'J'JNUED) and ()Ilarles BurDeU, nndlv'lded two- one. "Tell K.ttllo to go out," she de- ot lIrdlliancOtl conHlctlug' ...lIb tblo ordillUlco Ibll" eJigible to rtl~i8 tf1r . A~' If, Is bereby l'IlPCl.led. , Mat buddlDs youni Poel anll Dlck• _ • thlrdl part of 3 lraOtliln Beotlon No. manc1ed to the coolt. The laUer was are tbe lRSI on(l will ~BlI cheKp. K E. T his dlsell8e sbould be treated ~ soon . 8eclloD 3-Tblo ordln.ace shllll take etTect be In (orce from and after tbe olU'lIoot Tbompsoo, Orl'g ouilto, Ohio. V"l\el' liS the ~rst uonatural loo!ll!neflll of the dOWD , ther~ to write ' up the s. T. a, R. 6, between 'be Minml bUBY. 80 IIPoke rather perfunctorll)'. and 1.lIowed bT 19 lYo BaneyslJurg . . d Iii ~l()wcla (l.llpenrJ:l ,- Wbeil this 18 dono a ~ It bid sent the 'sob slstere RiverB, 11. "I>lttie, go out! 00 out• .K.IWe !" A period l'..-d lit OOUDell Obunber. , Lhlo Lbe nra~ Rill 10 dOB~ ot Chamberlnln'sColic, Chol· til...... aJ,Ioali ~ 1IIter:vle"f the do,...n· • •. L D RoSIi to E .M ()oetello 3 disgusted lo bk came ove r the toddl er's (loll d~y ot December A. D, 191 G. R_ 11:, HATHAWAY MaJor subscrlburs \0 t.be MotJall'~ o: a aM Dlo.rrhoo& Re~lIedy,nll effect a ~deJl" and, abo,v. oU things, It had I traofa I~ '81>0. 21, T. 'R: II $1 ' • face ' BlI S~ 19 sa hl : "l{ltlIe d?.n't unlle~ L. A. ZIMaIE~UIA'!i'. OIark. " • MagazlDe. Seud 350 to tho ~ dre . Tl~B relOedy cnn .always be de· put-promtoaDtl)' 1;Iefore the public eye [ W.O, Hudson and wIfe to Otto atand tbat talk . Speak to her with ~ tt ffi d pe.n ded ·n.von even in ibem08taevera8JId ... ,:., ...... t whi ch Mar" 1\18 J 0 06, aD get 000 of n' tl !llUlllorQus CASe",. and· s)1ou!d be kept o.t . WI. . ._. _ I D H ' PIVU ...et I Engler' in.lola No. 85 IIond ' 16 ',i D tho broom.," b8ll\ magallloes on earth, t,( hlmd re&l1y for lruitant 11118. Never lee... SQure ohiJroIl 1I'"lIIC from ' thla O~ . Maple 'P ark lubdlvlaion to Kings "--- -............- - ' No~ home on a..jotmley w1thput it. ' ~ mlMr71 " Mtlla, Oblo, '110 . Gall tunied 'lIcIt at heart .... she TbeRev. lrl R. Dloke 1916 Alma, W: C. Hudson to W 11'. Mount, "'Golden Numbe,." _. n""I• .nm 1I8rmltted ~urf' nao 18 by far ·tbe ftnea', larll_' and severallots in Maple Park "IItihdivl. The "Oolden . Number," held of so An 'ordinance amandina' Section No. !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ' !!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!! best e~er before prin$ed. . The Hloks ilion '0 KIDIIS Milill. Ohio, 1180. high ImpGrtan ce by Bclentlsts and 2 of Ordinanct! No. 29 providing Itorm aod weather f"r~aI" for 111111 W. C. Budson to. Tbe KiDg 'Pow 1I00tbsaYCJr s ot olrl on time8, dateR }Jilek fo~ the compen8atlon of the coun· again hava proven theIr 'rutb and der Co, 10\ ~o 1 io Maple Pluk to Meton , lin AthenIan astrologer, ellmen oltha Village of Waynes. value, and tbls .plen'did .Almanlo lubdivision to Kiogs Mill .., Ohio, $1.. about 4:10 yea rs £I. C. To tlnd the gold· ' ,:iIle, Ohio. , for 1916 should llQd It. ,way ltt-al8M en nltl1,lbcr, add on e to the dal~.. and ,nto every bume and offiol In Amer FraDoell I, Keyte to W. H. M"r. dlvldo by 19. tile number ot yea.ra hi LIVE $TOC '( AND OENE~A~ oa . Tbe Rev. Irl R BIOIl8' Matt•• I.tt, lot No. ·110 In.LebllDon, OhiO, II . the moon's cycle. Tbe q)lotient ls tlie . Al,JCTIONEER ' !lIDe, Word' aDd Worlrl, and hiJ. L I Rlob,.;rcll to O. M. Llnkharr., number of c)'01(,9 s luce' tbe Chr.stlan nDlque AlmaDllo ihould Ilvra,.. go II sraola In Salem townljhlp ern Bod Ule relUai n<ler. III tile golden W. D. tioheoolr to Mary delle. Dumber._ . _ tOllether, bo'h for onl1 one dollar a fear. 'l'hl Almanao aloue II 3110. Bnnt lot No. 7 in B .. lleDtlne ..ddl. . REAL ESTATE & INSU~ANCE prepaid . ~Dd &0 W'9rd- aDd WorJrI Uonlo--J'ranldm,ehfo;-tt.,...--,-'--'+-~~--~--. - - P ubll.hlog COD1(1any, 8.01 1'nD1r11D Stewart Boppio, w Edward Sar. Frequent ly Ib That Way.' A "fe., 8' Loull, Mo. put SO aorel tD BamUton town,bip ''WOIIJCUU·S \,1Ice Is III bome. AI Office ill Stoops Build;ng ~ ...... h. 9a8' my wUe- " "By the 0ptI1il11tlo ThoUIht. "rprat B. BUI &0 Lom J'. Bleb. 81J1, your wife dol'" now'" Wildom ta bett.. IVIIl op lot (Ill -.nPl...lJIt.t.. LebaDOa:, "Witrltln' the C1U1118ry,"-B\JUaJa CHAPTER XVII.
- -- ----
,\ ltl ~1lI 1
Building Material
- -
.--- .
Olassifted Ads
.,. .__
u ..
Any Road Any Place Any Time
- - ---_._.-
Dr. J. A ,
Ordinance No. 79
S· ().
O ---...---Ordinance No. 80-
11'' '
D u. H.E.
artfJ:! .
h oea. .
"'II'. .
---_0 _ . .____
N. 'Sears .
............."'...... . . .
_ .... Oblo, ~
Waynesville, Ohio'
G" 'IE"1"l'''' ~ ~
Stule I)f· (!hlt" Ci t,
III T"I~lIt1 .
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Ihi ~ (j. ' A, W.
ill Illy IIrt:SCncc,
IJ ·r. 1\ . lJ . I G I,EA I N (&:,,1) Nolury Pubiic. lI uWs Calo rrll Cure is Inkel' in le rll' till y fllld :1('t5 tilrOIlAh the Blood 0 11 lhe
No on ll hl\8 eve r beeo Ilbl e 10 d~- ),tucous ~lIrf"s:cs ofl/l e System. ILi,~ 11,1'" Ih e ell<lrtllo 1S 8to ne~ 10 Ibe lestlll.lI>lIIals fr~ •. , ,
HOL·I DAY FURNITURE At ..y price Jon wi.h
As Written by Our Corps of Abl e Corresponj. ents in. the Neighborhood
and subscribed ----~---.---------LJth dllV or Decem·
Iv Leforc I~
IIlIlh LIlli! h~
,S"lIil1r p'~lln~ r " I the linll of F . ] L. C ltAN.E. Editor and Manager Cheney & to" duing busine85 in the CilY of ·r ,'led .. , L'OIlIl1 ' und . lIlle . nfore. snid. und Ihut said fi rm will pay the sum oC 'IINE HUNDRED DOI. LARa lo r DECEMBER 15, 1915 ench 'lIId e"ery ~a se .,r CHlllrrh .thnt cnn· nO I be cured by th ~ use of II A Ll.·S ~ A· 'J'AIUU I
J, Clu' ue)
MI~8 Pe~ r l Col vln [LOd Mr Leslie Smith W I'e p1n rrltlcl 'I'uesday even lug 11\ ho r h ome. 'l'bey 11II,ve It ne 1 111 b .U RO Ii:: uplog lit t'll1gilr ur OVII
, 'U ' 1Il
0 "1'1 1'
:';" l1ul( Vttlloy .
I bo r,j!J 1'ill[r.VlllJOY bri ng!' is bain g 1"'111'0 ' wttll II Dew oout or wbile
I IPII ~:: ~;~l . ~~~'ieUyS 1~:r:~~:~;8~n~:~'
to p.y.
Hundred. of preftJ lift piec...
Make th :a a Furniture Chrlltmaa li nd y ou wil l pl •••• the ,ntlr. · 'amity. Come to the W a y ne now While y ou have time to make ,OUI' "Iacitlon-he,.. you will find hundred. of pretty gift plae .. that will mike It lIalY for you to lolve tllo gift problem. I" I b r
Everything for the Man' Who Smoke. ou r rtral " nor )"IU ..1IJj!!~~~.~n wit) nn(l 81n ukln&, I",ttl or ulmoll'l uYiry d ('scr,lJltl n n~ Now la the lIm t! to Id llk u ) 'om' .iliOt V illi. \V 1J1 t.l Oll r .. tIJo k t.. at It" u " t ,
r y
T.. bl. .0Ue!
q U R r t , r. d oak. l um'" Or r0l4_
oak dnl.h. '
$12.00' Ttil. b
'R ULINI L"~ .
brll') 'l'.. bl ·n Ope rtl d d hullrli ng whe ro hlH old shoe ' Hbop hi' tlllU In eH h~r o Ie graD est un nlost dl!Every lIoe Is In vi ted t o " tit od lin I Ht')od . gnlil pn oak or mo.. HghUol Sabbath 1I0hooill the Moth o- I entertalnmOll t gh'eulH ~he J:lickory. ! · • . F. J. C H ENE V, &: C~., 10ledo, O. p vrlllllill s wtlr o bandIed: . fOl even T he Smoking ~H.. nd u . f I ' , Sold by a ll drurlt,sls, 7,.c. hogony ilnl.l1. dlll.t oburob ba8 bad tbe privilell e of Ville SOhO ll l h ouse FddlLY ve nlug Rov. l, olI IOH 18 oO ll rluotl ol,: I'ro· I Ufl U'J.t d I• . B. a:rU111 vnluo, ILllowillg o r t In vast ar m y of meD, Hall's Fumily Pill s f"r conslinntion . enJoying in quIte a while took pillce D 0 roller ~ oI, ' '1 trll uted SOl vi ces ut i\1t 801ly. turn ed ollk. l! ' A. ndl 2:9 801lle 80rt, of ln p.obanlcal oontrlvlI.noe • . $14:0() . InrhoB h'gh. t o p 18 iZ r.i rs CO' . MI' . ,le~:!e ~·u uk . of I,bl ~ pllne and lal!t Sunday. Extra mosio ILnd so Ulust b" vo bElo n ullod 1nc tH;it 1", dlltm eter. hU-5 maDY 8trange IlI.oes were soen tbere hOlll 6 · () tie h a~ r eturn ed to h er Miss Elizlh t h Dnke, uf L~ banon, r er rlru. ... and brMB alb 8 0 I I d quart...cl One theury 18 tbat a8 eaob oouree Hny wit h thr&.e ollJur whloh rendertl gre,,' pralle to our h er ~a~;~~eS:~r~ 1 \$rlr'u~:~ lt With w~ ro Ill urri ell MoodilY. T hey will OLk DbrarY T&&I. of MO no was 1,.Id " 8~nd Anbal kmeot lip. and m .. wlt $1 98 I!nperlntendeo~, Misl Lessle Tou.er" r . 1 11m . g t o hon ekeepi ng Ilt Bradford , la .Ithor (umed or uo e pllll. olo ...... • WIIS b nWl d nr onod It with Ir ng I who taltel gren' prIde in mllkinR 'lh a Mlti8eS En.llllu. Eills and llordu Ohio. Wh OI'll ho lac! 1I0rclll\sea a b'Lr "oldoo oak finlab. eUI!.V sIO l l t·~ . HO thlLt tbo stUUI I fur ber. !:l!lndl>Y sobool the banner Faal,. w ~rol:lbopping In Wil mington be e I:Ihll P t h" n xt 0 II] r$1! could be pUHh tll1 li lt Si7.~ 80hool in this oonnty . Be Bure IInll last TUIJ8dny. Mr \\T . W. W h\t.u1.f> r moved IILst r ollo'" IIol1l1lld into 111"00, wit-bou t oome baok n ext Annday and we Will Mr. aud MrR. Amos A ll en oalled woe k ioto tb o pr ope r ty reoe ntl y lI·ny Iletulil I lfll(l~, loud su on, 'be on MI'. IIllIl Mrll. F rank ' Boyall on pnrcb aRcd of.1 l~ Smith baneflb by yonr comlog. pyrllmld s beln~ 10 foc t, baried as Ut always "0- atI_fI'.!J1'.. Paul V. Relilon, of Dnyt6n. at- ,Frld"y \>Ii B .F rl edlL Holland wns a week f1l 8~ .. /I It was bom, ontll the top ~endedtbefuooralof hi J tlUDt Anna Mr. l!:n '" I, I:,'rgor Is l)(l[l(ll(ll! bi~ 61ld j;1l,·s t. o f Mr . nud Mrs . George t~~bb"olden wos rea,.;bpd. wb eo lh s Iltupool1008 Oak R ook e r Eloook, Satnrday, rotllrnlng b omo vaoatl on ,' , 'IlA )Ju ro ots aL Wost. Ho ll und uf f)lly t on job of r e moving the 8und enbunk. I. uphol.t.... Sunday nlAht . b oro. J ohn Hood .Jr., wlfl1 ' a od d ,\ugbter, . ed to lrDtt_Dlent \\',,- oi' mm en ot'd. tl OD ~panbh Tbt", nll~ht 1I0ol) unl, for the vila I The i!8d news reaohed n@l:iunday Rusllel B l I. be li U le six .VA!lr of L:l aveland, were guests over U,p'Na ..t <If S tlnt~ $3 •2a t=~~~;J Ohlna.; 1I0r&1 dullft .. .... ... .. Ilrwy ur III lI(lr( . r ~ uSfd : for 108tanotl of the d/llitb of F. M Uakln, of Leb_ old SUII of ·. od M.rs Wilsoo Snuday of h is PIU80tll all1>It. I~ A4 1rl thll t ill t llfl butldln~ 'h~ Ilnun. who had been siok: for 8everal Bennot, lJ](lt , . ' very ~ATi o UH no - - -.---- -JlvnUllll (If L:htl " ll ~ 100,000 III D werl' weeka and his delltb Ollme at 11 oldeol wh\l I 'Jchool bv fl1ll1n tl $8.50 .. 111 pinSI d f or I,hlll·y )f rll r s olthougb o 'olook a . m . l:iooday. lel.ving a and bn'l\l(ln ~ !lI S urD') . . th · q llR rr.v fr n Ul whloh tbo ston l! Wife, d!lughter, II. motber in Il\w, MI "~ !,Q 'ille Be vlln "lwllt the This Qgart.ed Oak Dav· Willi uhr.u lne<i W ll~ not 3.00U feol brotJer aDd several nelJbews. Mr. week e ll.1 wi lh h a r t;lrIlndp r onl . eopGlt for $29.00 frolll I,he p.namltl.-I£nllineer Mugu . Oukln was rellred in tbis vlolnity Mr. uod MrH AUl o" Alloe of Uoeob l:\P<'IIIlAO II hMl nn 8Bt"b ll ~ h cd ropu Ftalabod 10 rlll10ed z lno. • aDd all tbroogh ur.. b&e been ev r O rovo. t,Lrl un WOIl by i t~ KO Ot! workH. oe.&; up· thoughtful of hll native borue. Ho Mr. Hugh 'l'hoUlp~ u O lind dll11(;h _ 10 b ..t BucnuKB It· Is m ORt o~ l e"mod b v bas left behind muny lIorrowln K t nr 8pellt Suuduy wi lh Mr. '''1l1 MrR. th oso W l lO hl>ve u sed It for llltlny a d 0 IJnIlAtio II lilt., ...,. IIfI( cC IItlR1baJ Chl- ae 00 lOb """' tber ; friend s. Be will be remembered 118 Ed . Wrlll hJ.. . dollp ,t . .•. ... . • • yeors , uS occn~ loo required, 1\lId are It u .t 0 \ : d0611D 1 Uj 'Very Stolcn Thundor. Il very 0 ffabls a . d p\eas l1nt nelKh100:!l,!!" ;r.;r Itilitbal CIJIi2.A best ucqutlintod wIth It-S good q ~ ,,\1 Huuuah McGlIluu Is q Olto Mrs ~1'.e:1o ' R ... rh e for emun of 0 Il"n~ of railway bor. MIlY WI M" live thd we o .. n poorly ILt tbis wri ting. "Stealh1j; IIllothl1f 11I(""S thunder ties. ub-c& .....;r'" ~~.,;. ~ ~ ~ ilates back to Quoen Anno's tllIIO In men bus more th"u bls IIhare 01 meat hIm at tbe riv er of · tbe un· Heoll n88 It loosen!! lind re\le v B~ ,Johou y Th ompson , 0 ' WtlIlwllo "n own sbore. l.!;agl"nd. J ohn DennIs, a mInor man IrIsh wit. The other afternoon be W88 walk . ed. ou ' !:l tJ lHyke :';uoda y I. cold und a ids nllturo in r csl,orlnlr or letters whom POlle sntlrh:ed. wrote The Blbl. olalll at 'be M. E ",dl ' h e pyi;t 111 t o 11 houll,by eond tlon . jl,' . m orDln hlB sectloo of tbe line Ing Illoug ohurch, under tbe direotlon of Prof. a tragedy eulilied " Applu8 alld VirBe 1\ u~o it doeR not (lo ntulo olllUm wben be (ound one of hIs l"bo rer ~ Mrs. L:luude (J 1· .. ,v a TIll thugllte r glnla." The pIece 1s DOW recollected Ralpb D. Tole... Inorellslng in vol_ 0 1' oily ot.her nurootio fas' IUleep In the sbade of .. beage : ume, aod bls teaohings I\ro being Lidia were cullertl in t:hi A vlcill it.y only b;p tb e clrcnmstance tha.t the au· 13 ...cn Il ijfl it is with! n I,h e r f'aob of Eyeing tbe man wllh a .'ern emlll' very muoh enjoyed "nd all pre ent I:lRturdny IifterOOIJ D. thor Invent ed somo nOW thunder for /III. It ci uly 00~ 1 1j n quurtl1 r . Ob. be Btlld slowly: fe1& benefitted. It is to be hoped Mr. If red l::Iarlun II .. . pnrohu so I 'ldnllt.l o .·" erywhe re. l ho pottorma nce, and by hl8 piteoul 011 SI"P8 UD, ye Idl8 Bpalpeen-81ape cllmpl"lnl agalndt the &etora for after- on. l:io long a8 ye slupe ye've got 6 that on Llecember 19 many moro the Albol·t MerrlLt (Jr' lpor tv ill .Jllr. wll rd "8te"lIug hIs th un(ler." an 8][. Jllb; but wbln ye wake up ye're out will jolD' tbe olalll "nd h ear tbe veysburg nnd \V ·II m OV El tbe . e iu Ihe worda o f the Bible wbloh willllive n ear fulure. praulon which became proverbIal. 0' wurrk." you s&renll'h in yonr nery day MI88 .lII eva 'Young, ou r flo b ool work, tE'uober, returDfl(1 h OOlIl 00 Fr iday J . A T. Moler, one of ollr very HUO· evening. --.- -celsfnl merob&Dte for mlooy )lears , h88 lold bls bn81nes8 and will \lIn I Tli o t·ooo orusher bU B been blook. polllel8lon after Cbe first of the yeo r tldiu ::; oor r on ds for a few days. Ilreatly '0 the regret of b Is 008· OBIter TOlids 10 I,h o nBlir fotore. 't1DIer8. MIsses P enrl " 0,l Myrtle Ba ker .,[ owe my good b "Ub to L:ham· spent lust week wltb their grand. ..lIrl. Lizzie Lesh. of S.blna, WIIS a we.k end gUlllt ot her .llIter, 141'8. berlsln's Tablefs." wrlt,es MrR 11. paronts. Franlt Wllaon, of the Cen'ral Bo&el. G . N\jff, Crookston , OhiO. "Two Tile ladles of til is pllLco h a ve b eeD ·Yr. Newton Thoma". of Indians. ys&rs ago I wos "n inv,u lld dna to invite\! to Rl'ond 'Ilt,urdIlY nftofooOn Whenever foray per oent. 01 'be 111m re.Uz8d 'berefrom !hall b8 destomacb t l'oub\o 1 tool! thrlJe bo' . with tbe Flllt Fork ladlel! aod vIew rullnge of all the road. of !lny poIIl~t to 'be oredl' of the rOld • "eDded 'he fnt1eral of hia t!llttlr .IDot tIlil e '1'" blatt! alld hu ve lioee tbe bandlwork of the Modern Prlsoonn'y sf" Improved by tbe use of fund ot &aId ooun'1 klgeCher wUb I.w. Mr(l. Eloooir. last &Curday, re- \Ies beenio the blls t of bOD-It.b. " Ob. 01118 Embroidery olub. Mrs Mary gravel, brolten s&one, IIlaR, brlok. the Bum IIppropriased ' by II11cb ,urDlni home Snnday. MJlnnon will be tbelr bostess. Lydia ADn Gord&n. mo her of talullblo evel·ywb a re. cemeot and bUomlDoll1I pruduoy or oOlln'y lind bOlb '8I1mB 'shall b8 uBed the IIglfre~ate of aDY of tbeee, to .. by tbe ·oommlllsionerll in tbe oon· Marlon Gordoo. of near here, WII8 L Ittle William liod rlnrd was DO~ Iltllndard l.tll bll6bo<1 by tbe ooonty !Crull'IOD, Improvement, malDCe laid Co relit Sdllraav mornlng,leav. Ilble to atl,end Bnnda hool SunoummillllloDerl and aUliroved by the naDce or repair of euoh Inter.coun,y Ing one dauThser. one lon , Beveral db.v morning. OOODtoy higbway luptlrintendent. blghwaYI wUbin the ooun'1, in "0· grand ohildreD .nd friends to mourD Revival m eetings wllllfegin at 'be and tbe oounty oomml.aloDefil ap- oordanoe wilb pl.nl .nd lpeo11l01l- her heiDR lak8n away. M. E c bllrob Deoembor 2 tb . propriate an eqoal Bum for tho pur 'Ion. approvsd b1 the .tase blgb w.y Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Randllll, Mr. Mi@Re8 Ruth !lnd Alloo Jeffery eD. po!'e ' of oon8trootlng. . ImprovlnR. eDglneer 81 herein pruvlded . Wilbur hlns and IIr, Barlan. of Raym ond Hartsook, wife and oorta m ed lIom8 of their friends Ilt DR. J. W. MILLER. .malntaining or rllpllirlog aU or aDY LebanoD, aUended the fonoral of lit tie son (Jerald,ot oZlldd!lle, Ohio, dinne r !:lunda y . of 'be Intir~ouD'y hlgb waya wUbio Mr. Randall'l Dleoe, Mrll. Eloook. Leroy Ill. Ho.rt-eook. of Dnyton Clirl The owners of tweuty-five per 800h coonty, 'beD. on rt!qne.' of the , •. DENTIST••• StOOPI Cranlloted bUlllne s Sherwood liOO litt le eon M orrl~ took OOIlD'y OOw1I\IssioDerll, wblcb ro- cent or more or the llu,al feet abnt~ In '3"muel . WayneRvtlJe lISt waek . dlnoer wI th F. E. B 'Lrteook and ~r . and Mrs. Sliney Bornet, Mr . q08at abdl te IIccompanied by a tlng on Ion luter-county hlKhwayor The loy etreet8 Ilnd road. recently f.mlly SondllY . a.o d Mre. Barry iCarnhart, and Mies oertlUoate signed by 'be oounty muln market road may petition 'he "" aynenllie. 0 You ollnnot ule anytbing beUer Abbie Gr Iham attended tbe Farmetll The Progressive Iiterarv met at hlgbway enperlnsendent a.nd re- Qoon&y oomnl18sl00era lor oon!trno. mad, bad automobiling . for your ohlld's oougb and oold than Cln b TbursdllY. The fUDeral of Em 'ua SmUh, the E lliot ' wbool boulle for their . cltln!!! tbllt alleEt.et lorty per Ol)nC of tloo, Improvement, mllintenanoo or Dr. Klng '8 New Dhoovery. U il MIsI Lena Whitaker spen$ Thuratbe mileage of 811 tbe roads of \be repllir 0/ 800b roads,md tbe ooonty daolbter of Chrletian SmUb, 0: rellulu meetIn g. A ~ood prograul prepared from Pipe Tar mixed with wal well r endered . '1'he n ext meetoommll810ner8 8ball grllnt tbe pe'l. Kania. WaB I.id &0 roet In Miami OOODty h"ve been improved. lUI day nlgM wltb Miss Rot_h_E_d_w_a_r_d_8 1-_ _--.:....:.:~~.!<INDS OF I,...."" ... vte.rJ Wedneaday a.t 1 30 P m ing will be held at th~, lame pla08 beallng and Roofhlng balsamll . It of Beeoh Grove . n _ _ _. pro-vldcd herein; and II certlfiod oopy tlon If tbey are of tbe opInion does not oontain anythlnll harmfnl t.w Yeur'B Eve. N of lit rel!ollltion duly adopted by the the ImprovemenC Will be for tbe Sbe lived In 'hil vlolnlty In ber Mrl1, Laotli Beath apen' . Tnelduy Mr . and Mrs . Chlls . t:ell ra will stort nnd i8 lligbtly IUlltive, jul& enough afternoon wltb Mra. Nelson Mo county oomUllisloners, wbiob reeo- beIIt in'ereat of Cbe pnbLlo, aqd tbe ohllbood day., leaving bere aftllr lutlon ahlll! oOD'aln an ;'greemeot county commi.,lonerll sball tbere sbe had grown up. She leave , .ner to Florida noxt week, for t,h e benefi t .to expel tbe POIIODS from tbe .,Btem. Keever. Dr. KlnR'" New ; Dlloove.)' la antiuPlln thll parC of the OOOD'Y oom npon lIlalte applica'ion to tbe eeate fa'ber, IllItere, bro'herll and friends of Mrs. 8el1rl5' be..ltb. Emmet Beltz Rnd family enterseptlc-kUlB 'he oold lermll-ralle8 missioners to expend tbe snm real. hlgbway oommillelt'ner for at&~ aid. kI mourn her depb rtnre . The dedication of the Ferry tbe phlegm-Ioosen8 tbe oongb ILnd talDed Dyke BeHz und hmlly of _ _ _ _ _ _,_ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mhane will Ohrl8ttan L:burQh Wft,tl beld Sunday ised U1erelrow, aod tbe 8um appr ,'. ' oothes tbe IrrltaUon. Don't pot near Wayn88ville, Sunday. prla\ed bV the oonDty oommll8loaers loon leave tbe farm op wbloh they all d ..y. In spite of tbe loolement. oft' treatmont Cougbs !lnd Void. Mra. Ala Whltalter and Ion RILlt)h The Btat.e hl(lbway oommll8loner moved iMrly a year ago. They are wOdher tbe house W '!lll orowded 01 ten lead to serioul lung trooble8. in accord.n)8 witb plllas 8Dd speol . fioatlon8 approyed by 'be etate hlgb IIhall award all oontraots to Ihe golnl kI talta obtuge of tbe A. T ~ overllowlng. Dlnnel' Rod suppe. It Ie also good for adults aDd the spent Thorllday with hor parents, way engloatlr. as herein provided; low.t and best bidders. Moler Iklre, and will mOTe 'be lI'ook were .erved to about (00. Au ex_ aged. Get" b ottle todllY, All Mr, and Mr~. Eo gene EvaDS, ot LeeIlIn, And a certificate aillned by 'Ile Inkl the Co4nor proper',. vaoatlnll ceJlent program botb DlorDlng and Drnggi@ts. Waynesville, Nel80n .MIKeever and VI ife, Mrs. Central Bolel storeroom whloh evening Wal appreolated . by all. oooDty anlllklr And reoi&iDS tb.' Che ... Ruth Beltz anll Mra . Mlnnl. Vene- . IIt1D1 "pproprlated by lhe counsy The county oommlaalonerll of a be remodeled up '0 the minu~e The talk. given by Re'v. Boohanlln ble were In Wayne8vllle l::Ia&urday Over Poeto1fk-e, ..::, ~,~ . Wl lllllil oomml88lonera Is In lbe oOllaly oounCy m.y by rlllolutlon, wiilve ~nd again oooupleri I I a grocery aDd were very good. afternoon . Offkle Phon\! 71 __ Bou.. Pboae 116 treuury ·and h •• not been oCber- a p.rt: of all of the appor'lonmen' of a . . ., ,'ore. whloh wll\ be oon Mrs Rubble .nd ohlldreD have wille apPNprlaled, or h.s heen &he OOlhnd expeaee kI be paid by duoted by & bUllnel1l min of Wide been quite slok she past week . Barry "!haw troDlnoted busIDes3 . levied, placed upon tbe dDplloate tbe town~blp or townsblps, aod ..- 8;1tperlenoe Ind everthlDg will be In Sprin~field. 'l'oeaday. . =============~ Iolrs. Butler Plltton hns been t!UF:.. aDd II In'proo88s of oolleollon. 'he suml! a part or all of the ooe' aod modern 'hrouRhout, . anrt IU00088 faring wltli tonsllithi : Barry EarnharC ootertalned tbe .&a~ hlgbway commllilioner ' 8ball expenl'; of hlghw.y Impr.ovemeDt will orown bls elf ortl. ' Mr. and Mr8 . Joe Disbro w ere following on ~unday. Mr. and Mrs ~Dother oale of eOllorlet fever - - - _•• _____ order tbe apportlonmen' of IIny io exoes, of tbe amooo' received brJke out nen Lytle. Forrest 8hopplng In WllmlDgton Wodnesday Au Wbltaker and Ion Ralph a nd appropriatIon by the or of any fDnd. from Cba State. op '0 the entire OOlt MIs! Ella MlI.ude DavlH on'ertalned Mr. Ind. Mre. Barvey Bnrnett &04 (ilthens beiog the unlocky party. avaUable for 'he OOD8"00tlon Icu, of eDoh Improvemen$ wUhout any Punetal Director. d.ollhter Ca$barlne. • Mr. aDd Mra. (lnl Sberw)od ond be r friend MI8s Graoo' Burley over prC/vemen', maln'enllDoe or repair _etruent or oharge,whatever upon Mrs. Mlnale Veneble oall D son Morris 81,ent Wednesday with Sr.llourd uy nnd buoday. of Inte, coooty blgb waV8, due or to the towos\;ll., or-'1l'WUlItrtprA Iluggl8h liver 08n cause a per. his pareDtM. Telephono day or night. 'Hor,;oe Comllt,on's bad all 'heir Mrs. Nellon MoKeever, Thurllday become due and av .. Uable for .nob ' . Bon an awful 10' . of miliery. I';pellF Valley phone No. '1, Long . guelts t!uridl~y evening ADl08 Vomp. atsernooD. oounty all "tate IIld. paid Inkl 'be ------• dlzzlne81, headllobee. oon!tlpatioD DI.tanoe .No. 01l-2r. Mie,ell Jennie aDd Beslle WarDer ton, El lzahetb Burle)l and Esther treat!Urv of laid ·ooun&y.. :rbe stase In DO oalle III the property ownet of and .biliousnes8. are aure SlgD8 thai spent Tuelld&y afternoon With Mrs. t:lbllmbllugh highway oommlutoner Ihall IlIlIDe abuUtng upon aD Improvement to your liver needl belp . Take Dr AutomObile Service at all' Tlmea Seveflll from tbl, oommun"y WillI.m Blaine. hI. vouoher therefor OpOD aha he relieved by Ihe 8\8&e. ooun$y 0' KIoK'8 New Life Pilla and see how For YQnr oold. fur y our oough, for were shopping 10 Xenlll. Bdorday. Nesbl'Murray oalled on Neleon audltur (f .tate agalnlt any auob township. from the payment of teD they belli tODe up the whole Byetem your feverish thrOa t. Dose ILDd head . OHIO WAYNESVILLE, fund and tlie audl'or shall iseue bill per cen' and elq)!D8M of anoh im Fine for the stomach Tbe revival ~ervloell oontlnue at MoKee:ver. ThQr.dIlY. Aids dl. ose Or. Bell 's Pillo_'I'ur.Boney. warrant therefor upon 'b\t .\8'e· llrovemoDt, exoepting .herefrom the Mr. and Mrs. 'AIIa Whitaker d Enneh Ollee, Barv.1IIbur!r, O. the New Burlinll'oD Ifrlends ohnrob grJfJtlon. Purlflee the billod Rnll 'reiliurer .and deliver tbe same to ,edit and ' eXp8nl8a of brld,ell t\Dd olearll the oomplexi In. Only 21)0. 8t Bonay loot.hel the irrit,lttion, Pina wltb Inoreaelog in_ere," tended ttie 8&le of Joe McGill, of Tor Outl tbe phlegm, tbns reUevlnJ,! tbe 'rea8urer olnch. county. Tbe \olllver,... J oho Wilson aDd hil daogbter Dear Oregonia, Wedoesd.y . your Druggll!l. oonge!\;lon . .l!lne 'rar alilo u el ~ a s nn Baney Burnet spent Friday antlseptlo, uS 'a resolt geDeral relief Fraoolll bllve. been on the 81011: IIt1C In Mra. Springboro. . ' follows. Br ell thln~ bocomes ellsler the pllsl week. BARNHART, We are glad to eay tbat Chlulel Mra. R . E. Jones haa returned and further Inflammatiou 1& IIrrested . I081at 00 Dr. Dell'l Pillll.'J'ar.Bonay bOUle ILfter a . dellgbtful vlllil ~I'h ehaw 18 fully reoovered from 'be Notary Public It!s an idelll t reat.m enti. ·Prioe 250. lIer neloe Mrs. ,LeBlie Barnea (nes .oal'let lever aDd waa latin on tbe Itreatl of OregoDla, Sunday morn · Lorena COmptoD) at Troy, Ohio. All kiDde of,NQtary Work. wms Mrs. Josepb Leawlnll: flotertalned IDg • . ~. -and Deeda a tipeoialty. LangMer indicates a mental ex. ~bo following personll one day 1.!t btlara'ion. . week Mr. aod Mrs Joe Davlll, Mr Everybody u~es Lewis' Bread and THIS MIND The h.blt of frequtlnt ,nd bearty • nnd MrB. 18aBO Lytle, /lnd ReT, and ' Cakes, the best and most delicious laogh~r wllt no' only lIa.,e yoo Mrs, Shriver. "I oonslder Obamberlaln's Coogh ; ' made. Try ' them and you :will . dootor'l bUl, but will alet .. II W , E 80"ao . and Raleigh BOllan Remedy by far the bell, medlolne In "0" f your 11fe. ... ra . .Uu 10 Marlatt la vi sitIng Mr. were callod• to Lebllnon If'.lda- on J .. year. 0 I,ho marke' for ooIds and cronp," never want to eat any other kind. Amos Jooklon and faUlily, " There II Irood P bll OIOpb 1 all weII acoount of the lerioul IlInels of sl\ys Mrs Albert Bl08ser, Lim., ".loud he&lthlD 'he maxJm, "Laugh Mrs, Jobn LeTl and sQn bllve b oell. !:lr.rley War.wlok. Ohio. Many otber!! are of tbe IlAme aad ,row f.a." vlsHing her da!lghter Mrs Ellsworth oplDlon. Obtalu"ble ev\erywhare. Lauahler II a foe &0 pain and Smith, of .Ua.yCol,l. Mrs. Lydia t\hepberd lion tbe -. . , Auto Livery Serylc~ dtMaee, .Dd a lure cnre for the Mr. CbarlclI (iordon has bought ~lok.llsC tbls week. Reasonable Rates I. _ ' f ' I "b/uOI," melaDoboly . • nd .worry. tbe WIJIlam. Rye propel(\'Y. Mrs. Zlmrl Halnel took din.er Rlverl' aOUre" DIffer. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!'-!l!.!!.~.~,. Laugh&erll'OOnw,atous., Be' obeer. A Ohrllltmas entertlllnment wIll wit·h Mra. J01:l11 Willon one .dllY The Bprlnge of' the Mlssourl, whloh :-_--_-_~----_~-.....;--_-...;.-------.:.... , ful.aDdyo1J·m.ke~vllrybOOy"round III liven a' the AU . ,B olly ohuroh lalt we"k . _ _ ..._ _~ proceed southeast to tbe Gult of Melt. Alao Agent for KeUy·Sprfneftelci 'yOU tlappy, bar~onloul and bealtb- December 20, beglnnlnl~ at 7 o·olook:. ' .too, 81,ld those ~t the ColumbIa, which · AU10moblie 'fina Make lom~ ' friend or relative ~Lauahler and good ' oheer malta· E verybod'f InvIted . i10w nOi'tbWest to tho PllclOc ocellD.· love of. life, aDd love of lite I, half Mr.. Walter Bern.x:d 18 81~k at happy by &ending tbem the Miami .re only a mile apart, while thoall of Gazette for a ChrJstm~. prclellt • . Bomo of tho Irl)Juturles of the AmuOD, of heal\h, thl. wrIting, lIowlng north, and of the La Plata. Oae laolilbler a. a *',ble .• anoe j tt . A revival meeting il belnl beld at flowing south, are .closely conUguOUa. Valley Phone 9O-1Y. to danCing aDd 'ball' 'h~ ohuroh hars. Eveq'body oome. d!,.UTe PI'OOc!888l; lIr. William Local 'W"I in Xenia Laulbte!r Jrtl8P1 the bear' and face IUDd "y. • . ,..UDI, IiDhaooea pbYlloal bean. ., M~, Fran k D~ llln .Ii'nct Yn Eme Vinol B.ettorecl. Her 8tnDgth Cook wer.e vlflltors bere Suud.y. Laugh"" III n8ture's ,devloe fQr g"Dne'h Shaw Ie alok at pr68ent, Canton. Mill. - I I I un 75Y88reold IIJId 8zerollllng tbe luterDal organ. 'and Mr . Earl Marl"U Wa,1 bOlUe vl.it. became very weH and fl\eble from the u." •.,.... u'lileuute t\t 'be .. me time .meet. 01 La Giip~, but Vlnol h.idone Ie lends U!e blood bounding ln~ hI, '.'ber I:Innd"y lIIe a world of goo.L It hu curecl ,ml' Thom .. Dill aod I .!Il] througb . tbe body, Inor_1 tbe l:ave been coub, built up mll Itrepi!I!y 1iO •• All kinds of Spolltlng and .• Roofing reeplratloo, and glvea warmth aDd .seittD" tn .oaytoD. actIVe and well .UaIn.' - ra. ~ SALD'WIN, CantoD,"iIa. an~ F~rn~ ' Repairing DoneD. . ,low to .'he whole Iyesem. • lin. Tbom811 b .. Vlnol our .deliclOlll cod liver 1IJId.JroD n eDeDd. ,be cb.a and foroea to U...e. tAIDIc Wilbont 011, aida dlg .. tiOD, _the poIaoD air from lbe leal'-aee4 lir. IIIDDle rich.. die blood .nd _tel.1~ lUI 08)1. • _belle U~ed lor ehronlc . COU.'"'!t ........ ...... Wall• •nau4 SlIDday. or bioaoJlida. Your IIJOIIt)' tiack If 8hop. Next to In
A Set of Dishes Make a Very Practical Gift
----- ..
.,_"""ad ...,1(1." ~
--- -----
........ ..........tl ,
Track, 2Dc
..- ....
MacbantJI Tria
BY JESSE TAYLOR E~itOT of"Better' Roarls and Stre ets
.~ -~--
.- .
W a Iter Ch andler 0.1
----...- - --
Walter McClure
. Lewis' 'Bakery .
------.... BEAR
~ainting, '
~ills at
Corwin, Ohio
Paper Hanging, Auto ,
~iag~ P~~,
J ..
8herW~'~ aarap ••
---- ..----
.~._. . .
Waynesville, Ohio -
J'aalt uti to . . . .'GiIItD.....
~ota- .r.~~,"""'W""'"
atO sdul Pre
!lO \ '
ab ut a fine bo.- of Candy fo r you r fri nd ; 20c to 1::.00.
Ally p l-il.: ,
Alu min um Ware IU· tl) $:;' OLl
irA Thing of Deauty is a Joy Fort \·er. 'f ue of
, Weller' s J a rdinieres
L l
H eillz Plum Pudding Oli\ e I an . kind
h~l \
I L will
l ' ot' _'0 \1 1'
Fruit Lakl' Cam) i \ I \h~ITics Ci t f(11l
. 10c to 60c per pound
()r..1Il~l' l' I,CIllO Il
SPECIAL prices ' 't o teachers and Suuda Schools. Canned Fruit I In C~aS8 Jars B efore buying, BE SUH E and see our lirw. Heinz Apple B utt,.er Marachino Cherries Ca nned Mushroo ms ' Canned Asparagus Sweet a nd Sour Pickles
Malaga Dalt·" It'igs edt-I' ..
••.•..~~~..r~~~ ..... .
Miss &lith Bogan is on the lIick list.
M~ti~ a~:r~~t:r~rdan
Elias Oglesbee, together with J . and Edwin A. Runyan and C. C. Eulass, of Leb· anon, and Howard Conovel', of ¥rs .. ~nna Hoover ~d ~ma Franklin, have been 'appointed on a E ilts V181 ted Mra. JC98Ie EIlts on WednPSday . . eommittee with tbp County Commillsionera, to take the inl1ial Bt.eps Helen Hartsock arrived ~omefrom toward the buiJding of a new county in M!>ndayand WIll soOn be infirmary. 0 _ 0 n BC 0 0 agam. . , Profs . . Toll and Watkins viSited , Geo .. Ellis on Saturday and went huntlDg . . . Several fr om here ~ l tended the lecture on Monday nIg ht at Harveysburg and report it very nice. . Dr. McClellan, of Xenia, was called Officer (to wounded Irl ·h Bold lel ) : to the home of I. N. Hanks who is "So yon W&nt me to relld your II:lrl'al in a serious condition: letter to yon ?"sir i and!l8 Its ratber . U ' G . Wh. e tse I Bre [i'a t-"Sure, . Mr. Il~d Mra.. private wlll you plea86 .tnff Borne lo?ted In Comfort, Texas for t he II d ootton wool in yonr ehU wbile ye wl~ler. J h H · h read it ?·, rs . 0 n elg way was CII e --_. - • to the hOflle of her brother, Tom James to a t,tend the funeral of her Send the Miami Gazette to some brother SmI th James. . friend as 'a Chrjstinas presjlnt. Mrs. Lena Hartsock all.
to Give for
Our ·Store .can help you m ~ solve y'ou,r pro,blems. o'clock when troom. he g uest>! were We have all sorts of attracinvited dinner to the 'dining . wcr~three laidcourse for t wenty·four t.·ve th.ongs for blOg ""nd ..'1~ II°ttle t:.1 ' COlfers and a dainty dinn er was /. rved . Green and whi te ribbons at: GJ fol.ks. ~ t ached from lillIe bells in the place ~ curds l>rought LO t he center of each h table, cards bearing the names of Come in and look over t em arn hnrt and heehan, December 2:l, 1915, to the ot her Himes and m heehall, December 30, 1915. a No trouble to show you. ~ Mitl~cs
Editb IiInd Rachel Sheehan
. I
Pe 1
~~~!~:~.~~;~~~n=, ~
(~ ralwS
A Merry Christmas to All. W
D; t;~:;::;~RYi~:~~t~~:I"~i ~mr.'=White's Store ~ =='mr==...::::ar.'==='m [::J[:I==:?'tfr::Jf!'==51Ul]
N uts anci
9:30 ; Morning P rayer and and ser· mon aat. m10:30. Evpning worship .. .. ermon at 7:30. At the evening ser- ~__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"'!'.!!!! _~!!!..~~ vice the Rev. W. A . Thomas, rec tor of Christ Church Xenia will be pres- . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I'llt lind preach. Everybody: cordially invited to these services.
Fancv Crackers and Cakes
vurdl1Y. ry charn\inll'ly entertained on a l- , ~ Deeember 11. 1915, to a tw~lve
Any kin d of
We thank our patron. for their patrona.ge in the pa t. Will e.n deavor to give you bet ter serv ice in til future. A Merry Chris tmas to A ll.
. . ra nging from
Edgett-Bu hrman
J)'thillg ill
For Chri6tm a s D I.nner W e have the larg t assortment of candy in town
('rtnlned at G O'clock dinn r laRt 1'1 hursdliy Mr. and Mrs. L, A. ZimImerman and daug hter . . .
Wt' h:.l \'c some beau t ifL1l fane Das kelso one wilh fru i , nu ts a nd a ndi .S. a ppreciated. A fi ne g ifl.
- ~.......-. ... -.-.... l81
Or a n y thinlY sJl eial, o rdered on request.
The most Modem and unita ry Cream('ry ill the Stat e and will pay highcs ma rket price for sound, dea n sour crealll. We nrc. always prompt to recognize any advance in the market , and will take care of your interests at all times. Checks ma iled da il y \ or weekly ~ desired to cover all shipmenlS.
Sunday, December 19. Bible School a t 9:30 a. m. Communion at 10:30 Christian End eavor at 6:30 p . m and preaching at 7. E verybody welcome, ,
...... OYSTERS ..... .
, Sunday School at 9:15 a. m. On Bu ffe red use .: unday morning at 10:80 the thir'd REFERENCE in aeries of Stl rmons on "Our Cc'm· M1"9. James Gray called on Tom I . munity" will be preachM, subject, Firat Nallonal Dank " My ResponHibilit>, to our Commum~wae~tfami.l: latter part of Pellrl Street Mq rlj.et Bank nity." Hl1ar this sermon Preach· Any. R ~ IiIl Ql~ Merchant In Cincmnllli. ing serviCt! at 7 p m . Christmas en tertainment Sunday night, Decembe.r ~6. Watch ~aper for announcement U b h F' I th h of a new 2erles of sermons. Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor ' II; urc or s~vera mon • t e CinCinnati, Ohio - - members of this church have been remocfeling,and r bui dlog and now Frrnk M Hughes of Cli o on ' have cumpleted an ideal coun tr y county who' was indicted for t ,u r. lcllu rch der in the second degr , f r Idll, The ;nor.nlnlC a rvice commenced ing Aaron Biggs, was, after 1\ l(Jn ~ I at' 10:00 0 ' cluck with music by the and tedi"us trial, acquitt d. Hughes IRrge choir and orchestra and selec. hfe had been threatened by RI J{gs tion b}r ' prinfC Valley Harmonic for several yeara. and he hlld c\u'ried Male 'Qullrt t. ~ermon by W. s. a revolver to ,p rotect himself, and ' Buchamtn. Dean of Phillips Bible In . when Biggs mad e an nt ok u p n sUtuW, Cnnton, Ohio. him early this year, he shol him. At th e noon hour an elegant din __ ner W W! sel'ved in the basement of . the church. . , The altern on cerv ice was open d with ong IIp.rvice and anthem by the choir, a nother lieleotion by l-!armon• Ie Male Quart t, alter which the balance of !.he $4500 for fh e new church build in wus raised. The . Lobby open from 7 a. m . to 7 p . tn . total amount raised lit the morni ng All d fJPartments open (rom!l to 10 and aftel'l\OOIl st!l'vices was about a. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. Carriers will $4600. The c mmunion service fo lmake trips. lowed I c:om mtlllivn h,vmn, selection by Way n svill . Mille Qua r tet. ahort talks b' l mini ter.. present, It'tter read f rom fO rOll:: r millisters o'f t he church. b 'nl'did lOn. Dudng rAle lotermi ion the large GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, cong reg-ut,ion n'j}llired the ba e meat whel e a oei I time was Hpent Snb80rlbe for t be Miami Uasettft, \ Phone 54-2X Corwin, Ohio. anrl aUPI)\lr IV,,!! serveU .. 'file e'VeninA: tlll rvicc began at 7:30 o'clock with nn Iltithem by the choi r, sel ection bv th e WUY IWllville Quartet, Scri))tul'e reading. L llieM Qua rtet of Perry . pra} er. un c."IeelJent serm Or1, WOl."kbig Till Ohristmas Oul¥ "The .DiviniLy of Ch rist" by W. S Buchllnall , d diclilliun , hymn by con· (Cre/i!'aticHl, ben diction.
MAN AGijUlnEn .
gr~~~ddaiy f~~c~h:eFer~~t\hri:~ia~
.- .
J. F. Snook, Agt. Way,oelville, O.
OBITUARY. Mrs. Anna Lippin col t Elcook, afte r a lingeriing illness. paijsed peacefu lJ~ away al her ai!4ter 'l! home in Har veysbu q Thursday morning. and waa laid \0 rest"in Miami Cemetery beside ihp.r hus band, parents and brother who preceded her to the far Beyond. he leaves three Ridtel's, t wo brolhers, nephews and neices to regr et her going . Mrs. g lCOf,k was born and rea r d in this vici ni ty where she was well known fl.nd admired by all. She wali 'of a pioneer family in this loca lity arid stout! for what wa.~ right' and just. ~h(\ was t aua-ht from infancy to be r ')verent· whic;h made her a favorite wilh' all. li'or several years she was a reSIdent of Cincinnai where she ' made many ' very thoughtful fri~n ds lind on account of ber decll ~l . inA' heal t h she bade them good bye and came back to her native home where she recllived the' kind est and attentive tr eatment by her relatives and f rielltls. She has left behind the tender memories tlllit . shine like burning stars throug h the gathering gloom. In h e l~ going we should learn n k'SSon to be ever re!ldy and so live that wh ~' n we come to the river that: madl9 the unknown lIhore tha t ,our hands 111,1), U() fi lled with the golden kev ~ that OP~ II tbe pa lace of eterni ty.
MAY TRANSFER :INfIHMARY INMAT~ The Colllnty I) m mi.i!ioners of Hamilton COI\nt~ ar to take up the questio/\ of IIdnll tt ilig t hp Wal'ren County inrnll Lefl t,o th,·jr itlfirmary . -Supl!r. intenrJPf.lr 'I'h"m pson has asked them to cllrlsldel' Ihl pmp o~i t j\)IJ to tdke the mmall ~ IIIHi l a temrorary bu ;n. '"" b••""" ; '..:": th"m,
Our Christmas Stock-is Complete (the war notwithstanding) . ~ Come_eady . . Our' place is small and you wilt be doing yourself an injustice if you . fail to see the display.
'CHRISTMA~ PRESENTS ; 'F6~ ·-EVE{{-~O~ . ., ,
For th~ Children
BOOKS: A. B. C; One Syllable Primer Dooks on Animals The Night Before Christmas Cut·OUt-Books . Etc. · Etc. Etc.
DOLLS: All kinds of DoUs.
PAPER: The c;utest little Paperties.
. "..
The kind that goes tc? sleep. Paints; Dra'w ing Slates, Bubbler. Carts, '.R • •R. Trains Coaches , Banks, Hatchets, " &out Axes Stove.'!. Ranges, Autos. Horns Horses, .Sprinklers, Coal Buckets Balls. Tool Sets, Dlocksj Tops Chairs. aoil '1'.1.:IIes, Beds, 'Cradles Suit Cases, Dr~o;ers, Bears '; Pony aod Cart, Donkey . Bird Cage. ' Watches Sheep. Kitchell Sets . Pitcher Stand . Whips Sail Boats, Acrobats,
.he Adult
;Pictures' Frames Creamers Plates Sauce Dishes Moiasses Cups ' Salt 'Sellers .Salt and Peppefs ·Bowls "Salads Cups and Saucers, New'Holland Ware platters Mugs . . Shaving Mugs Brushes Pin Trays Smokerlf'Set' Embroidery Music-all the 'Latest Burnt Wood Boxes Towels ana Toweling Ribbon ' Barretts Christmas .Boxes . .. Stoc)cingll ,Bootees'. , Books ~ Brllliants from the' . Poets, . Gospel Hym ~, Christmas Da.y, :F;tc. Etc, - •. Sad Iron Handles ' Jewelry Ml!oni.""re Sets Etc. Etc. · Etc. Etc: ~tc.
Pad., eacb
The above is only a small list .of the many:...things ' we have in Come, and come early. THE EARLY' SHOPPER IS WISE.
WAYNES -ILl.E, . ( 1'1
I1rnber 3349 .
fARMERS' MiSB Ruth Hartsoc k was in Day ton this week.
MiHSes Louisa Slokes and Eleanor INSTITUTE TO 8 E HELD HERe Earnha rt entertai ned at the home of NE XT WEEK the former on Monday. from one to four p, m , with a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Rachel Sbeehan, the prospecti ve bride, After a ple8~ an t Bocial ti me dainty refreshm ents were ser ved and Ii number of useful pres, ents were in evi dcllce.
MM!, C. B. Bentle1 was a Xenia vilitor Monday,
Buy your Christm as present s at Carman 's Restaur ant.
And !'ermon s Will Be Delivered Apo Allen HfAinee of X"nla, lpent Sun· proprla te (0 the Chrl,tm all ' day with relative s here. Season Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew were Qayto~ viBitors Tueaciay.
Send the Miami GHette to some Sunday , Deumb er 26. Bible School friend as a Christm as present . at 9:30 a . m : Communion and ser· man at 10:90 a . m. Christian En., Rev, J , F. Cadwal lader preache d de&vor at 6:30 p. JIl. 'and sermon at 7 p. m , Special Christm as music will In Xenia Sunday afterno on. be rendere d , Everybody invited. ~ Fine Chri8tmas Candy and pretty boxes for sale. W. C. Phillipe.
Sunday School at 9:15 a. m~ On Sunda), mornin g at 10:30, the tourth inlleriea of sermon s on "Our Commu· nity will be preache d, subject "Beth lebem's Babe in O,ur e<-mmu nitJ." Special music, The Chriatmas en· tertainm ent will be gjven on Sunday evenIng, Next week the aubjecfa In the new series of sermopa will be an· nounced. Watch thi. paP.8r. Attend tbeserv icei on SUliday. The follo"ln g Cbrlatm as program will be rendere d Sunday mo~lnIr: Oryan Prelude , Hymn, "Sileot Night" ... , By Choir Hymn 115 , . . . , . . . , ',' ... , ... . .• • , .. \ ... Bv Cboir and CongreaatloD Tbe Apoatlf,!8' Creed '
L~:m. Hark: The Song" Myers .. .. ....... II
Mrs. N. Cooper was the ltUest of friends in Mason one day lut weels , ' Gt't your Lunch, Candles and t.:lpnI at Cftrma n'. Reitaur ant,
J. B. Chapma n haa returne d home after·a three days' busin8ll' trip to Detroit. We can save you Christm as dol,lar3. Let UI demona trate it to you. Ridge Studio. . MI'l'I-: Pricilla Compton. of Dal~n, Is vi.lting her mother , 14rs, Mary Sattertb waite.
COlp,rt'q bt.)
~endars lor all size K~ak Printa at the RlA-
; .
.~ ..
_ ~_
Local Talent of the Best Will EnterLast Thursda y Mrs. Julia Bergan tain the Citizens 01 Wayne enter tained with a comfor t knotting. An elegant dinner was served. Those 'Township who enjoyed Lho day were: Mea· dames T. ,Ieff Smith. James Pren· dergast , Annie Gibbons. James The Farmer s' Institute to be held McDonald , Wm . Ze\1 . Omar Lewis, here December 31Rt IlIld J anuary 1st Keziah Thompson, Easter Smith, has all been arranged for, and the and Mary Ann Wise. ' commit tee has gotten togetbe r a fine pro~ram, The main speaker of the Mr. and Mrs. L, A. Zimmerman instItute will be Hon, J ames Cox, entertaint'd 'l'hurfldIlY evenIng , a t who will speak Friday evening , their bome on Main slreet, There Everybody will rememb er him, ashe were eight abl p. of " 500," Those addressed the people of this townshiv who enj oyo)d the evening we re Mr , but a Ahart whileRgo, and everybody and Mrs, E y, Barnha rt, Mr , and wil l be anxious to hear him again, as Mrs. J. 0 Cartwri g ht, Mr, and Mrs, he is a very pleasing talk er. ' B. H, Kelly, Mr, and Mrs, R, G, The prog ram through out will be Miller"M r. and Mrs, F , B, Henderson , local talent, bu t it is of the very best. Mr. and Mrs . Myer Hyman, Mr. and fo'oJlowing bl the program: Mrs, J. B. Chapl'(lan. Mr, and Mrs, A. J. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. S, D. Friday, December 31st, 9:30 A, M, Henkle, Mr. and Mrs. C M, Robitz· Call to order er, Dr. and Mrs. A. T, Wright, Invocation ...... Rev. D. H. Palmer Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Hawke, the Song . . . , . , , . , , , . , , . , ,Male Quarte t Misses Dorothy Dakin, May Wright . Reading of Minutes Martha O'Neall and Messrs. Emmor . Remark s bv the Preside nt Baily, Raymond Davis and Harris Lecture , A Man of Many RMources . Mosher. A delicious lunch was . . .. , . , , , . . , , . Rev. C. S, Grause r served · Friday, 1;00 1:". M. MUlIie , , , . , , . .. ,Miss Ruth Hartsoc k Hemark s by the Preside nt '
~~~~ . ~~,~~~J~~':.~;esSI.ters
Song. ... .. . ...... . B1 ChoIr Studio Paper ..... .. , , . , , ,Mrs. Mendemhall ' ~DIlYe Nading ' from the Paalma ' ..... • Ann. daualhl er of Stepben Tbe Gloria Patri Don Carlos Snell, 80n of Perry and M~~: LiM'~ and Mi~'Hei~n 'Ha~ke ' LesIon from the New Te.tam ebt Sarah E. Snell died at his home 10 Anelec tlon will be beld on Janu- W~~J~;~~t~l~~:e~~'-lS:. b°Si:en OF' THE NEW CENT, IRY CLUB milea Pape! .. . , .. MISB Elizabeth Ch"i{~ITr Offerto ry . ary Ith to .ote on, 'the ISBuance of northwe st of Dayton, WednesReadmg .. " .. . , ....... , . Mrs, a family ofseve nehil· . Solo, .... • ... ,' , Mrs. Frank LaMay y AT j\\RS. EVJ~NS' day. Novem ber 24th, tor aged a Dew tbirty county ~nfirmar y, Paper .. .. ... , ... , , , .. . Mrs. Keever wbom are still living. Sermon ... " .. .' .. .'... ,By the Pastor years. He was born at Lytle, Ohio. Greene County will have an over· On day Of Februa ry 1854. Friday, 7:30 P. M. and ft membe r of quite a large fam· hauling of the rural r~er Mrs, C, S, Grauae r Get y,our · Lunch, Candies an she waa married to Harriso n Gor~on mail delivery , ily ol sisters and brother s who su r- Yellow Sprinp . Cedarville, Sp'ing Music " ", .". Miss Ruth Bymn 125 followed by the DO:!toIOllv Cigars at Carman 's Reataur ant. Hartaoc k vive him. The accident which cauled Valley and New Burling ReadIng . , , , .. , , .. , , .. , , . Mre, Kelly, Apoatolic Benedic tion his death was Quite a shock to his wIll be abolished. as ruralton offices Address July 1897, eince .which time she has " .. . , ",', Hon. James Cox family and friends and to be 80 unex· livery service ltations andmail de· ACbrla tmas Pagean t "Betble hem" made Clarenc e S. , Grauer . Pastor. .Home at Corwin, wlierc motor , - -at the Orthod ox Friend,,' churcb, she hasher peeledly called to face the Saturda unknow y, 9:30 'A. M·. , ' n routes from Xenia, Jamesto tenderly looked after by , Thursda y night. December 23, 1915, her son been when innocently prepari ng for tbe Osborn will be established town and Marion, and her daught er "'eetlng ot Toledo Was: cover Music . ,. " Thorou ST. MARYltj CHURCH . . . , . . Carmen Orcbes tra ghly at 7:30 o·clock. future is a fate that would natural ly the entire county, This noti6ca ' Mrs. Phillip!!, On the 13th day of tion Reading . " , .. " . Miss Ethelyn Jones Given By Mrs. Fonkey . Who shoek UI all , Don's Cbristm as Dq-Ho ly Comm\lnion family and has been received in. that county, Music ..... :" . last 8eJltember. sht! fell at her home , . " Carmen Orches tra Allendc d friend! rushed at once to him and and a carrien examin at 10:00 a m. Sunday after Cbriat· l1Ie Christm as belli are ringing . and BUffered a broken hip, and had ation will be Paper ... " .. , . . "" . P. D, Clagett ' did all thst could be done, but the held at Xenia January 22, 1916, mae, St. Stephen , Deeember 26th, And the Kiddies they are singing bean confined to her bed since that History of the Shorlho rn Cattle cruel shot had done its work' Don carriers wiII receive from $LoOOThe Sunday SChool at 9:80 am. Morn For they know old Santa's bringin g time. About two months ago she to Music. ,." .. " ,. , ., .Janney Sisters Willi a membe r of the society of .1800 per year. Ing ~r and .sermon at 10:80 was brough t to the home of her The Decemb er meeting ol 'STONE 'S- RAPPE D-CAK E. . Paper . :. " . " .. " " Harvey Burnet t the New Woodmen ot the World, whoJje kind. ' The United Sunday School Festiva l In thl! even Six kinds-o ne price:"'10 cents. daughte r, Mrs. Phillips, at Center· Century Club was held Friday States Civil Service History of the Jersey Cattle after· Iy help in such a time of inalal7 a clock. You are invIted tc. afflictio n ville, Commis where she died on Thursda y noon, Decemb er 17th at: the home sion claim they can ler.v.•e:~""rt+....-_ _ _ _.W..'D~ W, O. Pblllips. of was all' it should he and their broth· thHe services. The following mUlimorning , Deeember 9th, aged 80 Mrs. Cynthia Evan~ The . routes ' '" p E t Earnha rt rooms erhood has done everyth ing for the cal progra,m will be l'ftlde~ l3unday before, and aIfifatOry Lost-So mewbe re between Robit· yean and 6 months , after weeki! of were made very beautif ul with 8Orrowing family that could 'Hol~~:n Cattle ' momint i at the 10:30 servia.: be done at a less . zer'l mill and Bellbrook. a roll o~ suffering, wblch she bore most decorat ions of the yule tide, Paper , , . , , . , . , , . . ,A. C. Tomlinson to relieve them and care for their . There are several sides patleotl y, to the 'PrOc:IIJ8lonal , , ... . , ..... ... Re8dinK Royal Felt roofing, Finder please The presid ent called the meeting dead brother . HistoTY of the Chicken organiz ations above question, and the Commission noUty. F. C. Thomas, Spring Val- 'Sbe leaves of her immedi ate family . to order. Mrs , Bvans favored lhe are certaInl y 11Such Q Come All Ye Faithfu l. blessing in times of will find themsel her IOn, ves up Marion again8t Gordon the , of Har- ladies with some music on the plano SIl~udrday, 1 P. M. Anthem .... "... . , .. .. .... , . SImper ley, Ohio, R. Rr l . vey.bur g, two daughte rs, Mrs. Wm . player. Twenty mem~!l'I Tbere Were Shephe rd, I l'esponded ~~ct~i~e;der ~~ t~~das':la~rte!r~n~: ~~%~~n!f ~~:y t~~crce ;~:~~ MR Phillip. uSdi~ , , , , . , , , . , , , 'M' : ' . 'Ji:h~~:yy of CentelrVille, and Mrs. to roll call by giving lome woman of Venite : ... . ... .. ........ •. LanldOil '11 b j f ed MI. floramo nd Reed, of Har· Frank Allen, of IdahQ, ' ht. be all rig ' ht i n th e Paper" ea mg" , .. .. ,"." The 'd ~ ea m)g five grsnd- the Bible, The beautif ul story of f uneraI serv ce WI e per arm bV Gloria Patri. .. . .. .. .. .... wadon veyabur g, leavee Thursd ay ni,ht . .. ". ISS , Saml.YMeredi th them . Goodby brother thy death 8u,ll!mer but It wlII.be 11 A8yere fot children and three great grandch il- Ruth was given by Mra, prop- 1'0 What Extent Might Ii Mail Go in TeDe'o m ...' ... . , .. . " ... Woodward Columb ul where ahe will spj!lJd J , F. Cad· has taUght us the uncerta inty of life OSitIon dren, allO two hrotlier s, two sisters wallade r in a most impressive the wmter time, "fhen ' Debt on Buyinlf a Fatm Jubilat e . .. , ... .. . , . .. , , ..... Nevin Christm as and , the holiday msn· the sureness of death, and the great carriers fDr' l with and a larae circle of relati'fe8 and nero Mrs. Evan!! oannot use their machllles .. Discussion a!!,uin ' favored the ber motber bond ; of ' lAura sympsth Vamer Reed. friaDds to tl!ourn her 1088 It looks, on the othe! \)and, too Pa er . " , .. ' , . . , , , , , Elias · Oglesbe H~~&me:UPOii lhe'Mld niibi'C :!lia lad!es 'with another selection on. the Jiving to the deady that binds thtl e , ' and thaI wipes bad for • the _ I,?cal • postoffic 8!I that are ~e necessilY of "prepar edness" piano player. Mrs B. n. Kelly gave awav the teaM! of Gloria Patri . .. ........ . . " .. ,Elvey the mourni Your ng photpg bereft raph-N of the othin, mcreB:B ed will malls. to be Offerto ry Solo .. . , ... , . D. L. Crane Discussion a Christm as reading whiich the ladles friends , thrown back to their old style man , , The Star of Bethlehem .. , ' . Plopte. d add more to ~e Christm as pleasur e " all enjoyed very much. Mrs, J. A , -... • • • * ner of handlin g a small bunch of 0, f ,the fri ..... ds and kinfolk at home . . ' , Doxology ..... li'unkey attende the Federat ion of mall. It will, of course, decreu e ~omen'l Clubsd in ~onal :. . • ' . .. . .. ... '.. . . Smart The earlie' the order , the 'better the Toledo a short the salaries of tbe local postma sters. ' . time alrQ and .he pvo a splent1id . Anrete from the ~Ima of Glory the ,w.o.rk, RI~" St?dio. , . ~ report. We-we re g'lad Orpn rOlU~de, MiII'Ru th HarteOek to hear of . ---,~... - ' .::...._ • f the stand tbe Federat ion took on Rev. W, A. Thomu , ~tor of Fi~I~ Mercer . Dakin. son o . Temper ance and also on Child Wei: Chrllt church.'XeDIa. filled the pul.....VriI Eliza Dlsbrollgh , Dak!r. , fare and alon&' other educational Samuel Smith James was born pit at St. M.ary'a, cburch Sunday ' w,: 0 near bHarr2YS~~16&" a~~~~ lines, During the Bocia'i hour 11 de· _-t-~~~III--i,,",~JEI-I~r~, by rela· Februa y 3rd 1845 and departe d evening. ~e pr¥.e d ,a bea1,l.tiful t~me on c:i~~b~ A~e .. Ubanon tlves , (jclous t'wo course lunch , wu serve? this life Dec~mber lOth, of Mr. \l8rmo~ on ~eace. agCj3 70 :, Obio. at thea,e of 7lyears . 8 months by the hostess assisted bJ7 Mm, ThOR, rrg,. Which H. Eo years, 10 . monts •. and 7 days. He , has and 27 days. ocqurre ' d eITening, Dec. 12. liathaw ay. Mrs, Fr~nk Zell, ~r8, resided at his home on the Lebano Hlckok'lI ChriltmaR Candy ia n ufter a long pma Mrs, S'BL , Ca~:w~l Be-wa, married January 101, 1868, Bevere il~ness. The ght road beat for several and '.ch_pe years, et He was, the funeral ' to Ame Fallis who survives him. an ta r;'th ' h ar[erJ arne took place at hIS home In , ~~re third child.9f Mat ilda and. Richard line of. Cbrlatm u Eugene and burial was made at that ~' To thii happy union one daught er !rues ,0 e os ess, James. He has been afflIcted lor The regular meeting of the ChristmaaPOIItCarda. place, 'the decell88d, with hill family, wu lriv~, Mrs, .Nellie French" who - - • Oar Count)' lItan~at the very top Candy ~wa,.. on ', band. several years but was pat~ent and T. U. wal held at tee home W. C, lett here 8eve~al years ago, and bave baa of ri.f.r Mrs. ' been a mornin In 'pereen tqe at eftlcleDCJ ih lut g light to sroodIl the MlldaylJ at always ready to lelld a helplDg band thoae about ber. A, ~'unkey on Wednesday atter- been In Oregon ever since, , . -' ')',-r'. record aM . we are certain, (felitauor J to those in need, untl~ the Angel of J, raot. noon, December 15th. Mr. Dakin was an expe~t accou~t· IIODe of us dee1re I_ thia year, . . E>eat~ ~overed 0 er hIm and called .The meetinlj was opened by . 'a nt ba~ acquire d a buslnfSB tram· BllIgThe body of Mrs. Louis Brosie, , his SPirit back home to the Father ing "Stand upt for Jesus," who died at her home in Columbus, 'J :ea M ' or ,o:.'er . last week, was brough~ hel'e Monday fl,1I1na out. y,our ltatiilUCI or !nh'tiothtoer ta,?d tGhreetbBrotbnerd9 him well-in chosen occupat (.I n. and inter~ed in :"lIaml cemete rr at lear Weallhope U everv,aecrttarr , 1 cOmpanied h the ':.~~';::J.r& He traveled his pr~t:U , m ' "e . ~ea eyo ter of St. Luke. )Irs Funkey VOiced 11 0'cI9Ck , About for one firm almost 89 lUI In.' enrj blank. ~Get read, jD FrAnk "hic ~ere te t~enty relatlye He leaves to mourn. hIS , loss u two 111 ,eara, the,pra and yer of a the most Union. flatterin ~espons g offer es and friends accompanied the rllmamas, l~ur l'Cboorfor a front llneaeboo~, in MIa~i ,cemetery. ' brother s and one sIster Thos D" to roll-call were women of the from the same Bibl~ firm reorganized Iflou DOW la~ 8l)7 poln+-c ret bulY Roy who took charge of the James Ransom awaited hla llcic:eptance the 6rst of SpringIrons, After tl>e resding of the ml~ute8 , aIid 1118 that tbere II DO M J W Vorhl' s who was form Valley Packing Co's, ~Iant, Heighway , ' Jametl and Mrs. John the coming , year. d ,' Thia . tl alone f be. ther busmess about a yea~ ago, an~ ~ho, by the Dear BroUie.r thou haat pa88ed • We rs.. , OU to make a·.o..a..!al away., an ,trallSBC _ ' the on IUt 0 0 .. teem . in whicb rl Mi88 Llda Pettit, and a sister of he way , is makmg good In hIS new ca·' And we'll ml88 you day 'by ~o~ to"':: t to .~- ~~. h P day. a letter ·WIIII...,....... beld from b. v the ..... , . . . . I ' , State "mploy ~~lden ers ' and the pac.ity; wu on, th.e p.rog, ram of t.he But 'we know that thou t, Ed Chandler died at ber home v. ,Bone 10Uf du.,unothree eeate per " art go,ne. Mias Richard, was read. IS etter ~ Da ton lut larae circle of" i d f h G t Be d .The luneral busineIIB men ' with, Oh!O Canners A8so cIa t Jon mee t mil T0 t b among' other good member, for .we are,a ' little Iliort on thln~ contain ed nea y t her late borne Sunday, e an 0 t e rea yon. valuabl e instruct ions alon, toodk P1aCb~Y wbom he came In 1I7as ' whIch met last. week at Columbus, ~ Aword to1ouw lU tie.ufft; brough t to Way. ----_.--t and trrterment practical lines of tem'P8\ranceh wGrk. annesv'ill: H.was · and Oblo. Tbesu~lectof ,hlspaperpw.as " i'I01' 10U know .th. purpcNlt. wu made in· After some adhered di8CuSBonak~ e pro- Miaml metery Tueada yat90'c lock . Of UUI fuIid. belief, He "Unifo rm Tllrms and Trade II, . .... ...' i ram for the day was t en up as the art of c0!1nte.·· The paper ~as w~1I 'reo . ·We bave been , ID ,elx, Tcnm"..lp ~ follows: ' . . to give one's' C~Jved and made an llIlpre88l0nOn tloDll; and vIalt«t tWlow- oae ' R e,beeea, a well wntten orIginal Ufe to him hlsb_r era, Theo F. Burrowil died a~ the . __ paper thla favorite charact er of Nationa l Military Home at .Dayton , _ -~ ..._-...... ,,.nl,"-I n "our of th... Mrs, J: w y Mi. ... .,.,... " :ead by -L-I a...«.... ,_y"..... oa'r' ~Lida Pettit. died at thetormerl AlIi".. . .., "'...... enHOII 0--, hom.e of A touchinlr, Chriltmand - - _.. as r~dlng, \:NIl h ..... M ....... L W Chandl In liBellllle ., Chrlltm nep aa ew, Dream r. " here Tbe fll.n .ral was he Id Friday , er, .lIorro I ' "-tU ' ~to ' . D t Sat d i bt Tbe r~' ven b v Mrs Palmer . '1Af-'''J~tt. ''rurpl'OD . bitn~" at ,the Home, and tnterme n t . was ay on, .. u.. Ire JVllne ' ur ay tnit· , ... .. . .,.. IlI J ' . mains • were "Mart brough h" to Wayn8!l Ville An excellen t pa~r on ' t ery. muat not 8'0 back a made in,tbeJr ceme , ,ear, Tuesday imd laid to rest in Miami was read by Mrs. Duke h U ~ IWmaD f Cemete ry. After so.m e d~culSlon t e mee Yf. 'Tlie funeral of Mrs, C; R. Frank . ' : : ~en~~ at For,anu mber thedec eued cloMd by repeatm g .the W. C. T. • was btiJd at the Chapel' Thlmclal. The Kinll8 Mill. ,basket ball team made hel' home .. Pun L,;. .... - ""d Ie' U8 .tater. Mre. benediction In unison. came up 'to Wa,vnesvilloe SAturjaJ, Edwin Chandle r morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. J. F. ~tber. - , - , • ~ • ~ ,, 'nijrbt uid pve an exhibitl /ln ot"" riege sbe lived in'-'~difl Cadwallader oftlcla~g, Inte~pt If 70U tiaYe ,JlO TeMhel! ('~vlill~! h i made in MiaDlI cemeter y. . ket ball, lO·ealled. The Wa):neavUle This winter R!,Jll~lllg. The S. at S. C. bela· Itl ~ bu'IIIW their oUbe Port WII- was near and wi.hirur meetln . "with Ilta G. H. EII1I on 1I~ pme aDd Q.r~r iq the ~ Sa~al own people, cloaed 'l'bunda 7 aftemoo D' Deceniber r IIIsbt · overcom e lOme oJ their bad there and, 'Ihe . went to live I9li. 'l'be memben were all pnleDt . D1~1na' and JrIlV8 a v ry neat ex· nephew 1n Dayton. alb,.V.i l'dI. 'l'be ~rk provide d for the afterD of the The •- • eoon ftnlabed. Darlq tile hlblttcfu plared wen ca~ dalntv reftwhmenta'we N ~rln1llt 116 to
.,.... .,.
1~rtt~~~de~~edb~~nth~30t~~:;e~j REPORT OF,SlATE CLUB
THE. W'. C. 1 U.
:~I:n':"lb:ac:.~~:~fwll1 r:, 1,..r·p~·rl·R·M=kj
~~ ~~g'4~rd;k,~:~;;lli~Ui-hl! s:,lii~~
PfJOGRAM thF~!;ed:r~
:rlr~ c=~ nm........ , ~~~~ :~~~~;~;~~~I5~5i~~~;~: o~j:.C~~ KING'S· MI' l'l-,S~-'-
Ie:o~'a ~~~tfon ~f~et~:Co~t~~:~~e
a ' b o
d~th 80.
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DANDO'Lpn11 UlLJ n lfff''ITr 1, 1"-:
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, odd LILLIAN,ClIEsrER ';~!i£~I '
Nlr'holns VAn Plooo, " I s~l\l'(' ely think we wis h !o tnlIP UO, hl~ die uSRlon with Mr. .A1I1"" u 1111 111 w e hov digested tb e otter," oh~rrvl)d I Ih 1J!.le! ,"olrc ot ~fAnlilng, Bud, on this bi D! . .Alllson wi! 1dTf'W.
S~~~~! ~~/'In b~~~tr:::r8;·(l lr;o
WI:II:h montc"t be bad closed till' door b,' hln d blJD, Beln, so noor, be n&ltu rAlly
H \ t' n hoel y US s L wi ' Dr ad and I l's , t he I st an o U10 t delicious nwu. Tr tJl tl1 and you will Tie, CI' WQII ! to co t ru1 r oth~r kind,
., L eWlS ake y
............... --
...... r- ___
Are You Pul ling onta new l~a(J I or l'nlcbing the· old olle?
Waynesville, .O. '
\V~ h ave
on O~1I SurgeDt, and found he r l·"t,·r· ne 8toteO. ",We bavo a morlU OOIlS'" ta llllng a lillIe tea pa r t)' of tll g ) IJtit "I" U. • bow mucb ' 1 tioo wblrl! rorblds us to dl~ c uss mot. aud brlghl lls t wbom .Au ut Helt'r DI~' "11 Ih~ 1I;~tlll '" wBnl you!" H e slO pped, and boldln ' CHAPTER XVIII. lers or Inves tmont and proHt wltb ln I'll'S cou ld brlllg togetber. Sho came 1010 the little ruc l,tloo ti n ' IIlu\! I· ; \" C<!~ 0' nil "",'IIY II II· h~r ha nd. pAtting It gen tly wltb un 0:' these walls as I.t 'We w re a lord trust. Wa havo nogl ected ou.r moral obllga· "C0 7. )''' to ,meet Allison. 8nliliu tl with , malvtl. (' ! III' ,I ,II' ·cr b\' .) .' R III Bol UB tender n 8S. he gazed earne:uy Rev. Smith Boyd Prolea1a, The doves whlcb tn Humm r flitt ed lion In Yedder court, until we are as pl t!a"ur~, Th ere s eemed to b ad . ~(larkllll~ II ,,,,,, 1,',1'I '1' 1 .1. I ~ IlI" \C ' Into' ber ey es., His own \I'ere enU rely r. ill fact, any kind of abollt the Qui t Utllo v~ slry yard , aod ; 1I1ackened with sin QI tile tb lef on tho gree o r wlstfuloess I.n her sr oll og ti ll oun " 'II ,I",li\ ",,,!, 1\ r ( I ,t. '111\1, without tbat burning glow whlcb he ROQIiD" you want or M I', (! Il TllC t'· I had, ror so 10llg, bestowed on al\ the of he r rrl sods si nce the n Ight o r h r at th"l HI,., ":1, :1 t" cooed over tho vestrr door, wou ld cross." fu ll .· ~oltlt\I, ~' " c:.\',11 til" ,'l ~,l' l,l l''Qung nn d beautlrul. Tb y were aI. ueed. hnve flown nway hsd they b en At Shrewd old Rufus Mooning loo ked r etuen. nv'~ II I un I.:er \\,Ith most somber now, And In their depth "Ot courRe I couldn't overlook an op· Rev, Smit h borne; ror It was a storm)' affair. with I\t tbo young rector curIously. He Willi uell Infl uli .' \01' " ,~ tlr \ ~ 11 ,11"t n' f8oel ' wres II humbl e Wltrttulll BSS whlch pO I'tuull y to drop In.'' said Alli son, \oud voIces IlDd olAshl ng Wlll6 sud n puzzled ovcr the cbange In blm. g enjlral atmospb re of tfl nsll y" whlc.h . "Don't B\\' lng the pendulum too far, shnklng b or by botb hands. Rnd hold· he r: ,h '~.tl d t , I II. "lit nllil tn surr"l'. mlld e Oall's henrt How ont to him. ' "J 't D! k" I tid bl U l 'llcln .1 '" ~ ,,,,I., \,11\ ',\ It h " ht-llT,), was somewhat At vnrlnno wll h lhe Doctor Boyd: ' lIfannin8 remtnded blm, Ing them while he surveyed he r cl'ltI· g reQl lni(, ""~, .: 1 :lIt. ," 11 11 ,1 " t t ho I coo c • ,81e 0 , .. m, s m In« red·robed Hgure of tbe Good Sheplle·rd with R grent dllnl of klndlln ees. 'l'bese cnlly. Th ere WIlS a tromendous com· e vole a <of il l> ",10 ' '-Hit (~,ul lind r~ , \la. ~ffectl~n~ tel); a~ hlm' IA You'r the In tbe ~In ted window o r tbe v stry. two bnd m t orten 10 Vedder court. fort In bls strongth. " les ,11\,1 !I ',I I," ' nn I'loon , olll I earps oy n t . e war u, and I want "So you only called beCAuse you' Tbe late arrival was J osepb O. Clark, "Ou I' sIns. suc h as tbey are. are more "DaddY" M""11ln Ill'l~ M~d In lbe YOU ror my rrlend as long u we U1'ei were In the neighborhood," bllutered and hI. eye eOlllrbt that of Danker pR Rs h'e thall active." tor my very dear frlendl" It 11'88, of couree, old Nicholas 'Van Gall. Chlsbol m. before be nodded to the oth. doorway. 1,,11 " ,' II by till' roe t(\f, H e sludled iler 10 sllencA for a m~ "Thc sll' ~"l Ht 11011' r t bnt hlo \\ .l 10 v ~ "Guilty," he laugbed. "I'Ve Just b on OT!! and took bls Beat Ilt the Go tb lo Plooo who foil blLOk again on thc any dil l ," ~ uol" I " Dllddy" P, nnill ug. m ent. an(] then be put his bandll on table. Re.... Smith Boyd, who was BtO 'k argum nt wblcb had been Quite paying attention to my rellgtou s duo patllng Gllll's h,1II1\ Il rtocllollilt ely. her che ks, and drew ber I9Dtly When you wall t tu lise partlc.ularly Itrnlght and !all today, 8ufllclent to sootbe b18 cOJ).sclence for ties." '1'10 r ector SlO dil l', wnWII); til v. rrct towards him. Still IImn~ Into lila and partioularly tn earnest, poused nil these yeare, " I wasn't aware that you kn ew you long enough for the sllgbt disturb"w gIve til 8e people cheaper r ent had any," returned Oall, slrllng III th e hor. arlllT :\1 a 11111I"; hnd IIlonol,,,llzl,.l <'YE'S, ahc he ld lI jl her hl)S, aod bl'l anee to 8ub814e, and then he finis boll than they can find anywhere In the shodow of the WI ndow Jamb, Allison's her a ~ .. \I1 5h III me II. Ilod tht:' n ' wi, k l ss ~d Io cr, arou s d eye fur enlor In him srlzed " 1'(1 like to ~ny somelhlng Jolly he· bill speech. city." eyes ' were too searohlng. "That 18 my unalterable pasll ion In "We sbould con tlnue to do BO, but In "I sttend a vestry meellng now an d upon th o ~;o](j (Illd 'bill &I ud rud or her fIo re J go." he said a8 h e ro se; "but I the mattsr," lie declare/l, "It Market clean er and more wbolesome Qua... thll!lt be replied, and tben ho luughed stralgltL UJgY lltill n costllme, an d r ~co g· can't se m to thlllk of It." Call on ns an(1 we can Gnll Inughed. but there \VIIS a trac e nlz d III tl lolll 11 jl.lrt of It cr endl es8 SQnars churob has a mIssIon, It Is tera." QuIckly returned tbe rector. su pply you with \- ttl e • ynrl ty, Tt e bl ac k on hor I n ~h es . FIe of mo isture III her eyes 88 Bbe to ok the retl~nalbllity tor tllese mls rable "This Is the home of all theBe poverty" best at the lowest 1 \was close rtllough t o 8re t hnt ;· nnd he h is ann. buman wreclu whom 'we bave made strIcken people wbom Market Square marv eled a t h imself, thnt h e cOli ld not " 1'(1 like 10 help you out, DI~ky, b~t OUT wardL" chu rcb hBll taken under Its sbelter, dlBop provll, I cnn' t ,think of It cltlle r," ehe r e-We can!t fecd nnd dolhc tbem," and we hAve no right 10 dl8~ae of IL" Gnll was most u~ co mro rtD lI l)' n .... arf> t urn ed. obJecte/l Banker Chlsbolm, whose "Tbat's what rea),," and Nicholas .,'" was crying 1\ little whell ab of hIm III tbls IIPll rn (>S8; hilt she wbtts, 14uUon chapa already glowe d Vnn Ploon nodded bll roond bead. turned 10 him 1\'lIh a rrallk ~mll il of we lit UJl the s tai rs. and h er mood was pink from the anger·reddene d skin be-. "We should not Bell the property." frlend sb lp. ' not cven .Interrupted by tb e tAct that neath. "We cannot for IIbame. If for noth· "This loo ks like n con spl rncy," ehe Aunt Helen's door WIlS nJnr. and Ibal "It doean't pay to pauperIze the Ing Ise," agreed the rector. Beldng com men ted, .glancing t ll-WI~U 8 Ule Aunt Hel n stood Just beyond th e people:' Bupplemented Willie CIlII' on every polot of vantage to Bnpport crnck, s tu d y, wh l Ii WRld th ick wil li s moke. Jllngbam, Itroking bill sparse Vandyke hIs Intense dellre to IUt the Vedder "ll 'B 1111 ort n Ivoly In ooce nt on~, " " Why, child, tbat Egyptian blac.k 18 complacently. Cnnningham, whose court der ellcls from the depth of theIr relurne ... ~l annlllg, gh·l ll g the rector ru nning," was Aunt Helen 's first ob, lole relatlonsblp to economlca , can· degradntlon, "We liB now· under the \Jnl sm!11I chullcs. "We'I'o disc ussIng s ervn llon. Ileted In permUting ble lIe'c retary to disgrace of having owned property 10 lip cbecks. bad 1mblbed a few prln· filthy thnt tbe city was compelled to OBI! dabbed hn stl\y at the t wo tiny pla ns ro r the nAW V ~d d c r co urt teneclplee which aufftced 'f or all OOC88lon8. order It torn down. Tbe only way In mentH," r lv llle ts which had hesltnted nt the " Oil '" obsu ri'cd Ga ll, an ~ radlnt d ~I do not wteh to pauperize tbem," wblcb ..... e C8D redeem tbo reputation n distinct hill , w hereupon He". 'mlth retnrned the n,otor. "I am willIng to ot Morket Square church la to replace Doyd , <1'" s ting hl m.elr of 80n.!0 au ... actcept the shame of bavlng the city , those tenements wltb beUer onel. and teouli cnmpllmonl, e~c h D n ged ID llnc Ihow Muket Square churcb Its dllty, conduct them u a benefit to the 11 Wb lt.- rIf'g h " tO flnr! tl (1 ad lcns wll h I rs. Davies and )'O UO& to exchange for the pleasure of re- people rather than to our own pock. • Bj ~ok Mlnn'C)1I \If' okArel frf'lm 'Van Ploon, Rn d ~ook tria commIttee plaotng the fout tenemeJlts In Ved· eta." ~ ro ll t, In"llIg IItrn li !I In v. ry fi l) " 118ck Inlo Ihe Jltudy. . dar court with clean on••r "That's a Cl8TeF way of putUnl It," l)l rllHIl t.ltllllll DR ""rItR'u I)rll)e ' $1 UO Mrs. Du "IPM rpDl l\lued bllt 0 mOlllout .:r_p.1l O. Clark glftllced again at commended Jim Sargent. "It'll Hme (On Execution) Rnd $l.l. 0 ~ft ol\ , H . iii. 'to 11,,1'. or so, SII v I~ ~ em c d (mi;e~ to r Ur , we did IQmethln& to get rid of OUI'I €hfaliotm. . P b<!ne 22 il,X' Wa y!)/ SVI III\ 022 nud a ~ !be lort t he IIb rtll'Y, sho cast 11" Warren Common Pleas "'Tbe7'd 'be dirty. again lil ten dl sgm~e." and he was most earnest hoperJ\l ' bRck wnl'd glalico lit the d!lnc' 7-1'1," be.obse"ed, "If we build tbe about IL Ho bad been the mOlt un· In g·~.red 'Gall IUld tit\) correct youog Ilew t)'P& of 8anltary ' tenement 'We com(ortable ot all these vestrymen In NEl M. llre r9 m lnAU~·e rA Ifl,Rnl\' E , Mullonl' V:l n Plotlrl. "h", will! bls Dulch com· ,.b&llbAve to charge more rcnt, or n.ot the past 'few daYI; for the dllgrace a t en m o r OU,,!! 1II1l11lA. Ol' Ul "8. ple,don a nd h is b onil e rnn gll~h lDU ~' make a penJl), of proHt; and ,we oan't of Market Square ehu.rcb had been a ROUbeD 0 , WI ~hlUll and Oroce A. , Itham ~ InK 2 l' elll'fl 111. T (lnlre nf ',jel). 1.1\. ' as. No. 11696, tacho and htH 51u l\Iari Amorlcan body, pt more rent because the people who ,'ery rellable top~c of convereatlon In By ,'Inuo qf an <order 01 eolo, d ul ~ I•• uetl Se tll . nt MlI lh er'8 Mil l h rltl ~r . cl22 to Btly noth Ing of his be in g a Va n would pay It will not come tnto that Gall Sargent'l nelghborbood. (rom said ()ou\'\i III the ahoye .lat<XI CIU... ami to mo dlTl'<lt I. will olTor ror ....t . by way 01 JleIgbborbood." T he nual voice of emooth·ehaven She Ca ine Into th e Little Reception 1'100n, r cpresented t o hc r th e Idpal of p. ubllc all lIo'!., ,HUO door oftho Coun llousu. masoullo pcrfectio n. H e wa s a n e ll· "'Are we compelled to make a old J08epb Q . 'Clark drawled Into tbe "Co.y" to Meet Alli son, in Leb,uoD, \varl'Qo CoUO\y, Ohio, ou glble who never di d a nylh ing II 6 ()ond proftU" retorted tbe r ector. "Is It nec· little silence wblch enalled. "(. _ " " tor Market SQuare cburcb to "What about the oathedral r' be sbortly. ''I'd rather do busIness wIth too early or i\ second too , late. or de· AI 10 o'clock Ii. m, on B ill day. \he lollowlll remain perpetually a comlllercial land· uked, and the h118b wbloh followed torty cOQ/oratiolls lhao wltll on e ves · vlat ed b y 0 11 ay llo blo frOID tile exact '''..crILted I'f)a l O8lat , tfrw l\: -" lor4r "'8.8~ tar deeper than the one wblch try. A church a lways eX PlJcts ,to oon· thtngs h e shoulll BU Y , Tllo Illldlvlde<1 Imorest 0 1 Ile u boll 0, It Ibe nnx\oll6 Aunt Holen lInd WILham uljll Gro ce A, Wilham III lI ... rllul· The 'festry gazed at Re,. Smith he had broken. Even Rev, Smllb B07d duct Its s hare ot tbe negotiations ou Ina Butlorworth I'rol",rtY : Lol No. J . ~1 Bo)'d In lurprlled dlsappro vnl. Tbelr Willi ' drlv~n to lOme ' fairly profound n strIctly commercIal blU!ls , wbUo It conn ll'd ou ally Impo rtant r SUItR rrom r" • • lroDL. In Lho \' Ilin 'U tlf Wal'lIll1vlllO, Ohio . expeC tB you to mingle a li ttle oharlly tblll evell ioll'/I op portun ltl ea, sbe had Said IoLIsKlt"uted \I Jj!lrol'llOo 811ullre I\ud llreT!ouI ' rector bad talked like that, thougbL HIs bedroom alid bte atudy rae.. Third HI""" •. of , the transllctlons," w.lth yoil r end not teltell Illi o her ca lcuiullulls Ule IDd R&T. Smltb Boyd blld been a great were lined witb sketcbes ot the ItU' Said JlNporty fll\,oo 011 'fllll'd SIMlO\, tho I h u' , ' ,, ~v cd in the Rye "The Vedder court prope rty, " she lI(lrol tn08!' of Gui L I n pr.e 1~ '1 I y fi ve RIltlI'IlII\ strout on 1I.0 , ,, ~ II belllll ~IIIUl1I , t ho relief, ' pendously beautiful Ilathedral, the .,Shop 0" ·l ' r tb Main Rtreet .11 ....... , al1"""-Dll Uto Wt)1It 1J6I.ug-Bourth IlDll .... Ith a Sll&bt contmc tlo n ot minu tes Va n P loon \vas 0 11 th e doo!' .,-,.,,-..,,.--:-':--:,-,-:--_ .... Ij·SOile-ItIOItlD...,.,U .....ththe-churctrlmnroperty moat e:rpen8l'fe1n the wotld In 'Ah-I-II-U'~8.i .. U, . ho oea""'toll thq Soulh High 8, reoL...wh e re J II be vlcl1~cil to see ate ll, wlfh !J ls In vern ess II his shoul· 8a111 p",porLy II"" 11<011 regularl), taken DII at aU, It wUl meet with that perelatent he was to dlaaemlJlate the r;OIIpel. all my " I 1 tus l om ers. ' oxeuut luu IUld npPnl4't-141 unrler onlor ot Ihu cl1arp." lU'IflIed Ohlsho.1m. "rt seems "SuPPole we come back' to earth," "Sttll after It," - saId AI~18on, and ' d rs a nd hts aUk hat in bl s hand. wllb· Oou~ at tl l lIlO,CO) us n wbole alld wit! noL hi no , J Ily equip!) d- to do out eve u ha vin g a pproBched the ela bobe .,Id for I_ 'thau L\\·O'tJ,lrtl. 01 allprnlllod to me that we bave bad enough of 'It. r esumed Ola.r k, who had buUt the talked of other mat-ters. Livery Wo~k We will take \Iwue ot doten d~ll t il Int oroslt. lDcllnatton woold be to eell Standard Cereal company Int.o .. mono JIm Sa~gent returned, nnd ginn Ing rate IlItrlll'l ellOll to cerlu ln Important Terms-oush, . you on opoly of all the breadst\jtfe by that Into the IItUe reception t ete-a ·te le 9S r Cimarlts I:e h arl defiuitely decide d to 'WA LD RON O. OIT, MOOn. Mh.rll! Warren Oo un ~r. O. . procel.. "If we rebulld ..... e set our. be J)888ed, saw Allison nna came bllek. .make. Gtt n ml ' ht not ha ve be on able Eltzrotb &- .Mllllte. At.tl'.. . selves baok· In the cathedral project "I dIdn't ellpeet to see you so soon," to r id h eTA If or him AO 81111)", for be " Poor Dicky," tlhe ExplaIned, and Decl. 16 B)' 0, J , Wngllouor, DOjluLy, was n. p erso n or con sldpra bl momon. ' Walked Into lier Own Room • .ten yean. You can't wIpe out, wbat wondered Allison. you call OUr dJegrace, even If you "We broke up in a row." _augh d tu m, but he ilnll mtll I' planned to gl'1'8 al\ th8lle panpen tres board and JIm Sargent. " Olark lind Chl s bolm make a .mo re dellbornl e (. rem a ny o( c urvo ot her pin k cht'eks, Ilod then she compulsory bathll. My I,lropo81t1on I. were willIng to a'leept your Ilrlce, but t ho m!lttr r o' Impuls lvo oll Por tunl tle~ put her belld 011 Aunt Heloo's shoul· , , d er, llnd wOllt s oftly, to telepbone for J!)dward E , Alltlon, the f eat at UII Usteoed to DQctor Boyd not b!l l n~ In h lB lin e of llwIlght. "Ptlqr fllCk y," sbe explaIned, and Give u l! B call "nd y ou will tind' and tell, blm we're ready to acoept and Nlcbol~1I Van ~Ioon, ana tell. We . A. taU young ruan III nn .lnvernesl hll offer." Insist on our cathedral, nod OootOI' wallle d r!!lpl dly past t be door wbtte then turn ing, dl sappenr ed Into bot our prices a'r e all r ight. WANTED "Not whUe I'm a member of this Boyd's plan seeme the Ilest way to Vnn Pi non was saylog Uui · oorrectly own room. Mrs. Helen Da vies looked after hor ,:e8tr),," declared Nlcbola. Van Ploon, «et It, thoogb even tliat mllY necellBI· clev r thi ngs Itl t he Way ot adi eu ; Rnd swtvellng' hImself to defy Joseph O. tate a (our or five yean' dcln);." , b~rore ah e had r:losed the door on Van speculull v 11' ro r rr Dloment ; but sh . ' E will kill H ogs Ilnd Odt,le any Clark. "We don't lIell ,the property." "Wbat'. hili plant" OBked AlIIllon. Ploon, Dic it Rlldley walked Into tbe decl!led not 10 fo ll"w. d'lj yon want the m. We , No~th Main Street "I put Mr. C1ark'1I proposltlon a a "Rebuilding," returned Sargent. " We bouse ",Ith carelees nssurance. (TO n& (,Ol''I'Il'tlJ!:D> l! nnrllnteo slI t,lstRotlon C .. II on J. T • . moUoo," 'erked W , T. Chlaholm. IDd c'a n put up tenements good eoough to "Ornololl , Dicky, yOU can·t come "'--..r::~ ;3 Mnrlutt. or pbon" 146 By' , Wilynelt In the heateil argument wbloh en. paslI the Dulldlng Inapeotol'8 a nd to In I" protes ted Gal1. with bolt frown· YIII.-,Oblo, , d 22 sued. the OOQd Shepherd In the 'w in. laet IIfteen ·years. Wfth .the sllm ~ Ing. halt laugbi ng remonstrance. "It'l dow, taking advantage ot the ablrtlng rentl we are now receIvIng, we can' 'a tearful bour for calls," of Sale of Sch-oo) sun, removed trom the fOom tbe IIgbt offer them better Quartere, ana, ns , . "1'11\ II trlen(l ot the fa mily." In' E'Wlll kill Bog!!, MOllfl "v~ nrid of the red robo, , Doclor Boyd sll3geeted, redeem o~'" Bleted DI(,k, CAlmly' cl(ISllIg the door TbnrlldllVIl of e"oh wee k. 0,1 11 Tn the encl~ tbe prnct.1~nl.mlnded ,selvea trom I~f the dlsgraoe of behind th,~ m IIlId hnn glng hi e hnt o~ nn' E, 8, aliny, WllYDe8vlll ~. Ohin. memben won oYer the · seotImental. tbl. ~bole proceed1li.,. _ Clever. sen· the r ack. , d16 "r guoss you ' ve torgotten 8811I.d proposals wi ll bu rocell'oo aUllo·olfl ~e " Iste, If Nlcbolas Van Ploon could be sIble Idea. 1 tblnk." , t h e prQg rn,m. 0 1 ~h o Ulurk oi thli :Uourc\ Df EducalJou Of .~ Funeral Dir..ctor ,. owaed linder tbnt hoadlng, and Alit. QaJI wu leanln. forward, with her "Olt , y el~, the proposal. Wcll have \ \'oyho 1'owIl\Iblp Hurul School DIB1rlct. ' \y-uynC8vllle. Warron OvUDty, Oblo, nnlJl 12 son wall , telepboned, Before tbey IIngel'l olasped arilund her knee; her It over ''Itb'' FOR SALE apd ~mbalmer t ,.. . () clock Iloun. un ' were through wrallgllng over the do- brown eyes bad Widened. and a little ".All r lsht," he Agrced, and tnklng January 15th 1916 ' - - _ _ _ _ _ _--"-_._ / ' Waynesville, Ohio • . cl810n to bave blm meet them, AllI. red eliot bad appeared In eltber cheok; . her arm nnd tuckin g lle r shoulder ' ~'Dr the 1IIII1!hase of bonds of the RUrtll son was among tbem: One might al. her, red lips were balf parted, 88 Bhe com fortn bl y oos I e to hIm, he wnlkocl Schoul DI.trleL of WilY no 'fowmblp Warren Aores. 6 room b l)U86 lIod b arn. Cal1answered ~romptly day or nip;iJt most have tbought that be had been looked 'Up In wonder at ber Uncle easil y "'Jlh · b er bac k to the library, \.'ouuly, Oldo. IDthoalllfl'llllatolumoI1300u,UO Arrived th re, be sented Iter on her to be datod January 16lh, 1016 and maturing For inforrnHtlolI 8(ldrll~~ W m . Both pho~es In Office llnd Rettldence. , waltlog for the call; but he ex. JIm. long distance,No. ]4; Borne plfone chansed no more (.n endly glance. "II that tbo plan u~n whlcb they favorlto cbalr, and drew up IInoUler $l~g~il~ol~~~rOOI to 1I0 due alld payable July MattbeW8, Dilyton. OhiO, R. R 7. 14.2r, ' with Clark and Cblsholm, of the new bave declc2edT" and Allleon looked at one Bq u n r~'l y in tront or her, $,IOOO.UO Lhoreo r to bo due and payable July near Center:vllle, "I'm ' Going to shock you to denth: ' ' I G.~h, 19JI "Dootor Boyd propo.ed to 'You To- Ioternatlonal Transportation com· bll w/lteb. o to Zell '& B f ." ba Chairs and 'one Coach furnished "free , , on . or.iQ oeo ,< with funerals., . , , ' , nIgh"" Sh. Char;ed. ' , pnny, tban he dId wltb any or thu ''WelI, bal-dly," frowned · Sargent. b& told h ell'. "I'm. go Ing to propose se- $1~g~il?OI:h'Ff ttl bo due and II..,nblo Jyly B.o xe.. Phono ollll 12G:~r nest, of serviCft guaranteed. other8. "We couldn't ewtnK Olark and Cbls· rlously to you. " Eneh of eald Dontls will be tll the d"n0/11' or sooo.uu, IIDd ouillbewtl COI_U. "Well, AUlson. we've decided to ac. holm. At tbe laet mInute thoy 8Ug· 'the" properi7 outrtgbt, and ' tnke up Some lo,ugillng retort 'lV1l8 on !fer Iuullon voly Irom ODe to 81x both loclu.'va, and Blower, ' but Ie.. personal, forml ot cept your offer tor the Vedder court g s~ , that' we mlaht build lottI!, and lIP8, but abe cll ug ht A 160lt In bls eyCfl tl Will ooar IntorOet at tho raro 01 J!'lvo percent,. se~onr1-b!l nd Fo~d lor Bele. 10. um fJOr annum, Inl01'll81 payable ooml.nDDu&lIAvBltm.nt." , , property," stated MannJiiIl. . th 'I ; .. ,,lendlng trlLOBII seemed too serlo wblcb slld,]e n Iy stopped he r, IY 'oll tho 1 5~1l dllY 01 January "nd tbe 16th qUIre of J . B., Obspmliri, Well'v Qld Mello.... Van Ploon, sltllog far "I baven't made you any, but I'm ~up take Up just now, 10 we've "1 am vcr y rnucn In earnest nbout tillY 01 July 01 o..ch u.od every yoar d~ tho neavlIlt", '011111. phone 65 5. (} 29' ,.a. • Itlo or oaclJ 01 uld IIonli. and 10 lle ovldeuced enough awa7 tD told ' his handa com· wUlIng,", returned AmBOo. ' t8 he whole thing." It, Gall t Dnd bi n voloo bore the etamp 1I)1 dotachablo COUPODl tho til'lL of .ald coil. tortab!7 ~I bll tlabt yest. lorewed ' Jim Sal-Ilent drew from his pooket n smiled,. and BUpped hie of deep shLce rl ty. "[ lo \'e YO U. [waot 1)Q1l!> • \'/ I!(ttll.H'iUe"e ,.LenIHnp Denu" 10 b\lCOOIO duo and payallie ou ,lie lGth dayolJuty,lOIO . biB neck around ,lIo that be could Blare a memorandum IIlIp. WII )uck 10 hIs pocket. (;foOfi'J erR8Y Mlloh CIlW~. 3 li nd omoe la Keys Bldg , M I Ht YOU to b e 'my wife," Hoth "rlllc l~ul and Intereet ol .. ,d banda to 5 y r8. old, wIll befre~h Ihlp • . an 'at tbe banker. , " You oaered us alum whloh. at ralrly dellnlte. bowever. that "Dick," [lro ~e8 te(L Onll, and It was be payablo at file WAf-n"vllle National Bank Dr Wal'IIIlO,'lIIe, Ohio ; I'wo Dond. numbered month enquire of Eel. 811 rl ll()(l, ~~~~~~ ,.~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!! "No," he' ·objected; tor the Van three and a balf per cent, would a~. yo n 't seU," he concluded. she who r onob ed out nud plnced her sud Two Inclusive will be due and .paya. , , PlOo~ mflUorui h\Id been accumulated erue, In , ten yeare, to torty.two mil· at your d/iUre," laughed Sal" hand 10 hi s. Tlio nctloo wns 1.00 con· Uno bleo" tho 16th day 01 July, lIn O; Two bond. WaynesvIlle. Ohio, Phone 12- lI% , cillO tlumborotl Three and l'our \rUt be duo 'and by the growth of tall omco buildings IIqn .dollara," be remtnded tbe prell. 'J( we took your money, Doctor ftdJn gly frn,ok tor hIm to mlstnke It. paYl>blo OU-Lhu Hlh dny 01 J·uly, 1011; Two 01 ou.t of • W0rtb1811 Manhattan swamp. dent of the MuniCipal Transportation ould bu too old to preach in tb e "I w as Ih frBld you'd tlll.nk thot WBY .ald hOllll. oumbured I!lve and Slx'hullualve PPLEb-Whlt., Pippin" and will Ix> due allll payallte ba the Ulb "IIY 01 -We Bboulil never sell the property." com pany. "Tbat Hgurel to a Bpat-callh n f thedral." 'l'liiH·dlAease should 00 trented l1li soon abou t Ito" be fto. ld, his voIce full at ~uh'. 1930 ' , , York ImpBrI"it., ~ootl olll'lJ '''There are a dOllen arguments prO\)oaltlon of tblrtY-Dne mllllonll, with l pull It througb ilome way," de.· n poln of "\'blch tl)ey n ~ lth er 'one had : SlIlo bonds are lI.. ued UIIdu the A'QlborUy lnqolre of 0. E. Ifloheller, 'Waynell ruj the ilrst unnatri.r al lOO8llDPI!II Qf' ttl\! 01 Section 762901 Ibe Oel\oral Oode of OhIo IlI&lntlt kel!plnB It," returne,d tbe,nasnl n r ev eating dechnal of one' so Bomo- cl A1I!son. "He's lUI 8mart as a ' belleved him capable, "This Is , the d2~ hd}V(ll8 ·appe~, When tIii6, Is dlmj) " S~ld bond. ro lle knDwn U Tbe WaYlle ville, O~lo, Phone 1lt}..2. ' $Ingle doee of Ohatnbclrlllin's CoUQ, Ohol· vOice ~ old JOlepb' O. Olark. "Tbe l ·bOdY wlU have to 10lle a ce~t.'· w, dret 'tim e I ever proposed, ' el\'cnJlt In b?'~3:~'lp Uural ,Scltool DIII~rlct Improvomout era and DlarrbOea REimed.r. Will effect" "That . offer II wlthdra.wn," eald Al. l\ elthor gentlemlUl bad noUoed Gali. !lh,lef 006 fa the necel~ity ot maJdng tun, and 1 1Vt\ll t"tO mnke YOIl fa ko me aid bonde wltl lle auld to Lhe bisb.' bldAY-Timothy Bay. Olover Btly (lu to.. ll'his remooy· .can alwaY$ 00 (le· ' ' Sba had settled liack In her chair duro' a llU'lf8 In"..tment In these Dew teoo- ' IIson, lerlously, Ga ll, 1'V''1 saId so many <lor lo r 001 Ie"" ~hau their par value and will Ilnd Clover Seed for lIiljo, J/'I- JlIlnded nwn even In the motit severe ahd "I dcin't 8ee w,hy." objected Jim Sar. Sq theso lut '.peeohes, weary and pretty tliin gs ,10 YOII, thnt now, when ,Iraw luter08tlrom Lbe date thoreor QoDdI m8JIts." · . Ilou~1 bids will not bo COll4ld~ Hid. quire of 0 , L Rloke; Wayn esv ill e , dangwou8 caaea, and should be kept lit R~v, Bmtth Boyd role again, Ibut. .gent. "Tbe property II a. valuable tor lleties8, nod , overcome wltb a seuse 'reBd,y to., lostant nse, Never leave I am In sue.1! i1 eh nerAte en.rnes t, tber o's III ~'t ho &ccp mpanled by a ""mUed cbticJr for ., h2~ P!Uld db. the Ilsht trom, the ,~d robe ot your purpose as It ever was." of· lOme htlmlllaUon too eVBlIlve to b e I\othlnll lert but 1ust to tTV to tAli vou $100,00 upon a IIOlvent and ~tlvo Bank wltb. Ob 10, phone 83-5, home OJi II journey lVItiloutlt., In tile sLalc 01 Ohio. mado 'payable to &be 0 ... the 000d Shepherd out of 'quietly con. "1 don't dIspute that' but In thnt properly fram ed even In tbouBlrt. Sha Cler 01 ~ho I ric of oald DOariI or EducatloD ClIDtrate4 :.rim Sugent'l eye.. , offer 1 allowed yOU to; tbe Inoomo- h ad a sense tllat sbe bad gIven away :_~.:.:-::::--'~'"::'~~:-~__- - - - "~" condlLlon ~lIat It Lbe bid III ICCepted ' I, Ie bidder Will receJ ve anti Jl6Y for'the bond • ... nhieM to thta entih dlaauIlou.-: . earning capacity of your Improved something ,'astly precious, and Wblch - ,- ~~~~" ~\\!~:::l wllhln ten day. 110m &bUlDle Ilroperty. SInce tbat capacIty ,Is :would . novcr be valued, Neither did ' Snl,' chllGk or the Ill'<lCtloda tbereof to be retnlllc'(I hy and becOme the I)JVpeh 1 &b ~t0l!ped, I don't (eel obliged to paY you they notice that eho change!1 suddenly 811t O rtllrtll $!fbool Dfatrjct or WiEanI .po,",~ for It. ·-cr, .,In other worl;\8~ to make up to r ellet, She lilld been "Justified In, . . hll), Warton (JouuLy Ohio uUti ledd to you the los8 whtch the cI~y bu com· her deolsloo: B"c/l use li~ llu>\ nll e~ ro< l lI H h cd r (1l1 l1 1I1f, II .'!~W condltlo'o 1* not tol led , Ol=: " 80 to .... toturnefl ro tho bldlf~r ' pellild J'ou to IUllaln." She took the rei os o~ 'eonv,e reation t lt tl OI1 \\' 011 hy It~ ~qutl wor kl" , A '~lhl~I' I "'\t.' tax lIu boon levied &b '!There fa lOme Ibow of reason I.n h erself after Uople Jim bad lett, and . S f'Oil l,1 ~fl it, I" IIl 0tlt I' t illed la f MlIllj ttL" UU pllCtlto ~bo 'I'lId nurar~oo1 STOCt( AND OENERAL >!fllrlcL ul WOYIIC 1'owuahlp WarreD OounL), 'lI'hat AlllBon saYI."obae"ed Josepb O. entertained Allison 10 brightly that be t, bo~e \ bo b'HV" ttl!l'lI It fllt til II II " Uhlo 8Ufl! lont in al~ollnt to pay tbe IJitot' AUCTIONEBR Clark. lett wIth JmPl\tleooe, at the tea party , .·nr IIi' nl'lI'li i on 'I'. rtll11·!1d. Mltl nr'e D S.'U bond. nud to pay Ihe ptU1e11l&l or Chisholm leaned forward, wltll btl whIch menopollzed b el'. ht "t hC ,) ubi llted with nil ~ O " rI q .III! ~~ h.'r,~~~, lit m Lurll)', and ' collelltable u elbow. on the tabl., around the eclae Later, wheo Rev. Smltb J30yd ~1e8. hl:l:l.'c rl!lht III l'eI1OI'Vod ro reject &Ill' aDd 11\ the he&411 of dropped In, he met with a aurpr1slng B~Ollnl"" It lnr)~[lI1H " 1l!1 r alhJv" , EST.AT8 &. IN~URAISCe I ~IOUld he _ 10<1 and tlDdoned.. Blda and dllconcertlng vl'I'BcJty. In bll eye ~I cold IIf~1 oil!, ""!uro In r~ !itl/llll~ II;.U(~1s II, aYlICl Towa"hlp ilura! f'lebool DJ». fret Itl°IPI'O\>t!mbnt bead •• anti mailed or detbere were paIn and suffering, and In. rbe t'. ~ II' j t 'l It b r" d lll,Y Ofll1d ' t ll'll, VO"'I " LitO Olen of tllo I10ard or BeI_CIoIi expreellble bonger, but In hel'l tbere B~!1tlu 'f' li t ,r, "14 nnt oontll iu opIum ti I I IU n ......1School Dlatrlc~ or Oft~hljl. Wayno.vlllo, W _ OuuII\7;Oh~~WD~ wu cm11 dancIng rrivoUty; a IItUe too (,r II DY III r [I'/t(lolin ebullient, perhaps. If he bad been w[q B~ Illf" Is wUhf n lhe reaob or The Dolii'd of I~~~U,~,::'~ l!ebool » Oblo. lal.ftc& ~"J.~.~ tD lmow; 1111& he wu 1111, It on costH a qu rter. On. .:ouot" .,
.t,,~, ,,:·=-rl:~:-muoll I-~OV~OU~
Shingles Felt Roofing
In BuildO ng
Mat rial
Lumb.:;r ,
Perklns' Garage
~~====~_I alas siRed Ads
Any Road -4ny Place Any. ~ime
District Bonds
DR. H. E. HAT"lAW.
W. N. Sears
~~l;.~;t~~! ,alliable tI'.rnr,MI!a
GAZETTEIIStt:c~~ ~~'~':;t~~fs. (Toledo, J. D1aku oath
aL W"rlleIJ\'IUo. UWo
D. l.... CUANE, Editor and Manager I'
=='============= DECEMBER 22, 1915
Is SC'nlor
elll'lIe) lbal he partner ,II the firm Qf P. J
g:~~I~r ;'Itd~: c~~~~ ~1~dlnS~:tei~rol~~
H--E'-·----N---E-IG-B-.--H0RHO O-O---401----:.--.
rr~' ('hri tmu will 800n bo h er e
aid, and Ihll t saicj firm will pay the :I r 1U,1 ,II , ... Sian \Vorley are enVN~ HUN OtO~D DOLL ARS (or As Written by Our C'O tps of Able Cort I p Ont.! each alld ey"ry ('a5(!' o( Catarrh that can· f , t lli '1II 1( \ 110 furmer 's nBllhew. '======;:===='===== ' nol be cured by t he use 'Jf H ALL'S C'A· ents I" the Neighborhood i I (I I" \',' I .v, of VirBlnl~ . ' TARRH l:UIH£. F({~NK J. (;}-mtH3Y. I' ' . N . , 11 1 t.ou 18 nowapol..,!ing tu 4'lorc me ·and subscribed -------~... --:----- -----~-- - 4 ' . h' , . ltd" l 1/\ Jutlls wHll e bBs. JSher. ill ~\\'OOI my presence. Ibi~ Illb dav of Decem. ..~
her: A.l)D. 1 tI, A. W. NOlary Public. .(Sen Hall' s CILlDJ'rh Cure is lnlrel1 lule
f 1¥
I rM H
I ' ll
nlevery I)oor .
HOUDAY FURNITURE "aDdre•• of pretty all ..... Makl th:. 'a Furniture Chrhtma. and YOII will pI .." the IntI,.. family. Cem. to tho Wa"n. now whll. you have tIme to malll ,ollr .. llIaUon-he,." you witt find hundreda of pr.tty alit plH118 u..t will make It Oa'Y for )'0\1 to IOlvl t'hl 111ft probl.",.
AJ .., price 10ta with to pay.
E~erything for the Me.n Who Smoke.
LIbrary mild. at ~ q U .. T t. ro'4
.....~~SiI~ o·n c ur nrat neor yo u
LI'a '
o.lc tlnl.h.
• will lind amoktolJ 'i;il~ 01 , ,' fi ll . vi i ~ In lt SI2.00 Limoet overy deacrl llLloli. . MURSfll B .. iley norl. I obert . ~ra.y Now III t be ' Urne to m a k e , h_ . wurfl 01111er6 iu this vloiuit.y 011 Slit. Thl. b,·a..,. I? · T BuLirul alll, OIUI ' . your ..1.011011.0 '..hll .. our . OhrletmlU will l oon bo h are and ' IIfrs Gloudln V(.II·neli wLllle, I)or. I urduy . bl.! had In el th..,. Slvck 18 0.1 II. but. gone forun otber year . Berll ollatll foruuDg her bou~ehQld duti es IIl1p. ,,' V L E soldon OAk or mo.· . Tho 8moicloB Sianc! II· yelf.rs Ubrl~tm \8 does Dot oome 80 pell aud fell on tbe loe TntltlrlBY . It 1 be 1.1 111808 edit Ilod rrn!l Ills hOSl>ny IInloh. lualnll ed ItI a lJf.... t v .. lu •• oftea 88 wben we were ohlfdren. wOIl fell red s lle \V'lB ser lou"ly .burt , were Snlard!lY t! uea~s of Mr . Il nd fumed o. k. slaode 29 How we all enjoyed hanging up our bu~ sbs 18 810wly Itn proving. . Robt . Gray , of l:Iarveyeburg. $14.00 Inch ea bl,b . top I, 12 Inobos In diAmot.r. h Wi dooklogs to rbOelve tbe pre8ents . ~1lm.n61 Hink le vlldtod tbe Towe ll Mr. Bud . MT" .· Cliff BIl~ke spent ...... V · .,~I dra:wer and brut!. o..h . ioll4 , quartotrel IlDd now 1I0me of US are deligbted If family SUD "y afte rnoon. .-;UUl1llY ""114 the fo rm.er B mot hE Y, lr.. y ...Ith thr.... olll'ar b I ki '1 of B n rvey~ 1> UT!l . .' • ',' O&k IIbrlU7' '1'qla lip. anel Dll.t.ch $1 98 we .a veapa roratoo ni:s 'blnge The meetings tbflt werebeld Mon. , . rtolJPt&oht •.••. . • t 10 8ItII. tum" 06 ohaDge a8 we gel oIlier. day and TUdS<1ay eveulngs or I~ilt 1\11811 Renll ], /(1m 'WIL~ ehopplDg In ~..~.D oak ftttiIA BarveY8burg ne dBy Illst week J Harter I:lhldaker 18 l ojoorning weok wor e I\lmreol ted by ull. R e v . . ' , $17.00 In our Olty for an Indefinlle. time Bnobllnun'" II ddr e ~e!l Bbnk d ee p Mlijp May E ll lun wa In BurvoYIl. Be 18 Ibu' ou~ from hll home 00 do wnla t " ' I ) Il rls of t:he hel\rera b1lTa ~R tordll;,' .. ft.e rnoon ~OOOOl;1t or hili grandloD bavlng Mr. an<' \ , r ' Ghut!. ,£llom~ s .. ud Cllfl nit wire und l:lowllrd (;iruhHDl Ie IJwaya a.c. c:.._~ 8Oarle' fever .nd It Is reported quite fllomily eD rl" ," ,I.e! 0 0 npllny 1::'00<1ny. oBll eu un Will Gill/llll lust FrldOlY cepta.bl•. PENSIO N GOE:S WlTti CROSS Till. Golden • a aevere o.ee. M. \£.' ' ,! 1 It). " I and Wife t()ok Mrs. Anolt Boovp.r hus r eturotld Ook n ooker Meeting at tbe M. Il ohurob Suo. ~uadl1Y dlo :, " I b (J~rl She rwood M f ol' Bv ••,,1 weekI! VIII1t witu 'bar ·i. uphol•• ..,.· Moat Hlllhly ~rtzed Decoration of the ed h I. Imtta.· day. Come ont and enjoy Ref. wife lind eoo ]larente b e re , tlOD Spanish 8ritlah Army Alao Carrlea a Walker'8 explanation of the Bible U I ntl ·: , 1,1 tbe pa r ty g iven WilsOl1 B"OUB~t ~RB In Wl hul·ng. " evera v vI' ~ FInancial Reward. ~~M{,\d'~ The" ea\ber during the pas' week Il' tho home of Mil urloe Hun ter ton on BA~urdIlY. alp. a...::::~ Cllas. Ij:lli8 and dou 'hte~ Emmll, IlIlDIlkJng Ilover'" ot Ollr oltizen. 'L'hursdl\y o\'lloltl~ On nOIlOUD~ of In tbe origin a.l instrument, drawn ,&.69 'hlnk at gOing Bouth. the inoletnBnt weutbeE 1lI11ny wele and Mr. and Mrs. e ho . ~ Bage. up in l R50 wltan the Victoria erOSB mey er lind family were s hopping in W. E. U 'No,\n, o r nC'lnr Waynes disappointed. Thia Quartentcl Oak Davvillo, called OD frlenda berll lilst MIBW ~"'rl ., HurtSllo k attend d 'he Leull noD SIlt DrdllY Ilfte rnooo. Wll8 instituted, Ilule 14 declares: Wednesday drl VIne an up. to.. dl1te oontoRt I t Centervillll !lad reJlor,t Il illlon Ii rlaD is au t h e plok list enport .... ,29.00 "It is orumned tlnit every warrant ()hevrolet Ilutomobllil wblch WIlS good time. tbls wcek ' ~ . . In ( umed officer, pet~ officer, seaman or maveryUmuob admired by those who MrH. Will Elliott, Donr Ferry 'Ie Mr. Euoch Berger bas roturnAd !if 1:01••p ot.II:'; upaaw . III rin or noncommj~sioncd officer or d 0 bliltaUoa fhe Itork villit, d the home of Mr. ooufi ue\1 to her Hid on aooou nt of ,~I te r severlil dllytl visit a t Welltboro • lIh IAallJ.-; with relatlves. Boltl ier who shall hove. received t he ' and Mrs Amol! nebon rd Thnrsdoy slok lll!s:l. , IIfol4 tS.18II1 cross 8hnll f rom the dilLe ot tho act lind len wUh thom 11 Hne baby boy Clalenoe Foulke r t b is the proud Mr. and Mra. r. F . MoGulnn en =~I::J'-a posses80r of ~ Saxon llOoohlne. !:luo tertalned the J orda ns Sonday Ilf hy whjch the decorntioll , hU8 bepn to brighten tbelr hOUle. oe88 to you Mr. Foulkerth ternoon. ained, be entitled to a spec inl pen· Mra. J06epll [(alnel hu jaa' reo Mr. and Wrll . p"ul Pe teraon, 01· The littl e do n of W !J h ~ qul r 3S has sioo of £10 a yea r, and each nddi. ' ur l1ed home aHer spending a wee " Spring Valloy, tooll: Sunday dInner wl\h relaSivealn Dal'~on wltb t.helr parentI', Mr. aDd Ahe. not Impr oveJ tiE .. be should. tionol bal' oonferred under Rule 4 Mra. Emma CbenoweLb Ie hero ~'rank y , Rarrls. Word WtlS ~ent' to Ferry t hat J ells BEAR on such warrant or· petty officera or trom Wllmlug'OD &0 .pend 'b ~ Tile Bible 0la88 at the M. E Rohmd lind been serio os ly bur t, "J co n ~l der Vitam berluin's Coagh lng benellth .. IOlldlld wagon f"!l noncommissioned officers or men holiday II wilb relative. and frlllnde. oburch II being ver, well aHended Rom edy by far the best m B910ioe tn shoJI earry with it an additional penMIIII Alloe Ohllnowltb hall been and Is II hOlled SO be a oredlt to oar Be wns $ulren t-o tb e Xenia hospita l the market fo r ooIds nod oroop. " and It was fou nd he oo nld be r eo s,ion of £6 per annnm." entertaining oompany tbe p..' IIttleol&y ill tbe very nefU futnre , movlld to bla h ome t hat evelling AllYS Mrs , Albeit Bl osser. Llmll, Th R I 4 1 ed t .d week . ~y, lYho repaired yoar storm Be 18 geHlog along llS n ioely us Ohio. Mnny otherH Ilre of tile same e ,u e re err 0 proTI ee . trou' -<<eh .b.t new oellulold'j Now · There will be no Ohrll'm.. eD~r 1 ..... r oplnl oD. Ubtalnable everywhere. 1 h 1 t lilt w en a man w 10 h 0 Id 8 t he VIC- '-Inmen,.t our 8Ohool houBe tbll ,on koow ; you .re klddlnlr ma; n o oould be expected . - - -... ... and Mra. J ames Mullin un() Mr. indeed, I am 11)t; wy-wy ie WIlS tori n cross perform8 another act of year. IIttlll d8nghter Edu" ,lied on III Mr. J'r .. nk Baule .till remain. Ben Evan,.. IJravery tllot would have entitled him H II belog talked of about the Bl.'rtsook fflmily 8uud~y afternoon. to the ero s if he did not hold it, qulk! poorly eLi hill home ·here. he shan ,have a' bar. AppBrently the Butoherlntr .eems &0 be the order w.r 0 stoves 10 the varloua busine~B . rooms In our IUtie ol'y lob.' It lij number of barB he may 'win is un- of , h e day am.,n, our farmerl. guloe '0 be oor gaod loolr to bave a limited. Tobaqoo • e'rlpp~nlr hili .II~ belluo, o&ndldate tor oooo!.y oommlt<eloner. OWES HER BODO HEALTH TO CHAMBER· Mr. J oe 88um, or Day&oo , Mrfl. TABLEJS In 1898 an alteratioo was agreed III •• Flo,.enoe I.. oy ,W.I 'h.e BDel" ow 'he I, eo'leman 'h•• la 'bflln'g WIHhun J onel and BOO, of Xenia, t' . d t til I ' bo t V' I e..' ber 11,"r, lira. J'r... t (, ouk, of 11 _" ___ of by bl. frleod., .1ld tbaa ie ·'r Q~e Iny good b'61ll,t.b to tJham. vlelted Mr •. Amol Jaoli:soo and fnmo \II nl~8r ;0 e ru e a U 10 ~ lIIOote' noenUY. Iver,body. I. DO'. vafY Sail man Jalll II ·1'lllllEns. " Wl'lte8 Mrs n.. . fill .rQBS pen8ions. air .od Ihl Ch ••. Braddock .re bul I, bill Ol1t, b., a blgh forebead, G. N"n', Urllok8tOn; Oluo. "Two Ily oDe day lallt week, "In July, 1898, it 11'118 dooidnd .bopphlll ID tbe (lem Ci~y 'oday. an e~OMdlnRI,. keen eye and j 1\ et yeaps ugu 1 Wll8 an inYll lid dno to Mr. J ohn Rye and {"mlly; Mr. that a t the seci.etal'Y of stute's' dia- Mr. GUT Cbe!10w~,Jj II .~eriD' ri.bt .ge ' ully uoderetaod 8t001,,ob troublo [took t brllO bot- VUo Marlatt tlpent Saturday with crotion. n aum ,of £50 Il yeor may b~ a 1lIab' aU.ok of rbeom.tllm 'be neoel!lUy of proteotlog the tal. ~lea of i ,h .. Il 'r" Llllt Im ,a have since Mr. Rnd Mrs. Tim P.lr.rlatt. Mra. Ella MarlaU WIl8 8'5 yearll . pa.,er, atIn tbe IIIme time to beUer be In been lu tLe best of haaILh." Vb. gron~cd by way. of 'pension in li eu of 'All811 All oe Cb. enowe ~h , I8 th e OWb. lereeted everything for the old 11t1' ·rhu1:l5day·. t~lnable (Ive ry whe re. the £LO w}{jell hl18 nccomp'anicd th~ er of • fta~ Dew d rl VIDII' hone men' of hie people. Be II .n ell: Mr·a. John Levi and lon, were ' . . 'f . l·t t' " Mr .•nll Mri. Wm, Gerard are In II .. h b k V. C'. BL.O olllling 00 Heory Crew and family 0 )'.s lOS 'I U 100. • OInolnnaU wber. 'bey were called oe !lD' mixer, anow. ow to II • II Sunday. ' . ThiS 18 a difference only In amounl bv the Serlo08 I1lne.. of 'he latter', hlOdll to get retulls, aud be will be ellloCed and 'he ooon', will prollt _ very welcome difference in sOllir olotber. Don 't forget the entertalnmeDi 8~ by It, ·tbo Mt Bolly oburoh next Sunda, ClISIlII no dQubt . . It does not extend Mr Edward CQak and famJlyof Sberlff Gilmour. or Lebanon, ""8 S nl gM lJeglDnlog at7 o'olook. Every. the scope of the grunt, for only suell Roule 4. were Suoday afternoon here Saturday and appointed Am os bOdy Invited . DR. J. W. M.ILLER. men may get thc £50 a vear 8 8 wor Jaller.ln our vlolnity. Cook, Ohas, I... dden and Sam!. EIII~ MrB. Geo . Davill aDd Mrs. A. B. Mr. RU8sell Morgan was call1og Talmage were Dayto,n vleUors latt beforo entitled to tJle £10, seeing Mr!!. Albert Dr.k..e WI!I the gueat appraiser, on tbe beorge B~rlon ou Mn. J ohn Moore !:!undav. . Veterlnarv . If" h " of her lister, Y.r~. (,lay Butfman alld llII'ate. Mary Barvey, ooe or Ihe Wedneadl'Y. ••. DENTIST••• b t h e £50 .18 . Dan Dill WI!S In Wayneavllle tat, III h eu of t e £10. f"mlly Bon'" of Waynt'eville Mon- heirs hai partitioned for a PllrtltloD The Matron aud Jnuiior P,lsolllaa t31l.Mr tOt d uy on business. Oraduate of 0Ia10 State 'Unlverall) day. In thtl el"'te, and the property will were entt!lr salned lit tbe home 01 •- 1-1",atl'nn.~r-.;:..- II/dc. Waynee.me,o IN FROGLAND .A merry Ohrlatm18 and hapPl I1robabl" be ,sold to satIsfy 'he Mrll Mary, Mannon on I:!dard~y a t . New Year to all.. ol.im. lernoon by . the Ladlell Ald. The fanol work sbow was Iplendld. . COLDS NEED ATIENIION ------~.~-~ .~---Mra. (;ioorge Ellil and Vesta were Internal throat and obel'"roublel ALL KINDS OF .. In Wayn~svi1le bUarda y. produce 10flammnSlon, Irritation, LAUGHTES liDS DIGESTION COUGHS AND COLDS ARE DANGEROUS Telephone 28 Several of onr slogers m e t a' Mila IIwellilJg or lIorenetS .. nd unlB18 LaORhter il one ot 'he mOllt bealth Few'of 011 re .. Uze the danger ot COUKb, and ColdA. We conllder fal exenloD.; It Ie ot ared help '0 Edith Boga1ls Sunday aUeruoon \0 obeoked &t c,noe, .re IIkel, &0 lead Waynesville. Ohio &hsm oommOD Ind harmle811 1111, dl,eetlon, A 8'111 more etfeotn,,1 prao"~ e.inging tor the W~lfare to serto~1I tronble. Cangbt In time meoCli. Bowever .&altlallea tell na belp tl .. dOle or Cbemberl"in 'lI Leatloe 8 ttardllY even,lng RDd for ' Dr. Bell 8 Plne.Ta~.Honey 100leoll evsry tblrd periOD dllll of a ,IUD, Tablet!. , If yoo .bould be troubled Chrls'maa eervl088 at Flatfork Run t he pblegm aDd des t ro,1I the germ, whloh bave set~led In 'he .bro.' or • Umen.. DlllSlleroos Bronohlal .nd wlih IDdlgeation give ,hem a &rl.l • day morning. . I b Ole. It I. Boothloi and heallol · Lung "ileallll . fullo~. neglllO&ed 1;'hey only COlt. qu.rter. , ObtaiD. ' !ill18 Edith B?gao 18 v' 1IIItIns re a. Pine Ie antlBeptlo; honey Is Bootb. . oold . As yoor bod, Itl'1lggl" abl. ever,wbere. ttVIII oea~ New Barllntt 'oo th'8 InR- both logetl'er POS81'&9 eJ.oEllent alrIIUI' co.l d Rerml" n(\ beller aid weelr, medlclolll qa"litlee for figbtiDg cold oan be · h.d thaD Dr. Kio, 's New R oslI .He.rtl!ook Will fin Hillllboro germs Inelat on Dr Bell'8 Pine. Waynesville, O. Oieoovery. ltl marl' hu been ,tess. & t urday and Sonday. Tar. H~oey. l/6c 1111 DrugsllltB. ed by old and ,000g. ID u_ ovt'r •_ • . Mias Caroline Comptoll who teBoll . 'II y .. ,. Get a boctlll Co d.y. as at Harv"y'8 burg epeot tbe week 4v9111 t)ill rlak ofeerlo08 Luug aU. with Mr. aDd Mr8. Ernest Mar:_ HoUlr Pholle 115 meDtl. Dn,slll•• . Mite 8ne DOaDI! .Dd Mr. Gltford, non. at 'Norwood, Visited Mr. Robert MIlia Belpn Bar'-ook ill villl'lng Ballln,er- and fawlly, I:!alurday ah. and Mrl, Barla~ BllIney. Bmy Frog-Tell me what kind of NeWipaper Holda,.. . Mr, Ber~ Bogan epont SondlLY Mr. Harry Shaw spens Bundayln flowers and whafkind 01 candy yO\1 . A Ilmple newlpaper holelllr GaO be Xeola. ''I'be Pro~ree8ive Bible 0111811 of the wi\h bi8 lIarents, Mr. &lId Mre . Geo ~ 'f If" Jd Ii ifl macte by outtlnl a""a1 a portloo of 011. M E .. ollarob e"ter~alned them selveH Mr and Mr. Nel~nll MoKeevsr, Bog un. pre er, or run won rna e a glide of an 01 dinK,) clotiluplrr,m111tq Mrs Geo. Ollvis' p'nd Mr8. Erneet wltb a ba nquet at Elbon's home to tho faire8~ lily at tIle 'Swamp. • .• 'hole throuab ~e thick. end 'fora Mrs. Aia Whi~ker .. nd dauRhter, Mannon wore 10 WavnE,svllle Mon. l:!aturoliY . Elvoulng. A ' daUoloop Leo., were sbopplna la Leb~nou Dais,Y Frog. ,Oh I you foolish boy. Screw or,natl. and fll8tenlnc It In' ,hoe ~hree oouree "uj)per 'lI'lf.8 8Jrved day "lternoDU . . . & turday. Telepbone day or night, Croak.ku88C8 and marshmallows, ej wl,\lre de.,fed. Another wa,Y I. to 1,IIt 1'bose whose good furtune it WIIS ' (J Valley phone N o. E. J..ong MII8 Be .. le Warner Is VIIlILhl@ oft one. Iide ot. a clotbeapln and Cllt , ccUl"lle. of the !Jood ' t.lmes wer .. Distance No 6\l-2r. t11e bottom o( tbe remalolnc part. ta.- wISh frtendll and relall vee 10 Xenl". Ho,'bert Ro8e, Rol III I! nd Carl pome all showa; 'theo diill a hole to ~venl from tbls place al&el1ded DOWDing, Orval J 9bi'l, HELP YOUR PAYS Service at all Time. avoid apllttlnl the piece and talt.1l III Oharlle Harne.. ' ..Ie a' B{teobgfove, WIlliam8, Will Ohrlsten. Wilen yonr liver gets torpid and Thunday. • ooov~D1ent place. . . ._ . _ e _ __ Ulark Vunhorn, R~ymond 'R08a, your stomaoh aett! qneer, take Dr, WA YNESVILLt:, .OHIO 11f~. Bury ' Elnnhart ..nd Iit~le KIng's New Life Pille a ud you Ntll Will ,Jelfery, OUver: 1£lbf)n, and d.qbterlllnd III.. AlJbll Gr'ahllm find yourself leellng better. Tbey Mles88 Rotb, Eether aI\d tiun,,' Ed. Branch ~lIlee. U.rvefsbarc. ward,. Lelia Elbon, Myrtle Ba.Jler, AND ALI. 'THE FAMILY ap!!Dl Sa'urday a (lllrooon 10 WayInnooent, 'ile blood, gi ve 3' 0~ fr oedom Eli , 0 J elfllry, WI oDie . Ohrlslen, Two and a half million readers find it of "The car .~.. lolli, .t leut fort7 neivUle., '. oonstlpdion, blltouene8f1, dlz. absorbing Ioterest. 'Everything 10 It is III'. Roach lIod Chal. Boger 'werE zlnlll8 and Indigestioll. Yon feel Eltllabotb 'J uhnll?n, MarIe Downing, mile. an bour," teittlfted the co".table. . ~ 1,t~,rr7 Sbaw'lI TtJnrad.t: :.. , lhe-joat like yon wlln~ to feel. Lola ROBS nnd Arlie !:lhumaker, Mr. WrlHen $0 You c.n Und."fllftfllt "It' w.. .n J 'could do to Ket out We liell 400,000 copl~ everY month Without TRia R"",. Irl R .. Dlob 1IIl'S Alma. the way.:·'· "Your hODQr," obJected.' BAI(NH~~T. Mie. NellOD MoKeevel and daugh Olear' tbe oompleJ.ion too. 250. al .n'd Mrs Eagene ' .Jeffery and little giving prl!m; um" Rnd hllve no IOlIcltor.. Any , son Lewis lind Mr. alid Mrs, W. B . neVo'lldealer will abow you a GOpy; or ",rite the D.O II b, rar.th·s 110eet, ler881t .nd defeDdant "that Is Ii Ue on the "r. Oora; IJ:l.8D' S.uod.y af"rnOOD drl!igll\t~. publisher for fl'ell I&II\plea """tal Will do. Jf.lboo, Notary Public beet oVllr'before prln'ed. The Hlob of it. .' It' my car had· been colne •• with Ilr. Joe Price aod talUtly. --,.-~----Mr. and Mra. Balrer and tonI! .SO~m lind weather ("reo•• '- r~r 11116 tut' as he lIaYII It wall l:d have ,Ol ,t.sG A YUR !So A COPY ·Mr. Baney Buro.e~, aDd famtl)' splint !:lunrlay with Aaron Smith find 8II.1n b.ve prov~o 'hell' holh ' .nd him, DO D;latter bow quick lie Jumped.", All kinde of Notary Work . Willa 111\ If.rry Barnb.rt we... ebopv.lue . aDd 'hte Iplendld AlmaoAo r",mllV of ~l.t Fork . -----~.~-~.--~--plDR in I>.,"'n s.'urda".. . aDd Deeda .. H(Ieoiaay. for 18tO mould fiud Ita wa, ..tr.lght A few from thla pllloe wei e eo· ,Mr:-TOlD Cour~., l1li4 wife .peo' . Oh, Reallyr ioSq every bome aDd o~ In Amer tertalned at Ma4noD'. 8uurdA:y aUerooon "lUi tIM latter', No doubt the ancient Romani. who Sonda". loa. 'The Rev Irl.a Hlbk. lI.ga. atcerooon. mo&ber, Mre. Ida Sicklll, . , aloe Word ..lid Worlll, .lId hI· we,.. Devertbelel. a lound artilltio Oharley Allen b,a@ . mov~d from ilr. ' Carol B.... nard who Is Oonfined Mra. Ohaa. KllJlllr ' ... .... . aDlque Alm.D.o Ihol1ld , .l..a,.·,o, nice of the .econd rank. talked of tbe Mra. lAura a_tb S U D d a y ' O bla .home w,itb pneumonia, Is reo 'he Frank l:Iherwood plaoe. - 1- :'O&e&lIer boib for only ooe dollar 'I colt ' (10 Illave8) pf their IquedaCte, • _. : ported' no bttter tod~y. W . B. Elbon wllBa llayton vielSOr lear. 'l:bll .llmanao .• Iooe II 3110, .nd would ·have been punled ; coulil _....:.......,..,..... , aany Stake/ who haa been In tlill Sa& urdI1 1. ' , pre~ld: lieod to Word aod Workl they bne aeen: u. etarlnir at the 1m· . , I t:Jou_~' .,or aODle time" h.s arrived Pearl, Myrtle Ind (1lyc,te Baller PohlllltilnB Oom"D7, S6Ql 1'nllllilD perfect remalna cif the eald ."ueduate .' Lo"kt Ilfillel I~ . to bome to, lpend 'he bolldlay. with bill enter'alned a' dluner Bonda, Wlll ,Hit ,OllUTaaT AlAto Live.., Serylce , at • 80me womeo a mpy aeem . 10 I.th.r ' , A",e. ~llll., ~o. u Intlfeltln~ "01'~1 of ~ aDd WinDle <Jhlll'''n" 'oliver 'l11d Reasonable Rates . awa.y f~ a ol)an,e of cloth"',-~ ',' Our ',own II now . U' up with elee- Lelia ElbOn, Will and Bille Jlffery III IfH. WOllLD .. ' ' rille Co~r1eNou~ . - ' iuJd every,b od., II -Well .ud 'red WIlIi..ml, " ~ VfEElLY. $4.00 PElt 1!U AI, I O Aa'ent. for ·Kelly.s.,riq8e1d 'hem .110 the foUo~. Mill Ruth Edw.rda wlll ' lead 'bll AutOmobUe TireiI wllre wired lor them. Blpwor.b Leagu. meetlog Den Son. fton'u . DRUCClS",. IP.eIALIln, CO.TUM • • I, TIl"N.,..Il. C"" M. L .81.1111, "r.nk day evol1lnl. " , ' AND' I.IlVIC. .OAN PROFIT" II Weaver, J. L. ay UIIIIQ 11'1 ADV.It".IIIC co'LUM . . R . 10 Petenon I nd • I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SAMPLE COpy FREF Ilnt~mberr "of O. o'beN In &0 foll!)w. I~ . . . . . . YOll. a'u pp.. , V.Uel. Phone \JO-r~ The Ohrta~!D"1 m.rke. held lu tho Town Ba.1I lallt !M'unt• ., eVllnlnl by the PlIIIb,hlrl.D 800le", aoil: • ,Deet IUm Wall r ..liaed, Richard l'u~dum ' bill .014 bll P.u.~~ (Jot streqth To Do ... .W~rt proJ1Or~7 on Ell' Ittreu &0 oJ oha Mul. len, o( CtDclnlU1.'I, . II. 8. Brehm .Dd wi II ba'.lold their r ....ur.oa aDd ODe.to 0.7' ton SO llv8. All kinds of Spouting and.R-ooflng Carl 8mltb~ aDd Ful'IIKe Repalrina DoneIJ. • • beea "ef)' .~
., 1111y I1nd aCls through tbe Blood on t "W .. II £luther Brown how d id you Mucous Surfaces ofihe System. Send tor Hke 'tho tlerlUOn yestft lduy1" " i lled testimonia ls free. K YOUDI!' P!olloher , .. Ye 8~e pOllon," P. J. CHENEV &I CO., Toledo, O. was tile r il p'Y, "I ba ven ' ~ a f~lr Sold by all druagislS,75c. Hull's Fnmily Pills for consiJpation. oblince ot- tb em ere eorm ona 0' yourll . There 'S old M I~8 Smlthle, :::::============~ WIdd e r 01\11' 'n Rylaod 's d8rt.er~, '0 Nabhy D,·t" 'n 1111 Ihe r asl., a set&lnR in fr ont ul me with thllir mOOlbs wide ope", Ii , wllliowlo dowo all the b est Drlrts of I.be 811rUlon, '0 wbat ' ,ttllt8 down to mil Is purty poo r .tuff, ' .lit 1'lItdOn-pnrty poor IItuff." - - -... - ••-----'
A Set of Diahes Ma·k ea V~._ PractiCal Gift
_t ,;
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
.. .
-.- ..
Waiter Chandler J
---... - . ----
For Father and Son
o. '
... -
jlEllUBlOllPPIll Ray Mills
Palntillg" 'Paper Haging" , Auto
,ana Carriqe
--y--.. . .
Corwin, Ohio
With Detachable Coupe Top
<WI> rtl:
T hink o f it-for only $60 more than the price of the Standard axon Roadster, you can now enjoy thc luxuries of all-season motoring. The new sen e. &lxOJl Roadt ter with d etacha ble coupe top now aCCo rds you e.!lclosed car c? ln!ort a t an unheard of price. Furthemlore, Ihe price of "bich is proof against win$<1M includes bot h en- ter'l ,wind and storm. closed top and regular The de tachable to/, witb roadsler top. Here is just t he car Cor doctors-snlesmcn- -young CQupll!S-anyone in fact who want s to get about at tlle lowest possible cost nll the ycar roun d . It's ideal lor buslncSll- sho pping Iheat~n l calls You reolly ha y two cars.
SaJlon US b:"
T ouriog
~!~hD 1::~I~~·kn:.~~er
windows open permit. you to ehjoy the ,leaSllnt days ~hi~' come so frequ"ntly In ,"nter. Second. the .pen Rond.ter, with t o.p up or down , for usc dllnng the apnn" summer a nd fall mont hs. Come in today a nd see. about tbe new nil -season Saxon R oadster . 8 ...0D " Pour ' " Roadater
~;~':r~o~f.:n':1' .nd 11t h..
Edgem on t Crnc:l, cr$ Heinz Pid de ' 11lcl I, ra ul Full Crea m <.: hcesc Dronl oldarv Un l~s PBckal:e anti lI u lk Fig ~ New Ra isil1s Itlltl ClIrrall ls N w Purc IlUd.\lhl:llt Ne\v 1'111111 I j h, 1-,1 pOIlIl(1 5c: I.] I ounJ I O~ New 1(31'11 S) rtJ p Ncw PUIl,she Flu ur s
"Does Bliggins work ?" "No. He has nn office downtown eo that h e can keep out of the way of the servants in_his house."
''],[1 dog is like an impressife ora-
tor who asks a question." "H ow is that ?" ''He p&W8 for a reply!' NO DOUBT.
and you won't
15c to 30e a ' dozen
m m
\V .. I 1115 / Al monds Frc h url)' Lcttuce, this week LII rl!,e , <.: ' i ~1l ,\1al ga Grapes
W h 1·te' sore' St
II. f W d llYS lit Le bllbo o la U weeof k. - - -- - - -- - - - - - : Tb y were vi ling a t t Po homo Barley Warw.!oR: wh.) III (\o ogc;r(lmIy III at i h le wl'itiog. Scamando r a l1ernarkab le Strea m. Tbe Donkey-Fine ' weather WUrl) Owl-~t are YOIl calling the Mr~. Rflym,md Wilson 1111./1 IInillt T he ,,(!'II;J;uulnr is ,In or til mo s t ha.ving, Mr. Pig. . . 't d f 0 00 $he siok URt the P l). t wOl~ k . remark"',1 !'i\ /J r< "'). th o /:J'UIIIl II r or JOllI or own or r Ita 8{1I11'0 , '_' ya II Illnr; " \'01 In JI\ · The pjg-I don't think eo. Why, Sqll irrcl - I wos mistaken. I Mra. Chan ooey Boo n 1 J\nll ti t' h er MOU IIL c.;u'·i:arul', ~hall d wiol, euorwe haven't hod any mud Ior a week. thought the steam pipes were mak- guett this \Veek.~e~ s ta h r, l\1i mous ),I 1n(' tr!,>., . Ull d BUrrO IJIII 'd wil li ing that terrible racket we heard Edyth 8\lgau , ot el 1U1I.1I. hlgll ~I\ rr~. rr("" \\ hiah the r vol r ilD Frederick Dugan, an old man who OU QF_ T.HJL.Qu E;STION. od k' Mallter Irvan PfltorROD s pent It fe w J)etuou~l l. \Insb "~ In all lhe gr"al ueBB lived by bimself near ' Dodds, was , -, U .1 seems 1 was Ilt. wo pec er dayslll8t week with hls,rundauo tb - I ot' t ho l1h';:;\! o l';~ IJ\ "-'41 J]lld to !l by found last Thursday when his houee 'Pm engaged to mnrry a girl and I frumly that has moved m above us. er, Mra. R E. Jones, II.n clen t fab le. was discovered to be on fire, half we are both Bnxious to ha.ve the wedMrs . Mattie LeVi, ot Mt. Holl . ( -- - - - .. ~ burned, the aho,ok of which resulted ding a romantic affair. What would ANGERED THE IRI8HM~N. was the Haoday guest of h er bro~b . in his death The old gentleman tP" er, Benry Orew. ~\ake nnw friend or r la tivc was t/lken from the house half 10~ t ha. h climb d "Confound this doublin'," mutRdpb Leamtna has purohlleed ha poy by scnd illl! them tl1' ~liami burned. and died soon afterward. 1 no ve er own a tered tbe perspiring Scotch recruit, a nllw horse. Oazelte for 11 hristmas prCSI'nt. How the. house took fire Isa mystery, ladder from her bedroom some' dark after an evolution executed at ,the Bomer a-IDee Ie home frow a lthough it is allea'ed that it was oc• bt an d then e Iope WI·th h or '>I' h 1 the BCJ100J ".,.,AI ng ::.-=--:..... by the of 'burned a gasmg r double. "And con1ound dirty Glas- 171 ~ ogman 10 00 --~... ----..._-~----- casioned line stove. Theexplosion house was . ~oUUng doing. She lives on the gow," biased an Irish voice in his oloBed on aocot1llt of soarlot fove r. , to the ground togetber with its contenth ~oor apartment bouse." ear, "and 'I'll-knock tbe head off. of 1I11~l1a Maade Davia on tho elo~ AU 1~O tents •.
P~arl St~t Market Bank Any ReHabl. Merchant In Clnci mUlli.
Clnclnna~ i,
J. F. SnoOK;" Agt. Way nesville, 0.' ..................................................... '"
Holiday' Gifts.
C. T. BarDel' 'wall 10 Dayton on ------~bUIIlne88 oDe day III.' week. My J\ im- Your T rade Amoe 'Coot,' of Barveyebnl'g. at- ____ . 7=. · "DobbIe's wife is ahort and sharp REASONABLE EXCUSE. $8Dded onr mee"nK here Snoday. with him most of the time, but wben. BI. eervioee were heJpfnl and we QUALITY - Above tllc landard h:e feigne illness she is kindnesa i~ «ryou 88y you had your eyes open, are alw&YII triad to haft him with 08. , SER vlCE - That can 't be beat eelt." with a goud grip on the wheel and Mrs. B. B: J00811 aDd Mrs , R, L. / "Then' why doesn't he feign illnOl8 your loot on the brake?" Bopn splint. Tuesday with Wtll P RICES-To )llclI8e a1l. more often?'" IrYea." . (Jompton'lI. -There .wilL be a meeting of the Mr. and Mra . Garfield Peklnon I .- (lIfts unfortunate. 11 he did that "Then how in Tophet did the a<;lCi. wer8l1h(lpplog In N.Yl18l1TllIe ,Mon. GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, Poultry As3oeiation. Thurllday evenit wonld Interfere with hie golf, and dent happenP" in~. December SOth •. at 7:'30, o'clock . day. ' , ' - be dotAII on ~lf/' "Eau. I had to sneeze." - . • , . I Phone 54-2x;' Corwiu, Ohio. This is an ImportaJ\t meeting. Arrangemllnts the sh9W January ~~!!!!~!!!!'!!~!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!!!~!!"!!!!!~!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!~!!"!!!!!'!"!!!!~~!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!~~!!"!!!!!~!!!!'!!~!!"!!!!!~!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!'!!"'!'!"'!!~;~--,-~------- 12- 15th will be c!?rQpleted. Eve~y member ia expected ,to · be present. A C. Tomlinson, Pres, S.___Baily" SeCY. . _ Mn ~ E. ..... ...0....._ _ _ _ •_ _ .:...--
SIver is the 6nt . thought when considerinll #tt fbr any: IleUOD or occaaioo. No more snceful complqnent can I>e extended than 110 offering J rich 'ailver elepnl in detisn, per_ fect in taate aod in the oewest ahapes. ,
. ~ tJ;~ ~k whi£h
bon Ul silver pLile.
Aluminum Ware lOe to $5.00
We have some beautiful fancy Baskets. Let us fill one with ' fruits, nuts and candies. It will be "A Thing of Beauty is a appreciated. A fine gift. Joy Forever." One of
. Weller's .Jardinieres
F,r Christmas Dinner We have the iargest assortment of candy in town Heinz Plum Pudding q1ives, any kind Edgett-13 uhrman
Crackers ------- - aTIIrTCnk('s FallCV
•••••«:)~~~IEJft~ ••••••
~lIdi cl
Cherries Ci lron Ora nge . Peel Lemon })eel
ranging from
, 1O~ to 60c per pound
SPECIAL prices to teachers and SundilY Schools. Canned Fruit Before buying, BE SURE and see Qur linf'. In Class " 'a rs Heinz Apple Butter Marachi~o Cherries CallOed Mushrooms Canned Asparagus . Sweet a'Qd Sour Plckles
Fr uit Cake
l Inlaga Grapes Da Les F ig5 clery
6. W. HAWK
.- .
l'BIJl8 laWe' in ~ an in the wrong ,pliee.~ . ' ~~CerlaiDll. Thar ihould be pat. w~ere. they will Dever be ~"
av... 1i'HU..
Crawford-Wen thq
Orabshaw-Allllut the feDcnr lrbo rooked the boat.-J~
CCllcoan uts
Blinb-Where w.. the Dea1uation of IndependeDCG efgD.ed~
uis hrooms
'l'hinb (recently_ jrUI widower) -Reno, of.me.
Or a.1l~,t hing
pecial, or-
d~rl'<.lI 011 request.
all ciJOWDed
WHI!NOI! , .....
_p aloo guar_ _Ib.t eoth piece is perfea III ......, de.ip ODd' liailb. . • Sold by !-liac deoien tmII'f.. wh..... sead fot cidoIoaue "o-L" .bo.... oil &.ipa. ._
Wilmington . win hav.~ ' a public' Cllristml&ll tree, It will be plaCed o,.p the malh'square; will b(l B5 feet hlKh and lighted with eleetric. bulbs. A chorus of 100 vJ)lceB,aaaiated"by,the Wilmington band wlli 8111&' carol.. Thi!! wID be quite event for that town.
in thet accident'
An y kil1d of
We thank our patrons for their patronage ill tb~ past. Wll1 endeavor to give you better service in the future. A Merry Christmas to All. .
·....;(,. ......nU
on ever,
.wSiJ),er Piau th4t W,an';"
------------------F or your
WIth thia unprint
.. ..rd7 .. aa Gpen.
Anything in
F'RUITS We have them .
r~tI. ~e hlghe81 perlee-··
. article you can buy
How abo~t a fine box of Candy for your friend? Any pnce, 20c to $5.00.
Cbltistmasat Olllt StOIt~
: LI\"" RY
= M.
Pi..1 Kationlll Bank
Next Door to the lli!mi Gazette
a m
Rober t Stllnle ys were 8boPIlin g 10 '. Xenia Satnrday. . Mr. ll1;d Mrs. W. El. BnK"n pen t I ~
A Useful
A "'Ierry \ Cht:istmas to One and All
you when. Wl,l Globe.
Tendering our best wish('s to our ~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!''!'!!!!~ f riends. we are pleased to invite your attention to our Holidav Stock for 19 l5- a Revelation in Pleasing and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t » .................................... \ Appropriate Gifts. , We acknowledge a more than or'1 dinary pride in display this season, . on account of the variety and ranlfe afforded for perfect satisfaction in The most Iadern and Sanitary Creamery selecling ~r eBents from an inexpenin fhe Stat and will pay highest market 1~ ive lit tle remembrance to a BUbprice for sound, dean sour cream. We are !ltan tial g ift . H oping we may have the pleasu re always ,prompt to re~o~tlize any _advan.ce f welcoming .you at our store, snd in the niark~t, and WIll take care of your wishing you lhe.compliments of the interests at times. Chec_ks mailed 'daily . season we re m am, I Respectfully yours, or weekly as desired to cover aUshipments. , J . E Janney
Our SIaN is just filled full of good things 10 cat, and Ilt the rig ht prkes. Call and see ~s, we can save you money.
FI.hlng. A man Who calla hlmsclr nn ldlol _ --4 __his _~ wanta otbera to0QU_ Nltlon veracity.
of an
We have She llcd Hicltory Nuts,
cryonr stories of the Wcst Indiea need more ginger." "Then I'll put in 80me Jamaica ginger."
The Very Best
.- ...
get in yottr head? 'He-You try one, uk fuat next morning.
~ I'~
- -- -
~. S ~ ~
" . ,.
She-Do you think batll really can
Waynesville. OhIo
Mrs. Wa·l ter .M cCl~re ~nd. Mrs_ r:'I ,, ' G, CrollS viSited m Cmcmnu.tl ....
The r eg ular meeting ot the Woman's Auxiliary was held at th e .:. . home of Mrs John (,;oleman. on ~ I Thur clay aftern oon, December 16 , Thl/re was 11 good attl'ndance despi te ~ I lhe unp ropitious day . Mrs. Cadl!J I wallade r ollened the meeting by. . ~ reading a portion ot the 2nd chapter I, of St Luke. Re v J. F. Cadwallader ' conducted· the devotional exel'cises Fancy Falin)1; r.\ pples· ,I cr.iptunl quotatiollB were given Jersev Sweet Potatoes .• in f el;pOnSe to roll·call. Afler the r.'tr.: r:'Ir:==a G ~==::1)r:t Bermuda Onions feading of the minutes and disposal &:I',; ,' . : : . . - . : . . . . .' '''::' ':"'i ' . ': _LOI Nice Grape Fruit. 6 for 25c / of other business the f0l' llwinll pro· g r am was rendered: Tangerines, 2U.. a dozen : A Typical Weatern Mission .. , .... ..... . . Mrs. W...... Hawk9 ·---T-H-E-R-I-D-G-E-S-t~ '· Try a ,can of Tiny Sweet Peas • . Why We..... are ... in Cuba .. .U. . _.. . l8c a call; Illso a can of ' . . : ... . . .... Mre . Clarence Bentley •••• • • • • Grcen Lima BeRns, ISc a can F'ording the Dese rt ... ........ . . . Invite.~ YOU to eall and loolt ove r Ihl'ir li ~e of New n y !.Icans, 8 1-2c a lb. q I . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Mrs Geo. Hartsock Calendars, Kodaks & Print-Albums The. read ings were unusually good If you are th inki ng ubou·t giving Calenda rs for Try a pountl of Cincy Coffee, and much interest was manifeated . j Christmas. call eorl\' lind ~oo our LOck A nke only _5' li nd Il package of After adjournment a pleasant Calendar is a useful. ull ·year present. Get the socia l hour was enjoyed . lilt Zng, Free. latest and best at our ~t udi o , tho> price is --. reasonable . Fancy Evap. Muir Peac hes, YOllr Kodak Print m ounted in a niet! Calenonly 12 1-2c a pound dar will be appreciated_ Seedle s Ra isins, only 10e a pkg
I "turda~_
;:~~O~~~I~·~al1b rrl~s
Ne\T Train Robber-But wh.t shall I do if the passengers r eful!(l to hold up their hand&? Old Train Robber-Pass yourlll!lf of! as a moving picture a.ctor who'. got on the wrong train by mietake."
-'\)~~~ tl~c ~~~en~~ ~dll~~nith,, ~ill
~~~Zi.'~~allil1~\ ,e~C~~~I::fS
. Now an All-Season . Saxon Roadster for $455
PhODO G _~
.. ,;:;,~i~;:::Y a
The Spoketlman-Revlew. of llokane. Wa.'Ih., in a I:ecent isaue haa on , announcement of the marriage of Mr , D. B. H ! i1, .... ho formerly wa A fine n l . f 1..IIlU I •• t . lIIBSistant principal in the High Schoo I 10 :J\ l. . here, to Miss N orm" J effries. of Choco la le I fie a pnlwd & I III} '. Har rinllton, The weddlnl&' will l ake Orange's C;c oj J VZCII fil l II,' place some time this winter, the on. nouncement ha'viil~ been made at a Fresh Ir~()a 'Icd Pean ul s" lI). Soft Shell (0' \: UIIlIl !S luncheon given by the siater of the bride-to-be. Mr. Heil has been in the West for - about eil&'htyean lind Pu pcr ::iltcll 'I" '(,:I1S Is a member of the law firm of Davis . & Heil.
1-~iiliENTiii' ~e::1=~b,e::~::sJ::E:i5!51di5!i!55la:155~Ri51i~:~E55'5!l1~
Parmer,' Inltitute
Farmers' Institute Friday & Saturday
Frida,,, S'aturday I.
Whole Number 3350
Th~~~~:~~~~H~N D~s~~~~E~~~(I EXE~CISES Ij~[Ef -EVENTS-1 D~~~,~FD~~~'~~~~~
died at the Ohio Military HOllie at Mrs. Jason Sheehan was the scene A of a very ilret'ty wed dina- WedneeMrI. J. W. White spent several AT SUNDAY-SCHOOL LAROELY Mr. and M \'~. ~. Hough and ~r. Dayton last weelc. Some weeks ago dayeyenlng, the oecuion being the da.ya In Dayton last week. · ATTENDED and M~s . Guy KIbler ~pent Chrllt- Mr. Elbon brought hil uncle to the SllCCESS mllrrlqe of .t helr daullbter, Rachel, mas wll.h Mrs 'EuphemIa Hough . Home from Oklahoma, but death to Mr. Alvin ~rnhart, son of ' Mr. lIr. and Mrs. U. M. White visited --claimed him all too soon. The body with relatives in Dean Sunday Rev. lind Mrs. C. S. Grauser en· was ~hipp~ bll~k t~ Oklahoma. to be and Mrs. BurtOn EaM)bart. . f'romptly at five ·thlrty the .sweet . . ~ 1 )~ lOGRAMS tertained at Christmas dinner Dr. ~!aced besIde hl~ wIfe who preceded strains of Mendelaaobn's ' wedding . .ab tfl eycarsarro Mr Elbon ~ , • J • and Mrs. J. W. Ward and Mr. and 1m ou v ~ ... . march were heard, plated by Mias Hr. and. Mrs. 9a1l RUll8um. of Eleanor Eambart an~ tJje bridal Di1ton, VIsited with relatives bere Mr8 C M Hough WllS 84 yeara old and belonK'ed to the do ..... 'the 1I~181'rs, C.~"'" 'last week. . . .. 79th O. V. I. He formerly lived party Aame .,.... ....-. near Oregonia, but hili spent his de· At the PreteDt Time ' Indicate a the hall.and took their places in the The Scholars ill Ills Sunday'-Schools Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wrillht had as clining years in Okmulgee. Okla. 811 Show at ThIS TIm.-. northeast comer of the parlor under Mrs. B. H. Ke!ly spent the ~rl~t. All Took Prominent their dinner llues18 Monday Jesse The funeral took place lut Tuesday an arch of green and white. Tbe maa bolidayl With her relabves In Wright and wife. Mrs. Lina Devitt at his late home. Oklahoma. and was VliU 1be Show ceremony Will performed ~ the Newark.. Ohio. Parts 0 and Mr• . Caroline Smith. in charge of the G. A. R. Post of Rev. C. S. Graueer. Mr. CUfro~ that city '* Hlmea acted in the . C&1lIIclty of Mias Emma Heighway waa quite . • _ • AtabUlineameeunaoftheMiaml aroomsman,andMlasEdlthSheehan, aick.la.t·week,butllmuch better at Th Ch' t . f th Mrs . Anna Cook, Mr. and Mrs. ValJeyPoultry~tlonJaat'Thura- ·siater of the bride, Will the bridea- the preaant time. e rlS mas exerm Bes 0 e Elias Oglesbee Miss Mary Cook and day evelling, all tbe afr1uia"emtlnta maid. M. E . Sunda;; School w~!r~ held at Mr. Parry Cook were Chri8t,mas Day "'ere made for,the coml ... .... mow, Tbellweetyoun"bridewu"owned Hn. Cynthia Evans haa b-n the .chur('hlt~tSunday ev~.mmg. ~ guest80fMrs . MaryUpp . ' .. •• ... audIence. whIch filled both the mam Januarf 1~, 13, 141 The Indica wblte si1k and ' carried a bouquet 8pendina the ChriJtmaa holidays with auditorium and the Sunday School tiona are·that thm empty of bride'l 1'08e8. The brideemaid her brother in Franklin. annex. was presAnt. 'me children Mr. G. E . Riley Ilnd family and C!oope thil year, • are was handsomely gowned in' pink and had been carefully train ed by Misses W. W. Silver and family were guests more In~relled tban carried p.ink C1Imation!. . Theeroom Mlaa Mary HaWke, of Lebanon. is Helen Marlatt and and Ethelyn J ones of Mr. and Mrs. H B. Stokes. in owinK' to the f.at that and Ilf60msmon wore the conv~ll· apendlnal tbe holiday£ with her and all perfor med Ihei r earts in Lebanon, at the Slokes family dinner be huPl( ~p are tional black. mother, Hrs. A.llce Hawke. a very creditable marmer. rhe fol. on Christmas. Might jUlt as well as to undertake At the . conclusion ~f the'IQlemn • . lowing program was render ed: to breed good R. 1. Reds with in. and ' tbere will bu~of outalde )'ear vows which made them husband and Ethan Coleman ot Toledo was the farior stock. I havtl gathered to. . W.,.;-villew the onl, In the wi~e, the gUEllt~..ahower!Mi congratu· ... of hi. fathe'r, Mr. J . ·S. Cole- Song. "Coronation . . .. . . .. Audience Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee. Mr~ gether some of the very best young couDtY having an a8aoclation and lations upon t~em, wiahllll' th~m un- n a couple of day. IllIt week Invocation ..... . ... .. . Rev. Gl'auser and Mrs. Fred Gons, Miss Bettie male birda that Will produeed in this fact hu been' noted by leVersl bounded happm8118, after Wbleb the"'' . Recitation ... . Kathlileen Henderson Og!e8bee and Mr. Chas. Cornell were Warren county this season. Am • promlneut poultry joumal!. Tht' guetlu were eeated at tabl. and a " Solo ..... . .. . . . .... . MiI(.\r·ed Gust in guests of Mr. and Mrs. George shippin(l' these birds for breeders to public the~Qre. ought W take sumptuous weddlna" supper was . Mil\leB Mabel Ha~le1 and yada Recitation . . .. . . .. ..... Harvey Hole Oglesbee, at Xenia, last Thursday. all sections of the country. copJsu.ice of thia fact, and do every- served. The happy palr1eft about 8 McPherson are ~pend;mg th~ ~ohdaYIl Duet .... .. .. . .. .. .... I······ . , I have had twenty years experience tblnt thex ean tu belp the effort o'clock in an automobll8'.mid a show· with.their relaUves In Wllmm gton. Dunbar Clagett and Neva Conner . in handling pure.bred poultry. You al()~. · The lIh()w" Dot only for the er of rice and pod wllbel . ., Recitation .. .. ..... . Dunbar Clagett !dr. an~ Mrs. ~)ph Miller enter- get the benefit of my experience a8 befteftt of the ·UIOCI,tlon. bl,lt. the The younw couple are both well , 'Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart Duet. . .. ... . .. ...... .. . .... .... ·. Lamed. FrIday evemng at supper the a fancier when you select one of pneral Ilubllb are alao invited to known•.having been bonl and reared spent Sunday wltb Mr. and Mr.. Ru th Snook and Harold Williamson fo llowm~ guests: Dr. and Mre. H. tbeae birdl to head your flock . COlD, and leam u mUch _ ~ can bere, and their many rood qu&lIUEil Ray Smith and family, of Brookville, Messalre of the Bells. Winston Wads· E. Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tbere is not another bunch of Reds about the eblcllen. You are priv havewonfortbemalecion'1)f friends Ohio. worth. Ethlyn RO:!8. Shirlev Bogan. Zell, Rev. and Mrs. C. S. Grauler. In the county of equal number that 11_' W uk qu.tkml and find out There were about Mtv ·flUeatJ prea. Ruth Snook. will compare with them in hlghUilnsa tb~tyou do not aJready Imow ent and the hlah eateern. in which . LoIt'-cJaw hammer, some place Drill .: ..• i A ·· 'N" . h'. .,' PrhimOar~ . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray had grade quallty., .Ca . II and see thenm h Id 1 m----Ill Fl d '11 I Cantata, ig nn t e rlent ' theae tOU- ...... I •'.- • w.. .......P e are e ,WIllI 11 " o y _ n e n er WI P eaae Cb as tbel'r guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. or phone 58. PJ'lCeB ~ulte relllO shown D1. the many bandaome aod ' let.ve at the' Gazette office and re. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . orus bl H H Wadawort b cetv.• reward. Mrs. Emerson Earnhart, Reader F. rank Braddock and famHy. Mr. and a e. . .W '11 Oh"o lJ!Iefu1lrlfWlhey received. _ _~. _ • Mrs Chaa Braddock and son, Mr. aynesvi e, I. I Mrs. Aan- Wrlaht and d,.ughte.. , and Mrs. Wm. Hartsock and Mr. • - • Mu..SUIIIIb, spent tbe Christmaa hol- The children's' Ohr istm!l8 festival Robt. Braddook. . . . , lei.,. with Mr. and ' Mrs. C. G. Wit- was observed Sunday evelling at St. ll-';'~ f D to Mary's churcb at 7 o'c]ock. The ~u, 0 a, n. . aervice of recitation!!. songs. Bolos, E. L . Thomas had for their . , . duets etc made a very pleasing Christmas gUet!ts, Mlases Lillian Mr. and MrS .. Frank LaMay, . of prog~am. ~d was much Eln]Oyed by Duvall and ylrail Vale, Mr. Rex 0118 of tb~ IIIOIIt pl~t bolidal' " Middletown, OhlO, epent tbe Chnst. the children arid their parents. The Vale, of SmIthfield. Ohio. Mr. and lunc\lonl wall ' che entertalalnK of --mal bolida,ye at the home of Mr. usual ,boxet\ 01 candy and oranges Mrs. J . L Shee~an and daua'!:Jter, the . "Entre-Nous" Club bY, !'~\I8eB Everett. IOn of Mr. and IIrs. W . aDd lin. C. T. Hawke. ' . were oiven to the children. The Edith and Mr. Chfford Himes. r _..... tok N Sea had th faf'" 10 • whieb waa for the bene fi t Elibu Underwood, of HarveY!lEll at • ra, e m or ...oe M M W E d ' ref offering, Mary Par Iett and -Wl"U'" the ho.e ot ' MIII Swkel on Cbrlat· singe hl, 'eye ball Saturday with a d Mr Hert!:t F1~~~8 ot~en~ of the Children's hospitlll at Cin· Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hathaway ~~g'p:=~~~r:mh~!r~U:e ~~ia; m~~;. o;eloc:k ' the club membera =r!t~~~iev~'wI~:S h~:I~~~~ ~ :~, Col.• arri,ved. here l.ut 'wleek for cinnati, was tlO.OO. entertained at a Christmas dinner mona, Fla.. last week . It WIUI a wl~ their, (rl_ w.!..~~~yjt~ .. swung the alaE mllck ..hlB ~ • tw'l wee~. :n~lt WIth re at ives. •- • . the followinli goests:. Mr. Ed. large box of Eng\iab walnuts, cracked .the dinig room to ....-.....e 0& we alngelnl[ If II!!verely The little ' Hathaway. Columbus Grove Ohio, and ready to eat. Tbe Underwoods feUt that aWaited them. 'While the an .outcry and after an . Dr. and Ml'I. thOll. Sberwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm . Dodd8, Mr. ana say that the walnuts tasted better : gueeta Btill reiJlaIned at the table. the injury was found Mlee Elizabeth Carroll and Mr: .Lau· Mrs. Hallie Hathaway and daughter. than any they ever ate. because they MI.) Pearl' 8il., read an o~lnal "fUY, nl~ly. and renee Sberwood BPeDt Chtjltmas day . did not have tbe trouble of cracking em . • _ • poem. (M'r~ to the elab memthat no serious with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Sherwood Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen had betBIwbich". areat.l1.miQJetl and.family at Lebanon. their annual Christm8ll . dinner Satur. The 1:\1-- were thllll invited d Tb b ed h d 1916 IS TO
m,air ..
:dr':Dtat=~t?n~, -.~-~ _
... ..
votl~rbOlllellM IcMaI _tertalbera. ~t were: Mr. ~ ..no WalterTQlor. Mr
Sweney, . Parletteb_ .!o!!~!!& Stoic., ~. Ernest ~ WlUter Allen, Walter ·Earletw, Lea tet Ku~ :., Clarenee Eanibart: OliarUe'l'boala, B~ld 'SWelley ano ;Job LemmoD.
To Be Held
in the
School Auditorium, Wayneiville .,
Deeemher ,31, 1915 &n.d Janua. 1, 1916 aJ
prtciIQr rIIcIn*1c. Deoember 31-:-9130 . Ord ' Call to . er ,. IqvocatioD-~ev. ~. H. Palmer KUfi Cannan .Orchestra R-~Ioo;-o'f ".:"ut-
!ClIO.... ..........
l R~ by the Pres.i 4ent Lecture~A MaD Of llaay J;tesourc:ea' ••• Rev. ~. S. Grauser .' Appbultmelit of Committees· ' • '. . "
SoIo,-Earilesl ~hart \ ., .~ . ~ . "u,.:.1OOn ,8ea1On-'~
'. Ifesprkl by~ ~deftt . . . Readmg of,.tbe.l4lbiltes ; , J , ·... .So!r-]aDII 'J ~ . , .... .:... I.ind_!eY .MmdenbalI . Paper .......... !. •• • ~ . . . . . , . ... . . ~ , . Paper •••••••••• 1!' •••••• • ••••••••••:... .~. ~ Kra. Ida Keever ~a;diq-Miss ' EdDaKetsey
P~"'r .••• ' .' • ~- •••.• : .... r- ,
MiaI .,Elizabeth Chandler
· ., M.J1Iic Ev..... eeuton:.iJao . " MulliC-:-llil8 BdDa.icef.e . R~":'M,s.. ~. H. :K~y
MUai~Male Q~tte '. II J H Co
...' ,/I(.. ~ OD. -p atDes ' . x . • ." . '.' eatu . .~ .~ ~ . • 'l ~ . • . . . .10, " . . Husic-MiIIe8 · ~carey ~ .~the1·. H.otier P ..~~History ·of..sbortJiPm Cattle .... _..... P. • CIac,et . •.. . MuaierT....ley Sisters ' •
9' J~. C&ttl~EtJWlF .. - ... ,: . ~ ... Harvey . ,
Bumett . Jon. . " .Pa......-HiitO . -ofJtoJateiD-F.~"'ea-Cattlf" •.•• Lee&mbart ...,... -,..~CbIckeDi ...... ~ A. C. TomJ!DIOn
~eadbIJ""-~ H
: ...
• . . . . . . ': . ' . .
80YS PLAY VERY HARD But Luck Breaks With Their Op-
ponents-Have Several Games Yet The Bellbrook basket ball warn w!!JIlcheduled to play here Saturday ~vening. but canceled their engagement. 'fbelocalboys Ilotbusyand had th·~ Lebanon team to come up and battle with them. which they did. de~eatinll the Waynesville boys by the score o~ 30 to 28 It was a fine game. and our boys need not be ashamed of their defest. aa they played a good gaf!1e throughout. e'len better than tbelr opponents. as the breakafor Lebanon were mostly made on lucky plays Th.e Waynesville team are 1m· p.roVlng. and after a little more practl~e oUlrht to put up a flne game WIth even heaVIer teams than them· selvell. - - - -- •
NEW BURLINGTON J C PI "1 f D Mr. and Mrs. . . c.. n, 0 ay· Ch . ts fA ton, were rlstmu aues a • H• Harlan and fllmily. Mrs. E. O. Shidaker Bnd lIOn, of WilminK'ton are guests 'of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hlydock. Mrs. Raymond ScroK'1lJ Is enterI' f 0 to tainlng re atlVeB rom ay n. B. M. McKay hal a very sick horse. Ray Reeves and family have moved to his father's farm on Buck Run. Horace . Wharton and firoily. of ·Dayton. were Christmlll "'uesu of • relatives here. Tbere was a meeting of tbe Past Masters at the Masonic Hall last FrLday night. . The Friends Sunday School held a social at the church Christmas eve. Chili Icenhower and family, of Port WiUiam. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Marion lce:!>,:er.
ws:r~ th:Mi!a! eB~lre Ga\~. ~~ SCHOOL-C ' LO·SED·· - -. ~:rih~!;abeth
. ' . The centrahzed scbools .at Klngman bave been closed OWlnll to tbe prevalence of scarlet fevet'. There have been several casll8 reported '<om th.t p"" w It WM tb.~.h' wl!18 tc! ~Iose the IIC!hools until the epIdemIC IS stamped out. . The Klng!D~n Institute WIll also be cloJ!8d. This I!I a hard b!ow to the resIdents of that townsblp. as they b~ve been looking forwa,rd to the In ' IItltute for a year. . •- •
'GREEN BRIAR Mr. Harry Ear)'lhart and family spent Chri.tmall day with his father, Mr. Elmer Earnhart. near Lytle. . Mr. Rob~r~ Ballenger and family are entertamllW MI'III Su.e Do~neand Mr. G. W. Well, of Clncmn.atl .. MIe.'1 Tbelma Baker. of WllmlDgton
m Mdlo, Goo,.,"",". of To'.... are spending a few days with Tom
Courtney and wife, . Asa Whitaker and family spent Christmas with EUlleno Evans and f .( t Le I n Y• aKI'bleera ~d familv snant &mChl as S d 'lth h' brother Allen iib. un ay W IS. ' ler, at WaynesVIlle. . SOCI~lY Joseph Gregg and fahmHJ\y· ofsMhorrow, IIpent Sunday wit arry awan f8lDily. • John Rader spent Christmas. with Nelson McKeever and family . Mabel Fred and Edward Crali', of Sprinll Valley. are spending II. few . days with Val Venable anJ wife. The Doreas Society will furnish the Mrs Harry Earnhart was shopping meal. durlna tbe Farmers' Institute In Lebanon . Friday and Saturday. On Friday Robert Ballinger arid family, Mis.'f dinner and· 8upper will be aerved . Sue Doane and Mr. J. W.. Weil took Mr •.and MI'II. O. J. Edwards h.ad On Saturday they will give (lnol ot S d d' 'th T Co I'tney as theIr guestl Christmas Day Mrs. their famou. Ablcken dl'nners All un om u .' , ~ d 8Y ' ife Inner WI J. W. Edwards, Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. these meals will be S8"ed In tbe an w . R~ssum, Mr. and Mrs. Gall RUlllum, M E. church dinlnll room. Mrs. Harvey Burnet spent TuesIf you expect to exhibit at t}le MISSes Trlllena and Maraaret Ed- " . day with her sister Mrs. H. E. aath· of Poultlry Shl?w • Jan usatruYdy12-t~hle6. gruet'eas warda and MardgarMet RWusaum, Ed --away. I d f'l t prem urn IS t and . Dayton. Mr. an rs. arren . . Emmel Be tz an amI y spen carefully, wards, Mr. · Herbert Edwards, of Sunday with Will ' Allen and family Rule 6 reads: All unhealthy birds Denver, Col., and Mr. and Mrs. Wi!nea.. Lytle. wlJl be returned to owner IlS soon as Ron Edwards and daughter. I Tom Courtney and wife spent ~~t;e7~!~~~0~~J~m~m'm~lose Chriatmaa with ~bertBal1inger and January 10. 1916 lit 8 o'clock p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kibler enterfamily. · f That means you must prior to that tained Sunday for dinnt'r Mr. and MisS Katherine Burnett left or time have sent a list of your birds Mrs. Cbas. Taylor, of Columbus. Mr. . London Saturday. where she will togetber with entry fee to the Sec· and Mrs. Clarence Edwarc:is, of DaySecond Sunday after Christmas spend a week with her uncle Erneat ,retary. You positively cannot mak,e ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Houston. of January 2. · Sunday School at 9:~0 a . ROllnBK'le. . Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McKeever an entry after that hour. so don t Spring Valley, Mr and Mrs. John m. Morning Pray('r and sermon at forget it. ' . SegaJe and Son Virgil, of Cozaddale. 10:30. EveninJt worship and Bermon and,Miss Cora and Raleigh McKeever . Rule 7, latt~r part, reads: BIrds r. and Mn. Frt!d Sherwood and at 7 o·clock. Special music at the apen . t Sunday aiternoQn with Val ' must be' In:,show room b.y 6~. m , Helen. Ruthl&Dd. .Florencel evening ~rvice. You are. Invited to Venable and wife. January 11. Now dont fOll'llet It, or and Mrs. Chaa. KIbler ano tbese services. ' Mr. and Mrs. Asa Whi~ker f1!1d you will. aet' l-:ft'; Tbe . SllIpe,r inten· dauK'hter Lizzi.e, of Oregonia, Mr. • -. .. little SOD Ralph, Miss EugeDla Wbltr dent Will' be Inltruc.t~ n.o t to reo and Mrs Guy Kibler; of this place. . &ker; Mrs. Cbas. Kibler and dau~b\.er cejve'anyentries'after that bour. " . Mise Lizzie attended the IIC!hool.enDeelK'nate on entry blanltt the four • . tertalnment at Beech Grove Fnday females you want . to enter in • I afternoon. ,
th 'Ch i t as pl'esents we Xenia. GeofJlla Hadden, Letitia Mc· were two Stewart and Emma that we prized very highly, as they . not only reacbed oor hearts but our Btomachs. as well. Onl! day last M dM J B Chapman enweek Mrs. Cora Thompson, of Route tert!in~ at dl~n~r S'unday thv fol8. came Into the office with a large lOWIng guestl: Jesse Wrillht and basket filled with good thinlls from wife. of Springboro. Dr. A. T. off their farm, ineluding a very fine Wright, wife and son Elliolt, Mr. fruit cake. Friday evel\in~ A. Maf- and Mrs. EmmQr Baily. t4rs. 'Lina fit 0100 Mm. In ... 'D••'" • fiO' rip. D~itt.,d Emmoc B.II,. J ,. chicken under our arms,. and we feasted 'for once in our lives, any way. ' . Mr; an~ Mrs. J .. L . . Hartsock enAs these things were preaenteJ to tertamed Ilt a fBmdy dmner Sunday, us with thoughts of the ~rule tide Mr. and Mrs. Archer Hartsock, of and Ilratitude in their hearts for the Dayton, Mr. and Mrs: Fred Hartsock good thlnp bestowed uptOn them and daughter. Mildred. of Morrow. durina the past year. they were ac· Mr. and Mre. Bert Hartlock. of cented in the marne spirit. and these Route 1. and Miss Ruth Hartsock. thfnp have a lasting remembrance in the hear18 and minds of th03e who r.eceived them. May the lives of theG. H. Ellis and familyentertaill donors be filled with the Christmas on Sllnday, December 26, 1915. at • _ _ _ _their annual holiday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ellis,· Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ellis. of Dayton: Dr. West and ' family. of Bellhrook, . Mr. and Mrs. Carrington Ellis and Jamea Curtis and family.
rec.:Vo:J~aste we!k~ ~here
and .. no aar..ce DuntiaIl1 Mr. and -..... Earl Swain, Mr. mid lin. 'Walter -...lIr. and Mn Jfartlock, 1I... .JBlandW and Pearl lWeJ. ~. - . i.omIwt. PaullDe f. Ya M . cCancll., Elva
....,n"..-aftorci:imum " 'oW alate hour• . wben
':iffIf n~~e:~ter!l rno~~~ ~ot. STORES OPEN YOD remember the thillKS above CHRIST'MAS DAY . and are a'ovemed accordinlllY· you will come throuail all rlgh~. .
Lobby open from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. family , All d-rtmllllU open from 9 to 1 0 ' C._!, . • Carr! wiU Harvey Bumett and faow, ' took a. m. and 6 to 6 p. m. en CbriBtmlll dinner witb Franeia BptSaturday seemed more like a w~k not make trip!!. ~le and family at Spr!n&boro. . ,.,·NIIIIII':. day bere, as an . 01 th. ltora With • Ha Sh' ere IIIlopplaa SQ '
Executive Committe
--_0 -
N · EW YEAH'S DAY Sedaria. a ~:~ ~:~ :l~Wit~sar;.=:'~ ~ · . . . Dyke ' Beltz aud flunil, spent . . Cbrlstmaa with Emmett Belts and
. - '
=::::.~~:s:~ CAR LOAD OF SAXONS ~::~~ nate th_ an thIIea
OIIe I..ta JDuoll tille IUlJtbbJl. an4
~~~~~~~~I~======:=======~~ .[h.rJJj~LlcfrIDr akery W. H. MAD E co. _ ' 0 (h,~ ~ ~~~o,n~F n 1m LPn lfW<rrflL_. I I~:C;t. ,.JLILUAN 'rTr. 1< aynesville, O. &L
l \11) l<\lL J<tl1'V Ull-J1 L cm:~Trn SOU V
crpr) IllU5TUATf.D 6{: C.D.~ffODES .~
U UlIH.' r
t"J 'Uh'L.t _ .
u'nderstandluK '''1I(' UI( t,I1 ' ''' bnnken. r(lun d It dtlfl~ult In ,1',)\ "" tbl s loan, Yt'u r #O "l'rnllll'lI( ",)11 ' : n.1 It nece." r1. to relens€' It .. til ' 11 ' r. III', or at I ast Its confrol or II s t1lo~j ' ,II 1- , ablo connnorcltli P068N,.lulI ,. , Tbo caller. who hlld r,,11 wi'll A I· I 11 on's progreSlllve 81(tolllcnl wltll JII: gll\'e a Qulok IIt lle nod I
E\ 'n bod Y li S S L 'wi ' Bread and 'nk l'- litc-bcsln d m s t delicious mode .' Try th Dl and y ou will ,n evcr WUll l to a l allY o ther kind_
"That most " lIIUllh'" C(lm morclill pos8easlon," w nt 1)11 ,\l II SOII, "I~ t h" sta to rnllwlI,' ·s. You \\,c r .. eou\'lllceod \'Y I ' my ag li t lhat th or I~ /I m'w and I
Are You
J"lIttio,l( em
!~~~:r~lotfo~~eh!~8.'h SI~;~~~I~~ rp~'I';~~ I
1 tlOr or
I'a ldti tl " t he o ld oJle? We have
... ,
J out tbat It 18 posstbt o to so r.rnn,r l ,_...,.;__ cerlUIn flgllI Cd liu IIUU '" e l,", 0 ..... . ~ .. your bnn klng 6ytil m thut y ou ('ou l'l gest. AI)JlUr nlly t be grand ' duke n ed- not help your country, It you wlluhl: I SEES RUSSIA cd a largo eupilly of Immed iate casb, 8uppoee I s how you th nl, In 't he 1Itl, CHA.PTER XIX. uud tho annual payments therearte.r you r anci en t enomy will 10 80 hla Idell' l Nr ,',' "nu Gr~' te r Empire· to Be the would nco/l 10 bo dec reused ·accord· tHy. wbl10 your L'O untry r maillS I". r;c&ult of lhe Prese nt EuroThe M.ker of Mapa. Ingly, with still Rnoth r percentago d& tect; suppose I sho\\' you th lli t il pea n Conflic t. There bep.n t~ bo IItrange n ew dueted fo r profit on th duke's nece8· coun e 1 h.ve proposed Is th onl )' r. in fa ct, any kind of ItJrr1n&1! in the world. Moneyl. lo'\'om ,sl tles, ",'ay open whleh' wl1\ SILVe rour rOil . Re., di ng y o u wunt or the land which w.llite hom and 1I18ce "Let 11 8 fir st dIs ues the bon us," pro- try from annibllaUon? Wbat tl~~n?" ' r ,. IlItlf!: "11I1tI ~h HUBs ia has l)('cn need. of .bode It leaned over acr088 tho posed Al1Ison. an d quIte amicabl y they The neo.t·wa.I,8ted caller , "" Ilh th,~ the l'I( Pi! II'l'ijt ern J~ u!,opc , 1m I'r o~':'IC l . rt wIde aea •• and made potent wblsper' I went Inlo tho a rmn gemen t, whereby first slow motion he hud used fll nc 1:1" ,,"lg l'tllI' u thllt phns4·. RlI~l in the Inr. In tbe eat'1I at the countries wbere lYn n alrol sky IUched the only valu- h o came Into tb e room, ~rew lhe sllp I{;' IIIt l' 1; ", ·i"'1 .. , II 1' 11 11 1.' n jll,YIII(·llt o f IlI'r majol' it~, may money I. desplsod and h eld vulgn.r, able mllroad lines In bls country rrom ot paper towar(l s btm agnln, (t' ), -~ t, H" " '! (. I I I I Ill, d. ,IP, ,1I1·:.I IiI,v '1l lny 110 t'A~ II her glil's t' They all IIslene/l. The pn.rticulo r po· th o control of Its present graft-ridden There followod anoth pr bsn i\o r, Il p rl,vIIl 'Ii' I, , I , teJICY lAy In the faot tbat th e money POsseSBors. and hand ed It over to tbe ruddy.fac ed man wb08e h ru\'y t ... a lur ... ~ I': " ,.: ' , I I: II. II . ,1 ,'n a":j" , :'nl :lI nt h"I' 1:llId . wu 110 bl,. whlcb look a way tremen, Intern a tional Transportatton company. ",'e re utterly Incapabl e at emoti on: Ilud FII'- ' " ,1 'I, , \ ', III''; or Il~W'I '~s ion hl\\'(' hc~ n forI· I r 'I.' ·.tt (IX doully from Ita deBpicabienes8 end 1t8 "By the way." 8ald A1ll8on. "How he Bat at AI1180n'a lable 10 l hlck- 1111,1, 'I' II I ,I ,. i ~lI· tn hr·l'. ,h lin n1l1y fl l n~ht 1 1i " " d Tulprlly. Boon can we obtaIn p08sesslonf' Jowled solidity, E;o, ,,,, , ,; '!' II, ,, '", " 11.",.n(i . A bl,o.k -bearded &TBnd dnko. from Ivan BtroleBky pnt hIs hand In bls "There are about to begi n lalernn. FI ~ I t, • .J Ii " I ,'I' ' U Il I ,, :, ,. ""lI t" r-, l' Ii"1I rnr~I ' 1 1 hI' illljlt' ruf il'c IIccl"" lly fir h)' tbl' nli,,"-hreu IIIlluitioD u[ the ,.,Ide land of tho froZ811 aess hum. , bea rd a8alo. and reftected, tlonal movem ents at the utmos t 1m. fi ll'II,8IPI Y" ',":ll ""1 li n ,,, ,I. bled htmlleU to pl&ln Ivan Strolellly "Tbere la only one man .... ho stends portance," AIU son told him. "Tbere & .. I.J 1::" :1"<. ""(',,,,,,.,1 II I' h lll'l'u II I' ra t'y . W h en you wan I to lise at the sound of that whIsper, and bur- In the way." he calcnl.ted, "He wlll I, a war IIcheduled tor next mon th, h'on rt h ',('c,'''n , ' I ' X''''lI t '''.~ 11111 , Il l' r .)1'1':\111 0 lIre rl',tb cr of th e, pi rrled weltward . .It. hleh dignitary at an ho removed Immediately upon my re- whIch Is likely to embroil tbe whol e r ll JlW (' r1 IIr el " '1 II , 1''''l t il ll,d. ,)f Ule Irl-ltel'lIIc nl of hC'r ]luur eJlll)Il'8 upon which the lun never eetll tum." of Europe." E tn\l' vt \.] " , (i. WI I.. ,,,, , tI , '1 , ~"II . hl4 hla tlUe under a plebeIan nom de There W.8 lomethlnc 10 unoanny Tbe banklnll lIentleman nodded hIs 'l'hlrll o 01'1111 II ( III :lI l lIlIl> I!< l ra! ll r thed , of IhI' Il l'\' InplIll'lIl o f h r OWII . 1:11 -ill ill lH' rw lf is iln-incihlc, nnll plume, an4 ltalked stolidly away weet- about this that even the practical head almost ImpercepUbly . tlppr,lV"rl I1 nd 1' 01 l\ , r" " d ward to that whIsper ot despised ALllabn was lhocked tor au Inltant, "Mr. Chisholm advIsed me tbal your Est ,w of I I, 1. flu t,ho WIIY , !le- Ihr tl'lIlp"l'a ry or(:upatiotl of her ~ Cull 0 11 ns ami we CUll ,American money. From tho land of and then he lauShecl 80urces of Information are a uthentic," Oell~t'll. ~lIle bi ll fi llod, slIpply y o u with the fl'l1 l1ti l' r 1'I'<Ivincrs ll1el\ ll ~ nothing. 'uhlon. from tlie lan/l ot toye. from "We bave stili muoh to Iearu trom be stated, "What you t oll me Is most E . to l a of n. M. n"I,IH"~ny, rl f best at the l o west J\lI d the lII agni tlll] of h c ~ mll'ertke Iud ot art and music, from the your country." he courteou81y con· deplorable." oau"ed, "'. J'r~ t "nIl fi on l IICOl1unt f in ,," will In. onl e ex tent, 1.. 0 ns' __ A of oherry bloaaoms, from tbe lan4 fesaed. "QuIte," alrl'eed Allison. <or am In- ~ 0 r. n When Ivan ,Strole,llky h .d cone, Alii . tormed that the compnny you repre. e:tllcu t,r b, m en -of the drowllns /lrug. from the land ot ~tI~~I'i1 hI' III!' g l'cu lne s of thc hoon tIla Iluhlq jewels. from tbe lan41 . of Bon went to hi. elobe and drew a 8e.n t and manage has the practlcnl dl. 'fb nffi llS E fl Oll W r. r' x ~ ol1 t.o r VB sill: will ;'Cl'oil'c. the bumlnll undl and the lands at the brl,bt red lIne across the land of the rectlon of the entire 'bankJn, eystem Ch l1!'le ~ W , Hi! vtlr (II· 1I f. l\ppraherH rrnwilfin g ly, CCl'llInny has b ('11 mt4n1sbt lUll.. there came the highest frozen 8eas. of Europe, with tbe excepUon at on!) E [ RIl ~ I' ll :\ . '0 k lind .1. P . the ('I 'ulo l' of n lI C' 1I' Jlu in . or :.J of power; an/l . the)' aU. IIgbt and There came a famous dlplom.t, a country. Bellldes thIs, you have pow- 811 rlcrnd er nn it cel peo ple bound tog ther as lwarth and bearded an4 smooth, and beavy blond man wIth a red face erlul lotereets. amounlln, very ncarl y E'!~lI l e llf \ illlllm II. Wit-hOlm, cle_ ...... ~4 Imall, an4 robed and trou· and bl« IIpectaclll8 and a hl«h, wIde, to a monopoly, In Iilupt, In india. In n vcr \)l' f,)r hy lhe li e of blood, hy .....a oentered toward the city of round forebead. Australia. and In a dozen otber Quar- oeusl1 d. Fir t uooount of II.tlmlD III- ihe purity of it !limB and by tho trntur dtl b001S non fi led . ItJoonc men, and, ono by one, presente~ " I /10 not know wbat ,)'OU want." tere of the ,lobe." 111. Te wI \I Ilf RelJecca Lillo el New mentor,I' of its pns t sin" ry.- J e lY tlIemaelv" In turn, to a Brave and saJd the vleltor. reprdlo '\1IIeoo. with "You seem to be accurat ely InYo rk 'l'e l ~g rnllI. aUent, Jdnk,.hllirell old darlr)' by the a. stolid etare, "I have come to ._" formed." admitted the baoklnll gentle- p ort, Willl\(ltnitt d to o pro bll h l • 'l'IlOllllLiI F. . [loov r, o:o.;OIll1tor, VA naine of Ephraim. "I merely wlah to ohat international man, atudylnlJ Intereatedly tbe glowChurl 1\ W. Silv e r e t Ill. Urd e r One motive .lone had 4ra"ed them polltlca." returne4 AJllllon. "There II lnC coal. III .A\llson'. 1Ireplace, NOT MUCH. our lterUe plalJ:i. an4 Inowy moun- I an old·lIme feud between you and your "If 1 can Ibow YOU how n certaIn at- tak n to ~ell ren l BII!;R!e . . ,_ _ _ _ _ _W6<It:m.-i , tain. aDd boun4lnl aeas' the maaio n elghborB to tbe west.~' · tltude towa~e tho loternatlonnl comR , Wild" 'Gi ohriSI, t rns t uo O f,~ b f' "Arc butchers amenable to the "hllper of Honey I , "That II! hilltory.·: replied lbe Tlaltor plication. whlcb are about to ensue Morr ow R ol11'r Mt 1M '0. VS I he Throqb 1!lphralm they camo to the nonoommlttally. ~e . are now at wUl be of Immense advantage to your Murr nw R nllrr 1IIi11~ 1;0. e t BI antigambling IlI ws?" " How could they be?" .IIoob, Iquare..tandlns. .Quare-faced peace." bankJn, system. as well aJl to th e In- l!'l udin g .. r C(JI rt II til b . 111000 ID ell_ player who wu canell .A\llaon. "NeTer peace," denied AUJaon. teresta 1 reprelent. 1 hnv e no doubt ha nds of tn tee I1 p pliOll bl o to pll y"For handling the steaks!' They found ' him pleaaant, qreeable, "Tbere,.,1ll neTer be friendlhlp be- tbat We can come to a very deflnlto m ent of li e D" . but hUllI)' of their claa.. He w.. 10 tween pblermatlsm and mercurialism.. underatanCllns." rhom ll fl;. (-Joovllr I x eout<1r VI' FEW HAVE IT TO THIS EXTENT. ro,oetul .. to he nlloeaearlly more or You mllht ree~ for centurlea ~Ith 70ur Tbe 801ldly Jqwled ban kIng gentlo. Ob n rl o~ W , Ril~ r at Ill. b,~l l o f lela crude, an4 he bad an unl1leaaant nel.hbora to the we8t, ~ut ~.t Ie not man Itudled the clowlng cOIl'a for two ~etll eHI.tl I·1j CUll II np tl IUld ordor t or ttpp IV hili is \)usiue89 tn.ctp" dle~i'I butlo ll of prou Ii 111>,11 • fuhlon of ,avlns ulde ,aU tb, decent pe'~Ee.X:U._ m a butwbat do"ou m-nfl' mlnutel. 'Knowing tho enal) custom er just U....• In [Ij ",Ill of " oh u 'lhel ~s , deQ,lIl~ljll, 8 8 II' 11 II you know one that 1'\lD8 about money- That and the • ~ '" Itared atoUllly_ ~....... ''I IIhonld be lnteresled In learnIng ANTED- 'luanlu8 and R<'IIIIIr. I hovo m,ved in lhe Rye .~ pre t-aea vu vlllltor 111 8 Cloolu! Fiulllhiog 'H8ell, Shop on N or th Main street ".. the fa~lt qf thil whole rudo ool\D' "In your affalra of mutual relation. the exaot detatl8/" he flnally sU ggOB t- W i ll urllll it te cl to prolJat,/!. up n hill CI' ry month!' where 11mIry h.a d been brought ~o ed. oto lI'or Inforwlltlon IlJq,tlro of P, where I will be pleased to !lee Real Estate Trtinsfers ~ lreateet reOneJDent evor known In ship with the land to the west, th'e re AlIlaon drew aome sheets of pDper K. Hnlnes, Lytlt', OWo. jl2 all myoId cu tomel'!l. ' the hIIItory of the world; It waa so are not less than a dOlon causell upon from an Indexed file and Bpr;ead th em Is no wfully equipped to do EllIlUo. Burt t Mll r till Mo ' II 0 , 48Yoted to money, and the culturejl ;"hleh war coul.d be atarted wIthout before the "nancler. It was la rgely a Livery Wotk We will take E will 11 ill Bogs and OR Itle Any lot io Frflo o klln. $nO , ' I'8Iltlemen did tholr beet to get all dl1ll.cult)','· went on A~laon. "In fact, matter at creditS In the beginning. oxyou on Notice of Sale of School . dBY you "'lint them. W e Lew i ~ It', Miltenber ge r t, A. '1'. the,- could. yOU requ.tre perpetual diplomacy to teneloDJI here. curlallment.s there. and g naran tee shtlsfHotlon Oall ,oo ,I. T, R.obe r ts. on _ Ix leBol,h III 124 11 0 ... · ' . To Ivan Stroleaky Alllaon WIIB tranlt prevent war with lbat country." . all on a lleale BO glgantlo t bat holh District Bonds Mnrlutt or p bo ne HI) Wayne8 and trIeudly, for there wall something The TIIIItor loclLed hJa thlok ftl1l(era . eentlemen went over every Item wllb in li' r Il Dkl iu , 1,2(10 Ville, Ohi o. d't2 'rh c,"HJ~ I!:, t-I Llovnr I'x('oll lor l u ID the blS Ruui.n wblch waa cUlterent Quietly t_ether &I1d kept on aloUdly the Imagin'a tlve minds of poets. In Scnlad proposats .. Ill boreeet.ed aUbeomeo Ih n f:iellr.Pf!'!lI tl, 103" ' o~ III Turr i.; -.. .,m . theae. o'~e.... w . --. --~ be hastened to It&rf.n& .....ou are about to have a ,.,ar," AJIJ. eTe .... -" IJne there was a 1'lsliL oC Vlls t .. r I liu OIQrk ul ~118 J.lomrd of EuucatlUn of E kill Bogp, Mondtl VI! And WaYIlO 1'owo~hlll Rural School Dlslrlc ~ . I_ye .empires. oftoppllng thrones. of alter ed orE' k tUWIlt.hip 62U7. 'U ......- out ot the ". Bon adTlaed hIm. Tblll'"(hq ·. of All ah wee k. C" ll W "Y D ~_ ville, Warroll OOunty, Ohio. lI11tll 12 HU a be u'cJlJ(!k nooo, 'on Qere are your Une. · aald ' ' 'No, It III not true,!' &I1d tho vlllitor boundarles, of Buch ali elldlesB Rnd OD E. " ~ .tl" W"y 0 6::l vI11 6, OhIo, Commi:;sioner' Procecclillt(' 'ft_ d0..... 1;tei4_ .... a m.p w bleb bad been went so far. In hla-emphallls, as to un. sbLttlng panora ma at governmental' din Givl! UP' 11' 1 and you will find h d to t b hand ' "The January 15th, 1916 . brou .t up a e y , l' ock hili fingers and relit one hand on torces, that tb e minds ot men lesB In. ell"rl",. , J . "1 "" ' jy., @ 1))J\lv8 f ur our I' ,·.'1S are nil rig ht. I h ked In blue The on.. . want are c eo . tbe baA\I: of the other_ ured to tbe contemplation of commcl'- .l lI lJitvr $(i,ll5 ; j,'flln lc U. A u,le rso n, For the IlUrcllll"4l . of booda of the Runl~ d t SclwolJ)lstrlOloo r Wayoo-1'own.hlp --Wamm 1 SALE- ~ I am a very lair prophet." olal and polltlcal revoluUons mlgbt a tl OI'O f' Y ( ;o PfI III L -90 0(1.8('" :-;jll io- vt! CountY othen I ,-0 no --~ care I'f a r" "I think ,Oblo In t ho,~roJrato. uUl 01 I300u.Oo l?O ~ _ ~:.:~~<"...;...:..:.c.:...__......,...."....-...:;.;~ ...,......., '"- d' th em over said have '"'own falliled. On tbe tblrd _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1"IL::Ie r II ,d f h ,uUoJr"oD $:l ') ; .Iohn 10 be ~nloo January ~b, 1916 wid maturlDIf The ~n4 duke oo"e AJllllon ea811y. "I have malle ... LIl" !I Id ~O ll , :.' uppJl e ~ fo r .h w itor stOO O.OO tb oroqf to bo due Bod payable July , with II, keen eye. money by my prophecy. I have more page, tbe BOl1d banking genliemlLn, I 1~2 6 . . nervous mot on 25c ; g'l . ~ . ' onldin , l ' l f' lH i U IU nrJ S IHtl,. "I am rather dIsappointed." he con· money a- l my ..ommand at the present who had not made a ' b North :Main Street OOO ,UO thoreof to be due IUld payablo July Aores , 6 r '(Hi bouse . ,mil bllrn, oy, t1l8UrlJrl Ce 11 I ,)[(\.v ,brtilfl m !l II I, ovlli ll y f_ad In excellent English. . "I h a d time than any~man In the world, than Blnce his grandfather wa.s a Sl~gt~loul ~~ I ;""'f to bo dllo and payablo July For in form tolioll' addr ess Wol . to OOD t ro I any government·. wealth beycnd ,han- looked up with a atart. lofi r m n r *Lh i 01 I (]'Jrrl]!I"tuti 1Uld8llltood that you wished 10lh, 193 G Mattbew8, Da:ywn , Ohio, R 7, Why, alfeclB. "Jt my alrects own cou n· Onlvert 1:0" ', uf,; J . l\. KI tlll Ctll' , h g.erl 01 8,,1t! Boud • .,m be , tn ~he denom· lJear Oentervlllll. q ' entire railway IYBtem." dJln& In mere currency. It can only be try" I" he thIs exclaimed. our 06111 "0 7 1.aO: R ny ~ a ll f' , t)fl:il! luatlQII lIe 600.00, .. od numbered COllliClOu. '14e.'· Ulente/l Alillon; "but 1 don't conveyed lly meanB· ot checl!s, Let me enormous shIpping Interests, our gTeat WV1' k l!1l1 'l ~1 1'1' k t O wlI~ b 11 $11:1.'16 i ,h'ofy fmm One to Six botJl Inelull.o, anu wlil iwa r i lil ' ....... t at the r..1.6 of FIve pel'Cetl~. wh to payout money for them all IIhow how easy It Is to w;rl te them," transportation IIne~. qur ca mm.erela l ,J. flh>hlHl P " bl l(h'll WOI k ' ~'urI J () tl ln pur llllllu m , JDCOrMt J'JI )'ablo 8llIDJ.. annual. to Z 11 & "on. for 1'obAOCO It 1 can acquire the lIDei 1 baTe &I1d. draw-Inc a blank book to blm, be ramLflcalions In all parts or \1Ie globel Iy un 1110 151h <l8Y of J"huo.y a.od tbe 10th I'k I n\>.'ll~b ' ll $1,1; I 1",' 1l16r Boxes. Phone 01111 12tl-2r marlted. the othe,. 1Y1lI be wrote a checli. and IIlgned his name, It orlpplep us on ths land D.n d wipes , n',lw(lrk In Cltll III' f. f .wIlSlll, d . y 01 J "ly ul eAChoud ovory yuur tlUrlogU1U or !la<'l , o ( 8~JcJ bOUIl"\owd W be ovidollootl j !'i Clul!e eaaUy from the rac;t that I ahall &I1d Oiled out the stub. and tore It out, U8 from tbe Ileal It even atreots my . ·j:J;t,OI i CII"rl. f '~ J': IIl~ . rq" .j Wllril lifo '" II tu~l," hl p l'UUpOUS 1 10 Unot o( ...lcJ , 00\1Funeral Dirpctol' ",,' 10 lo IJOOt!'"0 duo and " ,,), .. "10 on tbo uttt have the onl,. outlet." and handed It to tho vIsitor for InBpeCl- own government!" In 1 11 ~~\" lUI I ~hl p 4':.<Or.,3(); f.I ' wl,. ,Ib)' / Ju ly, 1916 seooQ l1-hllnn .Il'ord for 8111 0 . 10The crend duke, v.;ho had ,played po. tlon. Tho villltor 'was,properly plcased "Quite true." admlttod Allison. Hr tl~ . & C" ,,"' I " I' III[,E' il.,I·I ; 01 1'ana gm balme,r , U(li ll prlu d!'inl aud lutnrtJ8~ ot e.11I bolld, t." , qnira of J_ B, ObRPWILU, Wny"0 IlOyabl" Bt J'lla War,nca"lIIe .NaUouai DlWk kip: In AmV\ca ~d fan-tan In Ohina with Allison's ease In penmanship. Tbe banktnlJ lenUeman' drew a S Dia B . '~I:.:" 'IV",' I:!', U,lluno" ulle l D ~I \1'~)' IIC.vlllu , Ohio : fwo lJon~. Duwbert,d nesville, Uhl o. phone 65 -6. d 2!J l1li4 roulette lil Monte ~arlo, &I1d all "J 8ee," was the comment. I\nd the lo~ breatb, Waynesville, Ohio. Cdllll', (" .j~ ~ $I 06~; i\l t1f1'o w ! Ieu l iDOolid 'l'wo lucluslvo will be uuo and " .yu· ble (II' lh o I III <lay 01 July. U~G; '1''1'" bouru. tile otber sames througbout tbe world, check was banded baok_ He drew his "What you predlct may not como to ' !fit 'u PV' l '0 p<''''''' DOo ; t'o't 1t,· VI- nU 1 ll1ll1'rolI Thn!u and I'o"r will bo d uo D Ol (:loud .rer MI"v · Miloh Co ws. 3 ami Can answered promptly clay orJlight ' amI1ed wIth hIs Impressive bi& eyes. strall!ht-Cirowned derby towards him. paaa," he malntained, althouih tho Be- C h" r\i.·w I." nfb I1W M A <h ' IJI "~ II, p.)'nble Ou UIO , 5U, ~ay ot July. 19G I :'1" \'001 " II I 1>01Ids uumbered Iflvo I1U I Six Inclusive 5 ,v r ~ . old, will be freqh thlfl Both pbones in Office an I Res idence. and put hli hlln4 up under hIs beard. "J have made a mlBtalte," saId Alll· crot InforlOation wblcb had broun}l! ffll t! n il" f' p",l" !} 14 Ii(). '1'111 1.0 , Ilia and payo'L,le 00 the 10tb day 01 m ooth Jl)qulrA of En. 'uTI Hoe, ~1'1\' matter then Beems to resolve lion. '~I have left off a c1p.her," and blm to Al11son had prepar d bim La Long distnnce,No. l4i Home phone () \A PP tr·tli '.!11 ' J'f, t rr'n - ut'l r, thr JII~'hll ~~~d8Ilro 181"00 undor tllo Du(.horl~y Wayneil vlliu. Ohill, P hnno 12-8X . 14-2r. Uaelf lrito II Question ot price." he oorrectlnc tbls omIssion wIth a new take cTery statement seriously. lim o IHu~ t tOl' IJII,nllP lI ut 1'. X'·6 I~ 01 ' '''ou 70ao 01 lho Goneral 00<10 of Ohio, . (1 20 !;a (I lJoud. to bo know" as 'fhe WaYDO Chairs and one Couch furnished free commented. . check, he to!:,e UII lbe liret ODe. "loan thaw yOu proof8! The wa r I'x l l1(kd nnbll .l lIflUdr j' :1O, ' 910. Town"hlp Hural Behool Dlltrlc~ Improvement with fun e rals. . "No; proteotion." responded AJUson: "I see." commented tho visitor. and wblch Is to be started next mO)l Lh Is - _ _ _........... 4 - ---' _ _ _ lIOll!lB, h b bid' -. rl boncl. w ill be oold 100 1110 IS 611_ • Wbite r~sborn 110(1 ~. 0, Rest of service gtiaran leerl , ' "If I 1I'ere bu)'~ these rallroad8 out- put the lIecond obeck lo hla pocket. only the keystone of the pollUcul ar h dcr h,r 1I0t 1_ tllU o tholr par value aD<1 will e Blaok Mlnorol!. Oooke rlll f~ 11 " r"w ihlOnlllt IrOIll the tlat.e tboreot. OOndl~t, 1 Ihould expeot my property In· That had re~uJred considerable .out· of the enUre eastern iLomlsJlhore. ~----y- __ llOllhl \) 1~8 '1'111 not he COU.I~erod. IUd. u r,,"t .. ylng @trllill ll Homo V t'ty lin.. -e- _ _ tereata· to be suarded, even If 1 bad to lay. but when Allison WB8 alone, he There are a dozen wars. cuch !Jlggcr III" t bo 0 'conlp,,"led by Il cerLJlled chC(,lc lor $ , M . IIU UI",n 0. 1lI,I VOll t aut! nc~lvo J)ank .. Ith- blrdsot !leoulne bar",llln prloe' $1 UO Ll. HAn'H AW ' A \, appeal. to Intern~tlonal equity; but I went over to bls «lobe and made aD- tban tbe other. slated to foll ow, If in l HoBln ... 01 Ohlo',lIIadO pal'3ble t(j theo~ .. nd $2.00' (1a oh. H. E, ~t. kl' p_ n. , COUGH IIfolEMEDY - am DOt.." Qthet IonS, red mark, ' neoded. like the pressing of a row of tlcr or l itO Clork of •• Id Dollril ot EuueolloD, Phone ~2 2,Y. -Wnynl'svillp. c122 II 1 " I"'U cond itiOn tbat' lf the bid .. accepted , • I' "No," . admitted the grand duke. A lleat·waleted man, with a loatee electric bultonll. Knowing lh SI; ~CIIU!:!I!I i lll"~ (Ill ~IIL I, '" l'UpU llrO iJidllor wil l rec"lvo Blld.pBY for tile tionllN R. !leA ville's Lel\ulnll Denun "Th91. CaDDot be 'purchased." of caretully selected halra and a lux- tblnge as you shall. It Ie ollly a qu s . tal lllU WO II by It,,. gund <vorl(~. . U w 8 ...1"" to hi", within I.6n aaysfrom the limo . "The prOpoBltloD resOlves Itselt then urlant blaok mUltacbe, called on AIII- tlon of whetber you will b e wllh me NE Mllre comIng 9 yeara old, Rnll Offico III Ko.vs Bldg . Mllln B~~nnqfl ii, t.~ UIOIlt. Kt : "1 "11 1n lroJ~I~r!~I'.~Cwo~~ the proceods thereof, to lJo roInto a matter of virtual commerolal lon, and laid down hili hat and hIe on tbe crest, or In tbe hollow." tho~o WllO b u.v u sod It 1'0 ,r lI1f1n ~ 1"I"orl I.>y 'itu~ becollle t he property.ol lile a team of yonng mules. 9r m- .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!! lrJ Huml !!chnol Dlatrlc~ 0 Wayne rown· .e1.ar.... .A\llaon pointed out. etlck .nd hla ,loTes, In a neat little. The caller moistened his lips. aud :v eil re. ,,~ OO':Il~l.00 r f ll til ra u, II d IIr," .••hlp, \1' alTO n Co unLy. Ohio, 88 Uqnltll&tod dam- Ing 2 yellrs old_ Inquire of·Geo . LII-. The SrBn4 duke. stiLI wllh bls han~ plle, with lIeparate lerkB. He jerked' turned hIs ,IZO 1Inally .f rom tbe glow- bent '''.!qlll1illt d with Its &,:ood q .1111 , a ~1llI 1f .alll cUlldl_lon I. DOt fulOlle<l, otllor. sa uro at Mather's Mill brtdge. d22 I e ",ol>~ : IJ) tt; mmn",!wlso 10 be returned to the bidder. , In hJ.S beard, chuckled. as he regarded out a oIi:arette, he Jerke4 out II 'm atch, 111.1 coals to Alllaon's face. ' . ·Iru wllh Dr. lllloo"a ties. . A ""l ncllle nt ..1 tILl< haa boon levledupou Lho ft()Up H U1I1cd)', QUo Beollns £! it IOOsetHI 1\ nil reh e ve. ~ r. ncl lax dUj,lIC1oto of tbo AI" Rural School and Jerkily lit the tormer with the "Show me everytblng you know," AlIIlOn amusedly. 8ubscrlbur.s ~O t,be MoOall'u I" ""ill 8urcl.r ptoTo. , he demanded. "1 ahall not mind If you call It pl· latter, tI cold IIno ~ iI.Is ntlLlUe in r os t nl'lul! gl~'.iI~~I?I(c)~:n~ ~':u~~~~o W:"tt!l<'i'~,:!;~: !io .onol tlll~'::": MAgo~lne. Men" aGo to th ~ A. ........dplC84lo,l.rtUp-lrOc noy," . he observed. " We, In RUBBla, "I am here," he said. They sat together untll morning. 'he "YFitem to II h(ll\I~b y oO[ld Ll pn .st 011 lold bond. IUId to pay .Co· prlnelCOLl 01 l:ilLBe'~t ' OmOIl, and get one of ,.hl! Be'OuuREI It d )ell [lot ooul·nlu opIU m ... Id bonds et ma~url~y . a, n d collect" Ie .. mat collect OUI revenu!'s as we can, "I am able to gIve you some Impor- and they ' traverlled the world; and. beet m&gllZlnes on earth. U . . (Hhor tax08, . 'rhorl,h~18reaervod to reject auy mnd ..U an/! we are u franlt as AmericaDs tant dtplomatlc news." Allison advIsed .wbc n that visitor had . cone. Allison or Dny otl:lo r DluOOtlC Bt.ClI11 6~1 it is wit-hlu the rCBch of bl'lJ'i'dS sho~ld be _led ..nd eodoroed DId. about It. Returnln, to your matter of hIm. "Your country Is about to have l un h Is «loho a contemptuous whIrl. 1 protection., I .hall admit that the a war wIth your ancIent enemy to the 1:;. ,,: balance of them ' were but mat- all. It Du ly 009 .. II qU llrttlr, O b~ for tho WeYIIO ' TOWhShlp Rural School Dis. trl c~ 1m J,rovomou~ bonds. and mailed or de· h ere, livored to tho CI~ oltbo Hoard 01 Educ .. tloD Il&lnnble .Ilveryw onlT qre8ment upon which we . ca.n J east. It 11'111 be declared wltbln & tera of detail. WIth a certaIn prlde- - - .. 0 1 tho Rurlll School DIB~rlct of Wal'ne To"n-. leoul'8 wh~t you want, would not bold month." ful r.~rogance. of which he hImself Ihlp, W..yncevUle, Warren Ouuuty, Ohio. In IIIternatlo~al equity; and. In conse· I "It will be flnlshed In • week." wliB tI ware. he rellected that now bo 'rho llot.rd of Education of t be Rural queuo.. the only protection 1 can IIlve prophesIed tho Deat-walsted caller, bill cou.ld almost leave theBe mInor powSchool Dl8~rlct WaYtle Townahlp. Waneo lOU Ie IIl1 personal word that you wUl active eyel lighting wi th pleasure. el'u aud potentateB and dllPlltarles to a \Joullly, OI~oE. V. BARNHART.Olerk. Dot he moleated In anything which you , "Possibly," admitted Allison. "1 un.' .ecretary . Doc, I'll- al. lI11Ih to do, proTldln1J It III pleasant to derstend tbat your country Is not In Tnoxlcated ,.,lth a leI\lle of his 1 wlll offer lit public salo at my mpe1f' Uld those I represent.". " tho beat ot financIal condltlcn8 Co uno ' o '.l' n power, he went back , loto his resldelloo on Frlluklln Ruad In ' . "Theu we'U make it an annual pey- dertake a war. particularly with that st udi, .and 4rew from a .drawer th e Waynesville. Ohto, OD _ mat," 4eo\ded AlIIsqn. P.llttlng away ancient enemy," photolraph of a young and bea.utt(ul Saturday, JlUluary 8, 1916 IOmeltcurea he prepared. "We'll "The banking syatem ot my country ' ,Irl, who seemed to Jook up at him. • BeginDiog at U :30 p ro, the fol (on Execution) . make It a aUdlnl lcale, ~~creaelng la patriotlc." returned. tbe caller_ "Its out of an oval face wreathed with wav- lowiog : A:. lot of flonllehold ~IJOdB e~ 111&1' with tbe earnings. ' only Important bank. are controlled Ing brown balr, and set with beautlful- aDd '1'0018. Warren Common PleaS A h~d.nrri~l, IIIQ.,,,,'0<1 ......,. J,"",.01 "'''' See blp; bi11a for t e rml, 'The ' vand duke coneldered that under one 8ystem. 1 am the bead of 1)' c'u rved lips whlo)l. twitched at tho Gal.Uml ot an,lef ullUo !nurn.~I)!Ornl" , • • provollllon &TBvely, and, offered all. thlt ')'8tem. I.m a patriot!" and he corn ere In Ii balf s.rcastlo smile. from , E , E. Keever. Martha E, lluJrord ,.:: • ~ ~tn\lr nl nn~b •• I&. Sold bra1 ne".,IMI... N 1 I!O 8818101C1..,. aD;len4m.nt. , " " I tapped hImself upon ths breast with two brown eyel. deep and glow!ng and Wllbnr Senrs, Ano'. Reuben and Grace Wllliam 't I!....~ ~ I. .. ilL. Waablll.IOtl. v.~ "After tha 1Irat year, he laId. We : deep and slnoere teelln,. ' franght with an attractiTcness. Walter .K cnrioir, O]erk , 0_ No. 11886. rlhall b ...... with a Isrge bonu8, hOW-, "How much reTenue ' /loea "'our· po. Every mornlnll he had looked ILt tbls + _- By vlnue of lUI order of Ale, dul, J. . . . . . 1 - - -- from 8&ld Oollrti' III tbeolfer .hQY8 caM. IiId e""." . sitton yield you personallyT" " , pbotograpb, the pncele89 crownI of hill to modlroctet.l, "W foretatecl Nle. b,. ...yof .uu.on, ....n \lut oat of hb mind ! A abade of aadneu croned tbe achievement. the glittering jewel t,o publlc .uctl0p., .. aet ' In' the head o'f hlB scepter, tbe Worth While Quotation. brow at tbe neat·w.lsted caller. In Leballon, Wt.rl'6D 'OoW!ty. OhIO. on . , ' "It does not yield you tblll muob," beautiful medallion or' bls valorl "There Ilre ersOl).\! so radiant, 80 . and Alllllon pusbed toward him a 'lit"Only a nttte lODger, Gall." he told gen·jlll, .so k ind, RO plenSIITe·bearlng At 10 o'c1ock a. m. on laid d.y. the (oUowln ' tie 811p of paper on which were In- her wrtb a smile. and then be saluted r th a t /,Qu' insHn-dlvf'l y re el In their d..crlbed ....aI.~te, to-wltl .: • ' . B Do W U' W1l Qmeu lorlbed ,so'me 1IIUres. ' ·· • the pbotograpb. "Gall, tho maker of preSfllloe till,ollhny «I) ' 011 and Grace Intereef; A. Wlthr.m the P ..ul. d• WI10 Ie Wilham 'J'he undivided, of InReuben iT. LIVE STOC ~/ AND ' OENBRAL • Mel-" For a' Ion" Tbe caller's eyell .... Idened al they mansl" be said. coming inl:o a room js the brIng. ilia Buttorwortb l'ro....rt7: Lot No. I. G7 Ji h d .. In Ib.B VlUlII!e ul W.,....SquI"" .,lfIe. Oblo. IIcrYOUl break· read the 8um, He IImlled, He lrucge ' Ill S' or a 'l amp ther!': '~ H en ry W a rd f""Urout, Salll lo~ ... Itn.t.ed In J611'IIIIIOD ~ AUCTIONeeR lleep and waa hla 8boulderl. He pUlhed back tbe CT 0 llS CONTINUED) BeMher. Thlnlet_t. . ..... II f ---_e~_ Saill Pro .... rt, r_ on Third 1&_', ~he ..., ~a- 8 p 0 paper. ~___ _ _ ne......~ """"', on tho North belq MIami. the me to '. Impossible "It your to bankln, ..,.tem yoUr found·01'· It RI;AL ESTATB ~ INSURANce d-411l1l8tito. be " •. trlotle. ••11__ , h 111-"', t-'--and on ..... i 'I 3) Lo vlnllLarJ.!i Un_d.l!.r.Iht!!........ alII pro....r.'.. II 1'eIr... _ _ ' rnmont would compelled to raI.e To .! eep_l'lIu!' I v_or.. liO. va ua.o r. - One Ivh rn T Inllmately, .New 1.1 e Pill!! They 10- whose ' lIIe 410ry I revere, once In mT I;!elold for _ thlD &wo-tbJrdIotappralliil not wllbdraw from the war." lara.. good dlg8llaioll. raUllve orlOlll. h Hr"; r' Inll rl(et! tha t. "untess we value of dlfudalit.lln*W&, in p ....~b!4l 1 MNeYerl" and tbe neat-1I'&IIter ~ler patlon. aud tone up the wbolo E.ftlo 106\,0 ~" ," ' ''0 ClUlOllt understand Tenul-ouh'OWALDRON O. GILKOUR. &II1_tl~ once more tollelled hlmlelf em tile HID-keep yoa! eye Ole. ar ~Dd .v nor tI !! I wag n II w 1I1bt to me.- Bllatoth. K..,18, WI_ OauD""O_ ___t. , .kia fruh aad heal&by Jo )klng. Ro tu. Dec:. 11 . , " ' _ , . . . . . .• , ~~ oo~ ~ 0Dl7 ~8o,.t 708~" _ , n" BIle . '.
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Any Road Any Place Any Time
Fl, E.
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\~l1edooroftheOOurtBou.e. MONDAY. ~ANUARY 17TH" 191&
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Wookly at WaYII",·IU. Ohio
hlu, <.:ily of T Oltllu, Cuu n ty, bS. Frank J; Cllene} make. "n Ib thaI
:'IIIll' uf
i, scuior l'arlller 0 1 tbe firm of P. J C lU NE, Editor and Mnnager 'hener I\: co., - doing bu~illel5 ia the City of 'fC'ltdo, Cuunty aad S la lc IIfore· aid, and lhat said firm will pay ~he um o! VNH HlJN DIHto DOLl,ARI for DECEMBER 29, 1915 each and every CMSI! uf Cntarrh lhnt CBII·
r and Mrs. Geo. Davis enter. t" ued to 1\ Jolly Cbrlstmas dinner As Written by Our COl ps of Able Correspond. M noll hlrl!. E. . MIlD'DOn, Ru th \' 1I0 t be cured by the use of RAllo'S CA· <:II n.nn Mannon, Mrs, Ida. Mlln. 'I'A RHH CU lut FR ANK 1: CHENEY. _ _ _ _ _ :n~s_~~:~~~orhO:~ _ ___ _ r " ", !l0 nl·/l Milt!! Ethel, a t TIppeoanoe RIGHTS SET FORTH ir, :;'my WO(1l to before me and subscribed CUllD'S ('I",I1 t'd Mr . nnd Mrs. J ot' Oavla i"l prescnce, this Uth dov of Decem· 1\' 'I Dt>'·oLb)-. ber. A . O . I G. A. W . GLI~AaON, Subject Wh ich Ie Wo rt h Attention or \Jr. I od ]du . Lew Waite, ot W\I. (Senl) Notllry Public. 1'11111'5 ClIlu rrh Cure is taken intern: w 'p gt ~ n, lind Mr and Mre. Ray P-arentl ~~'tl:,~u~=I~e Fair to \ "lIy nlld ac ts through lhe Ulood 0 11 lhe '. olt and famtly, of 'near Uodds , Mucous Surfaces o f tile System, Sen4 for IN re 111. te rtliined at Mr. and Mrs. free . OU 1/eed tbi s practicnl, e:-c pert info rmRtioQ. Wh ~the r Mr.Dlokson WhBdoo Bud wife J ull n Wolfe '! Cb~rletmas day. A gr8l\,t many non. residentB lire A principle of p·ychology which te.st imullials F.1. CRI! NE V' & CO., Toledo. O. y tI own Dr in tend 10 pl n llt a ( 'W trees Dr n thotlsllnc1 , it is tn(or· subsorlblnl( for tbie newsy sil eet. ' spout lJrl strull8 In 1\:onlll lind · Mr. lind Mrs. W , T . Jord an and motion thn c will !l1l\"e yo u lim u.l abo r ,n .II m nne y . G et It! Imply l und U6 you.r Sold by nil druggists. 7fJc. every molher should' know is that t he Dame u..nd Q(ld rcss 0 0 tho toupoe -or OD 3 vastal. If y ou preter• . Viola wer e en te rtAined at ,J ohn HlllI's ltllmily l' iIls IlI r cOllstipn,tion. In reading Over the l u()al~ It 8eeme Day t Oil , lust thoug ht before goi ng to sleep 'We will glnlUy m RIl you Q frco copy eVC!J'"ywhure ara ge ttln~ prod lJ! Jon.A ~o t hom like IJ. ~ISlt with old trlonds Mrtl. Gno rl;e M url,,~t; bud for J ordan'a t1!ltu rday. of o ur N ew Cutlll oll: - n n J t x 81n . b ouk cr(l p~ nnd Inrs:e co sh pro llilc f ro m I; r0 t?~ makes the deepest impression. Try tha t Is s imply p ockod wit h hlnL!I thot . of ), oun2'. thrifty. jlNl_ r tl,. Sta rk. B ro o.l liome , Don t you tllink you h MI t heir Chrl stwas guests Mr . ,lame. Mr . and Mr. Geo. Bogan spen t will enablo )'OD t o Secu re bu mpcrcroD5 t r et:s-fac ts t hllt cUl.p holSl zo t ho. tr uth it. rl'he lost thought lit nil,ht is sure be$ter do likewise, It you Bre not Bu lIenr-lne nnd wite at DetroU Christmas with Mr, and Mra WII. o f Iloes f tnill-o nd liell them a t t opof 010 axfon! " StRrk Treos Henr J 'rt1 h . '~ already a . sub~orl ber P Mloll" Mr F , ank BlI l len ~jne , of lIa m DUr.l lI oea r Sil ve r Grove. . market price s, 'l'hcwh oJo book Is filled Dcuutfful Jflc-.slzo. nlltural-c o l"l r p ho to s to bo the first waking (hought. A wlt~ l .ct ' lhol \vl1llo'"r•• 1 onol. ln .truo t 01 IClldlnl: frulls nJI Ulroull'1I Ibo book. '1'0 ~he rell~eu or ' he Harveys. NO.r t h ()arol!nu, Mr. Bruce Heltl. Mr . nnd MrH. B ..r lan Barveyen chilci Bholllil n vcr b punish 'll jusL you- facl s oboul buw frult-erowtu Sead for your copy loday to hurl( looa ls, It J oorrespond ent hilS mlln li nd w lf~, ot I5prIn ~fieln , Ohi o, tertaillod to I 'h rls tmas dinner t he before going (0 bed if you wi sh to ordered for eaoh of y uu tor the aod Mrs. Fmnk Ml1rt in, of Spriu" rollowing gue.,IH Mr. and Mrs. F . A. Stark Bro's Nurseries 'at Louisiana, Mo. create ill tlim n joyous disposition. A yea r ' 191 6, 36fiY. happy aud pros ValJey , Ba rt800 k and I " mlly, Mr. !lnd Mra. R end. It Rod learn Rb ou t the new fruit· Grlmc8 Gol den-tJl e treo d e vel oom ent Jmppy bedtimo will meun a sunny t reu tThiUlVh u f Stllr k Bro', lo ng Ct'ln ' t hilt rU) I!li t8 "colhu' r (", t, " G ot ChoN ew perous day" and had anme ·obarKed Mr . (1 ee'rl' Maria.t,t IJlld wifo 8. Burnett a nd family, Mr J , W. t ury of Su(''Cc5s- t ho " Dou blc·Ll(c" F acts ubOl1t " Stark De1lelou s." Sta rk m orn ing fn ce, to hili !lCcount. s pent ont ' tIt: !tlSt weok ;10 uAyton . !:lar Qook and Mr. . L. Harla n I\n I F.,::~~ •• ~~~,~~~·Br~):~ll'I'~~,tj,.eH"~1~1~ Mr. and Mre. Th.'I . Wh tltl el, at Mr. Ea : I '; 'InR nntl w i fe spent lUllllly . Another impor tant foct, based ~t\Clu;" nls o Llncol9 POllf. Sttlrk It,f,HHD10r cnc y Chc rr )~ . MAm m o th (j Id ~ Blullt Main 8treet, entcrtfl,oed Mr, 'S unday ' 9 , I IlIlries BOldon uucl Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo . E llis and Ves' u mo~e upnn 'physiological thnn upon "'hlln nlHt nIl the C) lhor hU11 0UIJ Srnrk , Vuntyle Gilbert, ot Bllsalt. Col .. family , Rve nt !:l8bnrdllY with Mr. II.nd Mrs. .1$ r o' S trult s,berric8QDd orua.meDtQIS ~ psychol ogicnl principleB, j s the imlast week. Mr, Gilbert Is MrH Mr . •Ioe I I . 1 a nd fllm ily s pao t Et!l\IQ bl .. rt.in . ]Iortll nco of happy mealtime. IJ er• Get Our New Catalog , SI..I< non. l't.I l ses tll\ll and Irene Ulljtlesby Wh et8el'8 hrothur and h e Is a rtiUoh~ Cbrl ~t mtlll I D FREE 11 • HIn<h• • -filled " / Bro', haps the child hilS done 80me little Mr. D/lvld ',t', Ill . of IIO/lr Bell aru slIlmdi nlt tho h olidliYs lH hOIUII. lDan who hue been very IInoce~Bfnl. c o ,' er ""u!rti~ ~., tI~~l ~f,o-to De pt, A naughty thing ancl is scold ed for it t Mrt 110110.1 Mrs. 1'h08, Whetsel en. brook,wl1 R Ii 1';UlldIlY gUlOs t 'I f Amos Mr. and Mr8. J 08. Gray were logrlloh •. 111... 1 1M /LouJoiOD..Mo. erta nod 1i6varal of tbelr r elall vee J l\oh ~ . CbrlsL~l1us gue81B at thei r ~on Perry C4tU~Of' flr a /IW ' a/, until ho ' eric or is scnt from tho Chrlstma8 duy to u 4 o'olock din. ID I"el!hut. bc arlnr: 'lou r DAwe ' i R~~ld;'O':'~ o~ tablo. His ditlDor is spoiled. H(' and Qlhtruas , , CRtA'O"1 tclllnil J u . t \ler: Mr. lind Mrs. In. A . Hnrtsoo k, Mr~. Amos J uok~ou I el !k nt this b ow tntl 'lI1'O we ~ arc of Dayton; Mr. and Mn. J 08, Davis wrltinK II11 s3 Etb I Wnrdlo w was home needs that dinner. H e cannot he Stark B ro' • / tn.lI;!n. I'OCDnI .1J1"t."f.k1olJ D e pL A prontll. lind dllughtor. Dor thy ; Mrs Mllr. Mles Bel, II Pr"tt ttud itJr utilor, 01 <':hrl~tmna , llOPPY if he is hung ry or if he fools Louialu • ,_ .4. I «I_peet to IlllUlt .. , .. .... .. It'efa Met. gll.ret Le vloy aud son, Clyde; Mr. X(1ol a, Bre II Il BHHI ot Mr. uud MrR , Mrs. Ida Mu nnon and Mi8s Ethel unduo consure and he wi\l be crOSB ud Mr~ Marlon VlIontre"1I nud t wo Diokson Wllfutuu ure vlkHinp: Mr. Bud Mrlt. E C. or depressed all afternoon. Did you irllndchlldren. of Sprluifield; Mr. I\Irll. J qllu Mooro, 11olon L\l0118, Mun non du rin g t be holidllYII. ove.r inJ ulgo in weeping lit mealtime Joseph Whetsel and two eieters, Mr Lne Morf{lln, Mr. LOI\l MllrrliY, Mr. Ross Hartsook leave8 for I / or II1Iow yourself' to become very anEmlDa and tlnla ll; and Vllutyle Uil. spent Chrl ~tmll8 witb D,m Morgon Colowbus the first of ibe year. P . O..... ...... .......... .. ............. ... .. ..... . Thfl r e will be preaohlng eervloel! bert, and on tlunl1a y nl ~i1 t they bad and family. gry? If 80, did you IbId you r diges. atat. .............. ,................ ...... .. .. .... .. f,n 4 o 'olook tea tbe following In. l\.if , !leary rew Bud family spent. a.t Ela\ Fork Sunday morning and tion improved and did you bave 11 Robert ~tanley Rnd fa.mlly spent vltau Kuests in h onor of Vantyle SfHnrdllY nlKht with Mr •.John L.ev I eveniog by Rev. Sell. Stark Bro'. Want Good SalesmeD-Casb CommiasioD Paid Weekf1· llappy dny? As it was with you, 80 Cbrl'ltm:ill wltb Mr~ . Stanley'" par. Gllber., ot BU11I&, Col, aDd W. Wand family . , . The W If tHe Leag ne had a Yllry ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!~~~~~~!!!!!'!!~~~~~!!!!!'!!~ is it with the child. It ie a well- entll Mr. and Mrs. Will Uom pton. WIl.on, 01 LexlDgton, Ky , : Mr. Mr. Vern J()oes flod wi re IIp61\t Intl.' restlng Chrllttwal pro~ram Sat. known physiologicnl foot that anger I\nd Mr8.Louise Frank aDd Wilson and two nrdl,y e veuin"'. Mr . Gunning of 0 Weldon :Wilson, Luther Hll l n e~ . ohlldren, Wilbur. Mr. B un d ay 'II' It"u M r8. A. "lU . 0 I' 11 . " , 1I1Id grief interfere Boriously with di- FraDOes and Olive WiltoD are spend. ~ . U lwd formerly from Eniland gave a ll InterellUnll 11llk on ".A,rl. gestion, If you wish to lilY in Y9ur log the holIdllye at Oamdeo, Ohi o and Mr!! . Whetsel fnlly understaud Mias Edyth Bogan, of Wellman, !~~ ~~! ~~:ra:~~~t:~erything pie... OWES HER GOOD HEALTH TO CHAMBER. oultnre In England. " Veterinary child a foundation for indigestion hu been visiting her brother lind The eDtertalnment given by onr LAIN'S TABLETS Mn ..l obn .volfe Is spending the you can find no more effective way. sleter Ed. BOian and Mrs. C. Bunuell. Maltor Arlhur Thom .. II qulte Oraduate 01 Oblo S.ate Un/versify Bi,h ~ohool at 'he Town BlIll week with her 80U Lew, near WH_ Ilok at the hom. of hll parantl, Mr. It is even "orae to send & child to Mr. and Mrl . Raleigh Bogan and Thnrlda, Dlgbt waB a howllnl suo"lowe m y ((ood ben1th to Ubam. mlogton.· ane! Mrl. Ja! Thomll8. bed luppeJ'lC9s. No one can be at Ina MllY Oompton SpeD' Chrlltma~ Mrs. Clarence 1>Uohael and Mrs, berla.in 's Tablets." wrItes Mrs. R. &11811 Edna Kelley II home for a Office at reeidence in F. B. Sher. oesl . . , ' G. Neff, Orookstou, Ohio. " Two Ward\'ow were Wa)'neiVllle thop.. his best morally and spiritunlly un· wUb W . E. Bogan Rnd family . The A. M. E. ohuroh gave an en. I d I. k week's vllOllI,lon with her pl\ren'I, Wood'i honae, Fourth Street, Mr. and Mrll J. S. Leamlngllpent &Irtalnmen& a' Town Ball Chrlet. yea"!! ago WitS an Invl\ Ud dne to pe n one ay !leo wee . less he is at his best physically. No trou ble. 1 LOO kr:~~'re'e bot. Mis s Edith BoRan h' aa re t orne d Mr. alld Mrl. Elmllr K.elley. ohi ld ClUJ be improved morally by be· Cb rl'JtlDlIl wHh Mr, and Mrs. A. E maa eve. A goodly lum of monllY stomaoh Telephone 28 Mr. and Mr•. Builer Patton wall I:llmmona at Por' WUlllim. was raised and II.n enjoYllble time .Iell at th so 'fl1bletl! aDd 1 VB IIlnoe b owe 8 tt er II pIeaBan , '11'81&.. near ab opplnll in Vayio\) Tbunday . iog injured physicnlly. To IlCnd a been In tbe be~t ot healt.h." Ob. N ew B ur Iing t on. Mr, and Mrll. Raymond WIIII01l WIlS had, Ohio tahiable every wh ere. child away from the table bungry &ook Cbrlstmall dinner wl'h M,.. The Muilen 'amIl.,. touk dinner Wayne.vllle., Rev . Walklr filled the pulpU. MllIl Viola Jordan was in Lebanon wltb Rev. Peimer. wife aDd ohIldren or to IMlnd him supperlees to bed is WilBon ', father, Eroel' Harlay. a'the ai, E. ohuroh Sunday. Tnesday. Sunday. a relic of barbarism. It will not only Mre, W. E. Bopn and daughter Gllber' Weloh, 01 j'l. Dod~e, Io wa, Mr. Bert Boelln apen' !:lunda;, Il~ Mi .. Marie Badeoolt aUendlld tbe fail to bring good ~ul ta at the time Lulah are viBILlng relatlvee Rldae. II apendlol the holidaye with hll! home. enter&ainment giy.e o •• No. 8'IOhooi way.Oblo. but will lay the found ation of future parenta Yr, and Mrs. W. W. Welob. The Mdron Prillolllu will be en hOUIII. A good pl'ogram wae re C. T , Harner and famlly took This dts088e shonld lIB treated &II 800n Mr, and M're. Earl HookeH, of l. tert~i nee! a' Mrs. 6eo. Davl!! ' TUIII. por\ed. millCry and unhappinell8·. A. happy dianer with Hor8lle Compton'e 8all. Dear here, were the gueste of Mrs 118 the 1Ifolt UDDaturoJ 100sen888 of the M'r. ' Dnd U •. H dAY. . __~.~-__ bedtime nnd Il happy mealt ime are da, . Mre . O.rl Idhorwo04 WIIS on 'he bowels IlPpears. When this ' is done a BookeU'1 bro'her, Paul Reallon, ii' r o\vard ,6rapam slok 11.t the firet of lall& week. Ringle dose of Cbllm berlRin's Collo, Chol· t he rigllt of every child.-Josephine Mr8. Jennie MilIa II visltln8 In at a 'nrlle;, dinner, Cbrls&wal day, aud family 8pent SnndllY with Mr , and DllUThoea. Remedy' will effect a ora Air. and Mr• . A, ~ , Cornell and Barclay in the Mother's Magazine. Xenia ~hla weel!:. and In af\ernoonll entertainment 110& Ilnd Mrs. Frank Bevan a~ld family. cure. This remB<ly can always be de· dau«hler, Mile Irma took Ghrtstma. FOR RHEUMATISM The Mines Emma .l!4llis lind Berda penrled opon even In the most eevere and Mr. and Mrs. WaUer Wllaon, Mr. Al 6, ~Ielde mlnltrell. Mr. Realon a' 'he home of Air. and Mr. , dangerons GIRLS NEED PHYSICAL DRILL and MfI!. John Wilion and Zlmrl knows how '0 entertain, never do· Feat)' epent I'ooeday afternoon with' As aoon ae an aUao\[ ot Rheuma_ dinner Cll8es. IUId shonld be kept at ean Pennewl$. J band r eady for Imtant use. Never leaVi Mr, Muy Sheridan , tism beglnl apply 810an'. Li nlmen ~. Balnell and famtly took ChrlltlDas lng any'btn. by pieces. ... E Hartsoet, wife and family home on a journey without It. aendlnll Over Deike Often Hili a dinner wltb JOSIe Balne!l bnd lawll, Mr. and 14rll. Frank Sbldaker WtIbnr Hawke i8 spending hie Don" waite lime' and latler nanecTendlnoy to Cauae Curvature at New Burlington, and IIrll. H. E . Bhldaker were ahop. ChristmA8 Ynoatlon witb relati vellio essary sgon,.. A tew dropl of royally entertained .. , Chrll'mal of the Spine. 810an '" Liniment on the atlaoted dinner Mr. and Mrl. AaroD S_III M8rybel1e Barner bas bad ae hllr ping In Xenlll on IVedneilday at lallt bi orwood, and IAr01 aartsook, of Day&on; gueet Mise Mabel 8tanley. . Mrs. T . F. MoGulnn lind lIOn spent partl! Is alI you need . The pain Mr. and Mre. Carl Bher\'llood and week. DR. J. W. MILLER. loel at onoe. (lne who ohsenes girls in gradulLt.Cbarlie Cook, of .Waynesvllle, Monday wd·h Ed . Gray lind wife. Channcey Bunnell 's were IIbop. little lon, Morrlt, and the Mulle'n lufferer wrUes :-"1 A Kratetnl and Mlnnlll Lynoh, 01 tble cltY, 'MIII" Irma E11I8 i. visiting b r ing classes in different high schools ping iD Dayton one day lalt week . w III! suffer ing for three weekI with family. '1'be Ohrlll&mOI! tree loaded ••• DENTIST••• were qnie'ly married in Lebanon, t4ieter Mr!!. Eva V!I1ltrS. can hardly fail to be impressed WiUl - -- ••~-'7'"Ohronlc ItbeoIDatl8m and i3l1ff Neok, with prllllentl wae enjoyed by 'lie 'fhuuday morning. De08wbe.r '2Srd. Mr, and Mrs . B OIVa rd Grnham althoogh I tried many \medloluee, IIltle fol k·. A lIuml't.uOU. e!inner OlllceYla the.i r lack of good physical developThey have ~he bee' willhe8 of tbeir and. fawt\y and Myra.,1 alld Luolle tohey falletl, and I wae under the WIUI elned in four oourael. Candy Na'iolla! BaIak Bid,. WlyoenUJe. 0 ment, says the Mother's Magazine. LAUGHIES AIDS DIGESTION friends. Bevan were In Wilmington lut oare of a 'dootor. Fortuna\ely 1 from England wall 114111& &0 the telll. It is safe to say that at lcast one- Laughtsr is one of \hs most healtb Gilbert Weloh, of Ft ..Dodge, Iowa, TUf!8dIloY. ( hoard of B I~an 'I Liniment and ener Uy b;,lI4rl. Borace Woloott, or Da;, ·\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~= thitd of the girls gradUll.ted fTOW fol exeulonll j it ie of gr8l' help \0 Ie home making his parenti, Mr. Mra, Hannah Barl an entertl\lned USing H three or four daye am up too, .od round to be dellolone. CarmaD (Jornoll enterhlned Roy high 801)001 have CUl'vatures of thc digestion. A litH! more effeolotol an Iotrll. W. W. Weloh, hKPPY Mril. Elsie llru.y one d"y last week 1\ d well . lam .lIlployed at the big. ALL KINDS OF . :has, E . Eliia Rnd family enter. gest department e'ore In S. 1', where MoKlrb), and IIllter Thuraday even· spine, or unev.en shoulder9, or stand help III a dose of Ohamberl .. la'il wl,h his presenoe. Tabl et~. If Jon Ihould bo troubled W. W. Willon, of Lexiollton. Ky .. tal oed on !:lnnda y Mr. 1I.0d .ldu. t hey employ frtlm 111x tp eljCM hunin a bad position, or bllvl too much with indh~eetion sive them a'rllll. spent ChrlslmlUl day With his par. Chas. VIllars, Mr. and Mrs. Ceoil dred hane!l, and tbey lI.rely will Intr. an. Mr • . Will took flesh or too little. Invcstigl\tions' The;, only COllt a qnarter. Obtain. ente, retnrnlng to (Jiooinna&i Snn. BOllver, of Olark nille, !lnd Mr. and hear all · about 810a'n's Llnlrpen&. Chrla'.all dinner with his parenlll , made recently in California showed able eVf'rywhere. 8, B Smith, San Jl'ranoilloo, CIlI. day night. MrtI, Benry Clrpente r and fomlly, . Idnenl of i'erry a"endlld 'bs ... -Jan ; 1915, A' all Drnnlete. ' Mr. and loire Wm. Wright and of Centervllle. that about three-fourths of the girls Chrll'mal entertalnmllDt given at daulbt~r, E~hel. 'oa k Christmas the L,tle Hall Satnrday nenlng, Harold, tha) lttie son of' .Mr, and who go to college and university arc Vellowetone Vernacular. dinner with tbelr mllUler, Mra Mr". Guy Wu.tters died Friday out of repair physically., 8tap drtYiln In Yellowatone park Mildred EaSltl. Mr. and "re. Edward Brownand morning at 10 I 'olook , ohtldren spent Obrlstmae nlgM What ia the caUlle of all this? The are "lBnce.," ~ Inlng.room help "heay· The Conlervatory Plavere, being wi\h Mr. ' and M.re. Elmer KelBe), Min Neya Yonur r eturned homo prevailing theory is that high-heeled erll," horae herderll "wrllJlgler.," all 'he IItJOOnd number of the loo'ure and daullhter, !&dna. Waynesville, 0.1 for h er Christmas vaoatlon . . tourieta "dudeB," and aoldlen "awad· oourse. will be gl ven January 7th shoes, oo~triotion in dress and I ack dies." --------.--.~,~----Mr. Bornoe Burgelll I@ IIp!!nalng Try and arnnge yoor alfairl 110 Ills Chrhtm!" vaoatlon wi'h his of any tiystematic exorcise &re reapen- ~============== yon can be pre.ent. ,. ,\ T'': ''~ '.+' ' 1"--: O~r Pu.tofIlce, Mra. Clyde Wbarton and chtldren aible; but tho chief reason why girls Il\ther Clark Bnrges!I. Ollb Pbotle 77 HOUK Phone 115 Mr. Pelter Explalne. of L.,tle, spent Saturday hera tbe We extend to Mr. and Mre, uny are 80 poOrly formed is because pracUJIIf H~wk e W ill! in Leb..non on gue8ts of Mr . II.nd Mrs. Levi Great"Wben 1 am downtown and eee a Walen ,our hearefel' sympatby In h ou8e. . presumably Intelligent young woman tically no atte ntion hBJI been given tbe death of one 01 their beloved ·!5alurday. Ed. '1'ho,u'R aod family at8nded ohlldren whloh \\al 'lillen away to their physical development until CArl Blaokford, of Red [..ion llpant making e. fool or hersel! over a mea'!· t he eotartalnm'JDt at t he Ogden Tnesda.y wi th hill mother loire, ELiza- '" runt of a. dog. I rret and fume 011 Friday nllht . yery recently. In som'e schools girls '(be 'VIay home," said P. O. Pester. . ~ A loare of fire near 6 o'olook Hoh ool houae on Thursday evenin g. beth Blaollford, still do not have any regular physi~ "Then I look In the mirror a04 tblpk Puneral Director. Chrllllmaa day, a' tbe home m . Nu ll SPllut Monday wltb hi • Ed clP,l exercise. They arc not advised after 8.11, she .~m~lg;;b;:.t;...:.b.::a_v_ c _d_o_n_e+_ _ _ __ ~~~~_ _ 'Adam (Jam bell but 1\ wu @oon son Lonls . 'nd family of Millmis tbat. worseI''' KaDsas City Dwr. .by capable teachers regarding their extlngnished before mnoh d Jl ma~e bnrg. Telephone day or night. HOW TO CURE COLl~S defects and how to overcome them. wal done.. . Jeunle RoblIl~on nf Daylon. epent. Valle)' phone No. 'f. ,Long ;;A Veld expollure Bnd dr'IlHI!. Eo t. Superintendent Ralph D, ' Tol~ is The California report indicated that t ho woek end wlt,h home tolk!!. Dilltance No. 6~2r. rlRht. 'I'ake Dr. Klng's New Vis. Waite or Public Fund •. llpendlng bi8 vaoation ' with hll pllr. many defects were due to hallitual Dr. Eroest I::ilog frled, or Columbol. "overy. It III prepllrlld frOUl P tll u en'. In Hlihland oounty. One minor WAste or tb l! public fundI Automobile Servloe at all Time. bending over desks, which develops fa r , hesll llil blll sa Dl ~ lIod wild Illx· Is home to I!pend tbe bolldays I\IUb Ie called to mind by th e i,'oy Il OIRD Mre A mOil ElIIII Ie apendlng .. ativol!, Dr Killg 's New Disoovery hl H parente Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W , B. ourvature of the spine, which in tum who once belonged to congres s or tbe WAYNESVILLE, Slegrr led. . week wltb relatives In Xenia. OHIO • ktlll! IlDd expels the oold ge rms, legislature uaes ' am alai stationery for • develope other deformities. But conGOIIsip bae It tha' one of our oitl . southe! the irrltatod l·hro8$ 9 nd al. WlJl Gregg. of Ham iltO.:l , wall tbe rost of his nntural IIte.- Ohto B.fanell Office. BarveYlblll'lr. O. ditione are probably better today lIenll II gOinl- to take to himself a lays Ivflammation. U \heals tbe oalled bere tbls week by tbe death State Journal. than they were a few years ago. A wifts In 'be very near futDre Be· mooons memhrune. SelU'olJ 88 yon at his brother CtIor! Gregg. - - -... - - ware, Joung man, II II no\ all gold will, yon oan oa t find a bet,ter ooog IJ Mra. Frank Snyder aod Mre. Ray. girl'~ dreas seems better adapte4 to \ha~ alt\\era I "od 0 ' ld remedy . .l&i Olle over 45 Oland Wade, of Lr'le, wero the din. helpful physicnl development:than it Dally Thought. yellrs .1 ~::.or.6f satilsfaotlon. ner g uestll of Air, Gnd Mra. Levi BARNHART. was ten years sgo. Perhaps this will \ The perfectly balanced man wou14 Greathouse ~rldllY , in time be demonstrated in 'the better be a nonenti ty. To be Intoresting or TO CUB,ECHILDREN'S COLDS Mr. (Jllrter b~s returned to bls Notary Public physical dev~lopment of girls who home in Sahlna after II. visit wltb to accomplish anything In tills world World'. Important Rlve~. Keep ohlld dry,' olo$he oomforta· ot oneeldeneas, e~· • certalo amount F.ather The cblef western streams arB the hie daugbter, Mr!!. Joseph Hadley . bl". avot ... expolar~ and give Dr. pasl through ,~he eoheols. All Jdude of Notary Work. Willi 84111'e Pine-'fllr.Honey. It Ie pleat. Columbia. Taga8. Gnronne. Loire and AND ALI. .,.". FA.,LY Mrs . Elizabeth Blaokford sPent tbullum or partlsaoshlp Is ess8nUa.I. and Deeda a Hpeolaay. --. Two IUId a'haIf mDIlOIl i'eIIders 1IDd It of aut, 100&bJnl. an&ll1eptio, rail,ee Nova. The rh'BrB running 8outb. a8 liature!ay wl t.h frltlnds at Mld,lIe_ -Bruce Ca.ivert. abeorblDs lutereat. '. ~ In It Ie phlegm ' and redaoe& inllamatlon, the MlsBIsslppl, Ln Plata, Rhone, Vol, town, l'he fits' d08e ai.,811 reller, oon&lnued 51 and Indus, are moro 'lmportant, aa Good AdvIce. W......... Y. . c..u.... ,.... " Mr . MerkJe III spending the week treatmt'ut wl&h proper oare w)ll well a8 tboso which proceed to the w ith h ie wife and mother. "I luffer terribly from IndlceatloD, ~':\~_~ba=~~ doctor. What ahall I take tor It'" "It iienae.JuWlltahowJO!1acopp;01'writetIMt ""old eerioQ8 Il1n8118 Or a lonl oold , nortb, as Ule Rhine, Vletula. NUe, CharleH and Olyd" Pence are home Oon', delay trea'men&; Don" Ie' IrtlBb. Lena and Tennes8ee. 'In't 80 much- wbat you talle," replied pablIsher tor tree eample- a PciItal wIU do. from Ohio WeslYILn University for YJur ohlld IDffer. Get & boUle to. Chrlstmall vaoatlon. lnillt on Dr. BeU's Pine Tar. taldng." Wbereupon to the IIhYllclao. "It·e he . proceeded you atop . Mrs. Luoas hall returned · to ber THE OUATEIT Boney a' Drug.leta. make out. ion. lilt ot the thlop hi' BEAR THIS IN MIND home In &larllhal1, Ohio, after epenel. Auto Livery Service at -------.~~ "'':lent .muat .not ~t. I "I oonlld.r Chamberlain 'e Congb ing thll w3ek end ~lth Rev, and • IN THE WO"L.D Reason'able R~te.. loire, Knllely. Remedy by tar the bel' ml,dlolne In MIxed. I1IJU1IfED wenT. ' SUIO PEl YUl Wo d hOB ooon I'eoel"ed be,. 'ha' There la a man linn. III Lansbome, the markel tor ooldll ondl oJ'oup," PL, who amUBes ·blmll8lf b,. sr'attIns laYII Mrl Alber' BlolIl!elr, Lima, Fred Wright III orltloally 111 a' hil IIOTE&.e. DIlUCcii'iTi. apl:OlloLII.,., Allo Alent for KeU;-.spriDc&e1d Aut8mobUe Tii:eII ()OI:rU.,EU, TltANI".It. O~~ all 10rta of planta UPOD otbe., plante. Ohio. Many others lire of 'he ..-me home In ,Marylaod. A_it .. ue ai"vloa OAN PItO''''' •• • Ue b.. Invented the "tabl. 4'hote" opinion. Obtaillable everywbere. Snbeorlbe for 'he Miami QueUe 'BY UIIMO ITa ADVERTIIINO OOL.UMII& ---_ ..---·tree. formerly a pIlaoh tree that 41d , SAMPLE COP'Y ,FREF Ita lull duty In bear1nr pea.chee but -*Me . . . YOU CLI ...... 'that now beara applel, plulDB and . ,.atlon,,1 80nllll. II_Y__ "'Y. Valley Phone 9O-1X cherrle. .e well, belldea euplJOrtlnr Every nation baa Ita national 10111. • 11 ....... _ - of ee~r. roll8. hemlock. blaolr.· ... 11)'1110, correapolldlnc to our "Staran4 lIlao. With what enriOlltT BD&Dcled Banner." Poor, Indeed, would I Pain~ng, iDi~ Auto~ Inle'l relatlYel !pUllt lock thll naHon be that did not hua Ita pa. Kadl w~ BJ ~Oul Vinol .. trioUe 10nlll and muslo, and, aboye aU, Ite one crowning , I\)ns ~,f country· ,BelIefontal!te, Ohlo.-" My,blood " .. love and devotion. ' very poor -I ".. III a weak, nenoue, L.aa Then Humin. l'W!=down condition. I tried dltrerent ~-. Tom, the conntry 11:I'7ear-014, p,. remedies without benefl.t and 008 du my druggilt told me about Vluol. I . .tID. hlmlelf one d&7 In ft811 010,. All kinds of Spouting and ~ Rooflng tried It and It built me np lu eveJy way 80mebody Would, Llullh. Ulan hie nlnal atate of dtllt"ud .u. blood, ItrelUrth and Derves. and I tell 0 1'11 write me name OD the "Sure. order, w. . . .ked by liII !Do,her If .e and Purna~ Repairing DoneD • ..! • re'O my-lrienda It le the belt medicine on WDllJd not Ub to be a IItUe city lMIJ. baCk 0' ),01l1' note. earth. "-lin. IllARL BaUNSOH. . PIlJ ut." .. Id Pat, "d a1wa,a be nice an4 clean lD wbite Vlnoll our 4eHcIoa cod Rver and Il'OII nita and .lIon u4 ltocklap. TOlD u lie endoned BllIup'l tonic Without aU, Jbarpene the ~ute, aid!! dl~ eDriebee tha bJOOd and 1CICII1IftI1I1: "TIle,'re DOt know domDed wlIll ,.a 8hop Next to In We'll haft • laup at th' ID tJdluaatanillJaDllCcreateeatnqth.
,How to Grow Bigger Crops ' of Superb Fruit-FREE
~f: ~~=::::: : : : : : ::~::: : : :':~::
Dr. J. A. McCoy,
- ..
. -.
Walter Chandler
Walter McCIIiPe
_-- -
.,--- -.....
- ..
e. v.
and Son
. POP:':":
H.·.·BRITTAlN Paper ·Ha..
J. E.
- ---..
SheN lOd', aara••••
,a nd ~iage PaiD~e
jlEII08lGlIPPER Ray Mills
----... ...---
uaern .......
Wa,aesville, Ohio
&ae 1IIIlIr.~
" &.r-,. DIIafIt. W.......
."---"-"I~ ·- ·----- --·
now, rain, ic ami ~I e ' l.
at toutting catt cost
935. Alilong enclosed car;; of fine quality this marks the record low-price. And it includes the touring car top as well as the detachable all-season top. So-for but $1 50 more tban tlle cost of the Sa.'Xon "Six" touring caryou really get three cars. ..Fou.... Roadater With detachable Coupe top DeUVery c.r
J. B.
$39& 4&& 39&
With a ll·senson to p i n place you ha ve n cozy luxurious enclosed ca r. Wit h windows ond sides removed you huve n touring car wilil permanent top-n t ype of I m"ill!: pOJlulnr· Ity. With 811 ·~n so ll tep removed and lour· ing ror lop substituted, YOIl bave all () ~u to uring ca r. TllU_wil h tbis splendid 5:1;O{O Il "Su" -yoll Ilre ready for every 1<1,,4 of weather; you .. ,,' certain or motoring comforl in every monlh of t he yea r. Besides- you get suc h c1a5.' car alt mcliolls as t hese ; sb-,c ylindcr hil:h speed molOr : YAc h t- . line bod y : Improved bod , finish; light weight aud low opc nt til1!, cost; tw e Ilnll elect ric starting aud lightin g SYSle.m ; T imken axl.s Hn d bea rings throughout cloassis; and B score more of noteworthy feature• . Oome and sec the new Saaoll "Six" wit h a ll · season top. Rid .. in It. .ompare it. You' lI proDo\U'cc it the best car li t an)'whc re near Its pnee. $78& "Six" TourlnK car 93& With detachable Limoulline top 7815 "Six" Roadster
A re you on the list for McCall' Magazine? Get it in connection with the Miam i Gazette only 11 35 per " ear J • • , t:> I t t W. 0 . I",Ilper a . en ded t hII f unetsI of his unde, Theo. Burrows, a t the Obio Mili tary Home in Dayton last week . ' Mr • all d Mrs • AI V11 Sears • of Darke C()lmty. were the we k·end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. IU S and family. Miss Annie Brown, of Xenia. and MI'ss Ma·,m e Brown , of Colu mbu s. are spend in'" the holidays among .. Waynesville f!,iends.
The S. Fred Co. and em· ployees extend to all the .eason'. greetings and hearty - - -wiahea-for 8 -peaceful, happy and prolperous ye~r.
Mr and Mrs Carring ton E llis !'pent Ch:rlst.mns at t he home of th latter's parents . Mr. and Mrs. John . "' t f ''' '1 . t MC Kmg.. , a .. yl mmg on. 4
==~=~===================~~============== his companion's back • . Scoville tried 10 throw him off when a reI/olver ••
QUALITY-Above the Standard . 8ERVICE-That can't be beat
An accidental shootlnlr took place
PRICES-To pie.se all. near Lebanon .. last week that has
thrown that vicinity in gloom . Owen = = = == = == = = = ===, Scoville, 19, and Frank Irons,lB, were spending the evening together GEO• . , J • ""ATERHOUSE " , at- tmr Sc'ovllIe hOllle. The boy!! were . ph' r:.i 21/ Co win Ohi (bOOD companions, and were having one ....- /1 r, o. a good time, when Irons jumped on
Scoville had in his pocket ex,loded, the bullet passing through hiS body just above the heart. and he died In I a ahort time. The whole affair has completely prostrated the two fam, ilies.
Will Hold Their Annual Show
E ~
lito abOVD
At 1 .. ·cloCk p. 0 1.. on 8 .. ld day, deoc ri bOO reaJ "", a "". w - wl~ : f·UtST '''RAOT 01'
tbe roUowlUIC
"Sllulo'" In Ihe County Dr W...,.." 10 tb St 81<1 0 1 Oblo aod In 'bo VIIIOIIO..r llan'o,•. bur • aDd bounded .ad d MCd be<l u '0110 we. Iow,l: UOllnnlng at tho middle or tho Way· u .. vUlo owd.\Y lln:ilnlr.too noad nortbweotcorIUck.lte Meollnl liouae 1.01 IUI d nor to t h. In the Llno or J OlIOph I.ukons· hel"' ~' tbene willi ~alu (,u.kCUII· IJno nor ~h 18 dOl[I'tlIlII Eaat 101lO11lII to II .Ione 10 MhI Lu OJlII I IIno: 'hun'o l'or\J) 75 d~ Willt 2 5 ~·2~ poleo wllb Norlb Stree , to II atooo 10 alloy' thonce with . ald Alley South U dccroea W... t 20 potes ~o tile mlddto or oald rot.d 011 .hlu a treel ; th 6nc~ wltb tho ·mldJlo ot .aId roa J Soulh 73 degreee E ast 23 7·Upolca to tho bogl ulllog. coD,.ioIDlt three actoI and livo polea morcorl_ ,"
~.-'!! -''''
Mr. and Mrs. O. J . Enwa rds.
Supt. W. R. Sp reigle, Prin. Arnold and Miss Alma Roberta, tt'! acher of theNormal School, w ent t o Colum· bus this morni ng to attend the ses· sions of the Ohio State Teachers' As: sociation , which will convene three days of this ~ek . . Misa Doro iby Daliin, after spend · Jlruf'~ ~°..'iuo. • apseveral weekfl here with her 'rorms-Ollt! tblrd -e....'II. olle third In 'one O'randmo-lher Mrs' Amanda Wright YeBr &11(1 01\8 thtrd In hro .)'0..... nerel'J'lld • d '. . . . ' pAyment.t to bonr 6% Joterolt and bo oec\lred an MUlln Kathryn Dakm , . of Cm- by mor~r:alJe qnprem'" .,Id. , WALDRQN O. GILMOUR. clnnati, left . last week for their SborUJ Warren (Jounty. O. -b I M h h b orne In H anm a, 0, were t ey By Oharles J. W"ronor. Doput,. will spend th.e holidays. sW~~.&2go{fan Att,.. , •
A Happy New. Year to All
We will meet all competition ill p rice an (1 ,quantity.
................ ........................... ~ WE · HAVE JUST COMPLETED
i i
The most Mode.m and Sanita ry. Cream ry in the State and will pay highest market price for sound, dean sour cream. We are always prompt toO recognize any advance in the market, and ,vill t ake care of your interests at all times . Checks mailed da ily or weekly as desired to cover all shipments.
,. :• o
REI"ERENCE Plrat National Bank Pearl Slrre t MnrkeC Bn nk An y Reliable Merchant •
in Cinciunal i.
I ~i
J. F. Snook, Agt. w,aynesville, O.
...................................................... !r
. !!
I' =========;::::::::==-.... . Walker T ransfel' Company ,WITH OUR NEW THREE "fON TRUCK" WE CAN TRANS-
at the . Market
The Walker Transfer Company . No. Zl Soutb.Detroit Street
At Roger.' Hall, W.yneaville, Ohio•
at LYTLE, OHIO Farmers Loose and Tied Tobacco Leaves MUST Bf. CLEAN
the Adverllser YOII Read the Ad In the Miami Oazelle
Miss Edna J an ney. who 18 a teach er in the Toledo BchoolR. a rrived here Friday to spend the holidays with her parents. Mr . al1d Mrs .. J . E . Jaoney.
( '
Clncinnat !, Ohio ·
f '\Va"".,
oun,,.. 0 1"0. on
I .m
••• •
Co u rt..
daugh~r, M~sMargare~~ Da,~n, spent Uh r i stm ~ day at t he home of
from 011101
alit! to 1110 ell t(!fJ I ,,10 otrlll' lor .... to. by "'ny or Pll bllc au "on on .bo rum dOeJgII ...... I ~ Second 1' .,.." llear Uarvo,. bul1l.
( -' ~
va. . William 11:. lIarllon e~. ~. Oue No, 1111 3 By "In llo or n o,oIor or Nlo. dul,. luuO(J
Mr. Frank Braddock a nd famil y and Mr . R:>bert Braddock spent Christmas day with Mrs. Braddock's Effleaolou.. Pblladelphla editor announcea that brother, Mr. W. E . Lewis and family . ' he haB cured lltomach trouble b, taBt· of Dayton. Ing 25 daYII. The same treatment con· Mrs. J. W. Edwards and two tlnued Indellnltely will cure all the mil that e8 Is heir to.-Brooklyn daughters . Misses Trill e na and Margaret, of Dayton, are spending the '~tIJIcoato,ns Tlmell. holidays here at the home of Mr. O. J. Edwards.
Wed. January 12 Thur. January 13 Friday J~nuary 14 Sat. January 15 ·--1916--
Myer Hyman, Waynesville, .O. '
(In Partition)
Mr. and · Mrs. Wm. Russum and
---..---- ...- - - - '
• .
Kennet;h Ridge, of Dayton, Hugh Ridge, of' Cincinnati, and Forrest Ridge, of Detrbit, spent Christ. mas with thei r home f ollts.
My Aim-Your Trade
\Varren Commo n Pleas Al tU'y O.
To those who have fa vored us with their patronextend our Sill ere age during the past y ar , thank and can .assure th em lhat w e will slrive in the future, as we have tried to do in the pn t to merit a co ntinuation of t heir good will b y courteous allention, fa ir dealiug a.lld the h andIiug of reliable merchand ise a llowcsL prices.
A Happy New Year
Mrs. L . It. Zim merman and dau gh · ter left F~day to spen the Christmas holida ys with r elati ves in Cleve· lM d.
Nathan Aus t in is spending Ih ' \ Mra. Lyd ia ' 'hnndk r is spe nrlinp; wint r with his daug hte r, Mrs. Clifseveral cl ft~ys with rela till'9 in New fon l Pr ug h,' nea r Deart; Ohio. J er ry Conn e r , of Van Wer t, is enVienna. Oillio joying a few days visit wi th hi~ Mies Ka t hleen Ilui ne!l. f Cincin · brother , J ohn Oonne r, lind fa mily. nat i·. . visit d wilh r elal ilo'e- he re This is his fi rs t visit here fo r a lIum· bor 0 r years. . Christmas day. Carl Pra tt of Xenia , is visiting Law rer ce Sh r WllOl I KIJ<'Ilt the hol · his cousin . Carl Dakin. idays with bis pa r !'l~ t~. Dr. and Mrs . Nole Haws e famil y and Arthur Tho ~ . Sher wood . Wean and wife, of Spring Valley, and :Mn ro Roland. of Way nesvill~ Mr. and M '!j H. V. Wnlt e r nnd we rc Sunday g uests of Frynk Hawse son. Dan . visited wi th re!a live:! he rt' lmd wife . Sunday af ternoon. Al bert Dra ke a nd fami ly. ('ntertnined a t dinner las t Sunday, Mrs. L. N. P ri n tz . pent Sunday with Cl ay Huffman and family . his s ister, M rl! E:. A . Wt:ller and Miss Florence Lacy is spendinll n family , of near Bel lbrook . fe w days with Miss Abigal Roll\l1d a t her home in Co rwi n . Ed Hathnway.o f Colum bus Grove, Mrs . Elzey Sco tt an d family, of Oh io, is th gu to: his parents. Mr · \Vuynesville. enjoyed Chris lmas with and Mrs. F . W. !!alhllway . he r parents Mr and Mrs . J . A. Allen at their home here . Miss Cla ra Li la left Mon day eve· Mr. a nd Mrs. Walter Dakin enter· ni ng to vis it with relatives in Chilli taill ed th eir nephew Mr . Wi lrer cottle, Ohio, f or a few da ys. Dakin , of Dayton, on Chris tma9 d ay. Or. Heber Dil l, the osteo path, was t;~i !\S.A lice henowe th ent ertained elected se,ere tary of t he .Stntc Asso I o!l Cllrlstlll~ ove a n.umber of Telaciation at Co lun bus las t week tlVes by hal/trig a Christmas tree and . Santa Claus appea red on t he scene J esse Wr ig ht a nd wife. or Spring - lind t reated each very li berally. A ll boro. are s pendi ng selleral days with present e nj oyed t he evening . Meeting was held at Middle Run relati ves' in and l\I'ound Waynedville . . chu r ch Sa turday a nd Sunday . Mi ss Belle Gatch. of Xenia •. spent Mr. a nd Mn. GecJr!1e Pratt spent t he holida.,s here with Mr. and Mrs ' Sunday with F . M . Dakin and family. Clarence Thompson aud wife . of W. H. All en und al i$!! Letitia McKay near Wilmington were tbe Sunday Messrs. Frank Hraddock, F red gues ts of Guy Chenowe th and f amily . Braddock all d Vern Hawke sa w AI I<'ields' Mi.nstrels at Da yton Saturday .
catt luxutty
The last barrier- ·that of costis swep t away by the oming of t his aU-season Saxon "Six" at
We lake this opporlUllil ' f xt IHl htg to all
Dewev llOn ~ spent Christ IllRS with hill r other. Ellis Long RllI \ family . Hallett Dakhr'nnd fami ly . of LeuIlnon, vi3ited wi th r lath' s here over Sunda y.
Now- to countless ' men and women- the door swings open to enclosed car luxury- to its varied pleasures and privileges.
To Our. Friends and Patrons
Mr . Stokes Silver , ot lvoryd nle . inci nnati, 0, spent his Christmna vaca tion t\l the home of hi! parents. near Wayne.vill e.
- - -- - --,- - - - .
With Detachable ALL·SEASON TOP
Mis!les Aunle U.and Mame Brown I--~-~~-~~~~~~--~-~~~~~~~~~-' d ined with their cousin, E. L. Thorn· IL'! and family Sunday.
~=======-=~~.========~ TO OUR . FRIENDS'. We wish to extend greet-. ings to all who 'h ave h~lped to make our store the success it is, and hope that this' coming · year will see it go ' foiWatd until there is not a store room 'in t'Qwn large e~ough ' to hold . the t(ade. My wife and I ~ish you .' , A HAPPY NBW' YEAR and a great Diany of tbem~
Poultry Show I January 12 tQ 16
Poultry Show January 12 to 16
Sixty-Eighth rear
Whole ' Number 3351
~~~~~~I~:_:_ ' ::_:~~~F_TY._~R_ ~_::_:_:,._~~]
tlOW TItAr~ Announcement was made recently of the formation of a new .6.000.000 HALF,.{\ I~ir corporation to acquire and operate I the busioe88 of the S;u,on Motor Company of Detroit. ThlB company , . has enjoyed one of the mOBt rema.rk· able auccesses of an induatry where rapid SUCCESSes have been frequent, OCIII Talent Displayed Their Ability In less than two y<.'ars from its stsrt it has reached aeventb place among In n Very Satlsractory all Detroit motor car manufacturers '!II Manner In number of cars annually produced . The increased capitalizati.,n. it is 'un-' derstood, is for the purpose of fur· ther expansion. H. W. Ford. president and gener. The Waynesville Farmer's Insti· tute opened its 23rd annual session al manager of the Saxon Motor in School Hall at 10 a. m. December Co mpany. who. by the way. is not 31, Hll 5, with President J T. Ellis, a relative of Henry Ford. heads the prl'lliding. Invocation by Rev. D. H. new corporation. and the present. ~r. Palmer , Music by Carman Orches· ganizatlon remains in control. Mr. trtl. Minutes of last Bessions read Ford has given out the followinu nnd approved , statement: "Th . . ted Remllrks by the president mllY be condensed a8 followft·. The hlatory e new company IB lD~orpora under the lawB ot the state of New of the world has been made more York. It will be known ' 88 the Sax. rapidly in the past year than ever on Motor Car Corporotion. It will bdore, Fortunell have been made b . red' and lost. Graft and greed have run e capIta IZ at 6.000.000-all com . man stock. There will be no pre rampant . It IS not from thtl promp~ ferred stock and no bonds. Of this Ings of .love for the. far'!ler and hIS ~ 6.000.000 one halt has been sold to well bemg that. he IS being extolled "banking syndicate headed by Mer. Bnd urged to raIse more and better· rill, Lynch & Co. and Hornblower & crops by ma~y of the BO . call~ b~ne- Weeks of ~ew York and Detroit. It lactol'l\. but IS on the Rame llrln.clple iB expected that the iBBue will be that t~e Ant cares for .the AphIS, or many times over· subscribed The the dairyman CO~etI hl~ cow .• Our remainder ot the '6.000.000 be great n~od now Isa gettID~ toeether, reserved for the present slockholddemandl~g that all commIttees Bent ers. out by thlt! government be men who "The new incorporation puts Into know how and where to go to get our business a large amount of addi. the pr~ctlcal facts and knowledge tional working capital, making pos that will benefit our agricultural sible immediate ' expansion ' and in'. d_ .. I"••. th.tth. p,,","~, Md ore...d p,,",uoti.n Th ••b'lit". ~~~~~ 0, cons.umer may ~et closer toaether. an automobile company to earn good Until we dQ t,h!~ and m.an~ge our profit.s in the low· priced field depends • __, _ _ _ business on bUBm~ prmClples we on biS' production. may expect to receIve 40% for our "1 have been often aaked of late brawn w~ile the o~her fellow geld whether I think the ~reeent demand ' I 60% for bill bRin. r.r automobiles .111 eon\lnue I Tom Walton, of Dayton, was NEXT TUESDAY FOR ISSUING Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Miller enterA Mau 01 Maoy ~elOur<ea firmly 'believe that tor along time viBitlnll friend. here Suilday. COUNTY 130~ DS tained a number of tlielr friend. at \ tJ come there will be a demand for a " 500" party Fridav evening. A Next on program wu Rev. C, S all the ears that can be produced In delicious luncheon was served. Wm. Sherwood, who has been ill 'Grauser w.ho spoke pn 8ubject ol"A the lo.·priced field. Nowadaya we for the past two weeks, is getting Man of Many·Resources." This title have reached a point where 110t only Mr . and Mrs. S. D, Henkle enter· , applies to th~ American Farmer. p.verybody want~ an automobile, but better. tained the Jolly MatronB and their Mr. Grauser believes, statinl{ in the preLty nearly everybody actually CI' 0 Sal All hur Cloa"s husbands to a supper Tuesday eveOBI~i' ut e-.. " beginninlC of his remarks, that his neEds an automobile. Ithas become ning. There ' were several of the knowledqe of farming .... entirely a nece1l88ry part of our dally life. and Sk~rtB at half: price at Myer regular members absent on account from obllervation. We are com Low priced cars are now within Hyman a. The Voters of Warren County Will of sickness. paratively young as a nation, yet we reach of a tremendous market made Be ·Called On to Vote Btand in the foremost rank of the up of people who can readily Mr'. and Mrs. Myer Hyman !lnd for Issue Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell enter· daughter visited with relatives in world. The reason for the vast in them, but who are only now t~ined T~uradav evenin~ at a alx· XBDia Suoo.,. flux oflmmigranta to this country i8 ning to realize that they can o clock dinner the followlnll gu~t.s: because thi!l country has unfurled them . The demand Is not Dec~llrllng Mr. and Mn Frank LeMay, of Mld".. the fiAlr of opportunltv. The Amer· satistled; it is next Tuesday the voters of On Born-To Mr. and Mrs. RUBB8J1 and Mrs. C. S. Gra.uaer dletown, ican Farmer is the most resourceful grow for IIOme yeard to come." Haines, Wednesday evening, Decem· Warr!'n County will be called upon and Bon, Rev. Charl~1 the MIBBes man and foremo.t in his culling nol • _ • to cast' their ~otes upon the question Helen Hawk!!, .t!mlaand ber 2!1, 1916, a daughter. J!lIlney, Edna 8ur~ In any country by any of expending' .84,000 for the build· Kelsey. HenrIetta AfcKmsey, Emma nation. The farmer develope a 8trong MrB. CharlB!! Stansberry, Bon and ing of a new infirmary to replace the and Clara Hawke. phYBical endurance and moral cour· one deslroyed by fire last inonth. daughter spent Beveral daYB last age. Moral ,courage develope hardl In an exhausti e review of the 5i t,. week with relatives in Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. C,;laiett invited Mr. hood. This courage develope darlna. uation the Western Star of last week The,daring to do things where 'Others eltplained the matter flllly. and we and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee, Mr. and MiSB Clara Lile returned home would like to reproduce the article Mrs. J. O. Car twright. Mr. and Mrs. ~~:hci!'~ elrr~n~ °jndr~:gm:y~~~ ~here will be a s~al meet· Sunday ~vening from a weeks visit but space forbids. It suys in part: Fred Gons, !'dr. and Mrs. C, T. combats animal and plant with the ~ mil of WaynesVIlle . ~dge with relatives in Chillicothe. Ohio. . when the electors read t heir ballots Hawke and Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cart· many bacterial and ineect enemies . No. 163, F. & A. M.. frIday they will find that they are to ex· wright to repol t at their home on as well as friendB: The farmer of evening•. Janu~ry 7th, at.7 0 clock. press their will upon the expendi· las~ Wednesday. The host and today is his own specialist confront. There Will bl! mstallation a~d w~rk MIBB Ethelyn Jones left Sunday ture ot 184,000 for th4~ infirma.ry . hOBtess, witll the daughter and son Ing his own difficulties. Farm life In the E . . A. dellree. SoJ0!1r~lDg evening 'for Grafton, ' Ohio. where This means really a VOile upon the gave all a most cordial greeting, and develope initiative and th~ boys and ~rethrell IInti Btra.uaers are mVlted she will teach In one of the schools in question of issuing '65,000 of bonds. the day WIW spent in a delightful that cIty. girlB of the farm take their initiative to be present. , [or there is ' already II credit of manner in this hospitable home. J. O. C~l twrlght,. W. '¥. with them whEin going to the city. $19.000 placed to the spE~cial Infirm· The dinner could not ' be surpassed. The hours passed all to quickly, and and make It count in their auccess L . A. Zimmerman, Sec y O. J. Edwa1'd".as called to Day· ary Building Fund. The increased it was with reluctance we left our because of their ability to Btand on ton Saturday on accuunt of the taxation, the Star !jays, will come good·bys. their own resources. Can offer no serlouB 'illness of,his mother, Mrs. J. within the 15 mills. ~ t he proposi-' remedy for the farm labor problem. ' The lubject of Mrs J. L Men· W. Mwards. tion carries the com"'issioners will All of the farln boYB and girls can denhall'B paper, "Preparedness in iS8ue 4Y. per cent serial bonds and WAYSIDE GALLANrKJ 'not ,tay on the farm, but bellevBII the Home," was , especially apt at to provide for a redemption of $2500 the boys and girls who stay on the thiB time. We hear mucllofprepa .... MiBa Ruth Hartsock Bpent the each year. The bonds will run tor farm wlllsucce&8full1solve the farm ing for war nowadays but Mrs, week ' end in 'Dayton and attended 26 years and the great eslt increase in the ~ew Years dinner and dance at taxes will be 15 cents on a $1000 labor p~oblem8. . !feach tbe boy noL Mendenhall would have the Miami Hotel. to be a money Ilrabber. that life iB homes from which luch a valuation. .ThuB if you are paying not made UP on the dollar basis, .but wholeeome influence taxes on 110,000, it will cost you teach him tlie value of the dollar. that.war and the d4ll1U1~ctiolll~~.~rl The public sehool. opened Monday $1.60 etc, The article enda by say· Do not BJ>!Bk In disparaging terms brother man mornIng after the Christmas hoi. ing that inmates of the in firmary of farm hfe, rather teach the beau aible. Idays. There were quite a numper are our unfortunates" -and they " ties of It. She encourAlred the housekeepen absent on account of Bickneas. ' should be houBed and WE!II taken care The must Important question be- to make a closer ltudy of food val· of \Iv those who are iln better cir· \ forejthe American (jeople today is the ues; to brinlf selence to their aid in cumstances. queatioD of preparedneaa Believes this work and thuB be prepared to The Boyda will 00 the next lecture --in preparednC88 plan to develop our furnish their tables with more nour· course number, thl'J evening, at country. This government lpendll ishingfooda at leas expell8e. School Hall. They come highly reo ten times as much to lupPort our ,Emphasis waa placed on having comrr,tended as readers and vocalistB. Army and Navy .88 it d~ for the time and labor savmg devices in the development of out' agricultural re- home in oreler that the mother might Closing Out Sale-All our Cloaks sources. . We have all the produc be prepared to develop the BOcial and Skirts at half price ,at Myer tion we need. Does not rake war to and cultural side of the home life, R,man's. make men noble. Peace makes Thet18 were only a few of the many • lI~ronll', makes the real Jrten of good 'lJOintit brouaht (IUt in t,/lia Inti· Mrs. E . \'. Barnhart went to world who ate strong and noble to cle. One of the ' trying experiences of , Brookville Sunday evening with the olir lives W88 put to a test last week, do the right, , Cooperation il one of Mn. Ida Keever, of Cerlter'vi IittJ"e MillBt'8 Louise and Carolyn during- the rainy and cloudy weather. th'e .rreateat need. of the American aupplemolnted ' the paper on " eo ChcstcTfleld over d'ere studySmith, who had been apendini' a few It was almost impossiblE! to do any in' de society news." . farmer tod..,. He muat C<\OJI8rate Prep8red.n~" by her talk on dushere. ' . wi.th our government In the future. Things Worth While·.... She great,amount of work on account of the darkness. The only lig ht wehad - "How clo Y01lse know it's society Believes we should pi ',ce before our her talk on her experience BII a housegovernment at the preeent time keeper and' she detlned the .. fhings . Mr. and MI'A. T. G. Somermier. and wBlll from lampa and illl some in· ne\vs ?" the importance : and great n~ Worth While" aa "those thinJ(1l which daullhter, Annie, of Nampa, Idaho. stances they could not be used. it "'Call. c' 'ho's so polite he always of an adequate merchant marine to contribute to the uaefulneB8, well Mr. and Mrs. Andrew JerllenB. of seem!! too bad that we s till have to tokeR ofT his lid whcn he renda'a~ut carry the producta of our farmll to and happlne.a of the members Cincinnatl, spent · Monday with Mr. "rope in the darkness, Eilld have to tie ladies." " other countrl". Give U8 a better .,{'" use the electric Ii :( ht as a IUlCuryhousehold." and Mn. R. G.:CfOII. , . worldB market; Merchant niarlne only four or five hours .of tln even· . ...... , propj!r ventilation, of far areater value than a large RELIEF. _ .,,,,,: and Mrs. B. S. Howell left ing and ~wo or thfee h,ours in the furnishing of the navy. , " , dlei;uaaed . Sat:ur<lay evening for their ranch in early morning. . President announcCKl' the. .. 0110...· · 1 There il a flumor abl:oad that if An Englishman visiting the United ~:~~ll\V'm~:~!:!1 waa placed on for a month'l 'v,sit. The " . ins committA!ea to report \1i of entering into " DC)W4!11I rancq it acrOBi Mobile bay, certain concessions can be 'made, State f tl fi t ti .d' row aftemoon'a I!.~~nlnlal!'~.nll children. thiQk It il the tlnest place that the. u~n of electric:ity might b3' ' s or 10 l'B me WI18 n mg allle to hav.ea tv.renty.four hour ser ' in & street car in New York. OpH~rve1I!ul~e~~ papera Mn. 'B ar· except Waynesville. Cornell, J . F. UIIIIWll1l8l1er vir.e. · It look! to "a ma:n up a tree" posite to him BAt & woman upon with two detha Houan. that the commission ought to ar· who)le lop '\"US a V<rr'j ugly baby-an S. L. Cartwrfght. P. D. ClAlrett TlIJllre matters to make the users all . . . I b eJ hild Chaa. Gornell on an equal basis. that is. do away ullcomprOl~H8lDg y om y c . with the fiat-rale SYBtem and put in The baby soomed to fascinate thc Solo by Emellt Earnhart metera, The flat-rate' a,ystem lets Englishmon.; he couldn't keep bis joumment until.l p . m. the user have the benE!fit of more eyes off it,; he would look away, drop ell'ctricity than he oughlt to use, and his eyeglass, and \!pdea.vor to fix his the meter ~"r h.. to Play for all be attention on some other O»l'oot 'B t UIeB. It the meter sYlltU(Jl waa ulled ' . • u entirely it would be a" ~tter and .It WI18 of no uae-.-~ had to look mora equal divlllQn clf a much-, bllck. ' . net!!led IIBllBt. . .A~ last tlJe mother---obncMuty an• - --noyed leaned --- ."d hoarsel"
whisper~a, "Rubber r-
On Thu ~6day. December 30.1915, the pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs: Jason L . Sheehan was the scene of a very pre tty wed ding. when their daughte r. Edith Marie. became the !-ride of Mr. Cli ffo rd l( , Himes. At 5:30 o'clock Mis.~ Ethel Hosier very softl y nla) ed the wedding march from Loheng rin . The hri lla l party coming down the stairs . In th northeast corn er of the parlor, under the beau tiful arch of green and white. with an enbankment of ferns, Rev. C. S. Grauser performed the ceremony. The bride's gown was of brocaded aatin with trimmings ot silver on silk net, and she carried half· blown roses. The bride!'maid being her sisler. Rachel. wore a gown of white silk crepe de chine wilh silv er trim mings on chiffon and carried pink carnations. The groom and grooms· man, Mr. Alvin Earnhart, wore con · ventional black. At the conclusion of the Bolemn VOW8 which made them husband and wife, the Iruests congrat ulated them after which their attendents lea the way to the lumptuou8 wedding sup· per. They left in the groom's auto at 7:30 o'clock. under a shower of good wishes. The bride iK well known around WaYllesville having lived here all her lif e. The groom is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Himes. of Center· ville, and is well known there. - - -..0-_0- - -
Made On a HOUle, But Were Scared Away Berore Securing Anything An allegl.'d hold·up was reported to Sheriff Gilmour Tuesday evening at about 8 o'clock. William Gates WaR the victim, He says while com· ing tow'a rd Waynesville. near J. B, Chapman's lane, two fellows in II spring wogon met him and they forced him to give up his "dough." The sherifi' came up but could find. nothing in regard to the men. At about 11 o'clock Tuesday even Ing. Woodrow Bogan thought he heard aome one attempting to get into his house. He aroused his sons and they started off after them . Marshal Haines waa notified, and he; with a couple of helpers. a110 started after them. They ran a couple of men :down North street, but they escaped them in the darknesa.
First Sunday after Epiphany, Jan: uary 9. Sunday School at 9:30:a. m, Morninll' prayer and sermon at 10:30. Mirht jUlt as well as to undertake No eveninll service. to breed rood R. I. Reda with in· . ferior eto<lk. 1 have gathered to· gether BOrne of the very beet youlli' CHRIS1'IAN CHURCH male birdl that waa produeed In Bible School at the Tegular houl', Warren county thia season. Am 9:30 a. m. Let every member of the shipping th~e birda for breeden to school be present to help atart off the all sections of tbe country. new officera with encouragement. L have had twenty yean experience They need your help. Come pre in handlinll pure·bred poultry. You get the benefit of my experience as pared for a good Bible School. Preachinll at 10:30 a. m. The a fancier when you select one of aubject and sermon will be helpful theta birda to hea!! your flock. to all. There is not another bunch of Reda Chri9ti~n Endeavor at 6:3.0' in the countt of equal number that Preachmlr at 7 p m. ThIS will .be. will compare with them in hlllha chart sermon. The congreglltlon grade quality. Call . and see them will help In thiB service. Come and or phone 68. Prices quite reaaonBee what la on the chl'rt. The sub able H. H Wadsworth, ject on the chart, Where the Bible' Waynesville, Ohio. apeaks. we speak and where the Bi· 0' . ' ble iuilent, we are silent. Therub. IIc invited to all the service! 0 the day. D. H. Palmer, Minister.
THE HELPING HAND Sunday School. 9:15 a. m. Preach!nr by pastor, 10:30 a. m. . SEWING SOCIETY In theeveninll ·at 7 o'clock. thetlrst M. E. 'CHURCH
of a series of sermonl will be preached on "Safety First. Of Subject, "My Companions- Who Shall They Be?" Special mUBlc will be a feature of this aervice. Do not mlBB thiB first sermon in the SIlries. Clarence S. Gr~user, Putor.
Tbe H. H. S. C. met with Mrs. Jamee Curtis, Thursday afternoon, December 30. 1916. . The members were all present but one and much work 'was accomplished witl1t which the hostesa was well pleased. This was the last meetini of the year and the members all feel that they have been Rreatly benefited and are lookinll forward to a happy , and prosperous New Year. Dainty refrefthments were served durirur the . social hour. MesdameIJ MeliSBa McKnight !lIld ' Louise CurtiB and Misses Mattie Curt:B lind Margarette Simpson' were Fnd Dallm. an old---Ktmnony guests ~t this meeting. Grove boy, haa come into promi. nence for work done in Clevolland. He has juit completed an electrical plant in thllt city and now has been named as one of the appraisers at' the Iightinll plant in Philadelphia, whirh carries with it a large respon· sibility ~nd a very largeaalary. Mr. Ballard was well known In this local· ity u a boy, and hie many fripnds are proud of the luccess he haa made in hia chosell life work. At a recent. meeting of the Spring Valley Packing Co., LeRoy IronB was elected Secretary . and General Man· ager of the plant for th~ coming year, and this carries with it an additional increased aalary. The tress urership was alBO offered him, but he refused the honor. THis sp~aks well of Mr. Irons' ability, and his many friend a here are hoping for hiB further advancement. A very unique present waa reo - --:-:ceived at the bome of ' Mrs. Cora Th(imp~on last week. It was a goose sent to them by her aister who lives in Oklahoma bv parcel POlt. The gooSe arrived here all rlaht and was the "piece de resistance" on the ThompllOn table New Year's day, be· sides all the "fixinB" that go to make The regular annual meetln~ of the a g(lOd i'00Be dinner. MrB. Thomp- shaJeholders of the Waynesville IOn'a alster haa a goose farm, and National Bank, ofWayneaville, Ohio ' raises them by the hundredB. . , for the election of DirectOrs to serv~ • - ,. dilrina' the e.n suing ' year, will be ' held at ita Bankin" House on TUes-, day, January 11:1916, 'from 1to S , o'clot'k 1"__'-' . . •0• Car t wri g ht,v.aauer. Dec 4t .
.- .
- ---
- ..
WARREN COUNTY y.m. . TO FRONT ' .. DOUlTRY ·, ·-· Ii Warren Count)' lIurel" has causa to feeillroud of her hlih.cl_. ~ultry. ' Last week J. S, Morrie, of Lebanon, exhibiteda bunch of his White
Orplngtonl at the MadilJon Square The omeara of the Farme...• IDlU-'---"7"~~~ A relieved smile spread over Poultry Sbow ~ New York City. tote to thank ruddy COUIlteDmce of the EiigUah- Bil winnings were: lit OD cock, 1st lut man, and be with great fQlo on ben. lit on pUllet. 2nd,on ckl.• 4th
I Do _
on hen, 3rd and 4thonpollet~2nd
D ...
,,-- on IM!D. Thia in tremeaclo_ flOOd
'~~~~a~~~==~RI:;tahOWlNr of the 1Mir of . .on.aecoant . in dialofd-.
Bakery \
E (' n hilt! us s Lewis' Bread and 'akes, lh ' lJ • t and most delicious lllade. Try t he m and you will n y .. wuul t o eat allY o t1ler kind.
================-===- _-..... ..... = Are You
1'Ii t inf( Oil (L ,ti c\\' Roo f or l'u t 'hing 1h\.' dl<l one I
Waynesville, O.
,Lewis' Bakery
We ltal'e s no prOleS I a, nOI III ang el', liut III VU· lilln t reu an. "lIoustoll Van ~Ioon hDS ullv e secureCl cOl)irnl ul lll O l- ICnm 'IIIP been ' t he unalUulIable matcb o( N ew CHAPTER XX. compoilles. ot Ib . j(ln 'I ~ 1l rllllr ds, or i -, York. 11 0 18 a ge nUe mllD In every parever ything wbl ch hlluls tlu d <'Ill rl es !" ticular , n desira ble young man In overy Tht World at Gall'Q Feet. "Ai rshIps oxe"I.I,.I. " III' I: us hlngly callers for Mra. 'Helen Davies, and ruspect , and girted w ith everythIng a !ntorlllud Ite r, , • hqe bOUQuet at Amer!can beau\l es young gi'rl would i 'ant. Be hils s o S he WQS ell ll nl II 0 W. n.,,1 II" I ~ rt her tor OaJl. Into the Louis XI V roo m, lUuc h mOll ey tha t you could buy a Rllen t, broodIn g, hi .\n" I(, IIltO lI tho vAsl kingdom Dod be a Queen, If you choso wbere Nlcbolas Van Ploon and Miss scope of bls dr \t011.. ", IIml pI lining Van Pllkln sat with u nusual Im pres· to amuse you r elt th ot wa y. He ba s 0. stili to cento r lII ur(> and moro the IIlveness, Mra. Davies eame al'l'8 yed dIgn ified old fam il y, wblcb makes more ~ rrul ts of lbnl elr "1.11111! ' Itldu Il ls ol"n In the black velvet afternoon gowlI social position see m like an Ignomlnl· eage r bUild. wbleb ,ave ber moro 8tlltcllnOS8 and ous scra mble for cotlUlon tavors ; and ROHelen{ Inn , Gnll rI'cIOSIJlzuJ It with more lmpreaslve dIgnity t ban anyt hing It Is unlv mo \1y admItted tbat be 16 a SOlli e os ihey iu rued III II I Lilt' orl"o, In her wardrobe. Miss Van Ploon, tho most perrec t ot all tbe Vao Ploons She l\'R S gltlu t hnl Ihey b"d cmo e h~l·o . wbo wu a true memb er or th e fe mUy, for many gen er a tiona. Not exception· tor It waH IInli eu jll hur , "j "d "li b th e ' Calmly Munchlnll Chocolate • . In that sbe conllidered tbe Von Ploon ally' cleve r; but that Is on o ot tbe r ea· beglnn lnss or tlUll grea t I,roj c t of enUty befora any Indlvldual, Qulte ,ap· sons t ho Von P loons are so particula r pose. H e wns gazing strnl gbt ahea ". whlcb all hod ucetl th o Ill1llul uc. un d prond or MrI. Davlell, and '\I\'IIS In no- to fi nd a s uitable matrimonia l alliance his c lean·cut "roNl e, nl wa),s a ples 8f\ nt In \,.bl ch the th Ing In her tha l hUll wtle 3ealoue or being so distinctly out· tor blm," thlJlg to look upon. set nga lus t tbe heen deni ed Oll ilort llnl t)l be aUSU she shone in personal a ppearance. Nlcb· Gall, ni bbling dalntlly at h er chaco- sblrtlng bac kground at rocky bunks as was n \\'OIDOII. claim ed II h UJI;: ry sha r . olas Van Ploon 'also surveyed MI'S. late. c losed her eyellds for a s econd, It It were the on e stelldrast lind ull a l, At hla 'sugges tlun-It IIIIM lIIur like f1 'Da-Ylea wltb a calculating eye, and tbe long. brown lashes curved down on te rable thing In t he ulllvers ; li nd b e comm and, but Bh ~ scarcoly notlcedI bobbed hls round head IIUghUy to him· s he t lephonod lhu t s he WII S golilg to her che ks, ao d tram beneath tbem wns smilin g lutrospcc tt vely. selt, He bad canvassed Mre. Helen tbere escaped a SI'I\.I'k.le . like tbe snap "It was about bere th a i It hap· r mo ln to dliin er II ttl.! .A 111 Ma n ; 111111 DaViae before. and bad discu ssed ber at live coals , while the corners at her pened." he we nt on. " I Ihlu k l'tI bU1l 1I th u t he y enJn)'c,1 Q two·huur cbut at In family counoll, but this 'l'\'as a final lips twlt cbod In that little smUe which brnggl ng a IIltle, aod I thin k yo u man )' thin gs. trl vllli III th clIIBcl\, s , bllt Ylew,' . dreee parade aa It were. mennt to slyly prick m y balloon, which frnugh t now wit h tl nllghlful In ailing, sbe k ept tor brown enjoyment. Half an hour later Mrs. Belen Da· "You cannot appreolate the compll. I will ndmlt seemed a kind lind char· bCCllUBO th ey IIl1d t o think ou 60 lIlony unexPfl BAed ihlngs. Inrl5e r tbon theBe le8'Vlq her l'\lestB in tbe Loul! ment which ball been paid you, Oall. Ilabl o thing to do ," XIV room, pauBed at tbe head at th e Every debuta.nte tor ,' the pas I live " Wbat was ll ?" wo ndere d Gall, .try· Idle Deo ple about lht'lIl could conceIve, ·stal,. 10 calm bereelf. The Mrs. Wa· yea rs has heen most carefully consld. Ing to recall tbat unlmportout con ver· or gm sp If th OY 1m w, Homeward lignIn In tho slarllt n lgbt, ftrlJ'.oalt~' annual tade4 into dim abo ered by the Van Ploons, and I sincere- satton. lCIU~ty. Mrs. WaTerly.(]altes would Iy bolle \'e tbls to be the Ol'8t time "Oh, a genUe Intimation t hat 1 stili 10 thll t whir l or xultotlon, It "'08 they have unanimously agreed on a hadn 't don e so much," ho Ittughed. "I somewbot cb lliler HOW, and Alli so n obolce. It Is a matter at eugenlcli, Oall, bad Just flnlsb ed conBoll dnti ng a ll tbe bundlcII be r Into lhe machlno with but In addition to that, !\Ir. Van Ploon trllotlon cllrs In New York, s ubways, roogb tond erne8s. Sho tclt th e t hrill a ssures me tbat Hou8ton Is most fer· L's, and surface; and I relt cocky at bl m as be B t b sluo b r, and th e ven tly inter ested." about It. I even remark ed th nt I h nd firm strengtb Wllb wl\lub bo con tro ~d " How careless ot tbem," critic ized achIeved the dream at my Hre. nnt! In· the swlrtly .• peodlng MlDaboul., " 'ns G011. "They have neIt her Bs ked tor tended to r 8L a while. All you said part her st rengtll: Th ey were Ill nd red my meas ure menta nor exllJIltned my W88, 'Wby?' " and his I/Lugb pMI d out. slllrltu, tb se Iwo, sonrlng a bo"o tlt e teoth." "( uset! to be con spicuous fo r 1m· o rfnlrs or url.h In tho se rclle alii pia· "Gall!" Her cbaperon and sponsor perUnonee," s miled Onll. "I'm try ing wall hotb sbooked and s tern. to reform." "I'm glad you badn 't s tarted wh n [ " I positively deel1ne to e ven discUS8 th e Van Ploon onge nlcs," '1Itated Gall, met yOU," r eturn.ed AlIIsOII, 5t erlng pus hIng asldo her choeolatee, wMJe a IIround n sharp stone with t he Ilrm a c~ed sl)Ol hegan to apPB!lr on h er curacy wblcb Gn.1I had sO ort n ad, checks. "I shall not, as ( stated be- mired. "I ne ver bad so sUngln g a r lltore. be 'at bome to Houston Van Ploon proof as tbat little why. It did me this eV4mlnS-ilr any ollieI' e'Yenins," moro good than IIny sermon I ever "I sbllli not deliver that message," heard." announoed Mrs. Da'v1e8, setUna ber Gall ,looked at blm In ques tl\l\Iing 1t)l8. "As your present spollsor, J sbaU perplexity. Sbe could IIOt gaUler what wIst that you take more time to con' be meant, but sbe,bad a 8enBe at 8eDlO' Bide r a matter sp Impor~t." tblog big, nnd once .more abe wnl! 1m· "I shall Inlllst on . retullln, 'to ' can. pressed with the- trem endous r eso r ve sider It for oD'e IIlIC0nd." returned Gall force tn tbe man. Bls clellr grBY eyos Quietly. "I am very fond of Houston were lIxed on tbe road IIbCllld, and t ile Van Ploon, and I bope to remnln so, very symbol at him seem ed to bo tbl s but I wouldn't marry him under any driving; top speed, a long road, a clrcum8tancel. Thts III firm, tlat, and steady band, a cool determination, a flnaJ." lIubllme disregard Of bills lind valleys Mrll. Helen Da.vles dropped patient wbl.c b made tbem all a level rOlld. reason In8tantly. Sbe was aware ot ''Why' That word Bet me out on a III impulsive wlsb that Gall were In new prIncIple tbat never, i 'blle 1 bolt When the Visitor Was Gon. AllllOn pInafores, and her own child, 110 sbe IItrength In me, would I conllider w ,; work finished, no matter how great an 0 - tht Globs • Contemptuoul could box her ears. "Gall, you compel me to lose my pa: achievement I ~ad made. ' I am stili at W'hlrl. '.ItleJlcel" she deolared. "WhilD you work." I!eIr Oau on her bended lmees to 'a t- came, I IItralned every inlluence 1 Sometlllng wltbln ber ICllIped up In teod the ann.uaI, q,d Mrs. Belen Da-, posse88ed to have you meet the most answer to the thrtll of exultation In bls nea coald ~tel1d It she lI.ked. She . desIrable ellatbles this big city could voIce, To bave been tbe IlIsplrntton of went loto her oW,n room, and took .. after, just all if 'you were my own great deeds, even by so simple an drink at water, and BBt. down for' thlrty danghter! J bave succeeded In work~ agency as the accidental u.s e at a CII' tortT IMICODda; then ahe ,went tnto .inC mIracles I I bave given you an wor~ was In Itself all exaltlng tblng. Then They Enjoyed a Two-Hour Chat 0&11'. suite; where abe found that opportunity to Interest the very beetl tough h an bumbling one. too. Aod of' Many ThIng •• 70IIJIC lad" all unconaeloul of the You have Interested them, but 1 have tb ere were areat deeds. S ne was Bure honor "'\lcb was about to befall her, never seen ·such extravsgnnoe In the 'ot that as 's be looked at him. cenCY ot those who mnke trlOeu or readlna a: Itx.hundred·JJqe 'critique of wute of opportunities! You have 1'& !'When 1 was a boy I lived on an· vaatness ltaelf. They dill 1I0t talk Chopin's music, and calmly mUD~ fused men wbom thousanda In tbe clent history," be went on, wltb , a much, tor thtW ba d ,n ot mu cb to talk ehocolatel out ot a bullet decorated hlehellt clrolell have sought; and now, smUe' tor the, bygone drClllmer he had about. The details of a scbome so with el&ht Ibadea of s!lIt roB_ yon refuse tbe very cbolce of them been, "I wanted to. be a soldIer, a comprebenslve a s Allison's we re nOl "Sit. down "aDd have a choColate, aliI What or whom do YQu, want?" great general, a warrior, In tbe sturdy ~hings to bu eXjlllllned, tb ey were Aunt H816JI." hospliablr oftered 0aIl. Gall's red SpotB were deepening; \lut old lense, arid my one hero was Alex· things to be Been In n vi sion. Once sUpR!n1 a marker In her booIt. ,sbe only cilasped bel' knee In ber Inter. ander the Oreat, because he oonquored sbe ssked liim IIbout the brin ging at , I(~ DaYlea cOIlBUlDe4 a grea. deat Jacked fingen, hor brown hair waving the world I That'. wbat I wanted to the forelgU ra,l Iroods Into tbo comblna· 'o f tim, fn 1MI1eettns a chocolate, but about her tace, and her cbin uptllted. do. Wben I grew older, and found tlon, lind be told he r Iba t tb ls would lb. did uot .It down. ' . "You can't always expect to retain how small was the world wbich Alex· ooly be accolllpl!s b.t'!l by a PQlltlcal up· • "Shall JOu tie at liberty- thl. e,enlq, your youth, and beauty and cbarm!" ander had conquered, not mucb bigger heaval, wblch wa'lRfl toke p lace next .he lJIqulred, with much care- went on her Aunt Belen. " You can't than the original thirteen states, I montb, and WQul.f probably Involve the 1O&Ilr __ expoot to come tl> New York every grew rather disillusIoned, particularly whole of Europe. It was anotbor de· "'Wb77" and Gall, whose teet .were year ana 'look over tbe eltcibles until as I WSI worltlns at about that time taU: and it seeme d quIte natural. She ~tched oot and crossed, In IaIY e.,ae, you find one to suit yoUi' fastidIous tor a dollar and a quarter a doy. 1 wal ao 'intereated tjint be told ber all Iookllil up at her aunt Bldewille from taslel You'rs caprIcious, .you're un, spent a few busy yeal'B, and hsd tor· about his foreign vlaltol's. )mder- her cnrvtnc IlIhe•• grateful, and you're unsatisfactory I" gotten the dream; then you said 'Why' In t\le Il8:rk, Allison sto pp ed lit tbe Mrs. Da"'ea hesItated & moment. ' . GaU's eyeS turned suddenly moist, and It al\ came back." little outlook hous'e where th oy had "BOUIllon Van PIoon would like to and tbe red jlasbcd out of her cheekll. . "Buml" commanded Gall. "Ourl· cllmbed on that s'nowy night, and they eaIL" ' , "Ob. Aunt Helen I" sbe exclaimed tD 081ty 18 ball for mfl,'.' . ' 8tood tbere. with tbe stare above, the ".Are they lIun downstaIrs''' ' Gall lristant contrition. "I'm so very, vor~ "l,et me build It up, step by s(ep, trees below and the twinkling lights I1lddenly unveiled her eyes, an,d sam that I am such a disappointment for yoll. Incidentally, 1'1\ give you lIome stretchIng out to t be horizon, all II10ne 1Jrooucht her IlIppers 8Quarely In front to youl But It 1 lust OIIn't mllrry 1IJ.r, confidential news whlcb you ""111 be above tbe '~rld at olvlllzatlon. Beat hft cUvua. AlBo Bhe ..t bolt liP. Van Ploon, 1 clln't, can IT Don't you readlng In months to come. I bope," low sounded the clang of street cars, see'" Sbe was up now and down aDd be Isughed, "that you will not tell and far off to the lett, high In' the air, 1iIII&t tbere gleamed tbe Ughts ot II ourvlng "'Yes," and Mrs. Davleu betrayed 8galn, IIltUag on a hllsllock In tront at your friends the reporters about It," Mrs. DavIes, snd tbe face whlob she "Croal my beart, I won't," sbe gayly L train, Th,a t was a part of AllIson'B sign. of nervousneBs. ".Are they maldng the appointment upturned had in It 110 mncb of beauU. "pUed. The IItlnB of her one bIe world which h e bad long since can. for Bouston 1" tUI appeal that even her cbaperon end newspa per ex_porlenee bad begun to Querod, a part wblcb be already beld .. ye.... The word dra.wled. sponsor was softened. "I wail nasty die away. in the hollow of his hond; and the lact "WhY''' ',and Gall'8 brown eyes b~ a ,,'bile agO, and 1 bad no excuse for ''When you asked me why, 1 WIIS that every 1II0ving ' thlng whlell cluns can' to crackle. ' It, for yoU have been loving arid sin· trying to sccure Vedder court for 'a ullon a traok In all t his VUli t pallo Mrs. DavIes thonght It better to Bit cere In your desire to make my. tuture termlnal-' statlon tor my city traction mrua wa s u n. der bis dt)lululon, aervod bappy. I'm 80 ven-, very sor~! I'll lines, Vedder court quickly became, only to IIluat. rn . to and make "lo in the dp~ , J I I th I II &. . I "My dear, a great ' honor bas come tell you wbat l'U dol You may go I;l I .. mllg nat on, e term na po nt marvel or the accomplishme nt wb lcb to fOU," down and tell Mr. Van Ploon and b18 not , .. !y at the city traction lines, but was now ulld er wny. Ueyond thnt dim Gall leaned forward towards her dnugbter that) w1l1 see Houston tbls ot the world's transportatlon. From horizon lay I!Inother nn d s lill anothe r, aunt, and tilted her cbln. evening," and ttien Bbe Bm.l led; "but th at I would run a raUroad tube to the and III . tltem nil, -wharover . Ihlngs "HOUItOI1 wabte to propose, and he'8 you mustn't say, 'with pleasure.'" mlliUulld, so that I could land passen· moved or ·we re trans l)o rted, t be 11ft at gors, not only In the heart at New Allis on 's fin ge r WIIS to starl and stall Bent b1s father and .JBter to find out , . ' . • • • • • U he may!" .be charged, The 80ft air wblch blew upon Oall', Yor.;;, but at tbe platforms of every tbe wheels, to the uttermos t con Ones "Yes," aoknowJeqed Mrs, ' DavIes, cbeek waa like the first breath or street car alld t;and subway train." ot tJle ear tb ! Ob, It was wOll derful; ,H I driven put the pollslblllt, of detll¥. or s~, and . tbere was the taroOft ' ow wondertull" · exclaImed Gal, wonderlul! And sbo was pa rt ollt! preparation, 'and feeling benett unjust· BPlIIpheey of &wall.sntq in the very II1Ul- In ell tbuslasm. This vias an Idea sbe 1t was ther e t hat h e proposod to ber. .... IJ ' 1)' on the defel1slve. ,' 'shlne, as sbe sped out the rIver road cou grasp. , "And have you secured It did not surprise her. She ba d "1. sball not be at bome this eve- \vltb Allhion In bls powerful runabout.! Vedder courU" knowu I.t wben they blld enter ed the nlnl," announced O'a.U ' decisively, an~ "It's -8 lorleusl" exclaimed Gull, her "It's a matter at days,'! he returned .' stretcbed out her teet, again" .nd cheeb answering to the carcs8'Ot the carelessly. "The next step 'was the cTOlllled bel' little gray. sllppe"" aDd b,lr with' a lI.usb ot bl0880mll.k'e del!· transcontfnentlll line. (bUIlt It np, tOOK a cqooolate. "Or any otber eve· csCy. Sbe was parUcularl1 contented plcce by piece, and today, under my UPON PAli11 nlns," ahe added . today. ' A11IIIon had been so bUllY ,of own personal control, with suffiolent 1\ n stock to elect my own directors, who ~ra. Danel loot ber ftutter Imme· Psln Is f\'v isl to r to every home dlately. Thls"'&8 t90 stupendously late, and .she had missed , him. With" will jump when I crack the' whip, I , I POlle8s a railroad line from th,e ' Atlan. and usual1~r it comes q nlte nn sx. aer!OUl a matter to be wea\r.ly ·treated. all bls strellgth, be waa r~tful peotlldlv. Bnt y o n are prepared " I feel IIkeansw manatth1atJme ~ clear. yoU don't underStandl" at tbe year," returned AllIllon, clane- tic to the Paeillc 80 dIrect, 110 straight, for every ,e mer genoy If yon keep lug at Oall with cool apprec.l!/-tlon. A' and 10 a11led with nlnety·live per cent a smAil boU,le o f Sloan '8 Liniment car tuU of men paaSed them, and tbe '~~~~: t~~~btw~~~~e~~oo.~:!:. U:~;~: hllnd.y. I t IS the greatest tJ~ln kill loolts ~~ey casUn hlB runabout pleasad wID not be a car wheel tur~lng In ea: ever di ~ol)vere I Simply )f\ld on him. 01111, do you remember the Ii~t America whIch ddes not' do 110 at tbe ibe alllD-tlp 1'n b lling rcqlltreu-H time we (Srave out bere'" • drives f,be '111l1n (LWI~V . U Is rellJl, "Indeed ye8," Ihe laugbed, "With command of the A.·P. ta1lroad. Tbat wonderful. , ' . the snow In our eyes aDd the road, I, the lint IItep leadlns ~ut at 'Vedder Mejovln 8. ~\ ls ter, Ber1r;eloy, Cal., all white with tbe aleamlne oourt. 'Ilbe newl of that coqlloU!1atlon writes :"Lf\Rt a.tnrrtay. atter tramp throOCh the 8akea like arctIc '91111-0'. will be In tomorrow morning's paperlJ, Ing aronnil I;b e 1'" n"WII- ExposItion the-wlsp8. We ran away that ntaht, .a nd trom 'that mlDute on, tbe water wUb wet te~ll, r oame how!! with my a~d dined at Roae\e8f tnn,' and 'wor- will h!,ctn to drip from railroad neak 80 8tilif t b~t 1 O\lUId,D't inrD rled thll tolks to deatb, for tear 'We bad stOOD. " , 1 ailplled 8]0/1\1'8 LIDlmeot freel, had an sccldenl." "How about UDcle Jlms roadf Gall IIDd went to her!. Tq my Burprlle, "I bad--more than llI' accldent that suddenlrlnterrupte4. au' morDlng the .'Hfnen ba nlsht," aald Allison. "I had a total "I am taJdDL.caN or him." lie told aImee' dlaB'Ppeared, four houni a 'W1'8Ok." IuIr euI17, "l"rom Vedder court ru .... Iba leOoDd applioalloD I ~.. 0aU .waeM at IItID qulcil7 but h1a I1lbwanaloq the do$I.N 1Iood"" . . _ . . . 01 ear ~ JIll" 1- "I ....- ......... GaIL "!W IIIroII, AU>n....... 110.
, "'811,
-- -
. -.,
need .
~verything In
Building Material
When YOII wa n l I () lis e
Lumber Call on n s anrl we can
sup ply y ou with bes \ at the lowest
- -
_ _ _ _ _ _ ~~_ _~~~
_ __ _ _ ,
SHERIFF'S SALE (On Execution)
\\fa rren Common Pleas
Martha R. Mull I'll J will I !Yer 0 t pnhllc "1\1(1 IlL m y Y,h on Ji'rllU l! 1111 R tid. a.n Il cub()n O. WIIlInUl Bllli GrDCII A. Wltl.lUJ. '" rl'lIldt'u( 'uo O. 11 GOll, B)' "lrtuQ of IlU ol'\lur bf sBle, dull' l,.uOd WaYD l!fvllhl. Ohi O. li n 11'0111 saIl! O'JlI r~ III ~1I0 "ho ve ,tatoo enID. au d SlllurdllY, JII,nuary 8, 1916 tl.> 1U(l dlr""tl)1\. I. will. o(re, lor bAIO. b)'-",oy 01' public lIuction. a~ t il door ol t bo Cou,t.1io'II00, Beslnuhl jt ~ . I, 12 :90 P Ill. tIlo f ol . III Leh1\1I0U, Warren IJOUllt y, Ohio, (In I WiDg: A l ot uf 8ouseliold I( lI od ~ lInd 'l'oolp. JANUARY See b ll( bills for t tlrms . At 10 o'clock ... m. qn 881,1 L1ay. ~he 101l0"ln E E , K !'ove r . d~I~~"'~U~~!r.,!rl't.~~' 01 Heu b()n ~ Wil bur Sear s Auot . Wlllinm "n(1 ..IIC A. WI~hnm In tho Paw· Walter K ur iCk, (;1 rk. Ina Iju~\ rworll. l'rollcrty: Lo No. 1,~ " ~ ItlObfroll~ , In III VIIIUIIO ul W"Yll08vllle. Oblo, :lAILI h» ,lasltubwd In JolTol'llOn Square and I~c ... Tlllrd .I_~. aId v ro porty '.oea on Third etree'. tho nBIU'OlI ~ 6' _ ' 00 the Nor~ b being &Uaml . Ibe o B _~ .boot 09 t"o Wes~ being Founb anll ' tllo n... ",n 011 " 10 oulh Wgb n roo'. al.1 Ilro pQr~y 'IIII! beon l'II\lularly Wlk,eD 011 li0ii . . . . . . . ...................... OXOClltlOD ond appraised under ordur 01 the Cour ~ at (, n oo.C O ) OIl n wbol" &nel· ...1II no~ WANTED ho 101t! lor 1_ U,an ~...o-LbJrd. o( avpnr.lsed I'IIIu 6 01 1I.londant.. InLOreat. 'l·erl n!i- Cr~Klt . , ·W .\LDItON O. GII.MO OR. Shortlf WlLrren OounLy;-O. o fa Cuon (\ " otll '8 l::I'Ome Rcst.an Eltmltb & ~IQp l o . AI~y., rant f fl r Ul AH I~ lind lunohes. Dec. 'II) , By O. J. WaaoU81', Deputy. 80me made pi eR, cllke, fresb bread BverydliY, tobdooo, o!lDdy and gars.
Is no w f ully Qni pf!fd to do Livery Wo lk. We will take y ou on
Any Rqad Any Place Any Time
Giva U II " f I I and you will find our 1' · '1 ' I' lire all ri gh t .
CIOuning ond Repair· W ANTEDIng Olooke F inlsbing 'oseR.
(In Partition)
e l,o. For Informal inn IDq olre of El, K. l:lainell, Lytl , Uhi". j 12
Warren Common J;>leas
. 1 hll m ~vcd In the Rye Shop on Nor th ~rn in Rtree.t where I will be p!P-Me(! \0 s ee al l myoid c us l nm e rd,
- --------------ll ~ .
Pe'rkins' Garage
17TH, 1916
OlaaBiBed Ads
Funeral Dirt'Ctol' 6fnry O. UarvllY FOR SALE " 8, ~nd WIII1!Un Il. I1Brl"" t. 101. Oase },' o. 11711 Jly v lr ~lIc 01 au orll!!r 01 ftalo. duly. 1I..lIell from sold Coure, III tho allo Yll .tn led elISe, Wayne8vill~. and to . \)O dl '10<1 1 will ofTer tor ""Ie. by AMes. 6 room house 8n[1 barrio " "" 0 1 r' llblic Bilello", Oil tho farm dlllllgnal ell .... HeconU 1'ruct 116ar JJ .. rvoy. Lul'lf, Warroll Fo r' inforTlIntlOIl Ildd1'e8S Wm OoUII~Y, 01110. 0D Mll t the,w!I, O"y ton, Obi, R . R 7, Call answered promptly day or night Both phones in Otnoe an!l Residence, near UeDtorvllle . .
Embalmer. Ohio.
0\ t 2 "',,Iock p, m.. 011 laid day. tho rouo"'1ng Ilcscrl beli nl,,1 ""Ial<>. I<>·w l~ : to Z II & . 80n , for '1'obl\ooo FIRST TR AOT aI>' LAND Box e~ . Phone ' 01\11 ' 1 2G ~2r j5 "Sltuato in tllo Couuty of Warren !n Lh8 Stllte 01 Ohlu lUlU In Lho VJlIaj(. of Sarveyo. burr. audJle81 bounrlod d08cr1bed U 10110",., G Wbsnrl""rs to ·'·e ~to'-'l\ll '1\ towu: 11111nS lLt..od ~ho mlildleof ~be Way. ~ .. .. "" IO U . <J ntl,\'1110 nud WIlmIngton n ..w nor~"w... 1cor· AtlAjfazlne. i:!en lJ5lll'ij""f e nel' loO ~hclllulttllte ~loo tl!llf lJ.OUllO Lo ~ tUld ,~ ~bl tl o"'oe And gO& one' of·he 11\ I,be LillO 0 1 J080vh Lukens' ...Irll; ~1I.nCt'l "'U"' •• · w," ~~ ~gld ~II\~~'.~~=, Ig~~ L~~.:!~~~ bed w&glL&lnes on earth. &f Lhe ncn ~orlh 7~ dcgreea Wea' 26 11-20 polee . , ' wl lb North l roo , t.o • • tone In .1I.1'i.. \~eace wllh sold Alloy 8ou\1I 10 dOjJnlll8 woo, 20 poles l,,, Ibe mlddlu 01 uJd roid on MoJD ' (j~ _t ; thonce with tile mldtlle of •• Id road ALL KINDS OF BOPUI 75 d~8'rocB Kut 2~ ;· 10 pOlllO! to ~be be~~~u~r 1: :.WIIJIng three. acl'IlII aud Uvepol ..
SECOND TRACT OF LAND Situoted In tho Slo.te of Oblo Co IIO~-Y ot
~~ '~\Ill'~~ds~r~!~~:'~~~".!~g';:.!g~et ~f ~ellCr)be<1 a ~ 101l0W 8'
o~, al I.ud. ond In ~be EIUI~ Hoe of the A.m ... tfOok ,f. nn . ruODl/li theoc;o _N. n dotrreel no mluut8i ill . 9. 71 ell• . wI th mid OsIOllbeO·.lanu t.o ..
oLono; thence N
Longdistance,N o. 14; 1I0mephone · 14·2r. . , Chail'S and one Coach fnrnished free with runeruls. '
at se rvice guaranteed, ~ ,
"'w' . . ,'
D~,H.E.· BA:'J·H 4 no
" ny !le.nille'llI .Leadlnp' OeD"" >Ltn .,. v" ., 1ll.K ....
fJffioe In K ~ ...s Bid" .
-..-,8"'puc<I,11l IUU·U
witH Dr. tihooJ)·'
( 'roull lCerm."lIy, 00. t.Jst wll1 , ••ucl)' pro ... No ,omltw~*
" - A .... alldlll .lUllna~
a"a s"'ae ilL
,~~~~~r\~~~es&~r:r~dll: ~~~Ie~:r..~ dogrees
Walter Chandler': '
~: ':;~~bt!;·:~~t~~~':;,~e~no~~:"~OII~~ro"e
of Oah' ln 0 81011bOO·s 'larm. tho .. me belDg tbe li n. of ~he OrildnaJ 'Surveys No. ftG8 ,and No. ~ 6~; thon"" \fr~ h the Survey IIno and tboOg. 1...1Jee Itoad S. BGdllgrooe aa mlllul4Jo IC. TI.~B OVer Postollll-e, cb •. t.o a polut on I,he nor\b bauk 01 Caeaar'. Oflk:e PhOl1f 77 Orook aDa corner to II&ld O. Olll..~; ,hllDce down Caesar'. Creek "'lIb'lt. moanderlogB U rollows: ( Il S. 08 d8il:OOll 00 mlnul4Jo W. '.90 ab •. thenco (2) 8,40 del:ros 00 minu",," W. 8. 40 c;lu, lbouco m S, H dOlgl'eH miliuteo W. 0.0.0 Ch., w tho UVlICr corner oUb. bridge DR. J. W. allutmen~ 111 ~ho Wayntlvlllo IWdBarvey..
~~.rUltkU!b:l~ggJ:\~i ~ .~:r~~ fo"~~
utes W. 6. 46 cII.o. theuco t 6) S,72 dep:eeo 65
\l'J~I':~~·~.·~.~.;~h:c:l<Jlu~y~~= ..
HooM' Pbon, 115
... DENTIST•••
.ald North Boule 01 Caesar'. Creek atld comer ~~"=t1ze:;rh ~':'~n:~~":i>lJell:lotyr..·rJ~ .I0 W8 : (I) N. aa dclirooo!l 20 mlpuw. B. 17.25 ""•. ,(0" atono 111 the Wa1nMvlUe and Bu-
~2Itb~V.U;IMo~2~e~hl'l·':'~ dfJll:"",a~ Atonll 00 ~be SOulh lido of \be SOuUl road renceaIOng.aJdl'lk8 ;~Lb.noeN,38d"-
~z.~nJ.~ ll;'aa:~:o a'ol1(':;"":'''' :'=3~t
IUlII AlDOl c;Jpok;
lhent'O wllb aald 000II.'. E..t
i~f~~~~olr~c.:')d .b.ly·Jlve 'bUDdfed~b., •• SS'!!.lloSn.'lleTl<>rac~oll.eLahl,o'dn.tbe Farm dellgnal",1 - ~ •
b"l" ·ea~. bbrellh anti rmnove lherelrolD th. w"~~II~:if.~J~'W~h=~lirIy. 'J)pl'1ll6el1 uDder ol'ller of Cour~. FI ... of land.~
O r, in fact , auy k ind of Uoo rlllg yo u w a nt or
Growth of the FInger Nalls, Fi nger Ollil a grow more quickly In Slimm er th lm III \\'I nt r. Tho middle fl ngor grows the fastes t nnd the thumb tho mo st slowly.
Shingles Felt Roofing
lUllt t illS was til III UCU. 1-10 laid hor t hut 1111 t bls elll vire wos bll ln); bull dod to loy lit' her f t, th at rnp ress or Jl an d ho the s he WUB tIl oml,cro r. but 1l18t tb II' JOY WIlS to be no t III tll sway, not III th scepter snd c rown. bu i h~ tho dolus , nnd III tbe hu vlng dOIlO, 1}I!d In Lhe conceiving ulld hn v IlI g cOllccl ved. \V ns th is fI cold pnln t.l ng or pomp nud glory nnd ndvlln~ugo nud r ewllrd ? lie add ed 10 It the IIro of a lover, and to thut t ho force und mMtory lind cOUlJ)ulslon of hIs d)'no mlc power. Sbo fe lt aguln Iho poL nt thrill of b lm. notl the mi ght alld s \\ellJ) a nd url ve of hllll, .lnd willi Iho hOI, tu mbling "'orull or love In her ura. 111Il1 her S OIlSIIS Ll·reel, nnd h r l1illld III Il8 whirli ng Qxulta· lIo u, s he fcll bllt \\ cen th em n 8YIUlla· II\v and n union whlcb It W(l.S not In Illim;lII st rength to deuy ! Som eth ing he lll her back, BU IIWlhlug mnde her wlLlIh old the \\ ort! of prol1llse, on lh e plen tllll t she mus t have moro limo to think, to cOllsluer, to slrnlglJ teu out tbe tangle of h ur mind ; lIut sl\o 8\1(· [c red him to SW01 p lI er In h is a rms , nn d rain hal 'kisses u lIOn 11 r rn '0, alld to I U her, over oud ovor and over Ulltl over , Ibn t she belonged to h ll1l, fo r, II vcr uud lorol'e r ! (T 0 UK CO NTT NO ED) lIIltJI, Run
i~:~:io~~~:~or*~=~.f:.t ~~ ud ~"o-thlrda dolllU'll per IICI'e Uld wl11 no' ~f~ ;c;:iu~ ~b"" \wo-Wnla ot aakl all
, w-_one tbll'(l cub, r IIICIftCBP
=-- ' .
.Dr ~ I ~*JC::-""
N. Sears
0011 UlIrd ID OM
GILKOUR, ooa cr, 0 B:/rilcr'
in Stoops
by 100001llpplk:aUens,1UI t~, roan,,1 ~acb _ ________~--------______ rh" discaRd JX>rtion uf II ~ ear, Th.... is D L CIlANE Editor and Manager only aile ~~) to cu~ mla~rbul deaf.... , . . , . and Ihl1 t IS by a constitUtional ~y. Catarrhal ~rneSi It! rouled by an 10' flamrd "ondilion 01 lb. mueoul JlDiDIL of JANUARY 5, 1916 the E ustachian Tube. Wben tbia tulle u ~===::;i="=========- inlhuned 'you h."e 1\ ,umbling souod or imperfret hurin •• and whe'n it i. entirely elused, Deafness is I he result. Ueless the inflamntioll Ull be reduttd and this AUUL~U tube re&tured to its normal condition,
Pubu.botd Weokly
Wa)'llilnille. Obi"
""arlug will be destroyed forever.
1_-_- __ - . - . . -
As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood
.-.--- ~~~-·-~-~·--~---------l HARVEYSBURG
ell!;es of deafness are ca used by catarrh, wbleh is un illnnmcd cond ltl!;)11 of tbe murous surfaces . . Hull's Ca turrb Cure acu Ihru tile Llood Oil the DlUC!;)US IU faces of If "8& feiy firer' meail8 8&vlng, too ,
Mr. Late Uoane returned home Saturday evenlnll trom Ii few dlloJa vIII' In WlImlnjfWD. Mu. Charles KIbler IIpent roellday afternoon wltb 1.I.n Asa Wh itaker. MrR. Ed VlIon l>yke, at Uedllrvllle, II vleltln8 ltlr. W. · U . Warller and fumily. Mrll. Ida Stokes sp'e nt 'be ' paRt week wi~1l her daughter Mrs Tam Oour'ney Several from here nUended the Flumer'a Institute d t'Y Ayne~vit1e I:ilttur'dIlY . Mr. Bnd 1141'11 . Will Ellbon. of OJive Brtlnoh and Mr: Bnd Mrs. OIills. Klb. I ~ r spent I:!ondny afterno on with Mr , Barry Earnha rt and fl\lntly. Mr . Burry haw wllnt to SpriDII· fiehl all htl~iDf'IP ~ Frld'\y. Ii I~tlnll. W ' ltftker li'pont Thurs. dn y aHernooo with Miss Rut·h Ed wllrtl ll In .the Orogoola 1I0hool. . MI~ s Kathryn Burnet returned home buud~y m orniog from a wt' Clk 's Vl8it III Loudon . Yr. Tol,l1 Uourtntly Will tn Wl\.y. ne@vllia Friday aftenioon. Mr. HUfry l:ihaw and family oll.Ued ou Mr. Allron ~mltb and fllol,l1Uy, of Bllool! (;IrovIl 8uuday IIft,oruoon.
WlInTEDt c. T; CROSS at LYTLE, OHIO Farmers Loo e and Tied Tobacco Leaves MUST BE CLEAN
Sohool holds this "'Iluk nfter oua h'I good ad vice I ,I ve io yon, I of VII06tIOD. . One Hundred Dallul1I for ..ke yourtnvelltmentll earn their Mrs Lul ll l:iet tlo t th case 01 Catnu bul Deafoess that clln· To mwily •. myre s pon e be cured by HolI's Catarrh Curet The MIIl~1 GazeUe will brln~ dlvl. week. lmll IU L~ b tln o n wit h- her n Illot.h sr ''-'n:u'".... free. All Druggists, 7lic. dends every oay. F. J. CRENEV & CO., !'aledo, O. F O,.,st i::!lltlJ me r, who hil S boe ~ wIc k You would bardly bllve bolleved (or Ihtl p ~st wee k, 18 u ble to be about . . We will meet all competition in price and ' quantity. ~bd IInoh .. ohllOge oonld have beeu , The Prog r lls~lv e Blb.lo IUII~ g""8 brough' abont. 'I'he Men'l! BIble .. watoh pR r~y n tbe h om o of .1 Glln CALL OR SEE 0168B III iraduAlly grovolnll through I£dlvard a. h' rlc.1 uy L1i,bt, n l-:uo.l slioia l Ihl efforlll of ,DOd women aSIII.ted time "li S eujoyed b y lilt. taffy [lUll. PERRY WADE, Home Phone 934, l ¥1'LE, by 1I0me of 'he men. A grelll of Ing belog tb 1U 0s't IlIt"r l!~ l i l\ g tllil OR Inier88' II taklln in it end n larl(e 'ure ot t it . ~~ hO\lr ll of t UlG 016lll! ts looked forward to In the (~. T. CROSS, Valley Phone 268, 'LEBANON,OmO <.Jolte :\ I, a " lhoJ r of th e 'Y o u ~g pllO . very near fuSure. Won" you oome c ahe hOUl!! or Ed and 88sl11\ In enlarging our tluuday pit> gath ,"'" 8obool and 'hllo' will be a Btt!pplng .Je/Jery ~tl l, Ir " ftern oon to alllir 8Sooe '0 eularalog the oburoh and 'he aongs O tl : ,n", en tlllod to stn g . 'fhey are to ' I I ' Ool 9S t,h a t will b ~ that mean. a· beUer world. henrrillt the r· • ,', I moe tln g8 whl It Mr. Tiffany li'reelun and MI", Josle havll "" Hun L 'li e M . E. olluroh. "Be them eggs the grocer got Brown were quietly mfiuied. Thurs_ You II f ' lo vl t f'd CO 0 111 6 HII II \J Ulll. Veterlnarv \ !lown from the citv fresh ?, d ..y . They Ilre fine yonog people Mr, 1I0li l'llrs. W ' 1:1 ~~Il JO n Rllent and may their patbs of Ufe bd Itrewn "Nope ; th cy ni~ L fres h ; th ey're Oraduate of Oblo Siole lJnlvenl Auto Livery Serylce at with roeee and Sb",t 'l1ey may oever Sunday aftern .)on witlJ lI ff ' &un. crazy." bave any uopleasant reoolleoti onl5 hart and (",wily a t (leeo ll Britl r . Reasonable Rates COLDS NEED ATTENTION " ruzy I Wllut air you talkin' Mr. And Mrs. He l, s r Shl1lllak er . of Shetr jouroey, ue the wlehey or She Int ernol throllt ano oheat troubles Office at residence in F. D about ?" of Sli ver Grove. epe nt t h o W CtiR. Illl produce iDfillmmMIOD, irritatIon, 'belr many friends. wood's bouse, Fourth Street. Also Agent for Kelly-Springfield "'Mounl.s tew. the snme thing j Mr. and Mre. nnrrv I3hldaker's wHh Mu. tlhulllllk or 'H Ulo&h er. 8'11' e lli 'J g or 80rene8. and unles8 Automobile Tires Mr~. Will Gutte,ry, of ibi J pl! los . they're nil crocked." ~==:==:==:~~~~~~==:==:~ bome blu been q uarantined for a Telephone 28 ohooked at (,noe. are likely to lead Thllfl! wore tlr'ty four nt· ~ \lmln y to He rlous trouble . Caught In time W few daya on aoe,'unt of 80 cILlted Ohio WA.NTED THE CHANGE. MoarleS fever. At 'hili wrhlng tbev 80hoE>j 8 11DdllV m oru io!;: lfille fur Dr. Bell'lI Plne.'l'ar.Boney loolena aynelville. a conniry ohnr ~ . lue mnoh Improved. the phlegm lind desroYII ~he g'lnnll whloh hllve settled In tbe throat or Two gnllant privates in a High. . Mud lod Bnow have made travel. Valley Phone 9O-1 X nose. It II loothlng and heallug . Ing very bad. lnnd regiment, 011 a few doys' leave HELP YOUR LIVER-IT PAYS I, nntilllptic i boney Is soo'h. Plue Prof. E. L . Bdton and ,wo daugh. in Paris went into II cde and had Mr, and Mra. Geo. Bogan enMr. BA~NHART, Wben your liver gel ll torpid Bnd InK- both together pOIse_lIexoelJent some light refreshment. . 'I'he bill tal ned on 81lurday, Mr. and IIr .., Lsra, 01 Blanobee'er, vl.Ue<1 Mr . your 1 qualltlQI tor fight,lng cold • medloln .. iI'olDlioh liola qU.l'lr, take Dr Notary Public 8o«an and Mr, MOle Bogan, BaUon'l parllote Dr . and Mra, aat Klni's New Lire P i1I8 find 'OU .vlll Kerms. I n818t ou Dr Bell'. Pine. came to two frnncs, lind one of them, 'on durin" the holidaYII . r ~I'Br.Hooey. 250 ali Drnggilltl . Jock McTaviBh honded the wnitres! f1 l'. Goo. Ellis and Mill Velte fiod yourself feellog be tter. They Joe. Carroll aod daugbter, Mra. All kinds of No&ary Work. Wills Funeral Director. i . ' . . were 'be lI alilte of Mr. and Mra. ------ --_ - ---Anna 8'lnllon,' g..ve an oyeter 8UP. purtly $ho bl ood, ,p;ivo you fr eedom n 11ve-lranc PlecO. WIth 11 chormmg IC4wln MarliD b.,nrday. . and Deed. a I:Ipeol .. I'y. from oons"plltlutl. htllo l1 sneHR, dlz. Im ile the girl slipped tire coin into 11181 Belen aarMook bu reaumed per Saturday night &nd h&d tor ziness and Indlgos tl on. You fe el Telephone dny or nf"ht. 'beir 8uee'a Mr. and Mra . William her pocket, but did not give any hilI' e'udl81 afWa'fn88vllle, Valley phooe No. t. Long Carr, tl'lO aonll, Burbert aod Bruoe fb e- jllllt like Y'O tl ~vllnt to feel. c hange. Mrl. Ida MannoD and MIIII Ethel and Prof ~Idney Watkina. Olear the oompl Et xiou t,oo. 250. n' Diltance No. 69-21'. druggl sta. Now. to a Scotsmnn a flve.franc bave reCarned to Tippecanoe. " Mn. W'iIl 8ervey entertaloed the Automobile 8ervlc. at all Tlm_ piece is exactly five fmDes, and no MI18 Viola Jordao wal tbe ijlJD. Clvlo League Sasurday afternoon at Prof. lind Mrs , Elmer Spahr, of amile, however, delightful, could day IlD"' of Mil' AnDe DOlter. her bean&iful home ou W.aple atrlet; AnMonla a.re speodln g the holldnys WAYNESVILLE, OHIO • make up for ita 1088. So Jock turned 1Iit11e8 Merle and FaYII ElIIlI llpanl In .. few weeu Mr. lind 1If1. 8ar. whh Mr . aod Mra. J. W· aadley. . to his mato. "Here, Tam," said he j Frida, af&e~ooon with 114118 Vlllk ve, will ao to I'lorld .. t" Itay ·untll Mr. and Mn. Raymond Wlleon Branch Office. Harvey.bl11'&', O. Mu. Celia BIl~bawBY, of or wood, Ute "roblnl nel' agato." II visiting her mother, MfII. Mary and daugb&er Mary Katbryn were '' 'le French, div ye no? Weel, 11115 II bere and all aboud for ---Brll80up . the Rueltl of Wlllon 'a als&llr, ===:==:==:==:==:==:~==:==:==:==:=== gang ower an' spoer Ilt that IOlBie prOl})8r1'y and happln8l!1. Wtlltl Blaoll:, of nell.r X.enll\. vIsit. Mr, and Mrll. Artbnr Elaton llpent Mn. IrwIn Sml,h 43unday .fternoon. -whaur mil change is." Master Wa,ne titanley tlon 'he "'r. and ,111'1. Nelaon aamiUon ed frlendll here lllllt 'I'uesd"y . uodaT with relatlvell at Franklin. 80 Tam drew a long 'breath, alT. and Mre. Gen, .onll were In and dau.h&er, of near Waynllville, Mr. BI!Dj~mln Ro bbillls, wholt&ll Mr. I\nd Mrs. Jelle WrigM reo II ok !flit lDa~hed boldly acrOBS the enfe, aDd Bvrve18 bOl'g l:J!l.urdlY. a".neled olluroh Dire Sanday, qeen Ilok for the paat (our weeka, lorned home ,f rom a vleU wl'b reI. Mr . and "'re, W. 10. BOpn ~nd Evan ..nd Lel.. h BoPD were Sanda, allvel a' Waynesville. ~ogan: "Dollg joor, .madam I" be said Mtl8 Nelle Jordan vlll$84 W. T. llr. and "'n. Milton aowe aDd II IIradullly growdog wlaker. loa were tlonday vll11$ora of Mr, and Howard Tate bil,8 left f,or Fairfield, politely. "Por.rley " 00 Frongsa.?" n'IFrldlY. Jostlph Badley haa aold hll hard. 1I1l0l'. of Zlmrl aalnlll. TH. S'NLY CENun•• tnr Tbe JunIor Prllloillal will meoi lira, AmOi AUen . Borlce C!lmp'on and da11jfbwr, Iowa, where he wUl follo\V hll pro. ware .tore to Ed Woodward and . JJ1.a~8 oui, m'seu I" rep.lied the with MIIB \ 1111111 t!&tord..y. Ina .... y aqd Zlmrl aalnel and' Vernon t:!outh. "'r. and lin. Waner GrayeD. feliion ot teaohlne. gul Wlth another sweet smile. John Wolte II vllllting htB 80D Serklned for dinner Sond"y PrOf . Mill Elhel Tayll)r ha.a relurned to Mr.. Stokes and daullbt« Lola famllT took dinner wl\b William "Then why the deuce did yo DO gie Ray Dear Dodde, ' 8$8nley Watldnl. Plqna arkr Iplnd,lug the holitlaYI And Joel Stokes IIPOO' Obrlltmal Oomp'on'l i'rtday. KEI:P8 FLESH IN TONI MIN H ..bel tnarr lpent 'he holt. tho mon his riclit change?" M~. -Tlmo 'r('elaD and Mill JOIll Af&er .. week'i vlllit among frlendll wltll bel' parenti! here. with trlende near Waynenllle. FROM 8KIN TO BON I. Heala EverJ1,blng Healable. Bul'lll, Brown were married W'edn8ldI7. In Columbua 111'1 I'loramond Reed Bltorry Weaver apd wife. ot Day. Oyn thl. Anaram lpent Haturday daya wltb laer parenM bere. BoUa, Sores, Ulool'II, 1'1l6ll, Eczema, HISTORY EXTRAORDINARY. lon, lpen' ChrlltOlas with his home with Alfred t2Upln lind family. '141'. Eli r..e1mll!l, of ColumbulI, Cuts, Coma, 80me of our 'armere a'$ended In re'urnecl bome M'nda.,. Wounds and BruiBM, wa. 'be gulli' of bll brothar, Joe - -. _ .,I&u$e lit Way, .. villi lall& week Mr. Ballllll, who for aome time tol.I, Sbe Wel.,er, Hnrne.s and IATIIFIEII, OR MONEY eACK. Mr. and Mrll. Jobn MoOlure and Leamlolland wife durin. the holl bu been qul$e a lufferer. II thought Brelaford families .. A rem!lrkable history is attached IUId IIlJ " WIISee . ' HoAT ALL DRUCe.8T8. family lpent Chrla'mal with Mr. kl be Impro.,ing IlowJy a' 'hi I wrlt~ Qal &e a larilJ hmlly 1'11110100 WI8 And 1011'8. Boward Mo(Jlure Itond f .. m. da,.l. to CattaroJ Ule AllJItrian navil port. • .. • Mr. anc! MI'I. R ..llIlgh Bogao. Mr. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tng. held a' the home ot !\ft', and Mrll lIy lt Red Lion . In turn the city hOB belonged to Ser· Mr. and Mrll. Ben'. Evanl were Bomer Bond, 'north of towo, last . III'. and Un. J ohn My:ua and baby .n4 Mrll. Boraoll Compton and bia, Venice, Hungnry, Austria, Italy. BAD COLD QUICKU BROKEN UP Chrll'mal gU8I" ot sh~lr ohlldren ' Sunday, Covers were laId for 'wen. of Lytle, IIpent 80nday wl$h rela. daug'bcer Ina Ipen' faeaday with France and' Austria. , It hns been Ml'II. Ma"w.~ Wllooz, Gowaoda. In Da,ton. Rober' Stllnle,l. _,-two guo.ta . They llrllsented the &tV" here. besieged by the Turks twice visited N.'" , wrltee: .'J flrst Ul!ed OhalD. lIilB Oa88 Anloo, of Wilmington, hOBte~1 wi~h a ohill" dinner set. Mr. and "'rl, Ralpb I.eamtnll.nd This dlseaee should be tr I\.tA)d lIS BOOn Thl tntant daughter of Mr. and by the plague once and wa~, nearly berlalu 'e Cough..B.elDedr abouh!gM wu a week IIn~ guOl' ot her paren'l Wr. A. Rhorbaollt Bod fBml ly, of Mrs. C1arenoe Barobart, of OUer. dau,h&er Edn.. lpeO' Sunday with 118 tbe first unnatural 1006 n088 of the it t · ... .' ,88re· Igo.. At tbU ~Ime I bad thll week. aear Rprlng Valley, Olo'ved to the beln village WA. brought here for Boward Leemlng'l , near Oakland. bowel.a appears. When 'tWe Ie done a "'" ,l'nv... , tmoo bv earthquake. a hard oold and ooughed moe' of thtl stngled08eot C)mmberluln's CoHo, Obol· Wr . George l!ldwardalll pl&llteriug 'arm ot Ubas. Bllrley lall~8"' Urdny . burial, I:!unday. Mrll. Luoy Comp'on IA a ..ta"Dg eTa nn tlIiTJi - 6fYect a 'Ime. .. proved 10 bo jaa' whit I • - • Id~ Allen In nVlval IlIrviOll II.rll . a new dwelllog house fer William ' IIr. and Mrll. Uh88 . R yau, enter cure. This r emt)ily cun always be deRaymond Sheets Ie on the elok Deeded I' broke op the oold 'In at New Mar'ID~burg ; Oblo. B. f.ewit, of I:!onth Klngml\n. Be ktne<l14ra . Rbloklng, M.IIIS MarletIlJJt . pended uJlOn even 1n the most severe and a tew daYI, lind the OOUllh enttrely Pr..ent Day Tltte.. 1..,.,1 Sbambaugh aod Jlivau BoRan dangerous C_, and ahould he kept at If "llbee were bones, bepan dtaappeared. 1 h ..ve 'olcl many 01 bu jll8' finlah,d .. lalge houlle t)1 '" flayo a and :'dr. G60. RhtnklulI,ot Ollfford Barnbar. aod fawlly , of band rendy tor ilU!~t use. Never leav. would lUll preter lImouBloea.-Wuh· my frlendl of the eDOd 1 received Pearl Sherod, ot W88,'a Oorner Beavertown, laat 13aturdllY. Otterbein village epent Sunday bere atkoded 'he ba.ket-ball team ai home o.n I\. journey without it. Chllrle, Pal.arll(lO, of Uaytoo, IS tbe gU811tl of IIr, and Mra. Wm . Wayn8nllle Tuelday evening. IqtOIl Tim... ,brougb allnl thll medlolne, lind Mr. Edwarda II known far and near vlltting rellltivel here. t2.rfield Pe'e'l'lOn and f"mtly KlelnhbD. ~~~~~~~~~==:==:~~=lal1 who ba.,. Died l& apeak of U ID . . It m.cb",nlo, tbe hIli heat "'rml!. I I ObaalDable A. MtlIer, wife lind daughter vis. ' llpen' 8und.,. whb Lee Lawrenoe'l Mr. &nd Mrl. Will Shtdaker are • e"erywhere. netu Buok Bun. loon '0 mo.,e In'o their new home \led hi' lolkl at New ·Osrllele 1& t on the Brookl farm. week . Berman JonOl called on Bobert COUGHS ARE StauleYIL Bund..,. &"ernoon. We are Boon to 10le one of oorFew of U8 re"lIZt1 the daoger of THI ORIATlaT • . lIube$anSlal famlllel . · Mr. and Kra. Cou ghll Ilnd Ooids. We oonllder Barl Bltoney havlnll 80ld tbeir farm , thom oommon and harml688 "'I. and bougot one near Doddl. P. Taylor; Promlntnt LoullVllI, men til. However a&atlstJ.08 Ulll nl 1M THE WOR&.D THE GIST OF IT Druggl." M.k.. Int,,.ttlng Mt. and abl. Ira tjar"ook, after every ' t bird penon dioll of a lung CONSTIPATION AND "Laa' : Deoember I. bad' a very se. ftII1.mIED WEIllY. $4.00 PER YE4 Mr. and M... J!:d 8rown and fam- a week', "fil" wUb relativell. reo Stat,mlnt , "I have IIsed Chamberlain'lI 'fab- aUmeot.· Dnniteroul BronohlAI and vere oo)d and W.I nearly down IIOTILa, DRUociilTi. a"aCIAL'.Ta. 111' vlll$ed denry Brown and family torned to their home In Day too leh "od mus, Ray thoy ara the bellI Lnng dlseasll8 follow .. neglAOted 11011 In bed. 1 bougb' 'wo OO"le9 cOaTUM.Ra. TRAII . . . . It. OA~ StlIIday. tJDnd ..,.. oold. As your body asruggJel AIID .. U. aERVIOE OAII PROFW Mr. and. Mrl. Carl 8herwood and Mlu Mary Whe'ael, daugb~er of 1 have ever used. tor oonBtlpatloll agqlnst cold germ8, no better aid of Cb.mberlaln'lI Cough Remed r ." UI'MQ ITa ADVEItTIIIHQ CO\.UM .. a wife 0110 uled lind Indigeetlon. My lind" wu only II very fe .... da,1I un· ' Itt~le IOn, 1I0rrl.., vlllited M. E' Wr. &ud IIrs. U, S . ,lfIhe&8el, who II ~bem for Inolgestlon and they diet 08n be had 'baD Dr. Klog'II -New til [ wu oompletely rOltorecl to SAMPLE COPY FREF Sherwood SDnda" . a"endlnll ooll6(Je In Colnmoul. II !iilr good," wrllee Eugeoe S. Knight, OI80overy. ltll merlthlie been teet. wrliell O . J . Me\oalf, ' ____ IJIW YO'Ue OLl"PIlt lire. I"Ank 'lII. Baralool!: wa. till.. lpendlo, her vaoatlon with her II.. WIIDllna'oo, N. O. Obtaina bl8 eVtlry- ed by old And youolf. In U6e over be&ltb." 111_ Y.,....... Yc Wea'herl»Y, Alo. U you would ttly oaUed $0 Cosac1 Ie" OIl,-.Ap~·~l.-I-ce~~qt~~..A.I:~' ReUle Whet wbere. ~15 yellrl Uet a b()$tle lo da.y. of tbe elokn'" of her Ion aDd eel. Mr. eDd Mra. Whekel "re 10 4 voId the risk of serious LUDII' &11. !~n~d~o~n~e~w~h~o~h~a~a~UI~e~d~l~t~.~Ot.b~t~&~ln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~------~--~ 11'. She returDed SlInday e.,,,nlnl jourDIDA' for II "me In Tezu. . menta.. Dragglels. able everywhere. ..b. -reporMd aU Impro.,luR· Gilbert Weloh, 'af&er ODe week', The - "Willing Worllera" me' ·..t .,1.1& wl,1i hll paren", Mr "nd Mre. of DoL golni to going .. nd you will Barbed Wire 'he bome 01 Barry Stepbenl :for W. W. Weloh, .len Sa,urday nl,h~ lie' more 011$ of lite. ahelr 01.... meftttDg . The r ..ID,. for F'. Vqdllll, low", where be haa a J want to a8k you .. 11 to forRI ve good poaUlon In a Ihqe atore. me for no' being more prompt In wlI&,her kiP' manT aW.Y. GUARANTEED to hoal without lenv· Mn. Stella Bote and ohlldren, of IIr. and IIrll. Boward , Anion RDd wrltiull lor thle oewllY IIheet. Ow. In" " blemisb, or MONEY REFUNDED. Troy:'bal ~D "fIIILlng her paren'I, 'w~ InterB!$ln, ohUdren, of Day too, tnll '0 helue ao awful bU8Y and 'bMng l500 and '1.00 sizes for Creab wonndll. Mr. Samuel Jllckson spent the Mr. and lIu. J .o leph Baines. are oldlOres, Mr. aD.d Mn .. Albert.OorneU, of Ly- were weell-end lIuMte 01 thllir par. ilO beblnd wIth mv h ousehold t nties lOre back. nndsbouldera,bllrDa 'le, iloIlO ber bfo'berl. an"; lilt. and IIrll. A . B. AnIOD . malliolt loa,p, butoherlng and dOing weok.end In Xlsnlll. entflr"'lnlng rel .. tlvlIlI from Idaho, and bruieell. 2Iic IIlze for Family Uee. "The ..-eateat bealth lDiIoranceln tho Min Gladdlll Fit8r and Malter Qol&!! an epldemlo of ooJdl has .. 'boul8nd and Doe .,9titler thloge Mrs Ode Marlatt IIo\ert8lned In a' the 'I me of thlll wrHIDIl. . D~COrSP~~BUS~ wOrld II the IIlmpleet." be lllifd. ~'l nev· Nelloo Brown vllll'ed Jamea alid been goln, ahe ronndl here .durIng 'hilt my 'Dlnd Isat'raotediluBnother bono~o f her slet(lr, Mrs. James Mr. and Mra. WIIIII Allen had' Ie painlellii and guar8n~ to cure ell could Qul~o 'lnderatand Wb1 people Warte aatuoot Hunday. ahll Ino"y weather. ' tUreotlon aod IbiS is the first leUeT Moralln, ot Dayton; "r. Thomal liS their Kueltll on liIundoy la'$, Mr. Spavt.o, Ringbone, Ourb, SweenybSpliDt, , are .0 ne,1ilfent In the Ulle of llle dm· The bllnqulI' HIVln a' the li'errl' 'NtaOD and aarry Bdwf lpen' Cwo tba' 1 have heen )16rmltted to wrlt.e Dill ..nd family, Air. aod Mra. Frank SlIma .. od f&mlly, of near l'itffll t or any enlargement of ~e or .' pl.t of all preventive. of IlIDe.s. 1It'a ohurch FrldlY eveololl wal a auo flaYllalt week wltb Wr . ..ad Mn. 1'loer,tohedOGbeIl2~tt.etr·. th,le YIII.r· but prom Adam l'onoiwlt nod dal1ihter, Mr. Ferry .and Muter Norman alte Ind muaole, or money refunded. Price CiOo. fOil Ul& .., AU. DltUGClIn'a .n .a matter ot keapin, I. the bowela OlIN. OYlters_w, ".d t b d ' - ' - u_· f J II I • Laoy ()rlllg Itond famUy. Mr. lIlrnll8'eteler, ot I:lardina, 0, Ian w 0 ell aD ..... w.. ...-re, 0 e eraonvll e. Prof. Ralph Tole re&nrned ~o Dill, of D..yson. open., Tbe man wluJ'camOl a little bos lerved In 'be bal6ment. Paul Realoo,-of Da,.,oo, WII t~1I hll dutlel after a week'li v_oatlon. III'. Cb .. rle. Reodenon and fam. Mr. and Mrs. . Emer_oo Conner 'CIf Benll OrderIJea hal ' got a cooi1 ooll.. e were - - -••- ••- - 1nlM' of IlII IIIIMr, ElI!le Book. aadllon len tor l'Ippeoaaoe Olty health pollC7 In bla' PI1Sket. r believe 1.1' wlie~. MlNea Comptol] &nil L ..mb, our 11y lpent tbl week·eod wUb Joe ~uuday where 'hey arll 'be IDeeM tbef lire tho lIeal laxative ever prekaohef,!, are again baok I\t their Marlllt" "l 'hllla"er'l parenls, Mr. and 1141'1. Kink In Humanity. pared, aDd tbelr pleasaut tasle appejLla Sadie BealOn .,"" 'he ,un' worll after a vlelt, wltb .rel&tlvel. MleB.. Oh&mbllel and allrlon. of Ooblenz for a few da,.l. ''HUm&oltt ta hard to convInce," to meD. ","omen and clrtlrlren alille." of IIr. and Mn, Earl Boote" 'hiB 141'11. Tbol. Whe'.. el w8.8 oonllider. Xenia, epent Sa~rday and Sllnda,. Mr...nd Mrll. Georlle Booook were We have the exclusIve seiling rIght. for Nld Uncle Eben. "You'. neVllr even weell.. . . . ' ..bIy iDdl!!pused last week but at with Oharlee Gordon aneS family. tbe Bunday gneeb of Mr. and Mrl. aatilfte4 dat 70U'II doni hlld a crood :tbll areat luatt~... Trial slze.]'O c,enla. Adam. Sioopa . .d Thoe:· Romtnll, th,ll wrUlnl I. muoh Improvtld. Mr ...nd Mra. George Pra" lpen' Alber' Drake. . Ume OIl· a trip till you'S had a photoMI'fI. Maud CBUlpbeJl la orltloally 8nndilY with Mr. Amoa ·.Jaouon Mre. ('.rolinl Obeoowtlth crapll took 110'_ )'Ou kIn aee fob yoll· of Wayne.. iIle, oalle!! on·nl the )III~ J.E..JANNEY day oBu' year; beah a' one time III ~Ith Ihtle e[IOOura~:emen' Cor .. nd fnmU, . on lied to Indlan& .., Chrillt nlla "mil ed." THE' RElt-ALL 8TORE 1"" ,~ ~ wire atilseila of onr vUlap, ,e'Ung well. Mr. Lue Jonee, of Xenia, tlllen' on aooollnS of tbe aerloue 1Il0esiof Several froll! here aUended thtl IIr' ,,8nd Mn. Ered Harlan moved la8\ w\,lek Wltb Mr . Amos ,,Jaokson. a 111I\er. rarmer'l bilUtuM. a' W..yneavtlle In'o oar ,Ity and have ta,ken out the --~-. - '....- - . ,M r. and Mre. Ueor,e Peoce had laat week aud w.a re mooh p .....ed Deo8l1~ry paperlt whlob Intl'lee Good Idea for Currycomb. tb'l mi.foftnne of laillng a valuable Remember,oD &:Sunday 'heM 9th " d pr I v I• An Inventor'a currYcomb CIOnllatl hor, 8ebyloolljaw .onedaylnstweet, 'here will be preaohln. a. 'he E. th e art 0 a II 0f." ... e r Igh·.~ an •• ohurob. Delme 00' and hen Rev lepa. making thelu full fledged oltl. ot 'flextblo looPI of cqrrugated me~1 The IIOhOOI blllla ate rInging ""..10 Wailler . By Toor oomlnll " will lOne. Ulrougb wblclL cUrt paasel qUlc,kly. tblll moralng after the holldaYI. Mr. Albert BIM nnd ohlldrea, of enoourage blm &0 enooural8 yoa, ' Ilrll. Ular:a Connor a.fld ohlldren dOD'a you ~bln. 'h.' la oommOD ha"fe moved tbelr farm nelr Bardlna are .She gUMts of IIr. and 88nH1 OhlUll8 Jour deaatmlna&lon Btokoryvllle. Our loS. Is 'hel~ 1&10. 1141'11. Jamea Allen A' preno' time. Mr. and Mra Horace . tJtump are IIr. al&e lib naph8'lJ of Mrl. Allen, . Mre. J;lmel Cur", and da0lh&era o"Xlupylba their beau'lt~tl bungaJow ou the farm . '. To "OIl-Down.emu ",... enwrl&ln~ the .BelplnR Band tSe~• . "'ra. Tillie Waaner, Loullvillo, K,.-"1 w.. a ~ InwOlrole aC her pl"'~" bome 1..' SEDEITARY IIAIITS · . re'uroed bome ' anef =wre~ t:tri!':r~r.:r~:nto Tbanday. • Wobten "ho get bo' lIMI •••er. lpen' wtab ber VInoI. I did lID; ~ . . . realt I Mn. Emm.. ObllDowetll.t_ a n ol,a are Hllel, be trollbled with 8e h .... hO health nlaed ill bea1tb and ~ I tItlIllI pl_u' here bal "'1ll'De4 &0 oODI&lpdlonaadlncU,."oaand win Mr. 0 al _, ... ~u. ~ohaaed VlDolIat.be beatllUldldn.ln 'tMworlcl ber pllce of employmen' ... WlI. Sad Cbamberlaln 'a Table.. bl.hl~ 0b' 1Ir. Wred team 0' !:sa,~w~l~ IIllqWII . beDetIoIal. No' 10 a tIlr. onea . ..rn of . CL4noN~~ ' lin. B'rut Cook and da_haew, Of loar mUe walk "81'7 da,.. b __a~ v-7 _vlDolli .. 4eIIcIoai oi4 Itnr udltoa of Bouu" ware oallin. OD boae mach be""r &baa to ..lIow .......... . tOnIc~ ciII. ~t.eed to over- folb.hare 8GDda7, '. .11..........1. '0 rem.tD ID" '. Oor dool wUb - - all ~ dnitallled JIIaI Loll BaeelUJCl a. the system. We willain
Dr. J. A. MCCOY'!Ray
. ...
Corwin, Ohio
Walter McClure
.. ..
Bucklan's rOlea SalVI
.- .
.- .
.- ..---
II". "'ra.
c::; ba.,. 11."!
.oad ..
;:=~=~r=d bI' .i&~ou, ,,*,.''0. all of dae
~ -
ao1dI doD. have ....raecI .t Brook"lle_l:~u.:r;;= ~~"II
.-----.~,.-.-- -
-.-.-- 1 E=i5::J' ~ 11::==51I1:JI::'===' El [i.==:5I'1El [i.= i;5JUEI EO-I ee!!!!51 alE'55:1U!J
PERSO LMENTION I .---_--_ . _ ---. $15J:.
SpecialliL This Week Standard Gran. Su gar. a Sack I lJ
With Detachable Coupe Top'
' J ohn A. Funk e)' U' IIle is a ~ ur pris !loll tow 11 t!llk
Will Hold Their An~ual Show
Born - To Mr.. 11\1 Mrs. Lloyd Da is , Munday" ell i>\~, J an uar) 3rd . Fancy Evp. Pcaches, . lb . 25c . a s n . [:l 10 lb pure Buckwheat, only <j oe
Seeded R aisins 0 Seedle s Raisins pkg .... - 1 c
Oult , ale All our IOllks and kir ts a,t half p ri 'u III My er Hym an 's.·
'New Currants, pk g .. . .. 12Y.c
Fahcy Grape Fru it ,
for 25c
harl ottl' her
M r:l.
li orge
Start t he New Year rig ht and let u s help yo u save som e money d uring l Ollt
Now an All-Season Saxon Roadster for $455 f it- for only $fiO more than tbe . pricc of 'he standard Sa xon Roadster, you can no,,, enjoy
Tbe new
Sa on RO:1d ' te r with de tnchftble cou pe top now af· fords you euc10sM car "omfortllt nn . nhcord 01 price. Furt bermore, t hc price o f 14M includes both cnc1..scd top nnd regulAr road ster top. Here Is just the car for doctors-liltlcsmcll- -youlIg
who waots to get about at tbe lowest possible cost a U the rcar round . It's ideaf for busiDess-- sho pping •heatre-aoclal cnlls Vou reall y hn\'~ two cars. F irst, the enclosed en r -
Tou, lnc W hh L lmouline top Saxon · ·s~ " Roadatcr
whl 11 is proof agn irlSt WiDIcr's wind n nd storm. "he detachable lop "itb . win dows open permit. you 10 cnjo), the ,Iea!lnnt days willet. come so frequently in winter. Sccond , tile .pen Roadster, with top Ul> or down, lor II du r ms t he sprinr:, summer nD d lall months . Come in today] nnd see abou t l tbe De w nll·season Saxo n Roadster.
Road.ter W i th Coup e top Electric Ita rl c.t a nd tlg ht e
everyday and A. I" u nkey ·s .
u ~ {' l tll g O ()tI~ lit
All en K ibl4~r \\' us ca ll !!d to Circle· ville Mond llY on !Il:coun t of the d ~a th of his molhe r.
iw '
::)t. Mary't; Ijuild will meet with Miss Letitia McKay, Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock .
Tom- l wonder why it is that F rank Elbon i8 M 'c ru l Diggsby h aft but little respect for old days in Kalida, l'utnnm ·uunt)'. Ohio , wi lh rela tives . agc. J orl'y-I'roul\bly hccause of his Mrs . Ma rY.' Br it.a:n W IIS rnlled to long ucquuiu tuDce ' wilh bOllnlingDe yton Tuesday on account death of a grandchild.
bouse pouliry .
---- --
T. C. Madden, of North Lewisb urg.
¥oing t o start housekccpillg.
Mr . nnd NI l' . Jill' Ridge. of DIlYton. wer the " (IPSts of Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Mnhlom 1 Hhre SlInday.
"A wire."
Waynesville. Ohio
MrR. Edith Harris and Mrs. Ln ura "IIns th nt borrowing f rien tl of Mosher hnvEI both been sick ' wi t h the . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yours 4.lroppcd out of sigh t ?" p r ('vailing e pipem ic, grippe. " Db, DO j he mannges to keep in touch wit h nlo_" Word wal~ recc1lved h ra E"riday t hat Mrs'. J. W. E wards. of Uuyton, waR very ill with ~neu monia . ITS NATURE.
"I suppose n. prima donna's lile is Miss Adda Madden, of Morrow, wap t he g u est of her brother, W. B 'very el ci tiDg." . CIOn the cOlltrary, it is more of a Madden and wifll. I l\8tw~\ k . .............. " " ' ; '-" .rlii ...... ~
Closin~ Out Snle- -All our Cloaks and Skirts l~t half price at Myer
Pint Ifatlona) Bank Pearilltrftt "rket Baak AD&=.bIe Mercluuat In ll. .
My Aim-Your Trade
= =======-QUALITY- Above the Standard
SERVICE-That can't be beat
Cincinnati, Ohio
PRICES-To please a ll.
iI. ·F~ Snook, Agt. W.yne~ville, o.
GEO • J•
. . . . . . . i ..... ~ ....... U.1 •• :t~ ••••••••••••••• dbone 54-2X
At Rogers' Hall, Waynesville, Ohio.
~ lIdmission
0 C~11tS
lm!,' J
B'==3'1!J E,=="==:11[!J ~EJ mc:::::;:::::-~ !;]'-:--=.3l':1 t~==='I:lI[E=:J"!1
Are you on the list fo r McCall's Magazin.e? Get it in connection with the Miami Gazette. only "1 35 pe r year. Among the sick in the neighborhood are: Mrs. W. H. Allen, Weldon Wil '3on, J H . Coleman, U. M . Wh ite.
500 articl es 10, 15. 20 and 25 cents ; all to be sold Ilt 9c. Come early and get the greatest bargai ns . . J ohn A
Mrs. John Thomson , of Roule 4, spent II cou ple of davs la~t wt'ek in Dayton with her daughter Mrs. Anna S!1 onk. .
Mr 'and Mrs. EthUil Cole man and daughter, Oof Toledo, ar e vi itii'llt Mr. and Mrs J . B. Coleq n nnd other relatives here. ..f ., Mr and Mr~bert Wern t.z are the proud parrnt;·~r a 9 pound girl, Roberta Leeada . The li ttl e one arrived Thursday. December 23. Come to see our 9c sale It s urprises everyon~, olll y 9c, worth twice the price. N o on e can afford to , s tay away: J ohn A. l."lmkey.
======================~---------"=-=.============= Th is farm, cOllsisting of 112 a res , t wo mile: norlh of Cent 1 vill and known as the J a mes Pope.noe farm , w ill 1 ~ offered for ale 0 11 J
SATURDAl JANUIRi 15, 1916 At 10' o'clock, from the dQor of the Cow't H~use
-::. = = =
~IZER, Executor Dayton, Ohio .
PUBLIC SALES ! will offe r a t public sale at my i residen ce, 11 miles sou th of Waynesville. and 2 miles r,ort.h of Oregonia, on the l?rank Elbon farm, on Friday, Jnnuary 14, 1916, Beginning a t 10 o'clock , t he following property: 8 horses , cows and a f uUline of farming impl emen1s . Harry E. Earnhart. C. T Hawke, Auct.
----- ...- --
GERMANS USE G~S ARMOR Jas. Vande rvoort anI,! Perry Pence are serving on the Grand Jury at Mask Protects. Reaplratlon and' V'aaoLebanon, while Bert Stucy and Seth line Saves the Eye. of the SolCook are p etit jurors from Wayne diers From Vapor. .' . Towlltlhip. Dr. and Mrs J ."W. Ward, accomDani ed by their niece. MisHDOTa Nel· SOI l, of Pomona. Ca l..l of ton Monday for St. Pete rsburg . Fin ., for a n in-
definite stay. . Miss Lill ian Dcva ll and Mr. Howard Reynard. of Smithfield, Ohio, Rex and V./rgil Val e. or Dillowale. Ohio, have r eturned home ufter ~t tending the Himes·Sheeban wedding
The Jun ior Guild of ~t . Mary's will give a social Thursd
·a Day m Dayton
Exposition Week, January ' 14-22, .1916 .. Entire 7 'F1oors ·o f, the New Delco Bldg.
Big Shows for .-1 Oc
For fnrther informaTion, call-on. or addres.
Mr. L . V. Tbr mson and family. of Kokomo, Ind ., spent the holidays with Mr, an~ MI'l!. John Thomson, of Route 4.
. '.
Corwin, Ohio. Funkey .
-1916 -
Wllat W. H. Madden Sunday.
have you got towllrd it?"
The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery in the State and will pay highest market price for sound, dean sour cream. We are always prompt to recognize any advance in the market, and wiU ta.ke care of your interests at all ti~es. CheclCs mailed daily or weekly as desired to cover all shipments.
~ h~ ~ ~dmM, ~nt~u ~ Oh ~,wMiliep~o f M r . ~dM ~ I_._::::_-_--~ :===-------------------------~~=-~ ~~~~~~
SO)cOD " POUI'''
Only Dc f o r h ll ll llrlfl ~ ()f I1 mnd
lowes t prices a t
tb '
t e luxuries of all-season n lOto ring.
Miss Marl!u c ri I' Tht. 11'50 n, of Dayton, is v h:li I in g I' ' Inli \'!'s here for & f w clays.
Everyth ing good t o cat a t tbe
We·d. January 12 T~ur. January 13 FrlOday January 14 Sat. January 15
Ant ra rn is tht'
evening. January 13, at the home Mrs. L . A , ' Zimmll~man. SP4cial entertainment and music will be the feature of. the occasion. . , Mrs. Laulra Carey, widow of the late Georgi! W. Carey. of Lebanon, dlpd Sunday morning very sUQdenly at the Ownly hotel. The funeral was held a t her late home Tuesday afterm,on. ~
Here's a n ew one: In Galesburg. who could n't pay their debts had un-
111.. they had a "pay-up" day. Those til the 8tb day ot January to pay it. Some classy atory.. but it Is liable to become a national habit,
... - ...- --
. P aris Excel io r g ives interesting deta ils of Germ an prepllrntion8 for I:P s allncks: "Every German sold iar is furn ished wi th 'a cl1loroft;> rm maak" Wllich has the odv,a ntage of fitting exactly over the nose and mouth, withou t leaving nny space for D(j;{ious ftimcs to peneLrnte. Insido the m nrk he places two walls of ordinary Iil)t ,dress illg fold ed six or sc,'en times. When t he a l~m ]S given lhcse w;lds are son ked in a saturated solution of hyposulphite of soda, or chalk wat r, wh ich stops the nction Of the. chloride by transforming. it into hypochloritc, or chloride of lime. Eueh regiment is abundantly suppl ied wi th these articles. To Save the eyes they ha.ve given up spectacles, whioh lLfe not 'OIlsy to fit, ~ stcnd, they. s imply put a piece of vnseline the size of a pea beneath the under lid. By rubbing gent1y ·the whole eyc is covered 'with· a . . -. h h' tective v~rUl8 , Wlch does not der the, Sight anll saves the eyes perfea tly." . .
A. · A. McNEIL, Aucto . Centerville, Ohio
TAX ·NOT.I The December Collection of Taxes will close January 20, 1916. . " , .office Hours to the public- 8 : 00 a. m. to 3 : 3() p. m. Respectfully, .
Frank D. Miller, Treas. Warren·· Co.
Walker; T ransfer C~mp~ny WITH ·O ~ NEW THREE ' TON TRUCK W E CAN TRANS-
at tlte
The Walker Transfer No. 27 {louth ~etr~jt Street BELL PHO I! :!'2R
. 22 \V
FIVE AN'O TEN CENT ~TORE lOe Articles Worth Mpre Curtain Rods . ....... .. . lOe Scrim . per yd ..... .. .......... JOe - ChildreD~, J.adies · Mittens lOe Mens' Gloves, Tipped Fin-
gers . . ....... . •... ," lOc Cream Pitchers. pint and a IOc balf ..••• . ..... . .• • •••• ·1 Ie Fresh lb •••. ,. lOe
Do Wa:VDelmll.. Obio
Poultry Show. January 12 to 16
Poultry Show January 12 't o IG
,::lixty-Eighth Year
POULTRY SHOW Notes Continued-Resume of Program STARTS FINE from Last Week / .
CENTERVillE -' -
FARM ERS' The Poultry Show started off th is ME ET
Whole Number 3352
PettSonal mention
CHURGH MEET' About People Who Ar:e Abroad and Who Come Home'
A co nference of the Men of WiI· mornin" with a good array ot fowls JA NUA ~Y 1-1-15 mlngton Yearl y Meetingwili be held Evening ~eSllon stein is the largeat of dairy breeds exhibited. The chickens began · to. I ul the Orthod (Jx Church herolJanuary The President read a lelter from and ori~inated in Holland They sr:rive early a!ld by nignt the show Go to the Pou ltry how this week . Mrs . Myor Hyman spent Sunday ~8 th . Th e cor. ference will mee t at ex· Gov . Cox elating that owing to trace back to 8oo B. C: Colo~. black WIll start off WIth a fine lot ot fowls. in Cincin nati with relatives. a. m., and will continue both Wm. Thorpe, of Dnyton. was in Owing to a " pi" in thi~ office last !Jar:30 illness he coukl not fill his appoint- to .grl!Y' Gave an Intcrestmg de· Th~ new coops, and the manner ot ternoon and e vening. Tbere will town last week. Mycr Hyman lind daughter, Ber. ment at lbis lime . sC~IPtton ot .met~ud9 of. Holland. showlD¥ the fowlals far beyond any week the re \V ere ~ '\'!eral llrliel es be several speak rs ot reno wn pres · " n ice. were Xenia visitors Sunday. F'ir.t on the pr~gram was the Male dalry~en. i<'irst Importations were show glve~ here. While there are omitted. wlo il" we wa nllo npolOll ir.c ent to address the meeting, and J CllSC J>urton and son IIoward. /' , Quartet 1 tru ental Music Mil n:a ade In P95, but no heavy Importa· not so many fQwls exhibited here as for, especi-.\ ·I,I' Ill' nl!licf' J)f lhe C(!Il- every man in WayneSVille ought to Geo. S. Ually. of Cincinnati was dred Sm'ith .nOue:UClarinet and Plano Llons untll .from 1875 to 1885. The at Dayton , visitor88ay the exhibition tervillt! In:,1J~ 1I 1 ' . w hi~h will be he ld attend and get a\l he can out of this were Cin cillnati visitors lust week. visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr and hl ; 8 M~rks' Heading Mi~ ~rst .A!Derlcan herd bO(lk was es.tab· for good fowls here is far beyond the there Ih is W l'e~ .i:Jll ll ary 14 15 meeting. Ch arI es A mnn. 0f D ny ton . was at· . The progrtll lo C, J' Ihis Insti LuL' is Ed~a K I V· Duet' Missea Hosier !Ished an 1871. The average weIght Dayton show Another handicap i8 Robert L. Kellv, President of Earl · Miss Uzzie Baily is very ill at th e and C8r~;~ 'Miss Oellencoutt. of 181,200 pounds for femKI~ and t ,800 the show in ~1?~irJgfield, which look as toll ows: F , ia \ at 9 ,)'clock stock ham Gullege, J. Edwin Jay, Pre9iden~ t ending Lo business here last week. 'I fN . . I' home or her brother, E. S. Baily. Xenia, favored us wilb a abort talk to 2,000 pounds. for males. They ~everal exhibitors away fr<;lm this show In fron ~ ·,f the hall : ] U:30. of Wi lmington College besides FIo renee W I son, o· ew VIenna, ' . and said in part- mothers' 'circles produce more milk than eny: other show. although several are altra.cted readinlr minul('$. dc.: ad d te~s by A Friends of local prominenre will be Bnd Mrs. A. Stoops. , Hobert Burton left last week for is visiting Mr. which have been organized in Xenia b~eed, but the fat content IS low. here on accollnt of the better prizes E. Brenn eman. IO n Li v~ Sto ck . W". on the program. The Conference Detroit, where he in tends to locate. schools work in connection with VI!(Or and strength are character· Ju<lge Overbolser arrivt'd this men's session, ] ::,0. paper hy Mrs. ' will end in the evening with a ban. Postmi strsss Dora Sliles, of the them. 'The girls are taught cooking ~sttc. Calves are strong !lnd . t~ey morning and will start upon his Bertha McClure: add re~s hy Mrs qu et. Althis banq uet there will be Corwin postoffice, is at hom e qu ite Misses Neva Young and Grace and the boys have carpenter wurk re good breeder.s . In diSPOSitIon, work tomorrow. The admission is Charles Kumle r anll U p'lller b.v l\1 r;\ ~peech es by outside a~ well as local ill. Carman are both at home am:! on the The victrola was introduced to en. they are v~.ry c,loclle ~nd contented only ten cent.!!. but you will · get a George Hartsock. Th is RCd~i () 1I will men: J L. Mendenhall, ~ev. D. H. sick list. courage the 8tudy of mUllic. The Pilper- Chickens,. by~. C. ~om, dollar!,' worth It you go to see the be interspel'sed by mu sic amI read. Pal mer. Rev. A. J . Kestle, Hev. J. Mrs. Earl Conner Rpent sel'eral ings . Ev'e ning EleYsion, 7::l0. addrlr~, F. Cadwallader. Rev. C. T. Grauser days with relatives in L>ayton last 8elll\01 play grounds are fitLed up for 1I~80? Our domestic chlcke~ IS a line dldplay there. Are you on the list (or McCall' s The Fa:mer and Hi s BU lili. by J. O. J . E. Janney and E. R. Purdy, of week. all kinds of games and sports. Ex Jlre-=t descendent ~rom the Jun¥le .--••- - Magazine? Get it in connection wi th Cartwright; address by 1 ev . J . A , penaea are . met to a Illrae extent by fowl o~ S.0uthern ASia. Three decld· t he Miami Gazette, only U.35 per Wilm ington, who will have the main Henderson; the mu sic wil l be given addres.q al the banquet. Mrs. Walter McClure and Mrs . year. entertajnments and work in which edly distinct cla88e8 of breeds have by David's Chu rch Choir. Mrs. the children can help The schools been developed - the game, the egg R. G. Cross wt're Dayton visitors ...- - Mable Kelly will also have a cuuple Monday, should be lhe IOcial centers in each producer. and the flesh p!,o~ucer, Mrs A. B. Chandler returned of readings at th is s ·ssiull. community. In these parent· circles All AmerlC!an breeds have orljpnated home from New Vienna last week Saturday morning at 9:80 Walter If you do not know the fine points then left for a visit with relatives in there should be perfect harmony . from thecrosslnlC of th~ three c1~. Woods will make un oddre~s on of a chicken, go to lhe Poultry Show Blanchester. M.uslc, Frank Carmt!n and Mrs He. described the hfle breedtng " Taxalion;" a papel' by J ohn Kauff . and hear about them. Kelly; Music, Male Quartet; Readin&" WblCh b81 !>oon practicet1 to perfect man and the " ounty Al{enl' s Mrs. Kelly, Music, Miss Eleanor the American bret:ds. ~o ~Intcd Mr, and Mrs. ehas , Kibler and Work," by A. E Brenneman. The re Earnhart. ::long Quarret. o.ut the mistake made In bUilding Mr. nnd Mrs. W. N. Sears and daughter, Lizzie, ot' Oregonia, were , , ttght hou8e8 for poultry, and favored The annual meeting of the Board will be reading!! and ml.l sic lit this family were guests of relatives in the J.{uests of MI'. and Mrs. Guy Kib· Saturday Morning, 10:00 a. m. the open tront house to give plenty ot Agriculture will be held in Col session. Saturday aflernoon .1. Ma Miamisburg last Thursday, ler, Tuesday. First on the prollram was a song ot freh air. Bel.ieves . breeders umbu8. January ~8,.ilt the Chamber son Pru gh will read a paper and Rev. The election held yesterday for the by the Janney sisters abould. show produetlOn by figures, ot Commerce BUlldtng. Gov. F . B. R. C. Moon will make an add rcss. The social to be given at the home Mr. and Mrs. James Frame and issuance.of banda to build a new in- family. ot North Dakota, are the of Mrs. L. A . Zimmerman Thursday • Paper-.' Hiator 'of Shorthorn the same as with cattle and bogs, by Willis, John Begg, F. D. Coburn and The Moon family will sing. fi rm ary, was ca rried by possibly a Cattle," by P. D. tlagett. Orillinal 1l8Ina:·trap neste and keeping record pean Allred Vivian wi!l be 'the prom · The institute is undpr th(' di rect 'wests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frame. eveninll has been 'postponed on achome of :3horthorn cattle is the of eaCh fowl. Inent speakers of thiS conference. charge of Warren Kevs. as president, lwo to one vote. The vote was c:: xcount of so much sickness. and he will give hi s usual vini to t he tremely light owing, »erhaps to the J . E. Janney and D. L. Crane nor~heast section of Ena'iand. The Afternoon Session [e~~'rfot~gi'r~~\lt!riso~e ~:dm:t'fllJh~ 8r.1.~ions and mllke th In a go. The illclement weather. VoterR gener· were in Dayton Thursday afternoon I. M. Stutsman, superintendent of Collins Brothers have been termed . h d' program is an eltfellen t one and th e ally thought the measure would ca r- attending a meeting of Pastmaslers the Corwin school. was called to his the found ..rs of the Shorthorn br~, Committee on nominations made can oug t to atten . ry and staid away from the polls. institu te oug ht to be well aU nci tl\l, home at Morrow this week on ac· • - • Mr. Cruikshank estal;lliabed a breed tbe followinll report whi.ch wlla The vote in Wayne Township was 89 at St. John's 100;lge. count of the s.lrious illness of his of high grade beef produciDIl Sbort- adopted and the officeMl named were fO llows: Mrs. Howard Lowman, of Buffalo, wife and son. boros . . They wele Bret imwrted to e1eeted for the epsuing year. I'resi· For Against N. Y .• was tho gueat of her sist.er, Amelica in 1791. Shorthorn ReiPa- .d ent, A. C. Tomlin80~i Vice PreeiEast Wayne ... .... .. " 9 27 try was fh ..t to be esl.ablished 81ld dent, Samuel Meredh!ll; Secretary. . West Wayne ..... ..... 11 22 Mrs. Walter Chandler last week. bu t Mario!) Phillips, who has been the W89 called home on account of slck- guest of his brother, W. C. Phillip!, haa now ~ttained to 88 volumee. Lee Earnt)ll1'l; TreBllurer, W. T. Waynesville Corp ..... 44 81 ness. loft for his home In Parker City, 1.' hey hav4,l the lallleat ullder devel Frame; Executive Committee, F1rank . opment of any b~. The.y are the Zell, P. D. Clag~tt, Wilbur Clark, Rev. Walter Edwin Daktn, who bId., Thursday. Mr. Phillipll m.de Totals . . .......... 6( 80 ~eneral purpose cow. Color is red. Eleanor Earnhart ad Mrs. Emmo; h. been in Nashville, Tenn .• tor sevMr. Ethan ClIleman· le.f t Saturday the trip with a horso and bUirlrY. e~l yea~ as the reC!tor of a larg(\ morning for Cincinnati, where he . white, 'roan or red and white. In Bally, England they are lliIed at the dairy Pape&,,-"To What ~tent Might a EpUlCOpahan church, I~ft the first of The High School basketball team spe!lt a day <}r two snd then went. to All th e exhibi tion space has been cow, and are al80 the mciet popular Man Go in Debt in Ifuying a Farm," the year for Canton, MISS., where he their home In Toledo accompamoo went to Centerville Fridayevening· taken tor the bi,,, Indust rial Bxposi. breed in the United State.. by Samuel Meredith. It is hard to will take cbarge of a chur.ch. by his wite and daughtllr . and plared that team. and cam~ tlon th be held in the Ilew Delco S. L, Cartwright, speaking on this Iliv\.! a definite anawer u each must • - • home defeated. It is said the boys building on First street. January "A Buocom. Oreg., paper says: played a tine game but lost when paper, said he could remember dis face his own proposition. The an14.. 22 and more than 100.000 people pom to Mr. and Mrs. Hany Par~. poiuts counted the most. tinctly when the Shorthorn ' waa tbl' 8wer depends so mucb on circum M. E. CNUR.CH of the Miami Valley will be able to er. a son." Mr. Parker was a resl· leaclina' breed of cattle In Warren stanCel. Every undertakinll has Sunday School 9: 16 B. m. Preach· witness the largest and most diversi· d~nt ,?f Ohio several yea~ ago, and "The proof of the pudding ill in County. been pr~ed bya.dleam. Took fied display ever gathered under one ing 10:30 a . m. In the evening at hIS friends around here WIll be glad the eatinll," cannot be applied to Paper-"Histol'Y of Jersey Cattle/' .81 an example an 8Q ac:re farm at 7 o'clock the second in the series of to hel,\rJrom him. roof in Ohio. • the .poultry exhibited thlsweek In by Harvey Burnet. Tbis per acre Ilnd $1,000 to pay Some of the interesting featu res st.rmons on "Safety First" will be came from the liland of Jeraey, and down. with $7,000 indebtedness and Mary Ella Montgomery, daughter Rogers' Hall, because the chickens At the home of Mr. James McClure. that will be on exhibition at this .were first imported to &bis country interest.420 per annum. He should of Abraham and. Amanda. Mont· of the show will be the machine ry preached. Subject of sermon: "My Life WorkWhat Shalllt Be? Bear exhibit on the second fl oor. where of near Bellbrook, Saturday, several show are not for eating- they cost 10 1834. First herd book. was estab sell $1,200 worth each year trom ,(omery w!l9 born In Frankhn coun · residents were invited to an anni. too much for that. liahed In' 18i«J. Harrison Stephens. thts farm. After paying interest, ty, VlrglDla,. ~ovember 14, 1~ everything fr.om thc making of pins this sermon. Special music. . January 12th. Wednesday evening, versary dinner. Those who attend· of near Montrl!8l, Canada, waa the should pay $5oo on principII and Departed thIS hfe January 4, 1916. to immenllC cranes will be shown . to prayer· meeting night. will be go The seventh floor will be the electri · Ild wel'e Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc· Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards leading breeder io America, and In still have a margin for ranning ex: aged 49 'years, 1 month, 2O ·d!l~s. '68. btou~ht over Ii large importation penses. Each year int.-t decreases At the age of 19, abe was umted to cal di3play. AlrnoRt everything that All members are urged to be present Clure and family , Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mr. Herbort . Edwards lett Sun· Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor. H . Dinwiddie and family and Mr. day evening for Milwaukee, where Gray, dun &I,d .fawn are prevailing and he gains in experience In from Walter Bernard In th.e h~ly bonds is being used in the mechanical and Mrs;-Frank Zell. "'- - they wlll attend a meeting of the colora, with fawn 81 lavortt,e. nine to eleven y.ears, he ehould pa,v of matrimony. To thiS Umon were world will be shown in this exhibit, All visitors on arriving at the First American Jerseys are aecond to'non~ out. Tbe above ft.curea do not in. bo~ two 80ns and our daugbter!, ST MAR. V'S CH UR.CH . shoe company'they represent. After Sec d· ' S d fte E ' h Amoni' those reported sick since a we~k there they will go to their in butter pr.xiuct.ion. They bal/e elude poultry and butter. Most Wilham, Frederick, Merle. Ada, street entrance. will be taken direct r h PIIPta9nY30' /last week are: F. W. Hathaway, home in Denver, Col; to the seventh floor, and guided from J on 16th nS " Yd a Se . . been called thel'ich man'. , pet, but failures are due to extrav.gftJlce, Lola and Effie. anuary .' un ay 00 a : Mahlon Ridge, Mrs D. L. Crane, . She w~ a. kind and loytng mother booth to booth downward, until they pro:Juce more butter fat at less careleesneln and lack of work. II. m, : Mor~l1Ig . Praver and sermon Mrs . Louisa Wooll ey, J. O. Cart. The regular meetinjf of the W. C. cost tban any olher breed. The Relieves tbat.on an 80 acre farm, a alwayl . WIlling to sacrifice. herself they have been pillced in position to at.10:30. I was g!ad wh.ep they wl'ight. Those reported better are T. U. will be held on Wednesday averaee yield of the Jeriey 18 18 young man and bis wife can payout for the good of ~er family,. ~he see everything displayed . pounds~r week or 716 JlPunds a It they have' ~ealth and each works to w~ a grand Christ1a!1 woman, hVlng 'Each day of the period will be said unto me, we "Will go mto the .1. H. Coleman, Ru ssell .Bentley, afternoon. January 19, at the home . Mrs. Matilda Hosier aDd daughter, of Mrs , George J. Smit h The topic year. The average of milk produc· the other's Interests. It would be it rn bet every , day life. The orne designated a special (jay with su it· house of the Lord . Miss Ethel. JOB. Evana, U . M. White, for the afNrnoon will be. "Sabbath • -'-tion Is 10,026 pounds per year. ' bis advice to buy land at actual will be very lonellf. ~. ahe ~~s al · able attractiollli for all. Daily on Mrs. W. H. Allen. Mrs. Edith Har· Observance ." A full attendance ia Paper-"Hiatory of Holstein Cat: value and on an investmen\ of 18,000. ~ay. led a very active lafe minister· each floor, motion pictures will be desired . Everybody welcome. ri B, Mrs'. Laura Mosher. tie," by Lee Eamhart. The Bol. One can be reasonably flBfe to go in 109 to oth~ra. .The. w!'rld is better shown and demonstration lectures conducted to furth ~r amplify pro· . debt, $6,000. · Itor her haVing hved In It . ..' Paper-Preparednees Elias Ogles. Then to the ber~ved husband and CePses employed in the making of bee. Prepart'dne88 as recommended the ~otherl088 children we wC;JUld the articles displayed . The entire expoRition is'under one : ,W by the President will make many say Look up, mother has gal.ned 'Ihere is a mother· hen and six definite changes in our government. a heavenly bome, . where you can go roof. The price of admillSion, on ly cents. admits to very thing in the Rhode Island Red Chickens, half . My Aim-Y.o ur Trade Nations like individuals mUflt ' ha\18 toher by.f!,lIo~lng her grand ex· ten building. There are no side shows, grown, and R Dominique, also a laws to govern and protect and must ample of ItVtnir, Black Langshang, which bother us a 'no detraction . ==== ============-Ihave some means of enforcing its. CARD OF THANKS great deal. 'fhey are here b1 dayQUALITY-'Above the Standard law8. Prepartnir for war does not We desire to express our thanks light every morning and bave been . . Imply that war must necessarily to our neighbol'll and friends for the lfhe rains of the last few days hus far four months and we will give the I.8ERVICI!4-That can't be beat . tollo~. Japan and Gennany have kindness and sympathy ehown us caused the river to ove rflow and the owner this week to take of , furiusht'd the world an exan:aple ot durlnar the iilness and death of our bottllmB are covered with water. 1t them, and if PRICES-To plean all. preparedness. We bave millions of beloved wife and mother. We es. il thought, however, that jt will bother with . dollars. worth . of 'property 0!l !'ur peclally wish to thank ,Rev. Collinll, hardly raIse high enough to come them ourselves. C08l~ Ime and It would ~ crlm.rnal tor hia service so efficiently rendered, over the avenue. -=---.... - ...- - .GEO. J WATERHOUSE neghgen.ce on our part if we tall to and to all tor the beautiful floral de· • ' .. ' protect It. Does no~ beli"ve that aigns. . dhone u:.2Y. . CorwlD, Ohio. (Continued on palle 4) Mr. Walter Bernard and family.
breeo noo
' 'ERY
MYfR HYMAN'S Januar'v
jsOC[jy-'-EVENTS -j ,. - . -- - ~~.
Sale .o f
v al ",able · Property l
" .T his fann, consisting of .112 ,*,cres, two mi1~s north of CentC'.fville. and known as ·the-James, P~~oe farm, will be offered for·sale on
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Coleman and dauKhter, of Toledo, were enter· tained Tup.suay at thE' home of Mrs. Huldah Burnett, and family; Wednes· day by Mr. and Mrs. F. B , Hender· son and ThursdilY. by Mr. and Mrs J. E. Janney lind family'. Mr. and Mrs, S. L. Cartwright, entertained at dinner December 31, 1915, Mr. and Mrs. Samu el Meredith and daugh ter, Miss Meredith, Mr. and Mrs, Elias Oglesbee. Mr, and Mrs . Joh n O. Cartwright and daullht~rs, Rhea Janet aud Evelyn, and Kizzie Merlr ltt. A beautiful bo quet was 'pfllslmt,ed to Mrs Cartwright bY one of the guests. Mr.'and MrIIl. R . S, Salisbury, of the Xenia pikc~, entertained at Ii 6 o'clock dinner Saturday eveninir the following gu~ts: Mr. , and Mr& . Fled GOIIS, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Gonsand family, Mr. and Mrs. Davis Furnas, Mr. and Mrs Ronald Hawke, Mr and Mrs. 'Leon Salisbury Mr the Misses and Mrs . ·W. E. Louisa' Stokes Alma Mary Salisbur'.r and Messrs. Lemmon and aarvey Rye.
The Waynesville Grange will have its regular installation Saturday evening at their ball. After the work of the evening Is over there will be an oyster supper. All grang· ers are requested to ~ there and ' enjoy the e~ening.
.- --...
IS HAVING SUCCESS In a letter from Dr. W. E. Ogles· bee, of Cleveland, he says that he is pro8pering and having lots of work to do. The Ogle,bee's are domiciled in a handsome three·story buildinR': which ' ia used tor a hospital, ana which will soon be their own prop· erty.
. . .-
, MASONIC ' NOTICE ~RegUlar .comniunlcatlon of Waynesville ' Lodll'e No. 163 F . & A. M., Tuesday evening, January 18, 1916, at 7 o'clock. sojournlnll brethren and ,vialtors are wt!Jlcome. . D. L, Crane, W. M. L.Ii.. Zlmmennan, Sec'y.
For fnrther infonnatlon, call o~ or address
MYER HYMAN The . Store 'That S~veaVou Money
--_...., Waynesville. O.
Outrltter for the
Whole Famlly.-
..................................................... WE HAVE JUST .COMPLETE!) ,
The most Modem arid Sanitary Creamery in the State and will pay highest market price for sonnd, clean sour cream . . We are always prompt to recognize any advance in the market, and will .take care of your illteres~s at all titnes . . Checks mailed: daily or weekly as desired to cover all shipments. REP'ERENOIE Flnt ,National Bank Pead 8t_t llarlcet Sank Any Rellab" Merchant In ClaclDnatl.
The ANDREW ROHAN CO. Cincinnati. Ohio
~IJALL?frIDr ~GIOlKi[' DANDOLJ)U <lIE5lIlL i LILliAN cnrSTER rT SllllusTRATeD 0/: I
m'ound from undor th nUro Tallro(ltl hueln 8S ot til , lnlted StntC's! Th Ir ~ took s bn\' e d na t' d an IlIUHC8I1t() t,( billions at dollar. and the slumll IR Il'rmanent! He baa bankrupt d n hORI of DI n, rIfted tbe pookels ot a mIllion - lIOor In v 8tora; he bas demo ra\lz tl tile enUre lransporlatlon commerco at th e nlted Slates; Ilnd ho ga vo no ono the abow of Il rut In a trap!" , "Isn't tbat busIness? " a sked Oall tll O red 8pols beginning 10 come Into her cheeklj. "Not quite !" snapped b e r ncle Jim. • "FIction has made tba l the unh'orsnl • Ideo.. but tbere are d ec nt mon In buel· ness. Tho majority or tbem are. even sw r , Years or 1)CralBtent expeTle.nce In railroading. Most roa da are organ. ho.d laugb t blm to follow tbe IIno, ot Iz d and conduc ted tor the 80le pur. CHAPTER XXI, lea8t r esistance. "There has been a pose at carrying freight aDd pa sse n. , panIc all 'change. Railroads nre going gera at a proHt tor lho slockhoiders, IAIII~n'. Private and p;artlcular Oevll . to smash a ll u p and down the 11ne. AI· noll 6pec taculo.r stock l obb ing doals , The tree and eotlrely uncurbed en· )Ilion's new A.·P. rondo It's the s tu are the exccllUon mther tban th e joYed an unusual treaL It bad a 8en· plmcy of the cen tury. AII180n bSI! rule." , .tl011 wbleb did not n eed to. be s up· broll j\ht Inlo tho rnllroad game the "Has Mr. Allison been nlor nllralr :JOrted by a bectlo Imagination or B. snm o rough .sbod met hod s he us d In tban albe rs wbo bave mlld o big can . Bolldatlons?" demanded 01111, again ,lIIrtd YOoahulary. Vedd er court had \ h Is trnctlo n manipulations." I,"n cOndemned for tbe uso at the "FIns you r com pany beon hur t, Jim 7" awaro of the severel)' IllQ ulrlng eye of IlInnlo\1lal Transportation companyl A osked his wife . fully prepar'ed for the Aunt l-J elen. "RoUen I" r 1)lIecl her unclo. with no laew elabt-track, dOUble-deck tu be WBS , \\'orst, nnd making up her mi nd to Ito be constructed througb Crescent bear up brnvely under It. em pbasls In wblch thero WIIS much of , "Nflt yot ." replied So rgc llt, (lnd he personal feeling. " He bOB takon tricky IIallUld to the mainland I I Grand cllmax! ThrQl.I&b tbl8 lube l pas8ed his han.d over his brow. H.e advnnlage ot ev ery un prolecled loop. 4 Into Vedder court, at the plat. was already maklhg a trern elLuo us et· hal o. He woo trom tho Inland PllcHla, of the aurrace snd L and sub- fort to brace himself tor tomorrow's at tbe mere cost of Irn ckag • a pos. " . , cal'll. were to come Ibe pss8enger ordeal. "I escaped today by an accl· 8age wblrh tbe loland buill lbrougb at the new Atlantlc·Pacl6c rall· 1 denl. Dy somo mlstako th e Towanda the mountalns by brilliant engineerIn g a line three bundred miles short. , Vall ey WaH men tlonod nB belonging to and at an a lmost countless cost." er than IID7 now strelcblng between th e ne w A.·P. corn bl nl\tlon. Of course " Iso't thnt accounte d cl c\'cr?'~ ask ed wa, and the Golden Oatel Any didn't correcllt, but tomorrow tbey'U Oall. er ot the dally preas. of whom kn ow.'" "So Is the work at a coutldence mnu there are sevoral, knows precisely \ " Mr. Allison was responsible for that or a wlre.tapperl" ""liS the r eto rt. "Dul ~hat the tree and entirely uncurbed statement." Gatl ser enely Informed her they are, sont to Jail lust t~e samo, did "Ith tIllI bit at slmon·pure Infor· uncle. "He promised he'd take care of The Inlnnd crea ted someth ing, It buil l, HoD. The sllttarlng details began you." with braln8 and mon ey aDd forc e, and the Aret pags, turned on the sec· "Greot gunsl" exploded ber uncl e. sincere commerclill e nterprise. a lin 4, COIIUnued on tho tourtb, Jumpod "W hat did you know Bbout thIs whlcb won It a well.earn ed 8uprcmocy Ter to the seventh. aad finished baok tb lng?" ot the Paclflo trad o. It ""8S entitl ed 10 oq the real eatate ads. It began "A ll ot It," smiled Gall. She had keep it; yet Allison, by making wllh In the mornIng and It continued known that Allison would kee p his It a tricky contract tor Ibe rest rlclrd W late at nLeht, treah details pmng word , bul It gllve her a strange senae use or tbe key to Its supremacy. usos poR each other In mad profusIon, ot rellet lhllt he had don e 80. tbat very ' devIce to destroy It. He hos jalelr Importance limited only by the Her Aunt Helen turn ed to her wIth bankruptod, or will hllve done so, n IteIItrtcUona ot type! 0. commanding eye; bnt 01111 m erely two thousand mile rllllrond . system, wblcb 18 at tremendous comnle rclnl lillrtral Tbe trick by wblch the A.·P. dimpled. aD tlarouch the mountains over tbe "Of courso I couldn·t Bny anythlnp;," value to ,the coutitry. In orde r to use a blall4 PllClllc track I wen t on Gull. "It was all In conO· hundred mil es of Its tracl' IUld remol'c 1D:Itra, extrlll The compulsIon b, dence. Isn' t it glorious. Uncle Jlml" It trom competition! Allis on has cre. "'hleh the Mldconllnent WB8 brought "You wouldn't have thought so If aled nothing. He has ' only seIzed, by ltD oo~plele the big gap In tbe new you'd been down town today," re!pooo· stealtb, what otbers bave crea ted. He !A..P, Iyatem! ed her un cle, trying again to erase 18 not even a commwclal bI8 h~'aymlln. Treme~40us ptral Tbe contracts H e Is a commercial plckpocketl" fnlahtace, lubJect IItrlctly to the Oall had paled by now. ter.tate commerce IIlW, between "Tell me one tblng," sbe demand ed, .p, aDd the cereal trul-C. the metal ''Wouldn't any of the railroad men ,trut. tile ruel truat. the cloth trult, have employed this trick It they bad tapci .u t4e other InlQultous com blna· been shrewd enougb to tbln'k of IU" 1IoDIIln r;eatralnt at IIlvel')'thtngl Wowl "A lot of Ulem." was tbe admiSSion, • •1 Tbat was the hot ODI)! The after an a'wkward pause, "Doe8 tbat ~'p, '!'U the main Item, and within make It morally and ethlcnlly cor. ~eeD aeconds of the appearance on recU" tIa8 _et. at the tremendou8 extra. "You may be prejudiced. Jim ." Inte r. .n17 other' fragile brancblet of a rail· polated Aunt Helen, mo ving closer to 1road Dot duder the immediate prolee· Oall. " It they oro all playing the game 'tIOD1'ot Itlle A..p.. 'IIIas reduced to a tbat WilY. I don't see wby IIfr, Allison Ihrt.... and tta. • toeb began to drop shouldn't receive appilluse tor clever "'lth the' .tekenlniJ plunlll of an un· pia,," ,
C.D,RltODES' ,
~~~ parachutel ~ . s.r.eDt kept
E\ l'r 'body u s L wi " Dr ad a nd Cnkc , the b . la nd m st deli iou ' l1l(ui . T ry LlI III a nd 0 11 will lC
t~ewis' Bakery
Nanette on the rul ... utri.a from the 1i~8t yell on aM etreeta. aD4 '8he read every word. helu41a, the ~derUDell on the miacel· ~ . portrait. of A1II80n · and tho I~ pl·llJ181 which Invariably oc'eurre4 In the middle of tbe most Inter-
'~ .w ~ef '
tj ~u
"W e 1I'0ul,III't se ll hllll \· ~ Ihkr ~ou rt li t hl$ p rl e\" ; so l it' I, ul It tl'UIII lIli III six millio n I\'~H Ih itH h III'I/llnn ll , 0(· fe red, II r1id Ihut uy tI tl ' 1; , LUO, " All Ihreo \\om II lu" I,,'d 11 11 ti l him In broalhh..as lilt res t. "Ho had lh ~ clly (ulltklllll V(' ude r courl," w"lIl on ti u r~' lit. ' If ho lIall cll lld~ m tt cd It OU II'II;" l fur til e' ~I \ IIk l· 11111 Trat1 SlJOl'tl1t loll UIII I,uIlY. 110 \V"uld hQ\·c h",,1 t o I,ll) II "II'HII th " IlftHl UIiL ot bls I)r! ~ lnul OI,t'I' , hu t h l~ II" " prl· vnte Ilud lJurllculal' lkvl l 10111 til Illea 11110 his hCl\d Ih,ll Ih" V,·(lticl· l'u\trL t c n c m c nt ~ shoultl hI> t01'1I lIto"'" uny· hall', ·[)T Ih e gl10d ur l it' 1'1I hl,"'! ,0 he hnd Ih b ulld l l\ ~" ('lllt Ul' lfttl('U IIral , des tro),llI !; s ix 1I! 11I :"I ' tlll\1u l H' \\ Orlh or \'lIlu e ; t heft he' It n' l Ihe Hl'vlllHI con· dcntll c( l! Tim ('<>rl ll" n Ilrol.a ll ir sot aboul II million dull " ,," (u .. tllill h u· ma nltar lan Job!" A wl,ld fit uf titlllLlng ti tunl d lhem nIl.
~ot 4
I -::!!!."::'!!I~~:I!i.~ !~::~l~n:!: '
NEWS GLEAN0 fROM COURT HOUSE Probate Courl Pr~eedlnl!!I Iu t be m fltter f tho Wll! "f EIIIl M. Oeu lJla n , ,\(.' cPuBdll \VIii is nt!. mitreJ to pr(l l.lul fl. In the UlIl\l,t\T t,1 I h eoF lut o nf Ellu M DOll ml!ll , t! otl,,"o<l ' llIl l UI! Eo UOII0111 n 1< epjlu luto.llluILli l\l ~ tr;\l (lr , Bon d *4000 \Vull \' "11Th!" , ft , J. Irwi n, li nd ,l pllJ'V P'll'kltl ll Ill " vp· 1 010 1-.111. ~ ppr I b r~ Ella ~I. U~D. nl'lO ej,eoted to t,,~C\ !lfi\1 I' he ,9 )1]. ,1 "111"'8 F oll"n Kr , "" gtlludlun v , ,Iobn K r'\!~e' e l· Il l. ' II ,I ~ Of 1'Il,1l e.~ tlLte I tl llprllV d Uls trlbntlon o~ dered, Iu tbe ID tltl<W o f Mitl 8tll~1l of 'Jllrl A . ltr g~ , r:ll oe ll~ (ld , N. L , OeK rlh Is "PPllilitod 11Illlliui~tmtQ r Bond $1(\0(1 (1. \YIJI A. Null , I:llullue l M. ol e anu ;;oll r 'Iuvlwgar lire Il~'· p OI nted UPIJf:I I"o r t<. h th mht l er o f tbe IIst~tO o f BU o' t LYW9U lind lJlllm ~~. I~YII"1n , llIillt)rs , g Ollrdlu, o'!l \l oud Itl i no rea . I to $70('0 . In tllll Dl uU el' ot 1,11 ()~ t '" te o f Llln rn M. C,.n'y , rh.c lu!sd. U,'r r.v \V. Uu:ro,V is HI' P"in[lld I\ d lllinl . t r~L n.r Bll od ~U 2 ,r, OO. ,I. A Run ynu , U. l , . Euillu und M , A . ,l"mewll are Ap. pointed ullprl~isll r~ . 1n t'be mu tl or u f t.h e f'lltn t of Clukl'llxon ,d e , ~a ~ d . .James 1J'lr&8 I s appOint ed U (ItU!QI8t,r~tnr. Bolld $400, CbB r l e~ l:Ii1.IIr, MIl s []nDlII · t a D II Dd Wi lll lllll !:lu,s ti ng are tip p ointed !lPJJ r81 Iiel'~. . Tn the runtter nf the ~nnrdlan!!hi p of Milry EllI ol Grtlgg. mi nor , Wo l t e r R. Fitt is apl} \II tel l. B!l $5UOO. Relll Estate Transfers BlrR,m Terwlillgo r to 'l'boUH\S Binkl ey lo t neu r C zllfl Un le, Jobn A. Hite slUan ond wirE) to Frank llHesm"n tOO Rort'8 in H',mil.
[lflll~211t. W8\'ne~\llIIe
I ~;~~;;~;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~======~=~=~~===~~~~~~~~~ - ru~fr~8nmU ~nwwnslllp P~M; ~ Colnmbo!! Gubon Co " cu rbon ,!lOpa
1'===51'1:1 m'===51' ElI'===51' Ell'====' Ell'===51' EI 1'555::1' ~,===::1' ml'===51' EI
W.·II Hold Their ·Annual Sho W
1 1:1
quest over b ody ot )WtlD!i I:lcovllle Otlronor nnd wltne8ses $9.06: Ohio Orihelrt 00., olllvert pipe 108 6 ; Inquest over body- 01 Wm . H, Gep b~r* , I)oroner lIod wltU QS ll, 110; L. 0, :::!mith ond Bros" typewrltor for Auditor, , \l.GIl; W. C. tJl lmour ex, penses for quurter e r, ding Oeo. 311111'>, $ 3l4, Ill; Valley Telephone 00" ren's Bnd to ll8 for vllrloul\ o ffice8 ,
,ill '36. 7°~R,1 BELl'; ;N-~'T-AR-'H-DNEY
Wed. January 12 Thur., Jan'uary 1·3 Friday January 14 '
Sat. Ja' nuary 15 --1916--
r;'I tool
~ .
For your cold, foryoor oough. f ur
your Ire ve ris b th,oa~ ..n08(l lind h ead. nle ·Dr . J3eWa Pl ne-'1.'nr ,80ney. B'o ney soothos the 'IrritutloD. Pine· Tar onts Ihe phlogUl, tbus r e lieviug oonges tlou. .t'lno 'far olso <lOiS BS1\ n untlse p'io, as 11 result ~eDernl reltof follows: Breatblng b eoollles allsler alld further In/l!\.Olnlatlon is Arrested, In s,ist an. Dr. Dell'li! Pine. Tar. Boney . it I!f Bn id 01 treMmon~ Pricl! 250.
.- .
'Good Idea for Currycomb. An ,Invenlor's currycom b eOD81sts of fl exIble loops or ~ol'rull ted metal tbroug b wblch dlrl plI.SaeB quickly.
At Roger~' Hall, Waynesville, Ohio. ••• •
Or, in f, ct. any kin d Rooli u!:, y
slng"" wait 10
tll n I :Il'l." ~ ' I )!U l'~ ~
11\ ,,~l
hn I'() brcu the
(lr or
\fl'C (1,
Building M nterial
h PH vv In J U1 '~."
" IIa"I' a nI' t.I'CJIIIJI( with Y()\lrcn r ? •. ,. ,II n1ttt;h. "' ntl 1 wouldn't huvc nny if I cou ld gt'l ol·c r the hul>it of t nkill~ th e c l\ gi ll ~ "part my self. J
to use
YOII \\'[lI ll
Lumber Ca ll o n ns Olltl we tlln s up p ly YO II with the
<,\Yho t is a 11 t hll 'heeri ng for?" "ThllL's Il ~j!!n l hnt otrlchody in
best at tlie !Invest
t!l" " .. xl rnom 11110 jll:'t fin ished hie Aftlr· t\i nlll't' .1 ecch."
------ .--
Life's Inequa litie s. Lire hilS I11 lln), IJII' (luullti es. The pic· col o lJlllyer , wllo IlI'V r hilS (UI Id!o mom ... nl. I:: ts tbe su me WUS E'S as the buss d rummor. who 1011(S two·thlrds of lhe
tl ntll.
(On Execution)
\-Va.rren Common P leas ~I~r.h~
Mu lftlrd rWIth"," untl Gr" ~ A. WIUllnl
\ttl .
Houboll 0,
_ ' " SO o. ll ti9G. ", " By vlrl U • r flO un.lor or 81\10. d ul)' lssl1Ct.l f nJIB Nulll Uuurl!. ju 1hc oho\'u tlt u.t.ot1 C8.J6. lLud t.u IllU <lir ' l Ot i . 1 w ilt o trur Wllo. 1)' WilY o f J.HtI)UU nucllo u . nf lhudoor 0 Lltu Court llou50.
111 Lelm uulI . W 41n"\ln Co uut.)', OILlo, OU
.,: is
Perkins' .Garage
o to Cbon oweth'" \:lom e G rll iH I'M lUau \; tint! !:lo me piep. nko. fr e sh hre ud R o~t AU
lun ohe~ ,
mn(l fl
ove ryuIlY. tt'UIl t: '0 , tllIlly lind Igflfl!,
to. clny, Lhe'lollo ... 11l r a t OStn.tc. ln~ w lt. : ;.:: "",11,'1,1.,,1 InlCl'CAL 0 1 Heuben O . ANTED- ' lea nln~ IInlt RRIJlllr· \\' lJ lt nlll ami (l r.ce A. WILhllm III 1110 I'IL" I· H It( Cloa ks Fini~hing ('1I ~el! , it", 1I1ILl rwort h ProperLy: 1-0' No, 1, 1I7)~ IL'(l1 irunL. IlI lhu \'111"110 ul W aYIle6vllle. Ohio , ala. F o r Inf urDll\lion mqnire o f~. Suicl l l)l loS dltun tod In J efrerson S~IUu.re am! K , H[linee, Lytll>, Ohio. jl~ In... T h lrtl.lrooL. "Dill 1II'O IIIJrLY InCflII all 'I'ltlrtl .tree., lite n OIL r . .L Hl_ t OU Ihe NorLh "OIUI$ )lInrul, U)O ,,~ 10 o'dock IL , tI.I. Oil "~I, I
tJt~'r lb(t11
o(,:L.n!8L sLrOO ( o n tho \YUH!. ooiUK ."our th .c(l til e ucn.rt.\f4tun thu IJUlh Hj ~ h street..
1 Il1\V(' 1)) ~ V ,\I in thp R,ve ' Shop 011 N nrl n Mll in Blr e t \\ her ' [ willi • pl cu. c(1 10 see nil my olrl uli l oll1l' rS, I: no wfully equipp d lo do Livery Walk. We will take , you on
A ny R'oad Any Place Any Time .
Snh l IH'Ol lc rty hus be(!u reg ularly takon OU
ext'<'lIt iun 111111 uPl,ru(84lC.1 umler ord ur or ttla
O<IU rl n t( $ UUO . UO) lIS ~ wl,o lo and wil l 1101, tlO 1101(1 l o r loss I,hao L,..o·th lrtlll 01 UPllral8C<l
". Iuo or 1I.feutJn l1l8 tnterest.
'l'tirms-OllJlh. 'W.\L D HON O. G ILMOUU. !:ih e rrrt \\' n rr-eD Couuty , O. Eltzrolh & ~hll' lo • .Auy. . D' lJoc. 15 By U. J . \VOllgoDOr. opu .y.
Ao re ~
n( <lo"d r:r ,,nnd I~ OOtl)Or· etlon ; ;j ~O'1 rt o· W~, fteah In II few d ~l!; 10 R "l(i"tpr tlo ~brop S' llrA Ew(\~: fHW ('xtr'l tine \Vr.btt~ \VYA o(\Oltfl eblck "I\ ~ . Tilad. ~III~ • ma rmllD , WI~Vtle ~ I' lllp, R 4, j26
u ~ II (
:' lI d you will fi nd
our I ri • are nil ri ~ht,
PERKUJ; GARAGE ~ North Muin Street
,- •Warren Commoll P leas Muty O.
old bro w~ hone, [nblKjr. 6 yellr tire r-nnBboiu lind harn,es!! for
"'111",,';"&. II nrtnn ct. at.
U l)od stock farm ot 131 t\Dre!l 8~ oerM of i~ [1,ood bottom Juud A ne ver f 11111 ng s pring of wil ter. I nquire of MInnie J. tltlttertbwBite, Wa¥neevilJ e, 0 ., ' j20
0...., No. lI i la
By vlrt.llo ut un o rder of salo. duly W UI.l ti trom 8altJ Court. . til tho U.I)(H'O stah."Cl caso
or will. t,r ude f or h r.llv Y·lllllrp, W . N. t:lellrl!. WayneSVille, Ohi o,
j26 RESH i.:ow, $75
A. MAFFIT Funeral Dirf'ctor and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohio.
Be.lvy milker, !loti an eXlrn ~ood bnt,t.er cow , " L, Duke, R. 4, P bone 60 .4,Y., Ca ll ans we red prompt!. day Or night j20 Both phones in Office Illlrllt·JSirlpnce. Lon g distance.N O. 14; Ulima \lhone Aores, B ro OUI huu8e Rnd barn , At 1 (, 'Clock p. III . , on 8111<1 II ..)'. t ho foUowwg 1~2r . dC>.Cl'lbed filn! IlIIt " (O, W · WIL: For iotorm"t,ion addr l'~s W ' Ol , Chairs ond one CORch f\lrnished free jO' JHST ' {,HAOT 011 I, ,\J:'ID Mat.tbews, DAyton, Obl o, R R 7, with fun e rals n ear Ceutorville. Re.qt of Rer vicfI Jrunranl:t:ed ,_ - - - -- " subsoribur8 to the MoUu lJ'li M8~flziD e . Send 850 to thl' tJllZflt$ J omoe, ond g et aile of tbe BAT.HA 'VA \' bod magnloe8 on earth, tf
£1n.J l-o 010 ctirt"'Ct.cd 1 will ofTer (o r Kst". lly WbY o t publlc n il ' llo ll, OUI/he tbrm des'gualt..64.1 48 'n :oud 'rracc., near 1:lan'6)1tibur&, \Varreu COtul~l'. Ohio , o n
DR. H.E.
~~~rr~1I f~r~ 'fe!~ iu~6cr.· t?r~~~;~~
~ ~;t~~JJlt~~!i{~:~~~~~:;f.~ ~.~: . rn t::I
Shingles Felt Roofing
(TO HI> pn,(T II'I ' VIII
V~I" ~
\\'e h(l \'c
''''hal ·till I till [0 llC'l]uire 6 flowjll'" "h I., ill IIi V wr ili ng i''' :· '\,~'I1. lil':lL '"r 1111. YOII 't1 betl' l" get a f Ull ll tn i" pl' It."
a II CI' l~oo r or hi unci
I 'a t (' hin ~ l\ w
-- ~ -
I'll 11 ill ' 0\1
Waynesville, O.
'~'I' I t ' l'! '
Are You
II.!V Ul ,=,
.!!..'!!...'!!....""'!!!!_~"2!'"!!!"!_~__----~~~~~ _ ~~_ ~-!'!...!!-!'!-!'!~~~~~~~~~~
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W. H. MAD '
'l' r walll t.o eat any )tli c r kind.
" You b el I'm pr jlldlcjld! " snarl <l Sargent. overcomlll g bls weariness a nti pacing up and down the IIbm ry floo r " H~ came nonr Illn y lng my road thl same trick h e did the hllancl Paclflo, He secured conlrol of the L , & C" because It ba s 11 twenly.yenr contract for passage over tlfty mil es of our leetlQ lIIIlt4)nceS. track. He'd lhrow Lhe r est or our lIn o _ ......,..-- -u._.. true.-aU truel Here w.. the awll.Y like a peanut hull, It he bad not -Intatepln AlUlon'a tremendo.. proJ· promised Gall to Protllc t me J'm an . . aD aocompnllhed fact. Tlle rest ot object or cbarlty I" U W01IId be paduaU, revealed, tram "ObI" It was a scarcely audible cry' ...,. to, 4&)'. u , autted bla needs. and of paln. Aunt Helen ' woved closer. the empire. be had planned 'Would and palled ber band. Gall did nol ~ , 1lDtIJ It. circle touched, and notice the ' action. jDMrIa,ped. aDd broke Into an intricate "Why did he mllke 10U tbat promise, oyer all the land and water When Jim Felt ' That Way He Needed 0011 1" demanded her uncle, turning on rOt Ill, earthl ADd IIhe WILlI to be the • Hot Drink, h er suddenly. wllh a physical motlon ~preul . from bill brow the dllmage whleb had so much like her tather'8 that she was .. ThroUCh all been done to bls nerves. '''rhey wanted slartled. ...wed that qU8IUon. an tue a· '''He wants me to ma~ blm." fal· eW 'left trace. of darkness around tored Oall. IF lumlDoaa e7t11. ' , Aunt Orace sat down b1 the other J.ate,lia the afternoon Jim Bar.ent side at Gall. home. drawn, flICKed, and "IUl "Have you accepted hIm. dear?" sbe ton ~ownsblll $ l ... IIDder hili e7tIL He had a vlo- Vln 1RedAred IIr llartin'. Strength Bsked Dam Yager t o DII vlj fI od .T en nie lleDt laea4aohe. and he looked ten yeara 0 .w , ' , 'l' b~re WBS a lump In Gall's throat. Rolte lot No. IJ ll In Muoilln tv.' At!. ' older. He .altei} IIlo'lllly Into the u· Wapako~eta. Ohlo.~" I .ameal~~~mr:! She could not answerl dillon to Frlloklill, fo l. '11IrarJ' ' where Mra. Barsent and' Mra' l by: oecu.ra':J~r:; t":n~n' s~~ous.wealr. "She'll n ever marry him with my WlIll"m W h C" t ,111 t t) 1:111nullou lJ)anel &lid GaU were dlscusalDs tbe \ :~.fown con~ition. and I could not. coosenU" stormod ber Uncle .J Im. Whellt .,n 4;> "or S in ' j(!/\roreek ,.....--,.-~1'tI at Vedder court. and dropped seem to get anything to do me any good "Nor wIth Mlles'l Tbe fellow 's an un· t ow ns b lp $ 1. liato a cbalr. until 1 took Vinal whicb built me uP\ ' scrupulous scoundrel I He'll made of fl. / ,In lillllt't. rn 'orn lius Graae BaraeDt r&DC a bell Instantly. and my couJh and nervousne~s i~e ~l cruelly tram /lIs toes to his halrl He 0 rn e l8seu G lotI:! in lf rll"tcl fll, £1 l:'WheD JFI telt tbat way. he needed a ~nel and. I car ~!r_8j1.~~nM.U~TIN.' s tOV8 at notblng! He even robbed , Anua 'E. El llthlLwoy t.(j G o rl!l> rlJ1k tint ot alf, ofJrntional remedy for I Market Square ohurch ot slx million Brown 11 9.8i:1 Il or'es \11 ( 'Je llrcree k "What II tile matter?" she alked aU w~~k an:~~~~ and run.down cond1- I dollarsl" to wnsilip, $1 the crease. of worry 1iashlnlf Into tiona of ·men. women and chlldren l ~d Gall's head suddenly went up In brow, · tor chronic coughs. colds llJ\d broncDItia. startled Inquiry. Sbe ""anl1ld still to Commission cu' Proccedin ~s . J E'.Jllnoey, defend Allison; but sbe dreaded wbat Bill" .. II owed-Sam Ol1tl er, hrid ge .
. -.
CnNSTIPATlON AND INDIGESTION "Ililave used C;hliwberlt\lu'8 1eM !ADd m\l-t lillY thrty 'ne l be beat I h"v~ ever nlltld lor c nuMt:lpatloD IiDd indiI8lla\OD. My ",Ire a l,o u.ecl 'hem IDdlltflltlOD aDd tbey did her wrtt81 Eoie~. Kat.ht,
ill"liI".I.I.IIIE!IIIEI••~.I~~~.~I'I."PI~~~l;;~i~"~' N~
O. Ob&alDableay8l7-
Walter Chandler Waynesville,
o. ~
Hou!II! Pbone 11(,
DR, ' J. W. MII,.LER , ••• QENTIST ••• . Waynenlllc. 0
N. Sears
~ --
THE MIAMI GAZET'l'E CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED It). 1 /)<'lI l npJlIi ~n lil)ns , Illlhe'~ll n n" . ~b dl~ dl5CIl~.d port io n of I h" ~3 ( , T IIIl ... is
only one 'I'll<) h' CUte calurrha l deafnell>l. F)li tor and Manager and IlIlll i. hy a ~~J1lslil ulioll ul remedy. ultlrrhnl Dt'll fne5:1 is <"nuaed by an in· fitl mrd .. ndilion of Ihl! mucuu! lining or As Written by Our Corps of Able CorrespondJ ANUARY 12• .19 lti l he Ruslachi,," 'I' ube. When Ihi, lubo i., in fl lllucd yo u ha\"e tI rumbling sound or ents In the Neighborhood illlJ1(!rfcc l llen ring. nlld whe n it is d "sed. Deafness il the: resul t,. . ~--.-...------~. - - -----the inllalll£llion 811 11 be red uced aod thiS lube rest ored to its normal condition. hearing will be des lroyed fo re~cr . . Mlln,. 'ases of d ctl fll~ s$ nrc cau,;cd by catarrh, \ i,lef, is II " inflBlllcd condll ion of the mu· MI ~ Mllr.Y A I!'x.m<l ..r , (If Hp rlnlt t' us sur(rJCC5. Hull 's Cnlarrb Cure ac lS V.. 11 11),. WII ~ l Ull IV,lL k.u ll d gou~t 0 1 lhm the blood on tbe mucous surfaces of Itl the !\!I14ml Mrs. J o hn Wolfe olll1ed t o lhe syslt'tll. MI I\~ L\I\" ~I BOIlUD. ware, t Ridgeway , Ob io, ThursdllV on 110. W e will , ive One Hundred Doll ur. for MIs~ F r tl"olJ~ Wlls un has returol'd ll Y ca!;C o i Cnlnrrbul Deafuss f ha t cnn· It is r ell.d b y tb oll 8an(l a ever ywhe r e. oou nt of tho serious IIlqess ot ber hO' 1l /lfle r" plt'uMuot vlHlt 1I0U. anot siSler, Mrs . W . S , O 'Nelll1. be cured by tfuU's ~a la rrb Curef The B llrveysbu rg F er t ilize r Vo. Ca mden, Oh io Circulars free, All Druxglsts. 7 1k . Mrs. 8arill U 811ney [LOd two In "I til h old its annual mee'lDg f\atl!-J;' Mr I.,u t,hur AIII D ~8 Wil li uble t Il Ii . J, C. ENE Y & CO,. Toledo. O. re.sting ohlldren visitetl Mrs. b' . A. "nil, eleollon of offioon .nd ,,11 other te Bur tso()k '1'lle8d~ y . ~1\ 1t(, Ull tor' biM . lIoh oodlllY. work tlgtl lll II I bU!ll DOIS per'alning 10 \ts manalle Wilmlol! Mun Mr . li nd ' M rll. S.' A , EIlIij ont(lf. m en t.. .l on8tban Morris. of T iffiu. Mrs. W. K Oo)gn u retu r ned h nlll o taltled Mra Mildred Eltglo " ntl Mrs . 011 10, and J. W. K lbl ar , of New tlu ud" J fro lll H i!l~o \Vtly. 0 .. whoro WlIsblu gton , w ill be presen' liS both Vhtls. MlIlldeu \\redne dtlY. , s h e s ilont 1I row dllY" \\' ilb h er m otb . Mrs . Geo. Da vis uud MrM 'iV.1', li r e BtOOK holders. - or Mrs. W B. U 'Nlla l wh u III slok Mr , lA nd Mrs. A. B. Talmage, of J ord all (\ tt p 11 (1 ot W , '. '1'. . ! n $o ere . Bar vey@bu q '1 II nr Oil Y aftornoon, ~ MiHK Lu urott.. Burl"y, uf uellr Mr. William Gllllim enter\aloed Dour iler e, oUondad tbe 'Fllrmer 's M ls 8 lrlj U, I' • , .• by elill DOt ttlk l nstltuto d Morrow, lut 'fhnr llday. Ne w Bur lin!;too. was t h o i uest of Fraok i:le v"D Tuesday. l'bll &Ime Is n ear 8 ~ hllnd when up h or studi lJ., II , t' t h e bol1t1I1Yij (I n h er I'I~ t or . MrH. Ruymollll Wilson r e· tnr. aDd Mrll , Barold ~mlth aDd a oooun t of lilt " ·,, ,0eD U,)'. ·~o o I\ ud Mn. Coooer h !1ve moved '0 q'IUe a nnmber of our oltlzln!! wi ll 'l'he .1 ullior PI ; . 1.1 <\8 wer e ou tor puroha!!e lIutom oblles. It 'e up t o Mr \; ltfl rl os B~ruor was a Dlly ton h e Fred fta r lun pruller'y e agetltlJ to get buey aDd exhlbl' blued by Miss V,l, 1 :ElIill Iltn rti .. y ,vl : tt or tia l urdllY . Mr. Uh8s. E. Ellis wu ln Lebllnon 'b aft ern oon , lilelr salesmllns b ip . 1'I"vl'r,,1 ill (' u r '10ID lIllln il,y btl ve a ll Munday W . r . •l urdlln .. nd fli nt ily 8pont .J olI~ ph W , Davls ls employed by betJ lI ~ lIll'o rl n ~ wi I,h o" ldM Il IIII g'rl PIlC'. M ellB r~. Will -rlAylor IIoDd Ed Jor. WRi ter EIIIR on hl8 dlliry f .. rm . gund" y ot J oh n J ordfll18. Mr. Curl.lnnoll 0 111. 11 UII Hor liol' .111 11 we r ell ue~ ts or Mr . and Mra , T Mr. Dllvis ie aD expert in thh lIoe Mr LoR y ~;lIi 8 oVld e 0 b Uijjn e~~ ~ MoUulon ,m ~bturday UOIUP',III '1I Hl1ll dllY nftor no::lD RDd Mr . E llis IIho nl<1 congrll \ol,,'e t rip to Mlllor8burg , lu!!! wo k. M r~ . t~ uo r l-:e P hil ip" IIna @ .m, MIss F lor e noe Re v,.n WII8 In Leb. b lm self o n soouring his servl oes . Mr, RlId Mrll. Georgo BogliD l' lI . GUilt. toolc dln l\ ~ r wh h b'ra n k lAnon Iu.st \'VtJd neHdlAY. Mr Ed J ordo o, one of c. ur nearby t ertllined Mr. Ber t B<J!;lltu lind MrH S~ll nl \J:V 'd Wl'd Utll;IIIlY · M r~ . e llfJ Htl wke is In the sick oitlztlns. mRde a fi ylng trip to CIIII Uhauooe.v Bu n oell tlu ndny, Mr Wll iter Wildon lind fllmti y lid&t ltls wee k. furnla. g one ' only rorty d.y~ and Altbou lI. h t he -o we lre but fl f ew flt With all·season top In plnce: YOII ba Ye a co~y Now-to countless men and luxurious t o k t)u ' ldu.y dl nn t,. wlt ll Ur vlllo Mr~. F rlink Bevan s pe nt Friday !law nelArly e very t h io g In Bight , end osed cur . Wit h windows nnd We lfllre Leagu e Slltu,r doy eVtluln g OOIJl ptontl , with Mrs Bo w.. rd Grabum. women- t he door swings 9pcn sides rrmoved you h ~ve n louri ng car ... ilh d \lgs fr om t his 1001liHy Ill\ ve b een the progralU WtlS v an" Ilool!. ~rmnncnt top-a t )·pC of grovoing popular· MI'. DLld Mrp. Rlllelg lJ 1.11Igun M iss Be rdll J!' ealy spent Hat urda! gulng . t o market, the price belog to enclosed car luxury- to its it y. Wilh nl1 Mr. 811d Mrll . •Jh !! . (;ny s pent · se~ son tel) removed nnd to ur· SPOil t t il day with W illi " II Com p. Iw d ~und ay with Mrll, Mal'Y bhir bll tt.er maklog it m ore a tt.ra ollve t o Bdu rda,.v with Mr . n.utl Mrll Alh rl varied pleasures and privileges. ifl ~ car lop subs t itll ted , you have ti ll Opell 'on" , ' lIon .• tile fllrmer. 6r .. y n ear DCl,l uB. lou ring ~a r. M rs . Mtl rlh ll .I o ll os alld t.wo 801111. Mrs. EV il V l1lIArB Bpenl Friday The Glvlo Lengu e will gi ve II Q Uite a n u mbe r in 1, h i ~ oommunl. barrier--tbat of costT he last Thu ......ilh t Dis splendid Saxon " Six " -you Roy nntl Uli rl Hpen t F rl d .. y with af te rn oon w ltll ber 1I11'ers here, DAiry Lunob II t .To wn B"II , Sat urday ~y u re v lotim~ of g r ip pe. . ready fo r every ki.lI. of weotber; you is swept away by the coming of nUTe Mra. Ua rfl eld PatBI·son . Mrll. Emma Bllrmal has r eturned night. Janulil Y 15, belllnning lit I) p. re certain of motClnng cemfort in every Mrs . •leunla WI Is()n bnd dllugb ter, bom e after severlll day II vlelt wl'h 10 You are respeotfully r equested t his all-season Saxon "Six" at month of tbe year. "0 be pre lent lind osalll\ In b llvinr 8 Olive were Ketlla SIl .'ppeI S ~atu'l' · Cliff ftawke &nd wife $935. Besides- you ge:t such clllss cnr attmctioDS MANY DON'TKNOW d&y ufl er nuou. Mr. and Mrs. E d. Wright and good \Ime. h will do you good to as thelie ; slx·cyli nde r hillhsP!7d m~tor: ya,cht· Mrs. M.. ry B ill a nd ~Ister, Lydia, duugh\er w ere In W&yoesvllil UD l el. out And lee t he 8t" lea , In addl A lIiu gglsh Ii ve r CIIU 011 n~e II per li ne body; Improved bod, fi nish; "~ht we lgl~ t tlen there will be gl'Ye n lin eoter 'Among enclosed cars of fine q ua lity oalled on A nnt E!!t·her Uomptons S undl\Y . _ Itnd low opera lill/t cost; tw. umt electnc \alnment from the Uivlo Lea g ue SOD .. n B,w fnl lot of m iser,V. "'pAil" t his mark s the record low·price. An d Frlda y .. fOOro ooll . Mr. and Mrs Robert Bhlrden and members. §lnrling and lighlmg systeDl; T imkcn. niles Of d lzzluo"!I, h "udll Oh c" , UOf)"~ipnt,io D it includes the tou ring car top as well and heRrings th ro ughou t c ~ nasI9. rUl ei a scort Bnd b i ll o tJ~ u e~lI , are ~ n r tl Nig n thut, Mr. E Vl\n Boga n s pent Ii pllrt of Berd .. and Lulu Feall" spent Bunda, [IS the detachable all·season t op. more of notewo rthy fealu rc9. . Rosa Burtaook Is studyin g to he II yonr li ver n eeds u elp Took, Dr lut weell with Hlul ey W lAr wrok 'wlth Ed. Shaonoo '(1, uf Wllmlug~o. and fhl1l tl y, of lIl' nr (..obunoll. Ohio. (;hl1l1. E Ellie B.Dd danghtere oompetent dlliry mlln ftt O. 8, U DI. Kin g's N e w l.ife PI li t! HIIII .. eo h O\9 nm! see t he new So llon "Six" wil It all· Come So- fo r but $1 50 more than tlte cos t verllltv a' UoluwbuB. ~b ey h elp looe up th tl whole 8y"teul season lop. R id~ in It . •ompn~ it. You' ll EmlDn ('od Lena w'e re ahcpplnlliD of t he Sa xon " Six" touri ng carF ine for !,lIe 8tom~oh tall Attie dl. Don Harkooll Is taklog a fnl1 p rono~tJce it the best ~a r at anywhe re near W I~yne8\1 l1le IllS' SlAtarday , y ou really get three cars . OllurBe In agrloulture li t the O. tI. g'letlon . P orllieR tbe hlvod n.n<l tIN liS "nee. BAD . Mr. and MIS. Weldon Heller an'l Uolverslty at Uolumbus. olears t h e oornpl.-xi ' u . Only l![jc. at were vlal\lng Clift' Bawke dnut-hoor f785 MrM. _, MtUlhll Wlloox, 60wanda. "Four" Roadster . '395 "Six" Tourlnlr Car Still oar 8unday SJh ool Is on the y our Druggis t . 935 With detachable Coupe top 455 With detachable Llmou81ne top N. Y , w ri tes: " 1 first Ubed Cham. lAnd wife one olav laB' week . Inore6 Je and mllY continue. It 785 berJaln'8 Cough Rem edy a b ou t elgM Delivery Car 395 "Six" Roadeter OllfT Ba .. lle was MhopplDg ID will ... nd quite a 10' more expan. yeare IIg0. At \lla t , Ime I had BarveYBburg on Salurday. 81'1ID. Tbe ex paDl lon IIJ regulated a h a rd OQld and oou ghed m oet of 'be by tbe weather ho' and oold. Be ,Ime. It proved 10 bo jast wha' I wl ~ b UI next Sunday and brlDg the needed It broke up ' lte oold In VALLEY PHONE 55-5 . WAYNESVILLE, OHIO Why the Bad Eye EKape .. wbole family . . a few dllye, t\nd "he OUUKb ent.trely There I" no alibi tor a bad 'eye. Stili, The Township Suuday Bobooloon. dl8l1ppelAred. 1 have told m,my Qf a lot of people never look al blgb u Mr. George ~ ll uw Is visiti&g bls my fr iends of the good I r ecei ved tbe eyes. They stop at tbe diamond ven'lon will be beld &t the Flet through ualng t.h le m edlolne, Ilnd In 'the scarfpln .- Irvln S. Cobb 10 tbe Fork ohurch Bnnd!lY JIlDuary 18. brotb er Mr. J Oh D 8bliw ulld f!lnilly Tr, "nd bf\ DrlllenS, you will be en· Elmer R oy er Ilnd wlte ur e sloK lit all who hllV6 u eed It speak of It In SaturdllY' Evening Pall 'ertllined by 18veral $alllt on tbe t bid writing. the h lg best te rm!!, " OMalna ble Bible by Bible lI~adente . --everywhe re . Wlllillm Lucua was VIsiti ng Lue Mr . and Mr B. Floyd Aader800, of Mor gan lind fumlly tlu ndA.l' , --Xenia. bave purohtuled A new Ford Mr. John ~or ga n wile h ome SutW. J. Benb am, vlive DIDwlddle maohlne much to 'he delight of nrda y 1I0d S unday , nud l lt~le Morrill S herwood are on ( Sourcea of Rlvarl. • To kill ~he n erve palnll of ~OllltiCIL tbolr m&ny friends here and elle. John Lncas li nd Gu y Chenoweth t he 810k lis' suflerlna fr om levere The great majo rity of tbe ftrlll·c!an VUu o, n alwlIYs depend 'OD Sloan', where. were ahopplng In DaJ,ton ~"t ur dtI Y. ooids . riv ers commence from chalnll of moun· I.,lnlment. It peoe'ntH to tbe Belli Several from here IIttended ser· MilS Eva Morphy Wail Ibopplng ~r8 . J lll!a Ch am bite Is vl altln g h er talnB. beooulle BI) rln ga are there m08t (If plAin ftnd brings ellle liB Hoon u It vloel Sunday mornlaga'JonaB Run in Day t on ~ turday. abundant.; perpotuall y fecI by th e m el~. III applied A gre,,~ oowfort $00 Bllptlst oborch oouduote4 by their daugh ter 1IIr8 Cha rll :ll Gordon . T he man y frillnds of Harry Bte· lng ' of the BnOW8 nnd glacle ra. 'They with ~lol\n'l III tblt' DO robbing I, plIs&or, Rev. 8&rgenl. MIBs Cll1ltl DlADg bt,er s B:ld M,r s . phEm ••ave him & oomplet e Burprille ' have almollt Invariably an easterly dl· r equire" . tl1011n'1I LinlmeDt II In Bartaook wer e Wll y nesvllle Ed. Mr. Rober' Andrews, of near Thursday evening. rhe evenlolls recUon th e weBtwllJ'd·bouod streams vllluable for Itopplng. mnlOular or Olive Bfttnob, 'fanslloted buslnell visitors reoimt ly. being f~w In number. and of very sub· nerve pain of any ki nd. Try il a' here I'rldllY. Mrs . Ellsworth Sml tb is vislLing entertainment oon8ls ted of gamps of 'Yuious kinde. A Ii ~ ht lunoh was ordinate rank. Of rlverll Oowln« eaat; onoe if yoo .lIuffer ~I 'h Rbeumattem. Our garllge I' all purohaled a truok her mot lle r Mrs. J oh n Levi. 8erved aDd enjoyed by tblr.,. guee&8, we have grand examples In the St. Lumbllgo. tlore ,]·hro.t, Pain 10 Mr . Earl Marlatt wu h om e Sat. . Mr. and Mre, Ed. Brown . "ended Lawreuce. Orinoco. Amazon. Danube. , lheat, tip rains, BrulsB8, eto. n h for lhe oonveulence of hiB maDY urday Ilnd S un da y. the funeral ()f 'ne litt le Bon of Bar Ollnges. Amour. Vangiae-Klanc &lid exoollenS for Neurlligia atld Bead. paIrOD!. Mr. Johll Royer is I,n SprlDgfl tlld ry Brown. of U8ytoo. Il1n week. .obe. 1160. a' aU DrugglBle. There haB been very IIUle Bald Hoang Bo. visiting bl s d,iUght er. conOOrnlDIr our aobools.. It is wU" Mrs . .A . I:! . Cornell and dauRhter, Mr! . Abner DIll visiting In MISR Irmll , oalled on Mr". Lolli Pen. pleallure that the writer ' can lIay that " has been mlny yellrl SIDOO Lytle, new U, of Bellbrook, SaDclay &ft er. We will meet all competition in .price and quantity. our BOboo\ balJ been conducted In MlslI Eat·bor Ry e hllll b een visit Ing n oon. linch tro way aa '0 cau8e no dl.~'ltle. h er grand m li Mre. 'l'lUlotby Ma rl litt,. T he IIUle daugh ter of D. A., Ap. CALL OR SEE fflotlon among tbe scholars, pare uti Mr. Wal&er Benard was vllliting pIe, n&llr Man or, wbo bns bien q nUe .!Ind t!lacber.. Mr. Ulrector, you In Dayton. P~RRY WADE, Home Phone 934, alok with 1I0ulet fever II Blowly im• bad bett-er get busy tf yoo thInk . OR Billy Stiles nn(l wlife I1n,1 (leorg e provlog under the oare of Ur. SIll.. you can hire tour teaobers that will Pl ank an(l wife were r eoen t visitor s Kl e. (i. T. CROSS, Vailey Phone ~68, LEBANON, do ,beir work beUer aDd IUU thl! of Mrs ,J oh n Sllliw a nd fa mily . rd r and Mra. Wm DInwiddie BDd people bet ter ' than th.. preBeot litt le daullhtllr, 01lv6, epeot 8!ltur. M.r. FrllD k Uur t8001t is r end v fo r ~eaober., they are all friend!!. bave dllY with James >l1oClure, of Bell. good order, 'he soholars obey the ~ buyer for his tobaoco. ' I,rook . -~ ----' allohera and tile teaohers ' are k lnc\ Mra. F. E. Barteook weni to Ilud bea~ ~he respeot of all i 8uoh Dtly ton to Belt ber mo,her. Mn. ' eaohert are In demllnd &nd mllY b e Aaron Bean, who hall been sulIer. Blrd'i life of Value. employed before ion oan realize It. Veterinary InvestIgation In Ocr mo ny hns sbo'\\'n In g wi t h Bola t lo rheumllt ism . . It hil.I been uld thaS we blld tbe Wall wars' lu the oouuty, but I\, tbllt th e partri dge cUs th e Beeds of 'l'he "Progrellllive Llt,erary" will C.hln UniVenJ 'v and many noxious weeds and Ineoct B d&- be held at the Elltott 1I0booi bonle, the ~ue8t of Btructlvo to pl ant lifo. tbererore d&- Friday eVeDlng; Jllnullry 14, 11iUI. Sunda.y. 'he oredU IB due to tbe telobere. /tvar,. oue Invited. William Lukenl '1,, ' attending lerves protecllorr. Re~. and Mre. Harn Harbaugh, Office at residence F. B Shere - - -.... '- - sohool In Colombus, 8uOO8lla . to wood's house. Fourth Street. The Ferry Snnda.y tIohool WaR well of Bornlng, 0 ' 1 are ",Isltlng reJa. you, William, we know yoa' are en· • uttended 8unday, elghty-cleht bll- Uvea here. tttltid to IS and will Ie' ... Telephone 28 lu g eorolled. Prof, ErDeat SoIRfred bas retarDed M_rB. B: L and Ill. B Dakin til Uolnmbul a fter a two week'i Y.m cllnno't ule , " n ythlng better Mrs. JIl •. MulleD received a ollrd I I b bl tI Wayne.ville. IraDf.o..ed bUllne811 In Lebllnon on • Ohio I paren . for your ohlld's oough ond oold 'han trom Mr, and l1re. <-b.... &ar• • Itat. vi., w t ~ednelday of 188' week. Mr •. Ed Foz, of IIlamI8bUrr,llIl1ll,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr. King's New DI! covery. It III 11I e: they were enjoylnK the balmy MI .. Lul& Miller vlal&ed ber IIllter, prepllrlSd from Pine 'l'.. r mi xed with breezes of Florida. The ohllly winds a' lhe home of her parenle. Mr. alld r Mn. WU80D, of Ihdleooville lat!' bABllng IlDd 8 00 ~hlnK balSllmB It .. orl d illmal daYB mllke one wish they Mr• • J. E, RobiDIlOn. . w~k . Mn. Tom Hurat 8Pf'nt 6aturday does not oontain !loyt,hing bBrmful were wUb Mr. and KrI! ~ ~ellrs. 8A~NHART. Protrao'ed meeting Is In progre88 ~nd III I lIghtly' loxati,,·e. jus t enoug b Mr. Jno. Tewell, wife and two wl'h friendlJ and reln tlves at' Funk_ at 'be ' A.. M. E , ohuroh under the tl,expel tbe p olwon&fr ,oru t bellYllteru. ohlldren, Hen Bford nnd LIlII~n, ala a lin. Notary · PubliC .' . oharge of tbelr mlll.lsl,n, Bev. Max. Dr. Klnl! '8 New DlsoovolY'ls anti. Mr, "od Atrl! . Thoma8 'rarDar llpen' Clara Nelble lI~ent MondllY wl~h well. , aeptlo-Itills 'bo cold ,gorme-ralees I:III~urday evening with the Har'. ·Yr. aDd I4r•• UbarJee Early lind All kinds of Notar,. Work:. Willi The III.ml Valley Pouhry Bho~ the phlegln-Ioosens It ho oODgh aud llooKfamlly. family,. .nd Deeds a I:!peOlal~.· held 'hlB week In Wayneavllle be 800tlles tbo IrritaHolo . Don 't put MI88 Edna Kelsey aner a . 'wo l'rof. Greene sLepebn ' tbe "eek.end Cou~:h8 aDd t)oldl aln~IDIr January 12'b, Wil.l well at- uff trQB\ment weskl visit wiSb ' her ~pareDk ra. w"h frlendl a' IInon. 'eDded by tlie ol&lZODIJ tn 'hie Vi. 0 , teo lelld '0 serluus lung trouble •. 'nrned to b,er work:. Will Bormell, of Day'oD, Bpen.I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'!!!! I~ IIi aleo good for IIduHB aud the the week.end wUh home folks ' a8ed. Ge t 1\ bottle 'oday . All Barry Cornell'. an'ertaiD~d InD. Mr. dam MoGee hal aOOlp&ed a day "fCernoon. Word baB been r80elveci here of p08liloll wl'h the Jonel Bardware Oruggl.,!!. 'be Berlous iIIne.. of Mr. ,and Mn, Go, of Rlohmond. Ind ~ Mr . and Mra. Tim Bllrton anll Jobn Simmers aBhe home of their , ' .' family oallad 011 'be Tewell f.mll, Bon, Dear Gr"nville. At 'bl. writing all flf 'he 1,l ok 10 8nuday. 'hll ~Iotnlty are maoh Imprond. Mist! Evanl speD' the week.end We have the exclusive soiling.rights for tble great laxative. --_ Mr. Le1V1e aalne" ot CoJumbu., another township He III . able to ~Sb her pateD'1 at Leba.non. Auto 'Llyery Serylce 'a t work and II no t afrai· i t of w ork i he Trl ~1 slze, .tO 'cnts. who Ie dolD' ml ••lonary work 10 Gan lie d()wn IIl1d slell p by It. 'l'bere Mr. and IIr/il . Elmor Shee's, of Rea.onable Ra~e. 01&;, Wft' oalllld here on &COouni J.E..JANNEY Aliddltttown IIP110" 'he weei..end .: .' ao,l01ll 11111111. of his II,ter III no eXOD"e for suoll p eople In' thll THE REXALL STORE llAnd of plen ty. ' "I'h W . Sbeek and family, Atrl, Mand Campbell , "LasS Deoomber 1 had. ver, 88Allo Apllt for K.ti,<8priDsfte1d Meller\!. Fra nk f lllllrls, Frank vere cold aud wu ~ Dearl, down. ArSbur Null, of Dodds, IIpen' 'be ilrl lAura ·fI.rlla IDilr'alned AlItoOlobUe TlJa, . Shldaker aDd A. L . K ennedy II.t· Ilcll In bed, 1 bouabt two bo"l. wMk.end with ilr . ,nd Mra. E. A . , !.MPI a' her home OD tended a ml! ~ tlnK of till;! Masonlo Satlllrd.~y. of Obamblrlabl'. Oouih Remedy Null. Lodge In Dlly'on '£bur("da v .. fier. and" ,w. . oDly &(fery few day. un· , Clluton Gilpin llpenS Sonday wUh Beveral 'rom bere a"enced oourt noon, ttl I w.. ' completeJy reetored to frlenda ,,' Lebanon. I..S week 10 LebanOI1. !'fo donb' lOme were 'bere for InBtrno$lonl, If beaUh,". wrl_ 0 , J . Meaoalf, M ' W Iter BIIlley 0' Loa An VllItey Pbone eo-IX Dot, W.bya6'. Weatberby, ilia. If Joa would 1 rlCaI aW && 'helue'" of Mr ••nd kDOW tba valult of Ual.,. .edy, Ilk aa 81'B of n.....rUl Our nry ....mable . towneblp and one who hal UH4 U. ObHlID. Bin. eDry..,.. . 'rult4!M are bellilr oalled upon "ery able everywbere. • ':" ••- - - fl'fl1aeD'l, for aid, and mOitly men ,bat .realroD,and abl. b work Gained 15 P.ouell Blr Taking bu' fan m.te them..h.1 dealr- Norfolk Va. - "laullfe.red fJ;Om 'ne.... able belp, OOD¥qO!'OUy they lay 'YPusneBB had no appe~lt.e and waa vert Puawal ·Dlrec:tor. GNated HI. Old ""..... . ' WOOleD who pt '"It llUle ear. 4011'11 OD Ule hz payer. I IUPPOIe thin N~thb\g J took SE!6med to help me &bey e n joy abe"'I!!I". ~, ShaS ulltii onedaya friend t01~ me aboutVlnol. rr!a'~~=~t:_~-:I: olle an ltbly') be troabled ,...th havs now taken six Iilottles and have read to hlm • _ ...., wIltc1a WII CIJl oODastpa'lon .nllladl,....o••Dd W1l1 TelepboDe _ 01' DIP'w." WblD we 10' aD Indrm.ry Ipined ftfteen pounds : baye a IIOOd apo _.... dDd Obambel'laID·. Tahl... baIItlIDI pat 5l!e ealtre famlJy to ~tite and can eliot anyt;hin&'. "-'lIA'I'TIII the ne ot bItq..broyllt Valle7~No.' . . . 0 " .At .y..., blDdalal. No' 10 pocl . . . , 1>11. . . . .0. . . . . .. aDd ... tb., e..,. ODII worlrB. an' I)&NN1JtIO, Norfolk, Val ,,~ that wu ptUqed PIftIIl took 01 1 lk _ _ ••tbey wl11 be Ilower to uk for ald. his .hat an4 bowe4, ...4 eo freqaatlJ or four,ml . - " . a deUelOllB Tbe,. do uo, w.n' to work. We bad be occaatoD to tlo thf.a that the ao- verYlIlu:: ==D~to_alloY'llw,••• " .......... ba." em. her. 'u, .....Us . D or thor. ub4 wIW be mllUll. I CODdlttOlll. .... tlDCJUUR ~... l ... wID. ., B ow
O. L.
'!tAN.; .
.With . Detachable
.. -...........
Guzette l~dvert.l8e your I
:=================== HICKORYVlllE
elos~d calf
at toutting calf cost
-- ..
... - ..---
c. T.
omo ' omo
Dr. J.-A. McCoy,
- ...
R ay M 1-IIS
Corwin, Ohio
Painting, Paper aanging, Auto and Carriag~ Paintinge W.&VliIiiSVII.LE,
.. '.
a_. .
u4 .. IlAiD, lie _ ,. ~
.!it II : . . :
. Walter
1 mE ' iEilllI'ElE'iE551'liI E'=:5111:] lEI==;3I1!J~1===51'13 EI==="5
5:31 E
ml~ lI.n n ~ u n',. ~ m'~ n ~t '. ~ I w:~;: ~;, ~1 1-;;l1l; :~'.:\;li:~tl!\~t! f:l~ m· I . . d V" " . t o W e're Going to Rouse L b ~ w."th Ser."es of Wonderful Bar- I I.the Hl
Farmers' Institute
ar hitra\ Ion between nations can h W . 11 . 1Ii ~ I t hll'l a ~(':," ro lit tac k u pon tIS y t. Prl.'par d- ' ur I l: ut e It , dl~ '. I I'll IIlt:1 l \l' '. k 8 ,tiers H UIIlO, :l I,'r ' 1 (lin}!,', u \ " , 'l'r 'n e ~M does n ot bar eith er i nd ivitlu a l T I't!v', r .:. Hayd ,w¥ WR~ ('onfil1(>(\ i1I nes~. 'he only . Url l\"',j h, r hu'! ! . or nl\t ion fr om arbitrating t heir d·f· tlo his h ,lIlJ(' II f~\\' d ill'S laat 'Nt!tlk . ' ban d, Oan H . I III a ("\\' tllll l, thq ~\ aynl'8v~lle Lo Il;e rl . 1.li:! 1", ~ ference~. }le\ieves t hat l he p OW . 1'1 L. S j-J 11I1'l! lrI iH Ilssi ting In a 1M r , t> . 13. J{ehlpr wh, \\'\ "t 11. (' )Il · AM , III ,t III n lJeetnl meeLlng I' rl' of a nation 8 llrmy and n llvy WIll ed, (,f mel" lI lg" .nrlJ l' Ri ~ h mo nd. cerning h I' Jeat! .11 In', j) 11 i (! "II <!~en ll1g ,lQr tltl' . JlU r!lIl~" or In· mu ch to 00 wi th the f\ndi n ll'~ of Miii. Bernic U·awhilllJ is ii, Hieh..,. ~ ' a great pride 'n I Il ,'m' ~' 1111'1 hi'! ,l[l Il.Il~lOn . . lh e r etiri ng ~lIs tel', J . have a cou r~; H hopea to se e t he .dR)I m(ln<1. Incl , t his w\:!ek . '~best PI'tC~ Re minisc n' ,;, a: II t II' ht • I" \'I;\I~y , () . Ga r Wfll.h , 1\ Il'U :18 th InRtall l nll when swords shall be , Leal n l!" tO T!w Illdu e uy 0 , Lee Fitzpatri.It', GJ 10 d a ball fi l '(', hI> , 1\ t l:a l be ('t I(·er ,. unf! nJ . .s. Harl In a s mu r. hal. plowshares and spears tn lO pruning de li v r~u in l h Fr iend 's ' hu rch ~ woul g o withou It [1\" II t·, s\'e une. l Atter lns tal!;i!lon the new offi ce rs hO()~!I . " . . F'riduy vening \V89 OtiC of the most I It is a s uree p i r ,,,ret t,j ~ h,\t p~ t n the u; d egree t o l wo can· lscu!l810n by Mr. . Car t wr ig h t boJlp ful nnd i n~piri ng eve r Iist elle« Mr . AnJurson rlil l I " Ii 'I' Innll: Ihd o.\ , . S.eD es no cau s~ ~Ol' . alarm .at present. to ;n o ur vill oge. enough to wr it a ; ) hi~ n ' lI\lnbc~ I\(! (! . 8S no dan.ger IS In Big ht Wi t h EI~rope E C. Lemur was u s u ff e r e r from os t he last lel t er W(' "\',' r r "("', vt'd ,a t the pomtof ex.haustion . BelieVeR !;rrippe last week we ~hould no t get a lur!"ed b u t kee p Mrs. Sum Cnrbul'k untl children S· W,H oll ly our heads It costs thIS g overnl.n ent were confi nE'd to th tJi r horne wi t h ~ Mrs. Ander;;oll \\'(1 & Ioul'i,~tllIY '1 2~ li year to ~eep one orl vate lg r iPpe Ills t I\' !' k . aiile of h r hu"b:lIId In the 11.1111 Mr . Ram \ 1 il. on ·iR ill with g rippe . soldier and three ~Imes th at amoun t t o'su pport one officer. In t he Civil . Ml's. E. O. .., hidlll((l r lind SlI " War. cemet ery . _ _ _ Rp daIs This Week War , t~e. genernl s ~ho had, t aken Ire rNl have r turried to t heir h orn e in A. A. Hisey . \\'h h.:I hec'l li\'illg ' t and ard G ra ll . mosl mlhtnry t r alTllng , fail ed , whIle Wilm itlg'tbn uI ler n p leasant visit 8 here for the p <t l \'(I) ''' \1 '' . and wl\o , u g·t r a Sack volunteer men s'.1cce~d ed . wit h r(,11I1 iv('s he re l!J moved to B"II11 ouk /'(,," I II" ,Ij"d , L, < . , We Bh o u l ~ tram 0 !l r bo 'S .for 01 1'11 , Mr <l lu t 1\1r l' J. W H .~ d f)ck ore II El ailing' undayahou t n'·m I· I b...m I F R ' 'C IT I 1~ for a con ~l tlcl l!lol. · I ~" alld I n nc)' 10 0 ee, on)' . . . ilC not for f'o ldlers and I I t he. t l.m ' ev~' r g' U Rt . uf l' -lfll ivl'S In SIJringfield ..... comes when our country IS III P C I·I !. Iltm vn l ij'~ I'I'il'e~ ure in progres.q a t ~ anoth.er :ltrnke 0 ; Ila ; I.'bl~ ~u I tlY :i Pou ud 'nu ll ed'l'or.natoes :Oe it can depend on these men as de· I h ~ M E -ll u rch "'I ' , I. morlllng end ed h iS hf,). r c' IE-aves a fend ers. , ' . J . Cd t '~, c,f \1·ui " n. fn(I., Wl1S daughter , Miss who lJe n I JC5 are "orl ll lIlore uy Rev . J . 1<. C!ldwallud E' r bche~es 'all inl(' on fri end" h,'r!' lust week . that the Ameri can pell ple d esire wo rking i n Dayt n f r some time. the cu r lond . !!!:'. ._ t:" ]Jure-B uckw lteat 1 ~ l o llr lO· lb ollie. , peace. The re is no n ~c {'~, ity fur the ~~_ _-"!~ ~ Mrs . Ruth Chew, an dd"d wom'ln scnre of preparedness Th e peace and a resid ent of H ll n·[' ~·.ll\l 1')7,. d l. 511 r ound l ard 'ans oll ly ~ ',e betwee n F rance and U ~ rll1 any for 45 year!!, was an arrn eo peace . We . FloriuuO ra;:ges, dOZ'- li P . . wan t un amiable neace , fu II of good fu ne ral was held .: I ~ 1f, ·Ju·ng 1'r.. 111 • feel ing and love one fo r a no ther the Fricn ci~ chu r.:h . tllterl l..;nL \ il l lysl ers , Cele ry , P ick les , E dgcUelieves an inte rn a t i ,nn l court to I will (l fI'~ r a t publi : ""I. a t my seltle international oI ifli culti es wi ll r cs idcn c~ . 'I mil .i (Ill II! ·r WaYhes: 8m ' Lemons r,o l·th of O l'c g'oni a , eve nlually be the ' m od e o f set.tli ng ville . I\ml 2 d imc ul ties belween na tions. on t h Frunh 1::lbull farm , (I II II . . . "Jack " Co llin.. . a ft er 1\ lo ng lind _ _. _ Miss An no Me red it h lhinlls the . seriou8 iIl ne!\!! di vtl T ll. '~d n)l monling Dates, F igs, Ra isins, Curra nts lim e I as not come wh en we can r ely Fri drlY, J an ua ry I"' , 11) 16,. al about 1 o'c lur ,,, r. Colltn,; ha d upo n a rbit ration. We shou ld not B I!~i n llill~ a t to o' cl ock,lhe f 1I0w· r.:ti 1'='1 ir:tl Ir:'Ii 11;'1 ir:ti III ir:tl I~ f I .... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... • • .1,;1. l!J been in f uiling healt h or th e TJ t E very t h ing good fo cat at fl aunt our j ew els in the ·face of ()\ ht'r i ng orop" r ty : 8 horde.;;, 3 e IW9 lind ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;;;;-;;:;;~;;-;;.-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;; - two yea r~ , U II t II I m Oil t h II R' 0 • ' It en nations nnd then l"nve t he m Ul1lJro· Il (u llli llc of farming im pternenl s, h e was taken 5" 1 iO ll"ly ill. Th' f u · tect d. Ha rry 8 . J.:arn hart. Wm . Frameobj c led to Mr Og le~· 0. T H wk • Auel yo~ ~~ I;ol;30 i~tUtll~elt~:~~r'dIlY mo r ning be's idea tha L,it WIH! beca use o f Uti 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ prepa redness on t he part of t he 'Boers, t hat l hey were I<ubj ugat d No. 2220 I at her it WRS Ill'epa rt'd ne 9 (I n
m gaina
" 0 ur urlDg
anon a n
eI"" altan C \. I S a ~ .
~~ ~~lf\~~~u:~a~l~ht~I;~mh\l
S Fred Company
Bring us your Sale Bills. We will print them for
_ _ _ __
$1 50
I~ ~vte!ht~~!~r~~fl 7tIl~:"~~,'i;~r ::I\~n'~~I~~ benJade il~ringfic"I~~I"tel' .
WA lrr '.
I ~C
f;nglanJ 's pllrt that made h 'C da re lo do as s.he did
A. C. Tomlin on said np amount 0 f th e ,o mJl tio n of the Waynes· ville Na t iunal Batik, a t Wllynes , of preparedness which the Boel'i1 ville in t he Sta te of Ohio, t the ' could have shown, would altered resul ts f or th em , . cl (ls~ of business, Oec. 31, ]915.
Rev. Gra user sahl wa r
from an economic •. " ndpuill l.
III> SO IICES. Lo,lI lS ~ lI d tHR"OlI Dt8 &2 "' '', 3 ' !) , OJ
'r0l . 1 10 11118 •. . . . • . .• .•• • g ive l he fluwe r of ,he 18 n:1 t o u) ~C.I~~~.I:::~:,~:I.irclil"·1 i,;,i s hot down was · unLI,jlJ llable. Did (pur v. luo) ... .. . 6U. OII O 110 not wont to see the V i U'lg wom en 'fO WlI . S. OOUl ls • • • , .• .' . of t his country placed ill I ' 1'~ poaiti l.J tI m hor l"'ilol . LO ~OC U'O j" UlII. I Snv· lUllS .. ... .. . . . . . . . 0.000. 00 of t hose of gnglund . \,I. h, were an· .,UiClJlil1l nnd spenrlt'", I'hlltgHI as v i~ed t!' marry l he dea f, he bIlrld ."IlkI Nk l hlr ~I.' r n1IJer to r 11111s I'") u hl" ( "',d~' und ori p pl ~ . Our sch 01 p i ee too 01 u.~~l\hl "'fl •. .. • N. OIIII. I'O much st resa u p In m il ital y feats um,! S lUI' III ~~o)lli (U' l b n U.S, OOu,l. (UOL h,eh"I II'tr .1"d'~l ,n" " [~ U S fire the youthful imagin ation un¥1~~~1: o'u",ix, ' mK:ulr~ ~i~~ (!·l~.G with the glory o f war in tead ! o l h"r l lill n Fo<lurlll 1(0 ' teaching t hat t he ltreat m en arc S """k. sun 'u Hfink ~ICJck . •. •• • '" lho· e who p ro~ uce r ather tha n Ie' SulWlCrlp ll{.u , " luck (n 1'~od ~ r~, 1 I(_ " 'e Ua,,1 a.~oo.OO stroy. H e believes the manufactur· Logo a m UUL ul1pllld . . . . e rs of wa r ma terial ar e back c f . . . .. ... . .. 1 200.00 ...... . uo of' hru1kiliU IUlUMJ (It lin · much Ilf thi hys ter ica l plea for pre· Vulullc"" n bru<:l ) .• , ••• ~. O O V. ~ O p ar ednes9 . J~tllLf t y In IJu,Dkl n p- ho uso. , • . • •.
f H ~.a J~ . 03
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'.200. 00
".000.0 0
II U6 rm m ,.. ad-trfll
1(06 ' \'6 [)Bilk .•.•••• • ~
13 I,17ft.t.'
(UIIOll t II ,0 (roo, a p pro,'w ro· In N w Yu rk hi· at. Lo u l• •. , . '894.1 5
r \'(I " t;:~n la
eng o (loti
DAY·TO~ '" ,
.. .. ;,
Evang el ist Lo ng Rnd singcr , Mc Donald ure hold ing revival sE'r vlces in the t own hili I -Mrs. Ray R rul!'-.W.6S the week·end g uest of Dayton relutives, Mrs. Wm. Collins is Im prov ing
Opening of The Dayton Industrial Expositiop in Commemoration and in Celebration of the Beginning of the Greatest Era of Prosperity known to the·Nation. In .the Delco Building, dedicated to an International Industry, are gathered Exhibits Representative of Industrial, Mercantile and Civic America', ' '." . . . City, Suburban and Rural Life, under One Roof, in one Immense Structure, easily A£c-essible and Obsel'¥able to Every Visitor. . Ail Exposition combining the elements of a Liberal Education and a • course in the Arts and Science.s.
One ten cent Admission Ticket admits to Everything. All .exhibits under One Roof, 10 big shows for 10c,
word 'last week of the birth of a son
To Find the Exposition
AS. a
39U.O Il 0 1.4 0
12 . ~
2.6 UO. UO 1.600.0 0
. .. ... . .. . . . . '~ 88. ~ 25 . 3 1
I. 1A UIL1T I IiS stock 1,.,101 In . • • . • C.I:"; .
'50..0 00.00
IlllJ lv luual ll uJ)Cl8t I" l u b j ool In c\lock . , . . . .. • . • •• .•• . .• ' • . Oerllne.lee o f 'I ~po!dl d uo In ItIN ·tl ....... JO d ..YI . . .. . . . .. . ... . .'08LalaavIUgI de poel"" .. . .. . . 'rota! "'o"""U.•• •• , 26 2, 601 U 'Billa pDyalllo, Includlog
II 486.03
C.16 0.OO
265 .171. 89 0.6 ?86 a 3.83
UOD' reproseullog money oor~ br:otbe r, Ma r ch Barley, of Dayton , . 1'0"",,, .. , . , . . . .... .. . ,... . • 8. 00 0. 00 who-is just home f r om Mayo Bros. Tot6i .... .. . .. , .. .... .. . 'i88.01B. 61 hos pi tal where he · undllrwent a seOF OI:J It..' . W.ARIt£ .N COUNTY.B8: rious operation. He is getti8g a long STATE 1,1. 0. CutWrlllht, oashlrt o( tho aoovo fine. . ll atllOd bouk, do 1101 mn ly .,..0.... "haL t h o abJ ve Italom ollt fA truo La t be bod 01 my Mr~. Joe Sims ia improving : kno .. ledg" IUld bcill ot ., Mrll. Caspe r Krug returned last J . O. OAnTW IHG llT. Cuhlur. lbclol '"lfl Iworn lJolon rue , hI. iOib week fro m a two weeks visit in Chil· daBut>scr ," o f January 191 6. ~ . V. lItlfllhar~, licothe. Onrrect ATiollt: Notary J·ublc. IV. II AJ,t.lCfiI .I. Mr. Geo rge Moore viai ted with his II. J,.EV . ( lAtt'FWR1GI1T, uncle t he first of t he week: J . W. WH IT t:. Ol_~"" MilS Mildred Mendenhllll is on lhe sick list . Geor lte SmiMth~ . ji~8Jt~e~ac~h!i.i!t n l4,:;:========~~~~ in' her place at Craig IC 00 .
Miss Kat e Sims who t ravels in the, several ~eeks ~ith .
. . TH. OIlEAT••1'
• :- •
'JOIIOUII Bill 01 pau01SIlj Sf pu~ .1BlllO 811J, 's9IQ1l;) e lll aOIPlo.q ~o 8sod.1nd 8m ..1 0J d illa Bill JO l-I'IId 9.101 Bttl 01 '<'p lllnOlll Ua dJad p ax g .1e q mn 10 89 0e l(l, ~UOJ18 0,\\1 10 e wuJj 1I- .. 9HIQ" 9111 01 paU919Uj 8 [q1r.l S,dll1S "II 10 poe 8111 01 8J9j9J "llua J911lq 81[J." 'pu::I JaHIS alfL 8m U8ltA\
No side Bhows.
••• •
,r I \n:uIIlLlOn ). •
Totol .-.. . oa\l l t~1
• •
"".0 _
'ewo;) 91111 ,(lIma~lxe el1l ! 1no 11'41 IrJ n ..pua Jemq e41" 0'1 l no 91 81q1l3
Lots of Mirth and Music
'1' I'OlIIII",r( 0
Surplus IUDu .. .. ... . ..... .. slowly. Uod lvldod " ron", S13. , QC. 93 Less O. paid . . . . . . . . . .• Rev. Collins is hold ing revival serIrcu 'ln lllg IIOles •• .• • • .• . • , . • • vices a t G lady. Duo 10 hQ llkwAnd hankN. (..11'0.... th rtll In cl udC\1 In 2 or 2~). . . . Mr. and Mrs J oe \111 on r ecei ved Dlvlcleud. uupo l'I • . •• . , . ,. . .. •
to their son, I rwin and wife, of D8Y· ton. Mr. and Mrs. E . M. Barley were 1·. )\ll\ (ISY visitod at the hom~ of hie
F-r n II lJu~ 1 Cb rn 'tle )'. n lt'l Is nut l . cuntt: . . . . •. • NOl I'S ut o th tlr 'Uti ((,nil' LJllflkil . • 'r o lllJ cl,fn rut ' '·I'r lith'llt...:.A . _. La t'a l- l l\lId N • \' of • • • • • • • • • 1(0 I ~ mp tloll " I It l With 1I. S . I
v e ~y
FRlDA¥,JANUARY, 14~ 1916
IIuu fro m a p JH"" "tkJ
tf:r~': ~~?~l:': ~~ .~L.I l [ ~~~g
" OTaL.. DItUOQiiTo. '~.CIAL"n. ' c oeT UM I R S, TIIAN . . . . . . CA L. AND ' Bue S ERVICE OAN . ~,.IIO"I~ ltV U.ING IT. ADYEilTlllNC COa.UM".
".w YOIII(
,,__ v.,.. . ... ~
The December Collection 9£ Taxes will close Jan \l uary 20, 1916. " Office Hours to the puhlic- 8 :'00 a. m. to 3 : 30 p. m. R espectfl:llly,
The Dayton Industrial Exposition .DAYTON, OHIO
Frank D. Miller, Treas. W~rre~' Co.
JAN·U ARY 14 t() 22; 1916
FIVE AND TEN CENT -STORE .Towelilig, pery.ard .. ...... J Oe · CUr tllin R o ds .• •• • :.. . .. l Oe
Scrim per yd . •• . . .•.• , ...... , 10e ,
ehildren:;,' lAdies Mit tens
'. ,
. ( I, ,, ' "" /" ,
MAGAZIN8S Now is the time for you to subscribe for your Magazines; r~member, I take your lubscrlp. l ion g at the IfJW..t rd. com-
Mens' Gloves, Tipped Fin.. sers . ....• • . _ ... . , . ••• lOe Cream P~tchers, pint aDd II JOe
mt nRUrt&~C!
Freih Chooolatel, lb.· . . • ,
IIugly or in clubs,
with good
Co:ne m ~~ ge t my latest half. • • •• . .• • •• , . .. , • • lOa _catalogue, glVIng you the rate
l Oe
The 1I&I:uIt.
Sixty-Eighth Year
Attend Hyman's January Sale.
Characterized the Institute Throughout, Entire SelSJon
Attenu Hym an'S January Sale. Rev. C. S. G rau~ r \Vas in Dayton Tuesday. Miss Emma Hawke Wednesday .
. down 1n hbtory .. one of the
. . w. ·'IEIS. -A-CT"·I-V-[-'-AGAIN TH ~
Thieves broke .lnl9 the slaughter house of Jeff Smitb I..t '!'bured., nl&ht and IrOt nineteen bog and tbree beef bides, 'there were clues but as , ,et '~ thlnlll bave Dot.been appre-
in Dayton
of First-Class Quality and
d' Co T There Wcre a G!eat Many ccor mil' to unty realurtr . of Them Miller all taxes must be paid by th e 20th of this ruonth. The Poultry Association show u r a d M Ra d C w. n r". yrnon r eager. ended Saturday eveni ng after a good of Dean , Ohio, spent ' the week·end showing, despit e the bad weather with Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White. and the numerous shows at different places. All we stated last week. Remember John ~. Funkey B ~c while there were not many birds ex. sale. and the great Shoe sale. HIS hI' bited , th ey were all of a good tit k b bo ht t en Ire a~ge s oc can e ug a qUIl.litvand would have done credit a reductIOn. to much larger shows. Judge Over. holser said he had not l'udged Kuch a J 0 C I h dM M h artwr g . t an ISS art a good l' unch of fowls tbis season. 0 Neall are agam on duty at the The cups and sl)ecial premi ums as bank, after being out on account of well as the scores are given aa fol8icknees for a week. lows'. A
'- .
" .
5wcepslakes So many lady customers ask 'how Largest number of entries, (44.) . we can afford to sell such goods at Millorcas, $10 in gold, L. C. St. John. the price as this beats Dayton 0)' Judges, ' 8 silver cup, best pen in mail order houses. J. A. Funkey. sho w. Reds, H, H. Wadsworth. $5 8ilver cup, highest scoring bird There will be a select dance at !n seo.w, Csmpines, Oaange Raper. Roger.' hall Friday evening, and Best solid eolored male and female Emmor D. Baily will be the host in show, $2 each cash. Orpingtons, Good music will be furnished by Earl Evans. piano and drums. Best pllrti-color ed male bird, In show, $2 cash , Red , H. H. Wads· Attend Hvman's January Sale. worth . ' Best parti-colored female. in show. $2 cash. Cam pines. Orange Raper, iIII__. ._____~. .-------.-----------~---. .- - - - - - - - - - - - -____________1 Greatest number of entries most popular variety, Reda. case of com. WayneGville cannery, B. H. Wads-
tDuaie b)' Mrs, Ethel Lawson waa
E. V. Barnhar t was in Cincinnati Monday on bu~iness. Were
8ubstituted. Rev. J. A. Henderson pve one of his uaual i lllltruetive · addreaaeson \'TheSalvationof Altn culture." Comment upon 1118 work ~_ft f or 1,IS .• . a Iwaye 0 f th e · i s unn~l"Y best, . Saturday morning Walter Woods Inhiap8perupon"Taxation"handled the lIubjec.t in a way that pleased eve!'yone, bringint out many points that were of importance. ~ftelr a· r:eaMdilJl(p by bRuMBllel"~hllioIL an.. eo 0 hy rs. rug. 1:,' n ee ~, of the N. C. R, gav& a very · practical talk on "H~w to Beautlf~ the Farm Home." His work In .. Dales 1 • Id en t he Is we II H I'lla an.. 1a!lV ac1uainteci with hili work' After a 8010 by.;Rev. R. C. Moon, Mr. Brenneman pve an intereatmg account of hla work in 'the county, At 1:80 the ,meetina- WBI favored with muBie by the High School.fol lowed with muBie by the Moon flUJl· i1~. J, MlI80n Prugh. in round table talk, took up agriculture, past, preseDt and future. which bl ought forth a very lively diseUBSion. 'Ibe after· noon could well bave been used oli theonellubject, ..., Miell' Lillian Conner, musieal in· 8tnil!tor ofourpublicsehoolS pleased " the audIence with a vocal 110I0, after , . which Rev. R, C. MOOD pve an ad· dre. on "The Hope at the Nation." , Tbeaddreaawas of ,the' hiaheat'lIa-:-ture' and pve th{lBe of ' a deslrean oPJ)Ortunity for much thought. After a readlnll' by Galllie aarris and' the ft!IoCIina of the rtIIUluUone the nominating comD!lttee presented ' the following offiCera which w~ elected lor the ensuing nar: President;. GaO, Hartaoek; Vice President. Cbllltel' Palmer. Secretary,and Treaa· urer; Walfer·Woode. 'EXecutlve mlttee. Mrs. Bertha' Mtclure, Becthlt Mull. ¥i- Alm,a Andrewil. · . Mr. Tboa K. PruaL. ' PerrI .Kauff.... · man IUJd Wm. ·Benner. Although much eickneMprevented
C! urk vil!c " v lt io,. June I ~. I ~ i), and dI ed at hId "I,me In Cu r win ./,mua ry . . . 11. 1916, a~"d 70 yelll'~ , 6 1I10nlhs .ol~trlct Deput~ Gran~ Master L. and 2~ day s. ' NIch olson ~as In S~rmgb~ro and ' HI'! was f 11 fa,mily of {we ve Le.bunon last week installing . the child r II , of whom fO'lr al'e till liv- on~ce s of the J O. O. F. lo?ge mto ing; three lIiBt ran d 11I1U hI' th r vthce. ~ e wen t. to Franklm MI?J1On the first of Au gu~t. 1 ~70 . h was l uay cvel1l n~ t o llIstall, a~d will mmar ried tn P eliah Camp . '1'0 th is stall the officer.s of Wyommg Lodge union w n ' I," rn live ch ildren' uno Thursday evenmg.. of which . , n i ' 9, him, one sun t~k en He h.as t~keJl t he follOWing gentle: 3 years 11\.:,', tl ·..: other!' ha\i ng died men WIth hIm to act aagra!ld officers. in infancy . J. C. Hawke! Saml SmIth, Chas. He le8ve~ I) . ~ <l HJghl"r, I\J rs. T. Bu rnett and Ern~t Roge~s. T~e W. Biggs, tit , . t. Fi ,bers, one bro ther, LJoy~ h~ve been d ellg~ted WIth theIr five grar.dchi l" :· " lind a host of rel- r~Ct' Pthlon at . .thede dlffderhendt lodgeds alives and fri Ild~ to mourn hl3 lo~s ey ave VISIt Rn a a goo . . time " Th . I II . ere 13 no ( en 1. . Thll stars ~o down to shlll e upon some ~al rer sh or;e . , And there III Heaven II KloTlou8 ~ ro wn They shine forevermore "
"The Man of ·Many Resources." which was said by· many to have been the finest address ever !riven at our Institutes. pleasedwer!! the Mrs. M.bel audienee that Kelly ma'lY 80eneores called for to which abe freely reeponded On aheeoCbu~t °d~d8ickness the Ddavbid'ta Ch ure OIr I not respon u
~:~~v~~~e ~dd~av:~?:e~~re~
W. S. Graham was a Dayton visitor The Helping Hand Sewing Circle Saturday. held the first meeting of th t: new rear with Mrs. John Williams. on Mrs. Georlte Hartsock was a Cin· January 13th, 1916. . clnnat.i visitor laat w~ek. Owing to the illclemer.t weather the members wtlre not all present. Mu~h work was accomplished by Mr. and Mrs. Walter Chan\Jler tholle in attendance, were Dayton visitors '!'uesdllY. During the social hour dainty. r~· Born-To Mr. and Mrs. Thos freshments were served. Mr. WIl· Graham. Mondaf. January 17', 1916, Iiams favored the ladies with music. "" few minutes were devoted' to a son, hUliness after which they adjourned Oeora-e Gard of Rialto Cal ie to meet on January 27th with Mra, spen d'mg_ a f ew'wee ks here• Bett'li' nil Carrington Th bEllis ' the W H Gard estate e mem ers present at this meet· •• . Ing were M~amesJarn6S Curtis, G Th bi b' . H. Ellia, John Simpson, Carrington f the ggest argam c.pportumty Ellis, lrii9ge8 Nora Ellis and Geneva 0 e year. economize at our eJ[. Curt s ptinse To prove to my customers M~ ' Jesse Wilkerson and MiBS and evel') one who loves to buy good G . M . h merchandise at lower prices than eneva_ . cKmg t were gues18 at CARD 01" TIIA NI(S this meetmll' ever shown OD a retail counter. we . • _. ' We desire t o eltpr~ss .Jur " ratitude are now a member of the "American ... Merchantl Syndicate" of Chicago, to our neighbors and' friends for t he HI I b t . ad to kind ness and sympl~thy Ahown ti S I . uv a a pnce m e our durinll' the protracted il ln es~ and . . twelve thoulWld merchants. We d lh f bel ved . f lh ' E . 1. Fr!day aftemoo!, S. L. Cartwflaht, buy as one, all at manufacturers ea 0 ou~ a 0y a er, .m III hiS usual gemal manner. waa a prieea to prove this, we commence manuel COl lln • ou r c~mfortmg veritable Santa Claus to the children with our 9c sale. Every article is word!! and effiCIent servIces r~n · 1 in the Primary Room of our schools. worth more thlln 10, 15,20 and 25c. dered have helped us bear the grl el Aner a short appropriate talk to 'the choice only 9c. No thrifty house· Mrs. Ella Shutts and MiBB Phoebe and solaced our hearts. small folk, Mr . Cartwright with the WIfe can afford to mi. this money Miranda entertained Monday in hon· His Children . help of hie little grandd aug hter. savlOg event. Come and look at or of their mother, whose birthday --Rhea Janet, gave each child a lack hundreds of wonders at 9c sale. wason tbis date. the following friends of choice fruit. 'The children. under Look :lver our great exhibit make a Mesdames Jeff Smith, ,J. C. Beck· O. .J . Ed wards arrived home Friday the charge of MiAS Henrietta Mca note of what you want. Come ett.J8II. Prenderg8llt: Keziah Thomp· evening from Dayton, where he has Ki osey, thel1 gave quite a little enearly wbile IMIlection is at its best. son, Esther Robinson, Omar Lewis, been for the last few weeks attend· lertainm ent in the way of longs, No aucb bargains were ever offered Will Lippincott, Chas. Shutts. Mary ing his mother, who was ~eriously atories and drills. The cbi Idren and you before. John A. Funkey'e 9c Upp, Lucr Pratt, Misses:Maria Cook , ill. but we are glad to note that she teacher appreciated very much the sale. I Lillie Elha and Mary Wharton. will soon be ablt' to be out again. compliment of Mr. Cartwright. ' - - - - -- - - - - ---
for children at proper aaes could bl: procured I.ree at the i)ayton Iil>ral'l'; Shelltatedthetapropellillt fbooli:s abe also c:omplimimted tbe ,oCenter ville library of one thousand volumes, very highly. . Mi88 Alma Andrews, gave an e-x-. eelh,nt reading follo'wed by a very practical "Urder pliclty in talk the on Borne" by and Mrs. Sim Geo, 'Hartsock, 'fhe evening session W8ll disarranltedonaccountoftheillnessofJ. O. Cartwriaht. but Rev, Grauser, of
Whole Number 3353
Songs, Recitations • .nd Addresses
The onAning event of the Institute being, a....colt show. 16 of aa aood • colts as could be found in snl com munity, were pretlented to be Juda-ed by David CoY. of Harshmanville, and the result of judging was 88 followe: Stansell's stock- 12 mo. lind under lilt. Earl Miller 2d, Wm. Brown. 3d. Warren KeYII. 1 to S "rs. old-bt. ., Walter Woods. 2d and 3d. Thoe. Davis. Any stock,l to 3 yrs.-\at. Warren Keys, 2d"Walwr Woods, 3d, ThOS. Davis. Best brood mareEarl Miller. Sweepstakes-John James. At 10:110 A. E, Brenneman, County A,gent. in his "Live Stock" talk ebowed clearly that many holCB died from other diseases than cholera. At 1:30 the · Ladies' session was called to' order by Mrs. W. J . Waa· nero After a vocal BOle) by Katherine Tait and a readinll' by Eva Thomas, Mrs. Bertha Mc01ule presented a most intere.tinll' paper on Home Training, Mr, and MI'II. Th08. K Prugh in their UIIUal pleasinll' way sang, " &lmewhere a Voice is Call· in&." ~rs. Chas, Kumler in ber addresa, 'The Reading Habit." impreaeed the idea of better early ' training and better books for the bora end girl8
19, 1916
==- -
SEWING CIRCLE MBI·th" Ernm,lllu,·1 L'ollin!.'\. Run ,' f L~vi and AIm Collhnti \ ',IS IUlrn in
•- - - - - ,_--.,- .
. . . ' .
• .
Clearance' Sale of Ladies' Skirts i
Ladies' Odds and Ends of discontinued numbers, valueS up to 16.50, to dose out at
'$1 .,9 8 '
Ladies' Skirts, . former . price, $3.98 and $4.50, . SE!-le Price,
$2.98 . L a d'1es 'Sk' . Irts, .
$3.98 ~ Ladies' ~Waists La'dl'es' Was'b Wal'sts, former price up to $1.50, to dose out at
Ladies' Wasb WaiSts, former price $1.50 to· $2, S~'e Price'. . .
Ladies' Union SuitS, ' $1 .and $1.25, Sale Price .
Laqu:ff:y'~USatnp'~. ,good
Ladies'. Shirts or Drawq' uall·ty·, Sale '
ers, 50c Ptice
4Sc Ladies' :r;>ormet Flannel Gowns at 49c, '19<: & ~
Men's ShlOrts All ~ l. OO and $1.25 Shirts. , ale Price . . .. .... . ... . .. .. 89c J\'11 75c hirts ale Price . . .... .. , , .. .. . , . . 1 t Flanllel Shl'rts 1!."1.25 oJ) C a I e Pr I' e ......... _.. ... ; . .
Suits and Overcoats, former price; $12.50 and $13.50 $8 75 Sale Plicre .•.•."•. : ..... . . • Suits and Overcoats, former price . S15.00 and $16.50 S . aI e Pnee. . . . . . . . . . .. ' S'ts d O ts, .former pnce, . Ul an vercoa $18.50 and $20.00 Sale Price ... . ': . . . . . . . . • Mens' $8.50 Ulsters, ' 98 Sale Price ...... '. ~ . . . . . . . °
45c 89
$11 75
$13 75
Men's Sweaters
\11 :' l.50
Men's and Boys T 'r ou-ers . . Men's Trousers, former price $ 51 1:0 S a l ' . 1 25
,., , e pnce . . , . , . . . . . ° M 'T r . . e~ s rouset;', ,onnerpnce $2.00. Sale Price..... .. . . · Men's Trousers, forD1erprice $3.00. SaJe Price,. " . . . . . Men's Trousers, former price $3' $4.00 & $4.50. Safe Price B ;C d P t I oys or. uroy an s, or woo, 59c and 75c, Sale PTice, , I • C All 51.00 and $1.25 Tro' users ,- . 89 .Sale Price ........ : .. . . '. .. . . . ,C Boys' Blouses, light or dark colors . All 35c grade , 23 C" . ' Sale PrIce.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '
$'1 50 $2 25 .48
Ladies'. Union Suits
.a nd Overcoats
r ,ormer"
pnce $5 and $5.98, S e price
Men's $1.00 and $1.25 Superior ' and , Body Guard make of ,Union 8 C Suits. Sale ' Price .... , . . . . . . 1::1\ ' d $200 S . U' Men's $1.<1V an . upenor mon ·Ss~~~·price. ...............
All-wool shirts, or drawers, former price $1.00 and $1.25 89 ' Sale Price . . ....... : .. , ... ,. C h h· d Dr. Wright's Healt s u-ts Qr rawers $1 00 and $1 25 Saie Price .. : ............... 89c Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers of derby ribbed balbriggan, best qUality. Sale., Price,_. : ,. C
98c 48
,Boys' $5 Corc\ury Suits Sale Price,
$3 • 75 Boys' Nqrfolk All-wool Serge Suits, $6.50 values S 1 P' a e nee
Barred -noT. Vice,2ndckl. Mrs E. S. Baily, lstckl., ~nd h en. lilt pul. 1st pen, Wm: Ralatron. 3rd cit!., 1 S hen, 12 3 pul. ' R. r. ROO S. C.- H. H. Wadsworth,l 2 ck., .1 2ckl."l 2 hen, lilt .. pul. Mrs . L . Bec ke. t 2n d pen. R. C. R. Reds-H. B. Wads· worth, 2nd ck. 2 3 ckl •• 1st ben. 3rd pul3rd llen . M~s. A. B. 'Sidefl, 1 2 pen, 1 2 pul.. 2 3 hen, D. R. Salisbury. lst<ek .. 1st c Wyandottes-Thlld, ' Zimmennan. 1st perr. . Silver ' Campines- Oranfe Raper~ 1st ck, 1 2 3 ckl., 1 23 I.'n, 1 2 pul., 1st. pen. Association S...... ials
.Sale Price .. , . ...... . .•. : . ,. . All , 300 and $3.50 $2 ale' Pric . . ..... . ~ . . . . . . • '1 'G ' s C h Boys' .l.' ell s ray weater oats, extra eavy . Norfolk A:ll-wool II k I:: al Suits. All $4.50 Suits rru nec ,7vc v ue . Sale Price ' members only 15 or more Sale Price, ...... ... ..... ... ,.:.:!~~+.-..:=~=-=-~~-::------tt~~~~n~ete;
$2 .98
Comforts ,an'd Blanke ' ts .
All $1.25 big size Blankets SIP . a e nce ... . , ........ .. • , . All $1.75 c!' ~ale Pnce......... . .. . .. Wool Nap Blankets. Regularprice $2.50 ~ Sale Price.
$1 39 $1 98
'Emb'rol-der'y . in. Enibroide.ry' Flouncing,
18 . regular 25c grade, Sale P rice .......•. , , .... , .. '
15 ;
Men's. and Boys' .- . 'FurnistilDgs
Second, Mrs. A. B. Sides, Greatest number birds outaide worth. rug, Wm. Rostron. Sidney. county, Ohio. Partridge Rocks-Ralph Stibbs, 1st cock, 1st ekl,. 1 2 3 ben, 1 2 pul. it. 1. White-I:.eon Salisbury, 1st hen, 1st , pul. EarIOrndorf. 1st pen. , HamburgsLeghorn R, C. B.- Leon,Salisbury, 1st ckl. . . Minorcas S C. Black- L. C, St.John , 1 2 pen, ck. 1st. ckl. 2 S, hen 1 ~~'Jf.u~!d~;~rth, 'lstckl. B. Orpingtons.,,-Chas. Crew, 13 pen, lat ck .. 3rd ckl, 2nd hen.. , Earl Evans, 2nd pen. 2 3 CK., 1 2 ckl • 1 3 Hen, 1 2 a pul. 1stWhiteRocksck .. 1st hen. ,1I. 2Lincoln, pul. 1st1st propen. W.
Ladies" Hose F leece ' Lme'd , best . , 15c and . 20c quality " . , Sale ..Price .... . .. ,. ....... 121c Burson Hose, fleece-lined, . ' S I '' 0 ' , ' 23c , a e .. nce ......... .. ..... ., .
Adlers'Silk lined Mocha Gloves $1.25 grade_ Sale Price
98c . . Bungalow Aprons Best value at 75c. Sale , Price
4~ r:! Men's Caps All 50' d 75 C . c an caps Sale Price
45c' :
All $~.OO and$1.25,
A .-.-
.. d 75 G' ha ~~u 59c an c mg m . Dresses. , Sale Price,. -, .•• ,.
45- e
~'OO' R8pe~ .
or Members nly
Emblelll given tor best pUllet in
~~t'fo~vS:I~IrOh~:=~r'W~~ .'
Raper. MondaY . eveninlr ~he ,AlIIOCiation bele;! a cbickeQ ,suPPJI' at Rogel'll ball 'and served quite a nu~ber of
Children',,) Dr- _ . " • All $1.00 and $1.25 Dresses . Sale ' Price ...... : ..... ;,., .. 89c
'5 gold for best display for particolored birde. Silver Campines. W. 0 .· Raper. ' 5gold for best displav for Red Birds, H. H. Wadsworth. ~ 6 g01d for best display in Buff birds, Buff Orpingtons. Earl Evans, '16 gold for best display in Black .. Birds. Lou St. John . '2,on , best pair Turkeys. Willism Lukens. . 25lb, flour by A. B .. Sides, 1 pair Pekin Ducks, Isaac Lincoln. 1<o1l0wing premiums on best Den. 1 dozen photos by Ri~ge's Studio, B. Rocks, Mrs. E S. Bally. Bat by Myer Hyman, W. Rocks, Uaac Llnco)n. . Cake by Perry the baker of Leb· onon, W, Wyandot tes. Thad Zimmerman. Toilet Set by. JanneY,tbe druaaist. S. c. R. 1. Reds, H, H, W!ldswRed°llth. Chum by J .. W. White, R C. s, Mrs. , A. B. Sides. , Cake by JeSse Lewis the baker. MmorC~ls. L , C. St, John. . lb. by A. B. Sides and 60c poultry book; B. OrpingtoDl. Charley C rew. ' , 2G lb. flour and package of poultry
Big Rednctlon. Ion Men's Lion B,-nd a Shoes ,
having a good tlme,·and thOi cloeed the show for £916. The AaIIoclatIciD will probably have a DJce little tMIl. in th~ t~r:Y. . II - . •
' II.LE, 0111
.'rkJ·TI~LcfrID'r !~~:{:~;~;~!;~~:i~i~fi:'E:E ,
Included Mr!!. lloyd lind tho rllU"!! r . tor wI th a l1od, "n r courtiu we'll comt'," aJlr I'tl all. " Doctor lloyd, elm 't you nrmll g ror
tbnt week·end rnrtJ ea sholl
'~~.'r I ILLU'~I00rD 6r C.D.YI10DES ~. " "MD /IOCII(~"~=:.:;:.;..);;;.::.!~~:,;,~~_'""..;;;;.;;.;.;,;~;,;_____._-:I
Lu cllo ol'er to hIm. "Play bOO kY' ju st onc('," she b gg d. "This Is onl y n . to~IlY ro wd, the Rn bbltts nn d lIlo rion Ken not b. 8 nd "e who ' are ber o." n v. Sml tb Boyd look d at bls molher, an d th at Indy brlgbt ened visi bl y. "When Is It to be? " he asked, "Saturday." Arl y Inronna d 111m. loIn· Ing Luelle, who bad sat on tho arm of b d' h I .A I t II lilTS. o oy sea r. G Id F'r y1 snI on Itb 16 other ono. and e ra I OK I nne,r wb tan entlraly now apprcc at on a eau tt l y. t bougb t he bad never seen da pre I Ia or I 1'1 ture Iha n tho sweet·race 0 d I Y
"Thero'll 011 01 nur rOIIl,u n, ,~ ._ llIJn, despairing ot maki ng bJm reallz'c tha t he had dono anything out of Lbe OHAPTER XXII. wny. " I do 1I 0 t 11"' 0 you. I could not." For j URt Il mom ent he w as cbecked; · love. tIl II hl.s jn \\'s Bil t. .A1llaon Iwopt Gall Into his arms. '''rllol I· sonlclhlng you must learll. &114 rained bot klssos u pon her, crus b· 110I'a In .. ber.. ol08ely to him. Sbe otte red "au • ~ )'OUllg n lions ot love. ..... fealatanoe, and tb e very tact thII.t '"" I~n no , . lled (ro nl poetry o" d fiction . .You abe held so supinely In IIIs orms. rna d e COIlc ,nl ,' It to be an Ideal at.ae ..., or ex· Allison release her lloonor th an bo Isteuce, I. mysterious something al· mlfM otherwlso hs,'e dOlle: She. had most 100 dellclltc fo r porception by th e known that tbls experleuce mus t hUJnan senses.' I wll\ teach >·ou lo" t'. I come, that no look or gesture or word Gall! Look." and be stre lched Ull b l of here could ward It olf, /l r m arm, as Ir In his gr ip ho alread)' "You must never do t bat ngal n." s ho h til th e rei ns at tbe mlgbty em pIre be told b'lm, etepplng baok trom him, and was hewing out for her, "Love Is n recaln1ll& ber breatb with an ettort. thing or s tr ngth. of power , at deej ro Sbe bad lingered lu tb e fro nt parlol'!! which sha kes, IUId burns. and COil · to receive him beto r her Uncle Jim sumes with feve r ! Do you suppo! e should know that bo was In tho ho~se, th ~ t, wIth sucb love driv Ing me on, and IIbe had. led him strnlght Into tbe any objection whi ch you may make lIt'tIe t.ete.a·tete r eception r oo m. Sbe will etop me ? No ! I s et onl to at· meant to free berselt Quickly. ta ln yOU as 1110 s ummit of my desire. "Why , notf"' he lnugbed, an d ad· the only tblll g In tbls world I want. vanced toward her, takin g ber altitude a ud wUt have !" AgaIn that great fear of him pos· lIgb\ly, Blcrlblng her action to a girl· Lsh. wblm, confid nt In his Ilower over sOB8ed Gall. She feare d many tbiugll. ber. He meant to dispose of ber coy· She r-enred th at, In sIllte or h er detern_ by loldng her In bls a rms again. mlnalioa, he 'would stili bave her, and She belonged to blm. In that possIbility alolle lay the other "Mr. Allison." Tbo tone was c old foa rs 80 gruesome tbat abe dId not enouab, and dcadly tn earnest eno[)Jlh dare ee.e th em clOlOrl),! She know tbat to 'a rrest him. she QUIst reloln absolute control ot "What'll the ma tter, Gall?" lie pro· hel's If, ' "tested. ready to humor her, La listen to "I sboll not discuss the ma.tter any !who.t ahe had to aa.y, to amopth mat· furtb er," sho quietly uld, and walklo.g ,ten out. ' sLra.lght to wards tbe door, Passed by him, quite wltbln the reach ot his IlI'm I "You bave no rlght,N sbe told blm. · "Yea I have," be jovially assu red ",ILbout either looking at blm or aWBY Iber. "I hope I ,don 't bll.ve La walt Ulllll from blm. So;netb1n8 wltbln ' bls own after marrlqe tor a kISs. U tbll.t·s s trength respected bere, In spite ot the case I'll tako :rou out and marry hIm. "1 ,have 8aJd a.U that .1 have to ou -'-ht 110'11'." aay." "'6 WI\8 an intection in h is laugh, I" b e fep Iied • com Ing There " S 0 b ave, .' contaalon in the assumpti on that aJl closer to h er sa s b e stoo d In tbe d oor,,,.. rtaht botween th m, nnd that any way, and be gazed down at her Wltl' '4Urerence 'll'aa one which could be eyee In whlcb there ' 'lVU Insolent detltralabtened out with Jolly patience, termination, and cruelty. "1 have said aa4 Gau. thougb her determlnaUon that I mean to have )'ou, an4 I wllt" wouId not havo changed, ml.bt have Without a 'll'ord, IIho went Into the IOrtened towanS him. )lad ebe not lleen ball. Ke followed ber. and took bla tIllta .face a look whIch paled hor lips. hat. 1itt'er IInce last night he bad anUel· "Oood evening," be lIaJd tormally: cIIaled lIer. ha4 rejoIced in hie 1>ossell"Oood e venIng," she replied" and he IItCill-oE her, btJI 4reamed on the time went out of tho door. ' '11'11- be Ihould take ber for bLs own; When he had gone, she' ftew up to ad bLs eYM ,were cloudy with hili her rooms. ber flrat coherent ~bougbt tboaahtl or her. be ing thllt ebe had accomplisbed Itl "J!.et UI hale a clear understandIng, She had s een AllIson. and bad gIven ~. Allllloo." She Wall Quite erect, a.nd him her dellnUo answer, and had got. loot1Dcblm dlroct\y In tb,e eye.. Her ten blm out of the house while the own were deep and troubled, and the ' others were back In the bllllard reem. dark trace which baa been about tIiem She had bold up splendIdly, but abe In the mol'll1nc 1ia4 deepened, "I told Wll8 weak now, and quivering In every 7ft 'lallt lI.ht that 1 ahould need time Ilmb, and abe sank on ber divan, IIUPIII.' which to etecldo; I have decided. 1 ported Oll one outstretcbed arm; and 1Ih&u IIOt ~ 'yOU." ' In this uncomtortable position sbe ae retvne4 her galle tor a moment, took up the eternal fJueatlon of Gall. aa4-'h1a~ doU4I1d. ' . Tbe angry' tears ot mortlllcation "You'Te ebanaed Iince last nJaht," sprang Into her eyes! ' The library' wae quite steadily delie cU.rKed her. "POU1blr,- ebe admltted. ''It Is voted to Vedder court ~oDlght. A. hlgb. more Deb'. boweyer, that r bave Il' Important change had come 'into the merol7 Crretalllzed. I prefer not to fortunes at Markot Square church. It cHac:ua ,IL" She saw on hIli face the WIIS as It I atone had beon thrown In. CI'01'IIII' inatlnct to bUll1 lI1a te ber. . to a BI'OUP ot cardbolll'd bouaes. All '"tou mWlt .dlllcu,s It," he inslated. tbe yean at planning had gone the "I.&It ' n1abt when r took 'ou In my WI, ot the wln4. and the Card houaea arma )'ou made no obJection. 1 WBII had all to be hullt over again. 'JIbe jOltUled in 40lng It acsln tonJgbt. catbedral bad receded by a good Ilve Ypu'ro not a fool. You knew trom tbe yea.rs, unless' the torce and lire at Rev. tlrIt tbat I wanted rou , snd you en· Smith Boyd should be sumel ent to cogrqed me. No'!l1. I'm entitled to coax capllol ' out of the POCK t8 or his kIIow what baa made the cbange." mlUlonalre coqregatlon: and, 1n tact, ~e telltal,e reCl spots began to ap- that quIte normal ' plan wall. already Je&.f m her cbeeks. under ad,vLsement. ' ' "You." Ihe tol4 ·hlm, "Last nIght, The live of thIs Impremptu couosel jour; lObeme of worl4 empIre 'seemlld were deep In the matter of ways and .. YOIlderM tbIq to me. but alnce means, when a Blender appariUon. tn then l'~e dlsoovered It canhot be built c~lIg 1l'BT, came dOWn the 1t.aJrL ~thout dlilhon,esty and cruelty; and It was Gall, wbo; for some reusou un J'Ou'ye Gsed both." known even to her, had decided tllat HI. brow cleared. Be ' lIt.ughed abe w~s selllab; and Rev. Smflll Boyd'. lleanU,. heart ached as be saw the pallor on "You've been reading the pa.pers. ber delicately tinted cbeeks and tbo Tllere Iin't man in the tlnanclal 6eld da.rk truing about her brown eyes. who wouldu't do everytblllJl I've done; Sbe sUpped quietly In amoDg th em. and 'be Drou4 of It. ' I can make you' her hrown haIr loosely waved, 80 that see thli In the rlgbt light, Gall.:' unexpected· threads of gold shone In It "It'. a proof of YOW' , moral caLloulI' wilen she passed under tbe cbandeller. 0.811 that 'ou thInk so," sbe Inrormed and sbe greeted tbe callers pleas~nUY, hlm. "Oan you make me see It In tbe and sat down In the corner, very rlCht light that you even Uaed me, ot al1llDt. She was glad that lIue ba4 wbom' you pretended to tbink sacredly come. It was restlnl1n tblll little circle . enollib to marry; to help you In YOW" of frIends. 1Q01t deaplcable trick of all 7" . A Iiolle tined the ball, and. even Lbo "Look here," be protested. "Tbat. Ughts of the library aeemed to bright. would be Imposslblel You're mlsln· eD, ae Lqclle and Ted, Arly nnd Gerald, and Dick Radley, came tumbling fprmecl." "I wlsb 1 were," abe re~urned, "t;Jn- tn •.laughinjf a.nd chattering, and carry. fortlu\ately, .It la a matter o[ dIrect In, bllarlty In tront or tbem like a. knowledge. You caueed· Vedder court '\Vave. .Gall shoved her tangle or to be torn down because 1 thought It tboUghtl sUll farther jlack In her .head, aliO~d be wiped out at exlstenc&.; and aDd the eparkle returned Into her eyes. tn thll process' yoli cbeated lIf arket, ''We're bringing you a personaJ Invl. SquaN church out at six mnUon dol· taUllD to Ally and Gerald's yacht laral" party," jabbered Lucile, klssln,g everyHI coul4 not have been more, body' In reach ucept Rev. SmIth Boyd. "You might lot Arly utend the Invl. IIl'ocked It she had atruck hIm. ". knew you did not understand," he tatlon herself" objected Ted. ldJIdJ7 reproved · her, ,'" didn't wa~t "I've given'tbe pleasure to Gerald," ' thoR old buildings. . They ,couldn t la\lghed Arly, wltb a vivacious glance b .• Te .old them tor the wreckage p,r lce. at that smll1n.g gentleman. "He doea "WIlen 70U Bugge/lted that they should It so much betler. Now listen." · be tatll down, 1 saw It. Tbey were a . "It's a little 1.Drormal week.end party, PII»>\lo menace, and the 1)ub,lIc was OD the Wbltecap:' Gerald , Informed rlabl 1!'lth the movemept. The can· th em. with a new someUlIng In him 411111D&Uon p.r1c~ ";Ill ~over all· they .whlch gulte satisfactorUy took the · ,could pt trom thlf property' from any /lla ce at cordlalUy. "Sort at a tlll'ewell ~ lon 8ee, you don't uuder.stand atClltr. Arly and I are about to takl.' a baI1Dea," and his tone was torgh'1ng. IUIlfl.h twn montbe' crowe. all b, our'Tet ban heen foolIsh to pay six mil· • IIoD doU&ra (or lomethlng 1 eO\lldn't .... You know, GIII1, wbeo. ,the ,bldld. .... oommlUlonere came 1A) look oveJ: tboee blllldtnp. tbey were' .hocked I . . . . of them wouldn't have atood up aaathu ),ear. It was' only the palltlcal Sa,.. Vlnol Bade Her ~ , . . -81196 of Clark and ObLshQlm del • Grand Saline, Texaa.-"I am aa agBl! ,... 01 tile other b~. cunl of ~8 ~~. "oman and tor a long time wal weak wb1ch kept them from belna and leeblebutVlnol restored IIIl health eoetesnud taDc eco· You' IIbouldu't I' and ItrenJrth 10 thllt I teel a\m08t yCMDJa •
Q "
~j•.~t5i~"="'~"':... hIa
creawe doing my bouaeWorL . . .It-.l IIIiI aYII wlf.,aad I antn Old ~plBamwho ateallw.w and feeble I)alarm U01llld abOuld ~ Vlnol and know-ita merit. .. I do. It Is the beat medicine to creaw ....Jtb and tor chrou1c aolcbl I ba•• ever take. "-IIn.FAlllCISE. RoDOIIIL ViIIol, oar delIeIOIIII oed 1I9er ana Iroa tDlde,ia 11014 011 oarpai'antee to bend,
_JflR...,wiIl1e nwaucL
W. H. MAD _ j'=======--= .
J. \ l'1' .' hI) 1)' tiS I. wi ' Br~ J nnd C\d, l':, tile h ' s anu UI l d Ii i us mud . Try them and you w ill HeW]" wnnt Lo cal a.ny o lher kind .
~<llJO:nr..'F nl1.ffi O ··'-"plJH1 UJL,.J rHf''ITTn " I"~~~~'~~~~~Il~~~~ ~~~~o~ )~~U: '\~::~'~ d "V ( . 1<\JL l<flnv 1 LJ<"': co\'~run, ';"_.J.. LILLIAN ' (HF ~TrR T' T ~i~~;~t~l1grf;;;:t~~dill:U~ tl~~~~I1~"'~~n~ CULU l.1J...v •
I ...e
Lewis' Bakery'
Waynesville, O.
no; Il ,urd of ' t ~ t e L=lllll'ili 8 f O I i I,Kt.llutioo fo r r e ble miuu ed, for "u IlP"rt of IUIUII " '" fr l)lu' Wl1rre ll ("n llIlI Y fr (, m Al1 R .U~t 1\1 14 to A\lgD ~ I. t ll lr" f.l , 2&.1)(\ i lAmls l{lplllU t, wit. Probate CIl II rl P roc cdlnlt~ I I P~ S lUO, Oh lu vs l{l pb ll rt, Sl70: III Lhe 11I111,i l'I' 'I f '\11' ('~1" 01 ot ,J",IIl IWltH nld"r , a8111 I1t,,.nt Rec ord . Mu r ltl Mi ller, do"" ~ 4 ." 1. ~ n' ·l ::; " r'lI [ Jlloe. ~ ·W; .I uhtl L II W & tlO!) , Bone i~ "JJ[I\II 'I/,." ",\ IIIIIlI'tI " " '. ~ nto ~" r" l (' fu r \:lUll ttl o f ('ollnt y b od $:\0,1(1. ,I I! n t ~ 1'\, 11"1', U . t- \'l,lloJ. 102. 50; Alb"rt !:lon d. brld l(e Hl gt:il l~ 11 111 1 ~ I' . :, vl, fur I " \J up wlJ rk. &r n .. ~ 1111 l ' IJ "' n~h i l' , $59 25. p Olu toLi tllIp r lll" 'I ' . j n tit Ill i lltl'r "f 110" .. ,11,,1 All 1. phlls A 'l\ 11 cl l'" ' ",'l,. II lit I~ 1L11. m lt tl:'d t I jJ' L, IHJIII ~' ~ IV o f 11< 1" ' 1.1 11.11 the r"'ulCor of I n tbll lIIlI II' 1 'If Iht! !"s t li ll 01 t:,m~ h . 11 1J1l . G,\ l ll~ . W., ounshh r AlI ,llplJUi A~I 01 , .·,'II Mn, 1 t\" t;:. Il~t Ih.lIt1 l 'l1 1l111" ,1l 111.1 Il l1 rJUlp~~ " II <}Ilt It! UPlhJltl l'· t "X"I,,,t r. "nnd 1111'11 1 ' . Hll w\w ",J' ~1 "\1 11 1):; te ll t1 ~ .f . h I!, j I f I'd 6 " t'fy r h lrtl Jlpr " n di , '~ o f II I nn ~ $500 . • WIIII " r '-t Ll OU!t ulIIl ~ 'hll' I " '" IJUrli Ilrfl "p', ·'llrJl~' u t. D 1l t.!' ·f'lllS ilCilD 'hioll 'lD II poluted UPIIT,.I, '" LIl II! r\ IHe ll~"~ f, lI o w " nI'R It'lltt'll In thn Illllt 11'1' LI' I IHI lI~ t,'lIn of vllid A~ y ·.lor hqlly etrt1gg l ~F Ferdll1l11nd OU';I'-O. ,h'ol l n~ U C lur. Il l.; nlJ ls t (,'II l:rl'n1:l, II,' hN f r e o o Llll~lI n I" "I'p ol uwd 11I11l1 I n";' OIUI \1(1 Iltlll Ih .1 I Pr , KlflIfs N,,\\' t r lnOr . 13 ll1u l $7:'U. lll n ' "t,UI·.I' und IJ I. Q ,very. il~ JlI (l rit bUH b,le n Itwf.. OIJPrJlifonUl .' uI I ~ "uol lt l·d. e(\ hr 01<1 .1/I l l ~" lUtlK tn u ." OV'I I u Ihe II) ur 1Ill' wHI f W . H. .J. :i VOtl .. ~ (';1'1, II b n ttl o Iu lIn y . Ultd,d . rl;'as~ d A l;I l lwnt.l' ,IIf' will A \'01.1 the r1"k of ~11 r1 0tlS L llU!,! ni t· - r llggl t~. ti ltld In L" AI1~. '1 1' " UUllt.\" . L·II1. IH III 01::1, U1UHO;o d ""lllL' I IJ1Ilt.,u t I IIlIl! c Jort
r. ilT ,.. ~. " 1l Y l.d ud of Ho' I:;: v o u wllnt ('r 111'(·'
: // .' / ¥ ~ .J'.&V ','
V,' hen YOII wall t
wJth the fre sh and cbarming young wom en, on elUler s ide of her. Rev. Smith Boyd 810110 d. Cot' jU9l on Ins!lm t, at Oall, who Wila no\\ BlttlnC on tbe le3(ber couch le/IDln confidingly agaln8t her Aun t GrI\oe. Ho bad been at eome patn"lo ovoid thle YOUllg lady recently, [or It Is natura I to s pore one's self dl8tross; but there was a look of loneliness nbout her whIch sent his heart out to her III qulcl£, sympathy. • "I think I'll Illay hooky/' he au· nounced, wIth a twlnkl o In Ihe eyes wblch he now cost upon hIs mother. "Tha.t's being a good sport," ap' proved Ted. "Stny awny a S ~nday or two, and Marke t Squa re churcb will apprecIa te you beUer." "Let's have somo mus ic," demand ed Lucile. . "Gall and Oootor Boyd must sIng tor you:' announced Aunt Grace. In wbom tbere was a trace at wistfulness. "They do sIng so beautJrully tocetherl" "I'm alrald I can't tonlgbt:' refused Gall bastlly, lind Indeed ahe had good resllon why ber voIce sbould not bave Ita Ilrm and true Quality Just now. "I will accompany Doctor Boyd, though, wltb pleasure:' and she started toward the mualc room. . Rev, Smith Boyd was cut ott [rom the ordinary Ilea about not helng In good voIce, and sutterlng tram a IIJlgbt cold, and such ttilngB. ' He besl· tated a moment, and then he followed. The BedouIn .Love Bong, the Garden 'Of Bleep, snd othen of tbe solo repertoire wblcb Ga.U had selected tor blm, camo pulalng out or tbe musIc room, first hesItantly, and then witb more atrength. 118 the frIendly nearness he· tween blmself and the accompanist became better' esta.bUabed. Prele1lU" the listenel'llin the library DoUced an unususl paulle between the 1OIIa, , " low.V~lced d18cOlllo~ &net theo, the ~o perrectly blended 10lc8S ro.e in a barmony 80 perteot that there WAI moJsturo In the eyes or two ot the ladlee Dr8aent. (TO liB OON'I'JlII1JBO)
WAft UPON,PAINI Pain i8 a visitor 'to every home and usnally it oomes qnlte nn eKpeotedlv. But you are prepDred for eVt r, emer~enoy It y ou keep a small bottle Itl Bloan'8 Liniment bandy, l~ is the great.esc pain ktll er ever disoovere I. Simply Iqld un the Hllin-no rab ulng ' ~eqll\red-,it drl " . tbe puin nWlIY. it is r eullv w, I ' I·(DI. ~L , vln B. iSoister. Berkol YI CB1" wr iles : "uu.t l:iat,nrday,nfter trlimp In " . II "~ nnd the Panomu. E xp o It,lon with' wet teet. T MUle h om e w ' th my n cnk so 8~11f ~h"t 1 c ouldn ' t · tUfn led 8108 n '8 LIDlm e nt freely IIml went to bed. l'c my Hurpriee, ne1" morning the etlt:!n 811 blLd a IUlt; it, dls~ppe flred, f our h o urs lLf. 'PI ~ lo a seconQ applloatlon I \ViiS He g n·' d a8 now." Mllrop,UHG.
Prooccedings F r snil Brl>nllllll unu !:I o wll rd l l1 ln s va. T h o )J , L , '. U R. R. & 're r lDiun l G,) ., pa:rt of d9feDd .. n t ~ m otion is >I n tllin ed lind pl1 r t overr u lell. I n t hEI m ll Uer of tll'e IIl1llol nlw eut t>f UII1t1ll1 cll d . F,)l lt r l ll j " Ktli\!~ t\n t ll fll 'iu 1 (Jour stl' ~ ogrb II1Ier ( In tiO' oo um olf IJlo i'~ u f' Jom ~, .E. Borke, " Ill 111 1 oo ur' tOIlO t'opb r Mr. Folkt. rtlll ~, "'Pfloiut ud ns 'I~~is t !lnt. .F l or e~oo B, F.f llff r o v~ I!l Il'te lJ e S. B lIl'fu rd, mluo r. l:leorge Ii: YO ll lll( Is up poln <1 ~u tlrdiltu fo r the ~ u lt (o r "!lId mlU Or , E rne~so n E . 'o n ~ tn l) 16 V5 Damll!' 11. U n ~ l lInh, t, n l, Pub llo Ell hl nf I dill (l ~ tllte o rdOro , 'l vd e ~!t.1bbl\ V~ . Borllee U . nnnoic. .1 Ilr y fln dH Ib"' Il " ~ In fLt vor o f til " pillin 1t1:' ulltl u · ~", !\e~ "Uln U II~ Ihm &b e pJ III lit i 11' to I ~:!O J. H a rTy O dhor u V d 'file ': TJ. & Ry , UO. •Jur y findt! I " u o ~ ill &111 Oll tle i ' Ifn v (l\' of Iha d feodnot ,
Kee p a Memo rand um. Keell a IItLi o notobook on you r II· bra ry shelf Ir YOU ure 10 the babl t of lending you r hOlll,s to yo ur rrlendM. n ave It lllphalJ lleall)' ol'rangell fln d every ti me you I 1111 " book put dow n Lbo nlltl1e of tbo frl l' nll ~o wholll yo u gave It, togeth I' Willi th e tl lle or the bOllk. It Is Ol1 ly 11 watle r of a mlu· ute to do lhl s Ilnd savos IoU! of thue :wd worry ov ' r tf)'ln g to locflte miss· lng 1)00_11_8._ _..
- -
Rea l Life.
In Russin., bEl<;all He l~ J)QaSllntf Pooslble Way to Ward Off Lockjaw, It /1us be II fOllJ\(j tbat- a n umper C)f Il BVIl no books ' t() r end. t I'· Y IIro· all v t~II l\C nr \:Lkl'tl Ull by clHlreoal SCI forced to rend th~ hoolc ot nuturo ra nilll!' llUlt thllY 10 " tllelt tox ic.prop- They do DOL hea r tl1e h nlt Hon, o r ~h £ oftles (or tb tissues, Berlin sci en· nightin gale, the refor tbey lieLen te tlsts Il.re now c: pcrlm n tln ~ t o see Clae n lgbllll~lIl o Itu·l r. 'I'h y do not Wh Ol1l r (oclljaw Cllnnot be warded all look at " r eal life," a8 It Ill cled In nov, els, th r fore Lhey loa k Ilt rcnl Jl(E b ~' tile s implo "XI) dlent of app lyi ng without th e nov"",. charCOAl to the Intected wo und.
eridns' Garage ! I hllVl' m ')ved in t he Rye Off h Mnin at rel' L • hOI> on wh 're: I will b 1 ! !'fI. ,Ii I I see nil m~' old llS\ Om'rl:! , I no' ", full y qui p p d to,do Li very Wotk. We wi ll take you on
Great E s s ~ y l !!t's P seUdonym. Josrllh Addiso n, t he 'English essay· 1st. us d lb ps 'udollym "UlIo." Wh en h wrot a mun uRcrlpt I.n the city be all notllh~ d with a .. ;" wben In Lon· cla n "1'" when In Iallngton , wbere be /fved. ' an d wi. n In h is oIH ce, '·0 ," th o 11'11010 spelll ng Clio.
Classified Ads '
Any Road Any Place Any .Time
., ...... WANTED
' G
u to l:h" rlllwl.llh's l:ioUle RetI ~flU rll n t r"f I\l "~"~ nnd JunolJe~. Good Idea for Currycomb.· Real Estate Transfers An In" nlor 's currycom b consists liums m Ull lll" p, ouke. freeb tJre B() Sa·wnel B " lid Lujo Craig to or II )( Ible 1001;S of or rugntc d metal " veryd ~ y, t o b' looo . c,~ndy ILcd oll!llrs l otc, GM r Re M oo~1ll ior 22lu r e III anr- througll \\"11I<:h dl rl passes quickly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _it Ian tOlVnsbi v 'U ~=--W, C, CIl~jlll,erIID t Mu blo D Fon SALE Magu us 3 tract" iu r r nklln ' ; IV I). IIblll '$1. Fred H,nl/ln An u \V ir to ' lara (a 'l'bor U8hbred Soutoh Collie Vouner" 65 II c r e~ In M bs Ie to'NlJ s bip ." l'ups , for oall'. U\U lind 80e l in Partition) $1. (hem. D R.. 8~lhlbJlry, R. D.1, Wllynesvllle, Ohio. f~ . 0. 1\., Bnd Oli rrl/) .10 IORon t.o Ollu ~ . ~.. ..W a rren Commou Ple~s Iil, Hev'wood lot N . !!B, ~fJ nr.d 21', also X /lore t,rn t III Mlli nev ll\ OTEL and Livery BlLrn, or will , M.ry O. Jlnr\'(l1 Ohio. 861\ Botel a.lone. PrioB Ilgbt. IVlI l/n~sK , If ~rl"D ct. al. 0 ... 0 No. t 1713 ~'rl\nll Miller, WllynellVll!e, 0. f2 A. L. Green t il Rnlph V. (irae n 11)" vl rt uo o f UJ1 unle r (It salo. duly lsaued 7288 Bores il : Tur leOf '1' 11 t OWD!!bip, (rom 8aJd Court. III tho nbOY 8 .. tatoo CMO 11ml t o 1110 dlr(:('l 041 1 wlU otJur tor oto. b)' Ao e s of R~od gruund In oorpor' 11, wa y o r J, ub l!c nii 'IlI OII , u lilho' lnrUl d esf"natutl atl on: 3 "ood oows, tresh In Secon d ' r rllCL ue D. r fillf V6fslmrg, \\rafte O E. A, 1' hllnlP on til Vn.-l hor ine all Uount,. Ohio, 0 11 • 'l few d,.ys; 10 RegtslerbU ~brop ~nook, lot Ull ti:lld r Mlli l1 l1truet, Leb . sblre JtlwCl8; few eX'l'B fine Wblul liDon. 11 , _ W A , M r rltt, I. n d wUe to .Fred ,, ~ 2 ,,'clock p. m.. all oald dny, ilto foUowlng Wynn d otto ohloil.t'us. Thad. Zlm~ mermlln. Waynesville,S, 4. j~ tl lind 01110 S lI rl Jj,n V rt o f lilt ... 0 4 In d_ rl bod ro,,1 lISll\ce. LO-wlt : Ihrv eysburg , $ 1. FIRST 'rnAO'l' 0.' LA.ND Unod stoak farm of 137 I\oretl Will . M. P etit I,? .lll lln L . .I:I tlillor. "8It u&U1 In tho Oounty 01 Warren In Iho 8f) aor ~B of I, good b o ttl)!)) m,m lo\s N o~ 13 lI u d 14 1n , nth Stalo ot OhIo aud 10 Iho 3 Vlttllge of iiar",,~ •• burg and bounrtod nnd .uOIICrlbod lUI rolla .... lliod. .4 never ralI1llg spring Qf t>lirk s'lbd iviSlo n to J... ohll " '1u~ $ l. towli: ' Boglunlng III ~ho middle Of tho W..y· wlt,er. Inquire of Min Die J. I:S~ t· U08vIlIO. uuu \VUmlll gLo Il road northwest! corD . t. liM Alm!rn. 1\ . ,I na li to Z . 0 !lor to the Iflcksl l.<i MeuLIIIg 110"'" Lot IUlIl j20 W'Jrley ~ trhO in Nnr h l::Iu l ~ m In the LIne 01 J """ph ' Luke",,' holnt : ...beuc<i tertblVa.lte. WaYD88vilJe. 0, WILh , ...111 .LUkOUH' line north J~ ~ Ilogroca townslJlV year old 'brown horlle, rubber. &",,1 2U IlOlos to .. ltono 10 said J.uliOlUl· tine ; tire rnnabont and .barneB8 f o r H, C. lind E m w !\ I:J U,I' voy lo ' l,u. thenco North 75 degn166 We", 3G lJ.2~ pole. wH it North Slroo. \.0 .. olonc In ..JJeY.i..lbOllC8 ence E 'c ul.TI ~b t, J 6;'; uoros In Mill wllh OIlid .Alloy SoUUI 16 dilgrooa ,,'est 20 HlOle, or wi)) tude for h '!LVY mare .. l!'IJIiII to tho mlddte 01 aalCl road ·on UaIII W. N. ~ar8. WayneSVille·, Oblo. tillY Sarvey N\.>, l H 6, rnIOt : \Jlo nce )flth ~ho middle or laid road , j26 South 76 dCl(rl108 EM' 2G ;-26 pOtOll to the boo Mllrrlalte Llcen~. IIl unlng co utnlulng thrtlC> ~ ou(l RVII 110101 moro or 16S8 /" RESEI Vow, $75 Be .vy milker, Sutnuel W . lIo rr ,b riok laye r, of . Rnd sn e'Xbr3 good butter OO~. HEOOND TRAO'J.' OF LAND Mltlt1Je~o \V O , tu Mu ry E Dooley, of U. J,.. Duke', R, 4, Phone 66."X". ,SlloUatod In tho St nt<! of Ohio, oOnnty 01 near .LI3b llD OU . j26 Warren allli 1)1 MUSillo Towushhl, bolng lL part JOIIApb Jol Dl R eBly , IllJlcbinis t., t o 01 ~ lIl11ary Su",'.y No; 66a, aod boundocl Ulld c!08crlbe<l • • 1(11(0"6: Doglnnllllt a~ a stone ~i Nenle Greeley, both, oe t:i outh I.eb. lho JoIl) r~h WC/ft Corner, tile SIImo IJolllg tho Acr(' s, () room . hOllse IIDII \larn, anon . Futhe l' Illob . .For iDforwlltl(lu Rd!lr e~8 Woo , South Wos t Corner 'ol the Nettfe Vglosboe 11.1 laud. ~Illl III tho East 11110 of Ule AW08 R 'IlY D, M iIl IU', nJ uob ine tt!llder 01 cOOl! furm, rUlInlug tMnce N. 62, d~ 50 Mstthew8, DAyton, Ohio, R , R 7, lind f,}c~r tr nd ll ' L. U mhnm, both of mlnu tcfl E, 9, 7 l e..... ,yllli said Ogtoebeo's land nBar Centfl rville. to ... tono; .honco N' nl d~grees 46 mlllutee Milson . M. 1\ . ,J a moso a. J . P. E. 0,67 eh•. wIth tho IIno 'of Amos anti Ohlla. O. Oook to .. j108t aDd coruer III tllo West 11110 I\ub~crlbtlrs to the MOUtl1J'8 01 Qalvln Ogllltiboo'. tarm. the same betaK the Commissioners' ProceedinllS MlIgt\zlll e, S&Dd 350 to Ihe lI.e OUI,O Original Survoys No. 66a and No. ~GG: l honce wft h tJIOS urvey line and tho Og· uUet~ J olJio "BDd gfd t oot) of the UODor ..l OOUH IIOt. WIHI e nter ed Into 106~OO ROILIl • 8Gdcg_. 80 mlDuteaE . 7 0.30 V . 'YUh t:;uw A.xWR n for bridge repair", eh., to .. poInt 0 11 ~ho nor.lll btLnk ", Caesar's beat. mal{fI zilleR on 6IIrtb. Orook aDd COrDor to .a ld O. OgIOll_: tholll;O alil'lan towu~lJ l p . d{)wl1 . esllf'. Creek wIth Ita meandering!! lUI : ( I) S. OS degreo. 00 mlnut.... W.•. 90 Sl\Ia A llowell- T be Burronghe clOUD",. ha, ~),enco (1) S . 46 degrooa 00 mlnutea W. Adding Mnuhltl (;0 , l'epl\lrij to "dd. 3 , ~0 eha. tbonco (3) 8. 0. d.gl'lje8 BO=lnutca ~. 00 ella. to ~bi\ upper .corue. or tho bridge lng II) lIolllO t!, 'l'renau,er'lI offioe, ..W. DR. J. W. MILLER. llutmout III the WaYllesvllle and a8rvo~ .... $1;1 03 ; W . C. Ullmo ur, boarding burg 'nlke: Ibenco (') s ; oa degroos 2u 1I11uut<lll W. 6.21 eli. UlonCO (6) 8. 10 degroetl 00 min· "no wSlShl ug for prl!!onsn for ~oDth ' IItOil W. G.U eh• • 'tbell<:O (6) B. 72 degreotJ 66 , •• DEN-TIST••• of ' De,~ember, 1915, $25303; ThE: mlouWl W. .~J ao ellS. thonco. m!!l. ~U dogree. \'v . ' ,2Icll. tol1161n S;ycamo,..,ou Westelm Star, leEtallldv.. $4,50; .John .aOmlnutc8 alll North D.uk 01 Ca_r',Oreek IWd corner omcejJu Law & Son, auto servloe Jur t:;ur': to Jamilll Zolt·s tarm; tboneb leaving hfd aDd . wi t h tho Ulloa of l aIr! ZeU .. fol· Na&lona' Bank , BId." voyor . lor D eoem'b er 1915, $48'0;' ONl<l1C tUll": ( I) N. 33 t1ogl'OO8. 20 mloutel 11:. 17,36 James Fall en, 8ervloBIi, Deoemher cU•. to n 810no lu tIle Waynesville ond HD .... L1l15, Jf\ultor IIp,Jll r 1100 r C ' B· J $10; veY8uDrgplko; (2) ~hlln ce 1'0. ~7 dllltl'8oa 10 W. 13.6 ~ cl1B. with said ' l'lke to • John A. Blair, snpplto8 for jllnlWr .mlouLIl8 ~ono on tho SoUlh 81~o III thl!... 80uUI road ~Oo: 0" B. DeohuD;, P. M ., pO ~ 'llue ruocealong 8aJd l'lke; (9) IhUllCOJ."l, 56 degl'll8ll fur tl,l1dito r UO; Northwestern Mfg. 06 mlnlltll8 W. 39.05 chi (pl\JJ8\J1g a ltone at
Gi ve UlI ; II "I a llo YO Il will find our l' to ,',I a r e all rig ht .
North Main Street
H 4
Give , Child Respon sibility. Your cbll11 will never take a g reat posItion among Its fellowa In u r Ir In chlldbood It 18 not given respon elbll· Ity. Let thil child <;are tor the lIowers. rhe child will come to consider tbe blossoms as eo ·mllny B1"eet, lovely ,0 0., ,d l'AlufeotlIlH for j II, $20: 1:1 . E • ehlldron, wbo will witt and die It not, ~lIrw l ck. -npph otl for i 'J1., U~,55; IJ, a , Hocllel t, br llf)Dl ~, $6 ; l J1 qlll1~t liven water and sunshine ench· dar. -----_I _. over body of J <ow !:\ .\1.lIn tnl't, cor• oner . I~ nd w ltne6~ . '$ 7 05 : ,J 011 n Wolfe" britla6 (t" I~trtl, M..ssl e t o wn • Uncle Eben. "Wben a man telts you "vbat lie .. hi • ,.:9'7 .25; Wm . EVlltlt', Inmbar, 'Woul4 do tr be WUI lomebody ' el.a." 12.3(;; IObl(l BOH ro of Ad mini trM\lon 11&14 UncI. Eben, "he's generally .neg· lor & 8' IU d ll ~ lrjILll'!ohoo', clot,hlng lecUa' to accomplisb ai mucb a8 bl tlh ne>! j~ to , t .,r illlnntt. fruUJ .W,ure o ....t tq. JeB' by beln' bl. own Belt." 'Cul1nt:r fo r. IX Ol, ..1·b.. " nding Dec 81, l1111i, "'Ii; LMhJ lion loe & COllI Uo•• IXllL\ fo r U U. , *83.'&0; Ueorge a, er 011, burial of Granville f.2D; Morrow LU'ltber 00.. ,_~_ ...,I- and cemellt, ' 14.78 ~.. W bardware Co.. .aaila uel lJU~r,lfU.~r.u, J.baao s.d1!u\~
. _.
tall on ns and we call slIpp,l y you with th e bes t at the lowest
The Hand With Which She Warded Him Off Was Effec ti ve Now.
' (I
('hn r l,j\fl' J . . IIUlL"n v !I. ('l'o r !,!1l Urul IIk ur at. III, 11IHlltil) n or rBl" e tilt-I'. Btl rth ... Bl"k o Yd • •J, hu Blllke, di . voroe , ofu e lty Ltll.l gr o-s uf'g ll1ot.
Everything · in Building Material
NelV ~lIils
lI ell' \{pu( o r
- Shingles Felt Roofing
l;u~"lI l l ~ or jAultor. H ,70 Auditor of W u rr n "Hlllty, Ulaklog fl nnnol,.1 np;Jrt y 'u r .olllliu g Ao~o , 3 1, 1911l.
Comm on Plea Co url
on ,\
f al :llin g th ' o ld ulicl \Vc have
Are ,You
A. .MAFFIT Funeral' Dirp.ctGr , d n b 1 an
c.m a mer..
Waynesville, Ohio. Call answered p r olnplly d y or !light
Both phones in Offic nm l Resilience, ' long distance,No , l tl; ) lome phone 14-2r. Chairs Bnd one COBch' f\lrnished free with funeral s . Best of .rvicfl gu8t'nn teed
D k. H .. E. HA.'rlJA'V A\:
I , \\'ntne'..lville·s Leudlny . ' ()tIloe in Keye Bldg.
Mnln t'\t
~~J1~~'~:; ·,'t:~C:~~'lftD~~ &o,:,~dE~~~
line N. Sf, detr~ 68 mlnutoa W. S.84 ,ch.: to &bo 1,Iacu of OOgluning con~alllllllJ 9no lIull,hu l lort y·Iour .,," ",xty- llvo huOdl'C!<Hhl i\cn... ( IH. 06 A.cru<) . ·S.I\18alo t.o be ho") rm tl'o }?DI'II\ !I8s1gnatetl '''' Second 'rra,., dll. lInd. .. I' o""osslon 01 IIIl l,ho 'frat"' ,lo heJrlvon Mil""" I. t. 1916. wIth ~ho furth ~r rlgll~ rtlIMlI'Ve(J to harves t, t.lu~h .'.111 ",move thererrom Ihe whoot now growllll( thlllUlu. Said roal 001.1 h"" ' - " reglllarlYIPpra/aK1 uqller onlor o f OtlUrt. jo"ret ""'. or Irwad a& ('1800. 0010IuOI""1I hundred doU.... $eooI!d I·raclol lInd aL (l IOG;i) ono hUDd... aDd ~ wo· thlnl. d oUIlnI JIlIr _ aod wtU ..... be /lOIn Itlr 1_ 'Inul LWG-LhInIII 01 IIIlId ap llr\I\aco f value. '
- .....'01. -0110 alid G"·'-._- ,,.,.., pa,meuUl b, murtPIII
1b1td III OM Dalern4 beMllNd
- -
I.y I<lcnl a IJplirlLI I""s.II IIleyc:.\nnr, .each • h., dlsb,sed P(U Lioll .. r II", eHr. 'L' m.~ is
-- -
unlr.o nc WIl} to cure c:ntn rrblll deafueSli. D. L. CllAN(;;. Editor and Managel &n< Ihal is by u constitutional rellltdy.
....................... ..........................., WE HAVE JUST· COMPL~TED
·14rll , Tom Hurst IA quite II10k thl' C,IIlnrrtml Denfness is cau•• d by an in· ~'hc mos.t Modern alld !:)allilary Creamery we0l!: . flu lII('d comlilioll uf lhe muwu, liuing of As Wrltt~n by Our Corps of Able · CorrespondJAN UARY 19. 1916 t he Euslnchinll Tube. Whc:r> this tube is Min Luella Deart.b. of Ridgeville, m.lh tate and will pay highes t murkc.t innllll1ed you h.,·c n rumbling sound or 'pont Sunday wi~b Mr. IIDd Mrs. ents in the Neighborhood pn ce for sound. dean sour r am . We are iwpcrte.t heu ring, and ",hell it is elltirely Aen r]' lJea r tb . closed . Deafness is tbe result. Unless ~lw ::tys prompt to rccogllize a ny advance Mr. and Mrll. New~on Miller aud Ihe inn.motion cnll be reduced and ~his ~n the ma rkel. and will lake ca re of your /1l1u ~ l.ttei- . of DaYlon ;: were .h ere tuboo re~t"red tu il s norronl condition. SundllY to nttend \be faD ral II r hearing will be destroyed iorcv.r. Man), mleres ls at all tim s. Cb 'ks ma iled daiJy ('a ses of dp4,hlcss are ca used by catorrb. viuoe of AdlRon R \6Dllall . or weekl y a d sire d to co er a ll sb i p~n ellts. "'lrlch is a n inflamed condition of the nln· M t . IlDtJ 1.1rI!. Pllrry Wadl.\ nnd ,'ous surfaces. Hull'.lL-Calarr"h ~~ ~'u:.J&lij*--:;::;--,:-:~ . c1"ugh ter!!. of Lytl e, epent S un uay REFERENC E 11m. lhe blood on lbe mucous b Mla8 the system. • •1a~uary . 10 ~, Thore ,,,Ill 110 prouohlng tit FIIlI. il . . re, tile g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Fir.t Nal lona t Bank We will ,ive One Hundred Dollnrs ror Rush Obew. • pioneer oitizen of Eork I:)undny 1) v Rov . l:>ell. Oiltlster WblttermBD . tbls vjl~ge, palsed away .t t.be IIoge • Mr B • B Pearl Stree l Murkc t Bnok I b D t C I r Mr. alld Mrs. Joseph Merritt. of uuy Cllse 0 a l Brr a en ness I 11>1 CUll' of IIl'1vonly.elahe yenrs, Dman 'bs dnd '11'1'11 'b l' r . oglln s pent ' onday A ny Reli.lble Merchant 1I0t be cured b), tf " lI' s Cutarrb Curcf .. • A U 8 llllrenl Borvey s bnr g, s pent 130naoy with in CinciTll ltlli. 10 days. Bile leaves olie Ilister who .. . Cirrulars free. All Druggists. 76c. F . J. CJl ENEV & CO .• Toledo. O. Is lIoveral yellrs .her lenior, Mrs. ~rMM. \';~rllll o w ent.e rtflin ed Mr. Mn. OS8a MerrItt. ' Mary Edwards. The funerlll eel' IIonu rs. vlH Docld lind fllmily ~nn. Mrs. James Miller and family. J 08eph Miller and son, Ralph, ~r . vloe Wa. h eld WednelcllY a' 10 a. m. d .. y. from the Friends 'ohnroh ' ot whIch W enn Dllvit! is ex peo ted h ome t o. lind M l II Uh"rles Eilion Bod Ron of Qincinnati, Ohio II' roo liD ' wllrtl S unday guests ot abe wal II long.life member. Inter. day or tOlllorrow. mene at I:lprlngfield churoh. in Clio. MIas Viall. Jordan 'Iv s euLer tfl ined Mr . nnd Mrs (, hailes MoEwen . toll Doutlty, ever} body was ber a& tho bOlDe ot Mr . Rod Mrs. W m Mrtl. Ellrl MHrlt, of Eno. [nd., III friend . GlIIllm S undll Y, , vist ting ber do lI' ntB. Mr . and Mrs. Mr. and Mra. Will Barvey len MIs9 V o In Ei lts. vi8ited Mi 8 WUl . Bumbort January 22th. for Eustes rtll Irene Uogi , IIv Huod"y. IIr. nod Mra . BeDry Whitehead . where 'bey will remtlln until ~prlng' Mr. Lu \\ ' " Wolfe vi It d of lIetmuntow a , 1118nt Sundely hero Wewllh for thew 110 pleallaD' jllDr. W olre' ~ u .. tI " . t h ' gues hl of Mr. and Mr~. RIIY ney. Mi ss M J I. 1"lIill v i~H eu MI SS ross and danghter. Morrl. Miller ~pent t h s first or Mr. Ed Carr has been indi8polled Ednll DC~!I.th u, ,<1 ' d UDd u v for eeveral day. but la beUer at this . th e wee k in Clnoinna tl. wrlClog. Nell tbe to '1. 1 II I 01 " rlvor erf Mra. Hue n! . of CaDton . Is spend Geo. Dnvl~' h ... ,,~b "'l hl.'t· IIIM i· is"1 Mrll. Mary Shumaller ent~rtalDed ard,y IU rnlug . W eI Rll rt<ly ,,.,11 111 ;: II f"w dUYII wit.1l M r s AdiBoD Itl Udtl l1. thtl Aid l:Iool('t1 Thursday afternooD miss het'. ' ' • _ .. ._ _ _ aDd a "ery enjoyable "me waft htld. MlsN J enllie Robinson hR S ro JonathaD MorrIs. of 'l'lffin, aDd ~UIl1IJ U he r pOlilhon with tho Rtke BY Kum le r Co J . W . KIbler, or New Washini$on, THE GIST OF IT trtlnaaoted bU81neeil here Sa turulloY. Mr. ond Mrs . Claren oe Smith, of " LHSt. Dstltlln ber I h.. rt vory S('. I.. ytl c, ep . nl Monday with Mr. Brnd The Mosllie towollhlp BOllday '5obool oon ventl un will be b eld at vere COld . IIud WUB u tlu rl .l' down llrH Levi G reathouse, the M. E ohuroh In thiS olty, .Jan "1('.& in beil. 1 b() u~ h t tw Cl bu tt l ~" 'ui Dulle . of Lytle. was traDs. uary 30, 1&16. Ju lo,t week'. i ellue of Chamberllll n'l\ (j' ,ur:;h R'· wetlv IlcLi c g bu ~ lne8s he re, Toead y. Great Enthulla.m Already Shown In sou it waf1 o ol y •• v ory lew ,1llYRUll. 1\ WIIS to bo J nn uory •.th, as Sbll ..... the Corn a\ld Domntlc Science Con· Flat Fork ohuroh whIch Well tl mi ll. til ,I Wl\~ C mpl el e l., ~ (\~lI' r< "1 t il teltl For the Vear 1916-lnlerllt· ,.ke, O,",lnll to geulnlr 'he 8Pealler. b I.!tb," w rit "" () .J ;'1010><11 Ing Data On La.t Ye''''' Experl· n. If y ou "'Cluld Rev. Palmer, of Waynel'9ll1e . It W IIt.berhy. WOMEN " SEDENTARY HABITS encea That · the BOYI and Girl. or wlla put off &0 $ake plaoe OD the now ~he VI\ IDfI o f th i.. rf tnI'd • o;~k W om en wh o get buL litt le exer. 1916 May Study. I date above mentlooed CaD ', 'OU aud one who htlS 1180d iI.. O bt a Il l ' oiso ore likely t. ho t r oubJed wIth J. R. CLARKE, "rrange to be prelent? It will d o able eVClry where, Columbus. O.-(Spocllll.)-The new onD tipll t lon uDd Indlp:estlOliaDd Will Director 01 Junior Contest•• you good aDd H will be ID,truo ,1ve finel CbfLmberlaln '8 'I'o.blels blgbly work In tho Corn and Domestlo Sci· Numher Of (ree 9cholnrshlp" nwa;;!ia" 11 aU. bnnetioin). N ot 80 guod R8 tL tbree We will meet all competition in p rice and quantity. en(:e Conle~ts tor the year 1916 10 Nurftber of RirlA who ,von ['rip. to MllsComptoo.IDle.medltlte 'eaoh. Columbu ll to "p~n~ 0 w ,,"c\k In the orful1r mi le wo lk every day,llnt. 'tartlng olr with great entbuslum. er ID our 8ohool. was called MODdtlY Dom..Uc ScIe nce 0 p nrl ment . .. It VI' C y rn \J oll hettor t h n 0 to allo w t.he CALL OR SEE ~\oro trips are already pledged at thla AV~Ml~o number of bu. ht:1. grown &0 she bed III de of her mo~ber WhOllO , bowelll to rflrnuin In 8 oon sLi rll\ terl un tile drai ned land . .. . . .. .. ,.... ' 52 home In Loveland. and Mrs. Mllrf Ct • hrly...da.te fllr the ]916 trip thaD were rhey lue B" Sy and pl elll!. PER~Y WADE, Home Phone 934, 1 YTLE, OHIO euncllt!on . Avera.o numbe r of bUI'heh. R1"C'Wn IIledged for tbe enUre year ot ·1916. Gray II teaohlng In ber pl"oe, on surf.ce drllln'" InO/l .......... 7~ /l il t t o tll ke oud m08t agreellble.ln OR Mr end Mrs. Fr"n oe~ R u~ n8g 1 e The flllish ot the 19lG cODtest WDS Average ch!I. . !h of pJowluJ{ .. . ... " .• 8 In. - M1811 Lamb, primary ceao1i i~68 ··(feot. Obtllln"ble everywhere. aD excellent showing. It was a "howe· A vcnlll'e numher at bURh el,. of <'om T. CRO Valley Phone 268, LEBANON, OHIO taken ...erYlLlok Ba\urd.y aud WUIL of Bprlll~bDl·o. ~ p e nt o llDday wil.u - - --.- - - eultlvlLtod t wi ce or I .~ . . . .'. . . .... 55 .' &akeo to her home In LebanoD. ,belr dAu gb~er. Mr R. I:f a rvey Bur Itretch" battle among many at the AVf F"'D $Ce numb~r of bU,ht'IA nt C41rn net. oonteltallts. Toe work tor both the culll vllted thrtC' 10 nIne times .. II.' The 1800nd number 01 oar l eoture C!ont..~ta and this ornce "'&8 enorm· Mr. ~mwet Bellz ,.nd fa mi ly e u. The 1916 Contest•• cootlo will take plaoe Ba't·urday OUI and vo.r y exactlnx. Tbole wbo 'ertalned Mrs. Nancy 8 ell7. DDda y . Dlgh., JaDuary 22nd, a' Town 81111 lIfore money will be available tor ALL KINDS OF' .. tuck to the end were real beroes and Mr. t:Il1rry bb!l'v I\n(\ fUllfly I!pent Dnder tbo aUlplces 01 ehe (;Iv\o heroines. Dewey HIUI~. the obam· the trlpa by the State Board of Alrl· Lealoe. Suoday with Mr Ceoll Bltem!lll IUld plOD of thl. year'. contest. used 500 culture tllan ever before. (!l ranxe., Y. Mr, aud Mrs. Ohn8, Gray were &he Prof. aawk. auperlnWl'dent ot famIly. pounds of fertilizer on 'h18 premium M. C. A.'e. 'huroh88 and Rchools bave ~r.. W·. 0. ' Wa.1 uer ii! vlsl\log fluolts of her paren~1I Mr . Ifnd .Mn. hearty co-operatlon. all promised lohoola in thil OODO ')" reports 'wen.acre. ILIld lIye 10¥e .'of manure. He 8am t:ltarr ~ unday ; , bellevel In and Ilrnctlccs plant feed· County agelJta are available advlsen ~.tw.o leaolien 10 baGly lo!1t.poaed trleods and r eilltivee It~ J tllOeMtown. C. T . Barner .nd ~taml1y vl8Ued \a ... \n .. Bvstol)mUc manner; 10 do aU . In aU of this work for, cootestautH. .. 'hat they caDno' attend $0 shelr • Mrl. Ida Stokes 1.11 ~peDdl n g tl rew We Buglest a Corn Boys' ltUtitlile du~ItJ8 . U mlShs be well for ' the day. with her dCtught'3r. Mrs. T.om hia elBter Mra. Frank Kyn" near or the boya 01 tbe 1111 1) OUU'S" Berryblll oorner 8uDday. attention to plant food requirements. and a Girls' Domestic Science ' TnsU· hlgb IOhool grallod•• $0 prepare Courtney. Looisianel. Mo ., Jan .-In oom Mr. and Mra. Chas. Bowe were ID wonting reoent,ly on the eleoCion of crop rotations. and otber ' ..cton, w1l\ tute for ea.ch county. PleDty or 10<:&1 ehemeelvea for 'he IOhool room !l0 Mr. Lafe Doane an d Mr. Gordon .ud outside talent can be gotten [or 'hs; ClaU render aenloe in Call6 01 Blilllnger spent aUlI ralae tbe average materially. UUdllY evenlDg OilYton !\ few daYB ago. Lloyd O. Stark. vloe.presldent of Deed aud 10 .bat may become 'ull. ,wnh Mr. W . C. WlIorller. Horo are SODle Intel'Bltlng data on IUch worli. DtUes 6ranoel Wilsoo called OD I:It llrk Br ob. Nurl!erles & Orobards WaynesviUe, to ISlue two outlines, one 'Ve ex pect daalled teaoher •• malll)!1 'bemlelves the 1911i B1pertence8 that the boys Mr. Illrnest R 08oagle. of Londo n Mrs. lilber Arnold ID W.YIl08ville Co , to t,he presldeooy ot 'he Western on "Soils" and one on "How to RaIV .0 beDefioial that "wilJ lDOr88l1e r,nd glrlB of 1916 may study: Friday I\ftornoon. A!lBoolatlon of NorlerymeD, 'he 8t. wall vIsiting Mrs. Baryey Burnet , Corn," for the boy a and glrll to .t~c!j n.lllr bank aooonn&8, mOlt all of UII W'II"le numl>er or e ntrie. In the un Over Postoffk-e; ";~ ~ , · ~1:~,1 ·' l'uesday. Little MILT Y E Iyth HtIlnley I, qui'e wnis Republlo 811d : oont...11 (Cern ) .... .. ........ ,... .SI during the spring mo nths. ' tall. prIde ID 'hat. 'I 'hll aUlli~'ioo This addl additional Inter~t to Office Phone 77 HoUle Pboue 1\5 . Total nurnb<or who nnl.hod ........ 100 lIrs. Mlnolo Venable spent bun· sick a &.tbls meeting 8ufferlng from 1t II urged that JUl t aa many local II free and Ihould be appreol.&ed tbe [aot that shill great Mla.onrl eo· Number who ....1.00 oyer 100 bUIll. day aftero ooD with Mrs. Ewmet 50 aUaok of la grippe. trlPI aB possible be solicited aud a~ The meroury Mooday mornl~g pctr &c'r e ••.••• . • ••••••••• ". • • • • • • • • n J OBepb Leaming I. D·' 110 well lerprlse Ie just ready to begin the The 1I1,1I ~"t )"1.ld ........ 15!.7et BUlh. ranged for. It II nol a bard ma!.ter "a' low aDd ."nglng cold. making Beltz. oelllbration of lea one hUDdre(Uh a~· IIgaln. . Til. l\vemse yl. 14 ........ 78." Buab. In any community to raise $60 for this the 0081 pile te~llt. etreo•• Mr. Barry EttrDboll't's 8111e helU The averll~ ,Ield tor the tour an· • trtp. Two boys. &8 IIsual. ",III be Friday WIIS well Q't lended, Mr. Benry Crew has bleD enter· Mrs. Some of our olUMn. are looll:1D8 Earnhar\ haB booght Roge rs' Bard. DUal contoJOtIl • .... ..•... . Bub. l>rought to tho State tnlr or 1916. Number of I!'Irl. In thO Dometlt\o Bol'0 aprlog com log ID thtl ware .tore In Wayne8'ville ,,,here be tnlulnlr her oou!!in from IDdiaDa the Cl .. s "L" In the premiums !or the past week. en.. Contut .. .......... .... ..... 100 OOUDty aores it bas developed Into Dear fo\ure and are plaolog 'bell' now re.ldes. N"!'\bef of gh1. In the Cltr Cmt.,.t. 10 acbool exhibit. at I'lie State tall' Is a Mr. and Mrs. Mand Burhman the la.rgest conoern of it. kInd in the .. . ordere for automobllOl, ehe salell. -.. .... - - _ _ . _ ,-,•• ", C"'!ontelJt who speCial class tor all tbose wbo enter Mr. W. C. Wllrnor weot to S prlDg. m oved the Pallt week to Dellr O. United Statee, .T;,;H;.;K~...;tl;.;.R:;E;A.;.:T-=K= S.;.T....__~__--~-.:... our contestB. It bllS some handsome llIeD have their ona'omerll well field 'l'h u 'aday. born. Ohio . Eor auy bnslne s to b a.ve lived 100 P~ER the ea.yln8, 'bl~ ". stltcb 'pay for boys Ilnd girls who work It· craloed AI" , Mr•. Lanra Beath spont Frld&y Mr. aod. Mrs. R : E . Jones and years i. a noteworthy aooomplhlh. out. Thero will be a glrl'l week at in time eavea, nine ." meot To h"ve hved lOO years aDd IN THE WORL&> "ith her pareD t... Mr tlnd ..Mrs. fllwily attended the rDnel'lll 0 ' Alalo we make mention of the the (Ylllo Stato university Bome time /1lBI.1SHED WEEXLY. $1.00 fER m:a . G.orge Jone8 nellr Xsnla 00 been' a OODs$ant fuo~or 10 the In. IDoreallng Intere8t . in she .. E. Nellon MoKeever . . III March. oreased produotlon or more and bet/toTIt.e , DRUCC"iiTi, 8Pa:C'I<LlSTe, Thnrsday of last week. Thoee on the slok list are DOW ioTho rulCll tor the 1916 contestl will /duDd., Bohool. J!lleDtlon ·of oflioerll Mr. VIrgo Mitchuer took dinner 'er frDiCs for tho fawlty la even OOSTUMIRe, TItANSFEIt, CA l.be shorter and simpler tban ever be- JanualY 1711i, aDd In.talJed lIome ooverlDg. . AND 'BU' SERVICK OA" PROF.:" wltb Reo ben Jones aod family more notewortby. tore. We will have 500 winners tbla new maoblDery whlob will be In ~tark Bro'. are pioneers In eD- 8'1 USINO ITS ADVERTislNO COLUMNa wo,klDS order next Snnday, Jano_Sunday. year. QonraglDg the plaD.lnfr of more trolt SAMPLE COpy FREF In the (lorn Trip to Washington tbe ry 2sfCi. lI.'a y 80001!811 relgn,up,r ame Roy JaDes is on tbe siok IIs& tblll fOI the good of the publlo. r .. ther _ _ IIIlW VOItIC C~IPPEIt BAn COLD UP eJ[pen~ea 01' each t~ket will be given for the good of tbe Suoday SOboo!. · Great BUllne•• Lo .... Que to week. '. thaD Indlvldnals. and not from . ot_ y".~ . ... ~. 141'11. Melr ~h& WUO()X, o.owtl.odR. in detail thts' yenr. Negllcit Our phYIloh'D I. a buay man 110 Petorsoo·. fl1m~lY 11 11 vo purely oommerolal motives. Doe N. Y ,writes: "I firslt u bed Oham. allG'1offi~ld Boys Bnd gld8 will recolve appltca· moob 1I10_mel8 from ooldll . b een suffering With the La to an awakeoiog of t!le v"lue and berl",ln·. Oough Re w eli'y I~bout eigbt tlon. tor the Rules and Entry Blank. The eDler'alnment and dairy yearll ago. At ~hli t. tlmt,l I hlid Grippe the Pllst week. Importanoe .of fruit If oDly "Il little by wrttlnr UI. lUDoh giveo by thll Civlo .LeBaue, bllolt.vard orohl\rd," ll Jme·bulJders The coullty . nnd Independent fall' Sa'o"day Dlgbt was well patr.oDlzed. a hard oold Ilnd ooughed m Ullt of tbe today tllll:ure OD Il tew t.rees when tOWI 'ot Oblo are staunch trlondl o! ",blob enoooragell the league .In ,Ime. It proved lobe just wbat 1 the hOUBe plllnB ar" drawn inBtead Deeded It broke u p ~he oold ill the Junior Cpnteats. Tho ~tronl ot their etrort• . HElP YOUR LIVER-IT PAYS of making no p,ovillion for tbew • • .. a few d"Y8, RDd the OO UKL en tirsly every one ot (oello falre Slipport tbe.e When YOllr liver getll torpid and wbltever. al! Wall formerly the Oll8e. Muoh \be regre' of onr cltlzeDI dleappetl.red. (lll1ve t old many 01 b~a ,In bullcUng UP a good fair til Veterinary IYery Inltance. and tbey . Ibould •• we are 'LXlIl , so 10B4i two of .onr my fi ends' of the g;ood 1 reoei"ed y our stomaoh aota quenr, take Dr Ic Wled to be tba& the tOwn aDd 01\3' courage them to ,pend lOme mODI, wtoll ' I'8lpeo&el\ cl&lzena, ' Jonathan througb using th18 mediolne, nnd Klni's New Life Pll1a and you .vlll reildent held a mlltaksu idea aboo t Graduate of Qblo Siale Unlvenl' . to IUmpulate Illtereit ot ·the boy. a . durfROe aDd wIdowed daugb&er, 11 who h .. ve need 1t apea k of' It lu find yoorself feellDg bett.r. They uow mnoh Ipaoe It r equIred to lin. Eliubeth ' narlan, who , have 5be hlghe8t terms. " Obtoiollble purify 'he blood. alve you freedom plant and'grow a tew 'rees and busb lirll. from oons$lPI'tion, blllou.De.... dlz. frul~. IeIB~~~~~~~~~~Hft~;n~erida~rirr-~iT-S~~----~~~" ·A4dre.. a commurilcauooa to:J'. I(' bo0shliHmall . . . ..",.., of W."nee. everywhere. ziness Bud Indlge8tlon. You' feel one Diln do with tbe ne w varieties of Clarke. ])!rector of JuniOr Cont..ta, ville and will mo... e lO It 10 a 8bort .~. ---wood's house, Fourth Street. fi le-jnst li ke YOIl waot foel. tree!! on a few fee' of grouod. Tbls Care Bta~ Board of ACrlcultww. , &lme. ' oonpled with the faot that the OOD. Olear Ibe complexion too. · 21)0. a' _______.... 4._______ Telephone 28 Sage Reflec'tlon. sumptlon .of raw fruU 10 the put druggists. --~-- - "Et ev'ybody got all he thought 'Wae few yearll hal greaUy Inorellsed I. W III OhIo com In' to· ·jm." said Uncle Eben, COLDS MEED ITTE.1I0N dlrecUy rllllpoDllble for 'he planUDg aynesv e. boss an' dar "ev'ybody'd be de ,If three home orobards where only CONSTIPATION AND Internal 'hrol' ana ohee~ troublee PresIdent ot the Polk·ll11ler iIl'UR one Wall plaD$ed before. A new Company, RIchmond. Va., Is authority "I b~V8 used Chamberlain's 'rib. produce IllflammaUon, jnltlUoll, ....ouldo·t be no one let' to do reC'lar ..... meilDlni and a new Interes' Is DOW' for tho toflowlng ellitrnordlnary sUlte· leta aDd moe' ..,. tbey are sbe beat I!wellbg or ' loren.,.. aod onles!! ....ork." lI"aohed '0 that aooient adDloni. ment: . ohecked a' ('noe, are likely to leau 1 bave ever used for oonl!tlpa~lol) We wll) offer at Pnlillo Auotlon tlOD : "Be stlollln' ID !l tree Jook. It "J estimate that tho business men of IlDd tDdlgel"oo. My wife al8.o Uled to eerlp,ul!I nOQbl". Caught 10 time BAJ{NHA~'r, . on the late tieorge Barlau farm. a' "m grOIR wbtie ye're sleepln· ... thlo country could Increaso tholr C'~. 'belli for In(\lge.~loD aod ~hey dill Dr. Se11". Plne-Tar.Boney looleoll ·Where Law p r,lIume •• The pure food experts bave said fo ot; .of S hill, l:tr. cveY8borg, Ohio. the pbleam and de8 ~rOYB Ghe gflrml clenoy fully ten per cent by. taking nn her good," wrllea Eugllne 8. Knlsht, In eascs where h usband and wite Notary Public that the oblldren of the oouotr), occ8ll10Dal I~DUve and not noglect~lg ·WlhnlogtoD, N. O. Obtainable eVllry- wblob have eetlled iD $lie ttiroat or are acoldentally kllloil together. the on most have all the apples they oan 100118. n la lootblng aDd healing ~(jmmon law presumes, thnt tbo mao, Tuesday, February I, 1916 th~ bO\V1l1a as most ot them do." . where. £>tne 18 aDtieepUo i :-boney 10 eoot.b. being tho stronger. out.llvC)d tbe wom· . ComDlenOlng .t' 10 o'olock. the eat U " bey are to be perfeotly All klDds of Notary Work . Wl1ls Be alao 'salll tbat If tbo DOPf\rtment aDd Deeds a !;peola",.. IDK-both 'og~lber poasetJl!I exoelleor an, no ~atter roi how ISli ~ rt a tlmo. of CommerCe In' Wnsblngton would foll owing propert.y to.wlt : One 144 healthy. 'fbe little home orobarde of oilly a tew ·tree8 will oome nearsr mediolnal q\l&lUlel for fighUng o.old present each buslocS9 man In tne eOuo' aore Tnot of Land. 1 Bonee i&Dd Lot --:-ge.m8. IDellt,QD Dr , BeI.l'l . Pine. try with a boi or Re:rnll Orderlies, It In BarveYliborg, will be offered I.e lopplylng thll waot tban' the o~m· Explain. Flow Rivera. rar.aoDey. 1160 all Droggleta. would be of grellt benellt to the Da· 2 o'olook i 4 .H.lfBe!'. 10 Cattle, 20 merolal orohardll wbole o.r oll' go to The easterly direction 01 the ereat Means H<lrd Worl<. tile fruIt Btanda where the price hi tlonll . welfare. .Remit Orderlies Ire ·rlnn ot America III obviously due i.e "Tn'ln' to help II. mnll dat can·t help · Hogs, FArming Implemeo&e, Boulli. probl blU"e to m. ny or a I'e exported prompt In action. pleasnnt to tnke ft.ncl the polltlon' of tbe · Andes, which rum bold ana Kltohen Furnllur • • -.' c hlsle·t," 8111d Uncle mben. "Is very to forel,D lands. Although nllver never gripe, cnn be ueed by men. wom· north and IOUP!. on tbe ... estern aIde See big bills tor terms. Novell,ta' Trouble.. often 1I1ee tryln' to play mule tob • planted for profit eveD the IImulle.t en or children: and .are Just'the thJng of the C9DtJnent. while the chain 01 E. M. ~haD8 Gee",e Meredltb said ,that tbe mOlt , mIghty poor drtver." '. of tbe baok yard plantlDglI will pro. Lizzie S . aarlaD for ,tonlne up Ilugglsb livers. mountalns which traversel EUroPE dlftlcult thine to write In fiction was - - ...- -duce more than ODe tawlly 0011 use; Ad mlnfetnldx . We have the exclusive selling rights for and AsIa riom welt to ilBBt cauee the !!Ialogue. . But there II 80rely .one a\lowlng .. lIurplus for eale lio Delgh. Wm . MUls, Auos. , . Strange Power ",r Musk. thla l1'eat lalatlv.... Trllll size, 10 ceota. cniat -"umbel' of rivera ...llich Itow tblng .at leaRt •• !!11IIcult-a thine 110 boril. ,A uto Llye~y ' Servl~e Wayne Smith 'l Olorta north and 8outh. , , Musk In ItI! plJre state Is 80 rndloaa. rarely well done that,' a mere reader It haa remained for Stark Bro'. to J.~.IANNE¥ R&lph Broo~. Rea8onabl~ mlellt think It to lie more III111cult tban tlve that. If bold close to the body !or .pond over $250,000.00 In ad verli.log ., '-----' THE REXALl STORE Subeorlbe for 'he Miami (:Jllieite dlalorue-and that II the telllll. "h&t a time, It 1\'111 ]lrod uce sores similar an IIpple~tark Delloloull-8l1d IIQO, to those caused by radium. bappened. . ( . 000 OOin adverlialng II.notber""':Olatlll; AIIIO A~e t for Kelly:aPri~eI4 '" • BeD. Other trade.mark troltl 10But They _Don't Remember. AutomobUe Tirea I • ""tebbe," 8~ i d Uncle Eben. "el troduoed by tblB nuf'8or), are !;tark ffoneaty t. Rare. "Table Bllene....... King David. Champioo aod 8enator II everybody could rememher dat' every. app1et!1. Gold plum, Gold oherry To be honest a8 tbl! world Larxe Iheete of blo\tlDa paper make heat aame .. body surrers . ('um de uce1lent "table all.naen." THe blot, to be one man picked out of ten thou· every.body else. a bot wave wouldn't Gold Nug!te.' pear. ten not 0111)' Jealen the lOud; but will und.-Bhakelpear-e: . "Hamlet." , be de signal foh' everybody to make Valley Phone 9O-1~ absorb anJ liquid wblah ma, chanGe blBBe'f more or le8s 4Iaal1'eeable.") . " , &0 be IPUled upon the cloth.
-------------. . -~.-- - --_ _ _ _ _ . . 4 ....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I J-.-;~
Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O. .....................................................
,:-======= . BUT'ONE CORN TRIP
It Will Be Conducted by Ohio Board of Agriculture.
at LYTLE, OHIO Farmers Loose and Tied Tobacco Leaves MUST BE CLEAN
- --
Walter Chandler o.!
Dr J A McCoy,
..... .
.... .....
.- .
E. v.
Ray Mills
-_ ...-----
Painting, Paper l:i!lngiP,g;' A.~to ,end .~e P~tiDre
Unoonqual'lll!11' lnclln.tlcn.
"I don't lee' wJay meD lDalllt on ,.,.
lnc to war,~ oommllltecl tile thoulhl> ro1 woman. "W.u," IaIcl the queru10118 on', "It H8IIIa Ilte lOme ma wollld CO almOlt aD1Wh.... ratllel' thaa ..., bolD....
.. -.
Out or tha Moutha of 8abe.. LUtle Edith had been to • 1l10Dle, CoJlinsvillC1 111.--" I 'Iuffered from a De"OUS breaw.·down alld t.emble bead- and a aleepler mlu 'Wu nenl' put to acl!ea. and Will tired ·liUl over, totally bed. ~ ber mot~er IInlahe~ undnl.. worn out and discoura,rad but u 1 bail Ug her Ibe ,aid: ")lamm.. I ...., mr a large family I had to 'work deapltomy prayera at. !Upper to ..Te Um..." aulfanng. [law Vlncll advertlied and ~ decIcIed to tr11t, ..!11 lithln two Weeki I ootlc:ed a aeclded ID\~vement, and DOW' 1 am a wan women. "-lIN. AHA
linda Health In Our Vinol
Wa P.I!~I~~~
w.a;v "'BS'WILLB,
.-.. r
Dlveralfted Engll~h Agrlcultur•• AcrtcuIture Is the primary ·lnduBtIT ba the welt or England. wbere It II notable for Its diversity. balrylq ud cattle and sbocp ralslo. are ~ ried on In BomerBetlhlre. The ChIMldar cheele IDdUItJ'1 l8 Iituated
.W al~er McCl~'
r _TelephoM vau.y _._ _o No.
Local Items
The S•.Fred Co., Lebanon, Ohio
A tend Hyman 's JUIlUl1ry SlIle
Mrs ~.J., Hapt'ri liq uil e iek. Pr ·pared aud Read by "am I Meredllh Before the Former.' e (; . Williom on, of Duyton 'is 1\ Institute Recently Wnyn IIvill vil;iLu r. today. ~. .
Mrs. Nannie Brown. of Lebanon, I f(~d EI- liv e by Ii standard. lay down a. f~r bOll, 1 81'i~ we k. milIa, or appr.oach a proposlllOn The Warren ounty romona with a certain method or plall, th,)n hand this criterion to another. and Grallge will meet In Lebanon Satur · expect the same reslil ts. Every dUy, Jnnuary 29th . man. wheth r he 18 a business man. a proft!l!sio nal man. II. ke61l-eyed d'Mrs . J ames ' toopsandsoll. HolmE'S, tective. a piano tuner or u farm r join d M r. StO() P~ here last week for must face his own case . know h'~ a visit of oVl' ra\ days. ., own capabilities and " sound" his own tuning for~. . l Mr:!. AdrlB LI~wl .~ and on, .of Day. To what l xlent millht a man go III lon. ~ I,(>nt I I e l l ' ek end WIth Mr. debtin buying a farm? This is a : ub . aUll M rll. W. 8 . Uruham. ject. of wide general r~n~e, Y,!lt VI~\~' Mrs. Mary Britain and Mr Herlng It (rum one angle, It IS so spe : lh . ao; to call for one direc ~. cllmr-cuL bert Uritain atte nLled c h ~ funeral, of '':" answer, however such a thing wuuld Cl rel ative in Dayton Saturday. be absurd since the answe\' would de · pend upon so many cir . umsl/lncQ.' . A.re you on the list tor McCall's First of all. we must make some Mug!lzin ? ,et if ill connection with definite conditions in order to up · th e lIi1:uml Gllzea ' only ~l , 35 per proach the subject at all. W" musl yea r . select a young man with I~ood healt h and a good tea~ to be uur player The \ oman's Auxiliary of St. M,aEvery ,und ertaking that ever r eo r~' s church will tile t with Mrs. O. suited m worth was wcceded by a J. Ellwards, Fritl .•1 afternoon at 2 dream . Every structur e that hllE o'clock . . been erecled was first construct~d in the architect's mh d. So let lh e The M V. P. A lIIiII I·"it) n meet· young man plan, 1 wi: uld sny let hinl illl( ill Township I-l o ll ~", 'L'hur3t1 ay, . have a wide range of vision, a lilli e J lln uary 27th, at 2 p 111 . harnes t!d imagination, an insh:ht E. Baily, Hec'y . into the future, with a will to push tht! dream inlo a reality. Now II' have the strong young man. the J ohn A Funk ey'" j!'rellt !lc salli dream and the will to do. I feel al1(l all ~oods in tliis large stock at quite su re he ran accomplish won great bargains Remember the ders. . storeroom of 105 f('et deep is full ot Suppose he were to purchase 80 1111 s urpri~ inglY low pric es acres or land at $100 per A. $S ,001) , a~dwouldpay$IOOOunin ; th.isleavt!s Me&'rs . I~r xl £Ib(ln. E!ias Ogles· ~Im f.7,OOO Indebtedness wllh H20 bee, P. L>. lal{elt and Karl l;il'uwn, mtere~t per annum. . . of Lebanon. attended the Ohio hort . Pa) mg .~OO per 1\. we exp ct .tht! lIorn Breeder's Asso . ation in ColumI~nd to be m r~d'ness for culllva· bu s. Wednesday and Thursn/lY of tlOn; co.uple WIth the young .mar last week . . . a splendlJ young woman who knowil how to be a help-mate, sympathetic, M .. B ·t . 11 d t enersretic, anxiou8, barring of course ra. .nary r! 11m v.: ns CII e 0 illness, except perlist>S incident.al· Dayton Thursday \.11 acc"~I~t uf t he ailments; what can I:,d young man Jieath o~ anc,lher grall.de!11hl The
j ~ is quite difficult for any man to vis! ed ht'r da\lghter . Mr
·OurGigantic Winter' [Ie
e Sale
STARTS FRIDAY, JANUA ·Y 21 ======================:====:=================================~
• A veritable wave of Clearance Mark-DOWDS has swept through the big store. Notwithstanding the unparaUeled advance of prices in every line we handle, we made substantial reductions on the staple lines and extra low prices OD all seasonable merchandise. . Clothing, Cloaks, Shoes and Furnisbing Goods, Furniture, Stoves, Rugs and Lit1loleum at Special Low Prices' This Coupon is Good for during our Winter Clearanc.4:~ Sale.
Extra Cedar Stamps
in addition to the regular stamps on purchases of $5.00 and over in any department, including the Grocery Depart ment. Good only during tbe Winter' Clearance Sale.
The S. Fred Co.
S. fl L~banlon,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~====~==~===========~~~=~~=~~~ '"
Now a Six-Cylinder Enclosed 'Car for $935
This Hew Series top quality SallOD "Six" now bring. the all·seaflOn "Six" out of ,he high priced class. Men have thought or tbe
slarting and lighting sys· tem; Timke" axles and bearings; IIn.leurn covered Boor boarlls and running • boards; sUent helical bevel driYegeat1l; highgrnde body enclosed six-c,linder car as a luxury for the few. .en · finish; yacht·line body of "ave wanted enclosed car greater rooDliness, and a quality at tOllrin~ car &ost . score more of noteworthy This SaXOD "Six' gl .. es it features. Come and conviace yourto them. He ... are 'other higb class self of the ellceptional .-alf~turel' a·unit electric ue in ahis New Saxon.
Elec.trlc atarter and U,htl
'3!1S 4SS 00
J. B. CHAPMA'N WaynhvlUe. Ohio
DAYTON EXPO .The Industrial ExPOBitioll opened at Dayu,n lut Fr!day night with one of the biu_t opening attendances that expoaition hu ever known. Saturday more than 11000 people vildted the ten big shOWI under one roof ind the great building waS
taxed to ita capacity all during the day and eVeJ.ing. . It il expected that befora next Saturaay night beween lOO,()()() and I50,()()() IICQple will have visited the Exposition: . ,Many thousand. of visitors have rome to Dayton trom all parts of Ohio, and those who have seen the big automobile shows In New York. Chicago and Kansas Cit" ,II say that other Expositions will have to give the palm ~o Dayton.
and mULES Weight, from 1,000 Pounds up. Fatand ready for. market. Ages, from 4 to 10 years old. Will be at
1916 ._ _.a . ... - .
Friday 'afternoon of this week the teacher a of Wayne Township wjIJ have a teocher's · meeting in the scbool building, In these meetings the teachers diFCUSS their problems. make plans, and in various ways derive a great deal of the spirit of true teat'her.
Here-in the New Series all-season Saxon "Six" is answered the insistent· demand for six-cylinder enclosed car luxury at a modera~e price. Here, for the first time-a "Six" of the all-season type is olfer~ at' the Saxo~ price--$935.
Saxon ' '''Four'' Roadoter With Coupo top
...- - -
Th~re will bea program rendered in each room in Wayne Township, February 22nd. The public is cordially invited. The ' High school program will be in the evening.
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The boys of the High School went to King'8 Mills Saturday night and gained a glorious victory over the K. M. H. S. This makes tbe fourth time that tht! two schools have come together this year lind W. H. has been the victor each time. The athletic activities of our school de· serve the hearty support of the community.
and foUowed by about 1:!arne THE WARREN COUNTY of wheat. He ought al rate, Le fARMERS'able to sen from $1100 to GOO worth of produce from the farm ubtract 1450 inter.est, he would have (on TEACHERS' ASSO. baals of .1200 soy) .780 remaining; Club Met at.lbe Home of Dr. ElIIs-. \I II
With Detachable AII·Season Top
~e ~~111al~~~~ have something like :l5 A.~to~~Id plow. mMyfr~~of to th.em theIr sympalhy theIr hour say 6 A. of tobacco, 20 A. of corn of dlstres.'1
- -- -
Saxon "Slx" Tou;lor With L lmouoloc top &'1(011 "8Lx" Roada'cr
___~~=~=~~=~~======~~ @WA. ~aY~I ?
There will be a basket ball game Saturday evening between the King· man team and Wayne8ville Hi,
.- .
The Usual Fine Program \ as Rendered At the pleBJ!ant and ho. pitable home of Dt. and Mrs . J . T. Ell is. the Wayne Township Fa rmer's club held its meeting Ja nua ry J3. The day was a perf ct w i nter'~ day which the membei's fully enj oy nuring the ,Rocial houl'. At noon tl e u~'l a l bou'n tiful dinner was served to about fifty members and guests. Mrs. EllUl WIlS a istf.'d in serving by Mrs. Cart.wright, MrR. Arnold. thgelher with ' Mrs. O'Neall. Mrs. Charles Ellis and Flor~lIce WilSOll . The' meetiltg w~ called to order by the presid nt at 2 p.m., when the following pr\)gram was given . Cur· rent Events , by Lyman Silver were given in a brie r and c?ncise f!10nn~r, 1 and called forth an mtere C1ng d IS· I russion con cernmg the problem of the Panama a n I Qndot her Subjects. / T~t!,~;~Pceclujabl btoPtilc\e' g"rlellntWeshtBbeCnWe8fiYt
.- .
Notice of Appointment
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.- ...- --
thl8 should give him .600 for his W d . d h T d principle and then a good margin or y.'I1S recel'de ere . . Ihe, ay' At thi8' rate in 9 to 11 yeanl he announclIlg the 'Sl!L of r "mils .' IHut ntE·lo. f Cb·'inhClnHMti, would clear-him' self. t HhrollherTlof.tfhe Of course, one objection that a e Iza ~t u!1 oe . Ie U· mil{ht come here would be that the era l ,serylC:e~ 11'111 b~ ~eld at the young man . couldn't clear $1200 on hap~~ 1~ur~~ay morlllng. fntl.'r· all 80 A. farm . Gerla;nly not in ment In MIllml cemetery . many cases. Take the 80 A. farm in . poor condition, badly in need of tile. .T he funeral servIce of A A , or anythIng which might prevent UI. ey were held ,unrlay after noon best results. Then he should pay le.s at <I o'clock, at the M.. ~ .churc.', for hi' fal'm-much less- that m ean~ Rev. C Grall er. officlllllng. ~he leas interest to pay. \ Then say he bhdy was La.ken to , J tfars~nvllie buys the 80 A at 160, paying $1000 MOh~ay mo' ~'n !: and Interred U1 the down. Thi8 makes his dpbt $3800. cemetery at I :at place. and interest .22ti. Ince he. paid .. - _-, - - - . . three fifths the amount of the .IOO Mrs. E 11 :1 Crane dIed at her per A. farm, we have the right to residenct\ n· .:' Ul ica Friday evellin~. assume he may pr'od uce three-fifths The f.uneral t ok. place at the church th" value of the $100 farm Thi8!n U~lca !'Ind llHl lnterment was made would make him @Ie to pay $300 for 111 MiamI cemetery. -. expenses . Taking these two iIlU8' . trations, the latter p 1lrchll88 is slight- Sidney Coon died at hi8 home near Iy in advance of tile first. Lytle Monday morning, after a long I know two YOU'll{ men who, seven illlJ~. The funeral will be held year8 ago bought two farms. One Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at paid '9000 f9f 80 A. paying~ '1000;' the houlle. Intermen t in Miami the other paio '7500 for 80 A . pllying cemetery. ~ ~ down . Makina' one " $8000 in _ _ _. _ __ W A R'd '\1 (Continued next week) m. . King. of 11 '1 r I gevI a, , died at his home 'l'u esd uy. The fu· neral will !;Ie held (r-nm the house I !>'riday morning at 10 o'clock. •
to Its members and to t he commu- I nity']" The d iscu 'on WIlS opened l)y.Mr Uartw'r ighl , followed by Dr. Hardly had we gotten 'the edition Elhs, M.r . Hawke. Mrs . .Duke a.nd off tha pr'ess last Wednesday atter h I I ot erB. W lose ge.nera . vte~ pC;llnt saying we. didn't .think the river was, by puttmg ll1to practIce kmd- I would gel high enough ·to overflo9.' ness, and love to wa rd our lell ow.ItlCn. 1the avenu ~. when wa had one of the we can be of m ost use to one a.nother. hardest rains experien~ed here fOI' The. Club WaR favored WIth two a long time . ' • . Mrs. Waldo Lacke,\' E(lIiott died at beaullful . vocal solos by th e host. T he river rose and about twenty M AI Y T d ber horne near the, O~ '1111 church. Mr .. Edwln Chnndler WM ~Iect~ inches of water was over the avenue y m- our ', ra e I Monday oJ pneumonia. Thefunl.'ral presld~nt, upon the resIgnatIOn 01' Sunday the day btoke , clear but =0== =:;;:;;====== = === takes place todav at her late home. Mr. Rlle~. and Mr. J oseph Deardoff clouds began to darken the sky QUALITY-Above the Standa'rd Interment at 8e.1I_bro.ok cemetery'. vice-preSIdent , later in the morning ana it began to. . A s~m m ary ?f ~he Club's work snow and get colder and Monday . --------------------~~ '8mc~ Its orltal1lzatlon sl;owed that morning 8aw the first real cold SERVICE-That ~an't be beat. ' ,' 8 nea~ly one h';llltl rl!d. ~UbJ~ctll a l~nJ.{ weather of 1911>, the thE!rrrloniet'e r.1 PRICES-To plilase all. Our rW alrhYyoMu nn.. D.Orr"I'otndWedc·lllorlncJ' agricultural I lI1 e~ bave ueen st udIed . regis tering 4'below I " The invited gues ts of Dr. and Mrs. . ' = ==========:==== 8ayS tbe fallure. ot some women tc Ellis were Mr. and Mrs . J. E. J an ney, get marrted ma.y be nLLrlbuted to. thE Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murr ay. Mr. GEO. J~ WATERHOUSE, . tact that they don't stop tnlkln& lonl and Mrs Charles Ellis. Mr. Ilnd Mrs. . eno~gh to give a. mon II chnnce tc ~ils~o:O-NeaJl and Mi:\S Florence Phone 64-2Ya Corwin, Ohio, I propoa8.-New Orlean.s St~tes.
, Mr. Harold Stevenson and VV'elton Blzar were Oregonia. oalll!rt! tlund~ y. Mrs, Lettls Klog oa.l1ed on Mr ' and Mre N . BodKel and M18t! Goldie Atkinson Mond"y. MOllter Boword Elzv Is slok at thtll writing. MISleI! Dora Atkinson and Ar· duena tlutton olll1ed on Mr. lind Mrs. A. Snider and daugMer. ManJ of our nelghborll have the grIppe. . Mr. ,r. K. SpsDoer and falDily are Improving. M8Idamell Pottorf were calling on Mra. Cbarlel AlbrigM Friday. - - We bave 'Sunday Sdhooi at Mril. Kerley's at 'he pre.ent "me, Mrl!. Edythe Walte8 8p4;'n~ Satur. day aod Sunday with Mre. Cbarle8 Wilkerson. Mr... Kate MoKinllev epent Soo ORTHODOX FRIENDS day wl\h Mr. and Mfli. James King M ., Roxie Sutton 8pen't !:'onday Sl1nday School 'a t 9:30 a. m wit-I. ~ III! uoldle Atkluson. . Preach ing at ·10:30 a . m.; C. E at Mrp, Ja.mes King \s quite slok at 7:00 p. ni. lndustrial society meets wi th Mrs. thlb \,;rittDg. Charles Sherwood (\11 , Thursday, at 2 o·clock . A full altell dalice of members request d. Mary E. Martin, Pastor . Horticulturai Society The Ohio State HortIcultural So· ciety will hold Its annual meeting on February 1, 2,3, at Columbus, which dates fall on Tue3day, Wednesday and Thursday. The p\lrpose of this' notice is to emphaaize ·the date. Part of the announcements alrpady sent out di~ not provlde for a three day· meeting and others Indicated thlltthC' AeSSions would be held later in the week. The February I, 2, 3, dates have been finally chOl!en 80 as to give .the memberQ the largest opportunity to attend other state ~o· ciation meetings. which will also be part of Farmers' Week. and still preserve the bE-st accomodations for the ee89ions of the assorlation.
Th Warren County Teachers' ~s. 80cia tion will meet in the National Bank Building. at Lebanon, Ohio, on January 29th, 1916 10 n. m.- Asrricultural. E. J. 'Ar. nold. \ Ilynesvilhi; Time Savers, G. B . Su pinger. Olive Branch; Round Tabl e, includin~ discussion of Spell. jng Contest, led by C. M. Roudebush. 1 p. m - Music in the LowerGrades Miss Ruth Mount, Carlisle; Address, Coun ty Supt. A. A. Maysilles, Day. ton. Come to this meeting. Don't be a non.progre'J5ive slay-at· home Mi s Ruth M Edwards, Oregonia J . A. Oppy. Kings Mill8. . ~. Miss Ida Crone, Mason Ex Com. C. M. Roudebush Morrow G. H. Gerke, Franklin _ __ • _ ..._ _ _
M. E. CHURCH Sunday School 9:15 a . m. Preach. ing servict! 10:30 a. m . [n the eve· nin~r the third in the series on "SlIfety First'~ will lte preached; 4ubject, "My . Church-Which Shall It Be?" Let everybody hear this ~ermon. Special mUBic. Clarence S. Gra~ser.
CHRISTIAN CHURCH Bible Scho(ll . 9:30 a. m Com· munion and ser mon, 10:30 a. m. Ohrlstian Endeavor, 6:30 m. Chart sermon, 7:00 p m Everybody Invited. O. .H. Palmer:
ST. fllARY'S CHURCH 11hird Sunday after Epiphany January 23rd. Sunday . School at 9:30 a. JlI1 : Mor1ling Prayer ahd sermon at 10:30, ./!:ver.vbody invitAld tlteue services
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Your attentioD is called to the filct that' many articles lire , advancing in prille. We are fortunate to have large supplies bought ahead, so Y9u ' will find our , prices much lower than most other dealers. Sugar is OD the upward · turn but will sell for a limited time, Standard Gran • .at $1.50 a Sack. Coffee is ad· .vancing. but will' 'till sell a a good Rio at 15C. Canned Tomatoes have gone out of sight,yet we sell a a·pound. .. can for lOco Dried Fruits are advancing, bnt we will still sell Raillins at lOe,a Pack· age, .F ancy Evap. Peaches at 3 pounds for 25e, Currants at .12Yac a pac;kage. Ipok at , t4,e cheese.market, and still we sell Full Cream Cheese at 2$c . . We still have a good sup~ly of fancy EatingAppl~s Flonda Oranges, Grape Fruit. Fresh Oyste.rs received three times a week. We sell the· Best .Cracker Made, "EDGE. MONTS." Try a hpz bf I~ancy Cluster Raisins at 15c, Big Jumbo Cranberrlee, only 12Yoc a quart. Creamery Dutter all the time. Let liS be your Grocer during Hll6,we call save you mooey.
It pays to trade at
You gO' to Dayton for what? To get the re'm arkable benefi~s its stores offerTo' enjoy a good theatrical entertainmen'tTo meet friends and . renew Itcquaint., 'BDoes-
To get a day 01I in a big town~ , Grant yourself ·.tliis· triP often. It's worth while.
... -3
FIVE AND TE;N CENT STORE Toweling, per yard. " ....• IOc Curtain Rods .•.••.•.••. 100 Scrim per yd : ....... ,' .. ... , .. lOe Children!!, Ladies Mitteos lOe Menl' OIoves, Tipped Fin- . gera, •. " . • •. . .. ; .••• JOe Cream Pitchers, piat aod a lOe half ................. 10c Fresh Chocolates, Ib, , , , •• lOe
MAG4-ZI NES '. Now ,is the time for' you to lIubscribe for your Magazioes; remember, I take your lubscrip, tions at the lowut " " oommmJ14rate with. good "~. Come in and get my latest
catalogue, giviDl ),ou tbe- rate aiogly\or in clubs,
ia Sixty-Eighth Year
:~ :.:::
CONfERENCE Mr, anti Mrs. Charles M. 'Hough' OF HIE \E N' OF WILt\UNGTON lind Mr. Kenn ~ th Hough were the YEARLY MEETING Sunday dinner guests of.. Mr . C. T . Hawk e and family.
Read .Hyman·. Clearance Sale ad. J. W. Wliite W81 a Dayton business viBitor Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Allen was a Clncin· nati visitor Monday.
Plain white napkinl only 16c per By ""'r. Meredith Before the Farm- hundred at thla office. en Institute Held Here Recently
R. G. CI'OIIII attended the Dayton Industrial Expo Saturday.
dellt, the other 17000. While talk. Ina witn them lome time ago, they told me, conditioDl beiDa reasonahly normal, they would pay out next year. These may be exceptions Still, I can . cite to one In advance of these. A good, sturdy lOerman paid $8000 for 40 A. paying $2000 down . The first year he 80Id 18200 worth ot tobacc/'o It has now been nlnl! years Bince he bouarht ais farm. and in that time he I!as paid for the 40 A. and has added 40 adjoining ac.res; how much he ill In debt, I do not know, but he IB making money. He raises principally seed leaf tobacco. selling about ~OOO worth yearly; be and one hand doine the arreater part of the work until euttina lime. No doubt thl. iDltarJceis an exception. Eighty. five percent pl!phap8 woul:! have failed, but the two form'e r instances. J am aure are typical Illustrations of good honest effort. not an exception. where earnestness of ' purpose is coupled with labor. Of course no man can do It without work and a knowledge of proper buying and sell ing. 'rhe QuestioDli may arile what are the young people to live on t How shall the man pay for hie breekap. wear and tear of maehinery. hired help, etc.1 €an they lave an they make1 Cellhtinly not. In the ftrsl eaae. we had ~maining .280 after paying '420 interes~, $500 on princi· 'pIe. Remember the interest de creases each year. and he should aain in experience. The second case 18 better ~rhaps ' by $75. Bfsid8ll 'this margm. we haven't spoken of chickens, eggs; butter, and perhapl' cattle he..no doubt would have to Bell We might take many other ex amples of the' same nature . Where these have been 1uccessful. of eoure. many. many have failed. but in tbe majority ot Casel. the caase 19 due to extravagance, poor management aDd· lack ot labor. . Taking the conditions of the country and the price of farm pro duce for the last 15 yeara, J am BUrl! a man ill reasonably safe if he buy" , land at Its actual value. and on Invl!lltment of $8000, to ao in debt 16000. This' would be my advice to any energetic, younlr man who wants to farm. of ('ours!, take hiS wife to the country. fUld after a few 'diaappointm(lnta, and bowed by the world'a tasks, they have warea worthy of a royal entrance.
Napkinl at 2Y.c per doun cannot be duplicated anywhere at thllt price. Mr. Robert Walton, of Dayton. was visiting friend. in Wayneevlllt> Sunday. Mr. and Mn Frank Zell were in Dayton Friday attending the tuneral of a friend. Mr. and Mrs, B. H. Kelly spent the week-end with relatives in Newark, Ohio. John Liddy. of Dayton, visited his rather, M. C. Liddy, a couple of days this week. Mias Ruth Hartaock heard Mischa Elman the violinist at Mllmorial Hall Tueeday eveninlr. Dr Dill, Osteopath, at residence of L T. Peterson. Main St .• Tuesday and Friday morninga.
,e Lj~tlCl
Cloan Towol.
Mr. and Mrs. J . E. Janneyenter· tained Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ra~-· . nlond Pierce and children, of Toled(l. and Mr. and Mrs. Howtlll Pierce. of the l<'riends Home . There Will l3e Three Sessions Every One of Which Will Be Moat Interesting Mr. and MrR. F. C. Carey entertained Thursday eveninar to a 6 o'clock dinntlr the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zell. Mr. and The Men's Conference of the WiI· Mrs. C. S. Grauaer and 80n . Charles, Mrs. Charles Rye. Mr. and Mrs. mington Yearly Meeting to be Robt. Cross. Mr. and Mre. Walter held here Friday, January 28. at the McClure and Mr. Jesse Thoma~~ Ort hodox church . is all in readiness for the gathering. There will be two eesslons-one in thl! forQnoon Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke en· presided vver by Rufus Kersey afternoon session Rev tertained deliKhtfully at "500" on During thewill pt'9side. There wil Thursday evening of last week . The Bidcllecum be speakers of prominence at this gue8ts invited to partake of the h us· Con ference , such as Robert L Kelly. pitality of thi~ pleasant country home were Mr . and Mrs. C. M. Ho- president of Earlham Coll elZe. J . Edbitzer, Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cart· win J ay. president of Wilmington wriJlht. Mr. and Mrs. E. V Barn· Co llege besides .everal other prom· hart, Mr. and Mrs. J . B. Chapman. inen t men of the to' riends church. TheJIe Conferences are beini' beld Mr. and Mrs. Will O·Neall. Mr. and Mrs . J . A. McCoy. Mr. alld Mrs. all over the country, and they are Fred Henderson, Mr. And Mrs . Sam rneetinll' with the greatest success Hinkle. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmer· everywhere. The local men haYe man. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller, worker! hard to get a good array of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards. Mr. speakers for the occasion . and you and Mrs. Barton Kelly. Mr, and Mr. . will be g re.lltly helped by attendir.g Fred Hartsock. of Monow, the Miss· this Co nferllnce. In the evening there will be a ban· es Martha O'Neall, Henrietta McKin · in the dining· rooms of the sey. Emma Hawke and Messl's Hul" quet and several local men of vey Rve. John Pence, Harris Mosher. church. Emmor Baily. James McClure and other denominations will be present addn!lls the Conference. Ad· Fred Hawke A delicious two cou rae and mission to .banquet by ticket. Tick· lunch WBi served at '8 seasonable ets on sale during these Bessions. hour.
1---· .. _., .-.1 ---
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- --....
Mr. and Ml'I. George Marks and Pahller Everet Browne. the only ---"I have foughta good fight,I have' M.r. B. H. Kelly atte~ded the Dayton f H B B d M fi nished my course, I have kept the IOn 0 arry . rowne an ary OF ST. MARY'S CH URCH HOLDS faith. henceforth there is laid uP' for Exposition Jut Friday evening. ghi~rS:p~:mt':: l~~rrkJ~ a~dYJiend INTERESTING SESSION me a crown of righteousness which If you want !)japkin. can at' the December 8t. 1915, aged 8 years. 3 the Lord. the riihteous judge shall Gazette office for we are selling out months and 19 days . • ---give to .me and not to me only but * _______ , ___ ,_ The following letter wail ~ecelved our stock at 2'y' cents a dozen. He isJohn survived hy two onegrandfathers great grand· "~RIED Ing un to." allWell them that love hisapply appear· lather Mason. do these words to Last Friday the Juniors gave th e IlljIt week from Irvin Butterworth: John T. Brown and Franklin C. Bur. the one for whom this obituary is second social of the year. Th er e Mrs. Rachel Irvin Butterworth, wife Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke and h' H B dM written : HI ' d . h nett. IS parents arry . an ary Sarah J. Raper was born nea' r was a largt! attendance and evervone of Clarkson Butterworth, both · d au a h ter, MISS e en. vi81te Wit H Browne one SI' ter Bertha Marl'e --had a goat! time. These soc ials afford former residents of Waynesville and relatives In Middletown last week. 'd I • b" f I tl' es d Lebanon. 0 ., October 12. 1839 At clean. wholesome entertainment for Wilmington. died at her home In an a arge num er 0 re a v an But Owing to Sickness In th e Parish the early age of six years Mrs. Ra. our boys and girls and they look for Portland . regan, on January a. a bost of dear friends. Altho' Palmer had been ill for the the Attendsnce Was per was .left an orphan by the death ward to them with great intereet. 1916 She was nearlv 87 years of Are you on the lillt tor McCa1l'1I past six months and for a part of Small of her mother . Herfather had been age. She is survived by her hUllMligazine? Get it in conneetitm with that time bedfast, he wal full of life killed in the war with Mexico. She The W. H. S. Basket Bal\ Team band (whose 's ister Paulina recently the Miami Gazette only U35 per and ambition and made a hard fight --~. with four brothlr8 struilgled for a gained a signal victory over th e died in Wayn s ville), her daughter year. to live. He enduroo his affliction a 3 . livelihood. When the call to arms Kingman First Team Saturday night. lda and three sons. Charles, Iron a true little soldier and with it all T~e regu\a.r meetmg of the Wo° in defen ce of the uniolT was ·issued Our second team played a good game and Eli. all of whom reside In Port· Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentl6;f and manlfeated a degree of patience thal man B AUXIliary walS held at, the her four brothers cheerfully respond· alrllinsl a so·called second team from land and were a t her bedside, except Mr. Russell Bentley attended the was surprising for a youth of bi s home of Mr8. O. J . Edwards, Friday ed . One gave his life in defence of Kingman. It must be kept in mind Eli. who lives in Minneapolis. Some funeral of a relative near Sabina tender years. He showed a remark. afternoon. J auuary 21st. hi s cou ntry 's flag. Seldom is it our that this team was not from th e years ago her daughter Myra, and FrIday. able spirit of gratitude for .every. The attenda nce w,~s sr'null. on BC' privilege to meet one who has made second team . One player did not more recently her son John. died . in thing that triends did for him in his cou!lt of so much lu ~klless In .the auch large contributions to a natlon'8 even go to Kingman High School. I\f~s . Butterworth was born Another player belonged-to the F'tr!rti-nrF.J.,nTpruHle. Ohio. near .on) ton. Mr. and Mrs. U. ~le epent lIIrie8ll, and alway.s had a good word parl~h. The pl'e';l.de nt and vice· welfare. . presIdent both b~mg absent. Rev . She was married to W. F. Raper. Team. redayafternoon and night with for every1Y.>dy. Palmer was alway. a regular al. Clldwalla~er presldedj. and opened To this union were born two 8Ons, relat ivel in Dayton, and visited the tendant at the Sunday School and the met'tlDg by r eaom&; the 96th Frederick who died at the aile of 5 Friday of this week the W. R . S. Exposition. the services of the Oak St. United ~salm. After the devotional ex~r. and W.O., who survives. The hUB' Firat Team will play Blanchellter at 'rhtl body of the late Thoa. Hunt. Brethren church. He had a simpl e CIBeS, the roll. was CUlled . and ~crIp- band and father died 38 years ago. the HIKh School Bulldin\{. The who di ~d in Cincinnati last week. Our Nl[1pkin Ale wl\1 last only a trust and faith in God that transcend~ tural quot~tlOn8 we'r e given In .r e· Mrs. Raper's affection for her visitinll' team is a good one but our was brought here Thursday after· couple of weekI) . If you want them description. He read his Bible and sponse. Mmutes of t he last meeting home and family was very marked boys are expectinlr to clip their noon on the 3 o'clock train. 'fhe for futuN use you had b8ttar aet practiced the prayer Ulfe to such an were read and llf)pr0 1{ed. indeed and even in the last tew years wings. Come out and root for old body was tSKen to the Chapel where -~---Rev. J. F. Cadwallader conducted them DOW. extent that his example wolild do The program ~or the day was tak~n when declining health made It 1m· W. H.S. the services. Interment . was made credit to the life of a much older up. How Our t,;hurc:h Ca.me to Vir· possible for her to do physical labor ' gini.a. Seeds That Falled-:-Seeds she maintained a lively interest in The Biah Scbool is preparing an in Miami cemetery . MI~8 Hazel GUlltin arrived home person as a christian. Altho' Palmer lived but eight Which Took Root-M,rs . HarriS. . the welfare of her home and family. elaborate program' for rebruary last .week from Cincinnati, after llpendini' a couple of weeks there abort years yet be had developold in Two Godly Men-· The Wldemng The religious life of the deceased 22nd. The program will merit your hie youna life the qualities of friend. Fil!ld-Mrs. Barnhart. .must receive more. than . passing attendance. with relatives. Rev. Samuel H. Boyer. formerly ship and sympathy which made him Aft~r thl! al'tlc,le_was read an in· ('omme~t. She . Ulllted WIth t~e - - -... - • rector of St. Mary's church. died at H Ea h 80 dear and lovable to all BisloS!! terestmg diSCUSSion followed, after Metho(ll8~ Episcopal church 10 hill pome in Philadelphia last week. aged 80 years . . Rev . Boyer will be up f-:r~ulin:' al~ h1~wtJh~:= indeed ill very ~reat but ~urely it is which the meeting adjourned. Waynl',sville under the pastorate of bee • RElv. Edwllrd McHugh. Her deva· h remembered by several' of our citin . tion to the cause of Chriat and the The rural mail carriers have su",ly atore next Saturday, January 29. an IDes Urnable Ieasmg to ave zens as a fine preacher and a Il'ood been bavln\{ an awful timl! delivering Give ~im a call. ~t:t f::u.~':.~~t~frhe~~e~ ~~~ church was very positive. Her wi· man. He was rector of t Mary 's mall. In I8verallnstancea the roada and also Christ Church, Xenia,' in '-b M its brow, to have held him in their perience of conversion was clear and really bave no bottom, and machln" Mr. an d MrH. WIn Sal... ury, r., arms. to have ministered to him in definite. She knew in whom she had 1885·6. go axle deep in mud and water and Mrs. L. Peterson and Mias l1Cu, ht. lIInesa and then give him back to believed. Out of this experience Last Saturday the boY8 . bad to bE Salisbury apen~ the. week eae "lttI God atDl8 can wfth the thought that . . came a devotion to the cause of pushed .out o~ ruts one or mote friends in Clncmnatl. In beaven .. upon earth it is still our Sidney, son of Geor:ge anel KezlOh Christ and the church that wasnotcd Ther. seems to ~ an ImpreS!lion Mrs. Sarah Rup.er died at. her timea, and Gao. Mills was 10 unfor· own child, a member of the hou8e- Coon, was born October 25. 1855. by all. out that the Board of Ailriculture is hom~ on North Main street Friday tQnate.that hla. machine broke com· Read Hyman', Clearance Sale id. bold sl.111 to be counted asone of the aged 60 years. 2 months and :l2 days. For many years Mrs. Raper at- not going to run the Domestic Science ~veDl~~ at 5:80 o'clock. having, peen pletely down and he had to makl! hill children God has Kiven us. . His spirit left this temple of clay tended all of. the services of the Contests on the trip to Washinlrton 10. failing health sev~ra l yeal'll •. the delivery by horse and bugirY. Bis funeral was conducted Mon· Jll!Iuary 17, 1916. I~c was t\le t!ldest church. She recalled many times this year, as has been done in the grippe ended her sufIerll1g'!1 Friday Tllroutrb the winter season the !rov· Rev. and Mra. C. S. Gra\Uer were day momln!r from. the home Rev. child II} .a famllv of elg~t. bellilf born the great revivals of religion held in past. efenlng. 'fhe funeral was held at emment ought to put on substitutes in Cincinnatl Tuesday attendini a Warner officiatini. Interment was on a farm near entcrvllie. OhIO the church. She spoke feelingly and Thill ia a very falSI! M· E . Church Monday afternoon l and make tbe distances IIDkl1er, U conference Qf the Forward Move- made In Woodland cemetery. The On the. ~th ~ay of JI;\nuary. lBE!7, tenderly lind charitably of the pas· The Domestic Science Contests (/clock, Rev. C. S. Grauser om· the boya have a hard time to even ment of th~ M. E. church. pall burers being hia four uncles. he was umt~d In mllrtlage . to ~188 tors who have s'~rved the church the trip to Washington will be,run . £nterment was made in . m'ake their original trlP'J, Raymond Burnett; Earl Burnett. Belle S. Witteman . To thIS umoo :luring her lifetime, A ~reat priv· along with the Corn Contests as cemetery. --~----~ Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Pleree and Oscar Wade and Raymond Mont. was born three daughters,,- Bertha, ilege it is that has been given the before. In addition to this the children, of Toledo. spent the week· . goniery Hel,llah and Ruth . who With wife. one who writes tbls ob,ituary and Board of Agriculture of Oliio will end with Mr. and Mrs. Howell . • _ • two sisters and a hOSit of friend8 are preaches her funeral sermon. She pay ,to towards a trip for the cham· Mr. J ohn W, Strawn. father of Mr. Pierce, at.the Friends Home. left to mourn the 10>ls of 1\ kind and recalled with a great deal of satis- pion Domestic Science girl in each Mr. Oren trawn, died at his h'ome devoted husband, :father. brother faction during her declining years c9\jnly. J R Clarke, south of lown Friday evening. The and friend . Years ElgO he confessed that four young men have gone out Director of .Junior Contests. funeral was held Saturday afternoon . The M. V. P. A. will hold a meet· the Christ as his ' diviDe brother and from her Sunday School cl889 to _ _ _.. , _ ••- -at his late home. Mr. Strawn had ing in Township Bouse, Thursday. 'avior, uniting with the Methodist preach the gospel ot her Chrillt. been amicted fM years withacancer. January 27th, at 2 p. m. Church at LYtle. Surely her works are following her. Interment WBi made in Miami cem~ E. Baily, Sec'y. M. E. CHURCH Mrs. Raper read her Bible much ",te ry. . . . . . ' "Call not back th~ dear departed. and was esperially gifted in prayer. ....,.--Up In Ottawa, Ohio, lut Mr. and Mrs. Jarnea Stoo..... and Sunday mornmi WIll be Rail)' Day Anchored safe where storms are o'er' Her prayer life and close walk with there Wd a larare politicallPuner'lpa .... In the fortD of a big banquet, IOn. Holm., left Wednesday evening for 125 in Sunday School. l!e there On the border land we left them. " God ?'lade her home a place of com· that banquet the name of tor Kinp MilllI, where' th!!y will and b.ring 80me one. Preachmg lIer· Soon to meet and part no more." · mUOlon and fe1\owahill for her trlends I especially those of her alte. No one Sapdlea was anuounced ClUldi~alle spend a week or two with · relatives. vice 10:80 a. m The fourth sermon on "Safety Firllt" will be preached "When we leave this world of chllnges 'I will ever forget her chee!1 .mile or fol' gubernatori~1 . Mn. ' Edith: . Barrl. bas been at ~und~ eveninir at 7 o'clock. Sub· When we leave this world of care, sunshiny dispositioTJ. She Wal an coune th" toast Morrow earlns for 'Mrs Fred Ject, My Recreation, How Shall I ,We 8hallfind our 'rni8Bi(lg loved ones ' optimist in .11 tbat the term Implies. The property of thp late George the ,JnclcUmlberllt, [wi~h to announce to the public Hartsock arid little MUdre.} who Obtain m" .Do' not miSs this one. In our Father'lj: mansion fair." She is not here In the b.ody but the W..Harlan. will be Bold on the premo have been victimll of the preva!lina Large congregation last SUllday .. . . ' . i things she did are speakina tOday. ises <!n uesday , Februa.ry 1, 1916, that 1 have purchased the harQware malad, "arlppe." nliht. Belp awe1\ it o~ next Sun· CARD OP THAI'!KS Her dying t.eI1timony was given In at 2 0 el!>ck p. m: :rhls pr~per.ty stock ani,l good will of .Rogers & Son, needs no introduction to MaSSie and and will continue the business at the day night. Special musIc. We wish to ('xtend our neigh. praise of God'. goodness., Wayne Township people •. as the lat.e old stand. In order to make low Mra. Clatenl)8 Surface, left Friday. . . Clarence S •.Grauser, Pastor. bars and friend.i oVlr gratitude for ' She P~ from earth' activities 'T. M.· Wales was owner, of II-us prices, I \yiII sell for cash only. I for,a ten daY, viait with Prot. H. A their kindness during our late afflic. 1to Heaven a ~ewards on January 21. property for ma~y year.s . 'lhe fa~m kindly solicit your patronage ahd Surface and family In BarrlIburg, '. . tion in the death of hUlband and \ 1916, aged .76 yrll., 3 mo. and 9 daya is a good one. mcely ~ltLJuterl: With promise you a square and my PI'. She wl\l viait Atlantic City and ST. MARY'S CHURCH father. 'and may heaven's blessing The day of her death ~u a perfect aool! house. ~arns. etc: . o!1 lt • and. best endeavor to p ldeal . you. The other placee o~ iote . reel . while there. .,. th .,un '" day after Epiphany ,' rest upon thtm.• __ The Family. on~. The never shone brighter !" our than on 18.saun t lo"iiday. Such was her ough~ ~o bring. a good price. See business for the present will be can. January 30th. Sund~y School at life. she would say, not 'perfect but det~~ptton of thiS proJ?Crty, togeth. dui:ted under the management of Cross Bros. Barry"E. 'Earnbart. Read Hyman', Cleal'U\ee Sale ad. 9:30 a. m., Mornlna Praye!' al}d Ber· . going on to perfection. She has en· ell With terms on page 2. The Abbott St. ' J.ohn farm, neal' - - -041-__ ••- , - - mon at 10.:30. You are IOVlted to tered into rest in that land where Olive Branch, W88 aold last w04lk Warren Counq Pomoo'a Graqe theae servIces.. ~ . . every day i8 ·perfect . and the auq through Adam Stoopa to h8llk Jan. . ahines eternally. SemL 'Die cOnllderaUon .W81 not will meet in LebaDOD . given out, but the farm conaiata ot Inata1latlOD ' of omcers CHURCH W ....e p aa,"at thbt m..un&', be:[ ~ about fortY acres. aicJl!III work In th. B(tb degree. Sunday. Janu~ry SO-Bible School . today the departure of tb" "int' 0 Come. ' " at 9:80 a m COmmuniOn at 10:30'1 --, God, O. S. G. •an unullual • - • a m. Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. There has been I ' amoullt of in among horses m. and a ·chart sermon at 7 .p~ m. weeks. They . D. B. Palmer, MlIliiter. during the past ---.- • act in almoet: the as the - .,..., TIIeutMo hUmaD being with this Butrerlar beoo_ 1Iea1dUII1 wbeD
Whole Number ~35 4.
---. _
_._------INFLUENZA IS AMONG HORSrS 'eo~np~2n~l~~:~~:~elPJl!~:~fe HAVE SEEN "DEMON" " OFFICERS INSTAllED SO 'THEY SAY '" . , ,;
oall, and Thought. m~ady, Dr. Sleep• .rlche, Ualth .... 0D1J moet tblrtJ eajoJed attar ma.r llaft . . . I.., week,
had al· U7011e IIeanDOt peat 011........ wttJr IOmewhere near Xenia, as iu40(DU tb...... 1......bUU7.
blllJ wIdl '~~~l ·~~~~t - mIDdr. reaideuts ~ve MeI1 him ~ ...... lateIT.
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" 'cro tUIU I om nN II at ""ou home." aboInrormeCl .ntd. "I mORnt, to ~e(' Y<'l"" be r llllrd wltb n rtoln de uirml nell Insolene In blA t01lO wllleb ebe ('oultl not Arn po, Th el'!) ...i as a triumph In It. too. a8 It his , having ewept the bu tl er asldo
.lZ)~G1J , Olnt:F nl \.mo·Lp11 H l'lff'ttIT\. ~~~~~o~~\IY,,~ :::! ~~~~e t~~I~I;: t~e II~; \ l<f\l-,V UlW 1, 1'-: ~
LI'LLIAN CHF'~""'[R 1 ,
'i~-' , _ . lllu~nA.TFT\ ..,J J K.t\.1 LV
W _ C.D.lUfO,D[~ ~
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. t ue sta tement toat A"l ~on r Q\lI;U,lc.ou no Gad. He did. <\1II80n, Not Allison; CHAPTER XXIII. tbe man, but tbo uncooQuerable will at AllIson. a will which waB a di vinity In Gall FI,..U ItBelr. He b lIeyed 10 It. centered 00 ~D, Iprlaalug forvo'ard with • It all his faith , poured oul to It 0.11 the Jerk .. he lett Jim Saraent·s house, t e rvlcln es~ of h is heart, of bls mind . ~ ....-' bll lone, low runabout up the of his spIrIt. of his body . He worshiped a.u.. Ue ....ced Into tbe park, and It I g1alloed up at the lookout, house as So It was that be came to the can· lie Ip4Id all. palt; but It wae only a Blde ratlon or the one thIng whIch bad 1I111~ look. He need ed no reminder atte mpl ed to deny Itself to blm. Oall! of o&u: AI be paalled Roaoloat Inn, A name raged through ble velnB h. alow... do",n. The roadbouse may whIch fairly shook him wIth Its vIa. tut.& etTen blm, and probably did, an· lence. It WBS not only the reOox of cithw reminder of 0 ..11, In aucb a man· hlB determination to bave her •. but It ner .. to conorete him Into logical was lbe terrific need of her wblch had ~t; tor be a10wed down tbe ter- gTown up In blm. Have berf Of It80 apeed ",bleb bad been the accom· oouTlle he would hn ve her I It sbe • .~ant at hla unreasonIng emotion. would not come to him wllUogly, be ~ TIl. drlYlnc-requlred too mucb can· would take herl She was oat to be , 'Mlltrauoo for specUlc tbouaht. conllldered In It any more tban he had WtUa &hla tumlng at bIB mental alt!· conBldered any otber advenlO factor In 1114, til. alow runnlna of the car the attaInment at anytblng be bad de_eel to 4tlturb blm. and. about .Ired. He wnB pos seBsed of a l'8.ae , Wf.. mile DUt ROlNlleat Inn, he came • ,lIow., to .. Itop, slttlna at tbe wheel. ,w t" bla bMd bent slightly forward. " U4lltartDa at tbe lpot wbere the rondo o "BJ' ;h14 caued to roll beneatb bill tDMId1s.. Presently be beeame aware or tIIa oold. and runnln& his car to the elISe 01 &lie road, be lltepped out. and, llattoD1llc hla ooat around blm . croBsed • r.oe aDd 'WlIlIed througb the nar· .. ;IOw " trlP 01 treell to the rive r bank. ~ lie Itoo4 tor a moment lookIng , oat upon tbe mllty Hudson, sparkling I Utit. &II. m,oonllgbt. He began to .w.Ik'up IIld down tbe bank prescotly, til. turt tI1nkl1\& sponglly 'under his fMC. and It waa noticeable that his .... INW more and more rapid. until •• ",.. atrtdlnc at a furIOUS rate of
TIl. DI&D Wat In a torment of pas· '. ... He had lpent a lIfstime In the ~te acqulaltlon of .everythlng 'lpcJII 'Wbtob be had let hi, will; and It . . . pne of the things upon wblcb he W buDt bls lucce'B, that. once l1e baI$ bed b'- dellre dellberatel" upon UJUaIDa, b, had beld IInwsverlnsly to , &W ob~ employing all the lorces of wbich stloGa·men are capable; patIent oJ .~, daged pCll'IIlstence, or vlcloUt , IftIlIplJDa, ",hlOlIner Wat belt adapted , ~,.. hla ende. . 1(OeIII It there bad been tender ......... or bar, ' they were lone now. I ; It ... eo that be bad centered his ,' :ma.d upon ,b er. an.d htmlelt and bla .nUl, In all creatioD. there Wil.l J ~ e~. bnt that was trivial; am· ' MUoD, powv, ,,~th,· tame. the com,~ "'4 of amplr. and of men. "Were I . ~ acept u they mtsht lead to i _I . " 10 It w. that he .had come this far, ,_ ~ ~~wa1_~_ 1!!s R.~enJ, helllht ~ . . . _ked b1 tbe crlpplel be had •1~ Mblild hIm, wltllout compunction. : ·.. .tIIout lDM07, without compallllon. a.aIInpta atrewed bla way. brokeD of parpoa8 bll\l8r than his own, _ ~ factol'll In tbe progreaa of bn· i _Itt.. blllldera and creatol'll wbo ilAlvanced the Interest of the com· . , ,:-waalth. bilt wbo bad beeD ·mOM! f~t , in oonltnletJon than tbe1' had ,., . . . . ~ ,!'Upln. the re..,arda or their , ,~. It wu (or AlllsoD to do thla. /;b"'~ Heo 11,1.11 lpeelalt1; the reaping or reward.. It had been his faculty to ' ...... olhere to bUild, to encolirase .... fa It, and tben. wben the bulld. ~n8, to w,reat It (lway from ; . . IIIiIIcIara.. ,T hat marked blm &e the oommarclaJ senlus at hi. I....' an. lia had much applau.e tor It. · .} W.,.. Y... tbe1'8 had been wom· -.- ~...av. of • oommon mold with be Ilt.d amulled blmllelf, b&.4 j ·rlia.liii. ,«baa III theIr ' frellbneslI. and IIrobia tlwlD. and tbro"n them .away; CIdI fa Illa ....Uer 1eal'll, ......rltl', be had bent all ble 8trength ... ~ ...... pualon: the acquirement 'tboH other thlnp wblcb men f ..... wanted and beld meet dear, among ~'I ""'" aoqulattlon. and power, and sue""_ Pertaa" It had been bad for him, ,t" , 1Ooa0000tratton. tor now It left blm II.rat " '"beIaIlt of bla maturity, with mi. •J.'1IIIIIa l. tanel... wIth 10118 pent fire., l' wtIIa :tIaproportionate dealrell. Bring. to til.., ba b&.4 the tremendeulIl), • baarmaJ moral effect or never h~. be8Il thwarted In a thlll8 upon ~ b. ~ let bla mind. and at b& ';p..s,q. b1 palt accompllsbment. tbat ., ~tblIac upon wblob be had Bet bls ; Wl8b mat be hi•• or else every victory ,,'1M ~ e ••r aalned would ,be swept ., UI!\iI1Il4 mad. of no value. He muat . I ~plIah. or dlel B. ,... ",lthout Ood. tblB man; he Iaad IIOtIatq wlthlll him wblch' can. .,...... tor a moment, a sreater power tUa hla own. In all bls mental 1m· ..."., which wu , rlcb enougb In ma" . . . . tblIlp, ther.e was no conception ot • dallT, or of a need for one. To .....t abould be pray; and for what. ,9 b_ be bad himself to rely upon T ' Wonblp Wat an h!ealllUc dlverelo\l, a , poMIct mUllan. tbe retuge at the weak. who muied their laok strengtb by uartblq It to a mysterious something tIe1aad th. control' of any man. He &oJ_ted tha popUlar notion that tbere mat be ... Ood, u be tolerated cadell 'III ~ athlC8; the conv41ntlool wblch , .......... ~ InaJance. what a lentl& ....&... DJabt not 49. uternaUy, ~ illDtleDl&D. In the ....um.,U' a . ade i;aw came bo-' , . . . . bbD the accompllsbmllnt Of ~ _ ..... broke, It, :wIthout • trace at Il.oqIIt tUt be mijrbt be wrona. w .... tile mutnal Of I
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"You bad b etter s ny them all. thoo. beclIuse tbls \e YOllr In t opportuolty." she told 'blm. pal wllh nnger. and wltb a Quaver In her "olc whIch IIhe e 1I;I\·".n ,much to 8u!'>pr e88. would bllVM: He aast a oak on her whl cb .blazed.
13r n 1 Q II.t!
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"he hesLalld lllC)S t t1 litiolls 111:111, Try them a ud ' o u will lie r WUJl to at any other kind .
10 you to wbl ch rou mus l li sten."
Are You 1 1'11,l ing nn !\ new Hoo f or I a ll' h in g I h, old on e? \\(' huve
Waynesville, O.
Lewis' Bakery
B. had nc, 'll1If'" 81Doe he had eeen b er lost. He sm\lpd, nnd the emil W88 a snarl, dls playlug his teetb. bOUlld . J us l bl hind 1ll' r was a low H"nlllf'1 '1'. Urn' .... 11 2l1Crda In 'I~ar. Something more ihaD anger crepllDto Fren ch window whlth It' d til [l small r I'J, t ow n bll' !lil. Oall's pallor. side bll icony. \\' It h on b tln d she 811" M, 1'ldl e~ al til tia l\lue l '1'. " I ha "e conle to ask you again to burlSt this npl'n, all did not know hOW. , HI'own :! t r ll ~~ Iu tlnd De Qf R ldg r . marry me. Gall. The mallcr Is too I\nd lea ll d O\· .. r tbu lIJ;hl bal 'nny VI II.'. $ 1. 'r , ill far ' '''I ' kind of 'VItal to be let pass without the most rail nntl ~lI n ncrOSR l he la wn \0 th o I<: lnle r 1\ t\('vl'r 10 . U. and Pellrl lo Ro ,.I\!,: v n ll want Clr serious e llon of whIch I om calloble. rertory gAil'. ti ll I h. !,[,'I'S n n d InHlllle I L!l \\,I~ lu t, 27 I II Wnyn esvi lin. 1 05(1. 11(' ·tl. ] canool do wltbout you. I have a oldo door. nn d 11110 Ih., SlIlUY , "h'ro ,I ulul . . find Fr~llk 1\1. Cood oto heed for you which Is greal r ' th ao anything of wh lcb YOU could cOllcel ,·c. Rev . milh lloyd fifl t t o ilin g ove r 1\ tJn l llul U"c k III ~ u llllfln h OUl O plK.Otl in l nr l'''''', $20[ O. I come to you humbly, On ll, to nsk Hermon. I· Rll n\l1 ,.l lInd ~~ 1 1:r. 1 B".ughrnll n t o you to marry me." : ('1'(' liFo " n .· ·r II' ITtll ('hll~It·~ I~ . I3l\ u f.(h muD 234 ; H Ilor o~ For just a momen t his yes hnd lit V,tJ'rell II lI d Muul go llle ry co nn softened, nnd Gall felt a slight tr are IICli ~ l. of pIty for him; but In tbe pity Ilaelf ~lIllInl1l l1u,l R:iJ Z'1 El n u~I1 'n l l n t o there weB revulsIon. ~ I n· \I . :-IllIel lt ;"" IH1Annn B 'ook "I cannot." she told hIm. ~11l.1 I "('r",, III W 1'" (1 "Ill! ~lll 11t. "You mU8t!" he Immedia tely reo gfl tlll r ,' t"~ H I 1J t lf'h t ' DIned. "As I wou ld build u p an em· plre to wIn you. I would destroy oo e 1,,, ln "n ,1 ~ I . H. ;\, ' ,h m" t n When y o u wun t 'n usc ( '/l I " h l1( 1 B nol1l1l1,l n ll't .N.' . lJ7 I n to win you. You spoke . Isst . nIgh l or what yOU called the cruelly and trick· \)"1'1fl " ltI . O h i", $ 1 ery of the building up of my bi g trans· Probatc C{, url IJrocec<llnlts ( · it H I (J~ 1I. IJo lo vllr 10 Alhert R porlaUon monolloly. It It Is t bat wh ich '(' h ' '' ''1'''Ull lo t '''u. IH IIDeI .. trllol I n t h e ll, ~III': (,r t l", WI ll o f (~ ",' r ~ 1' etnnde between U8. It shall not do so nRlThy In Mn rr..., w , Ohio . t1 VIllI" u <l llll!, for a moment longer. Marry ma, nod Ii:t:l llodl ,\ r, I1N" IL' I·tl. ~ Cull (In ll S aurl we enn '1'h"l\ l lI~ ~1. .I ,' lIl'Ilj tn ' h llrl(~~ E , I 8tOP It jus t whare It Is. WIlY. te d 10 Vm b " tl sq pply y otl with the \0:'1tOll 1" 1.,, 3 11. 1112, ·114 ..J Ifi. ~ III I II t ill' III t tr .. r "I t h o tl~ t l\ t " n f I1 ml ·1 I ] only built thIs tor you. an d It you ~ l lfCl kln"w A I\(litl Otl 1" h es t at the lowcst don·t like It, I s hell have nollliag to G ell rgo Ku ,,,II.'f, d •... " IIPI'I1. .l ol1n Frllnklln . O lli" , $1 . l{n uotllPr i ~ ,.!,p"ln t N I ,')( M II t nr do with It." 10 that h a lied, nnd con· L\ \11 L :-ilu' rwn", ( to ~ 1 11I1 · 1\1 (, r n di t h sclously. He kn w thllt the mom en t H(Il1,l t :;r,.,O F. .I \\" Inl rlr lJn rwr. Ell .! fl'l ," I ~ In \\'IlITnn a011 (./r "'''11 o,ll]n wu rd B\lwy ... r, "'\ .J , lin I'"rklllll itT.' he had mado sure of her h lB nmbll\oo tlU" I to conquer wo uld come ul,vermo st " PP illl!!(1 I' Jl I' I'I' I"f'r[1 "\\" 1111 "h,' r '.I'llnd tu t';a lll i'I1erl'agaIn. and that he would pursuo his 111 the f\.4 t'tto "r Al hllrt. \V rll (l r dream of conqu est wltb even more ar· nnd J lI. Ilhll lt! M".lnru 1(I1 I1 .v, m i ll. ,11th jl.l li no r PII in Wnrr'en IIncl ' eu,)orl fiN' ,nnt la Il l'pr 11',•• 1. I:lr<II' 11 O'1l1 11t.l o ~, $1 dar than heroro, bCCAUSC he ha d be n o r s Ro llo. IIOeI Kdtl A Dol too to WaHe r refreshed. In ~ Ih' e~td" nf I I" ,rlo lt(\ '1 IIl IlUI ' "Tbat would make no di fference, Mr, SOil. il 0 1I ~ ·d. lo'l n'G flll, l Hunl 110· C G rM" 3 t.rno l .. ill ,",,,rra u I1ml MC>IlI /l11 nl ry Cl llntle~ $1. Allison," she replied. "] told you las t O,lll ll I. I!; 11 pp n J\·ml. olgbt tbat I would oot mllrry you bc· I~ ~ hll l M. Elltth n wtly et, til t o W In Lh ll " s t"l r f Al on z,) ('/l d olltty , CAuse I do not. nnd could not. love you . deol'll l'cI. T hl lli It O llll ~ id up. (J 11 ,,,1 .1. 1\. f) 1 fhl~ itO oores In 1] (, 0 Tbere doe s not need to be nny other pro v(' d . P, ~(l. I' ·1 R ·1 IJotweon MI Il ItlI r il'e r ~. fl . renson." Tbere W IlS In h er an In expll· i n t.IH1 P. l nt., P r r y L'J>, Itly , ill iot _ _ _ _ _... ,... , ._ _ __ _IIIiD4'.... :m_ _;IIIlI , - ..... cable tens Ion, a reOex of his own. bu t. Commissio ners' Proceed/oRs though her face was stili val e. she \l;lg h tl1 llcctllI u t I" 'It'llrll " ct . . 10 tna OI\ t lltl' 0 () , t 1:;(1l1 11'LW8Y, stood very calmly before him. ~~~~ ,~~~~~~~--~~ -~~ [3i1I~ l\lI ()wor\ -'l'ru~tt'o!l P ubllo The Bavageness wh1cb was In h im. dOOfl ll ~ ,d. In, ~t [I o{l n n(\ III OC O UO~ III A,lflli r , lt g ht $4:i 68' ; 'rh" Westorn Bflrdln, sooon(\ e8 tilU ~ III oontrnct, held too long In leasb, sprang Inlo his npprllved . Ifl , I ~go j ndv. t33.50 ; The Western $1!85. 60 EdrilRrt's Dru g ';torr, nnti· I l a tbe estn t. of face. bls eyeB, bls lips, th e set of hIs l'I tll f. stl pplies fot' VIir!OU!I oftloP ~ , $~ ; toxi n $99\1; W (J 1'ur l " ,I. e nol for jaws. He advnnce(l a. ate11 towards Wlthlllll. tl · aell ~e d . WUIt~ rd Jrou!!, rnod work TUftle. oo urt bOusct,. '31 J I T i\' Lebllnoll ' her. als hands con~racte d. 115 R P\lrov~d . r i't'k t o wnpl!l\1 ,1:a.2G j Wm . troDS, PatrIot, \('ga1 lid v , *~ 12 "I sball not agaIn. ask you lo lov(' In t he m l\t,te r of 11 1l tll~ A n.nk" r rOllll WI I'k ' I'nr~hl cree k lOWlIllbip me," he harsbly Btated; "but you mus t AppllCtLt.l l.ln, tOT u(lIn! lOll ot s!l ld marry me. ] have made up my mind pe rtlon to tbe Dn,ytou I::l t(\~e HospII'(\1 . t 5 1;:; ; f.l o lU or Holloroft. rnlldwork r .. rr. lecr ek t.tlIvIl!!lll\l $ 133 .2!i; I!tm. to that." Is n:tude, I hu ve m:lved in th Rye j ' ll110 tlurJ(e .Ir .. e rr or In tu.xet!. "Impossible I " Angry now nod can· ShOll li n North Mnin RlreC' t hI th e m CLt.tbr of tbe Ilstole of W. 1-1 2U ; E l h~ M 'rul~, er r or ia '''X0 8, As SOOU lUI an attaok of Rb emnntemptuouB. wh ere I will b p!ea ctl to sec 8. G Ul'd. u eoenllod . '0 rge fl, U7 'jIJ; Wnlt or L ' ulck. fr elgbt, lind "I'll make you I There 1& no re· GR e d is .. ppolnted Itdnll nl trntor b't ul\ lI ~ $1 30; .I ohn K.l:!peoQflr. Msm bpginJl Rpply ~loan'~ Llulrueu ·. 811 my olel clI~ t o mer9 . 1)00', wa"lo tIme 6011 s ntle r nnne a. source I will not us e. I'll bankru pt wit h the wlll Ilnnt"xeti of thlL t pnr t, fiolll &t·inlllte con traot '231 i t;j, C. Is no wfully equi pped to do a gooy. A lew dro ll8 nr o!8IIry your tamlly. I'll wipe It olf tbe enTlll." o f th e ost6 te gltnll !e In the I:Ht.t e of Live ry Wotk . We will take loan'~ LI nlment on the u Il'eott~ d GaU's nalle were pre&slng In her you on hio Bond 6000. Era n It Z ~ I I , pft rtl! Is nll y ou DO d. The pl110 palms. She relt that har lips were 8'rnnLt EI ')OIl Dud " I~. 'art wrtg b t !lOCB f}t onoe • cold. Her eyes were widenIng, 0.& the li r e appoint ed "PPflLl ('r8. A Ilrateful sufferer write8 :-"t Notice of Appointment horror of blm begnn to grow on ber. In th e lU lI.ttet of tb o oslo ta o f WIIB sDffe rin g for ttlree weeke with He was glaring at her now, and tb ere A'l(llpbll8 ,' s t . d~ Ofl S l'l' : \V!tlter ' hronlr: Ithe uDlllt,lslIl and t ill' Neo ll, was no attempt to conceal the Bavage otJ oh u lI ~l n~ un ubl e tn so rv o ,, ~ tlthongll I tri ed lUI\ny m r',dlolt.e ,. , E.t.u. of II' . ' R . Onnl . Doc"""",!. cruelty on his face. . Ilppfll i~or . fi r ml (Jowno i~ "ppolot~ o t lco Is hereby Rlvwl thILc, (;uurgt) fl. Garu I boy f .. lle '. ' rd 1 Wll8 und e r tho "I'll compromIs e you." he went on. ad M nil 1118 pIa Il . finK Ill'tl U duly uVlloi JlI,od nnt! qUI1HUed WI Aulirt' o f' 'i 11"e l M . FortntllLtf'ly 1 lIIi ulslnltor with tlto will nntlo.xod of ~hAIi port '1'11 connect your name wltb mine In J" tbe D1 l1.lt.c r of the (J!lttl l of 0 ' Lh ""tnto .ltHAle lu ,ha SUIle of Ohio or Give Il l! ' c .t.I and you willl1nd sucb a way thet ma.rrlage with me wl\\ MnI' iI ~ Mill a r deooilBed. O . ~ t:llg. IV . 11. OnlT!. tlltil o r Lo AugolM' -Count.y. IlIlllrd of ,,1 ,111" '" 1,lu lmoDt 'll1d "rte r our I'· I, I'~ are all rig ht. ailing It th, '0 .'1' r" nr dnYij tim up Oallfornl u. d OCOlLse .... be your only resource. I'll be an In· g iml being un l1ll lll t o serve II ti t1.p. J):ltOl.I thl. u t i, cl nr.-ot J onuary 19 L6.' /Indwell l ~ n f' fll~loyedutlb o blg lIuence you can·t escape. 'Tbere will (JrBlse r, U . 1". I:h'uw u Is uppotnt ed AL, I'ON P. BHOWN . '4estd o lJnrtm ~ llt .. tll ro Iv t:l F. wh e r o J udg" ot Prob,,'o Court. not be a step yoU can take In which to flll h 18 p htc , Wamw OoWl~y. OhIo Lbey em pl o y from , Ix to elRht hun_ you will not teel that 1 am the ma8' renbllnd~: lIud Ibey su re ly will ter of It, Marry yoU f I'll have you Common Pfells Court North Main Str.ect hellr nl( .. bnut 8 10An's Llnlmnnt If It takes ten yearlll I'll have no New Suits -B . B limlth. t:lun FrnDoiKoo, <Jal. other end In lJte. I'll put Into that one - Jau. 1I115. A t nil DrngglHts (Jo r n Wi\ ~ u v>!. Edgar T. W i lso n, purpose all the strenath and aU the wlll that I have put Iota the accom· div o ro " gro~" u ng lapt o f Ilu ~ y. · pllshment at everylh!ng wblcb 1 have In Partition) Proocecdings done; and the longer YOU delay me the sooner I'll break you when 1 do . \ urrea COIUOlon Pleas Benjamin F. H eerl v F m llk get you." BoYtlr. Jury find s lir8n f! 10 ftl vor Out of ber very weakness had come of 1,luo d efe udau l, Funeral Director Mary O. narv"1 strength; out of her overwbelmlng hu· FOR SALE vS. N ellie nook WI e VP . ,In epb A. and Embalmer, millatlon had come prIde. and thougb WILUam E. norl"" e' . a l. C ..... No. ·11713 J1y \ IfLUC u f I1It or,dlU' at .oaI~, du ly w.lu,,1 the blood had lett ber face waxeD and WI so. [Jlvorce g"r loted 11 nd p ill I o· from BlLfll Wurt , In (he al,KlVo stated CIlKO WayneSville, Ohio. cold, something withIn ber discovered tiff Is given ou t, 'dy o f I b i! ohlld. Dlul to rno Il lrecl OlI I will olrc. tor Halo. b)' Barred R(lok Roosl,e1l for $3 GO Urlluu .Jury repo rt ed t h a.t they way of I)l1bho Ruc t.lon , o n th o fnrm c.Jeslg natD'1 a will wblch was aB stro1\& In resist· WI ::iccouli 'l'ruCL ncar J:1un ·oY8uurg. \V"rrell t o elll'il6 \Int. Good ones" large 10 0 U d ll :VM. had lox. Cou nt.y. Ohio . 011 ance as his WBII In attack. She knew bnn b een iu ~ cananswered promptly dny or niR'ht 'Ln n woll barred G. L. Dob, Phone Both phones in Office 81111 Residence. It. and trembled In the knowledge II mlned 4.0 witDl8~ell COVlll'jOg 11:1 r,6-4Y.', Wnyne8vllle, Obi), R 4 of It. . Olilie s. nud pre~e n ted 11 truo t'i 1I ~ long distance;N O. 14; I fome phone . j26 "You can't make me marry yOU," she a nd Ignored 7 ol1ses . ,U ' 2 ,,'cl 'k p. 11I~, oLI .31d day. Ihe tOllowlt," 14-2r. des 'rJhcd rot.l ... ~aLe. to-wl~ ' 1:11 ute of 01110 VS W l lIl ,LDI ourlBsld, with Inllnlte Bcorn and contempt. and one Conch furnished frea Ca 'l'horougllbred Sootoh Collie Chairs FIRST "rRAQT OJ<' LA.ND with funerals . He clencbed hili 08tll and gritted hIs Dey ple"d g uIlty (.lud · wus tiued $ lO V': PIlPS for fa Ie .., Onl1 n nft sell teeth. Into his eyes there 'Bprang a nod O!l.ts . "Elllunle III tho Oounty lit W..-rc)n In tho tbe , D R, alliisbury, oR • 1, .Rl!8t of service KUl\rBnh'ed. ot Uhlo o,lId tn Ihu Village ot :aarveys. Wllyn6svlllo, OhIo: blaze whlcb she had never before aeen. l)t:ute of Ohio VR. ,l uhu W'l rcl Stalo f2 burg. nnd bouMed aM dll8C!rll)ed "" follows, but dImly, In tbe eyes of any man; Lut-es Vlelld gllll bV l u il W Il R filled \c,,,,'{L : Uoglaul"g at Ihe middle nf Ule WilY' 1IU&vlllo n.ntl ' ''UmlnRto n l'tJad north.west. corbut she needed no experience to tell 110 !lUl l 00 ItS. uur (.() ,lte Hlc k.llulltuu~I "1! BvUllll lAt IUleI OTEL Rnd Livery Btlrn, 01' will it. HA'fif A W A " her It II deBplcable meaning. HIs lips. I:!l:ute of r h lo w . f lll\ llf(l uull hl. the L ino o r J osopb LukelJs' hsln;: ; t1honco Bell BotelRlone, Price light-. Wflih IUlle }. L uk un.·'· . Uno u o rLJ, J f' U' dDllroes wblcb bad been snarling, suddenly Ro~ r L llt Hs, lI tllll d not ~nllty , l£u8 t ~u I,K)I&A to Il ALono III 8&ld Lull-.mB' Ilno; FranK 'l\U1ler, WnYllesvtlle, O. \\,aY'.leHUlO'8· L ending Dont.I' took a ~ownward twitch. and were half North 7~ .tell'''''''' W ...~ 20 ~.2& IXltus S t ate of Ohio VB. Fred 1) lunnigllo. 'hcuee wllh Nort.h St.-NOli to 0. a tone In aJleYi_ t.henco parted. 'Hls n08trlls were dIs tended, Albtlrt A o l e r doll iol IlPlJOln l ed tlB "'Ith I )moo in KeY 8 Bldl{. Mllln Ht salcl ~A ltoy So uth 1~ degreeo .. .,.L 20 Aores ot good Iliround .D oorpor· . .. nnd bls blood. ftoodlng lrito hl8 face. oounsol for tl efoDllaut. B!lll lhWlllL ~ \l"I ~. to Ih. mhltlte or .a.td road on MIlIII a"on' ; 3 ~ood OOWSj fresb in ~ _ !!LrL'Ilt ; ~hcnuc wltll Lilo middle ot silld road empurpled It. SOU til 7b d.!;1'OOlI E ..... L.n 7 - 3~pot ... totllO ~ 11· few dttYll; 10 Reglstertld I:!hro)l I . S760. , "Then I'll have you anyhowl" he ~j n"log . ""nLallllo" throe BCtt>e and Ovo poles l1 t:;1J.OUJI. Il f lIhin vii. Sl1nHle l B"ll oy. mure or less." hire Ewes' ."."",,'Iu... : I , few extrn ,fino , Wb\t.o r: • ~\l ro willi Dr.•"!"'"t"" hoarBely told her. IlDd. hts arms tensed W.&:Stato ' Z. R olJllI npl)olnted 0 8 OO \lU~ tl l Wynn(lottll chloken@. 1 hac! • .z11D, . , <'<UU" Il omody., Une SEOON D 'J'U,\ QT OF LAND and bls head allghtly lowered forward . for dtlfe ndullt. B ~il fh:od lit $500. UlerDl~1l Wayne8vl1le R 4. J26 !\I'~ will . nrcli /lrooe. be 'made as It to advance toward ber. I , ' . ~n 'fI",i ti Q~~ SIIUI\t..J<1 In thu Sfllto or OhIo, ConnLy 8tllt,0 of O ll i v~ . Willlu lIl U ioke y . WllrrUIl . ~ A sa'" ""dllI06l!Inll ' Y",p-<oIIc ano In M LUt:Jlo "'owuslalp, bolH" n He saw In ber frlgbtened eyes tbnt sbe (j ·:ud A t,ook farm of 137 aores "e MI II I"t·y Sur. y No. 5Ga. uud bClUoullit . ' P lelid gri.lHy ""ould lI~ream. but be did not know ,I ""' rll,ul l tnll .. w,;: Bcglnnioa nL 0 81<1nO ItL 8') " lIM ,'f! of it good hotto m . /S lt,I\IO of Ollio v~ . ~Il ",ulll 1>liT(i lld n. t he ""Lh WOOL W rucr. Iho ."me being Iho th~ at that moment sbo could not . A lle "I'r ftilling fI.pring of ~o nl,h WOSL l'omer ot IUO l'iolll& Uglll8bce \tln,J: Her beart lIeemed to havo lost Its ac· 131111 !hurt It t "'\iOu, u ~ " I Inu,i'. nlld III tllo EagllJ1to or Iho Amos witter. l "q n\tA or Mlrlnle .r, t:llt t. C"il>k rll rm . ruoulug t. hunc..-e ~l 1S2 dC8ree8 ~O tlon . and sbe etood .. trembling, faInt. j 26 UI (Ullt~ ". U. 1I ehs. willi ."ltI .OgI001>OO·8 10,1O tertllwllltC', WaynesvllJll, U. Ma'r riage Llccnaes In t .0 midst of ber strewn muelc, with l.o a astO Jl O; tli(.lllcO N 5 3 degreeH .0 minutes E. U.07 ch~. wltll Ihe 1100 or An.08 &lid 011 ••• the senslLtion that tho room ~' ne turn: Benjam In 6' . nnr gd!l' Sr .. fll rOll"r U. 1,;'J{Jk to tl 1" '81 11011 comer 10 'hI> Wetll Unl> yellr alII . brown hOlPB, r ubb e r . in;: (~ n rk. ol\"l n 0(;101'1>00'. rarm . t be .amo being Lho nnrl MI , H IJIII TIt 1M! v\Jne Prlo!!, IJotll or tift' rnnnllOllt Ilbq hnrl1~ 8M for lIuc o f thn Url"J nnl S lrr,'oys No. 6G3 anll No. 'nl" house was very Qu.let. Mra. 8al'- 'Ot E'ruoltli n. n~ v. 1\. E'. Sle bi:lf6. ~":;; til uCO with 1110 s urvey line aDd Iho ug- HaJe, or will trnde f or h~ tLV.V Illllrl'. gent ·and 1tirs. Davies were upstairs . IllIi lJoo HCllid S. au lIogroos an mlnutel 8: , 7B.U R ob rt H. Pri • r;Ll'IllOr 1I0d Miss ,·hs. "" n IlVlm VII LIIo uortll bnnk of CUllar', W, N. HStlrB. WSYD4layllle, Oblfl, The ocrvan ts were all In ' tbe rear 6f . j 2tl t:r uck an, 'oruer to •• Id 0 ·. Ogleeboo ; tllenee the bouse, or below, or In the upper EUI el l;Iu , rlg" II tIt ut · .l"mnkhll. U()Wu Causqr 'e Cnmk \.~H.b its ' "'e&l~derlng8 u folloW8: \ I) S. ~ 8 degrectl 00 mluutel W. a.90 rooms, lit tbelr morning work. He & ev, l:lt u ul. , Acres. If room lwilS8 "~~'I hll r n. , ch~. lhol'"" ( 2) 8 . 4(: clOK"""'.' 00 mlnut... W. tl:rn ccl ewlttly and closed tbe door at 3, 4 U eh•. tl,,,ue.., ( 3) 8. 6~ d.grees 30 mlnUlea Fur Informlll·ion "t1clr !l~fI \,V1ll Real Eslute Transfers IV. B. OU eh • . to tho uppor cornur ot Ihe brl~ge tho music room. then be whIrled aaaln abutmonl ill Lhe Wayn€Bvlllo 'and Barvo)'ll- Mat,t,!-\ ewlI, DilYt.ou. Oblo, R, R. 7 towards ber, with fefoclty In hie eyes. u lku ; tllmlce (4) 8 . US degree. 30 mlautco near Centervll.lfI. C. Ji'. and lJ:t t iL Lu ttroll' to A. M. "IVurg . ti, 2 1 el'. thon<'O (~) B. 70 deg.....,. 00 mlllHe came s1!;Iwly, every movement of Browl). a trhots III WI) biDgtu n nLl'" W. 5. 40 e.lts. thence (6) B. 73 d'!lreet 65 blm alive witb ponde~ous etrength. He m Inu te. IV ••~ , aoeh... Ihouco (7) N, 86 clegrees UOmlllllle. W ••• 21ch. to I> IG tn 8)'CIImoro ou was a maniac. He was Inaane. He town"hlp $l. nit! N\lrlh Donk ot On"oar·.Oreek IIIld corner John il'r e' l . t o F loyd w .. n , lots wae frenzied by one lDad thought l<l Jam"" Zoll'o f urtu: ,hence 18Ilvtng salil .. I~ wllh thu linea ot .tJd Zen .. fat· whlcb had 8wept out of ble universe No. ,a Ilnd·!l4 '10 Mn pie Park Su b- C,.ook hOl\ s: ( I) N. a2degroos. 20 mlnu ... B . 17. 25 'every other consideration, and tbe glut (1Ivi810[\ to l\in gll Millti. U , . ells. tv tl HtOllO Iu Iho Waynesrllle and B .... Maud R. 'l ctL vn to W a lter T . " ey~ lJnrl1 ,,11r ; ( 2) thooeo N. 57 degreeo ao to kill w\,s no more feartul tban the uthl u t"" \\ . 13. 6a cit • . with atJd Pike to a lI,nd Bertb" M. J orctn n, two trnots In ololte purpose wblcb possessed blm now, .,11 IIIIl South ,lila vt tho South ' roail '(\11('0,,1011" .010 Pike ; (a) Lhence N. 36 degreee Gall. Btandlng slight, fragile. her M.asrile towns hlllillo U 1lIIntll~' W. 89.U6 che (passing a ,t<lDO at .llII'ne :';. ILOti ' Illra B. t:>t oulenbor. 2U , ~ H ch •. ) to " Itone nod CQrner ' to 8&ld Zen brown eyes staring. ber brown haIr '"Id Amos Cook: ~hlWl'O wiLli .oaId Cook'. E.IL dlsbeveled about ber wblte brow, felt ough to J o)J n n. legf riod 107 1I 0'~~ lin . , aU dugree/! 68 11l1nUl<J8 IV. 8. U chI. 10 (ho ploco 01 beginning CIJIlLtUnlng Ono hun· every atom cit strengtb leaving ber, de· to i!'rHuklin tOwll~bl1J $1 dr ,I tony·fllllr uutl II"ty·Ove bwtdred Ibl voured In tbe overwhelming mlght at. FiI)mor' Hlttolthllrn uo n Anoo. M. ACj:CII (1 4 611 ,I ' NlII) , tbl8 monstrous creature. ..Tbe sbeet SnJok, Ilx e out.Or 1111(1 It .\: otltrix re o S"I<I : tl \I ~o bo hQltI vu t.ho j,'1IonIl deellJllated •• !)ucllnll 'rr"cl \If Laud . of music,. 'wblcb abo bad been holdIng \l1I 6r)tlvely, to, Ulyde .• lI,uII I11~ .. tt,.. STOC ( AND GENERAL J'oSl;~""lo u at alilho 'I'mete 10 befJlven Marcil all tblB time, dropped from ber nerve- B. I~leloy;. !l7 IlClr ClI lD Tllrtleoreek ISL. IU16, WiLli LIIO further rlab~ f!lIIerTe\J to " "" ·CHI·, I II Nlfill Bud remove 'II)tentrom lhe AUCTIONF.B~ les8 lingers and lIuttered to the lIoor! tuwU!.illp U \JI/.j wl,ull L 11011' ~1'l) "'lug tbotiJOn. Sulll ,ro,,1""lDte hili! been nIIZUi:eapnral.ed Tbat nolae. alight as It .&e, ISr'ved o L, WIll .. 111l(1 1:1. e, 1~lId Emma "oder "r,lor I,t Onurt: II""" or lUid aa" to arrest ·the progress or the man for Hltr' v v tHj liar bi n '1lIIlrOrtluk ~own. C Illa D.ClU) nlUGtooD hunclred dO I!e!lond LrB" t or I~ nll "t (S\06J' . tine blQldNd ..... ~IL ~ JUlt an Instant. He.1UI In no trame ~hl~' .i. F.STATE & I~SURANC§ ~ Bnll I " .H"lnls dallal'll per 1IC!l'II . w, to reason. but. some' Instinct Ul'fed blm - ,t.IU' Il~ U. 1111I(,y 'l~ Iii to .MalJ, I 1,.111,111 tilt' It .. tbtlll ,wo-w,1\'d8 01 _ _ ~.., to Ipeed. He crouobed IIl&hUl". u .. prult.Ud \ oluo. b I'd III Buo k lot" '. II . I 1111/1 2 IIJ OUI y'lI 'J'~m5-Uno 0011 , I wUd beast mlgbt. Bu& tile lutter or I iOll l LJ MUllnn. $;$00. Office in Stoops. Build;ng n~~~ 10 b118IC1II8d that lIheet ot mullo bad don't mote . r-". BI1I\ .Iobn W . Book '0 Allen ~1 monpp for Gall thaD It had for IWD. It bad No. 1 Bod.Un 1)1Iley'. ab JoaHcI tile 1rIdGIa bad IIIId
Shingles Felt Roofing'
Building Material
- ...----
A Flame Raged Through HI. Veins
Which Fairly Shook Him. now. wblcb centered Itself upon one obJect, and one alone. Galli 8he was hta new lIummit. bls new peak. tbo lI.n al one wbsre he bad planned to relit: but now b\s angry thought was to attaIn It, Bnd .spurn It, broken and WIlmbled. as bsd been all the other liarrIeli to hl8 will, Bnd press ruthless· Iy onward Into blgher IIkles. be knew not wbere. It wall no time now. to thlJik on that. Gall fll'llt! CHAPTER XXIV. The Flutter of a Sheet of MUllo. Gafl. in a pretty mUe rose-colored morDlng robe. wltb soft trills or lace around ber wblte throat and at her white elbows, eat on the lioor of the mUllo room amid a chaos of sheet mu. elc. Sbe was humming a gay little sana, lIuggested by one or the titles tbrougb whlcb IIbe bad leafed. and was graduallY sorting ber m\lBlc for the yacht party; Instrumental pieces here, popular tblngs there. another little pile 01 old·fashloned glees wblcb tbe as· lIembled crowd mlgbt sing, Just bere a little stack of bel' own lIolos, nearby the rectorll favorIte.,. bet~en the two theIr duete. It 1\1a., ber part Ln one of the latter ehe was bummIng now. mlaalnlr, aB ehe sang, tbe strong ac· companlment of Rev. Smltb Boyd's mellow . voice, 8)18 waa more peacethlll mornll!g than ehe had boen for many days. . The 'butler came through the ban. and Gall looked up with a suppressed giggle as sbe aaw him pass the door 8be alwaYB had an absurd Idea that hIs hinges 'ahould be oiled. . "Miss Gall Is not at· home. Blr," she heard the butler say. and Gall pauBed wltb a sheet of music sospended In ber band. tbe wbole ell pression of her face cbangl.ng. She had only slven Instructlone tbat one lIerson ebould receive that InvarIable mes~age. "I beg your pardon. slrl" was the next obeervatlon Gall beard, In a tone of as near startled remonstranco 8S was p08slble to the butler's wooden voice. TheM! was a Bound almost 811 of a IIcullle. and tben Allison, wIth bls top coat on his llrm and his hat In bls hand, etrode to tbe doorway of tbc musIc room. followed Immediately by the butler. who looked as If hIe hair ha.d Jleen peeled & llttle bit at th& edges. Allison h,!d apparently brushed rougbly past h.lm, BIld had disturbed his eqUIlDlmlty 10r the balance of hIe life, 00.11 was on h\ll' teet a)most Ins,tan. tnncouBly wltb the apparition In tho doorway. and she Btlll beld the sheet of music which she bad been about to t'i e(lOslt on one of the piles, AllIeon's eyes had a queer effect of being Bunken, and tbere WII8 a strange nerv· ous tenalon In him. Oall dismissed IhA lIu.tler with a nod. ' .
WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN .ade Strong and Well Bl Vinol
Any Road Any Place Any Time
OlasaUled Ads
fl. E.
f2 . 1
w. Ne
t&I''')I:IOD '0 MalOn, Sl.
M. and
w. ~,
. '
GAZETrE CATARRHAL'DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED I - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - ...~.---.-
P'lhll.hoKl Weeki)' al WnYlll!I!vlllo 01110 hy .. ns. lUI they canlw t mach _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ . -_ thr dlseuliCd portion o f Ihe eur. There is , . . ollly 011. W:I} LII "ure ca lurrbal dtnfu" s~ , D. L. CRANE], Editor and Managel' jaml Ihut is bya conslitulional remedy. CRlll rlhnl Deafness Is roused by IU' in· flam~cl co,)dition of I he II1lleou. lining of JAN UARY 26, 1916 the Ellsln hlu ll Tulle . When this tube i~ =='i=""'=-~"'-'" - - -'----- in!lnmed hOu I,a\e n rumbling sound or
~~~freslor ~::~~~~:'~~:;tu ,lI;:~Is ~~:~~~J:~ ae~~~l~ I coudillon. WILL HISTO RY -REPEA'T1 :~:lube bcnring will deslroyed loreve r. Man,
no rtDll
THE NEIGHBORHOOD .NEWS As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighbori:1Ood
----- - -.-....-.- - - HARVEYSBURG
Olle hundrtld ytllHK I\gll. 1811. WR~ "/1 y ellr wllhonl II li n til llltU·. .. WtIl hi~~ory r epEat It.sp lt thl" YPl\r, It ""\Ilg tbe on buudr ell~h nnulver sury o ~ thut WI)montou9 yellr? . Iu 1116 It 8nowu(J eve ry m ont.b 10 'btl yellf. Au old tllllD In K entuoky told tue he had. hellrd . hl8 grand. ' fdher talk of S1I1L~ year aull one In. oillen& b ",1 Impressod It..!e l, on hit mind. Ij ' K I!flUldtath llr >IBId tllEU be Ilud he and bls "lflrl" IItarted (or a F o arl·h of J nly olllebrllUon, but were oompelled to 'urn baok aD 00. oouut of a te rri fio 8[\01V8&or01. TIlt' old mfl O told me t.hllt In tbe 8prln g of 18 t7 h18 gnu Itllther and unotber man r ode f,om Kentuoky on horsl'l.H ok luto l'euu~ylvllnla and plIld per bn~h 6 1 for SARd whell~ with whioh to pllO nt their field ... Tile POll' Yllllr Willi n 8tep In tbat d ;reollo.)l). Wo did n ut hllove auy KOOW durloll th e Bumm er . but At I.he ~llm9 ,I me we did not h"V8 two Vo oektl or rllnl IInUllner w<)luher Ilurlug the enU.e year. P ossltlv tbe wellthllr man was w"IUug for tho ouo huodredth IlD· nl von"ry to r oll II rouod 80 thl t bl 8 ~ory IUll(h t have Il ohRnce to ro pO'nt IL8olf.-Letter til Dtltrolt Fro" Pr eM~ . .
------.- --
DUTCH PROVERBS Vo' ~ man "rows. shows vot be BOWt'.
A bird mltoot a fedded, 1100111 mH hlmeel l . AI! der tree Iss bent. ao vila de r 'wig 'wltl'ed . b'8 a obllly vlod.· vot plows no body any /(uod, A young woman lall know by her lompany tlbe kedps. Ve oan't make water ron up bill -lUllouI lIer plumber. . Sow ,0) many vlld oat. end ve reap In a oootle Hold. Lill ndore Sake ber oourse-bud moaquttoe. vas a nnlSllnoe. 1~ peesnllll8 uud plnooltle. 1\ Rood deal depends on Ii good deal Too many COO~8 m llY spall der IOUp, bllt· two heada Vll8 beUer 8a voo, Look berore you ~onmp, theu lIoump. Nodding venture noddlnl( h8.,e. • Dar rOiling stone gmdders no mOBIl, bud be va~ nod BO· green 88 del' .lons Vos 8100d atm.
-------.. - ..-------
BAD COLO QUICKLY BROKEN UP MI'II. M"nhll. WI100%, (Jawanda. N. Y , wrl\ell: '"I t1r!1t nhed Chem. berllloln'l Cough RelDedy IIbout eight years ago. At thet tlmD I bad a hard oold aud oonghed most of 'be lime. Ie proved 10 bo JOI' what 1 nseded It broke up the oold In a few d"YI, "Dd the oough enlirely IIluPP"red. 1 have told many 01 my fr Iend. of the good I reoelved Ihrough ullng thlll medloine, "nd .11 ~ho h.ve used I~ speak of It In she .hlghellt terml!." Obtainable everywhere.
' cuses of deflfne.., are cuuscd hy catarrh. whIch is nn inflamed cnndltion uf the tnU -
iCU llS surfucrs.
Hall 's Cal"rrl, Cure BelS Ihru UIC hlnud '111 Ihe' lDucous surfuce. Ill' tbe system. lire will give One Hundred Dollars for any casc of Cu tarrb al Deafness tloa t c",~· 1I0t be cured by ti »U' s Calarrb Curer Circul rsfree. , AI! DrutlllslS. 7 5c . F . ) . CllbNIEY. & 0., Toledo, O.
____ _
o--· --~----
l •
ue vorlllnd lI gootfllJ.t tbt. pla oe Mr. '1'OUI 11111 lind ftLUlil y \V re are wide ll.wakel:'n8tltng genl,lemell, i D'LytOO v '~ lto r:\ OIlO day l u~t weok. nnd are selling tberu for ellrly IIprlng . . . delivery. It 'lI n o\ all In tbe ar~lole Mr~ . ullf, rge Mlltlntt lu ~IOk tI.t YuU are Helling ; it IS koowlng how, tbls wrrtlng . "ti nd tben dulng It Ml s~ Ltllia M.ulult Rnd urol,her Lad Thurlldll; mornIng " wes tLre ~iok with tbe olll okeo pox . very loy, and it would bave d one Mr. J obu Royer Is on t b e ~Iok . li st YOIl I'ood to baTe .een tw o mnlee Mr, l:I .. mu,,1 J IIlobHfJll "'liB III Day. ~n.d Frank &odilook oome "lipping ton ~lit·llrdAY and 8u udHY . loto town JUII' all if I·hey did n ot Mr . David Lncllu; llnd fU'm ii y sp~n t want anyone to see ~bem. l:hlllURY wltb ~Ul.) H Jlloksoo 's M.·e. Luolle Harvey CIll'ter, of _ _ ... __ ____ ~oleph Ma"ball made a bUlllnelti Yellow 8prlnl'8, burled her busban!! d vldtown Wlldnesday. Mrs. Cutrip to U"rlt.le, MoodilY. HIEmST OF IT ler WRI tbe dauglaer of .Mr. and Artliur Warwlok Willi banBaotlog Mrs . MUell Barvey, d eoea.ed They H La R ~ 0 ,. , I, r 1 hlld u vo r y 60boslneP tl In Carll.le one day this were weli kn.:lwn In thia vloinity. v'6re cold " I .• tl S n P'" rly dow n week Dor heaettel' .ympathy «oeil out So 810M; III 1J~\1. Ilg bt Hvo bott led Verner Simmons epen' ~onday Mrs. Cllrte~ an(\ ohlldren In thl" of Ubtirub"rl ., .• I;() ug h R ~ we dy "t CarllBle. ~helr lad ber8llvemllnt. ILDd It w , \~ a u ,.)' vo ry le w (ltlYIl UIlI~e ". (i'rank Bhulh;, of Dayton . Mr. J ohn C:>bb, f .. tbar ot huo til 1 VII\ S cOlUpletelv r e~(" r l'l (l 1,0 W'UI the (:;oO.IIIY dinner !Jnes' of Cobb Yra J . C GrAY and JoIn h etl ll h. " \ vr ll"" () J I:Iletot1lf, Mr. and MJ'1I. W. B . Siegfried. ClII! Van Born, WllS found dead io W ont hll r by . .\lu. if y' .u wou ld Roweoa Wrlllht, or Day too, I~ bed at Mu. Van B orn'. 'l'hurild .. y kno w lho vn ln o 0 1 tiJl~ remedy, IIsk vlsltlog Mre. UI"r" B'ord ' and other m ornlo" Mr. Vobb WILli Willi koowo and ooe who bIL. ~ ulled it. Ubt!llu . friend. here. In this vlolnlty 8ud had mllny t rleodll able e VElr ywbera . &lrtl. Nelble IIpent Wedneadny In\ormen' In Lebnnon oemetery . with Mr. aDd ~r8 . Will Tullie and Mila Laura M(°K.tnley, of Uorwl,,_ - - - -family . . IB teaoblng 10 tho primary room In our town is 110 lIi1l'ur lit f r om ot.ber Mn. George Rellara wal h08tesh the absneoe of Mls8 CO lllptUlI. t o wna u nU tbllt hi UUU hy tll xhtlo n to tho memberll of tbe tlan Parell Mre. H.AtHeM, our very ocoomo. Every olty (I ull t ll Wtl t ~ \U dtlut t or dAtiO" 'Illepbooe opemtor, W,"'I Ih e o eoes&luo;s wtll'll Ilooy b""e. club t!aturday afte rnoon. Mre, M. J . Farr wal celled to '.I ulte II ok severnl d"YIl IIl" t week , t\h ow 11.1" a town ')tlL at rltl ht • nll l trnnklln tillS week bv 'be iIlnell8 of bot Is much improved at this 'Ime. will shu w y un.L trowu t.b l1 ia fifty her mo~her Mrs . Catherine Noll. Mr. and Mra. W i llil1lu MoCa rre n yean; in .he woods N uw tit Llli~ tlOI tta th lI~bteu (\(1 !lULU y un Ill11Bt bto rig ht Mr and M.s, J . F. T4ylor were are nooopy nK 11 00 ,e on e up with YOllf IItlighbur tUid y our the gu".'. of rfla&ives at Dayton Aveooe renl eH til h l Wlil IUOrelll!t III vu lllt'. one day thl8 week. Ml'. F . L Bllane, with the aBlllllt- H Is n o w nuor .l h HI. lIur JlT tJ pe r ~.v Alrll. WIlliam Bunhart IB Oil th A anoe of .everlll men, waa eUlloessfnl II! Hlow ~alc-\vloo " llu lS til b ll Y ' .Ioll U.t . In Beourlng qnlte u I)t of Ice 108' pru\ler t:v in n tU " ' n t.h ut wlle u b tl week. Mre . Wm . SohAeter 1I0d daughter t: OI' S ou t AI. ll1,g h t I/u "' ) I ~ L I•• ku hIli 'l'he lootore at tIle '['owo Ball s ~ t· Iliutoru wl hh t1lm ~u h e Ull" J:j~tl of Jilomestown spen' Snnday bere Ihe guesti! of Mr . Ilnd Mrs. P. K orda.v night Will! very muob eu- Wiltlfe be 18 " ,)iug joyed . Ou IJb rl6tmn s DI I\I.: ! W I1 hau II a re Penoe and I\4rll. Ida Crullopber, Mr. aud MrB. TdIrl oy Freelllnd in town lib,," t G u' 'I uok; uu .. of Misl Lydia Wood en\ertalued Tuesday In hOD or ')f ber eljlhty-Ilf&h have moved Iuto the prewlaell o nr olM:.4tlll S who w .. s luy ul aod birthday the foll owing persons, Mra owned by A.loozo Brl1nliort. DeAr the Wll uLtld to do WUIl he ()(j old WUII ronnili C dow!1 tho lr (J/j ~. to Ule ti D. Lutlol ... Beeton, Mr. and Mrs . Alberl B'latrork ohuroh. rh e farm that bas Been owned by gIn!! houee aua rllU Into u tree, kill. BOlton and AnDa Folk. G eorge W. d~rlall, deoell8ed, for in g hiU) lor 110 while nnd WIl8 t.rolO 8evR!'&! yeanl, Ilnd known a. thtl T . plad 01)On by otlleu no Due hurt lie Y . Willes prollBrty, wlto owned it ko owlne tlllH be Wtl liVEN UP YOUR TOR PID LIVER t1011lly got IItreng Lh enougn to got To keep your liver aoUve ulle Dr . for Inltny year". wili bo lold Febrn- homll llnd tbe I}luotl WI1:1 flow ing. Klng '8 New Life PIIlIl. They Ins ore ary 111' Obsena$l n tells u. that Now, rou I I1' u p ~rty OWlltll·, ~o tu a good dlg68tlon, relieve oQnllUpatlon, event.ually relll Ilstate obanglng . peOlll lls·t I1l1d he trPllted fu r tllat and tooe op the whole lIystem-keep ownerllblp la one of t hl! brat Inoen. so nlll whloh uvifie ntl y (illll tr oys yonr eye olear and your skIn fresb Uve8 tbat you BlJ uuld keep your y o~r v llfiou uu d oome out a od Buy and healthy looking. Only 250. a' light trimm.d and barnlni. 1 "Ill for IIgbts tull ~ hlLl, will meun your Droggls'. Tbe Clvio Leagua met ... Mu, tha' I w\J I v ute for bOlldlng Ihe tU\l\ n SadIe R eason'ti Sl\t ordllY et 2 p . m . Tul!! 'alkeu .of. llgbt III 1\ neoesslty .; Some t.w of their membe r. were Ihe good womuo dtl"" r \·tl Kr out prBi8e absent. A goodly amount of bUll. (or w h ut they have dOtH, but tUllY oeBe was tran.aote(l and an enjoy I!' wlli mil. ke ill<,re h e.. d WRY if ~h ;)y ble tI we waS bad. wlll ll lllr t Il or u»'ldlJ In rll Vllr of tux. The rOll.ds lit thla writing are 110 IitiOll; wbeu6v ar· ... tllX pilyer , IDl\n Mr!! . l:or a BILker lIod tlllogbter8, bud thAt the wrHe r Ie fe.rful of ur wowno, 6Jiy~, t,hey ,t o n ot Ollr " MI>l8ea MIldred and Lellh, of WIl- writing very mooh 00 aooouot of whllther we till '"t! 11gb ~ ur Ilot y uu u.lngt-oo, .rll vllfltlng the former'" tranBport~'lon. bein" dolld waltal, murk it (lown 1.IJlII th e r t! Is someai.ter, MrB. Ada Conrtoey. and If detained by 'he waysIde IL thing rl\dl o,lIly ",rUl ./; with t he m. Mr. MUle Kibler fr 'Jm Kan8t1s Is might gat 8tale so you can realizt' We IJlLve u prlltty tuwn a nd t ile apendlnlJ" few day. with biB brother 80me of the <llmoultie. 'he corres· m orlll l:l o f the tOWII or s tlU nve m g . boS give os guoli light!! a ud It WIll I\4r, Charlie KIbler. pondent hili to go op Ilgl1lnst. Dug BolIIngeworth oalled 00 Bar. Vao 't you aUend the MII8Bie 'own mllke some poop e n ut do t hinge vev Bhaw ~unday mornlo/J. . ehip I:)unday tlohool oonventlon Il~ Ihat they" IJI d(, iu UtlrkUHII!I. \Vh ~t M... Nel.JOD hoK.eever Bod family the M. E . ohuroh In nur olty. 8un- III the d. ffe r eDoll It the yoongtl8t 8nt-e,'alned Mr•• nd Mr •• Carl Hea\ob day,Jano~ry 80tb? Yoo lorely wlll cblld In Ollr oi 5y Ii ved to be old and, ~tlll t.he uebt n ut p~ id we htl ve bnd to ~unday diollllr and Mr.. Ruth be weloome. I will b e there. Bell.. aod U"le danlolhser, Beleo, on Frank Wllllon spen~ Sunday 10 t ne prot&ot\OD wh lc b every tOWll 18 dondayanerDodD. . Davton 'he KOOBt 01 hie Bon, Barry, ex peoted to h!l va nud will It 11 ve it 'bf\u will. Ill Y a8ide t bat Idea of tux; Mr. and 8011'1. Rober' Rober' Bill. returnlog home Sunday nl,ht. wheo I, oumee tilme to fi ol h y our UnKer 80d Mr. and Mr •. Ala Whit. Mr. !lnd Mra. ThoB. MeGlade at- ell.rlhly oureer ~~ au OllO look bl\ k aker celled on Mr and 80118. Otbo *ended ~he foneral of Mre. WillIam and say, we ll, 1 h ave dotle olle r.blul( Henderaon ·l'nelday. BoovlIr, of C!irknill., Saturday, in my hlo ILlld tbat W .. B whell 1 voted Mrs. W . V. Warner reNrned home January 22nd ... to 110nd tbo '01wn t hat we mlgbt ToeedaY' morolnl after .. pleasant If yoa bny an Automobile YOIi will hll ve lig ht..!; wb!!t: J .. rn l(ul ll t:f IoW"Y vii" with frlendB In' Jamel&owlI. wlllh you hadn't, uever to re torn o l.llo VIl "r"/lu r ed It . Lizzie I[thler llpant Thureda,. wllh lf you do DO~ you will Wi8h you hid, 80 my f.. nuly will lie proteoLdd nnd ber aunt Mrl. Allen KIbler. And eit-her waY It Is very sad, w hll.t 1\ gra ntt tbOllt( Lt t,IH.t III. to Mias BURenie Wht&dler lPeD' Bn' to run an lIutomoblle hall grown lhink that we blilve dooe WlJll i WII ~ rlgbt and t hut.. [ havo given nw B'rlday. nl"ht with !.In. Allen I[lbler be qnlte a fad. and ."ended the Junior allC h At differeD' Umes muob h,n bean family, nell(hb Ol' nud frl ' nds Wh At. t!ohooll:lool~l at the Sohool aan. laid oono.rnlng U&ht. for our town; Ihey wt're enl,illed t o Ilud Deedtld . Throw 1181de ,,11 hlnred and g et. Mr. Barry I:lhaw was In Lebanon enany IIUleeeLloD8 haV8 b.en m"de a., to the bo., way to InB &all end busy tltllt whlln VVBrUl weatber OOmBS Friday. ' - -I-UIII>UI-lHiln a Ii«ht. and lIoveral dlfter we o"n htL ve Iln eleol;[ lc Iillht in· The lillI/on arm, where Harry eDl kinde of ltehtB hAve been pro- otailed, eocouuga our h onoratlle Earn han Jived, wUI be ooonpled by poeecl, but when 'hat ·W '" dooe n o oouooll to tuke s uch stepK I1S I ~ u eo· Mr. Nelson BamlUon uell' ye.r. progrelll wall mads and the Ught 6888ry to get tlltO Jigl1l. lJ"ve " pub. IIrlppe .eeml '0 bave quite a quee\ion WllII 'l tt the aalAl!, plaoe ., lio meeting at I·tue '1' ,wn 1::1,,11, Mom e hold on thlB oommnn"y. SomB of when 'bllY etuted. Wbat ill evl. .. Uernoon IIond g,~ t all tbd ~u xp~yers , the II10k lire · DOW reooverin, hot dent to an In lIight ie plain to b .. botb m en find wom en. Ilnd let lb. m o'her. are jU8~ '"kID,I'. ."en that our faoIUtl.,. 'for U&lo tin@ be be~rd froUl ):;011111 will ~ay. I tl o 1101. WIIDI· to v ol;e 1\ t .. x 00 lin old IVlcl ow W OI.DIlU, 1.11 MBe of that kind their proportlOu woul d be vory BIUP II £oud In DO o"se \>vo ula a ny on ll of n ~ be (11, tur bnj t o tI v r grllllt Ilxt,ent Uur tax 'uuplloul!! It! BIIlHIl but lifter April b t tll ere m uy h .. II chILoge In it, every I hiu,\ I" lu f v'l r o r li!!htir, !! up uur l OW O Ju L Ih(\ ulhe r ulahl wh " n tb e tOlW w" s bit, ok, t w y.m og IU Il O mn t o((.·tbl' r wlLI.J thalr n~1I tiod broke bulil t SOUle Bxt.e ol. N il ,,, 6t'l)l1 Bntl thmk if we wen, Dlllled nplu · th ll lli ~ h~ t... go .. nd 11M. Ht8' pOlt! j( unl 8. til- .. lO ud ur tow" In darkn lit! lIud rl t: h t, Lh6 re WIl are "lid haod .. nd t oot aod t he los8 Iii totulllll 10 nooo'o nt or not hl1vlug 1 our town hghtlld 80 wo cou ld Bet! No doobt til l! Inl;I)OIlOn of e vol ) ott . lll8n is tb e very 'bo!!' iu ·tll !' ~Ime uf oeed but fake tI~~lr lIy tl ~lgh t I1Wlly from theJll oud t b ey or'll do n otblug. Let ~v ery oD e l!hv,w where they et.aud In the matte, ; !til order t o KIt; th fll IIt"r~ d. 1)0 no,t expeot t b e otber fellow t o.lltort It; bu . y ou do jt, you wUI n ot be mob'bed, you will be r.,. Wi~ ~peot 'd and bonmed by the mujOJ i ty of thll oltlzeU!I, 'l'rello~ tby neiih. bar I1S thy brotber.
---_.- ..---
... .
c......... ,,,.. ,, ...e....
JusU~ lIle laxative tablet the pleasant taste
ProtectS eve"; member of1he ~ from
ConstiJ.atlonthe en'emy of good health
OLIVE BRANCH The mOil' oommon 8&y ln, In ~bl. vlolnity ill. "Yell, he hilA t he grIppe. ' Jame8 Campbell, OD8 of our old est oltlzenB. aod a life loog r esldeo, of tt III place pllAled a WRY "'tr ndoy morning. Fuoerl1l .. rvloes Wednellday. . Misl Myr t le BAker 8pen' Sonday aft.erooo n w ,th Miss M.lnnio (:amp
WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED The most Modern :'Ind Sanitary Creamery in the State 'and will pay highest market price ror sound. d ean sou r cream. We are alwa,ys prompt to re'cognize allY advance. in lhe market, and will' take care of your interests at all ti ~es . Checks mailed daily or weekly as desired (0 over a ll sh iprn nts.
bp i!.
Mr8. Brlluso n Ha ke n oe &oaa MoG rath I'PBltt 8 nutlay wHh h r;1I1l6 f olke. 'rhll Oregllnla W . C. T . U. will meet with Mrll. Ruthe Horray, 'l'huudRY, J~ou~r y l17th . Notice tllo oh8o~e In plaoe aod date. Ullve r Elbon speot the week end ill 1)IIYt.OO with hl8 gr8ndfather, fLULI ut.tllndell th" Indllstrlal Expoel 1.11In . .1 0011n Uobb \I1l.@ed away Buddenly, l o~L week at tile h ome of hi. daogh lo r. Mra. VJiil'ord VanHoro . \fo lloTil I servioes Slltorday. Interment \1\' 11 11 Wilde i n Lebllnoo cemetery. T hor o Will be Ep.wor t h Leagul' at Iho M 1£. oll uroh n ex t Rnllday evon iUK ot suvan o·olook. Mis!! lIyrlle Bnk tlr will bo Ills lende r . Yo u are ir.lvi\.od to he prestlnt ----.~
..- - -
CONSTIPATION AND INDIGESTION " I bne used Chamberlain'li '.rab. lets lind must R8Y 'bey aTe ~be beet 1 huve ever used for oon~tipatlon 'LCd indigelltlon. My wlte 11.180 used ,hflm f or inolgesf.lon an!! they did her !;oocl, ' wrlies Euglln e S. Knight, Wllm lllJ;Ion . N.l:. Obtainable eV llrywher e. ....'---.~--
HIGKORYVILLE .Mr. a nd Mr8. WIll 1JI1II1m enter. taiootl on T borsdllY Mr. ,.nd Mr8. Trnrnl\l\ 1Ji 1lllm lind 80 0, of HarvtlYR hurg . MI'. &1 . T homas WU H shopplllg In W!lw ln g toll MondllY . Mitis Mill' Bllrl~n WIIS lIeon sh op. ping in HlLrveysburg laRt t:lllturday. Miss Berda Featy s pent Friday a ft ernoon with Mi~s Emma Ellia. Mr. Enofh Be rger 18 Im pro~ine "fter several dllYB of I bknt.B:!. . evertll o f tbo ~ohollfl! of the 81okoryville sobool are oot ou 110 oount of gri ppe. . Cliff Hawke lind Walter U nderwood were in Leoooon 1.. Friday. T . F. McGulun s pent li' riday with Chas. F oley . ChUM. E ll.lI ls and family en ter. ,,,I ned on Bundoy. Mr. 8Dd Mr". Cb .... Bnge.nyer and son., Mrll. E Vil Villars (\Dd MIM8 Vora VillarI, of 8prlllg Bi ll
.. -.
REFERENCE . Firat "Blional Bank Pearl 5t rrel III nr~eL Bill:k H~li ab l~ Merchant ,HI C' IIClnnu tl .
The ANDREW ROHAN CO. CinCinnati, Ohio
J. F. Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O.
CAESARS CHEEK Zl mrl Baines Is on t he sIck list Mr . and Mra, W. E . BOian were oalled to the bedside o f the Illtter 's mo'her Mrll. W. E. O'N.lllalt ·' feek. She III lome be'ter at tbl8 time. Mre . Joe Leamlng and 80n Rtilpb were XenIa shoppers Frldl\Y. I14r . and Mrs. Garfield Peterson en&ertaked hili brother anel wHo Mr . liod MrB. R ILY Peterson f rom the <Veat one dl\y I"B~ .wllek. Mnl. & .E. JoneB and Mn Effie Crew o all ~ d on Mfa. Loyd DI\ vis Friday .. Heruooo . Some of our people bave be.n at lending t,he revival meetlnge at. the Towo Ball in i'!\prlng Vulley. Tbev are being oonduoted by Mr. and Mrll. Long, of Billmoot, Uhlo. Mn. Robert titan ley r emain" quUe .poorly from the effeots of tbe Mrlppa. C. T Harner wall .hopplog In Dayton one dllY l!lllt wesk.
HOW TO CURE COLDS Avoid expoHore and drlLftli . Ea t right. Take Dr. Klng '8 New 1>11oovary. It III prep~red fram Pine 'far, h ealiolt bRlllom. and mild IR x. atlve". Dr Klng'8 New DilonTery klllll aod ellpele the oold germB. Boothell 'he Irritated throll' 8 Dd 11.1. II\YS Infiamm~tlon. H hea.ls tbe mUOOU8 membrane. Searoh a. you will. yon OAnnot lind a .bener oough aud o , ld r eme~y . It~ use over 45 yearl Is a goarantee of lIatiBfaotlon.
Wumen wbo Ket but little exeroi~o &1'e likely t. I be troubled wltb (Delayed ) oo ns tlplltloo /Lnd Indlgestlo. Rnd Will Mr. BenjtLmln Robblnl dIed Ilt his find Chnmbel'llI.ln ·1I Table'. highly benefioinl. N ot so. g uod ae 110 three home on North Mllln 8treet last at tbe age of 82 He or four mile WAlk every dll.Y, bnt very mooh bet'er tban to allow the bowelB to r em uln In a oonll~ipated noon In tbls oemet.ery by Under. oondillon. fhey are ell By and plea •• taker Jamee Crowl. ntH to take and roOllt agree .. ble ID J08ephlne, wife of ·B'rank . 1feot. Obtliloable every\vhere. PAln.".. lt uf neer 8prlng "aUey. died very suddenly lut Sa'orday or - - -... - -bear. 'rouble at tbe IIge uf 68 yean . Sbeleave.twodangbtera Mrs. Nellie Aobor, of \)8y'on, I\nd Mrll. Ednll Elliott, of thlll \llaoe, and one Bon Bwayne ,at home. Ww, Tate has moved Into the K. Mr. Howard Cbeoowil ib !<i suffer. of P . Bolldiog on 11:. Franklin BS. MI .. Ruth Mill. who was 'aken Ing a severe attaok of quInsy. . A number of our neigbborhood 8uddenly iii with appendlultld la reo ported slightly Improved today. are vlo tims of Ia. R.lppe. Amool tile lat •• , grippe vlotlmB Mrs. Charlos Bradcook wnl! IIhop. are, Mrl. O. R . PeterlOn, Dorotby ping lu OilY ton Friday. BarneBB, J Ona. WhlLaore. Mra G . Mr. Frank l:ook. of R oute 4. W . Kemp, Mra. ChaA, Brelsford and vl.lted home fo lks here BaturdllY'. 'he fnmlly of Edward Hopkins . Mr. Lewl, Hawes epent Saturday Mr . John Irvlo who was .erlously and Sunday with biB ' parentll at ill with pneumonia, III impl'ovlng Spring V,,1! olY. Mr. Gllorge PrMt has a horee lIuf · Mrl. EUa ISldenltrloker Wasmnth, terlng fr om look jnw. of Plateborl', Peon, Is vlsitlog her Mr. and Mrs . Wm . Gerard left parentI here. thl8 vioinity 11111t week movlDi in \0 Frank WeAVel', whlls baullng the Cbapmnn pr operty. e~8t of Cor. fodder lallt Tuellday fell fl'om the wIn . w8ICon al' It Upped uP. and tbrowed A number or 001' farmers wlJl him, and as tbe rOlnU of 'he fall aoon ohange plaosl!, 1I08\8ID.d a broken arm aDd Dr. Owing to 'he Illnelli of oor tellober Hook ee' It aDd he Ie eeUlng IIlong . M18!! Murpby we have been havlDIr 811 well .. oould be expeoted. a ~ ul' 1I1· lto&e . -.trl. Suuu RobbinB lett Bunday Misa Marlunna Myers, of Boe'on, morning for Florida to Bpeod eome 1\,t8 II, hu been 'he receDt lIuee' of tim a w\l·h her son B'rank Robbln8 and f"mlly. Mr. Bnd Mr/!. JOBeph Halnoll. .....~.~-Meetlug wal held at Middle Ron 8"tllrdl1Y and Bonday. A. to Argument. . Ml s.i U10e Hesll, who hal apent a "Ef arrument could bll depended OD felv yenre In WBII~ Vlrglula, ha. retnrned to moke her bOlDe wHh her to lIettle enrytblnr," laid Uncle Eben. "all dar'd be to a blUleball lame til de part\uts '.cusslonl wIt de umplre."
- ..
PUBLIC SALES Will t)trond, who Jl ve8 n ear Ferry, wlllllllve Ii I1nle of farm ohattelll on Febroary g. ~ee bills and notice In paper n ex t week. HJl.vlog sold my farm I will offer a' 11Il'bllo lllile 2 mil". Bonth of Flat. fork 80h ool h onse opposite 1Cd. Jef. fe ry farm,
Monday, February 7, 1916 Commenolng nt 10 :30, a Borses, 25 Hogs, Corn, I:)oed , Uat8, BAY, Fodder, HarnellB. I'arming Implement!! . See blllB for 'ermll. D. B MoCoy A. A. MoN.Il, Auo' .. Ed . Jeffe r y, Clerk.
a Cow.,
\Va will offer at Pobllo Auo,lon on the IlLte lJeorge BarlAn tarm, at fo ot of Shill, (:brveyeburg, Ohio, on
Tuesday, February I, 1916 CommenCIng a' 10 o'olook, the followin g property \o.wl*: One 144 aore Trao&of Land. 1 Honle ADd Lo' In Barvey.buri, will be orrered" 2 o 'oiook; " H,)fI!8II. 10 CaUle, 20 Rogll, .Farmlni Implement8, BOlli.. h old ana Kltoben Furniture. See big bills for termB. . E. M. ShaDe Lizzie B. Bar Ian AdmIDI.'",lrlll:. Wm. Mllie, Auo~. Wayne .Smlth l Olerka &R.lph Brooll:l
Ray Mills Auto Livery Serylce at Reasonable Rates AiCiiC or KeUy-Sprinrfield Automobile Tirea
Corwin, Ohio •
Valley Phone9O-1 ~
TO CURE CHILDREN'S COLDS Keel) ohlld dry. olathe oomfoN· bill, aV (JIJ expol!ure aDd give Dr. Beil 's Plne-'l·ar-BobOY . It Ie pleal. aut. soothing, an'lseptio. ral~e. pblegm and reliQoes InllamatloD. Tbe first doee gl vel relief, oODtlnued 'rllatrnl'nt with propsr oare will " void .lIrloos i \1n6811 or a Ion III oold. \lon't delay t reatmeot. Doo't Ie' y Jur ohlld BI1 !fer. Gilt a boUle te. day. Iosillt 00 Dr . BeU'! Pine Tar. Honey 1150 at DrOggl....
.- .
Sub80rlbo for the Miami
Walter McClure Funeral Director• . ow m,1l'.'
No. r. Lime
D1.ar.Doe No. 1It-1r.
tleliieiolll8 coil AutomOIIIe ......1oe at .. TImM
.' . ••• DBNTIST••• Waynenllle.O
InSURlInCE. Wilter Chandler
Waynesville, .Over POIItOIJI«, Offh:e Phone 77
i:.1 "' .
HOUle PbOlIe 1 \5
Dr. J.
Veterinary Oraduate of 01110 Stolfi Univenl'v Office at residence in F. B SherI wood's house, F.~Ufth Street. ' . Telephone
BARNHART, Notary ' Public .
All klods of NotBtry Work. , and Dtted•• t:I~oiaUJ'.
BRIT~:A.lN .'
TolephoDe day Valley phone
For Saturd" Only The 'best Simpson's Calico, per yard, at -
Now going on in f:ull
Clearance 'Sale of Ladles', Skirts
I Suits and
SPECIAL For Saturday Only
Th bes t 1:2 1,(, Dress Gingh~m, per yard at
Mr. and Mrs
Underwear ,
Owe n J . Ihll·II -·t, II ltn h'I' h",'n nt Vuil · h"~lJit <d ill ('in' 1111 III Li for 11ll' 1 pil.st t ll'(' \\'t!,·k . ·. 1I IHh· r.,: "in;r an 01 (:1 - 1 alion for It CUI>lrHct " lIllle Iw mc ~at- I urdayal1d i:! J.:'p. LLill;:' nlong nicely . I th e cutun l\:t h a\' in~ l "" 'n f(' lllov ·d very su ccessfu lly. .
----_ ...
Mrg. Mv rtle ~Uttll!l eulled on M r~ . Erde ls Monday.
Many f rom her a re on Ihe sick lis t . Mrs. S in} Po ttnrf 'al led on hl'r mothe r who iVBR very ill M ,)Ild ny
M fR ,
Leti tia H o lli n~s\Vo.rth is vis·
J. B.
Mrs. Sim Williams. of Olive Branch is very ill at thi s wri ting . . Mrs. Amy Alklnson s pcn t unpay with her family.
.. -----
Saves Yo,", Moaey I
.. ..
wmLY; $4.00 PER YIA:l
- --_.- ...--,
8~ l e
About 8 1b8 Mrs.
GIRLS IN THE PROFESSIONS Very Few T ake Their Occup.tlon••• Likely to Be (he Work of • Lifetime.
hund r eady for instant use. Never leavij hoc )" 0 0 a journey without it.
How to Grow Bigger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE need tbis practical, expert 'infotmation. ~h ether youownor let.md topl a et II fc\vtrees or II tbou sand,lt Is Inf orY·OU will •• m.tloG that
DUQI &D4 addre •• OD the ooupon-or 00 a pos l ul .lf you prefer, W win 1r1adly m all you .. free COpy c'Icr)' whero are srcttlnsr prodl}lIQDA of 0:" New Catalo -It" 11 &810 . book crop. Ancl lAI'1:Ccagh pr~ nts.f rt)m c Wf!~ lb.' I•• Imply p ac\cd with hint s thRt ot Yt)Ullir. thrlftY.ltnlrpft Still"k Uro! wtll eD.ble ,.ou to secure bumper crops trees-hu~ tA ~.ll!'t oU1l'has lzt:: th o tru th
of ftoelt fruit-.Itd leU Ul um a t t opmarket price •• T.hewbol.e book Is filled
,.OIl-l&c:tI about 110.... lrufl'lltowen
come." . TIle same might be Baid with even ' greli.tcr trut h abou t a man's view of a girl's work uod about her own view 01 it, for that llintter. As long as marriage is at any rate Ii JlossiLility, and a8 long as the prejudice against 11 woman's conlinujng
her pTofessionnl career after mar-
- .
W a1ker T ranSler c, C ompany . WITH O~R NEW' THREE ,TON ,TRUCK WE CAN' TRANS·
Moreover, and this is even more
Get thu Ne \'( PaCII abOut Stark D.llclou8. Stnrk Earl)' Siberta and all tho htte~ l peRches. Stark Brols·strown. J . H. 11:\10 Fencllcs. al80 Lincoln Penr. f:h nrk. ~ l' ()l]tl1lorency Ch~rr)·, MRmlll oth ~u ld
Clo ver "'lib beAutiful ph~ ~
!11m 8 '0" A '
Mall "" tlil , &oalai......... or G #Mlal~ 8c.ond mo at o l'ld.
tOlCroph.. COIlIf,I1l
aDd addre...
nur Nllw
~"". '.Ifinlf
tu , I
..... Bnn , -~_ :.'l.f,,:ru=-=-:::':r~: o.pt.A ... upool
to pIat, ... .. ...
The Walker
No. 27 ,South Detroit Street , DE I.I. T'ijONn. :12ft
Plum nnd aU th e o ther fnl11ou~ S ttl rk liro·. trulls.berrle. ~do,,:ame D II1I"/..
Live Stock Delivered nt the
t hat r l! Hlu8 ~,L~l1ftr .rOI.
Grlm,CR Gol~e n -thB tr~,e devetopm,cnt
U,,8IDche.~mlcd FREE from cover to
h e says to hi mself, "Occupy until I
important, very few parents will take Before evacuating Warsaw the the prepnration of their daughteTs Russinns rem oved fro m the hurch for professional life as seriously , at the H oly r oss t hc heart of the thoy take the piepn.rauon of ; their great musician, hopin . Bons. . . Chopin left P oland to seck Jtj&':£orAs a rule girls ,are not encouraged tulle in more JJlvqred. lllDt1s in 1830, to consider what they , will ~o while and WItS kept in cx-ile circum- they arc ,children, whereas a fath.e r stances till h is death in ·Pori . and mother will talk to a boy about "IUs hody l'r'stil in Perc-La his future profession when he is only cern ·t Ol,)', spriuklcd wi th l'olish ten or twel vc years' old. earth. ' His hl'art WIIS sr.nt hack to Warsaw to i:pclIk 01 h is love ' lor 't ortured Polnnu oml to in piro hi s countrymcn to hop nurl resolntion," says t he Insgow U cruJ11. ' H is I tt 1'8 to Ius pa rents were de-
hOll se in ",It icil [l)('y weI'
or the aX,l om Stark Trees Bear F ruit. BonutUulllle'R)~e , nl1turnl ~o)o r pholos or leacllnlf Inollo .11 lhro~lfb tile book. Seoo lor your copy today to
Get Our New Catalog
Pari s sWlu'llIed with Polish r efu gees, and Clllll ill Connd mnny fri1)nrls among them. Liszt tells tlS he was , Lancets f or Scorpion Sting" 8 pure, gen cr oll ~, good ,nnd 'CO Il'iPUS' Sir Lander Brunton suggested that, siOllo te mon, 1i ll ~ d Witll a inglc scn"snak e Janceie." containin, permantim en,t , the lor!' of cou ntry. gannte ot potll8b nnd used for openlnc "But th e m'no C'llOpin was vcry a wound cauaed by slIake bIte, ....ould !!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!'!'_!!!L!!...!!...'!'!!!!'!!_~_~,~!!!!!!!!!!!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' re. erl'ed , nnd the ]1'1) 1 iocon idcrflLl c be uecful tor the attnge of 8cot'lliOlla, I '!I__________I ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!IIIIIIIIIIII~'I Chopin lif(, l'olnrt' d n~s not bring us which are 'not only' lDtensel,- painful , ~ into an,l' (hing- IiI e ('10,'0 touch witll but often ' deadly. ' , '
Stark Bro'. Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo. ~ It a.a4<-team .baut tbo new fmlt· trw. triumph of Stark. Bro's IOD" Ce n~ ___ 01 Succo.. -lbe "Do uble-LICo",
atarter and IIln\tB
stl'O)'cd hy '(h . Id i rs of G nc ro I B I'g in 18(;3 in t.he suckill g of the
v. you time .l ab n r Il~d m o ney . Get It I SlttlDb &eD4 tiS your
..nIh facll thal ",tit IDlerelt ana InSlruet
S395 455 50
Mary hollnon] l~y once wittily snid thnt a man looks tolerantly upon fr iend hips betweon gir ts, beca.use
This dlsBIII!e should be treated M Boon R8 the fir st t1IIIl&tnral looseness or the bowels appears. When this is done n Bingle dose of Chamberlain's Collc; Cbol era an(1 DlW'l'hoea'Remedy wiU effect 11 cnre. This remedy elm IIlwIL),'S be 111" . pended upon even in tho most severe an ,1 dangerous CMes, and should be kept ~t
Call today-und Icum mo re nOOul Ihis enr.
The Dayton stores are making' every Wed- ' nesday mightily interesting. They are catering in merchaodi" ~ ,.nd store serviee features..to . your trll~e. You are missing a lot if you don't .go to , Dayton often. ' ,..1
riage prevails, very f w women will take their professions lis seriously as Before Evacu ation of Warsaw RUI' • lanl Saw That Pr ized ' Rella of a mon takes his. Wlullclah Was In Safety.
".0"'.. .. Y
r~li nellll· ul s.
60 to Dayton Wednesday
E. B. &Ily
Warre ll ounl·Y should seod II large del gntion t E'1l1Ill or<t' \Y ok, ' 'b e biggest !l~rl cu lt o r R l Qveot of tlle yesr tc be beld ut ' l'b Oblo S tu t,iI Unlvefeil,y, ' O},llU h u, J IUl l1 !lr.V 31 '0 Februllry~ , At thnt tim e t hre i:Sobeoribe f~r the MIami G".,tte ot WarrElD Couut,y's boys. 'r horuns Wylie, Cozadd"l e. O h io. !i'J !l ouis ! ~~~~~~~~~ Wylle, Coznddn!o. Ohio, l\,n d J!) ~Pre tt I Banta. Le bao Dn, Ohio, w ill eu te r th o I tllte-wlde boy~' j {]fI~!DK on t est, the fl rsti itrl klu r\ e ver hold . Th eBe boys w r e winner s In t,b e 10MI oontest be ld 10 111 'c lU III,y III t, THK CREATIIaT full and are n ow )ll'111111I'io f r u fl na l 8ho w·d wn n tbo bIg cootest
C3 I,ltil c\'c r ~Jlri ll)4S; Ilry plLl te (')Ul l ,h ; n ud l .j
lfob () u~
I hi~
nll ·sensoll
ve 1 oozeD extra flnl I haBarred Plymouth R ock Cookerell!
olla grippe.
ultl ke
Ih ~ tIl!l rkc t llld,IY: :1 " rtCcd tr.I!l S· m' sion; Tilllk in u xl e ~ : II 'n tl 'Qu iN he"riul:~: improved high s(JCcd lIlolor; lJody 1, [ grou ter roominfss " ", I h"a uI >' ; slg llnl IUlIIp n l side; v.mila tin!: winllshielll ; " Iljllslahlc I d nl. ;
yulue 0 11
Mr. Gp.u rge Hurtt was seen 011 ou r IItree ts Sund ay. Mrs Sarah R udgel called on Miss Laura LaBe ur ::)ulurdBY . Many are out of sch ool on account
Outfitters for the the Whole Family
(ea lm~ ~ th.11 I \\'0· pUS5e IlJ;C r
Saxon "Four" Ro adster WIth Coupe top
The Store That
') xQn t\vcn l)4c .
remove the enclosed top-substitute Baxon "SIx" f786 With Llmoualne top, e:J Saxon "SIx" Roadater 786
iting her eli te l', Mrs . I ~rsey . Many a re changing 111e lr nbodc In Oreg on ia ,eVCII the postoffice.
Not u ul y is liti s ,',sou h, we r in co ~ t Ih nn any
F.dythe Waite and son wore regonia call er" OI ,e day last w ek .
a bout
olhpr RIl·sca ... ou t.:':1 r- il n lsu cnst 'i t ClIs t t o OllC m le . H o l( a cen t a lIt il,' is tho rero rd
fun her
:r"hn Robinson is ablc
- -
With coupe top on, J' OU Bre equipp('d for the wint er-shielded agllinst its rainest, bitterest days. .
He re nrc fll rtl lcr Saxon tlte ti ll_5 t
1 0 Jl ~ n r~
BDlh C\)II I'< nlld HonoJsltr at the price o( $ U .j,
Then when spring comes you sim ply
II Mrs.
lhe legular roa dg t r t op-Bnd w, e it all throllgh lhc s pri ng , SlI flllller nnd fall ! ollring mon ths.
to be
No longer need you wish you could aITord an all-season car. You can alTord it- now . For New Series Saxon Roadster wilh detachable coupe lop- ut $455 - places the ad van tages of closed car comfort at your command.
Or on plea!ant winter days-you can open the windows.
mor ning.
Ladies' Dormet Flannel Men'sTrotlsers,formerprice Metrn's hGray wffeater oo.L, Gowns at 49c, 79c and 89c $400 d $450 ex a eavy ru nee k' Saie ;~ce .. ·... .. $3.48 75c value, Sale Price. C Children's Dresses Boys' Corduroy Pants, ~r Comforts & Blankets ,(.All $1 and 1.25 Dresses wool, 5~c and 75c. 45 All 1.25 big size. 98 Sale Sale Pnce......... . e Blankets, Sale Pnce . . C Price .• . . ~ 8ge AU $1 and S1.2p Tro~sers All $1.7? Blankets$1 39 Al1 59c and 75c Gingham Sale 9 ' Sale PrIce ... ,... • 8 C Wool Nap Blankets, regu_ Dresses, 5 Price .. .. . Sale Price .. .... .... 4 C Men's Caps lar pric~ $2.50 $1 98 Sale Pnce....... • All 50c and 75c Caps ALL OUR CLOAKS TO Sale Price ... ....... 45c BIG REDUCTIONS ON CLOSE OUT AT HALF All $1.00 and $1.25 89 ,MEN'S LION BRAND PRICE. Sale Price..... . .... C SHOES. •
attound tbis Wint~rt in tbis 1I11·S~ason Saxon
------ - --
Ladies' Union Suits, good Men's Trousers, former Men's Sweaters quality, Sale 45 price 2.00. $1 •50 SIP' All $1 50 S t Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Sale Price....... . w(>a ers 98c a e n ce . . , . . .. .. . Ladies' Shirts or drawers, Men's Trotlsers, former All $3 d 3 1': 0 SOc qua~ity, 45 price $3.00. $2 25 S I pa~ . i.J $2 •48 Sale. Pnce. . . . . . . . . . C Sale Price.. . . . . . • a e n ce .. . . . . .
Severnl Bugar C:l IIlIH a rou nd nul' vici nit y were opellt'd Lil i. vel'k, ann th ey t II t l- th' run I) f wa Ler has been very goorl fol' ~<J early in th e season ,
' 'U' "' I an d Men's Trousers, . C LadIts Ulon S'ts Ul " ' former Sale P rice........... 11..25, Sale , 9 price $1.50 Best Flannel S!lirts, 89c Price ............ .. 8 c Sale Price ..... .. $1.25 81.25, Sale Pnce .. ..
Ladles' Union Suits Men's-Boys'Trousers All 75c Shirts
- -- .. -----
L9:dies'Wash Waists,former 'Boys' NoIfolk. All-Wool Men's Shirts pSar~ce ~1:50 to $~, 98c Suits,all 54.50 suits$2 98 All $1.00 and $1. 25 89 e nee Sale Price . . . . . . . . • Shirts, Sale Price . . . C 0
Coupe Top
Mesdam '5 (0:, \' . r Irnh I·t , J. . I C rt wri j.(hl and I. , .\ . ZinlflH'rmllll wer Dayton :hol' lwl'" ~IIL IJ rday.
uil and vercoats, former Men's $1 and ,~1.25 uperLadie ' Odds and Ends of price $12.50 and $ ior and Body Guard make 89 discontinued numbers, val- 13.50,Sale Pri(' .. 8.75 of Unio~ Sui ts. ues up' to .. 6 .50 , $1 98 ' SUlts · and O t f Sale Pnce. , . ' . . . . . . c vercoa s, o~to close out at. . . • mer price .. 15 and 10.50, Men's $1.50 and $2 'uper_ Ladies' Skirts, former price Sa~e $11 75 ior Unio.n uils $1 39 $3.98 and $4.50 PrIce. . . . . . . . . . • Sale Price .. . .. , . • Sale price . . . . . $2.98 Suits and Overcoats,former All-wool shirl or drawers, Ladies' Skirts, former price price,$18.50 and $13 75 and Wright's Heallh shi:ts $5 and $5.9 , $20, Sale Price. . • or drawers, former pn c ° ce $3 98 $ 1.00 and 89 C pri Sale .... . . . . • Men's $ .50Ulsters . $1.25 ' Waists Sale Price . : . ... $4.98 Sale Pn cc . . .... .. . . Ladles Men's fie ce-lincd shirt s and Ladies' Wash Waists, for- Boys' N? r f 0 I,~ All-wool drawers of derby ribbed mer price up to SI.50 Serge SUits, $0.50 values balbriggan, best qualto close out at ...... 59c ~~~~e .......... .. $4.98 ity,. Sale Price ..... . 45c 0
C hnd p.~ M!'rri l l, of J' t' 'Ii ,' Ill. (f Mr ,
outh harl 101\ . Ella Miclle nt'r.
Miss Elizabdlt '!.aI"Il.'r. of n ute 4, visi;ed in lloy tlm ." lurdflY \
n le nfl .
Reali ll ymnll'b
____ :--- _ _ _ _ _ _ u
For Father and Son
hi III . (lnly lL.oj 11 IIJn i ian ('ollid ' b 1IIIbllrtl (,f1 his IlI'nrl fre' ly to 011 th e fn KIIIl\\'i fl jl hi music 'We 1 wtlrl d. , kJH1 11' Polu nd,'1 Fny. LJic nroclc quo~ I'd nhov'c. '
AND ALL rHE FA,.,'';''
A Relief.
Two IIJId a haJfmllllon readers find
rt of
abeclrblng Interes~ Evcr]lthlng in It la WrIUen $0 YOII c... Und.raland It aeIl '00.000
AUTO •• My Alm:-o&Y~ur
QUALITY- AhoY. th. BlaDunt
SERVICE-That as't" ....t
PalCRS-To . . . . aU.
Casters , .... . . .' .. . ... ' " We Vinegar Cru~ts. . . . . . . . . •. lOe Pillow Case T ubing, per , one-half yard. ~ . . . . . . .. lOe
Table on Cloth, per one-balf yard ......... lOe
Neckwear, for women .••• lOe Corset Coyers,lace trimmed 'IOe
Cbildren', Waists. . .. ..... We Towels, large size, 3 for. •• 25c Sk~leton
children ....... , ...... JOe
Special for Saturday ,
FROSTED THIN GLASSES. 30e per d'Qzen. 4 for •••••••• .JOe , (Not over 12 to any ODe c:ultom4;r)
N'at Door to
Si:?Cty-Eighth Year
Whole Number 3355
~~~~~~L_·-_ -· ~_*_ -a_L~UTI_LE_AL_E~_ ; KI_~_~_ . :~~~J,~~J ~N~~~
MOVEMENTOFTHE Try a Meal at Chenoweth's Restaurant. FEDERATED CHURCHES
Nine of the Wayne Township OF THE WILMINGTON YEARLY MEETING HELD HERE teachers. Misses Clara Lile. Vada McPherson, Henrietta McKinsey. Ralph Smith was a Cincinnati vis" Anna Vandtrvoort, Maria Stout. itor Thursday, Marie Shutts a'ld Hazel Mullen and Messrs Wm. R. Spriellel and E J . A.rnold attended the Warren County Walter McClure was in •Dayton Teacher'l Association at Lebamm, Friday on business. Saturday. This argues well for OUl" schools. Our teachers . are wide On February 9 to 13-To Eallst J. M, Cook. of ROute 2, was in awake and take advantage of evel y In Which Men of Prominence In Cin('innati .Thursday. "\cn~for the Cause of opportunity to improve themselvel . Thc Fricnds Church Had a Christ Message The W. Ii. S. basket· ball team Plain white na~kina only 15c walked away with Blanchester Frihundred at this office, day. The IIcore was 75 to 3 in favor This is the ' day of big business. of our bOYR. This coming Friday The Men,s Conference of WilminiMrs. A. T. Wrlahtandaon, Elliott, Years ago men talked in thousandll, our boys will play the champion girls ton Yearly Meeting in this Quarter are Dayton viaitol'1l today. to few yellf8 later they bea-an to think team of U. S. Come out to see the was held at Waynesvill e 1st mo. 28 . In millions, now it is vel')' common game. Saturday night the local 1916. While the attendance was WIW, NO, JAU:. to hear men talkini In billiona. team will pia), Centerville. This small , owin g to the inclement wIJathW. O. Raper lpent the put week MiUionaires are very common and with relatives In Dayton. will be one of the ha.rdest games 01 er. each session t eemed with interest. . DOf~NT EAR" A~ multi· millionaires are not difficult to the Beruon. The morning session was presided MU<.H (is VOV Po ' fled. This Is a day of big buaineea oyer by Rufus Kersey, the devotlon· MIIIB Clara Hawke spent a few Keep an opcn d.te for Tuesday, al exerciseR being conducted by RolIn the church also. Wfrl need to 'be daytt In Dayton this week. F~bru.ary ,,22nd: T,~e High. chool la Bogan. The subject, "The Quaktalklna in Dlillions in the church to wII! !rIVe Paulm~ Thia Will be a er MeBBage," was allly discUBstd by keep apace with the progreee beini dehghtful entertamment. seve~al speakere and brought up a B. H. Kelly visited with relaUvea made in tbe world of buslneea. Re Iillion 'is a very popular thina. Re· in Newark several day. Il18t week. Two of the teachers were out last spirited discussion. Iigious enthu.lum haa taken pea week on account lIf sickness. Mi68 In the afternoon, the topic was Belllivn of more men in America in Coon, of Harmony Grove. and Miss "N eighbo rhood Needs" as interpreMre. J. E Frazier la able' to be the Iut few years than any other one Uavia. who bBl' been ill for some tcd by fr iends. Rev. Biddlecum. thine. Christianity baa never been out .pin aftara dilli(e of the grippe; time, of Mt. Ilolly . of Xenia, preaidinlr, and Rev. Mills cond ucting the devotional exercise~ . a more vitaiizini force in America -----The subject was very ably handled Napkins at 2Xc per dosen cannot than at the preeent time. JelU. by J. Ed win Jay, PresIdent of Wi\· Cbrlst il getting hold of the hearu. he duplicated anywhere at that millirton coll ege, followed by J oseph of the men of Christendom u never price. McMillan, J esst" Hawkins. Warren before. Let our community l'e6pond Keye ami others. to the great cburch program for the MeBSre. W. E. O'Neall and C. B. The evening session was held in the salvation of the world In tbla Q'8Iler Bentley were visitor. in Cincimietl banqu et room. After a supper of ation. Friday. the kind which our good Quaker sis· The National MllBionU'y Campaian ST, MARY'S CHURCH ters know so well how to serve, the under the joint direcUon of the·Lay· Seth Fumu Jr. Iii taking a threeF'ifth Sunday alter Epiphany, Feb- lubject of "Does Preparedness Pro· men'lI Miseionary Movement and the FloderaW Churches of thil laction montha courae at Woolman ~rhool, rusry 6th. Sunday School at 9:30 mote Peace" was laken up, David a. m ; selmon and Holy Communion Dunhum prCIIlding. After a short of the state will hold Ita eecond Swarthmore, Pa. meelina In Dayton, Obio. February at 10;30. It being the first Supoja~ talk by Geo . Mills on "Our Young of tbe month the usual sacred song Folks and How to Hold Them, and 9th to 18th. . Miss Clara Hawke is home "There is nO-death, what seems so Martha 'Catherme Weaver, dauah- service and address at 7:00 pm.; another by Earnest Lott. theaubject Thlemovement is backed b, twen ty. after spending several daYII II tranllition." And so out of the I one arreat Proteatant denomination. friends In Morrow. ter of John and Martha McCoole suject of address, Burden Bearln~. of the evening was presented In a tangible and the physical we pass to Club Hold Monthly Meeting and Weaver, was born in the BOutbern "Each man shall bear his own bur. m33terlv manner by ~v. Purdy, in Amlirica. It has the hearty eo· the Immortal and eternal. Som~ · operation of both Home and Foreljlll Ha e an Excellent port of Green county. Ohio. on tbe den Gal 6- 5' BeRT ye one anoth· pastor of the Friends CD rcb.in WilDr. Dill, Osteopalh, at residence times the prelude to the departure 16th of February. 1828. Here she er's' burden. Ga\. 6- 2; €ast thy minglon, who was followed by.Rev. Doarda. of L. T. Petereon, M~n St., Tuesday il a IanII' anxious one, sometimes Progra:m grew to womanhood. She ~aa one, burden upon the Lord. Ps. 55-23 .. Palmer, Rev. Cucivva\1ader~Presldent The purpoee of this convention and Friday morningJ. only a gentle, heavenl,. call1ni. ., to enli.t men for tbe caulI8 of {;hrl8l of nine ('.hlldren, six girls ana three Come let us worship lhe Lord our Jay, Rev. Grauser and J. J:1j . Janney . Geo. \ Martin Daull'herty, Recond boys, of whom there is but one sur- God ' It would bit impos8ible to make and His world prOgram. To mRke Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman and son of JIW. and·Mary Daugherty was the Cnu ..ch a greater community, The New Century Club held its vivini' member, a brother, Isuc S. ' mention of ,the good points b~ought NatioD8l and World force. To make Mr. and Mra. Myer Hyman were in born·near Red Lion. Ohio on July 12. regular monthly nieetilli at the Weaver, of Los Angeles, Cal On THODOX FRIENDS out by the dIfferent speakers wlth.o ut i868. and went to hia Maker January pleasant home of Mrs. W. 1:1 . Allen,. August 21, 1850, IIh~ was united in Springboro Tuesday afternoon. our country trod '8 country. OR . givlna: each talk In full, for all were '1:1, 191'6, at the age of 57 yearll, 6' Friday afternoon, J a nuary 28th.Some of the convention speakel1l mar~lage t<! Cornellu!! A. CI~rk, Sabbath Rehool at 9:80, George D. at t~elr very best. . months and 15 days . will be: Wm. Edgar Geil, ExploreI'; In the ab~enee of the president the makmg their home fo~ some time MiIIs,- Superintendent. Preachinll at MISS. McPherllon ~avored us.wlth a Mrs. Ruth Carey and Mrs. Flo All of bis youth and young manW. B. ADdel'1lOD, Sec'y United Pres- Dyche, of Spring Valley, were the meetinll was called to order by Mrs. neal Hllrveysburg. OhIO, later. reo 10;80 by Alice Laurence, of Ind . splendl~ vocal sO.lo In the evemni acbyterian Board; Fred A. Agar, guests of Mr and Mrs. F, C, Carey hood he sJ)!!nt at Bnd near his birth· J . L. Mtlndennall wh~ presided in the moved to the f~lrm near Centerv~lIe, Christian Endeavor at 6;30 p. m. compamed by MISS ~uella Hormell. place. On September "21, .1882, he chair. The quotation rel!ponses were where they reSIded for about thutJ with preaching following by the C. H. Sherwood, \'flth Mary SherAfrica; W. E. Douchly, Author ana a fe'N days last week, was married to RuthAnna Warwick, "What trait in a man do you like years. U pwards of fifteen years ~o evangelist. Every body invited. ·Team Leader; Ha.r ry 1". Ward, Prof. wood .a s a.ccompsl1Ist, gave us ~wo and to tbi8 holy union was born one beet?" The ladies all responded anti they removed to their residence In &cial Service Boaton Univel'1lity; Mary E. Martin , Pastor 8t:lec.tlons In the afternoon eeaslOn. Mr. and MI'1I. James Stoops and daughter, Stella, who now is a de.. Gtlo. H. Brewer. Supt. of Latin son. told what trait in a man they mORt Centervil~e, from, whIch on ~arch • - • Holmee, are back again. after voted and ainrere comforter to the Idlaaions in America; Bishop T. W a week admired. Mrs . W. H. Allen favortd 26, 1905, Mr. Ula~k took hla de· . spent with Dr. and MI'1I, bereaved .• ife and molher. Warne. Freih from Matis Movementa Witbam, at Klnp Mills. the ladies with a selection on tht' parture from t!at:th s acenes to tbat M. E. CN URCH He was never robust or sinewy in A great meeting. 1'he men' of our . A most lexcellent paper bourne from which no traveoler reo oo],sicluit' but enjoyed fair health un· victrola . eommunity cannot afford to millB·it. was prepared and rt'lad bv Mra. J. A. turns. lea,:,ing lhe :wife in th~ lonell · Sunday School at S:15 a. m. 126 a year and & half ago, but Funkey. Her subj4~ct being "Wo. neS8 of childless .wldowhood. How' next Sunday .. Be ~ne of them We want 2000 men enroHed for thib Have a nice line of Valentine POIt , . . convention. You ahould be one. . card and Valentine5. If 'OU want intArf~t.f~ in his work he labored on Illen In Industry. We were again ever the comfortll1jf presence of the Preac~ing tier Vice 10.30 a,. m. Do UeailltraUon fee ia ,1. Thill il all. them for parties and schools don't until last June when he realized he favored with a selection on the vic· One, who has promlsed to be a Fath · nO.t ml88 the ,hour of mormng w~rJames Morgan was born December muat relt. He did not improve but trola. Mrs. J.W. White gave a very erto~h8fatherlessandahu.bandto Ibill.. ~t70clo~k ~!leJifthln~erle8--2_h 1838' C No eollec~ions taken . No . appealb call too late. Mrs. W. C_ Phillips. to · 1 I d Irr&dually irew worse, until. hard as . f II ~ ed b' the WIdow was not ·unknown In the lOll Safefy Fffiit WlJl be preaclie. at,. ,10 oun yawn, re an . for monel. AIIk your pattol'1l about ~!lre u y peepar pap_ e r. , ~u Jec~, home wh;re ' Christ had bven enSubject. "My Wife, Who Shall She A~ eIght yea~8 of a~e he came to it wU bi~ It,ved ones desiring to do it. .Get your 11. and your nam", to I Markets of the World . Their tl d th ' h ·t b M Be?" Special mUBle Evening au- t1l1Scountry ,wlthrelatlvesandsettled F'red'B, Fisher, Y. M. C. A., Dayton lIr. and Mr.. Harry Sherwood, all ana the best in the world for him papers were both of the very best trone roug. e ye!,-rs. rs . . . . . d in Clermont County, near Batavia, 118 quickly u po88lbla Why you who have been ~ina care of wbo deserved good .things BO well, and greatly enjoyeu by all those who Clark had been In declln.lDi health d!enc~ 1I1creUlne each Sun ayeve· Ohio. Mr. 'Morgan remained there Wm. Sherwood for the past month. took him to a private I8nitarium had the privilege 01' hearing them. for '0!lle wet:ks,. ~ut ~avlDg passed mng: Fill the church ne.x t Sunda~ until enlisting in the Civil War and Ihould reaiater. . her hfe in mlDIstermg to others evemng. Do not come out of eu ed f . C E 39th . To hear the beet 8peal[(11'11 011 the retumed to their home Jut week. October 27th. Here he received the Music on the victrola .. t ed to tl'OS'lty but ~om· to be belped aerv our years In o. • . • .. ', th th It· very best care from· phvsicians and ereateat thema that can ens~e th. During the social hour a very de· ra er an emg mlms er un, ... ~ . Regiment, Ohio Volunteers. He . There will be • .partial ecllpee of nul'llel, ~ho always found bim .p a· Iicious two coul1le lunch 'was served she was loth to feel that IIhe was In tbousbt of men.' . Clarence S. Graueer, Pastor, was married August 2nd, 1868 to To bave your thouiht quickened, the sun tomorrow. whlcb will be Vie- tient. aenlal and ever. ~dy tp ~ by the following young ladles: any degree a burden to othel'1l. The - - • Malina Warren of Wlthllmsville your vision enlaraed. your purpose ible tbrouabout the . United States. that ,?"er~pin" they dId for hIm. Misses Olive Allen, Jeanette Janney, wllakness ~ttendant .upon old age Clermont Co., m~king their residenc~ . . .trenatheued and your wbole 1'& Get your al.... ~lored aDd watch wu all n"bt. Francia Janney, Helen Marlatt and kept steadily increas}ng, . howev\;!r, near MiI'ford, Ohio. Three children . Hil character \a best expl'ftSeCi by liriolll.Ufe refJ'Shed contact wJth for it Janney .. The guests. of tbe untU t,he unsteady ibckerlnr.t flame were born of this union. May now Luella • . the clean, temperate life he lived. h.. tess were MIss ' Emma Helghway. ?f h1e II can?le ",entout.. Shepaased thIa tremendous movement of men, Mrs. Alfred Johnson. Florence now wu &\waya honest in business He by men and for men, C. S. G, Mrs. ' Marlatt and Mrs. Ueorac lOto rest Fndl1. January 21, 1916 Mrs. William Rich. and WilI 'am S. A.re lOU on the IltIt for MeCaI1's traDactione and Blow t:> censure even ~~---.~ In the spring of 1 85 he moved ·from MapzineT Get It In Connection with wbat he thoulltt Wllll wroni. On Hawke. ~veral llelecti!lns were In the cloaln. dara of her 88th y~r . Milford to Waynesville, Warren Co" the Miami Guette. onl7 11.86 per April 18.1918, he made public bis ra- alven on the victrola during t.hesocial She was te!lde~ly cared for odunng and were greatly enJoyed by h~r last brief Illne9ll by t:w of ber where ' he since resided, until two ,ear. JIgiOUI v1ew1t, aDd confessed his be- hour mecel. Mrs, Emma.L. RoblnlO.n and weeks ago, when Mr. Morgan came lief and truat In hil Heavenly Father the ladie". • - , MI'1I. M!lrtba St John of Xema,.O., to his son, William S. · MOlgan's at by uDltins wIth the Metbodist Epls· Mr. and lira. John Fromm, Mr. who With a number of . other f!elccs Euter camel later this year than Belmont, Ohio, where he died JanancIlIl'1I. Karl Hawke and IIr. RaJ copal churcb at WaynEllville. . nephews, t~e brother m~ntloned it hu since 1905, April ~ is the date uary 26th, 1916, at. 1 a. m. His wife He waa a lofer of Nature and far!1l 1'bornton Tbl)mpson. an qed and U."ke, of' Dayton, .• pent ~nday a~ove. and ~any other relatIVes and of the end of Lent. Easter Sunday survives him with all the chi/drin I'tq)8Cted citizen of Butlerville, .died with t1ieir pareuu. Mr. and MI'1I. life and activity. O~e of · his devo· . .. friends survive her. Mrs. Clark was w!" the same date in 1903; ~ter and arandchildren to the number of tiOI\8 waa the care of his horaetl in at' hle home Ftiday eVIIliq. The J. C. Hawke. . a g ood ~oman and was bel our, oger W, Morgan, Beatrice he took the utmost caotion very hIghest esteem by all who aaaln until 1943 when it will he two J h J Sl M tlUMlral took place at' hle late bome . . ' apd COlJ(lem, and the mention of knew her. ' diYI Jater, April 25 In 1886 Easter ~d ~~:is r:~Rich. lerman orMan ","ond., mornlna at 10:80 o'clock. .' MrII_ Kate McComaarrived here th'elr.well kept bodies aDd fine apItr. TbompeQn ,,118 tbe 1:Ild_t IIallOn - - - ... - • Sunday fell on April 25, the latf.'J!t While not active in any" church, from tbe Eaet Saturday evenlnlr, r.earance brought ail unpretentiou. . .the .tate of Ohio, and for the put and I•. the :peat of Mr. and ..... tparlile of appreciation and delight' date for Euter from 1801 to 2000 Mr. Morgan's religion was of the two the- 'Muons throuahout In the year 2000 Easter Sunday will inner sort. the religion of deeds and J. B, Coleman. She will remalo 111 bieeyeL th1a aec.'tlon of tba atate bave held a here a couple of weeki. A man of few worda. but most Olis Hurley, the "p"ri80n demon" . ~ l~Jrh!~:S~iII~~thn~h~.:~~epJ~~~ lI~e r~ther thaI) of the lips and speech. piCnIc at Bl1t1etvllle ill hie bODor. tender feellDgl, Irentlo un8l8uming. waa captured III Chicago last week d I A'I '1O t'l 2000 Hu hfe was an open b~ok, known He tooll:.a.lively int_t 1ft the fie was thougnt by some to have reo ay as ata 88 prJ .... un I . ~nd .read of all. HIS family was first frank; he lived very close to his home and attended ilmoet up to tbe time If every echool kid In the' land ~:r~gn~~e~!~ld~a ~~r t~a~n~a?t 1,:\ hlS affIJction~ and he was an a~ec9f hle death. He attaiDed the ripe \'ould conl(rePte In one bill' band IIlCi loved onl'8 'Perhaps hi! most turned directly to his old haunts, And an were _ed a lunch to take notable ebaracterlatic-' w811 his "even but it .developed that he WOllt . im · . L;, year. Next year It WIll be fifteen t10nate and lovmg father, ever ml!ldold.., 'of 93 ,~. • . \ . days earlier. ful of. those dep~nuent upon hu:n . The ,ell would be-Hurnbltemper" and unu,u.al devotion to mediately to Chicago. He nnted a • _ • . Those ~ho knew him best loved him room there and in a few bours was . STONE'S CAKE. flieliom.. . · ' most. . Gtorp Shield.,. a on&-tlme reel· SIx kinde-one ' prl~10 ~ta. Today hill Home Is a new · one, "a at hie old trjcki-robbing. He Hom,~ grown seed ~,or~, repeatedly Death even whell expecte? comes dent of Waynllville, died at the , . .' palace · 1I0t , made by bands," but started to do the a.o t in exactly the , I:ioldlen·l{oruo In:Dayton lut Tu... Meeei'a Benham and Ed tbere will be found In hl~ that same wroni time for ttiree detectives found ~~ by test will be one of as a ahocK to those left behmd, but were PlSSin,,' the house at that time th~ most sought-for farm commo· WIth th~ shock and sorrow comes the . day. TlW fubl/raJ tookplace at the T ...' ....... .' were In Spriqfteld bait uneeaaini love for the 'llear and the and lOOn mada. h;m a prisoner AI. d!tlea next sp.r'lng. ThoBO .who have consolatIOn! that for the qne Kane Home Thul'llilay and the remalI1e . They took an old lidy 1fOO(i. ' " . _ before. pam and sorrow are pas~, wen interred in the Home cemetery. to.tha K. P .. home, "baR He feavea to moun, lIte!r untim~· thou h.comparatively young, he nail high grade lMled ~rn for' ale in about 20. yean of his. life be- fairly larae quantitl~ ahould, let while rest and h6JL ven " the 1< ather s Ue leav88 _ODe eon aDd ~ne d~oa~' wu a m'e mtier of Crown I.v 1011 a- devoted wife. lov1ng daugh. apenf hind ri80n walls. This last incident others know alx?ut It , Othe~ae lov'!, aDd .the Father 8 houSe are ter.ter and alster. and a host of frienda of hi: liberty will add a few more ~ taken by faIth from otber reo the!r portl,!n. For -those who .r eand ~elativEII. ': years in durance vile glons may be planted and not only milln there IS the solace of hope that . the Individual but also the comthey shall meet their beloved dead i" ·Mrs.: Editb Strain Mra. ,Win. Sherwood Is Quite III "SunlW}t and eVening .~r, • - • munity wtll Buffer. Advertllementa Daddv Long Leas will be present- the future immor:tal . life, . :where, Paul \'1110118. and. her elater, lire. L. U.Fee, of , Anti one clear call for me, of seed corn in tb~ home paper, e<l at the Lebanon opera house. Feb· there is neither pain, nor sorrow, th>ri1l8 Valley at 7.SO Thuraday . Oetrolt was cilled here to IOQk after May tbere be no moaning at the bar however modest will surely bring ruary 8th, under the auspices of the nor separation and- where God shall jWl~ a week after.• heh~d KI.ven her ~er l'rIuY friende are'anxiouS:When 1put out to 188." results beclluse they wiIllikelv reacb W. C. T. U. Daddy Lonll Legs is wipe away all teal'1l from tbeir eyes: . to • IOn' She wu 'marrIed. to . . • ' rd to b I . ed W~IODIJ, ' Novllliber 21, '1918" Sur- Iy lookl • J.orwa . i,.fr mprov the men who will be the ·mOlt likely a play that gladdens one's. faith in -. I vlylD. her aN her .busband, parente health. . CARD OF. THANKS . . . customers, If the farm.r baa high. the aweetness "of Iivirl~, I" 'o ne of, the "Chriat leads me through no darKer aDd tDfant IOn~ abil.a brother. .. . ' .' desire to exp_~ o~r thanksto funeralwaibeld at the M, P W.m. Sherwood II now ~bleto .Mr. '~~Clure and Rev. before; farmer and ·busineIB man and a~ the Boston. Adm188lon 25 ce.nts. No He that into God'slr.in...A om c mes .' . in bprin~ Valle, S)1Dda; . aflAirnObft around tile roomelter heml( .~lm~~I. G;;au;r, wbo contributed flow. f b fit th extra charge for reflerveCl aeats. M . b tho d al".. 0 . at~ o'cloek. Interm...t "118 made to tile bed for three our many friends for their - - ". . ::~~!rl~y~OD er a e.ne upon e Music by Mr. ami Ml'1I. ~en "Lewi.. upt ente&: y 18 oor. In the cemetery there. ' . frienda have to, u. duririi ~he •- • • - • CARD OF THANKS Mrs B. H. Kell)r, who' wenl. to . ~ • _. ' frOm bIa ueual'baonta, are at the time of the death Newark lut week, underwent an opto kno. that be Is lmprovlua. and father, . We desire to eltlnela our a-ppreeration tl>ere ll'huntdQ. At last ae. . and daughter. Oar Napkin ale wDl Jut only a counte g.ettinKhere aloni nicely, and herlihewaa many fnends are bop< couple of week., If 11»11 wut them . !lDd sympathy 8b~wn us durini the ing that she wi·1 1 be able to be at for future ute JOo bad better pt 111n-. ~th and burial of our be-
... .
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AN /.OPERAIION' :iir~dd~~ b~~~e~~~ti:e~s:~= r:rMrss~M~ri~~~Hert~:i1b~~{~~~~ Tha~'h::ent thr~uib
Oi 1!1. Bernhlll. of BeJlbreok, hu them now. . £r~ ·-the so.acre f8l'lll near uW. • bel_ni to R Chambers, lin. W. -A. IIIId IOn. of Da,ytoJL~.·••",. farm " .. form ..... DeJmar,·"bo are ~I. the winter l,y'owMcl bJ Un. . . .Joll.. The with Mr. Benecke. father at
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lIDded here In
IItnIOk JOll for a .a-.rt.,••• ocicuIonecl tbe little Miami me. 1I:rlnwou iig;;.~it~'~bankl, and the water
De that over the aVeDue qala "'1'ea'"
110.. .
and efficient BelvieC'a rendered, have , belPtd III bear the Krief . 1aced our bearte. The
The National RUle AMociaUon TbeOrtbodox P'rlend.·"e!iE:g&I:tI'J ' thin • :.. • "'blch baa been ,boldlll8 Ita annual a ..rIee of meetlnp OIl ... .boot at Wuhlngton, D. C•• wu well with Allee Laurebeeo Ide. COmp....t lvely Old• represented by Wuren County Jut That a {l6tent r~~ 11 Icr w·propeJleci week, when the Kinp IIDIe club tW _ '" Itealll ....el hlUf b('l!n lu ued .. far (eapsyJ- for flntplace with Bridpport, Conn. ~ ~-.'""'!''V ~~i~ .1~ "~Itua\ 1Iaok u tlOS recent.,. .a. dIICOy.... ... rOIl IUD KlIIJ8 the hIPeIl tICOI. b&be ~ :"""tt.L1I"!!1~~ fa &lie ~ fIo&eIlt oJlce.
Sll'llD&el'--"Se••~ite. · ID Jan
bea'lf raine of the lut fe"
• -4.....M~. .
home again with ber mostBOon. of the timeKelLv ••
~::!O,!::d~~:U1~r'~h:u~n;~:; WARREN COUNTY REVIVAL SERVICE '!Val RIFLE SHOOTERS '5 CHURGH lov~ husb""d and father J,mes . Moraran. Your comforting worda .
aco I tcnrD broke. I TOil . . . . It to a requelt
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Oall Breaka a Promlao. 1'1, WblteCfoP would bave beeD unCer wa), eJ:cept for the delay of tbe N little Mra. Babbitt ..nd her admll'Ina hllBband, wb'o sont word that tbeY ooulO not arrive until after dinner, eo the "acht. 10llA' and lo w and slender foIId Illetenlns wb lte, lay In the mIddle of ths 'Hudson river, wh ile b er g uestl\. bUlidled warmly against the crIsp b ....... lathered In the torward shelter cleck and watChed the beginnIngs of th. early sunsol "I 11II:e Doctor Boyd Ln bls yachtlug cap," commented Luelle, tI.8 that fOUDI m ..n joined them, with a bappy mother 00 bill arm. "It t.kea away that deadly clerical etrClCt," laucbed Arly . • "HIli long coat makea him look like the captain, nnd lie', e,ar so mU.nh more bandBome." "I don't mInd belnA" the topic at dIsctlIIlon' .. 1011& as I'm presen t." comm 'l IIted Rsy. Smith Boyd, .Ianclng &rOunt! the J1'OUp all If In 1!earch at 80lIl00111.
uUl.UO .
T fld. Dick? Sho Inughed. Arly' Tb ro was a kuock al the door, and Arl y herae tr appcur d. "8('lfl llh," chided Arly. "We're al1 wunLlng you." "That's comtorLlng," smUed Gall. "I bave just been bein g atl alone In tho world, on the most absolutely de· scrted Isla nd of whIch you can can· calve. Arly, sit down. 1 want to tell you somethlnA'." Tbe blaok balr and the brown balr cuddled close togetber, while Gall, ber tongue on e loosened, poure d out Ln a torr nt ..11 the pent·up misery wblch had bee n accumulating wi thin her for the past tempestuous weeks; ant! Arly, her eyes lIilstenlni with the ex.eltement. at It all, kellt b er exclama· tlons of surprIse and trlgbt and Indlg· nation and borrol", 8.nd eve rytblng else, strIctly to sQob low monosyl· lables as would not Impede tbe gasp· Ing narration. "I'd like to kill blm! " saId Arly, In a low voice of s tartling Inlenslty, ant! jumpIng to ber teet sbe paced up and down the confines of the llttle sLateroom, Among aU the otber sur· pl'ises of recent events, tbere was none more striking than thIs vas t cbango In tbe usually cool and sarcastlo Arly, who had not, until ber return from Gall 's homo, permItted bel"solf an emotion In two ye .. rs. Sbe came back to th o bed wltb 0. Budden swift knowledge tha t Oall bad been dry-eyed all through thfB r ecItal, tbougb ber lips were QUIv· erlng. She s hould bave crIed. Ill· stead eba w8:s sltUua stralgbt uP. stal'lug at Arl y wltb pBUent Inquiry. Sbe ha d told 0.11 ber dilemma.. and all bel" grlet: and all her fellr; arid now ehe wus waiting. "Tbe ooly way In wblcb' that perloR can be prevented from ..ttacklng your Uncle Jim, which would be bill first .tep, Is to ..ttack him before he c..n do anyt:htng," said ATly, paclna up ~d down, her fingers elasped behind her 81ender back, her black brows knotted, b er graCeful head bent toward the 1100r, "He ls too powerful," protested Gall, "Thlit makell blm weak," return ed Arly Quickly. "In e~ery great power tbere Is one point at great weakness. Tell me again about tbls tremendously bIg world monopoly: ' PaUenlly, and seareblng ber memo ory for delal1s, Gall recited over allaln all which Alllaon bt.d told ber about bls wonderful plan of empire; alld
rather - restrlclll t1ie conversa, Uon." Mre. Heleo DavIes observed, al the aame time watching, with a smile, the tableau of b.er s ister Grace and lim Baraent. G.. II and bo.rself bad taklll Grace out IIbopplng, and hnd foroe4 on ber sedate tute a neat and "fBtcblDc" ),achtlng costume, tram lowlna ,elled cap to wblte sboes, Wb.1ch bfol1 dropped about twenty years ftQm ber uaual appearance. and bad lIroacllt a TOnewe(l enthUsiasm to the .,.. of ber bus band. fte eberub-cheeked Marlon Ken· ~1tII ilanced wtettully over at tbo rall wbere Dlolt Radley, vying wltb the hDHt In .plllldar, lltood, cb.attlng with MIT Te4 ' Tee.ldale and the 'stlff Ger, ald' J'oalancL '"Where'. 0 ..11 ,ot demanded the ClJalll'tlklieeted one. "Ir,-, 6me th ..t young l..dy was up dect." deelded Arly, .. nd roso: ' ''She'' lIrobably t&kIng aduntage of th. ' opportunll1 t o dress tor dinner," aUim1sed Mre. navlea. "In tact, ) 'I tlb& It'. a sood td .. for all of UB," I biltthe It1het wa. too potent to leave for .. fill' moment., and sbe aat sUIl. Where Indeed wu Gall T In her beaiaWu1 HWe ourl" maple bed, and dIGtna two .mall flela Into the maplehroWll caurlal. Tbe pallor of tbe ~1'IIInc bad not Jet lett ber face, and theft 'fIen circlea around the brown .,~~~ pn them a wan pathos; then wu a crease of paln and worry, too. til UuI wblt.e brow. Oall baO come to the createst orl.11I In ber Ute. So far abe bad told no one - of wbt.t bfol1 occurred tbat mom· l1li, . When Ihe had rusbed Into the reetor'l .tudy b& bad spruna· up, and, IMIna the fl'\gbt' ln her face and that IJie ... totterlng and ready to tall, he I, bad c&u,bt ber III bl. stron, arms: and • Itie ad eluD& tru attu)Jy to him, ·balt ta1Ilt" u.Qtll wnd lIobl bad come to her !l,en In lIer Inooller.ellce, bow· '8geI', e1'8n til her wild disorder of emo, doD. abe realllOd that' there wu dsn· cer, not onl" to ber but to everyooe (" abe lo,ed, In the man from wbom she . Ili4 rUJI away: and ebe could not ·teu tile ,ou'lIIr reetor an), more tjlan that , , " h. bt.d beenl frighten ed. It was strange 11 bow lUUnctIvely ahe bad headed for 1/ .R4i'r. ' SlnIth Boyd's study: Btrange f theD, but Dot now. In·tbat moment at '1JInc atrlJkht to the protect1on at his , ',irma, abs be~ aomethllll ahout heriltlt; and about Rev. Smith Boyd. too. :B1l1 tnew w1l), Ibe bad refused thoso 'otlen who had wooed ber; WlI1ls lOaDnlnaham and' Houston Van Ploon , 'Uid DIcit Rodle)': poor Dicit! and AlUiOa and all tbe otherl, Sbe frankly ;"-0 oomplacentl" admlt.ted to berseJr ~t:hat Ihe loved Rev. Smith Boyd, but • ,ahe put that additional worry lnto tbe ' ~cL It could be tougbt out , " :Wer. She would h..ve be ell very b..p· PT about It If .lte had ball time, at· .thaaah abe llOuld see no eod to that ,lltuUon but unliapplne81. , .~ere !;Onl4 liIe tum for advic:e, or ",hom ,oould .Ihe aet to sbare In the bnrdell wb.1eh abe telt mUllt surely . onaab ber. There was n() one. It w.. a }lurdeD isbo ' mUlt ,bear alone. unle.s Iho could d~v1.e '801111 plan or e~ectlve action, and tbe ••HDII ot bow far !lba bad been rosponalbl' for thl, eondltlon at 'affalrs' ""as one whtcli opprellaed her, &Ild bumbled bel', II1d deepened the cIrcles about h,r w_mitten eyea. co.u took bar fists from tbeir pres· aura Into the brown coverlet, and beld ber tempreil between tbe finger tips or' e1thw bad: and the brown hair. 'aPI'lD&1D& IIltO wa,yward ringlets froni the Ialt breeae which blew tn at , the lIalt~pene4 wmdow, rippled down over hsr alellder bandal U Ir 'to ~oothe and cOmfort tbem. She bad been waatlng her" time ill Introspection and . selt·· .1IIaly.1a when there 'w as need tor declal,. act10nl Fortuoately slie bad a reaplts until Mollday mornlnir. In the put few d':'a of huse conimerclal mOl'lllleDla '!IIbleb 80 vitally Inte.re.ted · hIP', me b ..d become acqualoted w1th bulln. . methode, to a cel,'taln exteot, I.Dd Ihe trnew that notbing Clould be ,dGIII OIl Saturday ~ernoon or Su n. dar: th_tore Unole .lIm '!lias ~ for
H e l Em'!
~~~~e·!Oa~~ow~)~taJ~t /~b:~Ot~; ~~~:!
bl;o~I!~~n ~~~t ~~:n'l~ \~~:: ~I:or~~~~ dny. Gall tell Ari y. Ilt Ibl\! III
ihr!11 of bops. ana ui I t. !Intl . to h r. the aSIICct or a COl08801 bgure, lID augol of bl'ightnes8 In tho nlgllt '?f lier de· spalr! ' Sbe fell lllill sbe could atrord '10 sob no,,'. 'aud she dId it. "Do YOU suppose tbaL \)'ould sa\'o nclo ~11lI 1" abe asked. w ben Lbey hud both finlsbed 0. hlgb ly comforting tim e together . " It will save everybody ," declared Arly. "I hope 80 ." pondered Gull , "Out we can't do It ourselves, Arly. " ' hom IIball we get to help us?" Tbe smile on Arly's fuco wus n posl. tlve illumInation for a momen t, and tb en sb e laughed. "Gerald," she replied,' "You d on't know wbat a dear be Ie I" aad sho rang for & cnbln boy. CHAPTER XXVI. Gerald Fo.land Make. a Speech. Ge rald Fosland. knowll to be so tor· mal that he had once dressed to a ll' ~wer nn emc rgency call from n rrlend at tbe bos p\lal, because th c mcss8go came In at six o'clock, surprIsed hI. gucsts by appear!ng be rore Ul em , In tbe salon j ust berore dinn er, In his dri ving coat and with hIs m(ltor call In bls hund . . "Sorry." he Informed them , wltb 8 stili' bow, "but an erralld or suc h 1m· portanco that It cannot be delu red. causes Mrs, Fos lnnd nnll myse lf 10 return to tho clly Immedlnle ly for nn hour or so. I nm sincere ly npo logct k, and I trust tbat you will have n jo lly dinn er." "Is Gnll going wIth you?" Inquired tb e alert Mrs. H elen Unl' l 9, obse n " Ing Gall In the gangway ndju stln g I,l er turs, . "She has to chaperon me. willi G"r. aid Is busy." A Iy glibly cXIJlalncd. "You're It. Aunt Graco. You ,,"c1 ncle Jlm hav e to be hOBtB. Gnod·by! " nnd sbe salled oul to Ih e deck . rol· lowed by the sUI\ troubled Onn. who managed to accomplis h tb e lau gblnjl ndi eus for wblcb Arly had liet thl' vrecedent. A swlrt rid e In th e laun h. In th cool night air, to lli a landing; a brisk walk to lbe stre t ; th on Geralrt . hll\' Ing Beon the ladles eale und er shelteT. eyoo If It wore but tile root of n ni ght· hawk tall I , stopned at lbe fir st 5alo on " balf . n' do zen m os· There bo phoned sages. Ther e wero fou r enger youug men wailIng in th e reception room of the Foplond house. when Ger old's party arriv ed. and three more rolla wed
l'l'lltl"O SnOll'
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CTO liE ('ON'T 1N U IW)
uv I 'S OlTiee' ill Sll ops
B ,u ihhl ~
Waynesville; Oh,o
Bakery E eryl lody 11 5~S L t' wis' Brea<l ~ nd Cakes, l h e b s t a ll d 1I 10s L dd lC llJ ll S made. 'fry LI lel11 and yOll .will never want to r a L ~l1ly o lilcr kin d .
W ayn~sv i llet
Lewis' Bakery
pile:! fnr j unHo r U , 0 ; ~All)l;lm ~ ob M ~" h s If, . ", .. o ~,. 11I1t .- t"udOo. , s uppl · .t(,rtrl' .Mu r 'lI' l fl ~ r c i lin ,'~"'''I'' .u v, t(l!t lll $ 1 50; unn P B ·n.·, reO!' d tlt'l I' JlOL \l s III ccrpCI wlll ,'I, ,I" V(lr i,uls. qUllrl e r endin g De~() \Ub e,r ;~ I fIL. U; I Wring II. (;oars' ,c1'.) SII (nll'l' l OU\ or I'h lph .tHlbb@, 0p onln g ditch 0 1\ Cill ,vnl r r ,\1\1 1 6 111" '11 11 It t<:lUl(I:hIY ., n ~!l0 clonati pike ... ;. Oblo Cnrru H ~t \lrl ~a TJlul: 11 '0 11 IL .Ir y IVILIl II good hot 'ulv e l"~ o . on lv()rt pl po '26;. II ID roll. rellL'lllln!,:, IIHl (,pcruIIOU on all D. Hlnklo. co unty m nll for (!~l rd or (lurts of til \'nrl'l!..~ ,,,fe·HI.'11 wtth tbe $3 : W. H . S MII " ~O & C " r Pil II'. 1.11 molhs, 1' h(\r~ Is 11 0 nl'NI 10 press dll te. fo,' &udltors olll e $:.1 ; 1:1. E .Iard. anil n I UI~ " Ih(' Iltle nur tbo l llhtt,u 11, cor un r, Inquest liver e ll r "alar of. rbo CRI pel Will o ~ II\Jured. 11 () , Mol:owlln. I es nnd 0"~ 1 ~ <ind thl) moW s will b .. d ... ~Lroyctl by $1270 ; HAUl!'. tnqu 81 over J OM£lI,h .be il e aL and 8l01l Dl. Luol', r 011 IlDrl OO~t!4 $5 M; Fr~(~kllLl ___ • __ _ N'ew., I ~ gll l advonlsle/( ~ O ; (.0 U,',I. bu s Blank O'lok M"UlIfaOI.l1 r lng U o , ~ V elvet fe r Cl e ~ nlng. blsnks for clerk of oun rt $7 ..13 A smal1 (llc.'o of ve l\'ct I~ Il nne III ro 1\ ppllilltl o n of coun L.V ufl' "l r ~ for IlCldirlaulI\nl1own.nontl for de llU l)' 1:I"an 'r fo r brnss. 'Iud Cor ~"11 8hlng sll· ·168161,I.IO I80 Ier ks, AtO. fn r I.be YPU,. verware It Is b,e\t cr .thfl ll ChUIIIOls, [t quickly remov s th e d .. sL frolll woodbel:llllllD~ Jann uTY 1, l Ol(l (\H t ol .Iowa ; Wuld ron 1..) . Gil m our, 8"orilJ work, and If us II to rllb Ih., . (ove aft,. $72376 : Dlln 1:'. BOI " olerll of Cll url or It has boen blnckl'/I will I, r duce a $265 1l0 ; .J 061"b Bol " 0k·, reoo nl " r, high pollsb. 'fhor Is nol h! II!; b tter $<' 153<1: Frunk lJ. :.: , Ill' , t r 0(, \1I.,r . to dnsL I'. f It t1nL Sil k dr SBell and $ 103; Applloution u prO/ vell 1I0U ud. othor BUk I1rtl<'Ie9 sllould nlwa)'e be dl tl oDllf nll owllnca 0 01. " tlted t , n~ dusted with It. for it cleans \lDrfeol1y wltbout outUn' or olherwlse InJurlns rE'qne~t-ed . Halaryof Miss JeaD l.' lI e 891dur the sIlk. Wit' fixed at 1-16 per month for 'rdn80rlblllg reo .r<1(i in reollrder.. ' mp08.161 ~. office. _ _ __ 0 _ ...>--- -"The grent tronblo with Ihe Ame~: can P(\OI,1 Is tbnt th ey eut too much. snld the doctor. "Non8cnso," retorted HOW MR, DAYIS GOT RID OF A BAD th e stn tisllcn l \Ierson. 'I enn eaSily produca I1guros to I,rove thul one- third COUGH at U I O AmerlClI n P ~0 \)1 8 live 11\ ooard. "Soore tlmo Ilgo 1 bad Il very b~d oongh" wrltOll Lewis T., UllvleM, Ing Ii ouscs."-Jud C. Blaokwll ter , Del. '.' My brotb'lr MOCabe Davia g lL ve mo Il smllH bot Why Blue Vil li. Are Beat. tIe rot Cbftmberlaln '8 Cough Remedy. Blu \'ells prcse rve th e cl)mplexloo, After , .. king thll1 I boogbt h"lf " dOll8n boUle!! of It but only n sed ocn bccl1\JI\ III Y .limlnlsll Ihe effect 01 l'f-them all the oough leU me IInl1 1 the scorchIn g rn l S of light. !Ja ve not b Ren tr oubled since." Ob. -r. _ _ __ _ tatnable Averv"," re o
Probate Court Proceed Inca In t ho n~tl\ tll of AIl l"lIh AlinA MI. Obll . l, (looc n ed . li:xoeptiou~ h tl. vlng ' h 1" n J !. rl tho first /lnci floal tl. C· OOlln is " ppr oved. 10 t he estR tu o f B ll nl'Y Vila tush, He Phoned Half a Oozen . Mee. d l'Ct'P lid. Wi~honBe][Oe pt1 011note d angell, t ill' seoond lIooonut III opprovdd I n t.b Odt,Me at DeUlah Snyder, tllO mashl' or th o ban\:ll1g S)'stt'DI of ti ll tllB d. Jj'lrst 80d 1l01i11UlOoon' Is flrnl!~lcaHY (\11 th o worlll, o\ltsldo tho tlI,l P7 o;r tI . nlted Stutes, wns ' Iere UR 1£. lil. f th t t f hu lmors. P rinCE! Nita of Japan, Yu. 10 t he me t,ter a e Be a ,e a .. r • U" ry ot a l m inors Fina) 1£1I"~ li n of Chllln and 'Count Casslon l ",III'gl l • ~ . • . .... t I· ' .. ono ex"eptloo noled r RO lne' »'e , '" I'" u ' , ,, r e Il.nr" ~ " at Ihe snlll o tlme"I "ocOIlU . IIUlI the.v all call ed on Eilwnrd E. Alii. 18 t1J111" Ovo, E .' 1 d 'Alba , 80n. MillY oe y, n UlrIC. va. r "Furthermore, g ll tlemen, 1 wm g!ve U)dy e t Ill, sales nre npproved. f you now th e na mes of t bo eight finan· I II the Ul lltlEl r of the eetllte 0 clers, wIJo, wltb E dward E. Alllson, arc Wi lli llUlli ebhart" deoeAsed. 1·.. the m up the steps. lnterosted In tb e ronn utlon at Ule In. E: . H" ~(\lt is Ilppolnted adwlutstra. Gerald aid ed In dIvesting th e Indi es cer nationa l Trnnsportatlon cOID)Jany, \ I rix , B nil 11200 ChQ rl es J . of tbelr wraps. and slipped bls aII'll <I'blch J)roposes to control lbe com· Bra ks , N A Bamilton .. od B. S. bJg top coat lulo tbe hand. o~ Wl11lnm, merco of th e world. These gonll em'en U1uo ver .. ro uppoi nL Bd apprai8er8. and Bl\W to h!s tie Bnd tbe set of .hls waistcoat and tbe 8mooLbness at hIs are JOSElph O. Clark, Eldridge Babbitt, iu the es tato of ft. . 0 , 8 mttb, d e. First nnll fioal 1I000 1l0t i~ bnlr, before be stalked Inlo the recep. W. T. Ch!!lholm, ntch ord Hnverruon, ce;,8uu tloe parlor and bowed sllflty. Arthur Orandln. I10bert E .. Tuylor, A. '\)Jllroved. . "Gentlemen," be observed, givIng L , Vance. I wo uld suggest tbat, If you III the e tute of W"lllloe R. Ball his mustache one last smootblng, "first dls t,urb th ese ge ntl e ~lOn lu tbe runn· at 0\ minor>! . First lio '·.)unt ill lip· '--• •_ -__ .. . " 1 i1 ' ______ of all, bave you brought wltb you tbe nor wh lcb 1 ba vo IInderstood you to pro \Oed exoepti ont! IlInlng. been be qUIt El capablo or dOing. you m!ght DO~ fld' written guarantlos wb lcb I required f t b tr ,. ~ from your respective cblefs, that, In secure 'rom Borne one a t em \\ . Bce 10 t h e flll tat,e o f J ohu ~oheer. d a. wbatsoever comea from the Intorma· ~!I~~rr~,~~~a~~onnl~,~' th~elh~:~~e~ b:~d OtH8Ccl . ~'I rst and nOll UCOOll n t iB lion I am about to glvo you, the names bowed I!tlflly. "Gelltle men, I wish to a p p rovel!. at "our Intormants sball, under no cl r- add 00 word. I' lha nk you for your Common Pleas Court eumstances, appear In print?" kind ntt entlon , arid I desi re to say New SuUs 1 have in . lhe Rye One lucklesll young man. a fnt· tbat. wh lie. [ b8\'e vlaiD led ton Igbt sev. Shop a ll North MaIO street cheeked one, wltb a pucker In the COl' ernl at tb e rul es '" ,blell I hod believed 8 . M Ir!!o lls, M.. x M8r~o\l8 and A, whl're I will be pleased to see ner of bls Ilpe wbero tlis cigar IIhoulel tbat] " 'ould al wnys hold unbroken . ] \V E)lrutb Vtl, Ennis S. O!,nnel1, all myoid cuslo me rs , The In test AmeriMe ohuroh d e vloe have been, wall unable to produce the bave done 80 In llie Inter est at a jU8' money ;' nOlllllot olalmed 1220 tmd Is no wruily quipped to do ~or "ralBlng t he VI Ind" slI,ye the L,\D. neces8ery document, and he waa un· tlce wblch Is grenLel: thnn nil otber interellt . .Il'or C)olollnre ot bUl of 8l1ll'. Livery Wotk. Wl' v. ill take don Chrlstl .. n World, 11 "some 0:11. der a IIcrutiny too clol& to give bhn a conslderation8. Gentlemen, good. Bam Anll >lt .. ~ VII Pete 'Slderlos. lee'lon box." 'rhe Inventor 11,,118 you on ehance to write It. ' nlgbt." appollJ hy I , ltl i n~IIJ. from Ok) .. boma. If .. member 01 "Sorry," announced Oerald, with ~ "HaVE' you a good photograph the ooogregutlon drape In a tw ,m'Ylito contrition. . "As tbl. ls a vel')' handy?'" asked lhe squib. uwukenlng Real Estate Traum fl ve.oent p i eoe or a ooln at l1\r 8er slrlot condltlon, I must ask yon to tram bl" trance. Alle n B. Ilnd E. ~'e l1 e 8hllfler t il valne, there 18 sllenoe It U 111. 11 leave the room wblle I addresa the reNlae young gen lI emcll pu. Lbe squIb I:Inrry W . Ollno 2 truote In Wasb leo·oent IlioCfl & bell 'rID8e; a fi vemalnlng gentlemen." right .about tbat photogra pb. Hickey oe nt nleoll soonds a wblstle Ilod II Inglon tow ns bll) It. . The remaining gentlemen, of whom was lost In tbo fi elds of Elysian plill n. cent fires II bll\n~ outrldge, If any E llz lb. tb 0 8wn Id to Flederiok:and there ware now eleven, grlnned appre- talY, Rn.d the red·henl!ed r eporte r '(O:as oDe pretends to be Ilileep whe,., the Give UII Ii call and YOIl will find' clatlvely. Hickey would bave been IItill writing and stumng looso page. Arna Lao Ilt;, 5 tlores Itl C\.'artleoreek bov' pA sses. It. nw"llens hlUl with ft our prices ar alll'ight. . tbe best newspaper m80ll In' New York tn bls pocket, and tbe one wltb tbe towosh lp $l. w&, ohmun'8 rlat t le , al1d l\ kodllk If he were not luch a careless slob. bellfd was makIng Il. sur reptitious bitlrlh$ A. Roo II. to WlllIJ.m Bof t .. kes bls portrait. He. wae eo sood that he w&s tbe only sketcb of Geral d Fonland, to use on rord lOt nOles tn Union townsblp II. ---man tram tbe Planet. Tbe others had the fint plausIble occns lon. He hili! W. R" Sqllier et nl to the Truste es sent two and three" tor Gerald's meso til mInd a specIal artll;le all weal t hy "t Be ,9Ie'8 a"U(' .Fraokllo. Ohlo .lotl! Poor Henry. '. North Main Str-cct sage, while very sImple, bad been clubmen at bOIllO. . No ~tl8 !Iond 469 uud put of lot No, "It Is Quite clear that Mrs. Peck III "Company Incorporat ed 7" Inquired .J70 In Frankllo, Ohio. moat effective. He had merel~ all· ".' . , the rul1nr; power ·11l that household: ' nounced that be was prepared to pro- Hickey, wbo WIIS tho most pracllcnl Evn .. u(l EI,b Alyu Jonea to ·W R" "Yea, Indeed. 'PQor Peck Isn't evell 1 vlde them with au lnternatlonal sens.... poet of hIs tim e.. ~nd B . F. Oham ber tl 100' Borea III recognized as a belligerent." "I shOUld consIder tbat n perllnent tlon, Involving eome bundreds at bU· ,,0 •. No II, T . 3. R. Ii between tue Ilona at itollara-and he bad given his Question," granted Gerald. "OenUe- MiRml Rivertl,ll, right namel . men, you will pardo!! me for a moJ ul io, R an d Frllnk M Ooud: n to "Hold the stuff tlll I telophone," menlo" lind he bowed blmsolf from th e Philip Wbltlloreo,ndClarllllOti Brow n , beued Hlokey. "Say, It I get tbllt room, Notice of Appolntme~t Funeral Dir~ctor I ts N Il. U, 15, Ill, 17 Rnd pert of 18 wrftten guaranty up here In flfteen mIn· He had meant to nsk tbatone simple 'In Whltllore's Ilddl \ lo n \0 .darrow, and Embalmer~ quesll otl and r eturn, bul., 10 Arlene's utes. wlll it do!" Gera.Jcl looked him speculatively In bille room, wbe r e 8at two young wom- Oblo. Elt.to ot W. B . Gard, DDCtl&Aed. M!\r y B. Oo rwln to Joseph 8 JIIo~IOIJ 1.l\ertlhy .hieu ~hll' Gt'011!8 B. Gard Wayneiville. Ohio.": the eye. cn, In n bl8h stnte of quI vel', he had baa boo" ,Iuly appolnl.. 1 811(1 <1118111100 aa All· "It ~ou telepbone, and can tben as· te makE' his speeclJ all over again, ver- ~orrl~ Jot N il 7 In Thomll~on'lI BLI~ Olllllu.al.Or wlLh tho wlH annexlXl 01 ~b.t ParIi ti ll inn to Lobu noll, Ohio. . ot lho eals!o sltllate 'In ~ lIe 811118 of Oh[o or sure me, on your word of honor, tbut OaUm, and detail en~h ' Interruptlon, W. B, O.. rd. law ot Loa AngolOil Oouu ~y . Call answered promptly day or night MHrk C. Bt.1l to 8 . K, Murphy lo t.8 Oalltornla, the document I require shall be In and del~crlbe boW th ey r ece ived tbe dcceaaed . Both phones in Otlice an L! Residence Daled tbll n th dllr, ot Jauual')' 1916. th e houso before you leave, I ' sball news , a,nd atlswer. several tim es, tbe N o. (lO, Ill, 6.2 nnd 63 In. M.. ple Pllrk Long,distance,No. 14; llama phon; , A.LfON }o'. ' lHIOWN. ' pen : 'l you .. to remain," 'be decreed; , ' Judge of Probnto Court.. 14-2r. . varloualy couched Qu es tion, It be B nbdlv!~lo n ;;0 Ki~gs' Mills, $1. ' January 1&-8& Wamu OouoW, Ohio ..nd Hickey looked blm. Quite soberly roally tbought thot r tlllmes would not Chairs and one Coach furnished tree Marrla&e Ucenaea In U,e eye tor half a minut e. be mention ed. It wns tlrteen min utes with funerals . ·.!I bave It here all right," b e do· before be returned , and be found th e Rest of Rervice g'ullranteed. Albtlrt t:.. rl Ryount., ~teeplejnot clded. nnd sprang tor tbe lelephone, twelve ~'oung gentle men BulrorJng .with of (Jinoln nati lind Mile MoKensle, or Ilnu came back tn tbree minutes wiLh a ll mtolerabl e Itcb to be gono, F ive King s MI1IM. <d. A. Jnmeson. J , P bls word or hoaor. Tbey c ould henr at the youn g men were In the library, Raymol il F. Chester. farmer ,)f "'' '_ _ _ _ _ _........_.''".''''"''........,.,,,.,,._.___..... h im, trotp tbe library. ye1l1ug, trom Quarre ling, In creccntly low voIces, iL HATBAWA,y th o lime he save tbe numb er .u ntll lui over t be use of the phone. The Im- Monroe, ~nd B elBo ~ ootte Noah, of FOR SAL,E '~r ,YQC:I.lVIllO'8 LBlldinj1 h Ull ' up tbe receiver, and It there wns portllrbable Blcltcy. nowever, had \t, Lebullon. Rev,J, t:h FUzw,,\er. W · 1~\lY Glossor, r"rmer and Ln0 l. _ _ _ __ _ _ _---,._--c:--_ _ _ 'OlJioo in K,,'I', eldg. · M.. ln Nt. .. ev!! 1' urgency In a man's voIce, it was nn d ho Held on " b Anding In a story, emile M . MoCluog. both of Lebanon. , . be11lRheid and colored n.nd frill ed and In the voIce at B·lokey. FARM-135 acr es, near Cn e ~il r~A 1a Ge'r ald Fosland took a commandi ng D01'lbJlo,n 'ed ae be weu t, w blcll would &e v. ,J , B : Fhzwllter. J ohn L Osborn, rllrml'r of 14 or. (;reek brldlv\ nWUAd by t\it> Illt,e 'l . . .posltlon In tbe oorner of tbe rOOID, malte 'tbe cytln<iers QIl ' tho pr esses 'whero be could, see tile countonances curl u p W • . B. Gard, For Info rmation '0011 8voPW:(~nDl:Omllln~ ro\V Bnd Leola ~hn'tll, of on .- Geo. B. 6aw:d, a4mlnI8t,rnt'or, , ~~~~; n CII[.id~~"'tfa: at each ' of the ea'ger YOllllg gentlemen "l arn Borry to advjs e you, genUe- Lebtlnon . Rov. J . B. :rttz·wa~r. ' WaYD8aville i Obio . , flO ' ., ~t wlJ\ l ure\t pro ... 'present. Ho stood behind a j:halr. men, tbat 1 am unable ~o tell you If R ob ert BUIDOS) . WHh .. m. f .rmer ' . I;ro8S A ..; d lnu1it •• 0 .oruillni. 0 0 tllao with bls bands on the bnck of It. III o f Fo~tl'r. and Martha Marie 4rga. Fa~lly Driving Bnul'., l~)qq lrQ .. .... p . IJSp!lp-600 ll"'«alol& bls tavorlte position tor n ispondlng to the luhematlonal 'l'rnM Portation corn .& the Gaze\te ompe for Infur. (Ia ny la. or Is Ilbol\t ,to be, In·corpo· d ina, of Sool..lville. Rev. J . U a toast. . tqa"on. flO "Oentlemen: Edward E . Al lison Is r lUed," reported Gerald g ravely, and Eit:t.wnltl r. Frank A . Wdk'ne,. laborer a' about to complete a transpor laLlon he IIi tll\led to William to ' open Lllo King Mll\~, of BIIlnohester and May ARM of 70 flores, termy ellsy syetem ~Qclrcllng tb e globe. Tbl! nco f ot door. Apply ttl Mr or ' M'r e. VlIulI Tile 1~l r being too COla,' however, ho Vlo ltl 8ifber , of Pleasllnt PlaIn. Qulsltlon of tbe torelgn ' rallroads will nol ll s Gorden Klnoado, maohtDIa' ~'tel'th willte, . Wllyn8avllle, Oblo ' be made po~slple only lJy a we,r, which had It closed presolltl y, I.or now l1e f16 III already ar.ra~ged. Tbe war, whlcb '1'/ 119 the centlir at all InterrogA tory of GlIlII.pol\8, and May TbOmPlOn, or will be between Germany lind F're,nce, cIrcle {I'om every deg ree of which MUlloo.. Rev. J. B lrU.",a'er. TborongJibred Boo~b .Collie wfll begin wltbln' a month. Franco, oa m.e qlu stions so ahtifllly lIollltoa that . Pups for ~n)l'. Call and I~e unable to raise a war fund othe rwise, ttl y seemed to fl l\sh (\6 l\'0)" dart d lbem. D R _ t::!)olilJbury. R , D:.. 1, wlU 14111 ber rallroads. The RussIan t,)wardl him. Gerold Foslund l1atalled Weyne."IIlIl, Oblo. . fll . ltne Ia already betnc taken from Its to llils babble of coov tlrsot.!on wilh prelsnt managen, and will be tvrned C !lUrt~8'y beautiful to bcllold. but OTEL aDd Llverr Bal'D, or wll1 OYII' -*" A1Uson's world I1Ddlcate with· 'tlle first good peuse, ho "cllised t belll 11811 Botel alone Prloe light. III a week. The Important stBaIDIlllp tllot b bad given tb em all the Infor· I'rana Mtller, 'WaynuvtU•• O. fll l1li.. wIJ] becotiIe IDYoind In nllJlIDllIIu ' l n1atlon at bls command, and once dlIIlealU., ~htch haYe· the door to be opened; afoot In BDclucL eaaer )'oung l en Ueu,teIIUO,D Dr the IIqulll.
---->- •.----
---- -----
Perk'as' Garage m~verl
Any Road Any Place Any Time
----... ..
H.• Crouched 811ghtly .. a Wild Be..t Might, even new, angry and bumlllated and terror·strlcken II. IIbe was, Gall could not represll a feellnlr of IldmlraUon tor the bipellll of It. It was tbat wblcb had impretlsed her In the .beglnnlng. "It's wonderful," commented Arl'Y, catching a trace of tha.~ Iplrlt ot the 'ox'u ltatlon whicb h~1 npon the un· foldln. of fairyland; 'and she began to pace the lIoor ..aaln. "Why, Gall, It Is, the moat colosla! 'p iece of thievery the ' world haa evor kno'Wll!'" And ' sbe walked In' sllence for & time. "Tbat Is the tblng upon wblch we, can attack him. We are sotnc to stop tt." Oall rose, to,o. "How?" IIhe asked. "Arly, we COUldn't, just w. two alrlal" "Why noU" demanded Arly, llto})ping Ln tront at ber, "Any pIau I1ke tbat must be 110 lull of criminal crook. ednese tbat exposure alone IB enougb to put au end to It." . "Exposure," taltered dan, lind struggled automatically wltb a lite· long prInciple. "It wal told to me 10 confidence." Arly looked at her In astonlsbment, "I could Bhake ,,,ou,'> sbe declared, an d I"'tead put bel' arm around Gall.: "Did that 'peraon betray no con.lldence when he came to ),our nncle's bouse thll mOfl1tncl lIoreonr, be told you !.!!.I. "' ......Iy to oyer&we vol1 with the
11aoJe -.Jlm'. roaC wlUl We A.•P., and
](ade SUoDg By DeUQioUi ViDOl
Lake~rt, N, H. _" ,ellTl of age:wu d~lU!I~~~,::~ jkjjm condition .J. a c:OaIh 80 abe w,. and 'the t1me. Nothing ~~ helped ~e Vinal. ~ Then ber and ahe Ie ~:,~~:: e1
~iiiiiir&;" ro1II4abe reee'", IU , OQ!~~ . .wblch bar .IIUOD
10 b.··
nllD\J1l r IlIlIy IIlId no:::!!'mg!l' ,,::n ,\00 h~"'l Of Lh C\Ol' lllng, ijlld bulg d It· , {lWr, ' 11111.1' " ont 1'1116 tlill III1lbt. are u n 111,· II'n~ In f"lIl!IIII"1l1 I fllll A ~ II! rOI t 'I\lHI lin HUOl d lUokey y ur n\t 'JII I! 'I H. "c l !bal, Ilwt PI\O!~1't1 1'llL \lI' \1)1\ (1111)1', II grip 11k n week . I h. 1 n 8" I ·11 n'(\ 1l(1I' 111I :l l'llr (I I I (I I III ' I\\*ht hIm by th lon\ aglrlll!\lll \", 'h' I I LI 1111'( Ip.t I.:~rn. IIlid dn.'....· ~~hn gUlltly but firmly P e lrnty, 1\1111 \ nil ,· "t>lIlr 111'1' IIr tfio I,c k ' antI, Ruse l n ra Irna.1 S)·MI,· IIl . Ilny "Sorry ." lIuscryed e rald, " but you beforo r '~ Il'r dll)' I·,'It·O\·)' \'.'liS 1Il"fllrtu. don't go." natel)' 1l~1"IlSGtnllt 'r! ~II,I ":(' !1g ,t HUI, "lluun l Ibllt d- -d boy go t hore in til !l1l1\1U. III I e.l rbl~ morn· I y(\I.1" d mnu(led Hickey, III nn IDlUla1ng I mad thn:t I·' ~"\I',' Iq \'I'lIl1 y I I· lIllIl 'nHlod for II s~asslllatlon . H was cell "c d o\' r (\ dll'lnmllll' Vl' 'llch In n hlrs youn mun. Dnd tl IccUl'o DlCS, th a G ~ r llll\U \\' ar /"flce;' lind Il Is com senger bOl'8 were the llano at hls mented thal t hp hr'" 11 Is one ~..'hl('b ~x l 8Le ceo . cannot [los~ llJl)' jl' h"nll·. 1\I!HlI)' "WI~lnm anYl! not: r plle(1 Geruld. t ake nol co of Llw f()I\ '\\'I II ~ f , cHI. .' 1" ' 111 "For the lo\' of MII( e . lot me go!" th e first to tll p I~hlh .... r 111111 mOlllh, I'I~ade/1 Illelley. '''r l1le slui'! hna tf) be Daron von 1111'111 11. 11'1111 I (1I rt'Clly h nlHII~d \\hile It R stm slzzllllg! It's rl'sponslble for Ct.' nB' ,Y 's f" ll'\l:lI 1'1" the hlggest s lory' of Ihe century! lations, '~' Il se \I In tll l~ I'll)' at ItI" 'l'but bo), '11 be he ro IIny mlnuL o." Fanclnl! club ulld.'r 11", In NI~nlt IIf "orr),:' reg r [fully obse rv ed ·Gor. Hen r y Broka w. ('I "'lIl lt', 1"''''11111· nld ' "bUI I s hull .be cOnIvcll d to debea u, direcio l of lite 1"'.11 1'1111'1\ \):\(111 Inll; \' u uulll bo nrrh'es." In g IIlI el'c8t8 oe l'r;,II' r, 111111 lI'r' In "C';II ·t do Itl" retu rned tbe dcspertbat .snroe \If' k , "" I " '\.' ~"I'n fl i Ih" nto HIckey, "1 havo to ga l" and be Montp3.I'IIU SNe "I., fl.· h" r!: II ' made IL d ueh for lho door. Dneo l1I orl' lhn Ice t onga clulcbed nllm e 01: An(tr., 'I II"~" 'II I" GfHI1.1 Duke J alu ot H'I"'I" II ."' I, . ,1> hlill him by lhe allould r lind 81luk Illto tb e Strolesky J lI lII~~ \\" 1IIilr,t(lu lI url!;~. fl esh. "It you try thul aga in. YOllng mnn, I 6ha11 be co'mpo1!od to thrash you," slat ed th host. uga ln mildly. IlIc k.,y looked at him . vorl' lhought. hill y. Gerald WlI S a sUm·walsted gen· tl omnn. but he hnd broad shOUlders aud a dep ress lll gly calm eye. nnd lie prob· huhly ' x ' rrls ,~ d Iwen L)' mluutes eve ry mor ning by an open .wlndow, after his old plllllg(} . nnd look a horseb.nck rId e, nml walked n lot. nud pla yed polo, nnd a f II' othe r etrete thln gll Uke tbat. tll cle y snl down ntld waited. a nd, tb ough lho lIl ght was raid. he mOI)ped hIs brow un til the messenger cilmel I rr"!':
twO Dlahta md .. da,. Tben AlUson weuJ4 den" the connectl()D of ber
h plCtl8Uro in my
tray · yours right nowl H you don 'l ~lIoee thnt person, I will!' If thor's e.ny way we cuu dam~e bim . Jill'
tb. "Cl1IIIIIIC of ,th.e 'IIItructiOll of ",a ·lIaI'pIlt fiiDU)' would be thOI!' ~ &eooIQIIIbed I 811. bad been ...... taDraqIa of how BUlly . . . . . . lie deIIIe. What coul4 ahe ~o .. 1ft _'-bte :. d ada, ! It WIll ... -..u.ttT to ClOn(:lllve. Slut ·...lJl -
' :i~;!~!~$~~:!~~
Olassl:6.ed Ads
D H. E.
DE/Il." ".'"
.e- ..---....--..
............. ....................
'rhrr~ i · 111ore Ca t:lrrh in thi:t -------------~._._.~~------,,---- ~ ~.~.~ lion (If Ihe (\Junl,·y ~llnn 011 olhH dis· , J 01110 en ' s put I<'K~ I her, lind for yea rs it IOU! SlIl't"lscd til he incumble. Docltors prescribed lucal rt"lIledi s , nn d hy conal'llnt- , D. L. e llAN ,", ErliLor and Mo.nager Iy faUiI,& to cu. c wit It locul trentrllell t, Mrs . Emrua Wolfo attended the pr"polluccd It incutable. Call1rrh is a The most Modern and S.'\nit:1ry Cr am'ry = = = --.-=-~ fn neral of hllr nilioe Mr". P.ul loreLI disc'ise, grc" lly illfll1ellced by.,onI As Written by Our Corps of Able COI'respond. W y ~onl n' 1:Iprlng Vlllley SO.nday. F'.lWRUt.l Y 2, 1916 in the Stale and "will pay highest market SI It 'Ilional cond it iun~ and thereforc reMrs Geo . Bogan _Dd Bon Ber t ents In the ~eighborhood \luires conSl it"I lntllll trtatme.nt. Hall'l price for SOUlld, dean sour r eam . We a re - ---==Cararrb IIUllluraClllred II. I . _ _ _ _- ; _ ..___ ..p ~ nt FrldllY und I:!otorday with CheneY &(ure, Co., TOledo . Ohio. is by a consti...._ ..__ • _ _ ___ _ _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ always pr mpt to rec.ognize · any ad ;lnce relltlves near Morrow. lulionn l rClOt dy, Is taken inlernally and in the market, and will take care of yO llr Mr . Gle D Dllvi8 Ilnd MilS Edl,b acls thru the Blood on Ihe Mucous Sur8 0gn D 8n rprlled their frleod. by illte(ests at all times. Checks mailed daily faces of the System. Olle Hundred Dollnrs golog to LAballon Wednesday IIDd rewa rd is off 'red for ..IIY ellS<' t hat Hall's __~~~~l y a CQ ~I~·~a~ll~s~h~i~ln~e~n~t~s~----_.~------~~. get.liln //; ma rr ied: the Rev. Fitzwator C;llarrb Cure fnils to cure . Se nd lor cir, culurs 'lilt! teilimoninls_ perf\lrlllIDt; the JnlJrrl" Ro aeremooy, REFERENCE P. C. CH ENE Y & CO" Toledo. Ohio. Jam!,s 011 Ulpbell, ot o eO f Olive l'he Berean Bible Ul 1l8 wet "t tbe a8slated by R ev. 8wellringer u, tbe Sold by DruKgl'I~, ' flc. Firat Natioll1l1 B Ullk Brllnoh, died l:!uod .. y I!Jte r 8t'Vefa1 , Ferry cu ur h Weduelluuy llv.enlu g. l\1 o l. b o dj~t ptlrlloDage. A11 their Hall's Fnmily r ills for cOllstlpatlon . Ptarl Street Marke t Bank years of di"" billty . He leavu8 cne The mumber8 of t.lle 8nJ,tar Or eek frlonds , of wllioh they have 'u hOBt., Tuere bU R been 1\ ruwor I(olng t.be !oilY. R~l iab l~ Merchant wbo bllS oared tor him IIln06 In- . Uhrl8Uan oburoh were lovlted aorl wl ijh tbem juy lind hSl'piDes8, rounds during t l18 Pist few d..ys, to CInClIlnatl. lanoy. He Was laid to rQa' Wed- rOYlllly entert~ined with di"lo&1108, Mr. aDd Mrs. Geo. Davis enter 'hilt there will be a "wovle " house neaday In the Clarbvllle ce·meterr. recitatloDS Ilod inllt['umeutl~l mus lo ' ul ned l'burllday In bonor of \he er80ted h ere t.ui8 ~prlng. 'rhe aale Mr. and J4r •. rbos. l:iherod, of Coffeo, plolIles, 8autlwlolles und pie bride 'l ud g r om, Mr . and Mre. Glen of t·h o Al )Cllnder property r006ntl) near here, will In the very neu were aorved. Thosfl Who we re n ot Oavl@ : Mr. :und Mr@. Geo. Bogbn Cincinnati, Ohio ful; ... re move to WllmiDRton l. avlDI 10 ~he hllblt of g oing to Sllnduy p od Her t, MI'. alld Mn. Earnest h". o00ll81u Ll tld tileRe rumore, Wbd. tbelr beautllnl home 10 lhe oare of l::Iohool wore mlltle tu feel t bat It ManDoll and dll ugu'eu Ruth and ever 18 ~he real trutb WQ are ona~11:I Mr, and Mrs. Bllrvey BurDa' at- 'heir Ion Uharlea. Mr. Sherod 'hu would lIo It. goorl plnu t'l mll ke a Gi enDa, Ml. !l IJ y". Joe Da via /IOU to stili!', The an a ' tlnant iu the IitUo DOlOtll .... , aud Mrs. Nellie teDded the tuoenl or the rormer's been a very 8Uo08ll.rul 11 ve lI\ook a Itllort. bnl1ding WII8 ord ered to Vllode by coualn, &4r. BellerM, Monday, dealer and a vaol\\ion 111 needed t or t::oDdar ! '('iI O('ll At the l!'erl'Y ollo rob Bunn ell . the first of the month. and perbapl! HundaY,!I; i ' rI'~e ot., IDoludlng both l:!evEl rul fr om b ere attondod the Mr. Neleoo MoIeevflr and family 'hem bo.b. I &hls bl1<1 .. gre~t deal to do 'I'IUh the apent SUDday with Mr. aDd Mra. Mr. Glen Davl" and Min Edith tlunday t (J ",, ' . oonvent iou a t Ha rveYlburl 8nudny. BOlaD, botb of WellmaD, were 'l'he n"I~ ., b, .~ ,. od friends o f Mr. rumor, \, bloh h08 Dever been aob \;arl B.,.I;b. Mlaa Nollie JordaD WII the laeat Moedlo'1l418 Tom VonrtDey, W. C. qUieti" wartled Wlldneaday In Lab aod Mre . V. I ' -\t.r md wish him 800. o f h er b rolHor W . T . J ordan and lI&aD,lded and 011 far tl8 we can anon. We wllh for 'hem iOOd oes81n blS 1 · .... Wiltk They en- fllllli lS sover,,1 (11lYs lallt week, aod Jearn tbere bllS . beeD notblng bn' WarDer and Aaa Whitaker attend- he:tUb and proeperlly. DR. J, W. MILLER. ~ertained tbe ,I lJiil fsmi ly l::Iuod .y. t.ho Mi8~es Merl and Faye Elll8 were ed tbe OreloDla W. C. T. U. at 8 reet talk In r egard to tbe InoI4ent.. Mr8. Rnt·h Murray'a, 'fhurBday. The rOlld, In thlll vlolnlty arellll Mr . "od M' I!. A. Fox ente nul ::l lld ..Iso "Illlers Tuelday afternoon, In would be a o" usummstloo &0 I BundllY eveDlng .1&8. Mallin, wlte ... DENTIST••• Mr. Jobn Kruer visited Hllrvey muddy a., ILl 'hey can be. Mr ond Mrs A . Talmale and lion muoh .n eeded addition to our vlllllge BorDe' SundBY . '!'he Ma.le Townllblp 8uoday Ilnd dllogbtor, I!:dn A, A.!S Uorne ll , Lee !lpan' Tueeday evening at ¥r. Baving eold my farm 1 will offer omCllJIJ:I it lIuoh wall the 01l8e . For Beverlll a' publio sale 2 mll68 sootb of F I"t, Nallon~ Air... Dyte Beltz aod dllughter, 1:Iohool OODveD\lOD Will well anendod wife And dauS{hter, Irma . Mr. Ilnd Jobn Jord(lDs Waynenllle. 0 BAllI< Dlda. Al bert HOrr(!8~ ot Duyton, .peu\ fork sohuol hou86 opposite Ed Jof. yeara there hal< been rumora of II YI81 Lort'''a, epen& rhorsd.y with and the t"lt rendered by Rev . ~rB . Will titroud. Palmer, of the Cbrl8tlllo ohuroh, of Word was reoelvE~i of t he 8erious fery farm, Bund/l)' w a ll h om e lolks, play h o ose being er80ted and nO'hlDg ~be 'former'a aon, H.r. Emmet Bt.lIz WaynetIVllIe, 01.; "Sunday.t:iohool UlDell. at Mre JOIO. Allen . Bor Lee r"lwa ge Is In Colombul! thlB bu~ lalk has· resultjtd. H 100.11111 and fawlly. Monday, February 7t 1916 IIIr. and Mrs. tiarry Shl\w were EffiOIODO," WI8 10 the poln. . Elee. mllny friendllllre an :trlou8 about ber. weok attondlug tbeleot1lre8 at St..,e though 1\ Wll8 time for a reallzdloD tlOD of omoera to eervil the 6DIIUiug F. E B"rteocit ' hilS b600 0 0 tl1e !Jniverelty. OommenolDg at 10 :30, 8 Borses, of thlll important featnre tbat wonld ShoPPIDg In. Lebanon Tuesday. ,elar, reaulled.. follows : Mrll. A . !liok Ii ~' lor Il fow daYfl pl\st, bot Is a Oowa, 26 \:lOgll, Corn, l:)eed U"\ II, - -IInrel,. utllp our oommuoity "fer, Yr. ' Aaa Whltaluir and family 8 . l'almaRe, prelldoDt; W. W Improviog . Bay. Fodder, Barnees. Fumlog Funeral Director. muoh. "pen' f:!uoday with Mr. aud Mr8, Weloh, "floll-preijldent; M.rs Goo. ' Mr8 Lillian B oetflp Bnd so n .. EI Implement!:! . Boe bills for tl'rms. And thl8 IR not 1111 .. Ioa~lld of II IIlvanll HaUleld. of Leelao. u..vlll, 8eo'y i Min Viol .. ,Jordon , D. B MoCoy mer onter\l\l lled 00wp8ny ·unday . "movle" there ougbt to be bolh II Telophono day or nlgbt. Mr. and Mrs. Rober& Ballln8er a&. 'reel. A. A. MoNell, Auot. For your cold, tur ),our ooogh , for thea tor tbo' w ould acollmmcdate II &eDded tbe lIobool entertainment at Valley phone No. i . Long The protraoted mee\lng Ilt I.be . Mr . aod Mrs . Ed Brown nod Iitti o Ed. J efIoJY; Clerk. lltage large en6ugb ror II large oom Orelonla scboola, i'rlday afternoon Zion Bllp~IB' ohuroh Is working daugh ter, JeaDAtte, "pent n ndnv . your feverish tbroat , DOlle and helld, Distanoe No. 69-2r. pany, '" Hh Ilpproprlate dreulDg <prea' In'erl's' ill tllken. afterU nf)D with Beury Brown , wife uae Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar. Honey. &4". aarvey Burnel WaH ahop- over time, .. and ohlldr en . ro oma, eto We can blk and preaoh Boney 800t.hes tbe Inlta'lon, Pine· Tile paraon d680rvell Rrettt oredit 10 1 ping LD Day'oD, Wedne.d"y . Bavlng deolded to quit farmlDi, A·...tomoblle ServIce at all Time. all our Ii vila on wbll' form cif re The Willing W or ker s III tilt tbe TAr oate the pblegm, tbus relieving the meUowlull of the heart. 01 1 will offer at Publlo Aootion U my 61111 Maude Reader, of t::prlng oreati to the yooolJ people mo.t conge!tloD. .tilDe Tar allio aota as an OHIO •• rona men aDd tbelr voices are bOnJe of Ne dn WI l liamson Thur~ reeldenoe on th e Elmer Rogers WAYNESVILLE. h lne, bat a tbeator Is 0880u'lall, a Valley, baa been vlsUlng Mr Finn uot.isup'io. I1S I. r 08ult leneral rolief A Elh ort- program heard 10 prayer alkiug ~hat th"y be dllY e venin g farm at Ferry, OhiO, on t be D<lytOD Branch Office. Harveyablll1r, O. proPl'r 'hlng 10 bave In a com Reader and family. fullows. Breatbing beoomeS Illlsler Wll ~ we ll r e nder d 1>1 osl an d MI." COn8ueio BalllDger. who has made beUer IIUIn. manlty . A \boater, prope rly con · 111111 further loflammatlon 18 arrested. IIond Wllmlogton pike four miles were .. htl PrllI OiPlI l f,,"t ur tls I!,\wee northweu of Wayosevillo, on Onoe a physlolan was oalled to ducted, III une torm of recreUlon beeD. qulSt! 11011: JI now baUer, IJf tlJll OVtH ' lo~ A II g llL luol1b wile [11 8i8t 00 Dr. BoWl Pine. Tar-Boney . Wednesday, February 9, 1916 tbllt mDIIC Ilb80lntely odd pr':tstlge it Is al) Ideal treatment . Prloll 2Go. Mr8 . .ua Whl~ak8l; "nd d'UlfhtAr, 'rea' a parlOD tlnd 'be doc~or sllld, Merved lit 1\ lilt bour . to a olty ':I r town, for Iho almplr MI88 LeDa were 10 Leb"noo &tnr- "Parlon 1 want yoo to elit oblokeo Comms ocloR at 10 0'010011: the MillS Edoll K ldey visitlld l,er pll r. rO"lIon thut people hnve growD U8e.1 d"y attending 'be Ttlaober'.J A.flO and lI'ay out of the nlgM tli r, " anti e Dnl t:;u turdllY nnd tlundny. Mr. foll owing !)roperty : 2 Borses, -1 'he parloD laid, "How ill 1 gwlne 1.0 belDg (Ont,ertftlned (If not at home olllslo.n . Bead of Oattle, 4 Br )od 8ow~, Farm Kelsey. who i;o SUIT/Hill!; from It eU ohloken and etllY out of thtl tlley Will 1(0 a brolld, where templSImp lements, l::IaroQss, Cblckeos, Barry Shaw'l have a now root on nliht air? " brok"o hone In bill IInkle , js slowly 'lonB of a II klnd8 1l81!8i1 tbem), aDd Ihelr barn Fer.d. . Our merohanla claim bnblnell ill IDlpro.v lng . ho", maob beHe r It will be when 1''' See bi g bills tor terms. Auto Livery Serylce Qarl ·horwood . wift] .. nd eon, ~n eDtertliin tbe y ,ung people 10 ahot k> 1Jl&Oe1!1, all on aonoun' or the W . b.l. Stroud . I,er oy 8/1 rteook, AoRroe Morrill, Reasonable Rates ,ery bad rudl. (Jar own community, knowlDg 'ben O. T. B&wke. Auot. Masers. Lue Morr ,y, Jobn LUMa oar.,uHI wife, or [ lI.y t·on . an d N l1l. 'b It 'be general tllmptaUon 'bruwn J. P. Mullla, Clerk. SCIATICA' S PIERCING PAIN The lIohool &erm la rapidly passing "od Lue Mor(llu were oalltng OD i!on Brown vlsllfld tJle .I:lllr tiook Dao Morgen Ind (anllly tlDnday. around tbllm wbeu aWIlY, will not Also A&,ent for Kelly.sprin&'field To ktll tbe Derve palDIl of Solatloa away bllt up '0 th111 Ume our Bob oul come under their obeervaalon at yOO oan alwtlY' depend on Sloan'lI haa !!o' been ontoltlssed In a gre",t (llmt/y. Mrs. J. i'. MlIrlatt w .. oalhDg OD A~tomobUe Tir.a nome. Mrs . Amos Jaoksou one day la8t . Bavlng sold lOy form , [ will 8ell Wnlment. It penetratea to the Hili many 7elul, Gre",t orediC to tbe By al\ moan8 let ua work for the (If pain and brlng'a eue aB 600n aa II _obere. dlreok>r8 and l e nitor. a& Pubric Auotion at my reijldence woek . beUermon' uf the oOOlwunl" .I ~ua"d on the upper Springboro Is applied . A gred oomfort too Mr. GeorRe 8eaob, a noted 1I0boui MiliS Ulflrtt D.mghters a:1d Mrs. Work for Ihe yooug fo lk~, IIlv(. with Sloan'l i8 $hllt no robbiDg I. book aal6llman, W"1i lu our olty bat.. and Wlloynesllllle piko IX mHe ohn l:)h"w were visiting In Xenia J A 8 1n g gl~ 1l liver olin CUO IlO t\ per tbem dille rent a rms of r eoreation, r eq nlre.1. Bl08 n 's Liulment il In urday. wee t ot Wllynesvlllo l 'y' mile!! .oullt VaJ.1ey P bone 90-1 X ODe day last week. dOlT Ile IHvf ul lot 0 1 l.ni ~" r y. I';p lI ll and don 'a preaoh to them ever), valuable lor stopplog IllU~OU1I1r or miles ell st o f Edge The EdUor of the Miami fiuzette of dlzZlDtl. tl, lJIIUdllclJ es. oon~t.ipl\tiol1 Itre. George Marllltt wa.ln Xenia of Lytle alld tiundayln tbe rtillr .. bont tbe aln 01 nerve paiD ot any kind. Try It lit wood stl\tlOD on the D. L. & O. dllnolng, 1(0lDg to the Ule"ter. o"r d ouae It you autler with Rheumatl8m . 1a a 100d mila but 18 .. littlo b",ok. and blll u uPUtlR , lUll lI \lr8 IIIIl DI! tbal. Friday, R. R. , known 1\8 the Samuel Pogb play ing, l:!ou uay b"1I Imd oumber. t.uwbllgo, l:!ure . Throd.• Pain iD "ard, aDd will nO'lay anytblng In vnor I\v tJ r Deeds b elv 'r ako Dr Mr. J oh n Rogers hili rl'nrned farm, on les8 other thlDI8 that go to make' n p ": he!l~ , tlp'sln!!, BrulHss. eta. It IF behtllf of hIli neway ·pAper. t or If be Klug's N tl w l.ife PI li" II od ~ee bo ,," bOUlO lifte r a siege of Ulnels ID ALL KINOS OF Friday, February II, 191~ "Illoreo\ form s of reoreallou for tb,· 'Ix06l1eot for !ie nrulgl .. lion B08d· did be woold bo obliged to ioorea~ b Ihey h <l lp tIll' Ull I liA whole sy RteUI dpri ng llold. hili toroe lIud good belp III hard ~ u Fine f. lr tlJ p at,)Ul.,,)h t oo Aids di. CODlmoflolng ut 10 :00 1\ . m . the oDea wbo enjoy tblllU Let U 8 b, ·,\obe ~/jo. a& all Drnggll!t8 . M.salls Edna Dill. Len" lIIarlatt and Ket, bot bi promlsa. thll\ be wil l gll8tlOIl . Pnr.fitl ~ t' b" blc.od no d broad and chtlrUa ble, wUlob we ar. Bt' r l1a r d sp"nt Suuday with "1811 V. followin g ohllt.tcls: Four Belld of Inorease bla oJroulaUon (I mean 'h ~ - -<Ileus tit OOl.llpl ~ xi III Only :.lac. II I Mllrlatt. Borees "od Oolts , 8 heAd .l f 'I1ttle, afraid some of oa life not, aDd bepaper 'l olroal_'lon) h sboold be yo ur DrOllltis t 21 bead ) f BOI(9, Farmlog Imple OtIDlle one persall I.bln"s one form 01 Mrs. Elmer Roaera wall cliJl\nll every well-relt0lahtd bomo; Ill> In msuts, Bau~eb o ld G~Odll, amosemeut Is not a ahl to blm, le~ on Mrs. WiIlIlI.m Braddook Sunday. hlll lome noted wrlt.erll aD hil ell I See big blUl for terlllll. blm u@e that prlvllege as 10Dg Ila b f' lorlal st~tI glvlDg you 'be topios 01 MISII Ulprllo Dao,Merl and' !UIIII Den Jamee doeBp', libuse It: R elUember, tho' 'be day, forulgo ADd local, .ole ncl' Luolls were call1ni on Mia. Roland A. A . MoNell, Auot. 'be younte caD live oho\ete aud pur .. and 10 ven tloo, letters and art, rot. Run day . W. E . O'Ne ~l, (J1"r~. _ _ _ _.I_ _ __ ~ II veil by any form or Innooelll &41'8. W, B. 81eghlel1 ilpsot the lIalona aod soolal lerviae, aod you Mr, WIlIlam LuolIII hili been .iok IImuaemen', and the ~hel\tera all Il get your money 's w orl·b . Waynesville. o.~ Ls bette r lit \hle wrIUDR· rule wlll 'e~!,b good, moral leslonll week ADd whh M.... aud Mrll W . V are eure Orew and ramlly, of QaY$on. If yuu lire not a plltron, 811bsoribe III Aa J am going to quit tarmlnlt, 1 .alwaya. Luther Blline" '\V A llOllle over Mise Eva Lucas, of Xenia, Is ViII' ., J. W. B14ley' Willi called loOhl. once, aDd beoome more eDligh\ened l:)uod~y from Willllingtun 1)0\1e8e. Itl ng with her sister. ""II lell wUhou' ~88ane, on the C;her Postolfice, ~ :, '-.j..~ ',a', n 01110 tbl. week by the serious, tllDOIII and know more ot wba' I. going au farm known al tbe Add EJII JU rarDl, Office Pboae 77 HOU18 Pbone 116 Word hll. be~n I'eo iVl:ld h er& a Mr. Ramael Jtlokeon aPilD' 1:!0DdlY In 'he nelKl1borlDg 'owna. • of bl.B els~r . Obvloua. the d eat h of Eli j!lh Prloe, of Dellr afternoon wltll Mr. and Mrl. ltd y. mlle Dor&h of Ferry tlnd <1 miles Mr. and Mrs. Frank BarriS QD1I01l'hw.. ' of BellbrOOk on the O"y. M..I. Wm. Bumbert, lid Bomber. Bob-"Wby does a fat man alw&1l JI1llminglolJ . Ue Wil li a member of ward Boagb . to•••d WaynelViIle load on . a plaid Vllllt!" Harlo)'- "To k8e5 aDd lion llpen' Sunday ali Mlddlll- &4Ir&llned for dinner Thurllday Mr. (Ja8l1ars Cro"k (~horch Mrs. John Moore WIlS oalllng on Barrla' mother of near here. town the aue~" .of .Mr. and &41'11, Ed a cbeck on hie atomacb, I IUPpoae." Thufsda,., February .7. 1916 Mrs. Addle Sten lel' 18 s lowly 1m , (jephad. III .. lAmb returned to her 1I0hooi proving after 8ulte,rlng fo r !leveral Mrs . Amoll Jtlokion one day la8$ Commnohii at D:OO n . m. tohe week. Thureday aher being · a beent to, Marianna and Walter Allen wIre follow log 100d8. and oh"t\ell 000weeita With n eurlllel" of 'he face .... oearly two w!I8kll on acaouDt of Leba.Don vl.lk>ra Sa'urday. lilting of 7 Rorn" II Head Jt\rley John ' WlleoD III lI\m on the siok Veterinary a.zel SImpkins and Rl),mon!i liokne.., C"Ule, 61 Bead Duroo Bogl. Farm Itllt Dr. Randall Is a v.}ry bUI, mlln DUllaa .pen' SUD day wUh $bll Implements. Barnes" Butoherlng Graduate or Obio Stale Univenl l \I RIlJpb Le"mlng was 10 XeDla 00 aooono$ of ,rlppe, bu' molt 01 former 'l parenta near OreiO;)la Tool., "eed, Chlokeos, Bonlebold hnelnll88lloet Wedne8d~y . and IUoben Euml\un. Clara Nelble wal 'he gued of 'be CUM nnder bll OIlre, are getUoll Mra. J4~rtbll. J OlleB, Luoy Oom~' bener. " Ubaml>erlt\lD'l Courh Rsmedv See blK bml for terma, Office at residence in E . n . Sher~ frlenla af Mlamlabnrl Tbntltday, ~oo, Sarah 8rndtord were clIlliug on OlareDoe Folkerth . wood'~ house, Fourth Slreet~ Mr , aDd Mra. Ray 01'Otl8 and , Krng. Bread automobl1e, of Day. Robert San ley's T ~ el!day afte rnoon hll8 been uled ID my houlebold for tb e pll\li twenty ),eara. I began A. A. MoNall, Auot. dau&h&er apen' 8unday with Mr. taD, bas been uaable &u run on Mr. and Mri!. W. E. BogRn aD d gl vlnil It ~o my ohlldren wheo they A. R. Rowland. Clerk . 8Ohlll1ule "we on aocoun' of ball Telephone 28 and Mn. 'ran It Balon end lamlly 800. EVllo and Mr. and Mrs R li lelgb were small. As a qolok relief fat: toadl. Mr. and Mra. Elmer Shoe.. of Bugl1u attended tho foneral of Mrs . whoopln. ooueh, and ordl. or onp, Waynesville. IIr. aJld IIr., Fred: Shane are nClw .Ohlo IIlddlek>wn, apeR' SUDda, wI$h IIr. ralden.. of our 'OWD .nd blv," Pllal Wyaong hondl\Y at;.8pring Val nary oolos, I' bIt. no eq 0801. Belnl and 11ft. W : w. ~hoe" and IIODI. free from opium and other harmful ~1t8D obarie of their ,rooery, oe. ley. Mrl . T. E &rnbRrl. at J'ranklln. bDpylll1J 'be dwelUng "faa,led b, Several from b·s re a"ended the drugs, 1 oever feU alrald \0 ghe It Notary Public Ip4ID' S.'urday wl\b bel' mother 6Ira :)Iara Vonnor. Meo '8 Conference at WaynesVille to the ohildreo. I have r8Oom.mlln, Ill'll, Martba Butlnell . ded it a.) a Illrle number of frl.Dda . get Immediate fillet fruit AU kiDde of Notary Work. Willa 6lr; Ch ... 1:I'ruble, of Clarbville. Il8t FrldllY. MI .. J:lIsabeth SchNIer lpeDt 'he repr.entiDI MoGnln 8rOl, , aranlMI8a Ina Oompton Wll8 tho gnest and nelgbbors, who bave aBedi' aDd Dr.1hOO~'S Ma.Qc OIDIllci; _d Dead. a tipeolal'y. blghly of I'." write. lIu. splln.k week end In Mlddle'own . aO&4ld bDllneM in $hll vlolnUy 1118' of ~lloh Bogao Sunday. Mary MIDke, Shortlville, N. Y. Prof. Gfiorlle Greene 'pen' tbe friday. Mn . thmnel Wilson WIII!I "bl" Obtalullble everywharl. ------~ ~~.-----rweek end with frieDd. Iu LebaDOO bll ont Sunday atHer belog oonUued _______•• __----. Will d 'o rmell, of DaY'OD, lpent dbome for eovertol weekll with the 'be week eDti wl'h hom. folka. grippe. . Mr. and Mri. Wm. Leloh'y aod· Mra . Miller Is &a.f ferlng w"h tbe An il'rttabl., faul'-fiudln. dlapodauehtara were 'he 8nneta,. gOHM a"lon II 'oUeo due $0 a dlaordered grippe. of Mr. lind !tin '''liter Bomber.' . • a'omaob. .. man with good dlge •• 61.111 ,Iennie Lelln~lng, of Day too , ~~-----tlon III ne ll.riy "alwaYI good natured ,is1ted toor brother., J. B. Le .. mloi Mr, and Mre . Elmer B.ehm, who A ,rea\ litany bav. teln vermlt· 0011 day Illat week . oen\ly IleneflUed lly ChaO) ber-Iall)', EVllrr tt B"lu08 iis I\t'eDJID~ the . formerly oonduoted a r8lltauran' A. E. Larche of 8prlnllfleld QI,," a 'r&bletll aftor yean of Bullerin g Oblo Agrlcolt-uraIIE!oturee Ilt (]olnUJ- bere are now operatiDg II movlnK Raol.,. For OettIng Over·the Ilu.. plot·ure shuw in Dayton . . . Y ·)U oanno, nae aDy'blDg (hotter rheae. tableta a'rengUieo the s'om- ba8 till II week . Mrp. ·Wm. ConDer •. who haa been for yoor ohlld '. ootlgh IDd 0014 'bao Iooh and enable U to perform C. T . Burn er wns In Xenl" Of) Or. KIDg'1I Ne" OJ,oovery, h Ie Ita fUnotion8 Da~urally . Obtaluli Monday . serloally III Is repor~d lIome beUer prepared from Pine 1'ar mIxed .W1tb ble everywhere, Misil Lellib B )gau Is able to be 10 ~od 8 Y. - -- ... .... b..1Io, anel loo'hIDg. ba!a~mll II, , Ur. Ritenour waa oalled &0 Jef!IObool o gl\\~ thlll week, .. fler on doe. no' oODtaln _oy,bIDI harmfol OU 11eea this practical, expe rt information. . Whether IIbseooa. of Ii \veek with the grippe. fersonville 1&11' 'I'uuda)' on account 11 .• Uib,ly laxative, JUI" epongb you own or inlend to plcuit a fow trees or:\ th olls,nnrl, it is Inforof the death of bls fatheli 11\' -'hd ------~.~ ------~ m o. tl o n that will SQve yon tlm o. lu bor nnd.mollcy. Get It I 81wDly scnd us your H!,d U;e Proper Name. expel 'hepol.oDa rrom 'helYI.I'em, I)l~ oe. name aDd adUcesl on tho coupon-or on a penu,,_t. if you pre{cr. "Wby do you call 'em rouotalo pens? Dr. Ktnll'. New , Dlaoovety ia antlWo ~llliadly mall yon n freo copy eyerywhero a", II1>lIInl: prodlsrlona Mia! Ruth Milia, wbo WAi 'hreatBep&lo-,..lI1e tbe oold ;rermil-raille, I .lIould say reaervolr p~o would be of our Ne" Catalog-AD 11 It 8 In. book cro p~ and Inf1:'C cash proUts from crop .. CONSTlP'ATION enerl with appeDdloltt8 I "" week t hat l a simply packed with h ints that of yOUI1It. th rifty. X",m,,,e Stark Bro's the ph1'egm-IoOll8Da tbe cough and tbe belter name. A reservoIr contains ,,111 eaabla you to secure bumper crop s tre<!8-f"nc ts ~.hl' t e~ p ha8fzo tho ,'rutb When oo~tlve or r.r oubled with WHS able ·ro reluma . her .'8Iohlfl, olllne.1 IruJt-iIo4 •• 11 th em at t OI>' olthonxlo m Sta r k'lno. BeAr Fruit;" '1ooa.hN 'be Inl&i.tloD . Don" pul llqulda; a fountain throw II 'em OOll lUpatloo tllte Cbllmberlllin'. Friday. m n.rkct prices. 'Thewbole bo()k J" filled Be-fUItHll lll fe. 9 h,e~ nluurnl·ool(lr photos . " ft 'reatm.n~ Cooglia lind ';':'Idp . arouod," "I tblnll fountain pen III the Til blots, Tbev are e~8Y to tAlre and ,,1111 tact, th ol ",III tnt oroRt Dnll In. ,rucl of lendIng fruits all Ihrout:b the book. Mn Jane Smit h andMrI. Mabl. you-Iacll aboul bow truJt·lI.owora S . "d 10. )'our COllY today 10 aerioua lunlC troubl!!l. proper' naml, ' .ald the party or the mos'lIgr"6I1ble In ffaot.. Ubtllln"· a 'eD lead la EamoBllttolll.led the f~neral of [, la ahlo good fQr adult. and · !.~od part.-LouIBvllle Courler.Joul' ble evury \vbere. · , lbBlr . ji~r-ID.law, Mrs. S.r~h 'Saper IIled:: Get a boUle . &Oday, .AlI oat at Wayneayme, 1811$ HOlldlY. ·· .........~ ----Drq,(Ji.t8. G rl m.~ Gol<lan- the tree dev.lownent R ead I. I1"d ICRf\! 01100\ tho n eVI 1",11" t bnt I'o!jltltll "col1nr rot." Gut tb" New Ir." Irlum ph of St~rk Bro'. lanl: CeoMrll Barry Torner. "hohaa bettn FaCia ab ul "S luk Delleloo • •" Stor. turY of SUQ<:o"-lho " llDubl .. LUe" Sliver In England. &e rlonaly III w it" .'<lmaob 'rouble II< I • Elbertll aD4 an tI'o I A. E. LERCHE Silver III not legal teMar \n Eu&JanI Ilble to be 00 t agalD. LIf,'. Inequalltlee. peaahel, S.lIrk lAo ' .·II1'OWD . J . R. "It 10U ever get tho blll~.'· be said, 8ul'lly In Hard' LllCk. Pe"cbel, i110 Llncoln Peal'!. 6rm LIte haa mlloy Inequalities. .The pIll· for suma oyer '10. .obllil. Brel ford- attended 'he lun. )\oolmonlno), Cb ury , Mamm o.h Clold '. "It .. well to know the . almplest and An old darky appearol 111 tJae 400;. colo 'player, wbo never has ao Idle moPlnDI and 1111 .he other f.Dl ou~ Start ral of 1r11l.ullnt, Mrs. Rebeocia Klrb! best way to get rid of tbem. Ol'lloki· . air', olllee 0011 momtna. plalD17 ver, ment, geta tbe same :wage!' as tbe bus ll'ilU r Ridllt'vl lle, last Sund",.. Ii_, nervoulDella and goneral uplet low In hi. mtnc'l. The' 4octor, recol' drummel\ wbo loals two-thirds of tha MIBs l:!llrtlb Rhorbauab vllUed condition precfl!llog the . blue, UBuallJ' nllllll biI 'otd patient. IfeIlte4 hIm ~D time. FREE 11 "a l"cho.- 6Uod r ~ .ro'. relatlveslD. Dayton 188' week. are due to the relen t1esa arJp ot COD' ~ IIlOIt tnaplrltlo. muner. "Well. --• Iro", CO,'O' to , cover wttb beautiful ph ... ~ "'pt." IjlpatiOIl on tile Dervoua lretom. The IIlllJah. b 01f' II the r.heumlt.tIaIII th_ Laoy PlltorBon _nd Wife, or DayYielda To ~loioul! Vinol \OI:,a\lh,. Mait /I' llU , ................ Itmpleet 1"a, to meet thlB condttlon .. daJar' "Pohl" Poh17. ub!" replied ton, are v \~ltlng r81dlvI8 here &a_111ft "" .. .#DS141~ 11<..\1 nIo . . lFtarlnllyour".",. ~d. JCIU -N . . to bave · a box ot noxeu . 0~Qr1l8l! In IDl1Jah 4eJeetedl,. "BeUeb me, &4arn d",y. MachIne Thllt Makea Colors. a aa .acklrell. :I~t"l :rour pocket and the beat 1"~y W to Doetor, 1'18 Jeat a mo,In' ptcture ob --;-The ' matcblnll of colore baa beeD IItaftr a..oo. ~ .:.tl!w iiiiioiidiliiioii ••• take one "benyoo f..eel the attack com- .1IIIn-" bI'o\ll:ht d01"n to an exact scIence b,. r.:"1',. ... Dopt.A, P'8A'" --. IDI 00. ' It II the 8uOIt lasatlve for -. tile IDventlon or a machlDe for tile Good ~ ~ ~ maD. womctD IIIId cblldreD 1 kuow 01, p1ll'JlOll8. ad Sa a reiular a.tldote lor the bitlee --~--- ~
W Ii)'/I
- -
J. F. Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O.
Walter McClure
..,--- ---
. .
Ray Mills
.- .
Corwin, Ohio
-------.- ..
.. ..-------
Walter Chandler . -=-__________
Dr. J. A.. McCoy,.
How' to Grow Bigger Crops of Superb Fruit:--FREE .
_- -----
------..- ..---
---.. ..- ---
. - ..
WI bafttll• •cltIIlve eelllnc rllht. fill'
I-'""' . . ..........-
The Attar Effect. an a aood man, "do. . ID walalDa who..
.. ..-------
dlt..... Jpatl'~ TrIal allo,10
--- _..
IIeBt ever.-
Stark Bro's N\U'sedea at Louisiana; Mo.
........ JIL ~
/.. ,..0.. .~=:::::::~::~:::~:::::::::. ..........................._..........
•• o........... _..............~..._~..,:.....~~~.~
Myer Hyman's Clea
The ,Store
That Saves You
,With Detachable, All-Season ' Top
Here-in the ew eries all-season Saxon "Six';' is answered the insistent demand for six-cylinder enclosed car IUKury at a moderate! price. Here for the first tirne-a "Six" of the al1-seasoD typ~ is offered a t the Saxon price-~93 li. This New Se.ri~s top q'lIli it y Saxon " Six" now bring. the a lI·seas' m "Six" OU' of tbe higb priced class.
Wen have tbougbt of. the wcJosed slx-c,lind~r car as a luxury fo r the fcw. . en have wan ted enclosed enr quallty at touring car cost . This Saxon "SiX" giYes it to them. Here nre other lIigb class I~atun:s: lI·unit ~I ectric Saxo n IISbc." 'I'our iDIl
starting and lighting sys. tern ; Timkcn nxlts and bearing.; linoleum coycred floor boards Bnd run ning boards; sUenl bl!lical bevel driYe gears ; hlgb grnde body fin ish; yacht· line bod, o' grealer roominess. nnd II score ma rl! of noteworthy CutUrI!! . ,
Come Bod conviacc ),ourself of the exceptional .alue in lhis Mew Saxon. Salo n u Pour" Roed.,.r With Coupe lOP IUc c trl~
.tatter aDd lI&hh
d. B. CHAPMAN 'Phono
Wayn . .vllie. Ohio
Thill dlaea8e shaDid be treat d WI soon the lirst 1lJlJIAturaJ l ooscness or the bowels ,.ppeara. When this is done /l single dOlleof Ohamberlaln's Collo.. Ch.ol· era aDd Diarrhoea Remedy will elIect 0 (lure. TbI.s remedy c~n alwuye be de, pellded llpon even in the mOllt severe IUld daugerou& caaee. aDd 'ehould be kept at haad I'tI8dy lot lnstaDt UI!8. Never leave home on a jolU'lley wlthont It, ~
JEW 1081 GlIPPal~ TN_' OltaATtiT
. I'GItIStaD 'WE!ItY. $4.00
Y!Al '
SAMPLE 'COPY FREF' , _ _ _ . . . VOlt" OLIPP." til..,
Yo"' . •
The sister cities of Niagara. Falls. on ellch side of the great cataract, Ill'e acting together in an effort to acquire the bllttery of electric searchlights now being used for the scintillator illumination at the PanamaPaci.flc exposition at San Franciaco, and to proTide' fo-r the electrical illumination of the falls during a number of montha of each year.
thil-Sealon? If you do, Remember, we have
MI'I: A. B. Sides is in Dayton to·
the Whole
L~~~Y_JVL~~l R'~",~::::~:~~,.:fTh":,;r~;:,,;;" From the Reader.
Mrs . 1<' H. II 'ndl"rSlln cll lerilli ned S CI' ru l wdl-Imown nOlOIi Is usc St. Mary', Guild will meet wilh the J olly Matrun.• '" l'nd, yafll'rnoon. I)lIly Pll rt of IlIt'i t' nnnlL' 0 11 Ih litll' Mra. E. V. Barnhart Thursday af· ternoon. l'n';1'S .. r lheir h l)()k~. Anthon), 1fope's The Fl'iend l.v 1;1/)1111 IlwL Willi 1'1'11 1 11 111 1111 is All t hnny Hopo )[RWMr. and Mrs. Ernest Rogers a re Emmor D Baily i"ridAY ('veninsr. "ill~; I\l,IoI(, Jl nward s is J, Kehle moving on the Rogers farm near J anoarv :l< t ho wit h II ,.h',) .,l tend Ih,lI; F, .\1 ,,10,,\' . the autho r or If,\ icc Ferry today. anee. \ "' 1'<11 ," i~ kllt1\1' /l to til' rIl t (' 01 A surpri se 1\':1 lemlercct MillS or a< ThnlI1U ~ ,\nsll'), Glllhrie, llnd Mrs. Enoch Haines 811d Mra. W. S. Hartsock. of Fourth street are both RUlh Ha rtsock \ E'C. hH'~I! IlY ev ning :\ 11101 I' orhcs is really Hev. Athul The evenillg' lVaR SJll'nt in mU!'!ic and l'hill ips. ill with gripp 3. ca rds. A del igh fullunch wn~ se rved \\ 'OIllU ll wri lcrs 111'0 v ry f () nd of Mrs. Emma Farr Dakin. of t he o~"ul)lillg n mnuly 111\111 0. Two fnOhio Masonic Home. of Springfield. M sdames Walter Mc Clure and 1I1 0 11~ i lI ~ t:1 necs in l~ lIglund BTC is vh!iting relatives here. R. G Gross en te rtained :It a G Oc·o rge Eliot Rnd J ohn OliveT o'clock din ner Thursday evening at l lobhrs ; 011(1 in FnU1ct', Georgcs the home of M rl:l McClure. The ap pointments 01 the dinne r. which \ViiS , 'und. TIu t lc clny w e IUlVe F'rllllk se rved ill four courst'!!. were tine. nanh." , who i ~rrs . Frankau' urCovers were laid f or Mr. and Mrs. tis Yorke, \\'ho is ,M ra. Richmond Frank Zul l. Mr. and Mrs. C T. Lee ; Ralph I ron. who is Olivo Hawke. Mr , and Mrs, J. C. Hawke, Mr. IlIld Mrs. J . W. White, Mr . a nd , chrcincr, Illld Edward , 8 rrctt, who Mrs , Muu rice Silve r, R. v . and Mrs. is :\f r . Mayo. C . Graust'r an I Ron, Charles . Mr , H y I' I1Li gcn lIell1 n com to ha\'o In conver1lation with l\ ground hoo{ and Mrs F. C, arey. Mr, and Mr . a likillg for biding th ir .idcllli ty, this morning he 88YS he is having the C hA ~ Hy . Mr. and Mrs. W C. Morice crnd is l{ev. J. Jcs op time of his life. He came ou t and Phill ips . Mr . and MI'S, Harry Mu rgamboled for a few seconda but at ray Mr. and I\lrs ./. 0 , Marl nll and T ell)!uc' (] orge A. nirmingham is the sight of his shadow went back to Mr. a nd Mrs. R G ero . ('tloon RIUlII"),; Hnlph ODnor of his warm bed. We felt a great deal . _----Winni p~g, now a IUiplain at the liko a ground hog, to.o, beca use the fr ont, is Rev. harles W, Gordon, bed was a delicious spot arly in the llnd .Tohn Ackworth is Rev. F. morning, and it was ' cold enough to make a fellows teeth chatt or when 'Illilh. he stepped out into the cold r oom. ~r 'H:illl (lorl,,'')' is not the Russ ian It has been said. however. that the nOl'cli st's name. He is, to ' his fAmground hog bas not heen asleep v ry long this winter so far, but he will Furm rs around Fosters hlwe been il,I·. l\1 ('xeifi ~I aimovit ch P eshkov. probably brlnl{ colder weather for mis ing Il grea t many chickens of l' icrrc Loti is Louis Marie Julien the rest of the winter. boo. and! Iii t we~k t hey set a trap Vinud, while ilie Into ]'1:aartcn llnllJ'... ....- - for the thief. whic h proved t o be an tons sllh tituled this e:rccllcnt pen immense lIeu-tailed hawk. wh ich measured something like four fee t n~ III fOT his own impossible on&from tip to tip , A. t.axidermi t of J. 1\1. V n.n dor Poorten Schwanz, Cincinnlhti is moulll'ng the bird. Need le s to uy, he was a D~t.chlDan ,
Building' .Malerial
Necessary to build a w=,lI-equ~ped Dwelling, B~rn, Sta~le, or Shed. .We also have Paint to 'put on your building you intend to build.
Give'us a call, get our 'prices, and we are positive we will get your order for lumber, etc.
Couldn '~
In the opiDion of some perSODS, lhe new teacher was going almost too far in her attention to \,lat ure study. , However the childrcn nJlposr d to • " 11 enJoy It 0 , lind so far no parents . , I II ad • rna d c open objections to tIe li ttle talkll on bird. insects IUld floll'" ers with wltich the teacher diver ilied the routine of sc~ol wDrk. So nll went along quite comforlably until the Ilfternoon when the fly and t be fI ea were up f or consl'dern t'lon, says the Youth's Companion . . Following the teacher's lead, the children had 811 grown enthusiastic th to ' h· b t' bT over e 8S ms IDg MfO R IC II I 1ties of the fly-all except Robbie lfay, who for some time hod been staring moodily Ilt his desk, costin only, oecasional glances at the teacher, and those unmistakably Bullen. . It became so noticeable, by thc time they were nil admiring the, fact that t he fly can walk on the coiling. thllt the reacher paused and turned to the boy. . "Whqt is the trouble, Robbie ?" 't YOllll·stnnl'Drr "( She incluired. "A~n .~ ~ " Aren 't YOU ' l'nteresteq l'n the talk?" 'ry!l-ea," granted Robbie, reluetllntly polite, Then, ,w arming up, ''but I bet a fly cnn't bang- by his knecs, end every boy in scboo\ can do ir, all 'oopt Laurie Lee, and ' be's bnl1 lhe diphtherv!"
Specials This Week ,
----- ~.---
In the caaeotMra. J, H. Hawkins the Pennsylvania railroad in Greene count y, tbe jury awarded '32.600 to Mrs . Hawkins. Her, husband waskilled. together with 1. N. I have taken the agency of the Creamer. of Osborn, at the Luclis Grade CrOA!ling near Xenia October Milson lind Bowker's Fertilizer~ ; also 'I 12. 1913, when returninll' home in lhe Farm ets and Ohio Si lo~. th _ best their automobile. The ladies of the lhat ca~l be boug ht and p\icl'R right. party were not injured. Feb. •~ H. H. WIlkerson . • ---..- - •
Come in and will make an estimate on the buildm'g
Unllble to apeak above a whisper for four YCllH, M iss Mollie Frisch, an invalid of Altoona, Pa., 8uddenly recovered her power of speech. She awoke f-rom ' a sound sleep, having experienced II sensation of approaching death, and found that she could talk louder than ever. She had been SAW A NEGLECTED SPlCIES ill with pulmonary trouble, and 'now Little Robbie Pointed Out One , h l ~~ decl!l'e8 ahe is going to get well. . Nhlch Certainly the Fly
Do You Intend to Build • Home
Entire Family
.-~------~ - -j !UNCOVERIN~ NOMS DE PLUME
Local Items
Now!! The city merchant realizes tlte necessity of clearing
stocks absolurely at each season's end. Right now, there are big advantages to the man or woman who provides future needs in clothing, dry goods, furniture or Bnything else need ful.
Come to Dayton Bny Wednesday or any day. You'\I be pleasantly
lurpri •• d by 'rhe remorkoble alTering. aweiting r ou : JI,2
---.---.- --
Now a Six-Cylinder Enclosed Car for $935
ale Is Now Going On
~==== : ;=: :==================EVER.YT HI I
Rio Coffee per lb . only . , . ' 15c KOeJlig's Steel cut CofTee • . 20c 3 Found Tomatoes . . . : . .. lOc Seedless Raisins, pkg. . . .. 10c Seeded Raisins, pkg .. ,: . . . lOe Cluster Raisins, pki · . . . .. 15c Shelled English Walnuts Shelled Hickory l'{uts Jumbo Navel Oranges Tangerines Lemons
Old Scrap Tobacco
for. .. 25e
Try a' pound of CHURN COLD
It is , better ' than It is cheaJ)f'r than
Butter. butter.
Mew Navy Bean., lb. . . ..
'Fancy Evp. Peat'hes, alb .. 25c It paysto tracle at
15j go ac res, all good land . .
sto ry Frame House with [i Rooms, Ce lla r, Con I HOll se, I.urge Barn, Fruit, and within three-fourth :; of a mile from it good TaWil and a Railroad. Will give possession at once.
For fu rther informatioll call on ·
Insurance and Real Estate
j :
Toledo Blade Cite. EICperlence. Philadelphian u C . .e 'Very Much In Point. -ITCHv shnll you measure the value of a vocalion? asks the 'roledo Blnilc. J II • un bqry, Pa., tJlero dwells n citizen who, after ten years of con. tinu Oll9 work, decided to' take a day olI a nd go to the Bloom sburg fair, a fw milo away. He arose bel daylight and, groping for n match fell dow nsta irs. Alter lIufsing his ' CO(l"~Y I' II "pen dt ng sev- 1 bruiscs 8 few seconds, hc stllJ'ted for M r S. " H m. t\ral da.'I· ~ with h f'r danglllW' Mr~' 1 the cellnr. On the way down he c E!l.rl Vonter. of Yullow pnnge. his l1Clltl on a bucket wnicll bUIlg BI~S Funerlll servlo 8 wer e b eld Frl- a lI ail, lIud, coming up again, dny aHornoon Ilt t~I O Frl nel cllllrch Rteppc.] on a piece of coal for Mrl!. WIU, t:olllu~. Borlal lu threw hhll down nnd caused Sllrlng Vll lley. T I" '] " t sprnill ilig of n wrist. But, 110 ! armer /I nation e wus vr,ry suooessful. Euch StlStli llO WIIS \vell cd, hc hurri ed to his. train. At the aitended . oar stcps he fell and wrenched Mr, ",nd Mr s. Lll vj Wy ~o ng nro right ' side. Liluded in ""~'V 'u ou ~he pa:rents of tI Ilt tlA BOll , Tho a jitney bus knocked him down. little 013 0001.1' weiGhs tb ree ao d ono till he couti nued on his way. At baH pounds. , the gates of the fairgrounds ho w!lS Mrs. J!'. M. I:ilr.LLt, Mrs Guo. Ben. th ' t d' d son: Mr ~. Vorn Cop,ey fwd so n. rown UgtllOS a post an acqUIre Mrs. John P lltersnu aDd children odditional lacerations. Inside the o.nd Ii D,umuer of others lue !Jon grounds n girl ran .9. "tickler stick" dned $C) their homes 'with the grip in bis eye and he started for home Fune-ru.1 servieot! wer A h eld 00- almost blinded. <l1l1l\ftiernolln I\t t bo M. E. ohurch for Mrl9. 1'0.01 Wysoo~. S he Leave T here are JlOlidnys and holidays. aD Infa,nt 80 n one weok old. There are some tbat bring tne sweet- ,'!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!!'!~~~~~~!!!,!!!!~!!!",,!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!!,!!!!~ Mr, 11nd Mr~. lIi llhrli HtocluDlin cst joys and some that make a. new lue tllllo paro ntR of I\. Itt,tle dtln glJter higb pl ~ ll a of prosperity for the med==~=========~====~,~ born J 'linoary 25t ll , : ical profession. Mr. Ea rl Boilers spent ' nnlluy - - - - -with h ili unolo, C. A. I::!ollers lind Stlmulatlng Contempt of Court. A case was appealed to the United famHy.. . Mrll , Ja mes O~borlJe. of Uayto n States Supreme coun becaule', lD (jDe v,slted 86v6r,,1 duys lns t \ge~ k with of the necessary papers In a murder CRse the clerk had made the date 19013 r elatlvos lJ(!re. WITH OUR NEW THREE TON TRUC'K W E ' CAN TRANSp , A, Alexande r I!.nd wife were instead or 1919 . . He had used an old FER YOUR GOODS TO.ANY POINT ... d t f M blank with ,tbe "100--" printed, whloh ..,011 " J7 g Ull'; II 0 r au d Mn R I I I accounted for' tho mistake. This 18 a u ph A I1xan. er. sample of legal technloalltles carried •- • to absurd enda,-Plttsburgb Sun.
. •
Walker ,T ~ansfer Company
Ordinary Advice. "Ono reaBon." BBld Uncle I.ive Stock Delivered at the l\farket "why more advice doesn't glt took, dat de man glvln ' It don't ,eem Dr. and Mra. Whitaker spent anxious to belll as lie Is to pat his Tu"ed[~1' In DlAyton , solf on de back an' show off how mticb ' Min Emily Inwood la recovering h e knows." nicely ,f rom opor l,tloo Ii t the McCleliau BoSpllA\. Obaf. lOellb o\ver Rnd family have No. 27 South Detroit"Street ' ' , Late Clatlsified Ads m ovedl ,lll 0 bho Tnnner property In t300tll Bur ling tol1 . BELL PH ON E 1!2R XENIA, OHIO ,· CITIZENS":PHONE_22 W. Y. ' LI!.CRdY 11BS beOD oODllnen 22W FORSA'LE to his h ome with Sonsil ilhl, Ml at! Lolu Ewing Is sQ~erlng from :::--=-=""-===========~ an IlLto'k of n euritis, , I Whe n Mr, ond Mra. J essie B fl,wlthl!.ve abQnt 1 dozeD_ aatr. floe InB rel~11foed hom" from ohuroh on Barred Plymooth Rook Cootsr.ell ,!!!!!!~!"!!"!~~~!!!'!!!!~~!!!'!!!!~!!!'!!!!~!"!!"!~~~~~~!"!!"!!"!!"!~~!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!~ Bando,y tJlay fouo d 'heir fri&nds t o 'or 8ttle , WeigM aboo' 81be, ~~~~-----.I -~-i-!.---.~ t,he numulIor of sixty bad preoedod' E. B. Bally, '9 :i: tbem to t:emind t.bern of lJlelr tblr by-el!j h t h ' wedding anoiverury , An olilhorate dinner WII8 served and evorymle en joyed thll day. Ladies' Collars . .. .. . , .. •. 10c Granite Cake- Pans .' •..••• lOe Mrs. t:;nm ' C rbl\ 1k 18 still con. • .I ' Skeleton Waists.. for "Rapid Fire" ~ Brater. ,1 Oe flned ,t o ber b ell with \lIu es8 . My Aim-Your Trade Children ...'. .. . . _ .... lOe Coft'qand Tea Pots , •••••· lOe l..e ,ter Compton Wil8 the ~oe8t of bi~ sister. Mr . Lestet: Barues. of Seamless Hose, Ladies' and Flo~redge ..• .• : .. • '. • • 6e Children ..... '..... : .•• IOc Cream ~les.... .••••••• 5c Lima last week. QUALITY-Above the St&adard n"J'. Hernuul and OarI JQneil ....._ - Towels, large size,S for .••• 26c Nut Mer,Grat~ ,. ..... .. lie <Jlydo S..,log. JO'l18 Bawkloll. a bas. SERVICE-That ean't be beat Mend(m han .,.nd Jlw. ,B.,.rl aD atSpecial for 8aturda, PRICES-To pleale alL ttmdocl t,he Men 'a .Confer'lnOB In per -dozen •• , ••••• •__ •••••••• "••• • '.... 92c: lie on Frio!,}'. sa _, ter'ailllnenC by the BOIl ton $Ill M. E ohuoh 'Thura_ GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, d:~l:~~:::81' eDjoyell by • large Phone 5f-2~ a
The Walker T ranafer':
Mr8;. .
Sixty-Eighth Year
M~nM~ . liii~l f~~:-:-:RE-~E-D!-IS-~-R$~-~-HAN-:j-HE:-AI~~~-~-T~~]~~-~ .. -- ,- . !__________ .~
tlAW, HMfR,
Some slippery weather, this!
DorvT (RY ELMER, \ HPlO A FROZEN t~R -o~( T-, Ali'
Try a Meal at Chenoweth'B Res· taurant. '
lr and M rI!. W. . cars cn~ e r· tained lit a 6 o'clock dinner friday evening the folio,", ing jluesls: Mr. and Mrs , Perry Kenrick and daughter. Miss El er tha~ Rev. and Mrs. D. B. Pall1Jcraml family.
D. L. Crane was in Lebanon Thul'llday on busine8ll ..
Number 335()
Mr. and Mrs Al Cornell and daugh· ter. Miss Irma, entertail1('d at ~un· And One That Should Be Acted day dinner the following i'uests: upon-Smali Money ExHas Been Strengthened Quite Rev. and Mrs. D. H . Palmer Ilnd 1< rank Elbon transaeted bualneu family. Mr~ end Mrs. W. N . Sears penditure Required A Bit and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank at Lebanon Thunday. Wright and family, Mr . &nd Mn Perry Thomas and family. Friday evening the Boston Girl8' Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides were An anxious sub!\C riber, after readbasket ball team played the Waynes- Lebanon viBltors Monday. Ing "One of Our Greatest Need3," ville Hi at School Au!1ltorium. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke en- in llklt week' s i s.~ ue. wishes to kn!lw There was a large crowci present, J. M. Cook, of Route 2. wu in tertained at a delicious lhree cours.e why we ha.ve never called attention and the bovs had an easy victory, al- Lebanon Saturday on busine88, dinner ~turday evelling t~e follow· to public play grounds . or a place though the "irlll were above the ing Iluests: Mr. and Mrs, Quincy (or the people of the town to have averaIC e female players. Their team Ed Brooks, of Lebanon, Ilpent SunGons and two children. Mr. and Mrs. thei r recreation in the "good old wu extremely good, and if they day with Supt. W. R. Sprlegle. Frell Gons, Mr . and Mrs . Russell summer time" We spoke on that could have thrown their fields goals Salisbury. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Salis· 8ubject once befort'. Borne time ago, better, the score mill'ht have been bury. Mr. and MJ"9. Davis Furnas, and sUl{ge!lted that th~ ~chool ground .B. H. ~ell~ 8pent the w~ek-end materially changed. They were all Mise Alma Waterhouse and Mr , be util ized for t he proPo~lt1on. ladies, and they showed their know- With relatIVes II) Newark. OhiO. There is no pleasanter place In the Harvey Rye. whole t own to have a public park ledge of the "ame to a fine degree. their illgnala were well answered, Mias Ruth Hartsock !laW "'Madame than the "chool groullds With plen· and they all played fine. Butterfly" at Dayton Monday night. Mr. and Mrs . J . B. Chapman en· ty of shade. aided by benches an.d The games bt thl,l 8euon were on tertained Saturday evening to a sWlIlgs. a good place for lawn lenms Saturday evening. when , Centerville Me88I'11. Ralph Smith and Chaa. "500" party. The evening was g rounds, or any other amu3e":,on t, came hel'e determined on another Burnett ware Lebanon visitoJ"9 Fripleasantly spent in cards . and a fine these g rounds would make an Ideal victorJ, bu t were BOrely dillllppointed~ day. luncheon was servcd. Those pres- s pot for summer recreation. The towns all over the country are as the Waynesville boy~ won their ent were Dr. and Mrs . H. E, Hathtrying. or have tried out the park game enlirely on their merile, the away, Mr . and Mrs. E. S. Baily. George Rae, of Wllmini'ton, Wal SCOles stanjing 42 to S and 24 to 23. Dr. anel Mrs. P. D. Clagett, Mr propo ~ i tion id ea, and they ere more The pass work of the Centerville's circulating among friends here Satand Mrs. F. B. Henderson. Mr. and enthused than ever with results. Every lown-as we have often was I!ood, and t hey outclasaed Way- urday. Mrs. Wilson Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. nesVille in weight by several pounds J . O. Cartwright, Dr. and Mrs. J . said before-ought to have a brass Thol. Matthewe, of Dayton, Iper.t (COllyrl~bLl The pmes started by the second A. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Ro· band. a ball team and a park. These teams at Centerville and Waynes- ieveral days of last week with frlen!la bitzer, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Barn- thi! Igs are recreation for the masses. at Corwin , ville, but there was only one side to hart, Mrs. G. W. Hawke. Misses find tend towa rds the betterment of thill u Waynesville won by the !!Core May Wright, Catherine Dakin. Em· the community. Mrs. L . T. PeterlOn and Mrs. of (2 to 3, Centerville neveqrot near rna Heighway. Henrietta McKinsey thl' older life around us. But what will brlna these condienough to throw a field goal. The Cynthia Evans were Xenia visitors and Messrs. J. B. Pence, E. D. tione around ? Is there anybody who playiq of Smith, Wrilrht and Crane Thursday. Baily. will take the Initiative and work out was very pretty, although .a11 of the thi8 problem? If there la, let him boYI did IIOme very eood work. FolDr. Dill, Osteopatb, at residence MT. and Mrs, E. V. Batnhart enetallt on the work at once, so that it lowin" ia the !!Core: WEEK AT COl1UMCUS WAS of L, T. Peterson, Ma;n St .• Tuesday tertained Tuesday evening in honor F'ield Foul The following .-esoludons were I am not in the habit of writin for of their weddinll' anniver!lary. Th e cali be finished by early 8prin\r. Friday mornings. WElt ATTIE OED W.,neaville Goals Goals Totals .... -~adopted &t thll conferent'e of the newspapers, bull alw&ys thoullht I evening wal spent in "500" after 0 Crane, rf ...... ...... 6 12 could, and reeden about the litea in which a delicious luncheon was Mi88 Kathryn Dakin, of Cincin· men of .Miami Quarterly Meetinll of 10 natl. spent the week-end with rela- Friends" held at Wayn8lville, Ohio, last week 's paper [ felt it my chanct B·!rved. The gue!lts were : ' Mr. and Wright. 1.f ........ . 5 0 January 28, 1916. to say Bumthen about hJW awful Mrs. R. G. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. C. 6 Satterthwaite, e .. 3 0 tivea here. Snook, rg .. ......... 2 Whereas, havini ca'lght the spirit 0 4 hard it is to live on acc'o unl of high M. Robitzer, Dr and Mr8. J. A. Mc-. and the vilion of tbe men of the 10 taxes Rnd dretl8. Me and the old woo Coy. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Smith. Ig ...... ..... S " Do you love to !lave money P Buy Five Years' Meeting of Friend •• and man beiun IiIe without a penoy and Mr , and Mrs. Emmor Baily. Dr. and ORTHODOX FRIENDS 42 your goods at the cut-rate syndicate ot the Wilminltton Yearly Meeting. have worked hard and saved up what Mra. H . E Hathaway. Mr. and Mrs. 38 price at Jobn A. FUlikey's. the men ot Miami Quarterly Meetin" we thought was a rilrht nice sum, we J. Wilson Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Centerville Sunday School at 9:30 a. m .• G.eo. b&ve held conference at Waynesville. Illustrated Lectures of Travel o.nd have raised QlJr children, and we George Hawke, Mr. and Mrs W. H . Mills, Superintendent. Preachmg Davi8, rf ............ O 1. 1 Oth er Im portant Que. tions Ohio, upon the twenty eilrhth of lived happy but the ftrat thing we Allen, Mr. and Mr8. W. E. O'N eall. at 10:30 by Alice Lawrence evangelCounty Superintundent of Schools, J. Elliott. It ·........ 1 0 2 Made It I ntl~restil1g knowed our neighbora had a ,petition Mr. alld Mrs. S. D. Henkle, Mr . and ist· Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.. Prot. Hawk. W8!l in town ' Monday First Montb, 1916, and 0 R. Elliott, C ....... ~ 0 0 Whereas, The id\!as and sugges. nut to lluiid a pike along our farm Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mr. and Mrs fol'lowed by evangelisti c services. attending directors' ~eeting. 0 0 Sla,le, r~ ...........o tions brought out in the con'lerance and we could do nothen and it cost L. A . Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. F Mary E. Martin, Pastor Frizzell, &" ......... 0 0 0 must and .hall be of lasting benefi t. like everYlh inll; then they had to B. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. U . M. One Ilundred pah'a of Pants, '2.25 and . Those who nltenrll'd Al(riculture build a bridge and of course they White, Mesdames Lina Devitt, Cyn~ 2 1 3 and .2 ()O, now at a1.46. John A. Whereaa, The conference was mad e Week ht Columbu~ last week repo rt got it, then here come the bUi'IlY Evans, J. O. Cartwright. Misses ["unkey wants you to call and see the lucceeaful by the excellent addrfsses the meeting a grand ~uccess The man along and we had to buy a thia M. E,. CtiURCH Emma Heighway, Henrietta Me· The IrBme of the first teama value. best in struct r6 from Cornell and buggy for them boys, and o'le the of the several speakers. including Martha O'Neall, Mr. Fred Sunday Schuol9: /5 a . m. PreachKinsey, started oft with IIOme very feat playthe pastors of our sister denomina· Wisronsin U tl iv t' r!i i t ie.~ . wilh those girls married a city man and they tlawke. ing sllrvice 10:30 a. m ., sermon by iOIl, in fact the play ' for a timcLwas Mias Hannah Jordan, of Route 2, tlons, and alBO by thl! untirinlr efforts of the O. '. U .. ga\" I cLures . many bought property in the city and they ------~---- I pastor. At 7:00 p~ the .sixth furious, the Centerville boya trying baa returned home.after a visit with-II-of-tb.e-comlmitte,es in charge, be it illustrat d. that w I~' of d,e hi hest had to pay for pavin' aloni' their In series on Safety First WIll be their' rUlhes · in profenional style her aunt, Mrs, FiBhbau, of MiddleReaolved, That we, ""hu have at natu re. Oesn Vi vian's iIluslrated premi 0".5 alld they wrote us aeking preached, subject, "My H.u~ba~d, Waynellville th'Nw lome pretty and town, .ohio. tended the conference. cany to our lectures. aeh day 011 his tri J.around u~ to semi them money to pay their' Who Shall H r;> Be? Congregation In·' . extremely difficult field palll, and Beyeral boinemeetlnlrl tho Inspiration the world wer much apprecmted as taxes. and of course we done It and creasing with every Sunday night their pasa work w.. in good ehape as Juli us I'''. Stone', de cription in that lime we bought' property In well James Adams, of Sprin" Valley, bere receiyed, and the willingness service. Special music . Go,Un, Meredith and Wills did .ome spent a couple of davs last w~ek the and Intentions to do more and better of his trip througb t.he Grand Can- what we lhought was the nicest &1\d Get readv for the celebration of extremely difficult paaina and pal guest of Mr. and Mrs. Georsre Pratt, work for the Muter in the future yon. Mr. t:!tolle is one of t our who cbeapest town in Southern Ohi., my tho first anni versary of tho dedicawork. \ " I • than we have done in the PBllt, and have made thi~ ucces~fu l trip at II old woman an me jlO to bid early tion of the church 6n February 27th. The baket balillames are attract· of Route. 1. cost at *1000. In '1he boy's jurlg and fine plenty of lite in ceal an be it further An all day meeting with a good proIni considerable attention, and the RelIOIv'ed. That thanka be extended iug con te' ts P'rancis Wiley. of Wur· now 80me of them feller. th&t has gram. . ooya are &"ettlng down to work in The Harveysburg W. C. T. U. Mr. and MI"I. S. L. Cartwri~ht atwho participated in the r en County. and Ralph Andrews. of no money an not much ~ense wants Clarence S. Grauser, Pastor "ameat. Fl"Ye wu out of the two tended the monthly meetins_ of the ICOnltlreJlCIi. and eepeciall, to those Montgomery Coun ty. r oceived prizes UR to pay for a lite lhat they can run ladies met at the home of Mrs. Annie Kames last week, owing to a beav)' directors of the Children's Home at moat acceptably filled the time for judgino: cattle. around town till late at night. Some Harris. Afte.r the usual opening excold, The Centerville boya want Lebanon Thuniday. · In the ab~ence of the appointed Of the ~OO pemons r egistered ofthemdo n trt.tirebefore90'clock. ercises, the following program was CHRISTIAN CHURCH xloutl to meet the Waynesville bon llpeaker .of the morninll, and that everyone had only words of ",raise if we are drove to by them • lite m. given. Song, Reading, "Raved by on a neutral floor with neutral re Grace," Bible School at 9:30 a. m . Edward Have a nleo line of Valentine Post tlianlta be extended also to . the local for the meeting R,n d those who an my ole woman will go to the ferees, as. they , are anxioua to nt card and Valentines. If you W&nt church for ita aplendid entertain· missed it missed a grent treat. but firinienal"Y. We want to sell our by MI'II. Anna Sargent; "The. Ala· Strouse Superintendent. A class tevenp for their defeat of Satur<lay them for parties and schools don't ment. and particularly to the ladies remember . they hoP!! tv have 110 bel· IlrOperty everything is taxea an just baster box" by Mra . Anna Harris; awails you. You will .r eceive a welD!aht. The IOOre .u: calltoo late. Mra. W _ C. Phillips, for th",ir excellent aupper, and be It t er one next year. JPre\Jare now to the oth er day our county voted a tax "Take the pledlre, boys, and keep it," come. Communion service at 1~:30 lutl, gO. . . • .. against Ul!, we will be objects of Mr!. Martha Davis; Mrs. Hannah a. m. · Preacbinll at 10:45, subJect Field Foul Those attencimg from tillS VICInity pity and I pray: they rna, be feated Creswell read a .plendid selection for morning service, "The Value of ' ReIolved, That a copy of thC1le Wayncmlle' . Goala GOals Totals MI'II. Kate MeCo mas ' 1e ft T u....ay r8lO1utiona be ..nt to each particular were ehas. Zimmerman. Lee Till in their outlandillh efforts and I want Mrs. Iba Welch read an article on Wisdom" Eveninll services: Chrisfor Ohio, wbere abe will meetlna in the Quarteriy MeetinK, mage. EdwPrd Lukens, Warren you all to fi"ht it such larnal foolish· the de&th of Mrs. Monroe. tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Preach18 vlaltHamilton, GuaU-n, If .... -......5 8 These were all fine and after this ingat 7 p. m .. subject for the evenwith relatlv.. for • te" and that the Quarterly Meetlni', be Key •• Jonathan ' Smith and Lyman ness; It is nothen but taXel, taxes ·2 . Welch, rf ...........1 0 before leav}J!L.fl?r 'her old h,Q.meJn requeeted to recpro. them upon their Silver. . . and it will put an end to me an that Interestini' program, Mrs. Harris ing. service, "A Praye'r for Moral Mc(,1ure, c...... ...2 0 served a light lunch of coffee and Purity." You are invited to all the Parker, Col. · . minute.. Messrs. Lukens, Ross and Don ole womBn of mine. WUla.lg ..............O 0 Grandpa. cake'in honor of one of our oldest lIervices of the day . Come and we taking t he Agriculture Hartsock, o Meredith, rg ...... O 0 _ _ _•• _ ••_ _ _ membel'll, present for the firat time will do you! good. D. H Palmer, course, were able to attend part of l • Mr. arid Mrs. Lindley Mendenhall. for over a year, Aunt Mary Cleaver, the lectu res. '3 lin. Bowell Pleref', Mn. Ella lIich· 16 who on account of ill health has not -~--.~ ...... eII.r~ Ed Chandler and CDrtl. TomCenterville been able to attend. All enjoyed ST, ~t'\RY'S CHURCH liDlOn .ttended the funef!ll of Saml this social Be880n. Our next meetin..: 11 Ba,ttiD at Selma ·Friday. , Eapy, :If .. :...........3 5 Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, will be on the first Thurs<lay in 2 o Miller, rf ............1 , February 13th. Sunday School at Marcb at the home of Mrs. Bernice DON'T TELL J\NYBODY o MOOD; c ........ ;'.....2 . echool kid in the land Dakin. Mrs. Creswell to lead the 9'30 a. m.; Morning worshIp and sero Woods.la .......... ·O conl(repte in ~ne bi~ band devotional. Mrs. Lena Hartsock has ~on at 10:30. The public cordially 6 o M'Qtt, fIr ...........•• 8 . all'Vere asked a lunch to take charge of the program. Two names invited to these services. A fair sized congregation present 1ell would be-RurrahlThe Helplnlr Hand Sewinll Circle added to our roll at this meetinll· 2a 5 18 wu to meet on January 27th,1916 At a meetinlr of tbe new .Warren All lUe invited to attend theBe meet· at the servi(:e of sacred song lut . STONE'S CAKE. Mr8. Mar th a DaVIS, " Sac. County 'd Alrricultural Society at Leb . Sunday evening, but the attendance Slx kinda-1lne prlee-l0 cents. with MI"I. Carrln&,ton Elli. but owing • _ • anon F fI ay th e bo ard was organI zed lOgs. was·not as large as the aervice mer'. . to the iIIneis of frlre. Ellis wae post· as follows: President, Katty Stew" ited. Lemmon who baa been in the paned, and met with her on ThtlrBart; vi ~e. president. Bert Reed; treas'l'he I!peclal numbers, organ prefor a couple of yeai'll returned , day afternoon, F."rua~y 3rd., 1916 lude and offertory by Miss Ruth Mond~ for a vlBlt with hiB .The members. were all present Hartsock, duet by Miss Mary SalisLee lelpokina fine, and.the wlt.h tbe exception of Mrs. G. H. fa irs fif the socIety m good 8hape, bury and Mr. }<'red Henderson and lurely agreed with bim. I:IThhll. d' . f th . fte 11010 by Mrs. Wright were well and , , e Ivemon 0 e a rnoon sympathetically rendered , Hymns was comfort knottin" and carpet Mr. and Stanye, Mr. and rag BewinK. The hoste88 was well keep lhe efficiency of the fair up 1.0 from the Mis9ion Hymnal by the lin. Cliftord Blqham, of Dayton, pleased with the work done by the what It bas been during t~e past two congregation led by the largo!,ves~ and Mr. R. I . .Bin8ha~i <':Uhler ~f ladies. . , year,. choir made the hour helpful and m. branch at CIncinnati, Walter McClure & Son received an spiring. The next mUsical service Dainty refreshm-wts were served ! " .....,The Ferry· church will hold a few the N. C. R. elegant aulo hearse Tuesday from will be on the even'ng of March 5th nights' IIIlrvlcea beir\nning February were.tbeSllllday _"uesta o)f Mr. and by the hostess asaIlted by Nora EllIs. Piqua. It ie a 6·cylinder, 45 hors.!- and with that Service, evening l:I8rThe usual routine of bu~ineaa ",aa 15th, and contlnufng Ul'. to" SUllday Mn. Geor~ Mar'kL . power, silver gray,; and is a valuable vices at St. Mary'R church will be re¥,one ,!;hroug'h and the society ad· '"ight, FebroarJ 20th. The commuadjunrJ; to their business. The Mc- sumed and continued uqtil Eaawr . . nity Ii moat, cordially inylted to atJohn ' A. Funkey h.. received Journed to meet wjth Mrs .•lohn Policoman Forty-five mUca l\Il Clures are progressive business men --tend I18rvieea, Sund., "Febru- oyer one hundred dozen of all clugeI Simpson on Thursday, February 17th, and have extended their business to art 2Oth~ la Rally Day aervice .nd of merchandise to be.101d Merchanle 1916. :you nahnnicd of 8uch i. large territory that they the echoolla expec:tiug 200 preeent: SvndleatAl'· price, ' on ale ·Thursday found it absolutely necessary ' for . buttlle lIlleeeal! will depend' on you ElverJ ~,~ lo.~. All barnlna Spcedillg WiIlie-·Yc-yes, I am. them to get the aulo hearse lo a.ttend Can we ·.~tto Bee 100 Pretlent1 Ii .on a . retail counter. If I pity lily nne qlli ctly I ellll kCQp Indictments were found by the to their business in the proper man'It 10U ·you will eI1are In the joy . . ' it. fromtJlo boys that I wile going grand jury against four !laloon keep- nero . '. \ of the d., aa thla will end the conMr and lin. ' Rol -Rlllnpr wbo era at Lebanon last 'week: Bach· •- • 80 slow. clLn t I? teat between the mal. aud feDl"es. h&ve' beeD VlaitlDJf in LoI An"l., mann. Heffe ran , Yunkea & Sinermah A live teacher Uld elaaa .\11 await c.J .iDee the hoUd.,. bave been you" 0,. H. Palmer. Milliliter. in floOd dlatrict durina th.lr vi .. and Wood. It seems that soveral OBLIGllNG. minors have been in the habit of Th. Stokea D&iry Farm started It in Callfomia. 1,'be1 .xpect to . . • - • --.- . . drinking to much lately and have Tuesday to sbi.p th«ir milk over the to their home in New Darton. Oan., Tbose of our residenta who saw "OJ;lly give me time, you~ honor," been intoxicated ThIs is the .econd D. L . &C railroad. The)' have been aa 100ft u ther em eat Ollt of Call· 'Offense ag ainot BachmaD and If the .hipplnll over the Pennsylvania for a last Thursday were very begged the convicted. pril!Oner. fomla. "All right.," replied the judge' grand ju ry do.es t~e rlaht thIDK they number of years, but the D. L. " C. 'I'nl'ru'nal:e as it .as a fine day to see' Ia the aborter route, and the milk • ,will revoke hlB h.ctn1l8. It u alae eclipee came up to the ex- "how will ten yeal'll1wt p" ) said that Murphy, of South Lebanon, ... :-.. t will Ket Into Cincinnati sooner by ~~taltlol~a of the astroloi'lsts, about There will tw0 sun- 0 f UOIIIILe thl .t . of the son b.eingcov~red. THE IDEA. has been indic~:~ • ball at School Auditorium Saturd., _ • rou e. - . _ .. - __ ~ ... .v_ina. Tbe8ecoDd flve will ·pl SprInKboro. ad In all probatiUlty Phlloaophy of life. "China insists her going back 1 Hardly. . ''WlIere a man CaD lITe be call __ Y0.ll 'cannot expect a ID8II to un lIo"!:!,,will be beN to tiiattle with .to a mcmarcby." lair ~ whlc1l way tbe wind ,. IlmDlT beoa_ the ~.~ 6ft. Botb pm_ wUl be 11ft well: !tilt b. IDI1 Dot bay. to, .... '"She'd hd lie Ja a Utt.18 yabt. ~ __ OameaDd·. . u..m. .. ~~-~
F. B. Henderson was a Lebanon
Are Playing Oood Ball and Team visitor Thursday.
- ..
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C~~~li;am4he I~I~nto~;dcr:::~t'e:' JUS'T RECEIVED
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"lIDO LP" } I (fW'ITln l1Wl, J<"":
""h)" bowdr.Mr,Alll!!Oll'!"gr~
l'ellob dY, rl ~l lIl!', Ilnd allu ' II H up D(,('c ln Ica. "It's u Lr~at to ~ H (UIY· bod): th 0 days. 1 al lft hud 1\ vldllor rOr nigh on to 0. month. r here a ll1 't any p r \' lslolI$ In the hou p \, bu t If you 'd like a nyth ing 1 can run over I th e \' Illage and gct It. I got Il Jug or my o,,'n, If you 'd Ilk 1\ II t tl nl Cler· \low'!, Ihlngs In Ih city?" and 6tlll r nmbllng on \Io'lIh unan swer d Que s·
,syt~mC::;I;~ODES TTr: ~~;g~:~:~~;~~:~~:~::~:~
or IC' S cu r ol'n. ana LII " ' " u, th o liquor mecllanICI\ lI y, lie was "hud· I cerullo fO MuBil11 8 t o be observed. It dc.> rlng wllb Ib e cold , but he hnd 1I0t CHAPTER XXVII. Is p robable, th roCore, t hllt th o baron notloed tt until no\\" li e glu ll ed -\.. mig ht ha\'e gone a bout Il ls peac to l a round tb room slow ly and c ll rlously. Chicken. or Steak? way (or tw o or three days. had not II. 118 \[ h bad not s\' n II b lore. " I OD the outbr ak or B b)"&,o ne r ude· "Qol Amcr lcnn. In the ad v rtls lng th ink I'll sta y Out h ,' re ove rnig ht." ho D_ betwe ....n the nlted States and braneh or on of t he N w York po.. t a Id r ea b0 d y. •' I'll OCClll)), th· ' olnce. Spain. one rree Bnd entire'l y uncurb d p re, In an enllre Ignora nce of decent If anyon e rin GS th e phono, don't an· metroPolitan paper. un nble to Bdosw " er. q uately express Its violent emotions rormnlltles, VI'lIllle d s tralgbt out Untcr "Y es sir." ropli ed Peabody. "T el) den Linden, to Baron von Slachten 's on the subJeot, utilized Its whole fron t fllvorlte (.o.te, Bnd. picking out the you W h a t I'll d 0, 111 r , AII Ison. I'll mu l· 'pq'e with the one word "Warl" print·, baron at a table wltb four bushy- fl e th 0 be. II I guess I 'be tte r light a ed In red Ink. fllced rrlends, made tbls cheerful reo nre In tl Ie oftlce." Now. however. tbe tree and e nllr Iy mnrk, In th e nlann er and custom "Anytblng you like," nnd Alliso n unourbed, bBvlng risen most glorious ly Journnllsts In bls native land: wont towards th e o lnco. At lh deor In tho paat 10 every emergency, no "Well. baron. the Interna l10nnl ho turned "You'll und eretand , Pea. m atier bow .... ... e.t. JlOsltlv ely Iloun· Transportlltl on COml)llny hlUj con. bod y. t h a t I have com h ro to li e 4e"ld ID tbe very wealth of lUi oppor· fessed. Could yoU gIve me a few qui et . I wish to be cntl r ' Iy a lone tunlUee. One brUIt.n t bead writ er, wOrds on tbe s ubject?" wltb certnln Important matt ers which atter t rying In vain t o combine the The baron. 'Who hlld been about to I must decide. If unybody shou ld II IIP' dlvene elements of this uncomrort· drink n stein at beer. Bct down his halt pen to d rop In, get rid of him , Do nOI ab17 hU3e sensation, lande d on tbe sin· liter and stared at the young mnn BUY tbat I nm here or hav b en h rc." "" 'Word ''Yowl'' .nd went out. In a blankly. His face turn ed slowly yel. "Yes sIr." replied P eabody. "I kn ow due, tor a drink. One paper landed low, and he Tose. bow It Is tbat away. I wa nt to be by 011 tbe Franco-German war as the "Lass ble lben," the baron ordered ' myselr. orten." lead'-All Ison " 'ont Into th e 01000 Rnd ...... thrill In thIs overrlcll combi· the blWldy persons who were about to naUon at news. one took UI' the greed , remove the cheerfu l ad ve rtising repre. cI oae d lhe door alter h im. Jt was of AlIllOn. one featured the world mo- sentntlve and Incarcerate h im ror dBmp and chili In the re, but be did not IIOpoly. one the aS8ured downr.1I of lite, and the n the baron walked stol. notice It. He Silt do wn In tho swlv I Jllnaland. a.n d one tbe general ab80rv- Idly out or tb e cafe, and rode home. ob s lr belllnd tb o Oat tall dcqk Illld Uoll of everytblng by tho cereal trust. and wrole ror an bour or so. and ate Tested bl s cbln In bl s bllnds . lind , Baturday nlgbt, bowe" er, sow no a heavy early breakfast, and return ed ala red oul or th e window a t tll(, bl,,"" late extras. Tbe "story" was too big to hlB study, and obligin gly shot blm. and drenry la nd.cape. Ju st wltbln his ~ touoh -wIthout something more tan· selt. range or vis ion WB S 11 lone ly IIlll o ~ble thaD tbe word of even so oub· This was at seven a. m., Berlin time. creek, sbad owed by 11 mou rn ful droop· atantlal a man •• Gerald Fosland; and whIch was two a . m. 1n New York; Ing willow wbl ob had, glvcn th o club Ioq before auT of the twe lve en'g r and owing to the nervousness of an Its nam e. IIDd In tb e wi lltey broeze it TCIlIq ,eDUemen h.4 reached the or· old woman Bervant, tbe news reaobed waved Its long tendrils ngaln st Ill e e"" the scout brigade. bundreds New York at three Il. m.• and .the bIg lend en gray sky. Alli so n fi xed bls e>'(> ~ atron., were snlmng over every trail wheels beran to go around. on thnt oddly beckonin g tree nnd Wh ero was Edwllrd El, Allteon! strove to think. Old Peabody CIII11(' l1li4 ),elplna over every scent. . TIley traced the' visIting diplomats There wae nothing tbe free and entire- potterin g Ill, and with Dl any 8 clll n:; from tile time they bad stepped down Iy nncurbed wanted to know so mucb nnd clatte r blllld ed a fire In Ule cn p::t· llIeir I'eIpeoUve ,angplallks to tbo as that; but tbe t. and e. u, was cloll s Du tch s tove ; with a longlug , ttme they w.lked up tbem again. doomed to disappointment In th.t one gla nce nt Allison, for he wns s tar ved ThIlJ' 'Wer. ull.ble to locate Joseph G. desire at Its heart. Even as be h ad with tho hun ge r at talk, h e went out 01uk, the 0111), multlmllllon.lre In stumbled dOWD the steps of the Sar- I agai n. America able to crawl In a halo aud cent house, Allison was .ware of the At du sk 'he once more opencd (hI' J1IIl the hole III after blm; Robort E. bldeous tblng be bad done; a.ware, too. door. Allison had not mo ved. 11 'l'Q1III'. who Dever permltt.ed anybody tbat JIm Sargent was as vIolent as sttll sat wIth his obln In hi s bands. bill a peraoul trtenll to apeak. to DIm good·natured meD are .pt to be. T his 100kll1g out nt tbnt wolrdly wllv lng from 4tnIler time on, and Edwllrd E. thought, It muat be said In Justice to ",tlIow. Old Peahody thou ght tbat 1\ AlI&IoIl. of whom there bad bee.n no Allison. Mm& last and 'WeDt away must be ssleep, until be ti ptoed UP nt trt.o. .iDee DOOD. Tbe.y mlgnt Just aa first. It 'Waa from himself tbat he the sIde. Allison's l'rIlY ey s , unbllnk· 'Well , ot have found t be others, to,r tried to run away. wben be sbot biB lng, wero stu rlug Rt rnlght ab eud. w !tlt , Ilettaaer Chl8bolm Dar B.vjlrman nor runnbout up through tbe park lind 110 xpressloll In tbe m. It was as If Onua4ID 1I0r "Vanco could be Induced Inlo tbe nortb country, and, by devious th y hud turned to glass. to make au, ad.m lsslons, be trapped roads, to a plnco whlcb had come to "J]Jxcuse me, lII r . Al lison, Ch l ck ~ n 1nto a,ee or no, or grunt In tbe wrong him as it by InBplrotlon; the WlJlow or slenk? I sot' m both. ODO for sup~ The, had crOWD up with the club, whlcb w.a only oPfm In the sum· per and one for breakfas t." ' an of IntervtewlIlr, and had kept one merUme, and employed • feeble old Allison turned slowly, pllrt way tolap ahead of It, In obedIence to Da· c.retaker 1II tbe 'WInter. To thIs hanll. wards Penbody; not entirely. "Cblcken nr eteak 7" repeated riaN:e lint law. whl"h, all every 8cbool· bOJ' DOW •• though older pooplo may body." ....... ",,·.,otten It, II tho law of selt· "Eh? Yes. Ob, yes. Yes. ~t10D. chicken." Ulltn three o'clock In the morn1D& The Ilro had gone out. P eabody ra.'181)' newepaper omce In New York buil t It. He came In on bour Inter . 'Wu a BCeD& of vIolen t gloom. Tbe und studied tbe silent mnn at tll e des k world'e billeat aens.t1on-wna"in those tor a long minute, nnd the n he decided otlleu, and the), couldn't toucb It with I an Important question ror blmself. H o a pair of tonpl Tbe deterrent was ' brougbt In Allison's dInne r on 11 trD.Y . tllat the Inlereats Involved were 80 ' I und set It on a corner or th e desk. .1aIWe that oRe ' mlgbt .s well sit olf a At eleven Peabody CBrne In agaLn, to _ ot I11Dpowder and IIghl It. ' as to see If Allison were not re ady to go to GIlle the 'lIa:htl!st error. Tbe centla, bed; but Allison sent blm away as m_ meDtloned .s the orc.nlzer. at soon as he bad hed the fire. The t roy Cba bJlemaUonal TransportaUon com. I, was untouched. and out there In tb e ....,. collectively owned about all the dim moonlight. wblcb peered now aDd I t hen tbrough tho' shlftl'ng clouds, th e mODI)' IIIId .11 tb o JlOwer anI) all tbe law tn the glorIously Independont long·armed willow beckoned IIlnd Ulllted 8tat~ of AmerIca; and If they beckoned. ' b Morning came, cold and gray and aot tocet er on anyone subject, Bucll i damp BS the nIght had been. Allison ." the lQuubln& at a newspaper. for I had fallen IIslee p towards the dawn, 1IlIlaDa.e, 80m~blng c.lm and ImPl'811I' sitting at hIs desk with bls beavY atT. 'WIll Hlloly to happen . OD the head on bls nrms. and not even the .~ IlaIId. It tbe IntereliUng atory clatter ot the building of the fire ~e fnMI and enUrely ullcurbed had III \ roused him. At seven when Peabody ita potIsesslon were true. the squ.sh. ; came, Allison rose up with .. Btart IDa would be reversed, Bnd the fresat tbe opening of tbe door. but before 11_ and enUrely uncurbedneaa would I be ,lanced at Peabody. he looked out tie IItlII more firmly seated thBn ever, of tbo 'WIndow at tho willow. ,.hlcih ta the palladium of our national "Good·mornlng." saId Peabody. wllh Uber.t!ea; and he.ven b" lI:ood to us. ' a cbeerfulnoes whlob sounded oddly Toward. mornin, tbere was an armY' 1.:Jl~--"--It&';"-:;"'::"'----8~e In that dIm. bare room. "I broulI:bt of ~ewsp.per men s o worried and ·dls. "If You Try That AfIlIln I Shan you tbe paper, .nd some fresh eggs. trell8d. and conerally consumed with ! compell~d to Thraah You." Tbere was a little toucb of frost this the mad passIon of r estraInt, tbllt blenk and cole! as bls OWII Dumbed mornlne, but It went away about time there w.. sc.rcely a fingernail lert In I soul, Allison drove In mechanlcnl for Bun·up. How will you have your \he profeulon, and frlghtened·eyed Ilrmlles8, and w.lked around to tbe egrs? FrIed, I lIuppose, o.fter the oop,. bo,s hId beblnd doors. Sud· kltcbell, where he fOUDd 01(\ Peabody steak. Seems like you do~'t hn~e d8ll1y a dOlen telegrapll operators, Ln smoking a corncob pipe, and labori· mucb appetite." and bo scrutlnlzell tho .. mIlD), omcea, jumped from their ' "JJAlv mendln. a nal,. of "~''''I\I''.. untouched tray with mlncled regret 'cl"b, u it they had been toucbed at and resontme'n t. . SInce Allleon paid the !lame ll11taDt by a po werful cur110 attention to him, he lIeclded on rent from their InstrumeDtB, and Bbout. eggs trt'ed after the Bteak, .nd started ,.d varftDC' pbJ'aleB. a comPosite at for the door. . Allison bad picked up tbe paper me-wblch woulll be Dearest expressed by: "Let 'ar col" To Tired Wom-out 'lIIothel'l cbanlcnlly. It bad laiD with the , top It had been el,ht o'clock hi the ev& .. ,llart downwards, but his own picture -,- ~ .- New York when Gerald Fos. Jack.son, MilL..,.. I aball feel repaid ,j was lu the center. Be turned the pa· ....... ... for wntlng thla letter if I can help any .~ '~d .lIrst given out h is Informa· tired. worn.out mother or housekeeper per over, so tbat be could aee tbo tIOD••nd .t that moment It was 1 a. m. to find health and strength U I have. her. dllnes. In ~l1n. At a a. m.. Berlin time, " I have 8 family of five; sew. cook , ''j' tlbodyl" No longer the dead "b~cb 11''' 10 p, nt. Ib New York, tbe anddomyhoueeworkandlbecamevery tall t. of a man In a mental stupor. a. Bal'\ln von Slacbton, wbo bud been de. much run-down iD health. A friend man who cannot think, but In the ;talned by an unusual etress of dlplo- uked me to tryViuoL Idldsoandnow Bh!.:·jJ tones at a man wbo can feel. mlltlc buslnells strolled to Ills fnvorlle I am well ad atronr IIIId Ill}' old time "Yes sir." Sharp and crtsp like energy baa fleen restored. Vinal has no " ' cafo. At 8:05 the Baron von Slach. lupenor I I B tonie for worn .out, run. t~e snap of II. wblp. Allison bad ten became the moat tbougbt about down. tired mothen or housekeepers." SCI:1'oll It out of blm. man In bl. clt)'. but tbo metropolitan -Mr&. J. N. MELTON, J8cklO~, Mias. "Don't como 1II agaIn until I cnll nre.. at Berl,lII ta sltchUy lette red and ' J "" I r 1011," <0 .. RmH" '. rU ~ l!I~f. "/8'n"~"lIIe "Y~", Air." Grieved lbl. tim ... nopn III"H!
1>1\'. I h~ I 11111
whl1\1 hI" 0 ",1 1 A I;ncl shoul b o mnn1Il0h·\I!. I "" "'n l" ,' ' D1\6~nll:t hh. nil ohll " I I,' \'" Rur' rl~l'd 81 Ih(' ('nlmn ~'t wllh IIIJlrh jll' touk lhl" blol\ , It \l U" II I,' I ,'r)' b ll~U ' PlI or tbe hurl \\'h (')1 lI' n \( FI ) lItll" pnlneu\. A mnll wltlt Ills h rh(lt olf ~ull 'rs not on t;·ll'n 11 8() mu('!, ,,~ " man who telln! hIH flng4'rnlall 10 th" Quid.. Jll rt over, Ih 1r' \1 M 111,(1 InlH'r \ 111; hurror wb loh hnd leCl him hUll _ 'lI'a Jln\! numb FI bad nOI 1.tn\,WII I hil I In hlR r Ulhless· n S6 t ber() \\'9 ' nllY \llaOo ," r remorse, or Cor tOlrror or 1\ 1 1ll9 ~1( nt any tblng he mlghl c hool''' 10 (In. 11l1t th ero wus , H I' enler Jj Inl (, no vlnl;6 00\\' . no wrlthln&9, liD oul, r l.R. 110 reollzed cnlmly an d I rly nil h ~ hod dOIl t'. and 1111 wb ltoh b ill blll'l'fllPlj to ulm In retrlbutlo u II I; U W 111ll dOI\ n f:tll or l!1~ stu [1C'\l(loUR sr.h" I1l(l or Ilorld ll" l(\ (I conqu e.L Ill' _nw I:I~ tortun!>. 1('1 t h' last penny. HWrl't I' 'U)' ror ho 1t :\11 11\ . Yest!'d nil th a I h,· 1 ,ttl'l lalun (1n bl s 8 ocu rltl e~ a nd his hUNIII";o nnd bls proR poc ts , In lit" pr, 11 "11 11 0\' (,XI' ~ 11 8 S at the 1 1It~n lllllu " ll ~· r ~I '.Sl)Or t alion So I
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" f tlll' e- I" II' ot
K'I\ ~, t1"C () II~ ,' ,I. Fi rUl1l 11 lll '11l1Inll .tl 1' <.IlI\il\ i ~ lrlil or,
I· 1i1' 11l1 $ li lIllll ;,>I IIP " i' " ,Ill "
1\: 1\)j:'
\\'m , Hila. Edw in A, mh'"1l Ilr e
h ""ll' ~
Ull lJl llI 11'1I.\ hP}l fl ll bl'l J' toC
I L:W ~· t "
lI H Il H'V
UO, \ I "
~ I h", ~ h ull l y.
Comllton Plens Court
'H' 1f1l':1I\ 1 to ( btaln
LlIIII)J\ j.; h , I'd.
"lobate, Court Procced lnltB i n thll UlIllt ' r o r th,. t'~ t Il 1(l " 01 \\Ia rl.. hu tl','r, II N · ,' S lIIl. I x Uux. wflit I~ 1I1'III.l 11lll!Il I\dlldnl~lrnl fl r . BlIlld 11,11 U 1. \ fill t:lJl r bllu~ ll . W m ,'tl.. l1· li nd ,I It Hj\' ll l r i,·,II" a II\JI llCII I·d " 1)1)\'11 1~i! 1 ~ JII hll ., .. 11111' "f F.:Iuwllrd ( ~ I e n lit ,! lull nti ,' I ,.I , 111 11111 1"<1 , 'J h iI'd uc·
Ever ybod y l1 ~ CS 1. wis' I'.r C'a~
\' • • ,1 1' ~~ fI Montz An IO U II I, oln iIllou
Cakes, lhe bc!'l allLl mos t
(J'" n rlh N ,ltllll, JlI ij" nk tl f Du yt,o o
\\. . D. \ ' hll 1JIIIIII·. courl· orrl e rR ptllhl t ll1' t I r Nl'1 ,' " r t UI U of t2~ B!I ~ 7
Hn d III' ti l " .lll(i IH ,',lin""
frur n dn' l' lI .d nHt ,
'"Ih tlh' 1I'1t(1I;o
"I ll te (o f Olti V;t GIUUlI M . G ould Pll'110 ~ ulll' v . t-ll' ntflllocd ao dllY. III jill ll11d 1i 1ll'1I $f,O nlld Ollnt8 . ~· r .. nlt l' r lll~ " n VII l't1" t tlo P"n rSOD, Uh '" rl'u llrnol "" F II IE' lhl(j n. Hn l1'11 ru v~ ,Eugo n e 1:1 , 1:1 ull"unl , ul III. Pu rt,ltlo n uf re,,1 C ~I n 10 u rc\ or l,d Upun npJ.lIi (1I1 II'ln th e V ' l rl (1 u~ nh;o rtl " r o Illl,)w c t! ulldlt ionul III IO '.\"nr1 0C8 with wh1Cl li t o cu rry on I bo hn" l lle~~ of t. u Ir oillo(l~ . 111 10 to t (,I b io \. ~. 8,,[I1 uo l BlIlIey Pl'Md gllUlY "!Hl I ~ 'm 'ono Bd to ::I t .lto l'tlD ilo n llllry. ' l!11A o f Ohio VS, VI\I , l:Iiok ey. PI ..,tCl ~ o il lY li nd c Ll tunc U to t1tatt' 1>t' lII l ontlJlry Ht ll t" o f Ohl" vp . G eo rg e BI "z or , P l(' III :': 1111 1 ~' , find iiifi IHid oo~ t>l
world ill lI iH il li :' - rll1 \l :\ ;;1 \~ P 1\ . wn\' of all), 1'" "lI tll l,' II'h(1 hnd . eve r' su l 11 .rm :.t lh rnl\{~ . Inr,:I' r
.a ll d
dcl lt' IUU::;
ma,de. Try th e III Hmi you .will never wa tl t to en l a ll Y 0 I he r k Jll cl.
Pro.oc:~ed in~s
l: (ll\t lt'! . I~\f l , ',,11, 1
t r cJ(]cJld c u ~ C"J II '\ 1"1111 1" 1
' ,'" pn rl lplt pf llh I ,In ,I I, 1\, "art III
W ay nesville, O.
Lewis' Bakery
largor Ihnll Ihul
t ball t ilo sway or 11 1\ Ill" 11111111"\ hs Or ear t b put. t o~~lh .. r, liS 1\l n.:I.· I"rr ~ Ir l· nll y as lit o SI\ Il) (II (;.,, 1 hizllR ' U! All hl~o h e saw l'nlllJhl II IIWU )" . fu ll 1\ dow n nrl) llllU h ll1l , a \\ r ~(' k 8 0 enm· pi to Ihat nn ~hl',' tI or ~Jllillicr 1' 1 It II'D. worl h 1111' pil'kltll: III': Raw him· s '11 I Ii ~ grn("" , 1 ~ 1I'tI Il hl' n dllt'l l. hn t d anel rltJi('III l'l1 llt rull :;huut Ih e Icnst h UlIlI 1I1·,u (llh 01". 'l'clI fIIf.:re ll t' 01 tit ,
,'llTl"!: tj.
" Th e ~ It b ":,"11
101 " m wll llln M \\ hoi d r/) \ ,' 1111 l • •1 hll ~·! : .v . J noll\' o 1h r'), 11('\'1' 1' ", t'f) ) l l l1 \\ \. l! II~ l o n g Wh l' 11
!:favlng sllid my fnrm, I will s Ali rou elr h!' li P l U U fll .. I, ' 1 j'u r "" ' \\' hy '1t Puullo A nOlion Il t lily r e>!i<ie n B I. IllIll "!" " Th .. Alri:, '; 1•• 1\' ill O\' qui ck, 8i unlurl ou t bo oppe r 'j Llrl lI~h n r u Iy II "" .\1 1 P'lij oUI , \I etll l l) we ll li nd Wnyn e8vl 111l pike 'lYo 111 110" IU:I we tl v. WOHI, IIf Wllyn"~v\lle I X UlI I.,,,, "outh of Lyt.Je and }{ mll 08 unlit, o f Ed gn wood Iltl\tlon 011 the D , I" & U . H ~s Scm e oJ lsad va n togea. R. R., known a!! I,he BlItnut' t PO ll b H 1M lU.. r 1t:' ~s for It ",\tldll· · a~ ,"d rnn n ffirm, on
-----.- ..----
to y earl l to t,(, n
If it
Friday, February II , 1916
wc r~
't \' '. . nl ll
11C)u"iI,: ., I '
"' a~· . thp "h it \\;, ~ d llt:'O
Ht .. I(J(' H"
IIncil t hnt f l-l IH.'lS
l\u d
'omme noio j{ ut ' 10 :00 " ~ . m . tlH1 rh ol'l,1 1I1I l'ol"llwulld on SlIlllrday "'Quill fo l! n winQ othl t ills : FOllr B oud of I,p n '\,II"'1 1 \\ 1111 II I lI du l esc~ nce .E\orses IlDd 'lltS, 8 helld ~ f (J" t! I... Ilrlllst II I'usl. /'I\ll rr ia~e L1ccn~1I 21 b end .If BaR'S, lj"rmlng Im plo Dts. E\o u ~eh old G oodi!, I ('l l" nn t'1()1~''' r DIIV ls , f l1 r mo~ nnd m O Plol n C ltl ~<r1 "nd Philoso pHy. !:leo bil( bi II:! fo r t ! 1lI~. E<.Ii! 11 (~ rUL' " a O!-( lI n . IJ ol,h of WILY· " ll n\1~llll' ~ ," ,1t·,I" II1H'11 Ih e Ilhllo80' Bell James n e; \' ,111' pher pom \1 lIrlly , "Iij ",lily th Ilursult A. A. MoNIJII , Au ,' . t.i "" r ~e N . GIn er. ta rDIer land or sOlD tlt hlng. nol th u cnl chl ll g o( It." W. E . O'Neall, (J I" rj. . Li llia u lruIl9 Ki ll wortby, bo~b of "Oh , I IJ on 't lo' ow;' nllswered the \1lnl n ('1111; II , "I!:wo yO I\ I'cr ahoaed ~jl~~~~~~I¥J.~I~~~~a;~ L bu n on , R v Lt ti, l:lJigeman. l~ I H .. r rv Arth u r 1:1 rt, »tiLnter and 1 blne rlmtell lily far ll, HId I Will th e lost :I" on Il I'n/II)' duy?,,- Dallils , "'8, ; V\01!t t " " ;:'"yO\" both of Kings offer 8~ Pnbllo Ille on w lJ" t1 ~ knO'-11 Mill , Uh l" R,' v. K els, 1\8 the Frunk (;Inl It pll&o" 0 11 t he Farll1l8 lIod L:o rw ln plko 2 mile s N ot P reJud ic ed ; Real Estate l"ranllf~rI nortb of Gorwln. on 1:81111 11111111 fO I' Il Altu ntl on all s hO(llt "'.' h r ill t h f' l()rlll ll gvor. Mor row 1. 0 , 0 F to h l~rl e 8 B. VVednesday, February 16, 1916 glad es , b 'l lIg UHIc .1 th o s h " IIO or lhe Lt.1 Fnve r p " I t o f lo ts N 08. 33 Ilud ll4 lirlh. 1·\1\1li ..,I: "\\' ii, so mo ColkB I In U"zon n,\(1Ilio n to Mnrr ow, o"om m e noln g Ilt 10 0 ' 0 10011, M10 M. L Brow o unrl Ge or ge Winfield follolVln g I'rupertv to.wi' : FOllr II k uH It l'ou n,1 n nd ~O ll\l' ilk s It lIat. \ t o ' h ll ri p B LeFeve r part or 101& Boraes ana Mulep, 7 Boad of C~Hl e, li nd l' Vll J!nnNl y I !'n~h (ld It both I N '8 33 anrl SJ In B a zen ,nddlti on to 36 BOIl6. Il'srmlnj( lmplementtt, Corn, Wil l' S." thy . • 11'1 or row , lol . Seo big bills f or ter i1\8 I Ch,ul" H Le Feve r to Le\VI~ B A Modern Mystery. I. T . , Pel,ersoD , Bruw n \.I l1 rt of lOIS N os, 33 Bnd 3( <10 so lIIany curlou" ly nssorted \Vhy Wm. MiI1~, Anot . in 1:18z ~ n II dd ltio n to Mor r o w, coupI ps r hol)"e Ihe Iuconve nlent. hOllr .1 0e Chtlpmnn, <Jll' rk, or 2 u, Ill , In whi ch tn bn vo th eIr nutoThe World He Ha d Meant to .Make A, J . Al r x ft DU r 10 K l1therine A mob llol8 wr,' cl.cd 1- Ch ICuGO News. ' HJs Own Neve r Saw Him Again. AII, x"11001' )ll1 r t o f lo t N os, (laud 8 l in \ u~ bl ll ' to u '" 101\ \'e. Wllynesville A8 J ant goi n g' to quit fOrmllll{,I very ea r tb he nnrl moant to r ule; unw $l p , .\" rlul Hammer. bimself d iscord ·1I by tho s tr ong men ' .l oHI \l lr M IJlIn~ tel H (2 . C lnge tt, .vIII 8ell wi I bo ul, rese rvE', on t·h e .a. COli '" I ai r hBtuUler baa ' ann ItIl I1 W O u ~ I h ~ Add EIII .Itt t'lr III , who lll he ba d IlIve!gled hHO this rutile u rllv H1tl0 U Int br Mt In 3 trnc ts in ueCII 111" 1'1 I' brca klng up pav.. ~c h eme ond sa v hlmselC fo rced / In to 'li1t!1l V ~ tJ r\TeYM N (l~ . 828, 1)56 ond Yo milo 1I0rt h 11 ( f e rry Ulla 4 mi le s ill ill S _oath "" . ,. of B.. III ,rook 00 the Oil Y com me rola l death as wolves r end anC\ 23 U!, ~L devour a c rl plJled member or th eir L .. Ufl, B Mo' '0)' t o!;; G Clagett to n Bnu WII Y'IleH\'il le l oad on - -~ . ~---------pnck; las t. he s~w hlmselt 100thecI In u nui\' \!l r d ~ ~ in t,ornsl 10 a t,rl\otH In T"ursday, February 17, 1916 the 011 .1I lIre bl'east he bad sought to 'hllt"I'}, 1I1' VeVIl N os 2 , 856 nnd milks bls o\\'u; lIlId thllt wa~ tho d ep- 23 1:t, n. . Comme ncln!! I\ ~ I) :0 0 O. 11\ tbe est hurt or a ll ; Cor now. III tb o bright r.,lI owlog 1l0IJlis un rl OhAt/oIR OOD. ,J o h n \ ... . ' [',In !\ tu L eRllo E. Pnrdy blaze at h is own cOllnllg ratloll. he saw aillt.lol,; IIf 7 Elor~es. !l 1::Iel1(\ J eriley Iha t, beneath his ,;;rossn e~ s , ho had "lHI Wit., III' No 40 in Morrow , $1. CIlt-tle, 61 HellO Dur c B (1g8. Fl1rm ,f oh u Ii'. Il ,,!tu r tal tu 8:. C Ilnd love d h e r, arte~ nil, 10\'cd 1\ r w it h " lDlplements ,' Bllrn e8 ' , Bo toil erl11g love which, It he hn d shorn It oC Its lJ . fl . li: eLHIH lt ullllivl ri ll 5 .6 port 10 Toola. Foerl. U11101l 0'19, Hous hold lot N il 520 III b'l lI k iln. $1. dro ss, mi ght perhaps hllvo ,,"OU her . and K itohen Furnitnn . I have In VCO in Ihe Rye Through all thnL duy be 81l t ul th e Bee big billM tor t enn~ . Sh p on N orlh Main stree t CommissionerR' ProceedlnKS desk. lilld \l hOIl th e lli ~ lll tlmo came Cltlfe n09 Fill kerth . where L will 'be p!PI1 , pel to see 8galo. he wa lked OUL of UlO honse, a ud A. A, MoNeil, Auot. a ll my o id cu s lome rs . Ar TIIl1 1,\ 111 ...)1;< ""Clra Illllllo to bar ncross tile Ile!d, ,' lid over th e tiny r n w ;Slltl!' UII t 11 1I I "ob 1, 1Ul6 in A. R . [lowland , Cle rk . ' Is. no wfully qu ip ped to do tootb ridge, und er t he willow treo with urcll l" III P"'. , m or.. ~1I \ , \ r l e8 Ilnri LIVery Wo tk , W' will ta ke t he stili bccluJD illg IInns ; , nnd th e nec" ~ n ry a xpon C". y ou on wor ld. Ills worlll , tho wo rld ho hnd I wil l eoll Ill, .Publlo !:iale I,t my 'ont:l'Ilc t WI"" 11\'''.\0 wilh AOWR rd meoo t to IDak Ills own, ullv er saw S . 'OD OVt;tr f o r Cu rlll:hing burdwll re Worehoupo In W!lY~98vllle, Ohio. on him agai n. ' li t DI~ rktlt pn {IS 1\8 o rtl "reil b.v lhe S!'turday, February J9, 1916 (TO IrE OO , ' 'I'Tl'o"rTlto) Cuu utv 'u lllml~ \ \1 11 I'S tdf ectiv e un. OommenolJlg IlS 10 o'olook II hilt t i! Huptemb 20, l OW lot of "II Dew SDd Bret ala RM l(!J olI s A rraug em e n ts we re mo~e for od. 118" tallow!: One 6.borllo W~I, orh' ve rtis tll g ! ufl r U lll ry Bond!! for 1I1l10. (~a Rollne Engine. Feed G:ln cl pr WAR UPON PAIN! Give Uf! (I call and y ClU will find ' 'Ol tl h OIi ICI bl.' I" ~ho d enornloll. our priccij a re right. .l'aiu Is n. vi~ \l o r to ," tJ r \" Ull ll10 t,IOII of $5110 po ·Lt , ('xle ndinK o ver 11 Ii'!l rm WaHo1l8. 'l'rooh eto. '1000 r Fenoo P 08tS, Fenoe and 11 gllDer,,1 a nd u,'; u ld ly II 'c ' I\II'~ quit ~, oue x· p ... rl ,)r\ ol' :!:; Y"u r ~ , 4 be ing due eaoh lot of Bllrdwaro, Empire Urel\m IIll II rt 1"'''IJllI'eI1 (or 10 YCH. rs IlUU 6 0u oh year tbere. peoted Iy . ' Bll l Separators for c vtl r .v t'n\llr ~ , ' uoy If )'I ,n kep I' I\ft llr tmtil /til tiro l'uld off. I T 3rms mode "nown on day o f Ii ~m n ll hott le uf Sl o ulI'~ Llnlmo nt Bill!' Allow ed :- UI\ 800 Lumbar lIale. hl1llrl Y· ~ t, 19 t hlll( r p l1 l68 t p lliu kil l North Main Strc~t ' A . B. 8id ~8 er e ve r d lsol)v flrb I Sltl pl.v Illid on e,). hr itJ ge lumber '3240; fl.. l:l C, T . Hawke. ( t' . ~he tlkill-li!l r nb '.i ng reqni rert -It Co n ove r. IIlllke8. $5.25; In'.lues~ over W N. Bear!!, \ Ana loneers drlvOd' l,h n p ,) in uw V. H i~ r Ollll y bc dy o f .I ohn ClJbb l coro ner and ",itlle~ s '8.15; Inquest over hody of W . E. O'Neall,} Cl " 1Y0oilerlul. ,J. B Cbltpm ltl:. er s Me rvi 'n B . ~ ,.i I,rr, Uerk r loy , 'Ill., .Iohn McU llntlo, oorODer Bnd witness wrHes :"L~~t 'IHll rdIl Y, ul lor IrnllJ p ' 7.8G; Wnrr6D \ ouuty Times, pub Ing a ronnd th., I "lIomt1 EX jJ ' lt,iO D li ~ bl"g iJO li oo ' .or Treol!nrl: r, " 2 ; wl\.h wu t foet. 1 CIW H\ hOtllo w it h my Will I:h. rg ", brld ~ e work '5175; Hnvlllg rented my f"rro I will SI'll n eok So RIlI'f ( hnt I 1I11ltln 't t,llrn G flO l"gt> H . Ander8ou , buril1\ of Oe. Ilt Pnbllo Auollon on tbtl premiso~, {i'uneraJ Dirf>ctor Il . ,pli od ctlnlC u'!j l..illlllll'nt fr eel y borah .Jobll ' 75; WlI.ltlir Molliure. a wlle8 80utb at WIlynesvi\le, (1n and Embalmer, a n d w ont t bod . To m y 8u r p rise. b urLu l of E manuel Oollillll 175; O. B. ne x t m o r oiog I b a Rtilfn eR~ 11Ud Deolllwt PM. , postl\ie for AullUor Monday, February 21, 1916 Waynesville, Ohlo.~ 111 1llos t LlIS'PJl<.lor,ju. fou r h ()llrs Ilt $'5 ; E Wilkerso n, servloe8 au burial Commellclnlf Ht 10 :30 o ' ol ook tbe ter t he see' mlt 0llpli ontion I \Vll ~ 09 cOllllllit.tee, l:llll ew Township '2; 'If goot! 11 new , ,. Z , Hull, I g u I services dere ldiDR fOl)owlog: ' 9 H or~e8 i 5 UUt,le: 2 ' Call an9were~ promptly day or night Ml\r oh,1 9 1:'. At D ruggi ~ ,~ . 250 R,unu I Bll llej' $50; R"ymond Bar,l b. I:Jrood 8011'8 i Farming [mpleIMnlS; Both pho~es In Offit;e nnd Residence. ' 'BarneIl8' " .l'otatoeR, tlf'e ,bllt bills Long d s tu N 1 b ~rge r, salary $liO. .'~ r, I nee. 0' , 4; Home ph. one , --- ~ for lerm~: , ]8U80 'W, Lioeoln. 14 .~
--- .-----
---.- .
Perkins' Garage
- --- - ----
Any Road Any Place Any Time all
HU NTING FOR COPPER. Ocr m:t'll " ge n ts nTc conclud ing a dili gen t Ulld s),slemotic h un t for eop~ per thr oug ltou L Swil 7.c l'1nncl . 'I' hey arc penctratilll1' Il,c mountains to the ., rem ot!' t valleys; (to(l pc\ lI odin g the pea sants to pa rt wilh this precious 'metal. ,Taki ng ad va.Dt nge of ,th e ignorance of thcsQ country pcople
t1ley t ell .house wlves thn: theI r cop-
Bills Rigbt
per uten Sils a re burncil out;, nnel offer to give them n ow p ots nnd in exchnnge, whi ell. oCcourso, prove to be of granily in! ri m mct"1 Th r .. '. (). I b~18m ess 18 cnormo \l Iy pTofilable, Slnce the agent pny only fou.I" to e ight cen ts a pound for copper whioh they sell to O(lrmany ioJ' ten times as much,-Exohnnge. , I '-~ U
Uncle Eben. "I:IOltU!Jlllnlm." Rn ld Uncle 'Imlell,' "II b ~ can eb dey dOIl't lulow on an lome Is dat
Chn!TS and one Coach furnished frj!e ' ,. With funerals. Best of BOl'vice guaranteed; r'
C. T , Haw,te, Aaot W . E O 'Neall, OIerlr,
HAS USED CHAMBERLAIN'S tOUGH REM' " Uh uw 1'llrlnm '8 f)ou~ b Remedv llUS ueell used lu my bonseb'old for ~b e p"s t twenty yea rs I begaD gi v iu6 it .t o m y chIldren whell they ~.. ere @luIlI J., As a qulok rellot tor oronl', ~ b o~ pi Il8 oough, Bnd ordl . nRry 0010 8, I ~ h,,!! DO eqnn l Being free fr om olllUm lind otber b"rmful drll gs, I 'ntw er felt nfr,dd to glye it I to' thu cblldreo. I hllve reoommlJu. d ed it n lurge numb'll" or friend, Il.Dd ~e ig.~bors, wh~ , I!~ve nsed II and \J ak hlgb ly of It, ':Vrlt-es Mre. Ma r y Mltlke, Sh o rtSVille, N. Y. Obtalllllblll eVllry where. • _ ..._ _--:-.
of Appointment
111'\11, offar at. Pllbllo !:itle at mv , r!l,ldenoe, 2 miles north nf ,\Vlly n \ls.1 ville, 00 , Uaytl,m Ilrld WllmlD,toD pike, on '
Wetfaaday, February 23" 1016 " , ' Beglnnilli
aa 10 :00 o'olook
Iho fol
D Ie 'lJ1. E • HATBAW ' AY "
\~· n". !lb" ville'8 Leadlo, DenUea ,
Iltlloe ' 111 Ke"\! .. BId, g.
•• main B&
lowlnlf ChaStels: 8 dorsPfI, 1\ Gilt.. ""'::====~======== J'armlnlf ImplemeDte, U',ufe. Goods. Terms nia de kt;towo on lI"y of ~ale. W , B. DinwIddie. A, A, MoNell, AoOS. Having qoit r"rmlolf, 1 WI ill off",1' fore.le u my refOldsDDe. Sy. ,mile, l'Ua of WdynslvUle, OD 'be Olleebee road.oD
1)unday. FebruarY 24, 1-'16 eo.meaoiDl ., 10 o'oloat tb" rollowlalC: 8 B.l,...: 8 Caatle;IO Bop; "al1l1la, Implemeate; 00rD I Oate; .sa7. HIe bIc btlla for term., 'lb.., CJuk
GAZE1VfE .. '1'1H"C
._.. . . ._ _ _ _... _ _ 4_ _ _ . ._ _ _ _ _ ~._._..~ •
h i~ RC' 111," ,,1 Il,e cu," ,lr llonn a ll ollw r di,· Publl. h.... Wookly .t WU)'Tl r.\'III~ . <1 1010 ca se s IJUl t<'ge lhe r, (lI,d for year. it was SOJ i'pur,,,d t o tJC inc," .\hl". Duc II,rs pre· lJed 10cI11 rcmedles. nnd by cOlllslanl· O, L • ( ,' ItANE, Editor and Manag eI' 5('rl Iy (II iii ,·s: I" CII" will, loc.• 1 IIc I'"cnt, ~=-
_ _ _ ~_
'l lIirl' ~
As. Written by Our CotpS of Able Cones pond. ents In the Neighborhood
• t ,
Dill you uvor go to Pul.njf· 1 uWII. Wbere tb e h ou ~ell llr j old 1\ lid turuble dnwn, . . Ann everything tllrrleio , ooel every t·blng dragH, Wlt.h cllrty IItrtlotl! /\nd puopl" ID rllg ~ ? 00 .t be street
of I:!low I vr ll Old M'lD W"lt ADd hIs two little boy I! Damed LInger ~nd Lllle
With unoleall band!, aDd tooeled hlllr, And n. nlll1gh ty lit Ue elster nllmed l)Ju't Care. Uranctm " lher Growl lives 10 .hll to wn, With her two Jlttledaoghtere, oalled Fret alld Fro",D, . And Old Mau Lazy lives nllalooe Aronod tho oorner on 8tree~ PoatPOOl'. DId you ever go to Pnt.off Town, To pla.v wIth the H\Lle girls, Fret and Frown, Or 1(0 to tho h()mo of Old Mtln W ..lt; And whistle lor &he boya to oome to the gllt6? ro plt,y aU tIltY iD Tarry t!troetl, Leavlog your oruuds fur otber tee' ; To 8tOp. or Bhl~k, or IIngor or frown, Ia. tbe lIearest WilY to thlH old towo -t:!eleoted .
. .., .
ANIMALS ATTACK THE LUNGS Wl\tch aoy fl esh elltlog animal wbeo U I~ attaoking Ih! prey or watch two anlm81e having a 6ghl to iI.,h. You wiIJ notloo ono remarkable faot, aud tbllt III thd they I'rille for lbe luog. Melt people of oooree aro well 'a ware where Ihelr own Inngll .. r~, . bot thllY havon" ~he ellgbte.t Iddll aboot other luogs. Anlmall In8tlnotively kuow, how. evor, tbe position the IUDitts of. alwoat every oulmo!. Wh en Il tiger or A IIOD .. ~tuollll a Ul UO It l oes li t! beat to get just 1)0101'11' tb" ~ h U llld ll r blades . If it a\·rillos Withou t warD. lng. y ou will alwaye find tllnt Up powerful paw8 bave toru I illbt to ths lungtl. A cat hal jn ~ t t no sa m In8&1not. It aoes for tbelun gs- t ij vital SPOl-jUi4t the 8atne UM I . ~ bllger brotberll. W.toh it s talk R 'parrow aD4 you will II'Je h ow olilverly It qlllDe uvers eO .8e to get behluo tb" uofortunate bird an d POODOd on. UI baok, wllero th e lungs are,-LoDdoo Graphlo,
.................. ..................................
A b llPPY or owd met at Mril. Ste.lIIVoDlng wI th Sbelr t lllru 41 es and needleM anf1 eO'l)yed tbu m ~el veil sewlog corpet raKs Nond tluliO", cnod y . 'l'hole prelleot were .I"~(lnmell Ed B o u~b , George Mar. InH, Roy Aml th, I!:lm r Royer , Uhar. ley (Jordo n a nd J ohu H or gtlu. Mra. R ober t GreoD Ilu d tamll y, 0 l1'lyt on, speut .. t urd ay Ind S unday w i til fri e nd " h"ro. •
w7.h~:.;M~d!ruua:: ~~~~::,e~ED
en~ 8llt urd~y
Peculiar Ute fo,. G,.anlte.
In lome pcrtlonl of cranlte t. 80 plentiful thllt It Is lor telqrapb polel.
Old W,y .f CleanlnD Clothe .. Before tbe lotroductlon cf Bcap, c10tbes were cleaDed by belD, trod· odeD upon ID water.
in ·tIle Stat and will pay highest ma rket price for sound, d au sou r cr am. We are . al'. ays prompt t recoglliz allY advance jn t he market, a l~d will take care ~[ your interes ts at all times. Checks mailed dqiJy or ·weekly as desired to cover all sh ipmell t
J ..F. Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O.
OlasslBed Ads
Walter McClure
---- --- .
4____• _ _:....-_
Ray -Mills
---.. -----
Corwin, Ohio
E. v,
InSURlIneE .
fEATS THAT IMPOSSIBLE , D.R~:~r ~::!t ':;:ot:~: a~fdJ~~a:~ ARE Swltzerlanc
Ml. HOllY
-~-----~---they bpl{tlD t o mnlle tlU ioveetililLUon a nd d\soo v' r ed not·b to g. 0 nd uft or r" l\ rlll g t ho rD".1I of the h (j u~e fe lt disposed to wn 0 ~ t o wuk o .. c ulurs n od tcslitno n in ls . fur t hor In vf1s ti l(ntl n lI y luoklllg REFERENCE II . C. CH E N Ii Y & Q " Tuledo. Ohio. Dr. J . G . Maey III luktng . 110 ve ry unde r 1.10 (1 b~d , lIu' Lhn Mrl:!. Jluflsiftrd Ell r l 1I.1 l1rltl t.t, or I odllln,tl , Is ol Solll by Urug ~ is t s . "ie. F i r~t Hdl io,ml Dank I. N"II's Fu,nily Pill s for consti patiun. moob n eeded refit "nd blls ~ODe to I bim by te llln~ h im tllllt, I.b!lt WAS ' h Olllo . I','n rl Street Ma rke t Bad Floridn. . HI!! OlliUY pl£troos will be n ouse ll ~e, Ilil d boing" bllmb! bUI!. l\l r. J eff Mnrlo tt was tl r eceD' All y Hel iab le Merchant ~============== glad that he can havo II vaoot.loD, 11M b~n.J obeyed hl ~ dea r wit t; In \,[1 vj ~ilf) r ot b ls motb er . in C; ncinn ll. . he Is very Rtteol.lve to his b081D8119, glvlnR It hie entlro tIme . m OlDing t hey arose li n d wont Hboll ~ Mr. Orn Mn rl utt lind ftlm i ly epent the day 's wlJrk, tb o nlll O of t h e ooduy wit h hi s mo th or Ell", Mllr. A . 1'. Moler, after twentv y ellrs b ouMe dr ovo away t o 11 g ·n, fo r tb e 10 ' . ser vlDg tbe publlo uti tb elr m ed da y le"vl ug h i» w ifl! "Ill! balJy In I liNM (..lIenOR Oliley who hae bee CinCinnati, Ohio morchanl, has rotlrod from busl. bom e. Durin g t h" ' o.ronuoo t h e ~ i (' k 18 beLte r lit, I bl~ ~rltIDg. 0 nesi . Mrll bogan .lItVepplng 1n th o £1 10(\11' . Mre. Lydia ':ur Murpby Ind t'll'O log r ao Ul IIDllln ~ wCl epl nl( uo dor th,. r Mrtt. Amo~ :l .o bon 18 on the 81 0k Sbo weDt down tho beauUful old daughters j olDed Mr. MU'phy t:!1l\. bed .be "F" ')gni1l6u 'U Ht "h e b ud 1St. oak stllircase, whloh la one of the ordlY mornlug and will live on IItruok illl l 1 J' ct., 'lOd being Il UfI, V6 . Mr. ~a nl a l F . L MB Ilnd wita glorle8 of Oxford, orosled the hall , I"rm Dear LAbllnon. lit Ie "'01 11, ' .1 1f! 100k,,\1 umla r Ihe ~Jl mH ~" t u rday in Xonill . and enterod the dfllwiDg room. A. Th. ro \dll lhrough «hIli vlolni&y bed and t il, ' I ' , ' ,,1 ther'Il'wII II II m a nMessrs. ::IaUlnel and .mol JIO. Ibe weut In. old Casloy, the butler, were In good 'hape mill/log aolo. btliufoC Il vljr I' 'luutin i of btlr buuy 90n wer e on Jliug In Xenia Monday . ""81 uran,log the tea equlpllgo, and Mr . Cll rl DBarnard IIDd family ot polllog .. big armohalr '0 the IIldo of mobll.ID, a pll .. ure until ~he anow ahe l ook &1.. · I· "' \' *11 th~f6ty aud r e· of Saturday nllh~ mado 1&. apPtll1r 'oro ed hl10 II" r "'01 wit h ,.l )Jltc b. Bel lhr ook. IIlltln t ~ unday with the glowing firo. DR. J. W. MILLER. Inoe whloh obaDged thlnil oonslti. rork !lnd at 0 ) .' ,' I.egllu \ 0 p u not ure Elltl Ma rlatt The door olosed. and 'he girl 81lt .rabll. . the intr Uder , w u o "'ft' 8 ppllr ently _ _ _' _ ___ _ __ alono iD tbe bill, dIm drawID,.room. MeIlRr • . Laoy and Bowe, dletrlbu. ".Ieel), IJll ~ tlf\ ~ r ~bre., Il lJp lio .. lioUI ,.• DENTIST ••• A few tall oandleR, 10 tholr mllSllvo WANTED silver holders. mad0 a hUle Olslll Of lors In this lIactlon for tbo Overhtnd wah I,he p oin ts of the for k JltllJ etrll t lu <I fi lltl b be b ~Kll ll t o ~e t ou, COUGHS AND CnLDS ARE DANGERnUS om ""l in \lgllt, aod tbe red glow of the ~re au t omo bll II. have bellun ma L.. in" IDg fr om onder t be I)nll hDIl 0 0 OIL" U U Wayoenllle.O Natlonr.! Bul< Dldl!. ' , < I~ was oomfortlDg. Bhe wIn teellng tbelr dlltrlbotlon. aboot tbtl prolllises l JUt t h ", ' IlLUe c IlW of u a re"U!Ile the dllnger of ANTED-To rent a farm of 100 perbapi a litile more rea",ured 'In Joa B. Chapman . of Wilynesvlll!'. lady Iln rt & el.rOIl I( IJllTly UI " D; II t111 Cou gh s nnd Uolds. We conelder or 150 ucres, by a ralia bl e ber mind, when che door of tbo dielrlbutor for lhe 811l1:on tlutomo. ahe (eared DO'. Ilud liu ally h e d is. them common and harmlel!8 .. II. ".r'y. Addre'l! the Mi llml Ga llette drawing. room opened . . bile In tbil "lolDUy, WI' olroulatlnll ooveretI tb e "lI it Rod ~t.R pted for I ~ m llot s. lio\vover Blatl,Uea \ell UI offioe, Waynesville, phone 11 2. "Lady Carne," Bald OIlIIIY. 10 his among lome of hie prollp.o&lve .. od all of th li ' ' im tl t.he Mr e. Wil l every third plnOD dil,. of a lunl f 23 resounding VOI08. o08tomers heN lUllt week. pun oturlng his hide . Bolllg n o O ll tl ·lillment. Dliol\erous Bronohlll aOll Julia rOle from hor 80at irem!1liog, . Mrl. Kilry JaDe Cle ... ",er, who bas' .. t o\le d ... n d h .. vlng " " 1'81 " l'h one , ,,, Luu l( rl,sellees f ullow a neilleoted Funeral Director • "I Inw the roow ollme tbe t.ll old b~D alJlDi tor • long tlwo, Ie not m ude hI s @et Bway h V ill I:< on u. felse oo ld. A ft your body etruggleB F~R SALE lady wll h ths glowlog eyti8 .. od Improvlni all her ma.DY fr leods flloe . N o~ h !DK wn~ di~ i.D\'bed III I.he " gtlins, cold j{erms. n o better aid T olephone day or Dlght . booked nORe, dreMed in sevore blaok. w081d like fOI her to do, bou ~e ; he uad .. g ood Iligllt· .. r eI" 10 Otln lie had 'han Dr. King'e New Valley phone No. 'I. Long . "Ah, Jull." Lady Carne aald In Mil. Viola. JordaD, of Wellman , a olceclonn wa.rm hotUlll Now if Dieoovery. HII morlt hl&lI been telt. Distance No. 6g-2r, ROPERTY- On Fift h IItreet ber emoo$h, powerfol voloe," I hlld 'Iugb' .he Primary room In our 'be mao of ~li e h ou-fI lJ ~d loo koel I'd lJy old tlud y oung . In nee over the Ann Eogle h om e. Call on hoped to fiod you ..Ionol" IOhool 1.. &. woek. MI .. Jordau I~ uodor t h e hed t h r e w .ul c! h a.vtl I. ::; vellrl! Uet a bottle to day. The voloe purred Ilnd echoed ID qulil an adept al .. 'eaober and ahe been tiometh l ng <l .. llIg . b ut our WIIi eli Avoid t he risk.of 8Arioue Lnng ail. Boraoe Keys, W Ilynes vlllo, Ohio, Automobile Service at all Time. tor information. f 23 the larie room hall a fnlore The ohildren ..dmlre bavc BO muoh lofiu e uc n llVIJ r ~h(jl r m ents. DrUiIIBtS. \V AYNESVILLE, OHIO "Jnlla, wo have' no' boen good her Ilnd are anxioUB to obey hor hu ~ b Il U ds,! , ti:\.V .ve lin. • frleodH for 4 10Dg time. Yon lett hlove ab ont. 1 d ozen ox tra ' fins Branch Office. Barveysbllllr, O. Mr. Chilo. . Cllmpb611, of Olive - - - ---my house ID a 800ret \9ay oot long Barred Plymonth R ook lJoo ker e ls before the dreodful tragedy Ilt Branoh, "ollsed away Monday fro Ul for sale. Wel ~ bt I\bout 8 lbs. Mrs. the effeots of pneumoDia. Ilk C"m p. DO YOU FIND FAULT W IT'IJ EIIERYBODY? ' M"rJt )D." ro E. S. Bally . , Jnlia brougM old lody her bell Will bora and raisod OU ~be Au irrh,d)le . (ll u lt.1l11 0IUK rlh!pofarID on wbloh be died Be leavos 'eo, ood lIel tbe OlIko staDd olose to ARM-l 8G tlores, n en r Caesllr 's s itioo 18 01tA n du e 1U Ii (liso rder~d her. Tbeo ehe Bet\ll'd d"wn and • wit. aDd ~wo brolhere to m ourn Creek brldlle. owned by the lat e Bor oo.. Compt·on'e bad u ihelr II tuUl aOiJ . A with I(Qod d il!(Hhie departnre. lile brothAr, Jame! waited to hAGr moro, tbough her tl on Is neurlV I1 lwu.Vtl ~!)oJ nnt urlld . Kn astl Wedn.e lday, Mr . aod Mra. W. B. Gud. For informnt lon call Campboll, wall "urled . Wldnesday h eart wall beating torrlbly. IIDd .llhe on Geo. B, Ollrd. a d ministrator. A sreat m UIIY IHlV.. tenD pe rm ll- J . S. Learning . f" lt upon tbe eve ot Bome extraor. 26~h, 'wo deatbs tli ooe family In n eutly bllnofitled by 'h " mberlull1 'il flB Lfl wre ooe Mltobener and Roy WayneBvlllo, Llblo . Auto Livery Serylce at dloary . reveIMlon. -From The a very shor& time. Our S uuday Bohool III oomlnl! 'l'abllltR I1 ftl ;' . l,,,ra ,) lIun·"rinl( . J ooet Il tl lloded thl alilke' ball Paople's Borne Journal lor Feb. Reasonable Rate. rh eso ~ tl hI t atreUJ,l Hl0:l Ih" et Ill. Vay neev llle FridllY ot~ht. ARM o f 70 I\or oa, terms oasy alonl 'lD .• very promieing way . rouy. Apply t o M r or Mrs . 0 11 liS people aro '.lIlng an inte.rosS In It aoh and eM ble III t(l Jlllrform Mr . and Mra. Frank 8' .. nley were OlJtaiuo In Wllmln8loo on bOlh,e!!! Friday tlai terthwRite, Wnyne8vllle, O l1 io Also Allent for Kelly-Spriol'lield and It Is vliry Inetrootlvo. The Ita fuu oMunt! ntltu f,i1ly . fl 6 leaoher. are trylDg to qoallfy them. ble every\\· berl'. Automobile Tirea O. '1'. Barner Wltl In XeDta 14011. lei vel anil 8U006se III 8ure to orown dil Y. Rllbscrlbllrs tn t he McCo.lI'e When your liver gote torpid and ' lhelr IfIortli. Berma n Jonfls aDd Ahrlannlo Ao. Magazine. Send ' 850 to tho y our s tomllob 'a ots qUOM, toke Dr. Tbe Geo, W. Builln t o wn pro pe r gll n ,,"eoded ~he fuueral 'of illiJah KIIlK 'S New Life Pills and y ou Rill .y Ind iarm Bold by t·he IIherlff Price MoodBY at Che!!tor churoh. !.laze" :l oillco, and get ODe of the boa' magazines on oarth . tf Valley P hone9Q-1 Y. fiud y ouraelf leelin g better. Thoy Tnllet .. y, february liS, uDder par Mr. R It. Jonee blls ae bls rues" purify 'ho blood, JlI VI) you treedom "tlon prooeedinSl!, to tho blghe s~ hil l ister , Mula Edwardl, of New from oonsttpation, 'blllousnes8, dlr;. bidd.r. Tbe property was Bo ld tu . Dr anc] M,'s Btiiley GRulpb 11 . of ark, Chto . z; ness Rud Indlgest.lon You feel Amoll VanDoleo lit tbe low prioe of Ka nsas Ity, MUitlllurl, ,\,,,,, ollil ed Mr and Mrs . Raleigh Bogan Ird fi le-just like yon want to feol. 11500 and ~he f..rm brought $'760 hllre 11oh' wolek on IlOOll unl ot I.he BARNHART, ALL KINDS OF Uiear Iho oo mpl exi on too . 2lic, ai pllr &ere. The purohaaer was Cbli_ d ea.t h of 'be doctor Il Lr " I.ber, Cbln' visiting the tormer 'l irrandparentB, . \ r . and Mrs. W . E. O 'Neall lit Icy UO.IJl pbell, ot thi ~ plt\ tl . droggi Atll. bwalm, of Wilmington . Notary Public Ridge way, Ohi o. Tbis plAoo Wilt! well r eprp. ectad R W. Kaylor porohasod of Eel Francel Willian sDtertllioed 'he Bro,!,n a d welllDg 00 Eas t t:;eoon d 0 \ 'larkllvllle Weclnesd tay evenlUlot . All kinds of N otary Work. Will!! Itreet . Mr. Kayl or IB gettiDg t o he ReviVAl lDeetlug~ bt i lJg the ~ HrI\C· Z. P. B . OD FrldllY nlgbt. aDd Deeds a I:!peolai ty. . Mrl!. R a ywoot! WiI,oo hlld 11.1 her ODe of our lar,es' boldBr. of ~ o w n tio o . go es ~ a t ew dllYs I1l8 1 · wellk horsil. property, . AI Sh.me r hOel WII'" e te ,·tAln lld 'o r, MI ~e Vera Burlev . .r Misil Ru Lli EI\wllrdli ~inndu . Mr . Bull Mrs. Robert Stanley vi8. l:Irllil vill e Feni . Itl other Is very n~.~.ftli~~~ft~~~--_ _ .. _ Zel1 the farm known all t.be William po rll' a t t illS. WrltlU~· . . 1U:c! t h p. form er'8 parentI!. Mr. aDd lJolleU farm . Ohvor a ",1 Loll.; El b':lD !!OIl EllllRr Mo ra. Wm Comptoo 8unday. Waynesville, Mr. and Mn . John WUIOD took Many tbin/ls aro hardElr to. do Mr. Ed Probasoo. of Wllmlogton , Edw lird ~ Wljr e tbe duu .t .. y gueSLl! or di uD er \~ adD e.day with JOlle t!:ian thpyat fir8S Iloem For your tran5ll0ted bUlllooes In thl l violqit • If.u g .. ue J ffery lind furnlly . THE g"UTUT Over POitolfb, ~1 . ~ i1 'l'be Ep won h Lellgue wllJ g ive Ii Eialnes at N e w Burllog'on. friend wbll II pO'8eH~ed af a lurplU9 Tuelpay, February lat. Offke Pboae 77 Hotlll PhoDe 115 olBelf coofideooe pronose lome at Prof. Toll wall quite iudlepos ed b x sooi&1a t. th .. h ow\) of Mr link r, IN THa WO"LD two daYIL laet wetlk, bus Iii IIg&lo ::ill turd llY tlV"n I D~, F ti brtll1ry IlIt b tbee'.l ~eomly IIlw(,ly feate: if y ou re lld I,h is or h ea r about h , rIJBIlSl1ED W1!EKJ.Y. ~.OO pm rutt Alit him ~o rub hl8 ear with bll feeling 81 08ual . NEED elbo.v . . Publlo 11&109 are quite numerOUB vou arc lovlt etl . Rnd d ou ' \ l or ge ~ t o rtOTaL'8. O"UCCIIT8, SPECIALIIIT8, Aillt blm to staod with his heel 1 .D(\ 'biDgl aro lIelling yerr w~ll. t ell tho ulher Iella 'll'. I ntern,,1 t hroat anll ohe.t troublel D08TUMIt"8, TItAN8FE", CA L. I:!her III II. 0 (l'erris. Llu i llS Il' r tlzler . produoe inflammation, inl tAtlon, AND ·.US 8E"VICII CAN ~"OFI· ogalollt the wall Il8d plolt a hnnd. Rn. Walker filled the J)ulplt Ilt !lerobief oft the floor. the M. E, oliuroh 8u ndlY afternoon Will Elbon IiD(1 Ed H 'ld 110 d 'hei r 8w olli " g or sorene.1 and unlen IIV UIINO ITS ADVE"TIBINO COLUM .... Ask him t<>"Btand, bllndtolded for Be 18 quite well liked aDd has b ogt! I:5lLturdll Y SAMPLE COpy FREF Veterlnarv ohtlok ed at uDell, are Iikoly to lead five mlnutel wlt-hout movlni · beeo InBlru'11ent.lln Inore.. ,tog the Mr aDd \iTo! 0 111'1' V n Au ro n. nd to ,M erlQu8 uoublo . Canght io time . . . - lIaw YO"" CLtPPEIt .. "VII' y"",. Oraduate of Oblo S'al£ Unlversllv Propo80 $a blm that he OIonot attendaDoe both a' ohurch and 8un. eon Clark a.Dd Ru t ll !;:lrn lth "pent Dr. Bell '. Plne.Tllr.Boney 100lens bre~1t a match laid aoro.. the nail •• y lohool. Come ant and hear tiunday witll Loolus F rll zie r and t h e phle ~ m lIod doe ~roy8 the ,erma of bi. middle fioi er and UDder hll Bro. Walker . Be will 00\ uk you wife. wlJl oh hllve settled in the 'hroa' or Office at residence in F. B. Sher~ fira' and third finger" Bo 1'11'111 be to lay II word, he will do tbe say. Mr. G eorgo CIlLUpbeli. (I f Al ger, b ose. It I. I!ootblnr aDd !lealiDI preUy lure $a try tble . but .. n hi. Inl, but be might 88Y It In a w .. y Oblo, re~urnea h ome l:5aillrday. wood'B house, Fourth Street. Plno 18 I1ntillep\lc; bon.y III loolb· elJort. will prove In valo. . ~h .. , 'll'ould pot jon '0 thinklDg. Btl In ~- b o th togtlther pOIIII.I excellent ------~.~.--- -----Telephone 28 A.k him lo get Dp from the obalr II ohuok full of good lIayiugll and This dl 11OO·ahonlcl be tt<'nted 118 800'1 m edloiDll1 qUlllitlel for fighting oold t h(' In whloh be la eltllng wltbont Mod. 700 ClaDnot balp bavi,ng she gre .... Iteime. Inlist on Dr BeU'. Ploe. I tbe ·tirst \lnnatuml !oos 'ness ing hll body or putUDa bll feet .& reapeot for him. Yon '111111 not Wayne8vllJ~ CONSTIPATION :l ar· B on.o y. 250 all DrtJllgletti. onder the ohair ~--:-=---=+baVl. &e-jokHlhurch because you go. WbeD oostl VO or tronbled vyl th Aill . blm to ltAn(\ ., tbo IIlde of n wi ,1 do you 1I0od and you do not oonllt.ipiltion Illke l,; hItUl her!llin's t llre. ro rn ~y the room ""Uh botb foe', placed Ilnow how muob IDfltlenoe yoo are Tablets. Tb ey 8ro ell sy to tllke "nd Ilen(ll'd upon evon ill lenll'hwla" aialoe~ t,he walnsooU'n1 p081.. eed of. Come out aud help mos'sgreellble 10 effeot. Oll tll;na. d16UKtlroU 8 C!l86 S, anll get ImmedIate relief If he II .olner he mllY poulble be flll tbe ohurob, febrDuy 20th Ie tb e ble everywbe re. Illmd r ndy for tostant U 68. able t6 I •• nd up when pla~ faoiu, nut ml.llllil day, Now, you are 110111" all " journey without It. Dr.1hooD's Matlc OIDlJDeIC. 'f • 'he wall wltb bl. fee', about two IXpected $a be prenDt. feet aw.y (rom" and bia head bent Guarding Aga Inst Typhoid. tor~ard unSil it tcuohee 'be wall, Chili. Madd.n II 00 the Peti I Mr... Ed Null span' Thnr8d.y In In or der to guard Ilgn lns[ typhoId Jary· of tbe Fedllral Conrt 10 Clnoio. 0110,1 aud wm be on the Job for lIomo fev er, fo od of nil klnd'l ah (lId be kept Dayton, theguell 01 Mr . and lllre. lime. If 'belr qoota II made of .cov ered or wra p,) d and out ot tho J oMol'h Browo. Miss Ina DHr.h h.. r.'arned tlDoh eftl.olent men al ·Mr. MadceD, rea.ch of tl ics. nu d un coolled food ti as jn.&Ioe will be me •• d out In every tI general proposItion sllou ld bo avoid· home trom a two weeke ' vii" wUb Dr "nd Mrl. !'rank Greig, at Well. ed. oal'. In~ton, Ohio, Mr, alld lilli, Karlon BI"Dton, and Mrs. Clnrenoe GI~benl 18 on 'he daaaht", of I:\prlng Valley, were siok JI,t Amb!tlous Youths .. week eDd IIDeetll 01 Mr. aud Mr8. Mr. aud Mr8. Jobn Myers aDd Recrulter-"Wbal's your age?' William Roblaon. Bluft'er (deletmlucd '10 do tbe patr l· baby at Lytle, visited Mr and Mra A' onl or ib. ,atberlnlJll to our otic th i n g and gel 1.0 th e front )- oN m. Bllrnhllf~ I\nd family lal~ week, Olty recently 'b18 quolllion Wtll pot Recl'ul te r- "I said "Twenty·two." Mr. and Ioh•• Tom Hurd were before tbelr honoroble body, "Wby your ece-not your cbest measure cal\l 01 on frllodll and ahopplolf Iii III a Widower Like a Baby?" !.I any Doyton Moo day . differeDt anlWllrl wore gtveD, but ment."- LondoD Sk etch. OU 1tu d thi9 practical, expert info rmation. WhetheT Mr. an (\ Mu. UlaroDoe B.rnbar' llfler OODllld.rable· debate they a · Y O I1 own or iotend to plan t a few t rees or n thousanel , it is infor· aod family of Otterbein VIll".e greed tbat lhe anlwor to the que.l. matlo n th Bt w ill l avo )'ou t im e. l nbo r and m oney. Ge t It ! S I111p1y sond u.s your 'III'e'e Lhe I::lluday g0811t. of Mr. and Sure Cure. lion wall '" folio we : The fin' .i][ Dame nDd address 00 the coupon-o r on Q. post a l. If you prefer: "My love, 1 wlflh yml wou lrl n' l paInt." Mra. Wm. B",rohllrt . We will Iirl j"!~Uy molt y o ll a. free copy e ve rywhe re Bro wetting p rod ig ious mODt,h e bllblell ory a srellt deal, tho of our New Catnlot:- aD 11 Jt 81n. book crops IU ld Inn!'o cnsh prollts frol'n crup s ntlllt six Ulontbe they take 0 lDsld. "All the women .If'. fl oar." " But It ' Mrs. John Sl. C\ai~, of Brook.llle, thAt t. Rilnply p ack ed with blolR th a t o{ }'OU.Ilf(. thrift)' . R(1luiltt S tark. U ro's 'Will enable you to RC QUre bllnl pcr crops trces-Iuc ts tha t eOlpha"l1:o t hu t ru th ar.ble ootloe, aod tho lleoood year 1\ looks like no adru Isslbu on yo ur part ~po nt ~he wall!: wit,h t-er pareDtl of floost frurt-and Rell thof11 at t op. o l tho nx lo m " Stark 'I' fees Benr F ruit.' · that )'ou B r e not alrp.aely p r fee t, and Mr Bod Mrs. Bamuel Bau,bman. II Vlry hard w ,et lhem through nuu"et prices. "l' hewhoto bOOK Is filted Bca utH\Jllifc-l\h:o, na tnrlll-col(') ( ph otol ..lIh locto lbal wlllintete. t aod lo.tn let allending fruit. oil Ihrollgb ,tho book. tliat palos me." What could Bhe do 'be lummer. Mra. Walter R'llIerl wall. FranklIou-faO ls ab~ut haw frult .. rowcre S ond for .youreopy lod~y to . lin visitor Tuepc1ay. Ladl81 Aid will meet at Kn. but atcp? .... rgar.' 1.6.to,'1 · T~.l1nday, Feb. --~"--------.. Carl Duke, of Lytlo, WIUI 'raD .. Lou~siana, ruary lOth, All memba... ale re· aoSing bnilloet"8 here Ttl"da, . Read It and' Jeam "bout the new fnJit· . Grimes G olden - the tree develo pme nt Sterilized Milk. qOfllted to be plee.nt tree trltuuph o f Stark e ro 's Jon e- CUD· that resists " col1ur rot. l. G ~t t.ho New llill. Nellte FlUII epent th. welk tury of SUCile ia -tha ··Oriuble--LI(e." P actl a bollt " Stark Delicious." S uu k . Yon are · oordlally requell~d to Milk at r\lj7,e!l by electricity wIn end witb Mi s Berlba ~&ephe1l8c;Jr, Barly E lberta aod all lho laleOl peaoloo8. Stark Sro's·IITOWO. J . H. Hale meet at the M. III. oburoh, 'rhun. .eep 8\Veet In ~a J)JI (> d bottle. for eJib' Ed Noll W :lS Il lI'ranklln viR\t( Jr Peacbes. al so Lincoln P ear. Sta rk ay-a. dllY olgM at 7. 0 ·0100k, aDd bring !tI.o ntmoreDCY Cherry. Mam mo th t;old ToesdllY. Plurn.and aU tho olber lalUon. " ork wlSb von yoor voloe 10 W8 cao prao. Bro', lrull••borrlcu ndornam ItJ taJ ' ~ Reverl~l ' f ,)00 here .. "eDded tbe 1I0e tlogiag.o be Illed ~Inooln day, onter'o.lu\Jlu·ol a.t Red Lion Tuesday ~uud.:v, .February 20,h, VIII Ule . .II ..... Cet Our New CataloK ., SIMf< f veniDK! churoh onrfiowlDi aD both 110: FREE 11 1 8Id che.-tillcd ~ . 1.0'. -----cael!)n,. "oye.... ItI!r~r::uu~~I'~h ..to D.pt.1tt. 101fl;8pb.. /Ol<rfl ..4~ 1/14 'l'be.y. Ie. ~unday Sobool WI! fll ' ant~ or CI /HJslal. • vored 8unda, wllh a , .eleollon 'of bearlnro,ourname' ~ _~d':'",.~r o~ aDd adun-u,a. , ca~ ... hIl tn, {....." mU81c frOiD Sabin McDooald alld .b . COUGH " .. ~-k --... / boor - ........ .::.~~ IilvorEltt Shumaker, for wblJh lhjl1 Dept-Itt. JO'OI\oo. "80mll time ago I had I very bad deflervo ,rolll oredl'. ~ ~ tatoolwD!utt............ . ooua h ' .rftea Lewla T. Uavie.. A ver1 ItrlnKe ooourren08 took Blaollwllfer, Del. "lIy bro,li. plllo" a' one of .tbe nearby ouun,,,. MoCabo Dav\Il IIllve me al!lDaU bot. bom" one nigh' rro.Dtly Tb. th- " f Cbllmberlatn'aCoD.h B!nDedy. f"mllv wen' to" nelgbbora to llpend Atler tailing tbllli hoaSh' balf • - tha e".. nID,entl \JU rlltal'nlDI hOlUe dl EBB boUle. of It bu' ollb" rounlt their hoa.. warm, ..,. ~. --:::-. &bem .11 ,be m.
. :r'arrh Cure, nkillufactll rcd by F . I . C:h ~ lJe y & Co .. " ol~du, hia, is II cOJlsti,u ll"'lIIl \" n .. d , is to kell ill lcrnully nnd ----------~-..-..-...-.-IICIS tof hrUIhethe Ulood 011 ~JlIcnll' Sur lnees System. lie the Hundred D o ll a rs· . rc wolfd b IIfTered fll r any crt"" Lh Il H a ll~ 's _ Ca la rrh C U I'(' fnils to Cllre . Sc'" d for tiro
- --- --
proll ouflecd It il1l!It " , ble . Cu tu r rh is . lol'al d iscase, gr·"tly ill tlucllccd by ~l1n ' l
('ondil inns and !ircrrfvre reo I51;1111 ;01111 cOl1s t itu tinllu l t reu llncnt. Hall ·,
FEBRU ARY 9. 1!1l G
. . - . . - - - . . . _ _ _ ; " '_ _ _ _ _
i. lI, n,.., Cal.ll rh in
Walter 'Chandler
Dra J. A . McCoy,
------_.-- ..------
------_. --.------
to Grow Bmger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE
Stark Bro's Nurseries at
.. - ..
. __
/ ... ~:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::=.
axon "SIX"
EXTRASPECIAL This Week The reg u1ll r
Ex lln Heavy Large Size G~l· vtlllized Tuh!', the he viest 1t1t\ut!-hought b [ore tbe a d· \ an ce \V Ol th 1.25'peCial this week .. .. . . . . ... . .... li 5c Fa Il'y Rio Co!Tce , ouly . .. 15c Canncd Peas, 3 for . . . . . .. 2ac :\. 1'0' 111<.1 Toma toes. . . . . .. I()e G ll:(' ( an Baked B ran s .. l lle
11"', I.inl!
"f th W I, ,I "I W .Ine 8 } a fternnon, F, ·!>r uIII'Y 1.,. t the hum of Tr J /.; J;J' r y A 1!p~cin l I' f[, '0111 hill! h': l' l1 a r
1'. U. witl
,·(tl" '" " \1,1 F r Allct', Wil l;m J MC I ., .r .,' (1,. \ fu ll at (enilnncf' !, II. in d ~. " p r ) htld , . wel "O I1Hl rA I1!{cd 10
NOVEL Germa ns.
Tlt ~
f ho ught , H.w'
elv' noud
Announces the following S ale Places of Sale
l'.lJhJ "I tbc Churn.
" 1',,"nd und ou will lise "I her.
r,e w Plnn
'for Pr ope li l l )
~pn iJ I for Fridn)' and Sa turdllY only
f~·I·r( ) t.t oZl t.
F a n cy £vp. Peaches
t\ t ~t 1'1I:>1'11I '. I , ' 111\. [II" ",' i< \1,\. will oriel ['0' 1 pOllnd s a t less to \>(' ern n 11',,'1'; 1', r.1I ':1 1. " hi('h t h a ll l he p re~ l' t1t wholesale Is nn iJllen'~ l jl)" d, \I j, '''lIt'nl of !,ricc, . none sold to deniers. el('(ofTienl tr'lfI -I",rt.l t ll II. T ltl' btl; ll . 4 Pou nds for 260 which rr c i\' l'~ il" , ujl!'ly of l"urrl'1I1 It pnys to trnde at from OD 01' 'ril(':ld ("" IIIiIt'I" r. i ~ a Hut rail, ,Iii f et I" II~, wilh :20.fool bell III , hnyjylg' n d~('k h (1 l1 ~l' on OliO ~ i (II', ill whi() h 01" in ~ t u ll '<1 llit, 111010r. Olll,.ol gI'll 1', g('lIri"g. (' 1(' . n ('~t ill,..\ 011 tll\' _ _ __ bed of the lokl' is a Jh .l'lg-hllls.lnch
many n~w R~fin~m~nts -\)¢t nc Inclt¢as¢ in Pltic¢
"ou get many dollars in add~d value in the New Series Saxon" ix." ' You get many new refinements- yet the Selling price is not advapced. It remains at $785. When Saxon "Six" was first brought out, people wondered how a car of such quality could be oITered at the Saxon price. "1 don't see how the Saxon Company can do it" was a frequent remark. ' .
8.x~ "8Ix"
With Llrnouelne top Saxon' 81x" Roadster
~:~:~/~i:e(:h~;:: ~'~o;~lil~;1I11:·~~'~rl~.:~~~~~1 Ii·-P-ERSON-A-L-M-E-NT-'O-N-·I lho bOllt n,nd wh ich nl 'O lutes t COil ' [ 1
the r turn c(1Julll ('!or for lhe I rollo l' ir ni t. rrhe IHOlol; uriyc this drum through b lVO lwl ts lind fl coun tershaft The po~ iti\'e colldllctor is 1\0 oTdilllrry troll!')' wire of haTll-d mlVll coppe r strd hrd between two aofoot Int.lice 11/11 t , onl' on cll~h side of thl' luke. ( 'ollnc t ion b tween thc tr 11 y wire unJ l ho bout is Trllld by m nns of n ('() lI l' rlor con~i Un ~ of It sillg lo l ight III Cl'rllUll ing wheel ~ ttncll l'(1 to Ihe rufl UI' II. flexible inslllal d c~)ppc r cu lM: lhe slac k of which is Ill kr n IIJl hy All irwe nio ll ~ nrrangemNl t of haill!ing weighls nud Jlll11 0YS BU,; pellde,l fro/ll loops i D the cubics.
3·. Knowing • w. III other word s, skillful dc.igo- Luilding-purrhllslng marketing. These nrc " "lson s why, al I he llaxon price of 17 II , we can otTer you su h added quality futures ,is these : Two· unIt elec tric start in , (lIId lighting sy . tern; Timk cn miles a nd Timkcn hcar· ings; &ilcnt helical ' bevel drive gea rs ; roomie r rel l< seal , full 46 iu. lies " Ide; linole um cDver"d runnin g b oards a nd n oo r boards; Burd hig h coolprcssivlI pjston rin g ~nnd 17 Olherimp rov~ment s . In the motor c: r essent ials of light · Ilcss-power- ben lit y-si1.e-econom y -Saxon "Sil" truly triumphs. Vou men "ho keep pace with ndvs nc· es in molor car build illil sbould sce lhis New Series Saxon "Six" at oo cc. It .. ill ~urpr isc you wilh its lillish d perfec tion . 8axon "Four" Roadster $a95 WitH Coupe top 456 . Electl'lO' starter and lI/P1te 60
an a dvan tage to you, the purcbaser.
$785 935 785
8 l\bsortbo for the Mln ml
FERRY Mr. and Mra AI Cornt!ll and daugh· ter. Inn. en~rtained Sunday. Mr. Elmer Kelsey who was serl. oualv hurt ii imllroving. Mn.lJllian Botop and son. Elmer, entertained Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. .Trac1 and children. of Falr~, . Everybody appreciated .the beautiful 1III0W instead of the rain and mud.
50Uo acres, all good land. 17~ story' Frame House ' wilh Rooms, Cellar, Coal HOUlse, Large Barn, Fruit, and within three-fourths of a mile from a good Town and a Railroad. , Will give possession .at once.
LONG HAULS A SPECIALTY Stock Delivered at the
. No. 27 South Detroit Street
Insurance and Real ·· Estate
IShli===:JUiJlE55ill l:l'E55il11EJ 'E::::ilIEHE==il11EJ. -[:]Il'=:::::lIIEJ·
WII) nesville
Come in and will make an e'itimate on the buHding
-...- - -
Give us a caU, g.e t our prices, and we are positive we will get your ' order for ' lumber, etc.
W. H. MADDEN, c. . . ~
here lIist wintar, the Wesley Class announce that they have finally been able to secure this excellent eompany for Friday evenin~l February 25th, W/Itch this paper ror further par· ticulal s.
~amovlnll Adhellve Tape Palnl~"IY,
Late Cwsified Ads ~
The' u8u&1 palo wbleh accompanies removing adh88I:v~ tapa from cut. or brUises cal! be noldad a tew drops or bemdne are applied to· the edgu. -Wor ld'i Advance. .
Nicholas Irons, tather of former r esidents Leroy Irona, C. M. Irons, 8 . C. BniT Orplpgtoo oookerell of CincinnatI. Mrs, Jessie Campbell. &nd " White Leghorn oookere}•• of Gooding, Idaho, died at his bome for .sale InqtilrE of Mr8. B\.. l:iwltb, In Lebanon last Thursday morninll' R u. 4, Wavnesville, 0.1)\0 . 128 ,,,. at 6:30 o'clock, after an illness of several months. The funersl 11'88 =~~~~~~~~~::=:;:: M.YAim-Y,o ur Trade' held at Bethany cburch Tuesday af. ternooll at 2'30 o'clock Oriental Idea. . • - .. ~ • An Enlllh,b traveler, In the Orleot, QUALITY-4Above the.8ta~d 'reI ' who was I plCklog up '!latenal 'Cor a , a
AUTO ..,: 'LI' ,ERY
On Suit~, Overcoats, ·Cloaks. ~~uits, Dresses, .S kirts, 'Furniture, 'S:t(.ves -
to the man;: request. i forIna response return by tbe ' University Girls" Orchestra, who gave such i• splendid satisfaction when they were
.a;ma 7" .
I '
book, asked a pasha : "Is tbe Clv.~ I' [:ft:!:~~~~a~~r~~o8t~~8~()r~r.~:t:r::: ·
We also ha.ve Paint · to put on your ' building YOlt intend to build,
i! ~
Necessary to build a w~ll-equipped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shed.
in every tinieyou net!CI goods line, new and unheard·of Call early and see the new John A. Funkev.
_......:.,--~=--. ~ 1F _ .~~ u~.-LEB~ON,OHIO
Everything In Building Material
Lyman 'ilver,' Chas . Zimmerman nnd L e Talm age represented Wayne rownship at Farmers Week at Co· lumbus his t week. .
'I' 2'
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Dn'vis and child are preparing to move to Dav· tOD! .where Mr. Davis has a good posIt/on. .
U!hll5==!lU:JI=:5511 ~.Il===::JU!J ~ -I '. ,
~Satuttday, febJtuatty
Do You Intend to Build a Hom.e this Season? If you do, Remember, we have
Mrs. Viola Hawkins. of Sabina. spent last week with Ml'II, Stanley ellurs. at Lebanon.
Come in our prices. arrival.
Centerville, O.hio
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..aaa. . . . . . . . . . .~~__~'
Mrs. Oscar Wade, of Route 5, whit hn.q been ill with grIppe, Is much im· pro ed .
Harveysburg, . . . . Ohio ................................... ................
Mrs. J i)s, Tinney and son. Leonard, wcr ' shopping in Cincinnati Saturday ,
T·he Walker Transfer Company
Thursday, Feb. lO...,. Arthltr I cJlhart, "} lIIile en l of We~ t arlcto/l, Frida)', Feb. ll- Be.tl Jame , I lIlile so uth of Lytle. Saturday , Feb. 12- City properLy at the dour of the court house, Dayton. Monday, Fe b. 14-Heury PrenLh('r, :l IIliles l10r Lheas t f Centerville. Tuesday, Feb. la-Charles GCllt cr, :1 Illiles east of Mi ami sburg. Wednesday, Feb. 16- Wellit1g tl'n a rnell, at Ll'l le . . Thursday. Feb, 17- larence Folkc rlh , I ttl ile no rth of Fcrr . I ~ riday . Feb. IS-Jos. Chal1lbellnin, n C!lr · (lIrli~lc. Saturday, Veb. IU-A. G. M )' e r~, Ii , ry ~tr1l'k, I )n ' lOll. Monday, Feb. 21-Ha~ry Grist, I ' ., milc 1I f11 tli\\'c~ t (,lIlervill e, TueSday , Feb. ?2 - A . G. Mycl S, ~ mi les /l O ll II ,,( ~I c <iwuy. Wednesday, Feb. 23 - \, m. Dinwiuui(', :.: l\I il S oorl It uf Waynes· ville. Thursday, Feb, 2.J-\V111. Wade, :! tt1 i]("~ nOI tltl'nst of Sp riugboro . Saturday. Feb. ~6-City property ut COll rt h o ltS ' . 11: 1} ton. Tuesday, Feb. 2\}--!\l rs. Cassie A tl d l e\\'~ , " 1IIi l.·s , (' II It of. I:ea \,er· town. Wednesday. Mar . }- Wm. C. lkk, lI ~ar Elkr t"oll. ( hi... Thursday, ~far. 2- \Y. C: ({ ohinctt , :It ~ Ija lll i ,burg . Saturday, MClr, ·J-l. llY property a t CO Ult !tOIl ·C . J la I 'TI . Monday. MClr. (i-Mrs. Smith, near ;\ \('X[.\lIc!l' l ,iille . Tuesday, Mar. 7-1 larry Th I11p50n. :! miles wcs t of r.crtl1 ~l nlo\V n. "" ' ednesdtly, Mar. t~J . M. 1Ilc i\eil. 1 Illile ca st of Kirkw(l rd , C hio. Thursday, Mar . IJ-Jesse Michael , :j lIIiles sOll lhea st nf JIl in nisburg. Saturday,lIlar, ll-Wm. Wade, (\crllt untl1w n, Uhio. Mouday. Mar. 20-Jesse Prugh, Beave rtown. ltio.
of Lod,ge , No . 163 F. & A. M.. Will be' held TU P..iiday evening, Febrnary 15. 1916, at 7 o'clock. Work in the M. ~t. de· gl ee Sojourning brethren and strungers cord iUIlY invited to ~ttend. . D. L. Crane. W. M. L A . Zimmerman, Sec'y.
For further information call on
F reu C n.~k ey . of Marietta. Ohi", has been vi ~iting his mothf'r at Leban on.
Mrs. W. . , Graham s p<'nt the week·elld with 'relat ives in prinll' field .
Dates and
Mrs. . R. Bentley spent. unday wit h I'elati e in New Burlington.
J atrtes. M~. Ilnd Mrs. Will Stroud and Mrs . J[ames Thomas. Mrs. Ev Allen, who has been very sick with pneuhloniu. is improving . fast. The Sug-ar Creek Chris tian church have their church remodeled alld have illvit{'d the Ferry church Sun day. There witl be no services at Ferry SUllId ay. James Hartsock entertained at hi~ home Su.nday in honor of h~s four teen~h blrt.hday the fo llowing boy of ~IS. clmss: H nry Murphy , Cnrl WrlStht, N elson Brown. Hansford Tewell , Marshal Filer and Bomer Mouser. 'r he af ternoon was spent with games of various kinds .
Walker T ransfer'C ompany
~aze tf'
~ •
Jesse Burton wes ' in Cincinnati on Tll esday.
TheattendaneeattheFerrychurch Born-To Mr. and Mra. Wilbur }o'ouIk! Sunday morning, a fine daugh· Sunday including the Sugar Creek Christian church was 112. ter. Don't forget the Progressive Lit. Mrs. Maggie Brown and little daughter Jeanette. spenl Sunday erary society at the Elliott school with ber mother and gTandmother house Friday evening, Ftlbruary 12, 1916. Everybody eo me, In Waynesville. Th MIl' f 'I , Mr. Carman Cornell spent Satur· . e u.m amI y ~nt~rlallled day evening with Leroy Hartsock Frldayevenmg. Mrs . .MmnlE! Hart· sock, daughter, M,me and BOn. at the latter's bome. Master Arthur Thomas who h~ 'been- -.uenifing . acbool- IIi fdiimi8- I~~!!!!!!~,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~,-~~-~-~-!!""'~---~ burg, returned home Friday tor a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .+4H abort vllit.
1 Live
. - - - - - - ..... -
A big touring car . for five people
And now comes the New e.ries Saxon-with even greater value tllan before at the same price to you. ~ i ' Three reasons account for this: I. Double Output. The Saxon Company has doubled its prod uction of Saxon cars. Increased production makes added 'Value possible without inerease in price -bccause of advantages in pur· c~asing materials in large quantity. 3. Small margin of profit Per Car. WlIIinQness t. accept Il smaller margln of profi per cnr thull is customary gives
The I!!astern Star Lodge will meet Monday evening, February 14. All members are urged to be present.
~I I
~o. ~
"Why do you censor the valtl!nI111 btu-'every MOD«!ay morDln. before the
atarta for tha weelt'"
1i===!llEli~55E!U!l IiP.i5i5=!l1:'I m performera to do It. SOme or !hela trr uDlOrupuJou I '1!I15!!EEI'1i5ii551'ElIi5il55iJl'=' occulonaUr 10 ..... •1I.a.J!===II:IIiE55!UiJIi55=1 • .... •• 't:. eome ne. JobL" ~-- sa
.ii. ~., ,J;--'"
SERVICE-Thatean't be beat . ' PRICES,- To 'lIteaie
'b' Ie ,trloue friend," replied tbe pusba..•~ lah Is great. lind tUo pllb'ic fynctlonary -"., .,...-.---.......-.,.. an' enjgya The Junior Orde'r had wilo etandlln ,nced 01 Ii rothulg aU\l'Y' ,GOO. J. ' meeti ng Friday evening. Two ' can- &lice Wh~Ul hi. term of olftee ~plrella J di dateil weI e ,initialed In the ftl'llt and a fooL" , , Phone 54-2X second degrees. after which a fine .
.~ ~~~;~;N~~~;~~;~
_ •New: Line 'of Deep Dishes.. 10&: lOe 1Oe. lOe
Brqien ..... ; ........... lOe
~xtr. "pecl~
Corwin, . Ohio; •
. FIVE; AND : TEN· CENt ·STORE Curta'in' Scrim new des.lglll per yard .............. "Worth·More" Ribbon ~ per yard ..••..• ••.•• 111 Childrens' Drawers •• ; •••• Corset Covers., ••••••••••
lOe ViDeg,r Cruets· ........ ,. lOe Salt and Pepper casters ........... . '" .. tOe "No;Stoop" Dust P8Ds ••• JOe SUgar Bowls, China .••••• lOc Creamers, China ......... IOe
for 8aturcla,
Best MulllD Pillow TUiDg, 42 in. wide, pef"jird.......... JOe
The Mipzlae Mao W.,YIIIIVill.. Ohio
Sixty-Eighth Year
Whole Number 33[)6
~~RruN~~~~~~~_~r~~A~~_KEN_ING_~_B_ A~_BA_ui_~N~:~~]ij~-~ill PRoORAM EN~{JUNTERS VERE STORMS
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'See "Pauline" . Tuesday evening.
Miss E:mma Helghway was th e ASKS A FEW QUESTIONS ABOUT Sunday dinner g uest of Mr. a nd Ol IR BOYS A D GIRLS Mrs. J . H. Col eman.
Try a Meal at Chenoweth's Restaurant. B H. CONGRESS IN TURMOIL Sunday. And
Kelly was in Columbua
Rev. D. H. Palm ar and family and Mi!lS Lucy Eml ey were g uests of Mrs. Lizzie Yeazel at dinner unday.
Administration Recommends Mrs. W. H. Allen was in Cincinnati Friday. . ProKram But Has Few Supporters MiBi Clara Lile was a Xenia viBitor Saturday.
America ie the land of tree tbought and free speech. We 88 a people have alwavs believed that these were . indispensable to our material life Never have free thouliht and free speech been used by the people at they are being used now. It is the privileglt of every man to do hil own thinking and the writer has always believed consistent thinking to be one of the principles upon which our great Rt·public wastounded. fherd' fore we d. not all agree . The particular qUeition upon which we are exercisin~ tllia itreat democratic principle IS the question of preparedness. No a;easion of · Con gress in tbft last decade hu bad auch an Important question to decide This flC88ion of Congress will ito down in history as an epochal one. Apparen tly no two ICnators or conArress man agree upon anyone program. The administration recommends a program but it haa few supporterl Every Conlrressman who wants increased national defense has a bill of - his own. Gne eenator IIIlYs we must aim against England, another alralnst Germany and Btill another againt Japan. Each mall h88 a number of supports. M~while alarre ,roup. headed by Conllreaaman Kitchin, Travenner and Bailey are ollering all increued defence on the Arround that the preparedn8PI advooatel show lOod eauae lor loading the naUor. with armament. Many of them feel that the hand of tholle who profit by armament is to apparent in the whole IICheme. . We Ilreatly fear that 'the country la in the aame IItate of confu.ion in which conlress finds iblelf. and tbat the preeident is adding to the con· fu!ion. We are well acquainted with hfa attitude of a year ~o . He reso\llte1y Btood out alain1t the de fenC8-aoeieties.. Now he baa Bwung over .t o the "preparednesa" people 1aIlc11a touring the country in defence of increased armament. Tbe ques tion uppermost in my mind is. bas the president ariven sufficient reason for hIs chan,eof attitude toward thia question His s-peecht!8 do not aeem to be clearinlr the atmoaphere olits huiD88II. We dislike to believe that there i, a jillio note In the apeeches of our clear thinkiug, hlah· minded, peace·)ovinAr prl8ident. . He 18 endeavoring to please ·bolh the mllitai-Iats and the lovers of ,ood will, with the reault that be i8 being attacked by both IrouPli. The ' defence people are fiArbtlng him barder than are t.he peace groupe. The war crowd. the defence Jaques, the army and navy officerll are I~inlr in a contem.,Uble way and holilln, up to ridicule hilt defence pl'ogram. :t'bere ia a larae Iroup of ~ple in this countr~ who see that the war in Europe .h.. exploded the wbole preparedneM theol'J. Armed mtiat be relepted to ' the D!I't.JO~I.1 rubblah beap. 'they He the of eYeD the ftl'/lt ltep· toward mllliarilm Qf Elil'9pe and have loat confidence In th.presldent with bit audde'! adoption of preparedneM. a watchword •• Tbey are '"JOrouII, oppoeing his proarram of defence belIevlnlr it II playing into the baud, of mllitllDq,. Aa one of tbe defence leaden aald the other d!l¥. trling to check the attack of hll ('.emradet uj)On the president: "Let blm alone. tie la rinaint the' bell that will brln, the ~ple into our cbureh.·' Our personal deaite Ii to aee the United States point out a new and a better way to war-cuned Europe•. rather than folio'; after her. ' The IQ"era'of )Ieaee want the United States to be in al)Olltion to lu. . .l dlaarmament to EUrope. We bote with alarm the ludden iwemng of our president No ,cme knows what will Come out of tbe Dreaent confusion. The presl· den{1 proaram leemll at thil ' time not to be the outco~.. It will eltber be the' utren:i .. inilitarism of GerDIIlDY a ..UlnAr lIack to our hOIl om and peaceful Wayl of induatrt . will to all peoplee. O)lr and our fint dut, at Ii to - teach ,the na· Earth a new waY 'of lI.fe . CQ, be ~inpliahed our 8'0 dOwn In hiato\'Y' ~ ~te~ of o~r oation ,~ one of .I~f~he~ Dam_ of ·W..hl~rton and Lincoln are the moat con.plcuoul in our hiatOI'l/ .J:feeaUle of their accom · I&bmeota. We are flCirl. an &.Iue n matiy ~ta oot leM Important C than ~ laaues th., f&Cell. . Can it oot .,. ~ble that the name of WUlion'" bODored and respected by' ~merlca'a poIIterit,J as one who. led lbi. couDtrJiD a moat 8:1oriOpa con!!Bt,llQt In ~f of .!ftah04llll, but ~~t of CbriatJao civlllaitlonT . C. S. Gnu'aer . • _ •
L A. Zimmerman was a Dayton viBitor Monday.
0 W. Hamilton spent the week· end with relalives in Dayton. Jesse Burton and son. Howard. were Cincinnati visitors . Thursday.
W d T t ' ante relit a ypewrlter. Leave word at the Gazette OmCto. Born-To Mr . and Mrs. Orndor!. Thursday. ~ebruary 10th. a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. George MarkB spent the week· end with relatives in Dayton. Millll Abbie RQland, of Corwin. viaited relativea In Spring Valley lut week. Dr. Dill, Osteopath. at residence of L. T, Peterson, Main St.• Tuesday and Friday morDings. Mrs, Hattie BlJrsk and son. of Mason. were the guests of Mrs. Snook and family last week. Mn. Supn Cook and daugbter. Mill Martha. of Lebanon, epent the put week with relatives here. W. H. Madd811 Walj called to Springfield lait week on account of th ~ serious illness of a relative. Mrs. Lydia Edwards PressnaIl. of F.lrmount. Ind., i.I visiting with fliendll in and around Waynesville. Get your: choice of 9c articles at Funkeys. · New goods received every week. The Syndicate price Burpri!IeB everyone who enters the store. , , . C M Robitzer was called to LouiBVilie Ky. Saturday evening on account of the ·...,rious iIInesa of a relative ' • &rn--To Mr. and Mrs. Ellswortb Smith. nee Mi88 Helen McClure. at Dayton. Ohio, Monday, February 14th. a daughter.
Dr. and Mrs . J . T . Ellis entertain ed ullday the following R'uelts: Dr. Clagett and family. Mr. Charles Ellis an d family. Mr. Sid Ellis and family and Miss Francis Janney.
Mr. and Mrs. CI.,klville, are weeki with Mr. Bowell at Mobile '
J . H. Linton. of lpending a few and Mrs. B. S. Ala
poned from hbruary 25 to Malreh 1: a1nce the announc8lJlent we pub Ishea last week. . Mrs B. H. Kelly arrived home from Newark Sunday eyening. Hilr many·friena bere wiII be sratified to know that abe fa improving rapidly. .
See "Pauline" Tueadlo1 ' evenln,. ~. C. S. Graullflr lpent three d..,a. in "- Dayton lut week attend iIIg t~e IAyman'l' Convention The meetinl was l~rArel1 attended and vel'l/ inItnicti"t-. '. Frank Snook.of Waynesville Can· nln. Co., and James 8toopa, of the Van Wert Canning Co.. lpent laat week in Lnuillvllle. Ky.. attending the National Cannera' AaIociation. ' . 'So many lady cuatom~ra remark they thoulfht Kirb, b1WllOc bargains but Johll A•. ~'unkey sella 15, 20.25c barpine lor OIIlv Bel. , don't · fail to tee the~_ when in tOWl'l or down
- The poetoffice window ia a bower of beauty at the'preaeot time, roe!;. master Cazw pI&ced ~e hJaclDtbs In the window a few ago ~nd .are bl(lomina beautifully, and delicate amelI of the ftowers II very pl......t to the J)!ItroDi .BI they enter the office.. '1'11.' beautiful palmi IlDd the jar gold ftab make a ~me b8ekaround for ~ese beautiful ftowen.
Gives "Knocl(crs" a Twist about "Kicking" on Taxes, Mattera and Things.
OF NEWS PAPER *----- - - - -~
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ANNUAL Bi~E 11_!l!.DE~~~LJ . SCHOOL C.DIIGRESS d'~~''::i~~P~~ti"~ w~,l!':;.~~h'; The dale for the entertainment by the Unlvenilf Girl. hu been
It you want to be entertained in a h18b ·clal8 manner 1'0 to·the aehool bOUle Tuesday evenin, and hear your bo,a and slrla sing "Pauline."
·Editor .of Miami Gazelte:Can we keep our boys and girlS at Mi!lS Annie Drow'l. of the O. S. & S . O. at Xenia, was entertained to· home al' d are we trying! Around the warm stoves of our gether with Borne of lhe other home fo Iks at a six o'clock dinner at th e village sto res many things c , n be Quinn hotel last Tuesday evening. heard. and one of the subjects is the echoolh use and taxes. F irst our new scho ol building Is too small or ia not properly arran\ied. My underMr. and Mr~. Ronald Hawke had stand ing was. before it was started for Sunday dlnne~ !lUeBts, Mr . and that it was to have dome!!lic science, Mrs. Emmor Bally. Mr and Mrs manual training and a g)'I1masium, G. W. Hawke. Mr . an~ Mrs. J . B. also a good ball di amond on the C~apman . and two chIldren •. MrH. ground s. If tbe first three named LIDa DeVitt and Emmor Bally J I:. can be pu t in that building. then the days (I f miracles haven't pM-ed . As for a ball di amond perhaps our Mrs. E. S. Baily ente rtained a school board can rent an adjoining farge party Tu esday afterno on at a field of Dr. Ellis . euchre party . The afte.noon was Some people wi II say, that fellow pl easantly spent enjoying t he game. wan ts th e boys and girls to play and after which an elegant lunch eon was not study. When you were young served in three courses. did you want to study nil the time? If so you ce rtainly wasn't right and (Copyrlah L' possibly you never got over it . . 1 Mr. and Mrs. WiI~o n Edwards en· think w have too much taught In tertained the Jolly Matrons Monday our schools of today that is not pracevening with th.eir husband s at thei r ileal. that is. too much that is never regular monthly meeting. A deli- used in everyday life. 1f the scholcious dinner wae served after which ar wants to go and become Ii doctor the evening was .spent in playinlr or teacher or somethinl' on these • '500." lines it is all right. How many of this kind have we from this aehool. The schools of Wayne Township ..gainst the all· round man we meet Mrs. J . D. Marlatt and daughter. every day P They are few and far will render a prog ram in each room . ' A great d~1 of comment has been Ft;Jbruary 22nd. beginning promptly The Wayn ~vill e basket b~lJ teams Mi8~ Hel en. enter t!!ined the faculty between. f!1ade at late In regard to the pecu· at 1:30. The public iii cordially in- were up ag!llnst the real thmg Sat. of the school at a 6 o'clock . dinner Understand me rilht, a lrood eduhar colo I' of the metropolitan ne ,\'9' vited urday evenm il. when they banked up Thursday evening. The dinner was cjllion always. but the kind you n~ papers. The paper manufaclured • .. ." ' . against the first and second fi ve a well· appointed one. and those who or use in after years. Some Will for the making of newspapers has The pl,:,y Pauline . to . be gl.ven at the Xenia schools. Owing to the enjoyed the evenin~ were Supt. always been wl1itened !:'ya coloring by ~he !1111h Sch o ol,Tu ll:~day evemn ~. fact that neither Blanchester nor Spriegel. Prin . and Mre. Arnold. say the place for a girl to learn to procesa by dyes furm shed by Ger begl.nmnl<' at 8 0 cloc k s harp! Will SlJrin gboro could come. Manager the Misles Mable Radley. Clara Lilt>. cook and other housework ia at home, many . At. the preSf1nt time they m!,rlt your atlend~nce. The tlckb~<! Meredith phoned to Xenia 88 a last Vada McPherson and Misses Olive That is all right if the mother will are not avallabl~. and the manufac' will be on sale FrJda~ a t Janney_s resort . rather thlin disappoint the Allen, Edyth!! Macy and Messrs. teach th em. I remember being at ~urers are sending out ~h e paper in Drug Store. 10 for ('blldr en and 2l~ lovers of the game here. The first Raymond Davis. L. N . Print z and a place one time when the daughter wanted to bake a cake and the mothIts natural state• .or as It looks be· fo r adul ts . The proceeds of t hiS five were defeated by a score of 61 Co. M. Robitzer. e r said no. you can't make a cake. fore being wbitened. The price of play will go to the school fo r .library. Ito 31 and the second five 38 to 7. you will just waste sUllar and flour. new~ paper has.adva!lc~ a" . dis ad- etc. The s tud· nts are worlllng hard Had the Wayne:IVilie boys playe<l Will that girl make a good cook and vanclng BO rapidly. 1t IS fear~ that and should be suppor.lect t he game they did a week ago the On Thursday. Miss May Wright. a good wife along this line? some of the smaller papers Will have The Xenia Basket 13ull team who .sco re would have been a great deal Girls you must be good housekeepto go out nf business. unl~s strenu· plaved here last Satu rday eveninll different. But their inability ~o who is in her element when enterto be pdzed by your husbands. ous efforts are made. Colored pa- showed excell ent tr!!ini nl{ and playeu throw goals WIlS the cause of their tainin&' friends. gathered a numbe r ers It works the same way with the boys, of lad ips at her pretty home on per is a1mO!!t. a . thing of Ule pas.t. a clean game throug!lOut. Waynes- . severe def~a t . "Mt. Zion" to a beautifully appoint- not in all casell but in many. That and if conditions keep on they Will ville can be justl y proud of her bOYS I The .xem~ team were a fine bunch ed fivC:course dinner. The color is why 1 would like to see these things be obsol~te, unlesa the manufacturers for their progree ' this season. Thev of boys and the games were played scheme of the decorations was in taught in our schools. As .for our can concleve .of some way to color have made a R'ood showing for their good naturedly through"Ou t. St. Valentine's hearts, and red car· playroDm don't you think it would ~he paper Without the use of for- first year. What we Ileed most of • _-.,_ __ nations. ever. to the dainty favors be better for them to have a nic~ elgn dyes. all now is a gymnasium. ---_a and place carda. bore evidence~o place to "QJUJ<Lenj!l,Y themselves of ----.~ ......--the approach of St. Valentine', Day. tlveuings. or any time in the year. Covera were laid for fourteen. in· to talk over their affairs. than to Many Gat s In N orway. . . cluding Mesdamell Howell Pierce. have the bOY!I alonl:C the river or in A. curious fCl1l ul'o 10 trn vo lN on J. T. Ellis. A. Maffitt. H. E. Hath · some stores that are 110ne too good. . 'tbe blghroads 01 Nomay I s t.he great away. J . E . Janney. Charles Hough. and the girls (m the streets? number of g ilt A-UI'Wal'd or ,10.000 In r..ow this does not apply to a\l boys J . Will White, C. F. Evans. G. W. the whol e country 1 hes!' gales, which Ha'ioyke. A . T. Wriltht and J. A. and girls. You say the parents ellher mnrk Ule bounda rl 8 of tbe should keep them at bome but is it Funkey. farms or sspnru re tlJ 110m II Ids trom I M'lt Sh h h h b clone. and can we keep our boys and Cora Harris - who is in California Ithe Wllsto lands. cOilstitule D consld· I ! 01} ~e an. w, a 88 ' een g irls flom the citie~ that way! I writes us they 'are having fine weath: erable InoonYOll1 lice -an d delay 10 the ru ~tlcatmf the h~unny SObtl~ say no. I understand our 'school Ui er there at the pre!lent time after I ~av eler. who hns lo top hIs vejJtcle ~rges t llc lang~h 18 pape~ t a ~nd Mr~. P . D.. Clag;ett enter- board hasn't enough money to equip O as their rains. that the orange "and I and " at down to ope I t ll o m . h en. erv!, e. d ey.. expec MO e ~amed In a umqlle way· Friday even the building. with these things and . k' . I t I h I ht • _ ...- -l ome In a ew ays. IIlr. an d ra. mIt at a euchre party. Partner. for possibly th ;;y don' t like to sell more Iemon PIC Ing aes.."On s 8 ts e g , Jos. Sears. of Conover, who also were at t. Petersburg. have already the game were .chosen by a fish pond. bondll on account of tile '·kickerH." and that there I~wurk for everybody one . fishing over a ~cree.n to They will be kicked am' way by some. at the present time. . I' c(lme back to lhe frozen and friKid each choose . ~IS partner. ThiS bit o.f BU why not keep liP whh other towns play eliCited a Itre~t deal of mer~l- and have thinlts rilCht and let one ment •. and the evening was spent \1\ big kick do for all. N"th a dehghtful manner. An ~Ielran t I feel sorry for these poor kickers. lunch was . gerved. The mv:ited possibly some one can take care of guesla were: Mr. and MIS. Wilson them for awhile. If we have our Edwards, Mr. and Mrs . W. H. farm s appraised a little higher ~he AII~n, . Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cart. me-of liS will go With order of the eveni ng . After tht! wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ron!,ld Hawke, the "kickers" the infirmary. l Word has heen received here to Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. feel sorry for thetowould.be , business session a pleasan t half-hour Christians the effect that Thirl Hayes Is in n Mr. Wilmington Yearly Meeting 8 An- was spent Mrs. ~red Gons. Mr. and that worahip the dollar'8R his God nual Bible School Congress ' will be . ve ry cliti"cal condition at the ClllCin- M.ra.and M. Robltzer, Mr. and Mr•. six days out of the week and hates to held in Friends Church at Wilming. 1 - - - - -nati hospital. but latest reporbl are RallpbC. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. give a penny for the hetterment of ton. Februa,y25. W. J. Sayres.of l Waynesville Lot.l gu No: 1 6~ F. & that he is gradually ·improvlng. McCoy, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hatba· our girls and boys. If you want Indiana will deliver. three addreases. . A. M.• me t Tuesday evening III reg· Mr. Hayes is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson. them on the farm then help to keep ular communi ca l ion. The M. M. dE!' Baily HayllS wbo conducted the way.and All are 'invited. Mrs. B. H. Kelly. Mr. IU!d them there. If the shoe fits wesr it. By order of Committee . gree wns conft\rred upon one candl. Waynesville bakery several years M,r. F W C Mrs. J. B. Chapman. M.... Cynthia . ago. W. A. Starbuck. Pres. date. Evans. Mi8leS May Wright, Emma __ • . • . Heillhway. Henrietta McKinsey. and Messrs. J. B. Pence and E .. D. Baily.
It will be worth while "Pauline" at School A~ditorium Tueedey evening. Your boys and rirlB will 'sing i~.
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ANNOUNCEMENT Lent begins unusually late this year, Ash WeClnesday not falling until March 8th. The seasoll of L ent begins on a Wednesday, in order that omitting Sundays, which are always festival days cOlnmcmorating the Resurrection, just forty days may be accomplished before Ea ler, in humble imitation of the Redeemer's fasting in the wilderneJs. . . 'thus early we should ask ourselves, what are we going to do wit!l Lent? Shall we use it or lose it? "To lose a Lent is to lose a year." Many who read these words -could witness to their thlth. The church kno~s it well by· sad experience in her children, and so pleads with. them once again before the Lenten 'opportunity begins, not to lose' itJ but ~~ use it. . What is her agree~ent? She does but bnng us face to 'face With our Lorrl that we may hear him saying, "Be11OId we go up to Jerusalem." In his l~ve he takes it for granted that we are going with him. He lead~ us in the way of the cross; and in t.he way .of l~ve,. and in the w,ay ?f l~fe. As Christians we confess tJIat wltho\,1t love, life IS only death in dISguise. ·. ".God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. that we sho!Jld not perish but have ey~rlasting life. And love is the only adequate r~sponse to ,love. It is so in our relations to o1le ~U1other. Not the greatest kllldness will saUsfy the heart that loves. . "I .don't ask you merely to be kind to me; I ask you to love me." God cannot ask less~ . And without love, all else "profileth nothing." We must pray for fove to keep Lent that will please God, and then all our self de~ial, and sel.!Jacrifice will D;U1.ke us love Him ~. Shall w~ use Lent or lose it? · J. F. C. -
On last Frinay evening Mrs. Ernest Brown entertained a number of her fri ends at her home at 36 Gall oway I!I Street .. Dayton. in honor of Mias Glena Brown. whose home is a h Lytle, Ohio. and a bride of early spring. to Mr. Jesse Ens'ioyaller. 'of this city . Ali came with bundles, . which Mi811 Brown was reql1est.ed to r:t open. and to het surprise (nund them ... to be many u.•eful things for her new home. A dainty ' lun~h was served and at a late hour all departed wishing the bride all happi. ' ness for her future. Those ,present were "Laura Dun. ham . Edeth Drew. Marie Shultz. Mamie Lt.flar, Addie Booker, Marie Ecbart. Edith Newkirk. Elda Manning. Mrs. Laura Fry. MI'I. Stella Rh~taand daughters. A:limae, Vera Velie ReV&; Eva and Beulah, Glena ~.' Brown, Mrs Wilbur Warton, MrS. ... Blanch Crlstman and dalJghters Edith and Lillian. Mrs. Enswaller and daurhtera Edith IlDd Ethel, Mrs. Claude Hail &ad dau(rbbtl' Stl!Ua, Mra.-Ern.t Brown- and tartF II,. The bride wUl be ~embered _ at Warn_rille AI Iho I •••• "" - btr _1..n.~.1 ...... .,... • _reo E==ilGIE==I&llp=ElIG lliia EI'E=5a1l!'L 1 'I : ' - ' ' :I!I '' -CoatdbGtied
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CHURCH NOTICES M. E. CHU~C~ Sunday School 9:16 B. m. Preaching service on Sunday morning 10:30. Laat 01 series of sermons on "Safety First:" on Sunday evening subject. "Safety First-How Shall I Apply It?" Do not mjss the last one. special music. The first anniverllllry of the new church will be orserved in an all day meeting on February 27th. Arranre to be present: Watch for complete program in paper next week. Claren(:e S. Grallser. Pastor. ST. MARY'S CHU~CH . . SeptuaAreslma Sunday Febt:uary 20. ~unday School. at 9:30 a. m. Mornlni'. f~erand aermo~~t 10:30. You are. mVI~ to these servIces. • _ .. Got Thelr Share.
Beven communists In P~rI8.. durln&' tbe 18(8 revolution caUed on tbe bQd or the RotbBchlld bOUle Lliore. remlnded blm that II01\' .,1 wcnltb waa to be 'cl1vlded a lld Intlmeted that be better ~ ready. II'be wIl, 'inanclllr palled out a peDell, dl\'ld~d bit oWJ\1feaJlh by the ])Oplllation of France, ....8 _ch of tbe commltt_ _ foUr frIlD~ u4 1184, UIem cood dar. -";-l'~-'
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"lin 10 re(um to I1pr !tn, ' lI'l'II. 'II" " "I' "1\ 11 11<1 )le l ' l n l '! II .,w .. , this the sorl or 1,'IIf'Ill !lnI S n' II n,l w... r ~ r t'r , I., \,'11"0" r. III Yr l \ d I '1 k u", IljlLI Ill, II ' 1\1111 110 ('IHI ,' I'" (I propos to rt'·hod reClbCP'11II husty! Po 1('1' COItov Ilt'1 I .. h.III" II w~,; 11 III Ill. t' r. 111101'1 Perhaps'<I sh(' I I '!I eI'
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Dlltb ' OoYU Ont'
A C'i 0 1' E E ~ , way ot Btnoll In llg memol \'ommU III Dl ut'lnlll, kIll'\\" It n.lut It wae bccaUF ,Probate ourt PrO( ~ dl"l[e ca lion with Ibem, rost d ror n 10 11 or thaI 1010 tII , t they mUBt eta)' nJ ' nl In th e \) o8 m j ll ~ Ol' 8 or CO il . oll,l ____, In t he 0 t ll te of lI1ury Hu bn e r, UI." emit d at he r III nn'ecllUu lltc roeog ll l REAL ESTATE I SU RANCE 11 0 I.I~ '0"'l' 1 ' j.:m OPu<'I'd , 1' 1'1Vllt "I o f ll tl r ~(l nh 1 lion. th en SWI' III hIS glllllc on ,10 11)1. )lr op rty o rd e ll;" I, mother. wh er e .It ling re ll I 1.I I he n la UeI' t t,h fJ will !hr It "You lire pe rr lI y co r rf'cl," stat Nt Gerald Fosland. who. t11(\U ll h sllli ng A O l1 M nil. d cCl'l ~ed W"I i" u.d • in C HA~' BER lAI N'S Ul lt 'I ~() to p r Ilut" s tlmy upri ght, had man ag ~ U lIe v rlh . EDY FOR 20 YEARS les8 to dis pose ODe elbow whore It ~ l n III \11 , Me r I tho wilt " f Will . touched gelllly the surrace of Arl y. " Ohlllll l'I!'I'!t.llIl, Umlptl ~ nlll i IJl b . M \)II'lIft, Il l' (:"ll ~('tl , Will Is :II "Market Sqllare church Is a much ' h ut! bt'Plti U" 'II III III V llflu oh ,I l<!l' ' 1 u u Wi ll nBV e S till to e senocs auo more dignified old plae or worship Ih CHAPTER XXVII I. JlI1'~t IWI II'Y ' ~ "I'~ 1 1 )"~ IlJl uClII II L. 'd tu Ol· ,t t be AII,I!' .vll]- !! I n .. h e l U.lIt __ pharisees. doclor; 'lhose who stand than the oslelllutlous catbedral would gi"iu~ it t il m y I h lldr 1\ wh l'" IO IlV prayi ng In the public plnces: so Ih Y ever be. and your project tor s pending were ~1)1 1< 11 \ ~ II q ltd, 1,.'IIM fur lind Roger Lutes, botb obltl1red 1IIt' li mny be seen ot nll men,''' and Gall the money h ns Buch stri ct jus tice at oroup, \\ b · ') l'i ll ~: r" hl ~ It , o)HI \ rllt . A Matter of Conac lence. G oorgn to "guilty" lind OOl1rt laenlell0ll8 , GaU atood at Ule ra il ot th e. White- sml\ d RC roSS at him. wHhln her eyes tho bottom or It that It must pre vnll. oury c nl,'IP, It h, II'" ern-I . It '111 ' ('X ~I' llt Ir . U' ,lId ~:i 00 0. ~ l" bfl( nl\' ry. rtlh~ I" On re ' !\nd them to six Dl oDthliln jail and lldy~ cap, cazinc out 0\' I' th e do.nc\ng blue the m[sohl evous twinkle which bad But, I sny. Doctor 'Boyd." nnd he gnv o fn~o fr lf tll "plnn, 11 1' 11 I'thp r II H lllf \ll wavl!ll with d oughts," eyes. his musluche a contemplntlv tu g; drll ~~, 1 t1 f',pr f, Ir nflt\I.1 t .. ~ I\' ll It w lilc k:! III' "I 'i" 11t ll' d o)Jprul~ er8 onsl! of prooeedlngB "Penny fortroubl your th Th e 1m· been ahsont for mnny days. 1 11 t he 111 11 1,1 I' of th e cstlLle n f The aevern l uloon keepe rs i ll. pouibly hondsom b Dick R 0dl r b nd "I hope to be ahle to remove tbo "don't you think you should InclUde a to th e chlll\rr'll, I It ,W I r ,l tllu\on Z, dieted all fornlsb ed b~1I in Imm \If strolled UJ), tn bls blue jac ket and public place," replied the rector, wIth BmaH mar·gln of profit ror tho ruture ded It t. , ~ 1'" I~ " "t li ll !aur u l I rll' n u~ P UU ll llll tlllt t.' rw r tb, dec~ a.set1 whIte trousers IUId oth I' nau tlca I ern· a g ravity whIch told of something vt- A-tensloD ot "our Idea?" an d nell\hb,)l"" "' 1,,, b 'V " 1l~t"111 "1l ,1 Unllt'I' W(l, ,, 1 I~ illiPoint et.l nll UliLlls. 17()0 each. Ornl notloe WAfl Ifl VI!ll thlltt 11 deruurror wo nhl bo tIl ed In 'I b \~ " lory iM to ld of Abrollu~.O bolllllhuientB, . tal beneath the apparent repartee. "Tbat's glorious, Gerald!" approved ~ (Ie8 k Ibh?ltl~- • r It " "' 1"11 .'" , ~I r ~ t l'lll ll r I) lJ c1l1 itl ll ll n. Bond .000 I n Ihl! m " tier u l Ar\t (\ l:'urgley eaoh 0 .. 110. Dearing 18 tlet for n oxt Lincnl,, : "The news In tbe po per," sho told Mrs. Bord. strolling post wltb Aunt Gall: and Arly. laugblng. pntted hl B Mtl ry 1I'l lo kl' . ~h \llt~VIIIIl, . N . \. him. "It·s so big." Grace Sargent, paused to look at him hand, . . A {"m u tl !! 8on ~ . IAr 'V IIS npked t ') A(l pit l';lll olI III I' udlL1\I<sI u n ?( same 1)50nday. Obt .. lnu l,l" ,," I' ry ' Ii,'r« . Dick looked down ot her criticall y. fondly. "I shall set myself, with such "You're probably ri ght," consIdered i o Oil lUll · Int .. U U81J Itul , 18 made. Rlate of Oblo V8 J f1~~ n~lIl (l tJ. ' .. \t'1-! [.)- 11't, r 1',. t 1'-:'01' . 111\ She was so new t\ (loll to hIm thnt he strengtll as, 1 may have. agai nst tbe tbe rector, studYing Foslnnd wllh a I n tb. Ulut t ,r ll f Alc x:lDder StolTer plel\d guilty tlud fined '5 IInci C(lH t,~ . ' h " d li lll~la ,' l' Ii , .. ;\ dll .. ·. L~ II('oI lll new Interest. "I think we'l! havo to was pUZlled, and worried, too, for he bulmlng of lhe proposed cathedral." HIlPl ll'lIllIlI\ lo r a.I!t) ls l oti o t same to ' , . 'I' Ih llld l" " Ill'!' II ". , " ' " ur'!, 0 , INn , LA ND OF SWE ET SOUNDS. He bad said It 80 qui etly that It took put you on the 'festry." I), "1 " blll(11 H O~ l llt ul I~ tlInde. . Vl1IlIge of Jj raokl,ln t \ 10 V~ . h " A l ei: ' .11 n~! IS I,.' t mil h In tU V felt. rather tban saw. that aome -' Ohio F\lel Supply (, 0 , (. lse 11Il~ b,' s ll hil t \' h(111 ,. ' II " " \! vo n wllrbln troublo posse8sed this denreat of bls the lIUle group a tull mtnute to com· "I'd ,be delfghted, I'm sure," res pond. I n thC' tl '1'1 IIlll uf, · ·'d. the lW?;~be. "stllte th of oomllrd omleed "nd di8 "" ,, ~ed Without, V I "]' ·I.~. ' l r \ ,,1 11 'I "I II" '" IWBrt L (l t no I OIl.!-11:I i 1'" ,1 n.. h ' tnilm " 1,\)<'1 trienda. ' prehend. J im Sargent looked with 'ed Gerald, In tbe courteous ton8 of ,1 t ,~LLtl . •Ir~c,,, ' I If1 'u • no , . .. r eoor . 'hln k I IIIIUIII II.', " ,I I1In.IO "Yes. It Is bIg news," he admitted; acute Illterest at tbe end of bls cIgar. one accepting an Invitation to dInner. cye r ()tw ill('!, , ,," t ltnL .\ lItrri "llns Tu ll< '" " 1) (1 '\( 0 1,,(\ " ,\lttln! ~ tr,,;r lx \' r 1 an I "big enough and startllng ellougb to and tbrew It overboard. Arly leaned "Do you hear wha t your son's vlnn- nre not n l1lu~it'~I(}\ i ll.l!' r:1N' . J'll give llLlI'cl . ,101iO ,\ . F SIIl,o nton, J flS MOllroe & Jo hoH un Mn r y V l 11 11" r ll ~'I\O " f! I'll, 'II' t ",' ,. r,. ou y Impresl anyone very gravely." T hen' slo\vly torward. an d. r eltlng ber nlng to d07" cailed Jim Sargenf to you th e fig ure:, l h\,'TI1 \\'I',1 Jrom \ l cC ldr.. ud Rod H OI n;o I:l ut zo l u.rl" WIlN oll d UlnTre r I.. RustttlOed, cltJ. kn o w t,w" Itl ! I ' ~ " ' . 'R "t l ,-.,Io,n he ahook his head at her. ''But you }ltquant chin on her closed hand. 1I1rs. Boyd, He was not Qulle r econI fe~nJottd dlluteltOePt!l!\ntl : igIVenl0dil YSlhi!\' ~il"l'''! .h(\!.' "Oll I~l"' d, I" '" · YI " 1111\ "tHl"' .l hn!; bn Ie Sflln hilll:l'1 f with ll liith to ul'lJul ll [ed " (, pru ~er~. to furtn e r . . I ' In d I,nt. mustn't worry about It, Gall. You'ro studied tbe r ector earnestly. Gerald clled. "He propoRes to tnke tbat wonIII d ill m'ltLe r of the e~t.ato 0 ' .. ... • he rtlplit r1 , " fo r l h " " , I .. ~I,",d nJ! confo und him, uti irunl" wr il 'o in stroked ' his mustacbe ctlntempla- dertul new rectory awuy from you." not reBponllble." 1 Uf'\lr~u!ll. U"n g he r ty , ' tel~" 1£. Jii lUCJIl J, Elaker VI!. C, Ii, Ad"ms IIn(1 ffik!' 0l1' III \' h,lt " " "o rl th !' Gail -turned her eyes from him and Uvely, and looked at tbo rector with The beautHul Mrs. Boyd mere ly dlm- t ho Phi l~del rlJi ll l.t~lge r. l>Il \l ~ h er l .v J~ "IJ[),iltited admlD1strl\- Co, J\ld gwel1t /lD.d OllStll b ei ng fully Ilthor 11111'1 " "Tho nlh (O r O liO ~ Uh. looked out over tbe wblte-edged waves growing nd mlraUon. By George, that pled . oUlltinJ; nil fllll:;il',, 1 ilJ dt ~ u m c nt s . tr ill . Bonu $:i~Ol'. U. 1'. BawKe, F. Vl1id c ~.o i~ dlsDJltlRed wlt,lIont ("rtu t bo III.h l.t o no i. t l", " IHI whu ll I qatn. was a sportsmanlike attitude ! He'd "I am n trifle nstonlshed." she con. ~lb" ll llll cl (I, .J. EctWllldll a re IlP- Il r r coord . (I III.I 't. ,,1.. 11,1 up !" "It ill a tremendous res\XlllsJblllty." have to luke Rev, Sm ith Boyd down fessed. "Illy son has been so extreme- froll1 je~w~hnrJls to pi pe or~ullS . onr Stt me 19 true In sev ur nl otb t'r . _ •• _ _ abe mUled, wbereupon DIck, as be- to the Papyrus club one day. All tbe Iy engor about It; but Ir b Is r elln. rn nnu C£lc tllrerd t urn Ollt $100,000- DoI1111'(\ tI \lpru r~ MarrlllJ(1! Licensell came hlm. vtolepUy broke the thread trouble fltfw back Into G,,1I'8 eyes. It QUlshlng the dream, It Is because he 000 'n yellr, ran I only 3 pcr ccn t's HOW MR. GOT -RID OF A BAD oll>es "Rllins t the Adums 00, of thougbt by taking her arm and was a stupendous thing aev. Smltb wnnta sOl'l,etblng else very DlU C ~ nlore \\'orth o f thos\) Iltll sic prOlluc rs '0 Hoy 1\ . (),b" l'tI . ffu m l' t1.ncl Mari~ Commissioners' Proceedlnlts drawing her a way tram the raf l, and Boyd was proposing to relinquish ! worth wh llo I entirely approve of blS abroa d. D o you wonder wha L 111lp- l~r e Jey. both u f L bUD on . Rev E. COUGH' WlIlklnc !Sayly ",1th her up to the,rol' The rectorshlp of the most woDdertu l plan for tbo new tell mpnts." and s he " HillllO 11111' u~ " 1 Itlf t! ' I ,·\, ry hnll .1 I U t Ku eis ley . Bills AllowedW, B. Ande r s on 1rard sbelter deck, whe.re, sbtelded catbedrni In the world! Mrs. Boyd did not understand wby they all p ens t., nl l UIC~e ounumll cr rs In W. III "m P. ~lI llo r, f iUlUAr Iln d Co.• 8nppllo8 for Proseo ut Jng ACty, o 1I /t1t ' wrt tC!fi I.~" I. '{' p .. vitl~ . tram the ClI'iapnes8 of the wind. there looked startled for a moment. She lauched a t her. Sbe did f eel, how vel'. cost rn It of l lR 11.11 average f $1 B urrill tl I. Ellz liJ'" h !S noo k, b oth 01 $5 0,'1 " ' tI· h,," h r r ; <ValSe., LKr rl olt fr o l ~bt. tLnll Blno k wlIl,(\ r. at. around the bllS tabls and amId a bad known of Tod's brlgbt dream!l thnt there was affection In the luugh. eve rv ·c.1 r ? ,It IILlnot lJc t hu l thoy Lahti", n . It,l\' li: U Ke rr. r1r"faK6, 500; luqoe8t over body 01 MOCRbe O IL ,'IA g il \, ,1 " ',,, " .. '" " I bOItangle of SUl1day ))IIpers. JIm Sal'- Ilbout the new cathedral and the new ter: and she was quite contcnt. B".-11 y Tfn's , otll ploy e o f Po ters R.olle l R. Poore, cor on er alJd WiT. t le" f C h n lllbln l .. I II· ~ ' 111111h R" lIIody, ' pnt and ReT. Smith Boyd, Arly nnd rectory. He bod planned hIs mother's LaughIng with tbem, she wlllked on \l'en ~ on l, bu t r uthe r thllt m oro Ill m ilies or!' n(Mecl "cry llI i.nntc to the ',. 'r trl " Il'> :..,., ut K lngR i\Ji lls IIIHI ':ied- n eas 'U:I!i : 1'he W ... nd L, J~ Gorley .Ut or 1II IIIng I,hl" I In ol!hl 1J .. lf II , Gerald Foeland, all four deep tn the a portmen ts hlmselt. and the lost thIng wllh Grace Sargeot. supplies f,r A.olti t r- r, '14.15; d ., 7. ~ o h tlttll'~ of it, bill, nnl\, n""rj 011 0 Tnll . ic cluss. 61 \ ' I IIIlI ck v( ·Ullt.lI u e b.. ll lln, B ev. Oil dlacuaa.lon of the one possible topic hIs eyes looked upon Ilt n lgb t were tbe Oerald Fosland drew forward hIs Ollio Cu rrugated Oulver' t:o., pllJl.' .' , t. lwm nq t h " () q n~u I, ft. IIl I] utI lI I or conversation. beauurull y colored sketcbes on bls cbnlr, Wul k I T(!Ufllf (l hl oek in the rc i- Arthtlr t;OU ~1l r. h v e 11 01, bpell Ir1l1l1l1'1I1 " In (·'·... Ob . . h' ., t"b .. rllil! I:i ':OKtlr~, fa rmer and 12070 i Westero Sta r,l egRI !\dv .• '6; 1"lu obl o eve r V", h" ,,' "Do you know." bo observed, "r ...AlIl8on·1 e:rploslon Bgnln," objected walls. LewIs Bros. & Vo" Illal for Ollrl DIck, as Gall and he Joined th 0 group. "Don't be foolish. Boyd," protested sho'llld like very much to become a J~ntlnl parl of .l lS town nny C\, C- I (.tl PUt IU Pel'ct', both o f Lebaooo . h ou ae '67. 61: ' .Job , Brl\lldonb u rj;(, D IDg and you wall hear m Qr!J Vnl'l~'" H J\' J , l:l. FII.tWul er , and caught the general tenor ot tbe Sargent. wb o had al,,'aYII felt a faLh el' member of you r vestry." Silod fo r COllrt !JOl, , f2 60; Z ,Ill Klo!; B r ltlou' fa rm e r of Taft,.t:aJ. tboqbL < .. BUppOse the only way to Iy responsibility tor tbe young r ector. "I'm glad you are Interes ted ,"' ra. lic:! nuLl fn r more YOllln,ll' of mU 8.'c Notice of Appointment Armitage, bridge I oulr" T u t t le. E. Chllfle~, of oree" e_po that is ' to Jump olr the White- "U's a big ambition and a ortby am· turned the r ector. and produ cing n than ,ocr en ol]nlcr ed yonr clara l1l Itornlll flo o d rnoo tl)w ,sllip '11l.7ii i (ieol'ge I:i. ·cap. Gatl's 'Woree than ariy of you. 1 blUon, to build tbat cathedral. and' be- }lencll he drew a wblte ad,'erUaln r, N aples. Permsylvll uin l!iJ nUs from MIl 0 0 , I e v B ~ ld w ln . Ander.on burl~t of .1 ,," " J. Wur h. LalO nr P"~l\nn Il,\" prl\'urlh O...oallO(l. In4 abe'. reaponsible tor the whole cause you're offended with certain space towards him, "Thls Is tho plan Chris o nll8 to hrisllllns $10,000,000 Real Eslate Transfers Inglon ' 75 i John ~o". II uoo F.. ~ Otl 'Il I. ho, oily "h~ n tlllI ~ "'"JI". lllhh n· .. tblnl!ll thl! papers have salel, about or teoement J have In mind /' nnd ror \!tIrvloe Uooo,y Sl~rv8 I r flJ.r ,III II· d er"'otltl bnH h\'{lU d \II)' "J~I "ant (t\ !\!lrl 'I".Ufol' mel~n 10 make m usio an d ill I (. I ' . .. ~mfuIMt r ll lOr 1) 0 Honh, N f~1\ or Ihn I,t.~ 'uto d G rald I ked p qiilcllly. and In connectton 'WIth t he next bait houl' the five tit m $ t' I loor fC 1111 ,,, . lC K ing to Mose" nary $910' Jllm",,, l!'o J''' o. JfI'DUrl1' tiM i\ l?aultuR lluuO-l'wurc h I to cH " .. rr~ n r T an, e oq u tbe cburcb, Is no I'eason you should dlsoussed tllnement JllnI!s with g~eut th QUSa~l d ' 0... eompnro Ive y 1 Bc.w l a:i uc ro ~ 11 \ b' mllkhu to)Vushtp aenloee lo~ J " nlla ry $10 i W . () u( ullty. Ollfo. c1r~v'IJICld . '1 nalther laid nor Intimated any . cut olf your nose to spite your face." enthuslosm. homes la musi al trum tmt ~s now ' $1. llllwd til ls 'Iud dlt)' " r t·' brunry IV I.r.. A L'I'O l" Il'. IJIIOW S . thIDa of the sort,!' Gatl r epl1manded "It Is not tbe lIubllcatlon of theBs At thd' ellplratlon of that tim • T ed consid ~lI'ed .1I. nc ' sstty nlong WIth thu I A E , 'heuow l tll t II I t o W. Z Gltmour, b oarding. wOllhtup; f (lr Jull ". 0 1 I'n,!JuI" ('o urt, prilloueu for J'I!utlry $395 4 (1 ; v I " DI~k, for the benollt .of the .F'osland•• things which has determined me." re- alld Luelle o.nd DIck and ~ I urlon ca me " ' n1'T'f'1t f lnunlv Oblo Fraok\lo Cbroulole. adv •• and prlot. I e), and .be BAt down by ' MlY. whereupon turn ed th o r ecor thoughtfully. "It b OB rompIng uP. willi th e d lib ra te In. f UTTl!ice and pnrlo r carpet-lu.:ruries ('he ll o wet" 11, (;5 uores Lo \VtlYuo log fol' 'l'res8urer $9; Je"neU& Sui. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-=--:~-__:= the fo reign 1aborer drt!lllllS about, t ow uo ulp $ l DIck, observing t}lat he was much of- merely hastened my decision. To be. tenUon ot crea ti ng a dis turba nce; nn,1 A . lb. (')1 , l10wet h e t 1\1 _t o 'l'hom ilP del', IIISt.. Reoorder'8 omoe $45; Ohio fended, lIatted Gatl on tbe Bboulder; g in wltb J acknowledge now that It Gall ' nnd Rev Smith Boyd. being but n ever owns • "nd Mu r llJ1' LIl y , l!6 1:1 eor(ts In COrJoguted Culvert Co .. pipe '21.12: Te:::::::::::::~ and dlaappeared in search of Tad. was only a vague. artistlo dream of throwl1 accidentally to th e e dge of thnt ,Tohn A. Bllllr, BUl1ll11es for j"ul tO f COST OF CE NSOR. W llyne tu w ush ip $ 1. "1'4 lUte to band a vote ot thallka to mine that such a cathedral. by Us wbirlpool. walked away for a res t. 1)50 i George C. J o n,,", bridge w urk I the reapoealble JlIlrty." laughed , Jim very mngn11lcence. would promote wo~ "They tell me you're going abrolld ." Il.: . b: 1,IIIlY '" 81 ~o &u111el 8ml h Burl .. " to wl1shlp ; 1&. 31), I Sarcent. to wbom tbe oews meant sblp Thnt mlgbt bave been the caae observed the rector. loolilng dowl1 nt !fhe Allsh-alinu govcrnm en t em- 2 t n c ts in l he oulll w t qUi\f\e.r 0 1 ---.... , <"ool lOn N u tnl1 r H '1' , 3 , H. U. M , [~ more tlIan Gall appreolated. "With whe~ cathedrals were the only ma«- her sadly, lUI they puused at bel' fRploys 7'3 wo r nclI' cn, ors at 6a I Ol'les ' ~ . ' .1700, A1IJeoh broke. Urbank _or the Mldcol1· nlflcent buildings erected. and when vorlte raU space. tlnant BUcceed.- to conuol of the A..-p.. every rich Bnd glittering thlllg was de"Yes." !lhe a nswered. quietly. "Fa lb· a vcm g ing . ,500 pcr Ilnnum, a~u j' ' :1'UOI11 UII B 1l8~ to F red I", UUSill l 1 . and Urbanlt ill an%1oue to Incorporate voted to religion. A golden candle- e r and mothe r are comIng up next 19 interpreters, wh ose pay l'arles .J t,fIlCI . ill WlIy u a to wush lp $ l l ~ n pw localcn in th e Rye the Towando ;Valley In the aYltem. HB IIUck then became connected entirely week" and she glnnced up at the r ee. iTom ,(,5 ceu ts Ull hour to $2,000 11 I If f ~ E:iur lRook to Th olU BS BUi!f Sh o p on No rt h Main s tree t told me so yeaterday." with the ' .e~lce of the' AlmIghty. tor tl:om under her curving lashes. where I will be p!c ll.s en to sec 1 1 l ' , t 1:1 ~l As sell J Rill wi,hont ynlng to 1 will , rquit eeervfEl,fl)l\ 0 0 ug, t,be The Ught which leaped Into GaU'a Now, however, magnificence has no , There wns a sh'ort space of silence. year. South Alist-ra ja a ono emp oye trnc~~ ne,LT Old IStll e 0 '080 "" alt my " J •. cll : lome rs. e 21 ceOI B ors at on annua1 ost of 'barles Ubrlst.itln ta l t o benry ImOWDII!l lb l' dd-Elli Jtt tllrm, We arr I oI lv quipp ed to do ."ee, and the trace ,of color whlcb auch Slgnillca.t!on. The splen.dor of a It was almost as if these two were $50 ooa~ Dnl) 13 6nllilb (lJr l~tin n 03 acres In-I-X '181f.lllmll- e &lorl,h of Fercy tlPd rnl os tlaahil4 Juto !ler _Cll1.e.e.If;••_ Vler-LmOS eathedral-must--enter-1nto-competltloD weary. Livery , "k. We will t oke ' . I1fllnll (o/l towlIr,lllp $3000."~l1Shw st of Bo Ib roOk on t he DRY, you on eomtortlD« to Arly: and they ex· with the IIPlendor of a statehoule. a I "We uJmll mISS you very mucb," he ,HER IDEA OF IT. TJltl LTniou Wuxed ond P6rchlUen~ and Wllyuesville I(ifld on ~ a smile of creat sBtlstactlon, museum or a hotel." . told her. In all sincerity. They wero Po per Uo t o R E , B ~ vl!l und U. W .Tbe7 clntched hands ecurtatlcally un· "You ahOUfdl1't switch that way. both looking out over the blue waves ; Stellrl . "(readinrr) -- Wbat is the \:i n wllrd lil ls N 67 ,. 6 0, 681 , 6 2 ' Thursday, Fehruary 17, 1916 '- the corner of the table. and want- Boyd." remoDa~ted Sar!St!Il1t. IIhOW- , he. tall, broad.sbouldered. agile or Rll d II In F , ts ukli o. $1 ad to laugh , oUl!·lgbt. Sawever. It ing his' keen dislpPQll1tment. "When . "pole 0 E civilization?" . Oo mmn n ol Q ~ n,t \) :00 a m the 'WOIIld keep. YOU bepn to aattate tor the cathedral J MauCle-I d on t Imow-unlesa It'S Idtl N S lllliA t e, Gr .. o~· F. Jj'ox, UO, foll owing goods at1!~ ohRttel ~ oon. ''The destruction of Mr. Al1lson W85 yoU brouII'ht a lot or our niemberll In , ..... . - . dl villecl,% l uter e!! c In Ul,Y.' aore81u slating \If 7 Borees. 91:feflod J e rlley some Dew kind of faco powder. a feat , of whloh allY gentleman's con· who ha4l1't attBnded lIemcel In yean. I . ellHle 6L Head · Duroo 8 ogs. Farm 'lea r 'It~U ll. towll ghlP $ l, --~. -----aclel1Ce might apllrove," comm.e nted You Btlrred them up. You cot t~em V. 1. G e fJ hnrt &0 Grooe F. Fox 'he Impiein Bl1t9, Barnes', BUlohe rtnll: Give U~ 11 c:all and you w ill find Gerald FOlland. wbo had apenl some ' Interested They'll drop naht olr. un dIvided one t.J1Hd Inrereat In 91X 'fo ols, Feed, Uhlokells, HO llsell old , our prict'!) are 1111 l ig ht. HOW TO CURE time Ip detlnltely settlIng with himself "'I hope not," returned tho rector, 'I I ores In letl \' oreok towo llhlp SI . and Itltohen Eurollor ~, ' AVOid! eXl,loll nr e a n d drllltll. E nt the ethics ' of' tha~ qu estion. "The I earnolltly. "J hope to reach them wllh 'l'be Uol on Wll x r. d ,md PIl rob UJe l1 I, See big bills for tenn~, ri ght.. 'Ttlk a Dr. Kin~ '8 N ow DIs. Pa por \J( . to A,' ., VlIll lot N o 601 company he prollosed to form waa a a higher .mbltlon, a hJcher pride. a ClareDoe Eolkerth . covery. It Is prc pllr l'l d fr o m P lue 10 F rn oll:1l0 , ~l. mell&j)e to the liber ty 'Of tho world and blgher vanIty. If you like to put it tbat A . A, MoNell. Auot. 'far, b en!lIng bnl II UI'S und mild laxthB progress of Civilization." way, I wilh them to take JOY In es, North Main Street h ornto n I'll 'mp-"on fo Alloo A. R" aowland. Olerk , at.lves. Dr K ln ll' ~ New DltloovElry ThToll "The destruction dldn't go tar tabU.hing the most magnlflcent condl- I l p~on ~evotn l 1 0L~ In Bot,ler_ kills lind ox pels thfl 0 ltl germs, enoqh," snapped Jim Sargent. "Clark. tlona for the poor whIch have ever ! eOI,tbes l,b e I rd lI t, It thr ont II n d 111- vil lI', $l Vance, Baverman. GrandIn. Babbitt, been bullt! We have 110 right to the W . E. Bl'"owu t o R W. K ilylu r lot Illl's tnf! Ul m tioll . It h al e th I will Rell At Publlo ~fIolo I\t my Taylor, Ohlsholm; thele fe11ow8 won't ' monel" whlqh Iii to be paid us for the I mucous IJJ em l'}r'l.o<1. ~ p nroh n y o o No. St 10 Htlf VOJ \lo rg. Ii W8reilou ~ein Waynesville, Ohio, on . be touched. and they hullt Ull their I Vedder court property. We have no I It \"V . ,f.{fly lur to RO~ '.lllll ' ueHlot will. 'you onuno t Un ll n be te r con g lt monopolie8 by the same method Alii· rlCht to spend It In pomp. It belong! I 8aturday, February I~, 1~lo liod 0 11.d T Dl ri.v . It~ II 0 o ve r ,\5 N n. 3 t III !:I a.rv y burg, $250. BOn ProPOsed; triokery, force and to the poor from 'Whom we Ilave taken y ears Itl II gnttTlln t ae of Rliti (!lotioo. COlllmenoltlg d 10 o'olock Ii big B B li'llu lkll r 'to L. Gr a mer lot Plaln theft!" . tt. and to the city whlcb has made us N o, 2810 ho nth Pllrk subd ivision ee los of 1111 new Ilnd firs$ 01a 89 Kf) ods £i'uneraJ Dirpctor .-~~~. ----"Harah langua.e, Uncle Jim Sar· rich by enbanclng tbe' value of our I\S folloWB: Ol1e 6.hor.e Waterl • , $<100 Pllt. to UBe toward your respeolable &round. I propola-to build permanent Will WAGE WAR ON FOXES uebfLDO,ll and Embalmer. fellow-vestrymen," c!ltded Mly, her and lanltary tenements, to E IU IU ~~I ~ bt' l' ot 01 t'o·O. N.Olo- (ta8011l1e Engine, Feed G l lod"r. . 6'arm Wagons, '£rook'fI eto, 1000 black eyeB dancing. ' many poor people aB poISlble, and conEnglish F arm e r s Compla i n of Their ner iC" ~'l\1 It t r llo~ ill li'ru.nk!hl town. ~'enoe P08ta, lI'eDOs and a geoer"j . Waynesville, Ohlo.m, "Clark alld Chisholm?" and Jim Sar-l duct them without a peDny ot profit s hiLl 5:1. . , Depr,edations. a nd Government lot of Burdware, Empire t:reaPl pnt·. browl knotted. "They're not above tho C08t of rep~IMI aJJd main· 'I li . II. ' r 05E1 a t ti l t.o S. E. Lewle P"omlccs t o Ta ke Act ion. SeJillrators my ·fellow·veltrymen. Either they go tenal1c~:' . Call answe r ed promptly day or night ~ 3 , jH .c ro~ in b' r uoklln townsblp 11. T3rmil made "nown 'on day of Both phones in Office and Residence. or 1 do-I'" Gall bent upon blm beaming eyeB, sale. . It seems u trin e ' hard 011 th e fores long distanoe,No. 14; Home phone "I wollld Uke you to remain." qui· • .;" tbe IIRllr.au. l1ulh. which had bS-: Common Pleas Court A. B. Sid e 1 14-2r. . of E ngl au d, u ow that, war hl)s careUy ltatBd RBl'. Smith Boyd. "1 bope New Suits to achieve eeveral Imporlunt altera. Chairs and one Coach furnished free C, T. Dawke. / Auotloneers r ied oWElY Ihei r nul urnl eno m ies, the W. N. AeuB, \ . with funerals. tlou ' In the ethIcs of Marke t Square W ill l~ m Bncoo va Edoa M , Ellen. J'cd· coaLe(1 htl n~c l'lI, no~ to men tion W . E. O ' NlmH . 1 OlerkB Best of servicQ guaranteed. church." Be was grave this morning. menjl tlr u.. r1 Ei@onmenger "net the almost · nil lhe i r str.cds cfl pnhle of Mtoni!! V/l ite!" BUI ldin g alii! ,LoaD J. B Oh&pmaL, ,. Be ba4 unknowlDgly been rIpening for eome time on many qu ostions; and Reltored To Health By Vinol . j1llllping . evon Ollt! brat· of It cli ln pi- Al:l8 0Cliuti un, tJHlIley I\nd foreclosure ; the revelations In this mornlng'a paAtlee, Va. - I was w~ok, run·down , Ther. W••• 8l1enee. It W•• a. If datcd fen c, it S(,O IJlS hard, 11'0 re- 1l00onot olul rned $<lS9.2ol wllh InBlIVlug rented ftlrm I wlll s.·11 ' . pore had brought blm to lhe poInt of ao appetite, my blood was poorl 1 !!outd " H.E .HATHAWAY Til'" T.WO Wer. W~.ry. pent, no v that their t r ibe i nll owed tt' rest . dec.-Ion. "J wish to drive the money aot sleep nights and was rapidly los. I al LI ~l l l F OK V 8. ·F. M. Cuonlngbam tit Publlo ~uolloo 01,) the premises, to increllst;) in p 'nee, tha t all the chlngers out of the' temple." h~ ad dod, Ing flesh but I am a farmer and had to I limb ; . Bhe, str ght, lithe, graceful. \\' II ,y lleAVille 's IA6Hdillu Den'••1 ItS Ildmlnlst r ll t or with Ihe witlao- 3 mllee sootll'o.f WllynellviJle, on and glanced at Gall with a smile In 'Work, Medicines had failed lA? help me , MI'I' Boyd and Mra. Sargent passed young f ox s r;.honJrl f ecI impelled to n!'x ed of' th e os'tate of Willifl;m Bam. Ilffioo I.n Kovil UldR , hltllD Bt "'onday, February ~I, 1916 UIltil I took Vinol. After taklOg three I thCtLI admiringly, but went on b1 With m Oke tl lOrnsc l l'~ obj 'ctioOllblc to nle lito n , deon.sed . Money on ly . A. wbleh, tbere waB acknowleagment. bottles my appetite is fine, 1 sleep weI!, • a trace or Badnon. . "A remarkably lucrative en terprise. easily aroused f~rm e l'. Such is the m un nt ol al m eu $r,S1.57 with Illtere8t. Commenoln" lit 10 :30 o'olock f·be '·T ,n Borry to' leave," Gall replied. "I eh GaU 1" laughed her Uncle Jim. reo m1 hlood i.e good and 1 am well again. Anoa Stoo ~ ve, . The , u!lltnowli following: 9 I:Icr~es i 5 (Jattl e; 2 case, s o much 80 tllut the pres ident -ORLANDO W. BORKEY. IIhall be very anxtoul to know how memberlng her criticism 011 the occa· Vlnol, our delieioUl! cod liver and Iron you ilre coming oli with your new of the booru of agricultu r e and fish- holrs of R o ber t Lytle, deoeased. co BrlJOd Sows: Fltrm Dg [ruplem "o I·~ i alon of her tlrst and only vestry meet· BarnotlS; PotatoeM. tlpe bll{ bill:! quI et, ti tle, eri es bas drown the attention of the lng, wheD· ahe bad called their atten' tonic without oil. is guara~teed to over- plllu. I'm proud of you fOf It." , hoao W. Lincoln. comeweakrrun-down condltlon8,ch~nlo t "Thank you" he returned. M TI,ba E. Mulford VI!. Clarllson tor term.. tlon to the BAUre or the atalned·glass eongbs, co cia and broDcbltia. • Uostera of Fox hound s, association to Bnt·t e r wor t h a t ai, pllrMtlou of reBI THE CREATEST U. T , Bawke. Anot . I Th !J1 were talking mechanically. JII the dcsirabili ty wIndow. W. E , O 'Neal l, .t:lerk, adopting m ensures es tal,e J E . Jnnf1ey. I1IU~flllf. \\ a\ne~\'1I1e t hem was au inexureatilhl. aarllleaa. to destroy foxes, ond the prosident R ORil lie L, V"o Oor«1D YP. Maurloe IN THE WORLD of the association h os issued '1\ lotter P. Vl!n Dor en to t aI, f or plutllion of , .. ' ~I!ED WEEnY. ~,OO PEa Y!AA I wUl off6r at, Public ~ d e .. to nlY . '_ _ , rell t t'sta te, lIrg ing hunt lubs t ht'ongbqut Eng: retldeboe, 2 milliS norl.1J of W "y rr 69- Ho tE&.e, DnYCCI8T8, 8PICII.LI8TtI, ' Alton O . Myers VB . . Roea M. Mo. land nnd 'Wales to do theii' best in und W ll mlagto n ' 0 0 8TU,MIi:R8, TRAN8"IR, OAl. , , . Oro 00 .at £I I; mones nn ll (oreolOiore vUle , OD 1)ntoll " I 'BU8 SERVIO. CAN PRQJ."'- · this mmon or to p ro tect the interests I\ '.\lonnt cluimed $1<165.80 . plke,OD USINQ ITB 'ADlfIUtTJSINO OO\.UMMii of f armer aull. poultry keepers. Wednesday, february 23, 1916 SAMPLE COpy FREF ' Prooceedlngs Lord Selborne bas al so Ilrrnnged for . . ~....... ~ yo... CLIPPIIt Be,IDnID,.' 10 :'00 o'olook :he fol II ..... Ynn • "'. inquIry by his department IlS to the Mo r i bu E. Mulford n. It. 0 lowlar OhaUels: 3 dortle", 5 CI~t. extent to which the sllq>lus of foxes Wif b'u m e~ til. Sa.les · approved and lIe, Fumtng Implements, U otll!e_ is being roduced, mid to what a:~greo diel rlbuthm ordered. hold Gonds. ' A;11l1. St out VB t,be llnkDown heirs tluih d c;predatious a re still Ilffeeting Term. m ade Imown on day of aalo. of Robert LytIc, deceased . the ac\1J101 .and potential supply of by pu bltcati on or<lflred by the . . W . H. Dinwiddie. A. A. HqNel!, 'Auol. food. Iu the mlltte r of the applloatloD 'l'his informnl ion will be placed s.t of bh 'L'rus teeR 0,/ tbe M. .Ill. ohuroh ille dispopsal of t he county Will' agri- ot PIr;1l8IlDt Plalo, Ohio. to leU relll B!'vlnr qnU farmlDg, 1 ~ III off.n: • tu rnl committees and the distTict e@t~ Ie . Court order's sn lc,1 ba"eBI for .ale It my residence. ay. mtll!ll t~ ~ell teal eat-ele eet ,out i a petl.&loD (,Sit of WayneHvllle, OD abe U,leebee 8ubcomn~itt~s, in ordor tbat addi- lind mlllr" doe returD of salee . road. on ' tional co,ns iclerlltion be to M. A Jllrnll80n, us gOllrdlan of .b. .J..tlIIe-D"~tE~etil~n-ef.-Jt6uH'!f'Y'-m.Jo,cnirm~'lJitIrli\Ql1.ADd eatate o( Anna lIrI. Uran. Thursday, February 24, 1916 ltD Imbeolle, VII Wm. BUUer. OommeDalDI a. 10 o'olock t he wort.b lit ai, par'Hl r)n of relll ell'." followlDg: 3 Do,...: 8 . C.ltls I 10 ordered, • In the aame CI ••L I ;"'81tt L Hardy VB. ,Emera'lll. A. Bogl; FarmlDI Imj)lsmsD"; OOl'D ; dat carries a chip on Ida. ai, parUUon real qla'a Oat. : 8.7. See bi8 blU8' for UDale mben. "aln' nIIh LlddJ . ~OIa"'k ImJ~r!lInt u da maa 41at de
.f!!:) IllUSTl1ATfD 6j-C.D.RffODfS .
Waynesville, Ohio
L)I'O\)I ~ hl. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!"~~""!'!~~~~~_~~!!!!!!~ ~\l~~ ~-III~O;tt:jo~':~:n,~~~' !\P;~1:'W d fTUNES- M -R-
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L.a."" ""
.. -- -----
Perkins' Garage
A ny Road
Any Place Any Time
' ---
ftt ~ ,Y, KGLIPPER. .
""I> I'"
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~~~d~ ~~!M~I W:~~t~:r!:! !~~~~i~: 1~~~£i:~~~~~;~~;r,ni~~~I~!I~i! ~:;j ,- -T-H-E- ~ -N-E-'G-H-B~O-R· H0·'0-0Sllj'!lu~
d to be IncnmiJlc. [) tvrs pre.
O. L. CltANE, Editor and ManaO'er IC,I IJt,~ l"clll ' ~meiJi~., utld by conllOlll'1
Iy f"lhl'l: 10 cllre with lOCo, I I fl'alm"n I pronuunced II ineur.llble. Calafrh is ~ I'EBRU lucn l discHse, s n!lilly in flu need uy con· ' ARY )6. 191 6 1 5li~1ll iolial c~ nd.itlolls and Lbucforc fe. """-:-='--'===--=======,-,--'"--;:0...;:-= qUIres co,~slHnllmll'l lt~alU\ent . Hoil's CAlorfl! I.:ur", munurllcillfcd by F , J. rhcncy & Co .. ToJedo,
, '
! I
A W' 0 s rAtten by ur Corps of Able Correspondents in the Neighborhood
is u consti· --..... ..... _ _............... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .:--"" __________ .-....-...-.. ....-..-.._ ......
lu!iolllli remtdy, is taken inlernally and ncts thru the Hlou(!" on Ihe Mucous Sllr.
LIUle IItar.y Kathryn Wilson II aUO'flflog with t ho g.ippe . I'leyeflll frOlll bere ~ttondod Quar. rerl.v lite ling " t 'ipriog ,Valrey Sat IJrdliy lIod t3nDday Mr8, Mary BogRon Ie "IAiUng her motiler at RldgewBj! from MootllloJ uu(i1'I' hnrsdIlY , Mr.l\lId· Mrs. ' W. fJ.' . WilBon 1I0d Mr. oOll MrA. R ItYlllond Wilsoo WAre s hop ping In ]:6 0111. Wednes. dn.v nftllro oon . Mr, and Mrll. Robert Stanley and familv visited Ellshu Sowll rd ·. near Xenlu. !;und'lY . hlf'. Zlwri lIui neij 18 on the sick
.. ..-------
- ...
-----.- --
The most 10dcrn and Sanita,ry Creamery in the SUJ,te and will pay high\,'st market price for sound, clean sour rcum. We are always prompt to recognize a ny advance in the marke t, a lld will take care df yeur interest s at all tim s. Checks ma iled dail y or weekly ast:te'Sired to covet all stij·pments.
pro~n l( Rnd w h ~n ~ pr\ Dg urrlvel fllees of Ihe System, Olle Hundred Dollars hili Il.'"ny Ir \(wd" ~d 8 b tor Llim .. rcwnrd is off'red for any caS!! that Hall's 6pO d y n :Ct:lvery . Catarrh Cure fuils to cure. Sefid for dr. culu rs and Icslilllcnillis. Mr , Frtltl 'huu ('l h l llA 0VO Dad IlP hl ~ H you're ra~ lIn K 11111<1 0' bloe . 11, C, CH J:!NUV & CO .• 1'uledo.Ohio. The Christian Endeavor 8 ciety meat an !.'roo ry t L'O 11 0 11 11M flo t !!lilt IIU "pule! Sold by Druggists. r iic, , Is prO!(reS8lng nicely under tb e dl , 8oared .t,1\I1I Dor l'xpense Itl PUt,tiD@: I t wi II oheeryou throu '(h ~nd t,hrough ri l.II·. Family Pills for constipation. reotioD of the young people . It .In trim I D ('IV r y t\(O\ 1\ Rnd b l~ EM lin flpple I It Will Pllt yoor Htomaoh right. Marlon Gordoo li od 0 R d II frl",~d~ bop", for b lm UOCtjj!~ ill h jw 80 the your 11 ver overolght. have plaoed lhelr orde:~ f~: :n 1111 terprl~tl. OperaUonll? Clilm yuur ,rlgh', liutnmobl1ell whioh will be deJi vo reo Mr. ( 'bIlB J\lJl11de o is IIgu ln en· Ea' nn apple I In the Dear fnture Ifugfld 10 'Iuol ounti I.S P l! t1 t juror at IIl1 t WIIII"m Roblso~ 0 cx'I t t,beFederl11 cnurt ,wei wi I bb ill tbu' .M r .. od M I B. J oho Wlleoo lIt,d Ina drayman,l~ quite ~fO~co~nh tt; OapllOItY,unL11 i'ri dll)' ni ght. son R ober t , W I'e l!bopping In WH. grip, We hope tor him a epee('y Misli omp ton III agaio at ho r post fl1lPgton Wedll e3day. (Delayed) reOovery. in the prlnlM ry r oom of nur ij(\i1uol . Fan ce!:! Wi)" m vlsite(\ lit Borace Mr. 1Io0d Mra. E. O. Mannon en . Mr. BI8hop Wilker80n. the pOpll WOld rench ed here Tb orRlh. y f r' ill (lompton's Suuduy , &ert&lned B'rlday evening lhe follow. Ini gueste: Mr. and Mrll. G (: lar landlord of the lJh!Lrlea ho~el of Okluhom 'I ,) ! the delltih of ,j~~. Mllr y llluite II numb or frolD this pinoa 01101'1., Ur. and I4rll, E. 1\. Bar'aoo·t. Morrow, olilled on' hlB 8iater, MrM. Wil~ou /'i l "" , ;> BOlr iu ) will l~ko 111'(; Atleudlng the meetlng8 at Ches. plnoe at J ,. ' ek 1\ m. [l'fili,,:V from ler. MI .. Helen Bartsook, Mr. and Mre Peler Cory, Friday. Benj . Evaot is qolte Il buay man ber IRte b oIn.. ~ he bud mnde bel' B. O. Barvey, AlvIn ' and 0110 viII Mr~. Ma rin Edwards, of Newark mending Iboes lewlng IItnpa and home for , .. n\' 1.~"r8 wit h her Ohio. lind 1111'S , R E. JonflS lip Int aarvey, mending \he farmers' hlirnOl!S dllu ghler. hl I' t , t1 B !1dloy . S b o . April 7 wal proolaimed Arbot Oa, Mr. John lIelgbway vial ted bls TUIl@day at Horllce Com pton·lI. W&ti reul'ed III f hi. vi inlty lind s pent by a1>vernor Willis laB' Tulleda, , daoihter, lin. 'l'Ibb,,11I near U&loa '.nd their orops. Hanry Crew 1,)9'" valnable borse o m O flt of h ll r 111 0 lIo re tlnd hlld been Ue urged tha.' 1\ be observed by en. laa& .....k. or .. ogar oampa ha.ve been opened a widow fo r Ii long LI ~ne !:lha lellvall tb is week , oouraglng ohlldren kl planl 'reetl &laaler Donald .nd 141.9 Ger'rode ~o\ vary little molae!,B8 hll8 been Il daugh ter. several " ru OlI Children Fruuk ::>tunleya move.I to ', their IItady bird life and l1uwerll. WoU. are vlsl"ng their Irandpar. ade op '0 this tlmll, aud &H1U I g rllnd cbi lnrtm. olle l!i 6t~ r new 1l 0Ule 1118' week. "Mlln ,Ieetroyed 'he b"lanoe ot eny, IIr. and Mrs. John Wolfe, M~. A. K. PaUeraon, deld mao wh o I1v o~ in l:lhcrltlllJl, '['ox,. nnd o n ~ E .tlreLt BnlDes FlUended the 001 foro811 In D&ture "!Vhlob God esUb. Mr. Her' Bogan vl,l&ed homefolke for 'I he Frenoh Bros Baur Co. 01 brother. WllO . lIvge jll Liucoln. III. lege leMore .. t Wilmington Salur. IIl1bed," said tho proolamlAtlon I.aoed over Sonday. Cloolnnatl. WIIS oalitna on hlendll l:lhe WII S of It pl uueer fB llllly wh loh b, the governor. .IIt III DOW man', doy nlgh~ lind ~llen' Sunday wl\h Mra. A. B. Talmaa~ and Mrs. A. In tbls vlotnlly Thoreday of Illst were ko owlJ fllr aod 1lI' ''r or tholr bill brother. Luther. who i e aUend. d lit, to !lId 10 relltorlng the balanOIl weet, . h0811ltlllit.y, !Lnd for many yoa rll th o Ing college . b, re8'orlng a par' of the fore.' I'.rrlll were oalllnlllS John T!lomp. The Clvlo LeBgoe met l:l~tordBY home wos a pllioe or f~ale ty and rro :n area and enoouraglng and proleotlnR lIon'lI Erlday aUernoon. MI'. aod Mr8 , Chaonoy BUDnell bird life, . Mil, George Ellie lIod Mlu Vesla aUernoon a' 2 p .. m. with &11 otlloers Ilppl ~rIID(l ee nol hin lt uo uld oome to were sbopping in DlIoyton one dllY in their proper ltatloDS. Mlnotes pas!! tb,lIt w ould obouge It I,f) Horr ow. lalli. week, " The proble.n III not aen'lmeotal, ~lel&ed Mr. aod Mrl Jlldwln Martin ot lallt ru.etlni lead "nd lipproved, but thFlt tlmo c~mo lind 10 th~ llili. bllt ooonolDlo, In lome lootlonll of &iord.y. Mr . lind ~r;. Frederlok FuroBe W6ll fiolshed and zeus tbllt IIrll I ft that ouco kn e w ulJftolabed bOlllne8s oor oOnOlry tbe blrdl b&ve oome t o IIrB. E. 0 , Maunon aDd daOlh new buelne88 11 5' properly intro them, there is not,bl og lett bu~ tho ha ve gone to h oU8t1l!eeplnll on the lhe a1d of mll.n aUbr he haa failed In terti, Ru\b and 61eoDa .nd Mrll. G Frank Cla rk farm , bill effort \0 exterminate 'he gyP'Y C . Davl. were enllrtalned by Mrl. duoed and reoeived the aUenlloo of m e mory. wblC'b ie a. pl caporo to Hoy ood Ca rl Jooel were In the Clvlo body. TheIr prinoipl68 'hlnk ot tbol!e tbat did liva liod moth and o'ber Inleo' peate. Eoo. Joe unl. Tueada,.. are th. very besl (lnd 'hey advooate wlike happiD ~s for otberA tblli r X enia StI'ordilY afteroooD lIomloally, lhe 8ta$e oeedl more Mrl, F. A. Bartlook aad Mr •• B. nothIng only wba' is for the betler. mllln d osi re. T be h ea r t fr' l~ sym. Miss H onlmj" Bunnell vl81ted foren treea on oor I&reete and more C. Barvey and dauihaer. Doria meD' of ehe vloln"y In whioh thoy pllthy trom trll!Drls ;8 extend ed to wi tb' ber brolber In Dayton a few Eqoltll.ble dlllribution at ralofall. 'he bereav ed on",,8 who will 0llS8 ber dllY8 last v;eell, were en'er'alned a' Bauy Shld, clroulate , h .,r.e soog tt.nQ In8oot1voronl bird!! aker'l Wedneeda,.. Winter I. bere and from all ap 10 her g oing lI ovo r t, ) r etnru . Ralellth Bogin 11I'ltlll Improving will d8l1gh, the eye and .. r and Mr. J . Lee Talmage re~urned pearanoe. hal oome to stay all 011 III heal t h . • ••- - - mate ea81er the worll or 'be flumertl. Uor lKlY@ and ,Irle will be botter home lIIalarday aner .pendlnw a dl. aooooot ot the grauodhoK , 1 IInew 'b tlrlee Horner il p~perlng the throagh their olose 88!!<l0IUlon with IillbUul week In Columbu. learnlo8 It aOd told my Delllhbors 80. and on 0 h Ollse 00 his newly purohased farm FOR RHEUMATISM the eloVll&lDg Iond reflnlni IDfinenoe &0 become a more effioten' and op. of them Baid to me YOll$erday I told pre paratory to moving. At! 800u ti l! UU II ttftOl[ (If RI1!Hl m8. ,00110, I neyer IIIW It fail when b e of naturl'-tbe beanty at bod and to·date farmer. -----" --leaf !lnd 11ower . " Mrs. 0 , R. Unglll8by attended the lelll hll IIhadow 00 the 2ud day 01 tism begioH apply l:lll ) all'~ Liolmeo ', Don ', wasle IIUle Ilnd soffer nnn.,o. funeral of a relative In I:!prlnrfleld Febrnary " will be moe'- mOlt a ... ------~"~ -~"-----(ul cold for 110' lellllllix weeh, Tbe e8811ry ugu ny. t;. tew dr ops u f &'urday . TO CURE CHILDREN'S COLDS Mill ViOl,. Jordan lauaM In tbe ground bog II In par'nuI'hlp wUh loan'8 I..lniOl ent on tbe IIIIeoted Keep obHd dry, olathe oomfortll. P" rt!! i8 all you ne"d . Th tl 1l0lD tbe !loal merohan, or at le808' a lIt.firet room a' Barveysborg ' 1.lt LIVEN UP YOUR TORPID LIVER blo, IivuiJ eXllo~ure and give Dr. go II at on oe. tie relilted. ' weell. To keep yoor liver 80\lve ole D;~ A grn tcsful !!offtlr,et' wrlt ea :-' I Bell'iJ Plne.'l·"r.lloney. It 18 plea,. . Oar Son day Scbool wa. well at. Mrs. (:leo. Davl,' and kl'~ . F A. KID,,', New Lite Pills. Tbey Inllure teuded Sooday i ool1t1o'lon WIS. fine . w 68 !IulIano" fo r ~ lll' etl w " kH ,91(b au'. lIoot hing, Bn't lleptio. rai~e8 good dtgee'ion, relieve oonl!~lpa&lon, Bertlooll atteDded W U T. U. at the loteree' I, devoloplnll very bronk Itbe UUltl t lsln uod *Iff Neolr, phl egm and reOocell infiomailoo Mn Frank Barris' In Harve,Ysburg and. tone nl) the whole eYltetn-teep rapid. aod mnoh pride 18 being dIM Rltboogb I trl d WIlUY nlt"1iol ~e8 . Th fir8l d08e gives reltef. oontlnued yoor eye olell rand ·your 811to fresb Thursday .Uernoon . plllye110 trying So ioorease tbe a t. *hey tulJB\I, t Ild 1 W ~tI uncl ll r the treatml'nt with proper oare will Oar .ohool ",all ololled Eriday af_ tendance, and healtby looking.' Only - 260. at ollrt" of u Il oowr. FOl'tno,ntely I " void MlriOllil IUne88 or a lon~ oold . 'ernoon while MISS Slarr IIotteoded yoor Dr~gglat heard uf:\1 lon'l\ LlI1lw fJ nt ,,"d "Hllr " on 't dtlay treatmenl, Don't lei ValeDtloe day was well obse rvau DRin g It t h r ee or t'"l!' d uya lim OIJ y Iur oblJd soffer. Get a boUle to. a teaoherB meeting III WOl!hlna ----~.~10 oor village lIome very strlkill/( d D J WillI. I Am IIUIIIII'l.\"''- "t· l lt ll big. d n~ . IORI"t on Dr Bell '. Pine Tar. lon townahlp. We bear 'hat Mrs Maude (Jleaver resembillnou~ were exohanged by gest tl fll.l "rtDl ~U I !tor u i , F wbnro B oney 11 50 a t Dranlats. thHY eUlpl"~' fr •• ru ~I X t o ('tab , bn ", take the manage thfl onknown. aDd eon lire went o( ,h., t!~ (Jlllir Botelln Leb In the IIIBue of laat wee k a WOII dr edh'lIJfl~ . ,,,,,I IbH ... Nur. I,· WIll lo,,'lf I4 luli ll" 'Llul m"u r aoon 10 the nellr totore. We mOlt my pleas ore to read wbllt the tax h IH nil all get oor dinner lit lhe til. Clair pliyer !lad to say. and Is Iw tb6sIIrue - Et B HmllIJ S, ... F "nCISCI I. Ga t. old IItory that th!!y bBve been Ul- - J .. u. lll l ii. A t ~ J1 1)I'U~gIH I II When JonBII Ban way. of LondOD. when we vlelt .he oouuty ,eat. appe.~ed on 'he e'reetl! at LlIIldon Tbere will btr pre"ohlng B,- rvlce h .arslng tor mllooy year8. They at tbe be,tnnlng of tbe elRhteen~h a' Flut 11'01'11 l:!ondllY by Rev. t:ieJl ' are IIfrtt.ld they ..... ill hh va to gu 10 oen\ury, with an unibrelill he hRd Mr Goy Walers spenf; MontIay Qolte lin Int(lle~tlog prograDl II lhllinfirmilry If ibey pay ooy m ors uonetruoled to keep off the rain, he belna prepared tor Welfare Lell~ue tllX i tbey do not think of thu If Wit b Mr , Will GllIrlm. blioame Ii aubj80t o'l much dl@ouulQn t:!aturday evening . Fet)rnllrJ lIIlb they wunt to make an IIlve9tmenl Ed. 'rh 'mas Will In CIIlrt8ville a.od rid 1011 Ie. After ho had used IS Moet ot tbe proglaw will be 8peeob. In bonds or II tOCItLl )r boyan au to. l'u08<1ey eod Wedne8day , for thirty yeu8, Ilowever, tbe om . fta and In.st.anoeil from Llnooln'" life. mobile-no. 'bls 18 tor 'hew 8e lvll~. Mr , B1 ..0 Worl':!y 8pent 'I'hursday Mr . 4- tln :ourtUl'.I" ~1 (l'It W1;! dll ~ brllila came In to general 088 a8 an Mra. Geo. Davl8 aDd Mrs. E. C 10IDe of 08 tt.re for self and self alone. with pal' Ot8 a~ WUmlnlltoo. ar&tole at groat o ttllt,y . Umbrellae MaDoon blive ohll1'&e of tbl8 meet· and are not williog to asllht In .mu k. d l~Y In V I . 0 Ville M IS8 Em lDlL EIlII entertained on Mra . Ii'rll.nol~ R. lill ' 1S'1 ,of ::!pring al e a. old 811 reo rded blstor, · Ing. loll' 'heir muniolpalily a place ot beauty and a ioy t ... rever. U 18 ,no bor n, reter '8'\ h ulU" II'rtduy. ArlOI' Jj' rldllY. Mrl!. Ollie BaKemeyer and SoulptDred repreeentaUonll 01 'bem The men at the ICrooery were en. worih while to orollll fire throus b ~ pielis"nL v ialt of se"e r l11 days w l&h two MOOS and Mill! Loul,e Baie, are freqoeotly found In the reoords of 'he earllell' 'Imel wben Ninevllb tertained by lhe Colllni Uroh,.'ra thia oewllY eheet bot the shing lor dllul(bler. M r ~ 1Ilirvoy Burnett m eyer· the ooonoll LO do i8 go In MlIslon a nd Mllny trom tbill vlomlty attended and Pereepolill ware 110nrl,bln8 ~a\Qrday evening . Mrs AM' WIJ'ltllttl r apen t 'rhurs lira. ala Bogan oalled on Mrll. 'he olerk oall the rolllmd everyone day wttl.! ber tn tUll f .. Mrs. EOllelte Il.ttended ~be aurprille given In hon. oltl(ll. They were alwaYI IlSed by or o f Mr. nnd Mrll. Thomlll Sberod women, never by men .-l.I'rom 'The W, r .. JordaD .:Iat.urda,. ennlna anlwer preseot, t:ille up the IIgh i EVIlnl , 1'borl'da:r evening. People 'I! Bome Joornal 'Ior Feb. Mr . and Mrll A, B Talmage and question In earnellt and tbe OOlln , iI. Ii 11,,1 tz " I.~' , pd his r tiler Mr. Emm ro.r), , Ion, Le., were en'ertaiDed at Mr8. qlan thU .I,oee to sleep, expel hlm Mr. Dyl.< 6 Be It 7.. t:l I1U rlIIlY MI . s MII Y BarlaD and mother are aDd put in n wide awake wlln, find Amanda Garn6r'lI Sonday. on t h s .Iok 1I1!\ U\II waell'. ., h-l r. aud , Mrtl HIl I'r)' t-ihll w and out how "noh Diloney you bave to Mr. snd Mr•• Geo Davis enler. Mr, lJb~8 . Ellis Willi shopplni In HUle Bon. were gh oPplillg In VIiYOOi . have. t,hen oall ao eleo'ion, pui I, 't o Bobsorlbe for the Miami Gaset. t.lned Mr. and Mrll. E, (J. Mannon Leblto (Jn l:laturday, ville Friday. .Dd d,~gbterl to dlnnllr tlunday a vote a.ld ID a few bonlll yoo wlll Mliny of tbe -8urrouudlnll neigh Mr. and Mrll . CArl Ue"th .pen Ilnow what the results are. H I~ learn of 'he worth going ,after and ther, I. no WedooMda y with M.r . N, leon AlQ.. borbood rt!g reted delt t,h If Mr WU.on B .. rlaD whloh exanle lbat It 1ft not done. Gentle. Keever Ilnd family. ocoorred ellrly . Saturday morning . meD. at the ooonoi!, If yon are afraid Mr. Robett Ballioger And fa lUll y CONSTIPATION Mn. Nora Hawkll 8pon~ Wednee to do yoor dnil68, 1",)0 ebollld not entorllllnlld the fo U ovilla on no When ooatl ve or 'roubled with h.vlI takeD tbe oath. Wilmlnaton. da,: Pdr a ud Mrc' O lb fl !;l"nUllrIOIJ, day with llBronte oooIUpa,loo· lalle Cbamllerlaln'l! Ulil:'r Bawke spent I:!und'ay atter. Mra. Margaret. Levioy en&ertalned Mr. tt.nd Mr, . Barve'y Burrl ol II.nd Table... They are e.,y to like and ilie Ladl61 Aid lcoldty Thursday a r dao!Jhter, Ka~berIDe, and Mr. r.ud ooon wltb Clarke Borgaee, A Theory Put Into , Praotic. by Wall mOl' agreeable In effect. ObYlntt. ternoon: A epli&ndld repaet w .. Mrll. A@& Whh&ker and IIt'hl BO ble nerywhere. Known Bu.ln ••1 Man lipread and jaatloe to It Will dOlle Ralph, ----'-and aU alreed .that they would re Mrll. Ml ne ie Vena ble @peut Thurs. 'urn whenever the opportual'y pre. day .. flerooon wltb .\lra. NelsoD 00 YOU FINO HULT EVERYBODY? lIented lueU. MoKfever, An Irtittible. faol$.findlul cUlpa, Mra. Uba ·Wel,b. ItII818~ by Mrs. Mr. BlLrvey Burn'3~ WIU In LeI! . sition 1.8 of teo due to a dl.ordered Bernace and Deborab Datln, enter. aDOO t3aturdar. IItomaob. ' A milo wUh ,oqd dl,u&alned 'he ,Clvlo Lasgoe wUb 1&8 Mr. Emmf'~ Bollz ItlIld fo,mlly wefO tloo Ie neuly alway. BOod natured 1.~lted , aueet.. A loodly som of IIrs. JOIeplJ M.nh.U llpen' the money wae colleoted anel a pleaeant glleets ot Mr. N.,ls n 'McKeever and A irel't mllny have beln perma uently bonefittsd by Ob,amberlalD'a day S.'urday wltb Mre . W. A. Null. ""rooon wbloh Will ebjoyed by fllml1y ThorsdllY e veni·oj{. Tablets after yearl of luiferlng. : - - - - -~--Th. W. U, T. U. meeUng laad all preleot. rhese til bleslI strengthen the I'om. 1'....0111 Willard mlmorlal wal held Mr. and Mra. Thomaa MaG lade at aoh aDd enable, it $0 perform I·Thar,~~a,r.f&erDoon ., 'hI hom. of tended 'he tooeral '.rburlday of Miss its tUDol,lons Daturally. Ubtaln • ., Hlegfrled. AD anolual Ru\h tlto,lar, who WIIS burled from ble tlvery where. 1,.lo'er.. &lDI prollraDJ wa. rendered her lale home near Cll\rksvllle i MI.II ElIla'b e'b Evanll 1p8~t 'h~ borlal ' at WilmIngton. She , waM MI8Hea Velrnll nod B" rtha Marlatt "eek~qd with her plrente at Mid a .rMldent 9f oor village for !Dao,V dle'ow., . :rean. and h!ld ~rlendl by 'be lIeore. eutertuluet1 Ii f ew Cif lbelr I rlends Wedn elldny \jvening. 'l' he eveni ng Harold B:lMeD and Holdle ~rl:r Dr. U. G. Rand~11 has puroila8ed wall spen~ 10 pluylng Ku mee. Li g ht A. druaiBt hu mllny opportunities were murled WednelCla,. the Geo. W. a \rlau fu-n . It Ie If. refreshmen~ij were Mened, to make luting trIends or his cU8tom· . Carl Brdatne,. of Ohio Wesle,an be·lutlfttllooa'ioD. Mr, Jllho Luoas .peDt Sunday e...." .aId Mr. J. ,0 . Brl\dy. popular Unlvenlly apeDt tb. wllek god The Frlenda Quarterly 14elllnll Willian Barlan, 110 pioneer: lililen with Loe Murray . Rexail Pharmacist or, Fall Rtver, "Ub home folte, was held at thllii ohoron S.,utd.y of lhl~ vlolnl'y,.dled 8dorday morn Mala. "Tbe 'very nature or ht,. busl· M,r Emerson Dill WIlS In Dayton and Sundtt.y. The aenlO8l ",er. Mr•. and Mra. Boward JIluly were Ing. being Ule la8~ of • I arlit family. F.lday. oe.. draw. their conflden('e tor little well oUended. helpful ,uggestlons au the wotter of oalleCl ~ IIlamlabllr, 'hIe weet b:r lIe bad been a widower t >r lIeveral Mr. Guy Chenoweth 'fila!! Oallinl!! yean aDd w .. alooe in the world, IIr. and Mrs. Berman E~aDI ar. tbe death of Ula formlr'lI mother. health. Many people bave thnnked 'Bn, Troup. or'OI':toa, pfl~Oh.d while he bad laid · op lor $he rainy on Amos JaOlleon and t~mlly tluo. preparln8 to move 10. f.w daya to me for recomwendlng Rexall Orderlies . day and had 'ateo areat plealure 1n day. Columbos where be bal ao<epted. 118 tbe. belt reUe! for ~Ol'l8t:1patlou lind at· 'ne (ierman Ref "rmed charoh,la,' . hoardlDg up qnl~ a legacy" w.. 00' Mr Joe T. Marllitt I!lnci wlte IIpent po.Ulon wlth,the IItoo((yard,. ' , Itil resultant Ills. Put up In lInlnty Saoda,.. that made lUe 'for him. Be wal Suoday ia Lebanon , ,Mr. and Mn. Earl (Jaater alld candy tablet torm. they nre ptea!tuJt to lb•. Eli, Rboade.; 01 Leb,uioD, i. •allB,rallhWorwud mao io all of hll Mr. Joe '1'. Marlatt. who hilI beeD b"bv ioo, of YellOW Hprloll, are the taste an~' Inoke 'nn IdcJJI lautl,.e .,IIUlni 111'. and ,Mr•• O.on Ole,e~. iranat.otlonll and 'lea "es a larlle ao at Morrow returned· bomtl8~turdIlY. speodlng \10 f.w day. with her pIl" . ' tor ,the home-tor mell. women aDd ler ,hi. weet. qualn'aDoe ,,:hioh will milS him. eDte, Mr. and Mre. Wm. CoQIey. .~ cblldren alike." , . Mr. Car&ll" wbo h .. beeD lDalllall Mre. Stella Whebe) returnfld Mn. r. 14 . Hun II ' ImprovlD, hI. home with hlil d.11Jher, ~r •• Worth While QUotation. :We have the exclu-;;; Bolling rlgbta ror Joeeph aadle1, bumo.edtosab!nl. bome from the Sou'h 'I.·borsday . nicely . tht.sreat lautlyf\. Trlal8lze. 10 cente. "No !look th.a t ,..111 Dot ImproVII b)' lictr. Wbetiel did not re$orn wltb hie Mis. Kale 81mll ' after a mOD'h'8 Dr. 01: II. Labur.h . . . tr.DM wife bo' when the wealher geta repeated readlng8 de'8"ell to be read vlHit witb b r plO,re:n'., left' for tbe J.E.JANNEY aoUnl buain_ at BamUCoD 'he wa rmer he will oome N ori~. for 'he at al1."-CarIYle. tl'eat, where ~he t·ravels tor a Chi. THE, REXALL STORE flra' of th. week. " ,ommer. oago book oonoern. IIr. and Mra. Obas. MaddeD and (Jarl Beee. wife aDd little da1l,b. ,on John, ara oltlzeDs 0 1 'he Queeo tor. !If Uayton, were week-end loe.', City , For two weeki .hey "'111 do Ilt Mr. and I4rl. U. 14 Flllk.non, " ligb" hou,e.keepIOK. laklD8 their Mn. Bllury Walton. 01 Lebanlll', 0000 day IUDoh out, "nd :tbelr Ilx Hade Strong ]11 Vinal wos t he weet.end lIoelt of Mn. o'olook dinner In,their wall.equlpp~ Beo800 Ir. im Irovin" lipartmentll 'file B. V. Ba,kea Ball teaID . wa, NOIxt Boo~ay. Febrnary 20'h, will defea,ed B'rldllY by the XeDIa Shambe the proper time tor 10U '0 oom.e rook •• Sverybody uses Lewis' Bread and oal. ~ 'be II. tn. ohuroh .~d attood ......._-.." Olhe Moore haa ,old hi. proper~ ~hll Llaoolo Day eseroleel Cakes. the best and most delicious 1" . . 1o oar S;cand.,. Dear tbe rI Vir bridge to Rev. CulllD.. . . rly .Dd jolO. 0 made. 'Try theml and you will iohOoI. 1"001' preMlDM '\rill be •• rJ' ReY :T. M. f30artf ....Dded the never want to eat aIly.other kind. IDDOb enjoyedaod JOII 0110 oome \I ra l'lpellln~ of the Owoal obvob Snrtel.y. ~f~l::~4~oe:I.~:DO' preftat.
REFERENCE Fir.t "aticunl Dnnk P~a rl Stru t Market Back ~n y. R~liabl~ Merchant lD Ciacmnn 11.
The NDREW ROHAN CO. CinCinnati, Ohio
J. F.. Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O.
.................................................... •.• DBNTIST••• WANTED
rent farm of 100 W ANTED-To er 150 acrea, by a rella ble R
part,.. Addrel!ll tbe , Miami Gazette omoe. Waynellvllle. phone 112 . f23
Autorftoblle Service at all nmea prl,J61 snd .amplea. Addres. The Yarrow Feed &l:!npply Co, Morrow, W A YNESVJLLE. OHIO ' Ohio. 011 Branch Office. Harvey.burc, 0.
HAYfor lIale. O.andL. Rlok8. 'f lmothy Ba,. WaYDes Clo~er
R , 3,
.-- .
Bullld Bay. LOTtionof 0811 on or
For Informa. phone FrBllk Zel1, W"ynenllIe. Ohlfl. wi
Ray Mills Auto Livery Serylce at
C. Beft OrploltOD oookerell! Reasonable Rates IIond " White Leg.lOrn oookerels, for sale.loqnlrt of Mu. B. " . Smit.h, Also Agent for KeU,-SpriJia1ield R . U. '4. Waynen\lle. OhIo f2!1 Automobile TIre.
Fifth PROPERl'r-On the ADn Enale home.
!ltreetCall on Boraoe Keys. Wtt.yoesvllJe, Oblo, for Information. f23 Valley P hone9()-1,Y.
Corwin, Ohio ,
aarel. nsar Caesar'. FARM-IS6 Creek brldAe, owned by 'he late
W . B. 'Gud. For ioformatlon CIlII co Gao, · B, Gnd, adminilltrator. WaynellVllIe, lIbio , U6
of 70 aorls, terms FARM Apply Mr or . Yn.
ell8Y Ohl18 ijat.ter ~hwilite. W"yoelVlIle. Ohio fl6 ~o
sob~crlbtlrs to the MoCaIl'1I Walter Chandler 100 Msgulne. Send 8lio to Ii --
liazett3 offioe, aDd ie~ one ot the bee' magllzines 00 eadh. tr
Waynesville, O.J OYer PoatoffJct.
orr.. Phone 77
I'" • ..1
BA(.(NHART. Notary PUblic
AU kinde of Notar:y Work. Willi and Deed. a Mpeolalty:
Dr. J. A . McCoy, . Veterinary Graduate of Obio
Office at reaidence in F. ll. , Sher ,
.- ..
Telephone day or night . Valley phone No. , .. Long Diatanoe No. 8~2r.
rd. of I'euolng for flale, 2500 1600 bu. 8aed alit!!. ad
Walter McClure Funeral Director.
OlssslBed Ada
This discnse should be treated
wood's hoUlle. Fourth Street.
Telephone 28
88 SOO: l
the first llnDaturu.l l008lln 86 of th ~wels nppears. When this is done n .,ingle c1oseof Cbnmberlaln's Colle. Chol · era anu Diarrhoea R me.ly y;Ul e ffect u ('ure. This r emedy enn alwnys be de, [lended upon' even in the most severe and flaugerot18 C11lI8S. and should be kept lit haud ready for instaDt Dse. Never leave home on n journey without It. liS
cr get Jmmedla1t relief rrom PILLJ Dr.1I1000's J{a6c OIDbDeJrt.
-------.. --..-------
'Lewis" ' Baker~
· ..4Mn.
How to
Grow Bigger Crops
of' Superb
y.ou "cer! this practical, expert information. Whether you own or Inteod to pla nt a fc\v trees or n thousand. It is iolor· maliOD that will l avoyou tlme.lubor dnd m o ney. Ge t It I Simply so04 u s your Dame and addre •• OD tho COupOD -or on a poslal. 1f yo u prefer. We will Jrlaelly mall you. free copy every"h.", 8", 2cttla2 ' prodI2rou. of our New CalA-Iofl-AIl U &8 in . b ook that t. limply p •• kO<1 ,.lth binls thot will enable YOI1 to ••cu .... bumpererops or flDelt fruit-aDd leU them at top..
IllOr".1 prl cel. Th.whol. book t.
".tth fOCI. that ...mlnte",al and tn ~ lruct
,ou-Ilcli IboDt bo.. frult·Jrrow tira
crop Mnn~ Jargocash profi t s frC\m'c r ODI!I of yo uu~. thrifly • .... ,Jo'ne Stark Bro'e trees-filets th ut cmpb,'uJh;c tho trutb of th e Axi om ··StnrJt.Troes V ' or Fruh." B MUl iful tlfe·..... nalurn"" ol r pholo. 01 I.adlnll' fruit. olt IhroulI'h the book: '
Send lor youf copy toclaT to
Stark Br.o's Nurseries at Louisiana, M~. Read II and learn abonl lile new lrull·
tree triumph of Stark Bro', lollll Ceo..
CIlJ'l' of Succell-tile "Double-Lllo"
Grimes Golden-tb .. ~ Clev.tollm enl
that rosll ts .iceU", rot." G e t the Nc\y Fact. about "Stark D~\lclo" .," Stntk Bart,. Elberta and IllI tho lal •• 1 ""achol.Stark Bro's·lITo"". J . B. Hato Peach... a110 LlceQ1n PC"f, ~tl\ rk ),foDLmoreacy CbctrY. Mamnl0lh Gold Plum lind all the other fhm OlLq St-n rk
Bro·. lroItI.berrle .....dOrD&ID.lI la1.~
Get Our New Catalog , FREE 11" 8IDcll.~-Rlled ~ I~ eover ~1u:rb'e'::ntl~~~'p~C)oto toltrapha. Mat'I -;<ott or ,. #DJ/a/~ B d
D.,A .
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aDd addre...
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I . . . . . . . ... , . . . '. . . . . .
At a meeting of the 'l'rustees of I
··I '~U .ln~"
n ·ungry Holl r, Pebruary l5·. I 16. ' Wayne Township last w e'k they a p . \ Ii' .'.llllC ~I. tl \\ ,III viHiti ng rei- Edyler Miami Gnzett , t pointed the follo~ingclS road super· ati ves in )):.,' 1101. d wl'c·I, . , -Sell 2 qt Cranl rries for 15 visors: Charles Burnett, W. E, I ear E'r, -l seen a piece ill your ":'-Havo Fancy N II' Orleans Molas: s in bulk Announces the fonowing Sale Dates and O'Neall alld J os Marlatt, All· of 1rs. Myt' r i) ,':Hl tl lld t1au 'hter. pllper )Il~t wt!E'k Ulet Rum 01 feller -Are Ag 'nts for llIalchfor l's Cal f leal , these gentlemt:n ha ve had wide eX' \ ,:krllkc' nrc ,'i-Il 1'1' ill . nia (uelsy. U·ut sined hi all "graml~a" tri ed Places of Sale -Can upply you wilh ftc II ~lIIk fr(J nt ~t fl ctlyFresh Cows perience in road building. Rnd it is '. \.<I g et ou t tIl' hi Blst llhl His piece -Are Headquarters 'f or !'ure Buckwheat Flour h ed) h '11 b hows th:ll he haint rlt for the pa· a:~he ~~:~: a~~ i~~ b~dn c~~diti~~' Mr!J: \'h,' >t' :"11111. ~"I!II~ t llf' IYcl'll- p r mu t ch 8: what he.,loe9 rile dont - Sell the best Hen Feed . . end wllhJ1QJ::....dl ,vl1tl'r, Mr~. II. H amount ·to lIlutch ef It don't mount -Carry 80no Meal leat S'raps, leat Crisps, Oyster - .. - -Y.'il kerMon and fctluil y. on mo re lh ~ t\ whut h got. off last Shell, Charcoal, Gm, Poultry Hanaceas,Louse Killer" , T bllrsdllY, Feb . 'l D-A rthur Pephart, I Illile eus lor Wes t Carleton, we.:I,. .TI·~l·l·~ long H I her i'l that Cracked Corn and Su nflolVer Seed F rid ay, Feb. ] i -Ben J ames, ] mile south of l,ytle. The eVf'1l fla ' "'orider i" till' lar" ki ,i Ill' 01 litO WII!ls rUllni n ro und . . turday. Feb. 12-City property at the door of Lhc court hou se , -Specialize .In AlIIl:;' I arOu nd Ccment I ' o f ~I~ al II.:idol II' I'lh mo re \ 1 1I ;~ [h 'rC,I hUlllt )NIIl to be !10 ~Be uv di play -Think Chase & SanlJon\'s Coffees are the Cheapest and Dayton. . than tw kt· thi~ PI'h'C ::;OIl)C ~ay . it U'Yln III 110 nlllhm\( ell?c 'Ich II hev Best OD the market . Monday, Feb. a - Henry Preather,:~ m~l es northen t .of ~eoterville. looked like h w :.", l-=, .inJ! t o take al l th lHrlll'sl " if U lis t the~ll 10 tbaw - Have Ihe fin est cut ucky Sorghum Tuesday, Feb. 15-C barles Celner, ::\ miles eo. t f ~lmlm sb llrg . the lurl(e ~ r~' U,,'l11 Jollll Ill~e [rum .J!: & h it. dlln t malt n.o Walter Glbboo~, of Uolnmbntl, III Funk y ' ~. ,-Keep the best Welncrwurst and Minced Ham (hf n ll' c ('! Ihey do gl t t.h r l'!l0ney Wednesday, Feb. l6-We11ingtoll Cornell . at Lylle. vhlltlng bill molller Mrl! . p .. trl ok w!)rt h ('1 .11\11 ) Re glt.~ a littl fun -Sell Pop Corn t hat pops Thursday, Feb. l7-Clarenee Folkertb, I mde I.o rth of Ferry . Gibbons !lnd ai@ter and brotber no nut uv it 2 01 i!!,nerent gran pap -Expect Whole Wheat Flour in today Friday, Feb. I - Jos. Chamberl ai n. ncar Carlisle. ayne 'villc Grall)!" Il ill 111 " I ~t'Z culE.! il ' li t 's is goor! enuf fer him lIlut I'rankllo titreet ~hlB wee~. -Offer the Colorado Beans at ' Xc alb Saturday, Feb. !I) -A . G. Myer ', l i l'c~y slock, Day101l. . IIll' rl' wi ll be & hi.; 01 wo m un thoul taxin the John Weaver lind Rleter Mrs. J . aturduy '"H' ll in:." - Can give. you a good CflIcker at S,Xc a Ib Monday, l~eb. 21-Ha~ry Grist, 1;'0 lillie northwes t CenterVIlle. work in tlH' ti r ' { ;, ,«1 ?"l'l,nd r\"!-t I' Cl!S D. Barne@B att.end ed the runAnl of I1C~ p \ll fe l' lecirik lites Ilk Used - Just received a fre h supply of Ginger Snaps and Graham All memb ·T'>l1r" IIr~: .. rlt" b Jl n:~ ·1I1. once " show: fil et he haint got ez Tuesday, Feb. 72- .'\. G. 'MYI!~s, ~ 1lI!les lIo nl? of r.!edway. . Wm. Racer 10 Xenia Ilist week. Wafers . Wednesday, Feb. 23-Wm. DlUwlddlc, :.! Il ulcs north of Waynes· Illut dl s(!nt ~ t'z h I! lhiliks he hez cu:t. J. B. Turner blUI oomplet.oo wiling -Cut the price of Vanilla Wafers to JOe a Ib Mrs. Am os ~1~l1 d l'll n HIl anrl Mrs. . s ~d to m:lk el'(\' f elle r pay fe r: the ville. ble atore aod dwelling for ell'otrlO -Have Sweet and .Sour Pickles Thursday, Feb. 24-Wm. \\ ade, :~ Fniles northeast of Springboro. Hal'ry S lo k ' ~ Inn! (' all ed to Pe ru, mou nt lI V li te he used & not tax lh' IIIb,fs . pe pul fer it. ccms 1'0 me ez ef -Keep ~he vcry finest prepared~fr\ustard at IOC Saturday, Feb. 2G-City property a t c urt 1r(l Il ~C , f) ;:lyt<)IJ . Protra~ted meeting bRS oommeo- Inll. lost WI! I.. on al'e,IU IIl of lhe -Think the "Country Club" canned Beans arc amllng the Tuesday, Feb. ~U-]\Ir s. Cassie \t\llrcIVs. ,) lIIill's ' 1I11h of !leaver· oed a\ the P re8 byterlnn ohnroh, seriou ll illn l:!~ o f l heir , i ~ l e J' Mrs. R'ranpu p Wli Z wui. in sum mity good c<l!c ile when he ~ ot thet· off. Ef best at 5 and IOc a can They are oood uotlld by a 1111 y 1,00 Sallie Il at h:,woy. town. him & his 01 woman wall ls to sel out ·evangellst. -Talk a great deal about our White Com Meal Wednesday. Mar . I- Wm. C. Eck , n car Ulcrtoll , I I iu. & 1;'0 to th ,·t n w poor house the I f you a re IlIvl'r s of good music -Can Rive you fancy Roman Beauty Apples Thursday. lar. ~- \Y. C. !{ohine tt. at Miumisb urg . :a&arrled-lloward Myers, ()f this lICe I' ll I "Oll'U to hild, l spec ther ia -Sell Nalls by the lb. or by. the keg place and Mla8 Ethel Redman. you should sec "PaU line." lilt! op· pi nt;· \l " pub lic s pi rit d cityzuns Saturday, iar. -1- ily prope rl y a t court hou se. IJuvln n . daughter of Wm Redman, nortb of erelta gjl'ell .uy th' Hig h choul pu· th t wood be wil lin to by iliA hou~e ~Are agent. for Lowe Bros. High Standard Paints Monday, Mar. (i-M IS. Sn~i.lh, l1('ur Alex,lI!c1ervilie. , 'own. Tb ey will r !llde with the pi ls . Il is a CIWIl, prelty lind mu · & pay lh e la XI'S on hit 2. Well 1 Tuesday Mar. 7-lIarry 1 hompsu lI , :1 Tillie ' wcst 6 (,e rma n tow u. -Always have Pure Cider Vinegar lIical ope rettil . und ullcle l' th dir~c· groom'. parents tit this phloe me st qu it guodhy. Wednesday Mar. ~-J. 1. ?llc'N il. I lIli lc eas t of Kirhw(Joci. hiD. -Can show you the best Meat and Siock Salt made Boward Berr;rhlll, of Dllytou, 18 tion of Mls ~ \'uua i\l cl 'hul' on, the Yourn fer n good town. Thursday , ifar. \)-jcsSe M.ichael, :~ miles S tltheas t or ~l' a'lli shur.g. -Keep Rock Salt too ll ,ic teacher , eve rything school's m moving 011 his t'~rm louthwest of Hllbe Hawkins. -Send out. more Fleischman's Yeast every day Saturday, Mar. ll-Wrn. Wade, Ccrllla ntoWrI, Uhill. in it will be br ligh t out. SOWD . ---Offer Blue and Whltc Graniteware at .one half prlee Monday, Mar. 2D-Jesse Prugh, Beaverto wll , hio. rhe Uoppook ule north of town waa welt a\tended. Mr. Uoppook 'wm move near H6rshmaoville. The peraonlll property of the law Avll J:lIS8Y 111'118 Bold at bi8 bOUle lost· Sa$t1rdtiyat.eroooo. Fred Horle, of 80ntb of t own, nnd Miss Marie Rbaw, dnngbter of George Sbaw. ne.lr X ola, werp ... ~ -~ married 1116' MondllY evenlog 10 t!prlng Valley by Rav. Un1 1l 08, The " Hllme "'eak ly " of X4;!llia, "Light ir. ch "!l pcr tha n feeti and The.}': will 11 vo io tbe tenllnt h OUS8 prints the numes uf lhe diffe rent mure bt:llf'ficla l I han lo(allons of ~"",,"""""""""""""""'~ •.~F~~' on tbe Jobn J obe fllrm. committees for t hail nnn ual Reunion l a-ermil'i (\ f''' stllies Fr derick W. Mr' lIud Mrs . E30m Barohart al· wh h-h will take plnce Jul;' 4..5 llna h 'cs. Prof ~ orof Fa rm Arch itecture, t.endlld tbe Bille of ber brother nell r fl, 1916 Am una- the na m e!! o n th e hio S lutc Unh r~ity. in r eplying to ouncil of ud min i. t rnlion , we noticl' the m an }' requ esl that come to him Waynesville 188\ FridaY" Mr. 6n 1 Mrs. JOIDe8 ~oammer lhose of Howard D. Mailing- loll Bnd abou l ligh ting the burn properly horn will move Oil the farm of MIlU. C W. Ri ch ; on U,e l'ecepLion com " En. ry ba rn should have at least · With Oetachable All-Season Top mittee is Warren Morey; on speakers fou r' square fp.e of winc!olV space to Morrill next rnesdllY. of whi ch Mr. Man nington is chair· each a nimal and in dairy barns, this man. is Albe rl Defenbaugh. Thes should be increased to six or eight are boys who workell in the Gazette. square feet ." Good windows prop years ago. the m ost of whom have edy put in will not make the barn made good . 'rhere i II hustle al· ml,lah Golder in winter and will add ready to eee if this r union will not tl' t h onveniel'lce of the farmer in doing hi ,york in lhe buiid\ngJ ecli pse all pr vious ones. - --- _ - .. - - Often t imes th 'darn doors are left The FriendB church has purchased op n during th a winter evenings and a new organ. mornings t make lJrOper lillht; this causes sudllen changes of tempera 14rs. Lizzie Blair is ill with grippe. ture whi ch are harmful to the live . The Gleaner Girls entertained tht' ~tock within . . Younlr Men's class of tbe M. E. --.... Sunday Scbool Monday evening. MrS. L . D. Harmon, of Newtown. We also ha e Paint to Is the guest of relatives here, put on your . btJilding Mr. and Mrs. TElos . Haydockspent you intend to bu ild. the week·end in Wilmillgton . Of our dear m other. Lavina Ellis, who died J uly 1st. 1!H5. Our independent basket ball team ~ow defeated lhe Spring Valley team We miss thee from our home, dear Friday night by a score of 29- 23. mother. Miss Dorothy DeVo'e is the guest We miss thee [I'om thy place, $ of her Runt, Miss Emma White. A shadow o'er ou r li fe is ell t. ~e.!~~ tile N~~ .Series_ a!l.season axon "SL II The Federal Coul't las ~'l.eek...d -M-i88-Eleanor-Hayd{)elt-enter~ined Ye-miss-tlre :mrnthine of Ihv lace. IS answered t e·mslStent demand for six-cylinder cided that the famou s "blue sky" to dinner on Sunday: Misses Hazel We mi39 t hy kind and loving hand , enclosed car luxury at a moderate price. Here law reg ulating the issuan ce of all and Helen Hiel, Alice ClirT Lois Th:y fond and ear nest care. for. the first time-a "Six" of the all-season ' except utility corporation sec urities, la Our home is ba re without thee, WIlrtal(er, anes-RuCiduc. WIIS invalid. Attorney·General Turn · 'S oITered at tbe Saxon price-$935. Lemar, Ruthanua Peterson, Alma We miss thee everywbere . r . has appealed the case to the Mendenball, Elsie Cline. Margaret From Her Loving Children. This Mew Series top q'llIlity ataning and Iilfbting sys. Untied States upreme court at Michener, Sarah Baine!! . &uron "Six" now bring. tem; Tlmken axles and - -Wa hin glon. The next number of the Lecture the all._slln . "Six" out of bearing'i JlOGleum OOYeftd Th e Cl\se wat! brought by the atthe' high priced class. CoUJ'lle, a leeture by John A. Gray. floor boards and running . torney-g neral Bome months a&,o will be held in tbe Friends church lien have thoug)!t. of the boards; silent belical bevel against the G. iger-Jones Co:, and met Saturday evening, February enclosed six-c,Under car as driYegu ... ; higbgmde body hilS been bilterly 'f ought in t~ a luxury for the few. IIcn finIsh, yacht-line bod, of 19th. Dr. Gray comes to U8 most courts for s everal weeks . 'If the have wanted ehclosed car greater roominess. and II highly recommended and his lectures U nited States Suprdm e , court holds Come in and 'will make an estimate on the building quality at touring Cllr colt. ICOre more of noteworthy are of especial intereSt to the workto the decision of the ' Federal court This Saxon "Six" gins It features . Ing man. Ih e "blue sky " burea'tt ~il1 , be praeto tbe.m. Come and conyiace ,our· .... ---ticall y abol i hed in the state banking Her. are olher bl,b daIS 'self of the uc:eptiolJal ttal· depar t m en~. lealuru, I·unit electric' ue in ahis Mew Saxon. Give us a call, get our prices, and we are positive we The Society· of Friends of Way· - - ----+ - - Saxon uBiJ~" 8ax.OQ "Pour" .will ,get your o:der for lumber, etc. purchru;ed th e fou r acres of nesville Touring Roedlter '785 With Llmoulloc top Mr. and Mrs. 'rh \ld Zimmerman. With Coupe top Saxon "Six" Roadatcr Elect.l•• tarte. and IIIMo tha.t lies j ast behind the \<'I'ienus .' Home . This ground 'will be utilized d. B. CHAPMAN Mle. Rena Keraey baa been quite as a garden, IIIllI as Supt, Pierce is II .Iok wUh the .rippe, bue Ie IIOme gardener. the Home will 'have lols 01 Pbone n .... 6 Wayne,vllle. Ohio beUer now. good things to cal next 9ummcr ant.! Ilr . Mra. Joe MoGill; 01 winter. af5l-WL.ll! ' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I-~I~~nSI~8PM~~~;:eDdw~~--~----~----In nelgbborhood. A Dayton exchange says that IlrMit. Leute Bolllnglworth spent ~ather FIs hy. ,rangemenls are now being made \>y las' Tharaday with WUJ Bteddom "What made you di strust thAt Ital· the Greater Dayton Assocration to and family. . Illn rerug e1 I tholl~ht be told a put fo rth its efforts in furthering a Illy Almedli Cleland !lnd geotlemal friend, of Middletown. 8pen' Iallt Btrolght story: ' "It s01inued 60, but project for a new traction line beWilen I Que8t1oned him DB 10 his home tween Dayton and BI~hester, via Snnday with home Colke. Ilnd occupaUon he eaiel he was a sl reet Washington C. ll: and Wilmil1gton . Air'~dy Done. Late Ciaalsified Ads 141.1 ' Roxie t;llUon hilS gone to clean er In Venl e."-DalUmore ·Am~rl· This matter: bas been places before Mrs. Slocum (to ber. llltsband·. ..... _w Wi . . . ............. --.-. Day*on to spend a few weeks. C8,Il. cbum)- "'l'Om, I wleb you could break t he traffic committee of this asso........ George pt pl&Ylng poker." 'The Chum eiat.ion and they ace i()okinQ' into it. FOR SALE It is unnece~sary to add that Waynes-"I dId ~reak . hJ,m, Qnly 1Il8t .n,laht.HChicago Florald. ville, one of the strongest D~yton Flooding Powder Magazine. shopping cenlers, Is never ~entioned A flooding device to prevent tho eJ:· in any propositions t~at come up Te EGG Inonblltor, for @ale,' ==:=~=========:!! ploslon of 'the jlowder maiazlne Is lnqnire at Mrs E.~. BaUy, I gardin.l{' II .railroad throulrh her IItted to most big battlosbhle. By W.ynuvUle: Oblo. mt • slm '1ly turning on , 11 number or taps Specials This Week town. And why? ...- - lea ,\'ater Is allowed t. rush lhr'OUih Fancy l~lorida Celery, Fancy pipes Into the powder IItore, which Is OBE-Made ot aood mille bide, Curly Lettuce, Jumbo Ce1a. re:: '~ ~ rod barmless In case of Ore. new, never Wae used' lnqolre ... My Aln,-Vout Trad, ----_. _-.0_ ___ Nnval Oranges, F ancy Large of O. B Bentl!!y, Waynesville, O. Grape Fruit, Dates, Figs, ml Q E nglish Walnuts. .~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ UALITY-A~ove the Standard· U nncceU3 ry Wol'k. , .;RVICE .... That can't be beat. Mrs. Ax e-"HllnlJoh. I hope you Fresh Bulk yS'ers, E dgemont a.l'1'ed. ..... dltll1 ·t forget to wllSb lhe fish thor· Cra-k(!rs, Heiuz ~ickles, Ol"Lon your enemy and embrace .-RICES-To pleue .1(, ollcbl y .be rore yoil put It In to bake " ives, .Catsup. HIl,n.uah-"Moh lOll ! What ,fur Ah him," adyl!!!! a LoJilsvllle pastor. 11 _,_ _ __ must be remembered. however, thllt · . ' gwme wash. 0 fish dltt's bin 11·11 bIn' In Kiln Died Corn ~fea1, Pure 'rhere is a g eneral . movement In embraolnl 8n enemy YOU lo~e, the GFJO. J. WATERBOUSE de watah all hit's IlIe?"-Dostoll Tran· . Buckwheat, RiusillS, CurrantS amollg lIeveral Ohio towns to adopt Iltrantrle bold 18 bl\rrcd.-HoustoD. " , . ' , Berlill. . WiTH OUR NEW THREETO~ TRUCK WE CAN TRANSEastern time again. 'This will . put POlt. Citron. --- ~ ............ cOrwin. O~o. · . ' t'hotle 54-2;{' the working ho urs an hour earlier in FER YOUR GOODS TO ANY POINT Try a plJund o f our ,20c .Stee1 the morning alld give the workjnlrPitched Battle; man an hour mOTe in the evening. Cut Coffee-otbers get 2~ "From the vlewpomt of an InneIt has been but a few years 8lnce for same grade .. cent bystander." pbUoBOphfeally r& Ohio adopted Central time. claiming ' marked the 'old codger, "I bellev.e that Bulk Peanut Buiter, Bulk . that was the only, tim.e, and making . LONG HAULS A SPECIALTY the keenest competition I knoW of 00eyllryt.hing coincide with each other . Sauer 'Kraut. . --------~ ........~~........~-curs wben two chronic dyspeptic. lot -rRilFouds included. 'fhe ,time hall togei:her and comllare·tbelr eymll~om •. " Live Stock Delivered at the Market Veiling, just th~ thing for worked very well to all concerned, Don' t forget we seli I ew Line of Deep Dishes •• ' IDe -Judee: . . and why this change is more than we Motoring .. .' .....••.•• .. lOe Vinegar Cruets '. , ... " .• •. lOe CHURN COLD - - -.... can contemplate. . Infant's Bootees, just in . 10e Salt Bnd 'Pepper OmittinB; Chum Gold .from yotir Tow.els. Turkish, long -----table is a sin against . your Casters. • • • . • • • • . . . • •• lOe. Peculiar Cigarette•• ,length. •. . . . .• . .• . . • .• lOe "No·Stoop" Dust Pabs., •• JOe purse. In Slam the naUyee -emolte otcaLadi~s' Vestees .•.••.••• '. lOe Sugar BOl;VIS, ~Da •.•••• lOe rett81 made o~ Iloma-crown tobaoco Jult II Fancy. Did you get a Tub last week, '1fnpped In baoana leawea or In the Table Oil Cloth, per .I1i yd. IO~ Creamers, Chin•••••••••• IOe ~rue to tor-m. 110m body haB agoJn we stih have a few left, only petab '!t UJe royal lotu. tiower. Bet the notion In clrculatfon that chess No. 27 South (i5c worth $1.25. Special for Saturday: . pla~e great mlllhtry tac.tlclllnB. Ya ~al. Coffee or Tea Pots.......... . .••••.•. ~ ••.••••••• The theory Bounds ver,' pretty. and the BIU. PIlOtru :.!2R "Loot" Not Mate,lal. · XENIA, OHIO CITIZENS PBONB122 only trouhle with It I~ thllt It I.n·t 10. 2:lw A Nel" York ..,..,er nportect that NllpollOn anr2 Frcclerl rk the Great Ida aafe had beaD robbed, uti wba Weti' both.poor cheB8.pl&),el"l.-BufbJo uke4 what tile loOt wu. alii Ida I
.. - ..---
LIGHT CHEAPER HOLD REUNION A. A. McNEIL, Auctioneer, Centerville, Ohio THAN fEED ON JULY 4·6
White's Store
Do You Intend to Build a Hom.e this Season? If you do, Remember, we have
Building Material
Necessary to build a well-equipped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shed.
.. - ...-_
a Six-Cylinder Enclosed Car for $935
.. -----
W, ·H, :MADDE'~
----_. -
Walker T ~ansfer Company
=""'"'========:: ;: : :
..... -
The Walker Transfer Company
·..,..ablrto • eIIIiJI·.........
Sixty-Eighth Year
Whole Number 3357
~~ru~~~i~I I~~:_:_W_~_DER_~_~M_~_ NC~_IN_~_ULD_~_1:~~~~~r.J PAULINE -----~-
Mrs. J. H Colemu1l$8ve a family EN:fE RTAI NS LARGE AUDIENC E AT SCHOOL HALL dinner Sunday in honor 'of_Mr. Colema/l's birthday.
Mrs. Jane Raphun is quite a1ck, Rachel D.via ia vlaitinR ber BiBter in Wilmington.
____ _
Allen, C)f Spriqboro. wu BAlL FANS ARE ANXIOUS In Walter town Saturd.y. . ,
L . Cranpf e anrlr.fami nerD'. !(uests andly.were Mrs. A.dillT. WriJ{ht ' unday.
Talk ' of - New Park
Mr!l, L. A. 7.immermBn enter· Cast Was Unusually Strong a nd the tained at dinner on 'L'h urscluy. MrR. Chorus Work Was Very' llarton Kelly. Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Effect ive Mrs , Cha rles M. Hobilzer. and Mrs. J . O. Cartwr igh t-
De/nrr Built Mrs. Everhart is visitini' her BOn, • Fred, in Franklin. Not Only for Baee Ball, bu Also for , Pleasure Mrs. C. B. Bentlev spent Tueeday with Xenia relatives.
Mrs, 'E: V. Harnhart waa a CinSeveral of our residents claIm they h.ve obeerved blue birds ftyinar cinnati vieltor Saturday. around lately. and thill fact has ocMr. and Mrs. L. T. Peterson are casioned a great deal or comment In morinlt to Xenia this week. reiJrd to base ball There is an old adawe amOIli' b.lI players that who The University Girll-8chool Ball. lee the ftrat ,blue bird in Febru81'1 Wednesday cveninar, March lit. will ,at a i00d berth on BOme ball tum tbat will be. payinar investment Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure for them. Anyway. therll hu been vlilted relativea at Bellbrook Sunday. conalderable ball talk about town for leveral days, and rumor hath Mrs. Grace Lincoln Smith Is In aald there will be a team here this Cincinnatr, buyinar new spring IDiI'. HUOn tb.t 'will sclipee all teams for Iln!'ry. leveral years. However. this may Mrs. Buldah Burnett, of Route 5, be, the ball fana will be intormed In spent the week· end with fri('nds in time to make theIr plana for tbe Dayton. lummer- that II, there will be lit tie necce9Iity for Iroinar out of town Mr. and Mra Allen Haines, of to 1M ball playtnar, U there ia likely Xenia, were viailini' relatives here to be a team inawrurat.ed before Sund.y. loni'. There haa been a rumor that the Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Ht:nderaon promoters of the team Intend to try and buy a lot and make a ball park, and family .. ere Lebanon visitor. ' ' but they will end,·avor to make the Saturday. park 110 that it can be utilized for all ldnda ot ple..ure amusement.Rev. C. S. Grauser attended a for picnica. family ptherilllil8 and committee meetlnar at Xenia last luchUke. Tburad.,. It th.re Ii anything to thiJ propo· altion It ou~t tl.l be eanclioned bv There were a ateat many people every bl18iDel8 man in town. In In to~n Saturday attracted by A_ B, tact, Dot only aanctiened but the Sld~' aale. ~k OI,1rht te be wiHiq to 'put. little lIloney back of the propMrs. Martha Barnet.t, of Shawnee, _don to to further tbe scheme. Thev will allo endeavor to make it Okla,: II' the guest ot Mr. C. W, ,po&albte to "ave everybody make Barnett and family. Thua:aday afternoon a holiday, thereby lettinr tbe busineae man as well Dr, J;lill. Osteopath, at residence aa his help enjoy one afternoon oul of L_T. Peterson. Main St" Tuesday of the week, especially durinar tbe and Friday morninp. extremely heated 1188800 of the sum· mer. It w.ill be their endeavor to Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge, of have a ballitame 00 this afternoon, makinar it a g.la occasion. Every Oaytun, visited ' with Mr, and Mrs. town, a1moat. in Ohio. already has Mahlon Kidge Sunday. Ita halfholldav. wby not Waynesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Diamond, ot ... ..... Xenia, were the Sunday guests of Mt. 'and Mrs. Robt. Crew.
. The bcautifui operetta, Pauline, was giv n at School Auditorium Tuesday evening. before " large and appreci ative audience. This is the first time anything as elaborate as lhis producti on has ever been given Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright by the pupils of the schools. The gave a delightful euchre party to cast was a strong one. made up of leveral of their friends Saturday the ones who could bes t take their evening. The evenin~ was pleas · antly spent with the cards, and a respective par ts. and the whole affair from the leading characters to the delicious luncheon was served. chorus was of the best. Mrs. Cynthia Evans entert;ained It Is impossible to give an adequate at dinner Thursday in honur of Mrs . review of the operetta. While it Is L , 'r .. Peter.on. who leaves this week cast like aU of these operettas. every for her new homo in Xenia. Those character In the play gave a caste to who enjoyed the enlertainment wp.re t he ~esdame!i Peterson . Mll ffit. Fun- the part that made the whole thing kev. G, W. Hawk, Hathaway, Misdes e. very pleasing entertainment . Each part wa~ we ll Bustained. and the Heighwayand Emma Hawke. chor ull WOI k was especially fine. Taking Into consideration the fact
Mr. and Mrs, Robe rt Crewenter· tain tl at a Sundav dinner Mr_ and Mrs J ohn Diamond. of Xenia, Mrs. Lydia Pl'lIsnull, of Fairmount, Ind .. and Mrs. 8m ma Retallick,
_~._ Jl.-_
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OnW~nesday~lastw~~ M~ . ili~~lllievokes~ llie prod~tioo - - - __ ~ ----- -----J. O. Cartwri ght- was hostess ata al'e notmoret hanhalfdevelop~ yet.
lhere was good volume. The 8010 parts were well takan , Ilnil it was a surprise to many in the audience th t so many good voices have been developl'd since music has betsn taught in the schools, The comedy parta were particularly Two weeks from today will brinlr ue again to the holy Sedsim of Lent: pleasing. as thecharacters .were w~l1 The reg'UIllr melttlni ot the W. C. once more the Lord. by the \'oi~o of The regular meetini of the Wo0 cho en fo r thei r worl(; and apeelal T, U. was held.t the home of Mrs. His Chllrch calls u to "eome apart man's Auxiliary was held at the home mention mual be given " the bums," J. Ill. Janney on Wednesday after- into II de<!6rt pillce, lind rest IL\vhile ," of Mrs. Harris and' Mrs. Mosheron as their singing Bnd ar.~ini was ex: noon. Feb~ar'f 18th. ,He bids us lay al!id~ all worldly Friday afternoon, February 18th. tremely good. Mrs. Cadwallader opened the Great credit i.s due MiS! McPher· • T~~ meo~tnar.. was opened by sing- amUEements and pursuq:~ '8~d need. mg AmerIca. I"~ cares and follow Hun 1I1to the meeting' by reading Psalm 24.. Rev. eon, as she has work~ ha1'd to make ~IIIB Anna ~elly cond,;,cted the de- wllderness th~t we. mll~ hold the J. F. Cad'walla'der conducted the de. Mr. and Mrs , JoshU8 Foster were the operetta a s uccess. Rer selec· votlonal exercises raadmac Romans cloo;er com mUllion wnh lrllm that we votional service. tendered a delilrh t ful surprise Satur- tions of the solo part8. and the fine 12 and leadini in the Lord'lI P.rayel'. may hear thiM Rtillsmall voice of " On Wings of Song" by Mendels. day evenini, FE'brU81'y Hlth. when work of the chorus. show that ahe is Quotations from Lincoln were gi v, God and ":la~~ our bearts a home for Hhon was played on the player-piano. friends .nd neighbors gathered at in close touch wilh her talent. Seven In respoDie to roll.clllI , the Holy SP1r1t. Scri\>tural quotations were given in their home near Ly till. Tbe ~ vening erlll of t he teache rs assisted her in After the rea~lnar of the minutes Do not ilay... IJy heart is t.o~ sin· response to . roll-call followed by was pl easantly spent in playing rook the work. Followinl: is the cast of and other bustne8S the program ful and poll ute I for the dwell1ng of "Favori te Hymns" on the player. and other games after which an characters: which Had been arranjted as a Lin. t~e Holy 'h?~t .. Let me first get piano. After the reading of the oyat!'r supper W8B served and enjoyed Pauline, dau",hter of Cassady .. ...... rid 'o ~ ~r ~I,n~ a~d then He may minutel lmd other business the pro· by all . Those present were: Mr. .. J tt J coln.memorial was given. , MIIIB Anna Marshall read an. ex. come Ihat and le•• Duke ..... ...... ............... eane e anney " L IS as fitbough one "ram ... ""on were taken up. The an.i d Mr!l. M Carl E ' and fam d ily, Mr. Cullie. servant maid ..... Edytha Macy h Idm. cellent article on Li.lcoln giving s ou say, et mil Il'st get all Auxiliary is havin.ll . a leries of les- an rs. arl h1lm an 50n, Mr. Cb,ckie, a spinster. sister of Cass t 8~~njt incidentA in his life in favor i~: djr!nfi t \~ehlo?,m ·Oand sOon'l 0Cn "Row !?ur hChhurch Came to ~~~gh~;~s·. :~y. Iln~aMr~.aDto·a:Btatck~ sady ..... ............ ..... ..... Olive Allen o emperance. .. ' n . : e n le . I l~ ' . p~n ur ountry, w ic is arousing Mame. n village bt!lIe Minerva Harlan I Mrs. Funkey read Facts About the wmc10w und Ihe hght Will of It.. much interest Tbe lesson for the ney and son, MiE!S Ethel Archdeacon, Lincoln Glaaned froln St.ories About selt chase th e darkrcss, Open your day was on "How Our Church Came M-iSil Emma Foster. Messrs Ernest Kiowi, an [ndian fortune tel ar ... · .. Him," which "'ave many points heart and mind willingly to God. and to M!ls!l6chusetrs .. a'Jd the follow. Archdeacon, Ralph Archdeacon. ' ............... ..... ,... .. .... Edna Cornell • U '11 1 d b 1h' • Cl·t!: d h Mother, 11 wid ow lad~ecilia Snook Mi. Leah·Smith. of Cincinnati, is about his character of exceeding in- ~~e Wl c eal~ se a~ " r l~ t~n it so It Ing program was given: . I or Arc deacon. Chl·ld. daughter of widow ....... · .... apendlnJC a few dayl with her parenta, terest • - ...- - mav be fit fl,r HIS mdwelhng. But Miss-xDna Kelly read Lincoln's im. in order to have this cleansi ng, we I. Pilgrim and Puritan, Mrs, Coleman Doris Henderson . Mr. and Aln. Georp Smith. morta18peeeh at Gettysburg Baid to must be wi ll inlC to be cleansed. We 11. The Unwelcome Churchman... a er, a N~w or J Jurnalist ....... ST. MARY'S CI:lURCH be the fineet speech in Engli~h of the must lay upon the altar ~very ~mul ..... .. ..... .. :.. .. ..........,' ... Misa McK.y Howard Gustin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eyer and family. last Sexqeatma Sunday February 27th, balt-century, and also read hil transgres5lOn. every Sinful mrlu l- 111. Beginning to Budd .. .... ... ..... Shady, Faber's valet. a colored Bund., School at \f:S& P. m.; Morn· of Sprinarboro, were the gueetA of letter to Mra. Blx"y. gence. ' .................. ... :.... Mrs. Cartwriarht boy ... ........ , ......... ...... Ernest Lotz 1Di' P1'Qer and lefmon at 10:80. Mr. and Mrl. A. B. Sides Saturday, After 8ingiDlr. ·Stand,.. Up for Pro- We have som times heard people IV. The RevolutJon and After. ...... Cassady. landlord of the Dalles-an 'l'h \ublic invit.d_ to theae lemcel. hibition" themeetlng Will di~missed n k. "Do you think hd lians ought ......... ......... , ,'" ..... .... Mrs. WhIte inn ........................ Roacoe Furnas Mn. Barn S. Campbell and Mrs, with the W. C. T U. benediction. to indulge in this or t liat amuse- Then followed the lesson during Professor', a middle·aged school _ __ __ • menU" 'I haL III not a good sign. Jt . . teacher......... .. ......... Carl McClure Ju. A. Brown, of Goodlgg. · Idaho, , , Chilkoot [ke. an eccentric village sounds as if one were thinking, not wh!ch rl.rs ~II~~ gave ~ v~ry lilLer, CHRISTIAN CHUR~H "ere viaitiq with friendl be~e Fri"Bow much c~n J give IT;1y U d7" estlng des:m\ltJon of Kmg s Chapel . The Wa!!ne rOWl1shlp Farmer B charac!;er ...... ,.. ... ......... Carl I<'ry~ _ Sund.,. February 27. Sunday day • ._ b '1:1 I I o~ t Boston. \,'hich she visited recently . q lub held Its regular monthly ses- Ruben, a farm er boy .. ·: · ..... : .. '.... Sehoolat 9:80 a. m; eommunlon and kUl, 'r' ow mU '1 calJ~ ventb l e (I Th nex t meeting will be heard the SlOn at the pleasant country home of ... ... .. ....... :...... .... Ernest Earnhart lermon at 10 :8O'a . m. Chrl8tian En· Mr. John Simpeon and family at'y:e:ha~! do~~~:l!! ~o t'h~I:~fui~e!~ t~ird Frid ay in March with Mrs, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duke on W~ne8' The Village Physician, Van Ret~lIick deavor at 6;30 p. m ; Ud lermon at 7 tended the funeral of Mr. Matthew of any i'ndulgence t lit&. very duubt ,Georlle Harl sock. day, ~ebruary 16th. . Uncle Joe, former slave of the wld p'. m. Eve"boiIy invited. ' 3tewart. at New Burlington. k . ' --. ThIS wall on6 of the most mt erest ow lady .. ... .... ... .. -.... ·lrving Welcb FrIday. m ~~tn~:f~~:~~rl~·that holy . ing and profitab.1e.' essions that we Sorrow, Borrow. Morrpw, Three inhav!! been, pr1 ~ II~ge~ to atte~d. !lurrection spies. Ethan Crane, 8RTH~DOX FRfaNDS M,rs. Hope Stiles, Dora ' Stil. and bl1~i;~~i~~t.~~I~o ggO~)dd {~ro?ho:r~: ~hlle gemal hOspltabty and 80clal Elsie Gustin, Mable SalsbUry. mtercourse were pleasant_ fen~ ure9 Chorus of Picnickers Sunday SehooJ>.t 9:80 .. m.:l preach- Orace Patton attended the fu~ bA constant in yovr 8ttenc~ . " of the ~<!rnlng, the pl,cmc dmner Chorus of-Grenadiers Try to Iq 1080 •• m .. Cbriatlan Alldelivor of Mrs. M.allnda Shna. at Sprllllr wbich luckily. no one ance at church . and thus encou rage was.deilclOllS and bountiful. and tbe Pianist ......... ,........ ........ Alice Carey 7:30 P. m. MIl')' Martin Valle,y.lllt ThuradQ. firat one of whIch and help your p88tor, afternoon's program WI\8 replete ... u Mr.FrankO.teh and Ileter,MiII MClndai. when lira. B. Be earneltin,praye!;, for the pastor, with instructive talks by varioua • -. . M. Eo ,RCH . Senia, of lIilford;were-the ,uata of l!1e!t,:a-l&~:-W~IlD....near.....tI1LJu, for the-Sunday Sehool and all brunch'members of Club and the invited Aanlv• ...", day ·Febru.1'1 27th, 111'1. Anna O'NMIl and daujthter. tl'Yfng to get out es of. the church work, and do.all in g uestlt. . 1-:--::-:::-===::--;=-=-=-=- -Suday Sehoo19:16; mornini' lerrie.· Mila Martha, Satllfdi.F, walrOn tracks sbe ran into the your Dower Lo help it on . " The one hundretb 10:80. '., of the walrOn, badly mlUlhinll Ar,d remember for your encour· the famous educator, Alfred Holf ' machine. Nothinawaadamn-A agarnent that in workinjt fur God brook. W8!! celebrated at Leb.non ,. ' It .. •• n' ow Poetmut• _.... t h ereisno such thing as failure Th ur""ay ...... . I.t goes wt f hout sayng I .... H ...... .., E. except the auto. . ,Orderb 0., len ce"tl Ric. aa ,the office .... I Ile b'l u,;. Doxo 0IrY y COnlrregB 0 n D " l-.of . .' XAftl·a. .. -eo"" Tueeday momin"", aO! Jesse Hart- Th e Lo r d d id n\:Jt ' say. "Well done. Llat UI l up a f amoul temp Ie 0 l a.ymD ......A •.-~t.I' to him .'_At ••.'-, Sue- ICCk waa· coming · dnwn the . hill he 1('00dan d success t uI" d ~ .. • .~.......... "" ·"m-' ... ... o"er • . . .w .' . . . ' but. "W e II l earni nil', sn h'18 name I• revered by . ~er toJ911• Brother Rice! ran iitto the bUlRlYofGe9rge Bocock. done, good and fait:hfa l -a r vnnt" hundr~9 ,of people today. beeau8ft The Le~anon Uni~ersity. will pIal ADtbem "Jehovah Rei8nl," Choir eanuhlnJ hlil bui'O wheel. Nothina May God "mab ie us tv keep tho com- they are'indebted to him for tb,ir again.t the WaynesVille H,l five FrlReIponal,!e a.dlni'. Ninth ' te.oaI On ~ after March Jlt. my livery burt but the bUIri'Y wheel. illg Lent thnL , ur Easter ma)' find· education at the famoua Holbrook day evening. Tbi8 oUlrht to be a . ,Notiees and 'Collectlon and feed ltable .iIl be at the IIIICJ '• _ • u. far advanced on that road which, University. " 'SOlo. "Sow Sweet tile Name....... old .tand. AIIlO Will be ready for " even though hard and thorny, will - -- . _ - _ . - - As C. H. Surface was Tetuminlr hii'h.class game, al both teams are pretty evenly match~ . The Way• U Sallab Auto ......_ ete WUl 0 G"ltiD /lUrely lead us at last to everlastin'" h f D t M d nesv ille boy!! have had a good ·rest for soveral -days, and - they will put the life. _ _ _...____- J- .-F,' C.· a fine game. against the.lr oppoBymn ........~........................, ..... ~ Morrow MUonlc- banquet Friday . _ ,They, left the train at Lytle. wer:t liP , ' Benedlctlon " "enina. A ble supper ~ danc:inar The Univ61'!1ity Girisi- School Hall, into the grocery stofe of Chas Johns, nents. There will probably be a Dinner In dlnhllr iOom of'the qburCh eonatltuted .the evenina'e entertainI W~ne~day eveninll. 'March lat . a physician was summoned but his game by the second five, too. ,Come -' . Afternoon iervi~ 2:80 ment. TWo candidates were initiated into ' - - -... - - -- -Four cases of scarlet fever have condition became rapidly worse and lind see It. Ibmn ...... ;. ... _ .. ~ •• ;~................. 180 the Juniors at a meeting held at developed south of town. and they he died in a short time. Tbe body P,.,er ..... , .......,Rev. D. B. Palmer ~ their 'ball Friday evening: There Lost - Band satchf!l, at Whi te nre now Quarantin~. The .uthor· was taken to his home west of town Ladl. Quartet "Cro.IDc the Ba'r" Mr. and lin. Caninp.n Ellis, wu a good attendance of tile memo' Brick church or between Wayneiville ities are taking all possible 'pre- and the funeral will ' be held at the IIr. aM Mn. Jam&Curtll alld MI. berahip,and the work 'was put on in and Mrs Amos Cook'!!. [<'inder will / cautions to prevent the diseaae from Orthodox church Thursday afternoon . , Notl~ arOodabaiJe. leave at GazeLte office, -' s preading. at 2 o'clock. • _ •
W. C. 1. U.
very enjoyable noonday three courie lunch eo n. .Everything wal sUll'lI'estive of Washington's nirthday. a basket of fr uil decorated with tiny flais forming the centerpiece. and the place cards were red, white and blue hatchets . Covers were laid for the tollowing; Mesdames Lina Devitt, Cynthia Evans. Warren Barnett, J . B, Chapman, J . A. McC"y. Emmor Bally. ID. V. Barnhart, H. .Ii) Uathaway, G. W, Hawke, Rowell Pierce. A. T. Wright, D. L. Cr'!le. _
--- '- ---
°i llf
WAYNE TOWNSHIP ........................... FARMER'S CLUB
·' ~~~~~~t;~~~,~,ull. MiIa~~:' '~a"ke at~d~
SCARLET FEVER, CASES i~;;:1d~j!~lfo:~~.:h!t:~~~
. ~;:~:"w~it;~'n:'Q.;i~'D.l~
~~t~A=~r~~~~ .......... '.........:.. ,........ anne,y ~ The Unl.,."'ty Glrla
~~~~~~~ -~=~ ,~~= --~~~~ ARE COMING AGAIN a~,:ea:e:1i EJIi=:;:5m'l:] 5==~4 a ===:lU~ll~ ;.;;;.;;j'r:J :::::::11 III==5:11[:11:'555:1' EJ~
Entertain. - BelM!dictl~ . ' , mat at Sehool Hall. March lit. II a • E\teniq 7.9Q , l.peelaI A.._-tion,A"d no. a nArt ot ...........,.... .... .. ' .r" ........... 181 the Coo;". -SoIJigle ' Anthl!lD ' ''BI~e Loid" Choir admilillOD. _,eta . . R4!Mned .at 'N ew TeetllDent I.-Ia ' plat atJ&DUJ I. SabudQ. F"b. 26. " NotiC81 aDd ColleetiOD • " -, Sermon ~tbe PYlor. Subject, ''1he J. O. Cartwrbrbt arrived lIome World'i Great.t Need In the Llabt Saturday from DlUlboro. Ind.: ~bere of p,...t J)ay B.ppeglnp" he haa been for the lilt tMl dB18ln a Mal. Quartet. "Th. Veeper Boar" l8IlitarlalD, Mr. Cartwrilrht Ia I.. --"b'" • ....,_ ..... , ......._~ ......... _~.......... _ IOmewuat udproy.u ut not u mucu ' 8ehe4I"OD .. bIa maDJ frl8l¥ia woolltik. to • _ • him,
I . e
ni~ ~;
NOml '_[OE_
Members of the Church Friends of the Cburch . ' C ' b ' ontn utors to the building of the Church , Everybody , The 'first anniversary of the dedicatioll of the M. E. Cburch will be celebra.ted next Sunday, F'ebruary -27. All-day meeting. Bring your dinners. l:Ia'Ve a good time. ' No, appeals for money. See program elsewhere in this papel'l.
Col. D. L. P.,.,. the l..moUl alictloneer, of Colllmb.., will give a If'Q\UN In.~ SlIlidlQ afternoon ~ . the ()pen BOUie, February 27. on "'l'beTb.... In We." an ex- TbII tectan '" fNe . . fOl' meD .....,.. obl:t. ad ......,. . . wbo baa-ret Int aDd Cor. lWrJ aactioIaIIr will WIIlt to
....,.1.... ,.. •.,. 1,&_
........ lieu bIm ID tIda'- " ' ; Sa will
I ' I a
SH 00L,GAVE ..
The Uriiversity Girls will positively 8evet:al . <?f- the be at School Hall. Wednesday even- St'hoolgaveapl asant~ntertal!lment ing, March 1st. Thiuplendid com·. Tuesqay ,afternoonW ' Ehv.erytthl?g ~n pany needs no introduction since the the program was as Inlt oman m EJ pleasing entertainmeut they gave char.cter. ~nd thol!e who heard the here last winter. [n tact, th~ date little tots,were well pleased. was 8eCUred, in response to a popular •- • demand. Thia is a special attraction ' , and not a part of the 'resrular lecture courae.) The regular admifllion. 25 centl!. IS arood for a reserved Hat. El The plat Will be at Janney's ltore. .,. ' . . ., - Havinlt de~ded to S9\1 anothe. r thousand of my Locust, Cedar Fence Posta, for Chutnu,t the next and ten P.!I days 1 will sell at the "'e pricei as r .:. . . need. the money. Number one Lolaue ~ dleclat his home tuat zr/.e, CbtRnut 18c and Cedu In LYtle TaI!idaJ eVeII!D,. The fu· 00c. Take the advantlfte of tblacllt-·
~tllrday. F~bDEAr:a:rI.H26sth' ,
'EI'EEEEI'EILIl!!liiiiiiil'Iii Ea=5II~lIii5Eilflillia=DI==!lll!IliiiIi5lEl•
nei'al will take place Friday &ft.r- price aa\e.' Come quick. RId.... . DOODaUo'olooifromtberellcl-. A. B. ~ ..' .
bocau~ e
prove {1Iem on ~uu , "uu ~
~~;t ~O~h~~~fiP::!ld,~~~O!':~:ldl~At~~~
T IAl EIFTH AINU. l GK YE JUNIOR :~::£~~tt:~;;m£~J~~~;~::Bl~~~; GORN.GDWING CONTEST F RTHEYEAR1916. r'
Ir-nd\',' rll elnp; ahAI'II I a lo til world l I ._ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _--11 You lIro p se to r,ld Into hea.ven on 'l'ho rulnIlOI" ('I'lI1<'S 'Iown In Ohl". your unh'ersilies a nd your librari es. No blu.n , CO l/ ll t.l \'~ thiS ),Illl r. At 11'11. t -on I1' lp Is pro mi sed .In each and on I he fll otthat you never sllloked COlml y. nor drl1n k nor swore nQr gnmbled'; No DlII1 It'r \\ 11I\ C'11t r" \l1t.'B e cl,nl ts III !tU} " Ul llCl r or l he s t.nte. tlley but wb n you (!ome raoe to face wltb w \ll lI u ' " "I "'1, I I\\'U \1'li' to try 101'_ III 111O· t <Ji ~ l r ll'ts or tlle . s lUle lilere tble horri ble n w god you have ere· IJ"O four l l·l l'r. I" Iry ~1l1. • a.ted. a d lly wlio wou ld p rmlt yOU T lt" I \ I I '11,:. 'rhl' ~ Irl is q<l~ 11. to a ttai n wealth by lh o vil e meth ods . 'I' ll "1,,1 ' II,.," ,U lif COlll fJI il r,·e . O. \{ ~' !l i lllhl1,; kY. R c reln ry. olfe rs you have IIsed. you will tlnd him with II. s la hll\ Id (,' 11'111' tur t it 1JlllUIlluII 1' (\ 1'11 ,'1 ,'11 \ I' \f l . III "'Iw l o Btllte. a. PItchfork In his ba nde! ] am glnd 'I'm) ,: ;Ia(" 1101\1'11 or A ~ I 'H' lIlt ul'" I ~ I' ll 1111 11~ ,11 ' un ly (,I lllul,,1 l:Iucl,eye that Dootor Boyd. thou gh kno win g- ("orn em." ill<' ( '''''I('~t In Ih,' ~tl Lt " . '1'11 \9 \\1 11 Iw IIIl' !\fIll II nn unl tr ip to your vindictive record. has had bruv- tho F n ~t ~1'1t H ll ir 1'a r' l tR l P\\ul'd t h " ri ' f tl ~ TI ll Hili ) !!,C l. n~utl y to go' with tnt. ery enough to dema nd your reslgnu. to n>':I'·',-":,, n I kl,~ lIs of 1-0 ·a"..\10''''''\' Ilf \\'o(l,I ~ ll l'l d . lI olli ng s worth tlon from thIs vcstry! I hope he reo of (,,,,li Z. a ni! 1.'," ;': \\01'111 (of (·!:I cllin:tl l. lLi"·,,,le il lI \'u th~ l r Irlps ull 10 be cel,es Itl" c onl l's" It It'r in tlu'l r re~ flt" C't h(' ("1I1tJ;r ~sh.Ill:1I d l~lrk l tt. Joseph O. Clark had rema lae d " hu a, ura'" Tl lIlIll1l'r uf h ll ~ h l'l~ r:1 I~I'u pe r acre by t ho .Tunlor orn et&ndlng. and hls ' hend shook, U 8 wllh Orn wii'll' In 1'113 "'" -0 1111,11,,1,. Thl' nl' rm ~ e oo st of ml s ln ~ was 26 palsy. while' be list ened to the ch nrge cen l9 n l,u"hf'1. I" lit" sdll"l-: prke w as 60 re nts a \l1I"h<' l. tLlC'll t lJe $48 of Man Ding. He wa s a very old man. rece lpl s l"b~ " Ie $~O C<l, t or ra Ising would gll'e Il. net proUI or $2 per and It had been Quite necessa ry for him to restrain bJs passions throu gh· out his Ufe. "You will go tlrst!" he sbouted at Manning. "I Dm Impre&n nble; but you have no bU81ness on thIs vcstryl Yoo can bo r emoved at any time an eJ:amlnatJon Is ordered. tor I ba ve heard you. we ba vo all heard YOll. deny the Immaoulate concep tion. nDd thereby tbe divin ity of ("h rls t. In who~ alone th ere Is sal vati on! " A busb I1ke deatb fe ll on the \' cBlr y. ReV'. Smith Boyd was th e firs t to break the gbaBtly silence. "Gentlemen." snld he. "I do not think tbnt we are 10 a moo d toela y fo r further dlscus810n. I suggcst that we adjourn," HIs voice see med to dis tract tb e a t· tention at Clark from Mnnu lng. Ilt whom he had been glow ering. He tomed on Rev. Smith 'Boyd the reo maln'd er of lIle wrath whlcb ma rke d bls first hreak Into sen ilit y. "As ror you!" he snarl ed. "you '\VIII teep your fingers out at malters which do not concern youl You ' wore blred to preacb the gospel. &Ild you will conIne your attention to tb at occupation. preaobJng just wbat you fin d sauc· tloned In tbls book ; nolhlng more, nothing less !" Rnd taki ng n small vol· ume whl oh lay on the tabl e. he lossed it In tront ot Rev. Smltb Boyd. 1\. w.. the Book of Common Prayer. containing. III the Inst pnges. W e IIJ'. ticl es ot Faith. Clark seized bls hat an d coat. nnd ST A TE CO R N C H AM P I ONS A T II1T. V ER NO N-F O URTH ANNUAl.. Itrode out at lhe door. follQwed by the B UC K E YE CO RN SP E CIA L, 1915. red·faced Ohlsnolm. wbo h nd nlso been • (\\,OTU g O at !lS.8 ~ske d to r eSign. Nlcbolas Van Ploon nere r Ol' ell. h nl're or <'om . Tho men In hlo ralRf)d nn rQlIe. and sbook hands wit h Rev. Smith l>u8h018 p l~ r I)(lr(l, nor! no ono lcnowB whot.. the ir ;o.c l' nS05 weI' . n either BOyd. tb ell' los8c8 IUld p I' /lb . "Sargent has told me about your 'rhe Doard or Allrlc lI llur e will gl" e $~5 In ench (lOllnt )" lOWarll Jlny lng pla~ tor ttl e now tenements ." he stat· tbe e 'pens es or one'JIlllt oC n trip 111 t he COl'n d'(I\"lug ontcs t. prOl'ld ed ed. "I am In favor or bu ying the some one el se In loh coun ty will pay tbe ~ I ho r 2 ". This tr ill to. 00 property." co unt y·wllle nnd o lle ll to all boys I\lId girl s of the coun l)". "Wo'll swing It for you. BoYd." Th o {loord wi ll also g ive $1 low llrd paying th e eXII<' 11 , 08 of the ha m. promised Jim Sa rgent. " I've b e n r lnn In t,kO nmcstl c Scl!.'n'·';' COIl (f'.,t In :lcll C011 I1 t)". pro\'11\ d some one talking wltb some of tbe otber memo be In tI e count)· d onnt e tho othe r $-40 of this fund. Hoys n nd g ir ls can bers. and they 8eem to favor the Idea r; ot ent ry b l nn"~ or thplr selt ao l sli pori nteuden s at 00 )- tl mo 'by writi ng that tbe new Vedder court \" U1 b e a to Ih ls omce. Til e pr int ed mailer lor we Oomcatl Sr lon!'o . nntests III great monumenl There'lI be no 8uch ear h county . ncl In eaeh city wl11 be rcady about J\ l l ~ 1I 1. 111Id muy be ob. m agnlflcent cha rity In the worl d. and t nl ned hy wrllllll; for thrill. . no sucn Impressive sacri fice 8 8 givIng . Ooorl I' nd s \\' ill h a ng e Ule looks of a. ",bole ra mll y. A or u Co ntest up tbat cath edrall I th ink Cunn ing. VI lli ch a n ~e lhe looks or tho whol farm. ham will be with us. wben It comes to Meet your 'ount y Agrlcultu rnl !:lcclcty and show ll)e m the d ut.\' of a vote," , offering ' 3 . trI p In tho Corn Con tests. "Cortalnly," Interposed Nichola.. Van 1I0w about )'our s ced cor n? Have )'OU lest "ll It? 1 ~ It thorough br ed '! Ploon. "We don 't need t o make auy " ' 111 It h l!\r, you fi nd the s oli to ~ c t 1\ Iri p 10 \\ ~. hln ~ t o u? protlt from those tsnemlUlts. The nor[n sODle seo tlons of lh e s ta te Sec lor o " l".· I ~ nre h InA' r on,\u('tC'd mal Increase . ln ground value wUl be " 'Ilh Ihe :... ur pose In " lew or going on t he tr ip. 'ril e.e ('Olll csls fi r lI ur Iy eno-u'ib; - - . - --- Ioonl a nd . not und er ou r rul es. !:lil t we wclrom . Ih 'oo n nll a ll sonlo rs on tbo trip. "Yes." said Cunningham ' alo wly. " 1 Rend t ho 1l1lnOlln emen ts or t b (,Rsh prl 7.es ClIrcrl1l1y. am beartily In, favor of the pro\>Ds{tlon." Gn llu ;es look upon th es conles ts .. s · Lhl'l r I c~ l\ lllIR l c enl !'I'\ Il·\sl)s. L ot ea r h g rRI ~e Iry 1\ cont~ 8 t. Superv lso Il-rni ~ c th e ru nrl s ll OW. "ComIng along. doctor?" Invited ,\ ddrC'ss Il.I1 comDlulllcntlo ns to J . R . Clark e, Director of .l un lor Con . Manning. going for hIs coat and ha t. t es ls. oill mulls. Oh iO. "No. I think not," decided Rev. Smith Boyd QuJetly. , , . -He 1II11S sitting at tbai edge of tbe "Drop" Defi ne d. table facln. the Good She,J>herd. at In t he BrltlMh pbal'mn (·opela. the edge at whoBe robe· stlU sparltled orystalline Uibt, and In his two hands "drop" is de Oncd as comin g from he thoughtfully held the Book ot 'Com· tu be ot whl r h th o e;o.ctnrna l dlll lllctcr Is exa "t1y Un ' 0 milll metera. 20 s ud, man Prayer. drops o ~ \I'a ler a t 15 degr ees Cen ti· grade bclng' eQ uivalent to olle Dl 1ll1l ilo r (TO 13m. OONTlI'UBD) or cubic ce ntlIn t 'll'.
r -.
A V..try Moetl"o.
. TtI,roe wu
a strained ~tm osphere In ~e v"LrJ meeUn·. from the Il rtlt. ~ IIIlJIItler preltnt tolt the t enaton frena tJI. momtllt 014 JOlepb Q . Clarll. walted III with Chisholm. They d\~ aot e"ell Doel to Rev. Sm Itb Boyd. but took their leate 801ldly \Jl their customary plaoel at the table, Olar ... . UleldlJil' h18 eyes. as WBS his wont, ap1Illt the I\&bt whlcb streamed on ~ from Ule red robe of the Good 8hepherd. The repr sslon " 'llB aptareD!' too, lD. Rev. Smith Boyd, wbo roee to addrelll bll vestrymen aB soon .. the late-oomera arr\'ved. "GeIlUemen," said be. "I Wish to !!peak to YOU _ thp treaBury committee, rather than aa veetrymen. for It .. !Jl the former capa.c:lty whl oh you al~. attend. I am advised thnt we _"e beell paId for Vedder court." CIIllholm.- to whom be dlrecte'd a ..... of inquIry. nodded his h end. "n~. III tbe Majeatlc." he stated. "I plalll tor ItI Invostment. which I Wh to Ja,. betore the committee." -....ball la,. mt own before them at the lam. ume." went on the rector. ... WlIh. howeTer. to preface thelle »1ua by tbe l!.atement that I have. 110 far at' I am coD<lemed. rellnQu18hed aD Uaought or building the new _edral." NlcIlola. Van Ploon. who had been . .ch troUbled of late. brlgbtened and IIOddeCI bla round bead emphatically. "'rhat•• wbat 1 he declared. "'Ttl. deeliloll doel Ilot lay In your 1ludJ, Doctor Boyd," drawled a nasal Toice with an unconcealed Ineer In It. It l'U olean..ba"en old Joseph O. . ~ wllo was not dlstl1rbed, in eo mucJa .. tbe partlllg or one hair, hy aU u.. ~"fII'Ie enUclem of bim which Iaad Oed column upon column ot. the . . )mIII'or the put f~w day .. "Tbe NCtar 1lu ne~er, In the hlltal')' of • _ _ 8Quare churcb. been cl\18n tbe lIOp~1 of It, lnanc'l. He. hai I.n. ~ been hlre4 to preacb the 10.
1[IarIat. CUnnln;bam. lllanoJng. and VaD P100n looked at OIarlt In Se "'.. not liven to open NIroOr. Clilallolm manlfeet 41 no . . tDIilaluaent. Se lit quleUy in hlJ ~. bla flIlaere 1.41,. drumml~ Oil tIM of tile table. but ble muttonUop beard w.. PInk trOm tbe . red. . . . . ot the ekin beneatlL -ria. ,l'IHnt rector of Market· ~ Durcb meana to haye a voice III ita deUlleratlolll long &I he I. 1lt. ..tori" announce4 that YOllDg .... emphatleally, aDd 11m Sarlent Iooke4 u, at him wJth a jerk of bIll ..... an. Smith Boyd waa pale thIs :~00110 but there 80methlng ~ tIaIouah hla' pallor wllJch '-.41 the , face alIye: and tbe lome- 'Wq WIll ~t Itemper. Rulul ManDIlle. clup~ hla IUvel')' beard wIth a Ina-....P, .mued encouragingly at tbe tall ,.oaq orator_ '~I bave lIald that 'I 10 far .1 I am concenaed, reIUn.,.labed . the buUdlng of the caUle. .....- the rector 'Went on. "For thla tJt.ere az:e two reuon.. Th. lrat II 1t.ha& It. bnDdlnc wlll br:lng UI fartber W&11roi1i the very purpose for whtch tJll'.ahiarch _aa founded; . the worablp' CII 004 with an humblll atld a contrite heartl ' I am .read,. to coofel. that I on rlctd HIt-anaIYIls. m,. 18&41motl,. ~ urClnc the bulldlnS ot jUl• •Dew cathed.... to have been van.iIQ>, I un &110 ready to oonfess. on !IIeIIaIt of lIlY aonarepUoll and "8lItry. aat their leadlq moUye wall vanity I" "You ba"e no autboritJ' to Ipeak for Interrupted Cblsholm. hll mut. III now red . . . "BplendQJ' I. no lonpr tbe eIolusln pert,. of rell&lon~" relumed the reo1or. P&Ytnc ao attenUon to the Inter· I..,q,UolL I tbougbt, however. that ' ~ bulldlnC of that cathedral would Ipromote the Ipread of the gospel in 1& 4..,... aommenlUrate with ~e out,laT, 1 would ItUl be oppoeed 'to the <if the buUdlng: tor the 11D01ley doea not beloq to uII" . . "Go rlcbt on and develop our con· lacteilce," appro",d Mannlng. smlllng I1ap ~ the old walnut·beamed . oelllnc wtth Ita caned oberub brackets. "The money belongll to Vedder CIOIlit... declare4 tbe rectqr; "to ' tbe dlItoi1ed morill orlpples wblch Mal'll" Square cliurch. tbrough the accl· dent of Commerce. haa taken under her wua.. Gentlemen; In the recent ;r&'fe1atlo.ni. ooncernlng the v_it Indus· [trial Intereata of the world. I have :_ tile ",hole blackn.e B' ot modern corporate methods: and Marltet BQ1I&re church III a corporation I I WIaIl tb uk you, in how far the Mar.klt Squar. cburcb bas b\JeD swayed, fa It.. oommercJal dealJngl. by moral oOnatderatloal f" . Se paueCl, and Il&IIced from mlln to 1II.Ul Or.bl. "eeb')'. Sar...t and Man· IlhII. tJle r~rmer of whom knew hili »!au aDd. Ule latter of wbom had been .1raltlDC tol' tbem ta mature. smlled at ·h lm fa perfect accord. Nlcbolas Van PlOOIl quJte placidly. wIth hll '1IaIIda folded nor hll creuelell' "est. 'WUlia Cunningbllm. Itroklnl hili ~ broWn Vud,.lIe. looked un· 4IGIafoI1able, .. If he bad Buddenly .... IDtroduOed Into a rude brawl: lnat lila eye roud occaalollally' to NlcIlolu Van Ploon. wbo W&8 two .-atSana aheed of blm In the aeQu!' eIUoD' of wealth, b, the prllllllnt pJ'OOo - or aIlowtIW ,ropel:t,. to increaae .. . . . . . . . Clalabolm I\UIII. ~0II'll .~ whlcllla eftII.
11'' •
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-1114...,J . . . . O. Clark.
............ 1D&pped
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Vi·. N*. Se.1 rs
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·bllng room s tber e ; and from a.ll mese Iniquities Muket Square churcb r eaps a profll! For the glory. of God? 1 dare you. Joseph O. CllU'k. or W. T. hlsholm , to nn Bwer mo that Ques. tlon In th e amrma.tlve l No decent man would conduct the buslnes8 \Ve do, fo r tn e reason that It would ~oll hll aoul as a genUeman; and It III a lumetul thin. that a gentielIl&D 8bould bave liner ethics than a ChriStlau church I In th e becinnlng. l wa. a coward about this malter! It was because ' I w18bed to be rid of our reapon alblllly In Vedd er court that 1 Orst urged . the conversion of that property Into a cat bedral. We ca n. not rid ourselves of the re,ponslb1llty of Vedde r court! If It were possible for a ohurch to be ee nt to bell. Mal' ket Square church would be eternally damned If It took this added cullt upon Itl" "Thla talk la absurd." · declared Chlsbolm. "The city bas taken Ved· del' court away from us." "Only tbe property." quickly -corrected Ru/us \\lannlng. turning to Chisholm with sharpness In bls deep blue eyes. "If you will remember. 1 told you this sume tblolt before Doctor Boyd cume to us . 1 have waited e"er s ince his arr1 val for blm to develop to this point. and 1 wish to an· noun ce myaelf a.8 soUdly lIupportlDg bill 'flews." ''YOUI' own will not bear tnepeo. tlon!" cbarged Clark, turning to MannIne with & 8cowl. "I'll range up at the ludgment leat wltb you!" named ~fannlng. "We're both old enougb to think about that!" Joseph O. Clark Jumped to his feet and. leanlnc acroslI the· table. Ibook a thin foretln.er at Alannlng. "I bave been attacked enough on the point ot my moral Blandln.I" hll declared, hiI blgh',JIltcbed naBal "olce Quaverin. wltb III anler he had beld below the explOSive point durlne the mOlt of bli ure. "I caD eland the attacllll of a lenllaUonal prelll. but when Iplteful criUollm follow. me Into my own vestry. almollt In tbe' lacred .hadow ot the. altar Itaelll I am com. pelled to protelt! I wiah to Itate to thll nstry. once and tor all. that my moral atatul II above reproacll. and that my I!oo,duct hili been luch u to rocel'fe tbe commendation ot my Ma· brl Because It hu pleased DIvine Provldenc. to place In my· hands tbe dIstribution nUhe grain of tbe tlelds,l am conltant\7 lobject to the attacks of enyY and malice! It h'u lone so tar that I, lut night, recelnd from ReV'. Smith Boyd. a request to rellgn from thIII "eltry I" He pauled III trt. umph on that, · .. If be had made agalnlt Rev. Smith Boyd a charge of lIuch chasti,. Infamy that th. younC rector muat abrin] ~rore - s e,.el. "I bave led a blameleaa lIfel I have never Bmolled nor clrlJnk I I have paid e"el')' peony I ner owed and fullllled every promls. 1 e"er made. 1 bave obeyed the &O.pel and partaken bf the l&Cramen". and the Dime Beln. ball rewarded me abo.ndanU,.1 He ha. cbosen me. becaule of my faltlltul Itew&rdshIP. to .a~er tbe food of eartb trom Ita aourcee and feed It to _the mouthl of the bonro; and I sball not depart from my .te'wardsblp in thll cburcb, be~aul' I am beret a. 1 am eyery:wbere. br tbe w1l1 of Oodl" PerhaplI W. T. Cblaholm W&8 not sbociled by thl' blaapbemy. but tbe, dilmay of It I.t on every eitber face, enn on tha~ of Nlcholu Van Ploon. who wu compelled to dls deep to Ind his ethici. DU1 "You Internal old tbleU" ,"ondered "Cbaml>erlaln'lj (',ough ~"med., Mann~. recovering from hll amazement. "Wu It m"ln.e Providence haa been used la my bouaehold for wblcll cHrected ,.ou to devlle the 'be pas' \wen'y year. . I begnn my qhlldren when tney ecbeme whereby tile railroad. patd gl "Iall It yOU two dollan rebate on nel')' car were Imall . AI a qulok reUef for .of wheat you .hlpped. and a dollar oroup, whoopin, OOUlh, a.nd ordl . honue .on every car of wheat your com- nary ooldl. U h". no -equ"1. Belog petttors IIblPped f I could clve you a free from opium and other harmflll give it atrlac or Ilnl ILl long liS tbe catechism drug•• I Dever feU afrlild and vou dare Dot deny ODII of them. to tbe.ohlldreo_ I hllye reoomm OD ded h a hU'B8 Dumber ot frltmda and neIghbors, who have used h lind IPlAt hlgbly of It. I f writ.e. Mrs . Mary MInke. 8horkvllle. N. Y. Ob'alnable everywhere. I
-.:.....--.--- ..----
.- .
)t&.de Wen by DelicioUl Vinol Crestline, Ohio. - .. I contracted a hard. chronic cough, and was weak nervous and run down, 1 bave a Imall family of three, and it was bard for me to do In>, work, I took different medlcinel WIthout benefit. Finally I heard about Vinal. and it has restored me to heal th and strentttl!. my cough is aU gone and I feel fine.' -Mrs. H. H. CARIJSLE. We guarantee VincI. our delicious cod Uver and Iron tonic ,without 011. tor chronic' coughs and colds, and for all weak, nerVoua, run-down condition•. J E. Jenne,.. Dluullit Wal'nenille
Chlld'l "roper WeIght. A child of three teet should .welgh a little more than 28 pound s. n,lId up
to four fcet two pounds more tor tech Incb or helgbt. Thence tho In· creaee II 2 'AI p,:n_~_8_ ;••_ _ __ . Imitation Marble. Coal ashell. soda and copal vnmlsb bave been combined by a GerIIlllUl In· Yllntor tnto an artificial stone Jiesow· blinC mnrble.
------- ...- - -
' Lo IPS n ll i l tli \l '~
_______---..,. . ,.-'r----.,-I
Waynes:ville, Oh,o
r~~:ty lind
th e t.'"m e Is \1 fo rll IIllIrm.,d. Cbarlotte .1 . l:; tant.on :Vi'l. 1.l 1l0r l{fI . Bruha ke r . et 1,1 .luRtin B" rlli l1 l.l Hl llp\lolli ted g ll tt r dlim lid Il\c m f .) Mr fl n ,1 I , .~ W " lr " r n. " il l) huy o Ol ln l)r d e fl' ud lln t8 ", ,, , , ,\11 " , II .. rr.v rll ' II I. Andre, .1. I:lloijtl\n.t WI E li z', " nl h IJr .,,1 I \1,. , l ' l rl IS .,.. t•. " nll rl ROll (ll'I\y , <' t l' l. 1:I 1) ",," r(\ Iv l n~ I" tl P- l l\oI"" II ' .... \ 1\ ,II , ~·""n l; r ·. U" ok \l ~ lnt e d J(u Hr d iH n 1111 II "Ill fllr t.h" h nil l Il I/.( ' IJl \1l or d of·lD d rlllt8. P lLr ll1l Ull r l'!!l l M - ~ ~: I -II , I\ ,,"! ~I . I \, 1\11' 1 'Ilu h ell tute o rd ,'.. <1 . . . It .r· " ""': " " nr" ,II 1111 ';)(' ·' 11.•·,,,, t w. M·. A J 'I ·" "Ho o . l{ll~rd1tln v~ Wd - ",.,,, k . " '~ I I .' :th Iwr )I ,' l\Il t., ut 110 m H u ~ l llr w ort h at 01. 1:>1110 o f 1:I 11 1"1,,·.r" , ' 1111 '. prop rty,)rd r r cl. .,\ l r . ." ,,1 \11'>1 1"1' ,"k It' Ok'l rtl
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Thnrman Br v.,n (;/ llIm'lD, I" hn rpr ~ I ," v, . " k H t. ·~ Ir ' 1 ~ 1 " ' 1I 1 t-t ,f.llr_ Mt Ur ll b. lind Cltl f'1 E ,l u" Y" n 'lI', d" y .... LII 11 " 1' ~'~ r~ r. \l r -. 1,,1 \y ." ,uf b:llIg ~ Mills It v .1 B FII :r.- w .. I
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B vrill e DeU VEl r Flo re; . tllrm r r I\n(1 Berlba .Loot ,;'1l Glt hl ~, I;o th Mo r_ row. Ruv.J. li . Fltll wl\r.er
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1."1.1.. P.n" Oll n\l,· •• \If I)"., '". "'''"'1\ w . "~ _ . ,, I ..: 11 " " .,' .1. W . H .. "I " ~ . Alb(·rt. lo bn Wlllkl r . f8 rm e r 'lD d I I.. ", I H Il." It" d . ••f L.·t)' I1 'i " ," III' U Ido Ball ·, 'I ubbs, h tb or M " " r o lll'. 1 lit ,,' ",,, ,' 1< ,.,.,1 "", II II" " lI~ r." ' I.~ ,\'\1 t G eorg I>' li r,l11ns r. m ·\n h lnl s t I\n,1 li nd Ol' ~ ,: tl un l l,"". Msr, e l\" 0 " t Il8rl n" fl'I Anl" r Ar . Ill,lh .\1 , " \· il:l .II) elJJI I ~ 'I ' "I. I ·"H.: III " r, o r KIllRR 1\'11118 H.I v I-J nl l", .. n t;." r lf' W , r .. I " ' 1 · If V . 11, ' r~ t'\ll1r .
(I " •
Real ESIsle Transfers
fl' l ll r f1 r\ ~' i'\ :I 11l " r , d L!I, ,, , \' , e'ln .1. Beo l< ll r tu R ow l lt n!l D. a i , 1~ ~ l~ltl l n :-: F r ,n k "hll ," tUt U EVlln " , 11 t r n o,. l u WIl ~ blll !C t U Il , .,1\VU_ f "" lI y v ~" n t' r l-l il1\1 u 'I """ \\?" ,,,, f ., ' IHIIIOf lll1t ", blp $ 1 lJ llMI(O Fr;v hu rll" r t o Cnz 1,lrt,\ Ie b l .... l " I ~ ~ I n l 'll yt l l ", "," , HI · l \: .Vl I, h.l R/d'-l n \V ' It' II U ~ ' r lt 'lH v V , ~ ;Ioni o r O l'd e r l It III I)nz lI,ld lll .. . !lh ,n . P ur ~'rl l u " , $1
t.e wl~
rrt(O L EI" M 13 ' ,II"h Dnnl a p lot. II Il .Ir 11 11 ,1 \i r !' ti: I .1 " I III ~" n ~ .P,,"t trN I . ... bIl Do n, . O h lu. ~. Wllrl ,, · H,l" y Cl I· t' WI. 1!: 1 1~ lI bl't,h Huthll WIlY at ul',1) l:J .u ry - - - ." - - - - G K lug fi~ :17 HOr ll1i In '('orlon :1 '1 . Notice· of Appointme.nt ". R "OIl~ Wl'e o tile Ml lL ml Rlv tl f N, \V l' ~ r
$ t.
., _
~rAnk W . Hnm ll t on f.n Alb rt B. 1J:.' a\e n l 11ftltUn. U\l I.I.or.'1\I'11o llCl._l . Dr,lI,e ell Horea Itfl. t of W l1yo .. ~ vll l , o lkc I IUlrd;y ill " ,,, 111M r"'l1huIII." Iinrl or wt)Qi I HDtt 1 ~I ' flufy l\Pll(:lll1t · J 4 11\1 ,.uallSl tI",1 M\I1IIlII"lral<) r Vu Ih",l~ N.... or lbll '" I.. ""
Luo" 1 W e llt 1,0 Mlnnl <' Smlll! lo t ~. ( " ,I\tlh\I\ 1~ 'II.o"'",lh l "I~ .. r Wlm,," J (·"'III' ~ . ()jlt" <I,' on Coluwbutl ~v e ntl e, L ~b flJlon, u bi a' Ilat' I flol~ 2,," 'ItI ~ M l'~l lr".r~ lUl U. $»UOO A I"T~11~C "'; I~~~~~:c.lurt c C . Whlt.aor~ to John B. B~C)k ' \ Fo\). ,. w . .... " <,,,,,,,'V 0111". man and wife 16 56 I\ores In FrAnk. _ _....,.._____-:---~-~~~ liD township II. \-~
E. & MoC"odl Els to T . Sand C. E. Humphrey 6 lIareB In l'onleoree lt ,o,vnship $60U. ' Ueorge L . 8RlIurd to Gor.rude R W .. UIl06 r ll"1 elltn te in Clel1rorl1tl k township II. Slush J ' MoCandle8B t.o I'tl . A . ..I'ff fa U pl\rt of 10 10M N o. Iilland lS~ iD Frttnklln, Ohto. $1.
Perkins' Garage l~ ' 11(l \V Inrll cd in I he Rye Shop on No rth ' l\1 Hin s tree t wh r e I w i ll h p! eII s~'CI to Bee all my o ld c u ~ t o m er!l. We or full y e'luiPl)ed to do L ivrry W rk We will. take yc.u on
oauno~ use Bny~bio
b utter for yonr ohlld'8 oough and o ' lld ~ban Dr. King'. New DI!oovery. n 18 prepared from Pine 'l'"r mixe d wltb hoollng and soilf.!!ln~ ha!M!' !llil' II does not oontliin anything hurmtnl and is IIlIgb~ l y la:utlve. just enongb &n expel the p leonl!! froOJ the "ys te m. Dr. Klnll'R New DlRoovelY'ls anU. septlo-ktlls tbo oolrt germ8-rl\l lIe ~ the phlegm-looReeR the cough and soothAIl the IrrltlHlon . D o n ' ~ pu t uff "reat,OJ nt (lollghs "od ';Ol(\~ o teD lend to serious · lung troubl1'8. It II! also good for adults Bnd ,b e aged. Gel Il bOltle loday. 'AII
Give u >l acall n'nd you will find our-. pl"ir.e . arc (111 ri g ht. -
PERKINS' GARAGE North Main Street
Wellh L:anguage. Welsh IS .tallgbl in the pl1blLc schools ot Wales. IB unlversally .allOWen tbere. and Is eJ:teoBlvoly spoken In t!Ills COllO· try. ' The language Is not cIiosely related to the Irish and Highland Gaelle. ·bl.\t 18 of ~he s ame brlUJ.cb as the \lU' cle>!t Cor'llsh and Breton langt,lIIges.
A • . MAFFIT Funeral Dir..ctor , and JJ:l1.1balm~r.
. _.
Waynesville, Otalo~~.l Call .answered promptly day or night Both phones in OIRee' and Resilience. Long distance,No.14; Home phone
Any Read Any Place Any Time
...- - - -
Bavlng qllit farming, 1 '!fIll offer Chairs and one Coach furnlsbed free with funerals. for s ..le 8t myra.ldanoe, 3X' miles eaR tof WIl1nellvllle, ·on the Vgles boo Rest of servicQ guaranteed. rOlld. on
Thuriday, February 24~ 1916 Commenolng at 10 o'olook tlle following: 3 aOr!!.!: S Cut/.l e: 10 Bogl. ; FarmIng Implements; Corn ; Oatil; 8BY. Mea bIg bills for terms. '[hO!!, Cll\rk Wm. 141118. Auot.
W. E . O'Nellll, UIArk.
~~~oo .
MondllY, February 28, 1916
, Wa vtt".ville·, Letillln" OeD" ... iD K~V8 Bldl/: '. lialn 8,
I wlll oller d Pu bit 0 • ~ Ilot.lon on the~ . B. RIOh fllrui nell.1' Wellmsn" 8ohoolhou!!9 2 miles lIonth of ' SllI-
t?l1!>:'W tn g property:
------------------------~.------~--------- •.
Ttl. ·OIt.ATUr
. •
P 'l1mD
'IJIILlSI1EI"WEEIi,y. u.oo 1'Ell ma
Beginnlilg at 12 o 'clook 81lHrp t~A ftbTE~", DItIlCc.m, ' .~ICIALI.~· 2 · flolses. 6 1008TUM' 11t8, T.RAI( . . . . . . OA~ Cattle, Farming Implemen~s; t(llr. JUIID 'BUS 8111VICI bAli · ""0 ..1:'uell8 . ." UIINQ ITS ADVa"nalNO OOa.UM ... Bee bl, bm. fo1- terms. . SAMPLE COpy FREF C'ommon Pleas Court W. T . Jordan _ _ .IIW YO •• 01.1 ...... New Suits ., Ed Brown __ v--. .. or < WaUer LaoY. Auo\. • Ll\Ul'l1 E. Harkrlldor v.s . Eva E. F. A. 8artsook. Clerk WIIl IIlOlS, et 111. for partitIon of real e t dte. " r ho Mtl ytll g I ;ompliDY n . Mon~oe ' a e wlll . offer for ' lIale OD the (,)11 011 . mouoy , foreolosure of oha"el m lh Brad.\reel farm 4 mile • mOJ·t.g"g e, elilo of prolleEty i amount .northw., of Bprlojfboro, 4 mlll18 t OI' w h loh juclgm ent II alked IS loa'hw:•• , of Cent,,"lIle, . 4 Dulell $207. 78 with Interest. ",e.t 01 Lytle and one mllen"nb of I'ive Poln'" eohoo) bOllae. 00 .
Probate Court Proceedlnl. In $h e m t ter of the- estate of W eillh t · o f Buil ding M nt cr lals. Mary .J. tiolloroft. d eoeaaod. Prj. Grnnlt l' ('1' Jim ' ~ I (> i lc nltl8ollr y. well va t e 81\1<1 uf pro percy ordered. dressl'd. w<"lghB l\iij fillllnil fl Il(,r cll blc 10' t lJe m utter ot the estate of Ella foot; mor lnll' r ubOl lVe lg h~ I ~4 pounds. dry rub h () 1 2~ J ou uds an<i w 11· M . Uoo m ll n . d eoeu8eU Uoll.ter~1 Inheri ttl ooe tax: fixed dressed ,s and slone . umsour y 1014 Mary E. (Jod y. IIdmlnlstratrlxJ>f pounns. til e e t n t e o f Mlobnel COdY. deceailed - -----=--.. - ..- -- VII AI bert. Cody, hI. DII'ribntion o f prooeede 111 lsi DII from 8111e of real H Is SupposItion. edt~to Ie ouierud . "So mucl, gO('(1 ,"lvlcc Is cOHs loo tl y In t be mdter of the estate of Ma. being be"t efl"wl 11 \1 011 c n!;Rg cd cnn lllCs. lind.. B Mille r, d eceased , A. (J a nd AO muc'" or It go 9 lu , II (,e rl d' r ~ Vail I lip pointed admlnlstralor rn Brlccd .Pn.ressor "<lte. " tll :lt I ltDl con Hlf nd $ LDOU. UhIJrlel E. Eaton, stra in ed to bel1cvll LbaL lo\'e a lso Roaooll Miller !lnd .John B. Miller laughs at j awsm llhs."- Ju dga. u e II PPOID ta d a.pproi.er8. 10 th e mBtier of the \VIiI of AD· dre w .1. MoU llntlo. deoel&Hed . Will .. d'lli tterl to prob J. ttl . ' HOW MR. DAVIS GOT llO OF A BAD III In th e m a tte r of Ihe ~tale of 4li . COUGH d r e w J . MaUll utio deoflils ed. La.urll. " Rom e 1:11110 " ~() I hncl u vor y bud lJ.' Mo 'l!ollo Is a.ppolnted exeoqtrlx. oO l1 ~h " wr It"!> Le w l ~ T. lJ uvi el'. uO' ooDd reqnlred . . BI .. l< wlIl:nr'. D I. "My bro t b el' .10 t he uHl t te r of the en"'e of MoCnhu 11b .v \R ~tlV m e II !1111 'I t! bot . '~l ube t 'l'uHs . deoea! ed. Prlvale t is r> ( ' h llmlllu J;li n '~ Uo ogb RIl It1 til'. Hu la of p ' r MOll ttl prope rty ord'_ red , Af l r . ,.lL lcinK r hl ~ I hol1g b t hIL lf u I n t he m utter of LenON ~ohoole1 . d oz fl l) ,'ttl .. ~ ot It bu t ou ly 11 a d UI1 f1 o f t b Alil fiR t.b !1 OODKIl -I rt me and 1 A Ili)l1outlou fo r lid Illls81Qn of same b ll v O not bAs n I ronb ltlll sIno . " O b to 1),11' 1.0 0 dttl t e B ospital Is made. Ue o r ge B. Fou che , admlnistro.tor . t nin flb le ,wl'fV"W h e re V8. Alm a. M ()68Mrle. A' AI. t:hlell uPl,ro v ed a nd dlstrlblltll)n ' ordered. I n I.h o matt r of t,he '6 8 1,8 te ot Ke~' A. Wu Ou. d ooased . tJ hermlt.n WI!. 110 0 If! ilPP lilted administrator. Boud $l OUU. .
A ' () OF. NERAL
Prooceedlngl Albert A. Rohmsr V8. William Rohmer et 01. PartitiOD of re~) e.. 'ate ordered. '-"'~ndate from tlJu CODr' or Ap. peale In tbe OOlle of Peoples' Eleotrlo Co • plalDW! In error v. R Wlldll allobrilit. &rQl&re for 'be oredltorl of the lIorrow Boller 11111. Co.. def.adan' ID elT9l' 11lI&aln Verdlo& of
alae.Commozr ,fIe. oJlIdp of WIA'.
Mo~day. February lB,· 1916 "\ Beginning at 10 o·oloot. $he fol. lowln, proper",: 1I:Jpsil of lIu}el, 6 80r.... 11 o.me, 10 Bop, Farm. Ing ImplemeD'" Tlmoahy aay, Jllzett Hay, ~ Oau, Com... few Rtand. or Belli. Bee big bllIl for tenu. ",oba AUla .. 8011_,
. '
l\'''rllt~ vIll6 .
Oh In
1'I 1t: l~
ill lnClle l:atnrrb In
RC',--- --- _,---.____ ...__ ~
~j~r.;~~~7~;~~:1~~~:~~ f;O~;;jPL~~il THE .NEIGHBORHoonU
D. L. CIlAN(O!, Editpr and Ml\na " r Iv lro lli ng tu CU te wl1 It locnl l rt!n lnlelll, IIr!lnlJ\l", cd It incurable. Cnlnrrh Is II I.,(,H I ui>Ctlse. ~ rclltl)' in Aue nctd by co n~'EBR rJ A){Y 28 ">1!lHi @ tit llliullal <!llIItlIUu\l ~ and literdQre re<llIi .09 w llslillltinnal trO!ll U1!1'"t. Hull'. Dla nufacOhio tu red Y . 1:.. ' -11larrh He), & Cure. Cu., , 'uleoo, . is by n consti
A S ' Witt r en by 0 ur Corps
f A le
orlrespo n .
ents In the Neigh borhood
___•___,_ _ _ _ _ _______ ._..-..________ _• _ __ ~ .
CAESARS' GREEK Ever ~t· BaineR en&ertalned bll f rl 'lnde, D oul{llI ~ Parker and LoIwt. Mo u, of W illlllngton, to ' diuuer ouuday . Mr. and Mrl!' Glen Ouls speu, u ud ny wl t b UhBunoey BunDels. Mra. W E Bailin has retllr~ed hom t! fr om It. Tlett wltb ber motber at Ridgewa y. 0 . Mrs . Zlmr 1:1 111no!! Ie improvlDg, bUL not abl e t o bEl out yet, F rlln r,ea, t he lit tle daughter of Mr, and Mrs. ,l ohn VVilson .peut last week In Wil mlngtou . R ohe r' 8 '8 nley and family took !:luudllY dinner with R E, Jonel. Mr. 8nd Mrs. ·F red FarD ~ S speo t !:lun day with Mr s. Furoa"' Mr . a lld Mrs. Me"d Burhmao, near Osborn. Mn. J:lenr y Crew attendod the fun rAl of h er lIunr, Mrl!. 81me 10 Spri ng VIIll tly T harsday afternoon Mies L.lah Bogan "/II tbe guest of he r "cllool friend, MilS Mary Mllrgur t Mlars Monday nlgM of Illst Woolf . Ho r ~ o e l!~. Compton'lI Int,ertaloed to Rnndnv d inner Mines Ethel ~nd Vi olet Hawkios . of aear Cbell'er. Hom er Baine!! was very muoh el81ed over the dflfeut of tbe ba8ket uall t IlJlID , of New Barliugton, by Ih A ,rades ot Kinlmaa . J oeeph Leamlng hal no' been 80 wellllgiliu tile P8& week, E dgar Bogan and son, Evau were In :)(onillo o'n blllllneel Saturday. Mrs Bilrab Lellmlng aDd daulhter, Edna, "pent Thursday whh her sl.'er, Mrs. Eioward LeamlulJ, of near Ol1kland. l:le'Yer,l I from here attended ihe fnn eral of Matthew I:ltewart, at Ntlw Burlington "rleud@ ohuroh FrldllY·
.....~.................... ~........ ..............~t
WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED The most M Oern 'and SUlliLary Creamery in the tate and will pay high st market p rice for sounG , 1 . n sour ram. \Vu a r alwa s p rolll pl to ,tee gl1izQ an)' ad a o e ill lhe mark L, a mi , ill take mre of your interests a t aU l ini " el, cks mailed daily or weekly as des ired to ov r all shipments.
tul iullal rC lll~ d y. is iukcll inle rua lly and n ' l9 I hru the Hlood 0 11 t he M \lCOIIS SUI . t er LIIo wore tihllpp lng In DAyto u fa.·cs of . he Syslem. One Hund red Dolla rs Thured ..y reWllfd Is urJulcd fo r :411)' cm;.· lill!J li fi ll' . MI • L .~ I d 'I'll tll r erH r tll lll d Cutn rrh Cure fuils t u cure. Sen d for elrU \II oy at her fri en,l~ to Ii " leuUntl BmUe aDd the worl'l "mil" .. with you, culurs and leslimonials. REFERENCE Kno o~ MOel yon J.t " ,,1'1111' ; otii ledo. Obio: - The Ealteru Stllr Lodge of this pflr t y M,mdl.y ulgu t. Jj'e];rll,l r y 14 I\t F. C. CIII~ ' UY ·&"'' 'C'''O-.-, 'l'l"' .For tb H OU.,Iltflll grill Sold , Ily .Or'!l(!lisl i f i1e. '. olty, loala'ed \WO oandlda'ea Wed- I b ~ h v l11 Illlur b r IInu WII8 muoh Fl nt Malionlll Dank Will II'L you 111 tiotll s h lll1lly PIlls Co r constIpation. oesday ulKht Into 'he bll!den my a eDJuyed . Pearl SU~t Market Bank Wbere tbll IIlcktlr I .. uove r known : Any Relia ble Me retaot Mr. B. L. D kill , iJD'S of our e ldorl y 'IIrlell. Tbelr orl!er 18 gradually lilt in CiJlcinna tl. . oreall0lr. olti:r. 111, III t b is t ' till r I~ q Uit e Growl. alld tbtl '~ny lookA Iheary , BAr.Obas Madden retnrned to tbe poo,rl) . Hill frloous ho pe for 111 m a WII.shlngt !O 's blrtbday to be Ihen L 'Iugh, lind the pnth i8 bright, tbe pnernoon of the 22nd. I£very CUy Mouday mornl08 tor another apeol1 y reoonry. Jj'''r 8 welo lme 8wlI" weell'l work on 1he PeUt .l ury . TUli a N. Blink, DO of OUT oitizBns body Invl'ed. Uome. Brlnu" ",anshln!', Whil e CinCinnati, Oh,l o The Pytblan 8111'ers entertained In 'b le vl c lu l~y, wbo 1It1 boen 1111 Mre. CIIlY Bullmlln aDd daughter, A frown ebu'8 out the IIgb~ . lielen. Illllnt !:lit turllay nlgbs Dnd Ilt their lodge loom TU8Sr\IlV olMM, Inva.U(I' for A6 VIII' U] month" on. 110· I:lunday the gue8t of ber " Ister, Mrll. February 2~ . Those tb .. were for oouo ~ of blo d pols 0 Itull for, 11 tlni O BII/b. and you attAlo nothing, \un"te enongh to be houored IIuell's wu to be 0 11 ' be mlaoll , h lld Il rt!A Ibnt Orakl1 and fumlly. W·,rk "nd Ihe prlz" Is wno ; For the IlllfVY m,lU Mltl8 tllloe Uhenowet,h ApeU' were highly delighted aod apellt In lape, a nd l or ~ ome ' llllye ",",UB v" r y Wltb bllcllbonll olin 'fbureday tbe guest of Mr. lind loin. the hlih8ll1i &erma ot 'heir h:>8pl low bll' at t.blo wl'ltln,,, III tlJ ollgb t to taltal' . be Improv ing. H ' 9 mllny friends By notblng be outdone Ed ttarhook. 'l'here I I' I t fl' b wlilb for h im 11 Illlelul y fi!ld perm .... •• • I qu e a a 0 o.ernr on nllut ou re. HURtle 1I0d furtnlle liwalts you, "'Ia golnR 'he rouuds; to run frow - -~hlrk, Bod d ~ f"'Rt IS sore, OIloY\OD CO BI~nohe8'er, Washlng'oo, SCIATICA' S PIERCING PAIN DR. J. W, MILLER. For ~bere' .. no Clh8noe C. ti., Wilmington and many 0'b6r Olassifiud Ads MANY PEOPLE DON'T KNOW To kill tbe nerve pIIolnfl of 001 ..10110 good 'Ollnl and you ..... o)uld DO' thlok or <leliverll[l08 A tiJu ggirlh l\v ~ r M il ea n ~e " per you oan alwa.YII d epeod on 810an'lI {or one mlnu,e thai we would !la' For ~be obap who OII.n ·' pnduro. ...DENTIST... LinIment. It penol.rate8 to tile aeat be Inoluded to ,hilt, and euch " howl 80U un awfnl ltH uf ml8ery . Ioip"lls WANTED 81D~ lind tbe world's barmonloulI, of pille liud brlngB (lIlBe 111180011 aIlS 80me of our oltlzens would put up if of d iz z\ n ,,~p , hSIl(luuheli. oCl n ~t1 pRtio o omeerlll WaYDen UIeo 0 Grumble "ad things go wrong, t8 applied. A gred oowfort '00 the eleo&rlo Oll.ra 00010 ihroul(h our aud b\ll ou~oe~a , 8 n \ RllrEl algus that /l,.llonol Bai1k BId.. with Slo~n '8 18 tMt 00 rubbing I, '0 .. 0 . Is will spoil onr beatlful your liver needs h e lp . Taite Dr Au!l "II tbe time AN paat so with bore!) lind bUR ' r ~ qulrert. 810Hn's Liniment ia 10 sb.de treea, kill our oblokenl!! and Kin g '!! New LIte P Ills llnd ~ee ho .... Yon lite ont of rbl'me iY t o sell Stook Condition With tbe buay, bnlltllng \hrong. vnlntl.ble for stoPllitlg musonlar or we don', wan' them nohow. I have tbey h RII) tone up t b e wbo le SY!ltolO Powder in W a rren County . 1:!,IIIu y Fine f,ll' th stoDl l1oh too. Alds'dl. oerve pilln ot allY kind. Try iii a' IITed bere VO yean without theOt "0 per m outh. Address ~ Ind us. Klnlr, iAnd tbere'll trouble brewing onoe il you sull"er wi \b RheuwlI'llm. aod feel 'ha' 1 oould 11 ve ae long K"stlo n. Pnrlfies 1 be bluod and trial Bldg., Indll\napollll, Iud . rol WhlMtl(l lIod lite Is gay, . Lumbago, I:lore 'rbrollt, PBlu In .. ~.ID w:lthout thew. ~ome ot the oleMa Lhe olUlI{llex i m. Ooly 250. !\t Aod the w ar ld's In tone Funeral Director. J best, tlproinfl, Brut8oB. eto. iii II merobantl wUl lay It will kill our yonr Drngl<ist . ANTED-To rent: a farm of 100 IJllle II. dliY in June. exoelloDt for ~eDrtllglll I1no Head trade, 'he oltizens wllJ boyoott u ~ , or 1 5 0 nores, 1):1' 110 r elln hie Abd tile olouflfllill melt IIway. liolle. ~r; o . at 811 Drugglst8. of OOIUle we never did undeullke to Telephone day or nlabl;. pal"'" Alldrep8 the Miami GIl7.eti e --atar' a bo,oo", and. lhererore we Valley phone No. 'I. Lonl offioe, Wa yoos vllle, phllo e 112 , belleTe In proteotlon and we will Diataune No. 6~2r. f23 bave &0 plloy for riding .nd 1 ,10 xe bope ,bat ODr In&eIIlKent oouuoll = AutomobIle Servloe at all TI"..... Mr. Wil li am Lu olls epeai uoday ... will Dol IIran' them a frauohilio. wHh WtllIlI.m Braddl)ok Gnd fllmlly. FOR SALE Bu&, af&er all thal I. laid, le~ ' 8 WA VNESVILLB, OHIO • Mr••lobo Luoas Ind Lua Motgall enoDah of U8 that know better apeut SUDUa,. wltb I an M(lrlan '8 , Mn, Cltff Bawke "pent seYeral Branch Office. Barvefsbtara', O. CONSTIPATION malro an extra .ffort do what wo (Deh.,.cI) day" with her 1100, Weldon Beller, oan for tbe betterment of our baauli Alr~ . .roh u M f gRullpent Sll&urdAY When oosll ve or troubled with A unmber ot our neighborhood ot near Ol1l1:llInd. good offioe dealt . I nquiro at W. ful ' and 10telleotul1] Ihtle oity and !:lunday In DlI'l' tll>u . oonltipntlon talle Cbamberlaln "II people lire IIUlI 00D60"d to .helr H, Alten'. III 1'her. will always be aomll to tbrow Hr. BIram Poorll wal!.~b opplaK I. Mrl'. J ohu Ley l s pou t one day U le Tableta. Tbey are ellsy &0 tatl and vanous Il () me~ .uy 111011... mud and ,hey do It wben you bllvo pa~ ' weBk lu [llIy t n . Cll1rkttvllle ThursdAY. mo. 'agreeable In effeot. Ob"'lna. Pol/lnd Chilla S OW8 will farrow 'Mr. and Mr~. Albert Orllke baDIMn Luo'!' Cleavl1r flpont Thnr.. your baok tornod . Tho opon mind d ·MfI. A. W. 01 11 1111S ret,arned ble everywhere. about tbe 15th of Morol!. good aahd bUlllueli1l In LPbftDOn roollutl," are far In Olloe811 of the o,berA. people home . . dl\Y aUernoon wltb Mrs. P . B ooe., alll040 tull blooded Whim Leg. 8Ir aDd Mra. Willie Allen are Cloover. Wben we ~ul)t oqr paveQlenl8 lIomo Mr. lind Mrs. J h u Shaw's baby II boro oblckeus. Inqnlre of .Plirry waklQ, an extended vilit at tbe onr oUlaens would npt tor a loog or Mr. Oliff Hawke I\nd Will Moon~,. IIlok 1\ t \bl ll writin g. Cook, lVaynelVllle, Obi 0, mB bom. of .belr onole Johtl Alleo aud time Willa on 'hem but ~hey ",e Auto Livery Serylce at Mr... AI1,un Pnnne witt wall olllllog aod f"mlly uear tlprlogboro . . werl' to Waynesville I:)llturday d. wililug on them now and thll1k teodln~ I:lldes' Hale. t ANO-StelnwBY sqalue, fine tone Reasonable the,. are rlghl. Wiso people nD Tom 0111 and a.mlly !:Iuml liY. Middle Run MeetlDIl wal held Yr. Oha•. mills .. nd famlly , lnqulrD at 'hll offioe . mS Mr, J Oij I Smlt b 1.\ 1) 1.1 Wife, of ohaoRe thetr mtodl and I lIko them lIa&llrda, aud 8Dnday. btned on SandliY, Mr. aud MrA.08. ii. provldlnlt they ohlmge to t:;prl'nIJ oll /lY W\lrt'l 'tln ut1 y v lgltOl l )lMln H w.ft"d (Jbenoweth and 011 Booyer-and t'll. aod Mrs Uh ... Mesul. Late Doaoe and Tom EG~ 100Qbator, for 81113 . ,Also Ae-c'rtt for .K.lly-Sprin~eld eul'me. 1 alB hu~an and bllv~ lin . wit h J o b ll liml1-h " n il WI e • abar, OW elll."b bid the ml@for- VlIIllrll. Court uey IIpant Bunday afternooo Lnqulre of Mrs. E,~. Bally, Automobile Tires MI'P. MU11d C r lH,1\ , of O" ytoo wi t h Mr. Al Dorman, of OI1'fe "Bstorl! bu' we wan.~'he loog hiked 'QD8 of l()alD, a bone (fie llltter Wayoellvtlle, Oh to. m1 Mrll. Eeale Gray apen' se.veral of traotlon road JUII' aI b u' uOw 11 8 s pell t 8nndllY WII h ,l ob o -1m th ·lI . pI'" of the ws.k, Bra Dob. clays IIIII~ wAek wUh MIBII May Oar we ne~ have, aDd If we do not pu t • Mr. Rililtlllll lind rll.nllly, of Ilea, lao and mother MrP. Harvey Burnet wal In tor'h IUY ellor\8 we oannot el!pe o~ OBE-lilads of Rood mnle bide, LebaDon, have mJVfld on ebe farm W nynellvll1e BI'ard.,. af\aruooo. ~-'bem '0 come to onr rMone. Wu oew,oeTer W"8 Ilsed . luqulre Valley P hone9O-1,Ys formerly ooouIJled b." T om BIII.I8 OR. BEL L 'S PIN E·TA R ·HONEY Min Moudle Reader t.8peudlug of C. B. Beutley, WaYDelvllle, 0. OIlD bave a OI\r leln'1! here for DI1Y_ aud hllnlly lind reOeD lly purohaeed New F'.nglitnd elution, FaT yonr on ld . for yunr oo uJ.lh. f 'Jr • fe w dl< Ys "11th her father, Mr, • ml at 1\ a . m. Ilnd every b onr there b,. Mr. ROlllell. I The caullon at Ule New ~n,lander loo after uus\l H mldulght, L t 'll Rs k yon r f"'\' .. rl ~ b tli roa r . <>.,. nod btltld Fi no Reader, 1II0ndllY will be B~, Valen\lne's t.. gtvlng a dlreot aDI"ar to a dIrect I)aywu again to give UII Interurbun us I r . BI>lI ' l'v.,,-T u l' l:J tl ue ' Mr . ood Mrll. Asa Whitaker and rd. of Fonol ng for flal DIIo, and liar lobul",. 81 nsulil. Ilre question, 18 proverbial. Two natIve. ot fdoll\ttea Ge' bosy I. rlgbt . Hooey ~ "Ol t'l'~ th l! !rn l ij \l " , Pille da ngh ter , M1SS Eugene, were Ihop ALL KINDS OF 1600 bu. aeed ou ~. Got plaoolula ValeuttDe'boxwhl~h wlll , a New Hampshire town met after the Mr. and Mrs Leyl Je'sllup Te. TnT Iltd. t.U pIHI'g ftl , t hlkj r .' If 9in ~ ping 1D \;lnol,1I1a" Thursday. pr"'e~ and IlIwples. Add resl The .dd Ire.", to 'belr plea8arl'. Ollr I fuoeral. and tho Urat asked: "Wu oongoalOll. i' ltl 'L'H .. 111" .l>ot 118 U Mr . Dyk e Beltz and family took IOboolll d"lng good 'work tblll wlll- n'o t your fother's deatb very Budden,.1 turDed from Norwoo.d frIday !liter IIn tllfeTltlO. II I~, r, ~lltt ll";lef'll relltlt ter Quuer Lbe wlinal!ement of the Slowly drawing one band trom bla a four weellB visit with their chlld . ft)lIt)w ~. Hr>:' , h lll ' ho ,I W .,/! usiAr SuudR Y dinner with Air. Emmet ~~~;~wFeed&t:;uPPlY Co , MO~~w, Be llz. leaohltr. MIlS Murphy, and nnder ' pocket, aDd pullin" down hlB beard, reno We welcome 'bem baok 1IU11 fu rt b" r 1.11., I 1l1'l t 1ll I~ Ilrrt'stlld . 1r . H" rry Sbaw waK In Lebanon her .peelal tulnlug aro preparlu.. the otber replied, tboughtfully: "Waal, A Y CloTer and rlmo'hy Bay A: greet IImount of moving Is I u ~i5t on I)r 8 .. ' \," l'\lI~. ·I'II I· . otley an exollllen,. HUle, PrtlRrtlrn for rather ludden for him." tor 8&10. 0. L. R ioks, Wayne. ICllnK ou In thla vletn"y. r ICt;: 250. W nd ne d llY on basln6ll1!. It Is tl D i!l~ 111 r ' Ill IolO \ t Mas8ra. Nelson and GeorICe MoK:ee. v\1le. R . 3. ml ....---Mr. and .Mra. WtIl Bbldl1ker, of 'Yer .. nd Onl HAatb ,,"eoded Lodge Vltnloo Co., are ocoupylng t.h& ferm I i ll Wttyoeflv llie F riday nl.M . owned bl Mr. WllJllim drooks. We OT of B ~ led Hay. For luformaI~ or M r~ l a B S lok"l i. lpendloa & few weloome tbem toto our mldet. tiOD call on 0 ' llh008 Jl'rank. Waynesville,' d,'1 ti wi tb her ·dtl.aghlier, loire , Ada Zel1, Wa),nellVll1s, Obto. 001 160ks fiu.Uerlng to the ()c,urauey. 'bte mnnlotpall!y 'It ,h.) oltlzenll MI'. nod Mrs Haney, Bnrne' 110' O.er POItoflloe, '1"1' pi-eleD' Ume. We are expeoUug to S. C. Buff Orplngton ooohrele Ollb Ph 77 The M r Oo 1I~U1lJa ~ t1(lorl t be Fa rtn er 'a olub at Carl HoUle PIlaDt 116 ~ and 4, White Leghoro oook.rel~ . one receive J or oorren' b.., 'be ",,,y of ter t I) ID d by Mfr.. 1 'II. Dnk e'~ Wodu llsdllY . W't!mlolCton frOIl1 Day&oo, ' and a l' u l\~ duy I t IIr lI<)u i. : ','11", sBlo.IDqulre of Mn. B. V, Smitb, -=====:;;:===~~~~ Mre. Laum Bettth apell' Tueeday ' R lJ. good lI~h. will be upoo our 8tr.eets t heIr mew I l '~tu lt" r , h I! E.:i lt h Bo 4, W"'lueavllle, Ohto f2S wltb b r r.n o~beJ', 1411. Nellon l.Drlug 1916 The oOllnull 11 oom_ 8uo lJav 1J, b gl vllll'{ 11 I! I w',r' 10 , Kellver. peIIed of a bod,. of deep thlukl1lg hor bo uOl' U b i~ llti ~ . ROPER l'Y-;--On Fifth . IItreet~ Mr . 8 " rr BhBW were gneRb of .w eo aod not li' all DoilY, . mll.lllnll GOI.l. Ollvl b II l nlll" 1 QU Il T ~be Ann ~n8le home. Call on • • • r (hlll'II; ' GIi Dl oll r and fumil :v,of no ml.takee a~d when onoe done It lerly 'U ee HU ~ dt I1 <J Rr 1 nn t:\llturHoraoe K eys, WtIoyoesvtlle, OhiO, Mli rrOW , !:lao dn.y. . wll1 be a jo,. forever. Veterinary daY' li lld So utl a • US I'd r . J OB PrIce spent Toelc)'ay even· for information. Br. and 1.1.... Alonzo Titns , wbo Mr . i'rall It .1I J Td,1n vt ~ II(',l b iR t o with Mr Astl Whtt....r. n subsorlbe\'8 to t.he MoCaIl 's Graduate of OhIQ. Slot. Urilvetll l Ii for mlny yean b ·, ve lived to tbl" brot her, W. T . J or.rlull r..! ondn y Mr . ~ e l soo MoKeever and famllv vlolu"y, are mo "Ing 00 I~e luao \:I Magazine. 8eud S50 to tbe , .... Mr. Imu Mrs. . . UIl VI!. visit d enten a tied Mr Emme' Beltz aod l.looolo tar. Dear Wayuellyll\e. (iar.ett3 omae, ~od i et ODe of the Office at residence in F. B. Sher, at h Il UUOI' Y Bllun e 1's, u uduy , f .. m lly W ednll8 d l~y ."e'ntng . bee' magaztueB (In earth. if 00' h F th Street. . loll.. UteA ADlIOn, one of onr glril, ~h@ . ;jo'l'lle O !' r l) ~.r R e ull Oo , of wo II ouse~ o.u r Mra. R obert Ba1\lnler and 'UBI but flmpl01ecl by the Uitn'on 'fele- v al[Q060. '1'01' n , Ilr \ \' d h r ::3Mll f - [.eDa Wbltb ke r, wbo bave blell on 00., of WllmlnKton, epe'!.t. da.y ovellio lot. I:l or Ulol bl'lr .nr B. Telephone 28 ibe ..io k. list t h e pn~5 week, are bet. ·' ia·tulr"tllay and !:Iuoday bere with l!er Ilrotlnd&Gar ner. I (luite slok. h r at thts writing. PIIrenta, IIr. and IIIn. A. Ii,' AOlon, Ohio Waynesvil ~.e. Mr. 1i0 M.r~ . B , (] Aorvev ' 0 11returoina 1o Wllmto.loa Bon day • lert"lned on ed t U'rd .. .l" OVenllll( 'be BAR~HART, , Lluooln cia, wa. obMlrved at the followlnl( g U "'~ t·8: Mr. I1nd Mr8. F. Notary Public Y. B; cboroh SllDday, B'e br tiuy ~O. A. Buttook , Mill" Se l.o Jj I\T'~ OOIr, 00 YOU fiND FAULT WITH EVERYBODY? The program wa. well 06J:rled I U~, Mr, and ,Mre. G , C. D,nls, Mr. aod An IrrUllble, faul&.findll/I dupe- AlIl:lnde of Notary Work. Wills get Immediate relief froII Be ... 'W&Iker,wal preseo' and lui~' Mrs. E. U. M"uuoo u:o d Mte. Viola .Iilon ill ottoll due to a . dllorllered J<'rdlln ed lu makln. " a. • nCDe8/!. IUId Deedl a 1:l1leotlllty. . Dr.1boo,O's'MQkOJDIme1I4. stl) lDaoh. A mR,n with lood dl,uMr. and Mrs. E . C• . Ma.nnon a.nd tlon Ie nellrly always good oatured. rraok Shlcliker, with 'hts i'ord, ohlldreu VIsited Mr . nod Mn. J 06 A greDt D1liUY have I:e.o perma lpe'n ' a;a'ord.y to Lebanon. D"vlll Suu da y IlttIJCU OI) U , Ileutly benefitted by Cbamberlaln's I Mr. and Yrl .. Erank tJbldater eu. Joh n Wolfe Itl visiting her 'I'abletrl after yean of loffertng. Mrtalned for dloDer Jl'rld.y, Beb_ 80UMra. Lsw neBr Wlllllmgtuu, 1'heae til bletll 8'reugtheo the Itomruary 18, the fol1owl~-namej Mr. and Mr~. Edwlll MartIn enter. aoh and enable it to perform gUtllk: ...... CbarU,IaD Harvey, Iolrtl. Lou 8arl.,.u .,.ud dllallh'er 'alned Mrs. Geo. · .Slllill anI! 1'.1118 Ite funotions naturall,.. Ob$aloll' ble everywhere. • GIMddw, Yr. lind Mr.. II'rank Hill Ves'" SIl,uruBY. -~---.~-MrI. June WB.rdlow entertained , Yay aoO daQ,bhlr Mary Louille, of LebAnoD, Mr. lind M... Harry Bbl- ber Ion Leu flud fllmil y Sunday. daker and two obUdreo Wayue aud Mr. Wlllt· r T ibhllllS IIllil 100, Bllyl" and Mr. aue) Mrll Harilln Bowar(l, visited Mr , Imd Mrl . Jobn Baney aDd two ohlldren Alvin aD" delgbway one dliY last week. ' Doria Iolr. aod BrI. Oar Ian Bu· Word Wll~ reOeir"lll here Mondll.Y ve)' wUl 100U move to tbelr new ,bat nav S. L. Hherrltt dropped Mr. G W. Kulder w1l1 have a lOcation oear Doddll wbere . lbey dOBd In tbe K:i ng", Mll1a del)ot tluo_ hllTe purobued. nlQ6 farm . Tbe day evenlnl. Be h,!ld , atte.~ded publlo lin Ie ", hI. relldeuce . louth 'of here February 29lh. blll!~ wteb61 follow 'bem throoghoa' QUllnll rly Me eting d Sugllr Run OU 71ccd this practical, expert informa tion. Whether Mill Rlllh Wilson, cl&uah&er of ... 11 'Ime. yo>tl O\VO or intend to plau t n few troes, or (\ thousand, it Is ' uforaud eeem09 as well a8 u8ual, Mliny maUou thnt will SR\,OY OU l imc.1Hhnr nntl money. (; ct,ht Simply BOlldua yoa.r .' Mr. and Mn. II'rlluk WIIIOD, or I am 80 Mlad .11d tbe Couotry rememllur blm iu tblt! oommunl.y pAlne nDd address 00 tbo coupon-or 00 n llOlit t nl. 1J you prefer. lIoutbwest of t9wn aDd StarlioR Doo'or I. oomtng '0 onr Opera by 'hls being snoh an Rble worker tn 'Ve Will I:) Iltlly m AUl'Ou a froo c o p)" eve r 'whe re a rc , R'Ctttns: prodlQ'loul Goodo wore uoUed to marrll.e 1.1' I:IOUl9, 8aturda,. 6Tenlng. February ,he Qllllfterly M.eetlnq. of our New Cnt flloR' --a,n 11 X 8 in. b ook cru""""JltJ IntlJo cnsh prmitl\ from crops ! tbRt 'Is t;'hn ply p ,Baked wUh htn u t hat ot yn ulJlt. thrih)t , ~'t-,£,d"e S tArk tho'" Thursday eveDllla a" the home of 26. You had benergo I a!ll gOing will enable Y0tl to Accure bu mpcr crop& tr t eA-fue l s t hl.t oru pliasl 3Q th et ' tru th Mjssel! Merle, ii'I4 Y~3 and ' Vesta 'he bride. Tbey will rllllide with 01 flDesl froll-anll • • n Ib em III topoflh ' n"lo m"Slnrk 'l're~R B..~r '",It." 1O be 'bere aDd expect 'o 'll.ngh Ellis IIt\enued tho Linooln prollr ~ m , morkel pric••. Thc whoto book I ~ filled Bcnu tl!ul Jlfe·"tr.c, n nh lrttl·coloT!>nbtQa durlog lihe wbole Ilod ,o'tre per- At she Metb~dI8'· o\) urClp. !:lnndayaf- ,li 3,room 'e p"reDta. wllh fA CI H'hol will tn t rc I n ntl lnSl n ,c t of ICII~lnl1 · ~"' H . nil IIJroUJ: h the b6ok, l'ou-facta about holy frutl·~ row.r& Senll for your copy todoy to . . formance. I 'hlked wtth liome ot 'ernoon. MI .. Et.hel Taylor, of Plqu., te . 'he bo,.1 aod gtrlll that are In I' Bad _leiUo, ber. pa.reo"', Br••Dd lin, rhere will b6 a good progrllm at Vto' Taylor, wei' of 'own. tbey salel t, ' l1 jOlt flu and If 'OU wan' a ' Bare nnre for d,lpeplta· see W elfare LengDe Slttl1rltl&y eleninR, Read It aUtI l OAm Abau t 11(0 n ., InlHA parcel abower w.. ,IVlo for ::~::":rci~.llve 'BeIliDS rlgbts tor tbls grent Jaxatlve. tre. Itiumllb of SloIrk Ora'. tQnl:: eM' "lJouotry Dootor." Be III a February lIOth·. Mr. iliad 14,., i'red Hoyle I..t I'rld&1 jury of Bucccu-lbc "J)o"bIo-LUo" ' TrIal alae, 10 cenU. · and Mrs. JI\i!les Gray .enter. Mr."r«duaM of tbe SprlolJ BUI lIohool evenlDg. They . received qulte • J.E..JANNEY bOWD fal' od.oear for htl In'~lll. talned Iheir 1100. Punt.. lind fawlly camher of pleReuts: . . Sunda,y ., . 1:..,E RE~LL 8TORE seuce. The Farmer'l IUlmnt. will be beld tbe' 20lh aud 211t of B'ebr~r1 at the Towu 011011. Protrl'o&ed .mee&luR II Iml baing b eld 10 th. Pr_by,erlan ohun:b e'fl'ry enning by BeT, Vernon !;loop, of Day'on. IIllr. aod Mrs John B . Whitaore, of 8prlolf Valley, apao' Sabbath wUh hll brother bere. Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and . Bra. Wm. Davll ta reoOftllD, Cakes, the- best BDd most delicious Ilow1,. . made, Try theg,t QIld y~ will
- - - .- ..
----.. ..----
---_.- ..
J ~ F. Snook, Agt. Waynelville, O.
Walter McClure
A 3
.... - ..----
Ray Mill~ Rate.
P 220
Conyin, Ohio
.. .WEllMA
Walter Chandler
Dr J
- - - - --_.-'----
How to Grow Bigger' Crop, . of Superb Fruit-FREE ~
Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo.
LeWIS' Bake'r y never want to eat any otbef ~.
JI. . . .~~HM~~~•••~.~.~.~................ •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.
Saxon "SIX" $785
That. our. prices n ;\I011l1!lt Cllts :.ulcl l\{a.Tk~ 1' bave hot ulld wi ll l10t aU "rtllL:c. \Vl' ,I:'\: ullcrtllg the be l g rudes of th uiIYc~' tl~ ~r' Ill le' , maue lip in llle style of your cl!ouSlIlg ami aL lit 1l.Lll fair prices. We wi ll al PI' ' ciale YO.l tr • n ' uittng wilh u and shall be glad I e.'pla lll the advantage. of our S l1 p riur ;Ics igrt er 'ic'. \V I! 'e m ploy
A J>arty of Buckeyes spent 11 most I Mr. RJld . ir~. ' ill. trouu moved enjoyable evcni nll Saturday with Mr. to Wayli ~1'i1 e ~Ic,"day. and Mrs. harles F. lalk. in weir apar tmen twilh Mrs. A. A. rol y,3H Third IItreet north, the plens:lnt altnir Mr . nnd ~Ir I oberl Crew were being in h\lno r or tit birthdays o! Dayton vi~ltt' I'~' Mt'nrlIlY· four of the PI£'r ty, whIch fall on Feb n . ag nll>. .~ , 9. 13 and 2. lte rreshments were l~. 13 ;::\"" \\ ",,,I. of J.t' blillflll. WRS " Tved durinlf th IlV ning, lind th in to\l!) tt ! 'I\' '10"1 1<:" 'rull.tIay. f01 l owin~ OhIoan pnrticipated in the 1J1I~rrY' 11I1\1dng: Charles S. ea rs :\lld wift', [,'e rry, U ; Dr. J . W. Ward ,. M i~.; ~ hm i(' 1', 1.. 1. "f Lllv/'land . i. wife and niece, Mis 001'110 Nelson, ,==== Ih . SlU !.',,1 "r . 1i . Ina Hamilton, of W. L. Harv 'y and wlte. Il arveys uunr. 0: lilton · h ~ hlln and wife, The Old Schwa rtz Shop on M 1 oute :I Wiluul' 0;1 i nnn wife, C nterville, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ . ell, rl '.S F. Clark and wife, LyL!( , -, ~T r lind \ 1r o 1"1'11\· , 1 lI<lrt~(,h.:k and ; lImi Mrs. A. A. It' Icy, form r:y dau~ ltl (' r . Th fl .~, . 1" lit Slt llnluy of ·lI1tillnuti. ., hut IIOW f ':)l. a t I,\:h nlln I' t r"l.J u r~.-'rhe Illdeplmdent St. Pel rslJllrg , Fla.
1------- ,- -- -.
A big tou r i ng c ar fo r five people ,
Chas. ·W. Schwartz & Son S
L b'
chanic trect, e !lnon _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _·
Saxon Catts
First time shown here-come in t oday and see th m- New cries Saxon "Six" Touring Car at $7 5 and the New Series Saxon fonr-cylinder Roadster . at $305. You w ill fi nd many dollars in add~d features in these New Series Saxons-w ith 110 increase in price. You w ill be conyinced- upon inspection and point by poin t comparison- t hat these cars, more clearly than ever before, a re the leaders in their price classes. H ere-in this n"" Serlt s &uron "Six" -you no" find new lux uries-In ligbtness-com· (orl-slDoothness-powcr-bea uiy-silcllceeconomy-flexibiliIY_l ulpnlcnt.
n..ery .ne of its 14 lie\\,
feat u rrs is a D indio
cation of ils class. Reliable , efficient, quiet,
t " o·uuit electric: startiug·lia htlng svste m is tbe.same ty pe as t he .e ry h ighe ' t priced cars use. 10 orr the Timkc.n aJlles a nd bu rings, higb 5~ed ' ix~)' l lnder motor ; )fact·line body, JUllrous body finis b; b~ licaJ IMoveJ d rive gears. . Roomier ru r sent. battleship- liuoleuJU cov· e red, alUminllIll bound fluo r boards and run· ning boards,-lbese nre new re1i~meu t. you will readily appreciate. •
a ·s~ed trorumisslon-Thnl.:en lUl~ s-h"nd somer, room!Atr bod y-iml'roTed higb sl'red lDotor-signal lawps at side-vCDtllating willd shic ld-\h~se lind Ii ,;core 01 otber lIew refinements make the " cw Beries' &XOII iloadster unque sLiona bly lhe 11Iost in viting \Wo·passl nger value Ull the market t'Oday .
Saxon • •, ~ed Lransmisslon gives increased flcxib iJil y-les~ns , be slmia o n lbe mOIOr. N<? utb~r car a t any where nellr tbe Saxun prIce oUers as many modern fealure s.
Added to Its lIewer beauty and comfort nnd efficiency, SuOll Roatlsuir cost s less t o opcrale tban . ny lher mo tor -car. Half a ce nt a JIlUe tor fuel i» the SaXOII averagc-due to Iigbt weight-right design-s'urd y CODS\ruClion.
See 'These Ca r8 Today
We belien lIlxon ". is" Touring Oar a t 5785 nnd Sluon rlou~..c)'Jinder Roadstet al sa1l6; to be tltd best ·e rrs sold at a nywbere near t be nrices_ad we [bink yo a'U..agl;ee •.,Com iu_todayonc see t~, ne" models . ....
'''our!J Roa.ter
WIth CIeUIchabIe coupe tOP
DellYery car
t455 1395
i• : i•
"alX"" RoacIater
1786 Saxon .Roadster ~95
families not producinl[ .aeeordina to; \ whlrns of these buyers and the lize these plans and .peclfieationa·are to must fit the ·crates. let the aX, New 'York won'~ take elliS with "Who were your fatber and brown shells ~nd B,?ston won't ae· mother?" UDon the hen'. an.wer to cept those With whlte sheila. The that will depend her ehance of Iivina'. experts ha:ve agreed that a dozen ' Ohio ega' experts declare 'the dealer. eancs should weigh not less than 24 . , ' . will have nothing but eggs of a color and not more tban 28 ounc~. The It.. up to the en to go In for eu· popular in their particular a.etion egg ahould have II: larlle dlamete.r ..uCl'. Tbeword has gone out from and uniform in size for packing pur- one and one·fi fth times the small dl· a..J. . that only eggs of a certain J)3 Se8. There is DO dUferenr.e in the ameter, and ahould not be short or aIze, color, shape and wel"bt are de- taste or food values of the different round!lr lon,,·polnted. They .hould , Ilrable. Hens belontlna to chic Ice n eggs, but the coior must· satiafy the bf umform in ealor, have strong smooth 8hells and be free from !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cracka and transparent spots. ' And the hena had better follow these rulee the experts slY, or they'll certainly be mlllllcred. .
• soasOn
Do.· rou know that the Orant SlX is the pioneer low- . priced SIX-the),rst SIX to sell below one thousand dollars? Do you know that Grant Six hal established 'itself
- --. --
MEN Of LEBANON . Hon. Hany Daug herty add ressed the Men of Lebanon at the Oddfel· lows hall )a t week, takI ng for his su bj ~ct. "Businl!':\ Conditions In the United States.' The talk was ver y instructive and WIlS hugely enjoyer;i by all who heard him . J ohn Ma r· shall 'Mulford wa~ chairman of t he meeting, and the Women of Lebanon served 6 fi!le chicken snpper.
.- ...---
Subscribe for bhe MiamI
u one of tho mOle reawkable car. of the yearl That in Ipite of·our ~t. effons Ind 'constantly increasing produaion, at no time hal it been Jio,lible to keep pace with the demaru11 . That t~ Din'\' Grunt Slx-.,hlch .,e are no ... uowJng-bu the Ja~."
Iwubomat 'bod, otaoy car belO., a thowand dollacil
Another former citizen, Samuel C. Gard, died at hi' home io Califor nia lut Wednesday, February 16. ' Mr. Gard was 87 years old, and was the oldest of the Gard boya. This large family of Gards lived to a &,ood a"e, and their circle was never broken until about a veal' ago at the death of W. H. Gard . The remains wil l be broullht here for interment, no t ice of which will be given hiter.
a t·
Throttlu ~ 12 ~ !!!l!!! per hoar.
TIlle motor hu etiabUshed wonderful econpmy record.. 0 ..." ... every ~ "hen .'''rago over 20 mUCl IO the gallon of guoline-many eet oy.r 28. . Do you know that G runt tnoe c:nn.ileverel',ingflllpenalon maka Granl Six on. of tho ea.i~ t riding cra in the "orldl " 1'lbat tbe Grant Six b.. w:hi"ved leaderahlp solely b, Ilvi~!;:'cea , ALUE-in the motor-in tb~ cJlauis-1ll the body-In tJaeaq .. AD ~. fl ollibUit)'! all the Imoolb neu all .he yutU. 01 !hi 5J X at 111 \)eIt·.... cou.picuoll.l i n the
,OU ...tu be
When you Imow 11_ facli ..... to owo • Grant Si&. . "ttar CIId« earl,.
Ano ther lot R io Coffee ..•. 1Sc .
3 pound. Tomatoes .•. . ... .' 10c
Ne\., l'krring Salmon and T una F ish Oil and
Edgem()n t. Crackers, best ma de
WILL PROBABLY TAK[ SOUTHER'NTRIP A representativl! of Loranger land
was in town last week, and . in all
probability there will · be quite a delegation of Wayneeville people take the trip to Louisiana about the 5th of March, ~---------
Milk fo/' Choice Lice. It Is ....ell wben washing a pIece of ,choIce yellowed lace 'to dip It tn ml\){
1 t's better than most butter- and cos ts less. Try a pound NEW CARDEN SEEDS
B ulk or package
--It pays to trade at I' ~II~][M~~MAN'S
Might Marry to ftlform TIt_
D0 YOU lnt'ed n " t 0 BOld UI . a Hom.e If you' do, I ~oaGu-a-a-.Remember, we .have
Many will remember a lai Ke pho, tog raph on exhib ition lu t aprin" It the entrance to Downmi" studio entitled "Only Waiti ng," which repre'· sents an old gentleman IIltting in medi tat ion and has ath'acted much attention and comment .. The ubject of th is picture Samuel R , Battin, of Selm a, 'passed a way at his home last week at the age of 86 years, lio the period of waiting ha9 proven sadly ~h J rt. H e was owner of one of the beautiful far ms t ha t surround Selma and was valued member of the So· ciety of Friends. He notl only suc' ceeded as a farmer bu t was an active. conscientious busi)'le8S man, r~eqlient Iy being called on to settle .and straighten out tangled up estates:' which he accom pliehed with skill and lIatisfaction to t hose con~emed. For some time prior to hia death he bad acted as presIdent of the Clark County F armers Insurance . AlsoeiatiQn . Such persons are greatly ' miued, not only by thei r immediate family, but by the community a,t hlr~e . A Friend.·
Building· Material
Necessary to build a well •.equipped , 'Dwelling, Barn, Sta"le, .or Shed.
We also have Paint to . put on yQ.ur building y ou intend to build.
----_. - ...---
HELPING HAND ..... SEWING CIRCLE The Helpin" Hand Sewing Oircle held its fortnight ly meetinll Thurlday' February 27. 1916 with Mr•. J ohn Simpson . The work planned by the hostess for ·the afternoon. was quilting lind comfort k notting . 'fhe members present at thle meet· ing 'were Mesdames C. P . Ellis, John Williams, J ames Cur tis, Ell Simpson, Nelson Hamilton, Misses Geneva Cur tis, Maria Simpson, N9ra ElliS. Ina Hamill on. . Mrs . 'Marv Williams an'd Mist Mamie. Estel were ·g uests at this mebting.
Come-in and, wiU make an estimate . . on' the buUdinr· . Give '~s a call, get our prices, 'and we a:r~ positive we . will get your order for lumbe.r, .etc.
PURCHASED.'WALL FIVE. AND TEN AUTO : LI\'ERY PAPER STORE Cbildren'. Aprons..••.. '.' .. 10e Rapid Fire Egg Beater." My A~im- Your Trade
The many friends I bof Cha~.. S. of Xenia, wil e.pleas",. t.) that ,h e has purch,ased ' a wall store in that city, Mr, John ~rICE"":That can't be beat in the employ oHhe PRlcnJ-T'o p -reue an;~~~:'..~ &;),ears, Sons Granite Co. and hu been visitor to this place. hare will mI.. hlw b.anltIMake and IDlUiq ' fac., him continued pros-
liefore IrcSnln~. Always place a pIece - - - - ; - r -- - ""i'-'-="-=':"'-===== or tlllaue paper dIrectly o... r the lace QUAL(,f'~-Above the Standard 10 the warm trOll wiD Dot tOuch
General Apot
Warrea Cauaty lebIIaoa. Ohio
Do you knb... that the Grant Six baa a wlve-In.tbll-bead motor of ex·
e11111.1 deaign-qot a stoelt motor-th&t I. one of the quietat, lJIloothe.~ mOIl powerful motora built. .. .
W E HA THIS JWEEK I Lettuce Celery Sweet Potatoes Cabbage 'Navel ranges Grape F ruit Cranberries Oysters Eng. W.al uuls }lop Corn
We sell that Good Moore's Gasol ine
White'.s Store
\.. '
Wafers -Cut the price of VaRlll a Wafers 10 IQc a Ib - Hllvel~wect a nd our Pickles' . . - Kr ep the very fi r.cst PllPfll ed Mustard af 10c -1 hln" the ' Couulr.\ Ctu b" Il llned Bel pI! arc among the be t at 5 and 10c a can -Talk a grea, deal a bou t our Wh ite Corn Meal -Can KJve you hney Roml:n Beauly Apl)ieS - . ell N.a lls by the lb. or by the keg -Ate age l\ b for Lo,,'e Br95, tflg h 51andard Pal,,18 -Alway! have r ure .<i; idcr VincjtD r ~~an allow' you t he best Meat anll " jock Salt made ':""'Ktep Rod! ~lt too -~pd out DMlre FlelKhman'5 Yeast every day -Offer Blue and Wblte GraQIl ware at one half price
~. ~.------
DEATH OF . successful
Cows - Are Hcadquarters for. Pu re Bltck\\ heat Flour -~cll th e best lien Feed - Carry Bone Meal, l\\~st .:rap "J "'elt Ctlsps Oy ' Icr Shell, CharcCJal , Gril, Poult r) i'anacc8s,LollbC r.,lIcr , Crac ked Corn and Sunllower ~ fell . - Specialize In Atl as Por tlnnO ~ c l1l e nt , -1 hlnk Chase eX Sanborn'S Coffees arc the Cheapest and Best on the market - Have the fin est cn lucky !'nrl:hu m - Keep the best Weinl'r\\ ltrsl allIl Mllh:etl H alll ; -Sell Pop Corn Ihu l pops - Expcc t Whole Wheat Flour in tudny -Offer the Colorndo I:ll'an s at 7} . I:. II b - Can give you a good r rn c"~ r a t 8},c a Ib - Jusr receh 'ed a fresh supply ollillll!CI :onaps and Grahom
Now in its SECOND
- Have Fancy l\C\V Orlcans Molasses in bull, -Are Agents 'for Bla tchfo rd's ~II ,lI cal - Can Supply you with fre~ h Milk. [rol\1 'Iuberculin Tc~ted
- Sell 1 qtl! Crllnberrlcs for 15c
------ ----
An iIIu, trated lecture was given in Lebanon hil't week by W It. Smith , of the Slate Hil!llway _Oepar t men" in the int:n'ests. of good r oads and how the problems are to be met. The law i~ l' g cd to roads wail fu llv · ntel'ed inlo, and the county officers explained the ways antt means by which good roaps may .be obtained. Of course, this . meeting There hrul been a great deal of did not mention when the roads were contr ver y lately in regard to t b t~ be repahed , but it is likely by the duck law. E V. Barnhart r eceived aid of this meeting th at there will a letter from the ComruiBSlon a t be something definite come ou t of it Celumbu6 who citea the state law One commissi,mer 8u&'A't:sted t hat that an op n season will be allowed t he roads leading out of t he county fr om Mar ch 1 to April 20. But, he eeat be first at tended to . adds , tho !ed ~ ral law says there ... shall be no open seaS(ln this year, and 11 hunter is liable to be " pinched" by officers.f orSoyou take rn· . ingfederal , Mr. Hunter, are wa liable
to overstep the l ederal law, you snoot d ucks.
Bids fo r the new cour t hou~e and jail for 'linton County. were opened in Wilmington '1'hUl l!day ufternoon The ommissiullers will decide u pon who will Jret tbe ,,"ork. but t he W ~tern Bu ilding' Co , of Huffalo. werc the )owest bidders, t heir bid LJe.ing "177 4!)7 for the court house and ~23.426 fo r lhe jail. 'fbis com· pany e rected the linton <;:o unlY National Dauk and also were awardeo Lh e ('0 11 tract for bui lding the Catholic church. 'I'll his:h s ~bid waR 242, 70 for the court bouse and '30,000 fo r th e jail. T here was a lively interest taken in the hi lding and snme twenty dif · ferent flnns w ra represented at t he m ellng,
---- --- ..-----
Wlth~ '
,-----------------, ,
On february 9 the reg uial' 8e ~sion of Lhe \ 'ollum's For ign Mi!!!lidrlluy oeiet)· was held at th e home of Mrs Phillips, who v. a~ aRiji~I,,\1 in "nlt'r taining by Mrs Me 'lure. '1'h~ IIl.W!· inll was opened by the pft'sident reuding tbtl ~l", 1 Psalm: s Ing . "0 Zion Haste," : pra. e r hy pI·esident. Tho fn llowlll,J{ prog/ am was then renUertold. PIIU\O selection , MiBb Helen Hawke·: Reading:. " \\ hnt Will You GIV~," Irs. Wiiliamson ; Read· i n~, " Tt. hill('~ e lew Year," Mrs ~ali!lbury; h e ding, "The E:urly hurcll ' ~ I r!S . li ugh: Duet. "In His ame" ~ rs. Grau e r and Mrs Wh ite. A lotter rec ived LJy Miss Lulu Vandt'rvoort (cum Miss ~'lo ie Ho lerter , t Foochoo, hina, wa rllad by rol rtl . Hawke. MillS Ruth DavIs, u f XI:miu, "llYe a tnOlt in terestit l!ir t Ik on mi sionary work . Th~ pro r,lm clo d with a piano solo by \\li:\.., Hazel Gustfn . DeliclIIulj h:o cream, out cake and coffee were n rved b}' t he hos l esses. The rool11 WIU very pretty in pink d coraliolls, and the pink heart in evidenc., were (\. r eminder of the near aplIt 8eh f St. Vlllentino's day .
....." Tourlnlr cat 1785 IImotaIne tOP
----_ .. - --
If atrIl coul4 a. USe allD tile, ... IOIDI to 1DII'I7 before ~ u... "C1IIIl4 ~ Ia• • ".-'~~~!a J!Pt..."'.
Cbildren's Skirts ..•.. " ..• ,~Oe Cbildref\ls Bloomers, ...... IOc ¥en's aDd Boys' Gloves ... IOC Scrim for Curtains, per yd •. IOe Ribbon, jnst came in,yd" .IOe
.IOe "Puritv" Steak Pounder, •• 1OC "Purity" Potato Masher,. ,IOe Crimp Bottom Bread PUs.lOe Perfection 'Graters, , , ••• , .1Oe : Reed'il Whiak' ntooma •• " .lOe
Special .for Saturday.
Glass DIshes (only 210 • customer ........ , _.. ~ •• •• ' •• • t ' 7c
Sixty-Eight r· Year
Whole N 11mber 8358
~N~ E~A~ ~~ I'~I-~_;~;~:~~;~HE_N~___B_ww_:~:_·~~I~S_OCIE_n_~_EM_5
f)r . ·, ~. \V . M.
I .
CH lI~~H
Mias Lily Bratt is visiting In Cln. cinnati.
Mrs. G. W, Hawke gave a nfOiih· WHY DOES THE CHURCH WANT borhood dinner , laat Wedneeday in US TO KEEP LeNT? honor of Mrs. L . T. Pet"rllon, who has gone to Xenia to li'Ve. A fine time was had by all present .
THREE 'fUll SESSIONS ~ere Held-M orning, Afternoon and
Even'ln g-Orea t lotereet Manifel~
Lea Hawke wu a' Dayton vlaitor Tuesday.
Myer Hjman baa purchaaed a new OVllrland.
Mr. and Mrs~ S. D. Henkle g8.ve an enjoyahle euchre party to IIBveral of their friends Friday evening. A fine luncheon was served and the Lent Ought To Take Our Though ts evenini pleasantly spent in lhe llame. from Worldly Affalra to That of Holy Things Mrs, J. B. Chapman wu hostels at an ,Iellant dinner party Thursday noon. The dlnnel' was perfect In .. Almighty and everlasting God, every respect and her guesti Cully enjoyed it. The Idtemo on wall who hateat nothing that thou hast mude and dost forgive the sina of pleB8antly spent In conversation. al\ tholle who are peniten t; create and make in us new and contrite bearts, Mr. and Mrs. E . Y. Barnha rt th at we, worthily lament ini our 'sins gave a delillhtful four-course dinner an;! acknowledging our wretchedIlIIit Wednelday to the followi ni ness, may obtain of Thee, God of Iruelts: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen, all mercy, peri ect remiaaiothe n ~d for· Mr . . and Mre. P. D. Claiet~ , Mr. giveneSll through J esus ChrlBt our and Mrs. J . O. Cartwr liht. Mr. and Lord ." Amen. Ci,llIect for Ash· Mra. J. B. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. B. H. Kelly and Mill May Wriiht . This prayer, in the aimpllcl ty of ___ ___._ confCS!lion and app('al, strikes the . keyno te of Lent, the observance of On Saturday . evening. Miaa Alma which christiann of all names and Waterhouse entertai ned the tallow· creed! are finding more and more ini iuesta at an oysters upper: Mr. rational and edifying . If it is wise and Mrs, J. -Q, Gons and familv. Mr. to recall on definite days the Birth, and Mrs. W. C. Cornell, Mr. and the Death, and the Resurre ction ot Mr•. HuaselJ Salisbury, Mr. arid Mrs. the Savior of men. it is equally wise Davis FurnB8, Mr. and Mrs. Fred to recall at fixed periods the Galli. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawk-e, hliman sinfulness. the need fact of of forMi811 Nettie Earnha rt and Messrs givcneSll, and the definite mercy of Clarence anet Harvey Rye. God. But why does the church order A few of Mr. E. E. Boger's friend. to keep Lent? Firat of all, to us went with well-fiiled hB8kets Sat· mind us of the chri!ltian duty of r a8elfurday. Februar y 26, to help him cele. denial. ''If any man will a.f ter brate hil eighty-second birthda y. me let him deny bimself ."come (St. Luke He ..njoyed the day very much . ix,23) These. are our Lord''!! own
Mrs. W. H. Allen was In Dayton lut Th uraday. . Mise Clara Hawke vblited Davton relativea Tuesday.
The first anniver sary of the dedication of the new M. E. church approprilltely celebrated lutSun day Vern Hawke haa aeeured a iood 'Februa ry 27th. . p~tlOD In Dayton. At the morning service, Rev. Wal ter ·D. Cole, D. D .• Superin tendent W. H. Allen wu a Lebanon bUll' of the Springfield IJlatrict. DreaChed inees vieltQr Mond. ,. a eplendid &ermon from the theme, "Prepar edneea." He urged the • Ray Smith: of 'Brookv necessity of beini tboroui hly pre- Sunday here with frienda.ille, lpent u· pared for the dutlea of thil life and , fOr the life h~eafter. He cited the Mre. Gecmre Marks spent the thoroug h prepara of thll 'earth week.end with i'tliativell in Deuton. for man'a occupantion cy before ~..... "-I atlon as a proof of God'e appro" · tiOD ()f the priDclple ()f "prePar ed· Foreet Ridge, of Dayton. spent neas. .. A 1010 by Mila Sail&- aeveral daylJu t'week here with rei· bury, w.. Iweetly and JeenlllilY allv • . dered and w.. much enJlOl'tlCJ The con~...tion ad·iourn.1II Mrs. J. A. Funk., attend. Ii the IOciaI rooms in the bueme at I'runer'&l of Mre. Martha Orr at Leba bounteous dinner wu aerved at anon lut week. noon hour. Toe afterno on aeaslon conven«l at 2:80. A qUartet composed of MiaaeI . Dr, Dill. Osteopath, at residence Mary SPliabllry "nd Eleanor Earn of L. T. Peterso n, Main St., Tueeday (Copyrlg ht.l bart and Meedamea C. 'f. "Hawke and Friday momln p. and J W. Wbite sanr "Croea inithe Mr Martin Gons ' and family at· Bar:' a.ftei' which Dr Colepreached another 8plendid sermon trom the tended' the funeral of Georae GOIll theme. "Who 11 My Ne\a'hbor?" at Lebanon Thurad!lY. Thll aermon wu an expoeitiOIl of the leesone t() be iathere d from the para. Ju. Dennla and 8OD. of Rich· ~e of dle GoocJ S/lmarttan. The Ina., are 8pendin r aeveral Jann., liatere una a beautifu l trio with friend. heN~ ..titled. "M()J18 Love to Thee," At tbe eveninll aervice, Rev. C. S. . 'I1Ie New Centul'1. Club held its Grallaer putor of tbe cbu'rch Mr. and MH. Allen Jon•• 01 l'8&'IIlar monthly meathJi at the llreached one Qf the Itrollie 8t and Cincinnati. w~re the Sunday belt &ermoOl 'be has ever delivered of,Mr. and Mrs, Frank ZeU. aueatl 1I0me of Mrs. F. H. Farr, Friday afterno on. F~bruary 25th. ~ The "om tbe tb'eme• . "'1'he.· World'. f •. roolIl8 were very tasteful ly decorated with red white and blue buntln a Greates t Need jn the Llgbt of Prea· Melidames F. C. Carey, Walter ThQ iadi4;.; were met at the door by ent·day Happenin""." the .peaker McClure sn:l Cbu. Rye apent Tburathe hOiteetl and as they entered the pve'concluslve proof ·for bi, .tate- d., of tut week In Dayton, hoete88 pinned a little flag on each ment the Ilrea"' t need of tbe world that is a Chrilt.l Ike _conacience one. the 11 age repreae nting the difMrs. W. C. Phillips spent Saturda y ferent natiolll. The preside nt called Whlcb will enable nationl and indl· afte'rDoon at the pleuan t home of the meet1n~ to order. Twenty.one viduall w subjUg ate their own Indlvidual "rights " to th. e rl .. hte of Ood M.....• WI'II Graham, Dear Lytle. membe n reapon ded to ro II ca 11 WI'tl] " quotatlontl on Liberty. . and their -feJlow·~en, A ~~rtet -MIIII Sadie OpP. of Toledo. it II .... C. T. Hawke pve a splendid ClOOoilDwpoeeciardGOu'fsti.nM."Trao':" Lo~ercen~d spending the week here with her on the subject of "The Growth ... "The V~~ d Mrs.. ~n Earnha"r t 880" J H. 0 pp, Em....... In the United States." parenta .·mr. an . . . . . . . . per Hour." Mosher alllO "ave a very '. . T P • - - - - .-- • Mre. Lucy DlnfJI and .laught er. of her,l!~b ~ret ::~'~ !~! Weet Milton, Ohio, were the IIUClt. were of Mr. and Mn. Jelr Smith lut week.
50owe~r aR.
Mia Ruth Bart.oe k 'flU in 0.)'ton Saturd& fand b..rd JO~D lIeCor· ORTHODOX FRIENDS mack. the famoUi ten~r. in one of Sund., S::hool 9:00 a. m.. ."II'Ir.eac:b.1 hi8 concerta. in. follo.i q at 10:30 by On and after March lit, myU....,.y C, E at 7 p. m. at the 1:lI..:;~r::;"'i:':" and feed .table will be at the- Maey Invited to alllh.. old atand. Alao will be ready for Auto Livery etc. wm O.GU8ti~
, Sunday School 9115 a . m, preach- .CIiu. Chapman and wife, ing by putor at 10:80. evening aero have been in the Eut since ' Jut who fall, mOD 7:10, lubject , "The Relatlon · ~( have retu.ne d . to their home near ebe ' Americ an Church w World Mlamla buq. Problem a." .Hear the ~rmon. Spec:· lal muBic. _', and Mrs. RUaien W.t, (nee Clarence S, GraU88r, Putor. of Cincinnati parenta of • IOn. W-to born Februa ry 22, 1916 • Mr. and Mrs. J. Henl')' Vandervoort wISh to~i_ ttl.ir bam appreciation for the many rernembrane811 rei:8lved from fritmdl 00 their anni....J'I&I')'.
Bari, S. Campbell .aDd M~. S Brown retyme d to 'tbllr b:' GoodIng, Idaho, Monda i They: were called ' here on aeeount of the death of their father N Tiron e ' .' •. : :Mre
Mr. and Mrs. , Herber t Satter· th'laite , M~. ',Jobn Sattertb waite, Mn, p"m~ co~pSmtont~..Mnf D~~~ H.... ~r • ."..."OI'W J WI. 0 11...... attende d the funeral of Mn. Martet. t& Sattert) lwaite Saturd Q. . I
The D)_tiD, o( St. bat to mateh. · Sht! wore M~ry'l Guild Will ~ held at th. lII.aqu latt.. 'bouqu.et of pink .weet ![ba::.d~t .r~oo~eoz..lr:o o~ ~ Tbe bridew u until 'clock' A. ab rt" Ill'l,. flDPioyed at the N. C. R. recentb and her o . ' proJraID . lriend. aDd bualn. . UIOCiate. will f:en ~]'ttr:!.~~nta w «l ~~q , . • reatly m~ her err...... , _ttM_ ._ 1 th The .........m ·k eoDnljCted with the a~ the. m....... ..... or e Eriera ii--d. A(teJ.a ah9rtw,eddina ~ ~0U18 Fund. , ~ trip Mr ind Mn. Campbell will be " • • • at~.M to tIMIt·ftienda at 28 Sooth . 1I0llflloath iItreet. ~ ~ton. " ",.rrI• ., RI.,~ . .'- • TbtIn II DO law Ia)'fDs that • Iliq rtq mad n8ClMlal11, tie 'of
~14' laCe
Gave OId.F~hiOD8d Eaebre ~~::r: =:: :',>
rtq 9D
aay: We can deny ourJulia Brown and dauillt et. &rtha. seliV,eII without itl "being Lent," and Mre. Grace Brown and dauahte LAST WEEK, JUST A 81 We received a paper entitled "The Lucille, Mrs. Alice Berryhill. and r, thil il true. But it is also true that lIOn, un leas we have a special and Id OF HAR() LllCK A Wlillamaon Beason set apal't for specialtime University Het:ald," from our 01<1 tI aro, !'IId M J the duties are very likely notduties, to be . friend Strawd er A. Rinaer, publilh ed and famdy. r. 01. • . perform ed at all . You know this at Ada Ohio. Mr. Ringer edits the very well. in wordlv affaira, and how "Campu s Echoea, " and hil, brirht Friday evening the Big Five or On account of the birthda y anni- much method, as we call it, helps us Waynelvilleschools were defeate dthe at and witty sallies are very readable. veraary of M~. Edith Harril, Mrs. to give a due time to each ·kind of "Herald " laye: a basket ball gamt! by the Lebanon Th. "A larj!'e . number ot citizens of Matilda Haller, !tire, J. D. Marlatt , University five l'he boys were Bework, inetead of devotlniIC an un d ue Ada and "urroun dina terri.Ary, Ir. and Mias Francea Janney . Mrs. J. D. attentio n to that which you perhaps v.ere Iy han d'.lcaPJ?8d on accoun t 0 f re!l"ectl've of.party , are u.mna S. A. Marlatt entertai ned ata6 o'clock din· f er. Th h " pre Size, the UmverslLy boys beIng very e c urc h by her yearly ••• • ner Monday evenina', The table was season of Lent reminds us of the tall. and added to t heir experience of Rlnller, the well known citizen and very prettily decorat ed with great duty of self.denial. It ill t!ue the game they pu' "it all over" the p~pular Nortber'! man, to announ~e earnatlo lll u favore. ThO!. whopink en· that most of our lives are passed In a , • hlm!elf 88 a calJdldate for the leils- 10yed the evenln . wpre: Meadam Big Five. The score WflS 49 to 16. i el constant l!~ If.denial of one sort or A differen t preposi tio:1 tht! Li ttle lat ure. . . Laura ~08her, Amelia White, J . S . another bu t it is what we. might cil-ll . There are sco res of meulD the 181'- 6artsoc k, C. T. Hawke. Lina Devitt, a "natu~al Five put up when they played the 'self.d~ nilll; it is for ourIslat~re t?day who hav!! n~t.half the Frank Zeu, Emmor classy fteam fro m Bell Bally, bl"ook J. E. Thesl! Jln.elves and .our families . And aluallfi~atlOl1 s for th~ posltl0n that neyand Harr.. Murray. little . el Iows \lI llY cI a guod g ame.. qMr. though we mo,y make tbis. a v.ery flinge r has, and If he should d. d h f aide to enter' tr the contellt and win the tt ~~~ b~t: Iliu':~~t pae~f\llCt r1~~~nKe?l. nomination and christia n self· denial by ouerml ll 0 be elected it would Mr. and !tire.· F. B. Henden on ~~~~ti~~:~ Q~!~ Pbo:s~~I::f n~~~ brook boys bad a lill ie harJ luck the beginning of a career throwi ng goals whit h d e,feated them be " ,pleuan t card lut f..Q'hel'/j-and-metflers~ ficial to the state and the people.ben. ~ve , Illld-ehlld,.peft-,- Wednelday - evening. by the Bcore of 41 to 18 . "'. Mr. Ringer iszeslo ulfor rirht law. enjoyed . . II th until a HUOna ble· hour, and Ylt verv poor: chrIstians a Saturda y tlveninj( both teams went and good l{overnment He II eom- when e a lunch wu aerved In two while. God rertainl y demandll.of UI to Mt. Plea$hn t, Clinton. COUl1ty , and posed of the stuff of w'hich 8t.telm eD CaUl... . ThOle invited were: Met!II'II. somletdhint~ oveAr dan~1 la~v~~~:en,:! the Little lohe were defeated by the are made and Ml.. damea Hinkle. E, V. ura u les. the hoatesa aUhls score of 17 tu 14, Tit bO)ti had a . en a . _ We do 'not know what hie plana Barnha rt Ralph S. Miller C M Ro· which ahall have some d1r~t relat~n Roll, of Dayton, tough propo ili n but to y put up a are bu t if he anno unces hie canbitzer, Ronald . HaWke,' J~ Ed. to H~m. It i8 t? this dental that e of Cincinnati, M",. !rame hllht nt that. 'd ' ' t 1111'k I be and on warda, W. E, O'Neall, J , A. McCoy. churCh C. B. Sherwood. The Big Pi" !llld rather an easy d I IU'y I \V l ey calls U8 In Lenb. ' SolOn J. B. Chapma n L. A. Zimme rman. Se~ond-The whole to,:!e IIkeraon, Mrs. My.eT proposition :and (' sily d r It!d tlte the Republican ticket." of ~er J O. Cartwri ght, B. H . Kelly,'"U . services call)! our a.t tentlon · durlna Mrs. Eber Arnc,ld. big boys !It this schc) I. Theil' work M. White, P . D. Cllla'ett, D. L, Le~t to our BIDS, tbelr conse<j\lencel, ____ , was on thl:l !jen tiUlll\\ order, and Cflme, J . ij . Coleman, MiSllel ' Hen- their c~nfe8Bl on to Got!, the lome of th goals wer,e thrown in y riett. McKinsey• . Mutha O'Neall , of turnmi from them .. and necessit peculiar situatio ns. Thla score was ~he for-. Messrs John Pence and Enunor givenesa of repeat,!d illn8 on:ered us . 15 to 9. Bally throuih Jesus Christ . Y~u may say" ---. as in the case of self·demal, that ~he There will Be a basket blil1 game A Iloodly number . of friends and at the school hOUSE! Sutu r(1ay evening neh,hbo rs gathered at the home of often and ~ften again is i~ the between Spring Vnll ey and WnvnesMr. and Mrs. W. Graham , Februa ry that thosa who neglect J I the case ville. The Spring Vaney team de· , 26~h, t~ surpt:!se their. daught er. to repent of their ains, hear yea,r tested our boys on thei r own c·our.t Waynesville. Ohio! MIIS,E< !lth. whose marrla it'to Mr. trumpe t call of Lent. are rousedthe by twO' points rec ntly, and I his will ~'ebruar y 28, 11116 F~ank ~urfiaa ·takea place 800n, the exertions wh ich the church ~y W· T hi D • be a gsme for victory. Come and To tbe Patrons and ·«'rlends In of our wlth a miscella e &JOe neous shower. After theae ow~a.(;m p me. et~hve ttee them, almo:clt everywhere ·mak R!\ they will baitle hard to Protect ive ~Iab Schools : ' S~twin There will iamea probabl and m\l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~id3~~~~~~t---y be two urda.J~ atternOClA at the TownshiP ,f " ' . Permit me to thank you for your were House at th~lr 'regular meeting . games. were: fresh start in the battle to which, in • _ __ loyal support in making ' our Wuh- MMrII, . tt, their baptism, they were pleda-ed " to Tberew qaaood attenda nce preeent rs, H!l ington'l: l Birthda y prOji'ram asucc eas." ~ . Tbe ' ....Iy reporta of the Associaof Ridgevillej fight mo,ntu\ly under Cllrist~s banner 'rhe net proceeds of the ttoil were re.d and everyth ing was MMrs. Wllha_ms, of Cleveland, aiainst the world, and the amounted to .68 25. ' One evenini half of r8: fouild tit &'OOCl ' ahape. It is a piauGra~am, Mrs. Flo~ence devil ." ' sin, We msy well be thankful this m:mey will be sptnt. on the 11- Tulhs, of Sprmib oro; ur;e to add· that but few r.c~ have . . Mrs. Ada for the wiadom at the church, which. brary. one fourth of it will be placed Cheno~eth, M~. Carl. Plckerl come before tid. body dunn&' the ni and every year reminds more of to the credit of the Athletic Auoson, Hugh, Mrs. McKlrby, Mrs, Wm , the imperative needUBofonce put ,ear. Two,new merri~re we.r e Mariett a . Smith Sa lterthw,aite, ciation, and the remain der will repentan!!e. taken in. - . daughte r of John G. alnd Julia fo... placed in a fund to be used later. be Coleman, Mrs. Will Phll!!f8, Mrs. Lent ia ':1110 a time of prepara tion In Harry Earnha rt, Mrl, Fr ElbDn, for Easter. Having suffered 'lll. annual election WII beld and Smith, was October 12, 1855, in purchasing a victrola. A victrola with Mrs. Hulda Bu~ett, Mra. the fonowing officers were elected: Mt. Holly, born our Lord during the forty days of Warren County, Ohio. can' be Ul:!~ to !rood advanta ge by the Dyke, Mre. Frank Roie.rs, Lucy W~ S. Graham pre8ident; Harry She was married Deceinber, 1876, to music c\assea. Mrs. Lent we may then enter with ~Im It will aeaiat them in Rutb Savaae, Mre. Blanche Graham, into' MurJ'.!oY\ !at vice.preeident. Frank John satterth waite.. Se\,enchildren, the JOY of' . His Resurrection. appreciation. Zell.~vice-ll~.iA. Mamt.. treas. sixao~a Walter JanDeyc .. MrJ. Leah And more especially should we look tid.one ,l'wereborn 'rhe teachers earnestly dealre a Strouse. Mi_ AbDle urer; J. ,C. Hawke. aeeretary; Frank to thiS union. daughte Graha!ll , forwardtoandprep'redurinlft~ese ' The husband Braddoek. Frank Shielaker and Chaa. three 8Ons'prec;:eeded moUler in and closer cooperallon with the home. Cora and Ruth Reeder, Dorothy MIII- days to our Easter Communion. death . Having this in mind we have 88t ar, E.va Prater, Vilma Elila. trU8teee. Stacy. ~earl The entire hte of the d,eeeased was aslde.Thursdav March 9th, u eacred feB8t to which, to quote viall. McKlrby. Ada and Edna McKlrby, That •_ • the emphaUc word of our ' church spent in this' community except six ina- day. There, 'wlll be no epeeial Lavern e Dyke, Ruth an,d Lena Earn catechism, "the Body and Blood of yean 8pent in Tennessee" Mrs. Sat· proiram ·but the student s and f.eaCIJ. hart, Edith and Ethel uraham , Mrs. Christ are verily and indeed taken terthwl lite was itenlal und.· kind of . el'li will follow their reaular wOJ:k Will Grab.am , and received by (he failhful." '. disposition anrl very patiiel'\t during We are iJad to have the pirwta her yeam of aftlicliQn. '. J. F. C. Iwith us at anytim e but we espeeially· Salurda y at noon Mre. L. A. ZimShe died in Dayton , Ft'el,ruarr 24, desire your presence on this • day. merma n aavi a mOlt unique five '1916, aged 60 yean, m()nlhs and 12 So plan your work that you , . can be . days, Therl! is I!!,f t4. to dinner . . From the momen t mourn ber with us a part that day. Let UI couree the dinner WII announced &,ueats departu re, a sons, one daught er, 6 make this the of banner d87 of our were I'reeted by pleasant the surprl.e a. brother s and ~ sisters. Bchool year. SlnC6Je~'Youre, '1 r . rd Th, center plec.., wU'lOr eal that one Ith tb Ohi ~ . - • . ' Wm. . SprieKel could almoat olcture l 'Tbe n' aceo Ulce w e · 0 Father of • • Our Country~l beside the fallen cherIfh:urr o'unded fr.Blh . .:,,', bll appohited tlie fo\lowinl( men u . . miniatu re W~~~I~' membe n of the Board of Sinki~1I ~~~:'i~ ~ Ex:Sherlff Frank P . Forgy has ,'. whicb w e r e ! l Fund Trueteea. fC?r Wayne TownlhlP been appointed automobile ahipping School DI.trict . H. M; Clark, namee: !tire. J. o. H E N clerk'in the Secreta ry of State's of· . Una Mn. Stokee, W. Hal' AllThIn, J. B. Peulcel and ftee. at Colqmbu8, and will take up ." A; T. W. E.O'Ne I. Me are a men new p08ition atiout the fiJ'at of of ~a1re and we compli mlnt' the wright, April, Mr. Forgy ·took the cjviller . ROnald Judp on hleexcellentselec:tion, viee examin~~on recently and PB8ll~ with a ve~, gOQd' grade. Th.e. poSI. • - • tion 'wrles a salary ot $l,200 per yftr. Frlen.d8 of Mr. Forgy in and ~und Wayneeville I\re we11 pleased with the ap'pOintment, and w.il1h for him the best of luck, .
a alauela .41001'
~fh~~~~:! lea~~verh~s f:rt~~~~n~~~
Guild of St.llar y'. ' The ma'n, "friend i "ol MilllI~-.-"L.---L' Junior will bold aeodil at the \lome p,erite Thompson and'Rl1IIell Camp . L. A. Zimmermaa Shrove JIeII.n1 belUrpri8ed to 1Iea" of their evenlnc , lIareb 'fth. . En· ' marrla p, ,whlcb WII ' . IOlemnlz8d aDd a ~ p~m are , witiCthe,alDSlerin._ae"lC8 at Christ . An olrenq will be EpiJeoRal tl.hurcb. ~u~ltYevenini, evenlq oJ8IlUary 20. at 7,: U 0 cloCk, Rev. Com~. ,'. ' . ' Arthud jumpe r ollleiating. < .
tl~~t:::,e·=r~~~::. a~u.
IMAY MAKE RUN BAS KET BA ll MEETING fOR lEGISLATURE ~~~ ~llf:r~i~~~:~de~iF:.ee~~!~ Wy~:'may
~:J:~ft~:80u~~~t!m!;O!Y~I:!: A MYSTERIOUS
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Tetephone Record. The !'reach laD gu.aCe bat 11II1II foud mUM "otter actapled ~ JoDI"
c1IItanoe telepbonlDs than tile l!bIll~
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.MaKer or my aonlchmce; my ' IlDd Fatber." Tbe "reed of Galli For a moment the reotor 8tood. tnll
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h·d, wullling ~' llh her tn·
and lO Illt ll I.' 1,1 'Iullllrlld dI m navo" where lllt , arma:erect. tben he titret~h~d fvrth hilI l Rh"d.m with the une) I" . "I kJlow tbM my Redeem ~r Ltv th'" ellbl I "f til 111gl1lY. fillc ll pr lull. "1 be IBid. and san k t o hla kne s, " bal'" Ill" , IIln '1IIg mudl of tho 0111.0)' th In ~ Y(I\I IHlII' SIUd, Lo rne," 11 0 told Two high points he IIlul kC\lt In hl G hI r, "Mud \'I\I' t!culll rlu ' f the lined. nut f!,l lib , point S l i".. t b 1\ k tb Probate- Court Proceedi li\E1I n' r II s a Iln; for .• , "''''1 rll1t~\f,n, , bu t ror a r .blJ>11l Ilitellce 01·111s rentor, his m I' y nn a o( Ihe oj 1; Il1nt Ro me JlPW ImvulsG toIn th lUU. tfr of Ib e l'lItflt.e of hi • .10 1' , and . tb dll Inlty o( his Gon, \\ /\(,1, .11,' b ~ t l('r au" l"a h i Ile r U[ I , ~ ... u 'fb ·tn iU\ Mu rvu , 111'Ol'll@'l" , 1I 1ll ~~ d was eru ctfi ed Rnll \lUrlerl, II' h a dl e, h,rl \ 1"1 I III' u"'hL Inlo th \\'I'I·ld. 1 b'ollpu' Ie 1\ IIlJlnnteu ~nullliu .1 III r,' ' or " an d. on tbe l h Ird da y arose to 0 c n d IlltV \ h" IIlI, I III! 011 tho missio n Dr 13on, 1 t uSI I!) UOOI It lir '''0 , ' . • unlo boa r on. R MOil could not d : hll , . , Ll It 1,'1 tha' r" mlstiloll . Lo stroy loot eItRdoi 'Ill a man borll to tho l\,.,.r\ .. I "hIli " OU ho\""O Eu\ II /I ll ' j'. ' 1'tlt.1l r 0 0 Ilr ' III" J u . pllin h \ !l ll\J rlt ,~o r~. " nOCOS8 Ity a f fa It II. Mnn mUst bello v IIrully. II" I "me to ' Inn r III "'I lhe III \h U1 ~L lor I r B .UJIl UlIl1lllnnn II I It I some one I n g. I WAS 108 eaJly, a s lh urus ul 1'rp.I'II II hlch hnd grciw n u n .. II eve '1n t b II b"lll'upn 1111' lIul mn h oan IlIld. Ood ..l "'1'II\tCllt\OU t r . HdlUl~810n ot IIlIme b e h a d ollca se t fon I1,10,,0 to Unytul.\ , ' ful e BO ' llIt'II I,ls UlQt!O. blbll ca I account a f t Ila creation 0f t b e T ile brnm!JI"1! IHI\' grown aSllln, Tb I . world as to belt ve In a pre·exlslent tJllle 18 allllu~t rl po. uti, ror a n ew In Ibn, tl lllto of , ohn Zing, d('· chaos, out of whlcb evoluled the spirit q utck ~nh,~ ,.e we sl;lrlt; for lho a!lC' loe"dlld IflrH t aDd /lUll I IlCOO uo~. Is of Ure. and all Its Lllarvels of growing and c(,l l1l l ug." "ppro ved t rees and Oylng birds and reasoning 8h !;lulll'ed ,'l bllll. s lnrll d. . 1u tbo '\lllttar at tbe ostute at men, tt was as e'a sy to go one 8tep "For II uew vulee In tho wll uernews," i J .. mt)tt E. ~u rd o~ li ceased .J ohn furlh er, nnd add the 80n to the flLlbcr sho \\' 011 <11"1' (1 , H. B /'(I~u I !IIlIIOIU I,U!l ,,,(~ m l nl trll .nd to the boll' ghostl Even chaos ""Ot )'<'1.' hn nll sw r~ d . "w hnl'e ~lI r . \i'l MI j',uOU. musl hav e been crea ted! slltnaln Ihe h" lrl; or 11I.'n . rol' Ihe r Is fn \Ill' UHIIlfl' o r l ho o~tR Il) 01 Fully saUat! d. Rev. Smith . hoyd II I; ron,t a'·.llkl·UiU!! r Ihe Jluhlh: on· lih lll·I".!' It t:ulIl p l>llli . (II'o! ,,~ eu . walked Into the ves try , a nd wr.ota his HC I~ U C<l t hIUU;.h·'111 lhl' wo rlll ; hU l ~ c, ' Pre \'It lt l tlllltl u 1" " r~ 'Jnlll prIJ)Jof t.r I~ raslgnatlon trom the rectorshlpof Mnr, r ro th ~ d"y "I I grlOSI urn,· rs. \1'(' vrd Hrllil. ket Square church, for be oould 110 m ust hav e" ,I " III Ih('t ,'1,),. :-i,. !; real l I II IhH. IUtlt.tr r of tbtl I'P Ill t,o of longer leach, and preach, fnttll-In the "I' rll l1~1 n 1'\1 I Ii.~~ ~'I'''' r ""'1'1'1 th u ,Iull ll A. Kc llur; c1 \l('tlltlllu l M"tlhill8 thlrty·nlne artlclcs of religion! Witb. I\' or ltl IIll';"l.Il lIs HIll',"ian t "" pu mat· 1KolI .. ,· I" u ppulIIIIll1 lllIIlJIU I Bt ru~u r . In Ills grasp be bad beld a position or u rni 1 , lIrn"Ill~ 1 a ror Il'Y" IIc I.nn Is u I [JooJ .,500 . . ..... ealth. of po war, ot farnel "e scnree- part lit ('tll!:lt''', ~lI d I\' 11 e 10 Ih o lid in III lII " tt r o f Pilul C RIIY'IlIp, Iy considered tbelr loss; and In 0 10 or li mp. lI "n'''JII. Ill' llt I' ory IUIlur tltJpttOll-hlll fllr IlIlrlI l ~"hlU of ~111I\ O to ealla wltb wblcb ba ~o\loqul Bhe d tb em, of \l. cl!. I'PIIII.~I·U HB OWII Jlm lllll lnllS, Lt.l .tll D till/ ltl H "I'Pll IIIIR 1111111 . be knew lbat lie was selr.absolved nud dcm.lIloiOi ~.'nll' lhlllg hC),IlIl IJ Hs un· J t dC'rflUl!"/o"H Ilr" n \lh :ch 10 hallg H~ III tUH luut ll r IIf the as tuta 0 from the cbargo or uslug his Call' fuJ lh. It I. lh" 11 ctl or (/lI th wh ich Itllu M. Uo u w"u.. IL'I(",,!a\l. DI~trl, selence as a ladder of nm-bltlonl It dlsti npul<ile'l Ih.' soul I' rom Lhe mind," hlltll'. " \1 I t k \J I' lol' lo! IDII C,lrt q lll H 1I1I· . narsono.1 vonlty had ent ered Into Ills 0 ~ lItll gcv tl Gail. her yea aglow ~o 8111. \ . .. "A sign," 8.,,1." I" I<I\\' fl 11 to· e I I 8 I"a or • dellire to buill! the DeW cathedral, It wIth th o 1I .1I1" l l), of th (' lhought. Je rl'd . bad been Incidental, not fund a mental. "It will l' O Ill C. " 11 0 I1 H:,; ul'ed her, with In th e matt ' r ot tb o oRlMe of Ln' II made h im profoundly bappy to know the cal m IIr~ "d"lI ' o of prolill Cy Il. oOlt,. K ::;11I"~ .Il (,Ol!llSlld P w Cux . ~Ia with DOBlllvenesl. selr. " A~ IIl1 ~I' f\l spldlll ul re " I"nl hua ''''' Il'' ;':HOt! ,lUll t:lllIllue l I:!ooith 'HO He ca tlel! Uj> the bouse of Jim Sllr· e\'e r 6\1' Pl t h,' '''.1'1(1 "Il I"," t Its nt· ' PI'I,t"I" J "pproISt"" gent. unu usked ror Oall. tendallt !ollJl('I·l. llllrnll'\]l·IIUUlI'IIU.S01l0 • . Lo Ih' tlrth. 1I11lllinl~ tr"t.nr 01 "Come over, " lie Invited her. "I "il' al ~I'!I' lIal revl ,·til hllS vI'r HW III fo h ... (,. I."tll o f I.'url t\ . G r(>g ~ . d" want lO see you v ry much. I'm III tb o . lhe woriLi ,,1l!J"1I1 II ~ cuncrelod . ymb,,1 o" ~9 0d V ~ "'"llur H.. FitL ~ , I;lll.ruh.lll cburch. Co me In through tb ,. st ry." wb lell 0I1'I! 1II11l llL \\'I'n l' upon tll elr a t III. Prll'UIU M i n ,)f r01l1 ost<lte Or. He Folded Her In HI. Arm •• "All rlghl." WIlS tb e cbeerful re ply. br ea~te. l ·b'.! crus ! Wliat sli;\11 be li s de reu. 8UCI!CSsor 'l A ball ot fire In lhe s ky? side by side, but eacn gave IIUrn ett""" "I'll be U,era In a mlnule." Commol Picas COllrl He bnd .bee n very s ly ! He was tre· W llo kno ws! If thnt symbol of mlln 's to th o otber. No, rather, Reason New Suits ' stripped tbo mask from Faith. tore mendous ly plellsed with hlm salr! He splrlt ulI l reJ uvl''' llilon, of bls rone wed away Ibe disguising ctoak, and dl8. bad kept out of his voice all the long· ll earD O~~ td Uod. were, In realtty, II R ,th ~ obl It1. -l!o. w . LinCO ln Sldo~, playe4 bor 10 0.11 ber sImple beauty, tnI!', and a ll the exultlltlon, and ILl I tb e ba ll of fl ro, (1,,11. [ woul d hold II uj> 1n sweet and gontle and belpfuL What loye ! He wo uld not tru st evtm on e th e Sight oj' n il n1alll<lnd tbough 'It m on t·y il nd rOliltw iu W. F Eltzro t h v~ . ,1 . M. Bllyner was Ille fai th he had been called upon vi bration of his sec ret to a cold tel e· sbr ll'ell.!u my ,mil !" Th e Ih ln tJ' ble note s tolo out of tbe et III. p 'lrt nio u to teach 1 Faltb In. the tbl rty,nlne Ar· pbone wlre l He sel the door of the vestry open orga n lott, pUllsllig Its L1mlll way Ill1l0n s tlc les or Rellglon l Tblo bad been clev· Ann, L l::l hurll'l .." . ffilr i HUllrts, erly substituted by tbe orgaolzers of wide. Within the cburcb, tb e orgun ls t th e lIigb. dim a rclles. os If lIee kJ ug a P I.llv tl 011 m ut ion an eB:sy prot~88 10n. ror foltb In GOd • llad conquered tbat bamlng run In Ib e lud gUl ClIt \l1I"r", It migh t fa ten lis It ,,~(' Ullru pl10l l V·l . 13 til Y 'I mp. wblch latter WBS too slmpla of compre- mlgbt)' prelud e of Bacb, aud Lbc greal ttn 'l tllrL'3.d or h rn, ony, and g row Into boll 01 Il l, ptlr llt,j" u Il f ftllli R~1l 1 0 hension (or tb e purposes ot any or- dim apncea up ~mld the arch es were n. song at nuw glory, tb e glory which lIulslng In ecstasy wltb tile tr mendouB blld beQIl norn (llat tlay In Ihe two ganization. Proceedings Eor & long time 'Rev. Smith Boyd sat barmony , OutsIde. upon Ul e back· earnest hearts benealll In tho av enue M. A, ,J Ilin soo,gu~rdlEio VI.'. W01 In tbe corner pew, and wh en be bad ground or tile celestial 'strabl, thero or slcllde r <:o lumns. 'The solt IIgM closed tb e book, all tbtl t had been ba- r osa a lIutterlu&" a twittering, a coo- from one of tb e cleres tory wtndows Bu ttdr "' on.~ , ft III. P(J.rthtou 01 hind the ""all of bJl mind came out, Ing. IJ1be doves ot oprlng bad returncd fiondell In on the COml)asslonalc lion or r eal slo te Ol'u,' r eel I{ate tilllith \1'1. Frt1[1k emlt h d i. man above Ole alter. Tba very air and wal Borted Into beapI, and tlle to thll ' vcolry yard. Just a moment alld Gall o'Pp6llred, sa med to ylbrate with the new ill' "I'ocoe grunt,ed. bad cll80uded and tbe good retailled. He found a wonderful relIef tn tbat. poised In tbe doo~way, ,vlth 1\ t1\m y s\l lr~ tlon wh1.ch llad bee n voic ed In tbe Cburiottll J . 81t~nton Vii G rile Id Market Square churcb. GnU gazed tI, Btnb .. k .. r at 111 Illll' tfUon uf reul He bad lived with a secret chamber pink senrt about h er shou lders, a sl m· In hts beart. bIdden even from h im· pIe trock of dellcata gruy upon bel' up at Smith "Boy d. wllh tha Il rst COli' estOlte ur ere<!. . self. and DOW that he bnd opened the slender figure, er brown bo.1r wn\'ln g tont bel' bea rt had el'ar kn own; con· Milry O. HIIe vlly V8. W OO. E Har. door, be fell tree. Above blm, around about ber ovnl race. a taint fi\18b . up on tant 1D whicb lh ere WIlS both ea rnest· lHD, e ~ III ti<ll lis uPllrovad. DI. blm, within him, W88 tbe presence of ber cbeeks, ber brown eyes spllIktlng, n oss and sBronUy, 10 replnce nil her \rt hull on o rdur ed . God, Inllnite, t ender, easy ot under· her red lips smUing up at !.tIm. . groping. He met ber gaze wllh eye Mluclt tl K, utte l V8. AdllDl K llettei, staud!.n g; and from tbat Ood, his God, He hnd Imended to lell he r muob, In wblell tbol' glowed the endlfss love d lvuru i" grallLed, tbe one wlllcb suould wlllk with blm !Jut Instead. be fold ed her 10 his .arm s, wblch illB beyond t he power of speecll C~ ~io I.... E:lo. r(Ly VB , Emereo n A. Ul rougb Ure his friend and comforter and she nesLled there . content. For n to tell. Tb ere Wlls a momont of ecstn sy, and counselor, b e stripped every Bhred long, bappy moment th ey stood. lost lO ot complete uUdO rSlaDdi ng, o[ tbo pe r. Litl n ll at ,.1 . 1)1l1'!,itioCl of ren l 88M I" or preten.. e and wo rtbleso form and tile world or thought; nnd tben sbe tect unl LY which should last thro ugh. oreler ed . uBelo88 ceremony I . 100~d up at h1m. and laugbed. out thclr lIvea. In lhat hnrmony, they Real Estate Trllnsfcra "I knew It from your voice," sbe walketl fro m tbe canopy oC dim arcbes, "I believe In God the. Creator: the _Id. ' . out tb rough tb a veslry, nnel. beneath ". S . Mo un t, nnd tto r to \,VIU. Ha laughed wIth ber; tb en he grew tb e d oor 8 ..uo"a II' hi Ch perc be d tb e t .wo C'.."a l~bton lo t IU Wayne township • grave, but tbe re was tbe light ot t e gray dovas clJol ng. For .nn lillItant Gall 77 ) great bapplness In bls gravity. ' looked bnck In to ttle solemn de pths; T . ,p , Wed E _.~ =~:'::"'----1 "I bave resigned," ba told her. and a wlatrulncsa oame luto her eyas. lJ. IIttp.r"onto . 1\0 • m · Tbat was a part of. wbat sbe bad "Tbe ball of fire." she mused. "Wben ma L wls 12.1 lIorel 10 l'ur\!eoree i Do Ward. oflllenoUi Break WB known. . .b all we aee lit In the sky?" t OW I) hlp I 1, Alburtla,Pa.-"Iamateacherln..the - "And not-lor me! " sba exulted. It . TIUl· JljND. I C. ~.:Bnc1 B. W . 1a onts to .l ohn H M.tl unts nne.hll if lutorest in 241 ,(; public .choole.and I got Into avery nero Will not a: question. She saw that In VOI,18 run-down condition. I could not him ~'as no dou bt, DO qU llnda ry, no orOIt nell f Clurksville. O blo, $1. .Ie~d bad no er.pettte. I wu tired struggle between fallh and dlsballef. ()hflrl~ B. Wells, fit ui to E, 0 ~:nolltt:de~~~~I:,:;tee~e~~ • "I see my way cfearly." ha smUed AlinEAL SPRING LAXATIVE WII on 2 t r ...ots In Snrvey No 4.4-lS petite Improved and I could .Ieep all down at ber ; "and there Ilre no tborn s A g ,tlllL u.otl ti m e iri ed r toadv 18 bet weon Liltl Miami i'tlver ~Dd tbe nigbtandnowlfeelwellandltrong.'·- to cut tor me, J shall never cbange," Dr Kl n~'1l New Life Pills The oi oiO River. $15U ROSA M. KELLER, Alburtis, Pa. "And we sball walk hand In band fi rst d Q" WI ll m o ve the ~ uggish W. J. tLnd Ca t.he;lne Sobobert to We guarantee Vlnol. our delicious ce,d about t be greates t work tn tbe world," ho wel, ~t IUl \11/lt~ t·b l\ li ve r Burl ole~r !:lllrry R. and MA ry Ewry 144 liver &lid troD tonic, for 1111 weakened she aomy reminded him. &lid tbere tb @y t~tU o r wtlll ta aod olood 101- aorel! In l:IuuJilton t(lwushlp $1. run-down condltionl .a nd for chronic I b B t h t . coughs. colds and bronch.ltla. ;.'tIJ'lI tcars n er eYIlI!. "u w a ptlrHII:lIl. Y ou ow e It to y o ursel f to L. Cramer to Benry Pegg 10' ~o. wlJrk: sball that be, Ted?" Sbe look:ed oloa r tbl< R.V !em of b ody pOillo nR, 28 In 8 nnth Pllrlt Subdlvl ~ioD to J E. Janttey. Dlultll•• WavnesvUIe .. ~ -, blm tor auldance. 1l0W. RCOOtDUI \ t('C\ d l rlng tbtl wlotfl r Dr. KloR'S N e w Uf!) P\I1s \v l11 do lb. 2fio !:oBb"uou $ (. yonr Dr nm. l ~ t . W .O. GIlmour, sberiff *0 t\ ~08 D. a nd A. A. " a n Doreu lot In Bru veysburg. t1500 ' W. C. GILmour sheriff to. O. G. lind NntlJr a l Con clus ion. City Edllol',-"Yott ntel'vlowed Mrs. Anu~ l3. Ra.ndall J..J4.n5 (lcres lu Gabbs 011 llle subject. o[ course?" Re- Mauio lowo@h ip$34 , OStOil, James 1:1. Va,n dervuort to Lnlu M, porte "·Well . not e:mc Iy. I SII W the Indy, but ~ llE> 11·Q.ll1·t !\ word .1.0 Bay." llnd A , B V unde rvoort 3 Borell In Ci ty E,lItQl"-·"lfndn't ,~ word to say! Wllyne townsblp $1 . Eilu beth A . Maple to George A Why, when d.11l she dle7" -hll:¥t~---c
LIVE ·TOC . . .
In Hind. _.". Smith Boyd walked slowly out lato tilt dim cburcb, with tbe little vol· tuDe " bll bind . The afternoon Bun b4, lllA"'lo 10". ~~l tbe lIIumlnaUon IrOUa ltalIIed.. lu~ windoW8 WI. 011\ olf b,lhe .Dear buUdln,ClI. and the . .feb.. of rub; and of 81ppblre. or _..tel &lid ot topas. 1'10wed no1\' near til. ot the slender columna, or MlJowea the du.1y I Pllees up amid til••rclt... , It' .... 'hulhed and- .UIDt there, de· Hrtecl. and far from the thougbts of ..... The ,OUDl' rector walked slowly "P . . alate to a pew III tbe corner . . . £he IIIalQ eDtraDce, &lid 81t down, lUll III lIIe IIWe Book of Common ~i lll. hit band, and, In the book:, tlI. '. t.rUel. of Rellaton. From them . . . . autt h. preacb; nothing more ucl'1IOthlq I.... Tbat was th e duty fWlwlUcllli. w. . hJ.ioed. HIB own mind. ~ ' lDUlllIaellce, tbe reason and &Ia••p1rt~ aIIcl the eoul ""hlch Ood bad .." . bba were for no other use than .... CIII'I'1r I1lpport of the things vihlch w.,-. prtn~ here. And who had tor· • a1ate4 tII_ artIelel' Men; men
a... SmithMilel Bo,d hid no need to .. of. Religion. He ~
aae' Wa 'ITer them countless tim..,
u4 h' ~ew~em by beart, trom be8lDelDC to·encl. Be had opened wide till lII'IdulltJ' of hJ. mind. and bad foNI!d Jat8 -beJiet lIlto thele cbannels. 110 that he~ millat PNacb the IOIPel. Be of, Ohrflt, but or bll cburcb. with • elelil 00IlICI8IlCl. And be bad done _ WIlateyv dOubt. there had lurked .. hbII, mm that one period of 1nll· daUtt iii hJI ~uth, be had Ibut ott beIWld • .0114 wall OYer whlob be would aot I*if. TheN were meny tblngl be~ tIaat.. wall .w hlclaJ.t "ere better tor IWa '1IOt to I " II, bid tol,d blmselt, ;a.t. frollr pm~DI' ~ell;l, 10llle talae ~ IDt.Y ~p 1111 &lid polton tbe jpul\7 - 01 1da taatb. He bad tbrowu I~ tIoUalJ' OD faith. Bellet' 1m· ,tuciIl' iIlJ utaitctDc "u necesaary to tMi1l'l1'POd of the dopatio theal· ·011 lie iaiicht, aud tie pye II that beu.r; ' IIi~Iol~ aul! uuralterill«. Rea.oll ... Do ,.rt ~ Jeualoll or lD theolol7; . . . .·fDr aoOct eau.el . , SIlt ' herel bad -eome ' a condition . . . . . ~ lite a long..upprelaed ~ of the cJamored lnalat. _ujo to, lie bean!. &lid . would b.n Ita ftI~ '.n4 ItrOlle 11), and took loud, JOI~IL Joeepll O. Clark. 10 &lell wltIl . ~1ilIl . that -he could not .ee ... crri. ~ 'IO rotted. ~ the depthl 01 Ita.~ that he could twltt eytrJ ~:~ mo'nll&w lilto a Ylrt~e, 10 . . -.. iii /till foulnel,l ot eyery po•• O.~,q)a~ u~ 'P lero, and Ju. iIoI .1I1IJaUl17 tbat . ~loa. aurIIN'4 trOla)~ ~.-4I.'-tbIIi m&ll Could 'IIt Ia' UIa .~ ot liarlitit Square ehutdl, ~4 oollp-ol the de.ttnl.. .of an orpn'''~9F buDt 01 eDatbl, tor, the ~ y~ ~YIDI' aoula and .preadlq till I'OIpil of aerw andJ Ju.tlce.and Ia~ ~ , lIlt' ln the leat of uie 1IfQ:. ~ with hit 11111 be could A1: "I acbo"l~e CbrI.t as ID)' ~ . . . . .,... RIJfU.e Mpolllu •• .,hole Ilte .......'!~ JlWe. whOat record W88 ... _ .,,,hJqIl there W88 DO blot, wllo U4) UU4, PlU'elJ and bumanel, aD4 &eftIUllIil and compasllonat.ely. iwho ~ ,"~,.a ~17 of b1a lime and 01 ~ ~ to the beneAt of thOle · who , ..... IW"'~ and .' belpleas ...d llII4r•.who ba4l'W.4 deepl, IDto hu· IDU IaIUt4. ~d· had comforted them '-caul he :wp alfit4 with ~ portion of tla&t JI'flne coalpUalon wbloh lent .IUI ~ 1MIIOttell Son to dle upon the ..... tla&t throuah I1It blood ·the Ilnl •or DI&Il m'-ht be wwed aWaJ. We ..... Cll!1I14 be drt_ b'om tbe veltn' of .....at IIQ1UU'I cbv.rcll. IUIelf cullt, -a with lID, becanae he coul4 "·DOt. or wO\ll4 not, 81, with hll Upl, "'i 'aekDowltdp ChrlIt al m, R ..
A.-erl· ~
~!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!!,!!!!!~~~~~-~--~-__~~_'!".~ _ ~_ ~~..... -.... - - -...
Lew IS' B k e ry
!~• •_
----------------------~ Do You Intend to 'Build a Home this Season? If you do, Remember, we
Building Material
Nece••·a ry_to build a well.equ~pped · . Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or ·Shed.
our nI.,
Everybody us 5 l,('wis' Breau rlll'd Cakes, the bes L.dud mu~l dL'lic io us m ade. T ry t he m ami y u will never wanl to eat. any Otll( ' 1' kim.l.
Lewis' Bakery
~--.------------~----~ ' Pet er Radford ON ADV ERTISE IT IN . AMERICA.
Waynesville, O.
aoel B .. ltle 1::1 , Blokley 4 tr "o l ~ !'IIM \If L bu n o o io 'l'nrtleo r(lok ~OW 1l 9 hlp
Ill l tl ge~ t Io n. I nd IgoRtlon f"lIo\\' ~ "),0 bro",,1 onl;,becnuB of lhl' \'I 'I' ~ 1 111 It. '1'110 t om· MII))le' t o Gllorga A. I\nll peraturo of t h p lutcsLiIl's Ie lile most l:Iattill a. Binklev 6 IO r e~ In Turl.le fnvornble possl blo ror prollu<'lng lire· or esk towD~hlp $1. .. n Bwad " I' l s ill~" of lho YClIst, nnd WID . . ohoollo yer to T h e [i'rIllll, \t1l throu gh lhl~ 'hl'1llh-n I procoRs th e In· ImprIJVO UIIIlI~ '0., 8evur , 1 JUI" In testln • IlI'U f\IlI AOIlPII , alll i ollll'r foo<ls • Ifrull II ltu. $ 1. 1I 0lI1bl)' th e ol'lliA fr om rrllils II nl l Home vogotllll i , nlld La tllo I rou ul o. Marriaxe L1cenl'lell
U. W. lJ.
Wm Reeye~, rhllrOlldef of Brll ~~. ti llltl . Ky . , lind N llufl itl "'eul', ut h' runklin . R,w . Arthur Uo o jlllr. 'fbornRS A Mllunr,. fut'mf'lr 0 t [>oallttow n , (loft MM I.bll Mul:l Mu U" hi, li t Fruoklin. R!,V. Wm J 'I til ,LI ... U orm 11 1>'. 1:111\1, flltlDOr of l..t1 b !l OOll. I1l1d U~ Itlv Uhllrl oL to Mllu'n UI Kln ~tI Mill s. R f' v R . U " gt'U1o\1I 'l'hom·'tI El ~lI eU1 lln . m lloh lnl ~ L I,f Ak ro ll, '''IU :-;,.r .• h ,i nrlllull IV ,tlll·V" elf Il' r<luIlJin. Re v Ww . J . Thbl ill
U nconvinced. "NOLL' . to llIu lltmte l h rOIUlc!U I'S8 ot t ho curt h." stud C'olu mbus. "I wilt s how
yo u Il n gg," "ThaI doeslI 't convince r cplt e'c! III court nstronOm er. " ff 1'011 h/ld wnltc tl till III (\>(~ bl'co mc an omel t \ t II 011 hI pr vo lIlIlt tho el)rlh Is nnt." III ."
- ------
DANGERS OF DRAFT Dr , ft B rll I l)est whell wo arl! h ot t\Url ller &plrtltB) j u t whell "boy 11·0 m ost d"llgj,rOU" nnd ~he rll .. nlr, ~ Neur(l,l\lin. tlMf Nqok, t:lU re ,1 \l!lQI ~ .. tlr @o m tl.t.i m et! II '" l1uRuk ut H. hIlUttJ' r·i!lm 1\1 suoh oat! II 8pnly 8 rl} n' ~ LIDi ul a tl & h s tltuulu tu, olrou !lIuon '0 I he 80\'e l\lld p81ntu I PM!. r u e blood fl Wli fr eely <lUU IU " ~b "I lime t ile stlifue811 IIOU palo ,ell vo T h o~e s\.l'fferln g fr'll! ,N nralgia lIr "lUr"lglo I:l elldl.lohe wtll liot! Oll a ur ~wo t1 pp llclltiou~ o! tllnan'lj Ll uiu\\\Ilt III ~IVI\ ~ rlltllful railer. til" IU4 0n 1Ir.101( p"iu' glv8~ WI.lY to" t,ln g li ll ll deD81ltioD or oomfort "nd wurOOlh " nd quie~ r ll ~t und 81 ap Is pOS"ihl fl Go n<i f nr N urnls to" Prlo J 2~ . lit yoor Drnltl!lst.
Perkins" Garage h l1<,)w InCll t d in the Rye Shop 0 11 N o rth Main street wherll I will 1>8 plea \.,;1 t o 'see all m y old CURl(\m e rB~ W e nre fully eQuipped to do Liv ry W rk We wfli take y)u on
Any.Road Any Place Any Time
- ----_.---
GivP. u a ca ll and you will flrid our Ilr it'ell are all right.
1 will offllr I~t Publio 81lle '00 h e Cyrus 8m t t~ f"rm, b elunglng t,o .1. M. Murry. DOlH U"esllr 'tj oleek brId ge, on
Tuesday, I\\arch 7, 1916 Beglnnlog M 10 I)'oluok I bll oil IV l ng prl'p'ar'y: FI" h e"d tJor >\\ 110 12 UIlHle. 6 liogs, Form loopiellltl ute, Uoro, P pt'" )a~ . See big bills ror ta rUl8 . Barvey' Barnet O. r, B~wk:e, Auot. W. E. O'Neill!, Ultllk ---~.-
E. V.
Notary Public 11
of N ')~ary Work and D edll II /:;ptlolui t .v
...- - -
Y o n O (l c"~l oolllly seelt state'\ I.h a l ooIds do no& r ".lIlt from oold ""IIAth ~ r l'hllt Is unk fool\shu8lI1I. Were It FuneraJ Dirpctor t rua ollld~ would ba aij pre yalent In 'and Embalmer• ooid8'Q oomer 118 In midwinter. Thll Ultorobe tbd 0l1U808 ooIds fI mrll!b es Wayneevj lie, Oblo-it In llamp. oold welUher '1'0 Ket rl ·rt---'=-' ot 11 oold tllke Ub~1Pberlaln '8 Cou g b R e lnedy . n 18 efl'eo\unllln'd Is h lKh. Call answered promptly day or night Iy recommended by people who b .. va Both p hones in Office and Residence. long distance,illo. 14;·Home phone nsed I' I()r mllny ye~r. liS OCC~8ion 14-2r. . reqnlred,IIndkuowlt8 rual vulu tl Chairs and one Coach furnished free Obtllinable everywhere. with f unerals. .... AllIIt of servic«l guaranteed. ,
' rl---------...;.------------------~
. . . . . . . . .a_Dl.a_rBlIii:a:_R1_IIlIII!D--"-~
. '
nice iu Slou.ps .Building
-'we 'p.·'_nnted rlahtecus before 004, ODlJ for the merit of ' our Lord ael ~~~ .J ..ua Cbn.t by .Falth, and ~ ~ ~wu worb or
_ _ _ ' ma4e ' .. terrlllo oDslaught aplUt Wth at thl. Juncture. Famil. Iar .. be wu w'\th . the book. Rey. 'BalJth BoJ4 tumed to the ArtIcle. of
N. Sears
.- - ---
HI. Inve.tmer\t. The man with the boe had just lin· HATB.AWA:I tahed planting hla sweet pOIIB. D~. "Tbere," anld he, stralgbt.e lling up. \' 'I y U"ocl ville '8 J.Je~dlnv DeD'I" "rv.,e spoiled a $5 pair ot s hoes alld r.t~ln Ht ruined a $6 pair ot trousers. but It I lffiOf'l in 'ltflVS' BI<l1l I we hava good luck w,e'II 'get a bouquat for which the fiorlst would hal'O cbarged about 60 cents."-Stray Stories. '
Aa a. citizen ot tbls natloo and one loteneely tntel' ... . « • ested In It& matorl o.1 dOI'elopment, I wont lO add my all' We also have Paint to proval to the "Buy It In Amarlca" movement. CommaI' y:;~~:. i,?lle . 'Detore the gT1Ice or put on your building clal patrloltsDI alid business prlda ina tile fountlatlon Clrlat.. and the InlPlraUon of His stones o~ s,!ccesB In Ind ustry nnd' no country can become you intend to build. 1Jb1t. an ,Qot ple&I&Dt to Ood, ror III supre me In commerce and trnde unl ess It fostere a spIrit ••eIi ~ ,til., I'pr\q' Dot of 'faith In.. of frlemlshl p nnd parttn Illy fo r HB own products and !DsU. "....., , tb};Iat; . lIelther do they make tutions. It Is the sp irit or the blva that makes the , . . . ."~ ~ IlI!IIIYI! crac,e . or ·deserve wbce ls of Industry turn and eacb community should be . . . . of) ~qrult,: ,.ea, rather, for Making Starch. THE CRIAT ••T . a progressive unit In our Industrial unlverae. All tblnll" tIlat tbt, .... Qot clon. u Ood hBth It Is a good plan, ' 'when JlIn.klng being equal t ba tarmer should patronize ths local marWIlled aaiI commanded tbem to be starch. to shnvCl otr some fine plece B obant, wbo Is always a good citizen, a beayy t8xpa,1lr . . . . . . doUbt Dot 'b.t the, bave the IN THE WOIILD ' and friend ot the tormer. Tho farmar Bendll shlploadl ot sosp and aeld them to tho starch. aatvI Of ....... . .of raw materlo.1 to foreign mnrkets and factories that This gives a beautiful gl08sy fini sh to 1'fJJl~ WEEKLY. $4.00 I'ER Y!.Aa Tb... wp eo_ dlscrepanc;,- be.... m eet on 't helr way vessels laden wlth"finlsb ed and foreign 'c ollara Ilnd ClltrS, aOlI will proveut tbe grown protlu(:le corning to America. Any effort to minimize tblB economic Irons aticklnl, ' . ttO\'!! L$, DRUC~lst~, ~PICIA~I.T8, 1IItw. . III. wort. .n~· tbe ' 'faltb or WRstO oug:h l to bo encouraged. - -.::.--•• - • I CO BT U Mit R8. Til A NS ... _, Olh. Clan &114' &lae wor. . an" the faith ' of lUll) · sus aEltllloR · CAli PIIOF" ManDIDI ~"" /Smlth DOTd made no But as a fll.l'mor nnd fri end of the manufacturar an d mercllant r want to Il~ U81Na 'TS ADVERTISINC oo\.ulIiIMa su ggest an "Advenls e It In America" movement> Tbe- mllnufacturer and MtIbt th.t the Qr..t luqe would And' SAMPLE. COpy FREr ' . . j oh~er ,?ll(W blow loud blasts on tbo born or patriotism but u: th ey will put IIW. 41f1cult, In dletlnlrDlablnl be. When you S8e ft ohoe rf ul .Bnd Qllp.· _ _ tlEW YOllle CLiPPIIt an ad Il,l. tbe nowspaperll tn thol r trad e territory. mnklng a bUSiness pl'e8an. tw_ two men, !Uld in 4ecld!D1' tll-tion of tholr goods, they will find It fs r more et'l'ective tliu.n waving tha py old lady you ·moy know 'bat IIbe · ~ Uteii' lllpeetiye -merits; but that Sto.r-Spnnglcc! Banner. The tarmer Is as much Interested In tile price of 'tbe bla Rood digestloo ·If yor'r di g,, !:! ' ".. aot ~' "lDt whJcb dI.turbed the thlDgs he hall to buy aB' in thll price or tho things 1\e has for sale' and .tbe MOD Ie tml)l\lr ~d or If you do not ro). JOIUIa nCtor, Jt " . . ·the . aUltude ot adverUslng coluJIUls ot 1111 nawspaper are bla (lrlce Uot. Tbe prloe is .tbe tblag lab your me~18 tuile a dose of Ullllln. ... _uaIl to1fiards.th..e pien, an~ the and tlto farmer wants the Oguree In· cold type. Tlle polltlclanl IIlye bliD, all berla.I L '8 WRblats. TI e, IItroD!!1 hell in and ~ill an ·estimate on building fI!Mt ~ II. mu.t upbold tb.t attitude. tbe patrlolic '~u ncombe he cues tor. Bu~lnell enterprise II a far more auo- the .tomocb, ttllprove \lIe dlgest lpn . cessrul Ba\eonlo.n ttlan bUlllness patriotism. 1t ... alMntr4l .Rey; SmIth Boyd ~u /Iud OlIU8e 1\ g fl nt,le ll;Iovem aut ot !btl ' . & ....... , . . . ee.na..t &lid conllatent Tboro nre many most worthy OrganllDUo~B working to' promote commerce bowelll, Ubtllln ll ble every wb roo and tmde but we Boldom tlnd organIzed etrol't to promote the preS8 'yet It Is ......... D9t .erelJ III tbe exlltenclI Give us a call, get our prices, and we are positive w.e , recognh~~d a8 the moat 1l0werful ngenoy tor progress the world hal' ever pro~ GoI, lilt' ... Illa ~taeas &lid hIs ducod. We h llV () all aorts of days calculste(! to promota businass and honor will get your order ·for lumber, etc. ' .~ . . .. ~ ·lIolT. bit JuUce and Applaul8 at • Concert. Indllstry s\lob liS Trades Nys, BargaIn Days, L,nbor Days, eto.; "'" ~ot ... ...., U4 b18 Wladoa; bui RM. "You seem to en joy tbe bea.vy Wag. h av6 a press day and all. business concerns Ddvert1se the fblng. tbey !lave . . . . ..,~ ~d..lJ .lIfe. JIIe .ta... to soli ant1 ev arybody subscribe foJ' the local paper and all dellnQuen,t1 PIllY a nerlan .uumbers on tbe procram?" " [ yG,a r In Ildvllt(Cb? There Is nothtng 10 elevating In civilization '811 tha Imlle don't." "'Jlhan wby do yOU ep.plaud 80 . . . ..,.., tIIa& ...... IIOC preaCll· ot a n ,et!llor nd nothing wUl contribute more toward tbe welfare of a com. strongl y ?" '''1 want to bear tbe pretty JII .... ~ the munlly thLlD ' t'Ue prosperity of tha preSl, little pieces tbey alwaYII play for en. "'1I'IId1 cores," Thil rornl.r I~ a ·frlen d anti patron or. the 'ILelIrllpaperl. He eubscrlbas -=:~ ~ .~ the locnl PSlI\lC Dnd reads eve!')' IlIle)D It and It ' ll the belt Invcltment lie ,t ......... '" hIlD-. . . ., can Wilke. Is no Dews 110 'faIuallle as ltoro news; IlO IntormatioD demand.; 110 tr&Iedy 10 enlertalDlD, at the rile IDd ... at HI .,..... Pe,1It. with a a-b0eU4 _ . . .;1MIt DO P&I',f more oIoH17 lltudlld b, till thu til. . ." . TIl. II'ateIt 1aaoWb .·. . . . of ... or tile »rea. .. . _ .... .,. .. eIIIat II1IIl ~ ..... ~,I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~~~~
- - -...
'. ....,. . . , . . W. H.IADDEN ~ CO. "OHIO iE:.F.U=T":t~"'Rr5' ..
(;AZ}t~ 'l'T E
PUbU. h....1 W""kl~
at IVlyn • .vIIl". I/hlo wilh LOCA L APfLlI: Al'lONS , at they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--,,.--_ _ CllllIHlt " '"eh til" 'Cui uf the dl",u5e . 1I L (. . "'d'w is II loe.u "'i:~ru;c, , rea li, illRu " • , liA NE , "" I r amI M'Imager eCalanh llted h (OIlSl itlllioll,,1 ClJlldilil)lls, 'lnd
. in flrd l\r tu (°tll
MA RI; H I , I ll;l "'--"'-'-
it yu u ,nU!it take an in, lernal rt!lI\edy . IrI nU', C'a turrh Cure "al p.e!\('ril",d by Oll~ vf • he besl physicians \11 lllls tounl r)' for y ·l1rs . It is omposed or sollie t,f til" h"sl luni!!s kJlown cOJUhim·d willi so1l1e Uest blood 'purin-
"r ,h"
efl. The perlecl cllllluhJatinn of the ioMODERN HOUSEKEEPING gr('dlCIl IS ill 'Cu ' tlfrh pruduces such wOllderfu l resullSisinwhnt H aWs
'1'he Yonng PI!op1el .oole\y of 'he U . E. oharob w.l1lillv e a. "Pover ty 8 001&1" at tbe bome of EaleDe Jeff?ry, 1I'rll111Y evelling , Maroh ' Srd. 'Ibero will be a fi ae for anythin g above poverty 10 'h.. appuel of presan •. WLlllam Cbrtstla a, of 800'h Obarles ton, .pell' t! ulJday ""Uh Mlu My.rtle ~ll e r . . Wlllhtm Jeffe ry apen' t:!unday wtUl Orval J ollnson. TbA ltttle wall of Mr. lind Mra IJlem Willll1llll1 ore blivluK the IOar. let fevor. George M o Gr!l~h and family .ock dtuner Snncluy wUb Mr. aod Mrs. George Smi,b , or ne."r UregoD la. The Lndl es Aid will meet with M re. L ouie ~ottl emy re Thursd ay, Maroh 2011 . ()11 ver IIlId Lelia Elb1n at.tende d SOllday ~ch oo l M Sliver 6ron l:luudlLY atteruoon . W. B . ElboD 18 onioadi D8 a oar of tile lit Oregon ta. Tbll Ie a ilood ti me to fi Dd w hloh dlreotio n 'be wllter runs 00 nat Kroand .
As Writt en by Our Corps of Able Corr«~8pond ents In the Neigh borho od - - - - - - - - - - - -... - ____
_ _I~ •
. -. . . . .
\\Fh.at do YPll · ~
lHE .NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS _.--.-.'"""!!"-..-____...._--
ClIre 0 tb 'f eI1 QlI'roofba·u::~ pw in its l:l rrhal condidon.. Bend lur te .tlmonial .e~ef thl:III' :':~be:y ::rdt ~ . frec . . .. sell any old' thing t ,he ir 0011'0. She fl l l~ h tl" tl IlleSij (oo lle r F .. / . CHENF.-V & CO., Props., Tuledo, O. S ECON Dmera, bn' the ilmo b als oOlue 'ha ~ , Wuh - t) Y·· U k. IIII ~ llf ~rull; All Drllggtsls. ' lie. -f-UT....,~=--=-. 'baa succe Ie a mlsall ssfuJ ke aDd be should be Bull's lfu mil" Pill~ lor cunstipat'ion. 'flunl on Ihell .tl . .. ,,,IIIUf.O( It or duds rog faotorv In thll wile enoogb to kaow I' DOW let II . locality , a. oorpora tlon doing busl. r w lu'., ~I · e ~or u b' I I tub. • senso n• brd ~o 'ba wise b!l suffiole nt . naSi under ~he lawl of ou r etlL'e i ~h I Rio.. , til" t1 118116~ tI ~w tJel.lI~ r . bUl lne 8 Ie good with 'btlW und they Levloy & Howe. OIU dry Kood s On 11'61\:- key"d .II)WII til I .. w i tbuy pya btKb prioe for r&il8 mel'oba n ta, t·raali ucted hUllne88 In P Iw<l~r.. ber "!>"" .. nd g.y Iy tpa~ Do you ' know that -the ':lam tbe iood newl oomes th'" " abe IJl nolnnuM , Wedn eaduy and 'j'hure. 1'086H ., pi nt are ~ b , traotlOD IInlt will poelUve ly be a da~ of lust week . Grant Six is the pioneer JowlIare 'bing . Work '9YiIl be oommenO'Ihe Clvlo Lt\Rgue w ill m~et prked SIX- theji,.s/ SIX to sell Ing In very near fat ure Ilnd our h onorabl e ooan 11 os ItA nwltb Mr. Neablt Morr.y , of London , jtist tba~abe ext below one thousand dollars? Cllno' to Dream •• minute our realest"t~ will rllgulllr meetin g, w)llch I, Moudl\Y , I could glvu up tobacco and alcohol WIllI In tbl8 n"l"bul' rhood on b.81. 100retilie In vlllue, and bllPlllno .1 Maroh Do.you Qtb . know 'fbey wily be of tbe that Grant Six has established it&elf and cleRb collarH und ser vants and ev· n 3 18 Thor.d ay. will preVIIII throUK hoa' f.h18 violulty . optnlon ,bllt u ulrd as .one of the most remarka ble c:tr. of the year? onn IIlog Yr. liod MI!. Ala Wbltak er and l'hey Will have no 'rouhlo erythlng yo u could thlllk of- but not lo goUlog and wlJl no t. &1011' eh,oulCl bu made to dreams. Without them tbe oartb 18 1I'~le 100. R alph, vl81te4 the )lItter'8 the fraoohl ee from our That in Ipite of our best efforts lind constant ly increasiag o.>nooll aud sing . ~ Just a 8ort · f>r backyard or a plnce; par~n" Mr, and Mra. Eallene II:v .. nl production. 3t no time has it been possible to keep pace ahe oommll lllonllre will "ive them a Hev. Alfred V\ ~lt lker wiil of Ull tue lAelan, Tbared ay. and wllh them. IlD Infinite gardon .with the demand? rIght-of . way, we will bave our palpl~ hure S uU/lay, Ill ... ~ ut ll, at tha W. J . I.ocke, In Septimus.. Mtn Lizzie Kibler WII the Kae.' 8lroetl p'Ioved, eleo'rlo 1I11ht8 Th:lt tbe n c\~ Granl Si.-wh lch we Ill'(! n ow~how lng-has the l:u-gesl, Ilud M . E ollllroit I f yo u u a ve oever -. at Ur IIDd lin. AIl.n Kibler, Wed. "jltntlY bu," *here will bo eever al handsomest body ohny c:u belOIT a thousund dollar:? het4rd Rev. Wlliker OUIIl!) !J n ... day. IlI!W bulldlag e go up at onoe, heer him ; It YOlt h iH'" beardut Bud Do you kn ow tbnt lite Grant Six hal a valve-in-thc-h.3d motor of ex• . h i m, Plenty of Proore. l. IIrI. Bans,. lIurn.' and d.ugb. oentrall zatloa will be adopted ,." new ooml! lIod heAr hltU 6gBIIIl. clu!ive delign-n ot a atock motor-t hat is onc of the quietest, amoothcl~ It wo at Whon we get telophon es UI8t can be hr MtlS Kdbry most powerful motoA built. n llpen' Sdur.) a, 80bool balldlnK will be ereoled . witl1 hllr' ,au It w ill ti u Y Il g ood. leon through every woman will bave wltb Ur I< Asa Whl&ak er. ua Ilu'omo bll ... ilnage on both sidell Mn. Mt.rl-!lIrat [{tll lledv. ufte r lln WHEN TO TAKE CHAMBERLAIN' to lpok Into tho mirror uefore ebe 1100· Throttl~a down!! l lfa ~ per hour. Speed. !!I! ~ ~ S TABLETS Several from bert aUende d tbe the follien gtb of th e bulldiug , " " II lUI( "h~ nt tor Iltl\'.lT u l rn n ot Iwers a call.- Todelo Blade. h" \V1' l! ' operett a, Panllne , at 'he ltIchool Ball ligM.d, &hl ohlldre n will not bo relative s ill the \V<l~ t ~ r riv This mOlor hA S ellllblishcd wonderfu l economy record.. Owncm everyfl(l 11 mo ' When . yon feel dull .nd stupid tap' on tbe road 10111 . they oan g et Sduflh y , F c hf\l !Uy 3" .. here :lv.rag' O\'cr 20 miles 10 the gallon of gasoli ne-man}' llet over 28. Tueada y evenlDg . b ,.,he wn~ fro r el1 tl ng. ,bfllr dlploma 8 fully II yellr ..ooner , wclconle. d I !l Ok: Do you lenow that Gro.nt true cAn.i\e ve, apringsu lpension makes Grnllt Potato-E ltln" N.tlon.. bill or lrl 8ndH . IINnl. Late Doalle aod Gordon whlob will po' \~hon oOD8tll 'ated or blltou •• 'bem Into Bervloa Six one of Ihe ca,i". ! rid ing ors In lite worldI . The Belltan ! are tbo lI'ealellt pota· Ballini er .pent II'rl".,. enning . Wbon yon have a III ok headao he. early in lift' It Ie blllleved by many d Mr. tl ll d MIS with That the Gmr.t Six hl\8 a ehi~v. d lru>.der.hil' .01el)' by gldng excelll M rvi n O1 ~n l o n an il \ W hen you have "eonr s,omllo to eatert In the world and tbe IrlU Mr. W. O . Warner .. h, of the tax.ilay era tba' cea'nl lzIi VALUE a o g bt -lnthe r., "I mOlo 8pd r-in ,' U VI1116Y lcchtlSlll , s-lOthc weru body-ln tbeoquiplll8l1l. W h n y on be loh after .atlo•. come second. IIr. aod Mra, Tbm Coar'n e, w.re tlon II 'be proper theory t$ III helulit ~~rlI\Y g U\>BtS III Mr. All the fl exib!li ry6 ..11 Ihe smoothness, all .he viRUeo I\nd Mrs . Wh n you ho.vo Indlg..'lon. . 101t&lle d In • grea' m~DY at of 'ne the SI X I !lum III i .. Uo eat ba are r80D oalllnR co"opku . oul in the . ;... When uerv oul ordelpo Ddon' . OOOD. ln WaYDe nlll. Soo~ay aner. "lwnsh lplln thll.'a 'e 'fhe build . Grant Sill. The 1.:1 rl8t!lIn Etldcllv or Society When you' llave no reJlah for your Min Cor. lIoKev er too\[ ~anday Ing will be ... nitary ibroullh ou5 meet eVflr y Huu(\/lY n igl\t .\t. 7 o'oloc: k mellis When you \mow these facts you will be eager 10 ol'l'n a C ro "t Six. dloner whh ber II8~r. Mr •• Laura mod.rD In overy dett;.ll, and laOltinK tI& tha JfclelJlt.1 cburlll.l Y n urI' . Wben vour Ilvel' III torpid. In no,hlnil . Tho year 1916 will be II. oord~ .. Il .• In vlte;l t,o "'tt.~ B •• .- b. Bener order e ~ rly . 11 UDd fl.B UlJtl\lna ble everyw here. bn.y year ID 'hie vlotoltY -'11J of ~he 81st In ~be '!lee tl ':l g. Eve ry une In MeBdllmea Ban.e1 Burne. . and be paehed attsndh n (\ 11M . " pflrt 1,0 p~rf orm . FOREST DECKER Aaa Whtblr er VIIU.d In 'he Way. Impr.ov emenH will thratJllh before 'be bad welithe r lu lI~d wb<l o lblU I oenills PDbllo &bool. Tutllda ,., Get.lernl Age nt lllehed hap the fall .e&41 In . It is thollgb t to be plnoss "') 11 ue s~uIIccow[ Warun Counly blim e tl.troagb o u t IIr. and lin, Emme. Selas enaer. "lure 10 for a Dew Town B a 1J to tbe muetloll:. ,.IDII4 the fo11o,,11I1 WednN da1 Lebano n, . Ohio ----.~- + - - - eveDlo l: Mr aDd Un. N'ellon MO- 0011' '10,000 . . 11 III muob needed Bort wl)l bfI a mCJaam ent to our IIt,tle J:eever , Mr lieor,e McKeev er aod olty. No ooe Ie RolDg to rllt~1I au .r,aod Mr • . V~I Ven'llble. COLDS QUICKLY REliEVED objeotlo o '0 thetle Improv ements, Mr. IlIId "'rtl. Amol JaokBon spsnt Mr aDd &trH . Elmer Arm.'" )011' aDd when 'oey srI! IDl\de MUI, V I' ~nl"e o" IlI( U Il nd o<! ugb - 81ltarda y ond Sanday III Xenili. we will are vlllUlng Mr. W. O. Warner and wonder bow we lIot fr om tu ~ bN!lll lllU nf F'fllI ri gh t aloog . wltllon t Mu Dave LOCAl! vilited iD Xenia fa mlly. t.hron !!h t u f'p dlJ~ . 11th I t !C 'onld . , Satnrda y aDd Sandav . the'n . Mr. Joe ~r1oe m oved on MODday . DR. J. W. MILL ER. Oar roadl are tn a fearfnl bad Ta ke Or f~ lDg'Oj • 'sw 1.J1 ~o o v ery V r l ohn Mltrlatt and SOD Tom, of oooditio n, aad berore we ol1 n Ket ,md .vou "' i11 get IIhlloe~ imm odllllB Mor row, spen ' l:IuDday with JOI tbem made goort we mast get a: leg rellet , It clot'ukM y.)or oOld , etop8 Marhtt t. ., T... Tuneful Watermelon. ••• DENT IST••• 1.latllre 'ha' will go afler It righ t, t·b tl raok in ", rll plnl(. t l.!sue.le Briull WANT ED· Mr. E n l Marlatt of Indltln. , lpen~ Our Idea of a natural and unaBlum· oou.:h , hO>lI Rtlle If, fi ll ma ' IOD,80tl tbell SuodllY with Jo u Marl." ing person la ono who eate hla .... ater· ohange tho tliil1lge nse to tbe oonnty . omae!11I W UIe, 0 N."ollal BUlk 81q. melon harmoolca ra.shJou.-Sprlnc tleld where It belongl and theD tbe t o wo the ~A\v nbl'S. lllJI{lS o lrl.ktl . An hMr . Frank 1..11CAS '-,£..:;:..._ _ _ _J,{.-O!'-'I_ _• Union. "hlp Oll~ get wbd belong8 t o it A ~ ~eptl o 11111 U"".'lnA' 6 f'1 t It 500 bar.- J obn LUOIlIl SUIHlay , Will oll)lln, on AN put 80 wUb hOrlle lind bog. 8Y to eeH Srook €oodltl on . .It III the 1D0aey doea tbe road ve ry t lu of Dr. J{ln~ l. ,\W 0 :18 0 ~ry t,,_ . Mr. J ohu t:ihaw I. gotag to move Powder III Warren CODnty. t:!a1ary fttt)e ROod, 'be money belog 000. da.y. "U I ~ o4\ r t .. tu ly I\. ~:ro .•t medl "'0 per mon~h, Addrellll 9 IndulI.u.m ed by Individ uals. l'ut the ulne and I k ep Ij buUle ot I' oon near Bobtow lI . rcade In .oed o'oDdi~lon tuon blre I Liuua lJy all b .. od " writes W. C. Mr . 'arl Dakin epellt bUDda,. .rlal Bldg., IadlaDa poUl, IDd. wl le~8e llllln, Frbuoon ill , N 1:1. Money wltlt Edward Hilley. mall to pat In full 'Ime keeping np ~ Fune ral Director. ba ok if n ot Iltl~tl ll(.\ atrlpof flveml lN In thatw~ Mr. Tom Dnl bal a lIne lIuppln . y we . . - - - - oan 'r~vel tbo Yl'ar around : it wlll FOR SALE bay. Try him ooce . Telepho ne day or nleht, • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -... oos' 80meth log to do It ...- - .bllt when Vallll,. pbone No. '1. Lonr onoe done It caD be hpt Ull Th e Distanc e No. 119-2r, lIutomo blle baa oome to 8t~y lod II Wm. H. Taft ,ear old lorrel fl1ly, sired by Fakel a IIood !Ob.tan\I~1 ro.d b"d ON ' PROH I BITION, Olay BurM dam by WllkAI, lIS 3, Automo bile 8ervloe wUh dltohes au both elde. InllteBd at all Tlmea wel,h& 1100 . inquire ot O. B. Ben' Ex.Pres ldent Wm. H. Tart. In glvln., bla new. OIl of the wlddle' of thtl road. Under leY"Wa ,nelvll1 e,Oalo. prohlbillon, said In pint: m1 5 MISS Fmnnos WI1 on h AS r . urne.1 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO ahe preeent 8ysiem there 18 I\. lo~ d grav,,1 drupped bere aud tbere h ome .. fte r !\ waelt '8 Visl t wi ih u or "Ourll Is a governm ent by law; not by rule or thumb, 01 Branch OOice. Harve flbuq, bat ~uob ro"da never were Inlended. oou sln, Mi~s Bernicd haines .. , 0. Jllrsey ' Cow-with Calf by ber MI8Y Nellie FlUB wa. a. ClnOIIlbut by rulee of conduct wblch have equal appllcat loa to Thill oa tl visitor ~atard"y: . Ilde, a lood one. luqulre at 18 a prollOelUou tbat Ihould re Wilmiu i t oD . . alL Any exceptio n to the equal operatlo ne of tbe law oel",o oonalde ration 'In , vot ing for ~~. T. Bu rner b aH m ()vod to bl :Mr. Fred GrllY, of . Barvey sburR, F. E. iherwo od, W.ynell Vllle, Ohio. upon IndtvlduQls II necessar ily most ' InJurloul tbe our ropre,e ntative s a8 they Olin Ilew hOlllu wbioh h 9 \ltl reurlsed of RPOD' ' nnday at I.he bome of . Mr. mI5 future operation of tbat law tor the publtc good, becaUie .tralgb Frllok ·hol ey. Pie roe (:Iroby. ten ono exemption from fts operatio n Ie certnla to lead to Ing forwardthing_ out lind J am look year-ol t B.,. Work Bone, 111188 I lin. 'o lUl' t', n nn.l Lo ll\b to tbe time whee thf Mr. Clint Ca.r ter. of DaytoD , 8peot othere. The public detrime nt arising Irom vlolatlo nl of oltizenll ot every oomm aOlty will br g ~o speflt Illld.uy Iltl ll"UOJ (l WI t h Sun day wltb Mr. and )Irs, J , W. mare goot.l driver, aall 2-fear.o ld . oolt;, a flne one . Inqulrl! of law, followed by Immunity froin prosecution or .PUD1.lAo-lI.t•.oi:r~ everyth Hadley. lnl 'hd h' deolded ly far Estber Sbn.m btlugh . U. B. Sherwo od, W.ynl. "ille, Oblo. ment, cau hardly be oventat ed. n 18, of couno, tbe duty La,. betterm ent of the publlo a' large Evaret HDIDA~ AIIRR Mar\"n WII" oa caillog Allen w.. a. Sprln •• on aatde that Darrow oou'.r aoted Aut'o Livery S~rylce at mIG of the legIslato r In the enactme nt of law8 to can elder tho oe.lI. expaod yo or maoboo d, Ollm'l Irlende 10 Wllmln gt un S n ndltY "vtm· bor o vlai to r Monday . Reas onab le Rate . Ing e&8e or atmculty with wbleb, by real on of popular . feel· out from EED-M edium Red Olo",er Seed, Mrs MoseR Fred, of Da:y&on, I. voar hiding plaoe and lei Iq or popular 'preJud\oe', la",1 .fter being enacted CaD be enforced . ,004 Bober~ quality visitIng 8 t/ln , l " frtpnrl!l rllOlolln ~ bod ed. here. fo.oltV In. . took the world know hoY!' yoa feelab on t "NothJn r II more fooltsb, nothlnlf more utterly at virtance with Mr. ~nd Mrll. Ra,. OrOai .nd qulrs of U. J: Mloben er. Phone Allo A&,e..t for KeJly~prinrfield .0UDd the propolH lon that I. beiDa pa~ dioner with WlJI Com,)'o u 'lll3unpubllo polloy than to enact a law whlcb, by rellon of the co'ndltlo mlli ue Iur- before -you whatov er I' may be. day. dau ghter Ill>ent !:IuDday with Mr. 116-2, Wa1ne lnUe, Obio. Automo bile Tire. roundln , the community tn which It ie decl.red to be law lit Incapable at "h.n. we do tble lUe will be ,wleter SevarGI f ronl btlre It,5 Dll ~" thll Frllnk Bili on nnd tamily, enforcement. Such aD Inelance 11 . lOmoUmllll preleDted by eumptuar Y, law.. &0 all: 01081111! servion 01 the re v! va l m B t. good officede ek. Inqnire at W. . b, which , the ...Ie of Intoxtcatlng liquors tl problblted under . MlslI Lnuellil Gilpin Wal the Bun. togs a ' Uht!s l t ob.urob _ ouday VOll • do " ~ 1I 1'~t of Mi8Y Jenole localltle l wbere the publlo lenUme nt of the Immedi ate commun penaitT In B, Allen'. mS Robio.o ity doel n, oot Mr. and M". JOII. Davl. enter io g. and will oot ,ultam the enrqroemeDt or the law. In " uob calel tho lel1al. ~J a tlon r •. Ell uioed " 8e rriM fOl: dlOoer Ilnd d!l.ghte r, of buoday ius. Marla uanally the reault Of.al1tatlo n by people In the country Poll\lId ChlDa SOW8 will farrow Valley P honeIiO -I X' !rvan .. nf! R u th nn • . P, \ l er ~o " . b kert.ow n. spent a. f" lv dayt! who an determi ned garet Levloy and eoo, Clyde . Misee. IllS' to make theIr fel10w cllliens In thl city better. The eoactme . about 'be 16t.h of March. good nt 01 the l.w Emma aud 8naan Whetse l, Mayor were t;11 81'1 " I' bh,O\( "rituti v r< r c:.h t d, week With rOllltive a h e re comel throulfh the country repreeen taUvel, wbo forin a majority 0081, aleo 40 full blooded Wbite Leg. Mr tlnd ~h~. M. ~ . •1 ,) · ", ~ .~ und I:J' 1",lllatu rol' hut tho eDforcement of the law I. among the people at the Jo~. Whetso l, Mr, and Mr.. ThO.,. Mr. C. C. Whitac re and Mn. EIl I\ I:) ~ Ul pl.nu uud Luo:\' moved to L "oBDon ·l'ueada y. family horD ebloken s. Inquire of .l!arry geuerall y oPpoled to Ita ~nactment. and under .uoh clfl,lumatancel who are Whetse l, lind IIr. Iud Mr.. aarllllJ Cook, Wllynen~lle, Ohio. tbe law IJ ' . d' , I •• dead .letter. Tble relult II the areat arlumeo t In ra",or'of lo-ealled mB hilA (jqmp ton o.tt-tln d ,hi l q., I ll lter I o f ALL KINDS OF local arve,. an wo 0 urea. Mis!! ElI zauo\h Sobaefeupan'~at option, wblch III really an 1n8lr\lmenUlIty for determi ning whether Aunt ESlblJr H~uddu w tIt 'u r ~ 1 oroek a law The ~unday Bohool' at t.be M E nT(.' ay wltb her parentll In Middle. IANO- Stein wily eqnare, flne tone can be enforced before It la made operativ e. In cuee where tbo ea,e of liquor oburob II biling well "Uend" d : 1;1 ell.t ohur ob l\ltlll(hy \own cannot bo prohibit ed In fact, It.'111 fI\l' better to regulate and dlmlnllh Inquire at 'bit offioe. mS Joseph the Illterea ' II takeD bat there shOUld bEl LOI'D'1ill gl! u re en j oying a evtltha n' to attempt to .tamp It out. By tho eDactment nt • dralUc Mr . nn d Irs Edwin B'o~. of 111lo.w aod s larger aU.Dda nca and wlll be it "la it from hl~ sl~tt!r, JIlDltle LeuT,n- tl.misbu the failure to enforce It there ta Injeoted IDtO the publlo mind the EGG Inouba tor. for lale. r g, spent Banday eYlniDg tdea that we wlllla,. a.ldto 'bat detorm lnatlun lng, or UtI.;l'too , tbls woe k. ~w. are ~ be observe d or'Vtol" ted accordtn g to the will Inqalre ot Mrs. E.~. Bally, wl~h the l ut~er'fI parentI , Mr. &nd of tho.e .trected . of not gol.~ . It you will do 'hal Mh,!! E llu M!lurl D l\vl~ I vl&ltio(i Mrs. J. !D. ltobln80 a. I lleecl not lilY how .ltoleth er pornlclo lll .uob a . loole theory W.ynell VlIle, Oblo. mi I.. General y ' u will enjoy .It. her lIrolbdr . Loyd Davis, ill D"ytoo , Orant ...14 th.t the wa,. to ..care th,e repeal of a bacI law wu to 1>1 (S8 LuoV Banta wa. a Day'en eDforce- It.The Coanl" tbl~ y week. Dooror a' 'be Opera OBE-M ade of Rood mule hide, ' Sut wheu the parf. of the communlt,. whlch .enact8 tbe law II vlellQr 1:!t4\lIrday. 1I0t 'th. part BoUII 8.'urda y nllri!-t W.II all repre. The Y. P . B m eetl ll g ~'I'i11 be held new, De",er wall used. Inqalre iJreoted by III enforcement. tbtl II lIot. a practica ble method. Mr Ilnd Mrs. Cbas . Eu'on and of O. B . Bea&ley, W.yne nllle, _ented -flra' 01..1 and ,h" riladlnlr ot Olive 'Wllaon'M Erltl"y n igh' of . O. "The CODlian\ nolatlou or oe,loC;t of aD1 law leadl to a demoral lA4 eoo. of Waynesville, nellr :i'rIDkll n. ep.e nt Sunday new IIt'le 11118 Marillr et MoC..rreD tblll week. . . ml of all law., and the cbolce of the laWl! to be e"foroed then become with Mr, and Mrl, Ar'bnr EuIoD. ••• UDoel' wae mOlla 8J:oelle n' .lInd wa. eDjOyeO Tbe young FrieDd Uln .. the cUe.. of a political 'execlltlve In relpect to public opinIon tl lJllel,. by all. We O8I1DO' go Inca det,,\l8 munH.v nn\'O o rgloulzl'10 thtA (1OttJ· rd: Fenolng tqr lale, O..r POitoflloe, :~1f."~-~. 1 to maile It. Buoh a polloy conataDUy 811larrea In the ca!DDIUDltt l\ u (\! uakar th• . 01.... · of all to 'heir abllUy, bo' 00 'heir rA ~ tudy Cltl~~. 1500 ba . •ee4 00&8. Go, Phollll 77 HoUll! Phone 115 . mIlD with whom tli.e ncredn ell of law 40lIl not mit." priJ8t! and I"roples . Addrell l The tarn from \he Eaa' they will bll I • . HOW TO PREVENT CROUP be'Mr itnowB '0 ue 'broagh pr....e Morrow Feed & 8apply Co ,Morro w, =============:: l::~:: reporu. The orohelt ra did floe al)o When ahe ohlJd II .abjllO ' to .... Ohio. mi we e~"nd to ah"m the oompli ment! tHoill! of orollV, see to I' 'h'" he .... WATCH CHILD FOR ~S of \he I181.IOD . AY Oloyer and Timoth y HIlY WorWH aut) uh i l d '~ Rlr u II' 1.1, rob llligb ' evening meal, III aD o",erfor ..Ie. O. L : Rloke, W"ynel l . !'.armer l are bu.,. atrangl aa fOf obild of f ood "lid mu k!) ohlld. fre Hu'I, loaded stomao h m"y brl1l8 on aa Vete rinar y 'heir .umme re work • . Irrlutfl(1, De VQIlS. WMO b. etoollm d laok. 81eo W8 to'll for 'he firs' I!ymp· vt~le. R . 3. mI 'Jaoot> 6room •• wbo Will 10 'ue tH ·ftru J!lg n ,'r IIUllplclo ll or wo rms . 0m-b Jareenfl8I1, .nd aive Obam· Oraduate 01 Obkl Stale Unlven 1ly OT of Balecl BaY'. For laforma Iracery baelnf 18 In oar village, for !.lIve Doe h ~ 1f I l1 Due 1 1) :6"lJ l~e Klokn . b.nlAlo' l\ Oo ngh ·Remecl y a. loon al tlon CAll OD or pbono I1'rllok .ome tim., bu qui' and vaoated lbl> 1l0u Wonl Kl11llr , ~ cllod.y wor Dl re- th(l ohill,\ beoome s hoone. ObtainZejl, Wayn. nllle, .ohio. m over G\Vf1fj 1u)IU . dltl.~e r~!:Itllb, t ~ Ible ever ywhere . wl room. . Office at reaiden ce In F, B. Shet; IlIxa'\l VI'. I ~ro,1 ' :I.e lind rAOOOVf\1I Ben I:",aol, ·oar boo' .od .boe wood'l ~oUle, Fourth Street. ·· auo.orl ahe worml1. ber. &0 the MoUall'1I irn l'rl'v 1\ Iii t3 'inn a nd oobbler , bae a new IIlnd of • 80le. . Magllsl 86ner ne, Send 850 to tbe I . li p It ll of.c bile\ Contino I' I me.n for lli08l. It II eald to wellr Teleph one 28. 6ue"l oftioe, .and ' I!l' one of 'be alw.YI. Be ol.imed '0 be au'borl &1l giving K lckll pnt) \'V.OrtO Kil ler until b.' lD88.d n. on ear*h. I on Is for hi A:Y. h. hu tried It .. 11 81;':(I~ f wor ms I\re ' ~I.one 250 if Wayn esvill e. Oblo .t y uar Drn l! r::le~ &wlce. Tl;Ie mno~r:y baa been .fllppln a n p Mr . Ind lire. Emerio nConoe ralid aDd down 'bll wln'er 'go muob tor r Lug. Drill In SmQIJ Prea8. ~ou leU \:J"tarda y for a ",llit 'WI&h the IQOCl of the ' helith ~f m a oy at Dri lli ng a. !Tole .Ii\rgcr tt Bll ttl mLd- r elat! ye a 5 Tippeoa uoe CI'l'. .' oar oUiseo!!. mum Cl\PMity or a sDlall drll prese lilt_a 14l<ktie ,:artl'rd f Day~n, I'e'l'heliol r ' ln tbl. vlolnity ,ml reo cau be . donQ uy t ll.m lng c!O\\;U the t·nro ed home for. v lli Illit 8':'nr m ill. abila' tbe ·IaW". ~ban k of tlJ ll elrllt to a. BIt !) t1'int wtll . dllY. . ·If·yon have IIDY new. and want tit tbo chuck. Th.e hole w ould /lret The most .Modem and Sani1;Sry :Cream ery Mrs AIl,er' Drake and familY' tbe people at. l"'le kDOW 1', 0 ..11 bO drilled a Rit e gmr.llel' than III de- '.ertalne!1. he r .,III'er IIrI. OIIlJ eo. in the State and will pay;: highes.t marke t Borr , up 'ho ,'4I1lml G.s se"" .ad ·'h..y will ~Irejl ; \b on (Ito Inrge d.t ll1 Ulluil. . Thta ma.t. ft.lld tawny' 'Nedn. t!.y Dilht price for sound, dean '~oJlr cream. We are tbank yoU tor it, and It will be reJi r! .tep fa neoessur y b ~c n u'~e t.he apee~ IIDd 0 0 'l'hntlll1a'y .Mr•. BatrllUUl and lu liver, .tllte In abe Union. Tb. j)r the " vernge 8m~1I .preSII Jft to o laet fnnilly alway s promp t to recogn iie any advan ce lett for K.n'uo~y wbere ,,-,"per Ie )to' luge iiI 1I0me, bat I. ~ for a large drlll...:...Worlcj's A:dvnnce. tbe, wl\l mate &heir fn'ure 'home: in the marke t) and will ' take care of your '.rlle 'DeOR~ '0 be mljfbty; • . Mr. ,111metl Our." en'er.ID interes ee! ts at all times. ~hecks mailed daily hll Prof•. Ralph O. 'fall 'raa@aoted neighbo rs a' a wood ohopplo a Ie'buelne uln W.yne ntlle Saturda y . or w,eekly as desired to cover aU shipm ents. nrda.y. . , Mlli Com proo , one of our tflIilo\Jler'8, ' Pdr and Mn. JOIepb Bal... en ' , ~E'EUNCE 8pent S.'llrd .,.• t her home ia L iJv6Por Tirod, WeIlK, liervoU lI Woin. ier'alne d )lr. and Mre. Berber i , la04 Pinlt . N.tIooal Bank t8J:~bwahe of Da,'on .n4 oth•• MI. PMrI 8tnet •• rket aut Mr and \In . Ben Bawl! are 00 ati VM la•• ijundo.l artemOOD. ' ad ak Any RlUabl8 M,ri:hu t oupyln . ~be ·fftrm r_ntl, . pur . ~ I ~:r I' nevor Eldlr Billiard , ot ~Iallob Ia CllIdlma ""r, tL ObllllllCl by. Dr. O. Q . Rao~.ll, .., DO • dined OD I!onda,. with 111M .A1loe TbOl. ~herod and wife han mond (.lhellowe th . . to WJlmln lJtoo and tbelr'80 n (Jharll?' MJr and lIrl. J, A.· Allen _II anti familJ are OJOUpylnl the 8b8r. Willie lind BerDllrd are tea.,. ... '. ad hom.le ad. Cinc innat i, Ohio _dlnl *hit publlo ...1. o~ the ,..-. I'~ o.,nrd . ' . bl'O'he.. JOhD AUI. . . . IIOD llear BI4,e\'l1 1••
. .
------.. -- ..------
-- -- -- _.
Olas sl,fl ad Ads
- :1
-===========.YO. ======
W · alte r McClure
... -
Ra y M ill s
A 3
Corwin, Ohio
Wal ter Chandler
- --
...--- -
Dr. J. A. McC ot.
----- ..----
WIBle AUla II .'pe1adll..
0 ..
-Heard a IlICket in the cellar- but Ihink)t to be only the hl,h prices of Potatoes takin2 a tumble, -Sell a '-jeweled Inge~so ll \ alch at $3.00 -Have a ,ood quality of little Chlcl, Feed . -Keep "that Oood uil" for lamps; nd Incubators -AIle only Uk: II lb. for Oraham Cracker!l -Put our '!Countr Club' Crackers ' altoinst any brandJ Ibs for 25c, too -Want you to try' one sack of our Cream Corn' Meal -Have tho. purest qualhy ot Leaf lard ' -Can please .the very best cooks with "PrIde of ~Ichmond" FIDur . -Are ready for ' house cleaning time with Lime, Brushes, Wan Paper Cleaner Paints, Brooms, Mops, Am- . monla, ScourIng Soaps, Etc. . -Just rKeived fresh supply of Cracked and Flake Hominy -Have pure E ctracted Honey -Cut the price on Oinger Snaps, 2 Ibs. for I Sc .. -Are making Chase 6.: Sanborn s No. 99 Blended Coffee a splendid leader at ZSc -Keep a choice quality of Yellow Com Meal Crumel')' Butter at J3c a Ib -OOor you fine Asparagus Tips at zOe a Can -Pay t~ highest market price for Eggs and Butter -Want to show you a sample of Extra Small Stringless . .' Beans only ISc a Can -Are introducing the New Wheal Biscuit at IOC a pkg -Have I. . . fat Mackerel at 15c -Offering you something new-Sauer Kraut and Sausage cooked together, 10e large can -Retail the vcry beat Mail Box at 75c -SWI eell Fancy Cakes and Cracknels at ISc a pound IUpply you with good lawn Orass Seed -,:",wlII fumiJh you wIth good Pure Cream on short notice
,White'·s S·t ore
tbul oth81'l, but there are tew
tbat ooal4 not prottt by It. WIth moet peOple, ~ .. a good deal a mat-
tw ot.llu'pJu. W. let others tell UI
. tJaIIr troabl_ and lIItA1reate and experl· . . . . 10 that ". may han a decent .....,b ..wna them oure.-Youth's ",........
A big touring car. for five people
met at. the
pared to meet tho ourrent demand and to coosUtute a . systematio atory ot what took place In succoaal're perIods 'and how knowledee Inoreased with the revolvtnc yearL We' owe to them mOlt that we mow of the people ror whom they wsre made and by whom the, were tndoraed.
e uninl<'.
Thert~ werE' pf'ople pre ent • • ell 'lIy e<l lhe following n l'o~r I.: 1'\)11 diet, Mrll <";Ilo r~e ~S'OLE ACENT Minks .11\(1 Mr~ 3p rtlln Kell ; Iteadl ing, Uo "iH'i ~1"r.I ; Clarim f Solo. - • • • • • • • •- . - .- ( :"or)lt' ~{ rk-; ('vm i!: I 'tI.9l!ill, Mrs rcrll e~'. Bullt'rwnr l h; Pinuo Duet , fit ~ .\11 :-k~ al,li 11''1 . {{ell\,; I'olll r , " In. id ... I"l<'t'~<illi<'ri ~ndly Ur/lu pen," B'Hll1l\ K.·,l '. T he t' , ,',W II I' n l'W offic .. r H tnu k
a out ",. ho ICr 'tltly
),P IIl1R
'ENTERTAINMENT'I s~~~t ~\!~r'r:';/I~: :~.~,;g ~:!:.~~l~~ .~!,~r~~;. r.lIr""~; SI'!'!'!!lijry, Chll '
L 1i Wl'eIl C"
Midlcnel'; 1'n:01 "rl·~. ,\1.lnhllll' I (';l ll , L>urin v Iht' ~,dll l 1I,1ur excit ins.: An entertain ment of unusual ·in· I{RIIlt'S W C"(' In e.1 Illul 111all e tuff> terest under the auspires of our ex- \v 1l;! provide! itllur"e 'lU nliLies. cellent achool teacher WIl8 lI'ivell at __ _ __ the Spring Branch l.>istrict School HOUle on the afternoon of the 22nd of F'ebruary. The proaram con· lillted of BOnlP, recitationa and dia· logues In hunor of our Nation's 811loved President. The opening of lhe exercises wu a piano Bolo by Mra, Nellie Haule. A Flag Drill by a nu~ber. of pupils formed a prel ty Icene as in their white coslumel lind carrvinjf flags they marched Brilund A . .Moffi t lJl'olight to this office a larie portrllit of Wuhinjflon which this WI: bOnle lIlutl'hell that 'w ere they decorated with mllny flail . fifty,ollt: years (d d. Tiley came fronl The Bcholars acted their varloul part.s lhe olJ Kilu"11 ~lIlru beVel' I yeQ.rs well which show8 the hig he8t pOiSible OIlO, and ~I r. ~l \j it h:lll been keepin!!, degne of training. At tbe r equfst of her pupils t he them for u curivsity. The matches were orill'inally ill uerl tog t her In teacher MiBS Eva Murphy favored us one bundle, one hundred to lhe with a reaaing given with charming arace and enjoyed by all . The stage lJundl e, lind Bold for a ceut. or was fittingly decorated with fancy cnurlie tbey a're not 4u ile as good drawing, a chain of many colored a& the mat bes totlay , .aa th ere wa~ brim tone on them Ilnd ICBl! hatchete and had as a background less wood. They ILre Ii curiosi ty. how· our Nation's Flag. As a ,pecial ever, to the younger generati on. feature of the occasion the audience was honored by most excellen t mUlie furnished by a quar tette of the famous Allen family. The tellcher 's Q''lIlIdmother Mrs. Allen, molher of the Allen family and their leadinapianillt played a nu mber of wel l r endered selections accompanied by the voices of her children and arand · ehild blendinll in beautiful song:l. Mrs,· Nellie Hause accompaniment on the cor· ~ UI.YO'U The Way ne Townllhip Sunday WIUI highly apprecialed. AI a closing act the school lana- chool envention will be held at the America and were then given a Methodist ch urch, Waynfftv illt., Ohio. pleuant surprise by being trea ted March 12th, at 2 15 p . m. to pOp corn balls and as an emblem a IlIken flag and ritaff by t h,li r teacher. Th~ ' audience were also To C:ure H Iccoughs. liberally healed to dellciouB waxed To cure OiC'coll)1'hs. 1111 11 glass with pop corn. To merely say we enjoyed a pleasant afterlloon would not ex· water'. draw B. d('op br nth through the mouth, tll lt D. oulbeul of water, bold prese our thanks and appreciation The teacher has endeared herself the glnsD berore YOll above yOUT head, to her pupils by her kind words ami .raIse your ey 8 80 thnt they r an soe charmini personality and made many the bottom of the glass without throw.· warm friends bere who will miss her Inc yolir bead back. swallow tho wa· at the cloBe of the school term. t er aDd Ulen breath out slowly lhroulh AI! we look back over the past the mouth. ------.~ years and remember with pleaeure the many social g atherlni8 and entertainments bave enjoyed It the W here longtlsh River Rlae •. achool house knowing that. now The Duddon , ODe of the mOBt ploowing to centralization this is the closina- year and the closina' of ,our turesque or the F.ug\l8h rivers. oozcs lDelal meetiDgs there we will remem· up hrougl1 1\ hed of moss near the tOI,l ber Washington's Birthday 1916 as of · Wrynoso :li'cU, II. desolate solitude, an epochin.thllhlat.orlLoLou.r"ounlry yot remnrkn bln ror Ita huge malfBes of protruding cmga 8nd tho vari ed and achool. . . M. D. vivid colors (If tbe mosses watered by .!.
-Y~t · no I~~tt~as~
And now r omes the N ew Series Saxon- with even gre-ater v alue . than before a t the same price to you. Three reasons account for this : 1. Double Out put . . The axo n Company has doubled its p roduction of Saxon cars. lncrea ed production makes added value possible wit hout increase in price - becnuse o( advantnges in p ur· chasing mn tcrials in la rge qua n tilY· 2. Small ma rgin r pro fit I'er enr. Willill ~ lIess I. Ilcce pt n slnuller lIIa TRili 01 plIlli !le' cllrLh ~ 1l iSrllSI mnr)' g il'!?s all nd\>aOlagc to you, Ih e purc husc r. 8axon "Six" Touring $785 . With L/moualn& top Saxon "SIX"-ROadater
More than forty-five thousand owner. are now telling their ~ends why this is far fr.om beiog.an ordinary car. , They emphasize itS steadiness, the freedonifrom gear-shifting, the ql1ick get-away and the abseJ;lce of, vibration. Among many evidences of .quality they c~ point especially to the full floating rear aXle, the unit power plant and the fun real leather upholstery with natural curled hair filling. .
The motor is 30-35 horsepower
The price of the Roadster or Touring car complete is $800 (f. 0, b. Dayton)
:ODDoeIte Miami Hotel
We":lhaU be glad to demonstrate at 'any time
ZIMMERMAN'S Headqm~l'ters
for Good Thiings to Eat
Born to Mr. and. Mrs. Elmer New Tomatoes, New Cucum· Barn.. I'ebrnary a7ili,. daullh'e~, bers, New · Mangoes, I<:ale, Ilather Lonlle. Lettuce, New Onions, Rad· A. W. · Cbeaowe'b sueoesltally Ishes, 1 ew Celery, Jersey aad.rwe.t "n operation for "ppeu Sweets, Dani.sh Cabbage, dloltl1 In the 1400lellau h ospital Greenin~: a nd ] onathan . Ap· Batarday. , pIes, Grape F ruit, "Na vel OrDr. and Uri. Whlt.a ker, Mr. nud anges, lemons, S helled AI· lira. J. B . P.lersoD; MI'. and ·Mrs. mond , Walnut and H ickory· J·Ult1l8 Reevel at'eDded an 1. O. 0 Nuts, .1\e", Bait Fish, Full r. banq\let in I:\prlng Vlllley 'faoH day evenlag of las' week. , Cream Cheese , OreE'n Lima Deaus, Striugless Green Deans Bra. Ir" 8orOItrY and the ohildren of IIr. and Ill'll, RaymoDd Boroggy Heint ·T omatoes "and Celery are ooDfined to their home .wlth Soups, Heinz Bulk Kraut, m.llea. V.reiners. Pressed Ham, Wafer lI·ra. Minnie ray lor who has been Sliced Dried Beef, Bulk P ea. 'hi hOllpltal for leveral weeks Ie nut Du tter. Try our steel·cut ., the home of her paren", Mr; and Coffee at. 20e, 25c, 3Oc, fancy lin. Wm. Ewlnlr. Peabury ColIee only 25c, our The W .... M. ti . met at the ho me basket-ti red Japan fea, can't of. Ura. A. W. Reeves op Saturd~y be beat. p. m . H your Dulter don' t suit you, Bow.rd Corr wal oalled Rioh. try a pound of Churn Gold, mond by the deAth of hla fat her It's cheaper, too. Re ... Jelse Bawkhl8 oonduoted th~ Brin us your Eggs. We pay rnnent lervloel of the 'aged E8ther cn h or hade, ' I:Iteddom .ne8r Ltlhanou Monday. . Sole agent for TANLAC O. 8. Reeves is agaia oOllflned to hll bOllle with a,latloa . IIrl. Leiter Compton IIDd Oaa g h ~ It pays to trade at ter, ot llear LumbertoD, spent t he fore par' of the welk w,Uh relatlyel h.re. The ... & . A. II. lodge of this place bad. M oharlre oqhe of ~==========~~ RaymoDd . AtoKay, . of tunelll! Lumber. _ too, 'II bo ~.. a m ~ mbt!r of 'hi,IM i'Il. 8eryloell "were h eld at Lumberton ohuroh Tuolday, burial at Wllm.i 8. • tOD. Mr. MoKa, bad been 10 the lIoClfllaa hOlpltAUalrlDI treatment My Aim-Your Trade for blare trouble. ae ooDtraoted _---===-. ====== , pDMUnODla aDcll1ved but a few day' , ae .w.. thlrt"-~"Q yeara or are .Dd QUALITY- Above the Standard u.ellOD of Mi. and Mr.. iCp,ar 8ERVTCI~-That ean't- be beat MoKay. HII wife 11''' formerly lit. Ada Tamer of WllmlDpoD. PRICES-To plean all. Edward 8Nddolll bu mo.ecl &0 'ile farID be . nontl,. pQrObuec1 Q!
;.,"'"---.. . . ------------..:.....1
J'leadDI.; GEO.
• Phone
ConrIa, 0Id0.
~ of lllI ~ . .
Il ul y
t ri uUlphs.
8alCon "Fo ur'" Roadster WitH Coupe t op
ElectriC starter and Il8hta
....... ·UOmpsou. III'~ lin Md~
VAlI.E\: PHONE 65-5
--- ...----
Y(I\I men "h ll k ep rmcc wilh advances iu lIIOlor Cllr bui tding should see Ihis New Seri ' Sa on ':'Six" III once. I I "ill ~I ..prise YUII ,lib its fiuished perrc~t ion .
'Atlas Motor Car Co.
11t·~.'- pOl\'e~llco llly-slu.~ecul1o nty
tor a lODe time without success. FinalRcoponlilbmt)' Sunondered. ly she CIIlle upon her In an 'ttnexpect. un ulhuslo stio ad· "Your WHCI ed way. "Well," she exclaimed, "I've bee.n on a Jl!3rtect wUd Ifoose cliase all vocaLe or· womao su IJrage," "Yes," reday lone , hut, tbank !food ness, I've plied Mr. Mee1lton: "And I'm ,hi d of It. She's olng to take her ~urn at let· found you .~ leat.'! .... tlDg me nsk lncle ,'aut Questlons, while, she tries 10 explalD wbat's baing done Souree. of Tin Ore. In pollUcs." Moat · ot the world'e Bources of tin ore are either stationary or rece(1lng In outDut. Bolivia of all countries alone clvlng promise of permanence and future rrowth.
ru ltrk~ liu~ .
Thes ure rells " 5 why, at the &XOII prkc of S71l6, lie can " flH you su II nuded ' lllUli l ), fea l urcsns t hcse, T"oII ,,1i ele tric ~ 1(lrlillJ: and ligh ling sysl" Ul ; Timken (l x)es a mi Tiruken bellr • . il1 ~s ; silenl h li<ut Ilc ,'et drive gen'SI roo Uli~ r ! ~~Ir sc It , futl 46 inches wide; li nu leum cuwlcd ru unl ng boards ond fl uor u()u uls; nurd high ro mpressiull I'i lun ri ug~"nd 17 otht?r improv"mel!ls. In Ihe Ulolur C!l r (,.""mlllis of light.
---- ---
tbe strMm.
Goo.e Ch .. e. A lady had been looklne for a frIend.
9a5 78&-
3 :\(nol\ i"l1 H ow. I" ol her words, ~ki ll ful dcslgn·-Luild Ing-purdmsillit
in PJ1i'ce
Vou get"many dollars in add d value in til(' N w 'erles :;txon "SL'C." You get many new rrfinemellt s- ycl the Scllmg price is not advanced. 1t remains at 7;). When Saxon "Six" was first brought out, peopl wondered how a :c ar of such qua lity could be alTered at the Saxon price. "I don't see how tlle Saxon Company can d~ it" waS a frequent remark.
. -.
n~w R~fjn~m~nts
. \If ' lit r'urnss lut
TaUeI", a"d L/It.n/na. H/ltory In Almln.ca. Probabl, It would be better (or ev· It Is pOBe/ble to trace In records 8r7' O!M ot 118 It we 1I8tened more and of almaDacs all the chanlel of popu. t.Ibd Some Deed the ad'fiee Jar belief and taste. They were pre. IDC:1N
The 1'.;·M,
C \.lilt rv ~I)(lh II
axon "
Fr ank Gona, of.L"'banon. brother of Martin Gon!, east of town, died very suddenly at his hOIT,e last week. H had been ailing for several daYs and had been una ble to lie do'!'ffi to ale p antl IUIt in his chair. and his brot h~rs found him there dead. The funernl was held athislate home last Thursday. Interment at Leb· anon cemetery.
That our prices on Monuments and ~1arkers ' have hot and will not ad anee. W'~el!a~re~~~~L~!b:~~..;..:_~ the best grades' of the different, tes, up in the style of. your cboos~ng a~d ~t the sa~e fair pri~es. We will appreciate your consultlDg ~ w.ith us, and shall be glaq to explain the ~dvan:' tages 'of our superior design service. We emp10y np agents.
Mrs. Marietta Satterthwaite (iien at Dayton Thursday after a long illDes . The 'body was brought to the home of herson, Mr. Chas, Satter: th waite. and the funeral took place from his home on Third street Saturfiay afternoon, Rev , C. S. Grauser The Old .Schwartz Shop on Mechanic Street, Lebanon officiatina. Interment was made in Miami c.emetery. ' I.---------------..;..~---~~--~--.lo:l
Chas. W.· Schwartz & S~n
Mrs. Cecil Hitesman died at her bome Houth of town Sunday morning ab ... ut 9 o'clock from ~arlet .fever. Jult tn. LocatIon. The body was til.ken to ~banon Mon. The Gunner's Mate-URave YOU day afternoon and buried 0 the fam· tound the renge?" The Landlubberi1y lot Rev. J. F, CadIViillader om. :'YeB, sir. Th e enomy's ship Is about eiating. .Ight blocks enst nnd then just around the corner."-Punch. Thl! rem'ains of Samuel ' Gllrd, -----,. '~ who died recently at his borne in Cal· ifornia, arrived here Sunday evening . ExCUIe for Comtc Song •. ' accompanied by his dau~hter, Mise Ae8culaplus Is reported to have Mary Gard The funeral took place at the Chapel Tuesday morning at written comic ·aoJlgs to promote dlle.. 10 o 'cloc~, the services beina-' In Uon In hili ' patlente.
- ..
What Your sewrna MachIne ~ ••d.. A sowIng machIne will cive tar better service I t oiled rreQuantly with a good lubricator. followiug a thoroulb cleanIng ' with absorbent cOttOD iD4 . kerosene 011. .
----_. -. •..
P'hlllpplni Claar I"dultry. Clears are now recularly esp0rte4 (rom the Phlllpplne. to forty 00. .
... .
charge the been Oddfellow8. of which order heofhad a lire·long mem- _-=====~=====;=::~;=~==~===~~~~ ber. Interment was made in Miami cemetery . .
- -- - --
Geo. H, Hammell only son of t~e
lat~ Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Hammell,
died Monday morning in Fort Scott, Kansas, Mr, Hammell '11ft! a reiative. ofthe Hawke~,
.:"al'll U1I 9:1\11 Jll11, 01 UUaI .'11 '0I0J II 11 8'11 u'IIm ' 'II I!lUl JlI1I1 oJ 888 08 0I0J .(1'18 18 l,UI8 11 .(qAl 991 1,UOP "I""dale hJU'llial qllAl 'Je;'"lleq ~UOll IMp PIIlldQ.l "'119M,, I,' U1laI " " 11m ~1R "oJ I!!IQl880d ~I 81 MIl.. ;1!," .(11'l1lV 'In I .molwa P1l'II
ep&IiUI a lnoq. II1I1Il PIO PlIPUlaI-etG ..... hJ.Idpwq .... Oll~ OlliSe.1I1 V ..............MlIIIOI
FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE ' Children's Aprons ......... 1(le Children'S Skirts .......... 100 Children's Bloomers'... . .•. 1IIc Men's and Boys' Gloves .•. IOc Scrim for Curtains, per yd .. 1'Oc Ribbon, jnst came in, yd ••• IOe
'Rapid Fire Egg Beater ..•• 1Oe "Purit"I' Steak Pounder. ".lOe "Purity" Potaoo Masher,. ,lOe Crimp Bottom Bread Paua,lOe PerCection Graters ~ ', ' ••••. 1Oe . ' Reed's Whist -Brooma •.•• '•• IOe
Speel,',' for S~turda,:
I Lot oC Bread Pana (wbile they last) .. , .................. 70 Next Door to