Miami Gazette March 8, 1916 - February 21, 1917

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Sixty-EightJ'l Year


__ 2t _ _ _





OLS Mr and Mrs. L. A. Zimmer man OF TOWN SHIP SUNDA Y·SCHO NEXT SUNDAY entertained at dinner Sunday Mr . and Mrs. Walter Elzey and son Ken', neth and Mr. Wilford Elzey.

J. L. HartBock hlLB been quite

. sick

Mrs. B. H. Kelly was a Cincinna'tl .


. Thurad .y. ' OME fiNE THROWING ' visitor S Mrs. SUBan Arnold I. lpendin g a fe", daYB [n Dayton with rel..tivea. ~lCher Team E~erted Themaelves

:;, "I

. Whole Number 3359

MARCH 8, . 1916 WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, W DNESDAY_l..-_ . ____ _ _

Ihe Oolng Wal EalY AU tlie Way ThrouKh

Mr. and Mrs. Hally Hathaway. of Wellman. enter tained Sundav Mr. and Mrs. William Dodd. Mr, and Mra. Carl Dodd and daughte r Wanda. Superin tendent W. R. Sprelgle the Principal Speake r-A Fine en· ight Cartwr . ·L Program Arranged Mr . snd Mrs . S. tertained on March 1st. 1916 at din· ner Mrs. Rachel E . Keys. Misses Mar ia Cook. Letitia McKay. Li zzie The Wayne Township Convention Ellis. Ell. rna A. Cartwrigh t . Martha will meet at t he Methodist church, BurnetL nnd Kizzi!! Merrit t. . Waynes ville. Ohio. Sunday. March 12. at 2:15 p. m. The preside nt and staff of officers ha ve worked her enterHawke W. G. Mr . Ilnd Mrs. to make this one of the best hard Friday dinner tained at a 6 o'clock s ever held in the TowDihip. meeting the enjoyed evening . Those who lity there will be sevprobabi all In S, E. evening wer~ Mr. and Mrs. officers preeent to county thA of eral ight Baily, Mr. and Mrs. J . O. Cartwr of the afterno on. work ' the in assist Dr. and Mrs A. J. McCoy, Mr. and Prot. Sprelgl e will be there and wl\l Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mr. and Mrs. address tbe convention with ODe of Wilson Edward s. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. his fine talks. Barnha rt and the Missea Emma Following is the program : Heighway anll Mav Wright . Praise and Devotional Exercises Reading of Minutes Miss Doris Henderson wa'J lhe Roll Cnll by Schools on party dinner haptly hostess at a Report!! ion occa.~ . Sunday. March 5th. The Song . rsary ~ was her eighth birthda y anniv Address .... .. .. ........... .. Prof. Spreigl e · Those who enjoyed the exquisi te dinSong ner and pl&lsant afterno on with her Ten Minute Talks by County OfficerB Song were her cou8ins , Miss88 Kathryn . Esther and Kathleen- Henderson and Benecl i ~ lion Jeanne tte Cartwri ght. I MiBB Rhea

Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gustin spent a eQuple of days this we(>k in Dayton .

Mra. Chas. Smart of CinclDnaU il villting at the home of Dr. Mary Cook.

The High School basket ball teame had a walk-away Saturda y evenlne Several ' trom here are attendi ng at School hall l'he Senlorll were the Good Koada meetinR' at LebanOD Val bunelted up against the spring today. ley team and ths "'reshmeD plaYf!d the Roxanna boys. Both games were 59me March weathe r thie-th untoo one·sid,ed to make it interest inlt. der Iillhtnin g. rllin. wind, hall althoua-h both teams won by superio r and and Bnow. pa.!!s work and goal throwin g. The Sp1'ln" Valley team came here F. B. Hender sou wu ' off of hi. hoping to take the game as easily 81 they did on their own court; but our route several days last weak on acbOYI have had cj)nsld"rable practice count of sicknesa. .Inee I,hat time. and they wel'e up ailllnlt the real thing The goal Dr Dill, Osteopa th. at reeidence throwin " of GUBtin was .. feature , of L. T. Peterso n. Main St., Tuesday . as he threw 11 goals. and Friday mornin gs. The Score of the Senior teaml II u .followa: Rev. Ida M. Allen, of near WilWayDesville (60) Spring Valley (29) mington , '8 viaitinlr Mrs. Mary GUltto ..... : ...... L. F ........... .. M.lone Marlin all thia week. Wel~ ,........... R. F ........... . Hurley McClure .. .......... C ........... ...... Snook Mn. Ollie Davis 'and Mrs. Hale, Frye ...... : ........ R G ........... ... Smith of Corwin, are vi8itina- friend. in Will, ........... ... L. G ........... .... Cline London, Ohio, this week.

(Cop)'rt .bl) MiBBMili&~lmer~dDa~~P~m~ -~- --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Subatlt ute for Valley, Hol'-nd Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. PerOn Monday evening Misa May Field aoal.-G uatin, 11; Welch. S; • . 1916, a . pleasantly entertai ned a few Wright McClure, 8; Frye, 2; Wills. 4; Malone, kina. Saturda y, Marcha.4, ' 5 oilt da\lihte r, Mary Eleanor at. Bix o'clock dinner. The __ __ • friends _ __ 6; Hurley; 6. 'Foull- Gultin, _ _ _ ' _ _ _ of 9; BurleY, 5 Ollt of 8 R.fere edecorations and color scheme were 1\1. E. CN URCH for y Y DA 8, " Saturda I) , \H left 'U e A Beneck A. · in honor of Ireland '. patron saint. W. WaterhoU18 and Hood. dining the adorned leaves k. atScbool 9: 15 a. m , The "ill Shamroc he Sunday where Napoleoa. Ohio, Litany. '("ll i'p'll-al Otllce nnd Hol y . Tmy green and yellow wax morninll a.rmon will be preached by room p of a br.o ther. marri~ the tend IIlDII' .. UIY found en The :FreIhm CommUllioJl tI t lu 1.1 . m. candles in green holdere were at each Rev. J. W. Patton, of Cedanl lle. ,... the .tart. A pILIIIi' to Smith plate and a candela bra with yellow The,r a will be an exchang e of pul ~ R ' !.IA , Guild pili RU the Mary'e and St, The 'Iadiea ot and. throw to Wrlaht candles was the centerp iece. The pita through out the Springfield mi' on rt w.. 1n the balket. The boy. coatin· will meet w.ith Mn. Barnha (1n at m er ~ :\Il\l r ('ray g favor. were quaint Iriah fillures. on trlct. Mornin ued thla throueh the fir.t balf ud Thursda y .afterno on, March 9th. he t lllli6n omnl i) Ho m. little round boxes which were filled a. Sermon by pastor In the evening at 10:30 made the earne nqmber ' the IMICOnd The maximu m temper ature in De· with candy• . 7:30, subject .. 'How Shall the ProbThird and [,'jfth ~1!lula,\l!l In Lent. who' man the n Flanaga Fred menu balf , The aeoro 18 1&8 follows: course at cember waa54°, the minimum TO. An elabora te four Mile Sadie Opp returne d tQ her lem of Immillr ation be Solved. " A HOckett farm last ' Evening \ u!'ship :mu Adure. being very live Roltanna (19) bome In Toledo Friday evening. af- robbed the Earl Wayne· ville (89) subject . Ht'ar the lermon . 7:30 p. m. t,·unuu} Seho,) 1 at 9: 30 a . There 'waa a total rainfall of 4.48 was served, the \loBwea of bunch a with away Kot and faU rt. Mrs . E. V. Barnha Clarence S. Grause r, P8IItor. R F ..........-;-....:. Nee ter • vialt of'seve ral days with her clothing, and has been in the county m. inches and 8y' inches Ilf anow The ably aaaisted by . er ie Mrs. J. O. Cartwr ight and Miss Decemb fl)r W EDN ESDAYS. rainfaJl average WrI,ht ..........L F .:.......... ....Cline parents . ch n Fre. took time. invited jail Iince that 2.65 i n ~hes . There were only three Emma Helgbw ay. ThOle satterth waIte · .... C ........ ........ CUrie leave Monday evening. Sheriff Gil· ST. MA-RY'S CHURCH Begi nning wil h the Se<:ond Wed· clear day., and .rain fell on thirteen were Mr . and Mrs. J. B. Chapman, Smith ........... . R. G ........... . Sheehan h Mia Leah Smith Idt for her home mour has been treating the man as nesday 8 followi ng. Mr. on, t:dnesda Henders and n. F. Mrs. Mr . and March> 12t , Lent, Snook ·,....... •.. L. G........ "'., Bolland in Cincinnati today, after apend · a "ufety " fOl' some time, and when Li tany. P(; ni'.E!n,t ilil Otfi::c af!d 'Ad· days of the month. in Sunday First and Mr. llht, Cartwri O. J. MI'lI. and There waa a great deal of unsea· School at 9:80 a. m. , Morna couple 'Of weeks here with her he had a little bad luck in bis kitchen dress at 7:30 p m. P Sunday ' d Mre.. W HAil en, D r. an Field goalJ- Wrlpt, 5; Crane. 2; in~ Prayer an d &!rm on at 10'30 . . sonab ly warm weathe r~ in .January . . . . . parents MrR. n Th Flana~a called he 2; 109 evening Snook, 4; Barn. Monday V. E Smith. 6; Mrs and Satterth waIte, e D. Clagett , Mr. large excess 0... ram 7:lJO, a at and addres1 and worshIp went K EE man Evening W the J[OLY G when L and , O him, M Bolland help to 2; • Cline!; .Nee. 1; C.rrta. maxilnum temperl lture being 6'r of , The Disciples Call . kfi~·E~m:~deigh;~Y.· . rane, subJect 2. Foull-W rlght, 1: Crane, 1; Mr. and Mrs. Everett McElwee and to the door 10 empty a bucket C\ cry t.' "ojng ~ t 1::10 p . m. and the mini mum _ 5". Therain fall Servicf! WILB He Wednes day. evenin g, March 16th, coop," the "fiew be water 8veralle the children, 01 Wilmington, IIpeat Sun inches Bmlth, 1: CUrls, 4; Kline. 1. 30 6 to nted amou Litany. Peniten tial Office and ada Buit of undercl othes, • .. • . day with Mr. aud Mre. <llllel> ivill, arrav~ Inand for the month bein~ 298 inches. C.\ f; TE l UA ~ pair of shoes. and he NOlES dret!ll; lubject : The Natura lneu of pantalo on. fall at Corwin. snow of inch one '/:00 B . m. There was only Prayer. If we lav that we have no as the night · Holy Communion .tlme a.hard had ~urely were There r. ~ "11 on an d Holy d uring the month. The pl.,lag of Cline, L. F. for Praye g Mornin out be to l we deceive ourselves. and the lin, frightfu g n . somethl was and, IIr. and lire. lIyer Hyman lO ::lf) " . In Easler twelve clear days durina- the month a i. not in us; but if we conteel nion .Rosanna. wu tine •• and attracte d truth Commu purthe for arrayed when even In, , in . g iven by and four teen days with rainfall for be l wl w \.Jod Is faithful and just to _gNa' deal of attentio n, Hta lfIl.ard- dauebte r, ~mice. IIJI8nt Sund., nta ~ 8il1ll, our ~e-A Prai . . The maximu m0 temper ature Xenia, attend iq the c:brlateniD,1r of pose.. Gilmou r atart.ed an ll'}ves· St. ltar~"" C'I oi l' ul .~ p. m. ' lour sins. and to cleanee u fora-ivl' iDe ... almost. perfect. Shenff _ Februa ry wa3 61 and tbe minimu m . _ pla,ed • DIce a relative. of aid the by All of oar and lfht80usness. - - - - or.ce at all-unr-i from ti"ation us eld.t the .. Isaae Juob Lonaae re, s ES 1°. The rainfall amount ed to 1.40 lame, and were applau d_ for their You are invited to these services. mpn near COUilSES or' SEn .ION" AN Dl n urms E. ~i8 Martha loeatel\ and " L. "Henry hil Edward of beet lIOn the bl' . for . b , I'd average A the _. r . inches while . fine work. Dodd. Tuemy mornln g about 10 Come. ank oree .......t- pial The 111ft- are not patron ised.. S~nday ~ 7:3 1/ P ., In . C.h!~:lllan month is 2 67 inches. The anowfall Lonper ll. was born at Corwin, Ohio, The sheriff thinks his o'clock. Frank and home . CHRISTIAN CHURCH Thomu ~ . tween p Ane (.30 at the for 1876 and died at hill be nesd>l.Ys It ed at er \\ Decemb slllp. bu Disctple There . weU u .they ou"ht than inches. better 4Y. lot to ed t • whole a la amoun " . "HlnrY pleue . w.lll Finder 1916, home. 22, ry Thomu Februa The up. Lytle. hi ~ttin" home aameUie bon are q",en rain f~ 1I sufficie nt to meuur e as it can track a m. Prllyer . hounds, 9:30. hour blood the regular at School Bible uffice. days. thll 13 at and lea"e will month. 2 paid'; age 39 yeara, money, after expenafll are 00 I N LF.KT on only three days of the ~onth . S IX THI us offieial IUHr aeent than the dogs. He is to His entire life was Ipent around The ministe r request s athe C. E. Michener. IrO Into .. tund to belp- tJremha ve • early an such upon ulated conarat ~ to board to be present for little concalled wia ml!-rWas Allen H. ville. W. Mn. . Waynee and t~r for Lytle ~d winter, t • lui: haJlaex :; n -.... fIGCICl - Two for yoar OIY of Sunday School bedllde of her father, Elias Bar- return of hie man. ried on Octobt' r 7, 1909, to MIBB ferenee at the close ~ duriiJg the buebal l MUOn. the • _ __ • __ ~ Combat tl\l' '1Ilt: . 111 rhnt IloLh 20 Hiaey, of Centerville, and all the memb(>1'11 that deaire to be Pearl JeBBie A little help Tn tbe way of .ttend- Ie" of Macomb. m.. who cloCk. esS!Iy \'''3 ' ,·.HI D . H. ~alrper and in 1912 a little da~ghter. Allee. preaent . ane. from ' oarenls and fdend. not .wa, Saturd ., morni" " at 60 "t'ace . ("I ." [ , tj . 1111. '''' l " tlval Cul home. their n brighte eame to . ' m ( 8 l I"e ' 11 ~ I II .1 t u, ,' Cl1u q.o c[er . only belpe the .,.uie Ilona,b utit llome ORTHODOX FRIENDS pueed Just seven months hav~ ' ;J:un the bo,11 to greater .action In ', Mra. Ly~la Chandl er arrived . o t ht:r~ :. for Two of hlB mother death Budden the since Mr. .ter. Blanch _ from Sunday School 9:30 a. m ., preach· . ~:~eheater.m wlllJ)IQ the lat week Strive ··ch dav L" II, k e nn perand since that time be bu.had in hil 10:30, by pastor; . son hUllpi t'r , ' )/:ll 1I" I', on ll "t ler . home and cared for as his own, tbe ing following at We:,t Scbool Hall whom the C. E. at 7 p .. m. at the church. Haines, ead \\ ·c €h. l ..· IJllIlg , ne p e rEverett n. StriVe! grandso • meeting Thursda y evenlna • • '!bere, wi,l l probabl y l!e • FrtJIh. Blanch .tar. . son wilhi n ' <Hi nd 0 t hl! U o~p e l o f irandm other had reared. from in- Pra,er dy .. _~_ , invited to all these Iel'Everybo Mrs. Sister, and father His t, fancy. Chri his man ~e Saturda y eveniD .. at died . Prof J un athan Wnght , vices. Mra. Ann. Gard Robinson and few a ' within died Hainell, · l.ouella aged . Both buket ball tealDl wHl 'pI.y St. bnme in Wilmin t week. Th~ Quarte rly meeting of Two f er the T'a ri"h: ,. • - • daughte r. Miaa Huel. 01 Ne 'N York month. of each other, juet twelve at Klnpa n Frid., eyenlag . was held at the home r it. (o r t he Tector. f lJ r t he 64,years. Pr?f. Wrlg~t ~ad 01 late years ago. There is one of thil fam· f. Pray cit¥ atteDded the funeral of Saml. Mary I GuildHartsoc •_ • , lc on Thul'llday Gee. yea rs tau g ht In the Wlll?lIna-ton Col· peolll ·. f ur th A \\ " ric, C Oard and visited with relatt" . of Mrs.on. left, a brother , Edwin. who Slie was &alated by Mias afterno ·by your pres"nce a t l e~e.' a nd beld '~be .chalr of mathe- lIy circle it t ppor Su for Mvei-al d.... . in Clncinnbti. -eia' resides Emma-H now younghia ! In ry. -" - , chemist and Ica mat roffe Tl:llIr pu j ~ .\\' U) ~-UrttJ'- I-ntt1I-t-----~-:---------=S:;_;.: re had worked at the Longac Mr. H!'1" , a guess· the of l program abort principa was e h After. -' days f Elr . ~: l' V you r i b g-ii, in . . by yean enjoyed several for vlJpbu rg schools, and wu marned carpent er trade Mias Dora E1lla was the i'Ueet 0 Inll coateet wu muchhour delicious , had been em. tbe aocial ]875 to Louise Snbin, of Harv8)'9. and the lut few weeks in A IMH, i" ,\ Y;'; fl J, E t, Janpey anet 'am,ly Saturd ., all. During in Dayton . shop served. car were the at ents ployed reirelhm her children ~ two and aproute wife was . s i H. burg; , nIeM·. She perfect • _ ••_ __ almost , in eeemed had He place toqk funeral The , hpme in WOOIter. Ohio, after a buahim survive at -a Lor'\ W~ () hilllJ " 1.ijf.rhtIIIVus' thare be. iIlneea lut this hiaHfe, all health WIl10 church , 10... visit to the &>uth, . Friends from the all OU I' rl.,i ngs WIIII ' jlll Saturda y evening a perlut On the under been had he firSt tho! ing nt Interme nothing Will' I 'l . sCI, ·1 .rt lf Holv . ho$( mil! gton . .llLBt. F!lday. ry. cor.ducted excursion under care of a physician. Willi stricken IOnally cemete n ot Mr. Chea!er Braddirectio thl lived and P,IU I' iUIII our " ' 1 '1 4 11'lr. most was made In MiamI only ·llDd umonia uropne wlth.ple • - • '. more jnterea t taken In excelle nt ~i fL .·r I,ll' •.• t fl!! vcr y bond Th.~ la poultry; left here for LoXenia, of street, the in death Thill ahout ten days. t h' b . t th . m tod." in' Ohio, L ' pure·.br M i ds UI of the hood 1)( all "j f't.ue~. without f . of .peaCt' and untel\ c ill hvc:lh r )>!'lcvL' ' h w which BeeldetJ the other time, than at &I)Jwho ~h~n quit~ a ~~~~e~hi~b' ~;: ~r~~~eet ~~~ ~~~r::~in~anof .lif!~m have devoted mueb old·tlm ers dead before Tilt! .. G'r lOt thill f or unlt.d with the Baptist sente, have large land interllt a. he boy Imall sake. s t Thine onl y snn .Jc.- ll't I";lll'i time to it for years, tt1erell -bellia IIus ' .t the th,eaho ld of middle' .ttnet. d tothebu alnl!llq m






fOR 1915.'16

crane ..............










~:n~.D~bi= ::~

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'Y POUlln





i: m:er:~~:T0:f:~~~~o~~uOt~~~ ?r.:= r,m" ~l!t~:ir~~~~~r: ~:r :~ar ~i!!=;~~ Blabt~. ~bl'8e!ler~! ~ow

wife bUlln818 wu attende d to and seVeral ?:1. 1916 Mary M. of importa nce came before ~d mother , paaeed to the telt of matten the board for . future consid!lratioll ., Paradil e, .' meet· The cial1lPiter ot John'an d Luella There was an expression at thiS letained be l Spriegll Prof. that Ing country aUbelr born Banta. Ibe was been no home four mil. east of UbanOD , llIIother year, as there hasthe scbool and. er, v .",hate. trlctioJl • ry 14. '1889. ~~datlon .tock. ...~ flnt eJUII Februa y. On F.obruary .. 22; 1908. ahe was machinery fa running very smoo~bl ¥r. Vlee, wbo bas ~wo. •- • Hight· ,C toC8cU p marria in unit.d an pl84!ed has , ~of Barred &CkB, and of thill' unlon thr.eda ugh· 0'_ with Judge S .. G Cue. of man bom.- Luella. Qed 6 yeani, were ters ~ ~n, anothe fo~ Qbt~. Sbreve, Eleanor ;Ellen'q ed S ,ean and HUeI w,iU be In. position to . e ~re Estella )8 moritha. all of whom with ees orden proQlptly. '., survive her. ' 'their r ' - ~. father ana mother and ~me Herf.ther .. . -Biater lin. Frank A:. Guard are stili her .' In ,apeat d girlhoo . uvr't.:y .· ' ' . .. IPA, '~ into the ~~oII owedby e Ig ht . When an advertl'ser ."... wurupted p&ren of. ome advertl sine what g thinkin of habit 11 happlne8 . uninter . ,eara . the habit over "eta he,soon do. wUl A n. :ch\ldre and d haabaa her with . i'he re((Iilar meetlnl r of the fI, G, · Ad · cost?" it will "What asking, of , mother T, tJ Me .~waed~~1 lovl. . wire aDd devoted the on of her be held wl3. • Mre. • • ahe aplrit e conftdln and A aentle .... ~ lin. Moeber. Flake Liaoola, WhIte. Rock.. . Ito~ L. Salilibury. aa and B. 8iu[~ Com~ BlatJl .Ml~oreth, Roekl" T. VIe... Barred, P1,mou Iaeb ohbe above arellJl8l!lalty breed' en_and tbu have 8Om,e flnt·cll II



us:. ~O:~ht!:ne;.:t~~:-ter









'= :6

Amen. - -- - - ..

BIG BUSINESS .. e~~~ 88wi~~ ~ t~~fi~~r ~ari~ ::~:~~:~!:~ ~J:!: ~£~e~ fOR SMAll #TOWN. =:~~~ were: here from party the In ThOBe right citizen.




s' ,r,rRE BO,n Ie SOLD U

, The infi rma ry bonds '11d on las t Monduv ' urcl ug ht the best J,))'ice of hy the ,counLY in any bO;ldll yesrs. The Provirl en t :lVingll Ba nk wlJir h III wa Y8 has had & Tru t 88,· County W.arlren f spot a warm f *2574 • '11 or . I 0 were P:67 bidders fr{)m Clevcland , Toledo , (JincitmllIti . The counn and Lebano are to .,be congrat ulated. ty officials W t -:- es ern tar: - -


~~[~f e~f




The funeral I8nil'8tt were held at e In Lytle on Frldav, The cashier and the bookke eperl bislate residencat tat tbe Wayneaville Nationa l bank Februa ry 25th, 1 o'clock conduc the of , Grauser S. C. ~v. by ed Friday. workers of were a tired set They were kept on the jump all day Waynesville M E. church. Tbe pall-bu rel'll were brotbe~ . inIon • and the cath drawer at the R18e>:, clo! of business showed that there law" of the deceased, Cary ElI~s 'hlld been r.73ooo deposited for the Perry Wambold, Royy Hisey, \yaIMtc.r day th e most'th at hall ever been de. Long, Ernest Brackne andd t· WILB ma e In posiled in any onedaY lince the bank OJ' ...'" started ' businl'llll. Real estate and' CARD OF THANKS tobacco was the cause for IUch IlP'ae my heartfe lt to expd~lre I deposits . .~

TH[I: PO ULT v.. I

wID; 0Id0. -






HELPlNG HAND SEWING " CIRCL:E ~:~::~~~~:n4'r~~::~~~ si~~~

• - • TA WILL STAR '


nelll and death of my beloved bUI' Mrs . Pearl ~ngacre. band.


_ __

• _ ••--'--

B·th M EN 'fARM . CHICK ~n~~rs~:; ::Itern o;: !'n ~.~-:n: T TRAC . oUB reasonst allMtheh M~:~nb i ::l~i.ri SMAll ' . . ' ' ; thOll8U~ BRINGS GOOD ,PRICE ~Ea:a~~~~:tlg~b pu~:ha!~~ ~'a~~Yora:a=- h;~~ hour d"',f e.

theSug~rCreMbrld~,and ASSOC'IAIION MEET northof will now make Ihat their hom~~

!abbOt aand hercUk et,t.hea iftofne.tic L of • life friend&. were emblem , ___ a fraKraDt with' en.tloa and kind" ~. There will be a Qultry meetiil She WIlted with tile II. E. Choreb II .... Hallie Hathaw ay HIlt to Cin· . the TownShip, Ho Ie. .li'rlday ar: In and heM 100 ~rd, ry Februa elDliati, .., IIaiimoth Jack will'" IOId at at WQDIIVI11e in the rar 1911S. , at 2 I) cI ~ ;. March 10th. ternoon nice • NOD t brouib which and tbt ~Ic .... of L. 'D, QUI.., Cor- Grant to her, 0 Leta.

r=..=.,..' tH: er... .:=.h u:::. *1 : '-"". ~Jl.

ami"o"l~m' elten~rment

Dr. and Mre. J. T. Ellis, Mr. Bnd Mre J. E . Janney , Mr. and ' MreSam Me:edit h. Mr. and ' Mrs. ChIS. Hartsoc k, Mr . and Mra Jason Shee- _ hah, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew, Mr. and M.n . Harry !durray.. Mrs. Emm. .Retalhc k. of .Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ::;h~daker,. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrll, of Harvey sburg. •- •

During the'aocial freahmentH were served, after which' i _ Geneva CurtiB and ' lIaria aeow.e P-tt bad. IID~II ~. of Iu tbl!~--, tb Hathaw ay III I(Olne Intohia D_ ~..... bUllnelll 'ln addition to wi Ildi~ _ the favored Si~n "hen and fall tbIa The Hathaway8 were in Laure1;ii~ land in tobuco b¥C.":! !_ ~ M!dam81 JantIY Stewar f. . . . Ohio, for several yean wbere r. tr:l:,,~e ~J'l~. " . be Bankl and Amand a Ecton " ' " and 1-.1 = baeco ... ..a


I¥h!;':'::J'~r.~r lit week.



. . . . . . . . . . . .nIQJ


-. .~




thIII meatiDc.


iiiiiii~""'---""'---mINEIS GLEANED


\\1. N. Sears

Sail\" • ixoll ' 0 W .. Uer L. 0 ..,,11, /.III IIOrl'1 In Tnr~lec"eek townsblp, Englf.h City Hu'Lonll Figured •• One of the Moat Important of tho Ce nte ra. III!; and I" [Vlllll to Borge LtVE STOC: ANI) OENERAL 11 0,(11 " Irel In Wayn. 10 wnlhlp AUCTIONEE R will fiuc \ no iWliculty i n ,IIOUO, , Probate Court Proc:eedlnp l 'lIn ' nnd Olive Btnes to Belle rlcSI'I'ihill'g ' nury 'I. EdlllilDIls a n R kt1r. i raO&1I 10 SJl.lem tow ollbip , fOJ' li fi d pia 'f', lls mUlio ;:i,·cs i REAL :ESTAT E &. INSURANCE 1n "he m,IlUef uf 'b e e.t .... e u f $ar,O('. , Hury t. l-:lI JlllU11 1 , Jobn l~. Mol fu rd, d ceased. P r lvl\te Alinal I , LotJ.r &0 0 , , and Jil. B. 'llVlly. 11I1.ot oerta ln bau k st.oot ordered, WI*IHln' I'I\t!t III It Of 10' No. u!l ... nd knUlm of ol d Oll t. 1::dlllllnus Bury In the olltilte of Bannllb 1:, Roach, I all tlf IfI~ N tl ~3 nnd 1<11 Qf 10' No -,-the ('lUltl or , trO ll!! lllwn" of thllt !lie in Stoops Buil d; ll ~ \ deceased . aeoond 11000unl , will! ot,J e M 10 EliIo~ 's IIdtlttlon $0 L bt\ non king of 11o~ t ng lia who WUH pu t to , excepllon noted , Is a pproved . 11 <Ienth by tit!.' DUll es in 5U ' nml 0 In tbe elta 'e nr f'ad Ben'hren . I f.1l1 B. Brlln& l' N. O. WI1 ~f'1n r. 0 been nUl ·1I. ;tint. 'Ph si x piotlR pri ests mInor. Firat. "nel fi ... 1 .. ooooo~ I~ aorea In l:in mlltpn wwn.blp $ 00 who cJ ,pi I l 10 pcrpct\Jut, h is meIHd. ' G.orgel oLline to a 8 , tln o U. E, ory wt.'r th lwCo ns iOll found e rll o f ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~",!j~_~~~!!'~~_ ~-!!~~~~~.!_ ~~~__ In ~b.' of .Iameil Weir, U8 ,Ollna,r 'Ibout n IIor flM in Franklin II. low n nnll (Ill nbbcy lhnt af trrIVn rtl OIUed. Seoondaooouutilallproveli. an(1 ClellToreok tow n 'blps In 'be eela'e of JOhD ,worley, de' LOllls& larll ey t o O. 0 RIJlI lot. be Bille t h g reat!· t ('c](.'sinslicn.l es, .... - - '-. fir .... nd fiDal &ooo'on' II IlD No. 11 Rnd tll In , Dpogb1llBD '8 Ilddl Ulhli~ltrn(>lIt in nil Englu nd , xcopt (l\"~ t,()11 hl1 ry, Lclll.lld, an c'yewil.n ~ \Ion t o Butlorv lllll, f, 350. In the e.&.te or Mary E. Mulford, A Hilo ao j L U\1l1 11 Ru.y 10 F, C'. of it ~ Ap!l'nc1or . n aurcs II 't hot th 4.oea@ed , firer and Boal a ooount I, WOI.drey 4. pllT bellll& re .. l 9Htu. h, slIn hllth 110t s hnll C on n t uw n more approved . eltu,Hcd lu ~h ~I)Il, dellghtfnll y sit un tl'f1. with a s Hmll In ah. mdt-er of t be ea'a'e 6f Cu. 'to; E .. nd I" R :hi rd t " Ch I rl 88 Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and o1\oe A, Callahtlr, de08a1!ed, .T. Frauk 0 Le",,11J 406 Mores lU WIIslJlulC t on ril'l' r flowing 011 lhe ('O~tl'I' n purt, o r Cakes, t he best and nlost delicious II. 1\I 0 n Oe h·t·\, more i 1111 t riou~, \\'h~th­ ""...n The,..'. thO Girl With th' Ploture Hat an' One E)'a Expoaed That Oallahel' and Boraoe Q. G.. Uaber ar o , o·wn.h lp.l. made. Try them a nd you will e...we Up .. If 'by, Magic When th' Tra in Pull. Up an' Who DI•• ppe.,.. appoln'ed admlnle& ra'on B ' nd ('buIll's U. LlJw ls to t"-A r" h .E. cr w,' ('(IIl ~id r r it s 1\' '/lIll I, ils extent, .. Myet.rlolilly When th' L••t GOOI Sahlnd th' Grain Elevator." 11500. Albert Bran&. J Ollah B ol C Irel 41l G8 Ilore~ In W.~hiug~ou or i t~ incollipnrnble magni!1C\'1l " ," never want to eat a n y other kind. brook 8041 , 1', Blllon,. are llppolnled ,0~u llhI P. $ L Y OII 111 if!ht ind I'd SIIY lhnt the Dl4 nu ner think 0' th' humor an' Iqwed t' walk right In agent'l J Wm, J . Prloe 10 W. W, Prla e Id m ot\a ~ t c ry it Aolf iA n lown . so many patIIoI that baD. about thO depot ID a omco an' glt a drink o· water er use th· apprala.rl, 10 thl mahlr of the eatate ot o· N 245 1111 Labllnol1 $1. 1IttJe town where a No. 18 coes eut shoe brush, an' sometimes ho'll jump R t hr'r nrl'. AO ma ny t o wl'r~. nnd d. )lilli, 4 eoe ... od, Clu. ra B . lind Uor8 8~ H t,o M , and C gllj,' It ('h urch t.lWrt which 110111) ('a n ....erI ian' a No. 21 goes weet right 10 a baggage car RO' out th' other Ilah Phillip" Is appointed admlnltltratr lx I N '" I I ~ In H ld lYevUI. W ... afternooD1 What a Pllrt th' sIde, , Bond esOOO. J. T , I:l\ls, , (J , J. ELI. BOler ot l 0, ' au, " mOTr IIInbrll if1 cent: JUld ub I!r\'ient to OOIIlfII' all' lOin' 0' theee tralnl play' ln "How's 1 8, Sam 1" lie'll aay, rI,bt wardl and B8DJ , 1'. Mille are np- $L da' U~.. 0' th' inhabltant.&-ilr a lood out t' th' agent. poInted appralle ra. Mulon n nd Car (ll; ~e ,Boiler to which II.TC three ol her . nlso splendid1IIUlT ' 0' 'eai at aD7 rate 1 "On time? That·s tbe ·8tUft. Joe Wm , fill H real e ttl te IU leJl.rCl lJ ek ly (I(10M1Crl wit.h Ild llJirJIhlc work manIII1'Ir' tra~eler IltamllIar with th' Rule must be pullin' her. He's lome Common Plea. Court to"n.bip II. ; hip. 1111 st 8tllin~ in one nnd tho t7pee alOD, th' railroad In a OD6-col· englneor, believe mo, 1'1'B got a date Colds. ruunln" ot uo ~e . olJutlnued New Suit. I.ew ls Buorkl e et 81 t,o ·h .. ~t A I SIU Il t' chllrehyn rd,- Lon lon hron· irri'dlon ot Ihe m ooous Illllmbraue amD toW}l' bectnoln' with th' wom/ln with a certain part)' up town at ten C. mpbAIi !::I~ " r lls oe .. r I!'o_ta r '! icle. tf nb/lleotlld m n,y milan Uat., rrh Illtor. til' train In from her porc:b. o'olock, believe me, Know anytblnl t' , Iona WhUe V I!. Ch arlee White, C~oa8lng $l. Don't tllke the ohRnceJl-do ~U UI II· , .... abo" til· tracke, t' th· engineer plint1 It's purty dull, believe me. dlv oroe, extreme orl;1elty, G, W. "Dd M, lrox to May Erhl t·hlng for YOllr olllld I Ulli id ren will 0' til' .w mln In th' bot toma, that Wbo ",uz tb' party thllt changed yt.. I[lt N p, !lOS au(\ par t of l ot NO' 3 0 ~ Proceedings n ut bke eve ry medlolne. bllt th ey _na laer out hom th' bollel' room toMOY off 0' 21 ter tb', heok t' Zanes· In L bau on , ~l. 1M now l o~ aled in the Hye wi ll ... lIe Or. !,rIng's New DlsOllVfHY door. ' 'l'bll''l th' conatable, wltb th' 1Ield1 I gtless Iba wuz. believe me. Callie L. Bard y V8 Ewer.on A . \;/,oorg M. Hoo oh o, Admr., 100 L , Shop on N orlh Main street ...taro,. trolllllre' ail' brln' ba~g e, Hello, F erd, Ie May comln' In on 18 ? Udall t t aJ. PIlr'llIon prooeedlDgs U Jnul ~ l o~ N , 10 In Mlliue vUle, T ile piliu .. nu 1I0rsnellll oaosed b y Ilud .. \th 'lut briblDll o r tBK81u~ h~ whe re 1 wil~l!e pleased t o see 1\ Rweet ple/lMa n, T"r tI-,.rup and BU ' Ulat .... on th' iron ptpe rallln' that Wbat, another week? 8he's makIn' orderlJd , $81 0 brIl18~. o~er- exe r tbll Ilnd .l Itralulog piftlO \1 ve all myoid cuslomt;rs, J ns t JlIXIHI"e ell o tl~b t o 1Il0J0Me th' little triangular shaped somo visit. believe me. Wuz that your <lllrio g h onso oleaolog Ume are ~. Y. Bradley e. al ~e , Tuei'rankW C Dodd 'and ".Ite to John We are fully equipped to do elt mlnllto I be W I1t1 ~A pUI8U U ~ AI. .,... plot with , a leranlum bed BUr- motber's niece that came 10 on 23 800~ bed nWIlY by S loao 'l Liniment Live ry Work We will \ake most t,he flrs' dOHn helps. lflwllYM round .. b,. wblt.wuhed Itooes In th' Tuesday? I thought tbat wuz who sbe lin Wheel Co, Jury re'urn8 verdlo. W o'1\ ' It 2 ~ ote In Weyne to wu. fa vor of 'plaintiff In · lum ot .n. r rll No MOO to suffer thll agony. JnBt pllred, n o til l xlDI( or rU Il~i ng . youon _tAlr, all th' oil man carrier with a Wla, Tell her t' look to th' Bugle Frl- In 1673 ,72, I p,.. , appl y t:llo lin'B t.l n lmeut to t he eorl! Jpre n8t ask your druKgist fCir Or, moatk r.u 0' ltittere an' a' mall pouch day. Nix now, don't tell her 1 wroto It. . -M. I{, lind Mary Pine to K . A. IIpote. rub only /l little. In" short Ki ng '" New Dl80overy , h wlI\ III IIGlllIaIId. TIIen ,t her'l til' one·leg- Is ole man Nugent goln' away, Sam ? Wm. ~ , Tanner VI! ~ , 0'. Right- T .. . 5t • I 'l'nrtleo reek 'own. time tbe pain 1" IlVIl8. you r eat oom· rao II n "lI fegoArd your ohlld a g"lu8' se rl on . , ted bo7 wbDlll ,olle 10Dgln' In Ufe WUI Ob. jist "'lUIted t ' know bow 18 wuz7 mire Ollie IOJ oomprowlA ad .. nd d ll - ,-",Iun torlllbl y lind euj 'JY .. re re hlng a llmeuu r eB ul tl ng tram ooldM . ' eblp IL ,. be a brakeman, all' who started out Well. !he's wblstlln' DOW , right on tho mll8~ . sleep Oue I\ra'"fnl OBer writes: .,. grabbln' th' 1Ut ooach lID' rldln' t' dot, be\l eT8 me." In thl m"tler of the appointmen t John R,. Ertt'ln.nd wi fe to o te "art "Sl oan 'II Llol .ne ntl B wortll It" weight &la' CII'OIIIIl' &D' then II'Owln' bolder an' Then th' 010 mall carrier with a lock of tbe Board of lJomm islllonarR ot Bopping 4 tfilOt In Bnmllton to wn. In gOld." Koe p 11 bott-Ie on hand, rt4bl. t' til· cattle peDe, all' then. IInal· pouch In one band an' a ti e snck In th' the SlnklnR Fund ot W"yne Town'. Ahlp $1. ule lt .. ~" l u8' 11.11 I:In r en eR8, N eural. "H ohe'nzollern Luck." 17 boldln' 00 tUJ he Io.t b1 ~ leI out by otber 'walke down th' platform wIth Ihill Rural Bohool Dilltrlot, W, 1:1. Give u ~ a call and you will find Ito. I!:. lind Alioe Jamo to LIzzI., glll ll nd Brnlse8. Kll1~ paI n 2fioat "The Hoh 1I ~l1 l1 crn Luclt" , Is a pl nl n &la' granl pit. He kn01l'lJ all th' 81g· hia moutb tull o· lette.r e, an' th' gro· Allen, J . B, Panoe. W. E. 0 '1I/eall, tj, a" r lm D 20 liorl'S in Clearoreek yoor Orugl/lst ou r prices are all right. gold ri ng, with a hlnck stene. In litO MIl all' 80me o· th' conducton by thllr cery drumm \lr says, "So long, boys," B , E . Btoke. a nd 8, M. Clark are townsb lp 131(jQ, p()ssesslon or the knlsor, }'r d I'wlt hit DaIIIeL Then ther'. lb' glrl with aD' th' vlllag,o heane rollB 810wly up Soott and Blmnoh Rnper to John the Oreat recolvcd It from his fatll er &la' picture bat an' ,o ne eye expoaed t' thOeouth 81do 0' t.b' depot wbore th' IIPPolnte4 and ,~re ordered to Ilvll IllOb bond u thl Board of EdlloaUon A T b ompson 2 troots In BIlUlll~n with n not . (tcoloring tn a l so long as IIIat .WI all . . If by masto when tb' hossell can't see th' enline, When th' laId dl~\rIO', r eqlltrll and ap . , 0'wDsblp CHEERFU L PE DESTRIANS. It r emained In Ute rnmtly tho rIlce . tnIll 'PIIlIa ,up all' who dll&Ppeare.. train, come8 t' a atandaUlI a pine box of provel. North Main Street would prosper, .,.......,~ wbell th' ~ ooaeh III carefully lUted an' carrIed t' th' W . Z kloll at al to ll'ran:k \I . ColAul~ Ilcr.itlcnt llluHJply. especilll. • ........ ~ ...... eleYator. Bbe watka beane. A~ th' lIttle crowd ,athere a IIna a .raotlJ h,loglotlJ In BnUervill " " " - ' ;" uti p ' , doW'll \hI plaUorm 'tow moan Ia beard" a n' In Nugent, 010 11 on .. nll(1ny. When t he mn Ilincij Eth,uf,i O. Perry, 'IUle keeper . 9uO ' 1ooIlID' III the ear 1'llldo... , an' Imlla. an' Itooped, tenderly lll&llel, his arml II' r t. iutro ue d they SI'! mell D~ nger In Too Much Soft""sa. and weigher and li:'b~1 V . 8eUy, Barry E : Cowall ,' Trn~tlle t o at' 811 tit' fat fell... III tool'llt cape. a!lOnt a trail little "01l!1ID II? a faded "P. 80,ft I\JI ~wc r wll tur n Ilway bolh of Xlngl )1111. . Rlv. ArUinr Abrabam ProbilHoo Bilveral t rll t. In Iikfly to l<il l nil the pcd~$tri"ns, but ...... ~ .mAle a1itaf'1. Ther'1 th' alpaca dl'tlSl lID' I&yl, "Ther' now, . 8eo'l ool 22 ao d 23. lu t htl 4th towu , lIOW flu) owners Ilro killing tbem· wratb . JOB os cle Oood Doolt says," o\)· _ ;'dial', pIi' ~k t' ., th' etty t ' maw. dOD'~ carry on 10. We lmow lloopel' E, lSAKNH;\KT, Barry Oro... ol', hacllma n , 8lld IIbip and 31. m llttll ry range b t \veen selYcs m ueh Cllsler t han I bey arc servod 1:lncl E be.n, " 1311t too much doDI' er t' nrlt. where ebe f8 now." , softness Is gw!ntor t mr t somebody ft' l'IUaIe rePorter. Is a creat feller "Who'. ,n th' ,boll too th' Bugle re- Un. Emeline Howell both of South tb o Mia mI Riv ers $1. killing UB. If the stntistiC8 continu e to hand you a slap, j s' foh de (u o Notary Public Leb .. noD. He•• J 1', Fl tzwa ~r. 'aD' caiTl8I a red, ".bite an' blue lead porter whlspors t' th' constable. we shllU be IIhead in ihc. ga me ulti- of It." ROllel1 J , Nordyke, d ie grinder, Commissi oner~' Proceedi n itS ~tIll an' a ecbpol tablet an' let. down "Annie Nugent, little Annie Nugent. --.,.,- -\ 11 kln.1 •• f N ,r.~ry Wu , k , .vitI, aDd fteUa Loog, b ,'b of Xlnlll MUI•• malely.-Fredonia (N. Y.) Censor. ' . . . fer btl IMIDIlI' on lb' lpot. Be we UBed t' can ber." Re ~ Ar,hur .Jooper, ' PArmI 8~lon Is Il'rll nt,ed .T. B Me........,...,~ bla melllol')'. He'. at· (Proteoted by Adame Newspaper Bervle .. ) anti L> t!~d~ ~ ,-II''' I~ ' '' I ' Chelter D. (Jroolle". farmer of lli1DPY to plli oe 1\ oulvert 1I0rO@II, tb ~ HUMANITY'S SPLENDID · FUTURE. franklin and Carrll)llll\ Tallie of r our! at Ills r OHideooe nt (;t rtleD 'Iree. "h e u you 8.~O II t$ eertul au II b n p. Sprlnibo'ro. Rev , J, Il'. 11'11. ",aler. The P rO Vident StiVinjt6 Blink & "Don' t you care fo r tIl e opinions pyoid lAdy you m~y know 'bl1 ~ 81e bus guod dl ge~tio u It yonr dig '· , , Tru st Com panY '1i b Id o f $ 07, ~7.l I1n(1 , Boo" Adami. railroader of Maine. tloor ued interes t bsing t,he' hig b est of po tcrily P" , t ltm Is hl'l''' lr~d or If you du no~ r ei· , ville, and Mar,. Jane Thomp80D"of Bnd be8t for 'the Couuty lDIl-wl1r), ",Y o ," replied Scnni or Sorghum . I~b your we~ 1 8 t .. ke 8 tluse of UluulI. fOI"r, ReT, 0, O. Jonee. bonds. the same wlia liooepted, "But afte r ellgonics, produccs a race hll rlR ii. '8 'I'll blet,s. T I ey ~trtlU llt heo funeral Dirl'ctor , ' I". Viol.~ Inlram, farlller of Middle· 'Bills Allowed :- Inquest ove r b ody of pe rfect human beings I don't be- tbe 810m!tob , Iml'rov6 'he llJgOl!t.lo u and E:mbalmer, i nd O/l Uije " ge nUa Olovt!rueu~ 01· Lilt! '0"8, and Luella CecIlia Melampy, of Ubllrle8 Burton, oorone r a n(l wit. 87 KIN HUBBARD of Lebanon. Fatber Wm. Wlliola . nes~, '7. 25 i Mourofl & J nhnston li eve that there is ouy c)lallce of .this bowels , Obtainlibl evor y wb drJ!. Waynesville, Ohio. I generat ion s being ablo to command ~.~&.~i!iiiiiiEEEiiiiEEE~E=~~~~5==~rh;:~-;'~~~ Sooth. tlnner , aDd lumber lind slnv du t. ,$4 .2 ; 'l'h~ Mary lIIel~lna Bhee.. both of SprlDI- 'Inol nnu tl Euqol r t'r, legul /luver, anything frOID posterity more ~han Not Consistent. Call answe red promptly day or nigbt.....:~ boro. R ..... Artbur Cooper, tl41ug sn 40 j The W08ter n I)tar, tolerating pity." Rankln-"lIeu n hl'ou ~ h Rays h e Is Both phones in Office and Residence. Walt.r B. Price, farmer lind R f)Jtie leglll aovertlsin g $ 47.40; A.T. R tlttl ~ goIng to quit the un Ion." l'hyleLong distance,No. 14; Home pbone Ad. Moore. both of , Lebanon , M. brl dile worlc. Fmuklln towul!~lp INFORMATION WANT-ED. "'Vb),?" Rnnkln-" !1ecauBe ho Imya 14·2r A ~amellOD, J . P. $1 3' 75 i .\!'rn o k Collius bridge re lllUrs, lie can't see the conalstenc)' or lolling Chairs and one Coach furnished free Jiurillo towDshlp I 'l l 75 ; !:left Reed, tbe wnlklng delegates hire au au to· Little ucl- oy. pnw ? wi th f unerals. r idge rllpa lrs Oeerfi eld t ow n s hip mobile.' • what is it son? P a wWcH, Best of se~ vicll gUlll'8nt.eed. $73 80 ; I. N , S herbert, hrld l(e reo ---'-I,il;t]e fJomucl - A.1'e tho nndwioh pll lrs , W u ~ hlDg ton township U ,75 , J. F, Trov1llo. ~o rvlo \j ij bUTi .. 1 uow- islands mode of ham or beef? , Who, Indeed' , , lin. Findle" )lade Strong By Vinol mission :~2 i George E , Caroll bBn', Wh; among U 8 bss beart's de" ~et Imm£dlatt rdIcf J p sts "nd oemant, ,34 4 () ; In1ue .t THAT DEPENDS. ~Ire, or, bavlng . it, is satl ~ned 1Dr. !hOOD'S Mqk 01..... SevepY, Kans.-"The Grippe left me ove r bod y of lJ. F. Sh~rrit t, oorone r Tbackeray, . , In a weak, nervous, run-dowo coltdl tion. a Dd wt tu ess *775 i Inqo est ,lve r " ;\rcn't nLl patriots ready to serfe 1 w J\l) too weak to uo my bousework and bo dy of Oe m go O ons, oor o er a nn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-..:.t' . _ - . ' could ,t sleep. After trying different wltne ~. 1;. 5 ; l.ebA'n on Joe & "0/11 tllei r eOlU! t ry, pB?" . meuicines w iUlout benefitVinolrcstored " ure, my boy, if the salnry i8 a my healtb, s tren~th and appetite. ,Vinal Co ., 0001 $7 1.2r. ; Rtl y mood 1::1111' 11 IS 'a grand medicine and every weak, b ar ger, II lu r y $00 ; :. B Do01lu "t, sufficieut inducement:" nervous. run-down woman sbou.ld taku jJe r ' b /\8. ~. ~n unt s, ptUJl}Jl~ f.'r it-"-Mrs. GEO. FINDLEY. . nndltor 's fU rl'). $5 i Albort Bond , SIMILAR PROCEEDINGS. Vlnol. our delicious cod livor and iron bridge work, Franklin to\vn~I , lp " 1'7; tonic, Sharpens thc appetite. aida diges· On yton ' tote BOijp\tlll ol olblUg fo • • .; '!If In Putu.... a Poor Indian, Who II Hungry"an' Thlmy .n' Weary, 8hould tion, enriches the blood, and .buildJi op "~'hey eny drowning lI)en will We . In'm ates fro m Wil rren 'ounty l or AIle You P.r a Drink 0' Water, Do Not Sly t' Him, 'Sollone, You Indlln natural' Itrengtb and energy. ~ ,Y. OlonthFI, en ding DeoeOlher 3 l , clutc b at a straw." Doll!" , , "[ have knowIl thirsty oncs to do ~ . E. Janney. DrUtUfllt. Wavnesvllle 1915, $210.65 All _ atop t ' look at' th' little De,.. , 7. In til' mOnlln', tb' lildlan led th' lhe same t h.i og." 1MtIf1iD..., with tber hair brulhed back man back t' his path. When be had EVIL' RESULT. t!Ui0 0' , Queen Anne. proudly brought hIm Dear t' hli home, tb' Inj.: ' UlIl'r "";j t' Icbool ateppln' dIan stepped before him an' aalled him ~ ;r-'D~letPabrn roolter an' all un- If he knew bJm. '[ have an itchiDg fo r ~mce:' CIODIC\a1ll 0' th' trIal. an' 'flcllllitudel 8. "I belJeve 1 have seen you," wuz "Then t he liCIt t hing you know tlaat are comtn' t ' 'em, we are wafted th' reply. "Yes," laId th' Indian, you'll have to be scro.tcbing for a baoIt t' OUl' own lohool daya an' Pro- "yon have Boen me at your own door. , . . . Hoover'. red wbl*en, I w\1l now give you a pIece 0' ad· IiVillg." Senator Morris Sheppard ~, w~1l 'we Jdn remember tb' ~tCe." ------, ON PROHIBITION. IIWeIK ....tle bee o' our ,lint teaoher, &, "If. In future; a poor IndIan, wbo It Is tbe mission of, a nowspO\)llr to give th o nowQ. ~ patlently liIe lItr1Iulcd t' glt th' fl ' hungry, an' thJraty an' weary, The reader 18 entitled to Inrol'matioo on hoth sides 01 all eoep .ranG »eocll Iltted t' our cbubby IIhould' uk you fer a drink 0' water, do economIc Issues and ospecln,lIy on those questions which waJ8~ itntned·ftn~re ~~~I 'an' bow not all)' t' him, 'Begone; you Indlao We also bave Paiht to are boforo tho pobllc fo r solution. to r It Is th e duty ot ...;tllll,.. lb. directed It through th' dOli I' .. " every citizen to . carefully study the problems of govern· put on your building' wonAil'riIl cUrie. ,0 '" a capItal b, er ElIerclBlJlt-What sbould we allull mont. We shall present from time to time the vi ews ot SlLVtne quit farming, I will offer you intend ~o build. &bowed III Whlob _y t' turn, at lJI' ,return fer evll1 men who are recognized authol'lty on Important Questions for Hule u~ my realdenoe, In Cor,,18. bOttom·0" til' lint doWli etroq, t' proNo Itretch o' time '11 ever eraBe trom aIld who are responsible for thei r utterances. Tile views ot tbl. paper will be, eJo:pressed through ' the 'ct Itorlal Ohio, on cI1aoe a .fuIl·lle4pd ., er q. our memory th' atory 0' tbat unaeillsh Thurlday, March 16, 1916 columo. United SlIItes Seolltor Morris Sheppard, the Later 'OD 'C&IIle th' II'1ppln' storlea an' noble red man. chosen leader ot tbe pro hlbilloB torce8 In presentlng the III ilcOulrey'. re8den with ther 1m· How many o· I,lI now; I wonder, Uom !Jlenoiug a' 12 :30 o'olook 'he affirmative side of National prohIbItion to the Senate, fo11owlDI' propertv: 8 BOrle'l . S ,'.,reeal..... morala. 'How we Uled t' who are approa,chlo'· th' meridian 0 ' said 'In part :' eteacl,. th' pictures all' wODder why all life can answer th' 010 perplexln' ex· Cows, :J J:ll)go!, Farming Impleme~g, un'II""u,uu ot tble problbltlon amendment Is tbe most solemn duty til' ,meD ' Ioolled ' lite our Baptist amlnatJon question. 0' our earlyacbool that hal confronted CongreS8 since the death ot slovory. It wllJ dete rmine, Harne..", 100 egg Inooblltor. all' wby.o m&llY 0' tb' boys daya1 , ~ee big blll8 for ter ,lia, whether tbls nation Is capable' ot Invoking Its consti tu ent powers to consider L, D. Chlles ..,.. DallIed Ralph ao' Albert. TIi' What I.B th' chief tood o' th' crowd· an evil wblch at least half the populatIon believes to menn tb e nation 'e ruin C. T. Hawke. Anot . tDDerIIl'j wbleb IAn t' ~I our IIrst real ed Inhabitant o· Bankokf and to mako what Constitutional cb anges t hey may deem prop er tor Ita ~bt lilt' th' true cbJll'&cter o· th' Bound Vermont. W. E. Q 'Nfall,OIerk elltermlnat loD. It wlll determIne wbelher the mo·ral fol' es of the nalloo are .lmertO&ll indIan, I. perbaps tb' beat Ralpb's father give him 'nino peare the domlnant on8S. It will d'Btermlne whether' tbls Is a Chrlstlau nation . tIIbla McGuffey eTer wrote: an' hie motber If\ve h'l m 17. After We need not deceive .o ursolvel, Tbe laaue Is plain. A ChrIstian nation can· ' TH' JNOIAN. ' . entin' 11 he rive one t' a poor sIck not tolorate tbe' liquor tramc. . I will offer ab ,Publio ~ale at , mT , '''Not only w\l1 he whn votel against th e Bubmlsslon of this ameodment L : A pnUeDl&D ·wus atandln' lit ble boy. How many had he left T keep tbe people of the etateB, a cting through leglalntu res, or conventions. reaidence 2 mllaB north of Ridge. foor, OIl. . . .ntn', 1I:hen a' Indian came What II an archipelago? , , from exercialng their fundamental prerogallve olt d eoldlng what 18 national vtll e, 1,Y. mllil w eet of Lvtle aDd 8 Ii41iaIt an' aUed ,telr a drink 0' ,water. What rtver is fanned by th' JUDO- and what iocal . Ihit be WIll also deny tbe rlgbt of petfUon tq millIons ot bl. miles t!us t of Springboro, on 'he " "s! 'fa' •• t.ld t' blm, ."1 ha~e tloB~' tho MODongallela and th' Atle- fellow citizens, Seventy per cent of thl? t erritory or th III 'country Ie already , Day too lind Leb&bon pIke on unde~ prohibitory law aDd OTer 60 pe r cent- ot tbe American people live In ..... fer you. Becon, 'JOB lndtan ,beny', prohlbltlQ,n territory. A. committee of more t.ban two tb,ou8and men and , , Thursday, March 16, 1I)1~ _ I" J.fter btn' htl a7.1 on tho man Ae time creeps oh th' grlnhln' ,prob- thle Commenolng at 12 o'oloolt I,be fol. ..... ",,0.. til' rndlan went 'bl. way, leme o· life tJlrfve a~' multiply about women trom every seotlon of ,tbe Republic, r eprElsentlng tbrough tbelr 'fa.fll. . . . . . tlIIle 'a fter, til' man wllo WUI UI until ani,. tb' stron«eat benrt blUl OUI organlzatlonl probllbly twenty, million people. mllrche\l to the' stllPS 9t lowlng prope r t,y .0-wU: ) Borllell. , 8 lot of Ulllokeb ~ , Farming 0' lIantln' 'It'8Ilt 10 fer from tb', courage t' torge ab8J!od. For. In· tbe Capitol on a freezlog day last Deoomber !I.lId prosoutad to Representative 6' I:l og@ Hobaon'· for the House and my.elf for the Senale their reciueet that COD' Give tiS a call. get our prices. and we are positive we ~ '..... dial •• 'wu 10It In tho woode. lltaDee, Atbert receive. ,70 per month cress ctve the American peoIlle a chance to e)(pel tlie liQuor tramc trom ~e Imp)el1lents, !:lee big bills for tarms. . " ~ 1¥derlD' about fer lOme an' 1111 ~te'. mother him '10. country. In tbo 'face of a biting December gale, dCAplte sunless skIes and the . will ,get YflUr order for lumber, etc. . _ Elmer Parlett. ..... 11• . • _ '. badtan bn. He went After paJ'\n' ,.0 J'8Ilt e bUYI all penetrating cold, the,. came, the joy 'of a ~!ghlcouH movement In thelt: 1I0UI.. R. C. Balne81 Auo~ . .. .. .. GI'cl.. t' tnq1llre hli . .,. hllllle. alllllllnum IJdlIet, .. d e4 h.n, a the cry tor e. clean UnIted St.tes upon thefr \11111, It was the m08t radiant Cllrl Onk e. Olark .. ft' III4IiIII. wIIoID be found tber.· pall' 0' .hoel an' lOme p'tatal'8l' How abd lospirlng sight m'y eyel have eve I' seen. ThQ,ITS was no selftsh purpOBe; "'!'Il' , . . 'Cr ,wllScla J'OU Ip,ealt. m~ has he Jeft? ' , hUII,d"reds and thou sande of mil.. th ey hod t rnv ol<!d at tbelr own expeDse and at lP'eat persoDal lacrlllce to demonstrate the . power of a moral Impulle. ft)" oIr. YOtI kID Dot rMcb (Protected b,. Adami NIJWBP&l)er 8emce.) ADd I tell you tbat I 1foold rather have he~ n chO,aen by that band of code".,- .. --,....~ 81Il,.. 11ft _Ieome t' ECllpee. of the 811n, c~d men and women to pr8l8Dt prohfllll ion amendment tban to Two eoUpsee II the leut number 1DCII'IlIa.... . ' Probl.m. hold allY olllce In thll Republic. It I. Bare to SllY that tbe twentY mOllon .... ".. P4tr -"",'-I-~."If the JlIqUah tUI'D ...etarIuIa JIb people rapresented b, tbat "onderful commlttell IIT6 JoI ned hy thIrty mIllion that. CaD occur in anT one ,.ear, and . . . . . pre(IU'e4 mille cJinaau--'o or fo1't7 mlWon more 111 the d.tarmlnatJon ~th.t the liquor tralllc shan not theae muat be of the lun. No more ...... .. - _ "Well'" lie tolereted on a .llIIle ~ch of, AJDerlcan IOU, II not all euaeratlOll to thaD le'feD can tate pla.ce In IUIY on. todQ tor a IalCICIIII... 1ear,.and ..... of til. . lIIU1t be of the r ........ "WIIat .. to ~ ~ the LDG&a. AT that a majorll7 of the Alall'lcua people would



, O(,fll1iml'


Waynesville, Oh,\o







Waynesville, O. 'Lewis' Bakery bel:--_______________ ••_________..





Perkins' Garage


bf 1

Any Road A.ny Place


Any Time








.. -





- - -...




- ---... - ...





.Do You Intend to Build a Home this Season? If you do, Remember, have


- -----


~verything In

Building Material'

Neces.ary to build a. well-equipped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shed.



..,. _4




no. lie.....






e ''&so


1, JaD4u4 ......... , '


--_..., ...









PubllA.. t w.....,.



Wlne...llle. Ohio ' with LOCAL AP'LlCA TJOIllS, .. they _ _ _ _ _ _ _at_ _ _ _ _ _ _ annat reach t~ Rnt 01 the dille:"• . · Catarrb i. a loca.l d Lsea., lreatl, ho~u O• L• CKANE, EdItor and Manager enctd by conni'nt wllul ctondltion•• and In order to cure it must take .0 jll· I temal remedy. H'YOll II'. Catarrh Cure Will MAROH· 8, 19]6 prcSC'riho!d by one or Ibe brat physldal ls ~ === == In Ihls country ror yenrs. It is compose 4



=== ====-======-=

=== ===

__ .





· i~........·-..~.


As Writt en by Our Corps of Able Co.-re spond ents In the Neigh borho od .

or &Olne of the best lonlcs known, com· blned "ithIOJD eor .he best blood pllrir•• - - - . -...------ -----era. Th. perrect combina t ion or t~ In. ---. ...- - . - - - - •••• - - - - ,' gredlent s In Hall's Cala rrh Cure is .. bnt produau .uch wonderful rulliU in .... larrhal condilloul. Be"d ror lelUmonials







_ _ on io- -



~,,~ I

,." DIVIDEND ON 6 "Tn.

Rober. S'anley hll. moved w ..h 14181 \Suy Elale BrlLdbe rry .pent hili family nelr WII~IDgtoD, Ohio, Sa&ard "y DII(M and ~uDda.y with Mr . • nd Mre . W. 111. Bogan, Mf . .i'lt nam ~I her aunt Mr.. Ma.bel EiolliQgl'WorSh, and ~1'1.• RlIolelgh B Ig.o aDd En. ....AW"1J1'. ':'IUU l Severll) peOIJle til lhil oollJhbo r. IlDcI Lelah Bogan a"eDde d abe fu - - _ . _...... h Ol'd bave bee~ hllvlng tbe gdppo ullra1 of Bllrley W.rwlo k ~rldIlY. 1iWOHIO PEPO SIT bnt lire beUer nt ,thls writIng . Mr. and Mr • . Raymol ld WlleoD AN.D LOAN CO. MI'. Elzey epeD' Thursd ay night Ilnd daughte r, Mary C.~herlne. Mr. .20 'RLIB OLD BLDG. wltb I:IlIrloy I:!llit;.)D "od family. aDd Mr• . Joe Dlebro and daugh_e r DAY TON. O. Mr. Barley Sot ton SPOD t ~.nday · noro'hy . toot dlDuer tlnDday ' wU~ Jene B.iD.. and. 'amlly a' ZIIIW • • • • •,..• • • • • • • • ' "t,t8rooOn with William l4eroer at Borllng toD. t.ee1LD_ - - - !deveral famllloe have boen mo"· LtUle . 1l&ry Edyth and WaJ'DI IIIIT the pIla' week. Mr. Roy Sher. S'anley are apeudlo g. few d.y. al wood ba. moved OD the Bufue Ker. lhe gus.'1 of BonOl Compto n ',. PilLS lEST FOR LIVER ee, farm . lire , AnD. Morg.n , of Hprl!)r . Mr. 6eorge LaSeur aDd wIfe, of Valley, epeDa a ooopil of d.y. 'he I&' Bfoaal e$h.y oonlalD 'he 1181' lIv medlolD III. no ma'ter bow blUer Lablloo u have movltd In our DIISb• pad weet _Uh Mr. /lnd 141'1. Bam or naule.t lDI for 'he I~III' .ulI.l' borhood WllaoD·I. . (lola.lolt hId .. ,he ...h. Dr. KinK'1 . C. T. BarDer aod lOll. fio, ..oe, New Life Pili. Oon'aiD ID8I'edllll'lI Mr. Maok Green, or Orohar d Knob were ID X6Dla on bu.lo.. . ODI da7 'bat put 'he U"er workln , mo"e w ...e.n on lor IItree&! Onl d.y I..' luI week . 'he bowel. . No IJ1'I'pe, .no week. 4l,8."0 0. J~t try a Chao oo.y BunD.l I·. .0tertaI D.d DaOI.,a. - - -...._-_.- -Mr. Bnd Mrs. Me&d Burhma D to diD bottl. of Dr. ~lnl'l New Life PIIII To Remove Brown Stain •. aod no'lolI liow muoh be'''r you DSt' ':Iunday. From eartben ware dlsbes and plate. Mrll. W . E. BallaD II wnh her II. fill. 2~0 a' ,our Dru,gI .t caused by putting tb em In the ovell, - - -.... &er, Mrs. ICva W.r"lc k at IAbaDon loak In strong bol'W[ aDd bct wllter. tblll wee 11: . . Uri!. Marlha J.De. IIplnl olle da, laa. week wUh AUD' E.'her Oomp..

Burl', t~18 world 18 foil nf bOllbl .- k~i. CRENB V & CO .• Props .• ToledO, O. , "In t ." <lld h IIln ',. All Druggists. ' 5c. Lord I I vo h .. d Ilnr)IlRh , aD doable , HaU' s Faplil, ..J! r. coII. ~unda1' Sohool a' :B'erry SIlDday UpatioD. .".nd&B Oe 88. l'reeo,b lng mor~tDg Be"lon for 0 Imlllalo l. . . ~Dd eveDIDIl b, Rev. PI1\mer B~lom:n' 8lu.rru o?m!,_&o 'reI IIIr~ aad Mr •. rralllr 8hldab r .od WaYDellVllle. SkiN' _ere n'tllo gr.y· Mr. apd lire. ~·r.Dk B.nlil eta here Thorn. I\u' brambl el ba~e belet m'l' . Cornell .ad I[amlly mO"l'd ~lald.Y. DlaM 'or New Orleall t: iD Pearl . On the rf) d-bu. Il\y new home 1londll1' wllk . Th. m.D ha"e beeo ov.rwo rked aDd IIr.'hell' RI,ge and family ooollpyl ng Ihe Aln" U Ii;e 'ad,,; I ' \$ w .. 'hough ' bee, th.t they be hallIe Vornel l', movedl fr om . ,heD 10IDe D aDd I' wa. Wh ". 'be UI f I I ' Oallb Sa8'ma D II ttl ai she hom. deemell DO' recrer.ltO .. fa for them ao be Mil' Nellie Mnrpby M~tID' 'roub~e ~'I!~taYI weep n of hi. danlbS er Mri. p. J:. 1I01nltr e . alolll, aDd 'bell' mauy frleDdl 'ru.' ~~~t!~g frleDd, ln OllytOD hAR bleD the Pili' Wha,'11 tbtl use of al N"Y. teepln ' Obrll. OarDIII aDd ~~mll" will returD muoh beoefl.Ued . Mrs. Carl Sberwo ThlnKl o' of 'hell.~t? od lind IUU. ioo . moved 10 John Comp' on' propert y. W. 8 , 8ran', repreeeD lloS .'be Morrill and E. H:. Haruoo t J 1:4011 mUll' bavII bill 'rtbalil ion. Ilnd wlf. MI.. rloreno e aayooo t, of Da1'. CeD'ral Ohio Loa• .luoclat loD. of bave been vl.I'lng .1111'. aDd Mn. A. ~ . Water "Uh bl' wiDe. 'aD, II a' 'be home of her fOllier ha. been 10 'hll vloluta,. tlears, of DIl~'on , Life, ".In" no oelebr.S1oo. parell. , Mr.. and Mri. Ira ~oroll:r day. ,raDlao Un. ba.l. Trouble ? l've bid u 10_ Tbe rem.ln l of MH. ne Jean PeD:lew l' all~1 wUe .peD' Bat 'od.y II fiue. Crelgb' oD were broQ,M here from Clyde lA,lo1' hut purob ..ed of BUDdllY With abe 1"... 11'" par.ntl rraDkll o fol' burl.1 Thar.d ay . Bern .Dd Carl 8hld.te r tbelr dw.lI. Mr .• nd Mrs. A. 8 , Coroell Il'. '04ay tbai I am liviD'. aD4 MI'I. Elmer Cbenow etb aod obll. Ing ID ollr olty. Rememl:>er 'bl. II dau,hte r Mlel lrmllo. No' a mODlb al(o. dren h.",e re'arne d from a .everll lelp ,e.r .nd Mr. Levto1' II .IDKI.. Ba"ln" 1001n', \&kID', IIhID'. Mri. JeDnie 'l'bomafu.od d.ngMo r 'on. weete' ,,1.11 wi'h rela'lv8 1 In WII. and tha' would be lOme oaklh. AI time will. I, ao . 1111.. LeD. enterta io.d her Sauday mlnl,oD . Rn Alfred Walker dllid the lIIohool 011111 l5a', urday afterDoo Ye"ter da, a oloud of .orrow Pune ral Direc tor. D. Mn. Ada Dalrln ••d talr•. Maad i 'he al\.,DO OII wal IpeD'ID game A p.rty of fourleeD YOUDII people pulpit II ,he II. 11:. ohuroh I'ell aorolt lhe wa1' ; I here I •• , of ",arlou! klods Ao DatlD have b..n VIII"D . here. elea. Dt Iunoh .....D8clad Mr. alld lin. OlI8'ord 8uoda" U may raIn aRalo tomorro w, RANK FOOLISHNESS of brtot loe oream aDd oall:e, allo Telepbo ne d.y or Dlllbt. Mr William Stephe nl W81 • lila .., lIond.y IIlghl.() f I••• week. • III', aDd lIri. BerD ~lIr Hmay rI\ID-b u', "y, You a oooaalo ... r .. l· oally lee" Itated Ula' IDg Mr. Joho ~ha", r8Ol!JDUy. home mlde Valley phone No. 7. Lon. mollSle II 'IlIfr, Viae en. AID" It fill8 today I The M. S . Aid tJoole'1' me' ""~ d.n". of onr So"a. Dla&r.Doe No. e~lIr. jOYlld by the cia... T'ho.. pre.eD' ooids do DO' relalt from oold 14 .... Joha Korllan I. lar• . TDDI. OODkllo Thurad .,. bOllle from Tbllt ill rank foolleh D"', WIlr8 I, P,ofe.lO r. Toll and Wa'kln . of were Jamell Bl\rll ooll:, BeDry ~~~======~~=== D.),'on . Mllr. 'roe oold. would ODr .ohool. weI'll LabaDoD ID.... IIhy, Carl Wright , Earl ·be U prevalea & ID Hurley . Ired Blanllf or', of LabeDo n il Autom oblll 8ervloa at 1111 Tim. . 811 lard.,. 1I0mer MOUier. Olaold'lI R188", M.r. mldl!um mer aa ID mldwlo ter. The V1II.I., Mr. BerDar d. miorobe ihd o.ulee oold.fl ollrllhe l WAYNESVILLe, ECZEMA CURED OR MONEY REFUNDED . Mr. .nd IIr.. Ed Clark ba~e l.reS Thoma ., Bnber '1'homa l,l.oull 10 OHIO • Wilbur lilaI'll" and lemlreo n Dill damp, oold w ..,her. To moved '0 th,lr farm nlu Orell0n la. Wood•• Marie Wllitam soo, rid B.rbary Tbl. IID.raD Iee 10811 wl,h e"ery .pen' lilalurda of Il cold y take In Xeola. Oh"mb erlaln'. CoUCh .11.1.. Ne"le IC"'aDI II "Iattlnl nltr. &iehi. OIllIlDO. Irene box of Dr. Bo\1eoo 'l Eo.ema 010'" Gollady 111". Thoma l la home from Bel Mri. Tbom .... IL .. a crea' toleree .' Remedy . II II·effeo tuelud la hllhmeo'. Wat.. no dUrereo oe whithe r frleDIlI III RUmlo ltoD Iy recomm eoded by people who ba"e mont wb.r. Ihe lpen' 'he wln"r. for a few 10 ber ola .. and ahe, tlDrely appre I. a bab1'. ohlld or a.ed. No maa. da:r.. Deed U for m.II1' yean .. oooa.IOD oia.. h.r tindDe ll. Ihe .huDdrl td II a ,r..a In ..r bo~ 1001 'Iandlo , the oalll abe reqllire d, and know I.. ....1 "alue. M•• Bolly . Th. Ban.y abur, Bohool Bllard MI .. lrm. Vor.ell DR. J. W. MILL ER. .Dd frl.Dd .... ouaoll l holdl,o od. Va, au' ,hi. ObtalDa ble ever,w her•• • reqllll" ,00. nOla' the ~hool '- d d'h D_ . . . B II n_ l .... Char1e . M,era wa. 10 Mt " OD 'be '''',"DID , of Maroh .'rlp,iO '0 your drollll"', ae' .• box BulldlD. n e • e D&1~h , lame. I vwn· . ' ., "",lIIe I'rlda,. evealng Repor" Boll, rrlda, and tY.tard .y. of Dr Boba ,a'a ~lDa OInlllle n', 14. 1ilS, for 'b. purpOH 0 ' ooD.1d w.r.lJe D'enlll e woo . ••• DENT IST••• . n .. It .. dlreoted and If you are no. erlDI plan. lor 'be betterm eDlof • 'he .obool . . Tbl ••hould ha,e 'be ft,ll,. ••'Iluecl;t 'h. drq,lI 1 or mak. • l'he revival .enloe l' at tbe L,"e IDppor ' of ewer, voleI' 10 'he dll. 0b uro h were 1arlreI'Y "UeD... d-" ... ""I el Waya. .UIe,O er will re'Da TOUt mooe,.. T ... I I ' ~~ d MI BI...LillI jna' ODOI, 'au will be h.P&lIl, -"lur. 'rio', and on Ihe ab"". da .. be _ t Ie B· Ill' •1100. all aa T ewe11 • at enu prIMn' .nd be heard. " ed ' .,noc U '1a, .,0 .. h ' 00Ia. prlHd. • _ 0 Chrl.Ua u ICud.av or 8nnda1 ' nl.b' Lytle Bnnday ."ernoo lO. •• lb. and lin. Geo . Da"la "llll.d lead by MIIII Comp'o n w .. enjoJ'ecl Mr. Mablon Geptltu t hll been on frleDIlI a' Morrow aDd .oohe. a.r WANT ED 'a nd .,ood atteDda ooe was had. from B'rlday uDhl /i'uDday They 'be IloK lift' leveral da1'a pasS. To Hide. Hole III • Curtlin. IDd Mr. Fred Silane, ODe of our up. to-date and Mr • . A piece of .tarched Dllt or lace put ErD •• ' lIaDDoD Ed BrowD aDd family enterta wader. bole In a lace curtalu _III be IroOlry m.n, baa purohu ed a dOl Oarl Bhuwo od. wlft! a'nd eo~. loed were en'erh lold al dlDD.r SIIDday VJ:RY BODY -Tbll I. 'hI lime of F. E. .1 Mr, Phil WI1Uaore'1 nMr oliardl,. 'YI.lllle wbeo prell8cl lII100th boreean d ball'y, a very ~1I"fDI Sar..oot aDd I.mll:" Thor,d year 1,011 wan' to dlapole of extra Morrow . ay ·'uroou l. Mri. Ueo. Hogan h.. beeD " ..IUDS Ihln.. OD the tarm. The Miami Auto Liver y Seryl ce at \ with I. ~ Iron. e"eoIDII· The T.well family alia WID"r h.. " n w!' b 'III for Interlal ned lhe tiart.oo k Reas onab le Rate . famUy; ber ela'.r In tbe ola, for lh. pu. Gue... will help you 10 ••U them, a. a..,." 10" 001' of adverli lloll, will move 10 a ahor' '1m. 011 wlelr. leveral dayl... muab 10 " . , aoy wbo ~h. WIUI.m a.lo far... Their many mil MI'. aD~ Mn. Em.noD J'.arllu d atme'h l.....on. Alto Apat for .l(IU,-8 ld Crleod. I,od lJeIMhburl11 "'llh th.m aDd Op.l Gray IU..""of :W Joo.tha D Wright died al bla home .000.... AR put Automo bUe TIreI ao wUb hOrM aod bu~. t·. Jordan od famll" MODda,. of 10 'Wtlmlo g'oD Wedn. d.y, M.roh IY to 1111 8&ook Condltl oa Echia lIIalllo took _ dinner w"h Ian w •• k. ·14111 Nellie JordaD Wl8 1., and wa. bafled ID Miarai Powder In Warl'lll Collnl, . tlalary IIUle III .. Irma Murphy BUDday oalllog In 'b. af\erno on. . krJ' E'rtda, as 8 :30 p. m·. OIme III • . per .on.h. Ad4re N' lodu•• Wrllhl $.lIlb' ID our pabUo echool. Mr and Mrl. W . O. Dodd, of Mrl Wllbn. EOllllI:. Arth ur Brisb ane 'wo dl8'tI.eo t Sime.. a. married loare tbe other da" Shehad qnlae. Dear LebaDoD, aDd Carl D04d aDd 'rial BId"., IDdiaua poll., Iud. ml Vall., P hondO -IX bill ",Ife bere, ber malden Dame a burning \Ilea per nelll' dlsoove red wife w.rll ~DDda" ga.'lo f Bam. an old 8re ON '''OH •• ITION. belnl Loulea lilablo . Tberl w .. plaoe. w liloh wlgbt have BaShaw a1' and wlf •• provlln FOR BALE &0 ahem IWO oblldre n GraOl .erlool, but her Itelldv W. are gIld \0 report U.l.n Th.onHparaU on of IUOD, fI'GIIl IlIht 4rlDtI In liquor boro Dlrve aod Ieclilati ) II a QllutlOO IIOW occup)'l n, the thoucbt of an d P h b ' " I t . . Bartlo ot'l au, I Improve w h 0 d men& ave ,rowll from b.r np ou qu 0 10 aot 800D c!x~ DgOl1O 8 conle" atln eludeDtl OD both Iide. of tha prohlbltioo b1e ALL KINDS OF reoen' .lotD.... .Dd obertlh their pareD" . 'hI' Ii .. mel'l. I..ue. Artllur artlban•• ODe of America '. malt IIrlllllUlt Mr.., .Wr'llht wal a membe r of 'he Mr and MI'I. Thoma " Tarner 'en Tb.,.oh ooloom meDoed alaln Ih.. wrltel'l IUId capable eludeDt'. hal pl'lleDted to the lIew .. Irlenda on I, bad &0 ad.,.,111I4I a 00" &Olel, aDd wu .Iway. "rM1De d da t urd.y e'fElnlng p.per puliUlbera of the COUDtry th • .,Iew. of the eepar. 'oaDd a few week Illter belog oloaed 'or a week on.I..D.l.., wben 'he OWDel' InSUR1ln'~E doing -' hi. par' tn everylb lDa of their tDtlm~ II tr llHld~ , Incladi og 00 aOOoDD'of @oarle' fever. llonlltl In a malt COO.,IDCID, aDd forceful lIWII1er. W. 'Ilat came In aDd uld U " .. IIOld. IDd .. WaR good i hI! ...... klDd \0 Mr. G I:!hut'le quot. . . foUow.: MIl!l , of Vtola Ml ddletow Jorian D. apeDll au week a lood prloe, too. dy aDd " •• IIodmhad by all. m1l2 "Th. troubl. wltb our problbltlOIl Ierlilati on II tb. e"erybo with her atms, .Mn. M.Dd 01",,11 '. No' euoullh OIID be MId of .uoh 110 fact Uaat It IDcreue l drunken ne... Tltere I. mora drunk· iii the 81. Clair hOlel ID LAba.o . life, It W ..I full of ueefalDellll, au;! tl) POTA' fOEI-O hOIOl Whl.. Early one.. In the It&t. of Maine tho ther!! I. ·ID the wbole kDow _ _ _... _ • . Ohio Po..toe. lor leed or that .uoh a lood aod aleful ..MI of ItaI,. an.d for thl. rUllOD: ltal, there II no problbl· UI.. 1l0D, thare .... 'DO tMlotaiere InIUId' I'or ule b, W. E. O.'N""II , II d I II nobody drlDllI whlllr1. ma~ ve • 0 lDIO OK to , h e ODtll WHEN TO TAKE CHAMBERLIIIN'S TABLETS 10 the Ilite of JIaIol tbe _lied prohlbltloo law com. &hal kll8W WaJD...I11., Ohio. B. R . 8. m11 Waynesvill 0 him. al hll every.dl lY HOW TO PREVENT CROUP ,... 1\'er:rb 04,who 4rlnb at iiU to drin1l: wbl.1l;r -becauee whllt)' Wbeo yll U f"tl l dull nnd St.UIlUI ~ _ .__ _ e, • C&D be "alII: wal an f1xample \bl\l maDY ·.her ell Unit Meld_ aDd 10111 leeret.I,. Beer aDd the,Ulb t wlnel. wblcb do lIot caUlI When .he ohlld.11 labjlO' .., a .. baa", 'prln, "..on, wUh .took druDk.\ of 01 .bould p.".rn lifter. Be will 1IlD-. aIld aN Wben consti b, other DIIUonaliti. Without IDtozlcaUoo, can Ilot pa ted ' ,IOk8 or of bl ltllos. oroup, eee \0 " Uta. he .... ....t •• a ,ood OD.. '" be m l'i.d 'D 'h. oommu nll,. In bldllen aIld aN Dot IOlei In • problbltion, .tlte. III Maine prohibit Wheo you h llve ii 810~ be .. dl!.ohe. allgh' e"aninlJ meal, .. u o"er. robber. lIrl. ballY la aad 1 Tro, C)'fer PaItoIf b, t~!!!F'-· n~~::1 ion bep. wbloh be bad lind for many y_rl ,ood Ihap., om. Pbeae 77 beer &ad UcIlt w,tOIl troID the peopI. &DOl th.,. 4rlnk whllk, HoIIII PlIo.. 115 WheD 100ded you hA ve " SQur ptc) lDaoh. ~~o m.oh may brlu, oa u •• I'!t drunk. HI I_v.. a wU., clauKhler, IOn and IDqlllr••, 'bl Gr...... am... mU all th. _'" II true of KaDIu. w~_ 70a _,. read IlOW aIld Wh3D yoo b/llo b " {!oflr M·IDg . IBok. al80 watoh for 'he Ilnl I,mp alter ,.ean · of . • r.ndohU clren 10 m JurD lila de r:=!bIUOIl the Intel'8ltlllI but uoertal n etr.tement tliat 'drunkl DD_ When you blive indlgl;\stl nD. $om-b "ullelll ll'. and liT' Ch.m ...l11li to I ""r'arl . TIIII .tolnlly "x,end l balhell of.oo4 8eId 0.... When DC!rvuU lr despood e"t. berlal D'8 Oongh Remedy .. lOOD ~ ~~:=':~~k:b c1..... all .umUlanta. IlIllt wine, 11MI', lin aIld"" " Ihe berMve ror ror Inform ttlon d family ate he.rUe t, W heD you have no relish fnr your .he ohlld beooml l bOirle. ObYln. call era EI"lnlale, Id.. alllEl .lmpl, meanl putttu th. Dr.UOD baCk where It 11''' In thl rtr... •. D. 8, Wa,.. tim. of aymp.' h". meals .ble everyw JeIr~ a whlilly-belii. Idenoo arp4 parUo111arl,. . here. neavin•• Ohio. UberfJ, treatmeDt mn Snere) from here .'tendlC l 'he When your liver i ~ t rpM . of brewen OIl the ,round that rood Il(!lt beer aJoll. wolll4 drl" out the fUlier.1 of our hlRhl, ••Ieemed Vete rinar y Obtilina bitl everv wil6lre. WIllIlr::r that ...... ldllln' a third of th. popQlaUOD. AY-Go od, mlXe4 !'rIeDeI. JODath o Wrlgh' , a' 'he frem ., "Tbere la a ....t drlnt QUMti oo" t).e ~ arml.... -.oma or '\06 'ODI. Inqo1re of NathaD Ondual il of 0111 -----. . II there IUIY 4rlDt Queelloll ID OI~, ,:II'here pracuC! l"' e"lf1 th-. Ohapel Frida, &lMmooll. .. Stale Unlvwa lfy JIWI, In • _ "0_ __ Gr.,.,l bur" Qhlo. th• hu been a heer, drlDklf .lIlee· jCIIlllbooc! , No. there \8 Ilot. mil TIl.,. fa DO drink QI181UOO III the IZIII7 CIt I'raI!ce. In which • .,..,. .014111' hu IlII4 PAOJ: 10 b.lp ..ll ~OUl' bOnel, Olftce at, residence In F. B, reel :!fin. IInce ' hl. childhood. A boy a,a old In l!'r&IlCl drillU water Sher Vllu. of V.rloue stann. red wiDe added ... a matter of -eo..., All of CO_OD Mllta. oow., I,noln , lmplem.IDM ••to (Del_1*! wood • hoUIII. Fo~ street. ) The pro- ,The wearer of an emerald will be hlbl~lollilt who ebaUld UT thlt IUeb a ~\: would I~ ~ Bee III, and we wlll b.lp you. IIlaml drunt~_ woulcl able 10 dlecoorer falle frlendl and be In ep"e of 'h. mudd, roa4l Wm Telepbo ne Z8 be IOokecl opon .1 I. maniac. There" 1Il~ drDDte nn'" In x.u .... with Itl lIl.ured of luccel. In lo.,e. Tbe prmS' Dinwid die', .ale ·w.. lar.ely at_ci- Gau,t., . 1,.~... PGPUlaUOIl than tbere I. In all oi· l'rin~ with ItII ..IIOO!OOO. poP\llaUODI I Det'l COIOM,. uollke red ot the . MI'II I:!afllh Wood, (If A u~m08a. tid . Their ~lIlghbon . are p&l~ eo Wheth~1 10U adYocate ProhlblUoD~Dot, lI'fe the peopl. Wayn e.vllle the file(&. LIllj rully ' UBUfell conltan cy alia fldellt,. Iowa, ii vhlltiolJ her IloUllt Mre Annll 'hlnK or 10ll1D" .uoh ' a.oo4 Dlilh. .. . Ohio them to,ow th.t there are other Dat!. , trae from Yblllr1 . &lid 1' old 101'111 flIly, lired b7 'Folk. dnmlr4l llD_ where' pI'&ClUcally' '''4!f7 _ ,' WOlDllD aIld ebtld __ trae from w';' a mooDit ou. tor .ood luckl bor. b u ; .r8 p Ie ..... _A . - ·"1 .. J Itcht b win.. 01., 8111'118 ' dam ou ... D.. b,ofWllk", 1100 wII.hll "OO . iDq 11D'. S.II;=============~ wblch .. Doth'OI tiut If&pe Juiee Otieylll, th. la..... or Datnre, or .... O. B . • Ch.. Ohapma D lion the Ilo,t U.t. tnrouee and ",If. will lI,ht . beer, their - - -•• - .0-- • _oemJ l1I which the ""t ebemllt Ltebll utd. ·B.... aDd p)aOll. ODe bread .nd are all th. Clyde UleDd nat. ' Wharto 'bem a ll. ~'7, of Ly'le apent Wa,D. nllle, OIalo. I'll toocl 01 the" lorldPCIIIlJl.' Whirl the editor or the r mlll THA. d.... with haDd of w4'loome. Qu.rei ",alllit Conta,l ou. 01 ...... ~uDda1 wUb relative . bere. ' hu:iDaD hlblll lone .llIblllh ld IUId b)borD. Whether of drlDk or r. mortaIlt Ii. Sar'.ool 7, I.t E b Cal'll .. rente4 eootalD Ute tnc appa'rat ul for dl .. Illm act Ute 'a ....e belD,; hr.Ilne bll ,actloli. Upoll .t h. facti and ~1QIII Work lIr BorH, .nd Mrs. O1ID$ B_tt 'pe::!' ,000 drl"r, .DClI- ,..,.old WafDN ,iUe'l Leadin jl DeaUl ' Da ' IDfectln clothlnc .od benace -of Tueeclay with Mrs . Bugh Keeling Impoaalblilti... IDncoUI'l'. real t.m~raoce 11)' ellCO~ thl_-r farm of Ihtl WllIlallllOO helrl, . DIU mare 001', . a 8De ona. mqwre of eIll,. tfIIIIlo j' ,.lIeu..,1'1tbewbo baye been exposed to K Ce.lerv ~rate drlDtl. lI,ht. beer. IlIht willi. Don't .tlck u_,_ B llle, ODe of 'h~ bed , ..... 111 C 8. Sherwo 10ur bead In the prohlblUoll . coot.JlOUI dl....e. Mre. od Wa,o. nUlI Ohio. O1Iloe la .,1 BId.. Obeilter .\40l1nl, of l'''''OIlItIl, M(1ntl{o been put Into _..... . mer1' OOUD'Y. IID4. but ~IE UOUDd lUIei ........ tliat' ~ tempera nce .. fOIItbl. ua4 ~~ Their _l\n7 • llpeot , Suodav wJah • m16 Mr. and Aha. W. by all ItalllUl railroad. lltl nelghb on aDIl trleDdi wla~ tllem . 8be.t • . <t aUOOl.I. SUD- IIIdID m Red Olover Seed, Mre. Mary 8tokes hIli! pproba .ed IIr. and MI'I; )'red IIhuwO od and .ood quail." reclean .d. In'he '.rm owned by t he I.... Cui daaahM rl, MI'. alld IIn~ ·lIorrla qalre of 0 . • , III0heD Cregg, . Sharwo od apeD' WedDa da,. "lib 118-1, Wa70.1'f111e.' f'hooe mll Mr. acd Mrll. JOl!eph . , Mareha ll Oul Sherwo 04 aDd femU,. TH. a.UTa tT . hlYe moved In" h, Bro'l9D pre-pert y Mri. Japl81 u:utilla .,.., Banda, lrOQd. offioed Hk. lDquire at W, on Colleae tit. . .fkrllo on ·wiSh ,he Luab lamU,. 8,. 1\eo'a · mS ' tall', aud Mr •. (leorlle Graham aDa lit THI WDItI,D I Bunday Sohool a' family were the tlDDda, gnlllll! of 8und., " .. larl.1" rerr, ' oh.lOb rtJBLJSm wmLT. f4,OO ,m YIAl aooont.. U . d .. "'N'" a·-in wa- '31uar., fiDe tone an ... 1'8. Ch Ill'Ie8 Thomplon .ll d Ing \0 lbe d.y, " "betn, I.oh - lnqlll v-c... • "GTR'· DRucel l,... I"'OIA U.-orIIp ... a' Ihla" 0 06. mS -d,ulh'e r. ..... all' .Dd roada tn bad oODIUUOD: . :::T~ ': '::RV~:.U:!.."'c;,:; LlIella. Raobel .nd StaDlel l tillplD Mr••Dd Yn. Tom Tamei lpell' hIorlbe n '0 'he MoOll·l '. av UIINC I,.. ADV ••.,IIING OO,"UMIlIi . • te vIIU~IOR Mr. aDd talrl', Tom Fox, SUllday with 'bl Tewell famU,. .......In .. Bend 850'0 ,h. SAMPLE COpy FREF: of lliamla bar". PearlO ornln wlll mOYlI lOll4a, QUelh 'otaoe, and ••• 0111 of ahe . . . . . . . ...YOIUC . OLl~~.R . Mr. IDd Mn. RDen, of rraokll n; when Maok Pickert. .. DO~ beI'~. OIl_rib . at . __ v ...... II. Y. ha.,. 1II0ved OD the ~r ClanD .er 1>"1'1 tJurohu e4 'hll .111 .... ,.~8' !!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!~!!l !!!!!!!!~! !!~!!!!!!! farm. !'!!!!!!!' !!!!!!!'!!~!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!~ 'I me liaok. IIr" Ploklrt •• ud wif. Mr. and , M.... WI.!1 Joelln, o. will move on 'he 'arm lbe, . pnr. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mlaml. barB, .pent Sa&lllfda1' with ohllled of W.UIIl . . . . . . . . . . .. .,on Corn.ll . Mr. aDd Mra. Bo~ard •• r!,. Thl WUllol Worker t .Ie""al led lin., .T om Bare' anil ' d.Dgh\ er 'he Ll,ht .Belllel'l olaa . of· Bllda were Mlddle 'o"D vl.laorl ohorob .' the hom. of Morrt.rel'l'7 ' . , : WIl. '. MODdIY. UamlOIl and .1.Mr, MIN The most Moder n and 'Sanita Dr. IDd Mrll. C.rl Bordeo _oil 100 elellan' prollrem wu we·ltrID ry Cream ery , lm'ld. wera 1>&11oD VII"ori &turdtt o,. in State ~d will .p,a.y highes t ' marke t ~am. of nrloue1 l:lD' wIre aDlo,'e/ i .. d - ....... . b, all. orum .nd Od~ price for sound. dean sriur ,ct~ . . We are .. r. au Mn . VerDon .~OU.., .• p,D' .1oo._,,_A toloe abonl thl,nNY. TQ.d~y wlib lire. S'ok.. . ..- ..... .."' alway s promp t to r~gnize any advan ce The l'ropeu l "e Literar j 150001t,. in the marke t, and tiik~ care of yoUr wal beld .1 'he ElUoU .abool bOaM interests at all times. CheckS ·mailed.daily eVAIDI . Th. P'OII"'m 0011. of dl.loga el, readlD " ud or weekly as desired to cover alhpip ments . . .:Ion II!, A p.ptr b, ..... lIa,. WrlSb' wal 'fir, 01• .., aDd well oompoMd. !;'he o.xI ~....... wUI be 10 tWO w.. .A u...~ Irr.m III expeok d. ......'' r S; Bar.oo k aDd 'aqbt e' I I ., ; Ma~le .peo, tia.'Drday uul 1hUIc1a,. wlab Ra:rmoDd B.ruoo k, wUe u4 'wIw ..... IIChtI , . . . . . . . . 1uatiW IIII.b" Gerald, 01 Coad4 al.. . nporl aU In 01 healUt uel OIftc lnn,t l. Ohio lIIIIlD_e._ _ _ .•_ ....._ - - -




- ..---


Wal ter McClure

.- •







OI•••llIed Ad.


Ra y M ill s




Corwin, Ohio


W-I ter Chandle'r






.. ---------





.- .

Dr. J. A.








5 ,..



DR. H.E. Hx,




A pI 100 ..











w.... ... -




rLOoiNoiEs~l .---.......-- .


.-.- .. -~-.

A big touring car fo r fl\'e . people

The "scarlet f ever scare" hilt.; about . died" nalultll tlt'utll. Th T () .have been no new en e reported nnJ It i8 thought Ulat it Will lIot preaJ further


L. A. ZIld · E MAN

Thursday of this week i vi iUn g day. throughout Wayne Townshil' The pare(ltl are urgently reauestc cl to visit their echool some time th R\

And Ilmong the "Sixes" in the lowpriced field none can measure merit with this Saxon " Six" a.t 5, ' 5. In public tests and owners' bands-in speed, in power, .in acceleration, in ~Domy-it has clearly and conclusIvely demonstrated Its superiority;

1786 786



Delve.,. car

. e805 395

J. B. Phone 05·5



car of proved prestige

- a real "Six" success-then take this Saxon " ix" at $7 5. Come in at once imd examinc it.


All the boll and &lrll who intend _ter the Com and Dbmeetic

ScIeoee €oDteat In WlU"ren County

Willlll8llt at LdbanOD. Wednead., , II&reh Dl. to o~ize a BoYII' and

Gir"~ Janior'donteat Club under tile

auqa&ee. of t6e State Board of AIJrl-

~hapman Waynelwllle, Ohio

ren County are Aunpt Bros. & Spreng, The Tom ~rwin. Cannlnll' Co. and The Or egoma BrIdge Co . $ntry blankll and rules of the eon· teet can be had by addreeaing J. R. Clarke, director, Columbul, Obio.

.- .

Go On, Rub It tn. Probably the dual Iyeraonallty, said to be common to uli all. bas no more IItriklnc illustration than III tile caee of the candldato before Blld after his elecUon.-Olllo State lournal.

------... -..------

The boy. and girll wbo belou,r to tbla club are ' alone eligible' Powder on a SUpper Sole, to hOld office. The club will be un· der the penonal dlrecUon of J. R· Tbe best method or applyI ng race Clara. ' powder Is to 8IJank It on with a lamb'e· AmoDa'tbOll8 wllo intend to offer wool·llned aole such a.a Ie uaed In triS- to Wublngton thia faUln War, worsted bedroom allppers. ~ultaN_


~~--------------~, PERHAPS YOU DO NOT KNO". -Heard a racket In the cellar....,-but think It to be only the high prices of Potatoes takl ng a tumble. -sell a 7-jeweled logersoll Watch al $3,00 -Have a good' quality of little Chlck.Feed -Keep "that Good vii" for lamps and hicubators -AM only 14k a Ib, for,OrAham Crackera . -Put pur "Country Club" Crackers 111810st any braod3 lb. for 2Sc, too -Want you to try one tack of our Cream Com Meal -Have tbe purett quality ot Leaf Lard -Can please the very best cooks with "pride of ~Ich'.' mond" Flour -Are read)' forhoult cleanlnlt time with lime, Brush.., Wan Paper Cleaner. Painta, Brooms, ~ops, Ammonia, ScourIng· Sos.p., Etc, -Just reqri~~ fresh 'supply of Cracked and Flake Hominy ~ -tlave pure. Extracted Honey -Cut the priCe on OIoger Snaps, 2 ·lbI. for Hie: -Are making Chase lie Sanborn's No. 99 Blended Coffee • splendid leader at 25c -Keep a cho~ quality of Yellow Com Meal





I, r,. ltIll.1l111 Sl'11UOIH t. · ·tHI Ii P . r hool~ I 1" "I b ,, :,;OlJd Oil". ano I ough t 11\ I .. 'J, I,d UJlu ro righ awa}'. . . . Cenlrali?ell Ht'h""I" have ell/Oe to ·The VIllage qounc il held Its reg ul llr s lny , lIll ,l the F 11l1il' r the rl/rallli~· monthly .meetlnll at. tt~e oun t tl trict~ g l't I lI'; i,,,· t w,'ll tix -tl In their Chamber III t~e Masolllc 1 em ple I?~t mili(J~ t lw :l,IIla, .. h " I ,ll !J 11l1i l by it. Monday even.lng, ~arch 6t h, 1 he I '"" b,lI ,n l. IIi'''' .•; 1. \' l) lUrnc(1 dowl1 regular. routine .b usl n e~ was tra n- lhe prl1I',,-II II1 ' j"r ,I ' I\C I\ ~l' hI\O' eacted and th.ebills whIch hal'e. <Ie· bui llli l1l!' 11IL, . III It i- root prlJhublt, cummulated smce the lust l"!leetln I they I II U I U I III , II ., ne w c"IIl.!'1t1 were allow ed an~ ordered p~ld . I izcd . chltl!. u- Ii I> .11 ' maill> la.l' uf . A ieneral ordll1ance .provldll1g for ,heir UUS ' Ilt'~' lit.. Tile cl:!ntraliz€!li eldewalk~&.n~h,treet lm~rovdementB I 5Gh",;1 h ': ]1' I . " !lilY HIllI Klri wht, waR p~ . IS genera 0.1 InlinCe a t('nll:. :.\ I,., J l ' 0 a mud\ bdt (,1 ~akes It possibl.e for Co un cll .to Pl o- I and (uli"r eil,., ,t I', Ihun i::l p(J ~ilJle VIde for any slde~al~ or piece of I in lhe I'u rill ill I ricl road Improv~ment In the . future by Wa rl .' '1'.1\\ 1 ': ip j:" !ltI fnr .. vl'ry merelv passmg a r~ol utlOn to t h.e well . ll>li~1I 1\ l ilt t ItlWIiY t h 'chu I effect that such Im provement I~ 8jfa ir~ lit' gOlrl)<. allhou\lh Lhl' necessary and shall be t'o,,!s.tru ~te 1 scl1(l()I~ titr'lul(h"'1l the uisll'lcL ure according. to plans and spec.ltica tl ns till rUi Ilil. l: I IIi "', . With the ~et forth III the genHa \ ordinance . . I n ~w !Seh"'11 hou' " I·"ady for nc 'Ulllln' cy f ). I It", un.nnl< Ll' rlll, th I'e will lie bet el' fuci~it ies than at pr('sent. and

cr\,. I



-- -----






A few weeb ago we publ i'hed the news of thfl. rI alh uf Mrs . Rachel Butterworth, at Portlllnd, Oregon Wo lire now in receipt of the informat iun Lhllt her husband , Clarkson Butter wo rl h, died at his home in Portland on February 28th, about ~ix weeha after Mrs. BUlterworth's death . 'rhey had lived togethe r for 59 years, som of which were spcnt at Wavncsville, al'hough t heir home was for man y years at Wilmington, wh e re they raieed their family of six chi ldren. thrce of whom, Charles, Irvin RII(1 1ua. were at their father's bed side when he died . Mr. Butter · wOI'lh was a member of the Society of Friend~. H e was born near Loveland, Oh io. and WBS ovpr B7 yeard "hI at the t.i me of hi ~ death.

----_.- ..

Waynesvill e Ohio

"Ivma~ -- - -

--------- - _. --- -



MDT On almost every road in the co~ntry the sturdiness, steadine ss and UI1usual comfort of the car have b een fu lly demonstrated. . Steep hiBs, descll sands, rOllgh-roads or IIllld road ha ve held 110 terror for it. It Ims done el t'rything it hus been asked to do, and lIIany things that have been called remarkab le.

The motor is 30-35 horsepower The price of the Roadster or Touring car complete is $800 (f. o. b. Dayton)

----The Junior .Guild social at' I home of Mrs. L . A. Zim mer man T uesday night was a success in every way. The musical program was of We Ilr t:ll't illll t his week ome a high orqel" and the cont est afford· essays frl)m the pen of Kin Hubbard. ed mucb amusement. Sandwichea. 'rh y a,re ilU int U!\Sayd , tho ugb full pickle . and coffee we re thoroughl y of pice and tru h. We are sure enjoyed . A 8ubstantia l ~um If very reu l' will w~n t to r ead Ulem , money was realized. and atter relining thl'm Qnce wil l want t o 2'0 over them ngain . .The8e ----... 'rhe' Worre n' ountv Teacher8 As Ilhilosophieul lalk;; on 1he hOIMI )' sociation will meet a t Lebanon, Sat to ~'iic by this f ,dnuU. h umorist Ivll l urJ ay , March 11,1\)16 at the Nation· aplJea l to flll our r ead r3 al Bank Building. 10 R . m . Devotional, Rev. Fitzwatl1r,.LebRnon; Pen manship, C. E Foster, Utica; The Unknown Quan EliBS A. Barley, a former resident. tity , C. A. Bru ner, Lebanon; Rouhd died at his home in Macomb, ] 11., Table, led by C. M. Roudebush, Saturday morning. The fune ral Morrow. Second & Ludlow DAYTON, O. was held a t his late re.idence Mon1 p . m. The Laws of Growth, day afternoon at 2:30 o'clol."k . I n· Supt' F . B. HamA, Franklin: Ad Opposite Miami Hote l terment wal made in his home town d res.~, County Supt. J . L Cadwalla· A more.extended notice will be give n der, Wilm ington. . next week. It ian ' l a question of "Can I affod Write for-Catalog today DeOlonstr;ttlons upon request to go, but can lafl'ord to miss It " The Lebanon W. C. T. U. will Miss Ruth M. Edwards, Sec'v Creighton Harness, oged BO, who hold un nil day mee ti ng on Wednes· J. A . Oppy, I'rll!!' formerly lived on the Dr . ElIi~ place March 15th , to wh ich all th e Unions one' mile north of town, was kill t!d In the county 9r'c invited , Addr~, ges by a C. H. & D. train near Xenia ""ill be mlldc I IY the County PresiFriday. morning . He was returni n,R' dent, MI'8 Charles Chapman, Mrs. Aavancement -.-Dead Giveaway. to his home when the train struck Eldridge , or Frallklin, and others. "}lave YOU made any grogress to"I don·t think my tlJ(·alenographer him. The train was SLOpped a nd ward th e betterment-or mUlllcipal ',.-In get 11 job tbrougn the recommen· be was taken to Jam estow'l Th e art?" "W 'va mnd e some progresi dation 1 glw him." "'OIdn't you give horae was killed 'immediately, bu t with referenqa' to slaluary. All lhe him a good 0Ile1" "Yea, but he took Mr. Uarness lived until Sun· wooden I11dlan8 bave disappeared troll) I t down .and typed It hlmeelt. And It day. Mr. Uarness bad many friend s In front ot the cigar ~tores. " Was rull ot errora." In thlR neighborhood when he lived ,, here, who will be shocked to hear of ... " Mr. Frank Kurfis and Miss Edith hil death. Mra. James Dinwiddie, Graham were married in Lebanon who Iivell on the Maffit farm', is II Agreed With Him. All pll rs!)ns know ing themsel ves t6 la8t Thursd _y. The young couple daugbter of the deceased man . T he Dry Goods C1erk- "Wo are seiling To Soften Lemon •• be indebt,'d L (t me for 1915 colts, wili are rec iv ing tbe congrotulations of theae goods mndam. at rt.dlcu!ous funeral took place Tuesday aft erLemons thal hnve become bard and please c II "t t htl Way nesvi lle Banlt , thei r many fri ends. noon at 2 o'clock at his late home ands~ prlcelj." Customer-") ahould sny so! d ~y can I}O mad !) soft and juicy agnln I~ wh ~n duo - _.:- - '- - -near New' Jasper, Greene County' ( can buy them cheaper In hulr a do ze a by p ll llln~ them Into · n pan or hot wa· George Lanter. tor nnd letting: thom remain at almost placea."-Puck... ' -..,---... - _ tho aRm!! temperll.turc without bolllnc Never Thought of That. ~or two houra. Solomon had no reaeon to get chesty Long LIved -T;"'e.. 'i - - - - -- " ' - -- - 1'lec8lls8 he WA S the wlsl'sl m lln . %0 Olives are declared to be the lonlr- . • 'wouldn 't hove beon It ite bed had ' a. ' . - I th ousan o w·lvc8 to advise blm?- eet'lIved (rult trees, 110mB In Syrla • • having borne abuodant.crops for more .. I Fu lie Aapir.tI~n. . Florida ·l'Imes· nlon. ',I 'If .' r "Wh et:! I was a boy I thought I'd than .00 years. r 8eale<! bhh "'1\1 be "",cloud by the OIark ot ,j rather be 11 gro!'t haseball player than ~he Bow ot Educlu.lon 01 Wayne To ....n.hlp .. nnrlhing Is\! In the worl~" . " Of . 8cbo01 DlltriCl. WlLyoClvllle, IVnrreu COUlILY. This W E~ek· We Have OhiO, WltU 1)000 00 t h. . For Faded Oarp eu. .'. cOllrBe, )'OU hnve chnnged you r mind." Encourages Fatigue. N EW ,TOM \TOES To revive the colora ,o t a .faded rug "Not eJlactly. I hnve merely reallzecl There Is noUling so calculated to o~ carpet apply, atter . a thorough that th ere IB no bope." . STRAWBERRrES g iv e a .you ng Ulun that tired feeling aweepl,ng. a wcak solution of alum. for furnlahlntt tho llecetl8ary labor autl 111,,.. . Lettuce, Cd~ry, Cllkes, "lu n aa nnll~xlns n rk h (ntbor·ln·law. terI. •• t or tbe COD8'ruc ttCJn DUU c OIII~lo[.lun 111./ goes, DUll hh, J erscy :D~:e~C.~ro~:lllontlC~~!:I~I I ~. l~~ t!t~~~ --Swens, ;\ .:.w Yor k App les, bart, mrk 01 tile Hoal'cl 0 1 EduClltloll. Way u~.· ville Oblo. ptella"Od .lJy WuUtrr. We ruer & Gra pe Fruit , Naval Oranges AlIkID•• Mercantllo 1. lbrar" Building. cln- I clnDaU. Ohio . 61d. wU I lJe opened nt " mootlog ot the ... Id lloard 01 EducMloD (,n . The fines t Scratch Feed in April 8. 1916. '\t ! ;OD o 'clock p .. m. Rach IJlti mun be uccompallied' lJy a certown (lnly :;12.uU a bag; Chick tilled check tor 'IIfO .DO wade p'~'llblo t.o tlr e Feed, ._ 2.1 fl. order ot.tho Olerk or tlie Uoard 0 1 Educutio n or W aYoe to1l'1II111P. WarreD OouOLy, Ohl". That our prices on Mqnuments and Markers None but tile lowelt 'reapoDalbl o IJld d r lira. Robert Bl\llIuger .8peot·MoD. Choice ' avy Beans, only C a ,ball be d RY ufteruoon ' whh Mn. W, .() have hot and w ill not advance. We are offering Til 8&ld Board t-eeer"811 $b. rlgllt to reject poun d, Wlirner, anlil~'!n~tbl:!8·..,aled and endol'8Oll. "Dlel the best grades of the qiffere~t granites/ made ' Colo Pinto Beaus, only 7X e Mr;' BDd Mra. 'rom COllr tn'e y were lor Lbe Oooatructlon ot a Sowerage Sy.tem ." in· the style of. your choosing a nd at the same . up . and moiled Or dell ve!;8d to TI,u Clorlt o~_ tl' 8 . 8 pounel vlsttttlg iu Bpringfie.ld ~aturday, Board ot Education. WByn. 1'ow""blp fair prices. .We will app.reciate your consulting Behool District, Wa,nallYm •. WILrren Oounty. Mr. Lllte . DOli De WaB tn 'Olarklbetter Ville 8rLturd~y. with us, and shall be glad to explain the advanOh~~ order 01 the B08J:(1 or Educntlon' 0 1 W.yne 'I'owoablp Scbool mstrlct. WIO),nl)B ' Mr. and Mrs 'Carl Bellt·h vlaited tages of our superior design service, We employ , ·m e. Warren Countll' Ohio . M.r . Nul~on McKeever and family Datetl, Wnynllll v Ule. Ohio . March G. 191 G. no agentS. ~ . . E. V. SA!INDAR'l'. Clerk. Friday. . 8-m·22 . Mr. aarvey BllrDett and Mr. AI8 Wbltflk I' I\.tteude d I·he Kina IIle on We arc agcnts here for 'ranla e, Wetl u6S(ltLY. a nd will Jla 'e n supply on M ra. Cora Du ker aud dlloughters, band all the ti me. Ask you r at Wiltnln/:ltou Rre vls \ ~hllr tile ~ , '. 't " frielld s abou t it fo rm.or'lI slater, Mrs, Ada. C,)nuner .




Atlas Motor Car Co.




-------- - -----



Notice To Contractors






------ - ..




+- SyttUp ·Lab~ls·~· GIVE US A CALL AND --·-WE WILL PROVE IT'






{tl,':l1 n of Lebl .

11l~1 Wl't'\, 111 0'r,' II 1I n ]1 11111 pr t· 0 I'I UV It (·"!i~Ulll l1l1lt ,·d , thaI


Beans only I Sc a Can -Are Introducing the New Wheat Biscuit at 1.4k a pkg -Have large fat Mackerel at. ISc -Offering, you 8Om~th ing new-Sauer Kraut and Sallf!8ge cooked together, lOe large can -Retail tbe very best Mail 80x at 75c . -Still tell Fancy Cakes and Cracknels aC 15c a pound . -Can supply you with good Lawn OrBS!! Seed , -Will furnish you witb good Pure Cream on short n~t1ce

White's Store

ta mt·ll i!];.:: I non IMPROVEMENT Llnil of cons":I.d 11 11 ' Tu n l, IORDINANCE PASSED The prop"" ,)

'('I'ernl Musons f rom thi ~ pla~e are mak ing u rran g~ ll1 ent!i to uttenrl th e X.:nill lodg ~' ri day evening, a8 their loilge will huld an illsp 'otion that ovelling Work will ue ucgull early ill lhc aft rl1oon.



-SeIl ·Creamery · Butter at JJc a Ib -Offer you fine Asparagus Tips at 24k a Can . ~Pav the hlgbest mar!<el price for Egg. and 8utter -Want to .show you a sample of Extra Small StrlnglellS




JUSl' REClm'r.n A tW', LI

MO Epon l1il 'USED rl( L GHANGEt'tJ

f course you want a "Six." Most motor car buyers are agreed that no less than a "Six" can give such luxury such flexibility, such smoothness such a silent, vibrationless power-fio~. .

TCMirtna: c.r Roadster


Itl'gular comm unication of Waynesville Lodge 0. '1 3 will be held I T l1 ()~"ay evoning, March 14 . 0jllurni Is:!' brethren nnd visitol'8 nrl: rwe\r\une. D. L. Clune, W. M. . L. A. Zimmerman, ec'y

The Bnsler n Star "" ill hold lheir regular meet[nl( Munday evening, day. March 13, at th eir hall. All mumI ~--~~~.----~~~~ ber are rE'flUes lerl to be p rese nt . "Gossip ie that whi 'h \lu Is two ami . ~I nrn lI awk . W. M. Chrislie McKinsey, Sec'y tW.:l together and ma~es live." 'l'h., rumor that we nre gOing to hnve onl eight mon~hs gchool thi~ year ,is ah , 1. Memb r5 of Crow n Cw Lie No 53 , solutolly Without foundatIOn . SChuQl 1 rt) requester! . to meet W dnesd uy I even in)C. liS Ihere is business of imcloses May 19th. .. , ~ pll r lance on hanu..

Here's a "Six" that's a ' proved success

So if you seek a




M.r. and Mrs. Robe'I" B ..IIID~er 'ended . Otllo SondereoD'. moyiog on.8atQrd l~Y. Mr. Bud Mr8. IlImmet Beltz aDd UUle 'daugbter Belen 81lBDt Sunda)" evening wlt,1l ·Mr. N'al.on MoKalnr snd ramily. George. Wsrnel oalled ou Bober. Ba111n ger'8 "unday morning. • Mrs Adll COllr\ney tI."ended thA "llookl ng Ulubl' .a~ M". Balley 'e. y in- '-:-Your Trade Wednesday . Tb~ sohool wagon from 'hlii dtl. trio' \las a. Dew drl.Yllr. IIlr , Merle L['l"r' -l'~bo \'e the Standard 'rerry , of B.,.,oh Clrove ' ha. 'ake" ph,oeof Mr. dbarlle Klbl.r. Em t~'~ - 'rl1at can't be beat theMr. A.a Whl~klt and '.mll,- tooJr bUDday dlDDer with .JOhD Whl&aker .nd..famll)". . :::~====== .1r,. D,~e a.l"!'81Ied OD hi. 10D WATERHOUSE, Mr, Emmet JIfIlb hail.., al&.,DooD.IIr. AileD Ittbl_ ,.... ...D· ill 'bl. Conrba, 0ll:'~ aellbbollaoo4l'1tc1a7. .

Get ·the ha b it and trade at

The Old Schwartz Shop on Mechllllic Street, Lebanon





Sixty-EIghth Year



1.)1 '

- ------_._..




MEETING OF TOWNSHIP SUN. Carl frye 18 quite III at hi' home DA Y SCHOOL CONVENTION llear town.

COMES FROftt WHAT WE 00 OURSELVES Group was invited to a big chicken rOllSt at the lugar camp of Henry Satterthwaitl'. About fifty young people enjoyed the evening and all pronounced the affair ono of the jolliest of the seMon . lalit Monday night the Friendly

Mrs. W. S. Salisbury wu a Xenia

LARGE CROWD ·,PRESENT Vi:~~.F::~art wa. a Cincinnati visitor





In the Town- Mrs. Llna Devitt iB vlaltlni' with relatives in Indiana. Ihlp Answered to the Roll Call Harvey Guatin wu in Lebanon Monday aD buaiDeu.

The . Wayne Town&hlp SlIndllJ Rooml for rent- Inquire at this School Convention was held at the office for Infor~tion . . Methodillt cb'urch, WailDellvllle, Ohio, Sunday afternoon, MaTCh 12th. Mrs. Mary Adame epent Saturday At 2:15 the meeting W" called to with relativ88 in Lebanon. order by the President Mn Ju Vandervoort and two fallliliar bymna LN. Prina apent Sunday with were sung. after whbh Rev D. a relatives near Valley. Palmer I ead sixteen verses 'f rom the . 2nd Chapter of II. Timothy, and Chas. Cook, on the HarveYBburaMre. Martin led in prayer. RoII·call .foad, il the owner of a new Saxon. of the eight Sunday schools in the township followed, and all Were St Mary's Guild will mtICt wiLh represented exe pt Caesar Creek, M H i Tb - . I f and the reporta made by the dele. ra. arr s on u"",ay a tt'rnoon. M dM aatell were very encOUrlllin!f. MilS Milia of Plain City, then ta. r. an re. U. M. White lpent vored ua with a beautitul .lOla, "The Sunday with relatives in Dayton. Ninety and Nine." Mrs. GeorJe .Marlta apent the Reports were then !fiven by the 8uperintendents of the different de· week·end with ber parenta in Day· '. partments and while there II still ton. much room for improvement tbere Mr. and Mrs. Gorden J J', were are Mveral more orpnl&ed cl&8lell than there were lut year, and quite week-end peate of frienda ' in Day· ton. a little interest w.. maolfeeted. We were then favored with a seMr. Illd 14.... George Stroud, of lection by a male quartet compoeed of Mr. Erneet Earnhart, IIr. Walter 01) ton, spent Sunday with reiativell Elley, Mr. Oran!fe Raper and Mr. bere. Elmer Rorets. Prof. Spreiale deliverAd the ad· Wm. Thorpe. of Dayton. was eirdreu, and be apoke cin the Sundl1 eulatlng amone bla friends here SatSchool of.Lbe Put, Present and Fu- urd.,. ture, bnnlCing ou~ many DOllntll'IIlII' favor centralizadon and ~r,rull&4iNJ M!ra. C. T. Hawke I. home qaln, el&ll8l; for Ire propt1. . . the future after spending a week with l"t>lativee ·Sunday School wlll be a perfect or· In Canada. polsallon witb a scientlftc By.t.m · thr"Uihout. He also urred the Dr, Dill, Osteopath, at residence · te&ebeni to prepare their leaona of L. T, Peterson, Main St., Tuesday with a definite plan of teachine in and Friday mornings. mind, make them int.lresting and attractil,e, insist on orlfanization, al· Mrs. Smith, Bister-in-Iawof Dr. waya remembering that the ~unday Clayton, of Cincinnati, spent TuesScbool i8 the recruiting ltation of day with MillS Elizabeth Carro.lI. tbechurch. . . Mise ~pencer was present' and and Mn. C. T. Hawke, Rev. aave U8 a Bhort talk on her work. abdMr.Mrs. C. S. Grauser and MiBB l:ihe said the lime is not far distant Helen Hawke were Dayton 'visitora .11m ~ .,8cboOl ~ w.ho not sent one or more penlODB to Monday. work In a. foreian field will be Mra . . Matilda Hosier and Mia uharned. .. . Judge Boxwell- then made a few Ethel Hosier attended the funeral of remarks on tbe Ol'1lanlzed Chltl Riley Clevenjfer at ~pring Valley . Movement iDBiating,on more orltlAll' Saturday. I&ed Teacher Training Cluees. Tbii nominating committee com· IIr. and M... I . Satter~hwaite and IJ(IIed of ~prest!Dtatiy. from the daughter, Marpret. were Sunday unoua Sunday Schoola then BUb- ;uestl of Mr. an4 Mn. L. M. Simma, mitted tb.. following namee u offi· of LJtle. een for tbecomina year: Preelaent. Mn. Ju. Vandervoort; Vice·Preei· Frank Jones of Route 5 attended dB;Dt. Mrs. C. ~. Duke; .~cretarl, IDBpecUon of the Xenia lodge Friday MI8I Marth. 0 Neall; Jreaaurer. evenintr, andipent Saturday with reiMr. ~alter E'~ey; SUpL. Elemental'J ativee in Xenia. Dept., ' Mn. C. M. Robitzer; Supt.. Intermediate Dept, Mra. Welter Kenrick; Supt. Home .Dept.. Clara Ltle; Supt. ~di1lt Dept.,· · Ral.lrh ~PII; Supt. TeiCher Train· Ini'Dept.; Mila . Maria Stou~; Supt Temperance Dept., Mra. J ; L. Men. denhall; Supt.. MillBion.. Mn. R0land. ' . AI deleptea to the county eonvention w be beld in Morrow,,· they namt!d Mr_ Ernest Earnhart, Mi.. Elizabeth Cbandler and Mr. 0, J. Walter Wills and family and Ru.. Edwarda. , The meetiDI closed wltb the .Ina· MIl Hain.. and family. of LebanOll, lne of anotber hymn, and tlie 'beDe were the &'Uestl of Mr. and Mn. diction wal pronouneed bl Rev Pat. LeIter 'Willi and famil, SUnday. ten, former pawr of the LytleM. E. The excursloni.... who went to Church, Loranjfer, La, arrived home Sun· .' "----::day mornIDa. . They are entbuaiutic over their trip ~d all had a fiDe ti.m e.


On Saturday, March 11 . Mrs. F. 8. Henderson entertained a email party Prepared~eS5, Written by George M, at supper. the occasion being the Stratton Ph,D., and Published eighth birthday anniversary of her by Request se~ond dau"h ter Esther. The guests were MiaselJ Doria and Kathleen Henderson and Mrs. Louise Woolley. Mrs. Eva Barger, who livel at Lo· ranger . La .• royallv entertained the following excursioniatil at her home there last week: Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Janney, Dr. and Mr•. J. r. Ellis, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shidaker. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Crew and Mrs. Emma Retallick. Mr. and Mrs. Ch ..rlell Hough entertained at Sunday dinner In honoT of Rev. J. W. Patton, of Cedarville . The gueats were Mra. C. S. Grauser, Mr. andlMra. J . D. Marlatt, Mr. and Mra. Chu. E. Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenrlc)(, Misses Eata Stacy and Relen Marlatt and Messra Glenn Johns. Kenneth Hough and Charlea Grauser.

----- - --


Young Man and M alden L.ady.











The Gazette force had' BOme very tine majlle wax' from tbe camp of Frank Braddoek. It was fine, .. WI• • ttested by the way it diappeared,




Tb' Old FamiIy



~mDlI\ 10 D. J . Moan;' pari of 101 NI).' 1119 In Leba non. $t. J


j.1l13,70; JeanDe'. tintdn, .~IB,.nl til ttl'ouojer 's ..ftloe '411 i Uol_ nmllll 13lauk Book Meg .. Co" IUP plle& for Andl'or 110,00; III Ii 8011 , ~uppnell r"r 8a rvoyo~ $75 i W. u ~illuonr, b Ol\rd lng and wa@bllll(, P'ebrnllry. '2111.911; Ju mes , 8alflry' J"nltor upIJer floor, C. .8 , $10 ; . H Al.lLrvln, lIuppl\t'~ JIll .9 9i'·; .r . R Bunter , tlfl lnrv, 01:.111>' Itl in Oounty JlltlrmMY 87.[jO.

\v. N.



LIVE 'TOO"L ANO UENERAL \\' " \ 'nrm.11 to M. Plt'ltering "nil . "'I ro ~7ltl're ' u, edlon 1'iI(). 14 , 1'. :1, AUCllONEER H. C, hutwrOtllbo 11111111 RhtSre,.fl Probate Court Procoedln.1 M'ur' " . R~tnl1il!i;- t,o \V f'. tiultl j .. . I tN . 11\ Itl I:Inrr i, ' Addition REALESTATE ..& IN. URANCE In t he eslllttl of Sa w ool A . 'hllm- ul1 ' , " . - , • .... _ +- _ __ herlaln. Four1,b aooount Is np jto ' " ~. " ,,~vI lll\. 1. • , proved ' , . I \Y II I .,~hl " ~ to [hamaR Il1r k . l ot ~ - 0 .,~ "'1 Jtl I\nd tll In \l ug r~ THE ACHES OF HOUSE CLEANING On1c 111 , ' loops Build int; In the matter of the es t"te ot 1,," lItton ~.: \: ;,' 1)I'"V lllil. fl. Th& P,llu ~nd sore DeliS OI\U ell by Mary J. R ·. ' lioroft, d oelleod , soleI! , • '" t I l . , l{ A I~ rt 1'1 n.lI;! .ro approved . . h«'h '1'II' nor t" • brill !'I, oVE! r~ xerthn 1i0el strnilli08 j I tb tt t tb e S Ato of Jool ' " rt. t il IIlllJlHh II I tuwrn>hll \. n • e mn , or 0 F ' .k I Rnd il llrlltr bo oso ol6tlologllmfl IHe . Evans, do('eieed '< Iult orders di. I Alberl I • _ ~' .(~ r~r J• Mool,h ed (twe.y by 8 1.Qun·ti L lnlul 1I~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .____~=~, ~J~Mmazr..~ ~ ._~I___ • rlbutlon ,If cartll ill ti hllrt!8 of U,(\ ~' llI'I ' n ., ~ ,llI ' • ~ ·11 flC'rt ~ 10 V ,\~h No ll l' t\ d to SU1l'OI' this lIgouy, Just aRpltal .tock ot t llo W&yoo.vILltl ' I" ' ,n ' ., 1I ~1"":U a \lpl y ~I ll n'l\ Llnlwen\ to til Rore Na$lonal Bunk un u ctrt ,u n pr Ollll!' j .1 ,,1.\0 n U II I" , III HI tu , I ~ h"lle ~\l h,!. rub only 1\ mtle. In .... shol't Ho r y not e•. "lalmB ' and -do.lllllnll~ 1"-' a ,I,I1'r w '" .. I I In i'\,)u th PIIJ;'.I! thm, the (Jlliu ICllvell, you r st com. lawful holr~. · . 8\ hV lvi. It .• 1. .. 1'. ,11)" , $1 rO I L.. bly . and l' jqy It ro rashlng 10 Mle maUer of the will of.Albort l J . W. .01 '; ilL 1\1 III . l nl~ 1I I:i ~let1p ODO Rfll ternl user write!!.: Frenoh dMeasoo. will III admllted 1'.. ,, \· \, d nl !lit', I ,".1 old '.\ .l7 u ( " luau's LillllllonLls worll.l it~ weig ht to pr o bate. I'{ I 1\' 'Il .r ~ 1 .1 1"111, Ul IITlcl Uuioll 10 g. Iii," K ee p IL butt.Ie on ·l.Ianl1 . Ihl It 1IJ.tllill~ ' lIiI H" rooos~, Neural. In t,be mAtter of lbo estate of 1111u, hll, ~ ijla 1\ [ill f)r\ll!!EI~ . Rilltl plJln . 2110 Ill, II nda 11. M lli or , doaaa!~d. Pri vn tl) I':u L. I:,·" " ' : ,t ,tl t·" I ! "\1ftln~ . Everybody liS L wi::;' Bread ~U1d e"le of ao r~Aln 1I0ods aod ellllUels A" lllnlo:< ,., I I It • I I I I \'ro~ In I ur I I . 'unr llrll!(~lst -TIM, w. t!',tllir an ' th' GI111 an' Father an' lh' BOYI. All HUddled Around ordored. Cakes, the b st and 1lI0s t delicious ()r.w h t,, \\· Hllll.' $1 . ' " ~. I !I" ,quI~y Limp With a Graen Shade In thO Beltln' Room. In the matte r of t,he estaleof BlI.n. ).; I \ ,I ,111,'nn 11 II I t(,o W. Nn,l made. Try HIC'III a ml you \V ill ,. C ' Aon Brown,deool\8ed . Wallaoe lII "rj ,n,' r' " " f I" ~ • ". II i, never want to t'aL np y olher kind. lIore'll ODOt! 4urln' our long bard Henry would sblno ther boot8 aD' lit nab s: ,.·ootlls Bppolnted IlIlmlnlstr8tor. NOn ,; , ,J'; II', ), 11 0 ' • • L lIluatertll' ""ilter have 1 thougbt about out new paper collara aD' put 011 o· 1"\111\',\ I'" .1 n I • I \l.w l I T h ,lo lt WOMAN OF 90 CLIM BS TREES til' ole time tamlly circle we used t ' bergamont on tber hair nn' slrlk e out. Bond $3500 . (; harles Bowyer. ' bl\r_ thro' th' windows as we trudged an' motber dldu't worry no more'n If 1<11 B Jff !lod B ellry Booker· ar e lip· a m ti l. 7I " t·r.'. III \ ' ,' I:'n tt I" tI~h ll ' , pointed apprlllser @. . ,I Mrs. Libby Scudder, According to Au· fl:l~' Ul' Itreet thto' th ' snow .In lh' tbetd jist gone down ollll ur atter a thentlo Reports. Is Alao a In tb a matter of $he estate of Al ~I~ry Ie. \,f""'. t .. . ' ·, 11 .., ,I '" .. III ~eiamt. Tbel' wua mother an' \.h' girls tipple. Faat Foot Racer. . ()~ ' ,faUIer an~ tti' boys. all huddled These fev erl8b daya 0' womall'e bert Frenob. deoease,!. S8rah 11:, et.1! part" ,II \·.t- ;>/v,; . ,\1\ " ul l ii i 111 ''1 t1i1rtiiU14 a .lIte aquatt, lamp with a green clubs, . clgarettos, cheap Infturance F~enoh li n d Ar\bur N. F renoh Mrll Frnokllu . ~., d llll . W R. inti 1. F. Chnlllhll r~ tn ~ Mr8. J,il,hy ~"\lddl'r of lTunling·"'d....... III,th· .etUD' room wl\.h r eal con· ladges. tbe-oter goln'. autos an' sutl'ra· appointed exeoutorB, uo b oo d roo SIGN OF GOOD DIGESTION \._ ......1I3ID_ _ _ _---! N Bnrryh l I 100 Uor(\ ~ In ~kc. U, 'I' J. ton, (J. 1. 1\ ;\'idol\' Illor lhnn nillc~y e>rt . .teilDt written 011 evor' fllce, Moth er geues have destroyed tb' ole family quind, In tbt' mRUl!~ ot th e e~tate of H r,. bot wet II th e Mi llll l R. v~r .., $1. )'I"urfl ol el; 11'110 lin's ~\'ilh n \lridoll'ctl Q!IfiiJoWticl where ber c1ltldren wuz t.bell. clrole jlat th· Bamo as our clvll Lzatlon Whe n YUll S.:"" olll'ertul",,,1 h Ull- a&l'~IE_H!nillD_ _ _It:IiIII--~ l' "IfttJIe': wus conteDt · .... Ith only ouo has destroyed th' Indillns. It seems i!aao Tbomn. deo8llsell . Loalla M . J . lind MRry 0: l')'\lt r\l1\ lute r Intivc, ~lr5 . \\' il liulII cndd r of py ola lAdy ynu moy k !lOW tll lU lit 0 ns!~ lIIYer'budd,. Imew wbat t' do. Ilke ever'buddy tram teu yenr8 up III l'boma8 III 8ppolnted nilmlolstra' rix. '0 I:l , I... R,e' 1:17 27 I\Ore8 In Barny hut< 1(0011 dl~e~t1o u I yCtur dq,l (' s, the Fort lIilJ roud. Huntington. is tl .)n Is Impitirl'd or i f you elu 11 111. rl.l. '~IYt18 III th' ole famil y clrole lookln ' ter a new 8ensation. Bond ' 800. No !!46~ ." 500, f ~ 'htherhad lb' easiest chair OD Call arouDd t' most nny modern [1110 most sprightl y 1Mb y 'ur meills hka It lI UYU 01 t'ltnll'In tbe mltttor . of the eatnte of Bailie W. lJllIson to 8 8 1'ibb" l~ sllid to he on , i til" . .C _td. 0' th' two leaf table an' bome on tb' moat bli zzllrdy wlo tet eve- Obarlti8 8 tinrfa op, deoeAsed . I1:d aDd B. P. Bhlir part-s of lots Nos persous who vcr passed the nine- borlai L'8 TillIltlttt. "1'1 "Y ~t· r'm!( lhou .I ~ l'tlcrtfn·. Procres., er talked t ' Din' au ' what do you find? Lltlle KeD' w.. rd B. R ogers is app ointed adwln- 4~O \Iod ·111 In Frl\n,liu, IL. Is nolV lorated in I he Rye li th milestone. Mra. Libby • ud- tbe st.(lIlIlIOh, Imp rove tltn [11 1( <'1I 1\l IU 0 , ~~f wblle iile Quilted er set th' netb pillyill' wHh (Owe, blocks 1111' tb' letrato! . Ba nd $17,600 John Llu T find Cll u~e,L 'IHl t11l 1U0 vnnwut IIr I btl l Sltul> un North Metin stree l lier keeps life' from ~ row in g clu ll for der, Perry· Ji:llrnhllrt olld Ed Ponoi ,Victor Von Riper to MIa .aar~ t "' ~b_t. EiIlmY made wax nowers "maId" gosslpln' o·e.r tb ' pbohe. Motbb.)\v elll Cl bt"ln .. bl o " vtl r y wht r .. wllt'I'e I will bll pl easell to SE!e Collins lo t In Union towoshlp neli tho e ncu r her by springing n 8c ril's I! • iioritea mOttoea, wblle Alice got her er Is ntl l!dln' a sutl'rnllo meelln ', Vlo· Artl appulnted 8ppnlsefl . 1111 myoid cuslumers. South Lllba~on tl , ' ilPtiJ7 er sewed. Bob an' Henry Iyelte Is blllsbin' Ilt somo muslcnl abQw of surpri ses . A fcw days ago sl)(' In tho matter of 'he will of Rllub " We 'are fully ~lJ ui pped to do r.:!t'j1ij4lcl da4H:lten 011 tho 1\oor or poured wllb a stru"lIo' olerk. Edytbe. la In a r . 80ell eoeased. Will il ~dDllttf'd \ let· r ~t.o 1~lpor t o U. O. Collilll' 'uusllcl CO ll Pt~rlllllion by rUl1ninl-( Lil' t!ry Wurk We will tak e 'O'ltI' th' ,..08 0' Daniel Boone er Rob- gIrls' seminary ter p08sln' tho but·tel to llrobl:t~ . " Jot 1n U11I 0 U townShip nea r Soutb you on IlW~J-DO , not walking; running. Wisdom In Gothnm Schools. Lebhnon , $1. 1lJiWi;D 'Cioaoe. Ther WUI a big thick too otton, IInrold Is In college prepar· e mllt.ter of t,h(l elotnte of .., M • "It t F .. Sh · is repnrt ·J to lilli'£! ~o l1 s i . l ~ rubl o IIC1'/J I~ 1111 " ' ''11\1'''' III 1111' \\'lHllnm Ir lllble 00 tho table. too, wltb th ' pngos Ill' hlmsclt ror Itght employment. tath: bu10 h th F . II d fl ' El J ...... tlu .. or m . Til • U • eOllOse.' . Nr tl . Hu ' k lot Nos 39 /tnd 4U ill We~t speed, iou, Ul1d lo be tUlli 'nit to which Is Imllllrt.1 10 lit' I"'V il " 01 '~'. ' ~er'blldd,. wur; at bome wbere er hns Bomo Imllortllnt lodge work t B IT Is npl> loted OdllllDI tra rlx c f1.y ~ :\.I\V Vork 's pnillie twhf)o l ~ hy n "u m 'tl., 'beJ'cmaed, look atter, an' oobuddy h08 seen Clar- witb tb e wl li o,Qol'xed ov ·rlu ke Ollce she eta the pute fOI' ,. " t .. "cher. 111 )(1'1011.111 h nw tl,,' lludd ~ IOU 'iVoo dvll.I~. f~ . • 9 •. SUdil,. wu ,parkin' dayan' th' col· ence for two da)ls. . , (~r Elon ~'. ~'ox to A. E. "Illl Ailce a fonl roce. 1'; 111 " on Kull wnflllllllleli •• tin 101r1 Ill p , , ~ .toye In lb' tidy little must,. par· W bethor It's gentle spring. wllrm. Common Jlleas Court ,J!Ut, ,,q 91' ; ~ar ij In (;1 ... ro rtlsk t UWI1. 'IUSB "UIIlI n mnll IV III (lut "ul1 n ill ): l eigl lhors S8Y i t is no uncomlllon lllt~. He! bot from two tn th' after· lazy summer. golden autumn er bl ellk cw SuUs I ~bl l' I ight sec j\11·~. ~ c IlLldl'l' l'lim b IL or sea gulls . Ho klll",1 0111' on I h,' iJ j~ tID tlln In th' neDln', an' tho door winter. th· modern family never glts rd 'In ri LillI\, Frlln? t o Ooor R that hOI'd 'r~ Stnl'm 16 1nllli IU'U Giv U:I a cali and you will find -1\' ~QiD' bat" tho lettln' room W,UZ never t'getber any more unless ther's a tu· UIllrenae E. Surf .. eVil. B llrv,' V ~,:. I g. BHI '"r ll''',. h is sprcillll,l' str h ronO) t ,,·o t r .\C'tH in :4llltl'" tOWI '_ tree Iike a hoy. nl'oa rU' f tilt) Si r n m witS Icnowil (U~ our prices are ull right. ~ ' ~. DO£ becaule ,mother could not nernl- aJl' even then tb er's alluB one Sudaoe et nl pnrtltl 'Il of n 'R I ,' I,d HO I P ~-IO O II. fond of ('a lin!! eh rries from 1I11~ Kil l von Kull." This Is nOI ~ runr.! III era.t JImmy er Allee, but jIst &8 a mlssln·. Lmgo BIlrdwnre Co. v, . .·'I ,W : ~; , .I "1\11 ,Ic,hn W Flcull t n Hn rll II tr :c. 'fhi not h in g I he hel'l'y sen - td wl c. ·\)1I1 au nh~olutl' lr truthf,,1 ,.('. ,"I 1,:,;/.. tee o· I'OOd 'attb. Bob an' (Proteoted b l' A~ame Newspaper Bervle... ) leyTho ., ~..... -;- Shur t~)\, money o nl y , ,.' lIll\ fL t J~ . ,"l ' Y,) .0 ,' r t'H Int>P,)t\ou ~ . T. 4. son, s he , lukcs hnr amu 'OJnl'nt ill ~ 1t1l1 of th e Itilld of " clllcation" lIu· It :, . I. J . e $1. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1344.5,1 e'o. other form s of {)xeroi 0, " 'h as ":trted 111 th o "rods nll1 four I b 1 o]th Main Street ,T. W. Tbomllll et nl V~. en I ~ lf'v II . ~ honla" herc.-Plttsburgh Dispatch, ohopping woo l. ellger el nl f a r Pl\ltlGlOIl 01 rlll1l (' 1 Marri8lte Li cen~e. Old aupemltlon., WATCH CHILO'S COUGH Not long si 1\(1(' as ~ innl,lr tale. l1li OII'taln parts ot tbe Bla\' OOUDCold., rooninl' of n08e. ooutlnoed Proceeding 1\:01' 6 II, f(lflner or 1 tcJgc. ftpp]'o[\ ~h cd, a su.or:u l nl. Inmb ..... a lIrIde bo1I'a to tbe III't1 on the Reelp roe mtlon . vl \l,,· ",I ~;,l1th Hruhllllol . of i~y~le. ,. ~~ when aile tlrtt e~tere ber new InUatloD of the muoolls membrane IllUmlo's poren ts wor movll1l: '0 wus boiling merrily on ih· siov', O. W Jvlus lUI Edr. 'v . Mllry C. It ,. rlhllr 0oo1>or . .t~ ' ~ 111 parta of, Bohemta ra.mIIt ~B if nblleottld ma; mea. Caiarrh taier. when :Mrs. Li bby cntert'<1 lho kitchen mOtbcl' lown and Ih e IIttlQ in I lI !ld ., ' not """Ita brand to be taken Don" iake ~he obances-do sowe- Payne Baril, ot II I, cooKtruotl llo Of I FrtLI) k Klrlt\· . cl\rpeuter ond CIIl;r u T alolle 'aud adclrd !!otnllthing to lhe ow ttl bid (Hileu to his betoved Lcmc!t· ihtDIr for YOl1r ohlld I Children will will explalu ed by oou rt ~ elflll". b ltll of L~b"oo u . ~'Ilther -t 'tlli(tniUth bT an outalder or for r. ' Vholl s ho pul her arllls "rolllld E. BARNH"R. Dot every medlolne, bot they stew. When it WIlS l' ndy to servo 1m his sorrow nl pllrtin g mou"l.c<l to ThoDlol W. F. Helding V!\. T :]. Will . Weloh 1\ 1M Of another family. In' Albania, will u,ke Dr. KIllS" New Disoovery AlpllOIlJM W. Meektlr. form ll r and it wos found to contain a sllov·I[,,1 enrs. and to hor adjurIlll lln 10 ",\1, Notary ~ublic ?I*~'" will... t. 'tbrown Into tho and", lthoul brlblnlJ or t eaelng. 1\8 W elob, verdlo' ret,u reed by jary In I"v or of defeodaot. M f~. MBl"Y O. Bowyer. botb o f liar. of COllI. ~Ir. Libby, who hns somo ",nYH ho n !luod hoy nnt! grow UII to I> I ,. ~.o after tbo blrtb of a chIld, a IIweet pleaBanl Tal' Syrup Rod 10 State o,.Ohlo Vii . Cbar l ' R A. White' row EMbar Malone. 'illL,.,mut elapae before a brand I'll means, takes Il k 'C[I relish in sooing " nl1 ~ mil"" 110 Illur~~d b etw ee n 5nhS' \ 11 kll"l~ 01 N ' ~!lry . WUI k. Wills Ja8l laxB\! fe eoouab to derendllllt pleilds not guiity nnd 18 '.. ( ~ iaktl1 'from the Ire. for the u se efteoatve. Tr, o S ' S ItIlHl to you. allli I ' ~I·t.l~ II S p ttOl .. 1~.v eliminate' tbe ""..til potson8. AI. rewllnded to jl\il to l\ WI~U t rial. her little j alces succeed. Commissioner!' Proceedtnlts ~t th~ Il~Wlebol4. mosS the 1iru dOle belpe. Always L.~. _ . " _ . L I .......~ 1 preparlld, no mixing or ta.linll'. J. W, Snide r , roadwork B,ulan --' Real Eltate Tran.fen Olinger In Poisoned Me"t Jl18t your druKgl8i for Dr. PILLS BEST FOR LIVER towns blp $l33 59 ; \l ~8ml Vllllo~' DOIl't IMV" polRon " III t'll I lo r I hl'! King's New Dilioovery. Is will John W. Cox ot III to E • .r. IIlld O ~pltll l , ollro of Inm !ltea l.r Jm 'Yar . , ' Peoullarltlea of Dye, Bf OllUye tlley. oUDt.dn tho be~t liv (<L\II tn tbe dRY lim : R OI'nl' may e\lt CIciM1,. related to YUlt. tunc! ell. lIafeanard Joor oblld alalDa' lIarloal l'b\llp ~hraonet. 10 29 Rore ~ iu Veor· ren Coun :v Fe bru l\ ry 11 to Deoember er IllllilioinAB, [10 malf,er how bitter IL field towllshlp ~ l. 1 . lUlii. 1284 DO; 'olumbos Bllmk or nnll aea tlu~ f ur t h o aWll6t l\\l~ ar .; mend '!at mwertee. by a Japanese .lImeo'. rllllolling from ooIds . I!'uneral Dir.-dor ' ~Uet ban bemi fOlln'd to dye silk Waner W. l:ioofiaJd to Mollia R. Book Co .. blo nks for P J . $1075 ; o·)at.!r:lji\' hlrleR sbe tllHt ~. Dr. Klng:1I -'-----......r.t , . . eolor, 'but to be banD' and Embalmer, tloofiald 10' 112 lind parl~ of lold IVaI tar I~hrrl(lk. freignt and draYlIgll Now Life Pi1Is eontttlu ingl·edlen&s 500: A IIIll(st Bros. & l:lpreng aCIni thllt put· tile liver wOlklr:lg, lDOVt> '~\I tn. 1IMII' ta Ole manuraoture ot N08 111 Rlld 118 In MillOn, Oft IO dUl!"I Wayn4'sville. Ohio.", - :\eIr.' E . P. Kerby to r om ft.lld Nellie 16 .0-1; U; B. Morrell, bridge work . t be bowllis fr uely , Nu gt'ipo., uo Admiration. ,,-"BUglius ls I/o r emarkable fisher- lIarlanOl! aoretlln Frankl in town. Wu"bin ~:tn n to wnsb lp $L2.0G i l:!tli.te nauseu. aid fllg estion Just t,ry 1\ of Ohio v~ ~!lIn 81\1Iey . fo eti I)nd bottl n of Dr . K Ing'" New Life Pills Gail un ~we reu promptly day or night mlll1." "Yes. I honestiy believe It's ship $11100. oOA I H~ ' , Ii ; E. J . Templin . hrldgll Imd 0 ~ 1\0 I l:ow mu oh boUer yo n Holh pheDE!l! in Office and l(esidence, more wonderful for a mlll1 to tblnk up Adam lind EUzlIboth Almyre to Long Ui:ltanctl,N 0, 14; Home phone the Btortee BUgc!nl tells tban It WOUld. Sidney Almyra part of 10 \ 10031D r eptt\r £I lnl u towDsblp '26; !:lomer fEel. .2ue at yonr Dru!!~18t. B IIcr fr, r M: work 'l' urtl ~or Cle' 14·2r . be acinally to catch the /Ish." B'rAukllo, $1. towoship f;1.2ii; Wm, D 80 >t , Chilli'S and one Coach furnished free ronel worlr Tllrtleoreek towo~h Ip with (uneral~ . DELAYING THE HARVEST. """ ...... .....:. """" $lU .!JG; I n q e!; ~ " f body of Uba rlllF Heat of ~crvica guaranteed. ~u.rt nM . ('o r Oll llr Rl1d W I Ilf)~ses 1;(;.OHIO PEPQSIJ "That lloy qC mine is nhvnys writ$. ,1.85 i W. •/. PO r l ~(lr, nmuh's In . AND LOAN CO. jnll, III \)'n' Illl(l 11)11 le rlb) ,. :~!J an ; in' po tr . " sllill .Farm r ohblcs. . ~zo R~IBOLD BLDG, D. S bul :7., b ri dgll ,,"01 k. 'l"ll I III r'p ~ ~d Immedlatt relief "Pr t t}' tough . . ' till, lhll,t sidler How Vinol Made Her Strong DAYTON, O. t (l~ nflL lJ ' $21; j I;lnTVC<Y M Bu mplt. !hOOD's Mdk OIllblcA Besllsvli1e, Ohlo.-" I wish all nero bridgo wqr k W nyp o t o wn ~ h i p .7 11; than Ilril.l king lind gnIll IJling,' r Ca , By 'KlN HUBBARD ' YOUl, weak. run-down women could have W. 8. (;ll"lbIIlU l'rld g n work We.y pli ~h e syn l]1l\tlletic friend. _ I.... Vlnol. 1 wes 110 run·down weak and ~O WU~ h l)l S'N 50; Frnnlt. tolt ", ":\r"hhy PO. Hut wh en ho in sisl s l1erv01ls1 could not sleep. Everything I brl!l~ e l'!' PIUl''', l) 1 (,lLh'r~ek to wnlll&lp on r :.Illiu it ter me an · llt' hi red -~. ate hurt me. and the ml!dicine I had tao ken did m e no good. I decided to try $16; ,I(.hn (·I rrgf(, hrld~u r lJai r~ I'u nn, iVa i11lpo~~nJlu {ur us ter gC!~in Vlnel. and before long I could eat any· CIt' I)ll1r.. ~ lt I ~) N fi blp , 111 75 ; ,J, C. . thing I wanted and could 8leep all night. M )lfol(l. r l~l V I) 11- p'Jirs Turtl ~ Ol' fj i{ a fuJI dlly'S work." Now I am ws11 and atrong, and in bet· tow o ~h • ~ l O . ~ ~ ; I '. I, .IJ< h llu t· llor ter health than I have been for years." AMENITIES. -Mn.ANNA MJtLlSON,Besllsville.Ohio. \l.ffl~,fj ~~ ;O ~:~~t:;'~:::~'l \:,~~ ~ ~~I,It;;;~~ We guarantee Vlnol for all run-down, oll ~ t'll " ll . " l f,O ; , . '. (Jllrm.n r. " mnn jus t tolol me J ought to and debilitated condltlona. a ddltlll '>I I , l ' W 1l101'. lml. for lilla, bo in th Anuuin s" Jaoaev.-Dtutt:IIf;-Wavoelvllle $:lli . \lO; If. r;. ' 1Ir wtr· k. -111 ,lIlt 's " '(1 r 'at •" ,.. t tl Whnt has ]Ie got ngn ilU Ilw Annu ius c,l ub." B1 KIN HUBBARD

'W aynesville, Oh.'o







Waynesville, O.

Lewis' Bakery


Perkins' Garage



0 .

II., _ '


Any Road Any Place Any Time




1 1I'rn. "




A. MAFFll"

~f~end ., th' 'Egg

"'_!If J!!!:.o/,.INTEREST










Do You Intend to Build a Home' this Season? 'If you do, .. Rem,e mber, we - ---th ave .





..--~--------------..- - - - - _ - - - . . .

Peter RadfOt-d

·.....1_1"· N_ Fer th' Good OI.Fa.hloned Country Hen Who Ltv". Hs!'


"Ie'et a ~ . ' 4ltm•• o· th' ben."

, ~" Il~ oVIIi WUJlam,e4ttres.

i ;.~ll~ea, ·at , Bome. till. ai,?mln'. ~ DO ' 4Urerence t' her ~ "..18 In )K)~j!~ . .. Ihe doe.

.m' '.'l! ~~

te ol' prtce 'o' Jler product. "':. J!~',.1l0W 'ter ~b~ ~ oHuh· i,I.i"~.~b'7 hlln who lI,es ber own , ~!@ her o~ ~a,., an: n,!t fer, th' I'U!IpWet drone who lea4. a la·IY egg· •..: _lace ta tho modern selentlflc • ~, ..,0 amd ....'.t .. ~eedl!d t' .~p. " ,Po' ,¥ 'that tho COUlltry beD Is ~' 01lt I ~ature" decree-ahe's i . . . . 8 ' ther'. Dothln' doln·. .. ,.. ,~' .I i. ecr , Pl&~ a most Import· • " .IOP ta' ~' lite an' happlnes.· o· ~ ~ No reclps fa com· ..... wttboat . from ODe t' alll e"I. No IIwDPoo la complet"" wlthuut lb' . eoftaln' Inluence of at' IUlt one egg. • r~ ta pow,rl_ · ""thout ecPo . "I'k ~ table 100,Jla cold aD' un· ....... wtUaOut tho lwarm golden otbll . . . hw ~1IrDed egp. Ther la no fer CIa' es8. ' :An ,egg may .. o-Ia. etrtcUy treab. suarantee4 or . . . . . A»l'lI an' OD p@role. Ther . . . . . . . . ..lInta an' ordinary IIrsta. ·ba•• th' .mooth piau· ....·IoaIdD· en that II lacktn' III all lit· ~ o' th' genuine. ". o· all th' abancsment III _1IIIl1I7 art the,.'a nothla' that 1



Life In Her Own WaY 'an' Not ~e" th' Pampered Drone Who Le.d. a blttenee In th' Modern 80Ient'"0 Coop,"


.. ,'cia,.,,.

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"IT\'r 'a nil int uresting arti cle


J nftnn {'~c III1I 8." "Hus bu scbnll mnde that much heau way over the re ?" TWO METHODS,

The recent confeSSion o,r Dr. Newell Dwigbt Hillis " It 'is n ot ensy lo eat corn on the from tbe pulpit ot tho P lymouUl . Church. Brooklyn. that cltlzen 11tH a Il!O'lrer ot over·rlpe eg,a, cob \vi th ony degree of grace.' he ,erred In becoDllnc lIoouliU' Is in many respoots the Oftell wbell aD actor came a10nl that mOBt Important statement mode from the American pulpit . "That's right. You've got to eiteU a little abort o· tho requlrementa 0" tn thil generntion and If It :plarks the hlgb tide ot min- ther nibble or munch." bls ohosen art thO audience would Isterial lust for worldly powe:r tbat hae been lIoodlntr tlils band him a caae 0' BCS8-olle at a . country for tbe PABt quarter of a century theo Dr. HUlls time. , lias not erred In valu. "When Ilclmees ooters tb' bome an' It must tie said to the credit ot thll noted dIvine that thO patient I. tenderly nursed ,through Ills purpose In stepping out of the pulpit waB to acquire ' tb' an' l1nally propped up wltb the 'm ollns of r endOl'lng a more capable servlco to those , plllowB tn thO bay Window t' Ipeod ·th· wbo Deed aud desarvo Il.sslst8l)ce, but the patbway from convalescent per/od tb ose neBr aJI' the pulpit to the world Is Illwny" strewn with good Inten. dear tempt him with cbolce viands. tlons. Satan know8 all well how to t empt a Gain t aa be docs a slDner flt.vlng qnH f~rming, . I will offer But wtth h!s flrat retumln' etrength and he has lured many a minister down lhe nrlmrose pathway of worldly for 1ID1e Itt my reSidence, lit Corwio, he wearUy turna bIB lusterless eres power to rul,n. tor nb one knows better th,an hie slltllnlc majcst~ how easy Obio, on an' looka Wistfully toward thO dlllio' It 18 to cet a 'preacher ~o enter bUSiness or pOlitics " to the nllmtl of the Lord." Thursday, ~arch 16, 1916 room an' .a)lB, 'Motber, I believe I The lilymon or thl8 nation bave viewed with alarm and the world wIth UOUlUlenaipf:( at 12 :a~ o'o'ook tho oould worry do'wll an e,g.' deri Sion.' \.he growing tondency ot mInisters ot tb8 I;ospel to abandon tho followlnll propor,?: o. Bone8. a "T'day ther I. ever' Induoement fer pulpit as a pow~r against evil and ~eek tho Influence of worldly ngeDQlos Cows. :.! !:lo~~. Fur lo lng Im pl"U1ontfl, a ben t' ~Y. Th' poultry m edlcln~ to put Into enect their hrlaUon Weals. 1'hll ~nn who blls ndt Ru'ftlelent Hilrll e M~, 200 ~1!i('loQnbl\tor .' filith In tbo power of religion to gr~pp lo wI b tho sins of tble world ought clI.eBt .. .filled. wl.t h concoction. t ' . ~e(\ Mg· bill", for ter'TIs. ber tn tJi· ~.ood. Hel: tood II eve~ not to be In tho pul pit aud If 11.0 WaD ts to acouwulate wJ\alth In' order to relieve lloverty or wield ,a scepter In order to enfor e mom lily, thell be ougbt '. h . . D Chlle8 . prepared along ao.lentl8c 'lInes an to be a banker or Ii, mllyor. In stelld ot 0. preacber . . T. !:l ilwlt 0, Atlo~ . c~ntalni all th' makln'a. o· a IIr8t-ola81 W , E . O ' NfI..I1, 'OI.ork Tbe two grel1.t temptations tbllt confront tbe Ohrlstlan mInistry todl1.Y are ecs. All lb' hen fl oxpectejl .t' do ta t' ass,a mble 'em. Her young. are business ond politics and between t il. t\Vo vIIs, P.r. Hillis choee the least . reared amid ~ gentl8llt JnlluenC8l1, and by bls able conduct bas turlled error to II Is cr~d It and. trnl\sgrOselon to I wUJ off"r .. ,. Polilio ::!llll) ' at mv tile advontago or tbe pulpit. It Is 11 0 eolllpllmc'u't to say 0. preacber Is a Th' modern ben bouse la ,conBtructed Bharp trador or a smootb polltlclau Bud cor1llInl ... no aJlPlicant fo~ the mtn- r .. ~ld noe:1 mil eK north of Uldji\'6In tho most approve4 faablOD Wltb re- 18FT .would oller aueb quallficatlon.8 liS. ~vld.Bnco ot qulllm\lr1t tor Ohrlstlan v\JI t., O\:X ~i!i. W ~8t. of Ly'He and 3 nratble roosUn' accommodation I. work. Ilnd mlnlstere engaged In undue o.t;tivitlos In eltber field become a mU lls CHlRt lit Sprintcbor ?, OD. lbn clean ' airy .nesta, 1IIDIlJu7 drfnldn' . menace to the church and a perU t o the B\,nte. D&ytoo Bnd Lebtluoo pike qn fountains an' perfect yeDUJatlOD. B1Yea It Is true the ·mlnlsters. as a clau. Q're und ~'l'pafd"but their average lDThureday, March 16, 1916 ~. wlndowlI are flO arraneecl .tbat til' eome wm exceed' that ot tho a ...orage farmer. E;tocks Bnd bonb land and . lI,ht tall. onr tho hen'. lett ahonJder. . HOurttiea. pol~tlci and the lecture platform bave tcmpte4 toaDy ~ preacller. (;ommenolng at 13 o'olock •.he 101. Yet th' ole-fashioned farmen wit) th' but the · plow h~dlea are without .tn 10 far u luring the min later from the lo"tog proper$y 'o-Wia: 2 B,Orlell. II conOBrned. Any prea.aher who feels the IncUnatioD to lbancloD the"i~:i:~~;Il;D.lio~:' '!' Ohloke~!I. l'armtog ole·tubloned benl tetell. all tho .... pulpit palplt IhoUld pldW • few rounda and I venturo tbe Bug.elUon that be wfU I JaIlrl7 IIIIcIl tD the pulplL . NOW' that· Dr, 1ID1iI- ... led tile buia... p ..eher "bact to til, p1IlpIf' lIOIDe 0118 01 o . JeadlDa poUUcaI preaclaera &IaeIr ...... .Jt14 . . . . , . . . . ........ 1IMk to ~1014'

~verything In

Building Material

NeceslIary to ,build a well-equ'i pped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or.1Shed. • We also have Paint to pu t Oll your building you in,t end tQ build. '








Come in and, will make an e~tlmate on th~ building

;: : : . '-"-z. :;-r-.~, ....::.::,;===::::;=== ==========:,; :._';:"" Give us a call, get ~ur , pri~es. and we ' a re . positive w,e


will get your order for III mhcr, etc, '








...---------------~ ~. ---- ~ .... - -••- -. ...~- f



PllbUah~ Wllekl,. at WayoNvlU", Ul,ln wilh I.OCre~c,\lh APPLICATIONS, they. t he SA<ul vf. the os diseuse n. L. (;kANI1. Erli l ur and ~ll>nng r l ;:::~~r\~;1 c~,~~,i'~~"~'~;O;~se;,~~l~~,s,h~~ud "

<'UII 1I0 t


.' , MAR\JH 15, I9 lA _ _ , _


oodcr HI e llre it ytl" 1II0~t hike ' 011 ill ' ternul. relll~dy, Hlill' s C'nrurrh Cu re was ro ~srril ... d by OM" 111 rhe best physleillos ill rhl ' coulllry for yet" s. It is COJ1lIKJ~d of sUm of (he I~st touics . known, · com-




AS W r It ten by 0 u r C0' ps f Abl e Correspon(I· t . t h N' hb h ' d en S In .e elg or 00 .

ti ned wi th sonle of lilc best bluod purifi - ,••_______ ....... _ _ ........._ _ • _ _ ....... _ _ _ _ _ _ ...... _ _


Ifte No.6 or AI. E , Sun IllY i'looolli glH tbAh' t ea ber MrK . .E t;. B I I liT Y" P ensBllt 8uqlrliJe Tuesday Ib vebnn. tng 'I'hl' pr ~ 10 Iler willi dHo Ui cnr g lli ~S uiab . . B urll f\1or\ b /t h to

r . and Mr A.

Up.t o.DlIte Gypaln. band "bJOh stollve.l 110 l'hJrre, . D.• lraveled bt l aut o lind nol by 1\ ollIlK), wagon tralD. l4i11~('la A blgall a nd Afar y Uolllo d , rh r" "'fI R HU harsA lrRr1ho., but the or Cor win , vlelted tbel r grllUllpolr- WOlll Hn sti li !olIOW<lc! Utalr tr8l1l1lou l en's Mr. and Mrl. B'rank Howe b\l ~ tn CIIA' 01 tor\ olD C N llng, Bll uday. . Mrs. G H . El lill is nble t be out A Men ~clI to tho Matod.t. ~ !f lLln drar nn extended l11ne811 T.nwye " Judge, I wllnt you to fine Mr . a nd Mrs EmerRon Cuo nor expr O' to leav e Monduy eVuDlnt; fM tills rI\lln who wne Imocltlld down by 'l'I VPl!Canoe City wh ere t hey will my cllent·s car." Jud ge-"F'lne him? begin b oueelteeplng In t bei r n ew Wb y ?" Lawyer- " Ho had n uall In b,la home. w hl oh la lilrelidy prop.n ed lo r clotb01n rmt1t"'poJ'nclllred a now Ure.'. 'ocou pllnoy. W h ih WI! ore ~o rr y to Topeka .Iolirnnl. lose \hll wortby yoo ng f rail) am <>ng UI, beet wlsbel f or 8000098 find hupplDella fr ow thei r m a oy frl endll wlll The Du ll One. a ocompany \ bem ' 0 ' heir fu tn re She-"Oh, Cbarle8, It Is 80 coldl ] bome. . 'W ould like to have somethIng arouad . Mr. an d ·Mrll. Al Sbaner anll fa m _ mo." He-"What would you care to \ly ar e'D OW r elld lng on B lIol nel bave?" 8bc-··Oh. anytblng- " And farm be r e w here t h ey mo ved a IIhor. h'e broul:ht a sbBwl.- Mlchlgnn Oal' \lme ago. Mr. and Mrs: B a lDes wl11 loyle. mova t o WaYDelvllle ID t be nea r - - -...... -- _ . - - fu t ure . Give It Up. ~11'!8eS "l oreooe aud Ed oll Lauy How Is It tbat you eee 8 0 much liner aUended Sabhath tIoh ool a t Way· (rult on trult stan ds than you ever aee nes vllle BODd" y moro tDg . 00 treeB!-LouIBvllle Courler-.JournaL A few at t h e far me rs entertained 'heir oelRbbors lit " w ood obopplD, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ las. week whlle tbe ladlea t ba' were hl vl'ed epent t he &lme In kooUln, oomforb aud sewin g oarpe'rog • . .... E rnest Dakin and famUy Funeral Director. s pent Bund a} wl'h Edwlll'd Oook and famll y, or Route .. Mr, Ed . R opkln. and family, of Telephone day or n ight . Bellb rook w ere 'he Sunday l ueatll Va lley ph one No. f. LoDg of Ur. J obo Oonnor Iond family. Distance No. 1I1l-2r. Mr. Bernard Allen III 'he proud pOlseesor of a mo\oropole. Automobile 8enoloo at all Time. I4r, F rlllk H.wlle lUll remains ID abou\ the aams oonditlon aft haa WAYNESVILLE, OHIO been reported from lime '0 time In Braaeh Omce, Uarv.,lbn-, 0. 'his t,8ue. -. ... -. An u p;lo·dlllo grpa )'

The pe rfect cun.,biualh,[] "r th" In. IG." I h t rltm k , of T'u r~ WII hlUll, l: "' uielltslll Hall 's Cn,oHril ure is whnt "" ru IJr\; l\l l Le.oh F IlllllUtl r or prvduces uch wonderful result s in CDI ill, pl ool', 'l Ii ,,' dnullut r who ~1lI .~~;~~I(LI conditlplIs. s..,,,d for teslimonials . \ 11.0 by ~bEl U"016 He lon. ' . Aorn to M r . li nd Mra. Al ti eRo. 11. J.CHENE V & CO., Props .• Toleolo, O. Mr . and MrR. Hnr ry Smit h Bnd ber ts Mu rou 10th tj, BO U All Drugglsl • r 6e. . Tb e OITto ~aKue l88tl1 1 fil II 01 lilt ~nd Mrs. Wlllillt WlI tlO D nl)4 Mr. IiUti ol1r~. Fred · lI'nrn lu~ vlelted A. W. \;beu0wlltb rtH,u rn ed Wed. 1-1 .. 11'8 fam ily " ills for constipation. work and .re doin g all they OB I\ . O dB nghter Olive alld Mr. an d Mra , Friday wHit Mr, Bud lin. Newton nellltli Y fr OIll t tl", McGLll llliu bOs plta l. bave OUI ' own lighted by eleotricity. Raymoud WIJ8tl n Dnd daugbtoT ~oore . Wu lter I)lldr iolc bllij Dlf)ved to tb e U wlllilot be IOllg until wo will be Mary C~therlno took dinner SundllyMr!!: JlltIlOB McC.Il·rey Is slowly proplHty lu tiuuLb Uud ln gton r e .. . leoon4 \0 n one . wUh Ru.YlDonli Oarr aud t~w lly d irnprovinll'. porohalunl of W U tlmilh . Mls8611 Bepsle and ., .. nnle Warner fho ~'hlo LeaKlle m et a t I,b e h ome New BurJinKton. 'Mrll . Ra lpb AiexRnder, who wea l~ P'D t Sa l urdny n llllo& with Mlleee [hOi bnoll ti uo Ib urlldll Y ni ll M eer !..ena lind li:ug bnle W bltali:el and a' of Mri'. Thomas Whe'sel tlli, urday The I:!tarr t3llten im 'er'"lnod Misl operated un t wo weeks .. go W IlS able eUlltl,,(1 ~u wrenoe 1:1, tok m lt n, one 01 re nded i he Baeket Ball game d .. ft.rooon . OsborH , ':If near Bar veYibn rll , Bun to leave 'h. bos pltal. TUE'sday . . th l'lr uUOlber w ho 18 oorlfiu ed t o h I> Waynesville. lIr. OIy4e Lnloy will V8 ca' . t b a day . 'fho epring open ing and Burgr o h ~~e w" h It ~ po.d u ed llU lll",. Mr: aod Mrs. Carl Bea.h ep, n' Qulnoy Kine pr operty wh ich tbflY Mr nnd Mrs, ZiDl:r l Billa". IIond dio nor proved s g reu.t snooee9. I be frlu uda of 'MIII" IIhude 1'IlIrl8n 8'rlday eveDloll wll It Mr. and Mrs. ooonpled for lIom e ' 1m •• Ind eon Bomer took dinner S nnday ' with Th ere WAS ' a Iu.rge orowd from all teudered hor a lIurprlse Cln F r id ay Tom Uouraney . wllloooupy hla new h ome la'ely John Willon'M. . p!\rt~ or 'be oountry . eveulng. W . G, Warner Ilnel family oulled purob&led. . Mr. aud Mrs. J. S. Leatn l n~ were Mr. Hiley Ulevooge r di od T h ura Tbe IIlook holder M of t h o Mot u lI l 00 Robert BaUln gor a nd flim lly Mr. and Mn. Frank Sarrll and in Xenl. o n business ~aturdI\Y. day m orning at bls bom o flf t.o r a . Telepboo., Co .. hetd l\ bllnq uet al r bureday eveolng. Mr. lind Fr.nk tl hldB ker r e. Master Ollarlea ~'an] IlY is spuudin g une! Il i n es~ of parulysis. Berv lollS 'he Aou.,x MoudllY nIght uf lut Mrs 080ar WildA IIDd Mrs . All .. turned home Mooday fro m 'bl a ooup le of weekI! '11'1 Ul hi ~ grUnd_ j wero held /Satu rd.a y IIoft er noo n. we.e k. Wb itllker vlslteti Mrs . S urvoy Bur. South muoh Improved In he .. l ~h , pllrenU Mr . .. nd Mrs. F rank !::ltllnley Mr. Ar$bll r Wea n hRS acoepted I po ' t l t th D I I D t . Ravmond Sorog gy, of Dayton , nelt Tuesdto.y. Mr~ . Eruest Bu tte r. and Bre t alllDg lIome nonri@b Dlen' taaln, 'a IIUIII notloe Iwd evtmt.B orace B .. rner, of Wilmington , 51 · on a e " 00 n By 00. "nct speut tluJldllY wl l h bill fumll y. wortb o,d1ed ID ' he " ft ornl)on. U Il 11, will be well again luuoh '0 t be spent Bu nday to.t tbe bome ef hi~ I Mr. Il nd Mrs F. M. B u tt e n ter_ Mr . Burv B b ~w was In Mo rrow delight of &belr frl Mre . 'l'howa. Conklin I. oonfiaetl fllt- ber U. T. asrner, I tllin d l\lr. Go rdon at dinner Man to be r howe by 1I1n e8~ , Tll ursdllY. MT. Walter J[Ubon, of Lebano D, Mi8Y Aia udle Peters,: n vhlted h llr day. J e.~e Htlwklns ond fO m11? wer(O Mr. Nahon McKeeve r nnd farn Uy 'raneao&ed buelneseln our city I.. ~, grandpnren ta Mr. Bnd Mfl . R . 11:. Miae Lois Gar trell 8110n ' tbe w eek en~l'Ir tlil n e d a' t he h OlDe .,f UIl Il8 tnoil BundllY di nner wi t h C\l r . and FrIday. J ooes ODe night IBwt ,veek. end with S pringfield re h, tlves. !hode uhllil lind wife '1'ho rsUsy . Mr ... Ua rl Heoth . We ha ve been pe8tered with W . .0:. Boga n lost· a valuable h on e Tbe lIIifllionu.ry Moclety of t he ... A ' very 10'eroe"08 t,mgr" m wa~ 0 0 t:lund to.v Mr. A [l Whitak er and mnmps liud baa ol)lds l1 orlnll' tbe 1.. lIt week by Ita fnlling onr tbe I!:. cb urob \V III b l)ld an all day meet . reod ~ red ot tbe !!obou l bouse on fam lly en ' erl ll ined Mr . nnd Mr8 pa8t ~',k. fenoe a Qd bt enk lol\ Hs neclr, Inll In tbeir ohuroh Th nnda,.. · ul n. 'I'huradayaf le'ro" oo 'rhe oX l~rolllell EVli OR flo.LUleld, M r~. I!lugeua Evanll fhe r oada and t h e wealh el' oom. Mu. R E . J a nel! oalled on h er oer will be fIOrved In 'he batemen' we re 0 0 t he orullr of ao ID titi tu te, .nd Mr. Earl E VRns of u :or Laelan. blned are tbe very wor~t· ILnd it · al8' er Mr8. Zi mrl B a l oee Sa turday A la rKe orowd en joyed Tom Cor. tbl ad·he.Hes on "Bli dy " by W m . Uor lloo BlAlli nger was In Clnoln. will \ake yeara t o lie' tbe r oady In a ftern oon. win In tbe ard numbllr of t be Leo. lilrilin aud " Ros6-bud tli n g " uy Mrs . Ihllpe to 'raval over. Mary B 1I1, Lydia B ill , Hueland t ure Com' Be 'l'uesday evening . Heny Mllil s being m08t Inillresllnt! nllL! If r ldllY. lIr. Jr reem lln, of I:!prln~ tl eld, ca lled Bud Inatruotl ve A E Bell m lind Chal. WOllioner, oounty . deputy Belen Hi ll oa lled on Aunt EI\her Mrll J. I:I, 1.Ol1oul ng II lso j(live 'shorl on £IlAffY I:lh'L w I:lat,urd .. y. of the Knlllbhl of Pythla8, vl8ited Complon 's Batort1ay ol!ternoon. 'al b , 'fber s were \bree 1101111" by Mr Nelsoo :lo1oKeever li nd rllwll, 001' JOOIII Thtlrsday nlaht and found )II', and Mre. J esso Haines and & wo the pUVIJII of ' be lD'e rmedID8(! lind Mr. Dnd Mrl'. Cll rl BeOltb ·vI81&ed 'he lodge In a thriving oondltion, dou arhtere spen\ ~'u r'day wit h Ra y The End of All ThIn" .. WbeD yo u l eel dull aDd stupid 1I1" ldes, Ii 11010 by LeODa 8hrt ver a nd Mr. EWUl tlt Beh z lint! foullly ~titurDR. J. W. MlI,.LER. IIr1!. Troma n <:illlam enter&a lned mond WII ,on 's. Man with Paper-"Here·. a preacher deer ell'i n g. . a Dlano 8010 by Eleanor Haydock. day ev eniot/:. Ibe Ladlel Ahhoclety at a t ill' Tb o r BThe o elsbborll /to d frien d, of 'n Syracuse, N. Y., who declares that Wh en Qon atl(latad or bllloull. Frlink MoKay, a ndiv., of ou r The Junia .. P riso illa l.I'a n oy Work day a(&erDooD. A Tery onj oyable !:ltephen Mil llf gave bl.m tl. ~ urprl se Whon y o n have a Ilok headaobe. the lime will come wbea there w ill be ... DENTlST••• "Iolnh y, fo r m lln y yen . Ii re ~l d l nt, Cluh m et wi th t be MI888l1 Bessie lind Ume was h.d. Illst Wed ne8day 10 ehe WlY ·of a When yon bs ve II . our stomaoh, no lIarll In tbll world." PeB9ImI Btor t.og.m, wtll r ender bls lecturf-, Jennie Warn er 8l\\urda y l\f'ernoon "r. WilHam Bhldaker. of near wood ohoppID«. Mr. Mille belnlJ ver y W h 9D yo n belob ofter elitlng. "Well. tbe world 18 due to end 80me "Som e Rtmfl o f MIDe" at the M E IADd a very plell8llnt afterD oon was here, ha. been qul'e slok for se ve r poorly fl Dd u nllblo t o ,work blml!elf . tlme."-Canadlao Coutier. W.,...lIJe.O When you bave Indigelltion. ohnrob 'l'lured"y e vening. Ma roh Mpen t. ThoRe presen ' ",erA: MiMel 81 day8 but Ie ~hougb t \ 0 be some Mril . MtlIiI wil!h e~ to U1IIUk one and Whon ner vous or despo odent. III. liu I. a leo,urer rlf remarlillble l.tzz1e K lloler . Mtlrle a nd lo'ay Ellt., baUer Ii 'htl time, lill who hlliped HI! she lippreoilltod it Wh en you bave no rellah for yonr vo ry m noll. abllliy and wlJl dellllh~ hi! hen rerf. Viol" J ordan, EnMe nle hnd Lena meills . . AncIent "Saunterer." lit .. Luzll Stroup. wbo bill beeD WhllBke r. A "Baunterer" 10 tbe old day Wd When yOllr li ve r I ~ torp irl. lD Wilmlng'on whh Mr... nd )4 u , - - - ... ooe who bad made. pllVfmlole to the UbtuinBule eve r y where. Tbo~ • . /::Iherod for s ome 'ime, Wi ll S ....te T erre. tbe Holy Land. Tb. oallet! home all aooonot of 'he 1 0 coanecUon between the word aod rlooll IHnell of · her !l18te r, Mr. EClEMA CURED OR MONEY REFUNDED place Is clear. P.llenoe 'l'hompaon. of Be60h Grove , Tbl 8 gu ara Dtee goeR wit h e ver y ----The 10nnl people are 'Ill In.: box of Dr . BoI>800 ·. Eozomli Ol ot. meot. Mokoll n o dlffelrenoe wh6~her Rea.onabl~ Irre,,' In'ere.' Iii thp ChrlUllin En. It'l • Policy. Mr. al)lt Mr. 'l'om Uonrt ney a'· 'U • dlll~or whloh II held ., i lle Frieod!! 118 . baby, oblld or tlged. No mac. If you .,er. r.laed to waab Jour raee len",ed oltllfOD .. , UrfllionlA S unday Mr. IIlId Mrs, ... W . ROlln ll~ l fI of ohuroh every ti6ndliY o lg hi a$ 7 ~8 r h ow 10llg IIt andlng the oBle the tile hydrant, doo't OIllIT)' loto !II fill· A,," AlreD& fol' K.U,.sprlnefteld r and t heD to'lk dinner wit h "re,lda V.Odllllll , llpent S unday wi th Mr. o'olook . You are oordilolly Inv ill1d g Uli r antee holds good , (Jot ou t tbll I4n 01 ~ud1 6 Cornell antl dan,h. .t .ar bowl ·fainlly.~alv..t'oD New .. AutomobUe TinI . strip, go to your drogglt t, get a box ter, MIn irma oa11e40D the B.r'. B.' oke8. and Mr •. W. A. Noll. to I'Mlid. of Dr. Bobs In 'a Eoz",ml'lo Oln 'U1ent, aook fa mily F r iday aUernoon . lb. P d Cuoney, 01 near (JedarMrs. ADna Arohdeaoon ba8 rr treea III being Indnlged use It as dl reoted lind U yon are n o~ yUI., Ie vlsUlng Mr . ViI. C. ~aroer turned t o ber h om e a t Five P ain .. ID.Trlmmtnl' Mr . aud I4ra. Oarl Sberwood .Dd Our lrels ha ve grown 80 luge 1'1 Hu. ti. fied , tbo dr o gglst or m ak. and family oft er 1\ weck" v i.,U b ere. thl' i\ ha. boen qolte dan.erous, er will relond your money . Try to Bon. Morrll , IIpen' Sa'urday aUer )41. ,,,,d Mrp. darry HhAW and Vall.y P. hoDaVO-l~ Un: R obert li"l1lo ger vis ited t he Mr . a .ld Mrll. Ed F ox, of Millmll· Iond w. lIurely lind one thl good j net ODoe, 1 0 U will bll h lLppily eur- nOOD In Wa yoeeville wUh Mr. and Mr •. M, Ii. tiber1l'00d. Or egooi .. sobonl Frld .. y . borg. slltmt t:!!lnday witb Mr. aDd worll. p'rlud . Ed Brown and fa mily h.lped to IIr8. Barvey Burn eU and ol.ugb- Mr8. J . E. Roblnlon . WANTED - -- ...~ - ---CoUale prayer meeUD ll 1all& weet moy .. ble mot h er and 811"r, lire. ter C·, ' berlne llpen t MlllordllY anei Messrs. Har ve y Mon ger and Bugh ... a. held at thl Spur lark h omll on 680, Browu and Mil. Bertba '0 SundliY with t be t onner 's pare Dts Ke~li n g h ave r eturned h ome ~f ter t:!60ond IUee" ALL KINDS OF Wayneavllle Sat urday. 'ID 8prl·ngboro a u exte nde:! trll) t hro,?gb F lo'rldllo VIIRTBODY- Thll II 'be lima 0' The Tho". Uorwioe enter tainme nt Ollrenoe . Berryhill 'ranlaoted year 10U ",aD' to dtepalle of extr. Mr. Gt\(;rjle MoKee ver ca lled on Mr . IIoDd Mr8 Art·bur Warwlok buslDel1 at his ' farm Dear .ferry. 'Iltnll on tbe farm . The MIIlDt Mr. Val Venoble Bnnd-.y aftornoon werEl oal led 10 R ed Li oD on li ooonDt onder 'he aUlplO6ll of t be t1I vlo LelLgue, :hen WednesdlAT .Iebt, T he m eD'8 Blbll cl... of 'be "err" G1II8 ..11 will help' Y01l $0 lel1 'bem, ~=~~~~=~~~=~=: lof Ibe dQRt-b at Mr, Lon Pllugb. wu 'uet n~t o-She minute a nd In80nday . ohool who werS defea'en a' a n~ low 0011 of athertlllnir . IIh', IIOII Mr ll. Will Wel ~ h a re rt. joyed byall . m22 Bora ' 0 Mr. and Mr" El mer In ahelr oonte8' entel 'atned Ihe j olol u[l 'over the uri val of Ii lion. and IIr • . · Walter Laoy, 01 Shupp of Wee' F raD Lt lin .treu • ladles Bible alae. . AD .leglont pro. Mr, Mr, lind MrR. Ed I:3ln .• ID8, of nelr flne gIrl. . gram oonliatin8 of reading." lang., I, I ' . Oregonia, were tb" Sunday goell&a o.r here. were ollllln8 a u frI ends Cha l . Miller , of near Wa shtnBlon d ialogues wa. enjoyed byall. Frla.y .fternoon. FOR SALE 1h~ world tvU ~!:.ry .llnd Mrll. William Dng an and Ur. E. B. Dlokln tranuoted bus- MIlI8 waa Iilrlou, ly hil r~ In Day'on Tbe Progre..lve Lllllr.ry Boolet y lae' Baturday by lUll automobile held their meellng .t 'he El1Io .. Waynesville, O. U'\d jQY~ Ralph RoblDSOO made a bnsln. . Inee. In Lebanon Wednt-ell,.y. ru nnlnlr Iota blm . An a mbulllDoe lohool bonlle Friday ITenlnjf. T",. The. world is bl00mi~ 'rip '0 L'I oonon lI onday. Rev. Wailler will fill t he pulpit from DIY t on remo ved b lm to bill _peakerll preaen' and botb E only bed $0 aclnr"a. • oow PoI&oflb, : '!e· ~"'I~-!Q 1 ~ , '7 141' and Mrs . Barol:! Bordeo hIve bere next Sunday at t be M. E. home. one Ialu. I.., whln 'b. owner in. de aD eleg an' addr.I, .r11DIt to Plio.. 77 DIu. Pboaa 111; i....:,· ~ T'O,.... moved on the Crookett far m nor\1'. oburob I' 3 o 'olook. Urs . Mary Lamme ",'a I taken lud- ex plain how the farmer oonld . ., oam. In ·.nd ..t4 I. waa .o.ld, .nd .. Hov \oJl'01\<j foT' U.s to · or t nwo. • Rood prloe, too. ' . 1D32 more for hll prodnoe by keeping A Inrprl.. wall ,lven Mre. Mary denly III la.'· Sa'urda,y aher noon . M't..~.. tI. cloud . Ralpb tltOkell of Klngll Mill. IlpaDt K.nnedJ' by h"r frl ..Ddl! Friday with paillyel. bo' 18 ,m uoh baUer oua tbe profit . of 'he middllm.ll . OT~TOE8-ChOIOS Whl.. . Early \J~th ~\ our vnil'(\pCll"h.nt tbe p lO d wee k wltb hll18taadmothllr ol"b' al ber home· on Eas. Mllin todliY. The ' road" are In floe oonlll"on , Mra. Mary Stokes, Obto Po_tow '0' I8tld a. ·I beel. Popoo\,n and oli ody wen B oward Myerl aocl wife· ha ve for m oving. Everyonl OD 'hat II•• woe-5l Mr. and Iba. Oh.... Early, of Mid. t be "tre,bmeDts .nd Q plea!laol moved to D. y t on where he te en· Ibould lie' bnlY before 'he wel'her ule. "or Hie by W. II. O'N.,.U, Wlyn.vill.,Ohto, B, R . 8. 01»2 dletowo were oll!led h ere 'hie week evenlnlr Wile 'pent , Railed IQ t ho a u'omublill b U81nail getl r ou gh. hy t,be perioul i1Jn6118 .. nd death 0' W . J B enh.m W1UI to "Dayton John Edw ~rdl and flunlly moved .... 'end Mr.. I'rank Mill. r l!heaTY IpriDr ,.qOD, wUb ltook Qnlduate of ' OIaio State UDI~fY Mre. Boward !arly. FrldlY and Saturday. 'uroed bome Tbnrsday uf I ..., weill '0 D. Y'OD I.., T burld~y. .,..~.,. Rood oDe" .Dd l' TrOY MY'. aDd Mre Will Robinson and from Ne'l9por' , whera t.hey Ipenl Walter Uedrlok bU,8 mond '0 The a ""ndanoe a' 'he Ferr1 family of DaytoD, llpant she weojll mOil c..f ,he winter. acoomponled by New Butllna'on whare he pu~ohaled Qbrls tlau ohuroh Bnnd1ly, Maroh rabber.lIre buQJ' ID ' ;ood IhiliPi. omce at reald8llC8 In F. B. .~er Inqutr..., .he Gazette omJe. 11122 eDd ,nth Mr. and Mrs J . E. R obin. 'belr cangh&er, Mrll. Harry Bar property. l :.lth was 74. ' wooel'l hoUle, Fourth Street. Ion. be!lu. They are we loomed !:aok Our grocer, O. F . It:loh wart l re· Mr. Leroy Bar'look, of Da,.$On, bUlh.lI of load Seed o.k toto onr mlllllt. . oeived word of ' he dedh of hi' vil l'ed hili parente, Mr• •nd loin . "or eale. i'or tnforma'lo~ T~phoD. Z8 Frank Bar tsook and family SondlY. call ell EITID I'Ir.. ., D B. W.y . . R. O. Uarnlr aDd G. M. Edwa rd ... mo'har a' l'lqua last I:lat.urda, . deoor&&ed the IDterior of four room. • Mr . •nd Mre. J Obtl B a.rnisl at. Oblo "r. and " .n . B.rry (lorDln ••• nelViIle, Oh'o. ~ m~2 · Wayn••vllle. for Mr. and Alre, ICd Furnn .. 'heir te.Dded *ho funerlll of hi. fa t her, 1I00n. CarmaD en&ertllned SUDd.y. beautiful home on 'he Barvey .. CrlllehtoD BarnalS a t New Jleper - - -'- ;-.- . A.Y-Good, mbed haT, 'ram bur. and Waynlevllle pike. I•• , Tuosday. .' "oa toni. IDqai.eof N.'haD Gr.y, ilarnyabni l, Ohio. m21 BATRAW A. Y Our ol"l8n ~ ar. 100~IDIR forward . ChIS. Aable h all l old h is p r ()pert y wUb pleasure lOthe oomlng of IIIlrln, on N or'li Main .tr8e', '0 3ofrs . Jobn pA(l1C to belp len your bOlllll, aha' 'hey may olilli"." tbelr fl o w. Belli N it of tow D. W.YDNrilJe'~ Leadlnjr DeDlln You oooaaloD.a Uy lee It Itakld Slla' DOW., f.rmlni Implementl, ItO . erl and bean'~ fy 'heIr bomlll8 for Mr.. J o~epb i ne Td. baa pur~ colds do noa relUlt from oold w . • •• lln MaID St whloh oar tOWIl 18 Do ~ ed. obased 'he pr oper'~ of Mrll . /::Iulan Th':t ItI fink fooll.ahllll8ll. ' Were .. 8M DI,,,Dd we will help yon. ~oe ill ~e,.. Blda, GalieUlI, 1D2I R ob bin. . Uonalderat lon $ 00. lire. The mlny frteDds of Frank CI"n. troe 0014.. wonld be u pr."alent tD er, who 'reslotel in Uregonl~J.... rellret Robblu. will lE'avl 100tl '0 mllke h er mldlummer .s In mldwluter. Th. , . r old .offel 8111, Ilred b1 the hurnlngof'hladwelltllg wedn el bome with ber 80n edlkJr P . E. mlorobe 'bd OIU.61 ooltSll1ourl.b•• RobbIns a~ Ji1erd lnan'd , lli'la, Ol.y BurD. clam by Wllk_, 111,a, d.T nlgM, ' whloh Is .auppOleCl In damp, oold wea'h.r. To lie' rid Jobn Weaver yl81'ud Mr a nd JoIII. 01 a cold hire Cb'mberlltD '8 OoUII1 wellbt 1100. tnqalre at O. B . Benf hIve olought; Irom a deteotiv. fiu t ' 0115 Wri" ht ..Dd fa mlilyat Aroln. Remldy . Ie II·elreo.aalaDd I. hlah. ley, ~.YD81Ylll., OIalo. "" .hil be a warning io UI lee THa. Cll'ATaT . '0 onr fio61 and ~bd wo have 110m . um last ·l 'hun day. Iy rlOo'mmeDdecl by peopl. who b."e YII.,.ol1 Bay Work Borle, olent Inaur.noe, Ev .. r.1 home In uled U for maDY yelon .. oopalloD ----.-~-,000 drlftr, .nd 2.year.old the rural dlS'rlot. Ibould' bave I reqUired, and know'" real Taille. TNa WORLD m.r. oolt,. fio. OD. . Inqnlre of lCIBUSIII!D1M ftre·ex.ln&ulaheT &ha& 18 admlUed bJ' Obbluable everywher • • ~T. SUO 'lUI . C. B . Sberwood, W.,D.,,1I1e, Ohio. . .,.. . tha fire underwrl &en. CROUP " .-. ml5 '1IOT1Le, DltUaOI• .,.. , '.'CIAL.."" When the ohlld il lubjeot to a'Barry JC WnIO~, of' Darton, WII OO.TU.lltl, TItA ...... It, CAIoo of o'roup, see '0 it th~' b. eats 'be Sao day KDI'.' of hl8 parent"', "U' 1.IIVI9' GAil NO'IV InblOrlbell to 'he lloOa·l ....· 'AMb n UIIMO m AOVIlITtilNO OOWMl)la evenlDi melol, al In OTero Yr. and loire. Fr.nk WilBon, of t he . . , ......Ine. Bend 850 'A ~be ' l \om .. oh may brlu, OD ali .~ . . 9I!n"11 Ro'el . . SAMPLE 'COPY FREF Clue'U ofI1oe, aDel Ie' ODe oh he alao watoh for t he flrll' Iymp . ....... .... YOttK • , Onr Sund.y Sohool II 8tlll dolne &aok. bee, 1D1p1llD8I 0Il1 eanb. tf \om-h : > 8'r lleneel, and ' give Cbam . ",' , J bualneall at ,be .,.me ola .land, and berlaln'l Cough Remedy att loon ... Mll1s l1'1orenOl )llzy lpeot'be.w,eek. don" forge ' " aha' you oagh' '0 be t·be ohlld beoom'l h oarso, ' Ob'lIln. end with frleDda _t WlynanUl •• there every Bunda1 and you will abl, everywhere. Mra: Rena Ker.ey o,!lIed on loin•.. ...~~~. . . .H . .~~.......~~~...........~~.......H~1:f beCOme ' in&ereated .nd tb.n you ,,1\1 have , no unpledant reoolleo Mabel BoUlns.worth one la.. week. . tlODI of your jonruey. Com. au' . ·1 Ind lee 'if 1 .m rlllh., . Mr; Barr, l!1a'8eld aDd fa 'oUy aerioul Affliction. Tbere nlver ....... ,randllr IOOlety 00 IIpeut II.' SUDdloY wlah ibell' claolh "Blp;g\.DB 18 alwaya r eladlnr The most Modem and 'Creamery ,b.n 'he ChrllltaD ICnd"""or loole'y, . erma and worryinc I\boult bls beelth: ' ter\ JoIr •• HI~l Gn"erT'~ .cil ICvery YCllinl m.D and womaDlbonld :·Ye.. There'B not much hope for hIm. tOWD. jn, th~;$~te. and' wil~ Pay .~~est market join 'be one nearel' '0 'bem alld ahe Germa are bad enough lIt you get 'em Mu. Jam.. Klnl, bal beaD lloll price for sound, clean sour cream. . We are 014er onel '00, aDd 'e '-'lfY 0011 Ibo'u ld In your BYlltem. but . they're worse It but .Ii a lIUli b.her a' thla wil~,. . -, always . prompt to recognizE; any advance b, he.rd from j t\ I. 'he dtr~' roo' e Foil let 'em OD Jour mlot!." Mr: B'raDk 'OIeaver met wl'hq~lt. ~ morall'y anlUl1e balnlng I. ii1 the take' care of your a 10118 on 1.1' We4nei14.y at,b•• abe kind for yooDg 'people .nd ' l:lll b01ll8 oauabt fire abbua teD iP.t~ts ;,n) i. t uet. C~ecks ~ed daily oNha older aD. Cl&D ."Dd. 0'010011 Ind burDed to 'b. ·trQ1Ind. IMlonl 1. ;00 .... .ot • .mem 0't; l':~Y ~ 4~~d to. ~ver all.shlpments. I' I. thou,h' .he l1rll Wa8 oaued bl ~oln" onos aDd hetlD ~ rtK18l,rIJI a def~":ve l1ne. . benefU .. You do DO' ha"e to be. UPaRltNO& Mrl Zaln ~rml".e aDd .ChII14i'tl.. • Imber 'hlray d.ll berorll veu OIn PIIIl ••UOQal Buk ' TIBI~edf.' OrelaDla ODe clay tlOll"" beaefnl ."d 'here are .no · IoIr • • alrolll ~&epheDlon PUIIIl banlfhl but" ta d ouhle In . ·AD. . . . . . . llerUUt dlarhter, Tbelma, .PlD' d,f'mnl'y frllm IIl.r"~ 8nlab I am lair tl,, ' , 11112 with be pareo&e DIU' • firm believer tn II. teaOblDIll .nd ' I, 1,'0 "e". plltll to me &ba' I ,biG k loin. Ba'hawl\1 ba. bleD YltltIDI i' tihllold be . qtally plaia to .11, 1 ber 811M', loin. WIlII.m N:odoa lor the, .k . •. IiDi no' '101111111 from. ael8eh I"nd. polD' aDd am not worklos OD 18 oom· ~ mItIIloa. ~1I' W.D'~ on. of It Ia ao now tblt bol1l IDla aD4 wolDea an bo1UI4 to be aDCll..u. .


., '

.... .








Walter McClure



. -.


- ---

Ray ·Mills




Auto Livery Service at "ate.


Corwin, Ohio








, light

.Walter Chandlef

or .



0,., Of,..


Dr. J.


A. McCoy.






















---_.- ..---

DB. H. E.




market, and' will





------.. ..------



., The ~UDREW .ROW COl Qlnclnnatl, Ohio


'. . . .IIIDIEF' ..:iEII:IE'===51'1:1 *e===:l






~NBW Spring G,oods ~! Now i. the time to buy Spring Merchandise. G d ~1


, 00 S


are advan~ing rapidly, but we will·,sell them at the old prices. .

. .


Look at These Prices Belt

and 15c Amoskeag !Ready· Made Sheets Gln,bame 81x90 .................... . ..

m per Jard ......... ... .... .. 1Oc m Belt Amolkeaa' Apron 71GlDahama, per yd .... .C 1C Belt American Calico 6 2 old price, JMjr yd .... .. .. m BJe.ehteJ' and Unbleached Bc Mullin, per yd .......... . .

"I ~


, Farman Choice Muslin DIU', per yard ............ . Bope Brand MU8lin, now per yd .......... ·...

9c IOc

f'" w


Linen Window Shades, 25 cents and.. .... ......

Japanese Matting

2S C

Best Quality, per yd .. .. ....... 20e Ilnd

7 21C

liond MURlin for Sheets. un bleache::l .. ......... .... ..


Curtain Goods We carry a big line of Curtain Goods. all new pat lerns, per yd., 9c to


Big assortment of good quality. Come and see us before buy· ing' elaewhere. We will.urely save you money.


lTbe .Store






12 ~c


You Money


Uutfitters for

Whole Family



-:~8a~::' ..~I ~~v~::~:~~~~~medenei ::Ui.~....... . .-

To maKe aedmnp oror theJ6world ths unprecedent scale m llcs on to the l Inclllll & JroJect or BrItish 8c ,eutJsts.



An important occaslon

to women who are particula~ as to ~eir appearance will he my display of seasonable models on

'reaon 'e aMents In other ro8CI'\'O

69.138. 81

Coin nnd ""rUtten""••. . , , .. , .. ~ ~ I.\ I ·lCudcr Notoa . .... • •. •• • It6.1amptiou t lloUwlthU. a 'J'I'IlW\' urer.ud duo(rom L·. •'f ",,,,,"ror

1 3.7D~ . lU

'fotw.. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. .... away of pneumonia in Oska· L1t< BILI1' I£S 1008 1 8.. l{tln. Ml\rch , I h. • ' he left ·op".1 luck p.IoI,1 h , . ........ . aYI\~'~ville when n ~tluni' lady. but ~ urplu" hlnd , ..... ' ..... . UU ilh-trJod ,HOUl!J . ", l ." ,'i' ll . :ill Ill' r~' urIlPJ ulBny li!n 8 to horold horn l~ 'h(! Ie. Vt hIll\! daugh ler. 1.'·"" c~pouet;p"lti,.. . I . I 'l.~ 1

IOZO. 7 ' .00

M~. p~~~,~~ ~~~~ Ph.b.


------ ---ZIMMERM.AN'" 'HAVE ARllIV 1 . Special s This W eek I H'O ME FROM SOUTH .

•••TANLAC... Aa'entfl for '\\'aynelville


It PaYII to Trade at

Waynesville, Ohio



c"go and St. lAlUl •. . 3,S79. U Net Ilwount due from appro\'oo


Hen and Chick Feed, Cracked Con;l. Grit and OY8ter Shell.


..,t\·.aguIlLB lu New York . UIII-

cil l... ..... , . . . . . , . ~ •. U.~.9~ Ou",I<I. cbod« anti ot her culi


Edgemo'n t Crecken, Weineri Mince Ham, Preased Ham. .

I have never shown a more attractive assortment than I am showing this season. and} most cordially ask your inspection. '

Jludcrl.l R.....' v ~ Balik . .... . . , . . . ,. . No," Bmout ll16 tnlm ap'pNvoo f&o

Nel amOUllC, duo f rom


11(1 111 11. • • .••.• •• .• •. _. 20.62 I'rfiCll uu,,1 curren cy. nlck ola "lid C6U U • .• • •• • . • • •••• • • UH .u5 No .... ul olher DiltioDIfJ Uuuks .•

127.G !

~ 7!,.OO

5.0UO .UO

1.500. 0

~ ~. DIIII .U O

90,I/UU. Ol'


el l t U h ll UR llUt('tIl . .. ... . . ... .. . .



unptlu l .. : . .... . .. . . 6ubJL'Ct. to

i ll ll\"l1l1n J dOVOSUlfi


. .. ..... ... , .•.

t:.orlH ll u.108 a t d(!lK)&:ltI uuu lu l l...a I n 111 Jt) Ii Yli . • • ,. " . • P'OHt.d Iftl "illJttl d epositoS .• ,

" ••. .. ,.• ']'olul II 1""'1"" . ... 31 3,hB C, I b , 'o lai . . • . . •. , • , . • , •• . • • ' 1 6:!u. 1() I Ill;

. WAHIl EN 0 Nl' \',11 : 1. .1. , o.rlwrtl!M eMhler o f I ho " L",,'e nom I unllk . lio 6Oi~m llly allenr Ch UL ' be ab :J )lu StD"OlUOI1 t. Is truo t.o t.lJe bOHL u( my knO>l ludllt> "uti OOlief. J . O. OA(ITIVRIO I1T . OIlSW r . Su " ",rtbOO . url .worn OOlote me thIs I Itb lia, of Uure/,. 181 6. lIahlOD Itldl(j). Ou"",,~ AU....t: Notary l'ubk,

S'fvrJ; O~'O HI

Mr. and MI~8 . B. S, Howell arrived home from. Alabama Thursday even· ing, af ter a sojourn th ere for the laet three montills. The Howell ' lI are enthu8iasta tor ~he South.

'J./1':f. H"AL#.~~: ",. Wlll'f E.





Fe$Jlnflll to 80 Conatdered.

UtH ty was not sacrificed in order to secure a dashln~ desig" nor was ' the design slighted 1M order to attain the practical.


ments 1"

Administrator's ' Sale Real Estate


By . ut.boritr or tho wi ll or I. uceua E . • 'Id • decti&Md, I "IU ..u lit pullllc .uc l l<lIl, 'OD tho preml_, oD

" Do YOU kOow the Ten Command· "()b, ye.... replied Mis. Cayenne; "bllt I 8houldn·t venture to reel til them In a general cathe rln, of our friends. it mlchto·t be considered

Ff.eIh Let~ce, Tomatoes. R&d.ishee, Cukes, Celery, Cabbaare, Sweets, NY. Apples, Grape· fruit, Orange.., DateS, Fill.

Saurday, March 1-8

. _.



- Are now dosin!/: our 371h year of btl~incss life and the past year has been tile be. I 01 all -n nd \ au ld y<!u ask us why? " I . -Have on hand somc Sulphur ula 1011 lor "pru)'l1l~ yo ur , . fruit trl!es - Kcep Krauser's liquid moke bc' l 1111 tht! m llrhl.!L -Sell a Tip-Top Saf\:ly Kazo r ftlr ,~ I on. . -Thin k you otl~ht to be II ep Ireli i, r hi ;·,.~ r pric.! ~ In . al l. $1.25 a barrel at the car. r '1 ~ f11 v'll' ~ IIII' orders. -Heard a cu lOtner sa , "That Cha_ c': -,.111:, )(11'5 25c Corfee was the bcst In lown," - Just received a new lot or Callne.1 :pi lt 'IC I'lL n ;::an -Can give you a bar~ain In Lurgc Prun ·:!. II) 101 $1. -Hcve cut Ihl! !>rice 01 Sprlll\: ~hcat flou r to ~ I I' r sacl( -Sell 6310aves of good Home- '\ade Hretld i r 2,<;" - Now have your Swcet Pel Seed tlml IInioll :cls rcady for you; -Will have more of those Pi~ tlams In tUllay. -Can recommend our Red Label Sligar Cor n, 10e a ,an. $1,10 per dozen. -Buy only the vcry chOicest YtJun~ t-I yson Teas and always guarantee thc quality, 75c u lb. ; lower J:rades at 20c to 5Uc a pound. - Advise you to buy your Atlas Cemenl very soon- pri,e Is sure 10 be hig h er. -Stili havc some bl1f1~ains in OIue and Wh!'e Graniteware Jus( one- hllif Ihe rC~tllBr price. - Have Pure Concord Grape Juice at lOe a bollle-Dodors say iI's a Renuine health bullJcr, tQO. - Can offer you a Irood selection in Wisconsin Canned Peas, IOc a ca ll. $ 1 doz. - Fancy ):mall Sifted Pens at ISc a can.


8 pound Tomatoes .. .... .. l0c a ('1111 Canned Corn ....... .. 2 canl for 15J! Cann£d Pea§ ......... S caliS fo r 2ii Fancy Evap Peaches .... .. 3Ibs :15 Large Can Baked Beanl ....... 1Oc Walrull Salmon ......... .. 2 can 36c Nav)' Beana ............ .. i X c pound Pinto Beanll .......... .... 7Yoc pound ~ed and Seedll!U Raisin., lOe pa:Jcage Lenos &lap ......... ...... . bal'll 25c Stoeel Cut Cott~ ........ only 20e lb 2 lb. Sliced Pineapple........... 16c





Will Be Remarkable Map.

.- - • Mrs. R H. elly snent the week' Mre Hn.rrls :8.T'll .1'':S. MIIsh. r weN i end wit h relath'es in ewurk. hOlltesae of th e t ' . 1'. M.. ' ',n rue~-

da y attern on 0 /lR t W"l" 'ix Ly , . fi ve I di t'. wer rt anL ,., ; .y the Mr ,Hullett ~Ilkln, of. Lebanon, [!] apl.mJid rlgnl ..... (L ,I. . 'I oil I!' ' ~pellt Sund.IY Wllh r~ llluve8 her e, " 0 Zion Il.lst 1 I ' I ,)" \ ." So. I ciety; D",:<. tio'J I E~: \Jt. ·en\>· turKI · R c·~di ng'. ..11':1.' l:ld ·r; ' Nq,. 2220 Prsyer. I .v. :.\,,~. ,loll II , Piun(j Solo, Mh Ru th 1\ Ir s."'lt : n ,lin I 1 l~POHT I:J "Do Mi~si,mA 1,'1t \ ," ~l i ",~ HIli tlrt; or Lb .' Cm,d,(ian err. the Waynes· Reading, " Qu:anlil \' 'l "lI . QI"di ty. " 1'1 II\.! ':.,: i.lllal B;mk, at Wllynes ' Mrs. Cro!~: H"~lllItlll;', " '1'11. 1 \ 'hiln viJl · ill f \ L' :5ta t ' of Ohio, at the · Rose." Mrs, P hni": HeaullI' of It clost! Ill' bUtll)ICSS, March 7, 1916. letter f rom Mi·"i awry l'rJI!nlt, t:1, ' ()U I! '£S. Mrs. G rbll sor : Pilill Sill,., Ruth Loo'w Illld .t1n'·OI""" 2' U, I Ob,9~ tla rtsock; Heading •.. \1 1' Pa>rp'~ Mis'1'\110\1 h"'"d " , .. ,. . . 12' 0, 160.86 I:J ,Iollary ,Barr I," l\I r~. i\IcCl u re; () :·.:f.Il\'.~~I ..!:."'':'~,~'(\"ircul·.iiJI; 11 7.16 Read ing , "Bril(ht 8i t,. of M is~iolJl\rY n,or 1.. luo) ...... , OU.IIVU. UO NewfI," Mrs. Ph illi p!': Hesrling. '1\". 1 . ~ . I>olld... ..... .. oo,uoo,oo "Thoucrh ts at Sunsal.·· Mrs IJJ llrl·i~·. O.her IlUIIII. lo_,lre l'oot. 1a.v· ~ III~" ", .... .. .... .. 0.000.0 0 Song by :SociE!ty. " Blest Be the Tie 8o<!U.rll il'RII IIII·rlholi . . 1>0111(That Binds" (1I0L I l\ l'Iu.l llI~ till/ck . ) OW UL'<l I un~r.~~~,~'\'i(J"'iJ"'·. ·.;reu~~l~a~~~ m,m.oo P-'I Th e IIOC i a II.eatures 0 r t IIe n f ter· i i:.I~' noon were velry enJ'oyable, Cordial S I sur"" 'k . Uallk o il .., . SLhnu 1101,000, 00 IOCk ~·edero . , .. • • .... lfreetln ge andl good cheer wore ~n Subicrlplloll w.lOck III Iruduml evidence. Later tho .."'rncious host Less ltestl" 'O Uonk 8, 400. 110 aruoun~ uu 11011 I , . , . 4,~OO.OO eases ,erved dain ty r etreshments. . ., .. , . . . . . . • ,200.00 , •.. .. • completing one of the bes t and most va~~~u~:I~~~h~~ . ~~~ b~tro~~u-o 8,0 00.00 profitable meetings of the year. Eq uit y 10 bauk lug Ito ...... .. ... ,.

-=5551 "'=55= GI'L U:h nEU n:J~15=5:1n:l~C=5=:JI~JI- (!J [i===~II!J[i===:Ji 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ _ Cha,.ct.r Above .0,1\.






'l i


Window Shades

12 ~ c

Lonsdale Cambric per ~' d ..... ... ........ .

Local Items

· E "'lJHIl.lI flU f hare la t night 10 lhe un \ II(lpSnow th offhl'lnche.~ .


ID .

F, M.

.The luggage spac ~ at the rear Is ex· traordinarily large, and the seats ale unusua lly wide, deep and generous. But, asyou will see, thes e 'r esults have n()t lessened, but enh need, tile beau· ty of the car. ,

FRIDAY, APRil 14, 1916 .

.Notice '10 Tobacco Girowers



It will pay you

t c? visit


I1ml cKnmitic lhis



The price of the Roadster r 'l' u.rin g ar complete

We were ~ rtunate to gel direct from he mills , a.1 t of Tobacco C:l11vas of the bc!> t quality. Sc.e liS h [or b uy ing else whe re.

is 800 (f. o. b. Day ton)

MYE Wayn es'ville Late Clalis' ied Ads

.------.------.. -_... .1

. . . .... v . 1II

........ . ..,.,..



Atlas Motor Car Co.

O.. ta : C"II on E. B. i\1llt ber S E ~:D R, \). \I. W II,y n8Bvllle. Phon ..






D. ~ .

8ale8 or 'good \9lleul At-tIiW . Inquire of LeMter tiurro f, Way nesvi lle, Ohio m 'lO

Second'" Lu'd lo'w I,h l IVUit I

tow. , ( \,t l the pl", ·o o r ' '''IIUII''IUIJ. 011" Dl're ~ ItIOI"e 01' IllS

Hall I

fl· ... 4liI1ILtll

' I ~ O O . OO ,

T ern18

t. T. Peterson

A. Stoops


1"l1f' r O(



....Wben you come to Da)tonbe sUre . 10'

11,," Iloa.) appraIaMI I...,

salo cuall.

• tbe' ond,e Car. We shall be glad to DcmQn~trate at any t :me. .




• Miami

Adml n l.trator wltb tbe "III , aunexetl , of Ibe .,.tale of Luter,La E, Bid., d"".. ued 0 , W . Bunle,. Attome)·. • lOm~ · n


This Saxon "Six" prove. what · a quality car .should .,c o.t A short time ago price-to inany , men-set the 's tandard of a car's quality. But not a ny longer. The coming of the- Saxon "Six" bas altered old-time ideas of what a high -grade car should cost. . F.r in thil Sallon "Slx"--at liM- you n.le feature ,a fter fealuff formerly fOllnd only on the costliest car. H will su rprise you with it~ finished perlect"n in drta U ,!cd equipw!'nt.

Class car standards you now find In Sa%on "Six" you find lI,.'n_

tOlether with ullcommon strength and IlIggedn~ . ~on througl; the UIe of drop lorgln!!! mltead of Il&.tin~ fin..r . teel..,....nd .killed enll_ring.

You find 8nul ual power-on minimum CIOI)IWIl~tIon or gasoline.

'\I'ou find

ID&tc:hlesa .peed, lIexibility; accelem. tloo, qWrI_ and coolness.

find no te wo rthy he:1u ly-the newest type' or yacht.line design. Vo u fitld reominess a nd comfort . The wheelbase - is 11 2 Inches. F ive pas· sen ge rshave plenty or .'ipl,ce . You


Peterson &Stoops

find Tirilken ,axles and 11111 Timken llearinlS lhrou,!lout the 'chassis.


Are buy ipg all kinds of 1

LIVE "'1' CK and payin g highest market price.

Us a Call



There's no need to arglle tbeir superior!ry. .

." Res.

Yo!, find on exquisite. luxuri.ous body flmsh-llnolcum covered, alu minum bo und runninll boards a nd 600r boards- .lOd ltIa qy further impron-


We doubt If any c:a~ within several hundred dohan 10 price can compare In valur with luon "Sill." II Dot , theD 178/) is the proper price lor a quality car. Let us show you the new

eeriea SalIon "Sill."

J~ ' -B. ebapma'n Wayne.vllie. Ohio

s ~;'nr



l ~ · at


ALT N F. DROWN. Judge 4\1 P robaloO Court. \V.,roo ,County, Ohio DROW " Att y.







. ,


W . .sc~w·artz & Son


. Th.e Old

8••100 bide " III be received by tl100lark ot the Ilot.rd or, Bdyc"Uon of Wt..J'.ue ToWtl9111p School DLotric'. WaYDCllvUle. w arreD Couoty,

Ohio. un,1l





You find helical bevel driYinll gea';. "ou find a silent. efficient two-unit electric starling and lighting 811tem.

, '


Iln), O~'f~1'Ch. UI G.


menu. '

it ·


W ilynesvillt7, O.

You find "'Ill ,operative economy. Botb in fuel and tire costs Saxon

"Six" lowers u.ual stand ards.

Notice of Appointment

Schwart~ .


' , .


Shop o.ll Mechanic Street,.Lebanon

' .

8.' n'c'e

l~ . it.


• '.


~..;.;;;.;.._ _ _~.....;~.;.:.,_ _ _",!",,_ _ _~~~~~:o....;.;;._~.::......:::;;.


five .AND I~N CfNT 'STORt ..~A ' 1L4 ~~e things that ';"'e necessary at FIve and Ten -Cen ts ,....

. 8ERVI(~-Tllat eaa't . . . .t

PKlC!!-To ...... aIL

Special for Saturday:


Pillow Tops to Bmbroidcr . . ...... . ........ .. .• _•••• , •• •. 8c:



ai, - -



"S''"~t ,,~,B_,!~~_,,~~.~










And VII I-! (.bl! a,' I .... me Ma}'lhtlrl) ,HI 1"1111 rna wing al the bar. . . When I pUt ( t t


MARCH 29, 1916



Whole Number 3362

CEN~~~1 MEETING [~Op[~~ ~ ~~~T~ ]

Buy Tobacco

anvas o( Hyman.

The Wayne Townehip Poultry Assooiation Illet at the Tuwnship HOUSEl Friday evening lo meet M . C. I il· patrick, ctf tile 0 S. U . HUHiliess of the evening was attellded to. The members vol l:fi to hav e lhe eh w lhe first "' l'ek in J an · uary. and engaged Judge Case t" do t il ' Reorillg . Judg e Case has been here on several oeca ions and his work gave ~n tire salisfaction . Afl el' the busi n" s meeting 'was over MI'. Kil patrick gave lhe memo b r9 a neat talk , Dn\1 be arrangeu to give three ed uc~tion:ll meetings thiH IImm I' alullg th· lin.1! 'If better fluu lt ry. Th e meel inJ.(B will be held !:.o me time durin the months of J une. July and August, due notice of which wi ll be n ive n. " At lhe ~h uw in Januar'y therf.' will be a pou ltry educational exh ibit whi ch will be f great benefit along plJ ultry Ii., 8 . Th~ poultry as~ociation will have on vf the b st IIhows the coming y ur they have ever had . and any one co ntempla ting joininlt the III 51) ciulion had beLter hand in their nanl'P ai 800n as pOl'llible. as th~e members and the names of t he breeds they own will be published. and in this manner wi ll meeL the ey or hundredg of fanci ers throughout the state It will be worth your while, if you breed chickens, to jCJin t he 8esociation . y



Stratton Riley Crevenger, IOn of Thomas and Mary Clevenl'er. wu Dr. and Mrs A. T. Wright enter. J B born on a farm near Roxanna. Detained Sunday Mr;. and Mrs. : . cember 17.1835. and departed thla life. March 8, 1916. aged 82 yean. 2 Chapman and family. months and 20 days. He is the last of sixteen children. there belnlrelRht The Jolly Matrons with theIr hu~­ brothers and eight sisters. bands, were entertained at the pleasHe waa united in marriage to Ruth ant country home uf Mr: and f4rs. Thomas. and to this union were born W. E. O'Neall Tuesday evenini. tour children. Walter Scott. Flora May. AUllusta and Elva. He was Qutle a crowd of young peollie again married to Frances A. Rye. and went to the home of Burton Earn- after her neath. five yeal11 later. he hart laat week and enjoyed an even- married Elizabeth A. Prater. who ing of feast and fun at his BUltar survives him. They lived on a farm in Sugar Creek Township until 23 camp. years ago. when they moved to · dl G f th F ' d Spring Valley. where they have Th e F rlen 'I roup 0 e rlen s since resided. chureh met at. the homo of Mr J . B. The deceased leav0!8. besides hili Chapman l<rlday evening. There wife. two daughtera. Mrs. AU~8ta was a good crowd present and a Haruock, of near Waynesville, and I{ood program was rendered. Mra. Elva Miller, of Los Angeles, California. eight grandchildren and . five ireat grandchildren. Funeral services for the late Strat. Mr. and Mra S., L. Car~wrlght entertalned March ~. 1918 In hono~ ot ton Riley Clevenger were held at the Mrs. Lee Adama. of Kans88 City. residence In Spring Valley. Saturday Mo. Besides the sruest of honor afternoon at 1:30. Rev. LaClare those Invited loVere Rev . . and ~rs. having cbarJle. A quartet sang sevJ. F. Cadwallader• .~be MUlses Clara eral beautiful hymns. Burial wsa LUe and Kluie Merntt. made in the MIddle Run cemetery. The pall·bearera. who were all nephews of tht' deceased. were Harrr. Mrs Omar Lewis whose bir~day Prater. Harrv and William Cornel, was last Wednesday ~aa remln~ed Edward and Luther Hartsock and of It by a pleuant httl.s surprise. Frank Thomas. when the followlnJl friends came to spend the day with her: Mra. CARD OF THANKS Kizzie ThomplOn. Mrs Esther RobWe wish to thank our friends and inson. Mrs. R. G. Croes. MrtI. Wm. neiihbora for their kindn8l1ll and Zell and Mrs Geo. Zell. sympathy during our bereavement. We wiah, al80 to expreaa our thankll to the sinl{ers, who Banjl 110 beauOn Wednesday eVl'nlng the Misses titully and to the minister for his Alice Carey and Edna Cornell enter- comfortinlr words. Mrs. Clevenger and Famil,. tained at a dellihtful 6 o'clock dinnero at the pleasant home of the • _ • former. The guests inclued the Senior class of Waynesville High School and the high scbool teachers. Covers were laid for eighteen. The dining room ~aa taatefully decorated in oran&,e and black. the senior celonl . The Easter idea was carri~ out in the arraniemlftlt of the table. A pleasant evenlnlr waa spent after the . dinner In contest. Jlameeand music. The local pOAtoffi~ was Inapected , • ~• lut week, and the Inspector paid the poetmaster and his assistants quite a hiih compliment, as he repo~ everything in the best Ihape pouible. and hia work waa made easy becau.. of the excellent condition of tbe office.


. INTERSCHOLASTIC MEET, HAR • MON PARK, LEBANON, The March meeting of the New IU 0 ~e(l • ~~s C,. B. Bentley was D Xenia MA Y 12 C:mtury club was held Friday after. James McClur(· DinwIddie.. s~cil~d I V\~ltnr Friday. . noon. Marc,h 24th. a t the home of IOn ur Fr~n" laud Mnrtha Dll1wldlhe' l Myer Hymall \s the possell'lo r of n _ __ Mra. J . E. Janney. The President WII~ b fl l'llil . HelltJrouk. Gr6f'1'1 co unty. new Overlund a Ulo. ca lled the meeting to order, twen ty . . Prog ram o r the . Third Annua l th ree members r esponded to roll call. Ohio. on June 5. 1878. He was one uf /I· farnily of four childr",;n all uf Forrest Ridge. of D8ytol1. sJ'll'nt Wa rre n County Interscholastic Meet The quotation responses were "next Ilt l:Iarmon . Park, Le banon. Ohio, year's work." Several different whom with th e fllther lind mother Sunday with home folks. ~ve precedf'rl hirn into t he Great George WaL rhou~e and Dell n Friuay , May J2, J916. topics were s ugge8ted among t hem being the SUbj ect. "T~e Study of the Beyond His entire life was apent Howell w"re in Da.v ton Sunday . -..w~...n Green and War, en cuunties. ~ IIICB S BO.OL EvENTS Bible." It was decided that we take After the death of his rather he made Miss Ruth Snook visited with rel1 50 yd Da h. 2. 880 yd run . the Study of the Bible ' for our club tli! home with his aunt. Mr'8 Sa rah ative in S041h Lebanon III~t week. 3 12 lb . -'hot PlIt 4. 100 yd . work next year MiBi Helen Hawke Das h. G. I'nlc Vault . 6. 440 yd . favored the ladies with a beautiful Haines. of Waynesvill. one whu waR alway" near to him and one who Mrs . Mary Leah Adam spent thl' Run 7. I{o nning. Broad Jump . pian~ solo. Mrs. W. H. Allen read 11'1 thtt hour of tllalll was-his counsel- week· end with r elatives in Hllrveys8. ~2l1 yr!. Ullsh. 9. Running High a very interesting paper on "Bayor Imd lJuide. alway" r eaul' 1.0 give burg. Jump . 10. ' 0 'lei . Helay (4 men . re uth. " Mrs. H. E Hathaway to him the beat 8he had Miss Ethlvn J (lnes. of Grafton , e.ach running 220 yd ) a very iood paper on ' :Beethoven." I k d . I ) The Janney sisters favored the On September 29, 1904, he W I\8 united In ' marrillge to Dorothy M . Ohio, s pent t Ie wee -en Wit 1 r e aCrtAMMAB 'CHOOt, EVENTS ladies with a Trio subJ'ect "Sprin"'." tivell here. G .. 0 d vrFifth Gracla- 40 yd. Da.~h. iris. which waa greatly enjoyed. Harne8ll. daugh ler of J C. an othy Harne88. by Rev. Pai ton •. of Horace Stokell. of Co rwin, was Potato ({ace, Girls 200 yds . Relay During the social hour a delicious Springboro. To thia union . ~ere calling on okl iriend!J at South LobI!· race (4 girls. each rllnning 50 yd.) two course lunch waa served by the burn five children. two daughterll non last week. GOyd . Dash. 1:10'1 8. Ii lb. Shot Put, hostess assisted by MiBBe8 Jeanette. and three 80ns, Martha. Glenna', Hays t;tanding J:lroad ,jump. Bova. Frances and Luella. Janney and Verwll, Ronald. one 80n dying in inMessrs Harris Mosher, Elliot t Sixth Grari e-GO yp nash. Girls . Helen Hawke. fancy " Wright al'1\1 Ethan Crane were Day· POUlto I flce. ;ir hl Standing I:lrvad The guests of the hostelS at this Jump . Gi rls 60 yd Dash_ Boys. ,3 meeting were Mrs. Frank Zell. MrtI. Hyoccupation he waB a farmer. ton. visitl'rtl Satu rda~' Industrious. careful . honest;, hard · Insure Hors s, Mul ed and Cattle ~tanding Jumps. Boys (No stop be· A. Maffitt, Mra. S .. L Cartwright, wurk.inlt. and as a younll' man he was alJ'ain~t dcath from any cause. W. lween jumps.) 440 yd . Relay. Boys Mrs. Lydia Chandler. Mrs . Elvin prosperouBllhove the averagl~ ~ As a .. (4 . each running 110 yd .) Fires. Mrs. Mary Adams, of KanB88 citizen and a nplghbor he was up· N. ~;ears, Waynesville, Ohio. Seventh Grade- 76 yd . Dash. BOYB. City. and Misses May Wrliht and right. kind, and helpful, to III gener Third number o.t the lecture cou rse Potato Race. Hays. 8 lb . Shot Put, Flo88ie Fires. OUB degree. He lovej his home life., Castle Sq ua re Ji:ntertainers at School Bnys. Running Hop, Slep and Jump. _ _ __• _ ••_ __ BOYR. 440 yd Relav. Boys (4 . each and was ever fa ithful as a husband Hall. tomorrow, Thui sday evelling: I HI yd .) 75 yd . Dash, (;iris . Putaand father 01'1 M,arch 17. 1916. just aHhe beBuy Tobacco Canvas of Hyman to Race. Girls . 8 lb. Shot P ut , ginning of Sprint( when all life is h - - -+, - - - - Girls. aatir. ~rel' seemed to grow too C M. Rouitzer returned orne Eig h l): Gl'ude- 75 yd DaRh, heavy for him and by, 1he act of his Sunday evening. after spend ing a W e lOO yd. Dash, Boys. Potato 'o.... n hand he gay," up all t'arthly ties. few clavs with re latives in Louisville. Girls. Potalu Race. Boys at the age of::l7 yeara. 9 ml)nths, 12 Ky. • • ,. Shot Put. Boy~. 4-1 0yd . Relay. days. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Critchlow. of each 110 yd ) There was a call for a base ball He leaves to mourn. hi!! wifo and Covington, Ky .• were th we!'k end The ~ogu)ar meel'ln'" of tlleW-.-C"".- I~";'; NOTES l' OR LII OR SCHOOL fuiir children and many friends "ucsts of Mrs. Annie Thor"e. of'~" .. , meeting at ElliB Long's shoe shop His earthly life is lorever done. "'Rout ~ 3 .. T. O. WBS held at the home 'of Mrs. Each H. S. will be allowed ten (10) F'riday evening, but the players and Harris and Mrs. Mosher on Wednes- in d ivid ua I compelltOrS . 0 ne (1) fans were found miesing. There is WtI take the parting hand. pronounce ou r ble!!8ln'" and 8ay good bye, but Mrs. Kizzie Thompson was called day afternoon. March 22nd . competitor to be allowed in three (3) talk. though . that another meetinl{ The meeting was openp,d by the events: on Iy. l'wo (2) f rom 'esc h will be called soon to form a club for W!I hope again. to Cincinnati 'ru est! ay on account of ~h e serious i Iness ot Mi ss Kathleen ScripJure readinj:[ ]saiah 58. by ·Mrs. school may comp~ te ill each event. the season, It i8 hoped that the boys -'ARD OF THANKS tlbines .· · 1"l'aml!. Tile p "ay'cr!! of the U nioll High SehoCiI events. at l! p. m, will get togetl)e'r, aa the openlni of .., h k t wete voiced by Aba, M 9,jttin and M ra. the seaaOIr IB not far off, and the call ",8 desire to express OUf, t a n s 0 F Aft II II tl d' NOTES ~'on GRAOIE EvENTS our lrlendl an~ neighbors, all'o to the M'rs. John Elliott and daugh ter . rame. er ro I ca. III rea 109 ' 'play ball" soon be beard. mln 'l~ter and tho un- who 8IIng.• for M' .E ' f C i"'·ton K 'of the minutes and other business. May be 1 entry for ,each event or ofThere is still talk of a Thursd.y D " "0 188 ~ unlce. a uv "IS • . y.. tile follow\'ng pro"'ram was given: their aym: .athy and kindne8i1 shown were the w('ek end guests of Mr. .. 1 competitor may take part in 3 afrernoon league. providing the to us at the death of our husband and Mrs. Frank ZEoli. Reading on Medical Temperance .. . events. merchants will co· operate and r.lose arid '.thar ' . .. .......... .. ....... .... ....... Mrs. Frame Events to be puton Ilt 10 a. m. their places of business on that afMra,: Dorothy Dinwiddie and Chil- ' Misses Mary Salisbury. Grace Car- Head ing on Prohibition, Mrs Smith CE ' ERAL NOTIi18 ternoon. dren man Ilnd' theMessrs Raymond Davie. W. C r. u. ~ong... .. ... Mrs . Marlin ------~ . • - • George Wdterhouseand Dean Howell Reading, Of What Benefi& Wil l the The High chool maiking the highsctenQed a- dance at Morrow Friday Ballot Be to Women L.Mrs . Harris est number of points will. win the night. , meet. These rf.'ading were all state pa- . The Grade making the highest Mr F. B. Sherwoo.1 ~nd fami ly. persaud were followed by an imer number (If points will .be declared of Lebanon . Bl1d' Mr. L T . Sher sting discussion. The meeting \\las the winner of the meet in that grade. wood uf Pittsburg, .·was called here closed with 'I he W. C T U. b ne· Make arrllngE'ments ttl be there hi t week on acco unt of the death of dic tion .____ and cheer ou r boys and girls to vic. their moLher. Mrs. T. Sher wood. t ory . . The "Hoosier Schoolmaster." · a The Mo rrow Tribune haa changed This will be an ' lill·day affair. comedy in three acte. will be given Mrs F. E ROBnsgle. of London. .. At the Seal Law electlQn at Mason Ohio, spent the pas t week wi. t h Dr. hands. and Raymond B. Desn a for~. Bring blll!keL dinners and make a laat wff'k, the drYA wQn a victory for by the Merrittstown church at themselves by pollinlf II vo tl~ . of 124 H. E. Hathaway and wife. Mr.:. er empl oyef.' of the Tribune and the picnic affai r of it. Lytle,onFridayevenini..March31st, to 100. The <)nly /1810011 in the town R08nagle waa joined here Sat urd ay ,Weslern Star has laken hold of the For information call by phone or tor the benefit of the Lytle M. E. will have thirty da", to get rid of by her husband Dr Rm!l1ag le. anI I paper. 1\1 r Denn has mad e a grellt write any of t he foll ow ing: church. Admi.ion 15 and 20c. ltaclf. and M8&On wru be classed in they returned t~ th eir ho~e in Lon· .chang!;, i l~ the fir" t issUe, ~n!, <!ughl Prit!. E.·J . Arnold. Waynesville. Prin . L. E. Bird, Kings Mills. don Sunday evening . to ,make It a payi n~ proposItion th. dry column. , •







Prin. WalterColliris.Springboro. W. L. Carmack. Franklin. Prin. Prin. A. C. 'rucker. Mason. Prin. C A, Bruner, Lebanon.

- -- ...

for five p 'e ople


It will ·.urpri~ yo~' wllh' ils finished ,perfectioo m - dcotaU aod equipment. .



Cla88 car standards now find

. you


10' Sa on i·Slx". YOII finl! Ilfhtne_

tog~tfer wi~h uncommon 8tren~.t1t lind

through the· \I!II! of drop ' lorJUn\l1 itllteal\ Clf ca~. lnP'"" oo.r Ileel..:...and Ikill.d englneeqng_ ru~gedneSll .





VOII find Di\U.UaJ powt:r-onminlmum COOIumptton ot guo\loe. You lind nJl1tchleM lpeed. ileliibUIt)1, !-ccelem-

lion. quletuesa and cool_.


. An Invitation was recllived here by the local MUons ~o attend lodie at Morrow SaturoBJ evening. Seve.,al' --_ _ fromitere will attend. BrotherJ. O. Cartwright wUl be the Insp*\t1ne 0



\ .


"the 'Product of Experience," ,(Backed brI


The car that gains your respect, when you see it, and the confidence of its owner. The character of the men building Chevrolet:cars is shown in the product itself. RELIABILITY ' ~MP'OR.T



CUI ..

Warnefillie. Ohio



Baby Grand Touring;Car

Model "490"

$750. complete with ~lectric Auto-Lite Starting and Llghtiilg Syatem. I

Royal Mail Roadster $750, complete eqUipment.

at Ute





an 180~I,OOf,}-G.~~!totIb--=---~---':'-..':.~~t-~----:~~;r!J






Attention uf the entire state is l urneu 1.0 lIuLh Main treet. Piqua. Ohio. IhiR .week.- wh.ere The Piqua l>ra.l .ir e and Marhle Company is hold · i nl! 11 1\ ann uli I display of ml;:.morlal art w rk This Ilxhib it. belfun a few ~-+-~>---tv'Pll ;lltu. 11 .. 5 g i OIY Il until It haa be· rO'l1 r an ntrlli r of stat EI wide rn ~erest . o ,6 of t h' illIlO'f.lltiOI1 a t the ex hi bit thios Yf.'ur ill mimature model cemetery . ' It js loealed in Oile of the bi~ 8[tl<:<1 ' I'O0[l1 of the company; oc· cupying nearly one-JFourth of the flollr flpace. This replica of a mod e rn cemetery is not Illckinll in any detail. Winding roadways. traversed 'by automobiles and ped~~trians. a lake with frogs and fishes. stately pine tree3 and bed!! of flowers are 8hown . . At the end farLhest from the en· trance stands a so1itary white eran· ite column. such a8 erec~ I ed in honor of some noted perean or VOu find notewnrthy be(\u~y -lhe group of persons . . Scattered about newest I ype (If yacht-li'lt design. You are other miniature. munuments,aa find roominess nnd cQmfur.t. The delicately hewed as the real lin wht!C!tbllSl' i. 11 2 Incbes. Five pasmemorials. There is no better way 5eog!!rs bave plenty of space. to select a monument. . ~ Tber~ are oblong'pedestals; Cro8aes You find rpal operative economy, and monument. of ,all designs in Both in luel and tir~ costs 8alCon "Six" usual srandnrds. miniature . . This model cemetery Ii one of the most unlqu,e exhlbita ever You rind Timken allIes nnd full -rim. showT' in _this section of the ltate EI ken ~Irill gs throughout tbe chaSSIS. , In the -fror.t salesroom are shown 'b eautiflll works of art'in Barr~·graD· ~ There's no IIced to argti ~ their 'suitA!, Balfour Pink (rrlmite. Wliulboro, pcriori~~. Dark Quincy. granite smd the 'World. Famous Montello Granit.'!. . You find belicnl btv~1 drl.ln\: Hea r~ . In the rear salesroom are shown ' Vo u find n silent, emc, i e~ t two·unlt marbles and granites cbiseled 'and electric starting: And lI~ htlllg system. hewn Into the lates1~ ereationll In ~ .'. mcn;lOt'ial desig1ls. One particular You find tin exquisite, luxurious !x'd" piece that is at~ting much atten· Ulti. It-linoleum covered, oJ umlUum tion Is a stately mejDorial that fa . bOland ru,lning bo rd s and Roar madeot Nublan ·Black. Granite. ,The \lP~rds-ntld many further imprp~e- , rough material lor thllsart piece was . ments. brought from Europe duriq tbe We doubt · if Itny ' cltr ,,,Ithin several war and if it could 1'M.k. It would hundred 'dollars In priee can compn re tell an InterestlDIr ~'tJ of dodJrln&' . In' valtlt wllh Suo" "Sh." If not, s ubmarines and tor ...... o,boat,e. lIowtben $781j I. lh. proper price for n ever. it arrived In New quaMty' car. . I.d us·show you th e neW and the costly atone aeries SuOIl "Sill." l>fqua; where IkUled vftPlnlrian formed it into a

. l. B. Cbapman . -




,,' found only,on t~ costl~ car.


Insure Horses, Mules and Cattle againat death from any cause. W. N. SealS, Waynesvlllel. Ohio.


FQr In t bls '&lIlon "Sbc"-at S7&-you nOle ' (eature a:(ter featu.. formerly

Rev. D. H. Palmer, who reali'1led hie pastorate at Wavnesville and at Ferry somb ,time agOr has qaken tbe Ferry charge, and w II devote all of his time to the Christian churehat that place. He will move hia family there 81 lOOn 81 school ~ ~

- - -...

~r.===:Ir.wr.===:II':'1r.!===EI.===:IE1.===ar.w a.:.~ '':'': 'a.:.'; , • '1 ' • , '':''-'':'':






Price, S550~ StarleJ'. .


Electric Ligbts and

"Monroe'· Ro.dater "9.6. witb Ilectrfc iJ,bta and Starter.

......-.._!E!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~ 'NEWS GLEANED n' Lost _Art 0' Letter Writin'





Quick changes In weather and tempera·. ture are a severe test for any paint, but Hanna's Creen Seal will "hold up" every time. It's put together witb. this all-weather feature in view.;'

The iqllo~ln g gmud j'ary and p tit jury wer" drawn Idt waelt to .e~ve for the April term of court: ORAND Jl:1l0R I'ree! Layoock. BoraDe Duke. ,Oeorle W, O"vl•• I'rank Brnddoolr, II M Culp, Jtloob Shumaker, J . p, Sberllr,l'lImt Burlllr , Jobn NunUI!~, Ubarl81 Balnell, lIenry C ~'o .. e, Adam Bridge, W r. !'Iohenok, Frank Oarr01l.· Sidney Beal. PETIT

"Th" IIINcty Letter Writer, a Handy Llttl. Qulde t' CorrD'pondencD. " n th' E.rf~ SDventl" an' It, Popularity Wuz Only ~Ivailld b~ , Tllet e' th' Conch Shll. Whloh Had a.eom. an Eatabllihed Favo,," he Hom.... .. Ua... dan o· 'qu101l: an' bandy a coral bracelet; bow t· write a let· ~1III'catioa bow relr88blo' It 18 t' ter ot advice t· a gentleman who con· ....... a ....1 letter-. lona. well com· templates leavln' thO tarm, an' other poee4. Illtereetla' hand·made letter ma.tters reQulrtn' dellcato bandlln'. I wllII:·. HtUe personality an' feelln' In Follel'ln' 18 a sample letter lifted from IL Th' Ready Letter Writer, supposed· TIl' telephone an' lettercram. t'leth· Iy from a youog gentleman t ' • young ... ".tUa lOunnlr po.tal cards Ibowln' lady, 0' wbom be has become enam..... atreeta. public lIbrariell, moun· oreel at first BIIM : tala peake an' .tate boules, bave all . Bloom Center, 0 .• worke4.....houJellll' t· .houlder t' ~\a· April 10, 1870. ~ tla' ,entle art 0' letter wrlttn·. Dear Misl ?otalUand : TIl' .ole 10nlhaDd letten o· tb' past. No do bt you will be at a 1088 t' between frlendB or Iruela who the writer of tbls letter il. _tacl or unlcented. reflected I ·confess that lakin' this molhod o· Ua' .... lutde wor1l:. 0 ' th' author al addreBsln' one whom I bave met but .... ao other medium 0' communi· once. Is rather a ' rude one; but not eMloL ' 4 m'l8peUed word ",UI not mowln' when I should see YOU agln . .......... U • IIUltter of coune, but If ever. 1 ventured upon thle plan of IooIuMl UpeD u , a ' errot not t.' I.ntormlu· you that the Imprcsslon pro. . . . . . . o'er lSPUy. Th' law. 0' duc'ad by your charmln' disposition, ......'Ioa. too. lived up t' an' amiability an' accomplishments Is a reepecte4. most pleasln' reme.mbranco. an' If I ~ til' Iove4 one ",ho th' mlal&ke not. I. lasUn' ono. If by your ...... an' l_v81 a two-column volc2 kind permlaelon, an' th' spproval 0' Ia til· ~ baartl behind d088 lit· your parente. 1 shall be cranted thO 'lle ~ relIn. tho anKlety In tb' rear be- prt"Uele t' walt upon you, !.h; wrltln' ,... Mlldla' a . few Tlewl 0' Pike's o· this letter wlll never be re,retted. Peal! 01' Ut' Mormon Templs. Howan I am well an"1 hope' those fow Unel ole .... twenty·page delcrlptlve let- will find you th' lIame. ' - wri.... W1d1 a poll an' Ink 'Would From your admirer, ell.., Ua' foJI4 an' loTIo' mother .. Ibe . CLARENCE VAN SICKLI!l. wa&ela81 tIlro; tho kitchen "Indow ter Note tb' excellent English. tb' faulttil' ptman t' ~t IICI'OI8 ·th· flower lela compositIon an' tb' troe ring 0' We ,: tho back 4~r. .Incerlt, ,an' genuineness In th' toreft' 1lM4,. LettAar . Writer•• ban4y goln·. Note how trlle an' unmlatalt· uua. .....e t· COInIpondel;lOB, appeared able lb' writer exprell18a, th/ fe811a' Ia til! ...,a,. .....U. an lbi popularity that burn. within blm, at' th' lIIDle .,.. 0Bl,. TlvaltIcl by th.t o· th' conch time apellln' A1itfADlLI'Q' Tlpt an' IIIe1Jf wbloll .hr.d become an el!' .upplyln' tho required number o· D'e favorite Ia tho home. It In ADDRESSIN'. Study th' lotter from toN IIcnr t' ·wrtte a letter requeatln' e"er" anile an' tben try t' Imaaine _ ~ ;,IUa IUI7 YOUUI lad,. JOu wbat a '11rl o· th' present leneratlon _ _t bppea t' ~mlre; bow • w1d· would do t· Clarence Van Sickle. 4nr- .-ld lIrol.l bl' attaohmant How · th' love lotters o· yesterday _ • ~; Iunr t' «Jnre.1 an unta· g1Jahed with Jove an' Bentlment! wara)l. _clutOll after ~a~o~ re- T'day tho ' atraln o· th' heart are . . . . . : IIcnr t· write a letier accom· breathed by word o· mouth pr han· JIIQID' a ooGlrtbu~on t' a clergyman; dIed O'er til· ·phone. We see~ t' be low!" aGoeJt til· Ph ". a eOmb an" afra(d C· put 'em <Ion In!, an' ~ .,. ...u; bow t' write a lsttar wblte [BIt they ait In tho COIlJ't8. _ J l D ' Ua~ IlC o' a IOld peD or (Protected by A4am.. Newspaper Ikrvfc..)

'ft ",'

....... ,· m...



~ - ~~-::~':ut-::n~ car-

~b7 .b=;,;t'::LatriVedand

baaciIIa. .It I. reIatecI that thOM wbo UtUI Edna w.. Featly disappointed. reelat po~ and are That Dllht ahe retnsed to l8y her ~YeII rrc. tb~ peat. The" dll8l. pra)'ere. When tbe ?oune ..k~ her . .... _...... -u-ol InCO.Dtlnence; , ..,.hy, IDdna "plied: ,.Ob. ",-hat I the eYU tlIo.lI and dr:eam •• u. ule1 I've been praying tor a uttle ........ tile ~ an4 foretell'mJatOJ'o .Iatar tor IIx ~Ollth., and Bobble, be . . . 10 . . . b7 _IDa their Dative onl, began uklnl tor a little brother ........ y8lterda)'. aDd be trOt bla rlPol oIL" Well' tIIem caD


Ala Dox'WaU, Admr·. va. W. Mil • ler e' ai, liale8 .pp&ove.t and ell •• ,ributloD ordered. In 'he 68h1le of Franol8 lIurpby e~ a.l mlnon. First .000UII' tl IIp. pro.~. . In the m.twr of tbe e~ta" of He benoa A . Galllhe", deoealed. R. M. (Jillaher 1. appolo'ed aclmIDlltr.'or . Bond 118.000 J. A . Rnnyao, J. Warren Wood and B W. 8nem,enlnll are oppotD~d appr.llera . In tbe mot$et' of tbe 8Ita\e of W . B. Gard. deoealed, oollawrl' Inheri. tanoe tal( I. fixed, I$alel fore Iiso • pproved. In 'he maner of 'he will of &atber P.8WdelNn, deoelll.,eI . Will II ad mUted to proba ...

Common PleaJCourt New Suits L. O. Peler80n V8. O. II. RobUzBr anel L. T. PeterBOn, money •• dam.

• ge., amoon' $231.54.

Tbe Bar~man Mfg . (lo., VII. A. B. Bldel, 'Doney, .monn' $200.5G with In..r.... Wm. Bacon v •. Edoa M. Elsen. m'Dier, 0lI84l dlemll8ed wltbou' re. oord . Andrew J , Belltand VI Elizabett Ga7 'al. Par'ltion of relll ostllt.e orelereel. · (lor. WilBOn V8. Edgar '1', Wllllon. cllvoroepaDMI4. Exolnsive OIlTe of obUdreD given 10 tbe' plaintiff i U4per molilh alimony a180 allowed . . MarvlD Blanton VII . '·,nole B1an. too, exolOlI,e onat of minor ohlld given to the m o~her. Ttvo OoUln weekly alimony 110180 allo\vod . State of Ohio VII. Fred F1BnDlgo.n. Jury find. defendant guilty of petl~ laro8DY ; lenwnoed to 80 ony!! iu j il ll Ind fined 1200 aud C08te. Elta'e of Obio VII. Welby Unrter, ' t.1I fixed '2500. Albert ~. Rohmer v.. Wm . Rob mer at 11. PartlUoD of rei I estatf! orcl8l'(d. The Mayal. (]o VI Yonroe Cliok Piatn'lfr ordered to reoover som of 8211,112 from defandao'. Jobn Shaw VI. Aile I Show, dl voroe p.nMd. Sarah B, Durr VI . Johu B. Durr, dlvoroe graDted.






'0 '0




Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and Cakes the best and most delicious made: Try them and you will never want to eat any other kind.

Waynesville, O.


\Yb~~~O~ 8~~~~h~!~~:!~~d

Perkins ~ ,Garage


Any Road Any Place Any Time






. -.

Commlss!oncrt' Proceedine:s

Friday, April 14, 1916

llrlllVinf,tR ~ 1)t1 AI ifluu tlo llS 8tJ!!lnnln¥ at 10 o'oloek R. m., tho nr ijplI. r ed by Webe r .• Wertl r a nd lite home of ,bo docoltsed. This t\dkim', At hl~ Ot8. for the ur tl)o prop(' rty oc,oslets of one aore 01 01 (1'0 lufi rw llry Build ing. fltEl np lrrlloud, more or leRPj I~ nIne-room pi ov d by til l)oanty UOlllmlys.loD- bOll ~r. we ll bul" and lu good rellatr, u ~oorl sized 8tahle "u,1 all ufol18Bry en~ . Certifioato from the Ule rk of tbe out buildings. 1:!~ld pnlperty Is ell. Villng(~ of .lprJfovlug I,he ua ted in wba\ II known nil -the vII· now plans lind IIpeClfiontlooM for tbe lalle of RaYIVIIle, and 18 bu. a shor~ Soldle lrs' and Sailor s M morllli dlstBu oe trom 'he Lytle t3'a~loD on Bllildi1l8 to be oreot~d on the Oswald the Oloolnn,,'I, Lebllnoo and Nerth. cornor In Lebanon, 18 fli ed IIDd ern Hatlway. 'I'ermll of lIale 08sh. J . O. Cartwrllht. placed on reoQrd: Admlnlslra'ur, wl'b the will an· The Iofirmllry dulldlng Commls or LuoeUa E. 8Ide•• deoeasoo, slon nRreea to rebatld Jnt1rDlllry W Bt lAtty Bu.ildillg opon the old sUe of tbl!. T. Ba';:eo~aotlo~eer . . bUlldhlg 88 nenrly 88 pru.Qtlollble. ' BIlls Allowed-Mover8 Mrg . Co, "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!!:!!!!!!!!!! pllper towels, $8 50; Columhol ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....




PI !ln ~,

Notary Public

A good lind tlml! tried remed, Is

Dr Kin g's Ne~ Life Pills'


'fhe All klnda of Noary Work. Willi . and Deed, I Mpeola"y.

firNt d ase wlll m ove 1I1e slnggl!\b howels, tlmolat. tb e liver fIoud olell r

t he 8ystem of wllste ond bl ood 1m •. ~~!!!!!!~~~~~~!"!'!~~!!!!!!! po rltles. Yoa owe It to yoursolf to ole&r t.he IIY8tem of h ody poillon8, anoomoJded during Ule winter. Ur. KlnK's N aw Lite PlI1s will do It.. 250 your DrnR.lllt. Funera' Director



and Embalmer.


l!ir' Subscribe for ilieM1aml Gazette

Wayne.vUle. Ohio"

Call answered promptly dlur or ni«ht Both pboDeain Offi~e and Reeideoee, Long distance.No. 14j Home phone S~atcmont of tho awollnlhhl .ad· 14-2r manL af ~ho Oazotte. Iluhllshoo at . ' WayollllvlUe. Oblo .... roquired by tho .\ ct of ChaIn and one Coach fuml8b«1 free



BI nk Book 00 ) supplies $12.75; B. AU~~~.··ri.91t. Crane. Wayncovllle Ohio : with funerals. P. Key •• bridge lumber $2(180 i Suo UO;;Mao_ anlll'ublJahor. D. L. Crano. \Vaynco • .Beet of aervtc:e iUaranteed. pulor Motor Cilt Co" repmlring vlllo. Oblo. . stamp $1 ; 'ljl ukmlta Mfg. Co. 8Up. . Owno... A1IDio IUId Drown. D. L. ~~~==~~==~~==~~~= Oraoo.l.-, ;: ROADSTER. ,lIIeIlI15 ; W. H. 8t"nllga & 00 ,~op . Bondholder: 1II011l!a«CO. cwd athorllOCurlty bol~linI. DODO. pilei '·U.76 i In re IDque8t over hody ,jet ,mmedIate nUer Swora' to aDd IUbtIcrlbod hefore mo this of Helll:y Wilmer; ooro'ler, $5 ..25 i 27tb day 01 March .IGI O. .,. SbaeD's MIjc ..... Valley Telephone Uo, Teota nnO E. V. 1Jr.rnbart.. Nol.ary Public. tolle to Aprtl 1, 1916, 137 66; The Dobbs lIerrlll 00., law book for O. P . ooort ~~II 50; M. B . Dswold & 800, ~ ~ ~ burial ot Wm. J . Prloe.l:!r., $75 i J . • . j T. Gregg, r oad work, Oltlllrorook townslllip 127.65 i The B . K for (lo.. IJlphtherll' an tltoxlD, 13 35; L. 'fhe price o[ t.he car complete,'!! . 11'. Ooleman. expenses In r sale of 785.00 (t. o. b. Detroit) Infirmary Bond S Ii 25 . .(lol1llraot. Le t -N o. 50 wlr,b tb e AtJas Motor Car Co. Ifalloo Sam MillH for bridge InmllRr Second« Ludlow Dayton ,3 ~ilr hUlldret}a.ud j Is l'lInt $:1 2:; ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..;._.J








Do You Intend to Build a Home this Season? If you do, . ReJnember, we . have .

FORUM.,fvtrylhing in Building Malerial .




. hup. pyoId la<1y yoo mlly know tbllt· abe bilK Kood dlge~tlon If yonr dlges t.loo III hJltJulr~d or if 'you do Dot. rei· ~--------isb your meilia .ake B dose of CIUllO. MarrinRe Licenses I per hundred . as ordered trom 'Ime herlBIL 's 'l'~blets. Tt ey streDlltilen . to tWill, eITeoti ve to September 20. the stomach, Improve 'hA dlg es~lolI Is now located in the Rye Wm. O'Orl an, bal; or und l\l ll rglLr ot 19l1\. Ilnd .cuuae Ii ge ntle movemen' of nil' Shop on North Main Btrt!8t t:!tewllrd. both of Mn~ n. 1\ v. Ar· N J . il l with B. P. K ye for lum · bowell! . Oht."inable everywherl) where I will ue pleued to see thor Cooper. ber anu. postll Ilt LU llrk et prlo08, a8 all myoid cU8tomers. Bulllvao .lamel\ BlllOk, millwright ordered from time to time, etJeotlve We are tu\ly equipped to do lind Inez Meehan, both of Frllnklln. to bept.Dlber 20, 19l6. Livery Work- We 1'111 take Rev. ~ormlln Sweat. No. 510 with R. A. MoOutoheon you on Rutberford Hayes Leaoh. Ol\rpen . for buildlDg guard rail OD Mlallli ter aud Mary J ueephlue Horruell. avenue 'Ind opllnlul( dl,oh on Pdrk both of Springboro. R ev . J. ' H . IIvellue in M~okloaw a!ldlhon to i'1t"water. . ~r8:Jk lin, .75 Some f&lIows never tblnk about Fredle rlok A Fennell, el60trlolfln • - • 'beir teeth uum sOlllethlng begins lind MUle SIIenoer. Ilnl·b 0 1 t:!outb . to prod th" lIerVIIII 10 " .ory an . Leb6no:J. ·R e v. J . H ~"it\lwl1ler . AlumInum In Surgery. pleu"n~ manuer. Do . you know Ralph B. ,:; mith, furme.r nnd Nlnll Al um inum sbllpes to fit nil parte 01 thd.tew 1111rte of yoar body have Give un call and you will find E. t:!mltb, hotb of WnyneRvllle th e huma n body. pi reed with chlln· moro to <10 with yonr g"nerlll health our prlcee are 811 risht. Rov . .J. H Fit~ w llt e r . . n olR ror hot or coljl wnler Circulation, "nd tltne~8 than your teeth? We lilem] WildA farDl l:) r, nllrl F~ lIz5. tlBv e helln Invented by!' Vl ollnese sur- kDow there III no need w's rnlng 01 0 8\ of yon, but 1I0me of you are tailing hoth Bish op. ' botb of F rnn kiln, lreOIl for U80 as surJ: I(:tI1 COUlllrCdseo. ohan~ . Sixty eeoond8. three tim81 Rov. Normllll ·we .. t. "day, addlld a twenty . fIve o"nt · North Main Street Eerhert $ ~r l (;llll 0 0 , cllrpenter nnd ErIna MRe Elll'Ti I bl) t,h of tooth brush. Is pretty ;,bollp lUallr. !~::::::::::::JI IlUoe a88108\ pa n, dlselullI-IInd the I!'rtlnkl D. Rov.J . B. FlllcI wllt(lr . kln!,l. of teeth you pllt In a gIll!!!! of la·renoe Blr e18el Prloe. UfllrymRn , water while ~u sleep. for tear of " of 1:larveYBbur~ Rod Lllols ~V e llO\lQ By D lllhority of t,be will of Luoo&tll 8wllllqwlog tbem - '1'he AmerloBn Hartnell, of Lablln on , R v J . .1:1 . E. ' idOS, deceaaed. I will Hell lit Boy. ~·lt\l\Vtlter. pablic, on tbe promises, on BARNHART,





Waynesville, Ohio

Lewis' Bakery

ID.. J. lIoVey to A. E. 88m8 110 aClral near ~ew dope. tl. Free! Kampe to J. E. MoClanahan. 1211 ID HarlaD CowDlbtp $1 . ·The P.rk Plaoe ReIIay Co,. to O. A. Oal1l8n"r lot No. 81 10 Park Pl80e A4dIHon to "ranlllln. The Park Plaoe Realty ' :0. Bhlr. Kerb,. . lot. No .. 76 and 77 alllo BF. KIN I:IUBB~ . .par' or lot No. 7& In P.rk Pla06 Ad. .d ltton to "ranlllln, $1. C, E. &atoD C. A. CarpeDwr lot No. 80 In Parlir Plooe ~dol'loD to • nokIlD. II. II. II. Pile Mary E. Leary lot No 140 ln FrankliD. $1. (l. '1'. G.lbrMth ~ Thl King Pow. der Co., 88 aClreeln a.mlltoD town. Ihlp'l, . A , O. 11:\11. to J, B .nd Pearl Rich 2 .... ID I!IeOlion. 1 and 2 In tbe _bird towaahlp I\nd ft,th range be. 'WBID thl Mlaml Rivera 'I. Ch..ler OalIlpbttll to a'awer' Bop. pins 10' fD Woodvl11e, WlrreD J. C ullinan Ooun'y, ·fl. ON CIT IZENSHIP• . A. III aod Char IN Sam a to N . B G.rrtlon 3 Iraot. 1n B.rlau ;,oWIl. Mr: J. S. qUl lInan. Prosldent. 01 the Texaa Economlo .hlp $2'00. . Lellgue, in In viting ·tbo peoplo to study and dlscusa cltl. W. B. M.rlaU to Adela ·A . Zim' zonshlp Bnd to glv o Bpeclal attention to the problema 01 oiThr Go.. .Hetti. Moon t'th' PUR omell Agln Jilt al Fa.t al Her 8klrt'1i mlrmaD, MoMullen .rooery oornlr governme nt, sold Irl part : "Berore we can lntelllcenUy .. Let Hlr. It.. the Fifth 'Tlm,'Slnce Ton o·clock. I• • , An,! Wonder ID Leb"oon, $6500, study so Important a subject as citizenshIp we must fllIt DeoefIt PIe,I. Talk About HerT" . If 0 B dOline It. What Is cltl zonshlp? Who Is the beat Amerl. W. ~. aDd W. B. Bo So . . ClIO c.It1ZPD? earch tbo statute books tor a deOnl. w. caD ,forttl7 ounelTe. alln a iooG woman bill no news value. But Woodward iO'1a DIaIon, tl on of cltlzensblp al!d uDlt¥la one Is a member 9f the ..,...... ., recover from a cbeaJl If you Intimate that nil Brown lIon w.. B. and W. H. Hoff to .\. S. legal prorcsslon wo Immediately becQme ontangled In • we kin flee t' tho 'mountaln hl,"1t lell Dr that his wife has been BamlUoD 10. tn ~..on, $1. 01 confuslnc and ofttimes contrallictory law., . .• .• voI4 Ua' Good th.t Iwaepa tb'.Jow· Tlanln' her mother uDulually lonl W. S. alld W. B, Bot! to R. M. seeking to ]lromote or restrain most every form of human .. ....... ",. 'Idn mu. a Wr.cner recital. YOU'U a crowd around )'on 10' a .Dd Lo"le Cos: 10' III lIa80n. $1. activity. much of them good. some ot tbem bad and other• ••• tiler t. poelUvely D~ ~cape from I _ ..u •••v. Jlat whisper t' some friend R. A aan"b8r to R II. ·(Jall.ber Indifferent. Dut laws come anll go; tbe ConltltUtlon I. • ....... ' , a certalD woman looka unhappy in 10' No 22S In IAlbt.oon 'l permanent. The preamble ot our Federal Oonstltutlon stateB that ourconrn. . ~..,.. Hattle Moon t" th' pUlt an' tho clll'1l clnbs '11 bave ber 116~ • " . , ,. ment la organized to give Ita citizens liberty and hap pines,. Read ' the Declar. L. C and I. C,. Balnee So George etlon I)r Independence and the Constitution of the United States and one can· . . . .. . . . . jlat . . rut u her aklrt'll rated from her husband In a week. he who' I. mo.t 1Ii~. ·ft r~' Mtb ,Ume" Ilnee ten An' gOBslpln' balo't confined t' W. 1I1lIer 1!J8'y' aoree In Barlan . not escape tho coneluBlon that the best American cltllen ' free, 111a.trlotic, JURt, hnppy and nctlvo and .wbo hands down to posterity a elv. o'~ ~ t'~. _der decent womeil an' · IItUe . ton.. Whetever tOWDlhlp $7000. S i Giwll iO frank and sarlh IlIzlltion more capable than lie found It. The spirit of our country II freedom ~ .,.. ......, b~'" AId JlII.·TIp. ther'e people ther'lI 'Olllp. Club. are a tee ..... t'; ....... "OOll Wla clearln' hou.e. fer Irollip. Bome clubs Gay 411,54 lore8 In !'ranklln ~own. and I~'ll~ mlln can become t true American citizen unless he la tree. eblp '1, . urulng a moment rom documenta of Sta.te perbap8 the belt authorIty ......1.. ~'~ _ had ,topped are o\'&lUllled fer blstorlcal researcb, on cltlzenshlp. and one unlverea1Jy accepted by the public, II Webster'. Inter, .. . . .......... _ ire SlmmoDI lOme are orpnlied t' better aOlilal -~ . • n 4 John Deoker ~ JOlleph T.' national Dictionary, whlcb defines a. cltlaen as 'A member ot a State; a p'enon, . . . . ....." . . . . . 4~th· . poe. conditione••oml are .orpllized t' com· Dearelot! .08G aorllll In Olearoreet native or naturalized, 01 eltllor liex, wbo owee allegiance to government and II enttitled to r eclprocllI' protection from It.'. Furtber: 'A citizen BI ,ueh Is bat ~rtalD BTill. lIome are orpnlleel town.hlp $1 ' .~ entitled to the protecUoo of .lIfe, IIberty .and 'property at home and abJ'Olld.' camble fer atockln's an' pottery. " " ' til' tratll II&ttl• . Moon "We now have }leforo ue the authoritative deOnltlon'of citizenship by hoth othere are oreanl.eeI fer purely ..... ~~ \7 mall Wlth · W government nnd society nnd In order that the most bumble citizen may tool "tlatlDe 0' appOlttD· her W'ldowed IO~ pleasure. Yet I doubt It any· perfectly free to enter Into a study Inc!' dlscu8slon of thl. subject 1 will brlelly ....... bat . . . . Ie PDN an' .t7Uah bu4d', el'er attended IUI7 kind o· a club outline my conception ot what citizenship Involves. for the work of tbe Teus ............ BIl8'J1 ba.. t' ·att out o' meetl.o· w1tbout BOnei:In' a little 1D~ 'l'eU. Bow ·7:0 Cure Chromo Cough Economic League wUl be In vaIn II the most lowly clthen doell not foel freo . . . . QtWa. talked about Ie one o· formation 0' " lenAtiona! nature. give serious tbought nnd expression to his ohllgatlon to govornment and Jaekaori MIs..- " I am a carpen·tor. to . . til' . . . . . tItIr ..... purt)'. whOe N.obudd,·. tffalr.· eyer. clemanded 110' IUd rrlllp6 left me with a chronic hla respons1bUlty to bIB fellow mono "Applied to able·bodled adult male., with' whom, I take It we will bave Ie &boat. th' only much o· ttier time that th87' couldn't ~b run-down WOJID out and weak. 3" Vtloa ... We' I¥Jmely. atve a little .u.atJ9D· t' tl;I. alfalra 0.' I tGOk' a1lldnda o~ cough .~~ without chiefly to do, a clUzen's duty. In return for tho rlghte. prlvllece8. and protection outlined abovo, would soem to be: FIrst. to expend lumclent labor In • •1fJ Itt tbat lI.n a UWe dUll othera. It'a 1fOIIaertUI hOW' mucb . . Jlel~ I read abou~ Vlnol and decided to producUon. or auxiliary orl'upllllon8. Vii., mMUfaeture, transportation and . . It. Before l' had taken a botUe I paclt)' lOme fttIkI . bav_how eutJ, ._~.It distribution, to support blmself and hi. tamlly In comfort. Second. conform felt better, iand after takln, two bottles they Idn _teh ever' detail o· ther own - . . . . WU. Krou II entirely cured, and t have to nil laws framed In !.ho Int re~t 01 SOCiety ulldor the Constitution. Third, bulD_ an' roun too. ' " . . , lUI' vim andeJ:I8rQ•.'!-JOBN L. cDntrlbute hie jllst pro portion to tbe maIntenance 01 government In persolllll Sa ... time, l)ayment ot taxes or, tt nce(l be. bllarlng arma In the detense of the alid111dn Il Btlon, _ ~ I rea blnlf'tbe above conoluslonll I have a'lIlUDed that under Our .,..em .1III~!lDjpc!_ma. colrll and nuHlDWlr of'iOv,rument citizens aro OWDen In common and are entitled to the rIIl&l II1Id benellta of ",vernment durtJta the term of theIi' llatural U• • __ .. _ nell ODIJ." - -




Offtce in Stoops

"The Paint Madeto


Real, Bltate TrlUllfeft

l .

has been t ime-tried and proven. Considering the space i ~ co vers and the wear it gives. there is no cheap I' pa in t Lo be had. It helps the app ear a nee o f b ot h (' tt.age and man. io n. Try it nex t. Lime.

~ath.D Ora,.. B. m . t:!e"lemyre.· R. D. Vanlleler, J . C. Multord, Boward Ivlnl O. J . Edwardl. Bar. vey Oa"tn. Jobn Nlohol.on. John t:!herwood, Oeo. Oro II , (;l. Lowe, Sllm. lu.1 I!h.rtle, F . C. Adam8, A C. V88tblnder, V. M. l:I.obllt, 0 B. Tandervoort, Fred Adelia. G.o. Uo<Jl1I. J. S. GuU.ry, Oeorle B . Smith.





N. Sears

Neceslary to build a well.·equipp~d Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Sheel. . We also have Paint to put on your building you .i ntend to build:..


.. r




,?ome in and wiU make an estimate o~ tile bUildiDe .


'*" ...........




Give us a call, get our prices,' and we· are p'o(ltive we will get' your order for lumbef, etc.

f'ln~ ' MI AMI


-,--------_-,--,...-.. THE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS




____ _l)'_ _ _ J I'Qbu.tMcl \VeelI at _ __ _ _ 'Ohio


canuot mlch AP'LlI,'AT10NS, t he leat o( the .1 dilra5l, with LOCAL they , l. ChAN . .. lu! itOi al d MIIJlIl"er Cat ...r" II a 'CX:-011 dbense, 1~1I 11" juliu ., . 1 . " ~ Dttd by Cf) ns tt~u t1"na l cunditlolll'. and - -10 order to cur., II you must take aD-in. , ' ' 1:1 29 ' ' l. rnl1l ~medy . 1fUn'1 ('.tnrrh Cure "at A W it b 0 . MAR(; . 1916 ' . p,~s('fih..d by (Jlle of I he, btost physicians 5 r ten y ' ur Co rps of Able Correspond"-'=-=--=- --- = . In tbl~ rountry (or yea rs, I t·i. composed ents In. the. Neighborhood IO( SOUle. of t he best tonics known, COOl· . • billed Willi aome of lhe t;.est .blood purlfi · - - _ _ _ -

--e-- _..:.-:. _____ _

WHERE. THE SMILE· . I~~:~:~~:.i~u~~II;o~~~Cu:1 r~S~~lisln"':~ fLOWERS GROW ,:~~;.:~;:~~I:' c:.r;r~:",e;:::~~~ ere. T he

pe rf~c t

combinatIOn o( the In·



TJle ...oher••Dd .811ll1aD' $a.ob, Yr. J. R. Aad.rlOD .ull'.,ed . . .. :-or-eire- II. 1:. BUD day 8ohool wer. , aa:e .Uaok of·b •• U, oa.d.y .osertloloed I'rld.,. nlR h' of I.." I .., week. wet.k a' 'b. bomtl of lin. Baaoah • teo pou04 .Irl a,rrl.,.:d Ta.a, , bl"om' Or~.tlll · •• th. bome of Mr . and lIlI. L"",. """uld' .~ ADd , ..b.r • 10&4 or Thtl Box .oolal h.ld a' Town a.n r.noe Alllxaoder. frld., allh\ for aha beDllft' of thll Mr. aDd Itr. J.tlDtII O.bora a,. (Or a. muoh .1 I bad room) . . Bhlh ~hool ba.k.' baIJ \eam wa. tlplodio • •• veral d.,. .... Uh,~ .od I'd _o.".r .roll... the .hole nat. w,1I ua'roolzedand.toodly .10000' betore Ila"lol for D....olt "Ia.r. Ia. X.DIa. !la,lonlf, Y' Import'to.l"It "'~~. of money w• • prooured. ba. aooepted a poelt'oa. 1hroUll11 .UUDY a4 'hronah UftO.rr'\tt 'Tbe CI "lo IAialDe mea It.'urday JIa .... Oarl u.kla .... M4 ...... Mr. Wm. WI" ,.keo t. 'h. '1IIn; " ' 7-_-··~ br)' P " art."rOM n .t ·.hll hom. o( &In. lIol.)lell.u ho.pU.l ToMday t.r aD Ed~ard a.I., 8aJa_~. 1__ l),old .mll. .a/l .1011. 'lU .b. 't.J'\d '"'"t..l • ".,. Kl'ooedy. - - - ... ol/er.lloo . A ,,,"n "ar•• oa. I like f'!Y'( Job bec.a.U5e. -Trlmmlnl( 'rlllli 10 our bellUUful Mn . •1\en Mia,. beeD qolt. Tb.a l 'd 10 .ad ••• mow. . . .1.. 1 f_~l IJbaded &owo Ie being loduller\ 10, III bu. I••Iowly ImplI'ovlol. COLDS QUICKLY II I ,0111, koew wh.r. lha IItmU. ehVMl'Y'f./ whlob wlU.ld lu 111M &0 Mr. lind Wn , \'Ir 11:. Grlffr an lIan, peopl. ,04 oo_balt"er. ,,-11. vith ~,J1. oar ft'ree" durloK tbe dark olliMII prepariul t o m ove '0 IliS H~ Livlrpool 'rom the biatoDI., o. I'all rlalat I'd .alher 'b.m freeb ..oh du ~' ., -({'TC",,! lib Frank Bbldmller. our popul.r Mrll. Fraoll ([;oro. ~r. "'" oalllld Aod' wbllre'.r I 'd 10 l,hould horeemln. aUe'lded Ii ult: of horses ~ wo 8. &lIrday UlornlD" by throa.b aolllpri0l. oth.r. 1'a.. Dr. KID,', N.. Dtioo~." b.ld 10 X"ola I."t Tb!lt'8day. tbllD tu. t hll sudden alath of lI. r mo,tler. roo .111... almoe'" .\ad IIII"tI • It_II. bouqllilt Walt.r Gr.y 801d • bello.tfol dap aha KtlDlaa ~h8 died w"h heart and lellllt. It ohIO'. ),our ocle, ••~ .Dd 'b. oload. wOllld r('ileo' th. pie gr.y horee 1aB\ weell to Barr y raUore. tbe rao\t ••• n,pI... ,Itn.....,... do,,'n I had 8bidaker. MI.. P.uUo. lim"b I. IIpeadloK OOORh , he.Ie &h.luduuUoa, MOtbM Till • •al.bow ... formed of R.,mloe Sbu uaker, at WllmlDwn. 'he welllt.ead wttb her uooll. Dr. the r.w 'obel. J:u,1o tab, Aa" Mar.. "till 0&11\0100 bl, p.rIlDu. Mr . and ~mUb . Ilpllo .od a ..uo,. Q •• a 1\00 bot. ror a\l wbolll I lIIet .ou14 .mlle Mre. J . E. ~bum.ker. las' week tI. of Dr. Ki a.', N.w Dtaoo.,.".toanel be .. I"d. Mr. II'red ShaDe. ODe of our Mr. P.ol p.&er,uo II rlOO'rIrlal d.y. ''It l.oer'.lal, ...... madl .04 fo,.." ,btl'orrO"'1l1 ),lIari d. e KrooerymaD purob.8ed a BtlltOD from lIu·a"ook of 'b.~ mumpa. OlD. .ad I kMp • lIottl. or" 00Il bare .. t 'he bome of In and IIrI. Roadl&er lall' .eell of J08 B Cbap MI.I Lllllao .oabee. of o.y&Ol, UDu.II, 011 '.n4" "riMa W. O. It I reall, lIoa. w"e,. th. Hmll.. W. tll,.trlfld of I'raDlllia. man .,h.llnllrl."o .u'omoblle ... le8. was 'he weell eDd gil. .' ot be. par I....maa. J'raaooata. N . B. lIoa.y , do"en arew Hr• • 04 lin Job., 'Taylor .er. m.o. eo'• . back If D0' ..elded. 1 , I J~I' la lul my frl8114 ••100,. oalled &0 Da,tpo WIIdDn4ay by th. Oakle, UugltllbM, ,tbe ov.rleer lin. ' Roe. 8mltb II vl.'"ol hlr -:-- .04 "e d 10 10 .Iae mo,aID" ..I'll. lila. . d. lin. Ta,lor·. ,tatw. of .oea 10 'bl. vlnloUy 18 • .very dallihaer. Mlu LlIlley Marl ... of yet .be dll.., Ih,. U. 8 l:Iean I. vl.ltla.· rei. bUMy man. m.klol dlklhee and dolol t!prlolllilid. Tb. ~t1.,.d '''In .1I"eoftd 00, .tt".... O,,,,.belo Vill.RtI. wbat he' oau &0 elimlua" the mud Mr Geo. i'1.her w.. qu".lIIla.' Aad .e d 'a" ou IIlaoh., .ud ,,,, II d II 0" I (J I hal... ",eek btn I.. Impro"I:D , . • Il d." • aD n. . liar •• e to •• ADd all 'hroDlb tbe 4.Id. ",.·d ba.,alllond from IIla.,.bar" , Kllboo. of LabIlOOD, w.. The 000"" wblob. "''' h.1d la the rOllm. iWlph 8aolte. of IDol' 1111.1 lpeD' ID &hl. riclaUy 'I."t .....k looltloll TO"'D B.11 be'wel,u ~u,.r C....k and Iprlns Vall'r &o.D.hlp ••• lIiII Nol. Bill. of III......... II Aod .beD I' . . . I,owla. too d.rll ...,....1 d.,. III' ",..k · wtah bl, .~ rter bDilatllllD bt.lIne. '" •• a, .,.admo'her. IIfI. Stoket. Joo.,b.D ~ad.otl: otle of tbe lar,ely , a ttended. tipriOI van., .peodlDg ,bl. ",..II wI'b ~ ,...... Wo'd OIr., thll tll",er.hom.. Bl.l. Or<* of (JermaDtowD I. vi•• plooeer otslzeD' of oar \Own, aDd woo fh. out ot .Ix 1'.,.0". IIr. aa4 lin MbU)' aut ... UlD, bll bro'btlr Bay C,... aDd hll daalh$ar. Mn. Llzai. BIIlaa, Mr, aoll Mre. Ir wlo 111100 aad II, of 'lata plll4le. .od &bill to Ib" .Iok IhoilD alooe, f.mll,. ' . blov. moved &0 'belr aew 11"10. our babyeoD were ",eek •• od of II,. I'Irmaa KI ....M ,...1'Y. or VI&b ' ba.d.D. 10 ha,rd to II •.•Dd IIr• . rOI'.r Ooff".o line W."DNv\lle. They .re miNed by hll parlitllU, Mr, .[14 lire. Joaepb V~Dlbl •• IIlO'Ond hIN .....~... beer, move I 00 IDe Dr IIlon.' f.rm Ilorlb .11 of o ••od we extead 10 t hem our au.ob. Ih. a~ with II.. . . . ..... W.·d IMrr, .btl Imll. . .a·d bIou.h. ot $own beat w~h... Mr. .ad II", H. A. 81m. hn. B.,teocllr , baola bome . •_ • Hr. .Dd Mn. ·Karl 8bld."r rlli&ad Ibll V.Il.,lIoa" .ad.m MI •• 11.04. Oo~. of aoa.. " ,.ad tea"" a lar.e Domber t~er.. b.". moved '0 lI.ta"me .her. Mr. roo. ho ..1 aDd r .... ur...e oomblaold ~41Mcl our IObooi 1'Il.n4a, aftIt. .od ' hll" 1o ,b••ad wb ... . .,. tired 8hlel.ler I. eD,lWrecl 10 bo,ID_, 1I1..... arl.K'a. b,l lI.rll.,edhom. BOOD. W:~~lt:.ir1 100'. ..ll. aad ,D . II • . W.I.... A.tiIIlY. 00. or· oor from. 'hr88 .... Ill "t.ta wltb ••1a. 1l1iI,.. CoDaor ...1 W.. Till '1111, ...0 .1D1lad ...d ,or.o' $oDBOrl.l.r&1a",ba. beeDaD IDnUd " ... In Deno". OC', of TiPPlO&lloe a.,., ....1 . fa.lh '••bUe ror .."oflll.". ... 'rom' tli.lttlp and • .- • Dllh. D........., wll.. ADd th. lmU..80w'n ~....... t.lmpro"IDg ver,.lo"'I),. . 'orm,,'. ,~ all aWl: .oe ' 11111 lI.a lIoKa,. .. oonfioed &0 IIr••Dd lire 8.muel Sloop', el. RAil FOOtlSHIESS plIoe. her hom• •lth -.J••ID.. derl, OU.II8D. of our to",D. .re 1m. . 1I".ud lin. ...... .,._ . . . IIOl tbe, .,. tIM 0111; plaoe SmU. Ro'Y alld Qarl JOOIII eDt.rtaloed "rovlDg 10 hlll"h a($ar qat$a ••e. YO~ OOOIIloDall)' ... 1t .t.ted &hat daop~" Da,... latut&7 . , a.,...,. .rn • t BaDda, t;ohool 0)... •• .lok .pall. ;'~:: ~o !:!~:1==~4 ;..-:::~ Pnu~IDI"1IId41! au ~..., (" dll"D 10 a ,oD"bID1 b • ." ; hom. Ta~, Dllb'. Bev. Sargeal I" IOjOllralo, 10 " rue ooltt. ",oul4 be .. p,.nl.'" 10 luI 8roeUda~ aa4 8 .....'Y bJ . .. AADd I h.U belt" . . .b.' It mut be lin. lI.r,. IIUI, 0' X.ola. ta "orld. fo'r an IDdedolte "mo. mld.ommtr •• Ia lDi4w1a"r. The ~lIud, of Blaaola.... ~) th. hOlD. 01 h. d.Dlb.... lin. Ollr d.borm.o Ire plllog bu, miorobe .b .. , oatl... IDOI4. douritb.. Ill. No.. Bill ..... .... · Alld 1'••••ood mInd &0 .tar. Wm., .Dd DO doubl .hey .111 m.k. lOme III oold w_Ib,. r .. To p.1I4 rloreua "u, hi'" ""'lOII~ • 8mll ...a ,,,.r lard.ll ..n m, lire. a . W. Coli ... ta ..rt01ll1, lOod oa'ohee durtDI sta.IM8OD. of a ooldlak8llh.mberlala·. Ooulh ~r..loeapla .............. 4'TIaI ADd oul.I.... .mll... each da, ber bom...., of to"'o , Bev. Alfred Walker will an th. Remtd,. It ta .ffeot,a al aa4 ta bl.1a. "'p to x..~ . . 4I~ .... . . . . .Dd I'd ,.tber tbe flo.ara, tbeu, II. O. ae...., of Xeat. _ . 'h. pulplhUhll II. E; ohareh !:ta04." II reoommeude4 br ~l8 who han ··Mr. N.a.. A.... II .. . . . IIlb' bom. . . l end pee. of r.II".,.. here April iad. QMd It 'or m ••, yeari .. oooalloD ~ .. .n. .... tl. . . , . . . .,. • ad 011.,.' D~? ."Ioy, Thll W. ". II. 8. mil'.' tbe' bam. Ooly • f •• more weeki wlllllolib retlUl red 'l...d 1I00"'..t.. ,..1 ~.Iu, til ' ..·...111.... . . , . . . .au... of II". Cb..,. lleodeaban.liItllrd.y. a vOlrYlluOCltlqafall!ohoOI, lire.", &0 Ob,.taab • ..,r,. ere. ..... ~ .......ft .... 'the ..,.'b .Itrhtb . bulle' 'he "edIt of oal' se.obera. • - •• WIpe4 to Im".J'.... oa4I.... 01 ball&e,m derNted .h.· team frOID Tb. H. E duau, .ohool 1. .. Onl,'. lOhooi ~'ard., . .ealol. looreulu, bolb 10 qU.D,lt, aod . . . 'IV _ .Th. IIIIODlo lodl. h.ld. lpeolal qoan"',. ..,.... , m.'lo" 10 'he lad,.. 1001Dl Tban, I:tprlDtr II 1I •• r a. haad or Itla ' II..... lin. Barruoa .Dd IIUI. dl:f!U d., III.h.. Be.,...1 .,.111&1111 hmb- boped ' 0 1\11. ·T heo 10' lUI bllla&U, . . . DIrtaa ............,. . b .... '''0'084'0 'belr ho•• ID D· no PreMO' 100104101 til. Dis. ouw r8~ldenOM ",Uh p~lo' .od W. E . . , .. . prac,he4 a. 014- , 1In. . . . . . 0a0Ir. . . . . .. ..: tuok,. . ulo. Leotarer. Tbere . . . a baD. 1l0.....~.Dd W8 will h""l1 &he .oet oba.ob Haada,. ~... ... ........... .. . .. . , Cud. h..,e beeD reoel.,e4 h.n aD· qa•••Dd ",ork ID ,h. II 1I.4ep8l'. beau"'al UUI. 10 ."utberD Tb. tn_de of III•. B. E. " . . . DDOpoiOtr . • b. anlv,l'" liar, Bar. oJ _ _- - lJldo. "Ia .dmtreeS by .'w.D.en ,dhend a. b.l boml' BDDC1a'Y wi... ~.... ..... ........... .ad .hould •• Dot be luterealed "ell flIled buk.... lt bel... hn MrtIa of ............... at a more oa .ha. 8OOoaD&? Now. e.,.- d .. .. -,---, Ii-......: IIIII1BERS OF DDln eOIl - b' a' onoe &0 .bew &bI.. -:;,~ ,y ..... ".,.0 I f ., . .... -., 1M 1lIIr1 ..... • pr.... I: - • , Dr .,.. , ..1 bel, ..h.a "'. In hot .,. PlOIrenin. if 10U dJ Dol tw. Kill £1)a lI.a4 Da'YlI .... a ..... . DODGE BROTHERS .od penptllD8t JU' wheD Iba~ are UtI"a ID ".,11111 out so .om. 0.0 . .blo' eel l3I'urtSa, .~8DID' ID WK. . NOTDR CAR .oe' dan ..roQII · .ad .ha rlllult la deM hoo", of IIr. alIA II... Alf,ed Bay. •aUl ~ . . . . . . . . . iI .ell II buUt for .er\·~ .nd durabUlt, Nearalli'. tMlff Neok, Bon lloeol.,. Joha JOrdOD, 0. . of .h. ploaeer II. lad lire J !:t Leamla..... .' ·WIt.. ,011 .... Id It. . quaUt,CI&r (niDi 'bottom tq lOP or IOID. .I _ .a ••&IOk or Rbeama olUItID. of ,hit ylolDI'" dle4 Wed. IIhoppla.ta W., .. 1'rt4a, at. ..... .".... . .: Iu mala cae.. .ppl, 810'0" a.lIla, .Dd .111.14 to ree' 10 IIlaml $araooa ..... ozutIpaei4 at "lt~ , · Ualmea. U olreD.."OO· oem."" r.ldll'. a. I• .,.. a wi ' ." WIaea ~ th• .ore .Dd palaful pa,.. 111. ow. 'WC) daujfbten• • Ix eoo., Iwo II •. E~,re'.1 a.laH ".. ID Wli 'WheD JOG ~. . . . ; ; ; , - : ; : ; . '1004 8 , . . fleel, load ID a uo.t br~hen. 00••1.$ar ...4 maay frl8Dde IlDlal&oa 00 . IBalurd.'Y ...h. . WIa.. 70a WeIa ..... _ _:'. / Ut• •turatlll .ad pala len•. to m uuru bta 4.par$ur.· Too muoh .od Saade,. WIt. rOIl ba.. 11I41....... . nee .0ff.nD, ff(lm NeDnl". or O.UDOt be ,.ld for 'h. deoea.tid ; be 11$"••arprl.. 'Ill'll .lftD lin. "beD ....,.oaa . . . . . . . . . . , Je Jnh..!"da'Y ...aIDl. ' I. Bea4aoha .tII ADd 00. or U.,.d.n IlDrlghs life••ad hid beea JbeeD ni. Wlbl W. . JOB ba.......... t. . i og 1l er r. - , . .0 appl'-"01llor.81oaD·' LiDlmn' IlII0000000toliD aooumulatlDI qulse.ta mall. • ul II..,. ......,ul nU.f. I'btlacoo of ,hi. world'l .oads. ·Bo lir. aad II... R . .L BoiaD tool! WlIea ~ou U.,., II toqI4. t_. to. ttaRUill1 . . . . 1004 .01d16r D.v.r .hlrklal dlDD.r .Ub bl. peno'" IIr. aad O.......b ...WWFW'-", ......011 nf eomfon a~d ".rm'b hi. dQ"_ aa aD, "me. , lin. W. III Bopa Mo.a.y. • _ •. Au.. Motor Car Co. .114 'lute' . . . .od .IMP" Our Bohool Bulle. 81011'''m 8 T . Comp'oa ol! Wllml.....,.. - - '___ , ..:. I .... Iow · . "'-..II, Good for N.arl_ ..., . .ma of the J[lul' b .. been " .. I'IDllal" ....., IIutba ___ ~ __ ...,.- •• ,our DIN.tIt. Blah 8otaool la.' week an4 101l•••a4 f.mll,. .HuU· s Family Pills for - cOlIstlpatloo .-



d., ••


. 1._.

JUah I am bRediDc thelll aloag the DlOIt Idaa~ liMI ...4 edoptiDc the mOlt I*utakiq met1lod1 until I, CaD ~bUth IUllndi?tll&lity oi .unlform color IUd type, one to lit ~ed by our .reatelt i.nclen. .' I bav. riVal \lie . .tiq problem do" .tudy and perIOD!,.

expoc:tatiolll. . Mood you aow ban • c:baace to tap tho ...... arter1.C • aoadaaJ COlt. OWD

.f 1011 need.....



That II our 1Il0tto. Their quality quiw vJJiI~le .hlD ClOmpared with other birds in tbe receJ1t pollllrJ show. 'rbey woa more 6nt .nd I~ premiulDI ' tIwl aU otler Itedt In tbe show; wiIuJiDI IiIver loving cup belt pen ill ahow an IIneda competJac. ,old .pedal best petti colored male bird ill




~rimaltl ..ati) 1 have ma.tered tbe tame to • degree f.r· tie-




Oomb Red. In the atate. evuy OIle who r&'d • . tid. II ,.mm.~ "im fbe

Illest , 'l_lty of my f..... RIdI.

... ---



roes to prove their exceUeat quality. , .f part wJlb your colD for 'III you ... entitled to' pC .... frem Itoclc of known quality. properly mated by III oxperIeoc:ed bNedet 10 . . to atn lint n.dtL . Ihow-all


STOCK SALE We could IJave IOld • thou....d he.d more .f good Redt fer bteeden lut wJater if we could ba"it! bourht theIS. In order to ,et peeple to tet ea' from ,oocI stock properly .....ted 1 am.teIIIDc my . . . to bome people for less thaD half tlle . price I,.t for them whea 1ft ehlp tbeat. Call 1IDCl . . atoc:k. Your, ror better poultry.

- -_... _ ....

Harry H. Wadsworth Miller Property, Main .t"'~'"


.paD' .....k


Tut4., '.$ ,... ..


0.. 111.,


..______.._.___..: Ray Mills

;._~_"""iIIl""_ . HtI4I

~ II U, ........ .

"!! ,.. ..... ..air ...,., ,....




,.... ......

~.'P17,. we ......... .......,.

- ""IQ'r" "'ftM I .......... l toI4 . . . . . tW .... at rev JoUe are ~ ....... ,...,...--..... am. .,...

.~====!!!!!========~====~~ AlIt _ _ -,


=4." _..


0,. a.u, ......,•

. at.RI''''''''

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From the be.t quality Ro.e and '8 lnsle




$5.00 for 100

$1.00 for 15·


Druggtsts, '6t .


I .I_h I It OIlW .b.r. the Smll ft" .,.rt! I I r e w ' And tb. Uw. o •• b. , .., tb.,

Eggs Eggs· Eggs

lIiII D9rotb, W'I~aacl"'I'" vl,i&IId b.,. lIaa4ay aheraooo. Ula,. lloor. lad ohtlck.. u. .Tl'latD' lin. Aban 0111 ud lin JO,bD Zimmerm.a. Mr. Daa .• orpa •• 4 famll, ba." beeD v.!"IUIIK Hn. lIary lIoJo,.. ' Mr Tbom .. Din. wlr. ...4 "DIll. .., .Dd Ohfftwt ............, . . rillton • ..,..,. lire. a ••u. IIMII.. .,.., ",tah Ttl. Dlllaa......,. lIr. Joblba" IDOftd TlLul4a" IIr•. .Ioha !Ari Ult . . .,... a ooupl. of da,a ta "'~kI. lIM1n. DocI4 _4 0I1a... Baber wer. Da),&O. YIIltoft 131. . . 4a1. lire, Elmtr Bo,ar ta Yhltl... Ie


! .._ _ _ _ _ _ _a

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~ UlO 4oallle. 1 ..... ~ .... ..".~. 1 ". " It ~~J, ~ ra•. ~. . . I 0tIl0 . . . ~ L ... De O. .11


d&iin Call ea·

.,.... D . . . B.





~ ,-,': .....~ ..........~ ~~ilia... ti~ at.... · ... w.,... , 'ftUI,::- Walter .,'-'llAllGi .L - - 'Iter' _ 1·\iIft. _ .. or .....he ........ . W.,........, O. ;' 0 ......... oil r.-. BufIoI; • D." w~, OM.. .te . " . II


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001II11 OQ' Y1olortoQ8. Ww. 'a.rlan New IIQ'ilaItOl1. lion ,.10, more ba4 lo.d., We took lupper .ltbo.KoraoeV~ptoD·. IIlrelr.n bavioK oar .hare o)f bad WedDtIICl.y.veolo,. ' roacl, with 00 I!DOoa••gomoot l'hl neou'ha !JOlDmlM.. of .... them belDg made be'$ar. ' o. E. 1OO11'y m •••• th. laom. Mre Mary Leeh Ad.m,. of K.D 'be pr8t1ldnt.. HtII J:e~tr elal.· ("'1,,, &1o.. w.. the we&t.IIDd baDiJh. We4Duda, ..... 0'· . . . . or IIr .n411,.. W. W. W.lo~ .••als,. la' tlauta4J of UJId lI_rl. ChaL 1:111•• Ch ••. tlhI4.. &o~..vor mdhodt 11M prl~ lru.O O. Levloy.ddJoe. W. D."I. tIe".ral frOID ben' a'......... ftIN .. _ . . . perp1aIq probl_ .. ~t ..IN Lebaaoo ril1ton s.'urdav eohocl 000. . . . .1 tlprla, Talle~ .... tIIaa IbI ,",per f'IIIIIIUI* of raUroe4I. ...4 a. •• ' ,. . ortS., ".OID,. lilli, IAIala .. . . . IIr lIt1too Bo •• I. ,10.1, '1m r.oehecl a. b ...non of tIlnee wllo . . . ,...... oh ........... IbI -bJect Uaua tboH ,.lao prOViDIt after. I8rl01ll .pell of tio... took par' . "'15" IIIaM:I .......... I'IlInM propertt... fOl' UperiOllCll! a.... . . ...... 'a""-aM_ ., ....,........ ... ~..... II" •••••• To .0.hi P 8 DO /I Io,•• ohool til......... IIiecNttft OOb"ftI'~~':a,:~:.-::ad:'Y~h. ZIOD ' HOW TO ' PREYEJlT CROUp ··






1..a.."'18IT ~ • .,IWI.aI B....tmi...... IIkecl for • au . . . npIMiOD ~ raI1rqa4



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• ' . lin. I. . Hto'-!l wile." • h . " " wi...... .,.. 00utaQt . . ct....... wla a 101&. .... .QOI4oa ....,.... b-IIOD . .,- ..... ·• ....... _ . -. Ia =~"inw.. Kn,.. .,..

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..•.... _ . --•• aDBNTlIT...

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Th...acla.n til oar blgh toboo1 WheD lb. ohtld t. nbj." .....t. C.,..., aa4 Ala ~.. 0 If ' laoH oforouP.1I81o IUh.Uae . . . . . . . . . 1IIe..... J ........... Mat _ _ _ _ _ ~d$ ••I5_ .".nd_ a' m ••t a. teach." of IoIlIM.v.alDa mea!~ MaD cn:u. n..-..I_ TIlan4a., ' • .... la 111ft! W.llblol~OD "od II_I. Townlht .... Ioe d..... 0h lIN ....mac ma'Y OIl ..... II. . B........ fIwII'. ....... ~~ 01 ~ II, or oouzo. adlDHt4cl. .'Oll"e H.aDoh IOlaool bOOM 1." & tack. allO ",.toIl for 'Ibe nat .,._p. . ..................; ....... tile ......... tiao nnIae4J ....... .1la4 . . . . . .. I'rtdI'.&om-b~"'D"'.....4· .... CbaID of ........... . . . .. .. a faif',ab_ for dltclllllOD. On. tIIlq II CoU.tllI pr.,er m ..'lal a. Hr. berl.lo', Oonah Remed, .. IOOD .. · ~ ... at ,......, ~ DO QpeUt. for ....... ba"MtlDeat III nll· aDd lin Nltti.m RobeFllOa·.·hom. ,be oh1l4 beoomM b(l'ne. .Ob..... lin. . .ora 'I'b"-7 I NIIIII. UIAt . . . . a." CIOIIItnotIoD or ..... hDpronID.ta. , 1.., TburM"" allht. able ...ry",b,n. . with ber .oIber, lin. 1 "!few dIM aD ·. . . . bIIlkJq .,... . tau bella. MtabI....e4 \J. tile hi• _ • •- • . Ke,:~~:.. 8 __" _.... f--II---. , ..a.., IOlDtloD of au '.....".,. .,..,....., fair auu to IDneton - ..., _.. -16' .... . . to til. reet 01 til.' J'lblte. ' ... lint ID ~ 1IIlCJq. our aaUoaa1 40WITCH CHILD FOR WORIS· U,ullly eo",.. Ute. wy Bba. aDd lamll, aad IIiII .... ftl 1atInl.,.4_ nil,.., own.".....U4 -lIIo1eee aDd ' W .. _ ........ _ ... __ oC "--.a , R e m o N e. I. IIOmetll,lq that IDIIlJ ___ n , .. ""ftl\q lI.obllo - - ..1SIGIIItrI_ eo ofta tball40 Worm • . up oblld" .areo.tb. rob people clallD to .zperl__ att.r til., .... . . , .......00II. sal aa-llt ... to ', run ~ " - ~ . .: .' ohtld olfoad .Dd m.llo ohll4 fratfull . are bopelelll7 CII!~ . lb. W .............. . -AN IIIIbOe4 .............., to ....., BQPDM,. .... ·1ttemJlUDI h 'ri,.led.aervou.. Wlaola.tool.oo . .taIda~. to .......... nlan.4ba .. I!OD- lD4, ·etralIIlUCInrUG,..,. lIoil AD- ' •• dre••IID or 11IIpiOioa of worma .....;. 8·''''- _. .a '- - .. ....;.:... . . . . aN 10 ......ed; .... _ . UOl....... , . . . .............. ..". oae half to oa. lo..ap 1[tok... - ". -... - ..... wtaU4.1111DUni tara.,..WIIo pllt ....... applM ... ~ top 01 " . . . . poctWorm KiII.t •• oea/l) .orm r.. ....... Wti4a~ ........ tBI.... nI. ........ ..".. .110 '...., ................ tnI4_ B............ oC G I edl $a ~RIPPE aD4faaUJ· ; " < &5 tile . . . . _Uooe4, tOIl _,001 ..peat ,the Slate to pee.II" the IIaaJdDI' ~".e:..l~:' ~4 a J&. &abed .01. . .. . - .......... a wIIoII or til••pple IIuItDIeI 01' the ...... «II ....., Impro". dl,.."oa .DeS 'YPIol ...... B.- ~ ...s ..... .,.....110. WI',1I. . . ..... "'I'M llhata. II IDa , . ........ a IaotII ID lOIDa Iaod IIIItI 'la of (hlld. Ooadoae . IIadQ . ,. . .ooa wla .... .... .,. &1NIltJ' 0It tIllrtJ ,..,..... Protalt~.,." tn. " aD)', or Worm KIII.r uw OIatoa;lDIL-··IIItIl'rh........ TolD OJadDq. ~..,' .~' r • ." _~ ' ..... ... JroYIIe4 wItII ,1II&UooIDL .~ IbI fIIndt. . _1tU4 or. ",orm• •re ,ODO lie ...... very.eakand feebletn... II, --""-- .......~= laID __ a Uld t_ or ..,.. eIaaIrL . 110,,.,.. Uaat after lao dectaof La Gripp!.ill:lt VIDoI....... •..., i _ - - ,......... ,..... III "'_"'aO__ ... _ me '. world of poa; llt tau .... ~ ... ~UICIIS' , ' ...... Jaw ...,. III tI&II& "., toIIan .,.. . .Dr. • - . . ... • _. bail, up . , ~ _I ... 11111 ..... W............... trIoI ... room tIIlOtd4 . .......... two B. . . . aa. IIIat . and weII ...... .....=.., Y _ ~ ,...... ....,. "I' . . aIMe .......... fa. . req........ otrtaIa a _ _ of iiiWt "~ Ill..'lIII - - . --............... lie ...... - - . . . tle . . . . . iIIDIIur • 0 ......... Ute .............. ,....,..... ....._.... ... .. ....... now. IIa4 penollllOD to YWlt • 1ODIe.....rttllcNt all..... ............ , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ lao m ' .lfteI' CIlaaWDI . . . . . . . bIooi ~ . . . . . • tot.fte 1J~ ~.... •



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Sb ".,~.,,"ltfiii1

•• IEI·I"CO. · OInoinnatl,.-





. •I

That for nelll'!

40 years we ho ve be n scr ing the same loval cu ~tomers, Only last week a ' former re~lden t \Hol,-"We r c\!ived < your· and we \ s11 (0 thank yuu ~o r your kindneu. If we ever Iiw lose tu \Va. nC~\' illc

. O. Haper was a Cincinnati vis· itor. unday,

. .....

Mrs. Harry Murrayand Mrs. Robt· Crtlw were Dayton Viait~rs • at~rday.

DoUSE BROTHEI{S MDTOR CAR BefC)re. VbU .B.u y , .. '


.. ... -'0



It?!pe~lrs~fDr/ts8If The I>lice

of. the car complete ia '785.00Jf. o. b. Detroit \

Atlas Motor Car Co. . Second



Ludlow . •

Write today for Catalog. " We shall be glad to demenstrate the .Dodge Car rtt BUy time. . ~. ,


\' 1


tra~~;... llnd Mr. . E. ~.





Mr. J esse HartRock moved into the

I Mart house on fifth street last week .

line F. It. LeGrand died at ber hom. In Norfolk, 'V,a.,l~t Tbutaday attel' a abort Illn_ of tubereuloslll. The bocI" ... broupt to \the home of h... parenta. MI'. and Mrs. 1" , W. H.U....,. and the fun.raJ 'V.. beJel ltIOJlIh.y morning at 10 o'clock, Amoj Cook . officiatiDa-• . Interment in IIJaml eeIlleterr.






Buy Tobacco Canvas of Hyman. Mi'!9 Henrietta McKinsey W88 the week·end guest of relatives In Day· ton, Mr and MrR. George Marks sp· nt th v':eek·end with relatives in Dayton.

J . C. Hawke and son, Lee: were Sunday visitors with relatIves in Dayton.


St. Mary's Guild will , metlt with Mrs . U. M. White on 1hursdayaf· ternoon.

t()re White's ____ _____________ ._____J

M ra. Harvey Gustin was called to Cincinnati Saturday on account of the illnes of her sister .


Dr Dill, Osteopath. at r esidence of L . T. Peterson , Main St., 'l'uesday and Friday mornings.


, Bri~BOme one Children's meeting . .' d _.' ft ... I The revival IS on. Rev. Westhafer on &y outernoon a er SC"OO the evanllhllat' will preach each even· ~~bel'. tbe E;a$ter market by Ina at 7:80 except Thu1'lda1 evening Dorcas Society. Saturday, April 22. ,when 'the service will be beld at 7 CI.~;ence~ . Grsuser, Pa;!tor, o'clock on aeeount of lecture coune ___. _ _ __

~ ven illil

Worship a nd Ad · d ress at 7:30 p . m. subject , Th~ Disoiple' Hlp . Thi Wednesday Y nill at 7:30. Litany. p "niten.tial Offie and Addr· • 9ubjec:t, "God' Car for t.he lnrliividual ," the. third in the seri . on Prayer. Everybody welcome.


The fi rst real dlay of sprinll arrived Fourth. (Mid.iLent) Sunday hi Lent A'Prll2nd, Sunda, School .t 9:30 here lut Saturdav.. The town was a. m .; Momini' Pray,er and Bermon filled with autos . and the)' looked good •. too, justas it they hadar· ri ved frtisn from the factory . Of t. course the rain Sunday mnd e them stay in the garage, although seye ral intended to take. trips on thnt day. '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ." ~ - ' . :' =

When the necessity arises-

Chas.~ _W. Schwartz & .Son The Old Sehwa~tz Shop on Mechanic Street, Lebanon Since ]859 L ________~-------------.;...--'

Miss Edna Janney, of Toledo, is s p nding a week with her parents. enjoying her spring vacation.


Word was received here Monday that Mrs. S' M. Sellers. of l!.ebanon, wafl quite ill with pneumonia.


Insure HOr&el!, Mules and Cattle against deatb from any cause. W. N. Searll, Waynesville, Ohio.

FOR ".

Selh E. Furnas arrived homllTuel' day evening from Swarthmore, Pa •• where he has been att",ndinr Woolman School.











~: . .

dithld~.. 'itmsims -

practicaHy lOuDd-

five to ten yean old 1,000 to 1..500 !p<!W1d~,. q.J..,t,y 16.1 ~ds bjgg• .




flesh and reasonably wen broken-3 yean Qld upward. , ~ 'f ' ~ ." • _Mlres:·and GeJd~:~l500 lIjl';' an~ . i


• • • ' .. ...,

up~ auita:bl~· fOJ. tlfe "E~~tem


.; ket.t-.f!?ur yeara,old .n~ up;;with good flesh. ' . We will

• ,.

'. '



. ..



.. .



:, dohn .M. Cr~._n

-Ae • .I. Pat·t eraon


., ':A~t" '. ..1.' ......~rgll! ..

..wa;shiDitoo' .. .H .",.) hio . I' ' . ....~I. J.,ft

", ~




it~8;dy -:.:Are -~~;.yon? )




,The.·S:·~~e~: Company htilds .its Fo~m~l 'Spring O~niog · Friday· Eve : , . ,~ . . . and" Saturday aU day, March 31 and April 1.



01 aa.lo ClUIh.


Lu ce'ta .". Side.. decouod a . W. Stnnley. Attoruey. , '

¥DU will see.Lebanoo·s Foremast,: Popular Pr,ice Style Display of Women's, ' Meit's; 1,loys"!l~ C-itls' Wearing .'A pparel-also, ,all the neootul thin~ for the Home. '! . ' ,, ' Yail' Ate: , ~~ing, 'to 'Hear' a LOt About 7his :Store during the coming' weeks , for we'Ve a 'lot 'of FACTS to .put before you. . . , .But, as .tJlis·is 'no~ a cODJ.~l1iilg .· ad, -but rather ' an Invitati~n to \fssit .with Frid.a y 'and 'Sa~urday, ~e 'shMI 'not d~ell upon bUSiness facts-simply say c;.>nce agam ' •


Notice of Appolntmen~ E.tlLlo of Lydia C. Bnt-wrtb"alto . Deceased. NoLI' Is Im .... hy glvon tha ~ l_rll8l atlQr· thwa ll<l h"~ "ceu (lU i), appointed o.nll q uail· n.1ld Ill< ,\ d,"lult<tmtor 01 tho Keto"" ·01 L)'dla o SBttonh ",.J IO. late .of Wa.....n OO UIlLy Obto. t16<.'t1tU1oo. D,t.od tblJ! 8th. d~VL~~~"W~'BI:b6WN. Judg~Q t Probate Oourt • WGl'POIl Couoty. Ohk. 8E'l'1l W. nRO'~'N . AU)" ¥arch 10-a, -




. M~ke yourselves at 'Home. v'~it ~a ·jiDg~ to 'yoUr 'heart's col1~ent, .revel amidst the Jiew and beautifUl. Remember. you are cordlaUy



JANUARY· lit, 191Z , h i:

Mail ·.or

phone .your

ordef'" to

Xenia ' office

L ___________..;._s..~~~~--'!""""-;~~




- -' . - The Castle Square 'EntertaIDer8 will give the tbird, 'number of the Local LyCt'um. CoIH'II8 at'Sc!lool Hall. tomorrow CThuradlU'> ever.l~g. _ This organizatio.n .18 comprised of

• • ._ f ._ 6! ~ pttionfsinf' ~'e candy 'and ·!pop·eom bO.:ltb~ an enjoying th8mselWil e· cwiaasl1Ya}n~oeunacuedct. lonMorf ctheTPaf,kallliwt ", .. . . .wkea e it ' . The bidding was ' rr::lya~~d o~::ied much run The 'two~ packages wbich created the most Irlterest and· brought the ' h\g~· est. p'rlees. was the one from Presl. denl Wilson's wife which wrnt for 12·50 anfl one ' from . M.r, Lot's wtf~ ""hieh was 801:t for '1 .11>. . . The' M. E. church thank. tb,e public for . their Ifberal ·plitroriage. $'75 were the receipts· for the evenina• .

M r. ~herman Rogers; of near Fer· ry. and Mrs . E!iZ'\bet~ ,Yeazel, were united in marriage thIS afternoon at the home of thCl bride on Third 8treet by Rev' D H. Palmer. Theylefton anexi:ellent1nalequartette,a· co~et the evening train for a trip thrQugh quart.e~,. noUn quartette, al!laDQ «_ -: . . the E~8t . The Gazette joins with a quartette. a quartette ofentertalDers host of friends In wishing tbem pros- aDa last but Dot least a quartette of . perity. ' _ humoriata, A.B bumorlststhe CutJe Tbe heavy taln8 of Saturday and . •. . SqUares are unexcelled, they keep Sunday raised the river 80 much that ,Those atten~mg the funeral their audi~nee in a haPPY'!:b'O,Od Itom by ~onday. it bad overrun Ita baniMrs. F. H, ~Grand flOm a beginnlD,Ir untll.--the end. . Eaeb anI.! was;over ' the -Aven~. .... :lb. tance were: Mr. LeGrand. LyncP· . Qumber relid"red by this complUlY Ie' depth·of elabt:lnchea. '~.. ' . ' burg,·Ya.; Mr . Fl. H. LeGrand •.Nor- ' dlfterent from tbe ,prec:eciing' oJ)e, _'=~'~ ' ~ '=+: ~'~ ' ~"';\;;;.;;:::;~.~ .folk, Va.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hatba· there~7 offering unparalleled variety _ way, Columbu8 Grove; ~1'. and Mra· 4UId ~xcellenc'il. ' ; , . .' ; Roy Hatha'l'?ay, Centerville, 0 .; Mrs, There are a few good seat.8 ·left. Isaac Adams, Dayton; J. E. G,IUlSOD:. Single adml~on" 86 ct8. Entertain- _ ......._ _w ......____~......~ Earnest Seaman. ,Columbus, Ohio, ment ltarts pmmptly at 8 p. m. FOIt SALK " • '_ '. Mrs. Ear) Har,per," Mra. L. Kratzer,


lGm G·c.

I~' ~'~ I'~r~ar't)i~pla'y wi1r~~. sple~did NewS- 'for ,Alerf .BuY,ers.



o pprnlB.e d tur AdmUliltr..tor with the ",III II nnexllll .... 01 the Mtll"" 01

and' ,.Flow.ers


.$t .50

j .

'.~ :' ' : ',

.I :. i .

MrsJ ~rge S. Baily and IOn. Olive", of Cineinnati, MrB. C'..rrie Brown and ,naughter. Susan of Leb· ~non and Mr. Herbert Warwick. o.f ~0Iu~bu8, attended the funeral of Mr!!.';fl', Sherwood Monday.




Millon Thompson Sunday. for nnati, wh ere he left will take a 'posiCinci sian in a bakery. Milt(ln has devel· oped into. a first·rate baker, anil his rn/H1Y friends 'her e are Barry to have hjm leave.

Saturday, 'April 'SJ Lebanon', 'BeC1'cer's :earn



""': " ,-0. .- :'::-=."': .'

W.edDelday, April 5, Wayneaville, Macy Bam ' . • F.riday. ApriL7. MQn:ow, Livery Bam .':_


~ attbe' fonowin; p\~£~ to, buy;' do.o'i; ~ .'~\llid to ': \i

Iniac your good ODes to tOWD.

Mr, and Mrs. James Mullen tertained at Sunday dinner lowing guests, Rev. and Mm. Palmer and family , Mr. and W. N. Sears Ilnd f~mily.


We are showing a large 8880rtment of Spring Millinery, at moderate prices . Come to see Uf! when you are ready to buy your hate Je'lnle Hardin. 1. O. O. F. Bldg., Leba!lon, Ohio..

.Soidhern Horses' ~(tMulei- -'~~~?e~~~ .,'.. H .' r.lu1telrn , orles

' Mrs C. A. Palmer and daughter • Mary Agnes. of Coiumbus, were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Palm er 'last week. " . ,

Do you like a good male quartet, one that sP.v(>s both vocal and instrumental selections! Then hear · the Castle Sqilare Entertainers at School Hall. tomorow. ThurSday evening.


& . ...

It :,... H-or-.._ -,A11y sex ~cI to be


Sale . of Real Estate


BlIbhorlty 01 tho will 01 LuccUa E . ILlos, decoueiJ. I will ""II at publIc aUtUOIl . 6u th u

NBW 1i'A·KS 'HERRING ... , '" j'



Word has been received here that Miss KatllJeen Hain{'.s, of Cincinnati. is very ill. Henr lhe Castle Square Entertainel'8 at School Hall tomorrow evening. Thursday. Miss Eleanor Earnhart, of Route 4. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. O. Marlatt. .

~~~~~m~~'8 s.ilij:~n~ :d~~~; "L~.oking . for a Man." Be .there.


Mr . and Mrs Ed YounJr. '.Ind tam· i1y. of Cincinnati, are vl91tmg rela· tives here.


at 1(1:30.

On account of Selling Part of Our Ware Rooms and having to vacate t.hem, we m~st close 'out certain lioes of goods to get more room . Manufacturers are pt.ttting price's up by leaps and bounds, but we will, for a short time, Drop Prices on Walking Breaking Plow~ and Odd Ends wilh such a crash tha t you will think that Iiglltning has :; truck near you . Yours truly,

Mr. imd Mrs. U. M. Whl~e spent the weelt·end with r elatives near lA!banon.




Miss ue Crane, of. 'Ioledo. IS ~he guest of D. L . Crane and famIly.


Ml'$. Charlotte Thomas died at her pome in Cenwrville Saturday: afternoon, The funeral was held at her Iate'bome Tuesday mom Ina- at J1 , , ' . o'cloek, Rev. Dlllly officiating. InIln. T. Sbe1'Wood, after alonlf 1lI- terlI\ent in Centerville eemetery. nell cUed of heart~ trliuble, \t .~e~ ,. ' . home GIlllain .treet FrldJIY evetung The Intant 'daua-bter' of Mr. and . about 't o'clock. The tuneral took· ~r. Edward Hanby who live west place at the .whIte Brick Meetlni' of LYtle died of. pne~monfa Sunday hou.e.at2 ·o'.eI~ Monday afternoon. 8Veni1llt~Tb'e tutters\' was held from . . HeY. oJ. F. CMwallader had cberae thelatellom.. 'PUesday" afternoon at . oUb..... Matilda Underwood '1 'o'c!lfek, lU't: ·C. ·S. Greuser 6ffi'l ~ lin. Leah',Adam~ also clatlna'. rntetment' in Miami cern~~ rntennlrlt In MiamI :Ctlm- eiery ' . ,. .,


'~'Ili. have

Kenneth Elzey is quite ill with the carlet fever.

Such confJdence 81 this II Inva'llIoblc, amI fully r~pa)'s for .. the Personal Attention given , in IOOh illl: niter (he , . wants of ~uch friends. . A . SIXTV ·DA Y CAi\\PAIONTo let you know more about the ~oo 1 'f\lalilics of , Cha&!: and Sanborn's Coffcel;, No.99- A Fine Santos blend- ranks Awn y up amooi the fine coffees at 2S ' u lb. "Circle 81end" -Th is colfee hus b l'n t • tcd and tried by our customers for 25 years an it s tili hollis Its 'o wo-27c a lb. ' " U Blend ' at 30e a IbWhen you want 8 milll, rich fiLtrared cofiee, let u ~ introduce this grade to )011 . OUQranteed to please. "Crusade" Brand 30e 8 IIr'Thls lathe cofree wllh heavy drll\\ inlit' qu~li tics . The finest coffee for large fumllics ural lu rge gatherings we have ever sold. Special Java and Mocha at 35cThe highest grad e we oHcr. You IIl!cd, ,no bett~r. You can thoroughly atlsry. (our best incnds With tbls spleodld coffee. PRES-We will furnish free to ally loclge, chu rch or social gatherlni the best of '::ofi e~ anti n llpldns, nnd all you want. SOME STORE SIO~S JlIST rUT UPBROOMS-Made by. C. D. Reed-both trim med and untrlml1'cd. CONKEY'S-Roup and Gape Rcnicdies 25c. PRUNES-The largest size packed 20 n ib. PEACH JAM- Made of Peaches and Granula ted Sugar ooly 10e a lb. HEAD RICE-Thc fi f1~t Carolina Rice and Ihe 'al'lest grain. PAINTS AND VAR NISH-For ' Pa int Up" tlnd " CLEAN UP" day.




Farmers, AttentiQnt

Buy Tobacco Cllnvae of Hyman.



Mr. and Mrs •. Lew Stlbbs &on, Mrs. Minnie Smith; 'Karl')' and Roblllon. Ralph, Mr. Cbas. Stibb9, Mr. Johb SUbba, Mr. and Mrs. CIJt! Stlbbe, MIi18 Jennie Stibbs, Mr. and Mrs .. ~yivan Mardi. and • Allee; Mr. M.r s Perry Wolf, Ft. and Mrs. Rolla 1{081, Clint Seaman and Vaua-hn8vill,e , Qhro; tarbury, Point Lick,



Chall. Waggoner, CountY Deputy • K. of P's:was' hOlt to the dlffetellt . lodlrB deputfee' hi Warren' CQunty Saturday evenir!c at the Ownly Hotel. Deput, Wq-goner made the call to the county deputies tor 'the 'I!;~~:;-a..UUy~ the Standard purpoae of arranginjf lor a countf ... meetinll, which will be held at Leb· SER-VICE--That ean't be beat anon, Wedn • ., evening, April 12th. , . Tbere will be a supper at 6 o'clock. PItIIC ES-To Jlleue UI teribwmch there will be work in ===~===~~!======-= the I deane. Several State i'J'IUld offieen will be present and iiM:iJ~". ' - J. WATERHOUSE. lilt in the work, It I_ hoped that as .' DW1f u can do 10 will be Pl'8I8Dt at CerlrIa. ()Jdo. tbIa meett..

'8e&d P01atoe.-n. ...· • .;.... SOCIAL ' WAS S ' U,CC'ESS LATIIl Baed better .han 100 1ia ;'c.... -AI.'o QOrD. taqulN-C!f !leon 4 Silllburl, I': v. I. w.,.. " nonllle,Oblo. .', . .1. :ye~r.


The parcel post 80cud given In·tbe ' . .,',. 8Oclall'ooml of t~'e M. E. chu;cb on G.lAK~~-!,GIIl-:-rol' .- Iale 01', t!ade~ last Friday evenmg was a success. ' " In aO,Qd Ihape. laq~tn of. e. both '80clally and financially! A BlEdwardl, W.,Dll!lriU", Oblo, .. .. \ large erowCl If_thered" e.dy. "After





• : Sixty-Ei~hu



Whole Number 3363


W.ILL ~)II ' Aflt:RNU.JN


Wall paper at J. E. Janney's.

Buy Tobacco Canvas of Hyman. I

Fred White was in Dayton Satur-

Miss Grace Carman paid the Gem City a visit Saturday.

Mia Clara Hawkeis viailing rriends

Mrtl. Edith Harris was shopping in Cincinnati Saturday.

Thad Zimmerman was a Mar,'ow vfllitor Saturday. .

Allen W, Haines, of Xenia. was visiting relativee here Sunday


KINGS MilLS Will PLAY in Morrow.

OIve \'our Support to the BOYI by J . W. Wbite is the owner or a new Coming (luI to See Them Saxon automobile. Play 8all Dr 0111, Oateopath, 21 S. Broadc way, Lebanon, Ohio. The ballE: ball BeallOn will oven here Friday afternoon, when the High A lot of remnants at' your . own !:lciJuol nim: will crop bata with Kinas price at J. E. Janney's. at Phillips' Park. Last year the Kin!r8 team WII8 "pie" for our boy., James MeClure was a busine!!ll but it iii rumored that they have visitor In Sabina last week. strengthened their tel4m quite a 1I'00d deal this 'J8ll8On, and the boy8 Fred Hawke and Carl McClure will have to plan lome If they were Dayton villi tors Tuesday. out vi.:tors . . ------.~~.-----Lloyd Davia. of Dayton, was callIna' on Waynesvills frlendl Sunday!

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hartsock were visitors In Dayton Ssturday.


COUNCilMAN SWORN IN New Ordinance II Passed RCiulllfinK Sidewalks and' OutterlOlher Noles

Mr. and Mrs Wm . Myers visited with Morr<,w friends Sunday.





Look at our umples of wall paper. They will lurely pleue yo.u. J . E. Janney. '

The village council met Monday eveninlr in the council cbamber. All Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen werp members were present except the Cincinnati visitors Wednesday. Mayor. and bot little businea ' was attended to' o.n account of an Irreiu · Mra. Mary Adams is visiting rela· larity. Some' time ago Gordo'n .Tey tives in Mo.rrew and Wllmin~ton. was inducted Inte 'offici as councilman, but it "'&I found that he was Mrs. Mary Seal and Mia Maria nol eliir\ble for the positio.n, as he Sto.ut were In Cincinnati Saturday. would bebo.ldlnlltwo offices. Therefore the council adjourned to' mset J. H. Opp spent several days last Tueaday eveninlr. Tueaday evenlni' Mr . Joy resigned week with bis daughters in Toledo.. and W. N . Sears was named to fill A fine . .o.rtment of wall paper at the vacancy. He took the oath and bU8iness WBll resumed. J. E. Janney's. The matter of the sidewalk lead. inlr to the new schoo.l house was takJenathan Smith is home alrSln en up and discuased. The proposed after spendinll' the winter in Colum· walk will take a alice off the pro.perbus. ty of Csrrina-ton Elli8. who told the council Monday afternoen that he Mrs. G. B. Bentley spent a couple wanted .750 for pro.perty and damof days wilh relatives in Xenia this ages. The committee will take up week. the matter and repert at the next meeting. St~ Mary's Guild will meet with A genersl ordjnance rea'amlinaMrs. W. H. Allen on Thursday af· pldewalke and Ilutters was passed. ternoon. Perry Henrick petitioned that a Iide. walk be established tro.m his properDr. T. Sherwood is spending a tew ty to connect with sidewalk. further days with hll son, Fred, and family, down town. The matter Will reat Lebanon. terred to' the committee. The ulual billl were and A lara-er aaaortment ot wall pa- ordelied paid, after w~icb couneJl. pel' ttli. Ipdnlr than ever before at adjourned. J. E. Janney's.

Elizabeth Parker. dau"hter 'of Clayton and Hannah Parker, 1'16 Mrs. Laura Mosher lpent Friday born in Waynesville,"Ohio, Februal')l with Mr. and Mn. Fred Hartsock in 1~. 1839. and deputed tbis life, in Mo.rrow. lbe llame village, in th\! early mornIna- f)f March 31, 1916. at the qe of . MI88e8 Lucile and Reva Hormeil 77 years,", month and 111 day • . and Mabel Cut were in Dayton On October 3. 1858. she was united Salurday•. ;Co Pl'rllfht .1 in murllij(e to Amos Romine. and to them wl:re born seven children. auto cUl'taln. Owner thre«! o.f who.ll' lurvlve their mother, canFound-An have the same by callina- at the lJoro I lill, of ~t1brville, M. ot Waynesville; and Jesse 8., 01 Gazette office. Cin~Ir\ll.ti "~our of the cblldJ'en Supt. o.t Sebooll W. R. Sprelgel til infancy and Lhe husband pre attended Masonic lodge at Lebanon ~ the wUe to the Great Beyond Phebe Baily, daughter of Emmor Minnie Pearl, daughter o.f F. W. Frld*1 eveDillj'. bi;. number ot ) ears; and Mary BIUy, was born at Waynes· . and Phoebe Hathaway WII born The decealed wal a taithful wife - - -' March 4,1878, at Ft. Ancient, Ohio. . ville, Ohio., September 8, 1849, nnd -"d dlo.ther, diM;ljal'a,inlr her manl Harry Cooper, of C::hlcqo.. W.118 ,i'l'ew to, woml\nhood in he r Ila,tlve lncrellse in the pri'ce 9£ gasoline 1n early childhood slle moved, with fold duties to the beet of. her ability. vlalUng relaUves bere , a couple of town. For several yeal's she tal.l'ght dUring the last !e\v months has her parent. to Waynesville wbere and ",ith all 'her many CIln18 and dayalut w~k. In Wayneaville School. after which mada motor Cllr ewners and pr"l sh.e graduate<! trom Waynesville respollllibiHtiea !rave t)f her time and attended Antioch Colle-ge. She pective buycrR turn atteMon more High Sch!lol wl~h tho cl~ at 1897. and Mrs.' Howard J . Ho:rklns, .treBlrth to care for her flAther and, A sood leather back red under gold, again taught at Friend·s . Academy, to the operative ec()nomy of the She umted wllh the Friends Ortho- ot Mr. Dayton. spent the week·en with motller who made their home 'witb teacher's Bible worth '250. now Falsinlrton. Pa., and also at Miami automobile than eVE! r before, ac. dox Church and has. always been Mrs. Alice Key•. b« to.r lP.allY yeaMl In early life $1.25 at J. E. Janney'a. Valley Coll8lre, Springboro., Ohio, cording-to J . B. Chllpmall. who is noted amomr.her friends for .h~r Ibe united with t.b, church and ail On March 18, lM78. she married distributor of the Sa on motor cars che~rlul, levm~ . .IPJrlt, Word wu received here lut week her life 10nK was ~evoudy inclined • havmg expres~d her faith m the Mial Ruth Hartsock beard Madame Dr. Thomas ,Sherwoo.d and m oved here. ST., MARY'S CHURCH Wbenevet-beallh permitted ebe was M~ro. tbe 8UDprian ~ianiat at the with him to Wilton, Iowa. There . " When gasoline was selling lor 12 Lord J esus Chnst !lhortly befor~ her that Mia Flora Berryhill wu quite lick in Columbus. a faCthfQI attendant upon divine Victoria, Monday eventnll. ahe became the mother of two sons. cents a gallon. there was not much death and co.mrn~nded her family to Fifth (Passion) Sunday in Lent, wo.rmip, taklnlr special della-ht in Ftederick Baily and Laurence Thorn · interest in wlletber · two or three the care and keepmlr of the Heavenly April9tb, Sund~y Schoo.l at 9:30 a. m. Frank Elbo.n left Friday on a buelIlstenlnlt to the singin8' of bymns. sermon and Communion 'at miles more co.uld be gained en Ii Father. . .. Mrs. Edith McElwee, of Wilming- as.At Wilton tile intellectual attain· single She "uever kind and Iympathetic, gallon," said Mr. Chapmall. Mar 14, BIOS she was umted m ness trip to Oklahoma. He will prob- 10:30. Evening Worship and sermon to.n, 8pentlas~ week with her parents, al,d wbile lit,'. burdenl bore heavil, menta of Mrs. Sherwood were again "But with 11'89 at double that fig ure marriage to F. H. Leqrand, Nortolk, ably be Irone abo.ut ten·daYI. at 7:30. The llreacher feT the even· Ilpon . . . and !be way ,ott. tiuil:ti Mr. an';i .Mrs. 9liver Havilt. recc.gnized . a.s.~jstance was BC, and higher. the Questi n b eco'm~ of Va., whore she has SlIlce made her ini service will be the Rev. W. A. aeemed datk and chearleBI. abe urgently requested by the directofA vital importnn.ce. .. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mills attend- Thomas, rector of Chri. ' chQrch Insure Hol'IIfi, Mules and Cattle at Wilton Aca~ emy that. against • --.wdtut ber taith In the Savior, "In lhe operation of Saxon motor She leaves a husband, a dQullhter, ed a wedding in Dayton last week, Xenia. Special music Thi. Wednesdeatli from any cause, W. beth her o.wn and her husband 's cal'S not only have fa ctory tests and Mary. aged 7, Mildre4 aged 4, a returning home Mond., eVeniDK' day evening Litany,Peniwntial Office lookinll 'fol ward. with hope,' to tht' Waynesvllie. Ohlo~ time ' whim the earea of thia Ut., wisbes. ehe taught tor a time in that gcn~ral road runs demo.nstrl,\ted that father. mothe~, three brotllera and 11 and addre911 at 7:30, subject, Prayer would be laid aside, and Ibe could institution. ' thll Saxon offers a maximum amo unt ~~st. of relatlves ~nd triendll who Buy Tobacco Canvas ot-Hyman. and the Go.odneae of God. anewer to the call "Come unto me The Junlo.r Guild of St. Mary'. In 1897 Mrs . Sherwood returned of power and milt'age on a minimum Jo.m.1n sympathy wlth the. bereaved Evel')lbodv welcome to these aer o aU ye Lblt labor 8Ild are beavy laden church will meet with Mrs. E. V. with her . bueband and sens to gasolinlO consumptIOn, but it has family. Departed this lite at her Mea,.. Walter aDd Cliff Burnett. vices. aDd I will ~,e Barnhart .. Tueaday evening, April lie, her fermer home, been my ewn p rsonal experience late home March 2?rd. Ellis Iv~naand -Lee Hawke attended , JOU 1WIt." CHRISTIAN CHURCH 11th. she resided fo.r the remainder and Is attested by many of the own- The f!lnerallervlces were hel~ at the minstrel ahow in Lebano.n lut ~ eA:aD or THANKS life. ' "rs of Saxon cars in this neighbor- the Frlends Church, WlynesVllle, week. Sunday, April 9th, Bible i;lcbool Mill Edna J~ey left for Tollido. We wish ·to. thank all o.t o.ur neighSherwood W/IS never endowed hood. Monday, Marcb 27, co!lducted by 9:30 a . m.; Communion and sermon. tor their klndneBI and deed. o.f ~unday, after spendillj' a week's VlG'nl',Mll! health, and abou~ five "Tbe high speed Saxon mo.tors. in Rev: Amo~ Cook. a frlend of' the Rev. Q. H. Palmer and I&Im"., 10:30 a. m .; Chrlltlan Endeav017;OO. thoua-htfulneae shown ui duri~ o.ur vacation with ~r parents, Mr. and aflll.ctad both tbe roadster and six cylinder falnlly, BSSIStl!!l hy. Mrs. M!,rtin, the and W. N. sean and tamily sermo.n, 7:30 p. m. C. D. Allen, of ' late afftiction, ,In the death ot our Mn. J. E. Janney. Phillip' Bible Institute, Canton, will co.mplicatlons models, bave beell" designed with pastor, afle.r which the lnte~en~ Sunday with Perry Thomas and 8treng~h grad- f uel economy in mind alld I think wok placo til the beautiful ~Isml Uy near Ferry. preach, morninlr anti evenina-. Ev mother. .' Buy Tobacco Canvu of H,man. uaily 8?ffermg came that this is one point m worthy of Ceme~er!, wh~reall that was mortal erybody Invited tol these ierv\c., Mrs. Enoa Hili. to an on Ihe evenmg ~t March consideration. Co.n-ider that Saxon of MInDle Hatha,:"ay LeGrana was Mia Sue Crane left for her borne ThOl. Romine. · ~n. J. L. Hartaoek an~ daulrhter U,1916. . roadster, for eXOml)le can be driven left. 'he grave belDg ba.nk pd w!~h a To.ledo Sunday, after spending ORTHODOX FRIENDS' Ruth spent the ftnt part of the week . Her funeral a~ Friends Meeting an average of 30 mil s' on a sil}lrle profu~lon ef lovoly floral uifcnnga sev1!ral weeks with relatives in Cinin ,Daytouando.D Wedneada,.eveninlr House. W8fnesv~lle. Will! ~tlended gallon as opposed to. t he many other by which hE!r friends had lOught to cinnati and Waynesville. Sabbath School 9:30 a. m • . Pretehheard the Cbicqo Sympho.ny Or- by ...Iacare gathetmg <?frelatlves a.nd makes of autelllobiles wblch are convey t~ell' Bymp~thl' and to exIng 10:80 a. m . Christian Endeavo.r friends She was lald at rest With figured Illl using a gallon from 18 to. pre!l!!. their appreciatIOn ot !l d,ill. M Th H d' d f il at 7 p. m. Everybody Invited. an "beatra, her r"ther and mother in beautiful 22 milel ef travel. , position .so. sweet; a nature 80 smcere r. thos'M Wittlnt ~me/ Mary Martin, Putor ~ Miami Cem!ltery. .. ' d 11 d t:a t th and atralRhtforward' a Mart always occupy e a arm, . 1be lut nUmber of tbe Lecture Outside the family circle Mrs mot~~~a:rs eC:V:::: i~r~ sec:a~n's driv~ So true to friends; artd a peraonallty ter ~ ~mny rd~UI!Y &e property On Tulllldq eflnlng, March 28, Coun,', lIiv"n under the 'aulplcee ot y a lOB 10 rWlD. FER.RV CHURCH , . 19161 at 7:". a charmlDj( home wed · the Baeveyaburll Civic League, will Sherwood will be HiTecUonately r a- ing. Saxon cars . offcr not o.nly so. unaffecte~ and winsome that it vaca as a teacher of excep· "n(I"Omy In gMolino, bnt they are weuld ~e difficult to.. ovel'8tate..or S d A'I 9 "1916 dina ... ulebrated at !.I!,!_bome o.f be ~vun on th~' everuni' of the 12th melllbered E . d f h ,.., .. t teh d bl It Several MasoMfromhere attended SemcBII un ay, . p n , • . I b' I't ven In aya 0 p )111- also eco.nomical in th,e amount of oil over·es Ima er a mna e !lU~ I lea inllnAl'tl'on of Morro._rry Th_o.mas. • 'Mr. '~ Mrs. C. 0 1\00II81, 21& of April. at the To.wn Hall. Come tlona a I I y. e Satur. Dible Scbool at 9:30:'Pe t'-" Th ji te 'AJaaka St .• P~toD, Ohio, wb .... their and hear the Conservato.ry Playen. ical trial her friend" were frequently I'eauired to hlsure tH~rfect lubrica· of mind and heart. supe PI n· amazed at her intellectual 'I·on. A pl·nt. 1 find. I all that I, dayevenini'. They were . O. Cart- Supe~tenden~. "ma1 daqbter, 'Nellie May .Roone~. be' I'f h • OARD f)F THANKS wriO'ht Saml Smitb WilBOn Edwards dent 18 expectinll ft.fty ~ .vo ces ~~.------Durini' h er entire I e 8 e was a needed for an average o~ 125 ! D i l e s . . G · ' W t h ' ' A M mt D on the ,Iatform to lead the Iinaing caQI8 the bride of·Ho.ward R. Tr.Iaaa1 o(2121iarUord St. A1~~~;~~~dlns:r~:~~~y~:~dr~ in my. roadster and the 91X We wl~h to exten~ eur gratitude J.eoTIlElIil~ Wa:r~~k. ~, ~m: M:: for Sunday Scbool. Last. Sun~~ 58 ,A profulfo.n of pink roaes romblnBlJ a eOmmunity wbere. except ter her machmes use. only th<: proportIOn In to our .frlenda, to MI8I Lucy Eml.y, ers C. H Hartsocka1 ~ MIIII and female vo.ices led thealnlrlng. Come with pahita,and ferDi .were used in exce!19 of thiS thaL 19 needed for a the minister and undertail:er, and D. L. Crane'. The l· ..... waa Inspect- Sunday and bear these men linK'. B8 huablnd, thel'e were no. o.then 0 f Th e larger car. . . . those who kindly sent flowera, tor 00. v present last Sunday. 125 preaent tile dacorat,o.n of til. roqllll. '. Society, ahA continued her member· "The lii ht weight of the Saxon their kind remembrance to UI In the ed by BIO. J . O. Cartwright, acting Sunday April 9.. Can we count on • '1t.v, W. C. Niawonaer 'reild the tor ship in Miami Monthly Meeting; and caril alllO ill eco.nom), in tire celt. 100BS of our daulI'hter, Minnie Le. diistrict Inbllpecdb ; and aa-enheral goodd you to be present. Preaching at .nuptial ,..rv1c8 In the prf!88llce of the was always cheertul to eXlllain Intel· Weight. which- bearll down on the Grand. The Family. t me was a y all thoae W 0 at ten . 10:46 a. m. Christian Endeavor at 7 ImmecUatAt fam11iea and a tew hiligently and co.mpletely why ahe ad· tireR and briolJS a big: strain on them •_ • ed. • _ • p. m. Preachln~ at 7:30 p. ·m. You "mate friend.. ' . ..' he red to the principles ot ber for· lit the rllll is Lhe most wearing thinlr. are cordiallv invited to these TIle br·ide wore a m~ beeo~1 ,. 0 aheer white orpnil,Y and be memory wife and mother weight Clirs always li8'ht aervices. nn'ilPlIII.W.~. corJqe 'of is tenderly ·che.riahed by her devoted ttr'~f~~~~~~~here's the durability:of , D. H. Palmer, Minister husband and 80ns the car; It's excellent constructIon M. E.CtlURCH that brings a minimum ef general , . • _. upkeep, e)(pensti. anet~er big ' William Kenneth Shaw. intant Io.n Sunday SChool 9:15 •. m. Revival . fea.ture. generallyThat's not s})preciated of Mr. and Nn. John H. Shaw was meetings continue. Pre~hinll each except by the man who has had bill' born near Spring Valley, Ohio, No.. evening at 7:30. On Sunday .attervember IS, 1913. anll departed this nooh a~ 2:30 the second. meetlni' to.r . repair bills tcars o. .pay. Taking all in all, Saxon are not only it mojo Tho snme company which pro- life March 20 1916 at the alfe of 2 men v.dl be held. Subject .of Rev. erate in price, but th'IY stend bard the "County Chliirman" last yean "mo~tba and 6 day. He Westhafer's address w.UI be "Sbow ,wear at a low cost of maintenance." dUCE'd year will' present a new play at the leav~ to meum hia 1018 hi. tather Thyaelt a Man." Large number of. ..~---...---Lebanen Opera House, April 14 for and mother one brothe" and on. Ils- men ' present lut .Sunday. Every. . Preliminary work . tor impro.viog the benefit at tbe new chairs. The tar. Paul and Helen, besldea a nuln. body.thorouK'hly eDJo~ed theaddreaa. mo.ttoee wu "Remem- the main .treet o.f Jamesto.wn is now new production ia called "Golna- berof relaUvea and friinds. He was ~me out n~xt Sunday. Brln.r y.our Salbbl~~' day th ' k!!Op It," going on. llis the intention to pave ~omo" and manager Ray Law 18YI a brilhtand lo.vable child, had a /lwest frlends durm. t~e w~k, Tbla I~ , was Itficfat an times the atreet'wit)l1;>rick·or wood , Yel· it iii.. No. do.ubt you will think 110 dilposltlon and wu loved by an who. your .revival meet!n,. Get aU. the member ' o~ the i'!nt low Sprinj{S i. ,also I>reparing to too a!ter yo.u have aeen it. to.r .the knew him. 'I n the past tau, months good out of it you can. P ..._h,vt •• ri.,n Oh'urCb. ' havini unlted pave her main street".and at a recent play 18 a scream tram ltart to. ftmlh. of bls iIIneBI he ",as always willing Clarence ' S: GraUBer. ~to~. "and remained the meetinli of the council It was 8O-de Watch for further anno.uncement. and ready to receive w~t wu .• - • ' la,11l8l'0ICler yean, although abe cided. The paved street . will be and. be 8ure to reserv('l the date, fo.r him. ', For Jeaul ala, .uffer lit. !l8rvices. reirular In about a mile In . length, end at the April 14.- Western Star. . tie children and for them not to did ', not fo.rae t to prdCnt time it_1a an aw.ul ' IItreet The Cutie Square Entertainers at • ... • come unto me for of 8uch is the DUlle·!lJr uiJ Christian Both o.t thMe vlllaa-es ate hut a Schoo.l Hall Thursday evening gave hlni'do.m 01 heavan . ...dlns lfhcm her IlIlIt little in advaDCe of our popula~ion, fine entertainmeDlt. The vaude. . . of whicli Ihe but they IIC!CJ the nece8llily and econ· vUle numbers and the vioJ'in and 'Clo.r· We loved blm, lea ' We loved 'him, the lut, . 'of maklnK good streets . . Way net trios were ' espe~~laljy fine . . The But the anlrell lOVed him more 'nf8ville's main street oUllht to have loqulst 'number was heArtily And they ~ve pntiy called him. been' paved years 810. and it would l~ncoY'ed. and the German band end · -To yond..r 1Ihinlil8 abore. " have been mo.ney in, the village a little ~lIlJlce was loudly . . treaaury. applauded . , An ext;ia lIuml:!er by. . . . . The o~e we loved Ie allent; ~----... _ . Mr. Thl)rnburg whllstler. wu given The volee .w.109~lu'tIled; much' to the'.d eiight at the audience . . 'lbe chair be filled Ie vacant, I • -,. • A called meetiDl[ of the Harve~. And 1le"!U' CUI be,ftll8d.


. "ltd



---- ...

- ..---



.. .























HELP, .. fOR . BELGIANS 'PAPER CHAN'saES' 'HANDSltif~~:~e~Mn~;ra~~eri=~: •


aSaturday .numberafternoon, of the April membe ... w.... lit. prBllllnt aDd were delf8btfQlI7 Walter Keehn.., a ftrr.·1 a.


~~~:'r! ~~IJ!l',



liIiI••I III'E5=:I'J;iJt'=i555J11iJ Ii.===~'G1 13.555!fflih=== all'===::11 r.:J ===:I'I!! I , ~ G 'h'ItTt'rook to~h'p'l. O. B. OalU t\oll fie KniPP Ire , ~ R ,hlw Utili, ~Dlr. to Wm. M. III,polnl.,11 tlppr lser. , PROSPE.. CTIVE PURCHASER HUl'l v. lu 'he Frll.enkneobt. Illatttr of ' tbe deooolled, M,.te of I' tOl'foeb 1000 r'u l In W~8hlng'0~ ' Jellnllt~o TO THE , Al t1. I, Aduir. to Wln d. p'rivOle lIale of W .. lern Dnlou Tl'lo· OF A MOTOR '.CAR ' YlIler 80 nur.R lu Frlnklln townsblp ~rllph etook ordered. $110 D. In tbo.eata 'e of Marta Miller, 1m t:'








Mode. "490" Touring Car. Price. $5150.00 f. o. b. Flint. Mich., Including electric lighting and starting system I

Office ill Sto<?ps nu~ding

W ayne~ville, Ohio .,

LeWIS' Bakery Everybody uses Lewis' Bread alid Cakes, the best and most delicious made, Try them and you will never wa11t to eat any o ther kind.

I m llieI


ill. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 1'0100 Lo ..





Touring Car


Model 4&490"

, $760, ~mplete with Electric Auto'Lite Startibt and Lighting System,

. Price, $550, wi.t h: Electric Lights and Starter.


.-Royal Mail Roadster


'I'he po1ic:y ·of this company i~

Marrlaie LlcefJleI

$(95, with Electric Lights ;nd Starter:

Lee Dn'vl s employed at M.I II , Ilf i!d ~ ~ Wood, Br.) wo Uo u uty, li nd i\lic!s B rthu B. tioff, [!J of nilht MilSon. Rev 'a . Uli~e. Lllwrilll O

l(ln ~B

to make a good motor car to seU at a reasonable. price

Telephone 88-2

Wayneaville, Ohio


. mjl~'lIn 1i.8~U1

~=~5~.. ml'.;::;:=a'mll===ai 1!'5!5==::IIE! 8 . .,;


u Rog,ul<, Ooll'pouter of Jj'en f. u d Mu. Illhz bti~b Wdab e Y oaztll , ot Wayu8llvlHe. R ev, JJ. B, Palmer'. .

.. ,

Chl_ Appreciation of Jade.

Little 8atlefeetlon far Creditor. Tbe American LeP! NewlI 8&YII tbat iii a peoaU&r > QQ&l1t7, wltlcb gives It III Iowa a merch&nt Bent a dunninl'let· , pilat t Importaace in ChlDele eauma- ter to a man, who replJed by return J,IQa,;. to eacb an exteDt tllat "alngerl' m&ll: "You 8ay you are holdIng my oJiliD.." 01 14 dltterent plecea and note yet.. That Is all rlgbt-perfectly " ~ were IOm~umell CODItructfld. 00- rtlbt. ' Just keep boJd1nC OD to It, and ~Dal . 11H la a,lIO ma4e of the natu. ! U YOU find your ' hands Illpplng spit ; ~I'fDrm of UuI 'ade bowlder.. whicb 1aD them. and try It a,aID. Yours atleo, "" ro~ Ia riT" beda. t1onate~y." , TIle remukable relODlDce of Jade










New Suu. The Bartman IItlf, 00. VI A. B: Bid••, mODel' ooly . Amouo\; olaimed 1300.1i1l wltb tn ter8lt, lIutba S,monJl 'Vs Henley F . SJqlOal, Edward Blmlln, L. F .


Bal4wtD, KlDole Symonl . To mar. IhaIUuaa and lell real 81Mh. . JMlI. lIoPher80o VII, O1ln'oo Mo. Phenon, dlvorae, . oruelty aod neg.


Lo1ll1 P. Kertz 'VI. Alfred R Comp'oa. partltlou of real ellt,,'e. Rlohard·E. Befferan VIt. Oharles Crookett, appeal. '

Proc.tedlngl Joha I5baw TI. Alice 8haw, divorce Irantod, '. l5ar.b,.lIL Dorr VI. John .8. DnTr, dlToroe ,ranted. . In 'he matter of 'he applloatlon of the Trustees of the M. E , 'ohuroh .a' Plealan' Plain, 01110, &0 leli r il l ~Sale 8ale" approved, DI.trl"o· tlon order~ rlor~ooe B. Hufford VI . Eugene 8. Hnfford

"I Wonder Whit They'''' DoI~ at Hom.?"

atew Nqent 'II at home t' put his ·'feat.,-m1d.. hla mather's table. H~ ,I IU heeD t' th' , cl~1 fer three yeers ,all' DTI that til' trouble .Wlth a little -;-toWa''' that erer'buddy knowe 1nI4d, elae'. bUIlD8118. That's th'

..- .stew ',went aao.


aw~y three years

lila one 0' thO best things

: ~ . ~ utile tOwn. You luiow who ;( '70-' :nest door Del&h~or Is lD a lit·,n. ail'~ll know who Uvea over til'. llardwin ltore. . ~'you know fto'l MI. " IlaTe a tourID' car an' ... 7011 brrir WhO'l able t' own one. Ia • clt)' whl!J'll you .d\ln't need DO GIber oN4eD~ but. FJOd tron,t, an' . . . . 1D't'Te lOt til' choice o· lota o' 1&'1 dlfferent. · S!lme folka tIOaI'IaIl III a cit)" that couldn't buy a .I'1IoiI . d . GOiD .Ialtea on time In. ther . ".bome ,to'Wll. JIome fallere apologize lIrJlTna~ Sa • little to'WD. Wben you . . 'em WileN tiler trom they Color liP all'· lltalllmer D' Itutter an' eay, "1~bp,-J:-I'm from RoS8ville-that sa .,. folD .UYe tiler. WeIJ. I'V& been ItYta' ....,toQ,.lnl& I'ID thlDldD' 0' IlOln' t'~. Tber'e Iio opportunJtiea in • IIUIe toWD fer a 70un. mID." An' . . . . . JOIl .... b1m tip 70~ can't help JIMIiaIa' wbat a iWTT hell cause " . . U Ilta tiler. 0' courae IQte 0' toIb tMt p t" til' cit)" 1I1Iooeed, but ,. ..,.,. 'l it th' ole hOlD. metal In 'em. ... . ~ they aneeeed eI'. talt. th' 0'. ole ac4lllU D' tacea IJ'Owa .........' lN8IIer .. th' 7ea~ 'roll " •• ..ap a ~ .... Ia~ 1w,e11



.......... ·t··... .. ..-& oltf

'1Ia& DUb til; beIlcll. JQOr aDfcIrt1uI.ataI froID

A fo~ftusber Jlat seema t' be cut oat fer th' artUlclaUty 0' th' alty, ,an' that'lI wtillre he ougbt to live. But If ,YOIl want .t' IIl'e. a 'boneet, qlllet, peaceful Uf. · all' ~oy th' love ~' confidence a' 'Jour friends an' nel,h· bore; 'ther'S no' place like th' little town wbere ' th' sbeep are separated from tho goats, where one,h&' peopIe laiow• .bow th' otlier half IIvea; wbere respectablllt;y 1.8 a real asaet, wbere a X. of P. watch charm won't saTe yoo If you can't toe th' mark, an' where you're 'r emembered lonl after thO hearse litB back t'· th' livery etable.


W an ted the Usua l Thing.

"Monroe." Roadster

$760, complete equipment.


________ __

e~ II.

SiUea approved a.ud

dll.rlbuUon ordered. . . Loull P. , Kretz 'VII • • Alfred 'R _.. . C omp,oa, par 'ItIon prooe....lngl or. ~ered, ROD Wrillh' VI. Clinton Wrllht,

dlTor(!e ,ranted.

We bad. a chlldren's party. They were soal.ed arouud tbo tabl e being served Ice crenm nnd cake, The cbil· dren were all ca tlll ~ lh elr Ice cream WlUl lh e clceDtioD or one little tellow. I went over to hIm and Bald, "Well, Jolin. wby don't you begin?" 'WIth all lerlouanell8 h{) sold: . Wby, l'm wall· Jog ror my WI/ilL and potaloes flrst."-


wl~h ~lto

Wcat ,

;6 r. leBt.n a 8W OU ; 1

~,106n6'f~ c7 ~d~~ Ei~t, ~~l:; l~:C~;;~ ...iI- '.,..,.-,..,..•. .,.,~--,....,.: Eoot

bouo~ .... y

lIno ofDflIll!l lut:

~hec co w l~ ,'

UClll oning ot


atouo In iho llQulh En. ,


w":tes a New Y or· k subscribe r. ••

~~o~:~ ~n~VOf~'~~1 fo~'S~~~ lot.j th~eK~llt~'r~~ wl1'Lo no ; the"cop.rallel "~Lb':!f'.W ... t bOu"

McCALL'S lU'lps


e r 1, 200, 000 to l ov wom on drl' . . s in I

10~ ;tll.D

I ",....,. ;' "'.


IIthor ty


Une o f 101iJ1 DUrpoorod OliO ( 1) lLnd t.\!.o ( 2 ~ to



y ou,s.

~Jll.l'·· l~ ~ "

¢j. ....




r.AJ.lN~l '



sptcYnsO ...Dt A 8mnr'c~~'. '\ ' \ • U • • 1\ •·1-, 'I "(''''1 A i r 4S



" -,,~ ,. ~



TERN S lend in ,:ly le , fit , uitnplic. d IlY. ccgnomy a n ~.. _ •• ~ ....:..,. ,unmoor 801 <1 • , ' leCAI.L·S-91 t o l iS p"e " , ... ·,,, ·hly- I· n, . .. _.. \1 10" Ouide cn .J H{lu", ·':ton:,,'! Jh:1 Il ~ r LJr \ r. rcWOlnCll _hDO . " Y u H1t- r r.iMC .~ ' n l 1" U le I .. urI . A I h e l 'Ho; nt I- '$, It.:: 1. \' Iy t~"II\h.: ., HO dali!(l1\( ,

t or ie.... ; .. \ \ .

•1 . '. 11 ' r 101 n l ", Pinckney 1\08£1 ; the nce North E a 8'orl1: I~ t o )"'1Ir". ,tt,,.,, e J t ~,... rn ktl'Lf. ".11 V \\. , l ', Pinckn ey Road t.o tho South lIu e o f :rld WI';: '0 hp, h .C!n ..' ~" Y I!)(lt tl l "" \. lo t. num bered one ( t ): thepco \ VatWwll rd wlt.h 2110U y. I TIC.t.! O\l~ • S( ~.... ~ "~Y o .?; ... If )1 (..:11', the Ooulh lIoe of lo t DumbeMl<l CDe ( I) to ~ho . , . South WOltconI 8rott.bflllUlle: tb 6DC~eNor"-h- I · -' 1 .r. I a,..u~$.' Clr';I " ..... •If ward Whih tho V\rOB' line otlotIJ one ( t ) and ~ UI ~ I w.. ~ h J , C,....,J·~j, :J ·t·· "I o· . nd twu 0 ) to thoplaoootbolinUlug. Ooulalolll !l Ao r S! OR ;t~<P" " M. ~.•• fl .<J'h"~."


one _ere


or 1. .

Sljd realOlUltO by been ap,PtDlsod Mr 11800, GU. , . . Torm.artalo caab.


, .... ,.h'(~"lof'lt


E, 8111011. d ecoallOl1 f

U?U-O.~. S~.D1ey . AILorney.. ,


Jr. ""

".u 111' II#t .1. ... I t't-t,.j'II ' '·

'flit' ....." .

lj~ " ,,..,,, .. :;'~' ht I,,, • • h(rI" ., I ' I 'I /.l.~,AL!' CO.. 23 J,~.~111 "·".~,,YN.I , Q 11M ~IJ . ........, .

IU h "rf,lIull

J I O. OARTWRfGRT, Admin."'.Il'aLor with Iho ,,,,III ' . ~Ht~u aouwcet1 of lito eat"to ot ,- _ .



I to Fiction McCall'siaSupreme,

dury lluoursaldlotS. l doVroo\V .2. Gt potu. IL . wnn ; thouce 8.19 degruoa liE . fl.' Ilo if)lllu & atono ; thouco 8 . 08 degrooo E . 1.71 ' jIlll... to . ' dtooe I.". ElIOt IIno oluld with tho laid boundary BlIOt bOuodary IIno II . 30 d~'0· KT1leI W . ~,08 001.. 10 tbo ooClllDJng. OuD ' (alnlng twonh' 10llr Sllu aro poles. lao tbo rollQwlns tlcacrlbod Rul Eltnti) . lluaLo III tho aloreaal<l collutyand .~.Io : Do/nlr lo ~ numucl'Od Doe (I I IS d llllglll,led o n UI~ pl at 01 tho vlllace 01 Rare.lllo.lo Iho SBld collnty. ami 5l ato . place<! upou reoord In said COUnty. Also thtt followlUK roat eel~t. alt. Ullt.O In WarTeD Coull ty, O hIO. Declnnl", h' tllo l'Oa" Nortb WOf ~ corner 0.1 lo ~ oUDlbllt'8d ~"'O (l) lu ~be vlllllMO ot llayavUlo to lbe .ald county ; thODCfI \Veltwanl ",It.b laId road t 6 , toot: 'hCQct1 Soulohwo.rd aucJ parallel with tho \ Vust, ·




CO!,, \

n er of 8.Id 101 nllntb~r()(j 1 : tltenco Willi 1110 !;UUtll bOluitl nry IInoo l .ald lot 76 ~.1 d ORI'OOII IV 8.0 3 polClw a . tono In tlle90utll \Veneeruor 0 1 glld lot: ~houco "'H,1I t ho Wei' bouJlllnrylino 0 1 nltl lot }II. I cJeg_ Ill. 6 pol"" t.o n s lon~


... ""'~


,h o IlllLllt bouod.... y IInu ,0. 7 pol... t.o tllo 110!;Iuulnil following I'6AI ""IBtU. .ltllMO III nroAlSO r08llhihe l , 8"UtO, county, to wns" I" null \jllla RO


. .~ ,

' i' h






.• .. " .u


11&1\1 e 8'1I.' •

In t b e el!itUe of' mtta Bough, de oe&&OO. Bl\ lo of personal pr<wer'l' ill" Il\lthor"y 0 1 tho wIll or Lu coUa E. Sidca • .0mUted, Coli tertii inhcrltBnoe &IIX ~~:r::!:. ~:IU ... II at .pubUc lI.uctloo. ou 11.'8 I I ,,11\0 fix ed . . 10 tile matter of the eltllte of Milr y FRIDAY, APRIL 1'4, 1916 E. Dll lding. deoBlIilod Ge rge Ii: a t 10o'c!oqk 1\. at. tho ' lo Uowl d08crlbet1 Youog If:! t\ppolnted adml lit~trll.~or . ro~1 ustll,I.,. ~ltu ..1.od In w.yu~ 'l'ol"l18hlp. Bood '200. ' ~~~';V:- f~~I~~Yo~~\~°hOf~o& ~~arR~r.::~: botUllled doscrlJ)(l(l "'ullo,,.; .10 t,lle ' lIl f.Uer of the es la'e 'lf J .nudB(,hIK I'Brt 0fUul 1 lot numbOrod· llll tbe vlII&1JO Cba rl es Ford, d eol)8!1ed. )'day F 101 I t~yft 110. '" wllll)o round upon ~he It\. Anuerson IS nppolo·t Eod udm't.oietr ... , 1S'or:.l~ ~~~lU~:~efJ',u:li·11 'c:'tl~:r-t~t.~ lrlx . B ') d ~OOl) . .l0 h l1rlol Ludl uUl, wIth •• 1,1 N orth bOuud""y or the same 12. 16


D.nnle n !!!!!!!!'!!~~~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!~~~~!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!~!!!!'!!!!!!'!!~~~ OODltable at aI. Sale8 approved , olatmll allowed and diltrlbution or· . dered. M, A. Jam.e loo, suudlaa VI. W'W 81JUe~w'onh e' al. 88lee approved. . J ; Stil.naon George S. . al. . 8ales 'approved


dllltrilbultl.cln ordered,

Real ~tat. Traoaten'

S. ·K. Hadsoo to B . L . Barding 'wo iraa's near ~oll'b lAllanon, $1. (Protected by Adal!'B New81."'""r Service.) Joho r, and BlaDoh. E: Uunnlng• ham '0 R. ". ·and Luoy Cox, 10' N o. Merlt ,of Brevity. 321 in M •• OD, $'7I1, . In the IIpllere of expression all people ea.n be dl;vhled Into two classes.,Ill>L, B, WbU.mlln ao ' J oleph A hrevlators and expandere, though. It :aoteu 1G~.14 aor~ in Wayn.e 'own • does not toll ow that laconJo utterance hlp 11 . . John· D. Buroll to David ~rn.ban botrays • lack of ideail or that ex. ubemnce iudlcates a "ell-Btocked 11l6or81 ~iI .8arlap lOWDlhip 1500 <Dllnd: ' Chari.. tI" Olloller aud wife t o ' 'The often QtIOted maxtm of Vauveo· JC, aDd Clara Gemm.ka 10' arSl\OIl. "le8 meUleura auteUra parlent Llon".1. trop," II only true of men of excep,W iller AI,'Rogera to -}Ij L, RoS r~ tlonaJ genloll, au$ &II Sbakellpeare, Balsac; Victor HUlfO, and even here. It la at least &r,uable 't hat they have profited b; a certain amount 'If sl\!t.crltlclsm and retrencbment. Oer~ t.lly ,· tbole creat wrltere deUbel'&tely practiced ' col~delnlla.tI.Jnl and condlenee. ~ve 00 reaSOD to &ret thelr choice, ' and tile lapIdary IIt71e il an './Ildtn, . wttDMa , to the of lirev1t:r.

" . Green .Sea ') Our .Ho.use

I 1

All kinds of N o\ary Work • and Deeds a 't!peolaJty.



Funeral Director and Embalme Wafnesville, ' Ohlo ..~ .

Call answered promptly day or nilfbt Both ph0!les in Offiee and Reel4enee.

Lo~g dlstance,,No, 14; Home pbone 14·21'. . • Ch~!ra and one Coach fumiabed free

With funerals. -

Beat of &ervice lI1laranteed.

.(very.thing in .Building .Material Nece~~!:r. ~o bu,ild a w~ll·equippea

DweUulg, Barn, Stable, or j ,

Shed~ .


We also have PaiRt. to put Qn your" building, I , you intend, to .build. " . '

Don·t .. just "paint" your property _co Green Seal" it.

Hanna', Greeq Seal Paint will.

gire , you .the longest .pOssible wear, and it 'will stick t~ ·your property through . the coldest ,' . and wettest w~ther. 'It is a ' superior paint ~om aDY stand.. poiQt you look af it. It goes farther, Jasts ,longer 8Jld looks hetter. Prove the,quality of Hanna·s Green Seal Paint' for youne~. '


V. BARNHART, Notary Public

Do You Intend



•• ~~ . •





T il p~ln and 80r80 elill IlIltlBed by Probate (Aun ProceedfnKs bruises, oyer.exertlon Ilna stralolnll Iu the matter of the eltllte of durl ug hoose oleaolllg, time lire Kn.therloe Ko h l, d oefued . Geor ge l!oo ~11 lld Ii way by Blolio '8 Liolmeul trohl I nppoiDted 8 dDllni8r rll~ o r. No neAd too 8uft'er thIs BgODY. J0 8t 81>ply Hlouo 's Llohuont to tIle 80 re Bond $600. "pols, rnb ooly a \lttl · , In a short By lIout.horlty of ebe will ot Luoetta .Robllt' M, VlloB ,1rne, Admr. VII, lime the paio l ellves, yon .rest oom· E. Sides, deoea8ed, I wlll ~lIll lit 'rhomo,t B. Va n Burne et 11.1. Pri. fortably and enjoy \I. re ' fII8bing publlo uootloo, 00 tbe' ·premI8e., 00 vate lillie of oer tAin real e8',,\e b('· sleep ODe gra'etal user writes : lon lJlo lg to 'hie estate Is ordered . "Bloll n " Ltnhnen\ls worth ill weight-Friday, April 14, 1916 t)ale later Ilpprov d, aod partiBI dl. · hi gold." Keep \I. botUe 00 band, B.llllnnlolC at 10 o'oiook 11. m., t he t rlbution made , ' uee it Ilg".ln8t an Soren8as, Neursl. late home of 'he deoed8ed. .Thls 10 t,bo est... te of Amanda ·M. gi ll aD d Brn18ell, -}~"'ljlll'I~I,n·•. -l~~I\I;-h~merrtv · ®nI18t8 of one...ll.JlXe of 8obo ell , d eoented. High th aooonn' your DrllgRI., gronud, more or lesl, a ' 11 approved. - - - ---.----- - - bOllae, well butll and ID good re patr, 10 alle e" ~II 'e of John A . Keller, a !food sized stable and all nf o.leuy oue buildings. ijald property Is lit. Instl n e. Eleventb IInd.llnlll aooouo' Apology Ou •• III 0PPI:oved , A certalo weekly says : "We wlsb Oftted In wha' II known as the vII· ' lu the ellta te of Anoa 14. BI\08aer, to apologize to Mrs. Orlando Overlook. lage of Rllynllle, and Is bn. a s hon deoeased. Seoond l1oo0Uoa Ie ap. In 0111' JJnper laal week we ball as a dillanoe from 'he Lytle 8&at·lon 00 proved. hendlng, ·Mrs. Overlook'B Big Feel' the Clnolooa" Lebanoo and N e,th. or tale CAsb. In t h e IItate of F lorenoe E'. Clem. The word we ougbt to bave used. la a ern &tlway. ''l'erm8 J , 0, Cartwright, enS deoeued. ' El eventh 8000UOt Ie Frencb word pronounced the lIame, Admln\8Jrator, w"b 'he wUl~. appro'~eO . . ~but spelled (ele. It means a celebra- exed of Luee"a E. t!ldel, d eoelllslld. In tile Beta te of Cilrolioe W: 80· tion nnd Is conaldered a VWJ . tony G W. Btanley\ AUy.. .eldo f'~ aI, beDeJl:olli1'les,,: 8Ixtetn'~ werd ."-Brooklyu EBale. C. T. Bawke, Auotloneer. &OOOU1)' ill IipproTetl. 'In the 6lIta'd at JOBI 'Evana, de !!!!!,!!!.'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!''!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ oe6led . II'lft,h and floal aooountl8 • • 'S 1 t\p\lroved, au,j oourt fiods eum of Administrator's ae $11 SO. it} in b Bndl ' of exeoutor due Real Estate

. '

Emeraon Constable

1~ltoko ·! thenco

boundary lIu oo .aId lot



EVII.n L . farm rand MI s Z l lla M , K irby botb of. Lebll. n oo. Hev . E. C Kerr.

Waynesville, O.

Lewis' Bakery


MODEL ' "490,'



~el ~



B'lnh Ilod 11u1l1 acoouot II BmIsQn, two 'ruols known 1\11 tbe lapproved. . 6 11\rord Laud, nellf Sonth Lab non In. the est",te of Almeda OBlD, 1m '10.749. ij. . b eolle, Twelfth aod tiual aooount hllrl ~ B. UJlngllr I\nd wife to a. 18 Approved. r:'l J . Rud R . . Hulbon lQI In R ed Commlulonll'" Proceedln,. ~ Lion, $1. Blind peo.lons for t b • quar t,er B . Keever t, Elizabeth Keever eo dlog billlrob 31. J916 were allowed . lot No lln).I [:y Elle n 'e Bubtllvi810D B01l61'1I1 relllliotioua were pasled o I::!oulb L e ba n o n , ''1 , 10 ILnSWEI r to l,stltlons tor rOlld lUI. W. N. ox to Wnyne Shurts part pr ove'ueots io v~rl on8 llar~15 of the of lot N'0 ... 1 ~0 unci 121 iu MIlil.OD ; $1. oounty. Georg'B J . nud Minnie Ml robe ll t.o Bills .a llowed·:-Tb omllS Brown, J osephi ne Ewald 2 .7 1I0res in Deer. Trust ee, mllinten~n oe ot Eva IIno fiel.! to wn~ h l p ~1. Thomns MoMollen, winoI' obildl en ' hl1rlo t fl \V . Ur ll h ~m 1.0 P . C of Hllrve, MoMulleo, 21 c\.ye at LIlWBClD 6\1 .75 tlorOIl In learoru,ek 500 p er dtiY. t14.50. Peny Wolfe, town ship $ 1, rOlld work . Illhingfon ' owolh lp $J. [::J Lnfe und E\l I~ Ivin s t o Ueor gu 11', W . Tllorup80n & ~oo eleutrion l Bo b r taoo smn \I t.TIlot In Wayne wllrll , 320 52 C . W. Sparll:s, ·brh1ge work Uol o n towneblp fli.DO. B. K \ o'IYo shlp $1 Mul ford Co, dlpMberl& ao'''oxlo. MoCI Ell1BI1 Iln:1 14181100 1'1 PlOkerlng al ~' m tow Dshlp, '$3.95 . Weltero to p, N, and Idu Mu y Uoroe ll ~ 9 . 55 Sllir, prlu~ lo l!I tID4 maklnl!l Infirmtlry aorea tn W ny ne township $4700 . Bonde, ~ 1 30 , 'rhll JOhU800 & Wa'· A L. 8n oo k to S. C. WllloO libby 80n Co , eu p)1l1ea, 11.65. N iles and • lot in Soutb LfbaDon, $ 1. Aonle ..... ~ Kirby, overoh~r 8e ao B. H . F 08t! to B. K. Uain l o t No. oouot taxes. 113.211. Jnqu98~ o'Ver' 1 In Mal evill a. I\lyo 20 G7 Bores ad· body of J ames Dinwiddie, oorooer, jaoen' t o ~ 8 id vi lJ tlg e , ~l. $5.r.0. J81ll1l1 Follen, jaultor ser. L'''MU! Se.• Il1, I0 H , w. .. F OE'S, vloe, uppnr fi oor C. f B . $'r10. Frank \V.~. . , undivided ontl fo u rth PIUt 10 Jot N o. D. Mi ller, I'Ie.mps or reasurer 8 1 .\IlI lne vl11e, 01110, nlso 0,,(\.1 urth ufl\ oe, $1 H.I1YIDond Barshbnrger , interost lU -I O. IiO lIores nd j s. t ellt t o 8Alliry $110 . Baid VIllIlRO * 300 - - - - - ••- - - H. K. enln to ' B . M. F Ol8 20 Iii ROrel! O(',1f Mlllouvll la.· $ 500. Roy H.. Audorson at n l to 8 , ~f. "Id It B ILrl!~" is ille firs t quelj t\rm EOls h lOi n te r e8b in 0 rln in rou I olio to be C)D iuorllrl when buylog IlO!lJJh t"'6 In Il od Dear .dll lnevlllo, $ 150 . me(\ ioillEl tor ohlldreo . C)lI\Dlber. Mllry J. U'rn er to A. B Kllnfman IUlD '8 ough Remedy bll!! loug been 10t-8 N Oli. (i l Bod 82 In. t:;outh Purk a fllV ll ri to wltb mothers of :YQUOa oblldreo 118 n oon b lnll no opi um or 8obdivlslo:J LebMoo o, I l, 8080llnll Znohllrius et III t o O. other nftrootlO, and niay lie giTen to Lowe Aod J . Ill. Bercaw lot No . 10 Il 'ohild as oonfideotly ali '0 an lldult It la plell.Htmt to 'ake, too, whioh I. of In MosClo, gr eat Importanoe when a medlolne U. Lowe a nd J . E. B eroaw ao Wm. must be gl veo co younll ohlldre n Agrloola lots . 09 , 9 a nd 10 In Ma T h1s remedy 18 moe' eft'eo'uol In r eo 80n, $ L. li evin g oou gbl, ooldll aod oroup W . U. ~JJruon r, she riff to R. G . Obtaluable everywhere Bufforal 20. ·l3 BarOR nellor Soutb LebunClu, u l(ld being 8 p~rt or the Buf. ford I Ilt:ld~, $785,4 . .


Who wants the best that skined workmansh ip can produce, but at a low co t, we r.ect>mmcuu a thorough investigation of the


\ . C .' Gilmour, . ~berlff to 8 , ' y. , beelle .


N. Sears




Give us a cal,l, get our :prices, ,a nd we are p()sitive we wi,1l get your order for lumb~~ etc.


~ lA MI

::'~':. ,." _-=. -.::..

• • • "M



" ..a• .,

:ry.:!~~;'i~~ja~~;::: THE NEIGHBORHOOD l NEWS b, Cnlllrrh

AI RIL 5. l!JIH _ _ .t.







for the pasl Ihira }'. fh Y"" r~. and hili hecome known as the .As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondmost ~Iiable remedy for Catarrb. Hall', Ca larrh Cure nelo I hru the blood on Ibe ents In the . Neighborhood MucfJuS IUrrtlCes, txpellia, tHe Voison r from Ihe BIClOd and healing Ihe dlstasrd - - - - - -_ _ _ _ ,_ _ "!" -~-.-..

-e-- -------......

porI inns.

Alte r you have laken Hall's Catarrh Cure for u short lime ),ou will see a grenl improvement in ' yollr g.. ncrul heaUh taking H oU's Cfltllrrh Cure at once get rid of cutulfh. Send fo'r tesllmonlals free . . . 'I'lie County 'IV, O. T lllld II Born to Mr. and Ilar8 . Allen Ed. F . 1, CHENEV & CO., •.Obio. called meeting. Maroh 22nd,.ut Leba . wallis n girl. SOIt! ~Y 11 11 Uruggiotl. 75c: - non, ".n MI'II. A. D . EI.trlrlge . .of R..c nt1y thl! birthctBY of Mr J W. WIlUer Gibbons, of Volumbull . .





Fraoklln, wu Ob08flD uS II. del\gllte nnd IIUeoded 'he .,:Idway meatins of 'he B'~'e W. (J 'I'. U. held at Fremoot, Ohio, and a very Interestlnlland iDetruo'l Va talk was mllde "nd enjoyed by all prosont. Ro Vh'T\ th6 k.d boys throu porta wilre m"cle by eaob looal UnIon 5r\OV bll.\}" a.t N'\4e. of 'ho oounty living plan!! whloh 'hAy IJud IIdopted to funher .ne .it" terror N'\y .sou Wvrl hy OIlUWII ot tempOrtlnOll, "hioh Ward: ft..t':'ly "hoold Intores' every bomo 10 We. came down to St P,tereburg If me I b..lN'.O~t Lho ooun.y. I4r • . Prootor WjJijOD, 1I1IOUL two months ago. IInowlI by everybody, iotroduoed II 'Nt> lull our frlt:llds back in the North co 't.,pSe. f('> pllptlr showing Lebanon'wlth Buloonl! up to lheir knees In snow . . Th'U'k ~OdM!>',; "DCi Leblinon without 8alooos. aleo We WI'OLe and lold them we were I'\Qt ir. the (, ~. "Ivlng tbe expense of running Leb here. the wellther it was fine , tret",L es! .0.. .0 lin on when U W~B dry. 'rhl!! pl1per Theu: were not any clouoy daye, and \'1-(...:.,.was well preplired ~nd ap )fBoilltod lohu "UI1, it 8urt! did shine. "'--' by 1111 Ita heuerll. Mre . Wilson tIe OP./ "ene. great oredit for giving U the 'l'he m:xt lime thaI we 'heard from thwn, it tlllt;d our hearlJl witb tirue and ololle a\tentlon wbioh \VI1I paill; very neoessary In produolog suoh Iln aOOuru\e dellO I Iption of exIsting To Imuw lhllt they were way back there, up to lheir knees in rain . ooodltlon8. Mrll Emma Chflpmau. We laid them to comlllo the Soulh. Uounty Pre81dent, preshled OVllr ,h., where th., weather'. Ilie, and meetinK In her utlulil mllnnerly wny. WBrm, 'I'he Couoty Exeoutlve Commlttatl wOI. llrelltlnt lIod DUldo knowu their And the peopli! are 88 thick 88 bees. wbl'n JUSl tlooU t to swarm. pilins .!Od .peolfioatlonll whioh They IIIlld that (bey would like to tbey wlJlwolkdorlnl-l theyell.r, whloh corne and smell the orange bud milt the .ppro"",1 of .ll mornbertl 13ut then they could not !ret Ilwaypresent. 'l'he Uouventloo WIll con· went up to their knees in mud Jerry Bllllell of Ceatervllle, 'rau •• VIIDe In our l1$t1e olty lorno tIme We told' them we play pmesalldal', bu~lnel~ I\nd o"lled on frlelldl thlB1881' and will be entertaloed hy right out in Williama Park. bere one da.y Ialt week. the looal Union bere In "helr hOBPIt Until the 8un hili Ilone to rest, and The CI. . roreek Townl!hlp TlIM'h able way , The Harveysburg ladles it is geuinll' dark, ' Al\8oolation Willi held here Fri. "re knowo far and Dear for f.hl~ 110 Then we ao over to our born_it', .fternoon. . oomphllhment. One of the moet in. jU8t acr088 the Itreet, Bnde.reea of Del."'lre,lIpent terestlng feature. vf ,bis meeting to And all the work we have to do, i, week 'W1&h bome foJ our Itldtel, after a ride of fUteeo . jUlit to sleep and eat. Mr. and MH. Ohtltftr Wbltt.r. mile., Willi tbe very genaloos enter We live ·"t "The Coburn" and are man were oalled eo Mlamllbara. la.' tdnmell' the11'ecelved a& the hUIl08 I Id b · ot lhe Labllnon Illdiell ThIlY . IlII lure y a a ) uy Thunda, b, 'be deAtb of 'ba lat. agreed &hat they hlld been 'II'ell paid Our .hllldl!,rd'e in the prime of life. 'er'l brother, Mr. Will Wade. for their vlelt, aod will endeavoJ;' to • Ju~t filtv·.two today. . IIr• •nd ),frl. )'rallk KeD'y rf'· be pl'aeeo~ with them every time J:iome sa) hll wife la .bout IS old, 'arlled Wednelday from Olellr. 'he opportunity preseot.s itself F bu~ 8Qme do not ~ree, I'b wa&er, 1'1.. After a .1"1& 'Wltb tbe Tbe .Joglln ot the meeting WIIS or rea loY ahe ~lJI around lUI a I U I. ,tel". parente and otl' er rel,,'ln. lomelblnl better for W IIoFren Conn. hll,e tbey will KO to PenD.71.aDla· V W d d I trUlyf tw~nt)'· three ola IIrren \;ounly ry ur We live lust 11k!! one family, and where 'bey will male 'bel, fa'are .,. arealt. pleuures we deriveho ' Inl 'he year UU. With the Coburns aa our Pa and !,:e, La I G .b Mr. Alf Wbeieel and family Il and their children forty-five. rea. oue .pell. ahe IIhqd time alJo moved '0 LoulSillna W~ lurely lIhould be happy, and 118" weelt and at Ly'le "'Ib IIr, a.d rrom Ohio, &KId 1I0S beiDa eallelled joice tb.t we are able . ' €I,de Wbal'ton and lamll,. ..rft 8gAID wl&b ue and will ,.ke up To aU be here toaelber with our feet I'rleDd. and rela'I.1ItI bere ha .. 'b.e lr home 10 'bll 'VI!llnlty. beneath lbllr ta.ble. r,oel..4 InD?aDjlemenW of the mar. WarNln Van'l'au, of t;prlngfield WI) all unite in wishJnll him a Jona rlale of Waller ~8,do~ ot IDae W .. 8 tbe week.eud lIuellt of bls por. and JI.&JPY Iifr BaU, aDd MIN AadreJ' I:!helbJ' of eDta, Yr. and Mrll. M~rioo "antre81!. That ~II may be. a c~m(ort . to his Po ....own. IIr and M rl. I.ewll Se"rs, oC .Jaf chlldHn and biB WIfealn. Ob.l. Ohallmlln aUendacl .be I,rloo.llle WAIl otllled herB on aOAnd when we hl!&r t.he final call the OOUD', ' W. 0 T ' U. a' LebaDon oount of 'he 8erioull IIInfilld of Mril Muter ~all have gIven. . III" WednlllCl..,.. t:ie&l"., brother, Milton Bowe. Be We pope ",e 11 al! be"ood eDouj(h, to LueUa GllpiD h .. retarnlld I. at 'tlls wrlthiK thought to be Columbu. efter aD edendec! ...t.u lome better. dwell with blm 10 Heaven. _,.-_•• _. J. W_ W. bere wUb her pa';aDM. Our *lh.-. wera lAbanon Vl81 Mn. !:tenry Daarab leU ,{,hunday tOrB Betnrda,. finding oat If thAY to .....U her bro'bel', AI"hel' Bally can pars'le their work llii tMobllra 8nd famil}' at \Vapaloae".. FI'IInk ShtdaJr8l' haoBaoted bualIIr, andMn Will Bamber••pent n_Io Wllmlnitoa SatuldllY. lalll week at GermaD'c,'WD, the Ulyile Levloy Ie movlni In'o biB IUNW o~ IIr. and Ibl. .Amo. FOE nawly PUl-Ollalled boma Itt \ho oor. ~ IIr. CII.rlll Qausbman .nd lila. Dar of liontb and Park Itreetll. Tobia of Slmtl'oD, wera m&l'rled Ra •• Alfred Walker preaobed I.., 'I'uBlda1. 1hey are I'80II, Ln i ~he II. Eo' ohllroh t:\alld"y to ao In oon,,.laH\lcliIIand 'bellHi ",riMS' tel'e,MiClOODilrel&Uon. . .. Taira of "good na'are .0 Dance of a boat of frla'ldl . • _ • IIr. ani Mr• . MA,loD Gordon h"ve of .n berb oalled by the . IudlaD'. "Mlad yoar own buin. .," ou~ parchased of WID. O'Neall, a (Jhev oaooe. Mix ~hle whb a 1I"le "lIbar. WHY COISTIPATIO lURES • role' aatomoblle. h Is a dandy aud u I&y for o'ben" and lwo or &brill ". oomplete 'brougbout. eprlp of "kee~Joilr wn.a. Le'wNn The bowell .re Da,arailiewer. Obrl.t1an Endeavor Salid.\y nl6ht YOllf\4!eth" t:llwwer'bemto.dbel' a,• •,..&em of 'ba body. Wben wlUIled by Prof. t:ls.taey Wlt.tiuu@. to a vetlll8l oaUtld ..otroti~lpeo"OD' ·, tlie,. become obUrnoted by oona,lp.. 'A Yery luteree&lOI ll.. ograDl ","II for. lboI" lime aDd ,~ will be Ih for lion. pu& of 'be pollODoae m.her oanled oat and tbo aUenQl1uoe Willi Use. . wbloh ' .bey .l!bould oarr,. off Ie Ib- 10od. ApplloaUon-Wben 10a are In .0rbac1lnw .he .Y8tern. making you ... B. Sbldaker, of (JUnt.:ln conn. oomp"nY w"h Il lpeol81 of "IDLmlle teel dallaad I'apld alld iDlederlnl 'oalled · 'Go...lp'," wbeD yoa fee\ II wUb 'be dlRe.lIon ~Dd ....mU.tlon '''' w •• oallln, on frlanda here last bit of thll dl80rder 0 'min, OD of food Tbtl OOIIdltloD II qulotl, wee.k. • tee.pooD Of abe mtuare, Yoa 'relln(·.1 by Cbambt-rlaln'a TableM. On ~ho 12~h of 'hll mOlln, tb e .. wllllln.d .• OOOIplllte ou,re. ~h01lld OM.11l "'.Ie ever, where. CODII8TVIlwry PI6yerll 111'111 IIpjJtlor ,on .",prebaod • rela""e keep , . '. • _ • hernz:e tho PAO~IIQ of Ih l M vlolnity ht. .m.U bonhtlul .bOD' yoa and OD the Boll nndE'r Ilt ll clireotl:>u of .~ ,!lIMes' ,.,.mplom repe.1 'be do.e. Subacribe·for the Miami Gazette IhA C1~lo 1.e b~\I " , whio'l 18 'he I"st I omnoor of tltelr Cour"e. EVf!r~ Duwber IJu bien hIghly npprilOll1t d IlBd tbe ladles do"orVei ' great ore(\lt :_-4~ljj!u!!l1.el.Qt.!~8~LOh a good oourse. . h&ve two 10031 We,.. re lIoon ..len' plllYs ,,' tbe 'l'OWII B 11 . i'nr~her uOl!oe will be 81ven In {luo 'Ima. . ·Ilburn. of 'l P4.' leJ·.. bu'·g. Fill, own · AIIllrtmenls." affair which WOII t4!r,dert'd til him by the tenantl uf ! hI! ap ..... Olen L~ , IIlJ1ung them be· illlf Dr lind Mrs J W. Ward, wa~ very t'IHhnrHte and a fine time wae hud bv all . present. 'fhfl foliowing poetry wa~ written and read by Dr. ~r '01' the "l'obl,lrn Wll. r,,,,lebrHt('d The




!bey hit

ble.t'l.Che.s ,



visited bl s motheJ' IlDd Sist ers hele

l~s' week.

Jes8e Weaver who was tuken dKngeroulIly 1\1 l Rtit Bund,.y with ptomuille poisoning 18 n ow out tJ r donger Iln i is rep or t~d better. JOII Myrfl8 and wife, fl,\fry 1I4yree tind wife 1111 visited tllelr m olhllr Mrl:! Mnrtha Tbomlls tit Mt Holly ladt uoday. Word was reoelv ed hero by Johu Rnmsey th"t hl@ sister MI s. Gao 'rI100111t1 bud died Ilt her hOUlel in Cdntorvll]o Mrs Uh ,,~. RVlln . M. l.a Mettl1 IIond Nu on Ie Mtll~ we re UIl:rton 81l0pjJ o r~ ·"turdIlY . Mrs. Altr d J ones, ct nou r Woy nosville, Is visiting ber pllrents at t,hle place. Mrs LIlUrtl Crumer hl\B torn down the b~rll I h,,' Hf('od on the north ellHt oorner It hor l .. t . Ilov. Weber, of Elt L'lul@ p~Aaohe() a !lood Bllrm l D nt ~ h o M. E. uhurch la st 'undny fl venl:ng. MI8S ldll R 'Iok , of OreltoniA. ill vl~it\ng Mr und Mrs. Oaollr Crowl thlll week I'beodnre POl'par Run tamlly hllvQ moved .into \h e Wnynee property.


u. _re. •










------..--_ ..-----WATCH CHilO'S COUGH

Long known as the "WotJd's Econ· omy Champlon j , SaxOD "Four" holds all rec:ords for low upkeep eJ!:p~se.

I~ ~ciua1ly ~ltI. less ~o maintain than


.' • .good ~l'Ifl ..)

and tiuggy.


'• ,

ApIOl' ewer .ortol teat-UDder luudest has ealAblllbed an a ve ....e operat- inlCOlt of one-founb ceDt ~r mile'· per. pas·

..nger-IO mUea to the, 1'a\10D 01 pIIIhne-c100 10 160 milll' 00 .' ptDt .r .0I1-:-1,liOO to 6,000 .milea on ,uet .r tlrel. '. . .

Wo.... fiDeS la fUr to drl",,' "Pour" becau";

of U. IIlmple , oPerallon-lta I""t _ _ its fleaIbUlt~tl IIiort tOl'lllDI



Men are' ,WOII by Ita '!Iealtb

0' power, Its

lpeed. I... ru~ Itf.J0gth. Ita abUlty to ~rry . fOD 'l'!iIlfortalJlj, qDllidy and .wllUy any·

,..... larprc:aneaa t,.~oftea wbere the, caa't. eoa.1a ~ocIa) lor a d.~t~.


J.- Be CbapJDaD

Cold". l'annlDg of nope, oODtiot1!!d Irrl\lltloD oi the muoone mflmhrooe If ntlillecttld may meRa (Jaturh. Illter, Don" tako the OhROI.'8II-«10 1!0RlO.~blnR for your ohlld I Child reD wllJ not tate every " medlolne. but they wUl , .. ke Dr. Klng'lI. New DI800vory • lId '!Iltbou' brtbLog or teaRing. Itl! '. Iweet pl8&88o. 1al' Syrnp and 80 effective. Jl18t IIIXII\I ve enongh to ellmlnata tbe was&e poleons. Almost "be flrn dose helps. . AlwaY9 prapared, no mixlilit or tnBsllig. .hist - IIIIk your draR'Qls& for ,Dr. KIDg's New DI80overy. n will eaf"laard your ohild against aerlqul! "limen" re8a.l\lD8 from oolda. .

.. - ...------

-,-.--" .,,---

ECZEMA .CUREO OR MONEY REFUNDED This I(ullrllotoe gooll wllh ovory box ot Dr 80 t'80n '!I EOlI:enl1l Olatmont . Makos no differenoe whetber ItSl\ baby. ohtld or Bg ed. No mat. ~er bow long ~tnndlng the ollse the gUcO ralltee balds good. (Jut out tble strip, go to your druggl t, get 11 box of Dr Bobs .o·s E OZtllnll 0111 tweDt, ose It n dtreuted ,Iud if yon lire Ilot f ~ lly lill ti pfiocl, till! druggist or mIlk. er wlIJ r ruod your money . 'fry It jnst onoa, you wIll h e bllppily 8ur. prlsed . ------~.~---------



Mr. Earl Marlil" t. vll"lntr bl' fdher. l4,s. Dnld Looall "nd family, Mra. Georg4) Marl t, aDd Mn. RIl_ !tam Braddook Ie Ot1l1iug on Mr. Amol Jaokson I1nll fllmlly. Maet.. r L~ .. le .Tonel is vlaltln, his gr.ndmotber. . Hr. Ed"ard Burden, of Xenia, 1911 .llltln, lImo,. Jllolr8on and family Boodll.Y . Mr. WIIlIIlIn H,. ley Wall vlsltln. In X.nla SdDnlay aod BnlldllY. Mr. Edward Crllw Ie vlsltln, hil elll'er. Mrs Jobn Levi. . ../ Mr. and Mfli. Harry Myers and .101 lIyer.. Ilre lIuee'. of Atr • . Thom ... MI" Nitta Mml tb haa purohol!ed Mr. Charl.R Gordou'a horl . Mr. Alvle Harlaoolr Ipent i'rlday 10 Do.Y'.:ID. Wllllom Jones ,spent on~ doy 1... ,we k ,,' Mr. Amo@( Jaoklon .


-----...-,- ...------

SPRING Spriog ia Inoked. up,," by man, Ill! the. motl' deilib tlnl poason 0 1 the :ret.r. but .1118 OIInno' be a~ld of 'be rheumllUo. 'rIJiI ' oold ~04 dll.m1) welltber brings 0111 rheumdlo palna whloh arll any,h'lnK bllt Illelllllo'. They OIIu be relieved. however, by ll~p)y lng lJhllwbe.ll1ln'd Liniment, Otftuinable eve rywhere .

SPRING BRANCH Mr. amI Mrs . l:il3Ur,;:e .Pratt IIpen' " con pie of dllYs Il\8t week tlle &U"., of Mr. Ilud Mr•. AlmstrOtlK MoOray and tamily. of Dllyt·on. Mr. Lots Hawse, of· near Ly'le, vlalted his IrandJ,JllreDt8 here Jut 80~d .. y. Mils : Nolll Rill af&er 11 pleasant wf'ek '8 vIlli t witt. homa follIIs returned to MinDllshurg l:ianday • .Mi1:!8 Alloe (Jhell)wath 8nthred. IIlIght ll~tllOI!: of g,'1p lilli' weuk bull. rllpldly hnprO'flllg:. Hr. Bod Mrll liuorge Pr~tt .Islted .vlth Ed~arfl Cohll. 8na fllmlly, of Ronte, 4, 'lSunday. . 1'be Blliplllg Uond ~ew11l8 l:ioolety met at the horu,~ of MI'<I. James Uurtle and family lallt Thurllday afCernoun. A uumber of thIS fRrm 91'1I a"ended the Suriaoe 111&le, Moutb of Waynesville lilli' 'thureday . lire. 'O llfford Prugb, of Beaver. town Dnd ~r . .I\! ;~thlu\ AUstill vl.ltA:ld wl&.h Mr. and ·Mra. Frank aawee l:!aItl1'4'~y· " ., '. . lI41111 .(iuldio 'o~lner spent ~anO.y afternuuD ·...,It,h MIre. Roy Uheno""b of Waynesville • .~ ,



From the best quality Rose and Single Comb Reds In the State. Most every one who reads thll! is familiar, with the high qualitr. of my famous Reds. I aID breeding tbem ~Iong the most scientific linl;~ and o.dopting the most po.insto.king methods until I can establish an iJ1dividuality of uniform color and type, one to be recognized by our greatest 'fanciers. . rhave given the mating problem close study and personal experiment! until I have mastered the same to a degree far be· yond my OWD t'ltpectations. If you need Dew blood 'you now have a chance to tap tbe main artery at a nominal cost.

THE BEST IN REDS That is our motto. Their quality was quite visible when . compared with other birds in tbe recent poultry show_ . They won more first and special premiums than all other Reds iD the show; .winnin'g silver loving' cup best pen iD show all breedl competing; gold special best parti colored male bird in show-all goes to prove their excellent qUlLlity. If )'00 part with your coin for eggs you ~re entitled to Ket · egl(S from Itock of known quality, properly mated by an experl~nced breeder so as to give belt results,

'STOCK SALE .We could have sold a thousand head more of good Ret1s for breeders last winter if we could bave bought tbllm. In order to get people to set eggs from good stock properly m.o.ted 1 am selling my eggs to home people fol' leSs than half the price I get for them when we ship them. Call and see stock. Yours for better poultry.

Harry ·H. Wadaworth Miller Property, Mal~ Street. WAYNESVILLE. OHIO

Pbone 58

.R ay Mills

IndigestIon oearly alway. dl •• FOR SALE turbH the s)l!ep more or )e8ll, and II orten the ollnse of In8omnla. Sat - - - - - - - - - Auto Livery SerVice at a light lIupper wltb little If aDY meat; flod no milk; allo take one of ANDOLIN' aDl "aUar, nearly: Reaaonable .Rate". Cham berlala'a Tabletll Imm~dlatel,. Dew, be'b for · flO. Inquire al after 8upper. alld lee If Faa do no' thil oIBee, aU Also Aaeat for KeU,-Springfield rea' muon beUel'. Ob..1I1abla every· A~tomo),Ue TireI . • whore. SlIIJlD PO,.eON, lIarly Ollio .Dd Qa1'll\&O. IDqQII'. of ADDie ,.. Gibbona; • ' . a19 ' '"r"


-rwl-D, Ohio

· lUUTBY BEED, bom. pWD It Valley, Phon8i9-1~ T . W . T" JordaD'i .tore" . ae Well. .


m.D, Ghio.

M.sdame. Ada CourtDey, Lou BallinRer, J!:dna Barnett and Pearl Whitaker nttended the Or.lonl. W . C. T. U. at Mra. l4amle Retal. 1I0k ''', )'rlday. Mis. 3lary Edwards "'.. 'be'Rae.' of MIM .II1a8ell16 Wbl ..ker WedDII. dllY afternoon aDd '31&b'. ;rtr. Nel.on.lloKeever,and 'awlly eDwrtalned "r.&od lII.e. Oar1 Hea'b and ),fro Frank !400arreq on !:Junda" and Mr. Bmme' BeUI ·.DIl family MllndayevoDlol· ... Mr. alrvs,. BarDell aDd famtl7 took !:Junday dlDlle\' wUh IIr., lIl. bel Olowlddle and ohlldrell. Lafe tJ:)Ilne ralnrned home from OlnmnDatl, Tueeda7. ldrll. W . O. Warner &nd aaaabtlr, Mise jenDle, lpent Wedneaclay aUer Doon wI'h Mn. Robed Bamnler. Mr. Au Wblt.ker "ad family '(0)1 Bondal' dlnuer wl'h IIr. Eugene IIlvan. "nd ~flriilly uear 'fAe1an,' I 80.rry Shaw walln WaynelVllre Mondlt.5". I Mrll. Nellon MoKeever nnd 10D, Ralalgb, .pen' Friday afternoon wllb Mr•• Ruth Belts. IIr. B. T. Vice .Dd family .nd Mr. W. C. W"l'ner and family look ~unday dlnDer ... "b IIr. BObe&' aaWDler aDd f.mIl7. IIr. Verner Deatherage oalled ID tbe afterDooD MI811 'Ina Hamilton aDd oou.I~, MI. Mamie E.tell, .of, Lo.eland, ar~ 'f181"nl In Lebanon this W'Mk'. Mr Ind Mn. Tom Courtney ID Wellmlln 00 l!unl2ay Pdi ... Len. Whl.ab~ wlll/Jhoppln' In Wawnenllle t:l&tnrda,. I oT ~ Mr. IIDd 141'11. Nelsa HammOD via Ited IIh. Cliff J.O!reOD and 'amlly ot Wellman, li.'untl.7 aU.l'noon. .~






8ee4 Po'.'oll-Tbeae .nr. L ATE Alec! bet.., th.n 900 bu. 1..,


ye&r. Alao 100d teed COrD. Inqalre of Leon l.. BaU.bur7, R r D. 2, Way,DeeY~lIe, Oblo. ..'lll


l!Iale 01 ,.&4e, CARRUGE-I'or In lood .haps. Inqalr. of O' E. Edwal'da, W.yae8TIJI., ObJQ. . .111

,W alter Chandler •

Waynesville, ,0: lIay Bor •• 9 y .... old. ,004 drtnr '. aDd worker, Il1fty Mare, 47r• . Old well bloke .llIlle·and ·doable,l O..r PoItollb, i male BOI. bl, '7P8 PolaDd.Cbtn~ 1 om. Plio.. 77 H _ PboIIe 115 YI'.Oll1UfAprU-;·T brOOd SDW, ru';row 10 Atdrose Olho BeD. dersOD, R. D. 2, i'raDkllD, 0. alII ~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~



ORSIIl-A 1J004 drivel .ad wOl'k- Dr. l. A.. MCCoy, H sr. lllq ulre of 1'11'1'7 Oook, WayDlnlUe,OblQ, all "

I. ..


A ..old. reeb Jer.ey COW', fi.e Je.n or..s...... 01 A ,004 bnthr OO'W. ID.

01110. State . ~lwnI!Y

' quire of W. II. Whttaklr, B. R. 1.. , . ' , • ' all Oftlee at reeldenee In F. B, ~.. .. wooe!'. hoUle, fOQrtbStreet. ~ UTO-l O".rl&l1d, ID ,09cIlhape, . Inqalre of J. B. Cbapmau, T~ephoD. 28 R . D. t Waynenllll, ObIIJ. .11 '



' Oblo

H~Y -Teu toris of Rood ml~ed ~ Hay. IDqutre 01 J . B. Oh.p. ==;=======~~~~ man. B. D, t, W.ytlenUle, Oblo. al) .





. for batobIDI.,,'II00 :for 16. My . Wa,YDNriUe'. J,.e~. ~.~ oblokeo .....a 'be Inox4ale atraln Omoe lD X .... Bid, ' .: "1IAlD e, lind Ire 80a. II.... D. r. Smlib, . -" • .~ eprlill Valle" 0, R. D. 1, Bome Ph~De, eea"nilla ExobaDgei 6111!. a5

100 =::~ ~~e8:a:!'!~:: " ~ Walter McClure


Ua.·'h oIIOe, aud II!' OJIe 01 be , If BEoaulie 'hay ooa'.1Il tbe IIv. ball, mara• • OJI .db. er me.dlolnlll; no ma'&er bow · hll"r or nauaeatlni for She eweea lupr (ltlMlnR bides tbe ta.h. ' Dr. KIDI'I Ne'w I:.I(e PIlII oont&tn 10p84len&l\ D.R~ J •. W. M'LLE~. that put the liver wor.IDI, man the bowels freely, No Irlpe, DO ••• DENTIST••• naUlel, aid dlllll.aton. Jut 't')' a boUle of Dr. Klng'e .New Llf. Pille o.nd nDUce bow muob betier 70a feel. )lGo at your DI'1IIIRlilt. .


Funeral Dtrector. · '

'l'elepbODe clay 01' Dlabl, VaDey pbone No. f. LOo, .. Diltanoe , . No: !la-Jr.







The Dlost ·Modern and $ani~ Crea~ery . in the State and will pay highest . market price for Sl>und,.C'tean so~.crea~. ; We, are , always pI'Qmpt . to recogIltze .Bny advance in the 'market, an~ ' wUI .urke care Of '~w: int~ts at alLtimes~ Checks aiailed ,daily . . o~ weekly as desired to COver all shipments. RaI*uIENCIE ., lllral lIatlaDal BanI:

, ' .... tu.t . .bt IlaDk ' AarRelitibia llerebut "~"e;'"t!


;. -;

The ANDOW 'ROBAN CO. Olnclnnatl.


"W_'" .ftI~~

~.& ....... t;)!I...

$5.00 for 100

..........O .........I_a._B_11I_.d~Ad .........B_




$1.00 for 15

. -.

Mrs. J. U. 1'Ioltln, of pay'oD, wal tbe 1rll6S' lr rellr,t1.ea bllrel.., w~k, Mrs .Jall. ·O.borne of petro"" epens Tb~.sday wtab . frielida bera. Yr. WaH'll!' Clel.nlt . and f~~ny Lellter lceohowel' of W...hID"QD IlpeD' thl[~d., _, ''''orrow. 0. H., I. vl.lalnK at· 'h. bome of hi • 111M COra Kerlley. o. Cleval"ud, . ~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gr.ndparents. lpeD' JVeek with her moiber ~ (;eb. Pbillip. wa. ID XeDla " lin, Aren .. Kerley. _nel ' o\her rela. week KlIlDi 'rea'mlna r~r .pln_l tl.ell aDd friends 'roable. Tbe W C. T U. met 11& ihe Ilome Yrll Mal'7 Dedl'iol h .. lDove4b... of Mri. Ed . HeMlllok 1..' Frld&y • . , bonlebollt .oedll '0 the bome of ber daugMel', ~n B'raok "orDlhala. 01 Mill ' Ard8(lna t;a'to~ speut' lll.t Xelll•. tl1~ard .. y Dlllh" wltb Mra. E!1y'be Th." .nenth elghsh Irad, baII_e' Wal&e. ball 'INIm defeated tbe LaPlberioD Mr. Jamlltl ' 8a~lon, ,.m, 'l'banda7 '&faemoOD. loeo' ,i1e weak.sad with bis lion alf. H",h"i:Ja'ton .nd famUr, Kd. .KeU7lIleadeobalU. ma' h... home DOrtb of town. ' lin. Albflgbt .Dd lUtle TbI remaiDI Clf lin. NU07 ...... 8011 Ar~l1r an epeadl=- ~." ·I1.JI wll. bet mother ..... Pottorf. I.,.".. ~...II' to .... oe~ IIrl DI.r~. W..... u4 1IW. lOB f~ barIa1


Eggs Eggs Eggs


M·re. Mary JaDe Oleaver II .11..lnl ber daurbter Mil. Geo. Da"I., Mr. and Mr •. Geo. BOlan .pen' 'he week end near New Burlln,lon. Airs , W. T. Jordui alld dauih'er were In Leb"non Frldll}' and 8a~ar. day. Mr_ end Mr •. Frank Rloh and fam. Ilv from Paillol .., Teus. are 'flsU. lUi Mre. BllDnah ~Iob 'hi. wealr. Frank lhln kll 'bere no pl"oB lIkEJ Ohio after _l'l . Mr. and Mrs Johu Wolfe epent Kooda.y 10 Lebllonon. 1.1111 Viola Jordlln enter.IlIOed 'he MI8 ~eH .Anoe DO"$.,r, Audrey and Opal 'fhOrpP80D u, Bupper .Thunday evonlng. Mr. "nd Mr •. Ernn' MannoD were In BarVA}'8bnrg Sa'urday MI" Gail from Lebauon spen} the weell-end wUIl her par. en'" MI88e. Ruah &Dd Glenn. Mannou V181'od their Irandpllrent. Mr. and Mrs . Geo. Davis Saturd~y. Mr. ADl1 Mn. John Wolfe vlal$e" their "on RIlY near lJlarkav!lle i'rl. du;\,o Mr. Ulueno!! Kennoo from lJaui. d"n, 'renll .. Illleot lall' woek with 11111 wlfo (lloe MI~8 .TIlBlllo Garner) wh o 18 taklElg oare of her mother MrB. Am6D(J1l Garoel'. . Mr. aod Mrs. W. T. Jordan Ilpen~ Hundayafternoon with Mill. John ,lordAn .. . Mra .Ja8. Gray II 'ailing O!\re of ber aunt Mrs. MoKiney netlr Clarki. ville. MIIIII Opal 'fhomptlou wal In Lebanon batilrda.y. Mr. and Mra. Ballte Hathawa, were In WaYElesville i'rlday. I!' . A. Bar.sook'i are hoping 'he quarantloe will be railed tblll week. They .hllo'Ve belln quarllntlned for soarlet fevor for almol' IIlx walilla. Mr. Lew Wolte villi ted bill pll.l'ent. here !:Sunday.

·W........ Ia ........ .~...


OhIO ·


.THERE'S A REASON WHY Tbat lor nea;rly 40 years . we have been serving the same loyal customers. Only last week a fornler resident wrote-" We received . your -.- - lind we \ ish 10 thank yQU for 'your kindness. If we ever live close to WaynesvlUe again .)'ou will have our ttade."

. Mr. and Mr•. E. f • . Such cooflclence as this Is, and luUy repays for the Personal Attention given, In looklog after the wants of lIu'ch ftlends. A SIXTY·DA Y CAMPI\IGN. To let you know more about the eood qualities of Chale and Sanborn's Coffeu. No.. 99-A Fine Sa~tos blend-ranks away up ' amone the fine coffees at 2Sc a lb. "Circle Blend"- This coHee has been tesled and tried by our customers for 2S years and It still holds

lSoCiID' MNlS-i -~~:-A~-:_~!I ; lli~~~A1~~~IfI+-"'----,T- .........--..... •

Misl(l8 Bettie. Llda and Nettle Ol'lesbee entertained on Saturday, Mr. and Mra. Elias OglllJbee. Mr. and Mra. GeorQ'e ·qltleabee: of Xenia; Mrs. Mary Upp and Mr. and Mrs. ' Fred Gons.

Its own-27c a lb.

"U Blend" 'at 30e • Ib-;When you want a mild, rich flavored coffee, let us Introduce this grade to you, Guaranteed to please. "Crusade" Brand 30e • IbThis Is the coffee wllh heavy drawing qualities. ' The IInest collee for large familieS and large gatherings we have ever sold. Special Java and Mocha at J5cThe bl&hest lrade we offer. You oeed 00 better. y~ can thoroughly satisfy your best Irlends wllh this splendid coHee. ' FREE-We wllliumiah free to any lodge, church or 80clal latherlne the best of coffee and napkins, and all you want. SOMB STORE SIONS JllST PUT UPBROOMS-Made by C. D. Reed-both trimmed and untrlmn~. CONKIiY'S-Roup and Oape Remedl.e a 2Sc. PRUNES-The largest size packed 20c a lb. PEACH JAM-Made of Peacbes and Granulated Sugar ooly Uk:. lb. . HEAD ·RICE-The flneat Carolina Rice and ~he Iat'lest gnlo. PAINTS AND VARNISH-For "Paint Up" and I I'CLEAN UP" day.

'lane B~UTIFUL






Pietori.I Patterns

"........ ... eonalcteratlOllo Way to Get Hamlony. . ~ lIbould ODe do," ukll the We haTe U't'eel qulle a 'Wblle and JOaDa Ooc!tor, "wheD a patJlIDt COlD.'. lint. and lut, ,ha't'e oblerved a pod .. 8Ja4 clIIipoMII hi. own cue ezac:t. deal. The beat 'Way to &chie't'll flar. Jr~ .,. noll ...ltuAUoD," mq,Wna mODY 1. with an u. or a club. A. u..,.~0e4 ~ctaD, ~ou mOlt IOOd atout club IndUltrtD1illlY' applied _ 7"1'. hR fudam8llt of human na- "InU 'do mere tb conYiDce the brother tft \,. " .the patient I. ODe ~d of 'Who haa' fallen out ot .tlP than all of .... _ "m appreciate )'Our qreetna the l.oft word. In the JaDauap-To. ..... Ida 4IapQ.1. u ·lhoWtil. that ha · ,peb capItal. . . . . . . . mIlCh u :rou do; OD tha . . . . ~ lIa .ay &0 about and I&Y tIIa& ' " doa't DOW au thaD lie r



"Cllrrent .1I.h..... In Porto RIco. wbere the air II molat and balmy. aIr plante IJ'OW on the telephone and telegrapb wireB. Adequately Nerned. ' DOller edItor ot the New ~ The lnaulaUoD rote In placee and ~ean ..,.: "Tilplets ana twiJla there the plant. teke root and thrive. III l ' montlal-a poor man'a IIlll The.. plant. are· caUed "clIrretit bUlhes" or "electric! Itcht plante." •

t' . we





SU.URBAN ' DJ%:Y' .Yoti are cordially invited to pay a visit to thisl; the' largest

' EXCLUSIVE , CLOAK AND SUIT HOUSE iN AMERICA . , . We show splendid Suits at $15.00, $18.50 and $25.00 Bleg.nt Coats 'at '7.50, ,10.00, '12.50 and '15.00 Y", must see our fine Voile and Lingerie Waists at ..... ........... · .. · ... · .... ··· ... '" .$1.00 and $2.00


leal to


our pod qualitr prmentl than you pay for ~ . arade. ellewhere. .


Uuy Tobacco Canvaa of llyman.

)4188 Agnes Wright and \ Sutan. entertained a t di nner Thursday. Mrs. Mary L. Adams and Misa Letitia McKay.

Mra. J . Berne J ontl8. of Lytle, entertained at a 12 o'cloc k dinn er . March 29th , in honor of Mrs. Cas to. who is BOon to make her home in Davton. ThOle p[esent besides the Kuest at honor. were. Mrs, Pauline BerKdan, Mrs . .Catherine J ohn!!, Mrs'. MatiJaa Emerick • . Mrs. Chl oe Sides, Mrs . Wm. Bergdalland daugh. ter, Gladys. Mra. J ames J ohns. Mrs. Clarenc:e Smith; Mrs. Allen Emrick and daughter Gl adys. Mra. L. G_ Broc:k.

The Misses Hazel and Elsie Gustin

entct'tained at a delicious eeven

R(!\' . D. H. Palmer is, visit ing biB


Sweet 1'101id. l Ora.n!:cs, ~ edless

Nil I' I Ctrrluges

Mi&l Clara Lile visi ted with rela· in Xenia 8~ lUrd8Y Ilnd Sund ay.

r6 rg ~ l 1\'1.'

Ellis Lonll was called to Toledo M.onllay Oil account of the death of his mother.


... T ,ANLAC... A$k your neighbors abou t it I t pays

---.. -;-_.---

it beIn g h Is

evonth BDnivenliry . B ONA rd L, Il ll;llnil Il nd rllmlly. of nea r Umlngton pen' Stlnday wllh b IB plll'eDt3 hore Mr. And Mr a J . . lAIBm ll lli. J o btl W ilson and fll ut ll y ou.lI od On W. E. Bogan's 8nna"yeven lng . Mr @ . I:!"tr'r still remAins quUo p oo1'ly . tltjr [)laDY tr lllnda hOpe tor' f\ speedy reClOV ry. The B'l1'lll ony Grove sohool Wl"

opened up II gl\11l M onday "Her b&Ing 01 sad a. week o n "oO,) llut of the !!o~l'le' i ev .... Walter W II, DIIn<1 Laoy Compton tended t be funerAl of E ll . bo'b 'RoQlln(l at WA vnesvUlo MODday DlQl'llhlg.

Mver Hvman and family 'moved in the 'Da vls prope rty lut week. and Mr . and Mrs. Georll:o Marks lU~ now occu plng the Hank F!als. Sevl!ral patterns in beautiful desill'ns of Willi paper for 8c per roll. which sold last yt!ar in our sample booka for 21c at J. E. Janney 's.

Have you provided br your Easter HII!.? Our tltock at this time I~ particularlyattractive and interesting. J ennie Hanlin, l. O. O. F. Bldg, Leban on. Ohio. . Dr. and Mrs H . E. Hl\tbaway, Mrs. Cyn thi a Evans. Miss Alma Water ho use and Harris Mosher heard Madam e Schumann·Heink in a concert ut Dayton Monday aveninII'. We have just received a fine lot of Easter Careis and Novelt iell. Corne and luok them over before' t ll e choicest a re all llone. The !ineRt Iin&we have ever had.

W. C. - Phillips.

Mrs . Knowles Conn and son, Ken · 9 neth. of pringfield. spent last week ~ at t be home of Mr. 1. Satterthwaite and family. Mr. Conn j oined them Saturday and they left for their horne Sunday evening.


Mrs. Bnnne l 's parenti, ·Mr. Geo. Bogan and '1'IIlfe Sun<fay. Walter Wllion ADd lion BllymoDd with their parentll were ehoPPIDg In Xenia &u llrc1I1Y morelng. . ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -




Mal"3hall Haines has g ont' to ·Ceni1le, wher~ he will work on the >O()()()()O()O~ McClure farm this Bummer. ...

Friends of Addison Southard will'Y , aDd M re. Maml . Wilson 'Were b e r ejoiced' to know that he IA at Lebanon with his Wife, visiting rei vb!l.!ng in ~{\lnla Sunday . , ' Mr.''Southard is In, the einHoraoe Comp'oo and W. E. eo· ati\'eB ga n were 1t1 WlIwlngton on bu.1 ploy of the government, and is sta· tiohed in China. ness Monday. Chaunoe,' 8uDnel'8 enter'alned Strayed - A black BOW with white



In::tur e Horses. Mules and Cattle against deat h from. any c~use. W. N , 'ears. WayneSVille, OhIO. .


is a.


ISlo\llrand Mrs . Edith Harris, Miss Maria Miss Mollie Biapham were

. ell

Paying 1 ,c for Eggs. to trade a t



Cincinnati visitors Saturday,




Lelt ~lce, J ' elY UllinllS, H. di ~ hl' , A~pllragll. !>.cw . Toma toes, . ew . l'I'\!et~ . !\ c\iI l'nb bage



this week.

. .

Don't fail to see o,ur pretty ·asaor t· J .. E. J .


"Allain the muffled drums have beat The soldier's last tnttoo." The neiKhbo rhood WIIS startled 01 1 Wedn8lday morn ing bv the hews that John Jordlln was dead! True. he had been faili ng fo r mon t hs. still even to hill moat intimat efriendslhe aad neWR came as lightning fr<l m a lIunlit aky. We had been so aecus tomed to aee him slowly , w!lllting about his beaut iful cou n~ry h~m~. that we can scarcely realize thnt In the h.ngu,~le of the dying S ne~vall Jackion. He haa ~ro>lSed the river to NIt beneath the green t rees " All that loving care could (10, the tender uelduitles of wife. sona and daulbten were done but all in vai n, the,death.anllel came and John Jor. dan at the ripe aile of 76 years has t.llen asleep. He was buried In Miami cemetery Frid." March 24 tollowed by a larie c:oncoune of friend. from ObicaKo, Cleveland, Columbus. i;SPt:illKfield. Davton, and a dozen other cIties; It wu a coneparae of people that strik· inll1 attested the esteem In which tha Jordan family is held. The floral decorations were beau. tlfuUy appropriate theimpresburi al aervices of his churchand were slve and will 'be long remembereri by tho1ie who lathered on that green I'rassy 810pe on that sunny atter· noon. It royal resting place, amid birds and 1I0wel'll and there we laid our old frillDd In that windowless palaee "whOle doors never swing outwardal" "

at llremen. Ohio,

rnfll1t of wall paper.

course dinner ' Sund ay even ing. Covers were laid for eight. The table was daintily dec:orated in yellow and whi te . the Easter idea being .carrioo out. The centerpiece con.listed of a lari'e bouquet of Easter IlIIee. The guests were the Misses Irllne Gick, Helen Rice and Jessie Bowen, the Messrs. George Dean and Henry McGrew. of Cincinnati; aazel Riley and Harry Met'edith. The KuestB from incinnali left im · Mr. ODd 1I~. Roraoe 0om p toD. mediately after dlnD er for th eil' Mrs. Ml\rtbll J ones. Mrs E li I' home. Baln f\8 all Mrs. MlUiBrOb Bur net lip nt tilt> !lillY Friday w ith M r . and Mril R/lmae l EIII8 I1t Oldtown. OhI o,



Farmers] Attention! CLEARANCE SALE On account of Selling Part of Our Ware Rooms and having to ' vaca te them, we must dose out <:ertain lines of goods to ge t more room. Manufacturers a re putting prices up by . leaps and bounds, but we will, fer a sbort time, Drop Prices ' on Walking Breaking Plows and Odd E,nds with such a crash that you will t11ink that lightning haq struck near you. Yours truly ,




spots. weiltht about 300 pounds, strayed from the old Talmage farm last Friday night. Please notify Carl Heath. pbo'l'le 62-2Y. , Waynes· ville, and receive teward . · Mrs . Mary Caskey and mother, Mrs. Antram, moved into their property on Third s treet Mrs. Caskey has for the'l'hursday. last two years. had chargj! of the botel ' at Maple farm, Lebanon. but she will make her home here n,ojf. '


- -- - - - -- -

the-neces.sity ~rises-'

Don't forget the big Knights of I wmnt t o huy your Pythias county meeting at .Lebanon Wool and will p' ay Wedneaday April 12th. The KnIght will be John Jordan was born in Sligo, 'YOU the highest conferred. and Ireland, 'September 7th. 1888. He M k P' officers will be present. came to CUtie Garden in lB«. He al' e't rlee... Sisters will furnish wu one of eleven children of which . which will take place at three are left, t}Vo brotherl and one ~f1e . TickelBcan be obtained of melnbe:ra .later. H. Iiv«;l a few yea~ in of thtl Wavnesville lodge. Gr(!!!ne County and 81 yean ·in War· - .... _- ---..::. nestly urged that every melnbt" ren County. Ohio. He ' married Waynesville lodi'e .hall The Old Se~wartz Shop on,' Mechanic Street, LebaDoD Catharine Foley 46 years alto last'" IC], B~ntlhi 7 meeting. Sin~e ]859 January. This union was blest by \J. Nt . '~ ~~ elevtm chlljlren, nine boys and two Insure Horses, Mulee and. Cattle lirla. Orthisnumbernlnearellvlni Waynesville, <;>hio against deatb from any cause. W. ~--------------""--+--------I one 'died in b)fancy, and another son • N . Hears, WaynesviUe, Ohio. . died about a years ago. ThOBe who Valley Phone 135 . were at the Jordan home em the -----­ morning of the funeral saw the un- ~!!!!'!!!!!!!!~!!!!'!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!! = NOW IS THE TJ;ME TO usual eight of a man having for hiB Late CI8IJsified Ads lIall beartl'll seven stalwart sonel . ' When the war bugles rang in 1861, • . , """,."..,,.,,.,------.........'..- - - -.... John Jordan responded with the FOR SALE alacrity born of bis Irish blo~ and served In the Slat Ohio for' over three Be waa in many battle./!, 'U BBER.TIRtilD ' RlanaboD" amoni' 'Which were the ,foliowinl(. • ButnBS8 (01' Nla cb..p, IpShiloh, Corinth, Perrysville, Stone quire at thlll ·oflloc3. alii River, Chickamauga, MillSion Ridge . ====:::::=;========!:', Tl>ere were 9 t hel'1l but these will BerVe to show tbe service he rendered Bl1'E Pekin Duolt Esp'·' For· his county In her hour of need. and lnrormatlon phon.e 811 the IIhadows lonKer grow his loving wIfe, .talwart boys and splen· did airl. will feel a just pride when they say, "M'y latherfought through • the ·w ar in the AI'IIlY of the Cumber.. land."Tbewrlter pauses to ask tqe My Aim-Your Trade queation, "Could John Jordan have


by Phone

a Everh·art Paper

Hanging and Painting•••


Ch.I.' W. Schwartz & Son

==:=:== =========


C0 rWln, . Oh·lOW


lett a more priceless heri tage'" , . Bu~ he ia ' gone from among us, 'QUALITY Ab tb Sta d d "Muitered out" few cif hlB old cQm-- ove e , n ~I' " . rad81 Burvive, and they are looking . SERVICE-That can't be beat at a rapidly sinking aun. Our hope i8 that sometim.e·anrl somewhere we IhaIJ aee hiH· ~lndly face a gain . So. with this parting sentiment. we lay this spray of Miami will ow 011 Jordan '@ Ilrave. U l y.lls~s .M . Greene

.- .



., 8:;:r-


.-lU be recoIV6\!. by the Clork .or

Bdllcatlon ot w.aJua TowWJbll) Wa7ne..llle. Wamm.Oount,. o,u tbe .

PRICES-To please all.

--=--'----- -



JANUARY 1st, 19.17

CorwIn, Ohio,'

Phone 54-2Y.


W!~~~~~k}~~~~~~~ Peter~on .&StOOPS

Ington, C. R., wi11 have their annual outing the 26th oJ Ju ne . Th ey will run an lL~ cu rsion to At hintic City and Philadelphia. .



In a jllry trial In a small town not meDY miles trom clv1ll211tton tbe' rural pDtlemen tnto whose handa thll caBe of the PlaJnUIf ' and <IetcDdant was placed were ao BtUbbomly divided that they 'wflrs lOme twenty-odd bOUJ'I In reaclJlDC a verdict. As they left the court. bavlng yerdlc:t, onaafter' of them wasrendered. asked bythe •• rrtead wblt the trouble wail. "Waal," he l&IeI. ''ebI OD 'em wanted to gbe the pIaUI~""OOO, and Ibt OD 'em .....ted to -..1IIIIl we dII·

...... _ ....~.I.dID


phone . your



W n ·11 '0 ,. . ay eSV) e, .•

Are buying :aU kinds of.

JUIt Split the Dlffe reneo.



LIVE srOCK a~d , pay~ ' iIJg hig;hest ~rket p~ice.




=====:::'~:~:=====l~~~a~i~i~!;~ CALL



Miascs' Spring Hats .•.•.... ~ • tOe Hat Braid, ' pc~ yard .•.. ; . . • •• 7c

Curtain Scrlm, per yard', •••••• IOe ~A$TSR BASKBTs Hisses' White StoCk.fap" pair •• tOe B&STltR Mt:n's Work Sox, 3 pair· •....• 2k . 00: . . C:AJlD!EJ j !I_en a Work..sox.~..P!oJr..... Ie W ' : ......

Whole N urn,b er 3364



• 4


~_____ .






Buy 'llobacco Canvas ot Hyman. BOVS W IN THEIR FI R~T OAME A COLD DAY The Morrow business men met The April weather took on a new W. S , Iillrb:l(l{ik i8 drlvln~ a new The Berean Bible classes of the Owen uurnet met wi th an acciden t Miss Ruth Harteoflk is in Dayton last week for the purp.ose of organ· aspect last Friday night , when sev· today. Suon, Christian Bible School at Ferry. Friday that migh t have proved worse --I Ohio held their c181l1 'social in the than it did, He had recently , pur· i7,ing a busin ess men 's club. Fred eral inches oJ snow fell, It snowed lI artsock was chosen . temporary all day Saturda.y and part of Sunday, A lot of remnants at your OWlt A flne assortment of wall paper at ,ocial rooms ot the church Friday chased a new horse. and wo>nt to hairman and commi t lees were made but the sun soon dissolved the snow price at J. E. Jannlly'l. J , E , Janntly'II" evenln~. Aoril 7th. 1916, This in· Corwin to get a load of 88wduRt a l eludes the Men's Hible cla88 and Woo the Mills planing mill. when a t rai n for the pur pose of booming the or· when it got thp chance. Hicks preJlanization. The purpose of the or· dicts more snow for the month, and Mrs, George Marks is visiting her Herbert Britain, ot Dayton. spent men'lI Bll;lle class, Althou~h it was cl!-me along and sca~ed the h cir~e , I,n ganlzation is for the betterment of if predicti ons have any th ing to do parents in Dayton this week. the week·end with friends here. a ¥ery .tormy ni,ht the peopll' hiS endeavors to qUIet the anlmnllt - -Mo rrow, both in social and business with it, t his month will be almost comln~ until we had In all about backed illto a ditch and threw Mr, B H B W k' {} t f ' Oon't tail to buy Shoea at John A. people present. ~ Burnet out , burting his shoulder ' o)'s ave cen or Ing u or Iifn, Mrs, Alice Hawke spent last week like December . .. unkey's and save big money. . A mOlit interesting Willi and scratching his face 'very badly The ['ast Two Weeks, and Several enthusiastic gardeners have in Dayton and Spring Valley. Waynesville has had two or three organizations of this kind but there their ground almost all plantl!d, and ~ven conlisting of ure Mr. Burnet seems destined to Showed Res ults Millinery of taste and ' refinement D. L. Crane and ilOn. Ethan. epent readin/r' prayer. have bad luck, as only recently he has never been one that stood up for if t his sort of weather continues, it discus- went over an embankment weat of , the week-end. with friend. in Spring' They aleo had a round any length at time. Why it has not looks very much like they wo uld reasonably priced: G. L. Smith. field, elon and th~ last thing on the pro· town, in his aulo. and was confined do ne so, is a question that cannot be have to plant twice this spring. ( lI y'['o nl l'lor,' I Miss Abbie Graham spent several _ gram W. . a mock trial which was of to his home f(lr several weeks . answered here, We need an organ· days with friends in Springboro last It is sincerely hoped that h(" will A larlrer uaortment of wall paper unueuallntereet and caused a great Waynesvill e Hig h Schoo l pryed izution of sOllie kind. and now that week. thi. sprln~ than ever before at J, E. dell! ot laughter tbroughout the trial. soon be out again. off the lid of the local base ball MorrQw hRS made a start it leaves Janney's. Tblll fnded the program and a eo· - -- - -- - season with King-a Mil ls Hi ~ h ~chool our village the only one in the coun· Dr. Macy will be at Spring Valley . cla1 hour ' was enjoyed and all sat as their opponents at Phillips Park ty without a business men's club. this week and Harveysburg next Mn B. 8. Kelly spent a couple of down to a mOlit delicious supper. ... ~--!agt Friday afternoon. The final week. ' dllYIl With, h.r parents at Newark. The next clllllB BOeial will be in the &'ore was 17 to 8 in favor of " Our Ohio, thl. week . BOCial room. of the church in Julv ; Messrs. J. W. White, Fred Whit e BoYs." ; A oodl th 'b k--~ d Id as 'we only have four durklsr ' the While the weathe r was anythin g and J. E. Janney were fn Dayton L ~ . .N , er ,ac DIU un er~ , year • Thursday. , Mr. Gideon Thomas. of Arcanum , but pr opi t ious for base·ball playing \l!lIcher's .Bible , .worth 12 '00, now ' • _ _- - The Christian church of Wa.ynes· Darke County. who is known to the boy s put up a game that would '1.26 at J. E, Janney'l. Look at our samples of wall paper. ville have 'secured C B. Allen, of CHRISTIAN CHURCH mallY residents here. snd who is II have done them credi t under much Phillips Bible lnstilute, Canton, Ohio, They will surely please you. J. E. brother·in·law of Mrs George Hart bette r comliLions. Ki nJl ~ Mills WIlS Meliara, Wa.r ren Barnett, E. V. Bible School at 9:30 a. m , Com· sock, died WednesdllY as the resul t of thoroughly outcla..'lBed at every stage munion and social meeting at 10:30, as their minister tor full time, Bro, Jbnney. Barnhart and J . B. Chipman were an accident, He wliB in a tree, when of the game. One encouraging There will be a unio n Christian C:n· Allen has bad quite an experience in Day tcm vls.lLoni Mondoy. Miss Nellie Woollard. ' who has in some manner, he fell, death reo feature was the way the boys worked deavor meeting at t he Orthodox church and Sunday School work and sultillg immediately. Tho'! decease(1 together - no iln:l ividual ou tshone his Friends church, Sunday evening. comes to Waynesville Christian been sick the past three weeki. is ('oarl Rirlt8 ·of Zaneeville. Ohio, church intensely interested and well still quite ill. was a farmer. and his many friend , mates to any great ex te nt. was the guest of his sister. Mr.. B After lhl! g ame had been safely Everybody invited to these services. prepared to do good work , After here were .hocked to hear of his sud· Over 200 pairs Ladies ani Misses H Kelly~ Sunday and Monday . finishing his school work at Canton, death, The funeral was held pack ed a way on iec (a hot soap· ORT~ODOX FRIENDS be will go to his home in Massachu· '250 Shoes placed on sale 11.90 lit Sunday. and the body was vlaced in stone would have been more appro· We ha~e an interestinlf letter from Georsre Lanter tOQk his two stal the mausoleum at Abbottsville. priat e ,) oach Arnold sent in some Sunday Scho(ll at 9:30 a, m , George aetts!for about two week's visit and John It, F unkev's: the pen of Mise Lola ZeIJ whlcb we Iiona to Lebanon Saturda)t to attend of hi ~ su bstitutes and n \\I candidates Mills. Superintendent. Preaching at wi ll begin his work at Waynesville ....... Mrs. Ed ith Harris left Tuesday will publl-b,next wellk Mi88 Zell ie the Elh hOnM! show. and came back and th ey nil g ave a good account of 1O::l0 by pastor , Christian Endeavor Sunday, May 7th. for Cardington, Ohio, ' where her with her brother at Alto Tex with "'In~ eolol'l!l. In three shows ,-themselves, proving that W, H . S is a t 7 p. m. Everybody in vited t o all . ,. he rot two firats alld one second. father lies very ill. hound to have !1 good team for at these services, co''1' Hie two bol'lle!J. Arrowsmith and Dan \ t three or fou t' y a rs to come. . .,.,vera ,patterns ·jn beau tiful d .. p, are dahdies, and they de~rve all Don't fail to sec our pretty assort· The score by inningR, fit. E. CHURCH ligna ot wall paper t<;>r 8c per roll, they rot. See ad', on another page, ment of wall paper. J. E. J. ' • _ ..._ __ which sold last year In our I!ample 1 234 Ii G 7 8 9.- R. H. E. Revival serv ices continut' each books tor 21c at J. E Janney'l. K. M. H S2 0 :.! 1 0 00 02- H 9 '12 e vcning at 7:30. Make Sunday a Clall Geary Bnd Miss E9ther Schae· " W H.S. 4 211 32 0 0 1 "- 17 20 11 p;rent ,day Sunday . School 9:15. ter. of Middletown, are the guests. Rey J. F. Cadwallader oreaehed of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lewis. Batteries - I{. M. H. S :-Huffmien Illustrated sermon at 10:30, Sub· In Xenia Sunday afternoon. The . Dr. J. T. Ellis. who attended 'the and May: W. H. S.- Gustin, Me· ject, "Clay in the Hands of the 'potRev. W. A Tholliu came home) John A. Funkey is the onll MerBryson hprse sale last Thursday near Clure and Gebhart , ter. " In the afternoon, Rev. West with him a",1 preached in St, Mar"11 Students in the advanced courses cnant's .Syndicate Store In Warren Xenia, bought a very fine riding ha'fer will preach his sermon on at the evenlll~ service. _ , . , FOUND AMONC ' TH E IOICI..ES hOllge. The doctor knows a good "Traps." Let the country folks and in g~lollY at The O~io State Unl. County. Save one profit. Prices , TIle regular meetinll of the W. C. horse when he sees it. and be will , This is tbe best t .a m W. H S. has all others who desire bring dinners verslty will take a trip to the south· I(lwer than mail order houses. . M. .ra JOII, Penewlt. Chll. Cor. T. U. wm- be held at the hume of utilize his 9pare time this summer had in a number of years. If you aDll'stay all day . em part of the stata to examine the nail, A. M1Iffl~. C. B Bpntley; Ron~ Mrs J, T. Ellill on Wednesday af- in · the exhill!rating pleasures of would encourage the boys, attend various glacial morains and drift Mr. and Mn. George Hartsock Clarence S , Grauser Pastor. aid Hawke. Franl< Zell, Ralph SmTth, ternoon, April 19th. Topic for the horsehack riding. sheets in that locality. The party, were called to Darke county Wed· their games , . D R. Salh.bury and Dr. J, T. Ell .. day. "Anti·Nareotiea." A full atunder the direction of I'rof, John A nesday on account of the death of ST. MARY'S CHURCH Carl Frye did the b~ t bit of base Bownocker. ot the department of Gideon Thomas~ a brother·in·law of. l .t tendPd the BrYlIOn sale of hol'lll Ilendanl"8 is desired. Everybody.wei· running in the Ulird inning when he Mlr Xenia last w~k ' '. come. Wall paper at J. E. Janney·s. 'fhis., Wednesday evening. Litany. geololrY, will start at the end of tli.3 Mrs. Hartsock, was hit by a pi tched ball. stole second Peni tentisl Office and addrees at 7:30 week, going fint to Selma, then to , on the first ball pitched. went to subject, "'Unanswered Prayer." Fort Ancient. from where they will Linvite you t o call. New stock tllird whE'n the first. baseman threw Sunday next bllfore Easter. Palm walk to Morrow. and from there to and new ideas in millinery for Easter; wild and scored when Marlatt Sunday, Morning Prayer and sermon Cincinnati by train. Grace L, Smitb. straightened out the next pitch for at 10:30 a. m; Evening worship and 11 singlll_, .~1;l. loQked mighty good sermon at 7:30, subject, "The DisW. A. Radgen, of Waverly, torat shortstop, too . ciples Gain." Speeial music at both merly express agent. at Corwin, Another Gebhart looms up as a scrvices, Sunday School at 9:30 a . wrote to triends here last week. that very promising player . The lIew m . Holy .week ae rvice every evening . he was on bis way to Canada, where boy is a catcher an {l gives promise at 7:30. Everybody invited to these he has a fine position, and where he at eclipsing tht> reco rd of his brother , services, The ladies ot the Dorcas Society will make his future home. the left-hand pitch~! r . will hold an Easter market in Town· . Carl McClure pi tched the last in · Buy. Tobacco Canvas of Hyman. ship house on Saturday. April 22nd , Bu)' Tobacco Canvas ot Hyman. ning and got by wel l. • \O\' atc!' out for a rlifty.south pa w when this b9Y PECIALLY DESIGNED FOR YOUNG . gets a li ttle better {!ontrol. . r:i:==i5I Crane was the only'one of the subs . alll===~II:lIlI===~II:lI:I===:J":I'. U:l.'-ai~~==:Jar.===:Ila 01: MEN WITH STYLE THAT, WAS to deliver a hit. (Dad isn't wri tin(r ~ HE'R ETOFORE CONFINED ONLY TO thia. so we can say what we please. ) Althoug h by far tilt.. smallest player IDOU·PRICED GARMENTS. . on the field. "Kiddie" hit the ball a BUT STYLE IS NOT EVERYTHING. ~~~rou9 ~hack a~ d scored his ru~. , Buy Tubacco Canvas of Hyman·


.- .







-- .



w. C~ T. U•.NOTICE




Whir,. Dave·.' Always Wished' 'for is Here ~ Today Ob0'T HES







H~rmaDwile Fresllman' Clothes




-the.i'more" is true :lervice you will .' ge~ in wearing these good clothes.

at $10.00 $12.50 $IS.00 $16,50 ,

All prices prevail , .


Oreatest stre?gth

Furnishings. Hatl. Shirts and Neckwe~~

Lion smiths and ~on't sell ' i~on footwear. . Our Shoes . 1 so'metimes wear . out. If you· e. just , com taint we'll rectify it.




EVER SHOWN. "·We ~~ula like to' have you .'take a look at' them and you will.· ~ convinced uu..t what we_bav~' said is right.



The Lebanon Hi School will cross bats with Waynesville Hi Friday af· ternoon at Phillips' Park. This will be the game of the seaSon, as both team's are said to be in good condi· tion.




Who wants the best that skilled workmanship can produce, but at a low cost, we reCommend a thorough investigation of the

- - -_0- ...- - -




George WiI::--;"ade, second chilrl of Charles H. and Martha E, Wade. was born in Wurren County, ~ Ohio. July 20. )879 and depart~d this' &:I life at Miamisburg, Marc h 25. 1916, ~ aged 36 years, 8 m()nths and 3 days,' He was uni ted ·in marriage to E9ther V. Young. Apl'i16. 1904. who is now l eft to mOllrn the loss of a kind and devoted! husband. Mr . 8 Wade was an honored member of J. ~ O. tJ. A, M. Miamll3burg. Ohio, He was of a kindl"; and ,~enial dispositioil; always had a good word for every one and made many triendll. He loved' his home and even after having a home .of hi& own his boy)lood home lEI was not forgotten ; and each week ~ and sometimes oft-ener. Will <!ime home to Bee fathier and mother. brothers and sisters, The breaking . of precious ties. the loss of a dear husband. eon and brother. a member ~ of the home circle-·teaM our heart· strings, breaks up' the fountains of our souls profoun(lest depths, and blots out the ~ttry light of life, , Life and death ar's subject to the inscrutable laws; tliere \a no escape. Ev.e rythirig tbat Iiv'!!!I must die. Yet ~ it lS:unspeakat5ly s ad to us that one in the prime of lif~~, and whom we all have known ana met often in lite and waS ..eally ~ pdrt of our .life has t;rom: us ' lEI onJy submission to' ~ doeth well . bellov.oo' wife, his de\rould tour brother.


THE . SEASON'S BEST BUY Model "490" Touring ' ~ar. Price, 5650.00 f. , Flint, ,Mich.,. Including electric lighting , and starting system

o. b.






MODEL "490.'

"Baby Grand" Touring Car $750, c.omplete witb Electric Auto-Lite StartiDg ud LigbtiDg SyatetJ.l.

'Royal Mail Roadste.r $71)0, complete eqUipment.


Model "490" Price, $550, with :1ttec:tric,Lights and Starter. . .


Roadster '

1'05, with·JUectrle Lilha and


The Polley Of tbla compall7 is to . . a'~. lDOtor ear to .u at • reuOaable price






"Spick It Span"

A writill l'( from EpNnny Ilhollt t.he tlllllOlllr f(lr tllr illt'I)!,'. ""Y ' : WIllII' in (1 lh l'r'lmrl~ il ( 1' 1'11111:(' thl' vining\!. is 1'!'llI g ('nr· rfrll o;i\ in lI1ort· or h:~s tlol'rnnl ('on· di l i,Jll d, III ,Iillknllil' ill '1 1I1ln· pl~t;lh' :In' \,I'r,l' gn'ut. wing to fhe f llll Olol Ihe blll He iii1\! <1 lIIiJlIIll's II pnrl of Ih· vill c -link Huild inga hlll' Po 1"'I'n 11('~( 1'01'('11 an1 ,ol h~ r hit.I'oc 'Itll"".1 hI' slll'lt" riTe. In uel\1it ion 1111' 1',' i:; till' l1ifliC\llty, owin~ to ,eg u· 1111 i(l II " . of 1II 0l'illl; abou t th is T "iOIl , 'I"il.· ;IJI,ll't from the qu e tion of r:tll~p,'r t. ,'o r hnl' the Oerrnllns ,1"'1' 11 tit,· !llll,\' d,'sLrucli\'c ng II cy . rh,' (Il' hyl1i~. a gru b that ruLs thr inl .·d, "· IIf Ille grape, hn.s clluse<l <ill II I:!,!!" IIn'r n wide fit It nnd h ns hl'l'n 111"';\' lid i \' wit r Ihe !langer of ){lIllt~ rin g Ihe crop hilS heon the

Pr~te Court Proccedln~1


nal1 Wood Colors







made. 'fry them and YO lt will never want to eat any other kind.

L eWll ., Baery k

PUBLIC 'SALES By authority of the wlll or Luoettll E. t3ldoll, deoijllsed, I will ~el l li t publlo lIuotion, 00- \bo premise", on

- -- ...


(44207) ,

~ROWSMITH, . an imported Pereberoo, is a black stallion, 16 , bDd. high, aod weighs 1 501bs.• and is "a 'sp,eodidly proportioned ~. ' A'RROWS~TH was ' sired by Keao 26399, and is recorded in the ~rCh:efOD Society of America. '

age ),'<,11!'

"Sh ('~rtoi l1ly docs, Anll when slit) gnf '~ out on a joy ride, by j inks, she ~c,'ms to leave it behind her entirely If)


MAMMOTH JACK MAMMOTH JACK is a ligh t b 'r oWIl wi th white

• .FASH ION -"-F-r-o-m-- ~~ -


to Fiction McCall uSupreme," I , writes a New k subac:riber. m., tbe 'll


Btlginului{ at 10 o'olook ,~. lute home of t bu d eoeHHed. Tbl~ McC ALL' S tw lp" proper.ty cun81et,s of ue lIor e of lo"or I ,ZO O.1I 0 0 l!rouod, m ore or 108S. 0. n ine r oo m I wnll,,'n 01""\'1 in i1 )' k' a1 rmw t'X hou8e, w ell built and 10 good r "11II·lr, IWlls o. A , ,,"ult.. ~ oo d 81zlld stAblelionda li Ufoep811ry I ,i' ,'lI Pu .h i .. " o n~ bnlldlngs. t:!Hic1 jJfIlperty is Sl~ I A ulh,,,ily f,'r 'oS u ted in what Is known fl S the vII· I :; cur~ . Illge of [tRY VIll e. and il:! bu\ flo short :VZc CA1.L PAT· d l ~ tnl1 n O Cr olll tbe Lyt,le t:!tI1l1 n on I' ER NS I"ncl In tile Gin lonlHt, L ban ou I\od Ns r t b . I Ie. nc. ~hnfllk ­ ern HIIII WilY. 'l·e r n~ a,., r 81\1e o!ls h. " y, ",·... .umy ,,".1 J 0 , On rtwri (o,' b t, un,hl'r ."leI. Adlntnistrntur, with the will nu-' ./~..~~!-;!-~t.t;!. tr~l!:sJ.II:~ :~'. ~,t~::i~~'trle:~e:l~r




(l xod of LllOfl Un. E. t:;ld es . G . \V. h i n Itt)' t A tty .


\, '1'. I::il\ wke,

....- --

---... - ...---

de cetl~od.

ure w uHlen tlt; tI unv u thrro .1i&~1 .\ U "' " 'h o

\'~~~~~"I1A :~\f~!r:8 ~~~i ;~; . . \~.I~ ·~ lc~l~tl:tf7~/1~1:~

Au o ~iuDeer.

1 ( 'Ikl nl', hoJllle d r c ... n , .k IHt, j'ln v \'\. t ic, ,., d v. Iy n 10 11~' H c;n hn , .. \V u ,lo: RI\" bt Vet IfI;) U,C)' ,

Price: outy Sc- "

':'H I Y .




Z~D FOUR {10 e r.~ , . W Mk R .... k

f~£fl i S I" ith 9 E,"l~ro itl pry l ..w.nordl .nd We will fre r at publio e'l \e /It tbe "r., $1;01\ 3 2:'I'BU~ McC.U I'att t1rnl1nuk reRldeDoe t the h.te 'Lyilll\, A . Gor. .• .1"nh".,IlM'_'" 11',, '1. , ' .. ,.... I I.. : u rJ <I, .. f1h~tt­ (Joo\ nt 'or win, Oh~o, on : l\.IIl"'~~lItl H,c 10~ !;~::,.':I~ ' ~::I~'" ~'.I UhI' aI, ..... ,. " , 0', f Tl'f M<C~ll. 'O.,~W. 31 ' h ' ,.. I;, .. V•• ~ CiI" N• • Saturday, April IS, 19 16 , <'It<! II ~.. , •• 1 H r"u _ _ 1'~tl~ t\n u.ti . tl..?'(.: C01lllllooo!ng fit 1 o'ol\'ICk, bou e· • _ A__ j • i I" "I • : ; ~~~ bol(l. 1.\0008, 'l'erms Oash. M. 0. <:7ordon tL.; n .. !:t. A . p . Phi llip M. 1:1'. A lien 1;. 1'. So w ka, Ano ~.


CI ' ~'\'\"

I =·===~



Spring Spokes :





Notary PubU&;

Is J;1vOI\ r '~ !II () n cy b l' Rprlng: , , r. PO ll IlB \\'r ro IIU(.ml l 11 ,In . El'II:I~ III! (10 Allltlndt! of Nfltary Work. Rill. rl y 119 1825, In Frsn co In 182\1 aad nnd Deed8 a t:!peDIl&lty. Ill, the n!led Stilt B In 18a l. Wh O

EW !~!!IPPEft, !- D~~~:~mer. IFuno


I1IB1.IS!fED WEEKlY. $4.00 PER lEU

Waynesville. Ohlo.l)' Call aTl9wered promptly day 01' night

~OT!lL., DltUOc.m, .P.CIALIST8• Both phones in Office and ll.esldence.




CLIPPER ....... Vo",. II. Y

Long distance,No.l4; HOl')le phone 14·2r. • Chairs IUld one furnished free with funerals. . Beet of service guaranreeq.


Do You Intend to ; Build a this Season? · ,If ·yo.u do; Remember, we .. have

fverythingill Buiidiog · MaJtrial" Necessary to build ;;L well-equipped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or 'Shed. , , We also have Paint to put QU, your building you iptendto IJu,i1d.



points, S X; hands high, weighs abou~ I IOU; si red by "TJllllt'S cCl1tn inly some bjg movie Orplian Boy 696, grand cham pion Jack at the . that' being stllged in Europe." ; World's Fair .in 1004, first dam by Li mestone Mam,. "You bet I It min:ht be cnlled to moth 298, a Jack shown for l() years a Otl ""\loS never 'The Death oJ II Nntion! II



:FERMS-$15.00 to Insure a Live Colt forfeils insurance all colts until the season's fce is paid.

Heifers Chue Rabb)t •. 1f a n ew Id on of a SummeytoWll

Cllrmer ~ecomes 0 flld. the rabbit d08 may be pusbed Into t be 'background. He 11118 trained Borne o[ bls heIfers to scent lind' cbase "rabbits with as much success liS dogs, and . indeed, cheaper. -PIIU~del!,blll InquIrer. ' ,

"Y1l,U must keep the patient iao-. lated.''' · , IIAlJl right" doctor. I'll get the iee right !lwny." -------AE!ORT COURTBOUS.

- -.. -

SPRING' , Spring Ie looked upoo b;r many all the moe' delllh&lul leallon of the year, bu~ 'hie canDot be _14 of tbe


The oold aDd

lIiars Prjm-I can hardly keep my " .. tber brio.. OD


""TI~ ~II

Granted Safe Conduct. Tommy WDS plnylng wild lndlan 10 the Yllrd. The butcher boy clim e ror the order. but sLo.)lped berore ' oponlng NOT PREFERRED. the gllte to atlmlre th e little fellow's fontastlo get·up, Tommy called out "I suppose thnt even avjntoTS bav~ ~qnd c8c'endlngly, nnd said, "YOII jllst ' their f'll,shions:' come ri ght tn ; don't be ,a fraid ; I won't , "Yes, bu t fmv of them, I hear, are hurt you." inclined to any new tnll styles," '



W'aynesvl·11.e, 0 ·

Friday, April 14, 1916 .

''Povr rl y,'' sni d :II r, Du stin , 'lllx, "is 110 ,1 i ~g rl1 ce." KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAR AND HEALTHY "~o,' rrpJicd fr. Gro\\'ch r. 'I' here ip oul y one wily t o bave _ ''PoI'ci·ty is Ii Ii wcnlth in on ' way. cll'lir hen It I' y oompl exlon Ilnd tbat Th!) n.~1I 0 Il tli or r 'spcct III uLr h ~,r to '8 ttl k 6P. p th" bowuls Kotivellud reg. It 11rppuch ontirely on how you cnmc ulllr Dc. Klllg's Now Life 1'IIJot WIll make your oomplexlon ' \;Iealtby by it." "nd 01 IIr. m o vo th e bowf,llll gentiy. sti mnl tlta the Iive.r. oleanse ~he 8ye Q UIT E YOUTHFUL THEN, t.llm Il tid Jlnrl~y thl,! hlood. ' A .plen. " The " rit!ow Jimpson cllrries h er d td Rprl ng m erli oinfl. 250. at your DI ugglst.



Cakes, the bes t amI most delicious

-- - 'Avom SP INS COLDS



Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and


6poeitioa: .

lIiltl ;ug'








.' to0l

Waynesville, Oh,\o

all_ ....

DANfJ»: waI ',ired by'Frank L 22144. record 2~14~, be by Seotioel,' Wilkes, 2:22. by Hamble· ~ 10, by!Abdallap 1st, Frank dam by Mam· bJiQo Foster, be by Mambrino ,Chief 25 ; 2nd dam by AaIIIaad Chief 751, third da~ by Hill's Blade.. Hawk. DAN P is a coal black, (u1l1 6 hands, weighs 1250 ~. . b_vy muscled, great action, both trots and . . . with reco,d o~ 2:25 at a tr gait of 2:10 gentle









N.'J Sears


-'rMr '~Jlonrlrnt,

In the 1lI11tter of the state of Rose S. Wil (lO, d 0 011800 . J , A 'I'll 1ll1l!lI111 'IOU RooY l\u, FrAok tienry .8ol!msnlng Bra III.lJ.l fllllt d Finish your floors with appraisers . Hanna's Lustro - Finish In t·he mll~tcr o~ the estRte of and they will Jook spick and ChRrieB B. Surfuoe, dOMsed. 8alo of Warren Conn ty lrnlr B OIHel ~t oo k span under the hard at wear. ilordered ' . It stains and var'nishE'S at 10 'he matter of tho st,oto 'qf one application. You can buy Hllonah Ann Brown , c1t·o asctl . ' or . ~ --t'lIin bond belongin g t o thitl estato Ie ordered Bold. . II "'''''11 ( In 'he matter of ,the slItnte of W itt I:,; , I' ObarlM B.. Campbe ll, dOOell!!fld . , Iuil II , .\o.I:! Private 8111e of penooal pI' (l rty \ V. " I ; lIrJ111lll' . ~ llf' r llr 1 0 I': E 10 any wood color to match your ordered. 'O [l BIAh~ t', tw" t TII Cl I HI llo& rlllll woodwork. It will dry with a tough In tbe m~tte r of th e !'stat e of to w u ~hip ~ ;::.? '-l 7 rIG elastic coating that will .1. T. IUld 1.111.11., [I t)IIrcl u n' to Ma Bamnel B. Dav ie, deeea ~e(l. 'lie of not show heel marks. Also . oor,.ln stook belonging to this e~· \I8~1I IIntil J ,) lIn I)cll' k r , . \!~:llIun' In fine for furniture, strur ta te 18 ordered ' 1-.lI ere,' /' I ClW U~ hl(l ft treads, window In tbe mlltter o f tbe O~t Rt 6 of ~l l1 rv (' D'"'1I10.1" hl ~; M. U;lItou grenlcst. sills 'and all Martba 0, 1'enoe, decellse.}. lio l. lot . oJ' :.7~!u jt'rllu'k llo, $ L woodwork. "Still, it is IhollA'ht thn t Ule CTOP lateralluber itanoe tax is fixed . IL. A McCll loheou tlml wit t,o th nl is lI·ft, ov r lit 30,000 acres In the matter of \ be guardlansblp l\J Iltihl" I:hll ll l1ou lot .No, ,IG5 in of the real chnmpnglln counlry, mily of ~nerney W. Brubulier, minor. Fr Hnkll[l, $1 Ubarlotte J. Stan t on is IlJ1Pointed. l'hBrlt.~ W. Bog tln to W . C. Rosb, equlll 300 ,000 to 400,000 hectoliters lo t, a Hi 10 Mll lnevlllo, U [a h ectol i I r bei n~ 22 gallons1, Common Pleas Court SU8unnil Moo ro t o R y Frazee lot whieh is li 10 100 Pl' !" cent more No . l oa 10 Pu rk 1'lnoe A(lditlon to Lh,tn 111 ~t yrn r·s. On the whol e. in· New Suita Fraoklin , H . W , ·. lInLi W . B . B o l! to 0 0 (1cru iL is n go .1 ~'cl1r. The Ijuul ity Jetlnnette 1:1 . St. J oh o V8 , F . M Cllnnlnghum as oct rniUlstrtl to r of the f) rrl n~ton ll"rt of l ots l ' 09. 47 e ud o f the gTII1'1' is XCI!l1eot, nnd Ih!'re J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville, Ohio is rnol1gh nl·ill il y to givo firmn ess. e@tll'e of MIU,lIftl t I:l>im\ltoll , de. ~ in MIHlon, $1 oeo8E1d. Money only. umonot Juli ll 8 111111 F , M . Conderl to Tbo The oth ' r difl)c\lllicB which confront , olAlmed $lor,e with Inl ()rest. Morr ow NntlllDul Blink r 01l1 oetllte thc' vi II ' gr o",{' r nrc of an economic Bettie Cbild er s V~. n D. hilli er, io Morrow, $ Y50 . IN DOUBT • . ch ,lrar ler. '1 'hcro is a scnT ity or Nature', Jewel •. alimony, extre me oruolt y IlIO . E. ( ' , IInu lllil Ford to B . \V , I vins l abo r pwrywhc r ' in Frallcr, or • :tVhat a world we live In! W'bere a re DAlI ns Philli ps V~. Eliza h l' I,h lo!s N o~ ;,0, G2 unu 5·1 In Mu ioevi \l o. "Wllftt do you think of this gen. I::imlth et "I purl iti on of n ,,,1 eS&ltll . the jeweler'. ahops ' There Is noth· hor.:p;: lIud' 'nds of barrels a nti $1 , l q bandsomer' tban II 8nowflake and erOllS systom of prison di scipHne un· li nt! I(,s. ' jt'lor enae M , (~r o \' tJs \' q • .Heury C. U,H oline F(JI'Il to M~e F ord. An a 4_drop. J mar say t hat the maker der which you find yourself?" derM no Ulldl\,IUpd one hlllf interest Grove ~, ~lIm oIlY . -- -.---~of the world u hlluets hIs sk ill with I J 10t,; ·No . 50. 52 lind 54 In Maine. "Well," repli cd the prisoner, eacb lDo,.ftake a.o d dewdrop that he vlIJ EI. $1 . Proceedln~s 84IIIda do~ We think that tbo one thoughtfully, «I d unno wheIJ1cr i t't SAFE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Elo wtml \\" h ·lus lo is Nos. 50, 52 1IIecb.anlcall)' coberes and that the e:ractly considerate to pu t 80 many ~ ' b u rl otte ,1 . 8t1lOI ( 1lI \·s. (lcorge S lind ;,4 In M"in e vili o. t l. • "Ja It SILfs?" Is the fir~t qu es li on either' ,Imply ftows together Rnd ta1l8, temptations in Ii man's way or not." Ben I/IIRB r ot 0 I t- II )"13 U j'jJro\'ud. lfrnnl" P. Fo rRY r Ullrrie D. *0 be OJn Mlcter ed ~b en buying OOllgle bat In truth they are the product of Dietrilm tlo n order ed " m edioine for oblldrE\ll. Chllmbe r. H f'e \"o lut in Frauklin, $1. _thUlIum, the children of an ~c· INTERCHANGE OF NOTES. Melvi o T olle V 9. 'l'1l1! lJllio Eleo. ' borle c: Wri~ ht to .l ohn I. Bon. hun ' II Cou gb Rem edy bos loog been ~"ftul~ed with the arU8t's utmost 'rloRv. Co. Ju rv r e t(lr"~ vordlo t nell iu J t No G,j III South Ubano::! , at .. vorltl! with mothers of yOllnt{ UUL-'l'horeau. "In order to be a diplomat a man In obildren 88 "oontllins no opium Of favor of pJu! n\.i·!T [o r $2:10ll, a, baa to IIpeak: several languages fiu· Louis P. Rrel ll v s A Hrarl R. *1. othe r Dllrootlo, and ruay be gi ve n t o . F B. IIlld C hlll'llle 8Mterthwalte 8 oblld 118 oon fldently 88 t o lin adu lt ently.Oomplon. aolesl1pprovod. VI Idl m· 10 Fr 'r1 II nd . U oldn a. Elbo o two it i8 plellsant to talre, lo,o, wb ioh IIi of "l don't know," 8IIlIWered Sena- " on ordered. 11'11 !~! n Wn}'nll t o wusbip $1. great Importanoe wben a mediclo R WI.. Rule to Follow, W . F. Elhrotb 'vl1 .1 . M. n ll yn l' r tor Sorghum, "w.hether he 'bas 1xI Botlrci of E (lnOlI tl.lD . Pl08sant A UW. I... orlticlem of others and apeak flnently. But he surely has e' a1. Partition prOoe IJ lngl:\ or· rlniu ',1'10 I 01 triot t AbblFl ~ril. muet be giveo to -yon08 biJdren Thill r medy Ie blost effeotlllll In r o· ~ thoroulh orJtlclsm of ounel:vea dered. wolrt , 000 .. oro 01 luod I~ Harliu) lIeving oougb~. ooldll and oroup 1I'IIIa14 bay. a tendency to m8ke UI to write copioualy!' L own h lp, ~15 0 . ~ran4 JnTorll oonvened M 'ndIlY, Obtain.. 1)10 o"or:,wbere hItdlIIlt to alUl B)'JDPlthetlo with the five men not rtlport-l1lg . 'J'he)) Uf \ It blnt p~, VaQ B oro , Adilir . to ..... HI8 PRIU'ERENOE. ' faltII -..4 foD\.. of othen.-The 011' wal IUlmedlately oom plet,ed hy the Dnllu!\ 13 nn t8'l)erg er l ob Nos 163, addl$loD of Funk AIl .. b er, R. B. 16". l(l ~i , LM\, 167 , Hl , l69. 170. and "Do you Uke<birda 7' . Smith, Alben BrODt. ~oo rf(o . M. 17L in ,'llloklnu W Ad;1Itlon to Fra nk. ESKIMO ON THE WARPAlh "l am 10ntI I)f & lark now and Brown aDd Ben W elton. '~ eorlote lI D• • 2 25. then, and I do like & few -wallowa W, Davia was ohoRen foromGn dod Possibly the Lut People on Earth to Maee Ball. oonst!l blfl. What W, For. Commilsioncu' Proc;ee4inltl at times, but I ~te a jay." Realize the Mighty Strel)gth of U 1011 wIah to let ahead and lta1 Bills Allo wod- ounty UO I(,mI8· the White Race. Real EsCate Tran8fel'l a head.-BoItoIl TrIDUP·TO-DATE CORREOTION. sl/mo rs Groeu oa nty. OhiO, ex *'IlL pe n e of Le loge W"r tl low. Wllrren In almost every part of the worltl "l see where thOM Bhipbuilden are W. C. ~I1Ulour. sheri ff to Obnr . oll uty' put,lent In bo p ltal, fGn 50; ~t~,~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!'!!'!!!!!!!~'!!'!!!~Jgoing to merge their buine.. with a 10Ue J . Stanton. lot No 665 in Myto n , J o lln ~ou , sorvloes as 1iBt! !~t;. 111e ) or Toces hll\'1l I('orncd to I t Franklin, 11800 ou t ToO "urveY'Jr. i3 GO; C~ r l1\1n R til ' whi te IlIOIl aloue. In U\e·tll'JIS st Iftlf finn of submarine builders." CharieR E, and Olive Bn.ywood to Bren n ' r, o\' mp l\ n~n l l n ilJ r p. Bren jll1lgl oi J\orn('o killiug Cau u'j ~"""t "I 8hould say, submerge.'J M. C, and Katherin e Wills .J. ' raots ner R11'1 d ti ll . r lllirm t' 20; K . R ohmer sion is knowll lo be dongcrous. It HArne $hl ; 011 11 P . BOllO. teet! due .... 'Well "De1iolou Vinal 10 BamUson town ijbip $ 1. urprising to ICllrn ,thot • I UNPATRIOTIC. W O. Gilmour . Rheritl' t o Lou l ~ P. CIRr k 1'01' !lllllrler t1 ulll lJg Morc h Il l. is n li ttl BelletOD~.OJalo. ...·~Mybloodwu Kret:alolll Nos. 176, 177, 17 l\Dd 179 $8!l, 10; W a (:ll)n)/) I1 ' , s berllJ 'ot ex cerl ai n E s kimos of, Jlol'l hernmost no poor...,1 .u III a "eak"nervoue, Phryne--Shall I play "Stars and 10 Boneewortb'lI addition to Millon ptHh"S f il l' ~ume Il llllfto r, $200. 76; Cnmllia Ii fw e lume(l Il gilinst while :u:':n-be1I!t.r~ ~~~:t _Btripes_l3'orev~ _ U800_ ___._._ _ . _ ' W . U (~lIu Hlur. bOil I II 110 (1 wU!:lh lml expl',r rs, prosp tors ami mi ion· f IJI' Shl\)iI pAr;oll • . :I:lt 72 ; P. A- arirs allli Itave kill 'd two reprl'!;en· , ...,, ~t told ' me about Vinol. Theodore-No; only for' a little u , N. Gingerich t o O. N . DOtlrdoff 8tamo " }' f';l1lI rin!: shoe!! t nr pri~ II r tdiid It and It built me up In -every way while. pleue.-Judge, one acre In Fraoklln town ship, $1 Prlnoe . Iln ppll for talil'cB of nch or t hese pursuits. - blood, atrenKth and nervea, and I tell G. F. Brown and Wife to Hll rry St .1l6; L Tho E sk imos l!'fe, ItS a rule, p enco Olllv I!Y" r , ~l HL ; 1'.1-1. M rvia s up fAl tilIDdI-l\ la the belt medicine on Y. Billlo's NOli 29 IlDd 30 in bouth plies ror j, IIr,r $a .!l!l; , B. Daoblltlt Im'iug. eanb,"-lin. EABLBRUN90N. NOT MUC~. VIDol. _cJelIdoucod Uver and Iron -'Park Bnbdlvhlon to Leban on, $l6Q p ur ' ti. _l m I~ , Htl\ tnp f l' Aud i Willt r approaches onll travel in toriIcwrthoatoll,lblll'Jl8D8 theappetlte "Does thie epistolary. war between M8l\s, a and John Oeoker to J. P . tor ~6 . th Iv-i lcll'rn SS ' be omes 11Iore diffiaide c1Iaeftion, enric~e. the blOOd !.~d Jenny and George amount tomuchP" Rawlea two trao's In lJIellororeok _1WIiIatmal mann~, crelt(ll.l,tren .. ~.. " \ownBblp $2. 'li1 t, ye t; the nnnuilUl mountea po..~ ~ "1D1lIYolDr u llt.;Wavnesvllle , ~o, DO mG1'e thaD a eorap of .,.. W. O. Gllmonr. Bherllf to J eselo 1i 0 or 011 lhe trai l of the tribe " , ~. whi e!l hlte1y dispatched tivo New !:lod.:! n I ' b n I~' II'. h I I> IJ ah lUln g RO.. 'UI1<1 ~11I4t1 "ldH tln cl YOT ka r~ , [{lIllionl nna Street. N ag rillpe. [llIrI thl1 <o ~ pl' lng oolne er e. tire caullot be induc d to nct III! "nnoy i og II fill ItIOt;t' \"" IS li nd flr guidI'S Ulla reports hove becn rl!likely to lu m Illt,ll\ hro[)lo 8um mer cough fll ~'1(\h C' IS'8 ta ke H cc ivcu thllt tho tribes men nre belHg&refl~rn e o t of · 01'. King'l! N w ots. or Il~ IIm1 Illldismnyed by the proscovery, a plOIlM IH LII:\: ..1-i vo Tar p ecL of the white llllUl'S vengeance. -. ~Jru\l H doolbus the oougb, oheokF If they only kueiv tlHl odc1B; how Dan P and Mammoth Jack Will Make the Season of 1916 at 'he oold nod 1\ Ips breillt u p An f)! . quickly thcy would surrender! 'rhe 'aolt ot IIrlppe, ete olrolldy pr e. the Zell bam -in (~I:Wjn, Ohio. pared. no m l:dn~ or fu seing. Juel, white man is llDIorg Lvillg and un, sk y o ur druggist for 1\ bott III of f orgellin or am) behind the tew courUr. KlnR'1I ew DI~cover y . T ested ageous COllstnbleR , is a race wl1ich '1nd I riad fot· ov r 40 Y61\1 S. cl ai l.ns 11omi-rum 0 in 011 zones, and w it'h wi ll go to nuy lengths to enforw i td. 811 pl'omllcy. 1


French Vine Growe .. Have No R·ell. l so,. to Compllll n, Despite Devas· tatlon of Champagne.



_ ....,... ~ct-W.u.


.. ';..-.DOboclI,

whloh are TbelO&Il pal_

. . 0bW~~~::e :ft:=~~

..... applylD8

~ Come in and wili an ~tima~ OB 't he buildiq , .:

Give us a ~al1. get our prices, and we are poSit~ve we will get your order ior lumbet:. etc.



:~~!~ ~~M!t w~~~! I 1 (' d M nut Itt"" '.' li, h


E, I'dltor an




We liner DIIUm Re,,-nrd rllr ""Y CDse of Call1rrh It'llt .... 111· I,.. ellrod by lIaU'. ('olllrrh Cure. Ilnllger 111,II 's ~alurrh Cure has lJeen IlIkeu CIIHurh suITc.n:n rur Ihe . PU-Sl Ihl'ty.


fl Ye yellt~. lind IlUlI IH'<'om" kn"wn N' the

APIUL 12. 1916

, \\Ivst .... linhle rtmedy ("rCalarrh. H n ll'~ Calarrh Cure acts ... ,,' I he hluod on tile surrll~s , e pc llinlr Ihe !'ol.ou Ihe Blood and beali,,!; Ihe disensed




po rtions. Aft". YOll have Inken H" Ws C"lnrrh

As . Writte~ by Our Cotps of Able' CorrE:spondents . in the Neighborhood



Roy Carr baa been oonllned to his bomo levtlr,,1 daYIi!' wish grippe. Mrs. Rllym od I:loroggy enter. talDod on Wedolliday ev&ning lor MI s Elorenc'o HIIYC ok who IS to be ons ()r t he May brides , Se vilra I of nul' y oung peopl e d. ~ nllnd a tmrprlile t or MI RR Bflz I .J e nkiD B ruelday night or 1"8~ week 'iJ'"D. (;lIrhflok aod family bllv~ m oved Xe nia. wbere he hll8 work III tbe' cordllg e toot.ory. AIMe R o b A r~s lind tlLtmly bllve m oved 10to·Oeo. Bomhle's property in Soulh Burlington. Miss 'lfI,rfl, (;arnes Is ~be !(1l08t of re1utlves In Sprlnl\lleld. Mrs . 'I'homns C B&ydooll hall as gUOS l8 lo st week ber .Ister's Mrs. a rllb ·Borlan a.nd M.r8. lbltle C6lJutt ot Barveysburg. J. W. Btiydook spent a p~rt cir IRBt week witb frleods In Spring field . Wm . Ewing il oonfined '0 hili llome with rheulDotl8m . Onr <iohool8 rAndered a very 10. t,ere~J,lng 1\ rbor Day program Fri. d llY uftarllooo.

MDTDR CAR The owner's rride in this

r is

Cure ror n Hlturl lime you ,viII sec n Rrcu l abundantly justified 'by the grace I illtprovCK1enl ill Y(lIIr g""l' no I health . and symmetry of it lines .. SIUfl tukillg Hull's '"Iurrh Cure III o llce' aud gel rid (If ca laorh. Send rpr lesllmo\ I uials rree. The body, finished in ebony black, wit hils pure stre:lll1line fmm ton neau to Mr . and Mrll " W. C. Wolol, h · Mr . nnd Mrs lil rDClMt Har tsook F . J . CftB N1W & CO .. Toledo,OI,io. radiator- the oval molded fcnders- I~I'tl~-erul cuwl li nd s hapely hnod~lIen Improvlcg thei r bOin e with were ~ lJ " PlJl llg III Day tOil oce day " 11 ,.ou WilD' IlVeln 'he kind of a Sold by II Druglri~ l s , 7r>c. . l lit- enameled i"~ trulltenl board, completely equipped 1I'Hh g ll ilges , st" rlin, Dew p.pllr . I · 1~ 8 t wtluk. and lighting s1I'it ches, ~ peedome t.r, ctc .-ure a ll dlsuncti vO! features. PH\'" Mrl;>. Mol/Ie Collin s tmel 1\[r @. Fraulc Mr. and Mra. Frank Barris were I .Ik" Ill .. k Iml of" town y itn 1I11e Uay'oc vlsitorll hllll. Tbursday. HI}t!Kli ud dtto g b ter. ()Ietu, of DI!y Y II It , ediJ:, ' llp four olo'bel In ~ The motor'is 80· 35 Mr. lind ilrs . Fraok !:Illlda k et t on. s peut t 11 0 we ek. ,w d t he gUORt Tlte price of the cnr cOl1lplete is $7&! (I. o. b . D e~ro it ) II t1 J1 wllre called to New Carll/de lliet of MI M Ali oo hOUlw uLh AIIII "'.Ii rt on " 100lOt, loolOt bille week on a 10ouot of tbe dStlth of B Mr. ncd MrR. Asuury 1:1 111 lire tbo VIIU II only and whal you've left be. oou ~ ln. lIud oc tbeir return hOUl e pllreclR of 11 bliloy OltuKhte r , borD blllll . .vlslted iu 'I'roy "cd Belmont WedDe dllY, April 5tb. V'hU\ "t.? ovt of bed ~'lIr 'bere', ootblllR th ·. t·" really oPW Mrs. I bbio Co llet.• returned b orn ()!,l No vomller 1) , Hll o, Mrs . 'nr. e' "e.v ch..y ou 'J'bllrlljllY of hat wee k 'nCtor 0. olloH Cjllenuwetb of Hils pluce rl'It a 1\ IInooll '" yuunelf wbeo you Like. ~ thrtllil'\q IInook your town. wee k ' .. visit wl'h her tils'er 10 New 06lved the 8Uc! Dews of t he d e 11,11 uf U I~n " ~b~ to\\' n, It 'I YOll . 'to.dve."tvre. jt .se.em", Burllo"toc "noph ew , Hllrry W ttnl Well or. uge Miss Ada Dowolog, of Xell1lt. was 211 yearll III, hi ll homei» East Uelentt. And e't>.<:.h ni9ht ""he." "Relll tIlWO~ Ilr" not mado by men the weell.enu Rue8t or reldtves hore Mont,mu . . U eCAm b ~ r 20, 19 15. flO· rt'\Y Ilfrltld IlIlt week. · olb er toleg""11 011111 e fllJ l.I'JIl onl ng r..e~t Momebodv piliI' {lets abpIU1, eovc'h (~to "pe'to.k) ' he deJl~rt. nrtt flf Il u el oyod ~It!l e r , Mil ton Howe, our tell olwolt izen Wben ev .. r.., one "orh and nobody Mrs. Reb oim WlltslJn Wlntere, age ~nd ' bu~lnes8 Ulan stili rllUl ·dns ~o 0'" Ihlrkl 70 YOlnll, nt. Mu rion, JUf\. ~,) ll uw­ quite @iok fr om " ooruplI-Jlltiou of t..OveT\tvre ~ y"u 0110 ,alBtl It town 'rom tbe Ir )ublo@. His m my frlenus aro Ins in quiCk 8ucce8~ l o u t>lIturdllY , . d~ltd it\ dr~.s . April I. I\lUi, tbe fl1t .. l news relloh etJ very anxious for his r eoovery . 11.'1'1And If wblll' you millie your per. he r t h tlt tlllolh fl r slt'ter, Mrs . Adr 'a Dr. Marhl Romloe and MrB Re- Watson 'Inith hud pfiBse d t'l the "onlll ~tolre Don 't B old the freUul, nervous. berca Merrilt were Su nd ay gued Urellt Boyo nd ~t h oI' llolli e In Mt Y ,ur oelgh bur. 011O ooe. toO'i obild . Oft.eo its doe to worms. JUIIlllr.ro1lS from Now M I.rnl Botel ot their ~I!lter. Mr8. Muttldl1 UoderYoor , ,1111'0 WIll be whl\' yon wlln' I£Ioa, Iod . IIga j G9 voo:rs Conneot (Jet rid n f th 8se uy gl ving one-halt wood, ot Dellr hilIO . lIee, illg t bes su d dOat, b ~ willi thllt of tn ODe los8nge Klokll_poo Worm Second 11 Ludlow DAYTON. O. H Ilin', Ihll 10WO, it'lI yoo." Wuynel!ville 18 80rely offtlrln 6 IlO cnl y broth er, ' 1IIlI'ley W lltlloo, Killer, a laxative worm oandy. 80Dle vary great Induoementll to onr lul y 14, IUI4, aged ~2 y~ lIr 8 we teel l:it 90 only plain nourlsblolJ food, oit lze os 10 beoome oltlzen8 of tll elr toat tlllK Lor oft siM le r hu s 1\ weigl t 101-8 of oo\.door exerolse and pnt '0 Write today for Catalog. We shall be glad to demanstrate .muulolpllllty. "erv recently Mr or 8 lrrow tt Oll OIul.lll y 011 res r esllDt! hed early, Wlltoh stools. and oonthe Dodge Car at any time. Echo From 1he Art GAllery, tlnue glvlnJl: KlolI" poo La:.. . '-_____________________________ "Isn'l tbat a Vlllosquez?" lIlrs. 0\1. "n I Mrs 'l'hos Ulltea aod family opoo h or II nd ' we trus t thllt 00 fu_ movfld tbere from here aod this ture shado w Ill uy. dar ke n b er 11 :& eDges, tbey will positively remove ca8~le I18ked 88 they slopped tor a moment to look at the new pictures. "Oh, wllek Mr and Mr8, Uhas Lynoh !lDd for ven r e to oome. the wormR. 250 Drngglsts . bavtl movod to that oay. tawll.., my, no," her boa 668 replied, "It's a t\ serl os nf Ineotl n~: a under I,h e Tbe Ladle!! Aid Soole\y wend ed pU8~ n rl\ tl' o f Eldo ra Br,)wu and Rad. lion . But [ told Joalah wbi3n he A OIIr'aln lrillb lu'bor. rbmarka. broucbt It bome tbat It lookod a cood their way to CJbrllaville and Hpent oUffe h,ue b~o n 111 p rog r e~1I lit the ble for thfl OdnllH of hll! DOle, doal more like ODe of them things 'he dllY at tbe M. E . pllrsonnge In Middl e Rnn ohorob, ' begloning Fri . YOUNGSTER'S VIEWS OF LIFE Ibuwlld 8uob olVI'lty to a1l AmerlOiIl yoU mention." compaoy wl,h ~ho LHdiell Aid of d .. y nnll ondi ng t5 un dtty . FOR SALE I.. dy Ibai Ihl! eaIIt1l8110(: elJlI.l"e Id. Lb"t Olty, eettlng OUL treoR rtud 00 fliunJRY avenillll meftlog WIIS To Be Compelled to Give Affection I. mh·l\\lon of everytbing Ell ropelln , pl.nte, Their . well fllJpd bllskote he lll ut th fl h um e of MrR Arnand·, Auto Livery Service at Someth ing They Cannot AlIII Ib" C't1l1l"1'd it "How6ger.'· .be were eojoyed and the oooasion will ~ru ltl.l , or Wuyn esvillo . for t h e ben e. ways Understand. addetl, "bellig " free IlpoteO AmerllNGLE sud Rose Comb Redl!Reasonable Rates lonll be remembered, Ut of II 'Iillter. /sol rt! Relleokn Crrlln or Well to Search, oaD "omao. I alwaysla,. tbat wblob BIghe8t exhibition qnality On'] huraday night of lus t week wltosllllX rrOUl &6ge li nd {eehln sttlte Tho world srt' /IlS 10 he rull of wIlat lolentlfloa)ly mated . Egg!! bali Also A,ent for Kelly.sprinpeld Don't neglect your Blbla; a New til opp~ rlnll ~ t. "ud·'bflrefore 1 MIlII' lrllnilly tllll rou abd I O&n', let. York mao round a S6 bill more than 'bere Wl\S II very s u o'ce8 ~rol Cl nd of hellit-ll wi ll lIot permi t h or li t. II1lly bo clli led co nllJizcu elliotions. prloe 16. 110(l; 100. '5.00. • Call aod Automobile Tires OVM your oOle" "Bedad ma'am .. II bUndred years old 10 bla.-Seattle muoh onjoyed dllnoe !(IV"u bv lho< te od noo III, Tj1t!ulll r m ott rin!J . Otle is " SlIppO. cu" 10 lovu one's aunt see atook, .Mlller property, Maio St , young Ill"n of thl ~ vlolnity Vi SI t _ l>l r . H.u r ' 0 Prlllt. is @ llfferl ng ,,·j illnp(j t.b" au'bo~. "tba"; Dol to Poat-Jnte\ltgencer. or OIl C' S gTun rHotltcr in a certain Phone 68. Bury H . Wadaworth , ors trom Xenia, Wilmin gton. Way. from no Idt.MOk n f n ourolgin. be - wo'l""red ,,' f.Jr tbe bridge II' Wa,n68vllle, Ohio. U. 8, A, 102«1 otlllvJ'JJe, UIllrkdvllle and r .e bunon. dcfi ni te woy, nt the risk of being "unbrokeD ... Tbe young folks hore are noted fo r Il:llu ral." One gels almost a scnse tbelr boapitllll&y Bnd alwBS s do 1\11 TOVES-Good RanBe. good gllso. Valley ~ hone9a-lYe of UIC quantitnt ive meaBurement of Tlml'a Chan"... 10 their powor '0 malle every ooe lio!, Range aDd 100d Oat lieat. A IUD Uled to be known by the weloome wben in 'heir oompBcy. ernotion. Perhaps the greatest trag- er. . Icquilo a& abll offioe. a26 The dr ll wwg of mosvTell, t htt Bore. ely 01 f amil y lire is the llseless e;llD~UPTIVE, company be keptl but DOW you 8JlOt S;)uth street 18 llndergolnfl qultB , blm by the a~lectlanl lie turn8 lOoa" 41:1 ImprovemoDt, the Idell Ie I,n I,Jlm- 06SH, t lfi'oeHI! lind bgol!li zing Pillo of orgy t hu:t iB exponded by the dutiful EED OOBN-B'lnfl. oloe, yellow ALL KINDS OF ~'A:1tbol1g11 Uiss Gnpdcra wears OD the pbOll0&f:8pil. Inate t 1e mud wbiol! will b " ban' to R)l eqll1l1t;I~ 1D qul e kly r le ld to 'Iolln's Hod,oorn fo~ 88le. Ioqulre of in k upi'ng these nrti.fieial channels Llniw \l nt . J,t IlllJlllut(ls oirCnlation eome daring gowns, sbe appears do b~~ tbl! ooqnoU deserves grellt Chal. SmUb. 8 . D. 1, Wayoeisvllle, to the Pll illful part. ,'Iust apply 118 open, aDd the correct amount of· curqu~te unconscious the fact." ~ , oredl.' tor malliog tbe m Ilob-Deeded illreottl!1 to t be sore s pot'" In a Obio, pboDe 143·- 2Ya . a26 ren t running. It is exaotly thiB that "Y .1 t d ) . Impruvemeo~. ort time l lie p ~ iu gives wily to produces most inrallibly the rebellion Ii tln ~lJnK ijpnk.. tl on of com fn rt anil ILLY Oolt, bilif dra". soond aDd lKurm'h . HArB'" proof-"I b&ve of the younger generation. To hear It to 8 U Y nil· all rliM, for sale, Inquire ho (l wondllrfnl n~lIa ' si noa I uset! th nt one ought to 10\'e this or that tbls office, a26 t'So you would not be misled. I' Yn, Rebeoo" Merrit IR O(1l1llpy ID~ your 1.'\ ul ll'llut on m ' kn ee. '1'0 person; or to hellr loyalty Bpoken of Frequently a miss with a baby stare II. 10Ue of roomM 10 'he King FI"t. LhlOk ouo upplioal,i nu guve me re URE 8, C, R . I. Reds, for r ry 1 h uvn ' t ~pllce ~o tell 8 S the older generation so often haB an intimate acquaint8nce with I Mrll. Margaret Levioy Ilud fllmlly Ilot. IIIlte by Mri . Clio' BOla. WayFrench noveis and iB an authority on are now looated In thtlr De w h ume no tho bi ory. TlJ l1u klng yon f or speaks of it, os if it consisted in an nesville. Oblo, one-balf sqoare Waynesville, whut yn l1 f T{lIl1 " <' Y . 11118 c\ l'J n f or ollegin.nce to something which one 11 th I t t hI ' 1 . " I want to buy your .. t ,be ooroor uf Pllrk 8l>u~h s t . abo"e eOline bousa, 102& • e A e8 pro em p aya. Wool and ' wi.1I pay JOM. S . l:hapman, t,ll e hUfltllllJ.f rnA "- .I nltt ~ ":'; F,J r::: I.1~ () n, l'hl'llde ~ no longer believes in-thjs i8 what . Over Pa.tolTlce. CLEVER HOITEII, Auto li!ttl l'~ mtln . of WtiYDfJ~ ... illp, P,•. jo;lotlu '" Li u tnll'll t 1<111;1 )llli n. ~oon es t Iiberotes those 'forces of modHOlla Phooe illS, ANDOLIt{ aDJ RuUar, nearly orlb PboDI! 77 you the ' highest tran880I Pd bOlliueNij In onr olty nu l' 2;)0. n t Drll ~ gl " t t! n eSB nnd revolt which bewiLdcr. Bpir-new, betb for 110. Inquire day la"~ \V e k . · . Mark et Pnee .• "She;B lUI 8lltertaining ..hoBtell!!, itllnl teachers and gui.deB • . It is ex- ihls offioe. Rev. A. K. tiargeot, after tbr' e .19 =======~====~ and BO cleverl" . ' . i ncHy those dry. channels of duty and weeks Mlleot 10 Florlc1u, r l·tul lh d bome WedallsdRY mooh IlIlprovi d obligation through which no living ''Yes, indeed. She never lets any: EiD Potatoel, Early Ohio Ion!! In be&lth aDll fill E',1 the pol liit at Ihe Carman. Ioqulre · of Anole • j~ . of her rehltivcB sing if t~ey CAn't." . _ . waters of emotion flow that it iB the B4ptl~t <lllnroll. whloh b o hn beRn a19 ideol of the ' younger generation to Glbbpos. In cb..r~c II ror uMrly a qUllrter nr - -veterlrtarY Mr W. E . BO~I\D "nd M r ~. R . L. break IIp. They will hllve no net" ceOlul'V . A MEAN.ING, IMOTHY SEEP, bolme Browo at Oradu.te of Oblo Stale Unlvenllv Rev. Alfre() W"IJrer will b wilh Bogan vll!ltllll III Lp. hn n (l ll a fo w work of emotional canala whi<;h are "Do peorls really signi ry '0 r W . T,.Jordao" ltore. at Well· n ot brimming, no duties which are maD, .hio. ae u' 'he M. E. ohnroh next 8uudllY . clays ItlSt wee k.. .19 "lIThey do when your wiJe w8nts Waynesville. OhlQ MI \'I9 :lI ro LJ Br,,()for,l I.ook d inner n ot equolly loves. - Randolph S. The Civio Leagoe me' Ilt the Office at residence In F, B, Sher a necklace 01 them that you can't Sun day wi th Mi s!! tt:th A l 'Olu plon . bome of Mrs. EVii ~oDoollld un Valley Phone 135 Bounle in Atla.utic. ATE Beed Potatoes-TbeBe aver. wood's house. Fourth Street. aiford to buv." t:Ia\urdllY la.$. Mr . 'IUd Mrs. Ell BOl'(ll n were agl!d beUer .ban 800 bn. lis' Ralph 0, Tolt', Iloperiotenllent nf !:InnallY evening g 11 6 ts of J ohnny year. Allo 8000 ~ oorn. Inquire Telepllone 28 our blgh.itchol/l. 8pent 8titurdilY nnd WIIS()D ·S. S"'mp Women and Mone)" Mr. "nd Mrs. t IIym ,;nrl Wllsoo ~und .., with bie vueols .... . SUfOld, One o f 'he Chi r clI.naes of flr.'ll) ~Ia' ~~~l~, ~b~~~IBbUry. R. 1), 2. !i;y~ Wayne.vIUe. Aisbland <.lounly, retarnlng berll .n,l d .. n f!, MIn,)' Cn l.h llrin e, vis prcstin l" ilt motlel'lI lifo \:, 1.111) " oIlare SUDday eveuiD~. ited h e r p Hon' '' , Mr. IIDel Mr8. Ear. of somc Irirla and womon to realize Ati.RIAGE-ror ule or t • .ae. Several from bere attended the nest Hnrley n ear N\l w Bor lingl.on that mOll e y tloes nol rull like tbe <l<I1If, tluod. y . . In 10011 abape. Inquire of 0, irand jury 10 Leb,mon IIl8t well" . SlIuUy !'rom heav oll.- hiother's Mqa.· 11:, ICdwarda, Wayo6Byllle, Obio. Mrs . 88m\.' tnrr is slow lV Improv- dDe. l4r and Mr8. r rank L. Burrltol "re DR. HAT~AW AY a12 havlog tba io&erior of tbelr bea u- Ing Mrs. Luoy Compton nnd MrR R. ,Iful home deoorlltEo" tlod er the dlWaYDN rille's Leadinll ~DU~ O.y Horse II Yrl. old. good driver r\lO~loc of Gliroer "",1 i!:(1wllrd~, (lod E. J Q n ellll\)e D~ Jj'rid ...y !l.t Wllmlng. and worker, \ Iray Mare, 4 yrs. Offitle · ~ Ke,a_Bld" Main St To ' Sharpen Ruol'll. IU 800n a8 ·1he "'trlll,l.tlr \\ II permit ton. he exterior will be b" ... ullfied with Pour a few drops of pure olive 011 Old well broke ·81081e aDd douDle, 1 Mr s ...l tlnni s Ml1ls is ' poDdlog 1\ male Hog, big type Poran4.Cbllla. 1 rew (hlY s wHb h er p61'llntP. Mr. nll rl 00 th e rll!lor 8~OP nnd duat It o't'er yr. old In April, 1 brood 'l::Iow, farwith a lllllcil ('( \tour of emRry. (,bomas Wbelllfll, onr florist and Mra. Riohllrtl ,J lJ ue~, of Xeuill. paint. . row ID ilay, Addretl8 Otbo Ben. I:( or[\oo H~ roer wus hurne over !!el'llOu, R. D: 2, Frankl ~~~~l~~~~Q~~~~t~I~~'-l~iYJii!ahUI!Y mlln getl l'fl!! II In their pilloe~ :sulld !!y ,btl' &hey be ooliutUl<ld . EVlltl IIn <l I,elll h Bfl/tn u v~ ry pJelIP8ubaorilltlrs '0 tbe McCAll's Funeral ' Director. Mr. Ed. Re1l80n, Is one of 'tbe ·fir .. 1 'Inlly eute rt.lIl nOll Lb e Y. P . B'Ii!, 1II.,.alne. Bend 850 &0 .he tn.our oity to "Iallt bl~ garden . '1'he FrldllY evenlog (Ja86t&3 office, and Be' ooe 01 he o&ra It wlll get will give ' It " boacti- .J, ~. L efl Dling boIS trl.'en IIUtl'e rlDg Telepbone day or nieht, bee~ m.,allln68 OD eartb, tt ful "ppearanoo. Valle, phone No.~. Lon, Ihe JI ~(j t w,,,~ k wltb th e Rrlp)ls. Ho Sealed bids .. Iii be I'Oallvod by ~be Olerk of . Mr, Vha/!. OroBII, repreeenUD8 ihfl Is b l.' tter n.t this writ.i ng. Dldance No. «19-;21', the Board of Edu ca~lun ot Wa7nl! Townsblp dePflrtment ', f t·he Motor JUII , Mi8 ~ Muo d •• D"v is entllrt.t1ined hn1 School Dlslrlct. Waynoayll1o, WalTCtnOount7, . Lcb .. noLl, WitI' 11\ ~ur midst la!!t fri end, MI~'; thlll'e I:( url oy II . fow Oblo. unlll ooon oa tlte Automobile 8ervlce .t all rlm~e Will'" trstng to Intl)re..~t . ~(lme of tile r!oy s )u st w auk. APRI~ pro.. p~oUve OUI!~OIDAr8 Chllrley hai' WAYNESVILJ,..E, . • 9HI0 R, E Jnnes b r e modeling his tor tunllllhiog tlio "eceMa17 labo~ and 1I, dope tbllt he u8es freely In d " m TI, Is diseaso should be trol\l.od tIS soon h ootls uuU erp.oU ng'" uew Jloroh . \.orl ..1 lor tbe con9Lruclion and comple,/Oa ot "",,: Venerable EXIlI!pie o' pe.. ni,_ Ole Age Who, ,"ovel t' Chaw "'bacller , oOllratlllg hill blltlutlfnl oare, Brane' Omce, BarveJIJ,:uc. 0.. 11 8ewor&Re IbHI"'ID' accord ing ko · tlte plano /IS tIll; lirst ulloatUI'M ~oosen~S8 ot the F . In"Vtlw With ~Ja~ an' Ret,r t·. th' Tlma Whan He.Cp'uld liiove Bought , Walter Kilbon,. rE,present.log the 110,1 eroclllca(JolUI 00 Ille· wltll E, V Darn· ~welB aPllOarij. Whe~ ' tb1.s IS done .. Ilart (;Iurko llho " oardot Education. Way" ..· ri ngle dOileof Chamberlain's Colio, ehol· ~ th' Q~und Where th' PUlt 0",01 ,taildl fer Two Clolla"." Ford !!ep,utullmt flt. toe !Wlo.t o r InD, • yUle: OhiO. proplU'llCl by \Velier. Werner &. A <II<lIlB, Mercautlle Llbrlll')' nlllllllu• • 010' W'o.llnd Dlarrboea Remody.wlll effect IJ, .• of Lebloorr, WdS hero hu.t week getHOIl'. ·' I!ls·Eclitlir· ~ale FMl'art a4- where ' th' PUBt . omce ' stands tel' two CIIlUlltl, Ohio. Dills will be ope0'l'l al ." 01 tlto 8111,1 Boakl ot Education dn meel.lug l'ure. This remedy can &\wayli be (le. :~~~»:?II:UD~W~~~ 'drill_ad th' Commercial 'club laat nlBht, dollal'8, an' th' Iplnater who could ting tbe dalllll to d ..l\ver bill maoblu('s' Indl g6~tloll ne,HI n I W:~YB till'. Croup Remedy. {fo. are liB . ~tIlJlle ' ftB i ugllr (lod tlltbs t.J\0 .!<llIep m.oro or Ie B, an rlls April 10. 19/6. ILt ~ : OO o'clo,k .P. m. . . IlOoded upoo even In the most severe and at Melodeon ban After conaratulatln' blve married th' beBt mlln Ill' town, They Each blu must be DCL'OlIIpaol<t<l by a CCOl'- iI. tingeroll8 C881l6, and shonld be kept a~ \0&$ wtll 9Ureli pro ... 'l'be o.DlY thing is . to b tt ve colfee, UIlO<! check tor IUO 00 madu payablo 10 tile th' club OD: thO town'. low death rate both ' lIIultrate t', Uti ho" a 'Wbole lite tbem 11(. they ClIO be deltvered lit often thu 01i llR6 o~ lri&Olllnill. EIlI order or tho Olerlc or tho noaO\1 of Bduc..tlou· hand ready for instant Never leave " . }oIo YOlul tlh~,!:: bome-~n a journey without it. u- ....."....tpleulq"'~ . lib' th~ De", hltehln' In front 0' mlY be cbang~ ~' soured thro'· th' II light lluplJe r with 11 t tl 0) It nllY W"~IIU wwnlihll'. Warron OuUDty: OhIo, lhe Ume 'bey wttD tad . Mr Cleat, lIod no milk i III ' (1 tl~ko l100 of 01 Nono hut the low.. t fOIIponolblo bldoer til' collrthoUie til' lpeaker paid 'An ela- lack 0' a little ne"e. III well kDown b f' rIl aDd ill tit Quent ~lIute ~' boldn~. an' \tl rela"T'day th' curb. are lined with 8bh" 'hom borl ui i.J 'fj 'l'ablets Immedill'el.y ·1t~11.!"'8D~':!i "*,"'011 the rllht to rejllCt UoQ \: lucc.a. "We're IJ't'ln' In an· . .e erlo' lI~maolty 'Wbo hI-.... dropped ont r II tlmel a weloome guel!'~ rittel' I!UPll r, I~.,d 611l If VOIl · do) not Illlbld~~.:'~~~Il.':- aealed .IDd eDdoned. "JJld Mrs, Bannlin Cr(>~well enterlained reat rnuoh botte r Oblalollllle overy lor tho Collltruc&loll 01. 80"01'119 8y.tom." fir .barD comJIGtlUon," ..Id til' vet· 0' til' ptOCMlulcJn 00 aooouot o· ~ld tbe BOYR Sunday S(lboo( 011!o88 ' and where ""u mlliled er deUvered' to The Clorlc or tho ....n edltur, "1!'hen nC!" C!lelpent II "110' te~. : . ' . Uoard 0 1 EduClltloD, WaYDo 'r""OIIltlp "Tb' belt maxim. 0' t'day 'Wel'fl writ· 'hell' teBoher, t!ldoey Watlnns. Itl8~ tadl8penaable as boldneBl 10 th' attR;ln. Schoul District, Wa111C!1vllle, warren CoWlty. Ohio. ' l:la~urday eve~log at her cottago 011 .. • aI~ ·th~t .. .depl!?bte 10 1U~ A; t,n a1molt a cen~ury aco; an' If they . By ordor of tho Bot.rd or .1II1.l\ed 'education, . puny hair. an au· ntt~' condltlona as they existed then Weptldaln street'. Wayuo· 'l'own.lup Bcltool DIaLrlo&, . .T he most skitary Creamery Education ' II a 61g Thing, ville. Wllrron Collnt)', Ohio. Mr. ·aod Mra. Am~ Eilts IlrO prti. ~~blle. IJI . UplmPflllchabte cll~ ,mUCh truer .are they t'day when WIlYlIosvlll.o, Obi'!" Aprll· S. 1910. Educatlou , I.B n grnlnd good lblng, 5.. Until"'. It,; IInely chlaelecl featurel, uollmlted mln!!a an' ellersle' 0' th' molt re- pl-riog ~o impiove 'lielr bOD?e with in the State and will pay highest market 19 E. V. BAl\L'lHART.Olorlc; ~ Berot~ ~ho wont, awa)' 10 Bcbool VIrOI'edit. Ui" farm of III Apollo, a keen lIOureetul amoDCtt .111 are often ex- 06weo' "'111111. . price for sound, clean sour cream. We are glnla ·Fontberlnghnm OR.\lea her molhlaltabt•• Ine tenor volee. ~. ~petto baUlted III an eftort t' eVfln riM above . Mr, atid Mr., Frank tlq ulrea alwa.ys ' prompt to recognize , any ' advance, Now abE) rererll to lier .....-.1tJ:. faaJltondlle ~Iment . .' medlO;Clrlty, If 'Strike wh8ll th' I1'on daughter, Dora, Mri!. Lltul'~ Barlan er "maw,' IoOd falltl avail but tittle io tb' battle ~ bot' m$8,Dt anJthlll1 In 1818 bo'l' Ind Mr, Har'er Sblc\.ker were Da,- al "tho 1Dater."-1'ollek~ ClIolllloJ. in the market, and take care of your . Notice of Appointment ~ 0 1 Iitt neD uDaCCQIII~1I\! by thO ele- much morC! mUlt It m(!&Jl t'day when \on IIbopperR 1.. ' Tburlday• . interests all tim~. Checks· ma~ed daily . .-. "Dt ~ IIoItlll~r n8"e. . ther'.. twenty Illp bom ptayer.- oneth' or weekly as desired to.cover all shipments, "BIOIfIIP'" record. many IDBtancel IIBi· 0' every count, band' If wleN, th" ~~noe 0' both h"'tat~ 6(t7 y~ ..o na &:'Ulty ~. pcll'8OnaI charm. h .. lifted chance la ther t·!!aY.f.r th' poaeiaor oiIt',!' th· h&eqround an' II,.., ''1:'11 think about IU' Tb~ \iowele arll ,btl nat.ural ""wer· To Weak, '~ervotU; ~un·Down \V'ODleJI IIIlt· tb·. lillllt. o· bonor an' aJlJlIIlC8. vllltu~ . DOJ,blD' "on' W1ll a So. Curnb,,·r-III.II,dl - ~~.... sa a fOIIUya ebaiaCutrt. kilt before tIll ' death 0' 118' IYlteM of 'he body. Whea lbey beoo~e obatrnoced by oool,lp" time I tie' iifc Jb:' .Ptrtt. 4 fal1l!r may ~ bold ~i' •tit ·&'dl.}' tIler'l folkJ down. tIJiO· teul_....·lnit be may lie ,..... lUeo. ...'!'~t ~yertl.IIl'. &lon a par' of 'be pO\!lonOtill mat&er .blOh sbey Iho~ld ollrry ab . . . ,nOM 1IeID' IIbJcL He..., be Ia oar moclern ~ d fMIIhlD' lorbed IDCO 'be a,.kllD. mll.kins you ...,.... wll" tbeN Ia 110~" th· froat 1toltlD..... til' ~ lmPC\rtant. fee14ullaad .'''pld, atid interferin, 0' ~ or 110 _ ... fer .,..... ~...... "..fMIIt III' 4oIDI. witb 'he dlp.tlOll alld a.lmlla"tnl DR. J. W• .MI~R. ti~~"'~ b ia IIDI4 onIF .... la. lit • Mat foo4. 'l'bla OODdl&lol1" qulokl, if tl.. tIllnI lOW ChambHlain'. Table", ~ r r. en".wbere. .





1 'ee.k





Atlas Motor Car Co.

---_0·_ ••___

---+ -_._--




- - - ------

alasailled Ads

Ray Mills



Corwin, Ohio

. .







Wool Wanted .:~~:~~~t~~r~::r~~u:~~tli~dl~~:




.. - ----



Call Me by Phone


Walter Chandler. o.







A. McCoy,



---.- - ...----


' . ' Element; 0 ,,'""Bold . ness an' Tb 1~~.~Rel~J;i~n : t';$upcess ~BARD,






Notice _To Contractors 100 -".----








WE HAVE J'tJST. . ' COM.pL.ErFjj' ." M:ode~ a~d



. .

""" .in


d...... IIUlt.......... oa"'"









-T: d ~;~:~ ~a:~:' I\~rh i PE RSONAL MENTION ., ,





T he t\ uto Car r iag Gloss a nd Ena mel Top Dressing .

Wag~n Paint.

Lowe Bros.

A coat otground colo.r- then

For Woodwork

a coat of Ve rnieal 8lain and YGur ftoors ·look like new.

Lowe Bros. PGrch FIGor Paint protectl against wear and weathe.r.


For Furniture




~1 , .'

I Ill' ... S


t Dayton

T, ""Dr HII~',l ck a1\J W, N. M 'Kn~ , 'L\V HUl ling-tlln. \~er i,1 luwn j e uy 0 11 u u ~i ne~,



Mr,;. ::;tnnley 'ellet'll, of L 'bnnon,

who. hu~ b ' n l.Juite ill l ~ " 0 W rUllvlllf.'sdllg.

of pneum nia,

crin' t alford lo stay a\vay\lWlley li m! go to J ohn Funkey' B . hll ,,, II). Two weekll nly. r\l U


~I r'\. L. A, Zimmer man and da ugh·

. l llry Lo\lis , are vi tli ting in 'im'inn t i Lilia week .

I P r,


Born- To Mr. ancl Mrs. Raymond MllrJaU. of Eug-ene, Oreg.. Friday, March :.II, 1911i, a so n,

h ilc Fish

HE olq. n\ y t lt 'l hnl we igh t was nec 5Sary ' fo r. snf ty ha . becn exploded by axon engincer. Ab le, t desigll a nd t he use of o nly t he fi nest maleria ls ha lii'lcn Saxon ~.'::)b<." a t $815 bo th lightness and strt:ugth'. _ And lightneSs nte~ns low upk eep cos t - in fuel, in tires and in a ll around mainleJlance ' Yet Saxon "Six" stands up Ilnd gives top qUlllity se r'vk e righ.l alonl;: ' with the big I ht.:a y , costl y cars . liS arrange a S Ill( on "Six" demonstra tiou:ro r you .

J. 'B_ Chapman . grea~

Lebanon, Ohio


Pictoriai Pall rns


IH'O guests. Ludnv '



==,For Other Home Useas==

~ J . Edward. altH MI·~ ., Wi!-




H OII II Il\' • ' l'W - \ \

- -- - - - - -- - .

Insu re H or ~es, Mules and Cattle Seed' PolUtoes I llguinllt dea th from any cause. W. Uu io n Sels 65-5 Waynesville. Ohio, 'ecds of n ll ki nds ' N . Sears, Waynesville. hio.. M r s. Emm a (l'nrr Dakin. of the Bring us YO UI Eggs, paying l ~e . hio MallO nic Home, made r elatives . '"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' here a short visit t his week. ~ l OU Y Dr. Dill, Osteopath, 21 S. nroad- / The' Shoe Sale at John A, Notice- All Grange meet ingll dtlr, way. Lebanon, Ohio. . Funkey's. W e pay tra de o.r cash ing l he summer will be held in t he eveni ng until further notice. E\'cry tlling gootl Lo eat at IHev . and Mrs J. F. Cad wallader, ,=============~==" Mrs. Mary L. Adoms and Miss Clara Lile were in Xl)l1ia thi mo rning.

at the

We have the very beat things to beautify your furniture, Ve rnic'al Slain Enamel Colors Household Paint

A lWIitary wall covering that makee YGur home bright and cheerful; can be easily cleaned _when soiled.

' ew I,:lke


Sta'ining, Varnishing Gr Enam· el Finish. For graining.effects use the Vernical Stain: ena,. to use

For Porch Floors




For Wagons 'and Implements

For Old Floors



For Autos and Carriages

No. 61 Floor Vllrni h- This cannot be beaten 'rorfOGt wea r -can be washed wit h lIoap nnd ' hot water.

r~~i~, "''':'1:

. "~h· is at 1.·.;( ." l\t'I" ('I\'~ hl'igh l M Iry E\ . Phllllps was born Decem1<11\11) . 10.1 ,(6, and died March ~O, 1916, Where I:'h.. ' \' 1'1' frum i'l'ipn,j w ill b aged 69 y ~~rs, 3 months a.nd 20 days. be Imr ,l'I I.I\<'\ltl ' Her mlUd . n nome was Mary E. Eyer, daughter of Mr. a~d Mrs. John Eyer. he was united with the . W: H. , Iall,h'n \~ n I hu,inO:O;N vi:>· .German Reformed ehul'ch of pring- Itor 111 .Iarl. l',\1 I," \ I"<ok. boro. April 29 , 1866. On Febru ary _ _ __ __ ___~_-"'!'!'~ 25, 18s8. she was united in marrialS'tl --to Benjamin H. Phillips who de· . -- -parted this lite November 27, 1911-. No children were born. to this union . .-. 1 I She is . survi.ved by one brothe r, a -~- number of re lali ;.'~s a nd fr lenQs, c. E K THI S She has passed he r fiv e ,Years of wid· owhood partly on her home farm and the rest in Waynesville. Th e last STRA \\ 'l\l~ J,:l I ... year and a lit tle over half wi th her LETT L'C L, '1()~.(. 'fl lE:-. husband's niece. Mrs. J ohn Long. NEW CA I,L.ll ". The last eight weeks wer e weeks NE\V TEX AS U ' I U . ' ,.


For Fine Floors


of :lUlrl'rJll~ l o r ' ~ •. ,,"tit', t a nti ' _ . . L _ _ - , - - - - -


..................................... .............. ~


li. W. H wk" Friday afte rnoon at :?o'clock.





The Woman' s Auxiliary of .St. MarY'l! ch urch will meet with Mrs.


Mrs. Oll i ' DRVis and dau ghter , I Ilchf!l . f Co n\ in, spent l:\unday ith Mr . Rnd Mrs. Fred Eve rhart, . t I"rllnklin,




J\'Ia k'C Your Home Splck and pan with

, p aper . .Hanglng · -na and Pamtl ' a-e - ••

· . Ohl·0 . Co. rWln,

allowed by Ia •• M~ "II dal' 01 April, 1916, H. R. HATHAWAY, L . A. ZIAlKERUAN, Olerk.

. _.

No. 85

...... ......






... ............ III

'l'he Zoar people will give th eir

ot:a.~Ufm~~~~t~~;;~~:~ RU~!~!!l~!rD aa~:no~~a; a;n~ SHERWIN-WILLIAMS -H k" .. folio ...,

upoo all tbaat""'tawllhJo

_ . ~ llmUeotaaid VII1&jJe 01 Wa7D..· ~ ., . ''l1Ia& aaId odd•• at....ball be con.


WBITE Pekin Dnok Egge. Fo.r. informatloD

~.Qf CQIICftM~ ~ ~.rd~JI!.I!!!..

phoD!! S3-S,Y. . 61e

~ . fJA'.rr-~ 7f'lf/.,J'"

JJ''1J1l1r'Ur~ 'IJ"'..Jnl;,~

Grocery :i Chandle w~' i~ndD~~~n w~~~~da~~a~~~~ awes r remam~~ th~re fora.two . WaYll esv •.lle, O. ' . "or three days ' With r(llo tlves . •

Have .'!Iou provided fJ r your Easter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hut ? (,Jur at this time is ticulnrly attractive and


II!! ,Jennie Lebanon,Hardin, Ohio. 1. O. O.


SEE OUR LAI)IES' READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT· Made of pure Wool 'P oplin, Mannish Series, Worsted Checks and . Gabardinea, all the new llaadea of tb. seasbn, silk and _tiD lined.

New Spring Coats

A Pre-Easter

New Spring Dresses

Our Ladies' New Shirt Waists Feature beauty, styte, servicc and comfort, made in Crepes, Voiles, Lawns, Silks, Etc.

The Childrens and Infant's Comer

In all thl newest styles and Showing of trimmell Hats-A shades of Crepe de Chines, Taf· 'Iarge assortment of trimmed mid fetas, Poplins, Charmeuse · and tailored Hats in a grea.t variety Meteors with the new Flare of styles-the new spring colors 'Sldrts, Georgette blou ses and a nd shape~, large, ,med ium and lleevet. s .. al1 Hats.

In Our Men's CJothin~~ . ~ep~. · We have on display for Eas ter, Spri ng and Sum mer a con~plete line of Men's and Boy 's Clothing;' Hats, Shoes anti F urnishings, dependable styles and makes. Stylepl us and Fitf!>rm Clothes. Mun· ling Underwear; Arrow Shirts and Collars. • few Ties a nd Cravats,

HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The boys lire working hard getting y for lhe Co unty ·Field Meet to bl!' hllh.l al Lobano.n in May. Our boys have been making good in athlelics aad expect to keep up their record. THe Wayne Township Spe\llng Contest was held last week. The first prize was won by Eiliel BishGp. The second prize was won by Glenna Cook. MlneNa Harlan and' Lavohe flu rton tied for third prize,. The prizes are $3. $2.and $1:

'. Mr. and Mrs, F. E. Hartsock, son and i:1imghtcr Jame§ and Marie, near Centervill e. entertained Saturday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs .. Aaron Sears. Mr. nnd Mra. Harry Snyder, Ler oy E Hartsock, all of Dayton, Carl She rwood , wlfe and son MGrlis. nea r Waynesvi lle, M!'!t .Jas. Mullen and daughter Edna, near Ferry.




The tremendous selling in our Grocery Dcpart ment assures yo~ Gf always getting fresh clean pure Groceries. .

throughout-.- ,- ;Furnit ure,


M'a ttings,




Whe·ther .-t mark er or

F. & A, M., will hold their ~ . regular communication rues· day evening, Aprll'l8th, SojG

brethren and viaitor9 are well~GI~e·.. I ~-......-~-~~.;...________~.;;.;;.O';;'...~~~..;:.:~~.': The regular Inspection of the lodge will take place Friday, May l~th. . D .. L. Crane, W. M. L, A. Zlmmex:man, Sec'y. "



• • • , Complet, ,.Home Furnlehen


WaYnesville Lodge No. 163,


My Alm-Yo.u r Trade






and having to vacattt them, we must clqse o~t certain lines of good~ to get tnore room. Manufacturers are putting prices up .by leaps and bounds, .but' we will, for ~ short ti~e, Drop Prices on Wal~ing Breaking Plo\vs and Odd Ends ~~th such a crash that you will think tbat lightning . . ' he:> 's truck near you. .' Y<?,urs truly,



... On account <of Selling Part of OUf Ware Rooms . '


Pure Food Prpducts member



Ia .replete with new Coats, Dresses, Hats, Bonnets and everythiug _ . .

New Shoes

Farmers, Atte-ntion!


for the Ii~e ones.




t: ' Y'~' TAKE ANY "Y" THAT IS L d ..... EARL." IT'S A NOBLE

Made rof beautiful 'Serges, Checks, White Chinchillas, Co.verts, Plaids, GoUines and Fancy Mixtures. Beautiful new Skirts, in serges, Poplins, Shadow Checks and Novelties.

Insure Horses, Mules and Cattle a gainst death from any cause. W, N. Sears, Waynesville, Ohi'O.

--_.--_ ---


·New Spring Suits .


: I

-----.....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. . .I_ ..._____...__~---_.·.·.




aDd HOUSE with _000 blt.B "lid bl_ and garden. Iuqntre of lIIrl. 11 . ~,"lh1n&be~Umlteo!tbe vu- E. Devin, Phoue No. 86. .



.. I . I talent play at the New Bllr· w ing ' t Ie fig 1t trcal Iington M. E ('. burch next Saturday m ent t o ('0. C h surface, night. A.dmission 10e and ZOe. 'There is n.o thing that will Insure HGrses, Mules and Cattle show l)ctter returns for against death from any cause. W• N. Sears, Waynesvllle, Ohio. t hc t i ill and money . <1 11 Miss Sarah Selle~, of St. Luke'R spent. C,om an t c ' us hospital, New York City, has been what 'you wish to .paint • pending some time with her mother at Le\)anon, who has been quite ill. or vamisl'l

'1'0 IJl'Owtde for ," 'e OOIUlWucttOD, repair lmeDla'1n rwpaIr ot aU .uI.•••I .... curb.

&oo:=u&'~;.~r:'!J't'l,l'IoI~'i':i qulreat'hlloffioe.


• I

very pur po, e,








We have just r eceived a fine lo t of



Late Classified Ads ........" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '........, . " . . _ .



obilruclloD. Sec. ~. AU other ordlil.,,_ or _tiona 01 ordlnancee ll<!olllcliDII with lbla OI'dlot.llCe are herob), re~iId. Sec. 6. TbU ordln_mall take el!ec\aad tie In force !rom and aft« tbe uarUefi perloo



Easter Ca rds anel Noveltiol!. Come SherW1•'D- WillIams . I anu look them over before choic· . h U F· . h cst arc all gone. The finest line we Bng b~n P lOIS es f 'haveMr .everNathad.HarlanW. a gedPhillips . died a t his home near Centerville, .lulC of . pa lllts al:ld i ,~ollday evening , funeral ,at Cha pel \ a rn lfh cs wh ich are SUl t t hursd ay morning at 11 clock.

tile plaoJl and 8POCIUeatioDl Uterel" re 00 fIlo In tbo OOlL'tI 01 the "lJllllle Olerk . Sec. a. Tlla'.U eurbl .ad g ut.... I b.n be 01 concrete and 10 accordance ~' llh t he piau" anel . pecJOC.IIODS ~bererore 00 nleio th " onlre 01 the 'f111&jJo o.lerk . Sec • • • '1' bat' all.ldewalkl, · curl,. and SUt.t~re "'1!JlID tbe limite of said village; allall be kopt In • lood eta.. 01 re .... r and free frOm


iI :



Mr. anu Mrs . F. B. Henderson and daug hter , Louise. and Mrs. J. H. Cole man were Xenia visitors Tues· I day ufterno.on.

Ohio .'

QUALITY- Above &he Standard SERVIcE-That can't belleat '---..,

PRICES-To pi. . . ~

GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, ~~~--~--~--------__~. .~----------~______~~. am.~ .


f 'AND 'IfN "CENT STUR: . ,


Muses' Spring Hats: ~ ....••.•·1& . Ea.te' lIat Braid, per ·:v.e:rd .......... ',' 7c -. .. ' Cutudn Scrim, yard ..... ; .• JOe n~Ta~ . B~~aTS '. Misses' White·S ......1-I..... "pair •• 1Oe . N~W~8AS1'B'R. DYBS .. ~~ BASrBR. Men'. Work Soz. 3 pair ••••••• 2Iic Ken • Work ~. per pair..... tic' .ASTBa "'4I~!I;;







Elizabeth/ daughter. of FranQjs Bnd

~~ec~ ,Phdlip8 was born January CITJZEN WRlre.5. IN·t:E RESTINO 3. 18<19, near Lebanon. Ohio, 'She EETTE~ TO ()iA'~Er·r.E WAS of a family 'of eleven children. ~,



. · .-,-.-4

or, Tra~eJ8 Th~l1g~,



.. a~' &)U:(hern SlIlla, and of

,;.. \ '. . Thel DCllwC:r

-,-'- :; 1 t is a lon g wllile .aiM I Illwe writlet.ter to 011" cJ ar old WaynesIe p~per, ' I am ror: littl time, itli 1.. ; LI.: W· It 01 I' 'f

Vi . Pfo ..u[lr , 8 r IIOu ,11 WI e, LoUise. The latter haa Bald to me ' ..... unrn' ti :so "We oo~ht · to write to the Miami Gllzc~I;e, 1 just don 't get at it though Ioft,en think of it Now tl;1nt you are hr~ \'ou must attend to It." Since I thl~ is put II me: l ' m going to talk . ~bollt ftrst. It iB th ree years sin,eel I left th old home. 1 went direl~t to Sea tie W ~h. The trip was full of inlt'I'esh' As we passed over t e Rockies. 1 could but think of th(~~me, when as a Ilid - a long' ti me ago-so many years 1 hate to !!top lI~d think;- bllt not long in the cOllntrY'1:l history". I was to go as Ii missioQj!TY to the Indian8 beyond th elle mountains and of how thE! -commi ttee i~1 charge talked Itnd planned as to the best way of'my getting over these UloUmains. Mw tbe mighty engine as she puffed and groaned in rllmbing th~gteat heighia maKing them fal rl.y t remble under her weight, seemed tin incessentJy say, 1'1. thl.\· mind of !'npD, am victo


" . F)oiday was a chilly day fQr'a balr ~er . early life was spent near ilame. y.t the High, School boys Utica ~here. on M~rch 7th, 1858 she played Lebanon . Hi , and whipped was umted in marriage to Alexander them to a stand still Lebanon used Smith. who passed to his r eward,ln aix pitchers. but they could not with18~9. Un~ them were born ten atand the 'way WaynesVille swatted children, elght daughters and two the ball. The -regular piteher, Bans. Snook, Btarted the' game, and five The greater part of her life W88 hits were made of his 'delivery in spent in Warren County. " the first half. After that the bONS Her health, 01 recept years , tIOne hit him at wHI. WaynesVille played an almost erloo' good. bogan .to rapidly fail her th is last winter, until April 8. at thn rorless game. only three being home of ber daughter 'Ada, she chalked up to them in the nine rounds (Iuietly Rnd uncomplainingly passed one of which was aimostexcusallle: [Iway, aged 77 years. 3 lD.>nths and 6 The infield as well as the outfield were daYR . . "Bure there" when it came to-playlng She met death as she had always the game. lived. willingly and uncompl'aini,Dgly. One fine feature of the playina,Quiet and unassuming she spent Friday W88 the fact that of her life in the .ervice of her hus. the hovs played to the otberi thereband, children and friends. - Shewa8 by making the game an ' ~nteresting 80 completely the 1!Iaster of herself one .throua-hout. [0 tlie ' Jleventb inthat, tbroughout,a11 ~e years at her nitJg tb.suba had a chance; althOugh decl/bing health, If she-suffered Jlone by thil time"Leban,on ,W88 playing a knew 'of',(either by word u!." jlctiol,l~ Iittle.~tter C1ai8.o,fbalr tliarlilt the Sheleav8s onesister.:two'!>rotherl:' bl!ginnmg;,and the B~ did I)Q\;have five ~aughte!'8. , two B01)9, t\Ven~. yery much, of a chim~. , ~ .. four grand'cblldren. ~n gr~at ilrBJI~' . • -' • , ' children and a large Circle ohelatlves and friends. who keenly feel her losS. •- •


0 • .., ' . ........ . - '

-'.~""'----• .

, •• " Suwanee River QUB.J;tetfe-SChool Hall, Friday 'evening., . W. O. Raper wa., . in CinlUtlnatj Sunday. ' I " t :f., ' Mrs. C. B. Bentley visited net•• · lives in Xenia Monday_ . .~ . ' ' . W S· f ' 0"" 'd . ' R. ::;prlegle waar 0 ,.".or. OhiO, Tuesday on bU8in~- " • " ," '&' d , ,Misaes and ~uth, Cuan 'If , ler were in Dayton Saturday. ' 'i, " " -Messrs '!'. ~. O'~eaU .and C. B. . . Benpev were In CiDcm~atl Monday_ ... .' Ladjes' New smart Style!l. quality U'!!:I!9~I!lU~._ 114.,75; The S. • . t ~ Mr. alid\ M,t'IJ: 0 \' otrre1at ves in 0


' . Ihe Light Bearers c:lass of Christi~n , Bible School of ,hrry, Ohio, held their regulal.' moht hly ~1.~8' f~oIJi).1;a~!B' me,etinj( in tbe Bocial rooms cburcb 'fhursday evening, l'hoy had 88, their guest/t the ,Wlllln'.,. tJ~F..ljgJj=;~i:l!~ Workers class of' Sugar '. -""'~n"JI" There were fifty present and ' II r -";;"- : ' -- " '" onjoyable program was lillterJ,ed to. A social hour was enjoyed by all apd dainty refreshments were served,


rious over a11." AslOI~l we ities passed WriR'ht 'the efficieJlt the soil in different anaover Uie M.r. F,J:alIk theLlghtIs Bearers cl~ rock, forma tionB I could but deplore clllB!\ ia a live -wIre in ' th·eIAI'lDr.o,Yed 8J)(I:ot~tlr my ignorance of ~eoJ6I~a and 'thouiht' School ~or ' II ood. ' tbe enrOllottpn 01 the knowl,j,dge in these ment being fifty·three.. . f~;~,~=I'~J~ of OU tt late ~l'homas H"')W~ll ' • l~ ,G1Il(bi'.III~.!I'. we khown 80 wOlldored niter all, I ~ ani! " ., di8,c6"eriie8,,~ A11d, Acquire ments Emmor . D., Baily ,wllnt to Mii~( eounly MondllY and brought back with him a very fina 3·y~r-old reg'illtered Percheron St~dlion. He Is a l dark gray and his pedigree Is said to be of the very b~t. Mr. B{lily is •••"....... hill~dlina'bte,I'II. , Mr'll, exceedingly -prl;lud . of the ·anlma.l. and justly BO, for he is 'a hlgb1alepper alld 'a fine actor.. ' erE"l1l~arIQ





; $lO~OO ' ,' 'N~w ,Patterns fr~sh .from l.U· L11(JIn?j·r~


.A,e 8'eautifuil,~' T:a111QriecJ~~~~F~ .,






,TIME TO PAINT ' T1l1~ I U £

:\la ry l~ l' hil1ip,~

I . 'to\\ \'

A cont nf .:rll\lI1d e"I"r H corlt uf , "'rtllelll S llIin

t 1ll'1I ulld


l'rlln t.

Lowe ilroB. Por ch F loor Paint protects nguinst w eur find





Enamel l'"lnrs lh'lI"eh old Paillt

==,F or Other Home Uses==




ohHt ruct lon, NtW, ~, n rdltu\"f '

CorW 1·n , Ohl- 0

etTuc.~ r.


B.{lo\\011 b)' la,,-_

H , f: , IIAT H AWA Y , MOl'fIr. I .. A, Z Dlhl~: I< MA :-I , (;Iorh ,


Late Cla~sified Ads


1'0 pro vld. tor tho co.trucl llt o. rop&lr 80,] \ keeping In .... p~ lr of all Iidewilk. curio. und



E with H OL1S barn big f(urdeo [nqnlre Or Mrs , 1:1 g OO(\




phoDe a3-:i: ~

Inf v r lllt1.tiOD

."td .hl . ... lk • • holll", <,o n,


.tmet«! of CO Dcre"J ,ODd 10 U\'cor<l Loce with 1






'll~M-~ I

i .. ,

fJJ'1A I.r~tU1JiIJJ11 ""''''~~


lur~ if!;,..;)

" :, 11' I )al l ~



,\11',4 F . H. lI e nd , 'r"(' " and 1."lIi~ .. , Ull t! 1111'S. .1, I I. \"'I' l t.' .xenia yi:-'l lll Di rues ·


d: \ 1'1 H I

hI,\" .11' 4'/

\ '.' h:l\ " l u~t rl!cei ,'ed II linl' 1,,( of I~a ·tl r la rd.; :lfld ~O\· el l j l·s . ( '(, fl ll'

• :


lnll II'p !, 11 11111 u ve r lu·fura' t, '" "iloil" Til · fine~t lilll' we ' 1>ll,' I'\'l' r hUll. W, C. I 'hdl ips.

••• •

,\1 :' :-\al lI a rlan 11K".! "j' ti y, ·ar5 . ,1" ,01 at hi .. IWllll! near l't,," tl'1'I iiiI'. ,\I III,da}" l" 'e llillJ..: , fUIlI·ral at ( hapI'I



I' hllr~IJ,


mO fJltli/( at


1\1 i,,, Sn New ruh SelYler,;, of St,hH.:I 1.1Ikc'~ I ..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ h""I, 'l al, ,rk City.



0 ;\~ r. I1IIU Mrs . Wa lte r Cha nd le r ,, ,? \\'('rl' i II !l ay tOil Tu.,,,d n.v. 1\1r.:l 1.'11 01101 " ,1' r f.' lIla med tl lt'n: ["I' a Iwo I " 1" I 111" '" day ~ ' vi sil ", il t. r(' I;1 i\' l'~ ,

hl '

-I' PI1.!illl< ~U I!lC tilll' with he r mulh e r



~ fl • •

l.l·I,:Inun. wh o



:\ , ' lJ


h u~ l ,cell

" U[n '] ·:

I.' I


"."' I','


It"., ~

h ,l"e

a l h l{'ti('~ :lild

' .\ (J~ ·t tu

g ood in keep up thclr

r ecllrd .

Tlt e

New Spring Suits


Made of pure Wool Poplin , Mannish Serges, Worsted Checks and Gabard ines, all t he new ,bades of tb. season, silk and satin lined,

r of

beautiful ' Serges, C becks, White Chi nch illas, Cove rt s, Plaids, eoUines und Fanc y :'Ili:>; tures: ' Beautiful n ew Skirt s, 1n Se rges , Poplins . Shadow Check s anel !\o,'elt ies.

A Pre-Easter

In 1111 ,the new est styles and sbades of Crepe de Chin e::. T a f fetas, Poplin s. C har rll(.' ll s l~ (11101

S howil1g' o f tri!lllllcd Il:lts-A fa r.;' .1""i'tJll(· lJt fir tr immed and 'ai ll , l'ct ! lal" in . 1 g reat va riet y " f slyl c-; - tl.,(' 11 ( ' \\ ' sp r i n~ co l o r ~ 111(1 ,h If" '':. I:.rge. l1lediullI and ;w :dl 11.11' ,




the 1I t' \\' i ' lall' Geo rge t tc blr'Il, " a lld

slee ves,


nr~ t prize

New Spring Dresses

n aCCOtlnt o f .











' lIilJ ~

P art o f U tlr \\ are Room <;

ha\'i llg to vacate lltelll , \\'C IIltl st close


cerlain lines' of gootl s to ge l 111 0 1' room. l\[anufacturers an: plltlill g pri c s IIJl Ily leaps ami hOll nds, Uti t we \V ill , for a shorL ti lIlC , Drop Prices on Walkin g IJ r('aki l1 ~ Plows a llli Odd E nds with sll ch a cras h th at yo u will thillk tlt a t li ghtnin g h as strtlck n a r ),o t!,



Yours tntly ,

held lust week . The

"'[1 ,, wun Ly


Farmers, Attention!






, . ,' , :.1"" working h a rll ge tting ; ,," :.. r II I ' , '"UI1(,)' Fi"lll ill eel t o ' ," .... I a t 1.,· I' « I1< ' n in I\l ay. lJllr I

1 ~,\i' I.\ · .

rT' S 1\0 . ' 1-:

>ooooo~ooo-o 00 0

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, >o~oooo o oooooo·o_ooooooooo

11:\ \ ,. ~ "U I' rul'id (>d f. ,r y,," I' I,:,,,!el" Il il l 1 1111' Htll ck al (hi,: t ill,,' i, par- I 'I,' ,i Ill' (ll ll'>l'l i vp and ,inIPI'(' ~ t1ng I .1"" 1 " ' lial'din , I. O. U. I" , Hldg , L ,1 , " 1 'Ii,I)h iv .

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q ui t e ill.





11I · lln' ll "r' ('~ , 1\11I 1..,~ unci ('alll e I ol .... u t h fro m a ny call~C. W, . ' . '\,·" rs, \Vay nesville, Ohio .

'OHLE \\'O IU) , l l\i1) IC.\TE S \'."1: \

CU MI3Il\r~ U()"j 11


:1 L.:<l ,

TAKE i\I\Y "V " THAT IS LY[ ~(~ I, O()S r~ A j' V ,\ 1

Harvey' sb "+ rg ,


.-------~ 't. . ... .. ...

1'111 '




lIur~e~, MlIld and l·a ltl(· d eath fr om an y cau ~ '. W . :-.: , :-i ('arH. WIlYll csville, Ohi ". 1

\ Vavil', , il l'. n, ' .

1 )'

AND \v1 SDU ~1.


, hi , III' , '



'1'1)(1 ZUllr pe/'ple will gil(' Ilwil, l :• 11I111\\, hlcn t "lay at the '"w I 11 r ·

11\' III(' Y

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.,,. \ :11'" aU J.:llnc.

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uno! duu),(h t l.'l'.


: d LT rL' tllrll" fo r Llltl"

The Kreal Sil "" Sill" at J ohn A. F lIllkey· ~ .




" ', rI"Il . ' 1'('111 ~lIll da) \1 1\11' :",d :\1 1" , I,' rl'd 1·:I"rh llrl. :


======='FRED'S= = • ••• "EARl... "

:' l t l' I'II(IOI1

i-. l1(ltltin :.; th at wi ll

- -~<l!~ ~ ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,"",iIi!r.._i.:."''''


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I, I· l·ad.,'a ll ude r.

\ ,., I,l I II ;-. ltllJl''lltlg'.


I, II .. " ~tl'l ,,\'1,

H I aUI es " k ' Grocery,


Il lil l :'Ill"

1 ..


\Va) Ilcsv illc, Ohiu.

IllI ill,

IlJll{l(\lI M I': ('hu (('h Ill'xt .'utlll'liay llI~h t . Adll1 i~ iun 11k und ~Ue.

t i,L' t i " 1,l·lll.

J. B. Chapman

::t Ltlt' W,

'1" ", \\ II U"; ,\ u\i i.. l ry D f :-il. \1 :" I', l'I ,l l l'd l "il l lnl'I' t ,,' il.h~l r",

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W<ly," " ,·ill ..·,

.Id.' \\ , ' J't.'

w ilal "011 wi ..1t III p :li ll l



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l,' riday .

1, - ~ 1 :tJ I I , .\ dill "" Illl" :-'Ii", Claru


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<)rl' ~ ..



, 1i" I\

F, DeVlt', PhoDe N o. O. K R u nnER TIR"'O 116 It oroJ"in",1 by th~ cOll nell u ft lle v ,lI. of Wa yno..-illo. State of Ub lu .,,, ' ... nUna b 0 0 t 6n d Sec. I, rlto•• luu\\all, •. c urh. unoJ ~ '""'r, 811[neS8 for snle ohenl) In. Ih n U be (,'O D.8t.r uc Led . rtlpalrod lUll 1 SW ill in H I- I ' upoo the foll(lwl ng " """'0 wllhln ••• ,1 , qulro at tbls offioe. &19 vlltaee as fo llo WI . UPOll ~11 the "(n.IOIl'> \~Ithtn t!,ec()fCf,ratellm lta o f. ltld\'l lln,cor\\"u)' II." W HITE Pekin DDok Egg!! For i 1I11l11."f I he I II·


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~Ir II l1d ~I I''i. 1 { :t~'ln(tn d


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11"'1\ ' " ,Il"rl , ,,il t hi,. week .

P"I'Jl()"<', t he: ri g!1 t Lrva l ·

) ~ I G,

1'''''<00 <l h d oy of A,oril.


\ \.

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j"l ,,\i~

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l llll' "i IXli ll h ,lIld \d idl a rc' ~ l1il-

00 ttl rOl\'o from aDd .fter lhe tftirlle.l. l>e r lml •

Ordinance No. 85 f~~':,'1w~!'~':..\~fl~.oUl:l~~IC

.All oLht'r o rtlhu"I(~~ (if .f'cUonll ur t'Qull l ' tlnA with th l" onUn&uco Q,ru

he rob)' """,,0100. ... 1,)(' , u; Irhl~ o rdlnanl~6 ahal1 'a kf'


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1.'I1 I1I1t'rn1 :t 1l

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:--: . :-; .. al'~ ,

:til I IIlI ls

Il ll i r ll '~


\r, I I :~ !, 1 ~


I' I I

Snerwin- Williams Bright,m UpFinishes


Paper Hanging and Painting ...




rh ut ull sh lc wnlk ti , rLJ r hs (&.(11 1 KUl· • t ('n-. "~ lthltl thu limite o f :0. Id \ ill a.,:e , ,""h ft.1I1J6 • ~l~ llt lit I\. li:ood t,L1ll00t rel,.l r aJh.J fri'c from •

J ... ri \ 1 " fay tlway v .. ·l" .11,11 11 F ' lI lkey '~ 1\\., wl!l' I\::\ (JnIS.


"I.I!',,". ,,[ 1·"" ,'11, ' .

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Ilh,J ,-, llln ~ a nd :-. pt '~ lf h:l\t l ,," '" t llor ef " r tl Ull till' • lu till' otllo't· ,I t l il l\ \ Ill ng " ( 'Ierk . . ,. :O;f\. , •.~ . nHU, &Ii (" urb~ nnd J,:"IH t. r .... hall li t· • tI t t ' (l n .'rt>l t4 &"d I n 1l('(·l l rUl4l l1'~ \ \ I I It li l t' 1,lal!" • 811.1 flPtW III ("8rJ('I l1 ~ Ill e r ' f l ) rt' u n lIIe w t il ., un l ! (\ <" I h,' l" III Uf.P l'll'rk


. "a i 11.;1 ,kil lh t Tl'lIl

' ~~ ~ .i~ ,!,~j

~~-------------------------' - I.:·f •


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White's Store

H. E verh ar t




\11 t I; I

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I ".11" '. Ill, '

,i ZI"~ME'''~A'N'S 1

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . f'.~~




J '. l t l i I II~


. t."

.._________________"!""____ -- ~-


----- - ---


Lebanon , Ohio



, :11 I

l 'o1.l! ll t" -




. ·l'li l 'I"~ . "It ) 1 ~ ·h ill1 f1ll : l ui l! ill lJf 11Ih : UIII Ullil,




1 ' 111 1,": tl-- ", 111


Pi L' lo)'i:il

WIRE SCREE K PAINT- STU\'E P IPE Ei\A\IEL -ALl\ IJ N :\1 ~i A~I) eOLlJ PAI;\;T- PAIST RE;\IOVER- 1JI Gll ' S T :\ X D :\ R II 1.I~ ILt} 1) PAI~T, ETC., ETC.




1 JI


\' t2 r nil'al Sl a in



~1'l 'oI , "I




111 bl\\1t

I nl,PII ~ t'I ....

\\. t' ha ,'" t hl' \'ery hes l t hin i:'~ t o bt·aulify y IIr f urnitllrt'.

A ~lInitary wall coverinl< thn t mak611 your home bright ~lnd cheerful ; can he easil\' clea ned when soil ed. .


\\ I "




! " , :

l' \ \

)1 .1 \;''''

HI '


I'", ' .

~ \' l'd

For Furniture




'1' 1 ..

Staining, \'u rn i ~hillg Ill' Enulll' el Finish , F"T ){rllil\in~ f'ffo'cis \l~" the \,<' rni cal ' lai n : easy to u. e

For Porch Floors



For, Woodwork

your flo r ~ louk li kl' m' w.


,I- ';


For Wagons and Implements

For Old ( Floors

- ZI 1


I ';lr ri:lI<'I' t: llls:\ EII:I I IIpl T"p I )r l'~"11II!,


1\111:. Whl'!' Ii; \', lIl!r I::a i I 'Il Ila nh~ \J\~ ~\. I,: 1::' i'.,'u r. dn ll~htl1\, IIf ~ I r. putl ;\1r6,'1 .].,1111 J.:yt' r. :-.h wn" uni tt',1 11' 11 11 till' \\ I, C,'Tln 1\ l{~ rorlll l'd ,,:llUn'h u r. Spritl).,'. i' l ,r t . ' h u rl'. April :!U, I"nl> On 1'. ,l> r " .. ,·· _ :.!G. I 6 . . he wns united 11\ n llll'r l l\l:'~ I In n nj amil' H . 1 'l lllIll'~ \\l1u dl', 1 ' par ted .t his liT!' NlI\'umlJl'I' "-;-. I!ll l ' ~ o c hild r en \Vero:> Imrll til 1111 , lllli"" l' l:i he i" su rv ived b~ "1l0) l ,r "II1l'r. 11 _ __ number· (,f r cltili '", an d frll'lld~ She ha~ i'1\~".c! h" r li ' l' .. ar .• "f 111.1 , T I\whood partl)' 0111 ur Iw'IIl, ' fUfln ,Uld lh ' r 's t in \Va\"l1l'~dll{'. 'I'll<' 11I."t c; I' I( \ veal" and a lit t le ' I)I'N hal f ,( Ilh hl'r hU Hi>Il Ill I'" ni l',·\) . .\Ir ~, ,Ioltn J, OIIg' ,' 1.1-: I 'I \ rhe lust. eight wed\ ~ I I ' II •• k. ·!

For Autos and ,Carriages rh" , . \ tll"


III. ,'4G.Rt"lrlj l'l l .l\\r~h:1ll'. lJ~lld ~,! I yuar~t ~! In Itt h ~ t1I ! .!

.\ U m I: l 1kll \1,1· ..... I I, T, \ .\Rl\' }~II , Sl.\l!\ U I{. I·;, _\~ [I:1. l',llZ l ~ \ ' E I{ \' I 'l" I ~ I 'n,' I:

N o. 'J F IN' r \ ' :l rni~h T hi~ cllnno t be IlI'all'lI f or f,lllt \I "Ill' can be I' l1:<h, '11 w ill! ~"a l '; nd . h ot wlil rr.





For Fine Floors


---------- ...,


1~lh o: l Bi sh op.

The ,ceu nd p rize "' II~ wu n by Glenna ·of,k. M iller,' a H [Irian and Lavone !l ll'rl"n Lierl fo r t hi rd pri ze, The prizl'''' arc *,,;{, ~2 :.uuJ $ 1.

- - _ 0" _"' _--



I )ot>ooooooOO~<X>O<><>OO<>H>O~ !2!!2J



Our Ladies' New Shirt Waists Feature beauty, styte, se n 'icc a nd Voile., Lawns, Silks, Etc.


made in Crepes,

The Childrens and Infant's Corner

Mr !lnd Ml':'l. F , I,:. Hartsock, ~on , md Ilall ),(htl' " .Iam ~ ~ and Ma ri e , n enr I C' ·IIlL'J'\·il l" . PlItc'rtain ecl SaLurd ay I ;~I~d SLlIj{~'I~' 1\1r . ~nd . • Aaron ~l!! :-., 3( ", , I. , ,II1U M r_. tl a ny S n>de r, 1."I'l '>" I,; (I a rts,) k. all o f Lln~' to n , 1 We ha \'e on di!'l ,j l)' fer 1:-\' 1 ' I' , ~: j' rt·I,. ;" 1.. )·l1cr. l "'OII P Io.'(': I 'at I :) j,, ' rwi ,ot! , wife ant I son MOr! is . line (If' Men 's a n d 1\" " '::'. ill :,! , illS, ',.,' •• r ; i '1l1 1:; ,I JilJ g' , de' ) I, ... r \\',1\' lIl',,,,i l! e, ~ I'·:l. J I!S. r.lullcn : r. . Inti Ibo .dll t·r Ldn a, nca r l' ~ rry, I pendable styles 311<1 II'I :""'~' ,'Lylrl ' q ;;, .11 I : .: 11 ' i"l lt e:;, ~.r.lIll '

In Our M.en's CJot

sing Underwear, Al "",". :-.llIi" "11<1 ( 011. .. 0.

Is replete with new CoalS, Dresses, Hats, Bonnets and everything for the little ones.

CO:'.ill'LETE- - \\'e leums, Wall Paper, lc. '

The ,t remend o lls , ,,1I111!; in Ollr G rot'£'I'Y ! " '1':11 I IJlclll always getting [re .,h c n il 11I Irc \ ro ccril's.



' I'ic ~ .lIl.! ', .l lIlts,

----_ ...




. l S, \tr CS YIl II



ut- - F ' l t l l i l lln·,

, .J ~ I

Chas. W. Schwartz & Son

Lodge No, lG3,


'\ l : lll ill : r~ ,


My Aim-Your Trade




Tbe S. •

• • • Complete Home Furnishers


The Old Schwartz Shol) on Mechanic Street, Lebanon Since ]859

F. & A. 1\1.. will hol d I heir regular co tnmu nical illil Tues· I

D. L. Cra ne, \V. t.L L. A. Zimm erm an, ec' y.

, ')'



============,==~=='--~~==,= - ~ ~============

c \'eni nj{ , April 18th. tilljotlrnin g . hrelhren a nd \'is i LO I'~ arc welcome , The ,I'e)!ula r inspection of the lodge ' , \\' ill take place FI·iday . May 1~ lh . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_____~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~


~ <iuy

\\'a.v ne!'ville

marker or Flower Vase-




P re Food Products

When thinking of , hoes, t hink of Fred's sh o es for every member of the family,


. . •••


New Shoes

-.-;...----- OUR

I Whether it be Mo'n ument, Grave..


'any Ohio


(ll',\L1 'I'Y Ahovl' the Stll ndal'd s ~:uV(n~- l'h8t can:t be beat

PRICES-'fo please all. '

.. -



THE fiVE ,AND TEN CfNT STORf Misses' Spring Hats ... :., ... ,lOc

Easter Coods

Hat Braid,. per yard . , .... , .. , 7c . Curtain ScrIm, per yard .. " ... lOc EASTER BASKETS Misses' White Stockings, pair·.. lOc ·N EW.EAS'i'ER DYES Men's Work Sox, 3 pair ... , ... 25c EASTER . CANDY Men s Work Sox, per pair" .•. 5c


, -I

~h~~·"-!~ WAT=~:j ...~.ex_\.~.o.~.tD.ce•._F.R.A_N.K_.H._.F.A.R_R_.~.e.ay.~.&g.;z.~.~.eO.~.i.O~



-.. --~-----* OHIO'S GREAT

L~~O~!~~!I '





FORMICR - - -,



Whole Number: 336n


SCHOOL ·BOYS . nERSONAiMiNTlil HAD SOFT SNAP t -- - - ==-----c

1I, rs . E lme r 00 S, agf' , : yC;lll'!!, ,"~liZl.\beth: (!lIughtC'r of Jo'rall~is find ti ied at hc! r lato ha llie in Ly !lll, Wed · • •• I ._ •• > ' - I ~ue " 11 Phi llips wa_ hom ,J anl1a ry Ileijday vl'.ning, le(lvill~ a hu ~ bal J(1 ~lTI Z I:N \\ Rll ES IN 1'- kESTING :J, !K:l!I, lI·ar L 'Lomon. Ohio, ~be . \Jwanee River Quartette- School The old Oh io Holg imental BattlE' a nd fo ur children t o IlI l)u'rn he, loss. L.E Tn: p TO (i \Z'; 11 E 1was of fl family. of elc l' n' child re n . Friday was a chilly day . for R ball Hall, !<'rlday e vening. T he fu ne ra l waH held atunlay i:l fJ r p.arlv life wn s pent n ar !ralllC', yot the Hig h School boy~ . Gll nl un ,Joy Wlli! a Dayton vi sitor Fla gs , cUll 8id e r ll bl~' o ve r 400 in num- mo rn ing at 10 u 'clock Ilt th e 8apti t be r, will ~o on be rem oved fr om th eir lIn ca \~'h e r. , 011 M ~ rch ith, 18.3 sh~ played Lebtlno n H i allLl whipped W. O. flapElr Will! in Cincinnati SU nday. present location in th e second ~ I o r}' chu rch in Center'v ille. Illt erl11('nl ~ RIPTIO N wasu lllt r>dlll nlllrrtllg toAIl!lmmle r lthemtoll l:l t:mtlHlill Lehan nu sed unday . . Wll tl muu e ill Cente rv ille cemet ,~'I y , ot th e Stat e Hoose, where Ilwy have I' ~ll1 i lh. who pa~~utJ to hi" r.'ward in silt pitch'r , but the.v co~ ld nut with· He ur t l e~ u wlln ee. River ·QuartPtte bee n housed in wooden ca se~ fu r th e U 1 !-l!l, I nto th em w'r Itnrn e n lstand t he way Wayn e~v llle Bwattell Mrs. C. B. Bentl ey visiter! relaa t ;';cnoClI JI ll", F riday e vening and past 50 years, ..0 the rotunda of th e . c hildren , eigh t uaughl r:; tlml two lthe ho ll. Th e reg ular pitch er, lives in Xenia Montl"y. The v~n e nlble N. N Moshe l', a forge t ,Vo u r truublt'8, ' ' Cllpitol there, put in beautifu l ij teel for me r resid e nt who was well kll llWtl ~(j n!i . ' I nook, start rI the game, and five cases , glass door s, ",eal ed up, to reo II reo t he father of Mr~ ' Edith liar. The l!I'I'atcr port of her life \Vus hits we r e marie of his d live ry in Mr. Il nd Mrs J . C. Hawke were main for all futur e ti,me . , the fi rst half. After that t he boys W, n. Spriegle was in Oxford, ri:;, died at l he home o f hi~ tJau gh l 'I' or Tra ve l ' T1iroll~h Ihe Western t- Il~n l ill Wa rren uUllly . DlI)ltoll v i~ i tors Sunday . The Depar tme nt of Ohio Grand Mrli. H H. Harlan, o f Mt . Uilead alit! 'outh e rn ~(1I(C.~ :tntl of He r hcnlth , of reccllt yea rs n Dne hll him at will . Ohio, 1'uesuay on bus iness. Army of th e Re public, believing thi:; Oh io, 011 Sunday lllomillj{. Mr' I heir I1 Cil lll( 1' lOll )0(00", 11(')o(an t o rnpidly fil ii he r Waynes vi lle plu-yed an almost er · 'l'he Grocery De partm ent at The important occasi on shuuld b e m llde H a rri~ Mo:;her le ft on IMondav l\ li ~ses Rli;f.ahcth and Ruth ChandIIii:; la~1 win lPl' . unti l A\l d l )01, aL thll l ro r less game, oll ly three being S . Fred Co is gro wing in popularity memorable , ba8 arranged to mak e morn in${ to atte nd the fun era l. wh ich , 11ilIlle ,f IIl' r daughtt'r, Ar1 IL. ~ he ' ch9 1ked up to them in Ihe nine round s , ler were in Day t on Satu r day. dlli!y, be Ller quality llure lood gro · th e occurrenC'1J one 'of g reat patrioti c touk place Tuesday afte rn oun q uietly anti u nconlplain in)o(ly l' lI!:!Sed l one of whic h was alm o:;t excusable. ce rles. II. is a I OI1~ whilp ~ in(' " I 1t" I'I' wri I'ele bration E ve ry old Union yete r I\' ti~' , ugl'd 77 yC"nr~, ;1 Ill ol nt hs an,] 5 The infield all w e ll as t he otltfieltl we r e Messrs W. I':. O ' Neall and C. B. an in th e State is urge ntly invited t . " su re t here" when it came to playin~ Lhmtlev were in , 'incinn aLi Mo nd a y . 11! 1l a lei tl 'l' In '11 11' ,It-n r IIld \\'a Y lle~ · d a y~ , Ur, lind Mrfl J , W. Wlird lurlved be present and tak e part in the e xer · :-ihp mel d('a t li a~ s heo h url 'LhVays l the game. \'ille papl'r . I :un f.'r;\ Ii II I . l intl', b01ll11 ~lIturdllY .fter ~ plI[jdID g lh l-. cises. T he day se t fo r this celeb ra· FARMERS' CL UB MEETS Lad ies' New Spring Coat Suits Une fi ne f eature of the playing with I"utlll r Waltcr Ilnd hi; wi (L' , li l' cd , w illi ng- ly a nd unc om plainin g ly. tion is Thursday, April 27, 19:6 . "tuttlr III I hll tiuulh. (illi ,t llll U una~su l1ling s he s pent l F r iday was the fact t hat each one of !llllart SLy lee , color s a nd fabrics, I ,vIii He The l' ltl"r 1M' 'ai d til me I' cr lifl' in th e ee r vice of her hus- t he bovs played to the other, t hpr e· 4uality u l}eq ualed . Special at $ L2 .50, . T his will be the IllSt ol'Po rtu ni ly T he Wayne Tow ns hip Farmers ' " alld, children and fri end :;. She wos ' bY making t he game an intel'csLi ng $t475, It1S.95 , '17.50 and $19.75. The n('w Millinery at the S, Fr d t he comrades will e ver have '0 carry Club me t al lho hOI lie IIf Frank Zel l, st'\'('mililll' s, " \\" , 'JU~h l 10 \l'rit In t he seven th in- T he S. P red Co" Lebanon , 0" Co , is the talk of the entire comm u- t hese old banne rs of g lo ry or fo ll ow AIJril 1:.1 . 19 1G. Af lP r a 1l10;O:l s um p" tr l t h· ~l i""' 1 ':"z('lIe , I JU~L d",,'l ~() colllpl<.!t~ly th e ma~ te r of herself lone t h roughout nil.y. fh e ve ry l8l't word in HatR for them in proceBdion, a nd th ey s houl d luoul< dinnt> r , servetJ ill the IJ a~(' lll en I 1(, ·1 ul it t lt"IlK" 1."f"' 11 I lo illl; "f i . hat, throu g hout all the veal'S of he r ining t he s ubs had n chance, al t houg h Mi. and Mrs. O. M, Rid ge were Ellsler Im~ ~pring at $1 98, $2,98, not miss the las t cha nce t hey wil l I)f th e M. E. c hun:h, t be me.·Li lll-( :-1 ll W lha t YIfIJ an I,.. "'. 1"1 11 ml1 ~ t declining heal th, if l'1h<.! slIfl'(' red none l by t his time Leban on waH playing a have to show their a lfection and lov e tg 98 lind $4 98. II U .."" ;'1 't , . ~it.(: " Ll II,4 j, put 'III I"" l<new of it e ilhe r by wort! or nclio n. 1\ little better class or \,:laB lha n a t the g ll est.~ of relatives In Dayton Saturwa!:! culled I I o rder by t he Vice· for th ese sacred e mb lem q. A Mui t She leave. une H i ~ ter, tw o hr others, beginning, and t he subs did not have day , Ill" , 1'111 ~Ilillg til tall; IIUOIII I nj'~c lf Pn'Hiticn t, J . T . l)(w r doff. fiv c daug ht ers , two :;(1ns, twe nty- ver y much of a ch ance. II r~ t. Mr,. a nd Mrs. W_ W. Smith and ablq program of e xe rciRes i ~ bei nj{ Qu ite a num ber of t he me mb el'.- ...._ - . It i ~ hre.' y 'al'R Min!!(' I lciliite old f our g r andchildren , t en greatgrand- \ Mr. and Mrs. Howell P ierce at (smily, t.. OilY ton, we r41 villitillu arranged. consls tinltC of :;peak ing, r e;;pond ed to ro ll call , In the a l)· mUMlc and song, hn nw . I weill d irect to Sea It I " r e latives h<.>re for the week-end. li ildr~n and a la rg e cirell> of relatives WOMAN'S AUXILIARY te nded t he f uneral of a f riend a t sen ce of Ke nne th Ho ugh, Rev. The idea it; t o have ea('h R el(i Wa:.h . Th ,· Ir ill ""~ fui l uf inl.'rest UIt O fri ends , who k eenly feel he r 108:3. \ 'elma Sunday . G rauser r ea'J lhe Cur r ent I::velll ~. ,\ s \1'(' pas,..·" (n" r the HOl' ki eH, I The r egu lar meeting of the WoThe popular M'en's Department at m ental F lag carried in t he ma rch by Tlte e~! ay i 8 t , Elias OI{If'~ h e , had The S Fred Co_ is showing the best some member of th e r egi ment . th e chOHan f or his subject "Th ~ Pr'Jdm" co u ld ),lI t t billl, Ill' ll.e, when a~ HOLD CLASS M I~ ETING man's Au xiliary of St Ma ry's church Mr. snd Mrs , W. H. Allen a nd !, • was held on F r iday afternoCln, Apri l Mi!18 Olive All en were Frankli ll visiline-of Men's Suils eve r 8hown in old Color-Beare r pre fe r red, if living tio n of Corn," wlll rh p rov('d to be (I a /l irl a I" ~ Illne :l;!0 _· so many Those d esirillR: to carry th e colors of Yl'ars I hat" tn ~'lf' ll 111 1. 1 Ihink: but 14 a t t he home of Mr.;. U, W. H aWke. t ors SUllday afternoon . . I h,fll8ection oj the country , tbe all their r egimen ts will at once r eport mte rest to all present. P . I) Cla)(t'lt no t Ion;.: in lilt' (' ttu nlry 's hil'lI.lry, . T he ~igh t n'arcrM cla~s of Ch r is· ' T he meeting was Oil ned by singing _'f{0!ll ~ihd 'I!~J'l2 50, $16 00 and their nomes, s tat ing t he reR ime n l and oth ers fo llo wed in th e di -c us"ittll l wa :-, In).!11 a:-; n nd ~ "": llI ~ ry 10 the In- l la n BILle Sc" ool IIf I, e rry; llbio , l lhe hymn "From Greenland ' s fey Mye r Il yman and iamilv and M. ind their po~toffi ceaddr es~, to W , S a nd it WIlS generally 3~r£:ed U I"'" dian , 1"'1 fin d lhl'.-,' IIl',un tainH and u f Itelt.! lhelr regul a r mon t hly c lass Mou n tai ns." Mr~ . adwalladerread MI'9 ,' Huddle, of Kohlha rren Ilnd famil y , of Lebanon, Matthews, Assistant Adjutsnt· Gen · that O hio wali the bl 'st !ltllte in t he htlw thl'- ('''lrll:!III" " ill r 1101'.;e rall( II Illee tin)( in the ~uci fll ro OIlI S of the ' a part of the H th chapt er o f llind, was the guest of friends here a e ral, Me morial Buil ding, Columbu s , Uni on Rnd Warr~n ClIun ly th e be"t II n.1 p l'llIn cd :w I" t 11<' ht ~ 1 way of my "!Jur h T h ursdB Y even ing, Ap r il 13th , Igospe l at . t Joh n . All joined in re - we re "cn ia visitors Sunday , COllplll bf daya last week. co un ty in th e s tu te . Ohio .- Nati on ~1 Tribune. TI M' AI W t h The ~ p ecia l lo pic. " To whal ax l ('nt If 'li ing ,)\"' r th" ,e lII,ltll1 :r illS. how TileY had as their gu~t.s the Willi ng peating t he cr eerl atter which Re v . 1e ISSes rna a e r ouse, is th e melhml of direc t fro nt p ro· tlt "1 llli"h t.I' elll!itlc :r ~ &l,1,; pUlrel j a nti IV orkers cla.-.s of S ug a r Cr eek . ' J . F . Cad wallade r cond uct cd tbe kadies' Silk Dre!~ tor EaoJter and grlla nr'd ill r li(llIJilll! I he ~dl'a L h.!i){hl ~ There were fifty pr esen t and 8 most prayer service Mrs Geo Ma rk s AltclJ C!,r~ , A~ r~ ~nd Ed na Cornell du cer to conAumer ma r k tlll )( PI 'i1 C SPr ini -wear, new silk, n,ow BlyleR Inll ldlll{ tlh 'n , fairly t lellllJIl' under l'II j llyultl e program I:o'US lis l e r ed to./ th e n pla YEld a beautiful piano solo, wer e CIIlCHlnatl vIsIto r s Satur day. A ver) special 8howing ut 16 75, $7 95. BUYS NEW PRQPERTY ti cal ~" Ca r l Duke a'ld rera liK EII I ,n Itel' wcoigl'l, ~I"'lIlC" t ,1 ince ':>ently " A Ruc lal hou r \Vail enJuyed uy ull allCl " Mission Chimes .. led in the di c u s.~ i o n . The rn iJJI !" 1i10 95 and $J 2 00. The S. Fred [ h~ S. F red Co. , Lehanon , are m !lll was th ough t to be o f va lu e if s· y, " I. tl,,' m illd 0 1 1lI .IIl , lim l·iC.111 dainty r e rre~hrnent~ were Rer ved ., Scriptural quotations wer e given Co • Lolbllnon, 0 Goorge Dakin laSt week purch ased he does no t won t more thull b lo ng-~ rw us 0 ',' r :\ '1" A,; 11'0 pn",ed II c r 'Ir . Frank Wri )! ht is the eHicient lin r esponse to rol T he minu t es sho.wlnf{ the I:e~es ~ sty l e~ and ~a­ I hI' stl il ill tliiJ"'I"'nt 10l"ali u l's and th t"acher of th Lig ht Bearers clfU\S of the last m eeting we re . r ead a nd terlals In Ladles S hir t '-,\'alst.q, wb lt.e, Mia Kathl~n Hainl'B, of ,Cincin- th e Moon property on Third ~ tree t to him . Mee t ing adjourned t o meC't I1gain I'tIrI; forrnll""rr~ j 'cuull. hUL ft plore OliO th i ~ clllss is a Ii ve wire in t he a p proved and'other bu sineas atte nded col or~ and candy stn pes , SpllcJ81 nati, is villitinll her relati ves he rll (known as the Phil Hopkins place) . my iKlIuran c ,t,J f 11'1.'1)10&,." and thu uglll Ili Lle S~h oo l. f r Rood, the enr oll - to. 'rhe following- delega tes to th e shOWing at .98c, f.l .2fi , 11.98 and rec ~pl! atinlf from her late Illness. ' The Episcopal Chu rc h, t hro ugh L. A, on May 11. " rl,<'11 oC I htl kll'lwl f ge ill th!'H(J men l I ClnS' fifty ·three. Annual Meetinp: a t S pri ng field wer e ' 2 50. ZimmerJllan, then I)Urch llSed t he th ings tlf (}U I' lal e Thu(I)HS BTl \VII ap pointed Mrs. Oad wallader, Mrs, Dakil1 property. This plaCe!! the Cra ne and Mrs . Allen - Mrs. J os, Evans r etur ned fro m Cin["lve ~ou provided f J r your Flaster church in a better p osition to e rect SEWING CIRCLE MEETS and eot hoI'S IV~ havE' lWllwn SI) w II. lind I w() nd er'd if, aiter ull , such Hatt. Our IItock lit this time is par- their new pari~h house and give BOUGHT A STALLION The U nited Offering boxes were cinn a t! Sund av evening, h av ing. been " ll1illd ~ Li n 110t n'all y Iiv,a ali t! wor k in ticularly att rRclive and inte rl.'sting. them more r!lom and be tter oppor then opened and found t o contain called Ule r e 011 account of ill ness to J~nni6 n"nlln, I 0 0 : F. Bldlr, tunity to put up a larger parish The Helping Ha nd Sewing Circl I h(, di~cn""ri .. " and iI('qllin'me nlH Emmo r D. Baily went t o Miami . 9 30 . reluti ves . 'L el>anoll, Ohio. house, They have tried for a met with Mrs, J umes 'll rtis Marc h 1htlt Il1 :JIl i , rn:t1dllg. The leason o n "H ow O ur Church . Coun ty Monday and h ro ug ht back YCIlr or mo re to get hold of thi;. 30, 19 16. a ll t he m l'mhCrfl being ~\' i th him a very fine 3 ,yea r ·old r eg- ;Came to Ma ry la nd ," was tak en up Q uite a num ber of our c i ti z~n. 'tove Pl:\tl1tp ~ , or Wl.t8blnltton property, but Mr. Dak in did no t prese nt bu t two . '-Ju il l' a I t IIf I ~ tered Pe rche r on . ' ta ll io n , lie i!l a , amt p rO\' ed t o b e of unu 9ullI Inter~t, wen t t o Le bonon Sa turday e vening wo rk was done muc h to the d lig ht " I:t , flntl h i.. II Hphe w, lihlve Phi(- core t o se ll at t hat time. Ila rk I!ray and his IJeJil{ ree is said After ad journm e nt th e hostetls 88- to see t he play " lioi ng Some." Ev· It is t he purpose of St . Ma ry 's t o uf the huste!ls , w ho Juring t ne socilll filii nt X,ml", .pout ~ondBY with Once ill efl tIl!, I I\\, I ' \ lIS in a tn ue IIf the ve ry best . M r. Baily is sis ted by he rdallghte rs , Mrs , W ilson eryb'ody who SIlW .l he play was v e ry tii\'.tive. hare. e r.,ct a large , mode rn pari~ h h uu's e ho ur assisted by hl! r danghte r Mi~~ cily of hills :llld lilt" "f \1-al"I' , whi h c~c('erlin ){ ly proud o f the animal F.d wards and Mls9 Emma Hawke weU S/lti~ei1 -Amo ng t hose wbo o n th eir ne wly acq uir ed property . (;eneva ser ved dainty re fll'~ hl11en t ,; is ob \'iou , fn'lll almo t aliy IJtl im ulld JU RIly Sri . fn rh e is a hi gh.steppe ~ ' se rved delicious re freshments or ice· wen ~ from here w e r e Mr . an d' Mrs. ;cream and two kinds of cake. Our· Wal ter McClure"M.l'. and Mrs, J. C. The best Suit and Clothinll De- l'hA st rll cture will llf(,bably be t wo T hey adj ourned to mee t with Mr:! aho ut t l,e r'il y , At t h.· fOft L ' If t hl' a lld II fine actor. ,, - ling th e Bocial h?u r ~rll Geo. Marks ke , Mr. and Mrll . .1',.0) Ca~t· hill . nn \l'h ic h Si-l'r 1)",lp"ill " and :dm-"II t- for bnrs ln ~lIrren Coun stori es. Th e llaseme nt will be huil t NQlson Hami lton Apr il 13, I!) IL 119 a gymnllllium, and the Ilu:litorium . The rl:'g~la l· . lTI!,p,ting rJ \!to, II II" fam il y 11\,(', \~ L ld,l' I : lIlu!r, a Ol'flU - ' \VILL DJ"LI VER ADDRESS fav ored th e la dl es WI th sever-al ae lecMr Ilnd. ¥ rs , \1, M·, W hitet)l i Wool SUilS, WlISh Suits, Blou&e8, " tions of pia no m usic Mr . and ~r9. Raymond Cr eager, of H.ol.8 Eve ryth ing Cor I he boys will be u ~ed fo r S unday school, e tr. . IIl R Ha ml SewlIll{ lArcle W:l ~ he l.d al Ilftl l 'P!iet I,ndy .. f w- ,tpr. \>er"u p~ A larlre kitc hen, with all mode rn t~ e, hOlne o r Mrs . I els(J 1l H a m tlLo n 111'0 and II hal f mi ll" 10111{ . From the , . - -T he fo llowing vi silorH were pres· Day ton , H. E. St olcesar.d fam ily, l'h S. Fl t>d Co. Le banon, O. conveniences, will bu placed on t he ,on Thursday uft ernoon of la!i L wel~k hi ll 011 whirlt 11 II.·phr·w and fami ly P r~id ent. J ay, of Wilm ington Col_ Ie nt, Mrs. Ad a ms , of Ka llSBII City, Mr, and Mra. E ro e ~ 'Hartsock, Elmain tloo r, and ro oms will bu built The a t l endan cc w,a,. g ood an,.1 mu d liVl', I ~al\' till' III"g'ttl fi,:, ,( ,t I.ukt. le;re , w ill d eli ve r 811 Raste r gert nrlll , ' Mrs Ceo. MIlI·k s . M rs. Will G r aha m, vin Fires and f amily) lI1isses'Mabel '" Mr. and Mrs Jo~. Hadley and for th e purpose of thc di fferent so ., w ~k WIL" accr~m p ltsh e" DUl'mg th l' Wa::hill/-!'l on thilt ' 1I" l p~ In IC'1l ;Ih Su nday mllrn inl!. IL t 10:30, ct the Mr/l- Wilson Edwa rds and lit tl e Cast, Alma Waterh Oll:le, Alice Carey, d,aughter, of Sprinjfboro, were the ci eti es to meel in . A large s tage , SOCIal h'H lr dam t" refres hme ll ts we re lln u " lacI':; vcr\" \·er.\· ti N'''. li nd I,f rl'iclll llI ch urc.h ill H fl rv~ys burg. :d nug hle r , Mllr y Leah an d Miss S usa n a nd M e8S~s. George Wate rh ouse amI .guClltll of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gu s- fully eq uippt><i with dro) s , e tc , a nd ser ved by t he 1111,,1c:~ . l\1 r:, . J ohn Ihe livCR IIJ ~ L 111""1' '!h'h )' 1'111' ma ny I'.ve rl' botl y invited. I Wright . ha rl es ZImme rm a n , tin with d reasing rooms will make a ~obersj)n \V .~~ th e ~ues t at t hl-l llI L,.·t "f t he ln I ,ica~ u n ·.~e~~~ ; f~l\, blJl lie~ _~_'~~~~~~~~~~~~_I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ , SUllday. building s uch as h a.. been needed for , m g ,.MrR. I',the! h ills wtll " nt~ r L:~~l rarf' eV,· ,. r,'I'I,v(!r !'d Frum alm ost Do you Iil-e to hear colored jubilee a long lime 88 a g enera l commu nity ' the Circle Oil 1hLlr~Jay , Apnl _I, any poi nt t hcl'l'n" ll llt~ Illay h ~ S'l'll. on a clear uar. filII di buHlc\, u f ab out gingers? Then hear the Suwanee cente r. , • _. / 1916 . . e:Rhty m ill', the gr a t Muunt I ni l! Quartette at Sch(lol Hall, Fri'r - al\l'u}' ~ lotlwll ill white nnd to day .evening. CIVIL SERVICE EXAM. ' BROUGHT HOME HELICS which nUIIl !J.! rs of tl u rist." go l'Heh )~'ar, an,J whirh i~ hlllllw l.'e m with t,!eesr3 J . O . Cartwright, J . E. Frllnk Elbon, wh r eturned fro lll int 'reH fr oJll i t~ hase t.1 iv; .lI m rni l _ __ , _ _ _ _ _ 23 _ _ _ _______ Janlley, A. Mafflt, H , A.' Cornp.1I 1 J_ There will be a civil se rvi ce exam- ' Oklaho ma lust wtJek, ' brour<h t ho mc as nea r liS UII' call g'l. '1'1", " la('C I Pence and' Dr, J. T . Ellis attenoed Imj llY .t! m O~ 1 wu~ I\lfl[Pwlia lIeac h, ~ a .cj)DvQ.catlon ot the 32° Maaons at ination for rural mail cnrriers·at t he I with him some intere~t l l1g r clir:l following places , on May 13, 191 6: Among the m wure ~o m e new ~ l>ul>er s a puillt "ll til« ~() L1l1d. wlt"'rIl wer e ~n Friday afternoon, Franklin, Lebanon and Blanchester : prin ted on lhe lirs t powe r pres,; in nut many \ i ~il(tl" , I JI:~lIl1.,,' Jle rlllll l~ o r ~ . The competitive e xaminatio n fo r Oklahoma , in t he oOke of th e " NE' W tl wa lk b" ill)! req llil-,·tJ (I f mo re Lhan Or, Thos Sherwood arrived hllme carriers will be held for the pllqlo:;e Era" of Fo rt Gillsu n , The ('uitor , J fa mi le f rulIl t itL' Cll:- 10 r e u(' h it • fl:Om Leoanon last Friday, after a of a ~ tcanr.y at Mo rrow or f o r an y S. Holde n , h as a f ull lin c of Indiall WI1I'1I tlt ... r., Ihl1ltlly unl)' II Ip hine ~A~N nv'mgo P';C' fo, Suits cons;rlemhly "bove pIe ot weeks' visit with Mr, and vacanc y thatmay occurin th e future type , al ,d occasiona ll y get (Iut an and Illys.· f. we \\' 0111.1 ~.)on l1<lI'e" t he avera~(' . So much so that we do not fB, F Sherwood and family, App lications for e xa minatioll!l lndillil editi o n, IIsi n~ the Ind inn ty pe fi r fro"1 IIw load" .,1' lilllhe r wao; hed . licsitute to ask men a cus to med to pa.y ing ~ lId will ta.kf! up his medical practice, should be made imm ediat~ly , and The p ape rs are ~/ll1l( ' 11 up in the ", ~ h()re . Tllell we put ~(,mc food on .· 1'he doc tOt intends to make Wa,- applicati on blanks may be had at 1l u sunl nlllllne r 1111.1 ha\ C'I lIl te n bit or to c(lok, u f whic h we wUnl!'.1 p it: nt y t'O llsiderahly lmore to·OI)l !.! in ami sec llesville hiB home. he re . Hn rl ;;ilt " .\\\,n or w,tlked aho\ll the abov e named postolTice" . news in lholm . them . A busin S5 su as our keeps us consta nt, while we kept lhe bla ze "I'll kinulerl, I o n tlte lookout fo r th newest things. ThC'y lind in due lilll C o te ou r meal whil e arc her a t 1'0'(' walched t ill' fi hip5. t h(' ~e a I.{Ullll, the C!bLanti Au \' of U 1e tirie, ti l. Sl le ndid ); tlll ~ N , an d rn.any thin gs pe c ulin r If) th • H ' :I , ho re On · da.v I Illei. :\ Illdy in a wburb of t he cilY, and we got 10 tal king. Whe n I ttll d h ,l' wht!r ' I liv!.!11 Hhe N ew Pa tterns fresh from tIl e tailors, an d a ll saill, "Wh y, my hl1 ~bil ltll had a d 'ur friend f" ()l!l l!lp n'. II i nl11T1C was Wi ll j 31l1~(tn, to I SO(t 1l Il llc>{ he was o u r I"mllk . Af te rwa rd J ta lked tu th e hUHhrmd \l'h" Hairi Ite a nd F rank wer e fri ends of lonlt tlliln.lin g , a ll d that he hUtl r~:l ' 01 1 to believo that You can · buy your Coal Cheaper in April and May~ New Furnishings, Hats, ·Shirts .and Neckwear · had hc nl t b 'en out uf the ci ty t hey wIIlIl rl have IJ ·en to~~eLller on t he Shoes and Hosiery day uf t he death nf ~Ir . Will iamson . li e ~nil l Jo' rank '!I g'nial plea:;a ll t way w.on fo r him Illany f rie nds, a nd tha t he had 11 fllmily lIC which he was jus tly pr lltl, a nd that tilways received his ut1!lpe>lL d evo tion , The family i no w, L b tl li~' v e , I·jv ing in Sp kan e . ~uwall~f' Hi vt-r QUl1 r tett e- School H II , "'rid 'l)' t! v, Il illg



-:- -- ~


m .oo.




. ----


Buy'Your Clot.hes at Special Prices at Hyman's


Men's Newest Spring




$10.00 $12.50$15.00 '$l6~50 Are Beautifully Tailored

Down' th e Paci fi c Coast

~~m~~~~~c: Genuine Pocohantas not have cliIlkers

O~r . Top

Leads them all. Large and blocky, very little ash and very little ~oot ; th e kind yo~ want if you have had trouble wifh soot, ashes or clinkers,

."V.i rginia Splint. .'



t~ ~


E~g . Coal


our I.eading Coal, and 'a too. P.tici yery . r~SQn­ Try our large and small-sized Egg Coal a fre~ bUrner, hOlds. fire for coojpng, You get a more even very ~~~l . .soot; a goi!d he~t .~~oid Il;l!tkii!g.fine coal by ~~~d coal. ·1 ' , ' ' breakllig large lumps






Afte r ~pe r. djng a h o u t a year in Senttl e I left to vbi t. I3rCJLher Wal ler a nd his wi fe, Lou ise . Just a f t r st.arting I met a y~l u" g E ng lis h woma n, a nti we t oge the r made th e fine t ri p do wn t he Pacific Coa5t, and we a"ree:.i t ha t ou r a . sl) ciatio n a dd ed much to t he pi ae u re 'of t he.iJ urn ey . especia lly in our li tt le v i ~it.'j to Port la nd, .'an ~~ ran c i!!co ancl Los Angeles . At tile lat ter place we sepa ra ted an d after I WII9 9('"~ ted in t he t r ai n an.! feeling som ew hat t he loss of my fri end , a lonely lady came in a nd Rat fa cing m e , by which 1 co nclud ed we we re to OC\!U py the same section anft ou.r-acg ll(\intllnce proviatl excecding ly pleasant, and of advr~nt8ge t o me silJee sht! had malte thEI trip throug h Arizona and New Mexi:co be lore, amI when fite train got ,I;(, Slin Antonio were, loathe to sepaltale. So It hI



.. H IRM ANWI '- t!:

"AUHW ~H C LOT ....'.. ..

The Best Shirts on the Market from .



The Famous Queen' City, Avondale Tbe· Monaroh

T,be Arrow

'. )twin



Thcl'e is a grt'o t Ileal 01 (,OD r \l~j n i n the I ublie minll rt'l!arr\ iug tlte "loll1lngc' or "disf1ln l~me nt" of -hips aod wilh l!(luJ rt'u 'on, for

l ,. I·ri.:,·

or 1I1~

1\ r ,. 1t111'1

te is

, .\11 I I . " b . l.-,wit)


l. t



or Cal' Co.

1)· the

:'l't'OII U ,. \ lid Il)w

I. P. II:'\ ~ trl' Kr,'11. t., Ttl' \1· -, I' I." Ii ., I :0;1:1'1'1, ( '11 .. l o l ~ N. 3 li'i, I ;~ . I i'i 11I1f1 1:-\1 ill 1\1nllun , $1



I ',rn- I'tullo

El·lltll ,\\ R "t.!lt.n r I I

imported 'P eJ(:heron, is a black stallion, 1 G nn



hl~ . hl

11111 111ft

N" . 13 ill \ ~Y'II' ~vllI" . •~2r.1)i' 1\. I •. I' ., n"· ,\ I Hllrl: . t,,,

~ds high, ~d weigbs 1 ' 50 lbs.,


hI '


! 4ll1 u ~r kl -. l:, i I ntll'(~~ lU ~ " tI U r 01'\' 1, 1 ,,1111 l ·tl,u).IIII I.)I\'''ol>lp ~57110 t-it.,w rt, rI I ', I.. ~' it ·f.wllter -1 tra uls .11 ·1,'"'llt","=t\.l WIl"hlp 1. U>lor ~ Ii Ii tel, :\(Iml' . I II \ u ller u. ti UW\,I\l' l·~.' :1.; U n' fHHI' 'u(jlm r ~

ali' " i. animal.

(U U)

• spleDdidly proportioned . ARROWSMI'l'H was sired by Keao 26399, and is recorded in the Ptreheron Society of America.


t:rtllll: ' .\f)illI

'11.1' Ill"")fl f,lullli"r ('n ! I L. ·Ell rl J. ,ltl IUllod 20 II) Di'I~:I"'~ ,1<1 ,t ll11 t o ~III Oil , S; I . li ll th (·,. n pH r 10 \V . It HI d r , Utlcl i\ II1"d ' ''lfl hil i ! "lI rt 101 0 11\ Nos. 1:J 11I111l 1:) I PI Il l'edl, '1d. tl. MAMMOTH JACK is a light brown 'with white J hll W . ,)Il' lI' lIt ul t o .'\ oil re -points, 5 y' bands high, weighs about i1OU, sired by B. J obn U I lol~ N". 60 ~, tlO;-" ad Orphan Boy G96, grand champion Jack at th e o in Ifrankllu, $J. T hoUIIH "I\I'I~, ' 1I

DAN P DAN ·p;Wat ·sired by ' Prank L 22144. record Wilkes, 2:22, by Hamble· toblaii 10, by'Abdallah 1st, Frank L's dam by Mam2:14~, be, by Sentinel

brino Foster, he by Mambrino Cbief 25 ; 2nd dam by

.,Aahlaod QUe! 751, third dam by Hill's Black Hawk. nAN P is a coat black, full 1 . hands, weigbs 1 50 poUQds, heavy muscled, great action. both trots and

paca with record of 2:25 at a tr gait of 2:10 gentle





,I. A. RUIlYflll .t o

Money due when colt is foaled. Mares parted without my consent, forfeils illsura nce and season becomes due. A lein is retained on all colts until the season's fcc is paid. Care taken to prevent accident, but will not be responsible should any occur. .


iii the wott!r.

Necessary to build a well-equipped Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shed.

'\'hl' nmollnt of \\"I\t ~ r u i~pluc:('il hy L1w Bhip i~ qual ill weight to the hip IIllll 011 it cOlilnin~ . A 0110 ton i qllul to :l1i mIllie r ~ t of lI'ut rr .. til!' rli ' Illn mrnt t nnngo is fntlna hy <Ii· villi llg the nllmb"r of C'uhic f l:et of wn!t' r eli, p lnCl'L11 y 35 when th · shi p is i ll101(,I" t1 tip to its lond li llo. Gros I IIlloge is n Lerm comll1onl npplied to III rChfllttmClI. i n ealcu· IHtin!; it, the whole int 'rio l' cnpac ity of the ship IJl'h,W Iho t Ollllnge uC<'k is found in e1u~ illg thnt or nil cov rollin spnc 011 de<!k U L'II I or HtOWOgO, anLl th result in cubi _fe t is dh·iJcd by 100. K et rrgi trr tonnnge is lllC gro~s tonn ago Illillll nil tit spaces lI scd for t ho n 0'" rnodlltioll of the





I B ay M]j-lls N~WS GlEANED t

1'0::.:;;';:;::'=;";;:='-1 1


-_ . ... -


f ll


,I. 0


weight ton·nngc is the measure of t]le ax/\ t /\ mount, of Cilrgo' a silJp can catTy with 8Qfety.·

-- ...- - -




~ DItUOOiiii. .PIOIA!.I'TI. OO.T~JIII."" T.RAI........ OA..


PItO",':" .., U.... O I.,. ADVlrIl"'INO OOI.UM...





. . . . . _ _ ·YO.K CLIPP.R . 11_ YorI&.i .....








'r hiR ,U PCJ>lO I;hould

. In th. matte~ of the will of Cbas. Those so1Ierlllg from N enrlllllll\ U1' K. Urton, de08a8ed. \V.1I11s admit. N- umlglc Beodllobo will- find ooe or ted probate. 'wn npplit atioD8 of 81(100 '8 L l olment will g iv e ~rlltef ol 1'01101. rhen.~on Common PleasC9urt tzing . pu bl glvel way to a "ngling Proceedings senl!ntlon () f comfor' lind warmth nod quiet reRt and sleep is possible If. A • •J.meIJOD, Adm. vs. Wm: G ood tor Noo rltls tOil PriOIl 25'.1 Butterwortb e' al. . BlLles apI)roved. at your D>ful( gil;lt. Distribution ordered ._---' ...- -C._sle L . B.rdy VI! . E A . Liddll e' al . Sales app~ovecl. Dlstrlbu"loD Not a Thin g to Boaat Of. ordered . . Mos!:.'''· reports' t ha t a Russian Bur· B~ate of Ohio V8 . J osoph Thoelk. geon ho a 811~l"" ed(' d In transplanting Inll e$ AI. Plead Rulltv . dentenoed tllo ne rvI's of a ~:ouDg pig Into tho I to Stllte R~form .. lory. '1:3l1ntenoe i1l1 mnll Lolly. SIu'oly thIs cannot be .nspended unUl further order8 of a new nC)Iir: l"oment or Burgery. ,We ' dotirt. . Boe peol,I~, ~YO I'Y dRY ' Vllo BIlI)ll.l·ently James B. Wallaoo vs . ,Ja.mes have th o IIl"','O of a liog.-HoustOD Bruoe WAlla08. prop'e rty 18 ordered Post.


no idea: how. a

-coat or two of Hanna's Green Seal Pamt WIll

beautify and preserve YQur property. :-It makes everything look bright and new.~ · . . '. It ,spreads smoothly, 'covers -a ll 'surface defects and dries with a .glossy:finish that wears tbirough all kinds of weather. It has given good results lor rl YeaJ'$.

14·2r .

Chairs and one Coach furnished free


ttM t('(\ 'lil R()OIl )O(t. ,1U «8 of tlu' When this is d ono ~I

lirllt 1.1I1D1l111Tnl

,nin'IR Allp!lll.rp. lII1flo £1011 · or t;h:miherlnift 'HColle. Ohol ·f·t. nnd J)i3l'rh0('3 \{t'lIIetly will elIud II !Ire. ThiR r cm(>,ly M il alwlIYs be tie, ti!ocl cd upon o\'on in tbOUl08t IICVllr e nOll Il\ugerou . s l\~eH, and should be k'l't fit ,und r eudy 'for instant URe. N ever ean

lOiu!! ou a journey without it.

Waynesville, ·Ohlo.U ' _ Call answered promptly dRY or night Both phones in Office and Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone


i i

wit.h funerals. Best of ae rvioo guaranteed:

D it. H.E. HATHA.W A..-T WIlYl1eoAvtlle '. Lelldin, DaDUd Offioe in Keye Bldg. 'lIaID 8&

~ •

i i •

The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery in the State and will pay highest ~aTket price for sound, d ean sour .cream. ' We are . any a d vance a 1-ways prompt to recognize h k d '11 In t e mar· et, an WI ta k' e care 0 f your 11 • C) . interests at a hnles. leeks 'matled daily or weekly as desired to cover aU-shipments. REFERENCII

PIBt '" atiooai Bank .

Pearl Street '''arleet Baok Any Rellabl. Merchant in Cl.cinnati.




Corwin, Ohio.

P hone 64-2Y.

< I '"

and Embalmer,

Ordinance No. 85 ... ~ .............. ~....................~ .......~ WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED '· '


Paint • Up With



tlme tbe etilroe811 tlDd EIllu leaTes .

Until you've tried. it, you



Dr. J A • ' M Coy,




FII~~~::;b,li\(~~d"f~~~n. L~~;;l t!~ 1'~!

Walter Chandler

IIRISIID W!!liT. $4.00 m TUl





Give us a call, get our pdce , and we are positive we will get your order for lumber, e ~c. .

rbeDroll"!). '1'b oold lind damp IV ut he r brin g8 on rhtmm ll tl o p"lns whl bare IlOy tbUl g lmt pI0ll811D\ . Tbey 01\ 11 be r elieved. howeve r, by Ilpp\.vlng Obllm be l'llIlo's Liniment Obt.l1inB blo' eve rywhe re

ID 'he estate of Thoma Murphy, "The hen is at once 6 model and Il deo,ued. I'ourlh and final Ilcoount .J tULl W. Lo w. pltioter of Mid . Ie .ppro..... dl eto D, nd (;I olu le M. Bro wn, of rebuke to hUlIIan being of overweenID th • • of Frannell t:! • .,Jobn , I log a fU1U8 . R lw. AI,I.hur Uooper. ing ombitions." · d_lUed . I'ira' and final acoouo' II 'How 80 p" Commlsslonere' Proceedlnll:5 Valley Phoneilo-1X approved. "All hough the rival of !.he AmenID the 81tate of Frannie Mnrphv, In r e We loh &o",cl Illlprov em eDt, e' aI, minors. FIDIlI acoouot Ie ap. Bltle rn tow u b ill. R esolution PU8SCO eon englQ himscli !IS a gr ent nationol proved. to Impro ve nlll r oull from the Inter. institution, her higb st ambition js ~ecMon of tbe .Rossburg r(lad o'od to keep on scr6tcping ' for Il living." ID 'he maUet of ~he eetate of ALL KINJ)S OF Phoebe 8. Sherwood, deoeased . ux! ndlog in a oortlJwnsterly dlrae. Thoma. Sherwood III appointed ad . ·tirm t o WI) 'ou II 0<.11 ]) r l\ Of .Vill age of Morrow It WII8 further Unfartullately Trull. mlnil'rator. B1lnd $1>00 rt may be necc8dnry to 811g1lt your Fred S. Bone, Admr. vs. Webste r r esolnd t.llf't th is Imp ro vement be 8hfMI'. 11. Order of eale issued. xteD ed throogh the v Illoge 01 golt or da llclng once In a while ID /L Ill1r t or tbe oon of 811 ro order to have ony offico hours lart. Iliao Mull Edr. E. E. Woodyard. Morro w, borne by the village, towlt, Prlva'. lale of real ellt,,'e ordered .. 'to11be 5. . 8al.. later approTld. BlUM .A 1I0\\·ed-W. CJ. 'fortoD. In tbe matter ' of 'he es,,,te of luel i12; ltV. H. 1110l18e c'- 00. , 8D·p. ReQb\lD B. Dill, 'deoeased. Maul plie8 t or A ndiLor $ l 1)0; W. B Gra. Waynesvill~, O. Kohl I. appolDted admlnlstratllx. h alll , eont rllct-, $14u i F M. fJ u lohlnBODd ,.600. J Lee Tbom»80n, E BUD , fll llOtlrlo~ 1 8UI)pllea, $4..J 2 i Leb. T O I,rovlllo torthocODSll'IlCtlOD,' ropairaud E. Bloo4 and W. E. Soott are ap. an ou lltrJ.) t'I prlu\log tnx Ilollee, koopiull lu rollal r ot .11 ehJuwa lko. ClIrba utilI H . Pbo 1l polDNd appraller. · . f,3.CiO; Proqne t o ver body 01 Orle f.'::'C~r,,,'V~~~;~.~m~. b'm~W limIts (If the VIIOllie De 6 . N. L. Dearth va 'Walter l-t. FlUs. EtlwI\r(1. WI1~ ' ,oor onor t e $5.25 i W~;g~~\lbeds~[t!I~~ ~V~,CII oUllo VUlnge .t al. Bowllrd W • IvlnB iSllpPolnted WillieI' McCluro , bnrio l of EII )ltIlie~U of .~ 8OC: \, 'fhat . Idow.lki. c\lrbs .,uIHUH ... gnardlan ad IHem for the de. R OlDano, ~75 ~ J" lL n S lIlder, a~- sllnlllJoCOIISlrUl:lod. rtlp lrod lIud kopt 10 1'0. pa ir upon Ihe follow ing I Lrootl\ "ltl!ln .... 1\1 fendaDts. Sallie approved, Dlatrl. 8 lstl1 ll ~ RuoOide r's offioe '46; Jobu vlllago \\is foliowi . UPOD ~II Ihe stroot!! wllhl n "OD . L W & '0 0 uuto servloe f I' (;o uo~y tllO oo rrJO r.t.o IImlt. ol a..d Vi llagoo t ' VaYDa. · . ~ C . In the matter of the will of Tbos. 8 ~r v eyor ro r Maroh 1!H6 t l .6 0; H. \' ~. Thkt said 8ldowalk. ahalll)o con· CoDltable, deoeil.llad. Will Is ad- 1£. Warwlok . supplius for j ,lIl, ",0 60 j • ~ruc tocl ot co nernle ood to a~'O"'ln nce W~h V,e terlnarv mlUelUoprobale. The widoweleetA t:itllte of biO "8 Fr ea Flaunignn, t~ttl'~no~~Ig.:'~l tP.::'~~;I~~~''''IO~~~rotorn on 10 s\!()o R. That nil c urb. !LOci ""tw", ob,,11 ho fe.e~ !Llld (:('st!! $ 10.25. Oraduate of 01110 Stat, Unlvenlt, to take n~der the will. Of ~'On ~ and In accord. Dco wIth tho plnnK In the mll.Uer of , the estiLte of "uti SllC!C! lflcatloflB thoroloru on 010 III tho 0111';0 ot tho VlIIlII!o lurk. .' Thoma. Conltllble, deoensed. MIHY \! . •. 'flint /til .IIlowalks . eurhs " I)d gutt.ors within "ue Itmlte o f Ho.lcl villoge. tihu.1I bo Office at residence in F. B. Sher , Con...lIl. II appOinted pxeoalrix. DANGERS. OF DRAFT kept III B. t:"ood . t nl>O o r repll,lr 1.1lld fme from wood'shouae. FourthSlreet Bond,IOOO. Woo. Obllney, Grt1n. ob,tructlon. • • vUle Hutohlnlon and Ora Griswold Dr Irts fool hop t when we a r e hol S"". a. All nth.r orrlinnnOO8 or sccUon s Or QrdJl1llllcc,," coutllct.lUH' wJth Lhla orclh.J lluco arc nn d llerS1Jirinll", ju t, when Lh Y Are hUnlby repoalorl. Telephone 28 are appolDaed appralsera . Ii. Thl , ordl DnllCC shall toke olToc~ nnd In 'h. matter of the ee'nte of Re. lIlos t (\ tlo go r U l\ ~ . 110(\ tile r es ult IF 00Soc. It, lorro Irom IlDd .ttor ~he oarllOl~ l)O rl o<1 Wayne.vllie. Ohio beooaJane BoJlI.eld, deo en~ed . !:toh. Neurtll glll .·ti iff Neok, I:!o re :Ida e lel! 1I.1lo\'\"cd b y law. F a.""'" . ~h day at April. I G1G. J. t3hawhan II appointed !Ldmln. or so m tlmos Q Q aUllok of R.heum ~Ism. I II ~ll()U 0 9(\8 Bpplll 810 In's i.trA'or. Bond ,LOOO. ALLca~ B . E. HATHAWAY. M\lyor. . I t Rtlro u la toll clroll lu tioD L . A. ZmIdJ1:lalAN. Olork. ID. the maUer of the will of Ue. Liniment to the 80l"e 'and ,painful part. r h e mah UrtOD, deceased. WIll la ILd blo od Jl W8 ~ rooly und in a II UO.t. miUed &0 probate.

Corwin, Ohio


Come in and will make an estimate on the building

"TIlI l'o you nn old S!lW you can E. V. BAI{NHART, lellil 1\1 ?" nsked Dobsoll. "1 wa Ilt •• nn old one so it wOIl't mntter to Jail Notary Public if I hoppen to br ak out a :few Welh." My Aim-Your Trade "I haven the kind or old $Bw yOt) All klnds of N <)tary, Work. \VUlt ll)eufiOtl/, said. codswol'lh, "but I nnd eM8 a /:lpeolal'\N . At ~U. ol Ltll",~oo. ltev . Ar~bur COlI gj vo you, nlloLher sort I 61 ways QUALITY- Above the Standard abide by." SERVICE-That can't be beat "Another old snw?" . PRICES-To please all. "Yes, 'Neither a b~rrower nor 11 Ru\,. Bush Wl1tSOll . ------:-=-=:': - . \Yuill" E:. Mu ulullorfl. r epfli r mall lender be!" Funer'al Director nt King Milia t< nd U ~et~ C. Kohl, both ,)f Kings Mills . Rev. Arthur Cuop r

Probate Court Proceedlnll:!I

Alao AceDt for KeUy-Sprina1ield Au.tomobUe Tirea

PAPI:n '. '"'"


FROM COURT HOUSE \I~:~F~~ s~:~~r. b~at.~m~~ ~2r~0,~~

Auto 'Llvery Serylce at R eaaonable Rates .

'I'IIe'1'''I'Dr.CAL '

\\ e also have Pu int to pill Oil yo ur build ing )" L1 Ll iutell(.l to I uild.

cr wand instrulIl I1t8 nnd the wor.killg pn rts or the sllip. The dC'lld-


L 'l\v ls lJm ke the olldlv iLlt'\1 tlun, b,.lf loler est 10 l ot Nu . 4(1 In <:\ :lUtil Lebnno u, $ 1. Mny I. Ltlwr 1I 0e to J OI. B. Wale 91110r eH III I I'cUlktiu ' <J wushl\J b:dltlJ ~I Ijl., rl " e ~ Hllo l!'. M lIud L . B Udhnro , ·1 no res In Mtlssle to wu~ltlp $2100. R. E. Bu vitl WId htlrlcA W Bow. IIfl t to.W 'I' I£~t!l!:l & ( 11 , J o t~ Nos li71) Il 11, Ii Il , I" ~ flnel 6 In ~'m flk­ ho, $1. Marriaf{e Licenl!es 'J'i 1<'1. 0

TERMS-$lS.00 to Insure a Live Colt


Everything In Building I

Werld's Fair in 1()O'l, first dam by Limes tone Mam - H nwk 1.1. I·t uf 10' 1a7 In LebllDon, SPRIGN moth 29 , a Jack shown for 10 years and was Ilever U HUO. Spring Is loo ked upun by O1I\Oy ft~ defeated. HbocJn., !MIllon aDd Emilia t.>rake the m ost d B1Ighliul 8easoo ot th to 1.,0""1 I)I'uku p .. rt of lot No. fi6 tn 1e"r. bDt this oannot be bid ot 'hI! nth u lllHIDOU.


,, 'l; ~l'i



t mcl l.totl~ uf rn1clllalill~ lonn ng . In lh n' or war hips th~ term ll isplnc~IIJ(·"t if lI1!noa l l\ hns~ II ·"ll. 'I'h' d iRI'I '\l'r: mrnt tounn r i ' Iill\ pll" Q . upied

there tiro fo ur


Build a Hom.e this Season? If you do, . Remember, we have






00 You Intend to


Nautica l Term. That a La nds mAn ". a Gen"ral Thing Hili S"."all Acqualntante W ith.


Dan P and Mammoth Jack Will Make the 'Season of 19J6 the Zell Barn in Corwin, Ohio.




lold for $260 and proOeeds . are to Oil dlBtrtbn\ed aooording to la w. W. ·F. Eltzrot.h 'V8 J. M . a~yner &1. W. F.· EUal'oth eleots to Qnd... the proPerty at the appra1sed value, .


Real Eitate TranSfer.,

m. G. BiDell So Ma.y Thompson .

~ ~ Subs(;riLe


·MRS. ,fit YTON.'S LETTER ~o


for the Miami Gazette

Run·Do,vn Nel'votlll Women .'

Notice To Contractor$







ANDREW ROHAN';CO. Cincinnati. Ohio

J. F. Snook, Agt•.Waynesville, O. ,

....................................................... .



ot 'Wayne 'l'ownaWll



N. Sears


lor fUnll.blol! ~ho nocessary laOOl' and mat.rllll lor tho COWltrllctlOIl alld completion of a Be ...oMl{lO Syst-om IoCcordlng to tbo plall. and .pocllleatJonl on HIe willi 11:. V Barn· bart, (JlorltoUht) Board 01 Educ_tlon. Waynoavllio Oblo. proparOO by Weber. Worner & AdkIns, Al.rc"ntlle Llbrar, BuU(litll. Olp· clonall. 01110. Dlds wlU bo oPODOO at \l mooting 01 Ule .\lld Doard of Rdu '\lUon on April 21i 1~16. n~ 2:00 o 'c loal< II, m. . li:acll bId mU8 ~ \)0 necoml1l1Dloo Ily B cer11800 choc:lr for $ 160 00 mado IIBYlLlJlo '0 ~ho Orller 01 Ihe CIerI< of the Uoa"" 01 Jl:duc.tloD of Wayno t4W1l.1hlll , WBl'I'Illl OoUDfy , OhIo,' Nono \)Ut ,tile lowest I'08ponilU/o \).lduor .llnU IJe .&ceeplod. . '1'110 sa id .BO&rd ....... rves the rlShL t.o I'OJeat fuiy and nll bid.. _ jjldo mUllt be HClnlec.l anti endoroed • . "DId lor Lbo Oou.t~ctlon of .. 80worago 8yltem," aud}l!all...lor dellvorod to Tho Ol,rk 01 tbe Bo,,", DlJllric', at Rtll!Cll t !OD, Way.ue ....n.hlp Scbool Wnytl""vllle. WIlITOllil" t;:ounlY. Ohio. ' . By order of Lila DQat'd of Educatlon of Wayno Township 8 hool Dlnric~. WayneevUle. Warl'Oll Oounly. Ohio. . .. DBWKI. Wnynllllvlllo. Ohio. AprU • • 1918. D.1t .E. V. BA.RNIlAIlT. Olerk.



StoOI)~ Building

Waynesville, OJtio··

Louisvil ll~,l{y. - "1

Vlnol i9 tbe best



n " r\lOU.8 .

and for Vlnalla CLAYTON, tonic eome


.a. B. ..aa'I''',


eealOO blda will be recelvo(1 by th~ Ol.rk of.

Ihe Bow of

8c.lhool DI .\ rlc~. Wayne..1ll0. Warren OoUllty. OhIo. un,1I ooon on l.ho . - .

Willi IL nervoD wreck, I1l1d in a weak, rUn-dOwD con· traog iD lIorrow; Ohio. dition whim a friend n me try liar,; E. 0041 Ad·~lC. to Dflvtd Vinol. I Idid !Ill, lind IllI ked a lluo~.•mall 'no' in Waehlnr'ot:l girlned in Iilenlth and

towD.hip D . .14 lIa80D aDd wife to Andrew Pottorf 10' tD OrelloDI.,'~IiO. 0.1. HtaDtoD to tma A. BDU lot )qo; tHID haDkJlD, ,1800. . ion Lelar to .A. Q. OarpeDteI' .nd W. £. 1'aaDD 110.08 &01'18 ill Va• . . . . ~Bo. 141f4 . .4 SIiS'l,


-- . .,.

Everybody uses Lewis'· Bread and ' cakes, the best and most delicious macte~ Try them ' and -you will never want to eat any other kind.



I~ ' ~'~I~:~' ~~:~M~I W?~~I~~~

O~O~I}!~S Dolmr~


T--E -N-E-IC-H-Bf)--R--H-O-O-O- N

We ..ITer Rp -, - , ward I", !lily CU$! 01 CutJl rrh ! bul ea 11 . - - - - -' - --------:--- - lI!>t I ... cllled by l oJall's C·u !~rrh Cur~, I ~ I.. C!C A ~£ , I'.tlit llt alld MlrJ'ulger Il uU's Ca,arfh Cure hilS l>reo luken -- - by Ca lun1, 5uITerCl'll fur ltl paSI thirt yfi ve ye:tr~, and hUlll(:uollle known li9 thl",





. .t

A·s Written by Our Corps of Able Correspond.

APHIL \!I, 1911; most rpliullic r~medy lorCularrh . lI u ll'~ ~'-~ C'atnrrh ure ae\~ \IIIU the blood (III the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e':l.ts_ i.n _t_he N • .:!gh_bO_rh_oo_d_ _ _ _ _ Mlll'OlI, surfaces, e"pc llillg lhe I'nlsoll Irom the Blood and healing the di ~usc d portions. Ailer yOIl have IIIken .Hu ll' s Co la nh IOigbt' In honor f th it Kt'n I~DlI!Il CUt fllr u shorL lime 1uu will see II ~ re n l ! improvemelll in yflllr Ileneral hl"lI hh h I'!lO Rh o \1 hela io 01'11 Siurt hlk i lll: II nll 's C" lutrh Cure iii j /llL'" April "' k·l o"l re m lOla I .. d , wltll li nd get rid of calu, rho Send for lesllmo- . , , ) / , IZ 'i ' ,li n Ij f 0 11 1' b r~e f,m ol r~. lIials f,et!. Boo . C. Q. l:IlId~br u "t, or LoIoUl' - A. L Kln l{ IIl1d ~ !::i . )"llkHU .... er F, J. HH N IW & (:0 .. Toledo, Ohio. bptt, Wild ull II/ ng on f rh!lldil bera UII Ilmurl uf thoir ~1l0C , a 11 14 " lI~tlo Sold by nil Oruggi'IS, 1f/1;!. The' beSLllf 1111 ofllH ry w~ eVllr sa~ Bond":r. bOy Is uf I: ls Ilr~t, 1"111' (If I'M t rw or heard, Mr. 'Uld Mrp. c..: 1 ~odo ';:;H uod boo ! ~ .. nd \\!l1l tit .. · "linuld bl Was thlll which was written by our 1I0D , or nOl\t WnYllo vi lle, ware Ull- Th,,), h lL \'o.j , pllrud ne;ttl,' r IlIl)u ey or fritllld, Or" Wu rd, . berri es will soon he rlpA, "nd are d"y gUetl b,B of tllelr pArents. ~r, 1I~ld time iu hA.Vlllg welJ ur ell tlt,edtl. Thal he is '·RomepClel" wt: willll:lmit, v ~r, abnndant. T .. xlls Is fin e ~nd Mrs, BeoJ" EVa.OB , of I,bls on y Wouldo' t it be IL g " Ot! PTol PIlHitlou Thoug h .we ne ve r dreamed of it, no tllere 1M IlItll or rOOID bpre for !Cood E,,~ter tI.'ry ICIl8 will )Je 011 ervpd f{)f w lI r e of our oi t.iil.un s t il beeoUlo nol un ~ bit; people wbo wnnt!l obaulCe lIud 'to '" I,he M. E. oburch on Eos l or tiuo- in t ur IItOO. It itl II r l'pt fOl oll e'~ Whlll mnk tlll sunshine sweet , it 'tis worll tor an bOo88'lhleg Ho we v_ day . Y ol O IU6 oordlally I nvlt~d t o ·lIlind HlInk th"y are pro tuolng nllllhecioud , er, we IlI1 ',)ve Ilnd t .. lk ortAn of the he Ilrp8uut . u n . 1'11010 tbllt will 11 In d umKnd . • Of our snuw capped hills ot whkh dear Mlllml v"l1ey. whloh wIll ~l. 1IJr~. Mnrgllr e' Levloy and ~O ll , ',livln U Bll rillo. An lI/1:cll i ~izen, Wt~ justly· are Droud; ways bold. greAt pllloe In oor IdleoUlyde , MI~81ll1Oma Wbetsel, Mr. and d lpd n t bl "00:11 h umE! 10 our cll,y Who wunlll to be huddled Irke a Sl008. Mr~. ,J oli , ORvlsllnd dl\u ~ h ter . Oor 'l'hll rsdl~Y veui ng Rud .... "fI )l\ld to Lola Zoll. s warm of beeS, olby . ILotOed to OllyLon llist ~uDdal' relit ill ' ptl nllfi Id cb u :roh oometer y And DOl hup!! enl!!n half up by the -------.~~,~.~----anJ \96re t he guest s ot Mr. lIud Mr~. 'lI\tlldAY , Ho I (' " v('~ 11 ROU, n p h QWH flclls. L A. Hllrteoolr. IIud mll oy I rI ~ lIl1a tn 1l1 (,LlI'li hi do. We like to work wilh hands arid tt SAfE MEDICINE FOR CHILDREN Mr, Wm Wright nod dll ugh ter . IJltrl>ure . with f(!ct, ' Prnf. B OTuco Bl1 r ~e~,., ,)f Wi!'co n. for Ih ' good Ltt rd said, "Who do'st "III It safe? " I" the firdt questioo Etla "I, of Wilmingt on, wer e Iil U !!ts ~ I r), 101114 b~t'l1 en 11(111 here 00 llIJOUIlUt, n,it work IIIU!lt not eal;" '0 be 0 lD81dered when buylog oou~b of Mrti. Mildred IClllille t)unday, Play ltam~8. eat and .. Ieep, how lozy medlolne for ohlldren. Ch"mber. R. J. MurrllY (lnd W . C, Welob, of tb e SIII·loOlA tllue-s nf his filth r he i!l, Illln'. Cough .Remedy bllsll1n8 be!'n bulh of nOR r here, each 80ld II fine 'qoi re 8ur!! .. ~ ~ Dismiss from you r mindThen read these records estabAnd making remarks on this good U '"vorlte wlSb mothers of younll hOr8 ~ la8t week to Fraok Bunn loul , Mr, "n Il M I·~. Elia'! H uffm oll h"ve obllclren aB "00n\"ln8 no oplnm or of Wilmington . Mr. Bllnnl cut ill 0. b RUltlleu Ihel r h ome with pull)\', home of his fo r a moment-all thought lisbed under hardest condi. You' rll a good' soul Doc, we'd be olber narcotlo, and may be given to noted horae l1elll er. of price. Consider only the tions;- an average operating glad to see you back, 0 oblld li S obnddenUy liS t o an adult, of one-fourth cent per mile Mrs Boward GrahAm an" inleractual value of Saxon Road - cost Hope your good wife too wm come hi. pleuan' \0 tall e. too, whlob hlot estlng ehtJdren, of n Ol\r he re werll per passenger ;-ao average of on the same track, gre.' Importance wheD a m~d iolD A tiduI'd"y KOBSts of (,?rnntllDa tirll ster from the standpoint of 30 miles to the gallon of gasoGOLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED My verse is short you will dillCern, mqst be KIVIID to young 1blldren, h"rn, feature attractions, Iioe;-an average of 125' llii1es But lhe fact is Doc, I've !lot to IrO 'rbls lemedy i e mo~t eJfeoLuul In reM 'IDV p eopl e o'JUl(b 11ud oougbWalller, or Ularksv ille, WIIS Rov to the piot of oil; an average of c\lurn . ' lIeving oougb., ooids and oroup, fr om t h e beullllling f Fa ll rl8h t ollllln" on melObLl's of his ooog r e I,hrou gh to Rprln lJ, ( lthers g t oold. :-1600 to 5000 miles on a set of BECKY·JANE ' Obtainable everywhere galipn hete IRlit week. Wa)nesvillol Ohio, .. _ ..._ __ Note well thc Saxon high -speed tires , l'ILk e Ur nng'H N e w Ol soovery Fred (bet.ter known Il. BUllkoy) .. nd you Wlltl!(ot alu HJ!l t hllmol'll"te . motor; the three-speed tI'BnsmisSbllne, OUf very popular ID llat snd rfl ll er, It IHlCks yom· 00111, stOpA sion, (Saxon "Four" is the only Add no w the impressions you grooery merohao~. u~sl "ted by hill I ho rock ing, rosplnll. til! U .toar lO I( roadster under $400 wit h a .three- ga in while at tile wbeel of SaxWif6 and .M18s Uom I:lq Ulflt ~, are O(l UR h , b\jt1!s t,ba h ,fl'mn,l ftllJ, south es speed s\idin, gear transm ission); on "Four"- of utter 8exibility; waltlog on tbe trllde In lhe best of tbe r"w tU hPA. Eo~y t o luke, Antlthe Timken axles; the Hyatt of velvety smoothness; of snappy 8'ylo Thllyore uooomoduting and ~e ptl c a Ull l:i ea,llo g G at /.I 500110tQ uiel bcaring~; the honey com b acceleration; of eager speed; of Cbilll. Maraln and Earl Carter, of de8erve the trad6 tbey orc II (tin t(, IIIl of Dr . K l0l:·s N ew UIsco90ry t oradiato r; the b eautiful stream- resistless power; of rugged, d eDa,'on, vlalted reilltives bere la8' Mr and Yra, Wa l'er Ashley are dny. "lr I~ ol' rtuln l y l\ g re. t m ecll lin!!" body ; the ro omy seat, 40 pendable strength. Brulll t:!lIn Ant .mlo I wen' lIootb. )j'rlduy. oooupying rooms In tile Kill", fillt oine unu 1 k E'up II h,M lu of U COli inches wide; the lust rous finish; wellt '!lghLY wiJel Oo)'ulla, a$ Nellie 80~rd leta tlaturday tora Dr. Froet a youog ID I~o .. nu a ~luu8'l j on hlilld " writ (>H W. C, the dry-plate clutch; the venli- Now remember-if you willwblob st'·tlon 1 ruund Leulle wall- viii' wltb ber broSber Barry Wa' v81,erloary grll<1o .. &e, hU ll op ~ o cd up l e~H l) m ll n , FrtlD Clonin , N 8, Mouey lating windsbield; the s ignal what , we asked you to forget108, Bnd .bo luoit bu berrNI orlKJ· Ion and family tit Dllt.roll, Mlohlgan. an offioe 10 ChRS. Ma dtJ!J8 bUIldin g, uook If n'l t ~uti~fl P.lj lamps at sides; the adjusta ble the thought of price. Tben put Illd ~ell. IIU' hllviulC obanaed U Illl, Rlohard Par40m hn oolOtlJellced and I. prRot1olog his prt. fli,dilfl U lIutI pedab; and the fifteen additional this question to yourself-"ean .... 1 ouold lIee We .rode sbree aDd remodeling bla proper'y wblob be III meetlnl( wi th good Mooce.1! improvements . 1& hilif IUIJ uli . to their neal hOlDe, rtloep"y purohllBed aD South Main Mr .•Mllton Dowe II til I remsln any car in its class compare?" "Sixes" nlo .. l, luo., t"d bdtween 'be NIl.cell S.reet, daDReroolly Ill. Wllb II !111m olllln C6 Touring Car $785 rlYllr, Frow ~blS fiver th" water for hla recovery. Bla ruan y frl oods Roadster 785 powp(Jd lor Irrll( .. \lon Thll Bd Mt11er. of lIonapeUer, Ind., I. feel very anxious for his improveWtlS IUdb ed "qulel reo\l al plaoe ". vlal$lDjt r,l IlatlvlIl here. mtin' , WilY f",m Ibe lIU";' world or b~ah~ .' B, F. JAmea'l. 'rea~Ing hi. hOl18e Sovera l from tbh~ viclnitv ~t"Fours" IIDdoumm tlon. UOWtlVllr. 'be worlll '0 a Dew ooa' of paint allo O. V, We bave 10 our oUy .. young m il o t onl1 t1d till! leoture OOlll'lIe d ' aurRoadeter $395 louked 'illY bill hlll'e, wl'la Dbs a M.8On wUb unUmUed ab1H'~y wb o III wl\l. yey,burg Werl o dRY ulll):lt Vall~y' Pltone 65-5 Delivery Car 395 .. . . IDg Inl'all au e \eo'rlo IIgb't. plnnt., Wayne8v:lIle, Ohio buude II! ~III"", ~.II:oeJl' olle lor_ U,e Jamea UlbboD~ and , wife ot near ltabS 'he town and prl vOlte rl1l1ld8uOell · .- Ml' C , Bnrgeall, ~~o hlle been Slok, rlvtlr, lO Wblob H wonld It ~ao Ilx Glad,., ball poroh.sed the .Jamel an4 take hi. Chllnce8 on becoming 19 better At t hlll Wrltlll9:, mUes so, r .. ~ch .to Ihe rouudabou, 'arm e 'B' o. 'cwo , • ml1llonatre All we w~nt now Mrs. C.llfJ B wke v hn ted h er p arw· y I q c- lIlhJ 111,lO l4 b bu' aboa' "lb . Davlll t~e oartoonbt will give ' 'ha' we mlgbt 11000ep~ hid propo!!i en.~ lust weok. ~IIH IUllioJl" U( M ~cll '1l,, 1 ,Ulloe wal tbe 'ourtb numbsr of tb" lecture tlon III tbe mODIlY, and ~b8t oon be Mr. Iltld Mr~. B orticCa Burges •• of ru"dy "hlp ~,I.)obd boaa&lfUl loourlle Il& 'be 'fowo B.U WedneedaJ gouen If we will make s om e elfort. WI Aooo Hln, 1l. 1' /l lle ro vlsitlog t b e UBBER-TIRIIlD RDnabon' and 01~BBIBed Itbl t~e Il 1I11""I-j At I'iot Ilrv ofndgr~h' l DlgM. April , 11th . You ba V6.,11 heard It 11111<1 tbRI',"ra.ln t former's fl~tlr "r, who is very 111. II AU... U t , e ua e HI1I6".. • e N e4 h t d f f I I . d . Barness for sale oheap. In. (lotOIl fllllUII wllre jOllt Il" pre"y In II I ew. waa reoelv er!, 0 ay 0 heart neve .. , woo a r ':~.v 110 Rlilpb MeG 'lio o lIod ,100. E ph quire ai thla office. a19 d r II h ·' I'b &b I the de,,'h of Mra, Dennl8 Doffy. of tbat Ie trne In tbl. ol108e. 1 he long- Gray of Ulark s ville were cflllers In "b ~rb" a"I" 'h · ere wI"~ nDayton, wbo forme· r lyUved here, er Shl h, put off the older we are 'his ~Iolnlty one day' )as t ""eek FOR RENT BITE Pekin Duok Eggs, For I ,,0 , . e we onl,. e "ra n e"" oom.. I dI th . t I Mr, R. E . Jones an4 fllmlly au'oed Inl all, . • Mr. 11Dd Mrf' . ,J. '. Hrny oHlled on to Lnmberton Souday .nernoon ======:!II!::======== tnfo~mUloD phone .8~X', . 1 Min Jllllile (ilbbolla "bo "'all 'ak- "et' ng aD eu e enJoy men . . " W(luld not 1M fair' II"" 'bll en luddenl,. Ill .. ,be Eilloh .ehQol hetlrd one o. our oalzella ilAy on ce Chilli. Eltiil !lod daugbtlus Wlldoes- IlDd ·ooll ed 00 lIr, and .M ra, Leater .111 · 1 ·h I &b th I wblle teaebln" fa repor&ed baUer 'bd if tbe ,000QII wonld Pili "n d f ' Compton . plaoe w, au' IIAy nl a' e sou. tad . ele,'rlo IIg b t 10 front of b ill tlOIl e .IY D te rnoon et\baorlben the MoO&I1's OUSE with good barn Rlld bll lIeW! IU8 IUlpll8lllogly gr.nd. "taer IIY. ~ he woold jllve 150 IlDd hOi)) "do th e Li ttle MIIlI:ine Beller Is ~ "cnding M"Iulne. Bend 850 &0 the Evao lind I.elah Bog"n enterhlned garden. Inquire· of M"I_ a . a few W6tlllR 1 dllolded '°11 0 to San I Mr .•nd Mrs. Dan Blden.triohr. dlggln," 'l'h8' III Whd we Wllut sevornl dtly a wlt b h r l~rl1Ddlll\rent8 t he C. m. Soolety Btlturday evening. F. DeVitt, Phone No. 86. UII.II8"3 of!loe, .nd ge' one of he . ADtonio OLl lIlV way b .. ok" to Oblo, aUendlld tbe fuoe"al of ~Ia brother It will tak e lois of "dlggID " t o Mr !lDd Mrs, Ulili' Haw ko . bee, mr.gardDes on earth. U Mrs Starr len't q uite so wcJl .Wb8JI I,bere i quite elllUy .~coeede~ Goorleln Oayton tlatord,.,.. lI:e\ eleo' riO' lIgbts, .. nd to mnin talo Mrs '1'. F , Moti ci nn W ill! sb opplng thl8. week: ::;=:===========~ l~ eut8rlng my u"m,~ In ahe ' ;\'orlloa I • - • 'hem but the 0 tize08 bere take 10 Uorvey~bu rg ODO !ll\Y 1\l8t week, IIgslu Th e W. F . M. H. will hold _heir IISOMNIA more Interollt In ~he for eign nl)irs. Anna l:loover Is l rup rO\'ing "nn.DIII Easter, meeting snd hav" tbe CeDar" I LJll'\!ot"ry. l'n.:l aoou h.d 'i FOR SALE plenlY ,Lo do, ODf lD,erel"lIjf pl.oe betlvill tll.o thoy d o 10 t,h(<i r own t tbl It.! IilRster.egg opelJlng n ext lionday W&I.& 'he (i~.")6 Lat/luno tlanllor: In4lgell"on nearly alwaYI dill. ",wn. \Vir ? Beoaolle It \'9m OOl<t, n !I Wf , ng . lam fot &nooroaloetl-a a~endld ill turbs tbe sltjep more or 168a, .nd III tbem eOlUethlog, I"n ', ·tbhl lIud i' Ths Y. P. B·8. f1I t at t he 110me of evening, Aprf123rd . An Interesting - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -• Miss Florenoe Rev811 F d d"y evening. progrRm is being arrAo ged and the Itl&use. '" wbloh numbefl 01 laffer. otlen the 08086 of InllOmnle. Ellt Yell be gild GG"-Mammo~h Pekin Duok en ao eaob to dad relief. !lgM lupper witb lItl1e If any , . Mr . a nd Mffl. Woo. obuyler s!)on t moslo will be fDrnl8he<1 by the New E Egg" fOr Bille, 50 oen's per ee'. Tbe Baptist al8oollLtloo of tbis lnst oodlly WIth M.r. and Mell. Ar Borllng' on oholr, Evervbody wel- tlng InquIre 01 Mrl . J, B Chap, aDd 80lD1l Of OOIUlI8 W paHOU' For meal. and no milk i 801110 ~ke Olle of oome.• 'be ptill ~n mOD,btl J. hAVe oa.rl<1 ChamoorlalD'1I Table's Immedta'ely dloO&lle W&8 held at the J OIIIlS Ruo ,bur Atklu on, D. 2. Mr Rnd Mrs, J, B, Leamlng were man,, Waynenille, Oblo, R. mS lor pllttenta uuder .... e direoUon of .f'er flupper, • .,d l16e If ycu do rio' Bapti •• oburob on Wednesday Rnd , Mis'! M~y Hatlfl ll Willi looking Are buying all kinds of Ilt Ferry ~uDday afternoon, Dr,W,' U, )'"rmer. II lau, "pealal. rei' muah better Ob&alnclb\e every. '1'hurlldll,Y of laB' wellle They w ~ re lifter bu~lo e8J1 Idf\lir 10 Le \JnnoD LIVE STOCK and pay.... widely JlDlIWD, fo. bl. a~llt ~y ",bere here trom WUmlpl{too, KinKS Mill!' Sn 'l1rdny. Mr. and Mrs, B . F . Coml)ton Rnd ox ara good mare8. i wi \11 foal, aDd em Jlency ID tbe dreKd dliealle •- • ·"nd otber iu\jolnlllg '091'0_. 'l'h Ir Inqulre ot L BaUerLbwlllte or ,lll ugbter .11)8 attended obu~oh ... ing highest market price_ New Bur.llogton Sunday nnn took Phone 14:1 tX Wl\yne'sv11le Oblo. In fac., h" founded lind •• ' .. bll.bed meeting wlla yery 8uooeurul ,md tile t\anltorlull1 joe' UlIlUttoned, muoh eujoyed by till, bV Lho e ror (linDer Wi t h 'V . JG (JOOlI ,I" "'1l " m3 We are paying theh.igh",bleb bOl'oldiutbo Lotneran ohuroh, tunate eDongh to be preHeot . WATGH CHILO, FOR WORMS Mr. l\'ld Mrs, Fre4 Furnlls, t,ook est cash price for Illm nllw "gain whb W .. ILer IlDd Mr, U. 6. Whet>lul arrlv d W orolS Mil ohllU'fI RI, rtlng~b, rob diuu.u wl'h Henry 8"tterthwlllte'l CEC(JND ElllDd Automobiles fer Louilifl for a sbor' , time. wno. bl";11 Tbu'r~dIlY nl"llt fr om 'l..oU,'· Slll ll:I., ol1\ ld of tOOli nnd lD uko I)I Ii Id ffe~rul. SnndlLY · :J 611\e, 1 Jl'ord Touring Car 1111 5 . , b ~.. movo<l near Alto, • plrtoe In &, e ~Ile, rman MoKlnney aDd fllmlly ~hero lIe 8""nt _tIle winter . lie I d \V b I" MI88 Estber 8h l\m bllu ~h nn'd MIs8 $325. lFord DeUvery $370. 1 Pull. . d • b Tb I . B ~ 1"irr I,ate , D£'r"ou ~ . IIt.o ~too tl.n u -nur&b.eaMt an 0 • e llta'e, . e r bave "loved to a farm neRr arton- l.ooks muoh Improven 10 hellHh. nt fir , Rigu \lr 1I 08111010 U ue wo.rm e 8llr .. h BrAdforu were sbopplng In milD Roadflter $3GO S~odebaker f.rm I. loo.. led on ·" rllAd ' knowD al villa. . . ROAdster $27li. liupmoblle Too ring d <1 fl'ran,k 8hldRlier, flnr bo rso bU:),(lr; I/Ive nne 11 II to one lo:s!lllge KlokA- Xenl8 t:!atord.y. . tbe Klni '. BIKhw.. y IIlI 00' on "r ' 8 ll. Ree,·(1(!1 ill taking treatmeot 18 hand ling @OIUU vury hl@b.ol .. @~ pou Worm Kill r, a o01!ldy worm r e.Rev . Amos COClIe preached here Cllr wl'b at.ner lind eleotrlo 11gb_I To be delivered at Corwin &he Klog of. tipalo more tban 201} fOl' lohtloa at ,MaNlnsville, frid . horso8 . Mr. ,tillld dHI l" is l\ good .m ovor Gl vo lrulllet..ll ute r esults. III 8 nd . $~C O Budson TOluln@l Car IS50, ' lJhRlm er s Touring Oar .-350. If you =======:;:====;:==;:= "earll "I", and whloh rootl rr·lm" \ erlloll MoO ...,. Is til wl,th weaBlea bUY6r .. nd fiud~ r e"d y' ,\0- It. for them IO'XB-tl VI'. I'llraly zes ILDd rem ov ea U IlY POID' 0 ·' lbe Bed . river In Loul~l&o& d h 1 X. I • d MI s ,Tennle Lesmlng. of Dllyton, w ~ n& to buy· a reliable ulled oar 1& 10 &0 AntoDlo "f 'hi. I""e. a d,1o a' bll belr 101( oGee D en a If )' OU want 10 boy or 11011 It. will d <) th E' wo ru18, impr uv H rllgestio1l.Rn 11\ vishing ber brother J . S. LeamlDg wlll pl\y yon to .Invelltlgate tbeee CALL of more 'ban -lUO milOl. Thle ThOll. O. Bllydook wal a busl08S8 r ou good \0 oommunloote wltb blm . 'gelle rsl hell l~ 1I of child. Oo nl.ill,~e week ,. hefore you bu.v. ATLAS MOTOR place rem Ina. m tl o.JDltIllltl,. of 'be vi,ltor In C\nol~na~i Tue,da, of I..t W.lter Gray, anol,ber one or our giVI~g Klokl\[Joo Worm KilJer UD~" this Office Phone No. '4 6 Mra, Zlmrl Balnel amI Misa CAR OOMPAN""Y,~eoond and LudDoUb, ,wUa.'&he aloe 'reea abollS ,abe week. ' ' borse fanolers, 'lold a tine gelding 1111 ~ll{ n !! r~r ,,:orlDl! s iro one 2,'0 I..ouisa Compton were ahopplng In low. Dayton,· Otto. m19 Res, Phone No.: 48-2 , AUill, wl\b Sbe addl'lo~ of 'be plDe B'ral'lll Ree"'e. II worklnl In nay. lall' week to Frtmk H,o cnluut, of lit yonI' Drnggl~t, Dayton ToesdlLY, aad.1lg tlnd ,·be.blan08 of Ibe mKple. ton~ " W,tlmJDfI'oo. W .. l&er . h U8 !'- fi" A - - - -.. . - - - - -..... Now BUIlI{Y. w~1I sell oheap, • Tbe wlnlerll .rt'. Of ouor... ;· coldllr A, B . Ba~lan and f.mlly a&tended team of gray ~ e1dloK. ~b"t are surl ly Inquhe .. thl. oatoo, all , bere ~Il.n In the aou~be'lI para of 'be funeral of N, A Barlan '" flne, 11110 hoe a fi De driving lIJartl, 'he II&"~, but tile rlllnl mure plen'I , IIIlaml Of me'ery, TbUJ'8da,. but 8$Ylllt beloDga to 1118 wHe, but DR. J. W. MILLER. AN IDEAL SPRING LAXATIVE laJ, I\od tbe oropol are alre.cSy lOOk. ' ·Baney Hawkins ··Iod wife bave if a buyer oome, aloo~ It will b~ h ll!, ANTEO-.orm hlLnd, ODe wbo A ~ood aod time 'rled · reme4,. 11I know!! the oare of stook. Good well and we have had vllllet.. moved from XenIa to their oouotry "' be ollunot rll.lst 8elling when De ••• DENTIST••• Dr , x'IDg·s New LI'e Pills. The 8alary aDd etrallrh"lmfs, wlnteund ble. from 'be lIardetl and blaok homl lo"'b,,.. , of "'WD, geg hill prloe Mr. Aod 1\1 r~ . Bttp; h Kf!sl!ng 011 first d:J8~ will move the alugglsh lummer. Good home furnlahed ror Rev, AUred Walke r filled tbe The taml!y ' of Thomu O. Bay. palplt here Buoday, wl(e . Addresl 1.1, A, ter~ulo ed lit dinner ::lundllY Mr , and \lowels. 8tlIDulilte tbo Ii '(er Ilnd olear man ·an1 omce In Wa)'llenUJe. 0 dock $eadered him a IInrprlse on Mrs . Ullnt I:\u t t fiod rllwlly, MI', Rnd tbe system nf waste and blood Ime 80hooD, Bellbrook, or oome to tbe National Baak Blda. Bunday. ThOle prese~t were: Mr. IIIra, Sarah Luke.nR and lion, Erl. Mr~ . Harvey '· .Monger uDd (Jarl pori tieR" Yoo owe It to yourlle)r to Guette office Frl lay afternooo at 1 .nd lin. J, W. Hayduok, IIIrR. 'lVere Sunday gneus of Mn ZAUndll '\!Ion ge't ole"" I,h e IIYlltem of body polaona, 'o'olooJi:, .19 . Sarab BArlan. Trevor . U Baydock Barllln, of nMr (~en.erv1l1e ' Mo'n t1I00umu\..ted during 'be wloter. Dr. , . Mrll. Adl so l1 I'to.ndu ll Is visiting lod 'amll" Mr. aDd Mrl, J. B i O' llery lJono~y. wbo ill very 8er. KloK'· New,Life Ptlls will do It. 250 SINGLE and Rose Comb R.dlfrl olDds anll r oJ,.tl ves d OilY t on this Beatored Tb" Hea1th BJ Vlnol Haydook and daulh'er. ' Mr. aad lon81y 'ilt as thlll wrhicg, tit your DruR.llt . . Bighed exhibition qu.U,y. Dr . J. G. Muay Is allilin with liS week. SlielbyVtlle,:IIld,'- ;"1 am a elem a Mr.. U Ba,doolt and 100. Mr, and ,- • , lolell'140a)1y l11atOO, Eggs bait IIrI'. K: 0, Bbldaker Iln4 80n., The after lIevenl weekll vacation spent Alle u LIlIU\)ert wali ~, .. Mltlmillburs Funeral Director, aao~1 arid waa all ruo down~ DO . 8IleflD', prloe 1G, 1100 i 100, '5.'00. Call aDd vl 91tor Ifrlll"y. P!J bloOd was poor and my r~ covflrea eooulon WaB Mr , Baydook'a 69tb In ilorlda , .e6 8tock, MUh;lr property, Milia Bt, pimple.. I got 10 weak I had to blrthdllyaDDlverlari-, Tbo sbd Int.elliRenoe reaobed U9 ' Mr. RDd Mrs. <,;ul'ill aumbert aild Telephone day or n'l iht, Phone liS. B.rry H . Wadlworth, I'Ut up an awful fight to keep at work. ' Tb~ play en&llIld .Dan We,berley'l recIlo'ly teUlo!! of Mrll. Marv Stout son have retarned from I.l viSit lit Valley pboDe No, 'I. LoDg, Wa,ne6Vllle, Ohio. U. 1:1, A. &211 After t ..ldng ma,ny other remidlel with- prise glvBn bv $he membeu of ZOllr tlenl', DlI,for'ane In bllVhig ' her Morrow, ; DtII&anoe No. 6V-2t:., out benetlt "lnol ba. retored DIy health Mr. ILnd M.r9 ~ Wol m r Eitte IIpent pd .trenlftb.! '-ROY F, BIRD. . oburoh Sl\l,urda, ·nll{bt ·wla en'tH- eyeK 'rooted In a CinolnnMI Bospltl\ 1 10:lng ono eye alld tile other one ~be we .... end with \1l r . UDd Mrs , Mrs Bratton and lion . of Oayton, TOVES-Good Range, good g1l80- Automobfle 8ervlce at all 'TIm. . For rqa,down, weak, Ml'VOIJI aalnlli, aDd well rendered. line Ra.nge and ,ood OAk Hellt. ..,..dltlonl of men and· ~eD,' nothln, , The·'Wolilen. Alii Boolety of the muob atf~ted , Onr eymplltby loe J ohn Stioop, of OilY ton , sp nt Bahirday with Wmfam Urad. fCIU&Il Vln(ll, our 4ellei0Uil eo4 liver and Ii'rlllDdl cbar.cb ' wtll hold an EaBter qUl to her and hope that she tnllY er, Inquire at Ibl8 offioo. a26 WA YNBSVILLB, Fran k .s:outy lort flll: PenDRyl. dook lind f60111y • • OHIO , bVa tonic without oil. Trlit OIl ow' 1II.,.e' til '; Bollan4'. Re8s"urtln~ her Bight restorod. ,vanllL after 1\ short vlmt with relil. lira , WlilJam Jones and' ~on, pararI&e4Io'. . , " rO'lm.'laa-qrday af\amoon and eveFLshlnl 10· CIlIIB'tr8 Orllek Is being · Uves h ere IUld LebanlJl~ . Xenl8. were goeate of ~mos Jaoklon SEJilO CORN-B'lne, nioe, yellow -Bralleh, Office. I:J."eJ~buq. 0." J.. ~, Jaaney , Drul(lf." W.YDHVnt. IIlnl, Indulged In by lIeveNl · or our olt!Howard Ea rly of Mi"mlsburg, ~~turdBY and liond&y. leed oorn for eale, InquIre of seD8, bul tap &0 tblll tlmn there hll8 IIpent TU('Eli1I.y 'w ith frllouds hore . M68StS 88mnel Jl\ckson Alva Cha8. Smith, R . O. 1, Wo.YDe8v\lle. '!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!~ been no vllry luge ones O.. Ullh" b u e , .. .atirt.ook and Joho Levi we~e Day. Ohio, phone 1~3-2y'. , a26 tbey "olD'" ~o "'et thew >0 tbey • Cliff &l II utl{ome ry m lBde Abusl~e8S .on vllll'OrB Saturday. , • .. • • . ' , &rlp to Uarltslo ·WedQcsd8Y. lIay, ... Mrs, Georle Mula" apeDt Jlad of LLY Colt, hill' llralt, lound IlDd Tbe Inlpaolor ot'Publlo Bolldlnl" '. rt!. Aqn1\ ,Arcb(lei,oon . of ,FIV·a last week with Geolge Shaw'••• al\ "gM, . • or ~a.le, Inquire at ofCclamtiq., wal In ,thtl vtolni'y Poln~ Ip9lJt tbe . week eUd with I:>prt'ngVal1ey , ,. ,' thle of!lot, . , a26 WtldoeadllY 01)a8& week. . frlepd81d relati ves h ere. , ' . Mr. and Mrs. Ellawor&h Smltb, of Several of oor young ladle.:! gave Mrll. . B:, Wllllon !lnd ds-nghtllr I).yl on, spent 8&lot4ay wUh JOhD URE S, C, R, 1. Redll; Ee,1 'or It Towo Ball SHnrda, B:lIzabe'b of Clnolonl\t,1 are 'VIsiting Le-I aDd family. ..le bw IIrl. Clint ROls. W.... a pa rty , , Mr, a.nd Mrs. W, A. NtllI nnd 'amlly. • .... ~ 01 . Prof. Elmer tlpahf! of Anllonl" Mr . RIlll8ell Morg~D W68 _he Dnville. Obio, one-~lr "p8n' the week end· with ,e!atlvee of Loe Murry and Ilsklr Bilnd",. .bove .nlll~e hODle. IIr. aDd IIrl Alva. BIli" 10k lp8Dt . h WHY 'CONSTIPATION INJURES _e::~, aDd Sundl,. '10 Ue~tervllle, . aol ,pltar, , The boW811 lire 'b. D.lural .ewer. LebanoD vlsatQra . M ANOOLI~ Dew, beth' tor 11.0, IDClIDII~ age" ay.tam of tUe ,bOdy. WbeD ·Mt . •nd Mr•• '&hrl otnoe-. ' tbe,. beoo!D e obe&ruo&ed by oona_lpa lpeq& the pu, . . .k ·&lou • part of 'be 11018011001 ma'''' •• Oat.beln VUlale, ",blob the,. mould oarry 01111 a b II d II .orbe4 lDto .....~"m. mall... ",11 r,.11 n, t ..l du1l..,4 ."pad, &D4-iDlerf.rlD. were VattoD Wrl'ol~ jIIlop.II., wUh thl cUpdtOb aDd ,-mll."oo lin. Joe, TIaII _.UIIoa Ia qaloll7 the,loII:)'"







I:: •••f




i: S¢4i! wbat you nOlD g¢t • i• in this fine Quality "Foutt i•

---- -.---





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Peterson &Stoops Waynesville, O.




W ·O OL,






~[ERf. '~ll



Walter Mc<;lure·






F .p




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For Autos and Carriages

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cannot be beaten for foot w ar be wash~ with soap and hot water. '


For Old Floor.

The Auto ' arriage Gloss and Ell II mel 'f op Dre ing .

For Wagons ' and Implements Lowe

. A coat of ground c.:.IOr - lhen a coat of Ver ni'c &l tai n and your ftoo rs look like new:

For Porch Floors Lowe Bros. P or ch Floor Paint proteeta against wear and weather.

Mellotone A lI8IIitary wall . covering that makes your home bright snd aheerful ; can be easily clf.'lIned when Boiled, .



Pai n ~.

For Woodwork Staining, Vllrnishing or Enam· el Finish. For graining effects U!iIC the Ve rnical Stain: euy to use

For Furniture We have t he ve ry best th ings to beau tify you r fUrniture. ernical Slain E namel Colors Houscho.ld Pain t



LOANS Ulil' term wit h repayment prl.... 1J~le on P rebl e, Mtamll Sbelby. Clark. Greene. Warren and MOB~ ,. gomel')' County F arma.

'FUDII Sold ~d hcJw.r.ed .

Ohio FannerS' Realty Ca. 714-711 R........ 81111,.. DAY~OHJO


ASSON. ' "'"

W arJ'f!D Cou~iy Teacher8' ~iatlon Will meet In Lebanon . on Saturday. April 22, - 1916. at the Natfunal Bank Building. 'ft. Pl'OjfI'aJD is u follows: .. 1(: a, m.; Devotlonal; Talk, Supt . Wm. R. SpriegeJ, Waynesville; Tbe Top of the Wo~ld, C)upt. C. H. Young AU e

Lebanon ; Round Table, led by C, M, Roudebush . . 1 p. m .• Music, Miss McPherson , Waynesvl\le; Arithmetic. JOliah Littie. Fosters; AddreSll, Supt. C. W. Cookson. Troy. T he IlUIt lIleeting' of the year. COMM~' R . 188 uth M. Edwards. Sec'y, J . A, OPPY. Pres.

w~:~~~~;,~~:~~~.R~:; r!~E,", "h~~~~:~ .~d 1[~~~~l;~~~~;~

East. r Even tklrvic at " p. in; 1\ th is d \I hl"r 1.' rtnlOed SUlldll;\, lit dm· vjai tor 1'uesutiY . IlerVlce the Sa:r81X1 ~nt of Unl)tism lIur dr. '\ It! Irs .'\ alter .Jordnn and will be a dminilitered . • dau gh.t I. . m~ryl~Jn. Rnd Mr. and Dr. Dill. Osteopath . 21 S.BrouuEuter Dny :~Roly ommu nio" at Mr E "l~' ·.1 • ,urn I r t. way. Lebanon. Ohio. 7 a. m ; Sunday School at :30. All I ' -- ~ . ' . t o the Adu lt Bible Cia by Mrs, Th, . I:V' u ~ HI.l\1 School SO,clal s Miss Henriotta McKinsey spent Adams. Se rmon 8'1d ~f'C nd , wa~ I:~ven I' Url:l), ~\"elllllif· 1 hee the w ek·enu in Dayton . · . "AI.. h'~lltl nn of the tloly 1)lT\mllnion 0 11.11 t Ullcl,,,I' I. \,' r1Jed m u I~ t at 10:80. thtl I'l t'll~nr,' or l:~e S ud nt life. Mr!l. , . 1). Henkle. who has be n . The choir has prepared a fine mu_f 'l'he I,! ';<h!lltiTl d ll ' . ,l c3cr\' s <:~n- Il uite il l, iS improving. sleal prog ram for 8n!lt '.1' Uuy lhur I U'lIatuIHt.IO:.~ uvc" 11>\ WI) k. Ih pr moises t(1 be Inspiring anrl wor- high ,,:tuIllltml . ct by the Seniors hill! 1I1 r~ P.lln Michener is \'i si tin ~ shipfu!. The prOgram at the ' 10:30 ' b~,en main uined retalivJI! in South Charleston. ' t '. . ser vice follows: • I "J h " n" Mr .flnd M", Willium Orndorf of A complete Furmtu re Department P roce8810na esU3 Tl st 18 I en . , . , on' 111 cco· 1 II Pu 'It e Today " ... : ....... .. .........~ .. :. Wor n j nClIr Waynt'svll k-. cn tL!rLnin d qui t... . " nu oor, . rn . ur : . tOP r • ga !l lIum llt!!, ()f .. rlati"I'" and rrien ds !:iIO\ ti, Rugs. rJ,),et.~. LI?o l Il~l". Ch riB ur IISSO\ e r .... .. ...... I Biller I .• \"all I'upel' etc 1 he S l' r ~ 1 Co . ~,. , Gloria Patri .......... , .... ..... .... .. \)sn " Ull!. ay . \ 1'1'11 I! ith . It hl·IIl." th 1'e Doum .. .... .. .. ... .... .. .. Dudley Bu~k ! :, rlllll h :\n!lIvclsary o f I h.. ir \\'('ddillR' Lehanon. O. J ubilate . .... .. .. ..... ... .. ........... Baker Ihey r c(,I I'I'd <1 11 1'" n . ,"\I~nll111r of . ·Mrs. D. W. Meeks s pent Saturday Hymn, "The S lr ife Is O'er .. .. ..... Ul'C f ul 1 "'\'~[-IH!I, un[1 goou Wl tnCM filI' I an 1 ~ ulld!\y with r ' llllives in l,rin". many h' PI" I e urn!' llf th,. Uil'·. lid e .. . ....... .. ... ...... ......... ...... .. P8 I1'9t 1'111 a 1'1 '\ 1M ' fit' Kyr ie Eleison .. .. ..... .......... ..... Gower I lose pr -Ill were: "r. urI! rs . Gloria 'fi bi ..... ........ ...... ........ Gower Jo hn )rml f) rf AI,d f~lnl'Y . Mr . and Mr. and Mrs. B. II . ( elly saw the Hymn, "At the Lamb's High Feast I Mr~ , F,'lrl (l,.II <!or r Dud baby da ll,~h- oW' Ding ualllCllll1C at Ci nci nnati last We Sing" ..... .... .. ..... .. ...... ... E ;vey , ter lI'Jr,'("~', Mr ull e!. MI'!! .Ge~l. week . Gloria Af ter Sermon .... ........ .. Elve !locock. ~ l r. and ,\I~8. \\ .111( Il~ r:;nrll ~ Mrs. Earl ' Swain spent ~untlay Olfertory, " Hllil J oyous Morn .. ..... y II no da uJ.rht,'r l,l:itlll. ', f 1I1Ia rntHhu rJ.: ; Mr. ILnd /\Irs, 1.11 P. Mcthnru. Mr. and wiLh Iter mut her, Mrs. Christie McC I ·M~~: · B~;i:~~ ·H~ K~jjy ar Illan I\~rs. &llI al'l' iR ,m el ~O ll Hoy, J ny , Or- l<insl'Y. . On Presentation or Alms .. ....... Anon \'Ille and Ada N us.,,!!.t a nu ~I r. Henr.r Mrs. Talmlln . o f the Fr iends' Surs um Corda .... .. .... ............. Gower fOx , a ll of "Iearl 'ltA!l nl~rv ~1I ; IJ · C:i (. 11 I 1'1 ' 11 . 'J yr t e anu Home, WIl!:! s hopp in ~ in 'incin naLi San c tu a .. .. ....... .. .... ..... ..... .. ... G,ower ::'Itu l muncl aliI 'I ' \ .. I !l h f X . Alrnes Dei .. .. ...... ................ .. Go\\'er wen, lin ." I ~S 108 C, ~I .. cili a. one liay la\lt week. Gloria in Excelsis ... : .......... .... Gower and Mr. (. rank Ro~zell, of Dayton. Mr . a nd Mrs. R~YlD ond Vr " ger. Amen ...... ... .. .... .. .......... ... ... .:Gowe r of Oayto n, war e t he Muud&y !l lIUMt. Nunc Dimittis .... ..... ...... ....... ·Gowt.'r of Mr. "'Dd ,\ lr8 U . M. White . . Recessional, .. All Hail the Power of J esuoJ Name" ...... ... .... .. .. Holden Mr . and Mrs . F. B. Sh erwood , daug1lter and son. of Lebauon , spent In the evening a t 8 o'clock the untlay with Dr. T hos. Sher wood . cantata .. Euter Praise" will be rendered by the choir. Every Thing Mrs. Matild a Hosier and Miss Clarinet Solo-Ave Maria ...... .... .. .. Ethel -HOllier spen ~ a couple of days Good to Eat ..... .. ................... Mr. Geo . Mllrks f or l~aster lus t w(!ek with r elat iveli in Day ton. The choir is compoled of the 101lowingo:For you r spring and Bumm r sew· )o'r~ s h \' eg tables Sopranos- Mrs. A . T . Wright. Mra. ing. new Dress Goods , Wash Good!', Frcsl! fr uits B. H . Kelly, . Miy Marr 'alisbury. Silk. T rimming/! , etc. 'tldar, ta mps Mrll . W. H, Allen. Mrs, B. S. Howell. with • very lOc purchase. Th e S Cardcn ~eeds Miss Clara Lile. Mrs. Geo . Marks Fhd Co , Leua no n, Ohio. Potatoes Altos- MIll! Hazel Gustin, Mr~ D. L. Crane, E than Crane. II'] is.~ Ruth I:Jur lsock attended th New Teno rs- F. B. efllon, Lee Two· Pinno oncert by Hau er and or Henderaon . Gah r i1o\Vit.~c h in Dayton. Thursday Bassos- U . M. White, U . L. Crane_ night . Organ Ist, Miss Ru th Hal t.sock. o .T A~NLAC.o. Clari net , Geo. Mark! . J. O Cartwright. admin istrator of Tlte Great Medi C'i ne-A st.: your Everybody welcom e to lhes ~c rthe estaLe of Lucette E. 'id . sol d nci ~ bbor nbnu tit . vices. th at pr perty friday to W. C. Bergtlal! fo r $]600 B ring us yo ur E ;;gs- \\,c pay ORTHQDOX F RIENDS . Cash <Jr Tradc. Paying j c Sunday School lit 9:3{). P r cllr.hi/lj:! O. W , Hilmllton, who III'S been in today. at 10:30 by pastor, Ea. tel' 9 rmon , OI\Y l OTI for I be llis' 10 0 d llY~ OJ) a QChristian EndeavQr 7 p , m. every011 11 t, Ilf <lleerliled 'eye/!, ill 11 1m e pedal- We- will place ton sale body invited. I\g!lin, foe ling mucll bllUer. today flO Jlags t alld iud Mary E. Martin, Pastor . Gran . Sugar and will sell it Lost- Leather horse eollar. be· II. t $1.90 a sack. Sugar is 1;0- . tWClen Emlllor Baily's an d the Lola M. E. CHURCH ing higher . so gcl you r share Zell place. Finder pl ease r eturn to Euter Sunday-Sunday S ho(tillt of this big: bargain. Parry Cook a lld reeeive r eward. 9:15 a . m. Rece,ption of new. m ' !n ' I t p ~ys to trade at bers Int o t he ehureh at ] 0:80 R. 01 Vern Britto n, who worked here Sermon b>, Evanllelist Westha fer. d urin\'{ the erection of t he flew M. E. The Bermon in the evening by thll church , was in town (i'rirlay calling evangeliat will close the revival ser· on old fri ends. He 1(Oft. her e en· rou te to Ni Agara Falls. vicet. Let U8 make th is day t he bell t day of tbt! revival meetingll. Speci al .music both morning and ev(!ning. 1'he Dorcas Society will hold a Clarence S. Grauser. fastor. SPECIAL BARG AINS market in the Townshi p House. Saturday. April 22nd . Everyth ing good -- IN to at. Apr ons an d sunuonnets for CHRISTIAN CHU RCH Bible Sehool9:30 a. m., Communion ~_-=ZII_OIIE_ _ ! sll;le also. Market opel) a t 9:30 8 . 01. and sociallll'leting LO:30, Christian Mrs . Harvey Gustin arrived EndeavorApril 7:CO26th, p. m. Wedmee nescla.Y evening, pr ayer ting fro m Ci ncin nati Satu rday evening . . T after an absence of three weeks. 7 :SO; lleCon d II!8SOn In eacher '1'rainhaving gone there on account of the lng 8:00. Everybody made welcome illness of two of her sisters. at these services. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . There will be an Easter social at - AT TBEthe Or thodox h iend's Chu rch Thur. FER " \ CHURCH day evening, April to , J!HG. Every. Sper-ial services at the Ftlrry church body come. Come early . Bring Ea'!ter Sunday, April 28rd. Dible y~UJ friends . Enjov a social evening SChOol at 9:30 a m . We expect Wi th us. . every member of the church present Leba " on, Oh io for the Bible Scbool; Our lIim 150 Ru mor snY9 th at one of out: con· i1re, ent, Decision day in t he Bible (jrln e~ olt! bachelors is going out of School. 110 present IBd Sunday . town eve ry Sunday. Some say that Special music for the day . Perry he will bring back a wife one of Thomas. Superintendent. Commun· t11c:se days, but wa are (rom the (on lervice and Bermon at 10:30 a . m. Soulb. so' 'show us." Tbe plUltor will preac h from the subject. The Risen Lord. The public ChaR. Buell, while cranking his is most cordially invited t o the mo rn .mach ine Sunday . was kicked a blow ing services . Christian Endeavor ih on the wrillt t hat will disable him the evenin~ at 7 p. m. The leaders for a lime, a lthough he was back on name will be announced a t the mor ll his job Monday·. Charley will know ing eervice. Preach ing at 7:30 p. m. b tLpr next time. and give his maSubject f ur the evening discourse, ch ine a little more "jui.c e.". ' "Christ Stand ina at th e Door ." Spend the day in worship with U8 at Ou'r ~; hoe Depart ment is the the Ferry church. . pic's big Shoe store. shoes with serD. H. Palmer, Minister .




YOtl have read lhe s pec'ifi calio\1s before, hut you au w 'U alTord to rcad tit 111 aga in as a reminder of how fine til ar r~a.lJ y is. One-ma ll top Jiffy curtain - real letlt her Dup , ho\stery- dcep. soft t ufti ng o f na tuml cu rled hair-st reamline steel body- ov al lllouldcd fen ders -' 5 h. p. bloc motor with removable hctld - T'imken fu ll floa t ing rear a xle, Tilllkin roller bearings -through'o ut-im ported Swiss ball bearings in clutch and t ra nsl1I ission- wa tert)I of Eisemann mag neto 12·volt mo tor generator for sta tting and Iighting-sclf-Iubrim ting Chro me V/lUnd ium steel sp rings-drop fu rgings a nd drawn work iust('ad of cnstingsStewarl Vacuum Systelll wi th : .i ·gulloll gasoline tank on lhe rear.



.... ·..

. TIIC wheelbase is 11 0

The Price f the Car: Com plete is $78[,. 00 .f. o. b._D et r iL) ,



Atlas Motof Car Co: Just ucro





. ~ing t e best car fitted to do t he strenuous work demanded of .fire chiefs, because-'THE CHEV~OLET showed the very best in construction from stem to stem. THE CtiEVROLET had an infallible and instantaneous self·starting . system. . THE CHEV~OLET made the qu ickest gateway aDd attained the greatest speed . '1 CHEVROLET. took the steepest hills on higb gear with ease. THE CHEVRuLET held the ~oad under all road and sPt-ed condi· tions. .E CHEVROLET 'was th ~ most economical in gasoline and oil con· . , . 5'lmpt:,oD; . 113 CHEVROLET mee ' ",nism was the most accessible. HE CHEVROLET body lines and general appearance were most 1 leasing;

, DON'T YOt) THlNK That the car tha t ,vas put to such severe t ests and was found good enot r ~ h f or the ' :r p Department; would be , good encugh for' \ ou? .



RAUY GAAND-Tounng .. . •. , ... , • • ...•. 1750.00 . ~ Auta;-Lite Start10c & Lighting ' System included, . F. O. B. Flint, Mich.

H.' E:verhart, P apel" Hanging



BRIGH'rEN UP Make You\" Home Spiek and Span with





Brightt.o Up Finisbes A line of ' p:;lints and ! va rni fhes which ~re .suit.. !


• :

able for every purpose, giving the right treatmen t to e a c h surface. There is nothing tbat will show better returns for the tim e and money spen t. Come and tell us what you_wish to paint or varnish.


I :

melodi ca. humor· campmusic, meetingplantation BOnr.' recitals and . ' oue "stunt.' t\ley interpret m'oal ef, " lectlvely the poetry and music of the Southern Nellro. T)tey captivate =-==-=-=-"'._ =-o-==_~=-==-c==-::=_=====_ and win unlversal approval . Their i'entllmanly bearing commends I want to buy your" them to all. They r eturn many time! to the eame places · It is well ' Wool and will pay worth a journey t!) hear them sing you the hig hest "Old Black J~ II There are .'till 8 few good eea t& Market Price . " ~ I':!ft. Single admilllion. 35 cen ta.


..._ -



WaynuvlUe. o.



Call ·M,e by fhon

. And the TNluble S:tarted. _ __ _ WJte--"1D order .that I may get th e =====i======== lDOJIe,. on UWI chock, do the people at the bank lUI.e to know m e?" H Ullbaa4-"Yee". tile,. have to know :you. but Dot .. well .. I do: otherwlae Waynesville, Ohio QIe1 wo1lklD't II.' JOu • cnt."-

I..... --,



- . ~-


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ••••••• .


[painS to aee to the individual work of each player, and by this meane is de· . . veloping a great t eam . All together it looks as t h ough \ Tlfe Waynesvi Ie boys will 'iQtO . Waynesville has the best team t it. y Blanchester next Friday afternoon have had ' for a number of years . where they will ' meet . that cJa8'JY Coach Arnold has taken great team . . . '


e. B. fl~ntl~y

Whether it be Monument, GraveV ale~ marker or .Flower· . . '

Several members of the Wayne,· ville Eastern Star Lodge went to Lebanon Tuesday evelling to attend in ~pection of t he Eastern Star Lodge . . at that place. The crowd went down in Robitzer's auto truck. and S~p' · all had a fin e time. Those who at· tended were: Mr. and Mrs . C. M. . The Old Schwartz. Shop on Mechanic Street, LebanODRobitze r, Mr. nnd Mu. W. Myers Mr. and Mrs J. E. Janney, Mr. and .. Since ]859 Mrs. J. O. Hawke, MI!. Christie Mc· lCi'nsey. Miss Laura McKinsey, Mrs . •-~-----~-i-.i-.-.;;.--_~---...,.----;.;.....;;.:.;;..;:..;:.;..:;;..:;..;~~:!.r: .!£dna Ridge. MI'!). Arnold, Mrs . Myer Hyman. Mrs . Hockett. Cla ra Ha wke, Mrs . Eva Jones. Miss ~_ _ _ _ _ _~_ _I!II_~_~ ~

Chas., W. Schwartz &

COrW'l"n OhIO 0



When you come to Da yton ue sLl re and see the Dodge Car. We shall be glad to demon strate at a ny lime.

.Among -those who witnessed the first ·ball game of the season at Cincinnati last Wednesday were Dean Howell. Harris M6f!her, Jesse Prendergast, Ira Stansberry,' George Waterhouse. W. E , O'Neall, Mahlon Ridge. C. B. BeJltley, Raymond Con· ner and several others.

W0'0'l "WA NTf 0

, MODEL 4110......... .. ... .. .. .... ..


tie~eMoea, shoes. q uali ty Hilrh anel styl e, BigLow shoesshoes. , Lit- ~==========================~ Sunday, .April 30 viBlack shoes. White shoes, Tan shoes. . All kinds at Shoes for everybody. $l -'()O ROUND The S. Fred Co" Lebanon. 0, • TRrr'

The famous Suwanee Ri ver Quar From Waynesville tette, known as the best negro q uar· tette In America. will gi ve the f ourth Special Train leaves 8 :06 a. m. number of the local Lyceum Co urse, at School Hall, next Friday evening, Afl-iI21st. The title of s up remacy o the Suwanee RIV6l" Quartette lias been won by earnest and conscil!lItious effort. The g reat 8uccess is due, in no small measu re, to the masterful direction of Mr . J ohn H G~ntt, "the ~an. with the wond()rful VOice I I He IS a master in developand ' ing the capabilities of his associste singer. and in arranging effective proirams. Associated with Mr. -=--:--~ Gantt is a group of men whose voices combine with hIS in a splend id inter. , . pr:etatipn of nerro eharacter and characteri8tlcs, " With instru men tal

" &qVAL " AIL-Road~ter .. .. ........ : : ::: $750.00

~ 1I" " 1i

Call or Write for Ca ta log ue


----...-.-- ...- - - -


Second & Ludlow





. %e .Buff~loJ N. Y. a~d Wash~gton D. C. Fire Departments, after thetr experts had put many cars ' through grueling tests, decided upon the .


____.._....__ ..

Several'K. P's. from W.IYlIe8'l'ill4t·j lodge went to Lebanon last UI_"_". day evening to attend the count, 'meeting !,lot that ulace, Tbe work was well put on. the banquet wu all -that could be desired and the boy. all·felt they had a fine time. Those wbo ' attended from Crown lodi'e were; Robt. Cro... L. A. Zimmer" man. U. M. White, ·Jas. Benbam1 Myeti Hyman. Pan Hockett. Ea Thorn .. , J . C. Hawke. M18l1l· dine. Dr. McCoy. M. P. Lewla,. Amo. Tbo~:mtiayWalter Chandler, Earl Cunn, mol1d (Jonner. J •• Me. elON, Chll. Strouse, John Sml~~~ C. B, BartIIock, Geo~e M..-kI ana J"


& Fruler.

THf 'rIV~: AND TEN CfNT :STOK~ . •

Hats, Straw, for the 'Men •. tOe Hats, Straw, for the 'Boys : : We Hats, Straw, for the Girls •. lOe Hose, Black or White, for Worn. atld Girls . •••. 1Oe Red and Blu.e Handker· chief., J&rge, fO.r .Men.. 5e

, Nat Door to GaeUe 08ice.




Old Dutch Cleanser .••' , .• • lOe .. Rex, Loe or a,for • •• , •. 25c "Goblin" Soap, jJiSt the' 5C1 thing for hl'Bik , •• 'Excel SOap, .•.•..• , •••.•• . 5c , Paints and VarnisheS : ..... lOe New .Candy, just in .... . .. 1Oe:



. . .--~-~...~~......-

. . . . . .-~_I~~4i:~3





TE~NiS-i iJE~iiNAl-MENTiON-!




- -+


..........- -..... - . I .----~ .

• CTvlc-e vei l' \'('nin .. Ih,·" H '., .1' • { ' • .' 1';1';1\" lI~d Ill' A. '1', Wright was 11 {Jayton Werk. except SaturdRY :\t 7 .:31) U. III •• ,..Ill \"'1 ,,(·<1 ,ulliay II tclln· \i ILur 'l'ueslh. v, Ea8t r E,,,,en fI~ n ' iCt>al II' 111; I 1hi. ,It t ir 1 ,. '\;I '''r ',l!lr':tn a cJ · I • service th Ra~rllfUe nt Il f ii , ,tLm rla u(1 t, I~ . ·i .1.1, ItId ~II' IInu j)r, lilli , O:;tI?\Jpalh, ~l ,I rUI, l' ",111 be Rrl m inibtered ~ E\ Pl' H I 'OSI ': n . •hl"( , Wi. ,LtlLllnun , .J hio, VOl! 1t:1\"(:> renJ the SI)L' ifi a li()l1~ hdon" Illt L , Eaater Day: - Hol y ('''"'l1IlIll iun R 1 ~ F ·1 a , m: unday chool lit '1 :30. Ad ),011 L';:W \1"\:11 fl lT()rd lo read th L:J1J a gain:\s (l T I , " I ,'chuo S lJl'i al ~ 1i!lS Henriotta Mel illijllY spent ' dre68 to the Adult Bible 'Ias~ by ~lr", r min I r of h \\' fin ' th ' car f(·:t lly is. "'1', L c Adams. -'erlll !>11 l1'lrl ~ ', II.] W 'l~ J'l \ t I I- ' ! I': "'('!l l l1 i;!' Thl's' h", w 'ck·"nt! ill I..hl.JI lUll. " ... " \11 t'il t I h u' For Autos or Fine ' celebratIon of lhe II, II' ("" llI lIIoI'li" ,. ";'\.11,' &lJI Ih" 1'1, , 'I"' "I ;,'f' 'l1 t\el1 li t" '. , r· " , II, lI l!nklc. who has to en al 10:30. . and Carriages Floors ()lle-lIl:in top I J ifTy curtai n~-re 1I leather Dup , '1Itt' ! ~ ott "~ '1 ~.' l, ~\ ·t VI'- t:n l1~ !luil ' ill, b All1 wly improving. The choi rhas p relllr ~t1 ' U tl ll l· /tlU · lcolslcry-d ecl' ,5 ft t uftin ~ o f IHl ~ lIml cu rl 'd Th., Au.I'1 Carriage Gloss ant! t No. 61 Floor \ arni Rh - Thi ilro \'~·fl rk l'h( sical prog ram for 1';a~i< ' I' 1)11\ lhal s.! .. t u l:a ;'lllllliu(' t eel hotl y uVZl1 1l10l11d cc\ fe ll q 1 '~ llhlll I Tup nre ~ ing. cannot be beaten for font w ar n r. ' ! f':ll a Mk hen r is vi. itill~ \ IIl).;h "I 11'1\ 11' 0 1 '·('1 II.\' l ' !:icIl IfHS ha. prm oises In be i l1~pi rill g ut,,' wor· - can be wash ed wilh stlap and . uers-:\5 It II . b l o~ motor willt r"l1\ o\'uhle hea.! re lu\1v.!8 ill S\luth Charles tun ., 11'~ 1l IlIall . ,11' t shirr ul. The program at tlw 1U.;.I\I 'hot water. - Timkcn flill nonti ng rear ax le , Titllki u ro ll er For Wagons service follows: :\ c·,'lllplclc I, urnitur i)epal·trnen l bearings lhrOll~ h tlllt- im porteti Sw iss bull hCLH and Implements \1 r . '''1.1 \ 1, ' , \, 11/, C In.! HI , nf For Old ,1I , Ih .:! ,ecl,nll l!tl\l r, FlI r n iture . P roce5lIional. " J eSUJ Itr i" l is H i ~t'll inl(s ill c1l1 tch nnd l llLn s llli ~s i() n - Wlllerpfl)uf Todny" .. .............. ........ .. . \I'"r y all rH':ll' \\ " : i· ... \:~ I , l n~, r LlitlP ~ q uit" . 't , ' \I · ~, I( u~~, 1' lIrll > \,.~ , ul '\Iln ~, 1,0w<, Bro~ . Wagun Paint. Floors Eis lIULIln mag neto 1·:!·""ll 1\ rt hcas t lIIulur II Iu l p ii.... .. r " :~1"'\ I ' HI d fn\"lds hr i!!t ur Pa so\" r .. .. · .. .. .. 'fll lll ,' r \\ , ; I '''I,,'r. I' lC. 1'h' S. Fn'" e u" " .. n rator for s la rling' (I lhl Ii 'h ting-se lf-lubci 'f ti" II 1"'\1" II,,· L(,II;II,vll, D.. A coat ot ground \,Icw - then For Gloria !'alri .. ... ..... , ..... ... nll!1k ~ SUII 1,1\'. \ \ rll. til l ' , " ' . . 1 ' "flll"ll' Idill,! c':l 1ing Ch rnm ' \ 'llnac\illlll s tt:e l ~P l ill);s-drop a coat of Vernica l ~tnin lind T' I )Clllll .... ........... ...... I udl €'\ l!u .:k fll 1'tH..·\" J ,I' ", 'I II': '~. 11 1~' 11111 ' 1' u; Woodwork fnrgi llg [l nd drawlI work in ~ l 'ad of \'lls tings your fl oors look likl' new . ~l r~ I). W . l\I"ek!i ~ pcllL Saturday JlI bilatl" .. .. ........ ......... . ... : /l:" '1 u ~l' f lt! I II'· lit ... , :'1 .1'! '/ lliti \ I 'des ( H I' S tewl\r't Vaellll,1I :-;yS I l! 11I wilh ; :' -);1111011 g{\ ~O a nd ~, ull d ar Wilh r L'lidiv l! in ::>l'l'illl{' Sinining. VUrl1i ~hfng or Enam· lI ymll, "The St dfc Is ()' c r 111i'0\ ,. I.t H·H .. '~I "f rlh.' d ilL For Porch' ri,,!. I . . lille tan k \Ill th c rear. 1'1 F ini ~h . F" r ~rnining effects I ............................ ...... I'all'!ltl'in ll Th\J; ;:.a p rt ~f 11 \\ "I"\.' ~ 1 r H'.d \ 1r'~ Floors me th e " ernical Stain: eaty Lo I KYl'ic £1 ,ison ................ ...... (; 0 " ~I ./0)1111 ChI I ': If ,I Llnlll'·,.\1 r ' U' II .'tl ". a ll.1 :'If r. ll. II. " ·lIy saw the Ul<e I Wuriu '1'i [,i ................. ..... . .. I :,, \\ cr Lowe Bros. Por ch Floor Paint ~ I .. , I ',,' I '11..' f II 01 1o,lh, " "" ,II ') 1" I" illg" Ilall Kill Ill' lit ('illcinnali lust The whccll.msc is I \() inches. lIym n , "At the Llllllh';j I lil{h Fe I protects ag nins t wenr lind : I)' 1'1." . ' \1, ;1\.1 \1 r.o! ,1 ; lln \ \, \;,I t "t'.. We Sin,," ......... ...... ........ .... E \ ") : : 4)I't /'j'l..'; .,1 I For weather, ... i.\ 1 dJi El l1l1 ... T he 1'1i e of the t:ar:Coll lpll'te is $;~:, . lJll Glo ria Af ter Sermon ..... .... .. ... LI\ .'\' ;UH I d; p L r,;';' : d' , f ~l lllllhh ur ~: Furniture E:lr l :waill Hpell.! S UllcJay f. II. h . .llelrl li l ) Ofrertory , "Hai l J o)'uu 1\l o rll" Mellotone ... bn d .", ' ..\ •.W . 11'1 " ", .1 . .\1 1'. HUt! wilh I,,',. 111 .thel' , M r~. Chl'i" liu l\I e· We have I he very LJe~ L thing s ... .............. ......... ........ . Caollllon ,.\1Irs . Ed II: .. I ,.I. 'l, l;ll.\· . I;,'\' . Clr · 1\ Ill :" '), . to u ~lI ulify your f urniture . 1 A sanita ry wall covering thAt Mrs, ilarlon U. I.; lIy I \' dlC' Iln u II:! . ".I'l ,lllU . 1r Ilo:n ry \ 'c rnicill ::>lUin makes your home brigh L And On l· r e~ent.tion of AI11I5 ....... Anon t\, . all I I I" ar c,"" I11<' '' \I" : ,I I':. :II r~ . Tntman, elf tlte Frierllis " I':!l am"el Colu rs cbeertul : can b easily Cit' lIm'd Sursum Co rda ... ... .... .. ........ (;" \\"c r -'; l lIt ~!l\ III ,.i "I iiI' ,'11 • •\J ~ rl l" "nti Il r'II I1' , \\' ! L~ ~h" ppi ll){ ill (' ill 'illllati , l\ puschold I'Hint when soiled. Sanctu! ........ . .. ...... . , .. ... ........ 1 ;.1\\ pr 1)\\(" 1 ,, 11.1 \),'0\ \ 1"la H,' ch. "f : ,' nia. " " . day ItI~ 1 w c;"k . ! Ag n~! !) ci~... ... .: . .... . .. .... . ... I:"" r Hild ~) I' I '\I,h l\\ • It'll, tlf \l" ytnll. GlOria In Excelsls ... ... .. .... .. ... I. uwe r M r 1\1I(t M r~. [{"Y IIHluLi Cro,Igl' r, I Amen ... : .... .. .... .... ........ ... ... l; u'\I '1 Il f I' li l Ull, w,~ ro c·ho t-tnucl"y ~u\lKI ti I Nunc Dim illi~ ....... .... , ... .. .. .... t;'"\\"I·r ur J\l r. ami ,\irs U. M. W blt.",. Recessional. "A II lIail th 1'"w<'r I of J esu~ Name" ...... .. . ........ II Id " n ~1r . Hilt! M rg. F. n. ~henvond, ! WIR E ~ 'SEN PAINT- STOYS PIPE .ENAMEL dtlu~l l l er and son, uf Lebanon, :;pent In the evenin g at 8 o'e1o k I he --ALl] IN Ul\l ANn COLO PA1~T-])AINT ~ulIJay wiLh Dr. Thus. Sherwood. \ cllnt ata " Easter Prai ~ e" will h e I rendered by the choir. RE . IO \' . R- IIlGH T A t\ DAR D LIQUID Enry Thin" Mrd. ~latilda H osier ant! Mi.s I Clar inet Solo- Ave Maria ...... ...... . Eth I lT osier s pent a coupll' of cJays PA I NT. L TC., ETC. :ood to Eat , ....... .... .... .... ...... Mr . Gell. Murk ' for Ea~te r IllsL wecok with re lntivefl in Day ton. The choir i~ compo, en of t h .. f" l· I·'ur YOLl r ~prin g and gUIl1Il1CI' ~ew· ' low ing:" F lf~, 11 '. I ~ l 1.,1, Ie, Sopranos- Mrs. A . T Vri g ht, :'o Il'S. i n~. new Dr.'d. Go ocl ~ , Wash (;ood ~ , Frui ts hc~ h Sil k, Trin l1l1in~ 'l . et. 'cdar Htamplt R. H . Kelly, Mi!15 ~l ll ry Sali~lJury. w ith l'\'e ry IUe l'llrchll ~ e, 'fhl' S I Mrs. W. H. Allen, Mrs B • . H uwel l. Miss Cillra Lile, Mrs . <:eo Ma r\.;" Fred Co" L ,hllrlOn, Ohio . $econd & Ludlow .DAYTON, O. 1 'O C :ltu('S ~"_IIIIi M I AlLos-Miss Haze l C ~l1~lin , .\I r~ . , I D. L. Crane, Ethan ('rallt' . ~l i~s l{lIlh H artsock at lended t h<- ; :-';t:\\" Car C" Ul o;(: Salt , l.J:ltrel T WlJ' i 'iulIII l'on"crt hy Bau er nnd , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!~ I Te nors - F. B. IltlllJ ' r,nn, L~~ P I' .... :H: \.. "- . Call or Wrile f"r 'u la loglle ... , lIenu erson. \jll"ri lLl\dl ~ 'II in \) uyLun . Thursday I' I Bassos- U. M. While, D. L. 'rIInl'. ' !1Il,C h l. . W hcll YOII cOllie to 1la yto n be sure alld see the n odge Car. ~~I\.NLAC i C?rg~n l st, Mi~ R uth trlu (",)I'll. \\ c shall be g\ til c1elt'on ~ t"lltc at allY t illle . , Clarin et , Geo. Ma rk3. ,J. U l:Hrl w l"iorhl ni8tratllr of Th e GIl'at . Icclil'lIlt> - ,\ ~ k ,,"l1r ,., , nd mi t h" lOf LIIl'cLle I·:. !:iiclf's. SColci 11_ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ .,...._ _.;..._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , E very body welcome to lh('~" -<'r· lint! P""I' r ly Friday Lo W . l~, Her,,· vices, ~ B ing m 'om E ,;~~ wc pay , JIlI I flJ r ~)(iOO ~t\ ,h , r Tludl!. I Q)i llJ.: I, c \V . Hnrnlltoo. who hilt! been in Ion term wltll . t odny . , g repayment lIrlv· at 10:30 by pastor, 1~ II~ler s(,rlllnn liege on Proble, Miami, Shelby, Christil}n Endeavor 7 11, m . E Vj·ry . , pt' iul - We will JlI~\t:c 0 1\ sal Clllrk, Greene, Warron and Mont. body invited . t od:ty rIo I }:\ H : t:tlldal'd gomery County Farms, Mary E. Mar tin. f'Mtor , G !(lI1 . 'ug H a lld w ill sell it \ be. at :ii 1 .\~ !1 tl sad:. SlI r:ar is ~o· I tW"1'1I El1IllIor Baily's !lnll the Lol a I. . 1\1. E. CN URCti II1g h i;.; hcr. su ~(' l YOIII ,lta r Farm. Sold and Elchan,ed Zl!il pIH c ·. Finuer please retu rn t o lOf l lt i ~ big ba r);,, "\. ElUlter Sunday-SundAY Scholll n I l'a rry ('0011 <1 11 11 re=" ivc Tf!wa rd . Make fout' Home Spick • -----:-9: 15 a . nl . \{eception ' lit n ew 111"1(\ It plll)' S lo l rlldc at bers in t l1 the church at 10:::0 fl . til i Van ndUon, wh o w(.I rk ed her e : and Span with ermon by Evan~eli st w ('~ th !l r t'l· . , c1ur1l11{ l ilt' !'rc.c l ion uf th" lIew M, 8. : . • 714·715 R.lbold B.Udm. Th e sermon in the ev en ing Ilr tlw n i cilu rrh, \\'a~ in town I"riday cnlling : • DAYTON, OHIO l evangelist will close t he r '\'iv' I ~e ' I ti n old rri.0 mJ~. Id II ere en. , : vicet. Let U8 mak e thi rlas th e h,'st m ul l'l . "'Ku ra I'alls. --------~--------day of thtl reviva! meet in!<d. Special music Doth morning and evenillj.(. The I.l urcas, will a· Lebanon; Round Table. led by C. M, • Clarence S. Crllllser Pasto r. TEACHERS' ASSON. PECIAL BA RG AINS I mal'lct llllh f ow nqlll PII IlIl,;e,Sut- l : Roud ebush. ' u rtlay. Apri l 22nd , Ever ything good . 1 p. m ., Mus ic , Mis.q McPh~rson . - I. A lil ie of r~n illt g a nd : I I" ,' at. Apro1ls IIml s unuonllcts f or CHRISTIAN CH I.,JRC J-I Th l'. Warren Couniy Teachers' Waynesville' Arithmetic, Josiah Lit· I Rale: IFO, Ma rk e t open a t 9:30 a , 111 , t ~ciatton will mee t in Lebanon, on tie . Foster~: Address, Supt. C. W. Bible School 9:30 a . m .. Cummu ni oll l !,IEi:!3llZZ!!:!!'IlEml:21!:E:CZ=_S_1I! I , \,:Hl1 if lte s wh ieh arc s ui t saturday, April 22, 1916, at the Cookson. Troy. and sociallll ~eting 10:30. Christllln Mrs. l1arvey Gust in a rriv ed home 1+ II f Bank Building. The last Il1eetin g of the year. Endeavo'r 7:1'0 p . m. W edll t'~ cll\:V fr Oll1 Cinc innati 'm urclay 'venin g , ;1 ) e or ('\' ry purpose , n.e p rogram is a» t ollows: COME, evening, April 26th , p rayer Ill t't' ling . a n abHc llce of th rc,e weeks, g iving tllc right trc'allC! a . m .• Devotional ; Talk. ' upt. 7:S0; second les30n in Teache r Train· I ha vin ll gonc) then· on a ccount of t!le m lit lo ea h surface. MiS/! Ruth M. Edwards. Sec ' y. Wm. R. Spriegel, Waynesville ; The ing 8:00. Everybody made welcom il lne"s o r two of h er sisters , : J. A. Oppy. Pres , Top of the World, ' upt . C. H . Young at these services. There is nothing that will T h<>rc will be an Easter social at FEIF \ CHU I<Cli -- AT THE: - ' th O,'thodo" Friend's hurch Thu rshow .b'tter returns for dfl~' I'e lling, AI)ril :!O, ) 916. Eve ry· th e t i III e a nd money Spe('~ al se rvice8atth e F r ry ehuI'ch bod ~' comu. Come earl y, Bri ng Ea~ ter S unduy , Apr il 2Srcl. lIibl a yOl1~ fri end s. Enjov a socilll evening spent. Come and tell us SCllool a t 9: 30 a m. We exp ct I wi th li S . wh at you _wish io paint e verymemb <>rofthechur h pn'llcnl Lebano n, Ohio • 11= ' for the Bible School. IIr l1im I!iO J umol' ~nys that one of our con. • . o r vam ish. . present, Decision day in the nible firlll L'd old lH!chelors is goillg out of : C'urnU.llu.UlJ''L" I SChool. 110 present III~t Sund ay I LUwn every Sunday, S me say that · tJnLn ",,, "11.. IJI4m. The Buffalo, N. Y. and Washington D. C. Fire Depart- Special music for th e d ay . Pel'ry I I '1\ I ' I k 'f ments, after their experts had put many cars Thomas, Superintendent . Comlmm- , ~I~e~"~ .\a~,I~ ,n~lIfa~e ~ r: lfr'u~ne the : Ifil7~C l/~nJl/~ur~ , ion ,ervice and sermon at 10:3 n , m. I 'outh. su " " how us. " r"'l/r'~{J'JI"If/'tJn£~ Waynesville, O. through grueling tests, decided u pon the The pastor will p rench from tho . subject, The Risen Lord . The public B II 1'1 cra rlkl'ng hl's ~ . . ., t 0 th t>nlur n· l r'l hiaR. • · II Y.lUvlteu i s m ostcor d \8 ' •ue, J W II I' k ' k ·' 1'1 "'"!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!""~_~~ _ _ _ _~"'"'!'~~~_-~~~~~~~~!'! ing services Chris"tian Endeavor in iliac me un ay, was IC 'eo n u ow .~ UII t l e wr is t l hat will disable him . 7 '1'1 1 d h t e evenmg . m. at Iethe ea ers I' r'Jr :\ li rn", tllthuutrh he was I'ack on BASE BALL NOTES \pain S t o see t o the individual work ot nam e will beatannopunred morl). . ~ '" u ing service. Preaching ut 7:30 p. m . hi>; job lonJav. Charl ey will know each plftyer, and by this means is de· Subject f ur th e evenin g discullrst! , , b,'U PI' I1PXt. lime. and g ive his ma_ velopin g 1\ g reat t eam. chine n little mo.r e "ju ice." All togethe r it looks 8 51 th ough \ The Waynesvill e b,0Y8 will g'O to being f e bes t car fitted to do the 'strenuous work de- "Christ Standing' . at th p. {J oor .'" Spend the day in wors hip wilh u:; at : . . Waynesville h as the best team th p.y Blan chester n~x t Friday afternoon manded of fire chiefs, betausethe Ferry church . l our :1hoe Department is the peo- have had for a numbe r of y ears. where they Will m eot thllt clas~y D. H . P a lm er, Minis ter . pi p's big Shoe ~ tore. s hoes wi th serCoach Arnold has taken g re at team, THE CliEVROLET showed the ve ry b est in construction from stem vi .!c quality an ti sty le; Dig shoes, Lit- I . tie . hoes. 11 ig h shoes, Low shoe~ . c::z: to s te rn. IJl nck s hoes, While shoes. Ta n shoes . THE (.;nEVROLET had an infallib le and instantaneous self·s tarting SUWANEE QUAUTETTE . $).UQ HOU N () All l<luclR of Shoes for everybody. systenl. TRIP Th e S. fred Co ., Lebanon, 0 .• . THE CHEVROLET m ad e the qu ickest gateway a nd attained the . I greatest speed The fa m ous S uwanee H,ver Quar' From Waynesville Among th ose who witnessed 'the 1 CHEVROLET took the steepest hills on high gear willi ease. tette. known as the best negro qua r· \ . . . fi rst ball gllme of the season at Cin· THE CHEVRuLET h eld t he road ·under a ll road and s pt'ed condi· tette in America, Will give the f Ollrth SI eCial Train Leaves I! :06 n. m, eil1 l1a ti last Wednesday were De an tions. number of the local Lyceum COUI ·e. - - - - - -- -- - - - - ---' L1 owell, Harris Mosher, Jesse Prenat School Hall , next Friday evening, ' dergast, Ira . Stansberry, George E CHEVROLET was the most econo mical in gasoline and oil con· April 21st. The title of s upr emacy Wate rh ouse. W. E .. O'Ne'all , Mahlon s·lmp ' :on. of thp. S uwanee HiveI' Quarte tte hilS I Riuge, C, B. Bentley, Raymond ConIE CHEV~OLET mec ,misltl was the most accessible. been won by earnest and consci en- I . .... ner and several others, HE CHEVROLET body lines and general appearance were most ti ou3 effort. The great success is I I leasing . du e. in no small meaHure , to lhe Several members of the Waynes-

A L \\' I ~ Bl't 'l'IlEP ' ,' P.\ IKT, \ ':\R N I Il, 'fA 1 • 01-:. E, A~mL F l'











==-FoT' Other Home Uses==

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---------IZIMl lERMAN'S


Store White's _______________________

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Atlas Motor Car Co.


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Ohio Farmers' Realty Ca.


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i Sherwln• WOII' i I lams • : Brighten Up Finishes







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=F.·. . E=I



JlU:S H k' G aw es rocery

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]=i1ve·. rhart,

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DON'T YOU THINK That the car tha t Nas put to such severe t ests and was found good enotl )C h for the ·rr.> Department. would be good encu gh for " au ? .

P ap<Jr Hanging " t"Ing... an d .Paln

masterful direc tion of Mr J olt n H . , Gantt, "the man with the wonderflll voice" He is a master in develoll- ' ing the capabiliti es of his assucillte I sin~ers and in arrangin g e ffec t· · ive programs. Associ a ted with Mr. , Gantt is a grou\l of m!:!n wh ose voices comhine with IllS in !I ~p ll'nt! id illlcrVV..L, '/ • f I tl pretatlOn.o . n~gro. c 1aracter un I char.llctenstics .. With 1Il~~r\lmel\tl\l l musl~1 plantatIon !l'eiodle!l, call1~- 1 meetmg SODi'S, re ~l tnl s..and h\l/l101. OUt "slunt," tbey III terpret most effacti vely the poetry and music of the I· Southern Nelero , Th ey CBI)tivat 1-:.::---- -

C-or'ATl. n Oh.10


~ MODEL 4f1 0 . ........ , ... . , ......... ... , . ROYAL "AIL-R oadster, , .. " ... , ...... . B t\ HY GHAND-Touring . .. ...... .. , , . , .. E lectric Au t o-tite Slarting & Lighting S ystem F. O. B. Flintl Mich.

$550.00 $750~OO

S7:iO .OO included.



Wayneavllle, O.

Whether it be' Monument, Grave.. marker . or Flower Vase-

_ __


vill e Ealltern Star Lodge went to Lebanon Tucsu ay evening to attend f I I' S L d inspection 0 t ,e :.a:lle rn tar 0 go at that place. The crowd went down in Robitzer' $ auto truck, and Iall had a .fine time. Those who at· d d M d M C M t en e we re: r. an rs· · • r The Old Schwartz Shop on Mechanic Street, Lebanon Ho bit zer, Mr; nnd Mr~. W, Myers I MI'. and Mr!l .1. E . Janney, Mr, and Since 1859 Mrs, J, e. Hawke. MIS. Christie Mc- I Kinsey , Miss La'ura McKinsey. Mrs · I ·------------~---------.....- - -·-'· --...: l!.dna Ridge Mrs. Arnold Mrs. ! l\lyer Hyma~, Mrs. H ocke tt, Miss ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!~ Claru Hawke, Mrs Eva Jones.





I want to buy your Wool and will pay you the h ighest Marl et Price . . .

I Ca II Ine 'by Ph one' I ..




. Several K. P 's . from Waynesville lodge went to Lebanon last Wednes · day evening to attend the county m~eting at that place. The work was we ll put on. the banquet was all that could be desired an,d the bOYII all felt they had a fine tIme. Those 1\ . .. who attended from Crown lodie ---. I were: Robt, Gr068. L. A. Zimmer· T bl St rt d U. M. White. J/l9. Benham, And t hII rou ~ a .e . .= _-_ __ . __ _ ~. man, Myer Hyman Dan Hockett Ed Wlte-"ln Qrder thut L mny got tue 'l'ltomae. J . C.' Hawke. Ollie MissilmODeyon thlll chec!< , do Ule P~OI'1 nt P O D dine, Dr. McCoy. M. P. Lewis, 4\mo. the bank have to know mo? HUB" ' - ' . . . . " I.I~ ~I r !l'hQm8on Walter . Chandler Earl band-'·Yell. they ba\'o to know YOU' / · ~ . Cunner 1bl ' ymond Conner. J~. Me. but DOt all ~eU as [ do; otber~!so WayneSVille, Ohio Clure. Cha». Strouse, John Smlth •.C. ther lI'ouldD t pve you a cent. H. H.u:Uock, George Maro and J. Jadp. . .Phone 135 E. Frazier. .

and win universal approval. Their ' gentlemanly bearing commend!' them to all, They Tetur.n many times to the lIame placC!s It i well worth a journey to hea r then) sing I "Old Black Joe" There are stil} 8, few good seat!'! hft . Single adml!!l!llon, 35 centjl,

.Chas. W. Schwartz & Sop




I,' Hats, Straw, for the Men .. 1Oe Old Dulch Cleanscr ... , . •. lOc Hats, Straw, for the Boys .. 1 Oc Rex Lye; IOc or '3 for ..•.• ,2lic Hats, Straw, for the Girls, , IUe "Goblin" , Soap, just the . thing for hands. . . . . .. lie Hose, Black 'or White, for Women and Girls ..... 10c gxcel Soap, .... , . • .••..• , .liC Red and Blue Handker· Paints and Varnishes .••.•. 10e chiefs, large, for Men.. 5e New Candy, just in •...... IOc

Next Door to Ouette Office.


The Maguiae MaD \Va)'1*vW.. Ohio





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Whether it be Monument, Gravemarker or FI.o wer Vase-.

Chas. W. ·Schwartz & Son The Old :ch\\'artz Shop



'Ic('hanic S treet, Lebanon'

Since JH.')!)

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l.d,.11" " ': H') lInd Tal ,le . INI lo y Co ~I. , TEACHEI~S' ,\ SSO\'. \ '1 1I 1'1'n('" S. '.1''' I! " I I. id l ... h I I' III. \1 1 , i,·. !\I I"~ ~l d·ltl:r~'ln. CHRISII ·\\ Cll l',',, 11 1'111 W arrt'll l " 'L Ill" 'I" flrlh' r '" \\'1\' 11 ' ''''11' .· .. \r : lllIllI'lk . ,I ,, ~iah UI ' Assorial illfl will fll,"' 1 ." 1.• ·1, " .. ". ",. " .... I, , fool" . •\.101 fl"'. Su I't. t ' \\'. lid ,},' !'c· h\l" I ~ " ':\' a f. . SatllrLla.' ·. A>Jrl l ~~. 1" 1',. II' tl (. ( ",1\ d\ ;., ' , 1 !"l)" al\d ".,'1»1 r: ''' ~llf ' t.:· I' ""' r\ati ll,.al Halik Hlljldln ~: ; , II I ,~ l I ", :a,.. t II l f 'l' t l!H.: o f t lu' .\"l'Ht' . Endt'a \'/ I t Tl.e " I'0lfram '." \u, f"l l.. \\' , P\' f 'nil!~, .\\ l rl, ·~'; th. ' I ('( J \11 .. H; fl , III . Del' uli nna l: l alf, -':"I.t -;- :: ,II:~t'COfldl " S~ l!!l1 ': \1; , l :u lh ;11. 1..l\'.lIrol .- . ~""'y. W l1l, H. ~pnq.!, d. W HY f' ~ \i :I , ·. I ' " inK :UIJ . 1'; \ en 1" .. 1.\' .J. ,\. 1)1'1')". 1'1'.'" Top of t he: \\' ''rld 'lilli . l: 1/ \' !!111': a t th.l' ~ ( ' ~ l) r \' It ' I ·"'.


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ditlt' . I lr . ),1 .('"y . .\1. I'. L '\\'i~, Al!w g Tiw!lI'''II, Walter I·hanolkr. Ea rl ,', I'':n-r-;--tm:. 11 III I d C lIllIll' r. Ja ~, ~lt, t Itln'. (·ltll." S tI'IIU'(' • .II/fin .'lIIith. C. Il. !Ial' (~')c". Gl!ur~e ~l url\~al1dJ.

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(fats , · lraw.

[0 r the :\kn . 1I ~l t s, :'tl :lIV , ["r l!tl' B l)\ ~

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111(' :\[agaz ine iIIan \\'ayn8Svill~.




'i f EASIER "



• ERVICES AT ST. 1'l',\R. 'B ctlURCli A110 l rt 111 E tun AT VlHITNEY



I '

Or Dill, Us teojJalh, ~ l S . lIrulld

llurin g th'c Luten wcc-k s which arc now . past w e 1l::l.\'C

w uy , Lebllno~ . Ohio.



';cehllt U Oreat t:1I~ Co'u ntry-Oi\'C8 Dcs.;riplionll

Delli ~omc


j ItI.· o\ " 1(. FtJ( ~ \\ c htl \"' ingIlO li l '.\ I II \I ~ 1. ll:n CO a ll illt.:orrllI, I: II. 111 "1,,, \\lIull y \l IILi(f I I" 1".\\1.1 ,t' 111 1', spirit. [' I l'~ h .111.1 I ·l,.,·i 1 .111 11 111 I e .., llchn


Mrs, J oh II Uellch was th o( l'e illti vt!~ in Dayton In~t week.

bec n occupied wilh Lhe slory of cOll lli ct and s lilTc ri!1g :tmj ~aJlless . Now all is l'1H1llgccl. Thc \'oice 'of r~joi ing i!, It I.! a I'd for 1I0W 'i s Chris t ri ",cI I frol1l the dc'ad and bCl'Ol\ ll' ti l(' li l ~ . 1 fruit s of lit em lii a l S \C' \It. '1'111 s tan 'f which tltl' l 'lli\lll-r" rlll'l' ll'd has b~come lIl e h eath. loll l' (jf 11\1'

ill!'>!. lI annnh I :o"wr~ 1~ !' \,cnf1 il1 \i a Wl'l.k wilh r('lal ivc~ in lhl) LII11 ur . Maey wi ll b. ill SIJl'l Tl>( \'al h.':; 11118 week un'.l ll arv"ysbllTp: next

S~rv ic~ Added "'u~h ,If! the Worship. Aided by 0 Vcrv

ni~ :inn\:

fo inc Sermon




La~t nu mb!;'r tlr I It ' 1"f'lIlI'L' (,"I\r~ • T,J!' day ev el\ill>:. ;'l IllY 2n.1 a:. S,~ h t l(ll

F.u~tcr PItY a , ~¥a.t.Y'9 ~hllrch ' wa;; a rcd·lette.r (]ay In Il.Ij ~tory . 'l'h " chur el. wa~ h ands6Yllely dec· ' Mr. anrl M r" . ( ;\1)' I, il l~.' r . Olf Ilr .. · 'l rated with po any cut flow ~r~ and . Miss ' Iarn Lile and !:)upt. W. K. lillOI'd King, Iton of Mr. and Mrs Spr~ i j,{tl i wt!rc Xenia viaiturs ~lur ~'. lIia, 911t'lit 1':l\>ller (la y wi h rs. lIl r chancel nev~f loo~ more benu· , A. L. 1\i1)I{, who 18 in Wljitney. N . e , · >I a t work on the hig d~rn OVtlr the dny liful than it did on this Qceas ion. (i l \' 0111.1 1\" 1 , · ~" " I\ ,,1' l11;IJ\ .\ ' , If Euphcmi:l l1 o ugh. • YUlikill river, writ~ a1:l fvllvw1:I: ' Th e serv.ices-JJc gllll at fue7.()'cl.ock I Ill: ,·it \' 1)[ "I I ltv:! rL i . . lI uly ",i l ll Ur. J. 1'. l'~llis inspecteo t he Har· .Jllme!! 7.ell allli fa rni l~· . of YHllow celobrllli on of tho-floly ComDiullWh , I hav tl' ano ther job"jut- firin g here lin a big tlleanl ~ h(l"e l and aln doing veysbullC Masonic ludgtll ru;l Wedlle~· Ill! IJI'l 'bl ' II'1 (If;t li \~lI g ' ll1 i... l . SpriII!.!!!. wer e ::illtlClay gu"gl!~ or. ~l r, when ' lwentY ' Onc pel.'l!ons wen to' all.1 Mrll, Pra nk .'1, ,II. day ev enin". tine. • l'G rIl Cr. the LOTe!'!:! t;lJlc II 9:<10 tp" Stln 1\11'11 tit . ,k,1\ Ihlad \\, 111 l'l l111' l(l This is sure Slime job~ One million \\'C cn'Lcr iut tllt: S Ul1 ·IlI .\r y 1( 1' Mrs. Ella Prinlr. Illld, ,!llOn. ,roe, of ;\\rrl. Edit h' H orn :! i~ pulting IIi,' n duy,::;chool ,wlI1i ~ell r~pr sentlll, anll 11 -. :,111<1 \It ' -It:l ll 1:rlll\\ 11it'=, : 11'1' 1I1~\ .... ~ •. , h--of tIIa~.i1!.ery and Olle th e lim W:UI tUKll n ilp by I ~s!;ons pc " thouslincF '~n employ.elI" ·here. II i ~ Duylon. 8pel'l t ~un dllY with Mr. and elay with lhallk $g ivill ~ :lllCl . "Ill I \(' ,k :ltI hOllli\ ill":' all" l )k!>~ 1I il ll w\to II' W \o{[lrUI-! f' . pn'purll lory to I'cce)v· winiJ1g lo th l' ResurredlQn.~ . Re\,. illH her n 'w JdTr<~YH au tro. MI'Ii . J . M, Taylor. before llim with pral';e . ~11 1t( )I\ IIlJml! ~Ig h l~ok , aroun:i. · Tltl y ~a'lwlll1 ad r',; elMS w;Ils', atld 8!l!e~~1 hOI 1'1·,' 11 \ lt l·ir H. (·llt l ' lI1 '1'. amI n · have the Ill~(,!Ond lurgest crusher Illallt Mrs Mary J.F'llh Aflam e, who ga~ M r~. \Valter 1\, iLlain rin d son . . und EltJred ~e , the I mIJel'llt'mator, al h as giv 'n way t l) juy all(l aSdrl':'l.1\. l i, l' flirt ill' wo r k tlll'~ ' : 11'l! 1.1I ) ill.~ n ill the worlCl he re The ohjec t of M i~~ Eva Lippinct)tt \'i git-eri relatIVes ' b fI~tif ul " J'A\stOT Praiec:~ whN;b School Hull, Tue~dllY el'CII IIII(, MIlY winl er wilh it s 1,1 'aklll:sS' ;.l i rl l h ~he work is II> dam 109 feet high over fC 11' Him III Hi.., jl l ' dl'ct \\u r ld. III balnl1 I ... ill I) ylpn ,'Ill u rday aud l:iundny . .....i ll b found pr iJJted in another col· ~nd . Admillbioll ' 5e. dl'a.dness is gi \-;II ~ \\, :ly Lt.' ~llri!l ~ \ I n ltJrl' t) 1 yj\d~in river. . umn. AI, the closl! of tht school the a Y i~i(JlIl'll' UlI' I'Clllt! lI g <lay W IIl' Il' ;()d ' ~ ki llg1 I:llrluillly hllve ~een slImo benu· Mr Hlantun' nnd 80n. of L l.!uanon, Lunlert bo;o(e~ were lal(en .tI p. Mr. and Mrs J . E. J ann,'y llnd a nd hluo11lill ~ 110\\'('rs , ~o I .all til' b:llill ·~s I~' III ~1t:l 1l c \ ' I ' r tIl ' I .1(ll l. Hull lv lllrl: Lkll tiful scellery since I loft hoole . The '(I uughte r, Mbs Luella , were L'i llc.ln· and the sorrow tli ' plat'c\ by OJ{' \lr()~" $ /I t the 10:30 !lenjce a CODg re~a · :lpl'nt. laM wc,!k;lt lhe h.llll IJ f Mr. l r.ip from Cmci ll lll1ti to jl~l1l1e w as nati visllors Saturday. d'l\' '(JI!ll' ~ 1111 '1" i.; 1Il 11 'l! jill' 11 ;, (I) do: und :'tl rs ,Jal\l 'S lIail1f'~ , in 'IIrWil' . linn of III lensl, 1;',() wor8hi\l'Per~ was o f the lI ew li fe ill Cl1 r.i<;t. Ht: ~ llll: i e cH ill. . miglt\.v Ii ¥, lHl ~ it was -nothmg com I'Te~(!nl, Th e Illusil'al p:olt WIIR ·l ll ~ H Ol 1II1 ill \\ illt tI ll' h"p" \\ ' 11 I~(~l ll . \iarecJ W1!'h thll b~lwe en 'Rome and 'I'll(' "" p nlar ~II'!I'~ tl l' pa r tll lenillt nne of the I)c ' t uV('\" glv n In tho Mr. and Mr>l. F. H. Sherwood and wOIlld he imposs iblc' wil\1cHll a 1l'\ ' ( 'I II ~ III 1...-11 lin g 1111111 ' (·~ ' ... " I l \' . til IlIl., I.I L:k . . I I\(' Whitney' l cr ~ thl' l3l\Je RjdJ.(e ftll11 ily, uf Lebanon. spent .'untlay the life which ha s lW e' 1I I,Ull l1l1 III' \\,1111 111(' ~1 Yl' r lI ymall·,. III ~ h'Jwing lh (J I ,"~ L church. anu Kev. C~!llV allagel"@ all, I l!\ UlIl"'tni! jUllt U~ the BUn wa~ rIsing \Ib n 'fl ,r n 'd (' l l1l'lltllI Ih 1<11' c:1l'1 1 (l ~!(' 1> 1 II (II lill" of I t!n'~ Sll iL< eve r ~ ltown 111 d ress WIIH(Ill£:: of thl? finest, MT9 . B. with Or, rh os . :lh<::rwuod peri shable ~llltur{' . .~ Ill· I ,i .., 1t al~J.. 11 ,~llI1( • Mundy.,. l1\urnill~. l TI'lid a story 111(.1 (Jil l' pLI I..·l ill I Iii' \ ' illl' \ ;lI'\ (I I lh l.! /,(III! ,\';\I'II<!~\'i l ll ' or vicinity . The all· II. Kelly, who sang tb.'" ,~ff~~tol'Y _ QIl8 t'iine alJ~L that very tbing, on ld lint baYl' posses"' loll (JI all III1 P" 1 p.,1t; l " "l~ll( i nd Cll ~111. :5 12.50 and f 1'; . J amesl;toops. , of Van W&rl. was solo "Hail J PYOU R M6rn, was al. , .. 'utlfi:!1l in Uie Monntains," bUll lhe gUell lit hi s parellts, Mr . alld -.<..: her best. and 1l1l 1he.me9Jbers Qf t~o and Ilt c' l 'e d., " "1'\' 1<'1' V. L1h' ':t!!<1 of Me~~ r". W. E. f) 'Nenll all(1 F. '. nl:!ver haa any iolea how r eully bellu, Mra. A(iam wOP" on !')u nd;IY , hoir diu excellent wo rk . . ~1 1J~l r aliolll)' . I ddn 'l I h ,ll" II I" I,,),0 1~l b"/1 wt! nl lu I"lint. Mich., I·· ri<lu y, ~ liful it was ul1li' •. !l8W it . One In lhe eVc.!ni lllf· at 8 o'cI6ck: llie minUre.lhe slln ,I ·....~he shining full :\lld br(J u~h l back U lIew 'hevroll:! t .ch oir ~~ng the can~~ "Easter Mr~ Annali O' Neull. Miss Martha f' fur Ull to .I " .:11 I ''' ' milch .)11 1\ '<,,1 I O' N ' II W E. 0 ' Nellll were U I ri':R ,ltd 1I1.\' ~Jl lid :-;'i1(lC 1111" IHH' , ill Y , .. -" :11 ~u would be look for Mr. l.;n,on. I'raisE'. " All (I~e ,solo~s'tii were .ar. Leb:~on ~i2itor~ Monday afternoon. . . , • l~aiu ··liv.,: aslho)ugh ~Otl e-...." ,tt . t.u • _ _ _ l ollil )SIte sil ', el .de,l1l) gully, ,the their best IlDd ;.:.~e: ch()[uB work,wa.<i J \ liV' [~ro\ C I' hilt :1('1 nl> lh"':trll, ,~lJl} I Some one has aholl t a doz'en chai rs plLrticul~i'ly ~Cl lhore.b 1........... ,.tW;i1)1l aruund a g~Qu. .Mr. Gdorl\'\l Do r.o~ foUto Il~!lr the great Im- 111 Inr m ' eling ')f th. W, C. !')(pu'l d l til ollf: I!llllflrr(IW. [nill N J ~ "~Iwr Illl~ of Morrow helonging l l)· A. Mutl1t, who would M t ll!l'of!l,! Vi .nd I h.~ Iluti '1lttnu~( Ilrktl ~"Wed tile' c!i~rto:ry jIOl~. like for th ~l til be reLurnc\l at Ollce, (hut waR PlIllt tie t:rllJ,tiQn . benlltiful !lob~jl)g of Ave Mnr~,:, J~ ,~~~Iheld u~ t he hom' 011 411 11. \ }~:l~~d L~~!!;:o~'II'CJ~I)Il'{~~r W~P~:~~~ll~~ I C(ll,It~ t Y'!I WI'II "/lm 'l\ C'I t!7.l.ns pnsscci HK he needs them: ! made 8'miKtaKe whe)l J lvld you ·Mr :-"p'hWlllr~~g~ 'C~~dl, H:~: T. ltfr8uged fo.l' " he. dnrhlet. M~sl:l J. T . l~lli8 on Weoll1 t'~dIlY f1WO(?cI\wc.rk , ' \ :l\I'\lY a t d1ll hUIll" III II. (lllu.:hl r . till '~~ ,",a~ !.Q 5e 1'08 It:. high it is Mrs ~~y Miller 8pen~ ~.:....:.... !lQth}l.arf.sock I,>resid!lP a~ the~l'ga\l, lIe I~~;~~~i ~~t"np~'r ~ I:m 't It II bl'llUti fll l llt<lul!):t \ lI~lo~Y '1 ~ll's , 11. 11 li ar 1\11' ~ IIl\loy m'lI'ni ll\!, ~ he .', hJect of the dltm is, a8 d~y WIth Morris Rogers and (ami y ·~l!ry.~~~ Gilbert tLee Eldri!lige, coslumed IlIltl .... played In 11er u~l!~' _brUli6nt of Route 4. In JlI!1ler. . . g ...... I'lol 1!llIt ~'J IlHIIIY all vel' ')ur I,mol .~t(l ro liOul H n'!'I"d. Mr ~ll)~her had characler slletchos and impersonator rOl." Id" te! .g n Wl\l or piessu re lal ' . Aft ' r th e r ead lJlg of th" 1lI1 11 {t. • , - ;""ci og' III lh t· V 1.;1'I')u:; I rill h 1 he ' . ., 1 I" f . I h" !ll s l nl School 111111, 'l'u e3dllY evening , mannQr. "1. '. fhltl river for · .... prlll mites runH The ofl'el'\ng;s at the t~l ret;! seT,V1ce.Q Lost -Child's brown ,,16ve, with EllItl disposa!.t.o( Ull irwss t hl' III'ogra nI I IJ"I'1l 11\ 11"1:' - . :\luy WI' all II ,1 ;,'-' hI! n III llullIlf( U,:I I: It 1 . (I' thrq gh lhe niuu"tJlinR. aDd it being c uff, in W.lly ne8ville Ot" bctweel l was ta~cn up whkh Chll i leLr of t ho, ~ .. uJl(I ai ll i tI", tif:lul' "'1i1~ir I.\! I [I',W yell r~ all.! "flk,'r . i'>. leal ~ II ~~h May :!nll. A ,lmi~sion 2f.c, will reach $265. ~. M " an e. Ir."" I'y R .1t' rive r the\'lhink high ';I' he Lenten : 1:Ier V\Ce8 ~t Sl. . ary, l'1 Wllynesville andLytie. Jo'inderpll!lIstl (wlowing rcadin ! "WOI\1'JIl 1,, 1!!J',·ut,5tI1I111 I" .rllrc Hilll. M!) y\\'~i ·"r.1 r'lt! I.,.l-'! , I~ II\ C '" I n1l' WI hy It'\iil Jnli lhill dllm they' can control Mi ~ rrlln~ l>, Sq uires left Thursday were well attended thlS year, and a Icave at this oUice. . V&te WI\lln ,WI~r I';nul',:' Rnd "I~,r{'\\' .'r I :~I! kCl,t f r'lIl droft ;!!, :II\ " ) [1'I).n :, ~ IIl1o! \\a ~ W.·illllf.. l'Il1C'tl 0:.11'"" ... ,,, ind it ' ; l' . _ , n~ nces.. M.rp'l hrlll . IlllciJ(JrlI)!e PII ,II I 1111' 1'1'. hi Ie,; , qllt'~llt II I!' . H" 1.,101 an 1'1LCIlHivl' aI" for IJaylon where ~lIe atlCmll'd the great deal. of inter est was .t akon . , . HelpS W. C. ~; .. II . There haveheen I\fe(! dams Rlsrled Or; an~ Mrs. J . T. Elhs and Mr~. Mllry Frum ; Ar Wme,l)rtn kllW .\-Iay 'lU I' IH'nl'" I.e l illlltllt·". "u r I"ill:; qu alll l.tlll' l' :il ld II'/IS high ly r <::!!llI.:II'Ll'. II ar-lsn 01 \\f _ hc~ fiie n~ Mi ~ (] rnc c J{ tlv. Canwnl \aderls Ilrlcboostlil .. h,tt,~ and ver~Ulld;eds of thou8' - - "" :Shere'. all nne, al\u 've~y helpful. vy. ~ 0 Neall attended the Frank· Countries II'ree fl'lJtn 01 UllkenE':lS'-"I<!I'I' r ~ird,·. I . Jlllt! 1' 1"l' w" lot: lik e ~:I\h : II N. lI1 o, hel' SI 'II (I f l\.oue.l't ands of IinlJlJ r,g sunk in them Thi .. 1m IInv eyoup rov i,ledf ry'ourl"" " ' ~ . -:------ ...... - - - i'armer,s' club at -the home of "Bil ly Sun :ln 'R 'l'riulIll:' II I~ra ~" , tll ll~<.' whu :II"~ wHilil: :: f",. Ih.: culll find I':dil II ,\'l o~II"r \\'n~ "',rn b'(·b rllnry ~~_~"" Yr.,weveri · in th~ beQ'inning of John McClure Illl!t WPdne dt'y. • Willard ," Mrs . .I::v" Jy lll' ~ .. ,:flK o( ou r LOIrd . I." \);; rl' II' mbl'I":C, :~ ", ('a I' Cardln"tool '. di",I,\pri l its ~ l1d . It ia,Put'Ally.a sight to IVatch' ~om c th:C UH~ I UI1 all J"UWI\ III 1(,,1a , Ihllt a~.tlJ" 1:" , hl" h"!JI 'If Jlld l!:.I llfI. "g. d ·~ v year .. . ~! Illllilti lR 111111 ! I . ;1 ••th.e lr work 'h~re , . They , have a rail , \'J [U ',;0, Mrs . ¥aTy., Leah I\dams, Who ~as \ 91nll:! 11)( lilt' lJc.xu ll'g'Y lind the III c·t· I~ Lbe ~IIlIII I '~ 1)(IIlI L III I I ~I )'J I' days. II (' \,':\-; IHI ", of tl ~ f(tll'ily u'f ,I e nlllc II anl III , I, O. n, I;'. mdg , . roa'd ot· th ~t r ow.n in . here , fifty en ~e('n Vl sl ll~~ for sevef31 weeks.wlth inlC c!,,~~.tI wi l l1 Ih~ W I.:. T. II . In'\IlI!! . \'11.1" 1 IIut ,Ii\.tn Ilcrt,fl'l~" 1t I'll'\'~n child rt·ll. ',If II'holO !lilly tlill' Lellll II 'In , Ohio. ' . gltlC!8 antl,oOO twelv().ylU'U dUlnp cnrs ",ev. , Bnd Mrs. J. Ii . ad~allad er' lbenel!l c ll O n , , . 1IIl:' 1111LI lIIVIg'., ra tlllg IlCI\:. ~o I.h Cll:l'IIl'Y I" '~. I'e U: Nid,,,I,,. o f ( ' ''Tl lillg · .' \' and t\ley, surel) .movo some parth in left l ,ll a>lday for her hume In Kan .. QlIIl e II lI umlll' r \? f \'I Sl ln!" \\' (.'1'1' I:' :"I"LI,.. .. l 't 'lhldll lll Iot'Slrl" Iha uf t Oil . ' . A number mell wl:rC' in our ' . • • \ ... d~y ~ ume. 1 !tel. aI ~o have twelve sas CIty . ,' p r 'sent:lt l hl~ 1lI \' etm r!, 1.1.1111,>1\. th" l~dl . II 'hl. 111 uf tit ,· "")'JI li e \Vus ulli ted ilJ marriage I') l'lLy lASt' wee).. engaged in lh e erec. 8\j)t¥JI~bvel~ alld fHt},·two derri cks " ' . - -. - - I lhl: ,,101 hali cca81 d I" 'IIt;"i\ u~: w(' \ :)~ r:lh .\.. I:ovc,y Apr il l·L1I. 1~ 17. \I'll\) t inn o f severnl larj:('c 11 11.ll\lIrWnts in aM oist.,,~gines ,. At the 4 (I'clock 8~.rV Tile Ilopular ~en s d ~partllleTl t II'/Il j..( f .lf' n nt·~:· r.I.: ' ::01 "'.II. f(l I · It!~h()r dl(~d .J!lIlIIH ry 5th , llil:\. T" llli: ~ I iallli O:!m tery, These w 'I" d," l.!d un d built hy Charles W. Mary's church Sntul'dny 8Etern()url:, Myer Hyman. s I~ ~how lllg the be. t ~uruo3L'S. luftler a' ;" I'"IIIl '~. Gilr"t lIll n il \\'''"' 1.,,1' 11 l('n dli l. ll·ell. ~"Vt! 1I ~,i",n Lebanon, and thc-Tlte- -Q Holy a\}tifjmHlle of Men s SUI.t~ ~Vt!r shown In II u,t Ill! horn IJ. I I".' 1.( lIkll<'llIlJf 0 !' II'hl1l1l are' II\'ill~. tlll'I'(, SOIl~ lind ~d\\\'Il rl z &. Sf'm , Waynp3vllle or VI(; lIll ty The all· 1 I h ~', ~0 l\1 alld thelli ll 1':111 1", l!iI:lTlI("cl 1 f." ur d :lu"'hl <!r.... liz . 1,.,l;l' rl I' . ami th . wo rk was ca rrieu on uf\d er the milli~tc red 10 Mi!l:! MBi,Y wool kind at '10, '12.50 Bod H 5. 1 hu l ' :-;\l 'rlt' I,'" Ihr"lhd ; willdl 1\\ !'iamll,' i I· . r.l lIslw l', uf ('a ~di l) . lon. )'rr~nlllli dir 'cl ions (I f the ,..eni6 r 'l' h(\lna.q and l'inrl Dean, son uf Mr, anrl , Mrll • Lee n pa~~ " II Ill\' WIlY iTl)!' I Ill,' , ·n l· 1I1' til I' hurl,·. F. I>ludl 0'\'. l'illdnllat i. ~IllI'Y mc!n ber fl f l hi ~ fi rm, L, PIerce, of ~darvil1e, waR in . U fle~v 'n ri' ,'Imply,· , ",al l), '\li/,I!' I~ C ri ~I'lIr'I '!'rY alld ~I a rlha :\oJ. HoI' beJtunion meeting of town MondlW luoklllg aIL r .n: I cation \ll!llllr~. If WIJ II :·'" ~ "L II I 1"" :\<'111,:1'(' I:.tll . (If . Il. (;ilen,l,· I·:.lith L 1I1,l'l'i." ill tf.jl rh'dtcl!es bf Way nesville at · for IlJlicture s how. Lo t$ of picture <l1!r highl'~1 l llh:'I'I1. ",hill' I f tlH'Y "r \\'il)'l H~;· v i l le . tin.! :\Jinnie A. J ohn· y'\e-.M. E cHurch 'OIl ~ul\day. evenill':::, men ,/lr~ comjng to to wn, bu L they The LOYil I 111IlPht I'~ W ro kas. hI) lo~ U:l unil.l)JI'"·,, rl '.\'0 hd, llll' '''11 • •,f (·:lrolill ~~ lon. 'Phn'e ~(Im' . _.i.~.~'l'i.ap \'1 th~ mteres~IiJ f the An tl do not seem to get what they want . anLly elltenaineg at the h()I~~ of ,to" " : I h·_ d :\',~I"I 'II II ' "1 1'. 1",:1. I h(l? J "hll .J • I . II k' OI I,llIlId .WIIl . I\'C' I'~ I ali, \1 , ., Saloo,! Ua(rue of the Smte: Rtlv . Mrs Chus latl~bo l'rl' Thn rMdJl ' ,\/!!'e tnn,n(!ert. l·r ,,1' 1"1. 1.11 I, frll il1 tl, (: 1.II1llly "Irch- ~I "'" . 11 '1 , ', S , pp:dcn', 'of Gincinn ' ri, . will be Me!!Srll . .J, O. CurtwrighL, E: V: ' e,'e l~ing. Aft er r ourillc' liu~in('~~ ,}r fI II ~1O,i1 in ~vhl~ h II I,' 1 I'l'l I ;u: Tlwn ' 111'1' lifl Cl.!1I j.( 1':tI ldd,I"lro·1I all ,1 t}1e"spt8ke~.. .. Barnhart, \\ilbur CI.a.rll and Charlet! t he cla.~~ w as (liSIIOtlI'J of 1\11(1 elee. qU>ll~ l (:J ~\' llhl rs('H 0 1' peepar l' . f 01 1' • l.'IIi, ~tl ' I C'a ,~ran~i ~ hil,jrl·tl ... ::--..-,- - -- .. . SmIth Visited. cenlraltzed Bchpols ~n tion of new oOicer . the hO~l(!'~ at:~r lhe l eul.ClI Tl'CI . will' if 1I ' ~ln: a ll'l' II .·~ \'.. ", '.1 hlrlhl'l~hl 1I1~llIh"r t,f I ',t.~. U Ross township and BowersVIlle. III Fl)ci ul rlllnmiu urranKerl ' l pI 'n ~ lim waking- fl'lH" Ih,.: ~,"" I ' ,1\ dt:lIlh 'h!! 1' 1'1""1.1., 1'I1lI r d ,. I,Ul III rarl ,l' l liIIITn.!-t, N. Y . m~d \Vas hillg toll D , C', Fire DcpnJ~tj\~ NO , NC~MENT G~een lt coun,ty; also in Sligo anti ant }locial time provi,)ing i;llf' fCSt- In , our ]1 1' p.ll'at lUll Il~tl· I 1"1'0 ll ' ~: lDh(",oI .I 11 it\l'.\ lh,' 1\1. 1'. ('!\U,r, II ill 1111"1 IS. < flcr l h c ir exp 'r l s had ,plll Ill(\n y (,:1.rR .. Kmgllan. Chnton COU'lty . I"lSt Wed. in ~ and enI Al'I.aillillll' \l:\flles whi r l thInk thll !' 1.1, ',e who 1. :1\'l' Jlf\';"",1 \Ill ( .n..r,1Jnl1i' ,n. UUrllI'..!; til(' 1.11'11 \\'nr ~~.'rfil!0I~8(:ca18ureate sermo'n will be nes<lo,\', 'l(hey found while lhere were .helll t ifv pnj )\ ecl by nil, eli~ enn, help '.I S. ~ L' nrA hil ll paf,~l'~! ""' CC I (! IVO, II. lll enllot!!, " f etlll.'1~ ny l ;. :)rLl II If1Jllg h g m cling test s, dccidcu U pOll lite " : M E; church in liar- were ~oll1e larlt'er and C' at more dous rt.frcshtnd.t , ~1!~1, (.d by I,' > I I 1< 11l ~y , 1.~r!lT\1{ 1l ' \lIIIPI It ~ld", my \1) "rr I,lIlan lr. . III audition l\1 lIIanv nlght, April 30th. money, ih~re w.ere m'ne bel.ler tnan Iw Le:l.~ ~!lsisted bv M' ~ I;:ddi e 'Wool (at!l r . lI ~ tI '~UI\1' ,J:y Itt'tv. yd !Still ~ltl llll e.r enl;\~l'll1 .nQ; hi r!'~il1lent '. Wayne TownshIp" . . lard COml)let(',1 the el'.;> ning 11el I'fHC.:! wlu'llrur, r Olll lh (~ llrav 1110\( 1)llrL Il\ Ihe onl 1t!8 o ~ For t . a~ (! lwl' .~ e w!l \\:H ovcr me a ~ I I ) ~ l llllld 9f1 n. I'itts llll l'g' Landillj£ ami ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' VI I l~l~ 1 1 , 'nK~I~~ 1,IIIDW61 hyhcr \J ckshur~ , . In nnliU~M ho W~ al .~ - - - - -.. - - - . rncnlory . t: od 11CVI,! r Jnea nL R piri~ a rd ent l{"pul,lican up u).1til' th L ~r. 'I!I .... 'Bi IEli IEli IEI' III jr."ll Ir.'I ~r tim . c : ..... , 1 Ilh'lIl " ill. ' by C. 'CI!ll·Y cllmpaih'tlln :. 7:!; frCJm thnl 11 f ' .. . '. . '":' • .~. .t~., 5111 · ono 1I 1, 'a llL 1 \11'". \1, l.e qUIH·r· 11m lou waH IlTl lI tll·(JI1I,'roI11i l-lin!.( As b IlI g f h lJ('~ t ca r filled to do the strenl1ou~ ~ork Uorn - To Mr. and ~lr9 Leonard ,Tinney, Munduy. Avril:.!4 19lU, a son


111 11 11 .

()I I 1 . 11.' li , .; 1 1~;I"tv r t\:I\' !I IC" .... r ·1 \ 1'. ". I \J1 "' lllt! :11111 tIll Ill-ad 1'; 1111 fill lit LIllI \\" 11\ i llt ll\\ll' Hol y

l1a11. 1,:111 r<'t! j:{'"


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~f~~t~rl)~~D ~~~~~v~\I~~:S t/~It".~f~:tfr~:: KDlfI\"'~: ' [DEn,'





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',. B;·'.·"~1.,~.·.y~." y'o'II. ,.r"'·W·.l~ ter'~· Supply Coal Now I

'.,: I ··':' m~,~:;l

n' .


ca~ b~y


. I.0" n Iy

your Coal Cheaper in: April and May.









Our .T op


does not bav·e· clinkers Leads them all. Large antIblack • ve ry little ash and veJy'!itlle sooL ; th'C' '. kind .you want if you lHl.v' had , " trouble with soot, ~!i h cs or c1illker:;. ..

Egg .Coal

Leading Coal, -and .a .!t..[::I(OIQC1 one', too, Price very reason; 'fty 01lr large ami small-sized -Egg Coal for cooking, You gct a mor yen Jl.nd a ' free b1Jrner. holds 'fire •and ve'r y li.t1,.le soot; .a good ' heat a~ld a~id mtlkin~ fine coal hy tlU.-w:ou.nQ cpal. breaking large lump ·

Mi tIs

1 1n~c~~~~~~~~1 ~~:t'lt~;:~:"'!~htt;~!'~;l',~I~~ ::.~\,~I~:~~'~~~:II !JI~n,~;a1nOf':~~Ii'~~~S~~.~~

de' I' olle;:! 1(':; e U'<. HI S only (,,,.I , \('1'), a Clil', ' In ch ill c h' Hnd ""lil h'al a Ib:"d Ptl"l1lJ~t ' atl.l b,' u n d lJ l'l; u rr~nt work. While IIl llSL of hi s lit .. wa,. of r{,lig ,(1 I1 , D~:I(' " a l ll i courage anu ~ l j('l1 t on a fllrm , 'el (or S('VCI'f\') [!] d 'l nlltio l1 llLI~ \\'dl say \) us. We yeaI'll h ' was ll\'1 ively Illl'agcd ill 8 mURl Ir v,p. l uI' ~()I1J.·lhlll ).\' lIohlc 01' OUI' ~U ~ccs.~ rll l n t W~ !1 n I H~ r c nt.erp.ri~cs . 1t1' 1:~ WIll It t 1 !II\l l t~' . Let us l, e" lI '11 WHH II 'e lJ ly inlo restptl i" hi,> J ,"US l\~ uu r l"uiJinl! slar. \ farll il r and whether in slln~h il1e or 'I'h", tl;l'Cm t M Il';I(·" is calling 10 Ii i" ~lt"d ow h~ .mllnifes ted an "hitlillg


r hlil. r h lud~ \'.

) ,il< .. I h ~ l!i SC I\lIf' ~ tlf r:~1Ullmoi in~ ' n' ~ 1 in 'hi ~ "oll~ebo lil

old III lhe hllie tro ul>ll'd and ,

'1' ~1 LO ll t-ene:>at ct' s {)IIII '~ ept scm. W ~

El U I'C w1'£':It!ilil{ \\'11h '.\ lilt! linn W/lv e. ~ Shl.lll I(' U llot ~ ik' Il('.' a!1 dj"" u!:I>lions ""'.'1 111 th . .slJio'it "t' d~e p .humility. Ilnu I' 'I'U I' 'pel' h n r ~ " 11 10 ill S "',l l'ill;!, "l'~::occ \Jc ::.Iil l,'· IIl1 d .with !l "tlit 'd d I re Clx nlt. 1111.1 n1il~:'lI\fy 111m.

['paco I;

rit fill


a£ I l(!~: '

. A fler life' s

r,:\·(>1' hr ~ Iecp s well."

Th.· fUllt'I'al ser vkl! WI~ hc l.l 011 'I' ut'M.b ;,' . April 1 'Llo ul 1::\1 p. m. at t he [\ Il r,il!la..J J\'ri \l nd~· "hur'il I'ond.ur tecl I y rtpv. Cr aig' c ( lh Mt . l~ ll"ad

Ilap li l 'c! lll rdi assj ~ t",l hI' Rev. Hnldy of Lh' Jo'riends' churrh . 8 L 'I. cla ~p hand,:; .rl'\ lorct hl'~n IIl1d Th(! lHIII. henre rs were hi .~ six grand· • r Ni edi. at,> lI lIl" I!I' I:'..- t fl,ll r. s(, rI'ic. :;on~ , God th rough hlI SI I ~ hll,ld lng LI~ til Am ong Ila! rll flll Y beauLiful f1"r!11 CUI' kllt'l!S Il l' i~ l:al ii ng" ll ~ tl, the pi ~~e~ we re several fr om I nlcift l I{rerll st ~PrVIL'" Ih al lo:o~ 1'('1' (' hal · alld Illllplnyc·r, of the ::;cril'\J~ · Mrltnc ICIIQ'l'd Il UI' cI\ UI·(!h. LeI:! r q .;l'lo ur· Il'ugue UL Ci llcinrlall and Colu mbu~ . ell'l!s in lh,: Ill!'>\ ' f ~nn l n ulle ,Is _. tn' whom . th e d ecea~;'ed ' was well El t~hcn lI'e 1111.1 II lJ r~ e·h·l' ·" noarl' r lo k nn wn from ir~o L! nt vl~il.s with 11i~ CoLI,.. . '. ' t)l~ , , I!lhurl\!~ MORhel', ono of the high A It lie child <Ulked !lla ma . 'I lave uJTtclIIIs of lb.e I RgUe. I al1l(cls w inf~'!" Ye.; It!y il,' r ; why Int{'rlllont , ~'as 1ll1l\f<1' in Union d~ you ask! H OC'fll l ~ " If thl'Y Cf:lllc le ry, mldwa.y / belweclI Mt . wings I tl o nL SCL! why th 'y n ' lI('.I.\ nil(!ail and .Cnrdinglt91l 011 the fa ily r.1 a lilcldeJ: lo comc (Ir,:"vlI tv J.u:ull." lriL- ·The ,j\1(Jrro ~v -:'County SCllti ('I. L!.I !f e <:11 fAng'Is 11 ' " ladJ rs th '1\ we "-, - - - ..~ t' [\lusL 1.1 Ip ollrl.lel·,' rl up or tlowll ~ll'P • I b y lep WO.lHW . 110 '''Uli to ny.u p ,. to G.)d anrl fftl8V e n , 0 WI! IlIU l b o d~~: "ed l u go n li tll -di,.,t . 00 oach "




fR[V .f t" ·MU' SIGAL

, 'Phis life ig oul t he prqfflCe II OP'I\ boo k' of lha f u tu~_ Evervthj ll~ thllt com!·tj whl\thcr il bril j,; . 11 sili tle or a te.'lr, conrl'ilJll te,'l t II well r(luntled allLl I" I'fe t chiiract"l', Whon we think Lhal limo f l..!}' WI' .......'-''''''11 go h ont~ to bEl gree tell hy titr.,;!! who havl:! d\;lR \lp "lreJ in. till l1Ii~1 VI con all thiqf.,"!I,


)11 pagol


11 1a llq •

1 of fir ' chie fs• I becalls"e~ '1


4 '


l' . . . . f ~.:;!"

SlJO\~·.ed tbe~v~y .best' i;1 ~onslruc{j (om stell: . to stern. .j;o. T liE CH EV ~OLET had 1>11 infalliblc nnd Instan'~lIeotts se ;~rliDg TI I E CH r:VROLET


s}'!l te lll;: ,

THE CHEVROLE r nlllde the q tlickest gnt~wti)(' _,


• .

. greatest speed ., [,t-IE ~liE~ROL~T took 'the st eepest hill s on [ugh g~' 1 HE CHE\~OLET ~el4 t ile roat.! under all road 'and <!let'eli t10ll • " . THE CtfEVKOlET was l'h e Illost economical iii !rW:iOlltle ..If..... UU,.''' .. , 5' 1111 )11


.TIiE. Ct-IE\o:ROlET I1lccpahisrn was th.e most ElccesilllHIf. HI E ,CHEVROLET ho d y - lines alld gl,'ocrnl hlc\lIlibg. ' ....



Tha l lhc car th a I w '1) l1t fOlllld g-ood · ~ilO i..gli (or rooel ('Ho u g h for YOlI? .

• !twin nan P

--tock Battn FRO~lE~~~~T

THE CHfErtfUL CftERVB . HOUSE I ~ish, it Y.Ov teel boll


and Mammoth Jack Will Make the Season of 1916 at the Zell Barn in Corwin, Ohio.

?.lol"le il'\ the world Vithovt ~T'\y r~th.e.r

CommOf) Pleas Courl


' f'ih hul_ \ 'S IV. C. l-lilmonr, I et ('III ID ,Jur\' r t ru~ ,'Or ilatin fuv or of Ii, ''''"lhl1l '

Every d~y 5~y

i" t lt f .. ~, {

llhlo \'~. ,l l1 hll Kn 'vo r . '. 8 ,''ld WI). ,'",1 " ,,/ (1h" " • . W rol hl' 'tu tor. 1'1.. ,,01 III 'lI l1t \, : 13" 0'] ;j.~(!U .< ;h t.' II f Dill" Vi' \\' ru Fll)T"tl . PI."", Ii " 1I11 .r Il n nl1 IiOI). \ . F . "'IIZ II'III " Pl u, lnH ,I liS (' I' Jl!tnl by

A lll lIl



( )b!

IJ f

0 ;t; 1.'t)



H,, " d Ii .\ '

\" "'.


'h ili

1111 f" lIl1.



It' ~~III(I.



Necessary to build. a well.equipp~d Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shede

' to:

(Jetty .


Oill l-lwHl

" " r gllllr\'


, nil.)

I' tlll., 0 1 \'~ . l · hll riP. A. \\· hIt A. A PrlJ, I,,. nll"1: ,\1 ' ", r,f\ Oil h,lili lf M th t> ,'-\1 II" , Ii O hl , "" ,I t or f.:()O o~n~1' /lnil

ge nII ' muu IIdvertiRed fir A buy nunrly /ifty ouma to !loe hi m ut. of III who lo numbe r he Oh 08(, w ith It'II \ ', , (, I (I ll' t, " IlI ~ IIIc1 noll(' IJr eijl1 q ui 1111 tlll ~ 1'11 .-1'. OUI" uoo fll~uli!'4Ae d Ihe r st. "1 ~b ll Uld like to kuow," 8a ld 8. S lnl I "r O ill I v ' ,\I,ll .111 ('00" fr l ll lHI . ""by yo u pioked ou t tbat 881 1 hll 7111 ii ' (,,1 t :; ;011) boy, ",·h o hud not.\ r eoo mlllenclu _ ~III' ,f (Ihl,) \.. I\' J Rrflwo t.lnui'''

,m el Will W dr , U.Il I ' 7111 t1xeJ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= nV~'' ' 'llpd up o. nK \\' ,· 1. hy e rlJllr~ at :!OJUl II ncll ( . thTh " lIlp" l n i~ II I


"Yo u lire Ul18takOD, " 8s1d the Ke D. muuy . l:Je ",ipod Il ls (eol. when b e oume III lind Hlo II "f O h io V - . /.0)1\ I~d \\' H rd~. olo~od I,ll door af (er him, sllowlol! DAN 4r:w&5'~.ired by 'IFrank L 221-14, record BIIII blin d flx,'11 ,IL $11100. ,J: Il . MtI. thlLt be WlIlj cM e rnl . ' 2:1tiX; he by Sentinel Wilkes, 2 :22, by Hlunblelor Is II lJfoolllf 0,1 (" ) \Jn~tl l by court.. " He ~n "0 h'iR 1I0Ul 10steD'tly t.o a D toaJaa 10, by Abdallah 'Ist, Frank L's dam by Mam~LIlII' " I 0 111" ,' • . /i" rrl~ " o !:lit 58 e ldf\rl y po r SOll, showiog t hnt he woe MAMMOTH JACK is a light brown with white iog . Bllil bOIl, 1 IL~ "J li t ; 00. brino Foster, he by Mambrioo Chief 25; 2nd dam by Ih f)ll!l lJ ~flll IIIllI k ind. Be took 00' Ashl&nd Cbief 751, tJlird dam by Hill's Blark Hawk. points, 5 y' hands high, weigbs a bout J IOu, si red by ~tnt llllr O b", ,,~ ( '" rll(1 P "itIH . his ou p , lind tlu 8wer ed my quost Inn~ y. Ilowlug tbu he was ge o_ DAN P is a coal black, full l(i hands, weighs 1250 Orphan Boy 600, grand champion Jack at the I:Jn II boO' " I I" fl.'o: PII n I ~lll i. Lllto r ~pIroezmlIJti ll tll v. pl t',,,1 g\llit y ~o 1'lInrgl' I" th o irllbo t pounds. heavy muscled, great action, both trots and World's Fai r in l aO,]" first dam by Limestone Mam. Ul tlLJ! ~ "tl t f'ill'«'l 10 "I X Ill n llths ill " He pl ok ed op 8 llook I had pur_ paces With record of 2:25 at a t r gait 'of 2 : 10 gentle disposition, . moth 29 , a. J a ck shown for 10 years and was n ever \" " I' k h ', lJ "ut XtlDlA .. lid IJtt'y OOH ts pU~t1IV l. ld OD the fioor and laid It defeated, ..If $t- 1J(j ~'Its t p" rt of seo U noe III 00 the tnble, qud Ue wilite d quietly BOii jJeodeli llOel Illtter lllUI:II. bo paid for hi8 turo lusteud uf pushing 'lod or wo rked ODt I1t '.Vorll House ut 600 or owdlug. 1I0d s h owed ~hn' be WIlF booorubl e aDd orde rly . por duy . "Wheo I tRlked to hIm llotlo( d Anon Ht nDt. VB . rh e uoknown b ei t s or R,)bert Ly\10, d eoen~ l:Id To 'bat hll! olotlles were broshed ; Bod b ill It'li r tn order. blis lJ u,n .1 'lule t titl e to ' r~" 1 es. "DOD" you 0811 these httle t blngs Money due when colt is foaled, Mares parted without my consent, forfeits insurance ostn '~te . reooIDrue uu atl008Y I do, 1I0d 1 and season becomes due. A Jein is retained on all colts until the season's fee is paid. , ' tlll!> of Ollio VR Wilb ur Bhlke. \Voul~ give m o r e ~or wbat 1 olin ' el l B II b ODl1 fi.'uld II~ $ jOO. Care taken to prevent accident, but will not be responsible should any Occur. about J\ boy by OBIOIt my eyes than . Mllry K Bu r ke" . l~r H o le 8puh le r fo r ull the others he 080 bri og." et al. Pllr lftl 0 pr .oe dluK8 or! de red


tl ~ lD lln ; "ho bud a Ifrollt



TERMS-$15.00 to Insure a Li ve Colt




. ' .. ' IBay· Mills FASHION IAuto Livery ServJce a~ F-1diOn Reasonable Rates McCall" is Supreme,"

writes a New York lubacriber. McCAlL'S helps over 1,200,000 women dr... in Ityle at small expen... A recog_ nilo<1 Fa.hlon Authority for 45




VV. fr,

B"YDer r,o Milton

la rk


01111(1 ( •


Give us a call, ge l ur pric . , and wilI get your order for lumber,



pri ng 18 Joo.ked ,o l/un by many Il~ lllllzl'bt,h III lut.s Nos I 2. J 79. 1 0 the m ost 8oa son at tb p '1lJd \lllrt of 1 1 In Leban oD, $ . uu. Ylltlr , but t his oon Dot be &!lId of tbll (;IllllIOU T

Come in and will 'mai(e an estimate on the


Ityle, lit,

w (uk.

.... ve eop)" " year, Faae~·Wor\c Book CIIITS IN ..... 3. EmbrolcleryLo .... ~. and nAIIPSFoI' J2-pq. M oCall PaUem Book




c.. .1.~ r.....d T,..hl'IJ...... UUrt't r. r l ulf. :::''':''100'''', Offt:,.\"I..II«i1 .... rIUdt•• rt'tlf (,at .


81)0 .

IhlhlU r





A"rln... ikpl. N


IIIB -.cALLCO. 2JlW, nrUI .. N.wV.rI<OI,.N.V. AOIIilft .lUirE D


C;LUU · R... I!URS W.....TED

InSURlIneE Walter Chandler Waynesville, O. Ho_ Pboae 115


A. McCoy,



Ohio .---.- ~

""FuR .weight cc d • 'I" . and every ounce goo pam Ha.n.m.,s .Green Seal. Paint. give$ you good, honest full weJgh.t, WIthout any cheap adulte~ant.s bel~~ adde~ to merely make .It seem . heay,y. " The real test of any paint's value is in- its ,ability ·to cover large surfaces ,well, and right there is ' where 'Green Seal eXcels. . " 'I t is made consCientiously to give you goodweai. . ,


GrQQn·-··~iftt.~ :' ~SQ81 '


Can ans wered promptly Both phO!le8 in Qfl:ice Long dlstance,No,14;

14-2r. . Chairs and one <Coach furnlBfled with f une rals . . Beet of service guaranteed.


lIud ill! In Mllokinnw R Idltlon '0 bury. . ~ you into a jam. B1ack~Well, don't le~ her. Fraukllu, $:.lG. ttlwal·t Bopping to ·J f '" lind ~u JOII. '; ~ _ I C~rrie Fuller 8lDIlll traot · ill Bllrlon

h going to

.- .


towu shlp $1. J o llo '.1'. aud B E. 'uonin ~ hl\~ t J W , flnd E. M AYAr8 I t ~o . :l,ll! ill CO llolll gl1 lllll ' /I ad llttoo t MaBon, 147;; . Wrn. B. Hutohlns nn to M. U. B ~ II 20.7 "eraa 'ill 'i'ur(,lecroek towoshlp, $1 , •

Coldll. rnolling of nose, oontinued Irrl\ation ot tbe mU0008 membrano if ob&leottld may mea.n Caturrh 111~ ar , Don't t&ll:e the oho.nce~-do lIowe· 'binI( tor your ohlld I Cbl/dreo will Dot 'alte every medlolne, bot th ey Probato Court Proceed'n&8 \ wllJ 'aite Dr. Klng'e New O.isoove ry 10 tbe m atter of th e estate o f Re. aDd lIltbout brlbhlg or teasing. ItR a IIwee' pl_ns 'I'ar ~yrnp and 80 beoo a .J UDe t:\() ,n ld, d ecea8~d Oeo. efleoUv'e. Joe' ju:o.\ive enough to M, Blown, J a m os F oll eo an d Frank eUminats the WlIst.. 01800S . A Idge !lro Ililpoiutetl IIPl'ralsors. mOil" ·t hs firss dose helps, AlwRYs In tho mut:' !lr or lJli ff'o nl Witham prepared, DO mlxl~K russln i. Applloation fo r adm issi on of 8',me Jt1Ilt allk your druggi st for Dr, to Oaytou Stllte a.o ~ pltalill mllde. King'l! New Dliloovery. ,I t will In ·t.he II1l\tlO;' ot the e9tuto of safeguard your oblld aglliost serioup W m . J . Mo(,;eobe, d ooclused . B ' rry allmen" resulUng from colds . V WRI ter is',I1IlPuicted a \ mlnI B~rtL­ - -- ... .••- - to~ B on n ~;:J700, <1. b'. Brow D, Dr: A. W, Al ll f lilR I,nd JamBI! lTollen are "ppolut d tl pprltlSil rs. IMPOSSIBLE. In til OS I" e (I f Mar y E 01 key, "But my William ' says he would d eo en ~atl . F.irs t .. ud fluili nOCOOD t I. approvell die for me." I n t bA m ll tt er of Ule estlite of "qonldn't do it if he tried. He's Ehjf~ h tlth Vtlu' Do r on , d o.'nsed bald." Ulail1.l of t700.'l :1 u~lliTl~t thl.!! , e tn te Is Ij~ lt\bl il! lJ l' d a nil " Uowed THE REASON. I n tbll Ult. tee r or An 0 Il (Jooner Ap pllo Uo" fo r 8dm i~ilion of t! um ~ '"I teU you, you clID't beat the to Uuvl Qu tltlitel:lQ [HIIl I is :JIBue. women.'" . lu t he IUtltter of the will of Har. "No; umortunRtely, there is a law old l:l -til it,ll , deoll" sed . Au tllen tl Ollt tl wil l is Hdlnhted to t,lllB oonrt against it."--Exchange.


for pr t.!Ull t IOD.



g . il


Telephone 28


wU'I~bBr brings on rheolllat can c . rh:~~~ 0~n~1~u~ti~0~'~T~b~e~o~0~'d~;~~0~dLd~8~m~~p[J;~~~~~~;;~ 't b beat PRICES-To plclUle all.




'pllrt of n N08 . "u nd Ii, in \l r ight 's w b ich ara so hdiviBio to LebanOD $2GII,

Diarr l.Oea.





to_ Ii' - .'>.-''---1~- - -... - - - - yrtle' 'Inrlt io til;: U. Mnrvby Illts Nos, on,1 Quntttiea That Count. 21 I II Mtlry :lIeu Addition t o 80u tb Th e ma ll who bae ge nlue without GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, .Lo bn ooD, ~ l. . pers VCl'I\llCe lUay be a rocket, but can Corwin, Ohio. Phol1e 54-2Y. Alao Al'ent for ~e~1ik'-> - .--:: - '"'Then you are Dot bothered with l il 'l M. ,irowo to ! (l , Brown Iolt ncvor Ilc 11 s tar; he lhat hilS perseve r· AulA> • moaquitoea on the front porch P" No. au:! ;0 L oo .. no n. f500, un co IVltho ut ge nius wIll be a bri ght \Vm. RlJd Anno H' lon lIod . Alt~f' und s loudy sta r, Imt can never be "Not an,. more. We keep the l:.l o rlll!t u to .J ames B, ~opplng 7 usod; he tllllt has genl ua and persever10 graphophone going now." ance wlil bo the su n ·of his own sys· a-ore in D ee lrfi lel towo shlp f l . Valley Phoneto-lY.NOT THAT WAY. Bel!~ie E Ulo ven ~ r a t 0.1 t,l Murl .. t ern.-Rev. WlIllom Arthur. I!!. SchwlIrlz lot N t.!. noS in FruolIll.D, Tuis iliseMo ahClu1l1 II(' tl'('atpd 1\8 !,(lllll, tIJ: hope thia lecfurer i. Dot going $500, a tile npst II n uatn rill l oo Rc'u,~~ of t h l:.l oo~J.!e P. W"lk e r to J OIlI 8t8mpe r Architecture Improyel With Age. ~ . , Wh tl' Is (lone n 'to gtfe ua-an1 cheap -talk." 1 I ~~CoU' Uh I ALL KINDS 01"* tb h If Il l' lots Nos. l 3G ulld IIlG The ktlow lellge thllt age Improves u,wtlls IIJlIX'lll'R. -No fear of it. The cheapest In '!lu tb fJpbllnoD, $1. 'Inglo ' d IO n " 1~~r~~~llfu~~~dY wil l efl:l'ct II architecture 88 well aa wino Is not 'l'1"IUl 1 ·s be (1('. __ta are a dollar." E wnril nod Am y (Jorrlg.Ul to L. new but the realization tbat tbe 1m· ·lIre. This r um"4Y ClI lI I~ w:,) z • '. liod L . M, rtou lotH N o~ . 22 and l)rO~o~eot I s due to th e texture o f tbo . ended upon oyan lD tb o UlO~t &lVI.t~e lind nt ADVICE. su rfaces aod tbe sortenlng of the rigid ) ILOger eu8 CIISes, and s hollltl be k 23 iu Ft , A Dciont., $1>00 . . han llrelldy for instant nso. Never eave lines la recent and hOB not yet by aoy Cb'Hies Miller t o Russell Bo wer> hom B en a jOllrncy without it. Peach-I ~ afraid OUl' mistress mas ter plll't of lois NOI, l!36, 337, menn8 become general.-Ayrnar Elm·

Corwin, 0 h


. Rea! l]slafe Tran fera

W. .

~-- - -


\Vc also ha \'c Pa int to Ol t your bu ilding YO lt illtend to bu ild. pit l

M I :. Ih'u ku I..

HIII 'I' lUt H 1 (j"UIIHI.. 1 ll ,t Ct )urt

ARROWSMITH, nn imported Percheron, is a black stallion , 1 (j hands high. and weighs i 50 Ibs., and is a splendidly proportioned animal. ARROWSMITH was sired by Keno 26399" and is recorded in t he PeRlheron Society of America,



t't II (44207

Everything In•


hello to e~ch

Pll'''oI tl',~ ~(l UII

(' () Il.


Ve, rY'\ight 'be. "b.dopte..d re.h...t Ions 'hond I'Ithen


Do'" You thii


~\arr lalte



Indi gestion ue&riy always dll!. tu rbs tile s llle)> m ore o.r 11188, and ie often the OIlDse of In80mnla, 1\ l Ight 8upper with lit tle. If any meat., ,md no milk; also tl\ke ? ne of ChalDber ll\!n's 'l'l\bletB .Immedls'!lly utte r "U\llJllr, aod 8ee I.r y on do not rest. tUuob better . Ob\aln llble e vory. wh ore.



I!·W~h~~~M~d~mU~~,;)aUl'u:o'l') i

Jn v ~ 's ['I. " PI lin!. The " (lenz ll p!"" , uf Java bas ~ow, f a wll i 11 C"ll.lilh · ." ,"lve Qtr a pe~; fum o 80 JlOI,orfu! . ',d to overcome, II inhale,l for nllY l!lngt h of tlmo. a tu ~ , growll mono $\1111 \\'\l ic~ krJA all form or IIlH('I:t Iifu thllt como bnder Its In· flu uncll.

--- .

Creamery .. in t he State and will pay highest ' m~rket price for sound, dean SOl!r.cream. v.. e are 'aiways prompt to recogmze any advance in the market.-and will t~e . car~; of YO,ur interests at all times, Checks mal~ed daily or weekly as desired to cover all shipments ..


Flrlt National Banle Pearl Strftt .arleet Bank


The ANDREW ROHAN Cincinnati, Ohio

Wlfe'a Service. Valued, '1' ho ~lisRourl cou rt or appeals has bold In a suit befo re it tbnt It Is not

J. F. Snook, Agt.

necelll'lflrr lo nlllko .lefinlte proor or a w'ilo's so n 'lces, "as allY lntolligent citIzen might lJe presumed . tokno\\' th eir ranso nnble value IlS II. mutte r at commoo tlllo\\'ledge: '

..,...---_. -

'- -

Profes90r~Your' boy won't apply himself to books. Pater-Well, do you' tlUnk I want .him to be tl perfect ·symposiUlll. 'BRIEF Bl,,"


Subscribe: lor the Miami Gazet.te



Office in

to m c(1dle with mo ond they bad better slop It." .

ll'Iucil Fish Cons,!med In Tokyo.

r. I,·m pE· •,. ~..


Copper In Pickles. . Pickles are at times colored wltb copper. An easy .;vay to detect this udulte ratlon 18 by thrusting a bright steol 'k n ItUng neodle tnto tbo jar. It copper Is prosont It will coat tbe needle.

tittle Umuel-Slly..,ptlW, 'do you V e rn o V, RtEiok, Jll b q r e r IIDIl Irene C. WR1Rer , belt b of L owland, Rev. I 1m0}'r, when ghosts walk P . : . Pa,,-Prob~l,. in the de~q of <l evrg E , W hite. Giving T~em Fa ir Warning. Ernest .J, Jl~ ro.l1'deno 0, fnrmor of Wil lIum, sooo attor he started to night, 8OD. I..ell"uoo Qud Votn A. Rp,'der, of sebool cnme hom o one dllY and sa.ld: ....~---Wtlyn dVllJe . . U e v , ,J. [1. lfI11lw . "Som~ boys nt soilool are beghmlnl NO SYMP.


Tho 2.000,000 pceple or Tok10 anuu~lIy speod '$5 per b ead for ft~.

Vinol Restorail. :Mr. Martin's Strength


WIIJ'lllkon to, Ohio.-"I $ a farmer "Meel!: caught a m~ kissing hII by occupation, Jln.! the grippe. left me with a bnd cough and in a 0 rvous, weak, wife. the !lther day." " ron·down con.lition. ond 1 could not "What did 10feek sayP" to get a~ything to do mil aily good h,m oftOl'.t Publlo Bale ., 1 took Vlllol which built. me up, • 'And lie doesn't lind all resi"eooe 00 M.lo 8&ree" 10

all aep.tJlo, Oblo,OD

Saturday, Apil


·WIII, .,..


LeWIS Everybody uses Lewis' Bread __ '..., ~.~ Cakes, the best and most delicicf/J' . Illadt. Try tlu;m . a~ "1lever want-to eat any

_ .1'!1 ""




1-- -- --- --. --- --- --- --,



offerany One wllT\1 fur ffi l'l'$elIulId or, Curcrl lll rrhDnl\a t!lIIl

anti Munage r



Re. 'I C""'

n"~I::i'I '~'~~~~3~;;' \lC~f~ ('~:.~nll~~::""il~kell



Cal nrrh . .. trer. rs fur Ihe pOlst 'lhlrl yI live Y'u' ~' lind Ions become knuwn u S lhe As Writt en by Our 'Corps of Able Corresp on d mo~1 I~ lillblu reml'dy forCllto rrh . li u ll' ~ N I hb rhood . _ en ar rh, Cu •• "CIS thm II:" blood Oil lhe l ents j nthe e g 0 Mu ,j US surfa s, n 1pelloll' lhe .I'oi!lOll , Ii I __- - - - - ' fro,". lhe 010 0 d ull d ,en ns tl,e d1sc u.sed ...... _ _ .... _ _ I),





inr.~~;~~a~f~ ~!I::~::~~~:I~:re

! ,

I ' ouriuev v II 1'114 Idl1 S,oketl l:!unp l.l Y Drter. n oo~. "r lind '" I r' R ob rt Bl,l Un uer IU IIncll1 ttlEl (1K u ~ h to r 'on ~ u ella , Ilponl, you have HaU's Catarrh .. . . . e m c ror" sho" l i rtl~.Inken (,U WIll see a grcal 8nhciuy with Mr . Fred Wlldsw o rl· • , , . ... ",~ ,I tlllllily . \ imp ""'elllclI l ill YUlOr gl' lI al hc"lIh p rice of Saxon is $395. Yel I ~ 'I t ,v oI ,,,I ,, , f Il l "" I w e \lU SlUr! IUki." 1{ Ha ll's CIII'm~' Mr. AIII\ Whltnk e r e nt -Irl,BIDod "re u, !JII CC " I ir,,,,,,,",, tlw h"I'lIlo, ,". (I I u!,d gel rod this price buys a ear .whose v. ry R \'. 1.., olloiH, o f op rlu of clIllllrh. Sc nd fu rloslllUO· g lo l.lro t:lll tu rM tI M W ' W tiloh ,nul . Ev, ret,t ·, ,"d r~ ulh e r HU lo e9 I\t d ll Y nlBIlt . unci tl u nduy . iii"? _"r. <1 11.. "I~I · " l1Iuf.s ~,et"fl ' FV & C Ugh tness reveals expf>n slve materi als Oloiu. tbn'~ ~~tll ro~~ing 'chiid rl'n l1oal ed , tsod t\llll1o( tlng f I' :nungp eol'lA J!' ~III\ \l' I'~t' ''loI' o~ IV m 'l'I\vlo r ;ll\ lIecl Oil W. O. ~Id ' by !IIi o;llggi.lS, 75c. a nd ablest eng in eri ng'. Whose smoot h· ' " vll r he n l i:!nnd " y In \bel r hOll n t lfu\ h e ld lit IVl hui n g HIIl 0'11\1'1: " "r nile 11 nller Ul ul llY. Worn e r t3un'day mo rn ing . , bl ness and Oexibility aI" compa red to t hat rt tt deel Mr. ,<Del M r ~ . Il;tla ll WilMI n, JUl'. ~III'IJ~tl' u"rol~,~I~~ Mr. uud Mrs CRr l Htlath ,IUd Em . - )2/ ~:~~~~~s ~~l:~~:?g . Ie un 11 on of the cos tly cars. Whose . po\ver, sl~ee.d and and Mrll. J o Disi.Jrl.J , •• n ll IlllOJ;IH O lr m~t l3all7. spont . S nu c lI Y wi t b Mr . ,f bring li ne 80 I to ' s t am ina hav e been p ro vcd tUlle a n d agam l U p.ub. Ur. Fros t il! In t h e ve Ie r I mIr y Oor ot l.1Y t nk (i inne r •.' llOdILY wit I el-n n· 'U11KI c M·e,· (Iu d frlllli ly n , • bUHlIl lI~~ h e lie t est and owners ' usc. W hose ace~ler Qtl on , r e und s h on ld b ~JlI.r o lt . R uy tn nIl Wi ldon's " " . u ttful P Ol'Dl we IUP. told IiBvenl1 f rom -.: h r o Bttemle 11'0 1 by tb e peo ple in t h is v\ clu lt y ooln css, l:ill-clim bing a bility !ln d 9peratl ve ec~ n · B6rmoo .fone~ ool.llod o n ti t 9phe n I R hill~o n '8 fu neTn l !3nturdl d T orn -nf " 1>",,(1 " f l J ill! rlmA 11'111011 Il"oh - / y. l:II1I 6 bl m II ro ll lmd 0~8I s~ lU givl nil; ~lt 118 ~'1lI d~y ,.ft roo"", o m y ha ve n eve r been eq ~ a led b y ears o f lik e nth .. r ,OIr 'h I! I ""M"~ "a r b hUll A\l8. w h " h~ s Mi~~fl~ Eu Bol" I>nd nFl Wbil n· \ 111111" ",.nr L. Y o ur boy 111;.'1 wun L h tlll n q u it o RI p rice. We a re a l1 ~iou s t o h a ve you persona lly k Ilg .uo. , ' 11111'1. 1). 11 t ll ill of (I "hili I .. deo _ The oob r e llOrte r SI~W I ker \Vero io L hono n t:lutard llY ILt . " bears6 ~u w o 1l ~8IS Ln D O(, . MiosBS , It nl·h tlnrH~ II nIl w th 'rlu, lInr"H . AnMhe ror iho 101\" !ltart away from .. b inspect thc ne w sc n es S a xon Roadst er. ouse at th'" ·i\)r: uod Mrs Ed CRrr und AO O, Pet·olso n Lo o k dlouer Dllntl M'ln,.\i o tBlllliag ~he \Vn rre n County 'r eaoh . ,,/ " .pr~uh n . dORr one. An .ther of heRd of 11 luoerlll "rOOe!IIll ol.Y ""1 111 e r8' As>!ocintloa. oD. R.oould, were Dunday /lut's • gnlrltm Clpp,' rtonHy . Fonnlly on(1 ('un rge Wn ru e r waf' ln Or!>gonifl "Wbo's dl!lldi''' he Inquire d of Ibo nod Mrs , Benry Murphy ts of Mr. Ho ruoe (JOUl pton 8. , (If n ellr 8everlll f r orn h a ro l.ttancie ll tbll !'\nn(\'IY m orn in \t . 1If' "r hl~ IIIP .. 01 fa\lb lind 1\11 oorner storeke aptr, who 19118 wlltoll· Lebano n. Eo~ e r uIILrkl u ' rlled hlB was the grel1te~' 10118 't tit N IV Burlln t Oil ~.Ir . IJil ra \)mur a 0t111ed oU W . U. Ing from bill door. Irrank ShlelH.ker. onll of onr pop. '(J ttlrtt lly"lt ' \rI1oon . At ' y I)l1r fall.h grow ~trt)nger W nrrt ur tl u od ,. y nft orn oo n . Waynesville, Ohio. "Uhon ~ ·bmldtb " Phone 65-5 ultar .. utoDlob lle liverym au'; fi r lD " . eRoh ~l;looTledlolC yeu: 'hllT l08 1~ "T n!l r Rno . son 'I,Hlllln t Mr~. Huth \:le ltz IIl\cl Illtle <lI1 Ug ~. " John Smith! " e xolllirno d theoub. ba>' y 1\8 11 trl1mp lind wh an, Ie ~ 8 en resl ing wer e s b oPl'lUg III X , u \I , 'Ill' rt"y ItlSI tor, \:I llle n, _ __ ... _ . "You d (ln ' , rnello to say J ohu 8ml~h OI\n bll fOUDd w ork ,n g Rpout tho wOlo k.e nd In In th o ~nrclen. wij" lc. ." O"yl on . Is rlfl"d'l" Tbe mlln:\, frl eods of l'rOftlSSOfij ~ rtl W . ~~ B.Jj1;11 1l I ~, (l ll l ':V ln l{ " "Veil, by golly," 81lld the grocer, R, D 'roll and Oll8otl 'MoKee ve r aDtI II t lle WH.tklll t! vl , lt wIth h" .. \1IrAl\t.~ l'.1r <.Iud M r s , Mr~R N "v,n, vou tlnk dllY doing mit hlm- ngrel thllt thoy ar!:Ildney Ih v ls it e,\ Mrs. Lllura He"th e gOIDg t o le .. ve W. H () 'NtI~ 11 wh lire Bp IIlion !; ~~~dl'; :,(t or ooon . brao,'llIlng '/" ns ofter a velY s UCOIIBKf nl term of the woelr With. h(1r . • '1 ' A " umall v lsltod MisB ~ohool and wblle helre th~y h a ve , ' d \ er " I SS 0 0 1l Mrs. A. '[' . "eU III or on t " r t·lllllO IIlllde themt!e lves n sefnl InU BS I -I t In g ohlld jnke 1< tnlt1 011 " edUor r o u ~uuuuY. tw ,) of th om fl· 0J111 I• llil Whltllll or t:l llnd ~yd e vening I bt2r In I·be ohurohe s, !:Iuud"" ~oboo l B UO IU lll\)U~ IlI1f 1 O LI O ~ '"~ ·t-""---: I{!I,\) wAnl fi n .. nv e nlog to rl'\,ort at [r'J Ill D,ly t..l 0 . ' ~l r!l. ' V. C. W tl rn~ r !ln \ Ilu ~s vllll' .. Dd 10 every WilY tor th" he tt,llr. a hle8~ed with II new W Mi .Ioan lo wo ro 1\1 "18 It sd,, ?" b 'be firet qnes,ln u m tl nt ot Ultlnkln d l1 y o o It blls beoD Mr~ . ~-lLnt '8t!lrr w,,~ 11IJJ" to ul toml , \j' i l ~l n~ baby m et hIm lit UI!> IIf te~oo n. be 0 losldere d when bnylng oongh I d I I I ohu roh :-lon.l ny. i:l pr IIPka . v r..t ~ ll'l ~ \ donT /lnd.a If'r Ibn ul\o,,1 salutati on, '0 r . years 81noe d fnUlIl we h o ve I.. ti e r e quI1, wor ll !(101l1 t" h ll llO h er lo ,. ck HIl"ln Loog t orm wIth r epaymen t prlv. medloln e for Mr·AHll rNVOY !ln~O \l l'nt 'ldnnr'y t o vl. l~ be "I"pci abnn' the baby'" heallh. laIn', Cough olllldre n. Chambe r. nDd we never exp ~(l t t o gel. ROY o n tl , ' 'lu Lun .. 10 i o r" liege on Preble, Mlnml. Shelby, rll)~ Remelly to • bllB do UlOre lor n~ o r tl1l!e m 'l f(1 In long beeD ~ J oh o y Wi l~nn IInrl fol 1l11 1, w(' r o t ue to rm ur '" b rvl,h e r , 'l'h~ lI\dy, who ",all qolte dpat Itlld R f .. Mr. Wh .Ul er vorl&fI "(!th motber s of YUUDIl tflr08t thlln they btlve , M,d wb ore- ~ h Clark, Oreeno, Warren an4 MOD~ O PI)in ~ I n W llllllngto l) 1o.3t 1.1 00- Uu rn o\\ I\o(} faUl ll y. Bortfuln g wllb lit !Crlppe. th oojth& be ohlhlreo aM It oon, ... ln8 110 oplnm or e ver tbey mllY go t lley tok e w Ith ol uy . WI1~ IlMkln!l llbnul her oo\ll, and an. gomery Coua ty F arms. _ _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ olber 01lrco'10, and may be given to Ibe m our best Wl8b os, .. nll tile OvID li r . ,Iud M r ~. It II ph L" ml ug n ' ewere" tliRt nhboog h Hhe ol'uRlh' a obUd as flonflde n$ly 88 '0 lin adult.. lDuDlty thu 18 s o fil l tunB ttl all to teDeleo\ l\t b"d on(' r very wlntor, .hls 1981 It II t \0 \!lU. too, whleh 18 of b"ve 'hem for oi t i7.en~ ore the ln g 's li tl "f u oel'lll ,Jf Mrs L .[lm · Farm. Sold and Exchanged r "llv Ibll .. nrttl one ~be \tad eVE'r grell'pleall"o n In n elo~ I ,, ~ t 'l'hllrsd "y ut Importl luoe when a nllld1cln f' lucky people I1nd wo will b e Idle Did T, wn . bad; .t kflpt ber "wake ,,' Olilhl a mne' be given youllg , blldreD , losor8. MIlY th eir pn~b 8 A life be 11,11111 del\l and d llrllt oonl1ne d bflr 1'blll remedy l,it t,le Mls~ I~ 11m (,' !Imi n g h il S Th e bowe lslH" ti, .. nlllurll l b moet effeotnRI In reo lI'r6Wn wltb rotles . tn tallr bed . 'I'hen notlolng that the lIevlog bee n o u th ll ~iok Il ~t t h ,l P 1St woe\; . ogo ~y~ 1 m of t h o body. Wh en oought, ooIds and oroup . Miltoo Bowo iSl:ltll1 vmy 81ck lit b8WII\IIIJlflr III an W •• II ~eUln!l:ne" Ot1~, Ob~IDa (~I i t"" lt u ,"h or f r ,'IOl 11M'! til . I h fl Y tore 111 0 ohstrnotA!l hy cl)u ptlp" ble evoryw here 714-715 Reibold Build.... pbll "~lci tit", ~h" ecnld tell by ble thlil wrlt.loK. too ,It!,l til W . F M ~. h;, . ~ 1 nr t llll; II p" r t of tb e p oltionoo8 mllltor DA.YTON, OHIO ~--1flok" tltnt be WR~ gl,lnl '0 have onll The Clvlo l.ealCu 6 m e t 811 1,t1 TCJoty 1ll1l"ll ng '-;l1ntloy nl ~I H whioh t\lf y ~ b o old Ollrr y niT Is nh !It Ne w Bur ju.t like hflr •.__Ureenev lll e 8nn, otfterno on at Mrs . Ob'l Weloh 'lI R rhell luto !!YA t.llm. milki ng yo u Iin g tnn . TerrIble Threat. 00 the ufterno oo (If M,IY 7 1h \,b e Ga.r fi elll rot~r9,)" Vi'll" I~t Way flle l dull ~ n d s l upld, .. ud iote r te riu g Parson Jobnson -De contrlbu ttou MSijllie ' To wu~hip Suud wit.b t be di~eBtiO Il nnd ll ~s lmll o tl o D tl y !:Iobo,,1 nas vill n ti n btl' "leS,; Sol t nrel v Machine Chews Money. dl. mornIng will be fo' de purpose ob 00 , ventlaD ,19111 oonve lif fuod . '[' his condlli on I ~ qui ckly ll e lit JODab! Tb ra Is a Ulllchi ll e In th e Un ited • -maklni up de deficIt In your Jlast.or·1I Rnn Baptist cb.arob r oliAve,1 b y hamber lain 's 'fabletl! , Ra v. D. MIlle r Stntes treas ury which cbews mODOY, ealaryl De oholr will now sing, and of thtl Uhrlstil ln cll'tlrob. Oht llluIl l le e va r ywllAre . ot Wil nnd WhOD Ibe old bllll! como In thl 9 will co/lUnue to alng, until de full ttllnllton , will deltver an Ilddre~8 . mOQhlne tilK09 good curo that U10Y lire amount · am collecte d!-Pucl l. You are oordial ly r lllJQest.e d LO b e not lu allY condlUon to be u80d t,lgIl ID. Th is I>lllltr n nl e gO(lR wi l b r ve r y I want to buy'y our First, 1111 t.he b\l1s are mnde In to [Illes, - "fl '. Jth;;. and Mrs. 1. A. Hllrtsoo k , of box of Dr . U ul'so[\ ' 9 · EO\lU Ulll (I I at. aDd tboslI placod In DOcknge S. Tben Wool hla own way." sa ia m and will pay m nt. Make~ n o dllY r e nee wh eth e r DAyton , wore 'uoday gneMIi of \If. tbo hills Bro sliced, so that ea ch Olle brother. "De only exercise be eve - .•• -- .lOll. W. DII VI R. Its a ohild or Rg d. No 111ul.. you the highe st Is In half pieces. Then the pllper III • lts Is follin' from grace an' atter he parelJtB, !Ur. .. -. " · - ··"rt Ky \e r h o w 101lg . llM ndl og tb e CU!!S t ho ground up 10 the macbloe. falls, please Ood . ho's to~ tired ter glt of Eut Main au . Mark h o llis good et . Price . • • CnL lint St, lhl t! ,. . up!"- AtIBnlo Constitu tion. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Grubb, of 8 ' I' rr\"\JI-t'~JIr.uIl: I! \ t, get!~ b ox Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'oara, of aae JetTer80 nvllle, IIDd ~' rllnk Bows. O'r r ~ lI y !lu 1,ls fi ed , t he d ru qg liit oF1tf!t'k Q~vton , s p~nt tlle wee K. e nd with Oberlin , were oulled here on Frldoy ~ r will r e ro nel ~'() u r In tluo.v . 'l'ry Ir .. ,, -- -- '" . n ehas Braddo ok anO Gift Above All. Mr. and Mr . w ime A f \UlJ u,. of la8$ weok on O<'OOUD t of tho Jll . t (lnoe, :r u ~vl ll b e h up pily sll r . Saudl1:\' witb tb e torm er'tI parents a. u,u. Jll.Bteod of· n gom, wo could cast Matrimonial Fellcltlu . lIerlouij lllooss of th eir hrother , prlsed . Dllun, Ohio . 'Oil, why dId I ever marry youT" Milton Bowe, ot olhors: oIll~ 'AA..'!Sht I~~o. l~~~art wb o at this writing is llecaule I 4ldn't know any betler." - th uoght to be 80Wf beUor Mr. and Mrs Frank 'ook aod nngels glvo.- Sol octed. .. Ibe Life. daught or , Mllude, of Route 4, spen' Clark Burll8Sa, ODe ot our plooeer tl uncl a y with Mr Th omas Laoy and oltlzen!!, Ip ve ry !\erloud ly \II. Wa)\1e.svllle, Ohio f,unll y. ' J. W Kible r, of New WlIShio gl on, Camera In MilItary HI,tory, Mrs B e nse Dro ke II nd da.uilh tel·s. Valley Pboue 13li Oblo, lind Jonll~han Morris, ('I f nf R oute " , eojoyed Easler with The Crimean war UIlW tile camera TllIln, Ohio, trRn@l1otell bll slne s~ In orllt used as a recorder of military Mr. flu d Mrs . 'b II H, EtiR~o n And Mr. Bud M r8. Albert Url1ke, our olty l,u!t wee k. O)n o f E r " nklio s pen t 'u ud rl Y with Mr@.J ohn Alleo undf~ml\yaftor history. Tho dE!vlco wos but 16 yeora Prepldn nt JolY, o f the WlImln i; t on H Mr. nn u Mrs . A . D. E L ~to n. [\ wee k's vlelt with her parontll , old lit that time. oollege preneht 'd at the ~'r1elJel '8 DR. J. W. MllL .ER. Fred G rn y . of 1:lilr VrYRbu q; spent Mr. and Mrp. Asbury Bill baa reohuroh t;l1n<iay mornin g to 1\11 iu to he r h OUle. 'outlay wi th fri euds her e. HUBBAR~ t(lre8t~u uu a lence. Preaohf o8' at Mid dle IttlD oburch Mr. nnd Mrs. W . A. . N ull, 80n Rnd ...DE NTIS T••• Eaater HElrvloeh : at M. E . ohuroh Sunday were well I\ttl'nde d .. nel ,ho IllIng bter we re La bl,n on v is ltof8 ItI!\t 80tar IBY anf1 Sunday by Elder Bollllrd of Blanoh ester . 'ruelda y, omce In program WDB we ll carrltld out !l.Uonu nuk BId•• W.YUeftJlle, 0 Mr. Rnd Mrll. Joseph Baines moved Mrs , Buunoll AUll son Dwig ht Some flDO bas8 la bemg oaagb't In w ro S u ndllY guest!! of Mr . IlDd Mrs Into th eir propert y in Wayoe svllle onr stlBllm . PORRE NT last TUU1 l! d~y. '[' 1£. B .. l'o ba r t ' J08. W. Davl! tron8ao t ed hu!!in688 Mr . F rlfDk Hawse hI ellllhtly 1m M r8, C. 1:1 tltnbur t b R~ hee n visit. a. the Uoun~y ~el\t BlltordllY . ing · IVlr rln u j;b t er, Mr. \\'11111\111 pro vAd (\nd WRHo b le t o Iltte Dd meet. MI .. 08R AnMon, of Wilmln ll t on , Loig hty. iug IU Ht i:ialurda y fO l the aut tillle OUSE with good barn and big epenUl nnday IJI/lht with her Jlurtlnl~ 10 DltiDY weol.s. gllrdoo, Inquire or Mrs . H . • Mrs . F . R 08 n ll~ l o ot Vllnd Mr., .. nd Mrs. A. 8. An80n. nlin ' Mn. Dlok Climp he ll nnt l d ot "Kl t. F . Devlt', Pbone No. SU: '"pen t Rov(1rnl d ,IYS In twea k \vitb Mr. and Mrs. A. ~. An!on we r o her P tr e nt,s I,er liele n are th e gUflslI! of ber h re. weet.en d IrlltlKt.S of ·Mr . Iloet \\trs. MI ' B;lI io I!:v nnB!!)) fntth e wee k m o th e r and fllru l ly vf Wllyne 8vllle Morrill t'harwo od, ot Wayn osvll ie. lit the time of this writing . end io 'In clnn~tl. .• MrR . li:ll1ma &1118 speot SIII,u r d" T Mr. and Mrs . ·A h Evail81\0 1 dangh. FOR SALE Mr.ond Mrs . ,\I\JO rt Me r ritt ond aod !:IuudllY with Mr !lllel Mrtl. f!ltll ily of AIlfv(1y ~bu r gl' p a n l, SUlld ny tRr, Boleo, of n6111' Uenterv llie vis II'loyd Alld llr8n n, o r X, I1 ltl Hed with IItr . li. C. Dakin nud with Mrs. U ~ "' Merr itt, The Hl o rk VIRi t(·" iIlr n n!! MrN J fn,m ily ooe dl\y Illiit weelr. UTU~-l i!: M. F.,5 pl18 ; lOver. M,r. an d lIre. FrllD k Vtl n Metet Bllwiltn o Boga n on K\' ndIlY and Mr . lind Mrs. Ed Uook Bnd family, A land. Glpfl!l ; L T op Spring Wag of 6ree n T r oD, w e rll th e Il ues ts of broal!h t t o tbeul '1 t on, plJ11Dd boy, "People ' Who Act th' H.pp'el t May' HavlI th' Mo.t TroubCe.. A Mrs. Cla.yton F08te r aud Mr. and ou; t Pbaeton Buggy. J . M. Ohl1p_ .. Mey Mothe,r . ; . .IS. All Llf. an' 8un'.h1tte In th' o 0' HI. A.aoola te., Felle and lion both are doing well ; r810ti ves he rll o n d ot )' III s~ w e k Mra Wul ter \) .. lIln spen' .. n' Brooct aleo Ellstor mao, Wayne8 vll\e, Uhlo. 0010 Mrs. W. A. N ull ' . ( WIlen Alon. B.caul. He Look, LIke th' DevIl-I n a Ore 'he rather. Mr8. H . I;] Sooday with B U. Dakin Knd fam •• Suit." , WilAon H.nd Mi tis Alloe " Hure spont ily Sunday belo", a oloeda. y 'he IIntoATE SEE D PO l'A TOEt! - rbeee ~8 kin believe' eT8r'b~dd¥ ..;,. taUt troubles Ihould make UB all tb' more mobllla '. trequfln t.ed our town Sa turtluy ntte rD oon with Mr. aod ,. veraged beUer thlln 301) bu. In haln'1 notMn' thal's all equally reconcil ed t.' our ' owo, 1-et UB drove8. A few horse8 Bali bn!!gl ll~ Mrt! .B e nry UI!llrlh Illst yellr; study olao good .eed ooro lD' IIU.t...lbu,t ed In this lito as trouhle. eT' weU tJ1' beautifu l <lpUmlsm M.rtl. K tl r Oru h llln of LyLl A, ware 8een to }l"~>1 . ~brongh wbloh q :lIre of Leon S. Salisbu ry, R . D. 2, 0' , ·"u';, ,", ~.1...rlt)i~4dly·. got It. It It haln't tllrU"l Rober~, v isi ted r flllli i ves b e. e (l ue Il.I Y I!lst th' IllboreJ', In th' ole, undyln' 100118 very 8lrH.DRe I\t this time WaYlles vllle, Obl~ . , 1010 BO out ao' hunt fer It till thlr~ l'eader story, ' when be 8ays: h t. @altl thnt we are to h .. ve weAk . Sometim es ~ feller'lI "Well, tbon I muet BUP t'nlght aD an anolher garllile BFoun8o they oont.lln t.he best )Iv Mr. Hnd I\Irs . Warre u .P Il Il OO hnv o antl n o d Ollbt It wl\l GOtl-M l\rnmot b Pekin Duok for wee!la without an), .au' onloll. · La8t ·night f had nOlbln'. It mako nnr ~OWl\ ver y popnltLr Il.nt ong relu~o o r1 h om o o.f tor spe nd in g tb o a r 11161110111 11/1, P O IDn&ter how bitter EggII for ellIe, 50 cents per eet. Cueohould fn a whole batCh. or nnU SORtlog for the will mako no dllreren ce with me 'be lulomn hlle fan olers s'weet augar wintor ill DIl.vl.OIlIl . Fla. b••xercid o,111tlog blrl es tbe tash. Dr. King'H tlng InquIre or Mrs . J. B Oh u p. Its wa, ''It' th' llIlI, t'morrow wbat I hue bad t'day." 80 M'!' . lIn(1 Mrt4. I!:d \V OJd Wlln llllld N ow Lifo 1'11111 oontlLln man, Waynel lvllle. Ohio, R. D. l:!, when ""ceIDr: ahoy Wll8 wHh u~ I08t week iIIl:n,sllon ,IlDloD,g th' elmB all' th' sayln', h6 trudged 00, ,Ingln' al Ingre(lIen&e iny (ork".poo.. . betore. very mnoh reatod after bls rRmll y wt1 r Cl I·he !{l1l'StS I!r Mr. unrl tblll; (Jut the liver ~:~~:;;i;b{el;;:~ In m3 dumps. Tb' Bmllln' .<PrOleoted by Ad~. Nt"'"lInP IIl' 8ervlee.) 100.log w01klng , move and laney "'Mill vaodlo u In Jj'lorldll. . . Mrs . W ill . 'lov nger OLl e dflY Ills t tb e bowe lll fre!:' ly. No grlpo, no ... well·aro omed man 0' pioce. 10 tIt.1 weflk. oxtrll good mar Il8.. 1 wI t h foal. they alWAY, bear nummll. nld digesti on . Just try a SloslY loafer that Gree!c. Tre.,ure d Aly"um . Inquire Mrs 0110. ot I. Satterth waite OJ:. G rlL h o rn (\ o d 11Il Uf(h. hohl ll.or Or . King ' s New Lifo Pills the I amOllltrademad: , pool room door an' tb' Ancient GreeD tboulbt the t~ r ,llf L .,, ~I f' , ~ Jl u o t Tllnrllll ny with .ind n!ltio ';}€,\(W;;;1['-;~1~;~ with ten children all tora of Bweet alYSBum had Bome~nceB­ bow muoh better you Phooe 1-1;1 lX, Waynes ville,Ob )o, pow· Mr. Jlnd Mrs 'hil S. · l'b ol1l\l~ o ll . t e l. 2[,0 nt yo nr Druggis t . er to atop hlccough a ; also to cure 103 The pain and !lDrimea ! el\.nsed by Mrs Ulnre nOil ()r o~ l tl.V a nd M I R mad doga. It tho Greeks wore right, bruises, aver.ex ertl on .. ,,'" s t.rainlog El\zllh th tloh llfl rtJr EC(}ND Eland Automo biles tor W!lre the HUD. the ftowllr has changed .Bomowbat. dnrlng house oleonln g tllllA lire Sule, 1 Ford T ouring Car lIlla whlC'h 'tamp' 1ht-1'I"I the no' About tbo only thing It 18 U8ed tor lIoothed awav by Siolln 's Li nime nt. day gUllS I s of Miss Be r th a . ·t,('llhe n . $32G. 1 Ford Dl'liver y $370. 1 Pullulntt n Olte r, l i1 ¥II' I"I " led now III to decorate a gardeo horder, a No need to lIutTer thlll Agony. .'a~t. son. "laiC. 1'0' OYrr 6 0 ftl l1 ml1U Road8to r $3uO S~odElb"k e r B<:Ir~h el Humbe rt epeu t- th B poSI window box or "1847 ROGERS BROS" bllnglng ·basket . It apl)ly IoIlollll's Linlwe nt to tbe A!lre Roads&e r ')175. liupmo bllo Touring , U-;;;-h\ts bC!t11 ,;,Sl In tflt:! do08 more than decorate , . too. Jl8 "pota, rub 'On1y a IIt.tle, In ~ short wee k n t Lobnll ' n. . Car wltb etllrter und eleotrlo lIgbt.s ht!~ l t of die !lOIri(jlc~t l~ ' M4 fragranc e bas made It a favorite p( time the pain leaves, ,on rt'8t OOIll_ Cbap. Bnd Ar t hur W ood of OilY l-'1l1KI" of ilJ wu ,lnJ,l qlulily. a:~CO ~Ud800 Tonring Cllr $850 . woclt:m tuhi~ l. n d . tho bees, and al80 glnll It Its name. fortably aud enjn·y .. ro reijhlng t oo, were the "nfl8ts of Mr lIod Mr". Mr!l . ,I. R. Whltao re Who ball UhalOle.r8 '.rotlrln g Car ,S60. If yon SOld hy I r ldln ~ du ' e:rt The lIow,er h .. another nsme-m ad sleep One ~rattlf.ul U8er writes : E(I UMl'oe tillt urd u.v . . rl'.: ' rw tu~ l e . Sud lor nitabeen vory ill show. IUght algnl ot w ..u, to buy a rellH.ble u8etl car It 1UEUt! he_I., " ,dVI", I"1 a ll wort; 110 called, probably , . rl'!l~ .f.he "Bloan'l I Llnlo.nentl8 worlh it8weig ht Illlprov enl e n~ . will pay 'yon ' to Investig ate these .. Greek belief that It cured d011l ot ~lIell' 10 gold." K~p II boUle on hllnd, . 'l'bo 01,1811 pl~y "The De~r ' Bo)' before yon bnv. ATLAS MOTOR It IJ"OWI -low, with tiDY ule It Hgllinat all orllneR~, Neurn I:lrlldlll1to, " will be given ' In thtl CAR COMPA NY, SeooDd &u'd, LudwhIte hloeBoma In IIplkes at ",e ~OPB gla and BrnI8B8. Klll~ )ll\ln . 250 at How It Worl,s Out. . mIll 'I'own UIIII SaturdH.Y evo'Jlng , April low, Dl\y&on, Otlo, of Ute IItemli. your First Druggis Coal Dealert . "How lUuch Dr06t ~9 th·. . .. F10wera of the alyssum ' are "ot all are you mnklng on a ton now'!" Soc· ~ Tho 100oOl1111ureate Bermon 19111 be w:hlte. There I, one Wallet, with ond ConI Donler-- "'l'won ty·llVO pe~ Rose Oomb Highesand t exhibiti on "'rf«ht yellow ,I\owen whlcb blolBom l (lont." " Wby that's a gool1 deal more prenobll el May 7'b by Rev••oUlure, 8OIen~lfloa\1y ItIa$ed. 'EgglIquality hall . of T.he XODla. LIngerin g Doubt. , early' In ttlll Iprln•. l11an 1 lUll mnldng." "But you s all' to p~los lll, 1100; ' 100; 15.00, Call aod One reoson tbe enthusia stic bene- the \ . Mr, anti Mra. Ollne aud 4aullhte r1 rlcb In large lots. . 1 BeH to the l'O(lk, Miller propert y. Main Bt, dict who urges all . hla bno~elor poor In ·palltuls of Dayton were 1i:uaer lIuMte or. !'-LICe. . 68.. Harry H . Wadsw orth, frIends to "come on In, the water'8 Rev. ~QlHtf and family. WaJlo8B vllle. Ohlo. U, ~,A. a2G line" doesn't win converts , .IS the . 'l'be solioole Ill, onf village and K1've doubt In tlielr minds .wbelqe r I tOWD8h1p 0) 080 May 5th:.. be speaks as frankly to them 1111 to TOVES -Good Raolle, good g~8o­ Mr, Je~,e Baker ' w bo 'wuope rated hll beoedlctlne.-!I111waukee Journal. Une Raolle aDd 10od. ~Ilk tip"" on for .ppendiol~11 III 401n& 01081" er, Inquire " ·'htl offioe. a~ The M: P.ohur oh held 'hllir an. nual Ells'er market saturda y Dl&h& ERlO OORN- l'lot1, nloe, yellow wJ;iloh was a great IUOaen . Don't Want to Give HI I88<l corn for lISle, IDcjulre Mothers are merolfl' I . Mrs, V. &ar~ook Iloderw en' Ch..: Smith, R . O. I, they let cblldren cODtlnl1e ,. uellev. opelratlo n at 'he McClel len hOI- Obio, ph0081U-a~. ' ID fathers 8S long as P088Ible.- l'fllw ~he Ii dotnl alae York Iilvoolng SUD. 1'11,y CoIY. haUdra '* • .a_aD d ~tl:'l~=::'~;':'18 Ylatttn i . all nlht, . for lIde. Inquire 11)1 • tbtI ~-t.~~;; ~ PRIL 26. 1916

An' Easter 'Praise IIPtl~li~::'S '



.i . . . . . . . -:----....-



Mr . Ilud II1rtl. TO Ul









J. B. Cha pma n







Ohio Fanners' Realty Co.

----- ..




Call Me .by Phone


B~ntl¢y ·



Ola BslS ed Ads

H. Ever~art;


Pap er Han ging and Pain ting...

Co rwi n, Oh io


- --

.. -----


Fam ous Silv erw are








----- ..- - -







---... ...---

S lNGT~lI:


Redl- ~:::::::=~=:==:~,






d a h'g lin III'

C '('JV

, .and Mrs. J. B. Chapman ell' tert~med al .a 6 o'cl ck dinn r Wed. nesday evemn~, Mr. snd Mrs n II K lIv, Mi .. \ ada Ic \:,iwr>l ;/1 'a fl, i Mr . E. D. Ha ll y ..

r Ihe O(lUP lry "'" .t or!lllt g~n, \\'fl~hirl~1 II. Idaho, .\l ollr nil , e""dll, Qa. e • ~II ICQ. Texas? W,," , to know 'lIIet hinl! !looul ta':'n.-oPpclrtuDi.tlcs. rtlil'I).,d mu" . f "u lt S, .1I1/< ' moh ilc high. "rl. 0 S,~6()rls.l'rlC\!~o(I:"\<I . "' i br, dso[ (nulliu'. Ol<:.? W.t.JIome /'I!1.ble inf<lrfualioD ub/)n1flll),

~~lt~'\ ,

-- - -

ll', oo, b~sill~ss " ' kl\8 w !,1I . ,b~ut I hi!;'ilic SII)I'" coulllr)'. S,,,,. ~I Mo ... me.s tla~ . ne h •• nu t 'lllI .. 1 lU ~", in,· . rvfiectlllll' Ihe life or I h~ ceU."I'y lind g,vlng nccurulc IIlIorm" l i III cent·c,";" , its Il wwlh OD dc"elopl!'CIII . Send Itt C~Uls Co r. S ""ple Cfl P),O[ III1SCI ~I • . illdn lIod ",!.nlo u. " IClte~ tlSl"",~ (<If \\h.l te\·,·r infunnflliull yu ucJ~ . • re con~rnlll~ till)' stille III tl,c \\Ie I .

. }jest. Work Shoel! on earth Libn, Dr nJ, al Myer HymlUl:s.'


. Mr . ~ H'y CI venger, of pring \'1111 Y• .I~ lit But!St of her ister :\tl'll. Ail e Hawke. :


.r.!r. alld Mrs. Vern H nll~ 1t -m .. r, tnmed ,fur Ji nne r 'unrl y, M · ;~ncl ~rs. &I . Hough, Mr . tlnrl 1r Ch,,; , M':I ell nnu son, M 1'; a mI III r~. \\,<,[, IUlres and sun .

Mr~. · ora Ha rrill, who all lit til I winter ill Calif mia, haa r turned to her home i n Harveysburg.

For Fine Floors


-' , MI'~' Ha.rriet Smar l , who has been Mr. and MrR. Fnmli \ rigilt and here ! u nlt~ver!ll w ('ks, returned to daughter MilUl May enterluin d at , h r home II! mclnnati Monday. SAN FRANCISCO Sunday dI nn er Mr. a nd Mrs . ' hor. man Rogers. Mr. Aenens Rogers Ilntl Mr. and. Mrs. J . , b:. Janney, Mrs. : How(!11 Pierce a nd Mitll! Elil.abeth R v,. and Mu. D. H . ! nllUlJ r and ; CarruJl were In Dayton Tuesday. falmly. - - -- !'1r. and Mrs, AI/en l<ihfN nter· tamed,John at Segnle l..:s terand dinn !LillI an t e rIIlJi;;'l and spent Mas· Mrs. son .r ofMr .oZRlI. ,umeo Ite. Nutting of Dayton. dale. Mr and Mrs. Charlev Taylo r IUI!t I et!k flL Lbe home Qf SeUi Cook. of ol umbu~ . Mr . and Mr~. Halpl; ~lr und 1.1r>l J . H Coleman Mr' . The Fiv Point- Local No. 24 of the Houst.on. of 'p.r ing Vall ey . Mr. ultd aud Mr Fred Hellller>lon and da' uah F armer'·B Edfuca t Ion!, ' j on d C ·opera· Mrs. Kible Clarence EdwaFrdsSIr. lr. andd 1rs ' '1 ~~ .. Guy r IIntll" ill, 1 .. 1: 1' UI I<I' M r~ L) , L C rane we re Day· tl ve UllIon.o America . will hOld an f . 'I f tl i I" •. . 11lrWOl) anJ I. Lo n VI. Ilul'S TuesJay aflernoon open meetlllg Wednesday May 3 , anti y. () I ~ P a .t!. 1916 a t the Five Point School Hou~e: The swni'~l1n~al mee ting of the --~ - . -' . . • -. C. 1'. Hawke and ern Halvke are Brother Peter Borntraeger. Bus. Chnton Baptist Sunday School Con . C n aturclay ~\ enHlI{ MISW .ra ce I~ 11 10 DO' n~ IC I)S I itl I layton lod ay calling on J ohn W M~a.ger. will give an addre.q~ on the lvenlton. tpe YO\l"1l !?e?\Jle's society, !!rman .entertutn.eci a fe N of h 'r ! s . " "". ' . lI?owk.e 'who wa ' operuted on at the pr.mclples of our orde r and how this land the \'\ omen II MISSIOna ry society ~fend3 In an Informal manoe r. ~rl llln~!l) c.l.u"I.1I ,1.,,11 ,I. I . ( ,coo. ,\ It nil Valley 11 spillli yetttcrday t~r a .season o f m e r rimt!lIt anu . ~ ./ . . 1.11':·~II'I<'l\ d';I" . .1'r, ·I!I· hing a l . will ~n efit the farm ers by co_l wall .hel,d with theJonah's HUll chllrch operating. This organiZalion not AIml ]:::'lh and 13th. An IIIIU ually m mlle, hght r 'freshm ~nts Wl' l'll ,IO ';,:U U) ~.I~tor Iirlllll'In.1-.1Il1 nvor \VOl . H Drown of ~eymour. Iowa. P ' Ill. J\1 ('llIhly I1l pe llllg Well· anJ Mrs lI elt of Imlianapolid a re only helps the farmers from a busi. str(JIlg llrogrnm had I een a rranged' served by the ho~t,s". fhe guCSIR .tl n~ standpoint but a social s land. e ight PlUltors of c'linton were. the Mi ~~es Hazel lind Elsie II '~ /1)' al l,tI:;)1I a •m. . I he g ues ts of Charles Brown. :rhese pol.nt also: "Ou r motto is unity." assoclal lon, Rev. Vernon Phillips of Gust,!l. U!latrl ce II Uln , Hazcl Rill'y .Vla ry L. ~Inrtlll. I a~t(lr. brother hllll no t. een (Ouch other for ThiS meetmg will ' open at 7:30 lind C~l urnbu s; R. W. D. Kies of J{i~gR and Cecl!lta nook. -.. YUUI·S. and thei r visit togeth'r now hus . · Sumner . . ' 1\. E. CtIUl~CH i n IIery J,Jl easa nt one. ' we woul ~ like .to have all farm ers Mills; Mra Hev. and. t~elr fam ilies t o a ttend . No Brown, Mrs,. .Sheluon a nd Miss . . ' _ adml!lSIOn charged. Rcaheu . of Inclnnati; and Miss Zoe ~lIl1d:l.I . cloulIl !l: I:. u. m. jJreuen. / HI:! I' rlends Hoan I ~ und ergo ing ======-=-==~=-:== Barnthouse; of lhe Ohio .Junior B. 1111,[ 10.1 J'~"t" r at .1O. :JIl. In tht' ' vcn . a lhol'?ugh. rcmuvaliun. The whole _ _ _ of P . .U. Eyery appointee was pres. I~~I! ~I , :.,(J :. St'I:1 ,(' ,.,, ~ all I he ('h ure h hou ~c IS, uelng' Ilall~red ontl painLed _ __ _ _: -_ _.:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _... ent with an Ins tructive lind inspiring .. " ,II.ll l.I.H! 1",Jj U1 lh~ III t" r RlS of tI'l' ! J . b . Janney receiv ed the cont ract •., • a~dress and every moment wa.'1 filled . \~1I Llt uCln Ll'agu Thr, IlII.' t' ti ll),C over M<>veral cOlllpetiliv billd 'r~ with po wer and joy. It was a g reat n 'J'hurRdny evening. A ril " tl wi/l to .a".'l1'e,,_ 'J .b · £tnl' . .' (; OJ{ anJ 0111 ~isseltline IlnJ his f orce of J pleasurt! to meet the new l,llll! lora 1916. at 7:30, a charming 11~'dJ I~" g den. 01 ~ IhCI I',ft I, Let th· whol t' Ill"n are J Olllg the work. ,.. Rev. J ohn amuel. of Hillsboro. and was celebrated at t he hom e r Mr "Otnlll\JI')tt y UP r!r~llt Rev. ~Vootcn. of I3lanchester. Thefel. and Mrs. Cliff Maxw ell of nCllr BOIl: l,;lar [lee . I"r u er . Past r . , I he ~I. us Ann.a Vandervoort. IOW8hll> was delightful. Our minds brook when their d a~g ht er M'. . ~I.a rla ::ilull t. Hen rietta McKinsoy . ~"'" w~re sto red with lh e Hig h and Holy Ruth ~ecame the bride uf J:lc:~b CtIRISTI ,'\,' CHURCH LI~ I Denham . Grace ' rman, Alrn~ ~v . things of G.Od and. the love of God M . e redllh. ailio of near Jjellhrook . W~ler~1 .ll~ll. VII~la. i\1c!'herson tlnd WI~S shed ab r oad lIl .allo ur Htla rls The rooms were atlnlclively dec . . BilJle 'hllo l!l: 30 a m. Comnllln· L1t MI ,~ r~. \y. I 1)t" lg el, A A". fh e ch urch. measured u p t o its usu. orated in poll ed plunts anJ ClI t Ion and sIl{'ia l rn lil1,IC 11l ::{O1l m !~ol d. all~ (,J ''''.1 .•luhnH at te nded r ..-..~ '>~ a l generos.lty In e ntertainment and a l. flowers . As the bridallJ:lrty ntared Ghrislilill I!:ll lr:u\lOT. 7:(11) IJ. Ill' I cuc!,,'rs \ ~ OC IAtltJIl a t Leballon ~ together It was a meeting leaving Mrs. I van Luckey. sislel'of the brid ' Wedn eslf~I~' !!" ''llllllf, ;yra.l' :Ird . "l'a~"'1 l a~ l ;-,atunlay . sthren~th and comfo rt with every played the wedding march. !{e~ : !l.l!!~tt!l~ I: :lD. Lt.'sson JlI in T~3c l \el - - - - - - - -c ristlan worker present. . ~ . ~ . Palmer read the )Iuptial s el" ! J'Qttil 11 g, at 8:'10. Ev ry hl)J), inl'll· SUNSET MAGA,·Z IN E SERVICE BUREAU

.!!.!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!!~~~ ------------------------_--1 rl[ARMERS' MEETING





For OM Floors




No. 61 Floor Vnrnis!l -Tlt i~ cannot 'be lJelltf"1I for f\lo w ar an be wlIl!hed wi 11 soap nnd hot water.

A co~t ot ground Ctllor - til cont of V rnical . i·Jf' aud your /loors I olt like m IV.


Fo rPorch Floors

l' GES '

Lowe Bros. l>or cll' FI pro~ecl:E! against w or weather.

Mellotone A Ranitary wall c~lVerilJg lha mukes Yl>ur home bright apd ch ee rfUl; can be easily cl eall~cl when soiled. ,





I "

WllU~ S




Sunday, April 30 $1.-00 ROUND 1'RIP F'r om WayneSville.

8 06 : a. m.

· - A.. K.




Ruth ' Elizab h H . . daug hter of E e+ d a~y ~r"tant n 191/a dad~by , WIIS born Aug~8t u an led !!r~!!'!!~~!!'!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!~ .Ma r clJ 26 ,1 917 after• an illness last . 109 but a few days. " I The presence of · t h is little one whoselifeuDon earth Will! so soon end. ed brought much 10vean~iI\ill({)e .' to lt1:9JllmlfecJan B ali no more be heard in our midst. our g rlef.bowed . hearts turn to t he Give r of all good gifts whose wisd far abol'e our underst.andlng. This li ttle blossom Are buying ' kinds of LIVE STOCK and pay· was fair and in her purity and un· sull ied innecence t he ~eaper has . ing highest market pric;e seen fit to pluck th e flower for t rans · , We arepaying tb.ehigh- planting in His celestial ga rd en and those whose soj ourn here below· is est cash price for yet for a littl e while. will often turn mind and heart to the Home beyond t he. grave and more and more strive to 80 live that bye .and bye the family circl e mar again be comPlete. Father, mother ene broth · be delivered at Corwin er and two s iaters are left to mourn their loss. '" ' . CALL "The l.s mbS H~ galher'i WIth His arm. r·. No grtef, no s m, no death can harm. Office Phone No. 46 So safely folded on His bre8iit, Res. Phone No. 48-2 F orever and for ever blest.




& Sf ~eterso . n . OOpS














i i·



To -============== I



• -+

"ASTED' MARKET t n A.SUCCESS ~~~en~d:~d " , WALTER MeCLURf , ; .


best wtshes of a host of

Funeral I)lrector. Waynesville

Diamond St.udded Violin'

lows: : Waynesville Cor porntion ............... 55 • E ~ t Wayne .. .............................. 7 : ' I West Wayne .. .......... .................. ] 2



The Easter Mllrket held by th e Prof. ;has' ('h mnH!1. oI l,;i noin. : . Total .. ...... .. .. ... .... : ............... 74 !lali 0 , !lU I I vi olinist and ('onlPo~'r In Ea t Wayne prec inct , but ene Dorcna Society was a great s uccess firlaricially. the preceeds amounting will' pl~Y /)11 IIi. val u"I)' , 1i00n tI VUlel' bq ide the six members of lhe -EITllERto 145. Or. E lhs mad.:! the Society a The a shes of .the late q. M. Ham . stuJd rI vit,ltn fr UIT! (j:311 to 1:1:30 p m , 110 1'(1 iliad' his ap pearan ce at. the Auto Equipment handsol1}e donatio!! of a onc . ~undred. mill. who died r ecently In Chicago. at I he ~flrr i s i{u i!d'ir1If.I:V.CI'Y eVI!llin g pilI!, ullll in West. Wayne precinct Hor.e-Drawn Equipment dollar bIll. for willch the ladlea were will he brought here and interred in I'1'0f. ~cl\Cmllll;ll ls a:3st!!ttng the M " . half Ili t he LOla l vete was cast by very thankful. This made the entire Miami cemetery n eit Saturday ! sical lJemo l1!!trlltion given by the lhe board . . . , proceeds of the day H45. of which afte rnoon at 2 o 'clock. , A short se r. J o hn Shi llilo P iano Co. , of incill' The rea~ons asSigned for lhe lig h t · NIGHT the Society is very prou d. vice ",ill be held at the g r ave. nati.O nellS of t he vote are the f acts t hat D lI. Y OR . __ ~ _ everybody was bu sy and very few - ---- ---.- , - --~. - -_.. . ev Ii kne w that the electiot;l was to be held . The shE' rill' did not publish h is usual proclamation, nor was any legal notice of the e lection published in any of the ceunty papen.

Our " After.Easter" showing of wearing apparel for Men Boys, Woino and Girls surpasses even our pre. Easter displays, as Monday's exprcss lind freight brought new Suits, etc., for the Men's and Boys' Dept, ancl New Dresses. Wallts. Skirts , etc •• for the ladies' and ~\isses' Dept. · We have put forth special efforts for all those who were unable to dQ their 's hoppIng before Easter. Our stocks wcre never more complete tha n now

SUITS- La test pring Models and Sh ades, Serges aud Checks , $12.50 to $ 1!).75. MISSES ' AND JUN IOR DRESSES- In .:J,u,"!,o;"" els, L ingerie, 'N ash Dre. cs, $3.98lo $17.50 SKIRTS - Light, navy, b lnck, RT WAIST- Vaile or Lingerie, Silks • 98c to $5.00.


. -.


Head to Foot Outfitters for the Whole Family

For Hugs , Wall Paper , Pumilu re. L ice Cur· • 1aills Shade ', Slo \'c" Groc rics, Ell:. l

MEN'S SUlTS-Fresh 11 w Suils , hand·lailoreu , guaranteed to g'ye good sen-Ie : F:lllCY Weave or Osw~go Serge , $ 12.50 to $ 11 ,00. NEW HATS. Shirts, Tie~, Coll ar::> , Und.erwcar, te . BOYS' SUITS- Fine aLl~ wool Suit..· J2; ray , hrq~vl1, tpixtures, light or dark. all sizes $a. 15 t $ '. 5U. NEW WAIST BLOUSES ,' Wash Su its, Hals. e lc., for the boys.

When you think of S llOCS think of Fred's Sho De partment .. All kinds of for big folk , little folks, old folk: 1 youn g folks, work. dr ss ::l1d play. sh oes.

11 0 5

FURNITURE The largest Furniture Departm nt in Warren Couil ly . Pred's Ftirnitilre is ' s;,l w-test furniture." Sto~es, Ru gc;, Carpe t, Wall Paper. You aTe invited lo look t hrough Qur FUl rni ture D!!· partment. Cedar Stamrs with -vet)' Uk: purcbue

III .........".


vice III t~~ presence of lhe immedi. a te famlh~. ' The bride wor~ !1 most becomingFER : \ CtlU I~CtA ~~wn ~ whldte Valle ve~y d nililily Sum.ltly . Aprii 30th. Bihle • chlSI,1 rlmm an wore brides rOile.. !Jt Lil t! r gUla!' hI/or ~}::l() u Ill., I'err ' 6r\~IlNl :rITe the c\>nvell lioDIlI ;thorn q. the efliciebt. sllp~rilltt'nc1ent , . . fC ' I 0 0 'pg t he cer-emon)' 811 Islead lnj.\' Ifle dlool in r.. IlIrgel' vis. In ~rma recel?lion was he ld during ions of 'unday School work 12f> 1 , which th e ~rld e and gro?rn we re W e;s0nL lu·t ' llnJa),. 11 confel"~iQlIs . It is our privilege lind pl easure to The Suwanee Hiver showered Wlt~ congratula tion. The EIiJoy the Oible School April 30th l11npollJlce to ou r p \Irons l hat Mr pres I endts refcelved were bo th bOUliti-J Communion a ndl ' \vorship fit " 0:4 'I I Eldredge wi ll be wit h • tu an use ul. a 111 ChrisLjan E d 7 ') ) I School H all~ An elegant weddln su ,. /11 ' h' /I eavor at :ul ,..u~u"""" orw-ork e3 all classes, ~~~~~~!"!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~!'!!!!!!!!~ri!;gi,~~ served in two courte; 't11~P~~ -:a9 1· t-:'~'t! re~c 2D~r..I!lJl,n~~~ '5 ' IYI-:t~ I lInd in the last t hirteen years he has ~ piece being a haslc~~ _~ ~- c~,'~H}:, . LI • . m1msLmg HI rc dmg . ~ol >i, lilletl more than twen ty· live hUlldr ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . and--Jv..y oath'ly With a pond lily in ~p~clal muSic. and a serm on to th l ! engagements. As thi~ is the last [he corner of each card . Illothe rs . Remember the date Muy num ber of our ceurse. we feel sure all Those pre~ent were Mr. and Mr;;. 7th . Moth IllaYPalll1~r Mini ter . want to hcar t hi s fam ous .i mpersoll' • Saml: ~ored l th. Mr. a nd Mrs . IVUIII . . _ _ _' _ . :\lor. alld clIn cornnumu him te ou r : Penmwlt an d Bon • . MI'. and iI~ ,.;. palr nl:l ali one of Lhe best. • Ivan Lackey, Mr. WIll Slruurl. !d'\,. T. \" . CH I CH W'dley lass 1\1. E ,. School. : a nd Mrs . R . Palm er Hnd Ml' First unda), afte r EMlor April ' - -- - - + - -: and Mrs. Chtf Maxwell . :~Oth, Sunda.I' SdlOll l at %10:1. m.; I • • - - - -Mur ning PI'>\I'cr IInri s rmll l! ilt lO:aO The E;\~t .. r rnt1 ~ic will be repeated . t U this sl'rvif'l' . In the ufte rll oun li t" I o'cillr k \ h 'canta ta. " ~a..,te l· I'ra iae," •• will R)!,ain he g i·,en. 811eryuc dy il l' Ye~lc rday (r ue.~day) the VarlOl! S II'it " to t l\!l:l(} servic s. I e lecft()~ bea rd ~ gathered at their - -re~pcd l ye polhng places throullhout • The marriage of Mi3S Nellie Mur· the . late of Ohio and \Vent through • phy to Mr. Morris Hunter. both of Lhe formaliLy of holding an electio n near Ferry. was so lemnized 0 11 to el ct delegntes to the Republican ThU:rsdbY evening , April 20. l!)lfj, i.1 nd Demo ratic National and State at 6 o 'clock . by tile Rev. p . H Convent iOIl and to gIVe Lhe vo ters a Palmer lit the home of Mrs. Marl' - -chance to eX)lI't:S9 thei r prefe rence Caskey. on Third street. .' 'l'he anllLlal P' l' ir\h III ' ct in will 110 for presiden tial nominee)!. A very The brine wore a mo~t becoming held In 't ~ht"' ;H chul'ch gMondal' mull I)ert:ellta~e took advantuge of gown of old r ose silk . 'fhe gro\IOl e\l(' lling I t "·;,\il l;~ e lect \ or lens an(l lhi oP\lortu nityand those 11'110 did : w~ r~ the conve~tion al black. 1\, r. Ve~trym 'II '(~'r ui l)g' yeU I' usd t he. lo . "HV~ on l~ endorsed the ; Wllham 30n. a frumd of . the groom, transactio)) li e' ~U d1 I)lhtl r bu il\es.~ a~ I:>tares which had ueen prepared by waB groomsman and MillS Hun ter, may c nil' b 1'111'0 thal hudy. A fu li I tI ei r I'espt!cti~e sta~e organization.s : sister ef the grool1) , was bride3maid .. flU ndall c'~ d "lIired. .' III Wayne 1ownshlp. seventy ·four They will reside on a far m near John F Cadwallader . ! I'?l!lr::lLUrned out, um l .these w ere F:err.Y. They l)av~ the congratula· l{enol' 01 't. M ry 's church . dIVided amon", th~ preclDcts Ill! fol·




--ALl' RE ,


~ ~o eaves

--FOJ Other Home

' .



Special Train L

, ..

.S. ·Fred Co.

Lebanon, Ohio


.Whether it be' Monu......·... marker or Flower.

Mrs. Ambrose' Decker. of Dodds. died at t he home of her broUler, Frunk Decker. at Leban ' n. last Wednesday. a f ter wldergoing an operation. The - funeral WIIS he ld I"riday a ft ernoon at th~ Utica church. Intermen t in Miami cemelery, Mrs · El iza J . Whee lan died at the Th.e Old Schwartz Shop on Mechanic Ntl~....t" .J..le,!t,l~~. home ' of h er son. J . A. Wheelan, (our miles south ,o f town, Monday Since 1859 aft erneon. The botly Will! taken to ·I ..- - - - - - . . : . . . - - - - - -.....----~~~~~~~:ii~ Belfas t, near Hillsboro Tuesday. and -. the funera l allCl intermen t teak place , there rrue~ay afternoon . Thos. Roberson. BOn of Mr. and Mrs Fayette Roberson. died at the latter's home Wednesday afternoon, after ' a long illness, The funeral wa' held Saturday morning at 10 o'cl ock. conducted bv Mrs RUB. Murray. Interment was made in Miami cemetery .

Late ' Claa1sified Ads







:-iixt.v-E ig ht l'r Year






WElJNESDA Y , MAY 10, 191()

A [) ERROR!'

to T A (jAME TO

E:. J , Arnold


urday ,



Mycr lI ymon w a~ in Cincinnati Al Lebanon Friday Wtll Tue, dny , Affair

in Leban on. Sat·

All Spring huts helow eus t at The Hl1t Shop


Llln ~


Mrs. \,;race L. Sm ith

wn ~

n. Vtl yton

:II I'· H. S. Ilowell \Va:; II Ci n nal I \'i,illl r :l1 " nday, Ill' I Jill. Os [(',)pallt. way. 1.... I. :I n"n . r Ihi".


l\'~ o p)· r h.:ht.}



-W0-0L' W'J\ NT E-0' ~ti~lf~i.ii~h~~~ ~~!~~l~ta~: =-=~--,,....,,.=--==-=-=,.......,====\


Bellutiful Fne of summer hats t o

ntlhl7 l



There was iln "iron Jaw " mall in town la~ t 'I'huI·!lday. nn(1 Iti~ severa l &tunts , w", re \Vilnes~ed b ' a IHI'j{C crowu . H(' 1I\)llt a lwu.illt'h pi ' C" ,.r iron in hi-; 1(' 'th . bl'nke nil' fi pi !; .. :, driven in a plallk , t 'l 'a n uul(l I' Iln over him, held a t ank ,, [ \\·u 0 0 his st (Jml1ch, ~ t(l l ll'9 11'\'rf' b rnl(('n ,." hi" !!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!__!!'!!!!'!!~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!! lit () nHI d I , II IH I ~e venti t' I II" r t hill \! ~ ! - -- that were t ruly hcadli ncp '1'1I' YOLlIIl! tnfln it0l Qlli lr> a ~ lIh ~ I 'II1 1.i;I : ufl" l'i nj{ al t h ~ (' I" ,:,· "r hi. II ·rf .. ' 111 ' anee .

G C has been en. Mis.'1 race ,arman ~ gaged as a teacher in lhe Primary '-' , ~~ ~ cleJlartm~ntof theCarli~l e. school~ f r •• the coming year. Thl3 IS a. deCIded ... 1 udvanrementtor thi!\young lany, all il "' aynesv III e, Ohio her many fri ends are proud of the Valley Phone 1:1I1 fact.


ENTERTAIN The Willing Work ers c1a s~ of the Sugar Creek Sunday School mel at the hom e of Marie Hartsock. Muy ,I. lllIG . T he Li ght BiJai e rs class uf Ferry wero invi ~ed to jilin wilh t hem, Games of various kind s were played and a good program was rendo retl At a late hour sli ced OrAnf(e ~ and bananas with two kinds of cake we re eerve(\-to about thirly g U , One Who Was Ther e.


Your walls call be made more s~llitary, as w·\I as more beautiful, by giving ~ h e III a soft tinted appcaranc;c with the mod ern. washable waH fini sh


. J~;~ Once appliNl , it hQldl'l tight to the wall, which means la~ting durabi'lity, and as fr>quent waJ1ings as yOIl plt'ase. This fini sh comes in soft, restful shadel'. Sold at

~ Hawke's Grocery



MADE REGISTRAR fOR TOWNSHIP D. C. Pemberton . of tho Bureau of Vital Statistics. Co lumbus, was in town last week, He mall e r.J. A. Zim· mermlln the local regislrar for th e en tire to\\'nship, thus auolishinl{ thiJ re/ilstru r at Corwin , This was uone for convenience, an~ is a hclp lo all concerned. _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _____ __ _

Charles Co rnell came home fr om wit h their hu s ellll'rluilled at till' h" TIlIl Dayton la~ t we k uri vi nlt a new r.f I\lr. I.Inr1 J\I I'H J . n. 'hU )1 ll1nn Sa xon automobile. MondllY (·'·l·lI inl!. " .j t)t) " Wit!'. Ihl' c1i· Peler B O l11t ra c ~~ r \\'/1 : the . pca l,er, \"t' I'~ i (j11 o f th" evelling'. Mr. and Mrs . W. H . All en and Mi ~ Olive Allen were Xe nia visitors ,111 (\ Made ~; lIrn e S tf "l1~ Mondl1Y aftern uon. I'o inl s It('v. :Inti 1\011'''. n, II Palm er. of F~rry , m lt! rtllill<,d llt Sum]ay dinner. Look in the window f Of CommenceMr. and M rs. I'l'Try I< cllrici< and 'ment !lull'ge!ltionB. J . P.. Janney . All (] '.' 11 IIw ~l i t\ g ,, ( Ih,' " i ' l! i',)i ,,! .1:luS! hl<r. I\ l i ~, 1:f'r: llI\ . 11·. 1111(1 !ta, Lncul (l :.!·I of 11t <' I,'. I '~ , &. (' V, W N, ':: f'al'~ ar,tI famill'. ami Mrs . Mrs. Er ll etlt Mi ller , of Greenl'i lle, of A , wa ~ i1 l'l d ~ l i1Y :1. 1:11(;. lit t he 1':f1wsl ~liIl {' r, .. f (~ r e p n v i ll (· . . Ohiv. is visili llg her broth!;r, Mr. W. Fi ve I'"i lll schou l Ii ., ,,s' IIl!ar Sprin),l ' N. St!llrs , anti flunil y . 1"'1'1) . Uhio. l're, i,l<1 nt l'a!)1 J{u ~ ,per l MI' ! ;. 1\1111')' \\, 1 ,,(> entprlaill<,d at III' 'II U the IlI L "'lln){ I,y in tfll,luclnlC Thc Morrow ChautaufJu a will ue Ih (' ~ I , e :l k,' r . I:ro l'pl('1' Bumt.raeJ{er. ~u'H l av dillner II I(' (.. lI owin!: j{u Cllls: opened AUgURt 14. Dccn rd ing to II hu ~ I\\' e U · a very 1111 ' l'esLi IiI/' talk Mrs. T')11I Million. Mi s.~ J\'J iltlr~ d 1\11\' plans laid by the Mor row ngsociati on "xpln i lli ' J~ htl \\" al l "Uler I,u s ines.~ son. !\Irs Cora M' C,Y, ~ I r s, '1'. C. nWIl a I" ' ur ~all i l.i ng- l'vun to th· · u"'min ~ s. Mr I Jona ld Clll1lntill ~" . a t It recent meeting. A fi ne p r oREM EMBER "\l'ml l;tack;;" Hlld "N CWM Hoys" II f X<'nia : Mrs. JU li a !icrl!un an I Mi8R I{ral1l is bei ng arranged. Then he w ~ n t ,!l ·t o 1. ·11 ub( ,ut ' 0 111 J-:.\ ~· lha Macy. Mrs. Mary Tatman, of the Priends If hi. px pr rience , Whil8 he \\' a~ in Home, left Sunday with her son, Mr. Ne w Yl) rt II f ril' lId ~fdd I " Iti m Qlll' I' a I M I ) I e .. 10 l 1f t rnooll " 1 I' k \I ' ~ 1 U l W Il to I he I , , 11 , r , . , J. ",11 I'n er· «'runk Tatman and family, for a I e~~ 1'1' ,;,,~ () lib '~ a'T11 I' "ce H me l aine, l I~ r i tlay .p\·l!ning 011 nr co llnt :,f visit wit h them at thei r home in Whcll Y II sell yo ur Wool. ~i "h t ;; " H e sElIII II'h l Il Uwv ~" t in t l~ l! . d uo I a nn l\'cr~a r~' or ~Irs A. r. Conne rsvi lle , Inti . Mr. Tlltmall and aitou tll ~'l llar ' ~'f till! I' n'~s th 're;:lr;rM: ;8;r~ c ,. ~.I I,~cI':)~I~~· fllmily had !lecH visit ing her for a Jlwill pay yOt! •• • • . . . • Wl'rr> wo n I ' 11 , J.rl r l ~ . l",vs a nd IIw n M C111 1\1 n J II ' I ' !.(~I t , felY daYR al Lim lI ome. l uyi ll~ Il r"llnd nn 1111" , I' ' L' l ~ , It\l rl ;1 I' r.\~, I: '1 °t " ' ~'la." . I ' r . ,. I " t', f LI ' a It H' r.. . . '.. . ,a rn HU • .l \!-I::I :'11 1' CO lnll1 ' llcelll"llt l' r 's·'nts 'Ill us~rul 1·lar vcyslJurg, 0. 'tV ";; at ~ol ' 1l 1)0 ~tL'(" "(1'1 tlll(I\,;I'I' I" ar l d rl ~. 111[1 \I ei1,:hwav !Iml Mr Elli ott Wri!.(ht a rLi c le~ a~ Jnn ll-e" 's: C ~ P hone 15· 1 ~~ Ill ' ( ' O il 4,.:' n),tt.' I I h- :-' '1'1 . . "' a ~ l . I .. ' , \\, it 'II tll u t lll l<' ('''l1Ie II WI'(' W II ' I' .. cll~ 1 ,t:V!'I1I I1).! ~ PU1\ 11\ 1'l\}IIlJ.(

.,"(,~,:."~-+W ,H-tNt-.i-ttlt-t'RKE RS

law to mint· (asytoWash

and Compete fur the Pri zes Offcrcd\\'ill t\\al<c a BIK Uay · S, Ilr oad for County

I-:II "n 1':111 1,·)' H ,!\I il l' il l al hOlll '- "11 .\Iial " i , l.r"," l,

i------------+ SO'CIETY EVENTS I


_ _ _ _ -4 . _ _ -' - - -



Mrs. Enos !lili. or ('ua rville, !J\lp.nt Sun :lay with ~ r. and Mrl!. Th Oti. P. K II l1 r l, fJr k allti fa mily ·n ter- lto mine. J OF nil:' P. 1:. ..~: C. Of- A. AT tuillcd II SlinulIY dinner, Mr, and FIVE PO I T Mr~ . Ar( ,n S ' ars. \' I~ . lIurtMr. anu Mr s . J . 0 , Cartwrigh t .'ork. or Ilil {nn : Mr. and Mr. arl nnd dau lOh~e r, lo,velyn, were Lebanon • hcrll" t J lind dOli , Morris. visitors 1I1l1t Friday .

.. -- ---

Call Me by Phone anon,Ohl()' be fOllnd .at The Lane Hat Shop, Leb-

: ~I



Mrs. Jam es !toy Andrewll, nee Funkey. willllrl'ive he re this evening Saturtl ay evening wirncssed qui te on II vi~ l t of a fe w day~ wi th he r .---~-.-.-------. an el eetricl1l !ltorm anll heavy rllll1. parents. Mr. and Mrs. J . A, ~'unkey. Home rerli ts or Cr dit H for wfl ~ h · Lil(htnll1l{ burned out a fU!'le at thl' powur hOUhe. anll the town wall in Mr . and Mrs. Myel' Hyman and ing t1i ~ h eB, etc., IUlv uetln llHl'd ill 'J heir darkll4!3~ for ahout fift een lniuul (>lI. d8 ug ht e ~ llernice, anll Mrs. Harvey our 9 'horu s for t \Y O y arg, LilLeY' in the n i If h t 8 eve r a I Gustin and dllughter, Miss Hl1zel. IIUCCl'SB willtl ot IIltl rit th llir I'olltinll' Ilurllls came up and it rained Sl)ent Sunday with relatives in Bhlll· ance next year. Supt :-:;pril'll'le an nounces t hat they will be di ~ co n · very hard . The Litlle Mil1mi had chCliter. l inucd her hank!1 full flf wat er. ann Sunda)' !!vt'ning ovt' rrun. Th e ri ve r ke1?t J ()hn T. Hawke, who was oper' Baccal uureatl! :-lo r mon will ue rll i~inll until Munds), noon when It ated on lit Dayton recen tly. is im preached in the ~c h () n l hall lIy Hrv , went down to illl nllrlllal comlit.iun provinK very rapidly, lintl his llIany J . }o' , ' adwlllblll ' r, Su nd ny CVl"ll in!!. - -fnends here are hoping that he will May 14 th. at . o·c l\lck. TIll! jl ul) lit· is co rdiall y inviteLi . soon be able to leave Ihe hospitul. I:If"' S ub~rib e for the Miami Gazette Commenceme nt will be Wed n ·s· Mrs, Rarry Williamson was cailed elay. May 171h. at the sl'huol hall li t 80'cloc\\,. This will Ue t ho lan: COI1lIl11'nrement fnr ~ nm e yea rs li nd meri ts YOllr preHl!IICIJ, the hospital, Friday. f or gall stonell 'l'ickell< rur t Iw ' Cot11lll ollcenll' ll t will be 0\1 SIIIl' a l .lan n,·,1" " dru ll C. II Bruner was elect.ed superin- store. Saturday 11 1)1111, j tendent of the Lebanoll School~, last week. 'l'ltis election was' a very I want to buy your gratifying one to his many Wayn!lsWool and will pay villI! fri end!!. who IlI'Il IlroUlI of hlrT', lind hope that he will succeell in his you the highest nllw position.

Market' Price . . .


The Ii 'Id nw' t o( lh o ~cl)l,o h of lilt' " unLY at LellUno n. Friday . will be a hig th lnp;. The If) al RchoolH I.i tll \.! 1.0111 " enr ~ . whf) Itn~ heen are preparing for lhe' difT 'rent con. " ' 1',1' ~ ick , i ~ im lJrol'in!{ , tests. and it is hoped that they will carry olr several 130m - To Mr . and Mr~ . Italph It lilurge,lthat th paren~p;o an,1 Mi lle r. lIlay 9, I!lUi. a ~on . take their children and th ei r dinners . mailing the uuy one lonp; to be reo ~Ir , aml Mrs, W . P . •' nli ~b ur y were membered. There will be 80nlt'· v i8i t i n ~ in Lehan on Friday. th in g doinl( nil the time, mortlin>: and afternoon. ~ t i!'\., Itu th Hartsock hea rr! Madam I The p u p il~ of Miss McK insey will Gadski Elt Uaytoll, las t week . go and fi{ive their May pain d rill . Th ere will he other fentur ' :'I , alao . J.:. V . Barnhart was n hu s ine! ~ pres nted that will be Of C(l Ual in· viHitor in CIncinnat i Tues lay. tcres t to a ll. In the afte rn oon , a fter the COD~I r, Fred Hawke and Mrs, C. W. teRts. there will be a uall game be Hawke were in Xinia Mondav. tween Lebanon lind Waynesville, and Hg Waynesville ha.~ taken on game Fred Haw ke a 1111 C. B , !Jentley from them this season, It is to lin were in Xenia . lI1unlluyart TIloon . hoped thnt they will takc this one. alMo. /'ostlllast r F. . Carey Wll~ a bus. Everybody that can go ought to so. and help the children alonl!'. e - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • in c~s vi sito r in Cillcinnu li Tuesduy. do as all th ' ev.ents of the day will uu interesting- t o every man. woman New S Ullltrl r Styl e hun k of I'ic· nnr! child who attends. lorial l'al lerns lit 'J'hl: Lane Hat . ·hop. ' :.


11 arris Mosher. who has been visit· ing in t.;i ncinnBti. callie hom!! Thurs· day in a new Iive,pllKSen!(er J effri es auto


fl nl\l'n wn, in Cin<'in nfl li

Il"all lifu l tl '<i)!n;; in 11:11\11 painleu d li ll" a .ll1l1 ne),·';

vi ~ iLOr Thur~day .

Mrs. C, W. Bl1r nett Hntl MrK E V. Wu lle Iii lost a game to Bllrnltl1rt were iJuyton vi~itor 8 , Sat· 1:111111 'lwlIler t'r·i II1Y IlflerllOon, thllt un.ltly. surely WUkI a hard one 1,0 I(,se , Bnd I\lr , nnd Mrs Geo rge 'Marks 21.1 ent r l!al ly th !; re W : II; I1U necessity for 10M inK i,t. The buys slarted in to hit the ~ev e l'a l daY II with rdativell in Dl1ytoll IIl un pitcher pretty strong, and the~ Ial!t week Kot rllthtlr " !Cay" and IItar ted to at~al uases on him while he was Mr. and Mn C. T. Hawke and the holding the ball. which ended dis- Mi ~>jes Helen and Mllry Hl1wke spent IllIlruu~ly for them. If Ihey had de-, Friday in Dayton . pend I'd on tlwir stick work, they would IlndoulHp.dly have won the Mrs. Edwin S. ["urnas, of Route 2. game . ' . has been Quile ill; but it! imprvviul/' Wuynellvllle mali c two runs III the Momewhat at the present time. Iirllt inninJ{ I1ntl one in the second . and th ' rll they stopped. H1HIIChclI' We will take pleasurll in showing t~r tiell the Heore In the third. when Ollr assortment of Commencement five hil s and a couple of 'h ' bad . pII1Y! . 1/'1' f ts. J , E . J anney. made Ih is po~1 bIe 1 elr wlllnlllg run was made in the ninth, making Mrs. Millie' Jones and daughter , the 8core " t f) 3. of Cincinnati, were the week end I/'uests of Mr. and Mrs, B. H Kelly,




J , V. Hart suck has returned f ro m IIll1ndtesh:r Team Had Nolhinle, a w eek'~ visit lit Muncie, Ind iana. nul Oilr Boys Were Too A large aS~lI rtm l'nt oC books and Uarlng un Un54'S stl1tionery at Janney's.


Who1e Number 33 8

HU~TI ~ i ~S~N IS ON iiR~NAlME'~iION'r [~~~~~~~~~~~~I ~~EA~" : ! PERSONAL' MENTION I fiELD MEET . ......--...-....-.----.



1. U"

The regular meeting or the W. C. T . U. will be held at t"e home of Mrs C. S. Grau ~er 0 11 Werinellrlay afternoon. May 17. Thi~ \~i11 be the Annual Meeting with refreshment>; . ann each memuer is entitl ed to bring alit! Il'ue!'t . . This will be a , Mothers' Meeting', Responses to roll·call . ScrIpture ve rses. 1\1 rs. James V",n' dervoort. leader .

COUNTY INSTITUTE OF W, C, 1. U. The C.>unty Institute of the W. C. T. U. wlll be held in,Oregonia, Tuesday. May 16. A good program has been prepared and all are urlled to to be p~t at thlull.u, 1IUI8tInI.

~] ;tt rn Il S .

",p j ...








,:-t.lll hlt.., fur lil a p up :';-

ll q \'

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ll "..y el o 11.111' I I tll(~ hill ci ti .·~~ Tlte l ",.w . lo\,)'" aI'" UI j.C,",i·I.\·" \\ It y hi).! ' MrA. (,('n :->l1l il h Ill e r- lai n '(I in lrur k: h:1I.'I, up t() till' I ' r e ,,~ lI11, llllw l h,mll r nf he r rilllwht I' I·. Mr ~. Itall'h UII lind '\ ist rih" tl· IIHl"l' IIII IJ,·I.. all ~ m itlt . 'l'u('sr! ny ; ft rtl oo n. There live r Ihe> ci ty Lu ~ult . ~ L at l ' H' ~ , rl'lllll Wl' re a h'JUL th irtv I< I I e~ ls pr 'S 'n l lll1ll II, 're lhl' b .. y,; ~ .. l Ih.. il· p;I PI' I'~. l ie !Ill !1~I'C'e ll,h l' a(I I" ' n l \~ n wfls . ~pl'n t in . tat 'tl th at lilt, fllflners WI' Il' tl''' ill, c" nv" I'Sllli On and 1II11~ I (' . A fm e " "wit dl' pl'nd III rur I II dl' .. 11' 11 ~, otl Lo or , WA S s,'n'",l lal, · ill th.· nft erllfllJn g lllll ZC . I n Ih (' hl"1.\'l'al· Il l' L ,." Ht\'cl, ' \ 11111 11 1< t"::" , fn .n l " li t of In:,'" w ' re ferti lizer ,,1,,1 " "arl,' , ,·t'I'.\' Ihi lll! Ih,!1 II''' ' .J ..," I h.)m)l-l" " a lld MI", I.I'ah forn",r It :t, I.. lIlJy ,h" ,· t. ad "lIllced ISlIlilh . (I f Ci",·i ll l1uLi . fi fty pLJ rr ... n L Wltal rl , r " 'l' r' ~ pro· ull ctg have or" " "l'p,d '! Why Ihl! On last W c d" c~duy e v (· n i n~ . Mr. furm er )yill havt' to oncull i1.,· .10 R .. 11 coUpel'llt l" e; tll uuy Coull",ratll' e; to ~~ llillll ,/oli ns cntertninerl II foil' of lIu\·t! all the funn e l'S to org-anize to hiH Crip.nds II~ a sUlllpl uuug si x o'clock he like 'm • ~rcti. uig rallli!): to !.lIve dinner a t hit! hOllle in Ly tle . The tabl e wa beautifully deco r· a littll' cnj ,lym enl In our li ves Tu j{et oul of t he way of Ihill ki nR." all at eu in pink and ",reen. fln d pink we huvc lo r.iui to t'at. slecllllll.eI \\'01'11. carna t ilm :! w eI" ~i\, l! n a ~ favorH, If that is the cu ~ ' . why were we n L The gll c;; t ~ . who onjoyed Ihe bo rn a mul ' II ' ~ aid tilly e t liinKS deli "htful h " ~ ,,i lality nf this horne. Mi gs~'~ Clara Lil e. Elma can not bt: nceO l1 , Ii ~ h cd ill n mOllth. wer : year or t:1'1'1I in fi ve ycar". Wo will Robert ;!, "ada MrI'llC · r~ p n. Elizub.,lh have lo i{et ~ t ru n g first . then WP. will 'han,1I r :lnu I I'. Wm It. Spricgl " have ~ull1 e lhi ~J{ tl) SUI' juslth e 'iallle a::l the "1{ lot 1:1111Clls," Inte rnationa l Harvest Company ami The ::;tandard Oi l t.;ompany . The Standard Uil Company arc so s trung thal Uncle Sam has to · make new laws to pro· ceed farth cr in dea l ing~ with them, J u.t t hlnk 'of it slronge r th tln Unde Sam. . I f this organizution tI nes ,' ol helll you now, it will blmeflt Yl ur chl ltlren in tlic f "tul'e, 131'0. Peter Bon ltl'aeger gElYC a good The thi rty· third Alumni of the tulk und lhe lodge was well pleasecj Waynes v ill ~ Hil('h School will be Bra Peter Burntll'aeger iHIi farmo r held Il t th e School Audito rium li ving neur th e Five i:'oil, t school Thurllday evelling, MIlY is: :It h ou ~ e and waR lect d !'u ~i nellS lTlan· I "~ I )ck Ill viLnUons were sent to ager of the live point lorlll. tit IlIcmbt! rs du rin g thc pas t week anrl a fin e proj{rnlll is announced . - '..... .... ---A ftne l)Ullqll'l will be ~er"ed at the close of the III ognun. um · nae have expr essed thei r llesire to be h ~re . and ~cve ral nre expected.



J. B. Chapman Phone 65-5

Waynesville, Ohio. _


Going West? •

Wr.n,t lome r~ liable information abollLauy of the country Ivrst of lite )(.oc kies-C(llifornin. Orei;.n, WlI s hin~l o n , Idaho, 1\I0llt uoa, Nc "" d;l, Ulah, Arizu llr., Ne,,, Mexico , Te~lI s1 \Vanl to knolV s om~ lhinl: .. bout fafmln!: 0P lI0rtullitie., railroad rILleS, routes, a Ulolllohile high· W"YI, bulels, rC!IOrls, prices or· land, m Cllttuds of funning , etc .?

-40-.- -

_WAS UPSET PUPilS PRESENT Arthur ' Rean had quite a littl e trouhle lasL weelt while on the road to Lehanon in ' hi 8 auto. In som' manner tho rna ·ltinle was ur)let throw ing the occu ts out into lhe'road· As far as can lEiarned Mrs. Bean had her collar broken and sev· era) others of party Buffered minor injuries. machine Wal! badly wrecked.






M O G " S ixes" ill tlte lo w·price d fi (' l~' 1I0lle can measure value dollar for dollar with this 'axou "Six" at, SIl). r.:Lu gcd by feature at- ' t ractillt\s 0 '1' pcrfonmlllc' records it d ('arl ' ou t -cl asses its pri e fteld . Th e past y a r in oWllers ' hands it:l S <'01lc111S i ve ly prove(l th c place am i , pres tige o( Saxon "Six." We urge you to CO lll c ,in a nd see it for yours If.




1t'l our business to l;n .... a\l nbeu! this Pa cific Slope country. Sun· SCI Mllll.. ine i. the one bi,'Olltionr.1 magazine, rd lectin, tbe life of this ~untry Ilnd giving nc~urate Infonnntion oeDeeruing Its gro wl h and development. jit,nd 10 cellli ror a sample copy 0 1Snnsct MI ):-


uinc a ad writc


tllcUcr !lIking lur whate v~r iolorlDlllion you de-

sire c:oucerniot any Sla te in lhc' Wast.

The Primary Room ofthe WayncsSUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE ville Public Schools cordially Invite the parenta and friends to "The May IS"" PRANCI8CO Pole Drill" on the school Ilrounda. M~ lUb, at 2:30 o·clock. ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ff



• .,DaviDe •


t of th6 -

lont ~JIII, ~e.~,

American Lady

. know sOme thIng rlllc~. m utes. (Iut 1II0J> iJ~ bigb• methods o f ('Inning. etc.? • . U'l our b';"ineS3'lo ~ \I I"~ultbi.' Pacific Slope country. SIIII: set MaplI!me is the O'!e bl. nCl.tioual mag. l7 inc . reflecting' tbe life 01 t~.~UIItry Bnd gtvlng uC()umte infonnnt Ibn o.ncerning- its growth lUI.. "eveIQpment. ud 10 cents (or .. $,imple cop)' 0( Sunset M ~lfIe and write us • 1" lItf IlsldJ1J( for whu tev r in rbrmatiol1 you d~: .. Ie.~nceril i ng any state ~ I'he Wesl.



.Mr. and M rs. Ve rn Hough en fur> talned for di nner Suno ..y. M,. Dnd Mrs. Ed, Rough, Mr . nnd Afnl. Chus Cor~ell and BOn. Mr, a nd Mrs, Web Sq ulres and son,





- .....--------:--- ------------....;...:..-__..1


Mm. John


. ,T he FiVe POintt.ocal No. 24 of the



Mrs. Cqra HarrIs. who . n t the win tel' in Callfornia,n relurned to her home in Hnrveysbutg. _. ~ ,

f r


" Mrs, ~ani et Smart, who hos betm

here fo r several Ie urned to her home In 'CinciDn$~i 'Monday. ~

Mr, and. Mrs, J. E. Janney Mrs. Howell Pierce and Miss Elizabeth' Carroll we~ in ,Dayton Tuesda.y. '

Myer Hyman

Miss Winnifred NuttIng


ter Hornce White, of Dayton,

dale, Mr, and Mrs. Charlev Taylor of Columbu!!, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Houston. of Spring Valley. Mr. and


. .} . weeks


Mr. !lnd Mrs, «' rank Wright and daughter Mi a May entertain tld at Sunday dinner Mr. and Mr . Sherman Rogers, Mr. Aeneas Rogers and f ami:1 y.and Mra. D. H. Palmer • and

taf!!d ~~ Seg:I:~ndl~~~~ ~. t AII~~ Kibler enter. orCoza:a~


1.2S &.$LSO

Mrs. ~iJey Clevenger; ot Valley. 111 the guest of het Mrs. AIi~e Hawke.

last week a t the home of Seth

M and



t~~ ~~~t~~8i' ~~~a;~f~::~~~'


Qay. ,o~ 1II~t;iIlJ Wedn~ay May 3 , . ami y. 0 t Is plncl!. " he 1~16 at the Five Point Sebool Houtle. SWlI·~nnual meeting of the 0 ' . C. ~. Ha wke lind Vern Hawke are ., Brother Peter. Bomtraegel', . Bus. Chn~on Baptist Sunda.y School Con- C n Saturday ~venlllg . Misa Grace OR THO I)O rl~ lEND III Daylon loday calling on John W: M~r4""'lla1Veanaddi'essonthe venUon, the Younll' People's society. fl!rman .entertam.ed a few of her S ~ . . H ~wk~ who was operated on at the· the Women's Missionary society fiends In an mformal manner ullday chl,ol at 9:<10 II. m Geo . Mlalnl Vall!,!y Hospital yesterday. pnnCJplea of our order and how this will beJleft~ the farmers by co- was !leld with the Jonah 's Run church Aft~r a .seasort. of merriment and M ~lIs, uppti nt nden t: ,l'r e~chlng at operating. This organization not April 12th and 13th. An unusually musIc. h&'ht refreshments we re 10.30 by paRlo,... hrlatian .J::nU l!u,voll.l Wm. H Brown of .s~ymoul'. Iowa, on,11 helps the farmers from a busi. strong progr~m had been ar~nged. aerveJ by the hostess. The guests at 7 p. m. ~ olllhlY melltmg' and Mrs 1IeLt, of Indianapolis ar~ n~ standpoint but a Bocial stand- em~l'!' eight putors of Clinton were. ~he MI!JSes Hazel and Elsie ' at 10.nOa. m. . • tile g uests of Charlcs Brown. These . J)oirit Jlso. "Our motto is unity." assocIation. Rev. Vernon Phillip!) of GUatm, B!,atrJ(:~ Ullum , Hazel Riley Mary E. Martin, Pa tor. brother have nQ~~een (,Bcb 0 her for ~~.ia meeting' will ()pen at 7:30 and ~I umbus: R. W. D. Kies, of Kings and Cecelia Snook. ,~ years,.fnd (heir visit together now· w~ would "like to hav~ all farmers Mills; Mrs Hev. ChM. Sumner M. E. CHURCH ~ s·a very pleasant one. "nd : ~e,ir famil jea to attend. No Mrs: ,Sheldon and MillS · SUlJday S '110101 9: 15 n. D'\. ,pre~ch: The Friends ~ome is under~ojng ' ~mJtlllon cbal'a'ed. of CIDClnnati; and Miss Zoe !Oll by J)~stl] r t .1 0:3 " tn1he e ven. 11 th or~u gh. renovation . The whole of the Ohio Ju nior B. IDS ~t 7:3 a erv I e of all [he church . house IS being papered and painted. . ap~lntee waB pres· es ":111 be beld f~l lhe iuttl rests..of' t he J . E, J.a nney received ihe contract h an InstrUctive and insPirinsr · !It I Saloon · Luugue The meeting over s~ver~l comPeti t ive biddel'S. and evel'¥ moment wall tilled and JOy. It was a great ' On Thursday everu nll. April 20, Will be aildre~,~d 1> Rev. S GOg. and Ollie Misseidme and his force of to meet the new pastors 1916. at 7:30, a charming weddin g' den . of Cihci!l,l'lau' Let lhe whole men are doing the-work. Jobn Samuel , of Hillsboro, and was 'celebrated at the home of Mr commu nity b ,roscnt . Cl aTo~tu! ' Gra user. P astor . 'fhe Misses Anna Vandervoor t I hVfooten. of!3Janchesttlr. Thefel- and Mrs. Cliff Maxwell, near Bell : Maria -Stout. Henrietta McKinsey' Mis . ows .Ip was delightful. Our minda brook when their LUla Berlham, Grace Carman. Alm~ w~re stor('d with the High and ·Holy Ruth became the S CHRISTIAN' CHURCH Wnte rhouse, Vada McPherllOn and thm~ of God and the love of God Meredith, also of nea.r · Bible ~h~ol 9:30 a m, Commun. theM e, afs. W. I{ Spreigel, A . Arshed abroad in' all our H~rl.$ , The rooms were .attrac Th!l church nre8sU~ up to its UIIU. orated in potted plants cu IQn an d SOCIa l me ti ng 10'30 a m nold a nd Glenn Juhns al tended Tenc~ ers' AllSociation at Lebanon ~ ae~erosJty In elltertammentand aIAs the bridal party en tered Chrls Ua,n End l~avo J'. 7:00 p. ge er It wu a meeting- leaving Lackey. aister bf the bripe We~ I.lesi:lay eVe:),mg, May Srd. prayel' last atu - rday - -'. -4 --; ..... ___ , . and comfort wiUr every the weddin&, march. Rev: I ne~h!lg 7:30, [ .esson 1lI in Teacllcl' worker present. ' . Iialmer read the Jluptl al ser. ~damlVg, at 8:0(). Eve rybody invit o A. K. Sargent. VIce in pl'ellence ot the immed i. o _ 0 ate famdl.. . The briae wore most becoming t!imJj~.oldf white voile very dnil'l tfly !!! and wore brides rose!!. tbe C!onvention ~1 'Jlfil)m~'!1_ FoJlowina the an iu.for.lnal , wu durin~ and , were The /lenuUclasses, e1eilPlllit . wedi&nB' 8UPP~~ ":as und in the last thirteen years he has reading, Bolos, Jillell more than twenty·live ,hundred a pond lily In special music, and a sermon ~ th engagements. As this il the last card. lJ1otbers. Remember the date Mny number of our course, we feel sure all want to hear t his famous imperson· lelll~:m:~~ were Mr. ' and Mrs. 7th . Mothers day" . . !rl Mr. and MrS. wain D. II. Palmer, l\llmster . ator, and can commend him to Otlr Pennlwit eon. Mr, and Mrs . patrons as one of the best. Ivan Lackey, Mr. Will Stroud, Rev. Wesley Class M. E -S. School: ST. MARY'S CHURCH blol!lSOrnland Mrs. ,D. ft , Palmer and Mr First Sunday . a i'tel' Ester April and Mrs, O!ift' Maxwell, Sunday Sc hool a t 9:$0 a , m·; ,- -~Praye r Ilnd sermoll tit 10:30 mugj(: ""ill be repeated at ice, In the 'afternoon at 4 th e (!a n tata, .. Easte'r Praise. " Yesterday ' again be g iv'en. Everybody in· election vlted to - -_ 0 ___ 0 - - respective polling places thi:OUllhl)ut the sta ~e of Ohio and went thl'ml.,h the formali ty .of holding,an "1 .... U,,n-1 to select delegates to the Republiclin and Democratic National and State Convention and to give the voters a --chance to t heir The ~nTl u al PariBll meeting w'itl for · nominees. v~ held in St Mn~(s church M percen t~J;e took advantage of , evenibg at 7:30 I:Q elect Wardens an opportumtyand those wno did Ve.strymen fo r UJO$).ljng yea r ,llSd the ti~e m to. have only endors~ the transaction of Sllch ,!>ther bUIIllless us ata~es which. ha" been prel?ar~ by may come b efOrE! tH'a t budy. A fu ll their r:espectl~ e state orllamzatlon.B attelldance dro~ired. . In Wayne 'Iownshlp. seventy-four , John 1". Ildwallacter. v~ t~rs turned out, and: these were . ReCI;Ol' ot St. l\ ary'e church, diVided a~onlr ·thfl precll!cts as fol-












O.the" Home·',





'IOV,q '·YO> -~- ~"".o.~~~..&4

- -~LP INUM AND Go£ n RE \jO V! R- HIGH ~ TANJ)).. r AINT: LTC., ETC.

White's AHIGHGLASS CONCenTlbiIlQtiOri:'



___ 0 _




..._ _ _ _



~.ISHES 'TO .BE INTEH HED ~:~:.~ :::~: :~::, ~:t!::'::::::.:: :~: :.: : ~: : : :~

Tho Mukotb.ld by Dorca.l'SOciety was , a 'great success . nati, C) ,~ not ed violin ist nod composer firlariClallY. t.n e .ptoC~ amounting '. .'. , , will play on his valul\bla diamond to ~: ; pro Ell,s mada tJ!.e Society a The ashllli,ot the late G. M. Ham. studd ed violin trom 6 311 to 8:30 p .m , AptCi ·Equlpment ' hartw.ome donationofa one·hundred- mill wbo"diC ;recently in Chicago, at the Harris Building every evening H~D"'WI\ Equipment 4011ar ,bill; for which the ladies were will biQj2*lit hero and in terred 'in Prof. Schemmel' is assisting the Mil· ~ -:"W7 .'. ' ·very· thankful. Th\smade the entire Cemetery nex~ Satqrday , sical Demonstration given by the 'proceed'J of the day H45, of whi~h "I\t·20'cloek. A short ser· Joh n Shillito Piano Co., of CineinDA.Y OR Nt.GRT tlieSoclety is'very proud. b.e18 at the grave. . nati; O, ,;


, 1Ir1l&. •





..... '""""',•• RT WAIST-Vaile or Lingeri,e, Silks. to $5.00.





S' AND JUNIOR DRESS·E S- In Lingerie, Wash Dresses, 83.98-to S17.5() . ': .,'S~IRTS':"'-Light, navy, ·, black,



Our IfAfter-Easter" showing of wealilng apparel ·IA" ,:MI"n· and ·Olrla IUrpaSleS even Jour .,PI'~Eastet' · dl'plaYI, as 'l\\o,nd,IlY's, "'"nrl'<lG Ii!ld ffelght brought new Suits,. etc.;' .the Men!; and . ~pt , ~e)V>it>reaaelit Wai~ !'klrtl, etc., tor tbe Ladie~' and/'f\laes' Dept . . have' p~t forth specIal efforts for all thOse wJ:lo were unable' to d9 tfieir shopping before Easter. . Our 'Stocks were never ~han~now

Spring Models and Shades, and Checks, 812.50 to '$19;75.

In East· Wayne precinct, but one vole r beSide the six members of boarri made hi9 appearance polls, and in 'West Wayne preICincJ;' 1 hnlf of the total vote~ was cast the board. . The reaso,DS assigned for the light· ::::::::::::=!::::;5:=~~!:=;::!~~~=~= ness of the vote are the facts that everybody' was busy and very lew even knew t hat ..the election was to be held. Tbe sbt'riff did not plJblish his usual proclamation, nor was any legal notice of the eh:ction publishe4 in any Df the county papers.. .. ~ " •

. ' .

Head to F~ot 'Ou~fltter. for the"

d)1l~t'diiDels •. Serges

Waybesville Corporation ..... ......... p5

For Ri-tgs, WaJI Paper,

Furnittlre, Lace Cut~ tains; Shades" Stoves, ~!oc eries , Etc.

l1ew Suits, · h~lld.tailored, ~IIlrJJiJ1ti~(jlfto gi'v~ good. seJ\ric~: Fancy Weave ()"Q;i7pan"""l~p rC7·p._ · $ 12:50 to $17.00.



Ti~s, C~l1ar , Ul~~lcqvcar, etc. . 'BOVS' , ,aU-wool, Soi ts : , gr~y, brov/"n, ' Il!ixtures'i . or dark, aUsf~~s, $3:45 ·to $8.50 . NEW WAIS'F-··BLQ.USaS, .wash'·Su.i~), Hats, etc.) for the:poy"s:' ~ .. ,~,

When you think of Shoes think of ·Fred~s Shoe Depa:rtment. All kinds of ' Shoes for big fqlks, little' folks,- old folks, young folks, w(!)lIk j dress and . play" <~hoe:5:. FURNlTURE-The 'Iargest furniture in Wan'~ 'County.. Fr~d's ~umiture furniture. Stoves, :Rugs, Carpet, ."...·an,pr. are invited to look through our partment. . If


Mrs. ElizaJ. 'Wheelan' home (If : ner son, J.. A• four 'miles south of town, afternoon. Tile body ·.w as ·Belfast: near Hillstforo 'I'O ••....a •• _ ·':nd, I'~'""!-..;..:.;,;..~..:.--. .-~.;;......-.:;..~..;...-..:..;;~~~~!!!i~ thefunel'al aM interment .uu.. ~.. there attemo!?n ~,


Thos. RobetsoD, ·. iOn, of Mrl and Mrs Fayette Roberson, died at ~e latter's home Wedrieedlll. aftemoon, after a long , Illness. The funeral was held Saturday momln&' at 10' o'clock, l'onducted bv Mrs. RUB. Murray . . IntermeJIt Wall , ~e ,in Mla~1 cemetery: ' . ,



l:;ixty-Eig-hth Year

jiERSiiiLmTloii' l ~- : ~:-:-:-~EA-~'' .H'~-TIN-G.-_ _----.


.-SE-ASO-N - IS- O-N


Whole Number 3368

- --.·I'j.--PERSONACMi i ! 0N4 -......~ ----.

E. J . Arnold was in Leban on. Sat·



Myer Hyman was in Cinci n na t i At

utd ay .


T ~esd ay.

A II Spring hala below cos t a t The I. ane Hal Shop

. M Ilr IVn wa. in Frill ay .

Mrs. tiraee L. Smith visitor Thursday .

Beatl t i ful dC!lig n!; in hand painted ch ll1a at Jnnney' ~ .


a Duyton

J . V. Hartsuck has returne d from Had Nothing, a week's ViBil at Munci e, Indiana. But Our Boya Were Too A large 88I!'(lrtment of bo oks and Daring un Bases stationery at Janney's. .


Mrs. C. W. Barnett and MrR E V. Barnhart were Dayton visitor s, Sat· urLiay.


Mr. and Mrs George Marks spent several dayB wi th rell!tives in Daytull l8.':It week Mr. and Mrs C. T. Hawke and the Misses Helen and Mary Hawke spent Friday in Dayton .

Mrs. Edwin S . furnas, ot Route 2. ha9 been quile ill; but is improviull somewhat at the present time. We will take pleasure in showinll our aslOrtment of Commencement "ifts. J. E. Janney.

--_.- --

Mrs. Millie Jones and daughter, of Cincinnati, were the week· end Kuests of Mr. and Mrs . B. H Ke lly. Harris Mosher, who has been visit-

ing in Cincinnati. came home Thurs · HEAVY RAIN day in a new five'passer)ge r Jeffries auto FALL SATURDAY Mrs. James Roy Andrews, nee

- - ...

Funkt!y. will arrive herelhieevening

Saturdayevenina witnessed quite an I!lectrical s torm and heavv rain. Li"htmng burned oul a fuse at tn!' power houlle, and the town wall in darknesR tllr about fifteen minul ell. ....ter In ' the night severa·1 Itmms came up and it rained very hard. ' 'l'he Little Miami had her hank~ full of water. aM Sunday ev~ning oyerrun, The river kel?t Tlt\~inll' unlll ~llnt.l6Y noon w~en It went down to 1~ nflrmal condition - - -. - . - - -

on Ii visit of Ii few days with her parenla, Mr. and Mra. J. A. Funkey. Mr. and Myer Hyman and daughter Berpice, and Mm. Harvey GUBtin and dau!lhter, Mis. Hazel, spent Sunday with relatives In Blanchester. J ohn T. Hawke, who was opere 'Qted on at Dayton recently, is im provin!l very rapidly, and his many. friends hfre are hopinll that he will soon be able to leave Ihe hosplt.ul.

a r SubllCribe tor lhe .Miami Gazette

'0t- WA Nff 0 W0

Mrs Harry Williamson was ('ailed to Dayton Ill8t week on acc0!lnt of the 8 .. riou8 IIlne89 of her I!on-m·law. Dr. CooP,er, wh!l was operated on at the hOIlPltal, Friday. for gall stones




I c. A

Bruner was elected superin. tendent of the Lebanon Schoob. last week. This election was a very gratifving one to' his roany Wayn~B' villI! fri ends, who are proud o f hllll, and hope that he will s ucceed in his new position.

I want to buy your Wool and will pay

you t~e highest Market Price , • • .

Beautiful line of Bummer hats to

Call Me by ' Phone. be found atThe Lane Hllt~hop, Leb. anon, Ohio.

e. B. B~ntl~y . Wayne5vlll~.


Va\1e)' Phone 136

Miss Grace ' Carman has been en!laged as a teacher in the Primary department of the Carlisle 8cho ols fo r the coming year. This Is a decided advancement for this young lady, and her,roany friends are proud of the fact.


F riday ' Will Affa ir

Cin ~i n nali


Ellen I':rn lcy iH q ui te ill Ilt ho me nn 11'1 iami RLree l.


The fie h l meet of the Rehools of lhe coun ty at Lebanon . Friday, will Li ttl e Lola SearH, who hu~ been be a bill' thin g . The local schools ve r y s ick, is imnrov ing . a rc I}re\lari n~ for t he different con· t' t ests. and It 18 hoped t hat they wi ll carry 01I several prizes. n om - To Mr . and Mrs. Ra lph It 18 urlled tha t the paren ts go and Miller. May 9, 1!H6, a son. t ake thei r children and t heir d inne rs , making t he day one iong ~ to be reo Mr. and Mr lS . \V. P. Salisbu r v we re membered. There will be 80me · visiting in Lehanon F riday. t h ing d oing all the time . morni ng . and aft ernoon . l\liss Rut h Hartsock hea rd Madam I The pu pil ~ of Mise McKinsey will Gadski at Daytol., laat we ek . go and ifive theIr May pole drill. There will be other features. a150 . E. V. Barnhart was a business p resented t hat will be ot eq ua l inviMitor In Cincinnati Tuesday . t er est t o al l. In the a fte rnoon. af te r the con· Mr . F red Ha wk e and Mrs. C. W. t ests. there will be a ball g aroe be Haw ke were in Xenia Mondav_ tween Lebanon and Waynesville. and RS Way nesville has t ake n one g ame Fred Ha wke and C. B. Ben t ley trom them this season. It Is to bo hoped that t hey will tak e t his one, we re in Xenia, Monday afternoon. also. . (Cop),rlllh t.) Post master F. C. Carey was a bus. E verybody that can go oug ht to - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -_ ~e~ vi ~~r jnami~ili ~~dQ. as do all ~.~dhcl p ilie cWldren ~~~, t he e vents of the day will be interest ing to every man; woman New Summe r S ty le book of P ic· anel child who attends . lo ri al P a tte rns at The Lane Hat


iHicHsioOLNoTESj ...-.--_.....-_.....----.



Home Credits or Credit for wllllh · Ing d ishes, etc. , . huve been u Med ill our schools for two years . Their luccesswillnot me ritlhlli r <:on inuance 'next year. Supt Spriegle an nounces that they will be d iscon tinued Baccalaureate Serm on will be preached in the school ha ll by Rev, J . F . CadwaliaLier. unday e veni ng. May 14lh. at 8 o·clock. The pu blic is cordially invited. Commencement will b e Wedn es· day, May 17th. a t'the school hall . at 80'clocli. This will be the larg e... t coro~l'nceml!nt for some yea r s and ments yo ur presence. Tickets for the commencem nt will be on sa l at .J annl!Y ·s rlru lC store, Saturd ay noon. . .. _ _ -~


-j - --+


---.-- ---

~ h o p.

Mrs . Enos Hill. of Cedarville, spent S un :l ay with ~ r. and Mrs . Th08. F. E. Har tsQck and famil y en t er- Ro mine . TH • F. E. 15, C. . OF A, AT tained at :\!Imlay dinner, Mr. and PI E POI NT Mrs , Aa ron Sa/Irs . L '! ro E . HartMr. and MIS. J. O. Cartwright sock. of Daylon ; Mr. and Mrs. Carl and daugh ter . Evelyn, were Lebanon Sherwood and Bon, Morris. ~dsiton last F riday.

SPEAKER SAID ORGANIZE Pe lc r fl omt ra c" cr Wa s Ihc Speake r, a nd Malle SUllie Si rong Po int .


D . C. Pembllrton, of t he Bureau of Vital Statistics, Columbus, was in Charles Co rnell came home from Th e J olly Ma t rons , wit h their hus town last week. He made L. A. Zimhands, were en te rt.uin ~ 1 at th ho me Dayton last week driving a ne w me rman the local registrar for the Salton automobile . of M r . a nd i\-II-s J.. n. Chap man entire township, thua aboli shln ~ thtl Monday eveni nK. " !iOO" was the dir egist rar at Cor win . This was done Mr. and Mrs . W. H. Allen and for conveniellce, an~ is a help to all v · rsion uf t he e vening. Mi8l:l Olive Allen were Xenia visitors concerned . Monday afternoon. Rov . a ncl Mr!l. D. H Pa lme r, of Look in the window for CommenceFe r ry . enter tai ned at Sunday dinne r. Mr . :mil Mrs. P<' rry Kenrick and ment suggestions. J. E. Janney. dau jt'ht r . Mi ~~ Herl hn, Mr. Ilnd Mrs. W. N. Sea l's ami f a mil y, nnd Mrs . Mrs. E rne.t Miller, 'of Greenville, ErneHt Miller. of Green vi lle. Ohio , is v.isiling her brother, Mr. W. N. Sears, and fum ily . Mrs. l\~ ll ry Wise en t~ r l ain ecl at The Morrow Chautauqua will be S unrl ~v dm ner the f .l l o wlI,!~ g uests: Mrs . r om Mason . M I ~ MlI dl'ed Ma· opened Aug ust 14, according to son, ~rs. Cora Miley , ~rs. -r:. C. plana laid by t he Morrow aQ80ciah"'o:...-l- -CUOlnll.ngs . Mr J~onal d Cu mm lll ~s , a t a recent meeting. A fine proof Xema: Mr s. Juh a Bergan a nd MISS g ram is being arranged . REMEMBER Ed y t ha Macy , Mrs. Mary Tatman , of the Friends H ome, left Sunday with her son, Mr. Mr. anti Mrs . n. L. Cra ne ente r. Frank Tatman and family, for a - d I' 'd ' f tal1le i r1 ay evenmg on Ilccou nt o. v isit wi t h them at their horne in th e rl ual anniversary of Mrs A. T . Conn e rsvill , Ind . Mr, Ta tman and When you sell your Wool. W r ig ht and Mrs . (; r ne . Those pres. f amily had been vi siting he r f or a It will pay you ....... . en t we re Or. and Mrs . A. T. WrI g h t, f ew days a t the H ome . Mr . ano Mrs J . II. ( 'ulo" nun . Mr. und Mrs , E. V. Rin nha r t . Mid~ 8m. rn a Hei >h way and Mr r-:lliott Wri gh t ar~~~~~~nJ;::'ne:v\~resents in uSlful Phone 15-1y' Harveysburz. O. Th e evgening wa~ s pen t in pluy ing " 510 "

. All open meeting o{ lhe 1'1 e POilll Local No ~4 of t.he F. E. .& C V. of A. waq hel d Maya. 1!1l 6. at the F ive P oint sc hool huuse near Spring · Iw ro, Oh io. l'r e~i l lent Paull u PPll r t opened th e mee ti ng I y introolucl nlr the spe:1kt! r. IIro I'cter Uomtraege r , who g av · UIJ U very in leres Li ug t a lk e xplaining how ;all \Jl h'r uu siness tlHm a re organiz:ing e ven to lhe "floot Il lacks" lind " Newll Boys " Then he wen t on to tell about fome o f his eXI)(·ri ence. Whil e he was in New York a fri end saiLi to him one af te rnoon , " I et'~ tiS go d own to Ihe New i'ress O fTicl~ a nti flee Bom'e There was an "iron Ja w" man i n He said wh n they go t in sights" town la~ t ·I'hurs<iay . and his severa l &tunts we re witnessed by a large a bout a sq uar e uJ! t he .PI" s lhe n~ crowd'. He bent a t wo· inch pi c of ""ere WOl11 l'n , Il'i rls. boys and m Ii i ron in hi'! t eeth. broke off spike. laying nr l,und on th \! t r e tR. It driven in a plallk. let all Il Uto run ~as a sig h L t o • ·c; wa: li n~ f or th e me t o come to gel thtUf papers over him, held a tank o f wate r \.In li When the li me' cnme th 'rl\ was a his st nnes were b rolH'n \>11 h iH scr am hie for the pap ~ r~. ll ll W fl u . Itoma - h. ami seve ral (It he r lhi n l! ~ th",y d o now in t hoe hip: ci ti es '! The that were trul y headline r.. Ti 't' n ew" bUYlI an: urg ani7.ed Why big Mrs . Geo Smith enter tained in g man got o ll it!' n Hllbsl!1t1li ;\\ t r uckd back up to tho' Press and load honor of h 'r d au ~h ter . Mrs . l1alp h offe r ing at t he cl ()~c IIr h i~ pe rfor m- u p and d isl r il.lule th o_ papers fi ll mit h, T ue!id ~y af te rnoon . The re ance . over t he city to sub. stations, from we re about th lr t v guests prese n t a~d --t he re HlI' b yl; g eL th"i r pape rs. li e an ng r C'ea.hl Il f rerno~n was spent m ,; la lcd that t.hL! fa:rmcrs were too in · conv ' rsallon a1ll11ll ~ sl c. A fin e lu nch d ependent fur t he ir ow n good to or was ~e r ved la t 111 the uf leJ:n.oon l!'l1n i7.e, 1n t h . Im.1 year or t WI) st oe l, Am nns.r t hnse from out of town wer e fertil ize r a nd nca r ly ' V ryth ing tbe 1\11'9. J Og T~l)m lI SOn un!1 M i~ Lea h f a r me r had lc> blJY have Ildvu nced Sm ith , of Cincin nati . fi f ty percent. What farmer 's produc t~ hllve a (h·ll r,ced ? Why lhe farm e r wi ll have to org anize to sell On las t Wednesd uy eveninl<, Mr. C OOI)~ rati vc ; tu buy cooperative; to (;.l e nl1. J ohns e n te rta ined ~ f~w of MONG "Sixes" ill the low-priced a ll t he fa r mers to o rg~nize t o h~s !rllmdR!l a sumptu ous SIX 0 clock The Willing Workers c1as.q of the have field none can measure value dollike one g rea t L.ig fam il}: to have d inner at hiS home In Ly t ic. Sugar Creek Sunday SchoQI met at. abelillie enj oyment In ou r li ves To T he. t ll bl.e was beautifully d e_corla r for dollar with this Saxon "Six" the home of Marie Ha rtsock. Mny 4 , g et ou t of t he way of th inki ng all a ll' d 11) pmk and. g reen, and pink 1916. The Light Bear e rs class of we ha ve to do is t o I!at. sleep a nd work. carnatIOns were g IVen as ~avors . at $815. Gauged by feature a tFerry were invi'ted t o join wi t h the m. that is the cas\), why we re we. not ~he gu eRts ,. w.ho enJ o=t'ed th.e . t ractions or performance records it Games of various kinds were playell If born !l mule He suid t hese things deltghtful ~ o s Jll tal1 t y of t)lI:; horne, and a good program was rendered can not bt! nccompliKhed in a month, were: c1 arl y out-cb sses its price field. Misses lara Llle , Elmn At a tate hour sliced oran!(,es a nd year or even in fiv,e yea rs. Wo will Robe r ts . Vacl a Mc Pherson, 8liz~beth Tlie pas t year in owners' hands has bananas with two kinds of cake we re have t o g et strong first, then we will hand le .. and Mr. Will R, Sprlegle . tMlrved to about thirty guP.Sts. conclusively proved the place and have !lomethin g t o BUY just the 9ame • _ .. - -.OM Who Was There. as the "Uoot Blacks." Internat ional prestige of Saxon "Six." We urge ...- - Harvest Company an(1 Th t! Sta ndard you to come in and see it for yourself. Oil lAImpany. The S t andard Ull Company are ~ s trong that Uncle Sam has t o mike new laws to pro· ceed farth er in dOB.lingB with ' them . J uat think of it str onger tha n Uncle Sam. If this· orga nization d oes ll Ot Phone 65-5 Waynesville, Ohio. h elp you nolY, it will benefit you r children in the fnture. . - -Bro. PeterBomtraege rgave agood The thirty·third Alumni of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!'~~!!!!!'!!!!!'~!!!!!'!!!!!'~~~~!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!"!'!!!! The regular meeting of the W. C. talk and the lodge was well pillased Waynesvill e High School will be ~ T . U. will be held at the home of Bro. Peter Bomtr aeger Is a farmar held at the School Auditorium Mrs C. S . Grauser on Wednellday livlnir near the F ivo PO'lIt school Thursday evening, May 18, . at 8 afternoon. May 17;' This will be the house and was e leeted lIusl ness man- (o'clock Invitations \vere sent to the mem bors during the past -week Arinual Meeting with refreshments, ager of the fi ve pOii nt local. . and each member is entitled to bring' _ , . - -.. - ' and a li ne program Is announced . one guest . This will be R Mothers' A fin e banql~;t .w ill · be liel'~ed at the Meeting; Responses to roll-call, cioSGof t he p rOllram. Several.alum ' Serlpture verses. Mrs. James Vannae 'have ex pr 98Sed their desire to be h re, and several ·are 8?Cpected . dervoort. leader. Wan' lOme reliable inlormation about any of the ~unrry _5101 f he , R.ock~allfo·rnia, Dreg.n, W""lutigton, Idabo,· Montana, ~e,....da., Utab, Ariz.ona, New Mulco, Texa5 / Wan' to know somelb\nk about furmhag opportunities, milrOlld mtet, routes, autol11Obile 1l1ab, wa ve, botell, ruorts, pr~ of land, met~odlI or farming, etc.? • It'. our buslaea to Imn ail abeut l~is Pac ilk Slope country. j &an-set Mapzlne is the one bll smtioflal maguine, reRectUal .1iI I" of Arthur Bean bad Quite a little this c.untry and ,iving llCCw'ate Information ..neeming Its growth trouble last week wtiile on the road and development. JeRfl 10 cent. fom sample copy of Suneellolagto Lebanon in hlB auto. ' In soroe aaiDe aad write 1Ii .t.!elter _int for "hatever information you demanner tlte maohi Ie waB UPl6t throw lire coacernlag any' state in the. Wast. • occupBlnts out the roadMra, Bean The Primary Room of the Wayneao SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU broken and 1eV- ville Public Schools eordlaU.l' invitel PartJ Buffered the parents and friends to "The ..., machlDe waa Pole Drin" on the lCbool sroaadli.




--- :.- ..




- - - _.-

E~w ~o )lint· EawtoWash Your walls can be made more sanitary, as well a~ mo~e .~au~iflll. by. giving th e m a soft tin t ed . appearance with t~e modern.. washable wall finish .




J¥';~" I

. Once app1i~, it bolds tight to the wall,. which

means lasting durability. and as frequent wa hmgs as you please• . This ~nish comes in sort. restful .shades. Sold at

Hawke's .Groo.i

lk Big

JIll'.. B. S. II ll well was a Cincln· and Com pete for t he P rizes Offcrednat i \'isitor Monday . Will Ma ke II Big Day · for County D r . Dill , O s t eo ~ a lh . ~ I S. Br oad way, LuiJano n, Ohi u.


W I!Y nesvllle H I lost a game to Blancht'sle r Fri.lay aflernoon, that sure ly W ill! a hard on~ to lose, and really therll was no necessity Cor 109 ing it. The bOYIi started in to hi t I he Shm pitcher pretty Btrong. and they aot r ll ther ""ay" and started to IItl'al bases on him while he was holding the ball. which ended dillutrousl~' for them . If Ihey had dependPd on tht'ir stick work. they would undoubtp.dly have won the lame Waynesville marle tWI) runs in the first inning and one in the second and ~h ere they stopped . . BlancheRter tied the score In the third. when five hits .and a couple of . bad. pl!lYII made Iht9 poaelble Their wmnmg run was made in the ninth. roaklng the scure 4 to 3.




W. C. 1. U.

J. B. Chapman. .






May 11th. at a:ao o'o1ock.


Jl1E CliEERfVL C\iEl\\Je> 1",

",UTnN\l!r we. 5\..~,:te. the. ",,~l~ WIT\ter we .sk';"te

me l"\toN\e..s,






5uch ....,,_v~h'ty \.Jouldr\t


The se-e.. 50l"l$ ~ll Just hk.a <1 't.-"""e.~-







Im 91't..d t h1l.t fl"Y'\ too provd to AghtL..Je.C't..v.!Ie lin


1 thlt\\.... t}"t.,t · the wGrld



( \()t l\"rb

h is [a " th Ol 1(,nl<l'[1 Slrllnge'ly out ot "I ar f" r 611 0 '10 ) ouilg ~\nd hnu(l·



1:\1 ~_ h) ~P n. (··hn~u17t, , ) .

tj ( ,

" 11,·tUI'lI '0 IIan II I h..r," " I,nke AII.ln Pr KC" lI l, 1111.1 flll ""'lm.·A"lo.~ (IroBsl'd

",c' to, o......yv~y,

is '0 l"\ic~

autH O.

I, "'''" 11111' ,'1111\111 11, reAolve null g rim· mh lll.'d--nllll"h, o f !'I Sl'Ul. lJe hnt/o ed b:lrk a 1..Lle r. Jllst ,1 elil'Orl!O h.v th" 1)">111111 1] 111111 hI' 10 him by Ihe "'1) 1' 'Illy 1II 11ld o ( Ih e third· I'I /L ~S b onr'lhl~ 110": C, 111 fa rlt nnrt dis· ./ onkr Ilr \\ htr II , ow,lI lut c ,1 un" of tho !, CS~ ('

Qu ic k cllan g cs in weather and temperature are a severe test for any paint, but Hanna's Green Seal will ."holdup" every time. I ~'s put together with this all-weather feature in view.,


has been time-tried and proven. Considering the spa:ce it covers and the wear it gives, there is no cheaper paint to be had. It b elps the appearance of both cottage and mansion. Try it next time.

m a ny

The "Dog Lett er ." Th" I ~ tle r " }{" w"a clllIod lh " " dOl: letter'" hy lh llIl l'i ' nlS b CCRll!lO Ih ~ mallll ' r In Wb lc h tII c y PI'o ltoun t'('U II r u"em bl,,(\ to R deCl'oe t il e s tlal' lin g nf U do,;. It IH t ho lust I ~ltc.r tbu t 1I111 ~ l ch llllrcn lenrn to pro nou nce . Th., ) UHe "w" III ~ tc ad, suylng "vowl''' ful' ver y, or " Wohert" fo r Ho ber l. Th ,' Chln cse In va r iabl y 118e " I " I n t h,' ilia l) or "r." wbl cb th oy CUll llUt I)ro· nO Ulle.o,


C'rO .l~1 J lin \ \ 3S

r Olll l,u llru l

to h,·" r, " I "on't br"ak , 1 won 't 1:11' 0 In ! " hr Hal d IJI' I "~'" h ~ " 't t",.th," " I tl hl"Hti 1' lnl\ o nnll hl tJ : ",I lin ' 1111 PIH' d 111:\

w nn' t l rUt ·ldp III II 1;,1 r!'4 - tl lal'"

nn f.!l.· r ~ ai rlJ.\. " 1 11 lIill'n lilY "lWn IId n g nu d \\'l)rl\ my 0\' :1 ,r\y. Th :~llhs," Itt) llddc d. 1Ili !-, j It;' ~ II I• •t \ H f nr L'.i tin ily t ll )o\k li nd t a ' d JI'~ IIJl t1 lf \ 1I111 'J di une r IlHll 1>rullbill to hllll II;, Iii kitch ell l:Ilu\' c y •


" 11'11]\'




I rt'v( not on~

wll1t O t-li .l lll('d II! ,";lIT)h ~ I he uac.1r,o or l ilP ar llH:l Zl. It \\ '1'" apr! uy bk fa ll fr om t il l' Irt ~ u r f(HJ :~ l 'I ,·ttry ur ltlt!,lflf'Orht U, to 1J '~;.: i n lit 11111 '1lIiltHIl t o lr nrn. t h" Ill'll! Ilon l <' ncl II"~ "" ,·h,, " I ~~. Two Ilolll1 rll Il cl ny 1,,,0\ ,I ,n, III ,11,,1 little


Dr ,Us roe I beRt when we ar e h o I "Ilcl pe rspiring, just wh e u th ey IHe m ORt dungerou8 nnll t b r eA ul t 18 to tho rl'l','n l PI' "I'" 1\I'u Il l'lr t o n for· N euro.ltf\lI , t:jtllT N eo k, Bore Mu !olf'~ t UI"~. Til t! \l OrH >If \I \\Il~ Ihal th ~ r Hom et·lmss au aUaok o f Rb e u m [" do ry t O\\ II (I,d " " t hlll," t n d ceo t n~ m , In s uoh oaSIlS Il pp l y S io lIl '~ . hoa rdln r. I,ou. " . 'I'll., !:hnrg-o ""s Liniment , It st·lmulllt 8 0iroul,,\lo n h l' Il, Ihe faro IlI hmni llllhl". f:: " P II 11011' to the 80r e Bn d p~lnful l>a rt . rh e Al vin llIode 1\ "lI"h' I'rl"la.· · IUII I Ih e n blood tl owe freely and In Il 8 h o ~t r esl,;n <II )' Khl'u'lg ," lli~ ~ t'I"uld rs. ns 'I me tbe s tlffn e8s and pain IflLI voa , T h olll suffe ring fro m Nournl gia u r N euralglo B eada cho wi ll li oo o n e o r &wo applloatloo8 of SIIlIIn 's L i n lm on t will give grateful r e lier , l'b e ll l(on Izlug pain g iv es wa y 10 11 ti ngli ng sen80tlon of comfor t 8n(1 w tt rmth and quiet r BlOt ami 81 ep is p oss\ hl o Good for Nour ltl li t o" P r ioe ~5 I • t your DrnlrlJlet,


Straighten ing Ch lldren's Fig ures. A gov orncss at QIl O of t he ElIgl ish

casli es where Pa rkor ' v nl wllh CousIn Margar et told h ()l' that ahe hn,l to road nloud nn hour ov ry do y while her charges ' were sllrend nat on t h II' baoks on hl/l1Ike ts on t he floor. Thl position reet, aud straight e ns th'c) tlg· ure, It Ie wonderful. al1d str en g t bcns ,tho n eck; tn fact, ndjuBts Lh o wholo llcuro. -From the DellneaLor.



Corwin, Ohio Valley Phone9G-IY.

'Everhart,I,!! ! ~~~~~ DR. J. W. MILLER.

Paper Hanging and Painting.•.

All Weathe r Good, Wayuenllle.O Sunshine 1& dell clolls, rain Is re~:====~:====~~==:== I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m ablng, wind braces up, 800W Is ex· -lid '-hllaratlng; Is r eally II'" I·m-...... IIIQI..te .... lIu.I thIng as badth ere weatberonly no dl lIesucb re nt . Dr.1booD'S MqJc Ofn~ _Inds of goot! weath er ,-Rua)!I'O..

,CO:rWl·,n , Ohl'0


P'ILES ......

~Wlmith, Dan P and Mam'moth Jack Will Make the S~ason of 1916 at the Zell Barn ,in Corwin~ Ohio.


ARROWSMITH, an imported Perc:heron, is ~ black stallion, Hi baada big!!, and weighs I 50 Ibs" ""d' ill • splendidly proportioned uiUlilL . ARROWSMITH was sired 'by KttIO 26399, and is recorded in the •~ Soclety America,



JACK brown with white

poinu, 5Y. hands high, weighs about 1100, sired 'by Orplla~ ..Boy 696, grand champion ] I ck at tbe World's Fait ill 1'904"Arst da.m by J.imest~Jle Mammoth 298, a Jack shown for 10 years and !Vas never









InSURlIOCE Walter Chandler





Calendar. Long In Use. The EgypUan ca.l end ar, f1~lng th o length of tho year at 36. dllYS, was adopted a little moro thnn 4, 30 0 years beforo Christ. at coureo It took a lIre tty hlgb clvlllzaUon, whl cb In t h Is case mennS an old OIl O, to arrI ve at Inch a calendar. Scholars agree t h at lome Chaldean Inscriptions dal e from IIfty to Bevonty centurlc n, C.• Rll d no one pretends that' tho old at or theao mem entoes have heen foucd,

•• ~DENTIST.~. Olllce ta NaUODaI Buk Blda.


Antlqu Ity of the Safety PI n. Thot tho Il l ult('~ W(\T1l In constant UI noon'lllIltl fng limit. 1'I\I'n :lH b r l.'nlllvpd tbe COVAr of I C'lInllnu ul"ll tl ulI w llh nl ld'r u/ltfo nll Is My'Aim --Your Trade Ih'! ,lilln~r 110.11, In proruund be.,.lld I'- 8ho Wli by Ulil [1I('t llllll 1':1(.1'1 \lUll IIt'nr· mL'nt hll sl aT d. A nnllkln Bpot les81y \ ab 1111 ,1 Il flllll utM, 1'1"1<'11 1,,11111 I.oW 'I'Y whll\l c; mil Orat. Jienenlli wa, a I nnd Oreek t orru COlin 1I~IIl"'" li ro hcnll " f Iini nty meat slll1dwlcheB, A [011 11(1 In . t1h' IOllI ltS or Ili ert' ro nt. III) ~~ Above the Standard Iny ,' r 0/ I l\lueB l env os. an d th er a n B. rlOdo. !lronzo oum:,'rs Dud j""'i'lry u ro S}1lH I CE - That ('un't be beat \1011 "squnr ot rle n udgin g ha rmo nl. tnl r ly co mmo n. and Wuu'.! Y Ilroudly 011 " 1)1 B IllicIt s li ce o f n, llIlu' cllke, showe,l l\lO '1 ~II.f'\1Y I,hl I II ,,", thou !.:.~ - Tn plcuse All. "~ly IJrh:llln\l uncl! mlls~ hllvc splll a a unel' ye nr s olrl Lhllt wnu ld sUIl work; . out, and Ihoij t wo . mlsch lovous lads Christlull It omld, it! II ~ 11I"!ln ot contrltlon must lIave W A'l'ERHOUSE, GEO. / 1'('('0'<"'''11 I ho pall and bad ft reflllell ut h l/ ult';' r Oll sol1l'd Al vi n. " H (l I1l B Corwin, Ohio. l'h ll l1e 54- :lX Oil, Ilomowhl'ro In lhls low n tb ro Is a Notural History, fnlllou~ cook: ~I y rnvor lle dn lu ty, Non h Wfi S 811\1\111111; III Ih o rnln , SII' too-miA' " IJrrlld: " \)Orint 'n,1I111{ t hll I llliill~ uf t hll nrl, . 'fll o tOll lh ·olllc nes8. o f tbe unexpect· At IOllt ull lho li v e s lU cll W{I S ill , 8111' ed Tl'I'IIH t IlI gcred ilko a t ter rragrance tho <>l Ul ul, who hll ilS linck. Noa h 10SI or II rOlli', liS he passed the sllot Who re Ilutl ol/co, ro r hi. u", hr,, 1I1l wn not Ih e cll t". l rullho 01 Lhe d\lI nor pall hnd trllnSllired. Alvl ll ti" d lIQver hcfuro il l' int; 1111 1" li e gun""" I)' nil II h is ru ll IlCIl iI'r ll Ihe 61'IvIIII benuly of l ho li llie lIonts hn d hal '" I" t hUlU, "I ler , I · unt!ral i)irector. o ll ng s tlllldiag buck rro m tb rotlel I YOII: " iJ l! . llIlut 'll I n Ih u <:lIlll ol. " G ' I IImld .. n . t ot g r nery nnd !lowe rs, a 11 11 "'1' u " Y·l\,r>lc!f!" 'I'ho """1 01 Kilt Ollio I"nr tho firs t lime, too, bo obser v d h i" hUl' k 11)1 nlHlII l It, n nll th ut 'ij ho \\' WaynesvIlle n \I 1'111"1\ ""rli nail ed to the fence It lJIIUIH'lI Pll .- .l lI dgo. I"OSt. It r li d : "Cau a ccoDlmodate - 1':1'1'1-11>: 11Oll t'} or h\ I) bl)ardc ra." . Aulll F. lluiplIIl' nl "It tlill food Lil y dls pe nso 10 any· Il or,;c-Uruwn Equipment th in' IIII~ what I Got t oday," r.1 m lno.ted h ill , " 1 co n' , do bOlte r t!lun make t.h o Cllll ,Ii:C," ' ·l hu ve 1J1'f'n " BulY'n e r fr ll u, I'E L EI'1I 0 NE 7 DAY Oli N IGlIT Widt h Alvi n proceeded to do the nexL du y. T he comfort and cozine ss 1I1otllll c b t,r o uhl 6 for 'I 1111mbo r "I' uf l h(l 1,IACf II 'lighted htm. The re was YOll rs, and nllb n ug h I h 'LVO 'I ttl rlll tl U 11(1",',1 ch nl'lll, 11 0 found tbnt the g r o"t nlllubo r of rtl lll l1lli e s rPOlI lLl . Widow \I ho 0\1 11 ",1 t he lI ouse had a. III Bllllpd f o r Ibl. OUlllpl tl ltlt, Ulmm ALL KI NOS OF danghter who AN" mcd lho duties or burluin '" 'l'lll>lots I" l\a" 'fi rs t lI1 <Jlla luo tlla.t hl1 ~ g \ von 111 0 1)",,1t I v,, lilld bOSIC RS In n way th nt ron ue him reol InR tlllJ,{ r eli of," wrll,l'P Mrf\ Anllli nt ho mo. . ;-\ uthl nllY WIlS n benutlful gIrl. S he K" '.lIn , ::;punCJ6 r por t. N. y , " Ch,,,,, . \I' l l ' 11lu,licnl nnd so "'us Ah' ln. Two h.l r lo in ' s Til b le l8 h ll vu Ilo n l) W II I\ . III :lsnnt I ' nln gs Rllrro\md ed b y renl du r~ tor 111 0 lind I vulun 1111'1\\ ve r\' ui g hly , " 0h tulu :lu lu o ve ry"lll,) ..; fl'l () ndll ll c ~ s nll d culture gave Alvin a ncw "pu r In II f . . 'l'ho thlTd e veni ng AS he snt down lo su pp or the re wns ru lsl ll bread. He could not holp but prnltio It. Tben Offended Dign ity , nntu mll)' In hIs u sual good.nntured ~ly llI oth ' I', wla o "lI'lIl'li II 1'lIl1d y Waynesville, O. wny Alvi n r oclle d tho epIsode of th e I s tor" WIIS l'ulI ll or II 111 110 dlilp IIl1l1leli dlSII"" "rl ug dlm,er 1,al1. He com. ,1111\11, 1l U.l lI" ua ll y russl'll 1\ ~I'I 'a l (\ til I mended Lho worthy r ostl tutton made IlhO ll l h llli wh ene ve r he cu m!' In . On u Ove r Postol/jet, H ouae Plloue II /i 11 11)" ll o wevor, wil e n hu CIlIllU l.) Iluy o rflce Phont 71 by tho t wo ml scbl ' vous boy~. " ~'b y," 8udd cnl y spoke up Mrs, Day, II I1t1 y sil l! WII S I, r 'oc II IJlm l IIn<l. not "Nelill modo th e m roturn the dinne r n(llic:l ng w illi It WIlH. saiu : " \ \'('11 , ilL· pall ," li e bol'o wh nl. ,10 yo u 1I' 111I t 7" a t whi ch IiAJ{NHA~T • "Mothcr l ~ warned Ne tta, llusblnll h u luokc<l "I' dl s,'nusCl I,ll cly 111 111 ~u l, l : deeply. " \\' II Y, I 1I1I, 't n lili lo huy; 1'111 Juli n ." Notary Public "Yes, I\nd It wn s Ne tta who filled th e d inner pnll," [lroceoded Mrs. Day: All kinds of N ltlHy Work. :yWtllB " Its orl glnnl conte nts ba d gone Into th e r lv r. She mnde tho boys recovor Wh at He Would Do, Itnd Dau!l ,; " t:lpooil1 l ~y. th e rll nn er pa ll:: ""'Iml wOII I,l yo ,1 0, ,lImHlln," IIskell Ah'in g lu ncod gratefully at Netta. PrD r ~snr I t r nillrU~, ··If yO \1 RftW n l11 ui, Ami d Il cr contusI on sho seemed lov&- roli «end In th . RLr t with out Ul'p" r· l ler thnn e ver La him. • ' nt renson ?" "l r ~illl y wo ulll u 'L know One e venin g two mon lh s later, com' who tt> do , HI. ," ail S" , re d Ih youlIg Subscribe for the Ga;eette In g b(lme from work, Ahlin was con· Klud cnt, " I thin!, 1 s hould J\J~t I '1. alcJ Qr ably SUl'lulsed t o meet bls uncle, him 110 th ere. It woulll cerllli nly 1> Gld (In 11hike. . . Wl'Olljl: of li n)' nliLiI to Ilroll Il end III tho "j\ h , I h nve found 111m at lnst, dear s treot "Itllont ilrs t giving h is rtl(\SOll H hoy!" exclaimed t he old man ollu· tor doing 80," sl voly. "Huuted you up, to 8UCgest th n L bygones should be bygones, Miss Ell lnll e Borton-" ':negn rdlng that estimable young {funeral Dirt'Ctor Ind y," Inte rru pted Alvin forcibly, "that and Embalmer. If y ou Are tronblll,l with ohronl o del'otcd ho pe or yOUn! Is tarther a~a,. o r musoular rb (\um oM a m glveChllOl. t ba.n ol'c r, " Waynesville. Ohio. ,i "Good :" cried Uncle Ofdcon. "I've berlilio '8 Liniment a t·rl ol, Tho rA· foun d b er out-a merce nnry matcb- lief frJID pain whioh it. tttton1 s Is II lone w orth many times it,8 co t,. Call1llls lVered promptly day o r night n Wlto r. 1I lltlth phones in OffiCI! ",nd Re!ildlllU;~ "You sea," contlnued Alvr'n, '1 am Obtainabl e everywhere Long distance, No. 14; Home phone en gaged to another," 14-'2r . " Not tbo pretty girl [ Just law at Chairs and o ne Coach furni Mhed fref! th e cotta ge yonder?" Look Troub le In the Face. with funerals, "The same," nodded Alvin proudly. It 18 woll t o IC'lIrn to look flh l'~ l cn l Beat of service guaranteed. " Lllclty Cellow!" commented Uncle troubl o In lh o fo ,," ; to 'hell rfully ord r Oldcon, " I would feel It an bODor to ma lte h er Joint InherItor with your- one's lire fo r bllll e r li vin g, wi t hout ~~~~~~~~--~~~~~!!! mnklug too mll ob fU RS Ilbout It ; to selt ot the tortune 1 9 0 meanly denied t.nk e caro or onc'R h (lnlth nFi 1\ s ll1lpl you." AWAY obllgallon to 011 's s If. to on o'f' film· And th en Alv in Inv ited hie eu· lIy "1111 to the comm llnlty : bnl nol 10 Um .ills tic relath'o to tea, and Netta's r egard over y a che and va in a s n n a· ,\l llllleAville'8 Loo.dlnv Denu., rn lsln oa ke made the old tellow more tlonal calamlu', Offioo ID Keya Bldg. . Ma,l n Ss In love th nn ever with tbat charming youn g lady,


Auto Livery Service at Reasonable Rates

• Oftlce, .t residence inF, B: Sher wood'. house, Fourth Street. Also Aa'ell* tor Kelly-Springfield Automobile Tiree Telephone 28


htl I h, 'I\~ ht JlO nhlr" of tbo In cJdent un.

THE CI1EERfUL CMEI\VfJ A boy I kr-o\.J JV.5t c:.~1l.s


fnsure a Live Colt


"I Can't Do Better T han Make the

Chanoe." b e th ough t at th o dln uo r h our nnd Ita u Sllnl con comitan ts-dry bread frag· m enls, a stalo roast, p ie, with a. s oa k ed cru s t. . " Oy nil mcn nn 1 must find a ne w boarding h ouse," Al vlll soliloqui zed, "I can't a.f1ord tho hoto.\. "l'h e ro must "be sarno \llnce where 1 Can get clean, whol oBomo foo o, even It It Is n't grand aDd vnrl ed." Then hla thoughts r eve rted ,to tbe retler h e bad just o rder ed r e turned to Its w rite r, W ell he knew trom the hand writing It !lore th at Ws IInclo, Gideon Blake , was the correspondent. Six mon lhs provlously he bnd q unr· ' reled with t hat solr·willed r elntlve, Mr. OInlce wis hed him 10 m ar ry II c ertnl n Elula Ue M rtOli. Agnl 1l9t this AlvIn rebelled, In lh o Orst Illaco he hnd aot ye t lear ued wha t love meanl Ihe next h e kne w Ell iulle JIlerlon to be nn tu rnlly a fli rt, IlJld by lJroclh'ity a gOOd danl o f a n a dventuress. "1 do not wanl your mon ey," Alvi n h ad said. " I ca n ea rn my o lVn IIv iu!;," and now he was dolng it, B e begau al cul nllng Ilof\s lblo p ro gress In hI s 611hol'e or emp loyment to keep fr om to lin!,: I'J nel" tnr he toon.1 lit tle congoui,, \ compn n lonsblri In t h e hard'I\'ork I" g, slo w'lIolng lOw n, RI B shoo becu lllo u nlaced as he " 'liS croSB· Ing :l, /'li stie brid l,;o spUIUJlng a l'u "llle nca r th e rh' 'r. Al vin se t hIs dlnn c r ail 011 t ho r 11, Crnc~!-ho l!hlnr,cd up ~lIlclil y, 'In tl mo to seo hi,; di" no r pu ll go lI yln g trom lis pILlCIl, r olling (10W1I a s le Il It/cli ne a nd ~ l l'i k ln g lho rh·cr. He n o' tlced two boys rU ~ lIillg t hrough th e ynnl of a vin e· m howorod coltu ge n ea r by. One ca rrll~d II. s li ng·s hot. 'rb e y rapidly go t bO'yond pursllit . . AII' ln tried to malte ou t wb ro his noonday lunch and Its r oce,.tnclll hnd lund ed, tll.ll ed, olld Jll'Otcc dod to wllrdll the II lnnt half II nl ll o far th e r 00. "1 sha n·t mo urn ' Hi h ," he humorously lold blro. eli'. " A r estaurnn t mea l will be a pleas llut varlallon." It must h ave bea u two bours later when the ti mek eeper of the Illant came to 111m, He, ca rried II tin dlnner pall wltb a den t 111 one sId e. ' ''1'hls you rs?" ho InquIred, "I fancy 80, tor your Inlll ilis uro scratclled on th e co\, er. "Why, ye s," r eplied Alvin. Inspect· Ing his mlsslll g Illuner Pnl.l. "Wilere did you get IL1" . . "T\\'o boys bl'Ought It. said It be10ngBll .to u' Dlu n :working ~ere and ' d Bscrl hed yO Il. T,b en they sc'ooted a lVuy s If 6 CiH' d Into n bUl'ry." "R eOlol'!,e tH' " " nuine good· hearted· lleB8~ " SPIll d , All: ln. "Thanks." and


-----:. ----~



DR. H.E. BA'ra

' - ".


P y tllilgo riloni of ADoieDt Gre ce ut e sim ple food, pbto~lood to 'llPOrtIOCB und purity. ASIl badge th flY llsed t h o five p ointed star w410b t hey r egllrded as" symbol of h8l1ltb. A r od fl vo pOinted star 1\ ppel\r8 on elloh po.okmge o f Chawberl tt.1 n 's Tn bl o ts, s t lJl.fnlat ( It::! Bnolent mH. bio n BS a sym bOL of llO!l lth, If you ~re I r o ubled wit h indIgestion bll. lo us u e88 or oon8tl p atlon, gitt 1\ po.ok ugu of Ihesil tablets lrom your drug . ~ \. t YtlU wil l l'e 8urprlaed at t ne q ll ic k ~nll €ll whloh they Ilfford, O b !I. ill" bl e eve ry where



in .the State and will pay highest market pnce for sound. d ean sour cream. We are always prompt to recognize . any advance !n the market, a~d will take care of your mterests at all times, Checks mailed daily or weekly as desired to cover all .s hipments.


, Brellthe Well and Keep Well • To hl'ent\!e woll holps to k eep well, To live longor nllli botte r make It a hablt , lo take 80me breathing exercise each dllY. Aro you awnre that ordlnnrlly YOII IISO only ono·tcnth at ,Your Illn g sllaco ? 1s It any wouder that dls08aes ' of lhe r esplrlltory tract are .contracted 80 easily? •




,-t:'~ lJ ~~ j






Sore Throat.

UII'oal \Vh nll BII·lturlll g fr01l1 tOlls llltls 0" all MULCI. o f llu ili GY cun br I)re parc(\ from' ~ lcn rh OI1I1 l' of Hudn , I ISROlvo. u h oa l>lO t; lCnRIII II)II rul of blcal' bonllte or sodll In 11 .corroo C lill or balling water aud 'add to thi s two dl'ovs of UI O es sence of PCll11 rmlnt. Uso th e garglo while It Is quite ho t-not ellough to hurn l he thl'oa t. n pont Ole treatm ent ev· Il ry fo ur hOllr s, '00 not go out or doors n rt r II s ill~ a garglo, a a there Is dnngor or . nggro votin g th o condItion In tbe throat.


Fil1lt N atJonal Ban1c Peart Street Market BI" lk Ally Reliahle Mt rchaut In CiacinnaU.

A c lc:>;n"illio( gal'g l" fnr l h

CinCinnati, Ohio



=--.- --",?,,,,-,,,,-:= ._-;=:==

....•.. ...

J. F .. Snook, Agt. WaynesvilJe, 0., ..............................~



., .

W.N Sears LI~E STOC ~


REAL ESTATE &: INSURANCE Office in Stoops BUild;ng

. W ayn~sville, Ohio


Out of the Runnlnll. He-"J havo balf a mind to 'ask you to be my wlfo." She-"Have you? Well, I'm sorry, but I really couldn't marry. a man wlUl only baltlunilul.:'



A !{o lld and tlwt3 t.ried l'emedv' is ThiR <1l. 1180 should lle treated as soon Dr , Klns'a Now 'Llfe pm8 'lihe fir 'lt dOlle will m ov a the sluggis h III! tbe firs t nu.n~" ,lOOIIeDetIII of the Wheo thiB Ie done a hl) Wflls, etimollt.tB tho 11 ver mno ol9llr ,th e system of wlll!lle and bl ood Imrl~~~~~!:::lt:!-:;~ OoHor Ohol· II: dectB pnrHles. You owe It to youreeJf to be olellr the ",stem . ot~ body polaoDtl. accumulated 'be wiater, Dr. Klog'. New will do Il,

., 70nr


LeWIS Bakery Everyb,ody uses Le.wis' ,Bread and Cakes, the best and most delicious made. Try them and you "will' never want to eat any other kind.

~wil' Bakery


!b's. (



\H .. !l 1 GAZE ITE i


____ '··, h ll.h"'J


", . . ",.. ville.


MIiW l ~~ '\WITM1!1SVlLUJ. 0 10. , \


S100 REWARD, 1100

- , --.




- - - - - - - - - - - -[ - - - ,


ph:H$(lfl 10 Il-a ln Ihu l thert' il;, ullW !';.l ' J lle The p"lwr will he dl 11.1" 111j"t!lcrs di 'use lll" , I"'dt! I1t"~~ hu ~ Iwt II "lIh' l it c lI.e ill ull i" stll~~S a nd 1Ir:ll is



J II, L. e IIANF.. l':ditor I\IIU MnnUlCe rI .: culurrh. \,1I,u'rrh Ix:illl: gro" lI y ill!luclle",t - - by """s tilt.,iollu l wncJ iliolls r~(lulre9 con· As Writt en by Our Corps of Able Corn$ pondMAY 10 1t)I!\ , "itullm,," lrWlnte" I . II tilt's '(.tHrrh n r~ is t'lle" n jtl lertl. II )' Bud nct s th ru t he en ts in the Neigh borho od IIln,,11 I '" llie MIII'''"~ Surltte"s lit tlie ~ "l'o tt:1li III.reIJY dL'Slroy ill g thp fl'iuuUn · -------------~In . the tl DYS of Youth. ...' -- - .------....-----"'"'-" ~ Ii"" uf Ihe cJi.~,,>c. givin g lit" pUlie nl


: I'


' Altll ou,o, 'e'1Jt,ll t. I!J mo ue Itlltt, fo r o nl ' , loo,l.\y. Muy 1" h, I lti l1 g'l1tlJ( lsJ·o~. (Irous ,,"\11 Rtve hf ' II'ro In n Itnrl n lg hl ;'I' r iurIlUtlH 'I'. Uf (lU" liny

You Inte nd to Build a Hom e this Seas on? If you do, Rem emb er, we hav e •

Mr(,li~ th h) huiltlil1 J,: "I' the (' OII M illl tiuH lhO n'lUnll:mt lUI adu lt 1I,j~1'8S~H III IIIt 1:\"<.1 as~ isti." g IIn l ~rr_c. ill. <.I inJ.(. il S, wlJr~ ('1l1C l n n 1lh l it Ih ulr tln'~'lt co : QIl utiurlH IIf Iylu!;. I II~' vrup:lr lo, s 'Ill!' [ " 'U "II :1 ~bUWIIl<'ll lin tbj ~ I '"I",h 1:"110 1111 lIJl' (! u n\ tIW: )Jo weo r co: ••SU " ece It , Dluruill y, Halr·uoftlu:.Io anel til .. CUI" 11.,,1 ,III'Y "ITer "lie ( ll ntl co u tarrh ~t'''~!l ll IJr" "" "I III",... un 'III n , . HO" H IIn,\i,'d II" lIars , 111 0 j llOltil1 It " ur loB tak e .. UJ> III 0<.1· . fill' OilY c"se Ihul il WII,ttil'r llll lJrtl~\'/i III. '1'111' t.rl'01I1I1 . F r ell hllno. ullr UH'tl l IlI ll rOllitfll., Mr . Ilu ll . Mrt!. ~'m nk I-;III~ cLnd I rion., tril l' '1lI n o ;'I'~<'lr"' Vllltl ~ or th e l\ell~ . 'J' b u ]JustOIl WOIUIIII (or lisl or leslimunial. .lui ls 10 ,'''ft·. -:'iCi1~11 II', 'l lI d llr. ho ys t h e 11I'8t lJ eor cu ltl !! o l/I" I" ,,!ll a ' lkn g ll! .' r!l ( ~Io'nllll wl lu wid hal' clll hirell 'nove l' to Ilul d O .. .. CO t'tld Mr I (' lltI , ' 1~liI JIll III I" built S"'"(I)lg AtJdress. F . J l'tH ;N EV & CO ., 'fll ey ure bllloh !!retll'l lint! ~ht. "nt, r l/(bt 11 1111 MrA . 'hlt~ .Urn l.!J tlIo t"JrC'tl llC'fO IIIJIIII,I hI t ll olr oa rs,' whi ch th ey Tuledo,O hiu. Sotd uyu I nill. ,'\' 'T I I,nn It'IJIl JI~r~on,. IIl ~A ll luuggs ts, .5<. Bud 1\ pUrOhtl tlb r, o uell II '~ u 9toUl fl r , rro rn lJ a .y tll o :-inn.] III' /l l]d ij JlE<ut ti m , !.)tI rl. ' " II tl 11 \l1'Utlllll ly tllu. Is 8U,'U 10 I." ""HI .v 11\" b i j{I!"~ 1 .__ • f" r eve r . duy wilh M r . .Jo bn (;1111111 11' " lid rlllll . I ,,\I "''' '' In 1 ~ 1 1I >( 1i 1'!! me. EXIJ"l'lw ~lltul 1I e8 Htun III Ihl. i.1"O~. 11 .. 1'" " ,',' r It i~n v ery 'oom m o n Illi llu 10 Ree ily . Will', BIIII KId" Il'ro'ul hcucl';'ny, fur lh e . . Rtllg",.tl "~HI .~ts, jl l".'i tlO~ '· Hulle l. .f allttlll b oy jn~t Rbis t o ~It 1I.lnnp lllll'ou l whu ulltlclpu tea tll um 18 nlwuy~ "'1\~" Ali ooC h on nw"Ih onhrtul lloil ~h ~1 l 1Ilr'PR. (111 h Real Quality of Patience , rUUlIll,g Iln Iluto m o lllie. 1)11 lit e luuku Ul a llel Is gellll ruUy rll ' Il t he r uefi ll t lfu l h 01l 1 I t~Nt i'iUIlI IIlY, I. t n :fMf'lf Wtlrtla .1~11l ,llIorl nR ~Irl~. SOnltllltU as u IItli o c hil li. In lh o sl m· "I1II,n,!: llInBY ~~Ilh'~ . . ,·,uru e<.l."-!i:xc!u;ngu . th e foi l wing gl1e~I_ ; lilt- II n tl Mr. I n AN . ~ , ll n wl n/-: ' l llllh,rt' We al 0 have Paint to ptlell v lit th o h l'uI't, IIlnk(' R till} bOBt 1I0 ,lOll !;;OUJ8 r nllC:UI ar e r e rl find 80me I k IJ M ~ I i'i It I "'" u lo.: ,nl tHt _ It JI,,"r III tlte lItt. in ' put r theo luglan. 011 your bu ilding III IlIl Ilxa mlntlllul t III It tlrHpln " 'I\(\'\lt 1 I k,l,ut.o orSIJrln "lsvllr y l,. I". 1111 U 'lu f' ,m" UYI t CIII J I'r"U, r" ", . Un" t, nRA n r l hn" r'c n l HS'Il'"~ -'~ " eo ,:8( ~d. ,"I'IIIII"' tl Ur. school III Scolla nd , lh e 'Iu os tlun wos l( ·,t lltlk. , ~ ... you illtend to build . tlu~ ... il lu. . 1~llrIJ JI"all w ll r Iho H t"~ltli!H hll"" aBkeel olle or lho cIB3"~s, "lV hnt I ~ T'w o Inscripti ons. Mr. 'In d Ir s. Will. R o blann vi ~ lt. l\l rH Frtl uk 'nok Illl ,t .lulIgh t r Alleu r," ~" ') r~H \If (,I.rlm" Tho Ph",'UH Ugl,lhou . , uU p l til 28~ patle ncc'!" lIlId ono uf Ih e 1I1l1u g i'l'l ti ed r e ltitil'eH out of to wn ... ::.':::.~­ Jl urt or'lI r~ llllY, of Hu ut e 4 were th e i'itl tldflY gtlU~tR no III,fM(' ::::-:-. -1'(' 11 In AIIlI'r\w I n. .. during t b rolgn uf Ptoloruy utt swe rod . " Plcus , sh·. Il 1M hid n Mr nud Mr~. Am osEIII R lireotlhelll). li n f Mr. 'rltOrtlll S L ttny ,mcl I'umlly pnll ll' Ir",,,rl 1l ',lnuli tilw ~ ::.=; Phll"de ll.lltls of Alo. lIltllrltl, wh 'II tin· weo. IInti dln nll weury. ,' l\' hns hen u \' CB. (lU t l. tlfy l n'" .. t il e lol eri o r of tll nl , . r b Olll o 0 M' "I t U . II l1td" /I 1,1"1 o f thll IIlhln ! llut. Ilr ,). f \l t Isb e<.l bore Iho II'ge nu : "1( llIg I'tulom), unce 1M biding, wolLlu g. wtth ou t. weary ~ with piliot Iud p Olle r . I ~~ v e ,IL ... 0 1:1", () ' ItY U II, I~ ~r" m thl~ Hr '" """ . 'l'h(1 Ul ft nto u rl n lu lit O g0118. th o SUVIIlI·., ror t ho bmw· lug.- Selcc ltlll . 'fhll ruin hero l3o !.lIrdu y nig ht unll !l(;pe nrlin ~ Itb l e w . Ifl l'~ "' tf. h III"" AtlC'o nnw 1I111111t" r~ l\'OU WIlli IInjll1'''~ . III ut 8ullor.," wlt l(:h Jlrc80lltl y crllm l:lllnclt.y mort.ln g Wu8 lhe worRt yet Imoowe l . ThH ,III pit,,,,,,, ' "c luol l/l i( " til l! Ilin hied lifT, liltvl lI ll It CII torlllud In 1II0t· Ihlll Bluing , ],11' J;l Hr s llld l Rospll ,', rt f' n .. to r l,v ~t\," lit" etltllt·~ Iltro.(H~ I. l'I,('it ,\',ll! r m t llr ity tlt o bllll<le,' !:loslrlltcB, und Ito t.lo, nt. :-; 111t·tlnv c i;dll '1Il11 :-:"11 lorl\'l, I"'",, 1I1, ·rt ·"", '1 t ,l (lllr Rt. r tl fttq will he oil~u t n dllo d.1v spe Sulphur ic Acid. ll tl ,Ii. n nth, c" "ved In Ih o rock Its If, Ill' wil h h l~ frltrud \;"rI 1 )"~11l '"l/H . "1 /1l1t,,,.,, , .I n 'urI'l" 1i41 tl l'hHP ' S'lt phllrl c oe ld II ,," be ' 1.1 know n com· tim e 10 loy t,h e t1l1 Ht IInt1 " ~~i~t In llenrr" tlt e fu ll uwl ng : " tioslrnt' 8 the 0111' soh lln l wil 1 nlo to. tli" Il1 rt (,. \\1 1 IIH ,'11 ,, 1')'.\'1\,. tlnll " lJ, A' (r",' 'nlulnll, SO li uf Il uxl(llr UIIOS, t o th e mercluUy fur "ulIul 100 yea ,-s . The keeping I.he wlfe 'e tcmpe r Imbc1n ed , t oeu til (,I' Mn.v 111"/1,'.11111" _{r"('1 IlIlruilo h ull' d ll~' Mr. "n,l Mrs, J] 'mor Bnnd, of tlrs t stHp III It. manurnClur e Is Iho gods, Ihu . "VIO I·S, ote. I,orllllill . burlling of ISlIitlhur. 'I'hl . (orm" II gU8. n ell r Bellbroo k, Il tl-end e d th o Alum· I • - ... - - -_ _ _ ! _ ____ III her,1 !,;"I.urdl 1l' nl~ht which 18 c hc mlcLI ll y trea led to " roMr a nd MrR. •~. rl H oo kA H, Mr ~ du ce BtlllJhurl c o<;lu. A curiou S rOIl~ ~ turo of th e (lc l" ts lhnt It cn nuol be .. n d Mrs P lJr oy HI'n~nn \V ro h e re ~ "'''I"( .uJ Get Satt F rom the Ocea n, :::-~~ ~ , ~~ _ .' .-::;..--__ ,.,U"' UC "t04~ ~ _ WATCH CHILO FOR WORMS O ll ~ lit hllK 110 "" It d " (loslt8 lII1t OBS th o shllJll oel In dUlIt tl form III Iron CUI\ · ~fll.t1rcl"y Ill g ht Hnd att o n dtld the groft l Pul'! li e 11" " 1,11 wh 10" RllrrOuntl s 11 luln ors b ceUHa It will oa t throu gh th e AlnlJlul . Wll rlU ~ .... p ('hit '~,t ro n Ih, rou Come in and will make an estim ate on tlie buildi ng Or. (jptlrge Batton, th e m nn ~'a ll ho (·" lI p.1 slIdl. A II tb e satt con ~ troo. b~t s trollg sull,hllrl c Rcld cu n b e oint.! If t (II,1 ~ lI rln" . k,,"'" lrl flllt,It)l , I shlllpcel In tonk 10 Ihi ~ vl ol Ol\Y, btl ~, fur" fe w d ,,:v~, en rHo &umell lit lir e 1. la n<.l Is e va llOrlltod Mr. 11 0, 1 Mrs . \ '>1. 'v , H ll n ~ l ~ h .d lrr il tL t tJd, n n r"tlllR. \Vn t ch HI 11.,1 HtH.-\ 0' hee n qolte Intlip d . T Ilt) floot or trOnt 8 1'" w"Ir'r III ltallics til lh e tlgB' 11M LiHll r ~ ll (>~tH :-iOuc\ "y , Mr . nnd II I ar" t "i~ 1I II r ~ll " JlI('loD " r w o rUl 8 Is Ii v e ry ener~eL1 o lll~U all ,1 wb ~ ll lt old fll Mlrion ,,"q,lo)'ll d Itl' lit e lIuLiv llij J\ lc ku. 1 MrH. W"ltt ' r 8 ear!! tl n tl fIl1l\ ' 1 ~', d ~i VB <)flO I".if t o uuu I " Z~lIll: G ive us a call, get our prices, and we are positive we 18 SO he Ol1n be Is doin g IIow ()tblng of 011 Hen-C'onst "(lulltrl£ls nlld ts lnods. U""Mt.o ", Ir. nil" Mr ~" l u ll" B rUI"" 110" \V,l r"l lullnr. '~I'Rtilly W Orll) r e. 1 that III u~efol. Wb sll " " bo lllll g" Is til progress lh o I tn o vor will g t your order fo r lumbe r, etc. O lV Pf'I inll u llIltuf;o TP:ill it !:J , lH lind dllughtor nllli M r. A rrH' lcI , uf IlIxtl Uv£' . 1' 01'111\\1 ~ tln<l r e ll\ ov n ~ W C . W6 10h I.nd fn ml l" In tlJ Alr Duyto n nntl vr!l tok e 0""IlSI011 to prolluce a ' quanllty of Rugllr no well 08 sn tt, tho Ih c' WOTI11. , i "'lJ ~L' \'I'" (JigcH ti o n \l n u I h ' .. otlful IIlAohlu e nlltllec1 too f.ho Lovi Gr ell t h nllRe , '-'"hn !ttl!! IHl· !( l1 el'lI l lugur ~~ Ing dorlv d fro", e vul,orllUng 1" ,,.11 11 o f chillI. ('(l nl ilt ll A I 8ond!lY Sobool oonven tlon 1Il1t.y . ceut"d II p<Jsit lon nl Ila y tnn, ~I'O ll t ~h' lng Kldmp 'lCl W " rm K il le r n n li i llI e 8ap frolll the cueOltllu t treo. '1'he Clvlo Long·o e ure h enut.lfv ing :-; u lI(\r~y h or ••. till !-1i ~ ntl fl f w tJ rJll@ Itro IllJ un :!;;p th A soh ool groond s with t1 llwHrN. 1\11 .8 ~llln.lie E\'[\Us~t>Allt l.h p ''<oco k lit. Yll l1r l )ru[l' l.;i~ t Tbe, furnish ed Mop pe r fo r tho ond w ith h o r " " r o llt~ lit L e b nnnn Alamol 8 uturduy night. "nil th ey Are buyin g all kinds of --:Mr . " 1ll1 Mrt!, ,Io hn My prR nnd A Remarka ble Lottery. are ,nuking m o ney 'Illd will be r ic h LIVE STOC K and payPe rhnps IIHI IItllst r e mnrlmht o lot· hohy, o f I. yl It" we r e weoko nd !Cl1tl~ I '" 800le duy If It t" kes t.h e lust o<!ot T o Co ver Scr1ttohC3. t ery wo s IhM lit Frnnco In t 660. wh en ing highes t marke t price. they hllve ~ot . J'he I"dl e~ tlllROrv A of Mr . 1111 11 M r ~ , W illlllU1 BIITnhn rl" Tn cr"'(or ~cra'I'!'(,H 01 1 furnhll"~ li nd lll e conduHlolI of II 'ae and th o mnr· Mr. entI Mr:!. \ Ill • • Wh e" ! "., , uf l t "," Htl lIlf' l in", '" 8 great delll of oredlt fo r t h oir li d. ,·" II"N all ,III HI, We are paying the high· rhlge or LO lll ~ XIV wero celobrnt od . Il IK.I_ _ _, , ; be reooe . Fi ve P,) i ll l ~ . ~JlOtlt :-iuII\I,,\ ' with 1,. 1111 \\'illl (l Hurt d UIII wos drowlI Ilubllcly "ltd unde r th o In· whlr'h h"s boon ::-====-:=~===~==::':':= l\tl l:! ~ csl cash price for M"ry L OU Il Y. Re vf rlll ,\,,'lImlll o r o ur »(rm enlorall cc! ==~== w hll POllUlllt th o ===== f()llo io ll \'iJ' l: lIIlx· I ====::::::=_ spection or lit p lI lI ·U. ond Ih e first Munrlc~ Wllurt on nf Dll y ton, iR III·C'. atte nded 'he b"pttzln g at L ou ,n OD ]"'1uIII Imrlt< 'If ril l"r VIIl IIgllr./ pri ze 100,000 II v rill:', WUB won by tbe vl" ltln g his g rn ndm~t ht!r, Mrll. Munday . vi 1\II'IIm ltll\O 111111 IhIR·, ·,"1 011 P'll UI" ktllll' hlnt s" lt. JIo wou ld 1,ot occcpt It, Oor t eaobers ]u~v\l left 118 lifter G r euth ll~n Il lpr'o In II. hOlli(' . ~lIllkfl wDIl. and It 1.......,.,.""',....-.-..............,.,..""' howeve~, outl II WOB Inrt ovcr 10 tlle Ii.. I ,II " r It • ....,.."'.-.-...........""'.,..,.. • ," I Mr . IUld Mrl! Illilvi Hn hinRno IIml 1>1 rt'uI1 )' for II fl<'. It. J1;~I.I' 110 ltollt for oo mpletln g a vlOry lIoooasB lnl sohoo t 'n ex t lOll r y tn wltl" h It.. had no ticket. "')II, IIf DII),l o n , pout. Sun d .\ y h6r~ 011.1' HtlI.l> lh ' I( Un" ye ar. "From . I h la IR fin to FOR RENT To be delive red at Corwin t.11 OIark Burgess IItll1 r em alos very ' ehgi n OBts fit Mr. nod Mrs, J, Fl. 11110011 \ l\ l'JIlsh od nuors ; Il k ee p" lb om } .~ O U80n 'tUSHY , Ilnd "res fI'CH til vnrn lsh, poorly with no lruprov emeu t Happln u•. Mrs . t1 ll1rl\ Loos A, o f Lo'bll ilOn, 18 Our 'ow08b lp trns te es wore In UOSE with good barn II lId b ig N \. Uutll I,rtl l.oll halllllue ss all be le88ton tlAtorda y It belog t,lI e lr re g. viflltioJ,; Mr, 0011 Mr". Oijotlr ' Io,·eu. g "rcle ll. Inquire o t Mrs . H , to Fiction McCal l'. i.Supre me," wOllid J" ~ L1co, loul calls It blelBoo All go r 110d Mrl!. J. SteplloDl-olI . allr meetlog . Solo mon 'S Wisdom . F . DeVItt, Phono No. !lO. write I a New York .ubscribe~. bolng QO UJcL1llllg woro dlvlDO and ex· OfIice Phone No. 46 Mr and M r ~ Gpo H vk An t e r. 1I1umm o-"Doll 't you klHlIV tllnt 1{lng Mr. Ilod Mrs. Frank H o we dotl McCALL'S holliS ctl llollt.-ArIaLoUe. talo od at <ll n n s'r '\J ll d " y Mr. · a lld Solomon .~~,ltI 'S "aru Ih o Res. Phone No. 48·2 dooghte r, Murj o r le, r e t.orn ed to o'v e r 1, 200,00 0 r.?~ U'.leI spoil Mr! . Uh lls Hn (l k 110 11 8')11, Mr . Ami I th,e child. their home In t)h4lrlln 8\turdR Y . Llllt 1.00 - \ 08 , but he wome n dress in Mrs . Alli n BI\c k ,LIlli ,Itlm;hl r 1\11,1 11 0 1' r Mid " lllltil ~ FOR SALE st y le a t s m a ll exrt ,., ,· ho got"Bo old The MII~ 8 ie Townsb ip Snnd"y R e v. 1£ B. ,Jucobs, of Dn ylo ll . pense. A reco,ghls mol he r couldn l lJ 'k h hu. -Chi· - - - - - - Scbool Coove nti on oonvll nNl ht tho ni .~d F' n 8 h I 0 r\ Mr s . Burrl(1t RO~OOl!, of Oot r ult , cngo N "w~. J o nlllt8 RUII Ba ptis t ohur ob 8 unrtu y Authority for 45 orr ' E o r G r ooms in Corw in mUl!t y."rs. aftllrno on . R ev O(1 Millor. o f WII. WA ~ OB ll ed b, r e th e past w ee k 11)' be sold to' ~ettl u eetnt o. WIll Illingt o n. IIBVA II vel y inl Ar oR tlu g th fl dA 'lt h of lI or fot.h o r, I&.. Trow. McCAL L rAT. make some one n oh eaI) hom e , 8ee tolk wh ic h WU8 lUuob Ilppr eclu l eu brl(ll(e TERNS lead In VV . N . Saurs. Mr. Ilild M rl!. 1<~lnl er S h ee t R; by a II vre.on t, tD ~2 s tyle, fit, simplicf ity. economy and lh:==::.5ii;.:;;;;;;;;;;i Mr lin d Mrs. BtlTnlOn Mo r e, Clf Rid ge vill o, t! pe n t Mond"y w it h Mr , number sold. fow mor e blls hol of P ure L ea mDear Ortl~Oll ' II, wer e nudny !! o ~ at. ~ f\. nd Mrl! . W . W, tibootll . Mc:CAU' S- B4 t o 11 8 pa e eR m onth 1y - ta t h e In g !:leed Cor n at S ugar Grove MI~s EIi\l'l b~ l.h ~o hn o re r spont, the of Mr aod M ra. P. J . Mure. THE CREATE ST F a s h ion Guide rand H u",~ek u " ln ~ lI t lpe r or Fll rm , 1 mi le w n~ t of N e w Burling . morcwom cm 1h on nny o\hl:r mnKD7.ine In th e Mr. "nd MrB. Ll oyd AndMs o n n nd wee lto ort wi th b er pnr l.' ot,. 'h W es t w orld. Al l the Ip'tn ~ye r .v mou th: Entrlesl Entries I Let us have tbem now, bon and Ilrla. Every t on. Mutua l Pbo ne 185, N e w Bur- n180 Midd Je t ow n . 80n, (;II rltonJ of. X ll nitl,_lI.utoed dow dr:lhr ht(ul s t odeR; Itlw c:inl dll![1 tu 't nu-ntll count, carrie. Ihtl blessing cf trom 0119 to a dOlco 'trip. In tbe II ng $on Exohan ge . J , t;. Lonmlo g in cookinlt, h o me tJi R m ~ klulr, fn ncy w o rh , IN T li E WORLD Mrs. L'3 vi G re lth nuso W'lil the Coro Growl-n~ aud~ a i! ouden 'ho AluUloi Sntunl 'l l' Bn d WQYS t o Ih:h\cn h o u aewor lc an d SRve & ~on8 . Conlost. SOlid your enlry now. HlBUSlIED WEEKLY. $(.00 PER. YEAR ml0 ~u e s !, Mr. nnd Mr R. C . Wh art o n olgll t. money. Price : only Sc n COllY, SOc n y ear. The next meotlng ot tile County JunIor Cootelt Clubs w:tll . nce dtlY I U8~ SEND FOUR! lOc F.ncy.Wo rk B""k \'\loe k . be Satu.... HOY[ "", oRuociiSTs, SPECI ALism, day, July 16, at 10 I . m. All tbe manuec rlpts In lbe Essay CENTS IN wit h 39 Em-broid ortl..oMOn. ftnd big, ohoa)J work Dltlre. I oqulre Contest mUll cos T UM E R S, T R flo. NSF E R. CAL. Mr . tlild Mr . HtlY69 STAMPS LM ch FOR 3 2-" .... Mcc..n Pntto ... Rook s p e n t b~ turned lu lo al day. Two Itoy. will btl' ejected of J, B .. Chopm nn, Wl1yne ~ vllle, AND -BUS SERVICE that day to come to the the OAN week e P nd ROF'l at ~ l,elJflllo n, Lh o gUt' s ts ~~;-:~~::.!'J ': ~::~~·! ~~~'II~'~~~~I!:~iJ~:~~~:~;':r. Btnte Fatr t or til e eotire week at tbe ellpeOle of tbe Slale USINC IT9 ADVERT fSINO CO~UMNa · It, R, 2, m17 COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED DOllrd Alrleul'If W\ll, Nl)w p rt>. Ad,t f'UJ u..'/JI . N . ture. TIIEM,CA U CO., ZlS'W.llth'S", ~.w V.,kCIr,.N. Y. . SAMPL Mtlnv E COPY f'REF peo ple c ough IIn,l ooogll Mr.Rl\n Mrs Alhe rt Elesto n we r e We bllve twtce a8 many tripi DOW Ir. the D:lmeati c Science C t ' . t •• r hTA nn;,. I:LU.·RA ' . .. . OD el .. or from the be"lnoi ng of Fa ll r l8h D ill' t on v ' l!lt(lr~ , Itri <loIy two !lorse <I<ftotl.oe w,£W YORK OLIPPER Roosier Corn PI ant,er' WA,n ED ~lI oJ,"r,.,;.qt; clrll as ror atl or lIst year. Write for t'ne rulea and blanks. . l WAJIITtO Or get them througb to Aprlng. Uthers !lO' oo io good oonditio n. Inqu ir e of J. I. I ld I . 1' " 'j .,1 of your Count)' Scliool Superitl leude nt. I!lf \ i~'H',k"'':i . I • . MenrJen llull, Wayoes ville, R . R . -rake Dr King'" N e w DI~oov r .Y Think ot It. From com fi etd to Wblle House, and every boy ~,~. a. 1I.:IIU In Ohio tlnt' yoo will g e t Rhnos t I IUm oill ll!.\, m 17 '1' .. more than a dozen cballces 10 mllke that trip to tbe Corn Orowluc roitet. H ob e lis yotir co ld, stn pp COll i ~ - ' t rln~ nru ti ll. waiting. Mle raoking , rl\~pln ll , tl~.\] e. t'''A rln g fluo largo Ye nrllng draft Mate Boyal BO),111 Let \l.I have your, antriea now. 1& lIutl 10U III three oOll/lh. h e Hl s 'h e ir' Il 'lm Bll lln. so"t h f!~ HiS Col ", 14X hllnlls big h, exoeptl on. th e rllW tllb e~ . E K!!y t o III ItA , Anl·l . .Il ly g oo\! U IIO . For partlou lars In~A lltlo ' Ilod Benlinf{ (jot" fiOo b OIquire at th is office , ml0 till of Dr . Rlng·s.. N e w fll sco \, e rv t,n_ rillY. " tt Is o\' rtILlnly 11 Ufe . t IlIlId l A UTO - IE. M. ;1 OverTHE 'pNLY C£NU INE oloQ 1111/1 I ~ eP Jl n h 'ffl" rtf HOllo· tinull1iy 0 11 Il lll" !" wrHrs W , " lI O; Ip "~" Ul IIfI, F'rtollouu h" N U, Mll n (1), back It n o t III\II ~ (l I1t1 ro llO, Wayn ellvil !e, Ohio, OliO KEEP 8 FL f!$..wu.a:~",tP-:.aI "(!hlhlto n 'd 11rt'llins b UCQUH.i ilnllurtan





[very thing





Nec essa ry to build a . weIl~equipped Dwelling, Barn , Stab le, or Shed .



Pt eerson .&.Stoops




Way nesv ille, O.


-- ----


, OHIO j ':.-- ----___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _



Cla ssif iud Ads


---" :"'-- - '









.~nfW YORK CllFPE8. A




---- --- --





The Dre ame r's. Idea of . Fat her : ",..,." He 1 HEA L IT WIT H shado~ing of som eth1. ng enor mous ~n d UC S indon:ltab~e-_ and lawles~-conquenn~ ~;,fiJlIl8 and 1rre s1st ible and bhn dly nobl e. 11~~~~~~:~B~~I(J:;p~~r~·g~:~~ l

"Io "

'B kl n'

Arnica SalVI

--- ---- ---


CAESARS CREEK W. ~~ [I ' Il H n lm<l '''' IlI'r !.II II lilt I er pit J'I. 0 f ttl e w ee k, her ~lijlOr, Mr ~. &"11 W,rrwl o k, lIo Cl dnoj(ht fl r, o ( LI!""""n . . R tl luh L Oll rtltn g If! VAry wit·h bru"ohi,,1 Jlu o \1lu o n llJ I:\orllctl Onmlll o ll 'lI ontf' rtnill tl(j MI ~II Flllreuo tJ I:ltiy ooCl k IL fe w d"Y R IllS' week, Jesse UtlintJl! ,md fllmily wor" guest.R of John WII~ O D '8, l:inn(lny . Mr Ilnd MrA Llnraoo ( :<Jmpt'JtI IlUelide d. obQrob at Nil", !:I OJltl, Hlln day, "lid took dlnnnr wlt.1I Alphou s I:JtLIUl'8. RoV J ones und MILr1!1.nD'1 Bogan were InXeuiR 00 bUilnes s, Mond".v , Buraoe Btlrnor vl"lI ed bill lather, . ~tor . lay oight and MunolllV. Bermlln JoneH oRlJed on L08t e~ Cnmpto n. noar Lumbe rton. l:3l1oduy aUerno oh ' Little MilUdl6 PshmlO n. who bAS beeu Bufferin g w ith Ii. hldly. gl\tQ ere,l helld. hI beUer at thlY , writing tle vernl ,from h'lre fttt.. "tted tbt\ baco"l& nreKt.e serruon I\t I"prlng VIlIley Aunday nlgM. . . Mua'er. Bowart l btfle le vl~lted bill gr.ndpa renta at Spllng Valley, 8UDdILY, A number from tbl8 vlolntty at tended t·b6 )h.8 ua, ...:erolses I\~ tiprtur V"lIey hllll, 111At Friday,

!:lEE 0 LATE '''' e rllcged


PO l'A TOEt;- rhe~e beUer t.bllu 30t) bu. ' 11\, t y e u r ' nlso goocl 8e ~ d ooro . In- ' . ' S 8 J' b '1ll1 r e 0 f 1.60n , IS ury, R . D. 2, 1 \\·a yuesvlJ le,O blo a . m 10 I


. H Ollis Everyt hin g H oal{lblo. Burna, Boils, Sores, UI ,fS, 1'i10Dt Eczmn(', Cuts, Corns, 'Vounlla !Ina B ruisea. SATISF IES. OR MON E Y BACK. ~G AT ALL DRUC CI8TS .. 0 •

II! rs

gu e 8t~ ,


0,.,.ICIA L8 0" BOARD OF AGRI· FIVE &TATE CO 1ela, FOURT H ANNUA L BUCKEY E CULTUR~ AT C~A~ SPECIA L. «ntesta , oamel),; Tb. Stock Judllng Cooteat and tbe EI",. CoIliaat·. '.r , Juet lUI 8000 as· rou the blanks and oulilnes tor ail tben conteeta. flu'mna ! Farmers ! boy br.s , at least a dozen chances· to win ,",---~ilra >' trip to Walo~Dgton OD u.dll,:leElye CQrn Train. He haB ono of two 'chancel IT'. your couoty to tile Stote Fatr IL wbole week at 00 cbancee In tbe Stock JudgIng COlltest tor • e'peoa~ ~e haa 00. 0 f


-' '-.

d 'HI~I'acre of ,~1\ll will be aD open I!lportm ol,t atattoo tor you an ),our ~~ t:an Dot 100e; be mI.,. '!fIR & trip. H.e will raise more corn ~an tala fatber. · Everytbl nll' he win 110 III this conlcst will ~e to ~~s d:~::! ::: will honor the farm. He .wlll ralBa the value of your .orm



Nrn ! • Now! , We bllve- the trips In eV8ry cONler of .the atate. Do 'aYe ,"our boy enter the hallptoll t cl,)o ln' Ohio. . . Entlr.. f I!lntrle.! Boy •• lend a postal fcr entry ' blanke. or eut out Iftd· aend the followl~~ coupon to J. R. Clarke .. Columbu l, 0.: I)&t8 •••••••• •••••••• , •••••••• •••


To 1, R. CLA1UCIJ. ,

Dlreclj)r of Junior Columb u., 0.: Dear 81r-1 d to .nta~ the te.l l' COrD Orowlo . Coote.t tIIp to WublDa tAlL 1 ,,'ab ~tl"J' blaou or rulea.






f~ tha


N.... , •••••••• •••• ~ ........ ........ ..... ' I P. 0 ••cI~ •••••


: •.• •••••••• •••• , •••

CQaDtJ ..................,••••••••••••••••• :'. II 'l'OWD....,~



...............,_.•..·.• •• ~i~


On6 of 'be mos' MOOO888tlJ\ pr6p..rat! 101 tn ORe fol' tbls dll~ee I. Chamb erlaIn', Cougb Remedy. 8. W. 1I00Iln ton.. BlaDdo n ' 8prlogtl , AI. • "Oor baby bad whl)op,


bad •• mOIl' aD7 bab,

.a"18 him '-'bam-






An Ame rica n Stbry 01 Ame ricq n Life For Ame rica n Read ers By an Ame rica n It is you and 'me and all of us- just we,

the people--:"our tow n-o ur cou ntry us. ,A nd it's no mor al tale~ nor tale with ... '--U'~&&"""o:l\IYOU 'care to'look lOBlJnr-~

SHERWIN-WILU AM8 .. . PAINT{, PREPARED :, ~ It is. better than any ~ • prepareil . paint on ~e m'!1r~et, 'or "lead, and' , oi~.'~ . Th.e Sherwm-Wdltams Co. saf~ard lts '-:'Jality in every process of maouta cture. Tiley tnake all their linseed oil; own and , operate 'large zinc and lead mineS 1Ul~' smelter s, and make their dry colors i ~e1 1argest and best equjpp rl dry 01 plant in the United States. The results ar~ in 'he goods. . Protec t your interests and Youtt PfOlICI'tY with SWP. .•

'We NI'it


~l iLI R

When the F'aruler Plants·His (;orn T his Spri n,g-·"' ~


I ~\'('r :,,, lI' I, tllrrJiuti) Wolkt H) e 1 to • . lolt.! ", ."o!~'., cr. .pl ,'1. ' ,' '. ut ' ..111 n , In .



xtr high.grade- Patent Flour

All Kinds of ·Fancy Baking



t rl nt! r{ I ~\ .... r .1I1)e i~ , · X lIU1 :d H l-' . !11'l'l, 'j ' " I!' \ , " 1 . 111/ '·\l.'llilll!, ' TCIIIll) ~' w !U;nl1!l \\' r pun:haHeo. · pr:<)'~" ll ,11 '~ !i.' 1'.·."It· 1 I' rain TheY\\',!1 h on the i!!lttern n f the ill_ l' ;HS' l\ 1\) . ,,' I. .,,,. l} ~ • . ')O (I IH" l'll r~h a"cd 1I1~l fl\lI . and it will i ' (::'Jod l ' 11l1", ltt' r 'J t , 'I I' OP"~ \' ict'~ I "'lui!'" r.. UI·tl'lm W:iKUnS to haul the ~ Friday , I ·i:, ~. . J - I' \\ It, \ 1,·\' ,· " 'h",,\ 1'lIilJ r 'n th' c[lrning yea r . I "11'1"'" W" CI' 11; , '.I I, h,' 'li t Hld h fu r ('\1111 for the ~omi n~ .year

L!.I c;alaur

.L _ :: Made ' from choice No. l ' Ohio. Winter Wheat, ~ UJ!JItI ·wheat .that grows.


,: ' a ,

( Ia,..·,'· I' r a ,1 I I t·llrl.llI).{ " rvic .'~ 'III" W' yn 'f<l\lo'n~hi ,'l S"hool 11. al', I , f )llu ~;'II! ~'ll ,.1;,;' : '.1,.(1 •• ' :J'ho jll ~ "wl Thu r fill y and. cOllcludeli !he lr I I I i',, '1 "111 111' I ~ I·i rlllll K, thlt .v'r k (Ill' lhe "omlnt;" yell r. l'Ner , 9 II . "I" I, • "'.\, t' .• I " • LI I"., fi1l 1l){' \ndicl1 \( 11 P in Ul t o Il NU( ~ ~~:ti\ll yt'ar. I of \ !. :,, ', . Ije'. l·g .• '11lilh WIlS hired as j anitor I Iii " " I jl\1!'" " "Ii! Il'c1 ll'o f' l lh ,' 'll' • building mId M. L. I ar· \~I , ' . '" , /. t 'X;,. , ,',11 /)1 Il.c H:u· "h .l Ii :! nlain hi viactllltthooid

Bread madc:fromStarlightPatent Flour is white lig.h t,"h as splendid flavor and h olds its moisture If your grocer has not got Starlight Patent 'Flour; phpne or write. us, and we will see that you a~e· supplied ..






S l . \I l~ .~



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11l1l 1'll1lll{


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dl':\\'OI' a I. , :::0 P n1 . 11 ;

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el,\, lJqdy

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\'I~illng- ,,,illl~tur,; , In



Atlas PortlandCeinent =

Sold by

White w. 1\...-•••••••••••--1-..-.--....-

' ;,"\,t.!I' ·S

- - - ----





Didn~ t

Like The Town

ELEGT OfftGERS I!\~;~ciat~o~n~fu~,\~r~;~I~:~~U~~'~ h~I:~~

-- . -. - f tSONl , LJ MH UfI NOTlflE

\'dh!eft::l~~ C~~~1!I~6!:cU!~h'~1. t\V1:1~~~i II



Notice 10 Non-Residents

Ll',I~,':, ~'~~. ~.".":'~I.ry.J.'t"!.:~~~~:~.·

S ll1lth . l'68hUn~ III u tmllutu. 1~ n.lllOIrul, "Ill 1.1\""0

IM' n ti ~1l1l1 1~ Stul..' k . , '... . '. SUlJ!\\.:l·ip,.loll to 1'lut' k In "'t~~ml ...


IUJtJCC t hat ull the tj l ll litl)' o f .\ lu)'. l WlIi. JUhl l O. l.!.rt wrl~ht(Li Udllllnhitr:'llur \\ 1\.11 tho \~Ill

t o Har.r)' C. hurns I Et :" . M..haWood A I " . \ I 0 t on . ru venue:n .1

~I!uan (.n ,

$1. • Alber t W. S ta r Uey Lo C. I,' . III d A . C. Debol rl lot in S; 11 uzc n's sul J~ .


• St raw b e rnes NElw Tom a toes

,\1 1 kl Ul l s oi Fr\l it ~


.1 20


erv I " ' ,

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\ ·('l'1"1 et n.




everall a rge

w~ h:1 \'(' C, 11m ry, Country- and llill ru~ol". . Fi~ h -- Lak J Je ri lug alld 1\ ' llIte Fish


Bllt tel',

'"'"'t'U "



1I 1o

Nit-nc o

______ _


Reso1ution. .

I,u'ill,," "l~llo\1 ,.r "00'· :~:'~IW~~<lU~~:;'~~~:;:::\\u;\\I~~!~I~~:.,~~1"~~:~·::

Whan"... 0lH aJllr " rl Uou U I,y Ih ll f l hu nhULI I IIL{ r dut, l,wpcrLY un Malu (rulllll ," I "'IH~ I,,' U,· nAm l' HUB to t hu IUltJl'Mt('tl It I,e Jq'nu~ll il

' I)WlhJl'8Ut U

henoweth has moved in to ~''''' I. h••r WII t..c~'" Ilro."" Lal.1()r(lhl".llr Ihu el'l,nell "... ylll~ llhO proper t y. ,11IhHoO Y" ", ilh.'I)I1 Sl"t l'•I)IJI'nSOII I f l laq.t \v(.uk tl) ',hc"•.', .ru'llwu )·s .."'I,hlll KlUd Itlr.iLMY.".· ~ hOIiI\III,u 1.1",,,,,,1 I,h011 1\1,,1,1<., Ihu whull' J.lI'l tl1l' shill\' compa ny of Frunk th ~rool ".~. l,ou IJIlr ,..,.. ~ und ,II.. ,"uU "I U lld.llfo~ton at 'umurid <Te City , Ind . 1"10'" '1\1,,,0.10.11 lJtJ "". ".'• ..,.,1' u .. Lllo Drt.I~UI·- , b LV lllHHLing .ucit 8L1'UlJ.",,l\1i~" rll.' l'11 ict.! H aw kin ~ i ~ Rpenilin g . 'f1U'""!,,rn 1,0 !t Ito, .. lnl,l. I.)' Lho Col"""" ,,' f I' k ' I" I'ho \ " I . ~ uvl " .yo...."llIo, SlnLll Or (J hll'; !\ p'\ rt 0 tll S \\'ce 111 . Il!hmonll. ;';oc, l. 'l'h.1 lIlO LUmLOry(lu5<"rih"" ill ,alii /I . \ . ~1.:1· II'I . .I lut,)J') •

I I'. ~.


(n di~.I.n ·\ I

Thl: (;. I~ . hcld a social a nrl hll si· ' n ~Q:J IlI"l'l .... .ing in the church ' Werln es' liay VPI llng- of Ill st wt!ek . MiRS l·'1 " II~yc.oo . k wa~ p ro-en . t e.d , .nrC! II C" with iI U<!B utl ful set of silve rwar e Thurl'id»y WIlS "Ihl:! last rlay of '.hn,)l" . I!lnu was ct'l e hrate d with a I ()ICIl If' ( mller and hn"e bal l galO c -"lwIII .,.. ~.lbl1· ~i . n'~R men'• thef 26lattter I ' r. \ ''' :Il:.'; .VII· 01'l 0 (\~ ,)y a score () ) '00 1·;lelln"i· II!lvilnck W[l3 ~ucr.eS!lf lll i n winnin;.r I I )l~ prize which the W. C. T. U. l)ffp. r 'tl f<lr t he bt!st Tcm pt! rnnce




t>tl t i t. ful l bo ami it h~rtjl.)y'lsdlJt'lnrt:."I.J tohOH I d lstrkt \\IL hill whi c h t hu r out!\\ I1/'. will Dtt

""",,t o,l w\l h 011 lor I II. I,or l"" ~r ." m onthll rr1llll o ( ~ho I'''''''''I/'~ 01 ~ IIs ."",,, l u' III". Sl't.'II," . 1. dIlLe ~L' hu \. tho "'hula (·udt. t Hereof 1&.168


vo 110" ""n' a nd tho " O~ I or Ill~crsu,) LloD8h'lI c•..,<l upon pnlporty- .bulHn.:(J", "' '''C I ~ In •• 1<1 11101.loL II)' Ih e .jiu .llng /oo~. >!1I~h ..-,ssmu"~ shnllll o lov llJ<l (,111 ~aid o bu,· ~~ ~~lt~l'~I~II';;C:!~ (mJlllalJ,'" O( (JOII"('lI nhor


vu ...



\\ E REDEE M <':E() ·\i~ STA,'1 I'S

Big ..


, Whitaker. Eleanol' R;nytlock. Dale E!-\rl Coyl, Pharis Holland I anti Ral ph McFarlAnd Lois Whit· fnl<IJl'l\'on the prize~ fo r best pla in , Turn ~ l'.

a ron , !.Jes t patch a nd b est hem . I Le ona 'h rivc r won t wo p r.iz es in. 1 s ewing IIml Oale Turne r won the pr izl! for best bird boxes. ' nl:<l' nice E. Hawkins enl t!rtained tIll' following fr iends ~at urday aftern n in honor of MISS Florence Haycook: Mrs. Raleigh Bog-an ,. Ina ·Mae 1 Compto n . Etho\ Compton, Es\h er \. humbaugh, Hosllli e Hollingshead. I Elva L';vans, Lela Bog a n. J ellnie and


, Women's and Misses' Cloth Suits- Tailored in Men's and .youn~ Me n 's S uits-:\T1 alt

K P eno



' e: ~ es , Gauaro ina, " ' 00 1 Popli o and Checks, fuIJ. range col· (lr.l. nt . ...... . . . , ... . .. ... . , ..•.. . . .. . $1 1.95 and up

tllc . tuple

colors and novclt y m,x tures, \\'or~ t,' d 5 . ' <I slowr , serges etc., wen tailorc(1. Eve ry suit wi lt fi l pl'lfel:l ly . $ i ll .lIll.$ I '2.:')O.

, ertheron SoCle~ men~s


and Misses' New Spring Coats$1 .5 .00 and . .. .. . . .. ... . ... . . . .......... ~ . • " . $ 17.0 0 =======:::::;;.... ='=='='==·=·-=....~b;;;in~chi \1 as, No vclties, 'W hi tes and Colors Men's Straw. HatS- II Cl elY alld cnlllplelc show ing , ra ng -' '. , S, • l'l'cia1. " ." . . ..... ... .. $1 ~.50 . ing in price frolll $1.(10 t o, .. .. ... .. .. . " .... .... $ 6.00 DAN P 0 - ,. j \ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . $ 7 .95 Men's Shirts , D ress Shir t s, ::i1)O~t Shirl~, \Vork Shirts. . . ..... .. , .. . $ '4.95

" DAN i P was aired by : rra llk L ' 22HIj re cord 2:14X , he:!&, Sentinel Wilkcs. :?::!2, hy i; a m ble~Ian 10, t)y~AbdaJla h I st, Frank L's dam by Mam . &1DO Fostc,:. h~ by l.~~mb riuo Ch ief :!5 : ;lnd dam by AS~d Ch.lef 151, t hu d d~m by B iII's Black H a \\I k. D P 15 a ~~al black, full J !. ~Ian d s. weigh s] :lW ~UQ ~h.~vy muscled, g reat aCl lon. 'bot h trots and

P!lce5 ~,j~ record of dI5POBltiO\1"


at a .tr gait of :! :1O gelltlc -

.~ exceptiollally g ood

mott.i 29" erc.

Leather for


IOc ~ due wIli# ~ rs~f()aled. Mares parted without' ftt.t 5c . tobecomes hahn p t~.e. d A·lem is reta ined on all colts un'!Oc ~ , ~- • _ reven ateJ ent, but will not be responsible shoiQ~ --.





J 0 ephi ne Reeves , ' Mrs . Raymond

Scraggy. Eleano r Haydock. Frances Wilson and Mrs Trevor. C._Hayd ock , : The Y. p , B. heir! u meeting in the

anne;.; . Friday eveni ng. .


.TE~P4S-$15.00 to · In~ • . ' .~'



Separa te garm cn ts ..... .. ... , ... , . .. .. : . . ,'.' :!5c ano S OC S . Ch I .d 1\ I ' $3 r.:O p poin ts: 9"r~~s'e'5 : " white oys 'w00J S· UltS, ergcs . ec ; a n I (l ye lICS. • • . .a u Orp han r Boys Wash 'Suits, Calntcns, Lill cll~ ! .t'\,,~. li p trolll . . .. $ I .00 , World 's ]. _ _ _ _ _J.._...;;,.____________~_ ____ -:_._ _ __ __ .



U nion Sui ts , ... . ... , . '.' . .. . , '-,Ik • .: t~ nll nnd

~l~ ~special $~.39

~==:;=~~=:===============d~e;fe;a;t;;ed !toes



I ..

In ~an.ts'

'boes. Childrc1l's ,'hoes

Furn iture-Our ent ire 211lJ;flfJor is


.... .



_ _ a _ _ _____ _ _ _ _ • _.~

Late CllUfsified Ads

$3.50 UI' I, ~adies' LowShoes,. S lmps,Plltnp~d J1 a hyD o lI s 2.50 up Men's and Boys' Oxfo rd ,'hocs, .black


... ... ':'




1... -.:..,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

res el I e(\


r· u rn iture


-- -

I 95

8 ; ; ; ' and 60 Lnmbll. Will DO '

divide 'he Jlook,




on the J . 'tN. Ores well farm olle hl4lf mile weet of Wellman.


REFRICE·RATO RS . Roomy, side or top swi uj; . witb porce.taiu n nn pil i ' whit cu nni' eled interior. making it sanitary, ul lorles a n d cusy t" kecp cJ a ll .


" - Lebanon,



"~.-~. ""I.I



)P ,\ 81' RE for Calv. end Uoltlr. Inquire , of Vbal. Sherwcib4t. I

Waynesville, Ohio,

Lf!:OTRO ()~rt>on

E :l'or roof, 8

we.' or




Whether it be marker or

• •OUo.'lI!)· 7,duo. uo


Fmew,l u al colrrolleY. nlck"l. " , ,, I

~.:'~nl~r'';''I;er ;,;'ii,),i';i '';n~~:/~ F.""'rull<"">Jn·~ nULl".. . . ... . . .

CUlu nnd '·urtUJcall•. . . ...... .

1-o ."I· I"'''I" rl'lO ......,•. .... .• • .. 1:" 1 ~ 1I1I't10I1C\111<l""hLl.!! ·I "'''''·


t uu ul.t l fJ. 1UIl. 1I;\


ut 'l'rnuddut)[1'lI1I1 .8.'!" ......"'I'1·r ' ~ U 1,GOO.O U I .J, · • J bOt! 11 tlLll • •. : . , .•:•. , .. .. •... , . .. ". LJ'l.\. t.Hld"' JI£t:I (·.I!ltn' .wel< ~~ld' lu ... .... : .. U' . . . .., ... .. .. . .19. IIu",... I"'Ilund I.."lIl ... t. lU.u.III. l'II ". ''''' ,' IIIl . n ~nhl . . . J. U ' J. ~ d

, n u'. ' u" uu"'• . . ... . . , .. . .. . u" .. lu"\I; IIU1111 ld •• . •. \; . . , . . . ~"~I IV I~n""1 IlUilo.lts ." . J.... , 10 l: I\~ ~ . . . . . .... ... ..... .. . UOrL'llc~lC" lI l,aopo.IL , "~u 11\ I,1"1,, J" 'I',) •..... .. . ....... 1',(8.lal .... vllJ~. ,I p".ltd ....... ~ .

. 1'J~ulllu,:k':l1 .. . . . :t' l'\, ~ O I . 1 811lM yulJlu. itH;l lIdlll~ {ll.lIl:fll· ,Iuos rul'rul!\lml "~'IH"lloy "ur· •

n'l\OtI .. .. ... . ..... . .. . . ... __ -.,._.

~ce. 3.10 Th o t.:l urk I. h. r olly o'''''h'lrl. "o.lId d l re"lIlli mllko l>"bllen~lon r 'his r"""luLlOIl Il,:.",di"f, Lv law. . Su IHCrl t)(M.l .{\ uri IIWt.trll ' ' t'),r,~,m s r<solu LlonHhatl ~lLkO OlrlJC\ amI do ', or ,Aln,.. 181 6. hu0<><'. In J un:o ftod OrWir tlto CI\rl klL IlOriod, tl..t roc.....Aa.tUllL: allow",1 lJ)' I"... W. It. rI J . II . IV . 1'",0;8.-1 ,hI!< IIrlll , 1&)' u r May. 1911;. 1:1. 1,1·;V . AtL,"'t. II . .E . U,H UAW .\Y. Mnyo. , L. A. l;IM ~lEU~(!t N. 0 1Ul'lc

The mllss I lleet i ng of th e school" 1<)f Spri nl{ Vall y Town ship wa~ he ld DRESS OOODS PATTERNS ' in S" I'in~ Vnlley. F ri day . 1 .L.___~-----L---------J..--------:--!----------.11 thoUtlJ.:r mue! : choolthad six g rad uates , High cho ol: from LoiR


1'\l~·iII' \'tJl1t;UIIC.S"In" " ot..l1ur rUtitJf\'O 1. 33

\:itWd . • . .• ,

~i,r(.,. ,,,"e,·,.....·1 lhlt~.I,',~~. ~~'~:~~ . ".':1.~:I~~~ '~~1o

· ~~ ny.



1\ 4.imlll h.l.rntllr \\lirn t.11t1 \\ ill

UU II Il..\l'd





fi~ h tak en

- - -- - -

flower . w e I1:1"1: a Iime assort · ,1111".c'·ll 't('II',r • o l pi, n ls. sce our

, That's All' I.


611 ,nc



Dlr1Tllf't,,,,n,II :'-:-. , ,, -


; ct-ar ll we re tak en : A Oll e weilt;:"hinlo(r abt uut no ' O ·J14 we lve poun' ls. pecII Iar ea ure __ ___ Wll~ that Hut one game fi sh wa~ seen

\\'aio/ SIi\:eJ IJ ried Beef



.",foth""" . l,rlt)' Uij nmoll tl1ohl'l"fhTttl:'lt

slIcl(er :l !1Il. l Cllrp


~ (' W 'r en lll i(lll:esc

8 1'n Harveys burlT .,.. f l • 'In Book Form .It '1$ the Best Selling Ali ce M. Hend ricks lo F I'ank llllll "'-Tavel of the Year " Clara "!1'I'fieJ d lots Nos. 2() and 21 in .L "'II . ' Mainevil le . • 1. TA N LA C - The ,"' "rt.:a lest 'j Jacob H. Binkley to Cha r ll's I{ , ~. I ,Heine · ma lk . ~nl('s in . ~ k . \ en [If· 1 ISW ISh er 120 'acres In a rr 11,,1 cl ~a~ing ; :11l t ht; t l1l 1C. !\$ " . , Montgome ry counties, 'il l . ' ),0>11 lle igl lhllr 'i [lllO ll t IL. --!!!~!!'!!!!!~~~!!!!~~~!!!!~~="~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!'lIIl~~ ' J OS. Un" • les l)ee an"U Ma rthn i\1'.lt~---rto J o . P. R awle~ I .0<1 u ' res E..... ~-w~ 'f,r.ccl l OOn, loz .. n .' ~..•. S I-loffct al to Wm Hend rl.cka thew. 01 k h' a "'') · Real ESt at e T ransfers , ". • • ID earcree lowns 11)"1. wee". so pnng YOllr l" f( g ~ 111 , , , 2 tract!! In lI1ason. , ~. ' Perry and Sarah E. ,'nell to J;, j we. pay l'A~ 1t fi r nnd l! JOI. V. Coudtm et al to Henr)' 0 . ' Wm . G re ls t t Q S, L. P alfrey lot, Brown on e Ilqe in Mn sic tl wh~hlD ____ In Salem und Ham· No. 367 in Franklin . $1. $260, ZII~I llvi.U~'E S tR o tMl'adA C .Ea2'lIn 97 acres .' · t IIton townshIpS 1. I Anna Maria Liuk and Wm . Link John F. Hohner to Anna W. H, 11- ' Jacob Ben.ner · to Geo, rOTe . .H.· & tJ I.. Ry Co:, " L. Zie.7. ,., t.o t[.,he Ckl 0 one acre nft' r ol'•e ,' I'x lh In tere." t I' n ~ev e' ra l I I II~ ler 3 tractll In Sec . 27. r 3. n. 5, Lil' 10 r run In towns lip ~ I . In {1' ranklln and th e Mackinaw add i- I t ween the Miami Rh'€rB $1. J nmee and ' FI Blong to Lena tion to said village f 1. I y


It Ci'lIr\oUuu k 8 iU U 00

had come " ,uL<brlU'th", "r Ih~ IUhL wI I ,,,,,I kOla"',·lll .. r :0.1'1 ,.. ",,,Ill! ""UI,,,,n I'Otkrul,"L8 E . 1l I,I, ... d ..·u,,"~ " . It,,,,,, ~ " .... 1< .. .. ... . . . . with the over ;;tlldl'nrllcs IU ""1"trelI IO """""r ,, .. u,· . ."""",,, . d lO lr''' '' ''PI''''.U1lru· " OIV . 81H1 almnst e very place wh er e ll '("ro I I,,, I " cj.,,' nr Jill )'. 1~ 1 ".· ~:;~~·:·',~,~ :" ~tl~,';,'i.~:~'i~,~~~. th" rtl was ali ltle bit of water JOJlt'l 0 .. (;'\H'I' \\, HII : II~' ;';O!I u"'"Ulll Ill! rrum "!lprol I

1i ,;11. The I out Jflhe rivt' I'beri





nr:ull~·ng., y.? a~J:e i.n_D~,~·[~e~_~O~~, -~1 Z'iP~l\1ERlVIA'~il '.Iin'1rtl'1\ bm;&~WJnrl~~i. ~&X ?;,~~~~,I:~· . ~f~;I~,~:;~;ii~.:{~~~;~'8~VO~:~·U Shl~.: ., .I . MnndfW afternoon catchin g fOr" E'f,IIlYlu"



trad o. else they would have Jnltde a n t'1J'nrt to comt! to Wuy nesv i.!le. They lef t r,)r Mo rrow in abO ll t _ ten- min ~ uteR.

Commer~e. wl \(1 were to lllalw I herof Waynesvi ll e a vi~il loeluy . 'vhlcnll Y



0 it


There in none better than the



.. ,


l' 1:l:;~ I'j' [' )1 11' ,

\'!an'/ll',' ~ t,rll l1,:




No. 2220 1 '1I·1'IJ.~'· ('omilletccl h ~r Men o f l di d not t hink Wnyn ~v i lle was un th RII' PORT :\I o!'rllll . ('I uil ut a l1leclmg hpld re , map only aR a rai lway st ation. rhey " . , ceremonies in t he af tPr!HI 11 :l!Jd ~ wlil b":l , ,,t-"ial ('ommu c('n l ly fht! hU~l ness men were en n rrliully ilwi \('t\ lh . uUl;in.:"~ In pn .. f I If lh .. Cund ltiun 'of the Wny nellShOW ul! honor to our sold ll' r~ • • U IIti ~ () IJl l'fl ll (m o f \\ avpp:;vJlh.! Lod).! t'tlU ijHstic !lIlHI speedci1les thw er j\e. made lhe t own to 'call un t hL'Ill, and about illu NllliulIlIl Bunk. III WnY lles· and .h vlIlg . Th prO~rIUU \1'11 \ h(~ ' <l. l o:l r. &:'" .11, F riday '1. a I 11'I "l' s~ne)~ , l or n /':" len tlid o. vi ll e ill lilt.! ~t~te of Ohio . Ilt the published la te r. " ·evL'ni nJ{•. IIIY l~th 1"~III.ctjon of (,range at lhls meetmg Th e olh What they wonted wa.'I more Ihull '11)'; 'of lJusillC;;s .-Muy 1. 1\ll 6. I k' . , "crs e le ' teti w~re all foll.ows: I' G. · coul d' be said. bue it war; ~,' il.lp.nt HUIII' 11 ·UII. Ithr IMi"e flnI ~ or ' III thll M. "J Hartso ck. preSIdent· Geo. W. Jack. tha t they did not want Waynellvtllo'ti 1~)J u""nlldhl<·O"I1Il1U".o U,a3 d~/([(,t! . i.;".i')~rl' inJ.:' 1.,rclh rclI lind vie '\.1residont; A. J.' . cheurer. trea&'(C,I.I Ju~ U" ". " . .. . , .... U41 .~~u.a.1 vls1,,)r8 cordmlly w lell ~a . Ban· Ill' .r llnd W , J•. illl t?rot.II, secr etal..... . ' tI . " \~lru("'1 IU\I;<l(lln'tlll .. • ,.. .. . II~ .11 t t u ~,~ e t lh ) -3 - - - - -- • S . lh.HU ' :0 luruuJnHtI ,Iun q u ~ a Ie . (!< \l . ~• • ~!!~~\ n. I About ninety memhers we r e IIIaced \l'~f.Jl~~lt~~.·: '~;,i,i ~,O: I.I~~ ,.".U ~ o. ouO.\l u on the roll after t:tm mee t ing' . ~ . Clark Burgess died his home ill bL' 11 ('111 Tue~ uy e VPI1! Ilj{ . ~1a~ 16th, -1"~::~r.,~~~!I~,'::ru~~I,';.'. ~~'i::r,~,I~~ Harveysb urg 'Mondav m ornin~ at All ~t ~ '(:ns ll r~ .. c~'n ll<ll1y J1)vl ted to I 1.. ,11. ( 1Iu",,,1 uWlu,)L,I)ur lIllI. o'clock, af ler , a lin)o\'" ri(1j.% illn s~ Ith ~ lll mm\101~at101l~: 'v F r onk W horton. N'fII.III1H In ~11\llh 111. 1111 , 8,~.'~it':!,I~,;1l'U;.' L·l i,;,; ··. ::':;;,~;::~ The fu ner a l WIll be h Id from tll ' lz,' L L: rll~(, . \, .•~1. lull:. .10"'0.. \ h'''I<'". ",.I,lInKIII "IIUl" ""1101 , ( 1111' ,,,,h.dinll " '..... k.) own ,d Illlrch Elt ' lurv('ysIJur l? L . A. , OIm ~rm,1I1 •• cy . l"d .. I..o'lllul\' h"r!oII .II",· ~ . n·~I.II""hli'I' ''LI ' I II'.~,I "'I,l gtll'II" ·" ·I'·.·'·.·'~' u'ro'I"I::~~. ~·Ur. Frl'ends c ~ Ue mt. I n,J., nnd ., LIIU Wh lHluli :'k llhll~ r,, f a.I .~ v Thursday morriing a t 10 o·cl ocl<. .' ol,lIulI III &>lItb JI.,,,,I . 1,,"1 .. Ulld Willi . ", Sl." cli • . u l l"'r 01. , .. 1,,,,,lornl Ilu'


'Itis ~Our. Next·Serial!

- -

I '(li llmlinioll servi ce I W:I.> ~u n g- , HIIII M / g . B. H . Kelly ~ u n l{ ' "I"enr Ye ;-.rut. 0 h;rnel. " a bl!uulj · ful s el LiIl); by Dudley l1uck. aml her I 0 1.( n IODO FI{I[ ' DS I sill~in g' waS. lIlWl'h . M i ~" Hut h lI art· unda I' Scho(.1 >It !I::illll.1ll. f"lIo w d . <lc k. !l t the ,.'rgan. r ende red ROm\! , 1,)' !lrd" '11111).( ·,t 111.;;0 CI I i, li 'll) 1-:11- L'(!Ilullfu IIl1 USlc.

I11he , T'\;. ....r's I' dea of Mtas C'';;'n' "You're IdivRisionDto vM ~rl rloows·..$l· I) BI kit ' U\IC . ' OU. arah .. ac cir.a"1i:ed·! .or "Oh I got a fine layout here I Ii No.Jesse 5?1 in F rank lin, $1. .r :'" ' . J./, Whi~ac l e to Emma Cos:;(J.n a d at d ' 1 fI t N 1 19 i B tl '1 1 r· n ow ''''~n d 1~ One qut an one ' s a OOD os. . a nu u e"'''''n ~, )$1 m-A~:hear fro'm yOU..again un' til j as. 'p, ZeJl to A. mos a.nd Churl l'S,. .a::IItJ:' 't tl~t _ ,... '. ;'t , .I .. ' . . 1,.. d .. I . 0, Cook 4. acres MaSSi e t OWIl'llllp VOU ve WSA.,e Up· you poor Y\ltlfu daD _1 'J " ,. , , ,., , '• Charles Shldake r et al tI) Marga l'l't sleepwalker .you I" LevI'cy lo t No . G "0 a nd [)"rt "I f lot ~ 1,.. "_d~lion-pickin' _ " co , " .



When You Use Cement Select the ' Best Brand

\ _

" 1,

. ,- 1' .1 ,"I

ihnl!. 81

MEMORIAL DAY Memorial Oay in Wayn l!sv ille will i be ccl!,brated as usual on !'Ilay 30lh Let every'one a l'ranll'e t o at lc nd th('




, !l I ',J

:\l;iry E ill arlin • .1'"",tol'.





an .. ron Irllle. a 'I'll' l<islllJll prPliciled 'l 'j h.,,., \I 1.1 hoo II .' I,i' ; ,.. n · ll . , iiI',· ,,'llIlun nil "Tltt! Open 0001'. " Ull UC t'lI ",t I' ll . "r . . , , "jll ~ \I f th . whkh wa~ hea rd hy a gOJJ l!o ng r e· I lJ 1 I t l g'tdlll1. , iI("" a . n ·,.tl' ", ' II '. , 'i. III ll~ HC IUO T he mu .• ic on thid occn9ion Wll ~ : 11;,



:1 1-,

i glr~\r~ll

urduy Lhe 1:1 th .


the ma rket.

BISHOP MAKES I ANNUAL VISIT in 1.11,' e!!ll pro· l··t>. all~i~,~~'i~I\~;/Ll~ (~~'s.e M~~;,~i~.~::~~t I 'u

I~ll l

,Ll I.l 1'1 , I;.' .I·.I,·,, ;I!:I ':'I l '"~ I " ' " II' " • • ' .. '11 " 1 U I' . J ,'J ~1 "1 'l' r .-; '\11 ; , •• ,'1 1' 1'111 . II ' !II' !"UI1 ' ' 1\'



He selects the very best seed

; ,I

[111.1 h.· .. ,' I) \ I' I "lIl,JII.I' ~ ,'I . .1

18 \' il pd , ~





~=;;::1 ' ,t:t===::IISS

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t1PI'11l:,1 and . M. Ho b llz r ":",[,,tllll to be t l1tJ~ uc l!cs!i ful bidder. tl tI"'I ' I: alll!l'S n f Jnlportancc W l' II, " .!I· · l·,\ befu Tl ' the bo tll clu."t:d \\1'1' (\

'fhil! ~· I1;d ". ;,, : r I " I'r. :'1>.), iI·lvir ' I·H;in n. ; 1 al h. ~...;, . I' 1 • i " • . \I H . 11\ :\I urnil '\.' I' ~ .I· •• t ,! ,-I'q p 1I . 1i lli .. :t \, I-:vl'r~ tJ . f,


OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Reduction of $2 per ton on Mil] Run Feed, supply limited. Our regular price is $1.50 per 1UO.. ~L40 per 100 fer rest of this week, any amount~ :i._7, Watch for our special next week.



Wl..YNI ·:~\·lLII-:,



~E \



-----I --------------~-------

.nEASONALMENTlij I___._ __ SO_M_E_" _'.E_A_TH_E_R_ _ __ .-- --- --- --- -+.

f lW' 1>:; QU~ ~ 11 UI.Y ME ~ lIN(j 1 ! 1~ l.\)


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W. II Friduy.


ATTENDANCE WAS LARGE Am!" f.rlrmls fmlll All Owr Ihc Di s.rid Wcre ill Alfcnda ncc lit Mcctinll;




o~--- --------.

AII((n w~~ in Cltlci nnuli.

~Ir ~. I': rncr s,m Ma'on Ilin ' i~i t " r ~I IIII Jny.

W. A. Lippinc utt was wo rkin g in Uu yloll . luat weck.


u UIIY· OFTIIE <::C IIOOL V E"'~ 'l ,\1,:n :\) SUi'iIDAY [\'I..: Nli'\(i

Ur.llill. Os ' 'opa lh, ;! I S. way. I.L"ll. lnllfl , t IlIi lJ .

Mr . nml Mrs. J esse Lewi .- Hppnl Sunday wit h fri e nd >i ill CilldlillUI i.

J.",I ~ ' r 1 1\:a~t'

J . '1'. Liddy, of lJayloll. ~ (lCllt SUIl· rl ay with hi~flllh e r. Mr . M. J . Lidd y.

Mnl Hall1h Smilh i ~ spclldinl-( 1I 1i~ week with her lIlol her ill Wilmin g' Minrlli ~ )u llrt l' rly Meetinll: of lun. Fr ielld s Wli ~ Iwld in lh e Whit e Brick --~ Mi,.,. Upal .Tholllps un. o f I{oute ::. ( ~o>:. <.011N rR Y l\1.' elill~ hll usl' on SC\"lIth duy th e spellt Iusl wcek wilh H I' ~ I f ' G reluti ve!; ill I:hh. It \\ll S al!"nd l'u by a numJ.." r Ldmnon . llf Fri ell d ~ frllU\' u!lll'r pl ace~. Selma. S" ulh Cllllr :,·,,[oll . Sp rlnl{boro. Ce ll" Sunday wns an itlcal lIllY for uulo· t erv llI.· lIu .1 l'endl!!ll)lI . Inll . f1\oJ..ililll{ . and Muin "lreel WIlS full ltoutine lJII ~ ille ~" II f thc usunl QUllr· of them ull day Iong- . terlv 1II,'Cli ll l( WIIH lran IIcted. Tw 0 inl "r e ~ tifl K" 1 'II \, cr ~ were J"(·nd ... ne h FOUllll- I"ountuin pen. Ow ner CU ll fo llowed loy d i~l·II~~i ()n!! . An irrl t' r· have dame uy ellilinl{ lit Gu~dlll lIf 1I,j ~~ ion wus take n for the luncheo n, Ike ant! IHu vi ng IJr uperty . urlll for th c work uf vurio u ~ C:J1Il · Illit It'eM Mr . ·ullv,' I,..d lIJ.(ain at :! p . m., Illlt i . fumily un" Mrs F . H Sherw orld und . of I. 'lnmon, sperrl Sunday li t IIfl tl r 1.)I, ~i l \l· ~" \VIIS Iini~ I II·t! , 1·; lwou.1 lh e horne of Or Tho!!. Sherwo od. Allen. of 1'" ,,, lll'lun, Ind. rf'lli.l II A !> LI & H T" v.' ry in tere. t iIII-( und instruct i ve MI". Frank I-:Ilroll, Mr . lIull Mrs. Imper III.JOUt I h" life and work of LI > r ON HE J"hn W011r"nan , which wag allen · Hllrry Eurnha rl lind chi ldre n s penl P ORT S t Ol::..__ .,'o........, Sunday with fri cnd ::l llt SjJ rin~u'H () . t i\"'l y li ~ t'!fled tu l.Jy the mee ting Thi ~ bruneh II f f'ri c l1d ~ is t:xpeet in K" II week e nd Cull fcrence to he Mis" Susie Brallil(lIn. of Mur row. h ·Id UUIOUI th l! 171h of June tor Ihrt.'e W88 the the I{uest urr e day IUlll wele k r1 I1Y~ . whi~h will he a tt cnd(~d Uy ~e v · of MiHll Elmll It. , ucrl~, of th e Frillnd " c rill fo'ri"nd H fl orn the Advullc ement 1\ 01110. Cllmnri ll,·tl wh'l liv" in th e Ellst. Fri c nd ~ Iwre wi sh all who may be . The ~II Book st ore lit .\cnia. 1Il1e redted In att" nd lhp~e meet ings Th.! Miri"t.'~ Marlha rmr\ Margar et owned l.Jy Ho race Zdl. has J..~"n ~o ld Wllrner , Mr ~ Ma rt ha B Tindall and to Walter Smith II Wilmi ngton young lI,han Hrllll ~ "n. from Selma. Dr. bu sine!!!! mlln . TIHlH G. Fa rr ant! lteuben Uoberts lion B. I,'. HllfOWi t Z , wh deliv· IIIltI wite. from .:;outh CharleN tan, D.W flF , ER \U.V Ol3"ER\'I.I ) AT fI Ihlph Howe ll lind wi:fe from S"rinlf- ored the Memori al day IIddresH her l' h:n rl y la1't W c (\ nc~<lay rnornin ~ I he I III E CI I I'etl \-: ~ .ield. Ur M ichfne r lind ~i~ler and LW O yellrll ago, will bo lho :;lh~ak c r lit T Il(' \\' ,lrr ('11 C.lllnt.v Sunday .Sc hool Farrlle rH Natiuflill Hllnk at (,I a ri, 1"r ..... 1 B Shllrlo\'llod li nd fllm ily. froll! LeI.Jallo n thia yeliT. , Corl\·t? r tllin ",illn' heltl lit Morrow ville W ll~ "nt ' r .. t! , the ~af0 lri ol wlI. LCUllnll n . .Je~se WriJ.{hl a ntI wife. ~"11 T tlt·~tI ~I.\· IlIl.1 Wl'dn esd1Y. M!IY ~!~ IIIllI ~e \' e ral dollars ' wllrt h I) f lonl frofll Sllrlfll(h" r(l. J .•n!! n "'OSIer. ' I " j ' I \1 \' ('I I Mr and Mrs. il. S. Howell look \V a.. takl'll . ahllul $;!noo ·' ·I. rtlr nr fr llm Fo< t· r. Uhi". und olher Friend s Mr. Howe tl ' R flith er, whu rln·II~·· I~:~"J!:~I~ l.· Il~ " prl~;~~r~ h/l~ l.Jeon bond ~ Lel onging" to II CII~Lnll ", r . ObUII tl. i~an fr om Cen lto r ville w!'rll here and vi siting hllre for the pallt I inl ",'!!" in~ 'lilt'. and the sllI.:llke r:< se ve ral .7001\·G rth uf plJstage ~t:r rIlU ·. hL' ullt>IHled QU >l rterly Mel·tinK". ~ kl"ll·d ar~ all SUllday School work· days , 10 hi~ hom!.: in Pl'rt William . longinjl Lo th e \lUstlll ds ter . f ,U w.,rlll - -- !!rH Ill' . \\. (; . l· Ji Ji I1t:' IIl!(; I'. prL'~ i. Ohio, Sunday . oC renmue s talllp". ami f.:1Il in rn nl'l'.\·. dL!n t of tI", gU,t.· Il".;"da llun· will il l" Peo ple rC';ld intr in II" nl!igh\r" r. , a nJ "crnlllll '; "\p pr" l'ria te III th e 1"''':Wllt . I~('\' t". S (;rHlI ~ ' r, of the W. N. Sellrs and family attend ed hood III' Ihe bank Iw ard an l·xpJ" .. i"lI i [);!\ \\ a s I' rcrt l lll'd .\1 I: ('hurc h. will ha \'e an a ddrcs~ th e fo'uurth IInniver aary of the Fir, t ahout 2 o'clock . bUllilOu l(ht p r ha p ,\ Sl'c ~ ial ,"rr~k Tu(',dai ' afl"r" ""fI lin "The 1{"lati un o it migh t be an l'x p l o~io n at I';in~" Brt'thre n church In Dayton Sunday " f th .. ',\ rnerkan Chllrch t o \'v urld morninj.C. IIml in th e aft ernoon heard Mills. It is 8upprr ed thai t hl' r" \o · ----_ f' r< . L I "ffI ~. " hcr~ escaped in an aulD . 11L' lel" iv"" 1l'lIstur Hu,scl at Memori al hall. !ll orr,,\\" j,; IflHk irr J.( a n ('Ifor t l o ar'atw (lrk on t hu l!f\":'I· . ~t n i llti", 1 7\l 'Hht l'''-i ' !J ,l \' \\'·;\";i!' I.ti'rall \.'o!, · h H \ \· al d~c·()I\ \· l· n1 i I Hl . :lnu t heynre thou ghL that Ihe r"bIJl' r,: \\i ll ~"uI·' " , 'nt'd a t th .. ,·1,11,..·1,1'.: ill \\'a) l1l's, Il';l\"inl!lwl lri" g"Ll Miss Lola Zell arrived home fr om ll d " T1' toaCetlrllpli ~ h be ".I'p rel~e rrd c·d . I \il!.· . :-ill r,.],,\". a "'! "rr""n- :'I ,pro· it. Eldll r Ita(\cllffe, o! InJiana . heIr! AIlo, 1\' XII~ . Sat ur'! IIY cveni ng J"lWl"L' is nil .!IIlul,1 t hnt \0\ h (" I ~ .( ' llo r~ e ~lad,..z ,W:l 1.! l! "l .n~ t~• . pnalt' ttl lh" ,1: l Y \\ t'r ~i t' !i:l "n·in·flt' l oll I,u:; .! becn \V:1Y lll',,\'i1 I~' Hrld t h, · tu w ll '\Jdp will IIway fr u", Way· work 1 1'I If ~da .\" rr service at Ihe lIome 01 Mr . lind Mrs. \lOrrrrll~ "ho u t . . . . \ 1.":1 . \ Ian" ,·I.r Il,·Jr. nesvill I:,,\" e for several Yl'lIrs. alld he r u'ciu(: k. Il~' .J . I'" . I", \\· ('lJn' ,,,· . '~e rrt. '<I a t Ih i::; C, fl\" '11Chili! Rye on Salurda y el' ening and wa~ l~cl..·n :- t ,t ·d at l\ I,' Il Jl t 'ad w,dl:ui., ,.' ..: '-1'1"1111111 \\ '\:-1 'Ipprtt prt · ti <II1. on ~undl\\' condud ed all dllY ~ervices mllny fri ends are I{la.1 10 wek ollI e • treet li y lin' m"n In a ,"" I'd II ,al"l\1l ll'. :llc' too ti ,., ,IILa.i, ." a ll <l her home alta in . at Middle /tun church. who w id hlln lh.·y had 1\l~ 1 t llt:rr way 1"11 "~1 1\ 11 1 . .,.11." .. 1." a 11"""Ill! p rl·;!l'hl·d I . ~pi,.illl:1 Il\'cr ~l l(!a\.' l! llu e ~l r . .~l arl\.:-; :;l' (.l rnl' ,j 1":" 'rllll,n, I wrlair li rq[ If. t ll r' rll f,t !1. ·r1 to th!nk til<'.\' w[ore :t lilt e \ ,·IIl'd.. :111 ,1 ,'111 1 II ,,' r,·lati .. :\ :,1 ., ' . I,..,ar~ I". 111,· It rlll;:l~ t PURS IIII)" h~I'e II '"'' tlr,' ,·llI lI\·h alld Lt·r 1,," ""'1' ~ 11-; >!i"'n 10 . l.' l ark ~\"l lI c r'Jhlr · r~. I: l'r childr 'n ill Il'aoillg" a l"U I.,... t· t li l" l' . - • - • \ . \ larl:e ehrli ~ \\"a< I' ''''c'n t .:tIlU 1\ ""nd .! 1I1ll',,·:t1 :('n ·le.· ad')",j rntleh t.) thl' :"l' I' \'il'" ~Ir..; H II )'.,!Iy l'anl: :J 1 1"':11 1\1(111 s(II". ,\ 1 III .. ~ 1. I·:. \"1 "'1 ,,11. I' , \' (". ~ I ; ":'Il " l'''' ~ ~1' 1111"1I \1":1: til '"'' " \lur F . M . I hrn il lnn. "e \ 1.. 11"'1 <. A ll ·\ I,pr,"O"I .t lOll!." :.n ll hl~ I lIlI ,llI iIHI""ly Pllil Ol r ';1":11." \' ·ll1 ,.n. \\"1< h 'ar,'rs II'l' c IlIl,· n '''tl·1 III tlH' sl'r · I,.. un Appella te.ludlcl:.1II.\. II" I:· pull l~ " lll llllll' ·l· . . InIO n ';p,·tH11 111 11-1 '.. a ,ld ,·. 1 1" t l),· a l a nl<'din~ hdd in Cincinn I" 'n iel·. ~I II- Ill' Ih,· "'lIld a \" :-;"h",,1 urd u)" . a~ l ht, curr di dale ali . Sat· fIJ I' the --11\ 1\ r wa4 dC\Hl. ,( l .) .-jld'\a! l':\PI' Jlld g'C' of th Cuut't !I f i\P llcal:i fur A pl~k " I,u(1 hll~ l' h,1I1 nirr,· \\' '''It ' i''i",'~ in hnll"r "f Ih,' to Murrow ,' Ullt"'\" tOlll :\\ lh al I 'a ll1 I'lInl:ll i"n wa" ~:\"'I Id.. 1\',,:i"hA .... hil, · I Iii:; d isl ricl. IVhit·" i,; com pus 'd Ilf I\o"r';' rll \\" u rr(' II. Il alll ll tun. !tuLler . Clillt.on and clIInt> hnnl'" ~lIl r, ' ri ll.! dd ~:l l. lh . \ \\" 1,,, ;dl"ml" ,j I!,,·· ,;, ,. 'il''''. and l' lc rrn on l ~c() re h t'i ll~ ;! 1 LII tj ""I Il ~ 'If Ih ,· _ _ _ ~ ll· . HI milt 1111 . who i ~ a form e r lr C I \"~ h pr ha\'(' Il lIt h:1(1 a !rrlll in Wayrw 'J"IIlVIIHI\ip ""y . hUH I1 ll1d o hi ~ YOU R FARM NOW . THE thei r hallds ~ In c ·1",,1 fall . and th., h lJlI I~ ill I. ·hun' lI l fllr Sl~I' c rat yea r: . had neve r practi :ll'd l o~"t hElr. and i,", BES T TI Nt E TO SELL :Ill rl i,. :1 eun ,i ~ ten t Hepul)l ka n an t! fa CI SLlI1\ (' of the boys Will )( t! l t,,~.' lh · U H by hard w,) r/( hn~ \\" 1))\ hiH way t o a er and form a nirr Ih al will he iraI'd IS WHE N THE CRO P IS hil..dl 11I1,;iliIJ" ;l!n ll) rl! hi~ ttJlvn Rme ll . to beat. It is hij.( h lim e that il tyarn I~ J.("l'" wit ho u t :ial'in l-: thill should be form ed . as the , .·a~lJ n !,;on WIll CRO WINC . I,,· SIIPI "l rt c,1 liy hi" '" unty til he a mati. all uver Ihe country . ----. - - NO SALE NO PAY












I ..




Hr ~ ad

[""" I, lin fflunlail ll)l'll. 1··ltlL l· rll llJ l nln thi~ l)i1i cl'


~ I r. ""d ~ l r~ . .1. I·:. .Janney \\·"r .. \\ i1S I'rL'ad ll~d hy Rei' . .I. r-. CallL,·I,a rrtlfl vl,i tor~ MOllday af , m OOI!. Ilalllldc r \.;Ir~c r\lJdknc c

I I :-i. II alll illt'll ~ pl'n t 11 (' uu ple of day < witlr rd:tll\'<' s in Ita ylofl la:;l \\"l'~'k .

C"IlII1H.! II' ·"fllelll \\'''ck in til..., Wa, \\'a ld" I .""... In . (I f HoSlun, ~la ~~ .. rw,vi ll e Jl i~h !-i"Ir",,1 ,I:lrt,·d "rf :. 'l · W: I" 111 ,· ~'rr..,1 I,f rel al il'O:!i Iwrc last pi cI<l u, ly with lit ,' 1,,\I"'a la'l r"a l l' " 'r w \,.,J< \ i.·,,""\ at School (\ uriiLllrilllrr w hit· . tlluk ilIacI:' ::iulluay cV(!I"n j{ . AL ;t ., ~ t'~~ rs . W . It. S pr~i~ I and J). I.. Cra rr(' lII;lIle n Ill"irr).[ \'i~i t t,. Cirrcin · eu ly hour . t he audi ence beI-(an ,·C· II. in~. and IIt 8u ·cl <lck. th e hll ur fur I" .. lIaLi. TI IIr,Ja), . I-(in ning . thc au<i ilt) riurn WII ~ ('"m ple tl!ly fill ·, 1 wilh all illlell i ~"l1l 1111 01 Mr . :lIld "I r•. .Iullrr l; r,)l llIn 'and ap l""eciati vc a ,liells ·. farn ily . •,j" II<lyllill. spellt Sun.!uy At o'clock with !\Ii ~~ Itlllh Harl· wil h rL·lal! '·I" . hvrc. :;ock at tllt' pian o. I h" I ' f"<)(·l·,,-~ iofl rll . "Onwa rd (,hri~t i an :'"Id i (! r~.' · \\"11 '11111-( J..y Sl. ~I H r.l" · s clwir as lh 'g-rad I ':rne ~ t ~ I a rk ~. of ~ l i lw nlll;(' p. W i~ " j~ vi " till ;: hi ~ "ru t h,·r. 1;l"Il·J.( . [11:11 k~. uatl'S and t he pu"i l~ "f th.· lli;: 1 "'h"o)l ~arne lllarchin g into Ire r" •." , fIJ r II r ~.\· daYH. und tIl I he I' l a c l'~ as. i~n ,d thern . Tir e cla.~se ~ wcre I ~ d by lheir t<'lI cher~ ~l i~s ~l arlllH l. u kens. ,I f lIan·eys. i\flcr lhi s hymn, II dloJr ll~ f,'Of Il il lf rL! wus t h · ~tr.'s t uE ill isH l.illian th · Iii >rh :-ich III s an~ a 'l'1 'c tio n. "Tende r Nigh t." a nd the inW'l"atilll ' \\ illter""1l "11 :'Ili iolay. \\'!l:; J.( i\"l!n b.\' Itl'\ . '. S. (;rau se r . Ila, tu r of ti lL' [II. I': Churcli . Th. MI' . ni ~hl'i' \\" ilJ. .. r~ o ll. (O f Morroll" . S..,.ip~u r e reading \\' a ~ J..y It ·v. . \I'll" ti l\' ..... II(· ~I " f ~ I r. :1 1101 ~Ir "'. Ha r .,f the Chris t ian r;hurch. uf l 'I' AII('n \\'hil'l l IL'Y W il k, ' r~" n :-:lIlHlay. " 'orona l iun" was SUIlg" I,.\' the chu ir and t hl.! audienc c. I{cv . .1. /-' . Cadwal lad e r . ., f SI. Mr. and i\1 "". I'" ran k Taft. <.if I lay· l Oll. HP '11 1 Sil lid a}' ilL lh' hl1l1l' uf :' I llry'~ ·hurch . t ool, for hi ~ text. .. I )ai'id s 'rvetl his >rell('ra l ion hy tI ll' MI'. alld Mr .... J W. White . wi \1" f Go.] ," I)r "th e Vocatio n !Ii" Li ving. " I{ev. 'adwaJl ad'r ' hll ' Mr . llnd 'I r~ . I . A. ro ~~ Hpent prellche d fo urle(!Il haeenla ur 'ate SCI" ' Ihe week end wit h Mr . ami Mrd. O. mons during hi>! ministry here in 11 oml (J r~o ll lit Sp rin gUoro. WB yne~v i1l c . and it was co n ~cdell uy all to he his mast rpi ece. His thenll' of II h iJ.{h vocation of living was t l) Mrs . Emlfl ll r Bailey. Mi s. ~mrnu li vc ri~hl. to 110 ri ght by vir tull uf [3 oj!an and ~Ir . i':rnor Bailcy Jr. we re s rvice. to a\" oid t he wiles of Ih ,' ~ hulJpin~ in IJayto n Mon,lay . world lind t o ue allrui ~ lic in regard I yo ur f Ilow flI en. II t:' atlrlluni ~ h (·'] Mr and 1\1 r'l Ah ' lI yman und fam· Ih e t:i:l;l!! of 191(; to h",'o n elean ·r ill'. o f Xenia . We f"(J the Sunday ~ueS ls aim to better life. nol 10 Ite drifler>' I,ut to consecr ate thei r livCH . to t h,· of Mr . und Mrs Myel" lI yrrl""\. wi ll o f C;od, tha t they mil5ht bc a bl., t live on a hhdler plane. fi e ended Mr . and I\lr ~ . (~ cD r ge Str,luu alit! his ~e r!n o n by t ht! lIuestio n th a l ~" Il of Uuvtu n. <ve ro th e J.{uesLq uf uUll'h t tu be up permos t in the min d Mr. and 1\l rs. Will Slro ud trll Sunday . of "v(!ry hum lln bei ng. wllUl i ~ t h.! lVi llof (;0\1 ctl rrc\ ' rn i n ~ yClu;- -ser w' \l im all thc time. I l i ~ alluie nc wa ' Mr~. T horn t oll CouRin{l anti daug-h· 1.1 vcr\' flttentiv., one. and his SL'rmo n ler . M a r K" a r ~l. of !'of'l Clinloll . Oh in. Wll~ list C'ncd t r; wi t h rapt uLtenliorr . is l h.· ).[ llc~llJ fMr . and .\ I r~ . 1.. A. "fl e r a ~ .Iecti oll f,."m the sch ""l Zirn t IH·rman . c hor u ~ , " (;00. 1 Ni~IlL . " I{ ,'. Mr,;. Martin pro" ounced th e Ll'II Ctiic t iofl . 'l'h i~ "venirr!: . at 7 o·.:lock. th e an · Th e WonULII' ~ Au xiliary of SL. Mary' s ('hu rd , will m<:lJ l with 1\l i~~ nllal COIIlIllt'IICt'IlIt'n l will Lal<' plare I'; rnmu ll cighwuy Friday llflcrnt,u lI !It Schoo l Hall. 'rJ. ('r<! arc ninCll"'n g rll tlullteti 1I ,iR year lerr ~"Ili o n' anti al:! o ·c1oc k . nine nu rmnl H TIlt' ,.p.'ake r for t il . even ing will \, I'fllr. T. S. Lowderr. Mr~. Clilfu rd lI imcsan d Mr . . 1': 111- Th e mu sic will m o l' Jlrl\ ds t r (,~l and ~on. CurtiH, s pen!. Stokes' o rch e~tra Ii · furnishe r! loy . . Thllr~dllY :Il th e homo.: (I f Mr. lind Tll urstiuy l'Ycn1f1!{ t h ' :\lunlfli a~· Mrs .l atilJll SI1l'l'hun. RlJciatio ll will her ld IllI'ir annua l 111(' ling at Schoo l hall at ~ 0'.·10 ·k. Mr ~. . 'u~!l n . hc(' h lln antI Mi ~s Th o cOIflmilt 'c Ims prep'lre,1 a ~l" .. 1 Mary P inl', of Center villl!. were l,ru~ rlU \I . un lhllt will l u n ~ II<' I'e· lrUl'SI~ "f Mr . fi nc l Mrs Ja:ion Sil ee- member ed. han 011" rl ay l a~ t week.









Bi Uns


Aucti oneer and Real Estat e

Office GI


liomc .. 5.2



- .. - - -



~ Ir .



Wh en .






rV ie m or ia l D ay ])ot-.;' ·[, F URCE T 1\1 WI'IOH 1AT, D:\ Y , 1/\'Y :IOlil. p .E'l' 1 ~ \'ERY01\ : ~ WHO liAS Ff,O\\ rm s PLEA Sl '; H Hl i':C TIISi\ I TO TIU ~ TOW NSllIP HUliS G AS EARL Y AS POSS II1LE 'l'UI!:SUAY ~IOR ·l;\G. A OM;\lT TTEE WILL He THER E TO TAKE Cll.\R C"F OF TllEl\1. THE PROG RAM



...... ...........__..


T he C. W. 1I "f1dt~ r "o n g rocer y s tock w il ' s.,ld last wed, t h roug h IV . 'E:a r:i t J I: . :II. n. who has . U . tak pll p.I,';( s" in n. a ntiBrow 1 1U~ III v ' d h i~ sln~k frlllll tI \I~ olt! I, rAlI g\' hui lding- . M r . Browll h fl~ IWL.-,ed t.he l,iII)!}n ()w i I,~ to j ht! h:ul . \~eflth !1' the W . N Sl)l\ r~ ~,)ltl ·ht! J.)'dill Grir· huildin ~s f"l" 1\\'0 yea r . . "~I , . the r ·R ~I l, uting" uf· Lhe Cra nl-(' dnn pr.illcrt y a l Co r wi n IIl ~l w e<: ~ to - .. - - . - . wa~ I JtI~ I(l i\ llnd lInl iI . alurt 1a y even· Hiram Morall. who 1'''Jk IInn wdmle in /{; Mil), :.!!lth . A l:,)oll atte ndan ce possession ." i ~~'I" Stl h~C rilr for tb.!.' Miami 'llzelle iKd "lir ~l !


Wanl IOlIIe relillhl~ inlormalion nbout any of the country 1 of lhe Rckkies- Californi•• Oregon. Washing ton. Idaho. Montana". ... NeTuda. Ulah, Bri7.ona, New Moxlcu. Texasl Wunl 10 len ow somel hinll about frlrmlllll oPI~"lunilie •• mitm"d rat... roules. ,,"tulUohile high .. wnYI. holels. reso,ts. price~ 01 land. mclbods of f"rming, etc .? Il's oUr husincss lllknaw all "bent Ihis P"cific Slope coulliry. 5<, 1 MRI:B7.illc is the olle bil 'na'iollal lUull'".!n•• reHecling lb. SU II' lile of Ihis cOllilirY IIlId giving accumte ",fonntilion cencerni Its ~ru"lh .. lid ucvelopment . Send 10 ..-ent. f~ra sa"'ple cup), ofll!i Sunset M_g· atine und write us a 1 ~ller {liking lor whatever io/orlDQt loll )Iou de· cOIl<-erning any .late ill the Welt. .

II a rTl' :-iii I ,'1'1 h\';:rr k . .-.n lOt"

U.I :~ l:~I~:' IIl:!: '.·~~li~'h S~:~!I " ;:).,t:i:~ :~.i,lt·S:;:f,

ur'd ay LI,al will lu)" hl '" liP f" r ~t,'r1" tim ... , li e was lillin\.{ a h "I-\~ I \l"a· 1 at lh' ("rt,t'k. and w lr ... n II .. tln'I'" nlll (If lhe .: re... 1i th'" fr lln l end o f I Ill' W:IJ.( UI1 I cd t ipp.·oJ up :11 1. 1 l h r!'\\' hilll :lnd - -- Il le lrarr.'1 "U I. II.' ~lIl r <' r il1 ~ ' C TIll" ~l a y 1'01 .. I lri li. J.(ivrll!ry ~T is s ~'or t he .econd time thc C unty ! \'er,' IY wilh ~"\'c'ml ltl"ti.,ri~,·s an rl lh e 11 ,·nri,· a Md\il1 CO fllmi tis iolJ<! ril w(' re unahl l· t o 1,,1. liJ{llfl lcn l., <If iliq I, ·f t I ' ", "' II)i l ~ at tIll' iii an! t" rrI , "h oo l ' hlil lSf' Tlfl~('Y rrRt!uv aftl' r·I IOtl n. the cOlltr·al·t for the prupu:;e t! Me' ~"lIle. and aJ{ uin a t i.,·I 'anon · I·· r idav. wa9 morial f nr the Sail urs Rnd ~,)I d ic r s . 1\ \'~ry '·ll j"ynlol.· :tlr"i r. t\ J f lim Co unty A ll h ou~:- h th ' archi · (he ~t' h ll (j l Ir ll US · . tI la rg.· lIu mhe r wit · tec ts Cll t Ih ... c!\ timat l'~ i!:I "" . Lll e con 11. ·~~l'tI the d,. ill whir r w(\, ~ pleptlidly lnWl o r ~ were unab le til marl; .. morl' IIIlt on alflirl "1 lhl' :rl'l' l a l l ~ ' ! o f 11r· thlln a 10 "" cul in their b id~ ,\I \' i ~ i l .. r ~. I\ l i :l~ 1\1l' KIIl" 'Y is t n be pre~cnl .iL IOllks as tllI.lugh Lh e (' 11.1 ' " " rr ~r;d rrl alo-d UP"" lIl" ~ 11 "("e,," of Illi'l.,iollers will hav e tu al ,andlln t i,i~ Uli' Ilnl !t'rl<lh ill~ " ,; t h ' ,Irill arrietl prnj cct. lit 1(,I\ ~t ulltil t he pri (!e~ of all iml,' ·Il ~ .· 101 "f wtlrk . ma ttl rials decr ease .- W e~tr r'n Slar.

- - - ...

Go in·g W es t?


Th e .. nlire pr u).( r:1 rn [or Mllnlnri al Mr. amI Mr,.. r . I. Ti plon, o f n ay wil l bl' ]Jul,li"lre'! fll'Xl WEI (' I.;. I>a yto n . ~1I,'nt Sun d;lY with r.1r. ant! Thl' ClJrnmitt !! , arr' worlti llg h:1 1'1 I tt. Mr~. ( ; eo r ~e i\l al· k ~. l\lr. T ipton i ~ make thi~ day a 8m \: 'h". alll l tll\' cit · ci ly til-\.. ,t a ~e l1t fnr thc I 'no linc~ in i zt!lI~ gcrre ra lly oll,;hl. I., h(·I" them th a t ci ty. ' ' \all they can.

N~X'1' wm~K.

pai nte r appli~s

pai nt on you r hou se it


I" "" t intl' I"( '" [''' I I) kll () W !l. ti lll i" - i to.;' !- Jlrl'aclin~ t 'a Jl;"w i t~ · it • . ljl l\I" :tr:IIW(" .. it .; tl llr;lhili! )". it"l' 1111 ' 1 1 1 . \ll · \\"hl)· P;lY~ ­ lit l' · IJi ll :11 1.1 1\ It ·, 11)'-'( ';; i f tlte' lie illt gllt ·s wrl Jl Ig . \1. 1I'::l· " \In' gOt)U n '';lI!t " - til(' IIHh l sa l i" f:ll· t o ry a lld I ";

",h a l



'1' ,,"


el"Ot1tllll i("a l

p~ i il k I' U S

j ub - by

h avi ng





an'y other pre pared til'e nl"nrkc t. O'r " Iead rind o iL" The. Slll; rwin. \\'illia1l1s ('0. saf<,gua rd its I.: ' la h I}' III cvery pwrcss .of manufa cture . Tllc y ma ke nH their lins .... t! oil; O\V II <Jllll . operat e large zinc ~llId leat! mi ne - and "mel tl'rs. ant..! m ake the ir II r"\' ('olurs ill thr large t and llcst :quippr'il ii I'\' " IIte plnnt in the Unill'c\ States. The " "'·I.ItS urI)




tile goods.

Protect your illu'r c ~l;; uull yOIdl: .-_ ...._______ ._ prOl.Jtlrly w'ith S\\'1' .

W. ull it



f·: :D'rea~.,..,nac:te1·rol~~ta.r,light P-a tent Flour is,~~ite

flavor "atiCl :holds its moistiire '.has P9t ·P t Starlight ~ Patent m ~tl.d~ !w~ ~ will ,see ' that ..' you· , ,

lta:&.• lnelrl01l0


,EJnl T


{~:ao .. Bi~h.oP:r.

l. Rel'se mnd~,hi~ annu: al VIsitatIOn t~ St. Mary R chuN:,h SunpllY morlllng and confirmed a ~Iass of four , Tbe liisho'p '{lreactied a fll'e sermon on "Tho! Open, Qoqr,'" winch wn~ heard by a good' congr.e;;

E5=!1i[!Ji '

I Ell:'==51





p.renc:hlna- ~ 10:30. Ch risti 'n Enat. :3n 'p , m, Everybody in· Yuarterly ~Meeting on Sat· .t hlB 1 3t~. Visit ing ministers expected. Mary· E; Mart in, Pastor.


... ~ ~ ,

, : C




' ,:;=;:;;::= ,'=====


w ..~


ORTHO ox f~(ENbs unoa,y Scho I III 9:30


Atlas .portiaiidUemenl







a ,p oial pro-

'the f'flf,inill g' B() rvice at . p;lstor will preae)) Oil ' :Our MolnerB An ApI" l!<:iatlQn ., . Hear th is Sel'm0l}. . There will be no eveninl{ ser on uccount of th\' prenchi ng 0. f buc alaurl~a le II nnon in the hal I. ' , <l:larcnce' rauser, Past or:

~rn '



. There,in noDe better iban 'the


M, E. CUU RCI1 " . . Sutlday SclWll1 at 9:15 a . m. Mother.' nRY ~\'ill he ull I'rvcd in tho \Vil~


Select tlie ' , Best


!lll;hday Sc!bo I


. When Yo :-';.U,se "eemenl" "

l'rayer lIud RCI'!)) n utlO:30. w.,lcnrlle,

u . ._.. ' " '_.


. I.!J


ST, \ RV 'b C'ItUl~CH , il'd 'u nday ofter Easl er. Muy IIntJay ~k h llJ I &1 9:3 n. m ,


Didn't Like The Town

~- ---








lis h ~ II'he out-of the river bed flow : and almost every . there was 8 lillie bit of were a'Jlne fish tak'en. SeveralJ arie 'carp were taken; one WAlllTh 'l nv twelve pl>unds. A tea,t\u'e was that 1I0t, one g(lme fish was seeh



Obencrw~n: h~

r ioved intoJ.I~~~'·~~<!·~·~i~I~~~ill~~:!I~:~'~~'l~~:!u

W. property. theA.Maffit . : Hnrold RpbiriliOn left last week to

'''''',tI.I•. n ,

joiT) the shoW : company 'of Frank I ~~~~~~~~~r~~=~~rt~~~'!!W~J.~~~ ffuddJeston at Cambridge City, Ind.l~ '4lUooaIW j MIll<! Bernice Hnwki'ns is oil~~i'iic:;:~o(~o7.1i; i1~~iq"'1~ ",a~I·JtA" IIIt' 8 P!lrt of this week in [ndiaM . • ' , ThaC:'E. held l\ social ness meeting in the church liay evening of last wee,1> kK.~~~~~iJ,I:~~~~~i~j;~~bi:~~ l·'JqreJ'/ce Baycook with 1\ b autifjll set of'·"U,rArIW9.1'" Th l{T~ny wlf~ :~ ·tlle lallt dAy , of olliliool' ~ and was celeb rated with a picni c dinp er and baSll ball gameschool bueine9$ menj' the 'latter r~~~:r;,~~;~~~ 14::6~BCJi;~~jillr;~~ beillQ' ~jcloriou8 by a 'score 9t26 to 5' ~ .. E,lellrtor Hllyriock W89 8uccltS8fut In


~!"!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~,!,!!!:!!~~~~~~~~: ~~~~~'!I"-!~~~ ' "

winning 'the-prize e W, C, T. U. offered for t,he \Vhichtb' .btlst Temperance essay.' ' . I'~~~!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~~!!\!!!!~~!!ii~ The mass Tn"'~""'''' I" Spring TQ'(I"n~lhlpll.w~U! , ill Spring


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~'SI~t1iDel by ~Frank 1" 22144; record '0' . Wilkes, 2:22, by' Hamble~4~!rH~~lbdaJ)Q~h J ,Ft'ank L's dam by Mam-

Chic( 25 ; 2nd dam by by Hill's Blat'k HaWk , 16.hands, weighs 1250 actioD, 'both ·trotsand ata t, of 2:10 gentle




~ and


n,,,"+·''''' ... . . $3.50 up

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FRIFNO!' QU-R RLY MEetiN G W. H Allen was in ClIlcinnati, I ! ELI) !'E\·F.NTH , DAV ' Friday . .


1916 l


S_OM_.E_ W __E_A_TH_E_R

ATTENDANCE WAS LARGE And FrIends from Alt Over Ihe District Were In AlIendan ce lit Meeting

Dr. Dill, ' Os teopath , 21 S. Broad way, Lebanon, Ohio,

Mr. arwl Mrs. Jesse Lewis spent Sunday with friends in Cinciunal i.

Lost- Conklin fountain pen. Icinde r plellse retu rnto this office

J. T. Liddy, of Dayton . spent Sunday with hi!! (athur, Mr. M. J . Liddy.

Mr~ . Ralph Smith is 8pendin~ this week with her mother in Wilmln g, Miami Quarter ly Meeling of ton. Fri ends wss held in the White Brick Miss Opal Thomps on, of Route 3, Meeting .house on Seventh day the 13th. It was .~tendl'd by a number spellt last · wee k with relatillll9 in Lebanon , of !o'riends from other places, Selma. outh Cnar!cd ton, SprIngb oro, Cen- Sunday was an ideal day for autoterVille auJ Pendl eton. Ind. mobilin g; 'and Main street was full Routine hU Miness of the usual Quar. of themal ! day long. terly meelinl t was transact ed. Tw 0 inter~Llnll papers were read. each Found - Fountai n pen. Owner can followe d by tliacuS(lionB. An inl('l'- have I18me by calling at Gazette of mission was tltke n for the luncheo n. fi~e and' proving I>rOIJerty. and tor the work of varioua com· mittees , Mr. and Mrs . F. B. Snerwo od and Cunv ..ned again at :! p . m., and family. of Lebano n. spellt Sunday at afwr b1J81f1 ~RS WllS finished . Elw~ the home of Dr . Th08. Sherwo od. Alllln. of Pe ndlAton, Ind. read a









Early last Wednes day mornin A' the HIE Ct-;lURCI1 ES Farmer s Nationa l BI/.nk at Clurks ville was ' enterlld . the safe blown, and several dollars' worth of loot was takim. abou t $2000 wlor t h of . bonds belongi ng to a custome r. obou t $700 worth of postage stamps, be · longing to the postmas ter, ..70 worth of revenue stamps. and *:10 in mon£>y . People re~ iding In the neighbor- and Se rmons ApJI' rupria te fa Ihc W. N. Sears and family attende d hood of the bank heard an explosio Dny Was Prcachcdn tbe Fuurth annlver aary of the F1rrt 'about 2 o'clock, but though Specia l I\\u Ie Br('thre n church In Dayton Sunday it might be an explosio n t perhap~ mornin g. and In the a1temo on heard Mills. It i9 9uppo:e d that at Kin~s the rob· Pastor Ru,sel at Memori al hall . bers escaped In an auto . Detectiv es are at work on the case. a.nd i t is Mothe rs' Uay wns R'ene rnllv 01>Miss Lola Zell arrived home from though~ that the r obhe rs Will 800 11 ~e rvell a t the ·hurchC!1 in Wayn es. be apprehe nded . . vill e . Sunday , and sc rm on ~ approElder Radcliff e, at Indiana , held A~ to. Texas, Saturda y evening Whell George Mark· .was t o print c to the dny were prenched . servlee at tbe home of Mr. al)d Mrs. Mi8!l Zell has been away frum Way· work Thursday mornin g gOtng At St Ma ry's rhurch, Rev J . F. Chu . Rye on Saturda y evening and nesville fot several' years, and her o'clock . he was accosted a bou t. o on lSundav eonduct ed all day IICrvices many friends are glad to welcom e street ily n.v e lIlen in a Ford nat Mam Cadwall 'lucr' >! Ae rlllon wa>! ap p ropriill . hill e. a te to the occa~i() hu preache d her home uain. at Mi~dle Run church. ' who told IlIrn they had lost their way on " Mothe rhood . ,.n aand deep, over ~h e a ve nue. Mr . .Mark~ seemed se rmon, per taininl( to· t spiritua l he mother 10 think they wore a bIt excited, and a nd the relation he rs t o t he it might possibly have been th church a nd he r preclJpbbea i as A'i ven tu ClarkSVille robbers. he r ch il d re n in lead ing a cor rect life. - - -- - .. A large choir w:i~ present,al1d a 'good musical se rvice add ed much to the se r vic.e, Mrs , B. I-Il Kp.l1 y sang a beautifu l solo. At t he M, E. Church, R ' v C, S. Gru usel" . se rmon was Up011 " Our MOlhers , An App recia ti on. " amI h is hearers we re inter c~ l e d in th e ·. ser · mon, Special Ill usi<; added to tile service . M o~ t of t ht! Sunday School hour was devoted t o . a\ exe r · A picked- up base ball nine wenl cises in honor of th uaypeci , A whi te to Morrow. Sunday to pIa that team cn rna tion was give n to pe rs on amI came home Ruffe rin R' d e f ~ !l t, tilt:! whu al tc nded theHe se rv each icos, score blling 21 t o 6 So me of Ihe boys here have not had a ball in YOU R FARM NOW . THE their hands Rince last full, and they had never practised togp.the r, and in BES T TIM E TO SELL fact some of the boys wil! togeth . er and form a nine, that be hard IS WH.E N THE CRO~_~_+---Iut"'l ·to 1"".t--- H--iJrhmrh-Tfm'l'111i1it. a t eam C ROW INC. ,as the season Ison counlry . NO SALE NO PAY . - ..._ -


- ..








Auctlonec;r and Real eltat e PHONES Office 61

Home -tS-l

Wayne.ville, Ohio

Want _ ~Ilable Informatloa about aqy, Of the collatry "",t of the. ' RocklU-,-Callfornlll. Orepa, Wasblngtod; Idaho, Montaaa. )je'llldlll, Ulab, Ilrizona, New MIXIco, Texa.1 Want to know IOmethln\& about farm/ng opportualtlew. nu1road rate" roules. automOb lie ;'a,.,;~tel .. ruortS, prices of ,land. met~ of fanula,. etc.lhleh. U',our 'bullae. to kn•• all "wut tblt PacIfic Slope ecMIl!try. SlIa· ·RI Wapdne II the one ble aational magalia e, refledln a the life of thl, ~lIntry ~ living accurate Information "_filia l its growlh aod develoJIIIWnt. Send 10 centa fura _pie cop),...f Suna.t M.gaalne and .rile III • lillter ukInc for ."teVie r lAIo,..UoD you de.... coocerailll an, .tate Ia tbe W..t,



The Wa rren County Sunday ·School Conven tion will 1)e held at Morrow on T ll e!day and Wed nesday, May 23 and 24 , in t he M. E. Church . The p rogram , as pre pared . is an in terest ing one, a nd the s peakers selected are all unday·School worke rs Dr. W , G. Clippenger, pre i_ dent of l he state associat ion will be presen t . Rev C. S Gra user. of the M E . church. will have an address Tuesday afte rnoon all "Thll Relation!l of the Americ an Church to World Proble ms .' , Morrow is milking an effort to have a big convent ion, a nd they are l eallin ~ nothing undone to IIccom plish it. There is no d~ub t that Wayr,f'Rville and t he townshill will be well represe nted a t this con ven· tion.

WARREN GOUNTY MAN HONORED F. M. Hamil t.on . of Leban on, was unanim ously endol sed by th e 1l" ll Ub· li can Appella te Ju dicial Commit tee , at a mee ting hel d in Cincinn ati, Satu rday, as the candida te for th e Judge of the Cour t o'f Appeals for this district , which is composed of Wa rr e n, Hamilton. i3 utle r, Clinton anll Cle rmont. Mr, Hamil ton . who is 8 forme r Wayne Townsh ip boy, has made his hom e in Lebano n f or several years. and is a consiste nt Republi can and by hard work has lYon his way to a hig h position among his townsm en. It goes without say ing that he will be s upporte d by hi ~ counLy to a man .



Mr . and Mrs. J. E:. J anney were Was Preached by Rev. J • .F. Cnd" Lebanon Visitors Monday afte rn oon . wnllnde r- large Audience Was Present o a lI am ilten spent 0 couple of duys with relat ives in Day ton last week . . Comme ncemen t week in the WayWaldo Li n('ol n. of Boston, Mass., nesvi ll e High School started off aU flwas t he g-Ul!~ t of relatives he re I a.~ t Ili ciously with th e baccala ureate SOI' wet!k . vices at School Audi tor ium which I took place Sunday evening . At a n !\1essrs. W. R. Spreigel and D. L. Cra ne made a flying visit to Ci ncin - early hour. the audienc e beg an com· ing, and atSo 'cl ock. th e hou r fo r ue na ti, Th ursday. g inning, .the 8uditor ium was completely fill ed with a n in telligen t and Mr . and Mr~ . John F romm and app reciativ e audienl1 e . fa mily, of Dayton, spent Sunday At 8 o'clock with Miss Ru t h H a r twith relative s, he re. sock at th e piano, the processi onal, " Onward Christia n Sold iers." wa R Ernest Mark s, of Milwau kee. Wis .• sung by St . Mary's ch oir 85 the grad iRvi~iting his brot he r, G('O rge Mal ks, uates a mI th e pu pils of lh e High School came marchin g In to the r oom f or a few days. lind to the places assigned them . The classes we re led by t heir teache rs . Miss Martha Lukens, of lIurveysAfter this hymn, a chorus f·rom burg was the A"u est of Miss Lillian the High Schoo l sa ng a selectio n, Wilker ~o n on Sunday . "Tende r Nig ht ," an d the invocati on was given by Rev. C. S. Grauser . pasto r of the M. 1:; . Churcb . The Mr. IJishor Wilkers on. of Morrow . Scriptu re reading was by Rev. Allen , was t he g uest of Mr. and Mrs. Har of the Christia n Church , af ter which Icy Wilkerson S unday. "Coron ation" was sung by the choir and the audienc e. Rev J . F. Cadwallad e r, of St. Mr. and Mrs. F rank Taft, of Day- Mary's. Church. took f or his text. ton. s pent Sunrlay at ~he home of "David served his g eneratio n by the Mr. and Mrs. J W. White . will of God." or " the Vocatio n of Living. " Re v. Cadwal lader hos Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cross spent preache d ~ourte~n aureate serthe week end wi t h Mr. and Mrs. 0. mons durmg his. ba~l mInistr y here In Hender son at Springb oro . Wayne! vl~le, and It ~aa CO)lc.eded by all to be hl9 masterp Iece . HIS theme . . . of a higb vocation living was to Mrs . Emmor Bailey,. MISS. Emma live right. to do rigof ht by virtue of Bog an and Mr. Ernor Bailey Jr. were service to avoid the wiles of the shoPI)ing in Dayton Monday . world and to be altruist ic In regard to your fellow men. H e admonis hetl . lhe of 1916 to have a clearer Mr and ~rs Abe Hyman and fam· aim class to better life, not tl) be driflers, ily, of Xel1la, were the Sunday guests but to consecr ate their lives to the of Mr. and Mrs . Mye r Hyman . will of God, that they might be able to live on a higher p lane. He Mr. and Mrs. George Stroud and his sermon by the ' question ended tha t 80n of Davton, were the guests of ought to be upperm ost in the mind Mr, and Mrs . Will Stroud on Sunday . of every human being, what is tht! will of God conce rning you! -serve Mrs. Thornto n CouBino and daugh- Him all the time. His audienc e was very attentiv e one. and his sermon ter, Margar e t, of Port Clinton . Ohio, awas listened to with rapt attentio n . Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. After a selection from the Bch ool Zimmer man. chorus. "Good Night," Rev. Mrs. Martin pronoun ced the benedic tion. The Woman 's Auxilia ry -of SC --This-ev enlrrg; at 7 o'<:lock. the -anMary 's ch'urch will meet with Miss nual comlD encem~n t WII! tak ~ place Emma Heighw ay Friday afterno on at School B~II. Fr ere are ~lDeteen at 2 o'clock graduat es thIS year- ten seniors anel . nine normals . The spea ker for the evening will be Prof. T. S. Lowden . Mrs . Clifford Himes and Mrs: Em- The music will mor Bradstr eet and son, Curtis, spent Stokes' orchestr a, be furnish ed . by Thursd ay at the home of Mr. and Thursda y eve ning th e Alumni as· Mrs J ason Sheehan . sociatio n wil! hold their ann,ual meeting at School hall at 8 o'clock. MrR. ':;u~an Sheehan and Miss The commi t tee has p~epa red Mary Pin e, of Centerv ille. were program , one that Will long a g Qou ue I'elluests of Mr . and Mrs Jason Shee- membe red. han one day last week. - - - The entire prog ram fo r Memori al Mr. and Mrs. C. '1 . 'tipton. of Day will be publish ed next week. D aylon, spent Sunday with Mr. and The commit tee are working Mrs, George Marks. Mr. Tipton i!l make this day a success, and hard ~o the Cltcity ticke t agent f or the Pa. lines in izens general ly ought to help them that city. all they can. ~,~. ._

.. _ . . . . .-

. . .O . . . . . . ._ _- -_ _~

- - -... -+._ --



---.- ..- - -

The C. W. Hende rson grocery s tock was sold last wE!ek through W, N. Sears to C. M. Brown. who haB laken pOSSEssion, and has moved his stock from th.e old l>r.ange buildin g. Mr. Brown has leased the Kilbon O~irog to the bad ' weath'! r the W. N Sears sold -he Lydia Gor- building s fol' two years . "Mothe r 'a Meeting " of the G'r ange don propert y at Corwin last week to wa.~ pos tp,?nep unlil Satqrrla y ·even· Hiram Moran. who took immedi ate ing. Ma)' 20th. A good attenda nce poasession . "i'r Sub~cribe for the Miami Gazette is de'.lired .



W es t?


H a rry Suttel·th w;li tc , son of Mr. and MrM Henrv Satt'rth wai te, of Ruute 2. met with an acciden t Sa t· urday th at will lay hi m up for some lime, He was ti lli ll ~ 'a hogshea •.! at the creek. and when h e dro ve o u t of the creek t he fron t end of t he wagon bed tiPI)ed u p li nd t hre w him . and the barrel ou t . I·J e is suffe rinlt se · The May Pol e Dri ll . given by Miss For the second time the County verely with seve ral bruises and the Commissiollers were unable t o le t lig,lllien ts of his lef t hip are t orn Henrietta McKin Hey' R pupils at the sr.hool house Thursda y afte rnoon . the contrac t for the propose d Me · some. and again at Lebano n Friday, was morial for lhe Sailors and Soldiers a ve ry enjoyab le nrralr. At the .If the County Althoug h the IIrchischool hous , a large numbe r wittects cut the estimat es .25% , the con · nessed the drill whlcr wa~ splel1didly tractors were unable to make more PlIt on amidst the R,Jplause of the than. 10%, eut in their bids At visitors . Miss McKinsey is to be present it looks as though the Con,. .. congratulat.ed UJlon the sJlccess of mi~~ionel'!l will have to abandon thlll the "und ertaking as the drill ' carried project, at least until th e 'pri!!e!! ,of an immense lot of work. materia ls decreas e .-West er,:, ::ltar.

--- 4:',- --



Mra. Emerso n Mason was a Day- OF THE SCUOOL VE AR STA RTE D ton visitor Monday . SUNDAV EV EN ING

W. A. Lippinc ott was working in Dayton, lut week.

~:~r ~~:~~s t~h! 1i(:danJn~~~~ti~; Mr. 1~r3nk Elban. Mr; and John Wo,lma n, which was atten. 1;larry Ear.n hart and chll.dr~n Mrs. spent live ty listened to by Ihe meeting . Sunday With friends at ~pr1llgboro. This branch of F'rlenda is .,xpeet ing It wt!ek ·e nd confere nce to be MI8!l Susie Braniga of Morrow . held about the 17th of June for three WaB the the guetJl onen,day laat week day~. which will be attende d by aev- of Mi8!l Elma Hoberts of the Friends eral Frie nds ftom the Advanc ement Home. Commi ttee who live in the East. Friends hpre wish all who may be The Zeit Book store Intereat ed fo attend th('ge 'Peeting s owned by Horace Zell, h88 at Xenia, been sold The Milllles Martha and Margar et to Walter Smith Warner , Mrs. Martha B, Tindall and busines s man. a Wilmin gton young Nathan Branson , from Selma, Or. 'I'h08 G. ~'arr and Reuben R o b e r t . . . . and wife, trom South Charles ton, Han B. F, lIarowl who dehv· Rulph lIowell and wife from Spring. ered the Memorl~1 da,tz,add~ess here /leld. Dr Michen er and eiBter and two "ears all'0' wtll be the speaker at Fred 0. Sher,,"ooo and family, from Lebano n thiS year. Lebano n. Jvsse Wrlllht alld wife, from Sprinsci1nro, J line R ~'o.ter, Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell took f rom ~'o ~ t · ", Ohio, Imd other Friends Mr. Howell 's father, from Centerv ille were here and visiting here for thewho has been past Beveral attende d Quarter ly Meeting . days, to hit> home in P(.rt William, - - -... - - Ohio. Sunday .

Whole Numb er 3369

_ _

Wh en •

pai nte r app lies pai nt on you r hou se it is

1'0 your best interes ts to know what tha t pain t is- its s prcadi ng ca pacity- its a ppeara nce-it s dura " bility . Y II a re th e m a n-wJlO-pays~ the-bill ~Ilcl who losc!'; if tll paint go ' S wrong . Make sure of good resl:llts -thc most satisfa ctory and economical job......,.by having ~our pai 11 ter use


- --.__ ...---


It .

' l

better thun any otlll!f p~.' paint on the market . or "lead and oil.'"' The. Shc;rwi n-Willi ams Co. safegua rd' its l'uabty 10 every process of manufa cture. they make all their linseed oil'; own and operate '· Iarge zinc and lead mineS and.' ,slP~I!er8. and make their dry colors iii the t )argest and best Q(Juipped dry col" plant in the United States. Tile results ar~ th~ goods l Prot~t y,our interests and'yoQ IJ



. 'IS


'. . ,elUf

Notice of Public Sale AUTO


1,,11111',.. 01'"1 ('un~trnlnt with bel' ',,\llI'lhllll' In III' h",' ".. " k llllkllllt. IIrl1lh ..., 1I1111111111111/! IIlml . t 1o Ilwk· WIIIIIII"~" 1'11111 Ih'll wll h IlIlA th~III'" lit· p'u ...."d 11,L!'ll n, t nl;. .. tllI1I1s:l\ ~ hp RI III 1eI'l lt hl'r fu ll I(II ~I' uJ I Wi" '''' tn trW' fr 1\t \. n lu tttLl (lX1f"1tH' .... lrt ,H'I'hu;'C\IWI' II' un lint r ui th,' Prnl,,,lu "II ' " or " ",'-1 1'1111 . " i ~ ltfrl "t \, u,'rvJ\ ._lHly, Ilhly , I "Ill ulfll ' u r lI'dHl' eft hpr (h'nuudotl(1fl Or )wr !-1 1H II'r'~ 'lIul" h llt' Ull 1I "n l h(\ , II )1' ' " \ t, r tHlll!1i tolid"1, C'lIU ' tIll i\ 1.I1'Y A htlve th ~landard flr 11 \' 1 \\ 11 lit' '",11' '' IIlH d 11 tie rl u ~l ~ 111·11l\\,. . "Slhyl:" ." IIP r~pl'ltll'd, II'l1h slWh h nt . ' Bll 1(:10; - Thal clln·t he heat h a t 10 n i l ! HI d Qll!t li'--n l1 f'llltpc l tn th l' 0,"1 I' II!'" l iru t till) Wlln' ~N'III1'II til ( 1,'l utl ,' t' ,1 ,1.\ At ~ f1'~' h)('lt , \ 11\ li t" prow ,t. tt l ru l h)\\hl~ l ' lU 'E~ - T() please all. <Irllt .' Ilrr' till hor 1I11~. "I'd IIkl' til d c 'r l1 l( tl rHi ' U;..t ulp ,:,ltll"I~) Iu lh ..:uun t> ,~r ·' lh ..'w 11, 1 11 '-1'1, ',' 114' tn .. ls ll'tl. '11 t~tHI ~t,d,\ or U hlr- , h,l· \\I\ ; 1(11' II' \\'hy H',~ ,·o" cOll ld,, ' t ' !JIIYU IfIIl r· \\' ''1'''4 Ul'~llllli"lol (II a ~ 'll1l ti l th t:'U fl:11 jU ue ;\\t\lU .A.. III II ", III):IIt /0:0\\, 11, ~ lJ"klll): Ill. l>1~, "Y U Il I hll ,. ' )'" !~n '\ 1'1' ,·, 1. 11 0.:. h i"" (''W ,,11'\1 s" II11'b,,,I,V trom h!'I'e Ulllt "")lll<i 'Jtr,ot.t. III t ilt, ·"0\\11 tl r \\rOYUCb Yll h 1, \\'~rl ·tllI grI7.'tIE'.J IWild lIuli J!('~III ' lIl a '"Il 10 hlk 11 tu tlla' tfdJ I IHIJ ., n,. \11 H I 'Inl~1' 1I ~tt'f t t · unty' I', (l1t!tJ , :! h, HI ill . ~uth~ ......H\ Irum J lilt \"I t d lll14' u ~ filu m IiOlld . hH~ t nfl or t.lll'l.rC lu,)uS(! ~m \\ h.n IH 111l1j\\l1 Uk. 1I1;1 I ~ ,~\ (., ~ h('lhh'<1 RPOIISI', " ,II~' L...d!'· h" I'lilli. w :ll.·h .,1 pld'htHll1 uld "I UltllC'1 H.I h t't' ~ I hl~ :<HI,I' I Itlnk ! I llI"t ~ ortle ,i,y(ully lI Qll tLtuJ 101 in \lu lI" t Nu, t ; I hll U'1 rtlll"u\ "rr tlJ' IHllo. lI' rllY hll 0 ' "'nrlt Ilk" "~ I 'I'I, " \tHl luq\~ jO\·IIt·ll"'l\t'!'· rlKlu "ugh,' whJl "tlld no o;\\ ardh' II}\,! fl , ,. r I n h'l ' IW I)11'" rril iU Ill'r t OWI1 Wbl' U UUlu] .. C orwin, Ohio. ti lu , to all h '11 Illl~ "town h\ f(1'C'\iIHl.: tlltllHt· I'hnno ,'il- 2 <tbl s I s l Oll 1Il'll'h f.l l' hi III, \\'II~', III' IIln' l " I "'1',', '1 l 'ul\':" -hI' 11I 1I 1:ll" d . "p" rlllI II lId I 1\'l' rQ lit ,\ t1n n tlt' ('Ill'. IlI yt '" righ t UIIMllJl'( uud uu.rultul u H h Mu lh , I r("tll : lit f or un.I' lhl lll1! I" ~ II llll'· II'lIIlId 11I1I1/.:· y nn,\':t t\t 1' lu\I<t II h,·I (1 ~' IIII I Jl'!" . Ill) rlhwD.nlly U r" i1 til t o u.1I l"ulI ph t ! tilt HI' U SPl'ltl~, "wi 1l1,r (JlJt! ' bud ll'· £l r t) 'V Pll tat rl ..:ht l~nK It 'H "U~l puralhll ~'lIh tlw J104L lillu OF """""' I 11111111111 , 1111(1 11lf' l'i'<t M 11- \\,,' 11, I " I III . ,1(l. " <11 \11 1: 111 1 1~. "1 ' 111 "Ih·., ." BEAlJCA1RE" 11I'1I I'd or II" , It IlIk-1 ~ot "" u Ill'tlf<l , HL U I II , to t.ho Unu o r I tilt Hli )': I l itH It"U'~ Ih wOlla $n ,l' It'!, rl,'lIh<"·Uh'. IlII t I \\'(\UI,1 .\utl :\ t'!I't' I' nt of pHu l1 nt: C:U I ,olt"Jl lt 'U ,titt} tlnour I,ho u llc:r n ~,rtIt WI~rtll)' l j It. ; Ihtl llt ' U r ' ~'i ll !" ~ONQ.1JEST . ~111:1' I II110w just UtiII' It ,II \'II <or It'll L, UI I f) lI i'i dhH h ill~ l u t " t h l" e:\I' ulIltl d" il. ." IholH.:h l rull "' ~ ru g r llnt tl'hwds ~~Jlltl:~ '::~~~~'1 h~lIIIIJ::r;:r"~': l\!\~!l~1 ~~~t J.h;~ ~ll'JJ,~!~ 0111" lit' "11,, ,'11 , " I If "'I\ II""~ I h,, \'t' In 11,J! -D ~' I1,h lilt' lino u f i\l ui ll S t root ~lIt "",,,n lly 1~ It no II h "111,1'1," Ill lo h~ slIl rI . u In, 10 till) h"tcIlUl lllg. "llI hll~ ,lldo't wnnt Ih~ (In('lor,'' Mill l )(\lI p lt ' !'. . SulH IJru Vhrl)" Ir. hn 'utud nil :\tnhl Strul't, III "\ -1' III \1 1 ., 111111' ( r>l lllld ~er OU!'!" " \\' I ~ ,lui.,· ~H t ~'O \ll' 'I"\I " t.: rJllIl Iht!i' ~Irs, Shf'rltl,l11, "It W" 8 wll II I I~ w as ~~;~' ~~i:tt~'~II0ioJ,)h t> . Hra itl prtll1urly \\,,~ III)· iiiiii___..;:~~;:;;:~~~;;:~~~=~;"""-';:;;;.._.J IIC're t o <!I lin er thnt IIlgllt. nll,1 1 110(1(,(,,1 11101'111 11;':: ," ,..111 ' :-tut ti , H ~ t h ,' y I !I '~:I " t., 1111 ' ~ t~I"t' rt) II1I'IlNl , with ecu llilill iu,4' ' l'c;'U 8 o f till l,! a ru lU~ fo llows; \JO,} .. lhlrd ,' ph"IIl"Ih'I', "1',' f OHnt l ou t ftO Ul ") f",,~lllli hnllli . IIIlIJ-lhlr\1 III 0110 )' on.r DUll ull,'" nIghT," htl t pM 111"111 JOl'ln ll),. " ~ O ll r;o hmv he COll llln' t ('lit "n)' IIIIII~, 11 011 1')' . IHO,'I' .'lIphil :' t l ll· 1 (, ,1 "Wl l u l ' ~ ... all' CHAPTER I, UllrI~" 11 " llut :Iol rs. H OSl.'ol! ..III' rhhlu I hlrd 10 I W ),C l1nJ rr()1U III,) tillY u f suill. \\ I t II ,Ibni, t" fh'h:III'"I'hH: flH' "lltt llolll hOlile nnc! nsk )'11111' lill ~ltllllll~ wh aT ynu tlt'tl or rome to I)l'd ." '"l er"ril. 'I'll ,'U), II'""I 10 I .., ... ·e 1I ,,,I by Way 11 esv Ille 1\ tuurlt:ttlgl.l U))UII t lu) IIN JUi&C8 ould, "En l!" he soortNI. "E"U 1('5 w ll r l, · ' ~l.\ I I If\ I ' o.:n ld ~lljf'il h HI',lIy 1 '~ III'l.'1(~1 ,\'tlll Inll'I.\'-" \ ~1ll0 kC ' PllI ~ In tlll'l .. pc>!'kcIs Ollt 0' r lw "Il'", 'Iul ~' Illh'l y ?" ' There 18 a mldlllnd city .111 llle IIrort pny roll- nnel Y(1I1'1I ..nmr nril1lllll IIl'xt I hnt ru n\;l'~ IIwn l'fl lI I\ ncl Ulrl·.. ·R "", I h l~ ClII ' lIrl l:' ltllWAllU It 1 ~()(igl(!'4 , "\\,('11- " Ellll h h('~lInlprl, 1\I'r 1111 '''l'h,1\' H ,t'l HPl l tu I u' Iltn!Iu.!I1 w Il li ot fnlr, open coulllry, n 11Irl)' oll,l w on- tlmf' to g~1 nlf' to tmn Ollt m ore Rn",'" ollll'r tiling y OIl'1I notlc'!, 1I!1'llil \:')011 A tlml nl:.ln'(I lf ( I r Ih u I '~ · t nl" of l 'ltnrlcg II , ~ lIrfU' ·U. : ,·tllm: 11C·ln,ly. "Of ""tll·~('. I n l \\,IIYH l d erful city nt'Allng (\lIIf;lIy In tile ro ~ InRI Illi 0' d lllklll ' It 01T!" I 11l'lIllh, If ) ',lll' lI 1:1\;1' III t l'I)II'hl" t. ) fliP U PI 'tl l l -l t II , 111 1' " ' HIIII1'.'". " tlf.' t'~ .. - "l'I'III.:1t~ 1 lK' l· ilS:l" t. 11 10 1 ~ "I' Ih al _he II C '\' 'r "nl'l',1 Ihl' Runp or Its own StUoke. 'l' lIc Alrlln)::rr I11I1 ~ t Jt WO~ :--'lu·"I,MI.. " III him fn h\\'1' ti le Inol' nrilllml Y'III, 1Il1·s. l';hl'rilillll ; I III'~' pblhll'd, ~. ' 111! ,\'. ". \1 I I': I~ I II ....'" .. :Ii" T. l l, (1I1'I:oIlh,I, Lit n t01 Alilo EIlllipmcllt , , ';\1 , ~lJn r~ . ,\ \ld, tOJl l~' I' ( el the dirt lwrore hl' f('el~ UIl' 11' <'11, ('\jy so ",.' 11 : hI' " ',,: h l ~ I'dll'>'Ilc>1l III III1' n IIn n 'II't /(flt tli lle 10 lif' ,,11'1,. 111111 t!ttl)' \\" 'l" ' , :It ,.\ I hl '.'" ""111,1 ,, ' , Id "'p Ill .. or II",· 1111 11' (1111;1'1' nhollt HOSI~\l I' ! " 1II1 1· J4 Il o m :- lJrawn [( luipmCnl "II " ,."" .. ... slIl,1 IU"" •. In Inconlc d el', tor Ule. (JIrt Will \)0 npon him Ill' l i t: II lid, ilkI' It. he \l' 1I~ 1=1'1111.1' , b'~, III1'Y .)(oII't /(l't slrk . Y') 11 JlI ~t Ilt lll l: :111 ,'" 1'111 '-:1"1'. 111" ', 11 1"'" Nil "';111'-" r"!III,r slontly. At n br rze lie n~lI ~ t ~ llIolh c r un'I,'ss. I·kh. sl"\l tI~, IlluL 1I11" lIl'lI('h- It OI'('r, nll,1 ynll ' lI 111111 Ihnt !I!) Iwr ~ II ' I\ 1\11I'pl ,' \\ ,1I 1I,1 d , .. I-! "I I II. '1'1 11 ',\ prot ....... "!I ult ",I,,· III Il IT I . .·, I hlJu ." ,(,JIl' .. I ... Lt· !, P!lIl tlt'll II Io1 hdll c ry, to bl· tn w hlrlpool 8 of tl nst, 81Hl If lIe 8111H1lcl Allly optllll ls l\('_ Jus t as he prof,.lIlIIIlty N'lIt "r tile sle l: IH!o1 l)1 SOli \.;11(111' Ol'l' t ,Qt1 till ' 1,1 l.!iI 114 11 11' ,l lId I lI ioll\ ' t 11 '\\',' DA 1 OR NIGHT 1'J;:U:I'IIlJNE 7 decline at nul' thnu 10 I nhiliO UIP SIIHlk c he' lIc" 'Ii hi. I'I ly In he 1111 ' nn .. ~ t city clth.' r womc lI or ICmf<! I·R. Y., ~, nlll'IIII1!" lin.\" p lu ,'" .,1 ... · (II i!tI It ' ll I I" all 1'1;:-I l t. I IIIt'l"\II' I'l t 't! H~ l 'ftllll'lIlp tUl)U8 I lt l1 g-htl'r, be h ns the ru n.~cr nlterllntl ,·c of !;1I1- In Ih \\,OI·ld. so dill III' belll' l'c his filmhll on~y," sbe Hnhl ugn·llI, <I rowslly, 1';llI l h: I'l l "11 10 1111' \\ .. ,,, 1,11"11 11I 11I1 Hlld . III 111'1' ~' ! Il"l llIlI, :"IJ)uk.~ tilO lmpul · }li\'I'I.'" : ' · ,,'hy , :-i11l~ ' l l ltH\'t·lIllll~ r l (·ll.ruu!" (I Ul'k ,,\· pry II :I ~ " ctde. lIy to Iol'- III ~ p l tl! of h is Ro n DI IIl1s- ".l Oll hm tl'r come t o \)erl." .. t l!o'll aw~ " . ' JIt' IUII::11I '" III ~ r\, ' HI !dy , ",:'\'11 , 11\1 , " lit' ~Hl d: "~ he cOIJ I,l n't l.Jl~ Not quite so long ngo ns n 1:'~lIrrl1' Ih~ flllr" t rnml lS In tb e world. As t\ "T.onk nt the 'ith"r IIO.l'H," her 1 1I1~ ' tlon tber e wn lI!'r no hNI I' In;.:. i.·I'III1), mHIt,' r ot rUN , b r Imcw oothlog ,\\,OI'lh bond uo,1 Iwr, " L oolt fit ,Jim 11 1111 11 0 •. "or l'l ; tll' ''' " w t"n' n Il tJr II '-l g-I ad l O liare tI'" 1 11:11 1:" N (Hh.' ciM h('rfllly ~ho ll Ill' Iltu lI I H.l j'f1'It ~ tlt.'d ALI. «INDS OF "I d itlll ' t 111(':111 - " shc- 1JCt!l\ lI . llht, ( hilt on 111t. h lIu,)' I) f M ny , I \j I ii . hi), &.... :'itI' " I \ city; tiler c Wll6 llllt n pl ells"nt hi;.: r(1 \\'11 k'wwlnJi nh(lllt clther . coe. L nok at h ow th y \\'01'11. II iI.:11I , ' 111) b :II'k. " lnl{ plArtll e r " r tll o h\ttl Illiru,,·r:..!u l' u t 1,,' \ 1, ,)' t n ',,:.":!'Il. "I !lilly. 1111'11 111 ] 1111111'( 1'0; 111) \\0 , lit ll n ,c II l1riil wf\S iLl I h\n· ,' y,.h1lr~ ~ I h"' · of oelgll\)orly people wll o Iw,l u llderHll1hs. her l<llln 11'11 8 0 lI1u~lng sort u o"" Iherc ISlI't II hllrllcr -WOI·I:I II'. .. ·'ft's ·:" Ill' !,-,tl tl . " 1',, 1)11'1"'(" Hrn T o y, lI"fll ll, Wur" t!11 CO\llII }', I )hlu, fi 1ld t'tll1\ ~ "or ("lI lI r ,", l'~ J ,1 .11" la l' \\'rilf' IlIIII h 'lI l!I(l!lIl - " .tnndlug or one onolher , or bO.r, poor III 1"' lIllh, onel co nsl <lerl'\l bl'lgh t"r hll~lnl'~~ mllll III tlll ~ city rh,tll }c)SOfI u ru lu u IHItWHI"' II ' ~ uu'l ~ ' rl!.l)th l' lll ,\11111'11 "Sp \','r lJ1tllll , 1':l lltb," lit.... eon olpt l \ f ll \\ U . l it'\\' dUt'oa 1.'" 11 j 'l'rlu l lI PI'ot'I 'Clfj ll~ But til ere WflS II sJll r l t nllrnn rl In Illn IIt~ fallll r Ille "odd onl'.. ~ t l he JII1I. 1',·(, pII ~ h cl 111m, hut 11 " ,::11'1' Ill,. \ 011 III I 'H IlIl' 1' 01111":" ~ hl' did lIot fl1r l! n e tllo l 'ru hl~lU ~ \Hll rt o f \\'urruJi 'oHllly,U h ll) , "t o hill! \\ lIlt ti ll ' !jllt '''l ll'o , .\ 11 · ,h r h~l\ " r t'li ",t ' I', ~tH' I 'uullin't llH\~o lllur, UII'Clutl land, And It wile strollg Il ~r(' n~ cl ~c· flInt ily. n orn llllrill/( I'hnt m ost donger· sClIl14'1hlt,/( t o puah 1IJ;IIII1SI. Y OII ('nll ' l Iu (Ilk u Oil' a"""'Ll h l of imlt! Iml tll l' l"'8llll' wbere--II fJ(Ilrlt tlInt h nd w on,l III Ih(' OllS IIl1d 1I11xhillS clr the en r ly l 'ears, I)II~II '1I£'TI'OllS d)'M lleI'8111I' AIIII 101.1, w hil l' :--lll' rlldl' ,,' il l l t!"I' fil( '(! tl lr~'( ' l ly ,'It·iI Ill" , 111 '1' :1 11 " " I tlhlu' t kno,,, l1l!r: lllld ,, " turt"" hUu n 1 ~llld C4, til " !lllhl ,.. Hlld hp"'hl l'~ , if !'i lu- · ~~ !l f.' 1 1l l'I't'~ II Hr,)' 11M Iwd lIf8t'1l1lr~u !,hl ' ohl huatl,"h' () ~ t lli l I'" fl II U " ~ deptbs ot tlUl AI1INI<'IlIl soli 1111,1 In· ' he "'"M UII III-II01I1'lijhNI \)nby, nod ot lC oscoc; j ll st loo lt at whllt UlIlI b,,)··~ fOI' WIII'I \' If llill tiM prl \'ldf ',IIJJ,' lu" , " l l l'rl !ll ltor... ll'L\' III~ ";0\11 . " he ~ ;t l ": " f "l ller h ll~ u' t 'wrlt- Ill! tll nt. ~ 11l!', 1 1""'1' IJ" l'n t oo ·tle\-cr. r ill 111t1 u. ~ lt.h t rU r'uld Ij tlrLll\l~ h lp mtls t II re~t' tl l bored Ulcre, SWClItlUg, till It ~11I'rf!11 Ihe /.:1' w m ClIgcrly, nnly i<'nglltwlse, dono (or hltuRolt, lind hor('ly t \\'~l\y . Lltom , \\111 ,," II II Il ) ' u ur til 11 1401 1111 ( lur~ I }tl u" ' I ' aurtacC', rove OIC' mn"lltlll ll~ , n",1 lllrollgh II t l'l'lIle I:hllllhood. A t b ls soveo yenrs olel- mllrrl 'cl, got Il lin l' t ell," '1'111' lwa,1 ,l oMor l',-,'n 111111 10 lend DIe IUf SUd1 tllIrvh!IIl Jot l ,,-u ' tH ur, (.r tml" d ul "'8 "i I l lu llllr rtlll , emergoo, t ll"glble and mOlls tr(\,,~, the dlrl ~te lllllg Ill' "'OR cOllJllI ln pd for lIfl' wt(e, nnd rco d~' .10 bu tlL1 f o r hlm~e'lf U U' IWlHt' \' r Ol' ttl \. tkkllt hmnc-!' C' Ly'D£ I,; L el' l l 'I rtll , 11,,01 II 1 11 II". :-:111 ' I'od o( nil good AmcrlNlII h" !lrt!l-n l,:· to ' ''Blhhfl'' mnlllly ' tbl'ollgh III k or with bls OWll mOIl<'y wh~1I I (lilt up t1J" ." dl tlo'· , 11I1'1til' 1I1J," t hlnl! ullph'n~l\ nt rill :.!'! I I t il ' \ .•, \\ T"i IH' 11 :<-,'11)1' ldlll.:". nr IIUfO Desl. Alld so th plll('e gr<'lY. AIl,I It Ilunglnlll ion ou bls w(lther' s Iln rt, r or IlC W hOll~I! for YOII IIl1d 1;:,1le." nbollt n ll1," 1,: 11 11 11 hnltllh.!tl. \j l ulily "rew strong. Ulough It wo s 11('r milidoll nome, sh(l "POPII, YOII ' II 'nll'h colli In you r bllrE' of til( ' 110 -,""" - " IIIP:1l1t '1 I h,,"" hl . ill' \\',,~ IIII' klml "r " ell! , Ih l ; I II:d Will' II l'I1!ltI.'· The Sherlllnn bu lhllng ",n s t11~ bl~· hod no st r nng ut! l\:lIon (or It. Olle tect," File murm llroo. "}'ou'II h Iter Qver Post()l fj~, J "YlIlI " 1111'1 tjli l1k I.,,\\, ',u s.y \\'I" \~ f' H J.:lrl \\' 110 W ll ~ 'w j.;j lll)lly l'I'H 1.~r to \('kly b y wnR nlnc. he come 10 IJed." . g est skyscrnl) r; tlle ,lJcrldnn Tnl Pt dllY w h en t h HOUle Pboll! I t Oflke PilO ,II! 71 IIll nr,\' ~1t11"IJ~H I ,\' ~I w' tl 1I11 \' () 1Il1l1Tit.;,1 1 "Anll I'm just hs prolld or Erllc, t or 011 111 . ' 11 li d .. P 'u,,, 1:11.11:-0: . or 1·"111· ... 1' Hn~' hlltlr tll :tT nto:k.'l l Iu"r," <'Ompnny wos the blJ;ges t ot lis IIl1ld, requ es led w ith Ulllvoutcd vehemence ' w .. ' IUlt ' \\" 11lI1 1i l lllJl ,,: .... \\' .. I t l ll ~ "rh'lI , Bnd Sherldnn blmsol f bnd been !'lIe \)I~a "'rl," bo cOll tlllu ed, clllphnIJ('IIII", "n .j,y ... .:. y(,~ , " ~Hh l H illhF:; "ll's Mil ~ d to \)(' ollmn... 1 to 1!1ch:lrt)!C l1a",I'S with ... J ~ ,es t I.11 l id or an d b r CI\ .. cr nn 1t'IIRIl'r I am of ,lllO nl1(1 fl os('.,c f(lr bo.v_. 01111 - " ~trlll)!I II . " .I "d. 1",,..-,,11'1111' Ih at hl ~ th k E I a h is olf! r bro lher, " "st'lle 'olll:lI l1 g ., .. .. , f 1'lIl1r' '' :'' hI' sn i l1. n ': "ll1~· . d b aD uster unu r e smo e. 111 She'll m llke BOllin~ mlln a III I ~" h t J,· .. ,. ''ull M I ~II'I "H (1Xl11, .. ~ ..:ll) lt W!1'1 th a t or a )\t'I'" 8111'rl (IIIII, or with t he olc1e t, J nllles " '1'111\ ["""'''' :1 t 'h \l1\k or 1'11:11 f;)III'1i nit F rank Whnrlnu , lOKhlltlg In South , l\ ulI'1. r I come rom a oun t ry cr 9sro1l18, II t wire II'hell Ille 11m" COIU'S. lillo's th e BA~NHART, Oil \\'11U~ p :HII·'JI UH'-.a.:-; lI a~ "," 1 IIlHlll't"'" 11h .l. , JUIlIUlil Whurltlil . n '2ol tt.11111-;' ill ~ullllt Hmll i. th e b egInil I ng 0 t U 10 growl I1, an rI IIII SIII'I'I,III II, Jr., IIl1d up II belllS r efll s/'Il prnttl est IIl1d Inlo ll" t~dl'" 1 "II'I In Ih" ."11 111' trlo \' ,., 1( .11111 , H pll !'!' tl lt ' ll It un' )ml., L ULllil, \\"l u lI·ltln ) 1" " 1" rIMlti1ll K III I"l," nh pt \ J'fp( ' 11~' to r lcll t :ol. 1\ ,1 , 'I I1U'JdL' l) S llt'I"IY' , •. 'd d d 1 1 "went (lo l\'n Inlo tb c ce llnl' all,1 rt.~ " '" UUlIiI. l Ull:. u.l1Il l ' uLLIU Wllllrluli :-;"IUl n ~. rc ' ..a gOlle up an own n tiC " "OIllR United St utcs! I tell "1111 I ' m ml <Thty Iwflll'1' It ~ II1I':t r !'i. :,\1 .\· WArt!! I 'll a I "Ii "~('Pt\'~ I H,'I'fl ·t'tI ~· lon ·l,r til h....r," t;;l l ll 1l8 ill :O;IHlih HUllel , Jtld " un,t WllJhllH 1IIC1lncCl lh ro tile r est o f I bal 1I11,V. AIIII J" an d re I apses 0 r I h Il't Jler I0 d ; IIII t eo cl1 proud 0' IhelD Ihn" chi II I n'lI ! lIut 1110:: 1 f ll q,!l tll l ' ll llin\' '"111 .\' i, l~ hl'n':' .,;1", 1'(" 1tlllOPI 1. II IUlIUl '"lI l lu tl')', "' I'lu) :;U tt Lh , rtutltHII)t IH. 'hllltUlu. lin.usUlt, wlll I."k rook, d eRC~ lI rl lllg 10 wul·ct· d llsk . reo the !tulleu I.hlLl 1111 tile tllh dily t,f )111)' , Hlth, Jl)il lI " " ' p' \. . . 1)('1'11 It a \ i ll)!, \ ' l ' '',\' l lri ;!ll l tI me b e wen t d own Ile r eI 'OUlt(I (!( I 1\ Bibbs-" He (JII used , sbnklug his , Curl wrIgh t I\ ;:i ",Jm lul:ttra.c.(ir wilh til will :\,11 klods of N 'JloI ry Work , b Willi h' I'(·I.r: I f 11l'''1 Will", 111' It III II., ",,,I little blgher. UDtII orIO II.\', alter a year 1I0rtoo IllIIt ho IIlId ,' nnl sll(>(I; \)ut n wI 'U n" ' 1" ti ll ... I till II I II - fill' uo.;, " S il l· ulIllo:\od of thtt ~ti tnt tJ u r Lucutln 1'; , :-i itJ ,}.'4 , ti u . lmd Daelltl" J,J1l01 It. I ~y . or overwork anll All xlel .v -rho Inlier sca l'cb re"ea led Ihnt h e \I' ll In till! li lt'\\" lilt · 11 :II, p Ill' Sillit In lll LI lt" 1111', 1:1I ' ""\\,11 il l,' III\\,. ~ III c1uy, IIk~ 1\ ';I'11.SlX1 11Il.'\1 tl ili p utlL lfJ ll ill t.ho (Allirt or ( 'tl llI 1Il :1tl, I J.."U(l,S ~lw'<1 1'l"!'IIH·'('t him murtJ IUlIli "l UllS ur Wl,lrr n U4 H III ,,!' , ( Jhl u, III cu!'tO 1I0t deerenaed by II chnn co, remote but ('olll·pllc, cOOlp letely con'rell nud stili St't'lI l1u J.! n ,ll-° r .·tt . ,'t!, 11 1711 Ill;:ahldt t.IIo a.J)U\ U llahH:tJ IIu.rlltl"s po@8lble, or r ecupcrnllon (rom tbe t or. \)url'o wln,t:, Helllo,'c,1 by rorce nlld lwrt ut.l!t;I'H , J'rLL yl uloC n.IUIIU"; "I hu r "lt l ll~" fu r " J1 ~ 11)IIkl'd IIJI It t till' t1l1l;':," F'ky. IIt HI 1" :ll'n to IJl'it:1rl! hl"fSCl f t ,. '1II'h:I\" "(" met' In the pcult~lItinry-he rouud ~l rrlc(l upslolrs, he mnlnw", d a ryp· ~:~rl':t~~U Yt~~,'~I:~~~~It', unll t. 'd~tUIIUUt. Ilr w lif ' rt' i ll 11111l l! II IP 11I~ ("()II..:n l :1'.J S lIn 11k£' .Iolt. \\,pll , I I ll(lfl tl f.l.hl"g ~(, I n!ollw't' rc;nhl \Iurtt iCr r...... lu ltt:d 1.0 Q.u ~ Wu r ti ll or himself on top, willi 801Id 8ubslanco tic deml'onor. refusing to uttcr It 8yl· 11 "o ttl lill pUll ml1lt·lI tip in n t-clllOkp.. I",Iurll I ,,, I ~ ~ (Iuy 0 1 Jul)" l UI O. . under hll t et; lind thor,entter "plllycd labl e o r cK p lnll11 tion, ev n unclc.r tllll liS ~ HUW IUllllth-. ror 1\ (1. 1 (,,)1 '11 ' Rlll ll ICIIit h, l'h!U'ClI'Ii' I'lsI "'"Il~' " "u!!I",' DI~. JOliN 0 , ' H1' WII III 111' It snte." nu~ bill bUllger to get wns I n~h. 'l'ht s 01lv101l!'! I hillS ,..·os wbolly " r l'",'· slIhl \llhh_. r. rt· ~ "'~ ry W Ih'll 11 (':1111(> III !!1I 1l11l~ 1\It! I' 'ry 1'lIh,L AIlIlIllIllItrul .. r ",lUI till ' wlt'I \" wlll, 'h !llll' IIII(} lillI, IIml III lilly not uUllbatfjd, tor It wns tn tbo vcry bOlles 0 myet r.\' to both Jl"TcutH ; the motller ~ll~':' . \ f(.l \y 111I1lll ~ 1I1" lilll'lf, Uri tlH'Y ,\llllOlXOO ur tt\U \" t. " ' ••• DENTIST••• I I1ICULL\\ Jt . Ill"" 1I1Jtlt . . I . II1JlHl~ or Wm and. grow fier cer. 'VnS tlonplll~cd, (nlled to trnL'tl null P II~Io:\,il It " (l I"H' r, " ,\I'(lU'l Wi~ t-:u1ug- 11111'1111,\ lit IH'I' ~()x, lIiIJI!l . tl lI'tlte,1 11 1111~1'l r '1'\111 1\ nOll' ,ne was tbe city Incarnat.e, He 10vC<1 cOllnect: 1lIt(\ tbe rolller rcgnrded his h OlJh" !" Ilt' u!'-l l\ t'tl. "Y4.Hl r lI(.' \\" tl"l\rpr omca IJl ,nll'IlII I: 'Kl nre. "HII s lllcs..~ Is era wi· It, calling It .qoo' s country. 8S be cnJlod 60D o ~ n 8lub\)0l"n lind m yst el'lou s (001, J)14 til kJtJ~ \1 '-; ('Iut !If tl u' W !\y. 1'' ' Il 'l IIc,'!" "."ou.l U.n" UIIIII' , the amolle I'rospnrlty, breotlllng 1110 on lm[II'08sI01l not elrllce(1 as VIC YCllrs "(; 11(1(1 gl'u('l tlu)o::" ~ ltu l! I' It't l. J Htlu't 11Il< "11 tho! I It! R lr~eJ s," 111.0 All hl, h is I yllll l~w)\Y w(,'d lIlun ·d·~ IHdll' t )'0\1 In ng, 11'!'U llIloIIR lInlld 1I1111c:ltllIg II clln~ elond with relish. 'l'he smoko wcot by. \'"n~lv Nll'ut'tltl't) lit c~') urK' nf eructlon . "fall one ot biB grellt entbus1aerus; bo A.t hyC'uty· t wo nJbbs 'll'Jt8 phy. l enlly kll ll'" \\" (1 Wf'n ' In fhl' IWW h 'IU !ol l o·:" ·' \\·hr. nH~" ~ a ld It t h" .... 1t,\I"C Snu '? ' "Til;' hOlIl'(I\II1: hOIlSl!S CO Ull' firs t, IIntl laugbed Bt a comnllttee or plnlntive no OIor e thnu the ontcr sClIlTol(\Il1g ot Wheroas, . W"~Le ll !IOLI . IOII slgll I U)' Iho n mnn, ~lIlUog ror the llulhllng 10 be"\\' ,·'\·0 hf 'j lll (l w r,· II IIIt )ntit! (;(1(111 l.\Il'" Ih Uuni ur II ull.jorit..y u th u ~l.Il1tl l uJ; retlt. I, f "Thill I lI't Co r "hops," sll' Infor mcll O\\' gill I n ~l de-n 100g'81111I1keLl , long- faced, ~r!ll'l(ll1 'i ! I . id fl 'r .\'fllI klloW- " ,:hc lnJvcrlo Y 0 11 Maill ' l,l"UUt. t rolll lhu UrHh;tt \ 1\ r hi m. " TIIIIl'S 1\ li e\\' hll' I'S lllll!lIt or 'limp HllIl t u lhti IUlCrMK ' Lluu or Jo' r u u kllll rl clloty you th, Ba llow' and hollow and Hoao and Ml1ln stroot", which s truO!, :V1l t.lLt ns II. l~neral DiF~ctor hajrll'ord, durk·bulrcd ood durk-eyed, P"P:I'''- th c 'SIII'r"l " n 1I1l11l'tIlHlnls.' " rutWwa)' urua " .,coedlt}1 11,'0 th oust1 ull uflU tiN " \I'eli. I\' ' 1\," II' IIIl1rmur," \. "I 8 11P' y£m •.ht hu.a hoou Urc54.1ulud 10 li to c.,uucilllllht\ willi 1\ pccu ll ar expression of countevlllullU OIW uy""",'1I10, SI"to o r VIII" , IJrtlylll~ ' ,U<Cel '1'III'I'IIl u,,' WII8 IIll l10st wcH \rhO\ lilo ru"u nnn ce; l odeed, {It f11'8t slllllt or Blbbe wuylt wlt.hln mud ~urrlh ry thJ6'TIIMI Uo I nJ141 I " IJ h ull .. 1111 l!luL I II" "h"l. flbcl'ldnn be scemed upon the point of uClIlt:1I lill t.l WII Ilcre fl ll'l'ndy," ('usL LherOO f 1tJ:'1i two pur .:oUL u.nd lho (!tlH t u ' ··Oh. W C'1'1l w ell ell oll t;1I kn ow n iul\1n;~t.lttU8 rihldl l)t.t IUiSerir&U1J .'11 UtO urlll t\wt ears. To n B II~bll y longer gaze, not g rler. but mirth, wos r cveuled as his nhout:" slle !lul,I, IlIIjlnUl!ntiy , "I ,::u 'HY \..y 1Jl;\I uluK 1f11I ' , tl U't!,Jt., 'l'lIuret"ro 1JO It. B eau lv..,d, by t ho ' .lIn ' U, 'J t Gall atlllw~red promptly tillY or night emolloll; b ut III hhs n CI-cr, (In IIny oc· tlll'r,' I ~ u 't II IUn ll, 11'01111111. clllhl or Il l,::· t.ho VUh_Kent \V\l)'Ht.YWU\U, • l.U ltl ttl Uhh.l : 1IJ1l111J11 I1 . W111'"111 I ( J'III, Hoth Ilhones in Otfictl uml ItesitJeuce. ~uc, 1. 'fl\l\t. tlU) l urr LorYtlo~ 'rl lJOi llll ~I'td , Loug dist.llnce,No, l4j H unte phone ('o sloll In 1118 lire, e ll.her loushed alolld t o 111('11 fll nl go t nil th. ·lr Itn.,' ' '! ,lui ,, ' Iw r hn bl' III t o\\'u tilt! t llo ~s lI't kllow IJOt u be DIUI it her IJY hi d 'Inrut.1 to lJu II 01' wep t. wllo w e nrc. \lut w e IIr 'II't Iu ",It II di,n ricL wilt.i ll wll lCIi 1110 ronu \\[\)'~ ~",III 00 w(l1I nl1(1 wor t h rll f' l r l'IlIlt. wlJ," , I 11:1\'" l1·~r, ~ . lr ·" tocl w IT h 01 1 for lIle VUrioft Hf Hix DlO I1 Lh~ ChaIrs and one Coach furnished tree Jlo 11'08 a "dlsoJlllolnlmcnt" to bls to klJI' P my whul "1\ .11111 n IH ) H t )}4 f'II P til e ri ght l,cople." rrul1l lJlO du.te u( th o ptLStiugo uf thl~ ~Iu " rlttl , tntll('r. At ICllst tbllt wu s t lJo porent's " 1111 f"I'g~ 1 nholll Klh"~ . " ":-;o!" ho exc llillned. ""' \)o's all Sec, :'. 'l'hn.t. wh o lu COilt th ·rnoC lUSH wi th fun erals. . l.WO l Kt-retmt t\ud l.lIo ..'o~t t)f hllOnc.ot.' tloli Hh a ll w ord- II coll llrrued uo:l cstnlJ lIRUI'\I tb n t'!" HI'S. i;h"rld all In,,,,,d Iwr hl',l, 1 f l'l'l · t.H) UAJ.SCSS('tJ lIvon " lio v ''''per&.), aim \,Lllli; llll) Beat of service guaranteed. w ord lifter bls IIr · t attempt t o mllke flllt): ullon '·r ull know "'hn t I 1111'1\1): tile \) es t pll 1" \\'. " YOll ll111 Ihe ~Lroot6 In yull.l IIISIril'I. lito,1 i llg rooL. liuCh ~rnelH, Jithlll lLJe o vlt;!tI 1111 "mit t alnll o "h lJ~ l nCIlR mon" of th e boy. ilc sc nt best ," o ll' ronl d , pnnn," .lu~ ~ lI i t1 . l lll)t~t · l ' ,,,,,Ie, the olll fUl11lll es- the P'OI,I' lIug IH"I.KJrty lJy onllul\ocu u r ()ou lld l n h ur nill\)s tl) "I cj:i n at IIle bottolD lIod IIcntly. "so "unte t o 1,,·,1 111111 '!tl l t rel!tllt lUll'" the r 'l1 l Boclul posilioil Iu wor k ~lI upl etOO, ',J , 'l' hO Olo:k I, homb), nuthorlzu-I b ud leR TlI trcllD Ihe J:roulJd up" In IIle ron- 11,..,lll,IoIIl' rr)lll·~ .. tr (01' II ." till s tUI\'II Uilli thn t kllon- th eY" ' e got I1lrort4)41 1..0 m ako pntJlil:utJofJ o f thh~ r l.·,;uluchi lle RhOp or tb e Sherldun Automatic If(, glllr/'rt nl hllr In,lIjrlllllltl." . "110 I.h)tioo~1~:~f8 '~!'~I~;i,lu~1 8halll 1\kwt1lfuct nml '1'0 00 continue<\.! PU Ill P workR, nile! fIt th o end or six prt)n h ili' 1I1)'sel t! ·' h l1 SlIurtl'l lo '" n ln't bo iu rorco from u Uti ruttJ r lollu (}n.rll~c.. lio.'rlotl W'i fly 11". ville '8 LMdlnjl: DODU.' months thc (ltllllly pb"'s lclnn sent doln' nnyth'lng of th e k iwI ! ,,' hllt In u\l,)well b)' I l\w . . 1'Ill!8<ItI ~hlsll ...Lllay or M8Y. 1010. nil\\)S to \)egl n ot th o boll om 1I1111 lenru th l! II HIIle Q' ~1)n dl1f':'tFf, won 111 t ,,· tl ut t o OJIloe tD Keye Bldg. MIloIll 8l ALI(lOt. II. 1iJ. lJATnt\WAY , Mnyor. (rnlll Iho JjI'Olllltl up In It slInltnrlum. I'''I''·lIlI 'h m yslll! fO I"! A n,1 It wnsll't L. A . ZnIM1I:ltMA N . Clurk. " Yo u lIel'lll1't worry. m nIllITlII." Sbcr - ti l(! ' best I COUld,' elthpl·. It \\'n ~ thl' Ooid s. rnunin g of nOB6, (Jontinuod Idnu tol<l bls wire. "Ther c' s 'nothlll' 1;I'~t n ll y\)()(l y ~ou,,\ . I wn~ ,::1\' 111' hllll irritlltlon ot the mUOOU8 membrane the mnller wllh Bibbs except he hllll)lI n ch rllwo to sh ow whlll WII ~ III hi," 111111 If n bg l octod may UleaR Catarrh later. work so mil ch It mllites him al('k . I mllk e It mUll or hlmsclf- ClIlt! hN'C hI' Don't tllke the obttnce~-do BOllle. Pllt him In the mn chlne stlOP, anL1 ( gUlls n nd gets 'IIUI'\'O U S L1 y Pl'p.i ";' on thillg for your child I C hildren will j:UCdS I kll ow wbnt I'm d oln' about me!" no t tllke e \'ery medicine. but they os w ell RS tbe next I1Il1n, 010 Do Gur· fI e w I!nt ' to the n ltl · rn ~h lo nr,\ ~:JR Graduate Of. Ohio !ill'll. Univerlll) will tuke Dr. KIng's New Dl8covery ney alwnys wa s one 0' them · nutty fixture, turncd out Ihe lIl:ht. oml Illllt· lind '0\ !th ou t bribing or teasing. Its nlnrll1lHls. noes lie tllink I 'd L10 lillY' tercel his W"Y m or<1sely Into \)1" 1. 0. Rweet 1)IQallt\n~ '1'ar ~Y[UP nnd 80 thIng 'd be lind t(lr my own flesh ""' h ut ?" sahl ' hi s wlf, r08sly , Office at residence in F, 11 Sher oft' ct!ve, JUl:lt lax,,'! ve enougb to nnd blood? He mokes m e tlt'cll!" \)oLbcrc,1 by II SubRc'!u en t lIlumhllllg. elimlullte U,e wast" poisons. AI. wood's house, Fourth Street. A nyUllng ex('cpt pertectly d efiolte ")I or c like hookwOI'III, I slIlel ," be C':t· m o t t·he nr!l ~ dose helps. Alw&ys beolm or perfectly dc flulle dl sense Wll8 plnln<'ll, s(lcll lllng 10111 1 I'. "1. 1I00't Telephone 28 prep!lrpd, 110 DIlx!ng or tnsslng. Incol1l!}rehensl\)le to SlIerll lun. U e knolV wb ut to do wltIJ bl mt" ,J li St. u~k your druggist f or Dr. hnd 0 gellu lne cOllv l ction tlmt l uck 0; Kior.'s New D!800very. It will physical perslstcllce In any tn sk 1n· " I Dldln't Have Any Place Else to Go," CHAPTER II. ~"fnl;: ullrd yonI' ohlld aglttnllt 8ed ou@ "olvlng m ooey must be dlle to 80rne He Called the Smoke pro.perlty. hroke oIT, III1Rhlll/o: lI!::lIln, lind then ~iI!Il e ntd res ulting from ooids . subtle 'l'<ellkoess of cbnructer itsclf, t o R('~lnlllng ' lit t11 ~ hr/!llInlnA lIT1ll W lit on Iln ~ lf1y : "Of en lln,e, 11I1IL11l11l1'R bousmvea wbo called to beg bla aid 80me profolllll\ shUtlessnes8 or SIYIIC8S. ~ Irlll'nllll( f"lIm Ibe 1( 1'0111,,1 III' "'li S II ne'-PI' h .. ~n ~c' I \ II ~ Y III 111' 1' li te: w e nil ogalnat It. "Smoke's wbat hrlngs your "Look at rue," be Bli lLl. "Look at long co nrse (or U\t ,hs lit thc! ~n n ltn · hn'-t}II't hil t! r l lllP I d Cln ~· th i ll i: bllt IID.banda' money bome on SlIt1lrr1ov whllt 1 did at bls alte! \Vbv, wil en 1 Cost '.of Art Treasuree, r htm, wllh mill, nllcl "~. wl 'Imrl," Il ~ lIe'll (In Ihe II, p. :1.1 11 nil II II (!fIIlhlu ' t If (\ mon In th oso days 1I~8 eoly 51 .. tho haRls of InRII'IH'ti on ; nnll th e eve n comr In 1111' . 'tltln" I Il n.I'. l'II \lII'a m onths w re IIIlln~' 01111 tll'rHome be- go t SOIllC or h l ~ hll ~l lll' ~~ rl ' I" " II ~ '"111 ouo ,u U li e cannot expd\:t to own 11 gill· fore ' bc wu~ conaltl cf!!d near cno ng h peOI) lc fl'IIIII nl'flllllu Ihe o l,l -hoIl AO Icrr of ma st erpl eccs. At tbe prices . gr ll dun tl on to go f or 1\ wull! 1 ~:II IIIl !: n cl)thl>m'hooll ~[l nlllllt tnnl!!lIt fo r II hlJ: th ey ar brlnglug nowlldnys tllree or on a nursc ooel II callc. 'l'h ~~c fllII\ slIh· rl ill ll ~r find 'h\lURe Will' III I IIg'- drelld Cui rou r .plctures would IIS0 up his (or· SCCj UCllt monlhs Hnw Ihe p l>lnll lll'::, Ihl' klllli "r 111'IOpil'-:- III1 t. IIIl1l11l1iu's go t It lun e. A Frunz Hula Is r eported to bullclllIg Dud thc co mili elion ot th p new nil QI1 :h" ,' hn lU l ~. SlII" s ncwer Slit (11lIYII hnv e Bold lutely ror $500,000, and nom· hOIlSI!, II[)(I It W/19 t o IlIlIt nllClrl c or o IIl lnnl te; 111111 I f ~ II I' l\lrI, PHPIl I\'oultl brnndt'B portra i t or a Dlltch merchant bas \) oon bought by au Amerlcnu mulB1glJess that nIbil!! WII!! hl'Ought 11'1,,,,, hf"'C bpI' IIIl n;.:u III h cfUl'e- " m~iled tlmllllonalro tor $260,000. . til e (';tnc, wltb out . VIC IlIIf8e, Willi hOf ~I)III·.~C : ' ~n lcl fIIlllls, ' "Do you n.ll-shipmen~. tound Rut\l clel1 t t o hi s surp",·!. 111(1' Ih e npl\' phl('c. E(lIth '/" Edltli met blm at tile ~ Inllon . ""('II. "L lt oll't Ii\;c RIIUI !} of til thin gs fnREFERENCE w oll, HIIJ\)s!" sh e su lt1. "" hI' I'''nll' th er 1\'1111 1<1 llal'(' In It, hilt It's the flllcs t Ilo\\'ly tllrougb tbe ~lIt(,R, thc! Illst or hOll s(' In I I)WII , IIl1d tllllt ougllt to be Firat Matlonal Btink nil th e travel ers (rolll tl mt t,.,lI n. " 00 This g uarantee goeR with every Pearl Street Markel Balik good I' lIr)lI!!h ('hi· m e! I'flPU hou/(ht one yon th i nk tbey oll /.:bt to 'VI! h't ~- nll Any Relillbl. Merchllnt Ih lng ( IIk l"-ll "I w tile Rill' o( box o f Dr . Bot'80n 'e EczemEl 010 t. come1 YOll ce rtlllllly d01l'1 10011 w.' II!" in Cincinll(\ti. l'>unll's hI nil Ihnt'!i pcrrl'Ctl y be~utl· meot. Makes no dlfferenoe ",hether "[lut I ccrtululy <10 10011 hell"I'," he rnl ; It'" Ih' 111'.'1 Lhlm;; )'0 11 see liS 'YOII He Il baby, oblld or aged. No mat· retul'uel1, In 11 . w,lee ns ijlow liS hi!! clime In tllI~ rl"'lIt hllll, oll cl It's c lel'eu ~er how long standing the cali9 the gnlt ; n drawl thnt WIIS n l'l'reg!lllr, f !(lt III II/(. Jltlt Il c WOII"\ 11I1\'e thu t old gu .. rentee holds good, Oat out this for wh~n Hibbs II·lell tfl ~ll (,lIk '1I1I,'kl~' frlllt plll\lIrp we bllll In the JlJllrl)by strip, go to your c!rngRl<t, get a box be slnmmerec!. " U p to uhout n m onth of Dr. Bobs /D'S EO~tlma Ointment, stre"t UUII ~r) 1II111!: II i, III til nelv dtn· --= ogl) It took two p eop le to sce JIl e. Thoy nse It ae dlreoted and If· yon lire not I"g room . It '~ hnl'l'l lIl.\' Ollt or dote to bUll to get m e In 'l line hetw cetl '<'Illl" f ~ l1y !lntl.fled, 'he 'dru@,glst or, mak. hn"e tn. ~~ IlI l lI !,~ III ,lIl1lng r oom s, 811(1 Ed i th dill n ot tllrn hcr cy c~ till' 'c tl~, er will refund your money. Try It towllrd him ngoln, nfll'r IiI'I' first f\lIl cl, I C'tll~:hl Huhll.v J.IIIIIII01'll l;i i~llng ot just OOOll, 70U will be happily eur· It: nnd !':IIJ.I'I L' ,III1" fil II of It, too, wtth' ·glollce; onrl her c)tpr ess loll . . 111 spl l c prised. ~~~~~~~~ of ber. shol\'e,i n flllnt, trfl nh \tI(1 IIiR' HOli hY ., :\l1I1 thl' lI told papa Rile IIgreed ~--wllh li'hll 1I 1.)(}Ilt ItH being 611 ·11 n Onr. t~ste. SIJe WIIS nlnetcen .. r nll' 1I1111 !111m. I'hlll g, :lllO ~ lI j d · hp IlIli just rlgbt t<I " 'Ilh smn It, 1I110'IIIIli ("" tl1l·''.<. hu t n Indlanl .a Siavea. hl slst I)IJ 1I 11 1' 1"~ It: 'wh ' r e he w80ted It. prl'lUness ot. colliI' 11 11(1 II h l'm"'II ,'" nf Th at a Inrgo number or Indians were Ibl' "'' eyes that crell ted n trltll l I IlIjll·,' • . 1,' 11 She 111 01.... lll C ' I,'~ d! on cll "!, eM In slavery at a settle ment closo upoo belluty . Ttwl" 11'11" *1111'" ------"'"~~...!!!~~~~~~~~ on Gray's harbor, Puget. lIOund, a tblrlg n'bout her, as 'klth] oltl loL1il'::I NflY, fnct not generally known, III .recalled tbot wns very !ilw e~ t; and t h I' Wn,!! • .by lhe deatb there .of ,Schlc(culash 80methlng thnt WIIS hurrlocl OUd Pot , foral er slave al)d anotber of the '. brentbles9: Bibbs bellt 11(1011. lIer Il L B fOMI.e they OOD tuin the bll!lt liN mUILltudlnO\l8. "0lde8t rClsldimts of the steady. whlmslcnl scrutiny til y 'e~ lD el(\!olllflA, DO mnUer how ,MUer NOl'lhwest H bavlng lived' no years, stood nt the curb, waitin g rbr nn nil· or n (lS Il Il'~lDoJ for the tlWllot !!U~8r ,moro or l esl, tomoblle tlCrOM tbe street 10 III Nlgngl' Cl1atlug bi d!!!! ~be tll·s t. Dr. King's Itself trom the' tratJlc. . New blre l:'il1!! nont":ln IngredIent!! will ''Tbat's the new ear." sht! 80lil. "Ev· thut pu t tba Iivcl r working, move t~ k~d: erytbJng'a new. We've got fOllr now, the b owals freely. No gripe, DO Truly a 8ucot... besldee Jim's. Roscoe's got two." DaUIIO I. II Id dIgest! OD . J U!lt \ry " ·'Wos your bachelor's supper. 8\10'~Edlth, J'ou 10011-" 1\e begnn, nnd bottle 0; Dr Klog 'lI New Life Pilla cessr" "A snClceal1 Wondertull WbJ', paUHd. and no'ioa bow muoh beUer yon we Lad to POltpcm. til. 'Wed4lDc for "'OJa. WI'" d WIU." . . UI4 b~ feeL at.lou Draagl.t. two Up,"-J.If& . ,,,'n~ nn·nty ~,\urs Olll, ,,':\ ... u t I 11·... (. ",PI, IlILulllng 'It (ollr .,','Iud, ('h"I'I"II' " 'IIo(l -yt's! IUIiI olll In tlJI' ,1:\"1l fllHI ~nnw - t.) IUllhl " lllr" In n ,""'''II'Y ry tnr.'·! .\ nrl h, rl' nil'"'' 11:1" , ,, ~ .. nnet h n,'('1 il tlc ,. C,1r hI 1 t'I'I1'<i.' hf' ~';1l\' 1 ['hoi II "'"k l' ttll' tln',l ! If l~ ... tl ~""" lit It Ill:, Il IIll1n II ,,"IIl1hlll ' t I", ~I 'k;' ITI' IlIII'('(\ Ihe 1)I',lr,'''II1 - tl,,' 1""111 !;~ttln/o: f or 6'1<'h (lill'I'n llll ,I I (·n . ~ h "'"­


My Aim.....:.Your Trade













24TH DAY OF JUNE. 1916


IG.... ' I '0

. \!,VA1'1 '»HOUSE '" ,



I .


Funeral Director.



Legal Notice



Walter Chandler Waynesville, O.

Notice to Non-Residents



Notary Public









and Embalmer,

Waynesville, Ohio. IJ



Du.. H.E. HATHAW A.'[


----- ..---WATCH CHilO'S COUGH

H. Everhart,

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterinary

Paper Hanging and Painting, .•

Corwin, Ohio

- ---.. - ..----


'fhe most Modem and Sanitary Creamery in the State and will pay highest market price for sound, dean sour cream, We are always prompt to recognize any advance in the market, and will take care of your daily interests at all times. Checks or weekly as desired to cover


:~ Green


YOur House


Don't just "paint" your property _ .. Green Seal" it.


Hanna's Green Seal Paint will give you the longest possible wear, and it will stick ·to your property through the coldest and wettest weather, It is • luperior paint ..Irom !lOy stand-

point you look at

The ANDREW ROHAN CO. ' . Cincinnati, Ohio .



it. It goes farther.

lasts longer and ·Iooks'better. Prove the quality of Hanna's Green Seal Paint for



...................... .............................. WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED








J. F. Snook, Agt. Waynesville, O.

.. ...................................


LeWIS Baker~ Everybody 'uses Lewis' B'r ead and . Cakes, the best and Jllost delicious made. Try them and you never want eat any other


Lewis' Bakery


WaynelvWe, -0.






I-' ,n ll.".,., _\V_ , ..<I< I,- al -W.. YIl •• "UIe. lIhlo _ ---

. .

U. I..

l ItASY., 1·..Jlt"r

alld_. MIlII~er



f(' ,"I ~j" Ilti ~

The t" lellrn lIlBI eof "ill he pl."tied 1 1, ~r I'allfr i, li t I ~" s t "lie d ~lld~ .1

diM'3>< 1".1

I'\)i.,,<c has I ell

I ~'~:~r~',~cll~ul::~.i~I';i~.~L;f:;II;'i::Il.I,~'~~t~




l'f'llJircs <lin- I MAY 17, IUlli .titutl nll ll i Lrt ll lll.tlll. II airs Ca l nrrit C, ..., is •• ken i"I,,"a ll y al1ll acl ~ Ihru lh. Bloud lUI till" MIIt' Ull ~ • Ii r,fll n: ~ u f tl ll ~ f3 YStft11 Ihtrcby dcstrl1y illJ{ II,r fuulltl,,· Ii III Clf Il,e, ~ i \'i " l: lhe p,, 'i~ nl o.u,· .t and Bcat. ·1 II hh' whol LouleHt. old ~ 1"clIJ.: th b} IHliid ill1o; "1' Il,c "IHlSlillllloli 1,l ud It S is t \ II~~ lI a~ Ulc ill \IHhI4 it s "olk l U<J _h " ' ) IoIU~ I . uld W1">1 I 11 m 1'111.' JlhtlUirh"lrs I I:kve St , lll ilc h fu ilh ill

(, ,1,. Ihl ,· 11 WDs h w hlt (!QI ? 0101 11 01' 11 " (>1 ti l ""llwarta, ILru IlUr" 81

alld o ld IUI' u,'s 11I'u

Il l<' cu fali .\· ~

sO UUd~ ~l. -llo8to u

_ _ • _ _ _ .......... _____________ ......

I\ .

'rbe Vl vlo L tlllKOO 11'1 9 oo ntrll t.' d Mr . lind Mn. ErnerRu u Conn r lis, ur IfS I imtJubls . wltb th e Mid la nd r.yoau"l Bu r e Ru, ' tlutl !-Ion H Olli e r, p r Tippe t'llnoa 'lIy, Add ".'" F. J, l ' H E N EV & CO ., T olf.'do. tlh;CI. S.,III (,y 1111 I lt ll ggs l ~ , 7nc , o f /)O ~ Mol n ep, h )wlI. f O\' n Iu lure !'PfOII I II f w d"Y8 1I 1l~ w ~o k t bo g U (1 ~ t


Yale Spirit. A great un'IVtlr8lty 10 not all'og th er wlthoul honor OVllll rroUi tb ~wa ll bo y In h r own country. A Ne w 110' ve il SlJlldllY school yu uttl who Wl\8 Lto· Illg la ug ht LO rllllOltt HODlO \'orB ~ (rum lh o r'SUIUl8 gav o thl B wholly . Ih uugb uncon61'lou8ly, original reuu orlng or iI rlllulliar phrase: '·Y al e. th ougb , IVlt lk t hro ugh th o vltlloy or tim . b a d ow of death, I will toar 00 evll."- Hnr· IIOI" S MI1Kllzlnc.

ooorso l o r tho oO,ml ng \Viut r . T h e il' entertll lnm eo lH Ih ls "I ~ t w iut ur proved tu 110 fi r st 0 11l98, IInrt OVAry InYll 1 ulllz6n 8b ou lri r('SI)lI n<l \Villi o ut, b,,j " K Il ~ k otl ,ntl,., so. LI, t' ~ gi"ll t h m p"ol"'d ho n"u~ . . 'I' Wh e i Afl l Is bnvio l> bl ~ h ome belmtlfiod wl tb paiot. Mr. 'In·I Mrs . Mil tnn Bllnk') 1I .. " e r a nte d thei r p ropert.Y lind i n a ~ b o rt


t,we wl1l\)hl fArllWell to t lle ir fri e ndH nod will beco m e 0lt.lzon8 o f I:Inlllll. tpn. O~ l o . We exten d to I.h e m ou r beMt wI~bes wh e r.ever Ib ey IIIUY go. F u ,nli ijhhlulle r . the hor~ o (I "lor ut IblH vlOlnlty, wh l) j)< ku u wlI fu t' " \V I bnd fl~.r I n hi"0 II oe, 1l () llg II 1 0 , 11 tl ~ II I I M ( 'I br 0 ~ uro IA I{rAy " "111 W I e I WIIM driv en to th e fuo Aml eRr f n r "0 III A I,hno lin d I'r Qv od tb e lD~ e l v(t" r eliable, ond Mr. ohld .ilcl'r founll .. Kood b l) OIe fo r th o lll, t,h e f ,)rtu ' oHtApllroblt se rbeln K Mr . E:L1 ,ldIar y. of Oliv,j BIIIIlUU . U ur ra ' voo ' e d lin l) well kno w n oHIZ,lIl, UIArk Bllrg"8~ . "rle r Bo ve r:tl w eek s tiiO irllfl8R. ui11l1 Moou nv LIl orll 1111( lind WlI 8 IlIlrt 10 r" ~t In MiHlIli <Je ru e tllr:v by tb e 811110 of ui s wHe w h I) prl'ollded him Be vorsl Jenrs ' "go 081 0ft v e ~ olle Hon, l:Iorll oa B\lr~" SM , to m o urn t b o l o~s of •• t,rull nod lovlog (Ilthor, !.Iud fri ends by I he ~oo r e Ourtown will al! tb e Mtrl'ol Min t ho oear futur e wlli c b h" 8 proven to he n noc e~sity . <oft

Probate Courl Proceedln,1 Compellllon.

In t il .. tIJ"lh-r or l,bIlIlU"l'c1lllos11IJl Compfltillon be Gi n . In tho s hool. IlO' " "I. I1rno.>, <'onRIIM In 1/1f' rOOlD. wltUII cach chil li 18 mo<l e to teel Ollyl" " ~to,l" 11 011)11".1. !..·lUla cI th u honor or " "InS' at tho h ",\01 or hi . lhno" i .. 11111" ,1111,81 1. !:lood $UO elas.. Ouly Ib e uno WllO kn ows the lot t h .. 1t.1I'''·r 111 IhllwultrlllnOMhl1' lessons b e ~t ca n go to th o h eud or the IIf .1 1I1l .. ({" h""'r , "" all KAd Itl1hu clas 8. 'rhose wbo rull de8cend tho el lA • \ )llrt 'hllb Iblt' a Kuncl l8. IIl1e oue byol1e. until th e 0 " 6 Wil D hU6 IIIIIIUIiI h ... IIVIIOlD t llll. made tho worst ml stak os r ost s at tb e 'u Iltft ""1111 ,,, lit Will . 11111. dl" bo tlom. oe'I~IH1. rirtl' and fi",,1 8uooun~ I.. 'ltllprovlld. 10 ~h{l "K""e uf Alioe lIl'OIara 1m, Their Realon • . b1!o:lu . oOl rreotucllentb "oo ,' oo~. wi", Wh e n a man Is Je lllou" ot a WODlBn nnu eX"'''JlLIOD Dolild. I.. 8VIlruvtld 'u 1\10 11.I .. t.o of ElizlI .... oe Oavl" , It 18 beclIuse h o lovos her. \\'h on a tlllol'll tld ll . ~BIlIlOd 1ID11fiolil aoOOOOI. ""oman Is leolous of n DIan It Is becaU80 her mOll ul.oly of hllU 18 Ih re at· I~ "I'JI, u ved loed. Ill. ttl'" rndt" r IIf I,he fI~tr.te 0' C:rfilj(hl ol n Mllt"n I:luw" , dtloota8ed, Am o . H. Alitm ItllIl'IJ" lo ttld admlol" lrKSn r. !:lu llli 3HliOU \Y. L I:l.r. Dally Thought. vel', (I' · ltllk L . l:iltrril. lIud Cb.rl ",~ Our ~rn lld business Is, not to BBB U . l,;""k IIrfl "JI~ulntod "lIpral80rtl what 1108 ulUlly at II' dlstu ll ce. but to


<10 wllat lIe6 cleaT"

Common Plea. Court

Uil 'rll:" A. PI"roo VII . Zd,elda ' tI PI"rl)tO, III v,'roOl, oru.-It, . E·I S . ( '''n klin VII Jllwill H Wille. mon.,yonly AlI1 o uol olalmltJ ,Ui'l with l'Ilt.If""'. J I)bn U C.... lwrlgM IdOll'., ve, frauk Wh"rLUn o•• '1. ttl~ OQuI'nao. '100 ot will o f Looe,'" E. tittles, deeealflld. ('lIrulllll' K u blA V~ . J ,llellh Bro"fl tI'"1. PIlfUUOn 01 f01t1 elltate, 10teroIlUu ,a.1 tJ"I v,,~&er CO, VI "UII"plJ l'l', W f Ar, ..woe)'; IWOOO I olIlIWIl(1 ,~U Ci. e O ",Ilb lo,nell. l:Ie rboh",1 'NUI\)erlake ViI IClb:ogai Mh.1e Mrg . Co . aU\1e1l1 by deteod

Market Price . • .

Call Me by Phone .--

811' .

Fr"nk 'I'\wberllllle 1'8. Tbe Elblol( er 1:111110 &lrt(. lJ·.J .. allPual Ill' de.eod.





Waynesville. Ohio

Proccedlo,1 'rhe P"oplll.' Hlllldlng Loao "Oil SavIO,,_ V" VII W!V. M PeUI, e' III Cue hi dhllul"lI8d witboo' reollrd 'fb" P. uvldeo' till VIOKI Baok aod TrWlt Co . va. RulllulI" tllI\JIm , o Alhtell 11,'011 of 'lle \1811&100 ant fuund tl) bo troD and 1'IutnUlY 16 .:Jrderod to

Valley Phone 135

Bay Mills

rlloo",r BURl of tb oSS.77 'rom de. 'endall' tit,,'" 01 Oblo Vd, Cbarlee K, Baker seth W. Hwwo IS avpotot~ a~ Auto Livery Se~Ylce at Realonable Rates Cuuoll8l by tbe VOllr'. &11 bood fiJ;ed ,,~ t100e. " ~tlil" ul Unlo \' 8 Jo~epb 1l:Il10U Alao Al'ellt for Kelly-Springfield Albllr' Aoderaoo III allPolo'ad oouo Automobile Tire8 1101 for tho deleodant. Plead aullty leoteDoeil '0 ~Ilt woulb. la XtJlI\ .. worll bUUM. l:llatll of Uhlo VI . WUI. J


Corwin, Ohio

Brl)wa obarged Valley Phone96-1 y'

Defondao' 18 .oooad 10\1 10delermIDaitt l8a'OU08 to 'be p "oliellliary. 1001 Wblle n " Vb.,l... , WbUe Dlvoroe Nraoled . Four dollarl pill' weell IIIImon1 aUowed. ou.'ody of ohlldl'eD ,(raoled to IIlalo. UII '\1.r 'her orden .rom lbl! ooork. tI'a&e Ublo n. a.ulloa BI.,.I .01. ..Ielld RDIlt)'; lIeo&eDoed lO IIU dltY' lu j ,lU . 1:1. M . 8111dley e', .1 VI The Fraoll. liD Wp'sel to., wolloa lor Dew trllli ovor 'rulttd. Cou.* orden ' 1IIa'n'U'

to 'be 10010tlOeo\

Pelerson' &Sloops


, . r8O'lv",r 'Clod.ot.


of $6711 7i fl'om lie


eLk...... BII'I'Y U . ~. • 'er. prelllmlD 01 Norwood. and rll tlnaaooll Lore},

Kalb, 0 : KlolIl · ~11 Watlluo' .



UIl-vld Alvlo Armbrll~lel', maoblo III of Mlddleto"D, :lod MIIII mar" Aletbea I'rlwble~' Kloll' . )ollila

Rev. W. CJ. Welob ..·

Arlhui P.'r'qQta, laborer ' aDd ~

• IIr• . Faoale M, AileD. bulb o{ roe 'er.

W ay~e.ville, 0-.Are buying all kinds of LIVE STOCK and paying higbest market price. We are paying the highest cash, price for

WOOL To be delivered at Corwin CALL · Office Phone' No. 46 Res. Phone No. 48-2

R..I e.tale Tr


lJ. Dailin. 10 ,A, Zlm or lu" N01, S alld 4 til Jl'tTlI~lIon t' Wayattlvtlltt

merm .. 0 ' 1*1" SlO(lO.





UIIlrKe T. Mar8ball et al A. 1 RobertI! undivided unlt.forly 11Il0000 pl.... uf i brae b ,80'. lu Frao II lin lOwn.hlp W V GIlmour .herllY \0 A A and K Robmer lWo. tr~ClW In, Deer ·fill).I . auwD"blV $800, III. ' tI and Addle Btodlev. e' al ' .0 Tli" Bildley Re"L~Y Co. 110 ..ote. 10 0.r160 to6nebl1' $1 80 ward P• • rly lc Ell.. Y"1 Ta.e lotj,)o. ge .D 'Sprlalhoro, '18~5 III. J. Betelle A. L. ~noolr 101 No. 41 ID D,eerflllid fl,




. .I . ... aud ll.. 8. Bow, 'old. 8 u to B.r Dur l. ', ., ' J:,lioC!M I la4 WID. Ratliff lO IIIDDle Jr. Bobl" 160 aareel. UOIOD

. Bowe .aa' ball of 10' No,


10WDOlp" 1, QeoI .. D.... ,J,

llldBrGUPPE]I. TilEAiiCAi"p!PER wDlLT.

..,r. of oat la, No 11 .. W.,... ~Ul!t.I1! .,

1Ie MY " ,

fvery,thing· in· Building .Material Necessary to build a ,well-equipped Dwelling, Barli, Stable, or Shed. W e a lso hn.v Pa in t to put 011 your b uilding you intend to bui l 1.

~ n' o rlll l nl'L1 1IY 11111' ~I!; t l'r , M r~. Chll ~. Oflxt, f'll l. I3rtul c1L1) k , 11 110 flll11 ' l. II !l.l rt o f 1.,,\ . '!'hurHI11IY (wo n ing of Ill ijt wOA k , n we ,' k PlCu lC IIntl C/l1ll11 RUppel' \\1 ,.11 nlJ joy nd \ Ml ~(' M 1~ . 11l 1 1 nllo( A In SlIlIunr on. 1\ Olll (jlln ), C'UII"pO~ d of tb o t e rillino" 11 1£'1r 1' ''''' I1''r Mi t<. · EVlI Inw!tllt : M I~8e~ J euule nod ,l oseMurph y tit th(>l r !t O Il IU II1H t 'l'nelldHY pb m o H.novo6, Mflud o Burl ' D, El e a olght ol)r 13 uylloo lt, L oiR Wililake r Bnd Mr . NI"~11I1l Aosl,in IK At b Olllo Me8 ~ r 8 , Woo . I:lllrilln IInli W . O. II tl e l·i! Jl" Tl llI.I' n fow L111v", w it h hl~ L 'l wren ofl ---lIt1u~h l tl r u c ll lIu.llIllld il L B IIvo rt,IlW II MUl' l in g WII ~ It ... \ll ut tll idc1I'J R UIl


Come in and will make an estimate on the building

fOI- 1 Give us a call, ge t our p riccs , anel we are posilive we wiII get your ord r for lumber, etc,

---_.- ..

rl Oli~lIl1 t VI,"'I I, WI l l i M' ~H All I' Cu 1) "we th , r l< llIrn PfI 10 II r 11 0 1110 In ilIl Y' <J n, l511nIlIlY , II l'on lll pflnl od Ly II e r mnt h l·r JIIr ~. FfI, nk I:I U~iI . MrH. Mn r l i n. of fl ('lt r ( ·lno!11118tl . II IHI Mrl< Hhll" or, I)f h:l n g lll lll1 .~ Jl e J,lt Ilt W .. voesvlll ... SuturdllY . the wnllk .enrl w l lh 1,ll(Ii r c lliltJrll n , Mrll Frank WlIsnn aod dflng ht e r , Mr . lind Mr ~ AI ~h 'lUe r. Lool8e. visited Mr. aod MrH . 8. E. - - - .. - - - - Wilson. of Dllylon, I:!u tord!'y . C. 0 Levloy hilI! pllrohR Rod Ih e OF Inloff'lIt uf t,lIe I.. 'e MilLon !lowe lu The p .y t.J.I"goTi'U11I of Anolent the th'm of IAlvloy & H o wo. d ry hnple f od, llr" o ~l oo d goodll meroba'n ts. Mr. L ovl oy bAg U r ellOo III 'he belt wlsbe~ o. all WllO kll ow te!ulJeruuoe lind purity. AK It bl1dge th oy u se d tb flv p Ointed tnr wbloh him. Mot be rs' Ony WitS u l.lser v e d Il l, Ihoy r llg .. rcl o.l U8" ym\)ol or h e ltltll. tbo M. E . Ub urob, SunLiay . R e v. A r d five Ill)l ntoild sta r !LppeKr8 011 Nalker gave a sbort tnlk li n d t.l1t ellc h pnok" ~e of l !h u mlJerl ai o '8 IIrognm WIIS wl'l1 OIurl otl ou t. . 1"Ib'n h!, still fll lfi l ' It.' IID 01 0111, 111 Is· 'dotb ers' DItY Ie wort.h while, 11B I I ~io u II~ a s,I'mhO I o f h O!a1 t ll'. If y Oll IlIlds moo lind women IeOtop lin d tire Iwubl ed with .llld lgo t lo u bil'biok. It Ie n ot v e l'Y dUll ult to i O U 8 0 e!!~ o r 0 nstlpIltIO I•• ga t Il puc k drive homE\ fI lessoll, alld I ha on l ~f<E\ o f I b ess til blets IrOIll your dru g . 1'ersal <lbservntloo of Mot-Il e r,,·' Uny, ~ ib t Y.m will l' ft sur pr i~ ed lit th e If It doe9 n o thing m ore. I' e r!! uud o~ q u iok r et lt f'f w h io h tb o,Y I< lfortl. U h. all ot UB t n ~tf)p aud t blnl<, IIntl """ tlllnl< IIl e 8 ,'arvwh r O do not " "lId t,o ue vr8flch orl I .. II 11(\111 the beH\U.V nnd wortb o f MOI" .. r , All thlll ca n, s b o uld 014 11 011 Motllllr a.ld bllve 1\ t nl k wlt.ll h llr, H ill t, h o~" 'bllt h"vo \lllsl!ed 011 1,0 thn unknowlI Ibore illi Quid have II pll10a io o ur mlpds ·rebP.flrslng our lives fr o Ul t h (' orndle til Ihe llr A~e nt·. Wt' oo n n o l Mr: Frnlik flI 098. o r BloOllllngtl)u, nve a m or e booutl flll I,h o n !:bt tbl1n fll. , IR VI:! itlDg I" " fo ,;h e r lind !'vI r lSotb or 11 0 ,1 Mrs. Ch ull. Smith 110(\ fam ily. ~ ' MORsrR Bownrd 811fi. l!lltjK h NUll , of inn k \iu, we r o.dling 011 r ei II. t l VI!!! h er ll, I:!UOrJIlY. Mr. und l\1 r~ Ch ~ R . 1M Jl:<\,fln , Ml s ~ Tbe pain and 80r en ~ 8 oonsed by bruiM6s, over.exertl')" IInil !' Irainlug ~~ dll'l MoE" Afl Itllll 'r. Mu Ji;wl1o Vi Mduring b o ose ol8llnlog tim e liFO lto('1 l~ (jorg(l Hil e y "nd d il nl: h ta r , of 800the d awav by 810"a'@ L i nimOllt Hill !;llV \J1£1, o n (' (IllY In t weak . No Deed to ~uffer tilt. II go oy , .fo!!l. j' M!' .1011 n •t:. l :In I r, of D, <Jolt 1'111 • apply:,\l olm'(I l.lnlment t o UIO ~o r tl Will< Oil 1I11(\ h e r A hv t lAil ~I, r lo u s iII@pofs, rub ooly 1\ li ttle, ]0 1\ Hh orl 11e91'1 !lnu dl fl t h of h r III ) t ll e r , Mrs lime tile pnln IMV(,R, YOIl ' r ost (,OlD' t:ull1oel RlIlI g h lll fl n . ' fl rtltbl~ 111)1\ onj r,y II r n r o~ h tn ~ \l r !!. Emm llr nlli ly f WilY n OB Bleep One f/:r"'llful 118p.r writ I'M : VI II .... , ~PA [l1 l-'lltll rt'l n.v l iMn t h e gUOd "81110n '8 Li"l ,n AnUs w orth i,h' wf1lf( hl o f Mr . sud Mrl' .1 W lrl g ht . lil gold." K~ (l p II 10 .. 11 1(1 O il h llIlO . ' ''' m M'lO g t r . of Fl'Ilnk lln, W (~H II ulle h "p:lllfl ~t 1111 ~ " r "' l1 e~", Np urnl - ~Jlril1!!b o ro v i Itdr, t:\lllucclI1Y. I(IIl and BrI118R8.· I{'II ~ pliin . :!f>o fit. E el K" ~ lillg "'liS U r A~b tln o n "IHitl)r y oo'r Orugll:18t ·' u e duy ho~t weok . Mr n 'l(j Mr ~ .•l ohn My e rs , nf Lytlo ",e r n g n ~ ~ ()f Mr. 1\ u tI Mrs. W OJ. ~y to U~e L inime nts. BRrllll .. rl lin 1 fUlI1ily, Kll tllrtl 'IY. Put Ihe 1IIII meil L III 011 ·otnllll 7.c r. }1r, 111111 Mrl'. Elme r Sb e ts, o f sucb liB Is II s'111 tor 11Iil'rIl Dl (,~ , ond wilen need e d t o us jU Hl 1I1111ht th o Mid .. 10t. I\' n , ",Mn wAe k .fmd guest~ IInlmont on th e alTe rlo.·1 \In 1'18 IIlId ru b of lIf r . "lid i\ [ r~ . W . \V ~h o e' 8 . J. H 81l'j!{ri cd lind o'ltlll g ht.o r, of wltb the tip clldt! of (h o IIn~(' rB. I have tried' thlc 'tor 8u mo tim " und fin d Frnnkliu , w ~ r A e •• lllf,'~ 0 ... frl on d s It not only " cry con ve ni e nt , bu t It 18 Rnd r e luti" oH b l' rp , Frio Ill Y. M i~!t L{11Wt'1ll11 W ri g- h I; of Red LI DO & gr~at savillII' of 1.1' 0 llel llll!. WIIH the nnndllY gue8t of Mrs . IW ~·



____0- _____




"1 hllv; b ee u /1 Bll lTe r e r fr om !! Io rlluoh tr o u lJlo fnr II nnmiJer uf ye" r~, (l od Illt houg h r hllve llBerl n. r;re ll t Dumber of r lIl odi oB r ~ o o oo­ m ourlf'. 1 fo r Ib i eO IllJl ltllnt, U hartl. Dorill i ll 's 'I'LllJlo t.s I!! t ho fir s t modi c lflo th n t haM !-;i ven IIIIl \} o~ ltl vo Iwd

'n s tl,,/.( r olll, f,"


~lr B



Olasslfled Ads

KIt ,l iu, HIIOnOOrJlOr t, N. Y . ·,6hoooIt rh, l c 'II 'rll l)h, t ~ oli ve done w o od r. i l)r Dlell nrI I vlllno t h llm very hi Mhly. " l)1)tflin ILhl(l oVQry whore, --,----





CAESARS CHEEK Mr. J Oll8A Millo r ,of Dayton broull bt h Olll o h is o ew wire nnd s l.ent a rew duys with hi s pR ro nt~, Mr. aud Mrs. Alfred Miller. 1I1rs . Rli l ph Le ll. ling is im provlog bu t cot alilo to e l' up ye'. Mr . and Mrs R E J aDes nod fnmily too k dinn o r w i t h Olllfieid Potor Ro n s Sunday, \'I101(\en WII Ron /l od LIII!lb Bogan attonc'\o l1 the bHOOnl ll urAs t.e se rvloes lit Wn Y lle~v ill o t:lund,l\V olgilt . Sev r RI from b Ar e aUe n<l e rl QU Itrterly m eeti ng nt W n y o88v l ile Satorday. Walter WII ~on nnd famil y no d RR.VlIl oo rl WII ~on '~ Ilod 'utrli\yat te nd od c huroh lit Dover I:!UOdRY nnd too k dioner wltb Jes.e ij'u\)uolts . Mr. nllli Mrs . IJoeo !lo.l 1'.!lr8. Llo · ni B Mo~'ar1 t1oll, of O~d ell . Vi s ited thei r oo us in, Mrs . Ll zzio Co mpt en


, )~'I,'


. •

ft ve~ r otlm

terms .


!:lee W . N .Hoars .


18 n ext to Staodllrd m SI

Co ~v, good

8lze. Ju q\1l re of R. E. Slooklo B, R. O. 3, \,""Vnesv lll e,Oblo m S1

to Fiction McCall'lI iISupreme," write8 a New York subllcriber, McCALL'S helps o v e r 1,200,000 wom en dress in s tyle at smull expense. A recogni zod

It'" D





Ibs. or

~h e

be",' Pllrl. G r een 11\ 400 p e r lb. C. W Bon. derlllD . w3!

Mr!\ J Oil DiRbm is s lok lit I hll! tillie, h or milo\, frl e u 'la hop for 'h er speedy r e oovery,

100 I

am now re~tly to mAke Snnbon . n ets, and woultlllke to h!lve y our ' trade. If any Illdy Wi8b o~ tbey o an


811wple lit Howoll 's 8ture.


01111 Bud see pri ce. Mr8. Wm . CulU. mlns, 1 mUe w e~ ' of Lytle OD the Wm. VIllrk fltrm . 0;124 llig, cho8p work OIllra, In q\1lre of J. B. Uhll PIUIIU, WlIoyno ~ vllle, R. 2. 1017



1 tw o


Booaler Corn Plaoter'

'95 SOEEP and 60 1.110008. not divide iho I\ocll,

Will lJo


- -.. -+ - - -

McCAll PATTERNS le.. d in s lyle: , Fn, s! mpl icit)'. eco n omy ond

lIumb" r sohl. McCALL'S - 8-4 t o '1 8 p ae::~8 m Dn thly it! the f' n:r; h ton Gui d e an d l-I o 'H. ~k C:Cl,I III' 1-IC'l h,)eT o r m ore WC;Wlcn \hno n ny PLiler m nl!s. z in e In , I'l e w o rld , AU the Inle rit .. ty l c ~ e very llIon th: al s o de li ~htrul llt ories.; bot,ecl nt IIr,fl nn nulilK In c Doklnll, h o me dr a"ln l1l4~d n" . ru n ty w nrk,

nnd wny s t o liutn en hOlls ewurk nnd !ln vc.

m oney. Price : o n ly 5c a COI' Y. SOc It y etlf. SEND FOUR Fan .y.W o," B""k CENTS IN with 39 Embroida r y.Lcuo n •• nd STAMPS FOR 32.p ••• M cC.n P611 arn Book


. Mlll ft t '" ,.s 01 .. ,.. ·.1 1·.. \1" • • • I"",. Itla.: II_1o: ", fl l t'1 •.• t·'"t.. 1t1ll1.., ....... d ,f IOO " 1'1, .. h' fIl Hf.! " .. ,....,,, .... , .

n".... n.·r', j·h,u",. ".,. N

I td;fr'l!SS

TilE IIcCALLCO •• 238W . 37.h SI" Ne. V. , kCl., .N. Y. .~ cwo .•• ,.."s w,,,,,no .("'.DIIrrrrrr..~ WAf'tTEO

,.' NTS

, \ ·1




WHOOPING COUGH O o e o f the m os\ l1000088fu\ prepl~l'. ntl lOB iu U8e for tblll dlsl'aBe Is C: hamborl!Lln's Congb Romedy. S . W. MoU!ln ton . Blnndoo Sprlugs , Alll. writes , " l)ll r bllby b ud wh oo jlloll' oou g h' 08 bnd as m os t I\ny bn by oo ul d h uve i t. I g"vo) biOI Uhl\.lubOr\lIin'", Cuu/{h Itolll dy lind I, !lnplI


,'1 H':',,·!, ,I, I



Bucklen's a::or;~~~: I Arnica Salve

seeD on thfl J , W . lJrllswell farm o lle blllf mile west of Wellman.


well ."


Au thor ity ror 45

' ullrluy . 10 good ooodiU'on. Inqulro of J. ,."''' Mi ~s Frnno 6 WilBon waH shop. L. l'I1ondeohllU, Wayoesville, R . R. 3. ml7 ping ill WlIlIljO t; IOII F r ill .. \',

~I1t. , bllll

, "·H'\' '1111


house In Oorwln. NIOEWill 8ell ohOllpnnd qlve good 011 Co .





for P ASTURE Inqnlre of

"Llves l.:h89.

WuynoBvlllo, Ohio .




ELECTRO Uflrhou !:loof PIlillt- ' Hools E veryth ing Healable. BUfUR, :i'e r Ir6ft,-m1!t~1 KOy kind - 0 le;-Bores, Ul cera, l'ilest :EcZIlmllo, r oof 6 yellr gnarRutee $1.00 per gal_ I Cuts, COnl B. 'Vollnda ana llrulsca. , 1- ' , IIATISFIES. OR MONEY BAC K. In n . nqolre of M, L . PBrMII"lI, 260 AT ALL D R UCe lSTS m24 \ • I )hl.[Ilolthl e every- 'lVltynosvtlle ,Oblo

t Ii er e .

An Indian Word.

no Inli lan wnrtl It nn at· tnlll",1 1\ grnnl er cnllnollllloll of po· IIbeth i!:vAII S . lito dl HltnctiOIl thnn 'I' uxedo. derived Mr. /lu rl IIt rs. W. O . J OSIi Il, ~on rrom P'lauk soo l tolJg h, ·' th e pln ce of h earH," nlloJ co " jurl ng. us It dOIlR . 11011 Iltlllghl.t'r, of M itll1ll<lm r !l, we rll th " l sIClIl 8 of collar urlv ortlijOUHlIIl S, lIln· I:!pril) gllo r ll vj 8 itll\' ~, t,urduy. Mllry p , rl e lt., of ItIlJgov i! lll, Wll ~ l1 o r -ja"k Cl col yo un g Ol lln pInyi n!> hllI.ho \"ee k e ll d I(U U8 s of Bel VD II nruH 1111.1 gayly cloth d outll oor hl ndes bOLLln g O il bloud ,iJ borses. MolJIlndl eR8 )'rohn bl y

HarborIng Pain. JapBn ese Ilrov OI· Lt 8a~'8 : "~'h en you tako polson , don't li ck th o pl o(o.'· How mucb hnplile r u pl nce th e wo rl.l would be If thut ad vice wc r \) lakon ! Tlie principal re uson th o lo wc r unlDr. lind Mr s. Mul ette nnd d u ugll mals Burrer 1008 than mlln Is thllt thoy t er . of IJllyto n, wore call\o" o n Mr, do not think about their suR'orlngs.nnd Mrs. Chn's . C ll ll lJliH\n, Sllll'la.y. Harper's W eokl Y.



'How to Grow Bigger Crops of Superb Fruit-FREE ,


Worth I<nowllllJ. To removo ru st fro-iiI al oJ nib the rusted ,p8rt well with sw'cet a ll and

to 811l n,~



hours. Th An

Small Sta ying Power. 'I'h ' hnus holll (\u ellumg d lh e little se noont gi rl to gil to th o p leltlre s . They [olt t hat h or It fe n oodod lJrlght. you Ilrll troll l.ll!1cl wlt,b obronlo e llll1g . S h o wont. a nd th ey ask elL h o r nrmu ~o ul l\r rlHm mlltllll rngive ' bIlDl . Il r1.e rwlll'Il R wholh or Ahe hnd e n joye d berlaln 's 1.l ni m nt II t rIll I. The r fl- h erHe lf. " Y C8." s ho so ld mtll er duo lt ef fr ,) tn pal n w hloh It aff ords iB blously, " hut 1 cn n't sUck th om loog. 1I1 0n o w o r~1J m nuy I mos it,s oost. I ollly s tayod lWO ltours."- E xchllngo.



rnb with 11 ploco or Bort lelllher Blld sprinkl e wltb fln oly powl! rod UII slaked lim e until th e ru st d 'sappears. ObtllioBUl e ove r ywh elro.


The Suicide Ag6. Accordi ng to an ItaliAn ticientlllt'wbo baa CI88811\cd 4,000 ' cn8~ H oC s elt·de· atructlon, more sulcillos O(lcur lietw,e en tho ages ot Ufleeil and twellty·slx thaD at any other period 10 ure.

worll s: " '" osselltlals; unit}' ; III nou·

essentlnls, IIb er~y ; and. In bolh, cbar· ItY." '

George (norvouslll)--"MadIB. dear. I am about to' ask you to-" Madge (breaking In )-"Walt Just a minute

HI Problbly Wou'd.

"1 am loo}dol," re~ked Dloaeo... "lille 1 fllt my hnlr." (Sbe ruGa out of the room, and retnml a dicta- • "for all booeat min." "And "ba' loudlJ• ,.,. 40 "beo ,ou floc! him ,'" "I 41I11III0. crapb behind


1'Il1I1'11IIJ' un to lea41llm 1IIGIIq." dear, I've

.ot a cold.-'''''IiUrllID.

?leer! ·YOLI pla nt n f ew or a i s i n(nrm arl un th a t w1l1 I'tl\·c \'U U tlme. laUor noLl n 1l>II"r". Oct It! Shnuh- Sc oll Uk ~'o \l r D,.me and ndd rc:i lS o n the coupon - o r o n fi 1)U~hd . If yOU prefer. "·0 wl11 2 hully m n ll yo n 1'\ (rco C() llY tw cr\' wllc ro nrC Ret Hn~ l'Ir n.' II~' (\tt s

of OUf Now t:at nlos: - nn J I x 81n. bouk

crop:'> :l ml ln1'1tl,) c tl!olh

you - lac t! a,b out b ow fruU·itowe rs

:; 0011 for your copy

'tlltl t Is fi hot)\y o ookt.:d wit h h int" tha t will cnabl u yo u t o secure h umuc r Cfo p R of n nclO t {rult -nn ll scll t hem nt t op-hlll r ko t p rices . 'l'hc whulc b llok Is tltll-d witt! (ncu, t hnt 'Y ll1ln tc r~st n nfllnMtruct

Rend It n,nd l earn about the nc\Y' f ruit·


Ready for Him.

practical, export in fo rm a ti on, Wh ct h r Y OU own or.this in tend' to t rees thou sa nd, it

pnlt\tc:. fr ll lU CI .IIlt. gtf(II I1'," !:it nr k ! \ t lt ' I( t r cc!;- ' nc t :\ t hllt cn10 1l.\ ~ I1..C tIlt! ti li th (If th c nxlo m " !i ta rk 'l'r cc§ IIcll r Prllil ." l1Cl\lll lfulll £u-slul. n nlu rn l,c lllo r ph i.tllS ot h.!R{lInl!' [tu UM 1111 1111-o uuh tho lJo o k .

CJ( \" I1 ne . t hri fty.



Stark Bro's Nurseries at Louisiana, Mo~


~ rEl1!A1




----.. -- ---

ullow It

have '


a. Tb~1JIOII1o

Ola...... 0, aDd •••A &0 ...... ' ....0.. ~raql to.ublp .,. .• ..ull• . . . , to 8 , A. ClDuu.



Can't Be Done. Worda Th at Il lv"• . "II'S m o'! Is 1\11 '·"lI om," says II Har· DltUOa.m. • ••OIALI.ft, Ii wns On x:to r, ' c hap lnln In Oliver Y8rd processor: nnd Is ... lI owublo. . l.l QO.TU . . . . ., TItA .......... OA' ~ AIID ... U. • ....10. OA.. P.IIO,I: 18 I\lIowabl e Illrge ly tor th e, renson Cromwoll 's o.rnlY, Ilu l.hor or. "Tbe . f U.....O .,.. ADV.ItTI....O ~~U.'''I • . tliat we huven't slandln g urhlY e no u gb Saints' nest" all il utlu r hooks. wbo dug IIIl [rom on obsnure s o tm teenth. to suppress . It.- Houston Pos t. SAM"-E 'COpy FREF ' century wrlle r, RUl1erttu8 Moldenlus, ...,... • • •. fOIUe OLI .....It, Bnd mnd e curroJ" coin thes e goldoll



Do You Intend to Build. a Hom.e thi,s Season? · If you do,' Remember, we


... TN. WOltLD



IlllLrrl lld nt the r eslden oe of ~\~. 8,nd ~I rs , lrtL l:lor oqg y, tllln.1lty uttllrnoon. l Il v. J (lSHO Hllwkln s ollictnt.lng, 'j'loe l torllJe 11:' II 1('1oor ll l tBvlIr lt o wb 6r~ I1 r ~h(l . i8 kil O n I1n ll Mit E! ho r ~ witb h e r tlttl l"'~1 wj" IJ o" o f n bU!lt or 'rla m] ,,·. Mr. 1;111111 ob er I II uu t.t\'e 01 DUYloo l Jll L 11113 " pOHit\.) n lu \\ a sb lu"toD I). C. wh e r bo h it Ilre \lllred It b~ ll\ll l or hlrLl ~ lI l t II nel url.l o U' R. I/ l'eVI<H, wh(l hus hnen Buf. t e l'l nl'! ffOH Ll bol llrl c n for runu v IlI l1 ll tb luitl fll:l ol·1Io r r III PR t:! o udFl-Y nnd Iii IIg,~ln cocOn ed t o his bud . I J h n fll'lIlly o r lIIr~ . B'lnj. Le '1l~r , ' t (lmJor tl h o r II 81lT p r i~o I1 n Kn ntl"y. C. T V I ke r s o f Dnytoo, WHS

Ch"rlBs Ellis, o n o o f o ur I.DwnRbill • IIUfl:II , 1",, 1, S.,lIlT(\ , Y Hll il t4 \l Il UIIJ . tros tee!!, Rnd fnur in I,er pt;tlo'g l't lllIJo!h MI .. !' (' IM,'L /I ~~ , It flM II. WM, I< '"



u r Ih o fl' rm or' H r" Ilt pr, Mr . J ohn Co cn r Llllil flllll.II .\ ' . p l~ rn (\ .• I. I-Iarl ~() rtk It nu dnn g bt e r'l'll 111111 , 1I 1 1 " ~ "~ l ,n!s n n(\ J..nzel Ollld u nn(1 !a rl Dilk i e lI u oll(led ~ JI O l u l Cl r>loh olnR ll n A! CI· t li t l..onlJ lLo ou I'lst.! r i,l'IY. h (l "' o ov I' ~ll u dl)Y. l\lr~ ~'l'IInk H f1s~, of rhy ton , FJlll n t, A JlArty ot i\lll ~ons wor o pl OiIB II IHly 1::l1l1,ard1lY ni~lIl, lIud l:lu llrllly with o ll lo rtlll Ol'ld by \\' lIyu08vlllo lodge !I11. ~ Aliott C h ' n owI' l j l F ri d RY o il/ht. l\Ir ~. Willi e Alh,o vl~It(l(1 w ith her . 'J'rOVll r C, Bllydoclt: !Luli f.m l ly : IJ"r a nl ll II r"w <Iuy~ I,. st, weo l•. Mr. ( 1h"rlpl' ,, " 'v, of n"yto n ha n · Itl () \' ('(1 In t o thl) r asl (! eu'Jo llflrt o r h l~ ~ I ') rll Il:til.lill g . . ~JIf\llt l-"l,llOl lI .V ;v ir.h 111 ~ I'u rp nl~, Mr: I>alo Tllrn nr . Ern" Rt Altlir E lo lln o r 1\0.1 M r ~ . 'I'll ' 111 1)< Lllcy lin d fa mily. I' d " . . 1:J(I ~' ll r)o k lind Lni R WhHllkllr took I ' rlll1k 11,,1,, " ', n fll lll ily v l ~ll all pllrt in Ih o "pollillj.l C' ", 1118t IItX unl" I L' " ( . k ' I '1 I' WII' < . "J , lin IInl 111 1111 y, a ·Il lll l'dny . Du le TUl' ua r se ur od F{o ulo .1 \ol- t ' 1I I1d ll ~' . Rer.OIn,1 pr i-l'fJ !I u d i£rnost Ulul ...· ' . ' M!· •. , /II" Un w~o n rill ~on, Al b; rl, [l)n rI1o. nl I:i lJrin~ V"IIf1I', I' JI'I1 0 thll ft l' ~ l l:'r nf I~';w ro n ce r e (nrof d to hIs p 'l r l, o f I",~~ w.o, at I h n h Oll1o ul IJ r) lllfJ In C o lnU1l llll! , ISlIturdtl Y. H e Mr. Llud Mrp.l!r"nk 1l1l "·HC. 1J~M 1111111 11 ,rnnny f rietHls h Of( wllo \ ,l r ~. ·11I.1. l:l1'1l1Jh. ,.1 l )uy t 'lIl, W/I w il l bo !:lIn t! t o \9 0100111 0 h i m buok


I want to buy your Wool and will pay you the highest

Luth er




MI!8 Mary'Uollett Is quIte 111. MISS Floron oe Hayoooll; and Mr

terti " ven~ S lIudll l' Iho gU6t!l fl of Mr, !lod Mrs BOllry Uf\rll ont r . of n e ur I' III _Bntorv e Mr. anrl I\1rl1 W . \V. W e loh . Mr~ . 'It hunll . -r:llrlyl e. Ie B . D8kin !lncl Mr~. Lyrhn. I:Inrv ey IItteo ded Frie nd8 (~ullr I B rly Mp c ti n~

Nl:w 5ull.





li n ll · ... Ct:l t arrl ,


Make Thema elvea Mller.blo. T il l'" I' 0 1.1 0 who go about tho w O" hl look Ing rOI' slights ulIll th ey arc lI ec~Il~llrlly ruls I'IiLtlo. fot· th ey Oua theDl ut evury lurn.- DruDlwond.



Curr Ih" i I'lt'v nlrerilllc HlIllcln'd 1)" II:. rs I, ' r an y CUi'e lllU\ il fail s 'IO cll re . :-\gild




Vh\\'I ~



""t ,

b ~· !~t !ll u ::J 1


As Writte.n by Our Corps of Ab le Correspond. ents in the Neighborhood






lJ'y rl,n slilulillllll i ctlllditill llS

111 1'1,1 119

EWS - 'I ~ _NEW

----- - - ----.----

Z. UNDERWOOD When you sell y~ur Wool. It will pay you..•••.•. PholUl 15-i~

tr ~ u

trlumJ)h o f Stnrlt Ur' I)'~ 10051' Ct..~ I1 ·

t~ry 01

:;ucco... -th~ " Oouule:-Lltc"

G ri m!!!' n o lde n - tho tree lle val o prnl' ut t lm l fl!JOhnli " colJt.n ro l : I ' G o t Ih o N \v . I'UL.: l S aho ul ··Sta rk D elicIous," S hirl.; EArly K lvertn . and all t ho Inh'd p cncllcs, Stark B rQ·iI ~gro\"n . J. A. ll ulu: f'UIU!IICS.. n llo Lin coln " I ·tnt r. Stark,

l h.lll rlllo renoy Chord·. MAlf1 tl1o rlr(iQ ld ~ • J'2uU\ nIH.! an l hu o tl u~ r fnmo u Jol, ~tnrk , lIro's (r ul~ lbc rrh:s and o mawuntaJ B ~

Get O1ir New Cata1og' , s

FREE lL x Hluch•• - fitk'd -.I from covcr t o , -

covor wltb beRullf,ulVho-.I t o(Crnph5.


Mail " l tJia 0:


........... / ...v-.

Dept. A

....... .I .... ,_.

. ~ D.~ It.


#fIJUd~ ~Il







~tJJ"'id. nUt N .. CAt.II"... I "rit\~ lU I ' h{l 'lt fru h-,.N W'f"NI "tt ftULktl\iZ ft.'t'\.it"d . bn!M:ihtll prong.

I .. pe<t ... pt.. ' . .. , .. ......" -'

~ ... ~=::::::~~::::::::::~:~~::::::. R.I!.D ....... ................. , ..............


~:::;::'::::='==--~~~~---';"'-'---;I-"\~'IU'r-"lad---llnl,s-'1t-P-ER-SON-A'-l-M-E-NTIO-N-j ., Lawn Mowel9

ll\lIner Ware

+.V""'~d's ."

Dry Goods


l'orcn FUrniture

Men's Clothing


Silver Mesh Bags Leather Purse Pe.rsian Ivory Toil t ' (Its P owder Boxes Manicuring Se ts Hat Pin Holders Fans, Umb rellas, Parasols Neckwear Silk and Cbiffon Scarfs Silk Sweaters Fancy Boudoir Caps Sill, Hosiery Camisols

Ladles' Suit· Dept.

l' urnitu r



Shoes o f al l k inds ,md styles for C\'ery melllb r of the famil y. Bring yl ur feeL hcre . ~IcIl 'S" \I0ys', "foru or lligh S hoe from . . \Vomen 's and ~ Ii ss e s , Low Sho,'s



~~~~: . ~r~~~ . . . . .. . ,$1.98 ~:~(~/.I1.'~'~Js .... $1.75 Up


'!II' ldrerl's a nd In fa llt s' Shocs, bard li nd sof t oles. .

D t roi t Vapor Stovcs. oi l and gaso line, works like city gas, for a brigh ter , hnpp icr ki tc hen. We will show YO II how asy they work ·--simply light the burIlers aud p ut l'ook ing on at once ·-- no wait ing, no wicks, 00 pip · ing orpressure ta nk s a re u~ed. Can be placcd in an y ' part of the kitche.n. Let us sh ow you our complete ~-line of Oi l Sto ves,


_ _ ___

SWEEPERS-Rubber tires. ba ll bearing , easy running, high· class Sweeper,

Men's Straw Hats



' reens

• 1I11UCnCCIIlcn t Gih Miss N 'llie glesbee is visitillif with rela tives in ellia.·

l:bnlllo. ettel:lov s 'ulT lJll ttans Su i t 'asc" Tr, \'ding l la ' s Tr ll llk

hester Wolco tt, of Lena, hio , \.\Ia Lt;e g ue tof Mr . and Mrs. W. S.

' hi ll'Oll icl

I Huines o"e r Sunday. I . I J.,ittle Ka tharine Fromm, ~f Daylon . is ~ \J <lndinA" the week With Mr. allu Mrs J , C, Hawke.

I' a", a (a.lI , Il le. 1'2 ', 1.' , 15<:. I ~(: anu 21 1c. S t ring- H :lIlS , a CII Il. l ll('. Co rn , u': n , 111,. 1_", <: 0111,1 I'-,e, 'l\llllatop" .: CUll, I"r ~lil' . IInk t'd li e 'ln ~ Villi 1"Hl.: , Illl', I .! I ,t:; and I.-,e ~l i;.;(:u \'c ' l·t, hl· ,; ("r Su up , a CUD, IL)co . . Cn lTee,1l pou lltl . I"'''', 2'1(', 2:'l',

~I C, ;,0(" ::'-''':

Men's & B oys' Suits


most mlech l vous liars are thoBe who keep eUdlne on the veree ot, ~e



ST. AlARY'S CHURCH Fourth Sundavafter Eas ter, May 21st. unday School at 9:30 a. m,; Morning Prayer and sermonst1~:30. Everybody welcome to these servIces,






lit E. CHURCH Sunday School at 9:15 8. m. Large , attendance lot Sunday. Make .it larger next Sunday. Sermon at 10:30. Subject: "An Immovable Man." Serlnon at 7:30. Subject:· "A Broken·Hearted Chrjat I' Hear these sermons, You will receille a cordial welcome at this church, larence S. Grauser, Pastor,

CHRISTIAN . CHURCH Allo to Re.ona of I


WASHINGTON #-C'w fwrtAer /IlJrlu'It/ar, mtt "It LO~L


C. C. FlAI." R S

Dis/riel Pa sshfJ!" '" Alt.d DA J'TON, 0 11/0

Midweek service Wednesday even· ing 7:00; Teacher'. ·Training clllllS, 7:30. All are welcome to come and join. Choir practice Friday ('venin" at 7:80: If you have not as yet at· tended come Bnd join us. . Everyone is cordially invited to at~nd Sunday School at 9:80 am, Edward Strouse, Superint.endent All are welcomed to the Lord's Supoer and preachinK service which follow! at 10:30. Rev. Carleton R, Allen, pastor, will de-



.---------------. EVENT·S',

l~vo~o~~~~~r~~thO~ "~:rYO~~lh;:~:at : SOCIETY ence'with Ch r istia.1l \


U 3,

I',nd ~nv or

7:30 p. m. follow ed by evenl ng Ber, vice, the address bein g "Keelling th Heart and Yout h Young. " Thi~ h. a epecial ser vice and we hope to se" you all th~re. trangers are ev r \\eleome.

, - - -- - - - - - - - ot Mr. anJ Ml's . J , . Hawke entertui nE'd ::iUIlUIlY to a family dinner. Those pr.~sell~w.I" Mr .. Iohn Fl'omlll und family. I{I\Y Hawke and !:Ion, Mr. und Mrs, Carl Hawke, of Dllyton. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sid eH , Mr . Lee Hawke ami falnily.

Miss Emm!l Ha",ke entertained a ZIMMERMAN'Si large company of YOllng people at

Specials This Week Tenn. Strawberries Ripe Tomatoes New Cabbage NewSweet Potatoes Pine Apples, G,fape Fruit Oranges, Apples . Lemon. lAttuce,Radishes. Asparagus 3 Ib Canned Tomatoes. only 10c 3 Ib Canned Heeta, only ... ... 1 0~ Fig Bar Cakes, worth 15(', only "" ..... "" ..... " .... "". l Oc Animal Cracker@. on ly"". " . l Oc 50c Bottle Walker's Grape Juice only" ........ .... .... " 35c Lake H~rring, per pail. onl y ·10e Moore's Gasoline, gal.. onl y 30~ Moore's Good Oil, gal., onl y l5c Steel Cut Santos Colfee, only 20c Heinz Sweet Pickles, doz. " 7X;c Fancy Evp . Peaches , 3 1bs 25c Evp. Apricots per lb. only } ~c Jello-all llavElrs, 3 pkl{ll .... . ~ac Shredded Wheat Hiscuits 2 pkgs ." ..... "" .... , "'''''''''' 25c

Flowers- All kinds, sec our window. prices right.

her homE on Main street, T nesday irs, Ralpb Smith . The e\'ening \V1I9 very pleaslilntlll spent. during and an lun ch wa:! sel·ved the elegan Co ursE't of the evenillg . ey ning. in honor 'oC

Mrs. J ona than Haines and Mrs, F. Farr wer e joint hostesse.~ for th e W. F. M . ociety. ente rtaining t hem j " the SunLiay schoo l r oom of th e I\i . E:. chu rch un Wednesday after · Iluo n of the last we k. The room was tastefull y arral)ged and brigh tened with cut flo wers. A very intere.:!tit,g' prog ram was given among which was a talk on his per 'onal ('x.periences in India given by Re v. Hen, pastor of th e Ch rist ian churc!) . As he had v i ~­ ited a lIli ~sion in I ndia where hi~ un· cle id stat ioned i t made his talk more real and thrilling . Mrs. Gran ser sang a beautifu l solo. !)he was most ably acco mpanied by M r~. Marks, M rR. Harl'is read an inteL'esting let· ter . A ftE!r the program th ose pres. ent were illvited to tile sociul room where dainty r efreshments were servl'CI and pleasant cOl!versation lVa~ in lulg-cd iin.

- -- ---..- - -

It pays to trade at

THE ELBINGER SHOE CO., Lebanon, O. ZIMMERMAN'S ·------------------:1. a' 'Ell '8' 'a' '!!I'ia. ,,, 'm' 1m

Dora Meeks Speelman, after a lin· gering illness, at t he home of hllr son ill 'Jl rinl{field, . heard the cf;lll to a higher life at 4 a . m, May 11, 19L6 T he c1uuj;rhtero{ Elwo'od and Mary Meeks. bot.h d ceased , she was borl! in WayiH!ljvllle, 0 ,. Oct-ober ,1 '19 Married to J a mes peell11an Au~u s l 8, 1872 •. he wus left u widow March 191 :3. She is survivt!u by one SOIl. Charles, a I{raml on, Elwood , on" sister. Mrs , Ida ::ltokes I\nu a brother . Webster Meel!!'. the latte r t wo reo siding in Waynesville. Ou r lo~s i ~ her gain .

I~ . Starlight Patent flour I An extra high-grade Patent Flour . ~ I ForMa~l!romK~~~~~ N~ F!!Ctnt~~!~? I

"On th e resurrec ti on morning Soul and b ody me >t again; No mor e Bor ro w. no more weeping, N o more pain. Oh. the beauty , Oh. the g ladness Of that rellurrectio n day! Which shal l noL throug h e ndless ageR

h~ l ,eeti on ot Waynesv ille Lodg.e No. 163 I". & A.M . , took place FrI day evening The re wa.q II good at te:' dance, visitors bei ng present from !Jayton, New Burlir! g ton, Lebanon, Cincinll al i Franklm and several other tow'ns. Work in M. ~1. deg ree ."'85 put on in an ImpreSSive al1d credi ts ble man ne r E; M; Melzger. of Dayton wu~ the district lec· tUl er for this evelllng. At the close of the meeting the ladies of the Eastern Star furnished an elegant dinner which was thorou~hly enjoyerl. ' Several after dinner speeches add to the plell.~ure of the aeeu· sian ,

- ..---




Plan t8 His· Corn 'rrhis Spring-... He selects the very best seed on the market.


When You' Use Cement Select the Best Btrand· b h th There in none etter t an e

At as Portland Cement

The Warren County Athletic Meet at Harmon Park Friday. was a very successful one. Thtlre was an im · mense crowd from every part of the county, and out for the rain that fell in the afternoon and drove the large crowds to their homes tt.e Meet would have been a d('cided auccess. Lebanon took first place, Franklin second. Waynesville third and Mor· row fourth. The .ball game between Waynes· ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I _ _ _ _ _ _~J ville and Lebanon ended 'after the fifth inning, Lebanon winning the gnme.

Sold by






WITH ABULLET Mrs. Samuel Ir(lns. of Leban~m, ended he r life Sunday mormng about 9 o'clock. by putting a bullet throll g h her brain. Mrs. Irons hlUl been in ill health for several months, and had fnr uite a time contemplated going to a s a!1itoriu~ ·to be trc ted. but she grew more al1d rnore ol.lspondcllt until death seemed her only rclief, and she ended her Ii fe wi til n bullet. The funel'll1 took place ot her late residenc~ in LebInter · anon , Tuesday afternoon, men t was madc in Lebanon cemetery,


MDTOR CAR. Concentrating on 0I1e car simplifies the pro.blerns ,. of production and leaves the Dodge Brothers ,free to devote themselves to a continuous process of improvement. Not only' to conform to the established Dodge Brothers standard, bllt to excel it if possiblethat is the rule and the order of every working day in every departm.ent.


- --.. ...---

The gasoline consumption is unusually low The tire ~ileage is unusually high . The pric;e of the Touring Car or Roadster complcte , is $785 (f. o. h. Defroit)


The lot owners of Mia·mi Cemetery Association will take notice that the On that ha ppy Easter morlling annual meeting will be held at t1;e All the graves their dead restore, Cemete ry Chapel on Monday, June Father. si ~ t.e r, chi ld and moth~r, 5, 1916, at 2 o'clock .p . m. At this Met)t once mO,re. time there will be to elect, four trua and a aecretary.-trea3urer, To that briJ~htcst of all meetings A large attendance of members of Bring u ~ . J eH US Christ. at last; the AbSoclation is desired as matters To Thy cr oss, throug h death and of vital importance tor the future j udgm ' 11 t , welfare of the cemetery will be con· . Holding fast," ·s idered, [::J ._-,_ J. 0, Cartwright, Sf!Cretary, . May 24


best wheat that grow.. . ~ . Bread made from Starlig~t Patent FI.our is '~hlte . and light, has splendid flavor and holds .lts mOI~ture m If your grocer haa not . got Starlight Pafent . ~ Flour, pb,?ne or write us, and we will lee that you· ~ W are .upplied. rn a I::l '1· OUR SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK T· '. ' . III Reduction 9f $2 per ton on . Wheat. Bran. ~ II ~ · II . $1 • 40 per 100. $1 Our regu Iar prIce .30 per"100 ' for re.t of this week ,a'DY amount.. . for our specla · I next week• Watch t:J




awal !

... - ...- ._-

-------.. ~.~.-----

"The T l!rmoll,"

~!7~11~'~,t~~ ;""~~II;~'I~,o l ~:~:~~:I~: ;~~~


It Is lInrd t o tlne1 fit "'orelA of nppre-

, Tnrkln;:lml's "The Tumloll." After A grllat many .o ur older eiti.zens rendllJl! lid" lnlf', It seellis bnnni to will remember Louis Janney, who spelll; of .I il'. 'J" 'l'JrllI A:lQn's hUlllor or was born and reared in tlie Janney JlnUIO~. Ull Jlll lJ<'rll"ci,ce to r.olll mcnt neighborhood, News came here lust II ll.on IJI$ in IJllrl rllyl ug charllcter. of I be death of hia wite, wbo HII1l10r nlltl IMl lIus, nrter 1111, nrc liter- died at her home In Indianapolis, nry 1I'0rds, 1111.) w c t1llnk of fnd" May 7th. Mrs. Janney, who thom 111 COIII",d loD willi reu l Ufe; lIO was Mlss Callie Klmbroullb, at .the. Uwe do we 1IIInk ot thelll In counce· time of her marriare, resided at • Uou· with Mr. 'J'u rklngtoa's story- Harveysburg, .and was aIao well though III rcallln); I t ,,'e nre nl\\,nY8 known to Waynesville peaCle. The SYUlJl fI U,cllr "I " 1 often grently amu8od. · foneral toook place at Her ate ho~ As f or th~ cJliIrn rtel·.~ In t1Je story. we Tuesday of lut week, IntenDent ore luollMcJ to IICcept them 118 act> was'--niath! at lIIdleapolll. Un. r:t Jl(.'fSOIlS. 'fo IIl'luJre whether they Janney leav.a h~. four chll· ~ well seems absurd dren and thNi IJ'aDdchildrea iI:JII'5i==::Ii Elm'555:Ji EJ cause~dralnJ" tbell111)or110·not obvl01lll1. allYe. to mourn. har •areat •

Waynes:ville Mills • •IIIIIEEEI Il'===!lUSlBFiPdEI'



Bring us your Eggs-Highest prices paid Cash Jr Trade.



- - -..


,When th'e Faroler

~l r . E. V. Barnhart ar~ at· tcndillg the Oi secan Convention of the Epi scop.l Church of ~o ulhe rn 10hio which convenes at Glendale, Ohio, tod ay.


Tanlac-Sales increasing , there's ' a rtlason , ask your neigbbors about it.


He\, . unci Mrs . J . F, Cadwallader

-- - ---:-----=---------.:----.:------'--- - - ----.:

WOl'lt Kind of Liar ••



I and

Sailors. Holl fB rilllbs, Panamas, Ties, L' nucr",enr. ' 0;'; " etc.,light com orl. Ie Iluts, ~ h Lle , Shirt - (lnd Work and cool, from. . . . .. \Ve GIve an d I''\.e d eem Ced ar S tamps. amp I r s . ' Iothin~ of .c\1\ Kinds. C Ie t cOllie H r' urnlS ' Ie



WI! ncsvillc, Ohio.

Phone 65·5

M f S. Kate McComas. who ~as been • visiling ~Ir . and Mr.;. J. n, Coleman a nd v l her fri ends t or II couple . C!f we'l<8 left thi ~ mor ning for a VISit with ;elllliv~s in Daylon.

un,j 41 11'.


J. B. Chapman

M "S. Walll?r Britain and son left '\'u e.duv II join her husband, who hus n finc pusition in a to\\l n !lea r Chicngo.

~pcc ia1. . . ... ... " .. ,,__$_1_._ 48

The·S. I~ redeL b Oh' 0., eanon, 10


A g rout many of our citizens went to ULlyton . Tuesday to attend the Ringhng ci rcu ~.

C hi ITo rob('~

COlu bi n ;1tilill Wl\rd rolw'l 'hi lTnuier, ~ I o rri s l'llilir

HE .• '.'0 11 nrst , ul ui lle :axoll Roads ter nllte the sea l- ho w Wide and cOIll Cort able it is, b5er,,!! t he rOQll1y legspa ce, 'the dcep, restflliupholslery. Artlon~ ~he add ed improvement:; YOIl'II ' find such s tflk ~~lg features as : Timken n:-. los; tbrec-spee,d trnll sl llIS' si u (aud, by the way , Saxon " Fuur" is the on.lY roadster under $400 ,,·ith a three-speed t ransnllslIion); signa l IUll1ps at side, ad~us p.edals! re fioed , high-spced mO lor, ventll a tl11~ wludshleld , st reamli ne body, Ironey c~ nlll radiato r and ury plate d .utch. 'Ill re are 11ft en ~utt he r attractions we would like to show yo u,

Alex Boxwell. of Franklin. Ohi , was ca llil1~ on friends here Tuesday morning.

K id I :Iovcs

Detroit Vapor Stoves Pure I:'ood Croceries

Wash ' Ski rts, just received, Oarbardines, Pique, Piagnoles. Palm Beach, Serge, etc" $1.25 to . . , . , . . ... . . . Middy Blouses, plain whi te nnd white wi th colored culTs and


J ohn P ence is·a L ballon .. isilor I lod y .

Fancy hirt V. aists mbrellas White Dresses r'ancy ::;Ox . Sill. Pert i oats 1 Sport Shirts PUl1ey Cuts ~egligce S hirts hQes . :ilk Slairts . Silk Gloves, OK id G100u . ' ilk Handkerchiefs Cedar, MAtting Shirt Waist I'oxes ].illen In itial Hall~kerch icfs C1JilTooiers Fancy Neck ties a nd ~ rn\tals Silk Tie, Sox uspenders Halld Dress('fs, 1 rcssi ns Tables kerchief Combina tion Sets, \ ri.ting Desks Collar Bags Comb ination Dcsk & IJook Ca s • Pack t Book s M'lsic Cabinets F ancy Vests Vict lola Record Cabinets



.~. .~-----.---

-- .:.==. =- - = I : : ='"==== for the Clrl Cra~uate : - Clft Suggestion for the Bloy ~raduates


Boys' Wool Suits &: Was h sUIts . , .... , . ' ..:..'

" ,



\ om I\ ·s· l cady -lo -Wear

Baby Ii ugglC'~

Carpet Sweepers








Tfl(:-fIVf AND TfN S'roCKiNO~ : ......... ... . HJc White-for ~adies. Ghlldren .Tan-for Ladi,es, Cbildren, Black-for Ladies, Child ren HOSE: ••••• ; ••.• , ..•..•. HJc White-for Men Tim-(or Men BIJck-for


P"D I mr '8. 1\111 , 18.,

Neckties, waabable·..• , .. .. lOc Hats, meD,women,children tOe .'~Queen/' 1;'ly Killer, . : • .. lOc Common Fly Killer. • . • . . . lie "Puritan" Putty, per caD,. JOe Paints, all colors, ..••...• : J.Oc Varnisb Stain, all colors. .• lOe Fr.esh'Candy)same old .,rice lOe


The M.p&iue Jha

WaJlMlViUe. 0bID

1'-__III!__-IIIJ!Iiie!~III!."•••••" ••-".~"!I"




Hi x ty-EI~hth













lei - .

211, 1916

Whole Numb er 3370

Iml Iml' Ir\fpEAsoNAiMiTiON-ji WOMAN'.S.

~. IU

MI8Il Marie Miller spent a couple of days in t,;incinnati last week. Mise Mary Salillbury epent the week·end wIth relativC18 in Xenia.

• 181


. . . . ~



Dr. I ill. Osteopa th. ?t S. Broad £:] way, Lebanon . Ohio.




I::l ~ Mr. and Mrs J, II, Smi th werc the Memo rial s!,!n ' ices wi ll take place at the cem'L r ya t Sunday guests of frie nds in Mor row. 2 o 'c lo ck 011 Alumni Program and Banque t One Miss Elizllbeth Stewar t is spendT ues day , May 30,. w eath er perl11itlill ~. If th e wealh Long to Be Remembered cr is too inc!cLlling a week with relativC18 in Dayton. Lon Beckett and J : C. Beckett Rev. Cadwallader Gave a ent the cxer cises will be bl'ltl at S ch o ol Hall at Lh e Fine sa lll ho ur. L et by Partlclp anls spent a couple of days in Miamiville Report of Dlosecan Con .. every one who~lbas nowcr ~ r CI11UlIl )Cr to take o r send Mr. and [;] ..... ilh relali ve . Allen Haines, of r:'I Towns .lip Hou se a early as I)t):-.s iblc Tuesd ay m o rnillg-, t ll l'm to t he ventlon of La.t Week Xenia . 'pent Mr8 SundllY here with rei ... wherc :l 0 111riJ atives. ~ mittee will be ready to t ake !Jarge of the m . Wednettday evening Ihe Com· Born-T o Mr. IIml Mrs. Mor ris l:J Graha.m , n the Lytl ' road. Sunday. Let aU work to ge t h e r Lo sh ow that Wayn ew il k i" lIlIi menCl'ment exen'ise's lor the year ' ed ill wi hing Mr. and Mr8. Walter McClure ~ May H, 1 !1l~ . J\ Ron. The regular meeting of the Woto do every bonor t o h e r herDe;;, b o th d ad a nd li \'ing 1916 took pillce lit School Auditor ium, . man's Auxiliary was held at the home were Sunday gue~ts of relative s near Com uittce on Flowc rs -:'II r s . Eva ns. 'ha irn lUn ; Mrs . Woolle and-it wlIslhe larKelit clall!l ever grad of Miss Emma Heig hway on Friday \', 1\[ r5. Mr. and MI·s. C, A. Bruner, of aftem iii oon. May 19. uated in the history of the school. BellbrOOk . Ellis, Mrs. Stiles. Mrs. H a thaw ay , M rs . Cartw rig h t, ' Lebano M rs. Rogei-s and n. attE'nded Comme ncemen t The meeting Will! opened Mr. Oscar ThomplOn, of Lebanon. by lingThere were tel') seniors and nine nor· Mrs. Maffit. Wedn9~ d ay evemng . ing No. 77 in Tho Mission Hymnal. EJ mal g raduate s. The audilor ium w..a "as the auest of Mr. and Mrs. Gor· Collll1 1itt .c on Dccora L io h o f Soldie rs ' lI lolllllll c nt ·J\lrs. C ast, "The Morning Lig ht is Breaking." don Joy last week. Chai r filled to ovel'flowing bv 8 o'clock, and ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jam es Vander voort Mrs. Cadwallader gave the Scrip· m a n; Mrs. McClu re , Mrs. Rul }crl Cross and l\frs. lIarris . und ~on, ot Routo 2, spent SundBY ture Readil'lR:, Psalm 4. promptly at that time to the music The Lebanon Patriot 8ays: Mrs. Tra n s porLal i( tl will b fllrn is he d fo r the \-ctera lls alld in Morrow with retative s , All joined in repeatin g the creed, 01 the orehest ra the curtain rang up N. L Bunnel1sliIJped and fell, Mon· th ose la k ing · iii _p a rt in til .' exer ciscs. which was follo weli by the prayer and disclosed a fine claes ot young day, and spraine d her ankle. . Mrs. R. C. Cros.~ spent the week. service, conducted by Rev. J. F. people, 8/lVenteen ladies and two end with relatives in Cincinn ati and Cadwallader. A new safe jU8t installed at Kings gentlem en. Besides lhe gradua tes " in Amelia Clermo nt County . EJ i\ secl?nd hymn, No, 159. seated on the Rtalle were the iJ1lltruc· Mills WIl8 blown open last week and . Shall Reign Where' er the Sun ,"J esus was tora of the high school alld the min- a quantity of Btampil were stolen. sung. Scrip ture verses were given 8 iSt011l. '1n the center of the stage on Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kel ly and Mr, in respons e to roll-call . a sland were somo beautifu l cut and Mrs. J. B. Ch apman were OIlY- The m'nutes of the. last Mr. and Mn. Arthur of meeting lon flowers. while tasteful ly arran~ed Dayton. epent several daysStanye, vIsitors Friday afterno on. were read and otfi'er 'buslness .. t. along the footlightll were lOme beau- With Mr. and Mrs. GeoraeIBSt week EI Pics idin),{ 0 1 Iccr - J. O . Carlw ri" h 1 tended to. Mark8. Choru s - "Star Spang l ct Hn nneI'" tiful "ot fl owe rs . The elaSll motto ~ Mr. Myer Hyman and family and Rev. J . F. Cadwanllder gave a very l\l::Irs h a l - Vr. J. 1'. Hili " ID black letters on II backiro und of Talloo ... . . .. . . . . . .. . . . 13. S. Huw e ll Mr. W, A. Benecke and family interest ing report of the Mrs. Clyde Coleman and son, Fran, l!I Fortyorange stood out promin ent above Color Bear r- W. A. Lippil lcl)tl were Middletown visitors Sunday ~econd Annual Conven cis, ot Norwood. were the week ·end tion of the Hie 8llllle. Diocese . which was held in Christ - - \ l'leran s alltl lillie g irls m a r c h t o lhe After invocalion by the Rev. C. S. gUC18ts of Mr. and Mrs . J. H. Cole· Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crew Mll s ic h y nand GruuMer and a lIClection lly Stokes' man. 1l101lu.mcn l l'!d by I II band, li llie r:J Mr. Phineas Cook spent Sunday and Ch urch: Glendal" . May 17 and 18, with :~~~I!dh he and Mrs . Cadwallader orche.~ lra. Miss Olive Allen A'8ve the Invoca tioll . . . . H (; v. -}. F. Ca<i w:ll!nd (' 1' g irls follow in g "c l e m.1l s . Mr. _and Mre. J oh n OiamolJll, IIf The I ~on for the day was ll8\utlltory in a ve ry impreaslve mlin · ~ .M1!18 Rowena Wright. of Spring,'o ll g by C horus- "Amc ri ca" on J, ill CD llI' S lI/cmo ria l Addrc ss at nar coupled with II flow of beautifu l boro, spent several dals lust week Xema. "How Our Church Came to New R eading . . . . .. . . . . • .. . l1 le n Marla ll languag e. The cl8illl history wos at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Warren 'etlysb urg .. , .. . . . ... B tll an Cr a n e York. " and an interest inll feature gIven in a happy strain by lhat jolly Barnett . P-t . C h o ru s - "(JUT Hcro s" Mr. W, H. Maltbie and Mrs. Anna was a paper by Mrs. E. V. B:lI1d- "'fcllt ing Tonig ht" Barnha rt flood· fellow, Harry Meredith, lind Stahl. of Frankli n, were the gu on Henry liudson . .:. Memo rial Addre ss . . Hon. S. W . Brown . Whi le little girl s trew flo\,,; r s taps ill hill dream he foresaw many thinll" of Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Allen a cou· After adjourn ment. Mrs, Sarah Zim~erman. who has a short locial A to Our Flag . - ... .. . . - . thllt might .happen to hi. echool been apendin a the winter "- ""dod hy Mr. . !!e88ion waa enjoyed. The following In Califor , pie of days last weck. mates in the Ytlurll to come . . .. . . . ... ... " . :fen Ultic ' kls oIa with her 11011, returne d home g uests welle present . MI'!!. Civile l3 ll cdictioll ~Rev. Carlet o n R. Allen .111 Sunday evening. n, of Norwooq, Mra. Frank 'l'he. Loyal WOI11~n'a clas8 of the Co)ema What Educatl(ln I. Worth Mo.t Long, of Columbus, Mrs. Raleigh Christia n churc~ will hold a market of New Burling ton, and Mrs. Elizabeth Barley and dau~h - ElE'=='I: :lEL= =Jl!I Gh,= =IEL =='[! JGI=='l !IGI=='[ JGI=='I :IEI==11 :) at the Township Houso Saturda y, Bogan. Prof. T. S. Lowden. ot the O. S. t Mrs. . . • f Ma 0 b III is June 3rd . at 9:30 a. m. Your pat. Wm. Hoblett U. was introdu ced hy Supt. Sprelg- er, MIas Georgla, _ _ _...~_--'._____ o em, ., - - - - - - - _. rOil age solicited . --. -- ~- - - - - -




~%~ .





.~ar:ar o~it~~~:~) P!~[~~i:m~.i8Worth IDs ~~!~n:n di~th::~el:~i~ea~ra. subject. "What Education Is •






W. H. Friday evening' a social recep· Mra. Suaan Cook and dauihte r, lion will be given by theand Christian Martha , who were' the guestS of relchurch to their new pastor. the Rev, atives here for a few days, returne d Last Thufl!day evenlnll Carleton Ralph Allen, at the Town· b~au. . to their home in Lebanon last week. tiful eOlilltry home of Mr, the ship House on Main street. Refresh· Ilnd Mrs. On Sabbalh morning , Allril 30 men ts wili bcserve d.- AdmissionlOc. Vinton Tllylor. nl'ar Bellbrook. waR. --1916, 'the death angel enterp.d th~ Everyone is cordially invited MI88 Vera McMillan retu.lle d Fri· tbe scene of a very pretty to be The teacher . ot the Wayne Townwedding. ~IU' evening aft.!r IIpCI1dj1)Jl two when they gave in marriaRe the\.- The ehrhth grade comm enceme nt hnme of our M. E C. eister, Ida present and enjoy a fine social time. ship Schools are prepari ng to eriter which \vus held at Cente rville last Howe. and gently bore away her months in Cincinnati where she has daughte r, Miss Hazel 19 Lerr.y somt> school this summer . MI. E Saturda y evening was lar~ely attend husbsnd, Milton hlld a po~ition in the General Ho. tIartsock. of Dayton. The C. Howe, to "His Messrs. ~veddi~g ed. The pupil" oj' gradcs urely hom l! I,>rep,aredcd for those that Ha\~ke, C, C.J . M. Robitzer, G. W. McPherson the music teacher left pltal. march wS81llayed by lhe bnde's SIS· did justice to thei r that Hisey. J. C. Hawke, Friday mdrnln g her horne in . parts and was ap love Him . F. C. Carey, Wm. Myers, Geora-e Wilmington Mi88forMabel ter, Miss Osie a~cornpaniecl by her preciat erl by all Hadley Whe reasOur l< ' !~lh~r has calle(l Waterhouse, H. A, Cornell and D. ar,d MiS8EI~a 'Roberb older eister. MI~s Ethel. The ring 'l'h b I . t ileft Saturda y i t our brot.her f·~om thiS hfe's work to L. ' Crano went to Lebanon New Officer. Electc~ ceremon. was p(>rforl11ed by Hev. Frid~y morninll' for their respective homes. e acc~ au relll e Rermon g ve~ a dwell With Him, and the fraterna l eveni ng to attend- Loban::m M8IIOnlc Miss Roberti LaClair of the Methoclist of the Melhod lst church at Ce~terv llle relations . held by . who resigned her po. The fonowinA' .offlcer8 for the year Bi'llbrook. The brid e worechurch aUf deceasei ,l lodge. The boysen joyed themsel ves sition here as Normal teacher , will a dainty ~yr Rjv. Moon d evening was brother With th~ membe~s of)daPle very much as the 1917 were elected: Harry Dodson. dressoC whitecr epeder mee~i[lg was one enter Columbia University . this win. e. one p'ie~. Temple No . 307. Pytlllan ~Is~rs, preside nt; G.e orge Waterhouse, vice. with ribbon and. net. hine trimrned a te .v gatt~nl a . u ~}e.1 LIvery gro~m ~n ter and take a special course that 1e young g r s have been severed ; tJ~erefo re be It , that was very helpful to Masons . preside nt; Ellen Sherwood, aecre- wore a dark blue sorge. The j will better fit her tor her Normal bride or eJf e,lutl U Boni· Resolved - That while we bow 111 tary and E. V Barnha rt, treasur er .carried a bouque t of white The tea roses work. Supt. Spraigel, after a short. The play lI:iv~n by the High School hum ble submiasioll to the will One olthe pleasin~ feature s ofthe t~~ with white !latin r~ b.bon of lhe visit with his parllnts ln Wellt Vir. . The gradual 8 Will ue hili in the Town "Most High ," we do evening was tben brough t up and hVlng not the ' less rooms were exqU\s~t ginia will enter Ann A.rbor tor the carried by a vote of the alumni, ated with snow white cutly deco r· Hall Ilt Centerville, W dnesda yeven mourn the loss at our brother . who sllm~er term. Mr. E. J. Arnold will Howers ing . .__ _ _ _ has been called from his labor to reAt. making J . E. Janney honorar y pres· and house ferns. After conllrat . take hi8 fami ly to Wilmlna-ton where ident of tile a880ciation. This IS In tions, i~e cream and cuke uln· Re&olved - That lhe membe rs tE'nhe will lake some Hpeclal branche s at der their heartCe lt ,;ymll:lll \v to lil t" deed, a h-Igh honor, Mr. Janney. has served to about sldv guest.s. were t~e Wilmingt~n colleie .. Misses Clat:a wife and lion in this their d.,ell IJAlle. served the alumni well, having been alate hour Mr . and Mrs, Leroy At Llle and Msrla Stout Will i O to AnttE ita trflUure r tor thirtv years Mr. Hartsoc tion. That these re olutions be en· k wele motored th~ir home . och and Misses He[lrie tta McKin~ ey • II te re Ion our minute~ . also a copy be Janney allO present ed the alumnl in Dayton, where the)'to will and Elizabeth CllImdler to Oxford sent to the family. with dishes which was a handaome home to their friends. Theybe at "How rapidly the reckless motor- for ahort summe r co urses re in their donation to'the instituti on. Clara Merri tt . ceived many useful and beautifu l ist is droppi~g fFom !he r!lnks and branch of training , O'n Wednesday nfterno on. May 17, The commit tee appointt:d IBStyear gift. , Congut ulationR frail' Annie 'Harris the sane driver IS taklDg hlB place," . the Miss Lelia Thompson \vas married • _. _ __ ~artha Davis to get funds tor a library tor the Miami Gnzetle . said J. B. Chapman, who has the to Mr. Howard Swank. The ct!re· high.lchool. reporte d that the work Commi ttee. distribu th>n • _ _ of ::;axon Motor Cars In mony was performed at the Presby--wu progre$ling, and there was B - - • this district , "And the peculia r . teris n p9.rsons ge in Lebanon, in the sentime nt expresaed that they !fa thing about it i8 that lell'ielati on has presence of a few immedi ate friends. farther and make the work. as termed· pluyed only a small part in the mat· who acco rnpanied them from Love. Once Brilliant' Capital. by the commit tee, "The Wayne8ville ter . land. THE WAYNESYILLE ALUMNI Cordol'a , Spain. was a 'brlllian t capl· Co munity Educational Fund ".all "Motor- mafl\:Iofacturers-arEriou · Mr. In-memory-of Pauline Perry Mart .. and Mrs Swank Rre well to1 m of th e W01'ld wll h hnlf ,known here, Mrs. Swank being the population wbon tbo reat ofn · million ing to the safety-first idea them- daullht er at George W. and Mary BANQUET AND PROGRAI , ~:nf:li;'~d'c~t~~r from the..,ChairEuropo ' selves, for they realize that itisgoo d Perry nnd wife of Alex daught er o C Mr, and Mrs, O. Mart. wilo A heavy frost was reporteci In sev· Thomps on. who formerly lived P. R. W oS clouded by the deepest lethargy business as well as ordinary huml'n· passt'd to the Great Beyond SaturThursda y even1ng the Wayne! here, of tbo mIddle nge~. In thh o yenr 19d~O ity. e"alloca 1 um a litletl disciple Ill:!t of the school of day Mav 6, 1916 at week. The straw. and Mr. Swank WBII fo rm erly a Cordova . ville Alumni AlISocia tlon niet a~ WAYNESVILLE mother 's was consulared t I) wor COIIUNITY b I are damage d most an:f in teacher in the Lytle driving and yet I may sav that home after a prolongher Sch·ooIAuditorium. There wert' about ed illness of llchoolq, They roun tal n of learning and science and/j 1sane am not 8~:;. a ~Iaces slow driver. lIarden t~uck wa. will rellide near Lovelllnd', T\;eir Chri stian 1j!3 membe rs and guests prerent on severnl weeks . EDUCATIONAl FUND PROJECT badly damageearly Eurl?lle turncd to her (or "A small pace dl'e8 not insure The decease d was born at Lebar.on d . The cherries have mAny friends hE!re extend thi', oceaalon, and while It was not all best etruc(\o n 1n "everyth ing from}"un 1DIl careful driving and that is one rea· Novem ber 27, 1890, wheye she spent suffered considerably, too. lar~e a meetinj{ as last year, it was To the Alumni and Former I wishes 811d congrat ulations. Ilellther to "hllrtilllr th e stars. Studen ts, son why the legislalioll of a sp eed the early part of her life. attendin • very ftne one.' A .• pirlt of gond g Of the Wavnesvllle High School. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ limit regulat ion cannot In itself low· both public and Normal ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_ fellowShip was manlfesteli as lOOn as Dear Frienda: school ~_~ . ~ _~~_=_ ~~~~= ':: u ilie ~re@~ ' ' ~~rec ~e~n~ ~ . gracl -~ting t.he receiving line w~ reached and. ~omH~h&bool~1M2. Observance of the courtes ies of the She was a membe It /leemed to pervade the aluml1l r of the First PresIn order that mllY be pro road and of caution where caution is byterian church and took active throut(h out the entire eveninlC. The vided by- which meanB part worthy boy a ann dUIl ·make for careful (Irivinrc. rt'ct'iving line was composed of Mil), girls may be ,aasured in Sunday School. She wa~ united a ~niversit :v "rhe motoris t can drive rapidly if ill marriag e to Alex O. Mar.t, June W.lght Emma ·Felter Smith. Flore tl"llinlng-; should the)' (Ieslr! such . II. he knows when to slo .v up and if he 21. 1913 and to this union Woollt! ; Crllntl, Ida Dakin _Hawkl", hJ18 been propolletl by one daughInterest ed can slow up rllpldly when he wants ter. Mary Alice. who with her ~U8 Lim .., ilarne' t . lIarnb 1ft. Martha alumni and former student i to e!. to. Tht! latter ability lies-within tho band. mother. two brother s survive O'Neall , . Carrie Barley ~Ile.n and tabllah thl! Waynesville Commu ni· car alolll::. Only the motor car which Ellen :Sherwood How consoling to bereave d ty F}il\clltillna~ Fund. ~he. am~~t can bE' throttled down with speed family that this well . the. _At 9 o'clock the lUIBOCiation IBl whi ch w·· de~lre t!> ~al!ie IS rou~ded life . 12""\1 and wh ich picks up rallidly when ac· came so peacefully t o its down tQ an .elej(ant .IUbCh IIBrved by end that ":he ft"!t $200. paid ~nl? thIS f~fld celerate d is capAble of rapid yet with hardly a Outter the spirit the ftolillml · Valiey Poultry ~ia ?y you wl~1 be exptnde touk furmsh caution s driving. its flight to bo with' loved ones gone tlon, which waa very much enloye;! ' 1 '~1l the Llbraw:y It"omd.1n In the new "In congest ed traffir. I can always before.- Wester nStar; Atter the Invocation. b), the Rev J . hIgh sc,hOi/I.blllldingi I ~e bala!lce pull ahead when advi8able alld gain F Cllttw~lIl1d"r. J ,E Jannet. pres the fund Will be u~e~ In helplOg of - - -- - ••- - U, lime with my Saxon . The' rea~on is Ident the 1'8P.~iaUoJl.lave a 8111~1I e,lul'lile some d ~R~l'VIO J boy or IoCltl beclluse the motor responll s to the did IlddreN) . '('he rtoading af the mm· iI ' liduiltP IIf U!lf hlICh who lta8 slightes t pressurtl of the accelera tor. . u'el! And roll call followed after' Ilot had 'he means to Itchogl conllllU C hid or I can s.tOIl rapid Iy, thanks t o the which tousts wt-r,,' givll n' her f!dl1c Itinn In R "" rt I.i~le II good brakl!!J. and I clln move · slow· The wt!tcomt! t <1 thl! incomlnlr!!la,,~ It!tler ftl1m the- Spl?rilll . Cummlt lee Iy ~no t b.v stRrts and jerks - because W8S given In rh),mft' by Grace Gllr. Hi' charie . . !lel1t til you . In my car will thrnttle down to snail's It IS hopell man and WIIS \lerl' clever. 'I'hl! toa..... . tile me,,~iwh.willi!,!\ that every membe r ·.of ile yOU nlOY 8('nll atl) pace and still run smoothly on high' Uapt. W· R Hoel Post was rOl'Pllnded to by Q!rillh.Snook ill ~onlri!lur.ion .w.hieh you togethe r With gear. ma~ l)to . all the olel soldi ers in the 1)~lahh9r • very ahle mnn ' e~. Chal'lotte AI!' p,()mpletl '? !llve .to Mr J 0 C~rt "Frequ ently in making a trip h ~od; will attend ~he Memoi ial aer· tram 'htld prepare d a memllir for her' ..,"'!!Chl. ActmlrT rell8ure r,of WaynCll' through hellvy traffic 1 never shift .VICes at the ~hrtstia 'c:lalmtlllte ·the late Minnie HathawR), ville Nar!illlal Bank n c~ure~ nex.t . my gear at all but simply guide the SlUId,ay morOlna- at 10.30 0 cloc~, LeGrllnd. 'but owin, to the ( ct th:tL , Well du we r~member the . story at speed by lhe accelera ter. 'l'hls gives when Rev. C. R. Allen will 1111. could not flet here on thi) DC the growlh' the 8I'low bllU , Let 0.9 preach: me both hands for 8t~ring "nd tile sermon . . ' eulon. the ~molr "as read by duplica te It of ,. raising thil! f.u nd. Do makes p088ible careful ·turns Best E1ll1beth Chandl .r and It breat.hed not walt tor Inour Henrv Prater, Comma nder. 'Iettai'. Send your of all, 1 am never uncerta in about. a lovilla tribute th the deceue d, d\eck now whllillt • -. , I!t .freah In. your my car. I know just what it will do WHE RE MJ3MORIAL SER"V ICES W • ..,L BE HELD happy 8Ch~l day cOqlpanlon- mind 00 IT roo ·DAY. Thapk you and I know that. it will never vary. Iblp . We knew you wauld help. "That's about half the pleasur e of LM Earnha rt . In , hie tout on . " . Very cordlaJly yours, . F 'r ' Hr.' COMM WE :tARN ESTL V URGE UNI1' Y motorin g. It's just like 'havlng a TftA1 .EVER Y CI-rIZ EN 0 ··F.rlend•• "waa~bapp1InJ::=t"i ' H. S Warwlak, trusted horse, of the .klnd yoli 1'88d BE PRES ENT ON M~MORIAL DAY ANt> LBN)) THEI R ASSIS .... TANC E IN M'AK- about in fiction put never see be· ::~rilJl:~ ~,.:, ebal~aIl of SpecIal Q)mmlttee. ING THE DAY A SUCC ESS. THE .VEl'E RANS tween the tblllll or under a saddl.. AllparU ee ha,lna claim. aaalnat ARE NO 'LONG ER ABLE TO Xou , dbn't have tq look to the novel the CorwiD Village · School Board ATTEND TO THE ARDUOUS DU1' IES OJ! TIm DAY, AND THE CiTIZ ENS ARE for a completely controlttld motor. will pl~ ille lalDe with the Ilerbert ,W~Ci.iDbiatOMt"Com- meet In 19.!}~t"etb"\be meet- NOW URGED TO TAKE HOLf> AND CARR Y m ,E WOR K ~ONG, r. You can ftnd tliem anJ- Of.ald Board THUS MAK- howeve where and I think u the .veral noon .June.29 OIl or before 12 o' mI . ING IT A DAY OF PLijASURE TO tboWl8Dd of otbar people that OLD VETERANS. COME OUT. BJ 0rcIR 0 i belt controU ed car 11M "Saxon "_ for ; : ... ~ L. Ih_ _"k YOUR Moat," wall treated on a ecientific basl'i, and was told in such a mal)ner that a child could ea8i1y underst and .it. He Bpoke at lOme lenglh, but never tor an instant did hill hearers 1b8e a word ot his most helpful addrdll, H4! concJuded his remark s am1Q .Tvill olappla uas.. be I ~1S8 F..dyt~~ MacYllgave,~ aut tul reading , Aux. Ita ens. acoom panibd on the pll:no by Mrs. C. A. Bruner. Her readmg , a!! uBual, was IUper.b, and was much en~oyed. T~e valedictory was then gIVen by MI · nerva Harlan, and was well rend.ere d and gave forth truths that Will be well for everyo ne of Ihd I[rdduatea to follow .. SUpt Sprel.gel, In a few ~plendld words, present ed theelll!l8 Wlt~ thel.r diplomas and thtl honor pupil. MI- , nervi Har.lan. v.a.q presen~ed with a scholarship to a tour·ye ars courie in WetJeya~ Ul\lveHrsity · ' fi . County ~upt. . aw k .gave a ne talk and pa~d a high tribute to the inlitructorBID ourachool and predicted a Ifr.e at future for the Wayne . Tow.nBhlp schools, after "hlch he preson~ed the normal gradu,t es wIth their diplomas .. After the benedIction by ~~. J . F, Cadwallader:, t~e large audlen!=e .flled out of the audlt.orlum well sat: (sired with the ,xerelll8lJ of the even big.

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\'1 . h... mu tile," B4ICt IlIl1n . bll. /Chilli'" ..,.IIIMIIIIIII reft(>('tr Illy tu hhldl fIlII ""'Int tl.r n IJlllIUelll. "I tJll're a pli. 'e lin} wh"re I ('<lIIlt" 11.,


Ih" l

I'.dll h:" Itl' UlUrmnr",l.


r.Jtlh n l

" \'I"~lIb.

". g'lt /)nll hem 11.11'" n.H 1111 lilt 'lIp fil' you. 8\111. Il IS .1 Ill' .t"IlI, .• ulI . :\'11'1' room." IT, · 10'11 Ih(' 11'1\.1', u'n,1 Blbhs rllllo\\"Ctl al wly, ~t<lllplnJ; II t lutcn'lll Ul rl 'k l.

""UlI'lI W"r" li t " 'ork unller Ihe pnIC 'lI lIy 1I!1I11 I 1111 I clh·,·(·tillll dr :lCI."UlI'r

l' UJllIlllIl IJlJC·r<>r. Will) \\'11 pr tpIICld ly ,'nJ".1'I1I1l hhi Inl 1111'(·(·lotlon · of lIe~nl:' hllr:t ~"..·li w ittl ,'urt", " 1'; "'Ylh ll\l{ j(ht lCl l)k Al' lPk 111l ' ~1'n l1 ( 0' til, ' hi.&: 111'111'" ton l;:hf." Bl III R' /:U ,If' I'X pili IIIpd. ,·hm·klln):". " Yt' Ruh. Wt' jluL I' lf ,,,,,"' ,. tlllIlg ht ! Ilill ,1"111'/11" 'I'h,' 1"".\ I II. whl "11 h .1·O) n,hll·trd hl~ 11I<:g-I II ~ ('\ ,IIIW' Wft" fllrll l ~h ed In " rry 11111'lh'n llit 11 k!' " rOil 111 In 11 11('11' h Ol"l ; 1111(1 Hi IJ1M (oUlld It uh.'lItlllnl- Ulnl1J.:h . h "l('I ~ I . :lny rooUl with II 1."00,1 he,1 ",,,"111 1111'- ' ~h!lll II pl()IINllnt to hil)I Rn"r hl~ jll1lrllt'Y. IJ ' ~tretC'lletl him. Rf'lf II lI t Inlllll,llu tl'ly, nu, 1 hll\' IIIJr rC'1,11" ,1 " :-;"1 null''' I tb l' 1l1t('n<lan t's \,If"r 1,1 UI1Jla" k Ul bug, 'losn.1 h i. ".I' /IA

BIbbs ellgoged In his slh!IIe r bu Clk lc IIroke oil wllh un Im llt)- Ji ttl ) (' I'K 'IL egaln; h e DI~ bJgb ly IlDl nsrll. "I tbe hClld. " \\' ~ CIIIl ~e~ tlw ne\\'. holl H tbougbt tha t the :people who ue lunll.l' l fro Ul the sr(")llCl "orllcr nUcll cl. n s,' 0 o the real wbat·do·YOIH:l\lI-lt dld n·t bRa bullt s tra l!!ht fl rn, Ih e slr~ ·t -know It." he sl\ld. "I've ol lyay U1111er· trom U8. y on kllow. U onC!l I I.,·. l' lliyl atood that It W08 v!'.r y IInS:ll ls tIICCOry. ' makes 1I1~ Ihl nk of II ~unl;·. ~,)In('I III1t'K bceau8e. It you t1lougbt I1i)OUt It you - th w ay!lb p ilil th' w(lo l I-e l' 41dn' t bnve It. a\ld It you bud It you p Ollie's cyes! R1w b01W~" ~ Ull to 1'11 1111 ' 41dn't know It." fiod l;l'ts u n.rll' lnl: lu Ihr world ij h\' ''That·s , Ju st bosh ." abc r torted . wllois Ollt of 111111, nncl Ul r n nlllk' fili i II'l'IIl'lIy. "Tbe)' kuow It tn tbla town. all rl~ IH! ot 1.I Ul bell lu,1 hi!! back- Yl'S; aull to , IrhlL ·,illd,,·t, mclnlly RYlllpnlh ('lk. ) tound out II lot ot tblllgS, loug befor!! his (>Ice. bllt he tlU't see It! Rhe j:C't 10\\"'1'('" III .... 11' 111.11)11' s llnde' nllt! wll ilu 'We be,an to th ink ot bUilding 011 1" III him to give h"r a lll'cll·o·ll.lonsll ntl· (III I' xlt Oil tilll oe. cn eolllll 1'1111,: thc' this dlrecti oD. Tbe rlgllt p eoJlle III dollnr p rdl ( I' Ul~lr hOIl HC att <>1' It nUI('r II'lI ltl' jll l'l; 't- lhe hlll'u ~I',I 0 " 1'1" -~. chill lown sren't olways tll e SOl' Iet.\"· W 08- " ' ~e .. r- In thr hllil II'IUIOUt. ' 1I 1d till' c:olumn on es. nud t1ley mix IIrou",1 " Oood hen\' II sl" f<al d lIIh\)R. Alnrlng el ll"1'1l 11lJ; nllI' : ,'Wltb outsideI'!!, hut Illcy,' re t\ cill n, Ju t nh cud ns lllCY r cnched th coruur nnd , " II I' IlI I!!hIY flhnks. MI~t' , Jlwkson. tbe same; lIod they hill'e the Inn f'~I- the cu r sl\' ung to Ole rig ht. rOllo'''IOg Dro" rlJ:ht (Iowu lin' tih et b ls eyl'R. lng. lto t oC 'em w ere h~re long lie- a lIend In Ihe strcet. "I s Ullit tbe De w E,I'rll<lR 1111 bln r k. Hleb folk S golta go tore papa cawe, lind Ul e grllndr,IU}e rS h ouse ?" . 1 ....- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , o( tbe girls ot my Ilgc ku ClY ell h "Ycs. ,,' bot do you tlJlnll. ot It?" other, aud- " "Well," he drawled. ' 'I' II/o .pre tty sure "I lee," Bibbs Internlllted, g ro"cly. th o SlI u!tOrIIllU,S IIbo ut hult a size bi g- I ~"Dlelr au.c estors tlet1 tOg\)rbnr fro III , ger; I cnu't be certnlll till r mensure." I ,wiln7 a strIcken fi eld, find crllSllcle rs' And a mom 'Ilt IlIl or. 08 tlley cnlered blood tlows In their , 'cln8. I nlll'IIY8 th ~ cl rll'cway, be .Hlded, seriously: underslood the fil'!!t lJollse wns bu ilt "Dllt It's IIl'n utl tul!" b;, an old pnrtJ' ot the nn ll1~ oC ' ·ar· trites, wbo couldn't' get al ong witb CHAPTER III_ Daa'i Doooe, und burrlecl awuy t o Illese purts becs us Dan'l wllntet1 hIm It wns grny stO[lo. wltb long roots to give bllck a gUll h 'd le llt 111m." ot t blck gre~n sill to. An nrchlt('ct .... bo ' Eldltb gave a little eJo eullllloll ot 10\'c<1 tbe mllu r "G otblc motlvcs" bAd alarm. "You mustn't rCllent Ibu t siory, lIullt w bn t bilked: It. WIlS 10 lie Been :BIbbs, even It It's t.l'ue. 'I'be Vertrecse.q at once thllt b e hnd bee n left uDhnmere the best family, nnd ot COUI'I\e the .per .(). Bod he h l1l1 wrough t 1\ pletllre very oldest here; Ill ey wcre on olel out t h1 9 b eud lnto Il noble and exfamUy even betore ~lory Vertrees' IIltOlit reollty. At tb e sllme tillle Il areat·great·grandrll tlH'r <:lIl11e west IOllllHcope des ign er hnd Illa ycd s() gooa .nd to·unded tbls 8cttlcment. He Cllllle a s eco nd, wltb r endY' 11IIHle nccessorles trom Lynll, Mossac husetts. Ilnd Ulcy of srn>en, IIflProuch Qnd vlst u, thll t albave ~U\'es III ere y et- ijome or the ready who teve r look ot n wness rebest people in Lynn I" mai OI'd UpOIl the pillee W08 10 Its ad"Nol" ex-clalwed BibbS, Incrcdu- van tllge, as s howlug a t least one thIng 101181,.. yet clean under the grLmy sky. "And tbere are other old ra mllies AJ logetber, the Dew bouse waR a 8UCUte the ·Ver1reeBes." sile went 0.11. not ceS8. It wos one ot those archltecte' 'Ileedlng him; "the Lol11borns and ilIe BUC esses ,vblcb ' le/lve the owner8 KlttCl'8bya aud the J'. l' allll t;'rstoU veHed 'n privacy; It revealed nothing Ilmltha- " ot the people wbo lived In It au,e tl;1at "Strange names to. mit." bc Inter- they werc rich. ~n our s",ellln& citIes ru~ted! " Poor 1hlnpt None the!p rlcl1 !am\Uq~, ClIII! a(ter aDotbo~, bIke have my aeqnalnta.u ce." titl e oDd occupy s ucb bouses 88 t()r"No, ~a:t'• .JU8t lti" abe cried.• ' ''And ' tunes rise and fall~they mark 1he lIapa hfld never eveo heard the name blgh tide. It W88 Impossible to Imngo( Vertreesl Mra. Vertrl'ea went wIth Ine a cbLld's toy wagon lett upon a walk or drlveWDY ot the new bouso, "You Look a Great Deal Better Than and yet It WIlS-08 Blbll" rightly called What I Expected ," It-"benottful," What the architect thougbt of the Bome 08 aily body else. Anybody ost "Golfo dl NapoU," wblch hung In Its m e If 1 chonge 'lIb 'nt ble boy-No, vast gold revel ot rococo trome against Iluh! Le'm keep 'Is mon e.\,: [ kf"P U1~' the groy wood or the boll, 18 to be con- blnck ' sllln un' keep out lhe grou nd I" jectured-perhap8 be blld not seen It Mr. Jl\ckson ex pressed the Rome "Edith, did you s ay only elevell pre fere ncc. "Yes8 ub. lie look tu b m e feet?" Bibbs pantcd. stnr!ng at It, 8S lik e somebody Ilwrelu1y Inll1 0Il t- " tbe white-Jacketed twin 01 0 Pullmun He rell s ilent at II rustli ng o f s kirts porter helped blm to "et out of' Ws In Uie corridor. It w ill! JIIrs . . hcrldall overcollt • hUrl'ylng to g reet b er . sou . 'Eleven wttbout tbe trllme," sbe exSbe was one of tbose rllt, pink people pll\lned. "It·s splend id, dOIl't you wh o rn~e aod contl'llct with nge Ilk tlllnk? It IIgbtens things up so. 'f be drying trult; ami ber outRid e wns 0. hall was kind at g loomy before." true portmlt or lieI'. n cr lllls bond nn,l "No gloom now!" BILId Bibbs. ber dllughter hod 101lg 01(0 nbwrb d "Tbls statue III tile coruer Is pretty. h er. EdlUl 11" 00 011 d ay with be r too, " she r emnrk ed. ,iUllmma and I moUler, os daugb ters do; nlld . bOllght tbat." And Billbs turned at 80 helll his wite to ll e r Ullity with h ll!' bel' dJrectiOIl to I;!eholtl. amid a grove Ulut s be bud lotig ago become ll ll t'O)lof tubbed (lMm8, a "lIte-ijize," bln ck- 8clous ot ber eXlstellC(l liS n Ullng sel)heord~ i\Ioor, 01 .0 Jl11l8t1q composition ul'IIte trom his. ' pnlnted wltb UDllpPclI snble gloss Ilnd . Mrs. SlIcrldtlR's mnnn I' wns hurlffld br1lUn.ncy. Upon bls cllocoillte helld be ond Incollseq ueut: b er c loth es rustle(\ wore a gold turllnn ; to his h and he morll tbu n other wome n's clolhe~; she held a gold-tipped spellr; Rnd tor the s cemed to wcnr too lllany at a tlme rest, he was red and yellow nud block IIlld to be vnguely trou b letl by tllCIll , ODd 81lver. ond sbe was putting fl Ak lrt dO)wn o,'er "Hallelujah I" was the BOle commen t some uDruly lutc rul1l dissens ion nt Ule ot the returned wonderer, nod Edith, moment sbe opelled llIbbs ' cl oor. sRylng sbe would "Ond mam!nCl," lett At sight or Ule reculJlben t figure she hIm bUnkIng at the Moor, Presently, begnn to close th e door softly, w iUl. afte.r she had dlsllPpeared, be turned druwlug. but the young man 111111 b IIrd ~..............~. to the colored mnn wbo slood wiliting. the turning ot tbe .kuob Dud We rus. -Papa Had Never Eve~ Heard of the BIbbs' traveUng bog tn his band. tllng ot skirts, oud hc opened bls eY eS. "Whot do you think ot It?" Blbb8 "Dou' t go, mother," be . "SO ld. " I'm Name of Vertree.... aSked, solemnly, 1 not os leep." He. swung his lelllQ' ICg'R IIOme antJllmol(e committee to see hIm, "Gran'!" replied the servitor. "SlIe o\'e~ Ihe side. of Ille lied to ri se, but anl'l be told ber tb llt sDloke WllS who t mighty. bnr!1 til dUs'. Dtls' glt In all she 8Ct It b Olld 'o u ' bls shOIlI(le.r. remade ber busbond bring borne Ws 'em wrinkles. Yesauh, sbc lDll:bty hard, Btralnlng him; oud he luy fiut UgUlll. 'WBaeS trom Ule Pill' roli on nturday ..... of_.' ~t , I "No." Ahn RIlI!l hpnd luU' ov nr to kiss


:i;:',.._......~-..; ~~.--






·. nlrbtl He told us Rllout It, and I ~~~~~~~~~~~~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!'!!!!~~!'!!!!~~~~'!!!!!!!'!!!!~~~ tboupt I JUBt couldn't JJve througb ~ ,tbe nf,bt, I 'W/l8 so ashamedl Mr. jflertree. b .. always lI"ed on bls Inleeme, eJ!.4 papa dldo't know blm, of

ThcY're the stlll'est. mORt el&PDt peopl ~ 10 th'e 1vbele town. And to crown ' It all, Jlapa went 8 nd bought the ~ut lot 10 the 'old VertreeJ! country mensloll'-lt'8 In the very beart ot the beat new residence di stri ct now, , elid that>a Where tile new. house IS·, rilbt Den door to the m_ ond I must H7".1t makes their plnce look rather alIabb,.r I met Mory Vertrece when I JoIned tbe MISSion Service Bel pers, iMit abe ne.,er did a ny more thaD jus t bUelT bow to me. a .n d since popa's bre&1: ' X-doubt'lt she'lI do thnU Tbey baveu't celled.'! : "Allel 70u think If 1 sllreod this g09lip abo~t Vertrees tbe First stealing Dlau.'i BoOne'lI ,un, tbe c1l0nces that tile,. wtll e.JJ~" : _ . ('Papa knowa .what. break he lIiade II.... Vertreell. ,I made him, underataDd tII.t," Utd Edith, ' demurely, "all4 be', promlae4 to try and meet Mr. Vertreee aDd be DIce to him.. Bobby IAmll~rn told. Slb,.1 he was going to bl'l.q. hta motber to call on her and OD, but It weekll ago, and , ' DOUce be baID't done It; and Itatrs. iVeru- ' 4ecla • .Dot to lLDow UIL I'm daru nre MnI, Lamhorn '11 Dev ~r eome. Tbat'a ODe ~ Blb,)'1 dldu't meDa. .1 Sbe 8814 Bobby olfere4 to bi1D, blt milth_" "You _;, be la • friend of Roscoe'. abba eeU4. ' frillnd of the whole tamIb',- .... Ntumed. -.tth e petulance ......... IIIe4e DO elrort to dla,uJae. BD4 be lOt .cqualnted some~':';:':'~--'---"'_......u1Cl diu tab JdID to the the_... aIIoat ...,. aIIIIt. Blb71 baa blaa eOUI'8e.




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\oo"_ ; "'~


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and they wililookspick and span under the hardest wear,

It stains and ' varnishes at one application. You can buy

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J. E. JANNEY, Waynesville. Ohio



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11I'( '~1 tH U JUJ.t up, or

t."tl1lr"', ~, nuu ' you Jl u,~c n't got mucb eo lol'-" "XII." lie so let, "t ha I'C.'u't mucb colOI'. " 'TOll h'ok n ~rcl\ dl"nl bett r 1111\D \\'b/l I e:ql('I' t ..,I." ")1,11111 1Il Il RI, hnv Il grcn,t vo nbuIlIr)" !" hl' l'il1J(1k l (I. " , 11\"8 lOll 8I'n .. I(I'·(l," snl c) ;V I·S. Sl)CI'I<1ll n. ":1111 1 It IIIllkl!S II r ,'xllg)t.. rllte n lil liI'. \\' hllt niJolit YOll r .1 1.. 0" '''J'h ll t - ~ II li r ll; ht. TbeY "lo lll me to en t nny tJllng." "Tha l 's ,.rooci ." she Rll ld. Jl0I1cllnjr. "Th ey llle:llJ f or YelU Jll s t to hulill LIP y ,," r ' ~Ii·,' ngth. 'l'llll t·,. ",h il t tll ~y tolll .1Il" th ~ III" l IIUlC.' r w,,"t to S' you ut th l' slI nl hlrilllll . Y'1I1 1011 ), herl ('r thU D whnt ~'O ll /l Id thl'lI. Illld tbllt'fI ou ly 1\ JlII II' t lll l(' n gn. li n1\' Illug WIlS It?·· "r-: I~ h 1t n l"" th~. J tll lnk.' · "~o. It "oll ld ll ' l h ~. I k no ll' It nln't tl lltt In n ;.!, lJ1ll


trontl~ I , l eco.

Lin es to Be Re membe red, In htl8 mlln~ tools. but a lIu 18 n

hnndle whlc.h IIts the m nll.- H ohn o•.

"'l u l'U 1"8l1n1WI) of un Ilnl or or I li n l'ml mit) ~lIrl. or Wnrnnt L:iHIIlI,y. 'Ut ili , J \\ III OJ rl' l' fur Halo

Slo"lno Full Into to 111111",

tht'Y wOl1ld . ~ o 1 sUPllo,,"p ..r O l1·\· ~ I<Cllt


uJ) 11rctt-y \YI~ II u n t hl' 11lull(' lt PWS," "Oh, .f('S."

"'Nhnt: I th ink YOII Iwed,' sn ld the molh ,.r. JL! r: I\·"I~.. " III t" ""~ n liP II Iltll,' lInli 1111.,,· 1111 1III '.'I'l'.~ 1 III l ll l u ~" . 'I'hlll' wh llt PIL I''' wn. ~I\SIIl' til l, " lrJl ' IIIII~: unPI' II'l' /!II t .,·('" r tl' II';:: rillll ; :llld tlllll'~ ",h:.t ·1I " thllllhilc .1'" Ill' II llpeti lr. too li l' w ft~· lall;ln" QI·CI· · 1I 1~ JlII1 I1 ~ tor you- " " 1'l a n",?" BlbhK . 1111'1110); 011 il lR ~ltli\ sl11o'" 1t" 1 hlri ('.\" "; the 1I):11t w il lt hl ~ Im n'l . HOI \I"ll hi' IIIll:h l ~ " II!!!" bett~r. ""'h:l --" 1I 1I 11 11 ~NI. " "'lIut pltill . I!< he 111111,1111; fUl" Ill" . 11l0I h"r':" :- hc tll l'll,,11 uwuy . j;Olul,; Imdl t,) Ih e '''In'Io) II' to \lru\\' .101\'11 1I1~ piJn ll o. '·W·II. SIlU h tt.' I· tu lk It I1 I' l' l' with h im." HilI' ~1l"1. w it h IIl'I'('I'pllhlp Iw rl· · o nSIlf'Ss. " 1[0 hutt ' r \('11 yClII hIlUS If. 1 ,10 1)·t fC el nR it I hllrl lillY 1111 . ".t · n elly. In ~I\ 11110 it; IIll,l PIli h" ttt' r I! t 10 s ipI'll noll'. :1I1.'· lI' ny. " Kh' C ·lllllt· Ilntl I' IIIOti h)' tbe h~d"I 'l e 0111'1' 11\ 1'1'. " Rut ) 'O U III u~ t rl'n U'lll 111'1'. III bll". I\' lin teyer lillJln cl nE'~ I~ for tli l' hr~ t. II c 10 .' ' 1; hi!; <:hl llln' n OUII \\,:lIIt~ 1.1 1\0 ",h nl 's t·h.:h l)y ti ll of 'eUi- ll lili yo u'll nlwllY' lIud nel." he')! rll:h t In Ih TJe nlncl\.' II 1Itt11' 'I'llture M liS ('li t . wh it·" ~f:1 lIlilCI ttl " 1111 lit h r ; 1I11t! ~ hl>. rn 1111\1 to tllQ \l oll r. tllTlllhg tel 81lC'nk nguln n l~t' r lilt ' IU ltl 0 'noll It. "you ~e t. 11 !:lIoll I1U II. now. SO II to be sll r ·'sted UJi fOl' hln l ~l it. " "You--yo ll 1II1'lIlI- he---" UlhhR st,\ LU' 1ll·1·('ll. hn"lu g I ..i nn to Sl)cll k too qn kkly. 'he('];ln!:" hilUS Ir. b dr' l\' II lon)( IIrealh. lh ell Il s l;e,I. 01lletiy. "Do08 fathe r e~lJeet 1110 to ~ollle d owns tairs this C\' (' lIl lrll': ?" "\\'el:. I think he does," sll~ nn· IIl1' rrcl1. " l "nll Po e. It's tlle 'h ous" wnrmln;r.' ft ~ lUI IIl ls It. anti he I\ld he th inks 11 11 our ('hlldren oll llht to hI' nrol1rH1 tl~ . 11$ w~lI aN the DILl frlcnds Ilnd oth,'r fo lk ~. It·~ Just ", hilt he th lllk~ y·ou ", oll - to tllke an I,,{erlls t lind 1I" pn 11[>. .\;"011 dllu't tecl too brill to) COIIlO !lOlYlI , do YOII 1" "~r 01 h,or1" .

Sudden obanges, . blgh wluds, Ihlfttng 8eusona ou use ooids and grippe, und tbepe "prIng 00ld8 are aDnoyIQ~: ilnd d"ngbroa~ and ure likely to tu rn tnto" obronlo Bum mer ooug b In 8110h OaBes $ake a 'relll,w Rnt ot Dr. Kiui'B Now 0111oovery, B p lousan\ LllxaUve Tar 8yrur; 1 ~l\IIot h lls 'be oough. oheck. 'he 0 /,111 Id I\" tlls break up aD attl\ok ot g rl)Jpo. its already prepared. no'- mlxiDIC or fUllllni. JUI' asli: youlr druggist for a botlle of /)r, Klng"~ New DIBoovery. Teated anti tried for over 40 yeatli'.


GEO. J. WATERlIOUSE, Corwhi, Ohiu,

WALTER McCLURf Funeral O·i rector. WayneSVille Ohio


HII Window,

lip "S l1tnm l l l" huu:w '· W f1~ ])ICtlSHnt

/11,,1 IHHI.I' In 8UIIIIJI('r. HU t 1IIl\\' In the til in lI" ht It WII H ,h!g,) lnIC, lli e color of ,l l1 ~ l . 11111 1 hUIIIl' wllh IUlgll'nrcl ylhCij w hldl hail IU>lt tll el \' len I' e ... ntht," IUfll. ' Ii lit It wlUI gro\'e ~Ylll ' pilI h.,' . 1'I'01lllh ly feeli ng SO ill klushi ll w illI n nrt hlug lIO dl~ill i llltl '11; tbon h u tll l' IINI to 11 eli " '111 ghlss beslel th e wlllllo'" nud 1111111 hllllSl'lt Ih .llubloU8 I rlbll l!' oC H tboro \1ll'b .Inspec tlon . TllI'oll :.;h uut lh ls cryptic sen nee hi S 1IIIIIIIIer II'IIS pr r\lundly tm]lc rs onnl, hut Ilulllly he IlPIIl!lI rctl 10 become Ilea . s lmls t II'. Ue sbook hla heocl S<l l emllly~ ttl\' " ,;n7.I!d ng:l ln lind liouk hl~ bend '1:';:1111. IUl11 "" lll\llI le c1 to f! hnke It s lo\'t Iy. III "'IIIIl' lc'l" fli.IIPPI·O'·I\1. ~ "Y,," "I'r llllnl), ar ono ho rrlilip ~1"lIlt" Ill' Hnlil . I\l oml . Ali i III Iblll he I\'IIR Instlilitly '.IWI1r(' fir fill o/,se n ·I)!·. 'l'umlng quleil ly. h •• l\'aH " 0 11 'h ~ 1I r 'cl thl' pldur~ or II charm . 11111 IUlly . frnTll e.1 In n rustle uperlure ,IC Ihr " ' ullliller holtse" lIn ll s tllrlng fu ll iUI" hi" willl iow-strui g-ht Into his pres. lOll, fu r til " IlIflnlt 'illuml fru ctlon of n "('co ud b fol' the tiush lllgly ceu!<orloll /l wIUHlI'llw(l1 of h el' OWll. OIllJlDSellly, ~ ho Ilu ll.' d Ij I' ril l lI en d twlll'lI (rom II l' llle, hCI' 11(:t\ II "01l\1().I'll1g n p roChlJUII1111lJ 10 me etl'ed thllt he wn'S In ~b ijUIUlUel' huuse to'r me sQ lo PUl'1l011t! o( uCh.llke IIrunlng lIhd tending. \ IIn"III!; pull e(] ugll tw igs to em r h,ISIr.· 11 'r ll IlCOI15<:loIISIl CS"-o nd lit the Rn III II me ber dlsDppro"III-{Jt everyth ing In tbe nnture Ilf n • berlrlall or helo llgllll; to It herldnn. sbe tlesr;cndc d Ibtl knoll with 1II11lntillncd '0 III po u ro. 111111 sll UlHe rcd towurll a slele ,11101' o f the country mnnslo u ot the y " ,·tree ·Cli. An c.lcl erly hull'. bun. ncted (lllli clou l; (l, opon ed th e door und CUIDO to moet I""r. "Are YO ll r (\lIdy. Mllry? I've bc~n I ~kln l; . for you. ,,'bot were you dolu g'!" ")lothlng. Just looldll!: I.nlo one of Iwrldnns' wlndews," s n d Mury Vel" t ree. " I go t caugbt lit It." "~rury! " crl cd ber molhe r. "Just Oil we were )tol llg to cu ll I Good 'b ellVClIs!" "We'lI go. Just Ule snme," the rl fLUgbrer r et lll'lwll . '" s UIll/OSe tlJo e wo men wou lel be g lnll to bll" e us It we'd l1 urlll.l t hell' IlllU 8~ to Ule Aro unu ." "Bu t "11"11 0 !lOW you," lusl tec) Mrs. Vel1r '!!S. "One ot the sons. r suppa e he W0 8. I iJell,n 'e be's Ins lllle, or so methillg. At lens t ' I h~II'r UI!!Y kellP blm III CL sanl· t,Jrhull som ';;'bero, IUl(l tl c \' cr 1IIIk ubout him.' SlI WIl. st,ll'lug ot b l mselt In Il oll rl'(lr nnd tnlk lng to bllUselt. 'rhe n li e loo ked out Dlld cnught we." "Sow did be look 1" "Like a ghost In n blue sui!," 80.10 )f1ss Vertrees. mo\' lng toward tile s treet ll11d wllvlng Il whlte·glo,'cc) hlllld In fll!'ewell to her fath er, who 1\'08 ol>sen rlll!; them frOID the wllldow 0( bla II bra r.\'. "Untlier tru g lc ond a ltogether 1 possJb le. · Do come , 011, moUler, ' nnd l,,~s get It over I" . ' A11d l[rs. Vertrees. with many misg ll·l ngs,. set f orth wltb ' her dnughter fOI' tile g rnclolls assn ult up!)n the new huu!:Ic lI ext door . .


(To bo contInued )

. If yon are tronbled with ohronio

or musoular rhenmcltlsJD give Cham-

berlaln's Liniment a. trio), The fE'_ \ler fr')ID yialn whloh It alfords , 18 ~Ione worth many . times 'Its OORt. Obtainable ~verywhere .


, Close to the Truth. A ,trlend come to vlalt UB one evonlng lind 'became much attached to my little n iece, who . Is three yeara old. She WII8 a sk ed: '''How would you like to visit me Borne time. dear? I live In a big boarding hOu13e... · The . chlld replied qul~kly: "Oh. , I know what that la. You Bit alone In cine room and eat In tbe bosemept:"-Exebange.





9 l rOOl.l. III til 'J'o wn or Wl\) lH-fl\· . lI l'. WIlITt l.. OtIUa L.y . Ohlu. ~ fL. 10 in. liu ulh\\'ur\lI y rn l lli t ho brick hOWfO 011 wlhll h. )(UU WIl Wi t IlU l; uO , 0 H olland lot. Sa oUlloL .No. I j thou ctl rUB" to l'lijh~ .lIglo with •• 1,1 tlno: ellAwnrdly I ~ u rl. a In . t o 110 Iron .111,)0 <.Iown fn .frroum. : til l1 'n I~ L rJghLilUKle8 ", lI t l purnll 1 wlilt MIlIII ~ l roo L : llurtUwRI'u ly U fL U In. to au Ir\l ll pin : tho l U'\ at rig ht ""Hle& null ImrullqL 11'11 h Lilli I\"' t It " Hrt 9 hi, 10 tile UIIOo r th9 .lIuy: Illcu,," Wllh l. h O line or th e 1\l loy no rth"IUNlly 13 tl- i til u,'U UL <lIlhe auglo". IIIIlI 1",roUol .ILII tllo IIr • 1\"" ) 00 tt. :J In. t.o lI uo o r Mu ln 't t : lh ' n(lo wl.h lll ,,1\110 or MUll. StreeL "<Jll lllwll rtl l)' ~ ~ n.


InSURlIneE Walter Chandler .WaynesvilIe, O.

6 In. LO the bot hlUllIH.

!laid p rollllrt.y Is IO<:IILOO 011 ~ 1 "ln SlrccL. I" W B.YU08\' JIIO. Uilio. tSuld IJrolX!rt.y WQ.H AJ, ' pralsod at S 1 00, '{ 'onul ue .al .. I\rO III fo llu ", ; 0 110 · t.hll"(l

nn~ day o f sill , \\II til

cub hi hum •• () no·thlrd 111 ono yoar IUld third i n two yours from WIO



n mort.,;ugo

1)11},IIIOIl 16

OUb Pholle 71

to bo s9C uro<l uy

11110 11 1 hu Jlf'\.u u lSl.'8


E/JW ,\RU n. jIUOll: ItM. Adllliulstrut()r o r l.liu 68· llllu ot ( 'iliulus II . ~u rrlt."e.

'r ....C.· OI,rI8tlc.

Over Potlollicc ,'J

UL"C '6IUiOd .

A tt.uI'U0 1 W. N. Sonrl , Auctlolloor



V. BARNHART. Notary. Public

All kinds of Notllry Work.J:- 'Villi " nnd Odella II ~pOCllll'y .

Legal N'otice NO"C'1lla berehy ah'un by Lim u",II)I'IIIII"o<1 thnt ou ItlLIl day 01 May. I GIG. II .., lUI .urvlv· log JUlortutJr ot tho InttJ Ju•.rlilurship ut lA, Ie ), OC II,.",,,, dnllll{ 1111.1...... nL 1:I"r .YIIIUIl(. M...• die '1Iownlh'll . .Warren COll n "'1 Vh l"l UIIIII'(II.II ~ p<>!IOl1 ,.1'\"0 utltlor»IIIUOoJ ~. nd Crotll"IJ" ,\ Ill to" HI wo. nil it"" u'lSf)fl. III Q ""flillia pl'f. ~_ lInl!

o( U,e Prol,ate ("lIIrl, or Wlirro.1 \Jounl)'\ Ohlu.

Qh)bLfld t4 !.like thil IIiIIKIltt Of Sold l'urU!UI'IItlll' aull pnLorotl luW a bond 10 lillY lli. dobls und ,lIsctlargo Ibl) OllllknIJulI." of 0"1,1 ,mrlllOr~l1lp 118 Jll'Qvldl)ll by'J.",. AI\ Ul')ldltflnl hav loll \:Inllllil aG .. hu~ nJd 11IU'~lIej'8h l p 11111 • •


.•• DENTIST.,. 011106 III

Ih"ooal u ....... !lid,.




thelll, WIHIID uuo YUlIr 10 LlIo IInuonl'guOCl . I Uch l ur vlvlng part uer. <lr 8ul\l ,,1.hIl8 11'111



lJtlU.rrotl. Mil' 1H .,

Notice to Non-Residents

A. MAFFIT Funeral Director and Embalmer, Waynesville, Ohlo. Jl

Call answered promptly duy or night franl, Wh.r IoD. r\!.'ll'"n!: In SQULh III nt!. Hoth phones in UlIlctl anti ltesili6nce. Long distance,No, L4; iiomt1 phone

IIlt.I ., Jamus \vh~r t.O u , rutihlfiaK In ijout." Uuud , Ind . , LoI,lth. Whutlo" M. '1 • 1'\l<I1.llnij ' " Soulh Uom' , J IIlJ .. luu:l N(l tUc Wbarlon S'l1U.lIg. ro.ltllUK III ISO,,," !le,"l. hIll., alltl . WIlIlUIl)

14-i::r. .

!:IIII ILh. Nl8ltllllg I<t U h ~I1 UI . I 1111""'1 . 11'111 tuku Chairs and one Coac h furnished tree . uullCO thaL u n 1111 Otll day ur lIay , IVl ti. Je llll with funerals. . ~;u~~t~lg~,II~,:~~~!' ~}iII~~~iu 'jJ~I~I~~ ':;~~ Best of eervic(l guaranteed. cea8Oo.l. 1lt0<1 111. pIltlLlull In Lhe \JourL or m IIlOll PI. ... or WlllT\ln \Jo UULY. Uillo. (II "",,0 - -- - -(-No.1 J j 1 9 IlglliJist. t ho above tuuned va.ra..os llud ot.hel'M. praytug amoug. other thJup tor 1\ L"O c Uo u of "ho lu", will !lOU t4l1'11Ul1611L o t Luce"8 1£. SIll... llllflellSf)d. \ Sl\ltJ IJutlos. are I'1.)Cluh'od to Ul8wer on or lJtlluro .ho 1st .Iay 01 July. 191G.


JUllN O.

AH'I'WIU:UllT v\l1l,)'n8IVtue· • .lJeadlnll DeDU" , " 'lit Offioe In Koys HIUjI. Matu tit IUUIOXtUJ of Lho \SHlIte or LUl:6Ltu tl . S!<lOfl <1 11"" ..",1. A~lIIfnIMlro."ur with lilt)



H. Everhart,

·Dr." J. A.. McCoy, VeterinarY

r J.

.·P aper Hanging ' arid Painting••.


of Oblu Stal_

Unlveral l )'

Office at residence In F. ll. l:Iher wood's house, ~'ourth Street,

. Telephune 28

Corwin, ·O hio Waynesville.,



..................................................... . The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery in the State' and will PCW highest market price for sound, dean sour crcilJu, We an~ always prompt to recognize any ~dYllnce in the market, and ~ill take care o~ . your interests at all times, ' .Checks mailed daily ' or weekly as de!>ired to cover aU, shipments, REI'ERENCE Flnt Matlonilol Dank Pearl 8tnet Market Dank Any ReJillbl. ~i~rcllant In CIRciritlilti.

The ANDREW ROHAN ·CO. Cincinnati, Ohio

All , All Alone,

J. Fullor OIoom : "So 'many people dllTcr with Die on practleaily everytblng I advocate tbat I 'otten "f eel Itke a sIngle noodle ot sense alloat In 8Il ocean of Idiocy,"

I will offer at Pobllo 8a1e •• my reeldeD08 OD !!'hArd 8t ....' lD W.yOhl~, ..,.


Wh'>,' Teachel'l Go Inlane. ~ Saturda,y, May' 27, 1916 "There were no ChrIstians ILIIlODC Co~meuot . . . . . 1 o'oleo., p . m the early Oaula." was one answer r&- Bonaebo1d I'anIUUH, eelvf)d In· a -r.fICent-pammat'-8Ch~'+--,r..rma-.Q1YJl blllto~y exnmlnatlon, "the;, were moatIy lawyel'8l. u 8&14 aDotller: " ... bllI~ Ia lUt4e of • 1Ia,,"









'l'I'; I. EP Jl ON I~

24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1916


------ ~~

1!: I 'I' ltl': U-

Auin E lluipl11cnt Hur:<e·UrLlwn e quipment

fnllJIi • nllc tloll UII LiIU

IIttl!' knoll lIPOll wllh'li s tood i\t 2 u'doch . o n tho IlrCIUIM~ , &.110 folluwlu); n "mu ll rll ~ II' ··. lImlll .. r hllllS ,." It dCtM.:rllJutl " Iat Cli tU. tll ~h,nul \ ' I" thu ~OUUI. l' or \I' M. ulll1 •• l o n 11 h'\'ol " ' ILII IIlh\)s' wlu· \ a r rell l\ml Slll h l vf V laft,. w- "tt ; UeKinu lH~ nl a OO IUl In !.Ill; UUritU II or Mu l l! UOIV fl lld not tllh'ly f" !' t Il wny. Pro\).

to wrltf", Ih C' wr'l'I,'-l t· ""ul ll n' t. "till 1" osk,·t1 .11111 . tllO. Iln,\ thl'.v h"t b fUl lcl


be beat

['lutES - To pleusil nil.

Notice of Public Sale


"\V(lII ?"

:;; 1~ltVIClo~ - l'hatC4n't


It WtlS IO I1g-o r ' 11

"'J'nke n goo.d look nt mc." -be 91l1d. "Oh, Reo b e re I" sbe cried willi brusk ~.h ec rfl1lnc~s . "You'r n ot so bad orr lis y ou Ih lnk yo u are, Bibbs. You're 011 Ihe mellll. Dud It w on't do you nny hl\1'1U to pl clI"" your-" "Il Isn,' t thllt." h Ili lerrUpH!d. '·Son · e MUy. I' m on ly afrnld It mi gh t HI)OIl sOlllehOlly's UPII 'Ute. Elilth-" " I toll!1 yo u Iho t'lilid WIIS too Sensltll'~, " sb IntCl'':upt"ed, In hlt·ll. "You're a plellly g(ll/II-Iooltl n' ellllu gh yo uug mUll fm' nnyl)0I1y! Yo u II)·o k IIkc you II e ll III rough It long S p~ 1l flild beguu to g et \\' 011. n nll thul's a ll th · I'e Is to It." " AII rl,l(ht. I'll come · to t hc porty. It th e rpsl (I t YOu Ull atoll(1 It, [ con!" ''It'll do Y!lU go rl," Ah r turn ed. rlls \liJl g / 11 10 Ihe 111\.1 1. ,iNow tllke n • n a il, lI u(l I' ll s!:nll ()lie 0.' th e b II) to Wilke S()u 1n tim tor YOIl to get ur ssed 'liP lIcf()l' (Ilnll r. You go to s leCI) r l~ h t awns: n ow; n1hbs !" lIe "1\'<'11;0 r e freshe,l, s h:()l'iJed biOI' self gil\ g'l> rl.v-n~ o)ll U m ig ht ha\'e Il are ngl\l ns t 1100 q uld( or t oo ,l Oll): n l)ull upou n t'rn y (I Clll, ·tlc- lInd, gct1lng t o bis t ect. W"llt blinking III Ih o wllld 1\' olld tOll ('hcd . the Shlill 80 UlIlt It lIcll' up, leltlllg III II 1)ulo 3UIl8(' t, H e looked out luto th IOlll on"'ulor ed light [lnd stlillcd wanly nt t.h o next . honse, tlI~ F.r1J\Jl's gr'lli,ll se Il hrnse enlOe to-mlncl, "tho olfl \' 'r ll'ee~ COUI) ' try 1Il1ln slo n." . Jt Hlootl 111 0 bronll ht"'n wllieh w us Repn rat d fro[ll the Sherl rll1ll S' i)y II YOIIII;l !JC''tlge : !l nd It wn R n Ill,;:. tlll ll ll l·r.. pl ,ll n old II x · ot n Il o u ~e wll\l :l I(lnllt su lt·cellal· ntoll tor n CIII I... III , Pnln t hnll I)e 11 511flre,I for 8 long thwc, fInll 110 Oli o:! could II n.,·e put 11 mllnc to I he 'olor oC It. but Iii pl te of thnt tho phl ce bod 110 look of being ·o ut II t h eel. 0 url tilt: s w unl WI18 1\8 n 'fItI )' td un n!!() os the S ll fJ rlrJlI1l~' own. IJIt·c 'lLy opp Ite Ihe window th e VQI· trecs' In wo bac) been 1;I'adeli BO ns

.. --

(ll rAU'I' Y Ab.. ,,&! lhe Standard


"Labor Is I ho h\~ Utlltc!1 m oon s lor tbe m e l hodl a l lI u\"1I101lfllcnt or ' nll O\lr IloWe rs \lnd I' tl;io dlr,'c tlou nnd coutro l Oc the wUI."- .T. C . JioliOll!1.

.\ ,, (1 111 1, 1",,1 II1l)lIth or so I Ila Yt~ntt hJl Il fo't'l\ff'pt,\' ~\' Ull time to w r ltl' III1' re Ih:1I1 J". t II 11111' t(l ·u. k how )'lIn I(PlIl,,' IIh"I~ . hul ( tole l.Edlth


My Aim-Your Trade

Phone M- 2K

r th ollgh t.



~ match your wooQwork, It will dry with a tough elastic coatfng that will not show heel marks. Also ' fine for furniture, stair treads, window silla and' all

I nti.

)Ij'~. 1'1,,'rttlulI. b,n-Ini: t:ht III II WI"IIUIl', ,'nlll\' IllIck 101,·. " " 011 ""'k 11 I(rrllt 1,,1)1"1' 1I111 11 ,\:Illlt Y'W .11<1 hl' fur


AIIII I"'I I II~ 1\ bl'II I'Y Illc reoso In the I'tntl r /lerl'l Nhll'o \.he Nwclll~ fr,.tel th e "oltl" 11 u · :. l\lald lIad ' cruD'

The Devil" .!UbI.. remarkable exhibit at th In 8tOt'kh"!t,, t~ Ii,,, ~ fl , ~plI ,I D,wU'" Hlhlfo. · u hug" '''flY th'l ' Scrlllturlls. wrlU. 11 on aliI_ pn'tIlLr "1i aR~l!s' skillS. 'I'ruditlull till)!; tll iit It I took 1100 yourH . 'Ir fr''' '1 tit" ,,11;I.lh lo lll O llllrll','ut h ~·\ ·ot nr)". ttl ClllIIJllolu Il, .. work. (\Ill icit Is I'"~ "'1'1(0 I t Ilr ""IIIUY au IIUro tllllio. AccIII'dlng t o Illlull",r I tolo. S.llllll flll1 II\() Jolt III II nlfllt IIl1d gnvo t it 11.10,,111 h ,."cl VII'"L .. I th glCl II 1.1 turo or his Ilery · suit (o r th J.l

'. "I J.D t "I)UW rol' .1 'mlllllll!.j lit 10 ... ,. b"w l"U ~l!"IU. E&llth


Everybody u'ses Lewis' Bread and Cakes, the llest and most delicious made, Try them and you will never want to eat any other 1cind.

Lewis' Bakery


II. L. 1i l'A N ~: . 1,·.!itJ.r - -':



Manalle r

1... <1 -,r


--. .... ~




Illaall&:d Ilia l Ibrrrpal.....:l1r lellsl The \U I~u", uf will "lie "" drt'urltd renders di>;t'U5e I hili fiCirncr 11111 h~1! 1I


.... ~~~-- ...... ~:!-.-...- ..- -..




Ill' clJns lil !I I1.... 111 (11I1I,h ll"" s 1.,'llIi",S C0I1 · 1 Ir""lnt~lIl . 101 ,,11'8


Do You Inte nd to Buil d a · Hom e i'r~::il n ~a:I~~~II:; be~II~:;:~~k Mr~~ I this Seas on? you do, J ph T 1 I n BY Or . Rem emb er, we Mf. aO d Un. 'l'om F08ter I\D(I f fa ul l ~y of F08ttll"1I Or0 8~ ing were I, have vi li ng J ohn MolJlnr e and fa mily

As W. rltten . b" Our Corps of Ab le Corre spond . ('UlOHh ~ enre Js m~~11 intern nlly nnd acts lhru the eJits In the Neigh borho od IiIt",1l 011 tlil! MII.U II~ Bu rtuCl!S "f thll . S)' lem Illot.reh d slru>,illl: til· COllndu· - . - - ..:-.- -, ----.-----.-----llo ll of 110. cJl lc "~,, , ~ I v j ug lhe n;lI iclIl on(l auy IIiH t Wile • . a>11""!:lh nd USijisb) 11 dIh. tlll ~i",'ihl lI u. lh,jf, lsliluliol u TC11in oin ~cWits ""'H I:l. a nd r Thc l ' rtll 'ri~l(j f5 I"I ve ~o milc h £tl llh in h re bo.v(I Va T..ll 'frle.r. ds 11m clI l'llI ive !J,'w. ra ··f 11 ,, )1'. CUlllrrh r cotl.l voU ~!l1l 0 e m e n ~8 o f the lII"r eu,..; 11111 1 Il p y olTf r n ne 1I111Hlrlld DUlI rm. rlage of MI8S Mlldrod Carpe Dter of , borrow ---. Cen le rvllle and Mr. BooUler s hlue of r" I' '!")' C""<I . l ila l. iL f:dls 10 cu re. Sca ll d Mrs . -!~meA Ha(lIey \lnll d 8ugh te r. they h' ~ rtH .l olm \V1)80n und f"m l ly a ttll nded j l!'I\rmor s vlll o. IIsl or "'SII:nQlllitl" ' H ' , & cn I ROlh . q f oeBr UH'rka vtll~. ~pent ' Dov Here', vh~re [hI! them rofe~~:et r M tI~tlll~ SnndltY · I Mr .lln(l Mrs . A lJe l!OQ)I Rnd aon :l:iO.1 'So1~ lIy tllltD~~ggSI S. 'l'u alI11~y wltu Mrll .F lnuk , hlu'lke r £1 I)rn (lit 'O nl lltoo'A h ad n~ th~lr l wor o U III olty visitor8 'fll esday for v.) ~1l. . Mr. and Mrs. ' J . 1:£. humake r. gtleHI~. !;nnll uy. M S J ll ll es CQoper, lib . II nli Mrs. Elmor Su eetll of EI I?:~.9e. were In .LelJ3no n \yednes dllY 11ft r. of UOl u!lJ lIu' l lItr I'',nd I:!J Q!ir Mr . Derber t 1 Midlllot own visHed M r. nDt! Mr~. no nn 600lU bM . llav! oml dflu gbh'r, ' h\nr'>;lir et . or ,. w. ~ll oe t H un il s)IlII tile w oe k. Edw.rd M. BI1rD8 a' Bl . Private Mrs El tli Pie roe . of H ortonv - -, 1\1·(... • il le, Xe nln . no d WiIIJ1lr H.llddu c k 8nd end .. \ 1"le of re~! estate In tw o trll lJ'lI or [nd 8peot Ii raw . 0 '0 t!IIY~ IHst w eek wit h famll v· We also have Paint to pu ouls h! nrd or tld . 8ltles lu'er all her ~ou ~ln, LIZZIe bld"ker Mr . Sohllefnr . 'of town. wa. . Miss Ftlor L Olli se W l1r wlrik b88 r t' . tb e Hnl)dIlY , gUlls!; .Iume@ proved. of Mr . Ilnd Mrs pu t 011 your buildj ng MItis EdUb MoReyn old8 r e l,llr n cd tnrnIJ(1 to her ha lOn In Lobll non P. K. P~ lI CO lin d Mr s. ]dll Christ o. ]n tho maUer of the gUllrdia n8h lp to h er h ome In Vinolnn atl 1'lIe sol ,l y 1\ vl ~l t wit you intend to build. . h her D1lole. W. E. Bogan , pil er , of Uraoo P. ~Iy o, ' mioor. Wen "'t"r" ,:, N dliYB here with h er 8Is·. nod f"mtl y . . Slye I. Itppolot od . Boud $2110. HIllph St oklls . of Kin gs Mills ""81 tar , Mu. Edwin Smltb , ~lIm ill rr Is stck at tiliA In t he moitor of th" 6lt"l e ot lI'rlendll of Dr Arnold ,1 0hn8en r eo B Is frien d ~ hopo for b wrUin g . t he weok.otlll s nost of bl8 g rand. JM Apeedy O1 ot·h er. Mra. Mnry Stoke!. I.ydlu ~' Itlleder. deoell~ed , WUI 1:1. Reeder Ie a ppnia:. t ed allDllul strlltor. grot to lellrn of hit' <leath wh loh 00· reoover y. Mr . nnd Mr s. W. A . Early were oorred at the bome of his dflujlht er Se veral fr o ,n th Is pJ.oioe aUende d Gem oI Ly v ls ll ors one dey DODd $500. Inveia ory Bud apprilief . lAst w eek . --- --_.. In Dl\yton la~t week. He WU8 fBr. tbe Aer viCII ot th(~ M meot I .. omitted . . Ii: ho!oh . Mr H. Levi ('lYM th onse WIlS oolled merly a realdeu t ,o f thl8 . olllmuu lty. w Borltngto~ . I u:~ d tly Il veOlng io L banlnl tli e past w eek by t h e Frll blt I:lhldBl!e r W I'!! an Lebano n [he tHldre..", \\ nfoi ~I vu n Marriage lIccn~ hy Mr. I pE>riOI1S 11111089 of h er broth e r Cbu rles rhur8dllY . YOlln g. or Bot hel , Hll o. J ew too. Jamee Marlon ' Coobran , farmor Mrs Bll t,l1old. our tOlepho ne oper. l~/lIi C W tlHo n n nd fn lll ~ly wer e and Mr.. Kezlob J BntoblD lolI , Mr ~ Puron. of 1l1dl llnllpolt~, 18 bulh of l. ulianon . Rev . W. A. Ittor. SllOl1t the woek end In L lIlln on . Rh Ol ping I n Wf\ y u e \71 11 . E ricla.y. li .1 ' ;0 ' vis iti ng aIr. /11111 Mr ~ . Ghnrl eil Uroo k. Evorett I:llloUlB ker epont Sllnllay , Evlln Bognn R')Ont !:)o Jlcl~ y .. t tho ntt lI or1 Mr. Ilull Uooper: Mril . Cbe8tor Crook. In Co lo mhus. . hOlDe of hi .. Rllut . M r ~. EVil Wllr. e U. Edwuo O. O orher . engillee r of Mr . ..rid Mill Wm . MoCArr on. 1'I118S wl ck , In I"" " !lnm!. Clevela ud, aDd MhH L.. Vllrne Deoker fri ends b ero h a ve , , ._. ~,.t d Iln: "I Lebano n Rev Ueorgo l'blllips . POlrlU line a.nd ltobo r )l:lt nrn l) were l.trs . Lnoy 'omptoo IIod MrR nouo oemeDts of t!Jollrrlreceive val of" 80n Commo n Picas Court tllluday gllest/O of lilT toDd Mr ~. Vllrl l'I1l1rlaonll BO~l\n R)lnn t Frldny wltn lit t he of .rtr. Ilond Mra. J obn SlIItlakllr, (If r.lftln ovIUo. Ohi o. Real Eltate Transfe n C. W . Burn ett II no f " lIll ly io Wa y . MoCollhome New Sulls ongll . ~'runk I:lhldlike r . ou r Il on e Ii onlor , nosv i\le. 11: V. 14oon&8 •.et RI t o John W . aollt Come in and will make an estimate on the building .l u I1l1' HODkinson nnd Gr"o(' K " Uy v ~. Gil J'Un Kell., , 'hll d oR IIIlTl1l1r and IltHl ghter. It Mlo w(lre gue~11I Of Irwinwlte of Car ilhd W. C L111I8 . 1 0~ aorea lu Mil. weok0 tioe gr .. y team in XAnill lo~t' dlv oroe. wIIJ ul "bllenoe . Oltnna nd . I\lr. Shld llkor O UII )lln('" th. Ul Mur, v bo ll o, " t' r n X .mlli fl hop\lAr e. wifo Ho ver lli dll;V s lAat w ok . t& between tbe Gurrltl U . ~ponoor va A&oiry 11:. I,"I'Y t!urvey N" 80 they will StIlY · I! rl(lny. P eny EAs t on hn s been ou tho 810k Wilbum . MIJo." aud foreol0l llu8 " f Llnlo MIami Bud ticloto River .., Mr BndMrl l, ItAr loo D. lIorn gAve Mr. lin d M rs J . l.ea m i n~ had Ii t . Give us a call, get our pr ices, and we are positiv e w olurtj(,,·ge. I\woun ' cl .. Ian tid I $66C 8liou. a dllDoe at their henuUfu l bOUlIl 1:)H.l. n.~ t heir ~t1 ·Ht~ . t:'o nd' .lv, Mr. Rond R. L. V~DD ore n 'et al \ 0 W . Y. lutlll.Y nl~ht Dr. Glbao,! WIt!llu t't lr,lIt Fon , of 80uth Ohltrlell will get you r order for lumber, etc. A larlle crow d on. MrR. l .eln inde r. H. 1I~~ d uu cl n ebll ton III v il!ltl ug hi s lIeo M . •1. Fllrr, Mary Ur"~mor vs. Roburt Arthor VanDor en % Inwrltst, In two 'raot~ joyed their hospita lity Lei uln der. of W ilru i. n uton.M r. t:i onry I\nd wife and other r of L8blino u and Glllrkn fl\o piko •• 1. vea h er e. OroBwu r. Divoroe . oroelly a"d ntll. Mr. E t. Coll ott, ~tr . nnd Mrs Ed I£yer nnd daugb. .Iobn G an·t E. N. Vl\noe to D. O. bnt forme rly trom of Wilmlo gton. IIud Mr . OD d Mn. A. K Slmm o08. h'ut. . tills vl clulty, hilA of )'olntur il YIIl . and Lillian Van Cltmp lot No. 7~6 1n Ihe 8ywp"t hy hll' Doroth y wore Suod"y gl1o'll6 0 ~opbemh~ O. Chambe rlin VII' of blR fdend" III t he Ollrl .l n oeR WII8 . 10880t hta wire. Sbe was I!lid t o hO Ain118R. Hili n"lllYInDlW ay nC's ville on Mr . o nd lira . Fostor Coifue o. Ullarl u!! lJ. ~:mpao u . !'Itoney only· FunkliD . ornln g John F. Meloy ot al to Euol08 J. r ea\ In beau tiful Mhml Cemeto ry Amouu t .,Ililmlld '7!1:1. ~ 7 with lu. Mr ~. ~ 'lro h Lol\tlll <l l.( Is HI() wl y 11lI. RiIIlle 60 aorea In Salem aud Turlle. ~'rlday afterno o n terlM". pro ving. IShII hll (I ' 1l II r g llos tP. Mr. and \'Irs. William Shidll)!111 ' nn IIIlY, Mr. Ilo(f Mr Oi. Edn.. M. Dlikor VII . Obarlol K. oroek lowD6hlpa $1. :b lls. Ihllh, t! 0 , WlI1oll l(bbj to W . W I:lhurt8 ent r tliin lld for dluner !:lund"y . Mr. of Puiuter OF &k.. r. Dlvuroll, grOll. nl'lIleo' s vl llf' . 10'8 NfllJ 6, 6 ~nd 7 In WllI on/Jbhy '8 ,IUd Mrs. Mtllvln t-itovor , of Don't B:lOld tbe freUul, 81\bina, nervous Mrs. ,l eunl ll Wi lls anondl 'd tll e Probate (;ourt Proceed lnp additio n to Sou'h Lebano n. Mr. and Mrs Wilbur l::lbid .. k e r lind Dloot ex r oiseM tl t Call. ohlld . OCten its tine to worms. Olltbert ne R obmer t" Am Alia tlaughw r. Mllry . of W llmin g~on. Mr UOOlmeocO . tp Cl1 111E'. Ai !,!ll lon(l ·o llll st wee k. Gut rid of t b lise by gl vi og one. halt 10 tbe olalte r ut the e8tl\Ie or Frent!u oberg two t,raOIIl Alonl{ Andrew I 'rrowbr ldllo deooue d. 1I0mery and Hopkin SVille, Mont. and Mrs Ed I-ibldnk er "nil Mr . .1 Her nOI(,o. Mi ~s J ooeH. W Il S ono of tn one los e n ~e Kloku.p oo Worm KW ar. 1\ lu xlltlve worm oandy. pik e, Harter 8hldllko r, 'of neRr bere. tue grll iltmloR. J U8eph W. Hlldley lot Itppolat ed ad. Warren Uouai '.II. <il .ve ooly plllin nonrlsh lng tood. Mr and Mr8. A. 8 Coll ett mlohUr .. tor. Hood nooo e nter. -- - - .~ --Albel' lots .of out. do or oxer olse and P'" '0 W. O. and leIaute BI8hop &0 W. &Blned for dinner tinnd ..y. Mr. lind H .. Mtuo, Abo Cuok aDa Warrtln U. 1)6d anrly. Watoh 8tools Bnd oon PIIOUII liPP"lut "d All apprlll. en. IQ and Jennie 8&e!1le 6VY. aores In Mrs . ria A. Har tsook. of J \lyton . Mnuo gtvln/( filoh . poo Worm J'.oz Turlleo rl8lt towlllb lp II. IOnd Mra Bloyd Anders on and "00, KEEP YOUR SKIN CLEAR b 'Iltl 11II1II8r 01 tbo e"lue 01 eDA'e~. t hoy will IlQa\tl vely , r am ove FOR SALE O. V Vhamhl lrllD to C . 11:. and A. Culkn , of Xenia. Furllllu do W tlbdoll'o l,ord.ll tiOotaied . tbe ,""ormA. 250 at Druggls tll . Ill. Rowan 10& N o, aS3 In I'l8n.U n, MI'. "nd Mr!! Il'r tW Barlao Ilte~ . Therlll R on ly one Wt>y to have tI Conr' lIl'dllrS dlUrlb n" on of oertaln ... 1100, &Alned t OT dlnDel' SundllY, Mr. "nd olo"r h Ollltb y OOOl)lI lIlon IInl1 tUl\ t . ~ " bllloDj(loR to ' d8oed"11$ 'Q 'h.. P . V. Wikoff t o The ' a&andl\rd Mrl'. Clint Cleavllr lil. d MI' und Mr ~ . 18 to keop tl ill bowol Ilo"ve find re" lawtlll h eir. TTE NTION , FARM ERS-W e to Fiction McCal l's iaSupr eme;" Go. 10&8 No~ . lIi, .23, 2" ann »6 In WUaon Dennet lllnd family . ol.ur . . ·Dr. K lng's New Life l'nl~ oan plaoe II ,:1000. .. 15000. a write. a New York lubacri ber. 10 the vI til t! will of JoblJ 0'1 Wlkolf '. wl\l addliloD make y ou r oomple xlon h ealthy t,o. Ma80n, $10 . Mr. Rnd Mrs WilliBOl U. Hon py $7000 Bnd a 'U)OOO Farm Lolli for McCALL'S helps EU1UI"ClII. o1 llo"a~(lIl . Will III lid mUted lind oleur. move the bowels @entl,. a M Dnillon lIod wife ' 0 Millie and Mr. Rober~ Carr trnoRll cted hn R' yoo at &jl(, on very good farm first. ovar 1,200.0 00 tv prub3tll . stltunla to ah A liver, «10110 e lhe sye. m ortgage _eourl&,.. Addras8 Form women dre.s In 10 1,1l1I 11\11 Upr ot tlie !tHate of Harpin , lol ota NOP,1I4 and lUi In Inell ' In the Oem Uily on Th ur~dn y ta m unll pllrlfy tbo' blond. A lillIan Loans, 19 Zlogler S' , Dayton . Ollio . slyle 01 Imnll Ote.lobo Etntlrlloo. deee"~8d. Vlnlon R. Blg~land Park AddlUo n to 8ou'h of lalft week. Ralph Hopklo l and J ohn Finlay pen... A recog· Mr and Mr8. Ch,,~ . E(lwRrd s arll did !lpr lllg m edl olne. 260. I\t yonr m24 £1D6r11Un i ~ Ilppol01 14 e:lIl,OUIOr,' 0 Lebano n, 1150. nlzed F o. hi 0 n Bra IlIllldlug a now tenllnt house on In pOBse!ll!lou of ooe :.If thoslI bMllti. Dr Dggist. loubd nqlllre o. luweoto ry lind al ' AUlhorily (or 1S J ohn Ka ble 's fnrm. north of 'own. fnl Oran t \lutomo btlea. It Is It. ve r y IIrllill4lw " ,,' l.1lmIU ed. fivD.roa m hOU8e In CorwIn . years . 01S88y. Curnonl Danlol . ~Idonat rlckor. · Wrong Wa" to Go About It. who wall Will .ell obaltp lind ~Ive good McCAL L PAT. ' In lilt! uUH'er of tbe OII~'e o· ta k el.l llndd enly III whh bear' trooble , lerms . HOUle II! next P r Of. Iilldn ey WI,tkln e. one of th" "ExperIe nce fa do best teacher, " Bald Urell(ht oo M Howe deoeale !. Jr. to Bt.ndll~d TERNS lead In IU B ~ I:!atordn y. ill now muob batter. 011 Co. 1300 W. N. Sears. •• lit, slmplicre pB rtlJllrdb lp of Lf,Ivio, lind Dowl Unclo Elben, "but ,IUIn' Arreated aln' , teaoher s who t aug ht bllrll I" At terl)" mSt slyl Ity, economy and Obits. COD ner aDd wlfe,of O,\y ton , "nd III aMIIII<ilng ooll o!\11 n () w in Leb Mr. Levlo, .. "rOI\8 to I.lle altllete •• co WILY to study law." number sold. vi8ited his f"'her b ere Illst S und ay. anon. WBS 11tno SlitnrdliY oa\llng on r ll\ urol'd QY ,blllpP1'8ll1erIIlDd oourl McCAll' S-84 t o 118 nRR" monthly- l. the friends. Monlo d-'At tb!) home of Mw. FRESH Cow. good size. IlJ qu lre Pash orden hSOllle r of perlon. 1 propert, . Qu l4Je nnd I-;Io utc'keeplp " H cll, cr or of R. E. Simkin s, R. O . 3, Way. mo n: ion M r8. Amos .\tlok s n is s lok nt tlil a Vln'on T ..ylor, IB8t Tbul'8da .y eveo. won,en t h Qn Any oth er m "EO-1:inC! in th e 'fbo AntrllIU IItor e room i" bltv ng of' IIIlld firm . n88Vl11 e,Olll0 world. All the \a t ta t . t y l C1f1 every month; mBl wl ltillg. lng, bl8 d al/gU er, Mlea Hnzel,- a nd 80me Irnprov emeo tH IIII,do 'l'b l ~ Optlmlatlc Thought. obo del h,h l (ul fi l orl""i tlr e clnl d el )Qr Unen \ tI In tbe UlaUer or tbe eIILlite ot In c ookln" , home dre ttl mtt k lnu, fanc y w or k, bnlldlng EIUl er If! Prlltt. ~ne of I1lmg t ho hter Devotloo T )ione'er nnd Mr. bnl. I ... R Ion oy WlllOb Hurla ''' , deoelll<ed . PrlVllte powerful Instrument Har tA ook. 80n of Frank Clod w a y. to liahtcn h ousewor k nml spve 11,8. of lila bo~t Pa rla Gresn mo ID AIIS bun8e" of our lillie olty i\od Miss LOUl81! MillAr . of Xeniu. Hflrt~ook, of nellr Ferry . 'l'hey will ne y... Pdte: on1y 5t 1\ C: OPY. SOc n. yea r. lale or verBona l propert y ordered 10 bumaulz lol the OlaUDerl at Olen. '100 per lb. O. W Ben. Ivere Bunday go to h 01181lke6 vl A It,ofa SEND FOUR lloe Faney· Work !look plng of In Dny'on <wbere erilD. Mr. and Mr. G ~ orlle Mot;un o, of Cl noin nlll.i. Varolln e d Burna al Un.rdil ln ,,~. mal CENTS IN wllh 39 Embro;d. ry ............ n d the groom h OB a liollition &.1 bcok~ wall tbll week.en d guoat of r elnt.i ve@ \tn. Ul ok~()u Wllllrton . STA.PS FOR 32·p.80 McCall p.llum B~ and Irleud s 10 thll! vloinlLy. S."III " ~" tit Ml'C.."all' . lfa.f1l d lu!,hl. lI_ k . , UI"Tf"" ~ I . b­ Ca rl lind Fred Bllrntlr d a nd Lamp ke ep"r. Cl f' . r HI MI_ .... ",,, ttlt tU o. "'. '«-"U'. aID now rSlldy to make Bonbon . ~"' IHld , _UtI I' w '" dr J . D. Harnes s aDd family enter. r be Eoat End 80bool hnlldlng il to n ru\t h wore Snnday visito rs 01 ... ' >epr. N ' • nets, and would like to have your nIEM<CALLCO.• M tllne(,1 Blirry Weaver lIud wile . of ZlSW. J7I.SI.. N.wYo,.Cit7.N.1'. being remode led and w ill be 0 0011 Bnrtou Marltltt . Dnytou, t rade JIII$ If BUD .ny 1IiY. Illdy wlsh ell the), pi ed 1'8 a re'aldo :Joe oltn Mllt~le Lovl s plint l:)undllY a ~ ~r'J:& ' .~ CLW.. ~~~'l:·· Leo M till bns rotutne d home fr om 8ee lampl e ,,' Howell '8 store, Plealle ,",' I:~, 18 !u : ',"1'1 aDIi: Mr. an.i Mra. LewlB !-;ear sRJ\d son . .B"ney s1i1ll'f/: !I IuJI",",'" ,I, ",!p' 011.11 and se8 price. Mrs. Wm. Cum. Boward . of .J ('lTlJr ~ Qo \lIIl E! , worl) Ed Reabou, of Dayt.on . WIl8 a 8uu. Ada. w llere be II Iltte nd log II. Io.w '~""I 80h I. ' ..,...- ml ns, 1 mile west of L yt 1e 'on t lIe :..... 'Munday 'llsltnrs of Mr8. Ida H owe day vi ~ l to r Jr .J ohu L £lvi. . =.::::::::::::::::::::::;= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::=.::;=/ Wm. Ulnk fum . mS4 MI ~~ D(lr othy Cr o ,.. 1 and several and 80n. Harry. ,lohn Pelloo s pout !:Iunlluy in Clu. ot·h er s are oonfitl ed t o t.llolr .h o mes Or, &nd Mrs. O. G .. Randall ant.o e«l oln onl I. . SBEEP an<160 Lnmbe. · WUI with mon81es . to Aurorn. lnd .. Moorlny t o littml(l C \tUIl Dungh tertl R1ad Mn . ChilI!. buyin g all kinds of no\ divIde ~he f1ook, oon be, Heber Mondab f\uJ(h. n orth 'of , lbe Hlgb l3ollool . oommen oemen t It, Gordon wor e t n X.o nl l~ . Fril\IIY , ·L IV·E .STOCK and paytown , blls purobas ed 0, new Maxwel l Boon OD the J. W. Ure8we ll farm being lha d ootor'lI native bOlli , BOll Arthnr ' S lcl enll trloke r , of Xenl8 , ButO. one hllll mUG west of Wellma n . return ed We(lneedIl Y. . i~g bigbe~t marke t price. end Will, .JI)I1 8 1111(\ tlLIU ware visit· Mu. Wm DnviB. who b ill been Rev Alfred Wlllker will b e I\t tO il ors of Am.QiI .Jllok aon. l:lun'dRY. THE ONI.Y CENU INI! . We are paying the highvery slok. M. ·E , ohurcb SnndllY , Muy 28t1, t\STUR E for CI11ve8 Lue BHrt~oo k lind flimlly IIpsot pondltlo n. r omaln s In ' Bn ' unoha.n god ~st cash; price for Try ond be prl\llont. ~nl1 \l"y wl Lh C . T . Bllrnar d Inquire of Vha". Mr. and T om 0111 o,lld wifo wer a 10 Dllyton Ills folks, Mr • . Fred Hoyle .vlelted Wuyoes vllle.Ol llo. Bontb of lown. l::ln nday. m2-l KEEP 8 FLEaH IN TON, one dliy lll st week . Mr. and Mrs . Irwin Unde rwood. FROM 61(-IN TO BON!! . Mrs. (,: M. Stepbl)n " Rml dAught er of [)llytoD, LECTR O Carron PAIN Roof Palnt HMiS lliverytb lng H eilln.ble. Bllma, lue ,Isltln g r elative. ;ror Iron, metlll or "n1 bero. kind of ~ , R oUe, The dr8w fng of rnn90Ie~, th" sOle. wera In X eniB on lj 1'1 11.11 hijt woek Sores, Ule re, l'ilea, E czema, ~ . ee, :-0 "er ga. Cuts, Corns, Wounds and Brulscs. , '1'0111 I:IIIley. of X Ili a , Rpont Bun. To be delivered at Corwin nee!!, stlft'De88 lind Illlon lzin g pain .)t Mr~. Mllnda Dollgho H and ohild. • A.. oto ....... o, I' IATIBF 0" MON E Y BAOK. dllY wl ~h Willi" III H ul.< y • • Rbeum" Uam qulokly yield so I:lloltn's Inquire of M. L . Parsb"U , fZ5c ATIES, ren. o f Xeol~, IIro visiting M her Ion. ALI. DRUC CI.STS . ATLUmC COAST' WayneS ville, Oblo Linime nt. It Stimula te" (ll rOullltloll m 24 Mr ' r ulg IIlIll fll Ulily. of !::lptlng fl\ther'lI b oulo hore. NEW ENCLAND' 'he paInful ' part. J os$>l:v a~ V'nJley. '/l uo ut l:luullllY ,,,Ir.h 0Il1o E Jrll8r Bf ohm. of D.,ytoo , but CALL ' :~ CANA DA dlreoted to 'he sore spots In n MarJ'I tll1nd family. formerl y of tbls VI 1\00. moved hili . Dind Ito_O r\,-' " IIbort time lbe PRi'O gl vea WIly $0 Our 8011001 olo@ d Frldny. Office Phone No. 46 b 0l1s011 0ld goodR to , Dayton. y e8ter. a tingling 8(\n8atlo n of ol)mf fl r' and dllY. ~hone No. 48-2 \'Ilrmtb . Bere 'l proof-h I have '""./",,,tk r ~rl,hda"l (tmlllit -"'--- :..- ... bad wonder rul l'ello ' slnoe 1 uaed weAL TICA'h:l' AGEN1'S . Or'" lkfrm vonr Llolmon t on my kneo.' 'fo tblok one IIPl>lioatlon gil VII me r e A SYMDOL OF IIEA~TH WHOOPING I\er. tlDrry 1 Illt vn·,. I\p~oe to t,oll The Pythsgo rll1 08 of Anoleq ' Qno o f tho mOI$l!o0Qe8sful prep~r: yon 'be bI8'!3rI . 'l'blinlllllR YQn f or "te lIinlllle food. llrao~loed ati)n8 i n uso for wbat your remelly haa dnue for Greooe t ll 'U[JerlltlO e 1I11llvn r lty . Asa hadge Ubll.m berllltn 's Cougbthis dllPase III l!emedy . B. me "-J"ru ~ 8 tl F er gusnn . ,Pht 'Rda , . Sboy . Pa. 810I\n'" Llnlme o' kills pl,Ilo. ~ bey u ~ed til e fi vlI l)oin r.ed ~t\lr whloh W. MoO!lIiton. Blltnc10n Sprlug!! . I' A l.lnrdadl l1l Ii Ilym bol of bea"ll . AlII • .wrlleH. "O or 850. at Drnggl sts A r od five pointed etB:r Itppel\fI 00 Ing oougb Ill! bad b.. by bad whoo p" A~to ~Ivery .e"y~ce ". most any ~lIby l:$i~~E~r' -------..--~.------eaob pilokllge of p hamher lllln's ooold b~ve .it. 1 gave "~a.onable .Tn.blot.B. stili fnlfil . Ib an'ole'p c m18. berlain 's Cough Itomed him Gham. y Rnd I~ Boon Fruit-~ ..Ion liM a sy mbol of bealth, It yoa. got '?ollll well. " (,!btalna Oal.l" Thought . b\.e every• Let not: thIngs future tr,!uble thee. are· Irouble d with IndIges tion bll. th ere . ' . OU ;Iced this px:actica l, expert informa tion. . r For Ir .nocessity so r equlre' tbat tbey IOUlln eal'11r oonstl plltlon, get Il paok , you own or 1\llend to plant 'n felY trees or a thousand , Whethe Automobile - -It Is Info.r· maU on that will !!l Ave )' 11II ti m b o I Ahor unrl ", 1'I " o: y. 90t It I Shl lPly sond como to pas!! tho~ abalt (whenever a ge of I.besa tllblet8 tram your drn g_ U8 YOtU' a amo ood 't\OcJ rclI 011 Ule coupon- or on n. t)O s; tnl,1f you prefor. . that Is) be J)rovldod for them with Ule glijt. You will l>e llOr1'rl"OO at tho We w1l1 ahldly Jnon you n. freo copy' e\'f.'I"}"whe ro Are IrOttrn~ protll ctl0t18 I nfluence of Goodne .... . . of our New CatRlolC - Rn ,11 x 8 In. lJoOk same reasOn. by whlcb what80e ver Ie q nlok r el,ot wbloh they l11l'ord. 011. crop Mnnct InT'Sl callh pr~'h t m cr?~s Th o virtues thRt . .. ~IUlpl and y joys p o.e ked with bluts th nt thllt RJ)rlng up of y oun.:. t hrifty, x tJulIt,e tu.rk 1I1 c.l1l now present 10 made both tolerabl e tlliUllblo IIvo r,llwber e 'II1Il onAblo y ou Co liCeu", bnmpcr c tn tho heart.s of our 8B~0011lto8 wben tf'oe.,,-fnC tfi ~.h ~\t e." ] phMizo th o Jfll t!! or 'hiel t fruit-and lell th em at rtop.'i and acceptab le with tb·ee.--lIIarOllB oP" o f Iho mc:lolU :itRrk J roes liear l~ ali. -------.~--.------tho markctDr shllilow of our benlgnn nt penon· icos. 'rhowholc book Is fll1~tl n cnntl fulllte-ttl1.c.n nturnl·cpl C'f l)holOS t.urelluB . with (lIct .. thnt. w ill lot ~re st Rnd In 8tru t t ~~EM8ER o f INulint fruit S nil th rpus:h ,tbe POOL allty fali a upon them aro' commun i· 'You- facl. abqut lb.,\, (rult·iro" ... S cnd for your copy todaY.IO cated by' them to otbel'll. Tbus tue When Justice COlll: Lea•. IIIOuonco of all tlio COOdl1088 we have U.~DERWpOD Rocords or 0. justice olt 1.ho lienee In praotlced finds Ita , way lhr0\ItKb . !lO unt~ Flattery; Grlit,os fl b ld,cn- tho treo. OevelopO\ r ot ' Butler (:o.llI,ty,: OhIQ, (rom nlOro than le88 chnonel s Into Innum9~lilf·l t hll t ru141st14 " cullnr rot ." Gel l o u Ne w No flattery, boy! AD honest mIIn. a ' ccntury RICO. show. 1I11l.t tho magis· lind end ures wbeo p't.t·) Fue L.; ubnnl ·· Sta rk Dcllclou .~ H S tr'l rk selJ Ilr{~;~;X e· CAUIlOt live by It; It 18 a lltUe sn eak·. trato's fee £;\ r ly Jo:J I,ertll:J _~ Gild DII the: l a h 'st 'WBS the'n .12loh conls In, all tenco ., ·tf"~· If'iI 'Jla J)Q!\ches. has Stnrk Bro'g·arow n. J . Ji. H nle Ing cnde arl. _ ~",,====;:==:b===';;'" ~n ' whJch ! < 11" I TiT. kliaves' I . It' U80, e to cajole caSCS. lind. that ' ciV il actions . orton , It will PI:lY YO\.1'. ' • , •• • • Pllnc hcs. alsn 'Lincoln Pc-a r. Slnrk' and ,Bolten rools wlthal..: -otway. . ~ o l1tm o ronct Che rry; MnmlUC'tth G o ld were bronght oyer sume of less than been forc~tten. · III n/ ' )\<I (II " ,,' , l'lum aad nil tho 'o lhor lam,ou, StRtk J 'I want if:) buy ·your ~ :? 15 Ii 1-"" IIt ' ,f t'" '1. 'l'h DOuos's or or these reeorda Bro '• kull.,ben: I......d Ohl!lmOlll ll\' ~ alRo hn8 a. wAlt clock known to have , 'and' wiD pay fboDI! 15·1Yo CetOUr~ew~talo, '.~ bqen' ln ,uae 180 ·yeara, ~,llh .tho aId ql .. . FREE.ll lL1! fDCh~.-IlI \e4 ~ Oro'o no r opalrs but· a J)alr Olr new weight !J!!!'!!'!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!~r· ~ovor "llh~U II~::t;'.l'. .~. D'eJll," ' .rollos . . M8l~t Price . • ~ to~r"Dh., N ail wi ~ ,:~a-I...... a ..... ' co.~.... or a "'/al~ _ '·1 bave been a lofterll r from • bORrI,wy oqrollPlo , d mo TNI at ciltlATO T : . Itomao b .rooble for. nomhllr of OD.! .11(1..... C!:""~..~Ju.' feare, aUbo11 lb I have DIed . ....... Bnh~ bn ~~~ ' . ,red Bomber of relDoole• . r8Oom. Would Repal]' the Damage. Dept. II. " I. 'TNI WORLD mea.dI' dJor , 'bll oODlplahi •• Oba~. ~ On8 day a email boy linn, Mxt. . ~ 'WI!U.1'. S4.00 1--'10 _......... , nil ~ berllllD '. Tabl," II 'It!! 8ft' iIIldl. door ea~d a of 10ft mud ~ H_ ~IDI 'b,.. hlllt", !! me 1JQ1I1""e ~d opon ou.r · bllck . IIOUUo ............ .::..::..::: :::~~~ iiTi. ••IOIAU ."" wu bUill, G.O.TU MDllUoci Ill" TRA •• PI" OA~ 1iI'''1IIl nllef," wri~ lira. J.ADDI englsed hi I lUI' A.D LP.D. ............. : ............ .......... .. ,,,VIO I OAII PIIOf!r. ~.4ID, 8peDGllrport, N. Y. "\J,b&m. lelted to Illm that ,lacle . . U...O 1ft ADV&IlTtSIIIQ OOIoUMM _latD '.. Tab.... ban d01l1 woo. eI.., II I clId' P.O......., ...... ""•••••.•••••• "' ............,........ w~yaUvllle o~t~ 011 QIf QIII8 f~ .... Ud Iftl.. Ulem ftr:f wall!. Be ' SAMPLE COPY FRIr. ''W1lI. MA Y 24

~tllult,," (j l

1911 ;


who Vl\tll







I~ti vo"

Everything. In• Building Material ',



Nec ~ssary to buil d a well -eq\ Jipp ed Dwe lling , Barn ,. S~able, or She d.




,_._ --




. :. I







OlaB slfie d Ads





. _.


. _.



100 0.'


Peterson .&.Stoops



,: Way nesv ille, O.




Bucklen's aJ:or~~~t Arnica Salva ! m'"











- --- -----



.B.3y·, ~ill~ Rate .


,A..itt '~o~ K~IlT_rinrfleld. W'




. :' "



of' Sup erb

'wont · 6'ROW~RS!

,'WOOL ' 'W ,ANTfD ,when you y~ur ~oo~. " == == woof


Call Me bJ




Star.k.~r1's Nurseries at Lo.uisiana, Moo'





~. B. 'Bcntlc~



V..,rJ laMla a



... - ...

' Z

you the · "Ighest

Cro ps '

1d11ilr;II O*IDa blt



~"~OLI"" · ~"""''''f.



L. ..=.



Wm. Dlnwiddi ~ and fllmily ellterlain d at undllY dinner th'i! Misse. Emma Cartwrlllh t al1ci Marth!! Hurl! I t amI MI:. 111111 Mrs. J acob ~tr(lus


l\I r. and Mrs A. '. 1\1 Clure, of

Ll, i vc p ssellge.r$ find ample roOUI in SI1, -

Logan 'qunty, Mr. and ~1r s. . \\'. , Ebright. of Xenia. 'and Rb a Ja:'ct Cal't \\1TilChL gay much pleasur ' tu ' Mr , !!nd Mrs . L . Curtwriuht Ity 1 SI endinl:' la~t W dne!ldll~' with LhclIl. ,

on " ix ." T here 5 flO cramping o r crowu in ~. The 11 :l·illCh whedbase provides a riding lux.' IfY not f: nod in c.-ars of less size. And the priceof ::)axon "Si -"-$.' 15-l11l1rk . a ne\v stllrtdard ",lUang quality ars. I It buy a "Six" that but il short tillle back would h ove cost nenrly twice a mucb. t t buys a "Six" whose finisbed perfectioll wbose remarkable perfo rmance will amaze you-whose ve ry Ifghtness denotes costl y materials o.nd ablest design . Come in t . · day o.nd let us show you this great car.



F. K Hartsock, wife lind daugh ter. Marieand !jon J ames, entertained I lust unday in honor of their son , Le roy and wife the following guest : I Mr. and !11TH Vinton Taylol' and LWCl laughters. Mis.'!t\s Ethel und Osie, of n IIbrook: Mr. and Mril. Aaron ' ears. Mr. and Mr!!, Harry Snyder. of Dayten; Mr. and Mrs. Jamet! Mull en and 41. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . daughter , EOna. of Ferry; Mr. and Mrs. ltaymond H artsock an (I lilt Ie eon. Gerald, of C'"ozatldale , 0; Mr.


1. I -

Waynesville, ~hio

Phone 65-5




J. B.

and Mrs.near CarlWay Sherwood and Wes. son, I\ Morris. ne.ville 'and ley lJenham . A Rumptuous dinner was served in three courses. 1\'1r. and Mrs , Wil bur Foulks and liltle ~h~~~ ter spent t he afternoon with

Your floors Would Look 'Like This Too IfYou Used SHERWIN-WILLIAf/S







CHRISTIAN CHURCH Prayer meeting held at the church on Wednesday evening at 7:30 p. m " subject: "Living tor Those Who Come After." Matt.) 8: 1-6. Teach· er's Training clas! foliowinll at B o'clork led by l he pastor. Every member i ~ req uested to be present and all who would 80 desire ~m join U8 at any time. Ladie!; Aid meetll this week to reorganiie thei r el'ciety at the reaidtmce of Mrs. Edward Woollard at 3:00 Thursday afternoon . Choir practice at 7:00 a t the church on Thursday evening. All who are fond of and love to sing are special' y u~ged to be present. Pat riotic songs WIll be sung. Memorial Day will be observed at the C'hriatian church next Sunday. the 28th. We ar to have the special ho,nor and p ri vilege b . stowed,upon us of the presence of the old 80Idien with liS . Sunday .chool at 9:80. preaching servic!:' a t 10:3 , lubject. "We Honor You," Sunday "vening. Christian End eavor at 7 o'clock. "Mlssions!a Blessing" Ezek 47:1- 121 P reaching serville 7:30 boy pastor. Subject, "Afraid o( Saying . No. EveryolJe is requested to be 'Present. Good singing will ue enjoyed by all .


made for fioorRnnel {loors ('lil ly. Tt l ook~ w ell and InSl; fo r the longcl't pO~i'ibl time in I'pi I of the tear and constant w ashing a f1,\( ,r mus t g.·t.




Fifth (Roa'ation) !:iunday after Easter, May 28th. Sunday ·School at 9:30 a. m .; Morning Praver and ser· mon at 10:30. Everybody welcome to these services.

DEATHS West? ,

Tbe citize~s uf \\ ayne ville o.or\ "icin i ty fLre !:'ll rnestly 0.11po:. leu to (or their 1I pp,,~t l(lItl p re'CD' on M e mnrlal nay itl ortil'l til make thl' day (l hig SIll' C • The l~\dics of lhet'o\11IIlitt ee hlP 'e worked hal d to m I e a good prog ralJl , and it !csts with YUH, rellcl\ ' citi7ens, to comc . oul n this do. and do your d Uly !,owa rd the vcterans who foug ht for "aUf tight , COllie, li n!: 'yoll r fnlllilies, ther c " iII hr sOIl1<'thinc: wo rt h "carin;; .

Norma Scott. wife of Mr. E. ' S. Collett, died at thc Bethesda hospital, near Cincinnati. last Wednesday morning . She had ' gone to the maternltydepartment .o f the hospita l, and lallt Tuesday night a girl b~by was born: The body was taken to Wilmingtpn where the funeral was held ,at the Universalist church, Fri· dayaftemolJD. Interment was made in Miami cemetary on the CollEitt lot Themany frienda of Mr. Collett, both here and at Harveysburg, where he

Wao'lOme reliable informntioDa bout any of the country l'lPst of th e p res.n, Wn.hlngton. Idaho, Montana, Neyndn , Utah. Arizona. New M~irico, !elliu/ Wan l to kno,! something . . about fanulngopportunltl.s, mtlroad rotes. routes, automobile high way •• botels, resorts. priccs of land, mct~ods of fnrntl.og, etc.? Jt'!l0llf blilincsa to kn.w 1111 n ~ut this Pacific Slope country. SlIneet A(lljIQioc is the one bit nrLtional magazine, reAecling tb. life of tbbl c.'4Iuntry and giving acculllte Information c.ncemiug Its growth and devilopment. Send 'lO cents for a sample copy'of Sunsct Magazine alld write us a leller asklnr Jor whatever information you delire conc;eming 'any slate in the West. Roc~ur.rnia,

~~:~~th~n~~tl;~s !~e~d to bim their




The Bplrlt which 18 'whole hnll no for the surrerl ng ot toar. It cnn I!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f room meet lite and do bnttlil wi th It cheertullY; work and frlendBhlp and the dally ro~nd of events fill It to (he excluBlon of all phan t00l8; It IB a Joy to overcome obBtacleB, to right mIstakes and to andure lardsblpB In tbe hope ot better days to come.




, th Cook is driving a new Chevro· let Roads tor. ,Dr. J ALteniltld


,Mu<lY, of Ha rveysburg,

ommoncement lust week.

Mr. and Mrs . Wlllter Elzey aDd ::Ion, K nn,e th, are Dayton visitors todny. ' Mr and Mrs. W. H , Madd en are wit h relatives in Clarksville today.

vi si tlll~

pu~itio n .

H()wllrcl Gustin is attend ing su m' mer school IoLt the Lebanon Normal niversity . Mrs . Sarah S. Haines is visiting her nephew, A. L. Sides and family, west of town.


The Wayne Township Protective and Detective Ass ciation will meet at 2 0 rclock a turtlay afternoon ai the Township HouRe As there 'is 11 lot of buaine, s on lutOd , It is deemed extledient that every member bEl present. J . C. Hawlle, eCI·etary. . --


Mrs. Lee Cooper and son, of Dayton, were visitini her parents, Mr.. and Mrs. Barry WilliamSon, Sunday. Mrs, Cooper repor t.9 Dr. Cooper.convales.cing, but he is still in the hospital.


Among those who tended Alumni f r om out of town Thursday evening were Messrs. S: A, Stilwell. Herbert Wo.rwick, MTH, Frank Long arid son, Clarence, of Columbus, Mrs Anna Stahl, of Franklin. Mrs. Mate McKay , Mr. and Mn. F. B. Sherwood, of Lehanon. Mrs. Lizzie Smith. of Wilmington, Mrs. Anna Shonk, of l)ay1on. .

.- .

---- -""

LARGER POSTAL SAVINGS DEPOSITS ZIMMERMAN'S WAS ELECTED TO , SPECIAL ~RICES A,HIGH OFFICE , Larger postal 'savings deposits will The pdces on many articles is now be accepted at the post office



OF .QUALIT.Y AN)), :BEAUTY .. Unquestioned durability ,~d , :uqUiaite design

' ,




I~ hiszhest idealll iri platec! wat:r;are · ~ ~

spoons, forks. ' and f~cy .~ pl~ ~ ·the renowned trade mark ' ' .

1841R06ERS BROS.~~pt

There are \,~' mak~ of 'silverplated ~bIew~ 'Which are dajmed to be "just as ,aoOd.".hut, ~e aU ~ _tiona. they lack the beauty ~ w~~q~tt .idmti~withtheoJiginalandpuine"l.H1I1O&E1S,-. '


~~kDownu"$iJiI"PIaU~ WI.... .. SOld by ·leec&ag dealers everywhere." Sead f•• ~ "C-L- ahowinJ au d-ipI. . -. -.-.unlll CO - . . . .annaa. • _)........ .


ad vancing daily but we have lots This is marie possible by an importof gr oceries bought ahel/od and ant amendment to the Postal Savings are naming on many arAct just approved by PreRIdent Wilticles far below Lhe , present Bon; A postal' savings depositorrtll.lY marketnow have an account amounting to Best Cane Gran Sugar .... "." f81.0oo upon which interest . will he ,'.. .... .. " .. .. .. ....... $2.1 0 a sack paid. Formerly .500 was th !' maxi· Pure Paris Green, in 5 lb. mum amount he could have to his packages ........... 40c a pound credit. This enlargement of postal .L,anox oap .. · ... ,.....8 ban for 20c savings facilities will be very gl'al.iLewis Lye , ........... 3 cans for 25c ,tying to thousands of dep.ositors who Old Dutch Cleiln~er ...... a for 25c have already reached th-e old ' $500 Clirnax Wall Paper , Cleane r limit and are anxious to eotrudt ' .... " ..... " ........... ;,,3 for 25c more of ,their savings to Uncle Sam : Baking Soda .. ..... 5c pound ' pkg. Another feature of the amendment . 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes ..... IOc. can thlAt'\Iti1l avoid ' fUl'ther embarras, Wayn 8v ille Corn ..... :.,2 cans. i 5c 'H\1!nH'o'1h'e public and to p09~1 ofli Ste!:'l Out Cotl'Cf> ... ..... only 20c Ib " 't'lals'!\fth'e d tlinJt'away with the limit Gr)od Rio C. fl'ee ..... " ....3, Ibs' 50c n bon thoe' .Yn6'Ol1t··that could be accep L- Fig Bar Caked, the Hic kind ed from a depositor mon t hly . Un, ... ........... ".only lOe a pou(ld deitb'e old law- only ' 1100 could be AI~imal "ackers, regu lar ', ' deposited In a calendar month . The . JGc gO(Jtls .......... only 1,Oc lb. amendment abolishes this rt: tricAU ~(Jl' p Tobaccus ...... 6 for 25c While the Po.s tal Suvings , Speci'll I w prices on Dried has already proved a signal Peaches and pricots. • c &I as is eliown by the tac L that Fresh Orel\lnery Bu tter and more than halt~a · million depositors Churf! Gold. . have over eighty minJon dollars -.....,~standing to their credit, .still it has ' 13dnlr us your Butter an,d Eggs fallen sbort. of meeting the full 'dl!' Paying · f9c. Cash or 'Crade. mands of the public bee.MUse of the Call lid up if you have a big lot restriction! which havenow been elim~o sell. ' We ne'ed 1000 dozen Inated. Postma.tar General Burleson 11 week. and Third Assistant Poat.maater General Dockery have been tlrele811 in tbelr efforts to l!eCure a modification • of the limitatious and the new Iiber· ~jt legislation Is particularly araUfllq to them.


Atlas Portland Cement Sold by

J' . W. Whit'eJ' _________________


DODGE- BROTHERS MDTDR CAR. Concentrating on one car simplifies the problems production Iand leaves the Dodge Brothers lfree to ,devote themselves Lo a cOll lilltlOllS p roc s'or improvement.


at only to conform to the cs lablillh ed Dodge' Brothers sta,utlard . but to excel it iJ' possiblcthat is the rule ,and the orue r o( ev ery working da y in every department. ' The gasoline consumption is unusllal iy low The tire mileage is ullllsually high The price 01 the Touring Car qr Roadster comp le te is $785 (f. o. b. Detroit)

Those ,who attended the SundaySchool Convention at Morrow Tuesday were MiMes Jj:lizabeth. Carroll, Lizzie Hunt, Helen Marlatt, Maria Stout, "

Mrs.' Walter Cast had a narrow esc.ape (lne day last week wh et! . she All who have prQmised to help in f ell down the,etlllar steps, a nd landed the chorus Memorial Day, wiJ,1 please at the b ottom, hitting her head on meet at the home of Mrs, Harris on th EI cement floor. She was consider· . Thursday evening of this week for ably bruised, but. so far as known , prllctice • t hEire were no bones broken . She bas been suffering considerably ever Mrs. Ida· Stokes, and the Misses Bince the accident. but sb is som(I' Lena and Goldie Conller and Messn. what better at the p resent t im e. Mahlon Hi~ge and J esse Burton were in 'pringfi eld, ,Ohio. Tuesday, on legal business.


There in none better than the

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Marks and son, of l:'iqua, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Marks Sundoy ,

.. --..------


When You Use Cement Select the Best Brand

Mrs. E llen Manington, ot Spring V-a II ey , was visiting relativc)! here Thursday .

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chandler and Miss Elizabeth Chandler went' to The lot owne rs of Miami emetery Dayton Tuesday eveninll to attend Associ\ltion will take notice that' the Commencement. annual meeting will be held at the Cemetery Chapel on MOllday, Jun 'Miss Anna Meredith, ot Pleasant 1>. 1916, at 2 o'clock p, m. ~t this RIdge, and Miss Freida Seiker, of time t here will be to i€ct four tl'ul,· Lebanon, attended Commencement te . lind a IIOOl'eOOr,)l' ttea u rer. · here last Wednesday evening. A large altelldunce of tnembe ra of thl~ Assooiation is'desi red as malterfl ot v tal importance for the future See Elmer Rogers for Auto Tires welfare of the cemetery will be con- and Accessories, Binder Twine and Cream Separators. botb new and sid l! r·e d. second hand, at prices that are right. J , O. Cartwright. Secretary. May2J --~-Mr. and Mn. P. S. Lamb and Mr. and Mrs. Charles J ohns and son, Glenn. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. ·E. R. Randolph, ot Dayton.


He selects the very best seed on the market. _. .

Kenneth Kilbon left, Monday. for Cincinnati, where he has a good

Messn. W. E. O'Neall and Charles Burnett were Cinci nnati business There will Le a meeting held in visitors Friday. the !iarveyaburl! Town 'Hall Sunday E'.vening. May 28lh , wh en Lewis Mr. IlmI Mrs. C A. Bruner. of Haines an old Han'eysburg loy. w ho Lebanon. attended Commenccment WIU! horn here and who I ' ft here here Wednesduy evening • when a child, and who htl pas .~d t h rough almost every stage of crime Mrs. Alice McKinsey and daugh and di ~ il ntlon, has ,l'xprcssE'd a de ter. Mi88 Rllnrietta, are visiting sire to talk to his old aClluaintanct's on this date, and tell them lhc story relaUves in Duyton today. o j'the saving pO\~e r of l. hriet. Mr, Mrs. Ralph Smith retu rned home, Haines has risen rapidly in the mua· sion service. h s received conside r- Saturday, after spending a week ahle training and no one will be dis with her mother in Wilmington. appointed who comE8 t o hear him. AU a r einv ited , Leteverybodycome. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hamilton and children, of Dav ton, spent Sunrlay with Mr. and Mrs . George Hamilton.


W ,h e arOler PIa t H·s jorn. ThisSpring---

Atlas Motor Car CO'. Second ,and Ludlow .


THE ELBINGER SHOE CO., Lebanon, 0.. ,I




Llftl. John . Hall ' It Right. " MasBngo ·wlll usunlly Instantly afford Tbo twelv~yall".old .~w~ns learned a relief. also rohhlng with a Bort piece 10Bson . In gIft milk Inc when the, of flann el, dlPPc,d III alcohol. Another poked run at thalJ1 Ilvo-y'omr-old ,broth. For, Cramp..

suggestion 18 to tIc the affected part with a ri)lbon so OB. to stop Ow clreu· latton for R little whllo, Compresses, either of hot or cbld water, will be found to be. vcr)' e.Il'eotive. H the cramp :18 In the leg. 1,Iaoo tho toot on the cold floor or stretch ut tho toes of the ButTering foo t. Just when the cramp Is ' Btn.rtlng.





Herbert Warwick, of 'ColumbuB,' honored last week when he was elected on the board of di· rec to rs of the Columbus Chamber of Commerce Herbert is deservlJiir o~ the honor, as he Is a genuine hustler, and will make a mark in hia world. M!.:. Warwick, who served the Chamber tor several years as publicity manager, hill! lately been elected Preclou8 "'ook•. g~neral agent of the State Mutual . Books Bro lcgfldo s tha.t a greRt Life .A ssurance Co. and. has taken genius leaveR to mnnNn'l. whlcll aro up hiS work, and there IS no doubt , dellveroll llflw n r" OIl1 g n e ~n:tlon to that he will mBke'-good in the insur· g(1nerntlall os Ih a prcRe jlts of the past ance 'world. ,. to those yot IUlhorn.-A<l.Hson . Wall ~ reatly

Dayton, Ohio

ar. Little' Jobq "all, wIth groat Clara. mony, prosontllii biB P19ther wIth a tiny, gi(t wblcli be ,hImself ~od pur.chased . The tWIn/! laugbnd. ,hilt J ohn Quieted ' them wh.IlIl ' hO aald : "Well ~nmlDa ' know. :I~ Ilm:t ' the much, but the , fooling tha.t Clountll." '

..:,-'~_ _-.,;:_ _

Brier I. R•• lly. H•• th, Brier I'lrJos are 1101 mnde from the wIllI rose btler. The nll11l0 II' a corru /lUon of t hQ French word Bruyere (h o,nllt) . . Tbo , emil 8t brIer plpetl , were IlItro(luced Into EngllLlld .ln '1859 and were mnde from the 1'ooU' ot tbe Frnn~ " ..,o. lte heath (ErICa arbor4i(l1.


~keleton Waists . .. : •.,: . . Hie . rawerl, 3 to 8 years ..• .•. JOC ~ai9ts, 2 ttl 13 years. _•.. 10e

Oil Cloth, per y. yd " .•.•. Ladles' Vests ••••.••• . ••• Paint Brushes .•••• _ . '.•• Old Dutch C1eaaser •••••• Rex Lye, lOe eaD. 3 for .••

'Flags ' for


lOe 1()e

lOe '


. Decoration . ~~e;;b Candy,sameold price lOe

-FRANK H. ·F. __••

The Mapdne Hao WqDIIViU.. Ohio

. \

•'ixty- E,ighLI1. Year'


A no th er M em or ia l D ay

=== ==-=-=-""-=--=-=-= , === ==:: ;;=== ==== ==== ==== =:-:"'" - -- - - -1=.


nm SI: S510NCl.U8

Fred Hawke was in Cincinn ati last Thursda y.


Dr . Dill, th, ? l S. Uroadway. L-ebllnoOsteopa n, Ohio.


O bs er ve d'

0' iPERsONAi-ME~Tlii

Ha ~


NOLU ';PIt~1

W as· A pp ro pr ia te ly




Whole Number 3371 j


come and gOlle. This day, like all prcvi,) lIs day . , was halll)\\'cd hy thoug h ts the dea<l, and csp ially those hOllor d I)y lheir deech on the ba~lIe fll'ld s . \VUe-II we know - + that their ranks ar . beillg depl ,t <I ver'\] ralli 11 " a nd lhere will SOUl I b oilly th e lasl vct A CRr of frl!s h A In.~ Cemenl ul CENrU RV CLUB HOLDS INTER,J Whilc'R . cran left, it seem,s fiLtin gly th a i th l' son s ami daugh lers take EST ING MEETI NG their places a nd perpet ual <' thc day. Such was th e ca_e in, Way nesv ille t his )' a rt , Mr. . Edilh I fa rris and Miss ]';:izzi" P0und- Hubbt>r hat . Apply li t ~ the GR1.elll' ollkc. Merrit t look it upon thelllsrlv c's to tak charge of th alTair, and iudgin g hy tl1 trem cnd. . ous outpourlll ~ of peopl , t he Ir Mias Ruth Hartsock i!l teachin g in work wa no Ldon e' .for n~u gh l. ,I:h C ili zl' ll ~ were loya l, too, Spring Vall ey today . for many of them h lped ill a sl1 hsta nti a l mann r.

Mi88 Clara Hawktl l!pent the week· entl with relative s in Dayton . . And What to Pay Them Wa. the ' 1 heme '1hltl Brough t Out Mrs. Carl Servia is visiting In Leu !Some Discuss ion lnon ' with relative s this ',\leek.

tt-- --- --- - -


--' -----------




Sunda y

Hoss Irons. of Spr ing Va ll ey, is fwo Intcrest ing Papers Rcnll- The viailing the Hurton boys . Victrola Furnish ed I Music J . r.. Janney WIIS in lJrepnfie ld, lnd" Monday nn bu sin es.~ .

Cet IIOme of those White Brazilia n The w.ayne Townsh ip ·Farmer s' Sweet Polato Plants of O.H . Hocket t Sunday ln ornin Jr. fit the Ch ristian Clull, cUIll!llIling principl dly uf "Spec . rhurch, Re v. C. R. All en preache d to Uhltivl!" fBrmertl, met in rej(ular tletl· Mr. J. B. Chapma n and family !lion fur It e lI)ollth of MIlY at the I T he r!w Century Club met bl:!lIutiCul horne of Mr. IUld Mrs were ~pringburo vititors last week Wantt'II - A cream separat or . S good truths. H Is ,ulogy to tt.e old .. Mrs J. F. adwalla rle r and Mlf!!\ Lindley Menden hall. Nearly all \.he 1>. Henkle, Way ncsv ill e, Ohio. veteran s was very fine, und the serClam Lile, Friday af tern oon, May melDliera antlwere d to roll cIIL A IIplendid article of Kentuck y The Cheerfu l Helpers Class of lhe vice~ through out w,}re ve 2G . HUG . The preside nt called the ry imJ)res After a lIOCial hour the ulualau mp &rghum Ilt 60c a gallon at White'l! George Gilliland who liVeB on the Mahlon Ridge and J esse Hurton mee ting to order, twenty- three memo fo'erry Christia n Bible School held sive tuuus dinner Willi partake n uf and store. On account of the heavy rain s of old A lien Haines farm, about two were Lebano n visi to r~ Monday . bers r espondi ng to roll call. The their class rn eetinlr Saturu ay Rfte r· Montlay afterno on lind after due delibera tion and reat fot evening , it miles north of town: lost his born to· flllotation resllonses were, " Curren t noon, May 27th, at 2 o'olock; at the was decid ed to ':0 to t he school d illelition. lhe afterno on _ioll was Mrs. J gether . 0, house Cartwr wit.h II ight lot of ha'! farming been the pleusan t country hnme of Mrs. im,?leCet Ro me of those Whit IJrazilinn ~~ vents," which were very interesl upen rd by pr.yer by the J~v. Cad- visiting . with friends in Midd et.own I"rank Wright . Tht! followin g pro- to hold the menl'!, harn e~ , etc" by fire lawt S8t- Sweet Pot ato Plants of D.H.llo services. At J:30, the urday wallade r. Curren t eVeDts were pre- and c kelt. in~. We were then f avored wi t!' a gram waa rende red : morning . The Daywn. fire 8tarted Waynesv ill e band marche d the vcts lecti.m on the "Victro la." DurlllR' sented by MI'll. Ellis. ~uite a disabout 7:30, while he was in the barn Song No. 89; Scriptu re Reading erans to the school house, where the business ses.~ion t he followin g cu.ion was hlld by BUme remark~ Mr, getting his hones ready' anti Prayer for the day by 's . H . Kelly is driv ing- a .new ?a x ~n oflicprs were elected their teacher , Mrs J : O. artwrig h t took charge of the L. A Zimmer man was In Clncin· mllde by the preside nt concerninw for the ensuing work , It wa,q discove red in the Jennie hay Thoma~ ·. lIOn"', No. 150: sec- prog ram. AfLe r an invocati on by mow, and before hllrelly anythin SIX Roau ter, the first of Its kind m vear' Preside nt, Mn J . W. White: wages and hours ~f work. He com nati Tuesday a'tenui ng a meeting of " Rev Cadwal g town. lad er allld song by the the Vice'pr e5ident, Mrs. B. H. Kelly ; Dokeya. retary's report; treasur er's, report; ..IMilled that the hired man W&al not and during the husin ss session sev· ch orus of 30 vo i ce.~, MiM lI elen Mar- could be Il'olte n out the barn was Secreta ry, Mrs. Pierce; Trea3Ure!, turnltthin~ tlnough labor for the ! rapidly. The neighho rs were eral new commit tees were appoinl ed; lalt gave ,u very fi ne reuding round a Chick Feerl ~warant eed 1.0 Mrs . Will Frame. We were agAIIl . wqeea demand ed . That he. I he said Kennet h.Hugh and Forrest Ridge, piano summo ned and t.h ~y had hard work con tai n nnly so unrt I( rain. Will favo red with a beautifu l aelection solo, Lois Woods: recitation, hlrOO man. uUllht forthe money paid of Dayton, SpelJt the week·en d with to save other building s around him. White. A t School Hall Homer Mouse r; cornet 8 01 0 , Ca rl on the "Victro la." Mrs. C. M. him, take more Inttirest In his work, relative s bere, His IOIlB will amount to about 11200, Wright; reading , Margar et Thom as; Hough gave a most interestin~ paper put In IIUII e houl'II and altogeth er with only ' .100 inRuran cc. The start · Mr. Ca rtwrig ht then introdu ced aong,No , 214; class prophecy , (,laud e Ida! and Loyla Githens , of on the subj ect, "Conser vation, of lIet as thuuKh he were the one to Corwin Hamilto r., of Wapako neta, RiICgs; a poem, "Othe rs," Uarbarl l in his chuTflct risti c manner , th e ing of the fire is a mystery .. ' Dayton Bird Life' " Mrs. Lina Devitt rend profit by \.he labur perform ed . . Ahnut ~ev<:n. yea rs DirO thiS , aame thi~ we~k visited with relati ves here a very Hon . Seth W. Brown . J\lr. Brow n good article, h~r subj~ct WIlS .Itt!\. Oglesbe e believes that we do ie the gUet;t of hia brother , George I' ller. far m WIIS Vl91tert by fire, and the . DUling the social hour, games and Brown ha rdly needed an introdu ction " An Indi an Huntres s. not pay enough U8 a rule to indu :e Hamilto n and wife. During the harn ancl outbuile l inA's, togelhe r with to'u Wayn esv contests ille :ludhmc were e, enJoy ed. A deli cious for he the social hour a deliciou s two course the man to feel the proprie tory in· houBt! ,wore entirely Messrs d·stroye . Jacob was rl. anel on('e Chari ou f'JI r Strouse two own course .. eth." But lunch eon waB Bel'ved h I' lunch servcd by the hostes.q 8& Mise BerthM Kenrick was Ihe terl!lJt that the preside nt dl!8ires; visited with relative!! Ilt West Carle· sisted was by Mis.~ Lile, Miss Helghw ay thllt we Ket only what we pay for-, guest of Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Palm- the hostess assisted bv Mrs J enni e every hody wh o kn ows him knew tha t ton Sunday , they would Thomas and Mrs. O. H. I almer. ht!8r somethi ng worth and Mrs. E . V. Barnha rt: The and a man who givCII a,duoui l mental er, of Ferry, Sunday . There were thirty present and II most while , f or he al ways hIlS a mes a ge, guests at this tneetinl l were: Mrs . or pllyaical effort needs more huul'll enjoYllble time \'\'as had by all. Th e especia lly for "the boy!! in Iiluc." Mrs. J . 1'. Ellis spent tho week-en d F. C. Gllmou r. Strongs ville, 0.; M~. of I'CIIt and recreati on, Ind ei"lat or MI'. Jacob Hyman and family, of /{uests were; Hev with Miss Antln Meredit h at Pleas Donovan, IndianapnliB~ Ind; Ml8R . and Mrs . D. II Mr. Ul'own spoke of t he solcJlerl' ten hours is lufficlen t tor ailc days X.enl~, wete the Sunday auesta 01 raimer, Altha and l)alliel I llln'ler, tha t Wayne townshi p had Rent to Rnt Ridge. Barley, Macomb , Ill.: Mrs. H., H. work. Mver Hyman and family. Irma Sea",. the Mi. ~ Ma Wright , wat> allll t.hey number ed nearly 250; WlIIiamson. Mrs. D. L. Crane, Mrs. Mr. Meredit h beliew811 aCId p~c Lena Thomas anI! N ellie Ri!lIlS, of lhtlir fjne records made and of the ticed thliLlCuud Herv iell liemand . aood Miss Aletha States, of Clarksv ille, Colema n, Mrs. Stout, Mrs. Barnett , Mr. and Mrs. W . N , Se.~ and Melll!rB. Carl Th omas, Romo Higgs men .who fell in t he elilTerent en, WIIKW, MnL! thalli man who ·under·' has been visiting at the hom o of Mr. Miss Heighw ay, MillS ~tout, ~iss gageme nts. His remark !! throug hMay Wright . A very mterest mg It~dl liiB job ('an ,Iemanu corral family spent SundllY with Mr. Allie Bnd Paul Wright, and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Walter Cnst, out were enjoyed by his hearel s. Wright . program was enjoyed , and during polluhla lv larger W~t."II, and Is cllI'ap- Hole and family, BtLytie , Aftl!r Mr. Hr wn'!! epeech a trih. Ther e was a great deal ,o f kicking the social hour music was furnishe d er HI Ihe ('nd than a low·prie ed un· ute to lhe (Jag w ali paill hy ten little last year in rega rd to the Little Irma Sears spent several hI' the victrola which was enjoyed skille.d workma n. • Dr. M. W Lana' C!f Ridgevi lle, hal " irl!!', an lher choru s ende.J th e I,ro the garbag e, so Lhi s yea r dhlPosal of the c:ouncil days at th~ home of Rev. D. H. by all present . The dlscu:!8i on was very _pi rite" returne d home ,Iter a pleasan t visit ~ rall1 a t the schoo l house. decided to let each individu al dls- Palmer at Ferry, • Mrs, D. H. Palmer. last week. and WIIS "articip ated in by MI1I to hi. old home in Canada . . Th e bnnd, the verernr, s Dnd the pose of hie own garbage the best Carlwrh lht, Hev, CMdwalillde r ami little girls were th en taken to the way he could. Is this a Aaron Woollar d, of Hagerst own, others. , cemeter y, · togethe r with a host of . ket!p a tOWl, sanitary . fair way to Messrs . A be and Wilbur Dakin, of Willie the lnd,. is 'visiting with Hen ry Wool· .' Theape cial topic pfthe day, 'How Dayton peopll!. where th4l , are seryices spending were con aeveral proposi tion is a costly one everybo dy lard and other relative s here. daya -should. _you prepare a meal tor un here eluded . with relative s and friellds. will admit, is it fair to lhe tax .JCpected· comp!lny with notbina paye~s of t~e commun ity. III it In baked? " Will ably handled by Mn Miss Emma Schatzm an and Mrs, At the Cemetery keeplDg With the slo~an . of the Mall, of CincinJ1ati, were ' Zell. aDd eeconde d by oUiel'll. She Mr. and Mrs Frank Zell and Mra. the guests day-ke Mabel ep our Dinwidd There towns ie and family spent· will be no oiled streetS thi~ - ~ell of Mr and Mrs A. Maffit Tuesday . 1III¥8 there il never a time when with On arriving at the cemeter y they no! There are other sallltary ways of c u t l m g Saturda year ' unle91 Bllme citizens will Lakeul' marche d y with ~Iatives in Xe!!ia, JloUJ' frum tbe bin; meat from tht' , ST. MARY'S CHURCH the monum ent where expenRes' Lct U 8 have garbage r lltt>e matt.:·r and attend to it The coun t the chorustsoang smoke hou.e and canned frllit trom . "Our H.'roes, " after moved by all means. You will ' find Thursda C. D. Reecl'~ hrooms .. y, Ascensi on Day, Holy ell passed a r esolutio to havo the which Lin coln's the cellar, ahe cannot on abort nil Get some Memoli al address those White BrnzlillSn IItreets oiled hut then Stand ,both trimmed anu untrimm ed. the Commu nion at 9;30 a . m. Sunday ard Oil W II3 delivere d by ---dee preparot a good meal for a hun· Sweet PotatoofPlantao Ethan Crane. f D.H .Hocket . best t, on the market. At White's after Ascenston, Jun 4th. Sunday'- --, -'-,-::-- . Comps~y, who WIlS to do Ihe work • .., crOWd, and we believe her. While the played "Tentin g store. School at 9:30 a . 01. ; Sermon and with an auto sprinkle r. fa iled to Tonigh t" t heband This was one of the mORt Informa l little I!'irls strewed t he For Holy Commu nion at 10:30. EverymMtlna a we have ever attende d and ft ·, I Sale-H et double ladders , 15 como! up to their cont ract, clniming flowers and B S. Howell sO'1nded Mrs. P. C. Gilmou r and daughle r, boqy welcome to these services . tnerefo re the more enjoyab le, and W ladder 12 ft. with ladder wagon . they r.ould not furnish the sprinkle r, laps, Rev. O. R. Allen then proKathlee n.aml Bon, ·Charles .of trong· the meetina ~Iosed with everyun e . <"\" Ljppinc ott, Wa.vne9ville, Ohio. As the retl91ution pas$ed by c(,uncil nounced t he bened iclion, and lhe imties their hands, it is .utl W som' indio mense throng of ville Ohio, are spendin g several days feelinc that Uie day had been very peopl e went to their Rev. C. S ' Grlluae r attende d the vidual to try a,:,d get the contrac t in homes f eeling here with friends. proiltab l)' BpeDt~ •• that t!1(! day had been Sundai School cOllvention at Morrow the same way It has been CHRISTIAN CHUR,CH a Ruccess . dOJle :for · --~.-----, I..-t Wednes day and read an inter- the past severnl years . . All are welcom e to come to the Among the outof town people who Salurday eveni ng . will be Chileetina' paper. The contrac t for OIling t~ e s treels attende d the M morial Day Wednesd ay evening prayer m eUng Ten jlrnrlua tes (I f the C"ntf'rv ille etren's evenin g. a t t~e. exercise s Orange . has always been done by prJ\iaL suh- were: Mr. alld at 7:30; Tenche r 's Trainin g cltls~ at Mrs, Lawren ce Cart, High School were royally elllcrtai ned Grange rs and their What's the URe of paying 12(' a lb. scriptio n, and in orde r to get a car · wrig- ht, Mrs . Luthel' Sellers. Miss by Dr. Manllin g. His addre.~!\ \VIIS nt!~ lly req uested to familIes are ear- 8:00. We urge you all to be p:ese~t. come. load of oil it was neCeFsary to sell Ella I:}hright , M e~!lrs Lee auu Frank entel't'8 ining It will be profitaiJle, instruct ive, in ror Cracke~ lJuy the Country Club ss well as humoro spiring upliftin g, anrl e~tu . Wafers, 3 Ibs for 25c. Sold at Harvey sburg and Lytle, both t (J \Vn ~ Woolley, Chris Smith, Mr. and Mrs. The three best scholars r eceivingus.a beinlt now ready to take the oil, but S. D. Everly. See Elmer Itoger s for Auto Tires cationa\ to you all . li'rlday . )fra. Nat Harlan died at har home White s Btor~. . GiLhens , of Day· four-ye ar course in college for being anti evening if oiling is done it must be ReCOIn.:. ton; Mrs. '1'. RIda Accesso ri es, Bind e r Twine and we hope to see you . all out to n'-r Centerv ille l88t Friday mornin g . Smith, Brookvi the cho!r best lle; eluring their four years in Cream Se llaratM~ , \)oth new and practice plished by someon e llut~irl p. the coun Mr, 11nd Mrs. about 4;30.: m, $he had been ill ' beginni ng a t 7:30. We Zentmy er, of Chicago ; school were Helen Cook, Herman .Mr. and M,... 'Myer Hyman and cil. Is there any intlivil\mil r 'auy second hand, at Ilrices that are right. want to thank ~is." Alice Carey for for IO~ tlitle, and only a few w.aka daughte r, Mrs G. Mr . Rnd Mrs. Sears.o fSaiJin a; Mr Wade and Kennet h OIlPal{(). · Th y W. Hawke ani! to tak e up this work? her elYor t and work she has so will ago he...' hulaband died, which seemed MIBS 'Emma and M ra. J as Zell and dnug hter, of also gave' a 1118Y Wednes llay evening Hawke were Lebanon -----...---to haatri ~ death . The' funeral visitors Yellow Springs; M.r . tlnd Mrs . James which was e njoyeu by n full h9use. 8he has made theThe many fri ends of J ohn W. ingly dOlle for \1 Thurod ay . Hawke !l nd Mr. J os Hawke, of Subject of play, "Kin'lli ng thfl Hawke may be glad to know tbat he singing whal it is todllY . We aPl?rc was held StJ"'a.v afterno on I and th" ee"icee ware conduc ted in the Ilelle fontaine ; Mr. fand Mrs. ' Ray Hearth Fire." i~now ' home with his mother, Mrs. ~iate her efforts. Sunday mommg , Mr. and Mn. W. H. Allen. the Zell. of Xenia. J. C. I,'raney, of Col,Chapel and 'the body was Interred in Alice Hawke, r ecoverin g from are· Sunday Bcho?1 at 9:30. The great MIIBM Georgia , Barl~ and Olj\!.e umhu B; Me. Nathan Hawes and film· Miapil cemeter y. . cent se < • •• Allen, and E:V . Banda rt were Cin~hip will begin, the Reds against the ily , ·f Spring Vall ey . ley hospital , Dayton. cinnati ,ilIltors Thu raday , Blues. Come and help UB attain our hig h water marll, we . need you. .. J.-Mon t Hayner died at his bom" Mr and M~ Bert O,rake ' and Mr. and Mrs . ll. II. kelly went to Preaching ser vicH f ollow lIlg' at 10:30; In /(,el¥tnon lB9t Tu..adflY mornh'ur, family Zane~villeSunday in their auto. and Mrs , Hannah Mr. the Hubject llOinj:(, ''In the lI and!! of after .il long iIIoeIIH Mr. HIlynf'r Lebanon , 81JCnt Sunday Booth. of Kelly, howeve r, only we nt to Colum · the Potter; " ChriRlian Endeav ,r at with Mrs Twenty thoum. 1 AmericBn flags, wII'one of .the ~ell·known men 'f Alice McKins hU ll, where they were joined by Mrs 7:00; 1'reachin g scrvi ce.'! followin g . ey and dau"hte r, Mi. · Warren County . T!ie fpneral Will Henri.t Kelly's brother, Mr. Carl Riggs, and Special music is a f CRt.Urc for the w, . each telling its 8torv of unfillte ring · held IAt his lat. home, the Maaonlc patrioti sm and love of cou:-Jtry, will he with MIS, Kelly ~rove throul{h t o eveninR'. Rov. Carle ton H. Allel1 fraterni ty conduct ing the obtwquielo. be flung to the breezes from the will preRch both tnorn inl{ and 'even Thc Loranjl cr Dros. gllve a very ZUllC5ville. (nterm fnt was malle ,In South Leb· . IIr and Mrs, Ronald Hawke, Mr. shouldel'll of as man~ marche rs when ing, s ubject being, "What ~hfill tlu interest ing lecture Il,t the and ' Mrs. School Wilaon Edward und daugh- the great preparednes.'! Pllrade is anon cemeter y. Enel Be?" Monday. evelllng th ' , House Thu,r sday evening . These ter, and Mr. C: ,T, Hawke spent Sun· held in Dayton Sa~urtla church board Ilnd all the mel1lbers .of y afterno on Mr. Wenzel Herres, who live~ .b'rothef day with Mr. and MI'II. Frank LeMav June 3. Thie will be oneof the mo~t south of s are the ' promot ers of the the church and officers of the Sunday town on C'.aesar's Creek. Lorang er , ', . Land Co .. of Louisia na, of Middlet own. impreas ive ' eights ever witnelll! ed in' came home from 8 hOilpital in Day- where Slme of the Waynes School .are urged to be pr~sel'\t. Mra, Ann Wakele y, formerl y 01 ' ville peo· . the Miami Vtalley. And the patriot~ ton Thursda y, wh~re This iil !\ very importa nt meeting , he was oper- pie are Intereat ed. The lecture and thl. pi act', died' at the home of her La~renee Sherwo od, of Pittsbu rg, ic li!S80n eminati ng therefro m will aled on You a"e expcrtc d and requcs~ ed t o iOn near Xenia Saturda y, Ma1 14, Pa., tl .pendin~ a few .daya with his make all particip ants and ,spectat or'<I Herres (or varicost:< veina, M.r. the pictures shown were much en· is getting alonlf very nicely, joyed. At the close oj the lecture be present . after alon.r iIIneB9. Mrs Wakele y rather.- Dr T. Sherwo od. realize their obligati on to home and althoug h he will not be able to" do and with fa lurllive d by two IIOn& The funice cream and cake were served to era' waR held last Wednea much farming this summe r. · dl\Y aftAl~. hla brother . F • B . Sherwoo'ij an d country , al! present noon at theFrlends.Chur~h in Sprlna '~mily, Of Leba~on. 1\1. E. CHURCH . The Miami Confere nce Institut e of Val'ey. --- . .,---- - Sun.Jay the Sugar School !):15 a, In ., prcllchCrcek Church wag heltl at . M.eMrs Oscar Sniith, Dean Howell, thnt place ' 1lIst 1'hursda y , May 20, ing service at 10:30 l,l. nl. In tlw " . . , George Waterhou ~e, Wm Prender · 1916. An all day meeting waq ell · ev ening the pastur wili I)reach tho MJ'II CH,ldle Klrby_ dlt·d at, the, JrjUIt and Cllrl S.. r\lill SUfld"y fur joyed bv all. Dinner and , supper fi rst in a BeTles of se rmon~, "M n hom.· IIf.!le~ , dllUllh l, r, M r.I . l.ireat- Indlhnup'ol!~. where · left they witnes> lerl Nerc served by tho ladies of th e Who Have IrnprcRRI!c\ Me. " Sub· hnllst:, 111 t;..bllhon hlAt Saturda' the a~to rac~ yel>tudllY mnrnirll l church. Pastors from a tlistanc _ ject of fi rst serlnOIl. "Martin Lu t he r: I'h~ rune"111 ~'a'4 held at . • the rl'~itl .. n\'a MonthlY and Ihe body ' were: Rev. SlhlS Mas teller, of We~ t rhe Herald or a NilII' nay ." Attend • Satur,IIIY m .rllillg, 'tl)e '·Lu.I II I w .. brough t /\ Miami cl'mettl ry. Liberty. Rev. J J . Douglas , of hoth services .vo,~er:(" of .tll" ('hrlatil '" 1.1,,11 j·h •reenvill e, Ohio. nev . S 0 lIelfenClllrmlC() S. GrfI:lSll r , Pastor . will hultll' 'ma-ket in th .. Tu\" " .- h", ~ Le in, of Duvloll, He v. Hue Uurnell • \If Pl emmnt Hill. and I{ev . O. W. t,l1'fI Slirah Ooyle died, atthe home HOIl8~ "II ,\lUill C',ml.' 111, 11 I 'owers, I{(,y l'resslcy E. Z'Lrtlllan Of ~ 1I"r .tll",.,III, ,', Mrs, F, P Jonea, h\11\~}h~"" w til .. " tOr tlte '" b' " -Inri HI!v' r,'red Guy _'trick land , all of un .hE' L~II~ r/ll.. i. ~,,, day ·~veplna calJ~ II,,') ar. .. ~lrivi \l .r f" 1) llytoll . . . tafter Ii illl1p8H 1'he fllneral wiU he IIeltj Ilt ht'r IfIle hllme Thun. 'f allll'rn Slllr L ,11(" ~' . &, A 1\1 d"y' m,lrltinjt ' lit 10 n'e1m k. Inter- "~ Franklir i wlH I\ol,t • liP" ." ''' 1com ~~pt 'wm be mlde tat Purt William mUDicalion next It'tid,lv artern,lon t 3:00 Dhlne,· " .ill h" Hcrved at ee~etet:'1. , ,- t< . li:30' ~verlll milm,!>ers of Wayneil I ville LodIN will attend .lbill commu · Some lime agn, Dr: J . A. McCoy nicatlon Childre n's D~· will ho observe d III vnccina ted a lot of ~hil'ken8 bclonlr' the Perry Chri9tia n church, June 'Hh, in '( to Harry St'l~~, for the roup. Mr. and M". Elmer Earnha rt, Mr . at 8 o'clock p. m . Every One ill most vvith a vaccine especial ly detlilPle.c1 and Mn. Leater Kenrick and Mr. for that peculiar disease. Mr. tokes' cordiall y Invitat , ' and lin Berne Jone. motored to flock, and he haa a partleu larly fine - - - -.Miami Chapter No 10'1 O. E S, Dayton ·TlMlda y .wen .... one, was almost all infected with tlte at . ....;;...,a.; . ' tI ' ~ ~ l .... y..... lIen'l UId diaeaee and, by vaccina tion b. BAved Recital d will bol StatUI 0' the 8olftlh. . mee~ will t • . quite a areat m.!Do)' of tb8Ql.. They the pIanO p-upill of Hal!,J A. aeUlah man 1I'7l1D1l "baBe pullo are apparen t;b as weil as • fIII.iber II eqee- WiJIoD Proctor .... - vocal papUI • aDd poeea iDterf81'8

~:TI~~~el~d~iJef~~e i~h:~ ~~~~ee~;;




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of J.... .,.. WIIIDD.

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with JOur ' own aellIu are dOinar their


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dat7 In the ....Ier.. . ·.·

M~ rtft!\lII I nil'" 11\' "t~ trawdn'r y thing'" " I~J\mh.'r..• h" "11,,U I),." ~III"" lIe";".I 1t. "W" \\'I'rl' Mil YI'r~' ('''1'111111 RIII I ,." .r: J 1' a Mort lIr hn\,,,,.' "'UI'lUtllJ,:'


.\lrn... I·. 111111 th,'y 111111.',1 IIlmUI II 111111


WO V..ez, ~



'"PEN ROD ''' ETC.


IlI lkl',1 ,d 'I'1l1 - 111111 tlll'n \hv 1:11'\ 1:1" In lIdu . If\lr~ · . nntl III'r I'd llrlll:,' UII :lflll hlllrlt'tl out n,t! In· • rhlt~ Tl',·,n,,,," ,tp·d t~I' ~hf' rh 1HU I. 11M .. ,,!tllth'll . .\ 1111 11111111111 Hu hl 1h :1t ~ " II 1I) t:. illt, .. 'h,'rui.l ll \lpi l'tlHl'lJl , 1\ull 1t ,. 11111 ~h l ' 1111.\ 111'01111 I'" III 110 to 1\ 1~"ll1I'r 11111 111 ' \\ ,, 1' , ~l'l r ." ~l l l th\.' J! Ut 't- 1!4 lit rhl' 1:111\"'.0/1 dIlL tOtll!!ht. bIll 11111 t 1"'\ '4'u1;\II" t,tl 11H'Jn \\ hh llq Jw,\' luJ.; (I.) II,.. 1Il'1' c\" " l!tltl'I' "".ulIl he d ollghl l'.1 t,) , .. nl ",,11 ' 11 n", ~' \\t ln ', uml l'lu'Hlnl !' t'd ('I)IU,' t il rhl' hlA'Rhow l Ho lit 1''; I 11111 , thl' 1 11~Pti(.', . . t·d ul1 ,\r h. , '1U11 IIIel'l"s ~I r, J im Sb\'rlda n- Il R,1 '1'10,· '1l'1'I III~C'1lI\'"1 ut III' l' IlJ lr "' Il~ lhure'. Ihe c loe k! I Inuilr'/I II t SO"ilU. '· 1. 1I' 1,.~ I ', I/·UII IIII. .\ t h,' " ~ll,1 ~!l t 1111' / tblrty!" .\ nd she rnn out ot the M{l m, scoo p- jrrl'fll 'IlIII lh'. " Hh rill' 110'1''' 1' or lils (li mn,\' il lid I,r lin' ":U\,~ j"'l H I t.Hlt h im ; Ill!! lIl) he r rl1 l h'" rll~ with n A'1'~lnrl} l h ['11 oil ~'II"h ~ i tlt.. fOlllU\,' till" I lPi~hll l) I 'R or n.\·llI A' !;rD" ~ II~ " h l' ~p , I. or lhl" "nhl" IItllI" l'. 1"1'1111111): ,11l\\' n to • W hl'lI ~hc ('l1ml' (\ OWI1, lit tWCIII .\· l' fl ~. "If, nlltll'.'ll lh"·,· ...- ~IlI· "1'1I1 h llIh'lIt~, m i ll111t·s nrt'~r f; I,'en, 11\'1' fntll(lr NIO\\Il \·f\ ~ltj l'iI1ol. hl'lId, nf lk' pl1nll\I'U l~, It uft th l u thl! 1\lI1i. lit Ihe root, or lhe HIIIII·~. I1kf'- I1t l ilt, rUtl t , wlh' r p ' tht' ''''lIn lh~'t:J I w, ll tllIl:' In he her I!scor t Ihrllll jth Ih o 10111' I,'ok II r IlilII '" II ~ " ['1I1I <lIllIll<ln t llr

~ \¥ Q"


dark . B e lookc4l up nHd WIl1\'lwll Ih'" tl8 pbe II Q~c('~,ded ' nnd h Is ):117.'" \\'II ~ ' f 011,1 ' nn,1 l'rrl llll - 1t 11l1 prOr<1Ullrll ,· ,lI~· I tI .. I


• ..,111 . Ie £<l\IlIe d 1111,1 nu.I,II',1 I I Sl"~' Iy' 1111' , '" 11'11 ~ lP r ,,"dl 'l l Ihu Ih'ur, 11IIt It hnll,l on h is 8ho ll 1(1 ('1'. nnd beg~n tD PIIC th ~ II brnrr tI \,,"~ht· Mr~. 1·I'I·Ir"I·~. w ll h II J:IIII,I,I':,n r ~"~ItI.{J , " At l en ~t 110 nile COli III ~\I R llI'ct 11\" 1\1• t ulll' peudl ng their retu rn. li e Wild , prlth' ti t l h~ LIIII,t"'I' rs' a bout sixty· a 6U111 11 m ono wltllerl'l l l Illollgbt "": ll~I.'nt l ngS, lI~. I \ e tI ~'"! S n lll ht ," Rhe sn ill. " li DOk rich . d oo·t [ , a [lr "111 pllpn?" aod IIry nud Iluo, 11 trIm IItlle 'k"1 1'I1 1 1I"" e lb.· \' Ol ,t o t tost~. I fihl' d Id. f;h,' hn<1 R look thnt w or · ot the elderly d ll llely. II I" In mhnL "n h. It IJne OWI1 ~ It H npho('1 (! r a !lhlllllli IIlrl rrl Illis cnll~d "n'IlII I. " A Quln Dl us tncbc, 1I~~ his ~!lI'''' 11J hnl r, '1'lIlnn:" slIlI l ~rr. 'crtrc(,s , IllIlshlllg 1ll'1I11 tnlll'r Ihllu h 'r rllthe r, ~he "'"M li S '\VRB upproac blng co e'1I"III" ~\J~er I be Implkll lloll, not I II words. h ll n I st rnllth t 111111 JlI\lntlly 1'0i.1XI liS II bn y w b1tenc!8s ; Alld tI,ougb h is ciolllrR wr re l wllh n "':I ,' l' n r It)s IlIlIIel. " , 0 on. ' ntlllcw ; lllld her browlI 111111' 111111 b ~I' old they bltll sb npellul'llS (lu rl " ""'or Mn,-y. No ne or the 1'('8t ot UU!IlI c(l mo . hrowII ey 'S were like he r moUI~ r·~. hul ot ~Dd~. In? You oI l,l n't lU et ~I r. glll'rillun or j tor th e rest she ",'cnt b ack to sou,<' The room wn s <'\II:ortlll II nll h l'l 'nlls. - " He pnuRcd nnel R,lJ lI stecl n lump I .... o mllntel ot Im ltnllo ll hltlek d UII ~ r or ron l In I hc tlrl) (l clknL'ly w l UI Ul e '\ lllurl.1lq au IllcI' ry little COll i lIre 1'(,1I111C11 I'{I k cr. "0 r o ne 0 t th e sClns.9" t or UI UllOn b lltb Alld nllrn'''' "E'I_I"Ik~" ~I n ry'" !lln nre e ro". ed h is, nt tha t , bookcas es with 1011 gln~s ~"1lr8. ~"'" , wIth 'n tl uoh o t ultcr comprehensIon, t ortable, I nt,(lllb'T'lI() II S r llI'11ItUI"' , hnl( n n" t UI'I)ed 11]~ lnntly IIWIlY. but she bnd do e I nndscer engrfl"l ll gfi "'h ldl .\ Ir. begu ~ to hlll!;h ngnln. tllne.



'T'- ---- ---- ----....


IlU! U.

t lDUcd to oneil oUlI'r. Ilr ler thirty Yl'nrs 'ot pOR 9C~RlolI. ns ""('I'Y Olll' Ih lll,,""" " 'j'h ey hlliJ lIt!4!O I Ilc tl rst P.... OI' lo III l o"-n t o possess L undMN'r CI1);nl\·!IIj;s. nll d there. 10 urt. they bad r' ted. bllt they etlll bod 0 tecU lI" tllllt 111 lill slll' b mil t. t el'll they wt!re In tJlll V.IU. 'rho growt h of U,e city. '\\' 11 1 h mlgbt enslly bave mnde Mr . Yc rlret.s II lItll. Iloonlre, b Ad ruIned h lUI b ('nuse he bll d (a il ed t o ulIllcrshlOd It. "heo towns begi n to g row th eyunve '\\'bI1l1 9, and tho wblma of 11 towD nlwllYs r uin .ameI>OIIy. T he {lnillty little m Ull WfllI oue ot the Orst to Cu ll d WI1 , nll'~ wor. ahlp B1g ue8S. He w ,I8 It tru e proph et ot tb e proll1gtous growth , b ut be J1t\d a fAtAl gift t or selllug gt>od nnll bu yhlK bad, Be l old b ls Illherit ed ofllcc hulld. In d b In · t w o t bu . IDts' g 110 ouae a a y , the u be sold his t n r m . exeopt the houlCe and the grouod about It, to p ity tu xes on !h,c lata. But h e lltld to d o BOInr thing to keep hhuselr .and bls f nml y up, BD In d esp olr be sold the lots (wblch w ent up benut!tu lly the n ext 1 M }') tor " tracUon lltol!ll." Wot was paying dividend I; and dlsappenred -al· together trom \lIe c:qo\mo~elal s ur:t.. ce .. t about Ibe tim e JOIDes Sber Ulilb cam:e out .securely 00 top. But there enme a cJa y .",'br.n th.ree 8el'Ylto1'8 of Bigness tn l'hlln!le lnhlll

took greedy cDuDsel 'wlth t our !ellow w orilblpel'll ' trom New Yor k, nnd tlot long atter that the re '\I'llI'll 110 mo re dlvldenc Js tor Mr, Vert\:'Ce8. ] n (net,

there woe notblng

tor ~r. Vertrilils. he-

(!Auae the "tractio n s tock " b e ncef orlh :waa 'no 8tC)Ck at nil, and h e hlld mor t· ·. aje4 ·bla house IDng ogo to I.\elp "olUnage ~meltow" occorcllng 10 h is cO lleepUon of his "]lOilttlo n In IIre"--oI l(' or Ills own old· fllshlolie d Ilbrflsc8. Mr. V,'r· trees bad dlst'Ove retl t oo th at Ib ro . " . ,,88 no salary for biro lu 1111 Ib" IIU7..&tng clty~he could do nothIJlg", It may be said thnt h e WlI S lit the end ot hIs s tring. S u eb tlm e~ ,10 come I n all their' bltte m l!l;l8, Unn lly . t o U,e man wIth nb tl'adll or cro ft. It hIs feeble cilltcil on OlOt Kll ppery g bost, Property , all,,11 Cnll. The wlndow 8 !.'1'.1W !)Iack ,,'bll~ he paeed the ran·shupoo zone ot Orellll'bt . Dut IB the mllotel clock s truck whecz, Sly alE. there 11'118 Ill!' ruttle ot 1111 outllr door, and .Mary Ve rlrli eIl mc ,r usbl ng Into 11Ie .lIbrary anll th re w hertlelt Into a deep c.:hllir by tJle 11 'urlh. luughluJ.( 80 uDcontr ollab'l y Ulnt t l'1l1'!1 WI,r e lu her e1es. Mrs. V"rtrees rollow cfl lIecoronaly , DO Dlll'th llbout bl'r: a u Ole contrary , she lookl!li vll!;uely tl.IKturlJed. Nit abe b ad eaten eohillLbln4: lIut <,Iulte oertaln t o a grce wlUI ber. 111111 r ll/,' l ct . ted It. "Papa! Ob , o b I" An ti ::IIIKR "cr· trees wus taln t o app ly a h nnll\lI!r c1Jlct UPOD her eyes, " I'm 80 g l nd yO\! 1II1l d,' U. gal 1 wou ld o't h n\'e mlss!!(1 It-" Mrs Vertrees sh ook her b end "I 81JP~e I'm very ,dUll ," sh!! '~nld, ~ If:I!ul!y. " I didn't s ee ony tbl n" 11111118. Tbey're most ordillury , unil t be house la altoge tber 10 bod t nsl e. but WI! ~ntlclPa1Dd that, a 'u ll- " "Papal" Mary c ried, br!!lIklog tn, '''l'bey aBkt.'d U8 to dlnoer I" "WbaU" \ "And I'm goin g !" 6110 s bolltod , ond fwaa Belzed wllb tresh Ilnro:rys lI1 s. 1''Thlnk ot Itl ' Never III tbelr house be · Ifore; never ' m et uny. ot thew lJut the ldanlhte r-llod JUflt bnr~I Y . m ot bcr-" "What about you?" Ill terrul,1l eu Mr, IVertree a, t!lrolug iShllrl)ly IIP{>O hl B (Wife. . Sbe mnde a little tfl ce 8S It p OR ltlvll J10W thnt what shll bnd ollt eD would ~ot' a gree wIth ber. "I couldn't I" she





" Y es, tbot's just -Just the w ny sb e~e looked \Vb'eD they ngkod b . r !" c ried tMary, clloklng . " And t hen she--slle realised It, and Irled to turn It i nto It IOOUgh. and sb~ d ltln't kUow bow, nud It

aounlled . ilk_ like n 8<j IlCIlI!" "I I!UPPDse ." sn ld Mrs . Vert r cs , much 10Jured, " tha t M u ry will b ll"e an uproarlo ua time at my fun er nl. ::ib e !maketl tun 0;- " ' M.", jUmped up In stnn t ly and kl~8ed ber; then IIbe ,w eni t o the mantol ,nod, leanlDlr ali elboW upon It, gqzed tbouptt uJJ1 at, ttl!.' buckle of her ehoe, twlnlLllt ijr Iii the Grel1gbt .· . "TheY, ,didn't DoUce .onrWng ," sh ...· ealel. "$0 far a. they. were concerne d. mamma, It was one 01 the best coughll ,OD .ver cougbed." : . "Who'were 'the;p'r asked bu ·tather. "'Wbom . did 10U 8ee'" "OnIT' the m.o thill' and daugbte r," 1M8l7 aJl8wered. '~!oIra. Bberldl.ll Sa ~ump1 snd rul tty; a114 MI88 8berldaD .. P"llt7 aDd. p~ by die fublo& ..... lIuetl aDd talk. about trw 'tort people Utat bave theIr pit'" Ill ' 'em. BIle tutora the mother, . . . . , 1JIC!e!I88~ be-



.~ ---


tU"Hi~h~ UIP hy t hl. 1· ,\I~ll (r('sll nit III Alncrka ,

I"q~ itIlPt'l'tJl Ilt.



Abuve the Slanda rd

(I tJ,\UTY


S I': lt V I <;:B - Thll ~ can't be heat

Al w~~ .. Shining on Am orlc a, It I~ nlll IInl. "" Ihl ' l'II'IU,h nl' plra l hlll lh . " UII ",·v II.!' 801~. ftll v r sots o li AIIII' I'l nnn slIll. Wli," IL Is

Su n



Th e B o~18 h Wo m a n. th ink II lu th ho)'181.1 Wntn01l, ~\lrt nil (I Itlml IIlId IlIlPOI'",l llnl. who ~nln~ th e round ' ll ro or IIlh er WlJIUCIl ."Stak i ng II 1.II I·ks l'lIr," hl' Anll u noo n/l· Ins St',l gwic1, III Con tur)' MIII:,".lnB.


(un, HlllOltg

Ihl' 1111·,, 11, "1,,1 1II\IIIIIIll' lI. Hnl 1I 11,1'M :-; " ~ I·liI ,ll ll. 0 1II"cl; 1::111" 1111. 1\'(IIIII"rl n/: ho I\' IIllyh." ,y "oilltl 10 '(11 lit hllll II I1Ii

Corwin , Qhio.

I:'holle ,54-27,i ·

Ii I), lU, IlL AILI' IRIILII'" ,\ Inslm. IL Is 9 :!ljj II. m. lh nl'."t ,I ny ull Lil u onal· el'll cOal?l 01 ~Ini ll '.


Fun eral Direc tor.

Way neSVille


cn t.

11'1I ~

. tlnlUl\1''i l'n' l lI~ Hlll i

0 'IIM,

th e lolk

('on ·

cTlt nn


~lH~"' ,

11111 1

Notice of Public Sale

Aula Equipm ent Hon;c- l,lru wn Equipm ent

r lll~rf'

1' ~; LlW lI llN1!:

IIII g'hl~'

1I:o IJ I,I,'. Alltl Illrilll :.rh ihp 11I11,,.~t "'~. dHlll n rillt.:' H i "h~ "'11thl 11"' 11 1' 1111' "Oil· 1I11l1l1 1 III '" 11 I III! "r II IN rallll'r·. hcnry "'lIef.'. 1111(1 litH' ''' Iu' t'HlI;..:lI t lilt.' [';4Inlr11 t"', " " (,8, ~· nunJ.! 1n ll y, thill's Jus t wll ut .lid. It fo r IIll'. 111111 Ihll l'H .l 1I"t whll l ' 11 (Io It illY l,n,l's- thl'.1' 1t"1 tu mil I<e two bl:lt h~!'\ 0' ":-I'a.;,c~ g-rIH\' wll ('rc 1I1lt! 1!1'(lW ] tWit ... hb f,lllllllllr tI OUI'I :t h .

011 .. 1,1 slo) r., · til HI1 " ,~. N III I IIII W JOI'\I1l1y tlN'I""" ,',1 r",· Ih" I·dl ll ,·n lll\l, "e )J III'Y





24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1916 ,\ t 2 o ' cluc.k. (I n t llo ' lrwltl~UlI . t luJ r. llIu\\ llIJ; ,I hl: rlhl.,.'t l rl!ul C:4t n lu sH lll't l1 l11 Ll u\ ("OUlIl)' ot !


W u.rhH\ .Il TUJ SUl l o or UI\ln, to·""II : . Ih.'gluuhlJ( ul u pohH, ·ill t hu \ 'u.."L li uo o f :\la(1I 'JUl.

H e Poun ded the T able and Boom ed -Ct., 111 "h ')'uwu ur W U)'u C'Ii\' III 11. Wa rrell H is Ec hoes Old Son gs . i COUIl LY. Oh io. :.r rt.. t u Jil. ,",uutiIlH,r dly frum . th u


hprlln' ~"


- 1,; 1'\'111-:11

\q: llt .,n

with tile '·:lU lI ;'; . 11H'1'''i'''lIl 1tlr. If r'oSt-0""1' 11,1' 1I11·"IoIo IIII: .. r 11i~ M"IIl" " '" lIlId till' In,lI,ll'" 11,1 ,' 11 111<11111 .. r " I"" I' IIIIU


l'OO llfnirllf' I(',l n

rull yl(\\""


('\'1'-. : nod witll t he 1001" • • Ut'h.::ltLHll· ~Jtli l - nthl I t WilS ~Ill~(>,' h t t) hllu-

IJrll1 ll1llt h ~ s ItJyply

br lel( hlJu,,;o uu whut Itl Ii IIUWH bri I hu I (CtI~ U lI u llhllU lo t. 10 outlut Nil , I ; t h r UIi HI flHh L hllg-Ie wit.h tmhl li uu ; un:;L\\ Ulh' nr~ l1y n iu rl , U 1ft. W IUllrun piJlO litl " II III ~ruulhl : ' ,hUIlC-O 'It right. IUlg lCtl

InS UR .1I neE

j\ul l r,urultll l WIU, Muln H I M'tlL , IIl1rlll'wu.n l l )' U It Ii u . tu nU Irlln \IIU~ th ~lIh' at r lgh\. 6 11 )(1(..'6 Bm l Ila r l1 l1 e l with I\nu Illlll . w om e n. bll t mn~I,I,~"a Inqulro(l ll bo u t Ihe U'L 9 III .-(J t ho 11110 u f l.1It> ollu \' ; Ll Itt I t n' n~ /I J:r ellt nlllht fur ~llI'I'I(llJn­ 1lUIU.'0 \\ It II "I hn[)p, yu u ' r e \, ('ry 'fU ISI'(lp t-l h lc , 1tlr. tho 111100', l llo all,,), UO rl l!\\ ILl'tll l ' 13 ft. ; l li cl1co so~s tbo~ughl~. , l ho " el')' (' n's! or hi s ,,"UI·C . Ells hlg, •·lwl'tdlln I"~ lU l.u~It.:8 . nth l u,rallol w it h l ho lIM' t 11110 ·Mnry . Mrs. ' ('rtrecs protcstlXl . lIt)J H·~t lto~('OO WRS tn k(\n n btU'1c, ~\~:~h ~'II~ :l~iut~( ~~;~ill~l~t~:W~I:1,\\ t~~\~lr~il~,f ~O~ lft~ ti;ll 1flO r h, "f·,1 f ll l'f,,' 1!r \\ ' Illllt' l ' nlHl IIHlrd "Ob. m os t odrol(ly , (oo!" IR U!;bell th o " \1' 1I~· .~" .. . I..v. . 6 In. to "lIo h oglllutllJ:, , , \,,,8 Il II IH~ ' ru nll n ~t"u 11\1l i" I,1 \l' lt h """" \\' 111 :11111 " ' llIl the nu(1. g irl , "Qnly she coul(111·t h elp uu co id ll r,) pcr t )' is hlcuLetl on M tdll S i roo t.. In auy , ,,11111''' '" 1. IIIIl'l1 h·~ W n\' rl efi \' 11I0, Uhlo , ~l\I (t pru1.HJny WI~ RV· t. 111 M I h"ylsh \' 11 n Ill'. sclously turnIng t. look nt m_w ben '1 II .. ,,'1\-, Ih (' pi 1'1 111'1 ' lie 1"·:l lIh. or ~no(\ . ,e H'PPII I I't' \ tl II? Ino k II I' IIh(Or:! t P\y, pr"ltl e<.lu.l,0$70U 'J'urll)s sb o did It!" 1 .al". oro 118 tvllow", IIno . thl,,1 Over Poatolfl~,'J i:J " 'hit' ll WH ~ OOh'll, w ith It 1l1j':o\ tl th'ntlo u cW'h In llltU\1. dl"('I'. IIlltl 'I' p,Hn't' (Ill II !I,)lId n y . o llo· thlrd (1.1 o ne yo u.r u ul1 n UU- Olflce Phoue H HOUN PboD~' , ll :?I! nr r Vertr eS!" e' 1U 1i 1 t o h i OWI1. h.u h is 81~ t(, I' II c rm~s t l ltrel III I l\,"u 11 ,' yel1rs iluI1lIHlIl trom ('d IIJI' tnllh', l'h Pll tiU},! dll.)' tlf ~u.l", \\ t h :r .Ne\·er mind, mn M rs. Rberl· IIII Uroilt. 1' ho 11D. r IUU Il1Lllo <s t o bu sl\"ur otl b)' :\(.1 OUl' , l'('fl(,l'tt!~ 1 1\llIth, n mu r tKBgo UPO j(u'lIll1l' qltl '.l q'IlI1S nnll 1':l IIlI,rjl ';oI lit tll (' whtt,. II thu IJrul ll l~," "'OILl. <1a 'o nnd :Al~S8 Sll,Pr1<1 nn n eit her o r ,'nu Id ItIlH J!ln.· ~ I II ry \' ('rtl'*8 Ih .. ~ o r t 1' \ ' ,' rr OlI(' _ [I i'" It l l' H WitfoC th ;'t \\'lwll E ll IV An D Il . ltull 1£ H'; . them ('Quid h elp uu consclou s ly turnill g 1\(10111111 \\'(' 1',- I nl\~ l ll ).! II J:: ulI~ 1 11111 ' tJwy .ot ,,11'1 who 11'<\uld "rellily fli rt" wll h to look nt m~spe c lIl nt "· ely-::nt tho ~~~'~ll lr.'i:':s~ "i~ J~:~t"o;:,', w pro IIP I!'), ; ullfl hi ... uWII :"'.t ltlll l l oC tu Illurrh'cl IUl' o -Nlie WHS oh\' l n tl ~ly tit ~ BA~NHART, ' . et UU('UDStKI. snme tlme l '1bey a ll JIl r Il I<c pt look"orI'08~1 o t nil thllt." 1~(1Itll 111(, ,le hll lllll. 1111111 ' (1 '1'.· In,'r" 0 .· :lsrol ·lorl,lIc. hl~ A~", ru 0 1 ph·,llmre , h er' it S l·t h log nt m e nnd In lklng nbout t he oldest o rOlr'~hhr(\d," n "nh-o 0 l r ) '," HIH I. N. Sunrs. ;\ ucl lolloor t'nltrJ.; f'. I lIf"' thro \\· I "· lIlt·~t ('11~ ~ ., 1II 11·J14 Bo n . lI[r, Jumes berl tlnn, Jr. Mrs. lind the lonk I;ln' " 10 Itl}~ co e W II K li S' ,' (HlrU){l'U ll'll l rrilltl !I i ~ ~lh'N t l' , It. , kt·pt Sberl~a u Balli his tn t1l(,'r til Tery fUll(· H os,'o~'s w it SO W' It,' too, . tll1lf' til III., 1I ~I1:ojh' t'lm tltl1lnlly - w1th t OU IIIIIIII:. All kinds of N ot-tny Work.j :. ~1Il. lous ~ get Ji m t o Illa rry and, 8~tt10 . hl ~ 1'1' t. ur l1f.nllllln~ nn Ih,· tnll i ' willi 111111 " it e. WIlS AIlOlh" r whom It p u zzll, 1 dow n, ond she l!s~ ure'1 me Ihnt Jim Is o.nd Deeds 11 lip ooll&lty. Uhllljlh nut bUl'IIU 6~ Its recipIen t WIlH bl ~ t1~ t. :l1l(1 HUIlt ·tllll\·~ with ~IH l on ~,r righ t e oIUI' ate<1. A nol h.'r or the 80118. IDnrrlcu . kll ir" 111'''" hi 1,lnl.· ti l' 1\ ~III ~R. wllh· yo u liges t one, tbey dlll ll t seem t con· " H~(, lln~cl" sn l [l Mllry Vertrees , r e{I II I II(' rllll ll l n>; 1I1l' "I! I:Ild ' I'!''' s Ieler q uite ouc of t hernsel,' cs, oBorne''" I 'I ~ t tl how, Tbo o ther IJrotbe Is Ibe mll1 d l o 1I1WI' r"I'p willi tli t' t"C ~ ll lin itw~s or ~nt · plyIng to n05''OC'S monosyll ah le. " Aud one Roscoe ' h e'll tbe OO~ lbnt owns tile ' No,(ru 18 horeb)' gh 'en. 11), lho u ntle r.:tlglll\ll lug ull ,l Mh 'ulilig. II lso "N'II I1 ~ (, w("rc II~XI · cll\o r 11 ('I~hho r lhnl. ou Ltlt.h dll,. u r Al u.y, 19 16, lIu, (\.K ';Ill·vh ·· lie; bOuse ~crosB the stroot, wbere thot " 1''''1 'rill III piny ' Xnnry ].I'(" !" h e III' t,tI 'l~, IIl1d It's (11111 tlolle~ nhend tor in g Jlnrtuor o f t bo ,,,to p~r~HUJ'fIhh) or l..o\' I ')' young blaek shlkJp o f the Lawhor ns, ...\t 1((lwe , c.1fling Im,ll \OM ilL jl ur,:o)'sbur~, ~I Bs w ould b"11 I\' ,loWl! the IClIgllt ot the botll nr li N It \1'0 /lnn· t j::ct !Ilong ." _10 f.rUWl1sh..lp, 'Vtt.rrcfl \)OUlltrY t 01110 t\llll com·· R obert, goes 80 otteD. P tlPll- " Sbo tahle to h is wife. 11'1111(' th o 1l\U!J\dnn s n l1~t'no \\'1111 it 1I1('rnl SIlIIII/: Ullin, nil lIItlll<l ortho undol"1ll1n..1 un,l ()rolgllWlU MII .... II stepped :neRrer to him 80 tJIllt h e bod t o Iowa, "1lO\\' IleootUlOll, Iu Il CurliulI l"'"'''' ling IV"r!' In the· IIlhl.l ot Ihe " 'I'Mendo r" ~I II' kR Illlil I &)lId~ , 11'1111 he h'lll h en 01 t ho I'mbhl" t;(lurt 01 Wltrl'llll 11111. tnee hel' lind his eyes , w ere trou\iled ROllI:. II 'rlhl llS. ·'.\ Hlc 11111 t i1l1w It ·lIr. IIlIlI t 111) hi helle" \1111 1 whull I' mllll olOOt..Od La IrtJ c: e tho ~te l,lf fioltt"IUllly, tJ 1' f IIJ Waynon 1IIe. 0 as h., did. T here may h \lve bt'erl II Ihuy (U",'! ~lIljW '~lln~y [,ne' !" Jntl 111~fl l'h'l.l he " llIn1'rllu l llll0 ~C'tllull l1(lw n," .,'u QlItllJ'Cd In w II l/Ilutl 10 Il" y ,hu Un,hh" Uubl41 aJII I tJ tschtl1'go t h o QIJlh;ath:n18 o f IUdc. varl Q~ tl'ollble 'deep w Ithin b el' own but ebe l WIU' l1 till. lend r w'\l1hl ~h:1 k tl hl~ h entl Ito ktil·w Ulllt YOllng lUn r r le.1 Pooll l" •.hl p IIJIltru\'ld cd by luW. AU unllli' "' havl"~ cl Cl1mll agal ost.tlallJ ],.(\.rtu t,lpj hl P. mUll; p rt1tiCUl. k ept Ibc lr, surtace merry '\I1th'laU g bter, "I Know Exactly Wltat, You W ant Me oIIJlloljetl!rllli.I' 111 lUI Wl'r 10 nn obc(1 lent IlII!.(hl hn,' frl~1\C\shII18. like h is w ltc's t hoLtl . wit-h ill ono Y I&.r to l.tlo"!Il,:; u,)t I, " P upa, Bibbs Is the younges t one'a l a h r l~k rr'O lll ~rr . hel'lilnn, the " T " rcll ' f,l\' 1.,lIlIito r n: h nt I>lhyl 111111 Ln lllhDrn aes au e h l ur,'!vl uK tDc r . t1 r snlll clu h lls \\. 11 . to Do." tlll r" contlnoln!! "ehome ully, Rh rhlnn l\e\' ~' " llIrl~"I .. - - l lle.v 'n'r " h\' IIY " ve lIam e, lIod BIb bs-to th e b est of our In · strooge r nnel li veli er ry llc " ..r nlll. UL YDE I\: LI!:V I ' ~' nll ('e tor t hu u 11'011 111 rl1l1 form ntlon- Is 0 IUDntle, R oscoe Is I el thc r o ( her p llrents. r bnlf·rem clIIbercd fr",:m~111~ "I"lter·o r· 1',I" t with QII"'I 'Ito r. Ros 'oe )I &y 1 7 · ' ~ o r ":-Inll ry L (' ('," w Olil IIlI d tllrully h ll \'e IoIW II troub le,l Ir ~l lJy l hlH1 mlllTled . Pa po, does it blt ve to be mlllg'lIn g " D't I I k t I I t be su s pect. SOLOI' nt1." Jlm~" t with tb e nlr ot lh nt \l xol'l· c\·e,· l o lcl l.ululJorn ahC! hop d b (.' WIlS 11"on '1 ~~ d oo r CI 0 t " Mary l" Mrs Vertrees cried sbnrp. el ous t l'lbllll'. SUl:U'Cpt Ihle. S)O liS S e . ly. "Yon're outrugeo Wi! Tbot.~ a perNo C'x l ernn l 1'l\hl1l1l1~ nlrl!)ute d to . " Yes- we' re n elghbor H," be Hllld, "Y~~ louk CV~1"ytl.'lllg bl'nut1fu l. fectly horrible way ot tn lklng l" thl~ ell'lln' j'scl'II CI': Ihe . h(,I'I, III I1's t nbl awk w u r.lly, " I Ul'e fll' ross !be s lree!. " Mn rJ , be suld, huskll) . " Well I' m close to twentY. tour" II " Wby, no!" she exc11 h ued, nUll "~nd my d ress'" • h th re \\' ollcn h nd n ,'C I' hnrtll' "'.\11 t' , 1111'1 . l11orro he· 8ulel MO~y turning to ber. "I hn I'en~t be r dork veh 'e t chl"k, iibo \\'lng u sI,len· cn u~e or t1m hllt,\' nbou t It IIl11u ro n,·le· sel!m~d stllrtlcd. • "Yo llr 1I10Uler told Call nnswl! red p romptly day ur night been nbl e 'to like anybod y ye t that.s ' dor of whl~e aUd s ll n'r. .. •.I:llrlh~lIg' tlon, II lIore IInlle now. A 11 (1 ce l'lfll u· lUI! til ls artH uooo tllut you ' ,h' etl UI )o'l'IL[lk W h lU'to u. Mol<l lng III 8ou~h \ 110111 1. l.lulh phol1e11 in UlHce ancll{es idellce. n8k !ld me to m ll rry blm, o od may be i b tt~r" ot Icc U 'xl Wlnl.t'r. ,10 ~nl ~ Iy 1I(, ·w lue conhl h ll\' C II1 ~ p l l''''l "'In'e hOUle." ,' Io wly n "dcell colOl" enDl e In to Inll .. JIllI"" 1I' III,rWII, rosilllllg In SuuW, I1m .. l, Long distanc e No. 14' H.ome phone lnd ., Lotl"lll WhllrWll ll tick. reshHuK In ~it" ' t.h never IibnJl. U ntil n yenr o r so a go I've tblllk 1 . Sbe luugh . .. " e.l , s ill o ullin g bCI tm' hllie llt 1;110(1 Al'lrllli III th e h st. Xot b 'r cbeek. u e mJ. I n<r,. lmd NOLL-Io WIJ arlu u, n". 14-;6r. hnd everythI ng 1 ever wnnted In my g Utte l'III' tlgur . ":'<0," be "rt l ,l : "my wl Ye a nd [ Ilre d .illlu~ III !:IUlII I' II uti. JIIII... aud \vl lli ulll ChaIrs III th e ciolll, nglllll, C\'cn mhlls 1""8 011 nllor In Ih ls \l llt"l'" and one Coaeh furmsb ed free ::im it h rcshlhlH u.t. Clmuuto, l\. ul l..'ns. will ""k o llr e--you d p I 01,1,It IInrl no ooc would ~lfIp"ll\ e_s. rOI', liS Mrs. ' lwl'l ,l ,llI hall "'WI Ule olil tolks. the Urst YCll r, b ut u utlco·. BO a pa gnve It a II t 0 me-- " T wo y ears ba ~ ,UI \ he ~ I h ,I"y ot Mu),. 19l U. Juhu , I cUd With fUl1e.ra s, " snld . he h lld "1'111 os for lIIhlo. ·'- p]IIlIR tha t'a ni l. Etl lth null J im 1\1'0 w llll u. Uunwrlgh .IUI ",IOIh,lslr utor "1111 I hu ond It'll about time I b e';Rn to pny dreu m It. w, . u uuoxud o f (:8 ta \ v 0 1 Lm.'Ol. t u. .h!. SltJ~: II UlI . Best of servicill guarant eed. bock. U nfortUn ately, I don' t know which ""~I' e !!'oll1/: to strulJ;h len o u t th ~ 1ll, or CO ll r s ," " You Cll n do anylul ng, Mnry. " COtlSOtI. 11100 hi _ lHlLILluu t u t hO l)ourt of u lIl bow to d o Ilnythlo g-but 80wcthJng's " I- I sce," she snld, the d eep color mo u t'lolUl or WW'l'OIl U:UlUt.Y, U h lo . in cusu !!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!====!!'!!!=~~ TI!orc WBS a ClIl'lou humility In h is so me thing'S tUII t had gone W\'OlIg. ==~ :\u. t, 11U Lh e "OO\'OIUU Ueu parLl t»l got t o be done.;' So ho )lol1lll l \ the 11 111\ hunm ed stili Il cu PI'lIl l11!' U8 sbe t Ul'IIed J rom him (Ul\1 o lo hers,l18tlu.lSlt t one, lind somcthl l1g (uor(,- II slgn lfl· \: ,,",ylu B llmUIl~ utlJo.r thll1 ~d ru r u h l~ erhoeH or 01,1 80U):8, ontl then . (or - lIll<l SIIW. written " n ut you n eedn't tnlk of It like tha t!" I c nnce not v couslrucU ou 0 upon 11110 In n •• curd before LlU,.'t1LlU £ . Shies, docul..s<."CI will ""') W,OIJl Uluut ul eil ed lind y t 11 bYSlll 'l lly . gct1lng UleAc. ,,"011 111 rl' new h i. (rl.... nl!· lhe (; I1l1emnn 0 t h er left, Ibe nllUl Ins isted the mothe r, plul nUvr ly . "It's lIpol ogcUc. It .•• • • ... Slli d pll r UOtI am r"Ullulrcd lo IlI~W r 1m or e, w os ns Ir he I<lI l:gos ted no t -It's not-' i 80metJIl ng to hl'r oml begged h r fur· Iy rnlll el'lc9 , or pcrh:l'ps, turning t<1 ".ll r, J alllC!S Shm'ltl ll ll. Jr ." ADd ( r pm beloN l lou Is. duy 0 1 J uly , 191U. . M nry Yc rtrc(', wh o Slit llcnr .blm, tlmt mom l'u t H oscoe uud' " No , It'sl(f) ot,' sflld Mnry. "1 know g ll'ellcSS lu the 90ll1e J OllN 'It lly.,,,.nI llO'8 -Leadln , ,poD"" G. UO\ II'1'WHl1l UT IltUe eoough brealh. ·thatl" Alh uillhitrou ir willi UII' will Offioo In Keys ti~, AmI lIpan Ul nt , tor th e I1ICl mc n t, s il o r Oll utl the 'o rll,' r ot Ille 1II 1IIe lit his clltiNe fo r w onderi ng w hu t be ought to Itt_tn t!~ nnnox.~j ot'tho ta t., u f right, he wouh! l)e<.'Ou\· 1I II I,)IJIOl;ral)h· I' ply 10 Il"r 1118tu r bl ng co ,uettles. . " flow did th o.v bnDDen to osk YOU to beco me a s serIo us ~s he, 1.uctJLL" K , HltiOd c.1oo,- u I. he IICtcil h or I 0 1. G ntl cllIen Ipss 1I,Ih'e 111011 b ~ rr. J umes Sb 'l'lll nu b ll il bee n nnx· bund trom bls s l10u II1 r nud tbeu 8Ct bac k more' tl rlllly, so t hat h e SIlDulil blld pul(1l.o l' thl1 t trlbule, rnr s hc \\'08 " 10u~ly \\,1I1HII'; fur Ule .lllzz llo g vll!ltor g irl w ho lil RlllrNI th o IIl1toh logrll phlcnl 10 "glll tllI'O ll l:lt w it h ohl Ho. toe" • a nd f eol tll~ renssurllnc!o of I ts pres~ure. " "Dou t worry," sbe suld, 10 It low IDlJ1 ul se In ol' ery IlIAn who me t hCl'-lt give II LIIII'lIt' lu r n ' hull ce, "Old R os· o U{I,' d hut t li RIght of her. 'I' he pytbag orlan. of Anolen t I " olee and g m vely . nl k rlOW 'oe" "'us th ·, yon,uge r , ' b ut be b fld a l· exactly T he dl nnor sec me I, RO l1l eho\\', to ceo· W ill'S beell Illc s telllly wlJeel· borse Greeoe lite tmple tooll, praoUoed what you .WUlIt me to d o." or i cr Ilbout Ma ry ' "e.rlrccs n t1l1 Ule jnculI,l lhe tllll1l ly. dB their t llth or bab tempera noe lind purity. Ae .. badge ltuu lly . " Graduate 01 'ObiO !)'lIl~ UnlVen ll) h o~t liS n pili)' ccn l ~rs aboll t It!! he r 'hey uled 'be flvepol nted stjl.r whloh " ous lell, lJolb IJl'olhcrs were " ell [Jllbl '. CHAPT ER V. nlHI berolne: Uley '"~ ' 1'0 lhe l'u hlcll nil 11I11'1I·w ork lug yOll ng bUSiness t·hey r eguded 11.8 a symbol of he1l.ab, men," A r od five pfllnted star appears on 1t wa s 0 bru\' e n tH\ IlIs lro us hn"fluet : IIl u~ 111101 IIIe Ktl1rry !,rlll cess or t h l", l 'hyale"lI y lI elUJer . w ns ot th e h eight. Office at reaiden c'l" in F. ll. Sher 6tleetu clc-· l h y pn101 court 10 eneb Olb · "1'l'II,l th or Ilcpt b a t tlle eaoh paokage of Chamh erlaln's . anu n oolsy one. too, til tbe r. HOIIl bccfl uRe Were WlI wood's bouse, }'o\1rth Hlreet. er, illlll eferyLol l.\, pllid 'ou rt to III 'UI . W(H'e YOlll1 . . bUS!HCSJ; Ul~ I.' ·::J ul ustn Tn.blote , still fulfll' lb anoleot role- ! 00 orcbestr a li mon!! sOllie ch cs, !,Iunts li t one . D wo l",,,r the itu ;;,I1' l'Ull1P workA, IIml ell h ~ r cou ld hn-ve ~-. flton 8e a symbol o f be1\ltb. 11 YOf ' cnd or !be long d ini ng I'oom, sn t fo r t he t n ll or' n n.l ll ft el· w here Dlhll!\. sat. Telephone 28 UlCre \\'119 8ulll bic ~ hop IIlhoJ.(t'ap lui ot yo uu g busloess men are IroDble d wIth Indiges tion a~~: n prelimin a ry Stl trll~SB the I! n.e~ig W(, ,,,, s p ecll inti o ll lind 10Ulmes s or oonlltlp atlon, ge' a ~ udmll'llt lo ll , " Wond "" !Hl'lng er "I'leb 8ultlJlgs Impelled to con'·Cl·s_lIQceij~nl'lIy !It lu d ark mi x· who 1I111t lody I So- mllkln ' ijll Cl1 It bit LIlI'l'S: ' Ul(e of tbell8 table's rrom your r.n:- tb e tOll8 at. tbelr YDlces. , '.1'he w bolll will, t he old UlIIU." ." )IU t Ilc &<1111' gl~t . Yun wtll 1>e Iltuprle ed at t e compauy of fitty Bat J im . UIlP ror lng warmly or his neIg h· lit II gr" lI t olJlolIg h ei ress." "lIell'cs s? (j olly, ] Illl eHS I hor·. 111'01l 1c, \Icrcclve d b er a ccess qulct rel Ict wblob they afford. Ob, til hIe 0 conO oeut ot rl ll:u1tl;.kof nml "Ice, cOll ll] s llll1d It to IllOI'I'Y rlcb . thcll!" wlnable everyw here ('01')1', which lucrclI!!cd bls 1I11\l ro\)a· " ' Ith s hores of cr yslu l n ll,l 611\'er r Ull' E d ith IIm\ Sibyl w e re I'n,Unnt : fi t t lo ll. " 'I' bllt's tllli t o ld Hoscoe nJJ11l Uti t o RDren(UIIl! I!I'O\'IlR nr nr('hIo1 . sllylng O ~t tlJ~y hnd wol,' hed ~ lI ss \'c'I'I I' ' 1" III ~'Oll, ~ll ss \' ertl'ees?" he asked. !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~!!!!!!!! with aD l1!tubat bllJ:llnrd Oll xl l't.\·, ",n il, "TllCs~ YOllng nllll'r ted me n' nre mighty (le rl ng wl lo t Il ls n ~ tl'O u ~ CIT'·I·t i;1,,·r\· t'flI'WIlI"d 1.11)\'·IU.l UyS.~ but yo u lDusn't let d llD'S plllftOl'fl1 /lil y 11o-!'-IIIlU olher 'em lIIuk e yuu h lush." thl.n g~-lI'o ul ti hn I'e upon II PI'. Ililt . he " ,\ III I blu_lllug '(" she s a id. "Are aeC)llI r d il ell~hted wll h CI'(, I'yll l l llJ;, (111 01 you gll\'''?'' A lld \\' 101 thul she g av e " ' lI b h lll1 lIl os1 of nil. . bc trea tecl 11 1111 111111 1Ilil llie 9J1Portm llty t o m'l ke sure. ti S Ir hi> ,,"ero son,£, Il !'li cloIlR, flJolI ~ 1 1 I'CllculIlI g wltb lolerest re~Qgnize the' look olt! joke thllt Rile II n l l e~ 1 (lrl pe l'rectly. wlI~I",1 upou · Uoscoe, "I tbluk you Will Illughltl g lit hi m II lnlOst vlnll'n lly ",111'1'1 mus t be mistA ken," 'slle contloue d. "I he l; rl1;;!;'~d·-Ill'oblll.Jly hl R I1rst expe rl · t hin k Il's yo ur brotJI e r who 1.8 blusb. ooee of t htlt · kind In Ill s Il le. It en· Ing. I ' \'e t brown blm IntD contusIo n." .

" No,"

she sn1c1 , "00 oue cJ:cppt the


My Aim- Your Trad e

t'IU CI':S - To plt!u~ e nil.


CHAPT ER IV IlIll1! p:u'l1..\' V~'~' II\l~I' ~nl' l"'~"lln tLiH Hilt": , _' Th~.'· ·'·" ~Cl t 1111 1'!lOrn l""'" ~ 1 '"1r I' t " 1 111 1\ -;1 "lT or f;"tlllI\'t1t1n,l!" I n th,' M r Yllr trt'CS 1I111'1uj! wllt ..lll'll t h,·lr I)I1111 I" I I .I I I , II It • • depul'tll r w ltb th e tllr "f II II\lIn \\'hOl II hnll ' IIIl, I till' !!I'rl ~"" 1'111 Y I \llU~ I I 1 liud uD1eUlln g ot 1 1Il ~n r" uJlon lttl' ('x· w l\g t o h pt l.r~ll t t Int ~ Ie !W I(lL' I It I II'" • .. II I ~dlllou tu rul.'tl (l'o m tbe willdn'" " Th rr hnl'l" oll"I'nIHllnll'~, t()(l, uc I I"

8b~ D ~I~8, Vertrll~8 SOIl\('tlU)(I~

"II tll'6rlnlm Pd to til tlllllc>. Nb" ,,!lout North Da~ •• 1IP11 ClII'I ,,1l11t. t"~ -111 luhall- hntl "11 \In\, 1lltb h"r" Hhc: lI;ul III' 'urth Jlol Dta, Ilt'ldw II. Hnv lfK '1111 iii" nt, ,1,10 \I I)". Inr tI,,;,,(' ,\lwd 11M HOR"OI' t:llI'rlll llll 1I1111 n ' h,.r , la kl', 1111 1",.1 IUII!l y 1I11,1 IIA II"'"WIIII,,"~ 111',\,' JI\j\r"'I""-.·~I,·aruillll bUlhl· L I'hllo~.•1I ~1"1\' I'r,,<1 III~I nrtp'r tl ... ( .. ",I i 8It" l l'hr" nl nh.nhl", I)· ,<,·"rtt~1t·,," """ 0 . li t;: .... 1' 1 n t' , . • 1'1 h -l' Hwl (l lu- .tt 1',\ h r 1t"~Htll. ~IJl(,~ hl~ ;}J:t rrht;.!,' t h n"t \ 4l':II.. N'y, JH ('blt'f Hlllqc, t 111 tl u ',"lI l1ll !.'w l, \'I.l fr II r'u J, >i "I' H1' I I h~' ~"llH'II",r"Tl' 11<' hhly 11II111" .~ Il}\\'e" 111"';' hllll til th r.· .. !fl'nlll" ' 1"" "I~ \\ h" I" 1,,1, UII 11 '''1 1 I' d , "l"j ltwt\ I', , II1'HI k lltg. • l hnr ,'¥. It nlxu ta Lou"d.·.t nll~h'l Ttl,:., " j l ' tlh),ll~l-:

Verlr ('(~I S,

be r

fl l"H t

Wal ter Cha ndle r Waynesville, o.

e, v.





Notar y Publi c

Leg al Notice

DR. J. W. MILL ER. ••• DENT IST•• ,





Funer al Direc tor

and Emba lmer,

Notice to Non-Residents', .Waynesville, Ohio. I










D i.) H E






Ev erh art ,

Dr. J. A. McCoy;' Vete rlnarv

Pap er Hanging and Pain ting...

Corwi~, . 0


Pain t • Up Wit h' "Gr een 'Seal ,. Until you!ve tried it, you have no idea, how .'B coat or two of Hanna 's Green Seal Pamt Wlll beauti fy and preserve your property. It makes everything look bright and n~w. It spreads smoothly, covers all surface defects and dries with a glossy finish that wears th~ough aU kinds of weather. It has given good results for 27 years.

Colors ~




n h n ll tne ' "1 111 .




B.- JANNEV, Waynesville• .Ohlo

The most Modem and Sanita ry Creamery . in the State and ..will· pay highest 'marke t price for sound, clean sour cream. We are always promp t to any advance in the marke t, and take care of your , ·intere sts at all times. Checks 'mailed daily or weekly as desired to cover altsbip ments .

" H ow 'tt

S he lo ugb ed, and then, leaning to blm ·n li tt le. sn td III \I toue a s coufiden tinI . as s ll e cOllld make i t, u n der cover ot the uprour. "By trying to beglil 'wtth, It YO ll Br e troo b l Cld wUh ohronlo bl m a courtshi p I m eant ror YDul" or lIIulcula r rh e UlIJ tl tls m g l ve tJhnm. 'I' hls might well be !l IIlyle new to


be rl l\ l o's Ll n imont a trllll. The reo J im ; oOd It Wits. Be suppose d ' lt a p,l l.i n whloh It. .. ffo rds ie ' nonseo ICIlI Corm. or badinag e, and yet IIl one w or th mallY times Its oost . It too k bls breath. realized that be O b taina bl e overyw bere . w Is hed whnt abe .s ald to be' the. IIte!'n.1 ___ __ • U'lI lb , nud he wos Instantl y snared b, th n t reu IIzu UDn, . " " fly George l'; laId. "I guess Dn ll y T hou ght. T h!) mosl m o nlr at s ign of wis dom you're the 'klnd at girt thnt Cll,ll Bay -yes, ODd get awoy wlth It, Is (olllinun i chuc r l'lI llI Css; a uoh a s tato Ulil·tblng toO!H ' •. nlld eOl ldIU,," . '.lik ' W h;gs In tbll ro· · . She IhllgbCd aga1o-l n ber WilY, 80 g lonR .nl",,· '1:1Hi moon. Is alwnys rC1I1 th~t" h e ' could not tell :wb,e lber she wna al1d 8 crclI ').-~ I<llItnlg Il0 . Inug il lug at hlin-or ot bereelf or .a t the nOllseus e 8h was talking; and ahe sold : _ , " But yon sce I don't 'ell:re' whether 1 Mot ive Must Be Ttre~e. get ' lI\vay :wIth It or·· not:. I wish IDu'd GoII DIod e mon lo go by moUves , ond t e !'l rile frankly if you thhlk I've got a h o \\'111 not go, w ithout tbem any moro ehnnce to get aw~ wUh yon?" titan II boal W!thoul steam bnlloon "MOl'e Ute If 10u'.e lOt a ellanee to· wlL)lbul gaa.-·Ho llry Ward BeeCher , get a.w~ from mer' lIlm wall 1oaplr.ed to reply. uN"ot one In the ,world; !!fIpeclAUy atter ~ilnnlng by mall.lua tun of me like that." Whe n-- Frler\dlh lp II True. "I iDiahtD'~ be ., ,much 1o : tan In fri endshIp we Hnd nothing fals. 10U ' thlnt;", llie aald, repf!lln , blm or insince re, everytb lnc la ItraJlht . wltl!..!!d dllll araYitJ.,

IIl.' r f r .l m



or a


forward and BpriDell from tile tuiut......



(~ lID IifI'e .)

REFERENCE Flnt Ifatlonai Bank Pearl Sttftt .ark~t Bunk Any Rellnbla Merchan t . iD Ciac:iDDati;

The ANDREW ROHAN CO. Cinc innat i. Ohio

J. F. Snook,. Agt..Wayn~.v.ille, 'O.

Le w is B ak er y Every body· uses Lewis' Br.ead and Cakes, the b.est and 'most delicious made. Try . them and you will never want to eat any other·kiitd. G .

Lewis' Bak ery

W aYD~viUe, o.

... .




•• - - - - •

--- a- --- --l!--.-. ---

fll;':~d ~Ui!~, ~~u~I~~~:;!:~ Ic:·!~I ,,::·l THE NEIGHBORHOOD- NEWS

cir."dl'd 01,,,,,,,,,,, Ih~1 "" iCII~. 11119 h~<", IIhle 10 c urr i .. all hs S ' '1J:l II Utl tl ml is CIIII',r1. , (;nHorrh bduJ.: J(rt'1I 0y illHi,clI,·",1

~unsll'uliollul ""lIdilion s ~ lIlut'Q " ,, 1 Irt " .m~"



Do You Inte nd to Build a Home this ' Season? If you do,

Mr . W . U. WarDor returne d home MA \' al. 19m . rI"llIireRe As Writt en by (}J..J r Corps of Able rorrespond~ fr om Sp~ingt\eld liIonday morntu g. I. IlI.lI's ('" .uol1. rrll ~ .. ' lI,e i~ IlIkell ;."I ernll ll y Ulld U~I S thru lhe Mill! ' .. n8uolla Blllliog ur 18 villltents in the Nej'g hborit ood IIlw.1 UII the ~ " I\" I "~ , lIrf""cs 01 lh~ Ing In noi unliti, . . System Ihtlt ~Y d cstr{1'y i.H ~ lh.. fouJI.cla- _ _ ......... -...... _ _ _ _ _ .......-. _ _ _ _ ~-._---Mr. ao,1 Mrij . W . b . .Bokey, of lir'" ur Ih ~ 11 .. ",,~c, J.:IV I II~ the I"' "<'n~ . lI c ull l" 1.1) t,uild ill l: IIV I he re,1I S11I utiull MoP hRf8on , l{"OR611 , and Mr . Eu. lind (l s5 islill ~ 'U1 l u,e ill d ili n ~ il s W"'\: ~ no J<~ "onll, ()f 1,llfl llln, ~pen~ lht! 1; ". l" Ollliol ol'$ III",e so .mlOch /ulll, in 'we 11.11 1111 wlab Asa Whitak er alld There', ~"-<ine" 11"\ the world , the curnlive POWfrS ' / 11 ,, )1' . CUlI"r h fRnll1y. . (;,u .... Iliut ·I.hey ufT~r lIne Hundred but the~ gh.dness i 1'\ nu ll ars , Mr. nod Mr~. ~~red Bllo' / J,otSpr lns. fur ullY ell '. IIIU~ it froils 10 Cllre . t:iclld the. \Jorld , Mr. amI MrH Fmnk Bhi k:Il! 6r /It. Old, a rr l ved l;lInd ny to Bpend R fow Mb S h oll, of Xenltl, for lisl of 1.51 11110111.18 . 'j . • Addre ss , F. J. CHENE Y & CO •• tom Att "" on tort,Linm • I t f 11'1 L Is a , dllya with 81ltry all"", nnll ftuuilV. P~I'\ oh.ther~·5 an t lind ~O CI" , ~ ue .. 0 ,~8 el1l/\ MItr I'h0+•. Boh oo l 1:1 1\ 1\ I.n WIIYlleB Vllle, N61son Bu mlltou I\n" tllmlly ·vlsll. beM>ty ~d ther:e'> hope Tuledo. Ohio. So ld by ull IJru!(gslS. IF,c. !',t1 hurPd~y I\lr~ . .Iolln Kln'l lind . lIught~r, of 6vonl ng . glvan by lI1e~~rM ed in Lobnno n tiond"y . ere tT\'tI.~ter" of our ft.te, ---.~---- U R nnd F, U. Loruug e r, of Lo . OI\Yll' n, were wellk.'ll ld gUIl~t8 of OIJllln \\ llU rtou8. Mr. I,nd MFR, ' B. (farber, of kN\J ~ w~ ~l c~ ""~ rRngar . L" . '~ table, Mr, DrIve '1.11 ~FI nm' Fnrnlly were On.vton, spent t'lIlurdBY Illght with Real falale Tronefer. Wo regret tc) lell rn of th e "erlona Rnlllllt.y uuest!! () r Am08 ASII our chOICe. Wbltllk er Iond fnlllily . .Jllokso n Radle I:JUF8 ~ V Ill. III tu ,J ohn B. lIh.e~1I of Mr . Snnl tarr. of Ule .. n(l family. Mre , Ida titoke8 III vlAltlng h er ~h~,e. to 'pri1"l9 Copbran lot No: 26 In Million, VI\O~"~' ~ Ornell o lllgbbor ho .d . We nlso have P aint to ..... Mis R PUIllinll Mftrl"tt SPAll a 'ltnr. dElu lJbter, IIIrs1'ol U Conrtne y , this cheer hA J ohn 11'. Couove r to W. C Villi. A erllllr t C'II'I' Rjlont l"undl1)' wl\h Ilcl y no (l ~\10 llfl,y In D~,vton . pu t 011 your build ing Mrs W. U, . 'i\'lLrne r and daughto r, lIJ lIor08 In Frankli n town~hll). $ 1. dope.. b orne fulks Mr lind Mrll. T om Dill we r e Miss ,fonnle. culled on Robert B .. I. you inlend to build, "ru8 1008 of 811rllo E, Llppln oott I\~ Mrs 1~lzzle Wost, of Dayto n. IB "'p Iin I\ngAr ~nd f'lnlily Rlurdfl yevenil lg. to Il:rlwln M . Vrlil g . two trA CIS In MPPllding I~ fow dllYs wlt.h ~r~ n oo ~. g VRll ey vi~lto rR S nodny arter. Mr. lind Mrs. Vllrl Bell.tb took Tortillo roek &owllHhlp $1, • •• uU I:! Me rrlb ow . Wi\ JUr Dodd, o f Duv.ton, was II Sunday dinu r with Mr . Nelson Corolln e' S, · Rnrn~, goardla n to Mines Leolllln d RIloh I Ollr ter, o' racAn t j.\IlP.8L of lliR gmndm othe r. Moi{l'ev er and fa mily, B. E.and J . K Rudma n tbo nndt. Yllllow tlprlngs . lire s peudlng R faw _. __ __ Me"StA . Mllr t ROllSh aod Uh1l8. vlded y. Int. r08& In rNI 08tllte nn dllYs 'Rlth MI ~H AnDI e Mutlden . BoglIt ou lled on Elarry Shaw ,'1'ue8 !louth Mtlobllnlo !'It. , Lebano o , '900. Mr. Bnd Mra. BPlrry Hhldak e r Rod day . C. H Burns t.o 1::1 . E . !Inri J . R . dllugb'o r, Mr . lID II Mr.!. WRiter LllOy DANGERS OF DRAFT Mr. /lnd Mra, W. a, Bu.key . Mr. Rmlw,, " 'ho IIndlvld od X IntoroHt ~n(1 MU ll WArll ell tertalno o Ilt th e Dr ,fl!! r",,1 bt'"t W1HlIl wn lir e hot Eugll ne J;;VIIIlR IIlld Mr. Rnd Mrs In thll aho vo m ontione d r61\1 estate homl of AI Bunt Rnd fRlnily In L ob IInrl l'e rHlllr in~, jl1Ht when Ihey Ine Aa6 WhH'lkllr "print '"turdRY p~ m. IInou,Su ndRY, In Lebano n, $1. "'ORt t1ull ~e rou. noel th r elllllt'R at Ft, An ol/IOt., ~'r .. nk Hhldllke r and C, R. J.\ppln. NeurO\l~I", Htilf NHllk, &Ire Ueorlle R, Brub .. ker t o C. W Mu poll.'S O. N, MoLard lo Bnd oblldre n, t'lt .. n ton lot No:78 1 in Fr"nltll o, $1 oott were Leban un vltdtor8 , BII'or. or ~ornellm e8 nn IIttack of Hbeumll of Mr~. Qayton , a r e vlRitlng I:lnvey Bur. dllY oornlng , II . ~ m . In lil1C U 0 1111 N opp\y 8 10 \l1's oett tlnd . A. U. lind Daisy Dalo8 &0 Andrew fliDlily . 'I'he CIvi c LORRue m et I\t the h ome Llnime ut . It MI\ rnulato6 cireolllt,lon Feldma n lo~ N o. 1 In Corwin , .Mr. W. U. W I1rnllr and family Rt to the Rore lI ull ' [lOllofnl III1 Tt" rile EI &. Rlldmll n to Lnoy 1'. and of Mre Cora I:IlIrrls, 1::10 t,nrd Ply nft9r. tAoded tho fnue nl fa r eltt.tlve io Common Pleas Court bluod n ws fr ee I:. ood 111 U @ bo.t ,Xenia '1'lloRd,~y 1'. A. Illruel In·l ot No 221 10 Lel·- DO fJlI . . New Suite ,108. Davia Iw ' olel'lrln g at C 11.:. tlwe tbe 81,ufneH8 nud pllln lallvl's. aooD, $1 Mr. Ell> Those enot Fllln'arin Beltz "nd ramlly 8pont g f1t'(lJ"O Nf'u rlll glA or Co~e in and will make an estim ate on the buildi ng C S Burns . I(n8rdil ln t,o LD(l1 Lo\loy'lI dry ~OOd8 8tore. Jail will .-l eUl·lIlgln l:Iolld(lc LoulHA E. (:Iuttory V8. Wilbur A he wil l lind one or ~ tlnr)"y wIth Will Allen und fll.oolly GIII,t o n ' , ".voroll ond ullmon y; oro.,) AnderHo )J, I be lInd l vide" ~ Intore.t treMt yon rlKht 1\8 It I~ hia llR tura ~o two "llPli ontl onA of ' IORn' H Llnhneu t of noar Lytle. bft co urte)UH, ty IlDc1 . nAglc· o~ . In tllo northor n pnn "twO norD WIll gtvo qrlltefa l.relle r. Mrs, Nelson McKeev er and dangl) l'bellqo u 'I'rulUlio Gillam, our horse t r olner , l~in~ I)"io g ive~ w ny Allene H, .. n.n v~, Jobn O. Ronan, 'fdOI 10 Le bolo non ' 200. t or. Uor ll , nnd MII Ate r Raleigh vlalt. to a t1n gliQI;: Give us a call, get our prices, and we are ·positi ve w Fred H. Bouo, Ad ialr. or the e 8. hAS Revor,,1 tine slleolulliD~ ulldo~ ki M ile n ~fltio n of o(lUlfor t I\Dll wllrmlh d Mrs. (;arl Beatb WooDGsdBY. dlvoroo ; ex'reme orn8lty . ~ojJervisl o n. will get your order for lumbe r, etc. tate or Marla Mlllor, , .. or) f1uie' rll8t ODtl slee p I~ posHlhlo Me1l llRa Oeok. Mr, lin\! Mrs. Chester (fllmoa ri Proceedings Ur. Rod Mr8, .J . E With~m "nd Gnofl for Neurit-I EI to... . Prioe 25:1 of n ear Morrow er, 10' 00 North ttro"dw 8Y, Lei). , vhnted with Harry Mr. Rod Mrs I . A, Oy lor Rnd tw(' at your DruI;:RI~t . !lnoo, 12405. t: bnw !lod family SundBY . 1."'11 Fiox; y~. F , M , Vunnlnl {bllm, oblld,ren , of KlnRIl Mill", R. Il '.1toed A lind 10 A, E . Ee81ey to FlI Dnle Adulr etl'. .Iory fiodll III 001 .n Mr, Asa Wbltllk er and '"ml1y on. onr little olty t;oodRY ()llS ht t o hellr lllill o~utle III "'vor of Lbo pllllntlf f Ihndllrb 60b, &91'0 'rllot.ln BulolU tertllioe d the ' 0110 wing on ttnnday : Qn e of their 10n~Jtll1l e .li tio nCQ,lIllinI J Wnllblp, $1 lind Rlltl18 <'It tbe IInlllun, doe IU· Mr. "lid M". W. 8. Bllkoy, Mr R. ·M. Bndso'] And wife to 'fhoR. i ..noeA, Rev. 1,,,wI8 I:llllnt!~. 'lilll .5\'. lIod M.rll. E 'lgone EVlln8 Ilnd 80n, MI'. lind E~ne At, Ilnd Mr, "nd Mrs, ~V"OIl J W 'l'boulIl I el III VII, earl Olev. D, Fennell Jr., tn-lot No. 0 In Hlg!J. . on Ie" torMrH. Mil lo n BRnkR "n il · tbelr lutunl b ll lJlO In HIII.Held . IUller, 11110 ur. Sf III Former pc.,'" land P"rk l'lu1i41 vhllon ~o t10uth oa milton, ·YondIlY . $1 n prllo .. ~dlnK88re lIet aliide. New l.ebano n, '100. Rllymo od Fletohe r visited W. C. Borllae Hl\rvtlY Willi 80vtlr aly hart. Prof. lind MrR. &11II8r Spahr, Wun r SnndllY · 'l'llomaB O,lfOY to L~an"er Oaray. writ 1"lrtl~lolI II IRdued, with a hlirro w the oth or ,III.Y of An~onl .. nr o ·vlsiJ;\r11.( Mr. nnd MrR, Chari .." Pleros Val '1'. III Keelor. ondlvld ed ~~ Intere8t :Jr. lIores In Severnl of tbe farmer! of thl A vi, Rev. Lowls BfllnllB, of Colnlllbu~. '. W Ba.dl ey. ' I) ..eo I" ollOlIJrorullied lind t eUled and Frankli n lowoab lll 'I . olnlty nnlshod plllul,ln g oorn tltlH Ohio, praRcb ad to ol ItU!fO Mrs. 8ulll~nQ Ello. We l ~ b Imd dl\.nght er week. It dlsmllll ed wlth o llt rooord. Commissioners' Pro<:eedillgs hero 80ndny ni ght, wero Uam city visitors 'l'1l8sd"y . CI.rono h ·E I:lIlr'nol1 V8. Barvey BllIsllll owed-t'l t.flkllltl l Mfg Uo., Mr, I\OtI Mrll. 1::1. E , Wlh!On, 110. &dla" R ' IS ttll Young 19 a U ondlng E. Hurflloe, mlo ur, et ai, ·Alle.a. . I:t:;;;'•....:..,,'-,...,;:;...;.,_.', _ . "'·Ili.U"',,II·, ',rl"ll .nll)Jllell '~86 I" U AndflrRon Sont!, complln lod by Miss LI7.zle I?uell, 0' s nmm er obool lit La bun on . "0011 tbe peiltluo lire 'rue and <uppllell, $11 Illi W. Dayton H . !Clbon. , were !:lundllY gt)IlAtR or Mr "From p ."llIon . " rll,,1 Mr Iln ci Mrs 'COLDS QUICKLY RELIEVED te t80rder ecl .rOlldwo rk WlIlIhh lgton &ownllb lp, .md MrR, Il'mnk WIiS OIl, of r,bo C.u . 80 n ~ motorerl to'W. W . t:lhoetA onrl Melvin '1'0114. VII, 1'h" Ohio £180- '12, Tbe W8I~rn Htar,18K The 'ol\owln'lt oandlda tell ao. Ot terbein Vl11agjl Manv people oou~~ .od ooulrb1I1 ~d"er trl\l HotoL Ijll nd"y And w,ere tho ~ua~te of MI'. from t,he ~alnnln. of Fall ooonoe tb lllr oandlda oy before 'bo tdo Rail WilY .Vo.. Mo&loo 'or new 1IIII0Jl', Wolob Road Ij right Baa. t 'OI' sOllle tIme PRSto, w o bll \' e b .. n .m(i MT~. ,l CKKO Balr rl l! IUld family tbt'ougb arlal liver rnlM. PI.llltll f ordered ~ml,b & Drill ole. alohllllO &0 Spring. Otber." Ret oold, Repabll ean Primar y w be beld l", f~, bavlng Allre !lnmme r welltllll r . reouver lum ,lobo W ood wor.d s~An t TUAI'day Take Dr , King's Ne... OIioo'Yer), Aoso" S, 111lll. ,2306 Stl frOID dll. '100. Billy Blluer POll' No 5:17, to Fiction McCall's ill Suprem e," Superio tendent 'I 'h m[)dOn a nd \ Mr . alld Mrs. F rank Rtokllrd "nd you will 1101 almOls Immed '110.1 .. '11, alul I he 00_1. U. A . R allowl~noe. Memor~al Day, lde ==== writee a New York subscri ber. ==-== c::.. = -=-==----=-__= _ wlfo. of tbe Connty lollr",~r y , w ere 8.n.d {nOllly, rollet. It obeolls your OOld, .'ope ft W, U.l obtbt VI. 'flu Peoplae ' 2ti O. B DeohaD t ,Jf>r U. Ii. McCAl l'S helps For Recorde r tho rRoltlal EIllotrlo Co, ~ lion III)pllod lon abe 35000" , }JOBlIIge ' or Audltor '8 office, ""lIerR at Frank I:!hldl\kllr'~.Suoday, , rllllpln'l' , 1I11Ine.'oarlng Mr, ao d MrR. J oh 'n Wngoe r "nd ove r 1,200 .000 Mr. and Mrs. Howurd Anson , or daught er sl.e nt. th o week. end wi oongh , boals .8e:)81vor In '1I1~ anoia 18 sran'ad '10, J. M Mulford . .teel fllloR tbo Inflama tloD, loothee ALL~N 8UFFM .AN \Yome n dress In th lhe raw tubetl. Eaay to &at., Antl_ power to omploy A. R, Ee8loy to cablne$ for t'lurvey or's offlae, ,6()O. Dllylon , were Bund .. y viHltorll of h i • rolr, and Mrs P . A (hob,. s.yle 61 smBII cxparents septlo , Mr, lind Mrs . A. 1:1. AnaoD and' 8eallng . (Jot. 500 bot. pons., A recogUptlflllt! '",HI plant Ind '0 boy all "Iher' AndertO n, defendi ng J08 Born 10 fir. lind M1r8. Irwin Euley Clerk 01 Court. ni zed F as hi o n lopplltll l lleoull8a ry 10 lIu' laid pi..., I Ii:UlnU, Indllllln s prlllOner, 195. In MI,s Etta Arnold, of D yton, Ie (noe Mawe RosolIg llfl) a eon a' tbelr tlo of Dr. Klng 'lI New Discove ry '0. Au tho ri ty for 45 JOE LEWIS d"y. "It I. oorlllin ly a groll' medl tu rouuing o,der. 8e II alao III re Dnque.. body or Georlle YeRger, visitin g Mr. and Mrs Am os Em s. IIO lDe In MlumlB bnrg. ycars. olne Rod .',noled 10 employ R . J, tlhawba u oorODtor and wl'no88 . $5. G. M O. I keep II bot,le ot" OOD. Zltln Baptb' b8ptl~i IllllzAlItltb Shaofer i ~ IIpendln g va. tlnuslly on baod" McCAL L PAT· a. I('glll .aviler . Drake defendI ng .I5ruea UlIIIDd l $endild by peOI)\e fr oln ng wall al. wrUel Treasur er Dayton TERNS lead in n with h or va,r onta a' West leM8eml ln, Franoon la, N. B, W : C, gena prilOne r, , 50 State of Obit) . anon and surroun ding towns, , Leb Datio Money Ml d(lIet style, Q fit. slml'lIown. F, B, SBERW OOD Probate Court Prcw:ee~lInl' ba ck Ir no' satisfiM . '1'8 W . J, Brown. feoa and oosts , hy, .oanomy and Our Hobool BORrol hilS olJlllloy Mr. nl I\nd' Mn, IElow llrd $12.70, ..... Aroh tHat6 of Ohio VI ••'oe Tbobl. I·he number sold , lu tbe lUlIUer of the will of Joel lady tDIl ollllr~ I'-to thi~ ti .mD. deaoon, of LebliDoD, visited Mr. klolJ, ~eell oost8, 11270. State ·tbe 8u[lerln McCALl'S - B4 t o 118 ['Iogu m outhly - Ie t he Ullole, d ~OOtlM Od I' he wIdow flleot8 of 01110 V8 ,and tend ent and "rlnoi", flod MrA. ,} J 08. Mille r n.nd Ron. l:IulI(l"y. Fa Rh lo n Guide and Ho u t d ttep lng Helper o f John Falkner , fee8,and I\re not employ to ,,,tlu uo,ler 'he will mOrcwom en t hon nn y o lhc:rrnn uaalne In t,ho ed , ' 00811 Sl3 Mr . !Iud !lr8. W . A, ~~" rly' motored 8t·a&e of Ohio VB. JOI, wo rld . All lhe l nl u t ,.ty lu eve ry mont hi 10 tho tlll~t'er of 1he 8llta to 01 Elliot., UO 110 Hta&e of Oblo nhiO della htful a t or lu; ~l1 edn l d cPArl m t: nla to ' Uaylon ono tlay I h is weok. V8 in cookin.c, h ome dreRS m il kl"". (rm c. y w ork, WII80n ttluilln. de08ll1f.'d . "' , W JalJ,lel 41111, feol and 008tl, ~ I r , nnd Mrs. E . RU Rgell were and w ny s to Ih:hten h ou~cwo rk Ilnd Inve I Iii :60. ' Weloo II .ppolol ed apprall er to I wlll offer d I:'nbllo !:lale at SlIa. m oney. Prlcc: : o nly 5c "CO()Y. SOC C\ year. cnlllng oil friends o.t Mlamle .urg Mke pl.oa of A. K . l:Iarlona, ... bo t.!'1I bome In Monnt Bolly. _ SEND FOUR! tOe F.ncy.Wo '\; Book "CHAMB ERLAIN' S TABLETS Sunday . HAVE DONE f'tts1" with 39 Ernhrotde rvLe.on • • (,11110,00 unablo Th ree of our etar player. , WeD lerve, STAMPS FOR 32. p ••• McCall P.lle, n Booknd Mr . and Mrs . Garrett Cleveng er M1118 and \V ('lIer . pillyed wttll ver . WONDER S FOR 1' •• 111 .. r o pr,,'llftoi'a I!:. 8 , Rogt!rI Allmr~ VI, D , I!: U' . W.... ' I., ... bl(! IMk lit n IYnft.('lllho tho WHOOPING COUGH Saturda y, June J, 1916 IlItlvMI,a",'I ,IOO I'ri, ,, UlI .. r ll) C•• rtlll!l .,"ltf. •• ",ClU"l. ,.[ bave beon a · suffe r er fr om w r e Mlumls\:)urg v lijl\ors, SnodllY . Xool'l Resorve a agalnlt WlIl!1l n,too 80r(..oe 11& al. Ooor& ordera "Fint Addr", 0.'''', N .. Ono of 'be ~Ol' ~u008ll8rul prepar. Oomme nolng at 1 o'olook: P. M" Mis!! Ag oB-i Wood~i; llrd is vis iting 11I8t Sunday , atomllo b h oublo for a number of Trllo'" 1I0id aod "Flrtb Trllos" III all )01 In use for C'dr,H.Y. tbe 101l0... IDg propert y: Cow, CIlII, TilE at,CAlL CO.,W W. 37,hSL. N... tbls dl8t'aije Is Mr. aod . Mrs. \VOl, Cleven ger thla A.... G..... ordered "PI)rkllled, tille Ponlo1 t:lldenst rloker. wbo haa HOIIt Eto .- Hooseh • 't~ ~, CLUn" "".,.1 W 'u tD Flrlt Cbamb erlaln'l Congb R.emedy:. B. year8. and altbou gh I hRVe need a week. WANTED old Goodl. beon earlou81y lit with hoart tronble , '!'raOl" I, laldr !'""rove d W. MoClIn ton. · BIIlndo o Sprlngl ; grea' nnmber of r emedIes .!~() o m. Torms mado knOWD on day of lIalo, ! 'l ~ I .!I 1 •I ' Mrs, Ch ristina Sen.T il loft Saturda y Is very lUuob wor80 today(Sl1oda.,.., ) In 'h~ maUllr or 'bo Iloardle oioblp Ala, .rUOII. "Onf bliby bad whoOII. Olendl'd for tbl ~ OOUlI)llIln t, Oham. W. R. Bender son, " S(~ , o. Harry ' A. Howe, minor. Ida B Inl ooollb aa bad all mOlit "DY bn by berillin '8 'l'lIoblat8 Is tbe ilrrit rued I for n visl~ with frl enlis I\ud relatlvee Tbe Baooala nreate t:!ermon ...all Tb )e, Dill. Anot preDohe d at the Presbyto~~nChQroh 80we I•• "".:lln'ee l, ,80nd t100. oooid bave it. I save him Cham. olno tbat'bs@ glvon w e 0081tl ve ana In Dn.ytOD. IRetlng rollef, " wrfwl! Mrs . ,An na itlst Sunday evening . In tbl matter of lba 10llrdh mlblp bjlr)dn 'II Cougb Itomedy and 'it' 8000 K.. aln, SponCll rport, N. Y. " . Mrs. Sol t::;urgor~, 0" Bclmon~, la of~: Wllbor B . McK'nn IlY. oOllfined flO$ blm ... e11. " Uh&alDllble every. herl.ID 'a T"bl ot8 hllve dO,oe w on· vl Ml tlng her daugbt. or.ln.lllw, lIdrs , in l)ayl'),1 State Ehlllnta l . John B tbera derA tor AN me lind I value Ill fl lU very IDEAL SPfllNG LAXATIVE -.Flo) onoo !oinrllart lind oblldreu , MoKlon ey II app?lut jld. BODd $750 billbly. " Ubtah~able everyw hero A po d 6 0f1 tlnt lJ tl'itld remedy 'ls Cba8, Fred 8 Booe Acknr. v •. We1Mter 'ooUed Dayton Subsclibe for the Gazette Or . King's N., w Life Pilla The 8atnrdn y on accol1nt of the death of I:!b'~e'8 e~ Ill , . ~Ie rNI "shte lipTHE ONLY C EN UINE (irst d::tim wl\1 move tbe s lnggl8h \),18 tatber, Mr, Fred RytloD , proved lIad dll&rl botton ordered howels, stlmolo. to tll o live r and ole!tr Tbe ,Jr, O. U A. M, lodgo gave a In lbA mllUer of CbRrley Lee Bedt he system of wu ste und blood 1m. lord Appho, ,'ioo. for IIdmhlll on of purlMes . YO Il owe I~ to Yl.lurMelf to reo ept lon 11.-' the T own Hall IlIs& Are buyin g aU kinds of ....oe to Payaon Htale ,BoSI'" '' la . KEEP S FLES H IN TONE olaM r t,h o fly tflni ot b C)dy p Oleons j l'horBda y ovening io bon or of their made, . . FROM SKIN TO BONE . ,oouUJl1 lutlld duri ng thll Dr, Gwentle th I\nniver enry , Over three LIVE STOC K and payHeals Eve[Jtb lng BORlable. Burne, In 'matter of tbe elltate of Wm. . Mr. lind M~II W. E. Bogan VIsit- Klo!l'sN ew LlCo Pills will dolt, 260 hoodred were In aUondanC8, ing highes t marke t price. BoUs. Soree, Ulel'!!, Pllos E czema, Sam WIlUaDl s, wife aod.two obll • A . KID';•. le08llllOtl, /I oallb allowed bls pluents , 000. BOllan '8 Sun. lit yon r Dr1'lgglet. Cute, Corns Wounds tlD.ltLlliulsce. dreD, of aD co o ' ItO() In ,liMIt-Ion toallow Rol'e Otloyton . viSited 91d friends day . We are pay in . -, - - -..... - ---, OR MON EV SACK. bero 1118$ !:lundBY. alteadY .IJl"dllllt jlhen &0 ,bd Widow, 5250 AT ALL DRUC CIST8 . Z!mri Halnee eotorUl lned tn eir est cash price fOr . John and JesS W eaver bRve been oou@ln8. Ooroihy . lind Mnry Carter M.rriaa e oorpen terl n g in OilY ton the ))ast ~'nrdlY and IiInndl\y . weok .. bnlldlnR II gllrago tor tholr BO"'lIrd Le8lte Itw"oti-, teaoher and R E . Jon08 hlld II@ th ei r ~ne!Ot~ "rotber, Barry WOllvor . MI88 !'I.adlo 1.01111 'rbomp t,oD. both of ~undtlY Mr. t3i1muel Mltob-en er lind MIas Irm" ·Mille bas orrlved home [,ovel"n d family, from Oinolnn llll fer II. f ew aay. visIt I:"" To be delive red at Mr SaID Stllrr. and Mra tilu4eld ~orwin with hoI' 1)lI r eut9 . Mr. ond Mrs , Peter80 n are oD the slok lI.t. Uh1l8, Mill ~. MI.aln a MtlY Com(lto n, Bormltn - -Exnepti onlllly fll vora ble condltlo os , Ind Gnrl Jl'Oell, EI~her 8bRmbf logh CALL Ind ' I:I8rah Brad'or.I attAnd ed ~the III l Ull, for tb" de velopm ent of frull, .bud.!! dn opple ,rcie~ ma y bit Aoeom. mld.yea r G E Rally at (JjCden ~~t Office Phone No. 46 . Zoological Fancy. plln ied 'i\ It h dooRer to mAoy or. arday. ' Accordin g to Plutarch the ancient Res. Phone No. 48-2 . Boraoo Compto n and wile IItten'd ohart1s t, bt~ YOllr, llElrtlo\llarly III Rom ans would not e.xtlngul sh a Clltldlo; LI.very ed tbe CJl~too CounQ7 V. E. Coo. soulber n Oblo. e"Ys Prof, A D. letting It burn out ,Instead. The r ea· rerence a,O'ldll o Il'rld'il y nlllht. and ~elby lu tit" MIlY Monthl y Bulletl~ BOIi. he ststes, . ~n8 thllt tb oy copald· Reas onab le \ visited a" Robert 8&lIoley '. .nd of the 011 io ExpC'r lment tlt l:ltioo ered firo an 8nlmol , for It oeoda Dour· As 0. snfcg ll~Td h e orgill! eal'ly pro. ·Ishmen t. moves Itselt. grows Mon' Compto nll, with odd· AI80 .\a'eDt for -Kell,'. spr{D" 'ld vision ot I.he lU olst·ure li nd food IIUp· cd food, and when extingui shed glYea W"lter WI1800'8,lotood to Da,lQn ply of tbe trees Alltom ob'le Tlni for ':fnture 8pple. a gasp, as If slain. The ltOluans were· ' , , laI!t ~oe!ldl\y . Or01)8 opposed to .ol)dlng t\)o lite of 80 use· tleverlll fr :lm 'l Iore attoode d tho Moderl1te rilin fall In Illte May lind fola· FOR SALE Warren Couo'y t:ltmd"y ::;Obool CoII- liberal r ..lo8 In Jono. llllli, oau8ed th eir creillure. ProbnbJ'y thoy changed minds quickly rellpccUng tlI18 ventlon a' Morrllw weet, lin on081111.1 de ~elopltlent fruit ,when a hou8e got nllre. C.C. HATNES V.lley 'phone9 G-iX .. Mr , and Mrs , RIlym ond Wil80n ,bods . wblch WIll pruduoo tble ye"r 'e DilI.lrJ PruHutf' ......., WEET P01'AT O PLANT S lor VA YTON, OHIO entertai ned' E"rll es~ Burloy an.d apple orop, Tb o bulls 'or t,be 1917 IlAle , klqnlre ot 0 1i .. Bookot t, f. 'lily Rnd Irwin Smltb and .fa~tly orop uo n o w 'ormlng , IInd.t able &. D , 2 Waynes vlllo, Ohl , . je14 't lme tho treos. req uIre 80 IboDda nce Snnday . . Iron·Rus t Spots, 8. E, J00ll8 loat 8 vRluabl e 00111' or plunt 'ood lind m oisture, ' Prop'e r S.pread stalnod portion over a bowl OOD ' Oenerll l ·Purp08 0 Borae on o of tbe orohlud Is naore Import. . . .. by 'liltbtolnJ,{ BRturda y ' eveol ng. obeap, See J A , \yhitRo re. I\ot thIs yoar because ' of, exoesslv o contolnlng on o quarl Qf water "nd ono Mrs Ralph LORlIling IHimprovi n g bloomin g ' snd lellspoortCul borax, Apply hydrochloriC RODtO », Waynes ville, Ohio, of a. jeU pO ~8ible drontb , . and 0 ble to be np a pllft of the time. Huoll 68 often OOOUri 1o 10ulber D acm. drop by drop, uqtll BlaIn brlglit· . . We ¥II ~oo,ooo copies every mon.h Without on8. then dip atlIIn at onco 'Into water. . M/8S 8.elon tn 1Il0r Js In Ooluw.bu8 Obio.· \lremillms and have DO SOlic:itol'L An)' ,', . ICE Iive-rOl'to bouee in Corwin . giving ,.'• bel;!1 tralnod for Ii noril\l. ntwsdc.Jer will ""ow yoU a copy: (;on~er.vlng the tIlo,.hlr e 1.0 ,late If not· r emoved, U8e eamo method 'Un· or write the Will .ell I want to' buy your obeu.p publl'4er and til .stalos ~Ive (or f_ samplo.,.. a postal wIU do. good disappea r. Caro shOUld be May .. no early June , lIaYI!I Prof 'erma. fIoU811 18 nel:' taken' to Stand to use ard elthor borax or &mmonla $J.SO A" YEAR Selby, offen a meanf!! 01. pro.ldln $ Wool ISc A CO,.Y wUl pa; 011 Co, See W .. N. Be.ara. ' mSl . for the frul' bud 48l'e,Iop ment for or soap In rinsing water; Poplila r Mecha nic. you I tbe ' highe st' tho 1!l17 '1\lple orop. To tblsond he WATCH 'CHILO FOR WORMS RIJ:8B Co.... 1004 alse, I.uqulre . WorlUll lap obtld ~" l'renlJt b, rob Ild vises tor orohard s 'bat are In Mar.k~t Ptiee, .~ • • of R. Ill. 8lmkla ., R. l), 3, "Wav. , :' . chlld'of food 'nd make ohlld frelfnl, gran . euly appllo&Uon of 'erUUze ra . ." ,. n""1Ie , Ohio, REMEMBR~ Dally Though t. mBl . Irrt'a&e d,oenou 8, ' ...wawb" toollln d aod of wnlobet l aboo' t:h'e trela, and The habit of , looking ' 00 tho ·1;Je.~ any covel' orop8, a' til'll' al.o 'o r au.ploio o of worml ellrl.y outtlng .I.e ooe half .0 ooe 100000ge Kloka. TblnDl ns 'he fruit he 8aYII will not lido of evel')' event la worth more tban . ' a th00801ll1 a yoar,-.,] ohnBOn. . . ,. ' <pOO WOI'IIJ ([1I1er, a oauIl)r ...otm ~. $ako .tbe ~Itloe of lIuob pra'Otl088, , . . mo"af', Q'''Bllm medl'''e reaul... 11I ... D ' l, ~ ~........ ..,~n remo'Yl! J ,When you se11 your &be wonDII,Pan impro-", aud dl._"o . aD"4Sf U.. ? It will pa)t you. • • •Wool. • • •• ..enl 8ha_ UP ' D.fMta. of fbll4. OoattnQ a A man -who hili! Itrua,lec l loto tJi. • ....... KioJra\JoO WorlD ItUlu .tIl doeault think talks II&ra of the IllotllP t 111&)'. IlDd 0Ia& ill . . 01 WOIIIUI for him to ~, ••>l w". V.., ,... 131. . . . . . . . O, .'7O U... . are 10IIII. Jio _IIoaI1ble.... It ..."l1&li de'eota more re.lMt '"all· doea.t . &ilia ... ~ m.aIIlD. . " 1.1>:

Rem emb er, we . have '





Everything In• Building M aterial



Necessary to build a w~ll-equippedl Dwelling, Barn,. or Shed.




lihe of










---_. --_.- ---





Ann ounc eme nts




..-.- ---

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0' ,.

... - ..._--


---,.. ,.-.



Uysn woe

- --. -.

Peterson &Stoops Bucklen's Way nesv ille,. O.







----- ..

M ill s ' I





Seryl ce at

Rate .

Ola aalS ed Ads ........

; Co,wiil,' ·Ohio



'WOOL .-WANTfD and




.---- .

Call .M'e by Pho ' . '- ne Z U'N DER WOOD,

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IWW a,aea vllle, Ohlo_



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Arnica 'Salve

UlnnltHlll)ol lIUIl P lillll1UIIl III nUl




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(,III' lit 1111' h" 'II. "'tire 1II1111Y Sill' lI'a ~ l'I'\'It~· . IiUl ""1'>\ Wl'" , lI" t Ill" 1.1 1111 "r l,rl'U 11I1'_k III be IUlItlt·,1 wtrh h' lI "UlJl 1 1l1l"\I~ liN' ' .!lnrl ·H. HIIlI _ _ _ _ _

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H.efrign a lors

Wall Purer



KItchell \\'ate '



T hl' I· riC'tHl ly (;rOUI) III l at th o J . 10:: .J, 1111 Y P rilitlY eYI:lIIin \t. t\ (hId pr ll~ rl 111 WflS hall. aft r which n :\O d int ·l lo .r WitS Ill ca~lI q" I ~p nt. _ _ _ __ I

10 hi' home or

~lr"" 11 with J im ."

p~ " I t 'l l ~ I r. L Ulllhll l'll.


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\lachines Boards \:Vritl g r W. silin g- }.Ia e itill s "Vash Tuus S hots ir . nnd 'M r~ . W . H. l)ill\\ id o ia" Dry GOE)US ~1 IJ ' S C lo thing L a di(')i kl:ud -'ro· Wei lr " had lUI th ir II'Ue ll ' l:l unrla y Rt C\inn r. I 1111( \ J\1~t n o w Ile did II ' t I'Hr,· 10 l'(lI' cr It; " Lit' IUllk ..d Mr. and I rs. F rank Z<!l l, 1r, and THE NLY TOR :'~ HET\\' Ef£ IND UIlVII , "Sl li r In); li lly s l ruligur than 1 r6. Wn lt e r J onn ey . I\l r .· a nd 1r <! J . C, Ho wk!·. 'l l':l .Iacoh Slrou se li nd I YO U ,1I1I w illi EUll h , " . 1\(.' 1I"lutred. NAT] WI:U~RE YOU CA D SllO PPI ;'\G F nlL~ l~NTI.lU~ .. ttl . kl'''iI III . 1'''1\' ' ' :'' h\, ~1(l il. r r J S~ ' M e let' r~ . "1 0k s. FAMILY AND H( 1E , UNDER THE SA~lE ROOF. 1'1110, m ~ ST PlACE TU Iy. " T IJII I ' ~ uO" lIr ,'u llr~~." SllOP, AFTER AI,L. " Yo u h"1 e' lf t UI" 11 lIl aktuj: h r se e It Mr . an d ~lrs . W. H, f} lI e n e nte r · I thl. ~ I'r lllll ,, - precl ' ·Iy ." :;lIleI ~ Ihy l . I loukiull fll 111m stelld lly. " YUU' I·., tl\lk ~t! t ained nt 1\ f UJ.ll ily d inner :un dni in Wash Skirts Shi'rt Waists Ladies Suits h o no r of th l:ir g ues ts. Mrs . E llz nbe th I to her (or- " Burl ey nu du ug ht l'r. M is Ge or g ia 1. 50 9~ " ::j; l,~ :j amI "li"u r iwu\"cn' s sa k e," lit! lJ\~lI p . • ] 5 value for , $ ~).95 Lawll , Sw iss, etc. Bl's ides rh e h llll Stl g uesl s. th t' Misses ' Hk N'p ute 1I1'!lCe!" . .. .. 9 c and $1.25 ,l'g value for .$14,75 ,,'" II , II'ha l bave you JU ~ 1 bl'CII do· ,co rwi ll lI addon Bnd Eliz!lb e lh Sle w· I 50c I a r t Wl' re pr" ~l'n t. Sport Hats .. . ,' , lllgr. ' Lad les' .. till I" h' sa id. " Lls tell to YQu r tu · Cauze Vests t ber·III· lull·... Pori, Knit Union Mr. IIml Mr . Arch ie Hart ock and I Sherttlu n wn s boollling lW ei b rnyl lilol Su i ts, . .. . , .. {jOc lOc, 15c • and 25c Nansook Gowns , . . , . . " . ... , . . 50c 10udN tun n CI'c r, tbo Of{·Ul.'s tl'll 11111'111 1; Rohe rt Wall o l' , I) f D ayton , IIml the ~ l i %l.'l\ Hu t h Il urtsod, . Ol ive All en uog lln to IJ1"y "Tbe nO~ [\ry," to hi ' ami ItuYlllullI 1 1J1I\'is " " j oy ed Ii pic · Miss Ad lDlS of l\Ic n's All -Wc ul vast con t~lIt. Your wall~ can be' tn Gd e more sn nit ,II' ~' , :1:< \n·1I "I couut them over. In·ln ,tulll·tee· nie d innt'r Wllh Mr. aml Mrs Hert Su its , $ 10, . 1:t.W, lIu rtsork, at \'all cy \'iew lea r m ne e· I the Gossard Cordum:' be rOtlre ll , b IltlJ11 tbe llWH .!4 U r ·s asmor beauti ful , by gi\'illg IlI l' lll n Sl)f l l ill led $ 15,00 null $ 17. 0(J set Co " of ChiwlUl 'bls tork. "I£u cb ho ur A I' ~III· I . urat inn Day . appearance with l'h Ill f)c\ c' ru , w:1 :<hab lc \\'ull tini ~ h each pellrl tee-duw,tuw·dulll- W h,I\· . I ~a~o, will g ive a Demoostrntion and Fittiu~s ]\[ en 's U IIderwca r .~ a~ :~,I~~I~ g[l r ncnl. 25c flU • we w a ller or nil you (OlkR? IYlly' II'1 Hev . Va n Zun t p as t o: Ll f th e Su g a r 1tl our Corset Departm('n~. E ry lauy 111 i\lell 'S Ullion '1t iLs .~ "~ P::I%~~ a SULt. . .f)(J , $1 you slng? UISB Vertrees. I b ~ t II UJOU' Creek Ch r ifl £i an chu rch luok , .Iilln e r I thi community is cord iall y invit e d to lie ?lIe , 's Lraw Hat., l'alltlll1aS, etc .. 1 tel ~u sund dollurs y ou SlDg! WlJy ' U' I - " WI t h t h e 1I , r\ sock fa III ill , ::lu nd a \,. I prc ' cn t for this detnonstra ion Men's ShirLs, Collars, Tic, ti ox, etc .; "Mr. • herldan." sho s:11t1. turliing a l ~u . Mr , anrl Mr: Ill'n :-.elttl ·r and cJleel'tully from til e arde nt .Ji m, "you e l augh tc~ ~ I ~s L1 1ar lot lc and ft l r , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~don·t know whut you Interrllptl'lI ! 8pel lll r~ l u hl ell bc rg- m uto r ed d OW Il Why Fred's Shoes ? Deca'.lse Lhey arc Leather, and cOJllhine Your son lan't used to my rough W IIY H, fn ml l)ay h 'n . and ~I , e nt a deli ghtfu l , STYLE- FIT- WEAu and my s olll lor'8 wool,ng trI K ht ~ I' 8 hllll, flf te rn oon Ell their b euu liful co unt ry "but J thInk be WfiS nllOut to 8 'IY SOIU I!- homo, len's High or Low Shoes, black or Ladies ' Doots Oxford PUI11PS, etc. wIng Importont." . . . .... .. . . , . ... ,. ' " , ,' 1.75 to ., -1.50 .. . " " . .. " .. " .... " ... 2,50 to $6.UO "1'11 8!li something ImJlortnnt to Lim L a st ~u!'l tlay th c t> l a n ~ f or a s ur· Men' White Ca nvass Shoes Ladics' While Ca nvass anti Uu ck It be doesn't!" the tAtb er tbreale u,·\I. .once applicr1. it· hole Is tight to the wall, which ll ri ~ (' on Wil l t rW hi take r ca m e Lo a more delighted with h r tlJIIU Il I' Or... By c lim nx, wh en, 'after u ein g lured $2,2!i Sports . .. .. , , . . . . . '" . .. . . . . $3.50 means lasting <lurahi1it~, and as frrcp\( III wn:-ihin gR as gosbl It I WAS bls og~r a willow pr n WII)' f r om ho m e by a Cr i<md, th rlgbt now-" c ro wd ga t hered to surpri se I he inno· you plcasc. Thi,; filli ·1t C III S ill SOfl , n :. lfu l shades. Bacon, Ham, Boiled Ilalll, Mill ed \l alll, "Ob. wl1ltl" crIed Mary. "It U. >'d c nl on e upo n his r e turn, lti du o only mll lu) less noIse I I wa nt M N! . course lJ f time Mr. W hitaker return eel Bolog na, Canned Fi b, Mcal,>, Ve~e(:.tbles. Sold at Sileridon to \Jellr." ho m e . no t in cos tu me he woulll ha v Soups, in fact everything tha.t is to be found in a firs t-cla s grOl:l'ry slore. "Sbe'd aoy tbe same." Ilc s houted . wOI'n hall he kn o wn form e r p l an~ . SPECIAL SATURDAY- Fine Castile ~ oap, a har, 2c, " Sho'd tell me 1 woa IIlI Il •ty s low If I bu t in th ose ~ uiled for olhc l' occa· couldn't gst allelld 0' JIm , \\'by , when siuns. IIml w ill ked politely in t o the . 1 wos Ws age--" tra p ~e l fo r hi m. H e WII ~ 'OUII sur· Slove , Oil Sto es, Refrigerators', ncdroolll, Diningr om, "'iou must 11 8_ to your t utu er." rOlllld cd by a torg o "ro up o f f ri end s Mory 1nterruptecl, ~nlllg to J im. wbo nnd r el Rt,il'el w ho 1)ro cceded t o lualte Sittingroom, I arIor a nd Kitchen Fu'rniturr , the only hud grown roo ug~n, " Ll e 's ItWlllg ro merry Ille occasi o n. Th e atfa ir largc and omplet e Furni ure Store in this cou uty. t ell U8 l.Jow. wbeu ue W09 your fi g ' . 11 ' pr veJ t o be u join t F u rprise on b o t h made tilOSC two IJludes 01 I;ru ;;~ 1(1' 019 Mr, Wh ita ker a nd Mrs. Rll che l C rew I out of a teucup--nJld YOIl could BI' (or f or he W,lI~ e nt ire ty unncq uttint cd ' yoursclf be dldn't get th om oul o r hi with t he plans of the day . 8leevel" At th e no on hour the merry com· At tb~t Sheridan pounded tho tuble pany crowded aro und the> long table The' Great Thoroughfare. Complete ~-Iotne Furnishings Ull 1t jumped. "Look Iloro. y<;lUu g Indy 1" which WillS loa ded wi~h the good WE CIVE AND ' REDEtM OEDAR STAMPS ,OWING 'FQ THB UNUSUAL CQNDITIQNS PRE- be rOlifl,'(!. "SQule 0' t IJc8e d eYB l'ml things that go to make up a dinn r IlI't ber gain' to alnp you- or I'w golu for such all occasion Those pr s · ~----------------------------~~I~----------~------~~ VAILING IN THE AUTQMQBILE BUSINESS, AF- to kJS8 you I" ent to en joy the memomble event Edith lOOk d ngbCll!t; ah \Vii IlftAld were: Mil', and Mrs , Joe Hormell TER MAY 31st, 1911, THE UNDERSIONED ' GAR- thl~ wU'8 lotie d ·,too nil' fu l," but MUI'y lind family, · Mr. and Mrs . John Whitaker and family. Mr. and Mrs. burs t Into rlllglug IJlu gbtC'r. AGES wrLI~ DQ BUSINESS FOR CASH 'oNLY, ,OR Vertree8 "BOtlll" sIlO crl!!,I. " Both! Tb!! one Sam Mer edith , Mr and Mrs. eth m on, mp way I It. or COllrS." mas, Dr. J. T. Ellis. Mrs, Charle s \\-0; II r ' In II ' burry, f,rIJn·t W(!?" JTS EQUIVALENT, 'P.0R ALL LABOR, GASOLINE, to wuko me forget Ule oUl cr!" "~[y denr. I don ' t know wl\lIt to-" "But whlch - " tic U'KII U, IIncl th en • hitnke r , Mrs , Rach el Crew . Mr. ,OILS AND REPAIRS. Buddenly gnvo fotUl ~\lch shllltorln D and Mrs Lester P o tf. o f Daylon. Eli " \\ 'llII t tv \llnk e of nnythlng!" Mary trumpctlng8 of mLrUl tllllt for on e Ule Cr ew. ulperintend cllt of Miami Val· iln lslwd f{lr hcr. "~o Umt's 1111 right! whole tablo stopped 10 listen. '·Jlm." ley Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Carl ~ O \\' I'll I~IJ you nil ollout It. It wos be rOllred. "If yoti don't propose to wn t :;arber, of Dayton. Mr. and Mr~ , "nt'J;l ' OUS allli dcnfelllll~ und_ teetotal. gIrl tonlgbt I'll send YOII hnck to we Amo~ Lewis and family, Mr, and \\ '~ l'olllel tUI\'" JIved 11 year on It. 1 John Law & Son ................................. ...... ............... Lebanon, Ohio Mrs, W'oalte r Whitaker and s ons . machioe shop wlth mbus!" lh lilk Ihe orclJhl ~ niolle would hnve The Superior Mo.ncar Co....... .... .... .. ,.. ... ................ Lebanon, Ohio Churles Gre w, Herbe rt . Harold and tn ~ I ,' <1 us n '0111)10 of UlOutlla, Tb~re And Blbbfl-{lown nm ong tllo rctlllnHarry Meredith . A Witness. The Kilpatrick·French Motorcar Co .. .. ..... ...... .... ..... Leb.non, Ohio th ey lI'(' rp. !Je rore 1110, bul 1 couldu·t era by the HUgO r pu lop ""ol'ks, Rnd LL five passengers find ample room in SaO(· t III 'em und sell 'elD. and a~well, 80 watcblog Mury Ver!.r I!:I ns " ragged on " Six," There's no cramping or crowd· The Wa,ne..,ille Auto & ~18chinery Co ................ Waynesville, Ohio I <1111 wbllt I COU ld !" ooJ 1n tlIe 8!.reet mlgbt wntcll u rlell ing. The 11 2-inch whe, ilia e provides a earl C. Servia, Vulcanizer ................................... Waynenille. Ohio little girl 10 a ga rdclI-Dlbbs lIeurd. , II () lell lied lin ek ADiI In ugbed reA8ridin g lux ·try not found in cars of less s ize. He beard-and be Kuew wlillt his til' surlngly to her troubled mother. "It The Mate Street Gar.arc ....... .. .... .. ...... ................ W.yne8viUe. Qhio And the')lriceof l1)(on "Six ' -$8 15-mark s ther'. plans wcr~ now. seemed to be it success-what [ could," Ralph Brooks ......... ...................... .................... HarveyBburg, Ohio Q new stand ard among quality cars. 1t Rh snld. clnsplllg her 11111)<18 bohlnd bllYs n. "Six" that but a short time back C,HAPTER VI. her neck ourl sUrrlng the rocker tq nlo, ...::-would have cost nea rly twice a<; much. [t All parties having claims against \1011 liS A rhytbmlc AC nlllllnniwen t to bllys a " Six" who se finished perfection- . Mrs, Vertree8 "sot up" tor her daugb- th e Corwin' Village School HM.rd b!' r norrutln!. "Tbe girl EdIth ond he r wh se relTIluklible perro rmauce will ' amaze ter, Mr. Vcr trees 1I0vlng r tired oftcr a will please file sume with the Clerk slsle r·ln· III\\'. MI'S, no~coe Sberldnn, IOIHlnile 1 wane wltll your Drotller." restless evening. not muell 800thed by of said Board on or beror 12 o'clock were too IIl1xlOtiS Ilbout the effect ot I y ou-whose ve ry l,fgh tness costly thlugs 00 111 0. '1'IJo(otbor's worth Il .Tlm WAS dllzed. · She seemed to be the society ot bls Ln ndsec rs. But ~[rs. noon Jun,e 20. 1916 materials anel ablest design , Come in to· By ordl~r of the Board hllsbcl or b 111 or tiU!Ill. It be knew It. plllJ'lllg Ii little gliwe of mocker), and Vertre~s bad a long "Igil ot It. day and le t us show you this great car. J . L. Mendenhall. Cle rk. H e's ",hilt he Is. 1 like him." She Sb~lit tllI'ougb tbe slow night 1I0urs nonsense wltb hlw, but he ' bad )lIl W.Qd rcilect\l'ely. contloulng, glllllpKCS ot a fleshIng danger In it; be in a surr Ilttle cl.Juit· ullder the gasll llht j5 "EtlltlJ· 'tutercs tcd' In tbot .turuhlll'll \\'118 bllt too scnslble or beIng out· in ber own roow, -\vhlcli WIIB 1I1rectJy boy ; ho" !!IIod· lo(lklng and \lot stlll.ld. closs!!ei. nUll llllel somew here a con· over the "froot bull." '~\hore, book JII but.r Ihlnk ho's- " Sbe Interrn(ltecl 8clousnc 's t hn tIle cOllld never quIte bond. sbe elDp loyed the time III lJ ()J' 1'lJ I · herse lf \\'Ith 1\ cheery ou tcry: "Oil, k now this gltlLly li nd Alluring lud y. DO own ' remlniscences. though It WII S her e c (Jor CIO'''CI I, :1 00 BIIC rlls m'!I \IV ' I IIIl1stll't he elllllug him nnm esl It Ph one 65·5 Waynesville, Ohio mutter how 10111; It plcnsed 110[' to piny bellet tbnt sbe was reudlug :Uullnma de st1LI I'S. I.Jrlngln g will. Ill'r II bl'cJllh of I\c's tl'yl ll" tn IIlnlw Eillth like him I Remusnt's. ' . . with h im. But be mightily wAnted her A Novel By Her thoughts went backward Into cold nnd brnclng all' Ili to her mother's I ought II r; sJtcct him us Ii coll ellgue," to kcep 1)11 pinyIn,; with hIm, ' BOOm TARK.JNGTON "[ don't lIud orstllud a 't blng YQII're "I'ut wblit questlOIl'!" he snld, breath· her Ute und into her hl1sbllnd'l< ; nllt! rOI> II ., "" CH," Rhe Mid. Iwro n' Mrs. the deeper Into the PIIst they w e llt. t1lP I' (,,·II· np. " (>111.1 ~ I.e" k. "loe hi' lI J,:h t me tn lk 11111 nbout;' MI'9, Vertrees . cow· I lesslY. Autborof )lIn lued. "As YOII n re /I now neighbor or mlne brigbter the p lcturcs they brought hel' hom e !" "Montlrur Buucaire," "Tho nnd ot my (nlJllly." aue rcturned, -ood there ' ls trugt!dy. Like bur bll~ ' i'h!' 11'1 lier " I',>nk fil II 11\1011 th!' hl'd, "All tho hp.tterl 'Veil. he's a blld lot, Conquest "f Canaan,·· OIl'lIkl ng alowly nud wltll n c r08s-ex· blind, ebe t hought bllt'kwl,rd bUC IIII S~ 111111. ell'll w iJl~ 1111 " hI rl' lI·\' 'I\· ·t r.()Cktllg thnt Lnll1110rn hoy; everybody's I\IWOY8 ., Penrod, •• ftC. Barbed Wire , nmlm:r's Bc\"crlty. "I Ullnk It would be she dId not dure thluk'fo·rll·,trll (\ '>· ('h,tli' fUl'wCl nl. s ut l,{..;ltl c II'~ I' lII oth or, J.,-n Qwn t.llut, hut the SlIcrldnns don't well tor me to know' Ilt once wllother Iy. Whllt thlnklllg forwllJ'd tbl ~ trull' an i'" ~ il'l lI J.! Io l'r 11 lI;;,hl lIn t II PIJlI thc kno,..· the el'C\'ybodlcs thn.t know, He THI: CRIAT. .T • you nre nlrendy walkln,; out wltb any bled collille I'cutured tooJ< tbe form or ~h\l n h l'l J' ""11 ~ IJ IIl' fy Id ~ s IIfl on th e ~lI t be tween BHJth aod Mrs. Roscoe them dJ Pl'It. y Ollng Indy or lIot Mr. f:lhprldnn, tblnk II " lender hO[le whlcb lIeltbor Sloerlll l.•II, •'hc's like thos~ people yon GUARANTEED to hon t "~thout leu· co uld h,,'I'o borne to benl' Il\It in ,,"orll s. Ing' l\ blemiAh, or MONJ;)¥-JlEFUNDED. " ~ I "II\ "' '' I" ~Inry exclulmcI). whcu lYolIll"t"d nu()ut lit the thenter the Inst " N THI: WORLD "~' cll , " 8jUd J1W, In JjJWJJ'~ .uVUC'l:ttJ, w,,11 1 Are you s pokct' tor?" 60c nnd $1.00 ei1.l)1I fllr tr 'ali \\'oClnd a. lind yet tbey hod tnlkcll It OVCI·. dill' ~I rs. \' ''rll'~ e8 had exprl!sse 1 " hopa U"I" We wcnt-<ll't)ssed III bntlSflwlls; " )Snl yilt." he ;;ll S[lClJ. , "ArC!' you?" roBI.ISIfED WEEKLY. Sf.OO.l'ER "you're a tunny j,"'rl!" oItlSOI't1S, 80re bl\ckR n[lc1a" ouldur8t~Url1' utter day. frOlD tue vel'Y hoUl' wheu, "Nil!" she ('fl eil , nnd wltb thnt tbey bound to s holv tbeh' c lothes anel JO WOl8 ner IP'l1vlty cOll tinul'/l An InatAnt ilOTI:L., Dltuc0i8T8. • ...C."LIt1T8. nnd brniflC8. l!5c fliEI) for, f"amily 'usC). sOllllJwbure ! Shc On ttCl'll. . the til ther, CO. 101l1tor. "I lIlay IlOt turn Oll t to 1)0 bo th IIlII>[llI'd nguln ; ond the pusUme tbey lI cll rd SherIdAn wus to bulill bis TUM I: R 8, T II AN. FElt. 0 A \. DR. COX'S PAlNUSS BUSTER l~or-so 'Iulck·· pro~e~111" I, Ill crClls lng both In Its gayety new hOllse n ext door. nueJ 80 !llli I. ror thllt motter-but not tUllDY tor you." AND "84'. 'I:"VI~. CAN. .."OFIIy does any idcol or bllUlllU hcl1n ,'lor ' UII(I In It~ gruvlly. .Ulnp \\'IJ~' . 1 trented btm outrngeollsly!" .Y UBI,.O ITS ADVUTtllNO COLUMNa 18 l\:tiroless find glIf1fllllW,()d to carn Spm'in, HillJ:bolle, Cllrb, SWOOllh B\?Jlni. "So long as you turn out· to be any' "i\lury!" (lh~" I'\'lng Its rnntlullnncc, Mr. Rob- bee m,' nu aDtlflu~Ulclr youth WflS or l'nfrH, or flny 11IIIargell1C11t of DOne or thing lit ,ull tor r pSI,eet I ca u SAMPLE" COPY FREf' Ule Inuocent Old dill'S. so dcnd I of '''']'lInl'"8 whnt /lnttered him. After , . . , . . . . . YOaK CLI ..... " wusclu, or moncy r efunded, PrlQe 600, manage 10 00 8Iitis f\ l!ll ," And wlllJ rrt LlIlIlllorn. appll Itc. turned tram a II I,.,ly m u I'cralllion 'wltll Hdltb and fe- "breecl\ug" And "geutill ty." und no dlnn~[ he madc till! whnle r eg l mcqi ot .. _ Yo"'... y fOlt SALE .Y ALL Dl'UQQlSTS ItIlat, tu Lis owu 8UI1)rlsc. It wos his ern tt had bl'en mOl'e slrultl y tfllinetl us follow blm nil 'ol'cr the bouse, wblle \turn to blu8h, wbere upon Htw Inugb ~I murkell cO\'ertly to Sibyl thllt Miss "er· tree. was "sulrtlng rather pIcturesque- \I1)on illent wan 'that or tniking nbollt be !octurcd like (I glllele 011 illc Pula· agaJn. ly wltli ,TIm ." And he added, languId· tlllngs wtthout men't lonlng tuem. n ere· tl1ll1. He gil I'e (l llllcnsions ond coste, . ', "Ye~," be sUld. plAintively, not III wos worked _tbc Ulnst I'ltlll /lUTer· nud tlie whole b'lIIn' ot 'CID listened a s wbolly locking IUtlllUl)li, " I 'uu see 1.1', "Do you suppose .be would 7" e nce belween Mr, 8nd lIrt's, Vertrees It tlley tb ought he Inle\ld~d to make you're tbe aort at girl tJ:lllt wOllllllnu\:1J For th o TUoment Sibyl Illl'l'''' no sign lind their big new neighbor. Sherldon. them n prescnt of the hou se. WIIRt he the m\.nutl! YOIl see 11 IDa 11 r~lllly mUll 118 or Ihvln/f hCHl'tl hIm. hilt Reemlld Iutcr· thollgh his youth ",na ot tbe sUlDe WAS PI liudest ot wns the plum bIng And &lIytll1nlr!" (,Ht'CII III tbe ClA SP at; 11 10llg "rope'" of epoch. knew notlllnll' of suell mntters. .thAt BIlY of Nllples panorama In the .... 'LIlIl6Il'I" alle cried, gasly. "Why, PI':II·IH. (I lOOT' I)f which Rhe WIIA u Ilow· De I.Jnd becn cbopplng wood tor tbe hull. He mudc .1 5 look ' Ilt: all the It might be II mAtter uf Uf" u ud IlelltlJl 11Ii: to Awlllg from her t111l(erA. r est· morning fire in the coun try grocery pllUoblllg-bnUII'IICJInIl nnel c\'erywhere 'BuUt JOU want trllgedy, I'd beH.·r )Iut 11Ii: her cl l,ow 11110 11 ille (lilole nnd (01- while t.lley were IIttl1 dilnc.lng, else-a lid then ue made mi loo~ Ilt tile 'the Qlleatlou Itt onCl!, l' ouHldcrloll lllll IUII'lnL! with lIer e,ves tbe twlukle ot It wus atler one o'clock whell lIlrs. 811Y ot Nuples. He suld It WO/l a hun· VertJ~e8 beord steps nnd tile dell cute drQd onel el!l\'{lD (Ct·t long. but [ thlok dinklng ot tue key In the lock, and It's . more. And be led us 111\ Into tbe then, wltb the opening ot the door, reAdY'lllllde . IIhrnry to see n poem 1Ilury's Inugb and, "Yes-it you aren't E,lltb hll d tuker! 0 prize wltb ot scllooi. .. irA I.l-tomorrowl" They'd hud It 'prlnted gold letters D nli !rn'med In m'.)ther-ot·penrJ. But tb ll poem Itself WIIS ro.thor, " Imple ((ncl wlsttul nlld nlCt!-ohe rell(\ It to tiA. though Edith tl'1'd to stop blm. Sbe Round Trip \VIIS lUoclest u bout It. and 8U IfI "he'd Wan' 80we reliable informnti,on About anyol the country "'-5t of the nevel' written anytblng e iRe, And tI"'n. Rockit..,-<:allfemla. uregen. Wtlshluglon, Idllho. 1I!0nt1lDlI. Ne ..adn. ' at.ter 0 while, ~lrs . Roscoe Sh erltlllll Ut" h ' Arizona New M."lco. Texils i Wanl to k"ow somethhlll Round Trip 1l8k~cl 'lUe tn ~o lll e IlC1:08H thl! "tl'~et 10 ' .. bani r!lrllllng~pportuniti.5. milrolld mtes. rOlltes. automobUe hieh· her houl<e' with tbelll-her ,hll oillllllll 'II Ull way., botds, u 50rt s. priceq of lund. met"ocls of farming. etc.? FJdltb nnd Mr. Lamborn luiel Jim :;lh ·ri· lt',our bU5in~SlI to kn • .., all a. beut'tltis Pacific Slope country, Sun· ~.....c~ daD-" ~~~~='!"I !let "'ap1.ioe is 'the one b~ nulio"al magazine. refl cc tin1( the life of ~lr8. Vertl'oeil wos shoe' ked . 'Jim!" thlll .,.unlry ItII<;I giving aocurote Information "neeming its growth she c!{cll1 lmcIl, "Mnry, I1lease-" "Why Don't You A,k Me?" ud d vel(lpllltnt. Senti 10 centl (ura sample copy of Sun.,1 Mag. Skeleton Waists,', .. .... , 19c "Ot cOllrse." ~nld ~(nrJ , "I'll run ke a.tne and . rite us a leIter alkina ror whatever information you'de. Drawers, 3 to , years .. , .. thnt she hlld enJoy!'el the ' ,;enlnj:r nnd U liS eRIlY rOT yon a8 I ca ll, D1RUIIIIII. {g~ NEWSpAPERS al.., Coli""'" I" !: all)' Side in the Wast. W aists. 2 to 13 yelU's .• , ., bllel Il ~ ,.?I,ugl\l cold. " Why dOIl 't yuu lI(r, J~llIIei! Sherlclnn. Jr. We ,,'ellt o\'cr STATIONARY Oil Cloth, per Y. y(J., •• , .. tOe I~Mk IIHI I \ ' thero. ond Mrs. Roscoe cxplnlned .that SUNSET MAGAZINE SERVICE BUREAU Ladies' VClitS •• ; ••• , •. •.• lOc' This IJrquI r,r ohvlollsly milch! h ~ r 'the 1II0D were dying tor n drtnk,' 'I N KS-MUC1LAOJi . Paint Brushes., ••••••••• ' 1IIe lIIolhC'r clllf'olJlfortnhl, .. ( dllU' t-" "he~OUl:h 1 noticed t,hat Mr. LP.mhonl SAN 'RANCI800 tuUlerpd, ":\1<1, you ",bllt. ~Iors'i" WRS tbe only olle neur elCAtb·a ·door all Olrl Dutch ' Cleanser .••••• !~ Fresh Cllndy,same old price JOc " Uow I got along una wbllt he's that account. EdIth and MI'II. ROBcoe Rex Lye, lOe can, 3 for ••• SUNDAY, JUNE.4 FROM JJkc," d they knew I'd been bored lit the "Mory!'" I dlnner...They were' obJl!Ctlonabty apolo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . WAYNESVILLE NextbocJrto "Ob. it Isn't dl~treaAlngl" Rnlrl ~Iory, I getic about It, and' they _mad to SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVes 9:35 •• m "And I along 80 f08t-" She broke ~ DOW' we " . . JOlDc to 111ft • TELl,. THE ADVERTISER \'OU lAW Gaette off to conUuulwr tbIao "lIut I ' ('1'0 lIa.aoaILlUitl) HIS ADS IN TttB _ ClAZEt1lJ See IMal AplaC " \11I


,U~l'('U1 lC' ll l


u l " 11 ,\ ~ tl l/J1l0'Yh.~ r t~ 11.1 h er lUutJ l'r wlan l ~ho th r ew tll HHl

t' Y(,8, ,10 th su r f 1tl'{J HI I.'O \' C[' It ,




EasY to mint· fasYto Wash




F'day Jnne 2 I 0nrI

[ ,

I' I



Pure Food GrocerIes '

' ~ Hawke's (Grogery




THE S. FRED COMPANY, Lebanon, Ohio


--------. NOTICE





' 1_ ' ___J___B ___C_h_a_p_'!a_D_"____...;









Going West?




Springfield BUS

THE ELB~NG~R .sHOE CO., ' Lehano.",' 0..








------~~~~~~~~~~------------------, .----------~--~--~--~-------------------WAYNE8 lLLl~, OHIO,

S ixty-EiJ!h tl1 Year





Otto Hornick, of Xenia, was In town Monda y. Get BOme of t hose White Brazili an

The Veterall s Fcel Dee ply Honored Sweet P otato P lan t.s at n.H .Hockett and Me (irateful to the l:ilizeI\s


The veterans f eel highly honored, anti Ii"" grateful ·I'h .. r.w rllmRining ve terantJ wish to (:xprt!ss thl!ir, apprecia lion andg ra til UlJe for Ih e g reat fa v· or!:! shu\\(11 them a t the Christi an chu rch on Memorial Sunday, lhe 28th Thll Ilduress by the young pastor was tlerfcct Iioth in matte r and lIIanner . 'fhe deco rations wllre very'elaborate; tl ugs displuy ed profusely lhe entire wid th of the inte rior of the church , The m llsic was apprllprlate and well l'ende red by a la!'ge chorull ot voices, the national .Bongs w,e a ll enj oy, lie· ing sung , , We r~ 1 ('specially under great obligations to Ml'II. &.lith Harris and MiSii Klnie Merritt, who took .Lhe initiative ill the wo rk ot Mem orial Day. On account of the reduced number in our ranks, It seemed im polj8i l.lle for us to IJerform the ser· vice. We esteem their efforts more than word ~ can ex pre!\!!, and com lIIend sincerely t heir delia bttulsplrit, trustin g lhat in the f l' ture others lOll Y be ins)Jired b~ .their plltrl~tic eXllmple, an ~ the!lpmt of DecoratIon Duy lie he ld In sacre~ memory and observed fur itene ra llons t o come. To ANY UIllJ AJ.,l. who contribuletl t o the sUCl'eS9 and pltlR8ure o,t the day, we are profoundly thankful, aud pronounce our best benedlotlon on ever yone al ike . ' ' Henr,y ' P rRt er, Commandor S. U. Carbllright, :;00.



Mrs'. Alice Ha lVke and fam ily -, ' t Leb '1' d anon ues av o t:l movoo 0 Mias Mary Salisbury was the weekend Iluellt of relatives In Xenia.



r=;::1::::::::lU:::! lEI311:]1-


:::::::J1 8 EI:::::::l'I




Buy LitJllllnlI1IISh ot!satHyrnun ·s.

E. T. Stroud. of th e Lytle pike, is quite ill. "

We wish to )Jl1 llIiely thank til




Conlmittee Thanks ,P ub'11·,0


}' . C. Carey was in Cincin nati I' rio day.


:::::::::11'1:11E, : : : :::::alB c===t


I)C pIe of Wrty nes.' v ille,

I:::J ~'


women am) ch ildren , for th eir IIlliL('d and Illhusiastic assislaJlce ill II p'IIl g t 0 ma'c k Mcmon.a 1 D ay n. success and one long to he I ' rell1 ~· mhered . Tuesday of last week pro ved that a lthou gh the 011 Id ' ' so lers a re few, and too fe ble any more to do th e wor k nccessa ry


o r. Viii, Osteopath, way . Lehan on. nhio.

:~ I

n. W. Iramilton AP nt with rlll a tive~ in Dayton. (3



S, BroadSuntlay

Want ..d - A cream SC I)nrator. S. D. Henkh:. Wayn '!lVille, Ohio.



1<1 EI~ TO FI.( )( IO TH E BOT roMS ---

MUCH DAMACEIS DONE By tho Watel' to Farmcrs-Wi nd

I~oported ti ; ons





to t he celehratioll of 'this da ', thc people, one and a ll , were tno patn o l. lc a nd apprecin.tive of "vha t the y have donc fo r us, to a llow the day 10 pass without showing the rcspc t and, reve rence duc our Civ il Wa r Heroes , dead a nd living. Again we than k YOll nil for YO ll r genera li s support a mi a ss is t ance .

Mr . and :\1 rs. Ed Thomas and fam· On e of the hardest June s torm!' i1y were in lIayton S turday , th at has been experienced hero for ma ny a year occurred Fri day evening. Get Borne of th08e While Brazili .. n Kenneth Kilbol1, of Cincinnati, There was a very heavy downfall o f Sweet Potato Plants of D.H.H ockett. ~ pcnt Sund ay with relatives here. rai n. and it was accompanied by quito I!J a lot of wind. Tlie rainfall was still Mra. Howell P ierce It)ft F riday t:l Mrs. Ge o r~c Mllrks spent the ~ reat er callt of here. as tho ri ve r bemorning for a m onth's visit in Toledo ~ wcel<-end with relati ves in Dayton. ~an to rise th e next day anel by late Saturday after! !Ion it was over tho EDITH 1\[. HARRI S Avenue aboll t ten inches. Mrs, Verna Kl!lIy, . of Sprinllfield , K I ZZ [ , ~ MERRI'!'l' Get some of those White Brazilian The ovcrllow was a hard blow to visited witb Mrs. Mary Callkey las t ~wcot Potato Plants of D,H.Hocke tt. the farm er. as the 1Il0st of them bad week. ~ Co mmi ttee. t:l just finished putting in theIr corn . Mrs. H. H . Wadsworth spe nt last In mlln y places catt/e wer(1 marl)oned Burn-To Mr. and John Stansweek in Dny ton , the guest of :rpla- for a couDle of days on islands , un · bury, in Dayton, Ohio, May 23, 1916, lives. able to get out, or the OlV nerR to get a Bon . in to them. Plows, Jragl! . etc" aro Mrs, J ulia Donovan, of I nrlianapoliR probably lost, a8 t he wate r in some r ;l11:==:3Ir.'IF:,= = 3 is the g uest of her sister. Mrs, Lina places was decid edly swift, and they "1.110;r.:. , Wilson Edwards Ir.'Il 1r:tr.'===ltr:t F:I==3I_hl_ terMrs !pent Monday with and relalidllughves in GIl.1;01_ .1;011: _1;0110; .1;0110; 1[:)1. IE Devitt. could not be go tten out , . irl Ellis who was plowing for Dayton , Mr. and MrR. Adam Stoops were J ason hechan Friday, left his tract· gu es ts of rclatiVl's a t J( ings Mills or and plow in thn lit:ld , where they Mahlon Ridge s pent Sund'ay with were caught in (110 noOiI. Fortu· Sunday . . his son, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hidge, nately they were not milch damaged 'in Columbus. and WtHe got ten out witho ut milch See ou r now .. Evans" ~el f filler dlfTIculty . foun tain pen for only $1.00. J. I~ Mr. and U rs A. B. Sides and Miss In many places throughout tho Janney. Irene English visited with relatives state, lVind !.l id a great d al of dam· ' in Lebanon S undlty The ,Jolly Matrl)n ~ were enterage, ewpecially in the south anll east· ' . Miss Irene English, of Ball Ax e, ern parts state. Spveral lives were The ann ual meeting of the lot t ained Monday af ternoon at the home The annual inspection of f)1 iam; Dr. and Mrs. A. T. Wright and 0~ne r8 of .Miami Cemetery As ocis· of J\I rs, J . O. t:artwrigh t , Lodge No. 107 O. E . S. , will take Mich ., is the guest of Mr . and Mrs. lost , and the damllgc by wind will run into the t\touB<'1nd&of dollars . son Elliott wero Sunday visilors at, tlon was faIrly well attended , MaSSIe place Monday evening , J une l :!th . A. B. Sides . Spr'hillboro', Ohio. Township being m uch better rCI)re· There w ill b9 a r eception from 5 to 6 . l ented than Wayne. A number of Mr. and Mrs. FrcJ Goml of New o'olock, aft er which a six· o'clock Mrs. W. P. Salisbury went t o things relati ve to the welfs'r e of t he Mrs. Susan Cook and daughters, As.qooiRtion were disculI.'lea . among Burlington pike, ntcrt.ainerl Thurs- dimler will be ser ved . Thero will be Xenia Tuesdav to attend t h'a weddi ng Missel! Mattie and J ennie, were Slln- them being an Endowment Fund dllY the Misses Emma Hawke Rnd ,about fo ur candida tes for this uccn- of h r brother , M'r. Rober t Luce. Alma Waterhouse. slpl1 , and visitors from the different day g \lesl:8 of re latives here. and new e ntrances at the North lodges ir. the coun ty will be p'r e'lent. Found -A. r-ed boat about seven and Sout\> gat es. Mrs. Ed Conklin , of Lebanon,Distr ict feet long, on the river below t own. Misa Leah Smith , ot Cincinnati , Is The old members ot the board On F riday. J une 2, the Busy ilee Dep,. Grand Matron, will be present spendina a few daYIL here wilh her were elected with th e exception of ChillS of lbe Orthodox Friends Church a!,~ mspeet t he work. Members and For informatlon call Edward Ricks parents, MI'. and Mftl. George Smith. Abij ah Collier, who after years of held a picnic at J oseph ,McM illan's, VIsItors are welcome. faith ful !ler vice, reti res at his own Mrs. L. A . Zimmerman and daug hC l a~a !'Iawke •. W. M. , ter, request. In his stead Fra.nk A. They had u very nl(:e dinner and the l'he ladies of St. Mary's Guilll held left last Thursday fo r a t wo' ChrIstIe McKmsey, Sec y. IIr, and Mrs. J . W. White. Mrs . Hartllock wa.~ elect ed . T he t r eas· day w!i3 enj oyed by all. weeks' visit with relatives in Cleve- a social at t he h ome of' Mrs. S. L. F H. Farr and Mr. Fred While mo urer's report wi ll be found in anothe r Cart wright, F riday night, June 2nd. land , Ohio. tortld to Centerville Sunday lo v i ~ it column , he WIlS assis ted in entertaining by relatives. Misses Lill ian Wilkerson and CorMftl. O. J . Edwards, ~irs , U. M. ----------Mrs. Eliza Miranda . who has been The villag~ cQuncll met Monday inne Welch en ter tained a large numWhite and Mrs. W. A ~ Benecke. On qllile ill, is gradually improvi ng, account of the hard ral tl many were eveni,.g at their r. gular meeUnp ,Mt8. J . F. Cadwallader spent the ber of their l'oung" fri~nds last Fri· much to the g ra tificat ion of h~r not able to get the re bu t a goodly witkall membe", present . The U&1l week end in Xenia Hnd Co lu mb u ~ day evening at the p leasant home of many fr iends. 081 order ot bu!iness wall transacled, the guest of the Misses Annie and \ the former . Thl'! evening was s pent number were present and t hose who CHRISTIAN CHURCH payment of bills, etc. in various games after which delightbraved the weather felt well paid Mallie DrowlI. Ar, 'a pprop riation wu pasaed al The Best Woo l and Fiber Rugs on for the effo r t th ey had made. ful rofresh ments WI!re 'served . Praye r meeting , Wednesday eventhe mark et - ask to see t hem, . 9x l2 lowing the clerk of lhe Board of A fter tho meeting was called to Grant r..ewis, Ch lL'I . Satterth waite , ing at 7:30 sharp. Teacher's T rain· at ~6 . 50 , $7,50 and f lO 00 , The S. Public Affairs a salary of .60 per Harry order the foll owing program "'8':1 Prate r and others were in ing closs at 8:00. Ail a re welcome Fred Co., Le banon , O. rear. Mr. Janney has Ilt!rved ' the "-t d . . th . , to visit, and mO'lt cordially req ues tg iven : D td~n;';n~tra~fon~~I)W Jl)g board seve ral years without remun tI:~ e aVla_ ___ 111e onlcern and teacher!! of th e ed to joi n. Be one of th'o clllSS to Organsolo ,....... Mis.\! Ruth Hartsock M. E. Sund~y School we re deli gh t- g radu ate next fa ll. Choir practice. e ration, imd it was deemed unjuRt to Mrs . Mary Zentmye r . of Chicago, . , . ' The annual Ohio State Sunday f ull ~ enter taJ!,ed a t an e legant su p- Friday even ing ot '7:30 sharp. Como who was here last week, visiting r el- Voca l solo .... ... .. M iss Mary Salisbury allow him to 11'0 on without a salary, Ladles (.u stre Silk Boot Hose, ail 1&:hool Con~l!n tiol\ v.;i11 ~eet ~t per m t he SOCIal of t he church and enjoy the music . Have you ati ves. will Jell ve soon for, he r ne w Clarillet soil) .. .. .... .... .... Mr. Mark~ as the position of clerk carries with colors, 35c, and Ladies' Colured r.:tndIH~ , OhIO, J une J.) to 22. 191G. I.Bst ~ h u rsday eve ~ II ':Ig. Before ad· heardconcern ingtheChrisliallchu rch home in Mad ison, Wis. it a lot of work. These selections were all very much General apecUlations tor sidewalks, Gingham Petticoalll tor We, :rhe S. lhere .llI a good .I)rogrllm ar ranged Journ lllg to. the . dll1l1lg room, each Sunday School contes t? Wherewer ' appreciated a~ was huwl1 by thl~ fo r thIS convent Ion, and Jud~e l3o~ . , guc.~t_was gIVen ~ ~~I rd and requested yo u last Sunday ? We missed you CUl'ba and gutters were passed aner Fred Co. , Lebauon, Ohio. The ladies of War ren County can hearty applause tha t ellch received. well, of Warren Counly , ~~Il be 111 to Wrtte a suggestIon tiS to the g reat· ,Ytlry much . Next Sn nday morning a leng thy ~ Jiscu !Uion ThetJe speeifi· t his several contests w r<! get a good Summer Dress, Shi rt After charge of thc Teachers Trlllnll1g De est need of the schol()1 and the rem· at 9:30 sharp the contust will be ill c;atiolllt we re Illude so they will apmuch enjoved hy a llllresent. Dur· Me8B ..... J O. CartwrigjJt , Geo. Waist, White Sk irt or Middy Blouse parLment. edy the.refor. Afle r supper , t hese full swing. The D1u cs arc ahead . ply to '\11 work ,hat will be dOQe th;8 Hawke. J ohn Hawke . Geo Wat er· mg the social hou r Mr . f,l rtwright The delegatos f rom Warren ('oun· ~~g~e8tl~lI1s \~ere and several wit h a majori ty of two. Corn anll fo r H . 2~, T ho S . Fred Cu .. Leb· favored th e gllCllts wilh several se· Ilummolr . - ~evc lal aidllwalks will house and D. I.. Crano attended anon,Oh\o. ty, Il!I select ed at the Morrow con· Itvely (ilscusslons ensu~d. . Several jDin us. The Sunda~' School pi c' nil' have Ito be pul in, ther fore ' the lodge a t ,Franklin Friday .night. lections on tho vi t roi a and the host· \'ollt.lon are : ~I . A J ameson , . _Rov. plans were.ari opt!!d . whIch WIll Burely is coming SOOIl . A class fo r IOV"'!"Y· I,.ecifications. esses served icc cream and cake. E: ~, Ke rr. Ii, A Pauley.:S. A ·be p:.oducll v~ of much ~ood whell one. P raaching service a t 10:30. Mr . and Mrs. W. H . Allen, Mrs. Proceeds for the Parish Ilous Fund Afler a general diac u'3liion on other Marlon GllSkill, of Columbus,Ohio, LeWIS. Mrs. L?cy Curry . Lebanon; put 111 operstll)n. Rev. Carlelon R. Allen speaker . Bub· El i~. ab e t h Bar ley anti daugh ter, $25. 8ubj ec t~. , cO~ lIc il adi ourned . spent one day laat week with hi~ aUllt , Itev; ,W. H T Il!o rd . M.orrow ; Mrs ' jcct, "Ch ristians, Itenect ors of God." Mi s~ Georgia and Miss Olive Alleu Mrs, ~a<imi lIarlan, who has baHn I", 1. CI)leman and M Is,q Ger t r uc]e In the evening Ch risti an Endeavor at visited with fri en d ~ in Frankli n Sun· very ill for the p8lit three months. Dilley, of Mason. 7:00, Are you a mem ber ? P reach· day aft~ r no ()n . \








aE~3 E~:J








...... _ __









- - - .-.---


-See Elmer Rogers for Auto Ti res WILL OBSERVE and Accellloriell, Binder twine and Cream Separators, ooth new and !lecono hllnd, at prices that are right . SPEARED LEG, DECORATION DAY


~:~~~,;viceat7:30,subject''' A SqUare

Fo r Furni ture of all kind s, G rocerRUbOS, Carpets. Men's Wea r ST, MARY 'S CHURCH Lad ies' Wear. Ory Uoods , ,Shoes' Whitsunday ,( f'entecoRt) J une lIth . China, QL\eenswa re, etc. - Tha Sunday School at 9;30 u. m ,; ser mon Fred Co., Lebanon Oh io. ----t------;:===--------~-~-":t~ 'a nd Holy Communion a t 10:30. Miss Alta - iJiIey,I0M181'\y-Ot this There was ·n very pleasant affuir lIL Everyh:>rly welcome to theseservice!l. place, who Willi recently olJO rat:ed on Tile joint Decoration Day 01 the Mr. and Mrs , Myer Hyman and Xenia last Friday, IV hen ~imeoll 11. T he Friends of this communi ty for I!ppendicitis in tha Miami Valley daug hter, Bernice, are In , Day ton to. Veacon, master carpente r and "BuilllKnigh18 of Pythias, I O. O. F . and have arran Red f ~ I' a t hree days day at tendi ng the confi rm ation ser· er of Bridges," was retired by the ·Junior Orde.r lod"'1.8 will be he:d Host)ltal in Dayton,il Rlowly ImprovChau tauqua, ·or Conference. to be inlr. ' vices of Mr: Hyman 's nephew at t he Pennsylvania. Hail road Company . Sunday, June 11th. at 2 o'clock , Master F4 Burton met with a pain· held here in the F riends Meeting Je wish ~yn agog u e In that city. . Weather pelmitting the exerclsC!l after 11 continuous service in t heir lui accident Monday morning. While House. June 1.7, 1 ~ Ilhd 19. E. J . Carmony, of Springfield, will be h~ltI at ihe cemetery, other· employ f or over 32 years . The oc · spearing fish In the bot toms he Se veral prominent speakers from Ohl3, waa In town Saturday, calling wi s~ the (oxercises will be held In' tht' There will be an ,ice 'cream Bocial Charles W. Schwartz &. Son . the casion was marked by a large num, School House. There Is a good pru on friendlS. We are rlad to note jumPllcl on a pitchfork, one of the the Eastern Ye~rl y Meetings will at the Mt , Holly church Saturday Lebanon monument build ers,enjoyed ber of railway ellllJloyee!l who met piercing his leg While not a ~ddress tht: m eetI ngs . tines Irram arranged f ilr the occasion that Mr. Carmony la making good In serioua Injury, yet It is a very painful eveni ng, June l Oth , Everybody in- an ~nu s ually busy SprinR" season, in Xenia to give him a reception A fulle ~ not ice of the meeting wili . There will be both instruJlleptal and his territory. vi ted . ' I be glv ~ n m next week's pape~ , one. erectmg a large 'number of Memo r· upon this occasion , thoro hei ng nearvocal muaic, am! F1on. Frank Ander· ials in the variou s Cemeteries of Iv 200 present. IOn'; of Lebanon, will deliver the Mr. Deacon is an Oregonia man, Mr. and Mrs. W, A, Lippincott Wa rren and adjo ining coun ties. On address ' and family left M.onday evenh,g for the last day previOUS t o Dt!co rnt ion and is well ~ n o wn here. and his many It is earneatly requested by the Indianapolis, where tbey will maKe DaY, they secured a hnlte molor truck friends are congratulating him on committes that atl those having their future We wish tor them which was Bent out loadefl t o its ca- the fac t that he haij been re t ired flowers will leave them at the Odd the 'greatest success. pacity, in addition to t heir usual fr om active service. fllllows' Temple.s nday. In the evening the Ma.~J nic lodge teams and Ford light Truck: This wss open t o Mr. Deacon and hiij establishmen t is In t he fi f ty·seventh Men , 'low ia the time to get a year of, Its businesa life , and by niany railroad f ri end~, and part of Palm Beach or' Cool Cloth Suit In meam of the most imp roved equip the wo rk was pu t on hy th e railroad Tan"Gray or Mixed . Palm H~ach, ment and the mos t painstaking ser · men . Mess ril. B. Il. Kelly 'and 0. ' Duck or Fl&I)nel Trou8eftl, Straw vice, are creating each year an in· L. Cra ne were fo r tunate in being Hata, etc. The S. Fred CoO., Leb• creasing nu m ber ' of . 'satisfied cus· present 011 this occasion, anon, Ohio, . ----~- - --The Christian festival of Whitsun- were drawn together by the re port of when he com eth in the jl;lory of his tomers." tide correspondiJ to the J ewish festi· the marvelous 9ccur rence , St. Peter ' 'Father and th e Hply Angels," (St. , Messas. W. ,H, Dinwiddie, J. C. val 01 Pentecost, as the Christlau preached that - m emorable sermon Mark viii. 38), For those who ha vo Buy Lion Br\lnd Shoes at Hym~n's. Hawke" Lincoln Sides and J'aeob Easter corresponds to the Passover. which may be said to have founded been baptized In infancy. the Church , StronBe ....ent to Lebanon Sunday af- As' Pentecost waa instituted t o com· tho visible ' Christi,~n church . We has provided the rite of'Confi rmation . A sane Fourth of July will be ob ternoon to attend the Decoration memerate the giving 'o f the law on read that when the mult itude heard in which lthe canctidates rat ify and I8rved in Waynesvllle this year I18rvicM held by the several fraternal MClunt Sinai , and a day .ot thimks· the discourse, they were' pricked in confirm the promises mad e for them Mayor Hathawll1 deelrea to notify 'orders at that place giving f or harvest, so Whitsuntide their hearts, and said unto Peter and in their baptism , It is at peril of his . th" public that the ordinan~ cover' , commemorates the outpourini of the the relit, of the apoatles," Men and sal ~ a tion that anyone neglects ·t his ,il1g thia dalY will be enforeed . I,t ill t(rs .Walter McClure. Mrs. Charles Holy Spirit; ~nd the inga t hering of brethren , what' shnll we do?" To confession. befitting the obRervance of" the day Rye, Mrs, D. ~. Howell, ,the .Mhlses t~e. first frUits of the Ch.u!eh o,f the practical questio,n St. Peter gave that tJle. mayor's desir8$ 8hould ,be Stella Daugberty and Alma Water: l,;hrlst . Further, 811 the glvmg of an equally 'p racticlll answer, "Repent But the Holr Spiri t Ie not on ly the . there we,'c sent to ,ratified and the day observed u houl8 and Mr Carl McClure left the Law converted the J ewish peo· and be baptized, everyone of you in Teac~(lr, He IS als.o the ~omforter. several setting3 of befits t.lIe ,adv~~ Amer~eaR c1tii en. Monday for the ' LeW"ton reiervolr, pIe into a nation ; 10 the gift . of the the name of the Lo~ Jesus for the That IS .the name given Him b y .~u r esrg9, and they we r e dis• '11!'" • theJ will Bpend ten days at ~01Y' SpirIt conver~ed the dl!JCipIes remi88lon of alns." Lord hlm!!elf. ~e Is not only With Ohio's memorial to former Preslseveral different localitius tbat .famollll ftlhlna reiort. ' lIlto a 'church WhItsunday, IS then The lIame 8DIIwer the Holy Ghost the Church as·a .body~ He 18 ready to dent Rut berford B. Baves, a beaU.'-Ithey see pheasants very , the laSt of what we may call the g reat gives through .'tbe Church and her e nter ever.y heart whIch will open t o f 11150000 b . dl • they are of th'S ()pinion , , hititOrical feasts of the ('burch. . minisU>rs·to seeklna salva- r eceIVe. Him . . We have noli far t~ u . , ull ng, made largely of that are several a bout the Dr. Thom.. Sherwood lelt todAY. As on Christmas nlY we celebrate tion. The ,must sellk HIm, He IS close to everyone ot Ohio 8Ilndstone and Vermont aranite neighborhood . About four. hundred for Cincinnati, where he wlllatt"nd the birth of our: Lord- as on tbe be followed ac' t. UII. Vermont being the native state of sags were distributetl in Warren the f ormer prealdeni wu dedicated Co t I t k d ·.f h I f ' . tbe AI umn.. eurc I8etI 0 I hia al rna Epiphany we commemorate B-i:l man- ThOBe wbo Are we weak! He will streng then t F t Obi un '/ 811 wee , an I t eyare e t R'e_ u la rcommllDicatiOb of mater, rhe doc.t or has not attended Itettation& to the bv the vis- confe911 ua. Are out bearts cold and dark ? !l- r:por, ast week with alone lor lOme tim~ t here will be f Lod,e No, 188 the ue.a.- for·leVerel yeare and It it of the Wise Men and on Easter way. Our Bays, He will bring beat and light. Are grtcerri°~' ' plenty of pheasants IQ (lTe cOl1nty. , . Wayn8llvi\le F. & A. II. will be beld !!!!~ be a ""$.~t for blm, U 18\/' Hia gloriouil ReIIurrection. 80. Whle- "Whoeoever me before they polluted with sin ? Be will by CbafJesnateb'.rd W~:ftven The claim haa been made f or t hen, ~ evumc. Jane 18th. .t 8 1....... blwta .... med that ,,111 lunday brings to our minds the fal· men. him before my cleanse tbem. Let UII but be willing editor of the Indiana II. • ~ tbat"theY, are really better worm de_ o'cdaIlk. Sojourall'llr bretbno aod •• m .. ..-t eal 01 enjoymen!. ftllment of our Lord's last promise to hther .. (St. to open tbe door. and He will come now of Pnnceton !II _uu , than the quail, and fannen! cOrdlaJl, w.aIcome. • will NbJIII home Sataulay.-- - Hil faithfal ones bl the YiiffiT. de· Matt. x.32) aball in and dwell with UII. and lead De in warm ,frlfllld of 'tb~ to He that aometbinlf .,~ 1.. CftIDe,-W. 'M. ' IIC8Dt of the Holy Spirit in tonpes be ashamed of of' tbct W&'I everlaatlna. and ,who to lave t /leir cro'pa , L.~""""Beo',• . 1hIrU.BIatl..... ~... of 1i9iDc tlre. To \be ,crowd who blaulialltbtSoo J.F.C. lOIftIIbJ ofthe dUreren~ ie~.




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Marrtallc Lloen. .-


My Aim- Your Trade

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Allu\'" Ihe Standal'll


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I'ntCI~ - To 1.lcase all.

Real E talc l'rllllsf rll 'l'rusl 'U~ ut H'I'flU \ til Hllptl t ·.\ ~I \I, ' 11 ,11I1·k." whlll Ill' 11I.,lIl(hl 0( , b ' lrc'h. PI ftNIIUI ]>j" l n , to Tlwll .\, . " , .' .. , .. \1"1 • '1.1" I',,! :l 1111·.·., "r ,til I 11 .\1'.1' ,, 1' 11 WIII'II "I' 1I1' 1 ~ ur fll "(' "(Of 11 0 ft of B'c. 0. Hll p . lt'l~ J, L I· .'. , , I . ' " I ,~" ,. 11'L1I,I, ",""1'.· "II l'ln il "' 01111 11 lll' Ih.' f U ll IIf BUlid l trllot In flllrl"n t u w llI< hlll fl. "1."110'. 1011 1 111111101 d , l lIllh' 1"''' 1' u· tl'll,I· IIIIlt'/ :-; " . .'" 11' \',· JII l 111111 1I",lrlt'cl Ph olle 1j.1- ;!Y.; 'fIle (-l ollorl\ l t: ufor nll e "I I~r£!" 1110 ' I.' ,Ill " !" II l1d I)\:l l'~ Ih" \I'ny ,I'll" oll~litl" hc. or ~' " I " ~ I ill 'I" ' h,! I.· ... ;,Id n lld •• , 11'1 III" l',ll"'" tJllpl,IMt.M t,o 'rhf1 'l'r\lq l ~PB of lIlt! rNI

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/~I Jlll"': li lt! :1 Jl1Ull wut "1.' J 1'-'111. ""jl,!h t. ,

~Ir, ~h (I.I'h.hlH!"

Corwin, Ohio,


I1IH' \V111 BnlltJiRt ('bu roh P) on Rnt Phil", emntl trnct in ~litrlll ll t o wnAhlp 'mi o r J!l lo~ 1. A U~' lhH ty "ullill I\-Iuk nt " "" I'~" 1.11''',,, I" \I,'t .1:1"), .• , ,,,. \\,h.. . " :;, .•. hl'I',' !" h~ .. r h',I . "1~Il't thcl'l! n.obel Boy~ IIU U 1': . H. I 1'01 Il 1111 ,\"011 n,"'", H llJh~ . U1HI IIvt- nvt J,.u•.'t_ 1If 11: 11 1 101'1 ' 11 1 'I"I""~ I~'"" " "I' 11 11 ,' III Ih" 1111)' 11'11 )' f"I' 1l~ II' !wl I)1·.'r III I~ .\I I,;\I'r to MaJ-Y E . LCliry 1 0 ~ No. U5 \1 Itl " ~l r\ k·JH ·· \\,.,II- aln"ls( Ihlll!" ~he In.lI):hl'lI . hll ll "," ,'. " " :11",' Ill' " " '" '' , "')'. )11 ' 1' 111101 ~II > . IIIIII).!·1 .1 lIIolllll'~;:ot Ihln.I·· Frosklln, $1. .lonnie B " \lII or P o llook 10 \l oberl. ",\,,11 you' r ""Itill): U Iw tl ,·" I'oln r .Ia.-l" .. " ' 1 " 'I'.'c'· ,III' I,:' 1':"'.1' '1 11.1' 1)1", ,hI)," 111 .11; I ' \'l' 1M II II II I(PlI I II Il,' with h,· 11'.1' I' ;: It III" I:d" ' 1"",1 ' a l 1", " lo\a l .10111 II 1"'1:1 IIr 1"·... ly IIelll' 1I11111e 11l11'1 ) Tllylllr lot N o RI ll In ~'tllnl(lI n , l il t Funeral ' I'I·PI'.'· rl ll,l·. 1IIII\,s: ~'on TI 'lIl1y IIr, '. 'good Ihll'" hi 1\1111;,' 1111 d€.' it. J"lOnty PU\l\ nUL un" '1l, JIIJU SI :lIII,', .11 1' '''' " ".' ~. la,' I h i ll\! I" , N.I.' ·. !.lll,'. "",] I Ih l nl< )"Iil I. aull' h'JI" I t"I'1 la tin d !lilt' •• { 101 H 111 Bllll ~r's !l 1I1I. hodn't 1I"~ n !111M'll III til" ,11t1l"'I·. 1',1 I1rollll bly, Ir 1111 w 're kn o wlI , 10il gouc1' 1 ("III" .' ~ I II' i<' y"" I, ll" "'. )1 1,1' h)' I hl. lillIl' " divIsion 10 Frllukhn. $l. WayneSVille you' , ,. . hl ',-II

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boon 'HnIlRI'{I : n 1111 Ow 'I(' (>,1 I l illi" lI't MI'!!. 1I 0~L'II!,'8 11'1101 borrlLIr. ho rrlhl y I!tl1flld ." "Ullt. Mllry," hl'r llI o111!'r h N'-:lII . "I~ -I~-" A ud sill' 8~1~III,...1 1I11:1IJII' tu romplete th.. 'Ill Il>! lion. "NI)\'or IIIlml, nUHullln. I'll M~' It. I R Mr. JIII1I1'R ~b!!rld'lI\. ,lr .• sllll'lol ? I'm Bllrl! i,l"!; 1101 ilt nll stl1pld ul"'111 1111.1· nl'''s. 11Ior\\'lsl--' UII. 'wll:lt rigl,t huve I. to be clllling POOl,le '. llIplll' IJ (~ 'cnll se they 'r e 'lI,t e,>:uI'Uy Illy 1<1 11"'/ jOn the IJlg dlnnllr tubl e Ihl'Y 1",01 1'1101" tmolls Ictng Illad!!l!) of lh,' . herld'lIl /blllldLug-"

(!v('n fl)r me!" : And II'II'n he hlill I!' Cl III' lol r~. \ · ('r · tr ~es !trcw n Il'lll-: IIrf'''lh, li S I( II I,"r· ilen were n: II ~r mind. 111111. slII l lIlI g. begnn to umlrcHH In II gentle reverIe.

"Oh no!-; h.lr8. 'crtr('cs ('rlcd . "~lIrl'­

Pl notl"

"Ye~. Dud two oUler Ulin ;;s "t Ihllt lnd_J dou't kllow \\'llnt. lIu t . nfter II, I wondered It UlllY w ore I"h\. Ul(~n, WU1l1l1H1, 1 lUU . u:t!!I\,1 10 teel superior to Mr. JUII'CM ~hcrl,llIlJ. r., b ecauso h Ilhlu't SI'C lI n.,·tl d ll); out t plnee In lbe tltJCrldulJ IJlliILII,,); Iu ugar." MI'i!. Yertrec~' expression ha d lo~t Inone of Its nuxl ly notl she ..huok her 'head grn vely. " My deur. Ilear chillI." '@be4lnlll. "Il scemB t o W I.>-- It lo ok~I'm ntrold- " " oy os 1lIu ~h or It IIR YOII CUll. mammn ...·· anlll Mary. Ilnrollruglll;tly . " 1 !CM g t It, Ir you'l! JUSL give Ule Ollll Ikeyword!' "Everything YOll sny," JIIrli. ,"cr· ees begn ll, timidly. "Hccm~ to lin VI) e aIr ot- It Is 11K If you wcre ~",,". g to-to make SOllr801r- " ;'Ob, r. Soo! You moun I sOllnll n~ I f II w cre tryln&, to tvr~e D1Y~l!lr tu IIltC lum." "Not exactly. 1I1ary. 'l'hnt wn.,qn·t !q1l1te wbat r meonl," Blild M I'i!. Ver· Ttrees, 8peaklng dlteN untruth wltlJ r,er, Itoot nncousctonSlJelIH. "Illlt YOII snld /that-that YOII toun.d tlI!! lutter IllIrt lOt tbe eVllnlllg lit y~uug l\1rll. 5h ·rl· jqan'lJ uncntertlllnlllg- " , "And liS Mr. James berlcJnn "'I\S lthero. aJld .1 sn w mol'e or 111m Thun lit 'dinner. anll hod allUrrlbly Sllliliol 11111 0 lin flplte of. thnt, YOII tlllllk 1-" Alld !then It WO R Mory who lert till) tlc(j\l(.~ ldon IInilolshed. • Mrs. ;Vertl'll<'& noddell; 81111 th ough jllotb tbC. moU'er oud the dnll gbl~1' till ' jdcrstood, Milry felt It bettor to IIlJlke 1tbe understanding dellnlte. "Well," abe aaltl.>d. gravcly. "Is there anytbllll: Ilise 1 cno ilo? Yvu nmljJIIP:t don't' want me to aU aDythlug thnt dis· tress ell Ill', and 80. I\S tlllil IK U't! ollly !thIng to be dono. It Buoms It's Ull to me not to l et It dletl'css mo. '1'bal'1J 1111 1here II n!>out It, I sn't It?" . "Bnt notblng must dIstress you t" itbe mother c:rled, "Thlll's what T 81\yl" slIlet Mnry, cilecrrully. "And 80 It dOClS Il·t. It's 'all rlgbt." Sbe rosll und took her cloak ovcr bcr orm, li S It to go to h cr ow n room. nut Oll tlJ() \\'0)' to t11 ~ door sbc .topped, ILUIl stoo<l le'lIllng IIgnJost Ih' Itoot UIl! bcd, contl'llllliulinl:'l tlJr,'nll · ' ibore rug lit her tl'll l-. "Mol her. YOII'\,O ~old me II, thOOSAl1Il tim,." tho t It docslI' l roolly mntier whom u girl IJInrrles."





F.llllh , I!"""· III .~ "II,<1IIIII.\' Inlo tjl~ f'Tt\l\(h· · m :llh'" IlhrnTY, stoPlwd Hh l'U pl' I~r, 1'i(\~' 11I1-: Hih l!~ 1Ilt'I' !' n lunl '. I ( p WU lol K tll ndln~ I'w fm'\' till' )II~H I' I fI'uUl ~l Hlle)' J,:uld I(o ( If'r~d 1'0(\111. tllll sllI;,!lr 111 ~JJ C'l" II ., rl'lI ll II : 1''I'<1 11't \'I': .

1 ,,\' 111 f,l rl!'I' l Ow t h' "I-:~ IJu t Htl n., : 'J h i' l Hl-oh tuH look . t h u b Ullh,d \VO I'tol , 1 ku o \\' I 'l t' \"uO' h (tn de th lH rll l1~ '1" 11' tH tH!t't4 'll ml.! lI l"ct J1 1'\ ' l'r s tirn' ''' 'rH art f.!(' I' I.UL ru r l h(' l r own tH' ur. " 'l· tw}·' \'l.' ~utr't 'r,>\l "11 , ttl/, l ' d why t hey


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~I ... lu"I,"11 l'uult'·slrk kl'lI ImlllO'll!· "I"'y . " PI I 110," ~"" l ' I·.nI' ~ h 'l l , ' 11Ih-k l) ":-;". 1 111111'1. 111111- " " y ,,". .111" ,")," I", so W. nnll III ~ 'at !1l')I1"~·. ,'"Il',' ~" ... 'k II !I It 1\'. " """ 1'IIIIIll,,'1 111'111 :f' OI' I .... ~" , l lIdi:~nll W:lrll(' " ltll' I ' n l l lllsl, . , '1,'1, , '.. " tI:i t. " " ' h i lt ' r( I II~", ' n '1 .. III 111":, ' kllllW h II" 1' 111 Ij:. I I t" Hit .. 1 'Ill ,I htlrl'i \lll r "l ' 11,,11" ,'11) 1,'11'-'.·,· ' " )" '1 1. , ' ,)' 1 II I•. ')'1'.1' d l) fl .t'l p 'u'n . . l 'I' IIU':1I1 l ' , -- CI I'I, WH "1 1 I" l"wlll ~ . mllll h,·I.1 I ,,· 0 11 '1111:" "\\'11"1 r,,1"! \, ,,11 do kll') '" 11111\' I " 1 " j,1; It!" nt"11 1:.'''1'):'1'. ,".·'·I·IIS. "I , r ••..t. ,,," I .1',,11 - 1\" 'II, ,\"'''''' 1' " 1'1' (111111), IIl1t h,'\' all ('II ""II' ", '." ""111: ' .11 1 \\:11111''' III.' I II fl'.I III at II'IIY- Ol' 1,1.(' hoy'!'\ ,::u' ht' Ilt l WI'I' 0' fIJi ' I"wl,!' I U'I'It'lIdl·.!- " Th l , :<111;:11 1:1 1' 1'1''' 111 .... ·)'. 1',,111111,·.1 I ":-;""'. II.'" !" ~II( ' 1 ' "I1 I · IJI\~1. " \,. " t'I'l! '1II,' wll :l t ",,"'.1" , _1 ,1 ' "p .. 11 ):,1'11 11111" " "\loIill lll-: """11 " ('11("'1'!'1I1 IIfll' l'II11UU!" (vr Ih,' 1111 '11111111( " f " 111 1111,1:11 ," .1 11'1"'1'('01 .. '''' I",lI i n;:' It:" II I' ~1,,\\',',]lI ,,\Yn Ih r m, l kllll", fl'llill 1111, ,11,,'1' 1'1'1'0 11.'11.,11 , ',,11 ' " 'a l' 111101 1111'11 ..,1 hi" 1'111'1'111 h .. l· ~' I'IiII'l'IJ 1'1'\'11 1111( B II ,hH. " " 1 ("rlh fl.\, I h,' 1"'11,' 11 1 " "',.,' 1, •. \, •.. ~I I ~~ 1' .. 1'1 '·L"·H. 1""'1'11'1 Y"lluf a r,II .· 1111,."1"" " ,'III.' 1 "~'"I.1' II li llll l " < "";" ,1': ";1,,1' tI", , .•". II ," I "lItl'. " .\11,1 ,,,1 .. ,,. .11111 ~11l· 1·\' hllI. ~ 1,h'I ' " "" Ih.· 1·,1 :.:,'" , wi,,,,, I,,' 1",01 """ '1 01 1.. 01 "III' 1'11"1',1 101111 0 1' lilt' l ,)wu wi l li ~f n l'r \'I' I'U·,·" :-; h\':-i hl .. : , ~ ~1J 1I .ln 'h· liS Ill' ""lilt'ldJy ihltslt't'l l IIt1ll, ilt Ii i:, \1 \\" 11 -.: \\'Ift lI1adll l"., "l h ' lltIIt · Iwl' III r:l,:. . h i lll.· " I..i~tl' Il, t..1 u u't ~ t:l' \1 tll(! 111\': d td 111' , 111 th ,· hh.:hl'l.nd . I \\ !l1I 1 y lill ttl )..: 11 I1 n, t fuln)'." I lip two CHI'!o\ "'.' ,"\ \ ).: rdll,a.:' III Olll llls i ll' ii i- I " \\' 11" lUI( '( ' 114.' a s k 1(1, ~haI'lJly. t·t.' l'l l Ull$: , H IH I li lt' ~,t'(' l1I H I Ht :! H r ,litll'S "1 l1t;u ' t kilO,," , " hllll ulll)' II RW ;l .\'III;: gl llllp< ' or llilliis " \ ' '' '' ' 1111':11' II' . jll"t 'I wh11ll 1" uhli r", nlnlli' fill 111(\ u:tt ·k :-O"l\t - ll ls "I tl U;"l kUtJw ," NhL' rt fp P:l letl. nl'r wil ite (IIt'l' sl :l rll lll,:l y 11'1111(' lI ~n tn~t 1'II1 "l' \1'11" :11101 [l'ulIlIl,',1 1111,1 hOIl ' t~(lJ) rind ~o ll:lI: h l :h 'k (lIl'- hnt he , "'. I . •" 1, ,1 ." 11" 1,' l'I ' t 1'1'" l'I " 'lr " ,"" . 1I11U " .. ... 'L ., (I fin h L'1 In lo re('og-uilloll II ~ ~Ia ry lio"'l'd 111_. to 111m. " 1\' 111 SOl .. tl'lIl1l(' SOIlIl'Uilu!;'!" JIm ",n\' rl l Il l~ 10'(1 11:11111 rllroli'~"~·. ".\ IlI1n~t IIl1yl hlll );. " " I t's Tl I" "~. IlIld,,;: h l~ (,,,"'11111 11011 111." " 11 11 \'" "yuu evet' t u ld :lny m u n YOl1 h' I' XI lal li I'll. iO\' I ' d h l lll'(" "\" " ' . L l(1I0'\' , " ~n I(I .~t IIl'y. ., ' 1,O WNI All" III Ihll t. Ihullgh . 111' In .. "h .. ,I. ~II.· .11ll· I"UII . If II(' " I I " .. II. ' al "II' Ill ' I'l'hl(' ,,' I I" , flllllll ~. " .. ,. \" " ,. .. h. "' d ,1 II .. " I II,',,' IllO) n~y:" "1.,),,1, ,) lIt " ' lIh 1111


I II!:' It.

tho s t urs

Wl h.' r," III1UC: ~dtllll hunt 11.

Oh. like n o t 1.14'. might li lrUH' In t u r nl

\\' UIII H h ' d u n l'Y 1 fT\ l lti l

." " ' "" II ,.", " bl ' .1,. ,·1,· I'Io'k '11ll 1',,'


Ft fl', wuundt'il, f So , nnn •.: Nh llll hur t me. 1·' llr lim! r r l.!'lJ \ \' hlJrc lil Y 11 uri m 0 8 no 0 11 0 t:l h l d l h.'o. rn.

" lIlllhR!" To:,t1lh ' s " ok ~ WII S IIlIl(ry, '"111 h ~ r ,~)Ior Il cL'IIl"IN I Huddenly U8 ..11 ,' en 1111' In l\l lile roolll . prCt'cdNI hy U H~"1I1 ... r vlo lels lIIuch 1I\01'C Il1l wcrtul tlllIlI O",t warrnnted hy the lI'lunl llullch of Ulem upon tll " lillll'i ot htlr cuat. Hlhhs dill not tum h Is hCllil, WII gl(C'I It 8111l'lIIl1ly, sco' lIIlng dl!presscd lJy th" I")em. "Pre lly r Oll n);. I SII't Il 1" lie sH1d. '''rbl'l'\! mllst hill'C ""Cll S O Uletill ,,!; lIlll)Ut your look" that !'ot th prize. ledlth ; I <'an't b .. lIm·o IlHl p em 111<1 IL" :!Jc !;IHIICCd IlItrI'l rllIy on r h ~ r shoul· der atiCl " I'oke >lhlll'1,ly. hilt III n Iofll' "ol,,!) : "I ~Io u 't Ollllk It'g \'(' 1'3' n ice of YOII III "rl llg It lip lit ;I II. IlilIh . I tlldn't \yUill UlOm to rrHln e it, IIu,1 I wi sh to gomllluR>! ·pllpu'd IJlllt 1(llkl ng Ilh(mt 1l; hut Iwre, tllllt night, ott" r tho dllmer. IIlIlu't he go lind r elld It ulqlld to the wllule erowtl ot 'COli 1 thoullht 1'(1 die of shnUlu!" Hlbllg l ooked grIeved. ' ''ril e poem I sn ' t Ihnt bllll. Ell ltb. YOII see. you wl)re ollly Rcvcnleeu wbeu you wrole It. " " Oh. hll sh tlP~" sbe snapped. " r wish It hatl burnt my fingers tlJe first tlmo I touch!!tl It. Then I mll:bt Im"e hull sen~ I' 0:110 11.,11 to l en,'o It where It was. I hllll no business to tokc It, lind I've IJI!~il ""hnl1lcd- " ":-/0. no.'" he RaId. comrortlngly. "It wos the I'cry most flattcrlog Ullug evor hUI'llelll'll to Ill. It WU B altIJOll t my IU8l UI;;ht b -tore I went to tile mllclline llllOll. IHI(I It·s plCIIRun t to think 801llebudy Jlk '11 It euougb to- " "lillt r don' t lIkc Itt" he c:<clnlmed. "[ dOIl't l'cn -und erS\Clloll It- lind pnpa mill'" HI> milch fu ss over 1I ~ g \tIllg Ule I.rlzc. I just hnte It! Tho lrllth IS I 1It'\' r drrlllllf,llt 'r] It t th e prize," "YOII ,hllve 10 111'0 It !lOWII. Edith, 1·... l'hul'lI IIhl'onil nud IUlll'ler nnolber 11111110' yon 1Illl(IIt UUll- " "Oh. hush till! I ' ll hire 60meon o to IIIL'nl I t lIo d btlrn It tile Jlrllt chon.:e 1 I:l'l." •'h e turtlcd u WilY . atet ul!Llltly.. 11I,,\' lnC'to Ow doo r. ' 'l'd like to Ihlnlt

~~,.. It ?" He Said, rCI11h' ~C'tttn1! aloft..: f.1ph" ntl lclly."


"1 ~ I' m n'fmld ao." II!' dll l d. rlll'fll ll L "Afrllirl ~ O! \\' ('11 If Y01l 1I1'('u' l I h('

"\1 C'1·(':.;t!



S \lPIlut)~

you nlt'a n r ,lth.' r

mI ght Re iHl l 'OIi hlll'k t o Ule 1Il11l'1111'" sbOl1 It " OU Det w ell cllolI " h . I hl'ul',1 01'" ~ b.11lI Bny Ilometblng oboulll til II IJ,:'ht or til "~'be Jln"'le or a dl~ llln t Il e ll In· " I_ e rrupted bcr nnrl she ~Ia ll cd lit III~ r

'1' I 'b

L' I . ,



I gf)Il>: I runny "

' 1'





"FUll welg • ht '



'. Paint glves

Green Sea you good, honest full weight, without any cheap adulterants being ad~ed , h" to merely make It seem II eavy, . Th



" 1




It IS . ad e


m .



H" anna"'s

I to'



you good wear.


n-' .~:v.c






......... ~




mve o·


I,,'II,'\'!, ill II III1IlI'S 1","",111 1;' h ow 10 cal'll his ~a lt. 110 III a tte I' hull' lIIuch 1I1(III'oy hi s f a lhN'H ;:u l'! HIISII·t the 11\1 " 1111 "" nr 1I11~ \\'"rld I-:u t t o lJe c'li'l'I~..1 Oil I,y """1'.,' 1..,,1.;' III II? Aru w e golllg to IllY 1",1'1, "n "'hnt \\'e'l'~ sot Illlll :ee otiJer fell,,,\,. ~I>t IIh"l1d of li S ? If w e'\'e J,:'ol b ig I III" ):~ ""'PIIII.\, . 1<II' t It I"'ory

III.nn' ~ 101l , III,'<'! tu 1; " ul n'lIll n Utl lU'lke '0111 hl';!;PI"/ 1"I ·t It hIs u uly.? VOIl·t we alway s "'''lit to get !JIgger lind bIg. gcr ?" " [ rl oll't kllow. B llt I tecl mUll')' 1i111'1'.1· f or y o uI' bro tiJer . lle l ookc:d HO Inn "I" ~n 1111 sl"k." ~ " J[["s ~(,ItI Il' h ctl ci' evcry dIlY," Jim Hull!. " 11(l('tor Ou rlle,Y sn y s SO. 'l'llCre~s no tlJi ll!; IIII1 ~h. Ihe Illnller with hlUl,





, Waynuvllle. Ohio

nlne·len l hs

h"ClIll"£' tll".I' d on' t have time to ImaK' luI' 'CIIl." ")'nll 1111'11 11 hIs troullic Is r eo lly 01110. tul?" " 01>. II("~ lIoJl II 11111111'1 ," 8ald Jim. "ill" JI1 ><1 IIUp(>I'. SO.1I1ctillles h e'll S;IY sonwlldug 1'1 1,\1 11; 1)I'lght, t)ut. hnlf tho tilllO whll( 11 !lIIYS 18 ' 1I'1lY olf tile lib. jl!CI, \11' l!lsc tbel'c (SII 't lillY scuile 10 It ut 1111. D'or Inalnnlle. tile' Oill ur dllY T 1",nl'l1 '01111 tnlk l u' to one ot the dnrkles In Ih ' hall. The dlll'l<y naked him whlLt tllllc he wllntcd UIO car ror Ills drlvc. uud ll.nyhody el e In tho worlcl wouhl 11I1I'e jllKt 8,lhl 1\'lIot time they dill wnllt It. lIud U,nt wou.l11 hn\'c beeo oil there wus 10 It· but'tiere's :wbut Bibbs Ilnd be:lrd blm with my o\\'n



IIA\' 1111 Nll:IlT


Walter Chandler

Notice 0f Public Sale "'JII pUnmll.nnl uf un or\lcr ut "Ii

.Waynesville, O. lJ~er PUSlOlfict,j UI. 71 OUice ..-uUl1e

l 'r',hl1l o

~u rtot Wu.r'1'01l tJouI1 '"Y . 011111 . 1 "1IItdr,,!' ror sulo ot 1111 1<11 ' ullcLlou ull Iho

24TH DAY OF JUNE, lS16 (11"\11111805 . t ho l aUhwlllH

At. 2 ,, 'docie , 011 Lh

t1m~c rILJC\1 rIJlll\:l l lU

Hltllute In l h

t'Oll lll)'

\ Jr


E. v.

Wu.rruu l.uuJ ::Iltut3 uf Ohio , ~l·wIL : tJoM lnlllll1l ~~_ polli L III ,hou_.Lllllo"C M ~III

ii . Hou .. Pboar,',1t


Notary . Public 4,11

:wJ\l ~ If NUlIlry Work.J:~\'VlIl. IIOti lJelJtI .. 1\ ::;poollll\y :

'l'enD" u( .~I





· Lhlrtl


ca.l,lnhunll.oJlo.",lr<I In OIlQyullr 1I1I.ln"... r,llI"II'HWU YOUnI I"om 'ho ""Y o!~~,,,. '\1111 hnurUrilL, '1'he pOYlllonts t.o btl ~t,!Cu r f:li( 1 iJy n lUorlgllgUlIl'ou Ihu llruml""" ""III. .1:DWAIlO



Unit'" 10

~.l l " a.1

O~; lI;'; ,

Ach"lnI8Im\ or 0 1 the " •. . tu'uol ·1I.r1\·. 11. Su r' n, ·n. '1'.'0. OIo,I&IIU. t.ll.'cuuscd. Altorll01 W. N , ::ItII'r8. Au<,IOlloor 11117·114

Uau" Uldll.

A. MAFFIT funeral Director and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio. u


Notice to Non-Residents

Call answered promptly day or night Ji rank

oll lllllh,m d , \:Iuth llhon<lll hi Olfice and Itesidence, Iu :iuUlh n oud , Long ditlt:ance,No.l<l; Home phone

\\,lin.rt.(Ju, rusldl ul; In

luet., Jom o.... WliurLolI .

ru8l dln~

(ContI nued on pogo &)

lnU. LoUtln Wh lLl'lu ll Mlld\ . N s ltJ hl Kln :;ou th utJlllL JIIII •. 1}lId NOLllo \ IlII.rlUU ~'k h"~I~ . ru· tilulna: lu SuuLiI HfJDlI. 10i l.. nml \\ lIliuni SU1ILh rcahlint( B.1. Obo.nuw. J'uns{lS, will lnl.\l uutloo'UIIlL un the 6th d'l)' uf Mn), . l!JI G, .Jllhn U CurtwrlKJu. ll.d tujUlil1"nra lOr with tho will


l;casuc.l tlte.l hht HOt.lti p u In L'ourt of Cm n IlInU t)lOtLII u( Wu rl'oll l; ou uty . ~'Io, tn caUlt'



(lUll oLlie",. IIr~yIUJl ~mu u ~ ulhOr ~1\l1l~. lor 1\ Jo.,'O rls'1rUCUuu o r til lost. will and tcstnm ollt o r I.UOO~lb

E . Slllos, \lcce..... l.

SlLh.l pnrtlCtJ At'(! f'tj(llJlrud to Wl..''H\'ur on or

IJorul'fl Iho

I .~


L4·4!r. Chairs amI one Caach furnisllCd free witJl funel'als, [lest of service guaranteed,

,uiuoxotl of lohu UB tllLo of LU cC I 1.1'. 1<:, tiltll R, lI o-



day or July . 19111.

J~l~~'h?t~I.r:~~~r~~~:; I:r'I~('~11I

n.lIuuxt!d" of lhe Cerate or )AI CClt8 ffi . SIll"" UOI:\ l1li I.

mlD-J 14

¥\'8Yl1e.nille·1I LelldinJj:

UQloo In Keys Bldg,


Ibm t:lt. t, .

Probate Court Proceedlnl'

H. .Everhart,

In l,he IUllller of the willor Ullllllto

B. EIIstlllllU, IlccoRsed. Will la lid. mlttOlI t o problltll. 10 thll Ill~tter of the estare of Andrew J, Trowl/rldge. deoellsed Inventc ry and apprfllsemso& filed. In I.b e of the e.'Gte or


- -" ----==:.---:..--

=-==-=-"=-==-- - - . .-

Corwin, Ohio



Office at redidence in · F'. 11. Sher wood's house, FQurth Street, Telephone




Ohio ,


'most Modem and Sanitary Creamery

in the State ' and


pay highest


price for sound. clean sour cream, . We are



always prompt to recognize any advance in the market, and

will .take

interests at all times" or weekly


care of your

Check~ ~ai1ed

desired .to cover


all shipments,

RE"JRENQE EllSt MaJloD1i1 Bank Pearl Street Warket Bank

~.~"3 M"-'The A"DREW ROHAN CO• Cincinnati. Ohio

J. F. Snook, Agt. Wayneaville;fO.

Pleas Court

............................... ~~.....~~~......~~I


Frank X Mind va. , Josepb Per. rlne, money; .. wOllnt olalmed 1160 . 51S with inlere8~. John W. Whltaore va J. Lee Samll Emm .. 8ama and. J . B. Norman, money ', foroloaure of inort(l8l P, Amount o\lllmed f61~ aud Suklre".

Lewis: 'Bakery ,

Proceedings rr D-ter I:!t&te or Ohio VI. Charles ca., - Ju~y finds defeDdan. lull" .. cbarged In the tndlo'm8n~ , Msuda&e frOID Circuit Cour. of 1\ ppe&11 tu regard to 'OatIe or D, J ~ .Dd tbe Am.rloaa BoDdlDIl Co u . lohu K. Speuoer . . Adml';-, de bonia IIOD oj the . . . . . of Wm.

Oblo Stal. Univenlly






In t.he mattor o f Ellgene S. Buff d \ C d I Iff' or, In oor, oort or er B a lor 0 pay Mum o r 101 -15 5:1 to )zora Cllrl. wrlgbt, goardillo of tue above namod Illlnor,lIsblaabafllofsa.loot I:lofford IlInds. In the matter of thA wIll of Raohel R. Poore deoeased. WiIlllI .ndml,. b ted to pro lAte. In tlle mattor of t·he will of RlIoh. 01 R Poore (leoooseu. Annloe M, OrOSler Is appolDtedoxeclltrix, Bond ~2750, Inventory aDd tipprllisemoot Is omitted, In the tll~·ter of the estate of ~. Wm : J. MeOablt,l1econsed, Ulaim of B . V, W IIIters oil: ft aln·· Aid est 1 80 !I • 'for som of ftOOO"is f01llJd to be valid and 1ega1. Common

Dr. J. A • .McCoy, Graduate of

Paper Hanging· and Painting••.


Ilruh Jane Wils,)tl. deoeased . In veotory IIDU oppro.l sement flied. In the 01 Anna Thompson. Ul.!IlUlfl.._ "uUJ:..... tC01lot Is Bpproyed t;;dwllrd 6 Rogerij. Admr, VB Burvey E ~urr"oe at al. Stile I "Flflh TrAct" oruorel1. in tilo matlor of Hugh Mobley The young nan I. adopted by Dlln. tel N ScvomncG ao(\ bls Dame obanged ~o Bugh Mobl ey ~cveran(Je In the mllttor o r the !,IlIu rllillnBhlp )f ~t.Lry 8. Elli s Itn \mbeolle. Anua K, MaddeD Isuppolnted. Bond '100



'~el' I" )~'! l'coIlie ttHlt ore wllllllg to lJe ~usy 1I , \l' t bll ve norvolls IllscllHes,



S u , 11 119 AKIlIu,8L th o IIOO \0Il01l1CU

"(; 0 1'11 " l':Ic·lolls! " hl' l'XI·lllilII Cll . "YUII d l1l1'l. 1111' 1111 '"at, do YOII'! I IIJII't " (lll

l'(~ully ·-1t·K



"No." said lfary. thoughtflllly, "} dou't thlok Ile iii but he mlgbt be un·' wmpro:btluillng. lind certaLoly be'lI Ule IkIDd ot lOan tu\ do nnythlng be once .... out to do. But 1 wlah I hadn't l)een IooklD« at thllt pl)Or boy Jllst tbenl I'm afraid I'll keep remembcrlnr-" WOQI4D't." Mrs, Vertreea .m1Ied ftlatl7. aIIIIln IIer .mlle. the... w.. ·the aIIoet or • .-teel 1'OIUIIIa. "I'" Alp ~ mlDd on pleuaDt8r


e rea test 0 any paInt va ue IS • ill 1'ts a b'l'ty 11 0 cover arge sur faces well, and right there is where Groen excels. ...

"1 iloo't know. lOs fnUlCr spoke or leodlng bipi ba ck to n mucbloe shop Clt iIom sort: r gilloccd nt 111m j\lKt then 8J1d be wCla Ililth U ·loOklllg enOugh before 01111 . but the most trllgl c change came ov t 111m. ' He seellled ju. t to die. rlllllt tbere ot the tuble!" "Mr, Sherld\ln must be very Ilntcel· ,

every ounce


• " goodPaIDt

" .


don'!!" slle snl. " ;'; ",' , ~Ir. SIlI-rItllln, I Wllllt YOll to SIII !'t tll(' (·lIr. l'io w ! 'J'hnuk l',eu . ' Io\\' · Iy, t i ll I Ilulsb ",hilt 1 wnnt to Suy, 1 hll\'(' ""t tlktl'd wllh y o u. 1 hlll' e de· III'~I'IH~I,\' ~uurt~d YOII. lie thing m ore. 111111 Ihell [ Wllllt yo" to toke nle Slrll l,:lI t ho III !!, tnlklng nbout UIO \\'1'1It11(," RII th. \\'IIY. I su ll! t1l1lt I do lint 1 1t' II~ l'e 1 shllll ever 'cure' tor nllY 111:1 1;. "", I 11 "l t I~ Irllll. . I Il oullt the ex· ISll'III'" ,, ( Ilill Id ll li ot 'I','rln~' w e b enr """lit II I 1"" '11'" HII,I " hlYs IIIHlnol'els. 1 tll l nl, It 11I\I" l ho Just II k l ud at elDl)II 11:11 IlI lk- llIll~t or It. At all evonts. I ll"II' t feci It, NOlI', we cao go tnster, llll·" ~ ~.". " .J II !H wlu're do 19 Umt let me out?" ~c tI ~ "III1IlI~d. "LIllW dOC8 tbnt excuse


mamma. tlJ " youngl'llt 'one--" . "Did be apenk or It?" MfR. ,"crlrCCB 8I~ nnpr 'h ' IIKI"eIJ" "'"' •. . !'NJ, Be aJt!n't HI) nk at nil, Ulnt I .aw, to 9.nyoue. I dldll·t meet him. lBut be isn't loann t'. I'm suru: (lr Ir bo • lB. be hos loog luten'lI la when be's not: Mr. JUI11('8 'h rldlll) lu coUollell U,,"t Ile Uved at b OULe wh(lll I¢ WfIR 'woll E'nOullb'; lind It mil); ll' b • only nn In· III I> t I df II va Id, II e look~ d rQII II y , u ... ...11 I> 8a II I cnann t e.l'C8, HillI It St ru ek IIlC ... a t It - I', Olle wc~ I n tIIe I ler IIIn 11 .... Ifamlly"-slw lauglllJll 1.I · lIttie ru ~ flllly -"he mlgbt be Int'restlng to talk to h . t1 illeR. ' to 0 II I n ell · . • ome '" Iu:m tlJ Ilr ~ II'US . IIt()cky ond II nils. 1 (lldn:t SN! him II ft· er dinner." "'I'liere must lJe something ~\'rong ~Ith blm." sall'l Mrs. V crlrecs. wl'h"y'il lIa"e Introduceil him It tiJerc weren't"


Lute Otl1 ~t III til H' I~I~ E'. K .. OVUl' 100 noroshl U nion t' I\\,II ~hl \l $ 1. HOM ~"). !{ tleYfl r 10 \V IlI . I, . f{ PO\,· '1'1,;1.1-:1'1111:\ 1'; 7 or HOn rrll~ in Unlilll to\\,II ~hijl . $ 1 Frlln o bBr o l.IHr~ B,IO ;r( : o 1,,'I'h .. Boarel of It:dno,.,tton nf (h ogou1I1 :ipa 1111 DiHtril!t,. t h u PUfl:! ull go 1,,1 ALL In Orogoulll, Il l{ule Rllnk ur to tlonrgt' \V ln l ('r~ IIlId lUll l::I olzll11 l ot No . ~ 112 In 1.01. ilion . $1. ll. A. Ee sley to A, R Jr.B~loy:1 r.r~olR In ::11110111 township $ 1.


"Or 1'lllll'S!!



- 1(1'1'11 1'. 1(-


wot ch . ' ., 01 Y nmlol'n. m to molor hI m alit to look /It 0 I\lnl,:o III "Is 1I? Btlw'!" sllil lI.k~" . " Ile trlkl1s rue [1A llll\· tlthl ''' hut fUlln,' to tb o cnulltry. Af tcr noon. IllhbsP ' . . . ~ . ' Wb en she bud gon , ollill! llloo nl'd "Well. [ '11\ bl ~ 111'011",1'," JIll! sli id. peSHI IlIIHt1I'II I1~" frolll shl'lf 10 ~helf. h l~ l!l 'preratJllglr. " hUI I 11.) II't kWHI' "'Il" t eye wnndt'rllll! nmilug the tlllc of nil be' s JUte, . lIIlLl, to tell the t ru tb. l'\' e books. Thc IIhmry CIIIIsIKtl'li 111010 t ,-;:-.---------"'-=:::::::" entlr"ly or . bUlldsolllc "uulrorUJ edl· tlona." Tllcy mllde un eJJe~lIl' e dceo· ration for the room, nil Ibe e bIg. ex· PenSlvc books. wllb a glossy blilulog III'!'!' 1111(1 Illl'r l' twinkling n !,plll'l'llllll ot th\1 1111111 H Ihnt 1'!'II I'kl('(1 III IIIl' ~ l1h'n"'llI Goth ic Ilr<'lllu('o: 1111 IlIlIhH 11 ,1\1 1111 1ft.!· Ill'essloll Ihut tile Il o"I( ~ .. II ('r who ~eleclr,l IIII'm cOII ~ I" '1'1'11 tlll'lII 1\ rrlh: f. n'nl1 Ihnt whlte-,1l1l'k et ,·.",.I,1c' rl·1I III 11,1 It bnt(len or dust, U 1111 tll11t n ohntly C'I!ic rrlfl ~ ldCI'cd th em lit 1111. 1I 11l1~ O lr. hc dl turbcd oot Olll!. ~'lJcre ClIlllr n I'hllt! of he ll. from 0 clol'k III all otll er IJIlrt nr 111(' h()URl'. ~ntl wblt tLJrtcket nllllCn rf'11 hcamlll g l.\' In the doonvllY. bcurlnJ: flll·R. "AII'I'P'llly. i\Ust· Blblls." he 1l1l00llurc ,1. " \' (I U'



Aut" bill i pllU: 11 I

10 ].Im. too, UlolI,.:h 1',"(, IlL' \'l'r 1111'.' h lll1 . luuli: l',1 a IIlfl e ("'HII to III JltUilU.". u Xu" Stroo~, '" 1110 l 'o\\,u uf Wb)'U OB\ lilt' . Wlt. rrUIi [n r l et' [ '\' e I I " (\ 1 I 1m . '10.0 l\)UULl' . UhJu, 2 fL . 10 tn, r;outhwardlr (rur al I , 0' y ~ t' l I nll' ·.-..; - II . s lit, JoOlliLl. ", \1141 I (1011 ' [ lblnk I ",' ('r LII bri.\;k h O'4JiCO U Will'" Itl knOW II ILi lh o ltC(' ~.~ ·1,\·l l·C. J )h111c h,\ "'Hu ' l t llhal{ 1' 111 ",'ry , ~ h llll 11'11 n il,)' IIlall tltut - ul' ~"'! I" knuw U(J UI.m d IOLJuuutlo( No. 1; Lllollro rll 11 !~ " I Id I t I I " ri.:ht. "Hl!I:le wltll tmld 110 0; (:~uU wurilly I tiiJ ft , Jv , In\\' IlIZ 10 1 Ill. I WI Ul l it lIleH IIM. I'm III l ':U·IH!)i t. )rl'. u Ill, to au Iron l)ilKl Ouwu lu gmullll: U ltlU~:O "I d"!Il1t Ir hc nul"'",1 It;' s,IId hon. ";hl'l' i,lall ." .. rlghl ungll" uml lIaru llul \\lIh ~Iulll SlrL~·' . t 11 UUf ll1wUroly U rt ~ in . t o 0.0 iron pIn , tlh.:lI(.'tJ 1 f'~ • \rI . "'1'1"'11 "UII- Y""'"" jll"t h,'('u IlIl'liug' rlgh~ ""ljl"" UIILlII_l1IlIol .. 1111 t 'IlJ ,Irs, 11"0 1. '."1.1. nt.I!' · shfl l"I"h ,II.... . with 1lI1.~ !:' J'f}ur' ,IiOI lUl,Ikt'd lJulu rurl~ 4i!lf~ Y l u , "0 tho Jlllu ur l llu n lhJ '; t hl'II('" \\ t il \\ 1 t II I I • toll Iluo o r thO I'll,,)' uOI'th\HU'ltly 1 3 H , tl ll'lI{' O ' ,I :; II' I r " 11 , ,'. uU" ,,,,,1 c rl,.lrllll~lI . 8\ r lghl BoSlcs, n"ll purall,,1 ,d i ll I ho 11"'1 I",e I 1"1 '10I 1IIhllO~t gmt' 1\""1. 1.. n nlke It " =-Ol UIII' hiU" " I", crl~a. "Not oue ~ "G It. :110 •• 0 LI'O lIao 01 l l _!" " ..,", : ' hl" ""o I " wllb Lilt Uuo ot:\t.,d n U'etls, 8(Hllli"'tlrHJ y j! tL IV " ' II ),! '" 10 t'I'1I1 , IYord! :>:ot olle .yl ll,IJI>! I've UWlllit ij I ". to Ll IU b1'"III'IlIl~. .. h. I PI'e!" 811111 ,JIIII . "Of eOursl' C"el'y ,,1,, "10 til""'!" S Itl p roll<lf'r I 10 '''LOII on ~IIIIII l roo" III tl II II II I t I I'-h . ,., . \\' a)fu 0i.4vllftt. Ohio. ::tuld proverLY "dU: a ll'" Itl.l· w ou I on Illlr r. '11 j uv. IS " I duu· i.-" prailllltl a. $100.


~~ .

'Vm . J\l nbley I.n E (lwllrd BI · Jlop l ots Nn ' I Ilntl 7'2 in M 'IlII, 1'111.11 oIo bllivi slon 10 Kin g Mill ~. ' 1:'0 .J obJ J Bnnn oU to A. L 011 0011 Inlot Nu. GI III I:! out,h L.OI IlIII ('". *1



mn . sny \\'rnp up ",nwm f' Y \I ' no . lin' sbe cain' go with Y011 ·! ollny. lin' Illlt ('glt go soe you' lIn nt f o' "Iol'k. , \W r oully. slIh," Uo ollllIpped IlllJbs for thl! Illlity dl'l ve Doctor Ollrlll)Y bud 011\ nlllllllell : "No. nol" Jlfrs. Vorl!' .C9 prOI !lteil. "I nnd In Ule O111l1ner of mn ster ot Cl)re. blevcr said su cll n-" -- --moulCM unctuously lad tho \vuy. In Ule "No. not In WOrdR: 1 mcnn whllt you bull thoy PII SSell tlio Moor nnd Hlhhs meant. H's true. Isu't It. tltlll IlIurrlOI!O pnused .befor e It whllo ~l'lJ lh,.j ill'k .. t Il'eally 18 'qot n boo of rOd ·S. but. II IIlliLI opened the Il our with Ii n O llrl~h uIIII ot battle'? '£0 get rl ghl dowlI 1'1 It, "\ In Il l eoture 'Ilt one of ,he lIell l waved condescendIngly to th e l' hUllf. p I could flgbt It out wlUI 1I11.I·troll y. Moine", I owa, ch urobes aml81!10nary tcur In the cllr 1\·lilclL 8100d wnltl ll!; In !COuldo't sho? 000 milo 68 w ell n8 no· from India told of gotllg IMO tbe the drivewny 10th ?" intorior uf India where he Willi tall:. • I .. I 't b I to 'ou to tlilk un thut & bJttle III "Itthought seems to me 1 Dsko.1 you w hu t ... ary, cnn Clr r J • • ' Colihad Cb I d you nbout thi s '~III I ue' whrn I ke tbat." AIII1 Jlrl'll. V~rlr !l's lIt1cll Chomberleln s °'1 h hl~e~~da:,. first cnme homo, George," ~'Ihl DlhhR . leadtug 'eye8 to ber dnughh' r- eyelj Dlarrhoua R.~medYdw ~I III Thill tboughlfully, "Wbn t 11111 you trll meT ' novrl' f elt l':<nl'II .I ' 1\1( 1' 1 «'n ' hll! 1)I'oth. . t begged to lie S]lIUell. "It SOU Dds lIovO!! that I as&ve rB II Ill' I dl& "Yossuh'" tGeor"c 1'lI lll'kl~tl l'l'r· , I" romedy Iii n~e 111100881 0 V n n • , " • pr. Ihl' WilY I clo " ,,~,. 'I'. :-/IIho,I,\' tllulll . -almost reckless. bnth as Il preventive find ourA for fectly IIndel'slAndlu /.i tbn t r.\!oC!.r-,lI~o!.'.IIl.!:IC~'!.!II!.:I·-I-_I'l'-_+-l'iH<H'fH"""_M't!rit1;;"........_~_"l ·+ Mllry CIIught thu IIPJ')cIII. cnme t o h ' r, h i . YOll lOay know from till. known r Ollson Blbhs cnjll~'M henl'llIg gl't 111111 (!) 110 n,).\· llI l n),( n"II'. JI (' 1I01' CI aDd kissed tier gnyly. "NCHr trot. ~h~tef:'oan b8 dep~nded upon for i III III repent hLs opinion of till' ~lolll'. 111111 UlIl' life In bllll ; 1111(1 II,ml,..tly, It dellr! I'm not likely 10 rIo ulIyUllng J tl Ilder forms of bowel oomplalot "l'0llllst m e when yO\l fll'ij' ('(Jill" " " "11" 11(' I" III." III'u tll el'. 1 IIII1 ~ t Rlly I lIellew . \don·t wllnt to-I" 'e nlWllr s beon t Oll t~:tn~oonr In thllloountry . 01»'010. un' YOll li st Illll nllx' tln,l', :In' lIJ i;.:I!I ~' Hl hhs ~hl'I' ld"n I~ Ihl' 11I~II'"t 1I111n r."I] 'tiIorougb·golng a litO" Illg. ' nhle everywbere . . 1near e\" y rIllY nil IIIII@ ,\'''" 1,, '('11 1i1'1'1' : (' I'PI' 11111 oJ .. ! I h lll~ to RU.\' II. hilt 1111) " , She gnve her motIler n . Hnnl kIss lind Jln' InR' !\uu.luy ·,·ou list \l IQ 1\\'1(·,'1." 11 (' Shc rillull 'II ttl'I'I'r 1I1111'UIlt to IlIIylhlllJ; 'Went gllyly ull till! wily to tile uoor thlR aM I,," ~ ,IS Ill' II I'('S," tt"l we. puuslng for Iwr poslscrll,t ",lUI Mar)' ' Io(,!; .(] tllou!:htrlli. "Is tll ' r c lIer band on Ole kl\lllJ. "Oh, tb~ one nny 1'111'1 11'111'11' I·~" :,II\ \I' hy tiC ~ho"III?" Itbat CBugllt n,l' looklll!; III 't he window. Hh e II RI,I'II.


" -


Everybody use:; Lewis' Brea~ ,and ~ Cakes, .the ·best and. most dehclo~s made. Try tltem and you ~i11 never want to eat any .other kmd.



paa~. 7

WAVfteiville. O. " ¥oJ , '


11• .;.••••••IIi. . . . .I!II~• • • • • • • • •~II!~

'Wlult time do I lVatit tbe carT Ii:· S".rt... deoeued, aplaolc!a 'f.I· 'Wtll. IIGW'. Iba1 dLoIOE CoIlUDOA l'I.... Coalt, II

~~~~ wM~!M~, W.r~vllle.


&:~~~~~I~~r;:~':a::~e:;h'hatheiS - IT-H-E- --N-E-IG·H·B-o-D-~ J n -~i--D~

. - - .. - :'~~r, ~:~ill:;rb'~~ :II::!:j~'r7,~ 1~·it~·.~IT::~">: II L. eltAN,", 1·:. liLllr an.1 Munager d\). L' .IIl' lind l'l1 31e .l r<trf!;'~ ld, n .,,:\ Ih r, 11 A .. s.lIti 'mil wHl 1'. 1\ ti ,t . 'III"! 4) ' I~ II UN · UHElJ JIIJ I. I.I\Rfi rur ('IICIo UIIU Her> JI JNI,: 7, l!JI(i '·" . e •. C(tt o. llh r.IIII/' l he . LI'~tI," Ih II~ 01 II Al.l ' 5 l' AT AIUW CURl! . l' I(Mil( J. ' 11I: ;-'"E V.



"' 1I J \\' l~litt

Ii all' s l' .. llIfrh Cu,e is I .•k,·u inlellln ih' UII \' I. Ns IhrulI¥h lI ,e Ulvod Oil lli,' ~ Iu·. cou. fI .. rf Icrs IIr • he SYSICUl . SClld ,fOI l t S lim r ,"itl l ~ . fr~c .

F. J. e ll E ' Ii V & I \) .. Tv!edo,

( t hl l

orlll>"tl1l . l. "I II hi " l'I H 10 dI8P,)I' O "r t.h" l r 11 r"'I" " t ~ III ."" Ilr u li,. "bl~ t"flU O ~ I1 '. ', l' UtJ " '·. I IIl~ 1" . 1'1'0 1. WHII. d ill! l'ull '\.'lIk Ilf Ih il H ,' rli nult rA • I lO ll " tL""",". Clio II I Hlll,' Unl vI1ri4It..v. RII/,Allt flu', 1 WII V ti ll III til'" di ~ tr! lI l II . W l o" u ."d I. II U ol l1 .. I I".sos OhI O frnlllli ll" " 'III III' I IH,r Illll'r<l\' t! thl' q lllllll y II Ihllr IlroduCll!I by I(lvlnl:! III ,ro ollr.,illl "Iltlllti. i" to " prILY II ,1' Bo'W 10Uil dOll. I' flkA to pilch on .. "ti Ih illllillr.\ t,hi M your. !'rulllul! hay ~ ,'rof D. tJ. Rilm (lll ll s lill "" d " no wl lh' ,IH lujury In a 'Iond 01 'b u fru it cl' ) 1l MII,t,ol! l'ro f. t'Ilddo<J1r ~(lwe r or 'th., aj(rhm lLural elll{ineerm"devarHnent, Ubll1 fHIlt.e Unlver ~ I'y IiIlYI! It takos rr om 3ft to 45 nlin . utes for one man l u pitoh on oo e Linea to Be Remembered. 10lld while the Kllwe mlln olin OO ID · All Ih a b e lt tlil f tli HU lIlllII ~ lll ij In the 11l ote .. lo~d In Iii to 20 wlnutes With ,"ol"l tl w"'gh I lJ~~ Ih ull u ~hll!l" lovely II baylo"dar. Prof n .. Uldu we r "I~ o uCII(lII.- l..lIw ·' Il. Ilolnlll ou, the Bdvllntll"e of haviol! II Qo mplete linD of bayluK lUliehioery to HIlVO edra eXpeUtl8 of Illoor dur111M lhe harve8' 118H8UO. ~II0g8 aoil IIIJY oarrlllr .. are e@peol~l!y oseflll III "U vlnll dlmeu" I.. bar:


THE CHEER.FUL CHERU[) 1.'---------------------dont go much to th~~b_6S



1 h' no






• ~ rt..eeup pretty tUI\T\y



As ' V I·itt n b'l' Our Corps of Able (:orrespondJ , cnt s in U c 'dghh oi hood ....

S \\t.lrn to IJc(,uc: me :. :al £uh~ til.(tcl in - - - -- - -....... -...,.... ...... ~-- _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "' I' jlll' spn, r. tlti, I,d, UU " f Drc III r. A . II . II(~I\ 1\ " \\ . l: I. E/\ SON . (St' I l'iola ry I'u lie.

. ~! I d by ull drn KR i ~ I ~ , 75c. Ih·, Ill d io II III' of .. . mull · H ull'. !'" mi!1 Pill, fur (·oll sl il'llliull.

t rtdtl urnI' I II tllil




--- --.--_.

, GREEN BAfAR Mlilll ~l\ rH" al,rnMI dll Y!'! 11\6' W uk" '" h !:I tt .,.ur.roy urne 1 i\1r. Illld M rH, Cllrl J ' Frl RY ~'lth Nol~.)!) ~


fnrlll Jy.


Do 'You Intend o 'suit a .Hom.e this Seas~n? I you do, Remember, we

rill 11111 IJlIl hilt' E' V

11 "lI.lh l<J1~n~ ( I )(;V('I L'II1


EIIID1"t u( I~z om1 rlloilly I."o k ' n llrlny uw ne r WI II lit 1" • •iod JIlrll I Vul V~ Ou b l ". flurrv ' bnw lind fUUlilv ~'1~1I,· d - --. with ' jl('s l.e r GlJ lIl uur nmi f .lmll .\', Mr. a nd Mrs. A. 1( . IIrgo ut SIJaut . Il eury Yo un g. liD oiCl . vetOrll n, l ilt OORr Morr IIV, HUlldoy . r.ll~Hn~ j ()eoor ul lO n IllI Y a t 1I1rH. I'\f'lr !!Hnt 's ~lllYp red "slro.\l PI ( I f purl1 lYKls lil t . My r t ia nDei 'l'ill)Cl (;urwltl reln l'll .I tl hl hOlne at Nnw lliIJhU\ oo(l, I)ll lq 'I,'j](\nl,l uy llig.ll t. I homo wl~h 1.1I l'1I\ COl I' 1\ vl~lt. M1Kil '11IfIl ti'lltOn·, ..... 110 Iii II ltou rl. MI·" Mtlrl il 11011 I.. th o gees' of Mre. ASI. WlIit," lw r n llli Iluug br.ror· Inl( ~f to olll lu 'In IUUll tl , 0 '1111 0 Il /l fr lelldd 'l'I' rll. Ml f ~ b~ug"nI Ll . MI1t'd 1l1l ·M '< \V. C ~atu rd "y IIrln ll lng wl t b h e r thr 0 01.ful1 t Phillip . . who htl s n p osltl OO ' W u r ner IIntl M \!I~ '/.UDlilo Till r llllJ of h or frl n It! . In D'ly l,llll, \V ,.s horne ove r tlund ay. ufl oroo.1n. Mr nn (1 IIlrR. W. [, Bllr vC\v RJlAnt AM i Hio l111ry ()o nre re u 'll o (I\Uom l I Ell1 m N · BoH 7.. llnll f un,li l.v apont HIlTlUIIY \~hh MI'. nnd Mr:<. M. Hh oe. (J. 1. \\'/18 hohl III th o F rlend~ Frllluy t VIl,IlI Ilt-( Wllh • ul 'on iilc • hllU, of Cent.crvlII . Clluroh WOClnesd t1Y. A ml s IOOll r y Korvll r oml f,ullil y. Mr. nnd Mr s . A . R. Co ll e tt AnI! [ro rn Uo1J .. uddl'ossod th IIfl Ornooo li ur vey Burn otl lind f llllliJ,V rm lJ r d . on ~'rn n c is It'l ~ l1n-: lf\ li nd [,unil y . o f 110 11 . I{ol.orl, ollBed on Mr!:l . Mury ij08-i on. llrnblllll .'nndo Y. Mrs . SarlllJ SlIri ve r of W eR t Un. · tiprillgboro, 'IlnullY nflemonn . 1I1 1 8~ 10 11, iH tb e ,ro ost ()~ h e ; SOD, Wi llinm Uu th or illo ' rCllnlllll uu t u visi t lour Mr. C hO B. Bllynt's, of 'Vilmlngton, Sbrivor II nd fllrn ily . I(rundp.lfont:l . 'L'ne AieL 80cinty of t,h n Fdomls Robe rt Dllllln ~or 'IUd fn l~i1y on Mr. Ilnd MrR. It.III.h Hul uo8 lipanl KnndllY with Mr. Rnd Mrll Adum oh uroh WtI " Pllil~ rtn lntlll hV IIIr!! t or LII1L10rl th o f o l ~owi llg , ~nn lIIlV : t:lltuvbull . )1;llIlI' r 'oITIpl un If riday . ., AI D ormol1 n 1l011 · lIttlo sun, \VIIII l<, Mr. BOrl )irA . Newt Wilkerso n ond Th o W. Ii' . M. I::l. fl nt e rlnfllod II ncl Mi~ti Bollo D 'N"oll . W . '. Wurnor WilS In <:...1u 1'.vlll e : Mre. tJh8s fJnJTlI1lln and t:wo In frl unds in t hll olll1Toh JIll ' I IJ r~, HRI, ter Plllinll ohil.ln",, I)f S prlllK AiIl, urdlLY Il ft m' u,oon, io h ono r o f th eir 'm Deco ruthlu Duy . IJurry :Shu\\' werf! tl undll Y gueijts of Mr. Il nd Mrs . lonth 1l1!lI ive r!lll r y Imd rl.DlIly w on t Itl Lobllnnn . Puter CHorey . A pn rty of MII~on8 WIIR pl ellMltnt,ly , Asn Whltnlt or ,nl\ I fOll:!!Y spout Mr. om! :\IrA. Amos Vnnd oren e,nt crtllin Od h y Xenl .. LOdge Wed. I r uoHdn y wit h I!:u~ono \I.vnns u nti l hov A bee n received illto o nr oay AM n OHdllY night of I I1H$ week. I f.. m lly. full Jiudgml oiLi'8n ll , movin" III Ills t Mrl'. S hri vcr Rpon t Deoorntl on I Mr. ltud lMrs. N os hlt Murmy And w ee k. O'IY nt h or old h Olll o. , Mrs. Arthur lIod s on, of HOl\lh IIIr. and Mrs E. A . Wils on. o f !'lirR . .J tJ. Plokio, o f \)n y t,0 l1,8Il Snt I ~~l IlJ le s t~n, wor e In Ihi s vl c inlLy n co r O I P g o nil~. trAnl!lIcted t' llSlneR8 llisl woe k with r ~I )lll lves h re o 0 II I'S ny. It<'lv DrllJdt, u t Wllm lll gtoll, rl R. Nfl lson MII Kol)ver nn (l fnm il y took In<lUr olty · ~a lure]'IY . SUIlt1u y 1I1nller wit h Mr. IIlIU MrR. Mrs. Mllrglirflt L e " lcy ood fam ~l y livered .l Htlrrln g IIdrtrf'. B 00 1'11. ()Iul Uelttll. 'Ultnad l l) Day ton ' ulldllY und "I'oro t r iot.!SIl\ lit. tbe Duoo r utioo O • .V nx . tho guellts or Mr. und Mrs. Ira Bar~ or oiSIlS 'l"Il Ps day MItRio \VILa 1m. - - -- - .. sook. ulshml b y I·h o bU il l! uml 1\ Oll orUR o f






Dwelling, Barn, Stable, or Shed.



Evao and Lelllh Bogan had all tbelr "nell\8 Suud .. y eveulnj(. 141 81108 ICtlher BhambaoKh In .. MIlY Compo l a D, Mlirv AloxRnder. Ver~o Mitch . IrI'C~ oner and W.,ldoo Wilaon. John WUBOO lind fawlly t ook (Unullr l:iuoday with ~awuol WI! , on 'II New BnrUngton . Mn Harfleld Pllterson alld Ham ~toll:r are .. llll on the "llJk 1I . t. ).tr . and Mra W . Ir.. BORa n had '1S Ih llir KU ~ l!t8 tlunday. Mr . Bod Mrp. n. I., Bogan and U o r~ Bogan . I:everal frow bere attended t·be MI88l ooar), conferenoe> Ilt Now Bur_ liogton Wednell.illY Chauooey Buonelll were ID Xenia 8II'urday . Atr. and "rll. Ralmood Wi llon '8 &ook dlnn.,r Sunqi\Y whh 'be l"t\8r 'a Ilafeotp, Mr. and Mrll Jilrllt!8t B UI ley '8, nOlir New BtlJ'III1I!.on. Mr, IDd Mr". Jull Loamlng visited , b .. lr eon Howarrt SuudllY oear W,. REME~BER InlOl(toD. (). T . Harner'I! had RI their guoBla -Iunday Mr . and Mre. Lew.!s Milia ~0(1 Mr . and Mr •. Al bert MUla, of ~"bln.. Mrs. J ennlB Milia 1l000Ul When you sell your Wool. ;)8 U16d tbem b omo to aUend tbt! 97Lh lIoolllvornry of th Ir heher will pay you ..... : •. Nhleh ",kea plaoe l)o ToesdltY of ~hle wee k . Mrt!. iSRrllh Powors and lUsa J r s le Har~eysburl[. 0 Powers, or Pon William visited Phone ) 5· ) Yo Mrs. J. S. Leawlna's Monday. Fr 10k S!-Iloley's · hBd 8S their '11181ta t:lOOOIlY, Mr. and Mn. Frllnlr CoDklln, Paol Conklin and bab,v, 1411111 DlIlton ano 141.." Wtilkllr.o l Wllwlng'on. Mr. an_ loire. Ehner Barney an n Cwo ohildren Iln,l Air and Mrll. UeorKo P ellips lind son Grant





-----.-.._ - -





We have been havin g 1l0VAre ~ tormtlln tlle IR t fow d bY Wa Ilrtl needing r etter wOli lhe r thllt, we mllY bave Romething to II vo on t hi ~ lnt e r,

. Barmon Dakin IIhd famil y. of Lehtinon, were oal!inll 011 fri ebds here I:'!at ur il~y e vollinl!:. Amos lind Cliff H o og.h w er e in Wllmill gtoo SnndliY toO Mee ' lt1rAnOO HOl1l1;h, who 0 IDti,[lUOS ql1lte p oorly. Mr . ann MrR. R omine 'hum a ke r called un 'h pir puents h er e Frld uy eveolng, The Civio l. eaRoe wlll m e ot wl\ll Mra. B . E . Batton, e~ s t of tOW Il, Saturday. June 10. Bllrl RllrvAY lind fnmil y ~po nl ~turday v.l t h Bllrry l:lbirl"k() r's . Mr. Rnd Mrs Le vi ,J e81l0 )) IlTO apendinjl; 1\ 0 mp le of w Be ks In N o.r. wood with the ir dant-lh ter ondfnmily. Everot l:lhnmaker r et,urn ed b omB Ttruradtloy "fter R tw o wt:eh VIsit In Columbus lIod .WlImlng ton ,

Mrs. Elle u Wils on hilS r e tnrned t.o her homo lIe re Ilfter speuLtinf( t he with her d'lllgh er nour . We)!m.lD. Several I r om here Bt.t end otl the K. or P. and I 0 O. F . Deoora lioD at Lebanon tjnndllY.


voicb~. .


Come in and will make an estimate on the building Give us a call, get our prices, a nd we are positive w · wi ll ge t you r ord r for lumber, ctc.



g iM t, W ell . burg, BvorY'"RluJf o.


CllJ t ain1b!f' tI e of S!.lao 'p.

w e loo rno r e Jt At .

Mr. LOll M fRa u nnd fOllllly ~pent '\ludtlY j n X nill . Mr~ . EI worth l:imi t h , of O .•y ton, 311ent San dBY wah Jo hn LHi lind ftl.Ullly. . -Mr . E(lwIlrll R ea on anll homily f DIlytou,' spent ~IlQilay with J ohn Levi MrlI. Gny Ch e now eth ap nt un day witb Amo ,1 ooks lI n aud faOll ly. Mr. Hube r GibRon l\utI (omlly spent unday In B ell brook. There will bEl lin i orRll m seolnl I\t t·bo M t,. Holly chu rch ' H,l tu rutlY nI gh t, JUDO 10,.11 A \) RI'O weloome.

------.-- -TO THIt PU BUG

" 1 bllve bll' n 1l!4i og <': llIunborlllln's l'Rbl f.8 for iu dlg 09 ~ i() n for the ~ust ~Ix mon lbs, and it uIT"rds m e pl ~ IlP. ur e ~o MIlY I bllvll never u s"d a rem. edy t.ho..t dill mos o moob gool1. " -M re . G. E. Flil llY , lilian, N. Y. .Cb fllnlHlr\n o's T ablets are obtain. abl \l ev~ rywh e re ,


CORWIN, OHIO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _mR_ __ _ _ILI"_ _•

-:-::=====~========~-=='=:~-========== ---

I twi ll g lvoYO l1 Bu oll

I\ wnrm8B n d8o o th e~

J i be !lOTO. stilI pnl nfnl l·lnecl! I\lld y o n ' f"ol s o muoh bel.t or . nuy It a~ an y Wr lle Orders to Vour Children. i)rug ' l or a on lv 2:) r enl H. . T t'lI ln;: illY dl lhlrl' n what I wan t l hl'lll to <1o I writ It dow n, numb orlng .---- ~ n r h Il"I1I, I IIIl not bClLr nny (lorn· rolaJnl, :uI<1 ILill worll IB woll done.Motlll' r'!< MI\~n?ill e.




~ cl..



,-- - ---'

kn~'~H, t1~!j,om~g~~J~ :18~~r~~' !\~

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in l l1 d to build.

J' .! t-~.

..) w illl!h oll rlnlly 811 1' thnt Ghu m. th e~e YO flrfl wh.m O U Il 25 Ullot ba tt-I e bo rlfl i n ' ~ 1'llbleh 'HI' t,be m o~t MIII,iM. or Hloa ll ' ~ Lini ll wnt e u rl"u rna, " [ "olnr y r l' llIedy fo r s t ollln ch tr oubl es wrILc8 fl n ll I! TII l t'f ul U M r It y ou Illl,d OOn ij l.ip"tim thll t I h.,,'e Bold In "liv e " rh eulllni l lit or s otTe r fr om I,hlr ty .four YCllnl ' tlru l! ~toro. ee r. N ll nrnlj,ll ... Bu ckll oh e. SUrl'n oss find v loa," W"If,Ofl g B :.tllrph v , d rug. R~lfJIlA RR , don't lin t. olT go tting n b ot.


rO il



. Y.


. ~-.-


The danoe IIi I'own FIlIII Tbnrs. d"y nl!!bt, uml or t h " tnBnRK Plllent of Frsd t h'lUe, WIlR 1\ grt&nrl AUCOIlS! lind bow co.ld It bA o lhArwlRo EyerythlDg 8' OIl with 11 ru s h when Mr 8hl1no gll'R bnok of It . Several fr OID Il e r o olte nd ntl Mf'! . morlhl !lorv l'les ot the i\-li"mi oe m. e tery Tuesday, MILY :lOth . Frllnk BIIJ'risllncl AI"" Kllnll edy trun~ aot od bus lnoss In {,ouunon S ilt. urdBY. Prof, Rillph D. TOll , who tlUl gh t sohool ~er e 11l ~1, torm, · wa s ClllllnJ( 00 frlond s h e r e ::iu ndllY aDd Mon day . ()hlldren l! service nt th o 111 . F. ohuroh ~olld"y . Juno 11 th He . Walk!'r 91\11 be prese nt. Clln you be plenn. ale o? '


\ c a lso have Pain t t pu t on your bu iJding :.--


It tI..Ct.5

In Building Material

Necessary to build a well-equipped





, .-



Ele;"en ts of Success. Mr. A. 13. Shaner WRS 1\ LolJ~n on Tho I1Ilt ll wh o has fll ilool two or tllree vi Itor last ~I~t nrdny li mes 11t1~ buill lho fuu",llltiOIl for BUC' A numbAr fr oll:) tbl ~ plnce attend . COBS. (I " m ,uti s tn [lU LU. lillie grit 101.0 ed th e pohlio 8111e of R . W. tl ond er . l h9 1ll01'tou', Uui.t'a aU. SOli at Mt . Holly Saturday. Mr. Barry Conner 18 maltlnlf on - - - -, exle nd ed vlelt with his brother Ern e r eOD Uonn e r 8od~fomll y , o f Tip. pecanoe City. Mr . Frank BEl88 Ilne1 family, Mrs. Clint G rubb, of Day to n , Rod Emer. so n Conner wore p:U flMttl of Mr. AIMI 'fhe f oll o wing Clmdld"tes 110Mrs. C h li~ . Brnddock ond 80n 011 nounoo their CIiLldldliOY b e for e the' Dtloorfltlon ·Ony . U ",pnbllot1n Primary to be held Mr Erneqt ElMtRoo k Dlotor dd to AnRu s ~ . 1916. Dayton lapt l3olo·dIlY. Mnstor Cll rl t:onn or Is enj oy io g For Recorder II vi sit ot Ule hom o or h i s f r iond A LLfo;N HUF FMAN H otdon l:J e ~8, oorth of Oil Yton . Mr. Will ll erard m oved into t bis n: B.-BMITB violnlty lus t wook lind i s ngnio OC· oupylng th e l e nlmt b OUdO on ~ho CI !rk of Courts Jose pb l:Iulnes fnrm. · .IO E LEWIS Mrs. Ernest Hllrtsoo k alld l1nn gh ter 'I'b elmn spent t,h e w eek e nd wl t b Treasurer h or Ris tor, Mrs Ulo renoo Dunhnm nod flllll i l ... of Lob un on. \ F. B. SHERWOOD MI!l8' No lu B II! is Itt tl\,,' hOl11o o f Rotn s Drllke . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~:::-_:=_ Mrs. Fl orence HOIJkios onn ohll- I dren of Bel1 br po k wer o ~h e Sundny ~t MJs. Chu rl es





FASHION to Fiction McCall's is Supreme," writes a New York subscriber. McCALL'S helps r11 ove r 1 ,200,000

w om en dress in s ly l ~ el smn ll .x- ,

po ns..

recn/o( •

yea rs:

McCALL PAT. TERNS '"ad in s tylc, fi t, simpli cily , "conomy and numbor sold. McCALL"S- 84 t o 11 8 Il aK~ft mon thly- Is t he Fus h io n G Ui d e and Huu w ~ ',,~:epio i! Belper of mor e women \Ila n tUlY o the:r mn gaz ine hi the war-Itl. All t,h e lllles t . tyl es evtTY month ; a lso d(lhr ht rul ~ \ oric.: lopccinl dCP l\rtm cnl8 In cookln,,". h om e drcStHn llking , fdn ey w Qrk, Qnd wtly tt t u lie-ht en hu ulJ ewo rk nntl 'A ve m o ncy. Price ; only Sc 0. to ('lY. SOc t\ y ear. SEND FOUR ! I Oe F.ncy.Work Q""k CENTS IN w ith 3 9 Ernh...oid e ry L~ ... on. and STAMPS F08 32. pa •• M cColl Pall ern Book \I ..,

",I'.ltu!!""r.ftk IlmI~.,J' II It'1"'I4.I t. t'h.l,... .. " t Ill~t. 1'1If't1.

II."......."...rul'j~f~~;:~: I;~~~.r~

I .....

TIlE McCALLeO.,ZJ8 W. J7.hSl.. Ntw York ei',.H. Y. . CLU8 · RAICl R' WANTED



nlzcd F U 8 h i 0 11 Au lhority for 4S

lU ll

It I. foollllh 'lila" yon CIIn gaio a lood olear oomplexlo.o bV the 080 of· faoe powder . Ge' a' 'he r :)o t of Ibe t·rooble Rnd \borQ~Y oleanse ~be B~8tem wUh a "eaiment of Dr. King II New Life Pille. Gentle lIod Mr . nnd Mr~ . . 10Il u Blu c ldor d and mild In aotlon. do nol gnpe, vet 'hey Mrs Ida ' BOW6 and M n, Bl)rry. ohild re n or Dl1 y lon vls\t.ed Mrs relieve " he liver by their aotion on 'ho b owolll. Clood for YO ll nll', adolt1l r oturned 'fhurl'd llY from pe vprnl IW:6I l! tit I:U,vlkf ord llist week. Mr . !\nd Mrs. WlIl O ro dorf lind Mrs . Levi GI'c-athooso Is visiting fllmlly Bl\s t o f Garwin sp ont Suol1u.y and aRIJd . Uo aUer a olear COII\. dllYs visit with Mr. IIf1ll MrA. Lowl H re lRti ves li t Lobl) oon . plexlon to.d .. y. 260 Bi yuor drug_ Sea1'l! at .J pl\' rll onvlll e . with the form or 's slst.or nncl h118· 1 1'. W . BrollID Is improvlo05 hlS b"u d, Mr a nd !'ltr!'. U eo rge BOC OO k . , . Ill'. l W. 8. Brant le ft h er e Thunday resido noe by oK'eoting 11 very nlco " Th e r eollo t wl ud ~torm "'om ll~ed for his homa In Gil rro l. I1hlo, Axe buying all kinds of poroh . 'he dwollin g ho u ~ e on thA KElVR' STOCK d Mr. and Mr~. Paul Moore visUed an pay,l o h~ Mllttln lind ',lIuily nnd Mrs. for m oconpi'ed by Mr. Albort Dr ...k o. Evidently W . .m. 10 Bellbrook ~nndIlV . !\I8rl,in o f Mldd ltttow n were nnd fIIrnlly to Bome exte n', lind I was vIsitin g wlth-my_ plptor and ing 111:g!J~L[IlliU~.ulK!9~-I-'~~~~~_&r.Ii:I:;mIB_DririJ1i1i:-------:~~r~t:t r,h e S uu rh):\' f5l1 ents Of Mr. Ilna Mrs foll ed liorn lJ trees In our v ,olnit,y. family, ond while wo were ellling diu· \Ve are paying the high\Y . A . Null . ner 0110 day 1Itt10 Paul ' 160ked Ull II Mrs. Willie All e n v i" ltocl wi t b Mr . . l otm Wtlls h of Columbn!! \s her uucl e, lib Ion B e ndorso n Illid est cash 'price for funny with big 1.001'8 st.andlng III bls OR. vlsitlug his m ot·her Mrs ..Ella Wol ah . wife. of Uorwln, I:! und a y . blue lIye8. HI8 tuthor asked whot woe tho trouble, and Poul repUod: DISCOVERY? tinny p , Ilea of Millne&po (ls ~ j1e nt Nume r oh , autolllobilo riilers fre· "Me don't know, pBplL; 1t'8 going down Thill he~t "n!Ower 19 Or. KinK 'S th o firRt or the woo.k with h ~ 8 fa tllor qO(J ntod ou r publ!o rOl\d ~un'lIlY . :. oooked."-Exch!lnge. New Disoovery tt ..alf. ltd Ii pl"u @. C. F. Pl"l1ce Mr. n.uri Mrs . E rn llRt Bnrtsook Rnt sweet syrop, 1"1I8y to take. It Agn ee Woorr'lII7l1rd hllll r oturn ccl lind dRu g bl,er worl'l 8nud8y ~n1J8t8 - 1' bd l ' d tC . 0 e e lver e a orWlll oontalns 'he medtolnes whioh ye ar!' h omo "fter a weeka visit with Wrn . of the furme r's fllth er . ,~'r Heo r lrA ' of eXlJ(IrlenOfl hllve pruven best' ro~ ClevAoger and fllUllly. Bllrts()ck Ilnd :w i fe, of WnyneRv ill A. _ _ _ ---::=._._--Cooahe ",nd Colda. 'Chose whO111\ vo The Rude Thin". Ed wlud Ilnd M,ny Boston of Tren. - - -+--- - . The Colorado ' wnn. who was kissed used Or ~Ing'(jl'fuw Dlsoovery loog. t o n lITe visiting Mr. lind Mril. Al on the moutb by a ",lid but enllroly .u ar ~ Ita bellt friends B e81del!l hert lIee'on · Ilud Mrs ..,foOthll) Bas. QJlice Phone No. oonleolal bear as he waa crawling 'Into 8\1:ery bottle' llI gOlUtIontoed. If y o u tl)O. 'BAD TO HAVE ACOLO HANG ON a cave, lot mad, be did. ran back for don', get 8disfllotion you get your Res. Phone No. 48-2 Mr. aod lrlrs. Jrohn' Ehokman 11l1Vtl Auto Livery Serylce at hi. gun and sbot (1)e brute, tlemoll" monoy baok. Bny 11 bottle, uae as been' imtertBiniug fdonds 'from 10 Don ·t let yonr oo ld bung on . rllok atratlng the futility of tryIng to trille direoted. Ke"'j) what 'Is h.ft for (Uau... your 8yderu nnd hecolllo chro nio Rea'o~~ble Rates . Uou"h and Gold In~orRnoe . with bls DIIlnly affoctlons. when Dr . Boll'R Plllo.Tur-l:loue,v Mrs . Arohdel!l.con of Day'oo Is will help von . It he" IR tbe In 116m+ --Alao Apat f~r Kell,.spriDlfield visiting Mr . lind Mrs , B eber Tbrook. Olllltion soothes th e oough und IOOR. , morlon lind dnugbter. . Automobile Thu enR lhe phlegm . Yon h rOl\tho ol,l sior Albert HestoD Rnd f"mily or Itt onoo . Dr . Be ll ' .. Plnl'-Tllr.B oney Trenton, Mill BS Ednll Rocl . Belen Is u laxative 'Car I::!.VTnp, the pine PPGpiti are learnlD. thai a Ihtle BRnt,a nnd L."YflrOO rolJls mO' or ed tar b~l snTll bOllls lobo rllw Rp ot s, FOR SALE lore,boulb, ofteD ~av"'. 'hem a bl~ to Dl)yton BnQ(l~y ann s)lont UIO dill' loosoos tb e muoous and pr o vents ir. "X~OH. Here 1. an In.tao04l :· E. V.lley Pho.neOO-:lX rHa tlo n of ,·h e bronohioll tuba" . W ,.• Aruber. Ualdwell, Oblo, wrl'ell : . No' mnoh newe this week a8 all IIot t,he Boldijlr's BO,lD'. 5011 Mrl'. Cbas. () bllpmrln Is on the ,ln6\ Ret ... o ott.l e of Or Be ll 's Ploe..-I do DO' believe th.' our family t·be flirm en ille .buBY plaotlng and .m':OAR P()I~ISEl.- W hy bny II l'l\r.Bonoy to du,V , itM ~ .lUlf(\Utecd to slok Jlllt. AN. D ALI. TH£ FAMILY b•• ' been 'Wl&hon' Chamberhin'e plowln.r oorn. ' 10 oent bostle of t,h tH p o li ~ b . . Mr. Bond Mrs. Jesse ' Wright were belp you . 'At dru ggis ts . Two and a balf million readers find it of Chtlo, Cboler. and Diarrhoea RentBuy it io ol\ns (o n A ftlurth ~DlI<lU) Ed Gray, 'of Ularke, !lIe, Rpent tbe SundllY g!le8ts of tbe Millaell absorbing illterest. Everything in It IS - - -_ - _...0---ed)' .Inoe We .0 oDlm'noed keeping f ,)T only 790. In'luire ot· H 'l zetto boo •• 'l ears aKo. Wb~n we §O on ~uDdllY with Mr. and Mrs . 1'. H. Wright. W,'Hen So You Can Understand II om oe. j:!l \Vo Ecll 400:000 copies every month wilhout "nelttellde41vl.I' we take it with U8." Y.cOnlou. Mr. and MrI'. Chelter Crookett givi n g premiums Dnd have n Q soUcitors.. Any A Sm art Wom a n. ObtalDable every"laere. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Boover spent were t.he Sunnay .gueata vf Mr . Rnd neWSdcltlcr will show YOll t\ «(lPY; or write the RESH ,JerAeJ Cow. lil'lLvy milk r . A womon' nc \\'ly clect d to n county c publlshtll' for (reu sample - a IXI6tnl will do. - -- - 4e ,-.4.__- - - - SundBY wlt,b Chlltl.Ellis and fl\mlly. Mrs. \~ 1Jl Tollia. Inlj l1lre '1f C 0 Mu"well, !t . D. 'e bas Banta .liIns aoooptatl a Gov. ontco In n ' Vcst crn stnlll hilA .HIIlIn · l . WIlYIlOAVillll, (.lhlo. SI.50 A YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Hawke and !'Ioli J2 1 He Would, Indeed, gll ished II reolf by · [lassl ng nround 1\ I want b~y ~ ernUlent pO!lition nnd will bb Ita hox or clsnrs thut coule] b smoked. It a man ' Ibould happon to reach and HO'Wllrd MoGolnn we~e In WIl bloned lit Uermlllntown. Wool and will pay WE ET POTATO PLANTS f or She hns Illaroed III H r ~t IlI'llIclllle In perfectlou' In ttll. world, be w.ould mlngtoD ODO d!'y Illst 'Week A c omplete surprlle for Alber' 1'111&. Inqnlre of D B . Bookett, laave to die lmuiedlatel)' to aD.!o)' blm· J"me. Gray, of Leban_on, oalled Best.oD and wUle wa. pll1nn&d ant! the codc> of the sucoessl',, 1 c8udldato. hlah~8t thnt only genuine, smolmlJl o clgara can R. D . 2 Wilynesvlllo, Ohl J . loU on Cha.. EillJ last Sonday • ..It.-H. W. 8ha",. carried 00' by 'heir Alany Iriendlillt be d ellonded upon for s trengtb enlng 0 0 I4rll Be1Isle 'l'ho.mps,On and ohll- tbeir beautiful cooD'ry home, Sac- politica l popularity. OOD Generlll Porpose Borse dreu and Mrll. Grace abuYler tlp'e nt 1b'day eveillnK _ DeUoloulI refrelh oheap. Bee· J . A. Whltaore. . 'Average WalkIng Pace. 'one day of las' week wi~h Mrl. lIIente were ierved ., a leaeonRb\& ThiNdlsease 8hollld be treRted ILIl BOOn Ronte 2, W.y~osvllJe. Oblol joU bonr. TboBe "neen' 'Were Ullot .SnentY'.llv. Itepa a mloute II the Arthur Atlduaon, RS tlJ o first unnatural )OOrIen08ll o( th o bowels appears. When thl8 III don 1\ ••erap 'Walklnl' pace of . • bealthy Mill Emma ElIla ' aud Mn 01118 BoU and fll~t);r. Bugh Kellilng "nd Quaint Cullom. . ' wite, Will Earl,. and 'WIfe, Ed K .... I\lnglodot!eol Cbamberlalu'8COUc. (Jhol · III&Il or woman. Baiermeyer .nd ,?n. nallad OD 11'15, UUI an4 wife! Frank Keeling. Roy In accordnnco with n b Qllef In the era and DIarrhoea Remedy will ~oot 1\ ADna Boover, of Clarknllle. Salur. Davll and f.~n" WlIl Tullia and WeBt of Englund, the boots ,Iallt worn oure. TbIa remedY can alW&)"II pendell upCIIl8Vtlll. to the meet 1!8 ht. 4&, .f&lll1loon. MuuirBr an4 wife, before thc man ot lqe bouse enllsled dangeroua CIIIeI, aQ4 abmald be __ at . Q p t l : O = : In a beUt IIrI. Wllliam Moonay WI. .ary.od are hung ovor bill bQd, In orde.- to Oblo harld ~ for IDatant - . • .,.. .... What... It.. t tIIaa nuoa Ia • plill lD BanVlbDl'K Albert BlIIIIoD aud Inlure ttl"t ho wlU return 1Illllllutl &0 hom8C1D.~ . . . .,~ ,



Peterson &() OOpS

I. I

W aynesvlOIl'e, 0 .





Rt:1Y ' M~J Is



---_O.~ _


Classified Ads



Corwin, Ohio

For Father and







you the Market Price .


Call Me by' Phone ~.

·B. B4tntl4ty

I III Wayauville.

. V..,'-'Ili .

...... Gad!


... .


i .. !L....


.oraI.. .


lin "~Ila a_toa. wear Ihem ..aID.




I ~. i TURMO



- - --


formetly . dlo l e only $50(10 cal "-ow 0 \ \1'11 and drives a Saxon " ix ." He says:. "Saxo n ' ~ ix' i n mas te rpiece of m echanis nl . It respo n ds t o every dellland . When I pASS others - whether they are mot ori n g o r th ey viell' my s ixcyli nder wondcr with 1IL1 COll eul ed admirat io n. Yell believ e that onl y men who own c ostly cars will most fully npp reciRte th e remarkable qu a lity of Saxon 'Six .' 1 th ink it is a most unu sual value. "

Author of If

Conquest of CalUl&llt··

" l'enrod," etc.


J. B. Chapman Phone 65-5

M onlit:ur 'Btaucni rc," •• Tho

"It lan't nn eX('\lR ~." s n RUm, apd gun! him olle Unlit"" look. dcsolute. "I hUI'en't ~uld I aever marry." "What?" J im gasved. She lDclioed ber head III a u('qlJltl~C(l n l'(".


'" . I rlli"ntly Yo"

[l I'() " ' Is,'

gently. wholly Ilhould broken

,"pry huml."",,,

cOItIPllnied to Leuanun by Mayor I uchla .. Wm . B. 1 ~li ~h, In ' aidrllt of th Clt.amuc l' vf "1111\ l11e rl'O undo IrUlt1Y (Ith r rell'hl'ilill!l. A ~ Will . 1'. Juhm!lltl. pre~id '111. vf the 1'mde cl uh puts it, "th is will he f\ I{rClLt dur of )J raonal p l l'a~ur rnel' th e / <.: 11011'1' with whom we II/lv, a co rr es· Ilo mle nce Ilcljll:Jintance," The delegation \\'ill a rrive vin the C. L. <~ N . at !.I a . 111. Irom c;indll· nati an ti will uc tntll u the l~xec lI Li llO Commilt ee of the Men nf Leu·



l1~ ,'{ln ' t!" "hOllh'~



(' xnltllllt.

Ub tl 11t II~ \llti .

BREAKFA S'r BACON - Mild Cure MINCED I1AM- Fine for Lunch BONELESS B ILED HAM- Nicely Sliced PIG PICIq.ED PORK BACON SIDES- 'lightly Smoked SUGAR CURED HAMS- IO lb. avcmge, made from small pork DRIED BEEF-":Wafer slice, nothing fin('r CANNED CORNED EEEF, DEVILED MEAT and DE VILED HAM

i.j •



___W_ '

..................................................... N. Sears Auctioneer

Real fstate &Insurance Can Sell Your Live Stock. or

Real Estate


WILL write you any kin 1 of In ~ urance. GET rates on fi ve-year farm polici s for Fire,

Lightning and Tomado. HORSES, Mules and Cattle can be protected against death from any cause- you may lose next. INSURE your Automobile against Fire, Tor. Dado and Theft; vou cannot aITard to carry your own risk.


-> 2




THE Union Central Life Insura nce Company wants to help you. . .


HAIL cuts things to pieccR. See about insuring your Tobacco and Graill.


> 2


Waynesville, Ohio Rc.Jdencc Pbone 45.2


OWING TO THE UNUSUAI~ CONDIT10NS .PRE. · VAILING: IN THE 'AllTOMODILE BU~IN~SS. AFTER MAY 31st, 191G, TI1~ UNDERSIGNED , GARAGES. WIU... DO BUSINESS FOR CASH ONLY, OR 11'S EQUIVALENT, FOR AI.L LABOR, GASOLINE . , OILS AND REPAIRS. John Law & Son ........... :............ ...................... .... .... LebaDon, Oflio The Superio .. Motarc:ar Co .......... , ................ ............ Leb.non, Ohio · Th~ Kllpatriek·Freneh Motorc:ar Co ...... ... .. .... ·•....... Leb.aon Oltio ' " , Tile W.,aea,iUe Auto & Maehinery Co. .. .. , ......... . Waynellville Ohio . Carl C. Servia, Vulcanizer .•. .-.... ...... ....... - ... .... .. .. WayneaTlIle. Ohio



sll es.

Brinl/: us you r Eggs- Payi ng 20c in trude.


It pays to trade at

'Through the ollen COI·l lltry ntblJH Will<. borne Ilying b" IIV ~ .. n brown 1I ~ l d,. IIntI S Il Il · {I c~ kca grovel! of gruy treeil, to brelltllo Ole ru ohlng. clea n'nlr h~nen tll " glorl01l8 sky. Upon nI bbs' chouks IhmlJ WII S a hint or a 'I unl color, lllIt 11 11,1 nl ably Its phnntom. '1111 .. 1I1'I1IlI'Iqun Ullly hn \'e beon pllrtly the r"KIlIt ot II ludy 's bowing Lo h im IIpon no /lllll'" ror nllll Introduction thlln th o ci ro ·UlIl· StUIlc(! or his hu\'lng cllught her I"'lk Ing InLo bls window II IUolllh boforf'. It se rned 10 nlbbs thn t ~I,,:? must brt \·o meant to con\'oy her r OI·!;l ve ll f'8~. :o\ur did be III "k Ibe 11l1pTl's~ 1 II thnt h,· \Yould long r(,l1loml)!' r h e/' "I S he h,,([ jus t 800n hor ; lu)l' veil llllllu ltll,lII-ly blowing buck . hor (lIce ,,;Iow lng III Ihe wi nd- lind t hnt look or 1'(11)' frl ell,llI· u~ss tossed to him like n fr(Osh rose UI carolvnl. By and by, upon II rlslog !troun,l. t il· drtver bulted the ca r, t1l'n bncked nml . tacked, and Bent It torwurd ngn ln wIth It" nose to tbe Bouth lind the s mokt'. '),Iley Jl8s~ed trom tba (n'rlll IlI lId H, n 1111 cume, In the alllber IIgllt ot Noveml1,;'I' late atternoou, to the tnrth erllIolSt our· skirts ot tbe elty. 'I'he sky hlld bl' only a dingy thIckening ot Ihl' ~o ll (', 1 air ; and a rOllr lind chlllgHl' o~ IlIChllN bellt dcnfcnlugly ou 81l1hs' CIlI·H. )/(1'" tlJe cnr 11IIMK'd two gr lit Illo/'k!! r 101l1c! brick hu lldlugs. hldllOl/s In nil II'ny ~ posSible to IIlllkc tlt em lJ Illoo 119. And big as thcse hops w er , thcy wcr growing bigge r, 8prend lng over B OJtrll block, where two nel\' strn clIIres were mu8broomlng to t'Onlplctlon In some basty cement prOCI!S8 of n st:t.blll ty not over·rCIIs8urlng. Blbbs 'pullell tho rug closer about !tIm. 11I1l1 n t oven tJ.1 phllntom of color WIIS lett u non hl B cheeks as b e llllssed t his place. tor be knew It too well. Acrosl! thc fn e!) ot ono ot the buildings U' ere wus IIU cnor· mous sign: "Sherldan Auton,atlc Pump company, Inc." Tbence they w cnt througb streets of wooden bouses. 811 grimAll, lIull IIdlllng their own grlmo troUl Ulauy a sooty chimney; IUmsy WOOll en houses of n t1lousund flim sy wblmsles In' Ule rn sh· lonlng. built Qn nurrow lot8 nnd nUlIg· Inll' one aJlotber crossly. Along Wese streets there were skinny sllude trocl!, and bere aud tbere II forest elm or 11'111nllt hlld· been left; but tbese w ere dying. Some people anld It WIlS Ule scale; 80me sahilt wns t.he 6100ko: allll Bomo w cre lIure Olllt IIsullolt lIud. " Iw·

............................ '" WaYDtItI'ille,

RaIpII Broob ......... .................... : ..................... H.neY1blllT, Olalo

)HAIl i E

H'!; a bout a .two·mi uu l(' .i~h - wilh ('vl' r . Lhitl g


haTH.!Y· Cdme in any

Ollwnrrl 11.1'

,·n ,·

I"'fl' Hlt. II." tlll'o ll ~ h ol(lt)r P:II'lH ut' tlJ • t o wn wJ\pt'c til l' (£' W ~(lJit) li lt] IIHlhHitf llHt allt'atly ch~­


time, whe ther yo u. tmd .

W:l llt

vo u to douhl thc wenr nf your s hclf's ostin g ),011 n \·cnL.



There have been quite n lot of

chicken~ . especially . the young ones,

Waynesville, Ohio.

\lied or galjeS this s pring. A s ub· l!cr ibe r has given us th e follow ing reripe that ha worked in alm ost every t r ial: Take II p eppe r bOl(o fill it Yo ith Lo ndon p urpl e . a nd aft e r ·dark tak e t he h en off her brood , and lig ht ly sprin kl e the chicks and th e nes t with the purple. He claims that this will cure them every tim e The r e medy ie an easy one. and in order to EIlV" th chickcII" CVCI'Y breeder ou g ht to try It.



ha,,11 IIII! ~llllllll.\· nf l"r 'l'111\1I1;s· !llvln:.:; th e 0111 11I ~ 1" " "l'III>! Wl'r' rll . cCl'Illbll'. Thl. waK Ihl' fl'inl!l' or HI )( I Il'~~' own ~l\IICt 1111 ry. uucl n(l\\' 1\11,1)" rl'II \'h II the r l)nrln~ boly of h""I'. ""l'Ir. )\a).'"1III1· cellt 11 'W lIulhll n ~". Hlrf'nlly dlnlCY. .~ ---loulllcil 11I1Il'lrl'cl ~ uf f,' I't nh"I'c biD!; n \\' (' to ont':l, nlf ' r~ lI~l\J.:ll ttl c 'l\ nt. , vero l'I"lns:: I, ,;1111' U"·I1I . l' I ~ Ir'1C hl!(h 'r ; Ille • t rl'l·tS 1I'1'I'P tn ll\ (11'1'11 to th eir eo trnlls IInll IUI'II wOI'kl',1 llllctcl's;:rOlllltl, h tween PIIIIH'Hlt'''. 1111,1 1l\'l'rl"'II,] III lIlulal rob· w ~bs lik' s\lhl(,I'~ III til s ky. 'l'rolll'y Clll'i.! Cfi 1l1 gC'\ lind sb rl ckril HI '11' wn y rl)un(1 RWfl l'llIlu!: (,OI·IIN. : nllltOl' III'S or ove ry 1\1 1111 alia . 1111[1 (\ IUl()W n 10 II.lIIn Th ~ an nu al basket mee ting will be hnblJle I frl gh lful wa"I1 II1 I;~ IIml frllntl e helU at Midd le Hun Baptist Ch urch n ext Sundav , JUli e 11th Eld. H . C Arnold. of Illinois. is xpected to be with t h e pastor. E ld. C. H. Rudcliff, A c!Jrdia! invitation to all.








Siynday W68 a very pleasan b day a nd the roads were full of automo· biles. ' It looked lUI though every owner of a machine ;was ou~ in the ",fternoon. Thc rain comlDg up about dusk, however, made 'them hurry ho.,:m :::.:, e ;,.._ _ __ -~





"': ""'---


All parties having claims against the Corwin Village School Board will pl ease Rle sam e with the _Clerk of said Board on or b e fo re 12 o'clock noon June 29. 1916 By o rde r of the Board J . L. M e ndenhall. Clerk.


in lhi lOor!ity. Flit fifty years th is .Iine h;'(s hee n the .worll': lead r - thal's wit ) we :chos" it; a n 1 w e urc lea d crs j n goorl thin,gs h crc~ th a.t 'll why th y dlO!'C tis. h's n pretty gb <l comLination to d bus iness with .



Sold by


~ . . ................ Said Sheridan. ,

" Sit


hOSllltll1 J\ll1 blllnll ~es ·clam· ored wUilly ror pJl~BII!;U; stcnm wbl stlc~ signal ed ' Ute s wlllSlug ot tlulUlc tCllt nclcl. nnd cll\\I"; rlvo(c rR r jlttl!?(l li ke I\In c h lnl~ g Ulls ; tbe !p· sl,ook to tlJe Ulullder of gtgulltlc trucl.s; and tile cotl~ l o ll'1erllte. ~o uutl of It nil WIlS OIU souud of earth'l uake pluying Ilccom· JIIIlIIII CIl[,:I ror bult le 1111' \ " u,.IIlon d Cllth. .\ 1111 III Ihe b ll l'l'.l'ln~ " rowd~ , H\\' lrl1111; allll ~Irtl na; 1I11'o\l /t1l thl! brolhllll/!I1Il' . ~ 1 11 11 ('II IIlP of h'ulI 11 1111 ~tI'l!1. nne ,.11 \1' till' ( ' U IU II folh>Wl'l'd allli Ih u ("'Will IWlflICII--th ' ro 1\'011111 h I! wurl, tr".IilY UJ1(1 11 1111"111 " toill!!ht. r~n l' II", Plil'IIl' Il'S dry "vlce Is bllt lIu! efll ckllll!: lOr II Ipar IlDrlcl'font In W 1'\l8h 111111 1'11111' of th. t·t/1111 ug t bc 11,·\,' 11)I!YI't. Ulhbs "'ns on thlltl : lJ p k llC'i\' It lUll t be "lu' Ule IlII11Ubl" 0 1' III" fnUJor



dcmnll cll~;



~ny One who lJ~ '!< o r ol1 ~h t to usa p:linl!l :lIlri Yarlllshc..'S, s hl)lI ld r e ml'm hcr lh nt we h i! IIII' ngen ry for .

"G~t away from the belief 'that the low p riced m otor car is made at 1'3crifire of workmanship," is the advi ce of J. B. Chapman, ·the local ag-en t of Saxon .Motor Car Company He offers it to all motorists and prospecli ve ones as a bit of informa Annual Report Treasurer 6f ftliami tlon that wi ll pr ove w orth while Cemetery Association whl'n studying m otorcars in generaL 'rhe workmanship of n number of REOEli'l' the moderate priced automobiles BurlaL! .... .... . : .. ... ........ . . . !I'I no. oo il'ollo,latlons .. ... ... . .. . .. .. .. . . 874 . 7D stands at the top in many in~tances Vueo ... . .. ~ • .. • .. ..... ..... .. . 1 6~ . OD of p e rfection In motor car ' building, Sale of lot... . ... " ........ • . ... " noo.oo S..leol grave rtghl<l .. . . . . .. . . .... 130.00 aecnrding to Mr: Chapman. - . . . ' ·In·crt'a sedh efficiency l~~~,~~j,·"":.'::,:: : :: ·. ·. ::: : :::·.: .a~x:g~ I" I in f factory Maklug 080<1 . . . .... ...... :. . . . • •. 10.00 operation, l ee ImIRat o.n 0 waste No,,", /lal<l ............... .. . .. . . I Bn . DO tim e between th e various proceS/les, II . ". 81dM OO<IUO" . .. . . ..... . . 10 0.OU Cleanlnr monumeot•.. .... .. . . . , . ~ . 60 Bnd the many inve ntions to save pro· WOUl tl ·on. ldi'l· It 1111 oulrllj;C: Ilnrl U'I! duetion COSlS have made possible the To'.!. .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . 4Sag. a0 !JIg Cll rnnl)lII11 ter In ·horl dll.l1's oOlce construction of the low cost cars - NT8 DJ8BUn S ~MIli lDu r kel1 f01l1' llrecl,,()ly \\'holl Hlhbs with a grade of workmanship that is wUlked In . Col"clllollLIlUy \~'I Ul his ~n· very hill/h." h e said . "The most Labor ........... . ... .. . . ... . .. . trancc Ii1'£' PO'WII) who 11IHI be';" nt durable material~ have peen made a r'ffJ'~~:.'.':.':: ::::::::::.'::::.': wOl'k III tho office, 1\lIt.l er Sherh!uu'" Ill· part of this constru ~t ion until lhe Re/l~tIl .••• • •••• . ••• •••• •.• • • . •. 12. I O ~. 74 r cllon. wnlked' Oll t. 'J'hoy depnrted low priced car' of today is sold at a ~~If~~lgr v~~~·.: ::::: 392.20 Blontf&llo toarll .. ..... ... . .. ... . . 2000. 00 upon II I) 1'1_ lble 01' "w lllll.. 8l1 ggqHtion, small price, not because it is inferRocortlutll r_ .. . .... •.... .. .. . . . 2.00 uUlI with n I, romptn osH tltat sl!l.!lDe<l iorly built an(l lacks the quality of Attornoy t_ . . ..... .... . . ... .. .. 2.7ft Tolophone reot aod toll • .. . . .••••. 25.02 oLlllnnns 10 HI ' newcolllor. As tho lUll S, tbe expensive cars, but because hu . saroty dOPOlOlt box reot . . . , ... ... . 2.00 sll'l! liolll' e licited go rtly lJoblllll t he man ingenuity has turned the motor DUM "at.o aaaoclatlou . • " • • .. . ... 2.00 8uperlntoridollt'. ular, .... .. . ...• 7U 00 eltIel·l.v 1; l oII O~l'lll'h (! I', 1110 lust ot t.ho car factory into. a high speeEi pro·" reu.urer ·s salary ... .. ... . . . . " •. . GO.OO Ilro ces.~ln ll. Dlb!Jij bud u feeling Hmt duction machine, each part doing its Tot&!. . ...... ... ' " , .... .... . .. . 40 &3.08 !b ey u II lI11derHtood tbnt he· was n· tnll· work excellently but quickly. "Take the Saxon factory for ex. Balance June 1, 1916.... .. . . . .... 0 2.ij3 u~e us U !I1'1111t lTl un'l! 801l. ·n cllHUJlI.ol nt· RocelpW", ... , ...... ,. . . . .. • . . .. ' 5G. 35 Ill t!Ut. OI C "lJueer oue" ord lle tawlly, ample. The utmost <;are is used in The Toeal .... .. . .. . • . . . .. . . . .. ... 5'22.1 8 IIDlI Wil t lIu '1I11d bee n 8UIll lJl0lled to building Saxon motor cars. D1Bbur&ementa • • . • . . . • . . . . • . • . . . «n98. 6~ Jud glUell t- II welJ.roulldca ImprcHHlou, quality appointments of Saxon 'Six' ror tllll t wus cxnctly whnt til Y ulll1er- evidence that "care has been taken to Balauco June I . 111 6 .......... .. . 2 ~. «O stood. • turn out a de 'luxe motor car and to O..h ..• .. . .• .. ••••• • •• .•• ..••. • B2 ~ .H ":It 'lo\\'n." s uld bel'lellLII. the mechanic the usembly of the 10D.D O ~=~t 6960.00 It Is frulillell tly u n lid vll llinge tor working parts shows ,that no exTo"I . .. . ... .. . . : ... .... ... .. ... 7098.09 dell 118. 8('bo\llmll. terR anll worried fa· pense{)t time' has been sacrificed. tbcl'>! to pit\ce delinquents III thc flit· .. Every part of a Saxon 'Six' Is t!rlg nost UI·O. Hlbb8 Silt. subjected to the minutest sflrutiny' 8I1el·IIIlII0. st'" ·I(Hug, guzed o lll ~ nlll'le. beforAit is allowe d to become a unit nlly 1111(1 11 ht s WO II (or II period ot or. the whole ·car. Every s.ubdivlsion 8 Ih' I \f'I~, III 'II w"lkell ijlowly Lo 1\ win· of the mechanism is given1lthorough dolV "lItll .. tooll looking' oot or It, hli · 'test and a slightest flaw sends it back hl g 11:111(18. 10use'ly liooke,~ togetlJer b) for correction, or: to .the scrap heap: th o OHllnlJs, l>ehlnll h is buck. ~'l"jy "Jt isn't a case of pu tting the we ro ~olil etl, as were nil oUlcr hlll1(\S' paint on the body carefullv and down to \\' n, except sucb Uy wight be knocking the framl1work underneath sti li dtl llll' (rOIll II bllllio. togethfr with a monkey wrench ··Well. Hlhbs." 110 suld nt lo st, not Both have most careful workman· lIitcrln ", hiM IIIt\tllllll, "(10 you kll ow ship. Not only does this bring an whllt I'ul !;'~ Ill' 10 do wlUi you?" artis ti,: finish to · the ear but it idso nil,!) , IllulIIll", buck 11I11\); chair. fixed makt!s-for endurance and a minimum 1II>1. l1yt·s COlIl"Ull'l/ltlv~ly, 11]10 11 the cell. r epa ir expense. Illg. "1 Ihelll'CI you tell J IIII," lie begun. .. When ODt! stops' to consider that In his "IOow' wuy. "You duld youJd BUIld '$785 will purchase a 8ix.cyllnc;!er mohim to lill! IDU '~llIe SIIl'11 with me 1t I"i tor ('ar, built from the }jest mater. dl,lh' t pr'J,'"Se to MI >l r ertl·ee8. So 1 ialll that can be bought, de8igned bv 8UPIlo.)se Ulllt II1llSt be YO III' pllUl Cor we. experts. constructed with an .ccur· Bu l-" . acy that leaves no room for ftaws. '.'nut whitt '!" Rllhi !Shllrldan, irritably, Knd marked by the quality features From Waynesyllle 118 lbe !lUlU I'UUHud. -that are common to the coatlleat "IlIn't 8UlUUboll,y YOU'd let me cal'l, it become. apparent that price !pedal Traia Leaws 8:06 a. n'. Drono. at leut hu little to do with work·



.. •

Goin.g West?

:: ::: ::



rril1g- Ma~ ke re l

sc tired fill oiling lit Gl nn I II s tlpply of Leather- Li re, Lilt- )· t nil 1r\ad for !'1 hoes. Co llC ill t'Vll'\' w (' I.: and o il '1) 111'

l lllVC

tl ltl

We tf)\\~ n JHL1' H wns IIl: l'· n IIvlI I'l l hlj,:·



White 1"is h- H

\\ c



prn \, ln ll" ti ll' ~ II" "' I ' 11111 II ; Ill/I l! 11:nC~S \\'t1~ 111 100 I. i,:; .. l1ul'I'Y t\l Ilvll"'I' IUIlI'1I

ItHdl ~ hl'( 1 \\, .. n' 111 tl'IIIt~ltlnl1 : :iolih ' Wl)r (' ~.............~~..." . . . . . . . . . . ••••••• •••••••••••••••• •• be~1:cd him. "'rulk uilout tlie 'WclltI,,' r ? I w illi I> .. III~ "'lIdo IIIIU "1'" 1'1111 "111 1", 1""llgs ; olll(Ors h'Hl 1:'011 1' Ill'ru .. 1·1,)1I "t.,· l"lo I God hlClls O'e old \\, ('lIU,er!" (·rh·11. Ill, · trnd(l; O liO ('I r t \\ ' 0 P"l'JH', l IH\IlI(lI·fHI~I.r bUIJPY Jim. "\' ''1' III \ 'JI '~ "r "m ..., t.1I11,1I11)l:j \If 0 11 ,' ~tf1l'Y III Ih,' ,.lIr ['('(Jilt S" r"~..\ II')"l'Ihcr. CH!,PTER VIII.


LIttle hi ck F'eed - Cr!lcked

here or not.


.l lm. rn!l llln t

~ct lh bC5l (1(1 '. jhle \\·til t' ('1\ 1t . )f:tll wnrk ~hLll ' lh c- lcallt Lt Slr. lli l he ' cpt nik'cl ,


h t10n.



Office Phone 6 J

Moore'~ Good Oil


'; '\"OU n e t·do 't! Hy l know y o u're :o(tluurt\: t hUI 'li I'lIl1ugh ror III"! You willi 1111,1 J1TOIII I,H' wh,' u '\,pr y ou're rf"'Hdy!" ' " Iloll't t orgct. wh nt I 1I ~lwd," Mil nlltJ

1== = =LlFE

t :a~oli ll e

fUlllIlIHnltly ..-nrrnwn tl.

Waynesville, Ohio


I loo re'l(

1'hi$ 'Iub is CUl11pll~e fl f I I nu factu r· r~, whol' 111 '1' ''1 and j u bb e r~ of tilt! Queen Glly. TiH'! Y will bl! ac


.~ ew York who


f;verything Good to EBt_

'I'll(> 1111 II of I. ,I'unon ure 1001 i n ~ fon IInl ' HII rn l·h Jlellllur> III t h \'i It of th .. Tn dt.· 1-:.<vmll' llll1 lil uLotth" CitJo:innnti I h um lJt'r (I I "Illlrler!' ~c hedu le d ior FricllV . ,ll1n !Jth .

A Novel By

M \N dUlI'n ill


. ::: ::::: :::. .. ..

. Wau' .Ollle reliab!e ilitormatloll about any ortile country Wl'st of the Rock ies-Callfornla"O regen, W'lShl,ngtorl, Idaho. Monta'1B, ~e "ttdn , lItuh, A(i,.ona, New M~xlco, ~eKrlsl Want to kllqw somcthinjA about funnlug opportuDI.tle9, mllraad mtt!, rOlltes, aut"1l1ubile highwaya, hotels. resorts, P!rce. of hind, mctbodS 'of farming , etc.? It'lour b~sln~ss to kn."'!l1I abeut i bis Pacific Sl o~ cOulltry. Sail.

sc~ MagAZIne IS th~ I.lIle bl' national magllzine, rellectlng tbe life 01

thIS country IIlld glVlllg 'lccumte Ir,rorll\!ltilln Clellcerning lu growPl Iln~ deve!opl!lent. Send 10 ceub (ora sailiple COllY of Sunset ~l.g- ' fUtile lind w! rte us a lei te~ asklllg for wbatever inIorm"tioll you de- . . lire conrenllng allY Slate III the West.









Sunday, June 11 $1 j)O R¥Nl:D




,WBiS~'. """" lOc MAGA~INES · ,., _.

Drawers, 3 to years . .• _ .. ] Oc . · 2 to' 13 years ..... W lUsts, 1 Oc OilCloth, pe.r X yd. : •.••

'l\IEWSPAP~RS ,," ', . . ~


STAffJON4RY. . LIto~ies' Veats . ••......•. ~ ·]Oc I~ INkS. MUCILAGE Pa-tnt Brushes. . • . . . . . . •. lilc Old Dutch Cleasiser...... l()c F b "'--d Id ri In.. Rex Lye, IOccan, a for ••• 25c res ..... Y,sameo, p ce "" Next Door to

II.;O';... ; ••oe. • ._


. . . . .III!JIII!I......~~~PIi!_,,~,.~~~


Sixty-Eighth Year


·PEiNAiMOOiitJ WILL 'CELEBRATE-- THE FOURTH -JrPEHsorniI . _._---.. - -.

A lante Crowd Wal Prellen, and

, Ullendl:d Atlentlvely to Ihe 5ervlces




Earl Hawken, of Sprinafield, Phlo, wu in tow,n Sunday. Ves Mart, of Dayton, was vialting with friends here .Sunday.


Whole Number 3374

Supt W. R. Sprelgel vlaited with friend a In Wilmington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.' Georga Marks at· tended a weddini in Dayton Sunday Get IIOme ot thoae White Brazllibn Sweet Potato Planla of D,H.Hockett,

Mrs. Mary Caskey is spending the Waynesville will hol1 one of its old-tim~ Fourth of July celebrations this year. week in Lebanon. Thif\ was fully decide4 upon Friday' evening, when several citizens met at the Township Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J oy were in HOtlse. An executive committee was appointed, consisting of Dr, J. A. McCoy, Dr. H. E. Cincinnati Sund ay. ' Halbaway, E. V. Barnhart, C_ M. Robitzer and L. A. Zimmerman. Robert Beckett and dau~hter spent The" executive committee met Saturday' and formed an organization, electing Dr. Sunday In Cincinnati. McCoy, president ; Dr. Hathaway, secretary and J. 0, Cartwright, treasurer. The follow- Mr!!. Ev. Jones visiled with ' rela. ing committees were then appointed : lives In Dayton Saturday. Concessions-~. A. Zimmerman; Advertising- W. O. B-aper, W. E. O'Neall, J. E. Get BOme of those White Brazilian Janney, Chas. Cornell, J. n. Chapman ; Program- J. A. McCoy, George Waterhouse, R. Sweet Potato Plants of n.H ,Hocke tt E. DaVIS, D. S. Howell; Racing- A. J, McCoy; Field Events-George Waterhouse; Water Mrs. Rachel Roberts, of Mornw, Events, R. E. Davis; Music-D. S. Howell; Grounds- Frank Zell; Dall Games Warren is visilin", her niece. Mrs. John Zell. and Herbert Edwards ; Prizes--Dr. Hathaway; Automobiles- E. V. Barnhart. Glenn Brock, of the 0. S. U , was the guest of hlB parents at Lytle, There will be events enough to fill the whole time. The feature of the afternoon Sunday. will be the matinee races. As everybody knows there arc several very fast horses in the Freel Caskey, of Marietta, Ohio, neighb')fhood, and the half-mile track will be made as fast as possible for these events. spent Sunday with his molher, Mrs, The field and water events are in good hands, and there will be plenty to interest all. Ev- Marv Caskey. ' erybody is invited to bring their dinners and ' make a picnic of the day. There will b The MillSes Henrietta McKinsey . . ' , . 'and Elizabeth Chandler left Monday plenty' domg, and as WayneSVIlle has always given an entertamment worth a great , deal morning for Oxford, Ohio. more than the general admission price, they will still stick to their motto, "every event as Today fa the national Flag Day. and numerous flags were lIeen Roatas advertised."



And Children Were Highly E~ or , tal ned-The Attendance Was Very Oood

The M. E Sunday School held their Chiidren'lI Day service on Insl Sunday eveninl\'. The ch urch was well filled with nn appreciative audience: The altar rail Rnd platform wl!re beautifully decorate 1 with A M.ffit wu In Friday hoth pot piants and cut fiowers. to atwnd a meeting of the Embelm· EbCh ,class furnished a part of the en ABBOClatlen. program BO that the entire program Is not previously known by anyone Mr. and Mn. J . II. Coleman at· person. tended the fnneral of a relative at The Marlls and Carmon orchestra Sprlnll'boro Friday afternoon. furni shed some excellent music. Under the careful traIning of Mines Helen Marlatt Ilnd Opal Gray the During the Frlenda Conference Beginners and Primary children gave good meal. will be lleued In the a very Interesting prOllraa1 cons.IRt. basement of the }I'riends Home. ing of soniB recitatIons and drIlls. The little ones are always the draw· Henry King, or Lebanon, mado Ing number, The other clUlles foling around the town all day. a tlyinlr visit here Sunda" accomlowed with music, vocal and Instru· mental. recitations and d rills. Each panied by his nephow: Mr. Stlbbs. ==~=========~====:=:.::=-:=-=-=-~===~============ Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Cartwright one did his or her par t well. Bro. Mr, aud Mn F. B. Hend.rson and spent Saturday in Dayton' the guests Grauser representing the young m'ens d.ughter8 vlalted Mr and Mrs Olho of Lieutenant Miller and wife. olBlis made a few short and interestln~ remarks closing a succef-8ful Chil· Henderson near Rprlniboro Friday , Oxford Sport S,t rlpe Skirting8 at dren's Day program. 250, 36c and Sge. Huck Towelll18x3& 0 Mr, and Mrs, Waldron Gilmour at lOco The S. Fr~ Co. Lebanon, 0, and Mt. and BIn. Frabk AnderllOn, OF rHE HOLBROOK NO~MAL of Lebanon, were Sunday vl.itora bere, Word eom811 from headqu.rters to SCHUOL CEl.EBRATED Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Henderson and lbe 1000al dealen that fireworks are The Wayne Townahip Farmers' daughura and Mrs. J. H. Coleman Meeting for worahip at Frlenda lIolnl( to coat more thia year. Like -Club met at the beautIful country were Dayton -visitors Tuesday after....ttnll 91111 cOfDlllenc:e tint day morpillg at 10:80., All are cordially el noon. iDvlted. jumped, by leaps and bounds and itls ' and everyone beiDJlln harmony with J. Bernard Walton'II"Round Table almost ltt\poIIible to obtain an ex· 1'--" t th e Conf ~renc~ WI'11, be ploslve compound In the qUllntitiea the day, all reported a joll~ pod All lUI a Mr••1Id Mn. B. H. Kelly were In lhat are reqilired by YOllnl America time Of 'coul'l8 the dinner wu the very popUlar, Don t fall to hear Eastern Star Chapter had their inXenta Sunday mornl",. Mn. Kelly spection Monday evening. and a very a 1010 la the Friends Church In each year for his patriotic celebra- 00 Back to Their Old School an" moat' important feature. The large them. rlolp Make l~he Day a quantity of Itrawberrlee and ice good time was had by all present. tlon of American Independence. that city, Succe.. ' ad h dl Mrs. Jacob Kohlhagen and Mre.Dr About 160 members and gnests were Penny ftrecrackers promlae to be· come a thlnl( of the put and III a recream m e.t e nner a vel"J Im- Conner, ot Blanchester, were the present from Xenia. Lebanon, Mor___ portant factor. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Myer Hyman row, H.""eylburg. Blanchester and Chu Moore, of Wuhlnlton. D C" suit the kid who ueed to shoot from ---.~ P t' b I ad f The program was a very Interest- Mond.y . · other plaeM. ' ltoPp;cj olf here Saturd.y evenlnll' to dawn until dark ma)' 'be able to eave repara lonll are eng m e or Ing Th t even ta . At 6 o'clock a neeption was held, 'lilt relatl"ee , He left Monday for a ftJw Iinged finlters on the coming Glorious Fourth. . a big time during t.he week of June b ~.e . H ~ cu~en k ,wrItten Edward Sweeney, of the I. 0 . 0 . F. and it gave everybody a good chance hll home. As Wayneayll\e Intendl to have one, when Iiundredl of Normalltea y lIS e,en awe, were very Home, Springfield. Ohio. Is visiting to get acquainted. At about 7 the of her old.fuhioned celebrations this will gather at Leblmon to celebrate much appr.eclaled. We also had a his daughter, Mrs. Frank Carman, guests eat down to the dining tables MMlra. Clalrett ar.d Ollleebee left year, there is no doubt but that the the 100th annlverBII~ry, of the famoul very ,!nteraatlng paper on "Our and family. to a meal that only the Eastern Star Friday .. venloi' for Buffalo, N. Y. ISle of firecrackel'll will suffer con- old Normal 8chool. T~ere wl\l be Tuk, by MIl! Elizabeth C,handler. ladles know how to serve. They took witb them a car load ot Billerably in our local trade many reunlonll held durmg the week, I There wore several visitors. Mr , Dlst, Dep. Grand Matron Conklin. very flne cattle. . ___ '_ The cllU18 of 1891 hilS .Ianified "lin Dechant and daughter. of Franklin, Mesera.lra Stansbury,Dean Howell ot Lebanon, was present and in•- • lention to be preaoent. and u th.t Mr. and Mrs. Will White, Mr. and Hermm Connor, Bryon Pendergut spec ted the work, which was found was the largest clal8 In Ita hiltor" Mn. ~th Furnas Bnd children, Mrs, and W. O. Raper were Cincinnati to be of a very high class. Four Last week &ever.1 of the nellrhbora Men'II Straw, Hatl for 700. 11.00, of Goorge Gilliland, wllo IIvee on t} 60 and 52,00. 'Men'a Shlrta, goo:t the meeting will be significant. The Baker, of Bellbrook. Rev. and Mrs. vilitors Sunday. candidates were initiated. citizens generally are taking. a areat Cadwallader end Rev. and Mrs. Boute 1. and who recently luftered quaUty at SOc 75('. '~.OO. The S , ---.--.~-a levere 10M b, nre • met' at bla hOOJe Fred Co. Lebanon. O. Mr and Mrs , Harry Johnl and int.reAt in the causle and there will Grauaer and Ethan Crane. At the in all probability, 100 a large crowd b.,inninll ofthe meeting, they elect- child;en and MM!. Mary Anson,--n'F-I-- - - - - - - aad apent the d., euttinar 101< to; a new barn. Tbere were about fifo In Lebanon all that week. If you ed new officers for the ensuing year. Dayton, were guelta of Mrs , Naomi .Mr, and Mn. n. H. Kelly and are a Normal1te, mllke your prepar- All reported a flne time, and ad- Harlan Sunday teeD frienda aud neilrbbon, ~ the, Moore, of Wuhlnaton D.O. ationl 80 that vou will be pr8llent journed to meet with Harvey Burnett ' , ' lOOn cut enou,h Umbwr for a b.rn CIIu. vili~ with Dayton friends Sunday O"ing to the lCI~ity of carpenten and 8IIIIist In the celebration. I and family in July. Yes. you can get 'a Wash Dress, altefllOOD and eveaJnl. aod the bad weather of lut week, The prOlrtam II as follows: 0 • Shirt wailt, Skirt, Middy, Hat and There Is to be a Friends' Confer· they were unable to ralIe tbe frame Sunday afternoon at 2:00-LayParasol at each 98c, 11 25 and $1 50 A valuable horse belonglnll to enca beld at the White Brick Meet· work of the harn. IIr. and lin Dr. Paul FDcher. of Reynoldllbul"ll. lng in all churchea, led at The S. Fred Co., Lebanon, 0. F.rank Shutts, of near Harveysburg. Gilliland want to tbank them for Ohio. former etate veterinary, w.s ~!ntto~S:h l~~b ~1~9;h~Sev~~~ ~e~1J M.,t . died on the 27th 'day of May. This .&beIr elforta In their behalf, lIere Tu~, and made a vialt to day. Firat day.Second.dav.thllls aim · ,yMo':dr: U:~enlnl'-Reception to Mil!!! Ed'n a Wilson, National Field horse was Insured agaln8t death liar to theSummerCsmp of last year. Normaliteaby Men'a and Women's the rlllnoul,E1I11 h08 f.rm. Several Eastern frlendll will be with Clubt ot Lebanon. General Ex. at Secy .• will b,e one of the drawini from any ::ause by the Indiana & Taku a trip and I(et a Suit Cue, ua, ainong lhem Dr. Edward Jan· the uBual time. cards at the Friends Conference, Ohio Live St~ck Co. The '1 00 to '10 00 Traveling Bain 2ge ney, J .Bernard Walton. General Secy Tuesdav uvenlng-An old-fuh' Seventh·day. First·day and Second- 10811 was adjusted by W. N. Sears, .~ '.Q 60 Trun' .".00 to 185 .00' at Robert Brown of the "Woolman Iioned reunion, with pro . menaded. dsy. . agent at Waynesville, and he handed ... .., .. .... MI Ed WIl 'I"I Id Mr. Shuttl! the company's check the S. Fred Co" Lebanon, 0. Houae," S8 na son e General Ex, at the usual,lIme. O' M Coil • Alb' dated June 3rd. . and others. , 1 Wedneeday, Women. pay-A . The contract tor buUdinl[ the new Mrs. live e urn,o< lon, Better be insured, don't you think? Mn Chaa ' B and little A cordlallnvitat!on 1& extended to Irreat day, full of eventa of mtereet. county infirmarY was let last week 111.. and MIlS Kate McCollnm, of f I di all. The flnt sessIon commenbes at At J p. m. the commtmcement axer- t th Co 11 Co t tI Co f Franklin, were lfUeetBof Mr. and Mrs. -= - • . Cb' I' t d luah ter, ar ot e, 0 n an- 9:80 Seventh-day morning. of the Collea'e of Pharmacy will o . e ve nil ruc on . 0 W. H. Allen and MIIIIl Olive Allen apolil, Ind , are vlaitlnJ the former's . __ • be held At 3:00, decoration of the IonIa. Michigan, ~57,300 , . That for Friday. On Wedneiday afterd., June 21. parenla, IIr. and lin. D, W Surface graves of President Alfred and Pro heating and ventll~tI!lIl', ~eck, An· tbe W. C T. U. will bold Flower Mia feao.r Heber. Holbrook. In the ~:~~a~f:"~fu~b?~~~mT~~A~:i::y Lost-A and white collie dog. ' : &ion ellerciae at tho Wl)lte Brl"\ U-l....HI~IDII--V1-U evenma:, a concert by MI'II. Draper, COmpany of Cincinnati 14081- mak. amlwE,rs--t&-ttl&-l!al_~!....I~~!1'r~------;=-=~=-;;;;=-......- - " ' : " - -- ---;-i Churcb. Everybody pi.... brlnlr ot;g:~~:~~I.Govel~nor's Day-Gov- Ing .. total cost of 166,228. .If the A liberal will be offered. flo.en alrt'ady made up Into boque" ern or Willis. Governor Hatfield a!ld S~te Industrial Commlaslon WI II per· Send word to L. Itick!J, Waynesif IIC*Ibl.. . •'arr ts moving hili 5&IOc store Conarreaaman Feas will be with us mit the ~mm18l10n.o' the yentilatlng vflle, Ohio, R. 3. . The,e will be a abort f.l· , to the Philips Building This empo that day. Great preParations are .y.tem and the BUlldlnll' CommiNlon lowed by,dlltribution 0 flow.... '10 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Andrews and lick aDd Shlit Ina under the direction , GI... Fruit Jan Dina and Querla, rlum hallirown to 8uj:h an extent being made to mllke the last day deem It unnecessary, tbere will be a Mrs, C. T. Hawke fell down .~r dedudlon from this am'Junt.ot 12250. children, of Wapakoneta, whl) have at her home one night last week . of llie Eva Jonaa, .'0".,. MI.,IGb fiOc, 66~i 70c and .,Iie: a doz. Satar durina' the put few. month'! that the inter!8tlng. been visiting cia, epee ~ IUrka "ake ~p, 7 bar. room now occu~led IS Inadequate tor Thursday evenIng-B an que t. brlnginll' tbe total C?st to leu than .t the home of Mr . and Superinteildent. . As she Will descendinlr lhe stairs" in Mrs. Georlle HamiltOn, returned aome manner. she slipped and fell, for~. '"ll1e S Fred a", Lebanoa, his .rowlng b!1l11neas, , Good speakers and ta gener.1 lood t64,OOO. to their' home. Tuesday. 0. •- • , time to mark the close of tbe celegoing down head foremost . Whi le there was no serious results, yet 1'10' Wayne5¥i11e and tbe Fout:th bratlon. Waynesville and the Fourth L, A Zimmerman left Sunday for Hon. Milton Clark, of Lebanon, has been suffering quite a grent dll\ll , but at the present lime Is much elm a W~'8 Ip , Cleveland, Mrs. ===================~==~~~~=~~~=~~===~~ was In, town Monday, calling on his proved. Judge WIll be on many friends. The l ' who bu ' ..,..n vlaltinl ZbDmerman ' the ticket again thi. fall. and as relatives there. will letum mGt==5111915'==5111:11:1 ==51.1:'==51'GlU; I Gil; It:!'; get a good vote. ulual, will wlth .hlm. ~

Sunday afttlrnoon the Knlllhu of the 1. 0 O. 10'. and the Junior Ord".. of American Abchanit:a met at thtllr relipecLive ballll, marched to the cl!metery, and there decor· ated the ,ravell of their dectWled brethren, Arter II week of dlamal and rainy weather, ~unday proved to be a fine day, and aL lhe hour set. for the ... erci_, there wu a larle cr~ wei vreaent. Th" IOO,e8, prl!eeded lhe New BurJiDlton band, m.tch. to the ctlmetery. Arrivlnl( there. after a II4Ilectlon from . the band .. II duuble qual teL from St. MarY'l,ADa a hymn. atter which Hev. C. ts GrllulI4!r Invoked a divine blllll9ing on lhtl work of the dlY. After another vocal IMIlection. liro L. Nlcholl!On introduced Hon. "' rank Anderaon, of Lebanon , Mr. AnderllOn has addreaaed the Iqdgll8 here before, but his addrell8 SundllY Will the beat he haa: ever deliverlM!. ' Mr. AndertOn apokto particularly of the Irood the lodlretl are dol nil' along doclal Iin8ll, and be d Nell on Ille "oad Lhey miaht do iJ they ItrewlM! the patllway , of the living brllthren Willi Howers and word. and brotherly feellnp, tiia addrllN WIUI lilwned to Vet, altentlvely, and eve'l'bodJ was well repaid tor I(olnl( to the cemetery. , After the IIddreea the I(OVal of the brotherll 01 the differen~ ul"laol utiolll we're at rewed wllb flowen, and. the proc_ion came blck &0 ~WD and dillbanded. Taldna the day a" a wb:>le, it Willi one qf thll bt!lIt decorations that has ever occurred here .monl( the lodg~, PYlhill~,

Mr . • nd Mrs, J . 0 . Cartwright and f.mily spent Sunday with relatlvel! in Sprinl'fleld,






br:rZ~i~ th8 ~~:.aipo~!e~e:;

MANY NOHMALITES WILL ~~~::: :,am;:! ~~e:!~ga;~..:!: I I







TKE W. C. t U;





. Sec,.





----_ ..---



--_0 - •.---



The '.,ujl, had a real . Atth. ' ~IDul~bm ~Invleati~. t ....t-Sund.' .. wben tbe, ate etraw ChlC8lro lut berrl" from tb,.vtD.,of Mn. Stella Butt8l'.ortb, They made mlabb r:I York D:rt~~~~ rood ~.ttq,:too. Tltanu. ... ·Fajrbanka. of ~I~:~~ deot. RooHv.ltl1 prjIaIdent on the J~ Burton, Bryon .nd JeM8 btt latar Prenil......t. Harrl.MOaher, Elliott , County polltlCl ~ CI~IiI&I_1 Wriaht. lieol1re 'Waterhoule, Tom _lion, and ' th. Pleroe arid otbera attei\ded the for the dlffllJ'en t nlllirriluna' FlotO,tlrcua'a,t Dayton Seturday, , be8lnnlrlJ ~ ~ak" ') 1 around the coun..,. Herbert Edwarda arrived bereSat· u~ ..,....INr from the Weatforthe aerol anou.1 vII1t with .lila parenta, Mr . and ~ .... O. J. Edwardl. The 10 acrree with bim, u he ~ looklal 8ne:


w.t ......

1'1:==51 I'!!=== '1:==:1'a';I!===la

--_.- ..- --




I I I I I a



Don't tall to hear Dr. Janney's lectures on "The Miasion of Friends in the Present Crisis" during the Conference next seventh day, to MCOnd day. They will be Intensely .interesting and Instructive,


thOle atteqdinll' Friendll Conference and al80 the citizens of Waynee· v\1le can eeeure I(Ood chicken dlnnen at a reaaon.ble price of only 25c. All are ' InYited to' patronize theee dinners; the proceeds go toward ~:!~ the .expenMfl ot Ihis Confer-

G. J, of Xen;: . who from the 8uperlntendency .of Xenia schools recently. was p~esented with a flne !told watch last week by the Senior daBS, an4 t.ho Sophomoree also presented him .Wlth an elell'ant foun~~ ~en , , ' .


Postmuter F. C. Carey and Post·


m ~~~~!~~e~ l!,b~~~ ~~~d~~:~ VISITING' HELAliVES .twnd a meeting of the poetmuters ~~r;.~~~ c:,'!:!tY~ft!ct:~~:~t~: meatiq. wbich will be of mutual


mbtlnefit to We postmutere.• lEI

Mr. and Mrs. 0 . Ed~rd.I! left MonThe school teachers left tor their reipeetive achooll ,lIoDd_'7 ,mornlnl ' day morning for Denver. Col.. where II111M Cl.... Llle and Marie Stout they will vtelt wIth their IOn Ilr. ,,1II,p&o Antioch, Henrietta IIcKln- Warren Ed".nia and wife. .Alter a . , . . vielt In Colorado and other .., aDd Elizabeth Cbandl&r to Oxford point&, they.m all Eo J. Araold to Wilmlnpa' SUDt. BllreIp1 left TnMll.,. for .-. • •0000.wtw1~11ANDtaln W. . vtr . . .' afW wbllla he will 80 to-

I . .11I1.....IElI_ _III~I,[IIII]!. . . . . .IElIi_.I5lIIE_El _ _ilIEi ,At_for


&1(JIGIaI tollft8.


~ ".~e and the i'ourt1I.

1111"11 Ihl' 1~1~.,,,, .. llt In fl'(lnt ot till' "I" • 'UN l·IIY·" got Uit'· 11UI .' ·tllI h tl\t k wllrrt' ,"U\1 \, t'rt'. AIUllrll'lI, Rod It IDY !IOUIt'twbllVt IIILII_" p., 'do"l. 'h,' II 111111111' 111, IlIml\!' 111 ") b'IJotl n tu )h't 311 \11 ~"Ir III ,11"'/1 1" (IlI;,:I". 1111'11 '\1111(1'<1 'IUI"kl), hy 11'" 11011 1,.1' them "I ,'ell t11t.'y' rc:rh:itt '1\ ,1/ 111 n'tilllI"" 1,,,rl1rt' III hllv~' " 1I1l1lioty tnlr "Iulrl' r IIfJ "", Jlr'lh I" till' ."",r. lln,h~lhl" '''Y tfllrlltll" 111'8 Ul l! C; uOtI · by 1" 1Il1 ~lily rnlr ..lmrt'. I l(l"e i hl~ I Willi II", Inl!'lIl1l'" IIr I'HIII ")!. \lUt itO' IQ, ~I~', " ~II hl 1.1 Ibu.!!, JtIl'"k ly. Int'!' ,I t 11k ... 1 do IIIY'<HI'n , ,11, 11\", n"'IIlh," Ihl" 11,,jlf:<- ~1~tN" wlio' 1',1 r1~hl CVI' It 1\~,'I\lI('k II~ 1'(1 II for' CHAPTER IX. Ill )' ° "'11 rnmllr . 1\'. ,I hl'lIllllflll I wn . l .nol;. lit nul' w ll 1f'~I\ I(I (IIHl rl(!t; 'IO(Il! li t 1111\110' fnn ll. Ihal 1I"lIt 'lJinrl 11" 1\ (Clr I lIn)< ill~ t r"'i ~' ''1I Wl1l1t t f): 1"* II~ lit ,.nrk N )'~t 'Ill \\, p'r,' pUlllu' throll~h , 1111<1 Ir,,"~lo'lil 1,1 whlr'\I Ihe "llIll1hlnl" thl' houl"v/lrds lind Ibc pulll l , til IJary , r; " II rlll' 1111,1 ,11 0) \\ 11 hl"l ' p"" hlK I"'(UI'II, I AII\l ~b grtw·s. nodi how .. he f,:'1'd w~~" HIIII 11111"(' Ihl' 11 1'1"':0 ":1 111'1' C 1 ~:n l' lI rl\ ry TI c hojl tl 1'11111 luU'nR~ls I"rIW'~: be 'JUUI' ~l!I''', " ",<lil ly h'\" II\I~I' l1 ill"~ " .111 ~I'1l~1' "' Itlt ~llh'UIOllY. "Now. 1\lIlbe, I 11<1 ('ll'lIl' ('11\1 ,'1'11111111 (1 1' hl l\l~ .. I( n~ 1\ "/lnl hlk~ Oil S of It- Ilor li llY g ld or IlI't'ru u 1'''11 I 111" 1111110",,1. 11,' 11",'1" '1'. h,' I sl h '(' r 0 r 111l 1l11l1lg" 1101' !JllU llri- IIWII!' Ii:l.t ~I'I " 1".11 III,' 11111 111('11'1<','\' 1111' t\I'" with m~ In Illy ~hro\l,1 wl\l'll I IlIl'I'c I~ pl"lIu([l'Iq,I' I hilt hi' OWIII ' I : 11 (11'. II ' go. lI ut I '1'1111 1 \0 It" " ,.· lilY ~ltll:re In "); "011/'" IW('Itl S ~.•,:"." i, "1 hi" PI\IIIP) ' It .t() my bf'J·s. I ' \'u WlII'k'!'{1 ror 1\; 1 '1'0 null 1i1ll11l1" " II III! .lh\1 H' ,I Ii "~, "'" ,, ~ h~I'n 1\ h\llIdl' r onl l 1\. mnker: li nd two IW.l's--1I 111 1 1111' " lhl'l' II "" ,\11 111 ,, " or' , blalles of grn 9 have grown w it r'0 Doe 1':,11 111 III ~bl \ 'I' II. ,\11 .1 11 \" '1\ II 1II1>lt· "'r b f ''''' re' rll<.! II'I(I I ,~ III' 1111 " 1111; ,'11 (m ill li l~ I eo 'WI e m·Q. ''''h<' llI'\' <, r T Inl,1 Inl.' hU1l11 I nll! k': SII I·I",· 1I ,..~"r lll ". . nn:illll ,u s I ' on l' llIC 1,,"'1111<1 II I . . J' II'" I~'1u". lII Wkl ' I"·I·I'.\' 1,'1 1111. "",1 .HI · ,I :011.1 1I'1I1e',1 ', '111 I" 1'\'",,· v~ III t . llg. nnll I 11'/1111 th ~ 1'II\ldln' C I'W III I ...·~ . ' PII. 'n' \" .. 1'1' NO l1\t' ulli. ·r IIlIo k ... tv gn 0 11 . An(] wh"11 III.\ ' III" \. h(' lI r In II II' t : ' 11 11 k' ~ Jl In q.rp U U f', \d lit'l I I'e· CO ll h\N I W[lIll t kilO\\" tl wt mr I lo \' :-to Jll ll ir u 'd lt lll' l 'lrtli , "( 'd a t till' ,'HI" tJ r til(' ( 11,.;' 10 th o S-: l' lU.' 1"11 I IlII p l '~''''I''!rol l n /1 ",.rr · 1'(OUd.rl. to LRkt' "'1111'):1'.. Itlbh~. wll;'11 IIt't. I H , 111 J 11 "".(, I WHII I to kllo ll' Ih" , L 1 rllu :-; It ' I U'J . / .h i \I 1111 O' II " !lInn I Il (\~ I II PllrJ.r fill I I II' ~ .lIro I',· Wtll1 IIIlnC', her' I), I,)\\,. II Ie pitSS f ' '''~' HIII . ~:I \\"11 II ns till' s"l"n'l IH j:l TO wi II ' IJlg,.:cr lind hl ~'" ""cr III Ule II fl' urc g ll , h~ slll' rld " " . II III I.. II II 'h.i Silt I c hlll'gl' or 1I1.v boYR," II( ' S JI' I'" It I til' I 11 ;1',\' urt l ' l' IIJ~ 11l1 ('I"\'l eW HI! leRlIl'd bllCk. ol 1'1)1.1' 101)1' 1" 1. with Ids (" thO'l'. n. hi ,,;: ol'el' :l "UI:III ' "Th(' I'f'!" IJp Hillel, h u~k lly. "I'\,c 1\1" '1'1' cotl~pf i lln or ,1111 11u""rip t s i ll till' lOP ,' Jly ."•.,UI1IP n r IIlPSt' III" J! llI llt OPll , f ll'u\1g h 8pokl!n IUON! whut WIIB 10 OIl' 1H':1l't III I T ~IIY IIr~, I <1 £1 It h O('/l li R" I w'1I11 .'~Ol1 c1 l1 1111.1 1111':' 1I1It., ' ·... III .. llI·t 111 I' , 0 1111<,'r"Wlld- IIUd nQt th ink III I' II thl'lII ; !tut nil" ," ,,, 1,, 1.1111 ~ lI1i"' . Th"11 IIIcn n rl1th~r. J ON'C' r hnd to t:llk th"t be .• h,lOk hl~ hpll d 1'I11·r"lIy 11101"" ,1, "lid , wny lO Jim nod n O"l'oe. They \1110 'I'- r u Mull.\· hf'~1I 1I t(l l'l',"1 11. It \\'119 wl'lt· Rlool " I l " ' Itholl t ".ny lll)k, Hlbhs." t" 11 on Imil" r ~lIltlll'~1I "\1",,,1 .·lIlil· I lll nlbbs . "At , ICII8t tllrl ll Il' ." :II" I It I,Il,,· thInk HCIl," I tio. sn Rllt" 1It11'. "Y, ,,Isu re." I






BOtlTH ToY'I!.,ft'.v.r-.IIIV\:N ~at...anU a v.


~ "".., ......



'. ,





/9/.5" " ' " rIIIY • 'J'r.llt brull"bl his ' C'IIII"r """ lrollod to' rll '.. h im. " YIIU ,." "It III ! u l 1-..~ 1111' IlIU'l l"I' ,,'It"LI d vIII nlbb!l, w"o 011 1 Wby cno"#- ~"Oil b. Ilkn'\,_ llo""Uv"d y 7 'ella?" "


,. .L: "Lh 'er. mnybe." 811.1r1 "1IbIl8 .•e'>nIl l ly. " .l "Dobl E \ ' Oll ole 0 c (', llrll"'S Dre UI "~u n '"\' llb oJ" 'r. 11 orllll'li' I.... . n's noUllll' ,vron'" I I~. ~ II )1. N O. "~ou' re a rlrull lllur !llb11!! ' U1 n \o1 Illnttnr. . " .tha t's wbllt'8 "· OIl"U tb' "I. l'a~ III" Ithe ulRttl)r. 11. not on' 0' tJJo'II" hlg ' dreamerH tbat put tbrOllll h Ill" Ilig Id ea l-I No. s ir.' YOII' rc til ..' "1\ 11111 0 ' ~awer that just sets o ut £Ill ill" hack ' f n e tlud tlJlnk s nbout how 0IU('1l truIIlbl th ere DllIst be III thl! ""urlll! Thil l · II ,alo'l \JJa kind Ibut b\l lllis ti l<' urhl'!\'II, ..B ib'" ""; It's 01 (' klod \JJ1l~ hnrroll'~ ~ur. teeo ceo.' trom hlB \'.1/ ....0 lI l' .1"..... UI ",. go





~'0' brother·ln · IR w t IIOd' () got ten ('out's W ( II' W p lug tobaccQ lI ol l~kcl'u wor t h (I' n"' -Ine l" ., . ... u.LU I Be put tho flol shln g ",u~h to l\tl~



" "' fiU a IlIlnute!" ,hcrlc11111 1'n1<" iI I bl~ hnlHI. "If yo u see lhe Icll~l h it In I 110 w Ol'lli . tll ell y QU u odc rSlund wh:l t

' . . l 'or n pror.,•. Io n BUllp.NI - 011'\\' to Im rsult ur h " .. In Ihl~,I, lnil-.hilir t'i lfll'J(U t hfl l 1') ( An In \"I l! lu' Ill, ,, ,,·)· '8 .Im .. ,, ",1 Ii ,' m ny sp<I"l h 0 11


nlhe r !lIdo " r , he "'!ill, 111111 .1 ,,, Wil li "'U", hn . II thl~ k '"111 .C! IIllIb II Ul I 110 "n nnot I'10 '" . II: " ruAI'ln/o( II( II" , (11"' "" ' 0 /lr.·s and

it mvunt t o ~ t a r t one O' Qlv bo 1S 1 I1111'0 ·I11m COUle ba ck on IIIC ~ UI' J , way IIIIC


" I'm Go ing Out."



(, ri" I' ,1I'I II','I·IIIt.: Ih'I'""1I



Iy mp mt •. .• 'fh{' \t,! urlcl

II UlR l

b.o \Hl tho



U~d c(lIlcr~te




~tll·I·.'· ~I\I'










"I don't underatll.od-lllr:Rctly- what '70U want It all bigger ror 7" '.Great God l" b t 8 on , Shertdan. II ed blow with nnd hla l8truClt tlte desk cleDCbed flat. "A 80D ot mine a s ks me Ulatt You go out !lnll nsk th e ponrlost _dis' laborer yeu eRn, lIod ! Ask him tbat queatieu- " . "I A'" once," 1l1tarruptOtl; '"wba>uu I waa In the Bibbs machlae Sbon. 1_ "W1Ia'4 be l1li7'1" '" "He enid, 'Ob, belli'" ao s wered \Blbbe, mildly. ''l':el!l. '1 reckon be wnlllrl!" Sherld"u (_un g away trom the deH k. "I reckon he certainly wOllld ! _"nd) got plellty ' II7mpathy wIth blm ri ght OOIV, nlysl'lr !" "If II the sam!! 81181\'er, then ?" 1IIbb8' l ~olce was sertolls. a lmoat tremlllous. "Dam08tloo!" ~ber1d8n roared 'Dld )'ou e\'c,r h ear the word pros: rltJ, you nlooy? Old YOIl ever beu r


e word ambltloa1 Did you ever hellr the word progress?" . · He I,\llog blwself loto a <:halr atter !the outburst, bls big 'hest s urging, W8 ,th.r oat tumultuoull wtth guttural Inco. Iherencea. "Now tileD," be sold, busk.


when the angulsb llod sQmewbat • bated, "W1.l8t do you want to d o?" Taken by surprise, TlIbl.Ja IItl1mwered. I'\Wbat·wllat do·I- wb at- " . I OIl! l'd let you do c-1=u ctiy wbat you . had tile wbim tor, what w ould YOll do'" Blbbll looked Btartled; tIle n Um illl ty lO"Perwbelmed Mm- a profollod 8hy· IDea. He bent hl8 h eud aad fI x-Cd Itls lowered ei'es upOn tl!e toc o f hI s 8ltoe; ~hlcb be mo.v ed to and (ro IIpOU tbe ~. /J, IIIj;e a culprit ca lled to the deSk In «b001. "Wbat would YOIl do? Loon" "No. elro'· ntbbs ' voice WilY ulmOBt ·inaudIble. and what Uttlo sOllnd ' It mede wlIJI ullquecsUonably a !:tulJty loond. "I IIUPPOse I'd- I'd try to-to ,'\It'l:lte." "Wrttl' whaU" "Nothlog UnportaOt~jU8t poems and -)'8, perbIlJ)ll ," "I lee," laid bls t!lUltlr, breathlnltr Ql1oIC!ltly with the restraint be WII8 putU., UllOg blutlelr. "Thllt IJI you " .,n t , ~ 'wrlt.l'. lIut 19U doo't w.~t to wHte ' . ,~tlIr or aD), a!'COuot." "You thlak-" I.. . lbert4lll aot Ill) apt.. "I .tak~ m, . .t oil to tbe mau that can wrlte • . a" ~ ..lei ~'tl.callY. ' ~ wrtt1D' talent In thta countr7 Is . . . . . . . III tilt 14 buaua.. to4a7.

WIUID'--'or IOOCI---


't hon you ' were before yell CI'er w e nt pllll\nl~ mel L et me alonc!" Anll I~to tbe SbOP .. Autl right Ihoo Is wh e n RdlUl, fUngin g h Qr ell "IOlently \I \1ou , 3 ou bl.'gln over- I'lgllt III tlw t HlIlJle BlblJs' door, jel'kae1 It opaJ1, s wu ll g In" looturo .•• one of tbe Ilell f1hop! Nobolly M O coi l In a 111 1"1' 1 1 n" ln ., it I I ~ rOoIlOu nto lie 1'0010, s lummed tlte Moi noR, I owa, ohurohes ~ mlHHlooa.r y l or a mea u fu ther, I do the IJ Ht I Cflll <loe r IJcl>lud Lc r, l\nll throw hersl'l t , from lodla told of going· Imo t,he l tor 111.1' 111111 ) tnk th full fn ce !1nwn. "I'Ull tbe boo 10 such 1\ riot IDterlor ur India, wherll h e Willi tak. responsibility tor brll1glll' illY UD or emoUoll l hnt s ilo bud. no percepti on ' an ~ Ic" , t.hd he ' 1\1\11 II b J ttle "f to be mon. Now. 80 rHr, l'I'e tull etl or 1IIbbs' pr esence In tlltl room. Cusp· Cblunherlelo's . Colio, ' hol em and ~'Ith YOII. nllt l'm not goill' to keep log lind sOIJblug to u pllssloll or t QilrS, DI ~rr 1101l1lilmo R d y WIth hi I)) !lU d b t 11\' e. o i on n . I never tuckl II .1\ job' r et J 8h e 'len t tho co verlet 1I11d pIllows wi th Common Pleas Court ltevlIII UII\t i~ !laved bl8 IIftl . Thill / dldn't put tllrOtl g\J, aud I'IIl n ot goll.l' he r cl orhed & Is. "' n nIt!" she bill:>· New Suits nwedy 18 Oiled Roooelllltlll!v 10 Iodla to beglu wltll my owe SOD. 1'ID 1:0111' bled l\l olld. " uenk ! S nake-Jn ·Uleboth tiS ~ llreventlve no\1 ou rll for to mnke II man or yo u. Ill' GOIl! I gl'a s~! uti" " oholera.. Yen may know from till. 11m!" l.l lbbs sa w that s he 011<1 not know b e Minnie J I:1l1tt&rtbwlllte, Mllry (J tbllt il OllD ue dellen<1od upoo ·tor·1 Bibb!! rose and w ent s lQwly to· --;-;U~le;--;;W;;;II;;II;=':;-uii;'lll:'; l'~·e~.-:I1:::I\~d~h'::e~W=·'=C~h-O!t:!"B~O~rt;!;l..A.!yt!.!o~\\!:.·I\..!r~il!...H~;terthwalte-aml Th e Home Iosar. · the mtlder. forms of bowel oomplalnt I door, wlle re be turned. "YOIl HIIY you the door. hoping to get 'lIway bc ro l'e ilOOe Co ,V8 'fhe.1:'. (J V,ond St" L. thl\t acoor In ttl II oountry. OlJtnln· Rll'e mc n COil pie ot monthRI" h e III1 le1. she b,!came IIwaro Of hIm ; hilt semo Ry . Uo., monoy; I\mount olulmed ILblt) everywhere . I Sherldon a be ll·butte n on h lH SOlLUII of his neo\'e mc nt r IIChe(1 ber. $2000 with luterest. " <lORle. ··nuroe.v suld IIY9 monlhs lltOI'O I\ml slle Slit UP. s tllrU ctl, f llcl ug lI im. 1::1. P . Smith V", AnolL M k "llIblJs ! I theught 1 s aw YOll go IJllt a.nd Filmore Blaokbnro,Il8 exeout o ra a wbUe ngo ." . of tllc esta.te of M~ rthll I;Imlth "YQs . 1 callie bock, though . I' m Money ooly; . aIDom 80try--" olalmed "60 wl~h Int erost '











de(1ea~od ,

Floor and numl·ful1e I


" D lel you mG l}unrre llng with Sibyl?" " n.'y W)ln t y O\l nl d 10 the \to ll. YOIl lie <lown IIgn.!n, E illth. I'IlI going eut.'· ".1'1£1; t1ou' t g o." She 1\111)110(1 a h nn,lIt1."l·ch lct to ber I'Y~S, e mItted !l Ro ll, 111111 nllentctl b er Tetlu cst. "Doo't go. I don't mlud you; you're Qllle t, I1n y how. Mumma's so tussy. and nBI' Cf ro. I d Oll't mind you at 011, but 1 wlllh yell'd si t dow n." "All rl g bt." And be returlled to his \!hOlr bcsltle thQ truuk. " Go ohead and cry 1111 YOIl wl1.nt, E illth," he sa id. "No lin rm I [I \JJ1l t I"

Insure your iloomand L._


nlture againSt wear and shabbiness by cov,e ring them with'Hanna's LustroFinish, the finlah "Madeto-Walk On." It will 81lt'prlseyouhow


" SIby l teld mammn-obl" she begnn

qui~klylt can res~re soiled

chokln~ , "~rnry Vertrees lind maDlm~

floors; renew worn furniture, b~jghten up ,woodworlc, etc. You'll say lblthe handiest thing TOU . have ever bad about Hanna'8LU8tro-~

fah com.- In all Wood co)on. Eaay ~ apply.



~. "."'II"I."I~





WID. ' Iye, g l1l\r(lilln VI'. GrllNl P. lye allll>l>r"'l~eUlent· f pr pllr\." I upprov An. Tile gll Rrlllno I;! o r d or ed to glvo IIddi:loo/\1 uonlli ll ,.lH' Rnm of' $400. P rivate RR lo ' of I, hl ~ pl'o~)e r ty o rd ur ed,



.~-::..;~!:=~~::w~~~=~ I••pprOM,





Rcal Estate T rllnsfe rs

. M. Hodsoo /\ucl wife t o Dor'l ,f. on(\ C I:.. Or"oe In.lob N o~ 7r. 71.; uod 77 in 1llg blilod Pllrk !C uI!' d ivis ion t" tiDnth Leul\noo 1:10'0 lWaYllesville, 'fhil If rallklhl E lpot.ri o Ll g h' Uo'. tn the U h lo 01\" and Eleetrio 00. Jo t No , ,J 7<ll n FrIlllkllo , $1. Over Pottotficco.~ Iii Hou .. Pbo~11 Mury Ann [)llwl:lon to the '. D , & OHlee Pbone 71 D, Ry. l'o, 2 . ~5 aores In Fra nklin t)wD~blp, f,2r,U . Matllnn. R. CUI'OrlIlY ' to Anno V. - - - - - - - - - Brewer we t put of lot No. 22;., In L.ebanoo. $1600. V. BA~NHART,

Walter Chandler O.



Marria~o licenseR


Notary", Public

,WllliRID Kinney, Bte I wnrk~ r of All J!:I d of Nul,lI ry Wo.l rk,r.-,1,'''1111 Mldclletnwl, and Miss ld" Al"t~ nil .... Mo rton of )I~ rBok\tn. R ev , .Hitoblo l I~ncl Deell>... ::)peol"lty . . Sidoey L, Boosoo , buber f MId. ell e tow D, and MI s 8 J t: noi e Lfl Vntn Morteo. Of Frl\ukllo, Re II'. Hit hill Lour e l I!:. Qlrter, fllrJll e r of ' Wllr. r rtn ' o only DDd Mrs . EVil M Hnrrs of L"I, Inon, R.ev. E. U. Kerr. ' 1:i.. ll'Y B. floff, plum bel 1\R(1 MI 8 Reanla Strong, both of Ifmnlt lin, M. A. JameBon, J . P . Harrison 8 . Watklos D&Y\OIl, and' Mi8!! (Jor~ oulo, of Lllb!lDon.

DR. J. W • . MILLER. .... DENTIST•••

Commissioners' Proceedings I:!heep olalms up to JUlie 1\1 16 wtlrea\lowe d . Funeral DireCtor 1n the matter of C hrlstloo W elglr "needy blind pOiSOO. A p AII 810n 0'; 1125 p er qoprter Wt\ A itfllntell. Bnrno ' to bello ,Iune 1. Hlt6, l WayneSVille. OhIO. J~ BII18 Allowe d-[oqlltl!4t ov er b od v of Bllrry .Charlton, oo ron er Hnd wit· Gall an~we re d promptl)" day or night n eBS, '7,7G Barvey M Bll rn lltt., phones ill OHice allli I ~idence, oJntrllot, $ 18. A. L King. Ilnnl Long distanco,No, 14' Homo pllone e,tlmate oontraot, 1'121),30 Albe rt 14·2r . . ' Bond '!,ttendlng oouot.\, 1'on<1 m eet· ChOIrs and one Coach furni s hed free IDg '4 ,0 'fha Morrow Mirror, l et· with funel'als, ler h e ad. S for A nqltor, " ·1 GO. d . Best of service gUIII'IUlteed Me ltuupy ' oootrtlet. $ I:'ii . J()!3 p h ' Leic oo,V, r Olid \W o rk C lellroree k town. ~blp $13 27. W . (J. OlltuOU", boarO--ID g nod wll8hlng for pri ~one r8 f o r moo t h o f lUilY;' t 2i1U7, Mlihl o o R. • • ATHA WAY Rldl\e, IJ cesslll'Y IlXpA O!eS e ll Irm",u '. soldiers ' Rellof Co m. for yeu flnU\V !lyne.a rille '8 Le",dhia DeD~I" Ing May II iKt, Wn y oe townAhlp Uffioo In Keyll Bldg, M",lD tit ,1(1. Benr} Reid, Bame A, 0 ' BlI1'kalow, sume r or X yelll', 17.iiO.

and Embalmer.



·J. I



J,obn Bll

kut~, same. $10. 8. B\


H E H'

=====:::::========::::-:= --- Dr. J• A-. MC\JUY, £ .....

luttB, Alme for months $2 5U .J. (J, Trovillo, I1l1ree. $10 .' D. ' B : WleltoD, 81\me , '10. B, M. Lever , Veterlriarvl ~lIme, 110, P . K!, Penoe. s nme !iO W, B. Rl)lIlnson, 81lme for Y. :rellr ~2.GO: 1 . N, Miller, 86m -" Oraduate of Obip ::'181. Unl\,cral'Y ;:,. Hlgg,IDH, Bllme a.nd p08Sage for !!eOr etaIY, $17, 5 Office at residence in F . II ~.her ------_.~.-4.---wood's house, Fourth Street.




Optlmlatlc ThDUght, IlI s tlnct and roasoo are the dllfer· ali ce l.> etw811l1 mo.u and the brut&.







most Modem aO(~ Sa,nitary Creamery m .~be State and witl pay highest market , pnce ~o~ sound, dean sour cream, We are . ~lways pro~pt to recognize any advance ~n the market, and will take . Care, of your mterests ~t all ti!lles( Cbecks mailed daily or we~kl,Y 'as deSired to cover all shipments .


nod Sl.byl nnll I 10 teo, onc afternooo tltate of Oblo va. Frank Staoley two. w eek s or . 80 I!go, RllIl s he Itad Pleaded not guUty . Ball b Qnd $600: State of Oblo VI Jesse V. BIIFt.' -some 'Womeo thare Ihat Sibyl's been Book; Pleadod not guilty. Ball Cr1lzy to g et In wllb, nod ahe just lnJd bond tilOO. . hOt'sell' Ollt to IUllk e II lilt wIth' 'em lind Ed Rhe's beau runnlllg After 'e'm "ever 8. Uonkllo V8 James B. Wills, I Thll4 Ode ia lIettled and dleml18ed S IIC(:-' 11 011 now s be comcs over bere wllllout r eoord . . Rnd SIIYS thay s oy Dobby IJambo~o 1ft 1\0 blld ,fh nt, Ct· 11 t bough tltcy \Ike bls' Benjtlmln F, Rood va. Frank tam Uy. nUlle r Ihe nice people In Boyer, MoUon for new &1'10.1 over. town weull l I 't 111 111 In theIr hOIlS~, rUled~ P!liletlff exoepts . ' Cn tll" IiI'~L 1'111,'0, It' Ma tn laebooll nlld e. P. KrobD V8. Hellen d"Moeller 1 don't l>el.'I> I·o Il W()fd or It; and I~ Ibe Tbta oootrovcrsy havlDa be;,n ad econ<l plnco r k 1I0lV tlte renson slle j o~ted aud' I."led, the oaie Ie d1•• did .It, l1t)d, wbnt's more. sbe know8) ml8lied.t'8 008S, . koow i~! 1 wou't say wbat It ilt--not Probate Court ~.. yet-bllCDIlSC POIlI,I nod all of you woulr! think I' m BS crnzy 'as Bhe Is snaky' , I.e 'lie eltllt!) of Elizabeth 8hOE. And RC'8COC'S such a rool be'd probobl; maller, deeI'D.ed • . tlaoond and flnal qult SI~llllkll1g to me. But it's true I acooont Is approved, . ' Just Y~3U watch ber; tIlot's all l B8k. In ~he e,""e of Jaoob W'nsn), Just you walcb thllt. You'lI oeued FireS and flnal &clOOUD'11 leO!" t.pp&'oved, A.s 1 .bappcned, Hibbs WAil lIteralJ.y , In 'he ••"'.. 01 .JOIlah _ 1IDI8. wate11fn8 '"that 1I'omao." dllC6lH4l. "In' aDd flul ~

... ..


Me eta Do.y va, Roy Day. dlvoroe, gross nel!leo~ , Josepblna C . Kendle ,vl .· Stephen A K e ndle. Dlvoroe grl\nted . Mliry E, 80rske VB, Frank Spuh ler e' 11.1. 1'lu~ltlon ot real est.le Clr dered. S'a.~ ot Oblo v~ . Charlel Kirtley Balter. Given Indetermlnan len. nnoe \0 tUate Penitentiary. . In the ' .m aUer of the anpl\oat\on 0 f ' h0 'r rnllteea of 'he Free""W111 8ap. "at ohurob at Ploaaan\ Plain, milO, to Bell real estate. !:Isle Is approved,·



vaJ..,\h' J"I'I'llIllll l tl1'tln thp li tl l,Jf'l't l,r I1('1' ,1" Io · r- I " · I,,\\'· ~ trell l'h, 'rl,'.' . 11(1)lIr l II "Look Ollt \JJerol" " e b•• " Ill .• SOD. you did, snd h a ve to lie sen t t.o II I;IIulto h,'I' IIII'll ,'10"111 1>,, [·. ICll dlil-; him to hi. u ;.U'n -O '" \ t 'lrlllln b I I t It· 9,' 1 '(lnl l ng vt th · \\'hI8U\·~. J't'ILCC',"l li',·III",I I<.,,". ' ''Look out o. tbut wlmlo"' ! Look n l ' ." U~Q Ie coulcln' t '11Iull \\'01'11. " " Ithe lito .lIod en erg, () o wn Ih<,re! LUQk )/0 11', I t's ge t r ig ht .Iow n 10 It. 1I11,hH. \I :,,"lu;.! r'1I11 so f,lr II~ thC' w ord ~I"I'~' \'"rln'l'" W,IH fi t Ih,,1 1\10lllPnt at \JJ.e hie things young lJI~n nre .Iul u' 1'\'0 liall a wbolQ lot o· to lk with 010' "pI'"e ..... ~l l.Jh~ s llfl'erl."(11l11·l·l"IIJ)tloo w""'I"~ I II)! \\'~I/,t l"t"r1l1l1 -'xdto'lIIr llt Doc Ou m y lI100ll t you , Qne tl ll it' attll lotPfl'SUIlf: Il R 1\ C 1111 '1fIr nl'C or CIlIl- )1 '·S. hll~~(ll' Sh"I'hlllll \l'IIS s trll'ln~ t o 10 thlll town!" D e swun g II l>out. ~orn. log 10 ' thl.l ma hogany Ih'sk In UH' mIt!. anoUlcr, IIl1tl 1 l' 'l'kO Il 1 mol 'r.bui tl tro st. 1I l:.:h voices sOll lld l'U In llie bait IIIl1 s t"r. n ut S II1.1'I hlll i n,) 1(11'11 thnt di e at thtl roow . " Lllok at II'ho l your your C!llSe jllst nOOUl us well 11K he lost Oll t ItI,· hid cioor ; IIlI rI It became I shp WIIS IIl10 wlllg 1J"''l't'1t 10 I'xblhlt .own brothers are I)olu'! Lor'k lit IlO . does, ollyw ny. . el 1I1 (' l\t Ihnt n Wnllllll1'R ,,\tul'r('1 WI1~ In I UIlYIIoIIIg' " Xl' '1'1 th (, golly"I;V ""hleh ~h,' i coo I . Yes, uud look III Jlcll ! I mo(l e "Now, wh)' dtd work muka YOIl slrok P['''~I',·,,~. th" PIII'tiI."S tnlL 1111 \'1111" hl' j.'lIn CO, II' " '('(1 PI'IJI'P I' 1O Ih 1IIII\I\I('r o r II Jlw prcHldent O. the Sbe rldon It II lty In s l(!lIu or urll ce y on up IIllll 0 1111<1' II It III I~\IIII! 'M r'I,"II. "",I ""lIlill1lill,.: Il \·".unl 1·/llll' l'. !,;hc \\' 11 . 110 mor ~(!If. lcom~ony 1118t o uw yea r's. IIml It.s 110 DlRn of. yoll tho WilY It ought £If t101Il'~ vI'h l' lHI'nUy liS 1111'.\' PilUle out IlI lO lhe ~(/I, s"lolI~ i hllll ~1I1' 11'11 . tlllely IU Il'II I· II1 InalllJ)lo to IIUY YOllng Inno-or ole I pinned £lIe Gu rn ey down to It. I I'"Y", h ull. !!,I'llt. Slhs l rol1owCll lIer 1 11UlsC's wIll! 'L-ook \t ore, nlll' t It rcnll,v bC"'IlI~e ho ' "\' ..., YOII IH' lt C'r go homo!" Rlbbs no r<'I1" <: llnu 01' qnc~t llln-i t wu s IIkl! " {mllll. ultbe~Ule wily be t oe k tlh, hI o f "A Mon'a Got to Do a Man'a Work." just 1}Iolu bill ed It '!' ,y('~.' lJ e ,,,,,.~. hrlll',) h Ill ,;lll lf' 1' " 0 ·Ifcmll ll ):. • hrllly. IIOUII(I '1I1 th' I""lIop " r tl'r u U IlI~f(!r 0 11 lit. Lust Ju ly WI! fonnd out we wooled Itwo wore big wor(l\i Il HI!B at lh l' IIUIDII .00K 0 0 lUI! un" ... U1 .. , ",,. ou o ~. , 'tbll t'8 It. It he'd elljuyed It, It wllll ltl~ " t ""\11\ Ilc III'1' go 11 0111' 1111 ,1 \;1'1'" .I'"l1r hOI' ,'till ·k. :Silo hll.1 II Qt \'l'\I lit e 1\1 · rworkS-WlIllted 'ew Qull'k. llnlrnCNI1! you 1 1)IlY money tor Ibllt k lml 0' 'Il' hurt h im.: And thlll's nuvut thl! 1111,,,1,, 11t111' mnre 011 y .l1l1· 1,11,,11111\111" lltllH'l 10 stO ll IIn ol ,'O Il BI(\ rill' cO'(' t. saId It cooldn't bo ((ooe; SlI ld lIju~ or wrl t lo'. lIJaybe YOIl tllink It's casy. w ny It 18." " I';,]i,'. 1, .II I'!" he! IIp,,rl l Il ls lIIt1t hl'r It ~hu \\'I~ho!ll 10 mtlkG 1\ c" I'lnln 1111· teu mootbs ut till! 8()Oncst: ('oultlo " SCll Just try III )'vo tried It. nod I nn·t "Yes." SII\cl Blbhs , " lImt' UIJou t tho r ClIIlIl l>IlI·lIl1 n". 11M 11I'lh·('llIl1k<'r. 111' ,,,·10 111 ~hl' !J"lIl'\" 'cl tllat be "lfI,le It . 1ft auy .oUler wny. Wh ll t '11 Jim do' do It. I t oll you nn /ld's got I bo writ. WRY It I• ." " )'''u ,,~, IlI'rel" 'l'ltltl WIIS 1'11Iy l, 1111,1 l'uC' 1'1·11,, \'('.1 Ih ll t ~h II'II S 11I'1I ~\·\',1. 'Took tile contl'lI ct hlln s It. t oonil II teu 80 It mnkes people do til ha rol st "\\rell, tllen , 1 redlO1\ U's up to. lIIll . h r 1' 011'(' 111,111 "",'101 nno! Ir ' lII' ")Iy 11111111 I' nslw,l me t l) A'II' thnt felloW' with II oew cement thi n): In this w orld to get 'em to d o: It'8 oot ulIl.\· Wilke you d o It, IJ\l t. to u ln\lS. "11"II·t II tnlt, III III Lh!lt s lip W:lS ('01l1111't con'" , j. ' Wll." !pI'OCt!SII; kept men Oil tllu Job nlgllt a lld eol to muke 'em ~Ive up their money! milk YOIl like It!" WilY! I Cllllle 11\,1'" to L1'1I )l llLht'r ~II 1'1· )l ll r~' ~nl(l, wh II til y ,,"e re SI' '("t l. day, Ilod stayed ou It ull,(bt lind duy YOIl rolll abollt poems essoya.' l:llbbs s W" ered. And 'lee turn d ,,~on d Oll "'bllt I'd heal'd. I1ntl III I t Iter t oll . lIIyl rn n Ill'! R"nl or Il cOfllll~ 1m· ~loitJelr-aud. by Georgel We b(tgln te 1 lell ~u wb~n it comes to Ibe IIctunl his rllthcr s look Umt WIIS IIhuoKt Fathe r ,lleri 10 \1 If alte Ih ouj:ht htl n lnll~e or ltl lll-:hll'r. "' hi II he IIl1d h e ll tl\em wO'AllloUllt'll u tlxt wcekl )I' our laklll 0 Imt.t1n wordll togetilcr 80 aa to ghostly. "I can't," lie lIulel, In a low oug ht to, und f '0101 It tor your O WU Ilroul:ht \1 11 t o "onljl,1 ' I' I\)e 0111 ' aDd II Itnlt, aud evon' Illoh UrO' run ko. Ulln({8 happeo, n. T. Dl01l8. rlgbt voice. "I CllU't." , gOOd.' , to <10 urlt!r 1\ r('lIln rk n(laJreaHn<\ lo liur Ontha (I ,1 tell. you Jlm'ij one 0 these hOlM to thJ", clty, knows more In a " € ao't gO buok te the ab op'/' "Yo , YOu (lld l" And ICI1l1 11'~ gililllj:l hy 11Il~' I) rS()1l w lUI wleoul slit! ",1\" riot 1 feUera that mllke miracles ltnppcol I mlllllW tbao Oeorge Waldo Em e rson "1'\0. on't like It. I 1'111) t." ln'l htt'r toot 11 I mill'. " )"(lS. y U IlId! Oil t lllllll llir I rlul!. rt WtlS ' Intondcd (tell 70U tbes e yonng hU8.lD e88 ttl II 1 tl" ~~.k:llew 10 bl8 wbole !Hel" h\lrltlnD jumped UI1, b ls put!'o Yo u dlllu ' t hu\" lillY othe l' l'I'Il _1J1l1 h )llIl'lIy 119 n cOlII'lllay tllltl pal'Uy liS the ,watch Just do my beart gboil! They ,' Oll- YOU mny be--" Bibbs said, g Ollo. 'J'o Il ls 011'0 , '11)11", he ha il 'r " . nol 1'011 d OI.l 't wllnl tn uI·I·" k It up be· t Otllltln tlon f r un Irn~rca 100 or s \\,oot· ~OD't setarouod on the bo ck ten ce--no iodlsUnctlf, tile last word I!Imothercd In sooed e~ bu ustl vely. ~ll\d explll lllOO twecll lIobl)y Lum lJul'll ullll IJ)' bl!- nca~, 81rl Ttic,v're puttlJI' their I\tc..~hloo,J In: a couSb . tlllly IIl1d bnol (llal1 ded m ore tluUl II t tl- , CIlU .I!· - " "JlI ~t Ihoupht I'el fl y In 11 minute," to It. 1 tell you. nnd thnt's why wc're "or course I'm rtght! Aod lilt olo't ther sbould. only to be en I lu rhe £11111 "Jo:dle,' EcJlel Now, ne w !" Rh Plli el. ·/,u tl n uln g UI' co In g to reo trettin' blgger e\'ory mlollto nnd wby Jus t IIko you te ~ant to tnke up with with tho UW' IIsoulng aua 111.1' tCI'loml " Oil. lIu , 11 li P. 1II11111 11111! I ·t! IIk,~ to lIev the Ills t doulJt or h ' r gonlullty. tht 7're getUu' bigger, and It.s all tile m ost kind o· wr1tJ n' slubIJorllO Q89 ",ulch !lnd b on mbbs ' know It he o\ll:bl ll ' t 10 cOIue herC'. w\ta l "r \\'ulli t'd to t II you how much ( ·en· illOlo' to keep en "elUn' bigger!" thel"\! Ie! .Poems and eS811Y8'I My bl1f1U ug churnclcrlijt!c frulU chtldlloocJ, IIbont Illl> Dot gol llK to I.J 'I· bo usc. jo.l' ' il 11' 'ling those Ill cc pCOI)le at tel\ He alapped the dllllt re80UD(1logty L~rd, Blbba, thllt·S women's work, "lIy George, YOll w ill!" he crl 1I. H ow- " U1:lt a rt 'I'nO)o:\. You see, co mlllg b erll "by, loek I\t EdIth! J expect thllt "you 'll go bl\cl! the re and you 'll IIk,e Itl "1' \' £1 eXllln llled thllt to M lher!'ih 1'1· a ll rlde, I" 'c had to ~epeml on my hilS' ,,,,Ith hIs opeu nalm and then b O' , , 0 servo p • h Id Gura tt ' dll " !':I" I' " that Dtbbl reml\loed In tile same ?em 0 era wou set R pretty hIgh· cy soya \1'O U' t hnrt you It yeu n. • "y a \·QI." IIHII"uhid ~h b"ullu." 8 ..,rII!lIuS a Imeat entirely. Mr. i paalYe att1tude with bla ey es sUlI "oter IIlIIrk tor you, young mnn, Dod lik e It, and he auys It'll kill )'OU 11 you w nR I t'R('cn,lIl1g ti ll' ~1" lr~. ")lart'i c(] Sherldn n hU B be en so. engrossed In bll~l· 1m laX8d u~o tbu ceiling 10 1\. contempla. It'8 the only oue sbe's cI'er mRnllged go bn ck. nnd bol e It; 80 It Ihoks H~ If It p eO)I) lf' nl'c Ilot th e 8Ullle. .'ollle Ihlllj,"" nrss cI'er si nce he WIIS a me re boy. [tIon IOmewbat plalntlve. Sbnrldnn wns te wrlto In Iter wbole lItel Aod Edith's was II bout up to y ou Ilot to h nle It. Hint s hould be shie ld ',I rl'oUl /I yOUII!; why. or cOllr8~" ' Impelled, to groan.. "011, Lord!" Ite ~ smllrt girl; abe's gat more encrl.'Y, in W CIl, Gurlley's tI (ool! tlll' wo)'I, gLrl- " - he pnusNI. with the air ot h'lvlng .ald. 'Thls ls tho way you tllwny~ llUr lillie Unger thau you ever give me dQcs n' t klll onybotly; ulIIl t il!.:! ),m' l Tlwl ~e 'mc(l t o l ill ve no vcry OOUI' eDn11'1Iltctl 1I11 cxplunaUon. were. . 1 don't believe y ()U uOde rstnod a c hnoco to 8ce In your whe le body, , goln' t~ kill you . wllelIJor .1'011 l.ell te It 01' 1nl; dfect 111)011 1': ,11 111 . .. '!-\hl ·!t lerl fl'on, " or cOllrsc." s,ild M!lry, sympIIUICt· . a darn wora I been inyln:! You don.t JlIllbA, I'w oot suy lu' n IVor(l nglllnat I llot. 1 \'c 11 \. r lUullc a wi tliku In II a YOllllg g irl'!"' ~he-~hrll lo.! tI. " Yoll I'll '. lclllly nce 'ptl ng It. look ... It ~ou d1i1. 8y Qeorge ! It's dIll. poetry. I wou ldn't toke tco tbousn nd tlOI'lolls mnlter In my life, nlillll Wlllill'l: p l'eUy ,,' 1111111: to be the shlelll ! 1'011 ·' Y()l!. I' ve hCNl seeing 'lulle II lot couragiogl'" dollnrs r lgbt nQ\\' ror Ihnt p o III ot I a lUls tnke my H'lIllIll' YOll tJlcrc III th look Ollt HOHCO ' d es n' t nollce wbat or tLt e Klttersbys S Ir IL'C that n((e"noon," ". don't uoderstllnd about gottJnl;- EdIUI's; und poetry's 1111 rl l,lbt enough tlrSl plncc. A.n!! I' m goln' to prm'c It kh ll l CIr n shi'lll )'OU lire!" !':II ~'I \V~nt 011. " They' re r ..ll lly delig ht · !':Ibyl's ou~w 'r wa s IUlIlIdlble. tHit fill 1'1" pIe. lndeeil they m'e! Yes--" ,about setting hlgger," anl,1 Dlbbs III Ita pilleo-hll t you Jenl'e It to.the -I'm golo' t o tiCI1i1 YOIl bllck Ul're ane! brlo n his .gBEe do wn to IQuk at hl~ gIrl s, A. ullln'8 !:tot to do 0 mnn's work vludlcllto lilY juOI{LDcn t . C UI'uey Sill'S Mrs. SlJ el'WIIIJ'S flu rried atl UlOls llt ·lte s tOl'lIt"l1 wllh un 'oOHclol1B lib· ll1 aPlacllUvely. "I dOll't see Just hi ~hle w Orld,'" father it's ?II 'm onlnl u tfl t ud ,' W'II , y()u're pncllkutloo WCI'C I'UII "W d. rllpl ne •• , he r 11,111111 plllinly wuodcrlll g wby-" nl" 8 nt cI 1lIlll Soir 10 a cllalr Ilt bIll gain t o leuru fu e rlg bt oue! Jl e MIIY!! " Ob. bllsh u p, IIUIIlItUO, noll let rue t o finot h r mntler; IIlId !\'fllry ) )1' 1" J ""Vlilt?" S'; 8011'8 61d and, len nlng over, t a pped 11n n co uple ot m OJ:o m()lIlhs UI I!! rou l t1lollN It YOll clllr t 'll PI1111l- ", <,,,I"cel thu t she UIIIl comB upoo II clef!· ",.\' , relit! W b uerldan lenol'll forwnr,1 ' II Ib1l8 l'onOdtlntlally 0'0 the knee. t"1 u ng tIlut's b cen tho mllltor wltll you'lI ' (, II ,Wtl'1I Bee. YO\1 Ju st come bnck n Itp prl·Il,.,1 pg 9 aod8 lI\1on tb' II08k iuld . be dl~1I 11penN!1I com ple t 'Iy lIull )'elU'lI In your own r oo m. aM wo'I1-" , ;:O~ltlIr ACroSB It IncredulouHly n t hla bo buck In a s goo(J or boller .comlilloll I'Xo! I ,woo't "tulk It o\'or!' top _ _.;_o_ n~_lll_u.~:.p_a_g_o_'_)_

Ie tchl with a 8uort, BIllIIIII'IWd IIgnl u ,!to thengwlodow.


In thl! e I til or Jnhn I:Ihr'fllf eS 11. • mllw rl, nrl' aooQunl, wIth lin " cilption noted , 18 approvl>el. ' My Aim-Your Trade In !.h e I'M'lIte of . " nov Hl1n"~, rl O()U " II. Flrll' I1 n'" til",) ' I <,, "tnl Ie j np p r llvefl.. ,\hm'C the 'lIndard III Ib", t'RtBt I;r l\fU1'f'!ltr I-< I IHllt W!l. III \: n klo, Jll lnor~ 'I'lt ll il lH' I' O \ln~ :o;lmVICI,:-l'hnt enn'l he '1~l\t i ll Ilpro v d . l' IU C 1::::; - Tn 111 C'n s (' nil, 10 h OAt,lI te of hi"h ·. Wllk e rllo.ln. , I (J , ,,..111 . I"WII I 1I0(Jllllll t np llro .. "tl. to. the, bt llt 01 ;T,lm 1. '\HIli W \TERHOU .. E, de , nsed ' I'blr 1 fI('ooulJll~ " 111'1'0 1' . Corwi ll, Ohio. 10 I·h l! maltor of t it sl.lIt" o f 'n . Phone ~4 ·-2' > ltdt& B. E II Rtnul lI' d ElI (l111<llrl Ar t hll l' W . Ellstllllln 18 ~PV In ltlll Bx p o,li nr no ho u d In r eq o r e d Gl,o rg!l Ml Gill ,J rry (j rl'ely !l od Lools Poll IIrl' n.fI voiot,ed U\1}lrui8or A ' 10 tbe m ~Her ~t tbe e~tllte · t J.Ol ~!\ Y. l:il1nk ln800. II ~ S Ij.( 11 0r. I!: ' nllpt-lon8 t. Ih o r eport· of B,ol fl AlII F uneral l.)irector, o v e rrllh\(1. Arn ood en r ll j1'II· t Hil " " t uul Court of APi> ,li s llllK L'~dl' rt\(1 Ohio lI,a lo t\et. lIHld e uu .l D W Rilla I ~ o rd l"I'(I . Wayncsv llle ~XO A I)tl o n " to this rollng Il l' IlIed. 10 thelUuM,' r of t h fl will o f Jnli ll -10: 1'1' 111; 11 ..,Browe r. C1ecouHfld. Will Aclm l tt.l'!1 t o prob'l te o A tlln Equ iplIIl' nl Il or~ ~ Ura\l'n t.:l(lJ il'llI c nl I n the mlltt,fl r of the "~f.f\In o r ,Julin. BrllWlJ r. tleoellAfHi , 1111111(1 W . S wnrt:t. I ann W . A. n.,. lt l'r lit''' lI.p· p ol otucl exoo utor>!. B o url *r,~(J0. 1'''1.1-:1 ' II U:O: I,: • U. ~ M Ol1 tltR . .T. C, C llItlUh\! rl h.l ,u1\ 1 W. A , Hei to r lire Ilvpoi Dt ed AXI'OO .


REFERENCE . Firat NatiOnal Bank Pearl Street Market Bank • Any_Reliable ~ercbaot In Chacinnatl. '


Cincinnati, 'O hio .

= .


Agt. Way~e.ville, o. ..........................•.... "................. .. .. , J~ :F. S~ook, ,

----, . 1

Everybody uaes Lewis! Bread and Cakes"the best and most delicious made. Try th~m and you will never , want to eat any other kind.






Slale (Jf Ohio, Citl' 01 "111 d.,.

:;~~~~ ~~'c",!:.;t::nlllk

1t'lIi.. , pa""~r"llhe

IlL. (IIAt-:I>,


ami MKlIIII{er



-- - - - - - - - - -..-;o;;;;...,-----~....

Kim...or..1l1h I:. J. C,,~" c )' Ihnl he-iK'

~:j~~l'i:":::;~I;I'~;~~":;~ :t~:r":'I~~r~~' ~1«:,rjl;ln~ ~ ~\"" )




Do You Inte nd to uild a Hom e this Season? If you do, Rem emb er, we


Lon Branno n, K . E, Thomps on aDd ... Y. Terry were In Waynea ville, MOllda, .. I!I~ II (" n :\I . ~·,S. SA"I" ,\ n IW CUI(E. I· 1,,\ I . l II u\ l, \ . Walter Wbitle y Bnl' tlunlly Illon't. ~"fI~'11 to Ilcf.,,- m l' nn.' suhe:. rihC"'11 -hi Snnday with O. E . Bell80n allel fam. Ill )' j11t:tWI1~' .~, thl ~ HI h ilny Ilf t).·tl· I11 I~ ~ r , A. II I:I~I I ily the Exohan go Fllrm . 11 1\'. OI.E,\SII N. . (!;rul) . oj"ry Puhlio . A . 8. Allon Bnd Wife took dlnn or lI ull 's 'utunh ' u re i .. t,IIL "n i llh.'I IIII U lit the Obiles Botel in Corwin , !:lun. n od u ~ l s tln t.:II I ~ 1t ll le! Bloud 11 11 Ih l' Mu\. T""",- p opl",- ' \.tho go rlay . COliS f\ ulraccs tl' Ihe flysh.." nl. f:I ~ 1U1 fur ly 01"\ J Mrs. GTtIDt uilnghe rty ollllel1 G D leslill" ,,,i,, I,. rree . . . ~lrH 101flrv l'mhllll l ontorLu in eli Mnrry 'l 'hornp,l()n, Sundey ,F. J. ' 111·:, H\,.'~ Irl:. 'rllled", I). Vh~t eve.r woe.s, M r's , I';d IT 11.0 D.v k~, of Ce,la rvlllp, Mrs ut Illunor Hund" y M,· . RllIl Mrs . I1fte tn ooo . ~'I", by ;111 ',I".' ~ ~~"', 7:.c. . , lif) wOInl(.;lnlIJHnl Iln,1 1l1J11i1rfl ll. M r . "rrivl) I ~' r lrJI\Y (l V ' Iillg til Plldnd n The.y rt"\~ke rY\e f era! Hall . I·,trluly 1<11. rv' enllsll!,a j", ... IHI II Mr H- ,\ . l". '1111"Lt Glenn Davis IR In Clovaill nil, this "lI t1 H' lI1. ~lr. row 1111 .\'8 wit h IV , ('.- Wllr nor Rod so provd for tJ-..elY'\ weok, r eprllsen t,1nlf thu :1: , of P. IInll Mr" 'N'll. Mil 'u rrOll, Mr~ , .!t" . f" 11I iI.v. to th~r'lk l'yl e' 1I1IIl .Mf ~ . l.J\nf/\ /:11\1'11111 und ";'lltl1nl· '"'"llv. nn ,l f/lmll y took lodgo, of ~Brv oys burg . F. I:l. Bart~oc k lind wife, EOlOlB SlinrlJty Iii II II II r w llh NolHo n Me.. dn tlgh I'frtt lll1ll. thel'Y\ 'to!I. ( I{ I'll ,'or Wolfo, MlItti o DllViR, Adah TBlmllg e I\."I'CI\I'I~ Mr~. Lul,if! Y"nder vnnrl ~ I r~ r . J !);.. II 1\1rR. Hllr"h W hit" k .r la v i itlo/( I\nll Lena Clark aUendo d tho E"8t how "no ""rH. Mllry !StOll t H(,II I W,' I'I) Wc als bave Paint to orn S tnr lodgo ut H ll r voysbu ri on l'Iu lulllY Ull'I S t.S o f Mrs. Alln n 'l'h or pl1. her Ro n, As" WhH'lk e r . put on your buildi ng Friday evening , of n lllH \>V" lJ olv llla. ('" r l I:l ooth n nd O I!O I'gn !\I cK evor MrH l:I"nn"h Rloh III v isitin g hor yOLl intend t o build. Mrs. Ro ea Fl ros, of nonr Wayne s. 'l'h '1 I1:lIfltr.rU t:ltnr Lodge gil vo II bill W"r ill XQllin a ll liu~lnc H~,T hnr 8d "y. dallt(htc T. Mr~ LORLor Hur ' lloo nOllr Ville, ellt ',I Itri IIlflUlhors ~'rll]ItY nl~hL. \1 rp_ i'lorry tihtlw notnrtn ino I OUViil, IIponl I:!atllrdn y wlt,h Mrs. WuruOI\vl)lo n Olu WoII rul/.n. M rli Wllhllr ' orwln,o E\'ory f non.r nn of Morrow ollr oi tltenfl ,ll l l of Mr. 11011 Mrs If. A. llndaoo il; vis· th Mrs. Klltte .Iordan hn~ r eturned e ir . olutl V A M nnd fr ie nds we rn In Hlil.un!r \y. ited Mr. and Mrs . U . 0 l:lnr\'ny neor to her llOmo nftor spoonin g .Ro bert BO lliol:OT 11011 tn ml ly sl10nt Wn ynosv lll,1 t:!ltturrln y IUtd l:lundllY Dllyton !:!lIt,nnltlY, rile SaIl M.Flo !'o wUh r(llnt! vos and friends in IIhow W H9 th oro nnel we 11111 not ko ow 8nnrlny nfl , rn nlln Wlt-h \Y . O. W llr. nnYI Mlddlot ow . Mr. Wm l: )lIlo~ anti dau~ht"r It WII~ tn hfl I,h <l ra . Did y no ner lIud fllllllly . go !' Judith lUI! bt1lulC lll\t6rt~llJ e d by Mr. N.l. onrt'llnl y not, bnt M. M. 'rerry Rnd K. E . Thompe OIl lh e Rh ow I:>nv(1 rnJ fr nm hure' II tl ollll"d th n we re lu Rome paollie o heat, tho d ovll "y nnd Mrs A . Collier. Lebnn on one dnv Illst week. ground s werro nwful murtdy . ()b lld re n's Du y rx:nr ni~ , ' " n.t Ih o h lH'lul{ t[lIl\r uvrl i JS o"'Olnto d. Mrs ,John J o rdJlo 8.nl1 d~u g hler8 ()~fllo lind Ed Rick~, nf nOllr WilY, 'l'll e tUnny frien ds 01 Mr. 8nmufl l Uroj;on ill lJ. JJ. Chul'oh 8 1ln4uy ~pellL Suoday tlftorno on with W. '1'. St."rr IlcAvillll, onllod on K . E . 'l'h olDp80n , reltret t.hl\t h o is so d .. nflor o 1\~­ rnoru lIl'g. ./ordon' p. Thursd ny ",fte rn oo n. Iy III. Mr. t:ltnrr I\nd f .. mlly Ii ved Mrs Nnl It's lin Ulo oh BRAI'lr to I·blnll: I)f Mr, and Mra Lowl8 Waite f rom In ,bls violnitv for Dllm y y lirA I,nel Ro n, Hal ~o n ' !nl{cr\, rr Rnd 1iU-10 lI.I.. M. Terry And wlfo wero shopelgll . ~p nt Wflrln eRdlly llnd m oo n thlug ~ to allY tUfln of ptOll811l't nellr WI·lmln gton Npeut ping in Wuyocs vlllo, Saturda y Haull"y halt llll\Dy frl omht . 'l'hnrsrt ny wif.h Mr~. Ull r) ROtllh. 00"" . aftorno on. wIth Mr. und Mra. John Wolfe. Fronk Rhl rlokor wn" In L ~ h l.l. n olt Mi ss 11 l'flovlnv n Wil~ n n r e turnfld - --Mrs Alvin Fir ~8 alloh' ~hlt,nrc1ay S~tl1rd"y trl1nsuo tlng b llR ln lJ~R . J. Leo T .. llIlnge an rl U. ~'. Thomp10 h lJr h,11110 in L,'hn non·. l:' un (luy, P .. n!>1A do not townr AO 1IIgh "bc. ve "fl,arno on with Mr Geo Ro n I\ttende d ~he s )olal at t:illver Davis Mi ~s Lonl soN . WIi Ao n vl ltc<1 aft or Rl1endlng fl woe k with M I88 Urove, Y O li who" YO '1 get th e w 00 un eq ual In s' 'l'hnrsdl lY evenlnR . MrB.Oe o. Elogllllv iaitod ber.t~llgh relnUvoM ·.,nrl frhllld tl tn H.. hll\!l Dnd lUll Bnmllto o . 1111 81s. ter, IIItH. Ww . Dann'l' hursdoy . W"shio gton C. S. seve rHI Llnye thlH A. S . Allen, wife and daugh'o rl Come in and ApR, Whllllll llr nOlt fllmll-v I,ook make an estim ate on the buildi ng MIHslCC bel M~nnun nod oleoe, MIPa woek . Hu nda v dinnl'r wltb Mr. an'o\ Mrs. MIl'. Blowe, t rnnftliot e4 bu! lneS8 In It'lI all rillb t to hnpe for som "- li.uth Mannon apent Leb~D on, FrldllY. Whnt h lill heo 'lU e of om lig ht Ihllt Ii}VtlfJS But field, of Lool .. n. SundllY wltb thlnl( Iha' ycu oouldn 't get Dven by Miss Ylola .Iordan . h.8 been talked abou t for 80 long Clarel:lCe AllolI lind Mrs. lIa bel M, . nnel MrR. Harvey Burneu h1l8tlln g lor II. Rural WeHare LelllfuD waa h ..ld WI)uld It not b~ "dvistlh l{l 10 h ·,V A nttllnde d t h o m eet,inll of tbo rtlrmot s UhtJes Vaughn , of Corwin , wele Give us a call, get our prices , :lnd we nre positiv e w onr InfiuenLi~1 pollti cl .nR of t,h ls vi UlolJ lit Ihe married In Daycon , Wednos day, ~"torday eVllnlng I\ncl q olto an In h om a of SB m Meredit b, June will get your order for lumber, et c, ololty to In~tr uot U8 how t o g et lltnr sd"y. 7tb. rbe gredlls t trou ble wll h ruo',hAr- 'orestln g progrlim wIla glven _ I.h m. Chall. Bl1germ eyer and Ron ,, 8<or. Bert Boglln dnd Mnsl·or H eorge Art b ur WlIIlnw e, In-lawM 1ft tb,,\ Ihoy d o nut Irtl\ tbe TlIe cburcbl' B here obRerv d ·hll. vlsltlnj.: Mr. nn d Mrf'. o f BedallB, III mnde a husines s trip to Wllyne sville Baonoll vla"..,1 Mr. ~ud Mrs (.;l uo, right kind of 80n In.lltws . Cll r) Beath. 81ltllrda y prf' afterno Il H D"y with muoh An j nyerl pro_ on Boglln l:Iuodll)'. - Mr: .. nd Mrs . To rn Courtn ey 'W llbur 8eare, of Waynes vll)e, was Mr, G. C. Dnll II In ciovelBnd I(rBDllI, whICh did jut!tlce to Ih o~e .w'nt t:'o"rlay ev e ni ng wi t h UrI!: thl\t ~Ive ~b o ir tlntO nnd h elp to here one d~y Ills t WA B" nnd bougbt 1\ Klr! ~hould nnt get mllrrlod 'hle wo"k attendin g UIO Grllnd Lodgo Chur leH Kiblor . mnke It a 9ucoess . 1\ horse of F . P . Huffwa n . until .. fter Hhe 18 O~!rtllin wbetbe r <If t he K of P'a . Mr. und Mrs ,,fH tneR ShRn B, Mr, Mrs. Idn. H o wn find II.{ln E:Io<rry, abA witol .. " Ullin for uurllber one or The JUDlor I?tlsqillllll were enter. 11011 MrR. C.dvln I::ih .. oe ftlld sou , 1l1;,nb" r two "'Intld at tbe hume of Miss Viola wor o Lobuno n vl ~itortl Frldtly. Ke nn el·h, on,l Miss B IIRIII (l W,uner !:tllrlno n Ullklr:land Ge.)rRn~ch erok m Olored tl "'1\ fro Jordan ~turdlty tlfterno on. m Xonl~. Sllnday . of I,eulmon , WOTe in our oil y !o;un. hnd ~ p un t I,b e da y with W . U. 'thllre will be proRohl og a' B,160h ALO~G1 If WA eould ftll hnvl'I lhA thl ngll WI ,lil Y warnin g. Wlirnor 111)(1 ramily. Of cour8. It IIhould! For B!ter a ",l8h t"r LltAre would 8 1111 be abonl 01'(1110 obn rob RntHIIIY l,y Rev. Hell Dr. E .. rl Frost. our vetpriot lr y .mr· T be Orogo oia Ladles' Aid held s trenuou '\ dtlY 'when yonI' mllsolcs the IIIIme Hmoullt of Ineqna) l\y lb., Miiiii GIlI·truelo and Maater Donald anon. Is m eotlng with good success th olr Bnnualo .lI.dny meeting "olfe nre vl~ltlnlC tholr grlldplI ren'", Ihere fa now . n' the have been exeroi80 d to the 11m" an tn hh profes8 ion . All' . Frost Will homo of Mrs. Asnl Mr, and Mrs John Wolfe. all\lUC!1 "ucoo'3d, Ue IN a yOU1I(( m a n of j:{oml nesdny. An Ilxo(; Whitak nr, Wed- take thet1on of !:ilonn '8 Llmme nt will II £nt dinner was ,".I eorene~B and etlffne811 away Mr. Ilnd . Mrs. Clareo) 8 Mlohflel haNt~. nnd ho Ila - tb o bos t wl.ihoR fnrllisb eu by the hlUes. A m .. n wlllllpn nd II n bour "rguln r ante rtalnod oomll"n y 8nnilay "nel gel yoa In fine .hllp6 for tbe . fr om "n w)n know bim. "From ""'''''''' aome In"K"" ,eQlltlolll '1,u8f1tirm wltb Mr. lind Mra. SArvey Boroet t morrow . You ~hould aha Ulle It Tho tol1owln l{ oandlda te" anM rll. r.r"rtlt" 1.I'lnob ond son . Robort, Rpout, ' ullclay with Franoill a fTlADd- lInd , .brow Il fl~ wbfln biF for a 80dden attaok of toothao he' R oanagle nounoe tholr oandld"o~ before 'be O. HnrnWl, vlsltod reltiti voR IU L~ b­ nnd fa mily, of Bprl'Dlli wit" lildlll hI/II '0 "xillaln tbe oarloOD boro Miss stlf[ nMIr, baotaok e" IIt'1niJS, bUell aDOD B'rlday !lnd Saturda y. tn ~be dally . be held Kllt-hori ne ro tu~oed h omo after a alld tbe many 1I00lden t, .hd are 10. Republl ann Primar y Qulnoy King deliver ed a ollrlOl1d 1.1<lllsltnt vis" with her gram'lp ar. oldenta l to" vaoatlon . "We wonld Anglin 8, 11116 . • , to Fic'tion McCall'lI is Suprem e," No one OilO ultbllr feel Rood nor of Po a!! 800n le,a ve ollr baggag e l1a go on writes a New York subscri ber. A nnT"ln!! holllA hllM bAen fonnd look 1I00Ll willie 8ufferln g from oon· fled ollhnllt~ ij coal to man y s(,tls· ontf'. O1l8to~ r@. McCAW -'S hflrs Miss Con~ueJ111. BI>lIlnger came a vllolltlo n or oamp au' wlthouL thll t WII~ n~lIrl ~ .on (1 Y". rll b"forp s'lplltltl n . (;lll' rid of thK' tired, over 1,200,0 00 MrlJ. F..arl H ookott lind eltlUgllt r. bome fr om Clnoh,n otl. Wednes day, I:Iloan'. Linime nt ." WrUes one VB· CI :rk of Courts (;h'lll~, B .. rAlolore wabad Dre8UlJleO dr.AICY, IIlele". feeling by a 'rellt· Uene. of DOAr Wtlyn antlonle t : "We Ule It for every. w omen dress in o~ vlll ll, werll tlfter ppendin g I!o~'era l week. wltb tbat th" ohllrlre n of Lb~' early day mena ~f Dr: King's New Lifo PIli!! DAN P. BONE thing from oramp~ to toothache ." Slyi. II I small exbuadfnl' lit bomll Bay a box, talle one or two 'uodllY "uosts of thElir pare ntl!,ll'1r. he r nunt. pense. Put a \:tottle 111 your bag, be pro. A r.cog· JOE LEWIS IlIlh. &0 nl,lb' , 10 lbo morning ' t,ltat "nd Mra. F.:l Rellson, of EIIs t Millo nl 2cd FilS hi o n pared and have no regret8. I!treet. AUlhorlty for 'IS ~Iulfod, dull feeling II gono IIDd you Beo"ntl oua whlln ynnr wIfe bAalne fetll • beUer '" Mr. I\nd Mrs . I... wlll Welf, of near yurs . once. B50 Ilt yonr • For Commi ssioner brllJlll(lo.c to 'hD nlllgtl bors ab,Jot dru!!trl~t. Wilmio gton, paR Hod thronl,;h httro McCAL L PAT· "h.' lI'rong armll lind wo"der fnll MnnrlllV enron te to ViRlt t,holr pllr. TERNS lead In ED B. ROLiER S "I will ohearfu lly Sll]" that ChamLovo Filet From Demond. ,.aylnte p'lwer8 you haY". She ml, style, lit, Rlmpllc. onle, Mr. Ilnd Mrs, John Wolf, of berl1l1n' s Tilbiote nre tb o most 811t1SSO far from thero bolng onythlnl l hAve II OIlrpd for y ou to demon .tr,," We/lmll n . ity. econ omy and 1.k==:orsa~'I f~ot o ry remedy for stmnao h trollble 8 'dlvlne In num~e r sold .. the low and proprlol.tlry "Do {·n. For Recorder Sevelol from lIerll IIt.Mnd od tb, ' lind oonfltip ,,'i.m I,hllt I have Bold Mc.CALL '!-84 to U8 (HIlteS m onthly-I. the In you love m~?" It 16 only whon )'OU I',OW lit Wilm in glou Thur ~dl\ y "I d thirty.f our years F a.hlo n Guide a.n d Ho ua, ktettln; Helper of ALLEN BUFFM AN ' drug e&I)re lIer- leave Rnd 1080 mo, by more women than Ilny other mlllR . lnt In the yourself r"llo r t RIlt.\Rtlloti01l, vi ce," wa\t.oll 8 . H :Murphy , drug_ on a sentlmo nt thl\t cll8t1ng WD rld. All the la tea t 'lyle:. ever y month; R. B. SMITH ,,110 del hth t ful s t oriu; " peelu l 1I~f' [u'm entft gist, Wellshu rQ, N . Y . ObtRln<lble bOUI of U8. that I draw10 higher than Door, nnd In c.oo klnll. h ome drelUl n1 ll kinr, rnnc y WOT'k. find Mra. Ellom ltBrnhn rt i,; vlRllin/( evory whe ro. nnd way s t o 1i R;hlen h o us ewor k nnd Bnve myself at your shle; and [am rOLlflllod, mDney. flrlc c: o nly 50 Q c opy , SOc lit. ye rn, - -- - -If YOU IIx your oyo upon mo, o.nd do-~e,ry~;:lhle~, Mrl!. (AlTaI lit&ven8 111_ .Treasu rer ~~~M~~R !.~'iJ"P.~~~:r.\'.~Y"L:_..... nd ml\nd lovo.-Em orson. STAMPS fOR 13 2-.... wo McC.1I Pattom Book Rober' Elnloy wllJ 1&l\ve bnndllY WALD RON C . UILMO UR Don't, ~u!TI ' r w lt,h ,I h"okl ll !'t ol )\l ~ h /("IIl, .. t l llIlY III Ih, '.lr. tl."", I,, ... I,,/: ".,nk.,' Ulf'T"t "I.:I"'~ for y.,lIow t\prlnJ(K to take" Ilx th.t h"A w o"k'II I\~1l y our . bl,,,,,,, .11,1 . 100 I'rh .. ( If'''-'II' kit . ,.11,., .. u ~ .. "It ~U ... I . systom -!(Pt 11'. B. SHERW OOD W8ak8 oour8B at Antlooh oollege . " d"r~" IJ.-pt. N " bottl o of Vr.J<lnl {'lI New 1Ji ~o ll v tilE McCALL CO.,238 W. J71h 51 .. Ntwy• • kCil"N.Y. Mr and Mrs Pllul Movro wn .. !'Irv, In Urie o ver JO year .. :2~~ CL~':~~~AS Botanlcal .Phenom enon. oalled horelro m l:Ianoy aburg 'on AI'. liMp!! all who n.~e It: , .. nr\ ba ne. Ihe soothin g A remurk" ble botnnlcn l Ilhcnom enon F rllnk Hl\w!le Is very poorly at o.,un' of Ih6 lIerlou~ IIIn 08~ of llo~ pine hnl~nm wl~h tlLr , ,I ~ I I. h elll t ne I~ Is th o fn et that whllo th o ~tn to of Wla· moChor, Mr. Jobn Underw ood. rl ~llt~(l nir p I!!Sllges -s) tho ~ tho th o f.iru e of tl.ti~ wl'ltiulf . con s\tl hos 11co n plontlhilly Sllllpll od • rllW ~pot~, I 1)S"II01 'b e fill COilS and Mrs. Al bert Drnl'to Bnd ~on, WIllie, DIlWIlY (.Ja8ey II! workin g In Dn~. prevllnt s rll okit'l1; tho hod v witl> vl!dtecl with Ode Mllrl,,\- ' and fam- wlllL hom lock, Mltlll oBoln, for \TInn)' ton Itt a bulle' fBotory . mllos 8oll:trntc d from IlK Ilclghhn r h y coughlo /t \Jr. King's Nnw blRon v. Ily , of Mt.. Bolly, undny . no(hlng but tho St . Croi x r lvor , bus New~on Soward ,of Urb8nll attend- OTY IDllnof'" lIullIrIIl Illoep lind "ids M rN . Al ollio Coll i 08 ~Dl\ MI88 Cle'a almost none of thnl Umbor, OXCIl (. t one lid 'hD lunerlll of bill elater Mrl! . 1110 alllnrs to l'uru you Beaa Rre gUIls ts of MIss Allee Ubono- tiny s pot of 240 :,cl·es . Crowl a& thlB place IRa' ':IlIturdllY, we lh . Mr, find Mra. Cbas Brolsfo rd wont, Mi Ss FlorAnco Ltloy I'etur ued hOII.e lo Frnokll o Thursil ay to a"oIJd Are buyin g all kinds of 'lIlnrdo y aHer tpODdln g 110 fortnig ht THE O.NLY 'he oolllme lloemon t exerol8e 8 Tholr LIVE STOCK and paywHb her IIII't8r, Mrtl. Frnnk Cook Iltece I) lsll Mobel Rohert\! being on e His Future. ,uul fllmlly, of .Route ~. ing highes t, marke t price, of the Mr,aduu tell "When t wnR your ago i workc,1 Mr. Ilnn Mrs. Clifford Prugb, of fourtoen hours 0 dnl'," Mr., tlle .. ly Kttmp I\mt child r eo enid th o wor. We are paying the highKEEP S FL SH IN TONE Beu vllrtowu , spen' 1IlSt Thnrsrt ll)' ried fnUt er. " Well, whnt o[ It 1" 1'01.110<1 vlllileci .elallv& IIlu Dayton t!unday . FROM SKI TO BONE . Mi ss est Edylh cash price for nlltht Lnlrd wall and t be \I Irents, of Itltle r's fo lller, N". tbo . young IUIIIl who Bquanoo rs. Mr •. Barr,. Arm~'ronK alld d,,:'flb- Comd. Deals Everyth lllg llealabl e. Bums, u, Ulllo, bave be on visiting Ihan Aus tin. . "Notil ing mu ch. Only when you get ter JO~lIphlne, of Xeola, are visiting Dolls, Bores. Ulc ra, Plies Eezoma, rela&lve ll herll Mr. nnd Mr~. Erne s t Bllrtsoo k nnd to b o DIy 'ago Utat Is. probably what ber mati Br, Un J, A 'C-urDbnll. ~-Jj~~~~~~~~~;".;-~rul seB. 'JdIS8 Ern '018 SATISF IES, OR MONEV eACK. 80n 18 spendin g dll,ughte r motor ed t o Vayton !:ll\tor- you wlJl have to ()o." --..,. 'bla waek-w lth frleoda in' Wllmln l( . dtl'y lIud utloode d t he circus. 260 AT ALL DRUC CISTS . tall. Mis!' Myra Ponce hllB been "llIlting To be delivered at Corwin LUI.ber Baines, of Wilmin gton her unolo Rnd fRmlly near DoddR, Frt\ok Dltkln Imd fllnllly enter. h IHn', neoealll l'), to have" etutflld 001)01(1) spent ~undllY at bomo ' Good Bluff. Hor-co COIDIl'o ns hl\d a8 tbelr t.ulned lit Bundl1.Y dlnller, Mr. 8nd .h8lld, rnnnlnt r nnl". To OOUKh your Not overy mnn elln own nn RIII,o. but belld (.If I&S It were. A II yl t1 nllt!C'l guPS'" ~unrl8y Mr Rnd Mrs . •I,unes Mrs. tll1 rt M"r)l\tt l.lUd ~on, Edmond , every mnll ran go nhollt 110)1lorlnl: th o do Is '10 ulle Dr. HoU'. Plne.'ra r. HOll- Cooper, of Columb us. Oblo. uf Mt. H<llJy, Il'ud Mr . and Mra. 8'. prlco fit gnsolln e anrl 1r.llIn g 0'Vt,("r8 Office Phone No. 46 ey, ~hlt loolhln g and healing Quito" 'nombe r 'from bere atton,l . M. Cook [Ind dllughto r, of R onte -I. dmw theLr OWl! conc ht Y lon a.- )111~au· b deaml open UIO ololJged all' ))III. ed tbe rllilroa.1 lUI a ll ng" t hAFrl e nd ~ Bu s ke t Moetleg WlIS held ot Middle kee JOllrnal. Res. Phone No. 48-2 .atr88 . and to a abort tI 'ne YOD ael obnrcb New Burlill~ton willob Rlln oh uroh t:iundllY and WI4I1 largely relief and .l." on 'he rOlld '0 rll was 10 chllrllo of flu) . Xe'lla men "UeaJe d. oover1 . Your noae alopa runulD" U waa a very lnsplrln g and helpfol Wall Uurtl!l 'a nd fllmlly and Mr. yon COUtrll lell' and you Irnow y ou rueetlog . Better Ind Icatlon. Ilnd Mn. B ,b Hendllr son alld son .. re KeUIJlg better, O .. t a hoUl11 A mntl 10 know n by Ihe complln y he Zimll Halnee 8 lid f8m\ly took din • wora ~und8y gue l~ta of Mr. and .ole IS dlrooao d. Keep what II Ie" ner wltb Warner keeps. althoug h th e beBt Intlkntlo n Morris t)ondny . Mrs. J . A. Allen Bn ,leon. Auto Liver y 8eryr ce at lUI a oouah and cold Inilurao oo. of characte r la th o comllllny It o ·Mr. and Mra, ~fllelgh BOglill 8ft) Mn Ch,U'I. Braddoo k. apent Mon_ Reas ol'ab le Rate s ' - -avold8. 'e nj oying a visit from tholr cousin, day In Day'on . O ' Neall Wurwlc lr,' of Lebano n, 'h.ill . Hersohe l Itn.elle, 01 FOR SALE nellr Lytle, AtlO A~e..t for Kell,·Sprlnlffietd weelr. , @llellt t;nnday with hl8 frle.nd . . t:llrl Mr, Mamnel fltllrT Is very low ~L Dllkln .Aut"mo b\le Tir~. . Dally Thought. this writing with no bo~e of bl8 roo The 8.lm of ClIII atlon should be to oovery. · OOD- A loa of Cord Wood, '11'11\ . teaell U8 rllth er how 10 think (han burn !toad . Inquire ilr Perry Aunt Esther Compt.on'l! hnd III what to thlnk.- n cattio. ' Misa ~boemaker. of Xenia, wei 'heir gUIl8t,~ Hunrtay , JOllD PAnoe, WaynM vllle. Ohio. j 028 Hill and ",e lJoaday !lues' of Mise Paulioe fRmlly, Joho C,JllIp\o n and Mr. Valley Phone9O-:-~ Y, and "(hnve be n uelng Chamb erlain '8 Yar"", Mrs. Elmer Oompto n . . Til bletl fOI' indlges 'tioD for the Vilat .CJ!;DAR POt..IS B-Wby lIuy a Mn • .A, II DllI la vlelUng ID. Mr. "nd Mrll. Taylor, or n ear tlX monlb8 , and U IIlfurde me plea~. 10 oent bo,tle of thlll poU .. h Lytle. Optlmll tlc Thou,ght . Eleazar visited Mr. and Mrs . Alfred ure to 8ay I b .. ve n e ver ullild a reID· Buy it In ' oanB (on .. fourth gnllon) If wo desire to lin. Tbomn la YllIUlng Joe My"r Miller ~Ilnday. avoid tnBult we must edy that did me 80 muoh good." f"r only '7110. Inquire at Unzette Two and a halfmillion readers find It of d Bell~rook. Mis .. Ella Milud Davi. Bltende d -Mrs. o . E. R\lIIY, lilian, N : y, bo II,b10 to rlUlel it. absorqing interest.. Everythlng 'ln It is ot1ice. j21 Lou Barlsoo k .~, Sunday wlill 'he Y. P . B. meeting at 'be bOUle Clla mbeill\l n '8 1'lIohleta ' are obtlllnW,llten So You can U..".,.....",. , . Herber t MllrillU: of ,T!lnnie lible ovorJwh 010lg Friday eve ning. l>re . . . w. eell 400.000 copies _every monlb wilbout alCSH Jerllo,. OOW,h4 'avy milker l l =emiUnl8 Rnd have DO solicitoR. Bllrn.~d IlpeO' Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Benry Crew Visited Any n .r.rwlll show you a copy: or ·.rII~!he Inquire of a 0 MlIXwell \ R.D, home. a' Alt. Dolly lust Sunday . IlUbliabu for free Amplo":' a """laI ,.w do. I, Wayne nille, Oblo. .1 want to buY' your . j!l Elllllard tlnUah and Edward Green, R. E J oneR and f~mlly took din'l.lJO A YEAR lSe A COPY Wool and will 'p ay Value of RIpe Ollvel. at Kenla, 0&111111 OD Amoll.J aokloll , ner with W .. rron Morns BundRY· Pound fOT pound, !rIpe OIlVOR, 80 far Banday . WEET P01'AT O PLANT S for ~ Fra~k WhaMD, _141118 In 8<1ulh Bend, ns total value of hoot IInlt II! concernod, Ind., you the highe st .l Ille. Ioqolre of D B . Booket t, Ittll rlore~OII Cham bill". of Xenia; J alllCII Wharl.oD , ....ldro.ID South DOlld. conl.tlln almuat lod aB. ., Lelilia Wbal'lou U&cIe. roatdlnll much ' k foO!J t Pri'-e value as je14 In South R, D.lI WaYDe avUle, Ohll. lpoIn' a · IlIw d .I ,.a wltb her Il.&8r, M Beou. Ind ...... d Netblo Wbarl.ol\ 8cb\IJII. rebrenll. Ililil In tho OI\BO at voJ'y large aldlull Mri. <-'llall_ .Clordo a' III Soutb Bead . lDd., ir.nd WIIU'IIII ollvell th o vnluo Butlth. mny _lIlIn. be InerelUlC aIObllDut d to .e. KlWIU, will lalco Pt"ople are lonrnlo " thnt a little h lAD Mnrta,. aDd Lou · lIol'l(an nutlL'" tbU un tbe aUt day 0111"" OOD GlDera l ' Purpoll e Borall 18111. John '\"'8 foretho ugbt orten nVfOlI them a bi" approxlm atoly tho lIame as that of o Cart,"". "'''' lpen' Bnn• . , ."h Dan Morsan . admlnlll nl.or Wllh the 1!UI cheap. See J . A. Whltl1o re. bread, "inexe<J Dr lite ,.Iata of Lucetla B. 81d.., /10~ Ixp608e , . Bere la an Instano o: E, . Robek'a 8I1D'I&IIOO an4 wife were couetl11l11ld hla petition la lbe OOour\ of Oom : Ro•• I, WaYDe nUle. Oblo: Tbi!l di_lIhmIl~ ~ ~ BIJ·l!()()n je1,j 11100 I' W. _ Of Arobor WIlND . OOUUIJ', Cald~el Ohio, la _ l, OhiO, .1'1108: in Da,ton nal 110.' Wlek as the tiM nl1i1at1n'al. lbo8eneM of til" No. 11718 anJrut Ule allOft IWIIIId \lIIrUeir "I do DOt beJleYB 'hd oor family bowels appears . WIleD _ IH done a auri oll,en. ~YI ... u.1np for a "'!:~~==~~~~~~~~~= b ••' been wl\llou ' Obamb erhln'. CODftNCl Ion of ahe I. . WIll ou.. aDd tlataiDeu IIIqlll d08eof Ohambe rlabt'.Q ollc, Ohol· ' of .: Lueelta S. Bld_, d......... ... Oollo, '-'bolera and DI.r~boea RAm. era and Diarrbo ea ~ will effect a. ArtificIal SaId D&f\* are _1I1Nd - - - on or P...llnlat Defined. all101 we oonlmeD 08d teepln l ArUllclnl rubber IIor4 In 2D III . . care. TbIa nlD. caD ahra,. be cJe. betan \be 11\ du of Jil/7, 1111. ....... ....... a ,.SmSI U" "A h01ll8 yean I,Q. When :-.IUt Dr. ~-».. ~neamthe WayneaVllle. Oblo JOBN O. CARTWJtlCJBT moat""aD W8 ,,0 au , from Rull8llln oru4IeeIIJ~:~::~ ' C"""'IURoin.!l'!' UDI I11III Wlao'l MU10k dUrta. oaaea, ID4 IboaI4 be bJ* d "d~ willa . . will ...ItIeD de4 ylal' "e &alre" .uta UI. If ooat.l1DI chemtca at; 8U,_ ~ l e ValIaJ I'IIDDe 181 ~ b ....... 11110 . . . . JItmt ~ '" . . . ~ 0 , ....... . =-~ . IDI"JU -'ua .......v::""~= &,Ia ..... oaufIInd ..,._ _a~_.~.1i -.~~ IlI(EII ."III . I.AII I> Clt ~e 1,( Cu lmlli I llul

,I \1 N I,; 1·1 1014;

rnr t'lIc:h c', lIU hlt


I· cUltl1 by


I'd like.

As Writt en by Our Corps of Ahle Cor- espo d1 n cnts in t1 C Neigh borho od

-------------.---_.011.._. . . __ .-..... I HARVEYSBURG






Building Material


Nec essa ry to buil d a wen -equ ippe d Dwe lling , Barn ; Stab le, or Shed.






)'"----"-"--- .~~ m ----=-=,"~1i\f'1

Ann oun cem ents




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Peterson &Stoops Way nelv ille, O.




Arni __



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'R ay M ill s

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Ola aaU led Ada ·


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Corwin, Ohio





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c. B. B~ntl~y IlII

· to N00·ReSI·deots F Nollce


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CROUP Ir.:' •


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~I hPl' d ..m,C'rmtC'ly. Ih .. wily hp .,.... q 1'.... ~ ,.~


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111,::. own plt"IUH1I''-p .ll','lrh'l l 11 \\,,,,,1,1 h"

Rnll I IIII'I~' III" ~ I " ,IKIIII I l >:.' 11111\(\ "r aI'''''''' uf 1'<'11 , ul,"(iy- lInd there "'liS F.<lltll! _\ uII h "11 mnrr)' berl H e l hI lJIe M lll ~ t illalht, Do BlIlel II ',I\'II B ¥,' III~ l< JIlll rry lI'r tile Orrit mlmit!' he (")lIlct Pl~'~I1t1rl" hl'r to It- lInll 1Itt1\! F.dIHl'H nil 1'1 ':\(1), 110 1(' PC!I'IIIIiUI I',I !" FI I.)'I'A I')"'" II ... h..11 gr('clI ""..nlll, ".\/ld 11(' ~\\' nto ' h,"(1 ti n It, " ~h' 1111111"11. "lIe " W ilT' 1\11'\1 marry It,lIth Fh",·loI U}I, Ullrl (I thtn.: 01\ ~ lI rl h N)tlltl Ht llP hlru l" A.nd th 'lI )Iary II II lh'l'lI tll"l1 , ll er : ' lips pnrt ' cl II nil <h e . 111 1'1·,1 tit th e bll hhllllg "retl titre ltl<' tl' lh l l " II ~l y, a :jllllol,'1\ ,'11'1 ,1 Ilklu l'" IJI 111'1' ml llll , 1\ rn nYlla of


'A:KFAR'r HAl:



1.\11 he

Ilr HAM ~PillC ' for LI111.:h

B NELliSS BOILED H. M Ni I)' Sliced PIG PICKL ,n P HK B ACO S ID ' ~-..:..~ lig htl y Smok d SUGAR DIU! I II ~f - 10' lL . a\'ero ge, made from small pork DRIED BEUF- \ a fl'r l>lice, nolhing h ner CANNED Rl'1ED DEEF, E \ ILED :?IlEAl' a nd DEVILED HAM


I .'White's

MENTION sOi:iEjy--EVENi·l -.. . -----+ ~~~~~~----

J . M , Tnyl"r Mondoy .

WllS Ii

, Day ton visilor

Dr Dill , Os te(lpath , ;!1 .. , BrOil 1WIRY. Luu Ilon, Ohio,

1\1 r'S/ Anna (,jook enterlai ned-' on unday, Mra Iary fi'nmey,ofColnm· lrua, ira.Mary pp and Mr.lUld Mrs, t;ha . Johns and son,

Mr. alld Mrs, Ernest' Butterworth Mr , and IHrl!. ( ;eo rge Hamilton entertained at S unday dinner. Mr, visited in Oay l on 1'l1 sday, and Mrs , H. A. Cornell and daughte r and Mr. and 1'.1 ra, Emer son Mason. Mi E lhlyn J ones tlrr ived , here Sat u rrlay fo r hersumllle r vl1catlJn , MI'. and Mrs, Wm . Bergdali. of L}'tJe, entertainfld at dinn er Sunday ie t sOllie of th \lso Whi t o Brtl1.11illn W, p, Clark a nd famlly, Walter Clark weet Potato P la nts o f~ n.H:H ockl!tt. nnd fam il y , Mr, and Mrs, Chas, E, J ohns , Mrs. IJ ope ~'liIes und 'liss Dora 8pe nt Sunday with re lati ve!! In Mrs, Blizabeth Barl ey , Miss Geor· prinlr Valley . gia Ba rl ey . Mr. and Mr8. W. H. Allen, Mi :l-~ Lditia McKav and Miss The Woman ' s Auxil iary will me\lt Olive Allen we re I\'UeilS (If MillSes with Mrd, 1~ l'ed U, li e ndel':lon Friday Georgia i-laddl'n and Elizllbeth Stew· afte rnoon at 2 o' c10tk, art at dinner F rid ay .

I'. 13. S h(~rwn o t! , of L \.)[\0 0 11, A di nner WIIS lCiven at the M. E. breezed into tOWII T uesdav evening. Joll y Freu is taking his vAca cion , Pursonage S unday, Those who enand loo\( ing aftl' r hi ' polili clIl situo- joyerl it werll Rev. lind M ra. C, S, (jrause r a nd son, Charles, Mr. and ti on . Mrs. Charles Hough, D r. ant! Mrs Mesdames Howe ll , McClurl' , Rye, J, W, Waru lind Mr. nnd Mrs. B. B , lh~' Misses l elia »allgh rty. Aln m I(e lley . . rhouse a mI 1I1r Carl Mc ;I u ~e M d Mr S. L , Ca.rtwright arnvetl home fro m th e re.~c r vOi r r . .an " s' , h f M 'I'u sday uft e rn oo n, whe re t h,;y ha\'e entertam~rl f nda~ III onor.O IS, lreen lis hing fo r the lust wetlk We" l~ ac hel (,; , Keys . 80th blrthda~. arc positive t.hey had agn od ti m lind 11 hole presen~ were" Mrs . Ra~he! E, cllugh t some fi~h, beca use lhc Ga Keys, J, O. Ca rtwrIght and famIly, zette was kindly r emembered and Mrs.. Hllnn~h Rogers, the M.IsseS received a fine mC'S!! , I{lzz le Merritt, Emma CartwrIght, Martha Burnett. and Lola Zell.


t ....................................................




retlll;pea me tTnnK JUl'nn Umt you Intend HI 1" '11111111 fI rrlend or Mr, Lamborn'B, but 11I ~n l'l' nlVU or ~ll a8 berldan's d ~ I II )! so?" "Thn t's It exncUyl" wns tbe nnlve --- - nllll nrc lpnt ro'''l'on~(; or Sibyl. " WhAt T r., I I\oont It Is 1.\Jllt n min wIlli his r"1'1I1 !1t\o ll Is u't fit nil suitable tor After spendin!!, a portion of last Ell ltlt, nllel tltp rllmlly ougbt to be Saturday evening with his brother, lII u,le to IInr1c'l'>Ilu nll It I tell you," Mr, Lest e r Curtis returned home and Hli .. cried. with 11 ~ lId de u accesll at v& aoon f.ound himself s urrounded by a hpClIC, nf'''. "her flll her oUibt to pot his g roup of friends who came to remind BOOTH TARKINGTON foot lllnvn I" him of hi8 birtbday. The young n cor ..y('s nil sherI with II. green "He Swore Hc'd Marry Edith Sheri· Author of man was completely s urprised and dan." •• Nonol.ur Be~ucairc"· "!Tho ' Rl1llrk ; 8OlLII'thing ,8eemed to leap out was the recipie nt of many beautiful Conqueot of CanaaD,.' nnll th en r 'treat, bllt not before MlI.ry \In conscious ~Ihyl's plllnting. ~I "'·.\' 'rhe first circus in Waynes ville p resen ts , After many sociable "l'cIuod.•• etc. hn" cllIII:bt a glimpse or It, as pnf! behelcl ' It with I)lry 1111<1. hOl'r(l r: .. IIC' thi, yea r has com e and gone. The games anti music. dainty refresh6U '<' 8 110y l " 1I11!CllIg to Ho llCl r t Lf\ lIllt orn , s how was helel in th e SllInsbury fla t ments were served. Si!i?52$~'iiS;S;!5i!5!2ru~~~~~ lI1llf'l1 hforlb t ('It Id. gllmJlse of ftllgtJllng n,,,)n th r n 6cuttll bnck dartInto rn",llIl(, In II w lll ~ ner. I1C "I IIIJl~- f( 'I' II"s' and judging from the parad e lill ho ur . 'l'h05e p resent were: Mr, and Mrs. • / tn bl'lIn,,; 'lIl1d('r 8 bugh , coe might have bc'en In tbo h n ll ~f' . "I' ea r li e r it musl have been 1\ 8UCcossl Carrington E lli ~, Mr. and Mrs, Le m· \., ClIIiIIrdP&_IJ,l1IIrI>U.~ "o r ('Ourso," SlIld SIbyl, much mOrf! 80r\'ullt8 might h n,' c" nr!!. Rh l' till\\' For several days bills have b een dis· ley Curtis and 80n, Mr. and Mrs. "Mrs, r~lttl'rsh.\' 11,1(1 IlPr tl lllIgbter compoAc()ly, "[ !tnrdly Deed 8ay that Sibyl entr('ntlng, bes['('<:hlng, tlr r~lIh ' lI · plaYE'd and IIl a rge crowd \Vas a ntici Gladman Ellis and grandson, Vernon wero cbuttlnll Ruuut a me of t110 It'" f'lI fi N!ly on I';elltll's account that log despairingly, Do ll LOlllhortl- rh'('ll paled , Charlie Chaplin'. the clown, West, Mr. and Mrs. Jam!.'8 Curtis people ber!! lu tow n til ' other .1ny," I'm worried ubont this, I'm as tond or her--lIrst e\'usl ,'e, tben bl'lIt nl ly I t· Willard and Moran, and, in fact, all and daughter, Esther, the Misses 881d Sihyi. rCI.~nlllllt lit .. cewlng o ,HI 'ot Edi th us It IIbc was l'enlly my aI8- tlng bel' 11I\\'e 1110 truth; li nd lit lil t, the circus celebritic9 were on the bill. Geneva McKnight, Helen MI' K llight, The show cleared 18 cents and every- Maria Simpson , Nora Ellis, (jeneva proLroctloJ( It. '''),h,· Y Sil itl sou1I'thing ter nnd "I can't help trAtting about It. Infurilltcd. "swearlug" to IJlorry her body was WE'll satisfied: It this s how and Mattie Curtis, and Mea rs Lauthpt took me by S1l rprlse! W were lt " would breuk my heart to rh' ol. lr SI\)yl bad not IJRl>bl NI out ever comes a gain. it will be filled to renee Dixon, Chester White, Lautalklog about ou~ ruullltl i frl, OIl, lIlr. Edlth'8 life tipolled." , tho wOl'cl " woro" It might hove \) en the top af th e ten t, renee Simpson, Russel Austin and Robert Laluhom-" e '.l'IIJII tllne wos off tlul key, to Mary'. IClIS plnln, _ _ _ _ .. Lester Curtis , • MouTy Intllrrlllltl.'{l her promlltly, "W (llIr. SIbyl I.I'led to Hlor with pathoa. 'I'll Iloor 'Womon 1II)lIl(lor don, abouldn't utll,IQr Mr. Uot)t' rt LOI1l- bnt "lIfo flatted. 'I\'holly unll wllrc of whnt sho bnd ('I'll' horn II trlentl ot bUrR." "And l!l<IIUI's life woulll be epolle4," t Bsed. "YOII sec." slle 8111(1, 1l10nl rl"l · To ber 8Ul1nl e. !-llb:!'1 nodded eag(\.... I'<lIlyl ntlnued. "It would be a etly. "whnll'yer's ItOII1I{ to h 11011(' For the pleasure of MI89 Neva '" aa 1f IrI' Iltly Jlluos 'd, "1'h ot'!I .J\1 ~t cll'CJltltnl thing ror the whole taml\y. ou",ht to h (lone right awns, L WI'1I1 , Young, whose marriage to Herbert the 'W8Y Mrs. ltltttlrsb:r tnll/edl" Rile Sbe'lI the yery allllie or Father Shert- 0\' r ond toill MOlher fOIhCl'ldun ,,' hllt T. Doster will be an event ot June 21, cded. ",,' Itll ,11 veLtulDQlICe thnt mild don's eye, nnd It would be & horrible I'll 11 ~I\ I'cl nhoul LllDIborn , but )~o ,h ' r Mrs. Jamns Thomas of Ferry died Miss Grace Carman was the hoste.>l ,Mary atare. " Yes, /lnd I IIl'ilr thut's thing tor blm to baye ber marry a Shcrl(ll1 l1':j \lIl1ler EcUUt's tllllnl\). olld of a prettily planned puty, Friday the wny all y u 01<1 tomUlus bllre mllu like Roben Lamhorn; bot be sltC'·s Ilfl'old to e,'cl' ['Ollie right Oll t th is morning following an ope ration afternoon, at her home on Main at the Miami Valley Hospital in Day. apeak of blm!" doesn't knoW anythIng about him, and with nllyt1l lu:;:, I"oth r !'Ih'rl(lnn'(1 Street, The guests were the memMa,ry looked aside, but 0~ cTW18e lr Hu mcltody dOt'ICo't tell hIm, what I'm oe" r In till' "'flrhl let r,nll1born come .ton . 0 ---bers d the aratluating clB8B of 1914 abe was able to mulntoln her ~m p 08 ' 1II0ijt utnlld of 18 tllnt Edith mlgbt cet ncur'tlH' hOllRe 1IJ<1I 10 If he kn w hl ~ wilh the addition of Mrs. Clarence ure. ' I hlld the lmpresslon he WIIS 8 1018 condou t nnd hurry on the weddJng r CllutlltiOll, So, yO\! <'e, SOUl oolly's Late ClaMsified Ads S Grauser and Mra, Alvin Earnhart. friend of yours," she Bohl, udilio!;, b -fore be tllllle out, and then It would got to t II hll1l. 1t ISII't 0 ycry en y Miss Hazel Riley assisted the hostess. ha8tlly, ';ond your bU8bond's." he 100 Illte. You Hee, Mtss Vertreel, position for me, IR It, Miss Yerlr ell?" Very soon after the gueats assembled, FOR SALE "Oh, yea," 80ld the cnller, ahseotly. It's V\lry dUll lilt tor me to dedde jUlt it was announced by the hostess that "No," enid ~l lIry gru\'llly. "He la. certaloly, A. IIUIJI;H rt'lmtu Uon wbat It's my dllty to do." - -- - -:- a bride-to·be was present. Each "Well, to h(l rrunk," slIll\ Rlbly. sm ilU LL- A yearl10g Bo)stel';l Bull, l/:uest was asked to give a I!uggestion tor .. little gayety oughtl\'t to lIIok., a "I Bile," BllId ~{ury, looldng at ber Ing, "thll t's why I'\,o co me to YOII . " e lIgible to re ~lste r 1\ 11 on that would be helpful This WBI lhe creat dJfferenoo to mllrrl d pl'oplu, or thougbtfully, "DOC8 Mlsa Sheridan "To mel" ;\Inry rrown ,I. roUr8 , whore young, girls Itr!! In seem t o-to _cure yery: much about Sibyl l'lllPICllI t1l1d ('00Ct1 ogl1ln. Thod Zim!U(lrmlln, R 0 , 4, W ~yne~- ,occasion of q uite a bit of merriment. Je28 From the word "bride," many words question, Then It nlo y bu " cry, \'I,ry hlln ?" "There Isu'l nuybDt1y oyor Ulflll sud.! u ville, Uhio. "lie'. deliberately fllsclnated her," hit wI t h 1"1I1h('r f;hl'l'hl,ln In 1118 lit dangeroull. Th're ur 0 gr ·ut rnony were formed. and each guest wrote things sate on!l proper tor nlSJ'rfed returned fl,e visitor, beginning to 88 you hn\'c. And ot coursc we Oil Ii. letter and also a fav ) red recipe, people that might be ow,.ly ImprllQi'lIt brelithe quickly alld heavily. Sbe "will hope you're not ~ III!; t o I e eXlic tiy The letters wElre expressive of the tor a YOUl\g girl, Doo't yOij Ul..,.\l, launcbed DOW; her eyea wore turloua RO outsluer In the atl'ol rs of th ' (nm· best wishes of those present and the ..ftN V" rITA8?" and her voIce ahook. "lie went att.. lIy!" (Tbls 811 l1y wltll nnotber nOll atter 'I ",IIU Il, And allrltllcr 1111111-"-1 recipes given will be helpful in tbe gu ess jO\l won't mln.1 ,lien's 0\\,11 slsloudor e!1'cct of loughter.) "A1Id It It's ter-In·low spen klng of It. o r course, culinary department of , the new my dnly, wby, In n WilY, I WInk It I dOll' t kooW JI181 now mnttel'll Btnnd home . A dainty three·courae lunch· \lon was 'served. The table ' was might he Ihonght yours, too." "No, no!" excllllnwd ~[nry, !Ihurpls. Irt\\'ecn you '111<1 ,Tl I1I . bllt sls,l ers-ln· tastefully decorated in the bride's "I.IHtIlU," Bolli Slhy!. "Now 8111)' II \\' \'11 11 c'\ (, loIs 01 thll1~8 10 help mllt- colors, pink and white. June roses [lOse 1 1(0 to f'lIlh or Slterldnn " ,!tit Ihl9 ters on li ke IlIlI t. Thel'e's lots of in profusion made beautiful the st ory. IIIHI Eilltll II YR It'~ not tl'lW ; hut, II tl le th lll'~", '~II U be s nlrl , nnlt lot8-" rooms of the house. Those present S"III!OSO I ('Olilel ~ny : 'All rlgbt, If YOIl Xh' "' ''PIled. P\lzzlClfl. Mllry Vert"ee were: , Neva Young, Helen Hawke, WII nt 111'00 f, IIslt UIHs Verlrm's, hI) blld )toile from pille to sell rlet, nnd now, Edna Smith, Reba Earnhart. Lena Mrs CllOI e wltb lIle, nnd she's \\'11 111111( In ,1 111 " 'I1 ,'let 111<1 cd. slw t (l"C. 'wlthout Whitaker, Mr8. Earnhart, tlte next 1'00111 right uow, ta:---" , II w ord of eX l'llllllllloll, 1'1' n lly olher Grauser and Grace Carman. These "~o. uo: ' slIla ~Iury f)lIl ckly. "YOII klnel tlf wnrd, u(1I1 wlllked s lo\\'l y to tbe popular young people hllve the best wishes of a large circle of friends. 11l UHtll 'I-" , Dilen door 111111 out ot the rOom . ' ---"0 _ ...____ ' Ihyl wnll R little tll lwn nUIIl'k, She "I.IM n JUllt a millute more." Ibyl 1Il'gcd, confldlngly. be WI\II on ensy 3 11I' n(J~c)(1 )llIry bud I'cmemhercd some1 grountlnow, to ber own mi lld, 11(111 hnd tlling neglected lind would relurn In AXON "Six"~ alolle-n!lloug cars of like , no doubt or ber su ~ce68, ".MIss Vcr· a 1II0l1lent ; but ,It WlIt! rnther n curle price-approximate. in actual p e rfo rmtrees, 1I11tenl DQIl't you sec we ought exccss o! IIl>sp-nt-mlndeliness 1I0t to ance the recolds made within the past year to do It, you aDd 11 Do YOll SIIPPORO htwo ex "used b~l's ~lr, ~"II"dllll>' R8 Robert LnmbePll--e&l'es the s nnp ot his bol' guest Wll8 talkin g, \n l1. MlIl'Y's . by the newly designed, multi.cylinder type, linger tor ber? Do you supJ)ose II m ll u return bplng (lelll ~' ~od ,Fllbyl Ivol;ell at WHITE BRICK high -speed motors of the costly-priced cars like blm would look lit ' E.ll t b ,lterl- her watcb u,lIll Irow ncl) ' weot to R First Day School 11.£ 9;30 s. m" So top place in its price class must be acdnn it It 'I\' nsn't tor thc lrIont)~' 1" .\11<1 wInd ow lind 'Rlool! looking "ut upon closing exercises in charge of Edna again Sibyl's emollol1 r()~e 10 til e 8111' · the llTO"'1I 11.1 wn, tben ca lllo hu ck to corded S axon "Six" at $815, F n r more tuce, "[ t eU you he's flfto r IICltIIIIl!; the ehnlr s!,e- bud Ilbondoned, ul11l Silt Wilson. Meeting at 10;30 a . m" Dr, than a year now the evidence has been piling Janney and others will be with U8, on ellrth but to get hl ~ fl uger In thnt ugn.!u. 'l'here WIIS no s Ollod hI the up till there's no mom Iflr doubt, The old mon's mOlley-plle. over there, n cxt 1I01lse. , proof is o nly loa plain . Let I.I~ gi ve you A stronge eiprcRslon begao hnper· doorl He'd lIIul'ry ully1l0(]y to do It. ST. MARV'S CHURCH Marry Edith?" sbe cried, "r t ell you ceptlhly, to ' olt(!r the pln lles of her a d emonstration in Saxon " Six." be'd mnrry their nigger cook for th oU" fn ce, tlml slowly sbe grow ns BC~lrlet "Trinity Sunday, June 18th, Sunday She Btopped. Rfrlllc\-nt Uto Wrt\Dg, os ~!lry -I!c'o rl et to Ule eRrs, Sbe School at 9;30 a, m .; Morning Pra);er ttm&--tbot she blld bcen too velle,ment, well t Into the h'\ II, gIn need over her and lermon at 10;30. Everybody but a glunce at ~Illry reoBs\trctl her, sho\tlder oddly; theu slle let herself welcome, and SIbyl ' decltled thut she llllli pro- sottly alit or flle fTOnt door, lind went dueed the clreet sbe wIshed, blut'y ncross Ule atlreet to ber own house. Pboqe 65-5 Waynesville. Ohio CHRISTIAN <;HURci-t wos not looklnl: nt her; s he "'li S s lurlto coe l\Ie t her \tpon the tbreshold, log -straIght berOl'e her nt the WIlli, her gloomil y. "gu w you tram tlle wIn· Wednesday even inA'. Prayer l1\eet. eyes wIde ond sblnillg, Sbe 11 clime dow: ' he e:tl>lnined. "You must find ing at 7:30, Teacher's Training eiBl8 visibly a' little paler 118 Siby l looked at a lot to sn y t:o Ulllt old ludy, ' at 8;00, Every member of the clB8B bor, "\vllnt old ludy?" i8req\iested to be present, Visitors "Atter nothing on eurUt bnt to get "Mrs. Vertrees. 1 been woltlng for welcolne, Sunday, Bible School at ... his !Inger In flint' 01<1 mnn's money· you 0 long tllll e. und I sow th e dllugb- 9:30, The Red and Blue contest can. plio, over tilerc oext door!" Th e yolen tel' cOl11e out, tift ' CII minutes ogo lind tinue8 with increased intereat 'the TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY was vulgar. the words were yul gur- post II lettl1r, IlUd t heo w(lik on up , tbe ,Reds being the winninlr side lut Sun. I Am a Candidate for Recorder. Please Help ond tbo plaIn truth W(lS vulgar! [low strt:'ct, n ou 't atlllld 911t on tim por'li ," day, A .hort Children's Day proIt MInII' In l\Iary Vertrees' ears! , Tho he ~1I 1t1. cro~ 5 l y, "Oome III bere. gram willi be! given and an offering There were three Holbrook boya in the army, all under 17, servo clear mtmT hncl ca ugbt Its o\Vn Imllge 'I'herp,'s sOl1le UllnK It's CO IllO t~me I'll for foreign mlssio{ls taken at the q an ave rage of three years in the 12th, 35lh and 79th Rellimllnts clearly III Ule !luwed one at last. bllvc to tlllk, to YOll II bout. , orne lui" close of SSunday School. Christian and Signal Corps, 90 well known in our county, Sibyl put for th bel' best ' bid to ,Htlt 118 sb(· \\' n s movlug tl? obey be, Endeovor at 7;00 p. m, We hope The illne811 reRult1ng from II former campaign in which I walked clench tho !Dutter. ' Sbe offered her glDlleeel l1(,ro'ss nt hlll faUle r's houst) Bra , .Allen ' will be able to be with u' about 7()0 miles hili about rlisappearlld lind I can nuw satiatactorlly bargain. "Now, don't you worry." sbe 'anll s tnrt ~tl, He li fted bls IlOlId to and preach for us. Evepybody 'weI'. snld, sunnily, "about tMB setting shield \Jls eyes tro m th o setting sun, come to tbel8 service., . perform duties of office, which are much more extended than for. 1MJtb ....nlnat vOU. Sho'll I(et over It staring fi xedly, "Si)meUtlng'lI tbe mnt· ' merly, The Deputy is my' daughter. Miss Hebe. The state Bu--:------tor O\' CC· thel'c," be muttered, BDd fllen, reau of blBl1eetion reports; , "The new abatract Index :r~uired , by Sec. :!764 G, C. 'i8 reau. more lourlly, liB nlnrm came Into' hl l Sunday School 9:15 a. m. Preach. larly kept and tho work In the Recorder's offiee reflects credit on "01 ..0, It Hui li. "Whut's tlIe matter over in&' by pBltor at 10 :30, The second tbe clerical force. to ' tbere?" in tbe serlM of !MIrmons will be In addltilln to routine work done. ,we have transcribed, with DlblJR da s h,'1l 'Ollt or th o ga'te In UII preached in the evening. Subject, correctlona, alm08t thrlM! volumes O't old records, 'which has made outoull1bllu aut lit It ~ hlgbeet speed, "John Wesley-"The ForerUnner of the office self-8uPpG'ttinll. Rill) n ~ be a~,w RO BI:OC he mnde n gea- Evangeligm II Hear both lermona, • An Ordinance to provide a CompenI 8111 the only member of tlJe family' who haa been a candidate turu Sillgula,rly eloC(uent or ClIlamlly, A cordial invitation ia extenlled to nUon for the nerk of The Board nnd \"UII lost nt once 10 II cloud of dust you to attend. for 011\ • and if 'l have one more term I can get my little borne paid ·of Public A1falrs ,of the Village down 'the s tl;eet Edith bod (ollowod !or_ I was Secretary and ProfCllllOr in tho' Lebanon University, Olarence S. GraU8el'. Pastor. of Wayneavillit, State of Ohio. . which my father roulltled, for JUany yeal'lJ . part tile \yllY <lowl1 the drive, and It • _ • ' EI1;Ire9IIinil feelings of prot lUnd Kl'aUtude for lupport in the Ue "Ol'datDad 1I;r tho, OouucU or ~he VII- coulll be scen thnt she WBi crylnr bit&89 or Wa;rl\lllvlU .. State or Ollie. llUt, and wiQIf a continuance'for one more term, thereby reward. Bee"OD 1 ~ha' thy Oompouatlon 01 tho terly, She IIrted botb nrm. to ROil'· A WI.e Anlwar. W. alOldler ot the Union army, first Cloillpany of1r&1llzed In Leba. Clel1t or tile Bow 0 ,PubUc AIT&lN or AId cae, aummonllng him. Demoratus, a Spartan ltat.maD, VIII ... nail be Uld .. '-wb;r Il ad at 81xty DOD, viz,: Co. F, 12th Rea'iment, ~. 1861, I am" Ocoril~I " gn ped Ro.coe, "I be"Dy t 80.00) DoIlaN _ UlIIWD, parable quarkrly. wheu asked wby he held hIli toDcue , Very .iDCel Y yours, 8ectlOIl I 11ie CII'41I\aDcj abUI CClke allee, lieve. 80luebody's dead I" Ilrlo•• useles8 argument aDd WIllI taC· , . . be 111 from &lid after 'b. ouU.., JOSIAH HOLBROOK. PII!iod tJ\owecl b;r law. , And he al llrtecl tor the, new hpole cused of belll& a tool for 10 dolnr, _ ~ tIIII ItIS daJ of llIIUI U1B. at a rUII. plied: "Not 10, a tool CIUIIlot IIaJ4 1aIII (.\&&111) HI S, HATHAWAV, Ma;ror, [

" I .11lIn kllOW.:·

~~~~::::::!::~::::~~:!::~~II'. ?llIry.

"r." r on


.. - ...

T~~?IL I




0 iI Your Work Shoes l

To gt't lh best ()()l'l>ihle \~'('ar. out of ~my work shoe the le,a t h er should be kept oilt'd. W huve secured an oiling Ollt/it and f1, supply of Lea ther-Life the best oil made for sh,oes. Co ne i/I 'v ry week and o il your shoes.

FREE O:F CHARGE It's about- a two-minule jolJ- with everything hal1dy~

Come In any time, whether you trade . here or not.


We want to double lhe wear of yOllr shoes without costing you a ent.

Hyman; Waynesville, Ohio WE HANDlF.




Your floors:Would Look Like This To() If You Used SHERWIN-WILUANS ,l ft1~~:~oT



m.~de fot' Aoors anef floors on Iy. J l \ook9


W(1J\ and Jas ts fl)r tJle lo ngost PI). _ib le. ' lime in ~pite of the tt' a nd CI>IlflLant w~shil\g n Il vur, Illust gl;t.


---_e-__ ..










J. B. Chapman


Going West? of

Wan. 80me reliable informalion' about any the country .at of the Rockle!t-Callforuin, Oreg.n, Washington, Idaho, Montana, NeYada, Utah, Ariwna, New ' Mulco, Tunal Wan. to know IOmetblng about (Ilrmlngopportuniti.s, fl\ilrolld.rat. •• i outes, D.utolRoblle bi\l:b. wayl, hotels, resorts, prices of laod, metllods of o{armlilg. etc,' It'lour buslo~S5 t~ ko.w all ll beut Ihis Paelfie Slo~ e~ntry. ' 5110- ' set Ma\l:uine is the onc bi, na,ional magazillC; reAeelln, tb. life of this ~u,ntry and giving accurate Information .. neeming Its growth and development. Send 10 cents forll sample copy of Sunset Magazine (lncl writ. us I leller Bsking for whatever inform.tioCl you ite' lire concerning any state in the





O,dinance .No.•· 87.



1I....~~NHKHKH~~~~~. . . .ooo~ooaoooooooooaoooooo

Lt A. ZUOUIIUI.Alf, 0IIrt.


. ,., .. fl'l~1!I• •JiIIiiGlii

~ Interruption to Bu~in~. on Accoun~ of Moving • • • • The MapIiD8 ... w.,...w., Obio

~ ~~~--------~~~~~----~~~~~~------~~~~=-~----~----~~----~----------~~--~~------------~------------------~~----------~--------------------------------~~ WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, WED~DAY .JUNE 21, ' 1916


' iElE::::'==:1

AT FRIEND"ClllIRCH ATTRACTS ' W ynesv'lle and 1he Fourth


In:ure youlr tobacco all'alnst hail, the COit amali, W. N. Sears.

·MAN.YVISITORS PRESENT Mason Mr. and Mrs. U. M, White were vlsl~ors Wednesdayaf~ernoon.

Whole Number 3375

U::JI~U::Jr=1:;El·al:EEE '~f[~~~~~~t



==u::Jr=:::r:::::::1 -:-









Waynesv ille:' antI th · Fourth 0


L. A. Zimmerman 19 in Cincinnati today.


Dr, Dill, Osteopath, 21 . Broad· way, Lebanon, Ohio.




sr. MARY'S Lfl URCI1



Mrs L T PAterson of Xenia spent ~ DO NOT MAKE ANY ARRANGEMENTS TO G AWA \' ON JUI ..Y Insure your tobacco against hail, "How Ihe Church Came to PennFOURTH, AI4 WAyS KEEP IN MIND THAT YOU BELO G IN WAYNESthe cost small. W. N Sears. And the ' Time Wal .Well Filled the ~ee·k.end h ore' with friends sylvania' Was the Lesson \\ It h Fine AddrelllCs By fo,' the Meetina the Visitors Late Cabbage. Pepper and 'foma VILLE, AND THAT WAYNES ILLE CITIZENS ARE . G01NG TO I:::l Mrs. U. M. White spent the week· to Plante, Park ~ak, Waynesville, [:J OBSERVE T HE DAY IN A SANE WAY. ~ end with he r parents at Dean. Ohio. Ohio. j5 ~ The regular me tlng of th WoINSTEAD OF GOING OUT OF TOWN ON THIS DAY, I NVITE :Mrs. C. B. Bentley spent the wefk. "h e FricndsConf rence held at the man's Auxiliary was held at the fAjna Janney, of Toledo, came YOUR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS HERE ON ' 1 HAT DAY, SO TliA '[' Oen ithrolativ09 ncar Painter!lville d ' w . Miss Whi lO rl rick Meeting· House June 17, home of Mrs. F. B. Henderson on 1!J hlo 18 anel9 WI\8 well allemJed. 'fheout· hom e Ftlday for the lummer holiFriday afternoon. June 16th. THEY MAY HAVE SOMETHING TO REMEM13J.R OF' WAY ESVILLE . . ' of-lawn speakers were Dr. Jt:. 0, Jan· daylt. The meeting Wall opened bV slnll ' Dean Howell and Ethan Crane ing ney, Edna J. Wil sun. Marlon LongHymn 77. "Tho Morning Light ~ ese rvoir for a severnl went to the CITIZENS, AGAI N REME illER TlrAT YOU MUST BE LOYAL TO Dr. Macy will be in Spring Valley shore, Gladys Brooke and J. Darn· Is nreakinA'," In the MillSion Hymnal. days fishing. thil week and HlIrveY8bura noxt ard Walton .. Mrs . Cadwallader reat! n portion YOUR HOME TOWN, J300ST TO HAVE TIllS DAY A GALA NE , AND 'fhe Conference slarted Saturda, week. ot the 14th chapter of ~ t . J'Qhn. Lafayet te Lacky, of Dayton, spent morning,when Edna L. Wilson adAll joined in repeating the creed YOU WILL BE DOfNG GOOD FOR' OUR COMMUNITY. the week ·tmd with the, Mar- which WaB followed ' by the prayer dressed the Confeaence on Sunday?d188 Gwendolyn Merritt, 01 Mt. IIhall and Frank Harlan, School Methods Her address W :L~ Holly. N J .• Iii visiting relatives In liIervice conducted l1y Rev. J . F. I:::l lIBt~ned to and many good suggeBtion Wayneaville Cadwallader. A second hymn, No; were made that will be 01 benefit 10· • Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Maxwell, of 84, "I Love to Tell the Story," was Sunday·School workei'IJ. Dayton, spent Thursday with Mr. sung. Scriptural quotations were In the evening J . W. Walton lI'ave Mr. and Mrs. Stacy Lamb, f Day· given in response to roll·call. After and Mrs. Walter Chandler. an lIIuatrated talk on Relill' and ton. were Sunday guest!! of Mr. and the reading of Lho mimi tea and ctther Social Education, which was very F!!ra. W. S. Hartaock. business, the lesson for the du Willi [::J 1:'==9. a 1:'===" Gl ~,===~U:J H::J r::==311:1 I!'==5IU!I 1:.==::JU:J 1:.==31 I!J Raymond Davis and Fred Hawke taken up. '!'he lessoll was on • How fine. the pictures adding to the lec· Alfred Wright arrived home from ure in a way t.hat made hill talk Our Church Came to Pennsylvania," morning LakeMonday for a weeks fl'hingfl)r trip. Indian and it proved to be 00-3 of the most more impreasive. Dr. Janntty alllO George School Saturday moroinll for =========~~=~====-===~=====;:============= left alive a leeture on Christianity and the Rummer bolld.,S. intereaLinll of. the serie! . Mrll. HarDeputy Sheriff Waggoner went ris prepared and read a paper on Modern Problems. which was ably through town Monday, takln\t a William Penn. At the close of t he dlacuB8etl. Alfred Wrhrht III working In the prisoner to the Work House in lesson Miss Katheryn HSllderson l 'he regular hours for SUllday Waynesville bank while Raymond School and worship were used to Davis 18 on hia vacation, Xenia. favo red the ladlea with two piano great advllntage; an4 the speake. s Rarah Ellen Emley was born Feb· Many will be interested and proud selections, "Sweet Memories,' and ruary 10, 1853, and passed away of t he fact that Xenia has a business were greeted hy large eOlJgrega· Mr, and Mrs . F .L.C. Weisbrodt of " The Harbor of Homs Sweet Homo." - -place, with riot only a fine local repu- Sardinia, were the week·end ((uests tlonll. At a o'clock Dr. Janney again 'llev .and Mr8. J . F. Cadwallader June 15, 191G. aged 63 years, 4 months After adjournment Ii pleasant 80' addressed the Conference on Chns and Mrs D. L. Crane and lIOn I<:tllan, alld 6 days. clal hour Willi enioyed, lives on ' tho tation but one that extends to many Cecil Hiteman. who of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Robitzer and • tlBn Idealll, and in tho! evening he were Da, ton visilors Thunday . Sh.e was the dau~hte: of John and Cadwallader farm, on the Lebanon parta of United States and even be- family. - -_ 0- ".- - occupied tlie pulpIt at the M. E Clarinda Emley wtio"Wltb one broth- pike, wall severely injured Thursday yond. The great majority have Church Mr. and Mrs J.. W.White and80n, er have preceded her to_the better at noon when a mule kicked him in known for yt!ars that Downing's Stu· Ladiel' White Dotted Swi83 Dress· Monday mqrningat 9::lO, Marion Fred, Mr. and Mra. 0, L Crane were land. S~e was born on a farm near the face, one eye b,eing utterlv de- dio.wa- turning out very luperior Longllhore introduced Problema of Dayton Sunday 'afternoon. W.yneavllie where with her b~others stroyed. his nose IRashec;l and the photographIc work, but only a few e8 at 14.95 and a fine display of Shirt the Mo/l"rn Churrh. and h.r addr8118 who are In cloae t(luch with the place Waists at 9Se. The S. 1t~red ~o., and listera she waa reared amidst ru- other eye In a bad shape. wu vltry goon. Welfare Work In a ' Mi88 Kathryn Dlkln W,. awarded I'Illaurroundlnp to womanhood. Mr' Burnside, wh.o lives with Hite- know what is beinll done over and Lebanon. O. Rural NeiJrhbo~hood was rlext Intro a certificate .t the CincinnaU College Thl! family fin.lly mo~ed to Way· mBn. went into the siall to h~lter Ihe above the ~verall'e photo gallery. ST. MAR'Y'S' CHURCH dueed by J . 8. Walton. Sotb 01 of MUIll' commencem'en t las~ week. nesville where ahe le.rned to be a\ mulee, and he became wedg,ed be- Traveling lI'!en in thla lin. ~ho coyer Mr'!!. Frank Taylor , of New York I . City, arrived here l'hurAday evening I Thto Fi rst Sunday after Trlmty, thOKI\ conferent'es wel:e Ibly disseams(N!8II.and for m\UlY years 101· tween them and un abie to eet out. a larlfe territory, II.Y Mr. Downmg • cussed I)y the retlpectlve 8peaken lowed thlll calling. . ' Mr, Hiteman hand,ed him a aingle Ie the only artist photographer. mak for a with her motber, Mrs. June 25th. Sunday School at 9:30 aMr, and Mn B.S. Howell werd in m. MornIng Prayer 8l"d sermon at and alRo by otMrs How deftly and how bU8t1y she tree but even thi. fl!lllad to move the iog all kinds of portralta and palnt- Edith Harris. Cin",ihnati Tu~lIday and ht'ard "Sieg10:30. AB the 26th wHl be the SunAt 7:30 pm. a conference on The would alt Hwlnll,. making same gar· mulea At this juncl:ure Mr. Hiteman InlrS, they know of anywbere. He Is day nearest ·St. John Baptist Day Fellowallip of itPconcilitllion wu In· fried" at. the ball·park In the even· ment, .stltch by stitch. back Ind fort.b came around into the stable with a shipping pictures to many of our Mr. T:E. Antonelli relurned to troduced by Ghldyil Brooke, who Ing • . lingering over each tiny part of It toaccbo stick, and hit the mule a large cities and receiving the most New Haven to receive his degree (Satur(]ay the 24th). the MasonIc handled her subject In an able man for she well knew tha~ trlftt!s m.ake 'couple of times. whon it let go with ftatterinar compliments. We aee a from Yale Law School after a brief Lodge will attend thIs service as a body in observance of the day . nero This endt!<! Ihe conference, Meurs. Dean HowftlJ, Georlle Wat- perfection and perfection i. no trifle its hind feet with tr-emendoQs force letter written by Ii busln08l man of The followlnlr musical progrllm and thll8e who were fortunau:, erhouae and Raymond Davis attend· W'~y Bu<,h labor? Why such pat~enoo? strlkinjt Mr. Hitemlan In the face. • Philadelphia, P •. , In connection with visit in Waynesville. wlll be rendered : enouarh to attend all of theee confer ed a big dance .t .Morrow Thul'llday Ah . through tbe long vlslta of Mr. Burnside fln.lly forced him •• painting Mr. Downing executed of ences · felt repaid lor their bme eV'8ninlf. yea~ she Seef!. a reward for hl,:r ef- selt from between the mula and hill d.ughter, that .ny .rtiat should See Elmer Rogers for Auto Tires forti, devotion b!e9IIlng her dec mln g found the injured man on the floor be proud of. An order for three and Acceesoriea, Binder twine .nd Orll~n Prelude-Etlncarnatus(FarmThey were full of good and honeat feEling. and will give the people of MfA Marll'aret Thomas and two years_, Waa there nothl!)g to dar k of the stable He helped him to the large portrait. received from Gold Cream S'eoarators, both new and eril' M8SS) ...... Miss Ruth Hartlock I A Oh' en her footstepa' Waa there notb· h d th d t lied d Coast Colony, Africa, are now ready second hand, at prices that are right. Processional-"Thll ,Spaclous Firma· It WayneRville something to dwell d aug I ers. 0 rcanum, I~, are ing to retard her eifortsT Yes ali ouae,.n e o~r :81~a ,an for ahipment and can be seen at the ament" ......... ................. _.. H.,.dn upon for aome time. the guests of Mr. and MIS. George thill confronted her but with f aiLh in he wae rushed to e 09Pltalas fast studio. Two of these are groups M J C Sid' MI Venite ... · .. ....... -.... ...... ......... Heyser ...- - the right and a light and · willing as an .uto could take him, where hie IUld show tbe subjects in their native Alm~' Wa~rh~u~e ::;~~'cinpa~i Gloria Patri ............ -.... ......... Danks Hartsock. • heart th~ beams of hope shed their wounds were attended to. woven gowns and cestumes giv on Monday, where MIlS Alma will Te Deum In Sb .. : ..... .... Dudl""Buck Mr. and 'Mrs. Sherman Shonk, of lustrous rays around her and "she o· ing quite an oriental appearance have an operation perf ormed on her Benedictull ..................... .....1Iiek1lon and bave attracted much attentioD'. throat Hymn-" All Hall the Powar of JisUI Dayton, were tbe week end guests atandl triumphant, She leaves to of Mr. and M",. Wm. Thomson, on mourn ber loas one daughter and a .Many of our public and private . Name" ...... .. .... .......... ...... Holden the Lebanon plke~' , number of relatives. She' and the places are adorned with the hand· .,. h f Gloria Patri ......... .... ..... ......... Elvey . daulI'hter were as companions tv " work of thil artist. He has e,xecut- - Mll8ter Leverm.i Cartwrlg t, 0 Offertory- Gloria from 12th Mass Simmone Vern II Martin and White each other and t~eir association to · ed life size portraitl for Cedarville ~vanston, IIJ., arrived Tueada~ morn· .. ...... .... .... .......... -....... ..... Mozart Enamel Beds 2 inch continuOU8J)011t. gether leaves t" her a legacy of College Citizens National Bank, 109 to BPo!ld the aummer With his Doxology . Eavey Wholesale Co. Masonic Lodge grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Amen .... ................ ..... ... Neukomm /lve filiera ~ Inch for '9.75 at The S. 3weetest.memory. Her Interest and Tbe Republlcana of Warren Couu· Fred Co Lebanon 0 enellr)' to help those around her was and numerous oth~r places. Thia Cartwright. . RBce9llional-"J eruealem The tf milt lit Lebanon Monday and .f · ., . " II'reater than her IItrength and for---studio is lined with art IItudies that q olden" .. _......... ... ......... Le Jeu~e , feded a HUllhea Warren County Re · Mr. 'Lowry and Walter S')wyer, of gettlnR' Ellen, gave to them that: Thursday June 29th will be a big all have full liberty to inspect aQd Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kelly and Mr. Everybody welcome to these eerPQbli~n Club Jt was an eD~h~utic Davton. and Mr. and Mrs. Emery which should have beart Kiven to her· da in Lebanon There i~ a movement we believe It eb(\uld be the duty of and Mrs. J . B. Chapman saw "Sieg. vices. ' gathering Ilnd every tow,uahlp In,the. Roa and baby. Esther. lpentSund.y self. But, the long ,,!atches of the onYfoot b the Re' ublicans of the our people to keep posted'and kn olV tried," given by the Metropolitan - - -- - rounty wid. r~reaented exceptthree. ,with Mr. and Mra. Clint ROllI. night .re over and she I~ \r0ne; gone county t lmake tbl!~a big day politic- w.hat Is being done in city .- Xe- Opera HouBe company at Cincinnati, CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' from her earthly ho~e, gone fr~m ally. The HolbrClOk reunion will Dla Gazette, .June 17th. _ Tul.'SdaY!llght. Tbe,' organlzation elected the 'Iollow' ina officen: ·President,C. ·C. Eullllll ' th,ose whom IIhe loved, gone to hve Governor Willie, Govern(\r M~. Downtng waalocated m WayWednesday evening , Prayer meetEmbro~dered Dot IUld Stripe lDd With thoBe gone before How hap· H tfleld SenatorSherman Congress. ~esville from 1886 to 1894. ing at 7:30; Teacher's Training cll\Bs . . Secretary. Dean Stanley, Treasurer, Owen Hhrgins, ExecuUve Committe Flake VoJ!edora lummertime drGBSY py abe was whcn luorounded by her a , dl S A S 1\1 •- • Mrs. Mary Caskey and m(lther. at 8:00. Bible School at 9:80, ComH; E , Conover and Oay-id ' Du"h.m drllllll at ~, S5c aud 50c a yard. family .nd friendll, but Death called l1}an Fe.."B, Han. Halr ng, '. . t Mrs; Hannah Antrarrileft tbis mQrn· munion. 10:80 a. m. Christian En. The offjcers. together with 'the fhe S. Fred Co" Lebanon. Ohio. her and sbe could but al)swel: . '. \ well fnd lIevera\ otlber promment Reini 'for Marietta. Ohio, where they 1 • We had watched and walted .at her publicans u thel~ ~ruestl on ~~\8 day, will make an extended visit with Mr. deavor 7:00 p. m. Everybody wetownlhip committeemen, will form . the executive committee. together .. Mise Helen Durton and Mr. John aide for mauy days nnd nights. We and!n all proba~\IIty ther«! VIII . be a and Mrs. Fred Caskey. come. witb tile o1(icers elected, aud they. Burton. of Middletown, wllo have had hoJlGd and prayed IIbe mlll'ht be I Repubhcan meetIng m ~hh ' M. E. CHURCH will nominate captains ffom each been visiting Mr. Jesse B,urton .nd spared but alall, the trial hour ca~e ~irb:~:d:y~~~~~ments of whlc Mr· and Mrs. Stanley Smith and daughter, Mr. and Mrs John MeSunday School at 9:15 a. m. At wwhshlp in order th.t ' each . town famll, lerUor their home Satu·rday . at last and ~he fell asleep She w!il ahip may be well repreaented. ' never look upon earthly things BgBIn 4 _. Clure and daughter and MiB8 Emma 1~:30 annual sermon on educa· It is hoped Ch.t every Rel,>ubllran M 'Look h re-Stra H til 75c for long and unbroken will be lier McClure, of Cincinnati visited their hon Will be preache1. In the ev~n· in the county will put hil name to tbe en. e , w a, '~Iumber. EvenothlnQ' reminds U8 of Mig Helen Hawke was taken to_ . day , . '~e second aermon of the lIerles "lilt in order that the club wlll have ~nldoo , uP'dSblrt8u' 50c .nd UP~J'~Udlel'll, her but we muat notforget. hOlpital at p.laware, Thursday, • will be preached. Subject: "John d · l'r ' I II ; . - Y W' JI be ulled '., .n up, n .rweer• ...,c.n up. ,. wbere' she was operated, on. Miss . Wesley-The Foretunner 'of Modern l5cban'26c rfd 6Oc . "There's a !an.d . far away mid the. :O~:~I:"~tb~gthell~ell~'ew dayR :Jrubn LilaF~ed' leo lk'· Le '0' Helen h811 been In delicate health for Township Treasurer J. O. Cart· Evangelism. " The Corman and e . r ., on,. .~n, ~e are told, . several months, and an operation wright and Township Clerk E. V. Marks orchestra will play at tbis Wayne Townllhip wal ' well 'repre~ted at this meetln&,. ThQBe going Where they.. ~now not the 80rrowa wu thou¥ht neceeaary. She was Barnhart are In Lebanon today O!J service, Clarence S. Grauqer, Pastor. .. ___ accoRlpanled by her parents, Mr. and bUllness. The State Examiner said . from here were Mesal'll. Frank Zell . MIa. Ada Michener, of Mt. 80 . . of time. U k J C Hawke fa ... - yoke Coll""e, .rrived home lut week • Mrll: C. r. Hawke, .nd at last ae· theae gentlemen had the beit kept G . W. ',1.w e, . • :DIe ...u :'::""lI!paoled bv her coUlln, She hu crOlllMld the river; ahe hall Elmer StarHl~rry had an experi. counts ehe wae getting alona 88 ~ook8lri the ~ounty. . ORTHODOX FRIENDS It.n~~~i~a~: ~~b~.Dpt~r~;n:;!b 14."GII~ Peoria. Iii.. who will laid ..Ide eartb's cro8llesi !lhe ill safe· ence Friqay that he wUl remember nlcaly as could be expected. Orthodox Friends Church. S.S. at Strouse. Hance nra~, and wJIl. Hey.•pend "yeral d.,1 here wltb her. It rlllting in tbe Savlor'e fol~. for a long time. He was putting up • - • The people of Warren county can 9:3Qa.m. George Mills Supt. Preach· ~. J- , ' t " the awninl' In front of hil father'. cut the cost of living bllhopplng at ing at 10,30. C.E. 6:90 Evening ser · Freds. Jay Bird SUlI'ar Corn, 8 cans vise conducted by Railroad Men ., I OARD OJ' TH.\NKS place and becaullbt slipped. Meadam. F. H. Farr.O. M. Ridge d th of . busln8l!1, on hi. ftnaer In tor 25c. Green Gage PlumB. 2 lb from Xenia. Everybody invited'to Ida Hocket, Myer unm.n,Mill Mol. I dealre to expreaa my Iincere an e rlnll' • B" ~ .I R MUle ttend d thana to 'evilry one, who III any way the hook holding the rope. He . cans, 8 for 25c. Saturday only come and hear what Railroad men ~':n:fi:~'!r~'\ ~tem S~r Ch:po uBI.ted me during the Ilckn818 and 8Cr~am~ lor hel", but extricated White Pine Tat Bunny Soap, 3 for 10c have to say about religion . , , rI ' . ' , " tar.t Wllmlnaton "·rid.y evening. at the time 01 the death of,my dear hlmeel' ,lD a mcmellt. The skln .nd Services. at Orthodox Friends The S. Fred 00., Lebanon, Ohio. , Mary E. Martin • ---" - _0 _ _ • - - -' mother. . .• Misa Lucy Emley. fiBlh~on bll finlllJr wer. e : taken off Church .Sunday evenlnli' June <!5th, abowUlIf the bone. ~e little fellow - will be in charge of railroad men _ • Mr.. J. ·C. Hawke and daullter, , luffered a great. deal Irom'tbeeffeets .o f Xenia. EverybOdy welcome and ~iIiB Clar. went to Wmcbeater~ Ind, •.. In,uN your tobaCco againllt ball. 01 the wound. but he Is out again urged to come and hear tliese men. :Uturilay Where they . • t~nded the the coat Imall. W. N. with bis usual m!!ny 'll'IiI.~ Servls8S at 7:45 p.m .





























STOCKING MIAMI For lioraea arid colt.e atfeeted with reumoft ~iJnd.,.. 'Ibey wtll ~===='::'==::'=' ===:;=:~~~::::;:::=!:~==~=~============== manJte th.· tollowing treatment II re~ th~re thlll week ,lelting- rei· . ;:.. .. RIVER WITH FISH 'recommended: Cilp ' the .tr~ted .Uvea. Sear..


th perti.nil' tbenwaahwl a· I·60'lOlu. · Uon' of coal·ta, dip. often aa fOIlDd QeeeMary and each time .:if wuhlna fIll1 flowar o~ lulpbur on tbe parte · ',,,hlle the "'In 18 Ie', Slightly red,,~ the f~ 0 thl anll1\ala an~ ; _ that tbeF rlCaiv. abundP.:Dt'exer· ., d ... TO'pte\le,nta IJIr..cfof the at, f~Uf)n dlalnfect &he.rna. and USI " whltowaah Ir"I, in the atable ...........-:---, ~.

.' W. C. GlImore,ol Northern Ohio.





Before 5,000 enthuBia!;ltic tora astock saxon Six two firstspecta· and a third place, and won the most polnflf .rrlenda. Mr.QlImoN .,m bave c.b.• rge - : ' LouJI Kuertz, Ohio Ilame warden in · the demonstration contest just f)f the 'lCboola • .t lnClependence, Cuy' and I? T' Ferris, ,Deputy !rame war· held at the San Diego EXpolltion IIfOia CqUDty, tbe . co~mtnl lear. den, were In town a couple of hours Motor Demonstration Show. The and will be located near . Cleveland ~ ," . . Thursday evening. They accompan· Saxon was the only car wb~cll won He.,. he hal bad . .ucceafulechool , The Fourth' of Celebration for Wa yneSville ' vicinity is rounding into shape ied the fish car to Corwin, where tb~y the trophy in two ev~ntll. , ,.r. . ' . . , . .' .; • ' ,. . dumped a lot of bll8B and croppiel 10 ·Th~ performance of hte Saxon was " , 'find tlle different committees are ' gettmg ~hc~ prognlm arranged, whlch promises tQ be the river. . . ' 90 convlnclna:' that a spectator Men'. ShCM!llI black and tan ' '' h h'l f .' . Th··.., . b '. . In conversatlon WIth Mr. Kuertz, bought and paid for the 'vlctonolls price .tarta ~ 12.150 . WbUa Can"Va8 somethmg wort W 1 e o~ a cele.b ratlo.n. '. e large bll1~ are out and· are emg posted all he.IB~8 tha~ the fllhermen do~n the "Si'x' ~ on the Exp08Ltlon ' Greunda 1;2.16, tadl~df" ILoIIdd" Sb08l' over the country, and every indication points to good day in Waynesville. . MIDglamthle~admltseltrawibllum~urlceh9'toarheiB~~teIY8: arid. without waiting to get it ..-umll' Me • patlD&, U , ow bl te '. ' . . "lr.. . cleaned. drove the ,wltming car h~me. canv. IIfmIj. Prtceet.artaaUl.'l6 There will be sometbin·.r doing all day ' ·The race' track is being put into fine COD- faction. ae .heard of lOme !rregularl. The bill climb. whIch the Saxon' The S '!o'niil Co' LebanOb 0 ' . ? • . . .• ties In the nver here ·and aUlt above won. W.I one of the moat ll~u8lllng • • 'f .. ' dition, and all Ute eV'"ents advertised· w.iU be pulled off weather permitting. ' The citizens WaynBlvUle, and 'In all probabillty ever Btaa'ed. CGntestanti in thil ' . - . " ' . . . " •• . . . ' lOme meD. who have taken fish ill.. event WIlr8 ·requlred to drivi down lhmbeN and ' lOJ9urnlnlr -.Munctr .aad Mr:J. WI~ND Jeft are takmg great int~rest m the affair, and. are, co-operat~g YVlth the comtnlttees 88 far: as gaily, will have to answer to the the 1lftJ·ftvo per·eent grade of ~.3 brethren of Wapeavlile ~n 187 morn D. ~~.. IIveral . ltate It leams too bad that we have h-poaifoioD blllanel up the,thirty flv. ' LoQe F~" A. M'f are re l~"hu~ ' ~1- In ~ 'Eut) they caq. " . . such lishermen In our mldlt. to talc'e per-cellt ' pitch, Tben "be drivers 'gllee.ted to meet u the lod8e room' _ I W _ , ..... - - Qlel , ' . A boo t ~tt....111 isit ..._, f th ad' d· ill d ert' fjah under BiH and In a way otb.r .ere ,bUsed to tum around and 811Dd."lune.,IUOo'eloelubarp! ....~tbelnldbOmeplaee,and_ s er.comun ee"~ V sev~m4 Q e Jacent towns soon, an w a v J.Se tharib,. hook and line. A loc&l club reveraetheoreJerof d8lCe1lding and to .ttIIiDd It. I . '. . . . . " st. ~lt'!l.P~"~!a t the atIair in a way that will appeal to the they visit It is desired that every man may be orpnlzed hore before IanII', clIablq.--cincbmatl Enquirer• . . .. . . , If lOU want to lei the laws obe¥ed •- • • ~'. ehqnlt, .., IaYitadoll of~. . - .....- .-~- > i~ who will go on this trip to show peopleWaynesville is still on the map. The and pl. pnefOUIoqbllDOUbJ \VB bllre .Frid., shilling handa with



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, ..."::.:If. "'II a=r ..


biD. date of this

~P will be .-de.knoWJI later~

~~ Ii,., rOIl


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=- , . ,

WaJDeSVille and the &.iirt1l



e , In 70 10 acre(! ID Sao 3, T, 8, R.. Ii, te'- l Ullllk YOllr BIBle r IIPllt 111m . No . be'''een be-a4lamt Rlvertl, Ii. · ,~ I I\lU('. ll ut wbl'" W ll rlllU'hl'll bl're S, M . Bud.on lIull wire Illl oll r 1-(lb, 1 f"lt UUt t J'orh",\'18 1-" Jamos 1n-lo) No, !l1 In ElIf:lllnDd l l lbh~ nll,lal'd ,""livelY. " \"0, yClB," Pari .. A ddtUOD t il ~on t h Le l"' DoP, II" mur 'lIu rtlll. . " I Jrut (lut on t he O\'l\'l<l81tl' slcl r oC '7~ K. ~, RUIIIIQD ClO<l \VI Q t') W . W Ihe l"lIr rlna;l':' , b~ ,, "Ih,u!'!l. "l 1111'1111 8 hllr"', l nlo ts NOl<. ro l , rl~. ro ll !llld (;.\ nl,poslt ... rr" m- t l'o l\l wll 'r 0 11 or ,I' \,ll tn B II(hllJ;n d P~ t k 1II1dltio n t o I; u ~b lI u (ll)" IAliIC" 1\' 'reo ,\ 11,1 I ,,'utHl el'ed otl' "\. r III tl1l1 a oon. $200. ft~ .. r W"~'''I,. \' nI8 Le b f. H '~ hm I · t· h l ~ ~ l 1)\lll'r ,11r·",'t lulI : il IlII 1 <l hlll· t r!'lIl1z" LI ' T . J , 0 (1 III VlllnlCY lI'rk " I0101111 llin II" ~"rll DB r ry W Il l' thl c~ t 011 .0 Mill li n", Il tt l~ Ihlll'- ll t ; , k"~. fro m wh,:> I·., I wn~ I ('0111 111'1 ~" , III " "" r rIOI; I< leILI" lo t III Rlcl govtllq, t Iii'. D '1 \Jullnrs v~r' ':.:-:m::'~:i,.~~~l~~I'lo!:~~::r~l~f~~i I£II Z1\ uIlth Grub er $<1 F uok v . •11~~~!hl :: ~o~~'lr';;:11 InJr-ltt h'llst I d ithl't uotl e ~ tb" "1 . " 1 \l'ltl' " I j(ot Illlf"k, Ju ~t 1I0 W , r Oil we r Wilson lot No. 886 In FrIlnkHn, H , I ",,~~I~;:,. I&~Lf "nc !III G. th l' 011 ii' III' hNe. 1 ,1It1,,· t kll W Ih Marlru' n.. But :G ·to Chorlo.!! E (All6oil ) 11, l.!: . U '1'11 \ AV , ~I a yo •. " ltIN· II~opI I" ln 11 '0 1'lIrrllll1l' I cli me lll , Ellt.on anu G ():rge E. Blill I ' s No~ . L . A. mIH I M >I , lork . lu ,\l or COll r~~ IIJ1'y \lI~I ,,' t Ullllk to ,,"uit 21 ', 219, 231. -100 anu .\Ol! III tbe (or m e. Tb ut' 8 Why- " Mllolllntiw I\ddltl on F rank.tlll, fl. " \" r~ :' M ltl nl hbs. "1- " An d tJlIlt A. O. MoF .. rlund to 'l' h e Trn stuoR .~ullle<'L II tI II bll ,I to ny Ju t thco. ot Ftllnklln ,owollhip u t,rluo g nlnr ~tol'y 10oke,1 Oll t t1lrolli!'h tho d u ty Iha ped 'mot In t:!eotloo ~3 T . :I, R 5, W lrJl!\IIY. "r IIl.h lk 11'0'11 hl'l[ r b go.. we8t of ~he Gre,,' Mlamt R iver, fo r Funeral 'Director r oad purpoael, " 27,50, I ll;: hU1II(>, If YilU p ll'nBc." 'sb e snld. . and Embalmer, ~h ~ /l ' I\' O him 0 qlll ~k lit tle g lllnce. J . •1. T h olllpson Jr .. to (ieo rge W , " I t101 'lk ~' O \l UlURt lJo \' cry Un-d, :Ur . and N ellie C lor e lot on Mouc ll !:H., Waynesville, 'Ghlo~ U ~ hN "111 n: 1111(1 I YOll h1l \' 0 r('II S\l U Le baD on , $3QOO. t h(~," nhc sn ld J;:enUy. " tc yo u'll 101 M, J . l>eew t o B. F. Tufts '\o le , IIlC', 1'11 - " Alld withou t c:r:pln lo lllg .N os . 1, :t lind :! In Maioe vlll e, $ 150 Call ans \ve r o(! p r o m ptly day or night !loth p h o n es ill Office and Residence, Ii 'I' PIII'I)IMr ~ h • OP ' II 00 t h ' door aD the M. A. RO~8 to W . W. S hurt s 11 1l(\ LOllg di s tance ,No. V:I ; Home pho ne Ride of ti le ('uliIlC uud ICli lled a lit. C. F . G" lbreatll p a rt 'of I Ot8 N OM. 14·2r. RlIll/A Hl nrl',1 In blllllk perJll o:tl ty, not 24, 25 (IUd 26 ill S O'ltb Lo bunon . $ 1. Chairs an d one Coach fu r:ni~h ed fre& knowllljl· ",hll' Nile ItIOll u t to. l10. .

f l'1I11r11 1 ' lie 1lt'IIII1I1Cl'¥l III a nt'rllt' Ulul erlolOI' . " You 1(0111' tllke nl I ' \ ~hl' rldull 'lI cool To' Ill' HI' III lin 1IIIIIry Iowk rHul\1I tlh' Mb0l', 1111,1 Ihe ba rh,·.,.. \lIking 101" Ill " ;1I1 1 1l~ , """rlt'tl th eir " Y'~ IHIIL n~1l to work. thl! morulUr ur '; \lh. Il ued 'oover ltloll bllz'tlng from ,'b,lI r ' t o hnl r, " " 0 11 II (\ OW II (In 1111II ut , ~J1~t' ~Io rlu ll lI," 'Ihl I h ,~ Iw nll burbe r ); u· til' . "1 fix nko l~h 8 l r lv' you 10 WIl It

I J!(Iln'


mln O," Buill ,Iocrldn n. " :n 01\ I!I!I tbrouJ;h w lUI your nlIl D." " 1 (> !ruII." A m} hl'l W '11t 1I 1111'kIS 'bll c k to hIs cbltl r on ti'1,toe, rolio w(,oJ by ,'herldllll's puzzletl I\"lI zr. Somethin g 1.11111 gU ll,' w ro ll~ III Uw 8110 p, (>\' I,hmtlr . · h,· I·ltlllll lI ld nut kuow wlln t t o Ill ilkl' Vr It. nll nlll'lIy

..~ .... ~ru'-~N ................... &'-" ~U

All:l'Hf2R DF..:::'-KOH'SlEUIl. BEA1J£A1UE-


IL...:~!:~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~~;i~~::] I "'u, ___ .. 0 1I1~ g lll'l! L " !juo't rorgc't I'm IPlll' to collle urou nd ulI,l lnke you lip Iu-- 00 o n llWUy. boyl" A '" e"'RhOY h ad t brust bh:uselr 01. mos t b t\1'NlII t hem, )" c ll lllll, AE:t t ry! S(!C<lIl' Extr".. Illxtry: n il noout tbe hor rn bl(' nL'CI.lcllt. E:dr)'!" "Ol!t OliO" 'In llgbcll Sberltlo n. " Who wa lllll 10 rcad II l10ut acc idents ? Oet o utl" 'fhe l)Oy moy d owoy, pllllosoJll\ll'n lly. " Elletry l Ill~'ry l" be 8brlll<.'d . "Three lIIell klll i'd ! 10: x lry I Ml1ltoll nlrn klll ~11 ']'wo otliM mPII killed!' IJIx l,'Y! Ext r y 1" " Don't fo rj(~ I , U r. 1-~ llrrer. " ,'lIerl. dan cOlllp lel ed his In terrupted rnre. ·we ll . " I' ll ~olll e by t o. tuke y u up 10 onr bOIlR" ror (l lnner. ] '11 be llere ter yell IIbou t b nlr.pnst IlI'e tomorrow u rt ernoon. Il ope y uu 'n joyed th d rive 08 m uch R8 I hn" Co 000(1 nlglt t-good ulght l" ne Icnuurl bll ell , Ilpellklng t.D t ir e ('hall lIl'\lr, "Now you cno tu ke mo nrou nd to tb e I1 l1tr lll City ba r ber s hop, boy. I ,,' o nt t o get 0 s lJu ve 'rOTC I /:0 lip home." "E xtry t Iilxtry l" 8erenwcd tlte neWR' boys, ZII.'"I:ogglng 11 1110 1.110 the crowds 11k bills In tbe d 0811.. "Extryl All obout 1110 ho'rrnb le ft ccldent! E xtry !" ' It Nt r nek S1i\!111Inll th"t Ibe ]I Up rfI sent Ollt t oo m OllY "extrn s;" thoy pr lllte!l "enrers" rOl" 011 so rlS or petty cr imes 8 ue1 casualtIes. It Wil li 0 mIsta ke, b e d o~ld v(!, crlllcally. ryl ng "Wolt'I' too ottell wou ldn 't Hell the lfCX!ds ; It wa s bad blls lllell8. 'l'bo pupers would "lIlakc more In !lIe long ru u, " b e Wil H sure, It they vublllllled lin " extnl"

- ----::

Sheridan bad 'd ec ided to COli 1\1IIe IIII'

'~'i 'Work en rly tIlnt afternoon, nOll

about two o'clock he I tt h l ~ omce 1"lIb amlin ot ntrnlr8 f rom foroll;11 .,.rl.. wbo hnd tro\' ol od tllr for " hU81· n.a cou.terence wltll SllOrldnn !I l1d bls colleagUes, Herr F nyru, In s]llte o t 311. F rench nnme, w aS a gt'n tlpmnu o f 'Bavllria, It wall hi s fi rst V181t to our ,country, and Sherld nn took I II"o~ u r ' in w owing bl m t be s lgbts or UIC coun· try'a duel t clty, Tbay arrlvl.'I1 a t the P Um l) Works, .land .tor an bour n err FIl\' rc WII8 pereonally conducted nnd p rsOl.l ll UY lu· IltructOll by tb t oundl!r onn pres liWnt, 'the buulng quean hee or t bos' buzzlujC lbtvee. ":Now I'll toke you f or a IIpln In Ule ·Enntry,.. 8nld Sboctd nn ",be u at Illst e1 dame out to tho CfU' agllto. " We' ll I h a . breeser." But, wltb his root 'on the step he paused to bn ll 0 neat ';:young mnn wbo came out or th ~ otllco • mlling a greeting. "Hello, yOll ng rei· lowl" ~herldan salll, henrtlly. "Ou U,C 'job, are you, Jimmie? Un ! 'rtH!Y Oon't -' C18~h you olf ot It nry oft en, I gil S S, though I do benr YOIl go Rll tomoblle ndln' In the coun try ROID oU mos w Ith a mlgbty Dne-looldn' girl I ttln'np b ~lIle jYou I" He roared wit h Inu gbte r, elllllllln" 'hie BOn upon th shouhler . " T hn t's nil 't1ibt with· m.r-Ir It Is w lth 11I'r ! So. loJliDmle P Well, "n'Mn we golll' to m ove lint/» YOllr n ow warehouses ? Moudo)' ?" "Sunday, If you wau t t o," enid Jim . "No!" cr'led bls t a ther, dl' ll ghlod. "Don't tell m e you'r goln' to keep ,your word about dote. I Thnt's nD "1'1'111 to do contractill'l Ne vl'r heard o.t a contractor ye t didn' t wn nt mo~ ~.t





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[o r hUIO I ll e rio fIlYH u lu ud be would n \"eUl oll nlll ~ ofII hila uslery. lIe· hur U ll 10 Xll llcnblO! 811 l1 'e li lll.l tll~t!1I I m po ~ed IIpe n hi m l.Iy til 1I11" lr Wilt (~II upuo his cnlnHl\'(> nOil by tbe odll lo()k eO ilry mUll lu tilO tllIop hUll bllU l liP n 1l.lm. Y,' g il Iy 11 1sq lll tetl , he ", "lkl'Ll 10 0 110 ur tb.u >!cnt~ III llJ r ra r of ti l ~ shop Cl nd 10Qk'll o1 o\\'n UIIl Iwo lillI'S or IJU I" I)('rs, ,:u t (,[111111 1IlIidd y ~htrte" , fllrll \' e gI01l(,(>8 ller un,l th ~rp. H e Inn,1 tl' l~ br ie r Hurvey ufter \l' u n (~crl ll g IC onu or the bllTbers had dIe(1 ? Ulld Olll Y, ~~II t dny, or the Dll;bt.bcfo re, bu t Wcre \ us 1I0 ,· n C(1I1CY III I'ltbur 11110. Tile s ' nt n C3 t to his WlIS u noccn jll(o() . bot so mcolle lIlId le ft n coI')' oC lhe "cxt ra" Ul crl'. IIlId, trow ulug, b e plckcd It up 01 111 glun '00 li t It. 'rhl' fl rst e f . tbe IlwollOJl cllsplny lin es bud little w enn ing to him: Fa ta lly f oully . N ..., IJTOC"•• r nor ~ol · Ill" ••• h u r li ng cuptlnll.t 10 denth wllh Inv ontOT. Boven Ct8Unpo. wh en c comes . D enlh c:lillm s-

f Jlll y

\ \ 'tl l!


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ror ll ibbs hI ", ,,' tr: IIUlI ",10" 1,', ,, 1' t lo., I· r~ u lt 11'118 111 [It'. Ihe " I}1l Io!lll JIl' Iolt· t"I'1I • H.

F al'

ullh' rwI OO:I....




I'mlt ,I nt t il(' 1111:. w u.' t\11 n~I"·". KII llkIll\.! " l1li1 urr tUl'('l1. 1\11 111111'><' " "lwIII'IlI,I!' p ity 111111 11 1111,1< "1',,11 IIIhh'" thro:lt. 11 0s ,,0 (> stooll hllu ldll),;. 111>1 lip " 11 1,,,·r· III/:: 1':,11 1h \\'l'lI l lllldibly ; ) 11'8. ;;h,·rl· d(ln 1~lJn 'd lu I IllI! 1·0111' \1>1' 1IJ.::olust 1l1'1' b l1 ~ 1 1I1I 1I1 : \lut !tll,h> 1;rIl'\I" til" t trls ril l hOI' ~" OS thc 011 ' whn 1':11' ('\1. It " 'IIS m·cr. ~ I "II III ()\'('I'o ll s ' olo 'Pl"' ,1 forw nrd willi li,,'lr ·ho\·('18. ami TI lhbs no(llIl'll 'l"k)d.l· to Hoseop, nlllkllll:" II1ll1lt 111'~1I 11'(' tCl\I'l1nl th e line or wnl tlug ClIl'rl ll!!f'~. lI i lJlo~ j:1I,wll IIt,',\,l fuRlIy li t tb e w orkl ll~lI ; Ire k llow l io olt h is rlltbe r kept 1()IIIt1I1 J: lllli' lt li S I", w en t to\\"Ilrcl th o I'II rrlll j(r. 1\\1\1 tllll t

'.rhus fRr hnct b c r ead wh en a th in band tell upon the pa per. co "cr l n ~ Iloo! prln t froll) his eycs. nn ll. look In ,:; " I' . be saw ntllbs !ttlludlng bero n ! hllll , pale unci ~c Dt l c, IlUIl1ell81lrn bly ('0111' pa8&lono teo "[' I'e rome · fo r y on. f aJher :' ~:t l i.l Blbb!<. "Hero' s UlO bey with yOll r eou l rut t helO 00 Illl d L" I II ~' pnd Itnt. bome." AIIII ev 11 thcn Sbc rlllnll <l Id 1I0t I1n· d erabrnd, So 8cc ure wns he III Ihe Btrcu "'h o nd b ll-'1lr s of el"e l'ytl lir' j( '

" nrl\"C!rl" Hhe coiled, In bel' c len r " OIN:, loud ly . " I r l\' er ! Wo'd li ke t o. "Inrt. 1'1'Il~e. Url"cr ! Stop li t tlw hn us .. J,,"I liort h or ~I r. herhl a o' s, \ll r n ~ c'. ,. Tbe whoulij b e~lm t o mov e, II noJ 'he 1(.'IIIle.1 tlllck hl'sldo Dlb bs ouce 1II0r. " I n" lIccil tlillt be WU S IIRleep ",10"11 w e got III ," ah !<Illli. " I 8111)IIOSC Ilt cy bll \'e 11 grcll t dC1I 1 ot nll(bt work." lI lhb drcw a loug ltl'OIl UI n lll1 wult· eel 1111 he cOll li 1 c'ol1llll(\n(l h is voIce. " 1'I'e ne\' r bcclI oble to ap ologIze '1111 'kly ," Ir 8nlcl, wit h h la a cc uatolllCl1 ~ l o "' Il t!8'. " b cI:ll u ~ e It I try to [ 8tnm· lUer. ~I y brotlll' r n oscoe whIpped 00 0 OUl'l" whell W ll WNe boys , ror st('llplng on hI.. sill te p~ lI el1. It took m e 8 0 lo ug 10 tell him It waR fill accident, h e On· 1 ~I! ol l hr forc I dl ~"

with fun erals,

Commissioners' Pr9CCt!ding s '

Best of ser vice guaranteed: Time t or pAying Jun e t.oxes WOII extenOea n ut.1I Jnly 20, JO l 6 Aft er thllt dat th o p enalty will h e bill/ li m'!. 10 I'e mattor of the Morro w lind HA'fHA'~AY Le banOn Pike Road IUlorovemllo ' , n objeoUont! b eln" fil ed r eso)uJloll Wfl y' !leA ville 's L Cl\dl JtIl DeD'I., W!18 pillised to Ullike ~b e prop tlod im U tlloo In Koy a Bldg, Ml\ln tit proventent.. Final b ear i ng for ob. JeoUon. wit) be MObday , July ~, 1016 Io re Olive BrunCh RORd Improve meD', !:Inrveyor Is gtven m o re t ime • to mlLke prope r estilllfltes , speolfioll tl ons eto My Aim-Your Trade BII18 AI :owed: 1.0",18' Br08 & Co, fuol 14.0.88. W. C. (il\ulour, =--=-=-="- -== s b erlff.' expon 8118, OlL~e 0/ Uhlo V8, t.,;bll8. K a a ker, $13~.7 5 _ R e v. · J . QUALITY- Above the Standard Hnnter, eervloe8 ill olulplaln SERVICE- That can't be beat oo un~y Infirmnry for qutlrter endlu!! ' ""nUDu e<! on page 3) MIlY ai, 19lO, $37110. XenIa. CI\y PRICES- Tel p.1eA8e aU, work hou so ke eping prl son era duro .= --'~e-=--o-== Can't Lose Hair 101 &llLY '~ 2 .15 0, ,Ieauet'e 'uldor, ~_=_==_=_-===. tl811etant Ke n rder '8 offioe 'M O. n J, A. ldoOutoboOD, Con N 0 _ 5~O, $7.G . Wa.lter LArrlnlt, tlraYl1~e 250; Ill. Twenty Years from Today a Baldhead- Que8t ovor body of Effie Mnlford Phone 54-2~ Corwin. Ohio. cd Mnn Will Be an Unusual Shtht lronl, oorooer, . 3 60 .· Ben E!1rn. bart, labor r e pnirs , C. H , $4 GO u,bllnoD loe & Co,,1 Co, MIlY loe Tho Muooa on Co, (U810 On. 01 ~ho m OI L proonhioot dr ujfgbtl UI , 5 60 B E . W OJ r . Ameriea made a It au~me ut 0 rew ,,'ook. ago feo~llllt f er jill I $6 iii which 11 ... DUiOd ·•• rellC deal 01 dlscU81110n wlot, IUpplles tor itli!, (l0 tl t lllli onlOOK ",,'eolJlI' I,,'the me\ltcal p....., or Ulllo Vtl Roltm d BIle 8 noel U eorl!u lie . atd: " Jt the ne .. balr IJroWOT. Mil 8 1ldler , 'ees and OOHt 131 45 tl t fl te Funeral I)lrector. drodJo" UatT Remedy. loc ......- Its •• I.a ... I~ of Oh10 V8 Arch ChlldtJre, fees allrl h&ll durIn. t110 1J18~ year, It wUl I, uOO<.1 by OOlt., $12 20, 8',,\e ' of Ohio n, Waynesville Ohio lIurly over, lI\an, WOD\aG .nd c hill! I n A'lDerHarry 81\l1e1. Oharl88 tloboeider, lea " II hln eltfh~ ,.ears. A.lbert Bardy ond Eden Moor e,leel! "Wh.n Idlldrodlna nair ReDlMy II uatd almoll unIversall y. daudrull wJ\J Itll.\1llfa~ " lid c " iI'e, ~7 35 WaU ~r MoClnfe, - JW I'1i JtJt-" J anol wit h lIt d~ pr.rmre bohlo., Itch IIII\' "",ull', i)uII_l of EUBa Wbelon, $76 " \lUltlol! hair Iud oUI<:.l p dlM_ will 10\10" AU(Cl f.llllipment llIll t wenlY years lrom now a bald hoad ..111 Horlle-Ora'Yn Equipment bo" T.. rlL)'." Sample "01, ter 10e W 11'" 1JU. Ill(jO. ~tall orders OUed b,. Mlidted J..oul ae










\I' IIM Ii t hIng l,e tl l,1 lIor "," nl to SCIl. .H ter 1\ IItt lo " 'hlle, "Jt·s too IllI dl" h 1IIIIf wh lsp(' rc(l, h is lip" for llll llg the \\"ol'(I"-lI ncl his meull ln;: \l'n ~ Ih ll t it fr l~bt illi ed. I d 11 f II WP(l Bl l,hN ,,"iI ~ tOD b:\d tlrn t thO stl'Ollg hrot IeI' Ith W out II war , e 0 0 111111 h ('II the 0 11 to gO. For IlIls Wil d b envlly Ollt Ull"ollgb tb o aUl I Sb llll, 10;1 1 I hl ~ la ~t · UlolIght her"ro he! w alliNl In tbe COli P I' nll tl sn \l' M ury \'r'rtrCt'M as til y r eo bed tilO P O\'ClUl I' lIt ~ s topped Ahert au d, grasping hiM SO li ~ " t nn(\ ill);, all Illonc on tile ellwr s ide , sleeve with .s bllk lng lingers, !twu lIg of lll'~ drll' . otIme." blm rou,n d BO that they s tood rU'e to. l"b(' hnd j 1l8t elUorg<'il (rol11 0 !(r O\'C "Tbel' lI hi! a 11 ready fior yoti on the ltUlnute." lAId Jim. "I'm g oIng over tace, , of l~lI flc 8 1.r "010 t s;rc w on a s lop "Wbot- whllt- " His m outh otlltl wh"r iha tOlllhs wer e Dlu ny. A/llII.J IRt both ot 'em now, with Links aull bl'lrnot do blm th e I!ervl~ lie allked or It, suub 0 bll(t kg~OImd ntbhl:l ,vall IIllt In ,mall, ~rom to IUdstJIon til root. 1 8'11088 bO"W8& ~0..trlgklcned. • l'ongl:uouS, w lt b hIS Ilb,,\lfl'. In \.I1111'k, ltbey'l\ "Ilal lnS[lflCtton, t(lOr' Ext:ry l 8creamed ft n ewsboy R(I lo ng nnd ~Icudcr. I\nd Ills fn ' SD " Well, thon, when YDU get thr ougb straIght In hI! f\l ce. "YOIIllg Nort b ion/: a lH} tbln nll(l 'Wh it ': uor wns Ole !WIth tbat," saId tils tuther, "y~u go Bld~ mllllonnire InsuDtly kill ed! Flx· 1II1dC''I·llIker'. coupc Ollt or kl'C\1 lu/:, w ith and take ' your girl out rldl»'.· By \Qeorp! you've eamed Itl You tell h er try I" the Fihnbb)' d rh'er d' 1.1ng 011 th box "Not- JIm I" aald bedda u. nucl lho 811 0/;/:y hor!<~s ~ta ll clhlg pn- Qo., Boat.oo, Mut. 'Jou "tali'd bl,h with m el" H e stepped DAY OR NIGHT TELEPHON E 7 (In Partition) Blhb s c Olight hIs r"ther's Mnd 10 bls t1~ll tl y In II ttltu,leM ~vitll out bUI'O alld ilntothe car, waving II waggltlh fa roweh, and, when tho wb eels wer e In 011"0. w lUlollt regret. llu t fer Ma ry Vert~pP 8. "And you come to tell me Olllt1" h er w as Il g roteRt] IlC sot tlug-sho WIlB 1ID0tion aplD, he turned Ilpon hIS com· Warren Common Pleas Shcrldnn did n ot kno\v wbat b Bald . a " h id, liv Ing crClltu re o r u be'lU tiful , 1DAD10n a l)road ta~ IItorally Bhlnlng ALL KINDS OF : But In those O1'8t word8 lind In tho ,varld. Ami n grn \'I')'llrIl ' Is not lho 'WIth 'pdde, "Tbat'. m;:y boy Jlmmlel" firat ongulsb ot the bIg. stricken ta co plll.oi) ror p eo\1le t o look I'hann l,, !;. J . W. Thomu e~ ai, ( lie utd. OUC) No. 1110 0 VI Sh e nlso looked tll rt\pll /llltl ~on . BlbbB unde1'8tood the unuttered cry at ''t'1ne Jonng man, yel." Bald Herr (Jarl Clevenger .l ai, ac:cu8aUon: ' f UK'd, but \lot more st ll r tll!ll lI ml con· By .Ir\u~ of an onler 01 lale. dilly ''''I,e<! hne. froot . ald COUTI, 10 ~be abovo .tatOO cue and tll ~cd t hllo llIlJbs. d \I hIs lire B ibb "Wb)" wa8D't It you 7" " I lOt two 0' flueat boye," 8ald to me dlreo~lld , k will olfer lor ..Ie, b)' way of publlu IlIcClun, on ~ho pl'Clm lSlla In Harvey.· bad ke pt hlmsc lC to hllllBl'lt- be \' tI $ 8bert~ ". lOt two 0' the Onest boys burg. Warren ClIlull ly. Uhlo, 0/1 CHAPTER XI. Gcid, ever ~de, .nnd. that's a tact, ~[r. but JII shy onloek r III !lIe worl d. .NCI·· Probate Court Proceedlnp . Parverl Jlm'lI the oldest, and [ t ell erUI,c l ('s~ , the 8t.lftlC(\ gnze he bellt A. Stundlng In the blo ck group under IIllO n t.ho u ne;q .Jecleol Indy befere blm III the MaUer of 'he will of Olara lOU the, .tr0t to Iret up lhe day berore gauut tree8 at the co motery , tbree . d. ny~ hnd Clluse!! othe r tbun I,is shYllcU aoct w. Ktrby, deoea.ed, Wl11 1a ad - At 2 o'clock p. 10. on .ald aay, th.lollow· 4t they e~t to catch hl.m In hool Ing deacrJbod real eel''''. ",,·wl t: ' later, Bjbbs uuwl1l111gly let nil old, old beT uncx ll ·t 'd "eJl~. 1<'or .M llry Vor· mlltod '0 probMe. M1 other boy, ROIIcoe, he'8 nlway" tn Ijl~unted 10 Iho Village 01 H arv.yallurf, Itl ~Waynesville, '0. thought become deftllite 10 bla wlnel : t re es hud bcc n u abl nlug n~\l re lu th e , the aoo4, too, but Jlm'8 a YOIl In tbe maUer of the esta.te of ~~w~llDt' 01 W'!!'.reu aDd StaLe of U ,'u. the Blckly b ro ther bnd ' burled the ..~ them two new·pl'OC089 warehousos, 1It11'! werl d ot Intc glvcm t the view Clara W. Kirby ; deoe"8C1d, Boward Being p... 01 Dulonl·. Surn, No, n o aud ny_, P-to"'-,IJ strong brother. ' aDd Bi bbs wontlerecl ot th is hu mble 01111 ~Iu sl\"tl oub\ lder . \Y. Ivlnl 18 Ilppolnted _eltecn'or, lurthordeocrlbed u 10Uo..·. : v ~ - . ,... ~U8t about a~1Bbed' W olI, JIIlI built B·lrlllntn. at a atooe 00 ~~8 '1 utb aide of 011'- Pboa- 77 how. many mll,en times tllat bad bup'om, tell ·y ou about Jhat, Mr. Far· ood 81'0lCtll tors , ~m(' t1m oB Gild 1l1!!lr Bond 112,600, O. B, BlglllnPi Ed. Ola.i,'. Avooue !lOCI Ii. 0; , 'corner to 1M"" .... ~ pened since m ep fi rst mnde a wonl hCl8\'tH belltlng toster th au t1lose of the ward Roge'u aod lI'r&nK l. Pence Colleit's lOt 6011 rublllnl! th ence S. IV <101;_ . And he recited. thIs blstory, d eE, 12 jIOlOI to I ttone ; thooe, N. 0 d8lteO<! to name the son8 or oue Dlotirec. AI· IIct[)rs ' In thc spectacle. 'rbus ·wl th are appointed appratlers. ICI'lhlnlt the new IIrocCS8 at longth: In E. 80H ftlO ~ to •• t.oUO, tbouce H, 10 ctCljl _ _ moat literally be had burled bls strong Hlb l09 now , De stllrted Ilnd sto red: b e ""ow GOOd Night, Mr. Farver," 12 pol... to l. . to OO : ~bODC6 s. 80 dllllrt\CII fact, . be had sueh pride In Jlm'lI In tbe matter of Lee !.I, Timmooll W. IV. BO~ foot"" the beKlnnIDg. coot.luln. 60 AebJo.vemo.n·t thnt b, told B err Favre on'' ': 'WhIm tlolJil!thlng of relll lmpor· broOlllr, t l,r Sherldnn hnd gone to II ttc'd his bllt with Incredible aw kwa rd , Applloatlon for admtR~lon of Bilme IJUlea ruo.., or tW. BARNHART, ·S. ld property b.. '-n regular., appralaud all ;about It more thl\D Oil eo.. ple('('11 whc ll be all w lil A (\ ~ n(1 8011. H e! l~"', biB fingers r., mbllng ut hI s f ore- '0 Dilyton B'ato H08pUal, l. mllde, UDder onler 01 ~ h. Court .1 tbo .um 01 T~rotI tJlnco hnpponed. hend be. t lne t.hey ':eu nd th n brlm. "FIno 10Ung' mon, YIlII," r epco tell tho Iluodred and Bltty ($JOO.OO) Doll ..... ud wIll "JOltryl All Ilbout the bor'ble ox'ntl hnd n othlllg to helll blm meet til e oo~ be 101<1 for 1_ than 'wo tblnll of .. Id .p• . Notary" P~bllc , Common Pleas Court "Mr. ~berldan," su ld Mary, "I'm • ~ Mucu<;bener, tbrllo·qun·rters (It, Ertryl" a boy .s(Juuwkccl under bIB shock, n el th ~r detlntte. relll,tloll nor praiJlod vaille aull will aIao be 80Id sublect to au anuuU,. at Twolve <,12.00 ) 'Dollan t.Obe ID bour later. They " 'cro mflny mll ca nose, a s ho desce nded from Jh(j car. Proceedings ''Phll osClpby'' cIe flnlte or In(letllllle. B r nf m l" ~\o'I; 1I hll \'C tn tUke' mr h ome paid"" Luella TholDu on the r-lra, dlyof All tIDde of N oury Work. f" ¥Villa Qu-t In the open country by thLs time. "Go OD owoy!" enid S herId an gruffly, reuhl ooly bl'nt bl8 forehcad IIml heg, wiU, YQU. 1- " Hh o titUPIICd , 1I0t - 8'ate of Ohio VI. Roland Bllell, Jaouary each and ••err year durlUII ber ou· "Be 18 that'" 8ald Sheridan, adding, though b e smiled.' B e I1ko(1 to s ee over nud ovcr, to he kl11l'1l wllb 011 I nc!I. I II~ n m'/lIH'l1 tll ry II wkwllrd n e ~s of Miltoo Clark l8 app()lnted !tel oounae), ural IUe. . aod Deeds 'a ~peol")", dald property Ia located Lo the VIII"",_ of . . II C01la4e~tSaIlY: ")' got a One ram- the young8ters ·'Worklug 80 noisily to nx, while hIs wire \vII H lrelplesK OXC'I:pt Harvoy.burg. Warreo Couoly, Uht(), and lacOl lI er own . Halt bond flxud at '500 . La'er ou <JIark AvOlluCI and ~be ro bollli DO .Ireola to en trcot him \lot to "!lIke Oil," her· . " ''' h.v - why - f f'S ," B l hh ~ s lll rn. Il le&dod "ulUy. Glven Inde\ermi Immediately B u~ , Weet or 8on~b ot eald .Ily. Mr. Farver-fine blldr!!n. I got got on In thQ world. Out as be Cro88ed the pave/Deot to 8elf uctcl lng u conUnuous Inmentutlon. 1II 0 (,(,(\. " 1' 11- 1'11 bo d o- Wo n't you D.'e leDtenoe to etate PenlteDtla.ry. I' dalJ,hter nnw: you lake her flnll P'W~lIB OF SALK-Ou. third cuh In Edith, wcoplng, Illude truce WlUl get ln 1" Ut' JIB!:' allywbl'. re )'ou ; pleaBc, anU the brlllJaot' glu811 dool"l! ot·.tho ba.r~r I::ltabe Clf Ohio v. Bana Bilamann. band OI~ day of ...Ie. oloe thtrd 10 one year no.l SIbyl Rnd SIlW to Il tllIlt ilic' mouru· one thtnllu two yoars. Deferred· ,p..,m.... ' . DR. J. W. MILLER •. lIhop, a 8ecoDd iJew8boy ' graaped the .b~11 shine up with any ot 'om. In Ulilt m nlll\~ r a nd III that 111(1CO Fnr'ber t ime graDt~ for plee.. Ball to ~r 0 IJUrctlot lotereet and be _ured by ere's culture and re finem ent and flO' arm ot wbo had thus cried bla Ing gormcnts w ere beyond crltlcls rn. tlley cxctltlll t;cd t1lelr \l r ·t wonta. 1'\)('u bond fixed at 11500. mortgago Oil prowl_lOld. RORcoe 'WIlB dnzed, nnd he shlrkeO • .1118' WALDROli O. G1LloIOUn, et;r 1D this town by tlle curlend. !Iud wane. eta'e of Ohio n. Rohert A, Oream. ••• DENTIST••• Sheri If WalTeo 001l0\1,.Ohlo •. ere latol, Ibo'l beeo goHllI' rIght III "sa)", Yallel1l," sald thlll 88concl, Utylng blrusclt curlolls ly by Bllylng be By OUA8. J. WAOOOl>lBll er. lJefe'ldan' 18 reqnlred '0 eDler . DepuLy the thIck ot It- her nnd my dougbter· hoarse with awe, to 'o't c bc lV kuow "never hod any cxpcrlcmc In sucn bond of $500 to keep tb, peace aDG 8W AIM 4t JOnD~ . omoe .. In·law, both. 1 got a ml gllty nu~ wbo that 18'" Altome". 121· 18 1I.. lonal a.... 81da. pay 01l8ttl of 'he aolioo , , mutters." S o It was Dlbbs, the sby da.ugbttlr·ln,law, Mr. It'orver . I'm goln' "Who'" otll8ldcr, 'Who' beca me, dur!.ng thu t Mary Creamer va. Rober' A , to get you up rer u m eal .with us be"It's 8b erldanl" dreodtul little tillie, the nl ll!lter ot the Oreamer. CauII '11 diamlllled wah. tOft! you leaye to~n, alld you'll Bee"Jeestl" cried the arBt, stB,rlng ID' bouse ; tor 118 s lrl\llgc n thi ng Il ~ th at . out rlloord, and, well, '1I1r, trom nil 1 bellr the two sanely. somctimes, mny be tb e reslllt ot u titate of Ohio VI, Welb, Carter. of ~em been bold II" tllc lr p wu with tJlO At nllout the some tlDnr, rour tlme8 depth. Jury disagrees and 18 dllml88ed by beat. Myselt, 1 and the wire, De\'er a week- !lfonduy, Wednelld BY, FrIday "Dust to dust," suld th o m inIs ter, Juclgll Sprigg, Ih,!ld time for much o· that kind 0' ooll Salurllny- herlano stopped at oncler tllO gnuot ~troos ; and at thnt Winnie M.aloy 'I, Johp lIalo, Idoln'l, but It's 11]\ rlg bt aUlI gued for Sherldun ij!Jook convlIlslrcly from bead The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery the chuldren; and JIIy duughter all .'s thla sllOp to be shaved by Ule bead bal" Dl voroo granted. nil 'petltlongr is ber. ~'b e burbers wt:re negTOPs , be to fout. All ot the blnck grOllP 8hh" restored to ber m!llden name 'l)f in the State and pay highest market .Iway, \dud ot tnke n to It. I' ll rend WIIS th eir grell t mlln., u nd It WIl S theIr ered except Bibbs. He hud been close Winnie GalJaher , )"ou a poem s be wrote wben r get you sour cream. We are price for sound, clean upon du st blrllsl'llr ror a long, I(lt.ll~ tIm e, . up at the bouse. Sbewrote It In school Imblt to g ive hIm II " receptlen ," bl8 Lu011:1, Croll. et al VI : Gaorge L. always 'p rompt to recognize any' advance and took the. first prize tor 110etry wIth eutTlluce . bei ng nlwllYs ti,e slgnnl fer nnd th e muclline 8bop, It he bad to go Croll, et al. Reoeiver i8lD.buoted it. I tell yeo th.e y don't mok e 'em aDY' u t1UIT)' of joclllnr Ilo~pltollty, rollowed back to It, weuld probahly brlug bll\l in the market, and will take care ,of. your '0 borroW money and make neoe&8& by geuernl excesseD or briskness and closer sl1ll. To Bibbs' koowlCil ge, 110 ty repalte to buUdlDlJ1 C?n 'be farm . interests at all times. Checks·D;lB.Ued dnily lemarter ' 0 thor girl, r.,lr. Fnrver. Yes, gayety. BII~ It waa not so this eve: one · nod notlllng b ll d ever prC!ventod ' IlI1r : take U8 all round, w e're a pretty his fath er t.rom_ carrying Ihrough hiM or weekly as desired to cover all shipmetlts. ~'arrlale Licenses IballPJ' tamlly: yes, sIr. Roscoe hll8u't IIlng. .pla.n8. He bad the gltt or terrlhl e 'got any cblldren · yet, and 1 bll vell't T be shop wn s crowded. CopIes ot Fred J. Foxb'lwer, rarm.r, of pcrsls tence, ond with · unH e'C!ked centl· RE~IIRIIN911 ,ever spoke to him Bnd ble wHe sbout tile "eltrll" " 'cre be Ing reacl by men Bu'lerv'llle, .aDd 14188 amma Marie dence ·Ulat bls way 'WRB the an i), " 'ny, it-W. Idnd or a deli ca te motter-but woltlllg ,lInd by me n In the latter stages Benthlen, of Plell_D' PlaiD. Rev. Pint lIatlooal Bank . he wo(]ld hold to t1lat woy of "ml\ldll g 11t'1 about Ume the wire and I 80W of treatment. " Illltrlls" lay UPOD va· Pe,d I$treet .arkat aauk S. WatIOO. n mno" ot BIbbs, wllo ulldo1'8tood vcry lIOme grlln'cllUldren irowln' up aroun,\ callt seuts and B.h owed .tram the pock· ADY. Reliable Men:haut Oeoll EArl Wriltbl, employed ,. well, In hIs passlvo a".d Iml1or80n ll l lo.qaclanaU. ~ uri. 1 certaInly do honker fo'r aboot (;lS of honglog conts. KiDIJ& MUle, aDd Ilol1 •• aazel BlllI, 1ashlon, that It W il li It WilY ~vbl eh wlgbt Tbere ' 'WIlS a 10Ull chntter between \ tOllr or Bve llt.tle corly·beuded rascllia both of Bou\h Leb"DOD, R,IV. B, mnke, 1I0t a mao, I)ut du st ot hlm. Bul jto take on my knee. BoylJ. I hop, 0' the practitioners and thclr recumbeot be bad no IIbodller for tbe til oug ht. Wa"on, course : \bU's only natural, J,m's got patients, a vocal C11llrlvorl which The truili obout Rlbbs WUH 10 the Edward J. Wall, ' maoblDi8' of .Olnclnnatl. Ohl~ bla eye on a mighty 8plendld.lOO kln' atoJll'ell nhMlptly 8fI Sberldun epened pOl'm whkh Edltb bad adopted .• But rrenllllD, an4 Mi .. Stella·!'rOe' of Cirl: lives rlgbt next door to 1\ 8 . I ex. tbe Il oor. 'Hls nnme SI!Cll1ed 10 dzz In he hllc1 not hIdden hla t ecllpl!s ,lI bollt ~utb Lebanon, &6", Gaor.e Pbll· peel ;you heard me j08hln' him Rbout the ulr like the IS Rt sllUt!crlnJ; or a hia fa tber where they coulct no t he) lipa. . It back yonder. . She's one tbc ole fir('work ; the burhers stopped Rbn,'lng rouod. 'He W09 stronge to. !ils fll Ule r. William ·Walterr Roe., farmer blue-bloods bere, ancI 1 gll e!l8 It . "'.riA a nod c:llpplng ; luther ell men turl)ed bllt his tother WllS'1I0t strnnge to b lm. MIs8 K.ry Louella Parkhill, both iD,lpfy good atock-ta raise her ! SllO's tJl'lr prostrute heade to 8tnre, nod B CI kQo\\' thrit !lllCrldnn's plnlls WCI'" He Started and Starod, Ma80D. Rev, R, S. Ba.eman, . nc thelle girls thot' eland rlgbt up und there was II Dlomcnt ef amazing silence conceIved 1u tho s tubborn bellet ,Ollit Ralph N. LeFevrre, .. manlllJer I\[nry, without more 01\0, got LDto tbe look at youl And p re tt)'! 'Sbe'ft tile III tliv abop. · '"o lllle, H.1l1l Dl bbll rollo\ved, clOSing the moylna plC'lire!IDd III •• Bt'••le I.aoll jprettlelt thing. you ever IIRwl Qood Tbe hend barber, neorest the d~r, Bill, bcah of LebaDon. .liBy, Jer· d Ol(lr. lll&e, too: Cood helilth and good lienee. stood Uke a bfU'ber In a tableau. BIB , " YolI're .vcry !ilod," ,he 81lld, some- vane aOUIMou (Jlm'lI be just'- rtght it he gct1l ber. le tt hanll held IItrctebed betweou wl lll t· hr~lI t hl "' ~ l y. "I f11101l1d huye hlld P,ser I[ro.11, baker or Norwood, '11 1I\1I8t ",1t t Ickles me to UII llk 0' Ute tJlllmb lind roretln ~ r on cJRIIUe secI",a)" tMt boy too,,- abold 0' Ull\t job tlon or bl8 belpll!l!S c ustoDIer', Cheek, 10 a leotore . , ooe of the . nOlI to· wall" IIlId It' R hcgl nnlDg to gef (lllrk. and Mlu ADDle 1'. J?r.k~ of lI.eon. jbal!\t yeoder•. FOt,r months Bod a halfl whllo hIs, rtgh~ bnnll bung jlol8l'Cl 1II,010ell, 10"&, oburobe8 amiHKlon,lll'Y I t ',S thl·UCl mile·, J tilhlk." · Real· Estate "YOR," Buill mblls. "It-It Is begIn· jree, 1I1r-" , Ilbeve It, the razor motloule8l. And frqm IDdia told of golllS 10\0 tbe Be upeDded thl& theme once! more: ,tbim, ro used trorn trance 'by' the door', ltUerlor uf I041a. where be w~. tak. 'n lnll to g et (lnrk. I-J no t iced thnt. " BeDry Praser, Admr. to R; A. ". onght to t ell 3'011- £- " Mary be- and R . li, OrrOil put' of lot No.·' to line! dine be cOntilll't'd to entertolll the clO!<log, he IIcce[lted the tact o'r 8berl· lID IloJr, 'bAt h. bad 'a b.lUle tlf Everybody uses Lewis' Brea'd and ( IIRcd IY . Sbe bIt· her lip, But gllll. cml ~ througbout tbe long drive. dUll'y prll6e Dce. Tbe barber ' remem· ChalDberlaln". Colio, Oholera and Wayoentlie.ll. · . !Pukn_ bad ,tollc.'l\ betore th@y he rlld Uiut there are no c1rcumsti.nC08 Diarrhoea Remedy wtUa him and be. 'sllOllt I momont, then spoke wIth com· Cakes, the best and mQSt delicious W. 0, GUmotlr, eberlff ao Am.lIa !NIl." the city on their return. and In nrC!-<lr JUll t after it-ullder wblCh lIenl 'bat'* IIye4 bl. Ute, Thl8 pelSUr!!. " It IlIl1l1t Bcem ad!t. my-" IiIrendeaber" II eon. lieu 1'00"r, made. Tty them" and you will . "No, nC)!" fllbbll protested, enMl.estly. aner 111'(' when Sberldan al· a DlnD dOl!!( nut 11~ed to be .ibeved. remedy,JI QIIed luoc • ..rall. la IDdl. ~~5, . tlc-ver w~t to eat any other kind. 4~nd at the ITn s tl'l l,ped forward, profeundly hoth lUI a preYeD'lye aDd ourfl for dJSot In thl"-J Il Ule least." W. O. allmou, .1aerUr to ,Roth "It 1I0eR, tbous h," 8uld lifary: ilia botel. bere . bo)'I w'e re gro ver " I bl! through 'll"Jtb this mUD ohollra. You ~1ltBow from &hll ~ la Vel'. jllJdaldl,. utrA edltlonlr of the ennJn. In tire c'balr ODe mlDute. MlJrt' SIIerI· tha'" GaD be depeD4ed apoD lor IIl\e! nOllnten,lcd to cilme to tile ceme- aad Nano, Moaa, Mr. SlierlclnD, but ODe ot the meo 1t"le, '18118 67. , daD," be suld, In a bashed ?olce, .. y_ the mUdH forme or bow.l CIOIDpl,lDS ilt the hDIl8e came anel wJltl. BebloCa ,Woloo'..... ~.::: 1004 IdIbt. Mr. ","H," Ia14 .Ub." Anel of a lolemn nell'O ,0oUa, tha, 000111' la'lab OMala· to me lhiat 'tit. fam1b' wJeJJe4 IDI _ B 1MttIA,..... ·..... . . . . . __ ......... wllo ~ ~__ KUlna IJ1IDfIJJ7. ~OQ abl. nerrwhen, AIL

Ibnt WIlK hls. he <lId not. kllmy \\' hll l 1'11 Inm lt )' hnd bCrllllcn 11110. Hut ho ,,' IIM


-- - _.- ....---










0,/ 1916

Walter Chandler

















.J. F. ·Snooll:, Agt. WaYnesville, O. ~




OOIIIl'' '




.l.ewia' ~akery



Stal. 01 QhIo, Cit)' Toledo, Luell, ('ounty, II. Itraak 1, Chenty makes uatb tbal be ill leuillf panuer of tbe 11m of P. J. Chlney lit Cu • doing bUlllW'N In lhe Cily of ·fole. d.... Cuunly and 81111e a fore , uud Ihl\t IIIld lirrll will pay I Itt' II lInuf ONK HUN- I ~-=='"' DREV J)OI.I,AHS ((of ...eb and every . J UN I~ 21 , 111111 ClI!te uf Cillatlh 111111 ra nllnt IJe c ured th~ U"I! ul HAl.L· S ,,' ATAIU{H CURH. - III(ANK J. CIIH ' ll:V. Ill'

u nd sub!l rit>etl in , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

l1y -tvo


1.' I.- __ ..-...-.

YQU o ll~n .. lIhod rlft' li. ml'dfrlM your 11",11'/ SolJlo,hlt'lt lIml . 10,," l'Il<Iulre dlollD!!, or c~ ~h .nlC81 IVtlll l rll"& horu you h&Yo I~ In ~g"'ln III8IlCO t .. b· lUI •• which YOU 1Il ay eilCure a' .. oy dlrull h"\<>ro. Tho, &l'a pl_n~ 10 l ako, PO,'oct y arm1and calUll DO ..... lrlot·loD. Iloblt or eallnl, and reduce tho flMh, IIttlo by IIltlu. u011I rou lire dowo to Iho numbC!r of PO~nd • 10U ",lab 10 .. olllb. 'roo muoh lI"'h I. "Ddo· ,Irablo, ... mOlt 'Iult.o "tou. 1>001110,.111 rol'd · lIy 11<10111. auO it dOlraots IroUl 000 '. Ilood all', ~ar.n ~'6; wake. ouo clumlY anti 6 hu,~ 0 ~:~o 1.0 ' , any ro"sou why IUIYOtJO 8tlould (<<, .tout., whon U1Cro 'd th lH mn ch triad, 1le" oclly II&LI, 'oct.ctr1 I't)UlO(Iy 0\ ~u .v drul/ Loro. 1' _ tailiola (clan', lorgot tho II,,,UO) 11'0 rt.!Commcu,I'd lJy pllY. tllc lu.ulf Dn(l oru gunrau\OOd to bo IKlrl I/l' hl>'IIIlese, Be'"""· llItea.ll l'o u cau DOL co~o \0 O"r Mo, a, wo will


Bave\)'~ kl rod ll~'t1 !lO 1


M 'T. HOllY I

lind ucll thrunl: h the 810t14 on the Mu· COlli SurCaccs of the Syslcm. . end fur


Drink Hot w ater and Tako

• _ _ _ _ _ _ •_ _ _ _



M-.llo, Re't..der·friel"'ld!


As Written by Our Corps of Able en t~ I n the Nelgllborhood "t

J.fC!~~;;~' II~~ I~~rl: ~~?'Ii, ~fs8~.cmber' (1k-1I1) NDtary Publia, l Tt1E tNEf.RfVL ·diERUB. ~IY.111111', alunh Cur. is lllken internally t




5wflrh t o berurc

Way to Reduce . .------------~-


_ _ __

'Iestimoniuls, Crre .

Do You Intend to Build a __'·... this Season? "f you do, Remember, we' have •



BUilding Material


, Ill'. aDd Mrs. Lovl .Jes~op re Mrs . Tbomas Bowe, who boe ree D F. , . CHBJliEY & .10.,. Tuledo, O. tnru6n howe Frlcl .. y rrom Norwood ' vl siling Joe Myers" Clime bome Sold by all druBRisl s, 76c. Hull's FIHnilr Pills fo r constipation . aooompanled by 'holr two Krliod. Sl1ndllY. hvgqlng you 11001, who will Hpond their vllolI.tlon Mr. lind Mrs. Edwllrd Urew .pent 1\OW . • hero. SaturllllY and t:\uuduy wUb John In u ll lalliCU 10 l'ou . Mr. Walter Gra. no(1 MII"Ier Levi Ilod fomily . In 'to. flgure of "p'! muus WOf! 110 contellt wltll tbe 81- Wayne Shldaker were In \ ~ IlmingMrll. Robert GreAD, of Dllyton. We also have Paint to . R"C"~ -SOc BOX ;:REElenre be dId nut' kuow tllot It WitS 81- ton 'Frlday dullverln~ wool. "08 'he Sunday visi tor of Lew ) " . put on your building 00 lence. '1'lIe duak. "lIth~rlug In their' Mrs. Romine Shumalrer spont" Morgan nnd tdmlly. you intend to build . emllll Inclosure, Wil l IlIIed with a rlcll few d"l'e Iud week wtlb reilltlve8 RU8sei Morga n spont liIunday with FREE TA88CO COUPON ~ presence for blm; nud presently It WQS here. D,.. ve Murray THE TASaCO CO. ..,..x ' Boston, Mass. 80 dark that ue!ther of tile two cou ld Mrs. Mayme B&ttlel!1IUended the Mrll, Naomi LUOM atld . daughters Sead rna by ""~urD luaU a 60!: box 01 Jour see tlIe other. nor did even their I:llr< funeral of an aunt neal' Lebanon were Sunday vleltor8 of Dan Mor. "oud.rlul obelllly 'rc .. l·mODt; I euclo.. 1 meots tqucb. Bu.t nelthllr bud all, TOll8day. gan and rllmlly. In IIlh'or or .t~mp. kl help II"'Y PO.tatrO .. ud Mr. "nd Mrll I'rank Harvey and William Jones al1d, famlly .pent paellllllJ, sense of belnl alolle. 'I'be whel!l. creaked presl!utly spllnt 'be week end wltb 8unda., wUh AmOll Jaokson and on , PII vedItl!lIdlly, . IItreot.i;.. umbllng there were the dao"hter .. lIOund8, lie frQID 1\ dMunce. of the Harry 8hldaker .nd family . family. plod·plild of . Ibo lIor8e~. Obloll1l'8 of Mr. Frank MoCarren and family 'l'om BaillY. of Xen,llI, IIpon' Bon. Iljrbt came lancing hI to tbe coulln, and MpOD' 8unday wl\h Robert Carr .. nd day wUh Wilham HOLley lind family . 1Ii~""~·'I!~!:!::::::~::~~~::~~~~1 passed, leaving greater d"rk.n~88. A.ud wlr~. ' Jamea Snlltb, ot Xenia, Ipent t! yet neither ot IhOls" two l6,t attl!.Dd, ·Mr . Baro'" Smith and family In our town. aqlll at Jtw SherJdl\n'lI fUnerll1 brokE' ."era Sunday guest! of W, L, Iittl'· Mr.. Ie Barnard, Mre. Georg. MI.I Opal Mill!!, of near Rldgetbe silence. vey !lod wife. Mar)att, I4ra. Ber. MariaU and Misl vlUe, wlU teaoh our lobool 'ho oomMr. Boward 6 I'll ham .nd famlly Clara Oll.nghterll elllled on Lew Ing ye.... n 11'88 Mary wbo percelvvd the IItrangenfs8 01 It- too late. Abroptl¥ "ere entertained at 'be home of Hart800k lu~d family one day lallt Wood Warner. et 6reen Briar, Ibe realhed that for an IJIdllllulh. Ia· Mr lind Mre. Frank t3q.ulr88 Bun. " Eek . Wall lleen on onr slreet. !:Iunday. AtIBa Baller, of Xen·la. and 'hI! lenlll Rho I",d been Illlnkin g ot. ber day . Onr IIlok la lome beUer at thla ''OIIIIJIIII1UII 1I11l1 1101 tll lking to , hllll. Oar strelts wtll be oiled In the MI8sei Mary and Minnie Oav l~, of wrUlng. Come in and will make an estimBte on the building ·'lI r. !:lllerldllll," shu hegun. n ()t knuw· near fuLuro whloh Is VAt:Y neoe'l"ry W.. ynesville vlsUed Mra John Levi A Novll By Mfl8 Vlol'\' J ordan was tn LebaInll whllt 81lu WUH gU)II!: 10 KUY, bul hn· lIr Pat Burke, of Weeblng';)D lut wllek, non Satnrday afternoon. BOOTH TAIUCJNGTON r",lI ~o.I to Hlly lI uyllllllg, li8 shl! relll\zell C. B. wall Clllllna oq frlen!!11 here Mr. and Mrs . Senl'y CrE wand Ion R081 Bart800k. of Ridgeway. Author 01 the 'IUf!l'rtJCijH of thlHdrl vl!-" Mr. her· Tbundayevenln". IIpent t30ndmy with John (.lIvl. Give us a call, get our prices, and we are positive w 'pen' Sund"y wltb bill bome tolkll Id an. 1- " Mrll, Maud AndersoD Imd l on, IIr, and Mrs, 10biD 8wleher. IIr . will get your order for lumber, etc, ".,opaIe.., Bduealte,·· "'l1II 'I'Ill! COupe sloW",!. "You, Joe!" Maid Carlton, of Xenia, and Mls8 EUa and Mr8 George DII,kln and dllUllh . ells' of here . Joaeph Sarrl. a'nd 1118ter. of near C~uell of Cauau." th" drh'er, rO[J rollclltully. Rnd climbed Arnold, of Dav'on, were Runda,. ter, or Dlly t rlD, Mr. lind Mr9, Bllm '1'anNIe"1IA down nnd opeued th \! tloor. gOI)Mta of IIr, and Mrll. Amoa Ellis, Knee, of Xonia, Bnd Mr, Ind Mre. Wayn88vllle. ol\\1ed on K . IC l'hotDp. lion and wife !:lunday afternoon. ii$iruii5i5i!5i5i!~Z5i;SZ5ii~l i "Whut's ,the Irouble'/" Bibbs In· Mn. Marlon Van''''l!I hllll beeD (JeOr!!8 Knoe RDd Yr . an!1 MrlJ. LevI Mr. . Myrtle raylor tllJd two i!! quire" . qnlte \>oor)y fClr lIevoral daYIl. Marlatt. 01 8 prlng Valley, were Sun. danghter9, T belml\ I\nd 61tldy8, or ~ "Lody RRld KtOp Bt li MIt housll north Mr. Barbeeu and &wo IDlereatl']p: dsy ,,18U01'8 of Geor~e ~arlatt. ' Il'rankltn. lire spending thl. week Mllry Ve.·trl!e' IlHII never neaN aur of Mr. ' horldllll'8. Klr." MRrv WOK Incre<!ulouR; Mile fell IbRt MonR, of Newpor t , Ky .. are vl~"lng .... wl&b relative. at Wellman . thing 'Iulhi .llke thl! drllwllng. !lI!ntil! Glenn Davl, and wife were Sunvolco or Ibe odd IWllllclitiOIi thllt bls It '~ollidn' l he trill! lind tho! It lIIu slu'l her pereDlll. Mr. !lnd Mre Frank STOMACH TROUBLES A I N D CONSTIPATION day guesl.8 of Georgo Bogan and not notlclug Ibe 1II0tlOlllllSS Btate or be Irue Illllt they hod IIrlvell 1111 the "tlI8, at Eut "'In atreet, Mr. lind Mu. A, L. Bend tlok. of, wife. their "chicle 1"tll\ 1111 "/Iceldent." At way without SJ1l1llklug. "I will oheorfuIlY't9 al' tba' Cbam. BIbbs 41eRceuded to flI p. (,lub. "Why . Lebaoon, were Sundav gue8111 a once she tliscovered that lie WII~ unll k Jams! CIMver and n )Ico. MIIIII berlaln'a Tn-blele lire tbe mOlt 8atls. ye8." he Ro ld. "You seem to be right." Mr. and Mrl. Amoa Ellis . any ot lH'r curaory lIud VB/Clle Imallln· Ida O. Mannon. attendod tho 80). hotory rellledy tor eliornaoh &rouble8 kr. ond Mra. Ed Cllrr wore viII. lugH of 111m. A,Jld suddeilly lIbe bile: a Ami whlll' he 8100d sturlng III tJl C dim· and oonst.l patl,lD 'hat 1 have sold In dlerll' Enoampment at Marlon lallt glhnpsc of BUlbs' lite and luto bl8 life. Iy lIIullllnnled tront wind ows ot Mr. Uera of out or town people 8un.lllY. thlrty-rour years' 11fug elore l er. week . Vertrees' \touRe Mllr, got out, UtlilS' The lad new. rearibed OB BrldllY SlIl' bud a queer fC!(!lIug, new to ber Lou BranDon !lnd K. IC. Thompe')n vloe." walte8 S. B lturpby, drugmorning of 'he deatb of !:Iamflel alit, uperl"" ",", ot knowing him lustaoUy, silted. were In BarveYllburg Saturday We1l8bur8, N. Y.' ()bt&lnltble " IDe belp YOli," 8111d Dluus, step· "!tarr, .. ner levera1 weeke of lIalferIt . tarlled her I little; abe· did oot "From mOlnlng. everywbere. relllze, bowever, tbat sbe had made ping towa rd ber mechanically; Ilud s\te Ing. Be lAavOl a wife and several ~ Or. C. U . Raadall and daughter. The fo11owlna oandldatea an. 110 Te~lOn8e to bte ap~loll'1. .nd the, wal several teet IroOl tbe coupe wbeo danghtere, alden, ' brotberll and MI •• ' Be)9n. of HarTlY. borg. were nounoe their OIndl4aoy before 'he friendl to monrn ~h.IOu 01 anI tha' pa..ed out ot tbe eemetel'1 a.t.., lie', be 8polle. here Sa'nr4a" , Republ\nan Prima.,. lo be held "Oil, no," abe murmured. "I think J W.I rlllpeo\8d. Be wae laid to r08t ther bavlnlC lPOlien lIatO. 8abe MoDonald and tamlly, of AUlfUlIl 8, {IIU. e8O- " Bhe meant tbat l ite could gilt Honda, morning ID beau~ ifu\ Miami toF.iction McCallIlliaSupre!"e," OUt or the cou.,c wJlbout belp, but; per· oemlter,. (')n. by one tbe popala, motored to Oregonta I =~======::::;====== , writ~1 a New Yo!k lubac:n~r. Sunda, anernoon to lpeDd • few I" celvlllg Ih'lt 81le bnd IIlrelldy accom· tiOD or Mllml oemetery III Delnl In. McC ALL'S belps hou... witb relatlve8 and 'rlend•• ptlalloo tllls fellt. lIbe decided not to oteaeed, . pver J ,200 ,000 Cl:rk of Court. EUfenla WhUaklll' II villting with women dress In OrlOD Thompson ' went 10 Dayton complele t1111. 6onteoL'e. Mrl Oba Wf' lcb 'and Mrll Bl td styl" a t small 0><frld.y to ."end oommenoement. '. "You, Joe!" crlt>d the driver, Rngrlly. Dakin 1000mpanied by 'belr 11u~. relative. ollar Lelen.. DAN P. BONE pooao. A recogVeterinary Mil" I r · TJ amlll,on enler"lned bl ••11&8r, MIIII Androlll91b, being . climbing to bill bol, And be rumbled bandll. mo'ored' to Jeft'erllonvUle Jom LEWIB nlzod F 0 9 h Io n aWIlYllt Ills teluu'H beat pll c~a anllll'8. donda., and were 'bl lueete of Mr, MI~I! Ann.. ' orRan 'rom Taelda, one of tbe Nurmlll Irallultea, Authority for 4S t uDtll Hunday . Orailpte 01 01110 Sf.I. Unlvenl , "~'bQnk you for brlutclng me \tome. Rnd MI'I Lewll! tllllr8, !:Ienral from tbll plaoe dtended years. Mrl, Ru'h Beltz .ad d&o«h'-r. 'he tunlral of !:Iamuel S&I\l'r near Ur. Sheridan," I8ld Mary, BUm,. She &iI's. Tb(MJ. Wbeteel, who II ever For CommisSIoner McCALL PAT. ..... Oreek ohuroh Monday. n TERNS lead In Office .t Niilfdence In F. D Sher did not .o.lfei- ber banet "Oood nlgbl .·' \hoUlb&lol.entertaIDfld 'bIShut-In 'I l:Ielel1, were In Lebanon. Tollllcl.". Cae ED B. RO(jERB style, fit, slmpllc. "Oood.n.-gllt," Blbbll &aId In reMpon8e, and .lderly Ildl.5" her beau~tfnl lin, ·fianey BD1!'nllt and· MI.I wtll be remembered 'bat one 01 hll ,wood'!I bOUIe, Fourth St~ ity, economy and lind, tnrnlnw wltb ber, waJked bealde born., IIr. Wbe'eel, being .qua\ly Ca'herinl lpeat frOID 'liday .VlD- daugh'-n, Mill Marie, '.ugM our number 601d, 1I0hooi • tew yelln ala, .nd another ber '10 the door. Mary mllde tlIat a a. Ihougb&fol, pu' hll Overland Ina ontll Han day e'W'llnlna 10 Da, T,leplaoae IS For Recorder M<CALL'5-81 to 118 po,.. monthl),-II 'he abort wlllk; SUI! alrnOllt ran. neallm· loorllll( o"r Inlo .. nice In.,. deliver. ton, Mr. Burne' mororl,d up, !:IUD. daugMer. I4lal . Kabel, 'ansht 'be Fuhlon Oulde Ind Hou • • kteplnr 01 Wellman BOhool 'be palll two or , tlon or-the qoeerness of their drive W8S Ing lbe goell\8 '0 aDd from nls home. day mornID" ALLR:N B B B'Il'MAN m or e wome n th an Any other mla-usloe n t he Waynesville. 'wo rl d. AU t he l ates t .. \yl ~a eve,r 'y mon th ;. Ohio lrowlng hllOn betr. beginning to ahock The.U moon wal .pent. tD YIII"ng, Ed Kulleo. of LebanoD, .nd MI.. three yean . They and 'he res' of alao dellahtful atorle l ; IfPe:olal dep Artment. R. B. SMITB ber; she "Iepped Rftldll frUlD the IIgbt and a tl 0 'o1ook dlnDer was Berved Cora MoKflever apflll' Suuday. witb 'he family baYe onr hearfeit eym . In cooklnlir, home dreaa ma.ld nu, fancy work, a nd w a ys tf.) lI" hten housework ond a'lYe pathy In thll 'heir darkea' hour. that tell through Ihe gl888.1'"l1eI8 of and· w.8 eojo.,ed, aUIgre!'lnK \hat Emme. Beltz and f~lmll" . money. Pdu : only ,5c Q. ~opy, SOc; 0. y ear. tbe door Rod w.lthheld her hand a8 It 'bey would be wlntnl/: '<) reepond to Me.daiDee Anna BranDou and MaSEND FOUR lloe ".nc,.Wo,k Book OR I .. , lIonda3r, Mr.. R . I'. Treasurer CENTS tN with 39 Emb",id.'7 Le_Bn~_t"d touch ~d the old·fil81lloned bell hUDdle. 1I00.her oall' a' any avallilble time Balllnaer entedaliled IIr•• Ed V.n bel Terr, aUend~d oommenoement STAMPS rOR 32-",,"0 McCall P.Uem ...... "I.·m 'qulte 80te. tlt tlJlk you," sl1e .Goerge M .Edwards and R. C. O.,ke,l4rl, Waodro'w Warnllr, IU •• ID D.ytOD on hlday evening. Their WALDRON C. GILMOUR SA 111«I"C1I14 ' MI. ,r.. )hpHn",. I.,. I Ytk It' GlrTSuOl ti bo n.~ "Nt .Gd ,,00 1",1,,, t Hh,rl.llu+n" • •'Hitll ." t'9Cl..~". 1.ld. with a little emyho8ls. "Oood Garner are very busy deoortlling 'be JenDIe. WarDer Ind L. 0, WilkerlCon. ooneln, M1811 Andromeda U, Tbomp. ~ A&lJ,..Sa (k, ll . N . 1'. B....8BERwonD- - lion Wall one of fihe Iradnllte. and nlgbt." exterior aDd, Interior of IIr. and THEItIcCALLCO. , Z38W. 371hS... N.w'l'•.t.CiIJ.N.l'. Mn. l/la 8tokel .pent liullday Ihe noei ved • lour yean oer'1110a te "Oood nlgbt," anld BIbbs. and went \Jr., I!Jme' BevaDI bean~lfnl bome 1rUh ber daOI11'er, Mn Ada UoorlJ~~I& CLWAl:~t'" obediently. Wben be reached the on tbe Barveflburg Ind Clarksville ney, w,b o ball' been qalte III the to te!loh an1 plaoe In Ohio, atreet be looked back, but Ibe hnd pike, if ... • pal!t weell, , unlahed wltlil0 the house. III', .nd Mn .JJharle, Kibler In4 Moving .Iowl, away, he cnromed .gllillst two peoplo! wbo were' turning daugh'.... Lt••le. .ttended oamp ADOCTOR'S REMEDY FOR eOUCHS out trom the l'IIVl!mellt to cross til l! FORETHOUGHT meetinl at Morrow, Bunda" ' Aa a oure tor OOUlbl and o~l(\1 Barry t3haw and. family enter. Dr. Bell', Plne.Ttlr. doIlI'Y Qf\mbln ell :Itreet. Tbey WOlre RolICOt! and his ' PMpie 'UI! learnlnl that a lIUle "tre. , .. forethougl1t of teD ~ayP\I them a bla talued Mr. end lira. 0, D. O.mend 'heBe remedl ... In just ~ho rll!lht pru • "Where are your" eyetl, Bibbs? de· expenRe. ' Bure 18 an Inetan08: ' E. In4 Mr, .nd 1141'1. Obae. Barrell, of !'nl,ra'lOn to 40 th" mos' good for Bum nlRDtlel! U08CDe. Sleep,wlllklng: 88 W. Arober, Qaldwell, 01119. wrl~8 : UaytoD, 'he laUer part of the w.ek . mer ooughl or ooids . A \rl'l '111'111 Min Ina B ,lOman Ind 110.... prove 'l1e value of 'hll Iplendld THE O N"Y CENUINI! ulullir "1 do not believe' that our family Are buying all kinds of But Slb,l took the wnllderer by tbe bae been wl~hont Ohllmb.rhln's YlslI Anaa Morpd. aUlnded fihl! OOUlh medlolne. Dr BeU·. Pia.... • rm. "Come over t,~ our houae for ..~ Colla. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem. oommenoement exeroll.. at Wilber. Tar.Boae, Boothea the. IrrHdlon • LIVE STOCK and p!,-ydope }'our oonl~, kill. the oold little wblle. Blbbl. lIbe urged. . ed, IIlnee we commenoed keeping f,noe, Thurlld&y, ing highest market pnce. Mr, and Mra. (Jarl 8e.'h were «,rm. and doel }'ou a world of goo/l. KEEPS FLESH IN TON. W.jDt to--". .. bnoaa yeara "10. When we flCl on FROM SKI N TO BON •• . We are paying tbehigb- ' No" I'd betteran Ilx.ended vlll& we take H with 111, If ~lIed to 8edalla 'hl~ w •• k aD .0. A 16Cl bottl.wlll.more than oOD.llloe Heala Evel'}'thlng Healabl~ BUrne, . "Vea. I .. ant you to. Vour tethet's Obtalo!lble ever1wbere. ooun' of tbe death of a Deph.w a.d ,au-It will stop 1"01' oOl1lJh. At est cash price for Bolle, Sotes, Ulcora,l'ilee, 'Eczema, IIO~ to bed. alld the,'re all quiet ~ver ._- - Mr. llel,h'lI ratber, drugl!al~ , Cute, 0em8, WoUnds and Bruises, tbere-all .WorD. oot. Ju.t come 'or - - -... - • Ib, aDd IIrs. A •• Whitaker .nd -------. .ATI.liIES. OR MONEY BAOK. a m1aule." 1'I0nll and ' Mrf. Sarah ' Whitaker 2 80 AT A .... DRUCCIST8. o~lIed at tbe JOhD Lewl8 hOlDe near U'loa, Sunday .fternoon (Tel ' : ---.-y--

re' ~vt




to ' bui.Id a well-equipped Dwelling,' B.a rn, Stable, or Shed.







... ..,.aa-'......



------.. ..------



C Dr. J. A Mcoy,

----_. - ...-----

&Stoops . HEAL

.Waynesville, O.

. '.


.=o~ "~aued==)





C, C. HAfNIiS /JiIlrid l'armu,r A,.., JJA lTON, OHIO



..- - -

To be delivered at Corwin

111'1. Clyde Wharton and ohlldren, Mr. Frank Bawle Ie ellah", 1m. , of Da,ton, vl81t8d her mo'her 141'11. CALL proved ·. ' ihll 'wrUIDI, Levi Greatbouee lu, weelr. Mt.. Goldie Oonner w... a Day'on.. " Mr. alld. Uri, Jobu R<>tDI"le, of Office Phone 46 ....ter iOlDhower, of WI.bID,lon .I.ttor one d.y la~' week. Da,&OII, were cialllna on arr, aud Res. Phone No. 48·2 0" B., I. the hll ,r.D!!. Mr. aDd IIr.. A, ' B. I:Ihaner and MI •• Mary WlIlIaml wall ' oalltng Mn. OhM. Nellla, Tburllday.puen,e ' family .1.lle I wltb III' and Mn, on Mrl, Olem WlIlIama, Toeld.,. lin . Jobn Baokman vleUed her alllI AIDr. Rodduok '.'Ir..ti:led GeOrg. UllIUanc'l and f.mt1y last Rev. Walker .v&EI oatllng to oar parenll.t Aorora Ind .• 1..1 week . . It "'''7 pf frIIDd.. W84D6IdltJ,,' ID 8oaila}" . neighborhood one day I." week, Ill', Ind Ifn, Albert Beel and , hoaror or ".r brGIber, Ruaell. . " '141'1. WlIl alr.rd, of ' atooln·na'I, 'l'lle tn'e,lor of nle II, E Cburoh daulhler .nd 111111 IIl1dred Hutoh. 'The w. u, r. _u,.' oble,.ecJ !'lower lpeDt .turday and Hund.y with hal boen r84.ooraletd . InIon, 0' Lebanon, .vere caillog 00 'Hlllloll'DaJ. Thu~I', wlab •• her liu,baDd a. thl. plThen will be ChllldreD'1 Bervlo•• ~ .. , and 111'1 Edward OoiYl8n tion,, ,. ... , ok . Dro».tla~ ()rotl nm , .oel ~J"rlbD"on Mre, ,GladmAn. Eml Ind daollbtor, .lIt the U. E, 'CbOI4,b Dext .Saod'r day. ,. )f bd.1i4uete, ' . 11111 Nora. .Dd II.... ·..enlol. Jonl 15. The man7 frlendl of Morrll IIll1er . FOR BALE lin WbUaW., I. 'DJoytn, It .1." EIll.....ended O.mmelloement.t 1111. Dorolh', Jeffery I. "'llalnR will be ple"e4 to Jearn tha' hie . health Ie muoh Improved . .\pat ! KllboSprl."eld Iroa '11.1' 'mother, lin. RD~, of Wllbedorol 0011e,.1a.' "ualday. her tinole In Da}"OIS. TI~ " ltltOhalllotburl, . Mr. •Dd 111'1. A. L, Bid" w.rl Mr••nd Mr • . ~oraoe l:4h.l'wood, Mr, and Mrl, W. V. Crew aDd liaro'. RobinlCD, wllo baI 8uDrtay jfUl'i&!l or IIr. aDd ~re of 001.0, 8oa'h Dlallo", are Yi."ln~ dlugbter of D&y'on. IIpent tlnoday RiCI[ BOUSE of 8 rooms, 2 ha1ls • U~ tb'; BQc141M'9D' .~~ '~ ·r.. ....ank Bawle. • . 'he Iltter'1 .lller. Mri. Ed Jlffre." with ~r. and Mr •. W .6 ~Iegr.l'led. and I'ore room, good cellar • ,~·;ia'd to btl 1i0Dle.. ' ., . 'Oll,it Grobb, of Day~n yl. , of thla pllce, • Dr. .nd IIrl. Walter Siegfried wall and olatern w In kitohon. 'Phel'll will be,.'n'....r ..IIIDl••• ln '''lfrelaU... he ... Satorda, nl,h& III', .Dd lire, Will Elbon .peD' and family, of Franklin, vlelted 'he Everything uew. Inquire of L!~zle ' bODelio-lX uat II·.·&' Oliurqb" '~rtd.}' ' •.'III~Ir. aod. ·Sand• .,. . 'h'e:·w",k.eDd tn Da"'OD . formel'l paren'l Bunday, Werntz, (Jor>9ln, Ohio, )5 Valle, P , . \bl of .tbe LiIo'are ilr. aDd lIrll. Marlon B'l1der.on, . • Dd Llloloe .D . III', Ind Mr., Ed Muilln and dlUlLb ,AD .'II:"r&alD . ot Corwin, WeIlnNda,. of ""It lertalDed the. former. mother, 'ei'. of Dayton, ylll*e4 friend, .Dd MoCormiok Binder, leoond.b&nd. ,... . l~ r..t~re' !?t "b. I!I~,~ID' ,...11 ~ wHk wl'h Ur ,aD" lire. Willie AUen. brotb... a~d II.ler,. of Clll1'OD OOUD relatlvel here 8uuday. , ' 811 will "ull oheap Inquire at ... MI Loul.ePeDOIrl,ofnadto,be '",80,,4a,. Mr., Ohal!. "lon aDd 10D of thleomee. " . j5 ' 1. !Til,"' Will • ..0 be. '~~"4~~I'led hom!'or:'her u'nol+", ' .'(Hloa, .'''1', ' 111'1 ' W.lter l,Ialley w. . .1I0pplnl Franklin, were yl."lnlr 141', aDd T"o TrIID. , ....1JM.; lpeldtbR Dlih' and Son. In LebaDOD, ThllrtKlay. . lire Ar\hur one da" la,' weelr. Jo' of Cord Wood, ",III ' ' OOO . . da; "Uh hlr paren".' 'hll plaoe. 111'1. Gran.l,l \.l't!!I'rll Ind daOlh. MrI, Olorlle Book ...1.tlIni Rev, burn AROOt! Inqnlre of Perry' ieI' oiIIllld . OD 1111'.. Joe Kene", .Dd Mn. AdhurOooper. PItDoe, Wayll$lvtlle, Ohio . j o28 W.dnMCla,.. l'om !'OK .ad wife, of IIlamla. I want to buy 10)11' lIallC , . Mr. aDd lin. Joe Ker"7 burl,lpIIl' Snnd., wltb "!all'vel. O.C"'OAB P,0a..l.8B-Wby bay a W and wUl 'pa1 . h' DRELIEVE PIiNt. '11dl7. til XeDia, ' "aDD, lanDelI••IIIUII, IIr.lII\d be ..ll of 'hIli polhlh. ld 00 I '.. mYelt .... 'IoD, 111" IDd • .....-.00• •ppllOl&l6n will ' - • lin, J.m. "UD'7 all4 tarnO,., or Bo, II ID OIDI (on. fourth pUon) yOU. $he pro:Ye 'liaD a OOl1UDD of ol.lm.. Da"OD, • _ I t for 001, 7110. uue"e BlaWrf..,. , 16 · 00II..... PIu- "arnM' I ' ''*i1llOD, ....11"'.; •• YbUR BOWELS SIDOILD lOVE DAY office. . Tu A..a.-..o (,)III Md ......... wit. . : "1 h ..1 ba4 wODde~ ot Ie • ·D lio---'II. 01 ~. Iu. :'II,I»I¥"-:- . . .".... 0..\ 1I,,,ID(181 Dted ttto.D'I 'LlahD.D'IID A III ....... '" f' C'RUB J.r.., Cow,)l •• mlliler . J ' If"; 01100"'1' . . . . '" ou IU)' kD.... To 'blall .U ..... hl,."'&D ulDa Chamberlalu', r of O. O. lIa-zwell.,R,D, • J0'" Ibioa" tID4 , .... Of paiD on • •pplla.&loD .... Ilea.... , ..... bl.. lor ID41-'loD lor .... vut 1. Uliio. Jlt ro.... , .I~"" ~ ID, nll!'o ~,. ('haDP 'OJ wlla,~ wtl1 1112&"... erreoa.... ..~ ,,_ ~~.-=' '::::'":'-d ' ID. • ,&OeM remed,' bill . iOll' IDI, wlUum' .,.. .Iz mou'b.. and It ~~~ pIe...... WI beD otr rI 'tam of roar llr. to . , 1 han D.... _ . ~~ • ,D .... u LL-A 801l&lID Bll11, J r Otl WOOlS, eQ ...., dtd 10,10 ,004. .N-. ,- .' -. ? tile _ . ...... tid I ... II _ ...... how . . . . .... -lin, O. E. R"q, Ulloa. N. Y. '!:r!lIIe to neII&8r, Call OD ,W,..........vU... 01110 ... ~~I,..... ... __ ' -..... lief, ~.... wmaoat nb",-• • UN.,...... ObaablrlalD';:"Ta ate TIIat ~"ID, B . D... W.raee-



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." ~II;·iO COLa IILL.SLOAN'S URI.EIT Upol~~' h'l~tlt~~:.::.-::l:.,qI.t~fUD:'. ",011 MarJlet PrIce • •• , ;... ...C·.· 1.1 Me: b.. Phone mD.·, =..::=====~;;;;oo<=',,====:'. 1qO.,::--.. ••: .::.







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10 'HI:. DUBUC









' Ia~alr. W.~"'1l1.,


wine. OIdo,


J~l ,




'Bu kl n's Arnica SalVI

When . painter applies paint on yo~r house

" ayuesvillt! tl ll l l lhe F oux-th

K to: ,111011 y. of Lan ~don, Insure ')I~ur tobRcco IIgl\inst hall. Ka11., in lIuill": ler ~u "s ri 1lion for lhe cost emelt. \'Ii N lui an t h 'r) eUl', F ~ a: " It I :.sR years , . ra, since we. caLl'! Wt'st , Alld there hove . Ibe'll I11III1Y clulJ1geK in the old town; Miss Jean F rguson. of Dayton. it:! but thoru ar Rlill SOlI 0 CttTlIliljllr 8p~ndi ng the week with Mrs, J. W. lnam oil in theolll hOOlIl VIlPor . White, ' . , I Lis urVld IIlIl tlJ I1O~e that 80 maul' of th old homo folks who 11I1\'a movtld away fnJlIl lfieir bll'tll b h• of place. ar nol ke pilll! up the int erest D·aMytrO·lla. nvdl'sl' tMedrs~'iI~ltJl;eYla,Llvaems .. • ere oC their chindhood UilYS 6 S woll 8. undoy , they Inight 'J'huy neglect lo take l he "old home pl\j)er"and are tllU~ vlaced Mrs, M. Robitzer anrl daughter in a posiLioli lo lo 'e sight of the left Tuesday for a few days with rela ' "?nny changes that have tnlnm p.'ace tiveR In Barnsville. Ohio . smce l,hey I ~ fl the old roo t tree. ~hc only means they have of knowlIlg who are stil l living \" when 80m8 r elMrs. Ed Randall and dauihter, ati ve writ s th em of the dea th of th e Miss Sarah, of Dayton. were guests rela tive . Olh 'rs ha ve b een taking t he of Mrs . J , W. White. Monday. ,8zettc ever since they lef t , lind urc thus keepin~ in louch with the lam: f.'ran~ Zell went t o Columbu~ thill !liar namell they knew io child.hoot! . E:,er~bod v ought to. lake ell.l.nter morning 18 a delegate to t he Repub. Iican State Conven tion which meets esllll t.h~ olll hornc pap!! r, and for the rldH:ulou::<ly low prI :e every thi!l week ' . one could afford to keep III touch with the "old hume." Mrs. M. J. Edwards and d8ugh ters Mjsses T rll iena and Margaret, of Dayton , have arri ved here. and will take up their r esidence at their home on Third Street. 11'8,

it is to your 1 C': t interests to know what tli:lt pain t is-its preading cnp:lcitr~i Ls

appcarance--its dura-

biliLy: Y ou ar th e man-who-paystlw-bll1 and ,,"h 1 ses if 111 paint

o 'S wroll!;.


Mnk 1110

of good

satisfa tory and


j b-b


pain ter usc



- ---_.---

It . is hettcr th:m any othcr prepared pamt on the market. r "Icad and oil." The. Sh ,rwin-Willi:lms o. afcguard ihl ,'lahty m every procc!'\.<; of manufacture_ Tllcy make all th ir lin eel oil ; own a nd o perate largc zinc nnd I ad mines and smelt rs, and m :lke their d ry colors in the largest and bcs t equipped (Iry coler plnnt in the Jnitt'C l States. The TI'514 lis ar" in Ihe goods. Prote t y our interests and you prolJCrty with SWP. . . W• • DI/ it


===:::::=::-::=~====~'="' I R. II. Tu, !ey , Ron of Mrs. Horace - Goufrcv, was killed in Cov ington, Ky " Mon da,y , June 12th, by an auto . The young man, with Mr. and Mrs . ' and I\1rs. Amanda l:Iayslit. IGodfrey YO re in Waynesville the day bAfo re . i The funeral WIIS hpld at Lebanon, ! the remains were interred in Good Things This Week amI Miami Ceml?tery ThuNrl RY afternoon ,




Fancy Pine Apples, Sweet Oranges, Thin Rind Lemons, New looking Apples, Eating Apples, Ripe Tomatoes, Sweet . Potatoes. New Cabbage, Der muda Onions. Irish Cobbler Potatoes, Old Potatoes, New Green Beans. New Cream Cbeese, Wafer Slie d Dried Deef, Heinz Sweet Pickles. fancy Olives. Creamery Butter and Churn Gold . Try out 20e Steel Cut Cotfee . Chlck'and Hen Feed, coarse and fine Cracked Com.

Now Is the time to buy your

PA,R IS' CREEN . Our price ill leas than wholesale price. Buy now betore 1t is too late.

For 15 Days we self you New Tires and give you credit, in the ,purchase, for ·your old tire, according to the -following schedule. NOTICE- Only One Old Tire AUow'anee is made for each New Tire Solrl. LEE PNEUMATICS


PI.ln Tre.d. Non-8kld Tr.. d. Plnln Tread. Non·Skld. Allowance Allowance Allowance AllowaDce ,I $ 5.20 $ 4,68 , 2.68 , 8.03 30x3 10&1 ';Ox8J,i a1x8 ~ 82d~

.. ..

a8r4 8u4 8b4~ S5lt4~


37:r4 'AI 37x5


3.26 6.39 3.73 6.89

.. ..

. .....

7.28 7.66 7.06 7.97 9.06 12,60

6.28 6,33



S.86 aoxs~ 32x3~ "-47 83lt4 4.47 341r+

B.On i,


a4x4~ 36x4~ 3~X4~


9.08 371[6 9.19 37x 5'Aa 9,66

11 .01 14 .86


36d% 871:5

. " "

, 3.91 6.11 6.25 0.20 7.70

, UO


6.67 7.61 0,80 10.07

12,86 12.97 18.47 IS.92 18.86 19.34

Orey. Red. AllowlUlce Allowance 3()XS 30lC3lh







.61 .73 ,76 1.01 1.14 1.27

" '- 0 .62 8/;x4"


" "

1.36 1.S8 1.63


.. .. ....


. Rlbbell Tre.d. Safety Trud. :l2x3% 33x4 Allowance ' Allowance 54x4

32x8'Aa SGx4 Sfx4

I, '

6.89 6.76 8.86 ' 9.12 10.96 11.40 11.86 12.24 14.79 16.08

fi.78 88:14%

87x4% 6.82 87:r5 8.48 87x6'Ao







The Jolly Matron8 and thoir husbanr1s were !lilt rtained tit tho home of ir, and Mrs.I" . H. HencI eNolI .1onday night.


.69 .82 .86 1.12 1.16 1.48 1,46 1.60 1.54 1.79 1.85

These Tires ~nd Tubes each carry the same guarantee they have always carried

G. W. SHROYER & CO. Second and Main Streets, DA YTON, OHIO

TO MY" SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY I Am a Candidate for Recorder. Please Help Me.


Ellen Emley died at her home Friday eveninlr lit 9 o·clock. after 11 long und serious illness. The funeral was he:d al her lale home Mondayafter · noon at 2 o'clo.:k, conduc ted by'R:- v. J . [0' Cadwullader_ lntp.rmellt was malle In Miami cemetery .


The venerable 1\1 , E. Gustin , for many year~ the mayor of Lebsnon, fell ou t of Ii cherry tree at his borne Monrlllyand was killed. H e was a l'oeil known man, and had manyl friclIlls in Warrell County who \Vii he pained to hear of his sud den demise,


The Fiv.~ Point Local. No. 24. 'of the Farm er" Educational and Co ·op erative Union of America had . a Paying 20e for Eggs. strswberry !lupper Wednesday. June 14. J9L9, a.t the Five 'Point School It ~ys to trade at Houao·. They held the business meeting first. when the fo ll owing I memLers wer~ ele~ted on tile Socinl Committee: Mra Clhlt Hutt. Miss Lucy Hall. Miss Elizabeth Kesling. Mrs , Walter Kruer, Miss Emma Borntraeger, G. Brown. Stanley Keslini and Carl Tonoline Is Beauty Aid, A, Mung r . About one hundred and ten of the members and children sat , ·Announces Specialist down to one of the best social. of its kind ever held in or around the Five lIUdrod Loulse T&lk ot IDtereet to Women Point School. ,Carl. Munger and J ohn Kruer gave a good account of cake eatin,g , the contesl ending in a .u h...ltb ta a n...t ahlla beauty tbi. slan' tie. told '" Mtldrnd Lout.. , lH!.u~y sJl<lcl.Un. of Baeton, M_ .. ta of UQU8Ual In r.orcB~. th~ ~~o=!!I:~~llfd=t~~I::~lb lliver " I .... for mau,. monIlia a victim ot stomacb trouble atl4 nervolUnc... I bad 8ulfered !oembl)" trom pallia tbat ' 0110..00 oaUolf. Doadaqbeo .alAo would add to my wurrlci<. . I'oor dl.... t.lnn Ollally broulht OJ' OtlrVO UOl ' _ . · • "Rellofeame, howevor whon J,!",<>k tho odThe Cross Bros. pr-operty was sold i li~:. Rt ... vera! ...omen .. '0 oald, Tako (.0110 - 'Tuesday to ·R . B.. WiIliaqJ8on, "Not Jon8 aftor J . ,arlOtl tho tonollnu treat- Wht'ther th~re will be allY other ~o:~v'[~~'~~df~or:~I'l~'dm:;:,~~~~ buildinlrB put up on the ' property Is beaUb .. tho qulckeot .... y to beauty Ibo 1m, J:1ot known It present. The Cross ra~:en,ol1t ..... putlcul.rly noticeable In n,l' Bros. havE! leased ~he building they "WI..t 101101100 realiy dJd for 100 I CBnllot now occuPy, an" Wlij' remain in busila,.. I am eo ,ratetut eb.t I am very wllllDI! ness at ttht stand (.0 rooommond lanolIne J)ubUcIT'" .. , _ _ _ ..._ __ Tonollaotaa J)1ll'OIr vogeLalllo proparatlun wbleh !.'OM to tbe scat ot L'OmmOD l1IaJadlee8laUl~h an4lrldney trouble. eat ..... bal alTee. tlontlImpurilioe o Uhomuoou.membran oo, IIveralimont. and Of the blood-aM. (Iukilly ro- , . • to ..... I,rover adlon. Tonollne Is being ell"pI~~t'l~:~\~ ~':~ll1~.rI:·~~~g:~f.,rt?l:li ' , build.,.. i~ 8houW no~ be ~ako" by any 0116 nul St1aled Bida .will be received for wllhlDI t.o Inc ........ bl. wol,h~ Ion pounds or rna.... Altbough mallY roporu are Nooh'od privilege I, f sellinII' lee Cream, Pop, 'rom th_ ,.110 havo beea beuentod by tonoUne In oe,'o"'Ct\I4!!Iot 8tOIDI>.Cb troublo ami nOr- LemonadE!, Sandwiche3, Peanuts. ele. 'TOUtrllapellSla"cJ.roni COII.UIlUlon, etc. on the arro unds July 4th all day. Biels ai th.r for separate s tands or for -500 BOX FREEall . Bids will be opened Friday night June 23rd, successful bidder to deI'REE TONOLINE COUPON · posit 25)16 at once and balance before AMERICAN PROPRIETORY CO., putting UI~ stand : Bids for all kinds of amusements will also be received I Bolton, Maes. Send me by rotum moU a 60e box 0 1 any time up to July 4th. See the your 'ol,braled 1I000h builder. 1 Oil 'lolJC Committe'e. L. A. Zimmerman tOe to help pay J)O.~afl1l and packw.. Tboe . Plerce




T AX N OTIC'E The June (~oJledion' of Taxes has been July 20, 1916.• OFFICE, HOURS TO THE PUBLlC-8:00 A. M. to' 3:30 P. M. . . Close at noon Saturdays. FRANK D. MILLER .. Treasurer of Warren County,


There were .Holbrook boys in the army, all under 17, servo ina an average of three years in ~he 12th, 35th and ~9th Regimentll and Signal Corps. ao well known In our county. . The illnesa r esulting from 1\ former camp.illn in whIch I w.lked about 700 mitea bas about disappeared and I can nuw BaUlfactorlly perform duties of' office, which ara much more extended than for. mlrly. The Deputy is my daul'hter, MiSl Hebe. ' The State Bureau Of llUlpeeUon report~ : "The new abltract index rt!quired by Sec. 2764 G. C. is reiNluly kept and the work in the Heeorder'l office retlfc~. credit on the clerical force." . In addItion to routine work done, we have tranllCrlbed. with1 eorrectlOnll. ftImostthree volumes of old records, which hu madl the offlee aelf·.upportina-. 1 am the only member of the family who haa been a candidate for offi~, and if I have one more torm I can get my little h.o m. paid for. I Wall Sec:retary ' and ProfE!8l!Or In the Lebanon Unlveraity, ",hleb my father fuunded, for JUany yearS Exp..-inll feelinp of prof lund gratitude for IUpport in the aklng a e!)nlinuance for one more term, thereby reward. ~'.,...~--9--II~_aldl_ol the UnIon IlmIY. fi!'8t cl)mpany oraanlzed In Leba· ... Co, F, 12c.h Reartment, May. 1861. 1 am, VeJ'I aincerely yourll, . JOSIAH HOLBROOK.


W~est ?

Want lOme reliable inforlllAtion aboutany of the country ITtst of til", Oregen, Washington,, Montllnll. Ne,.ada, Utab. Arizoll8. New ~t'lCICIl. Telias' Wn'\I: to know sometbln'~ ' .bout farmlngopportuaities. railrootd rates, routes, uulomubUe hi,hhotels, ft"'rls •. pri.~s of lalld, mef ~od3 of farmibg, etc.? It',our buslne.. to kn.w .11 ub8J1t tbis Pacific Slope cOI.l1try. SliD· eet .....zine it the one bil national II1lIgazj ne. reflec llng the lICe of lhia Clllntry and livin, accll~te ' IDfonD;ltion cencerning Its gro"lh aad deveiopJllellt. send 10 Clent. fora Innapte copy oJ SUlI!let M.gnine aad write us a Iettel' aekink for "h<llevcr in/ormation you de. 111ft -=onceming any .tate In tbe lV..t . , Rockle_Call~rnia.




- ------

Mr _ and Mrs. George. Robertson entertained Sunday lit their hOspitablo home alon~ the Little Miami, Mr. h ~ rrnBn Dyke and family, Mr. Myer Hyman and family, Mr, W. A, Graham and family and Mr .and Mrs. Frank Kurlis. Miss Ethelyn Jones entertained at her home Th\Jrsoay evening. The invited g ueats were: MIs3es Ethel HUlier, Mary Salisbury. Eleanor Earnbart , Huth Hartsock snd Lillian Willcerson, MI:s.qrs. Kenneth Hou~h. Lyman Silvers, Madison Earnhart, Lampton Smith and T. E. Antonelli. f Youngstown. On Tuesday IIfternoon the following ladies spent a verv pleasant time as the guests of Mrs. A. T. Wright: Mrs, E llen J ohns. Miss Caroline .. mith of tho Friends' Rome, Mrs. Amanda Wright, . Mrs, J . F. Cadwallad r, Mrs. S. L. Cartwright, Mi~! Kizzie Merritt.Mrs Lina .Devitt. Mrs. Julia Donovan. Mrs.SarahZlm· merman . Mrs. EdIth Harris nnd Mrs, D, L. Crane. The Standard Bearers held their J une meeting Tuesday in the torm of a pi cnic at the borne of Stellll Dough · erty. There wete twenty five present among whom wereseveralauests. Th' dinner was a most sumptuoue on e .' The day was also MI'II, Grauser's birthduy and after dinner she was presented with a sterling silver butter knife and 'Ullar spoon by the Standllrd Bearers, All the mem bel'S of the society then wrote 1\ few lined to their ab!ent mEmber. Helen HalVke. The girls apent the remain· d el' of the afternoon on tht'lr fancy· work. On the afternoon of June the 15 th. Mrs. Robert CroiS and Mr•. G~rge Zeit W(lce the charm ina- ho.tesJI811 at a misceUan. eou slllowe~ in bonor of Miss Neva YllUIIII'. The house was tastefully decoroted with roses. ferM and daisies, wbi le the yard was a mBl!!! of rOlell for the June bride. A! 1he lIueets arrived, they were requested to hide their package. Much amusement was afforded by a /lower weddinar. After beinll refreshed by 80mI' delicious punch. the bride bellan her hun t for her gifts .. After the fun afforded by the hunt and seeing the packllll~ opened. dainty Tefreshments were ·served. 'rhe ,Q ut·of·town guestll were: Mrl. Sneathen', of Lebanon, Mrs ! Robert •• of Morrow, Misses Mary Sherwood. of Oregonia, Marlon Cowan and Hazel Bone. of Lebanon, Ann Doater and Viola JQrdan. ot Harvey.sburg.



to lh~ S.4 :ou 'ulllpany by living iu In l ~il\lI • he say~,-:- " lllavc driven Illy Saxon Roadster 7.1 1)(1 Illlies. anu . have' used :!OU gallons of ~:~j,;o lil1e, 10 gal10 ,15 of transmissio n oil, at 0 total .C03l of $2-l.20 for operalillg expellse. I mnde 3;~ OO miles wi th Saxon Roadster befoJe ha v lUg my first puncture. The motOr ha.s given me no trouble at all. It yct has its first t ime to refuse to start, has ne ver ,s lopped ~while in use and ru ns the same as it did ~he day I' got it. r think Sn .~ on Roadste r IS a wonder. It will go anywhere that any car 'will go, regrd less of cost." When can lYe s how YOll Saxon Roadster?

Mr!l Matilda J10sler and Miss Bth I entertained Sunday the following gu~sts : Mr. and Mrs. W. S. l:Jart'!ock. Mr. and Mrs . Ernerson MaBon and and Mrs. Stacy Lamb of Dayton.



a leller ,,:lilten




J. B. Chapman

Phone 116

Waynesville, Ohio


Must tn (uture cOllrorm wi h 1111 H l'l' r lfj f'atlon~ or Ih(' tl. S. I' o~ tollt cu DOllttrlmOIll. Tld ~ nOI'~s N01' 111 \'1111 111110 th (1 IJ1I~I' ~ IlfOW lit UNfI , 11II L IlCI !!r ,Jllly I , 191 6. nil .. ural nil" slnr rotHO buxull WlltiL be 1l1'lJl'uvud LJy Lhe Po slotn ce U O llur~ment. . '

Our Offer

We sell lhe new sl andard mall bux IlI,provc(1 IlY the Poslolllca De·

tnr 11 s it rl tim e IVO w ill give Fllb)lj: wll h e lleh 0 11 0 or til so boxes n ensl DraBS MU t\ ye ll P,ullock, , hmH~ . hacktes 11nd. box, detwo 51 I k ),8. nlld hnl' yonI' Itum painted on tho .Ido li " rod to yonr door, nil tor Ille rel!uln r IIl'lce or tho box.

parlm Ill: und




Given Away

Free With Each

Th e wOI'1I. ·'U. S. MnU" nnd "A pproved b y Ihe I'olltnltlstcr COllunl l" wui be Ilrlnl· ell un I hl' Iloor ot the bOlo We Guarantee lhlll tbo box68 80ld by _ 118 will coUlply w l tb the PostolOce R g U'



Mail In Your 'Ord~r at Once

We cnn not gu.orllnt elMs otter ror un)' I!lIIted time, lind wo theroforo o8k YOI1 to promptl y mAli In your ordor. IL wIll lie 011 -d In Ib ordor In 'which It Ie re ·cl.ved. WrIte your nome nnll n<ldrcHN plainly so that there wtll bQ no mlstnko when til lIamc IlP,pearil ou th e hox.

Order one of these Bracket~ ,--'l!b ls ts one of the best ·th lngs ever 8U~. gested for tllsurlng SQlJiiTilc ory CaUvery of you r mnl\. tt enobles lhe carrier tb drjve right up to your ·bex. It sllou ld be placed about four feol from lhe gToUlld. and lh e ca rrier's veblcl wheol ca n pn s~ under, maltlllg tho . bo~ e Asily n cCBH lble . to him. Prloe, Inclu(llllg bolts tor llllsl and box, onl)' .. : . .. , .. .. .. . . ...... .. , .. .


After enjoying a pleasant automobile ride early Sunday morlling, Mrs. Thomas Lacy returned home to find herself surroundeil by friends and relatives, wbo came to reminc;l her MAiL YOUR ORDER , TODAY FOR .THEMAIL BOX of her birthday. . AND THE BRACKET TO The surprise was complete and was planned and BucceasfuJly carried out by her daughters. Miss Florene~ Lacy and Mrs F'. M. Cook. All came with well filled basket. and anhe noon hour lengthy tables were. fi,lled to over-tlowini with STS.~ everytbmg ·that goes to make up an excellent dinner. The large quantity of ice cream and cake made the dinner a v~ry important factor . llldllE!"S Noto- Tho I\bovo firm 18 IItrlctly reliable and will do a8 Sociabi lity prevailed through the they D$ree 'tn el' ry In stance. We recommend them to our,subscrlbors. ent ire day and with music, both vo· cal and instrumental, the pleaSant hours quickly PBSlIed, About fiftf guests took advantage of thtl opper · tunity of en joyinf, a good time and the h~!~es." t'eee ved a number of "ng and IOn, of LytJe, Miss Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dakin.and fam • Gilylard, of JacklOnvllle. Fla .• Mr. lIy, Mr•. Charles Braddock aDd lOri, ' useful gifts. Those present were: Messrs . .and and Mra. Frank Cook and 'daughter Misses Nola. Laura lind Marcelle Mesdames 'Elmer Kelsey . Oscar and Mr. and Mr'e, Ed Cook and tam· Hill, Florence Lacy, MessrS ' W. E. Mowrer. Jacob StroUB!!. of near Uf. of near' Edaewood ,' Measra. How. Chenoweth. Bernard Allen. 'Howard' Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Joshua C.heno ard. Warren and Charles Lacy; Mrll. Chenoweth, Edward. Robert and weth and Mr. and Mrs 9a rl PIcker. Clint,Grubb. Master Gerald Lacy and C~arles strouse and Mr. and Mrs. ~~!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!'! MllIBes Velma LaCY aud Olela Hel8. Thomas Lacy and famili. ;::;; ;< ,of Dayton. Kise Abigail Roland, of . All departed late in the evenlnll'. Corwin. Mr. and Mrs George Prat',. wishing their hostes.<rmany 1'eturnll' Waynesville and the Fourth Mr. and Mn. Abealom Cbenoweth. of One Wbo'We There" ' ,

The Banner .Bazaar FIFTH ANp JEFFERSON,

Dayton, O hio '

· .10e ,

50 ·

LlJ W E, many are in our ne'w store and .will 'be pleased ~o se~ all our ot~ and new OJ~es, also. We ~n acc;omniodate' all who ~qme .and it will be a


pleasure to have,'You look t~rough our stock whether 'you bUy J or·~not . . All . our stock is new and we can guar'lntee ~yery~.hing we have to sell. · ' -




Our line of 'fSwastika" Pitchers isa ,reat dra~ln, ~rd: 08-X in. T~nkard, Shape, Hard ,Baked Ston~(Glaz~ Ilfside and o!ltsia~{,all .~~ at, .• . ..••. , • • : . • ~C' ' See our line of 'Glass Dishet-Sugar Bowls, Creamers, Salt and Pepper Castors, , Vinegar Cruetl; Individual Salts. Deep Dishes, Vasel, ete , etc. , .. ' •.. . . , •••• I Dc ' Dainty Baby Shoes, jl,lst the thing for iittle folks •. ' .' ..•.•. ,'.............. .... , IDe Half-Hose. f~r children, g~d and neat, !'U colors ...... , .... . , . ............... . IDe · Bloomers, for the children, jUlt the thiog for a cool dress ••. , • • .• ., •• . .•... '•. 100 Ladies' DraW'erl~ well made, lace around the bo~tom. : ••••.. • ••••..•' .•• ~" •• : . ~SC, ~iea' ·PiDe Underveats.· all IKOS'.•..•. : .. . ............ ... ... , •••••• : ,, '.•• , IDe f"--d ...... f, same 0 ld" pnce.'..... . .•. , .•• . ••... .....• '.....•..• .' .•...•. j . •• ,• • • • ' , ' . ," I.G e .

111 fact, our store is a gem thi-oughout, an.d you ough L t{) see' the bar~ins we have ott display, every ,day. " '

In the Pl1iid'pi Building





8ixty-F.ightb. Yeal'


pEiiSoiALiNTiil ~



~:;h:"~'::;'::':· ~ ~

Try a pair of the Lion Brand Work Shoes a t Hyman,s, McCormick Standard Twlno at H.

----- --...




EI ~


~SI . '~ IISO~~fC EV!~ l!J

Kenneth ' Ridge of Dayton, spent Sunday here with relatives.


Misa Edna Mullen was the guest of Miss Altha Palmer, of Ferry ~at.


Come to Waynesville, July 4th

~ ~ ~m

Late Cabbage, Pepper 'IInd Tom a to Planta. Park IAlak, Waynesville, Ohio. j5 Mesdamllft C. M. Brown, JamBII Haines and lIett spent Thursday in Dayton.


Allen Stephenson, of MarRlIall Co . Ind., il the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J . C, Hawke.

Jee Prendergast lett Monday to accept a position In The Motor bn Come to Waynellville, July 4th


C. M, Robltzer jolh~ hie ~Ilmllyat ~ Bam'e8vllle Friday tor a few dllya' villt with relatlvetl,

•I, S.


m ~

~ ~


I .





IV .


Horse Show, 10 :00 a.

~~I 2S~U:~;II,\,: Ug~ ~=\

Jlrll"l. Class No 10 B t St II' IAt 87.011 111 O~ a Ion 211d fa ~o III Casll . , , 11'11


Free for 111\ PH e or 'frnt I~t f lO.OO In '""" ~n'l U Ulld H II". CI~lI r J" I ' " &t or Sho~" Ilnee- Trot I~L . ~.ri O. ,\ C:\$(' IIf Com Jot

20,1 3r.1

II. ~~: ~,,\{ID!:.':.::L



, . 00. , Dox a/ Olgn.... $ I . nij & 2' I" ~ 'o ·k Yeed

unu am] dr lll1ls,


Rev. anll Mrs. D. H. Palm e r. of had I\S t heir guests at· dinn e r The IlUIl meeting of the year was .·unday Mr. HOloi MrM ]>,' rry K(!I1ric:k quite a RU CCCH8. 'I'he New Century anrt dnug:hwr. Miss Ber ha. Club 1ll 0 1. at t he t>l ea.~f!nt counlry ho rne of Mrs. D. H. PIli mer, .Friday Mr . aml .Mrs. Frank 7.011 ent e rt ain · afte rnoon June 23, 1916 . The rooms ed at dinner Snnday Mr. Iln.l Mrll. \Veru tllllt~fully decorated with r ed Muchm o r Mr. nnl1 MrR. Chill, Mil ch · and pink rUHefi . Tho president called more anoltw o HOIIR, Mr. und Mr>l. I~. the m di ng to orde r and tWBn tyC. Caroy, Mr . and MrR, Wall ar Mr· three memborR re.'1))onlieu to roll CA ll . Clure nnd Mr. haR . Cnrl1ell. The ql1h lllti~ n r(lS I>OIl~CS were" Notecl 'ni legeOl.' · MI ~ Grace 'arman tnvo r,en the Mr . and r.trs B F, Mills en· tained !:1undllY t ho foll owing g uests: IIId i's with a b'lIutiful violin solo, Mr. and Mrs. And erson Elli ~ , t wo MrR. Edith Harris I.1rl·pared and r!,ad daughters lind aon, MrH Eflill ({onlloy !\ mO!lt xcellAnt paper; her suhJect nft t 1\ a nd 80n, of Dayton; Mr. nnd Mrs . h oin~. .. Does Collojl! Life Wm. Pine, of [l'erry; Mr. nnrl Mrs . Uirl for Life ut Homo." and we all W. . Phillips Ilnrl lion. amI Mi~l! ""ret' with her t hnt It (loes not . but that tit 'coll e)(e education helps one arrl e Mills, In u~Lter II rf6rm her home duties The IIII1ieR were agnin favored Mr. and Mrs. Prank leman en- with ~ol o by MliIS Grace CartertainCl:I at a th ree COli rae dinlle r IImll, 11n vlnlin rllllr\ing hy Mrll. B. U. Kelly, Sunday, Mr . and Mr.... 'has. D '!!:I- .. rhe Guillen Day." I t was a be&u· fresh. Mr, And Mrs. rtuymlll1u Me!!:l· Liful rClltli ri~ anti well delivered. It fresh, of Xenia. Mr . a nJ Mrs . ClI f· beillg the lallt meeting of the yenr ford Prugh. of nellr Beaverlu \v n. Mr~ . C. ·S \ :rauger. our tirinll Mr. Bnd Mrs , Harry Wtltkins , o r presid ent Il1llrle ll fc !\Y remarksreth~nk Dayton. ing lhe '"d ie.~ fnr thl'i r lov alty. ktndness nntl holp d urin " thu year which . Mr. and Mrs. W. p. Rlllisuuryen- has been a very profillibio nnr! hell tertained a t dinner unday the 101 fuJ (lne rr( m fin ccl u aLional lltand. lowing gueelJj; Mr. arid Mrs. <tl. R. point. , 'ho presen t ed tho gl\Ve! to EvanR and daug hter. Mr and Mrs. (Iur ne w I/I'esident, Mt'~· .J . W. Wlllte, K ijl. Luc , of Xenit" r.! rill E . M. who accepted It mQ\lt b'J'ac;iQusly and Ke nt and lIOn, Goorj{e, of,Bellevue, III a fe w weli ·ch en words spoke of Ohio. nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, D. R Salis· our wor k for the COOlin,,: yea r, and bU'ry and doughter, of Rou[B 1. desiring it to h one of t he beat we have ever eXlleri enret.l . On Tqursday afte rnoo n of laRt , Ouring t he Rocial hour n dainty week, Miss Kinie Merritt \Vfll! host· urse Ili nch wns served by the ess at 1\ ver,y ()l easant s()c ial albir. h os tes~ a!!..qifl tetl by Miss ~ert ha The entertainme nt fu rn ishet.l WIIS Kenrick . .M rs. Frank Wright and " GOO." which WBll ftlllowetl by Ii M r~. Sherman Hogers. Tho 1!111;'l!ta at thill meetinll were delicious tWO·COllffla IlIncl\. Mrs S. L. Cart wrig ht and Miss Rhea Janet. Mrs. Be n Jllmosj Mrs. S. · L. CartCa rtwright assiAteri in serv ing. wright, Mrs Shermlln RO,ll'ers, Mrs. 'fhose invited were: Mi s.~ 'wentlolen Frank Wright. Miss Grace arman, Me rritt, of Mt. Holly. N,.J.. Mrs , Mias Bertha Kenrick . .Miss Barley. Ethan Coleman. of To\t'l lo. Mrs. Julia or Macomb. 111 ; ~ i!S l'lerce. of Donovan. of Indianapolis, Miss Geor· Lebanon. IIllI ; Mr . Will F rame, Mr. gia Barley, of Mllcomb, £II. Mes· Fred White, Mr. Walte r Chandler, names Lina Devitt, Cynlhia EVl\ns, Hev. Palmer, MlIlIter Daniel Palmer, William H. All en. John 1-1 . ole man. Charl~8 Tison. ['au I W right and AI tha Edith M. Harri s. H. K Hathaway, Palmer. All departed Ilt • late hour t again i September A, T. Wright , 0 . Lester Grane. gill- hopi to mor Baily, J oh n O. Cnr twright";,"Ron . aid HaWke. Wihmn El lwar,I ~ , g, L. Cartw right nnd MisseR Mary SalisburY MllrthaO'Nenll.Grllce Carman. Eln l";a J. H awke , Ed1l<l Janney , Olive Allen, Honriottu McKin!ICY , Ada Michener Rnrl Rhea Janet and Evelyn Orirtwrlllht...





J , 11'111 11' 1111 ..

Free f9r All $ 2.00 In FIN!\\'nrk s







Wnyn 8vlll. 'onnlns (Jo.

Best Pen of Birds ex.hibited hyowner

w. O. I'hlillps

',50 In C",,10 ao"" ·.L.nlo!! "'WIt 1)<) ou th lfI'OlInd A' Ju""c<! by WO)'ll08vjlle Allollli Valley

t;;••'ko~~"'d~IIi U

~~'~I W~ol~n !I.d

["0 '1'

tho largest delegation from-ahy ono vicinity Wnl~r McOI" ro

For the largest delegation oj'AUlo~obil cs fr om any one vicinity. 111.70 n"cklul! 'Ohnlr n. P. '':oyo Ii ',!oliml ... of \V ny", vlllo Dot "II,)wot1 I.f' ClIIIII'·l". Oldest. person upon g rounds S l oocl~II ..I1.t'" n.... ro llli by Colll mlLWO Ne weRt dded couple upon grounds A Montol 'Iocle A. n . Sill""

bll'or H )' mnll



lI ank


M .OO In Oallj ,

O. L.Orllllll





15 cents


r:'I ..,


I:l ~







l~e rry ,


With all the eharm of a home !ler· One of thept;'ettiest of June eve nts eddi ng w hI c h t 0 0 k pInCB vice WI\!I the wt.'<1di nll of Mi~ Minnie was ' a w MRY Stovens. the lovely daughter of • W dn eHda v June 21, 1.91(;, at the Mr. a nd MI'9. J ohn Stevens. of Bell ~ home of Mr , and Mrs, J . K I"razier slreet, a llli Albe rt M. McKay, of this Mhen Nova Youilg WU8 llni tfH I in .ity, which WIL<; im(lressivelY' solemnmarriage to H e rbert T. Ol) . At 17.M Wednesday evenlnll at 6:,L5 th ree o' cloek about fif ty IlUI'st!! gntll. ' red a t the home which wa.'1 bell.!lti- I)' clock, 'L'ho cer mony wns performed in fully clecorllLcd in t he IorhJc's eolors ~ pink allli white and every nook and t he livi ng room hefo re the fireplace, ' whi h was banked wllh pRim! Dais· carner filled wi' h pink rOSE!!! and ies wIre uSt:.'<i very affectively ,"hi tt! lilil!s and wi ite bells sw in~inK t hrou ghout tha lower rooms, , • to lind fro hU1l1!' in ot! the rooms. . Edward . Precodil1ll the CArel At3:300'clock th beautiful Rtral/ls f L I in wnll(lin~Ulllrdl-m~dfI.:-:SW<mll'IaU~o-CJ~~~lD;;-DL..~~~,-;:---;-j? !? ~ngrf tlhridc M Ran g v ry beautifully "At ' YS IS r n ., 'fl1e Dawnin~"nnr1"l3ecau80." lID floated BoHly t111hroug h'l , t 1 all', . L'l'olllptlyat the allpointe,l hour.



BIl==5:J'ar.'555:J'ar.I===:I'r:lr.'===:lIEE" ::sar.'===:JiP! I: '~Ii


Enjoyed ihe Day


Spee I a I P rlzes .

Gl'o rge Waterh ous , Chllirman "

lIarn ....rL


IQ:OO n. m. to 1)6 1'" "I\ry AJlIIO, No fnl",,1J{'r ol tllo AM!>cI.tiOIl 1l1i1 'WOI I 10 f:O III oo\n.


a,:, ~

0 t a te rcv~n s

Poultry Association Prize

1II\Ioh Mill r



Elich Car to carry Driver & Judgl\: Car making sloweat time X; mile on high. Fi rs t Hace-For Six Cyt. Cars I.t $3.00 In Cull 211(1 SUO In cull R ay Mllilo l rd l'reMure Tube nllago W. E, O'Nonll Second Race-Fou r Cyl . Cars X; mile lit Jr,.oo In Trado n. w . U~wko 2nd Sot 0 1 ~ I..ark PIII1J8 W , Auto & Mar ll . Co. 3rd JIIl",r TllllO. 30"3 ~ Elmer Ro~or1l T hi rd Race- Four or Six Cyt Class. Larly Drivcr Dot I UD Voe "um OIoaner r,. A. )lllU mor",nn :h,,1 a2.001 .. crucll If . t;. li ull",,,,uy :lrLi c"lr.., l'oL J , II. Colo ''''"n

(J. M. fl m ~' n

J . I~,


"\"O\\'hltA ), ,. MUlti

J1 ·

Half Mile Slow Auto Race 2: 00 l~ .m.

Field Events , 1 :00 t 0 3; 00 p.' In .

50 )'n rd D~h I yr. " lib, ~Illlllli O.~ette 100 ~arfl Dnsh I " L U~t 220 yard Da~h Ol.l<) 'Palr tlh"""

M , Hlo1~('

Raymond Oavis, Chai "mon lloyS' Sw im ming Race 10& $ 1.0Q U .... l.ooll F . O. Ca..,v ~od' .0 0 In Cuh H. rvey O\Oslin Watermelon Race Watermolon Famous TUG of WAR u.oo In GOld IVRl'lIn<vUlo Nut'!

l i. ~,. W~~m(.o:r .·nln~ O....y

to 3 : 30


J . V. f hrl.Klf' k

Sack Rare I. L 611 (JOIILO III e ". 11 2ml 11;.lr Cut Fut Man'lI Race 21"nL c1 ~a,ln:'Y,'1IIlu.,1.U·olrO •• At. .. u" - ~

" , OU . oL SOL<lf 8100 U&I). '(I1\In......," , Ctmrl(t ~r) n,. u t "he 8.111)\'" H ,lf."6.'iI : Rut r Ullfto "'00 Ill tllJ\i 1>0 t ft ) . .,.h'e ,,"lrlOl! AII, I (~l lhrcc , ,\ ~'nr~: 1\ 11 Ml",," , nlIlO II 1\18; llt\8t th ~ out 0 1 1\\'0.

I ., I .



lI ynulII

~ I Y( ' r

100 yard Dash Oil" 1I,'y's II'nll'l,



f:'I a,:,

Da ~h 0110 $ 1. 00 N 'kllo

Class No.] Suckllng Draft Colt. unde r I yr . IIL......,II to n . J . ~IUrI'll Y'8 VrnlLB~alllo " Cla!l.~ No. 2 Best. Draft Colt u'n de r 1 yr. Sired hy Chas. Ellis' Stalli on ReMOn to hILS. Ellis ' Bl.l1lol1 CIIll!~ No. Best Drllft olt. 2 yra, and ul i ~er 3 JI IIII olT ljtlUlOn to Emlll,)r Ilall y·. S alllOlll Oln.~ No.4 Hest Draft Colt, 3 yrs ami under" /;ClMOD ' 0 ~Iox. EllIloy'. Stnliion Claas No.5 Best Draft Mare or Ge ld ., 4 & over 8cuollW Oren SLra1fn '. jr·,lIlon Clliss No. 6 Best Farm Team !Iensoll lo Cloroncu SlIrIIlCO·. StnllloH ClllS. 1 No 7 Best Orood Mare with colt by sid lIalt olf t;I. .""n tn Enlowr nally·. StnlllOll Class No.8 Best MuJ {! Colt, I yea r anrl unde r 3 lilt U . OO 01T BeMO.. t" (;00 <'1<8 Ln.ntor'. J ud < ' 2nll 8 1.20 u" I<JY Will" J . W. l.uwl. Class ~o. 9 Road!tt!r




Boys' Events ,,0 yard




01,1 nnel over) h it $:1.00 Drl*tfl 1'0.1L6ru U. S . Iln wt\1I 21111 ' I 00 HUH .. r ~holi J. 11. OJII' Balll'hrowi ng Contest for Gi riR

Wh eel Rarrow RHCe Doubl e

Horse Races, 1 : 00

I!J ~

H arr), Itnrllli nt l

I", I i . ..~ a.rr

l~'~l SI\>g~f,oj"&;ndY



BrowlI, Orvi ll e Riggs Hlld Manhall File r . f:m mor D. Baily will be host lit ll. platform ciancI' a t his rp id cnc on Cluh Met at the Country HQme of th e vonin!( l\ fJu ly .. th. Mus ic , pi · ~1 r8. Palmcr a nd All


(12 yt!a rs old an,1 un nC'r )

IHi. Sot o f ~ tl, r ur ~ ll nOI1 ~ 2ml tiUL or U C;U II Y 1' lm. 50 yart! Da~h (12 years

3nl 1 • • 25 &1. o f Tu hu P S l l'h \ V • .1\ \11.11 ,,,- l\hu-h . \"fI. On all Allt·dlTlnhtlc ll!vuuts a llfl ltllCCS ( 'Olllllli tteu N'flu lro FI"o E ntrJ oa IUUJ Throe La rL .


at Leba.non.

50 yard Daflh

On North Street: Start EaRt of !lace Bridge. F:ntries must be mnrl e nol later t han July 3rd 8 p m . Fee to.::;O. ' First Event-Class of Cars $ 1000 or ove r, lIt u .oo III C"" II lull J7,6U 10 'I'lre rOllulr . C. Sc,,·I. Srli U 00 l'aRt aN I \ IOW8 • M. I lId ~n Second Event-Class of Car91ess than $\000, lit u . 00 In 008" anti 13, 7 ~ " ,, "rJeaLi ng 011 J . U. Ohaplllno Srtl n ou III 'I'lro felllli r C. U. Servis Third Event- Standing Sta rt . Free for A II lit 10. 00 III C""h 2nll Sua. f.r 'J' lr o Ulln tus \ V. Autu .. ' M .u'h ( ;£1.



Girls ' Events

Hill Climb 9 :00 u. m.

te~;il~~da~S~nd~oldi~I~ i:~~? IJ;~


8 ~'



We carry a nice line of 011 IItoves. Give usa call . H. E, Earnhart. ~

, Mr. and Mra . W. H. Madden .pent . several daya of lut week 1With rela· It wall indeed, a pretty June wed· Uvea In sabina. Ohio. ding which occurred at the beautiful ·home ut too brAde'lI parent. Mr, and MI"!. J . E. Lat ehem. at Tilman on Mr. and M..a. A. T , Wright and Palm AllY, Slltur(lay twening at 8 'IOn. Alfred, visited with Spl'lngburo o'clock, June 3rd, when their only relatives Su,:,day t.fternoon. dilughl er, Katherine Mae, becllme , the wife of LaVt'rne Whiting Do" Cotpe to Waynesville, July 4th man . On account of the illness of thb mother, only the immediate relativ81 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans had as - f th b'd d their Iluesta last week, Mr: and Mrs. o e rl e an ((rOOm were peocfeeeni ft' r C. . t' when Or, W. H' . Cresaon, 0 r oa, Elmer Ho man, 0 memna I. adminiBhlfed the impretl8ive mar r ....11 aervice of the .;piscopal church ""'e Aerolu w Porch . Shad-. all ~g Mr . and Mra: Latchem and Mr. and · .... add a room to your home. Fred Co., Lebanon, Ohio. Mrll. Qemv Whitin'ir, of Melbourne, ['he uncle and aunt of the The Latehem homewBI d ' '1 Mr and M- Romans an •.aml y decorated tor the occaaiJn '. h t' era and vinCll, 10 abundant of Ca,r dlDgton, Ohio, arc t e g ues 8 merry month_of June . of Mr. and Mn;. Frank Carmen. wore a gown, of pink silk an h ollerdre118 01 chiffon .. caught up wilh Come to Waynesville, July 4t 1'08eII, and carrietl a Louquet of La f 0 . She also wOle a beauti. M8IIter Chatlee TYlOn, o. ayton, ..·ra' n~~ r()~ ""'~ h bee th t f Mr and Mbrooch, a weddin'" preaenl as nOh e gues od ' i . th ••t , ful Allmeo ~ Ii dl from an a'unt ' Walter an er, ur ng e pas The happy young couple were the week. ' pl' enta of m' any handMme and r -I ~ I useful wedding gifts from ...frillnds at ' Mr. and Mrs . C. G. Wlllam90n bomll ind from abroad, many of antt famllv. of Dayton, wer~ Sunday them coming from California I&fld vlaiton of Mra. Agnes Wright nnd low., the forl)ler bomliil of the bride, ilaughter, Susan. It'miijht alao bl! mentioned ' . • that previoua to the wedding Meallrs. Ed Rowland and Alber~ were In Dayton Saturday W. G. Tubbs ' Ka~e a .hower at her home In honor of the bride to-be, adAlndin" a bl" meetili" Of whlah was attended by ber many e94H!:lng~ U A lodlJ friend a who bestowed many uael"l • " e. ' fts 11 . ' ~me to W". unellvi , lJ~, Ju, Iv 4th MillS Latebem came to ·M elbourne -" , with ber parenta from Iowa (our , lbo ' U. M. White has ,been auffering years ago, remain nlJ here a ut 8 for' Mveral day. w\th hla old malady yearoruntllthehomeonPalmBay ' andM rs. Whltehu~1!JI wu completed . But ever alnce &!Ie t h e u th ma, .




Insure your tohacco agninsthall. fhe co~t amall. W. N. Sellrs.

I ml



And They Arc Doinll 11 Fine Work George Tlffanv. of Xenia. W81 a Al11l1l1g the ~o\lrood calltlrhereMontlBY, Boys Come to Waynesville, July 4th


~I:::::::JISE,E:UlG .o·f July


Come to Waynesv ille, July 4th

E;. Earnhart'a.

The RlIilroad Boys, of X"llia, gave a very line service at l he Orthodox (o' riend8 Church Sunday evenlnll'. Thll railroad boya with their wivCH and families to the number of 45. arrived here at 7:80 and were ,met by aut08 lind taken to tbe church. J. D. Allen was the leader, and the boYb led Ihe sinjl!ing. The tneetina W88an informal one. the boys giving t heir t4!sti/'nony 88 ill a prayer meeting. The meeting was an inspiration to everyone pretltlnt: The men are all In earnest, and are doing a good work, it looked 8S though they mia ht con· tlnue In their good work, The lot ef k railroad inan ie not roses- thei r WOI k 18 hard and they are raat in with a Ipt of people who pay no Ilt· wlltion to religion, B d to stay In lh(> nHrrow path and keep away frem temptation will req uile a great delll of tllith, The meetinll wu wei! attended, and it was a good thing to hear thOle boys t ell (If their canvenion. .It ia hoped that they will visit Waynes· ville again.


51:::::::1 f!)11EEEE3!

Wh le Numher 3375

a h

~~a~~~~~~.~~·I~~~~~~~~Ro~' ~I ~h ~ff~ f ' d Ii' Sh I -===========~==~====7=~~~I==~=~~=======~=====P~~U~w~~m~~~e - - --"._- - - -, ~ from whieh softly dBlicendetl ~~ffltotllc8t~M Rev. ,.. ~ fu~at . her many rlen a ere . ' e 8a Mr. ~d . Iolra• . Albert Pyle, Mr. Glauser followed hy the bridal I arty t,;horus, wl)ich W/I" plnyrnl by Misli

moat ehatmlni' lady and haa teen Pyle and mqther. of Clark. held in high esteEm by·,lI her -e-re .... est.. of Mr Charlet Qualntancesalneecomlngtotbe ...It of Flowers , a n d ,f amIl7,ofRo . ute41~twee. Mr, Oarman hu called the Whit· fng bome his home everslnct he w~ Come to Waynesville, Jul, 4th allfllall ooy, -exe'e pt four yea rs he eerved In the United States navy' aDd See Elmer Rollers for Auto Tires .. ton • Ind · A lB 'IDd er tine ' I yean Iptlnt in W~n I18vera . • ecesaor ell, " ' and He came make tijlt! is per Oream Seo.rators, bOth new and . , It h d at,P"'cea that are rlal.t mllnen ·"ome about 'two years ago and no;'holdsa reeponalble .posltlon fI8COn . an. n ,:"'\ with the 'Unlon Cypreu Company. M-. M, A . Dlert'o and dll"<I'hter, . , Mr. and Mrs. Dorman. will ,make' ~I .,... ',- P ..... rl. of r -L'-~on, Jnd ', ·arrl ..ed thllir home with r,1rs. l>Orman II par· M....... ...... .... , where.abo' will here Thuraday, en'taa'TI·lman. ~ of Mr, and Mra.and ,F.·are H, .the Farrguests and . In carinll for her mother who has been other relatives. in ill health for some time.- l4el .• borne (Fia.) Newe • . , b - - -....- . . . Mre. O. C. R1dlJeJ of Colum U8, .. .Mrs. Marne Davie, 01 Mansneld, and urs. Ohaa. Weller, of Centervllle . . trn- n't lut Thu.n:tdBf with Mr. anal I _'''1 R d ., rs. Mall on I ,e. ID




and M'-.u.' Wash Suit9, Ml'dd-yBlo' UD_, WODh -.. Sport Bata, PumPII. ' UnderGenets. Bose, Ibbbons, etc. 4th. Fr~ 'a, ~b.'non, Ohio. , , Come ~ W~J11ea'llle, Jull·Uh

. The Rev. Mr. Shaw, ofJa~P.8town 01110. will give a;stereopticon at th... Ferry church, Thursday June ' 29 tjl , at 8 o'c\o'rk , ~o lion ch'arae<! at the door, but a will otlerins will be taken Ever)'· ' Mr. and Mn. L , A. Zimmprman . . ' bOdy welcome and lit. Grace C.rmen I.~t Monday ' lor Wublngton C. H., they. will jobi the Dahl·~pbell.xcQnlon to Atlantic City. TbeJ will 118 ~ne



tell daya.


Wednesday (lveninlJ, prayer meetlng at '7:30 . Teacher's Training cla~s •LO II ow ·In II at 8~OO "'-hool at . . Sunllay "" 9:30 a m" Communion 10:30 a . m ., Christian ~ndeavo1" at 7:00 p. m. All are Ir;tvlted to thet18 services. M. E. CH URCH

Rev. Walter D. Bole. District Su' ~ WI'11 preac h. S un d ay perlnten d ent nlQrninllatJO:3C1 a . in. In the even-

inll tile third In the series ot sermons will be preached by the pastor stlbjcct '''Davld Livingstone the'Path . IInde'r" On Saturday e'v'enl'n<r July .' . • , s.t. tlie fourth quarterly .eonf~rence WIll be held . Let all the offiCials of the churcH be preilent S Grau'ser Pastor. v • , ST MARV''; CUURCH .'". .. Second Sunday after Trinity, July 2nd, Sunday School at 9:80 a . m ,; sermon and Holy Oommunion at 10:30. A cordial weleomll to both theBe'servicetl. - - -••'-




tour brothers and a hQst of friend" which consisted of t he brirle's sisler, God alone knows what a void !aleft E ll Y h I k d p rfi\tty in our hearls by the lossotthis loved . ~ a oung. w 0 00 e , very one but we know that In pink chtffon gown and 8wcet peas. " . ·The groom'R brother, Wm , Dos~er. 'Tis sweet to t hink hereafter Beyond Ilfe's toils and care.~ the groom, Hdrbeb~ '?()~~ r lookl1lk When the spirit leaveil this sphere, Its hopes and joys its ~earine8s ve py proud an no em e conven· Love on deathless wings 'shall waft and sorrow ' tional black and Neva the b,rldo n'l h' ts ,.... 1"- days 0 t IIml'1 es chiffon was beautifully go.w ned In wh llo T oher tho<e she Ion .. 'hath mourned It!lsleepl,,!,G and t~e'''' ara ~ ta lteta carrYing a larg e hou. • , d for here! . Will be a long Bweftt l'lfo, unmarked q uet of ~ri es rose!!. .' ' Hearls from which ' twu dea th t o by years ~ The brld~1 party took th BI~ placeR sever, One brhrht unending morrow in order before 8 I~lfge canollY of Eyes this world can ne'er restore, /lowers whe re Hev Grausor. solemn· r'here as warm, as bright aa ever, Bevond t Ime ' 9 troubled stream, . I f necl Ule ceremony aftcr y per orl Shallmeetusandb 10 t ' Beyondthechllli g ' fd th' whlchtho bride anti groom fricnrl we roll . ~I S no more . . n waveso ea s congratulated by relatlvesanrl !;3amu I B \I Sta b dark rlv;r· . The guests wero then. RorveJ ~lo. B t d eH , tl d v~:s rear Beyond hfe B lowering clouds and Iillhlful refreRhments, after willch 3u I~ d~ ' ~r~r'h 0, une . fitful gleams, . the youn" couple departed for allhort ' ,a~ I · a. 8 ome near Its dark realities and brighte r dreams trip. .. . New Buritngton, OblO, June 16, 19.1' A beautiful forever. 49 years and 13 days. tie ' Mr. and Mrs. Doster are very w~ the lion of John and D,JIlah CAItO OF THANKS popular young people and a h~8t of starr ' lind was the levlmth of a fam W.I I t th k f' d d friends wish them great happoness. II f't ... I child ' B' . h'' I II ,..el re 0 an our rlen 8an The bride was the recipien t of a e spent a neighbors' f or their kindness' and great many beautiful arid useful b yohood.. e dve I reo. Hi hl-"-d .... oy , ayll n a 1111. vuunty, sympathy durinll our recent bereaveremr;> ving wi~h' hI8 parl!nta t l>'Clinton ment, · , presents County In hIS' r I h d N M' St Tile ou· wn guests w e re Miss , 189i:' n,!,: ~~Ited f~ rs. arr and Daughterll. Ella Young, of Cln~innati ;. Ma bel mar~age with Amanda Smith of .- . Young of Columbu~; G~. McCu ne .. Westbo ro, Ohi9. To this unlorr~ere of Cin~limati; Howard . McCune, of ~~rn four ~aughter8--Marie. Mabel Wihninlltoni.. Mrs. Irvin, I of G~bnI!AIther Martha Belle la nd Margaret field; Mra. nank ¥OU!l8'. 0r h a non' Mr.. and Mrs. HolhngswQrt • a f Orekonla: Mary McOulla and Hazel Rozell, of Centerville. __


l867 ,





---.."- •

want to take. course In during the winter the work II alack on write to the DBan of Aariculture, Ohio Inl'ITer'lit:v" Columbus, for a

DOI]IISI~ 11l1.. ril~ultul'e

b~:=I:~i:;~:~ theOpml abortOctober course III

1',, 1917. . The .peclally for ooDtinue farm


Harrie tt 'yster, the bridal partv de · 8ce nderl the stairs, Il'd by tho officia t · ing minister . the H f ' ,I. 10'. Clldwul lade r, of Waynesvi lle, Ohio, a fri end (II d b

~~:h;r~~~~m~nrIHI~i~vS::estO ~:r~



-: :=Ltt~~~


Walte r McKay, of C,)IUllIbus, Ohio, brother of the g room . Tho bride's ,,' t c r, M'ISS on ly at ten<Ian t., WaR h Ilr ,.IS Ruth Kathryn l:itev nR, who wore all tt ti' of pale bluo mllr ~ui~~~to~B, ~~tftowcrll we ro an arm~ Cui of sweet pen~ nnd fe rns . The llrl'cl" d=. cunded Illonn. moctinn- her ~ ~~ ~ ~ b fAther at the fnot of tho s t.alrs . . Sho t ' b·tI· I • was a c larllllllj!' rl 0 In ler llown OL she rOil organdic beAutifully t dm· med with Il\ce, and tailing Co the hem of her gow n Wll~ a veil of tulle which was ClA ug ht by ,Il wreathe of bl Slle carried a orangl! OS.'IOntS , . . shower houQuot of bride s rosee and valley Iillies . . . Following t ho dnublo ring se.rVlce, a WOOl I'lug supper was serv OIl In the . dining room. which was doc _ orated.n d I' yellow an w n~. Mrs .. McKay 19 a young ?,ornan of char~lng p<:rsonahty and If\ a ,greai fayorlle With Il large Circle 0 , frIM~d8'McKay Is a young bl!sln~ man bein", connected with the A. M. " ... D t an McKay Realty Comll y,.- ayon New8 • - - ----

The l\Quae ,hIIlonging to the late Surface, known as tile ntove Holland M\l88 on Maln .u.t, ... II(Ild Saturday by the admm~ ... E. B. Boiel'll, to A. 'MaftU for a_a


An Easy Way to Reduce ,

noor ",nR 0 troy wlUC'h moo.. 11110 .. PDt I' \ II I II I I 1111' nn_'\' I're,llt," Ill' Mil 1<1, Flesh . (."nl');l.', ~'If ,'I' U I" ", "" 1Ij::. 10 I' n,· "111)11 a '"l'it' Ju :1.. ril l_n·. """11\ hilt re I. ~'t hTl~' thhllt t'i c· Hw foo" W I'" 1m ll""bclt Hlhhk Hn,!'1 " IIst,'rrin" (llll~l\h' lll\' ,Io.,r tnr ~r\'('rnl "NI' •• ltm·t hl'J:l n Inl1<I,,' Ihllt '''' n~'!'' , Drink Hot Water and Take Tas8cO IlIlulltl'S. '1'111'('1' ""11,,, tilt "'lIn.' tWill ... ·0 •• 1111." I:w , KOflth,,<1 11<'1', "\\'1"11 wllh lll til,,! Ill' nt'llt 1I, .. 'k 10 hi .. \1\\'r, 'hn" " t I k 11' pl ,tt I rOt)nl '~11(1 to 11\'<1. ' . "hC("'rl:~ o:::~ n",~~ 1Il :~ :., I';'h~'~ Wf:lr:' , tu JttU\!:?o t),d~!~U lrt\i~ \V11~!l~lh:;:~ utll:~~Ojl~'~~~ ln tht> 1D0rolnq be wuk' to a ~tIlte lurn l u~ ll1lo H" 'lr rl\\11 .1rll·PI\·o,' ,114 Ill' 1101 "''luI", '1I"\It~ or ,'.I,"",,,ko' \\/1 111 . " rillht. tltr,,·, "uu ltD \ 1..1 it lu il<-),trl&.hl L.I ~o to,.. po ~V. n ,,..1 H: glll l l('f'd n t thft tlld t w u c >It!ts, \\ I ~ dl ")'UU ',UI , 'uru "'t lUl) cI(u~ It. , . M 1o\"nJ.{ 1111111'1'111 IIl1kno\\' u In bl~ cr· nO 11')<,r ')1,1\,\' \' ,'rltl" '" "·,,,,· , Is lhlo I'hc'y oro IlIuU,,"1 III tu Il. 1~'rr""'I) III"rlll' . ' h:ti¥ uutl uuSit Ul' I'NIUI\lllIlU. 01 hul l l. tlf POI'ICII .t!. "'1111' 1\111,·;' 111 IIa,' vr r,'~:t In I 11' t wlll~bt. _IO ll,llng "IIUII thl' rnlllt !'Rllni , ~l"l rod''' " til" 11 • • 11 u mo 1;Y 1111111, or wllk ln/: th.' I'1I Is " IIlth· nll1l~t!­ Rtcl'''' t,a r('l lI~n llfllt t hl" ,tful i' Ollt"' u be - I uUl ,)' U\l Jotru (tn\\n Ullllo UUlnu or uf lit \&:111" ~'U U tHldl t \l w(ugh, 1'on nludl HeBh 18 ulld alel'll hH~ 1!t111t!, bill t·oh,' I·.·!It th" l1gbt bind "h,·r. "h lJO w d ";1':\\•• ,1\'. l 'lrabl. • 1I1000L 'l ull .luUI "",,))Iu 11'111 !'Ill" . hll ~ III t hri(u II , It I ' Ih e 1II,)I1\I'''!. II ... , _., I '? " , ' . - I II~ n, .Hullt ,Iotrl.l.l·hl rrom OU I ·. it'OU\t an· \\ p m.I,) - w Inl . ,Ishl ·;llrs. 1)C .r ~uc" . "III' ehn"8Y an,1 .hO,1 or w· ~'lY. UMll rt' \I'll ·'rt'mcII1ht.'r ;" llnd " lIlh. I I 1<1. f r th UrKt 111111' III l llhll~' lite It ('lIl1w .111'1'1,111 11 , wlq, n . 1It;hr hllllui'l"I1{,". .. ",tHtll ' tot U muth t,?11 hO'I~~~lr~t~lll'~~ '~~II~'o~,"I\~t?ru~ l{lIlrin)~~llll~'I: ~~\U 10 to hl11l hrllljrlll): II "II~Ui ' h; II 'II I Il (,~:;, "(', ,III 1111' !J\lll('r 1IIl.l'''!·' sll" \' 1'1~cl. ) 'r..,,'tlYMUI I.rm·lu,·yrdu,.dl·a • .,II Y l'l'lt "tUI'\'. f ' J'Ub."I"O ,"IIIVI ", h IlJII ' ~ ({)r .:ut. t ' lti Unmfl\ nru [[ ll\1'~\·er. II WitH 1\ "rltor "1 \tullo n lIlId . ) 0 11 lIl'm Yl ,· ~rl'. AI IYII." " , '\ " U "'W" 1I1111 011 , ..II ,) 1)I'l •• d~ lI' II\,II 'IU." W88 gOlll! 118rOl'(' h~ b ud nu l,. hl~ 1 (I n' ''~' 1111 \,1'11' 1 r,)rj:u l,.,"llIIt YOU jUbt rl('ollllij~u ' I~I 'u lIu l' hnrlllll''''', lIotUAU ,,,lISII"1 ' • I ul us . 1t )'(IU c nll hUt. ('0111010 our 6li'll r O, wu W I lng, It left u III tit, ll'lIll , Ill" I)I NI d . I mllli lu ·".'" Wyn u. rt'CollC'dlon ot It li nd tJi(' plizz ll' of It. rn, In ,'c you. ":-'0," hI' :111~"'I'r" 1. :l~ UII' ellr wllirh r mllh,l'd UI!. 1~ ....1. AUII. III - 500 BOX FREEftl('t. wuklng hnpplly In iJw nwrillll!: I" s topp d. ·'~o. tbr ~1)lrlt 'wlll e llM II nol ll Rll nl1y We ('('Hllit of n <1rl\' hOlUe c hec'r'ul nil tI.1' fteRIi will 11' 1 It, mOlh '1'. " • FREE - A8SCO COUPON -~ . rrom 0 fllnl'rnl. :'ill wOIlIll'r Ule S~ It won't do 11'1 ht!lJlI~c Ilk T · His yol ce wO" low. 1111,1 III 111'r mor e- , HE TA86CO CO • T 'IUCIICC 1'1·,,1\1'11 Il l bh~ f:lll'rl rl,I!,! m ent to II" "'rtHl rrC>II1 I lip enr ,,110 I Boston, Mas8, Hi s fnlhl'r bllil ){onl' whC II he CIII11I' tall e.1 tn IlI'nl' hl ~ flnnl ",ord s. scoll on" h)' rel "ru IIIAlin 50.' 1>ox or you 'IO\\,II ~ l llh'" , " Wclll on dOll' n 10 ' 8 (lfI"',', "Hela ,,,·(. 111/(. wloo 81"b.. '(" wun,j ,' rtul 0 1,.,..11)' 're"lmonl. I "'11'1",",' 11k' j es ' RUlli . '," J nckson IlIrurmPll 111m , UNc'IIthfug'. '" 10 r'l h r hr dl",n).,., to ht\lp 511LY 1·UJlLftM6 lillli "CnOl" ~lI t hrenkfllR' lllhl~ , nil . by .... I ,,"ckl',~. , ollt R'e wnll frutfnl III IIf' r grluf. ' 1l1~ . ·lf : (." I. lIolhlll ·. !l NIf':" hrllt~ JI!(o~ " \' 0 11 ~nl,1 It .... ,,11 1,1,, ' 1 .10 It) Iwhll"" Ilite brCl1kfns'. lIut he dl'l\ ' ent II Ih lng, MII1 .;ho!l~·. I l1' hn \'1' 111<1' ",11,,'1"

~CAI Eslaee Trllnlfer

• F.lbnrt ~ nppor I't III tu Gl'or~e 8. "nct lKflill L.. ~' uone PArt or \til No, 1\(1 tn M tneville, tol,





ne YlelUOO, alld WIJIlO th CY III 'the boule abe rep ntcd l'lIr~Pl r with 'ren:! feelIng: "'All wonl ont!' \\ II. It ' auybOdy 18, you are, l3tbbs l .\I)d 1 ,d.on't wonder; YO\(\10 done every bit of lthe work of It. You mustu't gl't down "ck again. rm goIng to mnke you !tako '" Uttle brandy." . , Be Jet her have her own " 'llV, fol· lOWing her f.nto the dining rnon; . •ond ' ~. . g1'tltctul wbon Bbe brolljl:ht hIm n tiny glass Ollell trom one or the de-canters on the IIldobol\rd. Roseoe .Ioomlly pourod for hlmH If n rtllU'b lleavler IIbatiou In a larger glnR~: :Iud the two men Bl\t, wblle Sibyl It'lIl1rd 'aplnat the sideboard, revlewll1g III ..' epllodell of tbe clay lind reca lling tbe ,Dames of tbe donora ot 1I0wI.'riI n nd lWrMthe. Shl:'pr 8 cd IJIbbs to rl'mllin longer when be rOflO to go, lind tb 11. a. be pel'llisted, lIbe went wllb blm to the front door, He open d It, oml .be Isld: 'fBlbbs, you woro coming out of t be lVilrtreell' bouse when we met YOIl, How did you bsppen to be there?" "I had only been to tbe door." b alII. "(load nlgbt, Sibyl." "Watt," 8be loslated" "We lIaw YOIl ~mlng out." "I wa8U't," be oxploloed. '.'I'd JURt broulbt MlstI Vertrees bome." "WbaU" abe cried. "YI\I." he 8ald, aDd lItepPed out 11pon tfle porch, "tbat waa it. Good night, 811.111." "Waltl" 8be MId, tallow lug him aems. tbe thre~hold. "How did thnl happen' 1 thought YOD were goIng to wait while those meD Oiled Illo-the-" She paused, but moved nearl'r hIm In· "'tentJ.y. "I did walt. MlsR Vertrees W1I8 tbere," lie .ald, relu()tanUy. "< he bad wal"'·'" a-." 'or II -bile Rnd ..... nl •

Y f'"Hu l..1. wpnt on (l.,wnto\\' l1 t J Ni' AU 111(\


"~II~ jll:-,t HHII ~ lIS(' ,"



C . ~, Mo untll , nduor ' 0 (Ioor ge Orftdtll'to of R, Fonol"l ~IlVin it .. t lu 1ll1IUlltl,n towlI Illp I llfi



Dr. J. 'A. McCoy,



r"·J'.eewU I

Rnpt.i qn

ob\1rllh, l'I~IL~lInt PItll", Ohlo.n tlll! ('I 1'1 ' I I I 'I eo.~,~t\ Ii n 1n t , ltl IS I orm n ,. 1\11'(, 1 p r t n f 1')1 In tl ll l'lnn hl\\Il>4h'p. t :l:!i, IIi. fr "HlLk 1\" (1 [lftt! n I~ IJOt'\' r It) C, 1:'. KrOhn , lot I n Morrow, ,' 12(10 1..I~\(.. e L lnll~' 1,0 u.. ,I l-\ wlnll, north hKlt f J:I:I Hor In Huo Nt! ~, T. J, tt, ~, hQt\voon tho l\th"ui Rive rs. $\. . UI~rrio 1:1. nnd J oh n rr: , li'nirohllll~ to B uo ruo en~Uell1'.n Ilflrt of lot No, ~ 29\lln LnbtluOll.:IIl . W. 11. Hud@on to W , M , EllulPR lot Nn. tla hI 1\11l1)11l Pluk sn.hOI viRi on


lJnlverll l "

III ", ... i,) cn~(\ )" F It Hher WI1>11 I'I\ hl)u~c, 1"0111'1h Ht reet,


l'cllil~hl)nl' 28


Wnynel'>vill •




A. 'MAFFIT (i'uncraJ J)ir(>ctor and Embalmer. Waynesville; Ohio. ,


Cnll a n~ '" 're,l [lrttllliltly tiny nr night M. I:Hnlf~R to Unor"'o Bolznl. lJoth vh tl nc~ ill Ollic ' 1111(\ I{ellithlllce,

'0 ~lnR~ ~hllH , $Or.,


I,lt No. " u,'l llI l "lRplll l"Irk ...,"I"L1' I ~• IP\ " , Ion t o Klng8 MIII~.IU . " Ii: LowlH to l-leorgl1 l:I"fllr ~O "oros in

F.llnrl [.0111

• LunJ,t' di!'ltllncc, No. 14; Hum" phone 14 -~ r .

hairs a'111 nIH' Conch furnhdlCu free

with flllltli·III!!. B 'lun r o r enk llesLof R rvi c il l(uaranllJPfI. t o,"nullll,"J, ".. 'rhon"l!! U. Morrow, Ari III r . III R. A. M llI"torlllot N ·l . Itl in I:l pl l ng

boro. fl,

~x. p lntncd .



Du. fl.E.

he J'~o~ tll ,10. Y :tHllh, 1 rel'lwu pll lly HA'I'IlA W A.'l: t l1 rnln~ 10 ):0 In. " .I n oh",,"re l",r51l11 Tbe Klnl( P owder '0 to 'j' ho III 11 t'I I r l"ytlllng goln ' o n same ' 118 It I Ilo,,'! Ihluk IIIn r h or Inl;;ly." P"tflrs c..:"rl, rhl~o en ,1-1 II. res ill YOO~ln <10." v'V lI .yn"" ville ' Ii J.. oLldlnll DeIlSII' "n,'h ul'l' Ilk " wh,, '!" " I", rcpL·lItcd. Hamilton t,uw u .hlp $l. It Rt rll,'k fIIhb s thnt JneksoD wns nn.1 upon Iil ~ yll'ltlln;t I" 1,,·1' I'" 11111111 umoo In K OYR I3ldg . Muln H~ rl l!h t, 'fhc' .Iny pnN:tt!ll ns other (111), l\\arrja~c Licenses t usis h 1lt('(\ Rh e IUIUJ(' UJI htor lII i ull thut hnll passed. ~Ir s. f;llI'rlll rtn n nd E,lIlh Ben A. Rut' hl" fllrUl t"· of AIIIl , the ollly Ullnl!' to UO WIIM ttl 1"' 1 i)r. \I' rl' lu hlnck. null ~lrH. Sll ~ rldu (\ l' rto,1 Ollrney ubout It. MInn., lint! M H,. Ion .. A Volk.ordi n ~ it 11 111 ... now nud tlJcn. but 110 olher o f llu,lorvlllo . H.· v. W. F . !.lm ,'!.,,'. "Like Hlldad the Shuhlt.. !" WII R ",llUt xl('rnn l dlfTpr~nl'e wnB to be 81'1'11, Blbhs s aill. EdWllrd Leroy K o hnlo t,/l1-: II\ntltl~ •• Bibbs w('nl t r hili drll'll, an d I,I ~ (!Iot •. ror or D,Iyt.on. flnll Mi~ H ' . 1I\(llh~r "'<'lIt with blm. 88 slie aODII)' CHAPTER XIII. P:~ter Bl'ld !,!O, of I!'rtlllk lin Hav . t101P8 dl,l W"I'D the w en th er WIIS pl,'ua· My Aim- Your Trade W .. I'er Snlelnlllll. ont. AltogeUler. th e tl s liulnoflS or The oulwll nl 1I""nlne88 of' thlu!(s lbll11(S "'liB rnthe r Ktnrtlln.: to Jllbba. eontlnUl'(j nttl'r ,llnuel'. luth I' II h('ury, Commissioners' Proceedings I )urlng the 11.r1 v Mrs. Sll()rltlll n . wblle bls w lCc sut In bur cu.toillllry in th o IUll ttllr of r.Ju~ Philli IJ'" Jio.d QUALl'l!- Above the Standard tol kpd trnl:'Ulelltnrlly- or JIID' s r hlld· hUl'rO V"IIIt1 llt rtll'10lutiOD pu,.~otl til hood , "But you wOlIl(ln·t rCllI c m he r cb nl r. gll7.hl!~ lit ' th ~ flrf' . 8111'rloilin let SI~ltVJC~ - Thal cun't be beat ,,,,ike ,- lIld lrupru vt'lnlln\ linO ,I uly tli lIurul<lt!<1 ",'rn ill /l I"'P"I' l'l'HI 111'1)1\ Illut," Khe M id. lifter IIlIrrllting lin 1'1'1· 10lh Ilt 10 O'lllll11k to III . IA dlllo HAl, • bl li Inl). lhtlll;rh now ,11111 tJ"'1I he IItl .. ,1 !:I~ - 'fC\ plell Be nil_ ROlle. " YOII were too lit III'. He WII to bear obj eotl ollA to IIRs,'8R Ul e nt ... 81wAYS A good boy, just like tbllt. Aull It, "~ If to read. LIIlJhM CIIUl .. In 1I0is In the lII"tter or tho Oliv e Brllnc h be'd Sil" wbut ever PUPil gave him. I I'~RI.v mil l M tin 'l l'Ur1IC'r, .101III!' notJl · Ill.ld UreJeonl .. RORct Impro vomenl, J WA'rERHOUSE. and put It In the bonk. I reckon 1t'1I Ing : IIUU rroUl a "rt'c(' tlll nn 1'00 111" ,Ioly 10th KI, 9n . m . 114 lim o a ,t ro r ' , JUKt /lbollt kill YOllr tnlber to put some- II c:rORR Ih o bnll nn Ind lM llnr t "ol'nl 1II11rhearing ohj ollons t o ~"Id Impr ovfl. body In hlH plilco 88 prcKIc1ent of Ih e mill' II .. lime just Ilu.lIlJl f' lit In l,'I·'·IlI". Corwin, Ohio. Illtl,ll, 1\1111 tll!lllxln~ of dUlUlIge oln lms Phuno ;,4- 2,Y.; R Cll lty clllII lJllny. Hlb"s. I kil O\\' Ltc Ouce. wb u tl.l s mtlrlllUI' I!'rl'\\' 10u,ll'r, un lll' " s lr(,SR of ROUll' I rrI'JlI'l!s~IIlI\l IIIcr· 611111 Allowed ,I fllin Lllw,\', Hon, "My Godl" He Cried, ·'What'. That?" can't move nOBcoe 01' r; be told fIIll IIUt,o ~orvl (j for Harv ey MllY 1910 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Inet "" (O k h e'd nlrelldy put IIR rU1l1'h on rlll\ (,lI t, Edllh's vole conkl II ' hl'liru$1:' Hu 1,. lI. Ander~'IO'K .~(lIlI~. Inlll . tho window, lIlI (1 looke>d ror a Jong time ROBcoe os IIOY 011 mUll COllld 1,lIlllu le "HIIIIlly. nl·CIII·t Yilli Il",fu ll" IIml Rh,~ rl· liu. 6:i.Ta. lITltI1\'illll'lihllr~ t lj n 1'. ,~ I. ot the i1nrkcned -hollse wh!)re . [/try IIDtl lIOt I" CI'OZ)'. Oh, 'U·s 1\ pl\y- '" dlln gluncell Il c rO~8 lit bls ,w lf UP1101I 1· No. l! 1 :~ U . A. R. Alomorlul O.. y .. 1 Vertrees JI\'ed, Thl'u he ofll'l1e,1 his Shl! atop\ll'd to wipe her eyes. " II 's n In g ly . 10 wHnca, $2G. W , tJ , HlilnolZ O '~ '0., SII rose /It ollce 01111 " 'I' 11 t Illt o \Jle trunk , took thorcJrolll " 111111111 nOl c buok pity you d idn't run m ore with ,11m. IIUp(JllfS rllr Aud ' t o r, $H .1 , II. Milar, halt filled Wltll trn g menlnry "crib· BI bbs. nnll klnll 0' plt'k II I) hi s wnY R. "r e"ptlnn rl)om:" lh ere W IlH (( tlllny of (Intb ndinl-: AloDzu ~~l lwllril", f r.11 bllngA, lIud hegun to write: Think wbAt It'\1 meant to IIRPll UOIY! whl perlng. lind Ihl' ROIlI1 .1 of i1ll\Ocll1lo( Funt!ral ,OireClur. Wlliler W NOl'6\!.clellning OISI,o rn IIllor YOIl ne\'er Illd run with !Iher Ho coo' tn Ihe tIOlI - Jo:dllh lin d h t'r li t jllU , ,2110. W. U, UOPlllnll, r(,. LallBhler arter II tUlIoml. In thll re· or Jlm BDY, even before you got Rick. cliO lIltlu!: !iun rl Cr!I 10 1\ 1lI0re d IMtn n t' Ohio "GUon people wIll lau gh at anything and! p~tr8 ta (Jonrt 80uao, $9. 0 Anl!u ~ t Waynesville room. ~I rs. Shrrltlu ll , eturned 10 her ....... .......'.. ,,... .. at; noUlInl[. Tho band pll'll's Il. dirge on Ot eoUr1lo you wore Ylhmr;Or; but It .., boerder t,) oorrect. prrur In I'IX ~. DOUce that the c,a rrlagc8 'Were lel\cvJng. thO Will' to th "~m~tory, but whon It al,vlIYs Illll H em QUller-nnll YOll Olr II chotr In tbc IIIlrRry. They Looked \ Up In No Weloomlng $:1,26 VRlIoy 1'olol,hono I), ~oll!\ ,Wilen Ihe callie lIaCIi:...tbe coupe Wlltt- turna back, an" the molmllng cnrrlugoa beln' )lrothors like Ilillt. J t1 rm't II . "'Ilh ey won' t hOUl r you oily mnrl', Manner. "':'CI'111110H- ~ lLud ren til Vllllou!! OmOIlH f\1r a," lnJr tor me ~as thll OnlY ""ne leti:." . IU'1I hut of 11~!.. I\1g, It strillos uP. "Ourk. lIeve I e .... el' sow you nnd Jim sit down JlAPU." she ~lIlt1, lu I~ ('omrortillg voluc. "" town Is,Ou, To-Nlgl1t." That 16 n"tu.l\l.. he told m' e lit lllu '1. lu,'d ·1.II(1ued he sought tile I"\IOlli-ft 'WaR Clllled "Ihp monthll, f1 0r; 4t1 Auto Equipment Btb71 rePrded bIm with dllating QY!!e. but thero aro women whoee lau,hlor II!I together ror R. good tnlk ' In my lIte." lIbe .poke with a elow brenthlesSDe 8. IIko Ihe whlrrlnlr of whip•.•.. Hllr~-lJrllwn !.:(Iuipment "Motber. I've been awoy 110 long," w n ntccl 10 ('~ /U E' ui> th is o,·"nllll;. llud slIIoklug room('-wlll're Edith snt with "And abe drove bome trom Jim's fu. ' BllUlity Ie not Gut of pineo among ",live· Bibbs returned, gently. "A ntI since [ ] snld 1 thought' hl"i1 iJI·tte .. w:llt II f(' w Mr. J ,uluhoro.. T'bey look ell liP In no ~ -~ - atonea. Tt I.s not ouf of pll\eo anywhere, llera.I-1Vlth youl" But 1\ woman who has been be~rq thqa 10 cnme hOlDe 1- H e WOR busy. you Hlle. c1 n~'~. hut Rhe SlIloi 8hC"il nli'"ully Inlll welcoming' motulle r, lit BIbbs' entronce, Without · warnIng ebe bUl'llt Into,' o, mun wOllld not look beautiful at hl8 nDd I badn't much to ~IIY ahout till' 111m he I'ou il t" Rile Jllln ~('d , IlJell nelllcd. Ilml mov(!d their chllirs to n 11'89 conDAY OR NIGH1' ' Jaucbte~ clspped bl!r band loolfcictu. tuneral. A woollln mlgh look btmuUrul, things tbut IlIte reHte<l him. becll use I rnlh .. r gulltll>,: ' 1 ):\'ot kllul or II lInUll11 splcuuus UdjOC!)IIC,Y. (tn Partition) . , though. nt the funoral of a. man whom mnybe fl oscne (lon't like him 1I~ mlldl "G()od evtlul.Qg," 8111d BIbbs, plensally over ber mouth, and ran bllck up- sha hnd known nnd IJkoll. And In thnt don'l know much IlbOllt them." lOU'Iousl7 Into the bOUle, bu rllng the ca8". loa, ehe woulll probllbly D()I ",lUll "U's n pIty lOb, It's II pIty I" ~he 118 he " sed to. lIrny h L-mllyllc yU\! hct- antl.v; Bnd he seuted himself In I Warren Common Picas door Ihut behind ber to tnlk If Iho drove homo trom the ceme- mouIII!I1. "Aud you'll buve to Icurn to t er usk fl o. t·op, P" pn. " AIIII liS Rloer- lenlher easy-cbllll 1I0/lr tJJem. t ery with hi' brother: no. woulo) .he ALL KINOS OF ""'hnt Is it asked Edith, plnlnlT knOll' IIbout 'Pill now, Blbbij. I Idon nodupil .0 Ie ml1ly. she cOll ehl<I",I. wRnl Ole brother 10 Inlk . ... Nevort.ho-' •CHAPTER XII, IlIItorusbed. . Ie••• too much allenro 18 opon to 8uapl- haveD t B"ld much to YOII, because [ In ho s t,,: "Oon't SIlY I Rold to. 1 mi ght J , W. Tho ....... at nl, alon. It mny be rotlce nce. or It may bo a telt It wns nil between your ruth er flnll be wrong nhout It, illIYWUY." ":\,of hlns:," · hojretu rnl'll. "'mliing. CIlJI8 No , 1I1 ~U vlICuum . It may be dllfTllty. or It mlLY be you, but I IIone8tly do belJevil It will He no\1cled ognlll, n ml lhry Ant ' for Sh e> fr owne.l. ."Dld you wunt RaDle. Oatl.Ule\'tIII~tlr Ot III, Blbbl went bome pondering. He dIll tolsc leelh • .•• My .Ir'uft ur IU1 urder ot 81\1e, elul)! 1s.1t1tl' l lIot understand wb7 Sibyl bad laugbed. SlIeneo can be gold en? l' es. But po'~ Just kill hIm It be bns to bll\'e nny (jom time In n ~lImll'" whl r'h ~rr R, tbln g 1" ~hll R8ked. Shl'rlclnn broke wltll II IIt11e ~lIlrr. hllv:~:~::~~~~~rll t!!ltl\~trl~'~~ ~~,1~4.J~~I~IX~ "N'othlllg In hRpe It a womA, n or tho 'Vorld should ftnd !:JIll world. ]"nther nno! more trouble on top of !Ill tJils! You A, bClJne, uncles, aunt!! and couslnll ItUIJllc, IH1Cllull, on UI U lin 11118011 Tn HU: .. "uYIi· hy Ilrcldenl olttlng bosldo a man mUMtu·t let Mm, BlbhR-You mulltn'!1 Ing t"1I n Into n ('('v('rl(1 Ihllt hr ou~ht motll(1r IlIlYe gone lIp stl.llrs: I Rho'n't Ollrtf trol!! ·out of town "'ere wllnderlnlt hersolt . \V"rl't)u Cu uU loy. \)l!lo, ou , tor lila length or lime It m\!st nocoOBllrlly about the houae, ' a""eral mOllrnflllly tako two olow old h(\rllP.ft to jog three You don't know how he's grlel'cll over' lenrs, "~'hllt )tlss Y el·tl·(,I~s WIlA II goo,l It.. g l.lllg up for lIevern l hOIll'R, 01111 girl," she s ll,ld. "Rlle "'o s 1111 .. I/lhl." tbere 11I,t\I·t Rf'Om to b _JlllyLl A. admlrlnl the "Ba7 of Naplell," lind mll08. eho mlghl oxp CIt thllt man to -..y you, nnd JlO1Y.biLC1IQLstn.nd~nny. 0' I otbel'll occupied with the Moor and tbe Bomolhlng of ""me Hortl If ho did not - be Just enn't! Whntel' sn ys for - j'CriiiiRbo nll (,,'1,1 nlly blill .110 dlln· tor me to 'liut with (' -Cel)t you lIud A't a o'clock 1'. til, /II' ij:II<1tI,,),. th" follow' even try. b\ll 8I.Lt overy IIlep of tho WBY ·you to do, you do It, Bibbs, YOII do It! cully In foli Oll'll1g hili' trnlll ot Ibou !C ht. Mr. Lamhorn." ilIum bIng, 'wblle they wllited for trains. ... (lumb lUI 0. .froz. n fleh. 8he mll(ht /nil II . ·,1000 runl ""'nto. '<I-" IL; tWaynesrillc. O. "'Cbot with'!" sbe ecllOed, IncrcdutllLUalllll III thU iII .. ~" of U.,,·t>ys1Jul1; III EdIth and ber motber bsd retired to fhlnk him 11 rrozen ORh . Ani1 slle might I wnnt yon to Ilroml$ me you wtll ." for be nolld d once more, nfUrlllu, JouSly, ~~ ~W~UlIll' or \Vllrrwl uud tiLu.t.u of t tllI ~tt "I would It 1 coulcl," be snrd, sor- U.... e ly. lOme upper famess, but Blbbs Inter- be right. Bhe mIght bo right It 8he "'old you- How did YOLI IL~ It IIb olit h I enn bilk lIbout nlmo!Jt nnytJlln~." fU::T.t:"g(j~"~~lg!x1\~!'i~II;~ ..~.':or\.Oy No. 6H .",1 Over Ponolfl« ,iii "Iewed .1aell80n and bad the vllrloU8 ~ougbt him abnut De plon. ant II. com- rowfully. panlon-iUl BII~uO the ShuhLte! he fill- snlll Rlhb8 with nn IIlr ot gClIlnl 1101ite. 1:1",,101 III" a. "at 0 /l tl S utll hi" or om.,. P""u~ 7 I "No, DO! "'by can't you?" Rbo UI!~-th e RClltty compAny '1" aroUPI' of re1aUne lummoned to tbe ne8S. "It dOl'!$u't muttor 10 mo . . [ Olt~rii". ,~v••;uo "I~III ~~ .. . '\> ·J"n~" diD\ng room for tood. One gre~t-uncle, BibbS closed bl notebook. rcploc\ng cried, clutching his IIrm. "He wlIDls terell. "DIII YOII- " dOll't kn{,IV 11111",. lt t)tlu . lrlcuu_ lf UolioWolut nlll! ruulIllIg II. n 'u 1:1. IU' IJeRr • He ros e h ell vlly. b elplpg hlmselr to u .1 ,. ,,,.,..1!l h:. l~""JIiJ8 to '" tftollU ~ tllouue N, b tl dt:,", "!I 014 'Gldeon Sberfdlln trom Boonvtlle, It In his tnmk, Then, II fter II IJ rlod YOLI to go bllek to the mochlne shop Oh loot W I..I" II C. tll,,"CO N. IU Il lll r\)j!ll eould not be tound, Ind BIbbs went ot melnlleholl" eontemplrit10tl. be un- nnd nil on earth be O ~k8 18 tor you to hIs tMt by tbe Ilrm8 or his ('hu lr. "I thnt'S lwill,t YOU lHtOD IIpd to he tlllkln" 1'. W. 12 P'!'1Jij W" 8Llm,,: tllIlIlL'O S. SO Ih,(W"'" IV. ' U~ re t r.o tIIu 1>01111111111". conLulmll1l 6U III .-reb of him. He ransucked tbe dl'(l8Bed, put 011 0 dreBsllig gown nod go bllc k In n cheerful spirit, 80 Jt won' t flxed It." be sn ld, III II hu sky voke. He ' uontlnued OIl page 9) 1.01011 muru or 1 CJil';d, ~ boue. dleeoverlng the mISSing ontlque slippers, and went 80rtly out Illto the burt youl That's all be asks . . Look, went to h e r, put bls hll ud npon h"r :;fildl,nJIHlrty II .... 00<111 rogularly apl1r.IHl~ 1 BA~N~ART, ----.~ uotJur ul;dtJc, Of U(lu.rlo M tho UI)) ot '!'tlN...., at ldto by acctdent. Plsalng bls fa· hall-to Ills fatb er's door_ lJnon thA R1bbR, we're g ctUn' bftck near bome, 8houlder" ou<1 Llrow II loug , i\l1~1I1110. Ireliuudroll "Ill! I··my ( 'lO.VUI !)01Jl"."nll wi ll tIIU". '010'104 door on tiptoe, Bibbs bllt berore we get. tbere I wnDt JOU to Illl!lIdou s 1.1 I.'eoth. " I t's my: lH'Ilflmc. uot Ile NOhl CIlr I....· lh"u L ... " 'hlnll! ",r HUtU "I)' Notary'i Public IlralflOU ".1110 ood will 4160 btl 1;0)1\.1 "ulij"'" (" promi se me thnt you'll do what bo mlllllllla; I'm golll' lip." ~nl!ln bo aeart! ". murm.urolll! Kound. nnd PIlUSed &.n uuoult.y of '.1'WOI\'6 lSI:t. UU , JJOlltu'H l.Ohn rencbc\1 tbe door h e 8tol'JlCl.1 nllU 1I110kO otlks YOIl to. rromlse me!" Jlllhi to LU\lUn. 1 'hOJntUJ (.Ill tllO j r lnn. UU)' or to llaten. The MUllll liroved to be a January O&.ell &.nO tH6ry ),Ullr tllIrllll( hor UlU.~ All kinds of N o t(lry Work . .L \'ViIIl [11 her eu rll e~tncss abe clellred nway lign in, wl ~h,out tU1'lllng to Illoic lit Il or. luaverlng and rickety .... olce. monolollral llCe. and Oe ~llB a tll)6011l1,y, "'rile Renlty eompnuy'U go rl s:ltt on l:IllId property I. located 10 Uw Viii.,," of "I will obeerfully lal' &bat Ohllm. her billek yell tbnt sbe mtght see hIm just the some," h e su ld. " It ·s li keaoua17 bleating: UanOYlJuurg, Wo.rftlll UoUD'Y. UlttrJ. "I~d fucus b 'tter, 111111 It hlew out OD the smoky berllin', Table" are tbe moat Batls"Tbe Lo-ofd glvuth and the Lo-ord OU' Olark AvouliU aud LUtJru bclug III) Nlroo(N whlll. He readjusted it tor bar before It's like snlld , nlflIII UlR. It IJUt.ll Ille hi llomeultHcly h:Wll., \YUtlli ur :;ouLh of .l1h1 \&kUtb away I We .got to rcmember hO'ory remedy for .\omaoh troubles he mind ot ebuldrcn pinyin' In II snud· ,spoke. . that: we .got to r m mber thllt! Pm t.nd cone'lpa'lon tha' 1 hll VII lIold In 11'1l~ft!1·s · o~· SA. LK=One thin! ..... " lu "I'll go back In 88 ebeer!ul a IIpldt pilI.'. Onc 'ot 'COl sti<;>ks bls (Inger lu Imull onl1(1)' ol' lIultl. Hllll t.hlrd in 0110 yt21lr Bu,t l-gltUn' Ilonlf, James; I'm a -glttln' .blriy.four yeau' drug dore ler. ouo thlntlll t.wo yonl"'lJ. U(irurr\K1 JJ ")'mo~lw tbe Mnd·plle nn<l IIIolces a bole, nnd DR.J. W• MILLER. Common Pleas Court I long, IDd I've 8 n D·mUlly ot 'em ..-lOll," ",al". S , B llorpby, drng- us 1 cnn. mother," be saill. 1.0 liIJIU' r. PIll"C\lu> IUl" .... t ~u" 00 """unlIl by "There I" abe exclalm'c d, 811 tleflell. IInoth er ot 'em 'It po t Il,e l>Iuce wlUI WOrl-Ksgu uu prullliMllt lIulll. . ~t"'o daughten Rnd a Roil the J-ord ,let, WelllbarB, N. Y. Obtalnab!e New SiJlts WALOlioN O. GILMOUR, "TbQl's n !rOod boy I That's all I want· hili hnn.I, IInit 1111 t be little grllillS ,.Te me, and be blls ta ken Ilil aWIIY. , every.bere, ••• DENTIST••• Ilhorflf WarreD Oollllty. Uhln, ot 8"nll run 10 nnd fill It up (Iud setMyrtle T,... EllioU VI!!, ~08eph C. Dy UHA!I. J . WAUUONl£lt , For, the L<Hlrd glvuth and the I,o·ord l tie n nlnst one nnoUlCr; lind then. Elllo1t,. divoroe, Wilful 1I>1l8enoe. .uUllukY. takutb IWIITI Iternember the worth! of SWAIM'" JOlt DAN right IIwny It'H ·flot on top 111'(11111, illld "'he F. J ,' C~Be TbrcahlQg ·& .bohlne 4tl.<Jf110YH YOIl ellll't t e ll lh.~ rc eye r wu s 11 holo .. Shubltethe 8IIY8, 'Bn IIhall e n eit her BUdld, Sbubllc, J:tllnell,hllv . llildud tlle , Lewis D , Baker, replevlD. there. '.l·hl! n ea!ty c.o.npllny ' II go on C). IOD ,nor nel)liew Ilmong bls pCQ11lu, nor' nil right, mU(I1I11I1. Thero nlo't IIny. ElIlII\beth Kaufmau vs . 8 . Ilor In), remaining In bla dwelllng8,' BIl! thin gs nu~' \\'h ~I'~, 1 r rpko n. that d o n a.od Sallie E, JoV, '0 d80lllre Gad the SbubJte-" '. wouldn't go right oli- jlls t the slI lIIe." 'rost in real e~ta'e. Pllr'''llIIn 'here. Blbbll 'o pened Ule door softly. HIs Aud be rossecl Ollt ~Iow l!' Into tbe ot, a<looon\lug of renta aud profits flther · wu lying IIpon the bcd, In hla hllll; tJlen tbey henrll his' heavy trcnd a.nd eqnltable reUet. unllercloiliel!, taco' do,,' nwlITlI, and upon UIO IItlllrs. ProceedIngs Uncle Gldeo~ 'Rat Dear by, swing-InK The most Modem at:tdSanatary Creamery Mrs. Sherldlln, riSing to t ollow l li"Jft.. 11 backward nntl torwnrd In 8 rocklng turned n plt'eous tace to ber liOn, ".l.l's (It ate of Ohio va, AIOJlzo Edwar e in the State and wilt pay highest market chair, IItroklng bll! long, white bellro 80 forI Onl." she BIIlel, clloklngly. "Thllt's pl.. adell guilty to petit biroen." Bun. and gazing at the ceiling IIR he tnlked. tenoed to thirty day!! In j~il aut1 price for sound, clean ,sour cream: We are Ule t1rat time he spoke ~ ll1 ce be cunw Bibbs beckonod blrn urgen tly, but III tJle house this evening. I Imbw 1t pay II fine of ,50 and oo"'ts . always prompt to recognize any advance Uncle (lldeon pa.ld no atteutlon. mu st 'II.' hurt: h im to helll' 'Flfl leli Btate of Oblo 'VII. Alva JRcobs in the market, and will take Care of. your . "Blidad ' the ' Sbllhlte spoke nnd be Inllgb ln' WlUI thnt J,llInliol'lI. Sbe'~ Jury findS dafsnda.nt guilty a8 aa78, 'it thy children bave slnned interests at all tiniC», Checks mailed ~laily ou ghto't to 'et hllll come, right the Tery oba.rged 10 the 1ndiptm!IJJt. EIIl ,aplost' blm 11 nd be bn ve CO&t them or weekly as desired to COVer all shipments. Orst evening tills 'Woy; elle'd ouglrtu't $70 and OJ8ta. aWIl7-" . , to done Itt Sbe just scems ta lose bel' 8&&'8 of Oblo >V8. Jesse V. Bu,· . There was a mumed esploslon b~ hend over him, nDd It scnres me. You. Book, ohanged 'plea to ('"ullty. " . , REFERENOE neath the floor, anll the window. henrd whllt .Ibyl SA id the other dny, II'lne $200 and oosts. Fint NatIOnal Bank rattled. The figure lying tnce down· nn(1-nn.l YOIl Ilenr<l wbnt-whnt-" J . W. ThoD ,a' etal1ll!,' Qui Clev·· Pearl Street Market .ank ward on the bed did not move, bllt "MIflt Ecllth enlcl to Slbyl1" BIbbs enger et a\. Partition of relll ef Any Rellab .. Merchant Uncle GIdeon leaped trom bls chnlr. ill Claclnna ti. . • fini shed tbe sentence lor Iler, tde ordered. "M)' Godr' he cried. "Wbat's than" "We can't lIove any trouble 0' that Y. A'. Jametlon, guatdt"~ eto. , There came a second exp10810n. nnd klndl" sbe walled. "Ob, It loob 1\8 U " Wm BoUerwor\h et al. O. 8 . Vatn Uncle Gideon un out Into the ball. movln' up 't o thla n ew bOllse b8d 1& appotn'ed trUtlke far Anna an,ct 'B1bbll went to the bead or the great brought IlS ,o ,,'tul bod IlIckl It sCllres Alloe Uraridln upon.. ChUl,r bond, and, lookJng down, "dlscov· engines run on me!" ~hc Pllt boUI ber. bnnlls over bet;, Bam or 'lO,300. , ' , ered the .source or ' the ~l8tUl'ba.lIce. foee., Oh, Bibbs, BIbbs! it you/onlY The J. I. Oa.e Maohills (lo...." Gideon's grandson. a ho)' o~ fourteen, ~o wllan t 110 qucer! H you coulili only ~wt. U, Bater; 'hiB .0t.8e I. dt~ hall b~ught hll! camera to the funerol J6,9 cents per gallon. . beell 11 killtl of dependable sonill dou·t mlued OOS'. paid by plt.iD~". 811,d wu taking "flashllgb ts" of ·the Average cost. of kerosene 7,7 cents per gallon. know '~lIot , 'We're oil com In' tal" , And, W, lluUenix 'e ' aI, .... Eliza. , . ' .' ~ Moor. U.ncle Gldoon, r eu f!ure'd by' wceplng, sbe tolloWed ber bUs!bnnd. 'b th!:l t.1I jury flode there la due. BIl)b.' expln notiOD. , woull1 hllve reo ~ ~ Gasoline costa over lOOper cent more than kero~ ~alnUft $97 from dafendt.u& alld Blilbs Il'nzed tor a 'Whllo at tl'le Ore; tum~ to Ihl18h hie Quotation from 1311sene. G~soline is going up steadily. Kerosene·is not. dl4 the Bhuhlt • but B'l bbs iletllined thcn be rosc. nbrlliltil", like n IlIIln wbo fber. Ie due defendan' from plain . At present fuel prices Titan engines, using kero· btm, and .otter It litt le argullltlnt perliae cOOle to a dcclslOD, antl briskly ~ifl $44 and .'rUI1o, a bale.,. 'here 'eual1ecl blm to dOflC8nd to tlle dinIng sene, save their owners about I. I cents perhorse,power ~~~~~~::::::~~~~=~~~ " II due plalb\lff•• am of $118. room ",blther Bll)bai tollowl)\I. after Stale of' Ollio v., Baul Ba1UDIIl, per hou~. e~aa the door or bls tat.b r's room. •. ' ; pleac1rd gumy and >!(hlll ,Ilf. 18n, • Are, you rupning a gasoline engine? What horse power is Be' llept hi., eYIlll on Gideon CJ..~tllr I"'boe to S"'e P.nUenSI",," It? .~lgure what you'd be saving if you bad a Titan kerosene (ilnnllr, 41ltl mstically . p,r o\'0nUng 8 v· att." 01 Ohio .... Wtlbar Blake,· era) at:temptl! qn the part or tbat e0'P.'· engme•• Rather surprisin.,g, isn't itl . How long would it take It 111 fooll81h ' ,0 'blnk you ClaD Batn h lea ao "gaUt,." HDMaoe4 ~ ', . ' foitllr to I'UtIC!flIli the etalrs; snd It that savmg to pay for a Titan engine of the same :rize I ' a good ollar oomplll:r;lo4 by the ale ~nK~ ~I tn xenta Wor. Blluee - Everyt>ody uses L~wis· Bread and .... • relief to Blbbll wben Ooor.e an· of tace pow,d er. at ,~ .1'00' of 0 mOD . nou,"*, tl)at aD a'-tomobUe Wat ",'!ItCakes. the t)est and most delicious trouble Iinel 'horeqllly ol. . nle : Court Pre......... _ to eon;'_7 tile anMent Dian aud 'h. IYltem wUh a ,,.a'lDen' of DI'. ' '1 the ~,.... 01 the . . . . . 01 . made, Tty them,; and .·you will (~ paD48ol1 to train. . Tbey were Kin.'. New Lite PlUe. aentl. ano D B 1Iu_lDa. c1eoMIec1 lD. ~ never want to eat ~ny other kfud, Jut to. ...... and wb-, th., hall mUd ID aoJioo, 40 DO' y.t t'e, atpn"'1DeDt uad BlbIIe weat llahIac to hili own - . . laD lvoMDe eqiDe. U'IIHlci '" reliev. 'he 1I ..lIr by 'hetr 1.CtI0Il lID "'l!ClOI't1e4. " ~ .he bowel., ~ for :f0UII., sci"'" :... . ___ or' &'-- ...... WID




LI,\ ' ERY


-- -==.--

GE' O.


'~ -. .

===========-::::-=-_-=::SHERIFF'S SALE





OY...JlU-,+",-,SAlURDAY JULt22.. 0" 1916

Walter Ch-andler


.. ---










···;~··~~~-;;-~;:;~~;;z~:;;~ ·I·

Are You Wasting The Price Of a Titan Engine?

v.'. V-


kerosene, far this year, Average cost of gasoline

..... ............................ ......

Lewis Ba.kery'


'LitematioDai ~e.ter Company of ADIna. .

. 'h.


. and Wapeavil1e, Ohio -pluloD .



Clncln!,8tl, Ohio

J. F. Sno.ok,' Ag,t. Waynesville, o.


a ••






after .. ol.r 00.. In U.e ....,2Iio .., JO.c c1tq. 3. IIGOabe. ~."'"


Bled or aw.. an.,. ,

r Lewis' Bakery


W &J1l~~iUe, o.

~:~~"I \~~!~~M~, W~~~I~~~I' ~~SIE~~~~~"~(~~:;X' ::a::~e~:;hlhnlhei> I~T-H-E-I..-N-E-IG-H-B-o-R··-H---D" i"r J. •

I'urilluflflhtl fi rnl of II .

8.: CP ,. dll il1 J.:" hu ~inr :;5 tTl Ihe t Hy tlf Ttilc·

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() L. ( ,I" H m, hlr t llr nml Mlln llgur 1101, " ,..ont y unoJ Sl ale nr" .tNa id , alld ..!




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fJll U t o ll OP (, l h u t t lt p \\"IHlln

[,l1 l11l1orn r(l llll,l lOO kIn g Rilly.


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"II IIH,·"


11111\' . ' ,

hli ll

(l II II J{(' r uf


m ~I


A Novel By BOOTH TARKlNGTON Author of

f'Monlieur BrMU'!aire,·· •• 1'11. COllquCIt 01 Call1lllllo''

,. Penrod. .~ etc.

• )""",

.UII. O IJ nr\.' u t IU IJU l'tlll c lht, S t ..

~Ir .


1.II IIIIIo rll·( ' rH lIru ~>d



8h r 'rll~· .

ellll ~ r , " 811 111 JlI"\l A. "It '1 10111111'1' Ih ll ll 11 " 1111 1, Inn· II('C 'I, j ll Mt h uru re ,' n r k. lIull tllur e " , " ij wlud (ro m til e s Olllllwcst. !"tllin IG-

" , ' ", n ut .


1!"l tl lI ~

I Hlo o llhl,n 1)0' H U'lJrI R ~d . " Ile "~ e " , .'d 10 r, ·,,1 Ih ll l I,,· hlld \I 'g ull n <'OI1\'I'rKII Llon \I ll' HUI'I)IJrt or will 'II hod now b OCOlllU Iii 11J(!/I $ul'lIhl e dilly <or o ~ r 11111' \I I! ; lIud he ijll t e II4! C(IIIIIIy , loo~hl il ' Ih'at Ot his RIRhl r, th e u ilt Lll mlJMn. 118 Ir h UIII)<,h l'; l!tllt It WIH UI <1lt turn t.o RllllU k . Iu,tllh rellllTuCll1 bls gozc with tI III lxtul'e ot 0810u1811· IlIcnl nud Illc renalug Qui:; r, whil e Mr. J.alll.horD ' wa ~ u\l\'IOIIsly dl ~ lurb<!d . thou g h TJII' \J's bnd IJt!t·u lUI cOII ~ ld rotc as p O K ~ IIJ le 111 1I1'('~ f> lJlIlI g tile \V olilel li S 0 10plc. IIlh h~ hll d 11C1'~C1 l ved tb~t L UlUII,lr u 111111 11(' lh lll l; III hl9 IIlllld, ot IIny tlUl e ex '\lIlt "1''' I'sollnllllcs''- lIe ('Ould t" Ik a hUll I lluOI)le uud h e ould mnkc love. Ulllll8. "" MllluM to lie J.'Our· teo us , ofl'erCd tho w en UJcr . l.nn.hol'U rc fu sed II. 8ud concluded from 1lI1l1l.8' luxurIous 1I1111ude In tb~ Il'nlber ehulr t1111t 11118 hlllr-C"I1", \lrolll· or Wit H ., pcruJli tienl IIxturc ror Iht lit OHO I\' ,


r",,' or til"


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'1' 1111/'







On ,lunl I ~


M r ~ . '1'1I 01lt1l 1l ""' Uflt.

" l Wlt d j ll ~ t 1:'0 1111:'." II(' 8 111 ,1. r! ~lng. li li AN r ll nJ,: Nl f r OIll -.10 to H YIl.UII " Oh n o ' " Ed it h l' l'letl. yll nl'pl.\·. w o ra , MrH Mn r /.C llro t Lnvl y . ~ I " II " " Yes. (:')l,d ui IiIH! I lI o1 l1 k 1- " E.,,,u(\ Don ny.: ttl" r ill '''rou 11,,,1." tiu ltl B II.J \JK, g" I1I11I1)" \\r11 1'1Ro l, B Ryn "", Nllr y l{ flllnl1dy. C.hll t l:Iu r w nl k ln g 10 th t' ilulir wllb IIJ t' ,'11'1 11111', v Ay, I.tY llia Unrve y, B ftt r iuL Cu ll tt" wbll e I~ ,IIUI 8100,1 .. III I·11Ig It R II ,,, 111'0 Mll ry (:lrllhlllO. I::IlIunll11 <.:roRwoll . dlsn I!P NII'~' I lu til , hu II . Hh e Il l'" "cI Dllhr>< J)lll< i n 100 0 ('l e a vn r I Ib 'l' " B IIJIt ~ ott""lng to "llf!lp" l.'"111111 r n ';' IU I V "u r o~s, 11I1nrle t.ll\ W hel ao l. E mhl ~ 1),·t!I·COllt Illld tlH! lu u er rull, o" (·url· 11111 Wh tl t.Ke lll od tluo Wb O I,~ I , • Iy (lcell ll llO g nyti lRlnllce. th ~Re cl,ls" o],'" Mr ~. E:lnnuAh UrR8we IJ n hMo r v ('rl or d epurlure l' el ll!: fo ll o\\" ' ll I,}, 1Ii1' closing or Lb e o ut ll r .IIJor . Rhe ru II l utl) htlr 60Lh bl r t hrtLlY, .H un,lny. ,llI u e :!Ii, lind b!ld tb a ro ll o"'!ln ~ I!n l' ~I.,. : \I T ~. M ll r y Elli s . Mr u n ll Mr~ . \\ nit llr L . tb\~I.l;JI,:·t ·8 th e m AlI I'r with you ?" ~hf) ElJis an d linn , Mr . nnJ Atr ~ . •I ohll (> rl I'll , fll r lo llllly. " \\' hit t <1 0 Y'''' n ll'II ,,'! B ruwD elRDDhtnr Ilnll Ao n lJ or H ,m' d id y ou dnre cuule III berl' when Inrlt1y ,fr lnn d".., , "wi s h f llrI h n ~ mAny y O Il knuw - " m or,~ hflllllY hlrthd f\ J R. ,. , H e r voice hro ke ; al' e In.Hl e n gf'~ lu re lh u ~ Io n flllpll ~ t C hurc h, nf /l;fl S t of ruge 'Iu(l Ileli llllir. lint! rUII up 1110 M,d n !Ot.• 1111.1 ·1 h ll ~k lt t nWlll l o ll 0 11 s tairs, Huh blllj(. l:!!lc tl ecl to h ' 1' U Hl UJ - Ih oll' h O!lul.\f nl III i'll! li t 10111' () h n r oh t! "'s roo 111 , nlHI wholl BI bbs c'III' e UII. a Afte r ~ ('rv l oo~ . on vnr~ w er o' ~ pr A ll rl fell' Illiliutes lu ~I I·S. Illw rirtull IBet f n r l CiJ hun g r y Illloill o. 'I' hoy \.Ofn 111111 lit hlH 11001'. proMont rrolll rllL.\' t r)ll flnd Lohrln An . "Oh, UlillIs." slle s a iLl. e llllklll l( IlI'r l'ho~o pr'oAnn t Iph f n r t h !lir h Oln op h CUII w o ' full y , "yo u ',1 ou" htll 't 10 Ills · d eolarlD B It, to h l' t he Il rlln dpNt lime: tre8ij YOllr 8IHt ' r? Hh, ' HUrS you IIr' I\'\, w hloh baH I,.. ko n plll DO In t h eir t lill n. Ihut r o ulI g IIIl1n uut or till' IJOU Ht!. Yuu 'oJ Ia1r~, Hll r rl e ' Aghm or n. lin e ld lJ rl y Oll"ht to "<l.m murp r Ilsltl cf ul e." ludy 01 ODr oit y, IH n t Ih lM w rl t.lIl~ Bibbs HIUIlt:d fllili tly. II f,lin g Ih nt ve ry sel'Ion8ly III. w i t ll Ii Ulo nh ll l1((' E d lth's d,j{,r WUH (II' '11. wllh F.d lill·" o f h l> r r ooo vory . unll'e HhrHlow ' mOllIJlll pS8 n,'ru8M Il ~ Mr . nllll MrH. Mur ioll V'III1'r\,~ A, tltrcall olfl. " Ye 8." h· Mil ici. lin·' ,10" s lI' t npl,ellr to be Ul ll r:h or a ' 1II1l11 'H 1Il1l 1l . ' two of "nr h ig hl y !lAI" lIm nll ni ti :t.nnp, tire Iluit,e p llor ly . H, ' r un III jlls t 11 glllll p SIl or aile." WA hhv " in tlii ll vi Cinity q nl to II IDdlth'H 8hllC)o w mil " ,t! ; her l'" I~(' cn.ll c rlll ~ \' ~ rlug : ""uu cull YOlIl'ijoi t onmhnr o f o ld orlv lJO o p l'l nlld .. fWMUI nee In doolln!n/.: h o~ l th, 0 1l0 ?" MellurR . E,lw"rd H & (' IITrior th n "No. nn." bl' nn s w ~rl)d . '" ·s .Ii,1 'j1l81 !l "111111181) or Oil!!.' I .U(ln't ,"," '111 - " lI o nllo l'nll1t."r~ ur o linn"lif" i ,, !! ' Mr" But III' r d oor s luDlm ed nn)'( "lI y ; 11),,1 I", [dll l:t nC kllt t'R' h fl llll t.lfn I '1Il Il Ilsln n : 10rAII Ild on t h o Ull r vny s llllrg IIncl tU"I IC,1 10 Ills 1IIIIIh<'r. " '1'1.1 rl)," lJ e 8n l,l , 8 lg hlo g. "Th" I''' WIlJ n e& vllle Plko . nlmlJBt Hu. 'IrHt tim e In ill Y flfc I Iwer Mr. nn!! 'hA O r rU M Slulllp hn l'n trle~ to bl) a mUll of nellon, m oUlllr . h l1Rutlllll ll t holr hungnlow oh thn lIud 1 slIclllt4l<lc-r\ p erteC,'tly In wlUl t I fflrm wi th pllint. tried to do. AA /I L'() u . ......lue u t:e t flllli The Fri. nd a 'bnrc h nh~nrv (\11 like a borllo thlof l" Chlhtren '8 Ol\ f, Honel,, ), lIlor nln jl "You bu r t lIer f ,'c llu's," shl) Ifr oIlIl L>(l . A vo ry jntorAll ting progrnOl Wf1~ "\'011 must '11' g Uilt! Itt If too . rough. olluled oD t nDd tho fl owor rl n .lnrn BI';u8_" \ 'IOD8 woro In kOAplng wlt.h Ih o nnll~ HI! 100kPd tlJIOn her wllnly. "Tbnt's who had It In ohnrg o DIY trouble. 'lIo Llter," UJullJlluroo . . Our towo \. ftS foll 01 IIO')lll o •' nn "I'm a \1ll1ln , blullt re llnw. I h llVIl dllY ond nn Olu o.)l o r Ad mU.n f\ /l id . rougll· "'lI)'';, uno] 1'111 Il rough I.nnn ." ".\1Il J In X e nl u , or n o ? " Ii'or once Rllt· per 'ell'",1 80 lll e m en 11 a B Duvl s ill h a v ing II l!Bunlifnl Ing in hI" qU I!C! rll eH~ . "nush your Ilt," - lIew cement p o rc h flr eo tod, whi Ch 8e nI!O !" Bh e sa hi , "oo.l -naturedly. th ' odds grellt.fy t o tho 10o k8. a8tml ot a trouIJllld 81nllo appearIng. Se vor,,1 fro m hArn nro on thl' "You go to bed." Oabl-CIlml)hnll Brun oh n x Oural n n . De kls8l'<l her aud obeyed . Edltb gUI' e blm a colli I(rcctfng tI,e tllllhig 1n Ol!lDY at t·ho Illr/o{or E II Rturn olttes. next mOTnlng ot tbe br 'ukrURt tulile. "You DlIISIII' t d o Ihnt ullller II mls· IIPllrehell s loll," It" "'II tI"~11 Iter, when tb(\y '''l'fi, aloue lu tll u dlullig room. I ' FORETHOUGHT "DO whllt \lltrl~r a whal'/" silo u s k ~'<I . Pfl opl o IIro IOllrnlng !.ll It t· 1\ 1It.t1 " Spellk to me. l clime Int o th l' for e t.h o u g h t ft(ln ~ IIVP!\ t1W IIl II b ii: 8ID oklug room Illst night 'OD purpose.' .. expe u sCl: H e r o 1!l ' 1111 InRtll noe : E. lie t o ld lIer. grn l'<'ly. "( hu vll " III'CJU- W. Are},fl r . en I d~-IlII , (l blo, w rlt r K: dice agalu s t tiltlt youllg Willi.'" ' ·1 d o u ot ('1' /1 0" 0 thllt (l ur f81l111 ~' She lough ed . •"1 eU (,8S y ou think It hll8 hOo;l n wi tho u t C I1f1m b"rhl n ;~ ' own liS II J;rt' n t 1111111 wh o yon h ,w o (Jollo, Cb ~lnrll Bucl Dlnuh oOR R !l lll Ilr 'JudlCt'8 Rl,:olns t!·, III mockery 8h e edy tdnoe w o COllll1l ODOeel keopi n j:( UdOllled Iho tlUllllle r ot one who 1m· hnnllfl YI"us ngn. Wh en w n !\ O on plol'eII. "JllhlJs. lor "lly' s 811ke prom Iso an Bxtee (J ed vlllitwlJ tnk oit withtl ~." rue. do n't lise your IlIlIlII)ll 'c \\' IU, !lU PII Obtainable o vor y whorfl. IIgnll1~ t bhn!" AUtI sh e lutllllwd 'llllll ul·. - - - -- - "l.Jif l('u,'· be Hilld. \\'Ilh ~, ,,~· eB rIl-' I

Route or\'-


Tlf!;.~t;'AGl:NT~' (Jrod"~ fJI


c. 1I.<fI N nS

OiSI ,.irll~-u.VftJ: f"


.1M )rJ"vN, OJ/IO





Cllt nt!8S. "I'll tell you 1l0W. Ileen 1I ~e­ Uecuuse I've d ('('ld ed I'llt on e or the rllmlly." And tltell, us It Ihe ('urne.t · DeSI! were too hen\-y for him 10 ClltTY It rurtbe r, be l'Ontlllul!cI. III his usua l """~O "f ' nt "rnf)\r with p o wer, Ellltb.'1

(To be eont'Duod)

- --_4- ...---

SPRINGBORO Com e 1.0 Wll y nns vl11 .rnly 4tb Mr. IInri Mrs. 'I'om, l:I.urst Rll ~l SOli and fir

Bnd Mr!<. Wllfillm~o n /ln d

·M"e Wl1lilllllAn n a t M clcll r t owll 1110 'oi N I 1.0 Arholtt,)n, S n od uy . Clyde Wllllrt<ln IIIl·it fllmilv bl\ve m o ve d hore tro m Dayton. -.,.,-:-_j--,-~ MI88 1i:!!lIh Hadloy hRS llooopted





PHIIAOELPinA a-.... . A1ao to


Come. to W.,neevllle, July 4th . IIr••nd E. U. Jelfery 01 tbls place aud Dr . • nel Mr•. Boraoe 8her· wood, 01 Dolan, South Uako'a spent rhureday wUb Mr. and Mra, Will RlD, of t!t1ver Grove, Mr •. 8elll:lamlUoD and daDgbt6'!' lI.,y mlleo, of WtlmlDllt"n ware vlsUlu, IIr aDd Mn. Lnclus Frllzllll'


a Il081t1on tn Dayton WaHer l:itnnton Bod wile of 8l Paul, Minn. ; h~VI1 roturn'e d to their hOUle "fter a .week'8 vhlft with tllll former'lI sister lItrs. Cbarle8 Ohup m.n

Albert MerrlU nnd lamlly of BttrvAysbur.c Dlotoroel here ~uu It,y .nd wero guosts of Mrp. Ose'l Marri U. from '1'l1u,.day ,ml:la'nrd.y. John 'WIIKnCtr and family ~PODt .Mr . Barry Bolm.f,of SprlnllftoJd, SQllday wHh A. ·P . Groby and tam Obio, a ron,lug 'emperaDoe IIf, - SaXOI) • delran 'he II . Ii ohuroh Suodav. Irwin Early of Pdl"mlslmrg IIDd (PRI'E~ RIGHT) '-·'MIII.-Urliline UnD' IIi IJklndlqg a' Dan ' BnU 01 franlrlin cllllod on few weeki wl'h her gr.ndparent" Irlends hore 8unday. Mr. and Nrl!, Ii. L . t!mUh Jl'raDol., !l08uaglo aOlI family were (Gu, ra nleed 4600 mi.les) Air; and Mrl B, ' U Jeffery and Io!unday IUBII'S of Alfred. ROf!Dllglo :Plalu Non·Sklll tamlly, Mr . and MQ Chllrllo I:!har- Bnd wlfo at Dayton. ThWl Tread woodaod dlughter I""ry,of Waynes. cJbestor Whltterman ' '111'811 a O/)y $ 9.80 . $11.45 vIlla; and Dr. and Mrs Boracs 'aD visItor l:!aturdny, 30x3 1265 16,00 :ibsl'wopd and llaul~'ar, Berth", of 30x3y' Raohol 611,)ln hall returntuJ llome },.45 16.80 Oolao, Sou'h'a, were ente.r . after a vlAlt In ~lnmI8burg. S2x3y' ,.IDed d . the botJIe of IIr. and·Mrl. Pdr and Mr8, Abe Uoolt: were Gom

Six Livery


Phone 90-3

WOOl ' ··WA'NTfD . I w.ant to buy your Wool 'and will pay . you ·the highest . Market Price . • •


==01;:= ========-=== -:'"

.( , B. ,Vi,

,,"VI Ito'



,<;:ao ~Me bJ


uvUle. Oblo , .

... V_.~l"J

' 1\ ~I O •... . lu.fI~ • •

.. 1 .'o.t\ r~t'ulnrnun~ i "" 1.,. ILhlr ItllultJt '~~h h r IIHln "",villi,, " ,",,, I \l llrl""1 1.""1,,... I

,rllurrllll)" l ';; l~~~r'I::'~:"'~'t"::~,.:':, ',','!;:,'~~~ \ln~:~I"!Il~~::~~1 trolll .1>"ln .• 11," 1 r,,1 It",,,, I ,."1111,,,.


Everything In Building Material

11 I! Clultll'hUN nl \\o"hl rllllJ t~J lOy \\llr r(" h , 1 I unr clf)(nRt'ofl I1nnJly 11"'11I~llli IHI lU ~'.\ m UtUt ·""' 1 I ., Ruth,' I'unlt; . ll~H\· t\\I' ·r . " ,. 111 1 t'H,J( t h u :1. 1 ft 'll u r ~IH\ om l W"lIh) 1I "'10 l4f1h l. " 'J'u l. o rUlIt, . 11".,.\n\H :' Itlnll n rfH r I ~ ' tt r, , ~q Ihr tlln . nlloi l lI'Cl\t m y Illur" ,.. Ii", "' I" ..,,,,,,,,1 lilt <II , h.



J I .t "~t I "~ 'I. ., bI"O'ttn11t'1I1I'

tutd h ) .tilt



Ii. A Jeffer, Sanda" . M~, aDes" Mr!.· Ullfford Van Born ,nl! Mr and Mfl. George I!Imlth and Hr.nclp....· lipan' Bunllay wltb Mr, and Mra LuoLu, Frazfer. IIr. •nd Mrl, J. (1. Vlllar8 auel "Qn, apen' 8unda,. wltb Air, .n~ Krill ..Sbermn 'Ferrill. Mr • •nc;! "-:1, A., . S, Campbell 'penl, 8aDd., anernoon' wl'h ~r. • 1Id ~b., H. W. CUne.


..... .

1~• l ull lO llr

It flV\" •

Il nYfl "l k


~"Y I "'" "" ~r"I"' '' l l h,,' J It .II ,,' r ) '\1•11111 <: hJ rnCOUlOlf' lI tI 1III11J IIJ1( ~ puhl lc'l.r .

I ~ "(II11i


visItors MondllY·

Mr. and Mrs W, W. Sheets en'" &er~lIiDed at dinner SnndllY. MrE' Je88a Barris anti , family of Otter! belo VlJllIge. ' Luoy Blln&a flpont 'l'hnrll'lay In Day too. ' . ... . Mias Lydia Wright baR retnrnecl hOllle aner a vlallt with relatives Ooy t.on.


...- - - -




IHH' uOllr th n ol ll I • v\'.nlng .

<1, 11 11




liror" ~ 1Ir''II/'tlr

~ rr l,H! II n nuo 1 .i UH»po tt on nt t h ~ (). "UlI:{.I.~t'~ '--;;j;~7'1~;'~,~~Jl~~ II:, '~Il \;~)~1 ~:: ;~!~111(! 1:;~:[1 ~.... S or:r:n r r .. d 10 t ho Lo ug(\ r no llls ,,""lug l{l .,,'·r"""(· ,,,. ""1,,1,, til" ,",'' '<1HII.

Mr n n !! Mr p W U t:l I t I . '1 . . . . ~ m 1 li n ' II TlJ'lY ng 1\ tTlp t o At- luD I.lo Ci t y n8 gllllR t N o f t 11 0 Olol ll .U ulm ~ bolf Co 'L't . Hl lunn y f rloods o f B'> ll j l::I.l w ll _ i n~ 1\ nM i" .. of t.lil R C Il"Im a ni t, ",I ii h <\ ~ nrry t n 1(\lUn I.I" lt It o i~ RoJl'AT. il1 ~ Irn m It !l1i!!" t. Rlr tl k" n f IlIl rn l}' iR nt bi R h Olllu ·n JJi o, " nin"ton .- -,

, .

weIIome"I'''. _ION.

MIl ........ _



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lin.. h' "'".,.,..,,,.,•• ,, , "ll,""'l'I, .r",, ',I0· .;,, 1,,,,c-


'" II SlII" I"'I),I•. ,·I,r" "I,· '· o"~ 'l l tnllo" , . ,......

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Boston, Mass. 81'111 1

JIl l!

II,\' l"\Jl.Urll

""lu'''III I hu111' Imy

1 r o " ,)r C . UIl.vdo c k lind f"mti y , t M 1 n r . IIn c rR· . \ v . Il a:v d oc k ond Mr . nn rl i\J r R T. C I:I lly d oc k w orl'

)IlIl C l ~' tH


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UCHIi 111, 1101",.

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6n.. · hln o r



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a li l l 11lH' I( il lJ{.

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~l1o p t!l o f Mr . 1l IHI Mr H. •r. 1:1 Hil l" d uo k. Bnll rh y . "






.. '

- 50 c BOX FREE -

J 11 0 J.-:UJI NI Ai r! ~ool!l tl "s of UI A Come in and will make an estimate on the building otlll' r I 100 n' ~ of t.hl ~ o l rc ~1t "' e r r) r~­ I n rt'Ii'~~ol h y th o Alii ~no"' ly o~ th l~ "I lion, [hnr~.I" y . I t ~'"'' fi ll enJo y n . Ill n Idflli r und Il\r gilly oltondod . Comfl t.o WlI y n O~v ill?, ,filly ·ILh . : Give us a call , get our price , and we are positive w . Mr R, ,/Il ne W o od W 'II! t,h o r oolpi on t A 11 W nn h 'er t I!l UfllIl J.( put: In nt of II )In!tt oArrl eh Olver on 'rltnr~(h y. t.h o co rner. ot Mn ln !lud S on t h flt rnot, will get yo II r ord er for Iu mber, etc. It h eing h llr Flx t.y t-bl rd blrthd"y by ~- L. S wa ll ow . IlnUiVAr Sliry . M.ISS P enrl Bo len, Of. Mlddlot.olVn , Mr~. MllrV Dedr iok, nf Xe n ln , 1M 18 v lH I~lu g bor fli t,h o r u eur \V1I >hlng . Lh e g u est lIf . Io e r H,JO. Wnlto r II U tl l to u M •III:! fllmit y . . [JOO MIlIII ,Jos~ W onvo r ~n ll MOm . An Inl o Te!l ~l n ~ on nlor o'lco nf min W ollor pl nye.d w i th fll' l X n,n lu ll oIlli n rR n u ll ( , hrl t lulII wOl' k(lr s wa s I\ or ves , Il t Wllm ln J! t.nn I ' Nt Hll ne lllY II nh l III tho F.l'i oll:lR o hl1roh Ill s t JIIIUOH D'lV ~S a n ll fllll1 ll.v, o f Di~Y . Wluln(j~"IIY · t o n, v. sltod IllB t .! r , Ho ll n Dn vi!! Mr~. W . U. Hmlt.h onj oJ' erlll " IMiI. (It this pineo lAst !:iunllIlY. I"!l t weok fr n ll' hor' IIlo lh or , MrR Mrs . Etl H opki u s 110 .1 IInllJ(htorR \\ Ilf'r lind lt r oth or, ,1,10 \Vee r uml fl r o mnklnl{ an ox t on ded vi It In wlfo. Y o :luw IipriOt:: B_ ._ ~~~~~~~.~---~---.====;=~-=-~=~========~ Dr . anll M nl W hit. "k ~' T, Rn v . and R oll ii Dlw it:\ loft S UUOu v fo r /\ " IR_ Uncle Eb en . ~1r .. . S hrivor Ap nnt, tlll t,urCln y nt th o it Willi b lA h rot hor i u ll o,o ll City . " Calll n ' Ilnmos," said u ol,) F,I ,o n, 8 e r lJOnt Mn nnd. :: In d . Mrs . Mlnnte Creoohfill1c'l n oo JnR- "alo't n igh as s r,otlY Iln' x 'IU II ' 11 per. ·of D'lytoll, vlsi~od old f r lond p1l811m"0 IlS It wn s wh QII fo lks \VPij 8UII' poe d to II g ll L r k e0l' RU II ." FOR ~ALE CHILD TAKE K'ING'S NEW h oro l1l8t ,' nnd oy. OlSCOVEIlI1I7 . Mr and MI'II. llooe Ponowl t hilVO Ill! purohllserl n Bulak rllnobout . 'S OW ano (,i~s for l alo . . J . T , 'l.'hls bost "na'w or I~ Dr. KinK'! C11l\s Ridonstrloker nnd fBmlly. NarlaU, Waynesvlllo, R oute 1, N o w Di Roov or y !tanH. itH a llleftB. of Bolmont. nro viiJlting bl s m oth or P hono 1 4 G- !l ~ . jl ~ nnt ~weut I'yrnp, 0 11(11 t o t.ako. It h or o t orte y . con t "lolI t.lfo m (ldlc lnos whloh YIlIltR --Tl}s foll o wifl ~ o"ndld~t.e ll 'Inevoral R.and A of Ooel nDd Bonay o f I)xfJllrlflllOfl hl\ve 'pro Von beAt for nonn08 tbelr OIIndldtl 0Y be fo r o t h E! lor sal e ot. reuonllobl e prlolllil, In. Co nc h s !lnll Ooldl'l. '.f h oA OWho 11""e Republloon PrlUlllry t{) bo lJ eld quire of J . U; Ca rroll . Phone 47-3, BAD TO HAVE ACOLO HANG ON ti lled Dr . King 'sNow Discovel'Y 10Dg. Augnllt . 11116 . HllorvoYBbllrg , O. jl ~ Af.t ilr q 1t 8 he ~t fr·te ndll. 13011111" D on ·t le t y o ur oold hnn !! on, rfl olr IIvory hot f;f &.iM g uuflmteeel. It yon yonr 'Rv s tem nnel lloco mo ohro ni o '"iii RIUK HO US E or . rooms , 2 ball. d OIl'1 g et Allt,lsfn o tlllQ YOIl got yonr wlloll Dr 8011'11 Plno .Tar. B o n e v I~nd . tore r oom, good oo]Jar, Cierk of Courts 1110noy bn.ok. Bu,)' n b u Ul a , USO 1111 '111'111 help von. It hell Is tho loUn ~_ dirootod. I{ a op wb .. t Is left for mllti on, sooahes tbe oongh and I(J OR. w oll anel 018'ern water In tUohen. Oou g ll und <.:old In~nrflnoo. DAN P. fl NE Everytblng new. Inquire of L\z:iill eos .he phlegm. You breatho OIl ~ i or Werntz, Cor WID, 0 1110. j5 a t oooe. Dr. Bell's Pln t>-T6r.B ollny - - - +--- - JOE L E WIS Ie Il laxative 'far ~.vrup, th e plllo McCormick Bluder, sBOond.hand. 'Rr balsam heals tho r aw Ap ot s, For Commissioner t od, will H«lll ohoa p . InquIre · at lo o!ena the mnODue and pre vo ntR Ir_ lli~o ru ~ p ritation of the broDohillJ tull!l9. A. C. BARI!:R JaR' get IJ. boUls oJ Or Roll's Pi n!'( Ernmllt.t) n '1'ow ulihl p ) Tar.B onoy to da y, Its ~ u n rnnt e d to WOOO- A lo t 01 C o rd Wood , will h elp you . A&dru ggtsts. EO B. R O m RS Uom e t o WIl,Yn esv i.1l0, J a ly <tUI. bnrn ~ o od . i nq ulro or Perry Pao oll, Wllyho8 vlll e , Ohio. je38 MrA T . If. MoGnlnn Bnd Mr, Ollff FRANK BENHAM 'l'OKE S E:fR.wk(l Wll r ll vlsltorfl of th e IB' tor's llW. " 'urLI rook '1'11 .1 Dlot h r, F ri d l\y . U L L- A y onr llD R Bol8t,ln Ball, !3o vol r u) fr oUi b e r o IIHo n ded Deoor. GlI to r Rl8ter. (Jail on Fo~ RecOrder nt lo n lit C lolrk v ill e , undl\Y . T hnd ZhllmorOllln, R . D.• , Waynoa. ' h us . E. E ll is n Dd fllmll y spont ", 1110 , Ohi o. j e~8 ALLl!:N B U FF",AN ' ull d 'lY w lt·1I Mr. Il n d Mrs _ Uhllrles :'Como to W ay n esv ille J nl y H b. R , B. 8M l'l'l:l l:Il\!...I~ rtney r. of Baet)h flr ovA I Mr. Bnd Mrs , Ntite Haw a nd Mr. MrS'. ,f oe Os bo ro e ~'nd Iitt.logrnnd and Mril. Art,h u r Weon, of 1'\1'r i n g Oltif fl litto nderl th o Onildren's Oil Y V'llley . w e r e th e !;nn u" y C:Ol'ht IIf RcprellCnlnllve ..:.;.-, 4t1'-''' ';f''''= ';: _ . ' " "." "Uhl'II1,YII exe r ol e!l ll t t h e Friends churob ' nt Mr . Ilnti MrR. Frank B l~ W 1:1 . Tn O MAS E . B o ovmR ,. From ~.:re ELnrl'e y sb nT g, Suurla.y , !'til s Alioo Ull on owo\ h ollte r tnined , ( (...... ' Ill! 'f(J r lll ) Mrs. WRl t &r G my lIud dan~hler S!turda.y an d Aun c1I1Y tb e followln~ ~1tIrlnDnB, od ll ec1 n n Mrs '1' . F . Mo gnests: Mr au d M rs, Cha rl o!!. Treasurer I..:IlIlno , ~utnrcl uy m ornin g . Bugb es nnd fnmll y, of Sale m , P; lder W ALnRON e . UILMOUR Miss L ou 'l Ellil\ sl1eo t IJndllY with Billiard, ot Bl n u ch o~~ or , nnd MIll. to Fiction McCall 'sitl~upl'eme," M I~R Dor ot h y J e nks . Moill e 'olliDs, ot Dllyto n . F. I:l. l:!BER WOOD .write~ a New York aubllCriber. Mrs. H OTltce BogAn Wf\8 shopping Mr. and Mre. If. M. Co ok Bnd .Mr . Mc C ALl'S he lr ~ In H a rve ys burg one dllY 1f\8t wee k. an.d Mrs . FroDk Dakin /lnd BOns ovo r " , 20 0,00 0 women ' drlJAA in Mra. Fr.lDk Berlin 'Ap ent Mo ndny motored t o Hi1I ~lJ o r o, I:lu·t nrdny . sty l.. smnll xIIfteluo u wi~h Mr/!. Ida Bowe , of whoro thoy were 'ho glIea ts at Mr. rm~ recogrJllrvoyeburg, and Mra. Harry Bf\ln08 Rull tnmllv nl.oil F" A II I o n Mr. nud MrR . Woltor U ndorwood ' until tlnnday ovenlug. AUlhlir ilY fu r 4S _were I:IDodny vleitors In . Spring Mre . .TohD Sams. of BellvOI'to wn, y. n rs. V"U lley . spent ~he tll;8l 01 'ho weok w i th Mr. M c CALL P ATTERNS Ica,1 in Mrs Uroce Sohuyler nnel bmlll lind Mr8 Willie Allen . s ty le , fi t, sirn l, ljt: vlA it ed her m o thor, Mrs; Arthnr Mr. lind Mrs. Ernes& Hnrt s ook aDd lIy , economy II n.\ A tkio8on 80veml d"y s lust ..... eok daugh~er, i'helmB wore !:lundRY o"",ber snit! . Mr. Be rbert D oMer IlDd Mie8 guests or Mr, !Iond Mrs. OI"roDoe M CALL'S - 84 .t o I tR 111tJ(~ :I 1)1"lllhl ,, - ! ~ t h e Are' buying all kinds of Neva Young were ulllrri ed at tho Dunham, or Lehnnon. F:':lh lo n O ul dc a nd l'fl u ,.c"' t·c l,ln.: H el p flf of m o r CWQtn e ll lh n '1 1H1 Y III 11 rt ,":low-t t lnr: i .. t ht) LIVE STOCK and pa yh o mo of th e bride , IB8t W edlleadllY . Mrs. (:l eorge 'Pratt vl eited hor els' wnrl d . A ll t h e l :t ' c ~ t !" , ylc'!' ~\'( r yo n l o n lh j They WIll rll~ ld., with t ho groom'e ter, Mn. Chlirley !:Imlth, o~ '!'rebDln8 ,,1 n dei llithtrtl i . at orfc ~ ; l.l' cciH I d f'1 1fI ' tm~n l R ing highest market price. in c OI, kinu, h om e drusrn ;lkill K, fftnC'y w urst, Ilarentl! for a While. They bavo tho one day J/\st week. n nd W II.y tt to lil", hl cn h nu~eWll t k ntHI O!. Vf: nlon ey . Price : ou l}' Sc Il coPy. SO c. :a. y en, • We are paying the high. vi o lDlty 's be"' wl s hfll', Thomas Looy hDS Improved bls SF.~U FOUR Iloe Fen c. _W nrk Rook Mrs . RIlY Ei.Lrrlson aud the MllIso~ barn by putllog 00 a new root. est cash px:ice for CENTS IN 'Witf.391~fnhrn id e ry t.c"o n. ftnd STAMPS fOR 32·PA •• McC. 1I r . II . ro Buok Altn Rnd Elsie J!JrtLe ~ o ok dinDer Mr. and Mr•. Chftord Prugh, of wH.1l Mrs. lrrllok .B eran aud family BtlllVertowD, were the SundllY gl1eBle :~~~!:: ~'!'{{ .::~rf.~:~'= ~~l~t,',~:i:::;~r~j~~~,~:~.~ :~~::~r;:~ . l' iJ.l",·"I II.I'I" . N o no day Itlst week. . o f the ldtor's ftlther,N .. than Auslln. TilE McCALLCO.. Z1R W. 37,h S." N<wV•• kC;I1.N. Y. lItrl!. Oho,.. EdWards anll Mre. Mrs. Goorge BurAon Bnd Mrs . AGON" • co.'W"AH1 RJu • • • S WA N t 0 ~,,:::; . . ~ (n , 'rhomol Whetael clllled o.n Ch.rles Erllesf, Dnkln mf\rtA .a flylDg trip to " , 1 ' t.ltlJ "'" 'i'!;,'U ,"W"lJ'i!!J ElIIs .lInd doughters, Friday aftor. I:lprlngValley one day last week . To be deliv~red at Corwin noou. MilS Nola BIll8puot I:!unday with ,...." S~ her parent!! bere. Ba8tet Melltlng wae hold nt Middle CALL KU\ pt1O<11n llOllllntlu.. PHt6 with Dr. S h OUI)'8 TO THE PUBLIC Rnn Churoh, I:InndllY. Elder B"I. CrouJl Hcmoci),. · Oue Office Phone No. 4.6 t~, \\'il l , J;.urc.1)' ptove,. "1 have bue n usiog Chalnoorlaln'l IlIrd, of dllinohester, and Elder 0 P. N('t YOl nl t.W!>-':.I~ Res. Phone No. 48·2 Tabletll lor .lndlge8'l on for tbo Dast ~tn o key, Of Nowark, ()blo, .>l1Ioltlted. &r0llll- A Sa" AlI () plimsh11l ~flU.p-l\lItI· • Ix months, and a r.lifurds roo plenp. There wile a large attelldonoo .





Classified Ads




---- - ...


B 1






Peterson &Stoops Waynesville, O.



II .,.

_-_-_ _ -_-


ure to lilLy I have 'neller U811d a .rem-

edy thl1t did · me 8'~ muoh lood." _141'11. C, Ii. RILey, Illlon, ~. y, Oblurlborl"ln '8 Tahll~t• •re obtalo. ..blo eV~l'ywbur8 .


CROUP _ ._-----.-


Ml. HOllY'



Come to WaYMRvllle ,laly 4th Whal RUllt , l .. Mr. Ohariell Myra! aDd family NothfnlJ cnq rU8t u oless It bne Iron 8pont tlatnrday aDd Bnnday with III It. Rust IB mndo by Iron touching bls motbor. moist nlr. Thl! oxygbn In tho molat air Mr. Joe Crew Ipent tlatnrday and ncJ.B on the Iron IUld torms wbot '111'0 Sunday with Johu t..ovl and family. ~oll "oxtdo ot Iron," or' rUllt,' which M.r: Uuy Chenowetll nnd fumUy crumb los IlWIIY lind -811101111 the Iron. olAllod on Amol Jacklon and Iluully Sunday. ' Wilham Dod41nd tloa, of Worth While Quotation';


Ih'., .... oeoorlDll1taOOUQ"'• . O,*ID. " " ..... .., II.", .1de • ..".~.... .


?~f~~;I·l h~~!.tI!~~~ lllH\!I!n~~n~j'JI,~~~lIi:;!1 [,t~'~I~~:::~

r O\l UI H \Ve d neE.'(l Fl Y n l4'h t..



,Yc :lIs have Paint to p"t 011 your building 1I intend to build.

n,,,I I"' I)I,,"I," lor III .. 101,",t/- II ,,'1 'fll l,·kl.1 ,,' lld JUJI . TOl1olHtt' l. h,'l n).t ,' \_ piIt I.'"" I ,III I)" I ",. ro y 1"-"1,111 111 ull 'Irlll(,'''I'> '' ' '


In a loo~ure "., orie of 'be 'les Molnlll, Iowa. oburohe,e a ml88lOnary . A,1t 'he 'lQan w~o 111161 I', be from 'Indla \old of gulng. lo,o tho kaowll, ·'To 'hlDk 1 lulrerea lnterlor of India, w~erll he Willi tak. 'bese , .. rl wbeD one tG oeD' bo"le tiD itO", .' hlll he had • bJttIe of of 1510ID'. &.lDlmeD' oared mil," CbllDberlelD'1 UOllo, Oholera and .rl_ oae ,ralerul aler ' If 10a DIIlrrhooa Remedy wIth him and be. ha~e rbe_'tam or lofter from JlIIV.. 'b..,,, ...~ bl. urll. 'rhta "To cduoote tb~ I ttolltsenoe la to IlIOn' baDd.y wllb bll .ao'hor. Mr, Edward SouSh and wife N.ural .... Baobohe, IIor8O" aDd r.medy II DIled ,IIlOOS.fllU,. Sa1nd,. enlarge tb o borlaon olr Ita. demes and !pena 81lncta,lD W.JDenUle . ..ur.... don,, . put oft bolo bo" .. .. pre91D'L". an4 our.. for waDta."-LoweU. ,Ie or 811M1a'l. 1& will 11ft 701l 'DOh obol.ra, You bo!, from th.. IIrtl, _U."orth Sml'h r.'arDed U".rautellClllOOth. It oua be depao4ed 1iPOD for bome BaDda, atler .peo4tD. · .ate palDflll p1aoea aa4 JOG the mtlder forma of bowel OOD'lplaSD' wHIl. with bllr .o'b ....


Necessary to builcj'a e -e uipped Dwelling, Barn, ta ble, or Shed.

eol o ut.Il rJ.ll lnnrl In 1J 0 nf/ r o f M isH Shrl vll r , I. I'I~ vV h itnl1 r , l'rt., u.' o '1''''Io,II"r'" IL""n'I)' "" ' r, nlol,; ",,,,,:orut·I.. II ' n8 l1n W lllf.H~ 1 It b'lng h Ar '1.hrl li u rl ll ll , \' IU I\ P II .t u rflO Il .11111 ~ll' . .. 1t"'I>~I'C""'.I"'''''''L"r '·'''''n ,on ,,,,,In,II,'s' 1'1 ' . \'1 II I . I Rt.4U llltdl11lul hlduoy 1f-llll,lo l' lll flrrll lll Ulrf\t·... bl r tl l(I I'LY. ) 0140 pre~c.l n tl , wl l l1~o ., 111 . nr u n rf1 J,JYlfli n cu tu p sup . . t !(l usoft.h('o lllth·lIl1s·mulII!u·n n·l.... . IhtJrnll JII IItR



e . or rcs pon




Com o to \V tiy n. l\ v l1 ~o .July 4t h £: " 111 0 til \ II VIHlH v llle ,lulv .\th · , . . • JIlrA. Ih lJln t~".1I 0 t' II niv" h llllt ll J\J. IHM L Olli Whit.llk ",r i~ 1(1l0Ht Ha ll s F~ lIlIly P,lI s fur t'o ll 5'1pn l, n. 'rhnr ij clll •l' fr Oll 1 J uu llt ll u ' w h orl' ~li e of rbl "'·I V l1~ III J\.) "nflltrl1l' HI, n r " al l" I It ''',r'I'','''''"I"1 In "')' '·""'I ,il,"~ A",I "",·It ,.." . ... "'" \.l 11 11' r I '1 l li t ' l ufckfl"lL \\' 11)' t(1 1)1':1111,)' , "Ii~ Jill hU H h uu n vild thlg' f l'l unll il 'lI HI ml /\ Hprl gfitillJ. ""',u",,,,,, "" IJlmh·"I ,u·I .,· '1"IIo ·oul,I.. ln ", - - -- -- -.. - - - t i VOli f nt· tw o wlII, i( · '11" IV I;]~PB •I Ol1fll' A fUllI •I r1sophl n o fil l..''',Whn t lftllulinn rt' h l1y d lt l (o r 1111' I r :tlllI ', t

AY\d t... het..lthy COr\s tl tvtl o l'"\ . It J"(\'t..y n ot ·b e much fur. but. rny-

oalor.g' .the. eVolutIon I



" nd n e l S thru ll oh tlte lil olJd CUI tl w MlI ~ . eo , " C O tl ~ Surrnr CR (I f II.Ie Syst e1ll. 8 \.'1l(1 rur tt! st 1m, 1111,1:;, ( rcc l II . ) , · IIE N E .... & '1 ) . 'l',)ie,!(, 0 I. I d -' -H'.' ,. Soil , , uy "I . rU j;:~! ; I ' , , .'C. . .

1'1\ '?.lw~'f..$ try t 6


.r~hlic .

. . . . ' Ndt,,'r e al Brrh C u·r. i..- tllk ('n In le,n" lIy


id ,

_ _ _ _


sltlll finn will 1'.'" It,c S(III1 ,,1 (I It II UN , • . TlfU ( lI1'I II, I, AHS fo r cnc:hnlld "vI' r , A W ' tt b 0 C f AI..: J C " ~1I ~e " I '1III<r .lo I lia . ( ., 11 " " 1 "nrefl l,y y 0 1I Ih,' u ,;e til H A I.L' S I..' A'I' ,\IOUI CUltJo;. . 1' 11 t i le - N "' jo'h h 00 d 1: 1< \ " I C IIF ~ FV . h 1.11,r " ...' ~ . . • . ~.. • . . !{\\Urll II ) I,of" ru III ~ li nd 15t1 h~ nt ~tl lu - - - - - - - - - - .... 0_-,..,___ Ill y l,rCSf"" t'\" Ihis Ht h (lit yof n t.', l·mlw r . - - ----A IJ Jf\.." f1' .\ \\' (' I FA !':\! '

_ __


:nt uilcl a om.e Do You :ntend his Seaso ? If y o do, t MII'lrorl Loulso 'l'.llk n' 1"." " ..1 ' II II'IIu "'1I I Rememl.!r., I A" II" HI> I. n 11 .... , 111<1 1., • • ,I" • t .' ,t have Iltl~~nH,.\11L.., 11t~.t-,~\.,t j •



I'll help

Tonolin~ Is Beau ty Annou nces ,S))ed aliR




., 'fOID

liar..... .pen, liaa4a7 wi'" .101m llJe ao4 fUDl17. IIutlD

Going West? Wan' ·t()me relia ble info rmat i '" abo ut allY of the cO untry w('s t or Lhc Rocldes-<AlICornifl, O regon, Wnt;hiftg loll. Wahoo l\I ontlllll l, NCYHd . Utah, Arizona, New M.",lco, TeICIl51 \VClIIt t o k n o\v somet hJu ll. about farlUln~ op[lOr(unilie~. railroad mte! , 'ro Utes , auto mo bile hig h. waY'. botels, resar.lS. pri~ of hmd, me tillids o f flHruing, e lc. r Il'aou'r busioess to knew all abellt tills Pacific Slope Cbu n try. Supset Nalllzine II tbe one ilia Dllllodl' IlUlgazine. reH ~cti ng the life of tbls c8lllltry and·elving SCCUTate Inlonun.lton oeneemlug 115 J.:rowth &lid dc:veIopR1l:nt. Send 10 cent. fora !ample ""py of Sunset MaR, a.lne llIId ~rite U9 ~ letter askin, (or whatever irlfo rllllltilm you ric-" aire collCtllUiog any .tate In tbe West. .





------, Come to Wayn !lVille. July 'ith ,

I fnll in response to the invitation from IWv. J. F Cadwallader. \If lSt. Mary's • • I C lurch. I" attend a !-{t. J (lhn 's Day = tler\'icc lit thllt church . J v Cad. w lind l' reAchetl a lint' Si!rmOIl on "The \' IlhlC of II l an to ~' i y " il your <::bo '0 lrt' at Hsman'a. A fill m u ical s n 'ie \\,11 rendered, The You ng \ 'OI1:'t'I"~. Chrilit'nn I I\nd th Mns ns felt well r paid for at· Tblrt,v nlt'unbera of Association of l)1l~'llln hio wei· Com to Wa 'II ' sVllle , July ·Ilh lPn(\ i ng the 1;1 rvi e. fraternity turned out comes all womf.'n a nd -ir s to 'thei r I!!!!!'~"'!!!!~-~------------------~~~!! .bulldiilg, Cruel' Third lind Wilkin n hu. , Piol!'ce WII a Duytun "iii tor At re ts last l'hursdllY. Whe n in tht' ity ho pping, sight, s eing. or 1m l)U ~ ine3s of any s,ort, Selh ·ook. W a ' eni visitol' Mon· ) O U CIIII find a cool r t room. htlght da~' aflernO(lIl. I:In,1 ehe!.'ry lunch room, lind all con · "eni nees desired . It i ~ II W man :R harl R Brown wu~ n incinnali bu IIQing-. qpen f"om 7:3U II .m. ~o ~lid. visitor MonUav. night . and Yll U urc lu 1I1'llly inVited I to use i.t III lillY ul d ull l\rne. Meet Try a pair of the Lion UranLl Work you r fnend there or wa lt for a trl;lc, Sho at Ilymun·:!. tlon. 'omeone 'ulwuys ready lind Will· ing to give infurm ati on about the Mr>i. c· n. Bently visit d Xellia Cltf~\ou~e of fr iendli ness . relativ' cs MondllY·

· · 'y'O·. ll IIEl"O




axon " 'i..," a t .• ~ I,} ylltl ~d a ligb u1ess- a luxury - :1 'ol1lfor t -a beaut ,"':"'a silence- n fk:dl i li t y a . power-:-that brill g'~ illto qu estiou th e higl.J-pri ed (''' rs. U III s you seek. the exlm\ '''~:lIIt d 'gree in speed, or pow r, r a ppoiJltll1ent ,


M 'E;, l!i~~~!~~N i to?l'~~!i~~:


w• • • ",oc;nn.ti ,;,;. I

Mill.'! Anna Mered ith is at homp l tor her vilcation.


lnsu re your tobacro HI:'Billst Imil . til(! cost smull. \ , N Sears.

Thnt for

1r. and ir!l. John Tulh Bnd fBm Ilv . of Fletch r. hlo. amthu guests of Yr. anll hs MAhlon Itidg .

Porch Bw in!r, 51) cial \lrie th y las t. H. E. E:al'Ohart.


you' ]) ·filli! the . • axon " ix" m eet s your ideals of a fin c mote Ir ~':1 r . . No other car at an ywhcre ncar l t ~ pnc can measure m erit willi Sa" n .. ix."· Th a t is generally admi t t ed. :'Ia)' we give YO'I e.

,-_p_ho_n_e_I_I_6_SJax_o._n, _'s_~_':_. "_d_~_I~o~_:_~_ra_.~O_Ua_:~_aY_ ne_S_Vi_lI_e'_O_I_'lo



Mis 11 a7.,1 ,ulsbury i visit in\{ rei· Charl es Albert Everhar t son or II Oh'ID . J as . .-L[ . an d M argar. t E. ver hal1 t waH ativc~ in [Ie ('vue, O}'rn February 7. 1876. at Belle~u ~' l l n~u rt! youI' to!.Jltl· 0 • guin st hail. Ky. and passed a\V~y June 2~, 1916. the C(l~ t ;lOIall W. N. ~l'ars. at Cleveland. OhIO. His mother' j . two sisters and two brothers remai n J h L" ' d of [) t ~ben t Sun. to mourn his 10M. 0 I. lu. y. ay on ' . ' . Mr. Joseph Ardner, a Iona- tlme l day With hiS falher, M. C. Liddy. fri~nd and bUllint'SI associate ef ~he Mrs. Minmda Cunt! of l'itt.s burll, decell40d accompanied .t he remams PI! is the lfuest of her sister Mrs. to this place and remamed for the R " C . funeral Intermennt In Miami ceme . A. rol'S ter),. Lnsure your tobacco against hail, - - -- - the cost email. \\. N. S,'ars.


The June Co]Jection of T~xes has · ~n extended to 1

Your floors Would. Look 'Like' This Too IfYou Used SHERWIN-WILLIAIIS

ft1~~:~OT A






made for floors alldfloors only. 1t looks well a nd lasts for the lo ngest po. ible t ime in spite of the t ear and constant washing a fl oor must get.

Mm. Clilford Reed. uf Blanchester. was the g Ut!l!t of Mes. J. C. Evans, Satud ay night.


TAX NOTICE JUly' 20, 1916. T HE p' U LIC-8 00 A M t . OFFI~E HOURS 0 T B :.. 0 3'30 P. M . . .S d Close at noon atur ays. FRANK D MILLER • • Treasurer of Warren County.


MiS/I Bertha Ken ric k was the week Come to Waynesville: July 4th end guest of Rev . lind Mr" D. H. Miss Edyth Laird has returned to Pal mer. of }<'erry.

Ig1rv:~lso~tac~~~~:~iJ~~~r h~~: where ah e will \'Isit wi th relati ves. Mr. Ervin Peterson had the mis· forturie to break his IIrm bul' Is get· ting al onll very nicely at the hom e of b!s grandparints, R. E, Jone! and family. . The W. F. M. S. met at the home cif Mrs. Orville Comp tun, Saturday afternoon . Isaac Wilion and wife. Mr. snd Mrs. Joe Disbro and da\J~h ter. Dorothy. Mr III1d Mrs. Raymond Wilson and daugllter. Mary Kathryn, Rnd Mr. and Mre, Walter WilBon and daughter, Olive, autoed to V.mden, Ohio, Sunday, Mra. Garfield PeterlOn is still on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Zlmrj Hainennd Mr. and Mrs. Georlle Fletcher called on Rev. Benj Hawkins and family of near GrllS8Y Run church, Sunday. Several from this place aUended t Iie home talent play gIven at New Burlinllton Friday evenin&, . Mrs Raymond Wilson had as her aUettll Thursday MI!I8eS Edyth La" d Olive and Franc~ Willon, Lelah Bo~ &,an, [na Compton, Grace and Veda. Hurley alld Meedames Ella Hurley. and Jennie Wilson . R. E Jones and family spent Sun· day with Robert Stllnley and family, of near Wilmington . . The Ministerial Conference W89 held at the Friends church at New Burlinllton. Wtldnesday. There W89 a large attendance and the proa-ram was very interestinll Mi88Ina Compton had ather guests Tuesday I.'vening. Misses Edyth Laird of Camden • . "nd M!'88rs. Luther IHaines, Homer Haines, Everett Haines. Evan Bogan. Weldon Wilson, Albert Wilson and a 'Neall Warwick, of Lebanon, Ohio. Miss Marybelle. Harner returned home Sundar. from Xenia where she has beeD vistting relatives Come to Waynesville, July 4th


- - - .... ..- - -



.- .


Saturday, July 1st This is an annual event of much importance- an event that is planned to get our stocks down to a minimum before inventory, as is our custom.

EyerythingWill Be Reduced Throughout our store, except a few articles that are sold under contract. This Will be two weeks of brisk selling- the best merchandise that can be bought .at any price will be.sold during our Clearan~e Sale at most attraCtive reductic;ms. Come the very first day. Make your purchases at a great saving.

The Rike-Kumler Co. (ESTABUSHED 1853)

Main at Second Street DAYTON, OHIO

. On Sunday, June 4~h, Mahlon Ridge attlolnded the 13th anniversary of the weddil1g of hili son and daugh· ter, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Ridge, of Columbu!, Ohio. ' Fred Hawke and Ethan Crane came home fr!Jm the Reaervoir Fri· day evenini" 'They were pretty well sunburned. but theY broull'ht back a Jot of fish, and they fine. too. Come to W:ayne.wllle. July 4th Mr. F. C. Schwl,rtz and ' dau&,hter, Helen, of Columbus, spl8nt SUllday' with Mr. James Benham and daugh· ter. Miss Holen Will visit with ~riend. here for a coaple .of week •. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. EVlllns, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evane and Wilbur Evanl attended the funeral of . Loraine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clive Mar· IIIhall, of Cincinnati, last Wednesday. ColDe to Waynesville, Jul, 4th ' . We mad. a bad miltake last week . when we chrQI~icled til. d_th of ·the v.nerable M. lEl. GUltin, .f Leban~ · He- f.U out ()f a ch.rry tree aDd broke hi' collllr bon., ' but: wu not killed. the q~ far Warren thllll'W~'" .Paper Hollllu·-tbe .ticq. ftl ]lapel'


C!8DO' SpecIal




• : +





Can' t 'Lose Hair

" When ~l\I uredlb .. Remedy II u sed almol C u,lIvorsnlly. uoudrulf "'Ill dLuPJJe&r a nti with IL. doparture baldn ..... l !ehlJlg ""ilIll. "1IIItLlng' hllr ..nd .1 dLuuOII will follow 8ntl twenty years rrom DOW " bald ' hoad wilt bo .. rorlL)·... Bllmple ... n t tor tOe . &0 pa,



PHI1·. . . I.IPS' .PARK ·

.,., ..- - -

II~ galll ; "U t t.1U new holr grow~r . !>lit MilS Anni~1 BroWli of the O.S.& S . 0,' Horne in Xenia, arrived here Jast ~ rorH na l:I alr nom!KIy. l nc _ Its nlU8 lUI It hal <1 II rl II II tho PMt year. 1& wUI be ua!KI by Thursday and will .pend the rrllater every mBn. wnm.n CLnd clllltl In AlDOl'part of her vacation in ' Waynesville. Ienearly .. .wlLhln olllht years.

Our Big July Clearance Sale Starts


White's Store

which hM cnuOOjl" " rolIt deal or dlJICulIllon arllOll" ...,Ion tl. ... In tho modloal p ......, .

Miss Edith Baker of Uapu' Cod, M.ass. B student of Wellesly college. who is visiting relat ives in Dayton. lIince Monday with her aunt, 'Miss ·Lizzie Stewart.

- =-


Mr. Gut! Campbell and MiSs Mary Lefferson , of Middletown, spent Sunday afteryoon with Mr. J. O. Twenty Years from Todaya HaldheadOartwri~ht Imd family. ed Man Will Heao Unulual Sizht Waynesvi~e and 1he F~urt11 Men's Cool Cloth Suitt, Duck Trousers. White Canvass Shoes. Shirtll. Ono of .Iho mOlt promlnont drunllt. of 'fiea, Straw Hats- for the 4th. Arnerlcn mudo an.Lemunl a row wOOkl ago .......---~~~--.· DAYTON, OHIO-.---.;......,.._ _--.., Fred's, Lcbanan, Ohio.

HA.WKE'S CROCERY Waynesville.

=;:;..~ -



Mrs. J . A. McCoy received word Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Philips and ursdoy morninlf to the effect thBt 80n were guests of relatives in We.~t Th h r brother, Ralph Allen]... had been Middletown, Ohio, last week . killed near hili home in wallhingt('n .' C. H. At! he was goini out of the The Grocery Dept. I,lt l~ red'. hall to wn he ran over a'bill dOll. which everything' 1:or that Picnic Luncb for swerved hil machine Into the fl!nee, the 40th , I!' r'ed's, Lebanon. Ohio. lind after hitting a post turned over pinnlnar Mr. AHen under the machine. Come to Waynesville, July 4th Afle~ he wlil extricated he Will hurried to a hospital but died 800n after. • Mr. and Mrs. J. W. J ohnston. of Mr. and Mrs McCoy aM family left Hoopeston, 'Ill., are the lruests of Mr. immediately (or that city. The fu· and Mrs. [1'. H. Farr and other r ela· neral was held at his late home. tives. . Charlee EV.rhart. 80n of tne late James Everhart, died at hill hf)me in Rev. C. S'. Grauser and family, are Cleveland Saturday. The body was ependlna- thiS week at the home 0 f shilJped here Monday and the funDr and Mm,. Ward, near Hatveys- erafwas held In the Chapel Tuesday burg. afternoon at 3 O'CI9Ck, Rev. J. F. Cadwallader officlatinll. Mrs. E. M. Kent and 801'\, George. of 13 IIvue, OhIO, were the guests of Mrs. Emily Rogers. of Xenia , died Mr, W. PJ Silllsb\l ry and family last Sumlay mornini'. The deceased was week . married to the late Wm. Ro~em in 1876, and she lived here untill the J I h Ume of the death of her husband, Come to Waynesville, u y 4t twenty two years ago, when she reo Mra. Ethan Coleman and dau!thter. moved to Xenia, where she made her Vivian, spent the week end with Mr . home with her daughter, Mrs. AlIM and Mrs, J . H. Coleman and other· Haines . . The funeral Wa!I held 'at relatives. her late home Tuesday aftetr.oon at ~ o'clock. Rev. A J. Kestle officiatlnll. Interment in Xenia cemetery. Mr . and Mrs. Sam!. Butterworth, The deceased hall many friends ' in ann Masters Gilbert'and Glenn Frye . WaynesVille , who were shocked to were villitin,~ relatives in Wilming· hear of her death. . ton Sunday, Come to Waynesville, July 4th


Tho" heerful Helper's CIII(Ie" of Ferry ceurch. Ohio, held thei r month· Japan irtinK'll ...... .... .. . : ... 20c lb . Good Rio .................. · .... 15c lb. Iy class meeting at Mi ~ Ada Hard· b man 's Saturday. JUlie 17th . The S un Cured Japu n ............ !iOc lb . S:mLoa · mend ·.. · ...... .. ... .. 20(' I • lll ce tinjl; was called to order by the Ornng-c Pekoe .. .. ...... ..... .. fille Ih. Diamond No. 99 .. ...... " .. 25c lb. vice· president, Miss LoiN Woods. and thll followlng program was rendered. Choio:clIt I mperinl .. .......... 70c Ih. Circle menti ...... ...... .. .... 27c Ih. .'ong. class; plano ~o lo. Hazel Cor· nell ; recitation. Adll Hardman; r eadFinest YOUI1I' HyIl01l ... ..... 7!ic III. French Bmnd ......... .... 2Rc Ih. o f min utel1 of previous meeting. Fllvurilc S ' lcl·tilln ...... .. :lOr Ih. Oolon~ B1ack. ... ...... ...... ... 75c Ih. Garl Wright; piano sol . Cla r!l Ber ryhill;class history. Lois Woods; treasFine8t lllend .. .... .. ....... .. . 8I1c Ih. J :I\,11 an,1 M'lI'ha " ......... .. ;\!ic Ih. surer's report, Ma rgare t Thomas; !\on ~. class: After ehe prOllram the class was Ji smi8sed to enjoy theiraelvC! . A Ramll WIIS played and enjoyed by all A dainty three course luncheon WQS ~e rved lind aft r thanking the Iittl ' h .... tesS and her for tht!sr fine the mother class adjourned till ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ._ _. . . hospitality the next meeting. Those of t he clll!!8 that were pres · ent were Mrs. ·J ennie Thomas, teach· '!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!~ er of the clae and Mrs. AI. Cornell. , assistant teacher, Lois Woods , Hazel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cornell, Ada Hardman, Ir n e Gulla· dy . Barbara Filer. Clara Berryhill. : Mu rie Williamson, Marlfaret Thomas. 11., : Cur! Wright. Claud~ R!ggl and Ear l CA1~V Hu rley. Those attending the meet+ ing ou tside the class wo;re the MI3Se8 : ~I er

Try a pai r of the Lion Brand Work Shoe. at HymAn's.

rs we lI:wl' :>1)\' l .

If ·ou re 110l a eltst0t'l1 cr , wnl.Jl dn · t il he It gnorl id n to 'il1'\l c$ti ~:ltc tllese s plelJdid produ ts?

Mrs. N . D. Smith and children . of pring Vall ey. spent Monday with Le na Thomas. Gullidy. Edith Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Evans. 'McNeal, RheaOdella Kindle and Helene Mr. Otto Hornick Bnd daughter , Miss Agnes. of Xenia. were calling on old friends here Monday.


·Chase & Sanborn~s High-Grade 'Teas and Coffees

, me to Wa yne:-vllle, July .th

N this

Or. 0'11 , 'Ost ' opllth . .! t S HI'olld way. LU!.JUIlOIl, lh io.


Friday ' and SaturdayJ I . June-30--July 1


The Merry' Musical Mix-.Up

I •





16 .



All Children' •• Adults






15 cents 25 cents

Doors open·at 7:30 p. m. PerfoJlmance at 8:11. p.rn:

, pooto.go. M.n order. filled by MUdred LoUIRII • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 00 .. Do.olO • • ~IOM. ' . . . . • " .

AND' 10C · STORE . FLAGS ' FOR THE FOURTlJ FJaga of all sizes for · the Fourth "Oh, long , may it wave, o'er the Horne of · the Free A~d the .I,and of the bmve." · J?eroxide, 4~6unce bottiC!!' .•• , •.. '" , , . , .•..•.•.' . . ..... . .•... . , , .•. .... '" .. . The Jumbo Qomb, will not break ................. . .. , .... , ...... , .... :,.... : Welt Electric Hair Curler, waves the hair in a fewminutes without heati'lg .. .. ~ Our line of .. Swastika'· . Pitchers is a great drawing card; 8Y. in. Tarikard shape,. ; _ Shape, Hard Baked Stone, Glazed Inside and outside, aU go at. . ••....•• . See our line.r Glass Dis~~Suga~ Bowls, Creamers,. Salt lind Pepper Caston. Vineaar Crueu, Indifidual Salts. Deep. Dishes, Vases, etc., etc ....•.••....• .• Dainty.Baby Shoes, just:the thing forlittle folks ...... : . _: . .. ......... , : .... . !latf-Hole. for' children. ~d Bnd ~eat. all color! ....... ...•... .••••.•. ' .' . ... . Bloomers, for the childieD, just the thing for a cool dress. . . . . . •• :. :....••.. , . Ladies' Dl'awcrs, well millie, lace around bottom. ~ .....•.••.•• • ••.••••••• Wiest FiDe Uodervests, all .ues ..••. . ....• : •.• : •••••.••• ~ ••• .•••.•••• : ••• Caady. same 'old price ....... ... , .................... ~ ••.._~ .•••• ',' •• , .••..•.•.



10e .Oc 10e 10e 10e IOc IGe IOC" Uc

1C)c IGe

The MaPzine MaD Waynesville, ohio.




Whole Numb ~ 3377


i , ,"-

Off WI·th Good Satl·g'f11actl· on

Among th e new and added features of the Miami VlI.lle)l Chauta u· qua Assembly which opens July 28, and continu es until August 14th, will be th o cllmp in the upper grove to be _

~~~I~;i;~ ~uem~~lilwth~I:~~!'~~~j:~~

--- r The

~~}i1l~~r0a,~~i~~~:3~:n~~~i~~~ l!~~~~Al_~E~!IO~l ,-- •• - - -


swimm ing inal'ruc tors will provide oPP01:tuniry 1?r everyo ne t<,l ~ke Dr. Dill, Osteopa 21 S. Broadpurl ~n ~(ln:'e kmd o! health giVing, way Leuanon.Ohio th. . body bUilding exerclees. " This togethe r with the great pro· llram of enterta inment offered , will Miss Ruth Hartsoc k spent Sunday make the Miami Valley Chauta uqua with relative s In Dayton. the idpal pla/'tt for the YounS P\lOplll'8 Summllr Vacation . Milton Thompson, of Day ton, spent 1'hese &re some ot the program at- 5fveral days her~ with relative s. t.r8ctions, William J. Bryan, Dr. George R. Stewart . Weber' s ' prize Mr. and Mra, J08 . Thompson, of bond, Mi~9 Nino Lamkin . Dr Cam- Norwood, are visiting relative s here. den M. Co~ rn, ' The White HUMars, Metrop olitan Grond Quartet , Dr. La C bb P d 'I' Arthur W. Evans, Leonora M. Lake. • te a ~ge, epper an o~a· The Apollo Cluu, 1-1 on. S, D. FeM, to ~ lanls. lark Leak. Wa)lnesv!lIe, Gov, Fran" Il . Willb, The Sadler!!' IOhlo. J5 Sarlih Mildred Wilmer , Hon James M. Cox, Hinshaw Liltht Opera ' om-I Robert Burton, of netroit , came puny, Kerr Boyce TuJler, D.D. , LLD , home Sunday and is visiLing with Dillie J uhilee Singer~, Dr. F. Marion home folka . ::iimms. Miss F'lorence Allen , Grace Saj{e. 1.. A . OrChtlstra, Prot Hiln Belle Glitch of wall ry U Uell. Ye Olfl Folk s Choir, Eat~n theMiss guest Sunday of Mr .Xenia alld'Mr !! Com me rcilll Club lIanel. OUerbolD W HAllen Glee l~Iu1l. Bishop William Bell, Tisch· " , man'a rchestr" , 'rhe Artiste Trio. MeIJ8rs, Abe and Idd pakln, of - - - - -.. . Day apent the iI'ourt" holidays .__ _ _ _ • __ ,.Iwith relative s.



__ _

, ::~~I~~di~~r.O I~~o:;i~r:te~~ ~~: 19

each his check nnrl they In turn pl~g~ . . ' . Ithomse to g real er interest In the Sheriff Waldro n GI lmour and WIfe htl~ine.'I.lvllS ~ for the coming year, which of Lebano n,. spent the Fou rt h here. rrobablv moanR greater divlrlends . Th · Fourth o f Jlll y in \Vayn esville lhis year was a success, s pelled with a bi g~ . F tl . . ... nelCtyear - We tern Star. .. I tl . 'rom 1e b egtnlll t i ll ?, 0 f tl I progra m t a tl' le vel' t Ma<'y. DetrOIt, IS VI!llt1l1(l' Ilr 1 r wa, no a s ow mom n , som("- hi.Terrill __ ' - + - _ - mother and of other r e lativos here . thin g was doi1lg all the tim e.



Sunday Kuest at the home of Mr. ,and Mra. J. C, H·awke. .


_ _ _ _ _

Two Y03ars al{ C.eorp;e. O. March inaullur atoo aMr.p.roh t ahar.maplan in the Mnrch Bros. c.~tauh sh' m nt whereby tho employees were Itn Rhare in t he pruAta of th e COIl'l-

Hill Climbing Con test Prov ed To Be a Win ning Card li-- --- ----i ~~n~l~ft~~pit~lai~~:~'~:din~:~rtu~!, the Cars Mak ing Ver y Good Tim e-T Hor se Rac ing I PERSONAL MENTION and Ball Cam e Fou nd Man y Adh erenhe ts-O ther Eve nts .- -- -- -- + plOyee,H avoral!i ~1:' $310 nac.h . ThiS W ere V ery A eqUlvl\l ent to l6 ~ . "ek wages. Miss wis Davis s pent last week Tears of joy Hllad t how eyes ttrac tlve . oE the with friends in Mn.qon . hapllY forcn as he _handed

The co mmitt ee, with the a id of Ih ir assiSL'l.l1ts, all did fine work. From the ve r y stu rt the memb e rs of the ge lleral co mmittee d ecider! t ha t they would ma ke this rla y a u cess, a nd Ihe) ~ lI1'c l y did . 01. onl y the comm itt e , hilI Ihe hus iness men in town pllt their 5hou~d er5 to th e wheel a nd a irled t he m nil they cO llld, ri nd ill this wa y every hod y ca n h e given the pm ise for a rb y well s p n t . 'While the fnrm e rs ill I his sec tion Wl' r 'xtrem rl y hilS);, ill their ha rvest Ii Ids , ye t th y fOllnd tillle to cOl1le a nd njoy till' day with the ir ne ighbor s. Ther were p c:o pic , t f . II . t X ' S . \r II N presen · 1'0111 n 11 lh c n Clg B l' t I Cc" 1 )orln g owns, Cllln , pflUg a ey, w 111' II1 g :on Rne ..l ervill h ing w ill' .pr -C'nteri , illrleed . '1'h farm r, as well as th · 111 r ha n t was hCI'c, alld they en.ioye d t hemsr lves , loa. T h I 'I' l ' ds for I he day will flIll1'IP in lo tit huncl'r d ' . A mIL worthy_ f " t Ul'e of 1h ' day wa .th ab enc of dnlnk 11 p api , whi ch speaks W 11 for the d i. t.ri 1. Th re was only one slight accide nt, when a foul from n ball player 's b t b k 1 . Id DEI ' Ralp Vance, of M . orrow, was the a ro ' a s 11C on. : . ~vcr Y.5 a llto.

· 1 TS Ie-SOCIE--TY --EVEN-.


. __ __ \ .

~ ID


F ,,8



Mr. and Mra, Cliff Ridge, of CoITh fiTS!. evcnt of the day was th e hill-c1imhing onlest . This is The platform dance given by E. D umbus. lpent the (i'uurth with Mr. th first aUem j..,t Baily, Tu dB)' eveninll, was well and Mrs Mahlon Ridge. at Slt h a thing in Waym sv ill , and it proved 1.0 h all.e"ded and every.body had a fine a ~vil1l1er . North s treet was us d for I time. . the contes l , t le cars s tarlill ~ heyon d lhe lillie bridge a nd ('11clin - - _.- - g on (jth street , one h a lf Mi88 Belle Eulftlll went to Dayton . t t Mr a nd Mrs. Earl Conner had liS Saturda y to viBit with relative s. She mt'1 e . '}'11\S all es wa s d lL . f acton'1 aye d !>Olll w Ita l IJul w~· pu II C( I 0 IT very their gue~ts at dinner Sunda~ ; Mr, will be gone several weekI. y. The first event was for cars Ie. 5 th a n $1000, th e re being nine enl rics; a d M Walt r M-"Iure an .ftns the second eve nt 'almesr8an 'd \AU' ,,__el, \.'U ..... , J W, H . Dinwiddie, J. C. Hawke, was for cars co lillg more tha n S1000, and thc third event was for can; o[ a. II cIa ses, st a rid Charlee Burnet t and (,ee Hawke went Mr. and Mrs J ' O. Cartwr ight en· to Lehanl' n '1'huredar evening . tertaine d Saturda y, evening In honor C)f their guests. the MI98e8 Gwendo· MllJS Mame Brown, Columb us, '. len Merritt anel Esther Hawken . A arrived here Weclneof sdar evening , pleaaan t eveninlr w~s spent with wherl.'\ she will spen'.! her vacatio n. cards. and • delightf ul lunch waS served Miss Elizabeth Sarver ,a little Fresn Mr. and Mrs- George Mark8 enter- Air girl, of C!ncinna ,i, is aperlingtained Sunday. in honor of Millll Lillie her vacation with Miss Helen Mar· Beejtt\ly. of Davion, wlio will beeomt\ latt. . the bride.of Mr. Harold Tett~r month . 'Xhose present Wille Mr. Me8!Irs. W. O. Raper, J. C. Hisey, Mn. M. J. Beeghly , Mig Lillie lieu. Waterh ouse, Wm. 'and Bryon Beeghly . Mr, ana Mrl. Ar.t hur Prende raast were ·in Clpcinn ati Sun Stanye and Mr. Harold Tettolr. all of day. Dayton . It.,mon d Davis and Dean Howell On Friday, June SO, 1916. Mrs home Sunday 6venlng , after Rachel E . KeY1\ gave. three courae arrived dinner. The Invited Kueste were: a two weeks' fishing' trip at the res· Mr. 'ahd Mts. S. L. Cartwri Kht, ervolr. Miater S. Leverin g Cutwrl ght, Mr. Mr, and M~. Edllar Bersan and and Mrs. John O. Cartwr ight and dauaht ers ttbea Janet and Evelyn, daullnt er, of Oetroit . ~e visiting the Mill8etl Gwendolen Merritt . Mt. Mra. Julia Berpn and other relaHolly, N. J, Emma Cartwr ight. tives here. Martha Burnett , Ethelyn Jonetl and PA~T OF THE HILL CLIMB CONTE sr COURS Klztle Merritt . Mra. Malinda OSborne, Messrs E Jerry and Granvil le Oaborne, of Ogden ,Clinton O. D. BuvlnK et and family. of bJt~ Saturda eounty, viBited friends ing stal't. Severa l of the cars made he ttcr iinu~ in tit, s ta rt lha n they did in the nlllnin g y, Dayton ~ Ueorlte Hes.~ and wife. of start. The score is as follow s: . Spr-inglield, Mr, lind Mrs. F. H. Far, Mr •• Elton Studeb aker who wu and Mig Pierce joined J. O. Cart FiTs~ Race- Cars Costin g Less tlla n $1000 wright and bmily In a picnic at their viaiting relative s at the Frienda ' Home left her. on Saturda y for her Car-Ov erland- Ray Law home Oil the Fourth The men d Driven by LRW, winner the' party were membe rs of the satt. hoine in Chlcqo . . Time 51;Y.' sec • Saxon Slx-J. B Chapma n .• .. Baird, second Scottish lUte class at Daylon . The 55y'sec t.:hevro let- W: E. O'Neall .. Sherwo od ' third onlv ' regret of the occasion, Willi the 56y' II!1c John Funkey can and will ave . Saxon- Chapm an ' 0 PerllCins abiience of·H. A. Cornell and family, you money-on anythin g in his 59 sec Ford-G eorge Waterho ustl larlre " Waterh ouse who were unable to to be'pree ent on store. ThIs July 'Sale will be 1 min X sec Ford-Wa~ter Kilbon a blK " KUbon accoun t of illness. 1 min 01 ;Y.' sec money IlAvinlr to all wbo are In need Saxon Six- Ray Mills . .. Mills .. u} min 02X ~ec Intel'dt ate- Mr. Walker " Walker 1 min 09 sec Overlan dFred Hawe .. .. Hawke The MIII&eR . Edna, Louella ' and C. T. Hawke went to New .. 1 min 09Y. sec Frances Janney gllve a lurprlse ~rty Suilda)' afterno on to aee Vienna ,Sc('on d Racc- Can, Costin g More than $1000 for their eister, Jeanett e, lut Wed · Hawken s, who was taken . Benj. lick last nndBY, In honor 'of her aeventH nth .week, He reports blm 'feellns bet· Car-Hu dson Super Six- Ray Law . birthda y . A very enjoyab le after- ter, Driven by Smith first Time 36aec Nation al-Harr y Sherwo od .. •. Shetwo od noon WlUIspent With musli: and Irames 1 min 00 BeC • Mitche l\Carl Servia .. sej:'vi8 after which dainty refresb ments . Mr. and Ura, L A. Zimme rma" 1 min 06 sell Marath on-Wa lter Chandl er .. ChMdl er "ere aervid Thoae 'IIreaent 'Were: and til. Grace Carman arrived I min 21Y. sec home _ Miaaee Wana. a!!<l 'l:helm a'l'hom u. S&turd Q ,vepin~. after a pl~nt . . Free for All, S~a.nding, Start • Olive Allen, Alice Hazel RII81. t, rip to Atlantic Cltr and other East" C--r-If; udson ' liabel Salisb,,'r y. Edna Cornell Super "'Ix-Ra , Mlny Law _ " ~nle 'Davia, Helen Marlatt , Adria ~I'D ntIOrti; Driven by Tad Smith firet . . ' Time ' verland - Ray Law ' 42y' see . Cornell . Lucile Hormell, _ Lillim .. .. Law second ' 65 sec Natlona l- Harrll'S herwoo d " . Wilkel'lOn an.d. EstJa . Haln~. . 'I I Sherwl'O d third Mr. and Mrs: Uarter Laekey. Mrs, 58 sec Chevro let- Will O'Neall ':l' ., ,. Sberwo od fourth Varna Clayton and aon, and Miss Saxon Six- Joe Chapma n , 59 Ijec ,. I I Baird .' Stella Fetake, of Dayton. I))'jnt he " 1 min 01 Bec Saxon Six- Ray Milia ' .. .. Milia , Twel've IlJrli took their auppera In Fourth with Mr, and lara. <::barl~ " 1 min 02y' sec Saxon Four-C ha.sma n .. the woods. ' 'Frilla, Alve'nln~, regard · ~tans~f,I')', Perkins .. 1 min 02~ sec Mltchell- Car1 Servil .. Sel"vls Ie. of ' the threaten inlr weathe r. "I min 09 BeC The provlaions were taken to their (Contlnue<ll on P&lre 4) d8lUna t\on 'In a wheelba rrow. A Remem ber the Kreat Bargain s ~ ~~~~=~=~=====;:::~===~!t=='!::=:~'==~~~~=~=====~ ~ fire was .built, and the Rlrls ~~~~~~~~ ====== ~ --potat.oel and touted marah· f.1I to call. W. are .a nxioul to Ihow her family arid you her the ftienda, money avln • . barpilU lead l, and helped 119 in our bereave ma.llolMi. It wu dUllk when T,he Ured heart h.. eeued to beat , JOhD A.Punk ey. . F~mily, th_lr and her spirit has retume d to God ment, ...-The --'much w~o gave It, bu.t. tJle memor y of,her John ManrbaJl Mulford wai 11Entered Into life eternal on June Will be sweetly cberlsh ed by loved ...a preside ntial elec:tor from . ' I Co I 0 ones. and all who knew ber, I.trlct lat week, We eoDK, r at- 28, 1918 at hAr h. ome n rw n. MQ her lOul r.t In IMIICe and , the ,1eotieman'· aDd we f.1 Naqml Bulan In the 67th year of may IIgbt perpetu~ /lbin. upo~ ber. tbe dut7 he' b .. to , perform . . lIP. The dauaht er of J _ and not be in better band., A. she was bom Miami Chapter No, Ul'l. O. 'E, S" reeular eommtmlcation. also initiation, UODda)' ..,enlq , 'Jul, 10th. AU Stare cordlall)'. invited. .







- - _. _


Clara Bawek W. II. Cbrilt.le Mc~n..,..

•• •


Dr. Maey will be at Spring VRlley and Harvey abu rg nex l week ,

n iM week


Mra. H. W. Cleaver, of Xeni a, is the gue!lt of Mr . and Mrs . C. H. Viola May '1IIrk. daught e~orHor.B entlllY. aCI M. I1nrl HnXllnn a Chlrk . was born n(,lIr Lytle. Ohio. January 20th, 1884; Mis!! Helen Harris, of Dayton , is dillli July 1st, H1l6. aged 32 years, 5 . ' t" I d th · months and 11 davs . VISI I~g lor gran mo af, Mrs. AI Ice At the age of eightee n years, in McKinsey . May of 1902, she f,('radullterl from Lytle High School , wh r , becallse of T. R. Smith . of B~oQkville came ber Indulltry and charm of ' mpnner, flown Tuesday and BIJ~nt t he day, she W8lI1} loved hy all of her teach, witll friends. om lind III:hoolmll. ~es . n Mllrch 14th. 1911, she was Mr. and Mrs. Zell, of Pitl8bu rg, united in marriag e 10 Harold are visit ing theIr pa~ents , Mr. and Tbl~ckel~u. . I ' Id Francoll J ohn Zell. Car~l ~nl~~ ~~~obor~nja~~~rY Hi, 1916. Resideli lhls baby daughte r, tou Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilk'!rson young to romemb er her mother 's and ~hlldren , 01 Dayton, are Vl81tlng loving care. she lellves II husband , a r elahvell here. father, two Risters, n brother and many other r clativce and fTiends to Mr. nml Mrs. Myer Hyman and muurn her 1088. dallght er Bpent Sunday with relalIer natural habits of Industry lives in in cinnRti. enar~y to help thoae around and hllr ' and were graB ter th an hor s t re n"th " , .... she has done with earth's burCharles Corn ell, W S. Cra h am d d"noens and resta in her Re,w ard. E. V. Bllrnha rh were Leuano n an vistors·Monday morning . ' "And YOIl- oh, you who the wildU yearn, .,.r. an d M ra J oe Mc K'tnley-an d ,For est the old-time step , and the glad son. or Morrow , were week end guess of Mrs. Alice McKinsey. Thbt~U~t'her taring on, as dear . In the love of There, IlII the love of Mr. and Mra, L. F. Perkins and Here. . child, of Dayton ,. 'lJpent several days this week with relatives here . Think of her atill, as the same, I say, Mr. and Mrs. Carl fIRwke, of She is tIOt dead-s he is just ·away," Dayton , Bpent the li'ourLh holiday s with Mr, anrl Mrs. J. C. Hawke . CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Rober ' ~troud, or. Alexand rin, Ky . is visiting Mr. and M rs Rohert Itainey and family . , ,


i want to thll!lk all those wh? n.lin-

Ister~1 :to

111 0 In my late amlctl~~. the mll11stel', Itcv. J . P. Clldwallad , Mr . McClur . thosc who sent Howers Bang. Mr. and Mrs. Mver Hyman and and the ludios whHarold Thac~ara. dau ghter amI MI.. Ha1.el Hiley motored to Lehanon, TI.Il.'Sday evening .

Mr . . and Mr~. Will Hanby and daugbte r, and Mr. Pau l Hanby, of Dayton, spent tho Fourth with frilmrls.


'Mis:! E.,t1ler Hawk en, of ~ ()ring. field, was the wet)~-end ~u est of Mr. and M~9. J, O. Cartwr ight and other relative s . • . ~M'Y E. Martm , pastor .of lhe Fr!!lnds Ort~odox Church , retur'!e d Friday ev~mn~, from 8 short VIUlt with relatlve8 m Logan clmnty .

"'. E. Cd URCH Sunday Schuol at 9: 11i 1\. m . There wef 13 nnw fleholars Inst Sunday ; 3} on tho honor roll IIl~t qllnrter . We started ' to Califnrnin Il\.qt :;unday. Cet u place in an au W am i v;o nl ong . We will tell you "how to make a successful start," lloxL Sun,lay . . . Preachi ng bv paRtor both mnrn1l1g snd evenil1J(. I-'ourth sermon In serDr. and Mrs. Lee Cooper and flllJl ' ies en evening; subj ect. lIy, 'of Dayton, ' I!pent ' Sunduy here "Beoke r Sunday T. WaRhington Intelwilh relative s 'fhe Misses Grac,e lectual E:manci llator of The " Rnc e. and ,L ouella · William son returne d Hear these sermnnR. home wi th t~em for a shorl visit . Clarence S. GraU!~er, Paltor. With every "2.00 woith of ~oodp, and 98 cts. in moneY,t we g ive a line ST. MARY'S CHlIRC " oak toot-8tooh- a f2 .00 flin t stool Third Sunday after Trinity, July costing you (Inly !lR chI. 9th. Sundav ;:;chool at 9:30 a .. m. John A. I"unk ey . Morning Prayer lind sermon at 10:30. Mra. Mary E , Crisenb erry, of Mt. You are Invited tIl these services. Gilead, a former residen t and teacher .in the Rehools her_ is visiting her ORTtIODOX FRIEND S sieter, Mrs, Editn Harris .. nd family. Sunday Sahool at D:30 a. m, Marv Mist! Vilda McPherson, music Frame, Supt. Preachi ng at 1{j:~. leacher in Qur schools ' Is attendi ng C. E. at 7: 30 p, m. Everybo dy 111the summe r 8chool at the Americ an vited . Mary E. Martin. Pastor. Institut e 'of Normnl Methods in Pub- ..... lic School Music in Evanllton, til.

.. -

Don't fail to get somA of our Unusual Bargains. As everyth ing is or has advanced, we sell at the old lind very lowest price&; 80m'c,at cut prices, Come when in need and we will save you money. John A. Funkey .

Mrs. Frank LeMay arrived .here Saturda y evening from Delawa re,' where .ahe. W88 staylnlr with her sllltel'. MI88 Helen Hawke, who, :we are v~ry ,glad to note, is Kettill8 alonK· mcel)l, and her many friends .re hopiq to see her bome IOOn_

- - -

JITNEY BUS LINE" . ESTA8l1SHED A jitney blla line ' h88 been estab

IiRh'ed betwee n Lebapon. WAY,nes·

ville and Harvey sburg on ono route and betwee n Le.t:0n: Ji't. Ancient, Morrro w and PI nt Plnin for the aeeond route The Men of Lebanon and ' It F.' Tractlol l Co., reo ~=~I~ for the new routos. AI- , ..I it Is an experim ent, It II said a five months ' service will be order 1188 if the




111I1t'" d ...·I...'ll 10 wltlk hOllle. If w'" n Easy a Illn,ry ftf,,·rnuoll. 110.1 thl! MDIOk .. "tI~ ",' hl, li t Ih'l "nly 10 IlI hhs' ~ll;hl , hut to II I_ I".AII·IIN. t1.IOUgl1 "W~ t t tht' JI(!ll.:tl· t 'Itl lI ~ "" fl' MI' ~ lIll1rlll"11 Wll h Ih~ " Ill 11 IlI lI t thu)' "ould 110 Iuu/l"r ,1I'l""l Drink Hot Wate r and Ta ke Tse8cO . I 'lid. I,,, .!Ctt II l rulu of I h"l1~h l \I hlcu '''llIirlll'''' till hI' Ill'ilJ'UII,",.,·t1 Ihe I\~IV' nall'n't YOu n I loCI'


It. ,

l u)lt:-ot' ,\ ~ h ll ~tln ltl to th .., co rn~r o f 'Ir .. r l'rl1'~'''':' k~t )lr. \rrrtrt'e~' ,1 11 UJ.:h. h ' t' f'lIh'r':'"'1 1 (tlulU the f ro nt (lollr nlhJ \I IIlk,,,1 IhulI ;:llItlllh do", ,, llap I'lItb to' . tIl(' pit' kt't ~Hh' , \'l!e- Wilt' UI1 C() U~clouif,


'.NOP"..8'z; . BOOTH TARICDfGTt')N

n! Iho tlf'lll"ulu lh ( tll(l ·fJ lthl. l.'lol• a 1I1Ht ,lid 11f)! ~ '1' him uulll ~hr hull OPl'II~,l


to r lut )'our ,nvJh P ;

~t~~thl ~~ '\I~!;rt~t't~~~

Ih;'\.. fl'llufre (]ffjLlu),f or CIlJllllthcol,',," "flit r1gli t h(lro YC)u h. \'" II In $·Kt'ttlu t.t\ !'I) t 1:\ b .. ltlH ..VI hlch you H1bY ~lCuro at "1)* d ru II"H.~ I l ANI "leo"-1l1 '" "ke. Il(Iot..: .I,. hanll' IlhO Nt In( l:&llllu 110 IUIt rlt'UOlls Qt hallit or c.lIl1 '~ &u d rt lu(!(' thi\ r:(i.!ih . Unt" hy IiUII , unff! )'oln Ilf'e dnwlI In'T'tHth,,'nluUluucr III U.:l. )lUll wll 1 \.0 " t 'l gh j, lH'h fhMl1 l.d: u"d~ -I h'''. a 'rull,· IllUI I.",)pl~ ~ 111... d· (


~ hr- ,..,..,,ltl '\lui It" wn Ullllll ~t hp!ofhle ller~ (I)" llthull: nucl I tJolrU('ltj rruh t one'. M:',Ji 111 u t I , l>'!ILrtLU , mu,kcs vii chIUJij\' aud dhur\. ut I PI 11..'0 (1 "hi, lotl k('d UP. II nc1 flQ sill' Kl.l W Ur~ \,Ul , , • •. I I I II I h ,'re Jen t ~ny !i'i('l U " fly UllYOUf'I Mhould 11 l UI 'lull ~... :t rh'l ,. \ y. /.\ Tlu., It t I l i R 00 It.Ori BlmH , \\ hon Clkwn \'" this III If'h lrio.. l

ADrHt'JR DF-=-



Ih \Jl J,(

JIII(\ li!lIIIll'OI'1l


IlUrll , b c "'Huld I111 \' ' b'lI.J

'''PENROD ~ EtC.

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1./110 - IlNf Ih·.lIllof "lvrj' h'II1 .. IYk'Un)'llrll~'l r : I T iWCO lll hltH$ \ f ltlll ' t

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nUm4' ) I\tf nt" s tauran .

• Faced by d em , ds from t ~, co t1,i tlc ro rs , cng\llJ.:cr~ I fi re m e n an~.1 ~r~~~:I1~:~ th :H wf)ul d t mpost: DII Ih t': ·o tllltr . 3 n .H1titlionlli IH tI'uc.: n III rmn spurta LU I I l $lC\ ,O()O.QOO , vear, th railro ds ,pror !:: th .ll (h is ~ 'aJ!e probklll h..: sell CI ly ref ' r C'lc e to a n imp:trll:ll Federa l ,t.ribu{1:ll. . . ffi' .... . ' knowledtred t tlC rat'1I' ():I ' I5 \ Vlill these employes whoSf. c: Lle nt servl( IS.I( . h ! I b ·h ha ve n o di lfe!'c n l:es th ~\[ l:ou ld n o t be considered hirl y atld de cJd.t:u Ju SI Y Y 11\': a publi bon. . . ••

bl'\'lJull the hOrlz ll1l "f tll lut.h"llrtuu t""d til be ""rfet' l YIlIlttllh""' , HaI"s slIb..I· r\l't,h~' tli(lu J,(ht. LtlIo1l(1ru. ltlllcc<l. :,;'!~i !~~;;:~ l~a~'o'~~1 "OIl. C 1'1Ollr 61O N. \I I' \\ III : ' I 'wonltl h al'e Rpoken bl s Ulough t. Ue .... _ r at.\ roa d 8 to t I ' I ye fur the t: lIlem e nt o f The fo m Hl1 proposa l o f lrrt: lC emp (l w 1tl\l ll:Il'e Buill: . -50c BOX FREE I )'011 urI'. You ,'OUlI' dow " to my }II'ICe " You j UUlI1Ptl be UUHe you were the conn vc rsy is as fo ll ows : • "What 40 you wont t9 telt me?"' loe thIs srli'rnO!)u. W>llk (\ own- nll Ule lhl nklnA& ot Ine !" i ' 1'0 . tit opirliO I\ ;lOci Ih:ll . v rllt,, ~11 rite F R~E TA8UCO COUPON " Our ('onfC', rnrcol h. \l e drrn o n"l l ral~c1 t h ai we r:l,n n (lt h :frmo n , It mH I I t l c: n~ u 1'1 f v r I' f o l 'H U' d ia l ~ ou r lIIemanded, brusquely. wny. I ~u"I'U"" ),1'" know' ",uy you r THE TA8SCO CO, m :ut~r III eonul" ('hI)' .n 11:0 1 lI,. PI\ .,Cl l u po n l) ('I\h!!1 nlhl ,1j,li nlrru1td nACnt'1~,!II f irt; ~IC\Yilll! I1lt d lll4 l,, ' "Lamborn' made love to Sibyl," be rulh~r 'O;Jllll" to I.:1I0W." CHAPTER XIV. rop())QI "lid Ihe IHIlI'tf)\itifl tl IJ f l ht" r:iil\\'lI Itt' cli~IH1'rd of hy OIlC or I h t c. t IN u l l t' "l " I ' It t h. BOStOI1, Mass. P th fl nl t r ibu lHl! \,. lh' l, 1)" 't' :, ,,.11I U . aatlL II llthN nudlh·ll. "~ lI cbi n() sllop." Seod me h y re t. U"l 011.11 1\ oUr hox of yt1ur 1. Pr l"frr "hh In- au h l' I'''~ l OIl ' thr l ute rI" H e Cl"ffl1H1 trf 't <\,.onlll11 ' ~H lI\ , "'I 1 ,I't •• ·,I\\ I1I~ 1" in rl IlIn,wu nd e rful obe.~ lt y lrti"l010Ilt . J ' Iudl b 11k I I C.· Ulllll l lllrd .I ntn I I le lllnt! ' '1 ( 11\01'" . I ,' I~'. r ulIu,.1 ,,' rt U' rt \ ' rl1u (' II ' . .dlth hooted.." he did to blml" ··:-;tlll illIte It ·/" ~rnr, " ' RR thi' r,l.-t uTl' of a 10,ly nU R' lt11 tlon n,I tn l \\ :n e n nl nnr i I , ' I " :ld iU u llt1ll n,. nuc in .fll~\ r or litnlll l ~ hi hulp 1)11)' P"8ltt.~u uUl l • I . 1 1" f :'111 tit e I lI t ~' l r"ts ''1I I1" I C'l1' 1'lilt t 10 p nl\ll.. I ~ • "~o," 4e .ald, Irravel7: "I kUow." JIIMl. no,l,lp(\ "gu ln. tI'TI·(). UlI,bR hilt! 1)1\ '1>'l'(1 In b l~ slolV ,!'lickl"!!, t i tlll ", ~1\ I I M l lcl iUI (i l,rol ... (' 1 I IC" n ~ lUi nm tljUlllC' · O . Jni"l'I i III to 11(' iu .. , ,w n ' rn I', . , l'rol'I'''':'Ilt :Ht· l'il1 111 1\ I Ie · ( . " .. -II nf C'CSflan III tntt l t I)r ~H I II 1" ..I tu~' U OI'Ch' tl lIl1 tn . " CO II ' ., I,111 " ~rIl i n p ' c IHr l lt '~ c~. "How'" . " J)nn'l hlUIDP rou !" Ih l.' doctor /tr unt· ~lt1' 1 ~·. nlld IllI'rc ehq,,,ed fin IUHlHnl lJe'CI rr unll. I, l c . (,11 . in tl u' ~ \,(,1I1 Ihr. I l1l t l 'f l ~t t t ' OI1l1Uerre ("(II1IIIlIHUlJl 1"1I111HH, \l1l !t t',' t'"{~ a \\ ~! :t'i o n H> ' "JIIM ,h:r 1l1til ... wu there. one day a w(!~k ago. Nt.. "Y"8, ( expect 1t'1I Iunke a 111111 11 In fo>rl' ,' IIlll'r Hpoke r Dlo\' l'd- It WIl l\ uo t ll.l WI" I(IIIH I 1 ('Ij \lC'~t l" ) II~le~~ tlJ I:,ke 1II,,,1't, 3ctiull ''IS !flil )' \,t n CI' USioUY In tll a. \ r I It: .O llWU" IWJth RO.ICC)8, aod I henrd Sibyl II J1(l . your I!'IZZH rl1 ngu ln. ,," plI. wh nt fl o IOIl;:er thn n thll t, ami y e t It "IlmeNI P rol1l lll ly ,lilll'I) "!;: of flit' que.;, io 'u l!1\'tl l\, t> I!: or IAmborn-" I YOll soy? Shull I t~1 1 him you're ~ot for ,'1\('\. to (,,,III to Rny. by look nnd ut, uru, It W U:; 1111 {'Hi:-:'t"t·ty lUtOl'po" 't'll IOllIt , • I I I , . (Tt 'C'\\,la n t tl\ Act ), 2 ,.U ), . rb llTa llOn 10 I"t'o r\lanrc "",ilh t he lirovi , illnt of the r C' f era on. Ie J!)d lth BCI't'\lDlOO w ith laugh ter. "You I lhl' olt:! IlIllIJI there yet ? )'ou stil i "'!lilt tlt.IIIII! ... ,,' 10.1'. It's you!" \\lltllli \\'IIS 1I00t II l" ' lI t1\()III~" 1 to 1111.I· t h lll t,l .ere with Rosco6-llncJ yoa h('nrd t o \\'riln. do you?, ' 'l'h('n tI,l'Y hoth woke lit OllC~, eocl:1 li ke tlun . I I.amborD maklna love to Slhy1l" " Wbllt'8 tbe \1 8('7" m illis 8nlli. ROlli· 1IIIr 1'11'111), pr uou n ~ l ng the otlter's " 1- YUll - l - l'llI-" IH' ~h\lnllwr{l' 1. I .. "NO., I heard them qunrrl"lIlJg." I n~ nw hllly. :'~l, killd or w rllll\l;!" II II II\(' "" Ir UUOllt to deliver a milS, [Ufll til{' fulnl (·"I" r In his dJ "'ks b fl ' W Le ad er s of th e tr nin servit c broth erho('lds l at (h e helrl 111 N./' \V "'You n t::nnlcr than ever, Blbbs l" I "Y~", " the doctor ull'r(·rd. "I ~1I1'1'0~ 1? or IIllPMIJI 11,'0. Thon both ClIme lI irll OKl \'1,'1,1. J une }· 15 refu sed the o'H '~ r of the , r :t ilfl)ad ~ t o slIil lllll t he Iss u e £'.) a rh ll r .lI l! ·11 abe erl8d. You lillY he ma<le love to IC ~' Oll hl'okc ,RWUY 11IIIl 1I1·I·tt 011 rllot" In II ~ !(oJl . llIIuitnlleo nsly, but Bibbs l;ll!' W ,," Mil l 1(l(l kl ul! Ilt 11 1111. nll\ l Yo rk. , . I 5 11 ) n \\' l11: 1 l\I ' r bar becauae you beard them qUCl rrel· 1I11.1 h('rrl1!8 UII UI you he;!nll In ·nltrlll·t 1ll1I!1 " 0 1I1'r('lc I'trort, nnd liS Uley be- s he Mal\' tIll' .t!'H uge n"lllllll'" !lUl t I or F~deral revie w, and Ih e ell ipl oycs ar n,)\V VCHtllg o n t )C . LJllt: t ",1"' , th,' rR I','I'HlJle IlUl'nllou or ~,IIIt1r .. ' f Oil tn wlIlk on tOl;ether he contrlycll l'HIIH' iuto his "ue e. Tln'na WU R ~()II\{." author ity sh all be g ive!) t hese IC:ldr:: rs to decbrr:: ~ naI I O I1 - \\' I Slr1i<e. . ""l'Ia&t'. It. It 10U want to Imow ml,.:;ht lJe nllie to bope for un 111"0111 1" of lu 1111,1 hi. I' loe. Illlng lIuuut blm. too, Ihnt {" l'lllhll'll The I nters(ate Commenc Commi ssion is rr npo cd b th ~ r:t t1rn~d~ ,IS Ihe "1 1lInt(· 0 frozen flah my~ulr. " 1I0W "q ll e~r" lIla "y l.cOII I ml;:lt t 1)l lnk ""at', 'between' peol1lf', you ('an- by fOllr or !l1'e ullmlred Ilolla rs n yea r hy h~ ~Jlhl. .. t thluk thrl'e milts WII8 too Itllll : hu t hI' lllil 1I0l SI'CIII "'l lw"r" 10 public bo dy t o \ h ll.: 11 this issnc Ilu g ht to be, referred for th est' r(, ;ls ltI S: thr lim e you' re ntly." the WRY t lll'Y qua nel." "'fbnt's llbollt It," BIbbs IIlllrmnr<,d. IOllg ror YOll to IlUt up Wltil one." ~I n l·.V ' -crl r(,cs: he s pem ed Ille III1'St "You' II kill me, IlIbb ~ ! Wb"t W",'I' No Olh~r bnc1)' ".!'i l h llf'h 1 11 int imrttr knm,.; .. clJ;t 1'10"1'1:1 \\ a!-!r'''': amll h e Itll IIH' )' to pll i m ' I f' II:\rd '\ljJ'('~ . "Or co nrs,,') kllow \\'hllt YOIl wnnt to " n nnd gnrcloll.!" she crl~, tnrn lng quullltly nat urnl . }'CrsOIl shl! )11\11 en:r af r:tilron.l ('tulililio,Ho h;t!i ~\l cll tin u llq \l,. Iw n t',l IU') ~ I ' CU ll 1'111'11(, hllill ntl whr r &UIUCC' tlt a n . ll1 .. It' ll " the7 Quarrelln'l! about?" 110." snit! Ouru.:-,\' . . droll'~lly. " \" 0 11 d on't Il J:lo\\,lug fnce trom which III t. to him l ion tn , II .. puhlie.: COli l,h'o n: hy t ht" 1' lIlJ lic "NothIng. Tblll's bow T know. ('N ' II I' w nltcr\' I\lId hc~'amc l·" h~rt.'ll't. 1~ hr rtUe~ t lu: r:l il r :l d~ !lin )' dHH ~c" II. IHlh lil' to t " Tht I nl c r .. t!1lt l ' l\UlllltWf' Cn nlln i . .. iuH , \\1111 ,'I\n· pIe who qnarrel over nothlngl- Il's hlltli tllc mndllu ' "ltoll ouly; yoo hnte r eSl rn lnt lind cml!n r mssme llt hfld Slid· th whole tiltO\VUIO 1I0iso Ilnd jar and hcrlt1 0n, yo u'r e "You 8:1Y HOlllrlhl llg noll' ," hp "-,,ill. " I d Clll!' II Nl. " ~I r. t r:lnlLl' t, rt :U lUn nre 11 0 \\' b rgeh ti:t r tl ltv Ihis ( ;U\,,.rn · tr ill I}Ye'1 l :l et l , i!!. in T\ III'''oi ti'lli tt.) . m :tLr n (" VI" I,I, Ie 8",a,s certain- " mt lll hOllrd . i ll\C' t'~. lItiOIl ,I n" ll: ndl' l ~ , "· It ,1C' I' I:dt I U .1'6 H ll1 d .1 ,'1 0 EdIth .lopped IRUghl"1t nbru l,tly. bu t dirt, the 8cmmhl&--the wbolo bloomtn' IO\"'ly to pnt It tlmt woy. It WIIS (Ill .1011't ,' ven hel " ng III tlte churu s. nnl} iel.:t 11, 10 IlIt&.'lrl\ l. nl \l IC Inliru Al 1 ~ lIlp I IJ) u . I ht' .,l \ I.e ra 011 1 ul (' \'try dollilf rl! l'C' I VC" lt h~ t hr r : IrHrall" hom ~otlnu ed bar moekl'ry. " You ou ght ~r'lzc~ ' /ll't all.' Yo,,'ll ilkI' to go Impo.ltlon for D ill to bn ve mnde you here ( n Ill. I rylllg to Hl ul: the funny o f th(' tl\ihll!uh , ,,,HI I h( pu uli c': tht pub lir lIC' nrly onC'.h;a1f I~ tlai,I ,111 1'1 ,,1\ t I l t llt to m -· to kOow. YOU've bRd 80 mucb cxpul· ~"I1I1' \\'hl're In A1j(ll'rs. or t '('IIMOIlna. brlnJ: IDe hOlllll, oud IItler 1 I\'ll nt luto I11 tll\'R solo! · Y Otn - " Ule hOllsl' I (ler lllCil I should 113 ve "~o." HUC tllt(l rrllpted. "1',1 rotber enee, ),ounielf!" 1" ' I·hIl I18. und hllsk on II bnkony. ~lIlrll· n c~ ltI 9, It wRsn 't t hree mil l'S pIny )'Our n('co,n punlm tit." Q ue:;tic n to "r hnven't any, Edith," be NRld. "My IlI g tlowel'8 oml wrlUu j( .on ll et~ . YOII'II twonlked. Ule cur lin e. I never thou ght or Itl" "I'll s ton an d listen to It. Ulcn ." lIte has been llbout IlB exciting R~ un jtr.1\' fnt 011 It I1l]cl hnv<' 0 II ~lIl'11 !c lit· Thc railroads feel th:tt I hC'y lIave 110 I'i ~h l IU gnll:lt a wage pr.cfcrm r nl of ";0.."0." ~ol d Blhbs. enrneslly. " 1 IJicubator cl:1lckeo's. But I look out III' life ull to )'oll rRrl t . Well, "'h ll t ' ~o nUoued o n PIIII9 $ ) $100 ,O O(),OOO a )'e ar [e ' 111I'. t: t' l11plo)'e I now hi g hly paI d alld (lldn't. Illthl' r. J IIIlgh t ba f e 81\Id some· 'l!Irougb the gl1l8S a t thlugs." • Ito .1·OU88y1 } eRn 1\1' like sixty, Jllh l1~! one-fifrh o f all th' cll1 p l t):t'~, \ Itl l<lllt ;j de :H m Hnd :ltc fre 111 a p.uhlt c I rIlll llI .Jl Ih ,1l "Well, th~n," ahe AIIltI, "Ir yon look :-;hnll I tcli yonr fnth!' r he'll lo~!' lUI' th ing Ir I'd illoll)(ht ot ony tblng. \'m lOot through the gln ss you must ku o'" otl",r or hi" boys If you rlon't I!t'(l to t n l kl n~ flOW. thoul:h : J mus t rem ember shall d ' termine th e m crlt . tlf I h l' t':J I: :l (l er II r vir\\, of :111 rhl' fa ( u . thllt. I1llll not worry a bout It l nt er. ] ",bat elreet such s t'utr wonltt hn I'!- liP' "!('lly?" 1'11,. sing !,. iss/fl' h,. on , hi' (fJllI;/".\' ;1 1/,hrllll'l 'h is rOIl/,.o" O ·.I ' ;J to bt. ul/ ltd by an it doesn 't thi nk I'm tn I k h.g. Ulollgb " 1 don 't 'Villi! 10 flO to ~1t·1l,\'. " ~ JlI II on mel" Sbe rose. 'VIRlbly agltot d. "oulld In tl'llIgl:'llt ove n to me. I uUl(le Itlbbs. "I IVa u t to stny ril:ht lIerl· ... impartial C01 ,.:rIl1ll01/ ill '1" ii'll fir II' ill'/tfl t,.i(/ J 1[·n r /llf't . "Wbat It It was trlle?" she demanded, T he doctor'A IIroWRIlleS8 IlisA Plll'lIreti un lilY mimi th nt It I eve r met YOll bltterl,.. " It It was true a buuN a tional Con c r cnce Committee of the Railwaya dred times ov~r? You lilt there WIUI for u mom en t. uud bl' gn ,.c his Ilntl ~ \lt nJ:IIIII I'd turn on my. volcll ond keep it '. :rour alii, tace bolt r~ofly to J(1g&ie nod n plm rp !:III IICI'. "/t'e It rI Mk." be Hnltl. !fOIlI". no motter what It sold . 1-'" ELISHA LEE, Cha irman N. I ) ~t "l li m . f ·..~ rl rI /4 " ' , Silo Interrupt d him with laughter, II . Htt. 1 HU' ON. ,:,,,'I.'U_I'fIH ..... , balt reedy to snttlle, aod tell me atorles " I th luk wc'lI Ilud yo u're RO milch bet· P . It. A LU tU G I' r , (,',.'/ MfI'H'",. N'ut i 'j. k " .. " , I U 1 C.,I~" r (;r f'''' ~ 1H' lh t" rl l H !lil~. ~ . All cn. ic "':0 .. , I.Inr Ihll nl.d , I A M I'.S H lI~ . I I I , ,,'na ', t ""411'1'. Uke that, about Sibyl picking on Bobby t er he:1I B~JJd you back to the shOll and Mary Vertrees' 1011gb '\\'ne one L W . n Al OW l . C".oIM IHUl IU. UIIII\.1 It Uttl (., ,"'It, H.p' . u ,d , whlcb Blhbs' fntber hnd declnred. ottor prot ly !Julck. SomeUllng'S got lIOld I f , : I :'i\:~~~: ~~~ ~';~.Ji,7:~~~i''''A' \Lamborn and wo""lo, blm to dentll. c..:ttlu ~1 uf G" ItrI!i. I(A'''''~V . A , M . ~(; f h.H I' U, Nf.ldt""' 1' ,,.. l'rn .• h, w. n It Ie I • fin. " S. ~ I , 1" 0" " . eDd 700 thInk It matteu to me? Wllnt 'or y(lu lately; you're not !JIII!e 80 la ck· th e bouMe·warDllng, "a ('ripple would Common Pleas Court 1 ! "III,~,hJl "I" l int; " \\ .. 1t, 1 C . I .. U ItUO. (1" ,', "'(flt""r. e lw "1' r '-r t ,1010 It .n ~~ .·1 Nrw Yurko N c",' " liven It I,." t",-' ' hlltn ld W. l. M , t)Ut'~ , .fh, f,JI I It I already knew all about theIr 'qllRr- IldllMpsl .;18 you used to he. But I crowl five miles to ·h ear." Anil at .t hf . R. ( : H . If; ~ ,., .. ,,'! I. Rutl'·.... \ R It . CO I f ~ 1 "\ N. ¥hll ·r.)ft1~ .' Ji'1r.aS N,,~l onlil Bank of l,'lo8well v. !h.olihu Inl II I " 41' Ihuh\ll''' mer~y 1IIt11l(f ot It BIbbs' father's 80n Nlloa'? What It I undllr~1lood ",by wllro, yO\l: I Ulln" UJe ~b op will knock ~, t !lU;" " S... n I ' •• no:n tl' II II r".d N il "f"~IU HMilw.y. A . J. :" I (~ p. 1 /.# ",.",1.11' you Just as It <lId be tore, and perhaps '. took. heart to f orget ~ome ot bl8 trepl· I3ll.mtlel L. h'O:OB e' 41. Motlen to ~ !il. n. : l +1' I'It 11 ~ r:~,.tI M41"Uln 1 I h'Il"U"\lI d C. '~' f~.I ', ~":~rfJ~~:~~,~/S:~I~:'l'C! Hilih,.,. dation. "I'll be Rny kln.d ot Idlo~:' be dlstni81 lor WAD' ot j urlslliotl on ,,· .~. ,. h 't.u! n OJ V n . S. \\' IU~ t',~ . 'I(,,~ it ~'~. cver harder, Blbb\l." , 11 . \\ ' 11' \1 "; 1 t' lC, GI ,, -I Mu., rr. P. I!. I : U,·,WI .I" ...... u . "II " JI , ~ " J"j SUI'. 1 ':; .'U l ltot t lite u 1 ! .. ,lu t" I " I.f! ' H I. Ih,ln,.tt HI! rose, sbook himself, lind rubbed 1!Rld. "If you'll laugh Rt me 80me more. overruled. N rt' "'If\" ( : r llll)tl 1; " .1 >\ , . , FirHt Nllt,iollllll Balik of Hoswell biB eyelids. "Well, wbeD we go over It won't be d lnlclllt tor me." Sbe did ; nn ll BIbbs' cbeeks showed 8 VB 88moel L. lrous e'al. UII8eas ~ _------~============~-=-=-======-~-=~~==,~_~~~_~-===~==~~~~--~~~----------------~=---~ you this afternoon wbnt lire we golnlr little actuul color, wblcb Mury per· s igned for helloJ.'log July 161.h. to 8Il1 Hbout It·/" C11\renoe E. lSurfaoe, m inor · . bolo "Tell blm I'm relldy," 80ld Bibbs. ('elved. 'l'bey bnd 110881'd the 0 \V bouse Commissioners' Procecdlnl'ts without either ot them Qbowl og-ol of r eal ell$lUe oonfirmed a.nd dls'll looking at .tll floor. (1 1J10 Board of Adwlnlstr"tlon In "Oh no." Gurney lougbcd. "Not 1l0s8csslng- nllY consciousness thnt 11 . bution ot proolled8 m ade. re Institute f or Feehle Minded. tor . VeterinarY; quit yct : but you mny be almost. We'lI hod been th e d estlnallon ot one of E. O. V8 W. C. Gilmo or. s upport of Wln reo Coooty 1'lIuat·ea tbem. see. Doo't torget I 8a ld to walk dow u." Funeral Director. Mutlon ot plaint.lft' to lat allde v er- to Febru a ry '~ 8 . 1I116, $1162 .29; OwnOraduate Ohio S'a(, LJnivenl1y "1'\1 k~ep on talking," Bibbs con· dict and f u r !I. new trilll ovtlJ'ru ltld . Iy Bo\el. maills for juror!!, $8 50 : And wben Ule exnmlnatlon wns can· Ohlo eluded, thllt ofterooon,. Ule doc tor In· tlnu ed, chee rfully, "and you keep on G. Low" VI Emma Bowyer, Or- Dillon B. WillIon, d etftudi ng Indi- Waynesville laughing. I'm omountlng to somethlull d or m ade .t o rElvi ve dormaot j otlg gent prls lIIor. $50; W . A . Sieker, torm~d BIbb" tltat the resllit Will mucb Office at reddoncc in F. USher too Botlstllctory 10 be pleoslng. "Here's III th wor ld U\18 0 Hernoon. I'm mnk· 0l 6~t it 81lfllole,nt carae be n ot "hOWD road w ork In Clellr oreek township, wood's house, Fourth Street, a new 'sltllatlon' for a one·nct f/trce." Ing a noise. and thnt mnkes you mnke to t he oootrlU'Y witWn 20 day!. - E ITUEIl$ ~O. n i Milion Clark, defeodlng In lie Bft.ltl. gloomily, to bls next Ilotlllnt u URle. Don't he bothered by my bl ent· Telephone ~ 'l'homlu! R Hey VB Tbe Ame rl ell n dlg nnt pri souer, I GO; Wood & tiber" Auto , Equipment wben III bbe hud gone. "Doctor tells In, out such thin gs ns tbat. I'm real· Wrltlng r Co. Motion 0 0\ t,o woorl . fl owers for oourt ho08o _ o n<1 HorllC"Urnwn Equipment '--- -.J-I,-K mao. be's well. alld thll t'a ble deAtb Iy fr ightened. I don't rem ember tnlk· .. !low u.n d ~ l g D biLl of exoe]I'tlo08 j.Il\. t llS CiS; S. Fred & Co, . olothl ng Ohio Waynesville• Ing 08 much nB ttlls moro thnn once flIed f9r t h e r eason that 8ame Wd.8 for I lIm~teti or j ,d l, $20.05; K B. sentence. likely. DntD' tUlll1Y world!" or twice In my lire. I su ppose It Wild not flilld with olerlr o f oou rt w itblu ~ell ~ & Uo, r ecord f or 8urvoyor, DAY on NIGHT olwuys In me to do It. th ough, t be flrs t ,10 days Il.fter motloo f o r new trllil '29.2~; 1..:. W. Spllrk8, road w,lI'k In TELEI' HONE 7 . Umll 1 met unyou. who dldn't Inlow WCAij overruled. .Mo~ion sustain e d . U ,., ioo township. 140 75 ; J . T . 8harp. BA~NHART, me well euough not to listen." r oad work In Hnrillo t ownship. Of oooree I.t sbonld I For after & "Bllt you're not ren lly tIllklng to Notary Public $40 108; n , A . MoCutoheoo, r ond Prllbate Court PrCla!Cdlnllll work in F rllnk ll n township. '29.75; • strenUOU8 da y when Joor mU80lei me." s nld A[or;y. ''You're just thinkIn re Ue.rl Mnler. ~djndK9d DOt C . B, Dechanl. I)Ostage for ftnd ltor 's blive heen u:ercl,ecl '0 the 11m" ao Iln& alOUd." . of N otary Work.r.'~lI\a _ othos , $5 00 ; .' nUl e" Follen Balary '11 My Aim-Your TTade AU kinds appllollUon of !sloao'. LIDlmeot will " No," he rehlrned, gravely. "I'm I ~~O~ IUld Deoil" a I3p6()~al'Y , ;I\olto r. "10.00; Rl\ymond Barlb=-= ___ = __ . __ __ _____ _ ta ke the 80renetlll and stiffness away not thinking at all; I'm only moklnlr In re ea'ate of :MtU·tbll Jiloe Rloh« and get you In fiDe shape for the vocal 80unds. I sccm to be tile BUb- a nlaon. deceased. Seoon d 11000nn$ bnrger, 8!\IIl.r Y a8 j .mitor, 160 : morrow. You ' sh!Jllld ailio UIII It ject ot wbat II t Ue menning they pos- {)f execu1;or flIed., In re Hollow r oad Im provement QUAL~TY-Above the Standard tor 8 Bodd.D a'taok ot toothaobe l sess, and I'd like to chRnge It, but I DR. J. W. MILLER. Eats'e of Iildw.. rd 8 . Walker, d o- th e ooo'n ty Bllrveyor beloK uon blo . SERVICE-That can't he beat 8tiff neCk, baokaOlle, IItln jJB, bltell don·t know how to mauoge It." • cBt~sed . Seoond a'cCO'tlnt of execotor t o complete plijn s, profiles aod orOll1 11114 the many sooldent" that a re In- • "You Mcdn't chnngc the subject on Hlod. section8, BpeoiflolltlooB and e8tl PRICES - To please all. ••• DENTlST••• oldeo\al to a ~aoatlon . "We wonld I my 0 'count, Mr. Sberlolln," she Bnld. In re wi ll o f A neD. Shll 1I'han, d e mates I\S cll re oted on mOllon. time 8!1 BOOO leave our bagga8e III go 00 I "Not e\'cu It you feally talked about WliM exte nd ed unall July 10, Ig16 . ==-====--08beed. Will filed f Olr probate : - -;-- --- I Otllc:e In LL vaolltlon 01' cllm p out wUbout youfself." She turned her tRCO toward "'YOUI' Father 'Telephoned Me Veate ... ...... Waynenllle.O 1n re oa' a.te of JaiL'll Brewer. de. J. ~ ATERHOUSE, Na&lonal Daak Bid •• GEO. !:Sloan'l! Llolmenl." Wr'ltes oo e vablm liS sbe spoke, Bnd nlbb8 eougbt day Afternoon." ooUoni8t : "We uee It for every- hlB broath; be wos pathet ically amazed ceflsed. I nventory ann I1ppratse Corwin, Ohio, . ' Phone 54-2Y. ehe-" Bbe broke orr with 8 ~Iol cnt tblng from crampI to toothaohe. I I b, the took ebe rave tllm, It wae • monS fIlEld . Estate ()f ,Elizabotl l Van Doren . 000" suffer w ith 1\ b"olringoongb cestnre, a sweep or ber arm utcndcd Pot A l-ottle la .your .bag. be pre~low1 ng look. wllr!nly trll'llllI)' IIml \In- deoeased . Flnlll IWOOI1Dt of exeon- thllt hl\8 wen kened your system-get ~~~~~~~~Du.H.E.HATHAWAY et toll lenith, 8S It ahe burled Rome- pllred and have no regrela. derstuudlni!. un il.. ",hilt 'nlm os t sllockc(l t rudlled . Il bottle of Dr, King's New lJlsoov. Ulna to the gTOurui. "Do you thInk II W"1Ileutlle'. Le&dlnll DeD'S., elrl tbat really cared for a mao woulll li:aU.te of t::;lirab Ja o ~' Wils on , Im- ery, In O~e over '\0 yeflr~. lind be ne- Dr. Bell's Pi ne"Tar"Honev Por Coughs' and Colda. omiie In Ke},8 Bldg. Main 8, pay auy otten lIon to 1l1at? Or to yo.u , beolle. 'Flnlil IlOOOUX)t of l!ullrdlao fiting d.1I who us e it. the loothlng pi ue \In Isom witb ' tllr heal t he Ir JJlbbs Sbendo 0 I" filed. He looked at her IIteadlly, and hIs E ~ t,.t~ of J ana Dyke, d eceo ~ed . rlt Ii ted 8·lr pd.SBIIges-8Jothes thl! g ue waa as keen 8S It was steady. 6'lnlllucoou nt of &dminiattll,or, IIp · rll w epots, II)0senl! ,b e lDucoua and prevents l'ttoklDg the body with S~e met It with unwaverIng pride. llfov-ed and c onfinned. oo ughlug. Dr. Klng's New Disoov'Flnall, he oodd~d Rlowly, a8 It IIbe bod In r e will of 1'. Banton ScoU, rle. er t Indoc08 nlitnfal Bleep snd lildB Ipoken aod be mennt to tl&ree wIth oea.Red . Will filed I1nd nfuultted t o nl1turo to cure you. 'Wbat 11111 '!laId. urobate. Lawrenoe A. VoI)orhla \lop"Ab. :fell," be enid. "I won't como p,)i n ted exeoutor . No bOlld r equtred The most Modem and Sanitary Creamery tnto the lImoklng rOOin IIgllln. I'm AppraiBefll B. L . Frye. WlI U, m in the State and will pay highest market aorry, Iildlth. Nobody can mnlle ;rou Cole.nan Ilnd Ohlirlee H off. aee aorthloa oow. You'lI never see price for sound, dean sour cream, We are In r~ will o f Rebe~cll OJl1 ypool, deuoW ,ou let! for yourselt. Tbe rest ot aBaSe<!. Will admitted to probde. always prompt to recognize any advance (!n partlt'lonl tiS will do better to kcep out ot i t Estate of E'rllok Bloks. d oce"lelt in the market, and will take care of your _peelaII, mer' Flnlll !\(looont of admlnl -tr:ator filed . , "That', sen8Ible," I!he r esponded, interests at all times. Checks mailed dally Pleas Joseph W. Sadley adminl8trator Warren Common 1~rtI7. "Yo.u 're moat lurprlalnc ot all or weekly as desired to cover all shipments. of the eltate of Andrew J. Trow· /;Wben' you're 1.ll8lbl~, BIbb. ... brIdge d ecell8ed VB. Evelyo 'I'roW' • J . W. Thomaa et nl. ~ .. re..~ ' be Ilglled. "I'm a dull dOi. Case No. 1l16U REr:ERENCE . bridge et al. W. Ch eater )laple ap- Oarl Ctevengor '8 ot nl. Bb.a ke baodslud forgive me. EIUth." poil1'ed gUlu'dlan ad litem tor minor D, ,,1I'uo ot.1I onlcr ot salo, duly 1""00 Fi;"t "ational ' Bllnk Tbawlolr eo ·tIlr os to I mlle, she un· trom "aid OOurt,In tho .. bu,o .tllWll cue ami defendant, • Pearl Street Market BaDk d erwent thlB brlt' r ceremouy, and to we dlnlCWlI, 1 w ill ol.!or for ... Ie. by WRy or Any Reliabl. Mercbant 'In re estat·e of :Marlba E. 1.oDII\Ore pulJUc ullc~lo u, all tho Ilremllloa In lillrvOYIGeol'l'e appearl'd, summonlo&, JIIbbs to In CI.dnnati. . deoea8ed . Wlllter Kenriok 8·ppoio~ bur", Warren CoUIlW. Ohio. on tbe IIbrar;y ; Doctor 'Ourn ey WRS WRlt· ed admlD1stutor . Bond ' 600 . InC there. be announoed. And Bibbs A. E8&~'e of' AODa M. jOhnSOD, dea.~e bIB sIster a elly but fri endly toucb present average prices for kerosene' and A~ ~ o'clock p. m. on Batd day, '110 follo wFIIilRI aooount approv.ed oeil8ed. uPOn ole Iboulder all a coDlpleinent to Ing dtlJlCrlllOO' real llfJ~a~o, to·wl~: Cincinnati. Ohio . "nd confirm 'e d kerosene engines save gasoline, tll~u.. te<I Ju tbu VlIIago of HnrveyalJurg In the baodllbaklll&" and lett ber. tho OOunLy ot Warren aDd' I!tato of 01110, Doctor Gurney waa I1ttlug by the to·",It: their owners about I. I c. per horse power per Real Estate Transfers . Btllhg part 01 Duford'. Survoy No. 076 .anll. 10. tire, alone 10 the room, nnd be furt.\.or described Wi follow", , engi ne~. hour over gasoline ml'!rel,alanced over bill shoulder wheu 1)""loDln, ..t a atone on the SouLh aldeor James L. (3rown to George Bodine, Clark". A vonu,," and N. .:. coroer to isaac • " • , . ,. a ht. . atleot came In. He Will not over Figure it this way. On an g·horse engine the savOOUett'Mlot and ruunlng tllence~. ttl dog"",. lot In L obanon, $1. lltt;rl In IIjllte Shllrldao'! bobltuol K. 11 1191 00 to a .~OU6 : · t hence N. ~ U d~ ing is 8.8.e, an hour, 88e. in a Io-hour day, $88 in JOO Pear l J . Btl\ t o CIvd'e E. (.ireel,., J<: . bO~ foo~ (.oa.l<lIIu. tllenceN.l0degrtMl8 .....~.H.~ Ijf_H.~ MI.H.~ ,~~ ~~ ~ ~,. I"ole Doe Gurney." He '!Vu gi-oy, bow· ....V. n polllll to ... I'loe; tllODt'8 8. 89 dOlrceo . lot In Mlllollvi\le, days of work. Say that is aU your engine ..does in a. net'. almollt all thin all Bibbs, and W. Ho~ te." to t be beldonb.\!. coo t .. luln. UU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!'!!!!'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!! , . The Fl'on.klln Wheel Co . '0 tli. paleo more or I..... nearl, 81w01. be l ook~ drowsy. year. . -'I, Said pro""r~y U.. booo (egUlarly a"pralSO<l ~rere Polp Ilnd . Pall8r Co •. 10\8 iD under onler 01 tile 00urt al the aum or 'fbroe ''Your rather ttlephoned me yeeter· It would cost you $88 more than you need to ,pay, 'to ., ~undrOd aDd !NfL1 (auo.UO) Dollat'll aDd will S'raoklln, $1.. •da.y attern oon, BlbIlB." be 8111d, not rl8run ' an 8-horse gasoline en gi ne one year. That 'is more no~ be IlOld tor t_ tbaD two t blnl. of ioaId apFred B. tilll.lmno . lo' Log Cabin pl'II.lliOd vatue aDd wUl aI80 be m!d . ubJ""t to 10., "WanlB me to '10011 yon ovei-' than a third of the price of the engine. Can .yo u afford to n ' lIuul~y ot 'rwelvo (112.00) Vllllat'll to bu Fishing Ulllb of tit. BQ.r·n ard, Gy' ..p.ud .pJa.. Come around here In trout 01 to L.uella 'I'bom.. 00 tbe Vlnt day or throwaway $88 a year? Ca·n you afford even to think of acre!! In Blimllton 'own.blp, January eacb and every yeae durilll ber oat.m6-between WI' ond tbe 6re.. I wan I' buying a gasoline engine~h e n you can get a Tilan ,that Barry D. Prater e' al to Eva 1l1'alurO. to _ :II J call !~ througb you." 1I.ld propolrt.y .. located In tile VW... ef uses kerosend See the 'utan dealer and talk ' this over. Jonel 10' tn Waynesville, $1,100. Harvoy.burg. WarAlD Ooun'T, Ohio, .ad r&OOll "'J1I'Ia meu you·re . too Ilcep.T tt oil Olar" A VllIIU' and &lIere ~DII.t1O at~,la He has some interesting figures to sho, w you. EverybQdy uses Lewis' Bread 'and '..rI ' Staoley 0. Willoughby to &I&On ImlllodlalUly East, ~. rt'tUl1Ied OIbl,., complylog. ." or IonWl or ...d Cak~s, the best and most delicious ~- , O. Dooghman, 10' Itl tlonth Leba. I'''!lllrmis OJ' 8ALS-oDII 'I11rdJ~..h In 'lll<>tlee tba t I'm pttln. noo, SlOO, hIWd a ll dII.1 o r 1Jale. 0110 thIMLD one year and made. them and you will . tblnl'lu two .Per,""", p&lme.n. . c-.,...~ Bllona 11, Vooover &0 OharlBfl P. vue t.o bear ti II'lreeot 1 0 - ' &lid' be aecUNd b,. ~ tlever want to eat any .other kind. Tblrkleld, a lot. ta i'l'tInlrUb, t836, mol\tlll/le on premloM.oId. WALDRON O. OILIIOI1B, 8. M, Bue180n to Lonllte W. lIlbenD~ftJ.~'.:'o'WUl&am' eler, lOUD. ['eerfleld, '1. _ .Pepul,. S. II. Blltdaou e* \.1:, lot ID 801l'h SWAU' ~ .JORDAN

Railroads Urge Public Inquiry and Arbdl'atIon











Leaders Refuse Offer and Take Strike Vote



I · .... 'Ie ..

j('l ill~ co nf~re I1 L' e

1-:'' '




For the Public


l'O"I.S t\l~II I1~ op~\,












E. v.










Can You Afford Any but a Titan . • Kerosene Engine?






0" 1916


J F Snook Agt Way·nelvl·lle 0



.............. ............... ..........





Intematiouillarvester Company of America




Waynesville, OhiQ

Lewi.' Bakery






...... .." ..







WayDelviUe, .0.,





UbUS_ II'" _ _I

_ __ __

t.. CltAN ~;, ,



GAZE 'rrE CATARRHAL DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED -----~---· ------ - --I Tonolin(; J. _w_. yll .... 1110. IIhlo 1

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1'.•!tW lind Manal!e r -

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Tfif. CHEERfUL C~ERUB Vhel'\ yov !>top, to COI'\ .)lder It I jorro\ J j.) jv.)t A dilTer el"\t kil'\d of EN'\oti o",:


i8 ".H I I )' U lle\.n 'I Ut · ur ~~a lHl1 ha ld ~.illI' '''''', ,

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dish k ed it ~o T'l'wch Ve'd Mt' rr-il"\cl it ~ 'bit. Iv~ ~ t;\otioJ'\!


cUIIII."" .!,. (If Ih. nt l'fIIlS llv, " f. 1111' 1 \~II:"h u," lulie, \\ h· l1l hl"lilli uu, · IS : ! " III1I1IP-d )'011 .hov · " rUlll hli!•..:. ",Ull tl .,.


Il S . n ' u n ' nn: Ill: S U. If 0 \l S~ I I Ull the 11IUCOU~ s u r(acC'foi o f lh~


111nt ItIl ,W' \:i 1I1 .r ~ I " I' l l)lIH f'i h lll t n,i' ll~ (.·" P l tlu · "J.t"II P p l lU Il'R o r 11 ... wh u l ~ I \" '" 01H1 I ' It I \\'t. will li ve O ne Hundred L) II n rs f t lt' t I It.: r~'l ll k ltl ~.l. wit h thl' w ll lt,l '0 ,.r~CI' I .r r~I.I IJ.a l" "'SI I ... t ~ "." , t '.1. ) ' 0 (1 ."~ IItlm 1 III )vlugh t' o I JtlIl { h it , H l bhM IlI ttl I H) . ... . ... .... n t;n [,., ru red hy 1I " II' s l'u lli nh Cu " ,. i , ~ u · ('ll l1sr'louSlI r'ijH Ih llt ' hI' .:11'1 ~lI tlol/.( b · I"r- fra~ . A ll Ilru u ·ls l5 , 75c. HI .Io· 101 111 IIiHI "1'<)lI' n ~ " " II " II'.I · ,· III' ~ '" rt .... F . J. HSN f\ &CO., Tolf do. .. "('[HII(_I to NI'P h rr 11K J1 l l1liol~' :1 ~ P\' r Itl the Ll llrkn SM. Ih(Ill).: h JI(. d ltl llltt· 1" llk nt I w r . .A llfl aU 1I1l1 Il Ii Jlhty (\h : IlIt1I1 ~ or tl at" r ' n , 'H Inllltlt llll'l l 'I H l'fll u t l" lt n g l I I . C· ." ut t, I I'lIou n tiN 'fllt'11 tn I tl lt hR t l) lip 1"' 114) "



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l\tr. ttn d I(V t Cl Tl .

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El p pn t

E. A ', J-j o rt Rtlok

t it "

Il r r l'tl1n1c L

Wftl' ·-\ . c' nl l

n n t f·llfU l h.·


Do You Inte nd · to Buil d a Hom e this Seas on? If you do, . I Rem emb er, we 1"". ln. h, ' ", .1 11 " ".",, \ . Ihl' "I", ,, ha e ' I I •• wml'" ",ql"rln:



fI--'- -- ----- ___ t





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As Writt en by Our Cotp<\ of Able CO" ' ents in the N t:ig h borhu od

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III ~ hk~oc] sysu:ltl.

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' II JnUL'"I\.!t,· r I k(!lrf fllllfilint' t m r,t ' Ith IfIIUI m ~· p :Ht lllbt h ' lUl l\(llhn 111'' '',lInd nil (lI t h e 1I111\J"'(\\\ln l '1I1 intU,. f'IIIlI'·!IIW .


l 'I'I'lt l llo:(

llll "l u ldt,I ... , "il\ 1111..11 111 ', I 'h l~ n o\'ls t lllhll v ~ 1I!t "' l lIl n l'tl n il hj:dlhb 1" "'111,.," \ n. " '" Ior II ",r ll"'hl.'rllll\' 11.. 1",:,,11'. III III)' ," ,'1 , . ' I (,IC' • . n n rl ;, .7 , n r . fi n t\ .... . . '~ I ' 'n \0' ' ''''at " "llll l1w rt l,iI .\ rllfP\l.1 ",11 \111 11 !l uri M IPtl r " .ITo thy , o,r 13 r\, ' y s11n Tr _ '"). '1 ,... , ".r",·r I 'hilId,,' I.", \l'\, \l 1 1I11I~ 1 M 'I ~1""1111"\f'U t' t'·""llrlJ·l ·u l ,ti l ·I \·... ( r. nn·1 n T A. 1"L" _ j .; )\'lt1n n HI . ~J j 'C ... ~ ~. In "lOlttllln~ . I lllrl'h \ '°1.:1'1 n1 ,)" ))ft' l"i\ rn t h l l l R nth un cl( Icun lL ,\l : ~ n tlj\ n II fq1 M I H ' 1 1,lIl"II'", Ij~H , 1 I II(' ,,-, :\1 ',(" \\ 1111 111111 'ItrdIHlil" Jd tl.a' [ 'IlmwU'h ",'II' kldlU"I\" U'II!thlc' f·I~H\rI'It ILI a H(oc'1\1\uo n IU H'\ (1 II n h hf f'~." Ji. . 1hnl -, T!Ht!'-ttf t ht' I1l1If',\wi ll1 l'.l t lJrn IJ·p,-< , lI\t' rn l" "I' II I ~ M I'H Butlnn h R ir h on tn r l ni n pc1 n n ,111I111U 1'lIrtllrlto [ "'P .IIl1i1,I-IU )c! '1l1lttkly r fl. . "'Ir lr ,' .. l,rl'IIt'r 1(1 11 . T f1rJ n llllf' It- Iwlll 'l I'" ;4u n flll S' t AI r . Hll rl At r R. :7'r ll l1 k It ' r- h ptul.Il('·loI:tlt.,· It!:1.-1 flll\"l Pflrh J, II'tii flll'lru~ ""t1rt''' ' j 1\!I (l l h r C'1' I nt() ro ' t i '1'11 f .\ '.111'" - .\ ' t"""llIe I '"''''''''rI ,,1 II,,,,, n r,r (. . 11 f r nn , r (Hn h lHI,It'rl "ht.ll ltl Il nt. l lfI lit 101 'II Ii\" Hr1\'n l ll~ ,·u.H [iPhn l\ o Jl nu d M r tl ll d t rt' \ \ 1\ \\j,;I .JIt,.: [ l l I Iu-rr' lum hi,... l\llll'h~ I 1 ~H1 l1 d" o r W ntt lI ud M r . LRifo Vl(, 0 Fl'nnJhu k l1 n IIIfJ,.. •. ~\ It.h.,UMh 1Il:)1I } ' n 1J)Url-i t'l1 nrtt 1,, 1 . (r . u n Iho\,' VI 110 hn.\.j· h" " TI ! H'n, ~flI nd 11'1','1\ hy ( U IlI) ' Th o .Jll tl io r Prt ~cl t' a.s ~ ~ro p l on .!4. I I "II " 11 4' !\l! n' t 'a ""'N n( nlllr li I rm lllh l ll "I ' 111'1'no tly n t Ar t.a 10fld h y M i"l~ )t; '.l! p ! , '1'1I0ti1 oIl","'p... III. l 'h r.1I1 ~1"' ..,·nllti lipItLil lll. ,'I , ',



In Buildin

Nec essa ry to build a well -equ ippe d Dwelling, Baril', Stab le, or She d.

I IOr lOr loll'll rt . He 11118 cOllie I'" lU< l1' ll We also have Paint to with UlIl. " .- ,::I.~\= put · o n your buildi ng j ...... (1-": . 'Ihe tlr!raDl8t , loo kll<l bluntly Hllr· rll f.; luJ: (H~' 1I"f 11 1111 ln tf\ rnrc l hl~ Iu·r. "" (-"~ yo u in lend to build. prlsed. " IKB thllt sot' he e l«'lol l m ~ . \. RII1~lnl'! her tllo\l ~h t ~ nn ,1 ~l l1 f~ ll1~ for "Be 189 IOUd 1cJ1I1l bho selt. or .'olll '. e." him tl l~ WOt'ltl o r Jltll tl h ll' g r uU l w h' llw t ":-<0," Bolrl [IIb b• . li S the tltr 'l' t' ll ' "'flM lu h l~ Iwn.rt h C('UU Nll Rh~ "'li S HO teTi!tI tll" hurch t ... !:e lh~r . " 1- 1 plnYl'1l It i ll tl to tl t Ul , It all moa ut l\IHry . U ut wlll'n Ml1C ft s !t (oll him 'wh n t It Ihe- I l r l ~ tI to pIIl S- " F'ortunu lely he 11 b~ c k ..d loIl11dl!lt; II .. Jlod lIeen nbout tu !liCOllt, 011 th eir honwlI'lITll W il Y. 111' \\' I1 K utrer lit e luror([lll ti on tltot he bud tllltet! Mllcnt. 'l'IIl'Y h nt! 1',11111' It r"w nnc 'f! MIHlD n D, tiDtll r llny nf t.e rn o lJ n . 1 - GOe B O X F R E E \J r, n n{]. h1rR. \V. ~I' .• ' flr d un nn ll 1__ _ _ _ to DHlatef tlle jews ' ll n rp 10 bl H bill" .fro II} tilt· ('ll11rc il ,,' IUlout tollJ ~j)It1 I1 "" _ _____ : wulklD/t HlolI'ly. rl lltl g htnr II tt nn!lnd 11111 \\' ~. 11J in B' 0 1 hootl. ..~o, 1'11\ oot • 1II11Rlclul l," be FR E E TONO LINE CO UPON "I'U le ll you whnt It OJ nn t to me," M ls ~ N ol l .. .1I1 T'l u coutt!lI l ed hlmael' with 80yln8. n, WP,llI n Il uy .. A ME mc.AN PROPR IE TORY c o " I "WIlllt? " IJoc tor !Craft's Murprlse In· she Bohl. · 08 be dill not Inlill cll iall'ly Mrs ..... . A, H r t R o k IIlI rl l\ 1I ~. Bosto n , M" ss. reply. " AlmoRt any IlIliAlc fir Hnntlul' R R o len " toro \\7ilrlti Jl),.:; f on cT"1t8ad. "You,,!:' 11m n, ypu are tortu· dR il l) r~ I !"'Ivl 1111\ 11, r " t ll rn It I,t Tl 11 ',11. . , hi" ,\r lIule! I !lIllY tor ~lIR8 Verlrees ; site ohvuys D1etll Ht ODe thIn,::: n h o\'c nil 01.11· FridAY, ~ " I,r 1·,I, ·I,nll' .. 1 111·,1 1 1.llild,'f , I t'ud " l\.l" COllrll/t('! Thil l'. 11 . It CO/l.eB 8h"'1)"8 nIOllt'. \' 0 11 nre tbe Drst. em to me : Mr, IIn r1 I\1rft . rAl W \17 nlfl'l nn ll III r . I ",' ,,' h.l )I 11 01\ ! 'UIf1 11J!1 ~ rllul " Jt l'l t h l ~-r. mAkeR cownrdl ce Or whlu l u ~ RPl'm 80 lIod MTR. nll Y '"",o .You fire tlu, tIrHI olle ev(:r l" lf" lind fl1 111J ", '1 . I I 'j'bllY b~d r~ lH!h ell III belld or tile InHn lteHtmlll - 1t mnk~R 1J\(O ~ 1 '" " '!!R III I!lllw t 14nn. ll1 Y w i Lh III ri l' 11 runl ~ ' I- .....-' I Olll' liuHtllng IItL1e IIv"1I ~I'c rn lufln lteRI· Mr. IInrl Mrs " " hn " ' ,l lff'. c nlral lit HI , Hlld 11K Ih e or j.:l1l1 l"l flu. ·t. 1I tI "PHllk1r11! DIIJb" RtOPlletl sbnrt. iliA I." • Mr . III.HI Mra. H . Hll t,h ll w ny ont ur . "YeR, " he Aolf). "It R('!'In R. orl.I, t.~hJf tUl'nlli /( to IOOI( nt ~Inry Vertn'PM tn n (1 MI'. "n il MT~ . ( 'arl Illllltl nnl l l Come in and will make an estim ate on the buildi ng do(;s n't It, thnt I)('opl,' ilow nt ,l\\'J\ n r l' MIRII \V ,lnrl,., HlIn olly. iln .... d way thnt \lilt or he r pl!r.:clv· . BOOTH TARKI NGTON Ing; tor, th ougb Rill' 81ullllllil .. . h •• ,11,1 . IluTrylllg to trllhlS 11 1111 h nlll{l nj.\ to Mr nnel Mr~. ('I pn. n ,,~" n an,l Hn n , : Aulhor o' hor ro ll owell II," o Tgllnls l. who slrllps In trolll'Y 1·lIrR. wf'!tNln ): ('Y l'ry Bprt., vlplt.,,1 M r .' 1111 .1 Mrs. ,I nh ll fr . N r lRon nA",iJ l olI onc1 fll mll y way ro gl't IlOine 1111(1 ("1,,1 u url " h"'" B C'l;fln, ~ l1 n c'tIlY . WUH walking away rrom thf'II' lOIl',1I,1 "Monllt ur B•• uealre." .. 'I1Ie On l oTlotln orl 1.1. 0 f ol ln w ln j,f ~ n o" t.~ AD tlley can get dOlVlIl OWIi lo morrnw. Give us a call, get OUT prices , and we a re positiv e w th .. tro ll I IIr lh8 church, shllklng U ilia "'lid yet tl lCl'O I,m't IIlIy th lll !! .town COllqut" 01 Call1Wlo'' U .. I .... t MllIR 1I n 1<10 Iinrt.RrJn k fl p ont M Oil . " m il I IlV , "" 1' . III" 1 ~,. white Beelhov lnn millie rll!-(u ls h ly . r~. •• PauocI. •• etc. will ge t yo~r order for lumbe r, etc, "' Olrt. n HI'S , tll ere worth gentn ~ t o. 'l'lu:.l"rf' Il k.: " ll Y with th o MI 8St'H AIl 'lrny on,l I~I n r IJh r ool. ; Mt. on rl M T~ . , GlAd ''It'N talal! V I·(!te n " ~s 0 1\ Illy Jlur!." fIe'rvantR '1I'u tl ~ln J; t n kPl' 11 Ih~ I")\I ~ " 0 [1111 Th n ml'~ o n. 1 1,.Il I ~ 1In (\ M r . fl nlt MrN ,. ' ,l fl lO lt~ CUT t l R BIbbs SRld. "You 1Il ' IID to toe k lll(1 to gaIn !:. nnd hell'vllll : thl' .lrllll !C<!I'}, Ii . Th l1r ll w ill h .. pTogrll l1\' o t W IM ll r r< "nl'l fln n ~ht(>r . Mllt • tbt! lilek, t lA, n r HpTlnl( but 1' 111 nut fi ll 1III'II11fl IIIlV . ,' It I~ tile g relll lit Ili t;. ' rll ey 111 11 1( ' RO LOII g n f' , Sn ln n'lHv !i v l, nln /.: . E ll . TY. ~ TIl ~rh more, !'1lI 80 WI' ll 1'1\1 Ilolu g llilrok 1;' muc ll nOIRc IIIHI (U SH 1II1I111 Irt Mr. flf' 1I Dl. \V~ on 'lOti IIt ~}' (lf r. lI11n i n t h n '1'. 1I' IIIIh i p i,A C;, Tlllnlly i n . 1 11 1111 y , ,I; ;,,~r1 . , y-eruuJls - ' 811e oegal ll, UU{ ' Uller • I\ rV I 'Y~ ~"l r ~, , wOI'k 10 11 t~w ,IIIYR. I 'll hoi t ' T Il'lIl'e " et tllnt tho 1I(lIIl1r' \\' fl 8 m ~n nt tll III'e vttN III.n d vl. ilo r s u rn " I ~ n:v " w,,1 {IOU 1111( Ihougblh illy she IIlntle nils, befol'!' "I p~~r~ . F.') ll nd ( 11I m1 i'ltrnllil v i s. " lit' Ilflj;III R 10 Jllny, hnrlll 'l 1'1" COll1I'. In. The h OUMP work · I it Pl1 M r . T om Cou Tt l1BY, Til nr~ e1 .. y. t.II·1! with hl' r lIIulf. IlIrllc nllng II lurge til II' ilnlll!. but .. ~o ... snld lIIury. h I;lnll lll !( 10 Wllilt the Jleople wlio ItoIIllH it hov e Ill'r n RO hrl ' k' 1'1I111'\:h w hl 'lI th ey were nl'- torwllrrt l\t i~~ 8~ 11'1" 11 " I n ill op hy 0 1111 F. l h rl M . ( ;h ll~ . .li i lo1 C'! r fHlIl . t'l "I1 ~ hl'Ar, , "~Ol IIDleMS YOII IIolI'r like oVl'rpllld t hllt tiwy're cO llt'Il,,~ 1 IInl t Mitnn nll ·ntl An ll l'(\ t h o U n lb r roll k ,'f'. Llz7.lo. \\,er l\ 111 IlrOnchln g. "po you sce Ibat chllrc h, grou t JUURlc.'1 WA YII (>SV III ~ 'ttur. wor hlJl UIO hOll a work, 'l'hl' y'I'C (I,'c r· uni o n I" ~t WflAk Mr. S he l'ltlHu?" . . . I ,]II Y. H I' ro llo\\,ptl hr r to n M ~nt flhllllt hnlt· pllld, lind yet, flOor Ih l n ~. 1 tllt'Y h nv" n't " I UnpOH(, I COUld ," he nn8were d In MI!\~ B ~ lon Hnrt~oot[ leo AR ' 'Vl)rl . Mr. ,I nA (.lr A!.:g : ~ pnnt Mont!I\Y way 11[1 the al Rle Willie [loelol' KTllrt ullythl u l: thnt 1\ chlc kl'l\ II I1 · t hil I" '. ne !lilY t o utt e n ll th o FriA n e1 ~ ' 0 11 81111J11 0 trUlll ru lllC8S. looklllg at her. nscelltie _ n tr.:h t w it h [l ll n y H11"w. ll 11", orgRlI. "'1' h'" ..rIm', or ~our.o. whe ll th e world "Jiut I dO ll 't wout to. I bave a feel · /:1'11< to 111IY: rAf Anl'O In No w J prRoy. ~hn \\1 11 . Mr ' .1"" Pri l'l) .wa fl\mtly t '1o k noon Borne HR lul el!" lie rurnM to 11I~ ·1t9 "'tlge s 8unHIbly Utnt wil l h ~ <ltr· II' ~() vi it· W' l lI hln ~ t onl I'hllll(\ lng 11'8 ",hur ; you 'I'e 1(01l1g, alld wbere ahout.. o ll'll1", Sn ntl ny rlll1 n or ~ i th Mr. N e l!lou ferent" I'll be scut bnl'k ." lin d OthflT pol nl ~ nf illtllrllRt , MflIre Vflr nll tl r ~ mll ;y. ~r ory uoo(leil , "Will you like th lll 1" HI, Position. "Do you mean 'comrn unISII1 ' ?" Rile he shouk her h ead tn Cbool'}' nCla- Ibo Ilsked nlhll8. (J 1\1 . (]rolln, o f OTf) hnrll 1\ n on. tp " lI ~ !I Cal.h of t no n llfn o tt is vislt.i n g "He's II dlrcr-tor In 1\ bo.nk_" "Qo Il RI!:I'd, nll.l 8\1(1 IMile th Ir 1\10 '17 .llllf·1) Improv llll( t,he l tlOll, "NIlI. UUIc!8S you want to b6. ookA 0 ' 11111 IlTfloa ry In Wnyn A viltf\. "I don' t know. J never ben Tel lillY on! 'rhllt .. U" w ~ " "Ye&. He tells n little ~ Iowe r-tll"y hatl only thrl'l) hy tt l'III.rllll{ 'I Would YOIl like to romil wllh me?" o f 11111 111. exc pI ·llargo.' I IIllrl't know nnythlll! ( A ~ n , h i t nk(l r IIml ramil y nllj o y oel tlie p 0,,10 ",hut \l'lndow . W ao to." "Wlly- wIIY - YOH." he 811 1ll. "A n,- about hll)Ck~ to If!)· • Th e r .. ",IU no prottohl n ,:: lit, Bllmlh Mi a h~ n d Ol>IIOil1't, ,.1 r.J(j1Innon nJll8lc. 1 dOIl't el'~11 kUDW how "tUT! - Detrott. Fr(l(l Preas. whore!" Aud ollllin It WUII lIpJlureu t "Wlultev /)r tll\l wnTcl 1M; I nlily !I'Nln (jr~ V\l, t:nnilllY , b y Hov .. ell, ond h o dn,y flv nn in jl, that II" spoke lu 8111lJlle trlltbruil les's. tbRt thh,!,,,, don't .llIok " c ry HI' I1Rlh'" likes to Bee y nur '.I1!1ll! Mr . .' oe l IJnmllt rJll hns r f) turll e rl ' ''rhell corn If yo u eliTe tllr orijn n nOW-CS llei:llll1y to !I . WRIt lh ot 1I'1I1Itf! . Mre . Banr'flh IUe b Ont\ Mn Sarah t o hl ~ hom !'. Alm ost Dese rted. mlls lc . .'I' llu or~llnl s l Is 11 11 old frton,' to keeJl .out ot 'em 111111 can't! :('0111 ' lllf)b IIpe nt. Frido Are buying all k inds of y w i th Ir. nnd 1', 1]1<l11IIz OII , OUCIl "li e or H olland's Mr 1l 1] 1l ~lnp r:ro l lfn ll~ wort,h nnel or ,ulll ... 111,,1 80111 'l l l1l1' ~ he "IIIYN (or munlHm?' Wc li. at l('n Rt RIlY 'rl" l'cut MrH. A. Me n d Anllldl in Wa y nf\!l ville, fa mi ly R1' ('11 1, , II11I111 Y w i loll B llrry nl rJa!. . luw" rtnnl IlI eo, Is now alwo8t LIVE ST CK and paysport' wOIlI(1 RAY It's rnlr for n il Il l<! Ille. H o's n 11 ~ llr " hi III II II. Tllllt'8 h u, strong r lllll\l' rS In ~tllrt trom till' ';11111 ' Il clI rtc,l , wHltllI); il. Ih., d .....I'\\·O)·. n., looks (I hOAntil ol "orl Im pre~~l vo cere ing highes t marke t price. Hh nw (lilt! f flm il v . mllrk Anrl !!t" e tlll! woak Oll l!" II rll ir mODY w as Ile rro r 111;.0 nu~tll!1l"' " • .tO C ~u l t he ? 1 tlllllk he n el l ilt tho h onio Mr~ . Idn Sto ic(l8 i~ \"i Ri linF! h e r c ll "tnnrf' nl\t'lIIl. 110 thnt nil ('lin r\ln o f \l r R. J o hn J ordnn , W e<lD esd " y, (\ n We are paying thehigh"l k now8 IlI lIt. pcrhlll's. oud enj QYS It II ll f.: ht p. r , M r",.· A (\ll (Jourtll fl Y. somethin g ilkI' even on thl' Rh ' 'Ieh . • t 12 o '(:'Jl oo \t n o",~ Ilttll). I hupe NO ." est w h e n lun ~6CO DCI cash price for Mr, n llrl MT R. B nr v l'r Bn·rn~lt. t ook An,1 1I'0uldll 't It b e pletlHll nt. 1'~lI l1y. If iI~, o ghtorl MII!R • "Yes," 8111d I llblls . 88 they renclJcd O) Ih', boc .. me th A Hnony (hn nn r with No lIl ODe r . el\n Linclle c Uher y Ihey l'Oultl nil crO~R Ow Whlll l ll/.( lilli' I)Tlde of Mr ll feel ~nod n or · the ebu I'c h 9 h! I'~' " I think Docthovc lI elrge M . l.elbert" of Menr!fm hnll /incl fnm t J\' look g ooli while Infferln g frow oou. togetheT? Who renlly ClljOYN hl'lI ttll~ Ublell!{p . rit A c nre m o'ny woe per. w oultl "lie II. too. It lUust Ue IIIoll8RlI1 __ _ . _ . _ _ 8L1pstlo n . Get rid of \ba' 'Ired, IIn)'bolly - Ir he ~e€8 tlle lien tim mllll'R fo rm ed by t.\lA R(n· to look IIku olbor Iloople." \I'ftlher Conroy , tlrl&Mgy , lifeless fsellng by R 'rel&t. ra ro ? '1'ho on ly WRy ,,"0 eli II Pll j ny /rl'!. of .11Iu\oRtOwn ptiriEh 'fhe brielo .11 hUI'e ll 't kept you?" Mill'}' 8nld to m e n' of Dr. KIDg's ·New LUe Pilla. ling Rhea.1 o f otbe r puop lc, nowUlIII)'" noel g r oom I ft., 'fhllrlld tbe onelllllst . "This 18 Mr, Shcrtdan . uy m o rninG, To be defive red at Convin Buy. box, tBko ODe or t'l"o Is by fergl'ttln g whnt th' otlier pron '" for I·b ei r ne ," hom o lu C bloflgo . It IRo't n e llessAr y ro Im v o a st,lItTed pille to.DlgM . Iu tbe mornin g that teel. AmI thllt," h e n.lded, "I ~ n olh ln!; h ond , rnn ning nOSA. To Qllu,::ll your ~'ntfed, doll feeling II gonl liDd you of ",liul th e mllslc Ul Cllllt to lU e. You b 1111 on' li B it wt'lr r . All Y(111 neflrl fa,,1 botter at ODOO. lISo a\ your · S,ll'. If I kl'(~p talkIng n".. ut wl ,"t It .1 10 ill t n II ~\' Dr. I.l flll' H l'iol'-Tu r-Bon. drollJ18 t., dJdn't melltn ( ClIlI kCC1) froul t IUlI g oy . 'l' ho Office Phone No. 46 Nooth yo u whllt It dl(1 meu u." .md h eollng " I ho vlI 'n 5' t1 (;l JO.l1l h e,r lll l n' A 1'II h bu l MR m ~ Olw n t ilin!; ' olf'g god olr ,uRI!. Chance for a Good LivIng. "DI(ln ' t It 1IIC'l1il COnrll !:1l to .1' 0 11 . too le t !llllHl III \Ut ROY t hoy I\ Tn rh Res. Phone No. 48-2 , aUI'V\E R,I918 n bcs t , @ t\ ~f' S liuelln 1\ s lJ o r t II nt'l yon got If you lIot Jlo.rtlcul ar about the - n little?" " he n~ k~"I : "'l'rll1l11ll h 1I!1l1 I h livo nv e r n lle rl for co n ~ tll)a ti on r li e f nnel .. t u r~ on t h e r oad t o re ....'" WAY WilY , you got It, a good livIng can be pmlse w ere In' It, ntlll so mohow lh ose .1\1(\ In Il g e ~ tl on . M y wi fo ,d ~ o I1Hod IlO VIl TY . Y lInr n (l~ o stOll f o nnln g • (f''' V~ things JllellJl (Ionru go to mc." mnde orr tboBe w hom th e dootora lIave he ul f o r In lll l,l litt on nd I.hey did y o u oO\I/( h J.. s nnrl t1 kn o w y nu t nll ell to eure.- ·ropoka Capital. "Yes, tl!ey Iver e nil tl! J'C, " Dlhhs ll ll~. g .nt1 , ". \\'r IlM~~ l1g~II Oi:'\ . K ni g h ALL KINDS OF ~. liTO g ll tt i n g hl'l t or. Het IL hoU le don' t know th e nnul(' of w hnt .\Ylh11ln g t on, ~ . h uml,orl Ain 0 II ~ tli r {'IIt,1 d H " l1 p w h,o.t Is loft be plnl' ed, but l s lioul<!t,' t thluk tt r"hlut l! II r o mIld I!nU g nt- lo tu the Ir 1\ 0 (10\11;11 IHlll 'ottt iDSllrl1nce . wonld mlltte r mut'h. T h o mllll t.h llt bOU lln , .Utve th orn n t.rllll. Y n u ClllkeR .ll1e lIlu ~l c lunfl t leUl·· It t o you a ro r ert..11n -- -- -.-~b e ) 1 1 (l~~, tl wl t b ti l e ond wbl\t. It Clan melll1 to yon, nll el th o (1 {; r I'Mb l '1 I Il~ ll li v c ('1Toc 'j; "' hieb l h fly nl1me h \l1lts to It C'Lu't l1\1lk ' much prodooo , () bt'ttn i.lot" v o' r yw l!. r l! . dllrerellc e-cxc lIt to hlnlselr iUlIl PM' The follo",il1 K osndld" '88 aD· pIe "ery much like bl\l1, J HI1J1pnge." n IInell t\tolr o~nd ld 'loY' bofora 'be "[. SUPIlose thnt'. trne, thou gh I'd )lllpilhil olln Primar y to be beld Dcve,r tboulCbt ot tt Ilk" Illl,t. ·' A ngua' ,Ullti. M i q~ L olill n ga n Willi t h o w n(11c. . LINE S . . (T~ 1'0 contl uuod) DWaynesville, O. onrl !l: O ~t 01 h er f rl o nel Mi MB M a r y Al r 1C lllItl 1 . n f " 1'1'in g VII Il AY, to. l1retend I do. It I ltDew enough to 'pretelld , I WOUld." MrA ?hrt lHL Bonnoll t·rnn notod MTP. A 1\I t\1\.h Stnrr nnrl (llt u!(h t pr O...r Poetoflice,lI C\;rk of Courls . . AI.oto IlNomo f b n !' III" ij~ in Da yton oalO du v If) t W I r gu os t R "No," salll MarY. looldng at blm Bnd M rl! R~ i !lig h 1:10 (1 110 Off_ Pbone 77 Hou. Phooe' ll ATI.ANTIC COAST DAN P . BUNE ' Ill,n rdtly aft(lrl1 l1 f1 n , amlllug rolntly, "you wouldn't." wae k. NEW ENCLANI> Sbe turned away a 8 grCBt Bound Evory f" m l ly with'u ut <lxc~ptlon 1Ilrs . B en ry Or w til vo r y )loorl,\, JOE [,EWIS Mr nfl(~ II1r~ . ,1 00 VlIlIllIl e) (Rmlly , beaan to 8~fm aDd trelQble llLtbe...IlIr;,+,ULl~" keop t hlH ~ CANA DA lit t.his w ritin g . propllrl the huge empty spllee ot the cb urch dnrt og the bet ,,",eutho ltlun II t, llnull . d FfIlllkh n. "~tlro Oh l li n'l{ on T Oni Direct Routeo r"r t,be SOlD. ElUI'~t Il,nd fll'lll1ly MOll el1~y evolIlll /l. M •. n ml Mrp. SlLmu e l W fl ~ r n w nr c, IlJled \vltli It. olld tlie two poople Its. mer months For Commissioner I lbombo rl8in 's Colt 0, • MA ara I:y.i o ond Uh~ !1 . Ponoo fl~ () toh A ~ t1 e~ '8 o f Wnlt r Wil SOII !! Rtln t~lllnK Oiled w,ltb It; the unh'ers CholerA and Dlilrrhu ea 'R emedy iA ~b llll' uno Oll Y. l13 A. O. BAKIf:I l !It Minnea po li s l oomed to 1111 anll tbrlll with It. The worth mlLnv ttmes . LO L T I CA'/; 7'A G/iIV1'S ItA oost wh l'l ll 'Ind Clllj uy tll.1il (l trill t CI t he G r ellt Funer al Director Mrs. I\hTI, h~ ,J o n es IIn cl 80 n ~ , Rfll' ( lJ amllwn 'I'o,,"shlp ) two Bat Jntensely stili, Ule grent sound nooded /I Drt i, almost OradJI't''r. cnrtilio t o. bo' I.. ~keH. • !In rI '''TI , Mrfl. Loe.v I:ornp to n lI,n d c. C. "'<f'S liS and all round about the w, wtille the churcb needed b efore the W, P. OORW IN s ummer I~ over. .D;.(,.I'rII~ u'''"ur ;"r~II' MiRS MIITY K lloveo;; I\n,l Mrs . ,Julin Ervin Peter. nn WOTe • .!lo iu. ~h o p­ ~w dnHky, aDd only the orgalila t', Is haft DO ' upoTl DA Y1'UN, U/l1t) ol' for the pnrpoS,. ,9 Stult.nn , of ()ont,fl rvil1 e , vlsitP.ll. ED B. ROliER t:J l Wayn esvill e. Ohl.o.~ / Mr . pors Wednell dHY flft ef lloon . for whloll IS Is int-eneleri. Boy it nn(1 Mrtl. (.Jbn.8. CblL}1!nn n Ills t Thllr.j. \1 r , Erl{C(\r' BOlo/fin And wife (\nd Ilimp mo<1e atar of lIgllt. "Ie DOW . Ubtalnl ible everyw hore, FRANK BENBA M STOKE S duy. O'nClilll Warwi c k ~pw t 8n DdllY lit; white. bOlll.l moved trolD elil e to Aide be· Call anawere rl prompt ly dny or night ' 1(1'1'. T urtlllCroo k Tp.l , • _. Mp. ftnd Mr~ J . W. Aaellny "pent Lobllno n . ' nentl! It mytbml ea U" or lunged IlDd . Both phones in Office and ReBld.nee. J OSEPH WATK INS t:!nndn. yat Dn.yton . rt!coI'erod wltb tbe flercoDe8S ot 11 duel· long dlstanco .No, 14; Home phone Mr. lte ll beu ,ruu es bud the mlsforWhaling (Bwon,1 as Term an Industry . ) j8t · thrllRtl lllf. but Dr. !In.l Mrs. Wa lt er Si .~gl rl ed nn d tDno of hlldly maRhlll g tw o . of hI e Wall IDftgntftcont· 14.2r. WhallDg ' Is now 11 w e ll eslah)lRh1ld famil y, of II'mnkJl rl. sponf, i:!n.turd -Il' Ule moster ot bi B ghmt, IInrl It a8n~ Chairs and one Coach furnishe d free ll,V rtDROf8 In tho whont, binder l'lst, . (PIU~E~ RIQtln Industry orr th o POTtur:;u oao·Afrl can eVllntD~ w ll,h \V . B . Slogfrie to lila mnglc a9 he bade It, . week . with funerals, d For Recorde r BllIbtI woa ewept II WRY nJlon , that con st. Th o "humphn Ited" whnl o IIV, Best of lervleQ gUllrant eed . 111. J . ER rr WIIS a. Qil~on Olty vis Mr. amI Mrs . • John Wilp o o lind ALLEN H OFF M AN mlg!ity 8111Rlog, Such a tliing W8R eraged ~5 t e ct In ' lel1glh and th o oeea· it.o r on e dllY l al\t week. 80n, Hob rt" E.. tl1 e r ~ homblln(lb, sian ILl SpOTM wlinlo obout 60 foot. 'wbo lly unknow n to lilm; there bn,d (GUlu(ln leed 4 6()() mlleR) • R, B, BMl'rB Mrs . lllint. J:lott Rud dll\l~h ter s Francos onel Weillon WI1 80l1, )j)"nn been Of) mliAlc In bls menller lite. UII· spont M ClOilny with Bugh Kesling BOli\l1u Ilnd Virgo Ml t'lho e r co llor! on :~~a':t N,:;:;!\'I~ like tho tille, It Will! tlie P rlnces8 Be· Imci famIl y . Somoe Oomptonw Sun c.\IIY lifte r.noon. drnlhud our who 111111 brougbt hit]) to Rcpresc ntath'tl 30)(3 $ 9.80 ~ $11.4 fl the ~nchant Mr. nnclMr s. Zimrl \;Jnir.le'l and Misses l:lozel LabmlLlD Rnd Gen . TAKING ed eft"e, nna Olnt-ro r ,SOx:ly' Tblij disOnsO should be treuu.ocJ IV' soo.n 1265 ' flon e, 1 Luth !>vlve ~r McO~he MILTO ond B ODl e r took Snn N GL ARJ( Moeera Monger RlbbR-w aA whnt made Ite mR!llc dllz· os tho IJrst n nnntlltll l IOIlHenuss of th( It III A !lrellt risk to travel wltbou t ~nel Georgo ·Lahm an (In.rl dtlov dinDer ",lth RIlYlU Durl ~ i1A on8 82x 3Y. 1' .. 45 16.~U Ing. It Beemed tl) bhu 1\ 1 D10tQre d to TA'OMA S E . H OUVER bowelR Ill'l'eIITd. Whcm tbill III d Olle & 0llg, Ion!! a boUlo orl1IJam berhlin' s Vallo, llIJol- Ft MoKl nl ny Sund"y , tIme since. be hlid been wl1lklng bOlllo <If" ~nd Dlilubo ~111~1 do~e of C bILm berlnlD's Colle, Ohol· (SuelJ ,lI.) 'rorm )', --:---'--~ Mr, anrl M~I\: Carl Billoltfo rd Of rll llml DllIrrhoo l\ Relllt!tly wnt ellect n dreorlly trom Qoctor Gurney' s otftce; p\'0plua tlon olin ea Remedy , 88 thIs not bo obtaine d 0'1 Red I,.IOD, visited Mrs C\lI'(\. Tbjij r omecly C'LIl o lways be de· EII:r.'Ibotb It seemed to blm tllnt be bnd set out f.he .trlitn s or Treasur er "w8D1Ahlpa. AUnob Blaokl ord ooe day JII8t weok punded npan even Iu tho lDost silvera and Phone ,9 0·3 CORWIN, 0"1(1 UJlon 8 bapp.y journey IIlnoo tllllll, lind " f .bowelo 0ll:lplllin t u a otten IInddoD Illmgerolls CWIM. ami IIhonld be kept a t WALDR ON " lllLMO R Mr aud Mrs. N. L Ilearth 011(1 tbftt be hall rellched RlloUler plnnel, h"urll'oa<1y tor JORlAnt Ill'll. N eVill' leaw lind very sovere, apd .e veryoU~.e . d"oghto r wer~ Mlami8 where ){II"', Vertrees arill be ant, alone IIbould burg vi8itOrQ F. D•. t:JBERW OOD \t(1mo 011 u j ourlley withont It. go proplHo o for tbom, .,... one dllY Inllt ·weok. tngcther , lIsten.og to B vast cbolrlng of ttl.lnllbl e everyw hore, FOR SALE ._. ltlvlRlble aoidlel'B lind boly nllge l9. Mr . Bnd Mrl!l . Walte r Humbe rt - - --Ther e . were armies of voice. ahout · fl nrl 800 'P8Dt Suoday with Ort s thom, alngln. Pi'll lSI! and' thnnkst: \vlll[t j .Bumbe rt lind family. W J N DOW. SAHI:l, for' WiDOnly on the Slage, ,anrl yet· they 'were ala DC. It was In· UOW", 10 goorj oon'd ltton . Miss Rt John, of Lebano n W08 RU8bnndH have bocolll ·.so· kin .. nnel credible that tbe walls of thO' cburch consld oroto tll1lt n womAn hus to go thA Snnrlay iuest of Mrs. M~t'tbll ~T~ , J . D. Mllrlntt , pbone 134- 2 rings. were not the boundar Ies of the I1nl· to tlte , jl 0 . tbonte r In ordl\r to r enllzll bow Bonnell , verse, to' remain so forever; Incredlh lll t yrann ical , Gon~lVl 01111 cruel 80clety Is toward ve McCabe and George I want buy four OW and Pi~s f or !lIIIO. ,T •. ']'. that there w.a a 8D1cky atreet jll8t yoo· bor aer. _. .LIll'tnn n a pent !Saturda y eve Dln g " t der. wbere bou8Cmlllda , wore bringIng Mnrltltt , W~ynns lllllo . Ronl:o 1, Lehilno n . and will pay Phon o 1\1ii-:l}.;' . In evening papefa tram front atops alld j Ul Want lOme rellahle Irironnati')D nbolli nn y of,the country wrst (JanDor Roblnso lhe u, of MliamI8bu'~~, you the highe st Roc:kies-CIlUr.0r'nla, Oregon, Wasbln!: ton, [dabll. ~lolltunA, Nc 01 spent tbe week.eD d 1Ilith hll parents . "adn. evefal stands of Ba08 and BODAY UlIlll, Arl7.01l., New M.~IC\I, Tex1lS1 Wan' to know tk,met hill ~ Mark et Price • • • Hathaw ay hOIl! retnrnll d ahout rtlrlllln~ opportulliti." ml.lroad rnte~. r" llte~. nutllllloh for sulent rllllSonn hlo Jlrloo..q. In~1e4 Indoors for diDller. Ue high "Two ytare ala I .. offered from to'Re/:?lilllr way., New ~otcls. YOlk rewts, qolr~ CUy I,rlc:ea of after J e. of land, a <.J'l1'fnll. vie" metllr,ds of farming, etc. ~ wi t h I'booo ~'i'-:I, Be bad • curtOIlS leDJMl or ClOmmulI1· frequen t a t~ok. of lIS0ml\o h troublo hla !lrandm rlthar, !:Iarvey Mrs. hurg, Mary 0, BruM. citlon wltb bl, new fflend• . He koew aud bl1tOQ8nCl~I1," wrltee Jl;l It'.our bUllness to kn.w aU (lbeut thiS PlICl flc Slope cllUlitry. Sun· MillS lllmma Oup. . ' ,It could not be 10, In4 Silt he tolt liS If' VerbryJ [e, Lima. ee l ...pzlae is the one bit !t(l'ional magnziq e, reRcctillg the liIc Uhlo. • I oould of G C, Mount and famll, "pent • 11 the Ume be lpoke to ber, ~,Ingl ed ,.Ary little food th.t th~ ~unlry and giVin" accurate In(ormat lpo .ocemi nll RI 'K fl<.>U SE of I< rootl1~. 211.1It1 Its growth agreed WadOeacJB'f at Red alld d~Y1!lop_ot. Send 10 cent. for n Ample copy,,1 S Un91! "Yon b .. r thlI!I ,train' Yo.. bear that wI,h me and 1 became ao LioD, the Runte 00(1. Itore room. gooel oellllr, t Mag dluy and of Ed Ranael ahil f • • Uy, azlne aad write US • letter atkIlI1 lor whateve r informat lo'!.¥ou • atraIIl, You kuow the dream that ~ slok a' my l&omaoh at tim.. . well and 018\orn water In ltl&ohElII. d.tba' I lire conllllmI n" .ny ltate In tbe Wnt_ ~ EVeryth IOUDda brlllt to me" ADd It H8IIIe4 bad to -uke bol4 lDg DOW. I .. quire of Lh.zio -01 IOmeth tu8 to flo bIm u tboup alae aUlwered con· k..p from 'amo,. W:ern~z, Uor.via. Ohio. . jG I




TU~~.?IL ~


"'" 8








Peterson '&Stoops Waynesvil.le, O.










... ".1. "[

!l lll










.. --- --

.. -----



Wal ter Chandler

:..=-=== === == ======




!Ml\,.!qro ,~;!

InS UR lIn CE.





Sax on Six , Livery



Dia rrh oea .·


- --


Ola ssif ied Ads


16 .

=====-=== ==== ==== =·1 to Wool


:a~:: ::II~~:r":::t:k~!el~rn8~ BILIOUSNESS AND STOMACH TROUBLE

~. Call Me by ~hone

e. B. B¢ntl~~ LW.Yd.~llle~ . Oblo ~YaIIq ..... 181.11

.Go in g



Seelol Olaam "Illearl I !lear tllat atraln, _lala' a Tabl... ad,.."I Ie4 1 de. ODe that 1l1li aN ctl4e4 to Itr 'ham. Ilmpto ved ape L......lIl101F. 11aIInr . . . . . . tI* 1IIlr." O........bJe .~:


l' IiIar tIt,t ..."





W ,

MIE. 1 i111d the Sa" ()l1 .1·~ oaustcr pedaIT r appculill r he nuse It is so simple and safe to d ri \·e. ) t 5t arts (lnd stop~ a nd tums with utmost case. There is ne~'er any t cnsioll [strain · f It· when y ~ nre at the wheel of the Saxon "Four." Even al t he end of a long trip you are not fatigued . You'll fi nd I t lJe upholst ry deep nnd rcstful and · the seat is -10 inches wide-plenty of · space for t wo large people. l,et us take you fo r a ride and show YOII how easily you ('an drive a Sa1lon Hoadster.

J. B. Chapman Phone 116

Way nesville, Ohio



Th tl/III gum " !Jet we n the youn,,· st 'r:of Ifar\ y b 1'1( unci Wuvlltlsville ·e~ ultt.'d ill th~ dt' fuut or Harl/eye· burg in an e. d tillllI 1 · tunlnJ( conltl lt hit RCIH·., " mug 10 to ~l ill fa y r of Waynl'.·villc I'll . h(lr. (' Rhow att Turll.' 0 .Iot of all nli o., bof r di nnl' r. und It can be ><nill that t h.,re w rv :111/[10 \ ery fi\l~ anllll\lis U/I hll..n~! to sho'.~ , T ill:! veteran SleVl' r'h ilhp:I llr '.nded al the Iw r E' llhow liS walt us at the raCCH Followiql{ I. lh . r~s u l l :


'1'he Holbrook c nl nninl III L ba'Ion Ill ' WI! k wa 11 (lecid-l·t1 urease. There ·were hundreds f o ld , ·I)rmal· .ite who cume haC'k t1 ptmtl t h week in Lebano" nd fen elV old IIcqunin· , tall(:: . l 'he IV ok s tarted on ' undllY I with serviceS in lhe difi'~ lonl churchetl. many old NOl'maliles filling I l\1e pu lpits. .1 Many tc,uching seene:! fi ll ed lhe we k anu one man . Dr . rOIlSIt!Y. " who ~ntered th :jehool in 18f)5,IUld Ii I YOUTlg lady, who had just nlered, Ishook hands . Then. 8~ain. when J osiah Holbrook.Mi ' Anna Holbrook Rnd Mr. lren Bolbr ok 'Iork I mounted th e r s trum. there were cheers f rom the audience . The enti [ time ",as Ii 1.led with speeches. school mate mcctlnL, Mchool mate, unJ reviewing the li~ long Sil1ce gU'1e, and the week pnssoo all too 8wiflly for them. There were many people from 8 dis tance, and they enjoyed the time s pent agnin III old Lebanon. .

~ l allion ~ E ml y . 1st; llaily :'! d Two:.year claB.~-Mich net I Sl ; Ji'urnas. i!d. . Four-year·old and over - Michener. 1s t ; Salis bu ry . 2<1 . Brook Mar and oit-J oe Evuns. Farm Team- Joe C;vans. B s t 2 or 3 y ear old . I -D, H. Hockett. . Roaderer ~Iass- r. McCoy, lSI and 2d ; A . L . King. :Jd.


I I I i

- - -----'- ~~~~~~~~ fELL Off A

lOAD Of.

An), one w ho uses or ought t o u . c paints and I he a 'nr ' lor

SH£RWIN-WIL.lIAMS PAINTS AND YARNISHES For fifty years this line b us been . the world's leaJ er-':'thu1.' wh y we chose it; and we a re lead r in good things hcre-th a t'~ why th <'y ch o 'us . H's ' a pretty good combination to do business witJl. Sold by



---_......- - -



Regular communication of II Waynesville Lodlle No . 163. F. & A. M.. Tuesday evenini'. Jllly 11, at 8 o'clock. Sojourning brethren and viaitors welcome. D. L. Cfane, W. M. . L. A. Zimmerman. Sec'y.

--- ... - ..---

Th re ~ ere three Bolbrook boys in the fumy. all under 17, serving an average of Ihl'ee years in the 12th, 35th and 79th Regiments and Signal Corps, 80 well known in our county. The illness resu lting from a former campaign in which I walked aqeut 7()0 miles has about disappeared and I can nuw . satisfactorily perform duties of ofilce whirh are .much more extended than formerly. Tbe Deputy is my daugh ter, Miss Hebe. The State Bureau of Inspection reports: "The new· abstract index ' required by Sec. ln64 G, C. is reglilarly kept and the work in the ~order'l! office reflects credit on the clerical force." Tn addItion to routine work done, we have:tr'lnscribed, with corrections, al. most three volumes of old records, which hWil made the office eelt..upporting. . I am the only member of the tamily . . who haa been a candidate for office, and if 1 have on mort! t erm I l '811 get my little h . paid tor. I was Secretary and 'Professor in the Lebanon Uqiy tr. which my fath. er fuunlled. for many years. . . pl'e$Sing feelinp of prof Jund gratitude for lupport in the put.lUld uking a COIltlnuanee for one mON.term, thereby rewarel. Ina al101dler of the Union 81'1llY, ti!:lt colJlp&ny oraranlzed In Leba. lI0II, !iz,: Co. F. 12th Relr!ment, M~, JIIII. I am, · Very sincerelt7ours,


Everybody In the Mia mi Valley is welcome. Come. Bring your fami iy and friends. The morning m ay spent at the f ctory. Beauliful kin mncolor pictures nr e shown in the Hall of Industrial Education. An intect:sting lecture expbi!lR

. ,

First Race for Four Cylinder Cars . Car Saxon 4 Marathon . Mitchell Saxon 4




Round Trfp


Owner Chapman Uhandler Servis Chapman

Driver Time J'erkins 7:23y' Chandler 5:5'7 Servia 5:47 Baird ' (dis).

In tht'" afternoon. visit Hills and Dales, soulh of the city. Walk r r i nlon g ils winding d rives. Enjoy the trees and flowers and h racin., air of the hilla. Make the day a real holiday.










ckl n's

• r··B ....



WI!IiKhY. S4.00 fER YlAlt

IIOTCUt DItUccim, 8.I!CIALllft, OOITU M ... I, TIIAN8F It II, OA~ AND "UI ' •• VIOI! O"N PIIOFI';" . , U.. NQ 1ft ADVI!IITI81NO COLUM ...


._v....... "



lleals -:E'voryLlllug nenlalJlo. Durnil, Bolls, oree,' UICt,rs, I' lIee, Eczemll, Cuts, Corns, 'Wounds and lJruiSIl!I. 8ATISFIE8. OR NONEY BACK.

260 AT ALL


Driver Mills Perkins Perkins Baird .

Relllind Y on .,-- -"., That for 35ye.a rs w



Chase & Sanborn's High-Grade Teas and Coffees If YOll are not a cu s tom~r. idea to investigate the

WQlIldD ' ~

it be a good spl ndld products?




I~Q within o\gnt yeal'll. "When MIIllro(lln.. lialr Remedy .. uaed almoat universally. dtwdrufl will. dlnp.-r alld wml Its departure baldoOSll. Itch log scAlp. 8.,il ttlng hnlr and all _Ip dl ...."" will lollow aud twenty )'oars from DOW a bald head w\1I be .. rarity." 8 ....lIple Mot for JOe to postagu . Mall orders Oiled by MJI~red Louise 00 •• D08ton , MIWI.



Suon" Saxon 6 Ford' Sax('n 4 Saxon 4


Driver Mrs. Baily Baily I "Kelly . Kelly· Kilbon KUbon Perkins , Perkins. Chapman Chapman


See LKaI Jlgellt



Japan Siftinge ............ ..... 20c lb.

Good Rio ................... : .... 16e lb.

Sun Cured Japan .. :........ .50e lb.

Santol Blen~ ............. ",,20c lb.

Oranl'e Pe.k oe ....... " ........6Oe lb.

Diamond No. 99 ............ 25e lb.


Circle Blend ...... .. .......... 27eJb.

ImperJal ............ 70e lb.

Finelt Youn, BYlo., ........ 75c lb. . ·OolcinlJ. Black ......... ......... 75c lb. Finelt Blend ............... ... SOc lb.



Brand .. ............ 28e-Jb.

Favorite Selection ......... 30c lb•


and Mocha ........... .. SSe lb.

White's Store

50 ,


DR.COX·S . Barbed Wire


GUARANTEED to heal wlt.houUcav· ~ euarp~e ~~~e J~e ~odun~:t Inll a blemish, or MONEY REFUNDED. co • .' IiOo and '1.00 !!izea tor freeb wonn'dll, , Doster. old sorce, lOre backs and ahOnldersl!lurn, / The gene'al committee met this and brui8e8. 250 all1e lor Family vie. afternoon" and found matters in DR: cors PADfLEU BLIS1'ER pod shape. They want-to thank II palnleee and gnlRan&eed to cnre the publi.c for their g'l"Ilel'QU8 Spavin, Rilllbone, OUrb, Sweeny, Sphnt, and will be Pitu., or &n7 "~emen' of DODI Or will be ..... or tefuDded. ~ce Il00. .




=====0 PENIN,G========== Satl~:rd&y: July

Saturday July.8 to


The last race of the day was the most exciting. two ('.ars having the prizes almost in t heir hl1nds when they were disqualified, killing their motors When within a few f~t of the finish. The old,est person on the proved tel . be Daniel Shel'ard,


-- .-

Just to


" ' ' '• •1'1



Car Owner Saxon Six Mills Raxon Six CornelI Saxon Six Kelly ~axon Six Chapman


.. .


The N ?. ·if.



Race Six

Third Race Free for AI~ Lady Driver ·


Factory trips 9 n.m., 11 a.m., and 2 p .m.

Owing to the fact that the Gazett.e 2 1 4 3 force all took the Fourth. sevel'lll 3 " 2 2 items of importance were left out of 4 :-J :-J 4 this iseue.

Ono 01 U,e m08\ prominent \Il'1ll111latll o( 'fhe hilt event of the day held the Amorlca mo(lo a .tatolnellt '! tew weekt qo crowd tOI~ether until' about 7 o'clock which bOll cau.oo a .rea~ deal of dacuMlon in the evening, and th~re was aireat anions IKllentlsts· 11l tlie medlc..1 pr_. Ue ~BltI : .. rr tllo no .. haIr grower. Mil deal off 8,ttention paid to the auto· Ualr Remedy. tocrellllOll Itil ..Ie. "" It mobile s.low races, tho r esult of hdrodlna ... durIng tho Pllllt year, It will be UICd by which if! given as folluws : nea rly ~\' llr)' mall, woma.n and child In Arner-



Aft r th · lecture. guidl's con duct parlicr: t;nough the hc, tory. pointing Ollt places of inte rest.

1 2 1 1


- ..- - -

the jud&lDent.-Grllclan.

the pictures.

At 3 o'clock the ball game between Work. Harveysburg and Waynesvj)Je was "Work Is not man's punIshment; It called. A great many of the old Miamis were here and Warren and Is bls rewnrd and bls s trength, hlB Herbert Edwards aot the },OYS to· glory und hlB plell8ure."-Geor,o Sand. gether f or th e day. The boys played a great game, but owing to the fact that several of them tried to lose the Can't Lose Hair ball while throwing to bases, lost the game 9 to 7. The Waynesvilleboys got 'fifteen hits and Harveys bur~ 6, but the errors for Waynes· Twcnty Vcars from Todaya Baldheadville were everyone cO!ltly. cd 1t11ln WIII8ean.Unulual Siaht

, At twentylit..••yeara Gradation •• or ale ·tha will IrellllB, at thirty the wIt, at forty

Round Trip

Mr. nml Mrs . Frank Taft. of OilYton. were the g uests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H WhIte Tuesday.

.- ...---,--


TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY I Am a (:andidate for Recorder. Please Help Me.

P.t.lward Lewis. of Dayton. spent t he Fourlh here with his parents • . Mr. and Mn. OUo Lewis.

Mrs. Emma Retallick returned home IBlt week after Bpendlnll sev· Between the r aces t he field events eral weeks with friends in Cin-:innllti took 1)laca and were an enjoyable and other placea. feat u re of the day. as only local con· testant.s were entered. The fat men's A booster g4ngcomprsedof Messrs. race was particularly funny, when Frank 2.811, Frank Sherwood, G. W. Fred Hawke. Lee Hawke, Ray Milia, Hawke. Mvel Hyman. W. O. Raper, Walter Chyndlel' and .Deater Wills el,· Walter Chandler. B. M. W.hiw. tered anti ran the 50 yards to the ex- .. Dave" Conner, D .. L. Crane, Ellis citement of everybody. The results Long. Carl McClure and Ethan Crane were as follows: took in most of the adjoininlt town. Thursday, advertising the Fourth of 60yd. dash-Emerson Surface. July celebration. 100 yd. dash-Emerson Surface. ~20 l'd . dll8h-Emerson S urface. Boy's 50 vd. dash-Floyd Daugh· Mr. and Mrs. George Gaakill, Mr. ters. and Mrs. Cal McBryant and daugh· Boy's ]OOyd. dll8h - James McDon- te,[, Mr. and Mrs. Oseie Gaskill and ald. . daughter, ot Dayton; Mr. J obn Spray Girl's 50 yd. dash. 12 years a.nd and Miss Mary Spray, Mfa Hannah under- I. Catharine Burnet; 2. l:Iolen McNeal and son, of New BUrlington, Sherwood . . Mrs. Harley Carbuek, of Spring Girl's 1>0 yd . dash. 12 yrs. and over Valley attended the funeral of Mr •. -I, Mar ie Surface; 2, Helen Sher- Naomi Harlan last Friday. wood . Wheelbarrow double race-ClarJ'ohn A. Funk\y's July sale every ance Mendilnhall and E rnest Harlan. Sack Race- I , Robert Huffman; day. His larlre Shoe Stock will be 2, Dlln McMillan • . . . closed out at a big saving to cu~­ Fat Man's Race ·- l, Lester Wills; tomers, all at the old price and some below. Every ' one know! how all 2 Fred Hawke. Rhoes have advanced. Get your share Boy's Swimming Race-I. Cisrence of the bar~ains, 500 pairs Overalls Mendenhall; 2, Ernest Harlan . 75c, wortH " 1.00 evllrywhere. the '1.~·5 Ovaralls only 86c. Buy some and save money. THE BALL GMlF.


Treasurer of Warren County.

M r alll] M r~, Dempsey Dennis and a nd family, of I{ichmond, Ind., !!pent the Fourth hpre .


Harry R. Reeves and family of Richmond ·are guest!l of r elatives here, Mi!lS Mary ElizabetJl Reeves of Tacoma Washington, is at bome for the summer. ." T. M. Harlan and . lion James of Miamisburg were week·elld guests of A. H. Harl!ln and family. MilS Lois Whitaker returned Sat. urday from a pleasant visit w'ith relatives in Mecbanicsbllrg and CardIngton. Mrs. Elizabeth'Carr fell Salurday TELL THE ADVERTISER YOU SAW and severely IIprained ber ankle. 1115 ADS IN THE MIAMI OAZElTE Born to Mr and Mrs. Andy Fleming, June 29, an eleven pound son . !'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==:s!!!!!!!!~ Mrs. J llstus Reeve~ and daughfer spent last week in Springfield, guests of E. M. Patterson and family. . Mr'.l Jesse Hawkins and dalJ ~ hter Millll Bernice sp~nt Wednesday of last week in Springfield June Collection of Taxes has been · extended to MisseLEdna Coyl and Marie Hall, ot Dayton, were here for the Fourlh. . Juiy 20, 1916. Maynard LeMar, of Xenia, is the OFFICE HOURS TO THE PUBLIC-8:00 A. M. to gllest of relatives here.


MiS!l Hazel Hiley pent last, alurday alld '-unday in I nyton. a ~ the 'I;;'ue~l of MiB.~ Elsie Gustin.

Gr en Pa


Close at noon Saturdays.

. O. Tompson. of Lov hind . Ilpent days here wi th fri nds this week,


B S Howell left ' Tue!day afterLady H Steward .. ............ ;~ 1 2 1 I noon for a s hort visit to his Ianch in Mary 0: Baily .. ....... ......... 1. 2 1 2 2 Alabama . He will be 'tonc about Richard Pointer. Graham ... 2 3 3 3 3 three weeke.

Mrs. Edith Harris. while cleaning windowslut Thursday had the misfortune to tall off a step·ladder Ilnd dIslocate her wrist. S he is carrying her arm in Il allng, and is suffering considerable pain.

- - - ...

Everly w r



3:30 P. M,

- -.



ill this It)cality.

Mr. and Mrs. D in lown the ll'ourth.


Mrs. hristie McKinsey Ilpent sevoral d ays last week with her r1auihln t ile after lloon, at the park, the ter. Mrs. r+:arle Swain at Ridieville. events we re pu lled off Ill! aclverti ed . and t hey all proved to be winn ra. A utomobilea surely had their inning At 1:;)0 the r llces starled . ' leve I hillips actIng as Blarler. 'J' III Dill ~nd Sunday . The pikes allover the townDr . Me 'oy, j uJge:!. and . M. WhJte, ship were fairly burned u p by them. announce r. The l'esulUl ar e as folMr. anJ Mrs. W. N. Slars and family s pent IlU!t week visiting with lows: Free for All relatives hI Darke ounty and in InHobert 1~. , Will. Carr ........... l ] 1 dianll' • Lady Brooks GrIlY ...... ........ 6 2 ' 2 Dolly H Ha~vkc .................. 2 4 :{ M'r . and Mrs. Fred Jones Rnd lit'Effie R,' Furnas ............ .... ... . 3 3 5 Ground Hog Graham .. ......... /l u .. tle daui'hler, of Cincin nati, weru !(uesta of Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Kell)'. . Sunday. Gr ell Trot


amish,,,,. !-h" uld r e lllCIIl her th at we h ave

.~- - - -


'. d fh Frank Zell fell off a loa 0 ay 1 at 19 o' clock lhi.. morning, . t~row lllg hl.8 shoulder out of pia e, wIllie l: au.ling hay on his 1arm on t he Xema pike. He was brought to town and the Ihoulder was attended to. He Is restlna as easy a... can he expected. Orma M McCoy .. ...... .... ... 2 Samantl;a ·Iltterthwaite ... l Molly Pur'eell, Lukeos .. .... 3 Exile Mac. McCoy ............ 4


iPERSONAlMENTiii You are invited to the NCR

Tuesday afternoon, -July




11., beg ioning at 2 'o'c1ock,

w~ place'on sale

6 dozen J.4.q1;la~t Dish Pans, at -·~)---~---___-.- lq cent. Don't ·forget the date"":" Saturday JuJ.y 8. to Saturday July 15.


'Cr, -


F~ "A _ RR' . Wayntsville, The Magazine Mat:! Ohio.





-ll-PERsoi-ME~TION-....f ~--...-..-.-----.---........-..

TO THE WOM EN OF .THE UNI r " U Best Work Shoes on earth- the • STATES Lion Brand at Hyman's.


"THERE . IS ABETTER WAY" Entreaf Tlmt YOllr EriC'rxles Belld AI( .. ill~1

II t h·hlillJ,: t:ffecta or Atililll(lsrn



li~oclEjy )vENii


e- _



23 1i1t IInnu.

Cbas Cornell was in Dayton Fri day.

Harry Williamson spent Thursday in .Lt!lla ll on Vi ~ llIlI !( rlliatives

V Harnhart

Fen. one of the m a ny oe putabl e s peakers who have bee n .e. 'ured by the M iami Va lley Chautauqua.

III tl,>I.·/ttbly of lIl1: HllJ.ilIioulI Sonel), werll Oaytoll visitors this morning of 1" rit! ndrl of Phi lllllo:lph ia alld vicin o Mrs Abi Hainee, of Dayton, is ity hl'ld ill lh!l RprirllC of 19Hi. the I\IlCi e lit ~uLlker

L\llitlmony again»t war lIa t urully cillimed long and se. rious .. t.tention . In lh e IlIrge separnte gathering of women I"riend li, lhe present crltic'lIl Bit.uIIU(.n of vur bt!loved country. th e diUiculties with which her statt!S men 'Ill't! beset. and the confuHion of ideas and Ideals engendered In the minds oC her people by the world wide lIlrlru ot nation a were _sympa. thetically discuased . But most deeply of all ran the thought !lnd sympalhy of the u'Jem · bly toward women everywhere• toward those who are lIuffering and 8acriHcing in the midst of actual warf!lrc. and not less toward those of our own land who are overshad· owed by the drt!ad oHuture calamity. During the solemn psuses which interspert!ed these deliberalions the desire found place III the hearts of the assembly to frame a meSSB/le of love lind Christian fellowsbip for all the women' of vU r land. . We know that voluntarily or in voluntarily women havealwl1V8 borne their full shure of the wei/lht o~ war Endowed with 100Itinets which make them the natural conlMlrvatohJ of life. guardlllRll of hearthstones and nour· tahers of the character and Ideals ot the race. they yet have borne hero' ically through their c/lpaclty to sac rifice and I'lldure the destruction by wa r of these obje.:l8 of their affec tion and devotlun But we alBo know that toda,lrom thouBllntl8 of womeo's hearta In the war swept natiolls and in' our own hu I(On8 up. the cry, "Is tbere no better wa)'! . Is thil waate and deeolalion, thi8 horror and UlJCuillh. eelential to the settlement of differ encH amonll nations p•• 19 tbis we women ot the Society of Friends reply with unwaverin/l cvnviction: "1'bereiaa better way."

Rpendihg a fl?lw daYM with friends here. The best $!. '2.50 and $3 Straw Hats to.cl08e out at 9 c at Hyman's.

Mi811 Lucile Wallace, of Xenia, spt!nt last week with Mias Mary Sal. iabury. Mr. F. G. Fitzpatrick and family. of Franklin. 8pent the Fourth with Mn. Cynthia Evans.

OtterbeIn Glee Club, who will be at Mia mi Valley Cha utauqu'a durlnQ entin, per iod of aaaembly, July 28 to August 1:4.


Mr. anli Mrs. J. H. Linton. of Mrs Anna Q'Neall had ' /.Ill her Clarksville. spent the Fourth with guest Monday and Tuesday Mr. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. liowell. Lebon Fisher, of Janesville. Wis. Mr. i"isher whilo here. made a very . Mi!ll Emma Schatzman. of Cincin. pleasant viAit to thi R office. In conIlllti, spent the Fourth here the versatlun he said he Haw th e fir!it !rueat of Mr. W. O. Haper. copy of .t/'le Miami Visitor run off the press. Mr. Fi~ h e r lef t here in 1853 Mra. Llna Devitt and her sister. with his parents. Dr. and Mrs Mra. Julia Donavln epent lut week Fisher, and went to the Northwest, wltll relatives In Sprinaboro. where. with the exception of a few yeal'll spent in CaUfornis, he has since Mr8. Howell Piar~ arrived home resided. ruesday, after apendin/l . several . Tllis ill the fil'Jit time since he left that he has paid a v'sit to his olrl weeks with relatives In Toledo. home. and he find s but few people whose names h, can remember . MI'. Mr. F. B. Hender80n and family' Fisher 8erved three years during the and MI'II. Louisa Woolley were Leb· Civil War. and WIlS in the 33rd Wle. anon vilitore Saturday evening. consin Regim ent. Ha left Tuesday mornina: for Lebanon for ashort viRit. Llttlt Mary Louise Zimmerman, daughter of Mr. and MI'P. L. A· Zimmerman, wal quite ill last wtek.

---:.. - - ---

REMEDIES fOR Walter Chandler THE CHIGGERS Carroll spent

Bett Work Shoes on earth-the LIon Brand at Hyman'lI. Mr. and Mra. and Mi.. Eliza~eth Sund., with relatiVe! in Trotwood, Ohio.

It a bath is taken in hot wnte r or with strong sonp aoon after ex posure Mr. and Mrs. Darton Kelly and in shrubbery and weods infested Hra Alice McKinsey IIpent Sundny We believe lhe world I. neo,nlz _it.h Mi88' Henrietta McKinsey at with chiSl'~ ers or harvest mite~. usually no ill e'fect~ will be noticed In; ILl never before the paradox' of Oxford. from attacks of lhesd pests. After CbrlltJan naUon. at war; that IUch 10nR' exposure . however. a bath has phruee as a "Chriltlan sword" and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Coleman no I1ffect. and a cooling substance a "ri,hteoul war" contain their own Friday tor Toledo, where they will should be applied to inflamed parts . refutation; that the Voice which .pend three or four weeks with Mr. Afler irritation has set in. liberal lpoke throulrh JesUII of Nazareth and Mr8. Ethan Coleman. appli!!ations of strong solutions of tlmeteen <:en turit!t ago slillsoullde in ammonia, common I ak ing soda or the h~rlll of mell lbe injul\ct!onB Mr. and MrA E. J. Arm,h! Rlld son, saleratu~ are. recommended by R D. "Resist not evil." "Love your pnemi.,," • Do good. to them. that hate who;) are apendi'ng the Bummer at Wltitmarl!h. aSl:Iistant entomo :o~isl you.. .. . Wilmington, visited with Rov. and at l heOhio Experiment Station. A dilute solution of iodine or collodion We"ilelleve that war, no matter Mrs. C. S. Grauser Sunday. has also been found elrective in many how Il8P.mingly . jUlt Ita caUIe, or cases. lofty ita motive. 18 nevertheleeR nourMr. Jaml!l Benham and daughter, Persons visiting areas infested iibed on fill_hOod, co tempt for the MI88 una. left Tuesday' for Uarry. aentle1' virtue., hate.. IUlt, treache..,. hi.. to be the Irueat of relatives. with cl1iR'gerA may prevent attack by and crueltY· that In Bplte ·of. much l1hey will be !rOM probably two dusting flowers of sulphur or nap· tholene in their clothes. espe ially , tba~ 11 noble and'" aelf-aacrlftcln, in weeks. below the knees . Ita outward u»"cltl, it neverthel818 violates and retarda the 'i'eallzatlon be in human society of thOlMl princlplee Mrs. M~ry CrllleD rry. o.f Mt. for whlcb women should ever .etand Gil_d. OblO, who ,b".. been vI.IUn. -the intellrily of lh, home ttl. her ·llater . Alra. Edith Harria and Chrlatlan hurture and educatloilof family, retumed to her home on the youn/l. the abolition of 8OCI~ and ~onda)'. 'economlc e~l. the es~blllhment of justice and liumanity: . Mr. and UI'II. Harry WIlliamson We . believe . that It ill women's and t~lIy and Mn. 1M COOper, of blllh8lt mlFion to train the younir I~ Oayton. attended-the funeral of Mn. family.oo achool to recoanize that Matlld. Williamson at Lebanon Two boys from eacb county in jeeloU8Y. rivalry, covetoulll... fuNda)' . afternoon, Ohio will- be the guests of the State I tempt and exploltlltion bear Agricultural Boa ~d at the Ohio State fruita of wrath as surely In Iqterna . The beet '2. f2 50 ~nd 13 Straw Fair this year. On July 15th. ut tlonal as In domestic relationa. and that the true foundatlonl of Ir.tiona Hllu to clOl8 oU,t at 9He at Hyman'l 10:00 o'clock in the morning in every county seat in Ohio th e corn boys IS of· fainl1i~ are laid In mutuallren· will assemble to select the two boys erpl!it.y, helpfulneu, sympathy and Mf. and Mrs. L. Nicholso~, of th~ who will attel'ld from each countY\ jUIIUce~ . • lAbanon pike, left MOJ;!day tivenlnlr Considerable . interest has been . Wff, t.~lIrefore, plead 'wlth you to for Springfield, to attend the Ohio 1. arouBed by this announcem ent as it work with U8 and with all men an" 0 0 F . Orand Encampment. Mr. Is the second time lhat the corn boys women the world lover who.have seen NiCholson la a delepte from the have ever had an opportunity to be tbbl vi.ion~qot for a . peace which locI.e. _ the guests of the Board at the State means the mel'e ~e. .tion of war,- • Fair. • the undiatu'r~ opportunltv' tQ pur· . Mn Edith Harril, !ofn. Laura .... . ... --~ .wealth and 8888. but fbr a pelce. Mosher Harrla MOIber and Mrs "..e~l~t~ with a poeltivl! vital. ener Mary Crill&nberry, of Mt; Gilead. I to Infuse Into human II4\- motored to Morrow Jo'riday and \:. ~~~* ....;;"-~-"'1!l~~ tholl.. ADllrn, of Jes!ls Christ. 'ilpent day wltb.Mr and Mn F. Dal~oiil~Dtr'8atv~:Le~'!t ~:! ~~: O. HartllOck. · , . . . ' . and .plrlt . .alnlt the Mr. ahd ,Mn :Lym~ Da~ and 80D would tll8tfln uPQn o'ur and Mr. and ·MI'II. Fran\< Collintry;tile blllr~t1ng eitecta of milCook ~d dauahter Mairl"motored to Boa county Saturday. returning dailies were filled with Fourth :lundax. Wbile Ihere several places 5.;hOC)I 'BoYI Not to Learn '" ar accidents last week of IQlereet were visited. the CMVeti you ·especlally exert yOUr In: beiDa the moat' interesting. the accidents . fluence qalnat the lIubjeetion of fatal. Waynesville observed _001 . boys to milItary training, SIlne Fourth, although in th!! Beat Work Shoes on earth-the l,e~'en!lnlt the air was fiI)e\I with the wberebY·lhe,proeer.t would bind up reportof ftrecrackera. but as cou~cil on tl)e futl\re the .b urden of an out· LI~lllJrand at aY~'I. has regulateil the aize to be sold. lrown IIlst~m. . 1'hat yoli atudy with open minds there were no accid\lnb\ whatever on the' streets. the ' cau8e and reAl(lta of war. ~he .tLenllteo . tneS:prt,na'bol~ ----.... ---pro.r_ that bas al~dy been. made III Int41mational 'law and arbitration, the ~roba"lelnfluence on ! be fu~ure l'omllnaon of~~ of tbtt lnereul~ number of and wlf., ••.......Uou. objecton ' In Dr, A. T. DIlUcrll8,t and ' tNt Christian NationS at War










_ _. . - . -





Dr. Dill, OHteoPllth. 2 L S. Broad· LIlballoll.Ohio .


W. H. Allen and E


Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lewi8 had a WILL BE liVE N To' TH(ISB IN. their /.!uesls at dinner ~unday Mrs. TERESTED IN POULT~V Abi Hnines and J\lrs. Mary Haines. of Dayton .

Mr's A T WriR'ht and son. Alfred. werll [)s)'ton visitors Saturday 011 lh~ oCCnHi p "

Whole Number !l37B






Lelia Wardlo~. daughter of Mrs. Jane Wardlow, who reside!! on the Harry Stokes farm , west of town . committed suicid e S unday afternoon by taking poison. MitIS Wardlow has been a resident: of Xenia, about a . 11'ear . and worked in the shoe factory a t tbat place. Sunday IAfternoon. For Sometlling Useful-Will Erect while aeated on the porch at her home, she complained of feeling III Boulevard Light;, Starting and wen t to h er room. She died on Main Street !lbortly a'fterward, before medical aid could reach her. -The only cause that could be as-. Owing to a trC!~endous hurry last si~ned f?r the r~h act was a love af· week to ('over the I,'oui'th of July faIr. &8 It was said she w!'R h' I · I 'ded • to Ii young man of that cIty. W Ie I was a l eCI RUCCe88 In Word was received here by relaovery way. we 10ft out several Items tives late Sunday evening of her of importance . 'f B ' 0'11 ' f 0 death Th ~ nllmes 0 . erne I , 0 ayThe body W88 brought here from ton,. Judge, ~nd .John Spray.,of Ba.r- Xenja t his morning and the funeral veysburg,. timer. we re omitted III services were held at 10 o'clock at last Wl!ek 8 Issue. We are sorry It the Chapel. Rev. C. S. Grsuaer of. occurred as both gentlemen worked fieiating. The remains were laid to ~~~ to make tine races /l0 WIth a rest In Miami cemetery.


The races for the Fourth were all pulled off with very good feelinlr,

• - ••- - -

~~~:i~rtht:g:StC, ~tnh~~~~~ith them UNIVERSITY A pen 'of fine (:hickens. belonging to Halph on the groundOf I. and W. O.Miller. Raperwere judged them. course they took d~wn all the money. A crowd of boosters went to Sprin/lboro and Franklin the week before t~~ event was P!llied off. They were Mrs. Ralph Miller. Dr ....nd Mra. Hathaway. Ch~r1es Cornel!, MI'I. J . B. Chapman, MISS May Wright !lnd Mn. Emmor Bally. Mrs. J . A. McCoy al'\d Gage Wadsworth. . . The net ~roceeds for the da~ WIll be close to ~ 200 . The mone¥ Will be used to erect boulevard hghts on. Main str eet, something that ~iIl fill a I~ng.felt want. and bea.utlfy .the mam thoroughfare of our hllie city. - - -.. - •


MAKES MUSIC WHEREVER HE GOES S. A. Stilwell, who is making the race for Audilor of State. ' drove i'lto Warre n COUinty lust week with II Una fone and u Ford. The Una· fone Is un e lectriclllly op~rated in. strument and it makes good mnaic.


Mrs Anna B. Cook and family en· tertained at dinnor Sunday Mrl:l. Euphemia Hough. Mr . alld Mrl:l. Guy Kibler. and Mr. and Mrs. Chns. And Everybody I~ Invited to Come J ohn s. and Hear Thele Interesting Mr. anJ Mrs. C. W SquirM en· Lectures t(lrtflined at dinner Sunday the fol lowing gucs t ~ : fi tlv. IIlId Mrs . C. S r.rau~e r and Ro n Charles. and MillS Prof. Jacoby, Instrudor of Poul· (Jlenna Hartshorn. of Dayton. t ry husbandry at the O. S. U., Columbu8. will aive several lectures In , the 1\l\vnshlp HOUle. Monday. July MI'. and Mrs. W. Frame p..nter- 17th. Mr. Jacoby will ' arrive here t~lned al ,0 bealltlrull ~ apPOint ed from Columbus in the morn inK. and dlll~or on Satur(lay eve~lIr.lg the f~L . will visit leveral farms and aive low lllg guestM, Mrs . Edi th lIarrl~. practical demonstratlon8 in cavonizMra. Laura MOHher. ~ .r. liarrl s ing. lIIs le~luretl in the Townllhip Moshtlr o.nd Mrd. Mary Crlsenherry , Hou»e will he as follows: At" o'clock he will alve a lecture of Mt. Gilead. upon caponlzin/l. At 7: 30 an egg·eandllng lecture Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Furnal. of will bft (fiven wLth praelical demon. tho HarveYlburg plke. entertalnecl strations. Sunday at dinner the tollowlng At 8 p. m. he will give a lecture on guests: J oseph MI:MlIlan and wife. marketing 8igs and JlOultiy . Elihu Underwood and wlft'. Misses These lectures and demonstrations J ennie Whiteley and Anna Marshall are ab50lulely free to 8V11rybody. and Dr. '1'. SherwoQ(1. Mr. Jacoby comes well recommended and Is c3pecially interftJlted In helpinl:' the 1I0uitry produ cers of this Dr. and Mr~. P. D. Clagett Sun · Illcreaae their Income. No day evening. invited the memhers of matter whether you aro a poultrvthe Cio Club to motor to U nearby man or not. come and hear this len· wood. where they enjoyed a picnic tleman talk . Every~dy Is invited. 8upper. and elpecially Dr. Clag ett's Theli8lecture.~ are given under the treat. that of some delicious ice auspices of the Miami Valley Poultry . cream. Tho~e invit.ed were: Mr. AnoclaUon. Come. anti Mrs, I"red (Jons. Mr. and Mrs _ __ Elias Oglesbee, Quincy Gl)na and family and Mr. and Mrs, Davis Furnas ..


KNOCKED· DOWN evenmg at a plcOlc luncheoD at Harmon Park in Lebanon in honor of OY STREET CAR her guest. Miss Lucll~ Wallace. of Mias Mary Salisbury entertained a

com~allY of youn~ people Thurlday

X I TI h . d th en !'. 108e .w 0 t;nJoye e eventng were MI88 Lucile Wallace. Mias Helen Jone9. who la attendinl[ Grace Carman. Mesttrs. George W t h R t\ D I E D the O,af Mute School in' Columbu.s. B ~I er d ~moB H ai< Iii . . W88 kno ~kP.d down by a Itreet car III a y. r. an n . . . e y. that city MOllday afternoon. She hlld JURt alighted from the car anli WAil croll8lnlr the trackl when a car Thl followln~ people. all of Day· clUlle in the opposite dIrection and ton. joined Mr. and Mrs , Tim Marlatt knocked her down, tbe ,fender draiCold Sprlngll on the Fourth and lrlnJr her about fiftoon feet before enjoyed a dlY in the wood.: Mr. tho tar could be Itopped. She wsa and Mrs. H. Stewlrt Gray, Mrs. immediately taken to • hoapital Howard Lowman. of Buffalo. N. Y.• where medical attenUon wu given MIII808 Muriel Wagner, Eloise Leh· her . man, Helen Lehman. Ruth Mull. LilHer parenti. Mr. and Mrs. F. ~. lian Mull and the M_ra. Nelson Jonea" ot the Lytle road. were notIMearfck. Herhert Bell. J . (,j . Betz and fied R~a Mrll. JonOll left immediately Laurence Bell. for ColumbUlr. where Ihe found her daughter pretty badly hrulsed. She was well enough, however, to be Miss May Wright entertained Sat- brought to her home here Tuesday urday evening at her hospitable evening at ·7:30. She is Ilettlng home the following young people: alona all well as can he expected Mr. and Mra. Warren Edwarda. of under the circumstancea. Denver. Col. . Mr. and MI'II. Ronald Hawke. Mr. and MrtI. Wilson Edwards. the MIIIIIB9Gwendolen Merritt. of Mt. Holly, N. J .. Martha. O'Neall, Katheryn. Dakin. Mellllrs. J. B. Pence, Harris MOllhor lind Raymond Davis. The even Lng Willi pleasantly spent with cardR. after which a delicious lunchoon was served.


- -The Lebanon Unlver!ity was the recipient ias t week of a donation of "200.000 to be used as the foundation of a half million endowment fund This mtsgnlficent gift was made by Mrs Ruth E. Barricklow. of Aurora. Ind .• ae a m emorial to her son and daughter both of whom died in college • If the endowment fund renr hes the half million mark the Leballon university will be in a Ilood shop to cope with the bcst Bchool!! of · ttio countrv. Thi s will be u good propo· sitlon for the city of cedar"" and 09 the school I~ beginning to take on new life under the new management, it is probable that even by the coming Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kenl'ick en· year there will be more stud nts en- tertained the following guests Sun· rolled than ev er before. day: Mr. and Mrs. t:. M. Bineallr. Mr. and..Mrs Dert Long, Mr. and Mrs . Franeel Lloyd, Mi8!ea Margaret Binelrar. Kathrvn Long, Minnie Record. Margucrite Lloyd, Mr. Russell Binegar, of Jamestown; Mr. W·. G. Hainel! and children, Robort and Mildred. of Bellmont; Mr. and ' Mrl'l . Mrs. Louisa Steele Trumbull died F. H. Hainell. Messrs. Glenn Johns. JUlfe 30th at tbe home oC her 80n in Jss. Haines. Los Angeles. Cal. She was the daughter of the late Thos Steele. A merry crowd or people who Mrs Trumbull was .married wbile Iivini in Waynesville • .but removed have been in the habit of having a picnic supper on tho [i'ourlh of July. to Bellefontaine. and from there Kansll8 City . . The funt!ral was held po8tponed their picnic this year until last Sunday evening. when they mot in Los Angeles, Monday, .J uly 3rd. at the beautiful country home of Mr and Mrs. J. B. C hapm ~ n . Th08e Mrs. MatiMa WllIiainson. aged 89 pr~ent were Mr. and Mrs. K . ~ . years. mother of H. R. Williamllon. Baily. Dr. and Mrs. A. 1'. ~rlR'ht. of this city. died at the home of her Mr and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart., Mr. da'u gMer, Mre. Mate McKay, in and Mrs. J. O. Cartwright and fam· Lebanon, Sunday morn ina' about ~ ily, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Edwards. o·clock. after a long illneatl. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hawke. Mes Williamson made her home in Wayne dames Lina Devitt. Julia DonQvan. township for many ycars and her GeQ. W. Hawke. the MlasBS Emma kind. g entle disposition will be re- Heighway and Gwentlolyn Merritt membered by a host of friends In and a!ld Mr. Elliott Wright. around. Waynesville. The funeral took place in Lebanon Tuesday afler noon at 3 o'clock. Interment in Leb· anon c('metery.


. -.

------ ..---


Fake varietiC!l of wheat ar~ fre q uently 80IrI lit extrav81lant prices to Ohio fllrm ers often with the claim that only atmllt one peck is n~~ to If!etl an acre. Tests at the ~hlo ExrJerimcnt Station show such chums to htl fmlJllul en t. In Bulletin 291:1 of the Sla~lon yields roported sh ow that a varillty widely advortiserl aa . .. Miracle" proved Inferior in 1911 to !luch old standard varieties Ill! Gvpsy, "'ult~ and Poole . In 1913 a similar wheat callod ' "M"rvelolls" yielded five bushell 1_ to the acre than Med Itorranean whp.n seeded at the rate of eight pecks per acro . Seeded Ilt this rate in 1916 the 8ame variety yielded leas thon Poole and Ful~z.. All tests ahow these flike varl'!tles need the 'uaual rate of seed mg. When one peck of seiid was sown to an acre in 1913, the yield was ('Dly 7.4 busheili. but tliahl pecKa pro<tueed 30.9 bushels.




WAS IN THE 16. Sunday Rehool at 9:30 a. m. MornlnJr Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Everybody invited to. theaeservices. PATH OF STORM . ,.

Fo~rth Sunday after Trinity July

ORTHODOX FRIENDS Sunday 'School 9:30 a . m., Mary Frame, Superintendent. Preaching Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.



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cn ll't

IlU dL(lUO

'101" hI! ·u81Ied. Anll he bopn

"A 11II1 (·w l([·,l CIII · olJ!lnll!,,1 on pago

------- --







f Ellzll b e~h VA n I 1D t llo e.' llt e Dor en , .l pOotalle<.' . Fill a 1 n rO UD I Is I a pprove d I n t h l\ e tate of Mfl rlLb .1aDe Wll coo nd lind 110al llll· 60u, l mboolle . c oon' Is ftp pr o ven . 10 tllIl ORt-t O or Wilh elmin n K.e l . sa y , d ecoo80d. F irst U(loou nt 18 til' prove t1 . fn l h o I!st.&to of M rR. .1a ne Dyk fl , deoell ~cd . lI'int an d f1n ll l ',cco u n l la \ appr o vall. In the m a H er of Ih B will of 'I' Bento n S~o tt, !Ip(:e. slld. Will tA li d. mltte d to Ilr ob ll te o In th e tUl\U or of t,be ostRt e 0 ' 'I'. Be ntou tlcott lleceaAod. Lo wre n o", i A. . Vor h ls 18' I\P llOlnt vd OX PIlUl nr. ! No bond r eq uir ed B I.. Jl'rvo. Wm . ColeuHItL li nd e lllHlos 1:l 0iT o re IIVlloln ted a llprollATS In t b e m l\t·~or of Ib e wtll or Ro. beoon UllLy po ol. dece lued , Will IN I\dllllHed to proh"tB J oseph W . I:IAdJ oy Ad mr . v ~. H:velYl1 T r owbrid ge , (\t o J' IV. ·h EII. I,a r Maple I~ n'ppol o t l'li I-\ullrcl la n 10.<1 litem fo r m i n or dllfllndaotl' . P rivatI' eale Of r eal e ah'e or dered Sale In te r I\ppro vell and d le tr!bn tion ord erod . In t ba 11'1 nt t il r of t he I'~ tflte of Mnrtba E. IJtm ga nre, tl eooosf>li Wilit er K en rlok II< o ppolnted admln. Istrator . Bond 15 00. In t be losta t e o f Aonllo M. J o hD ~on . deo e ~ ~ ed , !:lecond I\nd tIOBI aooo nnt II! approved . In t h e muter o f Geo. W K oogle. Appll oatl on f or 1I11rni8sIo n of th e Sli me t o Dayton St,a t e Bos. pltal Ie ma de, . In t be matt er of th e e etl\te of 'rb omfl8 RiI'~y , deCeA sed . M£l ry E. Rile y i8 appoloted adrnlnl s \m'rlx Bond M50. Alex Box we ll. e dmr., va W . H Miller e\ al. I:I8le 'J ! real ostate or dered. 10 tbe eatlllto of Mart.ho D. P e noo deoe.Lsed. If lfth and I1nftl a cooant la approvad,

J 1101 uN wortlen \,·no Will he Ki nne r " 1 Imnl(1d6 mliBlc mU8t mako fool· to n tllr k irlLm l) l ha n tel n CO'''llIoring h ero. top nod paint plctur08 in tbo minds D u t t ho sick t r u m p h lU I b", tl~r rCOl(Un of the people who bOJ\r It:," Bibbs went ber th,U'8 wtm t h f~ Is. Tak e cn re, t Rk e OD, mualugll'. "according to their OWI1 c u re ! Hu mble's t he wor t) ! natureB 18.8 muctl as aecordlng to tb e CHAPTER XV. mUlle Un It." The mUllc1an mlgbt compose Bomothlog and play It, wanting you t o think Thot ' ;m y~ t ~ry ailo ll t rl l~nos" whl It of the Holy Grall, nnd Borne peoplo t I.TOUIlI ; 11 III llbs holl het'O n mysl ry to twbo beard It would think of a prnyer Mr. \ ertr~ ('~. und It "' AM bein g fOX ' aeet1ng, and Bome would think ot bow p lal nel\ 10 hi m nt IIbuut th e time [II bhs s cri bbled Ule rert'r... ,, 'p to It In b ll' ~ the7 wero th4'mseln's, nud 0 boy 11 0t ~ . ~llIry hll rl 1=<11'" ull 8 t ot r~ up on " Sho Needn't to HAv" Dono That mlabt ihlnll ot blmselt at the helld or u Ulbbs' depllrtllfe o t ten o'cltwk, a ud About the Plano." IOlemn processIon. ca rryin g a bunn er Mr. nnd M I'II. V~rlrec8 Sli t unt il a rte r mldnlglJt In the II brnry t nlk lng. and rldlng a wblte bor@e. Aliel tb t'll. I/.r ti S mur goes I oon't eUllp0Re our "She needn·t to b tl ,'e dun e tlla t about \l 1,;\o borK nre puylng much IItteutlon It these were Bome jublln nt ll"lis!lges her plano," vnpored ~l r. V,'rtrces , "We j ust now, thougb 1 henr Shcrtaun wnN I.n the music, he'd t hink of 0 clr('lIs ," , Tbe, bad reached ber gatf'. nml s he (.'Ould bavo mll llUg..II sOlllehow without bn r k III b l~ m e early th e morulng Ht ber bo nd npon I t, but did not Op CU It. At least eho ought 10 bllve consult- art er Ul ~ ftln crn1." It. Blbba telt thn t thts w ns a hllo~t I'd mI'. nu(l If shp lu ~ II'II'(t I ('ou ld bn"o M rs. ' ·e rlt· ~s mnd e a li ttle eound or ~e \dndeet or her II.1ndneeses-Dot to 1l1'rllt1 l:ed th e elelnll!! wJlII tb L~tll e co mlUl ~c rn tl on . "r don't beHeve thot lbe 'pl'Ompt tn lenvlng htm . w" s hecuus e lor was u't 8urrerlng. d en ier." I "Att.e r all," , she 8uld. "yon didn·t " be tho ught tbn t It mIgh t b~ n. thougb. MAry told me he seem ell ten me wbether yOu li ked it." noy log ror you," ~ I r Ho Verlrce" ex· wffippe<l up In his 8011'S succeeding. , "No. I dldn't neM to." nlnln cd. "Ueu ll y. "he IllAnnctt ror you Ho Isu·t vulgn r In hl8 boas tio g, run· "No, thafa true, Ill\d 1 did n' t need not to k llo w uhaut It ,ulltJf t hey htlll re- ders wnd ; II !IOe8n't wlk a gren t d eul .to asll. 1 knew. But you snld you moved- until nrter to morrow, thnt III, nbout hls- bls oetun l mon ey. No. his ' 'Were trylog to keep trom telling me but I (\ e{: I(lcd to-to in '1ltio n It. You braggi ng IIs uully sllcmed to be llbout bls fl1wlly lind Uw grea tness ot this , what It did mean." . Bet!, she di dn't even te ll mo a hout It un"1 ran't koep trom t elll ug it any til th lR mornin g. She ha n uMher Idell. city." " 'G roututSS of tbls el ty'I" Mr. Ver· "oneer," he !IBId. " Tbe music menot to too. I' m afrnhl. 1\'8- 11'8- " m&-lt meant the \dodness ot-or "WeIl7" hfO urged, n Bli fonnd It trees echoed , 'wltb dull bItterness, "U's noUllng b ut n eou l bole. or course 7 0 n." d1m ~l1lt to go nn. "IClndol!887 ' How'" ."Her other Iden Is- thnt Is. It WIl S Sherldnn 8UyS It's ·great.· " · ":rOD thougbt I waA a sort or lonely - I think It C8 n be II voltl II, or cours tl- Mra, Ver trl!es Bee llled unaware of tbls outburst. "I belie ve," she bega u, traml)--Uld !Iell- " It 'iVAS about bor furs." "No." abe B8ld, decidedly. "1 thought "No!" he exclnlm('d, quickly. " I timidly, "he d oesn't hon st ot- Umt Is, »emap. 10u'd like to hear Doctor won' t bB ve It ! You lI1ust see to thn t. I uotJeretuo d be hus neyer seemed 8 0 Kratt p111. ADd you did," I'd ro Iher not wlk to Ilcr about It, but Int erested In the-tho otber onll." · "Ire (!Urlou.; Bomei1mee It seemed you !Dustn't let ber." H er husbnnd'8 faco wos dark, bnt at to me that it WILl you wbo ,w ore play. " I'll try not." hl8 wife promised. that Jl hen vier sbadow t ell 111,011 It ; be an.." " . h " aeems to be troubJed a bout tb e- looked llIore b8i gard thun before. " "l'ho oUler one,' " he repllll ted, n vert¥ar'f "aped. "1,. I etrnml Plano. ~ little Obopln-Qrlelr-'Ohllml.o ode. the cool matt ~ and_ boot 'II~1li1. or Ing bls eyes. "Vou menn"7You mt.>e n coune th ]llano will Uke care of I!ome You ",ouJda't listen I" the tblrd Bon-the one that woe here Bibbs drew a d eep breatb. "I'm things Uke tbose for a while and- " th is cvewng1" "I don't like It. 1 gil vc ber the pillno "Yes, th&-the youngest," ahe retrt,btoned agaln." be 81l1d, In an un· turoed, her voice eo ' ~nbl e It was al· ~teaC!7 voice. "I'm maid you'll tblnk to pial' on, not to-" "You DlUStn't be dlRtres"ed sbout It most a wblsper. I'm pueblDg, but-" He paused. aud In one way," Me tlatd. coDlfortlngl,. And then oelther of tu cm Bpoke ror the word1l sanlt:. to tl murmur. "Ob, It 70U w a nt me to pll\Y for "Sbe nrranged with tho-with tbe pur· soveral minutes. Nor did eIther look chuB er tbRt tho men wm cOllie tor tt 70nl" Ihe !laId. "Yel!, IIladly. It wIll at tbe otber during that silence. At last Mr. Vertrees cootrl\'ed to be merely absurd atter what you benrd nhC/ut balr after Ove 10 the atll!rnoon. thla afternoon. I play Ilk.e a ·bnndred Tbe day! are BO ahort' now It'8 reali, cough. but not coovlncingly. "Whntab-what wns it Mary sn ld a bout thonland other frl rls, and 1 like It. I'm quite ,,·Inter." " 011. ),08." be a\lroed. moolltlv "A" blm this'Iloon1 I dldo't ab-Imprlad when allJ'o~e's willing to listen. Ind It you-" She stopped, eIlecked pen to entcb It." , by a Budden recollection, and laughed I~~~~~~~~!!!!!~~~!!!!!~~~ " Sbe-she didn't tla, much. All sbe said was tbls; 'He', the moat wtstful merulI)" "But viano won't be bero arter tODJgbt. I-I'm sendlag It aW8Y An Easy Way to , Reduce creature I've ever known.''' tomorrow. I'm ah;ald that It 70u'd "Well'" Flesh "That wae all. He 18 ",[strul·look· lite me to pl87 to 10\1 )'ou'd b8v~ to tog; and so fragile. U I hadn 't known eo,me thli el'8nIDg." "You'll let mel" be crfed. Drink Hot Water and Take TaallClO about him I'd baye thougbt be bud qolte an loterestlng ta ce." '~OertalnI7, It yon care to." "If 10U 'bndn·t known obont 101m'? "It I <:ould pla),-" be s81d, wl st't )'ou ortea wleh" for' mDdlcll1e K tull7, "111 <:ould pIny like thot old mlln to HU80 reduce your tl.. b r BomelllJna t h~~ (loee Down w h. ot,' " not ""lulre dte~11l8 or caJootheul",,1 Wftlt. "Ob, nothing. of courae," she sold. 10 the eIlurch 1 could tbank ;you." right here )'ou have It In ,...gratn IUIIC\> tab, b till d 11 It "All. but you haven't benrd me leU!. wbleb )'OU ml Y _Ute ~t 1Ul)' d~ at.ore. urr Ie dl y. "N l ong e ne, tb a t Is. play. I know you Ilked thIs afternoon, Tllo), .re pl....n' to take. perl..:l1)1 harm· Mary Buld deeldedly, loug ago, thut' 1_ aod caWIII uo _trlCtJODII 01 habit or bt but-" ..'Inl, and reduce tho O...b. IItUe by IItlle. bo's not at all Insane, oa we thoug "Yee," I18td Bibb.. "It Wft8 tb,e \10111 70U are do wn t.o the nuru\l<!r of I~und. II. t first It'1I only-well, or eourae It 18 u wt.bas100Ulan .. oI8h. 1'00 much lI .. h II und", I ' b t bI m. I sup· peateet b8pPtnetl/l I've ever known." yo . Jrable. (j ulto .tout people wm road. odd, tile r 8tt1t\1do Ii ou It was too dark to see bla tll ce, bllt til' aumll. and It delraCt8 h1Jm ono'a ~d '1'- pose i t's BOllle ner voul! trouble that bl' voice beld sucb plain bonesty, lind C"..:~:~~ ; mak ... ono clum. )' I ml 6 ort 01 makes hlm-perbaps a llWe queer at Thoro Jsn·t any .......,n why anyone . hould times 8 .0 tllUt be can't nppJy blmself be ,polle with IlUch complete uneon· too .tout., when th unt's this mu ch t.rl e d . ' " lIc10uenen Of sa ying auytbing 1!8pl!'c1ul · be l'erttlCtll' sau.racl<lryromed), ..tan f druglt.Ore. to 8nytlling-or pcmap8 does odll I)' slgolftcant, tha t ,abe knew It wus t.ho 'l' UICQ lable... (don" lorget th e unme) are things , But atte r a\1 ot course, w e by ph),ltcl.D' aud nro KU l\ ran~ t troth. For a moment sbe was no[\- rocowlIleodDd t.ootl to bo loorleetl, harml.... RelUlNl Sub.ll. ouly have an ImprC88lon obout It. We plnued, tben sbe opened the gote nnd ~~1\" t~ou t!',aoe~~t come to our .to..... we will don't know-tbut Is, positively. 1-" went ,I n. "You'll cOlOe nttor dlnuer, y She pnused. th en w ent on; ;'1 dldn·t tbenT' know jus t how to a s k-that 18-1 - SOO BOX FREE"Yee," be laId. not moylng. "Would I dldn·t me ntion It to Milt')'. 1 dldo't),on mind It 1 ltood here until ti me to - - - - -- - 1-" The poor Indy /laundered pitt· come 101" ' FREE TAS8CO COUPON tully concluding wlUl a mumble. "So THE TA8SCO CO. I soon 'nfter-ntt er the-tbe sbock." ' Sbe bad reached the ateps, nnd at that abe turned, orrerlo, b.l Ul tbe r Er Boston, Masa. , "1 don't think I've cllught more thau Send mo by rolaurn Ulan .. ti De bo x of your 1, lpoWle of laugbtor aud a guy gesture womlerful obo,dt)' trealmellt . J unelOllO lOt: a tllmpse ot blm, said Mr. Vertrees. ot 'ber mull toward tbe lighted Will' 1".~I'er or atom". to help. lIay poallLlla alld "~tlldn't know blm If I snw btm, 'd ows ot the new bOl1se, liS tbough bill· p l1li. but your Impression of him Is-" fI e dine him to run ,hollle to bls (UUDer. broke olt 8ud(leulv. 8Drlnll1.nor to his Tbat wgbt, Bibbs sat writing 10 bls Dotebook: • MU810 can come Into a blnnk lite and 1111 It. ];lv.rythln.. Ulat la beautiful Is mUllo, " 'YOU can Usten. There la no 8'TRcofulo e811 like tbat at a ancetul woman at .. grund pluo. There II a aWlJDmln.. 10volJnesa or lin.. that .... m. to m.r.... wi th ,Ihe running at tha aound. and you 188m. B8 you watch b6l', to ..... that )'OU are heurln .. and to bear wb ..t YOU • •• elng, .. re women who make you thInk et ptoe wooda comln, 1'1011'0 to a 8parkllDI .ea. Tbe aIr about Huch a woman 18 brnc· In8', and when .ho Ia noar you. you feal atron. and amblUoua; you forget thl1t the world doean't like you. You think tb .. t ~rha\lll you a IITent fellow, atter aU. Tben you, come .... ay and f".1 like love with hi. a bo)' wbo baa fallen 8unda, achool teaoher. You'lI bo whipped tor It-&od to be. Th..... are women who make you think at Diana. crowned wllh the moon. Dut lb'. ,. 1'10 n~ ba.vo, Ihe "Oreek prom.... I 1'10 n.ot banovo Holen of Troy had a "Greek 'Proftlo ;" O,oy would not have about bor It her noeo had b en quite that' long. The Greek no." I. not tbo adorablo nOIll. Tha adora bte noae Is ..bout an elllhth ot An Inch ~hort r. . , )luch or tho mu.lo Of Wagner, Il ap· 11"....... not lu1la blo to the ptano, Warr· liar ...... a comPjlllOr who could Interpret Illto mo.lO .uCh things .. Oil. primitive 'mllo'" at humanity- he could h'!-ve mada a muhtne . ehO)) Into mUBle,' But •not It h.. hOld to work tn It. 'ValJIler 11'" ....... y. daallnll In Irnme neltl e.--.. rna.this year, cl\lne 8hop ...ould h~ve put .. majestic 16.9 cents per gallon. lump III 110 lTand Il gl""..rll aa thlll'. Tb.... .. a mysterY abou,t ptoUlO!, It Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. ....,.. 8nmeUme. thOY have to be "se Rl away." Tllat 18 bow some people .peak Gasoline,eoata over 100 per cent more than kero, ot lb, ~nltentl!U'Y. "Bent "WRY" 18 II eene. Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. eupbullm (or .....nt to prlaon." BUI ptan08







Are You Wasting The,Price Of Ii Titan Engine? TITAN engines run on kerosene. Average cost of gasoline so far

are DOt .Dt to priso n. and

Uu~ y

are I\ot

..nt to \be IUller-tho tuber I. aent to th<1m. \'VhJ' aN planoa "~nt away··-and whe.r e7 So•• Umell a .lorlou8 4IIy ehlM8 Into tile IIIOIt ordlnuy and uae\.,.. lite. Hup· pi..... au4 be..uty tlome earollDrr out of · the air tate tbft .Ioom,. toau.. at that lifo . . It _ _ Itra, an..,1 juat happened to peteIl oa the roof· tne, reatJ,n. and ·lIna· .... ~ tba after luoh .. tla,. II

...... ...s




At present fuel pr.ices Titan engines, Using', kerosene, save their owners about h I 'cents per horse power per hour.


Common New

... ,......................'"

laterDatioaaJ Harvester Co.,..., of Ameriee. , ( ~

ALMOST Ilnyhody ell n mnk e


Th e m iltl, y t ~lIti s fy ln g Chl', l r rli e. IJ hl enrl is )l ol Ih e rl',ull o f hnppy (,Iln nr e. It is one of Ihe fI·sults of nur mnny Yl'ar:t of r i l!lLre tlc Cl<pcric llcc - uf th t' hI" " Y "fJIU;llC of uur llUrcJ~ n ~w ~ u f l'i ~ IH I! It t: tobacco - of Ih e PI' 's lil!''' 11 11.1 ", h'uut8I'( C th ese c nOrlUIlU S pur(,hl\!u .·s a,( t y t! u S i ll securin g I Ioe l'l lniccs t leur I f" IU lu " lvb,," 'c. tidtls uf 1,100 wurltl.


rt ofhe cnft'ce . n ut lire sn i,1 t " l111t o ver u h nlf - d ozc n reslllulh ~ r c

rnn ls In the U n ited S tnte9 whe re th ey klluW how to malic it rigllt. Similarly, nlm ost anyone enn m~kc n c lrrnre tl e. •Jus t roll up HilDIe tolln .. co in n p ic·ce o f pure paper-BIIII there YOll ure.

Chesterfiel tl, lire all ucblcvc:w cul.

There are, perhaps. ' over 800 b rnmls (If cigllrettcs solcl III th is coun t ry toony. Dut n ot o ne of th em due s wllllt 'I",sll'rtidlls do - fllr C I, cs terflelds nrc MILD; on.! y et they SATISl~ Y.

A New Thinll (or a Cillarette to Do

Some cfgnre ttesmny be mllll. b utt lot"J' d on 't . .. lis fy: Qnlyone cilrore tte UO 9 lJUT H - Chesterfie ld!

CHESTERFJF.LO!=; d o tht:' on e th inlr y nl! h"ve nl wll}'N wlshetl a ciiale U" W01i1d d o - the ), sali·W' 1

This trnly unique eli"rette has nil

Smok e th em nnd we h .. lleve y ou will lin tl Ih nt nn li nnr y cigll retttld st:~11l by comr" r is,",1\ uhno. t tht.

()f Ihat re freshing ' tastc - delicacy (or

mildness) whi ch nny IXClo(1 cillnre tle mus t Y et, without sncrifidlll{ IIny o f Ihis d e li ghtful mildness, Chest erlie lcl R go Gh'e Ch e~I ('rfic I IJq ( 20 ro'r 10 cent. ) one st ep fur t h er - tlJ 'y du more thnn n t rllli. \\' c he li"ve ) nu will h " g l8tl I. , Jn t:'rl'ly "pI ClUe your taste " - they luI , le""11 ",h ilt th t'y CIl II lcu,·il yuu u bu'ut J'OIl know you 'VI} been 3mokinll. They , clg"relle enjo)' lIlcn t. JI 3" C.

satisfy !

AmI yet the y're

Ynu lon" e

A Step Forward ia Cillarette - Malrinll


WEhrought are proud to b e the finn that h"s nbout this important ne lV

S uean Polley VII Alvin Polley. <t!. voroe ; groBtl negleo ~, eto. . Everett Morris Mo r ton V8 Hole n LeUu8ta .hllorton, dl"oroe; KrOHI;! ne gleot eta. Barver L. Vor d e. T8 Eli zabeth L. Corde•. div()rce ; Crtl"lty and n egleot. MaRgie Boono vs Tbe ElblnKo r ~hoe Mfg. 0 0., appeal . • W. O. M,a ple, Trus'ee, Vtl A. M; Brown lot 811; money and foreolOlJure of mortgage. Amouu' olalmed $5145 with Interell'.



mUd I

rathe r

Pleas Court

tl evelopm ont In ciRarette e,ljoymentf or that is exactly whnt the c.:beslerfie ld blend Is. Tbis clltnrette Is an outgrowth of long, earnes t ('(fort on the 'part o f thiS, the. larges t cigarette D1anllfact,urlng concern in the U nltetl States.

hRI'1' r('noll ng h r r UIIIl RIlIlI, almost rlnr lll l(,


s lnl C· """,ls nbnul II dllnrtll l.c. II' hcslerric ldlt \l'/ll'e an ullLrictl (!i lllLrcltc - If' wc h nll not lI e en obscrvill j:t Lh l'ir I",hn\'jnr In olher cltles- ifwe d id n Olt K NOW thnt th ey rna", good with 511101c l'1'S . we e,luU no' Afford 10 mll ke lh c~ " s lutcUIt!UlS to you over our slguuture. nut lhe~e stntements , s~rong a s thrJ nrc , en n m ea n little or lIullo ii.g to yoo Ull LlI y ou htlve nctuuUy . Iuu ke.! your fi rst Chesterfield.,

You will find that ~'o ur own defiler ha~ Chesterfields wlliting fur you.

LaJ~. t

cil1" rett e m.nur.cturer

.n lhe UD lted S lal ~ . . .hnWD II, IUkrl'll lWv~u\l.:



v. E,

i:!ulI'fllOe VB Barvey E , 8urtlloe, a1. 81\Ie of first. 860. and and .blrd lfllot. approved Dis t ribution ordered. U . • Lowe V8 Emma Bowyer, ·de . fendaot ot ~lered to pay unplid jodge ment. 'R Jl!e CalDpbell VI! Bailey Vamp bell, et al.. Partition of rloal eetlloo ordered . hank X , Min ~ t. VI! JOl<eph Per. rlne DAft' ndlln' 18 ordered to pay plaintiff eum of It61 .20. • Martha E . Mnlford vs Clarkson Butterworth at aJ. Part! Hon of roal eatate ordlned.

,a...n.lII1It ...


Marriage License8


TAKING BIG CHANCES It I. a ire .. , ria" to travel wlthou' a bottle of Chllmberlala'8 ValiD, VhoJ. en Bnd Diarrhoea Romedy, 88 thla preparatlOD o. . no\ be obtl\lnod 0:1 t,be trains or eteamshlptl. AUookl ,If bowel oomplatu& are otten luddon and ver, levere, and ' everyone sbould go prepared for tbem. Ob. tllinable everywhere .




SaXon Six Livery



BUCYRUS HEAVY TREAD TIRES & TUBES (Cull r.ultecd ·1!lOO mile); ) 'l'll1ln .Non·Skkl "f rowt Trua.t

$ 9.80 . ] 2,65 1 ,.4 5

30x3 30)( SX 3 2x~X

$11.15 15.UO ](j., O


Phone 90·3

InSURJI,n eE l

Walter Chandler


, • LWaynesville, O.

g:. p:l1~iII Poe


Get the Miami Gazette 'Now . , .~

D -

iii R ')IIM PinOle 11

r. J. A. McCoy~


Veterinary; 01 01110 St.t. Uolverilly

Funeral : Dlrec,t or. Office at residence In F, 11. Shar wood's house, Fourth Street. Waynesville Ohio Telephone 28 -II:ITIlEU-

SHERIFF'S SALE tin Partition)


. Berber& 11'. Dotter, farm or or E1arveyebnrg,and M.I~. Neva YOUDg. Rev .. U. is. ()rauser. - Arthul', RfLmllton nlllDa"er or " • Miami (111nnlng 00, LebftnoDJ. and i1!8 Bertha Keever Snook, of ttoutb '~ E G' .e b aoop,. 'D r. ",eo. ' owuy. BarlY F, Ennl8, empToyed ' Pelera' Oartridge 00., Mo rrow, anu 61118 LllliBn C. Boblotml\n KIDg. "JlI8. Hev. W. D. Ket •. Edgar U EvaDs, employed with Peler,' C~ r'rldge Co. , &nd '6111'18 Ruth A. Greely both of Bonth Lob anon ' nov' J. H . l''ltn,at.r. VernoD Roblnsoo,. eOlployed at paJ!Br ml\lle and MII!!B Lorene Thol ma 'Ore~ gh'on both ot Fnn'lIn , . ReT. N·01l'Il1an ·8woat. JOUles D. Als op. employed a. Kings M,1I\8, Rnd MtSJ Myrtle Opella

£4_" .,,__ ""'- 00 •• _

Barrie, bolh of roaler. Rev. O . O. J,on8l, Allen D. Gabbari!, laborer, and 141811. Ullorrio ROWland, both of South Lebanon. Be". B . Wat.oa. Ueorge M. Llebort, olerk of Chi. 0"/, 0. llItnola, and Mill Nellie L, Jordan, at Oregoola. FathoI:' Con roy. U1Y8lea ~rant Loaoh', laborer, and Mra. Harriet Cbrl.ton. 8eaf8, botb of Springboro: Rev. C. YV. Loom. Is. ; John W , MoKee maoblnla' or Dayton, and MIs8 Velm.. M. Mar. qnard\, at WayneSVIlle. Rev. J. 1'. Uad walJader _ _ _. _ , 4__0_---

Real Estate Transfers l::I. W. and .l4. W. Keevl'r to Edwud MOler; three traptsln Union '£wp. $1. . W. U. UUmonr, 8borlff~ to O. E. Surfuee; th~ee trllote In Wayne Twp. ,a. GTO 41. Q rouvllie Osborn to M . J . 0 8, born; put of lots Nos. 1 ao(l S In Washington Square, Waynesville, $1 Mary J.ft~ . B'urlonlt et 1\1 to L. F. (tnd F . B. EdwardB; lot No 435 lu MBoklna\'lr addition to, Franklin. ,2 500 W. T. Elies to John • and S. E Rlobardpon lot No. \10 In Franklin, $1. John S. tlnd ~ . E , Rlohardson to, Paul Doll bolL part of 10' No. 111'7 10 Franklin, $52.50. F. W. 'F rana to Myrtle Cummings pllrt or lot No. S55 in Franklin , $l. Jolm 8 . aud S. E. Riobardson to W . '1' . Elltea 10& No. 912 lIud part ot 10' No. 9u 7 In Fran'Un, $,1.


, Are you running a gasoline engi~? What horSe power it? Figure what you'd be saving if you had a Titan kerosene engine. Rather 8urprisin~ isn ' t it? How loni would It take that laving to pay for a TataD engine of the same size?

How America's largest cigarette manu/ac.. turer has accomplished "the Impossible" by producing a MILD cigarette that SATISF IES. It is the CHESTERFIELD Cigarette : :


Warren Common Pleas J . W. Tho~:-pt 01.



,Case N .... 11700

Clevelll\lr et al. \ Dy 8&1<1 .,Inllo of.nInonl.r 01 11110. dulycue tulled from UOurl ehe abo" ••Uted Aud 100 m8 directed. k will 0. Irer for tale. 11>: "a~ 01 Cubllc l1uotlOI1, 011 ello prerm- 10 ll(l1'vo1." urI!. Warren Oount)l. Ulllo, on ,

SATURDAY, ' ~ULY 22.1 D., 1916


Auto Equipment Horae-Drawn Equipment TELEPHONE









BARNHART, ~()taryj Public

~ll kinds of

Notary Worll.D\vllla

and Deed • • ~peo'&1.,.

My Aim-Your Trade




4, ......


QUALITY- Above the Standard

••• DENTISTo.~ ,

SERVICE-That C8n~t be be~1 lUi deacrlbod tlltuo\ellln tho County , PRICES-To pl.e ase C(auoa~m.::..r RIa. • to·wlt: . JJelng pan 01 Dulord '. 9urv07 1'0. G15 loud furlher d_rtOO4 .. '011001., , . OO!flunInlI at a .lon6 00 the 80uth .Ido 01 Olark a Avenue .ad N. ". "tornor to llaac Cotlen'.lot and runnlni tbooce S. 10 d8jJree. E . U Wi... 10. aloue : III.nee 1'. ~u tJecreoa ,F or Oouatia !lftCI OoIeIIo E. 80 ~ toct to a .toIlO. ,hollco N. 1DdOjlI'OOll Phone64-2~ Corwin, Ohio. W. 12 WI.. 1<1 a 01000 ; thenco 8. 8tl dtl(lrooo W.80)t toot to the oollintunll. contalnlulr till polOl more or'looiI. , • Suld property II.. bOeb ~larl1 .ppnllled umler order oUhe Uourt ..t tile lum of Tbroe Buudred and Fllty ( UGO. UD) VolI .... and " 'Ill DoL be 80Id lor 1_ Ibau '''0 tllirtl. ot I18!Il ..". prllioed wat ..... lad wlll'llao be 10111 MubJect 0;0 an &nDIII" 01 rr"'~1"8· (.n.QU) DoU ... 100 \l<! 1)(11<1 1<1 Luella Thom... 00 lbo •.".•• day 01 JlllUUY eacb and every )'8&r dur1nl"'I1.~ urlllllle. IU 2o'dock


GEO. J. WATERHOUSE, Dr. Bell's Pine<-Tar-Honer,


Lewis ·Bakery uses

Everybody Lewis' Bread andJl~. _.Cakes, the .best and most delicio_us I - made. -Try them ,anCl-you will ·1 never want to eat any other kind.




Uhll"h"'~~:ill~~W~" .. ,i110, IlhIO I is~lr~l~i~~ :~~li:I:~:~~;~~fl:\~~ :.:~n~111~C~~ IJlII) 10 a l trllU l

D. L. CI(AN~~, r:.IiLur




•Il LV 6. I!llf>

lie wily UIIO Ihllt is "y

Call1nlmi \,lcnllle.s I, ~ . II~rllhr !tn ill' l /l1I1I1~d ""nrl.lllulI. of Ihe m IL'O US .llIlllIg !, f Ihr E~It:lell\all 'l uhlt. \\' h(,11 this lu be I S Inlhllued YOII h'l\l~ II rl1ll1hllllll !'Oullif 0' IllIpt·,lc,·! h ~UlillK, nlld whel; It i> ·nlirt·ly ~' 1\) 8l·d .

TI1E. ClI[tRfVL CHEKVI) Those. vef56S th~ tell yov. to ~mile ...,hel'\ yorJre ~Ive. Alwe..ys j€et'Y\ so umoyil\g

d. ,Lfil~ ~.,


" c"" blilllliulIlIl " l'Incrty .

Dl"tl rtIC~~ is l ~ j~rcs\l ll .

- - -, _____,__ • ____._~i--.-






en ts in the Neighborhood

Unle.l"s l ile - - - - - - - - - - - - e - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

~~~I~,,~~~i:J~' i~;~'~~,~~;I~~~:~II·III:;~I,III"I:o~ill,,~

will be de5lro y~d fll l·rver. ~ally .,,5<'' of dCBllle.s 'Ire en uSt'.1 by clllarrh', whkh i$ BII inflollltu conllili"," or Ih. IlII1COIlS SU"· fa cc~ . HolI'lI Clllorr" Cur ' HCIs through Im:c~-ohlr Ihe llluod ou the nl co 5 sysl~m ' lll I 0 II Ii ' I I II I W~ \\' g ve ne 1111"" u ar~ or UII Y ca se orCalarrhll1 Uellfr .... s t lr~ l Cfln ' "1 1 ~ cu red by Ih.U·. ('!.lurrh CUle. eir,' u, I"" rr('~ . All nrugj;i, I!, 711<;. F. J. C H6NI ~ \ & CO ., Toipdo,






RaymoDd rarr of Franklin epe.u the wllek .nd wHh Ill. IIAr80ti Ih. an4 M.n. M. J, Farr . ~elllll". (,,1,41 aDd Cbarlet Peuoe ItO howe trOOI MlnuoJlpolls whera 'h ..y have beeo vlBttlng 'lIolr uDole U .. rry Peooe ant! family. IIIn. Eva Campbell I\nd ~on. of Fraoklln vla"ed ber parente Mr and l4.n . Cba•. Thomplon, tho PM' week, . Mr. and Mn. Benry Blokllyand faUlily of Pennyroyal ' BI\I were the Sunday lueltll or Ed Wood. ward aDd family . Mill Ru'h MlIler of Day too, II vl.IUnlf her !lun', Mre. J!lmell Weld Der. ~r. Ind :UrI!. Anlel. Switzer of Middletown vl.i'ed Chris ' Bumbert tbe flrst of tbe week


As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspond-


Mr. WllallD Vllnt;r A8, of !:l pring. liIr. !:l e nry PredJo &Dd fOllllly, o f field, oulled 0 11 his )Jur uts h e ru IlI llt I 'O f 111'111 to k ' und.ay dlDne'r with wool; M N . I' M K d I II .. . r Il !:Ion 0 eev r an am y .• ~"d trite; Mr. Rfld Mre. finrl y 'I cllver, ot ,Flrlllo t1 'orwin, o f Morrow, Ipont Vhe.n I tried. it to-<k.y I .x.CLlII~. wore QU IlS t. ot Mr. Bnt! Mr~. 1311 tnl'llll)' w ith t htlr le8 S Lltlw. 'J'rou1I1n l,hllulU on HB~ urtlll Y lIf IUl:lt Mi llS Eugeu le Wblt"lte r "Ilen' I!' rl Wb.!> reb.lly svrpr~ed weok. dllY nigbb Dnll RturdlllY wltb h er find th-~t Clarenoe !:lougb, of WilUllngton, gmn,1moth e r Mrs, EO!{llna Evanll, of the scheme. Bntl for lIIBny years a rosidl' nt o f nellr I~eollln, . Ju ..... ~15UL ltWI t!Htut!r tf 1 eo uia nave fU works·t..ll uur Ol~y , III dlUllCllrOuyly 111, IltHI Mi~8 Lanrll R 08n81t1e, of Spring. little tnlk willi 801lIeolle?" wuoh fenr IH e utortilluod for hh ro bor o, is vl.!tlng her Kistor, Mu. "With Whom?" . Mr. Wm. Cruten~hll.w aud dlllllfh • . =========================~~~~~ Hllrvey Burnet t. "I bu<I lbolll,;ht -of- not going ahout oovary. t ter, of COVington, lIPCO' Salurday It too ltruMllllI!ly. 01' COUI'SIl, llut perhujJ~ 'l'bo~. WUl'lt!l61 Bnd P . D. 'IMver Mr. Elllmet Beltll Bnd.fllmlly apent with Uarre" Ulov6 'lgor. JUlil wi,lll,,!; tur IJI8 UUIUU to llc IIl l·JI · onr expert fisbermen, bavo been oudny wltb Mr . Dyko Deit z. Harrison · Comer hl1 ~, returned to Uoued, If I buppen"d to ue tuliling wllh mUlltng 110 ,le1ioo ·olllohei . MI RtI Uonann\lll Ballinger "lid Mr. hill home 10 Philadelphia aher a souHllJody thut Ilu.!\\' tho (umlly- 0,"1 Mr nnli Mn. U . O . Wbetile \ Bre Ldo 00111111 IHO !!lll1lldio(t Ii few d'~YI! visit with hill brother" Rlllllb norl ilico 1 mIght dlld u chuuce to aay thut driving .. n Overltmd ' uurlng ou r in Ul noluoutl. UI\worth (Jolller . 1 wall 80l'ry to hUllr b u'd bnen III 80 whl c b Lhoy )Jurollllded ot Uly(]e Lov. MI II Corl~ MoK eever spent the Will M\1Il\r ILnc) sls'er MlslI 1£118 loy. WUt'lI, lInll- Souaethtug of tbut lUnd wee k o o ,t with htlr s later Mrw Silent tlnndllY nt OILY ton · the gues ts perhllp8?" Mra Wlluur BuddIe lind 80n, Ltlurl~ Uel.tb . of Mr !Lna Mrs. NOIVl on Mil ler. "You <lon't IQIOW anybody that Woodrow, of L"no"stor, Oblo, were Hevernl from tbls vl oinlty enjoyed Manufactured of care!lIra, De nrv l'arpelfter of Cen ter kuows tbe tUlDlly." !:IundBY lIue~t8 of MrA. Frllllk \VII. tho Fonrth .. t -Nliyn IlBvlllo . vill e visited friends und r olntl v' lI "Yes. ·.[but Is--well, 10 a WilY, ot 800. MIa Huddle Bnd Mra. WI'IIOU fully sele ted stock, cut Mr . .IOAOrl'gg ~ ll n l1t nndny nluht lIere Hund uy. course, one ot Ibe tnwlly. That Mra. lire sisters. with Ilr Hllrry S l, ~1V Mr . W . Shnefer ,Jf .lames town Ho ~co e Sberl.iaJl 18 lIot II- thut 18, shc's accurately to all standard 'l'he HarVe!Rlmrg aorrflsponclent MrR Uon. Buk er 'lud dllullb te rH, WilY Lbe liuu.d.a :r ~ue8t or Mra. Id" rulher It 1}lelllluut·taccil IItlle WOlOau, got his IlIlIt wtl ok 'l\ Item8 III to ltttu Chr\l!,ophor sizes. We carry dressed i lblllk, and or course rntllor ordinary. to Ull lint 10 tb e po pAr owlllg La t h o 1'11I~ lmA lind LOllb, " I W II Olin~~oD, MII!~ Florenoe Groby of Dayton, [ think 8111l 18 Illh!r'('6ted altout- thll L 18. Fourth No donbt tbere wne wllny h"v o buoll vl,dtlng I;ho forlller's lumber in sev ra1 grades of l'OllrSe, sbe'd bE! allxlous to b!} lIlore dillllJlIlOlllted ~ub~orlbor8 bu t tllll'tl Hllltt:rr Mr~ . Adu Conrl,uey . ' Mr lIud ,\1 r... John Wagner "nil lulllJ.lllte wltb ~lIt:1·y , uULlIrully. She'll Wll8 nu ODe to bl!lmo 110d you aro Mr. A~8 Whltuker (Lind flUlllly en. bOi hy "pell' the woek Dud w1tb A. P " - suitable for various ' ul\\'lI)'8 looklllg over bero trolD hur re~ poot;ul1:y r eqllulI'ed to nut oullool t-IIrtu l nud tbe (ollowlol(' on blouJay. Broby !lod fa~lly . bouse ; she wos looiling out ot the WIll' your 8ousorlptl(111 Oil thnt IIcunu ot Ml' ,Iohn Wblt,hkAr 'HId f,.mlly lind purposes. We have a car Atr and Mrs I:loward Arohdelloon dow litIs atterllOOIl wheu Mury wellt No d u ubt \l1"t UlUIlY 01 Illn r outle rs Virgil lind VivlJ\n ttetlilholl, of Lobnnon visited frloods berr . of this fine lumber in this out, 1 notlr'ucl- U(()Ugli I dou't thluk uf tbhl III1WSY sitoeL loo k fo rwllrd t o Miss BI\If_le W'lfllilr lind Mr. Roy t;undIiY. Mury saw bur. I' m Bure she wouldll't \til oomlng thBt 'hllY tully ' I'elld Ibe Hull m otowd d uw u frOID Xe nia Mise Edl\.b t1adley of Oaytoo, week. Utlilk It out or pillee tD-to 1.00 truuk lIe wa trolD thlll l oo nllty tlOIl tUIII tjund ,v Rlirl 111188 Jllunl" Wnrner re o .peut tbo wllull eud wISh howe folb, lloout maltera. She clIlletl the olher week the lull IItoft' i" out @c() urinlC tllrn cd wi Lh t h um. . Mr . alld Mrs. Chu. Irwlo and dll.11, alld ~lltry must rother Ilk" ber- th e oountry 'hBt th oy lII"y mIlk" Mi~H Co t,hurloe BurneU vt8"ed daullMer of Dayton .pent 'rueday Bbe Buill tlull evenIng thut UJ/! C/l1I hud .. filII flnll uOU1ploto r oport ot tho Uhuut·l&uqul. griluu!l8 lit Erunt. with Ulure U C levenger. done her good. UOII't you U,luk It bapp oIUIIS, ImL thll truLh will bll the OIIfIIIblllll6,lI, 1IaIl* ........ Jill Thnr MI1,.y . ..... -~ --Ildbered to, itS Is "Iwnys thulr uH)Lto. " ,'0, 1I11 !" aile crl U. " Ue HlUY' be nil wlgut lle wise'!" Mr ... Noiso n MoKeAver and son "W16e7 I ' don't know. I tool tlJnt I'lglJt. WIl-" We lUI! In n efjrJ of rll.ln tbllt ou r R"lolUb s}J"'llt lI'rhll1Y w\t,b Mrs. .. , II, It'Oi horrlhl·1 I eUI\'t- " HI' the wbole Ulatter 18 111I1l"N~n ll ll . " .mull }Jotatuoe wny ue m,.(le ltl.rgoJ', "Yea, so do I," @lhe relurJ1(.od, prompt· lind thtl.t !l ur carll Ill"Y ua u ~.j J L Illi rIL 1:11111 th, M rB. Hu ~U Balt71 !Lnd . ADOCTOR'S REMEDY FOR COUCHS tbl·t'w h lm,.. 'I [ IIIl ck 11110 hla clllllr To every customer, no Iittio d"u ", hLor ou ll ud liD tho aftur A.· a ourfl f or oougiJlI Rnd ooldl lIgll ln, ijll'('''llhIK his iJlIlHls a eross hl p Iy. "It lim't really fl \hili" we Hllould orop It ur onD~ on luc reli Hod bMllt noun. matter what the amount Dr. 8811'. Plne.Tar.tione), oombln81 eOllslderlng 8crlo118Iy. or cour~ll. he til 'l'. 1I1 ~ 1I Idllllg Ihcm (1111 limply al noooant. 81111-" 'holle romedlqs III jUllt 'he rlllht pro. III I! did ' 11. Iu ,ilo IBst fow duya tbo wrltor 's of his purchase. Come podlon &0 do the IlIOS' good for IUW "I 8hollid say not I Dut 110881101),-" uttent·lou bU8 heen oRlid to t.he ffLOL ~I I' . \' erlrees WII8 tremulous. " You Iller ooughs or ooIds, A trl.1 will Thns U1I1Y 8idrrulHb"d liP nlld IloWIi thll t wa 11\1 Illl ve consider .. ble will · musu't gil'" wuy HO." ahe enId. losplred and tal~ over yo1,1~ plans prove tue . v",lue of thl8 Iplendld the field, but netore they turned tbe slooarf w ork thlit fjbould bo done (01' ouce Ililuost to rtlre(·t <llscourae. "I hll VII a8ed C';llumberlnlu '8 'eBb. lights out 811d WCllt U(18talr8 It was oouah medlolne. Dr. Boll '. PIDIl"WIU1 Ulv r Mury ml gbt think of doilig. with us. We can show 10 ou r owo touttory, lind In anI or It II' ul,llI' l II nn h ~ I' own lie IIUllt; It thorollghly ullder.tood between them tint tht8 may be IIcoowI,li8hod It III l AtH IInrl must say they oro tbe bell' Tar.Booey 100tb81 tbe lrrilAtloll, 1 hn vo over used tor oonlltl(>IUlon "ope :rour oough, kllla the. oold you bow to save money ,Volthl I)e lin ours, Dut If Wil Hltouhl- that ~lrl. VIlr1re1l!8 shoukl Reek Ibe n110C881l' ry th .. t w(\ rOllllno o u'r donn tlllf!III(I ""milllel' It, tim t w(lllllln!t be on earliest opportunity to ·o htoln de llull' tiona tu forolgn Millslunari08. L<!t'8 1I.0t'l illJtgo9tJon . My wife alao naed terml aDd doo. :roo a world of good , in buying all kinds of ~hllnr f(lr IndlgeHtlon lind t,hey did A 360 boUlewlJlroore 'han oonylnoe elUr ow II It ·Illlllt. It IlIll't bU(,111180 we Inrorwntlon frow Ib)'l "b rldal! COli' talk It rr om tbe rOlltruw In that cernlng ilie mentel' lIl1d pbyal 'III 81J1tus WBy it will belli to 01 vlll:r.e and mllke b~r~ood," wrlte8 EugolleS. Knight, you-It will IItop y,)ur OODllh, .a.t think or oursell·ea." building material. ,rOb God, 1101" lie grollllcd. "Not tor ot Bibb.. Alld Itt llc were 8ubJcct to bott-er mell lind wom e n and \VO 0 \U Wilmington, N . C. Ohll.mberlalo'8 druggls' • . . '1'"hloi8l1re mild and g , e ntle In tholr attacks ot IUliacy, the uabop"y pulr de. • •• usl We CflU go to tlte poorhouse, but ha v J tbe llle,ullI ro of seeing it. W u clded to prB.vent the saerilloo tbey 8UP- hove lumaforelgn mlsBt oUlUY ,""Irk . 110&1" 0. (;Ive thom m trial. YOD .nory cu n't I'e R stenogrlll)lIll r.!" Bra ceri.11I to be plOBlisd wI$h sbe posed their dauglAter lotended to malle Initlatille Enthu.I ••m, Slghllllf. MI·s. Vertreos resuwed ber erB that oould do lo'~ of I(o,d at ngreeuble llumtlve ofTen' wbloh the, A.b Adkllls says bts 100·ln·law 11&1 ol.lliliu lIusa. "o r co ul'Ile," she mur· ot bprself. A.lto~:etber, It Ulera. wt're home. Buyers Oet Qualltyl.· Ouaranteed on prollu08, Outalnllhlll ew rywhere, the sort ot enthusIasm which I. large· mured, "It 811 8 ellis very pl'tlwutUTe, !lpltetnl &hoRIS 1m the otd bOU80 tblll The Civil) Leagno lodlelt deserve All Supplies Iy devotcd 111 Btarllng Ole applauBe.ape olntln!; abollt suell thlllgll. but I I1ll1bt, eavesdropplug npoll Ibe woetul grea~ credit for tho Improll em('ot l u Atchlsoa Globe. lind u ",wer Sllrt lit teellnll that 8 11(' ~Ollledy, they mll"1 have died lIo.e~ of Il4!autlfylng O.lf Ilobool Yllrd with eeelllt.>d [Illite Illterested 10 tbI8-" Bhe laugbtert fl oworl!. It oever was woro II ttruot had almost Bold "In thlB onc," bul ITt' be, coAuillledl .IVO, ('hllCkcd h rllClt. "In thl8 young man. M.rll.. Flo,d Anderson ' and Bon. U nUlual Charact.r, lt's IIllturlll, ot courl!e; ahe II alwaYI Uarltoo, of Xenia. wore weoll.ood Vermont landlady glvell up keeplD, etrong nnd well, nnd h-e Ie-be rreema lIuelltll of Mr. -and Mrs ADlOI Ell hI slOAN'S LINIMENT RELIEVE PAIN? Mr. lind Mrs . Frank l:Iawlle enter, boarderB rather thao rale8 the price of to be, Ibat 1&-rBther appealing to the ['.i U anll lee-ooe appllcatioo will UIlIIs. Mnddlln, our popu1sr drug. t,atped Mn, Alli Baluell of Day too, board. Sbe wall too Boft·hearted for -tbe sympllthles." trolm Saturday uuill'l'llellday evoo thnt buslneB8, anyway: "Yee!" be Ilgreed. bltterl,. "Preclae- prove more thao. a oolomn Ilt olalma gist, who blls oot-ered to the wautH IIIIJ of IlIIt wflek. JaDla. 8 M'ergtU1oo, Pblla, l'a . or 'be publlo for m~lIy yellrlt, hUB 11. Tbe sympathies!': 1I00epted ~ p OllMan 011 'he rOllod with Mr. and Mrll .. Ern'~II' Bartlook "Perhll 08." talteroo_'nerlutnA wrUell: "1 hav& bad wooderful re tbe "Creom of R ice," a very' dell lief 81noel Ulled Hloao'l Ltnlmon' nn lIud daugbter were th.. Muod"y 010u8 IJrollkffl8t food, and will tr.v e\ my kneell 'fa think aner all tbose guosts of Mr. Bnny t3iokea "n4 CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA tbrough Ohto, We eX Peot lor him rUDllly, \louth of Waynell1me, ,earll of paln one eppllo,,'loo gave DIARRHOEA REMEDY me relief., Many 'h",nk8 for wbat greut snco"ss, lind h e Will be mlSHerl Miss Alioe Ohenowllth bOB beeD Ever, family without ezoaptlon ,onr remedy UII.8 done for. ml'." In tile Itoro eotertaluln" oompnny &he put Bhould keop this prepara tlon al hond Don', keep on .ulTerlrill, apply Mr. and Mra Barilln Bllrvey ao/! week . .,IO&n'l Liniment where your Iillin ~WO ohl1dreo, of oOl~r . 'Dod dS, WElre Mrs. Will Uerard leU for Olnoln. dorlng tbe hot weuher ·of tbe 110m. II aDd noUae ho,," qnlet you get re- I:!II0day vl p\tors of .1r. B,lrveY'8 nu ti !-; aturdny evening after a pie AI Dler montbs . Obamberlaln'lI 001\0, WANTED Cholerll and Dillrrhoe8 Rowelly I. Uef, Penet.ates wlthuut rubbing. mother, c:>f E,1K' Mllin IItreet. nnt visit horll. worth many timOR Its oost whou Bu)," at any Drua Store. 260. . . Rev. Alfred Wlllkor Ullod tbe 11UI. Mr. and Mra. WlIlle Allen enter. needed 8 nd I. alDl08t oertaln '0 be pit 8qncjay II.;t tho M. E. ohurob . tlJ.lnod guests (rom Dn,ytun Sundar, needed before the .ummer Is over. ANT 1I:D- To borrow one t hootl, Mr. und Mr~. ' Illrenco FnlkurAon Are buying all kinds of Mrs . DJ\vid Drake, of New 0"'1 It haa 00 ~ ulJerior for the purp08es and dollarll. eeoar~d by fill' !lnd fnanlly uoeolllpllnied by Mr. LIVE STOCK and payDally Thoug"t. ton, Albertn Ulln II.d " aod MM . for wbloh It i8 inteud ..d. BlIY It mor'laRe at tl pereent In'erelt Ad You know we ll enough what I meon I:!imma. "II of !:Iprlng Vulley, were Blaokllmore and Mrs ., of now. Ob&aloablo everywh6rtl ing highest market price. dre.. Look Box 1It1, Wayneavll\e, ;onday "fternooo Guests of Mr. by youth and og'e; sometblag In tb e D"yton, Ohio, vl ~lted wltb sbelr Oblo. ' . j21 .... nnclo !lnd Dunt Mr. a.nd Mn. Fraok We ar~ paying the high80ul; which baA no more to do with Ilnd Mra. Jl'Q\uk 8bldakor The fnllDWlnl{.nUlllerl cltlzonll Bnd Hawse 0 tew dllYs IIlst, week. the qplor ot the llolr thBn lbe veIn of est cash price \for Avoid Thl •. gold In a 'rock tuis 10 do with OJC graBS vlllitor8'Spellt tho Fourth along tho Quit~ a number trom our vlohlUy bl1ulltl o~ lJuellllrs Uroek fi~hh' g, .FOR BALE W,a otton discard th o wrong cBrds, a thousand feet IIbove IL- Holmsa. IItrended the Foorth of July cole. b oating and flgbtln~ mO S 'lulto~ : brat.lon lit W",yneMvllle. aod BomoLimoe It hAPpens tllul wuy Mr.ond MrH. W W. W,loh Mr , MIIIII Fl or enoe L~oy and brother with friendshlpR .-l\aneas Ily Jour· .. nd Air;!, E . B. DlIkln, Mr. ' and Mrll. Y~Dng . Jouey Oows wl,h h,IPer Barry 8plln~ Sa&urday night and nal. Alv .. Keouedy .. nil fntully, Mr. nnd calvt'l. For luformatlon oall 00 Unc.le Eben, R_n(]oy lit the b ome of &bolr "Ieter To be delivered at Corwin Mrs . Wo.rroll Harl .. n Ii II 1;1 1100, Mrp. lira. Anole GlbboDl, R. O. 4, Way. "Politeness ea'l1't be put on all or Sl\uh Btl.rl'~n and Mrs ' Lydia ,Bor MIS. Fronk Uook olnd tamlly of Irh!//AI·-......,.-sudden, 8a "UiiCle. Eben. "Some Route 4. VIl;. foturnlnll hOllle in tllo evenlnll mell tryIng to 'be polite makes you doo! .. rlnK ,hoy enjoyed thl.lmselveB Optlml.tlc Thought. 'Mr. Will Oernrd reoeivlld " 'eie. tblnk of a swallow·tall ccat hurried every minute. The Instobllity or a .trlalld Is more WINDOW-8A~I:f, for' m MO.D/by anllounolng tho dean . on over a' eult of overall .... rrlovou8 tboll the malicious hatred of dows, 10 I(ood oODdllloo, . Everyb Illy Rnll hts' brot.ber were ot hl8 oloce ~r8. Chas. Jiopner, Office Phone No. 46 I4rl J D Marlatt, pllonelS"- 2rloll, Bu IoU th",t ovo. an !loomy. 10 dtend"noe ILt tho Fourth io Way. Newport, I{y. . , , jl~ Res. Phone 'No. 48-2 nlng til Attend tbe ruoeral. neRVII\e from bbre !I.od olsftwhero. Su~day, l+'rnDk Hawae and wlfo Mra, Hannah Barlan, " OW and Plge fol' la1e. J. T. Something a Novalt)'. ottlzen of tblll vlolnlty, pllalod IlWIIY entertalued the formor 'a lIi.ter 10. Marl"''' Waynesville. Route 1, MBhall 'We 110 to tbe movl8ll: play .r168Y· m!'rntng, July 7,h,lell.vlog IL l .. w·t.!r8, Milt Hawsll, Mr . .and Mrll. PhoGe 146- SY. . jl~ bridle, or .tay b.o ms'" "Why uot .tay daughter and many friends k> D~v.lrt Lyonh and dungbter. Pauline home? We can alway. 10 to the mo- mouro ber departure. Int8rment ,.nd Jeasle ond bliss Mlddletoo, of everal S'andll of Bee. aod Bone, vtea or play brldlls."- Jndlls. Bowernllle, Ohio. at Wllmlogton The followlna oandlda'811 liD. for lIalll,., realOna ble prloes. 10. oounoe tbelr CBndl4lioy before tbe ThlM dl80M8' IIhould be treattld. as ~n Mn. Darrio' Alllhrr.ore _Mil roo quire of J . O. Ollr~olJ. l'houe ~7-a, lUI tbe tint unnetural Ioo8en81111 <if tho. R6pub\loan PrlDlary &0 be h.e l4 Harveysburg. 0 .' . mains vory daoge.rou8ly ill, with J12 bowel, appears, Wheo tbis 18 done a AUgUBt B. UU. IIUle ohonoe for b el' reoo"ory. elngle d08&O' ~h.m~rlaln'lI CoHe, ()hol· Is Beauty Aid, Mrs, M.ulon VantreliR Is quite era and Pla#hae.)lemudy will,.Boot a "1'~" yearll a,o 1 "Qffered frum poorl)' at 'hili writing. Announces SI)eeialist cure. ~ remedy can alway a be de· frequaut aUllolrl of .'omllob 'rouble HATRAWAY pended upoll evell ba tbll mOlt level'll and IIr, aoll Mr •. Levi Je81.op "ud CIJrk of Courtl dAogerowr CMM, and .honld be ke}it at and blllooaue."," write. MilS Emma IIr~. Ibble Coli ott .. ttonded 'he hArid ready for lnataDt uee, Nne&' leaw :Verbryke, Llma, Oblo. 'I ool1ld foneral ot Marl" J. 'JesRopln Kenl .. AIlt..lnId Louise Tlllk 01 11l....""'~ to Wornoo WaYD8cllnlle'. Leadlo, DenUlt DAN P. BONE home on a journey without It. v"ry IIt'le food 'baa ajlreed Oftlae In Kefll Bldg, MaIn St rriday. I want buy your JOE LEWIS wl,h me and 1 became 110 dlzz, aDd Mr, and Mrll. W L. Barvey, Mrll., 7 ' Wool and will pay .fat at my .to0l801i . a' tlme~ tbd 1 i:Jallie AI l,e~l tb Ia " lint aJil to biiauty till •• tor. R euYJn and Mrs. Lizzie t!hl. told 11)1 M1I(lto<! Loll'*'. beaut, specllll.t, of had t'l , .. ke h old 01 Bome,blng to Un.tou. M"". .. II of uuuruaJ Into"",t. the h,lghest daker wor j In Dllyton Wednesday For C3mmllllciocr ' lleep Jrom falling. 8eelnl Cbam "1 f!an roccUilluelld no bc,tter healtlt elver ~lrll. RebeooOl Merritt II! 'l)elldlng t.hnn tlJnulloo ' .... Id .Miltlmd Lnull6. berlalb 'I . Table.II' all.,or".14 1 de A . U. BAKllitl . Market Price . • • .• 1 .aM rur mliu)' month. a .Jc~1m of atom .. old84 to 'r~ 'bem I , Ilmprovlld rap. II few dllY8 In Kenll1 (namllton To"n.hlp) _ch troublu and nen"OUln IllS. 1 bad from palo. that fo\lo,,"11 eaUol. Idly." ObtalDllble nerywliere; MII!II Betl.~le . l:ihhillkor IIpen' tbo IAlrrlbly W, :O. UORWIN Uerulflch.. al .... would add to my worn .... we,·k end with Klirl Shldaller tlnd . . 1'~!rl~lf,,'l"~' ~ :;;e~r.~'!!,.~0~u:~!~1 ~Tr"~:~: JOSEPB T, DHlARDOB'I" family to Malnovllie The ' most Modem aDd Sanitary CreamerY vko of 8oYur.1 women who .... d, "Tuo tolio .. ' .. Mias Mary tlhldaker, .or Wllmlng . Uno," in the State and will pay highest market ED B. ROUERS Eugenia ;W.r of Fut\lN. .. No~ lOOK after lat.artetJ tho toDolIDe 'reat· m y \ ..1ronft \Jtopn 10 remln" mo or tho OMeer , (·pollltiOIl to prleooer)~"1f too, spent laat wook wltb ber graud . m.n~ price for sound, dean sour cream. 'We are Irnllrov.m.n~ III 1111 condltlpn. And \JtJcllUtf() FRANK BENDAM tlTUKmB pareDti! nOlu ntohoryv!lIe, YOU IIDd any .ulJpletou. papclra OJ! tblB " CIlII h Is ~" .. <lulek",,' way to bOau~1. ille 1m· lew. Tur1Joo.-k Tp .l always prompt to recognize any advance MI •• M'ugue!lte ·U!evo.oger apout L>ro v""" M "'''" plU'tluular!y notlcilablo In my .man, .hoot hJni. not, ahoo't him JOBR:PR WATKINS !ad weell wIth ber III liter, Mr•. ClLr.• rRee. in the market, and will take care of your anyhow; tie'. ero ••eyed!" .. Wlu.t touollne rot>Jly ,Ihl lor me I caunot ".y. . r am 10 IIral4ful'lbat I 11111 VolY ",tiling (Second Term) rio J:lbldllker, nOtAr here' 'interests at.all times, Checks mailed daily to rocmnmeud tonnlluo )luhUcl,." ..~~ --Valley Phone 136. To""lIn. I. II (Iurely VIllj(ltllIltO prep .....tlon or weekly as desired to cover all sbi.pments. whh.:lo MOOS to tile of ",.,IIJO'OO onllladll!ll.lOflla,·h Aud ""Ino, tMulllo. cal.arrhal atfee· For Recorder Superior Chemhlal 'Un!n, , &lOllS of tho muoou. mao.briaIiOil, II "or allmonla WHEN YOU HAVE A COLO alld 11II11I1rlll"" of tho UtO(o,(j":"'anti 'llIlcldy roo ALbieN BUr..MAN Ullng a cbemical procesl II Joloecow IIE.' .IIENO. 1I"'I",r ""~IOIl, TQ,noilDo I~ belnK 11K' Give," ,,"en~io~1 avoid eZpalure, 'Wt'Oll 'eqlnoor clalmK to bave produeed .": plillnecJ .111 Iy to lIIaDY 1MlO~'lea~all drul.torocr, R, B, BII1TB lfatloDaI "(ltlr.~ :- ,\ 8 tonollne IS a WOlidOrf1i1 lleeh finer . linen yam than the IIneat, 'PUI,I. J>e regular ahd oareful of yrl1r diet. .bull~lor Nart ....t . .rlllt auk It .holllll oot lie ta/"en b)' any oue nol slMo oomJllence .aktutr Dr Kina's ",1.lllnl to In rfruo hi....'Mlllt IUn poUDd. Dr at low COlt, Aa~:'bII WlRllaat . Dlrfttol" New. DllI(lOvery. It Ooo"'luI Pille mul'O. A"hOU(lh man, reporte are noolv8ll III t1 Resw-ntaUve , aDd, Embabner. oom tIwtIe "II.. blvo beel>1 benefited by toliOl' Tar, An&la6p"o Oil, and IJDO In lOVeN_of atqmllela Uoullte .00 oar18 loa" ve. . 0,.. MILTON GLARE VOUII dIaPO........ cbl'ilDlc corlattplltloD. ate. OhIOa '! New ... TBOM~ S, BOOVSa r IOOlb81 IUa4 DIOrD~llal


.. ht'

j9 1t'1'C~








.- .

- --


. -----




Ol••allled Ada

Peterson &Stoops w ~yltelvillej o.

... .


---_. - ----







Announcements S







Call Me by Phone .








: Wa,ne••ille.


'tlbell, •• ollclr ,OU ,oa IrDO.



'OW ·




(IJet:oACI 1Wm1


1'. ~ 18I11t"~~D

1\e ANDIEW ROHAN CO. Olnclnnatl.. Qhlo


J. F.~~ AIL Wa,....;De,O•


~~MHMH""",,"~~~~"""~~~~"""~MH~""""""""""""'"..... (jrocericR Men's Clothing Shoes Dry Goods _ Ladies' Wearing Appnrel Furniture Rugs Mattings J.inolcums Stoves Trunks Suit ases Corset"

fl1t~d's WARRE





• B~ t Work :,hoes on earth-the • . Lion BrRnd t .Hyman's.


Dr. Thos 'herwtlod is In an bl.l-il .

H. Allen made Ii bu siness trip j to W. COIUlllbus ,J? r i\lay.


II home OWEln Burnetl is ljuite ill at his on Main iltreet. '1

FrnJ1k Anderson, of Lebanon, was a busl:nesB wIler herA TUeHday.


. 1


Misl, Martha .0·Ne.all, in .the ational banlt, IS taking her vacauo~.




1 today






Misues Helen and lrma Harris are visitinlf in Morruw with relatives.

tf I dayLouw:ithHyman. of Xenia, ijpent Fri· Mr. and Ml'S. Myer Hyman .


Saturday Jilly 22


A. M.

i •

to Saturday August '5




P. M.

THE S. FRED CO. Lebanon,O. Co~plete

.... ..

The best f2, ,2 50 ond $3 Straw Hats to closp. out at !l8e at Hyman'l!.

It improves the soup to throw 1\ little pepper into it Slime way with a town.

Home Furnishers



Iron·Rust SlJota Sprend stnlned Dortlon ovt!t a bowl COlllfliu lng: 011


Thel."e will be an Ice Cream Social ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ilieM~ HoUy ~uuh, Sdu~~ evenine. July 16. Everybody InEvidently Wann. vited. I was villtmg ' with my aliter &lid tiamlly, and whlle '11'11 were eattnc dl"D· • Mi!!ll AI~a Waterhouse left Mon· ner one day little PaUl looked up 110 day tor Richmond, lnd, where 811e tuany with hl& tearll atlndln& In hll Mil join 'relatives and 110 for a trip blue eye.. HI. tather uked what IJt1r lu ~re throUilrh the Wost, wal tlls trouble, and Paul replted:' 70 acres and buildlngl $75 "Me don't know, papa; It', colnc 40Wl! 163 60 Miu Lellfy Emley returned home " c:ooked."-mxchanre. 108 80 last w(*lk from St. E lizabeth's hos · 1,(. 90 pital Dayton, where she underwent 118 90 a very IUCCGuful operation f or 118 65 Itoitre and adenoida. lOS 75 Unole Eben. ' " 100 Messrs. Berman Cartwriiht and "Polttenell can't be put OD all · of 80 120 Marlon a Budden," said Unole Eben. "Som. 115 McKay. and t he Mis8l!s 65 Kathelr lne Henderson ·and Katherine men trylnc to be polite make. you 108 " 100 60 think of a Iwallow·taU coat hurried Fisheor , ot Wilminiton , were guests 191 75 of on over a suit of overalls." Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith Sun66 75 day. • _ 170 90 114Y. " 70 "


.... ..

... ..

165 93



1Ntnu, . DIIUociiiT..

:.PIOIALI.", OO.TU • • II . .. TIIA ........ O,,1. A ..D ..U. .11tV10. PIIIOF'I, a. U .... O 1ft ADV.IIITI.INO OOLU ....


8AM~LE COpy FREr. _ _ _ . . . . YOR" OLI .....II .

.. _v..... ..,.



.. 1 88 .. \l~~5 " .. 80 .


Superior Chemloal Linen. Uetng a chemical p1'00e8S a M08cow ens\neer claims to have produced a BIler linen yam than the flncst spun, at low cost. .







,(7 131 33


The June Colledion of Taxes has been extended to July 20, 1916.



Close at noon Saturdays. FRANK D. MILLER, Treasurer of Warren County.



1 ~0


120 33 115 85 9000 8000 13000

.. .. ;,



f am the only member of the family who h .. beeD a candidate for office. and If 1 have ODe more .t erm I can get my little home paid for. I wae Secretal'1 and Profesaorln the Lebanon University, wblch m1 fath. er founded. for many years. . reelina' feeli~1f8 of prof ~und iTBtltude for lupport In the put. Ukillll a continuance.tor on. more term. thereby reward. lq a dIer ot the Union army. first cornpaD)' orpnlzed In Let.. 1*1, vis,: Co. F, 12th Rea1ment. May. 1861.1 JDI, . .. Very IiDcerely Y~lln, -








The Best of References


~ , 20~.OO




Your walls crl n h made- more S:1nitary , as well as mor beautiful. by givin g th e m soft tinted ' appearance with th ·mnd,·rn. W:) , haul- wall finish


11.5 10.78

.li·ractlon.1 currency, nlcl<.11 and conti! ..... . , .. . .. ~ .. lll.GU 13S.G~ No\.oO 01 otber uuUonu bunka.. l,a3u.oo Fed.ral n_rve notoe . . • • •. • . • ' lOU. UO Coin ~Dd ""l'1olllcal.oo.... ... •• . U,737.66 Logol lonller NOles . ....• •• . • . • . " I ,UOO.OU

llo,lomptlolltllud wlthU. S'I'.......· n....... udlluolromU.B.'I·ro..urer

1,500.00 Total. .•......•......... . "02. 1B <l. 91 LIABILITiES a"ll~1 stock poUd In.. . . .. .... IDO.OOO.OO I&OrpluB l uncl. . . . ...... . ..... »0.000.00

Uutllvldoo l'roOto . . . 'U,06 ~.81 Leas"""pt!ullCllllald.. . .......

14 ,6Q8." 6U,OUO.UO

OIn:uJallHg n o",", • .• ; . • . . • • • •• N.t .'"Ount due LO b-nJc. and

Pt~·~: ~~~~'~~. t.I~~~ . ~.c.I~~~?

~H,11 8, OO

10.000. 00 1.500.UO 2J6 .80.• • 81


J~~;~ Once applied, i t holds tight to the wall, which:means lasti ng dura llilily, and as freque nt wa hinys as you plCe'l ·C. This fini sh om s in ~ Ct, restful shtld s. Sold at


1 ,30~ .U 6

_ _ __

Total ...... ..... . .. ..... " 63.180.0 1

Labor. "Labor Is the Instituted moan's tor the methodical development of all our powers under lhe directIon anti control Df tho wll1."~J. O. Holland.

EasY to mint· fasY~oWasJa

. ...... . . . .. . .. n.oo

'j'otal dOi>Olllts • •••


~: lIawke's ' Grooery

l. J. O. Oartwrlght . Ouhlor or tbe .bove e~Dlod bllllk, <.1 0 IIsolemnly »wearboat ~bat ab,.o true ro the 01 tbo my ~~~!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!! '" koo"ledgo .and btlUot. ,I J. O .. Ol\ RTWRlGnT, C...bler. SuolCl'ibe<l auri .worn beton. LlII. 7th day 01 July, 1U16; . J. O. ClU'twrlgllt. TELL THE ADVERTISER VOU SAW Correct A U08t: CulUer. J. W. WIiITE. HIS ADS IN THE MIAMI· OAZflTE J. B . PII:NCE, 8, LEV. OART WRIO UT. . . Dlreb&o ...



Eugenic War of Future. . Omcer (pointing to prI80nerl-"Jt yol1 find any .susplclous pnpera on this man, shoot him. It not. IIhool him anyhow; hO'B croBseyed!"

Uncle liIIen. "Oallln' names," said Uncle Eben, "aln't ulgl' as sporly an' excltln' • pastlmo as It wns wheo talks wall lUI/" pOBC!! t.o ~gh t or keep lUll." '

Can't Lose Hair Work. . VVork touch'll the key. of endlesa TwentyVearsfromTodaya8aldhoad. activity" open the In8nJte ani{ atandll cd Man ~t11 ~aa Unulual Sflht . aweatru.c k bofore the IrnmonBlty or ' what tb.e re III to do.-P~lIlpB Brooks.


Oae or ~he mo.t promln8D' drupl.ta of America made ••t.temeD~ • few weeki lio


"blch b.. cloUMd 10 .rea' cIeIl.or How 8ound. Travel•• IIDOIIII acIeD'''''' In the mldJeal S--, Soulid travols throu.h ·. dry air at He ",Id: .. If 11M IIIW balr II'Ower. loW dredlna 8m RemICl,.; ~ Ita IBM ",'It the ratel or 60 reet per second; throuah h.. dutiDi the PIIIt , ..... " wU1 bll.ed by 'Water at 2'0 teel per second, and In _ I , ever, maD, womara &lid ebJId ID .Amer- llteel wire at 17,180 feet per second. . Ica WlthlD ellh& ,..... . "Wil.D IIlidreclln& Hair II \IIMl .tm_ unJ..-U" dUdiulr WW dllapPtU' aDd with Ita depariun bIId_.1&aIaJIII eealp, hair &lid . . a.Ip "at lotio" I nlllativl Inthullalm.



IIId ....17 ,.,. a bald bM4 wm All Adkbl. Ia)'l bll 1IOJI·1J1·la", bu' be. rutl,." IamDII . , . . IDD to pa, the of enlbua!um ",bleb II lara. Paeap. .11111 aid...... ~ IIIItInd Loru. bl ltartIq tile apple.......


11 0-

Dlvldeucl8 unpuld. . . . . . ... .. .. lIopo~lt. .ub/eet Lo draw tbelr own conclusloU9.-M llwau· lutltvlllutU wack . .•. .. . .. .•. ...... , . . kee J'~u.rnill. Cerlillcatea p I tJepoaU duo lul_ than 8U claya . ............. .. PO<Itol ... vllll' deIXlIllIAI .•. . ....


Demand Muoh. Quito a tew worthy cltlzon I . 'W1II nevor be satlsned with medical prog. res. until eome means h88 boen deviled for half'80~ a worn-out liver.



aerl'. 111001< Block . ••. . • • • . • . 8ubacrlptlon to atock In Foderal

I tern •.

Good Bluff. 8760 Not every man cnll own nil IlUtO. but 3500 every ma", can go 'about doplorlng lhe 5500 price of gasoline and lotting owners

lteald.DO. 45·2

UlI,f.~~fe:1o~ii.: 'ieCu~~~~!~~

Stocks. ot her tbw

,relen·e agouts 1n other rMOrvo clth. . , . . ....... ... 9.093.68


Ollie. 61


8.,!,t~~ll.O·th~;.·.hliiij.~:~~: (eot locludloll .r.ocli.) owood

OuYltJ. cb.clea IlOd otber .&IIb




value) •. • ..• . &O,UOO.OU OLbe~''l!oa.:,.Y.. ~ioc~~.O;'taj8.v:

Brier II Really Heath. . LeAo ..mount uIlll1t.ld . •.• Brier pipes are nOl mnd trom the ... .. .... .. . . . 300.00 ... .. , . or baDklng houlO (l r uu· Wild rl~se brier. The namo Is a cor· Voluo eucilmbred) .... . . .. 8,000.00 ruptlon of the Frenoh word Bruyere Equi ty In bllllkltlir bouse . .. . .. . !lue lrom Foderu (heath) . The earliest brier pipes NnH_amount rv, HowI< • . •• • , .•••• • . . were I:[ltroduced Into Englllnd In 1869 Not 1l1ll0ut duo I.rom approved re..,,' aKen~ 10 lCow York. \lb!. and wore mlldo from the root8 of tbe c ..o anll 8t. Loul. 3.~2a. 20 Fronch w~w bealh (ErIca. arboreal. Net awount duo from apllrtlvod

Precioul Bookl, BoolcR are IElgncles that a creat Cenlns leavos to mllnklnd. which aro delivered down from gcneraUon to ~rog loneratlon as the presents at the past 6000 to tbo lst) yet unborn.-Addleon. 5000 7000

and Real Estate Waynesvlile. Ohio




or make a sale tQis fall, , see


Waynesville, OhIo

. (par

Heacn'e llank 8. ' 00.00

16000 8000 6000

If you intend to buy a farm


., Phone 116

Loane and dtacounta IU O.Ul.n . 'l'onl loan. .......... . . . . IUO.Ga7.n



There were three Holbrook boys In the army. all under 17, serving an average of three years In the 12th, 85th and 79th Regiments and Signal 'Corps, so well known in oUr county. . The 'i11ne81 resultlni' trom a former campaign in which I walked about 700 miles has about disappeared and I can nuw satisfactorily perform duties of office which are much more extended thantormerly. The Deputy Is my dau&'h ter. Mlu Hebe. The State Bureau of Inspection reports: "The new abstract index rtlquired by Sec, ~64 G. C. i8 f8IrUiarly kept and the work in the Recorder'. office reflect! credit ·on the clerical. torce." . ]11 addItion t o routine work done, we ba\le:lr,\tIIICz:ibed. 'with correctioDl, almost three volumes of· old re<:ord8, :-vhich has mad • .the office aelf-tUpport-

J. B. Chapman



Wa N. SEARS TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY I Am a Candidate for Recorder. PleaSe Help Me.


ORGET fO f 11 moment- if you will-thc matter of price. Con sitler Saxon "Six" purely on the basis o f its merit. hserve the matchless grace of the Yllct·Hne body the lustrous beauty o{ the linislt . Observe the finished perfection o f every (Ietail. Observe, too, the velvety smoolb nc s of every movement o f the Incch llnislO - tlte well-nigh perfect silence, unbroken save by the low purr of the g reat motor. Mark the u tt er comfort of the deep upholstery-Ihe roomy restfulness of the wide seats. And at the end of the ride you' lI sa y t oo, Saxon " Six" at SSW is the greatest value ill its field .

Of the Cond ition of t he Waynesv ille National.Bank, at Waynes · ville in t he State of Ohio, at the c lose of business. June 30. 1916. RE 80 U 1I \llts.



OFFICE HOURS TO THEPUBLlC-8:00·A. M. to 3:30 P. M.



l'.5 56

on e

No. 2220


.. ... ,. . ... .. ...






] 24

or wnter

Avoid Thl .. We often discard the wrong cardl, and sometimos It happenB that wat wllh frlond.blplI.-Kl\DBas Cll), JoW'


. .... .. . ..


Best Work : Shoes en earth- the Lion Brand at Hyman's.



----- - ---

Botanical Phenomenon. Mrs. Etta Prinlz, of Dayton . spent A remarkable botanical pbenomeno. the F()urth with her brolher, Mr. Is tho fac t that while lbe stMa ot Wis· and Mre, J . 1\1, Taylor. consln has been plentifully supplied wl lh bemlock. Minnesota, tor mllny Mi~1 Laura Rosnal\'le, of Sprlng· m il s sopllrated from 1111 nelgbbor by boro, has been Visiting her sister noLb lng but the St. Crohl river, bas Mrs. H. E. Hathaway. al olOst none of that Umber, except one ti ny spot of 240 acres. . Mesllr8, J . O. Cartwr ight; J. E. Janney and L . A . Zimmerman were Lebanl~n vlBltora Tuesday. Something or a Novelty. "Shall we go to the movlos, play Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. dau gh- brlrt go, or stay borne'" "W hy not St3y ter and neice, of Selma, Ohio, visited bome? We can always 110 to tho mowith r elatives here Tuesday. vIes or play brldge."-Judge.

Meet Me at Fred's

The Great Thoroughfare

sider \vh~t may be for the future the Buree defences of our lif , lib rty lind ijncred honor. What peaceful mt'thods of PI otection, oducatioll Bnd ' nlilthtenln\!nt ou'!' cOl1ntry may ep· ply to tr\.\e her Irritated lind hara Bed n iirhbor on the Bouth frpm '~Xllitlitiltillll, iglloll,ncll llolld passion , What sacrifices she mllY make when the European war Is . over · for the heaHlI1l and rehabilltation of the stricken nations. What firmer princi pIes of justice she mllY establish Bnd IJrlletice in her r elations with the Orient. What Ilrealer earne!t of Ilood will !the may extend to alien races and peoples within her own limits. Lel these p roblems become h dr se· ri ous preoccupation nnd thElre will be no need of a rmament to defend her bordErS. Rather IIhall sh e be called " The repaire r of lhe breach. the reo store r uf paths to dwell in." And the prophecy ~hl\ll be fulfilled. "The nationl! s hall see thy!8 and 1111 th e kings thy glory; and thou ~ halt be call d by a new name which th e mou th Of J ehovah shall n ame."

lOaS[lCHl nflll hornx. Apply hydrochloric drop br drOll. until stnln brlgbt· Mis!! Vern Sheets, of Dayton. 81lent !lcld. enB. tb 11 dip Btnln nt Ollce Into wator. the Fourlh With Homer Carey and I t 1I0t remov oll, USO some method un· tamlly . til Btalns dlsllPPCllr. CarD sbould be tllken to USB either hornx or 8Il1monill. Otis Bradfo rd, of Dayton, was the or Boap In rinsing wator. guest of J. W. White and family Sunday.


Remember the Dates






Something New- ":rhe Little Wonder" Records will be be in this' . w.eek; come in and hear ~hem played; the price will be,,, ... 'fo every child ~ho buys .5c or ' ~ore in our store, 'Saturday. we' . _ . will give. a '~OP, free. . New Dishes, come in .and look them over; the price .. .. ; " . : " Ladies' Pocket Books, with a Mirror inside; t he .price. ..... , ..•. Tinware.,.-.{)il Cans, Buckets, Mea~uring Cups, Sieves, Coffe~ ~d Tea Pots. Graters, etc . ... ~; ... . ; . ... . , , _.; .... . .•' : ' .' .. 100 New Veiling, just. the thing for motorin'g, per yard ... .. , '...... . 10e



~.m ____~---.~.--,------~.-------~------~--~---------------------.





1m rn1l..d


1I..t ~v~'


I~ 0'"' my dig ..... ity;


1~ jv~t b3 jQO~ ~~~ upflvt \Jilyvrn'~ N'\'t..d



~v e.a.l

-r.t!:.:'lJ Y. J L¥ , l U, 1 16



\Vhole Number !:i 7 TH~ CHEERfUL


01--., lots or t hmq.) ICi tell yoo if'I d't-red,


l:AM I'






nlCe. t~roqs If'


.fARMERS CLu e .\l El'

T i ll E 11 01\\ E OF

HAR L:\, BlJ U 111 The ec liJj~ e of. th l~ moon Fridll\' onlY ~ev yov; night took place as ~dl ·dulel\ by 1 to T love. a s lron omers A l !1:20 I h flil'C of t he y O \} right out lovd . moun bega n to rl nrken , unlJ I{raclunlly ~t ~e". <) I emm!' eclip'wrl 0 eight. t 'n t h» tie Bvi, 1 ct.n only ,.. th (' m{Jon'sdinmr.ler. II was 11 I, 'all , 1\.1'CA",! thl,",~ It\ ... t iful Hpecta c\c. ~evern l o f (Iur rc ~ i · .so "\,.:QJ'1 ' "t> ./~ •.t f/ d ent.'l mud e it il point to lJUHCrVe IL Ami Thollll h( Tht!y Wcre l'fended a por tion of Ithe time. and thllY wcr,' s CM'ed . Was Fully Uel1lon~trated on Sev. And the P rog ra m Was Diviilt'Jd for Ih e Ca ll1 p, Bll t Were They CIIII It, Along (he Utile J\1laml fully repaid for stay ing up. Til, R.'1'('A~ 'f'l!Ii'"=cI'/ Be tween the Old and Young eral F8rm~ In Ihe . (join~ Awuy fru m It moon was hrilliant before the eclipse, Campers 'Arc Enjoying OutlIlKMembert Township alltl as the re were nil c l oud~ t~ ob· All Arc Having Fine Tlmc Rcu re it , WIIS ve ry plnin ly Reali 1::c1ipses of I he mllon arc c"u ~('{1 hy \\'or d wus pas-qeci II long the Lit Lie Ih e passag" of the earlh he tw l'l.·n he Mia rrd rail rond Monday to t he "rre(,1 The Wayne Townllh ip Fa r llll'r~' Pro f Jacoby . of ltie O. S. U ., who The banks of the Miam i :lun und m oon. Tho Ehlldow of lho thal there wore n 1'1111 1'1 0 II f d,'!', r lerll _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cli lh nwt aL Ihe hum CIt Mr. nnd Willi schf duled to come here Monday Are shady and coo l, ,e arth t hu !! d ~L rkl'n ll t hl1 f ll(,(' (If lh r fr'lll Camp \ illi~. (""IUlllhull. nn MI·~ . Hllr vc!y Bu rnott. The rilLY waa In the inlurll8ls ot the Miami Valley We fi Ah a t the d nm moon . Tr e r,c will ho nn " Iill~o (If , ~(l I1 \(, train running' pou l h . Accord · ideal un, 1 ~vc r r oll e h1l0l 8 j olly ~ood Poultry AIIHOc illlion, arrlved on time And slVlm in the pool. th e sun .l ul y ~9 th. hut wi ll n t hp il1~I V, every l11 arillllll ill ('very lown lime . Thl! w(lmen. enpcei all y, WAre and was tRk e n in chlrae by C. J. v i~ il J!l' in t he Un it eJ Stat o..;. ' \\,II~ on\llC l(lok·out for t hem, and O ur 80ngs we do Ri ng . dpl ighted to WfUlr\t!1' through t hll T omlio Hnn, preHidunt of the Il~HOcill ' Ry the CRmp fi re b right, l~c li\l s(~!1 all wcll n.q oth er \,h lll" wl ;un lilt' 2 u' C1ock fre ig ht CIlIl1(~ into h"II ~ " and rmjoy th e (' Ill fa shiolled Uun . H e WIIA tRk e n to the farm of And toa~t our mars hmlLllo w8, cna of t he plHnclHry ~y~ l e l11. can !lOW Cor wi n, Marshal i)aUghter R hel{an to r' l',nl~. while tho 1111.11 wom e njUl'ing Jus. Hisel, whe n:, he caponized BeV · 'Till tar In the nllCht . ho calcu la t ed with lh ' I{rt'ulellt lIC' , make sear ch fo r tllllin. He fi nall y I hE' Illlpr'\ vc lllp.lIl~ Illlille Ity Mr . e rlll chi ckens , IInll frllm there to the No bugs or mosQuitoeR , curacy locateri the m in a lot of machin er y HUrl1I'lt ill ulld a round l ho ha rn . home of 11 V Slnith, he aliu - -._- - ... - -Ion a flat car, nnd bv tho aid of n ro Our peace d o pe rtu rb, 'I'll<, prol.( ram fM lho day wa!' ' in . T he best WOI'k' Shues on earth . d emonstrated the Irt. There Wl; rt! The b8lt Work Shoell on earth . ! peater ind uced t hem to get orf the Wear better, last I"ngolr. al Hymau's . l'.rI!111inK inrl cd. 1'hlH' llrront O\" ' lIt!! lIf1verlll present 'to ~ him do the Wear beller.lllet lonier, at Hyman's. N o crying or fr ot ting, O ur nigh18 do distur b. w.. r v" r,' If,io1d Ilnd It Iiv 'u!sion ' trai ll . work. and ~ ev e ral of thOle pr4lllent The men wp en taken to the Cili a· f" ll"wed. T hn C's,\flyist, Mill" An na Mrs. J . W. White is on the ~ic k GlIOdyear Tire and Tubes at H. E, a ccomplished the work themll8lves banse clai med they had len\'e of a b o M'·I', ·ditil . r":1I11\ rHlp.! r on ··Llbra" Mi8.~ Esther Lomb, of Covingt on. under hi~ ' directions. Earnhart's. ii:lt. ' sence and had g one to Colum huR. r it! " w hich WII~ (')(cI·Il"nt. K y" 18 the g uest of Mr. and Mrs , B. In the nfte r-rl oon at 4 o'clock be It I,r·illl{ Chill ln'"' ~ t ny, A nhort Dr. Dill, Oateopatn. 21 S. Broad. H. Kelly, Will to havD given a lecture on ca· L. A. Zimine r llll1u i ~ in Ci ncinna ti l,r,'l{l'I1m WHll Iliv II hy t ill! Itirls a nu p onldnK, but &8 there were but a way, Lebanon ,Ohlo. t odny. lh OUgh t was t he camp, h"Y>l. whi'h eVl' ry one rhoro llg hly The f ollowing have called at t he t ew pretlent, he did not Illve it . Afte r orriving ot th loclc· u p Mar· 1I.i ...V~·' 1. camp: Mr. and Mrs . Harrv Mu r ray, In the evtlnlnll he first Kave a lee Harry Schwartlt, of Lebanon, wa! Ilaymond Connor, MiRS Mary Moon . IIr allfl Mr ... Ward . It v, and Mrs. The Goodyear lJIue Streak Ti re at A. M:1ri1t f la' ted Mon clily III rn . jshul Daul{htersllocked thell1 lip nn d lure on candling eR'IC. with practical I bUllne'8 caller here FrldllY. GrlllI " "1' an\1 An n, Mr an,) !\'\ t1l Ed. We8thoro, Ohi o; O. S. Banges. Eagle ing I II 1111)\'1' ' 11s u ndertaking' '!E tab . , before h e cou d turn Ar!lunri they .H. E. Ea rnhnrt' ~. d omOlllllra lion.. One of Ule Itrong· J{r' t"ll irk, Mr. ami Mr~. A pI! Whit· Grove , Ia , RIlY Mi ll s, Carl McClure. lishm en t to h ,~ newly a cqllircll llrop I hhad hthe door ope n He hnall y put e~t poin18 of hi .. lecture WII8 the' fact Mrs. Geo. A. Bod el te , of Toledo, Il"re 1\1101 famil y. Mr. lin. I ~1r . HilS' tha t 1111 eggy. to obtain the h"lhe~t Mrs. Fred Elbon was the guest of Miriam Keeler, Leba n1m ; M l'. and orty I WI) do rm; south . of the Town. , t P and ulfs on hut · t hey IInlocked Mrs. Fred Hendersun and child r en , Rh ip I'I () II ~(' M r , Maflit hllll ma,le !I~hcm 1\9 f ast I\~ he plI.t them on . is visitinlt Mr. anti Mr~. J . 11 . Ow. 1111" lc and rin lll{hlllr. of S pr i l1~bu l'o , market vRlu .. , OUiht to be candled ' relatlve! In L~blillon laat week III' . and Mr.l H . I': lI alha wa y. Mr . Mra. Alvin I ~a.rnhart. Grace Carman, ar rllrlltClI1 pnl!l with :1 Wilmington a nd I " e men At re nll ol1f1 ly o~ Ject.ed t.o be· at home be fore hi!lng marketed . In a nd Mr •. Fred Elh()" :,1\01 Mi!lSll:l Hazel Hiley, Raymond Davi s, Mrs . Lebanon undertake r t o , c onduct ,1I\g !'ut In a cell , hut With n.'lSlstance hili (~em onatrlltlons he ahowed the Mr. and Mr•. Myer Hyman and Mr. Ha r ry Shi nn . of Bellmont, is SUnlh Il llril utl and In'lIo ~lrClu l'e egg 111 "I mOlt every ph&l!e that an dBurhter were Lebanon vl!ilofl J . E. Jan ney and d ll ug h ter s. Mrs . aulomoliil ) f 1I\ e rfLl ~ when wan led he fi nally got the m ~ufel ¥ locked up . lh o g uest of Mr a nd Mrs, J C. w,'r.' pr 'HUlil I\.~ vi:litll r.1 . All were Wilh on/ of I Ih he: l hors draw~ whce rc lhey reposed until mornln". Prank Zcll a nd MrR, D. L . Cr ane. eRg will take, and it. Will Burpri,lnll Sunday. glll,l til HIIY tJley hod n fi n 11111 ' " lid hearse!! ill Ih., '[) unty hili I with h i s l ~h y seemed. 80mewha t s ubd ued E\' an-s . t o know ho w mllny different kindl of ad juurned t o mOf t at Ulua Ball , In On Mondav evening Raymond au tomollil llI"rang 111 ' nt he iR belter ,l uesllay mOrnlllR', and wer e flu rry elfgll there are on the mlrket. He Miss Opal Gray spen t t he week· nd Aug ust at the. Uni on Picnic . the Hlt!IJ t hey had taken. Mar · lIIIid Lhat II hen will lar better when Mn. Anna Stahl, of Franklin, Davi., George Waterhouse a n" Cur t fix ed in the lind ' I"lllldn~ Illl sincss . s hal Daughters a!ld Hobt. Beckett with he r !lister , Mrs . Emer:lon Hllrn· fed a dry muh In aueh a way that Oblo, II the !lUBll ot Mr. and Mrli. Hisey visited the camp and broug h t than ever befllr e. ll!ft Tueaday mormng, for Columbus ha r~, of IIImr Utira. up a fine ripe waterm elon, Ihe could Ket it Rny time of the rlay, W. H. Allen. -----+ with the men . Ilnd claimed t be ~ I OO and that oyeter IIheli Iihould be ob· r eward that wa s offeretl . MI8.'1es Elizabllth Sarve r, of Cin· bllnable at all tlmee, ' 'I'hla il tile lUnd ot weather for Oil Tho Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mllrkelini ell'KI wal a theme tbat Stovee. W. Itiii bave a few more , cinnatl. and Ml nola Yonn!!', of New· Ma ry'8 churc h will moet at the rec· port, Ky ., two little fresh flit: gi rls WIU extremely lntereatlnl to all, H. E. Earnhart. bu t wn.~ too late IS t he Corwin mar· t ory Thursday evening lit 7:30. are enjoying lhe bospltality of th£ He said that Ohio ell'll! bad a IDe reputa ' lon In New YOl k, whieh clt, Ray ffawke and eon, of DaytOli, camp. Mrs . Mllry Mllrt in left . Mond ay g ot controls the eleg prices of the U. S. were the IlQ8IU of Mr. and Mra. J, mornin g for 1\ viKit wit h her Bon at The swimming above the da m i!{ ~be elP of IIOme northweetern aec· C Hawke Runda1 • Balbee, Ind. She will bl) gone dev· I~ rank K F'i~ h er. of Rinl to. Cal., in par excellence. Many of our young tlon ~ of the atale hud a belter mar e ral days . ~ellI lin g in hi ~ RU lrS ri" lion for !moth · people have j oined the cam pers in kH vlllue in N8W York than moat .,., llr yeaI' saYH they have hml a li ne part Q of Ohio, a8 they took more l I i ". l\atherine Prendergut and enjoying the aport. The r ec to r lllld choir of St. Marv's Re v. a nd Mra. C. S. Gr~U3er a1l(1 Bumm C' r wltlt plenty of work. He pains ill keeplnlr tht' eggll and pre Lucy Emley lpent the wee k end wllh church went to Lebanon unday IIfC. L Buell , one of the regulars, ia te rnOOIl, w b el~e t he choi r rendered 80n . Char lOll, le (L Mu nuay mornin g wall lll the home paper in Clrd e ~ to pllf~nK them for market, therefore the 141_ Cook of Lebanon. ependlng his two week8 vacation at t t.e mu sical servi ce. T hose who we n t for Olevcland , Ohio , where t hey wi ll k e~v in lauch wilh hiR old neighbors their market valull wu considerably spend ton dllYs wit h relat i va'! . IL lid frien dR. hillher thlln mOllt lacalitiea. HI! Mias Edna Janney, together with the camp. He IIBYS there will be no were Itev . and Mrs . J . F. Cadwalln· claimed that It waa aleuy to market a cr(lwd of youni people from KIIlIl· fish leflln the river, when he gets der, Mr. lind Mrs. W . H. Alle n. throuah. Mra. Anna Stahl, Mrs. B . . H owell, eiil Iliht I i It wu to market them man, apent SUndlY at Clifton. The Wa rr en Co unty TinH'>~ of Illllt Mrs. A . T . Wright . Mrs. B. H. Kel· wrong- lhat is, If Ute .1l1 _re Iy , Mr. nnd Mrs O. L. Crune , the week h as the foll owing paragraph: properl, taken eare of, they would 11II1II Ella Suydam of Springfield Misses F:~t h er Lom b. R uth Ha r tsock, " We un del'l!tand Ihe F ranklin 'frac bring a betl8r prlt'o when ~ark8ted Ohio, wall the we~k.end auest ~f Mary and Mabel ~ali s hu r y, Olive A I· tion Co , cont em plate cx tending t heir Tbe lecLurea were enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. D. L . Crane and fam· len, Mess r~ . F. B II enderson . U. M lin.e through to W Ilyne evill e a mi othe r everybody, IU'Id If hlll aUKlI'eationll Uy White. Alfr ed W rig h t . Ocan Howell l)oints." are followed the IIIIOClation will be ' We a re not quite sure but t hll t IIml "~ l hun Crane. Il ....Uy benefitted MI88 lrfary Salisbury, of th e poet... Judge Allon Brown ought t o he -... .... o01':C, Is taking he r vacation thiB called it lhis particulnr ca~e. <II' el~e week . She will spend thc week in Brolher Bell wanted to fill hi ~ col the count ry. um ns aud ll'et peo ple excit ed . We The ' Five Pll int No. 24 of hal/e hea rd so m uch of lhis kind of Josiah Holbrook, who is out again .th~ Far~ler'8 Ed uc~ti l1al Co oJl~r· " kid d inU''' that we a re ge l! ing ha rd · on the Republican ticket tor- Kecord . IlllVC Um~n of Amer,lpa. h';\d UII we ened to it . and wil l not helie ve allY' F yo u waut a car -wi t h 1110re t han ordioary er, Bpent leveral hours with Wavn8ll" cream Bo .. la} at the .Fl ve, P omt school · th ing we heaT 0 11 lh !\Uuject. Wa y· house, J.uly ]2. 1916 1h(>rc was not ville friends Sliturday. nesv ille people hive t o ue show II 11011' r- yo u'li lim'\ it in Sa xo n "!:iix. " T his a very hlle ntt endance on account of t hllt 's Illl. ca r i9 ahsrilu l ely phel10 llle na l in its powcr a little shower in the afternoon . 1\ To forestall an Infantile paral,.il epidpmic In Ohio. tbe State board of Un. H . G. CartwriKht and son, socilll Slood timl' hlld by nil present and fl ex ibility . \ \ c will w Icollle a ny test ), 011 Supt. n po. H . G rkl' of Kings The Local t-hanks the social com· Mi liR !lehrw ls, has b"t'n Ilppointed health hu sent nOLlces to all munl· Hermln , and MI88 Katherine Hen· care t o put Sax~ u " Six" lip agai115t. We clpill Rnd townsilip health officen .d· denon, of Wilmington, were calling mittee for their elt'orts t o mllke it a i:ichllol, EXllll1i ner fo r lwo year s til a re absolu\c ly confLdent that :-)n)( II "S ilt" 8ucceBll vising them to tak" Immediate pre· on friends here 8undlY afternoon. succeed Supt. C. 1\ Bruner of L \). ....- - cautionllry mea8ure••galnst the dil' cllnno ' be matched hy a oy I:(\ r costi ng less anon. and Mr', I1ru ncr has been ap· pointed for one year to su cceed Mr . than $ I.O()O, in point of power, spced, flexi~' . t. t be I f Mr. and' Mrs. Raymond Wade, nee Ahe re are . • nown 0 on Y 01:1' Beulah Snider, of Route 5, are re· J. A . OPPY. who g oes to Sou t h bility, a ccelcration , hill clialhing, ' quickcues In OhIO at present, two III jolclnR' over an ttlaht and a quarter Charlcstlln , Cla rk County , l&fl Supt ness, s moo thn ess, cooln ess and comfo rt . Cleveland', one In Toledo and one In pound buy oorn Friday July 14o r Schools. We ar e plea sel l to see Columbue, and thl' II . IBid to be the Charles Alien Wade, " ' Mess rs. Clerke & Bruner upon t he Ask us t o show you. Ever y t own (and ou rs Is n o excep · averalfe number the year around . ' board of Coun ty E)(lImln e rA, Rlong tion) has t wo d istinct classes of ci ti · With the outbrellk of the epidemic CHRISTI N CHUl>CH wilh County Supt. Hawk. Th e ~ are - those who live in the memory In IheElI8t, prlnclPIII,ly New York, Cler~ of Court. Dan Bona ~ "all li ve wires in i::rl urational matte rs . zens of t heir fe ll ow men, and those who and put experie nce 8howinll that toWD l'hunciay -eallln!l on hi. old Sunday. July 23rd, SundllY School - West e rn are promptly for gotten . luch epidemics 810wlt travel west· If,-hllldl and mll;klnlr new onee. Dan ·9:30 a. m ; Communion, sermon by The man who is energ etic, pe r · ward, .ohio health Clmcial,"ra under m.kBl Iota of Irlendl wherever he paator, 10:90; Christian Endeuvor It Waynesville, Oh io PhQne 116 severing, a nd keeps al wayp in mind Instructions to use extraordInary auell, and keep!! them, too.. Way· 7:30 p . m. Wednesday, Prayer meet · . t he welfa re of the community in precautiona, y meaBurCi. . nCiville people like to have him call. inll, 7:30; Teacher Training class at whi ch he lives will never need s !j:OO Everybody welcome. marble si ll b t o keep his me mory green . • M. E, C ,WRCH The fell ow wh o kicks and villifies his lJw n home low n wi ll die un· Sunday School, 9: 15 a . m. Everv· mourned and hi s n ei ~hbors will no t Reeldence 45·2 PHONES Office 61 body enJoyed the part of the trip to e ven ' think of hi m IonA' enoug h to California taken last Sunday. Quite him . Foreat, ~011 of Mr . a nd MrR. C. M. forget a number of viii tors. Some men Say a good wo rd f or your t own Brown, of Corwi n, while playing a t folks started. Still80me room in the - lind say it aga in. - Exchange. Fo'rd jltneJ for men We will make lhe t own pump last Thursday . fell room for you in all theaut08 . Come. alI the t.rough to lhe g round . cu lting Tba pastor is vaeatlnlr In Cleveland a d eep gash in his head. The wounJ . for ten days. Will be baCK to preach was altende.ll to prom ptly, a llll the .AUCTIONEER,. REAL ESTATB, the morning sermon lor the United little fell"w i~ gettil1~ along n.q Brethren biulket meetinlr to be held nicely a s can fle ex pee t ed unde r th e AND INSURANCE in CraBB Brol. grove on July :lOth circumstanCel!. NOM· 'CANDIDATE Rev. A. T . Cowgill a former pasto r of the r.hurclt will preach next Sun· INATION lo'OR REPUE':' , day morning . ~i"e him a good hear· 'Ing, No evenint{ Ber.v ice. SF.NTATIVEIN CONGU ESR clarence S Grauler, Pa9tor , Cedi Hi t eman, who was so badly Office over the Postoffice hurl by beinl(. kicked by n mu le u FI'W M l'H~ 8EVI,.;NTH mont.h ago, was released f r01l1 the • sr, MI\RY'S CHllR,CH hospital Sund ay and r eLu rn l!d t o his DIST~I CT. 'home on the ,Lehanon pike . Mr. Fifth Sunday aiter Trinity July Hil eman's eyeswe re'b ILdl y !tam agerl, you want to buy or sell a farm. I can help 23rd . SundllY School 8t 9:30 am .; and , he I!I st ill wearing a honduge you. THE BUS_NESS I bo SHOWS IT. Morning Pra)'llr and sermon at 10:30 . ove r them . He is feeling. n.~ well Q~ You .re inviter! to, these 8arvll! l?s. could' ue e xpected unde r .the ci rcu m· stances, and is very Klat! to get back to his home.



ICI like







0--- -----_____ .

, I TO . IS MOVltiG NEW PROPERTY ! :~:fh~dh:[llr~c:;!b~kd tt~ '~h~~ ~6e~




I IM~~~~,al:ahpi~:Pf~~:::de ~~~~fr~ff:


MUSIC AT LEBANON t~;~h'd th'm~"~o: whoo h'



---_.- ..---


._ ---








J. B. Chapman

----_.- - -


FEll O ' UT OF





.W.YDelville, .





-:- Ohio

Of Springfield, Ohio

••• =._.-


also have the lowest s:a tes on Fire and Tor· Insurance for F~nn property and AutomobUes. FIGURES SHOW.


experience in selling. property and ~ive stock makes my se·r vlces as an Auctlon· rer valuable to you. SEE ME ABOUT YOUR SALE, ~

--- _.--.---

ANNOUNCEMENT .'Frank C. Anderaon respectfully unouDe. that he b.. decided to OpeD an office' for the aeneral prac· tJee of La,w In W~nesvllle Ohio. H. will be In bli office on Tueaday and 'riday of each ·week or at any other Ume If dadred and meeting m~ be aI'I'UlPII for b7 telephone. omee In P.toftlCll BlcJlf' with Walter

Obandler, PboDe"No. 7!t. W.,...111e Ex. LeMIlOQ Oftlee utlulla Bank Blu. PboDe No••" BeaIdeaoe 129 KII1berQ St., LtIIuoa. 0.. PIlon.

N.. ",A.


NEIGHBORHOOD COUNTY FAIRS The fi rst fair of tbe Beason of 1916 will be held at Wilmington. July ,25.28 NeiKhborlnlJ fain will be held as foll oWII: GreAne, AUg\latl·4; Clark, Augu.t l li·18; Butitlr, October, 3 G; Hamilton , August 9-12; Mad IIk)n , AUKUst, 22 25; Miami, September 19.22;l'reble, September 25-29;

W~ StlI~ 11-1G.


Tuesday, August 8 With the world .war / cloud . hanKing over \18 and with the pllr· plexities of peaco in the immediate fo re~ round, in G (l~Nffi R AL J , WARREN ~E IFER fate seems t o have fashioned Il man t o mcet the emeriency. . A I!Oldler of two wars; a congressman wi th a h rillia nt ree rd and Speako'r of the House for two yours; a han ker !Lilli auc. e~flll bURinea man' " citizen of highest repute; a lawyor of ad. lIUml ablllty. now '::t1vely and viKoroual1 engaged In the 'p ract ice of. hhl pror_lon; a man o"flNTERNATlONAhacll ualntanco and prellti..:o: the Seventh district would do Ohio injustice Dot to Icmd the eer vlCIIII of lOch a man to the Nation at thla time.


1Il 111Ut l' . \.'1I 11'-r ~' uu 'f


(lt lll r ,,1t b Mr. \" I I'1I'''''-~", ' III rot> k tohl Ilr IIr.-llI !I·" )!Irl, nllu ~ II" snh l ~tlt' II h1n l l JUw w wh\.'n fib l( 11 s, -.)u UJ 1Y IIWll t-y , h"t'~ t' lf! j l ltt ron (I\?e r

11f'lI r i. r IIr,' '/"

" lIt'b II 'a ~ e

" ',",ull Itl rl!





trou t !ltopfti, And MrR. Yerlre~~ 'wa s

" L' UI 1H'

th rn ugh.

," l ine

th rOll J.! h!"

8taudlll ~" III tlle open door",n.I' hl'hln.1 ~I n l .1 1,, ·1' 11I1. hll m!. ,·r" . sl.I·. "Wha t YO Il tbei:n.llrt'I)lIrlngtowllhdrnw . wllc n Khp 1('1'11 111' 10'/" belll',l n Shal'll exclamatlou: nnd Mr~ . . " ~.h·?" "II(' ('r l~11. (11'0 11 1'111 ): liN ' r~rt it08coe Sberldlln , bnrch !lded. (' lIl cr ~p (,11 I nn.I AW 1" I"1nl" 11 1'011 11 .1 10 rn.·" h im. from the ~b l\dow Illto the li gh t o r tilt' " ~olh h,g . II'" 1I1I'1lI! 'I'it()~e \' r- rl r"rH"R!" doorway. \ HitI' 11'11'('11 Iw r cy "" . '''J'l It'Y ' l'p h.nt! 10 "Good grncl oUA!" Rho cried . "It dJl1 H"II tit l·lr pili no!" ,~Iy.e me a rrll!ht !" I " We ll, whll t of II?" . "It'a MI'!!. !'Ihor lt1an, IHo' t It?" MrA.1 "Th il l MrR. Klt to '.. , h)· lrol 'l m(' nil Vertre... wn s p"rtJ lcxed by th is InfoI" . n holll "'\11 a W(','k ;'1:0 ." ""1,1 :-;llJy l. mal nppenrnncc, hut Ahe r eflected !lInt I '~l'h,'y'I'e ueell b urtl II I' for a Il) lI g 1I 11l1', it mlgb t be pro,' erblnl. "Won't you ' 11 1111 sb(' SIIY A 11 8 1,\11 ).: 1I ;:.. :t II\ ~ I WI Il IN corne In 1'"



"No. 0 11 no, t1.lIInk "oul~' Slb.,,1 , nan ., ted, p r~ R R I II'",,, h(Ojo hnod to hpr sill". " 1:ou don't know ",bnl 1I frlpht 0 .''.' ,JU' \'I ' riven IllO ! Ali t! It was nolbln!; 10 111 your pla no!" :O; hl" III II/:hl"ll "hrill y. " I lust g l'nucNI Oll t o r tho wln<luw, U ul in uto or sO 8 1;1'), IIl1fl Ril l\' your donI' w lt l,' open a nd IJl:lr k I1l-\'ur ~ o r men fl l-\'u lll. t tbe 11 !:h t, {,lIrrylng ~oIllPtl t! ug b~ ,,\· y . Aod I Ulougll t 1'd N.'r n your t! nughtpr IBtllrt tor a drlvo w ll b Bibbs Sllt!rld ll n in a cnr nbout three o'clock- uud'Ibey aren't bock yet, nrc lliey ?" ":0<0. Good brllvcusl" -"And the only thIng 1 could tllLnk of . I was thot lIo[Qetb ng mu s t bo\'l" hop· pen cd to tbem, Rnd I just do sh t1 Ol'cr -and it Will Onl7 your plauo!" She broke lofo laughter ngaln, "I RU[l[lQS(' 10u're just sendlo!! tl AOrnewbc-re to be repo lred, areo' t you?" "Jt'S-ft'lI beIng tokl'n dowutown," latd )In. Vertreetl. "Woo't you com e 1Jl? Id rully-'" . ''Thrmk YOll, 'but I mlllft bo runolnlr back. lI)' hU8hAI\{1 u~ulIlI)' SlIl I /! bomo .bout tbJa tlm'lo, and 1 make a Uttle point of It alwlIYI! 10 be tberc!' ''That's very sweot." l\lrJl. Vrrtrens desceoded til" st,.p~ nnd walked towllrd tbe IItreet WlUl Slhyl. "I'm afraId MIAS Vertrees wUI miss 'ber plano," 8ald Sibyl, watchlog the In· IIlrument dJS"PP ar Into U,e bIg va o ut (lbe curb. "She P"IYS woncll)rCully, MI'!!. Klttof1lby t,,118 we." "Yell, sbo play s vcry well. Mr. Sberl. daD callie Illst evenlo g to bear ber play becallll8 abe had alTnnged with tb_ ilbat II, it 'WU to be removed thla aft.

wh u t

Common Pleas Court

a8 lIwl gll'l til yuu r

Thei r cook'/,' "Tlltlt \' "rlrr pd J.'irl! . Jl en' t you s e tJ ....I· IOllkl' d 0 11 \l ur ","Il III" liP In lo tlliA . ~ '1l'1j!hl ,u rhood liN Ih,' lr III:<t ('hUIII'O? 'J'l h')' were j ust gulll g d 01l'1I IIUU ou t, "ml Iwr hO\)8 lIlI th ~ j,: ... ·cu. r lcl! 'hel'l· , All71HJR OF d,m rn \l llly! ::io they st' lId h r out 10 I·MOMaIlWJl, BEAlTCAIRE ·· Ill'l a l'i hcrhi nn-sl! 's got to get onl1 1 t Au d s bc j u t go 'a lD bli nd ; nud J IID ~ONQ.tJEST OF CANAAN· ,vn! landed- th ere's no doubt about '~PENROD" ETC. 11Int! n ut JIm Itl l'ky ; he dlJll't Ih 'O' t,) KIll )' /11 11111',1. :t n,1 • \t 'K H I-\'onrl !h l ll ~ rnr hl lll!" ~II '~' I ' ~ IIl lrlh bOLl von· lRh ,I nn.1 ,I" , "I II'lI e will! "Irnlont. ra · CHAPTER XV I. ' - lJ,Il"'l f' 0111 rr""'l II lt{ t 'l1 pl '()P h '~ I gtl Cf4~ pltl lty . " \\· l'1I . to; tll' ,'ou l,lll't K t yon , MI'!!. Vertrees' opportunity o r eurrf'fl !hl')" "1' I-t .'l tl "~ .1I1<'lr l' O Ill~ lI l1l1 'l\'e !" lIe(' lIl1 RC YO II wl'r" 1I11I1·rlod . Rnt! .ho tbe very next otlprn oon . Dnrknt'RR J.~· I II f.! 1'1")'"' . • h " ,,10 ·,·,,1" ,1 h" r r"ct III co uldn' t I-\'N J im. beclI lIKe J im 'lied. ball tollen, tbe pllmo mo"I'r.lI hR,1 come. Ih(' nil'. "'!ll'p l l1~ ht'!' hl'l' IR to);"lher rl" :\11 ,1 Ihprt, Ihp.I' ,,·p re .• I,," d h rokp ! n o Tbey hud corrled Ulo plono [Iown th,' pl'nl(',l1r. III nn ' ·c< l o" ~· . )' 11\1 k' 1I1l\\' wllll t ' hn ,'ltl'! r 0 YOII k ll OI\'



li l4'f 't.l ~u .. ,t t t ~ utili I hnlttl rh(l \" lr l"l ~' :-' IH I1 \.- or tl wl r , lh·tlt~. 'r h" 11 \' l. ~ (·\ ' ·~' I I' Hly . !\lHI I""" t\ I" .k it I'wt ' d coi l h'r ma d,· an " " rul ( u .. '"

It t I h ~


. , ' .,.


w IIt t\. rrll PI 11111 llllrrlllll'C. " \V nlt "

Hl u-"M tl n lll g: 'j"

" ;0,:". I 01 .11,"." Hald RONroe, grllttl y. SIl,yl '. vul,·p mHO alld clllmln'IIl't1 ln ~ SCI'('/IIT1 or r~ " ~ w ed hllorlty. "1111)1I. ! "1 ,,)(, wll it e,I III th" I-\'rtll'oyn rt1,lInl1 d rllvp. 1t0Il ' " wllh him rro m .J IIlI·s fUIIPrn1 1 =-I" "' r "I.okl' 11) hltll betor,, ! Jim WIIH II'! (',)I,I!" S it .. r'lI' kctl h.. Ne " bnrk 8ntl forlh n po n Ill" rlh·un. "Illblts!" Hh e Ahrl r k\!.1. " lI lhh. ! I! ,'S('Oc. thlllk of It! Ill hhH!" U . . . !'II·",I .lIl1sY II1PUU,ot lClllly, hilt h er III lr!h W II~ 11111,ltnlurl f or 11 11 Ihllt.

, ahe kn ew UlfIt ,;1 .. , ~.H II pul r of w lt lk· "Anll Yl1riti' nl uy ," sho ('ootinlll'd , hp.. lUI: shoes r~·so l ctlll ll lll1" lt- l ltJ,I, h"C lIll ~l' ~ h(1 I(ot It rlolll' II I<, "",nu 1110"(' )lrH. t"'''':11 I'lIroxy~m"-"YC8tor.I 'IY 8h~ C Il IU" (lilt of tile IIOll o ~jll·t I II liHI('I'Hhy's c" .. k l'li U I""'~ !" ' "~ - ~ 'R ('WO R

;'o; ew

~u l l s


V ern nn B(l nt b m srl I 'I ~ p .. Mii on ,l u ly ;p , In .. OJ li t lI ~a ! lI "~ ~: I warrl 'W o O.\ wt\r • "HkIllR 111 \' .. n 101 0\1 (1 ~I on , Ih o ItJl'\'IomllH llot o r 1\ r ft ul vor, I ,1\8ROII1 II01l "r pn r t norllhi ll, anr\ ,U\ o,1tlo t lu g. A t ll nl!Ju r ur.v r ea \rulniul( I o rde r Wil t< ~: T\lllt ed "It r I.ll" v hllutttT on t or ed lu l·o n buu d of $ ~ OU. Proceedin gs Maud e J:.' (l rd 'f/ . ~Il&rl el 11 . (-j a b but . \ . er dlm I J un d III t fl VOl' u f tho d e r Ild al1t·. Ll dn F ('X: n. h' :\4 . Cnnlll u l(h(\1I1 . II,lmr . Mo tio n fo r II W ~rJ ... l O V( r rul er! l\.u ,l j UlI g me'nt of $~';1l. r,7 anf! oD et~ II W Il rd utl St.uto o f IJ hlO VII C1Ror l{e H(lb o rt" , Deten dllu' r eloased Ull blili o t , . UO. Brllo,\on & Ivi ns " /4 0 L . ,v. U ' "ntl. U L . &~ . t:1B' )l') nn atU c n() ()11 ~ e tlt i o o uf pl lllntltl'. Iller!. All e ue Itu nillt V8. ,I o hn C. lt u nau, , 'aBe cli s Ull8lle tl wltb o n t l oou rd . Auol\ t... 8 h u r 's \'II . JJ; .. rlo ~~h\lrts . I A ttfl chlll81lL IMM uel1 In J . 1'. UOU(·, 1:1 d lIoh t1 rg e,l. MlI rl l n 1\ . Jnmesoll , gnlird illD \·s Will . A. 13u aflrw lJ rtll Bt til. Ne w bond In th o ~ nm o f $10,:100 00 IIltld !.oJ O ~ c(lr O liu, 'l'ru ~t"e . ~' uflll~ i n i trnet fo u u t.! tu 100 tlltll O~ "IIU t o , IIm mfll t t u $5 1:'! ti. li ll.

Probs.le Court Proc.eedlnllll PO .RRltl" bftcn l0 okin it . " . .~llft,. nlll ut , Ilove . ~ Ollt- WlIltlll)o( th e chanc.' ; I snll' th e Edlul o o f l:l ol1r~ e Uoo k, 108an &. 01<1 hlll y Wll k lllt11t lit the \\,llIllo w! And ~e von t l1 aot'oo unt IIlou. Slip got him th ere IlIsI nlIQII- to 'piny' P r o,) r. 0 1 pu bil ca ti oll wore IIlod 10 to hll1l : Ih e nld Illtly glll'e thnt nwnyl 'he 8st"tet;l o f ~ ... rah Ano Mul !, t.!e· I Anrl torlay ~lt c mn rlo him tllk e her out oeased and UI8.m W . Klr lJy. d&· i In n 1II11t'l ,I Il'! 10 11.1 Ole ~ rell m of It Is cea8ed . IJlIl t Ill ry did n't e veo kllolV wh otltpr hI' ,J os eph W . Hadl y , 8.,IUlr. V8 · WIIS In rillllC or not- th ey t1l ouj(bt O1I1Y' E:ve lyn 'rro whrid"" at nl. b,.le at ' be he II' II K. but she 1I' 0 ni lif ter hllll r elll estatE! nppr ov od amI [J r ooo ud 8 Just th(' SII III C ! 1'1", o lt1 In,ly H('I lwr· dls t.ributed . " It to I III III 11 011' nhollt It to,ln y . Hlhhl!l 11' t t fAd I T !J ' I O il, nIl' Lord! Hibbs!" ~8 It II 0 n rnw ' . r o w It( ge, 1:1 I' - ' Hilt RospoO .1()(l k6d "rlnl. " ".0 It'u deoeased . du.lo blU li led . . ,,]' rrllol l' runny, lerrllol e fllnny !" fllllll" Itl " 0 11. IH 1t'1~ H"so II nil .a ~'I lld OU f E , ta e Or J o hn Eyer, d I1 00IlHOd . sal(l Hearoe, w ltll snrcrt slU. " It·s ~o Pltl r'~1 til ~lIr. r shOUld Ihlllk ~It \\'oul ,1 Tblrd Rcco unt II1 0u, funn y I hroke u cut gl ll"s ,I '(',",lcr Ullt! 8pll l t~I '1 rl!Jnrt or- " to a \\' 0 111011, -too: ' E~ tKte Df Mllbe l E, Tuf te . FlrHt " \\' uIU" she bc!;get!. "You'll HCC. 1 " Oil . It Ulll;bt ," s he re lllTl1(',I, sotl('r· aoo fl n ...1 ,~ ooun t til ed . 8UW n bill wlIgiili d r\l'c up Itlld Kow e Ing. "It wlgllt, It \1108e peo ple \\, ('\'C II ' t Village "r Lebu ll o D Vi>. Nllncy lOCO go luto tht>' bouse. Well, I 811Ch froz en·fore,1 RUlort Al e.)ks. It ti loa er. BearIng III o ro ar ed f or thought I'd SCI), so 1 81111'1)cd Ol'or- ond thcy'd hod tbe d ecellcy to co me down 'fhllr da y , AUg\l dt 10, t o fix OUDl . It WUII illolr plano ! Tbey'd Bold It and otT the I)Orcb 11 little t prohlll) ly pen8atlon to be paId lor proporty t o w oro trylllg to 8Jl('ltk It out utter dark, w oultlu't Ullnk It Wllij tunllY, Imt to be &ppro prl,ued. 110 nobody'd catch oo !" .Agulu /jhe ~e 'OIU sit up on their pl!dcstnl 1111 Ih E8tlLt.e (It Lu orotll\ C1tlven~er, dll gave WilY to her elljoyment, but re- time thoy 're 'ulln\{ dirt- w ell, I. Ihlllk oe used. 'W. 8 . Whltnor e nppolnted .... mld.. III b el' busband Roomed .. oout It's runny! T hl\t "rirl s it" Uti 118 If ~h IIdmlni8trator un de r b ond o r $000, was Queeo E ll zAbr.tb, nllli ellp~ ('18 Jovooto rlr "nd Ilpp rtl leemeu' nr p eollie 10 wa llow on the groll nrl h(' tore omitted . h or lIntll thcy get nen r 1I0lll(h ftlr IIt'r Ell tllte " f J oso ph B . S horts, df'. F at F0 lks May to g ll'e 'em a goo<1 klek with her 01,1 ct ILena R ~u 'I. . t d pnl r i1cd s hoo 'h, shc'd (10 Ih nt, nil oell se nr ts IIJlpOIO e rl"lttl- lIntl fh"n stH~ POII' (lO t'S "I' nll,l adw illi st l \trlx nodor hood o r $Ji.oo. N OW B ecome " Ollt to mn 8h-nlbb~ Sherll lllll !" 1D th gO~R • e lDa.' ter 0 f 'h • e \V III a f All en 1. "Look here," 8nl11 \( os coe. hCIII' lly ; °b '" BWut\n . d eCORSIl d . \VIII I satI m I·•• . • d t 0 pro 1u'" . t (Ion'r care nbll ut tbnt on e "'11" or .e e. SII'm QUI'ckly "I J another. If you're lurnuj(b, I ;:ot Est~te of W , Law RobIson, desomolllin/( I W/lnt to talk 10 yOIl Ilhnn t. eeB8ed. ..:ollBteral Inherltllnoe fBx I '\\'II~ ",.In/{ to, that day just be fo re \l'e due from tbe !J eln Is fixed at $1560 heart! nbout Jim." and is or(lered lle.ld .moon. Ho 8cemB almost well agaln.- Be Moderate in Your Diet, Breathe At lil\J. Sibyl stlttoned 'llI lck ly~ her . Estl\te of Muy ,1. Keever, de" Yes." SIbyl nodded. "HIB father's I'YI'fl become Intensely brl.:bt. "\Vhat Ollllltl(l. IFlrs' aOOODn~ tiled . Deeply, aDd Take Taaleo 18 It ' " In t11(\ IOlIlU er of Berthll ' ({onrlok, BOlng to try to 8tart hIm to work." _ '!He &eoms Tery dellcal.e ," said Mrs. "Well," b e.begnn, frowni ng. "what I APll\t Olttloo \Uade by M... ry P. WlI. \Vertrees. "I sbouldn·t thInk be would WIIS golll); 10 6 1lY thoo- " D e hrokr e on Iv r tbe 'ldll\i8Slon o f Bertha be IIble to 8tand a groat deal, ellller ott. lind, becomIng rOI1H rloll ~ Ihllt h" Kenrl ok to Ibe Uhio ln~tltutl o o lor pbyslcally o~.. Sbe paused nn d tbeu ~-.t I16rI\O O•. particularly th os,' frolll 10 t., WII~ RI IiI holtlln g Ihe w e i nllpk lll In hi s Feehlo·wlndod Y outh D eLl rlng ~et. added, glowlog 'WIlli tho seose of her 3 0 DQUnU 8 abo ve uorll\~1 "el,ht will be IDter. 1.1111111. tbrew It llelilRhly lulo It ~o rn er. for July 10th . owo adroltoIlM- "or mentally." eIIted to lunrll (bat tltoy noay :oa8l1y reduce " I nt'vcr expected I'd hlll'~ 10 su y lillY, Edtute o f A lien ShawlJfln, de . "Ob, montally Bibbs 18 a ll righ t," their wolght .. ILhout titan'Mlon d!ol. or tire' tblug lik e this to noybod y I mnrrl tl; o8as('d Ro bert J . ti btl. whall ap. old Sibyl, In 1.0 odd voice. some tlXBr c !ae. bllt I wa H goIn g to ask you wbnt WIl S poilltod exeon'or undor u o nd of "But baa bo alwaY8 been"!" Tho Tbl. cau IJ6(II be dono by bolng mod.ra .... tb e mlltler between you nud Lnrn· $7 000. ' Questioo came wlth anslous ellgerucijll.· 1'1 your dlot. so Ula' yOU ",III ',ot over-tax born." Marriage Licenses "Oertaloly. Ho bud n long sIege of YOll r """ •• O .....ll• • by gelling Illunty of Sihyl nttored (\ shurp m0l109yllnule. nervous dyspepslll, but ho's over It." troall ai r. hI' hr•• thllll dooply and lJy laklns "\Vell?" Ivy J oh o Morrlt, !!4, ole rk of 18 ..,,0 four lim,", • oIIlY. "I felt thc timc had comc for me to ".And you thlnk- " T&allCtl . \1l~Y btl ob'"lned from ~ny d ruK Frunklin:to (-,onlse Utlth orlll A Nlok "BIbb. is all right. Yo u needu' t ottlr. In ~ labl.t •. luk" 0110 al ler oach know OUOllt It," bc went on. "You 1ll8. 26. tele L)hone oper ... tor, (, t F rliok'W'or-" SI byl cboktld, lind pre sHc,1 hor mer.1 and Olle bera n. retlrlll'.~ nlghl. T b oy Jlel'er toltl lI1e Ituythlng':-" handker cblef to bpI' [oouth. "G ood c'(Jsl " tLI • . are alJ80llIt.ely Il armlt)ll8. Uti ~le&8' I,you oovcr BBlted," s he Inlcr pos ~d, lin, Fa&her 8o h neltlor . Wltlter It . ThompSOD 2 , furmer, nlgbt, MI'fI. Vertrees," sho ~n ltl , bur. ant 10 tako and a re d ...I,\l6I1 10 redu". fatty curtly. rled 1. acclIInlllaUon.ln thu oystern wherol'er locat.od. "\\'cll, wc'd got 10' a wny of n ot of W"'Yllellvllle , to lira, J ()II io M. l WcP hur Ston. 24, Orolluolll , Rev ,I . "Won't you come In ?" urged :\[1'8. I\. few <IllY.' treatm ent should . ho\\,,, no· tnl klllg Ulllch," 8111.1 Ros coe. ,l it IO(l k~ lirua10lu reducLlon In. wolght. tho 11 ••1, .btluld 10 ule now ns If wc'd prelty mll cb I Rt B, Fltzwl\ter . lVertreetl, cordlRlly, beo rlng the souut! I,ccome Orlll . the Ikln .mooth ,,"d lbo Ken' I J oseph W. Doherty , ~(i , 1Uaohioi~t , of a cheerful voice out ot tbo t!n rk nes9 eral hoalth !l1Ip",,·od . In f...,1 your lools"""" th e run ot ell(' h otber t!1C wl\y II );oo~1 beyond tbe approaching gluro ot "uto . • hollid O" Oll become IIKhl r. )'our work _m mnoy peoplo tl o. I don t sny It \\'11 " 11 t Fall Ri ver, Man, t.o Aun... Bell ·.lIIoblle beadllgbts. "Do! Tbere's Mllry oatllor .nd .lIghteran,1 more blluy"nt (eell"a l my fnult. (was up ell rl y 1111,1 down 10 Shelton , :00, employed by Petera DOW, and 811e-- " luke p<1I5f'.fiIIlon of your ... hnlo h"lolI. worle 1\11 Iloy, IIlId I'd come bo me tl " 'd Cart rl dK e Uo, KID1(8 II1l1ls, M, A. Bllt Sibyl was bo If. woy across tbe E"un' l",rl(lU who I. 10 or ~ o l>Oun,l~ "vur ut night, lIud wcnt to go to bc.1 SOOn 118 Jntnes"o , J . P . atreet. "No, tbnnks," sbe cll lled. "I nontllll ",.t]jltt .hou\ll ~"." till. lre, tmonl.. I'd &lot the DaDe~ relll l-u lllu~~ thRre Ja oob F . Boorgermelrer, 2 ~ , ::ientrIal. YOII wi ll probably O"d thn ~ It I. Ju.L lor 1'0 wd ~r Mills, Ft Anoleot, to 8be won't mlss her plnno!" AnI! wh .. ~ you 10001.1. ' .ront.iu!Jed on page a) Leola B u ur ger; l !l, Ft. Ancient . Rev, 1:1. WBt~ n . Ma r vl o Le~ter Blankeushlp. l ll. rtl.rmur , Leh an o u , to !:l61.ol ,.I nn ' O em"k .. , 17, Fmokllu. Hov . J, 1:1. "W(' II, \\' ~ lI '!" li t' nrgt'll . 11IIi1~tl r. ntly. " We ll, l' lll tclll ll !; yuu! :tlrH. J~l1t"I'R' by Sill' S th t'y 11I1I.,.,,'t J.;ot II Ihlng! JU~ I n b~l)ht1 ('ly uothl ng- Il nd thoy .1011' ( IUlOW ,\Uy wh,' re t ll lUI'II! ,'he gllYH 11I i" wh ole 1011'U'S b" ' [I wo ut!erlng Wh ll l \\' 011111 be O Il1 C or ·,'m. Tbe !;Irl 11I1l1 Il I Cllly chll uc('s lO Ulllrry up to II yt:'lIr or 80 II S(\, hu t she II' I\K so JllullTtorelll Ilbc HC ll rt'lllh e men IT. G l'llrl ou~! il ll.'Y wcre 11I': ky l )I nrry hor ? Til ' 1I!1'Il ti lilt (uuut! bl LU ~elr Uct! up to thll l I I '

~· il 1.\"llt [jr .

'\:1"rry W . Mulford, :.lO, farmer, Lehllllo n, to ),1[1u(le U. B l' ouerd olJ, 18. Le\)(\ DOn, Rev. J . B, ~'itzw ,[te r, Wil li,u n D. Ll oy l e, 2;' , ollr])elltor , LehlHloo, to Ada M . Ayers, 17, Mot' ·row. Real Estate Transfers ltu llort <.1. C r 08~ an'd Riohard t o 1:1 . B. Willl\lDl~OO, lot~ In Wllyuosvllle, $1, Gran villo Osuorn to Mil es J . O s born, lo tI! in W"yneHvllle. ,Iosoph W . Hadley, admr. til War. g aret J. Beston , three tracts In U,I ellro r ee k t(lw~sblp, $1200. Salllu e l M . 8b&r&le to H . Earl Be vis lo t ~o . 1)2 In l!'rankltn,' EIII\. .J . Rhoadel to Elfieta M. ICKtOO lott NuB. IT;-l and 675 In ~'rlfon k lin, $1 . '. Ul"rk Vuo Camp to R obert Van Caml) lo t ~o. 18 BlIllentj nll's addl tloo t o I]j'ranklln, $1. Ellrl WO ddre, to 1',' U Woodrey, ~ 9 \te res In Deerfield townshIp, Sl, Mujel (J . Vigor and Frank Vigor to r om Oh ur cb Knd wife, l ot No, 36 In F ranklin, $ 1. UbnrloR III. E [ton and tieorge E , Cros~


Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine?

AT present average prices for kerosene anci '

. ~.

"Oh, MenUilly Bibb. Ie All Rlllht," Said 81~YI. ahe ran Into b er own bouse and plonaed bead long upon a lelltlmr dll' lIll Su the ball, holdltqf her bl.lndk ercltl~f 0\'81' ber mouth. The nol80 or her t11multuo,,!! entmnce .yld .. nU1 ItartUn!!, tor there fol· lowed the cral!b of B dec:apter npoo th e loor of tile 41nlnl( room, and, atter (\ . . . forth, holdlnlJ a driPl)lug nnpldn ...... baad. tIftat'. your uMtemeot7" be d", WUt do J'ou tlod to &0 lalo ..... Dotll« c1eatll In tbe

"My dealer was rig t . ~, they do satiifj •I" There'8 more to n. cigarette than merely "pleasing your taste." Other cigarettes, besides Chesterfields, can .do that. But Chesterfi~lds do more - they begin where the others stop! Because Chesterfields satisfy! -they give you the true meaning. of smoking! Yet they're MILD! This new combination ("satisfy," yet mila J ~an be had only in Chesterfields-because no cigarette maker can copy the CI:eslerfield





gasoline, Titan kerosene engines s:wc their owners abollt . I. I C, per horse power pcr hour over gasoline eng ines. Figure it tliis way. On a n 8-horse engine the say· . jog is 8,Sc. an hour, · S8e, in a Io-hour'day, $88 in · lob days of work. Say that is all your engine does in a



It would cost you $88 more than you need to pay, to

8-horse !;:a5oline en ~dl\e one year. That is mor a thi ~d of the price of the en" ine. Can you afford tr) thrpw away $88 a y ear/. Ca n you afford even t o think of b.u ying a 'gasoline engine when you can get a Titan that \1S~S kerosene? See the Titan d eale r and talk this over lIe has some interesting figures to show you, ' run an t b~n

btel'llltionalHarvester Company of America (-..., .

• W·...

WaynelvnIe, Ohio





Try Cheaterfields tod~y!




1"''1 SAlItry !

20 for lOc .."t.

AUraeti•• t in. of 100 Che.terflt'lld. prepaid, on rec.ipt SOc, if l' our d e.lap 'cannot IUllpl, you. ~ddH!"s l;IRlett & M,." Toll. ceo Co .• 212 Fifth A.e~. N ow York Cit~


:. ,,:; .!'..,.



. ~anJ yet they're MILD •• .






' .: .' '~ J

Saxon Six Livery

groll' rlllll: to tru.vtll With out (PRICE:; RIGHT) 1\ bottle ofUht1mberlaln 's 00110. Ubol. erll and D1arrlloello R e medy, 88 ahls TUBES propiu ·u.tIOQ OI. . n o' bo obtained 03 BUCYRUS HEAVY TREAD TIRES (C uarull l,,~d " SOO miles) the trtlln~ or lI&e~lDshlp!l. Atsllook8 :l llall1 Non-lih lfl ,If bowel oomplalnt IH O otten .addeo 'Treat! 1'r.'tll l lind very sovore, and everyone $1\,.1:, $ 9.MII sbould go preplIo red for tbem. Ob. 30x:\ 15 .00 12.65 talollblo e verywhe re . 30x3y' l(u.;n 1; .45 32x3Y. 1\



InSU R1I neE


Walter Chandler tWaynesville, o.


Bqll to Beoj amln :a. Evans, 10' No, Over POIt()lflce,lJ iii 3-1il in Franklin , .1 , CORWI N, OHIO Office Phone 71 H)un Ptnu II Phone 00 ·3 E ... rl Woodray to T, U . Woodrey, part o f I ,t No. 82 In Mt1HOn, Il, Phoobfl Sohoolev to Ed A . Bone, Get the Miami Gazette Now lot N o, 7(} 10 Lelanon, 'I, EI~ie !:lIn e" to Josepb Bines lots Veterlnam ' 101. lOl!l " od \0:\ in Maple Park snb. dIvision, Duertlold tOWlIllhip, II. Oraduate of OblG Slat~ lJnl'nl'y Commissioners' Proceedings


J. A.

McCoy, ~


I Com ni~8Ioner~ meeting with . O ffice at residence in F, 11. Sher other members o r lnlirmuy BDlld _' Funeral Director. wood's house, Fourth Street. Ing Building C omml8s lo n reoeiv ed '304 96 fr om tho Urojlonla Brldgu Waynesville Ohio Telephone 28 Uo., In pllyme nt for 80rlip Iron fr o m old lollrm u.ry bntldlng . Waynesville. • Ohio - It I'rlll£ltR0801utl onll ~6sed to borrow $!Ir.OO nntll September 1st to meet obllgAuto Equipment a\lons of the mOJ:ltil of July . Horse-Drawn Equipment BAIo(NHART, Anessmen's for Morrow and Lebaoon plks impro.emen' were Notary~ Public . apllrOved and made pclyallie In ten TELEPHONE 7 DAY on NI GHT annllltolln8lallmentlJ. All klnd8 of Notary Wort, \NUle A8Se8Yment8 t or Olive Branoh aOll Bnd Deedll a tlplIClal'y, Oregonia road Improvement were


E. V.

~~rrd:~a~~~ '::!~~I~~ln~o~I:I~~


Borns, 1!5 ; Liluro Krelghoff, $60; Ww, and K,.&e Hurley, 120. Objeotlonll filed ' by Bannab J, Bat (.Je ld and MInnie F . [loblh In tbe matter of the Pbtllipnolld Improve. ment were onrruled and 8881189· ments approved and made payable In tun 8nouall1l6tltoliments, . Bille Atlowed :-Oe1:l,.un & Co., lupplles $2& 25 i C, W . .Bparll8, road work in UnlOD township $tO.25; E, B . ~elll1 & Co., 'Ilpplies tlilrenrveior $250; Burrongh8 Adrlln'g Mactilne Co . • repaltl S-l. 2 5; W. H . ~tauaR'e & Co .• 'Ilpplies for Auditor S6; t!anl. &ar:v Supply Co., allppllllll ,for jantaor IR 50 : W . 8 . tiraham, oon'raot -l8G S4ll; UhBI. BIll fOlld work Deerfield 'own\lhlp '9(}.53; Waldron Gilmour; boarrl eto. for prillon.rll for J Due 119/j,17: Waldroo C. Gllmoar,lber• Iff'lI expenee aooouo. for qtlar'er ending June .28, 1382114; LebanoD National Ban a, reveDDe .tamp., $2,50; J . W, Shlu,ban, premtum on tornado inl1lrance I~O; Jeanne"e Snider, traDlOrlblDg ..eoorda reo oorder' .. oflia., oat mODt .. , SilO ; Bur.' Brae, bltmll lot a11da'or .6 75; l:leuf7 Reid. pain' 11Ippll•• III 30; LebaUOD L11ID_ 00.. It.lI:..

My AI m-Yo u r Trad e

Don't let your oold han I on, raok YOllr . 8~'8'elD and bllCome obronlo wben Dr . Bell 'II Ploe.Tar.Boney WIll bell) von. It heu la 'he lofillom. matl on, sooabe8 tJle conrh and l ooa. ens abe pb,.lllgm. You breathe euler at once, Dr. Bell'l Plne-'l'ar.Boney III a'fe Tar Syrup; the p1De gr balum heall 'be raw sPOtll, loolenll 't ile mDOOlle aDd pre ••n'lIlr. ot the broDchlal 'Dbee, a bo"l. of Dr. Belt'. Pine• r.JD.O'" ..... ao day, ita ~uaranHed &0 for.arvQ~ IU,&G, 4' dt1l11UM.

=-- : ':;--=~"'-':--'=.

--- : - - " 7 ' QUAUTY- Above the Stondard



- ::.. "'-'",---- .,---

Phone 54-2Y.




..- 1


••• DENTIST•••

SERVICE-That can't bc beat PRICES-To plcDse all,





'WeYIINtI.". 0



·WaytlClolrille'. Leadln, Dell"" Corwin, Ohio, Office tD Keys Bld". UalD B' -

~!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!'!!!!~!'!!!!~_~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -

Lewis Bakery


f' Everybody uses Lewis' Bread and.~. 1

Cakes, the best and most delicious " made. . Try them and you . will ~ JJever want to eat any other kind.

Lewia' Bakery



WayneaviHe, Oe




---.. 'HOA'to~ Woman

Ite<:QI\U1Wlltling It To

Her A s Writlt:n by Our Corp~ (If Able C o rrc~PQml­ en t s in the Nei~hh ot ,oot!




FrAf n d~

l"lllllhlr Ilnsttln La d! S,,~· .. '1'111'1.)1,,,, , ... ~ "rll\' , l' lI n ( ;",\~ ,!t . f" 1I ,' r

----~--------·-~---- ~ -----I


--- -


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u,. .• (IIn or' \l1l~

I I ; II "I I: I\' t II I (."

1'1 ~1I


-.1 " I" II ,, ' 1\11' : ."",:-' IUI'1II., " ' uUr ( rH t Il11 .. Il n .1 1. f~I " ,till, \\ 11t'1I \ fi U hUII\\ llllt), Rrn, fihlCl lfll alld hltt h 'M hi I 'h , . ~r .... ,t \· . •\ "" ,It ( Intl ·r. l IK ,'r"Ill • • 1 III n "'l lllt'. Il Io'U I t'llIlIi llJ( trOtll j II . ' \\ hll 1 1iI~ "ll"'U I I, 111.\. 11111" 111 Ih l!( IUII . st ltl I:. \\ ,,11 h.II/ \ \ u 'WI f;Hdh





l':l r


-k' , ·l l·+-l -:i ll,l ·k, ell.l

- H-I'('m :l t .. ~", III :111 s l :l\Id ~ln l


I~.I.:~ . \\' v 1':) 1 ry tl n'ss ·(1 " l,,"t'lll '1'h fl A M_ I( !1ll nrn h g ll vn ,, 11'1". !I,l r N ,· I ~"" L1 11 .1I1 1 n il nOlI f ' lIl1 Y "" " I ' ll IIf 'I'OI;' ,n Is ' 11f.1. 'I " '~ ' I' I , \~hll rll·.d; H kct 1lI 6tltin g lit th Air JlI IHlt:! ltf wnr- nt ll' I"II"1 Ill - Itt,t lu" ,, 'l tI .~ III 11'1• . .111 1111" 11111 _ hUII'N IWI""" 'l'f:> " lll / f l l .i'I' ''lh,' 1 jll l\l I111 . 1r.,,,'o of hef u", \11 '111' 1'; III I I" \\ I ll' ~..: rw' ~h lp un ffi llHt tlr'r.ollrt 8trt" ,t ::-' lInl) IIY " \'oY H'I II f/r HII'H!II Y fn r ~I~~;:,~I" t !,I~ l;' ,l :~\.III/,!/"' : '0 " rl~ It I I J.)IIt I\\ I H/.l • A hUfluteollB l' AII ,, ~t .WIt. H"rVI,( IIIII ,1 ~I r :\P~h l l l un ,I\''' II , Ir " 1.-."" I IHI "r-III ·"II'd ~' I{II ,. H/lt ll l Ii 1,-,, 111 ,1,' r.. r r l'lI rp" ',('''. \\'/" ha ve u ar IL I\( III tl oUH olrl.fu " hl oll fl, l lll ihuln~ Ilr l., ,If :-.nnt h \ 'h '_I I", II, n, 1I1t1! ~ I r I !It' JI" '" .:.," I 11 ~ ")In. It l p, l ), II,, · In,\," . I f IH~ THE MIAMl GAZETTE .. a .>lld d .\I'\I" ' P'UJ' , 1 II ,) " dLl 1 1 "I"";. wnll blld Tlotl o lll.tll nA r ull!;l1\ 111111 i\l r" t 'Hr lll " h IlIr l: \\' , '.tnl'~ tlUII'·· I""J ,i "l','ll ll'!"'~ IlIld lin,·.. I tt l! ' II HIli., (p•• ,11t ' Jf ' i l ll " Iill · !tllll IJel ill l hi I.y lura l appliea lion s, I18 lh. y c~nnul rench wearll heH' ubll.'h" l W ook lf ' .' ,I" 'rli nn .. r \,1111 .' 1. 1'" ,\ I o'1\' 'I' l l" \\I,,, ,, J f,I-'""1I 1 bll.1 , ' It ll"" l{ tl.; t il fllnli I II ,U' Ih. diocnsrt1 portiull III th. rar The r. .. lpIIIIII h . I ' .lt d ' 1,1111 " 111I11\ I ' r [11.\ "Iull', la l, d Everybod.v I~ \' (lr y bI1A.V wo rklllg flo ;l fll ll1l1y W\.' !' k. ,I \\1 . hl"H II,,"Jl \' 1" iI"II I 'III I ~1. \I .I I I ' l ' r \\ lI-.I w n, 10 " llIe ('lUarrblll don lllus, D. L. C lUN E, Edit", I'\IlJ Ml\Illiger aI.ndDill, IIlrll. Itn t h B" l\ z . nt! li l tl" II'"I1,: h IIOr l'1 l, 1111 01 I f"lt ..:f"" ·r" l! " 111 1);' ·rah l, '. I 11 111\ , I is Ly .. . " n. tituliuIJ RI remedy . In-b,.y Il nd (loru nnl.ta Illk ln l,f !.I1IHr dlu-Illr, " i Iwt hhi! 111'1' 11 III lilt! hflMlll lll1. 1,1 • Cal.u,hu l Uellllles. is CIlUStd Ib y tt D in · SU'UDl tl r vllolltluo~ IIn(\ It '""ill 18 tllr 1:1 0 ' 011 ~ I'('nt. ,·lI t urrl,,\· ood ::lun. "1.:",1\ 1'\1 IHI Itf ' rllI lllIl' ll l n·llt·'. I WIlli ;il l IHin 11'1'. ft ll d rfl ~ I ,'"'' 111 '\ 1 r\l , d ~h t I 1'11111" ,w llI",, ' ly tt.1lJed cuudilion 01 Ih. m ' I('OIl ~ Iinillg u f rnnnlnl( II. lI'tl" , lJohlnd. ~uo o t\w (IA}' In f)"y l,() IL ... h·. ' II _ T it·· ~ U., l'n ·...~II I;.:: ,,"d,'(' III)' IU lli ri J U LY Ill , 1!JI(i tb. ES\1 a ohiau Tul-'G. W h ~ n I'll. lu '-'" i . wll ttt hllr will 0001 up lSnd tbf' l_ A nn e Tbe \Vu.v o os \,i llo Fllr m r r·. r ,ol> ,'u lI"" ,,1 I,nll,ltal h lll , all" \\1,,", I tl n' ' o l ' III Ill n III ~nD1!d you have " ruml>lhlf sound or of 'l nr bUMY ooell w ill wo rk o vort-illiO . fII Ot III the '[101110 o f fi ll l"'ny BlIrIl 0tt JIi"rUIlI t! I \1 I"'~ J I I ~ ' 1\.,., tlrt\4 , lL.i "Itt." I r tlin HI ,- -- - - .-- , \ 1'0111 1\\" "l·('~ .. n~" J 1~\'\6C :'&lIlt1 l hk lUl llll hll '. imp"rf' ~ 1 heari ng, .. nd .. h<n it is c Ulir~ l y J . lJ t~ ray hi tbr _'!4bln~ lu th u TIlUr ~j' I Y. tHld I ,' I tl i ~ rtith r tl ll\' :- 11\t(\ t.JHtl II d lll1H "'ollt'd . Oea fn elS is II,. r..ult. Unless th" \\,," , l l'~ I II 111\' 1.'11,.",. ,: J ' 1111 ri"t'II I'I~ II tu u 1111\' MrA. Jon Gre/(I!, Mrs . 1311111 ~yl\'O~­ \4. " 111 1111 Mil d ";~Il n" 1 n il )' ltlllrt or (11,,01, 1 ,,1"1' " "',;0 ' ••• inHarua li ull "a'" I... ' < rluL~d lmel Ih l» lu l.e O'N fl ,dl n elgbbo r hood wh tl r o he " Iulll 1111'\.) [11-:11 !t ll d /th '., l lil J~ ) lI n.' u d u II r .tllortd 10 il l norDJ.d cun dit lou, hearinK wo rked for wllny YOllrM , Bo b d oclI ler M,d Ii nlA H ' lD, Apnn t. T h llrHllt.,\' {Ip t,j' . t ll ~ : IU fn,'l. I t 1.0.14 f'ur(ul Ir hJ , bll ' ! I a l II I"·., _ 'J'n ('\"t' r \, cus to mer, . U9, bl". wert woll. will lJI: dell ruyed furenr. Man, cases ..r e vnnln g nnd F'rlllo :r ,vith Mr~ . U urry fllllll llq,dlllto( lL Lt. ul l -of m y 1"" ' 11.1 .. . 11ft 11 1, ":1 h l'l'li :, ' .. " I to: " 1l11 t. ,1 "".• " doafn"l8 Mre C8 U !WtJ I>y rrttlltrh, which is MrH VorA Uln'rlR ente r tnloou rur SUlI.w. molter wh at th a mount A ll ·l r ll/o!"..: I .... I ~ ~ol1 'lli t l J..!4t a l"lll lli·1l 1(III" l hl" . itn illtta"'It>d C'OIuJiti4J II u f tI l. QIUCU US Sur, dinner tlunday, Mrs, Mdlle F ln ob , hr. ' nll ll l(" ' Uli~ ~.) III J' ( I I III " " r \ h, ,. MI~s J oonie \'~ :lr n" r r ol nrn l'1l Ir"TllI"-I facel. Hall'. Calarrh Cur. 8c tl th ro ugh and 1100, H Dbert. " hl ,· l !taL l'm, .I1I1,· " lUI rnllU\ I I, I II ' ''fl (If h i:> )111 [('bas e , COllie IH' lIlo m u r ni n ~ tltt o r ,, - Itll\ " r t ill' f. dl" " I I ",: 11 111\' d'''ll lll l' HIT,·. -I lt i lir. i,f Iht lJ looLi on the mucous SUI face s of the Mr . J OMIMh Bnlb1'ooll, o r r.l' lmn on, wnt' k 'N v julL In X nll itl . lit,· 1'0 1011 111" '" JIII I"':II.... ' I;'". il l"I", ,, .. I,, I'f .lr"l! ~)'s t t' I I I , ill ll li r 1\ l lId . Itlld tJr,·lIlh . "}I' I< tl lr"ltI'"I~ t ltmd alld ta lk over Yotlr .p la ns _ Duriog the Jl' ~ ' wf!e k th ore Ilfl8. I\'t " ill Ki\'e O nr. Hu nd.ed DolI&n for WII" ollll1oK on rrl o nd~ bora 1<'r lll11Y "d ll' Ilflllr t'I" I IJl a LIlIII , Ui 1!IIf "'\11111 .. tha i I l r, '" Mr. nnd MrrL Tntn Ul1l1 r t n oy ~ pnD r,'t·II",::: . I' ",.,l l\tln " t(l<o. ,' lIu wfl (l'II.,:H" lO r II Iklu r o f -'IIHt, w l:\ek. b"llu "OIUII& Krlll&' ,18NI " r (Ja mm eD I II n y rase o (Ca [arr h ll llJe ~ r" r.~th"t CUII"" t wi th ti S. \\rl.: 'a n show \ Vedne Brl'IY in \Vll yn"~" l lln ""'" I,h" '''". .. lJI: cu red I,y Hall' » Ca lurrh Cu.e. l:irc u . Mr. All a n nnft'llIlln, of I"ohlln o rl, • t I <llI l llI lI . - A!I 1.4 111011111 1 I~ rh'()I1II1I1'11i1I',1a" on lhr. subJeot of Ibe IIl{htM MOOD ,~I ' I"r. free , All I)rllK!i:isu, 7&: . ~trfl A~ n \ Vhttu Itt!r tlnd tI ,l n Iln Illll u II w.J1 It llllil. 'r lll ("JW nllt ,'I:' ItIIlH 10 11I ,'r " h."!(1 oa llfld on hl~ HOL) Ulllntftn oe tlllore 01)0 )'O\! Itow t il save m o ne y be ulI.; .lIed 00 Mill" Hlrellt "J'lf fl. , . CHBN h' V I'< CO.,, O. 8l,ont, Frt lltt y ti ff Arn n nn I_ nil ~ . tIll" ! 11I1.t r "' '' h(It~, 13 11I )1IIIfIli o r m Q r H IIIH 'I)I!.1 111 11 d~y hl~t wOAk. ~ • , t lAl ' l ! II "11 111111 111 111 ;. 1)' . , hUll t.hllt 'he F unr t h of July ollhlbru ,IllY with h"r 1II0 t hl ll', Mr ~. IGu KdIH1' in \)11 'itlg a ll kinJs uf 'Illn rHolllptd will DOl buy man y The M~H Mlfl T nw nHh l p BunrtR l' I;; \' n n ~, of LOfllnn. 1Isbta, but t he fllw lba' w ill be put Snb o ul ollll ven ti on convenerl !Slln p'1lr!~ f\ ;! Anntl 11 111 1 A,Mil! I1n r l-l" , \ I Im ilcl ing maLer ia l. Ull will he an ar1dlll.o ll lo I,be Ii@'llt dl\Y,Jol y 18th, dthA~ ' rlnnr1"(Ohnr ll h STOM ~C H I Ing or 'he hlldlned8 par' _ of Malo yuu tIIe ll wuu t I "'IQ uver (tl~ te l.,. Mu _ Ad~ n Tolm"Ktl, t>r ,,~ ld'Hlt onll l1,lllII M IN" C ora Mo l("(lVfl r tinll . 1,IIOnl' to 3Ir. T.RUlhorn ?" (Iuy IIft nrn no n . • , •• r eet \lre~lll ed nver the mfi ll t ln~ _ . " 'J wo YAI,r" n~o I ~IJ lHrA<1 froln ":-/0, sbe dl ilu't~" he \'oc!terated, his II ho ~ bee n Intimated Iha' ,oolb_ J ohn l:ulhol! 1\0 Qld Hl"l ld lAr IIIHI 1\"r Vl',V II nr nt'll 'Ln,1 fll tn l l ~' to ~. fr"fj ne "I, ·('tt.lIll lr~ o f 8 tn~'Il'h tr n nhlll er 8'01lt WIll be lJulllld off lIome lime volcl' growIng loudpr. "She aulLl, 'You onA o r o llr "Innuer olt! \I"A ~" d dlnnAr wI! h Wtlhn r (;I'Irk 111111 fUIIi . 111111 tJlll olls'wsl'." write!! MI HM 1':111 III II Buyers (jet Quality Guaranteed on $111" tilllllOOer - ' u add to lblH fuud to te ll your wife 10 stop lelepboulu l! Rob· IIWIlV Frldfty rn o rnln K aftor ('onl:lld . Ily,!If I1 llur Ly t l'1, r;l!n rlnv. ' Vllrl,ryko, 1.1111 ° Ohi o' 'I oo u ll! 1 bllY lO UI 0 IllIbl ~. IOIH2 after ODoa ~ee e rt Llmbul'n to conle and 8 .... hrr. Le· e ra hie ~nfferloK, lellving two dllllo(hAll Supplies ,, " r n n fln n. Rd n /I fI}'i f) ~ t r ip 10 ' 1111t vI!r y llttlCl rood ihU RICr60d ('B US!' be Is u't going 10 do It !' 1'1161'8 jug th e nl plilord In 'pOMltlon, the ol t ur Hona, "evorlll jjtrl1ll<tohll kenl, t o W lltnl n /t t on l'hn r~ .l "y . . I wl.h me Rn,l I bAro m " _ II ,h uy and 111..108 will walll 'bew all over town . what sbe 8 old~ .~ntl I Wtillt to kno\V d reo II.nd . m a oy 'rla nd R to m <l \lrn Mi ll. Antill Mor)!!l ll .IIHI Mr _ P'rnllle "10k at m y Mt nrn llllh 'It I lIw~ Ihll t l:tow"ver, ODoa Ib e reMultll of thle wb ut It mean8, 1 Inten,I- " hlat dOllllrture , Inte rm en t el (; Ia r kll I(IIIIIIHr1l1l. (I f Lc,h ', "on. 1 ~ldlp.1 ( 'II h'lll t"l [Illr " holl! of SOflll'lhl nl,{ t o A maid UPIll'lI r('d ft t Ilw lowl-r .nr! of viII .. . 'Y H[elO IJf ]iKh liDS 18 Inlltalled, ~IlV . Mi ~~ I nn 1IIII Il ilt lJ II 1';llItl lIIY ,·vllulng . kn e l' fr (l ll i f (ll li n ~ . Se 'I" I-l C IIIIIII erMI uf o ur 01l11lentl c lalw they will tbp ball. "U lnu pr I~ r(',"ly ," ~I ,,' .,. 1,1. MrR . ARrrlet Adlm nro. or ,.h o rn IIl1 rr.\' S h " w 1l1\.1 f" mi l l' Ilnt.Hr- b fl rltlln 's '1'I1LlfII" O/lyA tl" ljrl 1 tie· I Pil t in .. IIi/M D(\ll r tbelr hallie. To find, giv ing fhp Ir/Jut,led plllr /In., rn('n~l o n has beo n mlldft trom t,hu n !.!lilll''' th .. (ollow i lll,l "untlny , Mr. 1l1111lrl}O trl' th ft m 11111 1"""0" r8p_ mokl! the tnwn ullll l! hl e d wltb h o ul . gilinee, W('1I1 (1(,!lJllre ly ll1t o th,~ d ln" ,!! to tlmo, 101 IItl ll vllry dllnj(llr :ln~ly Anel MrH ~nm ll o l 1:"lwol l "IHlllltI .. Id ly , 11I11I\IO,II.lfl nvnr ' wltttf(1, evurrl IIghl" II Ii oO ntlUmmBU OD Ihal room. Roscoe dlsrcliu rded Ihi' Inl.,.· Rl ok, with J. H ie h OllBS of he r r nouv HI ln. () f Itllil J.i" Il, 111111 .\1 r >\ n Il M r ~ our (l1t11/;~o8 Bod 'he oonnoll o ugbt rUI,lI oo. J",n W r fH'l OO Fl IX fI n fl dan g h t nl" Lpn" , " I Illte ud to know t'ra ~ ll y whot IIII R orv . ' 0 wor k tor. Howe Vl'ry hml tirn l flij h IHIl h(ll n Ll 0 1' I'· t. A n oin n t Here ' 8 h OJll mg 'hM' It may be 10. beell gOing 00," he tI"t'!u red_ "I mpo n ollug ht by ou r HX Llerieooll.1 tillh e r_ MI H~ 'on Hlllllll1 lIu l lill~ o r r l1 l ll r n~r1 to know jU8t whut- " h Ollln tram n vi~lt in Cill lJ tn llutl Hil t. ; , Iltyl j UUJpt!d UI). almost tOlu'h!ng WOD . hIm , standing fn('e to t nce ii-I III him. C hu Mn r!d oD WhR horn e over Biln urrlA V. Mr . n nti Mr~. T n Ul I;"u rlnny n~ llo(J "Oh, you do!" ahe ('rie cl, shrilly. " Y OIl dav with hlR tl"!llly : lltU CuuuL l u f \ urren &l Ull S LUt) of Ohlu, m" 11O 10 know JU Ht ",Ieat's who[, do W-. B. J.arrl oJ., of Lehanon, waH on Mr~ . Oll llrll o Klltl(lf , ' nnrlllY ol1on. II tu- wl~:. . 'fho I\f1 A8P8 FI'1rAnoeol nnd Myrll Ing 'WI' nohlll t .a,~ 0 1 \lul"nl'. S u'V&y No. ~70 lUId you? You 118teo to yo ur ylyler loalilu. In our oily ~ UOc\R Y. dev ftn IIod MiltH lIor, L . I{erully I hrthur u&k:.rllJOO WI t(,lIuh'. ' ullng ugly IhlugH"hout your wIfe, atilt MlsA Engen III W htt illtfl r Ant",. WAre Mr.lIIday evenl'n r.- _. Il fj~llJ"tllr u •• ldO. 1111 th. uuth .1,10 01 Mr. Karl Hhillakar Mnd r'lml ly, or Iler ~ 10 Lble - - - - - - _. - - . ClArk". A " eIlU& ami • 1(, \ior,ner 1.0 J¥alu: then you come b Ollle w llklug a scene Ma'l nevllle , " l,on t !'Iu odllY lind M Oll - IRlnod, MI!<HIIH I,nn ro It HII " g lo lind vl ol nlty . WANTED Culld tt. lalhlalU t ruuntll tl thcl\Cd d. J O 11egNOI betoro tlie servants aud huwll1tlliug day wltb r ollltlvilil b e ra CJnf1lllrlna Bllrnott. Fritluy urtor.It. 1:' I... ,IWI t tl do tih'u , thOlJ U11 N , /I il6INK* Ettll Ploroe R{ient! I> tew dl1YII M rs 1::, O ~t l udL tt. " l l·I..I&.1I 1. ll hUICt} ~ . l U degroos me in their preee uce! Do you suppose wl~h MlslI MIIY Hllrhm, I Mr. and Mu. J, 1£. S hum ake l' nOO I\ . W. 11 II,,,",, 10 u .h)lIo: UII)Il<'tl B. 80 d.",rooa Ihat Irish IIlrl didn't hear eve ry word Have Vall" form o r otber w. ~o~~ I'M , ,, Ihu 1lIIlIIluulllij. cunt"lnhlK GO apeD' Friday wltb tbolr oblldron In MrR. Id l\ Hog,m Willi O"iiOd t,o D ay - FARMS JWllu6 IOli r u o r 1u&J , r YOIl said ? Yoo go III there lind eat ),our Wllolinlltoo. ~(l III E.tlHe f or I!li l e~ If HO \1:1' :lu li l 1" ,II",rty h • • I>OUII I·.~u l_rl ' Bllpral.1llI ton ono dllY lust weok: 0 lI oooun' of dInner alone! Go on! Go aod eat your l r II II ".r 0 ....1'" 0 1 lIlH IIlI r t~' IhO 811111 " , 'fhreo _ A Novel By Mr.. l4arla 1:llIlnos oalehrtll eu h nr tile sorl o us condltloo of or JNot h er . Run e lit nooe w It 1I W . U - Uh ... ud " , llu lld,...1 ~lttt FilLy I$ '~ O. UO ' 0011111'8 BOIl will di nn er alon&-because I wOU't elll wltb A~ID \V n ynM vi ll A Ulnn or ca )l ht!re at '''IL hu .11101 'or I""" LIl"" LWU Llllnl'~1 1 wuli l a,,· H7Ui blrlhdav Jilly 15th . Mrll. A MrJ. Murl ett& Onrpenl e. 8pent youl" BOOTH T ARJUNGTON , I I ' fa u ou-t 1/..01.",1 v.h ,o allJ "III .1... h~ ""tll•• uhJ()I;~ LU "I bllve n~ (Jd 1:li ulllh orl lll ll' M '1'1\111'honn No 77. la ve II W" _ """I1ILy nr 'l' w6" '0 I $I ~.ufl l p un ..... La ~o And ahe broke away rrow tha detRln·- J[. bUlJoot Ilnd molh l1 r lin d M j~!o t,MIInel 1ll11 ~t 1i0Y Ih t'l y 1Iff! lht'l b o.. 1· H6tnrc1rAy and I'3llndllY ,!ttl ('.has. o lll of t ow n bllyen wl ro ora I' 11. 1" I," I.uull '\'JII '" "I$ ull LlI. ~· I ... t clay III EJlZIIh6~b Ullodall IIllllot lillY E llis Bnd daughtol8. Author Ing grll8p !te Ro urht- 10 t Hsteo upoo ry . oell au,l u,.ry y.. &r ""rlllg bor n_tI bA VO ove r u Bed f or I' on t.lpfIltlon o nA 0 t I 0 0 kl n g "wt l,rOIJ6rty III bud Jauu uu l 1\10 ber. aod da~hed up th e 8talrwa" Pilot· wl~1I III r . Mr~ . Ollft' ElAw ke aod Mrs. T. F . .. Mollll.ur Beaucaire,.. .. 'I1Ie Illid In j l g ne tl o n . My wlfAnhlO used u r o und Wa y ue""llIe Don 't (l u:"Y !1 8.1, 1 'prnl",rl), I. 1"","Lelllu th.. VI II_,. 01 Mr RotJllne ShumaKer and wile t hem for lndlgest.l on enc1 they diu MoG u inn were sbopping 1lI W"Y0 08 Ing. Be beard U... d oor ot her roow ' . H urv tllJ urll , Wbrr4t1l OoU II ' Y. Ohl o , a.nd f&ce.s CCIIlqu.., of A ltant! to this li t nnre uu lJlark . .. 11110 aud LlJur. ""Ina no .trOilt. and Mr . Everllt ~hnm(\ker w ere slam overbl'ad, and tbe sharp click ot ville Il'rlday dleroooo . ., PaIrcIdt" .... her ~ood, " writ es )<;u!;ono H. I{ nlg h t , W . U Obaudl"r. IIrumlltlt810lY \t •• L, Woel or !louth ul ...1<1 iuo,I .. of 'belr pllreot!! here t!nnduy Wilmin g t o n , N , (J. Ohllm bo rla ln'M tbe lief In tlie lock. Mi ss Lnolle Bovan It! 1 8i~ing her I"~'~:~'S I l~' 8ALIt- uue tlllrd l~ ... b III Clareoce Hongh, of Wilmington, T~ h letll ure mild and ge nU o in ~hel r rela t l vas In Lelll>noil. AN'fIlD- 'l'O lI orrow o ue Lb oll8- II.uli 01\ ".Y 01 ...te, " U. tlll,lI III ono year aDd (Tn be OOallDued) bol heiDi a boV from thl!! oll,y. dltlll 80*l l)n . UI vo thl'm 1\ trial. YOIl lind dolJIlr8 seoured 'by j!ut fj " e thtrJ III t .. o YO.I·. _ lJelorrild 1I~~..'!'~ubt. Mr. Guy Waters at- .ended the I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.. ........ to \)ear 6 1",, <ont I"te ,ost KIlII Il<l IOC w..... y "ond.y wornlull lellvlng a wife lilll! are cer&a ln to ho plflfl8ed with t h e funerol of }lIas Lalnge 'Varcil uw, lIt mor'iagllll' H Iler oe. lH Inloreat A d- wurtg"BOullllrollll iOll ... ld. W ll8 sotll e 1100II musical I how t lo town. tbree ohlldren, ra~h e r, t,hr ee br.>t.l1 agreeo ble IDxlI ti ve r n'eot \vhl ob they WIlVOBIi vi 110, Wednes da lIl orulng dre lS L oo k Bolt ij , W ... yuesvllls , W.t.LLlIl U N o. G IL IrlOU R. W~ II . you 8eelllM all rlaht until here er. lind friend!! to monrn bl ~ gol n R_ I)rodnce, Oh llllnl,hle oVf r ywh pr o. ' j211 Sh.rlll W_rren Counly , Oblo. - o. Ily CUAS : J. WAOOONIIR M rli. Will. GIll"m Is nt ort.llI nloi Ubi lately. Ihe 188 1 tIlOllth or 80 , I bellB n tl) DopuW ,----'--h or mother, Mrs . Voffee o f {h oeo. Ice sollletl1ltlll WBB wrong. I couldn'l SWA IM" JORDA N J31-1 11 field, ALwr uu,V, belp 8pelng It." FOR SALE Mr. and Mr!l. Ceoll " Wrong1" Shll sRld. "Wbnt like'" OO VOl, II.nd Mr , and Mre. Albert Hea'on were , Mr . and Mrp. Otto Mlol1 al!! und 80n "Yoll chongell ; you dlr1o 't look tbl' called on Uh 1l8. E . Ellis 0 (1 dlltlKh sallie. ,"ou w e r~ nil ~ trun g up lind ex· tiermlln\own "I_lion one d ... y 11l8t I --. t8r~t Sunday ove Dlng. cited aud Mlle lY; you got 10 looklUI: week. UB: Hotol and Livery Ham io Ask the nI 'l n wh o u se~ tt, h s kn ows p cokld anll rlln dow n. ~ o w 1J14!D. Ln mMr . I1D I\ b.!rll. Gpo. B oglln ente r - I Tho funnra! or Mu R ,nnoh I::lur. Corwin, clln 11111 It t o yo u vll ry Mla90 enna Br080u p WII S vlaUlnjf " 'r o think 1 ,mll'ere d 01\ t h " MO YO llr" born hud boeu goIng with 08 a good frleo da and rej"tlvell at Lebe.bon loill erl 0 11 Kunl111Y M rH Wysong. l InD Wdll woll attended by poo»IA of oll e lll) It IInl et eoon . Funeral Director bell one 115 CO Ll t bnU\1l of Hlolln '8 Mr ~ . I" " tlrolllln(1 Ml sH Blllh . ·OhIDl clt. thl@ neIghborhood . " .Nl<m 0 r oom 1101189 III l io r wln ; willi e, but' ·1 ' noticed tbRt not 10rlll ngn one day IRllt week . . and Embalmer, 1.lnlmont a llred m il," wrlt£\8 anA will Rail oh oap 11.11(\ I(lve gooLi terme . MI~~lIs Flo r e noll Bevan an d Vorn Edward 80d MMry H ellIon , at grll.lerlll uarr. It y o n hli vo [th oll_ II( (;In Innn i nUll ~'lr DI,HI I\Irtl Wm. O'lylon, were oal\ed hllro tbe past mlltiMID o>r Hutlor fr om N Anr RI/{la, D\11l1l nud fum lly, clf 8 11 vc" l:trnv6 11,. J{orsl'Y 8pont W Oll llOAdllY wit,lI W . N . HellT8, Wayn Bli villll, O . B2 l Waynesville. Ohlo.~ 10II RH Doris liRr"ev "pont p'Lrt of Mips (16n ev ... HevlLn . wfll1 l1 b.V 'he dflllt~ or Ih alr grllild . HDOkll01l0, !:loren 088 lind ~tllfn ll~, Y'mng JerHey Vo w ~ whb hAi fer tltl' wh ek with h Fl r Imnt. ~Irs . Bur tMr. Cla r e noe MoG uln n o .lI ed on UloL\1or, Mra. LeUtla HAllton. don', pnt otT ~eu,ill g II bo t1.lfl o f IllllvrM . Fo r Infor lOli ~ln n 01111 on We have srrangod with an under Mr. T. 1". MeUninn Monc1 l\ y Mrs. JOSOllb MentlLl 81100' 'hll !'Sloan's . It will Klv o yon tlllob w el- Aook . Mrfl. Anllltl l)lh hno!!. It 0 . 4, W .. ytake r to get RII llUt o, so we will be r.'r, Clnr(\nna ( : l oRVt~ r . , r LA ha n on ' _ ... _ _ ~ ~ week end w"h her dllu g llter, Mrs oome re\let . 11 Wllrlll!l Mnd 900th es n " ~v l1le , 1 \lif o , IIbl e tu furnhlh eithe r 8n auto or Rosb, of Franklin Ihe !lora, IItilf 1IIlIllflli 1l1l1(l(lM /lnd Iln ll l\1l~s Wlll rl t ; .w!t on, of \'llIrl ' I IJn_ I hllrstl·drawn fun e ral. yl\l e , PJle nt t b o w pu k onu with W . I WI N U()\\' .f)AHI-I . t ,lr ' wlll _ Both ph ones in Office and Residence. Mr. and tatrll. Alpb GIl"ln, 80011 YOIl feel SO muoh b eue r . Buy It Mt tiny Drng !:Itor 0 , only 115 cen ts. r](lwH, ill ~ooll t:,,,"11I,lun. T . .l o rdun 'lI. 'I Lo ng dlstance ,No . 14; H ome phone "od etalll!htor a',d Mr. lind Mre , M rd. J. D. I\lnrlat l . \lit a ile I ;).J- '2 r l n g~ . ('Ulll Fox. of MI"llli8b urlJ, mo'orllc! ~~-H-2r. (~1l1tE\ n. nlllntl~T from thi" p lRo e I Ilt t.mll od I It.. tOIl lit Mrs. n ~ n . jl \i '0 U" yt,o n 'rue~dIlY and 'peo' 'be Allwke'M nOllr lI u r\·tI.\'~h urg on Evo r y fllmll.\' wl~bo\lt exo'lpt.ion day a' &ha ~o ldI6r '. BOlUe. ' OW find l'i ~~ t llr 81l 1A. .1 '1'. l' h nr Rn~y urt o rD oOll, ami r uport II s lwulu koo» this Jl rH llIlruti nn ut tU1n11 Yr and Mra Wm. Kl elnhll n nrll Mllrltltt., Wllyn llrlv llle. 1{'<lIl.te I , 11 ~ l i~h l. f ul tim!! . during th o h o t wEll!tllQ r of I,h o lm mvialtlllg J tlS9 0 Rarrlll "nit family . Pholle I 'I ~,-R! ~ , JI :i Mrs III" Mll nn on ppont ·i'l llnel ·,y Ole r m Ollths C llHIIH herlr,ln 's -Calf , of OUorbeln Village 'bls week. \9lth Mr. lind Mrs , !:leo , DllVi~. l;bolem lind Dillrrh()o/~ ROUlOd y lw o" orlll Stllnds nr U ~8 a o r' Halley Ura How"rtl arle" and !'Iaugb for "ll l o lI ~ r, u:\ol1" I,lo pri nul:!. Inlatr . and Mril. Wm. Mldllnstrlokrr Mrl<. Dllvls "fill Mr!! , Mllu no n nl. worth · IIllLny tllIlfIS itA IJ08t wh ll n &er, of Mlddlu,o"o , vlaltea "'rl!. Vllr lit t,hn n Ofld nc1 l1nd is 01rIl O~t ce rl,n l n t(1 be I]lI lro of J O . Ullrro ll. I'bo ll'" 47-::l , .)ll'ne Humber& ooe day lae' week , "Dd dllugbter MIRII f .1111 vl ~ Hed thul{ l on dl1tt th e oonvl'lIMon rrlRod ~ (IIIU Wh In tile nftllrn o.m , fIl1ful 1"II 1,0f,)r e the Bllmlller I~' over. lillfVeysburg, fJ _ jl :i I4r, and I4n, Iild _Coll'Ben enter dl\ultblllr Mr ~ I&bd alrll Alfrod J one8 MeA8r8 .1 . '''. U llrteoCJk oncl Allin It hllR' n o ~ n" p,rl o r fo r MI O purpoHflR a' W.ynet! vllle 18H' Munday 'alned dlnoer TU8IIdtlY evenlol Are buying all kinds of Mias Leooe. ML,Oloola,' nr Lyt 'e, I ~ Hltrtsook SPAllt th e waokAutll .. nllY lor whi ch It Is intend ecl. !loy It Mr. and IIrl, i'o.~8r Coi!eeb lon ~ h e true ,ts o f ~r . "Dd Mr ~. t. A . now. UMIIIIloblo fl voryw!t ar u LIVE STOCK and payMrs. J . E. Robln.on ba. re&urold 1[18Ulng ber allot M_r • . Nslll. S o w; Hartsoetr . hOlne rrom a weeks viiI' wUb rala. arda ing highes t market price. tlrll J o hn Wolfo oalled on Mrs Mr. "ud Mra. 11:'010 Ennbar$ "'1'68 a& DlAY&OD Geo. Da vis l'lttturd"1Il ft,e rnoon , (In Partition ) We are paying the highWlu Keever, -of Uen'lIrvlll.; .peot ylaUed relatlvel Ib .Daylon 11l8t, J ohn Do llins II veter oD of thl' l'bnradj\y wnb I4r . aDtl air • . Jelile tlundllY, est cash price for e lvll Wnr dint! 1<' r1lby mornto~ lit Mr8 RebeoOl Sldllo,'rloker and WttRt'I. Warren Common Pleas hts 1I0me nell.r bere. !lrI. J uhu Wolt and Mr. Kelly Mre. "lIud Donjfbett and daughter ~rl! WY~Ollg, Mr~. 1"l1tterell Bnd Th e f oll o wing onndldntllA lin. Wolr, of Edeo&oll, and Mr• . EU. "188 Helen, of Xenl" went to Mlllwls I14I~s Ruth !:l(lh mlit of l:tDl'l nnn tl nlllm on t li e!r nil tl lllll,wy boro r o th o J . W. ""o.:~ . 1. ( bnrg to wake,a ahort vlah. e u ... No. 11 160 ~m"h, of Plealan' Plain, Ilpell& 'b~ ue enj oy ing a two w eek:'~ vR olilio n Rppnhll nn n I'rhllilry t() be h olll 'nrl C\e,'e n~or .~ Mr. and . MfIl. eo,rl Smitb visited week.llod bere 'he lue.,. of .. r . and wl l b Mrs ~eo . Bowm. AUH uRt H, 11l16 . II , . lrCu u o r ~II " rdor ,) r Silu, dul~' l uut,K1 re)"tlvII8 louth otto wo lat!~ MundllY "ra. JOIllph -Maraball . To be delivered at Corwin fro Ul 8b.hl t.:ll ur r.. In the tt.I!IJVO 'H"l t;l l Cfi.ltft ani I &iT P. H , V . BIlt've,y ~p en t W edDIl"_ to till! tlIN.M'LUr t I w ill v1htr tur Y" I ~ \ I))' \VU) uf Mllster Il'loyd H.nness ollugbt fI A8111urp,Iall '0 'belr many trleDdl JlJ hllC ILUl.! litw', on thA 1i r.un lK&1I ' 11 IJU· \ltlYj· dllY and 'l'bnrildllY with her .lIt ~t6r IHJrl( . Wa. r roll 0011111.)" uta h'. 01\ YI .. BUill Labman &n4 Oarl Yon. bR.~ wolghlog two pouode one day MrH. F. A. l:iartRnull[ . lIer were 00&,,1.« a' (;ovloltoo l lilli' w~ek CI :rk of Courls Mr. Iluri MrM, PClrry Grny and 8011 "I Want to Know What You 8a" OVe,. K, , Sa'urday . A bOI' of 'rtE'ndS Mr. and Mrs . ,l(lhit Hunston "nd of Lllfllon viHiteu their Jlllronis Mr ooDII",lulallonl 10 'bellI 4allKbter I4re . Annfl Cllnlllll .. nd the to Lamhorn," At 2 o'clock p . m . on 8 1tIU ItllY, tbo (o llu \\.... Office Phone No . 46 lind Mrs . •lu ~. lhllY S undllY , . l UI{ lIusc rl\)od rnnl Mt.AW, t·o - wi : popnlar yonnl people, 8im DObllid of Xoula and 'L' . Bro l8R es. Phone No. 48-2 iiltufl.Cetllu "he VlllaK" ur UlU' vBJ'tl burK III 700 1Ot. -to plcktn. on blm about evel7 lttr .. IIDll Mrp. W . '1'. ,l ordltn WAre . Mr_and -Mr• . Waller 1'1". en&II' forll of FrAnklin were all 8UDd~y little tlilna' ,be did; you got to Quarrel· In 1~,l lIlI) O n MondllY. ta\Ded a$ dlnller ~unda7 Mr, anel II:ne8te at tho Woaver ho~e. ~n. with blm wOOn I was th ore abd Th y o nng illetlos of tbA W e i fare For_Commi ssIoner <':lIlld,en', exerolsell "era held at wben I wasn't. I could see you'd beeb lira. Cbulea I'l&k and datlgb'er Lon gno lire g nln g 10 ~Ive "A 8 1l1n . Mu,. 'he P,eHbyterlan churoh I1l8' l!unday A. C. BAKI!:l!. tlullrrcllng wbenever I come In abd bo stor 'lI 'nnvlllltlnu" at t h e W e ]lmll n "r. and Mra. Ray Cro!! enler. evening was bere," l:' h o?1 1:i0 ll Sfl 81lt,nrdilY IIv onltl J;(, Urandma Kemp b8fl hl'lell 'Jl1\t.e .Inly 22 1111 Ynn will b o w oloomod "Do :VOII obI oct to thaU" a8ked talDed at dlnne, ~unda, Yr _ and W , U . CO R WI N "ra. · rrank 8aloll and lamll)". "111)'1. orelltDlng QUICKlY. poorly. ,_ It y'o n prOKo n t Il d llDe lit tho d Ol, • . . "Yes-wben It IIIJure8 my wlfo" JO::lF.Pll '1'. m:AnDO]t'F "r~. Le""a BeaSon aaed 86 yea" Mrs Rebeooa Webor blls re t·orned Mr;! . 1,111 M.lnnoD IMdH (J I!:. li t The most M.odern and Sanitary Cre!lmery. b.altb I" be returned, with a Quick 11ft Itlel1 very aaddaDly WtldueMday fr)ol a three week 'j! vl~lt 'Iu Bt BBeoh t1 r o vo I:5IlUd,LY evening. of b1II .ye8 to ber.. "You beran to rub mornlnR at ber bo~e we8S of .towo _ LouIH. in the State and will pa.y highest. market FRANK BE; N HAM ~1.'Ul{EB price' for sound, d ea n sour cream, We are down Just about the time YOIl beglll~ B'naerol .enloo11 were bftld i'rlday me~Q B08a aod c;1im" PPnRwlt l<W , 'l'lIri.l(\c' r\t(lk TIl ., falllllg out wltb him ." He at~PIl4ld afternooo . In'erment In 'he "rlendl motored 'oClo olnnfttIIIlH~ ~(\tllrd u.v. always prosnpt to recognize any advance close to ber. "S(!e bere. Sibyl, I'm go· OIiDater, . t:lbe Iii anrvlved by tbree JOS EPA WATKINS I4r, Well. 'be Wllwtngton trlll\ lOb', ICdward, of FreaDo, Calif. i AI. in the market, and w'ill take care of your ( 8OCl\1I0i 'fonn ) . Ing to know wbat' l: mean8." berS, of l:Iprlnllboro, and Joe, of man "aB oallvll1l81ng bere todo y . I interests at all times. Checks mailed daily "Ob, 10U are?" sb.e snapped. ~'TbRI Daylon . C, F. Sohwariz ~al&ed rell\t\vAII 10. 'l'bIR ' hllRt aOHw 'e r hI Dr. King 's waa. wbat you were golog to aay tlip or weekly as desired to cover. all shipments, Piqoa &OOoy. ' , IIr, and .... Benry Deartb en. For Recorder New I Isoover y lt ilB lf . Its II. pi 1111otber day. , YeA. Whllt 'el8e bove. 10U .. rUined a' dlnber 8bnda,., Mr. ' a nd nD~ !lwel!t !yrop, ellllY to tak e . It to S8Y tonlgbt," . ALL~!N H UFFMAN REI"ERENCE oontailla tbl' m edlol nes ' whiob ye.n s "'l'onlgbt," he replied. ' with rrlm IIrll, LOlltl Batly &b~ 10D, uf IIlaml .. R. B, SMITEI Plrel I(allonal Bank of 6ltIJerienoe hav" proven beat ror awl(to8s8. "I want to InlOW wby you burl. lin. Clara Lewia aDd aon and Pearl itreet .arket aaok Conghs a lld Colds. 'fhose who hll vo keep telepbonlng hIm )'ou. want to see II •• Perr, BaUy, ~11 01 Da,IolI, . Any Reliable MerchaDt III.. liar, of abe MialDl u ta foollah 1o lblnl! yoo can RaIn ulled Dr. KIng'" Ne,,, Disoovery lo ng. him ,In~ be ,topped ('Ollila", be re." In Cu.clnnatl. -. Re pl'8ICnCnllve 8"".\1... baa re&utned to • 1004 olear oomplezloa by &be nRe a., ara It I .b eet fdeodll. BOMldea CIlI .. malle a !I'l II •• lOW IIOUDn 01 NIDI' Ville, -of faoe powder, at 'he &O.)ot of ever, boU.le II -guuT&n&oed . If yon MILTON (;LARK prebenilion before IIhe Raid , "Aod wha t Da.,lOD afler S.O "Ollila Y"~IOD lroabla aDd thoroaelal, 0leabl8 don', re& 'lIdlllf"oUoD y ou ge& you r elee did Edith want 10U to 8811 me'" WIIh ber .,.renk. TBOMAR E . BOOVER Sbe a71"'1D wUh a ,,.llDllnS of Dr, money baok. Bu), a bottle, URe al IIr, .aa lira. Clem.D' Deusb ••4 "I want to DOW wbat 10U aal' over (i:wI:ond 'l'~rrn ) ·Clnclnnatl • .Ohio till! telepllon8 to l.amhOfb," be .. tei, 4aa.h.., .lId .111 Miller oi CeD,er. I[ID," New Llle PlUI, Genlle and dlreo&ed. Keel) wbat ill leU .for Gerce17. rille, ylalMcl Ib, .lId lin. H.,,1oD mnd ID aollOD, do DOa mIMI, ".1 Ihe, Cou,h and Cold Inllnranoe. Treasurer relJ..e 'h. lher b7 'hel••001on OD "I. dlat an - ID\UtII told J'Oa to ask Deanh 011. 4a, ------~.~ the boWl'" CIoocJ few ,011111, edal" ViI ALDRON C. UILIIOUR l1l4I1 'fOD .."....,. "II1II ,.. ltopped ~~.~----.114....-1. 00 ..... a oom. hi there on loar "a,1Iome tllta eYe. SAIIUEL ,IRONS pteaima t~, 110 •• rOll\' dru,. ' ·



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-laBBiBod Ad






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Peterson &.Stoops


Waynesville, O.




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SATURDAY, JULY 22, A. D" 1916

===== ======:===== CALL


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...... tilda"


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RAL WA~ Industrial Warfare or Federal Inqui ry?



n On ) - To I'll I'. I\nd Mrs. I·.rn est Mr . and }In. Walter McClur~ etl· H Ql.!'er~, Wednesday . .luI), HI. a t ertll ln't'd at dinner Frid l\y t ho [nl· da ught er . 10winIS g uests: M ra . Will F~ rgus II a nd .soll, Alfred. of Jamestown. Mr:l. T hos 1 '1l'rce has bllen workinll on Adam SloulJ9. Mr . and Mrs . W. H thtt ~I o rrllw Tr ilJu tlt! ra r th tl pu s Dinwiddie a nd d aughter. , se'i'e ral daYR.


Do you believe in arb i((,;Hi (l1l ()'r indu~ trial wa rfare? The train employes on all th e railroads are voting whether they will gin' 1I1ci r leaders authority to tie up the CO 111 lll e rn.: of the country to enforce the ir dem and s fo r a 100 million dollar wage incrt:ase . The railroads are in th e pll bl i se rvi ceyour service. This army 01 l:1l1 ployes is in the public service- your sen'i ·e. You pay for rail tran sport ;ltilll1 3 billion dollars a year, and 44 ~ents Oll t of every dollar from you goes to th e e mpl()yes,


$16n $1931


3224 1553 3LJ04




95 7 1141 1707

Brakemen .


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Firemen • Braktmta •

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P••• eng er

• $1796 1724 1033 1018

I s r" t ra II ~I l ­ ,"" I ul Ihe ) 1'; r as

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$15 46

$J384 1238 844 990

1404 903 858

Bot Weather

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0. •. EIIOSON.

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C... t N.rt1Ien 1t.1I ....' . C. • . EYJf"IG. M.~r. P1dla4~t ... u A a_dla.


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Vlr,." ',-",;"",,,. I.IIJ ~

TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY l Am a Candidate for Recorder. Please Help Me. There were three Holbrook boys in the army, all under 17, SerVlnll an average of three years ill the 12th, 35th and 79th Hegiments and Signal Corps, so well known in our county. The iIInese resulting from a.former campaign in which I walked about 700 miles has about disappeared and I can nllw satisfactorIly perform duties of office which are much more extended thanforrnerly. The Deputy Is my daugh ter. Miss Hebe. The State Bureau or Inspection reports: . "The new abstract index rt!quired by Sec . ln64 G, C. is regularly kept and the work in tbe Recorder's office reflects credit on the clerical force .." In addition to routine work done, we have:trnnscribed, . with corrections. al· nlost three volume8 of 'old records, which h~ made the office self·.upportin&,. . • I am the only member of the famIly who hBi beell a candidate for officr. and If 1 have one more · term I can get my little home paid for. J was Secretary and PrOfesaor In the Lebanon University, which my fath. er founded. for many yean , . EalIresainar feeli n,P of 'Prn! ,und gratitude for IUPPOl't in the put, and ukillK a rontlfl~ for one more term, thereby reward. II\Ir a laldier ~f the CDitA'. u u I . : !"I' t company orpnlzed In Leba. lIOn, vii.: Co. Y, l2til ~,~ . SoI aj·. 1861. I am, \ en _ !:ly youn.



e the first day


When • painter applies paint on your house •





it is to ) ollr hest .interc!.;ts to know what that pa int is- it · spreading capacity- its appcaran c--it s dura. Ilili t y. Yo u nr th e m <l n-who-payst he·hill and who 10. cs if t he paint go('s \\'J"Ol1 g . 1\lakc sure or good ' J'c SIII t.s-t h most satisfacto ry and economical job-by huvillg your pai 11 tl'r usc







WA'r"A It).



9\ .. J.1. NrwYORK BOSTON



PHILADELPHIA 7. a-orta Mao to




man Sinnott. The for County pays ofa bounty of five cents two ears a rabbit and between the m onths of August and September .GOU.OOO rab· bits were killed. Mr. Sinnott has found use for the skin of these rab· bits in the form of a new Fedora hat. This has created Quite a Bensa· tion. --~


The Junior Order wilt have Installation at their next regular meeting on Friday evening. All members are expected to be present.



Had Learned 8omethlng. nl1" l nl'~s Mon (to nllllll cnnt tor job) - "I!nv" you R 1:0110110 dlptomo 1" Ap· nlfo'nnlr- "No, sir; L1Jt 1 huvt) Rev()~111 m1nll1/l IU:wk ccrtlflc"hl8 f!lnt mlsht he otT".·"d tn c.l<h,uee thnt I hn\'c bc~n throllgh U.e Bchool of elCpcrlcJlce.""-Puck:

-- .

Optlml8tlc Thought. Ir nngelA ever contlc8('IlDd t.o walk tblll Nlrth It 11 wben (!1nd In the form

or JOOd mottierl.


I t . i.

hetter than any other prepared P : lI I1 L on the market, or "lead and oil." . The She rwin · WilliamR Cn. !<afcgllard its It ' IJ a lit y in every proCCl'l'l of manufacture. ' IICY make all their 1i1l SCG\f'1 oil; own and bperat e Iar ~e zinc and lead mines and ~mc lt('rs, and m a k e the ir dry colors ill th e largcgt and best equipped dry coler plant in the United States. TJic results a,~ ill

Ihe goods.

Protect your interes ts and yout prolJerty with 5wr. . -.





~~=-=_=~=-""':===_===_=~~=_==_=====_=======_=~============:;:: = - -.--






' .:


BURlleia or good oorn. t 'or Inrnrmotton 01111 J. 8. Vlln_ . It 11. Cross went to Cin cinnati Saturday whe re he attended are· t'Ionoort, Phone 33-3, Waynesville, 112 union (If Brown County residents at Ohio. Coney Island. There were several hundred people at this rcunion 'anJ Bob had his hands full greetinll: his old friends .


......;-._·_· . . . . ._ _. .- -. .fJ

Sunday, July 23 $1.00 THEM HERE




. ' . • ••••••••••••• ................................................................. . . • _ ___ _ _______ _




Mrs. Melissa Redfern, her son JaHOI1 Redfe rn, and her granrlchil . There Is <.Inly Otle way to cure dandru fT dren, Wilifre~e. Zart man anrl Dorand thlit i. to kill the guml . The re is othy ~nJ MarjorIe ~ocklett •. R ~arl~~l only one h"ir preparation thll l will klltl ile . last mght for Wyo~lIng to VtSll Mr. germs and that Is Mildredln" Hair Htll1 ' I ant.! Mr!!. Vega Miller, (I ona Red edy. This unusual hair r~ s 'orc r with its ' fenl ) on their ranch near Daniel, re~ord 0' tllousands 01 eurCi . will Ir~'" WyO'. They w ill probably be g one 'I hau ,?n auy head whore tbore I' l~UY lI~e until October. - Xenia Gazette , , Itfl; It cllrn dalldrul!, 5tO,5 Illlhug Itlllr I an d Itchinl ... 1 the Icatp ill t Illco wcoks or your mo"c, back . h is th e most pteas.~nl a"d in I'tgomtlnl t."lc, Is not ~ti c ky or ~ rca sy aed Is used eaten.ivel y by ladies of re fineme"t .. ho desire 10 hnve alld I.• keep the ir hllir 501t. lust rou. a lid Iu x u ri .. n I. 5U" 8 11.1 S1 .00 n ROUND bottle at drug!:ist s evrrYII' hc rc . TRIP JrREE - We will ,..lId [I hll ge tria l From Waynesville bottle free by re turn mail to an yont· I sending Ihi, COUPOII to Mitdred L.ui,:e Co., Boston. Ma s! ,. with na me nnd a d 4 In Harney County, Oregon, rabbit SpeCial Tra.ln !-eaves 8:06 a. m. dress nnrl Hk;: ' jn silve r to pay l'ost a~e. ears are legal tender, says Congress. 1..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- - '




F RED C, 0 L e b anoO n



.0. "AIII~ It. ' ·irf!" ·'f'.i,I4,,,,. Norfol •• nd tI.II"" ., .

"A~t.~ R.lI S~r.U.... '~ "n " ," " " #f~"'" Oeu1"lIIr6 IU u Gr. nde. U . III'U ... .

c.,.', " .....-, ..........u".,.

.. L CO'IT'EIl.

Paymlt 22c

It pays to trade at

W"':!;~I~t~:::'i:~r~n~~ri·!f, ;~ti~:.~~.

Mrs. J . M. Patterson. of Dayton, Had .n I rlsh Look. who hilS been the ll U at of Mr. and Dohbte I Hltl'l1 1I1 ~ r ut her If time Mrs. Wa ller Cha ndler . returned to ,tlVeUlNI · In II' 'tund. LI'CllUSO It her horn e tO llay . Mr . Patterson ", tlteli ()'Clod !. . joined his wife here f or a vi!it over S unday. Mr. and Mrs. Da rwin Scott an d son, Mis& Matilda Scott and Mrs. R. L . Mannen. ot Coving ton. Ky . , Mrs Lutie Merrihew and Mrs. Dr . Seal, of Harveys burg, were Sunday guests oC Mra. Annie Thorpe .

l'ure ParlaGreen, SIb cane at 40c pound . ThiR price is for the week only. A 11 Scrap Tobaceo,6 pkas tor ?5c Brlni UI your eggs, to·day


'rHE S

---.- ..

Canned Corn , Waynesville pack .......... _...... .... .. 2 lor 15c Fig Bar Cakes, pound only ... IOe Blllt Cane Sugar Ib sack ..... 2.JO



everywhere tlJrougltout the store . and cOnle every day and

~'i8 it ing

Special Prices for This Week Rio Coffee, pound Special at 15c

A. :i . t -: UEI t; . A .. ,. , ,, "" f"rf •.'"" p • • 6 . , Lou l", ~ .san P,..UJd_", 1\ 1I.1I .. ~ .d .

. . . . COAPJlAN, I' ..... ,.,...' ......

sal ' n g ra nd sllccess.

Not the Saleslady'. Fault. \ Mrs. 1~ lIen John!. who has been Fh,"rll'nll,er- "On YOII r CIII! z.' thnt her sister. Miss Caroline Smith, of the Friend s Horne, is )'0 11 Wllr " fOllr lI oltl'>! " dll ll ): 1I11l ~e two Woll U' U II yurll of r1hllon1" !;ul .. ~ltlt1y viliting fr iend. in Springboro. - "1 kn u\\', str. nllt jlt ~ t IHI th l'Y Hot to th e ('«unter they \Il sco,'en',1 thn! Several Masons expect to Ira to Leball() n Friday evenin g: . There the), hlld a bnlly just icnrnlnll .to will be four candid at e!l , surp~r at fi tnlk." - Sl n'lI. - - o' clock, a nd a g encral good time.

For your Threshlni Dinner we offer you the finest full Cream C h_~e, Fancy Evaporated Peaches. Evaporated Apricot!. Prunes. Heinz Pickles, Jumbo Olives, Edaemont Crackers and Cakes, Golden SUIl and Silver Sea ColTees. the Fines t Tau, Walrus Salmon, Cann ed (;oods of all kinds.

C . Qt . t('H IN:S. , :"'" " "I ..·bl"," , T "IJt k ,., If. !'i.lli . ..' ~ HIIII",.,


in Cincinnati July f ourth. Ml'I!. F. A, Huber. of S partan· burg, S . Car, . nnd Mrs . Dr. Gritfitha, of Tawanda, Pa .• were the week·eml Q:uest8 of M ra. Annie Th9rpe.

Bananas. Thin Hind Lemons. New Tomatoes, Fancy Ga. and Ind Canteloupes . Moore's GMSOline. Moore'll Good 011

National Conference Committee of the Railway.


o f thi s nle STORE is th row n open 10 thi <; ~a l , a nrl i'<; g i v itlg its quota and bcmiin g every ' 11Ofl to m a ke th e


Ar t hur St~ke!l, who has been here several times with the Stokes" o r· cbeslra. was ~tric ken with paralysis


Shall a nation-wide strike or·an investigation under the Government determine this issue?

L •• aALD1rlflill.


Fancy Hipe Watermelons Fancv Elberta l' eaches

. A 100 million dollat waJ.;c Illcrease for men in freight and } ard en 'ice (less than one-fifth of all employes) is equal CO a 5 per cent advance in all freight rat ·, . The managers of the railroads, as trustees for the public. have no right to place this burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tribunal speaking for you. The railroads have proposed the settlement of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law, or by reference to the Interstate Commerce C ommission. This offer has been refused ' by lhe employes' representatives . .

ELISHA L££. Cltairman. r. a.......... AL8JUCDT. C."I, Mo....-r. f:. ...\ uc" R....o.d.

AN POSSIBLV Bg CIVJ~ N U N] 1': Rl r', :\I STL'\C CU N nI'J'[ONS

SEE THE MOST . EXTRAORDINARY SALE AND , POSITIVELY THE GREATEST BARGAIN i i TREAT IN WARREN COUN~~~~~~~~== I ..,." _' _L""""~ Mr . and Mrs. J. L . McClurti. Mr . •••• TY'S HISTORY and Mrs Chas . McClure a nd children. ZIMMERMAN'S ofMiranda Cincinnati. we re g uests of Mrs.,. on Sunday .

til ,,/






Itl: l.~

Starts Saturday 9 a. m.., July 22nd, and continues for two weeks un~il August 5th, 10 p. m.

i Wonderful Bargains




• THAT i i.- Every Department



••• •••




•• •
















pia es (In .tu,1 n Ih os< " ho ",orl,,·" shown oy t ~ c ,!11' payro I wcrc-

, k .n • • I $l:W



The avrr2~1' "ea rl y w alle r 1~' l11ent.

Ea,iDeen .

A ve r • • •

$1 5 5 $1783


DS l


R ••• e

()1 1 NTY'~

W :\R RE:-:

Mr . and Mrs . 8arl Evans ontll r· Mi»e Li ll ian VlIn ll llrlingp n , I)f Lalned at s iK o'clock dinner Frida}' D,&ytOll. i ~ \'i. itinlC with Mr . ROI l Mrs evenlnll Re v. and Mrs. C. . Gra u~e r U . M . \ hit . and 80n . Mrll. . W. GorduJI aud ~ dilu llh te r , MiM E"a S mi t h , a nel W. Mi 88 El"Il S mith . o f Sp rillll "nlley, O. Rapor . spent t h,· wilok Ilmi with Mr . and 4) Mra. J . '. 1-:1'8118 o y Mr. a nd Mrs. C. S. Lam p, of Ly-. I t ie, entertai n d at S unday uinner, Mr~ . ~a rah Brown , of Uell brnok . ! \ E. R. Rand ol~l h and fa mily, Mr . vi ~i t ing her ~on. C. :11 . Bro wn lind lind Mrs. S tac y Lam b. ot Day ton. Mr. .is and Mra. Ch~ . E Joh ns. Mrs. !ami:y, nt ·or win . Catherine JohnB ant.! Glenn C. J ohns. M ra. Chas. Stnnghe rl'Y. ~O I1 ano! unught r, spent the we!!l, I'n l! with Mr. and MrR. Warre n El lwardsell- r e lat ives in Dayton . terta ined at the horn e ot Mr. 0 J Edw a rds lut Wedn esday evening Mr . and Mra. J . B. Chll lJtlllln, Mr!<. w llh Ii " GOO" party. The eYoll ing W 8 ~ B. H. I{elly a nd Mi ss Es the r Lom iJ IJleaHlintly s pent with the game and wer e Dayt on " is i t011:l Monday. at a seasonaule hour d eliciu us re o tre3hment@we re served. , Mr l:!. Elil.abelh Hathaway . who --~.-, hus been visitinlt r elulive:'l ill K a n 9a~ , A jolly c rowd of younlt folk s com· r e t u r ned t o her hom e :vI ond ay . posing last ye ar's Litera ry Society J at Way ne~v i lle lI igh School. t ook un Look a t t he p ranks of "Hoho, the out.l n~ last Thu rsday in the for m of Mischie"ous Mo " k," on pag e 3. H e a P) Cntc. Th e~: m ot or ed Otl.t to t he will kee p y ou laug hin g every week . spot chosen which w as un Ideal one . Af ter 8UIJper a program Willi g iven . in wh ich ea ch one partic ipat ed. The I r~o~ote H all OIl , for your ,Hog membe rs p rese nt wer e: Helen Mur· anu ~ htc k e n Hou ses. a t H . E Earn: latt. Mabel Sa liHbury , Opal Mill s, hart s . E thel Haines, Helen and Antha Di n· wlddie J il lian W ilk~ r8on Mi nn ie L eh!' Fes", , son of Cong re!lSman Davit, ' I lazel . IUl !!y , Al a~ Smith. I Fess,.~~o wa s o l~e rat~d on f~ r ap· Harold Millij and Ernest LOtl . pel ldlcllIS at Xema recently, IS able I t o be home Illtaln .

On allthe .Eastern Railr03 ds in 1915, sev(·ntl··i' vc 1'''' cen t of t he train empl oyes earned these wages 1I0wc:st. h l~ l1e > t , un d ayera ~e of aU) as .h own by the: par roll.V.rd P .... n •• r F re ir ht A .......


!vi r <, M I. l'ar!>hllIl 1< dsi ,inll : • Mr. an,1 Mrs. Ed {!' urnlls ('nter- wi ull r I ,U ','(lS I\ t C,ar · ~\·III ., . talned lit di nn er IJI!~t w~e k I I'll . ' Lydi a Tomli nson, Mi55 Grace Wilha m Whllil in nc lof utu il R'i " e tl S • Il nd th ~ M es~n . Seth E., Lal1'rence a enl. H. E I·;urnhllrt. . and Ell i-'urnM.

To the American Public:

thn • •




The ,Jolly Mat ron ~ we re entl'rThe b"st Wur k Sh0e~ on ar rh . tained M nday' 1\ (ernoon at he Wf!allll:! tter. iallt lonRN , ~t lI yt1l atl'~. count ry hnnt e of , \. I\t,nal.J Hawll ...

Shall they be determined- by

..~ .~"~


New Dishes, just in, bright and snappy .... . . . . .. , .... . _.. ' .' .. l\f~w Ladies' Y'ests , large and· small sizes .... .. . . . ..... , . '..... . Children's Drawcrs, age from 2 to 12 .. . . .. , . ... . .. ; ... _..... . Embroidcry, f'I inches wide', tasty; per yard. ·.. : .. . .. .. . _ . .. . ... &lap Savers, a new lot ju.~t in . . . . . . . ..... .. .... ,. , .... ,., . . . Hnamelcd Was h Basins ..... .. ... . . ... . .. ....... .. . .. _.. . .' .. Oak 'Mirrars, 8xl0, ask for them ... . . .... .......... . ... _ ... , .. . The" Rap id Fire" -Egg Ben ters, glass .. . _.. _.. _...• . ....' ..•.. . Dish Mops, the thing you ought to h.a ve·... : .... . . . ~ ... . . ~ . - ..


10e 10e 10e 10e 10~



The Magazine MaD Waynesville, Ohio.





THE CHEERFUL CHERUB The. .gloomy ft..t.e." tl"\"~t


Ct : A


into "mil~. 1\1'(!I"~

C"I"bdlh'" IIf thl' Unill'lI SIllies Will Spelll, IIIHI Fine "IlIsiL;i/lns \ ill Be PreMcnl

Wil lia l11 J~n n in ~~ I1rvan i ~ a ti ll th e gteM \ :1'11 11 lll l" llI a atlra cli on o j Anll· r kll li e IS fi fly si x yeal·s oln and ill lecturing with hie oldtlm e puwor ami the people atill tlork to hear hilli. . Wh IJ!) Bryan'A boolting agent con tra·r. led fo r his appearance at the Miami Valley Chllu lti ullua he 1'1118 unJ ul' I he impreeltion that the Clltlu · laUllUI& Willi at DllytlJlland he booked Aryan fo r lin evening lecture at Kent .. n on the samc date. In on.lllt to (J11 l1 bl e Bryan 10 mee t. both t!n· gagaml'llts IUld s peak his full timo at Miami \ alley Chautauqua . Manager Lowe hll8 chllnged hill hour on the progrllm tn I :ao instead of 2::10 a 8 orill iUlilly II rinled Tn" Uixie Jubilee Concert Com pany Will ~ ivl! their liong recital after liryan'dl"c ture illMtellci of before liS annoUn cel1 in th tl IHo"rl!m . Bidhop Wm Ddl will preach In themorninll and thl! Oixic Jubilee Singerll will Kive IlIlfl t h" r c un, ~e rt in the Eve ning. ' II 11<1 II Y. J tlly :llI th. will bo a Lre. melld .,Ui! ri llY ut Mililni Valiley Chau· tau tlla h ~l' uuse a strllnger program tor II Hing le day WIIS nllver otre r eli at this hom of bile thinKS Nolo • he IlrOICrllm for th e firet thnm Clilening dllY8; F d dlty. July 28- 2;00, HRlf Hnur with N e w P'ritmds; 2;80\ LectIJre, "Some Ol.lservlitiunll of 1& Ml!mber of the lJ ouM of Rolllrelll!lltativ",s," Hon S 0 F~ ~ ; 7:00, Le·!ture. "Amerlcn in th e i ':y,·~ /If IhE' World," Han !:; D F cs.~; tI: OO, Clincert. The Apollo Club ' ::lilt urduy , Jul y 2fJ - ~I;OO. Athlellcs In ch I rR' ' "r M C SullllISII. Rtlcrea· tion Dlrec t" r: 10:00. MURicl.n'lI Get· togeth t>r Hour; :.':00. Conc4trl, fhe White HUSl!ars; 2:30, UN!ture. "In atead of . the Thorn." ULahop Wm 11.· &11. D. lJ , L .L D ; 1I:tlU. Comcert. The White HUII8&I'8. l:!unday, July 80- 9:00, Bunday School Su~rintendent. Mr H . C Crldland, Gen. Sec'y Mont Cf>. S S A88'n ; 10.30, Sermon. Hiehop Wm, M . Dell; 1:30, Leclure. Hon. Wm J. Bryan; 8;00. Concert. The Dixie Jubi:ee Concert Co.; 6:16. Vesper St!rvle.e; 7:30. Concert. '1'he Dixie Jubllp.e Concert Co. Band Concerts Daily - 4 and 6 p m . The Celebrated Otterbein Glee Club tor the whole !leMOn. Dig at· tractions and something doing every day in keeping anll quality to the fir8t three days . . The largest resl'r· valion list .in yearM. insures SUCCI'S!! and the place to meet your friende Come to the Miami Valley Chautauqua.

COU NCil'. PUTTl N(i CII~A \ EI. 0 1\\1\ IN 'iTRE ET

Them blO!l.som



_TH_[_C_H_EE_R.f_lJL_C_H_[~_UE>-+-+_-u' I'l \ be.. or I

1 ':-1

" There' iR II r('tlpci' whoR" na nh'. ls ilenth, ' 1 1I ~ En\l~ l N e H LlI~nt \l OL l) All d wit h hi~ ~k l<1I' 1;(.'1'11, HI! r('aps the h 'a n.!, ',j I{l'Ilill at a HAS I~ ET MJ:ETlN(i i>l'ellth . And t ho II Wf'1"~ l!llt J{I'III\' /)1'tween . •

s e.e. .

Ie! like. with ~ll 'N'\y . vile..~ . To re.~ch the..Tn .someho\J tin I m~de.

I'A UQI A , l ' rW(\J~;\t\\ lil t: ,P f. NI N(i . AYS





t.. C.01\I\OI" e.vr


I'll -seek

1\0 .stt..t IO,",S ,


lof ty


But 5plmd r<;"\y tim e.. ct.ref'v l\y Colle.c.tlJ\g t'\eu




I TII.[~ .·

1'111 : j;( I' LL




One m or e th e GrPll l Rcalw!' haq "el"\}t..t 101'"\5 . been In ou r midst ar,d cu t 111\\\'11 n ~1'C!'M well·know n an d fam iliar figure . I , Vltry u nex pectedly Oil the 1TI0rninJ{ And Slop Expense lor 5e vcral of Tue ~ da) . Jul y 11 th, Mr. Collin>l Union of Spr ingboro, ll lil3 Wid , .-lind Ik slro)c<l B Lilt of \ IIlunlllu was strick en wi th a total pa r aly s i~ Years To Come- Sidewalk Orcj.(onia Chll l'd l ~ s fo IIII'mpc rl y- The Loss W ill of the lowe r h al t \lfhi ~ body . A phyNotes Held I-Jere lie COlIslcJc.'rahl c sician was at vllce called b u t nil t ha l medical skill nllei t h ,~ filii hfll l l1ur, ing of h i~ f am il y could d o we re ti ll· Tile village co uncil is putting sev· a vailing to prol ong h is d aysIJ n Ntrt". I· .. ngn lill for I fil ii ,Ii l:rl:'l hrrn I I':arl )' this mornins: n cull C::lIIl1' 1,1 erlll hundred londs of g r a vel on Main . Ver y bravoly an d peacefu ll y on h" .. k, ·1 IIWl'lill)! til hI' hl, l') :It 1 ·"01~' · . Wnyn uK\' iIlI IJ f mlll Nf'W Gurl tllgtun street . fliling tho numerous h oles th e mo rni np: of Friday. J u ly 1·1. I!llr.. (:1'01 \.'.11 1111,,· L"I ,alli ln alld Wayn l' <[(I '0 if t hey m ilfh l ){Pt our rlre that have been made this s umm er . h ' passed au t in to I h u Ihe r It f, · ,.j II.· I ' j Ii .·. IIt' :l1' Way n , '~ \ j II. ·. .111 Iy I I gi ne, a ~ it W/lN thlllight tltl' t ow n \\' I L~ When one figures th e sm a ll cOR t of He was perfectly con~eious uil lil l h,' :111. 1 ~1 1r. : dlllll"t1 ecllU hllrll llo\\'f]. All alllr m 1)[ (javing it looks almost like 8 loss of end an d his last wo r,ls we re . ·' Oh. !1::\(Jtn llJ :: :flfI.Il1 .'-.· lIndny.Srhll nl : I l i l'l" \'II~su u llll cd a t .:{ lI·clocl<. whcn money to put grave l on t he s trcets. ra ise m e u p hi j{he r !" ill charl(c IIf :\<Ir . ( : IIII~ I\ih"·r. SlI lI1.. , , ' il \\a.~ di ~ IIvel' ~rI a rl'sl au rlln t \\";I~ to be 9wel>t olf by th e fir dt l.Iig rain J ohn II. Coll ins Wll ~ Iwrn at (·ul 'a. ()rl,)(lInia I :. I: . SlInclay· s(' hroo l. 0 - - - - - - - ~---- - * 1on li ro . . A hllck('t hl'i){lIdC! WU>l SIIOII that comes alonJ{. This WB8 shown Clin ton ·nullty . Ullin. Januarv fl . 111: :10 10 1:.!-:)lIng' Sl'r \'ic .. by . fll' ·lIwoI. bu L it was 1·~i,jI'''1 t il., Sunday eve ninll', wh en Lh o heavy 1!i39 . His yo ut h wail' IJn s~(jd In Clin Cla lld ,· A. Ilr llnl>l'; Invl,r llli c.n. I j"h TI ... hp. 1 Wllf''' SItO l'>! ,m l'fll't h t i1\'l ""i ld illl!~ wcr .. 11",,11 '1"01. uml llt(, downllo ur wns hml 80 me Jllu(' BH almos t lO ll co un ty . wh E' rc he Ic'ntll"] lilt! op(; M. l\1alth('l'.'~ I '. I) .~ C" riplur(/ Lioll 1: " 111.1 . :t' 1 11111 :111'; ; ctli' t'lis tllnl"d Ihl' tl' ;IIli-nLi. ,;t l,' bare. b lllck~m ith t rad e and became n g'lJod \{\!I\ding'. SlIpl C. W . 1\lIrl1. D . D: , ilth " ""iIJ i nJ,! ~ . We have henrrl ~eve rnl peoplc sny wo rk lTllln . In h i~ early lifo hp \Va" S(wei ll,l lI:!lI Hic. WIlYI1L>~v i l.' Cl ,Mal' 1I .. \\, p,] I'''' 'T,' " "'lI t I :J ~I " .... 1. will ' T l~" lnfJ1' : t.:'.e ll l.! ra l HI,,,·,,l,,·I .. , ill~~' they we re heartily in fa vor (If JlII " - mar ried tn Ma ry Jnnl' lIlIll, whll q lla rl l' l ; :-ierm , 111 , HI'\' . ( . S . (, railS · I ' I I I . r I \I II \' :!\,IIt> ~ Ill l tio \\ as hadlY ~C"I 'ill'd Ing Mllin street. When takell int o paSRe( lawu y June 2 . l S!l~1 Of Ih is ('r , l 'a~ ltlr Wil y 11I'SV ill,.. 1\1 E ... h urch : 11 ~ c· " ' re n III 11"1 U . " " I .~: hitI'd \\'I,rk /llll Il tlll· 1t d dl,.:I!o((1 consideratio n the Icn){th of tim c uni nn eif{ ht ch illren werc "nrn: '111- ,'pt!dal MlI ~it.:. WaYI1I!:lvill c Malp . ,111 111 ' Till' (l wl'llill!! hllll ,. (, [ and hard work it will s tand, it St!e m ~ dn, 'fhomll~ .lIl1rry . Wond row . Mn ry q Uflrt l' l : llcont'cii tion. ,""f' ~I'llll ll! W" "H'1l 1'"1'1('''.1 1',,\\,('1" ~1 1~ . l<u,II ~lu rl{[\ lI. n "nrllt'!' "I" fl. that pavin){ j~ th e only way o ut of Nelli!" , Howard and lI or ace; fill of 12 :00 10 I ::JO p. 111. - 1 inrwr lind WIIHIII ·'·. Il . 1-: 1'::11'1 " "11'1 rCSlfllll'H l1t : IllI oIwc,llill ).( 1)('1"" illiC th e difficulty . Main str eet, as wp ll whom f'XCc llt Calvin a r e stillli vi nl!. :-ioci all'priod . lO) \\,111 I"""h .. ur \\ "1'.' ,'nlit-, '! .!il· 11>1 the other ~tree t s have had \!nnllg h Mr , CC)llin~ enlisted ill t h£> Cil"il 1:31) t il 4 ~ ()() p. III -SI)I1I( S"r v it' l', Mi,r. It III rltalld lcr htl ~ 1,,"'11 '1l"1 1. " lr'.),· 1. Irl'llvel put on th e m in thp la,t ten wara t Cl ur ksvilie. Aug- lis t fl. l !il; ~. leriiJyClall de . ilrunpr: I11 \'IICIl I ilJ n , ing III () \ f ....01 tI"'I"I>!t \\', .,.1, I '1'111' 11;>11'1 11 I'., IS:' 1(('1\"" , ., " ,'I' r yea r~ . to pay fo r pa vin g eve ry ~ trep.t in the7!JLh l{eR'im n l ()hin Infantry Ite,·. ' . W. l u rt z l J \) : 1:"l'i lalil) l1, ! lhaLI'l'Iilul .Vl llal flo·II"!. ' "., .., 111 in tllwn. and it cu rtainl y would he II Vol unteer s . an d rr, r li~ l· e( 1 Fe brun ry ~('I .... t,d . MrR. Ed It"lall ic-k : ~ I' pl'ia l . . . I:trllllu ·l p"d tu "' llIl' lrli tIl ,' fi n '. It proposition to have th e m ain s tree t 14 , l I11j.) . in the IHot h I{el!iment. 1/1' Mu sic. Waynt·~\'illl' ~I" I . ' 1! lIal"l ,·t : f>"I11f' ! ~ ".' '' f"I ~I J,( .'.111 al~ I Ill> 111I1t' l blllk,'d rllr n tililt' Ihtlt thl' \\111111'. iJu slu l'S" ~1'11 1 1~ r wUll ld l{O. hu t h" rd of the to wn ill a g ood s hape , at l e a ~ t. was honorah ly d iHt'\larg eli III M11('On . Itl'l'itat itl l1. Sl." .......d. ~I r". ( 'Iark ; a t t he ."1 emu I II " III. t WCek . The nuestion haMheen r aised scv· Ga .• Ju ne H . Illiifi. tlfle r r end'ri lll! Sn l.. , Mi ~" I.II ... Y 1':IlII I'Y: AI],j I·... ~ , work Ha\'"d t he I·cstuftlt p I ltli.l d in ~s. ~ ral tlmell as to what council is ({t! - I{ooci ~ e r vice fo r th e p rrser vati oll llf Il i~h, p ( ;. M. Mal lll'ws " 1>.; Silin. Mr . a m i Mr . Frank 7.,·11 H ( )'~ n t T he l,uil d illl(Il ),tlrII Ii fire IlIs tnd;·. ing t !> do about the sidewalks ap- th e Unio n . M is~ Lucy 1·;01I .,y : f\ cldl'l~~ s. ({ p \, . C Su n,lay with rt: llilivCOi ill Spri ll l~l i ... ld . an d WI~r(! )l ui up d ilrerl:ntiy rr"l11 proaching the ne w echoul h ouse. Mr Co ll i n ~ w a ~ a well· info rm prj W. Kll rtz D. n ,C:llnfcfI'l1c ;-i upt : t he h(tll ~e~ of l odfty . 'floe losd will It anythinR' is to be d one thi:l fall . man , hei ng 0 g reat rl'uder on d m uch Spo>ciul ~r u 5ic, \\'fl~ n ri,' ill" Mill e M iSH r.:thlyn J Olle!l s pe ll I" 1091 w(,pk b~ cuns ideral,lc. So (IIr it i9 IIIIL hp.fore school ClJlnm en ces, it ought inte rested In th e affai rs of (l\lr cOlin · Qua r tet: Sr,ng I y .'\~sem u ly . in Day ton. th e g Ull:lt o f rclaliveR. kn own how Ih r. hllildil1l{s ('l1l1gh L (I II t o be done rlah t away . Are our try and th e worJrI at. larlt. He was The memher of the S pri ngh or o. liro. but it is thought it WIIIl cllu ~c!d children to walk in the mud to Rchool ve ry patrio ti c anr! ta u~ht his ehll · Ut ica and Orf>R'n nin I . B . churc h ~A by 8pon~ancl) U 9 r.Ol ll buRtiull. l extenll to 1111 a cordinl invital,ion to Mr s. J . C. Hawk e and rt llll g ht r, __ . _ ... __ ___ _ this year. or are they to walk o n c1ren to lov e the nllg'. pavements. 18 one of the I>erpl x ing He once remarkerl to the wri ts r . Jcam nnd enjoy the ImUre d ay wit h Mis Cl ara. were in Day ton I"riday . qUelllons that council will have t o "Jf I had been an ed ucsted m an I t hem in a benutifu l c:ool g rove . decide betore co ld weather !le ts in , would have b een a p o t. " H e lo ved " Jl t ntly Bus" ars s top Ilt grove . Mr . F. Il ShorlV ool l and fllmily, which will not be long now. music. IUld t he Blun d o r h iR vloli lt on No Ilcll1l ission ch arge. a free· will wel'C~ in t o wn a f ew huul's Saturday We under~tllnd .it has' been n q ues ~ umm e r cven ings WI:I.K ;\ tlnee familia r off ering will be Iif LI'n t n defray ex- evenillg. lion of which s t reet i~ the best on e so und in th e qu iet neigh borho od . nenHes . In ca~c n( rllin . sf)r viceR to approach the 8chool house. a nd it He loved na ture and t he li llie home will b", he ld at Uti ca U. B. church . ~ e.<;sr8. J . C. Hawk e a nd W. II. ____ __ • _ __ seems to lie 8 Ilroblem with t he coOn · wh e r e the las t year s of h i~ li fe we r e Din widd ie w ~r e Uily t'lll v i ~ itor H eil which stree t to Ud O. Get husy, pa'l.qeci . Ue will be long nnd oft en Monday . honorable sirs. and g e t the wulk at missed by his family and fr i nds Mr. H. S. lIowell arriveu ho, tlr> But in t hat ReUer La nd we douh t once . Mr. and M rs. Sot h l~u·rna8 . of fr om th o Sou lh SIIUriRY tlven illl!. no t th e 1l1st wurds he utte r ed will be I{oute 2. sjJent Su nday with r elatives Mr. Howollieft Wa yn~v i ll July 4th answ ered in 8 filii art!I 8piri t uai Ben!le but rl id n ot Re t into Mobile u ntil thtJ and he will most tru IIY bl! "raiser! up in Mason. I:.!th. on account of th o hea vy IIto r m ; highe r . " .. N d f . Mr . Howe ll f ound his ran ch in K,SlOd ' 11 ' l' MiAS Ll .I~ ~tt 18 In ~ rlVoo 01 Rha"e only a fe w l rees being blo wn " Oh . raise me up hlg ll'e r" - no prayer 1\ week' s VISit WIth her Sisler , Mrs , down.' of lhe r ace Arthur Anson. lli s d esc ript ion of t ile property loss Gan pxpress m nre of lon gin rt than Edit ors on ce in 1\ whil I' h a vE' 80m n in Mo hil ., ill ve ry g raphi c. The wi!,)(1 thi ~: . g oods o rre rl'll t o t he m. if o nly its a W . W. Biggs and family have blew Ule wllter into the ci ty in grent And over the Hordf! rlnnd of the Flo · gnod ti m.., . Th ursllay eve n in$(' we m oved t o Le banon whe r ' tliC Y ex· waves. and (Jro p 'rty fO I" a di atuncl' yon d . Miss Kathryn Dakin was t he week · r eceived n teJ el{ rolll f rom th e Dayton " ec t to mak e th e i r honw . o r t hree ~'l U arC8 wa~ i.) und ated a long God 's an SWf1r wil l h e on e of bliss . Rotary Cl ub inv iting tlR t o he itA ~ u l' ~ 1 end guest of Mrs. C. M. !tohit 7.e r. llic. lia)!.h:ull.tlUtc. The wBl'eJII lifted '. III . hoa l8 and f r igh t rs nn ll b ar~efl Miss oII elC'n Marlatt en Lo r tuin cd "Oh. rais me \II' h il!he r." o'e r gi(,k· P ridey a t til(' N. .. f{ Aec(mli nR'l v I W(' !rav n f.,w more "l. IORrltlg d ry (oe I kuu . "nn I I Billasilcu we. w ith about 1800 I ot a r ian . went " I • UJill n 'I , 113 the followinlt yo unlt p eol11e F riday I I M f ness and dea th . t o Dayton , and sur Iy bacl a good "a.~" I\. ()w{!r~ e ~ ~. vOIn,~' In all( Bt:1! t helll illto pieces. A t ho usa nd small afternoon and evenin!;: MI s.qes LiI· Ove r so rro w ll ntl weakness un.i si n: time. T he train hearing t il Ho tar, t hlltl III II . J.. I .lIr.nhllrl ,I. Ileet were ' iUI I" sunk 0 1111at ed lian Wilkerson. Mabel Sali~ bury . 'fill aft e r th e ~ t r u lrp:' l e for p er ishing itl ns fr om Cincinnati came in Ilt 11 :30. . away . . Edytha Macy. Behm Dimond. of bre nth, Imcl as Hoo n liS ah out :lOO antos conld Mr . Arthur 7.ell. o f New a rk . spent The tn li ll he wus on tried to /tet Xenia. Mes~rs . Carl Ml:Clure . Elliott The ! i~e oJ lh~. ~ou l s hall hl'g in . be loaderl . th o gU('s t ~ woro ~i l' n 1\ ~a ltlrrl ay a nd :,; ulld ay with his IJl!r- illio MulJil e ovor a hi" mal·sh. bU l Wright, Mr. Woods ami Miron ri de arou nd t he principal par ts of 1ho 'uu ld no t IIlllke it. · ThllY mal1llf{ecl Keeler. of Lebanon and Alfred , Oh. r ai ~e me up hi l{her." and Kra nt ci ty. t h en we re driven to tlte N. Jo en t s. MI". Illld Mre. J ohn Z II. to ~et ou t. h owevor , w it hou t d oing Wright, m e t o d raw f{. wh er e a tlf'li cicltls Itmcheon W IIS ]\,l isfl Huth An BOn. who has b een uny narn ;l ~e 10 l he trai l), which was The honrts of 111 )' c hildre n ah ove; ser ved . Afte r IlIflcl1l'on 1111' ,,:\I" Y Sunday visitors at the camp w er e. That soml<ti l11e in lI e:wC!n with nev e r was shown over Lh .. p i; I .1\ fl\' 1' an visitill j{ he r lZ rlllldmuth('r . Mr~ , L ucy lilled wilh p t L'Iq(' It g"U ~C)illi: to Mo· ilil'; and th, ~ SOllth. II said t ho I' rll tl . re tll rn ed homl' Mun ciay . 'Dr Clal:(ett lind family. Mr. and Mrs. n fl aw. Il our'!! interes tinf.r l'ictu fl'l ' r tur e ti ll' L,a!l.~Cln ~ L·t Sl wcre vcry lad to ~et ou t WilBon Edwllrdk! . Mr. ami Mrs. W, We mAY dw ell in h ~ ci rcleof lo ve IlUtos we re IIlrailt ga t h 'red and a tri p H. Allen and daughter. Ollv • Mr. T he 1J fl thaw fl Y r ennion will li e with t h~t~"(,\!l ._ _ • __ L. V. ie made through /! i ll ~ anrl Dales. e nrli nl{ and ·Mrs. U . M. White and ni ece, at t he p olo g r ou nd !!, wh e r e tI game helel l\L t hl! hOln o or I! a rl ey W~lI fI \ Mr. and Mrs. D . L . Crene and son. of polo was in ]Jrogres' . The R' u e~ t s on AII IC Il ~ t :l rrt. It lattv!)s nre 111CARll OF T II A~I\ ~ Ethan. Mr. and Mrs. Walt~r Chan · were ta ken back tn t ho d ep ot 811\1 dler, Misses Grace Cllrman, Hazel We desire to sin ce relv thank o u r lef t Day lon a t f) o·rlock. vi ell. . I Riley. Lena Myel'!!, of Lebanon; Itay · friend s and n eighb or? f ot" theil' Mrs . • \lsal1 l' 10k alld the M l :l ~e!j . . mond Davis. Curt HI&'y. George kindnegs. th mini ~ t r for her w o rlls Waterhouse. Emmor Bally. RayjMiI1s. of comfort and th e singer s for the ir Martha an d J enni ll Cook. of Le banon ! spe Jl ~ Mondny with fr iends in WBY' I Carl McClure. Mr. Gray. at Dayton; beautirul music. ncsville. Levering Cartwriaht. of Chicago. The Rntire Fllmily. ----~~--------~-------===~-----(Clarksville .a nd Ha milton !Japerll Durin&, the last week the camper6 The · J~'lill r. Gu ild o f S t. Mal-Y'S Ja mes Whi tco mh I{il ey, th o " lIlIn~ . please cOI>Y . ) have been treated to Beveral delicious church wtll ", tVII a IlIwn fete 011 th e iel' I 'oet '" wh om tl e whole wllrl.! watermelona by their friends who ~hurch lawn. Thursda y eve nlll~. July loveel an'd re vered . was bu ri ed III h b have called. 27th. Com o. h Ollle ill Illd illnapu l i~, Inti ., 'l'lI l!sd r afternonn . Mr . Wley ha been in ill Oakley JUdge visited the camp Mr. and Mrs . S L. Cartwril(htand health tor e(1V 'ral y<!a r s. b il L WH Itot Mia mi Vall ey Co uncil No . \0:1 Jr. Sunday afternoon and took several O . U . AM. h eld their instlllilation Maste r L ·vering Cartwright we re in thou rcht to be s ufre r ing ma r' jllll ll pictures flf the crowd of bathers FridllY ev en ing . Th ~ f oll owinR offi c · Lebanon 'l'hurlld llV and atten ded lh e u ~ lI n l wh en tho I1l I!B~al{p ClllJ11l fl' r who arrlnged themselves In a pic ers we re in stall ed: ·Co un cillo r , Wil- I'ellch T ree Itcunit>n of t h 7l1th O. hi m Sa turd ay. The fun eral ,"'rvicc '; turesq\le group along the tldlfe of Clarence Eve re Lt . son of Am os K. b ur Marl a t t : Vice-Chllllce lo r. E mer · V.l. we re ve ry simple. but th e hellrl.llof the dam . and Sarllh F. Houg h was ho rn lI ea r Ba ll Dill; Condu cto r, Ma r vin Hay: th e' pen pl o at his h OIll (l t,)WII , all well Wayne ~ \'ill e . Ohio , Oct ob er 30. 1.'7\) Mr. and Mre. Will Myers and Ken and atter a long iIInes!l lJ a s.~ II t o t he Ward en, Albe rt Cleaver ; In ner Se n M iSBes Elizubet h Chlln d I('r and liS t he entlro cOlllltry. 111'0 t l'lday . neth Roes. who have been among the Llre at Heyoml Sunday ove ning . July tin e l, Wal ter Sq uir es; O ute r Sentinel. lI enri e t ta McJ, illHey arriv'll I1Clm{' Il nwer! with g ri ll f. -.-party of campers have returned to 16. 1!l16 at hi!! h o nH~ in Wilmington . nur ward Vice: Jr . P . C" Alfrell Hay . Saturday vlJl1i nl{ frll lll Oxforrl, D. Th e re w er Abou t 50 present. and their home in Waynesville. . Ohio. al!'~d 36 years. 8 mun ths and v isitin g m c mb e r ~ f rom l. >ba llo n, wher£' they hal'" I"'on 1l1t. l!lld in ~ J-i:P S llb ~c; rih c {llr th ' MiRtlIi I~H zllt t e - - --.. ~ ....---16 Ilays . . He spent nearly all hi~ lif ' Hlanch es tp.r . S prin ~ Vnlley nnd 1\ ,II SUlllm t! r ~c ho o l. as a hlaeks mith . H e wa.~ 11 memhe r bl ook we re present. ACt er t h\! work of th e M. K churc h in Harvey~ bllrg, was over A d eliciou Hlunch wus He rv e ,I. Ohio. al so a membe r of the Kni g hl s of Pythins lodge the re. May 14. 1902 h e was uni ted in



O- -- --- ---- - eoII A PEDSO n NAL' MENTION

The best. Work Shoes on earth, the Lion Brand . at Hyman·s. O . M. R idge was in Day tun last

I~ riday .

Goodyear Tire and Tubes at H. E. Earnhart's. Thos. Romine trans acted hu sine!!ti in Dayton Friday . C M. Brown and ~ o n, of Corwin. were In Dayton Friday Rev . A . T. Cowgill ' preached at the M. ~. church S unduy. Messrs. Ellis S mith and Carl frye w(! re Day tun visitors Friday . Mr . and M I'. FrRnk T I\lJmaa. of ltoute 4. were I) ylon ViRiLClrfl I·'riday. When in n eed of a Cr eam Separlltor. give lis a call : H. I' I~nrnhart The Mias es II nnie nnrl Mnmo Bro wn visited with e nlerv illo r oill t ives Illst week. Mr. 8,I'Id Mrs . Ga~' l e Russum. of Dayton. sp e nt the week ·end with relatives.

M8lJlr• . Frank and Manhall Rar·


Earnhurt's. MisR In£'7. Davis has heen visiting Mrs Arthur 7.ell in Nuwark . Ohio, the PBst week . 'M lss Willa McKay, of Lebannn. is vialtlllg with Mr. Slid Mre. Harry Williams,ollllnd family. The local teachers. who have been attending different summer schoolR arrived home last week.








NOTES fROM .CAMP lINGERLONGER Don't forget wh en you need tire you ctln get a Goodyear at H . .E.

Ian attended a funeral in Lebanon

lut week.


- -- . - ":""- - -






THE SIGN OF GOOD PAINT Anyone who varnishes. sh o uld agellCY for

or ought to use paint!! :Itld rememh e r that we h a vc .JH!




in this locality. For ' fifty years this line has been the world's !e.'l der- that·s why 'W~ chose it; and w e are leaders III good things here- that's why th e y c11O~ us •• It's a pretty gobd combination .to do bustness With. • Sold by


... - ----



Frank C. Anderson reRpeetfull y announces that he has d ecided to open an uflice for the gene ral prac tlce of Law in Waynesville. Ohi o. He will be in hi~ office 011 Tu esday and It'riday of each week or a t any 'Other time If desired and meelinJ! may be arranged for by telephone. Office in Poatoffice Bldg with Walter Ohandler. Phone No . 77. Waynesville Ex. I~banon Office Citi?ens HllnK Bldg. Phone No.4ti2. Hesidence 12!l Mulberry St., Lebanon, 0 ., I'hon.-

No, 344 A.

- - -...

-..- - -


PITTSBURG SOLD childre four of ng.· 'TO MURPHY S1ABLES Earl R..n, Marie 0 , which CarlL arc andlivi Stan marriaf{e flu Rn Robison Ha r· . veysburl!. to Ohio. by Rev. Ro of ut. CoIF man. To thi- uni on w r e b()rn fi v ' lev . He WIlS kinrl ao his fnm ify a nd fri enrls, a mi was bt! lov ed by all wl10 kn e w him . He leav es 10 m ourn hiR' I()ss n wife. four 'hild r en. a fath e l·. 'throe hrothe rs, a I\i ~ ter . amI (I th r relativ s b e1:lides 8 host. of fri ends. He kne w every t hing to th e las t and passed peacefully away to th e ::;he phc rds fold. FunC'~jl l services wcre h ~ ld ,in the chapel. Rev . Amil!! t..:onk. ollil'illtinll . Interment was mad " In M'hllnl cem· elery.

- -- ... -...


.NOllCE -----='"

Gen. J. Warren Keifer, with BeVeral pollticlana from SJ»rllIa1leld were an Warren County Friel., .topped at the Gazette office to pay thei, reap.eta. The General • look-

1··iLI.!\burg . the fRat tr f)1tar, w ho wall ow ned 8ml bred u.Y 1'~lul WI" song'·. form e rly of Wnyn >sv ili ll. wa s re ently Bolli to He rt Hlair, of Xc nill. wh o In turn has j ust sold him til Tony 1\1urnhy. th e fa motJs 'Iove ln nd h () r~e· man . Pi ttsburg hae h een recog nized fo r the pa..'1 t two ~enM nOi a.q one of the cumlng trotters. and Murph)' recog nized th e fact aud bought him. li e can do 2:08 over a half mile t rack .


ill .... Iey."'~"


$:~ :).i

year in and year o u t -in every



po~si b l c

this Car will take its owner wher cv er hc wants to go at 1esl expense. tllan aoy other automobile.


rel.t.iv. are laraed to


c onditinn of roads or kind of ~erv icc -

This belief is backei.1 0 L

Sax on Roaclsters are daily doing j us l what we claim nbove for the owncr~.



Hoa. l ~ ler

fi n n b lief t hat tlay ill a.n d. dny o ul -

by the Cact thllt tells of ; thol\snnd s

The Lylle M, E. church wi'n give eream 8Ocilll1 at th e home of 'fhe annual reuni on of the descend· Clark, one·half milo west of next Saturday evening, July llnts of Benry and Martha Steddom ' will he TendE'red will be hold' at Turtlecreek Frlllnda Meeling Hou!lll near Ores~mia, Ohio, IIIIr aDdwin - bls race to be muaic, reading~ on Tueeda.v. August 15, 1916, All thAt be will forGOnftdellt :i:~~i!'£~~~~~can be obtained.


E sell t he Saxpn



J. B. Chapman Phone 116

Waynesvilio, Ohio


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lit' .. .., h ll m ; .... ~ l' I~ld,

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tillt ! ~ 1· b('rI till' l, ·!t'l'h\ 11ll!' U( II III 1( oool, ·oP· d .·.. k. HIlc1 w uo; l'llJ1 t hlo{ ! hl ~ In-, I I '~ II lc-I' 1\\ ,"I'1It'II JI " :\ tlf'r,'I'UIIl ' hlt\"~ . l 'tit U' l t nwa t ' l 111," R("ITl tt u:<\'Cw ' .


~t:1l 1 E ~[ II [ c

Transfe r

' I vi Trnl! L J .f'l)~ , !I(fl i 111'1' ""111 111' Ih"I'p ill ~rr II h ll In ' an 0 ,' I bl ' , . I \\ ,I rren 'u 11 lit)', tile I' n \ltu {\\' II f nlll'l t'PIl Y ,H} lh.'t'du ' t 1',1111'; n i hl " ,, '1 l' r lV\ I'f,(6 t,o lIo ll~I, .. n UL " b ol In fn h: t 111 1' klll l \\" tl l l ' r 'rc J.;'Ctll (': \y~ t ft) n ,vt'lr UU1\ tl tu n n tHt '" l ' t hron;t h .l Illi" W:llJl ttt Ih l cU"t ll r h \I,1. T't'll PnuUann " n I't r k f r olll \110 lutlrlllllrr I I.,)' Il' ":1 11 111.1' hOU.l' IIlll l s c n,1 Clil ll ~ olty HflWcr, U, d o \\ o twr. o w il li H du !'tC'11 4'J'r. \\'t'" IUtly N Il ll ulI L . a lii) Berlh6 J<~ [L iller hol'l' to 1:'1 tllIl. '1'.'11 hllll t n 11".111', Lo '[' h u m ". KIJ .] H,,'Oil tll .L . I:l n r . 1 :lIu l \1:111 fl U' II f ' H jI~~'lHI'S ,'('1m B u s I!OOIi I 76 'l1.l' (I~ in ' Ielu l' re ok ~ u wlI!11I I ,

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H " ':~ " ll' l Ull! lutlclil'd hltt f'rly t hrnUJ:;h·

Hilt t hi s UI!lU lll ll;,!t1 (' . I I H'~)o;

':l1t'h tl lfll ){ !

!r1l11l"1 ...

At A~"O U o'~ lo ck on th e III~t 1lI( 'rIl Ing ot dla t mOllUI, Rherldlln, IInl'R IlJg tbrollgh the n pPt'r hnll , found II cou ple or Acrlhbli'd ~hpel8 of 1I011' l'0l.r r lyIng ou the floor. Ell' r,' rol:lll zp{ 1 Ih .. hondwrlt In~ aud put Ih" lib",,'" III hl R coat poc ket, Intending t n gh' r Ih" l11 to Oeorge or Jn cksoll t or r,,'urn II' Ih.· owner, hut h e to1\:ot and ('orrk ll II to · III downt llwn willi .hlm. At 1100 11 hI' tound bllllsetr 010111' In hl K 11(\\ "1', "" .\' bavlng a little I IsUl"!'. rl'UlI'IIII\t'rl,.l III" blta or mnnU8crlpl. look 1111'111 ont. 1111.1 glnnced at them. flndn !! "" II. IIo·tI blwl!elt thut Bihbs' 8 'rl hI, II nf;8 "'",.., only a 8ample of th" kind of wrltlliit bls SOil preferred to tbl' I1In 'hill!' . h 0t'. be d ..ddt'd, IllulJcently el1ough, Ih ut II., 'Would be justiOed In rl's<lln g tbr lll .

t1<l lllr . " 011 ' l>rll1~ It t o UI' o lll c p. ~11!l ht IIIIII·I·(.' m hU~l lI l" ~! nOIl ' t IN yo ur wlr" \I,II ,' r rrrl' !.J 1I " llIr~~ ! !\N'p nil, 1111 . 1111

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YOllr III l"n IU1(-''''H,

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Ir yo n got tile,


.Iou· .I!I' roll I III th ... o llk ... ! ~I h:h l 1 1JI1 ..r(r·r~ IIII Hlne-HS!" ~ 1"' r l' llIlI p ll 'krll up A n('''' ' poT",r

",",. ·t ho mi'

rr olll H I\1'II'OC" N tlp~ k , 011\) 111 ~ hll Pk


fl own

wit h

10 III~ M(l U. nfTf'l r f ll1J: 10 n "ll d ,

Ufl ~ I 'tl(t ~I \"III 'II to hr u nllwt\ re or 111."4 (1111,,' r'" ~ h: ,, ' II (' n!lt pORt ll r!'. " \' l'U kllo w wll ' I think?" li e '~ rllt on. "I fl d ll k IIlhh~ o nly olle t1w fnlll'lr nilS ' to'IIIIl' ''''''' lit 011. \\'on' w(lrk. 11 11 ' 1l1'1I ' Il"t II lnrr l.. I\' .TIm WOl'kl'>1. AU ' II ~ go t kl ll,·,l , I wurk,·rl. on' 1 ~nt II1l1r· rlr.!. I.ollk /II ml'! .Ju8· look Ilt 011'. I Ul' k you. 1"111(' '<luMtrlsR ),ollng bUHII 1.1I '!'I'"


the thing Is R mummy tn II. I~r"mul~n l ~ ' - .he w11l Inquire mI t of n ('Ienr . ky; "Why dfd >·ou SRI' Ihal Iho 1)0" 1'1. 11 ",\'11 _ town have n o th ing 1n li t., Iha l

,rn ll r

.l' ollr Inlt l- YI'lIr IrrI/:('Ily- k N' p

.nlly upon oomo wlnt1 y &.''''fllll ","".. <, r a componton. and 1\' 111 w ~nr t li e I1 l1 lK l ......... bl. expr • •• 'on of Br ,· "II I"" Il " . \\.11\

kill ' nytJ olly- nQt In

.\lII ~ ' n · hu\'(' 11 11 .1' trnultl" ' t ' II hill er'I' n - l11 l.;l nf'lR~, J\ f'e p y o ur trouhl e 'l

It allpearB fhnl u Indy w11l nod I.h'n. -

8 (1 1' I WI.1I1I,

III li S ' II ,

hll hl~ HH t ", ur~! ,\ II rl j(lIt ony Oilie r t ll1l(\. KI ll 'n~\· l ln,l .\· you wnut ' o-'s l un ~ ' t n l n' t I II hll l'4 h1 f1:-t~ hours! .'"'hI P!


Ibe law, nnd t hC!' n - ulll'IJ

" lJrll rl\( t n h u.·q·

'1'11 1110'''' nwf'l ! ~fl1 s: ' ri ' ti t) ~1 1I~' 1I ' ~ l' t drunk, rllll s 'n'


L ook ,,;hnHfI happen' to In c ! II I' II (fl'l.l his hnlld fr om th e

11111 1).

Flrl"!" I I I I I ] "11"111 n II g r JlI r n II (rplorllllie g ll!<-

t u rf'. IUHl 1lIl lll f'dlHt('l ly IOf4 lllg his bill·

dI ll ken

I RII." ·,

What dl'l yo u ,"~nn?" "',d 8h(' ma y ony I t fn a mllnn er t hai mak o. 0.



eenJitble rl'pb~ v~r f c1 ltn ("u lt- you wt ll hI" 110 full nt wl"lnc:1 e r t hot she re mClnO(' r t.'d e o .erlously.

r..11 II ('TIl s the r hn lr ond cllr01 111'1 1 to thl' fl oor with 1\ c rllRh. reIn ll

I I f1

II ).!

pro~ trlltc


p(,,\'f'ra l

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min -

' uf. ,". "urill/! ",hl('h Sht'rll lllll dlrl not Yet. what do • • Ihe r oooler l ar k ~ II ~ r" llI x h l~ npI'nrl'nt nUr'uU on to thr h~e food Bnd ahellor ; he Ie wnrm III will I n,· w" plll",r. 11 0 did n ot eVl'n look ter; h is wives ro le R n fl t Ctn p Onp fnllltl~~ f or him, but dnzeM. II. hu e .. r .ky , . rOil II II lit till.' RlIlInrl o r [l oR('oe 's rnll. over hf m; he brealh •• OW",", .In 1,. "'!Il k. "Iu·t you T' 8IllU ~llerlaU U . " "' 01 ~1 l' Il, B" .('ol' RI(lwly rllllll1ed to on ti Prl c lll pll ~ I l!OIl , I>ulling h lm~elr up h~' In bl. April orchnrd under" ro.. r ~ r l1uw- n rl' you?" era, No must dl o. vi o l n tl y pe r hn ps, b ut tl:,,\O.'" hol d l l1 ~ tl' tlw c h lli r . De WUf! sllJ.:ht lr Quickly. h ~UI1B8' cnl1(' t' r /1. b~ lI cr w oy1 ~llf' r l dun wos nU 1. zl£, I ' t il it t • Th o rooftler'. w iv es and child ren l11uO I .lIp. " . •. , I . ' CII. " niP ~ 8,,11"1'1'.1 oUlwardly. ha yIn g 1Jro~I'l'~st'Il Are t ho.. of MJdR~ Immnrt nl? !lIs l1f. I. Iy, hr rll'rldrd 10 o sk h is 11l1p~ l!(ln _ " I III thl' p rost rllte Inten' nl to n stn t~ ot ahorter Ihan t.h e II f. of Mldo •. bul Ml tllU! ' wllnlrd to t llJ k to you about timt YOUII!: IJI'ftHldll'llICllt less volntllf' TIe rul>b '11 Itre II only .. all!!h lIS 10llg R. I hD ~ of Llle Lnmhorn," IIf' sul'l. " I gu esS your his d ilz d eyes wltb til e bll'ek ot ,hls left O&lRpAlI08 lorlolo.. . mOlh<'r th l uk ~ hI"" ~omlo' to 81'0 Ir.dltb hftlili. The roo.t('r I... d el>end ~ nt ; ho dep.,n,1. upon tho tnrmor ana I h ~ W.Mther. Mh1" I'T~ tty ortpn, Mid you kllO'V hi m 10nK"r " \\'bnt~;vbnt you 8sk me 'whllp I. Il dependent; h n dopond. upoo Iho '11 [IllY of U9, II .. a gn1" he lIo ld, turner Ilni! the w('ath r. Th. !'(IoBltJr ' :1 wou' t," Mill !lOBCOC. thick ly "I "Nothln.... t1.I .. kl only ot t b~ marnant ; MI.jlUl pro· w on·t MIl • 0 >1 'ti I I II I" ' :i 11m I IIg 0 )0111 I 111 ' "Yes. you dId . Wha t-wlmt WII8 It ," videa fa r tomorrow. Wh8.l . doe. hn proVIde fOT tomorrow? Nothi ng thol Ihe Sht.'rldnn ntt,'r ed nu CXCllllllll UOl1 nnd ":-/othl o'. You b"Uer It i1 own." roo.ter will not hR\·. w\lhnllt provldl og. wlll1<('.1 '1ulrkl~' t o 0 position n,'lI r till' "You ""k' me whllt I 1110ugbt About The roonler Bnd tho pro",).rou_ work er: wlodow whrro" h,. cou "l HI'I' h is 800'M I .nrnhorn. You dId' nMk me. tbllt Well the" are born, they Rrub, tMy Inv-; Ihoy fo n ' bl I I . .,ub &nc! 10VA grubbing ; Ihoy Ifruh UIII\ "0 . 08 ro r' 8 l'yc~ w('r 001 R lOt I Wflll't tl'1I you. I w ou· t Rny dlllU' they die. N~lth e r kno",. heollt y; n.!lh~r nnd \' n C I1 () l1 ~ : hi s hnlr WIIM dI Borrlr r"d. word ' hout hlm l" know. knl' .. l e~ge . Ann Aft.r nil, wh en hi. mouth wn~ ,1I.lorlell. 8 nll hI' wnlt ~r h l' tl'l<'llhollo hel l tlllklt'(\. Rht'I' Ir1n n ~Id.. and th .. roo.l ~r dl••. Ihere I. one dl'.I.I U"y pill .... r.,hl' rllther,s tood nl1hllHl. n ln "cd tile n' 'dye r to h i- Pllr cn.l •. 11111. thin. MIC .. h48 holl and rll08 t"r 11M n('t. n r: I I " MId.. h8a hnc! Ihe exclt oment (If occlImu. y ... porgl' Ie DlUlt llrt'U. "noll- " IUl:llt d ow n." 'l'hen he I:ot !lOBCO ':;4 IMln....hlLt he hOR grubhod. and fh nt hM C!O('!" (,Ollt IIn ri hilt trom II closet nll,l hrollllht "~ I y Ilum~," sn ld n O~COI', "Clln' be lp tht' Ol to hlA BO il. "Oc t Into tbl ~ eout," been hI. life lind hl8 love and hi. 1 0C. Ho 110 ~"Iti. "You' re "oln' 110nIA," "&nnol lake Ihnt g od with him wh"n hn tbat." "'.... I wonder If the worthy goda o.rQ I I' nl e ~ tholHl we can taJ<e wIth Uti. " In.s Col' ' ank ostonl~h01ellt wos " All rl'," mUl'mured Roscoe, ohe(l1· Mlc!a. muet teach oil 10 he aa 1Il1daa; 8 11 1'ldn!?'R lIrBt @ ~n9nUo n . (1robubly I'ntly . the :VOU~ muat be rftleed In 1,10 rellillon- lIolhlng In th worla could bove more Tltl'y WI'nt out Into th e mnln IInll by The manuscript ended thprl', lind a01nzrd him tllon to flllt! no_co the a sid.· door. nOAcoe wo lk ed Ollt o f th e Sheridan was not anxious tor more. He slendy old wll e el ~h .. rst'--In till. co odl· hulldlllll: without lur cblng. IIlIll twellty crumpled tho sheetA Into a bn1l, depoR - tIOD. " 1.l o w·d YO ll !:{II tills WilY '!" he mlnlltl'8 Illter wolked Into b l. own 1t1n1J It (wltb vigor) In a wnstehllAk et 11" III It llfl ,'(I. "lUll cll ug ht ('(lId ond took hOIl~r' III the snmc III II nnrr. n <'ltber b e bllllld\l hIm; then, "IsIng, b e coo su lted n t oo mil ch ror It?" nor hi . fll tll c r blt\' ln!; "ltOkell 11 woru Cyclopedia ot Names, which a book leo r I'I'ply II OReoe 11I1If,(1I\' ,1 IlOnrAely. III til e lut l'l',," I, alJ(lnt bed somebow eold . to blm y pu rs "Yellh! ("uld! I b('1'1\ drlnklln nil tlDlp, "hN'!rllln did not ji:O In with him : b~ betore', a volume now first Pllt to n on IlIt l'I\'. I"Irs ' ,·ou 11011('(' !I '/" 'll"I!Hl tl 1 t hi ItI "'" "1.i y (Icon';'!" t'rl cd " 'I ' rl ll',III. "I 101111'. nne 0 ~ o wn rooll1 W 1for the location or "Mldns." Huvlng 0 out lue('Uuf,( ROY or bl8 family, But rend tlJe IllgentJ, Sberldan wolked 111> lhollgllt 1'(1 Hmrlt It 011 you 11 ):11011 (11'81 OS lIP. plIHsed BIbbs' door be benrd fro lll Inti 40wn the !!podoua omce, f'xbnllng Int.'ly. hut I " 'oulrlll' t 'u' hl'lI(' Y('(\ within tile 80nltd or a c h ~erttll young tlJe breatlJ of contempt. "Dnw' rooll" you\l tJlku lUon" u \\'it~ good relr you , "o lc!! bumllllng Jubl! ltnt tl'uglDeots of be mllmbled. Doh! To p '" yo u Ilk [l ('IIIllIUOII hog!" 800g: He felt very lon ely, and tlJls WDR, ROMCOC ellUr' ld erl IIl1cl Ihrew Ollt hiM Who look. tho mU8tn nR In Ih e eye? dally. his hordl!st bour. For a long rl gbt orlll 111 II IIl1'Ollln ~ 1 ,~ ~ ):cslut'e, Wllh Il lonp from lho ground tIme be and Jim bad loneb d to!\,ctbe r "llog!" be r('pruletl, clJuck!!ng. Ihe ",,,Idle In 0. bound. babltually at a Rmu ll restfturant n ellt' "Yrp. n hog !" Bft \{! Shcrldllu , onJXr!l,. Anl1 Ilway-and awlty! Ill-yay I the Sberldan buLldlng, WU l'rl' tllI' Y "1n 1J1I "llI (,~H hour",! I o!OIl't ohJl'et to apeJlt twenty mInuteR In the 1'01I SUW I'- ouybody's tu kln' U drin k It he wllnt" I It wns the f1rRt time In Hhprldnn's tlon of tood, IIna tWrl llty In tUlk. with to, o ut 0' blls lu r sa hOIlI'll : n()r. It U DHIIl ' IIr£! tllat h .. ba d ('ver c]C'b·cf .. cI ri lly dgal'll. But now Sherldao r('n;llIlo pd I k eep~ bls work rl !=ht 111'10 Ihn ~c ruf c b. ' lI1u. I'·"1 ~.l' lIIplom ,,,hlltever In flIbh~­ alone In bls 01ll('C; be b ud not gO Il Ollt I I woul d n' t be lit e olle to bll ~ h' 1,IIm It 1· ho hnll IIcn'r I'~('n hellrd him ,whis t le 10 luneb Since Jim's dea tb. ,DOT dId ho be got gooll an ' drullk crnre 111 t WII, - lIllrllt 1I1'I'UI{II1 the Ill st tou ch of Irony lIav8 all7tbJog 81'nt to him - he tUBt 'd I three y eHr8. runy.h e. It nlll't my ~"RY. Ihnt th e lI~elo'"R rflo l sh oll"l be merry until evening. I I let It ulo uc. hut I OHer bt'l!ovl'd 10 t Olln y. It was tbe time be missed Jim p cr -·' (orrlc' W,I' wuy on n J::r\lWl1 ~ t111 Aon 10 1 'J'u ~11('r!.11l1l It \VnA Tom 0' il c(l!lIm 8Ona1l1 the most-t1Jc voi ce aod eyes ' morlll DlllttrrH. I gurss [ wn ~ wrong! ~hlR 'IIJ; whlie tho houso hu'rmnl; IIml be and bandshake, all brlBk nOll nl ert, nil You U,luk th.'m nH'li (lut tilerl' lire !lId not tnrry to e ll.l oy the melody, but buaJnes8l1ke. But Sberltlan's senBe or w a ltln ' t o tulk 111161111' 14 wlUI n drunk.! wc nt luto his 011'11 room nnd locked the lOll went for deeper. JIm was tbe onc ord'l You Ihlllk you ('1111 C'OIU P til your doot'. - -'Who would hnve been 8urcst to kl!ep omc~ nnd do bu.llIf'BS dru1Ik1 Ily ·the .reat property growIng gr eater, George! I w oud~r bow Ortl'tl tills hilS CHAPTER XVIII. nar bT year, Sherldao bad fallen hl'en hnpl,pllln" IlUtl lI1e not 011 to Itl .,.s lrep, nlj!bt n ner u lght. plclurlng I'll hav.. 0 look o ," 'r yonr book~ tomor. ; rTo ,cmerj:!1'(1 ollly I1pon It Bl'{'nnrl ~ 11111 · wbat tilC growth woult! bt' IIIl(lpr JIm. r ow. nnll 1'11, mons to IlIulIrr. 1"·0 hOll rs Illte r. Iln ll rTe hAd br'll ovNI thnt .Tlm WUR IIh~o. Hem'ot' HtuOJl>h,tl to his f,,~t, I(lu g b. cnmo to tlle tnbl e ~o white Ilnd Bllrnt lutely cerlnln t o h p nn p o r Ih., hlg':"st IlIg wlltlly, IIllcl ptood swaying. con- I thnt Ills wIre ml1rlr hr r nn~ll'ty m"nl~ moo In the r'OlIlllry. W~ II , It II'nA' 1I11 1rh'llIg to lloltl hlm srlf In po"' Unn by re M nlltl wns bll t p ~ rt!lIl1y rl'II ~""r"II up to 1l0Rt'O now I rlut~hln g the bn k or till' hea ,'Y chnir by hl~ exphlllnt!on tllnt 111M Ill neh hnll Thnt re mill tl,.d him of II l\ u,'.,lo II he In whlcb ho hnd hr c ll s lltlnt'. "dl "Rll'r(,p.i" Wttll h im a Iltlle. had lu milld to a." 1I 0s por . It wile n "Hoo-hoorahl" Ile c ri ed . "'S m7 l'rcAentiy. hllwel' pr, b e Nlloke ~rrccqnestlon Sherlllnn conR ldt'reil o r 110 "t1l1d ple~. too, Ill' dl'llnk('o nil .ou ,t1vely. nlbhs, who"o Appetite hlld b.,· t " como Ilcurty WIIR h elping hlfllRClr to Il presen Importanc .... but bls wlr,. bllll "," " t 1n-.,"I. I.h· """It",",, bours, Dou' socond brcu~t t f bIt tlUgge8ted It- thou);h vOgllr'ly ---alltl he , 0 "capo~. rom w e· bad mennt to 8DI'ok to HORCOI' ubon t It. ,Rckots 8Rlv.r.r. n orcA nnot.hc: dl~: However, 1l0Rcoe hnd not come Into terenre betwI'on Mltlns And .chlck"n, fthcrldan remArke!I, grimly. 'I rrckon bIB fotiler's otHro for Bev"rnl tlll Y", RIIII , Fat Folks May when bcrldan hud sprn h lA t you ov e rlookl'd trull. M!r1nR looka to 8011 0 me IIkpbe hnd the n.'vn I th " borne the re had bern no opporlunlty. Now Become tl IIgo r".. He waHoo until thp grrnt .. r pnrt or Bibbs rl'tllinru CnOl1Rh pr('~pnee of hll dRY'S w ork wus ov.~r, towurrl four mind to tran"fe r the cllpon brcliRI t o o'clock, Rild thl'n w!'ut (1 ow 11 to HORSlim Quickly his 1)llItO"WltJlotlt (lro""III/( It n".l to coe'80mce whlcb 'was 011 a 10wI'r fl oo r s:e"pond, YQH- II " 4'r<)W8 o"~r It." He found ~t>vernl mon -walt!o~ rfir bu. !: HII"lnA' retnrnc!! hlR nnlnJXon lHt's flrl' 1n tbl s fll ,.hlon, hI' blll .lli·,I- fo~ he nes S' 111 t l'rv JOIV8 I n an 011 t I'r room or . ' the serlel! Roscoe occupied: 00<111 0 fI1Ill' could hhl Mb (U~llnc~ly 1101\'- 1111,1 bls '0800 '''at h I' d fl d h i , Be M()dernte in Your Uiet, Breathe mother looker} IIpon blm willi pl clIAlIre ) .., 0 wou D " 800 bu">, . with , otlJers, and tbllt hi s qllP"I I~1l Deeply, and Take thotlllil tbe re fcrlm ce to JllItlnR nu.1 would have to bo p08tponctl, but wh en ~ooRt (!r8 ",nR o r cour~o jnrgon 10 h er. '11 1d y ou eve r arc nnyhody IlIlrro,'e "My Name," Salel Roscoe, "C.n Help I the wny thntchllrl hAA!'; ~IIe e:tclolD1 e(J. That." "I dcci,! r(', I1lbbs, 8o lllet!m~8 IntC'ly you lie fntered the door mark p(J "n. C_ t·.1 IIOrIlOOO, I •• rtkularl" Lho ... lrom 10 to look right hnntlHo mcl" , 6herldan. I'rlvute," Rosroe Wll8 there 30 pou u!ls abo ve norm .. 1 ••I.hL w\ll be IUWr"Hc's got to be 611('11 1\ glldnbout," .Ioo.e. . .,.ted to Icam Ihat Ihey olar {eually reduce E(lIth gl/(gll'c1. ' It • • He was s !ttlng w ltb bls bar k to U' I' their wefjlltt without ol&<v.tloD die' or tlr."I tound 8omc~hl ng or bill on the 'door. hI. tc t on It wlndow-Hln. II"d II '" flam B exercllte, door Upf:! 1nlra thIs nl o rnillJI. botoro nny, u ~ ThIs cau beel be ,done by bolDtr lIIOUeral<l b o d ' dId not turn 88 bl8 f1llber olll'ncd the 10 "our diet, 00 IIIaI you wlU tiOl ovor~ lu T 1I'8S UP.' sn.ld Sherldnn, "1 door. your ari,lm'Ua"ye Ol'JlaOl, b, IIe\tlu. ploo'y .ql r ('rknn . ir Ilro pir lo'~r !!III"),... In tbl! "Some pretty, good ml'n out :thr'rc Ir .h I1lr. by bre,tht"" dooply Illd by takln" hOtl Hr' ond r~lw('t to I1l't '1'111 lin c k, th ey 'Wftltln' to 81!t1·,)'0Il, my boy," s ultl Sb~r l- '"",,"0 lour "me' a day. hrtrl'r llP.t up II H pOlin ItS 1 do." ' don . "Wbat's tlJe llIutter," T"""." rna, btl obtulooo from any drup: "Wllll t 11'116 It h I t1" k I J~ Iltb store In li-gnln .. blote. lake OliO alter oach " e 0" Ill< Pt ., "Nothing." R os('oo 1t118werl'd India- UloullJld uno berore nitlrtol • • nlgbl. 1'h.y .. fill kll\)wlIl" hor tftther rel)lrul'"d. tlnr:tly, not moving. IXII' IItlle , are al)lIOlu",ly harm'-, are Pleu- I :::" ~'nl H to m like I torgot to h rlng It "Well, I 1f1108~ Ihllt's 1111 rlgbt, too. Got to lak. IID<I ....o , d ...I.,'oo too reduce lalt,y hIJIIlC with IDe. I looked It ovorI let 'em wl\lt lIomf'tlru\ftl myselt! ' I Iltlcumulal.lonl In Ih .. . ,owm "hero,'or looaletJ. tllulI).(lIt probably It WI18 something JUl t wllnlod to alik YOll • qllrlltlon, bllt A fe .. da,.' treatment .huultl oho .... Du- pr~tty IlIIportltnt. beionglll' to a bllSY - -- - - - - - ---;-_ _ _~lioi~~;..I~t2'1~1~~~AI~ t ~~ ,worklll' tlc",abl. roduoUon tn "ol,hI. the O... h' ohnuld nlllli ilkI' him." He fttrecteel to 8t>nrch nd.'; become 11m,. tile .kla IlUlOOlh aDd tbe goo· IIIH I)o" k -t "WI t dId 1 Il Itb It RolCOfI madp no !'I'pl d hi f eral health Imp")\'ed, Iu rlCl' ,Ollt loot.tepa l . t H. ,1ft 0 W , !l: on II a· '~ou.", oven I*-'Ome I'-bler. your wor'- "~'In "uw I 011 Yl'8. Seem a to me like 1 re1lIer. wbo bad turned to the door, .., ... ... • pa1lle4 1I'ItlJ bl. band on th., knob, OMItii' .nd .Ilcbler and DlO" bUIIJ.DL feeUo. I "",mher If'R\'II'1' It down at the omce... &akII ~OD 01 ~our "bole tltIDW, l in th(· wwote bllBket. .. _rIDe earloual7 It the motlonl.. Bwwr peNOD "bo Ie lOor ao pOulid. " 'er "0004 plaoo for It." Blbba mnl'........ ID tile ebalr. Ul1Iall7 tlJe lIOn DOnDaI ftIIbl .tIouId .,~e Ibl. _Imllll'. , DlurecL .UII ...... ~ wIleD ........ You.ul proballlr OIJd 'ball'" jlll& '









~- . ''!'"

IIIIIt. ..... , . . . . . ,




( . -. . ._111 _ .... 1)1 '

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U , 0 . 1 i:1j"' ~" ". A d ,ur , t.t;, !\lllrv~ , \V" nu wllrll lu t No , ·H m ~p rlu K h ll r o, Ohil" :~'i Utl. F M . l'lttr k ttl 1. A . H n nl e r I:, 1I0 r c~ I II ::'lee l ~ . 'I' . t, It ii, fl. M"ry IUlll Null lf' C , I\! \.t hey In T '. P 'ltlentl II lilt Nu. II IIIH! par! " f 10 ' No , r In Wr l~ h t'" ~ lI l" lIvi B l(l " til !.obn u o l1 , O h !n. +1. ' A Mc C rny I Linn y Mel' ra .v flIt' nn ,li l' !deld uun ~ I x l h ItlIOrt-!~ ~ iu , 1l!1i;1. Iw r s 10 \ \' lI duillgl,u n t llwnblp, ~ I ,)11", £,8, Mon tj.( o m ur y t ,I U, 'I.. Adl\llI~ ~ I, u o nl ~ 111 'rurlll1o rOti k 10Wtlsb ip $ 1 U . T Ol!'w il l(1l; er to I~, n. Wl ls lll1 lot neur COl.'ltld ltlo, O hiO, .;' 1. E. D. \VII" " II t o Wnrrc n l:IrnnR I1 1l 3.\':, fll'C"~ I II I:Inll1l1Lo u t-(f WIl HIIlP , EVil Il ud '1'b ' wae ' m il-! t o U eot'I.({' IIn.1 KllLl o N uune r 1.;17 li nes 111 1::t.'llklo A\, III l', UOIO . ~" o o , K ille K to ~'rank l1 ru ber :,:! -, ~, aaftlS In Deor ll e ld t,O\"O,illlp ~ I .



I)robale <A:lUI'I Pl'oceedina:s

Like a cool ' drinl<. when youre thirsty,..,


i I

I u tllo UIII!te r o f Berthl\ K~nrlck . Apl'Jlc n tlo u fo r u.dw lss ion of II tt rno to Lh e O h l" Inslltnt,iu n fo r F e eble., minded Yo u t b I ~ mnde 10 tile tl!!tMe of Daulel U , Brao e . decoasell . F irst lln u tlnltl nooouoL Is ap pro ye d I 111 t,h ", e~tBt,e of \V , E , ,J e ffe r y et ' a I. min o r . I:!eoolld o ccon nt 18 appr o ved _ I n tbe oRtate of C"lylll Mill ll r . deoen sed , Fiu!' and liual a ceouut IR appro ve d . 10 the 'stll t e of J . Ii:~to n Ro lm or, I mlu o r , F ifLh aud fin .. 1 UCOll no 18 ul'pr o Yttd . In the o~t'l~ e o f l!1dwtlrcl R. W o lk - I er, deol [Isod , S UCOllti u.caou nt is proved. . In UlO wat.ter of I,h e esta te o f I Elmytfl U:. Wrilfbt, deotl. sod. F r~DIt: M. FOll: Is Ull)lolut oll udmlnlsh' r 80ntl :~ UOO . In ~ha m atte r of tile o8t-t:lte o f Jam es K. Wright , dlloooseil: Fr"uk M. F o x Is Ilppci nte(l uelmini ptruto r . il ,100, W , 1:1. Hle~f rl erl . 11 , Bvud W K eslinl-( nllrt " Je r llmiuh Ne ihlo &re II PlI oi II t oel a pprft Isel~. 'I In tbe lDlltter of SI m eo n Williams Jr. d a oullseu . W . Fred Withams Is app oi ll~ed admini s t rator. Bond $1 &00, J llbn (ioddurd Howar<l Imes and R ury Settlemyre are appolmed llllpraillors , In the ruatt.!}r or Bnrnhart ~ mear~ . A JlPI!Clst! on f o r ftdtUls~l on of sume to Day t on Stllte B O ~l'i t' l1l, ill UlndC'.


the:y satisfy'


When you're real 'thinty-cold water! It aatisfies! When you want to .mokeChesterfields! They satisfy! But, Chesterfield:. 'are mild, too.!' Thi8 new kind of enjoyment-mildn•• together with Usatis fy"-offers .moker. what no _other cigarette can offer. _because 'no cigarette maker can copy the ChesterField


blend! Get this new kind 01 enjoyment ' today. Get Chesterfields!

Au , tlctivn tin. 100 Ch II trrfiold. lI ~ nt , prCla."id, on rec~ipt of 60(', iJ Tnut 41 cal e r cannot. .upply you. , .J.ln ".: U'tI: r tt &. Myer. Toh,u:tD Co., .2 1Z Finn A~ e, . NDW YorL. Cit7

Anlhony W, ThomA S, Ilih orer, nnd BM t,hll MIIY Robi usoo, both of Lo ve lll nd , Clnenee J . Brown, IItlltO ~t .'l s ­ t10id n o t Billnahos t e r. lind Ethlll ,le. Klnm.yo f Pisilsant I:'l0in . Rev . •1, H. Fitzwater.

Common Pleas Court New Suits


20 for tOe or

Marri0J:c licenses

-and yet they're MILD

11I l(l Ih!' eye. 'Mllny Hu ch 1 1l' llI' !! ~ li re Emml\ Wl e tlt Jrn va, Fr ~n l! Wl e. 11.1 I'd wllh '''I!I!lIl', IInL! Sel'CI'lll cns,," lIf ,u n rn. divoroe. St" '('ru injury 111'1.' l'el' (,rt ~d, In the Lnurll B, McN anoy VI! Phillill .\. .. dtl\'l'~ ,Ir Ol'hlltllllll"'o~y. Dr. n. .J r , MoNlluey alld f bI' l!'ur !Ie r~ ~l cC llrrl y t e ll ~ of II you llg IVU"llIlI wllo Blink or Hprlngbo r o. dlv l1rOb IlOd IIOt oll ly hll r.l Ih whitt! of Iter eye stlllllt'd hln (' , bllt who h il t! tn hrtl'c lin alim on y , ol.crulloll l,c l'(or lll l'd t o SI' (llIrlltr Ihe Procccdin)1,s IU\\'('r IIti tl''''" the ey"brtll . !lIPs!' hll\' In t:ue mn tter ot tb e uppoht m e nt lug gru wll together In the hl'allng of of ,Jury U0 1llllliwtri on e r for W 'lrr e ll Ih e l!l)l·(! . I' I ·l\llu ~,'. ' by thu II III II Ull. County.. Jobn M. Mulfo rd Ilud - -- .... - * J o bn W. li'enlyor6apllnlnted , W . H.. :Mullenix lit III 'vs . Ellzu. uet b I:l wall. Moti e n for ll fl Vl' trl ft l 'lverruled lIod plilintifi' i8 ordered ttl It 18 II great risk to t·ravel wlthou' reoo vor ~ tlm o f $5:1 fr om d e folllltln t ,,!JottleofCbllmberlftln 'IICol\o,Uhol. Clu'olllle !,Coule VB. ,lOR8ph B rown e ra find Diarrhoea. Remedy, 88 'btl et Ill. P lIrtitl ou proceedln~9 ord or ed . pre pnratloc Monot be outalned State o f Ohio VS, J o bn K ee ver ~he tr ... ins or tltenmships. At,tnob Plen,led u n t guilty , Bllill10 ntl fix llu ,'f bow e l oomplllint ara otten ~udden 11\ $ 500. Lut e r ch nn ged IJle14 to '\Del very Bilvere, anel cveryon A ~nl!ty . Pl11:!8ill l,t o f Rentllnco wns ~ bonld go preparod for tbem. Ob. taln.ble everywhe re . t1eferrod unt!llu ter.


~~"(l11l S


General Gallienl's EpIgrams. Bills Allowed-Inquest o v e r boey 'I"'h(' l u tl' (h' n t'r lll (; :l lIl l\ 1I1 \\'11r: 1\ mns of Gil,"~ Ei o lm eR, ouron er l.Iud wit. o es~,$H tlfi. Xallll.l City W o rk Bou~p ' ''I' !If "rll;rllllllllflllt' "x-III' r '~HI 0 1l8 OIlro ,ul(l kt'eplngpriso llerR fo rm oD tb 'J)rJu't c l'Ulrl7.C' 1111 111 ~' P IJ 1': l ll rt'lIlt!dy,' 01 J (lc e $ fl:1 5U, WII~oll lI nl2l 'ls h!lc, I" IIIII! whkh ,,1<1 11 111 ... 1 IlI'I' lIl {II"or In bntilll o t J ohn 1:1. Dyne8, $7G. 0 1~I'III1 ~c. /l1It1 lulJ,:hl lop rl' ('II lIlIlI l'llIl II to A . J tllU e s, repairi ng oh"in' lit IJ. H. ,.. Itl c!'\ h.'re. "If YOll'\", gilt hl'urns, USl $i2 'i J ohuL"wDud800,auto serv. I h (l lU; If not, pl a ut l'Ullhf1g't H." WII S un loe Ir Or tlurv e vo r, ~H.aO. 0. W . OJ her of the gc n (!1'Il 1'~ s llylll r;s. "l:ict i;1'8 rlr s. r Olldw ork: LJ nloJII townshlp III IIIg!! gill n g. II n.1 kN'11 thC'1U \:olllg: fGt. UbllrlcH J . t;lobwart.L, snpplil's untl "Sny whnt y,m Wllnc !l unr. !JUI fo r Janitor . $:J A, B. 1{loufln"n , llon't ~HY more UlIIU n JUIIII Cltll r emem .. pn ln t ~ 111l "he8 for Ju.Dltor, $7, 1j7 h~r .H w el'n two othL'r l'ouIlHel !;.- ' Vust. Le wi s Grus • freight and drayage OOe· mlus tcr UIlZl' ttC. E J ti t dd Itt' 8 ------~.~ ~.------'J e, 0111, IU!S I llU n. arvey. o r , $,. 1rnstees Puhllo Affair light, f ' I d U £1 $34 9tl 1 b I o r J~ BO M' ~ edl WHY tIlOO~~, UXtP?r u· . f ' ound I, Alldl It lan't neoejlaary to have a stuffed ur, ,,-,oun y 8 a llre. ees ne u, t ot' ~uld Trel.l8Urer, Ill ,31i, L :mls bead, running n 01l8. To oough Jour F , Co le man, 00rupen8fl.tlon for ser. belld off liS It were. All yuu !ieed vl ce!1 r,ondered BOlild of Revi~ion, do is to USII Dr, Hell'. Pine.Tllr.Hon. $15. J9 hn Wolfe, (lontract,. $187 10. ey, 'rhe soothing and beallog b1l18am~ open the ologged air paR. I&gell lind In a IIhort tllDe you Iret relief and star' on the road &0 re oovery . Your nose .tope runJ;lIJ;lf \I Or co urse_It ,sbould! . For a!tor It you oongh lOMe lind you know you are gelting better. Get a ho.tllI 8tret~n Ous da~' when your mnsole. bRve' b een exerohied to tue limit all nse a. dlreoted, Keep what III left appl! c\l t loo of !:lloRn'lt Llmmeo.t will lUI a oough and oold lnlnranoe. .~ .all e the ~ort!now~ and stlO'ness II.way Bnd ge' ynn In fine 8IlBpe , ~o r the morrow. You ehould al80 ~ n8e I, , Creation. for" sudden IIUliok of toothaobe ' To the 811111 , total ot tbe mutter nnd stla neck, baotllake, I!tlhjlB, blte@ Ql\CI'IW or til£! 1111lvors" 1I0thing boa and'tbe tU&oy aooldeut .. that are in. 111'"" h ~en IIduet1, nlltl from thl!m noth· olden'ol to Il vaoatlon, "We would Ing hll~ e,'or been Mubtrul'ted. Thiogs all BlOon leave our baggage Q Iro on nro lH'rtll'tl1Ully ChllD,.;lllg truin ono • va,olitlon or ollmp out without fO~1ll Into IIltnther-trolll one fonn or ~Iuan'ti Liniment ." Wrlt08 one VI. mattl'f to Bnother lol'm of matter, eatll Did: "We ule " 'for 'every. (rom one form of force to another from orampt to toothaohe." form of torco-but amidst the eternal boUI. III ,our be pre. .transformnUon 1l0tbiDI Is UGBte<!, anll have DO'" DOtIIIDlr aDDUIIJatecL 1


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h 1t~ Uti ' n"I"'~~ l1r~t

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til' :

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your wonell' r; It Is 1I II s ",'ry 1'111 11, ti,l" UTlpUrf'n l IlIr' IIlH ls ll' I"',\' 'n( 1I11111r1'. IlInl or I'IHIII' 111111 Imu\\'h,tlg", IlIuklrq; h lUl

Walter, Chandler


tWaynesvillc. O.

brln g~


ou l

IlI nn'!'; ~lIp r{l I'll(" fo\ l

tlll lllltl . ·~

verlwhh· god,"

Felt Her Lonellnesil. "I ~lIl l J!n!i"

p lU rnls... y uu r l i u ~ll l1 lHl

tl!rrlbl.l''l'' '' In''I'PI I) li n. )'nll "IIII't Imugl llP 1I0\\' lone ly I, lint \\'1\ h "n IJIIO In thl' hllll'.· tn ~O lll moll .t."- I1.' 1rolt Free Pr' ·Sl<.



ift d Ad a

.... B . . . _ _.......,...."""......""............."'..........................."".......... WANTED

- - - ---- -- ------


Over POItolflee,11

H '''I~ Plallu' ll

O/f\oe Pbone 71

Dr J A McCov . ~,






(] d



r~ ua e



Oblo S





Office at rOIlidenee in F. 11 Sher wood'a house, Fourth Street.

Elavll vou rn.rm or otber F AH.MBl~oal E.tlite for B ~le? It \tBt 1\

Telephone 28 lit) sllme ut oOOe with W. D. Chllndler, Ohio Waynelwille, UhlO, or anll h ere at ~ayne8vllle. Phone No 77. I !tllVIl iI fow ((00<\ out of town Iluyers wbo !ire destr_ --. 008 ot looking lit property In &nd BA~NHA~T, arouud Wftynesville ' Don't de lilY I AUond to tble lal. once. Notaryj ', Publl~ W. U, Ohandler , ~- .

s. v.

- To borr o w l,bonR. W ANTED and dolhua. sooorod by nrllt 0110

mor'@'lIge ut Gperoent Intere@t Ad. dress Loot Box 58, Wllynesville, 6hlo. j2.



t o £l ilY.


ronl nct II'lIh pllln, nll.1 ),.' 1. wl!!hlf,(ly IIssnlll('~ 1111' h ll rtl.'I\. ~'h l' !:rt,.11 phy·


-----. - "'-- -,


Nature's Plan. NlIll1rl', tll O ll1 "dll ,,'I\' . ~ 1111111 of Ihtl

Aniline Pollon. the Eye. Wh "11 8 h ll l·p~nl llJ.; tl colureU I1cncll b n en ref ill not to ge t "II~' ur Ih., dlls t

Commissioners' Procccdints

, .'




' j. 'j

All ' kinds of No'uy Work. WUII and Deeda 8 tlpeela",..


__ ..,...-/

t ;




11m going intofbuslnes8 and will

my now homo at ouoe, IOOlltl,d east of Corwin, (lhlo. A 180 R• BATHA W A. Y bor'!" , oow, waglln, toolE'. 0\0 , PlI,oo 000&"ln8 2,Y. Ilores, Ii room houee, Wlltt1Nv111e'8 Leu~nlr DoDltl' cellar. gement wallts, largo ohioken MaiD 8& bonle, out bulldlllaA. etu. !'or par- Oftloo in Keya Bldg, Monlan lee JamaR A , ' WhUflore, U. 2. Wayne8v1l1e, Obio , 1111 RIIII

y. miles

200 B1lshels ot go~d oorn. For Information oa ll J . 1:1, YII,n., dervoort. PhoDe 33-:1, Wayneeville, Ohio. d

THIl Hotel and Livery Barn In Oorwin, oan eell 1& t.o you vllry obeap If lold loon, Nloe 6 room houee tn Oorwln' .,,11 oheap a"d, Klve flood term.: W. N, 198rl. Wal'nOllvlllll. O. a2



wUh heHer caln., )'or in formldlon 0,,11 on lin . .A.DDle Glbbonl, K D. 4, Wa,. DlinWe, Oblo. Y JUUI Jer.ey CoWl!

D .fI.E.


Funeral Director. WaynesvUle Ohio -EJTILER":"

Auto Equlpmeilt

Ho....Drawn equipment


.'" ' .'



.' )


_.. -... -. . . ---1----------.------.. . .------ t I lHE NEIGH !




It co l ml'nrl ing- It Tn Her Fr il'nds




As \Vrlt t en by Our Cor p~ of ~ ' c Corrcst)u mlents in th e Nc j~ h bo r ho( d . I f

PI' \l 1:1 1" I 0, t "lt t .a l ~ . :"; :l ~ 'f<ll·,. jo e Il a J' ro v,'11 r. ('lId.-lll d t t) 1J('r .

.-..--=----------0- - ------- _;..._

I . 11( '

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P J~ af\" I1 ) Jll l llr. <.: 1 ' I: t . 1 1~ 11 \ 1I1j l ' Ju, " f l,t". flh ' lI t :-. Ilf ot,r tr lt ~IUJ~ 1111" ' ·"1lC'1' lt\tI~· " Iu' ,\ }-1 111 J,. U ,l\l I lit-I.\' U'-t l ~ HW(' I·t" lI rIl J 11(1111':0. 1 li t \\ J,Ul ltlc\Y Il r . ) \ IIII t .. ' III """",1 1"- " !'t 'ILIIH I " , h ~llIltI ­ JIlt III 1' !!III I1I"; Crull I " JI lt \\ 110 had ~ I" ' II ' n U r l 'tI U\ j. 111 ,I".,um \\ Iw r t' ~ h l I~ \\ t II 1. l h l\\ Ii Ilh ~ II ~·. , .... !t,· h II p rr.,l ln , .. ~\ n llill ~: t ' ""r l . \\ 1., . J'( I"I I ,I. R III It. ,,..ll ,n . blill I ... J\\~"'''i 'I'>''I 't l h f ll ','" "" ,/ d IIII . J ,'j ill I,. 1" lll't\ lit Il~' r 11 . ~ " o\l lil t 1104 ;111" I \\ IIII II/IC f•.JI· Il n r -111'1 0, "/ "'1'11 hil l' t il \ ,·rlf j I Ill' 'I+I\\" I I U l'1iI, 'lt lt l 1' ·,lI rltfll!!. ,!. Ilm ' .. .. ,llrt·n ·.1 'n lltl "[" flJlld. I ruUI .I .. ro l' III" \1:' ... ' " " \I ' n ~ tAlt r.'t II thl ' f,'I" ' "1.1 ' I\ ~ d . I .. Ullft HIIII I ~~ I' (' I'''' III J 1I;,.d III / "~ "' 1,'11:-. l:ill 11I ' :1I1 :H'11I'~ 1\11 I f\1tI-t' J #\11 tl II ~ h ' ( rl"" I l \\ 111111 1 (, 'nuIII" u!tll ,'IIU "\ ' ~ n hi fu rtu 111 111 \ -llllu. uh, I IUIII P ' lll1" «IJ lI \t ' rhl~~ I,l "! )', U h d


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1I' :l lI !.\ ; l'I1.ln l


THE MIAMI Il b ll. h~ U

Wook l y ' .1



hy local uJ1 pli.ntio ll ~, IU th y (an nul r~lI c h tho dioe asrd port ioll or Ihe ear. Ther.

is onl, Ollt ""' t ll


(Iltorrhlll d . .. r"e.s ,

U. L . CRANE, E ditor and Manager aod tba t Is t.y u c,," ~ tilutiullUl , ~ ulcdv . C. t .... ha l V"IJ, (lIe 55 i9 cau w d I by li D Ii,.

IIIImed cu udi l iOIl Il( I he m .,L'OUS li " in): 0 1 th .. ES ll aabiao Tulie. \vh~ 1I Ihl~ tu bt, is InHu mod Imve B rUll1 blillg sounfl or im pe lle~t he llrln~, ~ nd "ben It i, elltin'ly < II,"~ " . O"du • ., is Il 'e reaul! . Unless the i"H.lIlUtiuu elln l~ . ed u<~d 1Il1d this lui,,, 1C!lrOlt d to it a f1oro uti CUflllit iuu , hCtlrill C, "ill be deltro yed fo r~ " er. Nan, ell5<' s of dealne.. Nn, ellu ""d byeu tarrh, whic b i ~ all. in llnIDcu couditl" u OJf 110. mU COllS s ur· la eoi . 1-1 1111 '. C"tll rrh Cure nets thruugh Ihe bl ood on Ihe IDU CO US s ur faces 01 the sy sle ll1 . We will give One ·Hunelred Doll1lu lor l"41wer w orUlY I1ppllla will be l o ld nn)' ('1lS<: or Catarrh,,1 lk" fncesth"t ea nnll l In O hi o Ullif leol. tbl 8 filII If grow ere be cured by lI all'. Ca ta rrh Cu.e. eireu · la u Iree . All IJruHKi st s, 76e . 'pr"y tllelr 'roils 10 tbla lIII1110D of P . ,. CII nN r-;V & CO., Tuled u, O.

J U LY 20, 19 16



'b e YOlr a~dD S \ 'be eeoond brood of tbe oodllng m Olb . whlob Rppearll trom Julv Hi ' 0 AI/leaH' 16, dtlJlHnd. Inlt UpOD tbe s eotioo or Iho tllale, Mod of theRe worm II will ho de .hoyed bilfore they bore luto ' I b,'

allples II Iprltyed thorough IJ a' th e rl~ht , tlrne with anllll .. hl o. lead I" ,ho propor'lon of 3 p oandM 10 00 lIa1lu08 of ' ", .. 'er li A . G 08s.rd nt thl! Ohio lI:xperlQllln' MtaUoo, In oooporaUon with Il\flmbers of Ih .. Oh io Htl\\o lIorti oultnrlll 8110111')1 , h. ~ found \bal tbtR "pray mu~t be u ~a lllll· HootilOrll Obl o ab o o, Jol~ 20, to Ihflllllntul put Augus t 1" 0 6, aml 10 thfl our I h e ro Iblrll of tbl' Mtate AlI ~ n.1 16 In ~u o ll baokwarti ae1l 80.,8 .. ~ 191 ~ IInll lU III, Tbe tlUIl' of ~pr .. ylllll with' Ihlp Ilolli on 18 orlll olll hellllll@e 'he w o rmll ano o bore InCa Ibe 1t1)llle" a"or hlllohlna,

-----. - . ---


)' OU· olOn

pboll .. II) "No, AllI! dl<lIl 'I !" h o " Ot'lt N'o l r d , Itls .volel' grow ing In uller. " Rlto; "D Id, ' You tell yo ur witI' to Klop !l! loplt on ln!( Roll· ert Lamhorn 10 I'oml! IIII II ' SI'C IJl'r , be· call~ t' bp Is u't go lo ~ to d o It !' Tlm!'R wblll slle s oll1! .'n(1 I Wll llt to lenow wb llt It m1'U 1I9 . I Intl'nl1- " ., Dlnld apPl'n red at th' 10 w I'r ('od nr tb .. 111111. " nlon,'r IH r~ lIl1 y , " Rh ~ ~l1 ld . IIlId . g l"lng the Irouloll'(1 Ilu lr 0111' g lno!'I', \<'('nl d l'ID llrr ly Int o th l' IUnlrl ): room. R o~c oe dl sregn rd('ll th t! lu te r· ruptioo. " I In ll' hll 10 kno w pxu l'tl y whal b ns been ):olng Oil, " Itl' d ..,' lured. " I mpao to kno w JURt whuI - " SIby l Ju m p ~ t1 uP. Rllnost lOI1 ~h l n g biOI . standin g fo !'e 10 t OL'e with him. '' ~b, you do!" e be crIed. s hrilly. " You meRn to know jus t \Vbat'A what. do you 1 You IIAt eo to YOllr slate r 1081011· attlll! IIgly tblngs a oout yo ur wHe. and tbtln you COWl' b owe lDaklojf a. Bceue befoN! Ibe IMIrYADII ud humlllatlog

me 10 tIIelr prelencel Do you luppose tbat Irlsb gIrl dllln't bl16r Il,'ery word you snld1 .Y ou ICO 10 tbere olld fOot YOllr dinner IIlonel 00 Oo! Go 1I0d eat your dllloe r alone-because 1 wou't cot with you l" And sbe broke OWII}' frOID tile de tllln· log grosp hI' Hought to fl1 Sle n upon her, lind doslled up tbe s tolrwny, paDt· log. B e beard the d oor o f b er room , lam overbpad, alld Ihe .barp click of tbe key In the lock.



o. ..

.. t.lonll~ur Ikaucalre. 'J1Ia CGIIQ\lcet of c.r.aut..o


tlllt'riltHO go,' c 111111 a grin. "l'erbops prelly "oon you'lI b(' 1('lIln' UII eluly eDou j('1I to lIull 1101111(8 lI e ro rt~ I d ol" It W8 R n Hlrl'llt. und ntbbs rt'p cn te<l tbe Bub8t1I1IC'e ot It. l at .' r tn tile e \"e· Din g. 10 31"ry \',·rlr.'(' R- they ball (,Olll (, to know O'IH'b o lh ~ r th ut w ell. "~y tlru,,'s br l'e Ilt 1,l s l," be 88 111. 118 tbry 8 8t to!; et hr'r In tile meln ncboly g OB light Ibe rO,1111 whll'll hnd been d eIlulh!d of Its JlIII Il O. ,nut th e g8 ~ lig ht. tbough from R s lu g'" j et. shed n o n", IHllcho ly UPOII Hibbs. nor ('Quid o uy room 8 ,·~m bll re 'hnt kn ew tb l' IIlow· Ing preacll ce of Mury . He spoke lightly, not lodly. "\'''8 . It's co me. I' ve sblrkelJ and put It all'. hut I (,811' t shirk olld Imt off nu r longe r. 11'9 rell ll), my part to go t\l hlm- allea st It w o uld SBVt' my fll ce. H e lIH!t1I1 ~ wllut he 9I1YS. aDd tile tlme'8 ctlUle to serye lilY s eutence. Dllrd labor 101' lire, I thlok ." Mary s hook be r belld. "I. don't tblnk 10. H e's too kind." "You tblok m,v futher'l Idod?" And Bthhil stnred at ber. "\' 1'8 . l'U! sure of It. I've felt tIIat hI! hus a grent, brov e b ellrt. U" ooly tilat b e had to be kilid In lila OWD wOJ - beclluse - be cuu't uDlleretand aoy other wuy." "Ah YCB," 8111(\ Blbbe. "It tIIat'. , wllllt yOu m enll by 'klud,!,' Sbe looked at him g ru,'cly, earDem cOIicem III her frt endl y eyes. "It's 110' Ing to be pre tty hllrd fo r yoo. hn't ItY" "Oh- s elf· lJ!tyl" be r uturued . smiling. "This b88 bee n :luat the IIlSI Olcke r of revolt. No bo(ly mlnde work If be likes the kInd of ",'orl!. Tllere'd be DO IOllfers 10 the worM If elleb DlOIl .ouod tbe tblug tbnt be ('oulll do bcst; but tbe ouly work I bllllpen to Want to do Ie udeles8- eO I bll Ye to give It up. T O; morrow 1'\1 be a iJay Inborer ." " Wbut 18 It IIke-cxactly?" ' "It W8eu't lUusculllrly exbauRtlngDot at all. Tbey eoulllu' t give me • hCIlvler job because 1 waen't 800d cnougb." "But wbat will JOu do? I want to koo,y.," "WbeD i left," I8ld. Blbb8, "I wall 'on' wbat they Nil over tbere a 'cUpplug macblue,' 110<1 tbat', wbat I'll be sent bllc k to. It'. very , 81wple and \'el·)' easy. I feed loog s trlp8 of !dll (, tuto • plllr of ateul In \\'e, and tbe jaw8 bite J bl' zinc loto little circle!. Aod ye t I'WIIB B ve ry bll<l bund at It!' He bnd kept bls volcu cheerful all be Illoke, but be bad .rOWH a IIbade paler, aud there WIIS • lateat anguish _ doop 10 bl. eyea. He ma,. bave known It aDd wlsbed bllr not to see It, for he



"You do that all dA,. long I" abe es· She broke all', and tbeD, otter a k een glnnre at ble lRee abe eald : "I Aholiid tlllDk JOu wouilJ bne beea a 'blld banI! at It'!" fIe lauibed ruefull), . "I thlok· It'" the noLse, thoogb I'm uhamed to u,. It. Yon aee, It 'I' a Tery powerful mu· cbloe, anll there'. a IOrt Of rbytbmlcul craebtna-a craib eTel'J' Ume tile jawl bite olr a eire I.."

cJatwed. "No woooor-"

SPRINGBORO Wr . and Atu. J nbn Walklnp, of FIIlOkl\o, 8peot the week e n d here ""h lir. aod Un . lJ ltll~ Hmltb . Ed Woodw a rd aDd 'lIwll,. aod Charles HI8ke allon' l::!uDday at t..ebltnOD 'be lIae-I' of Mr. and Air., II:lw(.or'h Blake . M,. P~lrl\la Millor bill! returned w her howe In Ctlntll fvllle _I\llr an I>xlended vilU wUb Mra Mary Bru.e ,lp &lId daoghter. Mr, ~nlJ U,n J08eph Browu, I,f


Oay,oD, Waller ROller lind family, li:rned U, uy lind d,,08hl o r of RtdlfH. ville were Ruea'. of Mr. and MIP . \1:, 1\, Noll one dl\v la.' wllDk . I'rof .• nd U". Et.ller Spahr re· lorned .helr home _, An80nl~ .ner an uteuded v .II' with tbe laUer'1 parent., aDd M .... J. W .


• Ipl 4taIla a 1IIlDute-a Uttle thaD ODe a -.eoIUL" I "AIIA "wi pkIM eo

~_ _



:~;,hr::I:fco:;. dingl e

nnjny l n~




\\',, 11; \' n l'11

fH II I" ,.,(",



t lli ' lill



\ : 1t 11111-;

' 1I11J1l,(' r iu



To ' very ( 11:-> 111111 'r , 110 m alte 'r wlt a l tit , a mou ll t of II is pllrc hase. Come a lld ta lk m 'er ',)Ilr p la ll s wit h us. \Vp l'all s h uw you ho\\' t sa vc III m e y . in 1m ing- a ll k inds of bui l d ill g ma teria l.








jSaxon Six Livery I





---_. - ....-- --

Funeral Director· . and Embalmer,


Peterson &.Stoops Waynesville, O.





r1I okln ~

preve nts

oo ugblll~ .







more RBYIKOTONI,'II• •lIlTa.......... . · y-y,~ I4IID Tne:= tt.. ,_ ".. MaIIcIII. . . . . . . .... ~'IT. . JOUlIDMI'. . . . ",p.....


---- -----


tho h od y wi t h Dr. K tng ' ... New DIM OOV_ , ery lu d u oes n"tllral 8 18n p ontt "Id tl CONSTIPATION AND INDIGESTION . frlenda ud rel.&I,el a& Mlddle&own lust Mlln (!flY Yr. and Mn liltrry oatore to c ure y ou -.' 4_ " 1110 VA II Oll Cbjllll bllrllllll '~ Tnh · tble week. li:!lrDhar' and daoght&1II Ru,h and lo t~ no el mOllt s ny th e y rife lho bo~ t Mr. aDd Mrll. Johne, Mr . .. nd Mra Lena . I Ill! ve' ov or nsod for 1\0 n ~t lJl o tl ol1 Jo. epb Cleven~er aDd dAu.rbl ,r, all tlder Billiard and wife ,\nd ' MrN . li nt l lu i la os t;loo . My wlf,e IIj MO oA eel of DaytoD, were 'be !:Ion day dInner Cliver of BIBDoh tister, Mra Amanda ~ bo tJ1 t o r In oJ igll!itl"u and I.h oy di ,l IU8ll\8 0' Mr, IDd MFI. ClareDoe ~mllh lind MIH8 Rebeooa Orllmer, of h or !lood," wrlto8 EUB oIlO~. Kni g ht" Crolley, W.ynellVlllo wert! eDtel'tRined tit Wl lmin gtoo, N , C. C ll1lm bo rln l n ' M lb. and Mn, W. A. No!I, 11I18el the pI811811n' bOUle of Mlu Ali oe LOllnd e r ll o pkl1l8, of Lo~ Angll lrs, ' ['nhl otll are 1111101 nn d ge n tlo In t ll11ir !i:dUb aDd Of oil Monnl, A~na )hry CheDowetb IBRt Sonday. GILl., 18 vislt lDJ,( 111 s fa th or h nr e , Mr . !lotl nn . lHv o t ill III n h iul. Y o u !II all, Alloe B.• re, Mell" Carl Btad. Mallier Willie Urate bas boro DIl \l lc\ 1:!0pkinM, · \t, . \) l ln~ n Irn:J8t nro cortal~ t o b e plooilod with Iho .'rell. Uube. :-lutl, .. nd Lelloy Earn. Bnfferlol wl'b' 'he mUlDpa tlli r ly y eILrs Hioo o h e VIMlt!l1f his n.g rooa ble loxtIotiv e l>ITOOt whlob t h o! b6r1 .pent SODd.y nenlni a' prodooe, ()\)tlllnuhl e ov · rywb pr o. Mr • . Ohllrlell 8rllddooll WBe Ii Day- hom e Ilis t . P.\o'ao'• .Park . ton vl8\&or oae day lu~' weok', Th e B es s Br os, Rre mnnln g II j ib. Mr aDd IIrI . UeDry Dearth enler. Mr. anti Mre. 1'''omaa LIloy linter. ney bua from hAr e ' t o u~yton twloe 'alned at dlnller dunday tb. follo,,·. talned at a fl10111y dinner 111M 8un . lOll luell" : lhe HaUle AmOlon, d1l.Y, Tboso l)re80nt wtlre Wllrren II dflY. He Knew H o w It F e lt. Mrs. J oe DtIoug;h orty entertllined of Day too, Mr.. aDd "re. CIID' lAoy aDd bride, Mr .·Chtlll . LIIOY , of 'I'h£! ']'pi' cltcl'- ". ") 1),' 11 IJl II ' " li t S tlln· ~h o LI, dle~ Aid ::!ooiot y la st 'l'lIl1raduy De. ,,.. Mr. aDd M" Itober' D8arth A'III '_ hnll' I1l1d nil hl K Ht r "II 11th W li t DaytoD, air, lind Mrs. F , M . Cook, nft,o l·o o nn . and oblldren, of Franklin , lire MIIII Florence LaDy , Harry Lnoy Mr 1'I1I,my, of )\.on i ll, Ii'! v i'lltln B "l1 t or h1 11l. ' ~IIW. \\·It.' 11 HI li Snlnsnn·" liolt!a HI.ollborn. Mr. and ~Ire, Bnd Mrs, UIl,. Chenowetb aDd his 01lu ~ lu 8 Mr, nUll MrH. 0 . R . ~ l n!ll ~I" go o ut (If h i 1111 , YOII ru ny un· BeDDF BI"okburn, and lOll of Red ~\l"' I', Wll ll o." \\' I IlIl ~" 1 ~ 1H'S~ It UOD. Mr . lind MtI Cbel'er Crook- ohlldreD, P Il~,e r8 I1n . \\' lI z wh 'n he RJ'('II hl ~s It In th ' gll1 ~ ". " IAr aOll Mr • .' Flllnk l:IlIwHe . eu· ." a.d '41'1 Cllarlel Croo_e". Mr . ' illl ~ Lolm mo, of WllsIJlngton ' Iu\,o l ullu 1'lnl n I '''n It1r . MI •• I!'.clrle Gre, In • .. r.alned company from Ly\le l!\lIt. Mills, Is 8Arlo llsly ill. urduyevenlnlr oharmlna mlDDer ,be mem . Mr. and M rp, ,l n Dul' W b ltner8 Rnd MUll NoraEllla vlsltod ber bro ther fIImlly vt ~lto rt b e r s Is t e r Mr ~, Lour" bere of Ibe Swell' Slz&8ell Olub at her DOlDe ... , of 'own, tialorday af Carrlnllton Illlla and Wife, of WilY S nyde r, of n ORr Dny I,nll, IU8t :;11 t · Il_vllle, Suodai, ' •• "raooD nrd a y. A IInere electrical Itorm visited Mrl. BDyder, of Lebanon, b ... beeD Mike Mullen will on to rtaln \IJ o vleUID, b.r d"ollb'er, Mre, Cbrll oar VICinity' ~ooday eveulng A mom ben of tho oounoil of ClDolnuntl My Alm-You~ Trade delap,o' Wa'flr ft'll aooompaDled by a\ hla summer b ,omo b or e Dext Bilt. . Bambara aDd 'amlly, .;:: : - - .. lin. Will Orl~ alld lire. Loy ,~ ban aad wind whlob did oonl14er. orday . tle4 frlead, aDd relaUvel.' I5aIlD. able l'Iama,lI'to RrowlDg oropH. 'l'wo I:larry 'forDl'r" .Ir ,Ie QOlltlood ' 0 'lU ALITY- Above the Standard barUI tn Ibll viol were Uraoll by Ibl WH_ ead, . It\lbtalD, bn' DO lIerloQII dalDaie In- hie homo witb moaslos SERVICE- That can't be beat Mre, Winton ~l'ayl or Is very Ilo k 10ecl.



Announcements l


.iiE. .


!lDll drl v08 n Mrl< ,I(.o li n H('\ lI c h il" n Mr , nnd Mr~. l rvln l{ l Jn!,l n rw onrl, v fr o m L tz l\ MrC"''' IIR "I l i n v ~on . lIH of Ul\y'o n, w or n I( n oN t H lli~t wM k 0 1 MrR. M nrlom n a 1I " /{ 1I 1l nn ,1' I ll n I "'I' wn ~' cllr~ ng n J IIllfl'n r ori f r om Mr . U Dde rw ood' 1I AIHtu r , J\trH. J'lIu l MIIY C0 111 ptnn I no \( 11inl111r wllh ~l rR j rrrfl l1l111t ntt lln k s II f " t o n11l n h I,r o n b l" / Buyer s ( H't Quality Gu aran t eed on Mooro, ,Jnn n tn B l'nYC H Vriday . 11 1111 ln lio Il Ro n!<s," wrH,oB Mi R ~ I'; mnu\ MI R8 Ann DOH te r, of thn Lnhnn on ~'1\' nrn l f ro ru li o"I' wnro Rh nJljl l ng , \ 'nrl ,ry lcn, L i m n, ( Ih\ o . ' T co nld All S upplies U nlvor-liy , Hlllln\ Hllturdn y ' ~n d In .x on ifl l""turd .. y . M.I, v nr .\' li ttl n f ooll t hat nl:'rlled 'iondllY t h o "" 0~ t of hor 111l1 nllt tl , Mr nnd Mrs. Z h nl'l l"dl1n~ (l Il Ll (l d WI \ h m o Rml1 h N!R I1Hl RO rti zz y Rnd D " . lr'li At, m y s t olll1l c h fi t I l m n~ thft' I Mr . an d Mr s IiJ. ll. Du s t or, o f llilnr o n Il om nn (.o I11I'I o'n , M O Il (tll~·. 1111 (1 \"1 Lll k o h nlrl o f RnJ n l't hln '. to h e-e. ... krwp from fol lin g. f; Ol1lllg C b lnn Mr . and Mr s '.OWiA Pri llo " p on t bM lu lo '" TllhI B . ~ o l l\'n rl i ~ ArI 1 110· H n"d~y wllb frl o nll MlIt , :ll1r k A"l lI o oi,l (l(1}O tr y t.h om I 11I1p t ll WlI1 r"p. lolr. .tnd hlr.. W I, lI ~ r vny REMEDY Ilrll y . l \)tllll1l,1I1 n n vo ryw h ll r o, 'rno ~ lI o t.fJd \)u"lneps III Willll i oll to n H.. turd .. y. ~~ \l o ry r"11) II,, w ith llu t, f1 xr " I' I,I (1 o The movi es stro oll: onr t o w n fo r s lHl u lri k n Jl t hl ~ p r.n p l1r nt i nn l, 1 hn lld two nIMbi .. 11I8t w Oll k and s b o wo d t o rtllrin ,:: th o h nt we 11 th or II f Ih Cl !!I ll III. liro wde ll h , ItI ~f1M IIIAr l1l o nllr A ( :lIl1lo)l1(1 r lllln 'A 'olir" Mr. and .Mn, ~' rllnk Forn fl lw ll , o f C h nl o r ll 11 1\ (1 lJl u rrllllen l { e lJ l ~ll y I ~ Xunlll, al e gu eMlli of Mr. b'orn"hnll 'R wo r th II HLn y t1111 ( '~ I t." 0 ·t, wh " " . p!lrenlll, ltr Bnd Mry. Ja8pe r M oro e ~, ncod od [I n ri III al111o;:t IlrtIL ln t n 1m Th n "~pinR lers ()O n voD t l. on " given HIgh CaW"g. of EtIo8t .... 10 Itreut . Lilli .. W ult",·,!; lI'lO'l,! \\'11 8 IIttn"'I P',I · • noodod b o for e t he su mm a r iR ovo r, ,It II I W ollllln n ~ ch oo l h Oll RI) Su t til l it r: 1II11,Itlijl1ry (J"l lIl rl nlPnt. Nntllr· (l'!UCU:) RIO/iT ) Mre, Ch.s , P,IIl, of nll flr Wliy noR. [t, h nR nr> ' n Jle rlo r f or I,lI o J.lurp o OR I nr llllY ovollln,:: WIi !! fJulto a SlIOOA 1\ ,.\lIo, apllnt tlDnlltlY' with hill' !Uoth l or w htoh ii, iH In l oll llll(l. Buy 11', '1'110 "OILl lU 1lld,, " d ill t h olr lI AHt anti ully , lilli e W,(\h' r \\' 11111 (" 1 til kllllW no w. Oblll in ellin O\101'Y\ll ll or41 t h o IIIlls ln b .V Ml sReR Ad n Mi ollfln e r whll t Iha l IllOll n . er, lin, Mary ('rabaOl . I t! fllr h,' r ex· _ _ _ • _ . _ _. lIod (; It hn rtne l~l h ho n ll Wil li Une . IlhtlllvLl lhllt It \\'III! th" C""l1"I""II~Y'~ (Gu"n,11lccd ·I ,~OO mile.) Mr. Ed l..ullen8 and Ron , Lllvl, Tho dlroo t o r H MIRS F n YIl Kl lts l\nd duly to RUllll y Iii I' Il hll t! r~ \\'1 111 fon,1 ' l'lbtu 1/n n.l'lkhl were VI""ors at, the (~ o oon C ity tl n n . 'TI ~.I 'J'ru&<! , Mr . U OWIl ItI .\1 0(;1 nino Il ro t o b e IInrt 11rluk HIIII tli,' 111m. 'I' h~ , .....~, "'l XI tiay . OCIIIl Jl lu il e n t od. IIhY II Iolily IIlW' to c un 11 11,1 '.(~ke,d I 3t)x :1 $,U.8 0 $ 11.45 Mr. Bn(1 Mrs . FloYH A nd or AO n il nrt 12.65 15.00 Mr. Rnd M r A. I':d Mull on IIml \Vn ltl'r how hl ~ I 1Ie1 ,' Pn\11 "'HS . 'R e 8 30x 3,Y. ion , of Xenlo , Wllr e o.lIl1nl': o n r oln. 1; .4.5 16. 0 do ughto r , o f Dity l Otl , fin d Mr . Rnd 11.11'." Hll ld t ho young "IIUl . "U"'/I 0 3 ')x 3 1 ~ IIve e lind IIcqufllntnn oe s b ur o tlun - h ---Mr H. Ell R enHo n , o f Bnrvoy s ltnrg, \\Tu ll er now." d1l1 . Mr. ADders on r eturn ed h01l1ll M~. Hnrry RlI flw nnel fu mll y on ofl ll od o u Mr A. Mltr y CleavAr nt til l' leaVing Mrll Ander soo aorl 80n I, ) enjoy the oountry for a tow daY8. t f' rl il i n ecl HRIIl U, I lJo lw ,"ll ll ml f llm l ly 1I0 mo o f ber dno g ht er MrA. Davis Mondny nft orll oon Mr. lind Mrs . W. W . W e loh, flS· S und uy. P hoo~ 90-3 CORWI N, OHIO AI He Sized It Up. Mr ll. RORn Pll t O(>, nf Mt . Anb nrn , Miss And r e y CJl oll ve r, of r.ebllnon, 1118ted by t ll f'1r eon, 'I'h o ma ~ , entor. T h o Olrl" l' o ll M flY Ih ut M l d~ l'lIdde I~ vl s l.lin g Ai r s R o b er t B lI lI l lI ~o r. Is vis itin g h e r ne n t Mra . W. T . J o r tamed for dinner Bood"y , Mr . •tn d II n ll Jllc'le I''' tt li re t n he ", ur rled. Why, MrH. W. C. Wel ch !lnd famil y, Mr . MIs8 1n ll 8 tl0lllt n n W" 8 i n La u n n on dnn. , and Mu, R. I. , U~klo an,1 Bo n , Frod , tro m Frldny unlil I> u nduy VIH lti Di Mlta B e le n Hn'Th oek n rrlved J 1111111 't klll)w tb oy knnw !lal'!) ,uller." 'I'ho Cynl c" T hey !lnn't. 'I'ho t's why, Mr . and Mre. E DRkln . Mr!. ,Jobn Sm ith. home SlIttlrduy fr om n two wonk s th ey nrc golllK' 10 h fl lIilu T led ," Mr. Nolso n ~1c K Afl v p. r Rn ll fllmlly vi Sit III C ap e MAY, New JerMY, IlUd Mr . CII" 8. 'fu oker, onr very 110· I1Omo dlltln" rorlll tu RtI ollrrior , i ~ I'Jlto l' ll l'O l h n f ' ll\ n w i n g o n Han- r np ortl'1ll !l fl ll g btfu l tim e . quite p oorly lit Ihld WI tt mg . lli ~ ouy, U .' u r y l'1'os l lo o n d famil y , of M ls~es URnl!irl nOU l bbnll 111, (\ Ali a IIIIIDY friends wi s h for him fl s pood y ULl r win ; l" 'lI flS B l\o. t ~ llocI fflmll y, Mloh on er, o f W oy n es vllio SPOilt t h e flD,1 p ll rUlIl Dent coru. of Duyton ; gmmet U e lt ~ UDll fllmilv wee k. eod wi th ~U S8 M rle J;;UI~. ~ Waynesville, Ohio.~ Mrs. G AO. 1<~ 11i ~ IUl d da o ghter Mr ,aorl Mrs RoM . Ur omy , nf 11\1(1 M r . I('ncl M rs. Ctlorl He lll,lI Ootrol& , w o ro BUDdll Y I\ IIe at 8 of tho M i~ all~ Lell Ol Il nd gn gonl fl W hit V es tA v b i t ed M r . a nd Mr:l. E (l wln We h ave a rrallKe(1 with a n u n d e r · 'r ho f'I\lo wing oBn dld llt rlfl nn . Conlr .. l. n it e r lIt1 o ncl l;1,l tho Spio st,fl r '!\ GOD. htarti n t:;;n nduy . tukor to g e t nil nuto . 0;0 w e will b e n o u n(l e t h o lr oa nd ld " oy l ,of nr A t hl1' \. n Uo n li t \II 1111111 0 i:lat llr ul1 Y Il veMr ~. F . A . Bllrtsock e n t e r tllin erl Mr, lind Mrs ~l nr io D Vllntr (\R~ ahl e to furn i!lh (' ith nr an auto o r Rr pll bllon n Pr lm tt.ry 1. 0 be hel tl nin g . Mi 8 M1I.he l S~lIrr fr om n onr Nl' w IIt til reDl llln '11l1l,e poo rl y. horso·drawn fun e ral. Th A f,,·r mrrs o f t h iMr II! hh or hool1 \3u rlln K ~on t,h e pa~ l w e a k !otr s. A nl-{IlHt . 111 16. Bo th ph on es i n Offico and Reaidence . Mr. lIud MrIt. ll:jro Dix o n, or Df l:I urt~ ... c k Rnd Mis!! MlLbol 0 11.110 I 011 tr o lt, aro (( (Hlllt~ or Mr. Dlx ,) n' .. oro I hrl· ~ l1 i ll ~ t h is ,,"ook Long dl!lronco, No. 14; flom e p hon e M rR , I d l~ ' tokes Is vl slti n l-t h er Mr ~. " '00 . U llvi A und ~1I~ " ol! Ancl rey pnreots . 14·2r . lIlln ~h to r Mrs . Ada ( "l1lr t,no~' . nn d ()plll T il o m ps on F rlduy ll t ior . C I ~ rk of Courts Mr. I1n,l I\I r ... l<~ \',," 1\ "lI lnl,i , (If (Joon . DA N' 1' . R(\N I ~ L llohl n Sl'n nt, :-\1\1II1Il Y wi t h A Rtl Mr . lind MrA. ,I o h n l{" h l o Ko n 'ID(I Wbl tn k a r li nd f ll lil l1 y . . littltl ~ I) n f ve n t HI1 1n, (\ " .Y wi lit :\1,' .1CIir. 1,1i: W 1::1 No one p iln ol t her f ool J,t uot\ not .... L I\n A 'mel I\J rli (, li nt ,) 111'11 80 11 , iook 1I 0ll.1 whilo 81lIYoring fr om con.... ('\ ~\J llm o~ u o \, Bluolto r t \I M ' 1 " I r Un ~ t ou L n wr e o t· o, n t h (\1I~(l. stipa ti on U et rid of UlIl\ tire d, l~nlll1B (1 or on , of ' t:l pr ln g ti ,' I(l S\JM t Fill' Conuuis. inner dr~ltgy, IIfe l08s fo oling b y 11. tren l- s ovor .1I tlOl }' s 1 t1~t weol. with Mrs Is . "po n!ltt~H .. t W II .• WO~ k H vn{mlllln lo nn& ot Ur , KIDS 'S Now Life Pills lillrry ' !'IllIIw , <:hl1tl e~ " hu w r r . 10\111,11 Mr . l'l n tl Mr R. 11: C, M llIlUon . A. C. RAK I!: H. UIlY fl \) 0 )( t, t~ko Oli O o r t,w o MHD U !t " m l' with i 110111, Th l' m (' tIl l>(\ r A o f t l' o " /'i p\llstorll , 1l 'l lIIlI t.o n ' l'uw us hljll (1111 .. to Dighl 10 tb o m Ol'nlng thll t Mr ~. UB rv uy B urn ett I1 n l\ M I ~~ I Con ve n ~i o l\ " 1(1I1,lt or od w It h MI .. p W . II. c nl{ WI N ~lut1' tl d, dllil feeling 18 g ono lind y o u 11(, t h orill ll 0111 1011 o n MrR A RB Wh l t,. \ ,ln rl i t lt Co ll tor SUII(lu y II f to rn UOIl Are b uying all kinds of ted bll tter 1I.t UIIOO . 2i>c a t y our 1I k e r Wedoo~tl " y 1,·Horn oo n . . Inn ll h ll (1 I·ll oir III \IHO~ I,ll ltnll . J() 11:1'8 T. D I~A RD O ~~ ~' LIVE STOCK and payd rllKI!IMt . ._ - - .. - Mr. LAO Tu lUl tl j;(1 e n l or t.ll ln od "~ I) n . R() li 8 rtlj iug highest ma rke t price. ' M n!S~r l\. Alli n i:l ll r tn llo k Ull il E'lrl F R A N K BE NH AM ti'I'OlU!S Uouth o rn J,(o Hu nd ll Y. W,, a re pay ing t he bigh. Worth While Quotation. ~ W . 'I' Jl rLhl, ' I'OU[' '1'11. 1 Mrl'. ,bho Tll o l11J1 Ro n IItHl cl ll1]~h. '1'1Ie h ~ wl' l l ~ III\\'lI~' S hungry. No m n n est c.ash price fo r . ,J()::; EPB WATKIN :; Dn n 't, 8ulfClr w ith" b'lo llinll: oo u g b tA r Auol roy 01tlle,1 u n MrA. H er r UH lives IIIIV[llly nlon ~. Til " wl so 'I no,1 .' : Iu n d' . l)' lI (t.oro oo u. (Sooonri 'l'd rnl ) the b o~ t I ~ \\'l "e r nnd better t or til. Ib"I, ho s WOII k on e(l y.lllr FY fl t.OUl - l\nt ~ h ot-tlo of !Jr. 1\:10/.:' <4 Ne w UI~ ollv · Mr/!. W , '1'. ,/ orrtlln r utortlliu f'(\ frl euds li e h us.- Selcct od. erv, In u ~o I' 'lor ·le, }'e '&r~, 1I.nd bOllO- M IH~ Mo h,11 S'urr t o dtotl o l' ISli t urFor Recorde r /lUDIC all wh o u se " " th n ~ oot h In g 11 II.\' • ploe lolll ~nm with tllr h 0 1l1 't no Ir ALLIl:N B UIi'FMAN Mr . E ,l", in 1\Il\.rl i n . w ho has b Ol'n To be delivered a t Corw in rlt·1I t oll olr IJliSSl\l.{0fl - 1I lotholl tho 'Iul t si ..k, I" 8nlU il 109tto r . H . D. BMI'l'U rllw spo ts, I rlDSO Dl!I th e m tl OOU 8 Ilnd

l1adley . MI88 Nellie I'IUs aUendl'd ft oom mlstee mee&lull of 'ho Nulollal POI'm8l'IlU' Le6Klle ., DayloD, Monday Mr. and Mr... Carl 8Ia".ford aDd ramlly, or Red Lion, were tlunda, - -- _e_ •.___ 10ell18 of lira. Ellzlltie'b BlaoUord Joba 'I'aylor aDd wife lire ellier 'alDlnl rel"'lvlI8 frow 1041ana, Will Hormell, of DayIoD, Ipenl 'he week·eod wllh hi. mother, Mrl. Iha Hormell Mr . and Mrs . ErDe11 O.rhook MillB UIlDna Dearlb 1& vlllillog aud dalllhier enlortalned a', dinner

~::~::er::~·!!'.:k••bout tlJ:t7· 400


- ..- - - -

IT.. he onnllDuftdl

- -- - ..

turned away,

" ' Ililt I Riltn o\"er tne \ t::: lC'"" ~1r . I.llrnh nr ll ·/"

W e fire h l" ' iD g q nl t.!' u n nmhAr ~ I r. H ,,,,, .,,,l rt ll rl,, \' 11 01 p; lln tilok in thl M IClOll lty' tI ~ th is ,,' r iLi n g . , MI1 I1 II [)IIV I:< \\, 1111 . ""I,, 11 1 I h e lr r.. '1'hos. ~"' o l oh , o f Ft. DO I I ~; n , l "wlI , trl "n ol ij ~pr"' 1 14n ,"1 " . lit " 1111' 11111,,11 , I·, Hpon ,lI n t,: h i" vII ('n tl ll ll t i ll'" wil h ~11' 1. I JI \~" , ·d 1.",,,,, 1' ,. : ' 11 ,, 1 f IJUd l:r t"" ... hiM pll rll ll' ~, Mr . ,,1111 M .·~ W . " '. vi - III' II h i" 1"1 1"'11\, ' I t ",,01 '1( • . 1,\" ' ''oluh . 'l'h o l11n ~ Is "1 ",,,vl< " w ,,1. I... n ' " i., ~ ""l1rlll.' · OOtll eg n est with Ilil w h o IlI1 n w hi m Lil t " , H tl hy'H ,,, Iii I' . IIr IIJ'IJI'I",'rr:r .. t' hrr'lIli'n l l \' j·'III/to;I I I"tH.,',I , ='I y I '\ l 'r \\ h"': hlr IlD d Mr p. A . K . ~Il r ~o nt Itl e 1111 .. 1I,'n n ,·r~ltin ~ lI " r u ," nol pII", ' "I1. I"\\ ,1"PI I , IIUel I rl\ll l!t'tU' r:"\ l l ~ JIIi't'rnlll co, I hhel In IIU on«lIn oe nt t he F rankl i n C UIIII- Mr. !lnrt Mr H. F r nn,l, ~ t "IlI,' \· . ll ' II'Il1 rt 'd [111 ,1 h lld 1' 1''''11 i n lilt! ilu ~p l tltl , 1m ... n ,,'lth " li t n" p t' rtn : ,U " lI l rdi" t. J \\U "i~. H "r\ I.oqull t o r tw o w oeks , M I ll HI " I III 111\11 "n ,1 i\ 1i ,;~ ( ;"nc(, fll'''' niHI r " .. tl(·...... llIlt (tt UHfh t J l ' ollid :.:('urt'(' lv , Cy ros Ura y, o f Ul l1r k8v i li e. Wll~ .In npp, o f .\ fl n l 'I, \, ;:< 11 1:" nt t ·hllt l,·y .. h·" p , 'I'll, ' 1: 11 -" I If"I ' S'<{ (11 I.: uwtl lr 111,' h,'u r', ,' All,.." ) 1",I!litHl um. !.till! ~~1 1UIi J nro~, ' I n 1I It i 011 1110 1{ on frl ood s b e r e !:l u nd a y . Bar no r '" 11151. WPI'k. OI f' rlllllJ,: I \\" ," JII~l ' lI!'C I fn...'(1 Ill- ulu, Jt J r il l irt ', l , I I \\ II V. t!L')" l'IlIJ.: tI C III'/o(nll t o tuth' 1",10 djl\l' , Mr ll. l:Ianol1b U re ~ 9Y(j 11. M fl r y MI :I~ I n 'l Mny I', ,m p t. '" " 11" 111 10'" 1 '1.\ 1t'j ·!)U l I j""1 t rlllhf lllly Nf n l u l1ml. If Ii"" o/ iHh l !rollo od y ttlld I£~ tor U my ou to rt,lIl n NI "' Ao k wt th I" r o,' u',i u El h nl l;' '' lll'tfl n h " lI d . ·,~ III Illy L'n sl ~, I IlIl l rL 'I \ IIIL ~ lik,' 1\ 110\ \\ IIIIHUl l l llti l'l1l1 'U 8 [ IlIl y ldnrlorr'H l d. , .. itWI ' :le YtJ rullroell .•lIr g irl s o f 'i n ninu llti. n ou r Nll W II l1 r lln ~t,o n . 111"III u:h L Ih r u lI J:i 1 nlll i tln \'u Ji l l , n oN' Itl'flt.·.. o r I T be y o tltl g Rt e re en jny eci " VArY min . II1 I'H. H . F: . . JonNI '11 111 Mt .. " Hn r1Jh JIIIII I ~; III f lH' t. , it h~ Cllrlli l JIl" III Ii I 1 :" 11 !'fll '.. j'lIlIlIlHl d fu t( If 1,4) ;d l u f nl) rl'lnlltl~ , "'" il !i ll,. uteof th olr Ht lLY w itb l,h ollO g ood Bn :lr o r ll ~h n pJlI Ilt.! II I '\"I11U !.", ' II It I IU d ·tH.lll d t il 1111 ' ,. CJllrletlon w o rn on . Fr tr l ~ y . .\ 11 d rll~lo{l s t g soli unrl L!Ullrll n lt 'C I lIIlfIllI II' , Our 1It1le dt,y Bnd vl oinit,y w or o MisA M n r g llre l S t ll n hf1~' I" 'n n I'ilu I r. ', ':},' :i~,u ! I~'~~' t ::~rIN: ;~~' tl~1I ""'\r~::t,~I~:~ ~ II'- ,'/.' t~~~~~ I.' li t lilt' (.,lIu\\ / II L: I lIny cl" II I1u..t 1111111' 111111'" o r Willi r 1;l'" reson t sd n t the W il m in g t o n Bll nRt o r hilI' "i . tr,r "' ..., M " l l n ( IrllY lU 1111 ' :tlllllllwli : Il1dl J.!" ~I I "H . dl~/l4'II"iiu , 1Il ' Ic' h ~ fair 'hlij week. BI. linrvoy dJll r l{ IIU:I/! '\IUrl , had I,f" alh "lId , t il r .. I,IIlrllc hua d · '11' 111 ' pq" r df" ' lI l illllIl l III It l M\\\ 'I I L-. , 1.It AI 1 iI''''' ·'r bo c l1odldnt os aro m o ro plll ntlfni M i ~H sn r nh S ntt.n rt.hwlllt o ntt I'III1NI ', ',,111110{ , f ' nSII H'IlH,"I"', f 'lIa[. ' " l u I U:II" o r" l",or I I,ban t1ddl e re . 11l1t no (\o u ut Rom ~ of t b e U~ I If\TO C hn lti.nll ' l J1 tt In ~ 1 WPtl ll. 1' II III I Ih \lfI ' ,I : lIitlo lll . - , \ 'O lltlll l l" f ~ r ''l'on1llwndt...d 1\" 'h OlD will btlovo ' 0 Ud dio Ilf!,or AoglI Ht Mr. Lol h or Ull in C'H w l\ ~cll l ll n l{ on II " " ~II 1Illl h lf>r 111"-.,, ""l \\1 ... hIH" I" fI " ' rt!ll."4 1 Ilt, ' lr \'t' ( ~ I.,h l I n 1"IIJ lldl"l or 1111.,',. ",111)1 111\ 11, ,1 alt. ' f rlnn ,l .. nl. (; 11111,1,,", UhiJJ , :-;,, 111,,111.1' I ll k , ' II tO llliIiIIOU", I,) , C lyde Lev ioy 11119 an olher up-Io. B1111 ~ und l\ y . tho,minote Ov orlond 'l'o nrtnl-t Uur H oh ort \, ' il Hon ifl " n I h ~ I r ll Ii , t, 1- - -- - - -- - - - -- - --



Bill IPliot tlalurdll1 a' 'hili writing, b~r

aDd 8aoda,. "1,,, aUIl' IrIn. aIoo". lOalJ:a of Wa,DI"lIIe, lit. E4IIII KeJ.e7 1&.. .-OPlled .......... a o••'114, ., Ox. 10Id 001..... OOIlllle



Rcprcscntali ve

Office Phone No. 46 R es, Phone No: 48-2

.MILTON C I.ARK THU"~ B E. B OUV itJ R l 8'}I!(J,u.l 'rorw )

Treasurer WALDHO N C. tHLMOlJ ll SAM U ~; I. IRON '


11'. l:l. \:l HEH WOOD _ _t ,


W~h~~~~d!~:~~~~~~!ED in the Stat~ alld will pay highest ma rke t price for soulld , d ean sour cream, We a re always proll~pt to . recognize any advance in the market, and will take care of your interests at all times. Checks mailed daily or weekly as desired to cover all sh~pmen ts .

REjprERENCE Firat Ifalional Bant Pari 8trMt .arket BaDk Any Reliable Merchant 1ft Clac:iJUlatl.


The AN.DREW RilHAN CO. Olnclnnatl. 'O hio

PRICES--To please all.

:~;--IItRntl aull I GEO. J. __ _ _ \ Phone ~2~


'J. F. Snook, Agt~ WaYDesv~f}', o.


Monumentsl Monumentsl

·t ,'0, ~Iall ' lie\\' dc. i 11 add ~rcu t ed to this a ll' . ' \'I.' r .mt" hundr 'd un lIl\.! tluur. ills ga nr h reducti o.o ~n, wry lkpart lll Ill. \\' ndl rful an ' d c\'crbo uud days. wear ' Invltm g . \I to ti l St . profit by this sal All lIIoilll meut :;

JUMBU W.\TEI ' M! ,l.lIN ' , EL I3EHTA I·EAI'I II :.' , ,:; WEET

C..\ , TEL )l 1' 10'-;, oK




L I',MONS. TUMAT OF" , rOl l . t : U MHlm' , 1"I I.L ~ 1t~AM lall': ~::~ : . W,\Io'I·:1 .'Ll '~: D IlIm:!) HEI·: I.', I'HI , ES, Illtmll 1'1';1\ 1''11 /<:, ' , AI' HI·

or '.

Stoc k Red ucti on is Nec essa ry

Mars h Mallo wCre me

to ma~e room for ollr in 'olllillg pur has ~. Inv est iga t . , hoase a 1I1OIlII Il\ Cut fro m tl finn come 111 alit! ('ompa fl·. in 'Qu r C Illcteries, '1'11 wor.k that has dOlle the h est e r -hop. art ITerin g, ~1Il' th :-vhat more you kn~w about me while the st ck. ollr lUte apprec will better you frolll the stock is yet full, and thus make vou r ('hoi

Pure Paris Cree n

[t Is tin




PaYing ' :!c

to trade at



five per cent.

F: C. MER KLE CO. Dayt on, Ohio

214 North Main Stree t

Mr. lind Mr5 . Thoa. Lacy and famwi th r el nl i,lls In UllytVll. i!) elltcrtli incd 'unduy lit dinner Mr. Illld Mrs \ arren Lucy lind e lias. Mrs. ~'rllnk itl i s.~ ,lurll Koys ~l "'llt la"l Thu r · L, cy , at [)ayt:o n ; Mr.and l'ullk IUld da uorhtcr. I\1llrie. Mr • . GIIY day With 1' ...lallvcs ill L .. hallon . Chenow t!lh alld two ch ild r e n . The ,,('nla rail' lI~x t we 'l will hI' I\lr , and Mrs . 1':rnSllt l3utterw orth, I lhe hl~t ol' l.' r . Ilon ' Lfa iJ t v \' i ~it it. \) f l{oute ·1, ent ertained at , unrillY the f ollowill g guest s: Mr. Good hor~~ rncillt: a t Ih e Xenlu d inner . A Li nton and family and Mn , fa ir nex t w.:ek I) cm' t fail lu !:ie ~ I' r iscilla ButLerw orUl , of Wil ming. theill . t') Il, Mr , Iln d Mrs, Samuel Butler· wu rth and 11lstel' Gi lbert Frye, Mrs, l'risrillil 'Olllp l oll, o f !Jayton is \' i ~ itillg' her mOLhe r, Mra , Mary nlisbury invited a ~li ss Mabel Sllttcrlh wl il e. hll if dU ZCD "ir is t o her home Thurs· to lIleet her charmin g Miss Ad ,lie Madd II, of Morr n\\ , day eve ningHele n Diamon d, of Xenia , Mi s~ iend fr II. , \ , l\ln Ilnd Mr. visited with y refreshm ents daint the and usic ~l Maudell last IV(l(Ok. the hOllrs ul onll.ulll OO ,quick ly. ~ped I he gu e~tli were : Lillian WIlkers on, ln, lIuseml MiSSOlJ Loui.1' Rnd JuliR Cnrey , J eannett e and Louella Mi.:; Alice of 'i ncinll:l I. !Lre Ihe guesls Emma I leil.:h\\'s}'.





Mrs Luella [(amsey , (If Lebanol l. Sunday with he r Lrulher . Harry '\ \ 'i l ,j a lll~ l'n .1I1l1 family,

sp ~ nt


Mr, nnd

~ lr ..

Fr unk Taft alld son ,

fe . of Dll yll> ll . IJ[{ohert , W, Whitt' an,l family, 'unday, II'




I\liss Fran cs Janney is spe ndinll' at the home of M f , and M r~ . F. E, 'h r wood,so u l h of town.


I a f ew dliY8 I

M r, li nd



Dangero u s People. I)l\nJ;tp rous I)t\tllll~ . th~'!,fI

lUll. Illid t lIP \' l' r Rim II," " Y OIl (,UllleI!" ~ he IIflllI.

Primary Augnst 8th Indorsement from Prominent Springfield and


C~rk Co~nty

Citizens Sprinaf ield. Ohio, July 20, H.I16

To th.ll.pu blican Voter. ofth. Sllvanth Congr. uilmal Di.lric t: in. Th. under.i gned, citizens of Clark County, Ohio, present undcan done Gens.r al J , Warren K eiter, o f Springf i eld, for t he Republi nomina tion for membe r of CODa-resl in this u iBtrict . pe r. W. take p[l88ur e In making this indorse ment becauae of our belief e sinct'r our from 88 well 88 bim of lle knowled and eana) regard ben. that by virtue of his broad experie nce hi. services will be of great the coun. • Ilt [n the next Cong;re8ll. HIS long career in his service to afi'll<'ted try 18 widely known, and the lenlrth of it has in no manner be cIlled hl'ltrea gth, vigor or uletuln ess The coming Congre ss will but all upon to deal with vital matters afi'olctin g not only this country knowl. mankin d . To have a man of General Keifer's experie nce andNationa l edi'8 in the Wationa l Houae of R.prese ntatlves will be a real ueet u well as an honor and a value to this d[strlct .

F rank E lbon, Dr. H , K Ilathaw ay and 0 L , Crane were iJusiness vis, it o r~ at Lebano n Thursda y lIIornin g.

E, L. B UCKWALTIlR, (Presid ent Citi zens Nationa l Bank ) nt The C, E. MCGILVRAY" (Presid ent City Commi uion and Preliide Robbinll & Myen Co ,) ks N, H. FAIRBANK!, '(Vice·P residen t and Gtmc ral Manage r .)Fairban Co, and Preside nt Americ an Trust & Savinlrs Co A. H. K UNKLE, (Jud¥.e Court of Appeals ) JOHN L. B USHNELL, (Presid ent First Nationa l Bank ) CHAS. G. HECKER T. (Preaid ent' Wittenb erg; College ) ry S. B. RANKIN, (Presh.ll' nt Bank of South Charles ton and Secreta Ohio Bankers ' A88ocia tion, South Charles ton) ,) R. C, BANC ROFT, (Presid ent The Bancrof t Hat & Fur Co , R. H . H UME,(Putor First United Pretlbyt erian Church ) Court) OI..lE V. GREGORY, (Law libraria n and bailiff Commo n PIe.. , F. W, GEIGER, (Jlldge Commo n Pleas Court) H ouston and .. Co Farm Huuston '1'htl ent (Presid N, HOUSTO B FOSTER Bank, South Charles ton) J, F. MeGR': w, (Attorn ey a t Law) C. H. 1'IEItCF;, (Presid ent Springfie ld B. & L. Associ ation ) H . S. BRADLEY, (Presid ent Lea-ollda Manufa cturing Co. ) All of Springf ield, Obio. except as indicate d


Dt'an Howell, J·Jerman Conner , Ha r rill Mosher. E lliott Wright. How · ard Sherwo od, Ernest Harlau and W. 0 .. Haper were Cincinn ati excu r. sionists Sunday,

Ther e were th ree Bolbroo k bOY81n the IIrmy. all under 17, serving an average of Ihree years in the 12th. 85th and 79th Regime nt s lind Signal Corps, so well known in our county. I The illneSl! resu[tln g from a. former campaig n in which I walked about 7UO mile!l has a bo ut disappe ared and I can ,n uw satisfac torilY p erform duties of office which are much more extende d ; than formerl y, The Deputy is my daugh ', ter, Miss ·He be. The State Bureau of I Inspecti on reports : "The new ablitrac t index , r equired Sec . ~764 G. C. is' regular ly kept and ' work in the Hecorde r'lI office reflects on the clerical force," ti on t o routine work d olle, we l, ••"a"'.,, "a-ribed . with correcti onsl al. three volume s of old r ecords, has made' the office 1I~lf,suJ>port· n2 . I am th e only membe r of the family hal been a candida te for offic£. 1ln(l 1 was If I b'a ve one more term I can girt my little home paid for. fath. my which y, niversit U n Lebano the In r !lec(et.&ry and Prof~ er fllunded . for many years , in the Eapreu ll18 {eelillp of prof Jund gratitud e for lupport therebv reward. PMt. and _Ina a continu ance for one more term, lq • IOldl., of the Union army. firat compan y ora-anlz ed In Leba. DIJII. vii,: Co. V, 12th Reirlme nt, May, 1861. I am. Very linc.rel y youra, J OSIAH HOLUR OOK, ,

Leba non, O.



Wt' I'P HlllION' UllkunWI l

tu uur ' hotlle,fr ee by return m ai l to anyune ' Mildred Le\ll~ sendinl: this cOll pon


:-;"1 1111111 lI 'nrr \ ' Ill's f j'('r" 1111'''", Unh' WI'r(' !' f\:-; I,liI ·rl'lt·s, str"w!), rrit!!l,



1,- '"

$1.7 9


$2.4 8

$1.0 0

GA UZE U~ION SUITS - lAce trimme d. ,. , .

23 C

T :)WEL S-Dnth and Huck T owels .•.. . . . ; .


WASH CLOTI IS-Tu rk· ish wash cloths .... . .. .


44c 4t;-in . ..Embroidered Voile F[oullc, ing, a $2.50 yd. valuc 59 for, ... '•.. , .•.. ,. . .. 6c (On laIc Saturday at 10 p . mC.)

$9 95



PORK AND DEAN S-With Tomato Sauce LADIE S' WAIST 8-You 'lIwant "Dyer's " brand! a can . , . . , , .•. , , •••.•• , . ....... .. .. 2 or ;~ of these pretty CHALL ENGE COFFE~-l pound limit Waists for ..... , . , .. ' to a custom er, a pound . . .•. , .. ..• . , . .. . ..... , ...

I'fHE S. I


4c 21c

FR ED CO. Le-b an on ,O .


...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ... ...... ...... ...... ...... .......,.


Sund ay afternoo n about 4 o'cloele, a rain formed east" of Waynes ville lmd In a !lath about, a mile in width the . Yo ind , hail 'and Iia-htnin g dId com-:iderable damage . The willa blew the earn li at. while t he hail damage d ' the tobacco a Irreat deal. several fields, having betm reporte d entirely destroy ed. 'fhe electric ity ww! fierce and this vicinity has not had 8uch a storm for some time. The wind. blew the root off Ronald Hawk's barn, and blew down trees and corn. Limbs were blown off of trees all over town. and the a-utters nm full of water. , Middle Run wenL out of her banks and raised the river below the Run '.bout two feet, but the river loon went down. The w..ter ran over the bOUoml in places. Altollet her the i!torm wllnnr n.lhrre llhmlri tlll

e\,pr ",hlb f(lr more ibID JOU COli III what IOU uae I~ 1 ever UR. tor 0l1li , II 101U80


TI-JE SEA. REME MBER , THL IS T HB LAST AND ONLY SAr.,E OF THE LIOUT SON AND IS CROW DED FULL OF T3ARG AINS Tl IROUG SALE IIAS THG G ENT'I RE STOR E. TILE nUSIN ESS SO FA R D UR[N OR HOPE D E OR BEEN MUCH LARG ER THAN WE )J AD ANTIC I PATE D MBER , 'nus REME ES. VALU ' REAL 1T HOWS THAT PEOP LE KNOW SAf"E Cf"OSES AUGU ST 5th. RAND OM FOLL OWIN G ARE J UST A FEW lTEMS PICK ED AT . : E FROM THE MANY BARG AINS THRO ll ;HOU T 111E STOR d line!",e I.ADlE S' SH OE. -Strap pumps WASH SKIRT S-Goo right made in dull kid, Skirts ... • ...... , ... Extra ~peci al .. , . MILLI NERY -Trimm ed Hat., MEN'S OXfO RD5- A $3.,jO lip to $5.00 S hoes in black value .. ... .. ' . . . and taD . • . ... , . , GOWN S - Muslin LADIE S' G owns, embroi dery MEN'S ,SU ITS-M en's good "001 V n eck .. .• . .. . . . .. Suits.well tailored , . up to $ 15. 00 value GAUZE VEST -A fine --gauze Vest., ., ••. . . ..• MEN'S SHIRTS-A drell8 Sllirt, c.ut !ull and roomy, ChOIce ...... " . , ..•



., I


Dr, Thoa. S herwood had the pleasure of a vi~it from an Iowa friend last Thursua y, Mr, 'J. M . Rider, of Cedar Rapids, Iow a, who camll to Cin cinnat i as a delegat e of thtl Ro· tary Club from his home town. The doctor and his guest had a fine day visiting . as they had not seen each other for soveral years.

Wh.t la Vou",?





The MiamI Valley Chautau fjua wi I open Friday, July :!8. The program for t he Chautau q ua is a good one, anr! in all probabi lity the re will be several from here who wil) attend.

"Ha ppy " Meloy Ullder the Old 1'o",u Clock-l 'hou.



There 's somet hing for YaH to . gain by doil.g so,

d ,1I1drulT

C LlI t!



The MillSes and Louella .Tan · ney and Mr. Kenneth Hough, j oined I a jolly. cr owd from near Kingma n, 'I and went. to Hills and Dales. Day t on, aud picniced Saturda y everiing .

Cleaning ,Pressing Repairing

'f h t:'r(' i ~ on ly un e \"h,Y to


Optlmlatlc Thought. Mr , and MI S. J . H . Co leman ar. MUlllhlllty Is or thl l< worlcl : III Ihot rived home from Toledo Tuesd ay to COfIC(O t llNe II) 11') r.hunge. evening , after a v ry p l ea~ant visit at the home of Mr , and Mrs , Ethan ' Co lema n.

Unexc elled Servi ce

TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY I Am a Candidate for Recorder. P]~ase Help Me.

i ..


Test the Thr ee Bran ches of Our Businels






...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... . • f

"T hlll's bf'I'U""il yo u' ve n(O"(Or Rel'n A. Manit, HeLe r Hmith and L , thl' pOllr little thl ng~ I'\'r trillil 10 do," Nicho[s on Ilttende d 1. O. O. F . " You wouldo 't I ~t 1111'. hut I knoll' M()rrolV Monday (1vtlni nlr. (It IodIZe II IIlty!" I you ,'oulll! Ah. They had a fine time, "1 , hOIl(,"tls bil. ntb III SR It Isn't." nlH'cr cou"l - hut you'rl' IllI' klntif'st , Mr, and Mrs . Elmer Requar lh and Indy In Ihli< wor"l. MIRS YCrtrCI'R." of Dayton, She ""l\'e blm n Ousliing Illnn ce. nnd Mr, alnd Mrs. Eckert , Mr. L harles It wn~ us kind 118 he Ro lrl she WIl 8 were Sunday gu ests of. "Thll I sO llmls wronJ(," shc saltl, 1m: Stansbe rry l1~d family ' . ruil~h, ... I~·, "I menn '~1I~8 vcr-'re~R" 1 has been in I've thtlll!(ht or you by your OrHt Illlmp , Matt Mc Kill3cy , who t t wo yelHs, ,'vcr ~Inl~e [ Olllt you. Woulcln' t you Californ ia for the pa arl ived herll S unday for a lJix,wt'e ks ' rCllhl'f ('11 11 ml' '~ llIry '?" visit With re lati ves and friends. 1 001:' 1 I) rlrcw ho 1; < [1117.7.11' I 1111.1,. WIIS . dl'l'p hr .." UI nll'l lflrt 110 t speak. Judge Willard Wri g ht appoint ed "Would n't you 1" Rhe n ~ kell , without I t OI.\lIl , I J, M, Mulford , of Turllec reek I n l.rll l'(, or 'Olju ctry, ..". , I',.",.. hp RlI.W , III Rlow ,'olce. , ship, and John W, /o' ealey. of tOWlllihip, JUI'y commi!lS ioners [as t (T" 00 ooo&iouecH week . I


I .1


Cert lrude. uaught er o f Mr. lind Mrs. Guy Dakin , of near Dayton. ~ pent the week· end with Mr, and Mrs . J . W. White,


R. It Griev(', Sec'y.

S. T. Bakt'r, Pres.

fe llows Co ., Bost o n, Mus!J., with nn me tHHt oei · Ill'" I h,· y kr\u\\' ",11, '11 .\'IlU dnn 't dress li nd 11 k: in silvtr tn pay I",. tug.. or <:Iwrl'l,·,. j{I'uwn In EIlt;lnn!l . ,J'Hlm,,!. Slr.·.·1 \\'uJl k"d,io' e th ancl Zi;II Frank =_=_~.~_==_ _=_~_ . = :_=_~ =_...:..-------~~_:~---:__:=~=__ Marllar el Ed- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. ~= -_=_

M yel'" HYlllan. A Maflit Rnd nr. J. T . 1';IIIA attende d a Masonic meeti ng at t.eb non l'ridllY R ft ernoon and evening . Day La bo .... r."



wa rds wer Dayton vis itor;! Friday

For Con gre. s

h, Entrie s ill spcld 'Iose \V ul1 esday, Ju l ' 2/il Ius ~ ri ('nt mcllts ucpart r oth at 11 p. m. I n all Saturd ay, July ~9 th, at!) p . m .

and Ih;,! j~ to.) kill tl.e g"rlll '. 'rhele IS only tin • h" ir pft'para Iillll t Il.It ifill kill I h~ Re fillS li nd tlmt I. ~ Iil d rcllillll IInir H.. ," , r<51 0r 'r ,wit h i" Wm , T hompso n. of t he County [n o edy. This nnllso,,1 hair ""II " .. IY firmary , WB~ if) tOWIl Illllt, w (Ok and re~old 0 ' IhIlU!lilllri,; ul C~rl'8 where Ihere " '~IlY hI e took Itk hard Murray and Hicha n [ hlllf ~Il OilY heRd b,lIr le!l; ',t cures c\nndr ufl, SI " !,S (Illhll~w".ks Mo t 'ov hack 1.0 Le bulllln. !"loth ' "111 ST. MARY' S CHURCH 1 1\clllllll vf Ihe selll" 11. Ihr.e b un J " . ck .. b ), lllOIlC ynllr \"r "8' of a Sen . ix th Sundav after Trinity , .July m en h ~d heen given leave lh ' Ieuvc It. is Ihe lUu ~l plCli WllllllhJ inl'lg'JI"llllnw aO th , : umlay School at !J:30 u, III ; . blll .fall ' d L sh pw UI' when !~ n,ll ~ ticky ,or ~rl'ftSy un I 1< ll seol 101llc, , u rA e:ocpl 10:30. at Mor ninlC Prayer and 'urmon eX I ~ ll s. vel y lIy lal hes " I refillcUl e l ~' .. h" .. , ma "I was glad wh en th ey said unto deSIre 10 h""" lu lt l ~o kccPr. lhrlr h,," soh.,, We will 110 Into the hou8e of the lu strou. and luxurr:I" !. .ll)c Rnd 11.00 Lo d" C h" ltI~ a l druR~i9 1 ' everywh ere. Comparatively Modern. orne . r. FREE We Will ~"d a h"lIe trl RI Mnny nt Ih,' f,,"lt~ 111111 "'·j:t,·IIIIoIl'M .

Mis~es Trillena a nd

ao a

' Liberal J;>remiums in Every Departmen t Wedn esday , Au gust 2nd. Soldi ers' Day . Wedn esday , Augus~2nd, ChiJdrf'n'. Day 2nd Aug. , Horseshoe Pitching Contest, Wedn esday


ClinU3eamon, of Ba rll(';ville. Uhlo. is ~ I)e mlillt.: II IVcl·k with Mr. aud , Mr , 1'. W. Ilathu ..... uy.

Tu"m"'.·1 1

"Tomor row I'll

Aug ust 1-2-3-4, 191 6





1\1 18 Hmh Stans berry i.

... - ... v ...... !S VI< ; entwl' tbe ann ot the ('hnlr, h!'r IIrterl hnnd ~ .~ , Hhn WAR prc'ss ~d Rgo lust her cb('~k. stllrlng nt the wtlll, 110.1 hpr .. yes bad a burning brightne ss In th pm: "Ob. the workma n bas to ~It In It s "It doesu't seem possible aD),one I lall," be Bold, tllrn1ng to l .rr moro RII III. In n Irllyl),. "Tb olb r8 don't mlll(l. Y OOl conl(1 , l1o th nt to Y OII." . [[0 aee. 11:'8 somcuun"i: wron~ Will. mp . I low vol c!' " S o. II ,·'~ ""t kino! :rOil to Ihe hl'llI III I'rllllll lip rrom t. n~ l hl ,,"g OIn~h or wny idiotic no have hI' lIls the confoun ded thl u~- 1 Olllrh 1.1 011 1('llOUr(' to 11'1'11.· h .. o kN: It ,' 111111111 du k 1\ IItU evl'l'Y lime !I.P crn~b grt'l d c ~ t prh'IIl'lle 1" 1"1\" 1IIl'IIl I'ub· comrut, aud I couldn't get O"l'r It. I lI ~ hf'( 1 ror YOII - " "CIIU' t " 0 11 ~l'r him?" Hl hhK Inh·r· Will 11 Irent to' the olh'r wor kme n In llIt rlppll' or hll"rlly In hl~ ~I.t 1'oom: they'lI hl' !rInd to ""f' m" rupll',I, II 'f" It's Jn ~ t li N "' I'll hi' II ver "~o. 'olce, , to lougb nt ' me all got Ih t'- nllt whllt'. Ihl' II. ,,'! [ ' vOl avorted trom BllJb~ ' "",'.,. wrlttl'(l tlll , ·thl,,!; worth 1'1'i,,1·


tura l Society I Gre ene Co. Agr icul


CaRtee alld FiliP ' racked Corn. Hen nnd ' hick Fecrl , Dring us you r Egj.{s.

. The Seventy-Seve nth Ann ual

Irs , Chtla. John ~ ntorlilln en lil TIll' bc~, t \\' urI-. Sh ol!~ til CUr-lb, the li h ner on lust Frid ay I rs Matilda Lio. i1 1'l11l0, !It Hymun '". II..Jtlior, :\1 n . Eu llhelllia 110u h, Mrs. Su li~bLJ ry, 1011511 Nlary Cl)Ok , \ ', illl( T I l\~ befit n,loloa r Sp r lllld 1\1. Stu \' nn(\ [r., 'ulh r· 1 , J rs M ' at J' .; E :II" Ii n ' ~. ' , ns oh J \! II I

Old Whe at Flour

ever offered by a llY hOllse in t h is part of tlll.' COU ll t ry, and we guaran tee eo save, y ou QI1)'w h.r from ten to twellty -


1 -- ---~ ------'f: 1 ·-----------

All kinds, ul<() Grahlllll.

Mon ume nts, Tab lets & Hea d Ston es




. ow Is till' tfnw to buy , - 'It is ve ry H 'ar I' SO if \'I1 U are lcoing to fle ed HlI,v " Ill' YOW ,"


very best tock of

f or ('Il k\! on

.-- --- --- -vl+-- --·· -- -SOGl~TY -EVENTS PERSOI A ME lION ct




10 C'

ST OR E), .


New I;>isbes, just ill, brigli~ nnd snapp y .. , , . ... , . , . .... .. '... , . . New Ladies': V ests, large and small s ize~ , . '. , . . " .. , .. ' .' ..... . .. , .. .. , .. Children's Drawers, age JrolP 2 to 12 .. .. , .. . ... . . , .. . . Embro idery, (; inches wide" tasty, p er ya rd . . , . . , . . , . , . . , .... Soap Savers ; a new,lo t just in .. . .... , . .. .. . . . . .. . . , .. .. , .•. ", . Ename led Wash B.asins .. ' ,' .... ... . . ... , . '.' ... , '. .... , .. ', .... . Oa k Mirrors, 8xlO, ask for them ...... ...... . : .. : , .... , ...•.• The "Rapi d Fire" Egg Beaters, glass .. .. . ...... ..• . . ; .. . , .' . , .

'Dish Mops, the thing you ought to have. , ... . .. , , ' ,' . . '... , .. . .

10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10c 10~

10c 10c

-, ......


The Magazine Man WayJiesville. Ohio.




Sixty-Eight) . Year

OPENING OF 1~\lA \ I . A\.I .E \' eN IJT AUQ -\ .A SUl,;CESS



To Oct Ihe Opening Addresses - Progralll Calvell for ' the Con)jng~Week

The Miami Vallev chautauqua opened il s ]916 B~ s" ilill r'riday after: noon at 20'clo.:k Wilh the largest at· tendllllccI that 11I11I been present on the o pe nin~ dllY tor yeara . Prcsidtlnt J . Hal mer ::ihowers Is on the ICruund care(ully supervising everything with the capable lIIISis· tan ce of Secretary C. R Lowe, These men are golnlC to become very pupular with th.e patrons . 'fhe unfurlinll of tlagw on all of thl! various buildings and a concert uy the balld at 2 o'clock annllunced th~ openinll, Al!~e mbling In ths auditorium, all introductory address by President Showers opened the plat· form part of the program . General Secretary C. R. Lowe was warmly applauded After 8everal other IIpeech •.'s the band played "America" and the audience r ose and joined in the Ilnllillll'. Mr . S howen then in· troJuced Dr S. D. !<' e88. The speak er was "rellled with enthueiastic ap plause by an audience twice as Illfa ~ aa at the opening of the 1914 sUllion , ThllrRday, AUICu8t 3 - Woman Suf· fraa e Day; 9:30, Kerr Buyce Tupper, DO, L. I, D. "The Bible's Lit erary Glory ," 10;)5, Mission Study Class. 11 ;00, Miil:! Nina Larnkin, "Oanller SignalS in the Child', Life, II 2:00. Concert Metropolitan Grlmd Let:ture. "'Fh'1 Itillhl QuarUlL. tu Clloperllw," M Igs Florence E Allen, A disqIH!sion of the work of organized wome n In the commu nlty . 8;00 Concert, Metropolitan Grano Quartet. Friday, AuguHt 4-The Big Mu· l!i!'111 Day : !l:30, Kerr Uoyce Tupper, D D., L L. D "The Bibltl'B Spirit. ual Purpose, I I 10: 15, MiSliion Study (;1888. ' U;OO, MltIlI Nina Lamkin, "'l'ype.8 81.d Te mperaments of Boy ~ and Girls" 2:00, Concert, Hinsha\< Light Opera Company, 8:00, Hinshaw Li~ht Opera Company in "Tht: Mikado . Saturday, AUlluat 5-Chlldren'F Day; 930, Karr lloyceTupp~r. D. D. L L . 0 , Theme to be selected )0:16. MIIISion Study CI&III, 11:00 MitB Nina Lamkin. " The Bome, the School and the Piayground," 2;30 Shakespearean Paieant, Direction, Mi. Nina I amkln. 7:30, Musieal Prelude, MI'8. Clara Oglesbv Lyman, Pianist. 8:()(), Lecture. "The Lords of the Land," Arthur Walwyn Evans Sunday, Augullc 6-\1:00, SundRY School, Superintendent, Mr. H, C Cridland. 10:30, Sermon. Kerr Boycf Tupper. D. D, L L O . ' 1;30 Pre Iud!!, Weber's Prize Band, 2;00, Lec· ture, "What America Means to Me," Arthur Walwyn Evans. 3;15, Con. cert, Weber'" Prize Band 6; 16 Vee Jl8r Service. 7:30, Concert, Weber's Prize Band, Band Concerts Da lIy. 4 and 6 P . M,


- - -...

- ..- - -


The 50th annual Collett-McKay picnic will be held at. the u9ual place on the 12th of AuguBt, HISt;lY-WILLIAMSON

The Hisey- Williamson family reunion will m et!t at lhe home of J . W, Hisey, 2~ miles eaal of WaynesvillE', T huraday. August 17,






I .

---_I _ . ._---


It'a known thr lUt the county that Freda arll ha vih~ a July Econo · my Bale- but thl9 Saturday is the l&lIt day, The , Fred Co., Lebanon, Ohio .

The Railroad Men of Xenia will , Mr , and Mrs. George Hamilton, hold II meeting at the Frle'lcill church. HarveYliburg, Sunday evening. Aug: who have been spendln" u couple of weekI! with their 80n. Frank H" and IIIU. family, in Newport, Ky" arrived ..... home last week. HI. Trouble •. Rev, .'a~her Welch, of Lebanon, "A IlInn wlf tin CII SY .1I sIJOsIUon." sntd Uncle .~ben . "glls Sf) utllily frl elll18 who has had charge d St. FranciR de dot sooner or Inter h e's got to thro'v Sales churt'h, at Lebanon. has been somp of 'em dQwn "fJ' ~ to 8how bls Imcceeded by Father J e rom e Ha rle l, of Hamilton, Ohio. . trlendU ness to the others."



Governor ' Frank B. ' Willis and Ex-Gove, nor James M. Cox


The Men of Morrow held their rell'ular monthly m," etinll'1'uellday evenlna and the speaker for lh~ occaaien wu Mr. Herbert S WarWICk', of Colum . bUI . Mr. WarwIck cr('aled a very favorable Impreeslon. a' he alway. does, and he, beiDg a Rotarian and • !leneral booster told the Men of Morrow many good thingw that will ultimately be of Il'eneral good to tbem and lhe eommunlty, ~



'fARM IS SOLD . Dr. J . W. Ward bu' IOld his 'arm near Lytle. known UVthe Sherman DIke place. to B. T, Ice, lO'uth 0: ~~ ::.~. . wu made throUi








tl .

- ...


SP1en dOd A ccompanyln ' g A r toIS t S A ppear W"It h ' L eonl'd S amo I0 ff



F , Marion Hamilton , of . L()bal1on , the Rep ublican Iwmi nee for th e CCJurt of Appeals this Appell ate District, by invitalti on add ressed a IlIrgel y ultende.i m'.eling of the No r· orwood , wood Club lit Ohio, last Wednesday evening. Du rin g the meeting, the Club eom posed of several hund red m emo bers, unanimousl y endorsed Mr Hamilton for Appel late Judge, and pledged their su pport and united efforts to sec ure bis election in November.




,,1<;,. /

P,\IffY FRUM \\'A \ Nt: i\ U "'A !3 I~dwa rd Lpwi . . (of Ilasl'" . i. hlJIIIt' , SIC To\\ ' 'SHI P S' anrl is on th e ~irk hst

------ ..- --




A ~"' I .· I' I~ .... -I:,. "1":01.1 ~\ I\rn'll l'I'i " r pf 1\ f).1 l S I'I , (, E, :pnll):(lif'ld " "hip, rll l1,iidulC fu r --~Look afte r Chandl , r', I \,rtil' n0lJ1inall"'1 r,'r r'>nf! rp~" fr llm lhl: if vou lVant gorl.] !tll"~I . ~f'\,PI th [f I' r1('I, i~, UI mOllY r". l'ects , lin" lOr tl.. 1"1\1111 " 1",1" 111 " /1 in th e !':l han Cmn ,' I~ ~ l)o'nrlil, '\ \ I'd nt,''''t 1,1 t"l \ As II ~ IIr('~m"n, I., r'llI l" IJ ):11 III 110,· C'SIIfII;J.llnn II f all Miami V.all " l'hIIUIJlU'lII" . ' ,. 1,'lltll1>I' ,. f ,11,,'1'.,01 hi " I,ri llilml ca ree r Rorn - To MI', Olltl ~!J,.. : Il'a III I hi' II "' I"\!. flilol for two year~ h£' for I il l' 1'lIrpo ' of llclplng In th e Interest or Frl:d 13. hcrwood I-hlrt ~ock, W 'lill ~d:l\' , .1 1111 "tilll, a \\,:I ~ ' ''I' ·pc'a".'r "f Iha l 1'(loIy . . ~ n Who Is 011 tine Ticket fo r J'hl)sc Who i Alr.l 'llJy Sti li. . ~(111 11('r and :[I'!.,'ntl til t\\' II' IU'R. hi .; ,'arl'I'1' H (,',) WI'" kill/W it tol nolmil III' Flnish(>(1 . hOi'll County T lre:.l su rer hI' rl'curd Ihrl>lI),!lu)IIt IllI' 1I1att McI,inFcy :1I1 d ,Iallll'- '!;,:" r. - CI"llllll'rJl, Civil \\';11' III'in~ 11111' .III' CPrl~ ir<rl /If tendl'J tlil) Chnulull'iUa 11 1," "1 i' lin hrilli. It -u,'I'(""I" 1('111 11 whirh he I f .. lIr IIl1bli qdlO OI ~ are to func · Unique in lhe h L40 ry of cal1l· Sunday. I (~ Inl'n!" d "1 11, "I~h,"( ""II11r #111 01 paig ning for a cuun ty flie '. li nd wilh IIIUIIV "00 1101- \\ hii'll \"' \' 11 1101'" lillli prullt'rl y. th llY ll1l1fll assis t /JO . ~ t r . Slid ~Il'.' ~IYI' I' I.\, ·I~I I' anol '111(',.\ to hi.: 111111'11'1111')0( d","lhl n 10 CII'ly ill !1IJjI I ~1 in!!' 1,1 itq {'l\vi ronll1fl1l . owing l o a repor t circu latel) th rnll!{h" t ir'e I ha t th £' lI'ord "arljust ing" Is d huJ,:htcr \'i ~ ilcil wli h r(.'ljlli\· (l~ Ul thl' C:",U-I\. out lhe co un ty thut Wayne Townshi p ll landH.!j ter SUlJdoy. Iii., 1" .','01' I >1";1 I: '1'" 11011"1111 j " 11(' IIH" I1. Thll t d "I '~ lIllL ll10lln thn t: the re was not going to ~ ppor ( und btl '~(II I, Oil' Adjll~II1lCl nt. HI1II lhen a ll I ~f l'l,nl J l1 l1uU -oI Hod I' " n :i:-01P ll( ad lI'ill 1,0 I' lati'mal ' ~'. Thel'll 1'1 a OIl · loyal to Fred 13 ~' h~r wood , II lId Dr .1 A. l'vl cCoy . lUI.. illl n1lltt hprc-l1n' I n IIH' ) 1,>11('1 ""'1 III' a p :u" \' slu nl dllll1J{1l ~oin!{ on nround 11 9 and' that Me was un k nlJ\\'n. 27 Bulu and Eth an Cntll(! wen' ill \\0'11111111].:'1 1111 IIhici l llih ItlW .IY< '1" " I fill' Ih,· II rl1S pcoril,\' ,d 1\1" ""wri"' I" I'" il.l' !1 1\ ,' unlllSH \\'0 'hnn!{u In lIIeut tho new loads uf Wayne and Massie TOWII' F r iday attenrli ng the I"air. t hl'rHl\A' i " fhp PP t' l qlol i ' ,1l I1r Inw , S tlrrll l lllrlilll7. ~ we wi.! "<"111 b~ I",hind . ship Itep ublicansstlllri ed oul Tuesduy I )m ' of I hel I hlnl<~ IH' 'd ('(ll ~ a m o re whi II lui" 1H'~'III,i \ .·111 1\.0 1'11 U\· ' h"'alitlll . Mr. and Mra. Cil'l) r~C' II llrls'/I'1 fover\' ",orlu n)! ,1'0': lillt!, hill\ 1"1" ' a i Il l' x il" ~ ~lIcinl lifp . Nu when. i8 this morning unci mAde th e r ound s of the county on a booster t r ip f IJ I' I'red E. ~Il ~ nt t.h rec rlaYH lalit II'llPk wi th 1',,1- hi ·: d,'~l( (,I' a t IIIl' I ,ar of' .II1SI il "-', a nl.'rt' LrUlI than In It rural ro mulunity . alive. tI) Ar.:all lll1l, Dark!' l'lIl nty . dilughty aIlln~~ll Ii-;I I.. .II ,,101 or Tlter(' h 1If' ill~ti lli lion .in nur lanti , herwood, who is on ' h e rtcpublicull Ihllt rail ~I ,II't· thlK Kilunti'11l mor rnlllll{. wh ... -nl'r ":i lll 1';11 1 ill I.h" primary ti ck el fo r th ~ omce of lr as· IL'I('. I( irh 111 " .. "ni,·ll'·'·. 1"lIh in ,,'Il\lllmic; lIy L1'1I11 Ul public ,;chon!. Wul t r CI andlor ann lIarn' J'ral r urer. The party WCI.l \0 Harveys- Icft So urda), rnr ~lichi~"n', wh(' r(' \Vllr n Iii in pl'IW,· . IIII" "l1o,I'I,'d",-. 11 .. \'1' u mall is nl I n MMon or 11 burg. Hoachester, Morr ow , ~o u lh they will ~(J('nd t'T! dU~'fI a l R ralllO Il A leainl'd I hrt ' lI JCh :.II'llIal COllI :\I·t II il h (;I'l\n~('r. M l' ll lfI tli t~ t, E lli~('lI l' Rli Q.n . or Allloricnn Lebanon , Kings M illij , Mason, fi sh illg rc: ll rl. oj Ullt illllq ILmll"l!ou ,\ (, th",,· whkh l'r"Rbv t!'rlan, hili n !)ler anon, Frallidin and SIH'erai other o f IInw con fr ont 1111' N'ltlolil. 1"'I" iliarly ,·il ir.t'll. Don' t Inisi ll(erpr t m . II ,f Ihl'lI(, illflti l uLi"lIB I\r nee(letl lhll small towns <!l1du w him \lith till' '1l1a"II['alil1n ~ As eVI' rybody kIl O\':~ , Fred Sher· Mr , fllId tllr,. Ihl'rr Mllrl':t.v, ~1r . ~o nt"rp.~a l'\· ill II,,· ~ lll· ",, ~ ·. flll ~ "I II ' llll t th e !,I""ic' ~l! h [)!l 1 i9 flH' nil \.ho wood i~ distincli ve ly .: Wayne Town · and 1\11'::1. How,,11 Pil'rr C' and Mr. tion 0: I Ill' 'pr"I ,I"III '; illll11"']llIt"I\' al nH'l tilll{ p ll l llr '1IislieH. 'I'lwt til .. 1''' hlk ~ 'hu(,1 clln MII'A ~ hfD man, a lthoul:h h(' ha; been living Rny mo lld Conni" alf, 'lld .. rt ('Il!lU- hand . ,.. ,,'. thi" ]1/'1,\"1('111 mo rt. l' onomicnlly iOJ in L!!batlon for the pUil t three years . tnuqlJB SundllY. .-·v iil .. nt . III Ihe Hrllt " IRce it IIlruatly Everybody in th e b wn 'hip 1111 o I\' 8 1m: tl 1\' 1'lIildllllC /ln,1 etlulpm~llt him, and a cl 'aller, more uprigh l ·has. \\ atkins lind fami ly nnd wl,il' h is nol in usp 1II0re than \.'1'0man would !Jc ha rd to find. Wayne He nry WatkillMand family lC'ave tofi fl hs I,r Ihl! (Ime. Thl! rulio br!Towllship has never h.'ld llIany county day to Hpend th., w.~ 'k end tlt Le w11V1'en llll' I,.,st Ilf lIt1 ing t he school OmCerA a llhuuih o!l1l!cs hllve Ltlell iston He er\'oir . 1'lIl1tlinrc as a Aodlll cllll tcr alld bu ildsuu ght fron time to ~ime by various i ll ~ a now IlI dlding is v ry grl'at. good m en, bu t the polilicians havl" n A UJCUBt .) I".l lI, I R tl1 Ias T, MARY'S ClIlIU C'1 ;\ll';Jin, Ilel)lIlC' a re ncculltom d to Sa t liT! )"y, always taken the plums away Croln Tre,nllli/tll mlilln q f ehrillt, A II K II ;; t Illok ing I." Ih" PU hlir! lil'hool tor her in difT,e rertt ways. l'h~ citizens day of the great July Econt)t1ly Flde Me ve ry desirou<l of electing Mr lind incidently t he best day . The'. 6th : III1,Ja~ Sl'Ilflol al !J.:l1I fI In: Ir':IIIOI'M hip ill clI lLure nil.! rllfinement . I Sermon lind II n ly ('''1l11llIln icm lit 'L'hp. r 'ari el' IH dlluhLlell8 aaylnll. Sherwood , lind every Itepublican in F red Co , L ballon. O . 10:30. li:l'er yl llr\y IlIl'ilf'd tI l (1II'RH "Thnt A und alrf).!h\., hu \. what haa the township will stick In a vote for him. l'Ier vice. Thr SUlld'lY mortling- " or it go( to rill wi th our own Wayne M r , and Mrs . E L. Thom us have vice lI'i ll lle (h I ill ~ t IIl1lif Iho fire t 'I'llw llijhili S 'huol 7" Th answer is This end of the COlll1ty has nevel' II~Y . Therl iii 11 larg' num uEOr of had anyl hi ng politicall y lind it i" reLurned . h om e fr om Dillonval, S tlhd ay ill Suptlllllh,'r hi o, where they were CAlled by t he IIl1'n Anil Wlllll t'n In our commu Ily high t ime lhat shc asser t helself alld death of Mrs S, , . Vule whll hal'e nut had nn O\>Ol/rlun ity or t' lect Mr. ShtlrwoOlI. The treasu rer's Cl-IRISTII\ II UR'II 'fllllloiet illR' (h h' education , or WII ofiice would then bEl in good hands . Let livery Wa yn ' Bnd Ma . ie Town · Mrs, Juliaand Miss LouIse Huse· Sunrln ,Al1 A'Ustlah. ~llnday ~r h u') 1 Illil::ht ~ Il Y, who wish to t;Ollllnlltl their ship man \lut hiB shoulde r tu the man, who ~pent lagt we k with Mi ~s at 9:30 a. f11; CUIIIIIllllli'lII 1111r1 i-<t'I'- C!tiuclltitln. 'v\ hat ill th solution'! If . wheel and push as hard as he can for 8 mma H eighway, left for t heir hom m all at lO:3n: ('''ri ~ linll 1'~ I II I (' lIvor ul 1"11 II\(:!'I o r 1\'(1Il1l)1I tI !:lIre a courRS '.he electi on uf Mr . Sherwood, Bnd in Cincinnati tonday morn ing. 7:00 p. m.; ,,11'IlIllll a t 7.:W " . Ill. in 11.\' fill " jer I, it shr.ul I ho lliVen j udgil1~ fr om the r epo rts heard all Wed nesd ay (WCllillJ{. I'mye r llle ,I illg lIwlIl . ThllH chls,-.cs uhould bo ht'ld over the count , he VI' H get the nom· 7:30; Teacher 'J'rai ll inJ{ cllI R~ at. x·ou. bill w '('11 7:30 and H:30 III nighl twice Alter Saturday, Au~u s t/)lh.F'r d'lI 1\ IV ·.,k ' r'J I ~uJi\Y IIl'Jd 'l'h11 ro:ttlay . What ination f or the ofllee wltltvut any Evt! I'y lroily in ·H.,..! . Ju ly Economy sale will be h istory . kind of r;O llrIlCB cuuld we olfer? For trouble . Come Saturd ay, barga ins (hrougho ut lI eullUl'Il1 COlII'l1I' W 'cnnofTe raC(1urse Don't forget the date-Aug ust , the en tire tor The , Fred Co. ORTIIODDX FRIENDS in EIII(II ~ h or AII1ericll ll Iit;>ratu re . 1916 , ~--.... - -S[Jllday .'t'holllllt :)::10 a . 111 II 0 11 t' A llI eric'uli histury lind Civics IIcourso l{ev , C. S Grausel' an d Sl'II , 'hd rl e~ of Wor hill IO ::~ I . ,'hri:llinn 1';1\ ' I hilt I./Vl·ry nllln "nr.! wOlllan in Wayne arrive d hom ll fro m lheir visit with dUAl'or 7::1li p. IT!. 1 '~v. 'I'\' I",t1 y ill , Tow nship Hhflul d havo. ::lome of YOIl li my tillY, "W Po l<nuw morc about rel a tives at Cleveland T hu l day cv vil.en t(1 u tII' I111 11I1l1l1'~I' HC' r vlI' ~, Illl'S" thilll{s than tho l achers." If ening. They lett S unday evenillA' ~tJ, a ll lho heLter- you becom lhe fo r a visit wHh fri endd in St. Pari ~, t en hor IIml I L lh' tellcher bo a stll Ohio. 'II " " 'ril,1' f.'r I lie M ill III i Gm~t' l l dl'nt. SOli t'migh t b inte r ted in l(,lIIelltary GCl'1rl fln . thers mlll'hl lilt ( I) (10 a little ellO ru , \wrk. Sin C Vl'l' ar SWill/( to hay a COUI'O ' The basket meeting held at CIO ' . in d o m l!~ tk scion e, some of the Grovo las t Sunday 011 day WBS very 1 wli m 'n mllY bc inte res ted in that, well attended . 'I'lie pl'ogram as an · . Thf' farmer ll 'ould organiz a course noullccd in last week's GazHt e was in fl1rllll\l'oblc1I1s. ca rried OUI, and proved to be an in· Th' work wo uhl not luwe to be ter esting one . . F' ev. C ' ~ , Grause r 1111 g rinll (he !lrwinl Hille ClllI be cuIpreached the serll1 0n at 10;30, th e l ivabJd . 1.1' ( liS illlllt:"ine lhat s lI ch Hpecial mu ic was f u rnishetl by th e l'o" r~ I'~ be 1l1'KU ll i~l!" auuut the Illid · Waynesville nlale quartet , a1\l1 the "II' , I f (kl. bl' r alld CUIIUIIU until til(' conRr egativnal sin~ itl g was le d by nr~ t " f April. What lIinp;le thin'g . P rot. C, A, Brunei . w"ul. lll wall III" r/> ru r the> j:(enernl clIlIn th e afternoon an at.ldr 'ss was 1111'111 fi nd in ld l,'clllil l \lplift ? l"lIlh · made by Bishop Matthcws , 'peciul (' N wflu ld I, plf,'r un. ler. l lui th ir music by the male quartllt a nd solos ijftll ll, IIlol\,.:rH IVIIIIIII \"0 clolser drawn by M iss Lucy Emle y The ml:!mLu r '1" (hl'ir d llll ).!h l r~ . lind lhe enUre of lhe churches atS)Jrinl(boro , U tIca f'\l uily li fu IV. lI id 1,1' mnru appr ' ri . and Orfgoniu turned out ill full Liv'( force and lhe g rove wa!! fi lled with J ~ 1"llIl d 1,(, I'N I!lihll o kllOW wlllll a larl(e cong r egation 'I'he day , a l· Lhe p,'oJII I' ''t' Wu, Ill' w\\, II Hhill thilll( thnugh warm, was a beauti fu l on e , a" ollt. 11 lI Wft) elJ',·cj iw' 1l ~ " nf' t htl find the time was p ent ve ry p r ofi ta· dl lllJ l lllld ~" h " f'l 11111111. I um III'P! ty bly by those wh o attend d. ~ lIr ... lion I Ih., I" ;wl,,'r:'l w ill j.( iI·1! lheir ~ 1!,. vi"(,R fr, "', AI) il will 11111 Ite U !f'ICH' lion o f 1l 1l111 <:Y. I r you h""" flllLlI . III' ~ 1I':g'e!l li llll:l I.' 1 Ill " h"fl r fr, JllI Y"", ~I IlH t Ai n C" I'(' I .~' )lnl! rs, Will. I Spril)g'ui.

The annual reunion of the del~end ants of Henry and Marlha Steddom will be held at Turtlecreek FrirnllF Meetinll' House neal' Orellonia, Ohio, on Tueaday, . Auguat 15. ]916 All relatives are urged to be presetlt.

- - -....

. Whole Number 33 1


CONGRESSMAN ---------.---1 Charles Sta nsberry was a Dayton ' Hon S D. FeS!l is our r epreSenta- visitor Monday. live in COIlllress frum this district . .Greene county is his home. Dr. Look afte r Chandler 's Fer(i1izer Fess. is not only our r epresenta tive , if you want good good s. but he works at lhe business He doesn 't cume hume lo see ab ou t hi ~ Mr . and l\frs. George Ogles Lee , uf political "fences," as is usually done . Xenia, visi ted relativclI her e on S un, He stays riaht t here alld atte nd~ to day, fl ill business, or , ra ther, ou r bu~i lle~s. That's , what we want him to do Mr. and Mrs . J. A. lJavili, of lJay· rhat Is just what he was elected for . RepreRentative Pcss is a broad ton, s plint the week e nd herll with minded man. In addition to that he r dat ives, ia a brainy man . His mental caliber is nut such as to be anxiously cOlc· 1 Mr . and Mrs. , G. Williamson and cerned about his "fences" He i family, of Dayton , Bpen t Suntlny with Itnaws tha t if he attends to his con- 1r elatives here . Il'r"ssionlll . duties there are Lh ose ' ~ho will see t!l!lt the fen ces Bre kepl \ Mr. Bnd Mrs . Pred Hartsock und In good re f)al r . When we have a daughter, Mildred, of Morrow, spent lI!"n in Congress whu Is not stll ck 0 n I Sunday here with r elatives. himlilllf; who looks after the people's I Interests lind carries out their wishes ; who delves deep into Ilreat questions I Mr, and Mrs. ~ltas Oglesbee Will touchinll' the welfare of the people start fur Alber ta , Canada, on Wed· and remembers alwllYs that thel; nesd ay to be gone about lIix weeks. eyes are upon him; who i8 not for. getful of th.e warm support h~ has Mr. and Mrs. N " lson King. of In. always rec~lVed, and who pay8 It all dianap:>J\s, Ind ., spent several day ~ bal'k I.n faithful service, and shows last week with Mr. and Mr~ . Walter Iln ability In t;ongrcllS and on the Elzey, 1)lateorm that has been acco rded I national recognition we ollght to be I!ontent . C, G, Willia ~son anti family and That's the kind of man our con- I Mrs, Agnes Wrlh h t and Mi 's 'usan Ilressman is, just the kind that Buits Wrillht heard Bryan at Chautaullu a the great maIlS of intelligent votera ' Sunday. in the Sixth district, It'll not worth Nhil~ to look around fur anllth~r Mrs, Elizabeth Harl sock, of llirmcandidate who may have some of hiS ingham, Ala ., 18 ~pending her vaca. !Cootl points, bu~ not enoujfh of them lion with relatives al Sp rina Vulley rhe Jourllal opmes that whe~ FeBS and WayneSVill e, '{ills back home along about primary lime he will find his "f('nces" hog tight, pig tight and entirely too Mr. and Mrs, J:lInes Stoops and Itrong to be broken through by the son, Holmes , of Van Wtl r t, Ohio. mere outsider, If there is one thing spent "veral daYI last week with that we should be proud of, It ia that Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stoops. ~e have a CohllreSliman that fills the part in every particular. What.more P f CI I Ca 'an the voter Il.!IkT- Editorial from ' ro, lI~r es rey, who at one th. July Zl, 1916, wue of The Greene t Ime waa prmclpal of .the Bchool here, County Journal. passed through our cut~ last ~hurs. allv day and met many of hiS old frI ends,

2, 19Hi

Cbautauqua, Oblo. . (Specl&l) Not since tho old days of Lhe '60'~ . wben congr satonnl ·candldates marte 0 speCialty at going about their dlstrlcts' snd engaging In joint dlscu8"l onB. 1111S a genuine. political debato between mon of nati~nal reputation takeu pi llce upon ~)' platform. NQWAdo)'B ~I)Potltng candidates hurl theIr charges aglliusl eacb otbor at long distance, througb .Intorvlews .or porsonal lettors written ex· preBsly for publlcatlon. The spectacle of two men of tlie caliber of Ex-Govern· or OQX and Governor Willis facing each other all the Bome plotrorm and (\Is· ~u88lng tbelr pOlitical VlOW8 II one that will be well worth seeing and ono that will a~tract attention from all pointe In tbe Buckeye state. Thele men are favorite 80ne at old Ohio. Each 18 tbe leader of bls party and each has aerved AI Governor: Tbere 8eems no doubt at this time thot 011 Auguet 8th tbey wlil &cain be nomtnate4 al the standard bearere of their partlea In a campaign that promlles to be one of the mOlt heated In &II Oblo's w,tor),. To bear tbll80 leaden In a joint 41sculilon , wtu be "ortb coming miles, and tbll unu.ual leature 01 tha propam wtll attract tboulanda to tbo Miami Valley CbautauQua on ""nda,. afternoon, AllIUllt Uth. Men wbo are on th.e Insldl' In Ohio palltiCR and know both, Governor W'l1ll~ alld EIl-<loveFnor Poll perlOnalty, knnw that eacb II the polllaHor of • Itro~' personality ud tblnlll for htmleU, T1aSa 4lIIculiion "UI not be • rehearsed debate arr&llCed for Chautauqua awU!ncel u4 to be lIeUvered aroUlld Uti circuit. It wW be u hem..' ud IraDk, . . wan AI f _..... dlRullOD. .lIoh of It will be utemporuaeou. tlae «Illlei!' wit IIISwarm. tbe .114110 ollar... ud



"'ra nk C. !\nol urson respectfull y allllllllllC"S t hat he hn~ decided to I)pell an otlkC' for I he general Prill" ti 'e fl f 1.u'lI\' ill WaYllesville, Oh io. I-I ' \I;ill b' ill hiA o ilicc on l'llf!:ltillY nntl "' riday of each week or at any Il tlt('r linl ' if cl or.iroo all.1 m (Joti 11gIIIIlY IIf' a ITulIj.!'l!d fot !Jy ttl l(!pholl u. Ollicl' in l'oHtu il1ce mlh~· with Wall-er Cltllllillu l', 1' hllne"No. 77, Wuynlltlvi liE' I':x I.llhll nllll )111tfe Citi" n~ lIa nk Bltlj{. I 'hune No. 4G2 , Rllsld encEl t29 ~Iulh rry St., l.eU\\IIOII, 0 ., I'hllllt;


o. :0,\;\,

NOTICE To ,my fri end'! of Warren ' County ; As you know, I am a candidate fo r Sheriff, wi thout oPPoRition, at the Primary nexl Tuesday . Will you kindly 1)lace a cross X in trol1t of my nllme, which you wiU find ' on the Republican ticket , . Res pectjiul) y, Chlls . J . Waggoner


If 'OU wfIb tAt ~ Me IIr. Sean. 1& will never be lI.o ..~ ........ 1M. arpmeDt, no Gall aNNoJate ~cb:u:r:cb.~b~.~ld~.~~~'~~tflJ B.... IIIIYI1 faimI ...rIb the .... reads' Npartae, tile baWl 01 .......... wW DOt mIN Uda GPlICII'talt.F to . . . . . . WUI_i~.~ . ...., ...... ~~~ ... !!'!!.'!':~. ~~ .


.. .


• _ __




ls iorlunll LC, Illd eed, t hnl when ' nllli II! II 8Ul'rli ll" 'of 8111 1111111 !lllllily. l.conld -"IUl1lu('[, tb l! uoted Itu diu ll Je slC'll SYlUftmlij I ~ uOI ollly II v lollu· tellor, comer! to ihc ' bliutalHIIllI ho Is IRI of rll r!! IIII \'·lIr . hilt a WOlll un (t cow · t o be ' ~(1I'I",r lcd l\~' HUC U Uti e:<~olleui mnllltl llg JlN·H'lllnlll.\' nuti l' linrm, wllo ensemille r Ill'tI IS n~ MlslI Vlvl4ll udcar~ hr N;c lf 11,- "Hy n~ (lhm c e. Bolt, 8f.lllrouu : MillO. J~PRlca Symonds,. 'L1ll1l1 n N(lI;canle IH \l COIl/I'll 'er lllld ptantsle or ('Rtllhllabl)(l ren(llVll. 8 11d "" \'lollnINt, anll .MIIls Lllllon Rosedale, accomp3nlst null "tWlo ,lllllllist will ocld plnnl8t. Eucb or Ihl's!! nrt(~\S III known t;trenp:tb to It notahl I'I'rt'f),IIU o.l. mOHt fll"um l)l ~ Ihl"'tl!;buut mualclll It musll'lIl repuLntlQJ' can 11~~ure 6ue. AUlerlcll, and 1M (!I)ltll '~tcrl~ to give 'p cess tb\lll tbe appearnnce at theRe tbrea BKU. fnatory SUl'l'l,rr to KIlCb 11 eUl,erlor .plendJd artllltll, Wltb the worllt ramona .,-tlst ·a8 Sllwlllult. SOID01Qa', IN de8t1oed to ~hlll.l al tbe ' Vlvlall R olt bii~ been beard wllb the ~f_t mUlleal enot whkh tltla COlDMetrollOUIBIi Urt\UlI Upera Cumpauy, m1lD1t;r ~ IefII1. -

------- Morrow. Ohio, August 14-15-16-17-1

Myrun 1', Herrick, candidate for U. ' . .senator, Jnl\(\tl Waynesville n little vi it Friday at noon . He mad a -nice talk beforo he contillueJ on his journey to Wilmington .


.. -

NOTICE The BOllrd of 1~" lIcat..ion willli I wo hack drivers for the Harmony"ye distriot. Appliclltlons should bq made to the uD~ed.


& V, BUDbart, ~

f'''t-I ilkI' t \, n~ protty IH.'lIr flr)Ue

\\' nll


l'\'f·l'ythluJ; .. nl1yhow!" tllprl' 'Vtl t4 ~om"UI! nK el~('," MrM. :1II'rlrlllll, IIlIullIlIl; It\' 'r II ~·II\YII . "You b('t"'\' lilt It It, till to. IUor,'ow 11 11.1 !: ~ t to l1I'd u UIV-' h'l4~ yuu'll h'l! Iud" It l klU''' w






hlll'llI1l1NI to

I f

hn Hn't I ~nrll('d hOI\" to »u"b zluc. 0 lou", It urIlQv(!!'t


In 1.lle rMlter of Ih e e.'ltnl,o of He. I b 0 ... '1"),11001, lIB<." 11ft tl. Wrn , II, Uor wlu II tld ~'(t>d '. ,",tRoc k IIr" I l\lpolnt rd ~t1UljIllMll r t " r~ B nd ;$ll5 0 Z. U Wurlt' y, >h llip \Vhl!_ I I\o re und .l ". VII Ul\ m nn r UIO np. , poiol eil n I'pral per8. 111 tllA tn !IHllr of til e ~ tat,e at M O~lls P. l"r ~Ifl v , deC'e uReu. Jolru \ '. (Jr OOlJol3 IH nl'PolDted " rlllllnl~tr" to r 110 bo nl~ 11 011 . 0 OU i~/ O L In re, ~h e f'H t il! of WIIIII\III t :on · dlabl." d ot'il Hoa, l)(lDnis B; Co o. d'ahlo IA.lmr. , pr e ~euted oltllm I 8illm.t o~tMttl lind Augnst 2Y th MAt ror hellll ng "'lUl U iStlille Ilf troe III I.I1lllt e r , 1; dt llt co ot Mury E . 'on

~ I rl~ ~.


"n os~o u '/" Mb ~ Yllwn!'(!. " YOII lIoedo ' l worry "I",ut n OSeOl'. 1111 lin. Il "9 Ulr stroll I( Ht chllrl w Imd . (lIe\'ur did kllow k Utlr> h ~lt a r h ~ lIlth UIIID I II do" s. '1 UOIl't l,oll('\' u, ht" 8 (w cn had a cnlO In Ih'o y ears. )'ou' ucttcr go up I to bell. pllpa ." I " ~lI r roK ~oll l r t htn!C rtld hfl llpen to llim. though. You duu't know wbnt It ntl'lIlh",llIg OW l your rrl l' lIl1 BtnuCl5 lJl!- ruCIIU9, k""nlu' Jlr~ll 'rly lUll tller thoso . 1.11' YOIl , A Il!l wlH'n the work I. (\,\11<. ' - ' dlt)"S-;jIlHt .keeplu It nll\·e. lot II10ne WOlI' t llie night IlIn k,' up f(lr Ihe lillY'/'" , mnkln It grow the WilY '1 do. I teli I.Ighl ~ 1'''"lt'1 1 to I!l ow frllIn her; ho YOll wh~n Il IIlIlIl .1I ..~ , If thllt dend WI> " lhllle,1 by llllll I'1IllIlIlIl.'e oC klml · "IIln',. .. hllltlcrn IIln'l on till' jou, nl ;:hl lll' ~~. Hul 1\11 I' l' !'Qulol ~ 1Il' w as. husk· flnll (IllY. p""ry U,ltll! Ill' hlllli ' II ~ I"I II)", "To think .rou·rl' Ihl're-wlth 1lI€}- ' enrrlt'll orr. ~Ly Lonl! whl'n I thlllk Ktlln,lIug bt· .. 101,· th e old zlnc'l'ut 1'--" 0' ~ ll ..h Ihln"" ('0 III III' to IIII': It don't Ancl tllf'Y Il1 l1ghed nnd Ino kNI nt each 8eom like I dl'"en'c!1 It- no 1111111 [,\·.'1 otller, aLltl nt IOl' t IlIb!Js fOllnd whllt It Irloo llllrd ~ r Id mlsl' lois hoy. rl~ht m llll ut not" to be nlone III Ule ,,"orld. thRn I hll'·c. I plHnlwd Illld Ilhlnll('d Be hUd II fri end. and plnnned bow to. bring 'em lip 10


"Ab, thnl 's "C'ry prrnl'!" Hn(' lallgbed. "You'rp Buch All 11 011£',_1 pn· .on, It's plt'o"llLIt lo hRye yO\l Wll IIUl I IOmetillle8. by ""Ill' or VArlet)':' ,\It' became gTlIfO ngnln Immedlotely. " I benr mYi<~lf laughing 118 If It wrr.' .0ml'9l1e elso. It ~oundB like Inllght r r on tlIe eve ot a gTl'at ('n lnmlty." ~II,' cot up restl essly. er088 'd the roo m ROIl leaned ngRlnst Iho wnll, fneln l{ him. "You've got to go back to ilint plul'e ?" HOI n o~M,... I. "Antllhe oUl er time sou did It- " "Just over It." Bold Dlbbs. "Two ,ears. But I don't mind Ole prosllc,·t ot a repetltlon so mueh 88- " "So much as whnt'" sbe prompted. a. he stopped. . BIbbs looked up at be r shyly. "I want to soy It, but-but 1 comn to l\ deld balk when I try. 1-" "Go 00. Say, It, whatever It tS." ~e bade blm. ''You wouldn't know bow to l a1 anything I shOUldn't like." "I 110ubt It you'd either Ilke or Il ls· lI11e wbat-I want to 80Y," he returned . movln, uncomfortably In bls chnlr nud lOOking at his feet-be seeml!d to ree l awk,,' nrd, th orougbly , " You soe, nil my Ilfe-untll I JUet you-It l C\'(lr telt like sayIng anytblng, 1 wrote It In· Itead. Sayiug UIIIlS Is a lIew trick for me, and this-we ll, It's just thls : '. used 10 feel oS I f I hadu·t ever bod an:r lort e t a life at all. I 'd ne,'cr been ot uee to anyililog or- nnybody. Gd I'd uever hnd Ilnythlng, mY8elf, except a kInd of hapl!nza rd thluklng. iaut now It's dl/reren t-I'm still of no uae to anybody, !lnd I don't 800 any proepect ot be1Iig useful, but I bave bid something for myselt. I've had ~ beautlful end hoppy expenence, nDd 1t m.ket m1 life sC(!m to be-I meun I'm ,lad I've lived It! Tha t's nll; It's your letting IDe be noor you eometlmes, a. 10U have. tll18 strange, beautiful, happy llttle wbUel" Be did uot ooce look up, Illd rt'll('bNl alienee, at tbe e.nd of wbnt he bad to t1111, wIth e,yea stili awk".ardly regArd· fn. ht. teet. She did not speak, but a 10ft ralltllng of ber gnrmc.nta let blm bow that she bad gone back ' to ber ~In. The bouse wns still: the tbabby old room waH so quIet that the lIOund ot a ereuklng In the wull aeemecl sharp and loud, And yet, wlIen Mory t!pOk e at lnst, ·Iler vol~ was horely audible. "It you IULlnlt It ball been-bappy-to ' be jft1en41 wIth me-you'd want to-to ,make It la8t." "Yee," he gulped, _ "'But 10U ma Ite t hat kind ot speecb to me beca use 10U tillnk It's over," He tried to evade ber, "Oh, a. dny ~ laborer can't come In his overnll_" "No," @he Interrupted, with a Bud. den sharpne88. "You Bald wbnt you ,did because yon think tbe ebop's going to tlll,ou," . "'No, nor' . "Yee, 10U do tlliok that!" She r08e to !ler feet apln and came aud 8100d before him, I'Don' t deny 1t, Dlbbs. Well. It 700 meant wbat you' 8Il1daud 70U dId mean It, I k:now I\!:rou're not going to go bock to th~ 80 n· !tar.lnlD . . The shop shan't lIurt you. It aban'tI" And now Bibbs looked up. SIle stood before hIm, straight nud tall, spleud ld 1D geoerous strenl(th, her eyes ' shining and wet. "It I mean lliat muclJ to you," sbo cried, ''thoy cau't harm youl Go bllck to the sbop-b ut come to me when your da,'s work Is done. Let the mo· eblnee emab their slxty·elgbt Um cs a minute, but rem ember ench crash that dMten8 10n 18 thnt much n earer ilie evening and mel" He stumbled to his teet. "You SIlY-" he I!IlSped, "Ever)' ovenlng, denr Bibbs!" He could ouly sture, bewildered, "Every evening, I w ant you. T hey .ba'n't burt you agoln l' And ahe held out her hand to him; It WIIS strong and warm ID his tremulous cla sp. "If ·1 could, rd go 8nd teed the strips ot &Inc to the mochl ne with you." ebe '.ald. "But all day long I'll send my tholUrbta to 70U . . You mU8t keep reo

Fat Folks May Now Become • • Slim QUIckly

This is the package that holds ,the cigarettes

Probllte Courl PrOC4ledlnll:'

R o~l'o(>; ' hI' 1111 1(1. "Tb,' I wbnl'!1 I hnl''' 10 Ino k rurwllnl Ill'! 'I'h"n wlll1l ('on ld I U p,·1tll 0 11 It, h"h l tlllul;K to. gelli r? • 111m Ill\, ! A lu mmi Ihnt


~ ttllIle. t.I"oell~" ll .

III the IlIl\l t ut" of Iho HAAllluUl£lnt, I o f 'l'ho lle rn" IOI Il ll n) ~ . lUg, ' 0 . , I ~sle8 IIJlllfo VtHj In rt' , th e us il,!n llllltl t of .II\I1lPH V. BallklllMtlll , o s. II/nor . ( Ipnu 1I1IIlII. oatlo o lind c(\n~ ld e r .. t·l" n o f 011\1111 Il l (l~oot e ll ngulIlsL tb o 11""IKllllr by Iho A c Ul !') V Oil e r Iwn J.ulllbor 'n , uo ur t IIpl'ro\'es a/lid cllllill . 1', H, Ru', Ii bl14ouo, exoepttl. III "bo mA ~ l ll r u f llio gnardilID81dl' If U<Jwurd \V ulf, ru luor. Lue tth Oi kHon IH 1l11polll! cll gnnrdlun . Doud ' 1<00. 10 re estule of How~rd W QU, a min or, Un .. rdltlD 1>1 dlreoted to clllllpr ()miso lind suttlo olaim for (I.. mageil DgRlnst Lo vo)nnU Llgbt n ud Wat,er Co, 10 tbe UlU, te r o f the IIppli oft tlon uf <ieo r e 1\1. ' urr y 1IU11 Lou T. Un rry , hi s wlfo. lor t he udoption of Mnd l on Hutohinson AU (lllrlle8 inlu rellt ed IIKreelul( t,lIe flppllc,,\Ion III P HE,d opon ano MIHlla un II IIdopte d !Jy Dr . BOll Mrs. Uurry .


ht' j[wlrdA to elrh'" tht" WolveA olT, 1I1 Jfl

how 10 II .. hllll[ll'rs 10 ImUd . Rnd 1IIllhi blgg!'r. I tnll you thla UII810l'A8 lire Is Whon be cnme Into tbe n e l\' bouse, no rOOI'A Joll nowlldnys- a milO's gol R few miliut s Inter, be found bla fa· , to hn\'p eyes lu thl' ba ck. of hlA hcn!\. ther slttl nK alone by the library lire. I You " .. lIr t/llk . .ornpllmc8. 'd ntnkl' 'you . think Ih" mllll'lIl1hlnl hll<1 I'om hili Hl hhH' wen I" In nne! s to<Jd b(lf(;n' him . ri j:;\Jt U,,' DPxt bren th you'll hellr Romc" " l'm eurp.d, tnlhl'I'," II ~nld . " When hllll), holl l'rlu' IIhoul 'till' j!"rl'Rl IInrl' t.' do I ';0 \JIIl'k t() UII' HhOIl'/ t'm ,,' nfly." Y ou h ot thflro'M H ·",rpot unr \joI, t !' ' I'hcrfi 'rh., (ll'~o ll\l!' lind grim olt! ",lin elld nln't lilly mall ' nllYe BnlRrt enou!lb 10 net relux. "I .WII N sltt'ln' \Ill 10 I 8 (' whAt U's J;("ln' to do 10 U B In the you It Illst cllllnce to gill" sOlllllthlng enll . II r whnt ,lilY It'A Rol Het 10 h" ot IIk o tbnt. I reck on II's nbont time! , loo.e, hut It'y rr othln ' IIntl huublln' In I Just wnnl~ 1 to 800 If y,)u'd b/l\'8 I tht' holl r. This ('ountry's been Ollln' mn nbood ouuuglI uol t o rua ke me tn ke "I) with It from all m'er the world for a goo!l mAny years, end Ibe olel cllmr· n1l.!ctln' lIoY8 ere dead ond dene ,,'Uh. 11IIrch aIn' t what It uaet) 10 ·be. Nolh· In's whnt It 1lserl to be-e"erythlng',. Common Pleas Court turned up ' fro m Ihe boltom, nnd Ib e New Suits groWUI Is so big tho roots Mllck out In Ihl' nlr. Tbrro'8 nn nw f ul r1l cllon gnln' ItosB A. Barvey vs. JOshtt8 Har. nn. I1n,1 you got to ke£'p hOllpln' It vel', dlvoroe , g r 088 neal oo' you're I(oln' 10 keep your !In Innce on l:I.mry Relrl, 'oallllllentllr l' trusteo the t,IP or It. Anti Ihe sch 'DIers! Thp.v VR, WentJe Eyer et 1\1, 00llstI110 'I 'J n rllll like bu~s on the oollom of n honru of Will. - 1If1l'r lilly ploell 0' money they hpn r Is Proceedings loos . Fool ' schemes an!1 era kell Acllrl11!'s; the toni oneil nre th~ most J ohn W . Whltaore ,8 , J . Lee nnel Ihe worst! Yon got to fi g ht to Sams e' Ill. Case sottled alld dll1. Iterll your mOlley ott r you' ve m/lde , missed. It. A nd the wood" nre full 0' ml ghly lurlo B. ~vo noor V8. Mary E Indu ~f rlouR mon t1lRt's Qllly got ono Wltbam., Uburt orden l)lalot.lff to motto: 'Get the otllor fell ow's money rsou vol' sum of $U 6.U.J. h 'o m doteo. bero he gilts yonNl!' And wh en n fendallt . ID~U , . IlUllt n8 1 hll VO, when be's Roso C luu)lbell vs . Bplloy CIlWp. built good and strong, RIllI mntlc bell et u.1. P lll tiMon of retl l elltllte IlOOd I:hl ngR grow n nd prosller- tbos e oidered nrc Ole fellows thnt Inv for n . cbance to BUde In and snenk \tI e hcn. lfnoe helly vs Uli nton Kelly, cOt or It nlld put th Ir nnm rs t o Ii! dlv uroo (lra. u ted. Cn!ltojy of obtJ And whnt'a the use my 11 ~~I l\' I'ver dreo give n to plalntllY . R. \V . lHlohrls~, 'l'r n ~tee e&e. , v~ . beeu born, If 8uch !l th Ing fiS that 18 goln' to hnnpen1 Whnt's tho use my Tbe POClplo8l ' Electrio Co, Reoelver hn"ln' worked my life and 80ul Into i. grll.uted perml"siou to IURke oer· my husl nc8B, It tt'B nil /toll1' to bl' dis· 'aln r oplllrs and IIll(lrOVernen~B or, pel'8od oud 8cllttered suon liB I 'm In d ared by tbn Pnbllo UlllItled Com the ground?" mlsaioD of Ohio, A'llo to plIoy tbe Ue 8trode up and dow n the long lurn of $ l ,OOO R. W ..<illobrlat, reom, gosticulntlnlr-lIttle regurd lng TrtlBteo , 88 It cr?dlt up on)ndgmen' tb e troubled and drow8Y figure by Ui'e beretuf'o r e oblluoad lu tblB 'oaus!!, ~..- - fireSide. BIB throat rumbled thunder· Moeln Da.y V8 , Roy OilY, dlvoroe "I'm Cured, Flther," He Sa id. ously; the words , cnme WIUl s torlD Y g ru. e~ ()! 8ud pl8ln~iJl' III reltoreU t o bfUerncss, "Y OIl l.bluk Ibis Ie II time ner m ,Lld lln name of Mest8, Lewl8 . you over there by ilie collnr. Lnst for young IUen to be l.rlll' 011 beds of En 011 l1hllm her lRin VS. !:Iazel nlgbt I mnde up my mind 1"d give you juet one more dny. Well, you got to enBo? I tell you th ere never wus such Ch'1ll1h,~rJn i o. 'O,Jrt ordera plll.ln. It before 1 did- pretty cl08e to the a tlmo before; tJICre ne'ver wns BIi Ch tiff to pay s um ot f:lO to lfityno" & . opportunity. The 8Iu!:j!"nrd Is de- Burdlnlg und Bum o f t\2 per week elovenlli hourI All ngbt. Sturt In to· ~polled while he sleeps- yes, uy G~o rgel It morrow. (t's the first 0' the monlh. If a Ollln IRYI dowu the,,'l1 en t him be- a mony, Tllink you can get up In time?" tore lIe wokesl- but UI ~ live milD elln M ':ltote of Ohio va. Wilbur BJn.Jte, lots Nns. 71 !Lnd 7~ tn Maple Park Sympathetic Chauffeur, j'SI- o'clock" Bibbs r nopolJded brisk Inor C. ~leloy lit llJ)poluted trus'tee 8ubdlvlslon Klnng Mill', ""25. A • ~ • build ' stmlgllt up till lIe touches U.lO LI8 p rovided for 10 Cb<l (l ter ( 11) of . . . 'P. "CQIIC(,ulHl you I" sunrl 'd Ihe In· Iy. "Al!d I won t to tell you-I'w go· Bky! Tills Is tile bUBlnes8 mnn '8 dill': title ( I) In t he Gooer II Uode of Ohio, Albe rt Penoy to Edwurd Bishop jllr'r! l)IIrty. "1 \ViiS Rtnmllng w!lh my Ing lu u 'cbeerful spirit.' As you snld, It used to ho the soldier's day lind thl' !Lnd wife lot No Q In Maple Park nrtlfl clu l 11mb . I such' II 1'081tl01l thllt I'll go 8nd I'll 'like It l'" stntesmnn 'B dill', but tllis Is ours! .AlId hiarrlage Lice nses subdivision to Kings MIIlII, $576, I h,) root lher (If projuctetl Il,' yontl the "Tbat's yonr lookout l" bl8 fllUler It aIn't n Su ndR Y to go Osllln' -1\'s turBoraoe M. Snook to Ubarles G g ru uled """ 'ey'll Ilut "OU back on the Plltrloli. b·ltz~imnl on8, 8bolimILker a nd Ruby U, Winner lots .Nos, 8 curl/lng, Utlel you hllve rim OVt!r Mid ,...u. moll! , turmolll-Il nd you got to go out syllthellc hoof unci hrolten It. Ar·r·r ,r I" cllppln mochloe. You I(et nlnc dollurs nnd live It and larooU It d k "nd La .:Ira NeV ill e, botb or Lehlloon. aod 9 In Lebl\ non. $ 1. "Why dldu' t YOIl put your ho ' t· toot a week'" Ie au mn e Fllther Welob . "l\l . ili I' tll t " Id It youreelf, or you'll only lIe a clencl IJ P~' t. .. Edwald and Robert BI&lr to Lam. fOr'I111)8t'" tllp()lIntly answerer! the ore on r:! wor , 00, sn mnn ' vn lkln' nround <lrenmln' you're onn . 'Iwce., DlRCullle ol)Or· uel D . ' Bu J\(} lot No .8 In South tnxlcnh ilrlve r.- Knnsns City Stllr. Bibb,S, cheerily . l'hl\~ remlt!d8 me, I nlh'e. ,\ ud tbut's whnt my BOO HI Il!J~ ntor Ilnd Lena. M. PIl IOler, both of P,uk!:!ubdl'l'lelon to Lebanou'l. dldll t me~n you hy Mldu8 Iu tbnt baH b cn t1011l' all bl8 life and what Twenty ' Mile Staod. R ev , B. If . nonsense I d h '~' II writ ing. I lOeun t-" , ' M o U l I e mey. Commissioners' Proceedlnll:s Advised Allalnat "Dawdllnij." , "Mukes a h"l1 of a lot of dlIT rellce r~d rll~lI~r do no~ ~al~ go °t~~ Iln~ do David Powell, (arluer aud Mrs. Bew,lre of stumbling 0" r 01 pros • 1 ~:I~Ot~ n~8:~::-" n ally '· ug op- Li zzie 'J!. Blsol, botb of FrlAnkliu. . 8\11e Allowed-C, 0 Marvin, sopwbat you mellu!" "I just wnntod YO Il to know. Good P" , R e v . .tI.. Watlloe. , pl\e8 for janitor, alMo jllll , '28.07. perlty Wh l t h 'n~ lI y bcs~t" yoU , (rOil! ulgllt tuilier" Ob. do stall worryln ove r such non· Dan p , 80ne, pos tage for olerk'" not h''''lng l:QUr llrue full,\' 1'llI l1l oyellBomer I!:lIrl Me reUs, fnrmer and sllUse," Mrs. herldun Intornlptcd, Irrl· "O:nlght!'" IllUoe, $5 . Tbe Merrow Mirror, ,ub. I m ell ll whnt the women cull IIrIW!lIll1g. Lillian Alberdl\ Hearl! , but,b of Mor T he so und of till' YOllllg IUnn's foot- toted Into shllrp wIl ketulneS8 for Ule IIs blng 'ax n otloe , $2. Beth W, Do Instlllltly whut I'l!r I ~ t o h" ' dOIl Il, steps Il Bcoolllng the 'slulrs bOCIIIll!! Ill' moment. "Thero nln't nnythlng gain' row , Rev, Tilfo r d . Brown, legal 8ervloes, dereoding 10- nnd Litke Ihe hours of r(){'r ' lIt\nn lifter audible, Dml th e l!Oll ijC wn~ (l1lI!.!t. But to bappen to ll oseoo, and you:re jllst . William J obo Dalllon , np8ielant dljtent prisoner, Cbarles K . Balter, bus iness, never befor e It.- Sir Wlliter Scott. prcseutly, as Sherldau Sli t stllrlog !l ll. torm; "tln' YOUrSClf, about "notb ln'. ~!) It plr ol es sloo a.l, at No rwood, I\nd $50. ~ ~dn80 Belen Long, of Mason. Rev grlly nt the Oro, t hl' ~ hllUJlll g cir II pnlr Aren t you e,'er gol n to be<l' ot 811pr(l r~ cOllld be bCllrtl OeRccnd lng Sberldnn h nlt ed. "All right, mn m· J . H . Flt~water nUd M rs. Sherlellln lllml e lior npPcll r: ma," be 8Rld, WItJI 8 vns l 81gb. "J,,,t'R Real Estate Transfers nllce, her ohllque oJ:prcs~ lon !lull the So. ~p . " Aud ho snnpped prr the ele.:· Blnte of h(,r toilette bei ng thoBe of Il trle light, leaving OIlly Ule r OsY,I(IO\\" "About two yeult a.go 1 bad II. _ • A. Ebo rb l~rt to J .. ne 'l£berllsrt 2 pcrson wh o, ofter tryIng IInSllccess. of the flro. Ira ctij In l'u rtleo r eo k towDship, '1, severe aUaok of duurhoea. whlOb w~........."""'"..,.._ _............_..,..,__""'''''"'"..,..''''''. fully to Mll'op on 0110 sille, hua got up "Old you 811Cllk to H08coe"" she WANTED I S[l ll c W , B.vurl,7.eJl And W . A (luted over a week j" wrItes W . C to loolt for b\1l'glnrs. yawned, rising lopsided ly In her drow- Re ll,er , ExtrA , to J 'lllll Brower I X ' Jone8, Bttford, N. D . . "I beoamll 110 " PO\lu!" she excllli merl, drowsily. sln088. "Old you monU nn nbou~ wbnt !lor es i n Franklin townsh ip 'IO h. weuk tba.t J oluld not stand aprlgM. "Why'n't you go to !Jed? It must be I told you tile other evenluK?" Bave vou a farm or other A , B. Ku n fm ll'1 and It. J . Shllw. A drnggln reoommended Cliamber. 'FAH.,MBgain' on 'Ieven o'clock I" "No. I wlll tomorrow." . ROII.1 Eottlto for Balel If 80 list lion to A . L. Ro!Oncrut18 lot No, I 181n's Co\lo, Uholera and Ullurqoea. 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 She ynwned, Rnd Rented herself uear in Ptlr k View s ubdivision tlJ Leba. R em edy. The first dOIlE! re!lllved tllune III onoe with W. D. Chllondler, we and wltbln · two day!! J WalllS Wayne8vllle, Uhlo or call bere at him, stretcblng out her bnnrls to tb e But Roscoe did not come downtown non, "011 liS ever ." Many drngflrl1ts ~e. Pbone No. 77, I h'av'e a few goo", fir e. "Wbnt's the Dlntter ?" ehe nSked. tll e next duy, nor the nex t ; nor ' dl,] M C, and Mary E, (ilollson to oommend this r e wedy beoaulI8 they out ot 'OWII buyers who are de8lr_ sleell nnd nnx le ty slrlvlng slugg lsbly Sberldnu see I1t to ' enter his son's Wr l~ht Whitoore !lS.I.;' ~cres nenr' know that lt III reliu.ble. Obhlnable ODS ot looklni .lit property hi and with ench other In her ,·olco. " ( knew bouee. He wllltcd, TJlcn, 011 tbe everywhere, a.round WayueevlJle . 1>on't dellAY I you were worrlcrt all dinner time. fourth day of tJlC monlli, Roocoe HOllohe8 ter; tl. M (J J urtllm et III to Rira.Ul B . You got 60meililug new on your mind wnlked Into bls foth cr'l! offico lit nluc . '- • AtteDd to 'b18 at onoe. W. U, Cbandler. be81des Jim's beln' tllkon away· Uko ho In tbe morning, wb en Sherldnll hop· Mora n lot in Uu rwln , $"25, ,.was. What's worrylu' you now, papa'" peoell to be alone. Geo'r ae 'IN, Il.ud Margaret J . Millor "They told me down8talrs you'd lett to L. U. E:lalne~ 163X lIorell in HlIor_ " Nothln'." She Jeered feebly. "N' t ell me that ! word you wnnted to see me," Illn townsblp $1. FOR BAI$ "Sit down," said Sheridan, ,rIRlng. You Bilt tip to see JlIbbs, didn't you?" ,I . [) Rllnd/t1l to Lunra Me lnbur" "Be storts In nt the shop agnln to. Roscoe 88t. HJs fllther walked close 1. 1 aorea 10 Bllrla n tuwoslllp, $1. morro,v wornlng," snld Sherldnn. to blm, enl1red sueplclously, nnel then Stili have a qoa.n"~y of P(UI8 E. M . and Duuglass Cox: to Wlnl· "JUBt ilie BUmo I\B he did before?" walke.d nway, smiling hltterly. "Boh!" fred 1, Borah 10' .No. 20 91n Wikoff's Oreen tor I18.le . C, W. Bender. ' I "Just pre·e1sely I" b'e exclolmod. "SUII at Itl" .on, lVayneavllle, Ohio, .atll IIddlUo n t o Ma8 Du , $1. Did yoo koow that oorn tn tb~ 11110 "Bow-long you goln' to keep him "Ye8," sold 110scoe. "I've ' had a Mary E Mulford to Julia. Daoa 18 worth 40 peroeD' more &b8n OOl'n 1m golni Into boelneBs and wll'l at It, 'papa ?" sbe eeked, tim idly. coup.le of drinks tllis morning. W/Jftt Br lgh \ lot No. Sill Stokell ItdditloD iu the Ihook? And tba.1i every "' .eU my Dew bome at OUOO, looated "L ntll be ko ows eomothln g !" lo'he about ItY" to Letll~n o n, 11. "I reekou I bette r adopt aDmo d ccr nt fllrmor wbo bulld8 a Rllo Inoreasea ~ miles eaat ot Cur win, Oblo, Alijo un hapllY man struck his pnlJllR ,t o· young mnn," IIls taUl er retil rncd. " I'd Albert Nte rulln to Flo V , ~tlloy Ii the eflloleno, ot hl81 .aore81 abont a5 horl)lI, oow, wagun, tOols, e\o. Pillce gelliur, fuen got to /J18 teet nlld begnn bring Blhbs 'up bere !lnd put him 10 nOleel0 Franklin townablp $L peroeat ? Reoeut experimeDtl sbow oon&alD8 2y' a.ors.I. Ii rOO l1l hou~e, to pli ca thc room, n il 'wns hl B wont your plnce If he wos lit, I wouldl'" Edwllrd Bishop to Albert Penny Iba' 8111lle wbeu uaed with Got'on~ cellar, oemllD' walks, /large oblokell wheu he tnlk ed. "He' ll go bnck 10 the • ead meal for fa"eulng oaUle pro. hOo ••, Ollt boUdlniB, elll, For ipu• machlue lIe cOu ldo't lellrn to tond prop"I,lotter do It,'' R08coe Rssentod, suI. lenly. ;1uoed Ral08 at a oost of 14 hia8 pt'r &Ioollli's .ee, James A . Whltaore, n, erly 10 1be six mOil tbs lIe WIIS there, bundred pounds thaD WheD COrD, 21 WaynelvlJlo, Ohl0 , aU and be'll slick to It till be does lelt rn "Wben'd you be~ln tbls thlng1'" "I always did drink Il UUl e. Ever . .tover a.nd bay made' up 'he rattoe P Itl Tha t boy's wbple Uto, tllero's b en since I rew u th t I .. Baahels of good oorn, ·t'or M08t el/b owner, lay 'hat a .\10 is n settlo ' up 0' somethlug nmJl ab fullt'l "I.e g lli p, a 8. , leformltlon call J . S. VIIO. IIg:l llIst e"erytblllg 1 W81lt him to do. I ave a,! talk out , You know Try It. end eee-one allpJl08 t lon will m >It p~06leble to ahe tar ner "bo feed!! at least 'en head of 0011'1 or deryoora, PhoDe 33;-3, WlIyno~vllle, J doo't "now wblt It Is. but It'l got w~,at 1 mean. , . pruve more tbaD a OOIUIDII or ollalms. fattening oat&le .be Yllar rOllDd. Oblo. a2 Well , I don t know ~tI 1 ever bnll Jamelt to be .worked out of blm. Now, laoor S Ferl\l8C1D , ·}lhna., Pe, O ' ne lind oue-haU luohell of ellale n1n' t any more a alroplc question tbnn too mucb 10 omce bour~untll the wrUe,, : "I bl\ve had wonderful re. Bm Botel and LIvery BarD' in . I other day" lief 81.0.:e 1 nRad ~IOan'lI Liniment fin 8honld be ttid dally'o lu.ure. mh,wbllt It WIIS " 'hsn we were young. M y ' " . tJorwtD, Gau lIell It to you very 1m r b It; f i l u m 10111 from IIpolllui· Tbe .Uo Idea Is thnt, ou~ldo 0' nnlon trouble., I ,Sheridan begaocuttlng, It's a lie. ql)' knees, '0' t III a tel a tbelle IhOllld Ite d lea•• 10 ' ....0 dlamlter. oh.ap If .old IIOOD. -the_an that can ma'~In~;;J} ve had Ra, Willi up from yonr of· ears Q!]l6ID -one applloatlon gave Nloe CI room hou8e lD Corwin; III llie ' mnn tlmt's been one hlmllClt' l lIce, He dIdn't wailt (0 i1Ve ou away, we re"f\ef;-M"any thaDk....-ro- w Will aell obeap &"lit live ROod terms, Well, I eet Bibbs to loarn ilie meD and but I put ilie bookl Into blm, aDd bo r remlldy bas dODe for me," W, N, ~"r8. Wu.ynellVllliI, 0, 02 keep oD .1llhrlul, . a.ppl,v Financial Note. to It!IIro the bUIlInOll., and he lOt blm- came throuIril, yo~ wero drunk twl~ L'DlmeDa where your paIn Ale<), 70001 1Il8Il, If 70U man'7 • H it to balk 00 the IIl'1t jobl That'. 1Hit0re. and cooldn t work. You been Y'JaD, JlHeY CoWl wUh belfer bow, qlllok yon let It. l\iCe wbo ' bowlI bow to 8COnom1se, "bat he did. aDd the balll'. luted 0.... 188m ,oor omce tor drlnu over)' tew calv,.. For latorrua\loD Gall oa :r.·ilp.iii••ii.· wUhou' rubblDI. tll.ere will be more mone; 101' 1W to 11ft, ....... Glbboal, R. D, -It Wa.,• 00 to 11 he balka a..... IIoIIB tar .... Jut tlIret Weelu!- I been • 1 alii' Drq 250, 1pO,,"L-oal~ If.... · .• _, _ _ 1". . . . . . . wiIIa ....1 ......_ I . .nu.,Olllo. CHAPTER XIX.



that do f.or smokers what no other cigarette' has ever done for them before-they satisfy and yet they're MILD




20 for tOe

fhlf(SAl'ItFY! - and yet they're MILD



.- ..----



Deeply, .ad Take Ta ••co



partlcularl, those lrom

1 0 to

U poua'" abo . . Donn al ....~b' w/l1 be later....s 10 \earn 'ba~ they Dlay :ell8!lY reduce their weiaM "Ithout .t,,"a4loll die' or Ure·

oomi ent"<llMl. Til .. c... beet be doa. by bel~g moderate

to 7QUr dJet. ao Lh., ~ u ..111 Hot ovcr· lil.x )'our UIImUa"ve, 0 .... " . , b,. ptt!nr "lent I' 01 l-'t ..,. b,. brea'hlll, deeply .ad IJy t&klug IWoe:<> 10llr "rube a day. , T _ ~., be olIt.loe<! lrom auy drug ....... LD "'raIa , .blol•. II>ke 0110 III.r cach

befo.. "'''"u, a'

IDoaI UI4 01141 Dl(jbl, 1;1101 _lillie, ...... beolule1J 110=1_. are pIe.... ut to lake ....d are .dMl,,-.<! (.Q reduce ratt, _taIa&Ioao til the ,,.Iem .. b ....... r loc,&!«l. .. IiIw ~tment Ibo\lld lbo ... a 110.

d.,.' \IciI&IlIe N4\1CUoa ID.. o1«bl,

!.be n..h l1Iould

~ arm \.be IltULAnu)n\b .nd tbe

-.I '-lib Impro\..s: In fact JOur loolelelio Ibould ...... ~IM Ilattter, 'yollr Wbri< _ 01 ........ aa4 . I"b_ &lid IlION tlllUJ&II1 feellDa .... )ft 01 )'OUr .bole '*IW. .~.-- _lao II Ie or 10 PQUIII1a II er


- ' ....... 1IIoukl .... &blI -




... ~ lIad Ula&

I nsu R1I 0'-' \oJ E =;.::==============Walter Chandler [Waynesville, o.


alasslfled Ads




Oyer Postolilce,\l H I,ne

Office Pbone 71



Dr. J. A. McCoy,

---_. -.


B. Mod.rate in Your Diet,



(]raduate of 01110 Stat_ Univerilly Office at residence In F , D. Sher wood's house, Fourth Street. Telephone 28





BARNHART, Notaryl Public

All 'k Inde of No\ary Work, Willa a.ud Deed8 a ~peolal.y,

DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTlST••• 011108 b1 If.'loa81 BIIIIk Blda.







•- •



or ..........)]


D K. H.E. HA. THA. WA. Y


Wayue.lvtlle'~ LeadlD, Omoe '111 Key. Blda. Mala IU





Director. Ohio


Aula Equlpmeat Ho,..,.Drawn equipment



., I


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l'nplllnr Bt)~ llJlI Lttdy , ' n I ~ 'furt<rl iu

lIiI~' l'r(;~l' "11 (iull,(';,

. . . . _- -----_ --f



'[,111,,' 1\ ' : 1'.






Mr, and Mrf, Fl a v,1



As Written by Our Corps of Able Corre!-'pond. ents in the Nelgh b~r b ootl



n onll l





\\' ,,I t(I

W I'''''"




The l~





1 I




lookl a mustsn!; In the e)' e1

Changety. c ha n... c han. ! Buahl Bllng !

CrlUlh !

"I'm Not Drinking Becauae I've Got a Thil'lt." th em. and Ihey grlnued to see hlro standing with Doctor Gurul'Y ltellind the unconsclous HIbbs. Sberldan nod· ded to those lleure81 101m- he bnd per· aOllal aC(IUnlntnuc!e with lIeurly 811 of them-l.n\l he kOI't hl8 IIttelltlon U(lQU his 8011 , ntbba worked 8telltllly. '\eve r turulll" tl'om loIs 1Dllchlne, Now aDd then he varIed bl. musIcal program with remark8 adtlrl'ssed to the ... Iuc

So 'IOtIIl( BIbbs, his muslcnl Knretle~ Inuudlble to hi s f"n ow workmen be· cnuao o( the 110180 of tile Ill achlnery. Ito bad dlsco" erell long nllO thul th e upronr WII8 rhythml 'nl. lind It bud b~eJ l Intolernble : I.lUt now. on tbe Btt· erllooll of Ute tour,llt lIllY of hl ~ r eturn, he wus oCCOlll[Jllny llll( 111(0 8wlllg and ('lash ot the metlll. with juhllant VIl · Iluc>ro frtlKlJlelll ~ . mIn gling llIlprl'l,'lHit. . . t.r~ tlons at bls own nlUong thew, 111111 (Tn be eoaUlluedl 1\l000king the zillc "liter's eraab with ~'::---vocul Iwltllt.lOllS: 'T Fllarlo.. an,l 1;01<1. A hans! Boult! Beholdl Willi a 10011 from the llround Aa a oure for ooullha and oold. To tho •• ddle In 1\ bound. Dr. Bell'. Plne.Tar.tloney oomblne. AII~ away- and aWIlY! HI·yayl 'bee. remedl~l. In JURa 'he rlgM pro, porUon to do the mOl' good for lum The long room waR ceoReleARl y thlm, mer oooilha or ooldl. A \rIal wllI dorlng Wttll inetalllc 80uml: tlle air prove "Ie 'l'Alue of Ihle eplendld waft thIck with the swell or 011: thl' oough medlolne, Dr , Bell'. Pin". floor trembl e.l POr) otllnlly : e"erylhllll! ,Tar.UoDe, loothel abe Irrltallon, WIlR Implacably . hl ·motlon- llowberl' • 'op. Jour OOUlh, kUla ",he oold "'8R there 0 rCRt for the lllv.y.le,1 eye, lerm. and doea yoo a world of iCod , '1'h" IlrRt tim" he hnll I'tlterl!ll !l,e ollicc A 260 boUlewt1) more than oou"laoe vou-It "Ill I'OP ,,)ur oough, . A' droggl.I ••

- - --




• I

--- _. - ..----

GRAPE JUICE OY' SIMPLE RECIPE Wouldn't a' UUle grape juloe 'a. Ie 100ft !led wtnter wheo the jUloee of other frun. ar. 001 obtaID .. ble? GraPe. are .ald .to oon"llo IUiulI whloh are tllpeolall, '3u'dtloua aod all the aoga.. ar. eanl84 wl&h Ibe juice of 'be frull . Mao" houle. "Ivei 6n4 the fol\o"lo. a ' .. 'Ia. faotery wa, of Ole jaloe: ro aX' POODIla of ~rapee add 00. ptol of .. aklr aD4 ooo~ uotn .0", DralD throllih • 2ell, bel and add 1 pouDd of .~r. bdol Ih. .oloe to bolltol, boH for 1\ mloo," a.4 bo"l. .bUrt bot Tbl\ joloe ma, be ••pt lod.flnltal, aDd dtluted to loll wheD"rY~, _______4.____••-------


Wllllnll to carry " a L.1ttI. W'r, "Oreat wealth II a burdeD. I lboul4u't wnd u vlnlil IOQ 8DOIIIh to beeome a lltUe fatlped." BIIItGD ~

dhr Yll , ~Ir, ('Ii"n" \'''\' ~1If\ ll' i l "Tit! (III' lI l l' , \ll"" ;\:"" '"1 111111'1.11 " ua 1\" 1 ,·, 1'1 11,,1, '!I"'1t ~ III tlttY It .. (~ .\' ('l u'II !lUll \' !l1. ~ l'ltli. IUt l 'l l Mr, tl'~,, ' .. 11 W"r wlel, IlnH r e torli PII to hI e h Olll c 11I 1,,' ,h,IIHlIl ufter spoII,llog sev,· r l.J weil k ~ Wliit r bl u. l·i\'(J@bero Mr. flll,l M ~~. UlltJ\rroJ \ l ll t. t"" lc RunclllY cl l ll nAr ~yil b Hol'uco 'UII'1' t o u I1n o1 Itll1,II ,\". II1r , lllId Nrs, H emIJ()11 .I " tl ~!i 1I1l,! ~r)0 'nrl, Erv in l'o t. \ r ~ll tl tllld MI •• !:lnrllh Uroloto rrl ~nallt :O;UI"\ II7 wilh Mr , I\IHI II1r~, SnuttH' 1 C' l/IIPIO U It t


WE To t'\'('r,'

\ 'II" lollll ' r,

\\'.'!t:1\' C 11 I';\ f

IIIh lilJl'lulHhl'r iilllli;


maU . 'r wh :1I t il<' :1111<11111

of !Ii ~ jll ll'l· I1 :1';I'. ('"lll' .T H L,'u ' n l,,~ " " . t or l,.inf'o UII" du ,v losl .\'tit·l., I I' alld t alk I)\' (,t \ ' 1"Ir (11 :1IIS , on rl i'oJrM, AKIlIl!,v Hill fluh n u., u f , .~ Ulnrksbn r g , W est \TIl'IWUn, (' ,III wi th 11 0.:. ~ Mrs, EIlA I91H th !':lmlt.\llll1d el,ln):" ),011 IIII\\' tIl :: 1\ ' " 1I 111 IH ' \ ' ter Mirlollll of U u y to n WMI' n", j ~ -':'" gU O.tA o f Mr , nn ;l lIb •. unl1 ry I 'r " in \til ' ill h .tli killri s ::Sunday. l lt l ilolill ~ nwll ' ri :t1 . Mr, .. u ll Mrs. lGJ gll r B "~llI1 ooler. ~-:~ , 'tt.ll1ell lllst l.'ue~dllY M r~ . 8 001'1;13 UugtUJ, "I W e lllU'tn, MrH 1m .. Wy. S,on !! tlml gra n tldflu ~ lrt "r l ~tlLh t-;~tLb. rJrB, Molly II,ntlrel l, uf (.)10 . BuycJ'!'; Oct Quality (iuflrantced on 'InllBtlllo d Mr Rnd :'lr~, lbloi!:!h Bogan , M r, TU I I , o f Wd g \,1110 , viti\l, d All Supplies 1tti ij Itllll ~laud 011 vip vory pie" . Crto,uls l.Jo:!"'; >ll11!d IlY, UIlIII' eu lc rllLl n ed teu IoI lrl "rldllY Hulph H 'J l 1 tn~on mado B bnsln A!<1l uft e rn oon tn h o no r uf MI~s E~ltol trIp ~u Miullll ' bu1'I~ MuulillY . I MoDlll .. uri" .. 0 1 Iloxt m llDth ~:' I W un~I""l\td Il oil f'\lnllv \~~r () ' Mr. ILnu Mrs J . " Lol!IIIlIUg en , HUllda" ..lillner I(U IlB t 8 of !\I I' , a nd 1 terltl lnea S uuIlllY Mr "lid ~l lR , Mr" Wrn C l~v"n~ rr . I£lnm F o rrln , Mr F. I fIll W Hrrl Bnd Warr n 'i'r () wlr rld t;o hllH rotu rn erl l dau~!Jte r of Wllllll n~ tlJll t o hl~ h OIll () in MIt! ct lot u\\' 11 nf te r a MI's Alllllnda 8tulrl' nutl dlin~htOI'H I IVoelI 'H vI i't vith ( r iN" I , h oro I MIlLe l Ilnl' Mar~Rret r et urn ed II 'l tU O M·s , Snydor h It..; rf'IO rb Cd t o h el' t ~uoduy ove UIUiC " '0111 nl'lIr L<ytl B, h orn In l,oballoD uf l"r nn nxlen dr<l , wlJere they rmjIJY"',cI f\ Hb ur t. v isit "I-\t, wi lh Im r (\1I1l4 h tOI', M r! , Chl'li' .~'I_"_ _J _ _ _ _'I!IIIIIU_ _ _ _ _" _ _ _" '_ _ _ _ _ _ with Mr unfl ~lrtl 1.1m l~ r ') Rrl uto n . U \ uulJe rt lUlU t t\11111v. ... Mrs , J l' nolo Mills Ilud ~11 6H !\f llry I ~1t8, Cr II H uthuI"" LY m t urnco ---.-~----~---~ ' --~-------~~~~~~~~~ b ello UU~OI\r ~ JlB n' Weun es day wi th from /) VI Hl t ,,!th rel "ltvo~ At 'in . • Mrs, H. i!:. J oo os, nlunut l llo d wi ll sp lI rl tbo , UtUmAr 400 TYPEWRITERS! \~ r II nd Mrll, F~ullk ' t llnl tlY w n t with b 'r mot h er , Mrs. Mury Drns. l lilCMINOTn :01~ $ 12, 8 M 1'1' 11 1' lt lt Mtltl tH I)RICE ' I'IOHT) to !)prlnM Vnllev Sunclll :\' liftllrn(TOO oop, $12 I .... ~ (lur' :IIIlolren L""rll ·I'Y I"... ,III,," 1 ( -~" to soe b ill Hi ~tor MIr" " It rjly c. I ']v "Il (I I' J . bb '" M ft t II QllI~ ,lurl"T( I u,'uLIII'" 1... ,rn UIIIIII Hu" k ' ----' ." II , u li· " , I , r ~, 06 t,u 8 00.. I ~!I J.' lU»t£ " land wbo 16 very slolk at. this wrIting , M II nice ' bllor ~R of Mldctle tnw~' F, MI'l foe 'I' \,\'li: Jrotr~r" t v , " .. r" 1,,. ~ , v. MIss Murtbn t5ttlrr i ~ ~llondln~ n 18p l'nt Frid~y , 0-YQnlog witb '1'O!I; .uam nlectl ~r;O() mjlcs) (ow dnysut the b , m e of Mr , nnd , Hura ' UUd if>lLllII .l' , - -'- -----'1'1.'n :'<,,,,·SkJ,1 Mrs Mnrion Osborn , . John illll okf.Jrd, or Dtly l on . 18 ' I "1' """,1 'I' read -:Ieitln).l hi s I(runclmother, I\Iu, She Scorned Pi ty, . :H1x:1 :Ii ,!J,BII $1 1.45 Ei lJlnbAth E1lR clt fo r ll. . Nofhlll !: \\,11"; I" "" " 1'", " ,"'1, ,,1,10' 1I1 .. ·tTt ' ;~O" :l'. ~ l2,n,'i Iii ,Ot) 8lUll~tli Gil pin I,nd R ILl Illl i:itolw~ I' Ih \\'on,lnrftll bllnt! 1' ,VIlII! "' I'll "" , 1" '"" 1 3~X;{ '" l ~ .~,) 16, j) ' loft Mondl\y (o r 'hlC'lIg and varlon , i. )' (' r "~I . ),, I!til II lit .. "'")' III \\ ltlo'll ~ h, . To keep tll bO~1'18 f('gnla r t he ' ot.h6 r polnl~ 10 t,lll' ",,1(,Rt uUll N o r rt' ftlSf',1 III hI' 1011 1",1. It'll "l1l1,'r ~I III'I· lrOHt luxati\·o I~ outd no r to x I'r ols I Dltlr oto . T h ey will m ake Iho tr ip l ,'rI til "J( JlrI'R~ 11 1~ ~Y "iI''' IIiY I" 1"'1' , CO RWI N,0l110 Drrnk a Inll Rla9s of wfll,er hall 110 on It rno'oroyol e I .11I1l'l1",,: ~ I,,· h"I I! Ir.,oI II I III'," "\\' Ii ,~, I'lio ne {)ll.:1 h o ur b e fure brolikf ust nnd eu ' lin Mr, (Iud lI[n , T urn HntSt nn.1 Ron I ~. h'"~ .\'," ". RIO" I." ~Ir ,' "'"'11 .1 ~II)' , " I 11 111 i obnntlallee o f fruIt 1I0el v 8getlllJles, vl sUa ll r e htUv es at OilY Ion 8t1nd Iy tIll' h" pl'l "~ 1 \\""""" ,,111'''' 1 M," ~llI l lt 'I _ _~~!"""_ _~~_~~~'!'!!~~ ul~o eet"hlt~b " r e g ulalr babit "nd bo , Miu Mlnle K ealln vl~ltlld fin I' , I, 's",,,'-s h :o .. IlI',," ~ 101 I"" ""1",,,,100',,"'<1 soro thill, your bowel~ !D ov e oo oe Uinoinnat! and ~ rr l r ~ ~ 9 1I1,,~~ln lC~, If It 1111<1 11001 I,," ' " roor Ih .. I, oaoh day. WIl t!u Ii me'l lc lne IH th k 1 8 80n, 11.. I slr oolll,l 11"1 lin,'" \\ "tll"1l ' ''I' II\'IIu,,," nflAded t,,,lft' Chll fllb fl rialo's Tabl ets t! w ee am , ,. ' Tb~y are pl ea~ !ln t. t " tall e lin d mild Hev,8ingley loft bhi. \\Tl\eK f or 11 - .. --, ,Funeral Director und ~"lItltl ilL o n'o.'f: \ Obtalnu blll I,rlp t o New York Cit y, l' bllH rle lphla everywh >r o, I lind OneIda , PH .. wh or e h, will 8pontl and Embalmer. ______ - - , his vaon tlo:o wHh hi ~ p!lra llt ~, Born t o m:l . lind Mrs. Bnrry Fry, ~ Waynesville, Ohlo.'S a 800 , 1 Wil i uo,l M~urioe H o rm e ll of 1'10.. ' o)lln winl!: onnrJ illI\to~ lin. We hnv armnge rl wi th an under· ta ke r tu ~ tan Duto , so we will ba Day ~on, 1!1,l3n t tho week. end \~ II b oo uoce Illnl r clllldl cl ',Cl,\' Lor"rn tho b om e f o !I(80 n pnbllc'Jtl I'r illinry tn 110 belll a ble t o ftlrni ~ h ilh r an auto or hllr:! ,d rawn fun e rAl. I i ngll~t Y, ID l II, n th phones In Office and ResIdence. (1 r). B llglI 11 , t\.J1P , WY M'llg. - - -- - - +,- - 1____ - - - l nrur dlstance,No. 14; Home phone l4 ·2r ,




'~ -'-


-~ I~i




,Saxon Six Livery













I Announcements


~l rR,




'~~S~]i~~l1t!~ ~:clll1 n~lr M~I;d R~:~ YOUR BOWE S SHOULD MOVE ONE ADAY I



CI..: rlc of COli tis DAN 1'. flO .1 )E




LI~ W I ~



Waynesville, O.

--- -.. - ..----LIVER TROUBLE




.TO. ·F-P H T,

Are huying a ll kinds of


LIVE STOCK and paying highest market price. We are paying the high. st cash price' for .

ED fl . H(lHI.:H H f1~A~\(




Peterson &Stoops

W. p, 1'( llU.VI N




" i'\" ,., d ~ r . I k'~ lur \'nn, ' li S


Wllll1ln~t ' II , Mr , IIIJII ~lr 8



, IIIck , l'1Il




e:l.l(, -


III 'ft\ 1 " Inndur~l

p:tl' l 'IO , ' "

C huuno(\v i3 ltnno l l li nd Mr, nml Irs , A free oll ey 100 "Ilm e nt of tho &(1 BugIL n n Oll r Ne w i:lu I lIogton bOWE'ls e vol'y dil l' 18 0 51:(n of ~ oar1 1 '1 'ne d .. y Ilud W cdncsdtly, b "<llh , Or KIn '~Na'" I.H p PIlls . Mrs, tillfllh Rich RJlont.the week will give ' ou u ~u Iltll ,, " ,Ih' ,., 11'"" Bllr\,oy &no ott and fltmily lit . end wll,h Mrs, Dtt. vIE Hrllhu lll 10 w llb oot, ~rll)lu~ lIud fr p, · ~I'I\" d)' ~· f.enlled Gh ou Ll1o qu u at FrILbklio Huu Bn:rV f\Y8 bllr~, t ern ot bl oou lTfll.;uu •. jlnrlts y om dllY. . I blood , OV Br co m e cu n ~l.I p!lLl on a lld ,. P h y llIs nnd Arthur WllllplIl@, o t ~ Mr~, 1 In Mnnt1 ? n nnt! !laughter hav El lin oxooll n~ t,' nlo !Teot, on I he ::ledallu, u re viijlt~ng thei r unole, Mr ~th P I oull,,(] ou Mt ss Lu lu [l rllUtlOn onllr1l6ystlllll , Mnll e~ y ou foel likl:' lI vln' , (Ju ly 25c. !lt (\rnll~i ~t~ . • rlday aflernou n , Curl nealh. Mr nod Mrs , I:l, B fLthl\WBY ,md Mr. Dud Mrs, Nel~e SA milton !lnd dllUgbtAl', Miss l ntl. look Sund801' Mlsl'! Vl r g in lu speut; 'l'hUl'8dny with dinner wtUJ Mr H en ry firld geij9, 01 ~:y~~~"j~:,B ' ~', W , !:IBtlln wt>y In L,·btlnou. \ Mrs . John Wolfe ~lle llt, pllrt o f Ih e Un Tue~doy evollln8, Mr, and Mrs ~ylvE\8 I er uud IIOD, ~tr. and Mrs, week wl~h !Jer 8 ~ 1l R"y mJ!lr Clllrk • Joe liregg and daughter, and MII! ~ vl\le, !II r l!:ti un nll b R loh re~tlrno d h ome 800h.Il800, I rom Mo rrow, oullod au ~ no dl1Y altar spending fonr weeks BArry ~b8W and family. Kisses Eugenle r.Ld Lena Wbtt In i,eiJnllon Mr, RDd Mrs : Wm, No rt on fro lll TlIllt I' rl'lOn forll ~w 01'OpS lower the aker IIpetlt ellvura.1 daY8 losl week Oregoo tn aro campi ng Ilt the Wel\. oost ot p ork prnd uo ti on maL erlnll y 'I1'ltlog r e ltA\! VI'S In Day ton, WhIle ther e dr. Is dt'1 llJonsl,rnled hy oX I,orllll ( 0~8 n.t Mr, aod Mr.. Emmet Belt;.; aod mHll sob oul11 o u8e little Milt" Belen Rpenlliou,by with N orion Is d co nrRt,lng the boi!dlng the Ohio I); xpe rlm f> n ~ litlltll)n , AI outsIde und In Rlda . fllHu, ol o ve r, r nlla , ~ oy b oa ne Tlnd Rollo R088 lIod fawlly. Mr' GI"ren oe Cloflver ot L pb!l n o n bltl ogra s III'B 8dll.l) [O,1 tu Il og p'L~ tLlr. MI~8 Ina B&mlltou btu aooepted spent SIIoI·urd AY w it h W . B, J ordn n's, ege. 110 p 08Ulon to telloh ,h. f ,'!lowlnll M1~8 Fllye El lis E,ntorttl,:Ulld Mlij~ In ~me I'xperl1llo n t Ius ling 11 weOk. B 168r at North College BIll, l:l uoln lovfl r pl\ij tore r e , nati. We 'Il'lab Mlall lna 8ucce8~ In Judl'h Uo'nier ~evorrtl dltYs the I>I. ~ ~ In nllds~rnl1le r, week On '1'11orl'day f1venl nqo Hlio pl~ cl1l1 /l p Ollllde of oo rlo1 In every her work, g ave a lIurprise p artv In honor of l OO p ouud8 g ~~\r,J UlJId o by t,be hOgH, Mr. 8arvey Burnelt Ilod famllv Ml ~s Judtth's twenty fl t b ' thd B.~ Jle r oplao!l(\ h I pcl und ~ .. nd soy • were In Lebanoo Ba'urduy aher. l'be 8urprlee \vIlS oomrr~et;r auday~ b03~' 54 JlOtl~d ~ All tI,eRo b Tlg" noon OIost deli ghtf u l avenin w~s en j d r OMlv otl oorn In arldltlon t o p,,"tnro, ~II If aye 'I.'boy mlloo ohellpnr Buills thlln 'by Mr. John Bllioker~ oame down . , I th 080 fod on l,V g raIn lu dr y lot. trom ~prlogfield Sanlla, to spend Il Rov, Bell prelLched ,flt D!1eoh HUIl(l mok CB TIll "lJaodnn b, pa int!> few dllys with' his BlitH, Mrs, Bar ry Stiaw, Malter Charles Elhaw reo G rove SondllY und t oo k dlDll or with ble Rr owth and h1\8 " i Otl~ grazlnq soeson .An ILore w ill u sn n llv BUp. turned home wltb him Ilfter a ,181t Mr, aod Mrs. Geo. DavIs , 86"o rlll fr om b ere attendod the ply green 'fe ed f or 'tb re e m o nths fo ,' In 8prlnl!fiul<l, " Ala WbUaker ant\ family at. 800il11 !It Harveysburg l:!utlltllay :10 hngs weighlnl{ tlh o n~ 100 \ICl unds , evenIng , Ro yheaoH tn n,v Ire j:(rllze ll fr om teoded tho Ballke' m eellng In Oro8~ ' .1I1r. a ud Mrs, Carl Dodd Miss .Jolylfor"p erl odof llboutlOweeks , grove nOllr Waynesvllie, ~ undBY , Wlmda Dodd IIUll Mis" Edlt.h 'Ward , Slnoo bitio"rot~ 8 ts BI1 Hoeptlhla , to Mr. Emme, Bolt)l and fllmUy and low fr o .n u Bar ' W' ~Ylle8ville apent drouth, \& hllil its g re~l· os~ 1161110 for Mr. aud 14ft, C url Beath elilled on Snt,mdl1Y aud 8uncloty with Mr . lIod early sprill g OMe. ' NelsoD MoKeever and family E'l-1I;l ay Mrs. BaIlie liatbllowoy, ,vanlDI , After "pe ndIn g' two p le llilln ' weeks wHh their ~ i8ter Mrs, Boga'u , Breathe Deeply. Mrll , Lutl,rell, Mlrs Wysonlol: flII d n"r,,1 1 nil 01' lit ", h" S L ~Ir 'j!" " " yuu RrllDddllui:bter Mi99 Roth I:lobmldt lUll)\\' ,et1,1 )' ,HI will fI ,"1 tiU II Ihe' ' TTlIl ' "I am bothered with Ilver tiooble b:lve goue ') !ltHmd Il f ew dllYs w\t.b jurlly of th m 01'1) "" ,utlly w,·1 1 Li .. v"I · about ,,,,loe a ,ell~. ". wrltell J oe Mrs. Woo , Dllna be fore tbelr re turn o (l ~d In tI", th",,"1 .et,,1 ('hest. SIII"ln!; I IR 0 HII I..,I IIlI tl ,'l.:{·rl'is\"Wlll'll consl t1l'n'd Dlogmlln, Webat.,r City, 10wl' , " 1 to ,Clncluollti , ' _ _ _ ___ - - ' In c!Jll nectl.m witt. th " vlllli I" ", ,' ~s lty have paIn. In my II de and baok aJld I uf lit ' f'Ji hq'lllhinl;, It 1:; rl'('o!:nlz,"1 li S ao a~fal .orenell 10 m,. a'oIDlluh. I llb~I,I"tI.\l)' " ':I:e~~llr)' rill' " , rrtli!t I heard of Obamberlalo'll Tablet. If one Cllllllut "' 111(. lit ' 11llIIIIlI, /lod aod 'rleeS 'hem, By ,thl &tme Iliad oHd ~alf • botile of 'bem 1 wu "Wheu our lit t le boy, 'n ow IIllven IOllst tlt e ,>Il'Mt, It' r ' wllnl,'d with ""I?u ff .Illl, flne aod had no I1lgol1 of yean olt!, was 1\ lDEIby be wae curcs helllUI. I. nut 10 It d SI.I,8ull fur lts pslD. ' Ob'-laabllle,verywherll. of oholera lDorbu ~, by, C hRmber!"ln '. h ell IIdul clTl'd ~, " Coli'o, I]bole.ra aDdl i)I!\rrhoea Rem ,---- - -- - edV," wrUee Mrs , l:iidu ey SImmon! 80me M.n AN That ralr OaveD, N. Y, "l:3looe , thllo Complimentlry. "Some meD would almolt welcome 'oaher members of my f",mlt, bllve \ A 101\'1'/1 rr l~h phY81clllll wnll &II earthquake or an explolloD," Hid DIed ahll valnable medlcluf! for 00110 rullllig 1\ l'I'Il~"lll pOLl ('"t. '1'he ' 11l1ale Bben, "tQh de Rke ot thlaJdD' allil bowel 'ronblE,. wtah 1I00d ..till. IIrllteful wl!'hlng to Pill' 111m D 'IIo1lt how It 'tid UlI · BODIe lDlkI laoUoD aDd I IDdorae I' all a lIoe clII:np~lllll(lnt, Mulrl enthltlliR!!llrully I _ doD't llb." nme4;r lIlerU." Vb It's D rolo Job's coulfortU __liltof



',I I> !'! .11 :


ODd.a y U)(lfll,lo!!" lInd 1(10'< h UlIl is ",ore .c'o turrh 111 t his cl io" :itb t h~w tiHllr tI~ D , 'ur!.t" ". u ll l'r week II vt ~H WI lli r c1nLtv~8 lind 01 the cou ntry thall 1"1 "the l di,~"",s utlllsh,," W ook ly "I Wayn"",'lUe, 0 1110 PUI tugethcr, and (or y cnl~ il \\ns sup· (rlellcH, po~~ tu I", 11I.~ raL lc , Jjuct lJ rs j,re. ' Mr,lIndMr~ .Clu renooPrI O(l tUo v ll t D , L . CHANE, Editor and Manager ~rrlbcd lo.:al rClllcdlCS, and by c" ".I ,, nl· frftlD thtllnelg\.iborhood to X illll ll on Iy Iniling 10 cure wilh Iucill Ircallllcnt prul 1l1ullct'f1 It JllcllTnb le . L:'!llllrrh i s.~ Monday where ue hIL8 8teurly om. Inca l dis.·a e, greally illflu.~ cctl I), cun ploy mont, AUUU:iT 2, l ~1tj Ililu'iOOrt l C(Jndili ( IU ~ tlnd lhe rdorc Ie . ,Olllll:t Mlldden Is trlil'e ltu g (o r a 'Juirl.'1 ('II Jl 5Iit Ul;n lllti treattnt1uI. H a ll'N Ilrlll of prominenc e und Is IlI flll ll ng ':nlllrrh Curo , mallll laclnf<d try F , J. wIth grt)ut 8U0088S, '~-:~~~~~~~~~~i252.5~~~~~!::~~:::::l11 C~II(" ,,< C.. ., Tul ,'dll, Ohio. i ~ " ,'oTlsli· Mr flnd Mn , eba. Ma(1c\on Bud ~ tut lUliul r.nlt~d y, i. t "ken intcrn:d ly All f t aet ~ (h n] the IHnud dfl tl u.' Mllnll i s Sll r . ' son .•JOhll, atte~lled tbe Vog le min. ~Q"CS '" Iii,' Syslelll , nlll' H" rtdlet! Uol . Mtrtllllllt WllulInj(ton I!'r idllY night, la rs reWIt rd is o fTc rl'd lor allY ' ~15e t llu I PoliMON 18 ILt Its hlghost Every Hnll' s CuhLrrl, Cnlc r.. il$ 10 clIre . S.nd oaUdldute feels Allr.., bo \1o·tll wln(or drclI l,,",.. Mil d tt.-'stilullllia\s . b ow glorious the 660Sfllloo , F , J CHB NEV '" CO., T.lcdo, Olti", D , L, CrUD e, edt tor of Lh o Mh,rui ~"Id by Dru~~i ' I " 'lio. (f "lIette WIlS olil ltD~ on frlenll R hel' e Hull's Fumily Pills lor COIISlipll ttoj ll , oT\tnrdTlY nlghF. I:'lduey W8tklns, of Lllbon on was A Novel By OAIlIng on frI ends bere ::lullduy.' BOOTH TARKINGTON IIlbbs bod becomo dl1.ZY In"m nIlY •. W. W, Wlleoo, wbo is In tbo em. Mix monthA of It 111111 on ly aclt lcrt In· ploy o f the J obos.Mao"llle Go .. of Author of ereuMIII/{ IUIUNt'1l to (n llltlll'~H. Hul ho N ew Y urk, vi llI ted bi8 puents Ilt th lo "1\I~.I.ur Buucalre," .. The t oll noltlH!r lIUW , "A ll ItllY long I'll lluntrl1l tllls weelr. COllQueot of CanaaD..o. send my (}'Oll l:!bt s 10 fOu , Y OII mU Mt The writer fr om thIs vloln ity i~ I, PcnrocI." IItAo kloep reme,trlwrlull Iloll t YOll r tr l~ lI<1 troubled wltb tbe helit, and b l8 cor. 8tlln (IH I,,,.hlo >""U." H., RUW Ioor thero re~ponde noe III olH Rhort I,he 8111l1ll huslde hll ll, IIIHI till' j.:'rl'lINy. rOll rIng III t b o oorn and potato crup oil OD 1,IIH'e I lC"'II Il ~ ""all"l'd with rn.ItTlIICe, tlocoun' of the dr outh , IIIIWdIItIlIIII, r" II&IpM . . . . . . . . over ypur 000118, l our O'"ee '" ..... Y '\'1... PO"" wns lInpl'Y In Ill s 1lI11l'illnp Miss Punline ~haiO'el' of D lyton behInd. YOll baven't donI' nn1 work. shop: he , VlI. Htll l II f,oet thl'rp. Antl la apenllintl' Il weAk wlib Ihe WII: /u! tm) hl~ ohl dOt: clltl'r. uud BIlUg: to count, Iu a mOlltlt," 80n8 a' the Ce ntra l. Away- and awny! ROH,!oe's beRd WRII Aunk bet ween /,lov e nl from h ere were In tu a HI· )·"y! hIs sbou lders, "I can't stond very line. of mar oh 10 the " bouster ttlp" CrQ8h. blLlh. c rn Hh . 1Jnllh, chan,! mu ch talk abou t It, (nther," b e sold, ~· lId are lilA ere ll, In behli!f of Fret! HherlVood our pl uI"llngly, Florcely ho dlcs! n ext County Treasurer . ' HI ,),n), ! "No!" Sberl(llln cri ed, "NllltlJ er clln Tile XeDla Fair Is In pl'ogr aslI tbls Crnsl, . b"Mh , bonll ! Dash. chllna'1 I ! Wbot do 10tl thInk It mOllns to week .. nd oor oltl zens care thore en. ncn~y 10 ninO; me?" He drol'l! ed Into tlte cbnlr at Ou r Klovel In th e rln!fjo)'lng tbe heat, dust and !lld e s h ows bJa bIg cleRk, g ronnln ll', "I ('n n't stftnd The CIvIc LeegU6 gave 'a la wnfele "r like tile II1I1('hln ... " 8R ld ntbbR, tn talk uM ut It IIny woro'n )'ou co u on aohool g roondfl HuturdEl Y t.i"Itt t o lI~ t f'n, hul I'm !;ul u' tn tllld oul "r've madl' u trl"11I1 or It. I ."n'nn,lc for thabenDfi' ot Us tilltiDoil1ll:Jtn;d It flnll !Illk to It. 01111 tltl'lI It tal~ ~ hlld, '\\' hflt'H ti lt· mutt.or with you . H llll ]' m Inli, A goodly anm was realized, to me." !rnlll' 10 lCtrn lghteu """ nUll" "lnd(,M , Iml",od?·,.., It sny'/" Ules Usee Anson and ber Bls 'er Roscoe SIlOOlk hi. 'ill'",1 11I!11)1l!~"I", Mn. Mllrllare t Faber, of Dllyton: "Whnt I "'Itnt 10 Iteu r," "You co n't s lrlll,.;hloll I)le out." lIl! W8M 1II1""'ore ot 1\ 841IlRllllon thnt we re 8und&y goesta ot their pluent,..; HRUl" bere!" 1'1111 \1 f.tlu·rlthll" !fCnn JOu pU@Red 1\ long Iho IIncl) of workmeu. Mr, liud Mr•• A , B, AnsoD , iJo hn ... k to your ni llrf' lIno.! "la1 IIOber 'l'belr IIroot mO lller hlld come alli ong Mr , and MT e, .1amel Dlokerson to,toy, Yo'hlle I /leI illY work <Ionl!, or entertained for dinner MundllY, Mr will 1 hn vo lu bIrO! H ('0111,1.. 0' bu~kle;o aud Mrs. John l4 oKol"ht" of oel1 r to tollll\v YOII n rOlln,l n Ild knock th~ WUmlDgaon, Ru d Mr, nud Mrs. ,,· ltl~~y Ollt e' YOl1r bl1l1.t It Ihey see ~lmJ>l!ODI of Wlynesvillo , . you fry ln ' 10 IIIk" It ?" Mrs.8aDn"b C re s well and Mr s "You nf'l!'fi n 'l worry ahout that," Mliry Keunedy Ille entertainIng DIne ~1I1r1 [to. ,·or: , l ool"l1~ "I' wttl, " tuh,l freah aIr RirIe fr om Cinoi nnll ti to II r,'s" " tIllCIlt. ''I'll' lin t tlrlllklug t...two week'. oUllog, C/l" , .. I' vo ~ol n thirst." _ __ _ _ _- _ _ "WolI , whnl 1111 \'I, you /l'ot1" " Xollrlnll. :0\01111111; YOII con "0 any· th lllll 111I0llt, "()thlll~, 1 tell you," " "'1" 11 "",; nhnut tlml I" ~n l(1 Rherl· Glvo It aUentlon, avoid eXpORDrt'l, don, hllrshl y. "Nnw I enn't-fool wJlh be regular and c&reful of y nur diet" YOII t oday, ItIld you get u p Ollt 0' tbll I IIlao oommenoe t..klng Dr Klng'~ chnlr IIlld I'l'l out 0' lilY 0,""6. You loIew DI8covery, H oon'aln8 Piue lrl'illj.:' your wl(., to dhill er IOlllorrow , Tar, An t lsCIJtlo Oils anrl B ~ 1 8" 1U !l , You dliln't come 1/1111 Rllmluy- 1Jtlt ) '011 Ie slightly la x~tl\'e, Dr. K ln !t' ~ C'Ollll' tomor row. I'll tllik thIs out with N ew Dlsoovery ellses yoor ooul(b , )'O U ",Io,'n Ihp " olll c o · rulk~ ure " 'orkln' soothes yo or thr oa t Bnd broo olli lli II ... IIhllnO j;rlll,b, n tlt,r dlnlll'r. Cnn you lubell, obecltl< your cold, etnrts t ,l keel) Roher 1111 ,theD1 1'0 11 better be cledr yoor beod III a sh o rt tlm o 811rt', h('l'l1l1HC 1'lIl 110111' to send ,\ber· yon kU (lw yo or oold Ie be tter , It. crolllble d,lWD 10 your ofll Ci! e,'er" little the .'RDdnrd farul\y cough syrup in ,\\,10111' , 1111.1 hr'lI h't IIII' know ," U MO ovC'r ~O ye ... ~, U e~ a bottle ut ' R0 8('OO PIIUH('II III lito tl (~)r, "You once K uo p It 10 t·be h ouse liS IL cl'ld told A locrl'romhlo' II 1I0llt It 1" he oBkl~I , ID!lUranoll. Buld &t Y(1or druggI s t , ''')'010.1 hlill !'" A nil RhH ltlolD IUIIgbl'tl blil colt~ I )'. "no you slIllllOde tbere', all c ll'vut or 110Y III Ihe whole t.hull· build· IUK tlmt IIln't on to you?" lto8coe sNtl oll Ills hnt <I owu over 1119 eyca oUd went out,


~ ( ' I (' 'l\ 't!

" 101 , '"

Iltllth/'r ill

W, I

MI~~ Enlfl Arllultl , o f Uaytotl, "or" (I,!tlKIiI,,'I' 111" ' 1,, :.1 1 ,,",1 ~ r It II o lLlI n r~ at Mr. llud Mr8, An", ~~llId ! IIl " lId \\'tI ~ 1Jt II.,l Ilhlll,h t" r ' :\Lt' 1'


UJi: ." f I:JAl\\

~ (w .

'J'urlh,w rm,k

",'l'tl l 'I~ S


.'I\)ti F.Ptl W ATION S


For Recorder ALL~~N

Ht l"F MA N

H. B,

To be ucli vcre(l at Corw in


-_.-....='- = CALL

Reprcscll tali 1'0

Oflicc P bone No. 46 I es. Phune No. 48·2

Mll...TON I; LA It I'

TIlIlMA S E, EIlHI\'i;; it

Treasurer w M~Dn.(1N ( ',



............................................,.~~~~ WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED The most lIIodern and Sanitary Creamery in the State and will pay highest market price for sound, clean sour cream. We are always prollipt to recognize any advance ill the market, and will take care of your interests at all lim s, ,}:hecks mailed dai~y or weekly as desk d to cover all shipments. REFERENCE Firat Nationlll Bank Peo.rl Street .B rkct Da Ilk Any Re.llnbia Merchanl hi Clacinnnti,

The ANDREW ROHAN CO. Oincinnatl. Ohio

J. F. Snook, Agt.





,I c. an,1 Mu. W. ~. lirahalll a7'd gTl1ndchllJ vi,ittld With relatives at L'ln r ~H ville IUlIt \ ·~ t:k ,



campt'rs lit C unp l.inll'eTlonger 'nl,' rtam tI Fl'iday ('v"fling tilp' J (Jlly , 1111 'on5 tn :I.. I.I"It >,' hl ful party

. '1'\

Late Clallt'lificd Ads ...,...,._""""......



........................ .

Springfield, Ohi~

FOl :; L I!:

!'I E at the wheel uf ' ax on " 'ix" yul! f co tht! t!xhil UTLlI illl{ Sunolillll II vi unh ll lltl·J JlUW oll' under purfect cun t ro l A~ lhe JIlil >! stream past you 1\otto t h l' ealfor eilSU with which Saxon" ix" Iresponds to th mer dt pres~ure on the acc\!lcrle;r-tioe qu i 'kl\l!~ wi'th which it answers your lo:uidin" touc h on the wheel. 'rhe ) ,m bet' ome CUIIPri,111S of the wonr!erful sm ou hne:w o f tile rido -' of the Huid nexibi lity of Ihe ~o\\'er·fI()w ­ at the lack ' f vibl'aliun ~ the SPP<lO increaBes- of lhc satisty illj{ IirmllcSlI w i It which th car grips t h~ r,)udLed, L lusgiveyou aride inSaxon " i:'l " lIt,815



Phone 116

Chapm~:yncsvil c,


S \l ME

goo(\ 'brop~h\re Buu k For 11I',)rll) Moa ORII'

Ll1mb~ .

W, M i::!lIvor, H. LJ .4 , W"ynosvllle,


111 U

WANTED t:ltaoollrllpbor WilD PIt D take . . ,bor'Il"nd. Apply III tho El hlul!or tlhoB Mfg. Uu, Leb"non,








~-- '

T he re Is o nly one way to c Un! dll ndrulT Dlld tbul I. to kilt the germl. 'fhcre Is I ~~~~-~~ -·~ - ~-~~~-~-~-~~·--~~-~-~ ·-~~~ unl y ol1e h"ir pr~Jl,\ mtion that \tilt klll tile ge nu s Rnd that Is ~lildredhHl Hair ltemI ·----~.-~------- QJ ·dr. This unusuul ba ir re510 r~ r with its record 01 .thousands of ca re. will .row h,'; r 011 allY hea o where there II (lny life lefl. it cures dILndeul!, eto pa fallilll( haIr '1 :\lId Itcblllg of t he leatl' In th ree wel ks ~ ----.-.-..-....----- or your money back . 1\ is I he lUost plctl s~lIt 11110 io\' lllorlliioll Mr. and Mrs. U. M. White Ilnd tonic, 1& nOI st lck~ \lr ~ rc ..y "ot! '" 1I!le.1 Mi Si! (Jlil'e Al len sllont lh e week- eKte Mis~ Lillian Van Harlingell were lisively by ladle. 01 r t1n~ lIIen' "ho guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elirl Conner end with friend Hin Fmnkiin. cksire 10 h ~IV8 (llId I . ~ eep t h~lr "Ilir ~Of l, at dinner Sunday. lustrous lind luxuril,al. OU KIUI ' LIlll n Look nftu r Chsndlor'! Fertilizer bo ttle al dru ~Rlst8 cyerywh rr .

. . . -------..-..-




Announcement for





Candidate Courts,


.",, :

Primary Augmt 8th, SEVEN Im ASONS WII Y HE SHOULn liE NOMINATlmFOIt CONGHESS ON TilE REPUBLICAN TICKET 1. He waS a staunch def nder of the Nation in th ' 'ivil War. enlisting as a private and nttainlng to the rank ,of Brevet Mujor Cencl'ul of VOlllllt'urs. 2. He Is a legislator ot win e experi 'nee in th e Nlltional Congress -Spen k r of the House for two year . a. He has taken a long and active interest in eve ry depnrlmt!nt of publil! affairs, every mutter of hum an intoresl. every nj()vemf!ll t affecting the ",orality nnd welfare of the pe('p1e 4. He has 'had a broad experienca in business , banking anrl law. 5 His actual experience as a soldi er I~ ~ ulficient. · lo RUllranlce his appreci ation' of int -Iligent anr! timely prep"r"r1ne~s . Jl iR IIctivity ill the . ln terllational Interp!lriimentary Union for Arbitrali on an.1 Peace, OF WHICH HI;: I" A Ll~' F: MEMi:H':U' inl1icliteli hit! earnest desire fo r a relC!onable pl an for entorc llIent of Intemalie,nal law lind justice--a plan which he considers to be possible , pl'actical and IN· BVITAHLE. . G. Ilis vigor. strength, activity and force of rharacter hIlS suffered none by reason of hi. ye"r~, 7. nUTTIIEGru~ ATEST\(/~ASON()F ALLW IIYII ESIIOULD BE NOM INAT ED LIES IN THE NEED "'on MEN ( ' F l ':XP lml· ENC"~ AN D RIPENED JUDGMENT IN TilE "IU: S I~NT CUI IS OF NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS.

Mrll. E , V. Uarnhart entertainer! if you want (l'ood gooJ~. ~REE -W c \I II SIll "l ll l ~~ llill Il<)tlle.freo by relurn mnlt to enyollc at 6 o'clock dinner Satu rday the fo l· TELL niB ADVERTISER YOU SA \V IrUeAUI: Mrs , Julia Huselllan. , W. rI . Ma\lJl'n nntl W. ,Sear 5Cllding this COUpOIl to MiJd~d L.ul:st l oston, . l asl ., "It II nunc and rill · HIS ADS IN THE MIAMI GAZE: TE I lowinlr Miu Louise Huseman, of Ci ncinnati, were busin!'8!1 visiturs at Clllrk3\·iIle Co., dress nntl Illc III ~i"'er In po, poRlage , Mi81 Emma Hilighway. Misses Annie MOl/Ouy. I desire to announce myself n. andidate for C lerk land Marne Brown. Misses Trillle and of Courts before the Republican Primary, Au gus t , Magllie Edwar ds. and Mi:l.~ Clara Lile. Mis,'1 J ane Madd en, of Clarksville, 1916. I am a cripple. having lost my arm in a com i!l lhe g uest of Mr. and Mra. W. H. 1 ADA·IR'S ==31 S&::I MiS'! Helen Jone8 WIlS very plens· Maddell. B 1::1 1::155511 1::1 sbre~der eleven years ago. I have a fami ly and have ' 1, untly surprl!erl Sunday afternoon I when a tew ~f her schoo l f rIe nds vis· ) , , . ." . always worked hard. 1 lleed the wo rk and would a p Ited her, Miste. Helen Pence, of .1. r.of. G. M..Austln, of hICIII<O, IS preciate you r s upport. Although I hav e never h eld Piqull and Mary Wh etsel, at Hur. \'Isltl!llir With hl~ fatlwr , Mr. Nalhan veYllburg; MeS3TS. Warren Shafer,ot Austin, (It Route 1. county office. I believe I am thoroughly co m petent t o Columbus. Ohio and L~91ie Oren, the . . fill the office to which I aspire. I have tried, so far as Mr. and Mrs. F. H , l' arr are III blind and deaf boy of Wilminllton 10hio , ' Cincinnati today. buying their Christ time and means would p ermit. to make a canva s of the mas stock of I:OOdd. Th•• MI. Emma . county. But for obvious reasons have been unable t o . R. G. Cross visited \vilh relatives c:l Begins August 7th, Ends August st personally see every voter. I therefore take this means at Sar'dinia Ia!lt week and attended ~ , of presenting my' can didacy for your consideration. and 5Edwards, o'clock tea Iliven by Mra Wilson I' Don't (Ill wi thol.t a .llIter of the brideJ,elect, at lhe Brown county faiT. respectfully solicit your support. If nomin a t ed and her plea8ant country home. A pink and white color IIcheme wal car.ried Look alter Chandler'l! Fertilizer . single article of Ilome elected, assure you that the duties o f the offi,ce will out in the table decorations and when if you want good gooll9 . . t:l Furnlshlnltl for lack of the young ladies were seatctl, Mary be conducted along b u sines liness a nd everyone will Leah Edwards, the winsome littl e Kennelh Ross a11'd Ethan Crane at. ~ ready cash. Buy it on receive fair and courteous treatment. daughter of the hoates.q , presenled tended! the motor cycle races at DayAdalrs Convenient PayRespectfully Yours, each one with an envelope tied with ton Sliturday aflemoon. ment Plan and ellj'oy 11'. a pink ribbon, thele were found to JOE LEWIS. a the card cut finally in .mall pieces M ra. SamI. Charl otte. of PeoTla, . use0 whileI paying for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....J contain and when iluestl succeeded III It. in fitting them tQllether , th l! hal tess Ill .. ~as the iuest ~f Mr. and Mrs. Gl ur sa esmcn w e~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~- reque.ted them to begin with num. Mye l Hyman laat Vleek. ~ plain (his pia n to you. -


Warren County










~:aw::n~~~~d'l;.atm;edEn' 8~acyCalutrae







~n\~:::1;~2:~:~;~~£:~n~E~~1i· al~~~:1 :~kth~ O~~:a~I~~i~~~f b!:k~! TWJ:N-TY. flV~L THOU~AND DOLLARS WO'RID O ' f ~al' L \l be Thursday, AUlluet 3Lat, The sur- after a two weekfl' vacation. priSt! of the guests caused much

and MillS Hawke receIved the ir good wishes with very becoming blushes. A dainty four COUr,.8 lunch was then lerved, the hastes. beinll ass isted by her mother Mrs. G. W. Hawke and Mrs. E. V. Barnhart. The Invited gUt?sts were Mi!18 Emma Hawke, Mrs Barton Kelly. Mrs. Ronald Hawke, Mrs Bert Hartso ck , Mrs. Lester Gordon, ot MOfrolV, Mrs Frallk LeMay, ot Middletown, Mrs. It'red Gons, Mts . Ernest Rogers auo

, All monuments must ga. Many new d esigns added to this sale, Over one hundred on the floor. Great reduction in every department. Wonderful bargains weare inviting you to these days, and everbodycan profit by this sale • ..: 1 . Stock Reduction



to make room for our incoming purcha s es. Investigate, come in a.nd compare, choose a monument from a firm that has done the best work in y o ur cemeteries. The more you know about what other shops an~ offering, the better you will appreciute our stock. Come while the stock is yet full, and thus make your choice from the very best stock of . Monuments, Tablets


Head Stones

ever offered by any house in th is part of the country. and we guarantee eo save you anyw h ere from ten t o twen tyfive per cent,

F. C.


214 North Main Street

Dayton. Ohio




I am han.dling the Cincinnati Capi. - t good:! tol Cit.yatI.'ertil izer 14 anJ 16 percent 'S 118 and 110 per ton, ri ght


Week '

Special This



I am the only member of the frroily who has been a candidate for offic£. and ·tt I have one more term I can get my little home paid for. I was tPeeretary and Profesaor in the Lebanon University. which my fath· er founded, for many years. . EQreuina feelings of prohund grati tud e for IUIlPort in the put, and uklni • continuance for one more term, thereby reward· Iq • .,Idier of the UDlon army, fi!'8t com~ny organized In Leba· DOD. viz.: Co. F, 12th Rea1ment, M,y, ]861, I am, 'Very Blncerely yOUle, . JOSIAH HOLBROOK.

from the car . Edwin Chandler & Son, I'hone 49-1,Y.



See our window displav

Creamery Butter Chum Cold


T est the Three Branches

of Ou~

Busine ••

Cleaning Pressing Repairing There's something for you to gain by doiL ~ so. . 4

,Unexcelled Service





Come t o Xenia and visit our . store. You will fin d the biggest and b st values we b ave ever offered. Ada ir's Furniture is all of tit dependable kinds iUs s hown in the pleasing n ew d es ig ns a nd all the popular fin ishes. For this.' sale profi ts are a t their lowest ebb. . h ld . 1. . f . OU you not requlre a ny t lIug . 10 urntture for a month or two but

" ~~f~~~e~PGr:EiEt~ft~Wi~~a:~va~~11~e~[v!~1~St ~~~n ~:q~~~lte~~dly I




Adair's Rug Department

SHERlf~:;";~~ .. ili





a I

Detroit St.


Siove., Vielrol..

===:1' [;] ===:lual.1'555:1






Wlll'ruu Ot,unty,


Ohio. Oil


N e w Dishes, just/in, bright and snappy .. . . .. . •.... , . .... , • • ••

At Ju,,'do,," A. MoO 0" ""Il! day.theroIlOw : Illg ll\Ujc"ll )()tl relit t:st.nte "o ~ w'lt; Lot. No. 1 l Ou ) In JOI'Un~() U :iflliaro. In the 10\\0"/ Waf,te.,·lI\u.ln tho Oou nt y 0 1 Warren ami Hlato ut Ohio.". d 08 1~n ~'0<1 au Iho pint tJ t laid 'l'own , a.viu" antilJ:<.copt.IUI t.uurelrom thll" part 01 Bald lot. c.ollvoy"d by Palilhin lIull or wurth.o Elhnuod nn<l 3hry E . Hetallick ~ y ,100<1 _ ,,,ded III Voll SU. Vlg. a or t bo llooortl~ 01 Worrell Cou nty, OhiO, ~Dd d.· .crib..! a. f uI\II"'. : l'art of LIIC No. ·1 (ooe) lu J turElrson 8 (iuute. In the town or ·\Y.,n6l~

New Ladies' V,:sts, large and sma ll sizes, ... .... ... , , . ... ~ . : . .

j~:!~1 '~'\~l~~'!~~ ~t.!:~~ b~~lgb'lI jj~~~h \V¥~[! Q~~d IrootH II lty (6U) ( "P' ,III 'I'hlrd :lt~t and e · lOo rll, lmck !"lI u ~atuO whHlJ to the lJac.k euc.1 o f

lot Nu , I (" un) d V,,,,,.I,\. !laid 1"'Olll'rt,. rac... un '


tlt_t , tho

IiItroot .Qll lIlJe Nurll h beill. ' Miami. t.he

otn,s' 011 tho w..' beh ,. Fo ur.h aDd 011 tllo !lou th "Ugh 8.r..,6,

Children's Drawe,rs, age from 2 to 12 .. .. , ,"': .. . . ... .. .... .. .. . Embr()idery,6 inches wide, tasty,

p~r yard . . . , . , . ...... .••. '. •

10c 10c 10c I~c

Soap Savers, a new lot just in •• ...•. .... .. , . , .• , ... ~ ...•••..


Enameled Wash 'Basins..••. - ... ..... , , ..... '.. , .. . . . . ....••..•

10c 10c 'IOc 10c

O a k Mirrors,

8xlO, ask for them • • . , .. , . ............ ... ..••.•

The "Rapid Fire" Egg 'Bea ters, glass .. . . . . , . .. ...• .. •.•. ~.• Dish Mops, the.,thing you ought to h a ve .. , •• ; , • . . , •• .••••• : • •

hDJI Leell r ug ularly lI»Drlll-.:Kl tile OUU\ o/( SlOGU .and IIrty' d"lIare alld will ,ba ll two,thlrdl·o,..hJ al)-






frum 80.111 (lUllfi,lu tllO ahove sLotOO C!L"I6, .ud . to mo tll rut: t.OCI. 1· will olfur lor •• 10 U)' way IJ t puull t 11.llf..1 Liu ll , 8.(. 'b u dour ot the Cuurt. U OUl!lU. III


F urm"t ure, Carpets,

Xenia, Ohio


~ "



310" h" & Mu 110 r.t ; \0, I.:ue No, 11 798 QI.. k8eJO Uutt.r wortll Ct .. I, By"irLue Of a n nrtJer or 8alo. duly faHued


The Most Complete Line of Stoves in Green Coun ty . Priced at Figure; tha t Sell. For instance IVe are olTering a Cast Coal ' Range that WI! guarantee will O'lt last 'two maleable rl;'nges for $3500. Just about one half the prtce of a MaleableRange. . ~ Another Steel Coal Range with reservoi r and warr;rling closet setting on a leg base we are orre~mg .a t :52ti.n, This is au exceptional value. florence Oil Stoves Quick Meal Oil Sto~cs ~ Refrigerators , ' Everything redu~ed.

S~I===::1' a [I;:,==:111 ===:llacz:S3 m~I===:lU:l~\

(In Partition )


A dalr's Stove Department

You to ignore the savings in this Department. ' . Rug prices continue to go up I. up I up.I Con· stantly increasing prices J of wool. and can· tinued scarcity of dyes mean further advances in Rug Prices this Fall ThIs Sale gives you the opportunity to aQticipate your Fall n ug . Needs. Select what you want. pay a smal1 amount down and we will hold the rug. unti11You wish it delivered. . Carpels. Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Lace Cu;:tains, Matting, Wood Grain tino leum Rugs, Carpet Sweepers, Vaccuulll Sweepers.

am 20~2A1.. N.


store the pie('es


Waynesville Lodge No. 163 ~ o F'. & A. M ,will hold their rCllular commun ication l'ues. day evening, AUllust li lh. ViBitor8 and sojou rning brethren are cordial· Iy invited.L AD,ZhL. Crane. W.Secy' M.

Paymlr 22c tor Eggs. It pays to tr",de at ZIMMERMAN'S



Gofr e ~

. Only 25c Can

r:'I 1,;1



Heinz White and Cider Vinegar f or Pickling '



'rhe many fri ends l{ex Vale, now of Smithfield, 0 , reltret to learn' of th~! death of his mOlher which occur,!d at her home 011 J uly 21st.

Hawke, Kathryn Dakin, of Hbnnihal. ' MO , and Justi na Hartsock, of Cin·

Paris Creen Sllecial price again this week. 6 Pound Cans on ly 40c pound.

There were three Holbrook boysin the army, all under 17, serving an average of three years in the 12th. 35th and 79th Regiments and Signal Corps, BO well known in our county. The illnese res ulting from a former campaign in which [walked about 700 miles has'about disaptleared and I can ntow satisfactorIly perform duties of office which are milch more extended than formerly. The Deputy Is my daullh ter, Miss Hebe, The State Bureau of Inspection reports: ' "The new abstract index r~uired by Sec, <!764 G. C. iB regularly kept and ' the work in the Recorder', office reflects credit on the clerical force." In addItion to routine work done, we . have:tr:l nscrlbed. with corree'tlon., al· most three volumes at old records, ~hich haa made the office eelf·.upport·

" . . Ihe last dav-~he best ~a~. the blggeat day of 13 big days. Id :saturday , Augu st ~th. TheJuly Economy sale. The S. l' red Co , Lebanon, O.

~~~r ~~~~:,lg'~i~t~tr~llr!~ FARI~ERS ~TAK..E -- N - OTICE


TO MY SUPPORTERS IN WARREN COUNTY I Am a Candidate for Recorder. Ple~se Help Me.

ing , August 13th. Admission free.


The Magazine Man Waynesville. Ohio.









.... --

visited in Selma

GOT HIS AUTOMOBILE It Look after Chandler's you want good goods. Months

- Ma..:hlnc Had Seen (;onsiderablc Wear

About a year ago Lesler Surface. Whlill IIttllntluIIC ~he !:luller County fUlr In Hanulloll. hlid lIill /t'ord aut... 8tolclI Aflllr U long ~ellrch for it hll up Lhe 4u~st. but llUIt l'hundlQ II ltjlcKrum ('Illlltj tr om Liberty, Jnd ., ti taLinK lhtl aUlhoriUeR there hll..! Ii InllchlllO thllt might pOilllibly belung tu him. A man by the name IIf Davil was arrllSlllU at Liberty . lut wet:k for tilellllnK a macnlne. After takin" tho third degree he allo admittw IIlt'alinK a machinll at Hlimiiton IUl October. Word came from Hamil 1011 that they knew nothing about it, but upon mvestlgation they remem· bered IIbout the ::iurface machine, und CUlled him up, 8tatinll there W8b a lUaclunu In Liberty that might pos. sibly belong to him. hicJsy "'rank Zell, reprellenting l.hl! P, & D. Alilluclatil>n, and Mr. l:iurfllce maue Lhe trip to Liberty and Mr. ::iurfllce idl!ntifilld the mach ill" 8b lJelunging to him, and it was im· medilltllly Lurned oVllr LG him, 'fh" mllchlntt hud 8elln cOlltilderable wear, Imt Mr. l:iUrfliCt: Wad very iliad to aet back hIli own property. 'J' here hud belln u reward offered by lIle ABliociatiL>II, and this was turnt!d over to the IIhentr. The yuunll mun '1\ ho lltole . the machine. I~ a married mao witb II fllmily, and he c"nCt:8~t!d that be hlld made It uu~in ess 'ot 81ealinK them tt~ "lid luk" .. IllljhL In Llle IlLlIt le\\ Yllilrll. till Wli~ opt!rlltillR Ii Irllrallt! Ilt the time 01 hj~ "rrest. A brotbu ~~ also ill thojl:llrlljl:c bUBinelllt, with hUll, linu btl WIL!I al~u arretlted. . 1t i~ prubable thllt the pair will Rilt 10 pelllLt:ntiary sentence.

- --.- ..- - .OBITUARY.


John W . Boger was born on a farm near Warl'tl/l county, Ohio, April", 183~. lie was the eon of Jl·aeph and EHzabuth En~h BOiler, ha~lng one Biner Mrs. Ma ..y Poinsett and one brotherUaVld all of whom have pre ceded him to the Great !:leyond. He was engaged in allricultuu.', until 18tH when at the call ot his country he en!idted the ~a!"e year. HII was a member of Uompany A 35th O. V.I . In which he Bllrvoo fliithiully and well for three )lear!!, he was offered a commi9Rion but refu8o:d Baying, 1 come not here for honor; 1 com" to serve my country, and pro\;Qct her flail .• He was grunted an honor' able discharge in 1864 After the war he took up carpenter work, 101. lowing that wOfk tor several years After which he was diaabled for work, be went to the National Mil. Itary Home IAt Dilyton, in April 1907 and remained there ' until hia death July 30th, 11116, IIged 77 years :$ montha and 26 daYI. Fur the put threo wee,kll he has been confined to b_11 bed, but boro bis aulferlnll pa. tlently leavlnll' a hostof relativea and tritmdsto Inourn his 1088.

- --.... ..--~

INDIANA YEARLY MEETING OF FRIENDS The IndIana Yearly Meetinr ot the Frlendl Churcb will convene thla week at the White Meetlnll House fommeneinll Saturday, AUI{u8t 12th' ·and continuing until Augullt 18th' It la expected 't hat there will be a large attendance. • . Amona the prominent /lpeaken .expected- to be present are IlI&8c Wllaoo, of Bir1ervllle. Pa WlllOh Doan, of Indianapoll., Ind.:Bernard w.alton, ..of Philadelphia, Pa., and Beveral othel'll.


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DID WARRE N COl l NTY ASSERT HER,'m,F ? Mr. and Mrll. Howell Pierce were . Cincinnati visitOr! Tuesday .

T h.·

1 ~ \I "d j(fl od ~ .

W:1 I'I1'

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Cll alld l t· I'·~

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S"!w,J~ wi il WilL END NEXT WEEK

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Born to Mr . and Mrs. Ivan Lackey, AUllust 2, 1916, a daughter.

:I':ln St,al1 ' Lh.'ll dltutJ ull lias Ikl' n \'cry SU Cc' cssh u sin ('I'.~ fu l After a Two Ycurs

0 11


.\ 1r . alld l\1,·s. Alhl'rt • he pard . "f Itout :! . hul'{: iloth hpl'll q uit., sic· le .

Th e cont inu ou largo otl mlnn re at J ohn li(\ \\' ell. oi I'o rl Wli lla ," . i~ viiji tl l1K hi ~ ,;u n . II ::i. I lm\'(:1I a nd t 11\' Miflmi Vall ey CllfIlItllL1q lIa. on · th1l9i H ~ m tnllnif". ll't! in liver y WRY , f ll mi ly . ami th e hop" fro Iv xp reS8 d un ,,\'. "ry haOiI f,)l' Ill<! e nlarl<",nont o f lh" Mr . nn d Mrti . I·'ra nl; :1.... 11 and ~ It· . ill,l it lllilln. t he purl'ha,qf\ of ma ny Matt I\ k h ill"" " 1\, · 1'(' I I a)' I 1H1 \·" il "r~ 11) ' " fll r build inA' c·u taW!'1I by. jJ omi Mond ay. IlI'rti \ndi v i riua l ~ . 1111 l{i\'e I' vir\f' ncl' o f lh ru·est uhliHllIuellL of IhiR popillar Mr. allti Mr ~ · AII"n lI ili", ·". of 1'I '"orl on n foo l inl:' and Rcal " Inr~er Xen iA, vi ~l t e,1 \(' ill, n,l n l il ' -~ l lC' rl ' an,l belt r th un ever bofore. Th o p rfl Jo{rn m whk h pro mise.l so many Election tlay s ta~lcd out wilh a -----~----,...---- Su nrl ay. 1I 1l \ I ~ u a ll y )( 0,1 "pl!ake rs, lecturol'1l ~ \l I!t:illliRt9, ,II lI('a tiollal and enter: lJ e rL rt . . Wa rW Ick . •, f C.. lllml'lI laining fealurl'R. hll!\ Ileen tllith!lIlIy all o ve r thi S sec lton , g lvtnll some mad e h i~ rri en d ~ II Hhurt call la. i_ "lI rr i ,II 1) \1 I Illld Homo I f tho hest nnrl WedlleaJay . lo.enlhted ilies1\ that w•.mghitherto lJee n hl ~n~p~ t day'l ar ' \", t I" (,,,,11e. slig good ha soak . Th \lr~tlIl Y . A I;~UHl 10- 8: 15 ( ·Iun· · The vot ing. liS is usuul at th e pri · mnries!'lince t hey hav e been held in Mr. an,l M r~ . I I. I\\. \\'h i(., lit· dl'n M. :\\. l:u hu l'll . iI . U. 'ori R- ' -AUg'UHt, wa~ rath er s low during t he .. - - enci.,c1 l h · funl 'l'n l II f II rt ·l al in ' i n " I{\'r 'n l )l i ~l'" v l'r ie~ in Billie L,llndfl ." ~ I : :\() t .. I ~:O.I ,'\ j{rir u lt tlrlll :md ItuTal The Hathaway family met at their morn ing hours . b u t in Ihe ~ft e rn 'J ol1 l Th e i3urlldt . l'lIlll\lll W :L~ hc:ltl" I ay t,, " SUfI( Iu ' 1 Lif· InHl itll [' ·. " ' !C' ~\ll'l\rllh' pro· twelfth annual reunion at the beau. the ::ountry vote cnll1 e In pre Uy I Sunduy. AUb' u~t Ii. 1:) lIi. lit th e hOllll· tiful home of Mr and Mrs. Harley stron g . and by th ~ tlnl~ the Jl~l ll s o f ~l r. uml l\1 r~ Cl'lle~ l Uutterworth . Mr. J . (I . Curl wr ij!h l Ilnd flll" Ji y ..:ram . :! : I~I C"lIc(·r l. 1'11(\ L. A. G. Wills on lhe 3rd day of Augus t, clo~ed there WR fI <l Ulte a IItll e excite \Ve~ l of I" wn . Th e .aLtenll a nce wa; vlsitl'd with fri e nd. ill fl'an kli n !:la t· (Ird1l'At m . 2::111 !." l· t ure. "s icnr' a nd The Soil ." I'ro r. H ·nry G. Ileli. 1!1I6. The guests began arriving at meOnft. I • goou a l1(1 a nay uf g ood fellu\V~hi p urday Il V(H1tn J,f . 7:liO !.('('lurf! . " WOll1t'1l nn til(' Potico an early hour. The forenoon was course . t ie .fa ct that I' red wa ~ enj,»), pd . Th 03c p resent wer e: I spent In a Bocial way and in games of Sher wood waR run n ll~g fur tr e~su rer ,'amuel Butt erwor th anrl wife. Gi l, Look nfll r Chnllclle l··1\ I"NI iliz( r Fore ." Mi'I "on io Mc ·!llly. 8: 0 ) ConcN t . 'I 11,\ L. i\. . Oreha t rl\: different kinds. At Suollt 1? o'clock ~roug~t OUlAD Il!.0od, Hlzed VO l tie IIl. t he her l Fry. Milton I{ eye a nrl wiff'; if yo u want g OHd 1{()CllIIl. 1·'r idIlY. Augus t II - W. C. 'J'. IT . the IInnouncement was made t hat owns IP . . 8 "e rOI"!1 tIS f ac t . Wa rrell K eys, Hllr vtly Burnett lind lIllY. K: In l :i1md,·" M e ol l Tn. U. O. dinner Will ready ano the gucst a however , lt IS doubtf ul If there w() uld wife, Ka t heri ne Bu rnett Bertha nnd Hev. and' Mra J . I~. Cad wllllador S"ri '8--" Rl!"t' ll t niH 'ovc rillll ih Blbl.., numberlnr 112 did ample justice to have been Huch la hll'ge \'ote. Lily IllIrnett. Hu lda Burnett nnc.l. a feast fit for the gods The day H owever. from all over the ~()unty lifton Burnett. Irrank Coleman un ci anrl ML s Clnra ... v i!'lil cd with Lanlls " :1::11) tl' I ~;t Aj!ri 'u ltura l was fine and everything WIlS done by the re came reports that a faIr v o t~ wife. I'l uy rl (lnd Alice Coleman , B n. Spring Valley fd ollds Itlllduy utt e r. UIII! H' lrfli Lif. I,,!! illlll'. See ell' R rnlc pro l!{ rJlJlI . ~ : OlJ l:o n (~e rt , Ye Ulde the hostess to make the affair one had been cast, and t hat the r u ra l lj amil1 Mi.II; and wife. hermall Dyke noon. F.. II..." ' Iwlr. ~:: IO ).(. ·turn. " ,' un · long to be remembered by lheir vote was . espec ially good. ow l~l!'. and wi fe. Alvin . Lavern e and Rhe a lit i1 tl ig hU,, " 1r,; . Jo'io re' nce J:i chllrds. guests. . perh aps t o th e fact of the ramy , Dyk e. Lena. Helen and Allin Ha r t. hi r. and M 1'''. GI' M ).( 1! MllrkM ure Dinner over we at onco proceeded se~so n. . '. soc k. Har ley Ha rvey tl ntl wt'fe , Al vi n visiting wlLh r cla l ivt'H in IlaytutJ . SI II I,' l're'Hid"ll t W. C. T. ll . ~: OO to the business sosslon. First, after fhe candldac'Y uf Sherwood was and Dori l'l Harvey. Atn OR ,ook and Ir . Mark::! i'l e njoyi nu :I l Wit w eell~' ( ·II II C' Jr t. Yi' Dido l"lIlks Chui r Sat urd ay, AUlo( uHt 1 :'! .- \J :Ol) tlll ~ : OO l eadinll minutes of our last meeting. not th e on ~y ~x Itement. as the race wife. Margarct , Rn th Ilnd 8 rne l vncatiun . Ag ri('u ltuml Rnd il u ra\ Li fe lnsti · we took up the election of offtceril f or ~0f!1ml !!sl one r v:as a clo~e one f~r Cook. St€llhe n Burnett and wife. LU Ic'. S 'Cl Rl.' jlllrati prOltram. :.! 0\1 which resulted as fo ll ow~: ['resi th.e . third man ; . It may be t hntlt I Mild red. Russel. Hobert a nd ln1 Mi s.~ (;encvu Mc J\niJ,!'itt and C h l'~' dent, Life Nicholson; Vice President, WIll lake the 01.1t ~ Ia l count to decide , li ul'lleLt, Owen Burne ll ~nd wife te r While, of WilmillJ(lon. wl' re l 'l'plu.k W e b el"~ Hand . :.!:30 Lec· ture. Ilr (;eo. I' . St ullrt . 8:tlO 1111I · Benjamin Mull; Secretary, Mra. Har· the man for t1md place . I' Mabel. Ue len Il nd Antha Dinwiddie' week·end gu est9 (,f Mr . nnd Mr ~ . lIti nflttlfl FI "tllml I'and Cone rt ley WIII~; Committee- Mr. and Mrs . rwo town~ltlps a re yet to hear Charl ey . Carl and GI.en ~' ry. Ernes t'- Car rington Ellis , SlIntluy, August \a- !:/:OO 1-iun'!ay I!:vert Runyan, rotr . .and Mrs. Albert fro!n at .t he tim e of gol~g to pre~. Stell a and l3urnett Butterwo rth . School. SupE'rint onrlllnt Mr. H . C. . GrIlY, and Mr. and Mrp. B eber l'e r' l wlllch Will mah ~m ~ dlITc:rence In rlne. ' the :ace for comm l ss1 o,e~ but will- - - - - .. - - Mi ss E t hel FI ORif'l' . clerk ='II the ' ridln,," . W::l0 ::; ' rI1l011. Itov. J. p08tollice. is on hel' va a liu n and I';d wllrtl I Inrm~ . 2:00 'onct' rt, The After a short program consisting not ID lhe balance of ~h_e ticket. wi ll visit with r olnl ives ill U; y toll lo'b 'h man Orc he>ltm. 2::10 Lectu r e. of music lind read ing. Mrs. Benjamin The followlll.g tlnothclal vote 19 In· a nd Ri ch monfl, 111,1. . Ill'. Ge.. . It. Sl ll Rrt. (U 5 Ves per Mull read a paper on her recoJl ec. complete, but 1:1 us f ollows: Sen ' icCl. 7: I" I'relude. Eaton Band . tions of g rllndfather Hathaway, Uni ted StatesSl.!nator Mr . and Mrs . F . I' lIe nd ersoll 7::10 l '()I1c ' rl. Tlw Fischman Orches· which waR very much appreciated by J) B u~herly .... ..... " .. .. ... "... ... 827 all present. Dick -.... . -.. ....... .. . .. .... .......... 6il::! (,olmllll~1 trt i ollllll Y. A lI~1l3l 14- I'olitica l na a nd family nnd ~1 r~. The Hon . J. M. Earnhllrt read 1\ H errick .... ... .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... 1039 wer ' l.e ~IIf "".1 ' ~ ll ' l l'q ~a tu rday al · H::11l tol l ~:OO Athl etic ConLests. 2:00 paper g iv ing the histo ry of th· fa r m rro bn.~co ... ... .. . : ...... .. .. ... ...... 117 ,-,on ~> r, H,A 1\ r t It' R II I' r Ic . _. te rn oon a nd I veil' Il l{ t C.' 0 , now occuIJied by Mr, Harley Will s. R t' C I"rtlnk n. W il Jl ~ Hilt! Ex·Gov. James it belnll the old Hathaway honlestead' el.'r~sell atl ve to ong ress 4t W. E n ' 'nl l d.·It\· r ' d II hu nch Ml. nnd I\lr,;. I li t . Gil lllilr • of M. I ·ox. In It joint ( 1i~('u!\Si o n of and earlier the property of J ame~ ~, ~s .... .. ...... .. .. .. ..... .. .... .... .. 1 . r of hog s la. t Thu rsday whi(,h w n' Wills Sr .. the great.g randfath er of Keife r .....: ... ..... ... .... .... ..... .. ,,:1., the nnt's l lot of hot:, delive r d th i ~ lor row . an,l Mis:! IA:Ii:m t:ll lllnt(', tllt ·ir (lolil i"a l vir!\\·.'!. ' I 'hi ~ mee ting ('onlinKClnllll'On b" th parties b 'ing the present owner, Jamel! B. Wills , Rell ~ e~enlallvEl yea r t o the railll'ay ~t u tio n The re o[ U:ly tOIl. were Nu nl!ay KU '-,>l tll o f 1-'. is notnll1l1t ftl r t:ll vernnr. 7:00 Con· which was ulso vary Interesting . MIlton Clark .... ..... .. .. .. ....... .. 166!', were 70 in th C" bu nch tfmt R v(>rR~rC'd W. Cll rllllln und fnnnly . c(·rt. Th e !\ rtl Kt s ' 'fr io. This finished the business of the H oo\'er .... .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... ...... .. 1030 400. and 6 lha t fl,, ~ ra g ed RD(lUt ~ 77 Willia m Miche nr, of Amlin I MI'. 0 ' N E'8 11 Nc ~iI'l.!ll 11 c it '"k 1'0 1' clay but our hostess had a surprise Clerk of Cou r ls for U8 In the shape of] 0 gallons of Bone .. .. .. .. .... ..... .. .. ....... .... .. 13G·1 $5.013 ,il for t h l ,unch . thp H'llinl( l\1 a 8~ .. a rriv ed herR Sat urtl fl v (" 'pn: fine Ice cream and It soon me ll~d . Lewis .. ..... .. ..... .. .... ..... .. .... . R!J7 price D e ' n~ $~) 7G I' r ilu 'H II't"\ , I r,· in g fnr a mt1nth'~ vlH'ati un ~\' I th h i ~ away In that hotAugust sun . After SCrOI{gy .... ... , .. . .. ......... .. .. . ti~ O solll a ),unch 11 coup lo of v. ed.~ aM'), molher. M r;J. (';lIa Micl l('III ' r. and also has a g'lOrl i,l' lot yet l o thld water melona were lIervt!d and Commissioner Charle.' W. It ingl'r , who WR." ill at a late hour we reluctantly separ· lIaker .... ..... ....... .. .. .... ...... .. . ] 003 marlie t, nnll i L i~ III'" LJll bl c tha t la .. ated and wended our way homeward, Gorwin ............. .... .... .. .. .. . .. 146.\ will ~et about :li 10 000 out of h is h t\~s Lhe in ~ u ran c' Il\lsln ('~~ hen , ~ 'vc'ral voting this one of our beat meetings Deard ol£ ..... .......... .... .. .. .. .. . 932 ' this year. mllking quite a n uat littl c ycal ~ Slo(o. blll whl) hus ('",e<'n 1, 1<' • l ·rI a t Wor t fill' ~ I'v c: ml y 'ar~. . The reunion wtll meet the fi rst . Hogers .. .... .... .. .... .. ...... . ... .. 172S\ sum o f money. is eJll the He pu lll ican ti(' itPl for cou n· Thursday in August, 1917, a t the Stokea .. . .. ......... ... ... .. ... : ... .. At lhe Alll ffmi IlI r c· t ing held her t y :lll uit lr. ulld lIccflrc! inl! to h i~ residen ~ e of Walter Janney. Watkins ....... ...... .. ... .. .. ....... . fri endR who arc work ing f ' ,r hi lll . " ~o; ~ Ma y . a plnll IV a,,, nugg&.~ t ec l by ich lo l'a i"c ~n l l1f' mOClIlY for the h ~ wll! wi "=-=-"' Theisrare and Wat· _w__ __. _ ____ wh kine verybt'tween ' close, Stokes and it may ta ke P llI' PO~ " f f"rl II. hl ll lf th e Iib rarv the oRicial count t o dec id e it. The o f the n 'IV ~ch " I hO \l ~~ with chuir~ . totals for t hese t womenare not g iven. tilltlef! IlrId ol lt r ftlrlli tUl·e. A co m· mill('e \\·ll.~ nplioi nt('d. nntl lh py Ilr Treasurer Th u r~duv t wo young me n f rom I'pady nnw t" d" 1l ,,, ir work , wh i(!h Gilmour .. .... .. .. .. ......... .... .. .. . fl16 Xenia, plls~ed t hrol1gh here on the I fr oy nrt!lr YlnLC I.. : 1( '('(l l11 p l i ~ h Ill rtlu j{h Irons ..... .. ........... .. . . .... ..... . ~07 river ' in 1\ canoe. The men, Wm . pl'i ll t. 'd 1t.' lt ,·rB lfl Ih Ah ll n ni 1\ :1. 1) Sherwood ............. ..... , ..... .. ] ;:,42 HUJlmnn and Chester Mallow, started Miss Kate, daughter of Mr. and elali on (rol11 Kilkare park a nd intend to go Mra. Val Sims, of Spring Valley, Record er The o lli lincd plan i ~ O il\! "r th .H olbrook ...... .... ........... .. .. 1 \:\2 on the Little Miami to t he Ohio, and was married to Mr. M. G. Bovee, of " e~ t thillgs Lhe 1\ 1" " III i ~ll()('i a t io n Huffman .:.. .. ... ... .. . .. ............ 937 down th e Ohio as fa r n~ they can. Mis80url Valley, 16wa. Ju ;y 26. Miss hllll ever Illunl'lwl! . und it nug ht to Wi lmiO j£toll Yearly MIl,·tillg' "f Smith ...... .. .... .. ... .... ... .. ...... li5 1 They a re ou t on II two w eek~' trip . Sims has many triend~ in tills locality . F ri ellllH will \)(' he ld a t WillUin!rl'lIl , ue met with a gen '1'111 r '. P Ull .! (r.,m 1111 ILR Ill HllILe rs . WllI'l1 th o Il'li er Au gu st U; - 22 reA ches you sil dnwn AI1o1 ~ e ll l l a Ses~:ion~ of the M "'linl:' on Min che k to J . O. Ca r tW ri g ht. (\I r iJy AI) 11: I~ :3 1: t:t [:J ifll ry and () I' e rsill' h t will Itc' hel d II I <Ioing' yo u will uo n, ;'isti nK II goO I ~ the collulll' auditoriu m Wedlwsday call. c . a nel wo ar pOHitiv YOII will forenoon IIn(lnfl u l'noo'l. and a pilLIi ' go;;pel ~ervlce al t he ChlHCh ill (o wn neVl'r r<lJ.( ret thl H littl e ull'e r ing . Yuu will mak e tho Alumni A s ~ocill · lit 7:aO p. m. Willard O. l'rllelllootl . I'as tor nf tinn one to he rem >m he roo' uy the the \o'ir ~ t Fricnds l ~ hll rc h of Indi an sl' holar!l of 1.()t!RY. IIn,l lh\lY. in thei·r tu rn. when let looRe fl'om Mc hool dll· TO THE ALUMNI AND FORMER STUDENTS II poliR willCeo ntl ucL'l cIIlHH()nt!IIHk c r . tie!i. will remel11her it find IVant to ~ ism at 1:1 p. m. each day . untS'r th .. dn their 1)!lI't lIfL·1' thoy leave t his WAYNESVILLE HIGHSCHOOL auspiccsoftheyoung pcnpie. I'ilrra r hnJl of learnin g Hole. mi ~i ol1f\rY f mm Afri"R a nd II nu mber of olher prominent' 1"rif'n cl R non'!. d elay ill this matter. all the' . committee wan t to have the ro om will speak . I.ry the timo school OlXlIlR. B Ser vices for R'ospel preachin g will IJrej,lllrcd whicu iR:entlllllber· llth. r:'I DEAR FRIENDS: ~ be heltl th r,ougholll t he day. Sund AY. ... Washington cro!;sed the Delaware . All meetm gs except t he une nn thNapoleo n lost' [I t: Waterloo. . night of the 16lh will h ~ held on (h ' . co ll e~e grounds.

Frederick B~lly S herw ood wa:" nom inated on th l' H p llil ica n ticket fIJI t rensur('r I n a field of three '."Itho~t the I ast ~It . of trouhle 0 11 tb ' part of tlte \'(it rs o f th e l:'ll tl n t y, Mrs. B H. Kelly spent last week exadly as we predIcted m last week S Iss tle. with her parenti at Ne wark, Ohio. It is unnecessary to e nter iuto deta ils a ga'ill in regard til th t' you ng- mall, a: til t O. W. Hamilton spent the week· voters ?f the county a rc full y aware of his : t~I) IIS- perso ll a lity I) . the splelld id s upport g i\' CI~ to h~m at the polls yes terday, and the\' W Ill find th at til . f('in ;, of til e trea sure r' s ()Ili c( ' end with hill children In Dayton . WIll b~ In capable h a nd s. . Mrs. F. W. Hathaway, who was quite sick last wllek, il im p roving. MillS Grace Carman spent the wep.k· end with the MIR8eN GlIstin In Day· ton. Rorn - To Mr . and Mrs. Fred Gons of Route 2, Tuesday, AUllUbl2, 1!1lO: a son. Mrs Walter Cast Is IIpenilina a few day a wllh relatives In Villers Chapel. ~veral from Waynesville attended ilie Vfllllli minstrels in Lebanon Sat· urdayevenlng.

Mr. and ~rll . John Stal18berry, of Dayton, were week ·end guests of relatives here. Misses Mary Prater lind Mllry Hawke, ot Lebanon, spent Thursday with friends here. Miss Anna Carstensen, ot Cleve· land, OhIo, i~ the guest o! Mr, and Mrs. L, A. Zlrumerman.

R. C. Schaeffer, of Middletown, 18 lpen(lillg a feV! days with hie daughter and 80na here • Ellsworth Sherwood, of Pittsbulg, Pa , ·is sptlnding severul weeks with hl8 father. to' . J Sherwood. Look afler Chandler'a Fe rtili zer if rou want good goods. Miss Mary Prater. of Lebanon, ThurstlllY with the Mi!.!Bea Martha Burnett and Emma Cartwright.


Misses Maude and Marguerite Hearn, ot Lebanon. are the guests of Mr. and Mra. H. E. Earnhart. Miss Olive A.llen W811 a guest at a porch party in Lebanon I-'rida)l. at the home of Mr. and Mrs . S . M. Sel · lara. MI8ge1l Amy and Mamie Rossen, of Dayton, have been the gueata of Mrs. Rachel Crew, of ROute 3, for leveral day8, Mr. and I4ra. Charles Moore and dau,hter, of Chevy Chase, D. C .• ar· rived here Monday. havinll made the trip in an auto. . Deputy Sheriff Chas, Wag,oner rect!ived word Ilat week: that he had auceelisfully paslM'd the examination as second lieu tenant. The MI8sea Dorothy and Roaamond Dakin, of . Hannibal, Mo., arrived here Wednadav evenln~, for a month'a viall. wit.h relatives, Mr and Mrs. Eliu Blackburn and two children, of Fiahertown, Pa., arrived here Monday arid willipend a week or two with rel!itlvet, Prof. C. H. Young, of Lebanon, wu appointed. councilm1&n last wetk to till the unexpired time of W. ft. Beck, who moved away from Lebanon, .

It the parties who put theIr plick.

'11'111 leave Monday lor th. samlt place. Mn Mary Cuk., and Mrs, Han. ria~ Anuam arrived home from Ma. rletta, Ohio, Wednead&7 .venln8. Tbey broullht their rrandehild, little Jan. Cukey, with them. lor a flw dllYI' . .

Jam~ Curlll. wlf. and dall8htera, Gene. . lllill Elthlr, lira. G, H, ElII,


and clauptlr, No.... and Mr! lin. CarrIqtoD 1lI'la attended thl SI~ NWIIon at tile bom. of 0. n...-... I.... ean. at New BurJlqtoD IltardQ.




Warren Zell. of Eugene, Oreg., is visiting with relativea here,

In the ' wrong· buaa1 Saturday night July 29th,will call Dan HoCkett aod Identify the property the; can hav • .th. same. .


y, h le N umbe~ 3382



CHIEF STOPPED Mia Maf'1 Sherwood left Jut week for Cincinnati, where ihe '11'111 enter Children', Hospital to beeome MUSICAL OUTFIT athetrained nune. MI. Cecilia Snook

Jr'Su1llcrlbe Ior ...


-- _._-----_.......:.._--_._------,



EvIdently Hamilton County did not thInk much of S . A . 8tllwell', mode of conductinar hll QIlIJldac,. for ChIef Copelan had It ltopped, aa h4II8Id lbe outfit wu a noille· makln II' device and contrary to the ordinance ~tllwelllOullht the advice ot a law· ,er .nd they went to a MaJor, who referred lbe matter to tbuhlet. A. e"t?body know. Steve w. . .trivlnrr to .... ltate auditor, and.had 80tten ~ IlectricOi'8UI to call atteDt{on to m.





W. H. Allen was in Cincinnati Friday. Elliott Wri.rht Monday.

At Liberty , Ind., aft~t Ten


iliEiiSoNAiiNTlii IN AN




l:3ixty-Eighth Year




~~ddt'heo~~~~.II~lfiit~~8 ~I~~nf r~~i~i





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TJiese facts YOII know. . Here is a third fact which we want you to know. A calll· paign to rais not less than $200 with wh icll to furni sh and eqtlip t it Library Room in the new school building, which wil,1 open in September, is now on. Perhap you have already h~ard of it. Ha 'e you sent your check? All remittances should be sentlo J. O. Cartwright. Are you a self starter or a b ack firer? Get in the class of those who are. willing to help others by being a contributor to til is fund. For what purpose has aliI' A1umni Association l,e n ill e~istence these past th irty some yca I's? 'I'h succ.ess of this plan is the answer, All monies must be in by Scptcmhcr 1:t, of pns5ihll'.

Yours fo, a


•• ' &&lm. .am.BE_II. .


I!i=EiI'IG I'Eiiiiil"r:55=IU9iE55EJ





'oil cam " tyh~enrdtll.iln".zgerthel" ~nnc<linln6npt~rCcaePnit' l ~' • u ' goods at '1 8 and ~I!I per ton, right from the caEct win Chandler & Son. , Phon'e 4!H Yo -~ -~-

r:t' 1,;,1





'rhe vi1J II(l' council me In regular sessIOn Monday veninI:'. \\lith flll members preson t. The routln busine s !iuch 1\.'1 all ,w ing llills . etc. wn.q attendeu t o. aftllr which" j(en· era I d Isc ussion w take 1 in fil gard to thu Bidewalk'3 for t he 8p· proach to the new schClOI. The /lur· Vt'yor will probably make Ii Ifra~ this week on tho south sid' or Nurth ~treet , ane] afte r t be proper cuune of taw Is takeu. they will procceil to pl! t In the new wal k . Aftllr conslderllbll! dl!!CUl8ioD on various olber Improvements Mall V" to the wellare of the vIII.., Idjollmed to In....-&_ _ _..


Tho. .,. ..




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I Iltlllllllr t il II<' tlllcing phl(, ' thrllll~holit I !til' 1""1; Rlh' I\.!.... ~ Ilrf1\'nlll"l: .lllrln!'; I hi" . I .'nlll·I-lIlnl: Ct'r(!I110IlY t,t I'llluhnll, ... rl.~' ' Comma.ll Pleas Court t llHi , "1110111 t ~. U ,,0 t n ('lll!rl'h Il! I ~ IIwrn. J W . 'J' IHHtWo; M II I \~ " ('u ri I 'IIIV 111)1. ltll~h~'I" hl~ 11Iotlll'r nllhl'II, III thl' n R... r ut ul , lin 11' o r r nnl i'R t t o r n. .' 0',,1'1 I" 'hr~ lIk III' UIlI! or tllU",' bha$t l~' Ihm ~c1 anll c1H.lll o nl nr <.I . 11I1 " n·"I~ . \V . (;llt~ s l" r r1ImVI". Ir.llOr ('('l, \ '/:1 A "'I th ink fo' l1," lu IUI1'lw ('rcJ , rt s from M Hrcowli .. t tt l . l : 11:' F " " 'ly, "d· I n l 'U 't~a ttl t rn IW,., Ullnlstru M, m ud s !turty' del ondnat , " YOII Ihlnk Sri ! Do n·t YOIl 1",o w 7" tl nury (( Pill , t ru~ t ' " , \' j\IOl.Jl h' " 0 11 , yt'8. Y"o. r w ellt 10 ('hun:u l" Eyel' Ilt. III . () n l e wd I hIlt ~ m'\ leA 'm to \\' Iul t " ' il!'! rh l' t\t!I'mo~ nho ut ?U nOD rU811ltJIl ts hu 1lUIl) " hy V1lh~ 0 I · " lI' hll t. Qh,t h 'r?" tin n . " ri\ 1i't you hl ~fl r tnp-r 61H.! rl d, "I '1,l lr pnco Ii: ~urf" on Vii Rurry 1£. :l ~kpll Y)U ,,' h nt 1ue 8l' I'UhHl " ' U!i , urfncR. O rc! r lIlud,) f o r. p nr UHI " huut," . 11,' rOIl~.' ,l hIIllHt'l f. ·"r Ullnlc It WAS <Ill! trilml io ll o f )lr')ctl811,. f,r olll MI.JHlI f Ilr OI,,'rt,.v h e llIulIo " nil Ih ll l til, RUlli ';Go on, YOll olcl crash ·bllsl,,'r! ( ' be w ~rn "nlllg ~IWrl(lH\I ' w2~11' n ''''."ll.~ "". :~~',I::~~~' h~~eW~~?,:~I I;~~~I~~;~n~'ItOtt~~~'ll' ,If , :?&;J fJ ho 1111111 t o 1),,,' \11 W , 'I'Io CJllI I upl 1t'8 good ror ,' ou If you lloll't III JIII', . 1 11111111 n ,·.' r U un , LI. • h. d ,luII fi B ou til UJ \l rl gll~n 11011 . t ,. ' , • 1111111 I,,~ I ".,Ior. 11 .11 1 " '11I 1, .. r, I"... III' It " ;a" lI\)uIII ~O '~ I ~ l h l ll&: It. th~ n lble." 0 11'11'1(" '. l 'I,' r ue "~ ZornldlL ~ . try to bolt YOllr ,Ittl es. Fletch rtze, g la rell IW.'r 11 1 ~ "hOllhl.'r HI h is ~Oll ,, ~ , \\ h ltf'.ill('\;"t (,.'or!: .. \I·n.. !;llId of nil .,ou pig! Tb nt'~ rl~b t-YOl:'ll UIJ"pr U .. ' In ll l'l' 11:0 111 1,,1.1 1\ .. ' hilI! lu 0 '111'111' 1" OIlII(ll'llIlIlIy tn I.. n\·o tile room n Ull lenn Pie r ce . 01 ""1('8 !-: I'll 1I ,."\ )llll lntill' pt "Iuwp In ,your gizzard. \\ unt liuwe " Y'!I' gil on LIIH'k 10 Y IIT- w urll,'; h<' "1'''11 ) II.HI , JIII'I,"o n'/i ~11I,uhl l' r III th" lin the ~ r uu lld ~ " I e , t I e 'UII ,'r uully I CIl,r ll tll O K"h ltl V N ,I. ~oJlh Hro wn ruorf'1 11 1'1'("" II II Ire, RIl IIlJ' nne:' 1<:11< 1, ' '\' 1'1' h:l" woJ rs," ~ lIlp. IJII11I thll t .1';1 I1lr),. " li e Ihlll 't kIlO\\' OJ(,Y 'l'hl' ~(lrtl 8 ,\'('rc lu (lI ~ tln gu IRhnhl l', 11111 frnlll Il p!'111'11 !!Ihlll'" un ." lil lY ~1I1111 J(\U ! " II ' 1"lIlril1i1oo, hll \'1111( ., ~ III. \ )rot ur Kl'Illitcll f or M lo o f I . 811erll.llln Inl'lIl1l'd b l ~ lI t'ad t o G UfIl f')" S "Llh, 110, yo n hll\'rll' t l" " ,ltl (Jurnp,' . III. rl·III<'(I Iho dlo ll1/;·rno lll 11III In/:l1l'. r nl llttl H' Ell z,. b'JII! ((n n lrllll\ lI v. f:! (~ <l nh ' ll ear and ..bouted tlerc('l y : "'J'1I1kI11' 10 " J Jlnl'" too !" ,'lu' I'ld ;\Il rctorl ..Ll. II;" ~ "AI\ li e know Is III' \\'IIS wltll 'At Illd~' ,lo y 1I~ II I. I. PI\V" ~ rnntod Ilol'~f1(lout hlmsolf l By Georgel" grill'. "] lI l1h1'. YOl1 go on hade t o rOllr I II\'('~ lie 'do' !" GM r);e Wil li r1;.:;ht. Gurney Illugh d rcu surlu gly, nod \\'orl(. Thrrp'lI no r rn Ron t o 8blt ,,1 " Jl ltl YOli gO t o chur('h all by your· d . Gon] ,," ,J .,), t u Hlo "nHW Ot· 1IIIl1 O rl.l~1! 11'" i t il n . I ab ook bls lil'nd. nrOlllld hf'r(' wnl chln' oil' ))oc (:Urt""y Ad r, DIl>bs?" Rlhy l Rake<\. Bibbs returned 10 song. t ry ln' to k('l'p hhl1~elt nWllke " 'orkh;' ":-10." h e nn~wl'rcd. "No, I d idn't SO MHrl h D ~; ~ ulf o r:l ' 1 I1I'k ~ lI11 B1lt n ·r wo TIIi . nlt' r l( rflll\"o fur on 11 acrntrh Ihnl o nlv nf'I',IH n IIlt1t' III 0nl'." Ch&n~1 Chang, ba8h, hang ! 1l'8 I I coul·lpl n ~l ('r. I AlIlIlJ''ii or It " 'oulllll't "Oh?" RIllyl "nn~ the eJnc ul llUon :ialo of r P1l1 t!~ l u r l'. %0 looks a mustung In t he e r e ? 11ullPI' nl-d. You I!'cl hlU'k on YOllr job." o n II p word twi st, IlR ot mockIn g In· M' LT), K Hur ~ kp n F rnllk ~l'lol1 lt'r I Fearl••• ani! be" All rll:llt." Allhl HlhbM. I q ulrr. nOli tol\ owI'd It hy nnoU,u, ex· a t ul. t-Il1 ~ T1ll' o\ l rtl"t ed to ex~c ut'-' Hie t a ther I.I'rnsjled blm by thl' 11 I'm . "Uf're!" Sh.wldull lJe ll~w('(l 08 his pr,'~ ~ l v o ot hll nrlollS comprehen sion . JO!J<l t o porc hJt srr. "B cre!" he ShOl1l l'd . "Let mp ~h O\" Mil wa s IlnsAIII /X out of Ihe Ilo;r. "You " Oh!" you bow to run II str ip th ro ugh 1 herc. wnl ('11 o ut w hell you' re rlln nln' th .. t New !'uits lII llhs looked at her 8tudlou~ ly, hu t Tbe torenl6n sllYI! you 're somc bt'lII'I"u Il1 llchln e! You !len r whn t 1 Aa.r '1 I . he Rpuk e uo fu rther, And thll t (,om· n. V . S IIlItI'1 n ll.!ln" I'h tl lt \l" ,.ou ueed to be, but tbn t's no wily to slilipod, or 1 wo ul dn' t got " ('I''' I('hl'<I , ' )lI ('tl'd Uw couycrsntlon at we lugu· Deor-ee tor Tllutill on uf fllul 1\ ·t tl ' II b a ndl&- Get oul the way nllil lei me but you-'-yo u'r ll nbla 10 I;ct you r b"loIiK rellst. I{rnn t.ed . abow ,.ou oncc." ,,'hole hond iout 011'1 You k!'('n your l'ofl'.'e ( 'lIm!' ilnnlll'. wns .llsll0S!'i1 8ame I.e lll1l1 J( . RIJtlT' ts IldWIII' ~ lrntrl. ' Ilt ' "BeUor be carefu l," Rlbbs wnrnrd eyrs olle u l" : o f IJllk kly. allli tho pnrly dls porsed to him. stepplug t o one RIfle. ")'cs. olr." And nlbbs returt1('i1 to Mhl' r f) Rrts or tho tlonss. BlbbA fol, th e !!iHK tl) " f J I}:'lf'pb '!I "hu rl S, li e. " Oarerul ? Boh'!' Rh cl'llln n Rc lzp c\ tl.f' z in c I'u ter 1b o u~httully . I IO\\' Kl hlH fAttI er nnd Roscoe Into the cefl8Cld VB Ih!' Vll\ lI g(' of '""IUI.h 1.011. 1 IInon Itnll ~h o lJ" llrrl o f COIl'II V C fJ lIJ- I • atrlp. _ol_:tInc-rrom U,a box. " Wuu l Uulf li n bou r loter flurnf'Y tonched II tJ,~'~ry, hut WIlS not well received. m l~!ilOUe r~ . IJIUllllg eB, Ih o IIll;lOllnC . 'YOU tal kln' to y o ur~ el r "bout ? Try Ill' blm on Ih(' s houlder lind lieckoned bl.l11 / \ o u j:o nnd IIKten to Ihe phonD- uh,lm eu $ 1:J, O( O. t o mo ke you rtlelf lhln k ruu' re ~ Q out.s ltle, wh ere conl'('rsntlon ",ns P OR ' grnJ)h willI th e woruen·tol k.," Short· .abuaed you're goln' wrong .tn til(' sible. " r seu l h im horne, Jl l hb~. U n'lI dllli eomru llnd d. Probate Court Proceedln(1I bead ,.' bn v/) 10 be C'll reful o r lhnt h li lid . Go Dlbbs rol rented, "Sometl ml!8 YOll clo and .. '.A bused?' No!" 6hon t('d nlh h~ . " ] got your ovenli ia otT. I'll t a ke you HL't'1Il to be a lia rd 80rt ot lIIan!" be In r e!l tllte of Chu rl es K. Url.Otl, was alnging- bl'rnll80 I '11)(" It !' I lold for 11 drive nlld l en~e you a t h Olll o, dtloel1!lHd. O r der t llken 10 Bo ll pe r 8ulll. ,.ou I'd come hnck nnd 'like It.' " " Cn n't," snld n Ibbe, "Got 10 stick )[owever, he wc nt obeil!enUy Into tlo ntll pro p rty .. t not l ep~ thnu H p. Sheridan mllY n ot btl \'e ull iterstooit. to my j ob tJll the will etle bloWH," tllp KII I·and·bro nd o room to wbl ch his pr,.ls eli vlllue lit prh'uto Kfll p, "No, .you don't," tlle doctor r eturn ed, mOllier and bla Rlstor nnd hi s sis ter' III r e will o r C ly monll\ Min f! r ci .. . in any regard .. s molh erlng a ynlvn . " Be 'll'ont8 n. e to In -Ill'" hud bcl pl r "IS 'wltlld rn wl1, oC'- oOaser!. (Jom ruts8lo n le tl n cd to tote tako you down to my olllce nnd give ('or.tlng 10 tIlelr Snbbllt!cn l custOill. deposUl on o t wltnoss . less because other you an ol'crhaulln g to see bow much lI ra. SbetldllD was lookIng o\'cr II col· Etll:ate o ! Frank Hloks, deOtllged , can copy the barm Ih ree tour dll ye on the ma chine 1('1'I I"u of r pc" "'-". ('nnslslin): ex c'l\l' Flual a oco\ln\ o r tldmini .. t r u t or IHod , ba"'e dono you, 1 guess you roll[8 bllve Rh' '1), of ('lIru~o IlUeI rII)!'t1I11l'. :-:he IIpp roved and oo nflrmlld . got that old man pretty thoroughly ~ 'Ic- -I.. d nllo: "f II,!! IU UN .. remlll'kll1 !( Estnte o f Chllrl os B. Monro e de. upset, between you, up at your housel lhlll .llI! UlOu l(ht It "right pr>!ty," 1111(1 cellsed. Fi nill 8 cco unt fi led, ' lip_ But J don't totend to go over 10U, I (ollo ll'eel It with olle ot U'C! former lind t>r ov e d and oonfir med . CIln see with my eyes balf llhut-" lb t' HlIllle remllrk. . Est;a to ,o r R ay m und E. Poulin . Illi Ag t he scconil l'elit'hcll Its " on (' I\I~ l on . "Yell," Blblls Interrupted, ·'tb.t". n o r , Jnnal auoo ue. of iUllrtlllln all what tbay al'9," (le"t'lle 1l1!lJ(ln r~d 10 Illl' br.)llll Ilnn1"l>roVI!d aDd oonlirlUlld , ". say r ean aee you're startlna out, WII)" lJUt h' did not SII'lIk. 11I8t('llll, An,no Ie. Madden, g uardilln, ve at Icoat, tn 'good ahope. Wbat's mad. h rll \'orc(l ElcllUl with · u h 'nl'volent tbe dltterenee7" Sill II!'. IIlId she IlUme(lIl1tely 11:'(1 1\1<' M/l.ry J . Illilts ot nl. P " tltlon filed to "1 like tho IllBclllne," lIald B1bb.. mum . C;enrge cllsn l)pearlu ): nrU!I' lU! r sell "11111 elltate g r anted . In r e Cbrlstlana Wel g ol. O n ex. " Well, weil l" 'Ole doctor IItretched In lhe .hlll\ with li n s ir or , lI l' ("H~ ru l blmselr and stamped bls foot repeat- dl phlU1JIl'Y . Ile IIlnde It )lel'rectly 1' 1 II r IImlnatl on It Is found &hat sh e IS 11 0 t tldl)", "Bett er co me alona and U.e a Ih llt Ellllh ' hud given him Re.~ ret In. lO·s a[le . J n re will of T. Remon oott, d e driv e wlU, me. You <'n n takp th e time 6trl1 ~lIons Mud tllnt It hllcJ be n 1Iis ofT tJlIIt he allowed tor the e:lamlna. ]\fll.le IIml plensure to fulfill th elD to oell8Eld. Wid ow electll t o &Ilke under t be will. In ventor y o.nd npllrnlse. tlon, and- " Ihl' lotter. " ~o t at fil l," 6Rld nlbbs. "I'm going Ihyl 8tl tTl'tl e<1 In her chnlr; h r li ps m e n t fil ed . 10 sta nd by tbe old r.lne eater till five )lurle" I. "1Il1 she watehed wllb ~urlou 8 E:!tate of t)lJns urfnoo, deooaslld. "Th" Moat Espen.i.,,, Turki.h Tab..~c... . o'dock. 1 tl'lI yo u 1 like It!" <'Y "8 \I", n llllsh lllg bll'ck or tWe whi te 6'lnal llooonnt flied . that INW ••e contained ift the falDou. ~~ " '1'hon I RUp[\Me th llt's Ihe end or JlIckct. Cheotenie ld BI .. ndt-XANTHI for ita E stllt"1 of Alher t Clea v er, minor. YOllr wllntlug 10 write." ",,"hilt's tlUlt7" slle us l; d, til a low Final tloeouu t o r g unrdilln III0d , fralr.. nc.; SMYRN", fo. ita .weetn ••• ; ft C",VALLA for ita "01Da; SAMSOUN . "I clou't know auout that." llIbbs vol<'r, bll t shu rilly. E s'ta~e of Mllr y Eu ,IUfI, UarJltl gtu n , f or it. richne... ' . Ra Id. tbou g btfull y; " but the zhle eate r "HI'ro' s llllotllt'r r ight p r(' ltl' r ecord ," deooIIHec1 , Flnnl nocnnn' a IJ Ill' a I ed, doesu't Interfero wIth my thinking, a t ""hi .\ Irs. S herldllll, Ull'l'ctlu l!'- wllll Illlo we!l and confi rmed. loust. H's bettor thlln bein g In Ilusl. puteDt lI enou~nC8S-no t to hcul'. Ami E'tllte of ~amh JIIDO Wilson, d e. ness; I'm su r e of thnt. 1 don't wnnt sbt' u l1lo os~d th e mu sll'. oellijlld. }<'i D/\1 Rcco nllt of aumluls· anyUllng to chunge. I'd loa con tent to Sibyl bit ller lip ontl b ' )(11 11 to tap trato r flPvroved ILnd uo n fi rm od . lead just tbe lire I'm lend ing now to bel' cl1Jn with the b roo ·b. Arter a little Elltnt. ot G eorKe Uoo lr , Insa n e the end ot my days." wh llt' she tu rned t o Bibbs , wbo rOI,osed ~ _&~. "You do bent th~ devil!" exclnlmoo at buH le ng th in a 11'0111 cbnlr, willi bls Sev e ntb aooou nt of Iruarc lsn lip l,udUo r $1 0; J . L , Brow n, I"unt\ry Like All the Rest. proved an el confirm ed , ALL KINDS OF Gurney. "Your rother's rlgbt when be eyell c lo~1!(l. , for c o urt: h o nse $ 1-1; A . L, Hannah Go to Your Work." "J cntl gh t til HTO'p I ' ~l\ r cOlillu r lor Esta te o f , J ohn Eyer , deoeliltod . t ells me you'ro a mystery. }'erhnps "Wbere did Eldltll g07" she aSked, burl" I ot Th omBs MoCray, In ; c wh o OWCS 1111- 1111)11'), 1"111 I I.. , I'll)' pllll· rblrd llceo un t of t rustee approved W. I.vln s, 80ap ,' pa int, drags Ilnd 'At .11 eventa, bo mnde no reply, bll t the AJmlgbty knew what lIe was nbout c urIOU ~l y. form lust III J:ht ." "1 )),1 YfIl' I!"'" y llllr "();tllth'l" be re pented, op~ul(]g hI li .Ilowed a cd oon flrm ed , snpplies fo r janitor $9 DO; Htl Y 1II0n)/1" " Ko; h(' ,11.1 til Rlltll" Ih lllg ibep.D to run the IItriD ot !lIne through wben ho m nde you, l)ut It tak es a lot E8'LIl&e of Mnbel E . 'l'nfts, d eoeasod. Barllhbllr ger, sa lary I S j&uHo r ,GO; lIbe maclllne. He dId it a'Wkwardly-- or rl1ltll to \)elleve ttl 'Ve il, I'm olr. ey('~ b llllll(ly. "l ~ ehe gono?" olher er(l oll\l)l'~ !l (l," "Whlll'!! Go Ot. bu ck to yo ur murderIng old mn. S ibYl got up aud s tood In the cloor· Flnnl IICCO DUt of the reool vtlr ap. J!lme8 Foll en laud wltb bad results. Ilervlces jllnUor, lilY thrlt 7" "I'ut lue off."- HIi·lIllllg 1111l1l oou r t r oom 1100r $ 10, "Here I" ho sbouted, ''This Is the cbl lle." H e c llmllfHl luI" hi s cn r, wny, She lenn el} ngo lns t Ihe cosln g. proved ood oOllfir m ed. Agc·Hcrllld, In re will of Clymenltl Minor , de. "'a7. Watch bow I d o It. Thero's wbl ou he opemte(1 bI IllSf'lf, but Ite ro- 6tl 1l t"lI llplnll ber cbln wltb tb e hrool'h. ----~-.-.~-----Contraot let t o C barl 8f9 Jan os f or GOWo· to It, If ,.ou put your mInd on fruln ed trom Re ltlng It lrulOellln tely In TIer eycs wer c dllotlng ; Hhe wus 8nd, ce a ~E. lI . Will a d mitted to p roba te . rete ab utm e nts RDd ol\k fioo r lit oon c It." B7 bill own showing then hi s rulnd motion. " Well, r rubbed It In on Ule denly at ulgh tens ion, nnd ber eXl'res· J . A RUDYIIO appOinted exeonter. Where t he B ird Learn ed It. :waa not upoo it. lIe contin ued to mile old mnn tlU\t yon lind wurnell him not s loo bllll becom'e one ot sharp excl te- No bonll r equired , ApprlllH ' r~ J . brld~o Delr J ('I ne8 and I:;tlle8 tar Dll' "Thllt I\" "r" r "r llo cl r ~! \\'h), . It [Waynesville. O. Warre D WOOd, Ira Dlgonv nnd Earl In Barlan township at tb.) es ti111111 e "All )"Ou lot to look ou t for Is to k eep to slide hly hllml nlong t oo rar, and ml'llt. Sh e liste ned 'Intently, $70. rnU J.'s .. n' Iii I th,· )(0" 1,, nr lI' l' 1I!'I~ h . tllnt he got burt be('nu~e he di dn 't pay Wh en Ule reeorcl WII S spun out sbe Duuham tt prene4 over to--" In re Olive Branob and Oregon ill horh oorl !" "y,,~ . \\,h "11 II wl\s l,·nl'/I· Over Pottolfice, ~j I "Dou't rDD Tour .band up with It," a ttention to YOl1 r wurnillg, lind he rnuso coul ll lI ell r Sh.crltlun rumbling In Ibl' E. M, Bllmll tol.J , IIdmlnlstra'tor of IBlbbe voclrerated, lelIDlng tow6rd him, he wns trylog to s llOIV you how t o do IIbrn ry. d n rlng the e nsuing s ilence. the eS&lIte of Emily 1:1. Uran o, de. rOlld IDlproveme n\. Thle Ill11Uer Ing to tnl k tl1t' r for i:oL tn Ink" It nut Office Photle 71 It .un Ph,,~ 11 someth lug you were II lrl'llcly dolug t\ , IIUt! HORcoe's voIce. quemlolls nnd Cle'uod, VII LIlurll. E. BnrJaad er et III coming and to b e h eard a D the obj eo ot the 1'00111 th" till Y Ihe '"wlnl,; SIId,'lY "BUD Dolbln' l You got to-" tlon8 to \bEll1llprovl1l at tile uppo r. met."-Hroll'nln S'R Mn!;,,?III "', UJ,ooJ[ outl" shouted BIbbs and Gnr· groat deal be tter Ihan he could. You llUHk y : "r wou't Blly unytlilng nt all. Orde r takeo to 8ell r e nloHtute . tlo nme n' of & 1!~eSNf\ mont~ mnde b y ,l ie,. together, and t hoy botb sprllng ror· tell blm I'll be uround to look nt It 1 t e ll you, you IlIlgut Ju st 118 well let Real Estale Transfers the ellrvey or . 1'he b oard Ilfto£ 'Ward. Bnt Sllet'ldall'8 r\/;bt hnnd hnil a nd e~ nll go 1be drCJ!8i ng t Ol110rrOW me alone I" But there w ere othe r sO lluIls : n MIS, helu!! fully ad vlaed considered 'he . tollow8d the strlD too tnT'. nnd t1Je zin c morning. Qoollb~." E Ern est Te rre ll to Daniel L ,)bj eotlons not well til ken a nd over. Bllt w ben h e pold tlie promised ,'Is lt tUu g nnd m nl'llll\r, ~vblsl' r In g, low, eater llad bitten ott tlle tJps ot the firsl rYl/"'-I --- - - Run Yll.n , 186 HOI'es In '!'urtloor eek rnled lhe eame and IIl!COnd fingers, He swore vehe- tho nex t mortling lIe dill more than protes ting cllde nees III a II1nle volcc. t owns b ip, t1. Oraduate or Oblo Stal.; Univerlll)' .---.- -----mently, an" wrung bls hand, se nding a chnngc th e dr(, 8~ ln g npon the dllmn !;ed And 08 Mrs. f;h erhlull 810rt<,,1 unollH'r ChurlllS ()J ~ v en~er t ) A. B . S b e t. sbower ot red drops over blm selr nnd h llll(\. Tb e Injury '11'/18 severe o r lis record, n auclllon, \'\lul resolve len peL1 WANTED Bibbs, but Gurney gras ped bls wri s t klncl: ami ' Gurtley spent a 10111: time like tire In tbe eycs or SII,y!. Sbe ter, Iwt8 In Frankltn, U . OtnC6 at residence In F . USher Ml unlo E. n ec h lLn t. to ~' . B. f1 llrrl~ and 111111. sharply: . . ' o,'er It, Ihough Sheridan wag rebelllouB ~vllik eci clown the hill) lind 8trnlgllt luto lot III Fmllklin, $:3,800 , ' tltonogrspher who o"n tl1ktl w ood 's house, l"ourth Street. "Come out ot here. Come over to lind l, hel !]g brought to a de- Ib o smoldu g roolll. Bbort hnnel, ApI,ly lit tho EI . I..ol-llllom al\(1 Edith both Rprn ng to J ohn C ol e lll~n t-s G rls hy Urauder, the lavatory In the OtllCIl. Bibbs, fetch gree o r tracla blllty only by m eans of Telephone 28 Aslr tho mlLn wh o u 8es lt , h ~ kn o ws blngor t:llloo Mfg. (Jo , Lebuno n, mT bal'. U's In my m.n chlno, out8lde," h rtrrllJle threats Hnd talk ot ompllta· their ft'Ct, sCf)lIrllting. EdlUI lwcllme lot 1(1 (i'rnnlllt u, ut 6 fl e nry 'l'b"yer to ,I ohn (;oleml~ n, "To think I.ufferod ftl.J"thefle years Ohio. wben Bibbs b ught the bag to tlon. However. be appenrc(1 At the Instnn tly dell ibly whlto wltb a rnge Ohio ItM -aahronuJ b. found the doctor st1l1 dlun('f tu hle wltb hla lin n" supported Wut SCI I)e r slinking frOUl bend 10 root, lot 1[1 F ra n\<lto, wbe.n one 25 oent b ottle of f:!lolln's FA RM-S- Bllve voti 1\ fA rm or other Waynesville. In a silng. which be see med ·to regord aud Lalliborn stu ttered os b ll tried 10 ROlli E"tate tor Bille? If so hst J ohn H . (Joeh ran 1,0 tillruh M. Ber. Liniment ourAd 010 ," writes ODO n8 an ludlgulty, wblle tbe notoml In· s pank. g rBteflll ulrr. U you have Rheu SMllellt onoe wIth W. D. ChBnd ler, fJI\W , Jo t 11:1 Mlleon, $ 1, qlllrl e~ llPOU the BllbJeet evidently Dut Eilltb'e shltl<lng "",' OS not so ,'10' matlsm or suffer from NflQral g lli Waynesville, UhlO, or ellll hore at BAI.(NHART, ~. M. Hudllon at ux . t o G eorge s truck him 88 deliberate I"IISl11t8, IIIl'11, lent llS Sibyl's. !lor WOS ber fnce so Backaobe, S orene8~ and ~"lfoell s, Phone No , 77. 1 have IL few goo" Fat Folks May MUH hul, luL In Hlghlll.nd f'llrlr, $1 Sherldun, buvlng been unoble to eon· wblte , At BI/lbt or the m oud of tbelr don', pu' off getting n bOUle of oa~ of tOW)] buyer8 who nre (108Ir. 'NotaryJ Public Frnnl{ D. Millar to ,Jscob H . (Jum . Now Become toln ber SOlicitude severn I times dur- em bra ce. nil possible consCclU erices bE':lloan't! . It will gIve you lIuob wei ona of lookIng at property ill and lug the day, anil hnvlng been checked t'n lll ~ notliing t o S.t byl. Sbe curt slpcl, m lnga, lot In Fmnklln, $15. oome raJlel. h Wl1rlDS and t!oothe s around Wuynesvllle . Don't del .. y! All kinds of Notl&ry Work , Willa 'l'hn la Hutc hlneon to l !luR O M o, the eore, Itm painful IIlaoell aDd Attend to tbls "t 'once, time In a manDer that blnncbed holdin g liP ber Hk lrts ond contorllng Slim QUI'ckly .beach and Deed. a I:!poolalty. er cbeek, bastened to warn ROBcoe b er lips to the semblon ce ot a sll1 l1 e. Lane, lots In Franklin, you feel 80 mnoh botter. Bny 1& Il t W . U. UbBndler. and Blbyl. upon their arrival at llve, "Bit just liS YOli we re-bOlb or you I" lSarnh E Bmt tb to H ose E. N o U, anJ Drll, Store, only 25 cente, = , ------_•• _______ to omit any reference to the JnJllr:T and Ilbe 81\101, And then to El(Ilth : "!lI1.I you lot In B utlerVille , $1, to avoid even 10!lkln& at the 811n& If t ell InY bus band I ball been telellbon. 18al\0 J . Thom!lS, by ahertiI, \0 DR. J. W. MILLER. FOR . SALE . . thsy possl bly COUld. Ing to Lamborn ?" Luella 'l'ROm0.8, lot 10 HBrveYII burlr B. Mod...ate In Your Diet, Breathe "YOIl march Ollt of· hero I" Ba lclllJ(Uth, ' 426 . '>I!1nSUliltllI 10 J(1A1J III~ CHAPTER XXI. ••• DENTIST••• fiercely. "Mnreb strnlgh t out ot h ere!" l*plT. and Take Ta.leo 'IAnq;) !': ()In lU I ItllffllO)lIJIlIIll JO a pis 1GS-l:!eoond hand rIgs; aDO Commissioners' Procecdinl/:5 Sibyl loveled a toreOllger nt Lnm, '~ 1I0 l Hll r P Ol 11,)(1 I RI l1JlIlllj)JJIl:J JO pUll! The Sheridan! dined on Sundays At born. pa oer , or will trl\de horMs tor a 0111". In RII/l' I n aJllp n;nU II IIl 04 1 l OI SiJllJ lS Waya... UIe. 0 N"looal.lIaall Blda ~ fi ve, Sibyl bod taken polDs not to ar· "J1Id you tell ller I'd beeu t efephon. Elll o' Fisber C o" a(tjus tmen t of pal IUD 0 111 til S()IJolJlIS 18aft.llI[ BIll !rood Jersey oow. Frank Mliler. 11 2U rive either berore or after the hand In g YOII I wnnt(!(t you to eo me 'l " mnchlne tor reoorder $:-1.89 : Minor 10 [l U ll )11111 "all) 'S()Ut[S 'SlIne 'S<lSRa.1 P Fa' J)8rIIODi. pantcularlJ" lho"" t rom IOta was precisely on the hour, lind tho "Oh, gooil Goil I"~ Lllmhorn enid. U M'~loy, troll te a f or mllintonllllCe J Gh ll,1[l .hI\IIJ, n, J1 RI>J018 lUatUl.nltl 10 pouDcIAI abov. Donnll .'1111' will be· members of th e tllmlly w erc all 8eated "lIush I" good Shrop~hlre Buok I_Bmlt ~ of Htd e n , l-Ied rude and Minor Blak fl '01) JlUlI SJa >lnUI, OilS 'SJ i}>IulU s~aJfJ eoted &0 leo.rn Lbat they lllay :ol1llJy reduce lit the loble 'Yl t hln two mlillltes atter all el.llli ble to relllst~ r ; are extr,; DR.H.E.HATHAWAY ohild :ren o r Wilbur Blllite, fO.r tlMU "eI.h' "lthout -'orvl'ion 41et or ,Ire· she nnd Roscoe bud entered the house. " You kn ow sbe'd tell my hll sbnnrl. days a t 5<1 cent.s· per dRY $ 17; p, A, q:>ll[h\ \lIXOIJ' I),n"H I~~ s lJd III WJoJ "j 8 00d on8s: Also No. I heavy Draft lIOIMe.urcIM. . Wll,yllN rillo'. Leadln, DaDtld It W08 a glum gnthering, overh';ng ~~~.;,~ you?" sbe cried, . " Yo u kn ew 8lamp~, r e plllring Sl10B8 for Ilrlllon. . 8aol1 tl, III.\\ pJItO!lil lsud JO P Juoq lu\l ~ Horae, 7 yr8. old, Inquire of W . 6. Til.. can bell be doni by belnle moderate Office III Xe7' Blda. Main 8& ere tll.lili ; O. B. Deehaut, "amps for 0111 ~o OJlIl:>IIJIIU tll1t mn !II ,(loAlsltlaxa Whitaker, Waynesvlllo, B. 1 a:l:J II J'OV dl"'. 10 tli .. \ yo u ..Ill 'Jot oveN"" with portents. The a1.r 8eemed charged, 180lUIII pos n J l1 liJiJ(llIds,'\i)u 01110,\\ " nu~b!" he begged, pnnlc-atrlcken , J'Our .a1mU ..llvtt OrclW8. by.eLtlng p llnLy ot a"'IlIUnlr any tiny Ignlthln to explode; . 'IIJadwdsMIlN II1Il!M IUOJ,:I IIlJ(oB "Tlllit was n mllnly thing to ~o! Ob , Still have .. flualimy ot Parll freeb alr. b, breatbJq deeply aud IJ)' laklnl and MI'!!, Sberldan'a erpreslilon. a8 0, Green tor 110.16'. O. ·W , H endor. abe 8at wit1l ber eyea fixed almost con. It wile lI!te a gentl emAn ! You Wl1uldu 'l lOur IhnllOO a <111. T _ ma,. be obtllned !rom Iny drug ttnunlly upon her husband, was that co me-you wouldn·t even cornf' for fi ve .on, W'aynellvlJ1a, Ohio, a16 otore ID ~raIn ' ablel .. '"ke one Itt:er .ach o r 11 person enl'OI(OO In prayer. Edith minutes to h en r whllt I ha.l · to SI1~' ! IDeal UI4 ODe littore ..Urici al Dllh&.. Til"), was pale 'and Intent. . Roaeoe looked You, were tired or whnt I bad to RIl,Y! am ,OID,Ioto busl0888 and will ".A"bd u t two yeAn 'sgo I · h lld • Too Faat tor Her• . - . U&a.Ie. are ablolutely h . mil_. utl pl . ... 11111 my oew·bome lit on08, located I III; Sibyl looked III, Bnd 8heridan You d benrd .It 1111 n ~ousund tlm£:s seve re ILttaok of dlurhoell wlnoh aD' 10 ..,d are deeiS ed to nldUCfl tltl,,. A Lll tle 1(11'1 from II more leisurely y. mUel eaal Cif (Jorwlo, Ohio, Allo Funeral Dlrecto~. &CC\UIIulallduln &be l)"Item wberever located. looked both III and explosIve. Bibbs before, and you wouldn t el'en come! lusted OVflr IL wee k, " wrltell W . C !'Ol't oJ Ih O! cOtlntr',v wus w/llklng wHh No! No!" sbe stormed, "YOII .lone!l, Bo ford. N . D. "1 beoame ~o . her LUCltlll~ r Itlong t hllt part ot Bruud. bor!!.,oow, wagon"lools, &io. Place 4 ... d&)"l" "'imllDt· lI.ould Ibo.. I no· bad more color than any ot these and ~o! ta-bIe Nc2uc'IOD In .eIlM, 'hI lleob obould there WIIS a strange brlgbtness like a wouldn't even .collle tor HI'e· mln1ltes, w81lk that I () l uld not'stlll1d uprigh t. wuy whlt-h Nklrtll tlltl . Woolworth 0001,,108 l!Y. aorea, 6 rooUl bOUI., Waynesvjlle Oblo ~llar, cement wallie, lu,. obloken .. a - - lInD. &be _10 amoutb &lid Lbo light, 'upon hll! tace. It WIIS ~nrlonll hut you could te ll t1ll1t little eat! .Aml A drcI8 " i ~ ' r eoommllntl ed (Jbamber. building. It wo s tho 1I00n hour, lind boole, out bolldin,fI, etu. "or par. . . . bealUI Improved, In lact JOur rooll&oPl to Bee anything 80 happy In the tense be told my busba ndl You're a man l" lain's 00110, Oholera !lnd Ulorrboea t he crowd wall out ancI In rapid mo • ........ I~ I>Ieom. IiIh'-, 70ur work Mam gloom or tltat household. Edith 88 w In a OU8h tbat the <'011, Rem edy, ~I'be first dl180 rallflved tlon. The air \\'aR 8troll8 and gusts $loolarIl8e.e Jam8l.A, Wbltacre, H, -IIIITOBRall ~~---------:==~::~~~i:~~~u'aa'r"uD& Edith ate little. Bhe Dover on1!e snq llN1C08 of battle would be rnlnous rue atld within tll\70 daYI I ~ •• all ot--It . 'urrled_Pllst 08 tbel do In that e, Walll88~llle, Ohio. AulQ Equipment J'ODl' "bole MID,. to Sibyl, and the turlous girl lIecdoo BIll over" M.ny drQI,l.t8 re. Vicinity. ~...- ,,110 II to 01' It IIOUIICU <lnr looked at 81byl, though 8tbTI now.nd "I 110n't like New York, OliE ioOd Shropahlre Buoll , Horae-Drawn Equipment ................. 11"" ' &l1li .........~. theD . ..,. 1Ier " qnlck Ilance, hea1'l1l no furtber temptation to Jive woy to ·commend tbl. rem ed, beoauae the, mothe r," sail! the little IIrl. "JDye~ Lambe. ~ow IDform..'lnn call dIarpII!, aDd then looked • ...,. lloef'MllIuaL "Get oot ot th1I hOIlB\ll" know that II II r.lIabla, Ob'ailaabl. thing' Is III nch Ii hurq-.nD th, ....... ~IDd .... h .. W. II. BUw." 11, U, t. Wa1DMwUle. . WI dill 110& ........ . ... "'......",=a- _ Be .______ _ alII JrId.~ .; .. • ..aLi..,. . . 0Id0. ' n.Y 0& NIGIIt fl • • II ...... Ill)








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\ ,Jdt ·d lalt'h .... ' I ITlllt " " II, ' I i'> iii • 1t1t' 1 1~ I 1111111 '~ ( rorl1 III1U \\ 1\11 t ll,.~ ,, ' \'111 II 11f,,111111 ' hi I ~ " " \\ 11[, ")11 h '\, '11 I-IIU\~ II :-.t,

Tho ICrt<~ h . AII· ohildr n froHIl ( :i n . I lll r "",~ IIn r ll>,lI 1,1,, 1 1" 1' \•• 01. /'11'11\' "' , .. ·l, II JI~lr Hll" .\ Hlh· .,,\', ~I.~n \ \'111 I"'..,h l,. ti olr nu l i w liil 111\,11 heAn LIlli 1' 1I 11~ I H · I Mld ,·.f I I", IIlIr'1I'l l h"'II ' I'''' 01 1 1'01 1 . 11\ I! "'{fl fI , HI' l I . , . .. .. ' I' . ~.( '·''',JI , I I I UII j·""II ,h'. WII IU It t'r 11."41; " ' "tt' .. II llI t h \\011111: fllr (I f Mrs.' IJulinnh 're~\VQII lin I )\lr H l, t I lntl f\ t\\ lIr lh '~Slln'l.q' ~11~t\',:r t : ~t'.~\·,I.I,,~'/:t , ·1' I'(lf\" tLt, ("lIu\\ 11I 1.: Mh 1'.Y I~onlledv f nr t. \.\ 'C' \\'Yt 'P lc.'i t' ~, I ~IL ~~ r ·p 't r l )' /1 11 (1, fi r l.f ,t.I''''''' , 1 1i;'\11 "'u'!"r"1j ",th .. ll1nllll" , f rlll l/, I" ( II r lurll o.l 10 11,,·i r h " I)) H~ iu l li fO I'lty l 'fl l. .. n .i lr ll (\Ir'~ " ' 1<1 I ' IIll nl'l' , f Ih, 1""'I" ' \ , h \ " r ... 1·1111.1!14'~01I""l'" 11o.,lur.Joy n lg hl 1100( '1111 ""'1.0(1 by 1'\'t"'I. II II5' .tj~", .. 1 h'lI 'UI I II, .. ,u I'''' ,I I I ,I I I \ "I I I 'II~ III, , I , I '. I II, I I' ' ,11.\ I.' jt I I . ~ I I " (I l'n ooo o o~s from l 'b·r l' t II .... li n\,. 111 111 ill". \V I I ~I \\\. '1 "<lI!"1I "'rI lit 10 .1 · 1t! II ... :i.. 10 r·'r'll 111 tII\ ''' It''I·.\' I,. I had t ~I'U· .. 11"\ ' 1'111\ bfld,". IH ., t plbl t L,,!tll'n oll ~"ulli W"I '" W: .. •1,, · ,'hrfltth lIlI~' "",,: JiI/ ,'tI ,\I,," III {' I \\1 , ... Next week is IJI"n ullo~lor f.dr. Mr . , 'Illsu UII I." lt(ffl hilI! 11111 1/\' '"IIJI , .tll I 1 I'",., r " I: I ''',· r" I,I, I !Ii,d ""., ,r l'· 1 1111 I h.,., I". I· /I, , rll' Ill, ' f! lui 1,lIt ~o sliya tho rlltr j; oe rs Mr. uoll Mr~, .\' ..... hl l Mn "r 1\' 1'1111.'01 f ;/r~·' '::, r,':}~lh" I !·,:;ti.( ~,~;:::'~i; \ Ve hlld a goou r"ln S~torflllY IIf. on No l~" o !lfcKe ... 'I ' r \V,d ' I"-d '. " ..:·,~:~'~\r~dl II "!I '1'1... !.tlj .. ,.,...0.; .. '11:' 'lu.1t r HI\" 11\ ' , rt to rnollil whl o b did liS .. lut of ~tl()d lIIrs. [(ulh B III I~ n tld II I II' ,I IIll.d •• I h 'I "' · 1 "": PIlltth .n ,III J \\ !h'l I f U ll'. , III 11:1' ft"'I"U:Uf.o; J \\ 11." )1, .. 101.., t , r" i l h .. \\1 11"11 j n1l1 l"t i l l l " . M nxwo ll , of tb o A . hi b: t·I'I·. I:lol f' n ~VI.lll t, ::> 1111 (111), ' \\'1111 hl l ". ' I"J UI 1\\1, \\,., .1.. ... iI~ I f 1,1 ·~.q, II' [ "~ h I ' 1;111I .l lIlI' churc h . tilled t il e p u lpit h or o tin n . W ' , \\Illru Q}' rilltl I I.,,, I r 1Il hfll//' ~Iurf' 111 111 It . r:.llo1 d llllt"1

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I h, \\ "ru nll .. nd, r~ Il, \ut 111 1.\' .hh to Of (.. ". /. I l'I lt 'I' p r" l'(V"~, . , rli.J'lil IIr(I[h:J, Hll t l 1111\1 ' Ih l II Ii.rt: II dll," or 'Sol C b lln ()e lJ o r . nf ne"r wOI'lf· e n d with r.1I~~ E<lllu HUl II" I lhrtIU~ , 111 (:11 ' 1 . It 111,'1 (.1, ',·01 II tl' hlld I ;II U n '," ('11..,(011 1 T. 11 0 f i ,; tl CI[)rk ~vl l1o, tllIllu the pulpIt ti t t ho MI·.. . Wblllt PI: I3l1 rllH t 11 11.1 Hltl" HII I/III ' no li"..: If ( fJ ILII h f Ill ) (rh'n' l~ "" It 1m", .A I 61.-,1l7I"" • I, ., " "I ' U II ' .. ,d "flnd I II Ill' . M. 1!:. Ch urnhl::!lI lld ll}'. Rov . I h illi d all!lhttlr. Lillie', f r PlI1 :\ " r~""'II . itT I' 111 a I I ' 1' wh a l th (' n ll1 () llIIl AP tlI"H1.!" ~ I " I'" ..f'l l Il l l. ! 1!1lIIralll ''i ' IOUII II II' '. 1 I1 f'r,' 'tn ' nllllh f l",... &\IIlI " " 1I tI ( tltl ... coll nr i~ ttl WOYH wu loo ill o In 0 111' " Iriltln /-: HHrv e.v UUlla ' ll .uHI rlll" II.\' . IIltd.t. '''' '"hl,' Ih .t1 1111),,1['11' ,'; 111 rl' IH'\f' , I II (,,", ' ,. of his pllrl'h '1)111 • or 111.,. fflll J\\ I ' I ~' ' " I , til IHd • • ,,1I / " III'll..;n f Mi sl' Ct)rn i\Jt'){ P t H'u f (\ n~, l l t UILj~'" Itll\ Mr~ . H . rriet Ashm o re, n plouI'e r tl H' "" · trl a l'l, 110 11 ~' I ' ''ll''n '1 1"1" ",ill, 111' 1('11 . 1'1 10: ,,( \\ I,d, lmd \ .·.,;,rt, " ,,·1, I IITld.tIl O": hl't\l l , UIIlI ta lk over YO llr plallS THE GAZETTE The .. is lIIore COlarrh In this 5e<llon e lll ~e ll o f this olty. p eootl tull v pK8ije,I MI R. rb)' I1I ~ \\'L II II\II" ~' I'/ IJ".\' " " •• . p·, .. r. h I .. In "11 'I • !',\~ ". ' 1 ... lI lh \ I l r HI U ll rry 1-'h n w :111.))1 1 11111 \\'. I· Ie. " .. 01 It,~·,\'::: :ft,,',:, ~f.I\!'"" ~ " " p , I I 'd 1,,111:" : r h I".tor of Ihe eoun l ry th an " II ulbe r dl""u ~e~ aw ay Frh1ay /lIght t}f Cur ~u\'e ral wi tl. u!: o . \\'..: ' [Ill ~ 1 1(J\ 1' uhlh4'hHI W(~nllly · IU Wa.ynt;,.cvIUo, Uhlo PUl tuge lller, und f or ' I..'urs it \\ .,5 sup- w e(' lt~ lutTertnl{ . Bhe t. ~u rv ived by lu U"yl o u lUll I ~fJr i" l< ti t'lti o Il1 l l! tt.-, fI ' 11I1oluli' ... rl "''' lum''IIIJ I~.j nil pose d lu [,., III<u . ""Ie. Docl ors a s IstoI'. Mr p. Ellzohe lh Hoott, wbu MI~ s U..", lo \\'"ru l" 111111 ~J r . I ; ". 1I 11 t.·... II I,Ulhl ,·r I lt":-'I ' Ilttl 1~I .. hlll ~ 10. Itl ' (f ':I M' YOII hal\' to sa I'e 1I1f1 ll e \' , • . HC'rilied local n ·ll1rdil' s. f.1Clf t by C(.IIIl t U fltIl ll'lr w':l.:lil 1:'1 1"'lllI rt, 'J r Illurc. IooI'llult l 11 1,1 D. L. CI(A.N(,;. l<.thtor a nti Manajfe r Iy luilillg to ou.e "ith I(lea l trCHlmen t. Is 1:l5 1'earl< o lel, lind two n ot( tl8 a ll of 1:1111,01 X e llill, ~i~lt"I I 1\", 1.11" 11 , .. :.. I uk", ,I, "Utl/ II/ I HI S I)' 1 Tope k". KaL .•• ud le ave s f rl tlntl s I)u r n u l ~ tiull dllY . Ali ,~ (> " I::dllll :::;"lJlh in bu ' ing a ll kinds of - - - - - - --. -. t pru I1fllul C!C'f l It Jllo tlfuble. l..'atl:6rrll is Il 11. l"uuornl ~Ion . oll.lJ ('elln Ih ,' nf l e r n l'~ lJ . , ) -' IUl':l 1 tJisrlls•. Rroll il y by ~on t.o nllltlro her g.o lo l( 1111ild illg m ateria l. ~:-":: "'I '" ... ~ ~ AU<;I I:;'I' 1!)J(i Il il u'io.mll·on dltiuns a nd tb.rt!o,c re o dllY 1Il 0 rning o.S 9 : ~O froUl rettid ollcil. Mr. ~:Dmlet.81 li z \,IHII..1U b i ~ filth . . c· tl llirt•• ("1I J1 8Iituli ll ll ll l treatment . H ntl'. lote rmllllt Mt Miclwl Cll m e t e r), . e r, Dyko B. ·llz. !:ill uch.l'. Ca ta rrh \.:ar • . 1II" ",,laelll,,·11 b, F . I . Tho R"tlro'ad Mell. of X e nl l1.ll'flve Mr . nO lI Mr l'. T oUl 'rlu r tllr1,V ~ p lit. Chen e , II(.· C'J " T ol('dll, (. l1io, is u rOIl $ li - , very Intclr eaUnl( "'lilk ti t ~h9 l: brI 8 t . ~lJlltla.y wit h I ho JIII.tor ·H m 'HIJ r , ~~!::~~:::~~~::!::~~B ttlt i"u:lf r.I1I t.:,I" , il ' lIkrn int crwdl y fUll! 11m Endeaver m eetl ug at ~'rl ootlB M r A. Ida St oll 88 . ~!'~ :II:",!J ~ a cre; thru th~ H'loud 'I II Ihe Mueu ll. SlIrBuyers Oet ()unlity ouarantcid on IIi:' I luces nl the S ·llelll. 0110 Run lh.d Dol . obu r u h Sunday ev eu ln g T h e OI'l' l{ fl nlu 1 ,1I11t('~· AlII 11)[0 1 ()nr HandilY I'll h t)[\ I Il tl / " yml U <lhorles Mlldd e n. \\'110 I ~ B !l ~oi al wilh .\I ra HllrvI ' Y /lufI)f' l t WNiIl OS. ill rs feWu rd I. IIITl'fI'c1 for an )' _as(! thul All S uppli es pl('nl e with N il '" lIurllnt:!lII' ~ l1ndllY I I Ih ll ·. CAlarrh ell .. I:dls 10 cure . S.nd repres ollt,,'tve ot O hIo t or tb e !lilY" ft prn l1" O I-'oh ool nt lito Clll' nre ' r e ol; Ilhu r oh for I·in·ulan;, .lId tes t inltluial ~ , Ura.m of Rloe Gereal 00 .• of Ob ICa jlO III u n ds '1'lI esd llY .... ] . CHIJNEV & cn .. 'ful,·do. Oh io. .pBOt 80Dday wltb hl8 fflmlly Dt S .. h! hy D rul:~i < I '. i ll • . C lllrJ ::ItUI' lin t! ....lI l h · werc , tb e lr bellutlful hOlll a o n Wilst Main Hull's Fil mily Pill . I.. , co nsl ipall' iII . ~ l1f1. t o f 'II' ~. A 1JI1l11f1" :-i1,"1'I' SUU. I .'ree t. C ha~. r epor t ~ b u ~l n e8s fin o . dll ' . I. Mi s! Ellzab oth R nnd"ll. IIU pl(ulI Tn kar p tlal' bl)\\f> ls 1 "'~lI ll1r I,he Mr. RU II Mr!'. , ' AIUII I :-iurf,ICO rlDd c lt-l zoo, !JnB b ee n dllnge. oUM ly ~t uk A Novel By for some tim e, but al thI s w rltlug i R Ill>Mt Illxutiv", t ~ on lll rio r I'xI~ l'cl ijl' . Idsll ll htllr J';dn ll, o f Illd j( l~ wny. 111. atRntt. Y uu !IIU>lIII't lilt tro uhlutl." muoh tmprove d. Drink Il full r:III H>I o f wIII " r 1I111C 1111 : WIII'[\ th l> t:lt (' , I~ o f I'; t BIll{l\U .. lid I BOOTH T ARKINOTON h o ur burll r e t. rnlikfll~t. onll flll' 1111 ' fhl1llly tll., IJll, l. ",{Iol;, I j'u uor Wfl~ IlC.~O lll lll!{ ro 111111: Iw lon kerl Mr . Itli Rellso u IN runnloj( the II h nrHIllare o f f rui l, uod "~/.l n tllhlo8 , \ '1 ". 1111' LI) II .. "nil fllmi ly l1u ,1 Mr. Autho,of vtJry h"rll'l.~o rll . IInl1 118 Ill' le rt the Mll dden drug alore. al~o efl t llh ll~ h .. ... ognlo r h a bit II d bn 1,1\\'1'1' . If f L. ·b [I . JI utlo uclotl ohurcb room 110 ~ ,' c lIll'.1 III til .. 1(11'1' .. IIi RtrAul{ht .. Nonllw, Jkll u~al,e," .. TbfllHhlu~ " till ho ltl ~ ou Bod t be sore t.hRI. yoltr bowel~ lllf'Vn onrll' . t 11 11:' pl ll" 11 1-'nnn.~. . cYl's II II ·1·• •·.·lIl ed IIoh lo. IndllTl'r"llt t o COllqu~1t of Canaan.·· tlil.! rlli llolt' YII\\'Jlln g In Nult III hi.. 1lf'~ I M fllrme re IHe preUy w " n »alisa l1f1 ollo h dilY. \~Il (1Il II ll1 :fl :~It' o 1M l';o " crul C.o. rn thiS pl nco II1I e n t.ltlcl •• .Penrod, •• etc. - Ih e milLie I.Jclul{ .. nn cwd by her rll · wIth the prloe of h ogs and wltel,t.• no !led Illite Cbll lllho l'lu i u ~ lnhll'l~ ~~t:ltH tP. r1 y Ill uo t tllK Iwl cl Ilt CenLer tb er , Mr . Cblil. Ryoe, at B ~ l1br oo lr, tb e Tb!'y ure pI nSUIII· t .) t·a hA lIorl rtliltl , NU'uf'l uy 4 00 TYPEWRITERS! ~I ' ' . I 13 .' "I)oll' t canl!! 1)lI Ck, eltbe r l" 8nld w e ll. kn ow n Il t oc ll Iluyt'r, waM III Ollt Ilull gl}Dtl o In f'ffllc t · OtJtOhlUlll1l everywb !r ('l. " I~ S \,p Ill! agun \IUu Robert lI F:~nN l 'ON , 112. sM I 'rll .~~l1 IUllglt!l /' (PRICES RIGHT) ~.JIMIIeII 8ho .. ldon. reJl lIs tic In tbl8 Impel'l!ollo, otty 8nodllY drtvtng n [joe De w allt,o $ 12 J<!II Your ('II IItI rail l.enrn I YJlO"rltln~ \VtI ~OIl lire on thll stak Hilt. nt Uom" 4lu rhllf V.obthln, h\ trllc tH\n nouk . "I{uu" otT the prllmlses!" hI' oar. l cooDlpaDi e d by several at bill ~ 11t' Hhrl llkoll. "1 'lIi~ 111 Illy rllllll'r ~ tlon. I Mr. IInri Mrs. R\llph L earning and hOll6e. nOIl' t YUII (1M rl' ~ P~IIIC to 1I0 h· ca lled 8111"II8'lly Into tbp bill!. "'l' btR friends . ~~~,fitE'.i~~l'la I' QUNIlIlY , IUI!II!\.,'N. Y. ~ dllll~h l.l'lr Edull wero l::!U tlJlly ,, 1l0MtM c rt IIlce th ,, (!" (1111111), '8 tliro Ullb 'I' lIb FOu!" The Iiilmllso D r euui on WIIS held (GU(lI'(ln leet! 4 .~OO miles) 'f of l:Iownrrt L lltltuing .. nd family, of " It Is nOI!" E dith crlud . brcnkltll! SUurdflY Ilud a g oodly oUoodflDce "No! Nol t mll RW 't PIH'III,- " u e ll r WilmIn gto n. . :I'loin Non ·Sk ld "nou't YOII IIltr('!" 11'0 111 hpr motller . " Yo u' lI IIl1d out were presc ot.. d 'froad Mrs S . L . Sn r fo efl nnd Mrs . W F:. 1\11r 1111<1 ';1!f~' 1 11" 1(1111 t.1 R" I·.'o m In. wllnl'lIlulllp"n l WI'Rt' S h(> done'/ Yo u W . W. Wil so n. wh o bUR been 5 ·,9.80 $11.45 I ~: . DO!,(lln wer o gue~t!t of ~lr8. H . L . d ' n 't kilO"' 1I11)' lhllll\' nbout It. () Oll ' t epoD dlujf bll! v no Itl o u w'!tll "I~ Pil l' . "It ~ III "lIdl m ll"r ,,11111111.111 " " ~ I.\'. 12.65 IS.00 M rs . Wi ll N e WlJ'lft,. 01' Fr~ "no , B (.:o n ·rb tlr ~l1 l1:V . f.'ulltin g tl , ,,"11 1l11i 4' r . Uwlr (IIrlo ur' trwl''! !'! you s 'p".o he 0111 Ull~? Sbe WRR crazy of the Uelltrr.l. le U Mo o ll ay lII o rnto ~ 1'1.45 lG. 0 (~l1lte Il uum IJllr 'ro u h e r e at I' lflAI!. 'l'lwlr " ul " '14 ~ 1 1I'llh~f uh;1 1" "0 Bbout hIm IlO n 118 be began goln/( f or t,h e i.louth wh ore he i! e mpluY" tl Uil i . Is vlMlting o\l r . • foRe ph S I(>" 'o uuly flLlt· la I nlld C' 1:u( 'kt'cl- fhjlY 81'rl'! '(' h l't l. 'J'lI4\)' tllt'l'e. IIllll b., tllrted wltb b er a little by the John s M!lnvlllo Uo ., of New phens c.1l lIud dllughlor BD(} Mr. ol1d t o ded t he to/r oe n M r8 . USC" I' C leveng e r . w e II. •. eoul,\ h" I"'urel .. ,·,'r thl' 1111114., II r Ih,' betore he !IIet Ill~! Alle r tbul be Y o rk, vhnnnj,rrnilh. whl l'll \I'll > 1111IyIt I!r u wOllldu·t. Sbe I\'IIS OOulld Hhe '~ o \lloln't Mr. ann MrR. Clills Cmwford , ') f .IIllm WII~otl end f fuu ilyatltmded Wllllllm R o bl!on 8eve r el y tuj ore :1 Ph o ne DO·a CORWIN, OHIO 1.J"II~s · IJUII {1 8~ I ~ i· II t)II . '11ley C. 111.1 h~ gh'" blm lip. n .. told b er long ogo be hIs bllod by ruoolng 0. I)itobfork Mo so o . hav e heen v lslltng Mr . uod C otll r (~ua r Le rl y Mee Mog uudllY . A11gust III th e m onth wh en wlleds hea rl1 nil onr nil' hOURI'. 'I'h.,), wcn' cnn>d ahout me. b ut she k ept perse- ,hrou\rb II. Mrs ' WlJI l:f11mbe lt. Mr~ . DaTIl Crou~. of Oolu rnbus is lleurd III tlU' 1:l ldlcll; IhC), rU lIlII h lln cutlnl( hllll nud- " .Mr. Ilnd Mrs , .J. ". Hudl oy bne UIO guost o f he r Ul oth e r M r a .• Alfroll IIlon g roratiR .. li d f e nC) e~ tlod In mead. James Col\ett, at Ktngnlllll. wa s ow ~ on"\ IIJ StUfP.S llro gUlJera lly ont. . "V,·s. " ""Id Rberld ll ll. Aterllly; "thAt's oaillng on trt e ods IHlr o t!'Ltnrduy ra~u ro ed h .' w e fr o Ul IUl exteuded I Mill e r IlI!l!lI b II rd In thO' p(' lIur. ~ 1' 1tI' l'r 01 In moadow8 weed s IHO cn.rrl od oj}' In his s id e of It! Thnt'lI 110: Ile doesn'l nIght. thpIII r r~1l ror thut , vI"H wIth fri end" lind r olative'S at I Mr . IItl d Mrs. Fm nll Oil nllltn . o f tbll hay OI'Op . bn t n ew Boedtn gs "YOII 1.)111 Ill)' Irll "lllln"!" ~pn'III1l I'. 1 ronll' lu thl~ hOIlRI' ngnln l" W lltn iogtou. wore g uest!' o f E r (lok l:iorue at onr b or ses too k the r ib' !1<l lle fo nt,dn e. "\'011 lonk (lut!" F"lIttl ('rled. Rhonld no' be In OOlllllot l t.tOIl wI th F I D' SIbyl. brhl/(Ilig IlI'r ( IU'(, HilI! l'IlI""1' hi Mr. aocl Mrs W ill Lewi s alld ehll ' l ' !I1oley'~ Snoday . b on as tb e X e nl" FlIir last woal(. weeds for m o lstllre Dlld pl flo t fo ud . . "" 1'8. I'll lonk oull 1"1 'D' lolrt y on E dltb·s. " \'011 101(1 111)' bu s itllml ! Thl ~ Th e tun erul of '" Ie b 8ulfm nn 00. Olipping t.hese A8tllii n ll6 to Ang us, / Mr J ohn 'WR.rd b OR pn lChll.B lld 1\ drOll. a ud W .. lt er W ll 1l80l S. CIt WI I' JUUlI II1It tluH III YOllr hlllltl ll to IItrlk ,· tCK1I1Y III' wnHn't to he nll ow ('(1 ou th e mln gton , o ·, lI ed on fr i(m ds b e r e one I o urre,l !:Sund llJ at tllS Ne w [jur ling aleo pre v en's seell l orlll lltloo, . Ilrelllls,·s. IIl1t I hnd otllel' things In my oi('e new lI.utomobll O me wllh ! U I' oIhl!" lay 1.llIt woe k . ton M. l<J. cllureh . . Mr . uud Mr~ . lra A. Hutsook, or Pasture g r"~ ' Il DlUY t.uke tho ~ Wayne8ville, Ohio.'lJ "['11 t ,,11 YO\lf hll ~hllnd lignin! I'll millfi. I hn (t AlJercrom lJle look up tlllA !l1iss ~Dnl\ B o rm e ll Is I,b e g n est Mr8. R·. E, ,' o n e~ ullll MrA. I:f F pluoo ut b r Iers tlllll lJ r u~h If t hll! __ __ t ,,1 1 hIm t','p rytllllll( I kllow! It ·s lim p y o un g mn n pM'·JlIl'I),. ond he's no Dll yton sp e nt Sl10day with !I1rp . larl!:llr~t L e9ioy lIo d family of tllt . oP Mis Snrab BUt'U onut, 'haUISU(IOU ! COIDP on IItt p.o rled th o huenl of \V Ii 1·0 g r ow s" Is ut I uly fllld fre- We hav(l a rrllng 01 with an under. ·count. H,··. no 'Cillin t on en rtbl He's YOllr bUHIIUlld- " thl~ weck. Mr~. VI ce Ito bl nn e tn t Xenil~ Mo uclllY IJu~ ntly dll.rtll~ the IlUIlllllor Ilud filII Iiolbill': Dut It wouldu'l plaoe taker to get 1111 au t . ~o we will be Th,,), we r.. 1\ \I'I'pl n ~ l1nll l'r by 0 hall' no good ! Mr nnd 1>1'>1. B e ory Dear~h bad I af te r n o o n . mou tbs. Pe rs l~tent p osts, as bor He. oble to furnis h e ith e r a n auto o r d agoo hU IICI. " \ 10 )" 111 WIIIII III I' 11.'11(11. mulh!r Ir 114' wn . George " ' lIsblnl!t on , Mr. alld Mrs . C arl Duke and t "tn . s th etr gne8 t ~, 611' uocl Mr ... Whit. , Mr. 80wllrd tCl'l ICl K:lsnt a f w n~' tt l ll and CI.IDodil tblstl e , requlro horse . rfrulVn fun eral. ufter "'hnt's hUI'llcnoo nlld wbat l 've bors III ?" f!lt~I' 1 1 1 1I 1I thulld er('(1. u oy· of 'inclll ll uti. . d8 y~ w it It his "rllDdlll~ rellts .\ir !lnd t wo e uttlngs Q m onth throng h a t Both phonCS 'i n Office IIno l~qidence. 'l'hel'e (,~ II n s hor klulC tllle li ce. I"rcn· lieUI'd tUIIII(IIt!" R ~ \' n nl1 MI·s. Wynd Blld .on~. MrR. Al ort 8 t eo l flo 81lr lllg Vtliley . lells' twv SOllsonll. .. Out. lIu PIl ." M N'I. Sherldnn begDn. and Mn. Nat e Ora!, n e l~r b m·n• ltled Sihyl MW hl' r lluHhll lld IIl1d hl H Long distance. No. 14, Home phone of UIIUlllt n , ~lJe'n~ !.lI e wea k. eud Roy aUlI Uurl .I o ue~. LlIw renne lIIol1,,'r In til (loO I'\\·IIY. !lnd site 11111101" "I t' E dl l;' s llys it ,"IIR nil Sibyl'S tllu lt. - - -- - - - - 14-2r. Mr Rnd Mrs. Fred t:l bu.n e, 0 \11' e n wllh Mr. I.In il Mrs K D. Orn b ll m . Mit obonel' lIud AUl O~ OOUlllten !IOfld wbot s h!' 111111 dOliI'. Rite 1II000ed IIlnklu' '111' to 111m. nml be u ever encour. klrprl811g g r ool'ry III Ilr olluo t IIHen(\. M r . /lod Mrs . Jll'mnk R ick /lnl ('.U flU t oe d t o C in dnnn d hi udlLY Blowly t ow/Ir.l th e dOM : UWlI sUlltlelll)' ng,·.1 hur lilli ch. nor-" BAD HAVE. AGOLD ON " 'S 1l 1l01lj;!h !" til' r rlured. "Ile kerll R ed the X e ul 'l Fall' 'l'btlrMdsy. slui 1J9gali to rlln. Sh" ril!l Inlo the tort·, l u ed lItdlun Or o un!luy, M r , lind lIlr" . W . E Bn~l\n IIn,1 rIll" ,111,1 r Mr. In d Mrs . ,Jes~ e C lnrk wil l, III Mrs ~;d ~V o(ldwflnl oot l ohild r e n Le'ull \Yl'rtI 111 Lt." tHO" W "lj'ff "' I" .v . 111111, 01l,1 throll ~1I It. lind out ot tbe olr tllesc premlsesl And It Any ot YOII Dou 't le t y our eo llillno l( on , '. IHlU 8!!. Uosl'Oe fo llowell h ~ r h~u \·lIy. M mllcb 08 e " llr s(ll!ak bls nom e 10 ml' tbe vllry DeIOr lut nr", be ci ti zo o~ uf lIlill!! MILr,Yb e lle U urn e ~ tllJuut y o ur BVlltom ILUa !Jecom e o'lronio M r . s nd J\lr~ . \Y . H. \\'llkorsOIl (\ur t.own. Ilgnln - " wben Dr HOI I '", Ploe ·J'rH. Hone. v "From I~ bI B eyes on the grou nd. un t ~r tu i nl'd last W edn c~ rl u y. Mrs ' l ~'rlt.lIi Y \vith f ou C lU'l'l o tJ. [lilt F,IUtb sc reo m etl . c lnppllll! her Mi ss Pt\u!to e tihaetTur. a fte r 0 tw e W. A . Nil II. Mi ss Alt oe 11 '41'1<. Mr s . \ " Xuw tbe n!" so l.1 Sllcrlllaa to Lam. . _ • __ _ wi ll hel p VOll . It boul8 t lt" 1011000. h.llllls o,'e r her eur s to s hllt Ollt till' w(l ek s ' vl ~ tt. wllh lIcC'lullint.LucPS .I c. ~P Jl h IStephllo Mll, Mrs Wi II N llW IlI nti on Hoot b eH t h o oOllgh nnll I')OH" . honl , sound or his ,·olce. und rlill up8tall'8 . PlIR , h e'llh logrn . Yon href\lbe all~ie r h e ru. roturn e d to h e r Il e m e III O"y . port.. of Fresllo. GI.1., nllli M ia . 'I'h ~ " 'orlls w rn' Ind efinite. but tbo a. ~ onoo. Dr. Boll'lI l'1Il11.' I'tl r. !:ioney O" rl h ll I:\ttllJbR U8(ln . voice W8 S uot. I' lllth'r wn " tbe vlc lol18 Rohhln~ 101ll1ly. follOWed Ill' bc r mother . 1011 weok . to Fiction M c C a n 's ill Supreme." i ~ 1I .luxutivo 'I'llr Hrull. till! pine tllr g,'s ture ot till' hll"eol bUlill. ",11... h Ho\\, (',·or. MM!. 'S berl,IRn dcsccn(lcd II MI . !Iud !\Ir!!. Frt\ok P e r it tm (l s on, GLEAR GOMES Mr, !lnd Mrs . W , W . Sheet.s 111\(1 lsollI houls th e fll\v !!Jl"UI. 100>100t; writes a Ne w York IUbscriber. CfIU ' huh'(1 lis orllll 111 tll41 dIrection ot t ew IIlluuh'R Inlcr nnd Jolnt'() ber blls· ~r WlIs hlng l·o n n, U" oalle d 00 so u llfJO n ~ '1'u e~dIlY Ilt l\1 id dllllOWIl h. I ~ f oull. 11 to HlIn yo n enn gn ln Ihli McCALl'S h olps I tll o l1110r III a nlllllll'r sutl ... lcnl tor tbe blll)(l In thl' IIhmry. nlblte. stili sit· LouIse N WIls on W lJ dll~~i\IIY . 1·1la \f tl usts o f M r . IInu Mr!! . . E lw e r a gonll ol""r u om pltix ill., !Jv th e Il Re ll e' mnootlR land preV(lntH t rritutwu 1 ,2 0U. 000 S h ee ls. 8wlft dlsperHsl or Gcor~e lind JH ckAOII tlug I" hI.• g.)hl etlnlr. ill W b ~r 1'0 ~ . o f fn p owdll r. O ot li t UI O r ;)o t I)f of I h o \)ronohl ul tubl's .1 URt· got 110 1 nvur wornon dress In hott lfl o f Dr. Bell'e Plno.'1'i.r. H o ney and ml" erol t eDla Ie S"r\' lIl1ta wbo bov· rOIl "PII hllU ~c lt tl'om reverlil. nnd Mr s . WIlIiAIII J:ltlrnllort Dlld, f ilm I,ho t r ouble 11IIt} thnroug hly o iennsil to day It ~ I\tlRutltood t o hoI "' It· nllt ILcJ""-.J..!....+-Mm~~~'\ 'el't'(l ll ~blud Mrs. Sburlllnn . 'fhey lied strolled lu Illtur ber_- - Ily, 0 1 FUlllilln. we ro th o ::I uo d ,,)' Mle 8Yllt (,0l wi t b (I I.r ,,1,111 nt o f Dr. At dru'gl{lstM, ' ' ''Slt(' lock l.'() tb e door." 8R ld ~(rR . ·UghtIY. I{ n estll of Mr. unt'l Ura. Wm . Bu l'u lC ing'S New , L ife PJlls Uentlo un d "Pllpa. (lopn!" wnlteo1 Mrs. Shf\rl,lAo. Slt erldnll. shnklng b!!r hend w oe fully .. hurt, mild iu IIc tl on, cI DOl grt Ill . yet tboy "Wheo our Iiltlo boy. now sa ven "Looll Ilt your baudl You ougbtn't to "Sbe wouldn't even Rns we r m e. Tbey yeurs. MltI~C'R lIlury flnd BDnnllb Fttt9 1 relieve tile 11\' 01' Ily Uw ir n tl o o Oil yeus ol~. w .. ~" bRby he \VAS o l1r e~ wlI Rn ' t a 801IU(\ trom bc r room ." Mende lsso hn'S Great Oratorio. . McCAll PAT. the bowel" . Go a d rll .. YO :lllil, a d n its o t L>ayton , s p e nt SuadKY wil h to e ir beNI 80 rO\l ~ " \\' lIh l,: .II ~; you III~rt TERNS lead in "We ll." 8111d he r llu8bllnrt. "shc eRn of oholerll mO,tbu~ by Ub"m horlilln ·. pure llts. ~l{ ' lld, ' l s ~jj hll ' III J ~:tj r" lul 1111' ,line-nn d agljrl . 00 IIftor II olulu oo rn, FOil I' hnllll 011 h"r " hnlJ"l ~r. Lnole!" p l(>x lon t o.rluy . l!;'o ti l 'yuu r d rug. ' I<'('nlh "hll l't i' r (If II I, ' tlr~ t 1I,"ll< ot ~H yll!, fit. simp1i r ~etl'" h er mInd to It: Sbe ne "er Collo .Jholtlra aDd I)!rurh oca Rem Th l' rt· WII ~. III rlll'l. II Npr"ndlng ~oo it),. writes Mrs . t:llduoy 8i 1ll1llO,IlH. t!con Oloy :mlt g is t . l\lIlu ri lind \l'1I~ . " ~I rUt·Ie It)· I h. , I' ., r~(t. Sl1cllkR t o tbnt 't ellow DItAlu. Rod It he It ilin II110n till' "lItHtng"'" III th" tips numbe r 50111. ralr llav" D. N . y, "titoel) tlluu "!I(·h "I.1 II " L.II·" 1 1I1 ~~ "lh by." thut tries to t e lephone be r tomorrowDf til(' 11111(0 .. 0.. IIlnl ~hl!rl,lun 11111 hta M cCALL'S - 8-4 t o lI R l )lI l:(("n m Oll lh ly - i-c tlll~ eUler member8 of my family h"ve h.' I... ,I( Il ItS the r llll II ,ltd Inn {or his Fa s hi o n Ou ille u nd I IUII 'l C' I ~r:elli l1 f.t II C' l llt"r o ( bUill! hll"l.. III the s ltn". ":.low theu !" H er e ! You le ll tbe he lp Ir he enlls up used Ihls!lble medlotn e for 0011 0 mo r ~ women t h , 11 n ll y u , II<.' r 1I l:lJ;n ... lllc.' In t ht: q f·nfur'llI. IJ~ IJ Jnll, " which wus , b CJ.:"u n to rtllll Og Illlrt sny It'll my orrters. No. tit' J'('IIPlltPtl. " You gOln' In lCJl\' e my " 1 II III bllthere d w Ith li ver troublo w a rll.! , All t ilt' lnl c .. t ~. t)'I "8 C... . f Y ",on th ; bowol tronbles wtth good satta, 'Lod 111 ],'·10 /f ll d In ] 8·111 ~ 'lit fill' t!'nn s ln· you needn·t. I'll te ll 'e m mysclt." a l su uf'lJuh Hu l 6 1 0 If C: ~ j ... I\t.· ...·h.l I t )"\m I hI! " t s bOll Ne 'Jtt ' faotloll anel I endorse it 88 1\ a b o u t twloe " yell" , .. writes ,l a o in coo ld nl:. h orne ~lrft IH"lIUkllln , ' 11Uc.: y WI Irk, tI n I.. Jo:lIl;ln lid. ", h"r \ /)I1AII ~ II <;t 18 " Be lte r 1I0t." silid Blbbe. gelltly. nnd w rlYs t o lIahtc:n hmu. r wurk :1111 1 ~IA V t: "n.' will n ot." Nohb')4) Edith. "DolI't rem edy of exoeptlunal m e rit." Vb Dln g rn(lD , ~Teh ttlr Cil.y, I ow l\ . " I I' 11I'lIrslll H Wl're h"~1111 (or 111 , Ih'st IIl Qnt:y , , P r ice: : only ! c a coPy. SOc :I yeAr. His , flltb er g IDTl ' (1 lit hIm. h,. vo pnloB ill U)y 81t10 o.lld bu c k II.n el YOIl ,Inre o rder hIm nut!" lainable eve r y whOlo . l,res"II lall " ll of !.II IH worl;. SEN D FUU R IIOCF .nc • .W o, k l3uok "It·s 110 good." SlIld Illhbs: "Motber, ra n awful 'Bore ll OSEI III Ul y sto l)lar; h. "Von't ), 0 11 both Ill'. d Cllr.',· Hllld CEN TS IH with 39 E m l,.roid ,.ryLc~·lOnA .. nd ...... ST~MrS !'OR 32·r•• ~ McCalll'. " . rn noo k I h el ~rd of Ohnmbe rl ~ hl"8 'l'ablot~ 11(11'11. (julctly. " H I! dO"NIl't ul1l1ur· wbe o you w on! In lo"e wIlli Illther-" , Mr/<. a:. M. PH ttll r~ rJ n u,od Ohil- I "~fy goollllP8Hl" ~he erlod, "YOIt .. ud trtod th e m . By t.ll o tlm o I bud O ~:'I:~::~~',~',i ;:f~r~:~·~~'.~ ~:~f~':~'~i~:;rl!:l;;:~rt: 1:.~~':,I~:.i. J S hows th e Country's Growth . IIln'l R·gollI· to compore your tlltb er Take the Miami Gazette no\\' used hn.lf II h oUl 1l o f th c lII 1 WI\ 8 dr 'n , 'til 'priu u. Id , III''' th(J ~ lIeBI~ IIJ('r~,.$ "."" , N o f Mr. and Mrll J . W. Hayd oc k, T ho rt'pOI.t of 1I lt. l1rs l crns ll' I. "()O. TilE McCAll CO •• Zl8 W. l711.S ....N. .. V.,k CiI,. N. Y. to tl1l1l- " fr e lln ~ fine lind h\irt DO ~Ig n s o f Mi ps Borlllce Ullwlt in~ IH ~pend' II :t l nl'tl Irr nn Oct.I '·" \'(llllll'" .,r ;'0 A(l tHTa • IlAI S,""!I "EdIth t eels about blm jlls t wbnt WANtED 'ttll. ".~ CLUn. 'WANTli.n V b\!l lollbJ e e verywhere. --- - -.-- - ~ -- ---- p:\ ln ," ln g the week 'LI, Cerllir I' ol nt 1 1 )l\g~3. NII\I'atll.'Y" III II 11",·IIt!. .· tll, · ""rr ' you dId aOOllt rllther." 'slild Blbbe. \, IV "I '~J' H,fUj,i'l J . G. B ~i n ell nud I'll nily. Mr. Rnll " IIR blJroau IHf'lIf'" 1(1() or· n1<II'" qUIf .t() ' - - _ - - "...:.:::...J: ~~ "And It your tatbel' bad ' told .1'011-" Mrs. C. D . 1I11us ".\t ended Ceote r "O)llII II CH I 'ItI, "''"',. l"ull .1It1l.nOIl\Jng,'s, "( woa'l IlJIteD to such silly talk!" RbI! declared. IIngrlly. Q Oll rte rly m e e f.i oll' StLtu n luy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!I!!~I!'!"_~~~~~'!!!!!I!!!!!"' Ch Intz Cove rs for Book •. J , l:l, P e t e rsen ~nd fllroll y. IIpent. " So you're handln' out 10ur Advice, flnrln )! t it (' _urntnpr Illonth~, \\'h l'lI Ills t w"e lt with r Rhl o8 Dflar X e nl" , are .1'00. Blbbl'" laId Sheridan. " Wbat honlls nrf' Iluult} t o I", r~ llli (tIlt of ill IU" 13 . W . l{ pl c h , o' f C h io9g'n h aN j Olo f'd 41ofJI"Ii I n IIrhnr ( I r , 1I1I1Jllnnek, niH' p ur"Let her lee blm alt die wnnts." h n ll ~ I.'fl Ih p..." It Is "'I'll II) lII ukl' gllY hi s f am il y h "re f o r hi s vuenl k n . "You're a-" Sberl,lnn gave It up. A . E, Barl,o u wus on ll o,] to, WII IIlth' f' hliltz c" ..."·" to s ill' fi n t hC' lIl . .. [ dOll't Icnow wbJlt to call VOII." 'l'h,''I' "1I1l hn hn S l i l~' I' lIu ~hl tng.'th"r min gton In at w ce lt by th e Hin es!! (~o'loued 0 .1 pago ') \\'1111 C" " l hf'r-:<III~h llll: In II eont "u stl u/(' "Ild d eath of hi s m o til e I' . The Modem and Sanitary Creamery " hll 'h' 111111 wlil ·(\cld tA tho upl'ellrllnc' 'l' b e fun o rlll allrvio e~ of th e ItLtO in the State and will pay highest market or Ihe hook lIij well. uS sono to pro· Oi\l eb !:lllll'muu w o r u held at the . About the Blblo. price for ' sound, clean sourcream. We are tect It. M E . oh urob SundllY . I.otter., to the I1I1·mbp.r ot 1t,!':>80.473. always prompt to recognize any advance J uhn Qompton 1.1118 g (\ne to Mlohi. fonulng 776.003 wordK, 31.727 " e rses, gao ~o ed o~p e h ~V' f o v (ll'. 1,189 cbapters alld 00 books, mllke up in the market, and will take care of your ('he BIble. . LJgMoln g st ruo k tltl; b ,l rD be) ODr . The Da il y Task. interests at all times. Checks mailed daUy It rNlull'I'" " slIoUIlf l I h llilsophy \0 i o g to J08 p.pll Shli Ul bllog b . Thur s d~:v or weekly as desired to cover all shi.pment~, li e. ,IllY Ilftor <illY, th,,".· · lI~c u " lonwtl a velllng lIud It bur oed to t h " ~rou no l 'I hit 1088 "'as ooverocl by iosurallce, r nut lu ,' t hlll~~ \\'1 I h.ill I \\'hll'll 111,'11 ('un· REFERENCE 1:1 . B. R ae v e. (.cd fl~rully. " IllIt 11 \'(' In s ch' l)" lind lile ruel' \1'111 Ill! :i Flr.t "atlbnal Bank lllood epeot the wook.eoll with . R ioh fOl·I'\,.'r lIul l'htc(\ t tl hI m \\'h o IIhllll .. u~· 'fbI. ,.., aD ••• r I. Dr. Kia,'. Pearl 't'ftt .arket aan k gN;[ nil IlI fullII>10 n lllth')I I llf "nullu/( reiat! VIIS here . N.w 01100••". 1t.1f• • It. a pl.... Aoy Reliabl. Merchant till' 11'IeHOIIII>Ol'S~ M dnl1~', rOllUI·I·Out . The M t8S8S R ee vel are a~teodlnll' ao\ Iwee' 'lrap, •••,. to Ua CJ.clnnatl. lrl"illi. IIcccssllry tll~k;;.-V ol! u c . Mtuml Vall ey '(;h"ubau'lu" , 0011. .10. thlt medtoloe. whloh leare or e:lperleDOII have proveD beI"or Coaabl aad Cold.. '!'hon whoh,l '" uH4 Dr. XID,'INew DlIOov.f1loDI. ClncLnnatl, Ohio Choole Your Own Plln. Stope NolO Bleed. ••• art I.. bela frilDch , Beeld. Be who " ,t.o tbil w~lrl'" ch"os!! bl. · Tllko (I sntnll ph!c(I of cott ()n ; IUltu••. , bot..... puaateetL It,0. path of IItl! tor h im bnfO no Illmd ot rn to It wltb \'lrll'~ll r. 1I1Id IlIlItJrt In tho clliD 'a ... lOG P' ,.our allY other fllculty than the u\Mlllk" I lIo!ltrll thnt Is bkoedlng. L~t It etar l IJ.., -ClUJ llaak. Btl) "Now ltI ......cIM eo "*-' ........ E .., ....... &ala for who cbOOlle4 blM tor D tow Illlnut..", whoo tho bleedIDC 011. of imitation. dllY, n ov

1.0 011

















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Saxon Six 'Livery

---.- ----












~I~~~~: 0~1::8. L~~~~'8 W;::en~~,nt·i'.




Iree or and Embalmer,


rlllJk l l.l~J"-----.~.

11.1I:1I.11I1f1~ ,'1 1 1




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"ttarlOUoD a1lotU./!IM ...


IaealU--.JOIua 0WIl plaD tor

JIIIL aU bls will CIIIUIO entJrelJr., emp\o),1

J. F. Snook, ~t. WayneaVille, o. l~ .44~""""44~~~"""44~"'~~~~~~"'~~~ •

----~--ill'~----~----~---r--------, CIETY EVENTS, The A~::t:l~r ' MU~~~C:~::: for

CHURCH NOTICES ,,\. r:, .'


.---- --:"'-----~


, uIllIIlY Sd lU<li ~I: l. , I 1)1. I'rench· . ini by p:ulll r lml h ll1"r nin)( 1\1111 even . ing. All ar u rged h' bl' pres ent . I Only fon r Sun.t y~ unlil Co n fe r enee. lart'llce S. ( :nl u~ ,' r . l " 8 10 ( I CHRI STIA e li ~ctl

11001 II.m 'Sunday uniOIl 10:30 u. In . .


the R. & G. . Corset!'


~II' I; II '~ 'I I~ cnt rtoinl1d '1 ~'I I I I~' d llll l' I' I lle (o llow· .;ng ~lIt'RH, ,I tl1f.'~ I ~lIrt I. I1IHI fnm-

Ily. :\Jr. \\ 1:<1 1111\1 l·mli ly. or Ilt- II · brolJok, LPI' II "I' urti. LItH I [al li lv a nd MI'. flild 1\1 r~ l' url' inJ,:'lllll 1-:11i1J. o f I WaynL'tI 'illt!; ~ l iR8 r.\:!neV k ~I c l, ni~ht and Cht:'~ L e r W h it,~, o f Wi lllli nll'ton ,

Women and




Warren County's Only Real

I . .

~ ~l:: tI II . 111 . • Com· Ch rl sl ian Il;n· , . 7.00 I) Ill . Wlldn c~dny even . lJ Ul l l1",~d"y " flern" ull r. 11 ~s Rulh . illl!'. Pra ver mee t ing 7 ;:111; Teacher Har ldLlck all d . ~ l rs. J.l'r t . lI a rtsuck Training' C la s~. ' :o() . en ~! rl l\lned lit Iheholll: II I till' ( ('I nll ' . cr. Il1 hon n!' of M IH. 1::11111111 Ha wke ~~~~ ~ _"!~-_~-~-~~~ ' wh oso 1111l1'l' ia)( t u ',Ja llles I\l cClli r I , - --takes phl('c AlIKlI~t thi r ly·fi r,;L Af · --~---------.....ter t h ' R'U(,dts lVt!rf' a8s(!ll1b l~d, e ac h wa~ l!:lv ~n:l I'l!lteil II nti pllp ~ r an d , &sked tu \\'ri l ~ on 11 du bject rllillti ng lo JIlalr imony , afli clllull vt> or n e. a · Our Prices Arc A\llays thcLowest ' ti vu . Th" l' r izf! f ell na l u n l ily Lo Mil'''' I Hawke. un uilirll1alil'e wri le r A Specials This Week. ki Le hell ..11{J",er wa ' t hu ma in f ea t u re of I he a ft" m oon. af te r w hich an ex celle nt t w,l <.:uUl se IUlI ch WIlS ~e n' ed ne~ t Cane C;ran . S ugar by t. h > hl\s t(!~ ,,('.~ a .~s l b t ed [\1 1'''. J. :! :; Pound Suck oll ly fora li mited lirnconly • L. H a l' l ~"c k . J'hl)HC llrcs"nl \\' 'I'e , Mis:;cH Etnll ill aut! ('l ara Hawk '. All ' crap T obacco! '. 6 pkgs . Zlic [)orolh y . I at il l'y n IUlll 1'lny Dakin. Good Rio Coffee, Ib only ... ... l oe Almli W ltte r hu u ~e . Oli vo A lie n. 1~ lIc n Shredsed Wheat Uiscuits ..... ' Sher w od. Mrs . It alph S mith. Wit· 2 pk" .. .. ..... .. .. ... .. ....... ... . 2i'i c Bon EJwur..ts. l'; rnest ltog rs , Uarlorl ,P os t TUlI8lieM. 3 pkg. for .... . :.!fic "ellyan d \( nlllrl Hawk l'. I' int E Z Sea l Jllr Mustard only .. ... ........ .. .. ............ Wc H eek in's fancy IIni8 ter Cof1\lrs 11 . J-:. Iflilhawa y was lio le:;s fee. Steel cut ......... ....... .. 2ile at a lIl is r c llan eo u~ t\h owc r. Friday Way nesv ill e Corn, 2 cans ·.. .. ] .:1 C" IlftcrrlOoll. Au\Su s t ~ . ill honor of Mil!!; Emma Ilnw k e whvde ma t'r iage Fancy Carl y JUli e I'cao. call JOe Van arnp'H Soup , 2 cUnR ... i5c to Jam e I ~, MCl;lure wil take 1)lllCe Good P ink Salmon, can only JOc OT. l.1t thirLy·firs t . Wairul Red Sillma n 2 f ,r .... . R5r After th o guests w e r e com fortn· Ext ra Large GBn Bl.\k~d .. .. .. b ly seatell on the porch . Mi~s Katll Beans .. .. ......... ..... .... .... . .. If'e ryn Uurn I t, ni ece of th h o»t~si> . pre!len t ed each or th e ladies with a mall Cans naked Beans, ca n 5c S mall Can Kidney i:ltlans.. ... r,c pi e ce ((.f pu per and a pen cil. and the y were requested 10 write thei r This week we have fancy Watc!r· favori te receipt for lhe bride Illect. melons. Pink Meat ante lo up es Whe" thia! wus done they were invlt· Peach es . fllncy Appl e. 8wect ed t.o vi~it the pUllC'h uowl which Ivas Orangea, tan cy Lel11on~ , Bafilled wilh some ve r y refreshing lem· nanus, G rape Fruit, Bermuda I onade. Onions. The guc~ l hon or wae then ~ea t· porch to open New Cream Cheese, Wa fe r Slicej I ed III n tub l on th the packages which we re fo und to Dried Heef. Min ce Ham, Uu· con 'tllill lII11ny n ice and us eful arti cles logna, C reamery Hu lter, 'hurn Gold. Heinz Vinegar, Pure , A fte r thanking h er fri e nds f o r thei:r r membrances th e brid e eleci Spices , Prunes,' Apricots . E vp . wasl r ell u ~~Led t o lead Lh e parly to Peaches. the dinin g- room which wal! decorated in h ea rt>:! and flowe r s . Tiny he art ! Now is the time to uuy you r we r e the pla ce ca rds and when th e Paris Creen gue'sLs were seated. a delic ious thre~ Ou r price ill lower than whulesale course IUllch was se r ved, the h ostess we have the Green. being assisted by h e r sister Mrs. Burnett. Mrs. E uans and Mr s . Barn· Get the habit-Trade h ere- It hll.·rt . The invi ted guests We re Misses pays Emma Hawke, Clara Hawke, Ruth Harts ock, J)orolhy Dakin, Kathryn Oal<in, Rosamond Dakin, Henrietta HcRinsey', Justina Hartsock. Helen Hay, ke , Ethe l Hosiilr. Grace Cilrman, Olive All en , Martha O'~eall, Ellen Sh!!rwooll. Alma Waterhouse, May you lanor. 1:10 yon e1011 at your work. Yor Wright. Emma H euthway . Mes· th. worlt II pnrl ot the thouMhlS or )'our dames Ral ph Miller, George Marks, tTleo/! : eo l'ou loye III J. W. Edward s , Fred Hartsock, . Love Ie demnndln. and clnlmlng 'nnd tn- I'-Iph Snll'th , [>onall\ Halvke, Bert .... Ienl. Frl~nd.hl p II ' nil klnlln ....- It ~ " make. the 'W orld .lonouo .l'Ilh klnd ne ... Harlllock, W. H. Allen, B. R. Kelly, Whul color you ..... wh on yO II WlLlk wllh Fred Gons Alan Earn hart Clifford 0. frlond ! You ••• thnt the &'rD. Y sky la Hi mes and' Ernest R(w'ers ' brtlllanl and Ihlmmorln. : YOU 8eo lhllt .. .


I oeal' or


Remnant and Odd and End Sale



$2 00

Easy to Raint· [asytoWash I



Your watls can 1 \.: lIlau e morc sa nit ary. ;),.; '\'l·tI as Jll nr~ bea utiful, 1>y gi \ ' il1 ~ til (. 111 a sofl tin len appearan with the IllII I ·rn. wo ,.;ha bl e wa ll .fini sh













White's Store

I the

see hlm a II line 'Wunts," Bibbs repeated, thougbttully. "You're up ogalolt lIomethlng too strong tor l'ou. If Edith were a wen kUng yotl'd bave 8 chance tbls WilY, but sbe Isn't. 6110'8 got a ' lot of your d eterm ination, father, and with wbat'll going on In· IItde ot lIer sbe'li .beat you. You can't .eep ber trom Boote" blm; 118 long 118 tlhe teels about blm the way sbe dOeB 11011". You can't make ber think les8 ot him, either. Nobody can. Your onl1 l!tIance 18 that sh"'11 do It ber8elt. and It you give her time nnd 80 OIl IlY .be probably will. MarriBle W0I11(1 dD It tor ber qulckl!flt, but ilia t's auat what JOU don't want, Itnd al lOU don't want It., nu'd better-" "I. can·t atand IIny morel" 1I1nn . burst out. "U It's come to Dlllba 1\,1·


I hDlro l

I Whon you walk to church wI th a rrlenil I yuu kn ow that Ufe con ghro you noth in g You prny tha I t ho r. will be no ell{Ulgo In "'0 yth InK foroyor. Wh,,( an adorablo Ihlng It Is to dl.-

You cannOI rell.on with lovo or with IIny other p....lon. Tho wl80 will not wl.h for lovu- nor for ambition. Th ••• Ilro pm.· It lfiO . nnd bring Olhors In t h t! lr tra tn h\\lredl Bnd ' O<lIO U81. I- olI blind. ]o' rlen4. .hlp and n qulat henri for U10 wl8e. Who.l .. turlJltlence. I. love! It I. dlln' 1!0 rou'~R<I th ing to b. tllrhulent: thore aro preclplo•• In tlte. One wou ld not aro•• " muun lolll,plL08 with 11 Ihlcl' loth ove r hl8 eYIIJI. 1.(),'. r8 ~o. Frl.ndah lp w~II,. gently ao<l with open C)·... To walk 10 church with a friend! To alt b•• ll1e ho r Ihore! To rlao when .he rl .... Ilnd 10 tou ch with one'. thumb nnd fi nge r. IhQ ot her half of Ihe hymn book Ihat '.he hold.1 What lo\·or. wllh hll

vlslo' me bow to run thIs bou 8P 1 bl'l· ter roslgn. Mamma, wbere's tbot nlg· aer Oeorie? Mllybe be'a got some pilln bow I better mnnRge my rRmllY . Blbba, tor God'. sake go nnd In~' downl 'Let ber eee blm all ebe Wllnts!' 011, ft erc e waYli. co uld know thie trnnecendont lAIrd I Here's wIsdom; bere's-" "Blbbl," 881d Mrs. Sberldan, "If rOil hRpplnos.? FrlGntlehlp bring. evor)'lhlng that hOllv. haven't got anything to do, you mlg llt en could hnnK Thore 18 no Inbor that ltep over aDd tRke Sibyl's w.rllps C(lnnot bf}come ' a Jlvtng rapture It you hom&-Ihe' left"em In tbe hall. I dOD't know f bllt a. rrl lll"" ta tht nldnQ" of ynu


ri ch....


Worthy to g li t ter hrl g ht In heav(!n's.vB.'It hall of light. . They ~p read their p inion s o'er it, ThaL little pearl which shone W' I I I ' II I uster a IlLs own; And then on high lhey bore it, Where glory has its blrthBut left th e sh~1I on ea rth. . lonu, the second dllu g hte r of Sam. "1 > dillI came .111 t a ue I' an d"'d J ;" na "cre theIr h 0!"1e ~ay 3rd of ~h e present ye a r . 8 he dId n ot remalll long but \ 10110' enouO'h to brin'Y the s unshin e of er eo eo ~ p rese nce ,' lln\H\ B or s eft. our ,\ en rt COon a b8bv' oJ • • ' . • I Oh111 nnd your mInd cn n dronm while your No ordlllary evenl 18 the COllll11g ! hllnd. aro wor kIng. Y () U could not IHwe n into a hom e of a child. Sad indeed .IIIKlllg heurl and Il drenmlng mind " II . is it when the s mil e f ad es and t he l dllY Ir you hnd to s ch e m e out d o llortl. or . t R' ht . " "h t If you had to a<ld columns Of. Il gu r coomg s 0I?B. te e t says, .. e Thoee lhlnge tnko your Ilttentlon. You smallest children are lIea rest God liS l Dannot b. thInking nf your frlc n~ whllo th e s ma llest planets are near est th t' you write leUer. be.tnnlng. "Your. of Iht) I sun" W e nre villing to b e lie'v I nOlo<1. 17th !~ .t. receh,'od! cOlltont. dUI " !'h ' h . \ Bul 10 \\nrk "lilt )'nllr hnn ~ s IlI1 t al s ue IS true. dill', thinking nnd oln gln8'. alld Ihen. nf· On August 3rd Cod visited his lily tn nightfall. to henr. me tnort,,"I. kIn d· ' lI:arde n amlpitlcke!i one of Ih e faire Rl . I nl·88 °fr your I rrl ~n d. /rrcCl III.If- alwn YH I We ~ru sl tha t hllr sho rt ~tay UpOIl t .ere-- or you "ho woul d ""I<e from h 'I . . ! ouch a drea m os thl. ? eart 1'0' 11 m ean a clo~er walk With I Dnwn amI tho' .en-m uslc In moo nIII I God for those who loved h er. 8'nrOene - nlghtingal os ocr nll'lIng th.. u);'h . ._ _ ____ .. _ __


9' 1

I o.lm ond grove" In blootn- whllt cou Jct bri ng


.uch thlnllB Into Ihe City'. lurmol l? " eL they ar e here. nnd ro•• a blo• • om In \lIO .oot. That to wh"t It mOllns not 10 be




Thot is wha.t a frie nd gi veR you! CHAPTE~


I Blbbs'Wns tbe only Shcrldon to sleep r--------------~---------------, 1 sound ly tllrougb the night nnd to wnlle The 50th annual Coll ett-McKay at dawn w'lth a li ght heort. me cheer. pi<:nic will b e h e ld at the usual place I tu lness WII.S vaguely cllmlnlRhetl by tho on the 12th .o f August. trollhlOIlS Btnte or nlYnll'8 In IJI A rnltlliv. - - -. I Fll ll loa wns a sym )}/I thotlc person. en·s. l11SI-:V-WILLlAM SON lIy touched, bllt he wns' IUlleed Ilvlli/! In n rtrt!ltm. and all things outRide ot '~he ~igey. Williamson family reo All moilUments must go. Many new designs add- I It w ere vell('d nnd rcmote-tor thnt Is U11l011 WIll met!t at the home of J. W. ed to this sale. Over one hundred on the floor. Great , thl' way .or youtb In n drelllll. An!1 Hisey, 2Y. miles e!lst of Waynesville, BIbbs. who hnd nevor hefore heen of ThursdllY, Augus t 17 • . reduction in every department. Wonderful bargains any age. eltber old or young. bad coml' 'Yeare inviting you to these dayS, and everbody can ; to bls youth at loat. STEDDOM profit by this sale. . I Be went whistling from the hou se before even bls rather bud come lip. The Ilnnual reunion of the descend · staIrs. There wnl! a fog outdoors sot. ants of Henry and Martha Steddom I urntod with n fine powder of 800t' ancl will be he ld at Turtlecreek Frinnds tbough Dlblls noH ead nbsently tb~ d im Mee~ing House near Oregonia. Ohio, to room for our incoming p·urc11ases. Investigate, shape or 811 Itutomoblle ot tbe cllrb on l!-1esclay, August 1.5. WIG. All oome In and compare. choose a monument from a firm beror~ Roscoe's bOll se be did not re~ relatives are u rgecl t o be present. that has done the best work in your cemeteries. The ogulze It ns' Doc tor G~rnOY'8 but w cnt cljeerlly on bls way tbrough 'tbe tllu/!Y SEARS more you know about what other shops ar~ offering,' the mIst. And wben he wall once 1II0re In · , better you will appreciute our stock. Come while the stalled beside bts fntthful zinc enter "rile . ears ramily Reunion will be be whIstled aDd snng to It. ' OS' etber held in Lhe grovel known as the late stock is .yet fuU, and thus ·make your choice from the workmen did to tb elr own nrachln eR I Geo. Sellrs grove 2Y. mi'les east of ver,y best stock of !ometlmes, wlten tliings went well. Cen terv ille, Silturday , Augu!l~ 12, Hls .comrlldee lo·the shop glnn cecl at 1916 . Come and bring 'your baskets htm amuaedly now and then. Tbey w(!11 filled and · Mpend the day; with Ukeit htm, aod be ate ble lun cb nt noon us . Refres hments, good mUtlic and t . ever offered by any house in. this part of the country. and with a group ot soclllilsts who op· I program. all day I provecS ot hIs Idea. Il.Ud talked ot eject· j - - -.. - ••- - we guarantee SQ\-e you anywhere from ten to twenty- I IDa htm to their aaaoela tlOD.

Monuments! Monuments! Stock Reduction is Necessary





Monuments, Tablets & Head Stones eo

F. C. MERKLE CO. SRI. North Main Street




Dayton. Ohio

l :

IT<> be

GOD·'DUed) , .. • - • FoOd for H,m and Sheep. A healthy lIol'lle eals nine tllUes Its Ivetcht In food In a year; a tiealtb7 abeep. lIS UDIeL


THf S. fRfD CO.,

The store that a dvertises a wl has what

---I -



Onr flln (llIlilt'ulnl

- pr ltldl'l e Is tb ut fnt· ony .. 'n~'ltltlhll·

',;I!'twlul'lI!" n""II ~ of Ih hOlly. lIlul Ill s" 1II11~ 1 ~lIp)ll y It with l'n"I·l:y ·yll·I,I · lu): slIhsl:ltu'('s with \\'hll'h II IIII1Y 111'1', tOI"lU Inh' rllul nlHl c:Xll-'rnnl w(lrk. 1t NIIl'II1S IIl'pn r pnt th ut n \' urJptl tllet , f l'l l $ Imbly gVll l' I'OliS In IIIltHU llt , i!'4 more ll kt'ly tn IUl'(lt till' hUlly n et-ti s tlmn ou(.' rt.l~t.rtctett or unYllrylllg' In its mllkl'-up or S('U tlt In IIUllnlll)·.

----_ .. - --

Mrs . Harriet Ashmore, who had bee n quite ill for a long time, diP<! at her home in Harver~bur&' Friday Example Counh. night The funeral was held al her A gool! f1 J,:ht Is IH,Vl'r for It ~ ,lny lote horne Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Interment in Miami ceme· IItolle--ll Is r,,1' m"n~' II" 's: nrHI It IR n ot nlrm u for h im wht) " " L·tl r ~ Its lit· tery. stress.



11\' (,



J o ~n W. Uo ~ er, an old resident of (l'\J.l IItl' I)TUYely 111111 1)lIlctly tl llll nllt U lica, ct ied at the So ldiers Borne hu IlU 1.:'ltt·l'g.\" or slIf"irri- g-nnd. vi r t u o last wee k, and the body was brought pr(tl"'etl t n g- rrow h im lit li ell l l'illtuu h e re and the funeral held at the br~lh ' r' l-\ \\'nuull l'lI twnr r.

'J . F.


Test the Three Branches of Our Business·

('nl\ USlIlllty 11'11

Cleaning pressing Repairing




(Ir:a Partition) Watren




There'S' something for you to gain by doil, g so.

ot &1. Onlo No. 11 m ill' virtu. 0 1 an or<lor or snlo . •llIly ',AII.d rrorfllUllcl Court. In the .bene s tlltOd CQ.SC. IUIII • to me 'liroctod. I will ollor (oi' sale. by ".Y 'II' of public Iluctlon. at tho ,Ionr 0 1 tllo Court


.. _____

Unexcelled ' Service

"H appy"Me IOJ

lluullO. 10 Lebauon , \V.rron Count)', Ohlu. on

Barbers often learn much about c~ rrent .events from conversations ~ with lhelr patrons and one of t h e m ' , while engell'ed in the task of remov. At !On'clock A. M.. on.nld ·day. tile (olio\\,· .,.. I.Dg dOtlc .. llJOO real estate. t o- wll.: tng a week s growth from the coun~ Lot Nu. I louo ) hi J olI.rsou Squaro. III tho tenance of. one. of his patrons reo Ilnd townState ul Wayn M"JU. a. • . In,It!slgOlILO tho OOllnty WartOn or .Ohlo tJ onofthe ))I&t mark ed thiS mornlOg that he liad 01 RaId Towa. !lavlog and excel,tlull thorelrom just come from Seattle where he had t ha. PIlr& of ""1!1 lot convoyod by f' au .Unl' Buttorworth to EdmuDd and .lllIrr E.· as k e t.! every man w h am b e 8have d , lick by ,,_ recortJe<l 10 vol. 86. I'aio a 0 1 how he thought the country wae go. the Uecord. of WDrren County, Ohle . Il Utl do· . h I I" . .crlbod as rollows: Part 0 1 Lu t No.1 (aDO) 109 at t e next e ect on, and of 73 10Jelrenwu Square. In tile town uf.WayutJ8. men 1 asked" said this barber '.'only ville. WlU'rou ~ OUllty. Ohio . • ucb.pllrt .d· 'd h ' I ' f Jolos, lo~ no" o"noo by Jobn W, WblLu aud one sal e was go ng to vote or rronte flrt,. (50) root on 'fhlrd Slreet ,,"d ex. Wllsun' all the others some of tbem tond_ bllCk tho •• me whitt. to tho uAck end or . lot No. I ( 111m) arores ..ld. f ormer'I y d emocrats, ' were Ilomg to Said ))ropOrLY r. ces on Thlru Htroot tho vote for Hughes . And since I came neurtlatltroot un tho Nortb belDI! Mlam/. Iho .,0 h ne.COOIt etroct on the WlllIt holne Fourth and t a E.v ere tt I b ave a8 ked '" men t e tho noal'Olil ou Iho South High Stroot same queMtion and everyone of them Said ",olestnle h ... bOOn rogularly ":JlprallMld 'f H h 'y ' underordor of tbe co url a' t~eeumor( 'IO &D .. h a8 sal'd h e was or ug es. ou re OD) O"e thOU-lOud and ' ntly dallal'll and wm the twe nty-nInth; who Bre you tor ?" 'not bo oold ror le08 tba" two·tblrd. 1&141 al" "H ug hes. "-Evere tt Hera, ld EV· prr.lsod ...Iuo. third cuh In hand on day 01 T E RMS-Oao erett, Wash . 8a10. one third In aile roor and one tblrd In two YOIl.. dortrrOOp .. ymeuto \0 boar 8 POreenl \rllerNt alul be IICcurod by lOorli..,o oo'prow· WA;,D~ON O. OCLMOUR. 1.....0111. Ilhorl1f WalTOD (Ju.. Ohio


O. 1916


Lebanon, O.


,U oder tbe Old Towo Clock- Pbone 15 ~!!!!~~~~~~!!!!~~~~!!'!!!!~


Diarrhoea. This disease shollid be troatt.>d 118 80"0 HA tho itrst onnatnrlll lOOl!tJneBII of t he bO\vels appeMtl. When this 111 done a single dORe ot Cham l)(1rlnin 's Collo. <Jhol· m IUld Dla.rrhoollo Remedy will etroct a cure. Thill remedy can ' always be de· pended upon even in the moet eevere IIIld dangeroUB c_, and .hould be kept at "hand ready for lnlltant U81!. Never lea...... ' home.on a joUl'Dey without It.

---_. - ..----



a ni y UUI! huir prr. jlumlion thUl kill lhe !;crnis a nd lhu t is Mildredlu:! II nir Hem · edy . This unu sual ha ir rl'slo rcr with il s record 01 ,lhouSIlnds of curel will ,rul\' b lir aD any head where Ihere is II ny lift' lefl i it cures d andruff, 51l1p$ f'llIin!: balr . uud itchiilll of the senl)! ill Ihree w<eks or your m Otle }, back. it is Ihe mos t 1,len .., nl nnd in vlgornl lo, tonic. is not st icky or Itreasy and Is u~d eXlensively by ladies of re fi nemelll who desire to have nnd le keep Illelr ha ir soh, hlslrou, nnd luxuriailt. 50c nnd Sl.UO a battl!!! nt drugGists ~v.rywhc re . FREE-W e will send u l a lK~ tr · I boltle, free b)l relufIl ma il to anyone sending this coupon to Mildred L.uise CD., .Bostun, Mus"., wiib millie lind ad. tlress nnd Hie in .ilver III I"'Y IX.. tage ..

Easy to Tell the .Age. II tlPrtlxlrnn!ety Ih • II~P "r Ihe furtn er 1I(ly Ill' I\'ho[ he 41l'(l c r~ nl the Rf'l41n (0\111[0111. Ir hc's under tw enty-one. h(l·lt wk o ~ !ruw· h ('TI'Y; I r h ,,'s h e [\\,()Ull I w"ntY'l1n nnd thlrly· f)v(', h c' ll tllk o \('\11111\. H h (J'~ O\' or thl rty·flYe. he 11'(l n'[ ilo th ere.l\OnSllS City Stur. Yon

MrA. Firman Kingdiedatherhome near Ridge vill e Tuesday morning' about [) o'clo ck . The funeral will be helt.! from her late residence Thursday morning at 10 o'clock .





lona, the three·months·old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Meredith Jr ., died Thursday morning, The funeral was held at the Chapel Sat· urdoy morning at 10 o'clock, R,ev. C. S. Grauser ofliciating . Interment was made in Miami cemetery.



h,· ,lIf'I , ~IJUNI,I('t·,·.! STOPPED wnJtth or tlrn . IlIn~1 .R\11l PI)1 n I!r'~Ht \"rtt'!t\ty of ('ht~l1\t t'nl S\.h:-;t n.fl'"t'S t.tnlll " There 15 ollly nile "uy to cure dundrufT nhll,. t In !lI lT 'rOtltll' lI r~ f ur Ihe nu" thnt is 10 kill the g~rnu . There I~

J. Henrv Winner, of Lebanon, died lust Wednesdny evening at his home in that city . The fun eral was held Saturday afternoon at his 'Iate home, and interm ent WM 'made in Lebanon cemetery . Mr. Winner wae known all over the cou nty. and for years followed his vocation a9 a shoe make r. ' Ue wus well known here.

Chapel. Rpl'. officiating.

Dry ....Goous, Shoes, Groceries, Furniture. Wea ring Apparel for th Illire family.


it ad crtis s.




five per cent,



A h03t of ange li! tlying', 'TI' I I II I " IInpe II e d , U \I ougtl I C OUt I es~ b IS (les Id p on Ie ea rl I e Ie A p ea rl of beauty lYing,

co,'e r .. lit lie rolble In your .(rl ene!. 11 bit vllntty that glvos y ou o ne thing m ore tlllnk J' OU 8eem to quiet your poor rs· or b I l I 0 n au 'ortad 0. oro n a co,II morn I" I; I eho tiler very much just now." wilt porlmpH w"Ik fa chureh wi th you "All rlgbt." And BIbbs bore SI.bYJ'S ! WH hout her fur8. and .he wll\ blu8h and return an ov .... lve &.nawor .... h.n you U8k wraps a crOSB th e street am! delivered h.r why .he do•• not woar Ihem. You them to lloscee. wbo tnet him nt tbe I will eay no more. bowueo you underBtand. doo r. Bibbs 8ald only, "r"orgot th ese." 8h8 look. b.nuUful In her furs : you love Dud "Good nlgbt Hoseoe" orcllally tholr darkness ogllln.t her "haek: but you , , . .comprchend that,lhey conceal Ihe loye llnn/l ~beertully. nnd returll e(1 to the n08. of her Ihroutl.lnd Ih o nne line of 116r llOW house. His mother lind tll ther ohln. nnd tlml .he also hlle com prehend. we re sUII tnlklng In the Ubrury, but od thl8. nnd. wIshing to look stili more wltb discretion lie pR ssed rllpldly on ~~'~~~:~;IT~o~~~CI.~~a y~~,r I:~~· :~u~h~e~~·~ and upward to hI s own room,nnd olere and Iry In look lUI It you hlld net thought bo proceeded to write III hiS uotCbOOk. ! 1t Thl. Ollt. Iheory I•• lltl. fIlCIOry except Ihllt Ther. e.em. 10 b anoth er curloua thIng l It <loes 11 0 1 account ror Ih. abBence of the nbout love (Dlbb~ wrole) . Love I. blind I muff. Ah. well . there muot alwll.)'R be 11 whll. It IIv oa llnd only Oll on. It. e)'e. Bnd mys.ory tiQmo"hore! Myslery I. n purt of . Id C It,.a k • wII.n It dle. . I e ll"c hlllltmen beco me. ,ory W I I t.b i b. t Y ' Lot It olono until the n.


eculplurod-tho DJr beoomes Irl-

c1eacont. \' o u ace the colts In brown LIght nOO~8 evOrYlhlng.

-="'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~~~~!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!' .

"Let her

smok e hu wo.nn browns and Is mnr-





Hawke's Grocery CARLOAD

- -~

'1'0 A HH.l \iE.


Once applied, it holds tight to th e wall, ",hi h means lasting durability, and as fn'CJu011t wa"hi ngs as you please. This fin i s h comes in soft, n :stful ~ h ad '5. S Itl at



The local meim times of Bunrlee and sunset are 118 follows: . Aug. 1 Sun rlset 4:&8 Sun sets 7:14 1 Aug;. 8 Sun rises 6:04 Sun site 7:06 , Aug. 15 Sun rises 5:11 Sun seta 6:57 , Au&,. 22' Sun rises 5:18 Sun .eta 6:47 1 A~g. 29 Sun rises 5:24 Sun seta 6:37 \ The Cehtral Standard tlmea of the moon's phases 81'e: First quarter .. August 6, 6:06 p, m • . Full moon ...... i\u&'ust W, 6:00 a. m. 1 Last quarter ... Augult 20, 6 :53 a m. New moon ... , .. AUlf\llt 28,11:26 •. m.


Be Lenl~nt in Judgment. -----_•• __ I It I ~ only Ill' Irylng tll IIndcl'l\!JlDd otlters Hlnl II'C CIlIl get nur own hcnr~ UIHlcl'lltood; omJ In mlltlcrs of humnn "" Dally Thaught. tlto clement Judie III the most Everyone _ what Joo !!eem, t." pleader. know what ,011 are.-MaclJlavellL


A tlOroo,.,



FIVE AND 'TEN CENT- STORE Ory C ,oods Corset Covers ............ 1Oc Embroidery. , ... , • , ••..•• IOe Bath Towele, .• , . , •....•• 1Oc Toweling, per yard ••• •. • • 1Oc

Women's Drawers, ..•..• , 26c Fa« Clotbs .•.••••••• , ••• 05c

Mens' Socks •• .. ,. , ...•.. , .Olk:

H. I BP~~::-FD-ANK ___ Aft

TI,nware See our Tinware Window. 'roilet Paper, belt .. ·...... 05c Sand Paile,for th, BOyl, , .10c Dilhes, all kinds. ; .•••.••• IOe Oak Mirrors ...• " ......... lOe Sb,ving Muge •••• , ,5<: aDd lOe Jell! Tumblers, per doz •• , .21)(: FARRThe

M.,.zilla ·Mao

·Wa~vi1le, Ohio




iTEiNAijiEinij ~ c:~ :u-. :':n~.: :: ~ I










=:?J rn

.t :"~V,t\l:



H1, IHlfj

Whole Number 33 ':3

r=~ EJ IE:::::JI r:l1~1 I~I~ [!]


~ 1 1"wi ng-





Bit :: I'lnined li t a



Ralph Pence, of Dayton, spent Sunday with relatives. r:'I



Charles Stansberry wa.q a Dayton ~ visilor FridllY.


Hl), Wl:U r


~ un Iny dinllt'r till' f"l·

Il'ucs ts: athlln e ra,\' /lnr! wier of lIu n 'lll HI.u rj{ ; Carl Ilukl' nnd family . Earl ~ l wo h a·lI. wi fe and ~!'Il. (,f th e iJllyrulI ",ike .


J EAR F lU E TVS: A r e you a le an e r or a lifle r t

En~ ry t'O Inlllllll i'y is 1I 1:11k up \ . . . I J I 0 f l JH'se l \vo t Ypl'S 0 f t' .. l tl Zl· lI ~. \ ' illch Ol1e IS It t 1:1 t i l ' ps to s ec lI n ' better s tre et s, home c:o nv clli ' oce s, better sc hools , (ll1d I ... Uer schoul b UI' ld llI ' gs:' I t I' S tJ. Il' l Ite ' f r. S u c I I ;t P( 1'50 11 .IS :l t'(JI1I1 1111 1l1ly . a ~s L' 1. · b' l ' . . A r e you :1 11 asse t o r a I 1U Iit y In }'Ot ll '(J1Il1ll1l1 111 \ ) I)" :()U 1I0t agree wit h liS th a t th · mo ve t o r ai q· ,1 l ka st !::,.:.!OO ",illl \\ !tiell I." equip the LilJrary R oom in th e n ew scll or,} IJlIildillg I', :J ti lll l'l y (IIIC ? J lIIl"ll IC . 1li n II .\ ', II' V ca n cJ I) l iLlIv . \ Vc k' no"" t 1la l yo u are W l. tIl u s.



" NIJ ~ ·\( L


• . \ nwrrycru\\'11 of.vou no:'pcllple ll'c nt

~ ", , /I lillY ririe FrirtllY evem in~. '1'110. e \l'ho elljovc:>u t.hl' I' vcn illJ,r .\V on' I he

Nut Much Bolh r'l'o SUI'e Ihe "a~ t MidSt!:-l l l ~ lem J\lIl rlllt.t . Mubel ~al i s t\\n terilll- I':lper Worlh a 1 IIU I·)· . LI'll 'I',1 11 WI· lkul·Hon . I [II ".U[ ·1,'y . ,. 1• 1 Clooe! Price "licC' Car ey. Adm Corllel l. 1·:oI l1a G Co rnpli. Hca tl'i ct: t : llullI. a nd [}Of O ~ thy Dakil1. Mps!l r~ Howard (; li tl lill. Al fr ed Wl'i,hl . l :url1\!d: lu rl'. !l arry The Dl' parlll1cll t ot Com me rce a t WIJ li re unabl o even to Jtlve ·the un· Mt'rl'diLh. Irl'inj.( WI'II-h. ['MHoIi H nj WM hinl{ton mU Hl r~c () ),( ni ze tlte se· Mr . an d M. ra. W . H• All en were o tll cia l vote IIl~ t week. o n IIccount of Ea rnha rf . I .lnti s I' i r ·S . l 'arl . rye all( rioll!< paper si tUlltion when it i acl uc ~ th ~ c l o~e vot.·. und ure I'r tlsenting Cincinna ti visitora ThursdllY . Co\lectiv.e ly, s yndica tillg o urs elve s, \1 . t',11I do ;t ll d lti ll g- \ '( II lit \\'lt ik 1':11 lin, , I' Bail )' . lite fo llowillg bu lletin: th e t uta ls of l hc olliclnl count In th is Mr . and Mre . Will MyeT88pentthe 1 with o ut it b e ing a finandal drain 0 11 anI ' W I t: per ..,lIll . .loin lilh lI S. G Th e atte ntion of 1111 peop lp i~ called iSllue The vot e r s of th e county we re week end with relativea in Maaon B i\lakc. th is plan a s pl'cess. It wi ll I ll' a Illle Ill(, III 'J ri :t1 ill thc ' d ay to ~ ~ I N . J. I) Marlatt ,·Ill,·rlnin .. cl tn Ihu prese nt conciitiClt' in Iho I'auer f orced to admit thut Wa)'ne Town· '. CO llIe a nd a s)' 111 bo l of lo ve a nd lo yall y ', llillI will ill '; pirc th u se w ho M"n day l'v"nin~ in 11,,1),)1' of h .. r IlIelllsl ry . Th e SUPI. I)' of rllw /llater · ial. conaiatillf( of wood .pu lp. ot.1 1)11 s hilJ i ~ eluite a factor in the co unt) If you want gool1 crellm, good ~ will fo llow af t e r u s. lVlake out tlI:'ll c ltl'('I, t oda\' Uo II 11<.\\' . dliU ll.'lI tC'1' Ih·I""·~'h ·\·f'II'·'·II I I , hil't h IICrA unn rIIl(~, iH far Abort .. f tlw "ftur bll. The lussiW de of the vote r. meals , go to Chen oweth 's Resta rant. day. t wo!lvc' IIl\itu,\ gllc,~ t ~ . fit n Ii 11\ Lhis Mcclion Wll9 aroused. OWillK 'rh :l t' s righ t . We thou g ht you would. It l' lp. o'clock di nnf'I·. T ho tnbl e was ,1",: fllI\ll llllt ru<tuiflld hy th A ['81'l'1' Indus10 th e fu ct thut they hud a compe · Yours after tll at ~~2()U FIIDd , ":' orated Vl' ry b l!alltiflill y with 1( 1' 'C II try 10 lI1eul Lite (leillund . Ole! pap 'rB 1111,1 flll/:S Ilr~ u!<C!c1 ill M[ss M[rillm Kelly. of Springfield, L:..I cand lee Ihe f 'lvll rH"dnl{ pink Aft .. r tent candida te tor one of the OIfiC <!ll The close vote (,In Comm l: siorle r spent tho week· end with friend ~ ~ 1:]'1 T UE CU .\ I\lIT'l' I·: E . ~ ade li ~htflll f('I1Il~tthll "I' o; n in~ w a~ \'Q r y Inr~c 'Iu1lII1 iLim. for mnn ufllc, spcnt ill j)lav lnp 11111 . i~fl l ){llnh.J:l. turi n){ pupur. l'IHt of thiR mate rial cau84Jd th e pupers [n th e count)' Lu here . Those ill vit e,l we re: Muoe l ~ali ~ 1 ,UI'.\'. iJ co lle ·tl~ll ill thf' Unitc·d S lu tCll. omit the ofti cia[ reI Urns. ThtJ race was a close and interestMr, and Mrs. F . B. Henderson Corrine We lch , Lillian Wilk,· r~ l)lI. altho ugh th e ill1rnrlH fir£' abo ut f,1I Ing one, I1nd it [s said that Mr . Stokea, an' I daughtera we re In Sprlngfie[d Edytha MI ICY, J Ol1nnetlH J alllwy. pcr ':cnt uf thn Alll ount IIRe!l ,~ach wh o won out over Wa tkln a, made a ·undav . He[en Mlll'lntt. Elliott "" rilCltt. I'aul year. Imp" rt s duri ng th e llJl.o; t f·1V """Ithll ha l'O oJ cr 1I.~ (oJ t.o BI1"h an wonde rful canva~8. e r, Wrlg arl MhcClu re o Miron QU n::Jr:F 11:]1; 181; Il:] E : 1m!.: II!] el·.hRndl A[ f red L nrlllll owanJ K"O)\ UIC ~" ,."tent thilt tit rC' i~ n<'\V a p(' ri(,u U nit.e d States Senator . W. O. Raper has been euffe ri ng [Hillille o f paller makin){ ra w II1l1 tprial. tin . Herrick .. ....... .. ................... 11:;1 during the past wee k with an IIttack Tlt u d 'c rt'llI!C in i IlIpn rt,.~ Iq very lar){"· Daugh erty ........ ....... .. ........ 891 of r heumatlsl11 . Mi s Lucile Ho rm el! gave II nll :l· Iy dU l; 1o cond il illllR nhroul l. Sevl' I' Dick " ." .. .: ........... ,.... .. ........ 381 cellan eoUfI Kh, )wer IM t Friday af ll·r· al furuhtn ){IIVllrlllll tmlR rcnli zil1 p' li lt' Proba~co .. .... ..... . ...... .. "'"'''' 120 noon f nr J\1i sA kdHl Me MilJ all . Afll'r ~l' ardty nf pa pl' r ' ll1n"i u ~ III11Le rial Mr. anll Mrs. John Fromm and Reprc:sl:ntalive to COlllrreM nn ho ur of Aor inl . il1 tl:l r('(lIlI·. e Ilw ha\'c {orl,iolol'l1 I L.~ (' Xl'orlt" .. lh f'r family, of Dayton, soent th e week· Jo~eH9 .. .... .. ......... ..... .. ..... ..... 2098 gUOl:ltA we rr r ("JuC'Hl l't1 t l' at·" inl (I '·lIUlit ri CIl. ThiOl cnnditi'lrI is Wldc· end with relatives htJre. Kcifer ............. .. ......... ,'.... .. 874 Ihe din in ~ r oom . lI,m' the clllo r:i. 11I'ren,'j in il ~ elf, ... t anel aH th" ,[ C' . GII A I IAM RepreHcntalive . pink 1111<1 whi tP. preva ile d IIlId th p Illand fur "al /ltatm'illl is grC'!lte-r MillS Rtella Lemmon, of Battle Cla rk .. .. .. .. ... .. .............. .. ... 1665 table wa R Illnci C!d down w il h PI' ' ll y tllllll th o 811JlI)ly. pri ces have rapidly The Graham reunion will h e hel d aml u!leful J.ti ftA fo r I it A yn llJl~ briol () inf'r efUll!d . ThlJ l,ri"l'A or lh!'Rt' raw H uo ver ." .... .. .. .. .. ............... 10:i1i Creek, Mlch, is the gue8t of he r this year at the r egu l lr lime-till' DEBA1 E AT HIE CHAI TAU()l .\ molher for a shorltime. MONDA\' \Vilh:l Jl'l'f'lI t d eal of regret the e.l ect. The pink and w hite en lo r materinl" h8 ve in crcll.~od fr o III fill til Ju dge of Probate Court IlistSaturday in Aug us t. The sched pel .ple who hllve he 'n rpending the scheme wa! Illso rarri(!d out in dainty uver 400 por ce nt. al ()\' e norma l Alton 1". Brown ............. ..... 2120 uled place WII!! at th o home of C' ha rl es The many fri e nd8 of Mrs. S. D. Ellis, but owing to sickness it hos SUl nl1ler a t " OIll P Linger Longer." r efr(,lIhmentR of ice cr~am and cak e. I}ricos, a nd are still advan cing Clerk ot Courts The elre t of th is r!lpid inc r aRe in moved iJack to their h omes last The invited guests we re! Miss Itebll Hnne ........ ... .. ......... ......... .. . 121 3 Henkle are rejoi<'inll that s he is able been changed to the home of Albert Thur. da~'. 'rhe old familiar atrains McMillan, Mrli. I)avi~ II' urnll ~ . MrR. I'. ,st of I\I! p!ll1or- maktn~ rRW mat. rHeai. of the Da)'t on pike All memo Lewis ....... .. ........... ...... ... .. . 878 lo ride around the villai e . (I f Harry Smith . M I'l~, J o hn Whitake r ials hut! been I.. IIInko co rr 8pnmltngbers of the family ate urged to M m Scroggy ........ .. ........ ....... , .. . 61 6 und ' Mi s~ "s mlle n SherwlInd . Mllri!l i1\('r eJ1t1eR in tho co t of 1111 kinds and Mrs. Nell Cooper and daughtel, " 'Tis a Ia nI\'. long' road to Linger Stou t. AnnR l"urnas. [{uth Mt· Millan. H' rarl o~ of pDp r. i>riclllI of Ilaper. ar "!lui lor ChllrleB S. Mounts ... .. ....... .. 2186 Ferne, spent !leveral days wit h relaLonger, Minerva and •.loRe[lhinc Hll rhll1 . Mllry ud vnn cinl{ unci allilure ntly ~h e r c IPI aR OISTltl C'l' NUIIIIIER NIN~: • Willis Uves at Mason last week . a nd Co:\ Vebated Questio n s But illY heart i s sUIi there ." Sheriff and Clarn A Ik In RO Il IInll ltl' ba Itic h . yr t 110 prOApC(·t in Ri),( 1t t of any duo The eigh teenth annual r euni on of Charlps J. Waggoner .... ....... 2347 Cl'C:> IIHO in Ilr i<' to I h(' ultimate con · Pcr Hn cnt to the 1'>1 Ii was heA rd and a lang train of wagons Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Surface. and D[s tri ct num b·r nin , Cloar,c reek wn wr. "Illmli 'aUllns lend towa rds C'.ommillsiuner Ca mpaig n Townsh[p , Warren ounty, Ohio, will hauled t liem int o t ow n . Those who The many friend s of 1I1!-. nnd Mrs . Mti 11 ).I rollt I' illl' r'MCH in price . T he Rogers .. .... . ........... .. ...... .. .. 164" daughter, of Hidlle way, Ohio, are be held at th o school bouse knowlI us pnjoyed the R'lIson we r e rv')r. and Ri chard I lrown t el1lhm~d th e 111 a oll ly \loa~il ll hope of reli ' f is by 8e· Cor win .. .... ...... .... " ............ 1425 vipitlng with r e[lIlive5 .here. Five Poin ts, near t he inters ction of lI'l rs 11. H. Kelly, Mr . nnd Mrs . C. surprise dinnor Sunday. They went (' uring th . l·o·operation of the enl'ire Stokes .. .. " .... ... .. ....... ...... .. 1254 A large crowd of l .... a y ncH vil lians M. Hobitzer and fami ly . Mrs. J . D . with well ·filled has keU! and the ~ ur · 1I1I1[ on . ~ave you r wlIste pu per, rag~. Look nfter Chandler's Fe rtilizer th e LyUe and Vllud e\,er e mill road, Watk ins ... .. .... .. ............ " .... lU ~ with th e road runn ing due no rth wellt t o th hautallQu MondllY Mar[att ond daughte r . MIllS Helen. prise wa com pl(,t.e. Thoso who e n · otc . 'I'hpy are vll lu~bl u. Duk e r .. . .... . .. .... .. .. ........ ... .. 9Gb If you want Iroollgoods. from Leblmon. and' one m ile west of aftern oon to h('ur th c debat!' betwe n Mr. a nd Mr . Wm . Mye rs. MeS!l r 8. joyed the day wc re: Mr8. Mnry T hfl Ame rican nation iA t lte most Deludoft· .. .... "''''' ' '''' ........... 901 the Dayton and Le banon pike . on Gov. Willis and ex · Gov . :ox Th e Lo u hint z, e has. Buell and Kenneth Upp, Mr. 811,1 Mrs. Mye r !lyma n w3uteful of rJlltion!!. Sav[nf( yo ur 1'rea:lurer Mr. and Mrs . E. J. Arnold and Satu rday, August 26. 1916. T here cr owtl was va ri ously estimn t en a t ROilS . and Bt:rni ce, of Wayn es vi ll e; Mrl'l I)Oper anti ragt! m<JnnHn ~uv in tot of She l'w ood .... ... .. .. ...... . ...... .. 1639 chUd, arri\'eel homo Saturt!ay. utter will be th«; usual baske t rlinne l' . and IlIb'} ut 10. 00. nnd hall l'itU ll\!a peol/le The cnmp ha d b een th e re ndez l'ou fi J ohn J ordon , lI rmnnh. Frank !ln,1 the f Ol'eA t s. The hua r ty i;o.npe rat! on Iro ll:~ .... .... . ... .... ......... ...... .. 834 IIpending their vacation at Wilming· the commIttee hi charge would urge ~ay Lhere were n 've r liS l11unyauto · of the yo ung IJ pple a!i well 11K th e Ed, Mrs. Al nol1 Ferris. MI'. an d Mrl'l . of. eJVE' ry mall , woman 811d child is e6' . as muny o f the fo rmer teachers 'and mobiles on th e ground as CHI t his nld for severa l welJks. and t.he " glad Walter J ordon. of Wellman ; Mr . nnel Gilmo ur .. ...... ... ............ " .. . 613 ton . seHtial . H corder pU,Pils .8s ~o ;wenif'ntly can III attend day. There was a t remen do us hand" was xt ~ lIt.l ed to all. Seve rnl Mrs. Charles Uwcn!\. Mr. a mi Mrs H olbruok .. ........... " .... .... .. 11 ~ crowd. and judging fr om · the ap · impo r t an t functi l,n~ wer e held , and Henry Feldhatls !lnd (Inug ht e r ~;Ilr­ M ~s8 r a . Kenneth Ross and Eth an tlus me ~ tltlg Huffmll n .. ........ ... .. .. .. ...... ... 904 Crane Illid the Misses Ceci Iia and pl ause \ll'conlcd ('itch man , it WRS everyhody f ully enlOyed th e outin~ . trud e. MeilSI'R. Fi l.J nn lon nne! Law · SmiLh .. ... .... . .. .... ... ... .. ..... .. 674 Flli ri c 1\0011 weI e Cincinnati vi ~i to rs about ((Iunlly uil' idt!d as r E'garu po· Th e' main allracti llil of t he limp waR ren ee nrown. o f i1arLo lI ; Mr. Ilema!; li l VI H ' AI :II·I ·l.I::A n ;l( the bathi ng. Tlw "0111 ,wimmin' Gu tte r.\' . J.nwren cll llrown. nf Leb. lit ica l fai th Sur vQ) or S und ay . urin g tlte da y anon: Mr. a uel M I'll . •JoHup h Wflteon. The ){i('h -Ca rr·C[envtor rcun i" n wil l (;ov Willi::! "1.<.'11 " '[ I lte deua te . a nd hole" was Sf ugh t floy E Mill er ... ........... "''' ' 2141 be helll a t th • usulil plnco l1('ar Wel l· w a~ g ivf! n all lu inut,:s. (ux r eo pr etty frequently. und ~p v E' ra1Ia l li (' ~ of la rksvilll': Mr. ane! Mr~. Will I Prosec uting Atlornk'Y . The Wal'r en COUII!:Y Te.llche rs' As · man, at LlrL1 ay . AUj:(u st 26til . Al l spond d in 1\ -10 l11 illU speec h. and laarnt'dhe art of wimming. L~larenc MIIY '['I)0 mar rl' uA"t' of [a\vr" nce W • McGuinn. DelIO b; l:Ita'll ey ..... .. " ...... . 2199 sociation will be held at Lebanon m e mhe rs Of till! f amilies in vited Ii '1' M (.. . .[tuMll'it . I. n. I M .on ~ Willis \\189 gi ve ll JI\ n:ttn U e more. fln • a'y c ,UIIIII. r . nn:. , rll. Fn rmls to Itllb .. M,·Milian. which August ' 2 th to Sept e mber 1st ,· at Coroll"r IYhich he utilized t o good.advantage. [~ouc rt , hea . Mr. 1\lll1, Mrli. b~ \\ard too k pla'e at LllI' hlllll e> of t he brid - -filmy ~ Dililltush .. .... . ...... 2056 Hul brook, HIIlI. Bo th me n pres nt ed tb eir poil1 ts I) f .hun.nh an a mi .R()';I I Illl.h Bnel Leo !l tlt month. 8 th dllY. l!Hti. W.IllI a ve ry J iH' renee in r('gn rci tv running the h erldun . Wllrlllngto n . prpt\.y )ullker wed di ng'. The JolI'OODI Mr. ami Mrs . George Funkey and affuirs of stll te. nn rl gB ve reasons why is a proSl'e rouiI ),uLi nl(' (IIr mer , so n of 8·) n, of ChiclIgo, arrived he re last th ey shou ld be el ded to ollice thi ~ On laRt T huf!lllay a ft e rn ootl from J-~oIw'i n S . lind 1I1u·ri ·t I·'li mas , T he week, and a . e \Obit ing with Mr. and fali ::I to fj Mi 5 Mar), Hawk e, of l.ehano n hr[d e. tile oldest dllll l!:1t t r o f J()S ph. Mrs. J. A. Funkey. Rev .I\IIeI r.r r !:i .1. lc f:lldll'fl lla,I ,' I' . delightfully enterlnln l!<1 a 111llll1ler If a nd ~;mnll.l M (~M illlln. all o f nea r T her wt' r e I! li ti cians 1 r ese nt from all over th e ta te . iJu t Warrtln wh o were at t he u lvhul' I: 'k SI'riJ1"~ yo un g la,lie~ a t B sew ing' party in W nyne5vill e, Ohio . . county was well rep resented at lhe ncar Chillicothe. are having II fill hon or of I'll iRRt'. Ciani nnd l';mm n - Mrs. Gertrude Land and daughter Th e8e y"un ~ p"lIllh~ hO \' tn Jt been g uth e rin g. ti me. nnd enjoying thei r outing lI awkc . "f WHy ne~ vil!l·. the latte r borll and r earcil Fri etld ~ it w as quite Irma and Misa Allie Collins. of Rov . adwall ader SayS "with ll o thin ~ being 11 brid e elec·t of tlt i!'! month nnluralthlil LIt,·v ~h(' lIld choose for Cleveland, are gueats of th eir unci.., tu d ) but (·at. sleep. r ead and wal k we MU :lic unci a Hncial tim!! wuro cllj!Jyecl l heir marrial( ur« rn'Jny tltllt of the G. H. Ellis and family . Did yo u lose some o f th e tr ees in lhere are many things that will your orchard by wi llte r killin g last ;:{-'rSubscriue fur Lhc Miami Gaz.(jtte nl'e gettin g R rea l res t. " lifte r which a ul1hllli' liu l(' c'\ll\llJ~ t in 1"l'ien,IM wi th J l'nnio Carev, BlInt combine this year to mllke the Mont · year ? R. B. Cru[ akshank of the a vcr y cl 'ver WlIY nnnllunc' 'c\ I h n· of tho hride p.riurmin){ t he minis .. Mr . and Mrs, W 'J. Barnett and .romery county fair the be3t ever held Agricultural College Extension Se rIlugem 'lit of Mi A.'l Lu y Bi!1ho p and Icr'K par t of t hc II\l1r ri a~e . . Mrs. Martha J. Barnett. of Spawnee , by the organizatioll, and the moat in · vice, Ohio St at a University says that Mr. Woller Luti. of i'illll \)lIl·g,I 'a.. T his happy I.air came hefure tlts,r Okla, were the guests of Mr . and ext e resting from the standpoint many orchardists In Ohio' are pre· lhe wedding' to be in S(!\'tcmbHr. re[ativ 'fI and frl\ gathl'r ed t . IRALPH MULFORD hibi ts, ract'S .and specilll features, in Mrs. E. V. ' Barnhart last week. ve nting winte r killing by hardeni ng Dainty refr '~hmc nt H WOI'I' ~e rv ed . i(ethe r fo r th· n""'H~io n unll ttCI1<i d ------~-----------, . 10 the IItlite. th eir tree8 during the late s umme r Th oRe present wero Mi ssol< Clam and lind wilhouL 1I0\\lorR. The hml" t'rominent amonll these things Is Emma Hawke, of Way n '~vi ll e. I.u uy- -'\'tH'O a )(oJW Il of wh ile silk crOll!.' II<! Mr. and Mra. J . H. Coleman Mr • and fall months. They cease cui · .the ~outhw.estern Ohio Short Ship and Mrs. H . C. Coleman and son, tivation carly in August and plant a Bis hop, Myrt.[e Winkl ey . ElIlmlt chino, si ml'ly 1Il,,,I!!. hut vo r), hp!, 111F'air · Circu; t, orA'anized In Dayton Francis, and Mra, D . L. Crane were cover crop of clover or rye . Thi s Long, I'earl flollll or . I ,el\h 'l'h o ll1p~o n. inll to the wea rt: r. '[,h o i( rOOm lollkolt 'after tile tair lIell!lOn last year. Thiti at the Chautauqua Monday after· takes the moist ure ou t of th e soil Geneva Oli ve r, li lonch e JlIl·l tcr. hi .. bClR t In t he convont ional black. 888oclatlon is composed o f eight coun· noon. which ordinarily would b e takC'n u p Mary St edd om. Linn ano! "-'l thrina Afte r conKralulali'lnA an ll I!llrllO t y faits, all wiLhin a 50 mile IlIdhi¥ ot by the trees. Growth of the t ree ill Sell e rs. Co ra Shn' vo, .I es.~ie SH,e),. Il w l'rimcnt lUll' n l~ tlte yo u l1~ fo lk~. Day~on. A total of $6,200 in pUrStN fin ished by this time and the lack of Margllret. Winifred. lie lt!1I alld 1,'lor" t he; coml.:my rf' pairl'( t t(' bellull· Mr. nnd Mrs J, O. Cartwright moisture causes the wood to become 1& olfarad, with runn ing racet! each ence Pit zwl\ Arlie SwclI l'in~ 'II ful lllw n in fron t of t he hOU A!! Hhad ed day , closing l\it.h the Derby rac~ and ramily left this morning for a firme r . Little damage is said to and MrR. Harley L, 'wia . /ly th o treu8RIIJ dlu'u hLery and ill L~ e summer resort in Adama County, occur where this practice la foll owed . ~riday afte rnoon. pu rEl air. t he)' Jorllth ... red Rhout III where they Yo ill remain for a couple There will also be poultry raislnp J,:' roup8. enjoylnK <lne a nother ~o­ --- -of weekR and pig growing contl!sl!! that will dally. while a two co ur;Je luncheon be decided Tuesday . The regular W[\f\ ~tJ'rvtld. Many bl!au tifu lllnli usefu l presents atock judliing contest that hall been Mr anc! Mra. W. H . Allen, Miss an annual fair feature, is set for letitia McKay, , Mrs. G. W. Hawke. werc recicvell. . The youn g poo"le lell that e vening WednesQl1Y· Mr. and Mrll. Charles Moore and (or II Rhor t trip 10 Nlui<ua FaJls Bnd 'l'he neW art hall, for the housing daughter ~llended the Cbllelt·McKa)' other plncCB of inte rtll!t • . and o n re'of sd:ool d isplays, 8chool and back picni:: Saturday. . turn will go to hOlisokoeptnI( at t.he yard gl1rden products, manual train old ["u rnus hnmeHt eu tl. whe re nil a ring and domestic scien' e exhlbita, Is Do you wlint g ood R ep,l co rn for Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Coleman and rl\n ~ement.'1 have b eon made fo r tho going up faat Tents placlld on tht' The Yearly Meeting of Friends nex t year's p ilm ling'! Or Ilre you corn ing of this hrido. hill will aQ'ain house one of .the larg son, .~ rllnci s, of Norwood, arrived wil li ng tu risk the who le crop on Th ose I1r ORcnt at this weddin ~ we ro est au tomoblle shows ever s~n In here Wednesday eyening for a tpn s t arted off Sunday w[ th a fin e attendseed corn tak en fl'l)l11 yuur crib next hesid e~ th o McM[lIan fam ily : ' \O~ lla9 41Ys' visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. ance, th l\t augurs well for ~htl buei ~hill part of lhe state.-· ness meeting of the ",eek. Ther e sp rln i '? Th o Agricultural . Co llege a nd An nll lIlackburn, ami ~o n, J o~ep h l;olel11an and ether relatives . are visltorl here from almost every }:;xtensi9n Service of lhe Ohio Stllt.O Rnd two ri llughtor~ . San.h ollli E lizll' Yearlv Meeting In the U . S .• and t he Unlvo r~ity, Co lumbus. will sl)mlou t beth Kirk all {rom Fishe r town, Mr. W. A. Lippincott and family members of the Indiana f'rlends arc . 'e pccialis ts dUI'lng Septe mber ancl 1'on" ': II . ' ()all lL~ Whill ory. Sairm . arrlvl'd h'era Thursday from Indian· greatly in evidence. The pro ~r.alTl . early October l o conduct Heed corn Ollil); Jo: T . Caroy. wife Rtlil o!lul'{h · apoll.~. Ind" where they have been for the w eek 18 interesting, imd will selection demonstration!! ·on OhIo t 'r. E~th er . Ann C. Wall alld't!l<>n. livini for the past ftlw months. Will surely attract. and hold the mem ber· farms . The specialist will Il'O in to LORton. H. G. McMiIIlln , witA an saya there is no place 'like Waynes· ship durlr>g the session . 'th e co rn field and point out thl) befi t. ~lln [;;~ I'e r. ~Iltll Dw iggins. Rob rt vlile. means of selec: tion, what eRril to Ilick J. McMiliulI llnd w ife, J . M. Cill m, and how to oare for tbe co rn after his daughter. Ethe l ane! sons, John selec tion. Any r eader of I.hit! JlllpCI' and I{oher t. E lihu Ull1lorwno I lind' l4ra; Harriett Staley, of Miamis· The Wayn" Township School Board burg, visited her brothel', Mr. J. H. can secure one Of the d e mon s tra tilln ~ wi fo Daniel U nrl t; rwoocl 1l11l1 clauKIt · mtlt Monday morninll and awarded Coleman and family Sunday. She on hiB own farm wiLhout cost by te rs . all of Wilmington , Ohio ; Erlwill the letting or the cement walks all' was accompanied by her daughter, wr iting to Clark S . Wheeler . Ohio Fur~l1!I : wife and Dons. Seth nllJ Eli , ~toachirig the new IIchool hulldlng. Mn. Cltftll. Tobias and family, 01 Stat e University, Columbus. Rt!beckah Furnas, Albe rt Ilnd ROHCC) 'Che contract was ' let to Charles Dayto~. . Furnas, W. t. Frame and wife, of ~will who will I1Ommlll\CS on the thl. place . work aoon .. poll!libl.. The .walk Rev. and lin. J. F. Cadwallader will be eleven. fefi\t wide. and MI. Clara Llle left Thundl, for M d i h ' I ' f Chillicothe, Ohio, The CadW.Jl~"8 on ay even ng t e c tlzllns 0 .. • Wll)'neavllle were alarmed at an E!x T.o Re m·ovc· Stoppers. . wl1lapend several days at the SUlp ur ploaionwhlch occurred· about 90'clock When n gin s!' " WP\1Pr CI1IILl~ t I)~' M. E. CrtURCH anr.d LlIe will vialt Upon Inquiry It proved to be a neVo' ell~tly rl1l1luvl·,1 1'.11' I lit! Ilrrl. vi' tbo WIlY of bQl\inJra youn\t married couple • botUI' wit It A~"II' IIln"~' "to,l'·CI. TI,l " Sund/lY. AUltU8t 20, ~unday School . Laurence FumM bad taken his bride "eta up II S)'lIllmlhoti' vll" OIlloll "Ill I The ralna of Saturday had the ef. to bil 'ather'a home, and a lot of the Adtl.lIl Inler 8l Is g l v n tho 0 1. 0111 11 1; 01 Lbo n ow Cincinnati Bpiledway .at 8:1i> a. m . tW,e atreCanllx,loUBI to hNave IlVOI~8 lIrl'llklnl( til(' r ,·c"pIOlcl,· ill C,,~(j , t t h t "R til Ralpb" Mul ' you on our r p 0 Ii orn a, ew I 1m handlllla' lbe CIncinnati Capl· fecit of maklml lOme very fine countl')'ilde boYI made up to 110 \.here BhBTonvlll on I. nbol" Tiny, . 1!1)iOlDb"r 4. II)' tho act a • m ng ' . people are enrollIni !very Sunday . one shollll! hllll tit \0 t. os,'n t ho s l fl\)' tol City Fertlll&er 14 ad 11 percent .r SundllY and Monday. The ".th· ad bell them. The fun ltarted off ford will be one of t be Sill 1'1or~ III the big 300·mllll, $30 ,000 rlLCI!. Jror thll past. Get In an auto. Preachln. b, I)astor per. Flnel on oh)cCt ot tlw I<,""U !lInJ(OOdd at '18 and 119 per ton I er prophet. feel now that the bac • With a hlg dynamite elqlloalon, and ton Jeara Mulford blJ.8 tlllten a leading part III automobile conteata III this both morning and.venlna'. tertlll l1li Uw 8tnpP"r. I( gin"'" I)r ruefrom the car. bone of th. "naI bot" MUOn baa the bo,a proceeded to make the nlaht tA1Ue. And rap 8tCIIIIII), 00 ult parts now' before tho publlo baa a better record or conatatont Invited to attend both ....riC81. Edwla SoD, bella broka,. and that ~ ....t of m..., with their horn. ad tom· 1IIIIDb'J', and DO Clarence S. Gl'&UIer. Pastor aI'ODIld Ute atoppcir uuUl It III l~ fboM U _til WIll be ..-oaable. • t;oma, IU...ld th., bad loti oU~. IUfCll'llWlC81. Had 10 he nelermined by the Of· Loo k after ChRnul e r 's Fe rtili zer fida l COllnt, Stol es i'f you want guod j.(oous . W Ull Out Mrs. C. B. Bentley visited in I:] Spl'ingfie!d last Thursday .




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FARMERS .·lAKE NOTICE L1wt~kh ~~~I~~~


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~ll1lda~ I1tl.!ht~

Common Pleas COllrl

n"t !I,hl! IIf','r BIIlt.. "I'turUI',1 tI", nl/tln \.l(llll,d wrut": Ullt l durin;.:' tll{,


{t uyto'


Illu,'" •• 11\' d,o'\"I' fOllhl1 II UN ,11N:U',\ ' h' 11(l 'with hPf rt't"q'hlll(Jy. IIn,l to III.tall 11 mwellll'" 1111 1' (,1 . ,\ull wh"lhN hI: w(I\lhl tlr Il\>, UlIrn,· y r\)' ('('II'NI fr(lu! h l ~ h)'~I"I'h'1l1 lllllll'U't 0 '·,lrlo'l), of 1l1l1l ){"lI t IlIfllrlll 'l U,; n whl~h w""ld hn I' st I:){t'r I :l nyhmly hill n r'"l1l1y Ilhy"lelllll, A IIInnl! Ih~r Ihlnirs 1'1)11 )1'" ,It 'lid Iii' hi' \\'I\~ gll'!' n t l'hllll):O III Ul lilis. Illltl ,,·lty Ibe ",I nc clltcr wos n ot pUll in!: a . 1111H!) In Il~ opl' rillor's glzznrtl us of r ore. l';lhy l wn~ n ot Il ~lIrlou~-~hc wn~ n Ihlll IItll ellO "' rlthlng ulld ... hrl('klnj: In )'lo in. r.lfe hllli h u rt h r. uOlI h nd dr IY('n her III to IllIrl lllA', h ~r~ ~lr; II or coud ltlon \\'us o n ly tJla nr\lIIt'A \('I'I'llilc \" "Il!;('rn tlon of thnt nf n I'hlld nClo'r II IJIll1 I' ru I~ U ti I Il'ro I III t mns 'e f!~ "IIJ11 111': n'H t ~ II!; mol I"r nil 01'0\11 the hurt I I Ilin. lOW I It bn ppr'IIP.1!. , Ihyl linhhlt'.1 lorRl' lr 1 0I\r~(> wl"'lt GUI'II('Y wlll,hl' l!1 IHorl l hlno. f'hc " '(l nt t rom tlJl\ lH'H,tn. . nhlll til the el1ll III n brcn ttl. " 0 pro, I Il,,,t 010111,ed lI er ·. 1I0 lhln~ Aloll llrrl hpr. 1 "You oUl:ht to Il't (III"" ~II .. wnI11'<!. "''"lint h n rlll IU1'I'e 1 e'· ~r n UIlI' of


"!.II I. tHlI )'. III' )'Inlnl~ frow h is At ll ' 'Ille snort anys or Ule yenr olld ('01111'. ,lio 1I'111111j 1l' ~ 1101 fr'"11 tJI~ Mr"l' t- IlI1Y aDd it "I'M tlnr!.: heCorc the whl~ t1r" \\'llI'r,·. I I ~ ju,,1 I'aillts \\'1 IfIl'~ "ruuml blew. Wben t11 11 .1101111 cllmc. Hlhh~ 111111 IIIItI It's 1"'''l1l1rlll.'' -,reut to bls olll~e, where be dll'eslcd "'1'11,. "1IIro'·n'." " ", IIlm.elC or hlB ol'ernlls- bls slll"lft Iii . flit ...-: " \\'o lltll l rf l1l! 1I f' F:r'fi~ thp sky thrnu J.!h "ergen~ trom ttl o rolltlnof hlo fe l. 'f ... ..., q it, ~tll1ll'h.n\" . Jl l' 11n p~ th t! Ugly rOllr~ low workmen- ond otter 'hnt b o '1°1'1 1 () t ,·IW:iP ) H Hl:o.l·~ thrun}.;h n huze nr \. ~ .011)) nnCl water copiously. Ttli "'liS NIIU,l lu', lIud h{' llup~ slIIoky !O\lIn~(lhl RIHl bls trallllrorm nUoc BCQUe: !le P R~AC(I ~JllO I'Y ""1 "' I~~" . 'lIIu.• IIe I\II .k Il tl ,.... Into \.be otnce 0 roth r rroll yunnr; IIIIII"S w ith II,,· 1h'III')' , ~o!l ,I . ~Iow (,,,I· worklDg mon notlcenbly begrimed, lind IIllalH n f ~1I1("I "1.: 111 f t 1111 " ~ ro\\" nrnll passed out ot It to tile 1>o" e"'~n; II IIII! IIltU'p 1'11Il'1"'II 1 III1lI Illlxln){ "'IIlI UII" dloerfully preoccullied 80m pi e oC ~en - hll z ,' LI,.:hl in thp d ls lllll .". HlId ho hlluy, taIItldlous to the point oC eIPRllncl'. ' l1tl';'r~ wllh Ih;, hrukt!lI' 'kl'lI n~ of In IIn~' hoI1y IlI nt YUIl w llnt to 1<!'f1' "'" The sldowalk wn8 cro wded wlUI the 1"uwlI'tnwlI Illi HlI' Il'll w ith ·11;" ~~Illkl' nll\'e; tl JI:~t look r"t, Jtl~ Ilfl," I til.\, bearers or dinner palls, men ond boys Illlli with IIIIlI Jl't .. of nlpn·r tllIIl . ~ 'JlI'I' ~ I ~~('~ e tg~t n~I' "Y /~n: ..nd women And glrls rrom ti, e workOtll~, n nt 00 { W In 11" til" II n. ~1D8 tIlllt closed ot 6;e. Mony bur. I wlllltr,l to hll~(> n ~norl 11111 .ned aDd some loltorod: tile went both nnll b nw l'oult.l 17. "hero R nlly 1!0OlI Mat aDd wast, jostlln, anotller tllllc limon" tllP .1I .'hcrhlllns7 Tlll',r • " ""pr P\'"" hlli l wino on Ihl' tnhlp! I and Bibbs, t\1rn ln~ hi Mfll p hO llll'lI'n rtl. tholt /: ht I wu s mllrrylng In t o n rldl all for ced 10 go Rlowly . fJltltll~·. wh ere I'd mCl't IIttrnd"' p Coming towunl 111m . "" ~l()w l y . pcoplo l'd rpnll nl'ollt. olld trn 1'('1 . IlIIII ebrouah Ihe crowd. u tull Illrl ""lIgbt go to dlll\ rt'8-llllrl. nh. lil Y l',orrl! 1111 or his long, tIllu HKtIl'e an ll .1011,1 I got Wll ~ til """ l'h('rltlnn.! I dill th Q lUll until be bud lI!Jnost pu~"" d hl'l'. lIpqt r \.'oulrt: r JU Ht Irl xl 10 live. • . . for In thu thll'k crol\'d n"d the Ihl"ItI'r l.'hIUA'~ Wl' re jus l heglon lllg to lon k aloombe did not reeognlze bpI'. lh ou); h brl ghl"r, nnd tlH'1l I snw 11 0'" Edit h bill shoulder octnnlly 10llc hell b!'r • . li e \I'll" g.,tt l"g him nw ny trom me. Ao ,1 wonld hMve gone br. bllt "be III II:::h",1 whllt 1'0111,1 I do? \\'bnt cn ll nllY W OIl1delightedly. nod he SIO)'lI,e.1 . 1101'1. nil 110 In my tl x? I cOllldn't .tu nd It ! [ Btartled. Two boys. 0110 chnNlng IIJe w,'nt to th .. l Id clf'-Ihnt '·ertr"~. girl other, 8\Vept b~tw ... en tltPnl . nncl lllhhM -nlld "he COlll rl h'1I'e hl' l(1l'(\ me n "tood stili, peering obout blm In clcl'P Ii ltle. nod It wOIII.ln't Illwe hurt her. perplexI ty. be lellnE'11 loword blm. T"el h pr wn lU" l'lhyl's Yoke, ItOIl NI(' "J knew you!" sll e 8111d . from bll hhlln g. hecllme no lIlore t bll ll "Good hea vens!" cried BIbbs. "[ a 11I1<I,y whl ~ llI'r, UlouA'h she Atro re thought if "'nll your voice comlcg out to mnke It 101ll1er. She struggle,1 It ili f ot I star!" up riJ.:1tt. IIl1d tlte nurso restrll11l(,ll hr.. "[,d get up out of this be,] to sltow h,' r "Thel"e'" oclY 'smoke overbend." silid Ms.ry, snd Inugbed Ilgnln. "Th ere s bt' 8 u't do s uch things t o mo l I w n~ aren't a.1lJ" 8tars." IIb ~ IU lely lady llk p. nnd she .... nlked "Oh. Y08, tIlere werc-wheD you out IIml lett me there alone ! l';he'li Ilughedl" \lee I :;lIe storted ntter Bi bbs beforo She took his orm, and they ,vent on. Jim's casket WIIS fairly undergrouod, ·'rve come to wolk home " ' ltIl you, ICIJ, IIIH, think. 8lle's londed tbat poor Blbba. J wanted to." loon-but she'll soe! She'll sec! .And "But were you here In tbe-" IOd!!11 n e<!Il't hnve t(llcl wbllt sbe told "In the dark? Yost WaiUng? Yes!" Ho~co ~It WOllldu't bave hurt bel' to Bibbs WAH T'ftdlnnt: be felt surtoentlet me olono. .Alld he told ber J bored .ct with bapplness. He begnn to scold bhD - I PI~pbo nlng him I wanted to see ber. <,p......... ".., blm. He neecln't bo,'o dOlle It. He "But it's not sofe, Ilnd I'm not worth "I've Come to Walk !:tome With You, lIeedn't--needn·t-" Her voIce grew It Yoo sboult1n't bavc- You ought Bibb.... fill II I,'1'. I'" r !hllt whll('. with I'Ihlltt~. to know hetter. Whllt dld- " bove coloMi like an orcllltrd tn mid. tlon. th'JlI;:h s he woulLl !to 0\"'1' It nil "I wallin this part of town alrcndy." April. I'm going to take you there uglli n II R ~oo n H~ her s tr"nl(th !'('t llrtl el!. abe aaJCI. "At least, I wns only seven some Sucdoy afternoon, Blbb8." ~h,' IllY punllng. Then . St'Cltl.a: h r b\l s, or eight blocks awny, Bnd It wos dark "You're sbowlng me tile town," bo Imlld _11I11I1i1l11 dl~h{,I·('h·d In Ih~ clo.1r· wh!!n I came out, nnd I'd hnve holl to IIIIld. "I didn't know wbat '19'&1 in it \I'll)'. "])OI1't come In, 1I 00<~()r." she SO home alone--nnd 1 preferred going at 011." Illlll'lllllrt"i. " I clon' t WlI nt to "('~ you." "There sre workers In beauty bere," Ami li S Ill' turned IlWII .I· filJe n']rlNI. borne with you." "It'l pretty beautiful -for me," Mnld sho told him, genUy. "There are other "I'm k ilid of ~orr., for you. rt"." Bihbs, 'wlth a deep breotb. "You'll palnte1'll more prosperous thon my II pr IIl1 tn l':olll. t. EdItJI. 'vn~ not more bever know wbnt It was to benr your trlend. Thore are 011 Borta ot things." cohc""lIt III Iu' r ow n wHllln~s, al\(I ~ h e lanp In the darkoess-anll tben t o"1 dIdn't kDow." hutl thl) u,l\'(ltltnge of II lIlottse r for to lee you 8tauding therel Oh. It was "No. Since the town began growing !lMteul'r. She 1.1 011 fil s" tile ,ll. ,ltl \'lltlIt_It w8slIko-- How can 1 tell yon 80 great thllt It called Itself 'greater: Iltgl' Qf II moth er Cor dll('lIl1f1 . IIl1d ;lfrs. l'I'bat It W8S like'" Tb ey bnd pn8~od one could llve bere all one's lite and 81)(11'1011 11, 1\II.I!!r b er btl "buntl·. sllllrp beyond the crowd now, nnd a crossing know oDly the aide ot It thut sbows." lulelsl gl:. .pro\'l~d un e ll'(>CU\,e one. lamp aIlone upon them, wblch re \'Culod F:rllth "'fl S reduce,} to tel ol11l0nl&I" the tact that abe wos wltbout ber futfl, "'l'he lJeauty worl{ers seelU burled " Bere was a puzzle. Howc\'er. nllow- very deep. " snlll Hib bs. "A nd I ImolC' J,Rmhorn trow shops wheuever sbe Ille tbut your f rlc ud wbo mllkl!S th_ could jugg le her mother Into a mo men · Ing It to stand, hlB sollcltutle tor I, r tat" tll stl'llction o'·l1r Il counter. took anotller turn. "I tIllnk you ought smoke helllttlful must be burled d eep, to Jlave a car:' he sRM, "esllecllllly est or 011. My tlltber lov es tbe s OIoke, E()lth wus Incompnrobly more · In _hen 7 0n waDt to be out after durk. but i can't Imu gl n" bls buylog one of love Ihtln before Lomborn's cxpuls lon . Yon need ono 1n whiter, onyhow. Hnve your frl ond's Illctures. lle'd buy the H cr wuole being WlIS Ilotlling but Ute 70n e1'er asked your tntber Cor ODC?" 'Bay of Nap!es: but he wouldn't get d eterlltlnllilon to burdlo cveryUllng . "No:' said Mary. "I don't think I'd one of ttlo~e. I:!p'd tblnk ~mo\ce In Il ttlilt S\~I)JlrU{e(\ bel' frolll blm. Sbt! \"0 8 cal'll tor one particulllrly." . picture wus horrllJlc--uulcss be coulll III II s illte tbat could be altered by "But my mother tried to IMlst on use it for Iln IIdvcrtiserucnt." only Ibe IIgbtest ond .moat d ellcnte dl· .endlna' one ovor h ere o;ery otler"Ycs," ijlte 8111d, tuou ghtrully. "Aotl pIOIllU('y or suggeRtlon, bllt Sberldllll, lloon tor me_ I WOUldn't let bel', be- reully he's tile' t own. 1'hey lire hurled lik e I('g l on~ of other parc uta, Intcusl· Clnae I Uke to wnlk, but a glrl-" prelty d eep , it seems, some lln1l's, Oed lJ('r Ill\ s~ lon and tcd It bourly tuel "A Mlrl Ilkes to Walk, too," snld Bibbs." , lJy OIlPOSIUIJ to It nn Intolerub le force: XI\')'. "Let me tell you where '1" ' 0 "And yet It's IIll wond erful," be sllid. 110 s wore sbe sbould cool, lind tbus sc t been this otternooll and bow I bnp. "It's wontlcrtul to me." her on Hre. ponee! to bo neor enough to mnke you "'.11.011 melln tbe town III wonde rful Ellith pltluned n co tly_ Sho fought tate me borne. I've been to see n lltUe to you?" hllrd. enlry oilIe r evening, wltb lI er old man wllo mnkes pictures or tbe "Yes, because cI'eryU, lng Is, Mince talher, Jlml kept I, er l1 ell betweell tim es .moke. He hll8 a 80rt of wnrehous e you called me your tl'iend, ~rh e 'Ity to let him see wbn t bls violen ce hud tor lltudlo, and be Il,'cs tbere with 18 only 0 nImble on the horizon for Ole. d one to her. 'l'bell, whe n U,e mprc lila mother ncd hIs wife and th eir It con't como 8ny closer U100 \lie borl· Rl l;'llt of her Ret him to tlrenUllng fn s t, aeTen chlldren, ocd be's glor iOUSlY zoc 80 loug ns you let me £Ice YOII s he snltl pltlnuly Ulilt sll e might uCl1r happy. I'd seen ODe of bls pictures at stnnllln/:' uy my old zluc eatl' r 1I11 dny her t"oubl o If she went n woy; It wnB an ezhlbltloD, and I wnnted to see long, lIe l llll1g me. Mllry-" Ho HlofJIJcd ImllossllJle to be III the sn me town wltl! more of them, 80 he sbowed Ulem to willt 0 /:,II Sp . "Tllu t·s tbo IlrHt time 1.11 mhOI'll ond not think nlwny~ of hlll1. me, He bas almost e,'eryl blug he ~\' cr 1' \'e culled you 'Mnryl'" Perb"p~ In :-lew York ~he might forge t paInted; 1 don't suppose lie's sold "Yes." SIlO Inugbed , II little trcm- II littl e. She lind written to II 8choo l more than tour or live Illcturcs In hl8 uloualy. "'rhQuglt I wnoled yuu tol" frl clill. estl\b ll ~ he.1 'lu lc'lly "1'1I1t on fife. He Mlves drawing lessons to keep "I SR ld It wl1hout Ullnklng. It must nUllt In Ilpartments-mlll II mocUI or .U"o." be· becnu se you came there to wnl" RO of Ih"nlel's (Iud r estnurlHits mlghl "How elo you mean be JlalDts tile ~olHe wllh me. '1'hllt must be It:' brlllg I,cnce. Sherldnu sholl ted wltb amokeT' Blbba aRlied. "Womell lik e to have things sold," relief; he guve ber 11 copious check, Mary lutoruled blm, bel' tremulou8 oct! she leCt upon n ~lo ntlllY mornillg, laugbter contloulug. ""Vere yon glod WI''' ring "Iole ts with llcr mourning, I cnmo tor you ?" nlld bllVIIl!; kissed cverybody gooLlby "No-not 'g llll!.' 1 felt 09 If 1 were except Sibyl nud BllJbs. She might Says Drink Water being Cllrrled slralght lip IIlld liP nud ho ve kl ssctl nlbbs, but be tnli e,1 to up--over tIlo clouds, I teel like thilt rellilze UUlt tllO dny of her Ilcpurluro If Wish Btlll. I tb lnk I'm tbnt way most ot hntl nrrlved, autl WIIS surprised, ou I'ethe tlmo. I wooder whnt 1 was like turning from his zinc enter tIlnt eveFat and Plump before I koew YOll. The person I WIIS nl'ng, to /lcd h er go lie. "I suppose tIleu seems to h(II'o been somebody they'll be morrled there," he said, cas· (lIse, not Blubs Sherldao at all. It uolly. seems long, lo ng II go. I was gloomy Sberldnn, wnrmlng bls stockinged THIN MEN AND WOMEN nnd slCklY-:-8omehody elsc-somebody f eet at the /lre, Jumped up, filmIn g. 1 doc't understulld no\\'. n cownrd "l~lther you go out 0' bure, or 1 wlil, Do You Want to Cat "at end Be afrilid of sbudows-orrllld ot Ullngs Blbbsl" he snorted_ "I dOll1t wllnt to tIlnt didn't exlst- nfl'uld of myoid he In the some room ",lU, Ule Iml'ti cu , zloc enter! And now I'w only afruW Inr killd of Idiot you IIrel Sh~'H tllrough ot wbat. mlgbt clmuge unylblng." with that ,1Il'rllfl'; all' sbe neede,] \vaH . She wns silent n moment, oml then, to bo kept nwRY frOID blm a few "YolI're bappy, IlI u b~·!" ijbe nsked. weeks, aud 1 kept he r nwny, and It "Ab, aoc't YOII Roe?" be cried. "J did tbe business. [o'or heaveu's sukc', wont It to lu st tor 0 thouannd, thou- 20 on out 0' he rp.I" sand years, Just ' LIB It lsi You'ye mnde / <IOn~lnuttd 00 page III me 80 nch, I'ID a mlser_ J wouldc't have ODe tiling dlll'erect-nothin" nolhlng l" "Dear Blbbsl" ebe sold, anCl loughed hnltlPlly. t;'I







I' .. I



To Gro,w


CHAPTER XXIII. BIbbs cODtlllued to Uve In the shelter or bls dreom. These "'''ere turbuleDt day8 ID the new house, but BIbbs hod' no part whiltever In the turbulencehe leem~ an nb8ent.m~Cled st:ranger, ~~~!~'~~~,~ presoot b1 Bccldent Bnll not who1l7

'''-..'''~.- .... --


Rware .... t be WQR Vf08ent.

"About ' 'wo ),eara ago I hlld a SG.era of dl1"rboe& whloh laeted over a week," writes W. (J JObel, Buford, N. D. "I bename 110 weak that I ()oluld not B'aad uprIght. A. druggle' reoommeDded Cbamber. laln'l 00110, eh·olera alld Diarrhoe" Remedy. The tint doee reJlflved Die and wl'blu two dlS'1 J "a118


He would ' sit, f&latty Bmlllng o'Ver PleaaDt Imag· well ae ever." Maoy drOlllls'. ri!. lnJnp IUId dear remlDJecenCIII of hi. oomm.end 'ble rem", beoalllB 'hey OWD, ~. ·blttle raged betw8811 JIl4.Itb know tb.'ls I. reliable, Ob&.IDabl. IUIII . . tatber, or wJalle 8IIIrf4u Uo "_1wller••



L tl I H. :';bnrt., d mrx .. ,." tb,' Yill -;n Itr ~oulh L I, OOll aud t il 'onoty l'''U'tlll:'I!>lItJ' iI, mo nu] o uly ; IllU ll un t lI.1>t.IIlIOd " 12,I)U U I II thr 1II01l l' r of the I\Jlpll('u~IIJ" r tb o 'l.' ~l1"lllll of tl", 1'1 IUmn l PIIlIl Pr (J~I).y r l\r lnll 1'!s\\l('\1 I \1!1 . uo m lll'r,. .,1 O!\tll t~. Sun,hO r u1<ol'Y v ~ .b·l'I\nkL~rr·J:;ol.V, dl\'lJl'c · ; wlltul all.'\ I1(·u Proceedill RS

1!:.l'lu~~I~~:~', ~:i '11.U I'~I~~~U~r tl~:~;I~~;:

tlou of llr"I't't' oI~ urlMIU Io! h'UfU ~h lu ,'I rel\lt',latu IlTLiO I'~ll. .... ()(1I ~\. A. I'lurca \' . Le rn ldo~ .


t'l e r 'u LJ"'o r\'u "rulllud, " 'Rrollna ,\"hlo \' ,. , I ,,~. Bru", n \ II. ~ · tl J\ of r 'n ll'ti tnt o unl o r ~ll . I Mllrilln I'; . r.l lll<,) r ,1 \'~ . l' I~I'Ir ~(\ u Butl.flrw ,' rllt 1'1 Itl /"in I, 1)( f(\nl ll~tall! I>nl l' rt'd. 1Ilrlff K 1 ! (Jr~I<o Y b'rnnk Rflllllltt( ilL fil. 1::;'11,\:\ "]llIr!> \' tlll. 1I1dLrihuli!> 1I o r der clIL Dui1IlS Phllllp~ YR . H'mjlltlt ll1 \ . ' ruit h o~ nl. ['lIrtitl ' ''1 of r"I\I"~~tlt!l

Lilte a home run with the bases fUll... they satisfy !

o rd o r ~ll.

,J o hn n . l'u r tw rl l& ht Adm r . V~ I F rook \ Vb urt on ot tt l. T r Ull lu.,e ll · till n rlOd co n8trn r t.! 01l f wi lli , lie IlldtJd by t lto court. t \ e rn o ll ' o UIIl VB g,lwnt d ' Vood· 1 w llnl. ellm!!! Oa lll)lr'HI\I ~ell l\url dl ~ ru \8~ed w i~ h O\l t r coord .

. Probate Court ProceedlnJ[1I

Ninth i..,ning-bases full-two out-tie score -batter up Bang I-that "homer" into the 8tands mak~s you feel does satisfy! Chesterfields make you feel exactly the lame way about your 8moking-they satisfy! But they're mild, too-Chesterfields arel For the first time in the history of cigarettes you are offered a cigarette that satisfies and yet is mild! Chesterfields! This new kind of enjoyment cannot be had in any cigarette except Chesterfields, regard. less of price - because no other cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend!


in t b .1 lllllUllr o r 'bPI 6. I,.. t ... a l l t.:hurl e . le . L; rton , o1eC!l 1l8cll. I'd 'I vulo ~ tl la 0)( oh ... t t8 1 ~ u rdore d . ID ahe as tl1l e ot Frl\uk 1:11 k s, deOOIlHUd, Fir,; ', I\nLl li u ll i .lCeollllt Is ' IIjJp rovtJu. In tho es1ute u t C hnrl eti B. Mll n r o~, deo.'nBed . \i' lrat and flnlL! Il Ccu uu~ 111 lI)Jl'r o \·ed . 111 tlltl II tato or R 'IY llIond E. P lltllltn, mIn o r . Finlll · uoauunl lti ILplJruved . lu tho As t a t e o r Albort C lenvtlr, Ulill o r. Fi rs' lind fill 'll IIccoun~ i ~ Ill>pro vtlu . In Ih e ost a t e o f bhry Emmo Uar!lng t o n , doeeasd: lfir!l t lind HUHI acoount III appro ved. In the e!!t~te of 8"rah Jnne WII . eo n, t:lecllasc d. J!' lnt lind flnlll ac· oo uo t 18 '" Pl'roVll d. In tile escnte o f Oe01'II9 Oook, luBane . Sevonth Ilocoont· le approved . III the fstate of .lohn Eyer, de oells e d. Third aooouoi Id u\lpr o veu In Ihe es~nte o f 1\1nbtJl E . Tnfts, deoooaed. If h'H' dod fln .. 1 ..'ooounl Is Il \lllrove<1. . In tile nlllt.ter of the will of Clymenll. Miner, d eooLldo d . Will Is lid mltteu probate. In th e motter of 'he eetate of Ulywenl~ Min or , d eceosed . J , A. RUIlY'ID i_ uppolntod euculor. No bood r <'q uirllcl . J . Wa rren Wood, I. F. l:li ~lJny a nd E a rl D.mhllm lire IlPll olntoi1 upprulstJn. E'. 1\1 , I:Illmllto n .Ir, Admr., vs. Loul'll E A a rkrud e r et 61. Publlo >!Ille or ·r e ..1 eat"Ca ordllred . lu tb Q m n tttJ r of tll c a~ l nte of C .


Try Chesterfields-today!



O . McEwen, d ecol' ~ d, Ma llssil Mo EWOD I S tI )Jpointe d neUlllllst rator. Bond l ;lOO. lO\'olltory Illld uppralsem ~n t 1 ~ o ml tte t). 'In I Ul aglli DBt C. L . & N . Ry • Co., Is oam prowidlld. In tho matter of the estete of Herbert Jeunlul' Y, d e &lsed. Ste lla M. Jenllings Is tlp\lolnted admlol~_ trntrlx . Dond 116UO. . Alex B oxwell , Admr., VB W, f:J_ Millar a t a!. onlea II11ilrav e d. Par. tllli dlslrl bution Ol'(ler ecl. In the lU~tler of the Ippll cntion of ;.Elallnllh M . Glllesplo fur the c bange o r h e r ullmo. NIlUle Is oha nged to I:!annoh M. Heney

20 for 10c

.o ..

Real Estate Transfers


'0 t:burles H . Youog half illteres' In two

~'. BiKo ny

uodlvfdl! <1 trlt ols ill Labll nolJ, $1, U. E. lIod U. M. ~ 1I.8klll to '_II\)\le Nnnn br 3 traots In RumUtown town , IIhip, U . . L . 1. (Jo)em&lI, Adrur., to Jnlla U uger '\IX BOrati In El'lInklio town. sblV, $o'iJ3 A : Frank M. Bnghes Ilnd . Frank Brandau exooutors to Oeora:e 0001 Emmll Ret-old, sever,,1 lot~ In Mlleon, $~ 2~ti. 0, O. (Jla~ett to A. G. Myers, S truote In Mtlitllry SnrveYIi Noel 28, M56 undo2a1l, $1. ti, U. Willooghby to Fronk .Peter~ lo~ N .... ~l iu Wtllou8h1:Jy Addition to l:!outb Lebu.noD •• LOO . W. t:. and M. <J. Wikoff to M. E : Bowyur pad of lot No. 45 In MJl.800 ,

-and yet they Ie MILD

Atu' r th




thl 'Iol(l~s~s o r newspnp"I"fi.

r tllr 'I-

'l' hl ~ J.:I1J'h-

ng' . 1111111 will empt y 1)1I1,,'r 8 111111 Cl,nI Cll ls . n~(' sc t'lILhln ~ th ' ('11 1\ una l" l~ PS It delln. Line tIl ' \111 11 1I11!! r th(1 1)1lrn" rR of gfls HtO\- (' \\'1 th 11 '\\'S' Pllpe rs. 'l'heru IR no (11I1I g r of' the !lllIl"r Clltchln[; fll'C'. IInll Ih,' )l llIl er clltclw~ the IHI I'll ('(I ltll\l ehe". /:,rIlUI!', ('le,. lint! mill' hI.' n 'lIIu\','d fn'q ul'lIUy wllhout hu,·lll/l 1.0 w" " h th e 1,11(1.

Great Question Concerning Work. One of tile \\,t)I'~1 IIf chronic hmll tUl e\'llw Iii \\'orl;11I1.( for tlllily hr. ·" d Withbuyf'!' U!ikf' d t o l"if'l' SO Il H' doJ.: co llurs. out IIn~' int l!t'l'S I III Ih t' 1\'''1'1(, "uti with 8('1 n(: 1",I 0111' IInll I,nlt! ftlr It . fli ght III will to\l'lIr(\ ti ll' 11I~ t1l1ltltln (,I' it<Jr · thN., thu IlIIS"III ,I IlII,,"',1 onr ~lloll etl It son who lU'o vld" H I h ~ I\'or c. '1'111) work 1111 uy Il HI, ln l.(: "Shull I ",rup It up of th e worlll lllll"t I/ u dlllW, 111111 tile n,ntl 81:1111 It, or will you weur It?" . grl'lIt Ilu ca n,," Is, !';hnll It h' Il(lll ' hlll>lilly or IIllhlll'l'lI r? - C hnrl o!! W, Eliot.


Uncle Eben. "Frl e nilly ntl\,lt'e," ,'11 1<1 nilell' l~h c n "rlO (,~ Il'llo much 1:0(l,1. 'c"pllll' Il l" It rt. 1I 1! " <'~ de Ulan dllt !:lts It olTn' h it mind."

Gla.silied Ada


. . . ., . ., ., . .

Partl~lo n)




~teno8f1lpber who cltn take short hand. Apply d the &1. binge r !::lboe Mfg. Uo, Lebaoon, Olilo. a16

MarUm B. AI ullord \'1. Que No_ II7~ S Olark.on UuLtorwonh et 1\1, . By vlrtuo .01an order 0 1 ~\\ I •• duly Iasu od A RMS- Hnve vou" farm or other from .ald (Jo\ltt, ln the abovo SIMed ca8O, and J,() mo· dlrool",l. I will ollur lor .~ Ie , by way Relll E3t .. tO for 81l(e? If 80 list 01 public uuctlOll, III tile (IOor 01 tho {Jourt HoUIU. 10 Lelmllon, W.rron {JUlioty, Ohio. on 811me o.t onoe with W. D. Chandler,




O. 1916

joins .l lot now owoed by JODII W. White aud lront. Iltl), <~U} Ic'O t 011 Third titnlllt and extends bllck . ho .ame ..' Idtb ·.., tho bock end 01 lot No. I (r",,,) aIoresald. . Said Ilrol)tlrt)' la",," Oil Tblrd lit""". the o ...... t stroot 0 0 tb. Nortb being !lUaml, the DUU'... t slruel all Ihe ... oat belllg Jl'ourtb aDd tho lIoare_1 riu lb. Bouth Htgh 8t......t. Salll r01l1 est"I"'I",,, bello rugularl), ajlprall8d ullderord., r nt the COl J r~ ut. ttie Bum of( ll000 .00) One tho"""nd aod tl!~y doUa.. loud wtll nol 1>01101<1 lur 1.... SbUD LWO·LWrtl. ot ""'d' loP. pral-' vul uo. TEIHI8-0ne third cub tn b.... d 00 day, 01 sale. nuu. ",In! 10 008 16&1' ....d ODe tblni In yu.... delarl'8dpa,m.ota 1.0 bo.... G IJOrceOL lotereat and be _u"'" b)' morlpce aD 11l'81li_1101<1, WALDRON O. GILMOUR,


tWaynesville, O. Ov~r P05t~Uice"j

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterlnarv~

Graduate 01 Oblo SIal, UnivenJ1y

Telephone 28


B. v,



Notaryj Public and Deeda



Walter Chandler

All kinds of Notary Work.


Warren Common


Office at residence In 10'. U. Sher wood'B house. Fourth Street.

Petrified Motion.

'I~ry hir ·,1 111:111 ," ~tah.!tl FnrtnN' Hnrn), ("uk. HlR th e fill est ~]H~ chuc n of Pl'lrlfl,'d molion Ihllt I h llve ev"r hlld thu )ll l' n~ lIre of wttue!'ii · lllg."-Knnsu~ lty SllIr.


Office Phour 71




DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTIST••• W.rDehole. 0

WILyne8vlJle, UhlO, or call hore at Phone No. 77 . . 1. hllve Il fe w gool\ out at ~own buyers who ore ullslr. ODS of looking lit proper'y In IHld BA.TRA.W around Wliyn6svllle . Don't d e:I1Y I Attend '0 thIs lit once. Wn.rne.ivUle'. Le&dlDar DeDU., W. U. Uh~ndler. OffiCe in Keys Bld«. MaiD 8t

DR. H.E·.

W. F. Wllllamli e~ III to Emma 8crlbod as lollow.: Pirt 01 Lot No.1 (ooe, JelT.rson BCjuare. In the J,()wn 01 WaFnelW:U1I1I1I18 III .aores in Wll~hlngton In vlllu, W.rrun Louuty, Oblo, such _liar, ad-

township C. G and Elora E. Dook to Cha., E, Ea\QI!l lot Ne. 9 Gin !frllnklin, $1. H. C . ' Ilnd ElllzJlbet·h Keever &0 n, .)1. GlI.sklll 10" No~, 1, 2 nnd ~ In Unio-n ~uWD !!bip t6500. ~eorl::e and He\.)old· to O. Lowe pari of I,oti Nos. 01 and !I~ In M&IIon, $1, W. F. St·rlllklllond to I:rwlll a Birdie FlIliUIiUD loi No. i 10 Dndle,'l1 AdditIOn '0 Now Columbia, B'. 'A Mbnle Knoe1lel 10' in Plaia, 11,'

gnrbug('o Clln h us h 'l.'l1 pmp-

ti l'll "line" Ihe pull with

tick by de<ld l'6Cortled In Vol. 86. l'age 3 of tho 11""01'.1. ot W.rren Coullty . Ohio, aod do-


Use for Old N. W6papers. D('WSlJl1l1crs Ilr" ;11"lIlullhl '.

Hurt Sensitive Customer. An IIhSl'lIt'lIlilld"II 1'if'I'k In a Snn Frull c!s,'u s porllll )' I'l'IlJ ds hlfURC rc lltIy ('I,st lis" 111'111'1\ 1': 0",1 cu ~ lolll c r. The

At 10 o'cl()c" A. &I., on ",Id day. Iho tollowIng lIese r lbOO roul ""tate. to· wit: Lot No. J ( Due ) In Je!ler!lOn !l(lli aro. 10 tho J,()wn 0 1 waf' nc, vlllo,IU 1110 UOUOty 01 Warrell $1. alld Slate U Ohio. ". d08lgu u(,(JU 00 tile plat Wult!lr tlnd Wlulfred WhUaker t8 01 said Town. saving and exce" tlng therelrom, that "art 01 .ald lot convoy.d by Paulin II Thomllil LlI.oy small 'rao' fu WaYDe Butterworth to EdmuDlt aDd Mary J!L Retal-

t o wnllhll)

Ol t!

Marriage licenses Everett Jl'. Law, ca rponte r of Mludleto wn anp Mrs . MY1·tle De. BOllru, of Or,: gouin, J. ll. ~' Ilz. wder. ,.ley Upton C ramer, employod lit PIHerll lJllrtri(lgu Uo., \loll Avlt! H091lha Ul\rter, b o th of Lobllnoll I(ev . E . 0. LewI@. Ue rna rd H. Rlob,ar,iaon, ml\chlll1St o f l')o uth Le llanou IiDd Nurellu M . Klnde rer a t Lebanon LflWl l.ln ee IN. Furuna, tum e r ,.ud Rebll hl. MoMllllln, b oth 01 \~BY­ n8ij \'1!lo, J ennla (Juroi ,


LOOK GOOD- FEEl GOOD N o One cun eUber feel ~ ood nor l ook (1:00<1 while sofTerll!g from oonetipati on. Uet rid of thllt tlrod, drllggy, lIfele ~s feeling by a. trentmeD' of \)r. Kiug'8 New ' Life Pilla Buy a box to.rtuy, take one or t,wo \,llils to nlsht 1n the morning t,hllt IItutred, dnll feeling Is gODe Ilod yon reel better at onoe. 250 Ilt your drugt;tst.


CIGA&ETTES F I ..,L. I",IJ. ., SA"~ .•

*TheMoltExpenli.. "Turltilh Tobaccol thl\t grow are contained In the f .. moul Cbelterfield Blend:- XANTHI for ill fragr; SMYRNA for ita Iweetn.... ; CAVAll.A for ita aroma; SAMSOUN for ita rid,ne...

FOR SALE hand rige; one R1GS-lieaond p!leer, or will lrade.bone for a !lood Jereey oow.

F.rank .11Iler. .


load Shrop8hlre .Buok 'Lambs, 7 .11 eligible to regiBter ; are Bxtra

!lood on88. Also No. ·l beavy Draft Borse, 7 yn, old, Inquire or W . B. WhUaker, WaynelVlIle,


R. 1 a23


WALTfR :McCLUR~ Funeral Director. Waynesv~lle : Ohl~ ' -IUTITBR-

Aula Equlpm·e nt ~ Hone-Drawn ~ulpment

8"11 ha,• •-quaDU&,- of Pula IlherllrWunDOo" Oblo GreeD for .le, O. W, Bauder. ELTZROTH II JU.l'L11 TIL£PHONII '1 .00, W.,..~ Oblo. a1~ A'ttIrMP

DAY oa


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Mr Il[)d Mrp,. J oshUI1 (·oll l1 tt. Mr. : l\ 1 1' ,,~r~. (-I " ". H n!!,ln . 1';" '."111 ~ 1 1l 1 111 (1 \"( .1 "J '11 t h \ ,I .II l t l • li l t , 111 111 11 1 III Rllrl Mr~, I)" n Co lll' tot, lill of I" h~ Ilr. ,, " ,1 AU I' '" tl I 1\ "1 1,,," ,' 1 l it , f II " t·; I . , It :, .' , II ~ (, 1 \ I ~ I j ,t II II , w u rn OIlJltn g OU tr i (ltJdp /, oro Hol!ll M !. lI " olllo n 1'1 !.' ;'lI l1 o n J ,,~ ' l' :' ...:0(- 1. 1 I· t:. \ ". I t 11 , ., n ~\ j ~f iol!l LO r d 1I .'i' , 1'rua-.! lI v . I" tl "1 11 ' 11" ,:1. , II I ~ i ll , T l H I Mr. /lD d Mr~ , U nr ry ::;IIlIlIt nn ,1 :\ll ~~ · 1·n ' . Ii ' l ' t1~·l , ,il , -P' '' lt hi , " . II \ \" \ 'I ,It .. , I n .1' \ '" I I \' I t, " I fl\nn' y , IIf ·l nc lOll 'l l·i. II I IOnll l1(\ I I U dil l' 1I' l r"," ''' U ,'1 1I! :11 1;" Io', l' '' I, m,. {d" It:., I, I I II I~ " ,t ,ll."...· .11 1,, 111 Jo.' ' 1'1 , Uo ll lltt.M ol(uy pl on lo '.lturt111Y . (:lUll 1'; 111 '1I111 1'l 111 !I\' (\ 11 1" , 1.111 1(1 :--:'u wl! I '" \ Jtl1 :\U " ld' -I H I : : liP .) l Ul n u r , J, U . MlOOy tltte uded B io hl l ', M rh. ·, . P I1I 1]1 I' " UDII ' ' 11 11(11'1 11 (I I 1Ih .ol 10' ,, 11 111 . tlloe ~lng In W"yo oB vll le 8undllv , . 1, I! I'U IW tI , l nd, fll r " r'lI" (1IlY>1 T hrn-I \n il I,. 11 :- "10 d lll \ ,~ub , t.t. M, E, Hunday ob uoJ Is bein g h uill !\Irs r.i Iry .l llll " l' ltl fl V<ll' w,, ~ eHII . c Ollll ': I' 1 H. ID I be foreoooo In s t ea d o f tb o afte r. In /,: , rin r rlollll <l in 1l " t'\' l'y ~ h ll r ~ \\l r . ( 'h ·u· lp. fj f.r:: \ I I ~ :n . Vl ' ll noo'J 11M b nH boeo ~he u Rt om fo r TOllr, tin , h h t tl lJu l.\' ' u 0 , "~ ' ~ : 1.1 ,,',lo ! r lJ I.v 1-ml1ny yearH , bl r . IIl1rl M r<l W e h IIlnd o u IlI\~ l . ru r n l l1~ Il h i, c ,· li l sh } ti Ji Mr . Anll MrR . AllIo All on wl're n eRi OIdl to I:II' r \' ~Y R It \l r/.( on (IllY C(-<('tJ Y lll ' lf ~t \\,l f l1 HU U r- Il n ,, !t fll id . tiollduy KnB!t8 0 1 Mr. Allen ~ R s ist er, I D~t wl'o k u(l t h 'l \V e,' I" 11' 11 11 1,11' 1I I IIt o U II "'(II , ' Mrs.. Uarp ljoter . T.. "\(' 1\' 1' li S luIII r , II( l'o m HI lJ Iltld flunUy on t.l1 r t"lnl'd t ui r ltr On ntl /o , 'I rt tnr l1 fl v Thos UutC8 Rod fl~mlly, of Weyncs U rI\n 'Lrn\,u tlurl l'hUli]. u fn\l' t111~· " . 111 :1 ltl' l' wll : 11 liI l' n l tlllltl( vill e, we r,) !:Iolldny vitiators bore, Mrp , "ur illo A rll llluj.(" BIJilll l Eluotion Is JlOHt "ml wo are lill W (ln l'8duv of h\ ,. W(W I! with :'h' IJ ( 11;-; ptlrr hn >;{'. ' ()111 {, booy now drivin g " bros8 b onded nnll Mrs . W11 I Nodou . UY ER 'nok8. " nnd I n lk (I n ' (' )'OIlr pbl l S MlsH V ~ltl E lltN WII~ in ( h kl" llI l " 1 '1'" II llt h ,,.,,,1 wlI!> :, ':, " t r " "I,I, , Doro'by Ihe ,laughter 01 Mr. Clod a n D (I llY lust wo It \\ Itll MI' uud "hll tl t 1',\1( ' " " \," l1r . ,"'I I ,' ~ ,J " ., ) wi t h It " \\\ ' c·:tll "Ii (1\ \ Mrll, JOB . Dav is buo b een I]ulte aloll Mr ~ , Will . II rto u. 1)1 1lL! II I1l IJ. ·\\, ,· II"" ;, r ( 'II~'. I"w " . I for sove ral tiul'S bnt 18 sarno bette r \ . II It Ct\\' 10 s:\ve tl1 l)\ll' )' 1\11 88 V u ~tu Ii:llt~ "' O ~ i ll () ,.tcl"11 11 h ,\ \'" "(ll lI ,~ ill ""- ''' ,I" "n d b ... ·k (1 1' ,1 , as this wrUlng. aDO do.y lu>:<1 wo ol.. . HD u w lll i "",,'I) .. ~ ,. In Ill y ~ 1 " " ' I.l, · It . ill 1 )l1\ · ; t1 ~ :Lil k ill d s t o/Mrs. Mnrl on V" n t res8 stil I reo r ' I I" 'lt r d 0 1 C hlll llbl'rl u llI'lI '1'nl."" , Mr~ \\ "ll.or ,I ' l tl~ll hilt< ], e ll (,n " nl! Inc,1 Ih ( III g o: 1111' l,trll O I llt lll mulD s poorly aud hu s been for sev. iJui ld il l).. tll a ( ''rial. ero I wellk s. th o ~I b It.t, u"l' d h llif 11 bo l I Ie . ot th ~ llI 1 WII ~ I Mrs ~R rflh lin d Hnnnuh Hlt' ll vi ~ [, .. lItlj.( 1111 0 IIU Il hll il n n ~lgn H 01 1 Mra. (Joor ge U"wk, 6f Wayn es ed C iJll l!, Grill' Htld rl\m l l.~ (I t pO' II. " Obtu ln llbl l1 l\\' (' r y wlll f' . ville , Oll ll llli on frl llnde bero Frlclny . il W oy n es vd le r 0081111 y . __ __ _ The jl t nny bU8, wh lob run s Ill to MI'd, Uorl.l Th llDlPS ,I O n nrl dUll g h . ollr town, i8 provlot{ It so lf to be n Bu.'cr,· (jet Qual ity (iuarnntccd on grllm\ thing ILnd sbould bo JIb trOD. t r [l1l8stlrl lh rongb tbl!l vlll" i{o 1,,'1 All Suppli es b od . W cdn e dtly , Mr . nnd Mrs Fred i:l1l f' lIll n u M r , Mr, IIDd Mrs. Wru . H oblo lloo we r e I oUI.of.\OWD vla"o r s I:!l1tnrd ny uo d and Mf~ Ira Roh"II, Of '1'01 ,10. ollli L o lu L~1Il r, o r "l.l rl ngfiel<l , vl~lt e () - -~ Snodny, . G oo. E ll i s un d fll lllil y I .. ~ t we k. i\l r !\ Dun M"r g llll 011,1 11 I' u (.: htl'r E. B . DI\ktn 'was 000 o t tbe Juro r s Mrs, F':lli tb D I\ \'i~ ,,1~ l t p.d h ut 0)11'111 HUllll n y Wl lh LUll ~ln rr~' 10 ~he ProlJllte oourt two IIH Y huH m olh o r. i\lr~ , 13,)g '11I n fuw (Ill )'~ . M r . ,I obn By Il ttll famll .\· ~p(' nl ' w t'o k . Mrij, E(l Br ow n WtiS II o,Ll lllr In ::Inuli n)" with '1m 1I1,lril tt i lil. WAI,er ' Grny att.ll u ,l od t b o Ne w TiJlJ M I . 1'1 ,,11 \' "'Oln p l"Vf'(1 tll n I B oston Fulr tbl s W b6 k wah hi li n p , ~J lIl'v u Yl!ho r', 'l'h nr p,l .IY Mr. li n d Mrs H. L. Snrfll cc . of Xllll U t llll m. t h" ~ l' ll '!' 1" 'l ng I; to I to.llllte sbo\v h or ses Be ko ow~ jUAt b o w t o IlIl\ke ,he ml oolt 1111 0 th o l tiu~o ,vli.v , U , Mr ~ . ~:,·o WtlnviC'k, In I'll \'( r of X 'l tll n flrllt premlOul. u f LOlJllll o U 1I1l11 I/ OY ';o.l (,., 11 , ot l\\ r B owllnl . '(1 lin 0 1 IJ" j I Il II i~ ' ~ • _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ICII_ _ _ _.,......rmru::lll;:llllRlft:x:mr::;. IZl_ =-.... '1'he Clvlo L.oague mot 811 t,uruu y 61 otllvill e ClI i1 ednu ft' l li d " h en I n~I, "" i l i ll l,( Am " . ,1 "l' k , II u .. fill ( I\ul i l y . •t, af ternoon II' Mr a LonrR 8 url .1I1'" WII ll k . B A . 11111 , " t 1l,l y t tl ll 1_ \'1 . 1ti o~ , .: : _:_ ~....;~---~~---~--------""'!:z:w-I"""-----~~ Tht' Jll olor Pri ~e illo uloblllC,1 11'11 h I I Mr~ . H Ite Jt;wln~ gUl'e l\ tlllk ut. tba It' rleuds ollUroh l:Iuoduy even lo' . Ji'n:r e . Merle 11IHI M"bo M llT illtl , ,' ays a GlagA of Hut on 1511 nrda y , t,h fl ro lJ o l~I Il I!: ' Uil l, Pllullnll MH r ltl tt. , lind r.lln I • f (fll'lCE' RIGHT) M18~ EHle Arnold, of Dll yto n , Ie III I " Morl"U, h It . e I"'e n yls Um/.( i n In- I Every Morning He or(' Bpendlng bor . v"o" t loo lho goest o f UJemberfi bri ng prt'S lmt!l, V 8t~ Ell! Mnr\bn De ll l iJe ro ge, O pl\l 'fh olll!' ' dinnn , Mr, lind Mn, Aw os EIUs, ROU , Audroy Th OUIl' on, Mllrle }llnu , . . Breakfa~t W, ll 'ral.e ~ Dr. Barl Frollt· hall purohu od 11 ,rudith Uotlier, Iruna tlK Itle by, Mr LillI y ~lIlrl n tt Iln (l wi fe. of Ford rnollbont His bU 910eSfl b/l rl I1s !:iulnmer ond Helllu H'lft8(l' t-, Daytou fl llfl n t Ulll) y. with ti eor llO OfT Fat If You Inp rOI\ SeC1 110 t ba t /I horee bnd Iluggy A v ory llleoS.LDt nUern lOu "'us pon l l MtHIRtt flud fl1mlly , \'l flllI \,n ~ I Ll d 'fruad 1'1'<'0" t. t oo slow. III Illl>ki ng funoy w o rk . I J o bl) M a rlll t t null wif o M[lOnt 11l ~ 1 More Fresh Air ~l ()x;i S lUll) $ 11 ,4;; E . B. D"kln ocoompuoled b y b h Mra, fdll M~lIn o n lind M1 8 ~ I~ Lhtll l WBe lt w ith J oo Mllr lntt'p" . :30x3' ,; 12 t),'1 15.0U ullole, Jorvl!! 8 a I·t o n, vial ted Mr.. apont Friday Bnd ~lll turdny vlsltlo!!!, I J a il My e r", of Bell broo k ~p o n t :J:!x3 ' , I . 15 Hi. SIJ Hlltlon's brotlwr, Le vi of Lln ooln, r e illll"es in Mo rr 0 w un d L. <l vtJIBO(1. !::lund y 'lVlt·h hi s mo, h e r , 111, for Iltveral dey" r eceo t ly belol( MrR nmb lind UtloDllh Hloll Mpont EdnlOud Rosoln , of Dnvto n WA C 11e t\luJcratc in Your Did and r~cl hI C l~ wUh him DO bls Ilr,th bl r Lhd l~y. 'I'h o " W" 'ht willi TUSSLO Hatton 'II are 10o K·II ve d people , ,I n\'. 'rhuudt\y witb th llir 81st ll r , Mr H, tbe guo~t or ,Joho L e v i nn d f um l1l' J IIU A Le~1t th e oeclslon IJl'log Mrs. un d s y . our CII: I'hone 00.3 vis Is 89 and tholr brother . Geor g CORW I • 01110 8ar tib Rl nh'H lI av nts·fuu rth IJlrth Mr!. William BtRdllook Is sick nt I knowu as Dr . 8atton, 180 2, dllY . 'l'ue oOlllbln ,'d tlglll! o f tllll 8t) t his ,vrltlng. ~ . ~~~~--...;.-----""'=~~ Bevefal trom h e r e atte nd ed th e - - - - -- , I. .at!k or tr(\fih nlr WfHllums t.h" oxy~on I' "r. ,. ':olloU.MoKIlY plonlo b eld at Its u~ . »lS~ rs ttl tw o hon d r ed t\vollt y . tlJr ~e I 1 ' rrl u, l Kl\\' f\ r or tho "lrt(lf l. th' I, \, " f h ftt '() UW_ 0111 plaoe 00 Buok lluo . . ),eurs, M. r, lind Mrs, <:~OQ. Bogu n srnut SHOULD l1NI~ ENT GO "llI~",.h, l at a\'r u"",III!O' ,,,,,I tiro . I·tlm. 1 Mr, aod MrA. W . W . Welch u t,. t:;undAY wHit Mr. lJI ud Mr t!. \Ya r rf' lI I , , ," " n yo l tl'~ ,·It.1 IIr",,,. nr6 IIlIII I" .... I t l" ." ,· teoded Qonrtflrlv m e eti og a t C" esnr R Bogll n n ou r U iokor,VYlli o. O f ('ou rtoe i ~ h n lll d ! I" r 11 "r" It ;·, 1'h. lI. nrt RI·tl"" I.. " ',.",,,. ,,.. 'nlc . "'hrk I. Funeral Dir('ctor orellk Hnturd uy, .. I 'I \ V T J rI 1 "I.rB nO(l U~ duv wIt D yun l' Ul u~(' l eR , nn nlr"rL IInu Illu " e""ly .. I tlt~ 11411 "" I. ,10 I I'" , I ... r . nD e " r.e. , , Or Ull nt I hll VO bee u o ~erl'l ~.. cl.l () Ih o II t1l '~ UII ' . 'ro)'o" . _ ane Jl, m Hl mC I' , I nct ed 11 BU rprl Se o n M r" . nO Mr~... ]le'.tloo of J:i JlJlln ' lI J.1 rl1 m n,,1 wilJ [' Ill pll t 0 11 bl' 11I,1""r Ill" I. IInll""III, · u'"1 • • Ri Ch r\ rd Br n wn n Ol1 r \ A' u t elvi ll e , tl;~ t ll Boron o~~ /I ud tlti1l'o t:~s n w ny II[ 118 ' llr" l. Uu t 1lIl,lgto(1 11I !Ior""I ,," It ("r 11)' 1 1 W aynesvill e, O hi O. 8 u utl Y· I e f f 1 r. tl ill r m a In~ Lli n OXYJ.!1l1l l'urr y fll j.! l1' ,\\\tr o ( ( li n M n M ~. D ' . , Hn e R ~ y l l n n Ulf! f& 1U 1)e 01 J(j II jolot! fllK'r lrl1lA Ion O .IC I lhu,.i t.y IU .. y r. ·... ul l. • 1 "Wll o o our little boy. n o w sev e n ' r, a n r s . (" (I : n \ IS E= ]l n U1 rro w , ·' lnu t: h() ~l r, l '11 ~L) nRft 'h i \\7jj~.I1 V(lU'''OllIIlU l'·flu :trl lot l'tl lllL( 1 i"I'H.,!IL,, 'Ve hnvl ~ .ut'r~u'j."'l'd \ 'l Lh an tl l,1I cr . yea rs 01 , wa I~ baby h e wa s cur ~ " Il f'dny ult r [l.o('n \':1111 I h~\ I' ~(lU , IlI r ., 8 Il d \l .ll Illt-Ut'!; olf '.ool h,ICll., , ul<u tl lU ' (( "'LLUr l n lm",I,u,," rn lJ" " " " "lI l lakOrLO lo(d llll ""'" _" w"wl il lotl of nbo1ern 1Il 0 r b uR by C hom berJ,,\n -. Mr . J o e DU\'18 In H l o rv ('.\' bun:, liff nnt k , \'llc k IlIHI(\, Stlll~~. bit,· " " I ii j ',," r 1I~lJr 1""' 110< '1)1110" JIoI.c' .,u l YUllr aill e l u fu rniHIl "I III " r :111 a UlIl til" Uolte. ,;b oIOrtl lind I IiRrI'b R R~1t\ Mr~. J ohn W o lfe "pont Iie vorol lIud t ba Ill ',n y O ~ (,ll" Li t '! thllL uro lt~al'lI 1'1I . " eu <I'''," ~il l'llrr~ I (\~ "",""" " lollr. h"rFC draw" f Ullrr.11 edv," wrlt118 Mrs . • 'ill n ey ::;1 m 111011;0 , dn ys lAs t w t'l' k WIth h o r nl eoe . Mrs. cld rn l nl t " n VIl Ofl ll OU "\V(I wonld <l c' n ,,( " ""I~htl)' un" IInll ... I, lI y lILt. . Hilth phon ill oml'" nll tl 1:",;iucIlCC, lI'ul r Un,', n , N . y, "olnoe thtm ' b Ui< . ' VI! rW II k ue u r l ,t'h"n o n II. sn o n lel\ .n on r 1u ' l( Ill) 0 ~o OU I -11"" .. 1." .m" II LI((IO ,..,. YUIIlJ' ,.,U ,ly _r," I .. LOllg' d is t un cc, l;u, 1-) , Il l)mc \Iho n ot,ber m emberR o f nil' ftl mily hil \, I) '1'", nt'·. In e of th o Vl'UU'-' f,l lks 10 fI vuo.diflll or ( 11 11111 ou l, Wit h 0 1 tl", uII(''' " lr . llr''UII .." ltlO I'I )' ' 'k.'''I ';''lll ro '''r ''I U ~· 14-2r , J : 0 " L '\V t drt ~al .. t II I~ I \ (It t.u.• . ~~", In IJ u. ~ h ilS n ." \ . 1 u sed thi s Vol DlIble medloln A fo r 00110 t,bl v lolDlt}' t o k 1\ J" lI y ltdyrldo IO!lU . In ~~ll ' ,ll t , r l as 0 0 vn· ,, ~ \t" " " 'r ), 1I1I"" I"1l ' .... Ior.. Ior" I,kll'" 1111'\1 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ ___ _ _ __ I1nd bowel troub illij wi t h ~ ood s uti • T u tl t'l~dt,y V oing . on U o111 r. : \\ U II n I t t or , ve r y : I LIJ1.. U 11...,0\1 ' 0 n(l flr l)ad l l11l\l1 l IIl u l "-L I IIItJ 1.1 1111 1. fnollon and 1 IlIRdl y eDdorse It ns tl ~Ir, All1ll Rnrt.~ ''':l'' n fl(l l iss Vi olu I tbln~ fro !)1 " I'I \lnv~ 10 l,oo rh ,oll ' 1V . I~h yn" ..,."llo,'ery fll w lik ; " u," 1 kC"I\I 'I' , r om ed y o f (Ox op tionlll w erlt," )b ' onlu ne p nttiHtnl·(lA Yllt. tilo ' u u. n _ I Pntnhottl i ~~ ,tu t b tU!, ho p r j'). tJ , ' t. r"I u.t.II1iIl1 LU IIIII "yn uf\rt' dll " I' I H llul.lHfll. l l-:-.,.-----I~jtllN·~~' tnlnubl e ove r yw he l o. tau DB . pa r ed uu ci lul\'? o un ff'f,Crc't L.l . i · " ,ss..'n ltl D1tIU IIUL~)ly Imrl l1lt t.'(K . Ito! 1,11'1' :'4I\ u l lO !

. 'I


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TilE D. L.


MIAMI W ookly/ at

""tt . I. ~(j



this section

~ditor and Munnger Iy failing to oure wilh looa l trell lmcll t,


prol' ou lleed it lllcll ruble , ClI lllI rh is " I"cul disease, "rca lly llliluelle.d by .on llitutio n,, 1 ('o ndillolls li nd therdorc re i - 'luir• • c,1ns tllu tional Irelliment. Hnll ' , C"Lll nh Curo, mll nufnct llr~d b, 1'. 'J. Chelll!), /« Cn ., Tol r du, Ohio, is II CO lJ s ti -


AUGU,,,T Iti, I!JW __ _~

There Is IIInre ('alnnh

. o f the cUllnlry tha ll all o lhu dl~a ""s Ohio put logt'lher, Bnd for , ears il "ns sup· posed 10 I", Illcu rabl e. Doc lors pre. sc rilJcd local T£'l lltdlcs, n nd by (, H lltit ~lI l t ­

.'" -=- -=-


....,.~""'====C':..:."...,,==.--.~~~~ ..t~ft",_·"""_"""_""_=_=_=_=_=_==_=_=_=_=~I1'!~

Intio Jla ' remcdv . i, ' ak~n inl ern ull y And

IIc ls Ihru Ih t' lil""d U ti Ihe Mu",,"s SlIr. fnres of Ihe Syste m, Une HIII"lr""l 001 ia rs rewu lll is ufTcn·rl fu r .. ny elise t hn l



Hall's Clltllrrh Cure f" l1 ~ 10 c ure . for dn' uluI'1; lind ' es t illlh uia is .


F . J . ' HBNEV ,~ C " T .. lcdo , Ohin. &,111 I.y l)", g~i' I s , 760. lI ull' s Fumil), Pill s I" r eo I St,II"It. ," .



Author of of


Pauoclt. .. etc.



II l h"~

\.I,oYI't1 tim geRmre or III nRno !lUll hllnduj.(ed, And the blaok "Ilk 81111': WII' till I'OlIlId ~h rl,l.lII's n pvk, hilt 110 " 0 1'11 ot Ourll cy'8 lind 1111 exoru· clll tlllj.; twlll!=c ot 111\111 ulrt k' 'l)pSher11111 II'S hllllli III till' Hit II/:. 'rlt, \\'ouud8, I! lI l,(ht l'IIUII!;h UI'Ij.(llIlIlIy, hu,! hlK'omt! IlIr ,(·tutl·lllt! Ilt's t litHO he IUlll IIt ~loll"ed till' blltlllll!;('8, Olll! b e'I ~lll" WII8 loug d,'lnYI'(I. Sher ll!,," 11I1l1 the hn bIt ot gc~ ltll''': he l"Oulll UIII " tuk e tlm e ' Lo r~ 1I,emhur ." h ', 811111 , tllIIl he must hll curo(III, IIlltl ho hud I\INO II e urlou/! lu· dl!(lIlltlo1l w l tll his hurt; be re fu sed to

Rollflr& Ulyno and f"m lly. of Dayton .. ro vlRl&ln(f John Uflnnlng aod 81aler lor " . fow dllYs. Mr, Gleoo BUOIRtO O, 01 Xe nia, 80tM Sa,urday Boll SondRY wHh Ili. 00010 Vranll Weaver aDd f,l nully , Jollo EllloU and · J obn Lamme mot Ired t.o OlnolnUlltt lalt Suoday Tbe lIonnal uoloo ploolo (JJ f &he Sundoy Sobool8 of SUKU Urea. rownlhlp will bo h e ld In 1'ornor'l! woodl weat of Bellbrook, Augu8t 17. Howard· 'rille, or Oleveltllld, Is vlsltlog ,bill m otber alld brother Will Ta&o, Prof. W, C, Wilson, wb o WRS ~opt. of &bo 80hool8 bere twe nly. four 1ellt8 IIg0, oolled 00 old friend. bere Jan 1'buredll1, Mrl. .lohn Und.rwocd and 1100 Ohsrley vlMUed Mr, Imd MrH Paul Muore d 1)0rvoYlburg IlIsi Frlday . I4ra Walter Weller eoterlRln r.d 'he W. l), A, 0& her ouulltry home Houtb of town IIUlt lI' rld~y Miss l"lor"noe Myors 18 v:lsltlog ber sl~Ior ut U, hRnfl

- -----.- --

WHY ENDURE SUMMER COLDS1 II hm't n"O"H!IIlry to bav e a~tulTe l) hend, runnlog DOlle. '1'0 o ough your baud oft' liS It were. All yo u ne d llo Is \0 usa Dr. Uell's Pln e.'r.. r.HolI. oy . 'I'he 800lhlng and benllng balsaws opeo I,be ologgeq a ir pas. Baget! t1nd 10 a s hort tI 'no yon It e~ relief aod slllr' au the rOlld '0 r ll oovery, Your 008e IItOps rouDlo!!. y ou oougll lesl und y o u know y ou nre gt,lttlng better. Got ' u hoUIo 089 as dlreo'ed Keep what Is l e l~ alill oough aDd oold Inllurllnoe.,




Ml88 BorDloo Balofll, o f WlhnlDg

• '0 , IH 'he Kues t of Mill!! FraDoil!

WIISOD. Mr, nod Mrs Ed Crew, of Daylon "Don't Como In, Roeeoo," She Mul'- were 'he 8 ne '&8 of BODry Orew aDd mured.

pny It tbe compliment ot allwlltlng It" pxl~tence,

Till! • ntur,lny following Edltb's depllrturo Gurlluy CAllie to tbe Sberl(lnn

f I J




bul!(lllig to ' dre88 Ule wounds ond to hnve a t!llk wltb S b erhlnn whlcb tho dllClor felt bnll become .necessary, But bl' 11'118 a little before the a(lllointed tilDe lind \\'us obll"ed 10 wnlt II few 1Illllut<'S 10 nu anteroom- tbere was a' dlrllclol'9' mectlu« ot 1\()1lI\! sort In ShIlI111jlu', orneI', The door was 811gbt· Iy oJllr, Jenklng Cigar smoke ant! ora· tory, tlto lotler nil Sberldan'lI, and GUl'ney listened, "No, elr: DO, air: OD, Rlr!" be beard tho ,!lIg voIce rumbling, . and theo, brcuklDi loto tbunder. ". tell yoo NOI SoDie o'you men wuke /lIC lick! YOII ~d lOKI! YOllr conftdence In .Aliul"bty Oott If a , doodle!>ug tllpJ)(l(1 bill hlild lei nt you ! You ~y money'e tight all over the coutitry. · ''Well, ·""hut 11 It Ill? The re's DO reason tQr It 10 hi! Ugbt, 111111 ' It'e not goln' to keep onr money tight! You're alwnY8 runnln' to tbe woodsbed to hhle YOllr nickels In " 1!I"Ilc:k becauae acme tool newlIPaper IllY' the market's n IIIt1e RkC'llry! YO\1 l1 ~tlln to e\'er)l 8trellt- co rll ~ r rOllkur nnd tben come .and lIet bere nllli try to 8care mil out of A hlg thing. We're In on tltltt-UllllcrsIRlIll? t l ell

family tbe I"U of tbe wl'Bk Quur'~' rly MeetlDIl was Willi at. tODdlld at thh lllaoe botb Batu~dt1y. HDd SUliday, Josoph LenwlDg bae purohused 'n new uulO Mr, 1.011 Mu, Louie LORso r e aod .daulCbter were gU8stS 01 Horace Uompton lIud f~rully 'be week ODd, Mon. Flora Halo onll two ohlldren Roth and .Jobo. of Newar.k, &re .lJIIlldlulC a weelr wah her urlole R, s: JODed aDd III01lly . , Mr., aod Mrs. llobor. Crew, Mrs . R.ohel Crow aDd 'he MleMB8 Mumle aDd Awy lluwlen t of Day too, oalled on 'Henry Crttw ooe day lu' weelr / Mr aDd MrF, Ralpb Le!\ rulDg and c,taoih\er ""ere HOWllfd LeemlDg8


00" da1 I.. , week. UhllUOOIlY





M18! 140Dluila 80DDliIJ aDd K"nor

Hoke wore luelltll S ,ltui'day Dlgb. and ~QDduy of Jerome Blmilell aod

fa-nlly, of Oay'oo,

Mr. JenDie MIIIII, aocoiupnnled by friends of Xeoia, III llpelldlng a woek a' the &.ervolr . IIr; lIod Mr~. Charles AileD called oo' tloDry: V~ew aDd 'amll,. ~uDdIlY . afteroooo,




.......... -...




....... .....r-.




1,?" M i~SIlI'

tl~II~\,r)~"\~ ~I~Jt1r

~J I~"foH E(I~

Wall'r lSaxon Six















---- -----









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, . '. ~t a nn o n, M1Sf:I El lJ llJ MllOn o n. Ml p,; MUl io Rl l'!!., l'l lr , aml MrH , G oo B gnu nu d M r . Uor t M:1.

Mixin g Pas te. Whc-Il 11 0ul' p,,~t, h","'u,cs wn l j' ry UI,nll '01111111(, It I ~ ,' \,hl clH:', Ihll l tlw lui sl lit',· hil S t, 'PI, 1t,>II"11 t oo h,ug . Ilty I hI' Itf's t lim it' s hould h I" UHI' I f,>r muklnl; HU RI(', lo lll ny I,up er huugl!l'$ 110 nut bill! Ilu, to '. l 'hl'Y IIHlk' U ~lIn H.dt r with luk l'\\'urm wllte r, s tlrrlul: out nil tUllill~, unci thl'll Itl'illk ly Rli r I II IWI!llliL.\!:!!1t ·r, , Wh e ll t he 1lI1l~~ thi ck · "liS ('" nUnu' tlrrlns;, Im t n(ld no 111 01' hilt wll tor, 1',,"r t1 little culd WUL' r on t op nnll a·t the Pil s t o uwuy t o cuol.

RI!allatlo. Dnrln/; n Rh nkr>;p"n ra cl'l r hrntion a illllll!)r r

of lorill Itlllnt l'urs

Illll\!"l r !'l1


IIrnl1lntl>; t's m ost fUlIlous trll!;,·;I.\', Next tin), lhl! Ilrlnclpnl netor InQulre!1 of 0 crltl cn l fri end \\'hllt h., thoul1h.1 (.f th e Il('rro rnlOnc('. "It WII S gr(,llt ! Simply j:'rl'lIt !" wo s t hl' t'l'llly. the /orrent

"As you ()Iny('d H nml t't It \l'IIA en R ~" t o sell why O ph(!lIu s hould go lind dr ow lI herself,"

' ~

.«t.tI d,~~




YOII there nev('r WIIA better times, 1II! Th l'He are good times Rnd big timeR, ft. ." olld ~ WOD't etqnt' ror AllY oUlllr , 000" lufter wl'b a banilial OOUlh "'kInd 0' talk, Tbls COlllltr,'8 011 Ita tect baa weallened your .y.' 88 It never Will before, and t~18 clly'll a boUle Dr, KIDK'. New Ul800\,. on Ita feet nnd golo' to atny tltere!" , er" In u." uyur .,\0186r1, IUld beueAnd Gurney beord B 841rled ot wbacks fl&lDI all ,rho U'I it, tbe anll thomplI upoo tbe delli, .. 'Olld pioe wUb tar UmH!'" SheridAo voclferate4. wltll rl ..ted air »::~I::;~:~~~':. IC!I!ClInpalll'1D. thQmpI, "Rabl!lt talk 1 raw .poll, lociHn. TlleIo tim.. a.. a!OrloJJ8, I y-.lf 711Ul p.n...... nokl~ Wo·re In the proDIIII\I ~'"'" aD4 we're .aaIlIN, ~,IUPI" lOla' to Ift7 thenl 'l'Iiat'. aU; pail. . , 1D4_ ..briIl lINt




Beaucaire," •• The

COIIQUell i.


""u ....

A NoYel B,

.. Non.leur


Bng'l\ n

____ _ _ _ _

no d AI ~ 8 . E. ll oa r 1 tl

Co x · \ HU s

h l .. t\ . h,.II>" t il" dII(C'IiI CI4'" n l\d 11'1 in(

hl.."tl . I·: " 11



j O\ 11 t

dl~('\I~~ l o n ht hUl]l tlllllU M oClay' 1 MI'P, ElRn nn h Rl oh k)JOllt S norlay


t Ill

\I " Y~UII '~'lir r y illl(

dl'.~If.i Hnl l l' ~ 1

IJIJw" r l l f lliu


r" .. oI"y<' 'n'''''''',1( (\ slo""I'1.1,.". , n . j ll t·llll h\u r l l til ll'I,JUIi 111 " 1'I ~hl. '1 11 .. , '11 h u o l lt II", 1",Il'lr l(Of lO l,," (\.;-'


--- ---



••_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _~

w it h h oI' tilstr, r , hlr H I:l,u t\ h R Ic h. I r, !Ln ,1 M r~ , (J,\ r r AIf, Clo'Vo nger M,·C I\I.I.'S h"l l'~ Mrl'. ,Je bu JO r("~u 00\1 M is ti u, o h~\V e r t't. UtOlltl h OllI o f r l1 lll .1lo v\ ~ lt lit Train th e ,:uti cte. I "" ,'r 1,2 110 .00 11 nn I1 ~pAn ~ n \\r~' "DOli d li Y II ft oro ooo at lit ';' (lI'UI10 , III . I lr Ih, . 1,.,, " o1 s ,, 1', ' " .. I Ir" "d 1111,1 1111' , W H!H , I1 d h ' ~S 111 I I ~7 T J H l ) k lit ... 111..111 f' _ w t I', . , Ortltltl , L y cll n [] t. Yl1 ~ "p,m ! 'l'll('~(ht.Y wIth ' lIu li g ),,,<1 1.,· " " " l'l'd 11',\' 10 11111" " " '" til " P'""', /I "." ' . '. Mr. QCU Mrs . 6'" .\ Ilut'ls ook uud !:Jl1g h H: ()~ llfJ ,m el nmllv l;o ill' (, I" ll' uiItI UI' III " (' 11111'1, ' .I':" ·I'Y , h i ,,;' MIB~ H olen ntt ood ell Y uu r ly meo llnl!' MI' , und Mrs . Uhr l or G I' n <'kl'H, nll,(ltl """k 11 ,, · t,'~, )!".·~ In h .. 1 ",,,I, 'r ~u r /l u , I,,," , I) toOL .1;' Itt Wuyn e:l \'ll ll;l Stlr1il 'lY · Mr ~, Jun o Lnuj!don MrH. E1In W OIHh Ih'" ,,11,, "1, ·,. II" ,,, ",III, " n " ,·:t n!!,·· Y':" H. \. 1'b or o \.Vl ll b.e.(J eltlrte l'lY Meetln g l ~nd d n\l ~htl! r 11l ).l t. ~ r'll tr! M.irlDIIR \\'(,ol! , 11 1'1, I""'''~ III ... k. II,, ' ,·,,1 11'1., III Me I\ CL PA T IIt ,Beool1 Ur ove tllltllrtl " y a od l:ICIl · bu r g , Sun(ltlY . lo ' n~IIt, 'n Ih, ' II tI II s. AII"r"' '' l'd 1'1110 III T £ I~N S 1....1 111 dl\y . t , h' kJ ' i I'u ld 1"'11111 . Dil 11 ,,1 (11 111 1 IIl1 s ,>r Ih.. s l Ie , h' , :,' 11( 1'11•• . . , Mrs, H . P It H.l o,v , 0 rnn . I ~ , S ":4 j,) I~ fl1 " will 11 11 11,.' ll1 (" CHf ldo \'U'.y Ilh l '(H n HIllY :.nd Mr. l1nd Mrs. Clint Jllck .oo s Me I t.h ef( u e~t of p , J{. l 'uI, (o(' Il Il LI f OlnlI Y ' d ry '"11" 1... , . .. llI. tho )l roll d p .. r eDts of n baby hoy Mi ss V,l r olwa l:i ll ol\l AI. t (\[\I,o r ' . _ _ 0- _ _ _ M< AI.I.' S "'I In II~ P OI" " ,,, .,,,hl \· , , II,' b F :'" .h illli ( h u u f' n ll jf 11'lIl ' f i i ' ~ 1"1 11' t P, II I t oro Md ou uy mOTkl· 1n~, tILtrlod"t>d tuhOl'HnnuH .y th f oU \v · 1 n1U''''A'OIlH~lll llHlI :u ' \' ljl''' ! 11 1 I ,.t " III !\ \r' Mr. nnu Mr R. J,\ ff , (Jrny IIHeoc1. ed in" "ne~tll .l\lr, /lD d Mr!', Will L blguQcfinlng 8 n Optim i st . ,'. ",h l . 1\11 , I .., I" , .. , " v"" •. "" "" ,I" I PI I'"'J I fll .-to Lh. licltl (1I 1 I'I l o lit "'; " Ih ' r ,ul ,11"''' H I U' n rO th e f u n ei'al ot t h f3Jr oel.he\v, lJnr tV' Bod d u tlg l1t e r (J oil Porr y I:lurn.. All flJll ll ll b l lilJa ," I,, ' +1,'s \' I'II ,t'l :104 II In ctlo ld n l!. h.lI11Cl ",Irw 1I 1., t. Ir '\1 h " , ..... 'r:",. (Jray at Fruoltlin Wednosday . IJ'er t , of 'r oledo IIf"r .... 1I 1l " hn 1" . 11\1\ 1'''; l h a l H wolf I ~ J!II "nil w -. y '1 t o li " h' r n "ow~\\' .... r k '1.ljd . I\'r j f1I ~'IlC' ,)I . Pr ice : (July 5 n ~ ' lPY ~~h' " rQ( Mr, tlnd Mra . Hnll ie 8~thRWOY Mr, lIu d Mrs. "Vdo Moun t hll vo Ill'; I .. \0(' r" pl,u'(''' dllr l ll~ u H I ~ 11 ,,1 SF.NOFnU R I IOCF...... . Wn>I. II~.~( I. od dll u gbtllr vis ! d Mr.' oD.d MI s b eAl1 nn ertn lO lu f' (1'1 ndd fr (llli Uu - ItUIIL, -- At<·t,I ";1I 11 (;1,,1/,' . (tN rs IN whh39 [",1" ....",,>L"~"" ",,,t eo SlAMrs ITOR 32. pAU f! M l:Cftll P A II " r ll tk Will Dod d o e ur Lobnn on 8 uodllY · f a Vl li. tile past woo lt. .." ".",.. ,'",.. .11 1t..1'"It'~ " IIII"'I,I,,~ . •.I... I!..., .. . ;(.11 ' .....1 t.,I, M F rlHl Ii •TarcIH 0 lin d "I I \ MIAS l e nll U Uru¥ollp W/l U Il c";· I D . - - - - - - - - _ •. - -. lI o1 •••"-,". ll fi l l'nl., h .. ..l n' r',..h. ' II" .. ... . 1', .n SS VI 011 M, " " ," II' r" I )U I . ..' . .... IIl .... J o rdlm wO I'!) lnl, etllLn 'JD W edo esday Clll UI\t1 vi~ ll.n( SIlt.unIuy . 400 TYPEW. RIT. ERS! TII~M.C~11. CO . •ZJ8 W 31'h S' .: N... y.. ,~ r;1 N.Y. fi erooon AUtNts ~ C L un k AI j,, !:, . .. I • , , MI" E l h , 1 an", . , , I 0 , " " " " " " " . . 2,. """ ""," ","" . ,,' •••'w Oulb tl :.l a rd o f 'Au '_ t1 at 110 lot,er est I - pen t tbe l)a,, ~ w oelc wi tb 'Iycl o L,' " y""r <ll,"olrclll I..',,,·u 'I'y""",rlll", ,. 1 ,::.:::::-_-:::1 ID'g prU/{rllfll will 'he IJ' lvlln at Beeob I-Moun ' lind flLDl il v . nL " "~·,o durlu<! \'1I1''' l hH' . ,,,." ',,",11,,, II"" . '• •". '" \l . I. HJ£h . ,1\ "k 1 " ""1 , . l:irovll ohorol.' , T h oB6 h o ld lo p: tl k. 'l'b e W. ' C, T , U , me t, tlist ,[,bor~' 1 " l l t' l lll!: 1'\'1''' I,·O U N I. ,,\, . lIulr"Io ,. N. Y. ' '''''' ets on tb e quilts will be ·Itollmltted <l ilY tifto rn ooll (It till b OlllO of MI M~ _ _ . ._ _ . _. ..~ . •_ _e fra e, othere pay teu oen t~. CYIlI hln Ant rum, (~OI t "numbel - - -- - - - - were pr es~nt flcd 1I vory Intf\ re~ tln g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .o • ••••• ~: prog ram ' 'I'UR r endorod . '1'h s oh. 0






B Lt

CI' ...".

U,,"" 1$12





THE BEST LAXATIVE '1I1lO, u f :SilO Di ellO, To k e Il t·b o b o wol s r e gular t,b ·tll., W I\ ~ V I H I~ill l:( f ri end!! In th ld 1'1 : he"t lu x Atl YQ ()utd oo ~ exeroise , oloiey 10M Suuus.V. Drink ti fullgl liss of wilter hllif BO M eH~ ip, Joe . ,IDd Wurroo oltoo ly h our b e fore br6alkfllst "lid ell\ lin I f t !lIst 'rllorsday to vlHit th ei r ~ nbuuduneo of frui t, and veget\lble~, brothor 0 1, FQl,ltBr~, Ohio . (; nlijo establis h tL r OI~ ulnr h a bit !lOU be • Mflurloo B ~r rnllll 8[l ot the past lIu r e 'th(\t yo ur b owels mo v e onoe II' e k 'Flth bls w otbe r till(l 81 tor~, 0ell oh dAY, Wh on Il m ed icin e ill before ISlIving f or :\de xloo w h ll r be ' n eeded tnke Obllmberlaln 's ·l 'nb lets . has beeo cullod to se rv e in th e 11 . I:' I Tb fi'oY ure plell~unt. to toke and' mliri Arm y . I !loll BIlDtle · in ellao t ObtnlnlllJl~ Mrs, Chilli, l:rook lltt h1\s r e turo ed : Everywlldr o, "1 frum Hltlney whoro siJe WllB oalled ttl I ~ I te lld tbe fooeral of lIer OOUSIrI , ! Urs, Ali" Be<}ford . Mu, Dudley Keever /jDel 80ns of About tho Wedding Rin g, I Cenl, rvme, 8pen t S OlldllY with M iss. , Thl' \\'1·tllllnJ.l rlll l~ Is o j' I(nll l ro . II!' I. dia find MI~tle Wri ght, . ,


,+ i

The most Modern and Snnilary Creamcry in t hc State a nd will pay high s t market d I t We price for sOlin ,C' ea n· so u . crean1 , a rE' a lways prompt to r ?ogu lze any a dvo.n e in the marke l , (luci W Ill take car of your inter s15 at all Limes. Checks ma ilc daily 11 ,_. or weekly as desired to cover n. Slupments.



----- _.



nlfy Ih n ulllllt.\· 1111\1 (lurnhi liry (\( IIf· as y , , M W I tIlC(IOII, ~'h,' form II! r lllllul til 11111'1)1: Mrs. J!;UI1 fI~~, Mr, .. ~<lM :: 'Be l~~ , thRt 10\'1' SllllUhl 1I1'\'or Pnf!, 1'111' 1'1111'0 l er BeuKe II I) "aU adD 1ft 0 III OD Ihl! ~hlrcl !\1l~N of Ih 1,"1 hund, McUandles ~ pe D~ un .. y It eroo 0

. where the IIn<:h,"t" thOUl/llt til"'" WIIS ,.at R idgevllle IL velo that ClIllW dlo.oetly (roIlil tho Hr. 'aDel !lIrl!. OUn' fiuit abrl heart. nOll wbere I : 'is 8Iwil):8 In vic\\,. faanlly , I.ealor Kurtis !lod Pauline The tblrd ftneer being a flnlter Icullt '1'1.1. IIlO\I)red '0 XenIa Bunda y, Bod ued, the ring IDIQ' be leaat subJect te were the ,utah of l:ieortr e 1[urfiB weutDc. aDd f~\11'






Pif1lt Matlonal Bunk

J'earl ,tRet •• rke t Dll n k Auy Reliable Merchanl in ClacintlB II.


The ANDREW ROHANCO. CinCinnati, Oh io =-==~

Je~. Snook, Agt. Waynelville, o.

I • .. :

. . J_-

. .r . _..___.._....


to r O ll r h\~<; t i Jl t rc"t to know "'1t ~ ;ll. pain t i ,:- it ~ s pr ding


ll )'

Its nppl'a ra lll'

'- it


hili ty: Y o u :In' til n Ul n -\\' hq-pay ·. Ih l.'-I) 1I1 and who IO:"l!s if t h paint l\l:Jke slIre uf good wrong . go .r('su lts . t h (; .11I0=, t satisf l·tury a nd

cconotlllcal ]oLJ- by paint er usc


Mr Bar.vl\)" Uurot>l'l "net f1irully ntllu. I~r (llmul er' ~ Ferttii zt'r r."llk I 'Ina on 'l'hond ", t\oll '10 ·uudn. . 3. I MI •• 'dbarln o 'PIlD) t 1Ill weok eud It y u want " ),,d g(}od , abere with her alln, Mls@ arnb , A be 1>a ldll lltlci Ban Ul\vis, of Day· _ . Borue t Ma .. ,. N 1.00 lIon e..,.. "r "Del Joe ton . pl::nt ' und ay here . • . Pr104l1V8n& unday In Boll broo lt . of Dayt on, \.le nt , Hid~re Hugh 1 )4~ . nud Mr ~ Henry Ha mlllon. of Illvelan d ..rr lv d t:lutorda y tQ Sunda}' w Uh home lolks. " Ipend ~ few JIIYif ' \,Itb Mr . Nl!llIIe ' ' .1 "w fnUlII ,.. : • II aW'kospen l I'flullY . .. r~ ,u .'I !:iumll ton 8ud . . . huri!. y c llun' in !1 relativ(\ wnh 8\Jfln' IiIArry tiba\'t' " n(l fA III I I}' t;un !1ny wllh Mr (Jou rge ~·/.Ilw)ar . I . 1(1 CIlunl III' k. uf )).• ,1,>11. Id . . ' lhe of Morr ow, I I , ~ . fumil), und illips' l'h ., W, ot t gue ontol. , I ,MISe (Jonsull ll o B. Ilullor . tallled MISS Ulldrucl BU~8r lirlduy . lob , A s" Whitak er Dnd flrutly Mis y ernie .1lc~ll(' tt ," 11cn,t lus t " lelLod Mr nnd Mrs. Lester Poll' 01 week WIth relat l\'cs III ::;1Ir1ng \ uil('Y , Dayton !:lunday . "nu Vllh!Dtl n o 140 IUtl Benry Hoger Lanter . of K e lll\l ~ ky , i~ vis· T re. tle, Mr. Iud Mr Unrl H ell~h itinlC hi~ uncle . l;e o r~e Lnnl I' 1II1ll Ilcd Arthur lind 1'bylll. WlliitllD S fam ily . ' " vi slterl N iH on Mc Keover '1 Bu ad ur. Mrs. 'oro. an4 little Ilnogh. Ar thur Zell. u( il h.:inllllli . s~ c lll terK Mlldrod un u LOllh. 01 Wtlwi ng. unday with hi 4 I'll rl!lIts, MI'. :Slid ton Ilrtl v illi ticK Mrij. Adll Courtne y Mrs . J hn Z,!I1. Mra. EII~, ~hl\th WriRM, uf W uy noavillo , SJlllllt Sunday " 'lI b Mr . Mrs. Alice lI1i'1\ i{lser ancl (Iaul:h · Nel~e HUUllltu n nud t .. wlly. ter, Mi ~ Henrlel ta, I' isited with ~I o r · family Bnd 8Hz 8 Emmet Mr, r ow r c lati v (!:! IIl ~t wco); . olliled ou W ill 1'lAy lor 0.11(\ tlllDlly tlnudBY Ilftoruo o u, fl mily. ~lr Leb ,141!8e~ Cora MoKee nr Il nd Pby lll" I j{uss~l ll a i n c~. nnd II wee ); w ILli Mr , WllItllm l &Pllot .';llDdilY Ilfterno on anon. arc s pel1l.hllg : JaJnellliain(!~ III COl·win . wltll Mlu Addle Borgll. AI!Il WbU"k o r IlUJ family IItte nd. Mr. and Mrs l<mllk Zell, l\Ies· ed 'h e 'hautau l un M Frank lin 00 ,W , Ma ry Cask ey Rlltl dames . I!'rldu, tho Chautll uquu d altende liawke en Hr and Mr •. T OIO Courtne y Sunday . I,eltalnl d Mril. Robe rt Bl\ll1o gBr sn d daughte r Coolne llo and Mr. J...11 (e Mr. and Mrs . J, C, Hawke Rml D0110e on t;O OUIlY aftern oon Mr. alld MrA, W. 11. Dinwiddi e at · tendeJ the picnic of the Sp ringbor o K. p,'s last. Thursd ay at SchnnL;(' perk, on l h e Sp ringuor o and Dayton plk .' , lIttende d Ihe lIl.wI \' lIl1ey UI

Wh en . paI nte r applies pai nt on you r .·ho use it j"

yo ur

n ny o! h~r prepare d P~lIlt o n t he mark t, or " Il' a d :111<1 (~il."

n. ·"[,,gua rd it!l t.:;.'Jahty III cyery"~!o:; of manufa c tu re. 1,'lley lIlak' a ll the ir IlIlsccd oil; own a nd oJ1cra tc large z ill ' nlill lead m incs a nd smelte r, a lld' 111,Ik their dry ('olors in the l".rgcs t n!l~ I'l'st cq uiPI?t;d dry coler pla nt III the . Illtl'd Stale . llw results ara

1he . S ht; m ·in.\ illi,ulI;;

in 'he goods .

Pro tect your intc n:sts and YOIII provert y with SWP. '" W. ull it

HAW KE' S GROCERY, Wayneaville.




IIr. and IIrl. J . A. All en 'pen' "'arda ,. and Sunday wUb ' bllir dauIlla .r IIr•. Will Oartl. Blld fam. ny, of nlar .«1 Lion . IIr. and IiIn. L, D, rlemlng and olllldre n, 01 Klllima a, were en'ertalned a' ·'be hoall .,r 'he laUer 'lI brother IIr A. B. Silaner and family 1..' tiaada, . IIr. and lire. Srlllln Bartllook and deuahte r aUende d tbe IIlaml van.,. Vbeuu uque lul He'arda y .vlnln l· III.. I'lonao e Ohamb UI., ot Xenia

is spendln , a fow da:re with Mr. anil Mn. Georle l'raU. Mr. Llnoolu 81(1e8 .lIpeDt 8unda, afternoon 'Ile gUIlI' of Mr. and Mn. B'r&nk aawle. Mr. and Mri. Jam88 Curtie IIn'er. talned a Dumber of reldl vlI. a' their plciuan ' bome lut Bund.,. . lir . .. nd Mra Geor~a Pr." were the ~U8ll'1 of lb. and 1Ir1. ·Jes8e ChambU IS of Xelli. a part or lallt week . Mill I'loreno ll Lao, vl.IMd ber al.'.r lire. Ilranll Oook aDd family, of Rou t. "Saturd a,. night lUIel ~un­ day . Mrl. Uherle, . Gordon alld dauKbof nlllllr Mt. Sell,., wal oallln" In tbp vloln", . 8nDday , Ill .. Florenoe~Cbambll •• II . IIr . .. nd IIr. . Geor.e Prall were 'he 8and.y lIaeltl of Edward Cook aDd family, of Roule ~ .


YOUR WH EAT CRO P need cost you only about one-half to sow if you will send me your name and address and the names and addres ses of two n eighbo r who grow wheat and tell me how many acres you will sow. EX AM P),U

'If ' au"''' 20 aGrtl yoU will use aroanel 40 lJul~el' of your it . when' (at 2 bu. ~r aelo. Perbaps you will clean and ,rade . SSO.OO · and lOW 1 ~ bu.) 40 bUlh'" ute wortb a t market price aboutaDd ' We will oead J'Ou. better nri.a y. almo.9' winter pr. of estraerd lnarily preductl~e " l o lOW till 20 acre. for . . • . '8 0.00


Messrs, Walte r Chandl e r and Har· . their fishi ng MI B irma E!a n a" ot XAnla, Is th o , rv Praler re lurned fr ail!not have very t rip Friday. They d id goaal of Miss ]:;Iuoor H .. ydook. but judll" B. W. Keloh aod tamll y h nve ro· many · ' Iarg,e fish" 8toris, . inl{ fr om the 10. ks of th ir tacos t hey turned to their home In (JlllolIlJo . fully enjoyed lhe o uti ng. sbnrll, Mlaml 01 Mila Ruth Blnlall, IIpeut ihe wee\! end with re latlvel Mr . and Mrs. Samuel urfllce and Ilere. ay. Ohio. Wm. Bllrl!ln II aUlndl og ~he \:fllr daulOhler, Edna, of Ridgew Mrs . Annnk Hathaw ay, Mr.and Mrs. 1ftn reunio n.' Lsnllng llloh Surface a nd family, and ~r. Jnst u8 Reevll8 has bl'ene~. It rOIl_ I aLeater nd Mni. Frank T h<>mas and family d e en in~ with Mr. and Fr.iday "'ar . . ' In 'he 01 poat onloe ad· spent MOl. Chae. Gray anll dau hter. joining hll re.ldeno a . g Wm. Heen. ba. parohu ed the lot and Horilln Ru'h •• WI Ig belon,ll will build a rel&aur al!t and pool room. Mleae. Lol8 Whitak er aod LoDi. ShrIver lipan' 1.8l week wl&h MIIIII Verll. pattere on, of Springf ield. MlselYl 'lma .111.,01 Port William , IndianB Wat er Melons, Cante· Is 'be ' gne., of hllr oou&ln. MilS loupes, Peaches , Oranges, G lonnll Bon9. Lemon l, Banana s, New Jera" haft Mre. B , O. Whl&lIder Sw eet., Bermud a q llioDS. sey IQeats her mother , Mre. R utan aDd nleoe, 141.. Alta Bnllard , of Meohan Purc Paris Green l(JIbarg . lo t left to close o ut, at Small family anC! Kelly MenaeD h,1I p. und . a 40c .pen't5 auday witb reh Mvl's In Df'y, ton . SOIiP Specia l This Week Mary Cra ig, YODoRe s' daught er Easy Soap, 7 bars fo r 2,;e Clean her o t ed 01 U V. Or~l g I. confill 8 bn rs for 25c Lenox 'oap, home with eOllrl., fever. , Kv t, Newpor 01 , (Ja.lJIni W. Thoa. Fancy Prull es, Evp. Peaches , _'WIU ,he Sunday goe8t of IIenry Raisi ns, Cream Apricot s . Young. Cheese, Warer S liced D ried Bee f.

$10.00 • Wheat This About Say r. Read What Other Parme whole erop.··-'ftsomplOlI . " My Cl ro p wal i O acrea an,! y ield - lilY "This is my tblrd year and I .11 ve ed 49 bu. J}II r actTe, 3,430 busbel.," "' l e ver lII/ow ." - JarreLl. "It moro tltll\1 d o u bled u tiDe 0 ,ecrop Wilihme r. "I bel\p ve it will be tbe ,1.ld 01 otbers." -Cla rk , "Wili when furm· yield twice •• mucll aletbers . J ust t he oDl y wbeat raised· it is,' ·-Smur l. nli repr.... t.d ... -<:urry. "[';\·e r,. . tiS I. nrn .whut " Yielded ,.lIe third more tlw n body says It is the fi aes' Iheye ver o thc r~. 1 will ~ow nOlbinc else," . -C.r actru." 100 " SO sa w. I ,, /11 - Bc,e rs. "J think CllouKh of it to . • aer r pe bu. 6J\ eld.d Y~ . d.n my clltite crop of l t , " - P hlp}I~, Dut. an v whea t e\'er raise" hcr~ . " .0" tbink It is the coming "hent," - HortoJl . :'Tbe po~l bilitiu 01 "- 1Web.ter . '· It is . far bette r I han tbi.... heal a re unliimted ,'·-flu tcy . I e1pe c tcd."'-J ackllOlI. "I hllve 8 "it Is as rt pr~.l cd . ] bllve:lO of tile wheal alld bolie "e it acres 01 Il."-Kaen.r. "I wish 1 acrel hresh (;00 bu,-Auslil." would hft v. gotlen dOugh to S<lW will t Maker Money A Double If you are goina' to put out B crop of wheat you bette r get my proposi tion for lieed for one acre 01 100 acres. I mean exactly what leay , Send your address and two others who will sow reo wheat and ~et full particul Brs, hundred s ot printed producti<>n of photogr aphs, etc It will mean money .aved ' end a bigger crop next har ves t. Start now to make . more money from wheat . The supply of this Double -Money ·Moker -Whea t is limited. This lugg-es t! prompt action . Write me to day . You willltuv. cash IrU




pa rt · iitHI ' 11f) \Ve IJltl: t have more r om for our Ladies ' R;t y. to- W ':u ER\' t~RUC TJIE Ittcnts , and to ga in thi. xt ra room we will DI. 'C N'l'IN l; r,: r l'11!; t. 11 \\'ill 1,\, II iroceri cs .vill IJe elo d ·out rc~nrdI(.. 1 EPAR T;\IE . T. 11' tage to lay in a wint e r " supplY of ~t:1plt' ern ·PriP". A sa advall your ~r a tly to like this m ay come oll ly OJlce in ; t lifetim e.

De It OrdaIned by tho Oou uclt 01 the Vlll.~ o 0 1 Wayn"tw lll.. Ohio, Ch8t the ,rallu. 00

~~~~~t8~.OI~~9!~~ ~I ~;~:u~lLr~~f~~gU:In!~ ~~~

eltllbllahe ll




; Ihroo aud ""vent l' humlr..111I 1l (U3.70 ) Ico~ thunce two lIuuaJroo And Hfr.y ( 10U) foe t to l UI \'CII SC tWt!ut.y am.l hUllllrct.1 eluvu Lion 01 UlIU

00. ourl .I "~y I,ulldroo ,~g tl n .6 V l loo~; thollce lllllHlred .nd IIfW ( 160) I""t to liD010 ,'a tloll 01 o nc IlllUflrod u.wJ tWOl1t.y 'he an d u lghty la lU-

In:x.h.tul ( O) toot Ihtmco vue I luudrod ( 100) 100 &.1 0 an elo\'atlotl of ono hlHul red n nti '''OlJt)' .i. a ull Il ltl' huud rOOlh. (Il6.60) feot (LSj; ;~ ndlna gr~l o :


thouco ",oyonty ' ( 70) teot

to III Ole \' ltl'J U of ono hundrGli loud tWDnty ~blr lY

hulld .... l lla

(l ~7 .3 0 )


anll thor(J cll lliog.

Noto- ( Uuuch Murk top 0" wa"tur ptpe'

'Woat sid e No rt.1t .troct aUfI a t N o r.l ll ODt! 0

~~W~~~ ~t=~ tl~~~~~h.oC~~d.t~I~>,I{.:!,"lJ~ "' u~ MI'1I . Rog." alloy lISIIlI mod ole" .tlon 01 OUO hutltlrod ( 100. 01l)

Soc. Ib- UoglnulDK


~~ ~~k~ll~;Ob~~r:~lr a~tJ~~~~Oll~Ot ~)~~ r~~~I~'~~t~ root "IIOlle.., au un lLaCeudluk arl.UH olle buut

I dr.1l uud ol gM,. on o( 101) tootto a ue tovBl,luU QI 1001 0110 h 1l utlrol1 lu ll ',,'oilly throo (128.VO)

loud there e ncllng &1. tl,C curli ln torB6Clio ll ut All monum ents must go, Ivlany new designs add· It 'he NorL h ~ eu t curour u f Fuurtb Hud OllllPi.).: 'nnin" at tIlt) ourlJ IntcraectloJl ed to' th is sale. Over one hundred on the floor. Great , m~:)C~i~r at tho .North*wefl l co rner o r !>.' nurt.h atJd Cha~ ns bargai erful Wond ment. depart mau .t.root, at & U IltllulIltl:d .10\,8.\.lul1 ul DUU reduct ion in every huudrod ':u~ twenl Y el < ( 12.6,UV) ' ''''1 •.110<1 can dy everbo and days, these to you weare invitin g rl'~~ul~:r~(leOO~nto&~n ~~~t~~ri' o,~~~~e I~~[.d~ ..ud I.hllly fOllr lll~ Illt y lIuodred l h. (lS4.60) profit by this sale. loot ; heDCtl one huutlre<.l ( I OU) rooL to IUl

tug lh f' HUllnncr In

111 rs. Louise W oolley is visi tinll'

relati ves in ' I)rin g Valley.

Mrs. George Hamme ll returne d to her homtJ In Cincinn ati Monduy , after a ,p leasant vl9it with re.l atlves here. Mr . Bnd Mrs. George Marks arrived Monday ~venml!'. after spend• Ing a week with relati ves in Dayton IIInd other cities.

F. C. MERKLE CO. Dayt on. Ohio

dn!dLh. ( 161 . 00 ) looL.

!leu. 2-A ll ord lolnCtlll aud


T est the Thr ee

Bran ches of Our Business

Unexc elled Servi ce

0 1 or·

dloouceo In COlllllC~ wllh Ihe proVllltOll.ol :"11. ~~IIIIUlC. be and qle .am. are hllro by ,J~=. I~Tlllll OrlllllluCo to talw elftcL and !.'l: IJI loroe from &lid ahor tbll oiarllllllt perlo,l _owed bl' la... AQ(IUIIt 16th, 18 l G. B ••• HATHA WAY,II .,.,r. "'.....


L. A. ZUlUIU l4N, OierL




"Iila 1 n l .

1\" ~,,-,d tin' :-. 1111"1, ,41 I n H )11':\1('1' th'll hns drnl t 1 1110tl~JI t tl cll'IIW H II tlw rlu-ul ·


tll l'(,

Tl m~s .

lit.'· Ih('

. 11""'1'11',, 1 -

L .. IJu lio u





W hi te 's St or e ..

To Cl ean Palntbru e hee.

No ","ll.'r


hll fll


plIlll lhrll Hh

hilS b('C' "'(,. It cnll h .. Iliulie tiS soCt nnd clen ll ,,~ ""\\, IJ}' , "uply l' (> llI n~ 10 \VII'

tH 11110 1I"11(' h \tll R I,crn pllt 'a little lye, A little 11'0 hllll: !'r'\\'{\l' r Itr ~n llp

\\'111 ,I... i,lll It wil l tnk luuger. Th l' ~ho uhl \)e plul!cd on t'll d u lld tL1 e lioUlug "'lit '[' sho uld hI) 110 tleeper thun tL1e Icnglh of hl'lstl ~, us the h oillol: sllIl s \\'111 Injure I'h e huud le. Turp e u· tine wI ll c! ljl\ 1I IJIIlnt\)I' U h ·S. but nOl nftcr tlwy hn\'c h ('come hllrd. -

bru ' h

Valu e of Bees on the F.rm.

--- -'n

Iloother one."-C lcvelllud Lender.


Proml.e a. Pro'ule " lfe's a prorn lMiog fluth(lr." "Yes. I'"" s t','crnl of hIs ~1~n ~1 promi ses ~u 111)' :<trong box 1I 0W, nnll they ' re al\

• The Best Ove rlan d Circus In the' Unit ed Stat es :.=---=30 _.. S N_D_ P_O_N_IE L_A--;30_--: -S_H_E_T._ _ 50 PEOPLE 50

S ___ _~20 E_ 0___ _~--H_O_R-S·2

5 CLOWNS 5 7 .DENS OF WIL D ANI MAL S 7 Aerial artjs ~ in profus!o~1 traine d ponies', tumbl ers , edu c3:t~d dogs, Juggl: fs, ndmg monke ys, wire perfo rm-

ers, ndUlg .dogs, rolht.lg globe exhibi tion by beauti ful yo~ng ladles, revolvlIlg ladder s , swinginf{ ladders, trame d bears and goats, and everyt hing that gocs to make a first-class circus.


Waynesville,' Saturday, August 19 PARA DE AT . 7 O'CLO CK 15 cents 25 cents

Admission, Children Over 12 years

tll'l'rdue ."-Delro lt Free Press.

Late CI8fisified Ads .'ORSA LE IndiAn I&o'or Cvole, llllll model lu good ooadl.lo n, I'or 1I1l1~ or trade. J. B. ChapmA n Waynes . a30. ' vlllo, O.


- --= === == ==

"Hla ppy" Mel "---1 ------~------------


11 4'

Elmer Latehem , of Melbu rn e, Fla , st oppeu off here Monday enr ollte t o Montez uma, Iowa , whe re he visits with his home f olks. Mr. Latchem bas not been in Waynes vi lle for se ... · e ral years and his many fri end s \\'ere g lad to see him. He j ij th e hu sband of Mag gie Dakin form e rly of Waynell ville, and II sister of Mrs G. W Hawke. Mr&. Latchem was report· ed t o be in very bad health indeed.


Leba non. O.

hnrn :-:

Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hamilto n and daughte r. and Mr. and Mrs. J . H. Keller and two daughte rs, of New· po rt, Ky., motored he re Sunday and were the g uests of Mr.. and Mrs. Geo rge Hamilto n .'


No te-WeD 'h Mark top fi re plug N. W. Ooro 'r Fltll> an,1 Ohapm." . troot• . el.I'.ltOD. ODe hundred &1,,1 lilly on. and IUty l auD'

Wants to Know Why, ,,'hy I ~ It 111n l :1 t 'rlf'I ' I, '~~ Sl'\' I'II ' Y~'nr­ n1d h .. ~ "1111 lir.'p II " "I(· I\\lI'lh' l1 !ll ll l l'h


Found- A bunch of automo bile keys, ' one for a Yale lock. Call phone 22·2.

A coltl pl dl' fHrlll sh oul,1 hnvo n few slu fltl s nf b" 's. '1'111')' clln " nppl)' thr, r1l Ultl y Wllh hOll ey. li nd t1,,~ s urplus wi ll ft ' IUI'1i ~lIod pront. T Wt'nty udl· ha ve I}(en gray,lt \ViII work ,,"ollliers for " II'M 11 hil',- "ltdl ~' ('UI' clln h" rculIz<lfl, fllUI you, keett you looking youu r , promiEc, 0 \\' h l' n prOJll'r 1I1 Clhuil R nre u sed ' r1lllrl s." II1'Os lu x urious ~ro\Vlb 01 henlt hy bair, st Ull it s 110011 cure 1£1\'011 tho "hlr =' In In suriug IlI! rfcc t falling oUI a nd positivciy re lU<"'cs ' dand I 'UY fuJ' l.l tt · lIt~d\·t· Ev(! ry or ·llIml. tho In· l1 1".llIlIlItlu .nIT. Wi ll not soil .skln or Iinc u. Will hi \'o Of 1lt'C'~ tR n II ll UOIl u nto It.Aclt. dye. n not 'Is hair. your jurt !lol in !i:v,'r y (arlller would l)e Ii lJetll'r fnrln er He fu!c GI ll silbstitu tes; fl(Jc alid $I .00 a If. he k <lIJI b e~H nml pro fill'd 1.>y the boltle at dn'lIists . 1 ,,~;jU ll S UICY leud l.-Arnc rt cilli Fnrnwr. I'll IIIl-t•• h"W how q uic k Mildred · .0-=:--- :- - -.... in" Huir Remedy ac ts. we will . f od a Appreci at ion VI. Thank,. IIIrge sa m ,le free h y relu rn ma il 10 !lily A huy fr l{'ml of m int', w hl'u 11('II\'or· une sendiuK t bis COllnon t u Mil dred Ing mille one (I uy tonic n li tt le three· 1.(lliisc Co ,. Bost (Io, ad nss ., with ua ru e YellN,I,1 htty IIl ong Willi hIm. AR thay a lld addle .. aud HIe f" r po stage . ele. npproHc h cd onl' of tb e custolU er s t h t' Iu d)' WIIS 11:1\'111/0: hor cl"l droll sorn l' cooltles. Beelllg Ihe II ttl,o fellow, s ht' My boy gO\'c him u cO,?k.v nlRo. frll!lld II Rkcd him, "WlIn I ri ll ynu s ny to Anll ho All ld, . "[ want thr Indy'"

and there eudlll,.

f urniturc

""\'4111,] I tW r Il

"'"Y!! WIIR fOlli1 of 11 [11111111 ..."

Mrs J. L. Hartsock and daugh. ter. Miss Ruth: v l ~ i ted in Daylon Tue:-ldny.

teeLto au olevatlon of one hllluired a nd ror ty to make room for our incoming purcha ses. Invest igate, ' .I,h~ Knd .... o W hllndliKlt la ( H 8. ~O) 1001. firm a from ent monum aud thero endlDg. a oose \ c1' ar, ooine ~n and cornp Inl,oraClelinD 8ee. Id - D""IIIatl1K aV t he curu tho Nurt h'* ..·OIt. cornt!r, uf FUth and Chap-that has done the best work in your cemeteries. ' ' The ~t 0I1i1i Itroots a' an . .Unlecl eluvutiou uf o ne more you know about what other '.s hops are offering, the ~~~~J!'~I ~~~ 6 ~~~troeL'IK~'~ 11 a~?'Dttl~:~le h~~~ ( 60U) foel, .... \tIrl)' Oil nu J"",entlhtK better you will appree iute our sloek. Come while the hundred Ir~de' to an olov.tlon ot ODe huodn..ltl lUlU the from choice ( 10 1.00) root ; Iliouco ODe " uu<.lreu your ODe RtL)' make stock is yet full, and thus ( 100) too, to an elevatloD 01 (me lIundroo .ighty hUlIdred t h. ( I &3 ~U l 'hreoand fillY aud YOll to very best s~ock of tou~J t.hence one hUDdred aud t..VUuatl)' fl vu There' s 'somet hing for ( 120) I. ., to an eI . . .U"n ot 000 bUI Hlroll BU(I so. ,g doiJ by in hun<lte<Jtbl (1 1I0.9U) lout g;a DIn.,y aDU tl' U I Hea d Stones

evcrof Jered by any bouse in this part of the countr y, and we guaran tee eo sa\re you anywh ere from ten to twenty five per cc:nt.

(lUll ' ! 10lUW:' h e nWi\\' t'I'I 'cl.

Mr. and Mrs. Harl ey Wilkern on visited thei r dau g hter in Morrow last


Cleaning Pressing Repairing

*'''\' 1' , Hnt}

tit d,\(lo~l.'" hi ' IJU!'l IIlI '~:"l. tuted It JII, l lll e llt, /lnt! tht.' II!

MisS Henriet ta McKins ey is spending D week with relative:! in Dayton .




A PPII rei ,

J ohn Leonard , of Kings Mills. spent Tuesday with fri end s here .


ultH'al ioll of un o huullrod 00) ft.'!}" t.o 1 0'11' l ou r 81ll! twon t y huDtl rodLhS (14<,20 ) .1. I Gt;) I9'lL: tll.llco o oe huudrud and




Get the habit and trade at

11'1'0 onu .Ie"allon 0 1011 hUlldrOO null fo rty ,"wenLy bun t.1rtKI t hf! ( J.&~ ,20 J tOOlt tlltmce IlfLy

IJry lioods, WCllrlng

J;. j 10 till a lit,.\' lI11d 11111"11 "I'. n il III" l.ook afte r Challdle r's Fertiliz er 0(11) day, Whtl l" d ulng lwr 1IlIlI'kt'tln iI,' :Ill 111'1.' <1· 1",,11,',1 ~h .. lIs!;~d th o hllt chi'l' hnw Ill' 11111'- 1 111 thl' 101 ,,1'1,. ", h if you \\>Rllt goM goods. htJ~t . 1 Ilion hll .~ to \l Hl ' \1)111 h .. x \)r 1I1111t'1u 'N til

Don't fo rget TAN LAC. Ask you r neighbo rs abo'lt it.

.I x~y

Monuments? .Tab lets &

.Good Reason. A WOnlUIl fr om tl h l (') t y wnf; ~IW1Hl. I


tlteuce onlJ ItIndrcd ,nud S('I\IOIl 1.), tllghL ( 17 ) root ~o au oltJvat lou IIf IJIl() hUUUI't.ld nnd t m'LY

wiil g iv e FREh a


h·~ . Grace L incnln Smith was in Duylon last Thursda y.

Creame ry Butter, Churn Gold , Moore' s;




Sec la- Declnnltl g • • tM NOrLh·E .. , I:or · Never an """u.ruo~ elo"lLtio n Mild redlna Hair Remed y lot1 alol>t1' Dor o llhollCbo ol an, I wu IIlId twonl.)' 01 Ono hu udred Falls .,1(1 run (.hollco Ovo h.odredt l.. (1IIa . a) loot ,10 8Ou~berly Thrue lIund reu ( IVO) /001 on II To reslore gra y hllir to its naluml color ICcu( grade (,() tin .,lovlLtlOIi ()r ODO llitu drect I\utl JJfty II \'O (UIII t.won t y ttveh uJUlredUl 1'& and b"auly. No matle r how 01<'1 a nd , loot (300) huntlreu ...... th ( 160.~ O) loot; tlloDeo IlIL)' OUO I"d~d you ,' ha ir looks, o r how lon, you to aD ole~all" n of Uno hUIIlI,.e(l ( aDd and twonlf. IIVU hundro,H h. 161.2 0) leul :

" ,·en oud

Stoc k Reduction is Necessary

Witll each purchas e o f Boys' o r G irls' Sc hool Clothill g Bnd Shoc.~ Ha rdwoo d J\laple Twelve In ch I, uler.

Pink Salmon , a can . . .. . .• Wc Cove Oysters , a cans . . .. . 25e

An Ordinan ce to Establis h Grade for Sidewal ks, Curb. lind Gutters on the South Ilnd West Side ot North Street from W. H. Allen's driv e· way to North'E ast corner ot School lot, and the North I ide of Chap· man Street from !'4ra. Rogers' Alley, westerl y to the Corpora tion line ,

W. A. Eshbach, Mgr., Dept. 690, Indianapolis, Ind.

MonumentsI Monuments!


- - --+.- ...- - -

Ord inan ce No. 89



~-= SAlE


Take the Miami Gazet te now


Sa le St ar ts Sa t. Au g". 19nth


---- --- -

",. ,' ~~,~:'I':'::"'" E....

r cou _.-----. ---

Business Expansi o


It .is h('tt rr th a n

and lire. Clin' Urt1bb, 01 Dt.,ton werll th. Banday roes" 01 Mr. IUId Alra. Oball. 8 radd ook and



fQa-Ir t'· ..





LPERSO~ Al_M~~O~i :,::'~: :";1"::::::



. .---_-==_. .

'*-- .-- ___ ___ ·I~_-----

P!aoe to work for !lu boud, b, a IOhool atrl. I:aqlll rl.t 'hit aBO . Old TClwJI Clock-PlaCIDa 111 Om...


FIVE AND ' TEN· CENT STO RE . Dry Cood s Corset Covers ... . •. . , .• .'. lOe Emliroidery •• ..••• • .•.•. , lOe

, B"th Towell •.••. ' ••.•••• . 1Oe yard ..• , .• • 1Oe Toweling, Women 's IDrawe rs . • •.••••• 26c F&c:e Clotbll, ••••• _....... USc


Mena' 9oc:ks ....... ....... . oSe

Tinw are See our Tinw\lr e Window . Toilet Paper, belt : •..•.•• oSe S!1nd Pails, for the Boys. , .10e Dishes, all kinds •..•••• .•• ·100 Oak.Mi rrors·....•..• •. " ..• 10c Shavin g Mugs . . ••• .'Se aad 100 JeUy Tumblertl, per doz •.•• 25e

FARR The H· NK FRA • , ' B~ PhUUpa'

M:agazine Ibn Wayoea vlUe, Ohio

11..... .....,.••• •~.... .... ...~!Ii.-...lJ

------------------------------~--------------~----. --------' ------~--------------------------------~ ~~--------Y at' WA ILLB OHlO, WEDNESDAY A 23, 1916

Sixty-Eigh t h

Whole Number 33 4

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. . . ,A:~' r-ol:~~'ES=T3U[::~G:T=S311:::15':::::::::J1~1[~~~J~~l

A=:I:Bm:r=. .1. . .



Proy(' Itl Fille \Va)' 10 1 alii: II VULafiol1

MOlillt al n s




Enos Hill, of Cel.!arville , spent hi day he re . Mrs . Alice Keys is quite ill atlh e pr 'l!C!nt tillie, Look after Chllnult' r'$ I'\ ,rlil izer if yu u W!lllt goud ~~"oU~ .


Thursday evening ,

The Commit! e so li l' itiu g l:o Jlir ibutio ll s f r tIll' llig h ~ l'ho()1 J.ibmpi FUlld i-; fired ! :\ow, do not ,l! cl e Xl 'itnl Ilor ell ) noll ll ' 1111·S.'-


c:J ~

. ~

le d IJY this s tatel1lent pl nsv. '1'h I1l crl1l)('r~ of tltl' COlll lll itlt'C n r mighty gra l efu l for th e rCs p()ll se with Wlli c ll l it 'ir .lppcal is 1I1l'di ll ,l.: and a r l ' fircd with ellLhll s ias l1I o v er it. If you hav e Ilul co ntrilJlltcd t., th e ~2 ()O T,ibra r y FIII I( I, ge n t k 'IS a gOO( I lillie ' " r:IeI cr, now t ogct III \\'lttl c' " th og i l ti ll sgo'od ." Sun'l\' you want ~'ollr Ilam e on th e R oll If · Ho no r. \V· arlo IU l t (lITl' r i llfT LIII .~ I ro n Cr osscs I10\\'C\' r, \\1e (In wnnlto a.,SlIH' "/ Ill Ih a l YO II I.'all1:0 11l'lp vcry much lint ol1 ly in g iv ing' yo ur m Il li e)' Il ut a l ... ill g ivillg- " u lIr . itc:lrty ClIdorSCl llCllt t u lh idca. C(line 1111, 10 ' lk'5 . '}'! Ie g allIC IS . g-e ulI1 . g IIcarl _ ,· n \'L·r . ~(' lId your Ilhlll Y hefon' Y OIl Spl' lH I it Oil 50llU' tllill g (' b e,


I ~11!; Aun L . :lII ith , of Lytle, who HIl ·ullu SI willl"r l illt h ' r ~ U II, Mr. I{elln etll ,' Ulcl I,'o rr"st l'l·ll". e, of ~ ~ ',., W. ·IIII IK I.HI C S ill II h. of I.IIM AnJ(c1 e~ , Duytun . vis ilt!d with hume i'olllij Sun'11 1 , ha~ jll:-lt r ~ t!t! h' l'd a Il' ll J' fr :lIll hilll IfI whil.: h lip c1 l!~ cti ll\'s a j ourn y day h Iliad e in UII auto , The letLer i ~ SIl Mr. lind Mrs. W. H, AIIE'II and r:'l iJI IHnsl'ly il1ll·J't:,:LinJ.{ we huv 'deciued L:J Mi~" Olive All,;!!) spent !:iunday in tu r" l' rudu (:c it - I~d J Ci ncinna t i.

~ ~

Cl ~.


DUC nm

OF !'PRI n IS I, H. tED




Born- To Mr, und MJ'~ . F rank r:'l Millt' r. Munday, Au,'uRt l h;ta ~un , "

S n~~·~~i~~dfll\~/'ll~;~dtt ~1~~ rt~~~IY ~ Coleman alld son, Franci , at ~UJlI Il.: r

I El

Lion Urand, at Hyman's,


Mr, and Mrs. Chas lIu ug h, Miss Mllry Sali~bury anel MI' . Kenneth lI ouJ{h were g'lle' ls of Ilr. allCl Mrs . . (Olll'cJ, 1I1ll.! relf on J-l is !-lcad Ward at dinn e r_ S_'_lInd_fl Y• Anti k:l llln){ Him MisRes Annie U. and Mame Brown Instantly II' r e cnt. rtalned Ilt the home of Mrs . •rulia Brown and dAught e r , Mi ~ Bertha, IA SI ' Iltu rday , Dr. E . W. Smi lh, prominent SprinR' Vall!'y doclor. waH killed M -. - -rI I neDr Newa rk. Ohiu, last Friday evenrs . ,J ames II. .Curli E and ,1lI~ I· le I' ent ertaill ed Thl1r~dJlY. Mra (;"1" inrc, when he j Ulllped from a moving trude Lunrlallll tr llIll. Mi HiI aUlomohile Rtri king his head on a paved roud . Thl! accidenl hJlPp en~d Alli e ColllnR, Mi~~ NMa 1':llis and \\'111'11 Dr . S mith and f\ party were .MisH I)oroth~' W"'Ht , rctlJrll inJ,! from a trip. Some tire troublo ('!lURed th o III.chines to come Mr. and Mril U'!I1ry SaU >rth· Iv II rl:st \On lhe roail, anel fit . Srnith wuite enltlrl:Jined SuLuTflay ll\'eninll' mIJdu th e re).!Ili r. nnd lui d hi ~ coat Mr . and M r ~. 1': lills I3 lackhurn, ' Mr on the Rid e of th e road. After tho and Mrs. Emmor Uaily, Mr . .. nd party ~llirt ed on their journey he r e o Mrs . • elh rurnfl~ and Mr. and Mrs melllhel'cri his coat flnrl started to I. Salterthwai te o . g lout <'f t he rnachinn before it Htoppe.I, when he sli pped nnd fell on hi ~ lleaJ . A Pleasn-n-t -so-c-ia-' tflnk place Ur. SlIlith was I/, well known man la ~t Friday nfternoon when M ro o an d nu mbered hi H fri e nd ~ hy the L. A. Zimm<lrman and- MrH Sarah hundl'e< IIi, not only around Sprinll Zimmerman gave a rece il li on 10 Va ll ey bul all olrer the cuuntry round abo ut thirty of their fri enllR. A m o~ t ahout . H e hucla wiele medical prac· delicious and r efr eR hing IlI nch wml t ice , The fune rlll was held at thn chu rch served. in Spl'inl{ Valley Monday afto rnoon at2o·dorlc. In t ermen l was made in Mr. and M rR. NelRon Il Bmilten anll the ceme tery at t hat p lecl!. ThostJ c!aug hler , Ina , ente rtained Mrs , GCI" who attend ed th e funerlll frnm here t rud e Land and <laug ht ' r, 1rlllll and wt'rn Mr. anci I\1 rs. 1<'. Ca rey, Mrs, Mrs. Allie ·olli ns. of CI velnnd, W. P. :1alisbury unu ChJl rl cs Cornell. Ohio , Mi R.~ Nora E llis, o f Rp ri ng Branch, and Mrs . Ethel Elli!l, of Waynesville, at dinner FridllY,






VI) II [ 5 : It th e IUHI1C: plalt·, On Sll1tlrc!ay n.cmling . June 24 th, Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Johns and 19 J(j, a t (j ;OOil . III. in our llix cylintl.'r t(luring. uUlo/l1obile , we left i.<, ~ f!l mil y , of Dayton, vidiled relatives T JlI ~ CO:'lI.\lJTTI~E. [!J AIlIotl'fcs, am id st ell Pilaratinlt ocean here ~unday. c:J ~ hr eeze~ fUI', an ext ended trill to the f ur famed YOllemite Vall ey. J ohn Lidrly , of' Dayton, sJlent n Wl' tuok Ih e "Wdge Route" t o couple of days with hia fa ther, M . C. Rlikl'rFfif,lcI, RIllI on thl ~ r outo climbed Liduy , thitl week. uv ' r th" lOP uf the Sie rra Mudre ·moulltai ns fur 50 miles, veritalJlr, Miss Kathleen Hnines, of Cincin· ridill~ nn the "rim of the world,' ISt::1===:JI~I; I Ell: IGl:1==3' 1::1==31[!J~1===::118 nati, s pent several uays he re lost c:l r::'===~1I:::1I= ' 4 . :~ ~ O rl'OIt. nbove 81la level. This is II wllt'k visi ting relali vea. wlllldt!r fully scenic riri e. hoth a round u lll 'u~ allO bc!mv. fur in so me placcR Miss Ethel Hosier re l urn eo fr om th re ArE: l,rCCilllce:l alm oRt Mt r ui"h l ,low/) f (,r I! .0110 fCI:L We hml r eached he r vaca t ion trip t o lndi un a Silt urd ay. ~h~ hau u lillll li ml'. lIuk ur" fi eh l ti t noon, 12[) miles. A lilli e uefo l . (j:OO p , m. we 1'01l ~ d ilitH Vi ~Hliu, 211i miles from 1..011 All W. H Dinwiddie ill in Cleveland , II oIl's, 1\ ffl irly good du y 's rid e. Afce r Ohio . thiH w.e ek, as dulllgut!J to the a tll 'li,' ioUHsupper, IJ bllth, and lIinl' Jr. O U. A. M,collvelltion , ON THE ROI.L OF HON(II{- IIIG h ou nl aleel), we ~ lilrted for the Gill nt Are you going to wait till spring •' I' luuia N81 ional Park, Ii uistance oj To my "'riends in Clearcreek, HONOI~ FOR 0 I~ Miss MariaTlna All n, of 'prinR'- lo pick out seed ears f OT your noxt 60 ruiles, in t he flir famed Sierl a Wayne, Ma~ ie snd Washington TOWN boro, is the guest of MISS Martha corn crop? Although thL; may I>e a N ()vRrla mOllnt.l1ins, Thirty miles 01 Townshipp: Mr. and Mrs. L mley IIrtiH and custom, lhe experience of lhe most thill rO!ld iH le vel. but the n xt 3() 0 ' Neall and other fr iends her". I have fl nRI)y finished. rubbing my son ent rtalned at Sunday "hm r sIJcces9 fui g rowers shows that ~ ee d IlIliell Luke!! vou till' abov\! the clouds. eyes and reali ze Romethlng has hap · the followirlg gu '8tl!: Mr . arId Mn . select d from stllnding co~n in the 'l'hh'luHt M milt'a is wonderfully Mi~s Celia Hyman, I)f Xenia, and {!Ill yields more than corn taken f rom Pre idE'nt W. H. Alhm, of the pened, and I w!ln t to tak~ this means Geo. Ulu1ks 'r., Mr . and MTH, Itob. S HEll II'H(I I -.IIW ~' 8 RY ~cCl\i ' , but 1Il 0~l d tllll{e rous , A nllr Mrs . Abe hal on , of Nuwpo rt, Kv , the shock o'r crib. By:fall sel Ct iOll Waynesville National Banik , received to thank yo ~ all fo r the Inte rest you er t r ockett and children , Mr. and TtlIV . road , j u ~ t wid() enoug h f OJ; a The Sherwood-J efrery rounion will Ilre the g U(!sts oCMr. nnd Mr~ . Myer the best eat s ~ rowin g und e r otrli nllry word last week that they Btood sixth ~IlV~ talum In my rnc~ for the nom- Mr~. Geo , .Banks Jr . lind d lluglitllr~, vIlhiclc. is cut 011 th o very m argi n of Hyman, mallo.n for County lreasurer. and Mr. and MTS. Jo BllnkH and ~(\J). be hE'ld at the hume of Omar Hollinlls , conditions may bc chosen. l:Iy s leCt- 0 11 the "roll of honor" in the atate. eSLleclally t hose who took part in the Mr. Albe rt Galn e~ . MI'. alld MrM. worlh, Oregonia . Uh io, AUllust ~4, the lI1 o ullllli n · a~ you cume UP. and A "roll of hOl1 r, r " bank m eans tha t ing seed either at hu kin g tim!J or IIl\Oklll\r 11.) II th ere id nut even a fine d mL'n trati on on Au g ust 1, James H. Curtis and fllmily . 19 t6 Themelnbersofth ese families A. A. Anson and fami ly, of Nor. from the eri b, the g r ower pick out their capital Is cCJ ual to t h('ir Aurplus, bolh th se who went and t hose who t reu fflr ~, OOO f et YOII can also a re corrfially invited t o be there. and as the bank hera hw II su rplus wood. Ohio. spent sey ' ral uays last ears that grew on unus ually f erl il e lonk ~l.raig hluJl un the ol her Aide of far in exces of thei r capital , Ihey Rtaid at home and made it possible th" mac hill e for a disl unce of from WCl'k, the guests of Mrs. Lucy Pratt spots ·or often with a si ngle plant in are award ed th e honor r oll as the for others to g o ' . On Tuesday afternoon Mre . Rube rl liltfll l AM a hill. Th e Oh io ExperilJll:!llt Station thr e tu eig 'l t th ousand f eet Thu ~ and family. The best way I know of expre8lling Cross gave a China howe I' for Mi ss has obtained g alm in yield ot mO l sixth in t he state . w wended our wuy up on a grade of ratilude Is In never giving you my g The Graham reunion will be held .1 t is an honor to Le nn "honor rull" Emma Hawke. M tleh merriment than 3 bushels per acre by selecting f!'l'm 6 to 26 ' 0, We were nn the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft and son , bank, especially when lhat bank hlllI cau se to r eg ret what you ha ve done , was caused by the F lo ral Hridlll Co n- this y ear at the ret:uhr time-the sunny side .of the mo untain und no Rouelt, and Mr . lind Mrs_ Harry seed in the filII from s tandin g co rn bu iness nough to accumulate as· Yo urs ~i n ce rely, test in which Mi !1~ li race Carmun car, IBstSaturday in Augu st, The schedchance fo~ a uret'ze, and the day waR Vaughn, o f Dayton . were week-erld Circular 71, which may be ob tained larjle a sur plus a the local bank , Fred B. Sherwood ried orr the honol'!! allol M rH Clitforo ul ed plllce Willi at the home of ("harleR from the Station at Woosle r, gives hot. It i~ the firdt tim e the water guests of Mr. and Mrs. J . W. Whit e . Their capital slock is fi sfE!d at $50.· Himes wo n tho con8o lutiJ II. The E;lIis, hu t owing to Dicknes!I it lias t he p o int~ to look for in choo~ illg in our machine ever boil ed, Hy 5:00 000, and the su rplll S is $ I 0 .000 , The bride elect WIUI then In vi ted to Imllg heon changed to the home of Albert seed ears in the fielcl. . p. m we had crt)slIcd tho last g r eat \\ aynesvill e National by j udi cious her fri ~nd 8 and conll! to th e. dining Bea l, of the Day t on pike. All mem- -- _0- ..0- - divide a t an elevation of 7.000 feet, Mrs. Alvina H oltcamp, of Port {(Jom which was dccoralcd in pink b~rs of the family are urgetl to come. investments and ::arefu l manage· whe re l!. view op,med to the sll lenc:id Clinton, Mich., nnd Mi :l~ Maty Carment has muue a name for i t ~EM nnd white. AHer they were all StlatIlIld indescrIbably beautiful scenery stensen , of Cleveland . Ohio. are the amOTlg" the banks of the lale of Ohio, ed the packages w re opened anti The re were mountain caverns, passes guest.s of Mr. and Mrs . L, A. ZimlilSTHl vr Ntl MHElt NIN E a.~ well as fl' om neighboring s t ates . con lain nlllny d llinty and and canyons, with waterfalls here merman. useful pieces of china. A deliclu us T he eighteenth annual reunion ot and there, and bealltiful wooded two course lunch WIIS th e n He rveJ, iJistrict numher nine, Clearcreek moun tlli ~sides, ~hich could be see!! Mr. a nd Mrs. W. E. O'Neall Misses the ho~tess h .;i n~ R ~ sist .. d by Mr~. Township, Warren Connty, Ohio. will f or 50 Int.les. Hlalh above all of thlBI Marthn O'N eall lind Marianna Allen Walter McClure and MrM. K V, lIarn- be held Ilt the school house known all Willi the hne of perpet ~al snpw, and motored to th e Seqlent Mound in hart. Those pre 4JnL Wt. re Mi RS 8 Five Points. nOllr tho intersection of As an averag e of 14 yeartl' Yo ork to Emma Hawke, Ethel 1I0sier , <:racf! the the tops of th ~sfl mountains were Ada ms Cou nty Sunday wher e they Ly ll e an<! Vandevere mill rOlld, compare dat es for seed ing wheat Carman, Alma Wlllorh(lu~ e , Lillil wrapped in their drapery of eternal spent the day , It has been sugge!lt ed Bever altiJnI' ~ wil.h the rMI I running du e north rangin g from August 31 to Octobe r . white. Here we came into the woodduring the past week that !\ poli-tical Benham, Emma /I IJigh wllY , Ell e n from Lehunlln, a nd one mile west of 27. the Oh io Experiment Station hlllI 'herwood, MesdIJm e~ Wullor McClure t he Dayton amI Lebanon pike, on land. rl)ost ma rv\llous and superb. . . clu b called th e "1 01 club" be organ. W nde rful clillJbina plant,; flowers Mr. and .Mrs. Clrcie Coleman ancl ized. The obj ect of .lhe club will b ~ found that in Wayne County great· Geo. Hawke, Mimllll'l Crune , Wehof all kllld~; g igantic evergreens; soil, F~l1n cls, left SaturdllY fo r tll.efr determined u jJon B litlle la te r, if est yields have boon obtained fro m ard Cros.~ , Honllld Hawk e. J. WiI ~(lll Sllt llrdllY . AUlru s t ~(i, 1!1l6. There wi ll he the lI ~ u a l bn~k et dinn e r, and yellow pines three and four feet in home In ~orwood, after sptlndmg p lans can be formu la ted for the orThe t-l iHey W.i lli all1so n re ulli,ln was aeed ing s IlHlIle Seplembe r 21-22, f,) I,wb rds, Clifford Himes·, I~ , V. the Clllllllli tl:t'l! ill l: ltllrge would ur"e diamet er arid almost 2UO feet high ; B ten days vacallon a t the h ome of ganization, bu t the main obj ect will held at t he heaut iful cou lltry hOIll!} whil e tho' Illade II wcek Ifll l' i' than Barnhart and . M. While. a>l many uf the fo rm e r tCllc herll and ' lrees lhr('e f eet I n diameter, ' e tc , Mr. and Mrs. J. U · Coleman , bo for the advancement of t he polit of I\1 r J eph H isey . nea l' Wnyncs· this tnk e aecond ra' I( lIll tl those pupils aH'ollvuni cntl y can to attend made a week earlie r stand thi rd . In Soon we approached the big treel!. ville . on Thursday . ·Aulo(uS 171h . ical situflti rlJl in th e county this Illll Jlilll-: , central Ohio t he most sati sfarlo ry first the redwoods. to JO feet in Mr. and Mrs. Stanl ey Sellers Ilnd There we r not flO man y pr 'sent liS A cluh thus otlctini7. cd can he a Mi RS Clara Il a\\'ke very charming diumete r, there being thousands of daughlers, the Misses clarah, Linn llreat f ac tor ill the co unty . .and will in f rm cr y e!l r~, but fl ll who were dat o to s{!ed is consider ed the latter RII ' II- HtlH ·I.I·:AYElt them, and next the Riant seq uoia!. anel I<athrinn, of Lehanon, spent be of l a~ t i n g good t o th e cu unt y's thel'l' th rough ly enjoy ed t he d ay part of September. , while the first ly entertltinl'ci in honu r of Miss Em · mil Hawke Thursday ufwrn oon, The General Sherman is the highest, last Friday at the h orne o f Mrs . interests. a lthou.' h heurtM w r e sad dened by week in Octoper may not be too late Augu t 17th. from l WO t.o four at II The Ri ch-Ca rr-Cleaver reunion will and at the highest altitude, teet Amanda Wrig ht and dau" hter, Miss t he t houg ht of lhose who had I a~sed ill the sou t hern part of the State. he held nt lho uSLIa l placo nea r Wellpersonal showe r. ' . up. rhis tree is th e largest alld the May. away duringtheyea r- and wc mis ed After a very amusing conlest MiHs man, Sa turday, August 26th. All oldest living th ing in the world, lllem as we Illeet in lhi ~ ruunion, I!:m ma Hawk" tll () brid e elect WIIS memliers of the famili 8 invited . being 8000 years old, <16 feet In diMr. and Mrs Hisey leave no thing Mrs Dow Crou e (Do .... Mille,,) of p resented' wit h many u ~(Jf ulllift~ ameter, and 284 teet high. This is Columbus, is vi siting at th e home of Llnrione tu Ildd to the corn for t nn I The r em aining pa r t o f th o afternot far from th e hotel wher e WI! her parents, Mr. ani! Mrs. Alfred pleas ur(' o f th 'ir reunion Ifri entl~ . I noon WRS s pe nt in lIlusic ami a socilll had a Rplellllid ~ u ppe r and an elegant Miller, near WaYrJesville She-came Of course one of' th e enj oyabl e time after wh ich 1\ Ileli 'iuus two nillht's r est aller a long day's rid e . down on account of the illness of her feature~ of th e day, wa:l when we cou rsc lu nch w:u! ~OI'V(!u. The n ext day we dipped down out mother, who is suffering from blood g athere I at th e IJ()nn hour and The invil:Pd j!uesl;-l werll M i~~e:i of the !'Iourls for ao miles, passed poisoning caused by a scratch of a Harriet Chambers Ash mor e was feasted on the good things that had through Visalia, and stllyed th e next blackben'y thorn on her leg .- Xenia bo rn at HOllleabu rg. Penn . in Jaao. E:mma Hn wkl' . {tilth Hltrlsocl(, io;lIen been pr el)llreu. She rwood . Martha ( I' Nellll . Oli ve The Wayne Township Protective night, Monday , ut Fresno. Afler a bu s ill!'s~ meeting the a f ter- Wben about six yeurl:l old she came Gaze tte. and Detf'ctive Association will hold noon W IlS spen t in a social way, ~o lll e with hl?r parents in a waRon to 1\ lien, Ethel Hosie r. Hele n ll !lwkc. Tuesday tnoT1 Jing we Itlft Fresno theh r eg ular meeting on Saturday, trying thtlir skill in pitch ing hor~ e · Brown County, Ohio anrl the nce after Lo uisa S tokes, Atma Wute rh onse. .and started Ii se rpen tine wind in g Go t o Janney's drug store next October 26th, at tho Township Ho use .. " h o e~ ; we can nut lell you who the som e years to Lyn ~hb urg, Highland It osam ond Dakin. o f Hanni bill. Mo ,; th rough an<;l up 'the t:iierra N e vada 'fh e program f nr thl! National County, Ohio, where on ~'e brllary 5 Mary Hawke, o { Lebllnon ; M tI~dnme" mountains agai l,. on a most dan· Frid ay, Au g ust 25th, and you will It is hoped that th e re will be a large champIon player wus . g erous Toad, for 75 miles, arriving at receive, entirely free, a fin e, large. turnout, as several items o f interest All were g lad to wel(:orne Mrs 1853 :;he was married to Jllcob A:;h- WiI, on t':u wardJ, Itounltt Hawke, "'a rm Tractors Demons l rati on will . Barton Kell y , il ' rt IInl'lsock, Ernest. be given at IndianR poliH Monday. Wawona at 5:00 p m , and had :25 cenl. L V " Crepette ' Dust Cloth will come up Hagan . o f Missouri. and M r~ Davill, mor e. Th ey moved th ence to N ew Rogers, Lee Hawke, Ralph . t:imil h. Au g ust 28th to FridllY StJptcmilc r enuugh f or thut day. This road trellted with Liquid Venee", provided of LII i tl oi~ . w ho were the only guests Vienna where they lived for a few I u'lsell Sa1i~ hllry, L(llller lillfllon. ,of IlI l, under the au~pice8 of the Indilln vea.'s and in 1859 l!ame t o ' Harveyswintls through wonde rful timber in you purcluise at the· same time, ooe frOlil a distance . Q uite a lot of Linge r Longer campburg. Since that tinie they' lived Morrow ; Pranl( Le May.- of Middl e· apnlis Tractor Co. Tho d emulll:ltra· fested with birds of all kinds, and 50 cent bottle of Liquid Veneer. for short periods in Kansas, Indiana town und Jnhn Fromill. of Dayton : lion wi ll he opcn orl Mund!l}' afte r almost all varieties of game, although rhis is a ~pecia1 offer, authorized by ers and their friends went back to nllon fit 2 o'(:loc k; Tuesday will be anel Dayton, Oh1l1, and finally in we saw none that day . The roa1 to he Liquid Vent'er people and they the old familiar scenes Sunday afManufacturers'day; Wedncsd ay In Harveysburg f or a number of years Wa wona winds about (lne mountain ""i II not allow these Dust Cloths to be te rnoon , They had a j olly time and dianapolis day; Thursday Dealers where Jacob Ashmore died Novem· after another, climbs ove r great given away at any other time than th e afternoon was pleasantly spent in Lou is ('rint." spe nt S unday afte r- dRY; Friday Acces.qory Me n'~ day . , ber 29, 1902 and where Rarriet A"hthe water. divides, goes d .. wll Into and crosses the day mentioned. m or e died August 4th in her 87t h noon a t t.he h ome II f hill s i ~to r, Mrs. canyolls and ClivernB, and here and A. E. Welle r, near Bellbrook . year. there we found ourselves on the rim of ·tho world 100kinI.C straight down 4000 fel!t, and atralgltt up 4000 to ART JOHNSON 50110 more. The road is Just wide enough for one machin!!, and In Allmcmbers of lhe W .. C. T. · U. r DICK LEWIS ·--numerous ·places we met machi nes are cordially invited to nUend th.e g oing the olher way, arou~ sharp Greene County W. C, T . U. Instl' curves, at whi"ch tim(l we would b tul~ which will be held in the Ferry . alllo lo stop our machines within l fi church OR ThurRday, · A U Il: uS~ , 24th , to 20 feel of cachother. Around It will b e an all day meetllng bellinMrs. H, A. Corne ll waa operatud one of these.curv4 we hlld a head un ning at ten /I'clock, and everyone on at the Miami Valley tiospitallast collision . but it WIIS very alight ~nd coming for the day is requested to Wednesday, While the operation no dalll" lle done. A heavy mll':hlJle brilltt a box of IlInch and the ladles could very etl$ily knock u li v,ht ::.. r was a ~evcre one, It was very sur.there will serve coffee. Several off th e mountains, and if it would ceSllful, and Mrs, Cornell Is g(Jtling prominent workers wi ll be there, hapoen, it wuuld tllke a t least a week along firie. among th m Mrs. Collin s, Coun ty to builcl a. trail do\ n to wher l! the ------~.-----.------County President" Mrs. Dr Boggs rpm nan III ot the machine an~ occu· and Mrs Flatter. Ther e will be a pants could be found. , good program inclull ing speaking, Afte r a splendid night's r esL in the readinlSll Bnd music, far famed WawoJIII hotel, known in· ternatlonally, we left at 9:00 a m. fpr lh,e Yosemite. This hotel III 4OQO ft!et Rbove 8f!alevel; but we hlld J, H. Vand43rvoort died at hill to climb ~OOO feet moro , or 8000 f eel home Friday morning, aft r a long above sealevel, winding in and out, illness • . Th.fune ral was he ld at hill and up and down, a dl8tnnce ot :.!6 late borne Mllnday afternoon, the Tbere 18 n~ more poPlllar American drhe'r DOW beCore' the &labile tban An mlleR. It takes about two hours and Rev. C. S. UrauBllr officiating, Thtt one half to Ira thla diatance 10bnBOD, wbo 18 a member of BUly Chandler's raolng o""D'.blJlatlQn, · drt't1l1C The local W. C . T . will meet G, A, R. also held BeM'ice.L- Inte,with Mra. Anna O'Neall on WednesAmerloan.made car.. Jobnaon!au demonetrated tbe ~he.t clu. of. ~ - (Til ~ eontinut:d) AlIa member of btITy Chandler', rae1Q team, DloIl Lewla baa &lYell added ment WBI made In Miami cemet..r,' abWtT and. promla81 to be ODe of the raYorlt81 In the Int uUlll&1 batlnaaUoul day afternoon. August 30th. All .... uraed to be lUI this will preaU.e to tbat anrqaUon, throUlh ht. r....l... drhIq dIU falr ud hon· • I . . .petak•• race .t 800 IDIIIe to lie nil at ~ Dew CbaabaDaU . . . . . .. , . . Election orabla method. OIl 'be track. Ue wW tlri. . 0JI,8 of (DIaD...... GIft III the opu. . Belt Work ·Sboel Oft earth. th......_~. _~ .. lor ........ aarePotUlc '10.000. _ _ _ _ _ be an important 01 omcen wID be <iu. pard. IDe loo.mUe rae. && the .... QlpalDD-U ......,., . . ~ DI.r. ____ '" ·1 FSohIcribe fOl_1IIaml GMe& I.ltft anad, at. fIJmaD'..


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Probate Court Proceetllna:s

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, '1'be directors cnme rorlll.· -n l~ l ull" 1\, ' " " rr I( ~o.\n · R tnt ,. W,' IIIIIII, bo,I.I' IIII K~ 111)0111 (; urlley 10 Y()U , 'rhe In the t'l~ It. tn of Flil ro tlod o W , and murmu rous. nnol Gurney h ll "to'!I(" l l l~'"I' " ,,",1 \I'('rl;'s Ih~ "" I,. Ihlll~ to word ·hn~l n~ •• ' milk 8 In(l .1Iz( ,,- lt l!aok o\fonl, duo ljl\s ed '~'Ir .. t IIn u In. Uis g llcss wn s COHN·t : 1'1"'1'1<1 1111 111" 1,,, ~' 0I1\ '1 11 11 rl"'I1I,,' ,, 1,,'"1 h.·I'." ",,,1(1'9 ht' bOIWRl ly slrk nt tlrt' ~ t oOlllr h . HUll] ue u un$ I~ IlVIlr O\'ed . bad bten IhuDlphlg Ih e de k wit h ' hi. " it l,1 ':11" 11<'), It' ll ~'''n I ft t tot I h~ I I"v(' If r bnd to!!O dow nt ow n 1111(1 10 ll10 l'Htfl t o or MI\ tlJcln U. WIU . rlgbt hnnll. Tht! ph),s lcJtII1 ~('(JIo I.',1 1\\" \1'1, , ' ' ' ' Rt!'ll In ~I"c thut ont ce dO(l 1' 1'<1 CIIII w ea rily, wakIng go (I 11\1' froRh ~IIIU ' " shllt lip!" Shp rl.loll I"·II.,,.·.·,!. "['", rlow n ou tile .floor. II l'nlh ly Aiel:. YOIl ,tpl, u e 0"80<1, t'lrllL llUd fi U1I1 uc a unt I~ "J.1l1ro\'o ll. age n8 best be ml~ht: nml thl'I1 hc ~nltl "n ,~I .. k n' Ih:lt II If1 U'" ' ''lI l1e I re~ 1 Il k. , t!ll k nbon l R ' nlol1t h's " ocn lloll'- lIl1d I In t ile odtut,n o f \V . LIl'W fi rl billi'HI , I wbat ho had to MY on Ihe Rll'I't Clf .hlO •• III1· un ~· to(\, I .I· Ihnt "")'~ It 10 me !" Il:H Jn Rt liS s lr k. I'm r Hlti '<1- 1 CUll' t Roscoe nnd Sibyl, hi" opluloll 111,'['1· II , f" ""',1 111111 (' llIIf,', I. "w"l1rllljf Inrll . · c>:plllln .-1 hnv" II'1 ,,;ot nnyplnn R- rnn 't deoea~ed . ~' lu .. 1 I\ cco unt With u n Ing. 118 he eXlltcted. n w ormly hO"llIr tlm'fly, Ih,," ,'UIII" nll.1 st(lotl h ' Core h l~ mllk e 1111.", r~ "l'l' t to tR ke Illy II lrl IIl1d ,')(O(\Vllu o n ntud, IH Ilppr .vell . reception. But Inc rl' ti lt or thl ~ r: II· HU ll . " 1."" k h rp: \1(1 ~'Oll thl ll k ,I' OU'I'" I jo!('t In . t liS rnr " woy trom 01111 om'~ In tile "JIll-l o r uf Wllh ulU ::>too(Js. vel'lUltlon wn8 tllIt! by t elephonle (,0111 '1 rlo llI' III,' sqll"r~ Ih lnsr 10." 1lI ~'1 n" as I cn n- nn,1 sIll Y. "'e're golug to ,\ppllo~tl., n Cur ndUl I~s l o ll t' f ~lIl1l e mond Ro coe nwnltrd b ls rnlll1'r. un ~'" u1 I1 ,' \\' mild , yon ,,"orllt ?" 1 ,1111'11 11 fl r s t, 8n(\ Ir we--" t o the 0 111 0 Ei o~ plt,,1 f il l' Epilop tit·"" I lIonr Illter, In Ole library at th e new " I'n' ):ot IJNlI'cen 8P ,·rn 111111 elgllt Id n1udu, lIou88. Ih ollslInri n yell r cI o r of Illy own, out· 111 11 fn ll"' r rllHII!'<1 till' pnrwr, " I ""Ie1 10 t h e mllt.tor of the will o f ::; .. ru. "Gurney 8ays your ",Ire's nhle to .Idl' the saln ry. 'I'hnt mucll IR mlnr ~n n .lh~· , \(" ~I'O (' , " uel 13. ' tlLrr, cleCUUM ud W lIl t. uLl · travel," Sb,crldRn snlll brt1 S llu ~ly, "" 11(' wh elh r I work or not." " fl o,,' lto,I·." ~"III H os('oe. 1I ~ 11('.~ ly . ' , lm'~ Bu t o pro!Jutu ~ame In. " It Is? Yo n coul l1 ' A' pu ll~c1 It out l u t h e mliLLe r o f tb o ostllte o f H Od., "yPe." Roseot! occupied n d(,p.(I rhnlr wlth nut me, [ su ppose you 1 hlnk, lit CHAPTER XX IV. t'!. n ' i1 Hon, u eoea ~ed , l ;ulill t e rni 11\ and IUIt In the dtjf'<'ted otlttuc1o wh l,' h Y('lIl' 111\ ' 7" hllritllo oB tux i ~ fixl"d in tl I. I'nuse lIad become his hnblt. ")'~8. he Is," "No. But It's mine. norl It·s en ough," 'RII~rl rl " ll wlllt ... 1 UlltII h(' hpnr,1 Ih~ Uertalo s t,uo k belulIKi n.c t o I hi ~ I "Edtth hl\/1 to Ico,'c tow n. '"1.1 80 ":\fy Lord! H's f\bout wbut neon. ~o ll nll oC th(l nllter Il uo r ('I(I~III);; Ih ~ n tt l I r d t L J A II e 9 ,rlllld erro 0 lIl' Y· , 0' 1, ' 8lbyl tblnk . sho'lI hllve 10. too!" gressmoo gtlls, and you wnnt to qui t 11(1 ro~p nn rl plI~II ('1 1 II tiny (lI s l1 Het 10 ilS der~un . "Ob. I wo uldn' l 1mt .It UWI WilY ." tJler! 1 s u ppose you think y ou'll g •• t 'Uae 'WillI. .l ncl<son 1IJ1IWn rl!ll.' In the m ll tter of Ih g UOrtllllll~ hll ' . ROIlCOII pratt-sled. Ilrcnrll.v. tlle rest when I kick tbe Ilu ·ket. 8ntl " Il II . l\I IJh. !!fl l 11" 111(1 f rolll 'w orl,?" o f \V loll r ow Whitfl Orll, lIn IIllhcUll 1l "No. 1 heur you -n'olll<lll't !" Tb(' re all yo u h nve to do Is Iny bll k nnll " ~ll sl ' III h h.·! :-;". SlIh ," CI.vdo " hi~uorold il}J lloln tllu . Runt! I . a bitter gibe In tbe tolli pr 's "okl'. \,"ol t! You let .me t ell you rlgbt he re. " , ' rll hlill I Wllot 10 see h im, ~oo n $50 lind be addell: "U'S 11 go 11 tIling Ahl"s you'll n ever see oue cent ' ot It. YOII ' ns h,' ,,0111"8." U, " Ye!!sub." In tllo Ultl t l or of I,ha es lilte o f I .oln' a.bro,\rI- lt she' ll s tny there. I go out n' buslnese now, and wbat Rherl. ln n relmnNI to his cIlHlt nml A I )(nntl or T r ey tr,wk , cleoullsed . .tIouldn·t th Ink ouy of u ~ \\"11 nt 11 'r would IOU know about bandllo' U llve hero any more-.-you IOll s t of nil!" 'r Il!n IIr twe nl y Y"lIri! Cro:lIU II U\\, '! n c· II< ~I hi" attNdl n f1(1rcely 11[100 11r ,. Hllrry t; !lorus IS ap(J uint~d !l11111\U ' , "It'a no usn rour tnt'k ln g tha t woy," '" lise I IlIlc".1 10 stllY hl'l' , II little ne WRjlOprr. n t' tound It IIltJ1'lIlt to ' ~ trntor , n ond $nOO. l:I1lrry 01 Ill. IIII.Id RoscO(!, " You wou't do auy !(ood." I"hlie y~I, my buy! Th y 'll PJlher get pnr~ u .. til(' lt~nI ~ Io~J'n "'<1 tI!"lr " xl,lunll ' 111 Jr, J . W urrtJn \Vood uud At . 1\. . " "Well, ~'b'n )'0 \1 com ln' hnck 10 your It I\\\','y frolll YO II or you'd ~ 'II (or a torr rl1hrlr' ~- IIo"re "'liS noth Ing un· BUI'ke , I~ e II ppo intotl RJ1J1rrdBe r ~ . I oftlce ,., Sbuldan Ulled 11 brts ker. kind · nlrkel lind let It be split . li p 1I11r1- " lI.lln l or . tllrtllng 10 concpntrntc his VIII","B ot Lebft.uou I' ~. Nlln y Ul o8sor o t ill J ury R ~i:le:s u~ tblj ~r tooe. "Three "'('eks since you B(!I w hlrl NI nboll t, IlI ll r 'hed t(> the att!'l1tJon . "bowed ITP there nt nil, Wben you Ih er Cllrl or tlJ~ room , II l1rt s too ,1 sl l~nt "~ Iot o rm n" PlIl ~ ntnmp on n rnk ..". uOlllpensa tivo to btl paid by the gol.n' to be reody to cut out whis ky can momrnt. Tl u'lI hc SII I!l. 811lcrll llly: TI,r(' p 1,1I1i'1l \\' h"l1 rnr SlIrl('s." "Tlllr. plulo&Hl' , by r eOKU U o r 11 (Jpropr iod iLl 1l and all the rest 0' the foolishness aurl .. ( ~tHh- n . It you go 011t now, yon Ifll1v e glnra ~Ink(' llfi: 11 ,1111." " Bon rd Work s of tho pro p er t y dE'!lcr iIJou In I,ho po· I .tart In again? YOIl ougbt to b e able Ole In \lIe lurch. w ith unthl,,' on Oo"'s :\~) llro \'(' n lsr ('or.ll ne l~xll'n"l o lI ." Utl ll u lU ' th e . U 803 lIud purposos (jf ;\I:o n Hilid pllllntlll , to the defonuun t t h o to make up tor 8 [ot 0' los t time nod II green ell rth to ,1 ~polI,1 on bllt yOllr " " olrl.up M en Inj llre Two, kllll PraC'lure(l." du rn of ~·10 00 10t o· 8pllt mUll " ' ben Ihn t womnll broth"l'-lIl1d you kuo w ,';hllt h 18. Fo unrl In Alley, bkes' henelt out o· tire wily 8 nd leIs I"' e .ICllC Il!le.d ou you for It nil ~Iu ce "lckl.'Dl ng Story Told In nh'or~e Iu the ru"tter of the e!to ta 0 1 "Plou N"w' EI";hlee".,,tory l:!IlUlU lll Ill. t!tllrr, d eCtlU81l1l . AUl ll nd a ""OU and all the rest ot U8 aione." 11m rIled . Now you've IIsteued to that Court." "It', no use, talher, I tell you. J clam' /loctor, onrl he snYIi maybe you RITll r ture." "School!!1 rl ~r e Ig i rUth ' M. I:lta rr is Il HP<!iur ed li:x'r. Boud .. 'egro ('Ilts .3500 , l), R Bunnell, I::Inrry tlat,tor. 'know 'What Goroey wns going to soy won't ever be as good 0 man a8 you t ndor Alltomohlle." 'I'br<'e, Ooe D Rd ," "r,ltr ('r\l ~ h r<l th w llite ,~od Ed Bogan urenJlI)olnted to you. I'm' (lot going bark to tJle or· ftce. I'm done!" Out. ThIrd lDlovutor A~drlent In Rn me (\pprlll~elclI, ~'Walt a minute betore you tlllk tbot nlllhllng ("nusos Action by Coroni'r." In tbo mrltter of ~be will vf OOTII wayl" Sberlda n begnn bls seolry·go "n clnn' ~[lIItin Will he lII enne", 1'01, 0, WIltlEl, d\1061ll!ed , Will is Ilumi t. up and down tbe room. "I sup(lose Ish 'R ocle tll'~ Pro test to OO"ernor In ted to pJ:obmte. 10U know \t'll tnkeo m 'o pretty gool1 In tho m atter of the es tate of Corn (;llUr II R1olln~ ("nFr." ". hort ~3.rlO('l In 'men a!lOut sh:tecn bours 0 rlay to set Ar. ount s. Trus ted :'IllI.n l{llis s(~ lr W llh C . Wlltt S, doo06 · ed. W. Vhe ~ t ll r th logs nnd get ' ern rll nl1 ln ' !lrll!!." " I~olllld Frozen , ~'nm ll y Mllple Is up\lolntlltl Extr . Boml rlgbt apln, down 10 your oflko?" "'lIh(1111 Foorl or Fu·1. Rally nl'llll $5000 . Jumey Fallen, B. B ~~o1{ es "They must be good men." R osco Whr. n Pnrell t!' . Rel llrn H Olli e I"rom "nll P . V. l:io ne ure (~\llloi ut cd all R(,p ldllsr Work ." "~lI n l s ter Hrtu rncd 1)l'ftl sers . nodded tndltferently. "I thoug ht I wnM dolug abotlt elgbt meu's work. 1'1l1 From Trip ALJrond Lecft lrl'R (1U 1I1g III t he estoto of ,J ohn W , Vonden, .Iad IOU found two tllI\t coulll b(lIltlle Futllre ot Ou r tty. S.' r s Hlg 1m· lieoensEld . IJlst rlbutlon In klUd, ot It." jlrovellient nurlD~ Short A h"l' n('P. RIlYs oe rtlt.\n ()battel propeny, Is ord·e r ed. "Look beret It 1 worked YOIl It wos The Moat Expenllve Turldlh Tobacco. Nn EuropclllI (,Ity H old. romll"," B V , \V'lltor, A um r ., v s H ~ rry for 10ur own good. Tbere nre plenly (I':Iwrtdn ll nodded npprovlnJ:(l .l' h.' rl',) \1oCabo at 8,1 Pr lVlHtI s tllo of r eu l tbat arow .... e contained In the f ..mou. Cbellerfi ..ld BI .. nd:-XANTHI for ill of men drlvlI barder'n I do. outl-" nll llJs .. omc thro\l!(h Ihp \)1111 whls· e , lutu o r der ed , frqrance; SMYRNA. for ito .weetne.. ; til II/:. 11[1 (\ "ntcrexl the ronm hrl s kly . ''Yea. Th ere ere some that LJr~ IIk A IOl[ l[llxweJl , Admr., vs W . H . CAVAlLA for ill aromal SAMSOUN I"~ "'Veil . . til ttl l'r. dill you wllnt ",~ ? " down al\ tbe otber me1\ that work with for itl riehm,a •• "YI'S, Rlt tlown." _ hcrlfl nn got uP. Miller et a l . Prooeed» a ri si ng fruUl 'em. Tbey eIther die. or go crozy. or nnd Bibbs look n sent by Ih p li n ', hoW · lIa le o f 1'0 .. 1 es t llt e u t e o rd ol'ed ul s . lIu'e to quit. and lire uo U 8C the rest log out bl. hund s to Ih l' ('r;;c klll1 g Irl bu t ed afto r two Dotes owl u g ~u ot their UVfl8. Tbe Inst's my CII se, I L. b'. Uo lefll ll n f r om t,b e e s h ttl of blnze. 'tor It WII S cold olltc1 oors. !rue_'complleat ed by domes tic dim· "I Clime wlll,ln seve n ot Ilip ~h(lp HeuiJOu . balTe r , der;ollsul l, b ll \'0 LJoen eulUes!' " pllld .· r ecord t oday." be said. "I bnnd ll'd "You set there aud tell me YOIl 'gl Common Pleas COllrt more strips tllo t ony olhe r wOl'kmnn upl" Sheridan's voice sbook. anll 80 b8S any day till s monUl. The near est did the geattcultiiJnr band wblcb h!! New Suits Mil es I , Bellobler, fllrmer of Car. Dream Life. tn n\p ta Rh t Pf'ln h phlnd ." .extended appeollo gly toward Ule lieT r oll r rl 1I1 1"111r1 In Ih ,' fon'.t. nlll1 Ihl' Tlle lPeo )Jl e ~ ' BUildin g L oan & lIs l f, lind Mllrgaret Ellz!lb et·h Bill'• .ponC\ent llgure. "Don't do it, Ros· n eRr F rankliu . Rev. E f;)If) Ut l'U IIH' ho c lc, 'l'h(Ou 1 l'oI;4' U "c! W ') Savlng~ Co. , V8 Elm or anti Ellzabe\h bnoh, o f coel Don't sny It! Soy you' ll come Inllsr. tn find \\'h!' IH I ~ \I·t'rt ,I IU< I"'t Whitno lr e, money, aUlount olaiwed KUIsely. dOWD the re again soC\ be a mou! Thts . .:rere8t Beath', 10llder and Orlen8 t.Im M IIII<I hlll l 11 0 SIIurel'. 1 flllJ o\\'('ll $1400 with Interedt. 'Woman ain't goln' to troubl e you OilY J . W, T uoker V8 BlaDolle ruok er, J eiIe th of Kings Mill8 R e v . Ihe \\,111 ·,,'·th ~\\'I~ p t1' I'flIl!!h sWll ml';> (If more. Tbe 'Work ain't golo' to burt l'v(m lll J(. It IN I lUI' hll ll1'r IIn tl r fm. Hu gh wlltaon . divorce ; wlJ(olablionce, yon If you ba" ...n't ~ot ber to worry htl 1 I'III1It' lI<twh., ",'. Il 11'11 8 ol1ly tI '" Angellne Dflvls Vii J a m es B. Davis, :ron, and 10U CIIU get ~tlt 0' this nosty Commissioners' Prcx:ecd 102S !! h ( ,~t ur n li ght. I SUI\" \111 III'P It.' alimony, rwbJ8ky·~zzJln ': It a~n't fa stened on 10 the m~tter of tbe road petl. hUII!;III): I" IIIl' 'I\'pltr ,- •• f "I'n1l1. I :rou yet. 'Don't S81'-" Tb e ISwart,zol Ioe C r e am Uo, va tloned for by Johu Bolweger et ai, s tofll'NI 11\ plclc II . 111111 lay ,I my hnn<' s Whlteumn aud Ly tle, III r epleviu ~'r8nklln "It', no USII on eartll," Roscoe mum· township. Resolution In t he wat ,·I·. 'J'l", '1J 'lIl o hull Ill) (lOrm, for Ilo a~e~sl on 01 per~ond pro per ' y, lla8!1 od by t ile BOl1rd orderin g road T his Is tl l'CUl1I I1 f,·.- Th e Al lontl c. bled. "No use on tarth." dalDag e!!, "nd 0 0 8tS. "Look herel Ir you waut another 'vero. nnd t bnt certll inly .1'011 won ' t be to he e s t~b l i~b " d !l oco rdlng to line tor a y ear or s()- proLJllbly mor~ .. ·ow, month'. vllcatJon- " Barry R on v;\ Lewis .J. B eoker et ~e' t orth In the r llport of County "I know Gurney. told YOIl . 8 0 wbot's tho t'8 nil a lie. ~[c n don't bran k Il own Ill, m ou DY and f ore ol osu re of m o rt !iurv eyor . September 1 t1l at 10 a . Service. tb a t way nt your IIge. I.ook lit llIel the nae tolkJng about 'vacations?'" gage . m , set, liS utlte for, hearing olaim~ for Tile nrl s to cr nc), or lit .. rulnr .. Is In "d umeYI" Sheridan voclferoted And 1 teil yon, you elln s hn kc thl ~ Ada ,Lue blle •• vs. Ala rd Luebben, oOmpen BI\t\ o n and dlllllflg ell. slghl . It will " .. I he lUI IIrl" tllt'rtll'Y the name SAvagely. "It's Gurney, Our· Ullng ot!. .A ll yo u ueerl Is a 1I111i' ge t· di \ uroe ; ex trewil or u e l Ly, BIIiB Allowed :- W, M. Downll!g, toun,lull flU mi ght; It \\' 111 11 0 1' h ~ 1111 u p and a little 1(11111 lltlon, ~I en Ilo lI't ncy. Gurney!, Alwnys G urney ! ] dam" g eB for luj ury to hOrle $50; n "IKlUcl'IU'Y ha s(,.1 1111 OIl' II Cr:l< lcllt of . Proccc~lngs don't know what tile world's comlll' to go Bway for ycnrs anti Ole n ('01111' lo1\ ck Mike Burke, plumbing I\t jl1ll $14 Ill; IIll'th ; It \\'111 nr.t h .. "" IIrl stflcrllcy by wltb everybody ronntD' around sq uenl· In lo 111 0 \' III ~ businesses Ilk" ou rs- fl ley In que8t over the bod y of Charles B. v lrtuc o f p u~~(!~s ltll1 l wh 4!thc r of I:lttttEl' of Ohio VS , ,J o bn K ee ver. In', 'Tbe doctor BOYS this,' nnd 'The lose tbl' s trin gs. A ull I( YOII cO ll lc1, I know lc'\l SC 01' (I[ ,,,,,,, Ith; but It will Plal\ue,) g ui II)' to )lot il la r ceny. Rowe, COtOD" r Bud wltn e'B $6.05; doctor snye fuatl' It makes me Sick! woo't let YOIl- lf you Iny tl o\\' 11 on lIle Inqaest o ver b ody of J,ohn Baner, b e UII url~\'o cru cy of sCfI'lc c.- l\Ia tt. S. ::!ente o c ed t o thlrt,y du y8 In Xf'uill H ug hes. How'8 thIs country expect to get li s now. 1 w OIl't-llud \l1II1's hC('Jl UHe It W\lrk l:Juu ~e Ilnd fioed f !lOU lind oo r o u e r nuct witness, $(i ,70; Inquest work done It Gurney a nu all the .nt hllr you IllY Ilown YOII pro,'c YOll IIln't tbe 'lver ho tly o f Albert B~ner, oor oner oOIlI!!. I:lenhlllce 8u~peDued daring old Danny·goats keep up thi s . binttill'! m:on I Ih 01lght you WCI·C." li e clcllrell : ~uoh time [III tl e fe n un n' !lta ys out of Ililel wltu ell8 $7 ~(i ; J o hn M Mulford, So be IBYS )'00 got 'UerVOllMcxhu ustlon hlR thront nnd Onlshe(1 qul elly : "Hos· derv\oes .Iury Uomml!lsl!ln 143; Expen ~lve Lu)(u ry. Wl\rron Cuunty Induced by overwork unci emotion al COf', ~' Ill you tok e n muu th' s ,'aeRUon .Iohn W. ~'e .. J(jy, same $~ 5 ; Fru nk ' "Ho 01(1 Wllllnll .. I ~ 10(,King f or 0 LflUrl\ B. MoN llnoy vs l'h ilip I!'. li n OQroIllo lll, puIJ, tax notioe $4 ; .trllin.' Tbey always got to stick tlle and come LJ llck and go to tt 7" . MoN!LllOY et al Alimony In BOlli of MII\ml Uazette, pub tux n otioe $<! ; .1i\·ol'l:e f rulll hI" ."1'"11"; wl fc. 0 11 wllllt "No," snld Itoseoe, II Rtills"l y. "I'm 'Work In If they see a cbance ! I r~kou grollll,IR?" "Ou th e grou nd s o( eco n· $8 por week, Illlo w eu . tbrough." Western 8ttt r , Bupp\le!:\ for p , J, lIod omy, I I,"\l ess." :fOIl d[d bave the 'emot\ollo I 8troln,' W. <..i1lester M ~ple, TruMtee VB . A 8 urv ey or ItS, 25; Frnnk C. Ander. and that'a all'. th .. matter with YC!l. ".A II rlsht." sllld Sbcrlrl llil. lIe [licked M. Brown et al Plaillt,ilT ordered son II tty. fur humane offioer, Ohio np tile e"'ml ng p a pe r trom a tuble, to r ecover sum of 'liBI !{07 fr om de VI Credit, '10; Sl\m e, Oblo VB. weut to II chll ir by the fire 6.[1(1 sot feUllliot. Brown $ IU; lJ l' Le wi~ , ol1rpenter. down, bls bnck to his 80 n. "O oodby." Ing at U 8., fa O~; Frllnklln NewlI, RosC'oe ro se, bls henll ba nging, but Re,al Estate Tranafers pub. 'ax notioe $4; Columbu8 Blank there "'liS 0 dull relict In hi s eycs. ' V'V . ti. Mllhlln to C hua Louise Book Co., eU(lplies for !:lurveyor 1:1 ; "Bos t'I CUll do," hI' mu ttered, Be'mlng "You're My Last Chance." (In Partition). If Mllh nn lind Ali oe A . Sultlllatllllohia WarreD Connty Times, pub. tuX' about to d epurt. yet lingering. "I fig· "1'bere!" ex 101111eo n,s lather, gr(!n,. lot No .. 1~2111 ' AtI\SO!l, notioe $5. Plump ure It out n good Ilenl ml C IIII A." be Iy plen sed. " What'd I t ell ·you 7 l'd W . A . Unln(\8 nnd wife to J . W. Warren Common Pleas ARid . "[ <l1.ln't know my j nb wns IIny like t o Irenr Ourucy blot Hgnln thnt I !lnd 8a,rllh C lnrk lot No. ,J 5 In flllr . st rnl n, ami I mnnugel) ni l rl ~ht, hilt WORo't ri ght In seorlln /: you ther~I vey s bnrll', 1800. Marthn B', ~Iullord ' tl'Otll whllt G llr- froll! whllt I henr, I would just like to henr him! And you.!... THIN MEN AND WOMEN , .. . 08S0 Nu. 1119 ~ R. VVUd~ Ullcbri~' to MllrQoret F, A wos just lip to the li mit ot my 11(!n'C8 nio 't you oshnm exl ot I11l1kln ' such a Olarkrroo lIULLerwo r ~ h ~t al. Monhe r lot, on Orchard Ave, Leb. (!'Om ov,," work. uml 1111' - lh e trollhl,e tU98 ahollt It? .AIn't you7" A free e Ray m 0gemen t ot tile lly vlrtuo o( 00 order o( • • Ie. dull' Iisued trom 8,,11.1 Court. In tile ,[)o YG 8tlltOtI co.'G. a"d bome wos th e cxtro stmlu thnt's' "I dIdn' t go at It In the r ight spirit anon , ,t ! , bowelt! overy day is 11 s ign ot !lood t.., m. "Iroo ted . 1 wil l olTo r for 1)110. by "ay Do You Want to Cet ~at and Be ut E. M. aud Chorles E Ellton to hetl.ltll , Dr Klng'R N e ~v Lire Pill, olllUllllc flx ed me t lte way I IlIll. I tried to the, oilIer tim e " D1bhs 8111d s mlll11 g auctlun. at th a door of tho Oourt atrons? Uouao. In lAl balion . 'V a rron County, U11Iu .01I E li tis-llIDti !:les t er Debu 81< Iota 'No~, brnce. no r could stnnd Ihe work and brlgbtly, bls rn~e rud dy In th~ eli er et1l1 will give YOIlI\ ge l' tlo luxHtlve effeot 67~ a nd ~~5 lu ~' rlluklin, $ 1 , without « r lplng I,l ud , f r ee your BY!. , Til. 'roubl. wltb mOtlt thlo tolks ..1'0 ..-I.h the trouh le too, on whl RkY- 1I1l11 tllat llre lll:bt. "I dl,l,,'t know tb e dlffcre llce . e"b& '- &11., tll11 in.lIe aD drugglDIl put the t\nl sb to me! I - I 'm not hit· It men nt t o like n 1111nl(." , Cllurles 1: . I!;"ton to Ann n. E. tem of blood polso n. , parity your tbori\r .tomrich or .,uffl OII, "Itb grcaaJ food • . "We ll, r g1less I' ,·!, pretty tlJorOtlghl y Leig ht lot No. I) 5 in Franklin, $1. blood, ove roome oonstl pll&ion and At 10 f)'cloc k A. AI .. on •• Id d&y. tho 1011011'· rubblDl OD uol_ "1100Ib c.... m•• " or foUo,,· tln g It as bnn) 0,8 I wos tor 0 wil li", Jllg dOllCrl bod refi l ostat.o. Lo · wlt.; . IQllIOme '0011111 pby.toal Culture .tunt . ... hU. alld I reckon pretty soon It 1 cnu get vindicated my j udgm ellt. 1 guess 1 Lillilm C. alld 1. O . Hllill es to Il~v e I1n ux oelle nt t(lnlo eiJ80t on ,tbe Lot l'io. l (au e) 'In JolrOI'llOII ~(III8TO , III , lit o tbe NIl or t1t!no_ 110<10 UDI<IUCbod . entire By6t~m , Makes you tee I lik e to feelln~ a little moro energy. I botter bavel I snld th e JlhoD'd be goo(1 tor to wn pI W.( tho Qoun,y Il r Wllrrcrr YOII tat UD,II Jour dlgC'lltt•• tract Luoy K. Wlt.lrl1~ll l(j3y' aore8 In anti Bt"te 0 Ohio, as dcslglllltC<l 011 tl" Illu I to qnlt entJrely-1 doo't koow, 11 vlng. O uly 250. Itt druggls,s, I:J.llrhm townshi i/ $ 1. t~g:~ ~~~ ~~~et ~,rl"k I'Iry of tlo.ld 'f owll l _avlng and o:xcelJting t.llurorI'(JIJ1, ' ,JODtIDUed OD __ III m 811 In-and the doctor soys ao. I thu(, p.r~ ot lIIatd lot. oollvo)'ed by l'uull nu A. Whltaore to . \ 'l IB. JeB6le "utter .. or~b to EdmuDd and AI.ry E. 1(0," 1· thought I was runnIng along fille up B . 'l' rlpII 2 aore~ In Wayne township lick by deed ' l'tICOI'\Jed In Vol. ~~. ,l'aBe ~ of to a few months ago, but all tb~ time the I!ecortle ot Warren Oount1. Uloio. uud do· fl . .crlbed ... ,tollow., P.r ~ of Lot N'l. I (ooe) I was r~ady to ' bust, Rnd dldll't know In JelYeraoo Bllunl'<>. In bhe tOWII of ·\\'ayn... · George W. and Katherine lutzl 10 , It. Now. then, r don't wBnt 'you to .lIIu. Warrou 'oUll ty [)~ Io . 811"h .'pur~ ad · , rrank and Chl4rlee Frentaol 105 Jolna I lot DO" O"Ded by Johll W. Wllit. BOll blnm~ . Ibyl, ,and It I were you I IIlty (60) tOOLon Thtr<1 Stroot lI11d ex· aores in 'l'ttrtleoreek towDsblp, w ouldn't speak at he r oa 'tho't wom. tenda bock .ho lame ..11.1111 to ~h o b~uk olld 0 1 I will o ffer at Publlo Bale at my 10L No.1 (ouo) a'o re<Nlltl, nn ,' beca u8e sbe's your daughter.ln"Aboul 'wo ),eArs al1l o I h ad a $21',000. Said proJl(lrLy 'acetl on Thlrtl tltroe~ (;h .. AiarrlaKe U,enses r ellidunoe o n the Way.nelVllle and De'""'t .true. 00 Ibe Nortll belog Miami. the Illw and going. to stny that 'Way. Sbe I!evere attaok of (harrboe8 wblob ne&rerlt "reet on 'be W\lIIt bou'g Fourth IUKI N ew Bur1in~ton pike. neal' 'he didn't do anything wlckM. It Wll8 a laated Q1'lIr a "!!lIk." writes W . C , .h.. nOllreet OD tllo 80utll BII(II SlrocC. UhB lriel! R . Seller!;!, farm e r RoDd Vaesar'. Oreek ohuroh, on abock to me, and I rlon't deny It, to J ODIII, Buford, N, D . "I bS(lame' l\o Bele Sold real ealate haa beoIl NautlrlY 'appral_1 n 1. Earnhllrt, ha th of L ubBn l) n. under order 01 Iba coun at tbe . um ()l(flO GO " lind what she had dOD~ncouragln. weak 'bat I ()luld not 8tiind nprlgh&, 00) Ooe Ibou.. nd aod lilLY dollars 0011 ,,111 Rev , JI. ft. Fit:.:w",'er. ' Tuesday, September 12, 1916 that'tello", to bnng Hround ber atter A 4rul,te' reoommeDded .Chamber. nol be IO:} tor ..... Ib"n two-"'Irda a. oat,1 air Commenolng at 10 o'olook, the to IlIrt "'lIh ber, and laID '8 00110, Cbofera aDd Dlllfl'hoea . ,l C18Elph 'H. Bruce employed ~ t P1r::lMB~too ~btrd !!&Ih III hind 00 cl l), at lORing her bend ovor him · tile way ibe Rem~dy. The fire' d08e re/leved Rolling Mill l\lid N E t hel 'l'owIO'_f.IOcUOwlns property' : 4 Borrea, <Jat. Alo 000 third 10 0111 ,..... and (llIe thIrd to t.o· yeat'lllletertedlllJmellca 10 boar a ""recut dId. J don't d~DY It Wft8 B IIboek and Die aDd ,,"bIg .wo "al 81\ both of Frllnklln . Re v. J. B Flt·z- &1. and Hop, Farming Implement!, ID~' aDd be lIOCianId b, m ortcace 00 Il",m' See bll bille for term., that It'll al\\'a),8 be a bnrt 1081de ot me "eU ..."11'," MaD), drull1888 r e: water. "'lOld.! WALDRON 0, OlloKOUB. Loull l E. WiRe, oirpenler, aDd 111'8. Amanda II Starr I'll nllver over. Dut It w •• IDJ oommeDd thll rem~, bllOl~ee the)' iilirirIJf W _ (lO" Oblo Aut. ;.. fault; r dJdu't uDderal and a WOJDaJn bow lbat •• la "Uiblt. Ubtalnabl. Bert.ha Mae Pummill, both of M"lu.. Wm, ';JCLTZBOTB'" IIAl'LJG .. viII.. Hn. J, B, J'UIWI!'-r, W. E. O'NHIl, Cl.t Poor &OtICOI IIIIOk. .. . . nerrwlaert.



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-and yet they)re MILD


-----+-- --


IOSURlIneE Walter Chandler tWaynesville, o. Over Postolfice, j Olfice PbOIIC 71

Dr. J. A. McCoy, Veterlnarv~

Graduate of












d",.. I




Slat_ Unlvenlly

Office at rC3idcnce in F, USher wood's house, Fourth Street.

Telephone 28

Waynesville. E,


Says I)rlnk Water You Wish To Grow Fat and





NotarYii Public All kinds of Notary Work . , and Deeds a I:Ipeolalty.

DR. J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTIST... om"" 1I:aIDIt Dldl.

Wa),oonille. 0

)/ olIo1111

,0 u. H.fJ. H~Ta;AWAY I', ny'1I8Avllle 'I! Lea.dlnai .QeDIlI' MaIn Be

t )ffioo lu Keys Blu"


Puneral Director. Waynesville



Auto 'Equipment • Hone-Drawn equipment 'hLEPUONB




As Written by Ou r Corps of , bll:


- - -----_ - --..


Hrenkfa!oil Wi ll Tak' OfT Flit If Y 011 Gl't FI'(':;h !: i r

Co lrtl!.' poJld

en t s ill l h t: Nei}{hblJrhood


Says a Glali" of Hot lVat r E ,;('ry lorn il go fi 'fo}'('

DM~ .




. LllIll fal l ~I' r (Itl:·



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tu t,c l uC'w fi l lic. lJuc t ors I ,ft · ,c lil", fl (llcul rl" II~di cs , :l ilt! by ' '' ISI.JII t · ', !.tt t ,. , t ill unage)" I)! fuil ing t UC UIC \\ith It}cul trell I l11 Cllt, ~ I llu ll oll ll crd it ill cm r.ILIc . l~lI l a rr h i s Il II"~" I " I'ca se, " reR ll y lllll llell <c el by eo n ' 11 .. , ')' I\ l Jli ~ I _,I. H) IIi A1iLU' ;ula l l'undh i,,", 11 ",1 Ih~ .. clor" rc I p{J. ed

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quir l' S ,' d llSl flu li ll lJld tr ct\ trm.' ut . l1...dl's Cllt. ~ nh Cu re, lllU I1 I1(a ' I tln~d b y F . } .

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br:. rt' \\ . ilci utTerer! ror nn y C11.' C lit,l t 11 11 11' ; Cl1 la rrlt Lu re I.•ils 10 Se ll d r fur " il4.: lI lrt c; alia Its tilw,ni:t l... . F I C H Ii, I'; V 11< (' I I , . 't'"kdu, Olt in, ~ , I d II)' Ihll ~~ I"' I !-I . ;;IC.

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II :d l's Fll mlly Pill ; Inr CII II Slil'.I I,"t.


Jilt L cll n ' t !Ilk " It."


m .. MOfll;rur Brnucnire.··



u,,"lI nt ',Ri tll (' IJl l1 tt t'r w ith .vnll'!H ·~ " e r·

F r ll nk R ilid u ~ I' hl\ bl" " ' f'III , ~JI' . l'ltnlllC' ll;" U,p lt ," fltlt! ( hu~h, '1 Ie ' or HtlV ru l LlllYrl II' t 1'>. 11 " fI '.'lI t IJlll'l (If Itt·. " I" ' k ,,:11 1, Itlw A K ~ I Lr g lit f,11 'illt.llr,ln .l' I M r {',lllll>ILtll '" lIl ' ' 0 ;\ t l'~. l' II L ~1 :1tI. " \' 1' 111 1i\lInd hurt h l nl 'Hllt IJ II I "" . l\()U . vert' l y . ~I I 11' 01 ~' .. I' Il (' It'n l-" r, 1\1,' l\ll~~ N nlit o ~ 1 1l .. ph .l"\ of IlIIllr 1.1·1·. ,\I II ( illr . \ 1111 I 1,',I\"'r Id. J 1\1 1:1 ~nllll . ~ P" lt t, I.wu '" I · k ~ w i 11 h r ei!".!" (:1 " ",,1'1" I,ltol ~ "tt nil'" 11'11 !(ruudJ1n r <ltll ~ . I' I Ul"IItug hurn o ·tltl. l t"t1l l',l lI u i\lr uo ,1 ~ ,~ II "" IJ' lvi • dlly . 1't'lJ l'~tln y \' I " . in~ Mr Mllry Jt\ II 0 " lo3v r ItH H boo ll 1\1.,. Anti ~ Ir~ . ,l e' UtI \"" lfu HI '\! lJ l vory po url y f u r ~e y orll l dIIY ~. \Y , ·tl n l'~{ I "y \V \I h I hl"'i r ~" !t Itn ..... Ut!U I HlJvtlru l fr o m h ur o Iltl·nll oll YE' I' C lurlo.\' lll." lI Llt! IH ll\l:< llt l\ IIl HI'r Iv IU(I Illl l! li t Wil m i lll,tto n ::iundl\y . u ouul tl \\ "l f~ h 'J III U Wit h I it ntn I, r 111 1' , .. n<l,M r R \YultOT E ll1-. M r" . II fow tillY" VIi'IL , Mllr.\" 1£1Ii~ lin d M rs. H lI lltlllh Cres. Mr. IIncl Mr H li'. A. Hllrl ~N'i<, w,, 11 \\' ,'re 'u IHIIlY ~ u orl l' a t Mr n nL I B ~ l tI ~1 rlflt! A Jn n lInr f ~ ol'l( IIn f1 :\1 , . Mr s , .I ,) h u B r o w lJ. ) f DtlLlr 1.9 iJflU Utl . J , \\ . 1J 1I r ll' oc k WI ' r (l 1 lt u t;lInd 'I ~' Mr unci Mr~. A. 1:1. All~ .J '1 an t I'!' K U (' ~t. o f '\11' , tln d Mr • . ~I"I~'y Btlr. ,,!iueo li t d lun e r HUlldllY, l ' l i nL All. nett !toll r 1\ I(: II(' L'Y \" 1. 11 ,,. ,un, of ' n llt o rt d ll ; M n lIJurg u r L M .. ,. . >lur.111 '~lId M I~. UU'Jlltdlltll' h l?u iJr o 11 nil IrI I B~ O~I:lO AU~IJD li t Utlv. ~ p u ol li'l"ld"y 11' 11" ~ l r H . ~ A ICII Ld. l ut..; .l od M ... IHlo l l\lr~' M.}rt" i;:. MLH. \'1 " ;,, J ,ud"u l' ,01 I,'(( II U Mt- s ", b or w oo d, of Wllyn f>8 \,llIn . Ohi o , ,In ittll 'edll o r W u ,llI c stiuy IIft,' r Mr II n tl M r ~ . Tltos , \-Vb Ls,,1 UII . UO' 1I1 I rt ul l1 011 t h t~ w ~e lt Mr~ , Wh " I 'iIl l '~ lVr~, G,' ", 1)lIvl ,; u(1 ~J i~ GIh ,.1 IH o t her n n t! enllli ly of ' .. I'l r ll · ln. Mutli) ,m ~ Jl lJ ut 1'u ~ sdll.l' In IJ n ~'t o n !:lorry HfloLlur, ot UIllrks\'i li£1, WflR r.lrs R llI h(ll I uh. rt ~ 18 ~1 ' ''lId iul\' In on r " It y Huo rl ny ~ h. k i lll-: blln ,l~ 11 f , Ih y/! wil lt h "r "lOP;) ~l r R ."'hll lVitb ucquBlutllrl CO", \V ultu OLlr 11O rSOut on Drll ' Il ntlu n ullnoo ~1 ' ~, ',)rll Th o tl1l1 ~, ' m 8 l!t'U t Tbur . t Ih ll o.llun e lt os l,t1 I· fll ir t iJl.. wtJe k tln .V linll lo' rldllY ill O lty to u . with th e ir s h o w ~ tll(' k . wh ie h Itl ~ 'lr ' hl i ~H ll ult' ll ::)ul II ,\,II U , ,f :-\I'rlu ;. Lo 'nrr,. a W II ~ Lh" fl r61 rl b h o n. Uti lt! 1\ 0 11 M i l! ~ I:l nLtlll,h ,I o rdan w un T h e yo ULt K ul eo l 1111 I, I ltrow 1,ho t h o . uppo r Il ll o ~t~ of Mr. U'!HI hlr OIlIl I,Min to t bo w llt uri ng tr () Ul! h i ll W T. ,Ic>rcl u n Thursd tl y e"euln l.( . i\I ~ . I~ , 1,:. Mllnn o n AtJLl nt Ttl BB(}I~y uur oiLy a DO ul ~ h t r oco Dtly " ' II.' Ii ll v e th ei r j ny lurn ed in Lo ~lI rr o w. with Mr s l-l . C. D ' lvl~. 1'1 " y uro W il li k n own tu u s ,,1.;,1 t h i' Mit lI n ll Mr~, ~' A . IIll rt iJok "lid YOUII J.: mUll lhu·t a ir c:le, 1 II. Is I It o ill l." 1I,' I<, n " l ll'nel l'lI ~ urly Mee tIng 01 110 I,b llt II b n u ld Au IJ l!1' fr OtH h i. ut Wny n " ,v llio SlJV ral du.YH IIIC' 81n lirtoeR8 'V u 111'0 Hu re lv 8 u rpriRp. <l \.lll kl, I,.,.ok . ". ., It t.h o lr II C f.! OR l\~ t b t' ir lI III 'Po l h M I s~",\ J)udw I nn ll (1 1) '11 IlI unlll Itllv e tried h <l r d to di rect tb tJ Ul r Ig ht bu t If tb ey will n llt 1t ~ l e lt 10 Ilt o Lr ~O ll o" l hlll!lll MI~" V LIJ I I .1urd,,11 par e ots th e Itt",. C" D IlI U )i (l t h e ll) . n rhtlr ~l l "y n fl a r W)(Iu

4. Tho



.. Penroclo ., etc.


1,1 11 11 W II" Intlr "111 :11... ,1 , It :df HU' l' ld uus . " Your 11I_'l UI ree l tliIlIl." ?" ·' I ' , ·c n u n,'r I If' CIl 'llIl t ll RO l'mlle I n Ill y

Ilrl·... slIlLl 1111111• . " " . I 1I11," I! 11I1l'1\'. AIIIJ 1'\'(' I!nt just \Vl ml I w :tIlt. I';" 11\' llIg I!xa l'lly tile rl" ht lire: l'lll ('a rll· ~ l1li6, b7 11arpor Itt BIoIIIeI8 IlIg /II~' d nll y Itl·cn rl. nnll 1'111 It IlPPY In Y U II, nnn rr \\' UM. a rllu II H' "u,uu, 1101111': It. My \\'111; " 8 ti nt " 11"" 1:11. I hu r l ~' t1 I1 , lI \ld It h/'RII'L I r~ h CI~ 1I jlllli tlUII·t w IllIt nlly lII or ... mOllu)'. 111111 I C~ I\I' t1 y \l'h nl I ~ltltl II w01i 1t1 h ... \Iu't dlll l't a"s r ve IIU)"- " tim t tiO 1" " ])1I 1111111111l1t !" Rhel'l,l nn SPI'll llg tip, " 1.1111118 IIlle II !" n lhh nJ; r CI!11. guyly . ' ~ Yollt \' c . turn ed Sodn ll st ! Y Ull t lf'!' I, " "' " II. 1',1 III,p t il 1' " 0'" OilY pl ll"~ I 11. " ·nln l! to llto"e re ll l) \\' ij ,lu\\"I i Ih" l"e.


1" '1' 11 wfd llg. tll"s t :I n tI hl~ t l

111lo: ft'u ll o·

hurtlll' ~·flli . J l t~ 111 '1'1; th l' fllald u ' o (

I I'. slllrl l'll ~' U \l I'll I til Itt· tllI~ IHl I'i). hh.. 1 1l1ll' o· t fll' \\' lJll lt, (ulllily. :\0 " '. 11 "' 11. 1I 1l·1l 1 ,\ II ~·-t lt :t "·s IlI lr " I"P III. ) L1oll ' t sn y It I\l lIdlld l~·. nih" •. hili YOtt ~')I to ,iu S"'II l'l hl ll )! (o r y .. ttr~el f nll' lI lillly. Ju s l II ~(' \\" hIlL·. he"11 ,it1lle I'h J " kall ~'. A lid 1'1, I!olll' YIJII- plt.I'.,lt-,lIl r .

t o !tt·l p

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1'; 1,,' 1"1 <1 ,'11 11,'1'1,1.. ,1 to sit Li t! I,,·.,ttgld hi. dllll r unu , h'a lll ll).:.

tI\ I 'I'.

COllfl lll' lltl:d l y .


I I ~ I\" II

1I1,:1I1 \l ,

In hi s

(li pped IUIJUJoI

~ (III ' •. t

ku et.'

" I !N t plnlls (or yo u ,

nllJl ,s." he s:lI,1. . fllhh ~ 1111'111 1111.1' 1 O(t ~(1 Itt c rnll l!hl y nlnrmf'll . !I e Ll r,·\\' llltc k, "1 - 1 ' 111 uti rlgilt 1I0 W. (u l her ." ·'I.I Rtt' II ," 1'111' 1'10 1'111 "1'1111,,1 Itl III R(, I( In hI clta lr. lI llIl " llOkl' III U w 1011(' o f II re:IRo II :thle lI\ltll l·c'l~ v ll llll!. " 1, I ~ I e u hen', Hl lJ h ~. I IlItt l tl lI ll lh ' r hlo w t o· Ilny . 1111 ,1 It 11':1 8 II hiti'll II I,, ' lI lltl l'II:llt ln tlte to e, IlIOll!:II ' I ha l' e IIc(,1I ex ·


o lld )'0\1 -


Hlr. T thl nle t1I N~'R A !lr(l:t t el ~n l In wl lli l IIt 'r Btly , Itllt tlllH ISII' t It." ~ I' {' I'hl:t 1l tri ed to r~ RIrnln Itls I!ro w · Itt" flll·Y. n llli s u ccceti cil I.a rtl;tlly, "'I'1 1l' 1I w lt nt Is It ? Wha t's Ih e IIH~t· tel' '/'' " :\ oUII II g," Itls Ron re tu rn ed. nc rv· 1II 1 ~l y . " :-; o lh l \l~--il ~ cc l't Ih ll l 1' 111 rO il · Ipll !. I Il ou' [ w nllt to chft II gc 1lI 1 ~" tltlng ." "\\' Ity \lot 7" Hl lihs 1t llll'Ih e Incred ible (011.1' 10 try to " XIIIIIIII. "I ' ll Idl ~·n tt. rulla'r. I( I cu n. I know It Ill ny b" b a rd 10 uud e r· ";0;<1,

~1.: 1I1l1-·'

" y,·S. I Ihlllk 11 m il), be," snlll RIL r r l· .1 11 11 . grimly. ""'hut you sny u sua lly I. II 111111' Olnl ",0\' . 00 on l" 1'\'" be contlnuedl

------+-- - -

a n d t,nk o Il1Jtioll. ' l' lt ~ Co w ellt. Blun k tbro g " i ~ n ow beill )J: or ol ed lit IIJ o u ru r of M 111 11 Kud \ Vi Itlon Ave. 'l'ltl i~ to be It m od o rn struotu l'O lin d will Ul' equipped n p t o Ib o m inuto ill I h .., wil y o f mo oblntl ry . The W'Jr lr m l'u tlr" llXlle rt llItlCh ILDl CA lulu til work will b e d il DO w ill ie you w IL lt" 1111 I Ib l! m Ollt m od o rn Do l Omobilll HI ~ . ~o ri ell will btl IL e llt {o r 811 10 '1'11i H IUlprove m Ilt IS ,I Dlu c h o eAll ad 1.1 0<", IID,1 t.hey will b ll Iln lit lOll t o t hll pli t r ollll i!1I or I rli ~ v i 'Itt lLy . ,I. '. Ur HY b llS !\hrtud lJl ~ ol UI or bull " r nuu r U I" ' rt~ t lin yl hl l!X· ooud lDgl,Y (; 00<1 ,J os , O ~ b oru d ~ lIv e r tl ri to Pelt6 f SOn ell: Be otly A fl n u tlruvtl of b o ' Sot urduy nl(li1t. , 'rll e sLld iul olligen ce rouched llR Frl dll Y o f tb e d ell I,ll 0 1 n Ill!! lli.l' " ",. Ifll" l11 d lI ull;! lJ UJ r n ll ,l fri e n d, H,·t1 r l' V u ud a r vooJt, 'Ve buv" II 1 11 (ltL ~n llt m e lll o r y o f his llll "g r lt)' wh loh will I~ H t tbrll u g b u u t '.)1 ,l imo. R e v . Wnlk I' flll ,"1 t h e IJII 'pit '1l11 hatb IIftarnoo u at M. E c hur oh. Gilbe r t W e loh oll llpe r o l1 !'11 11.1' h i ~ Iltlnj ut ~, Mr, Rud Mrs. W . \V \V Ic h . lV e r o WI'I' k, Oll(l a tl o Dll ll n ls or th l' Frl e nd ~ Y Cl1 rly meo'i nlot nt WII . min g t ou M Ls l 'en r ' UIID O. o f Dilyton , s p o ni tlulld uy he r e WIth bor IWlt h o r J, Is IU b t)t 0 8- tl~-Yo u co m wooly see It . Th e W ond sou r o u uion WUR 11 lel on tho Inwn H d j o iDln ~ J IL Ul IlR W OOCf so n 's r f' III u 6 , Thl d \) '18 " r o"n t , qui to un xl ot b ei n [l W All nttenli p'o I>y r l'la t.h' l ~ n nil frl o nd ~ fr o m On;;, 100 , X ~ Dl n, \\' ii bor f o r o('. ::lp r i n l! f\ 'J l r1 Le btln o ll n n d th t~ vi c lolt y , I t i ~ '\Dnll ,, 1 And l :l lou kl\d h) r wo.rd to bv ,Ill w ith Il!tICI'll1 r O '8 ~ II. drlY set II pllrl 10 vl :l lt IHI Il r ll u e w ul \l 6 cq ll ll in l,u,ncll ujJ

Many Mllterlals In Plano, Jo'or t~" cl !:ht llItfl' rl'lll IlInl l) l'll1ll; nre llootJn' It ""m (> IIl1 l!' l Ime hn,·k . W p\l, "llI pl nYI,,1 Itl t1w "IIII ~ t rll 'L1 on of n it'll got 10 Il" Itwl. :\01\' I'll II trllnk " lllIltl, "'llld l H; l")lllllrl .·~ u re cnll ed WIUI you. As 1 "nld II mlnnt 11 )0(0 . III" II In sttppl y. menIally I co uld n·t c yur call e,1 l'OIl cxu ctly " IrOtt f-!. Yon J;ol wi ll po wer. I'll Ray thlt I for ,r Oil . I n ~ \' ~ r kll~ w boy or 1111111 Ih a l ellliitl Ite Htulthofltl'rA DOCTOR'S REMEDY FOR COUCHS De ver Oltl! III tIIy II rl' ! ~ O W. UI<'II. Aa a cure for c ou"ll 8 Imd colt1!! ,OIl ' VU Klto,,"e.! ~' n tl ,'ulI lLl lea rn 10 run Dr . Bell'lt Ptn e _Tnr . doIlOY oombln ee thAt tntlc hlU(l I..' st O( tilly 11Il! 11 III the 'bo~ o r e m edlQR III ju~t the rl!Jht, pru mop, In no Utlle at uli, That loots Il o nioll to do I·htl m ost gllod f o r 8tlm ~ bi p. to III<' like YOII (' 1\ .. 1,1 11'1 trll to 11f) IIIlIN Ill e r oCl uglJ s or oolda. A IrlRI wll , R o b e rt tlt llmp. II CJ!)Oll1pn ll ioll by .thltt ):H. I d OIl ' t d ellY hut ",I IIlt II' H 1111 provo l!tll ': l1lue of thle eplendld ill s b e· t gi rl, 'IIl t,o lld t il l IllY to n S lIn en~ollr f, g lll' slJ:'ll. I 110 11 '1 II ".V lit llt, III oo ugh medl oill e. Dr . 8 ell'8 l'iD,'. dll Y. 1\11. !';ow. th.m . 1'111 I!" III ' 10 I!I\"{' YI)II 'l'ar.l:l o u oy ~o lll,h e ~ . tile Irritt.ltioD. f:lil r n ld H n ~rl Wll~ c llllln ~ o n [1 ('. 1\ I'lIl ijl'. I WIIIlI l' lI to ill'llIl S UIl H Irnl~lJt -tops y o ur C' lUllh, kills t,be oo lt l q Utllutllll Oil.S io t,b o oo u n tr.v ·· lIl1dtLY . OU III' Ihroll)::h lit e " llo Jl s .1 Y('lIr or ~orlU9 nod 1I 0 6 ~ y oU u w u rlC!\if llOlld. two, II It1yht' -hlll I l'I \II't 11 0 It. I II) ~t A ~5 0 b o tt.le wlllm o r e thlln oonvlnc(' ,11111. ,ln,1 1I0\\' I'I' ~ Illl; ! HORcoe. lI a'p vOIl-1 twIll stllp Y.Jur oough. A I WILL SLOAN'S LINIMENT RELIEVE PAIN? (till!. lI e'~ hlld 11 " \\"11 ' (/II 1I1l'. If hr liruggilllfl , TIY It ond Hllo-one llPVJi Oll t iliU will eVil!' con ies ha t' k III It It. It c' ll Ill' II IOIl ~ pro ve m o re l.h An 0 coillmn o'f o lllIUl ~ . tlllle Ilkklll' li p Ih ' ~ 11'1 t1 )l9, nllfl, lillY' JOID e s S F!l rgus (' ~, l'bllll, PII. WilY , It" nln ' I till - III 'Ill. I litOIlJ.(itt h ~ wrttes: "1 hllve hnd w (l Ullllrful r e o '''( A. 1 ,·IIIl·t. ",Hlllt ,111 him . I got to lie t "In,'e I u~od t:!l o llo'~ !.-Inllll ll ot nil hn vl! s utlwb,),I)' I kll lt \\' I r lln "OUIII OW kn ees To 'blnk tlfte r oil th e~ll 011 . :\",1 I'm ,10\\,11 tl) IIt IK : ' y o u'r' m y pours of pilin one uppll o!Ltlo D guvs IlI s I dI Il U'-·\? IIIhlts. I I!ot t o I~tlrtl )'011 llIe roli e f, Mllny th"nks for wbnt to wlta t hra lllH YOIl I!t) t (llId sec roor remedy IIIIS done f o r mp., " It we 'tlu' l .le\' cIO!' ' (' til n little. Who Don't keop on 8uffa ring, oppl y kDows1 Ami 1'111 I!oln' to I)ul illY lime Siolln's t,inlment wh e re y o ar !Jilin III 0,1 It. l'llI golll' to IlIke )'0 11 right Whon co rn Is high priced and pl1s. Id 1I0d Dotice b o w qai ok ' y n n g e t reo d0 1l'1I10\\'1l WIUI L1Il!, 11111] I won't bc tUft! .,I pnliful. It willlJIIY 1,0 feollloFs . lief, Pa n e tro\e ~ wi t bllllt rallbin g hllr(l 011 you If you're II IIIt1e Hlow nt thno II 'Ull fuod of ~ruln tn h n g", Buy It lit !Lny DruK!'It reo 25 0. III'R t. J\ IIrl 1'111 go ill' til IIIl L111' hill tiLing ~IIYR W . I., Robi son In the Jul .v tor yuu. ) ' 11\ 1.10111' to Wilk o yeu fcel Mont.hly Bulletin Qf tho Obln Expor Wb en cOin "lo ne Ie YOll J(ol to do the hlg t1t1l1g r.. r me. Iwent ~tlltion . In return. 1'1\1 golu' to make lin nPlllJll1 fed, " limited rHtio n il'l -nuoh oheap to 'y our omlJlUon Uln t'll mnke YOII er h O (lau~o green reed takes ~h" pl Ho!; di zzy!" nc tllpped hl8 8011 on the a muoh 01 ,tbe high pri oell grllio l I:l egA f ed 1111 tbe Killin thoy will kttl'C lignin. "nlhIlM, I'tIl 1;0111' to stnrt YOll otT thJ"s wtly : 1'111 \:0111' to mllkc eat Ill " Ill) moro fllpld but lells cooYOII II dlrc~tor In Ihe J'lImp Wllrks Dorulonl golnll . Ther oan bll mar. ClltlIpllny; r'm Itoln' to 1I11I1{e YOll vl<~c \[etl1(\ eoooer, ",blob of teo ' Is 1\0 1)J'.. ~ ltl C' lIl of the Itt' lIlty rOlllllllllY 1111,1 Ild ",(nt-olc(e til farmere. a vlce ' llrcsllle ut ot the 'J'I'tI~t COlli· F"r h iJK p'llltare alfalfll. olover, r~pe Rod "OybUliDS 1U'0 recomml!Ddolcl, 1111I1Y!'" Jllhlla jumped to bls ree t. hln-ncllrl1. Corn II olnally fed .. lone &0 bOll8 on Knob \l1.. t.are. .P igs WI'i8hlllg le8~ "Oh. 1101" he cried, Shor\()n n took bls ,1)8I11ny to be th e 'lJllD 100 poundR, ehould fPcelve ' h · ex clt"clllc lIl o( sudd~n joy. ' "VCR, Rlrl ,mall amount of proleln feed, IIU, b I\IU) there'lj I'OIllU prelt.y (nt lillie Sfll· , • tBn "II~", In tidull·lon to the corll p riCH goc~ with 1I10kC \' Ice·pres ltlell Ica, A h at ODe pIn' to 15 Illnts of Dorn nnd 8 pIn ch o' "tock til the l'ulIIlI com· Is f "oOlumcDt:led, With \tngel b ORB pAny wltb tbe ' tlireclorsh ill. You lIorlr pf uduClloD il! obulI\l, '00 ex · thollgltt ) . ","8 pretty men n a bou! the Ilen iva wben 'BDk."e. l, fed. 8holl- ob, I know YOII ,lId!- hut . ye ll BCO the old mlln enn IlillY bolll .ways. Anll 80 right now, the mlnllic YOII'"e CURE FOR CHOLERA b /(lln te moke t(ood tbe way I ",nntot! . "Wbeo our IInl., boy. DOW leveD YOIl to, 1 delll trolU tlte lIew Il cek, An(l ytlllof8 alII, WIUI 1\ baby be W.I curee I'll keep 011 IlRlldln' It Ollt Llgger 111111 of ohnh.'rll mo~ba .. by Oh"mberl"ln '.' bllUlCr every time you show lIIe YOII're Collo, ;holina aud UILluboea R .. m bIg enough to.pla, tbe IlRud I cleAI you. edv." w~ltel Mrs, tlltlDey SlmPlo~, . I'm ~tnrtlll' ,you wllb a prelty big 001l. II'lllr J)avBIl, N . Y. "til DO. 'bOlD my boyl" o'her member. of IDr family ban "BlIt I don't-I don't-I- dOD't want Uled tbll .aluable mediolDe for OQUo It!" Jllbbe at4mmeroo. aDd bowel 'roubl.. 'With 1004 ••" •• 'Shcrldan looked 'perplued, "Wbat's '.01100 aD4 I,ladl, aDd or. it . . . tile matter wllIl 1011' ' DklD't 7011 un- nmed1 aoQMODIl ....... .b,

- - - 4-----





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I,ullur for uUIJ.!! lt..y .

Btl 'cr s (jet ()uuli l y G uara n teed on ' . All Sup plies

SPRING BRANCH Mr . .. ud Mt' ~. Frtllll, l31lw@B c ~ l e­ brulal! th e i r r.~rd wllliding I\lmiver . ~lIry Rnnony , Angn,,1 :!O, wl tl! Mr, 'IUd Mr~. Hlll oos. o f I,yll o AS th ol r ~ t1 0~ ts "t tl lo o r . '






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W. H. MAD EN ~ CO.


I ~ ".nn ..... eM e r r ('tnrn p,1 10 hnr II nmo 111 .:s.e nltL ~l il ll'1nr a fl Ar n fe w I dll:l'lI p leAs llnt. vi:,lt wtt.ll . 11', lind ' MI'I' ~ .. (\rl,l I'rn i l . , . M ILI8 Ali nA (\t (1l1 tlw,>t h ntr o llLlpd JaltIII- - - - -. .- - - - . ~' I" U .. lull t-i u ih\"ln , .. r ::! prtnl{. BIIJltili~ ,1.SllCiIIl IOIl Iii Wu~"logtl)J1 "'1:I_ _ _ _ n rll el. 1~'I\\I,. rd, Ji'flluk Hnu U ILol", 11 G. Il , u I l'Lrt <I f I II~I lVo", k, ' I ,. I, ,rellt ll IIOtl till .. ,; U P rtrn (( o Illlr r l' H :\II ~ .. LOllu '"u lwr loft F r lll!ry fOt. , " ..~~....~...~-~~~~~~~ . L ._ .....!!'!!'~....~~~~~I!I. -...- ...~...~~~~ BUll onDlJle ny 1"" llI Dn y t u tJ \\ ore I'll ' Ert"ined b .Y M r "11'] blr R .llIh n !.I weo!;"svi:ll t wll h Lly t OIl r e i IIvoS, . F or Po li sh ing Fur niture. I'h o l\l l'~ O [\ nn d d .. o " lltc r " W edne~ Mr, olld Mrli Er ucs t Ba rt sook en . 'I'hc fl oll ~ h ~\"""'" l l y 1t",·.1 mIA" (PRICE:) RIGHT) dll.v ovenl-n g , I j, Ytld a 1)l ellRU r o trl)J to Vi n In na ti ~ I oll furllluII'" 1.-, Ih,' tlull \I'tI " Ilr1l 4h . 'J'h e ~nllrl.o riy Ul e I lnll .. t 0 (lob I ~ rldny of In . f. w ee k . rr, InAI.. o<1 .. r 1l 1l1'1 .1I11~ "r,l ~ \\'ltx . Il lto' I" . UJ'C) " 1'\1\ I,u rd l\ Y tln(( !:l J.IlIlY W(\~ ], r . Will L llr!hle.l' le ft Mo ndl\y IlI ltll ('lllI lq ,>r h .. II ,·d 1111'.. ·.. <1 'III ,1111 1 HEAVY TREADTIRES w Jllltt ~ l)Ile!I. nJornl'lg for t~ Ilo lnt I n L oulRI!\ UIl \\' Ic. 111'(' tI~ ('I!, II JI.,II . h will I,,· "hhlln"1 1 (C',"ltlUlIl':cci ~ 1011(J miles) wh o ra b I sll 'uulng !\ f W dllYS , w hh' h I" h rl ~hl" " IlI III 11 1111',) dllrtl l,lo ' 1' 1 ~ 11I NntHl11t1 I Mr. ane! MI~ . Wnlte r Kllbo n 1I 0 II I hlltt Ilw ordltull'Y tllIl,I, . '/'ro&el 'I' real) nllg hter of Luhl1 noo we ro O(llI iog _"!!!"'.......~_~_ _ _-:-_._~ :ln l(~1 S ,1l.80 $11.41) WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD , ba r e ~n llliltY Rf t l'rtlODn. - i :i tJ x3Yu 12.65 15 .00 l1!v u It 1I 1.ltlnlior , ' .1 [lorlltlnll HIIHOII, or lIellr L. y'tl e, :J:!x :{} ~ 1 ,.4!i W .80 I, UIOI"IlKll , Uri, nrl Mr nnrl M r ~ (I' M C OIt OD(j h reg ulur tIltd lu ef .1l 1 o f yOIll' d lC t , : d tl u gtl t nr WOTfl !l n~ t s c nll e rs nt, ... . . .. '" 0 1"0 C ITIIIl oee t ll klltg D r K lo g ' I NOI~ DIsc o very . It oo n t Ll in s Pi u e t~~~ 1;~ Ul a o f Y. 1\1. On k l n an d f llml l}, CORWI N, OHIO T,tr , A tt t!."ptl o () II ~ anct B u1811 11lP. 1 1 y. "!to n e gO·~ Is @lIgHly luxtltl\' e , Dr . Ki og's l Mr. rto u~ rt Lfl~h l ey ""1\ e nter. I Now DI ~o n v l"' y o" ",es y Ot1 1' oo n~ h, t ulnAel by Mr "ad M r s. C b arley ,m ll th lls YOll r 11H0 l1 t, IUlll b r o u c h la l B ro.dd oolt Hu n rlny. -For t wo h or~(I~ !In (l tWil l b h M d hi F. ( k bIl UE(ie~ , f n r Rllhu o l IIh l td ) 00 la ~,c ('(\Il~ Y OIlI' co ld , ~ I.n rts t o r . 0.0 t ~ . • (1 :00 uud M r . lOf,I Uire Jlt thi s nllioo . 6 1; le~ r yOIl!' tl eo <l In Illiho r t t l !t1(' nod Mr s A H t:!b lln llr Imll f ntn ilt es yo n k n o w y o ur euld is Lo Lt<lr ltP I were S n n(1I1Y ntt t:woo n on ll or~ !I t RO O M- Fc>r ~On~I A \l1 f\n o nl .v . in h e s l lltt<illrd fl1mily cough 8.Yru P 111 1tile hom o o f IIIr IIDLl M I S W Illt e r g n otI loo fLti o n . In 'll1 lr Itt t hl 8 Funeral n~e ')VIII' ·10 .1·O tlr~ . (~ et II b ott le At Onk ln , Dflioe . s6 I' o nce J{.,e /l i t i n t h o h o u se nSIl oold Mi ss N o r!!. EI l\ ~ hUB be un o nt o r. L n ~ l1rl1 n l!(). Ho ld ut yc>u r dr u gg is t . I!l i oi og n fll w f d oods nt It e r h u rne Wayn.esvi lie, Ohio.~~ I t h o p"st woek . · 1 WANTED I - - - - - .. Wo havo IIrrnn i:'c l~ilh nn u nd e r · t o ke r t n I(ot 1111 RLllo . s() we w ill bl3 a hle t o itlr niHh cit.lHlr nn aU la o r Pillro t o wo rk fnr It o r !toflr ll . by LIVER TRO UB LE hnrs elraw II f!ln e m!. II ~ c h u(1 1 /{i rl ~;Il'ltll r o Itt I,hla Uoth phones in Offl c.o nllli RoRide nce, i " l lim bo th l'lr(~d with li ver tro u h le I ftlel'! , ;\[1 L o ng rlis tance,No . 14; lI om o p hone - - -I dbOIlI, t wice 11 yef)~." \"V r ltos Joo I 14·2r, . I r !'. TOm BurRt 1111 Mrs 8. Wa t- . Dl ngm ttn . W eh~t <l r Ci Y, l o v,'!i , FAHM R - HUV you n 1,1rill o r otb o r lte,III<;. tll f rnrR~I' 't It 80 \1st lIi o s ot h' rnnklio PI,o .. t; Hlltun"IY Il t h n\"!l llnlo B io my ide "ti d bR OIl IIml Mlud lo to w u t he gU (ls t ~ f Mr . 'n o d Jln Dw ful sor o n e:!:! in my At o lll ue!!. I ~ Il IT 0 Iii III1 t'tl wl l h W . I.> Cllnorl". r , I h ellrd of Ohlllllha rlu ill's 'l'tllli o ts l \Y n yn R\'II1I1 , 11111 11, 0" e'ld l h ll r~ nt M r s ,1 0 HltlbbH ";Lb el Gru"g hil S r ntu r oll U ho m e uu d t,ri e rl Lbcm , B y t.ho UIII A I IlIld ' £l h lin :-{'). ~;-, 1 1111\'11 11 fHIV ~o"' 1 fr o lll ~ t. l'x\:, Il<I Ccl " 1,,l t wll h r ol[l- u sod hulf II hut,l l.. of IIl 'It' I \I lL" O'l t 01 H' WU I ItIY III'~ wl!o ttr(1. ""Slr. ti\' tJ ~ .1.11 r u r( o lln g fioe lind h ,li1 110 ~ o f o Ll a nf Innk ll1 " III P I'''!" rty III lI oel l '.' From 'I 'L ,' \' " , pn.l n. " Ob l a luub l o\'e l')'wb u r a. I\rOUL hl \ ·,IY ll. ~\, Ill" II.. \J't 11,, :.. )': \ M s ~dl u \ r l"lt t h lt~ u oe u I, l . _ __ _ _ . _ __ Altowl III t bis .. I, om"l Lelldlng Frl c llt\H n " l'tltt ~ at· \\'tty· I W. U ('h nilicor . n n l' I1I~. t o Fictio n MCC"ll'RiRSupre m e ," M r~ , Melo Hul1'e rud 1\ stroke o f To Remove Lin e n Sta in G. writel\ 1\ New Y ork s ub scriber, t1l1rl1 l 'yHI~ ::lullday , • ~ Illo h o mu o f .' OR SALB McC,\ LI.·S h,-Ir " lIe r t!u ll ghl.(1f, Mrs. Greg". mlll'r,1 rl·,'11\ lilll'lI hY ' I'nhlo lt1J; 1111' "1'''1


I:lI I _---..----..-----


Saxon Six Livery




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Classified Ads








Director and Embalmer,







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M rs A n n" A r chd eno<'JtI o f l!' lve P()i nt~ b as boe o v i i Mog h er stMter M I S. J un'o L lIlJgcl D . J e n y N ulh ol i ' q uite III li t b i!! home OD M .. I.II 8& , Ceo il Mo ull t llns b ao o o n th o sick

wlill II i'1 ""~ ', f 1' "11 "1' I" .r II ~ I :tttol l !twhll.,. "\"'1' 1I11lllL If )I",sl" I,'. '1'1",,,. 1-o (\lnn MOIor (:y r l(l . 1\11 ., Ill llll,' I, ,,':J"1t ,\tI l \l1 11t Wttrlfl. sl ,nl',' W!I)I'r In g ont! ('on,ll l.ln n . VO l' ~Il l' ) ~lll l ll' \I' ,tltl ns "11 11 h, · " ' ·1110\,.' t1 r.y-rl ll·' OT t Cllll . . 1 1\ (, lt tt l'''"l1' , \~n Y Il" ,. . fllll ol\' llI;': hll'lIc llln)( t1u lcl : lJ IIIII l' 0 11 ' II ville , n , n :\() pll re "f .rlll' l'l ll' \\',, 1" 1' \\'llh f(lli l' )tll l·t,.: .

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T E RN S I,' n') In [(~ S-tie o nll h"ll,l r ig~ ; /l n o lIir, f1u. 1 M rM P e r r y E Irnlmrt of with 1I1l' II'I lt lll, IIn ll n ~ "'1"'" itS till ' :;:1)' h:1 fit, !' IIllI'"Ih-pflon r , o r Will h ·... I. , h nr.o f o r A Me r ritt stow u , !'J r . 1111(1 Mrs . J oh n ~ 1tI11I t!1 ~It PI" 'I II'~ ,.h l'" 1,"III,·,ll l1 l~ l .l· Itl II }', L' tll14 IJilY ;1111 1 g l' ud Jarsuy cnw. fi'fIl II I; Mi ll o r . ell y lo r .. n ,1 \V etll " r 'i'1l.V lo r m ot orllcl ,·!t ·lI r 1\''1 1,' .,. :, s t h .. h l" 'II'1i Is III "'lIltlll II n rl ,I1J,,'I '1 f1 ),1. 11 ~;~ t o DLlytO D Hund .. y "ud @pon t . tb e Itt lit., 11I1I1t'nll l If ,dtll wetl to I'cll lO ln Me 1\1 f:S 'H I .. 119 p , : 1 '1 '1I'I ,\\h l),' 1 ' I h~ F i"" IH llll till \, k and 11" !I ', du O-P III" 11 \"I lier of rlu y with r. l r~ .. \V" l tor 'l'uy lo r 111 1 ' 0 " IOIl I!'. Tltl s Mill" hl l'!I('1t I~ n ls n til j!ooll B h rnp~ l llro Hlln k r.ll lnbH, IlHHr W~ JtI ) en II.n n .I II Y 11 \lI rl 11 . t C"I/II'" til , he Miu lIII V .. ll oy h os pi t lli . h" n ·t·OfIlIIlI·,,,It, ,l III ""1 111)\'111& tell , ~u rWill hi , All Ihn l " I C'" . ' yli· ... r V. IV IUI, tllh : IIlI ll ll l; il1 l(1 t,f) r l'u lRltlr ; ar o OXI.I'1I al " .. ( 1 1'1 1 ~htf \t1 ... 111 II ·... . ' ,I 'reL tA l ,I,." \1 1t1~ ' n l ~ 1>lr. and Mrs Walt.e r R ng ors nod \\" I n~ IIml r r ult s ltll 113, In l·.)f'l I Wlt. h ' lfur dr ·". II I., kilt l!. !Ull t V v.' r k. goou 0 11 1'11 . AI 80 No . I h Orl VY Ilrllrt. I ..... ,'ll .. I f) Il ll l l".. II !J UUI , •. \\.' u rk !. II ,l ... ItV ~ ~o n spuc' t11 11 01 w oe k At. Ridge. - -- - - - - - Ho rae , 7 yrfl . o ld , l llqtLlr (It \y . H . IInI.IHII11..Y. Prl c a : n nly 5 a I.!CJ PY. SOc n yeu r . vill e. W b l tuk e r , ''''IIYU 8 v illn, n. I R ~:I SF.N Il rnu ll j. 10e F,n c • •\V u rk n ook ('F.NTS IN w ilh39 r.m1 jro ••l u n' t...4·",w, nn~ nn_ ' EuHh H udley of Da y loll II Jlont t h e Mu zzl e d. 51Ar-II'S I n R 3 2" IlIHIC M ~ C II Pa tl u" Bu••k .... '.,1'1>' I "I" "I Uri ,.1 1' .. \I '''r· u lu~ hi t.: II.." L .. r 11I,.· 1 ~1 1 " , " , ,,. (,f J!llr-t . pr s-hn\'p y ou ::; ..~~~~~-...~~.......----~ I' tlM t we ok w itb h e r Jl~J"O tlt'B. ~p(',.l1 \ lng H 11." 1 1. 11 1111 ' 1' 111 I" II .. n lf" r I .. II UIlf' II ,', " " I!I, "', rf' II'" . " . rIJI 'h'$~ I J. " , . N Th o n llln }, frhltlfisl o f Mr, nnel Mrs It plIJ"l I tiL' th,· 1i11l' 1'"rll s tm! elll s w h ll , CAI,l CO" ZlRW. 17'h ~ 1. . N.w Y.. ~ ('i' •. N.Y. W. 1:1, l::Inr rl!' Or WIIII,tier, l:1~1 , Will spl"L1 ;, 11It11' wllh SIlI'f' I' olll ' ps III n 400 TYPEWRITERS! TIIF. MIHl£Hr CI un . JJ AISF. US s W ANTlfli IJ{I p lO~lIllrl t o le llrn theft th ny w il l li lll',,"rr! ' '1 u:tt"(. ~1 " 'Il\\ I,,, I "'l·. "1" l l lt "~lI NU'1'O:; S ,12, !J~I IT II · I· IIIt MIII t1 ,. WIIH " " >u(Jt) b ~ Ih uKu oe ~ of A . N oll ti ,llI ln ,,,:: tl) rn l ~'-' " ~\lIIIt .. III I. l l $ 12 I,,,, \'o ur }'hll,Ir<'" I,,'"rn 'I')' .... w " I I I " ~ '.1 rl n d f Ulntl y ( HM , nt. ll~) I.n o du r l llA!C \ lu· ~tlll" . 1,•.,t r IlC l !"1I felt ,,}. : . 1'1'1) 11\ t ilL' dlnrllH.-'r nt t li p ('nt lll tcr . Iq U~. I""·( lr J~~I~ r i' Mr , ll m l M r s . O~Ofl r C leven go r , IISIIC,I l hl' pri<'u ur II LIllI! ('lIl hl!". p"l nt. l:.~1\ 11 • J \ 11. 1 Uo'iIlHY, IIlIlr.. I.. , :0: . Y . '''I' l1r. RtLd <1rs . Gil r.J.ot· , UI \l vonJ.l:o r In/: Itl Ih ,' ~nl u e lIuli' t 1111' ~ lh· C L" ·1 ., " Ilent t tl Wo:lOk e c d li t Win c h es t.ur , cli, ~p .. d i:n r ll'r? !'l lil' t ttl·II, ' (1. l"ol{I't.l tl .. - ~. - ~.. .lnLl , w b ero t.ll oy w e r e o .. l1 e l by tb o <wee tl y nt lit,' ,' nL1tt~ 111<'11. 1< 1111 ~lIl d : . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .






(lB'l t,b

O~II rOI~v~


HO" 1l til " bo ~ e lH r egulLlr tie

blln l ux ll ~ l vo iH o u\duo r x or c ise . Dr i nk " f u l l )1;lu88 o f wlll ur bll"lf flD h onr b o r;'r o h re llldtls t RUe! eu t nn

Ilbntltlu tl CO o f frui t tlu d vege l'l~bleB , tll ~o " I!tll b lls h II r og ul ur ' b ll hl t Ao (l b tl !lnr o t h llt ' OLlr Ijtl We ls m o v e ODOl' lI ob UIlY: \"V h II U, 'm ed'o in e hi lIellrl ed t a k e Ch lllllbe rlalo 'E Tabl IS 'l'h l' Y lire I'l pll lllln tfo \nko hnd m il un d s"n t Ie in f'fi\.ot O bt oin tt bl everyWh n e .. ... _

I~~~:::~;'l'~I~~~~'·~'~2~:;;l.t h('1tJ fUI'I'UJlI'I l!~'1 WE HAVE JUST COMPLETED un tne 1,"lg nt ::Oloa. TIt (o I" I ~ II splJ'll " r JlIY II' lt l('lt h 'ml" . ' nil I""" M ilw tllll'T kllli l lu to !JO llie. \\' IICI It l' I' h~' II Ilnrk" fllle" lht' HII·tt l:"gh' Ix CII ,"!"I"I I 'lI l :tgllltt ~1 IIt Lllontt l r'IL ttl l 's, • rou g ht II UI. wLlh ClIlI[lOII ami SII I'O lJtll!l, : I I • or \I" w I. II'r lL lJ" n t lllli/! , pl,.ltllll l, n 1111'1",' 1" 'rsulI ltl IIlIll vl,I,," 1 IJrttUo f olt gh,t 10 li t(. ItlS! d ltd,. Llol'S lIut IIl llch tl lII l. rei' . . '1"1 t he fi t Dnd Iht! SII'Ollg fl! s piri t, Iherr I~ 11 l1('r~on lll h o "pln(]~~ to Itu fuuml In w"i·t hy c Olllllct ns nowlt ·r., I clSl!. - - - -•• - - - - -.


I i

81esslog ,of Work. ',",ork Is II I(ullrttllno un ge!. "\\ol'k Firs t S t re et Reilway. tl1rn~ th ' wlhl"I"n.!~s lilt' 11 !lllt'dcn, 'l ' lIl! Iii', I slVt'OIt l';ltl II'II Y hi Ih nltWork does !!Omctirth!S whn t (' \ ' wn lo \'e NI Slll ll's Willi. htllll III Nl'w 1:ork city cMonl <1 0: rOUIl! II IUIIII tlrtllly In. lIl\I In 1" IIrLII tI I'P\1I1 I'. h tWllcn I'r1nce p)ace In the world IllId I(ln' .. h llll lh.1 ~trc"t nnll n lt rlc UI, In 18-12, [In,1 horse bl_OII BcnsatJOn: 'l'hls pl ot of grulIllll I cor~ W(Ofe Inlroduc~ >d Intu the pl'llIclllnl In the wide ImDlCILsity ot ollrth WII S Aml' r lclIlI cities b ' tween tht'n nnd meant for DIe Il'OW In,- Kobert 1881. when tho usc of eloctrlcl.t.J, WIIj!I



The most Mo tl rn and S ail itary Creame l'Y in the S tate 0 1111 w ill lXl.Y high st market p rice for s o u!ld, cle an s our cream . \Ve are 1 t t d a ways p ro II I!> ~ r ecognIze any a v a,.nce in th e marke t , (lnd will take care of your inter~ sts at all times, Cbecks maile d daily ' ·1 t 11 1 . or wee k.l y as d Sircu 0 e ovcr a s lIpmcnts, REFERENCE Firat Malionlll Dllnk Pesrl itreet Market Da n k AoylUllable Merchant In elaclonati.

The ANDREW·ROHAN CO. Olnclnn"f, ' Ohio ==~~~~=-~~~~--~ -


J. F. Snook, Agt. WaynelviUe, O.

'1 • • •


MI AMI GA 711!'1'"i-1I! WAYNESvtLLB. omo.


*----------. J::' , j

" o, ,.'.~ h: :'1 ~~: .'~:" I,: . hO~ 'I"~ w:~;,~:,~ c;~:;~'"u:r: i!~R~NAl_~E~TI~N ~t':' f ~Of! °f~ dUU~~~ i' NOTIGtS \"



SH£O·WIN-Wi l'

ho (lllst SUlldar h ut t"" n' 'H' r<' u ry I . I~ ~: I , a nd d iell fit hh h<> Il I' in B elli Work !::ih oeB o n carth, the A U~ , ]G·I pre en l 'u (hn.· (:. t WIlYI1 I·.." .\le, A lIl!' u, I 'II G. Lllln Ijrund . a L Hyman 'H. I i'f Phl in to nn oU to and ('nJ"v \.,ur. I·1f th l$ ll ~ ~a~ tit,· <,h lt..;t ~m o f " m I . h t wellt h r. ~It\rl nl'"\1 :-;IIIII I'~I\' Va nd >n'n,·,rt I lis l1l o Lh t' l- <I i d wh e.n G. T. Jlawke spe nl Su ndllY in Del'f,I " P r"llc iti l\)? 'lIy P;l~ tlll' 1 .. lh 111<>1'Il1l\" he WH~ I hr.e" \\ 'l'"k:! uld . l\11d 1m. nware ~.:::t and e \(' nlll~(. 0") 11'1) IIh lrl' :;11\1- R' rull d l,arel t. Paul :1:1 " 1':!i Ll1 be th . tl a~'11 1II1lill\lII ft' I·[,nct::. n" Ill'! I II\ H~ I \ l\ntl l'!'\'llllr t , cn r ed f u r hp n ' unt il , . . . A "'''' fHPt'OOrtI OOR VAHNI.H l ht!ll . On Su n.!:\\' ~kp tl' mh" r 3 rt! a bullt l ha .1l J{e o f (('fl , \\' 11('11 /lis tn th. I, .1 . ~: J,u,nn~y ,; as a bu sllles~ vl~llor ne w ml! ll\u ors \\'1 11 Ill' r~~t'h l'" a m i e r r (! llla rrr 'u. lI e n1OI'.,<I \\'1 I h th 111 1111 X ilia 1ue~d a~ . mnd e rpr 0 111 ' l'g "It( I 111>' In r ,ll h- . I I I""k s in(lIn t~ will Ilt' " . pt IZe.! . I to BlUl]fll il lg'toll , Il l., \ h n i n' hl~ w.·l1 :1 1111 I. ,~(" r ,r lhe 1'"lg;'" l 1 ,1- illh: 'lun'lIt!' S ( ; I'1l U';t'r. 1'8< 0 1'. l wr lfl h Y " H I' , ' I Look ah e r ' handlel" s F er li tiz(>r l illl l ill " Il il , (, f Iii. · 11'.1 1' a lll i c. lIl~l.lI\l I Il e elll i~ l ,I in t it [l llh rt'l{i!lll'n t'. , if YI>U Wllut good good:!. w a ..hing a 1111(1" 11111 I !;l'I. Illi nn i \ ·ul. Infr . J ul.\· :!tl. 1':62 . LInd , Ct-m l.·Tl /\ ' U t I~ C H w a~i n ( ; rllntSca IllPai ~!1 I U l h ewl·st . C. M, I{oltilzer ond fami ly we re . Su nda y Sch ool ut l :;m !l Ill , l'f1I!I'1 a ni! Ht t h .. Sl ~)!e uf \ ll:k I,url,( He , 'incil llla t i l' i8itors Tues duy . mun ion and ~er m ' 1JI1It 11I .:lll. rhrl ~- w a ~ th~n trnns ft· r r cll l o thu Gulf. tian E nd e ul'or a L 'j P III li nd ~'~ rI1\U!l 1 uno .was ID th e siej!e n f 1,)l>ill'. 11 ,' ! ' . - d was dischar~co II I ( ;ah'eslon 'I'e:m, I . 1\lr. 1I111 Mrs. [·.arl Conn e r Vlllite t 7'3 1\ • • __ - - J uly 17, I '(j~ . ')ll ly Ill. 'k inK 0 fe '" t1ay ~ n :lat ive:l in llell brook S unday . of .er vin,{ t h r p . full y t: nrs. , U r. J A. i\ k CuI' ('. Il. Illo ll t ley , ,A ft c,r lit e WII I··III.' r ' IU~II !l t ll Ii.,'e · . M!!'S I.~l! yth a Mucy who has been u I. Walll' r BUrnl' tl un;I· El llU n c n IlWnt l. ! WILh hI . R'.r:".~d l.I ~rrent~~"L :-;JlrJ llR" 11111 ' 1~.I'!llR .\, I~lt() r, ret ur ned t o Wilyner;• • I \ III I' • u ml uy. , atlenu in g the Il lnn c he~tl' r I·'ai r LOd a,·. nea r Il a r vl ~. "C! I g. ~ )11 Ill . . l ie- W I1. m ll- r ll'd I' t! brua r.l' ::!J, l ~ , ~, 1\IAI'y E. I.I ,a r ~i~. II I ,~ I ~ri~\~ 111:11 l\1 rl; M, A. Pi e r ee and d au g ht e r , [0 l it em W I l. }.' I~ f lll,l <llI llr cn ~I iss I'ear l . a rc vi~ i lill l! ....-it hr lntivefl rn. 11[\\\ ~ r ~, \\ In h , l:l . Lul a . I in S Irin bor o · 0 f Sa I C 0 f SCl10 0 I 1 Co N o tIce L ll t'il1~. alld .\lIl la a ll )( Whlll ll wi th ' I {:' . District Rond s Ih e w iti o\\' s\1 r\' il' 1' hi ll! . li e Wa" 1'''I1\'~rt t'.1 ill the a rm v . Th o \'clll'm b i J . W . 'tllle tt. o f and l'l'll l'lI' l'd h is r" l i ~i"\1~ life In I 6'-, 1'\:1. h vill , i ~ re por t rI 1.0 be in a duri ng' Ih" ~rci\t fl 'vil'HI a t CIll rll s ~c ri o u s conditi on . " IIf;en ~~ltl11~ ~11{:';kl~ , r ~:~~ 11;:nl ~~';~':' Y~~h::'~\ 1 :'\'1\' ville wh e ll 'I /\ , (; . l 'hillilJg WII" ,'f ' '' uyn.· T O\\ Il!h l p lI t1 r n l q dllflll t Jlr.; l r ll. :l paglor . Il l' wus ve r y d~\' ol('d to I hy i\liss l\la r y Il a wke , of Leba non, \ \ a rrell l'n Ulll )'. 1 111 10 Ilu t 11 12 0, hw k Il()t l ll 1m c~urc h and M'UVl' 1I1.1lllldantly of 11l~ II'IIS a g ue:! t of ' ~ l i ~s C la ra Jl uw Ke a few duys las t Wee k . lilli e ond llIell ll ~ 10 rt H ~u p po rt . SEPTEMBER 15, 1916 1I0t only ~ave ll'st irn tl llY in t he , I'lIr t ilt' 11Ilrt'llll:-'O ~l f f l llla ' Ollo t tllt l 1 301)1) no II ' T M d M s Wm A Is .. uc n f h Ull-1ft tiC t lw HU r ul :0'1 h OltI lJI",lr ict It l se r vice of the c hu rch II' hi~ cunvk b ut ~;ir ned his fuit h Int o his o ln -- 0 , r . lin r . 'u i , ~,~', ~t~j~\J:'~:/'~:~i;c~\'i':[:" " 9 f!~ '~~~J 1I 1~\'::~(lIf:: btions usiness urno eVl'ry duy lift;. H e was l3L>o t~ .. of h~ u ~e 1, Mondu y . Aug s . • ' :JIIO. Otl tl H'rcu f t u ht' dlh ' UIII} IHI )' Ul;IO H~,r) · 14 , I Ulli, a d,lUg h t t:! r . l Urll l KJI' 1:-1 t. . 1 91~; 1 50 tJ .Ou I liertJu f \u l M.j til lt , n mun of del' p rel il!lnuS c Ol1v ic tion fl lld p a),ll h lo Sl.'J.tem l,f' r ' li l. I tl 3 :11 . !I OU. 011 k ne w hilll we re f ully t 1I"fOtlr tu lH' d IU' Il lh l JlllY ll hl n SIJ Jlt III 1.>t'f )" t . a nd Illl who I\l r. and Mrs, . . iti glls, of I !lll l; • :lOI). (I(' I hl ll' ~ l t U I M d ne omJ PII ,)' fl Lh-' con vi nced t h a t Che \\' ;15 n t r ue se r· S (ll't ~lt l l M ' r '8' , 111 " 0, Newark , Ohio . ure the .g u esls o f Mr , EDt' l1 o f \ ht , IIold l)tl nd s will ho l u t ho do, vllnt of tb e Lord . 11 " g uve a h ' lpin \{ t IlHlll l u at lu u I I ' S :;UU,OU, IU ld JlUlUh,, ' N .. t ('II U· hand lO '~\'e ry )Cooti cau se in hi ~ a nd Mrs . II. H, K el ly. I ~t!\:II t1 \ .. I )' fro m 'f h rt:!u J\ t o ~ I\ I:) h(lth i u · hi ll neig hlJo rs ea n 1 1') \ 1 ~ l\ O , t\ 1\d \t lll 'lJei r Intert·st.. a i l lt .. ru.t(' 1\ ( comm u nit y , and :'J pt'r ,'unt }ler Illl 0 IIIU , I Ht (lrC: L v . Ytl hlo JWl n i · bear w i ln t!s.~ to h i" wi lling n esR to Mi ss Mam ie Woodruff. of Le l!al1o n, IIllIl Uf.l ly (1 11 " he Ft rst d ny o t M lirc.l t ami tlttl IVUS th e week· e nd g ues t of Miss (1'Int1 ll ny ot :-ltJ p t olllb.-r u f oudl Hud t! \ or y help t he n e d), . y vhr c.J urln,i tl te li te o f la dl u t ,,,,Id l>t Pl ltlli, The fam ily a ltn r w ns er-ec ted. a nd Ka theri ne " re nd e r gnst. an ti ,It.1 bo tj \ h lo ll n x l h l' , It·tlw lmltlu " OIl IJ.. n 8 h e never fa iled in l he bld~s l s eason ' t ll_' II r'bt uf 811111 1'111111\11." l it h t'n)Ol Il " tH' !i lld , m y nh lo U II l it , · fln. t till ), o t )l u n '1t I " 11 o f hili Cltrm li fe t o call th e f amil y Ken ne lh lind Be rtha H ole, o f EILdt llHlI Ilil fi t )la lt! hl) ud.. to 1)(. ' tl l'I LOii IOI<Cl be l' t:!ve ry d llY Cor R ~ e!l 90 n 01 SI' p f('lli lwr b. t , I II I I: Om', VI--: l hOI/ Ul l anll til Dayton . s pent la st week wit.h Mr. i(lrt ',!It I t t . uh t !)(.."l lld~ w I,c pal 'S ) Iu Il f TII {, wor Rh ip. \V 1l ).· n~.\ lilt' NnliHll fll H unk \\' 6\ Ut'IO \ ' tI! (\ H is pl ace in the church was alway!! W _ N. Sears a nd f a mily . J U hlo . U u(\ Ho nd nunl horf'" TIIl'l" t' ", (II IMI 11114 : lLl I" Ilu )'UlJle ~ ttP( tl II Pl .. r 181. , 19 1h : lI t hl Ihll itl fill ed . an d he t ook tll'l bu r dens of t he 1111 III tCroo . ·o ur wil l b o d II!' antl pa y a l ,lt , , ..'p ' Miss Marianna Co m pto n, of On", h mlh.,r I n . 19':12 : Ullli B lIlld II l1 m rK' r~ ' ,." " " . chul'ch amI hore th em wi t h christian w il l he ( 1110 lUll I l'aYllhlo n l em her l rol t I t~ Jti fa ith a nd IJllli nee. He wall a k im! ton, is vis iti nlr her grandmother, Ouo How l " I JIllbe('(~ 1 ~I • "ft, he II U(I ulid IUI \'~ / nhlo HOp tt.· lu lM'r Ln , 104 1', Stu d IttJlld .. am husband and in Liulgent fath e r an d. Mrs , Mary Satte r thwnite. IAAH"(1 Il n th lr 11 10 a u l hor itl' lit St.'1.· I.iUJJ 1\0 , wi I be g rea tly mi ~~e d; b ut n ow he .. 7G2U ·o t t he U.' lI ur u. 1 Ot l4 " l 01 O ltlo , 1$81., Onu dl" to his heavenly hom u, t el he k lhl ~ n . ,. 'l'he Wn y n C Tc.m wJl u ll H u r~, 1 has go ne l'rof . li nd Mrs . J ohn Cronin and Sr hoo l U ls t rlct Imur \I\' III eu1 DUDd" . Hu itt w he r e he w ill await the co ming of so n . o f Mt , Washington, are guests b llm lri will be 60Iu t o lhe h fgllt'Jit. h' lhl or fur Dot tCtlll t.llau Ihul r lJa r \'&1 110 tiud \\1 11 ti n ,,,, ll is ea rt hly loved on es . of Mr. and Mr~. W_ H. Allen . II1IC'rrost l ro m t he ,1al o t h ruo t. Coud Ulona l His las t. d ays wer e ti lled with great hlihi will Hot he r-lJllllhJuro-l. ' S ...I •• Hmtd", to he t1ell "cretJ HI t llo \ Va)l1108 · s uffer ing , wh ich beg a n In March , Look after Chandler's F e rtilize r lUu N allollal Ua 'lk v r Way u (I:R \' lII p, (Jh ,t), ,,'u 1915. He went to t he Miam i VallllY O~)' ~ (rum Iho d .. to o f 011\10 L h~roo ( . ulltl hl,lHo~pital, hopeful of a cure 'On Sep - if you wllllt good good~, d ~'" .h a ll be ... 11811." wtLh th o h'MlIll t y or ...hl \xllh ht h for l) tllo ho ur Qr Mati . GUO Aha ll "h,- tember 30, 19L1i . Af te r six weeksh POliti wit h Ih lllt is U, ~rclo rc. n ,'tlrltlleti ,'h""k Mr . and Mrs. H. M. Prugh nnd 011 a . " I,·om ha nk wlLhl n t ~e .LRt 0 1 OhIo . lu ret urned home, Lu t was compelled ' t. 1I nnWlI nL o f ~ per cen&. 0 1 th u llO r yo luc or t o !fo. bElck, and it W IIS fo und lhat daughter , Dorothy. of Piltsburg, . al tl hOl lll •. w hich d . b,,11 b. t r~a ! ", 1 0 1I11Hld a l oo dnftl l l{() and TCli,lutJd by " uid m edlcm es or :lurgc ry co uld do him spent Monduy wilh Mrs. SU8an Ar· Duard rtf E, l uratioD fo r t ho us e or " l,llI no good . nold . School 1>1.tr1N tn I'ago gll1d Itld 18 .1-c0I''' .i4 1 a nd tillhl !Jltld ..,r fllil. to cu m pl y wltlt t<lIU .H e r elurn d t o hi s h ome ea r ly in Tentative. \ Anclont American Art. t (l rll1 N o f aahl hit! , (lull Na h l c h OCk t -() be m nlle Janullry; and from that lime his s uf· Notice- If the party who lost a Their tencher h ud lately lJcc:om c en· . Thus fllr lloll vlfl 18 the ullly IOCI1Ut.y ~" y uI J l o to tllI,t ord ur u r t he Cler k n l t hO lu i(1 fering hu d aily increased, bu t not Do a rd ur Kllucll" lo n. upon tho (.'O nli itlu n t hat. his buggy ::)aturday gaged , nnd nil t h girls w er O! t re- \ of nit' II CW worlll \\'11 lice lin In l l1 rgc If rh o . utd htd Is acl'ept OlI " 1m hh ld ur wtll r o- a w o rd o f co m pla in t ever passed hi s robe out memlouRly Int('r ('Rtcd - nfll urnl1 y. COllllllerC.'lnl quuntltl es II! cxpllrled. re - cc.lvo a nd lJ~Y lor th o boc t'l s l,wan l Hd t o hi m Iipa. In his last d ays he earn estly e vening will call at the Gazet te office w l thlu l e u da)'~ from t h e thue o r t4ahl Qw a r d he can g et it Everyhody wonted to Me t hr ring. mnrks the St . 1'11UI Plonccr l'rCflEl. T II(: oUI ~ r w l se relur n\.1(l Ll.I th e l) ld lhll', • llrnye d, t hat d ea th woul d r t!li\lve A co ln c htCnl ft l rr n,..~ h f\ fI !lOO B 10 \ lod Uptlll Dnd mar tllnn ono wu s j;trlr,-nURly I d('IIOSlt s ur \! Inrge, nntl th e u • or tiD th o .,p·r.ud ' n.-< tlupUc ale ur ti l Skid H u rtt' him. At th e noon hour he q uietly dlllllppointed In the si ze nn'l "Il lrll llor us nil nll oy uppellrs to hll 11 8 oltl 118 the Schoo Mr. lind Mrs. Henry Hamilton, of l \)I. lrlc L .. 1 W IIYII 'I'"wus h l t>, W atTeu fell asleep in Jes us. H_ of the token. One tcn·yenr-nl<1 tn Ulden people. At nny rnte. befor o the COlli , ()o un~)' , Oh ln , " u l1td~ nl, III um OUh~ LU l," y lh" i('velsnd, Ohi o , left for th : ir home (n teTe,t 0 11 SQ..!u ho nu a an ll t,u th u IJrI Il ~ 'A R D OF THA NK considered It crltlcllll y ilD el th ' n r(" In g ot tho Spanish couqulsludoroil th' ci Sunday after a week's visit with their llul of said "00 ,18 at. UlIlLu rl l y , " Ill co ll oc tu bl tl marked: "n's mI ghty smull, ain't It 1 nnrl" s of I'eru nnd Bollvlll, In till' (&8 0 1 her t !IX..,". W e w ish t o than k our frie nd s and brolher. Mr. Nlllson Hamilton, and Buh l !ivan l o t E rtUl'll t iu D n.lSC r\'l~ t h o rl ~ht Doet! thnt mesn t bn t you hn\' n't renl- vi cIn it y of Laic TIU cncn, lUode UHC uf til rn j l1(' L (lil Y o r all IJlds nml 110 hl tl \~ III b neigh bo rs fo r th e ir kindness and family. Iy qnlte made up your mi nd to toke tlll us nn all oy wltll copper to l1Iu.kll ac coI JtuU (o r IOS!i t ll &U p llr a ud &Cc r m~llIll urc.." l sym p ul h.y cluring o ur bereavem ent. t l' Lil t) datu u l d(J U\'or y 0 1 8u,1I1 bOIId.!l , _ _ _ _ blm," brollze. BldB s h o \JhJ lIo .-en h:.~ l Iu d u n d UJ"lWd B ltlH and to l.ha nk those who ~o ki ndly Mi!l.Q Susie Brown, of Yellow for UIU W a}'; w T owns hip Uu ra l SCllool U Is· sent fl oral o tl'e ri llgs , Springs , Ohi o, returned to her hom e frl c l l O1 " rl,) \ IIlUll t Uon ll s, Ru ~ l I II ",lIl <{1 or d oUWlrIJl1 t o t Ilt, Clorl{ o r the Uoarti u r EU II 'nM rs. J. He n r y Vander voo rt and Monq ay after a week's visit with • 110 11 0 1 W OYI)O 1'ow".I,lp H u ... 1 !:Ich"" 1 \)I • . Family , her clas smate, Miss Inll Hamilton, of trl I. Wa y" ,Ule. W"rroll CoUII I)". Ohio. Route 3. T h o lJoa rti o r E tlu cntlo u o t W Q)' flO TownHlllp !lunil Sl'h ool 1.18Iril'1. W.rreo OOUIILy . ulLlu. Mr. and ' Mra. F. ll. He~der80n E . v_ D A ltNH A Hl'. Olc rk . and daug hter. Louise, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Culeman and son, Frlln · cis, motored to Wilmington Friday Judging fro m past succes.qes I clln evening. keep your h ogs fr om d y in g w ith the Bes t Work Shoes on earth, the cholera, 27X per head und hig her, according t o s ize. g uaranteed t o im· An Ordinance to Establish Grade for mune f or li fe , Oren Stra wn, Sidewalks, Curbs and Gutters on Phone 227 A Lebano n, O. Allie Colthe South and West Side of North lit ED S, CONKLIN EDMON STEWART lins, Miss Nora Ellis, Miss Irma Land Street from W. H . Allen's driveand Mi;s Dorothy West spent Friway to North East corner of School Secretary President day with Mrs. Nelson Hamilton and lot, and the North aide of Chap , Rather Apt Compari son. daughter. Ina. man Street from Mra. Rogers' "A l u ~tco rlc e l\ rU(' r is n ut wholly to ~ Alley, westerly to the Corporation be d cs lrl!tl," ndlllll l" ,1 I'r u fll~s " r Pu te, line. Messr s. Wulter Chandler. E. V. "'fhe m teor su dl\c·tll y fl ulIlcs forth Walte r McClure, Lee De IL Ord"lned by tile Council 01 thu I' mage trom obl>c urlty, 1I11s h"s cru.lly IILh wa r t Barnhart, 01 WlyntlOvl!lo. 01110, Lh.t tbo ,,,,,loa o n NorLh and Ohl>llman S tretlUIlIODLlollOO In the th e surp rlsell s l,y III II Sllull't of lilt)- HlI wke antI D, L. Crane went to ~~~:b~~~~ ~fgN~":o~ be and t llo .ILOIO ore IHcll tnl'Y' brllllullCY. p ops JUIlllly nnd Sharonville Tuesday afternoon so aee Bec la-lle,lnnlllg . l the Nortb -Rut eor- 8 u h s [( I ()~ 1111 0 01111 ,'1,,". ,'c r,\' Illuch li S the new Spt:!e tiw ay.








------------ - -- I!?



















Warren Co~ fair i

l I




:• :


i• i

.September 12, 13, 14, 15, i ~EBlInOn,


I i


Greater and

Bigliest, Busiest, Best Fair in the State


------ - ---





-- ....----


Gra,n d Opening Monday, September 4 (Labor Oay) with parade of all Live Stock at 12:30 p. m.

nor ot the school lot at an a.BlIJU &d olevlltion ot Quo hundred nuu .lxt)' · t.WO fl od t wou(.)" va hundred ths ( 16 1. 210) leet an •• ruu tll ouco 80 utberly Throo huod ro<l ( 1 00 ) I"", ou n d . acen<.l tng arado to an ul ovtl.tloll ('of U n(,) hlln

<Ired Qud llIty Ih'oILo,llwuuty IIvo l,uu\l reflth . ( 160.20 ) loot ; thuuce .throo huuu NII I ( 80 0) reaL. to a.n ofuv&t.lull of 0 0 6 l.iull drml aud nil.,,\" HII '

tw en&y Ih'o huu d n :tJth. ( t 5 1. :' ~ J feeL: \lIenee ouo huudratl Imd . "I·o nty .lg hL ( I 7 ~) IOOL LO BII elo\' &Uo u o l llne hu ndred 00,1 InrLy UJfooauc1 seven t y huruJ r od th s ( J.l 3. 70 ) tou~ . , thone. two h .. nd f'tl(l "",I IlI,y ( ~ O U) (oot t o Ull 1 olava tl oll or one hundred uul! twem,y';O\'1.I11 &1111 . I.• ty h .. udro<l ,h. (117 , GO I (oot ; tb uncu ouo hu udrod aDd JUt)' t 1(0) teeL to an cle vatlon o r 0110 JlUmlrod I1 IltI LWOUt.)· th'u null c lg ht.y h ll u d .... I'hll ( l l0.ti U) I~~ , h ence " " . ltun,lrotl { IO O) tee \ t o f\ u. e le va tl u n o f 011 0 IIu n, l rod n ut! I WOUlY 81.< .. Illl IIlt y h ll ulirtl<lth. ( 126, 10 ) r. I an u.8cem_lluR g rQ,du ; then ce tJO\' oll t.y ( 70 ) loot La a.n u!c \' atl u ll Qf OIlO iluruJ recl aod t WO lIl )' loud

&: A. MOSBY, Pres.

-- - - ----

Columbus 85

c'~nts .Round Trip

$1.40 Round Trip


UhUUOlUoU stroot , el evli.tJuu\ o lle hlll HlrOtJ unu "lxty and nSne t., lJUndrodt HI (lI iO .91J) ft.'01. Sec, ll>- U e~ lu u lll g all Mra . HOl(erti alluv alun ft.HSU_OleU c le\' o.tio ll o f o ue hundred ( 100: 001 root 81111 run tlt. uco w~torly 1I1ty ( 00 ) (ooL to lUI iIll evat lou 0' oUD l.lUodrod liDU fuur ( I u" OU)

d,."lU ,1 olgh&y UllO( I U ) loaHo I>D e lluu 01 ono IHmurod aud tw onty thr"" ( U B. OO) 100' aDd U'ere entllug at t ho curb InWrsoctio n ~.:uN~t~r:~1 coru.r 0 1 Fourth untl C1Hll>-




SOc Ic-lI01!lnolm( .. r: tho ourb lutoroac ,lo lI S"ECI' L TRAIN LEAVES at Lho North-",.. , co rnor 01 ~'ourLh and Ohal>-" rl " 1'\ · mall .t.rool'l at an llMumocl elo \' utJOD o t ooe See IAcal ' Ageot hunc!rDd .. ,,0 twunL)' .1" ( 12 6,00 ) leet . allll 4 run Lho nee uD an aacuodlolJ Irado tOT 00 8 hUluJrot.i ( 100) tu an ~Ievatlou of o no hundred aflll Utlrty lour aod IIlty bumlrooLll. ( 184.6 0) loot ; h6uce one hundre\! ( 10 0 ) loot to Ull



ave ltE'n gray, I IVI wo r ' I'Oon era ror you. h e p yo u luoklnl( young , promisu II luxu rious g rowlh of healthy hair, stop ils fulling OI"t and p". itJi/cl) rellll"'es "nnd • "0)' an<l nlnely hundl'8tltha (l UO:OO) Icc~ "I an Lhere eu<lloll. rutI. Will nOl soil skin o r Iinell . Will N~t.e-( Beoch Mark top fiN! pl ug N. W . ~ruer Flltb and Cbapman . treel<l. elo vo&!on, 1I0t injure YOllr 11I\1r. I~ n o l " dye. d..!tn::'Qm1.o3f. 1.ot~r~Y. one ..Dd IIlt y huuRell/5E' all S llb slitu l e~ ; lo()e n lld $1 ,00 B 8ec.2-AIl unlltltUlc"" ond por.. 0 1 or· bollle at drllu ists. dl DUcee In conflict with the provl8lonl of ~""mr':T;"l'''''''''~~~~__''''~~-''''''_ 'bill 'l~tnauce be and the "'110 arc hure lJ.r I FltI£B-Io . how 11lI\\' quick MHdred1 repea...... in n I{ Ilea. _Thill onllnanco to ~"ko .rr.ct etid I tmed y ole l d, we WI'11 S"Ou. a ~...'" to...", from &llel after ;ho earUOItt perlud rree Ify rdurn mail 10 nny. ..... '!ted uris Coul'on t il Mildred P.-1 A\II1B& IUb. IUfl. Boslnn, .".s5 ' 1 with nam. A~ e:.f'~Am.:~r. and 10e lor •• te.

b, I"..

Mrs , Keighley, son and daughter,

9 :3 5 8.m and the two Miss McMasters. of

elev at.lon ot OU lt hUlUJrod. Rnd forty two aud t w el1t)' b und redth. ( U2.201 feet t1lOnce IIIt y ( 00) reet to all "leVA't l oU () one hundred a"d torty lour .tlt! two .. t y huUtlrcd ~h8 (l H . ~ O) l oet; thence une hundred aud .I XL)' ( 16 11) loot In nil ele vallon 01 0110 huo u l'I'Kl tUHI tor t y Mlldredina H. air Rem Ddy N~ve r slyllt UOlI twont)" huudretlth. ( U ,~o lOOt. ~ ~ IWd Ihere olldl"lf. Falls ' SOle. !l1- llu,;lunlng "i tbe curlrlot. roreLla» aL tho Nllr Lb-wOIOt corner ofl Flllh "",I ObllpTo r"slore u'my h"lr to il s na tural color rn Q.O .t.roc .... a" an &lWIumod elm'aLlau ot ono 0 huodrtl\1 and lurty elghL and tW6nly hul\.- and bea uty. No m lt tter holY old nnd dred U,. ( U ~ 20) leot .... d run Lho ucu 11\.., • , llUndred ( 000) ruet . ....... rl)· OU an M eendlng laded your hoir looks, or h o w lORa you srade to au OhJVliLhJII or one hundrc I Bud h I '1 'II k d


Lost- Somewhere between the Church in Waynesville and Elihu Underwood's, a black and blue satchel, cont!lining purse nnd money. Finder will return to Lulu Miller, Harveysburg, and receive reward .

r riends

Ii' . FROM

Poullry Growing Contes t Two big State Exhibits Hor eshoe Pitching Contest Back Y:;trd Garden Dis~ play Free ad nission to all

E lizabe th Sarver, a little fresh air g irl wh o has been ~pendiDg the sum · Iller a t th e ho me of Miss Helen Mar· latt, r e Wrn ed to her parenta in Cin· cinnati last Tuesday, .

Look afte r Chsndler's Fertilizer if you want good goods.

::'D~·~h:::,UOl~~II ~';!. "u llllred ~h. ( 12UOI I."t NOLo- l ll" IU,1I Ma rk Lo p 0" water ptpe wuit "Ido North s t.r oot nlill at. Nor-til tJlIlJ of

• School'Cbildren and Soldiers Wednesday, September tlfLY 00 . ( 101.00) tOOL ;. theoeo oue tllinllrcd Iand (100) ree. to 00 ele yatlon 01 "nil hundred 6-S~ial Features, Band Concert and . lI(ty 'breeand\llghW hUlldratltlu' ( UJ 80) leoL thence ooe ltuodre<1 amt tWllllty IIv o Free Attraction every day. O teee '<l on aloutl"n ol. on~ bundred uurl ( IUt)








root.J "honeo on an tl8Cenrllug grade OUO hu n,.

Great Educational Exhibits


Nll n.'~

. P oslmns ter F. C. Carey was overcom e by Uie heat Tuesday afternoon, and was in a seriuu9 condition . Hi s cOIllJitiol1 at the time of goinp; to pre!!! is very much improved.

19 Trolling and Running Races 19


docs tlw H\fcr ugc f U\'lJ r i t '




Than ev_er, m.aking it ·one of the best ~airs In this section of the state. The program is a good one.

••. FOR ' SALE-MOTOR eye·LES .••

September 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1916

School Children's, Exhib its $1000 in premiullls Mariual Training and Don estic Science Display Boys' and Girls' ·Stock Jtidg jug, Pig Growing and

i Bigger .Attractions i I,:


Davton, Obio



Come and Bring ~he Whole Family

Ordinance No. 89


$6200.00 in


Day toni Ohio, spent Sundav afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs John Belich, o f Route:.!_ Miss Mar· garet Keighley will stay for II weeks visit.

1 1915 ThIee Speed Indian, with side c a r 1 1 DIS ' T hree Speed E xcelsior' fully equipped. good as ne w 1 191 (j Single Speed Indian, fully eguipped, like n e w 1 1014 Merkel Twin, with .Iamp, tank and tandem 1 Hll4 Pope, fully equipped 1 191 2 Single Indian

If you

want gaOl!' cream,. good meals, go to Chenoweth 'a Re!Jtarant. ---~-.


'hm handling the Cincinnati Gapl· tol City Fertilizer 14 and 16 percent &,ooda at 118 and 119 per ton, ri&,bt from the ear. EdwfD Chandler" SoD . Pholl8G-l~



$75 $40


108 S. Broad

Late Classified Ads

In the Rubber FIelds.

Whil e the rollst 1l1 '1'I'OV ,,1 lilcthlllls ot redu CI ng tIl e milk ttl I'uhlle r In SUlI th Amerl en Is hy c ongu lll !l lt ll In smoke, IIntlvcs of Afrlell fr" lllIcnll y rt' SIIl't to tho prn et.le e of eO I'l: r lng liw lI' IJo.\lcs wi th lhe flul rl li S It Is !IIk un tmlll th e tree nnll fifter th ere Il ll~ Iw cn untcleut Ol'llpol'utlon th e ' ru1Jbpl' r~s l.lll e Is s.c I·npcrl of\' /lnll tIl llltl !'r\ Inlo r:uh es, In the .'ljl Islnntls lh ~ rill/her ·\\'lIl'k.~rs nse th llir moutlrs Il ~ "I' O IIlI' t.~ " nr " sC)J.. rotol's," thu rll"h pr lJlilll·ts u s· they form h~ lng t/lI<01l III t.he tlll gel's lind molded luto hnlls.


I .,.v•..,...............,.•.,...,.• ..,........._.., ••••••••••• ;. •••



IROOM::! to rent, anri board Mre. W. 8. Snlnes, Tbird .treet. IIG


114 Aores ot good IODd. If 80U! 800n. For Informa


tlen addrestl P. ,0 ., Box ville Ohio I

Che@ter Ma:low and Wm Hupman, who passed through here recently in a canoe bound for the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, stopped at Oregonia and' spent several days there camp· ing. Their journey proved to be a short one. '

$200 $150


oa, Waynea. 16


FIVE AND ·TEN ' CENT STORE New Cranlteware

Panll Kettles Sauce Pan. WashBasins Dippers . ,Soap Dishes Dish-Pans 8 qt, size for ••••••••• , ..•••.. tOe See our window -

"Air Float" Talcum·.•.• ,. Dennison's r.unch Set9. . . • Colgate's Tooth Paste.... ..:~ in 1" Oil . . • • • • • • . . • • • Machine Oil. •... _ , .. _ . . •. Vaseline ••.••..• • ..•••• , Hydrogen Peroxide .••.•. Williams' Shaving Soap.. Tooth Drushes ~ ••••...•. Combs, all kinds.. . ......

lOe lOe 10c

5c: .

lOe 5c


5c lOe lOe

Magazine lIan FRANK H• FARR The WaynHville, Ohio


Sixty-E ighU" Year

' iLLE, OHiO.

GU ST ' 3






r EIH:!'Tt '0 t ETTER FIWM A FO R"' E I~

AI' LI NC I~ .'\'\ 11 I~




",,01111 luills

Proves to 'Iohc VlICllfiOIl

l'illl' WII)




-\ ~) \


the most inter es ting of which was the mounted potato race , where ex pert horse men pitted II:l!'alnst .each ot~l!r, and each, carrymll pomted IIUcks atlempted to carry potat~e from one barrel t o anothe r. a dl ~' tance of 100 yards . The horset &eemed to know the tricks of lh f ~ame, and 88 !loon as a man got a po tato on his 9t ick hiB horse j Ilmped into a run. very tllst, only to fi.nd himself run r iog straight into pos~i bly fivo hones, and u general mixu p 80metiml's ensulld . 1t W88 a WOll derful game, although Bomt wh B' dangerouR. but only one man wall hurt, having been accldentallv struck acron the eye with one of these stic k, and sustaining a sr vere cut. The game lasted about one hour. Th. ranlrers were pitted against thl; guides, all U . ti . Government em· ploypes with elCcollllnt horses AI the end 'o f that tim e the IIweal was . dripping frum the horselI, and frum themselves 88 well, for the day was warm, and the guides had carried but 13 potaloes on Ih t'lr sticks. and the rangers but 7, so that you caD see it was not a child's !rame by an) means (Til be continutd)

Cln ('irll lH.11 ~


nu l n

!'q)l , .. nwny






. /

Y ..~~, --; ", " -

( f 14


I .

Tcrrll ory I ~ 1 III s llr)lns~cd fur Na l .. urlll IIcauty- ls III Orcl:on nt Presenl Ti m e


• -"





- v • ~ ., ~.< , 40 ~...





.. ,



Port land . Oro., AUl,[u sl 9th , 19l6 . Ileur Fricnfts : 1J0 not think I ha\'e written wllb Wlll ch lh~ new r "d ng llllllll 11 111 II 1 .1 I . II . .. . he (lNtt l' UI f'l ci n il L llhl) l' 11;1\- , Hr>ptc nl u", . It •• \ ,1:- 1 It ( Hlrl. ', , 111 1' 1 111,· ~Jl t " 11\\11),", . Hlll ~ t IWl1dll'l' . d, hlll ' (I(.,u since l eceivinj..( your IIlMt letter but 4. n PI"Pt. 11Illiny, u n o,uluy of II ill.]\./ 'II rll" .\ m"I' I. ,llllillill+' '~' lrl'\ ill lil t., hl ll' l'U :ul llll, d ~ \\"~' I)~tul\1Jr-o 1',1, ' ,· Iu h. · run nt >l"nt ~o lll e ra rt l" from Cody , Wy , 1 , 'OD ti tru ' tl o Jl wOl'k o n th e It o,,"' Cf lHlnl1ut.I ~PtH:H I \\'ar hiJ ~ ))"' 1'1\ "illljdl'lUd $1. 0U.wJU. t h • n \\' 1I'a; " 1M I tn ~. Ih. " ! l lf ll1lJ , 11J ~lh.h.:d\\!' Y I (H1 I •. lhlll' )'11)". ~1 ·ld l ' lUljl,;r ~ . IN 1I1·\'Pl· ltll·lnH ~ 11th' u r Wtlll t fr01l1 th em to Hillingli. MOIlI.. an? thirty., or ~h 1 ad ln g r nca d~ lv c r .. o t ll~ l' w o rl 11 rl OW un.' U!-Ill1g I he tJ.j~(· k noun cc il . by nx,p el'l s "hn hU\'ll mul1 .. Ih. , 111,0 0 1 prldlll" Ul ilud ,' Olh i:-; II'1I tlrtv J'K 011 lit .. dn'lI ll . ~ ' h ill1i1h' r l'ornlf lrly an,1 then to !lu t to, MUlIl. Wafl glad fOI Ilrllr tl ce PI 1I1l111111ry IU l hl' .II)'H III, '. $.~O .''''~ ru ('" 011 Lalo pr II,,), . · Ih o "p~OII Illnl_ " ,,'r II, t.he f" " '''SI a nr) 11 11 " n" " ' h ll llk lll ll fo r Itil lph ~llIlfu fll. 111111 11''' " ""'"j1l' IIt,d III II I I . • . . . I .. to g cl awll,' f rt ,mlhe lutter IJl nce fo r abovo cut . howij th o gmnd ijLllIHI an 'l . Irll!l' h most pr'rrcrt It·,·hnlt:n·l,y of liny tm"', . " " I " " , III ' ,lr~" nnw III Il RO III th' t'n lt ".1 .' I"U'K . \\ Iwn Lh:" " a" wns IUJurP(I. ~III" I, '1'1'1111111; II 1!t·I"",· (,II(II" il , r 1111" KI,'I'i'u,\ 1 think Hulle is Ilh'lulthe slJlClldelt, grim ieH t I nn llin~ [lineD 1 was eve r in T h o Clnl"lllllR 11 Rpj 'tqJ \\' It Y f ~ lWO Int o t tl4 ' ' luI"f 1Ilh)Sl 1'111lkH of Jlltl'l' u alluJlul ftll ' t; r M. It apL l eflr~ tl) he II [Jla 'C or 50 or SO ~~""""="",,,, II1ll c~ III 1"111,;1 h, 70 FU"t " I<le find ('011' ~~-=~::-:==========::-:~=::-:==~ ~~:--~=- th tlu~ ut\ l i· und hnK a n umiJe r of Inrgl' HtrtU..!IPci ulltiJ'l' ly of \\'/II)~ I , Ih (l ho\\ lIu(: --------.---COl>IJer HfIll' lterfl allli th e s moke Rnd ull l'Y Il1rlh nd tor 11I )' in,; tll ~ Ihnh ~ .. s be fUIIl !.!!! fro lll them has blacken",1 lhl! IlI g lillll~"' 1 'In ul'Il I' to Il lv!! lh ('u ur.II Ih o grnllt l ltlt Jln"l.; lhJ~ .,crabfl lly und u l lIlUUnlllill Hides und dC8tr llyed all th o "nm lillie oll''''t tI,,· moxhlllllll (>f VCj{t:lH t ion IIIl1k ing th e r eK'ino lank grip "n'l thf' lea,t fl'kU"n rd r [hi' lires vpry "loulIlY a nd u ninvilinl{. My of th l! rod"l{ , ' arK nt!xl ~ t up was ut Spokane. Wash . Th r IlI'ln('lplll ud "lIlllnge wh ldl Ih o That is a fin " city ahou t t ho size of Chfl'jnn:1l1 trol' k h"" "" 'I' th' ,I hel' See Waterhouse for Au tu Li ve r y. The MiSRes Dor ot hy , Kathr yn I Jay t on or nea rl y a!l largo. \ was n l ltO (' (Hl1"riN4 li eF; tIl PH' tll' J"uIII'( PIJIPn and Rosamond Dakin and Mr . Em · t here Ihr oll daYli anti t hen went to W. E. O'N eall was in Ciltci nnati T hese will be fi ve h(llid 'Y8 next or tho IIII·II!'. of whkll Lh,' 1'8 nro fOllr, Th· Wayn Township P. & D. As· week- for th e [l o lJlc of Mont!:"m · the trad( 1J,' llIg <lI 1l 1 lit ~ h llpll. Wh llo Roc iat i n mct ~ u t ur l l ay afternoon at m or Bai ly Jr., we r e rl eusan tly enter !:i..,atlll' w hf're 1 r.,mainel\ ul/Hllt ten a ~t Friday . . ery county . "~or il i ~ th u week uf t hl: Lhe lU ll" 011 tho (' 11I'I' u 1'1';11'1"·. ,, .111111 tain pd at the hnnw o f Mr. J . B dRya, l.h n wl!nl so u th tll Tucoma fa ir, and wilh a s p 'c ia l pro{Vrom 0 1. u f ~'I 'I ,' ~r(' '" III pi'''·,· .. . I. h, '~ p 11 0 I'li('n ~ the Tow ns hip Ho use. [{outi ne busi· \'ence , at Mt . lI o ll y , III ~ l '.I'hllnlflay lind tll n h I' I:! , where I arr ived Il"~ll \Vus atte nd ed tn un d all Ilsses!! Frank Bradciock j ~ assis ti ng at the ,.. Il 'e I I i I I I AlIglls l lIlh . I ~ taid u wpek a t She r· e veni ng. State .'air thl's week. t'nngt'd f or eVl.'ry day . not one clInlJe ' r ea" fl" 'y 8 11f ' 1 ·' a ~y grltr III Olt S m issed by th' se in te re~ l ed ill thl! lh lll dl·"'O I·. III'<' II III cll nlJI"lI r' " In In~· m nt IVBS ord re(1 marIe . 'fhe Ass,,· man Throck morton' s Will had a ni ce se n Ih " II' HjlPNI III mollng lh o ell'I'lIIL ciat ion has been to a con sidera ble Mrs. L A . Zirnmerinan en t er t!l ined v i ~it with them. Af t9r lilting th re Look afte r Chandl e r' s ,Fer ti li7.(! r races, the s tock, thl.' g ra in und far m III the ('111'1.,· rxporllllell l ~. It foro tho expellse t.Iurillj{ th past y ear lI nu if you want good good~. di ~plaY 8, the gard en wo r k and o tlwr trar'k wnK en!!I'f'I)', t I'IIJ' I1I ",1 (or rllring. Ilw trea'u rv is alm os l de pleled Saturday uft e rno on from '!. to S. in so lung it sI!cllld ruther lonely to sho wings of t he childrrm, and t h ' Dilly Chll ndler. dril·illg a Cl'll wronl Afte r ('ons iu ring what the Asso· com plimenl to he r h o t) ~c flU st!l Mr ll tilart ut Ullllin ul uno. Sellttlo i ~ a Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bentley are at. Illu ltituue of olher specially a rr allged Speu!nl , IIlLti'''l<l II s p ~~ ,1 or l11 U IlIll uH .:iutio" has d unu f OI its m e mbers and A lvina H nltcnl1ll' , I) f !'or t Cli nt n, nice <:i ty, 80 aro Tllc l111a R11I1 Porttending th e State Fair this wC'ek. fea ture.s. an hOllr , 1I11d ort"r\l'ur<l" o~pro"Hud I he puLlic in general, no member and Miss Mary Cur8 ten ~lI n , of ' Ieve· lanll . I hlld n Iinc lim' ill Yellowstone I'ark anu would have lik 'ri to The fair op.m s Labor day. . T uell' blwHolf as IltJlng 'Mlaln thlll he '0111(1' will hardly olJjecl tn t he assessmen t land . have remained thilr e lo nger. 1 ' t'nnt Orlan Thompso n. ot Love land, dllY will be th e dllY of t he poul lry do b u{·r tlran th a t lim n when the It h a~ a pr stige alm ust equal to th e Y ' t W d d ' 111 lru rk WaM In porr'I"1 Bhu J1(), Mr. and Mrfl. Emerson Mason e n- in from Godv hy auto und tra vded s pentt hewee k ·en d h erewll h frien ds. j:lrrl'Yl ngcon est. nee ay \\'I )e Follow lug Is tho mllnnor In wblch h st d te'th·e ser vice in the U . S .. ter ta ined ~ uIllIRY al a flmr callrs .. in a ll by the t,illle I ruturn(...t to Cody soldiers. and school. chlldr ns d uy . the' $;10.0110 J)1'I~1l mOll' y, pnH'lded by 111111 hag brought mllny a thief to a I! you want good cream, good All soldlers and pupIl:; of th e schools I lh Sp edwllY wnllug Dlllt wUl be rllalizalion of wha t it ,can accomplish. dinn e r, Mr. and Mrs . Ernest HULttlr . II bou t :WO III iloil, aLuu t hai f of it by worth and Ilurpe tt BullllrW(lrth . slago. The r oad frum Cody rU M meal •• go to Chenoweth 's Reslarant. in the county will be admitted t o th e dl~trlhlllerl : ' --...- - Mr . and Mra. John Rich lind Mllynard ai ling the Shosh ne mvel' and grounds free. '1'0 Ih wlnll I" ~12, O O O ; ileCOlld. $0,000 ; Ihl'ough a roci{y gnr~e or canyon Rich lind Mrs. lda Hockett. 1n the s peed ev ents th re will be lhlnt. ,:l,IIIIU: fo u,·tb, ,$1,500 ; nrtll Mi8l1 Anna FolC. of Miamisbu rg, is tha L is no t AIlf(lallRecl IInywhore f or the Iruest of Mr. and Ml's. Harry a t, tal of f6,200 in pUTses award er! $~ .:I OO: sixth. $ 1,2nO; Rf",eu th . $1.100; >lecnery . I think JoII1 Hutoist who call in t h e fiv e days. Earl ~wep~ t o n ' of Clgbth. ,UflO; nloth . $80 0: leo ttl, $700; Murray • Mr. and MrR: C. II!. J ohns, of run an lIutu al olll{ tha t rond with ut ' cu r l ~a'lIl1g nl 100 miles, $500 ' IUlr CI11'II lcot h e. W I10 h as sen t t h e hurBe.~ leadin g ill ~"" mlleH, , 501); car leading Lytle, en ~e rtal n ed S unrtay ){uv. Il nrl lI'oinl{ ove r tll tl dide 'Iluld ,Iriv e a r. and Mrs. Joe Thompson, of a~' ay fo~ th e peat t wo o r thrc yea rd, aL 26 0 WIlCd, $GUO. Mrs. C. S. G rau!ler, Mr. Ilnd M r~ mac hin o on IIny r l.l lld ill Uhio wi th Norwood, were vi s itin~ r e latives Will agaIn h andle th e s tartt!r 's t\tllr C. M. J·lough, Mrs. Waller K Ilrl ck, his OYC~ Il hut. h~re Sunday. The list of II l r lo~ shows Ihllt tho 1n the horse d e partm ~nt t lie r e will Misses Do ra Nelson an.! b:.q tll S tacy. Th r uarl followtl ·t.ho ri ve r for be $1, 250 in pre miums offe red, with rae w ill brlllg togolhor 11 IIl1mh " .. of and the Messrs . K enn et h II IIg h , alJo li t 60 milcil ulII.l in IIl lln" places Mi88 Kate Mc("ollum, o f l~ranklin, cla~ses provided for el'er v breed an d drll' ers who hnl' nol mN on the u'ack Cha rles G rau Me r and (;Icnn J (,bUn. winds along thll ed ~f' of the c liffs was a week·end Iluest at the home si ze . There will be $ 1,072 gi ve n lo so fflr lhl. "1'1I"on . While Amcr1foon What hus become of the boule· d t'lv ra Il redo mioDlc. the re a ro Il ulte hunurllds of f 'e t a\)Ol'll the wa lel' of Mr. W. H. Allen. clolttlol, *780 to sheep, t852 t o Hwill(', n Dum her of f reign s:.a rs nmong tile I' ard Iischts? The Fourth of Jul y Mr. Ea rl Conn er WII. h o~ t t o k which is generllll5' churned into a and many other premiu :us. entrant •. IndudlllK Res l n. tbe chum· co mmittee had abou t $200, and it is Rev. and M rs. C . . Grause r and pion ot Inst year. lI"t! wlnllor or tour high time th e y showed the citi7.ens " ptag" party MondllY e vening, gi ven 'l1laUll of wlrito fmull IJy t llil rock !; in ---... ... --80n, Charles, and W. 0, Raper were of tho OlOHt Irnpol'lo m e vents or the th a t th ey are in earnest about putting h h onor o f JRme~ Mcl :lurp.. who wi ll lh e IJori of th o riv er . At onu p lace Dayton vi tl ilor~ layt \\leek , p rc~ " nl Bca son, Illdutiing Lhe Indlau. th em on the str ee ts. Perhaps th e !.lecome a benedict. Thllrs duy morn . th e cnnyon iR VIJI'y narrow Bnd the npolls D 'o r Illolt n ay mee. the Cili. soon er we get th em in position, the ing. Aho ut twenly· fuur mai eR we re clilh ri Ho s trnight fr um lhe r ive r for ""IlU n OI'II)" ' ho Chkng{) a nlllll PrIx, soone r we will have Rome entllrpris· present. nnd they whi led flWII Y the al least a thousa nd feet in height Mrs Rachel KeYR. M iss Martha 8IHt Ihe 'h (lCII~ I IO :t ,l nay SWOPp. nkes. irrll citizen I£i\'c onoug h to put some time with cards and n loCen t' r a l good and thell un to p of that is another Burnet and Mls~ Emm a Cartwright Hlliph !Jet'ul "'lL nn (1 J oe hr laliacns' tlnle. Uelici(lUs r efl'e alr rn e nl H we re t hlJ usnnd fcet of almost perpendicular spent Thursday m Dayton. nrc two olher DU1 Cd foreign d l'lv ra more in . Ge t IJu sy, gen tl errien, and se rve ci Ilt a seasoftabl e hOIlI·. moull tain Hide. Acrull>l th e canyon put up the li g hts. wh o will ItO IdleI' lhe hlg end ot the allhi8\!uint i, Lh e Sho~holle dam3J 8 .~orn -To Mr. and Mrs, R~ W. purse III I hIs rAce. feet high and Maid to be the second R1smger, .of N ew Dayton, Alber ta , l-'t,llowlng I, n lI "t or ell tries r&Canada, Aug ust 26th. a son . celvod 1111 I) Au g ust ~I): F. E Harlsoe" . wife nnd famil y hillh"llt da m in the world . The road Flies th at breed late in : he llllln mt' r ~ unlt.· (,( l'ur. en t ertai ned at Sunday dinn e r , Lell tel: h r e play>! "i1i,ltl an d Beek " with t he N I.m," of Driver . 1'he Misses Dorothy a'n d Rosa mon d a n d ·elU'IY fall ar~ more unnoy ing to J\·ug,·lol ....... ...... ........ I):'rlo R eO la P reather and sis l(>r, I',rmll, of Day , rive r, runn in l{ lIlong a narruw she lf Dakin spe nt Thursday in L banon , cows and (·th er farm animal y tha n ],1 " ·" .. 11 !-""d,d • . •. . 1::. \'. n"'I"'IIbncilor t all ; Cllrl Sherw ood , or WlI ,Y ne!lvili t'; blas led from lh t! ~id e or t he c liff a nd the guest.:! of the M illses S~lIars . th e on(l~ t hat ap pea r earlier in t he IJ linn" I ;.\'·~"n l .. .. ... . ... .. 1\' . .J. Multer urtn"J1 . ,'. 0 .. . • ••• •• • • . .. • • • .. .. 1.1l Va it Mr . and Mre . e has Muhlf'll hurg o f th en plullging intll a tunnel where season so eape ial alte ntion s hOUld PII ,·"·" h,"'~ .. . .. .......... 1;" r~~ nll Z" "" Dayton , and Le roy E. IIllr lsock and the tu ny un /11llkcs a sharp turn. f rH \'funl ::$lwdll l ••• , . •.• . IUI.\' Chlludl'Jr . b 1 Mr. Bnd Mrs. n L . Crane Bnd son, be gi ve n n ow to p reve nt roo I rOIT, ]'OUl< "11 L ........ ........... it h MulfQl',1 wife , also of Dilylon. Thpy enjoyed a corni ng nllt tlR'uin onto Rll olher shelf EI han, and Mrs J . H . Cole mal) were h atchin ~ In t he barns. Tile fl y mag-, O!rrt' JI ~ 1" ' tI · " " . .. ......... 1I 1I 0 !ielfni ll': GO·mile ride in lh e aftern oon UlrotJjth hun(lrcd!1 uf feet ahove the roaring . . I . l I I Cl'nwforJ "'1' ,'01,,1 . .. .. .. . ,. , .1111" '· L"wt" Xenia visitors Thursday afternoon, go t ~ h a t c II III ma n ure In l Ie sa) l\.~ I.,·" ............. ..... n .." 1'1' NUl Nn "'cd, t he kindn e~~ of Mr . fi nd Mm. has. riv , r and then \le rhllllS inlo anothe r 'fh e Warren Cuan ty \V. C T U . or calf r)p nR. Buth s ho.u ld he cleaned I·J'""I>,·ol . " ' j" ..... .. . ..... ' h"rleR l\ 1 ~r. tunn clunu out lI!,Csin . AI; one pillce See Wate rhouse f Clr .Aulo Livery. out frenll cntiy and qui.:klil1le used P".n,it-r P'" "I .......... 1).",',,,,1 WI.' oox will hold th eir annual conve nti on at Muh lcnburg. Ih c lilfs ove rhan" 1(10 much for "1.. OlllH r . . . ••... .• •. .• • . • • •• • • .. . ("'lIa r rof t ar ou nd the wall~. Th e lime should Peu/<ro t ... ....... ..... ......1\,1", Allken th e II a n ' ysb urg Fri e nd ~ Church . on blURting a Kit -If or multin" II tunnel Mr. Bnd Mrs , Strawder Ringe r an d alsn be us rl a r Ollnr! th ed .."s ., H ,"lso n . " I"r "'Ix "1 ",,'101 ... '.' .. .. , ... ~~ ',e ry · • h . . . . . . , . . . . . . . " " , , 1)1'1\"1' !"',' t ~nmoct \Vlldn csrill)" September nt.h , I" r es pon se t o in vitatinn R whi ch so tllt'y 11:\\'0 Rw un g the r oad on a daullh te r, of Ada. Ohio, are gues t~ pcclal ly ~vhere t he dirt is less likely I ~? ;"~"'I , ortr I".,·I,,,,!, .. .. "," 'T""! )111"", borly is cO,rrlially invited t o co me , nnd renrl. " Ll reakfn ~t with 111i' W ' dne~( l ay sort. o f' IJridgu. TIll! ruad ill conof fri ends in Wllynesvile for a f e w Lo be r(:ln ( v ~u ' , Mt [)U1Ul h l lllu.... ... f •. I·... 1...lwllnJ.:":I ) c . ("Ino i'IHlld u l .. .. . . , • .• ••• •• • 1';. D . :-'IC:\11Y each persOIl is r q uesled to bring S a . m ,AUj{Wll ~: \ . I UlfI," issued hy ta n tly rll nki llK ~ hal')I tums some of days. - - - ... - . . . . ~U 8~l'n\.)t'r" Bp,- ·Iu l .... .. . 'Y llb llr r ' A I' l lh) t.hei r lunch boxes wi h them' Mr~ . Cy nthia Evan~. IILout thirt y them RlI ~ h"J't th at it i ~ II wonder th e F O.k lno Sto.dul ..... ... ... ..1 ~ C. lI o~kl n. 1 r a. em ma Cl lajllllall . I'r(l~ . IlIrJieR gath e re,l al he r 1I1r!Ill!an t h(lm e machine gets amund lind in places it Seth E . Pumas and Zeph Und e r· ],'t:~~:h ~~:::',I" \ :: : ::: ::: : p .~~fl lr" ~3 ~~:~~ 1\Irs , G. W. Davis, Go r·S ·c'S . 0 11 Mlli n AtrEe l . wh e re th e v enj oyed i" pOi\>tilJI" to ilea n nly a few feet wood lire attending 'Ohio Yearly DU&80 nL ork; :->,·e-cl"I. . .. D r h· ~r 1'\Ol :\"ullled a fine iJreak fa. t SHveu in thl'('" ah ead ; "ft en lh~ rna .. bt these turns Ob.rt l,,!:' !lpN'lu t . .. ... ... J . W . OblJrllu!\" Met!ting he ld at Salem, Ohio, this cou rses . The af fa ir was g ive n fo r will climb a .. Ll't: ~ inciim) o r else pitch week. I g:::~~~:i-dr. '~~~~i~l' t. ,'::::: ; ~~\:~~ r[~~~~(~~~ Mi sses Trillena flllil Marga re t Ed . ,lllw nwanl III 1\ feurf ul g rade. It . wards . wh o will RO()n leo vo f ot· th llir tnkeil good ll'rakes, good ~ teari ng Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stout and son. wint er h omo in Dllyto n . anrt Mr!'l Irea r ami 8teatly llet'VEl:l at th o wh eol. of Los Angeles, Cal .. Ilre vifliting MASONIC NOTICE Ge()r~e Funkey, of Chi cago . 1-'(11 · If e it he r of th eReah ould fuil it 'wo ul d Mrs . Esther Stout and daughler, lowing Rre th os w ho were inviter! : bo th o las t riilli. With th o ou twurd Miss Maria. HeR' ulm' C IfI l11 unit'a l ioll of W UyThe Wan'en County T eachers' In- nesv ille Nli. 163 F . & A. M , Ju dging fr (l m post s ucces~e 8 I can Mesdames S. L Hr tll'riJ,t'ht, W. II wh (!c l ~ less thlm three feet fr om th o Mrs. Pearl Himes, of Detroit, 9~itut e, being held at Leblln on thi~ will tllk e place Tu esday evening, ,keep y'our hogs from ng with the Allen. Wilson Edwurd s. fo:. V. Barn- brink in plncl's iL wtltlld lIo t do f or Mich. arrived here n ursday for a week, is largely attended, and Il fin e September 5, at o ' cl()ck . VisilOrs c hole ra, 27 :~ I: pe r head ami higher, hart. B. SHowell, L. A Zimm ermun, a lly l hi llg' to ~o \\'I'Ulift wilh t he visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. prQgram has bef:n arra nged . A ll of an u soj o urning bre thr en are cor· a~cordif1g to size, ;!llarunleed to im· Sarah Zimme rman, H oltcllmp. J . U machine. It "IlI' IRilil y I;'ives a f .. llow Cha l)man. I '" I), CIIIA'cl.t. ,Emmor II few thrill>! but tlll' ijct<l1l' ry is 90 the te achers in Wayne Township are dially in vil'oo , , m une for life. Oren S trawn , .'. C. Carey. Bailey, Lina De vitt. I':dith IJRrt'iR, grand YUli j(et lI~C\d to th e tl ang'er present at th e 1nstltute, and a r c e n· Phone 227 A LeLllnon , O. D. L . run e , W . . 1. Mr, and Mrs. neorge tIartsock joying th e week. J. O. Cartwrigh t. nco rgo lI lI wke, lind ru th el' c njuy it. The \\la te r L , A . Zimm erm lln, Sec'y. 6t O. L . Crane , F'ral lk I',eli, J . T. E lli s. u bove tho dlllll 19 <laid lo bp o,'cr :100 and, Mr. and Mrs. D. L . Crane IInrl ,I. A. Funkey, Georg" 1" lInkey, H feet d(' (J(l lind Iii to he Il HCU fo r irson, Ethan, sp, nt Sunday with friends in Springfield, Ohio. E . Hathaway, Amb rose Mllffi tl, rigating ey nf th e Shotlho noe 1';'11 Ir:wl 1. 1 Ir:wr-:::;: '~i I~I Ir:wl It:" . cr . ,'Dthe tl wcany 1,;,1. . .... '1 . _~_. .• .-, "'~I_ .... L:.I 1,;.,1 ' .1,;.,1. _.... _&.:..I Misses MIIY Wri loCht, Marne Brown, [-,.!V ar t lvall Ifjrup on th er




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iPEiiLMENTlii GREAT INTEREST i-----.--~l

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The Chetlrful Helpers Claas of the Fe rry Sunday·s~hool hold theh . monthly clallil meeting at the beautl · lui country home of Mia HaZel Cor. .nell Saturday afternoon, AUlI'u,t?6 The mee~ini was called to oroer b, the prsslcient, Mr , Henry Murphy, and the tollowlnlr program was ren o dered' Song by the cl888; Scripture read· Inlr by [rene Gulady' orayer by Mrs Tholllas' readinlr of tlie minutes of the pre~lou8 meetlnll', Carl Wright; SecfetarY', Margp. ret Thom 119; Re~ltation, Barbara Filer; Class Prophecy, Adah Harriman; Poem~ 'read by Clara ~erryhl1l and Mrs. AI Cornell; recitation, Hazel Burnett; 8Ong' oy the class . ' Afle'r the program the cl888 was dismissed to enjoy l hemseliles At· ter playinll a game a dainty three· course luncheon was aer,ved. then thankinar the IloII:e111 her mother ,or their kind 1l000pitality the cl888 adjQurned until the.nelft meeting . 'rhe memhen of the class present were·Mn. Jennie Th~I8, teacher; Mrs,' AI Cornell, uaiatant teacher; Barbra Filer. Clara Berryhill. Marpret Tbo~.. 8uel Cornell, Adeb Bardmua, 11_ Burnett. Violet B_hftela IJId Leu'Daollllill.lI_n. Earl Burl." B~ lIarpht...C!aad , lUsP. Bu" TboiiM. Qarl WrWbt.

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HELPERS CLASS Messrs. Georlle Waterhouse, Dean Howell. Will PrenderlCast. Ira Stans· berry and Carl M~Clure visited the HOlD MEETING _Speedway. at Sharonville Sunday.

a. lit

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ShU I·IIIII·lll ,· I" ,, 11 ('o nq>l cip,1 ftll' Ih,'

.... .


\\ I<IHEN B\' [l..\lE I~ 1...121". ER ~ I to-. til ~ TI' ,\ \ I.S


Pnmi scs to Be th e Fasil'sl in Ame rica. Iu n I" iles Per I-lo ur Ucilll( Made in Trial s





~ \ ,~ i'




W(' lI rri v" 1l al 1 1I~(J ir a l io n PI,int at II : IG II . III .. IlIld hel t! we had our ti,·, t ,'1(-'" o f 'It.· Y(Ht'11 itu Valley. til" m us l \\'ulU le rful S;(, IIC nf ils kind 111)'1 11 tht! f lleu 01 t he earth . We w", l ' i llt lO f~ l " Lu v(! the ocean at I h i . ; [lo i,,!, whi !e Ilrt! Ii "ur tlf Ih ' Vail ".1' W',H (,"ly tj (J.·U fet't Frun II t'1 tl IV tl cO ll ld il'(' I h", 'c ntir e Vull{'~, livu ,," ll'lI I. ,nil: 111111 1\ Illi lu willI!. '" l c"lIld "Is" ",'t· Ill ldlil Vei l jo'all~, I It., UIJI-' tlr a nd luwur Y "~lInit e Full H, t he ~lr oe St rilll{ ~'Illl~ I!:I Ca pitain, li a (Jj" .. Puint. N',rth 1l001le, 11 81t l)OIlW, .. li d 1J1 ~ "y uf th e uL h"r scenic point~ ill th " Vull t:y from thi~ poinl we go duwlI th c she · r preci"ice 8000 I c',r., zi ~ zHggill1( ti di~t'linctl of lhr (, mi le:; Machin,,:; ure llilo\\,l!t1 t o teu down (lnl y on th e odd hour~ We wtlnt,lowll from 11 :0U to 12:UOo'clock Alld Lhey corn" up on th i' even hours This is rt'lluil f' d oy the United S tate3 (,jove rn ment' because of thll danger ()II~ wad . We hud to go do wlI at the rat e Ilf fiv e mile~ pe r hou r, alld il W II had tak e ll lell" time. or m o re lim(' Ihlln lhl< t , Hu bl:ltantililly ; Wtt w CJ ul d hll Vol IlIlt.l to t u rll around and lea vt' tiro: I'llrk, 80 Mtri c I I1rl! Ihe rules . ' We cltmpad fur e l.wen days in thl' Park, hH vinlf t ellts and all outfits furnish ed us. Ou r camp 'was in Ii I,ellu lifu l pinll grove, with a yell o~ Ili ne tree very near our tent four 1 III in diamt!ter and over 200 feet hil{h . '1 his timber is wonderful Within littetl n teet of us flowed the Merced River. 1 LO feet wide, 6 to 10 f eet deep, ve ry s wift, almost rapids. a no the Willer l\lmost as cold alS ice, . because it 11I.d Ilown only ahout forty miles lind Wll8 l1lad e up enl ll'elyfrom m e lt ed sno w and Illaciers. Thl ~ wute r is lib 'o lutely pure, and you can see ti~h len feet oown. I<.:llch duy we would take a differ ent trail o r trip to the many pointP of interest in and about the Park, anl! baa a wonde rful f8WIt of enjoy. ment . We were there on the 4th of Jul) and were in the parade with our aulo mobQe, the re being III thllt time Ilbout 500 automobiles in the Park . and approltimutt! ly 6(,00 peop ~ e. Ev erybody turlled out to what is know n as lhe, "Village." consisting of the p08toffice and a fl!w places ot busi



Number 33 5


1:===::1 1:===::1 1:===:1

Supt. Wm. R. Spreigel a.r rived · home lrom Michigan Sunday even-I inlr He lalookin fi d I I I:l fit 'condition to .rarrehisa'!.vo:k 'io~ the winter . ~ • . . E . O'Neall, Frank Elbon, Y. White and Walter Allen went to FllntbMlcb., Mondayevenlnll They will riog back a bunch of Chevroleta with them. '· ~




See .. Waterho~1C for 'Auto Livery. ' J. E. Janney and family, MIA Dora EIIIII and Dr. J T . EIIIB and r.!I tamily attended a tamily reunlon·at .:. Adam Schantz' arrove on the S,Prinl" ~ boro and Centerville pike Iallt Thura-


The re~lar meetinlr of Waynesville Grange will be held Saturday avanlnlr, September 2. Evel'1lran-1 IIrlr 1188pecla1ly Invited to be pr.aeut, II thlre will be Ice cream .."ed to


11101& WIIltaoodaoodl.

1::===:1 1:::==:1 [::==:1


1 1 He p ! He p ! .llelp ! The ,$200 Library F und must be raised by September 1st. It would do your h art good to read the letters which a rc coming . . . ' in bearing checks for the fund. Its a great thm g to come 111. contact with men and woincu \\1110 appreciate th~ Jar-reaching influence of such a 'monument. Some folks seem t o forget that a library with books· and without cha irs o n which to ~ it and t ables at which to sit and on which Lo k eep the periodicals, is o f no va lue. The automobile has to ha ve gaso line a nd t he grindstone has to have a lot of • ,.. d "elbow grease:' if either renders the service for Whl~h ' lt IS. mten e~ , "Money "makes the mare 0" reads the homely old saymg and It W ill buy those chai'rs and tal les whi.c h we mu t have in the new Library Room. We mus t have a t least $200. Has your name been added to the Roll of Honor? It isn! t: too late. Join us now. h Yours all the home stt tc ,

. .

. Look after Chandler'. Fertilizer







Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hathaway, qf Columbua Grove Ohio arrived here Sunday and ar~ the 'guests of Mr. 1!1 and Mrs. F. W.Hathaway. for a few ~ days. .




~ Anna Brown, ~:rnma IleighwBY, 'rrilluna F..d ward s. Margard Ed wards, Mary Carste nson . Ki zzie Merritt , Stlllla Lemm on.






~ [:J



1:1 ~






A p ar ty of young ladies W8lI vcry delightfully en.t ertained hy MIS. William H . Allen nrid Miss ' Olive All en, at their ho me last Frid ay af. ternoon from three to five o'clock, in honor of th e two brid es ·elect. MillS Rosamond , Dakin, of Hannibal, Mo .. and Miss Emma Hawke whos~ wed. ding to James ' McClure , occ urs on nelCt Thursday m orning . The g uestR spent the afle l'Ooon making linen article~ for the brides· to be. A ITIU' sical contest in which tho young la· die! were asked to guess the n ames of s elections played on the Viet r olli, added interest to the entertairim(lnl. The prizl'. a tin horn. was awnrded to Miss Mary Salisbury . Mrti. E. .. . Barnhart and Miss 'Em ma Heig hway aSsisted the hostesses. Dainty reo freshmenta were served in two courses The invited guests were: MIB8es Dorothy. Kathryn and Rosa. mond Dakin, Mill6l Sarah, Katrina IPld Llna Sellen, of Lebanon; Ruth Hal'taock, Martha O'Neall, Henrietta McKinsey, Ada Michenor, Alma Waterhouse, Ellen Sherwood, Ethel Hoaler. Mary Salil~Ury, J.<;mma Hawke, Edna Janney, Grace Carmen. Clara Hawke. &leadamell 1"1IIOn Edwanll, Ronald aawke, Bert Hartsock, Fred Hart.ock, Ralph Smith, Barton Kelly, Cbu. Roblt.zer and

'Gil'=EI'EI'IiiEE1'1il-=E5IEJE'=5111=551'1511:'==5i'~Ernelt Rolenl.


are hundreda of odd shllped rocks on t he mountain sid es and tops. They r se nlll\e human figures anll 4ift'erIlnl kinl l~of 11Ilimliis IIntl birds, ruined citi e~~ cllRll e~ , torts, chimneys, s pires arid rnon llm ontll without numbe r. Th ere is cven olle they call Teddy Ro oHe veJl allu it 10011 8 a good deai lik E! hi~ cartorJlls witb his slouch hat • prominent tooth and eyo glasses. It is!l6 mile~ from Cod y to tho first camp in th e Yell owlitone t'lirk s o we stop for lunc h al Pllhaskn Tep~e. BulTulo Ri ll ~ Itacky mount~in hunt inl{ lod" e, jllst twu milell from the otige of tho I'urk . After the Park line i ~ crol'lst1d tho r oad elimbs up hill fOl' a Vt'll miles lCoillll up about 2000 feet· t o Sy lvan Pass where we passed between s now banks, t he remains of the past winter's s no w. the driver told me it \V1lS 12 feet ueep there the fs t of Jul y when they shovelt'd through it t o make the first trip of ' the !leasun . The pa.'IS is nearly WOO feet above 'lea 'rhl) mountain wal..s rise perhaps a thousllnd filet hig her on eithe r lIide and u p throllgh a s ide canyon can be Men snow !leaks from 10000 to 12,(100 feet high. l 1I))tlnt. my tint nia ht in the Park at Ye"owstone Lake. From there I we nt to the Grund Canyon of the Yl!lIowstone tlien to Mammoth Hot Springs, then . to Upper Oe)Ber basin. dlen back tu . Yellow,tone Lake and out at Cody again. (To be continued) , • - •


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H " rv oy L. U u r>l ()~ v ~ . E ll ? t L 1.11 L . , ' m il liS fl lv ll r OO IS ~ rll ut u il i o pl.lln t in . " (l it. Yl· .... II(' r~t ul'fwll . l!; v or c lf M a ni s M p rl OIl \' ~. U o loll trll' " ~ I' <' ('llIlI y tIly kll(,l's !" . " y .,U h (\~' !" RIt(' m ur ll1ur~d AJrn ln. L a (;iu s tll ' M(l H OU, l1 i \' o 1'oO I ~ :;ruutll (l I I> h" h ln): {'lI nrm l n):I.\· . " Yo u m ll;h t r n.1 t o pltlintlll'. I oe r nnt'r' \Tn c n ,{,O ll 011111 t 0:1"" Itt 11 1,\ nll oilw r Hne 0 ' - t·, The firs t ti me 1 Probate ' Courl PrOCCi!t1lnlt8 Perturbed a ntl dl ~Ws~!'.I , I1 Hlhs r' I~1' I (I o wn 11",1 .1" wh ul I MI L Hilt '''' ,," Ht'r sa w yOI/ . l1I h1)A. yo u w rl' It) k Ell \\1'\ 1'(1 U. Rllg ('rY. Alhlll'" \'~ Instinctively: be re lt h lltl~I' U li t ('\" '1'.1' w ll h .""1Ir n ' lIH1rk, :llt,,"t (\1/1' ,1 1,1' nil I 1111: lil t II tnl r r or. Do It Ignlil. 11111 possible dl sn<lvRn l ng~. 11 <> "'" - " l lh" hll~ l n sg fir t ltl" '·" " l1 lr.\' • ;,/ ()"~ " )" ' ll lI('I' <ln '! r 'arl It - I r on ~I I' It 10 aur vll,V l!:. "lIr ln uu . u t u l , d () l o u <i ' '''t ~ , l leeper clllll!'l n ~ to 11 drf'nm- ll r,III ;: h " 1 01",, '1 "'H"I tn lor PIli' I M It. " su i· ' .~ () II: '1\ 1I1t1~ (l r('(' I, s ll\ \'I! tbo t fR ill !' ' 1\ I u~ IIf ~' i r ~~ I1 tHt IO'lI lh t rn !'L s 11 \'0; II\lPI'UV"' !. 1J1~ t ri h ll l l ' JU unlt' n " l ha nd BtTet ' hed to sh nkl' It lm 1111(1 HlIt!.<. " li lt 11 11'1' .."",01 , 1to ..t ~llI n . " I f!'tllll the hcn rt o r A rl'u dy!' " en blm • .Be wen l 10 n tllbl,· :11,, 1 ",u ti ., ,yo n l ' lll k " l'P I" tII.I·"",r. n ll ,l 1'1/1 rlol" .: " I ! I' m o ne or Ih e b lind s ot Ih r I n I I tl 1I11<lt (J r of I b o e ~ ltll 0 1 v~ gue d rn 1Vlu~s IlrO'~ It \\'I!h " .~" ').!" :' It " o w. I ,·" ultl n·1. If I \I" 'lIt tI 11 11 I'II I11 P ", orl'A-n od !!,o ln f; to atny ono. C lYI11(1ui ll ~ l lIw l'. d ( · oo" ~r ( 1. l UVll D a and ns.~,e s poke hl'.kep t hL ('~" In1l · 1lh ".,' w llh .\'0 11 , l 'iI h,' ~ \\'lIll ,I\I' ~(IIt " o lIn l,'''" I hn l' e tn d edtle to ~ hllh to r y uurl n p llrCl lst'1II 0n t fli<'u , ered. You w er en t lI lto).! Ih,' r rl~h [ , It J don' l (':lre fil l' 1Il01l •.y " UOll "11 I rh llllhln~." . ~\ .. rrialo:c Li ccnses t Ir IH. In I on ~ Ili ll Y II}-" I " ,. " .'01,(, "' 1' 0 0 k h cr I, ~n..I "", Oil a bou t tbe .+sbop-t r tho ba" ,, 0 . 1 0 0 w eren... n or. e 1111 J ' ." , " his rnl hrr In l rrru l1 t.'t1 RI ill I ' I ' t I t· b If I I 1:l 0ll j ulIlin NICIt I ~ lJll rk ~ , flll'l ll H I a r ehensl 1'1 !';hl'rhlno 8t '0 I f .... i" • I • • • . " . , ' " I' n IH \\ nn w 11\ y ea ut II nil' PP l' IS'I' d l' • I;; rl :ln~ ,· rol .. I)· <llI ld . " ' C'1I 1'1' 1I 1'1'(' r h'H I (1l'lienle lIml F e r~ II (,' It's renlly nrt tlt ll l "'Ut i U,,. lh l1 AU IIIlIl o (I fllll n rf. b Ulh b 1m. cx p rc~ s all C8S. n n TIl/III<' 11 (1 ,,1-' II I • A -I I' 11 I . • t W il yu p" v ll ill. Rl' \' . 1I . W ll h m n tt l t ' t "'1'1 t' 11111 It I t o Cll r u n V II" . n J )0' ~ (·o u r t. , I \'t) 1I wn ut II) your life. nnil l "l\' ~ a llYn I'. t em P In~' nBclrl rlUII . ti "' RI (I "11 I (I . 11t ,, 1 h)' Whal ) illI II)'. ~ tlll·. let 1I1f' 'w a II 11'11 'Yo u s ccl[lc l1 to me fr om Ii,,, \ Vil lIH . . ~· I " hur . III r " "' f ( f l· ,m lll . up IR . ) IS ('011 nu r (. OW.·I· II): I I I ' . . .. ' 1 I ' I . . ~. t r II ' 1 I ' n 'lI1 III ~ 1)1/. ) (I I/ ~ "cr II II f\ ll rcll ,\' IIrst. the Lll O t wl s l rul }ler son I h ll .1 d il lf'. ' 1 lilt Mn r y L . l1 \1Ohl~ , lit M ", . bl s eyes n ".un. a 0 o w I II' t n\(' m:" "Of) ~ I r d ' )'1\11' I' I" It r I r hi fl " r- l I ('!J(' I' III' 'h lll ' ~ • I '. ' rl' n. n 111'(' y n I' e\' er known . lind th Ul·. whnl you We n ' ro w. \V . Z. 1.: .. 11 . M"y "r. o t btS b age r:, f ) ('I <, ' Ilr foo(l : YOll re w l'lI rh, ' }In'lI y 1111(' wl . trlll ro r " I~ ca l Es tate 'Tran s fe rs I I r . . th . . m g nve "on e or 011" t h . 1 11 11(' I I badn·t- If eoml'U llng h ndu' t 11t 'I ]1e,1 I' ot leR. • li s t · 1I11[l0 e Oil!' 0 <'". TIIhh s Inok!!rl d Oll b Uul Hnd 1II0r (' · W uJ.tlll' .1, Dl1tf, il 10 C1 1 '(\r~ (' W . me to--<>h. o ot only to benr II . hil i Iii n" I~)' h o u ~e kt'~IlI' I'S III'. f" .. l l1~ tonc w istf ul tll ,, " CI' N ; l ,ut Artfo r n '1I 0lll N II b~ b ap py 10 It. W c lI. I OUI 11 :1 1111)' In ' ( ~ ~<:I. I ('~I t o let yo u d o YOllr 01\' /1 hOUR,,· Or tw o tlt r 1IIf1 t1 er ~I!emc II to (' Inrlr.,· " Dwye r I " t.~ N o ~ ', 10 It IH I III lu ~ltq ' l e t l ' \ II k( cpl n. ~l ay 1 ns k whll t yo ur proll ' lI ~ etr to hll1l . " WI1\'. n o" h ~ ~n l" : " I Pu r k tm b,!iv lt.lull ·t tl K III ~ 8 J\1 1 1 1 ~' 1 tt I w on t t 0 g o on Ju s as .111\ . , n s ll1ol1 w oul d be ?" • ot nil tIl lngs on carth t llHt [ flot)'tWllll t \ . wll nlt,.1 Rom "lhlng else more U. Il U thnt. O h Io. $ -;0 , l e or go II I\(I Em 11111 It u uuh l In I I don't Wllut to li ve 0 lJ lI s lI' L'~~ Jlf.~ " [' 11 1 earulng II lne dollars n w('cl, ," I wnlli ed yOII." I don't 'Wllnt to he draw n Into . It. I s lIl<I Blbus. s tu rd ily. "U's e no ul(h. I "A IllI h ~ r(' I Rm: " sh Inll!!hc(1. corn- F w n R 1Il , 'l' uc: k r I' lirl u f lutu N o- . , don't think It i s 1I \'lng- lIn d tl OW 1 11 m t;houlcln·t w i nd lit n il." p lrl ('ly 1I11t1 cr8 1 1l 11(lIn ~. " I IlI llIk w (,' n ' 9:!'!,nd U:I I n M .. ~on . l l id o. l\1. Lt . Ii: uu d Cltln. II IIUll n 10 liTing. ] hnve t he he nlU, f ul t oi l- lin d " Wh o's pnyl n' YOIl that nIn e d o lln r~ Ilk(' Ih o ~ 1' tw o In " 'fhl' C lo ister J1 nd I1ml Urn 0 It oyu o l(\~ l u t l I can think. I n btl. Incss n ~ Impo rt nnt 11 w eek 1" Ill<' II r:l rth ." I 'm jll Rt tbe rou i:b D ur· R.o llll rd " My work!" Dlbbs nn s w e red . " And , 10"'1/11111111 " ross bow mo n. D e nys. ~1' 1I 0 iu I\1 U80 [l . U . a. yours I conldn't Ul lnk llu yU, lng b ut b. U8l ness. 1 d o n·t,-I 1I0 /l' t t hl uk m il k . I ' ve d Oll e flO IV. 1\ on th n t c llpll l n~ mn. , ro llow ('d t hll t ge ll ile Gera rd a n d tol.1 ' baT rOB l3 0w y e r t o ' (l rllh K Bo w. I tng D1on~y 15 'Wor lb w il li ." cb lnc 1 be \l l've I cOlila w ork up to fl f· c\' rryltutly tlmt Ih e <l ev U Wtl S ti rad ." r or ~ t ril ete Itl Dpur ilo lll t L, WI.l llhi l', "Go 00. " s lI lll Sherl ll llll. curtly. 118 t Il or ~\'('n tw enty 0 'W er k at nnother " 11(' 1 ~ ll' t. t hollgh ." 811.Id Hi bbs . n R a $ l. . Bibbs p a used t imidly. Jo b. I coul l1 b e n rll ir pl umber 111 II 111(.Jll rijC II tt l(, b ell In the Il Px t r oo lll heWllllnll' t:j , 0 t! u to 1::$. B. Rlo l! . "It ,basn 't SCOlDed to get ollywbe re. rew mani ll a. I ' m eure. I'd rather bUI'c gu n It He rll's of l<nnpnll1J:s wh )('11 R r tl~o n lu t,. No. ' 1U(i 11I,d I U';' In M "1)1(' that I clln sec." 80ld Bi bbs. "You tb luk a trod e thll n b e III b us lness- l sho ulc! . I prol'('d to h e t en. UI)On cOllnt. " 11 1' Pdrs duIJdlvl.310D. t o Kin!; \! MIlI ~ . thb cl ty ' ls rlcll ri nd p ow errul- but Infillite lyl" I Io(l!l l' Into Ih c lock wll enever I' m ",ll h Uhl o . ti l . wbat's the UBe or Its bei ng r ich !lud " You betler srt nbou t lenrn ln' one ~· fI \I . " And . 811;1.l ng d eply . he r08C u \ o r a L. , Eleger t o E, l M. C h u In powcrful? They d on't tea ch tlic cu ll. pretty dam' qu lcld " nut fllterl.l n n to ,,0. bor lui lll1n dlvld ed OLl O.hll l r I nte r e~ l. dren allY mQrl! In the schools becaus e s tru l(gled wllh h Is t emper nn rl li gn in "Yuu're nlwlIYs I' ery prompt n\t., u t , in lot No. l O~ U In Vlln CIIUl P '!! Hoc. the clt;r 111 rich nnd powe rful. Tbey w ns p a rtloily 8uccess ru l In cOll trollln !; 1,,",, 11110( llIe." on d IId!litio n t o h'rB u kllo , Uh lo . $.1 . teBch them more tha n th ey uRcd to b e- It. " You b ot ter Icnr n a trade O\' er SUIl· "T her,,' s on e li ttle time In IlII! t\\' ('nty· 11111 Mn y Knr tz to J ohn H . Wil t . caUBe lIome pcoJll ~not rich and pow. d oy, b ecause you'r" I' lth er goln ' down fe ll r hours wh en l 'm not IlIl IlP Y. Il's '80 n tho DDd l v ldeti hull Intc re8 t in a ertnl people _ ha ve thought t he w ith me to my offi ce Monday morn· no w . whell ] have 10 8uy good Illl(ht. . l ot on l~ali t Mftl n 8t. • L a buDon . 0 1110 . thougbta to teach tlle cblldre n. .And In g-or- you coo go to plu mbing I" nut now 's t he bad tlm e-nu d I mll at t\l. 7et whm you've b een rCJHllu g the p o· "A II right," 80\ <1 Bibbs, gently . "I go Ih l'o ug h It, a nd so-good n lgb t." J)er rYe heard you o bJet'1.l og to tho eo n /tet a lo ng." AmI lie IIl1cled " ' Ith n pungeut ve lie· mildreD being tanght anythl nr excep t t'llterllln n mi lled bls JlOnds s n1'(lon· 1II()IWe ot w bleh be was little IIwnre. what would belp them to m ok e mon ~y. teally, 08 \n p rnye r. " 0 God," bo enid . "1 h ll tll It!" You IIIlld it was wo s tin g tlle taxes. " till s boy w os crnzy enougb be fore "no yo u 1" s be 811111 . r is in g to g o 10 WILL MY CHilO TAKE OR. KING'S NEW IYOU want them taught t o mnke a llv. he begll n to cam n ine dollars a week. tl/ (' Iln!)r wi th h im. nu t h e s tood mo· mSCOVERY? ~ Inr, but not to live . W ben I was B nn(l now b ls mOlley's goll e to bls hendl Iltl l1 lt·s$. J;lI zlnJ,l ut her w on d,(, I·ll1 l;ly. 'l'ltI ~ lJOHt I\ II ~ w (> r 1:1 Dr. K l n g 's , llHle boy this wns n't nn ug ly to wn; ml ' t you d o I1OUlln' (or hlm7" 'rhen "~ 1 11 11' ! You r eyes Ilre ~O-" H e N tl w Di s uu vo:ry il H H . ] 1(0\ U ll llJu~' 1 DO.... It'. bldeons. Wba t's th e use of be fl u ng bls ba n<lR a llJlrt, fl ol Dis out· ~ I O Il\l ('d . (tilL ~ wet! l. l!V I'UP , (JII HY 1 0 t ll k o. 1 1 helD, bl, Just to b e hi deous? I m en o wn rd, In n f urious g es lUre or dlBml s· "Y ~s·!" · nu l .sh r looke(l q uick ly aw ay. c ll lltn i n s I h o m odi oi ll ~ ",bl ob YU'l n · ·1 don't think all tbls b ns meao t r eally Bu l. "Gct o ut 0' th is rooml You go t "I (1< In kllo w." hc s uld . "1 tllO\l !>ht of CXPI II 11 0B lI "vo tJ r u vo n h o ~ t fo r colD, ahead-U's jus t b een g etllug a s kull Illnt's t blcke r'n a wlinlc 's J ll st thc lI- " CuUg b@" Hlt! ;o lds. Th ose wu o li ll V t' I bigger and dlctJe r nn d nelsler. Wasn ·t tlilgh· bo ue, b ut It's cruck ed sp llng 11 11 " W hllt did you thl nk 1" Ils eu Dr K ing' l:! N uw U i~ u " ' orv lu o g . the wholecouotry bnJlpler aml In many t.h e w ay ncr oss! You're cro ck edl 0 11. " I .Iou ·t kll (1 \1'- l t seemed t o llIe Ih nt ~ , II r 3 its I,,,,,. t, frl u nrls . D ~b l d er. I *No Wonder They ""711 wI ser when It was 6m u ll ~r and but I go t a fl ue lay out bere t One Bon Ih rr(' \\' II S ~ HI Cl blu!; I o ug ht to u lldcrver y b Oltltl i !J(]~ lnlltll l1d . If y ou I (- and ,et u .. MILD)' elMner and qUie ter Bnd kJnder ? I died. 0 111' qUit. nnd one's n loonl Tlle Bt.ll ll li 11111 tl ltlu ·t." lio n ' " Illl t ~ litt ~ ruc LItItl y o n ~ et v " ur h'a Il.e pure TurlDah tobuc:o In Cheabrfield Ho} ,.L ' l tl ~, U >l' 1l ~ 1 kno w you Ulluk J'1I1 AO u tter t ool. ra. loon'/I 011 I got le ftl W e ll. miste r. loon . b e IRughed li nd mel bls w O I1 (I<' rl ll~ ,n o u oy h. wk Ci giU'oUee Ihat doe. It. The EamouI' CAuterther. but. arler n il. tb oug h. are n't h us l. or no 10011. crack.ed nnd er nzy or wha t· ~nzr " "" In rr onkly . "~! y ey S IIrl' d lrul't od . l\: A ~ ll ' 9h I, I" l o f ~ r OT field 6/e"d "ODtai... tho hisheat~ua1it, TurIrioh DCSS and polltl<:s j ust th e b ouAe keepl ug' c ver you lire . I 11 ~oke ~o u with me }ll enRcd ." she 8nld. "rm g lnd tlmt yo u C;) u~h !lad e illd i " " OI' IIO OO lobacc:ou-CAVALLA foril. aroma; XANTHI PBrt of lite? And wOlllrl o·t yo u <l c8Ills e Mou d JlY m o rn log. ~ l1d III. work YOu m ll:!s lue II lfttl e lifter you go." for ito ' ...ran.,.,; SMYRNA for ita .weotDea.; a wom a n that not o nly 'ma d e be r and lellrll YOu-y~ IIIld III Inm yo u, "Rut t om orrow's com ing fli Rte r tll nn SAMSOUN for ita richu .... 1I0usekeepin g her tlmhlUon. but d id It It l got to-untltl. 1 ve ma de so m elhlng oth" I' tlll.\'H. If you' ll let It." be sn lc1. Had the RI(J ht . 10 nol81ly and di r til y thn t the whole o ut of YOII tbll t 8 fit to be call ed B ~I\(' In clluC<l ber b ellel. "Yes. 1'1I~l n r.l 'lr lro" H Cf ' r! t h l',j\" \ \' IIc.: flt 'l' n e::::" lIeIghborbood wo s I~ A conlluu a l t u r. b,uSln ess m an! I'll keep a t you wblle 'let !t.! .. IO llll ll I n lH'a r t H' l' 111111 11 " ,' !lIdlJl g' t' I n moll o ver It ? A nd s uppose she tllikell 1 mall ie to stll nd. and It I have to 1Q "G ollI!; 10 I'b ll rcb ." 8uld lll bbs. "It Is 1l ,"l1l 'n t p r o ' '':lI tT '' U:':I' :l 1'~ 1I11 "' 1l1 ~. On"\ and thought aoou t her h ou sekeep ing tltl WII to <II!' I' ll he w h i ~ ll e l' II1' 01 YOII gohlg to chu rc h wbe n I go wltb YOII !" ,In), I "a lt l Ihll t II ~ lit' " rll tll N W'I ~ ~ I) aU the time. nnd W II S nlw ay s hll vlng t ill th ey grt l he e mlw lllliu' flu l(1 In to She wen t to th e troot d oor WIUI him; (l U"y l 11'<1,,1,1 IlIn ' i' II) h ll',' " 11111 11 to addltionB built t o her ho us e when s be nit': No w go on. a nd do u·t let mr he" r she 0 Iwnys w e nt tb nt f or . T bey hnd 111(\\,( ' 1\ ~ t o\'{· . ~ 1 !l I·J " ,·I I'. tl lilll(l nl: tll nt GLEAR COMES FROM A.LL ~INOS OF t rom y ou l1 ~nl n 1111 YOII eR n com e nnd rorm ('<1 0 li ttle code or lenve· tnk lng. I'll r.' \\, :1. II Inw prohl hill n .: Ilw mn\,· t ell me ."ou ·v .. w ll ked lip . you poor. pltl· by b a blt . n eith er of them e \' er spell k- III!; of ~ O l'l'~ hy \\" ' 111 n •• [\1<1: "Yo u It III foo lis h \ 0 thin k y o n Oll n ga in ru l. •1:ln<l c lloll·\,lck ln· s lrcII, wltlke r i" lUI; of It: but It W0 8 OIWOYB the snme. du s t 110 It )'olll·" l'lf. "'"1111111' I You' vo n goo~ olea r oomrl ex lo d by th B lI SlI • ~ SU}'\I'\ER,1 9 18 fl lbbR g ll"e h im R (1lWer look. 'l' hr re l:Ihe nhvoys s tood i n the doorw ay until tlot it S tlI lleh ri gh t Ii.. ti ny mnu."of f ll oe p owder. H e t n,t tbo r oo t of . ~ W A'YA/f)Iho h 'ou ble a nd tho ro u g h ly o 1 6nn ~ e wn s 8ollleth l n ~ lik e re lll'ollcb In It, for he reached th e . slde wolk, l1ml thcre be Clc \' ol" lid 1.('1111 r. t be II Ystem wi t h n ~r e "tru e nt of Dr. ollce ; b u t th er .. \\' 11 8 /I1 ore t ha n thlltnl w IlY8 turned nnd looked bn ek, ond . ",:+i. , Kln g;8 Ne w Life PIlII!. Oontle IIm1 be seemf'tl to be stllrtl ed by hi s fo Ilt er'8 aIle wnved ber haud to him. Tbe n he mild In 110tlon, do not grlpo. yet they w e n t on. bo lt·WRY to tire Dew bouse. lust word. reli e ve tbe liver by tlle ir a otion on nnd 10oke(1 back a gnln. ond ,J\Jory wu s Sll olll!1c r A. lI m oe Ill ~ W., .I'. I(II SI"IIi< '" ~tlle bowe ls . Oo od f or y o uua. adults CHAPTER XXV. no t In th e d oorwny. but tire door wu s ' the wind, t o t h ~ ' Iop nf th e ~h e l t ~rI " !! ond aged. Go lifte r lI. ole a r 0 0 111. o pen nntl Ibn lI!;ht sbon e. It WR S os w lllg of tb e new house. UWaynesville, (l1I'ltl on to. dI1Y . 25 0 a t yuur dru g. There wns slrl'l Iii" t c\'(' nl ng. wit h a Ir Ilh e /Deu nt to tell blm Ui nt sbe woulll A . Ir lr k(·n (i.' or)(l'. n1 ullHlnlt hon r seII lit, w hoop ing will i! . h ut n ellher ·thl s "torm never s hut blm out : he could nlwnys Iy . n(l m lltr d hhl1. Il n rl H lh h ~ bC"lIm(' ---~.... Over Postoffice,!j 1I0r Ulllt nt h er wh ll'h ~o I III 111 III l'n tl >' see that frl enllly light of UIO o pen ow nrt'0' 1\ pal'OxYR m wll h ln III I' h Olls!). H ltl l ! Pill1 t \I Office Pholle 17 t hrl'lItl' llI'tl 1.lm 1I('l d pli.l·e III the con· doo rwuy-ft8 It It w ere open tor hIm to 'I' (, I'r ilJl~ ~ O \ln l l 9 ('a l\1(! f rom 111 1' II· Sure Scheme. "doUSll f' ~ of 1II1t"" ~ 1 ' l' l'l d n n w he n he co me ho r k , It be WOUld. H e could see hr:lry : RlI(,I'I( lun (' III '~ IIll; fi R nCI'('r b~ YOllll g W lfl~"[ ",n tI ~ t~ rml n NI to ('llI nl' O Il C~ lIton' 10 Ule prl'RCnCe of It until 0 wlug or the ne w h ou se cli me tore: hl ~ w i re "oh lJi ll ):. her ,"ole!! rl Blnlt leurn at wh ll t hn ",' nt~, hu shlln(1 ~ n U\ e8 l\! l1 ry. All WIIS rl ~h t i n b l ~ w orl,l a8 b et ween . wh e n he w ent up tll e p llth . 10 lI n 01,:01117.1'(1 SqtIL'II I (,r pl'oteM IIpon LI N ES h om e Itt night. Y .'t. rln II' hll t .l \\'111. I A~ b ~ Sil t wil l! he l·. r<"IILIIII ).! l\IHurke 10 101" The ope n doorlV uy s oe med to blm tIl~ ench or II RI'I' I(' H or 1IllllliNI (1(' IOI,"1l0119 'nnnol k pt'll "wHI\(\ Hl lt l I h ~. Is UI WUYR t el'llrwk 's " A 1I,, <l i III' nnd Pulom l (h~ s. " b elluUtul 8ymbol of her rrlend s hlJl-of - t ht' oll lrll j!'f' UIIR tl.tllIlJlllI g nf n hll llll · 1:11I'l'f,,1 n nt (0 IlInl'''' II \III r Ud e o f 1I 111RC: A n<l whil e th e z itl<' en held Ollt to ber thougbt of 111 m ; 0 sy m bo l of ber· ~ l:r (1 h ll l1l1 III\ (l n w oO(I : th('n cf: urnl!Y. ,.. ......' Alsoto Res oris or I s the re nn y c11'U ~ II'h l<: h prod ue 'H br in g blm s uch go ld e n II lgh ts UN th e. e: MU and of ber lnetraule klnduflllS. RII ;1 n Iy Imllc r loll •. " Keep your hnud wltk"fum es,?" Ol d Wlfr -" No IIC tI Graduate of Obio Sial. lJniverllly. ,ATLANTIC COAST oil Ihe k l n g'~ IlO r" <'8 a nd nil lI,e klu g's III lIl nt s ll n;:1 T{"cp YOllr h 'I[I(1 III Aliff I'hr> k r pl th p (Ioo r Or~lI -('~1'I1 t.o lIu y' tl l' ugl!. Sp rlllld (> Ihe floot' with .NEW E.NCLAND me n migh t n ot Sel'V~ to ul'euk lI,e tQ n l ~ht. Ih ou,t: h tll(' AiI!(' 1 II n(1 JlI1I' " " 0 \\' 111ft t 511 11,(: .. 1 Sf' YI" tucks," , ~ CANADA s llrl l. " Lnnk !" n eol';:''' J:n ~p e <1. cl ~ llgl l t e<1 10 Office ut l e.Jidence in F. USher SWPll t In u[l on h('r It nrr thl'o nt 1111(1 ) Dired RouteorVJa Bib bs r end ~l o \\'l y . but In n r eos on· II r ms . Dflll he r /) I'o \\' n hll Ir W IIR K tr~ w n pi ll ), III' rn lli for An IlIIpm·tnll l a I rll l;<'fly : wood 's house. Fourth Street. lillIe !/lonn e r, np It h e w ere t nlkln g; w llh tillY wh tt r RIll ro. /I I ~ 1"'11 1'1 fl lIIl h" rr ll ~ wctl ' 1I110tl Ills rUN! til e Taking Match Marks From Paint. nnd Mo ry . 1 00 k1 1l ~ 1It 111m stco(lIIy ICII [lc'l Il H h ~ III I'll N I 1111<1 "nil' t hnt HI. (· !: h n ~ II.I' t' x p r(' ~slo n \Y llh whic h he hud For further /mr / k llfa ,.., r fl" r lf /t Telephone 28 Molllt' r 11' 111 Iw 1t11l (1 t o k n ow thnt fro m ben cllth lier curved fln gers . up· w a ~ the rl'. wnl' lI,)! h" r hnml to It llll. H ~ Jlrs t l", hr l(1 tlt e r ul ll R Il ls cllill m it o us L OCA ' TIC1' /:"/' , I GENTS lemon Jlll eo w ill remove "," te l> rnnrks Or m!t!r (J J peared to discov er n o f uul t. rt bud It hp (Ilil not kilO\\, II,i,l' Jhc ~ I "rlll j:(' ~ I' ml' hd .1 ltdore t hl' !',VI'S of ll ibbs . C , C IIA {,YR S Ohio fro Ul whlto pltill t. ntl ll't rub 8 0 ' burd g rown to b e he r II nblt to look a t blm t ouchet! Iti'r. W I.rl1 h(' hnd gone OIl. " I."o k lIt 'II 1"1111 (1111 Rt utu e!" nt's"JJAietI'TO.\'. 1'.111"'1:"" J!e.,,4 liS to I'CII/ oyC t he lIlIln t. ' 0 1l{0 wb ene"er there w os 1\ n opp ortuo l ty. Mnry did /I R . he n l \\' n .\ ·~ .lId - s lll' we nt a rl zl n g II nW II IlIC hllll. HlI,b ~ s aw It 'lui" be 8111t!. In trutil. tlint wb lle Inl o lin 1II. llt I'MIII n(' rORR t h(' h ll ll rro ll) II N" I II"·I'(· I ,, ' !! ~. RI'f'lIIl u):ly H ~'znn lill e BAKNHART. th a t la wllll'\l 11 11' .1' lind ~ I'r n t t1 ... OI' C' - I,:. llI t", 1 (· " I ( , .~ " I fI'n ~tn c Il Is or a s hllt · IIl nl;. nfHI. In" I(llI g fm m Ihe w llHl ow . 1<'1'('.1 111.':'''. ' 'P PH llIlIg ly hIllLlII" ; Il i/ll Public . wn tcllp(l h im 1/1;1 11 lip W H ~ o ut o r . 1,,11 1, J.:lhI 'rl nnll " !.II'c l'cd 11I.!lI llij r mllg nlf]; Better I ron It, Th l' Ntorlll m a fic Ihut fl lJll r ult lou i"llr., ~I' n ' c Al n ' lI'lI /Il1lnng rll llluuR 11n lms Says Drink Water '.rite oth er mOI'n ln \: littl e 1l 1'lell wa ~ " (In Partition) All kIDde of Notary Work. WIllII but shl' (' nu ~llt II g IlIllP R(, or him II/Ill er 1I1; t) tht' " 1',,11 \.r 11 b lll'llIIr lnll s' h ntt lc: ,,"utc hlnl: mnthe r 1'1' ss o ue of h er *Who'. Paylnll You That Nine Oollara th !' "li'cet lum p Ihn t stood hclwrf'n th e TI .t'I'e h:1(1 Iii' II n IIIn ~R :H"' e lu til(' conts . H den " " /, (' (1 wh y thi s hu (1 t o and Deed8 a t:;peolalty . If • Week?" two h Oll K(·S . IInrl so w UlRt h e tllrtl e.1 to OII ~ I !I- II . f' ~I ou r Ihl(l he n bu r led froUl bc d one. Moth " r s " ltl to f,Wt Uic his 1 1I'tl l's tn I. Fat and Plump look blll'k a gain. 'I'hl'n. nUll not be fore. "H ,' hi t 'n t <>1 I:lln ldll l s tlltn!!." s lIll1 wrinkl es 001. L nl l'r mOlh r \VII S sit· couldn't k eep clenn whot Bh e o1rendy she look ed ot the IIpper wln<low s or tlng on th" pOI'Ch with Hc lcn In n had; anlllluppose. w ith It nil. 9b ~ wa tl e , Roscoe's h ous e nc rosq the 9 tr e~ t , T bry Qflorgc-, " P ow!'" Inrge r ee d r oc ke r. 'Th e Impr es slou of Martb" E , Mullo rd ~ the hOllee al togetll er uOllcaceful and VI. O U8 No. 1\ 79 8 It"t," f n tl u!1"t' , w ere d nrk. M n ry w ollml, hut n rter A tb e Teed on mollwl"" urlll \v1'llllclcd It Olark.oo Uu~terworth 01 0.1. .lloUvable-" THIN MItN AND WOMEN " Yc"s lI.h ! I"O\\·! h e hit 'crt An' yoil' II g r('nt deal. H e lf'n Rcc ln~ thi s ex· little while sh e clos ed th e rront door Ily virtue 01an ord er 01 •• 10. dul), IISlIod ".Just one minu te !" Sbcr hillo Int er· said Court. III tho above . ta' .... case. and lind return~d t o h er wlndnw. A mn I'IIU t';l1 Ille g lt .Ioct nh Cjul ck 'A 1 clolrnetl: "Mll lllrnu , loolc lit ~'o ur /lriU I trom .rupted, adding, with t c rrlbl e cou rtesy. 10 mo dirocted. 1 will olfer lor ... Ie. by 1I'ay kin tel l! roll III Rh e s ho' yo u' p n goi ll' momeu t lat er two or t.h e upprr win· yo u thlnl, y on 1111 (1 b etter Iron Don't 01 publi c auction. <lot ~h o door of ,he Oour~ omce hi 0U ··It 7 will permit we ? ]](/I'C you Do You Want to Cet Fat and Be W ayaoh llio, 0 l loUllO. ID Lcbl>uun. Warreo Oo un'y. Ohio. 00 ti.aJonal O.lIk BldIr, dOlVS of , R osco e' s bouse fla sh ed Into bus' U hl ood ··,·~ ~ " (' 1. fie alu 't t nkln' 011 It?" ever been rigbt obout anything'.?" 't ull now. H~ IIln' t n olbill' '~n ll to II g bt and a' j,u~d 10 werel1 tir'a i;hnc)p or "I d.o n't quite-" Itrong ? A. "I .. th 1m I n Tho lroubl. with malt tblo lolks who wI.h one or them. Jll nry f ('lt the c oll1 th en wh nt b e \\, Il~ ',,;h llr 'ngo, You d one p e Question : nllV e to galu walglll il th ... tltey lu.I., OD drugglo, m iss' Jt. " l is t' Bl hh s. n octll h !;ot h i m Uncle I:.ben, At' 10 o'clock A . M.. 00 . ald day. the lollow· ;rou ever been r ig ht lbout II n.rtld ng th~l r stomacb or .~uJllng It "Itb rllodl. -':It was the t h ird nl f: bt sbe b n.1 se ~ n nil qiLi .·t· L1 11 II' 11 , 10 whn l b e Wfl ~. P ow ! i(. " S OIl1Cll m ClI ." SlI i(1 Ull cle Eb en. "0 rubbing aD uool_ " noah cream .... or tollo ... · tirosc whlflow s Ilg hh'd on d tl lli t s ho(l e h.t:!~J~~~~') ~~t~':(fO~~lt>3q",....o , In U,~ • OW h atevcr In tl Je cou rst' Or y o ur Ilf C ? IlIg . " me tooll. h phy.lcal culture stunt. ... hlle Lt e h it ' cr ! Y ' ·~R llh !." Irc t(lOl, Ilibbs' Ulflll glts de ilOtl on d,,'l h("s upllWo' de towo 01 warlUlI vlUO.IO tho Oouuty of Worren Bave y QU ever beeD rIght upon any the real c.. u... 01 th.Jnn_ goea uOlo uched . 10we rC'd . j u s t nfter Bib bs h nd !;one: .) I\ 'y no.. ville 'B LeadlnJ' Dellu., and State a OhIo. at 'dllHlgoalA!<l on tho pl" t Bibbs stopped ut bls IORt 1000k hn ck coat unll proffer!!.1 II 'rum plc, 1 t elc- hum on rll cP \\'11 u ' h u' s ullly tTylu' to 01 tho l/!. You cannot getli"~(111 tat uutll YOllr dlgeoUve tract · lIubJ et!t or qu estio n "" ot1'''e eald Town. uvlog and ex cept Ing tl, orefrum. OJIloe tn KeY8 ~lds. ...lnl tlto loOd you bat. Drink , _. fIt pro""rJy /!r a}lh ( 0 1'111 . " Il er!: \V hn t come." b e boss J t "round ." M-"n Bt that part 01 .ald lot convo)'PtJ by I'MulluIL at the OlJcn d oor. nnd , with n thl n about or ta lked a bout? nn you well· ot cold wa ter lour or OV8 tlln ..... <l ily, Butterwor,h to Edmund aod Alary' E , Hot. l· IUJd t .. ko the 101i0"'loK prepantlon known to mAntI", of wblte alrP.8d y u nOD b ls 811 1d. " I III 'It ' cr Ull whl' lI h e doll e Uck by dl*! rocord ed 10 Vol. 80, 1' lIRe 3 "f tlon oue dngle time wilen y o u w ere rell.lile drusglll4l almolt "" 'ery where. wbl ch st olllp ln ' on 'o r. You r nil 'cr. 1Il1st' the Recordl 01 W ...... u Oouot)'. Ohio. oml do· Jlrol'ed t o be r lgb t '/" _liIlugl)' = 00<1108 the OII..IDI elemen~1 ni bbe- yon ' 11111 te ll '111 ' t Utlll ' cr o\' uh ocrlbed .. lollow., Part 01 Lot No . '\ (000) In Jel!ol'8On Square. In 'b.e wwu 01 Wa)'ooo· Be WBI flourlsill ng th e b andogeel ~~::, bl~~'fot~I(~~~" a~~~: '::I::g:r t,~r.f. to you soou·s you OIue In.'' ville. Warrell ' OIlDt)' Ohio lIucb . . ».. ad· hand a a be I!lloke, b llt Bibbs sol d au I), . prepft ""t lollil called ' tolloJloe . •ltd ",uohreJolnl • lot noW' owned bl' Jo(m W. Wblte and Dfbbs l'l~1I 1 Ilre te leg l'llm q uickly. It "If I' I" mllrk. ble testlmon)' I. glveb .. IO'ltl IUCC_ Iron'" tltt)' ( GO) loot on 'l'hlrd Str"," .. lid ex· 'e • w 8ys uceu wron g bel are. , ,,1 Ule lu O•• h bulhllug·. 1'0001108 ... hld! WII S trom :-.'l· \\, Yor k ulld nddressed to """dB back tho ...OIe width to tho ood 01 , 1urel7 there'! more choot'e th llt l' U! come_ In the torm 01 a 1m an Don·loJuriou. I I will offer at Pabllo Bale at my 10' No, I (ono) afo"",ald. • ...... t. I .b out this . It eeem-n re" .onllble 'gCl.IOI .btel . uloud. kco at moall au(l .... mixed lIh thealld dl· , ,. Ab au t .• ' wo :Fears aio I h a d '" ¥rs . lwddu KI . ..... \tIud. to "'op fll.. . "IIOIh resldtlD' o a OD , the WaYDftIVIIle and ' n~' ~r;>~~~ t~~o~~b T~~II' ~~r::',~r. to .• uppal e tlomethlllg Wo\\ld be dlle to WU$clo lIuJlUlng "Iemellte 10 tha. Cho blood lIevere ",U.o\l of <1,arrl!oell whlOh 8llro you will nil approve . tep hove k ' h . b ... , D b 80 ,vretcll ,A. 8' y he" ' th New BarlblKtoa ' - 00 , ,he oli'Bouth 8 woo,Hlgb ,.,.,.nl( "au", .... <1 brln" , ca ll rclOdJl), It'copt alld carry tbern \0 tbe ad over.. wee. 1r .. wr 1"Ilik en ns ' ;'9', , u IV k h pih e, pear t e n 'be_ ooatelt Bt_t. • up m1 . 'era....... ..~ Ilar\' t~l IXI rllon of tbe body. You CID .0.(1",,8 W .' C would probnblly BulTered seve rely .Robert Caesar'lI Oree a uro • on Said .., .. 1 ~,aWl b.. 00011 I'O!gularly Dllprall.d Ohio "Yes, 1 thou gbt you w ould n't see tile II)'J'lcture tho lra",,'orIllAtloD thlt additional Jones. Buford. N, D. "I benamllllO a.nd r "'Q r ~ Inurrled th is "rternoon under order oUbe C<l " rt at the "urn OrtSl06 0.· ""lnt. ODd tbe-'. ~.'! ,.TOV\Uno" lI ..•. b lltllns mulol! Tuesday, SeptembeJ 12, 1916 UDot ~) 001 thOllAnd and Oil), dOIIl.... and will I"" .. .r n BOO"' ... nr ~ you "ro" .. or ..,ou d hrlng to lacidDH you. cb<lek outmaterial holio". we", lr t b.• ' 1 ()lU Id no." d apr Ig IIt . Ih otut ht bC. 1 ha\' 'I ulet wc"t1 lng a bso. be IOId lor Iesa than two·~hlrd. 01 ...Id ap• blJ rollldn't _ . but 1"11 ta ll e tile lib- ,aboul your neck. Ihoultle.. and bno, dlaap- A dru<l .. iR& reoommanded Cham " hr. Itrtl,ly 8ure ) ' <>U wi ll under.tnnd wll dom 0 I , 10 o'oloolr ~be 'pralll4kl valuu. ' ""arlOli. and J our tulUI aD lram U to 10 " " uu :-lIlITBBRat p w it n 'cou know Robe rt better am ommeoo DII a 'TERMB-Ollo third cuh III balld on day or ert7 to m titian It. You beeD b alkIn' r::UDdool oulldheaUh, ftOO!l. toMllne .. harm. 1,,10'8 Colio , Cholera and DIarrhoea nt n,; ", Tn wurl,f -o. ..,l eavlng for -r~1I prover',: 4 Borree, Cat- Alo. ODO 'hlrd 10 oue rear alld UIIO thIrd lu lID "our lire. Pntty mu cb averytblu g . Ill• . p/lDllv •• olik,aot , All drUablteba. . aemedy. 'l'he tlret dnne rlliaved IIIl pplo., tvO Auto Equipment ' ., " IlJId ..... autharl.ed to reluDd JOUr moo., If ~ " 1'·lurlda. wJII Wire addre.. when lettle<! 'Ie and Bop, )'armins Implementll. '''O)'lllln'edpaymeDIe 10 bou 6 poroent I ....... DIM 10U to do. ,ou'd let Ollt weltht ,llIcre_ II 1I0b ob'aloeil .. per tb. me and w"blD two day!! 1 . 'IV" IS 11'111 « 'mRt n II il "prIn g love t o a ll father !:lee biB bllli for lenni. ~ Hone-Drawn Equipment =~~d be _ur8cl br mu.flPP 011 premo . . . . ~ of a 1I0ller, IIlle lOU are ftI~~ :f~~13=r. "~=te.t 001 well II ever ,. lIIaDY drUilllt.. r eo will lik e him /"0 wtftm he knowa him like lira Amanda II S&.rr WALDRON O. OUdlOtlR, Ideal. • IIJIertll Warrea 00" Olalo .... nt I ean't Icttm t o remem· .. a~ bUl14wlllflwllll& -u., r.ul'" I~ OOlDlIleIId 'bl. reme4y beoaUII 'bey 1 do he .. JllDlTB LAMBORN. Wm.IIU .. , ADO.. . &LTZBOTK .lIUPLil .., : {n__ eIO~=n lraow 'ha'le" reUable. Ob.lnable W. &. O'N..n, O~.k All... · _DOW uaIe..PIa


d " ~ l'ly .



-",hat does that mean'1

It means that NEW quality, in a cigarette, that does


" '''1<'(',

for your smoking exactly what a drink of cold water does for your thirst! T o satisfy, cigarette . must do far more than just "please" you-it must let you know you've been smoking.





That's what Chesterfields do-they satisfy! And yet they're MILD! F or the first time in the history of cigarettes, here's a cigarette that satisfies and yet is mild! Chesterfields!


Other cigare~tes may he mild, but. they don't satisfy.

BUT, Chesterfields satisfy-yet they're mild!



This is new enjoymer:.t for a cigarette to give. It is something that no cigarette, except Chesterfields, can give you-regardles& of price.

Why? Because no cigarette maker can copy the, ChesterlUld' blend! Try Chesterfields-today 1

---- -----



...A'f{ SAlItFY

-~ gnJ yet

2·0 for tOe


tlzey',e MIW










Walter Chandler o.





Dr. J ..













You Wish To Grow


Common Pleas

DR. · J. W. MILLER. ••• DENTIST•••

, ••• e.




D. 1916










;:;:cers.":.;.'";.,¥:=. or.......






Funeral Dlrector. Waynesville

J" .


• ~-..----~--- ~~.-..-.-----~



..... --~,~-



Says a G1UlSs of Hot Watt' t Eycr y l\loill ing- ~ UC'fQI'('

As Written by Our Corps of Able Cor respond.

_ _ _ _ ~~ in


I3reakfll. t Will l'ilkc OfT Fut If Y()U (.d

~~~:gh~(~~O~___ ~ __ '


. I:illulai'l




"f till' ,d\'\ ll'tI ~ lll('k, Itl a('I'.11 Il" lv til :dl ... t nll llartl

/Ie ,\I (lucm l c in \ ulf('l tand I~,'d l/ cc \' our "'ci~ht \\i lb T., .... ~ "


Mi lls ~h' nl'i " tt" M l'l( ll1'f!Y o ll 'lI r. " I r r< Ilr'l Un\'I"" .t" I,do .. " '"' h ~ I r" . lll·ttl' II ,' 11"1 . Wi n , 0,,1I 11r\ 11 1l f rH'pd", Iwro "'Ii1da\'. 1'1, Ir~" rl lr , .,\11' ulld tll r,: . .111 111 S I';rri n gtll n, ,',f (;" 'l rh'~I ' "l .1"., ~Ir~ I, '1 III ey J, :H' I( of " t l,1I lt ir '.\'1·U!II'II"i t IU' '1'.\ t t 'n I Hr. ~ 1I 1 11 y , (lu i ... WI' r 'l g ll ~I" 'J I i\l r .. , 11.I" j,., ' I IIrt ' Ii ,. " II III ' 11>1 · II,~ r\' lu..: p"\\I'rh r l!l11 ' 11111 I, I !ln Ij~'1 1" " fI, .,; pilr p "';v," \ \ ·('II ;l .ve: 1 \':U l...."' lll; llrlan , I J l E ." • I • ' ,I ~t .\I "It,l n!'it Oct, j -.' ' I I' 1'I~' \ Hid ,1 l i ..: . td t , '\Ij~ j\l. ll . ~lm::..: fto; h fat :. I·Pr.IIl:. tH-', a :..J "'I' Uf" !(111 11' l:ill turd ,!}' 1)lg ilI I, ';1111,' I rI,," 1.1 h I "' .. 1 11 ,'0 , '1111'. tll ~'IIYf'( ( hu \.lltl or ',til., u ri I III 11'1'\:d 1111'1"," Ill' llii.- fi li i' 11I11 11 'Pr ill llii s I, ) '. Til t, h i Irl . I ' l h 1111'( , 'IIW· ~,,1.. 1\PII. I'" " Mr . Ilnc! MrH W il~ In I< n~~, flf I ~I I'. Jllld ~II". I, ;" II "_ If' ')11("1' •.111 IlTurf : ~rul It,u 1I"a 'lt y tlf ll:l liL'!Jn' ... J, WCl'k. [roy, Obl ll, \\· .. ro ,,: u PII ISlJ t l\1t. hUll l ilIU,,j ,,0 :-1I"d I " Ill" I II II"w,nr 'ilrt,y ...",1. M ~II. b' ruUH tihld d cur Iho IIrHt ',f l l-:l1l'~I~. M,. 111111 ~ Ir-. I 11.\" H"IH'~ rut flut \1 11 l.~· Il 'hor !let' Ii 1IIJht',lllli,' r.l ld t lll ~ w r.~ k.. .. 11L11i1 oj 111,.;1,1,'1 " . ."'111'" hlld ~lllry I r uulurn 1:1 11111 .i". . I·itl·, I I, t l\·· .. VIU..!' II :" 1\\' ..-; M r A. ~IV/l n Bl'! I I~ <I 'III !.1 "r " 'bh' 111 1 1l1 'llIlI .fl ll nl 1f t . IIIIJlII·I". I\\'" \ l r . irl(' "jUt: 1111\ U-'~ '~ ! I t.,n;.llJ", , .,\\I.rIl(1 Iw I t 11118 w r lt- ill g , wll il lil tlll IJ l1 j1"~ ' I I , Illld " I I I \ ' III UlIllli "old 11" "dl' hlnl! 1,:t o;oi'rtllU" .'!l"l· q t dl/' ~!I y IU ," 1', ... 11 11 \\ h'UI y"u (,'l'1 t h ul ,I, t :In' i--: I t l fwl III' .... 1oil! , he l'rf'cHH'o r y. (ruin ,I ,,,,,' ~ 11 \'P I' Hr q ' , I, ~h ', 11 1111 tII"-" Iho ,UUlLi'r 1111111 1.1 ,~I "h,·u \\illl ~Ir~ l1 e.') r y Env y , of X 'lI i." oallrll MI.: t~,1 IJ" /!II11: MI'. 'Illd ~lr ..L It. L. u' ,11I r'l1l1 - 1lLt;1If". Ii(\... . tlt"Oj'lIlt. Ii J,,"" I1lld \flUr UII II l1r b l ~ tu r . lII. l"w Mr~ ~ 11 .IIU lill ., III I , 1\0\ ~JI. /j ",·t Jj'I~IIII. 01'''''1 houlth flll ,lI .... J tllr 'II.: II" IIrryllllo: Itrll\lHI 1I 'htl r , m !ju n . ti uncl 'lV Id l,(f rn O~ u nfl'l r Nt'\\· li llllllllo:l (JlI ,,11 11 Ir.Il ILl .lol\ ,,' 1I""i1 ~:l1!1.\' IIlt,l IIJI!""lIllh~ r ll (, i.1 .' • ~l l'~ I~I \J IIIJ 11II \'1" 1111'1 " I ll 11: ' I III lrl C! ( JI'lId i l ~ IlHl!'h 1.11111 ' IL'" you fW ,,,, .. lld\' /'I tll III r.; 'j'/) 1' \ v t \ . !·II .... [O lTll'r . · II) E• VOJ'utt i:i III1U1 IL knr t·rn Il slIrlll.1 hm'. ,. . tJ, ,' " lli' " II~I' , 1" ' llllw d ' '\.: I. ll 111111 rl'l rrUlI1I\l,Y lIlatLl ' r wbal til< ' :llltr'l l til In ~~N lu \Vllh .u lJ"rr o.l"I III "t \\' oek ~Ir •. t 011';1 1t' "11 jJH. III 11 11 1 I ~,""".\ drll~l{tt<1 1\ I,n, I ,r lbt- ~I'U, I U!. " IL i:1 ·..... ur lIu·I Mr Hll tl 'I B ' ' ~ , 1" 'I\IIlB f ' lI Alll urlll. I l id ' :ito \1. \\Ulf ' r "'t.lry 11l ,rrdllil hdtlrl' hn '_ il.fn .. t. Ih, l ll \ " r~ . Il nll '~ Ill lth o f '.I' ll I' I . II I Oi ll t' 1i'r anklt ll W ,I H U • I I ,I t I I t-\ ~ l\, \\1 ::\\lI.HII 11 tl ,\ V,'I"L!\-" lH ].;\: 1" .. '4"" U(I,'r t 'lil"h 1111..'111 lInd I" 1,: ·oI IIIUI'. anr c i t ' r e . UD " Y (.0 UI S w ltb h ,·,. ," I " ~Ir' _ 1:, 11 11' t\l , x 111 \\L·Jj.'h :.·ltllr,,"I (II\· L r~' ('lW I; L~" .",01I·"" ' /Illp amI l::llk II\' CT -"llI lr pi:tll s ,y. . (1 1 1' \\ h l1"" bu .. )' Lild \\'Lh kil h, tI 1.:-11 It li lt, Ircl l tllJutllllll l. 1 y"ll un ' dO \\11 t1'l UII I' III 111. J o. b , voy , (I f X I.'oll1 , ~pl nt. MOll . / lIIlI O 'J'~,.. "J I~ nl1/" .lllhl\" IltLlllitl'S~, I., pl"""'oIlil 10 with li S. \\'1 ' I'a ll .;litl\\' lIllY willi Ill S ~Iti l l"· . M r d !:il' lI ~I' " C I "",lV(I'·. t ll L vh .lll l.Hl, IU hl' lit'll" th" "1~ 1 ..,IJ lltI IlII", , .... k""~ II1· tI tit L 1 "1 _ .lrptlrt, , Mrs. 'o l'n An rrl M h I," I II I' hoI' "lId f l l"I"I • .\1,", I\' II! I I·; ." d H'. , I 111':"\' 1"1' Ih,· f'\YI("U l"l1rl'yi n.c 1"" 1\',,1' II ' rIll' ' 011 liow 1(1 S: l \ ' I' 1l)l'1l1 'Y 1I1(),d. o;u ~ " t~, Mr", . ~u ~lI n, I 'f lI.J ,s~"nrl, .l I l1 dl-'JIlI· III<t, ." 111' ''1" f "I" ' I~ v~ Willi 1-; ,,'u II. IUI\ d IllS' In'llllIlcnf ... h,,"ltlld l f)~V It in huyi ng a ll killl ls of , ,'ml MrR. Ou "I ~ , o f Ill! n l l l ~, \) , 111 illr. 1111 ~ [J". W 'I' . .] "nl "l1 IIl1t l" l'.,l l h· rt.· d th ·UOIi ill \H~l~ht. 'I h l'rll J ~ Ih't hOIl USIOS o f Mrll . i:llll'ris . M r . 11 1111 "'JI·'; . Frllu" I l leh 1I'lIlltll wl' lug 1Il'1 tur rnr u lol'l4/ry . 111lilclilT ~ 111:1 l'l'i:l l. Mr. one] Mr~ . ~l url'l ll 13l>lLl t o o 1I0 tl 011 1:.11'1'11. ul 1... 01,11. '0, II II "",h,, 1 Ill " e]lIught e r, o f l'i pr lll g V"II IlY. Ilnt uoel H II' I\ l 'll'lIl' r ('urI' r"lItll UIl Hntur:l"y - - " " ! - " ! ! "......- - - - - - - o v(' r hlll'O :lUlltlllY Ullrl ~ p ll"l !-,ltrJd 'IY \\,Ith r,lr !ill'h"_ Mr. 'loll Mr~. Wm . R [) b i n ~ nll AI,I OU t 111(11 II e r , Mr~ U 'lnnllit fti( h. ~:~rdIlY Wi th r el uttv oM Iu W "yool; Mr~. ~JlIlly J.nllrtlll, of ·it!l'l no!l U. B u ycr~ (jet Q uali ty (juaranteed on 6. I\ IJl'ut p ar i. uf lb , I f Ilk \\, Il ll lll r 61. ' A ll Suppli es III t h e vory oear fu t ur o fh e od l til l' tor, Mr . d IJ. IiO f! UU of Ih lt! lIO"'!!), /lb o(\t, Will ou llin JIl c ph I n "lllllJlln Ce I II 1111 ex. ~U II 00 our c!Llz o n ~ t tlll'ilw r I t~ t tr , All ee, "I M:u {iI t aWil , 1l1 ,, 1 M I"~ rI·~ ul !l nl~ of /J lIll hrno k nnrl . · ogll r olrnul!l tloo . I IHIHlIJh . ,lllf 11111 I)" n~ I'hu rstlH S l ~ r" ' l lc 'l'nw n ~hl" tUllt 11\n IInulwl ' Mr. lind ,M r s. B ll d ey \\,lIk o r~rlll , ~1I~lIi n j.( Wl lb IV. l' .1 "I'JlIll~ hOIll" eon n :.{ wid iJ" ' h l l1 htll'P of WnYll esvlll e, w e r o HllO rl u y gu est8 Mr .. lInd Mrl'. ,I uhn Wtll fll n i t II tl Ii Mlllllhv. :-;{'pl(tlll h or ·1, 101'1. A of Mr . uo d Mrs. P~ I,e r Cory I b",1l, lo I lil li r 111111111' ".1', .[' Ilul \\'~. . , llnoll 1"· ,)~ r HIIJ h ll - 1,(,pl) II I·rn n j.!nd Mr . Cuarlol' II1Add o u trn l1 l:1AC\I "rl r\O I'i{, n l. :-' I' rillj.( \'u llL'v "'f1l n rrl .. y oml Ill o H. u f V B,IUOI o f X " nll w i ll bllsin 'S8 10 IJb loa go th o .rir~ t o f ~b ltl uOII bl' ol n /llt t. IlUlIW II IiUll P " i ll j.( fO l' ol~h tlw 1 0u~le '1'1l1'HI \\'111 111'0 ' woolr. tior 0 IIll n hilI t:(u lll ft tn t llt1 nftl' rllon~' I o rn a Mr . Jnm n~ M o ' lnro onr1 MI ~s !J:1l\. M r ... III " ~I tl nn.ln, MI ~~ LtilP l 'Iun. 1111 /1 l' r/Ill{ u ll ."m,1' f rl "n,l~., IIln /::I .. wku wero vl·~\t.o, ~ tn o ur ('I l y n .JD . M rA Milry :\1"LI l)Cl n h lhl dl.lutl h b\' Ar yboe]I' We l n,) lIlll Ir o m ul! t ll A ooe ul ~b t r eol'll tl y. \Ve will "" 0 1. to rs, ':ulh II n(1 (:II nnn, ~"(' t1 t TbulH .urroo urti !l~ 11J\\,1l~ , o,"ue you b uok o s Mr. unrl Mrl'! duy ",itl' Mr~. Uaullllh "1011 . Ullrry \\ll t ~(lll I\lItl W\! I' IInll f w n M o(Jlare . ~l r. lIlId ~lr8 U"rb 1 rt Wn r wi rk u1\Hdren 1\1 0 n:!llIu;,; li b l llllJlO folll ~ Rev W " lker , of ' Iurk l:!v ill o f ')l l1 m lll1;', IIflU ;\\ 1' ,lII;1 MI~ Ii'r u,i fo l' I.W " wcek~ . I here !3u turday oa illog 00 ,,' h erwuud ;Llld f nll l" o f L e b!lIlOIl M U" Imu Naouio of bis conllregati ull. CIl II d n il M r . ond ~i; ~, A . B . '1'111 ' 0 1 r tu.ill~d nt (Hnne r ::!nudny t heir Mt. o. Ii: Levloy o ur Oil ') rp ~I~ 11l fb ul'ddny oVtlll,lng. I bro t b or hHS. Mi ll" ~ lId w lto all d / FOR UENT llry. ,olld~ m Aro han t, trtiOHI10 1('.1 h o.. 'rh s ool l.II /-I l v 0 In Be eu G ruvo .\ It.. n n d M nl. ftHy ruo od Wolin . hltl8~ 10 tho (~eoell Ult.\' F~hlIlY . c.hnrr h W('d llo~c!'I\y flV Il,i ne; WfltI : !l'rl\ nlt . W O/lv er n~c'1 famIlY!lot.tlr. Mr. Mid MrR. Oellry OAllr l h ~1I011t Ou r ho r~e lJl(' n 0 ' t hi~ violo ltS' IHe ti Ul1 u n d I he proll rllm Willi ~])l el1dll.l t"III Hltl hi t! hr ot hor C. S. Weave r I1nd 0 0 d ill' Ills t. wflAk In Ml rl,11I't "W Il. OOMA $0 r(\\lt" Iln'~ hOl\rd Mu, Illok luif arrall g em ollltl tos h o w Ill e i r MrM, 'lalrll 0 11111\ h l' h l ~bll t; llllig loll i ~o n, hll~. \ Vall ver Bn d wife, of Dear I II Yll, n n d Warr of Il'r n nk lln, vlllltcd ~ t 10k lit th e Dn~ Hln 1,,11' · U. ltUll1 no ,tl . j' li n d elr \V t lt e qu!t l. l'rlr~ . Pulll~()rs "' " 1 ~ \lIs t· t-;undIlY. h\~ p uteuts hero U' A JlII. ~t W(ll l! i W . H. nllll1 (IR, l'lilrd atr oat,'-. iog 'OPluDl bor :11 11 . ' Lldl L! w IlD \\,,, ~ l.pvel1 t be pi el' e d J ohn Hldon @t r icker nn d w Ho Mr . und Mrs. P;'I \\·oo.l\l'n rd " fil l ' II" It ' ws o f n u w. urtllllO' O Ille llti/ u ' t,) P I S ~h,· lwlt! uunt!' u r 'I Til LlI~· ' /::Il1r ry t:ltepl.l e n9 nnd wire fi ll n t"pl. ~ f llmi l v vl sit on f rlnn(l~ III MiIl IllIM. I ill F t I II t \lIllY 01 qn iltH \I' Still., un d " UI III" Ht ll\, OM, wlFu n ll(l t wo oblld re n ott bn r ' Hn nd ll 1 - or 1\' 0 lor~OB 110 ,wo In I,bl !! 100B lit y thlin g "o '\ , ue r eLJu D I I I I J 1 " I-: • . y. .. ' bUI(I:II'R, fnt 80h ool (1111Idleu. tfl bl e pOt()t oo~. '0\'11 . tI I ilL 0 I , 0 y o ungC' I' ~lloOlu t lon IIltEln ( cld t h ()~b(lrn p i cillo i n DllY · J OMepl.' D oo.rdui1 f ~l ll r l'lt l ttlll.W II , 1IIl llilip II' '1118 0 11'1 0 11 . stl ... r t lw tI!I 'il J y IlI l u c1~ uud IiUl<er d of t D Ilis t ·ll rtl1uy. . II f I I " • Mr. BIl II Mrs . It' red B orlll ' l Ilr our au ce! TI 1 r \"U8 Uli 10;; Oil r wu I R 1I11! rnlll ll VIlH I b . :; llf~. Ie pr Zcl or Lho \Ir Il ud hl r ~ E E l\ rnh l\ rt n re OIl · l eo ' 13111 Id S enllU f y l ng t h eir oozy II tt l, h o m e IJI" I t",.'1 Illld Il l) 1[(181 q lllli was glv t ur t ol Dl og Ib olr eou In Mr BOlln e ll 1 r l r a '. ' R OO M- For I/:On"0Il1611 ooly, In with u n ow l'on h, Whi Ch IH lIlij ~ rl)~ t. 1 '1 t u MI' .'. t\ . B. l 'ulolo!{e. 'fb e o f Dell T R idgev ille . • , M J 'II. WItH,e r '1'11' 101' iA Irnpl )I' in g 1(0 d loc/lU ou . 1111111ire a~ ,bis Iy 10 Its ('(ol' : Dleneo qU ilt, WII~ p lol'tl d hy Mr,. 'l'l.I lrna g e l ill h ealth n t the Mill llli Vlliloy U o s l umeo. 1!l6 10 Ul0 o Ollr fu t ll ro w e wil l ad rnl!. un J Cjll iit II Ity h o r p; r an,l ru ot h or . ---- - pHil!. ~o nllr el~y aN eiUzoll8 Mr. IIml Mr,. . Mi ~~ 1\1 11'10 ~:Il ls VI It d Miss Adlt ' I1: d Mulli n o f DI\.Y t OIl Irn n81lf' ll'd l WANTEO J es~ C lllrb: 81111 Mu n . Mi ulwflo l' . Illlllr W .• yn .t, vllle 00 1 !ll" IIIO~H h re MOllr1" y I U I'1.1: ell l.1 ' rll 1:< l'n :;l n ~ In tl1 i~ d. ~~ " Il rl ll ~· . · I!I A \l ,!'r~ B est on I A oonv" lese lll g. I uiL,lt.V fln,l m :IUY 111'0 IlI'nl'.v 1(1';/" " . M,' A l vl u I'lil r v ey I s ~pC!nrl ioll hl~ . " Wh on a lii' lit tl e h oy , I)('W (""011 1 ~'fl lIny .\!;llrllhArt iii vls itlnp; t:!lwl1nll 0 1' Lh e ~ J!"rtir!~ cl""" ~ll ll1 lll()r VII ('lIll o ll wit h h l~ uu n l., ye ar s ilIa, waH 1\ bnlJy 110 WD'l l'lirOl W l\l l1ilJg l o o this woek. G E'I' .\"on r 11111\I r8 olw vd ; Ull1l1: e our I u WLl l oo k I n th e bu II /.Jh ULU 1\ t ~11 L Oil L1 l1 r I '!llck 0(.1 Iclhol ~~l1ll11 orhud~ IllYIChJlllllJerJ'tio '. B ..."vnrrl Ertr l y o f !\li llmi~ ltIlr~ t hel11 lo s t lo ofll'r ; priru. lI oe:ord \",I IIIIII,'t . • I t 'Ing- to 8I Zf) 0 f b 0 tt 0111 0 r ~ h 1\ I r . \ ., ',() ,!--:llld I "V . "'1 r . fllle] MI'~ l' IYI\ l3 \1r"o and JO ._, C, ,, , ·UO ' t orll'1li ll "' IJ Il\1'r1l"" "' .I' 1l " 111 IU. \8 \uO,'1I V I• " lt n it r lO)l tlH h ~rt'. " 1 U f I tl " l ' I f C" , .. " u l' , WrI .t'S 0 I'~ " r IJt'Y ., 11ll1l10 0 ij ' 1'1I ono Nn " 7. ~ l3 ()tIr e '" Z Elll ull r e n , 011 111 11" ,o1. II 1 Y r o m ut '[ 110 11111 ', ]{y., Sll tl Llt I Fllir ll llv " n, ~ . Y. "S l n ~e t hu n ' TV . \\' . ' b oot ~, m n(lo a h l1H in oRA ~ : )t o(\ Il",I ~ \" ry sor l Ol1 sly III lit th l ' w c·~ k Plld w ltb I h 11' u.uat" Mr~ . oth o r m elllher of Ill y runllly h ll ve l rip t o I.. " lI OO IlwHll tI .y . 'l'olePh nn o Oporlltor I\t onoe. wrll.IIll,!. b eu ', URe d Ih ls Vll l1l BU lo m etlioiu A fo r co lic M r ~ . Aunlt Millo I' o f I l lly t o n w n ~ " ,a.,,,t1 . ... u. . . Uatl tit To l91'h oo e Exuhanlle, ,-o\ornl f r om tlll ~ co ""' Unlty will , nDU bo w e l t ,.onb l, ~ w ith ~ood HII Ms ' l t,IIo!{u "t Ilf Mr fw d Mrtl . ,'''11 1ft" WllynlllJvl lle , Ohi o .' 81 ;:! 1' l.Ie n n w ll llrtl!{1l I- " !lin g 11n. h n(1 fo ot 100 " nd I gl no l y end orse it Il ll il Wohine r, tIle p"~ 1 weill; . • loll l( a l' d Will ~o · m b e OpClI,n rl for en tl th .. '\0 t ld r Ibl~ woe k . :'.Ii ~ \\' 11\ l:I l1l'rl un Il I I II!I~~ Viol.. r om ed. o f I'xce ptioon l m eri t " b £1. t:;i"~ fri l'lfl m nlln II 1 ,n RI II(R~ Pill t il work for h e r bOllrd, by bIl8IDO~S . ,Jo ril , 11 ?JIl d un ~lJ d I:i 1 I l:illrt . t ll illllbl o ev rs-whttr . I Irll' to D lytCl D Tnf'~iI " .y . 1\ 80h uol g irt. Ellquire lit th is Mr, Cnrl () ~ b (l ru ond J (t1J1l\o R ov . ~ Q elt E n rlllY 1\ fto f1l lltlu Th~ ulI,ny fl i(\n tl~ of M jlts F],lhh " nIe o . ,1:10 Ilold~ . both of thIs plnell. w e r q nlot. M rs MIl !'Y t4he l'wolllI, o f I.o b Ino n , !:full loy wh l1 hll" bntl n v lwy ill, w ill Iy U1llrri ml 'L' hllfsel"y . '1'Ih' }' h "v AH MR- HIlVIl vall n. fnrm o rll th er II" l rl eOlSI'II I" I, II·TII I'Iln l, Hil a i , ~nll\ ll th e b e. st wl . utls o f u l! wb o k nl)" L !:ILlturrloy ul~ht IIlld ::!uddllY ~ Itlltll Eot llte f or Rille ? It se list w ll h I r~. 1,1" ~J I1I1I1 U" , wh" L hllp r","od I,h om. M r . lI n(1 Mrs. i:l iii 01 ' 1'1 I, (If O Il Vt.O !l M r . ol1c1 MrR. '1'01111 IlllrPt wo ro I:I lllne Ilt 0000 with W. D . C haOllltlr, ,Wllrren VIl\ltr'e~~ , o f ' pri n!! lie ltl l ~ \!el1t :-ill ud II.' " w il it Ih eir. <1Elu gl!to r : ' I DI4y t till \'i~i lol'1' 'rll P. (\n y a n '! W illI. \Vnyn(lflI'1I1o, UIIl , or on ll h ore at visit e d h is par Silts b e r e ~undll Y . P h one No. 77. I h&V6 tl f ew gool\ 1",,<lIIY M,'s l3 .. rth ll lifilY 'Hlllc I t. Mr~ . Hno h ol R 'l b ort ~ , o f Mo rr o w l uut of t,own buyo r ij wbo li re dcelr. Mr [{ II ' h~II{n l>I' rl s r l<~ arood t o VA fD .J O Il(\~ lind (llmily , o f Ly ll o , W~8 Ih e wc ,) k.ontl gll os t of Mr . a n d (1118 of 100k lll Q lit pro pert y III and W uyn p"vU I" b'nc1.,y (Jvenio~ nft~r I s pen t 8 uOlIny with A. ~l 0111. \11'1'. ffit\ He SOU. ,.,Ol1n(l W llynesvll1a. [lon't deillY I l1~ n fuw lill Y wit h h e r nl ~co, I Th e Mi Re ~ [;lt lle r fin ll I'rll l.t" o f L~X ATI V E Atte nd 1o this lit on oo . Gi lbe rt Wel oh , r,f t e r " w eok 'tt "I it ~1)nJ\(h M r~ ,l l)h n o\fl? • X eu lB.8 Jlent ' un ny w lt h M r . Im el It rY . U , (Jhaodl er. "'itl\ hl~ p.u " uts, r e tllfn c(1 t o b i ~ Mi ~ Ie) I r t lil Oll r prOl'pool,I Ye M I ~. D ix on Wl1ur too , To ko~p th 1 IJn"I' I N r pj.\ lIl l1 r I,h " 111\0 or hn l;ln e:lS Il r.\1 rl ill \' IH FOilKo IH)lI lm/lrlll" IVnB b e r t! IK lSt w elJk ~'rs. f rl1n k Hn r LSlloR HPf'Jot I:;"t. , htlH lox lltlv" 111 Ilnttlno r PX r 1 ~11. " Oodp,tI . l ow ilo . lo o k I,, \{ f o rlt h J l\ r dhlg pla oo i')tlo m ~ urdn)' I\UI] ' u ndny in B,'lI rn olrt Url nk l\ full ~ 1 1l~~ 01 Wll t l1 f IlIdf lin 1 Mr. IlIld bin•• Ell Cu rr will In II fe w II ~ "'lo ug h th o rn Isn't n l1Y nno w h o \ Th e Mt. B .)l1y t illllll \>III.I'I,J X /l ltllt l h nllr Imfll r i )r('ll klu," t, Llml lillt Illl .FOR SAl.E IlIy ".lJtlc ol.l.1e olt lzt1oS of Kioglll~n , Wl\ lI lS to h elp , lltl oao 0 11 10 0(; fr OIll ' o oL!tL y t he 8eO ,'e b olDo( 0 1.0 I In n h llmlooeo f fruit 1111 11 v(>gl\~II\)IO~' 1 IU U li u too o o ~vh(Jre Mr (J llI' r tll u t s tllu d . l1ulnt ' fflv or X~DIIl. Brudrt' lI1e 11 11<0 I' t r\ hll~h II r n' n lll r h n blt 1I0l1 h" has ueo"Jl~ed I\. poslti o Q with 1:1 . W , A(:r CR ~O(lll la lln. ohoa\) 1'1.110' Il le h .GI liv e r Ufl rr r Ollo io o (I tl ll e gll1l1 0 fo r Mt. 1I 01ly I-iu n ey 1 8o r o t h llt yu n:' b(lw(" ~ 1I1 tlVfl n llC~O .:lmitb & Va. 'l'bllY hl1\'o our b"sl WilE! wo l) ,,1,: I' IIU",1 oUlI el'e r yu u e r o .Illtl titl om. of U u t,on, "l dO l'itohf'11. I.'"eh duy . \\ lo p n " lIl flll lOl n if ~ "hi HOOII . b'o r I nformf\. l~ wishes . p or ts II <I , lil!!bl f n l t i lll " .f u n fl u lill I nk" Chll lll lll'r ltl in '8 TnhI At,,. I,ioll IlIldroSA P. (). B"x ua, Wilyn S . ,,, r Al ~ lw n e r o n d f an ll' l y "pen t Til I t I I k d 11\ Mrs. Lyelill Murphy , of lI ell r L('h. sli Mr , ll1lDIl .1l1 Fo~ t a r, wh o ha s b l)o l) t\ n nd fl Y w ith Mr , n o ti Mr~. G . M. - "Y II r Li lJ en~u " , ." ,II lIn III ( 1'1110. Ohio . '10 0 11, Is 1\ ~ue \jt of b e r ponmt~, Mr. SIClt s inc e IllRt Mllroh di e d ilL t ho I l:i t,8I'b e ns . u.u rl gen tl" i ~ ptllIL'I, (l lJ tllin ab lo 111l1I. Mrs R out . Cl1rr. IlI di,, " Mol,o r ( ·vo ln. 1\\1 10 1II (l(\ el 1\11111" o f ~Jlil' oou s in, ~Jr~. (J,;rrll) Mr . •I oa hu" E!ollnnd .unr1 wlr n ever yw b r eo Mr . olld Mr@. tI. A. Carson, o f in g ood CIlrI tll tl ull. For Bille ~ ' e8 by 1\ cd nll ~IIIl Y lind w n s buri e d speot ' ull llny wl~h Mr. untl Mrs. Dilyton, plIssed thro u gh h or o tia t , IIf t m ~ () . ,I . U. UhIlPlllltl' , Wny nes. Ilt L (lt)d u n ll [o'1'1<1I1Y, WI11 . Bru tl tl o_' k . vi /]0, n, h;JO nrdllY enroute to Wilmington to Mi s s b'n y e l!;1JI ~' I ~ ~ I" it i o g h er 1\lr .•J o h ll R .v e Sl)!l u t A UIl ' ] y w ll." A r r ange K It chen C o "" e n lcncc ~. viS it relal·lv ee aud Irl e llc1 e. fri e nd, Ml sR .lodlth (J oll ie r , Defl r I Mr . I1nL! M r ~. Tl m olhy Mfl rl illt ,)' 11 1' 11II'1". l ~" :I""" 1'",' , I,,· 1'1I1'11l"r The youllg p eo ple at tho ()hristlnn P ortl,IOtl,lotlln.o u. Tho MiHH I:'I'Sf ~r nml H tl l oll Is III, ,, I hl, ' ll ll''' ' '1 SI'II"1 1i f" I' II ,.· f :l r rn li:ndellvor visited till! (Jurlstl"ll Eo _ _ .. ____ . L IlO,' S ar v isiti n g t heir s il:lt ol' 111 \\'01111111. Th,' 1''''' ' ' ' ' 111 ' '11('''' 110111 \\'1 11












T h~rc is IlIorC ('ntulfuln

this ~clioll 1,1 Ihe cOllnlr y Ih an 1111 olhe r di """ ,"~ II~II.h " " W ook ly; &1 Wnyu".,·ltl o. UII" p u t I.. gc l hc r, u nd lo r feci rs it " 'IS SUI" i )" ~~ rI Iu t", Ili c uru fole. Du<: lto rs IJrt · 0 . L . C IIAN!:;, Ed itu r nnd Mana~:l" .'" nl ",~ lo ca l re fll ed , .~ , 111111 by CIIU Sla llt · Iy f", ltll!: Iv Cli le 1\1 1I! locu l 'r~ ullncl1t I' I O II ('I II H:(' II It illctJfu ble, l'a t u rr lt is; : -'-~==-=== ltt t:;tI di $t'u~c, ~rcn lly iIl1h'f!l ll'cd b y co n AUGU ::iT :I(l, Hllli &li l tl 1iUUHI (" o lluitio os ;'l od tht'fcfurc , e ,!ui , l'Y cul1 s tilulil) fI !t 1 trcatJllcnt. II H II' ~ 1 ~:rt :t rrh Curc, III:1l11lfacturc ti hy F. } . Lhcllc!, & Co .; Tvl l J u. O hio, j ~ 11 rO lls l j . . , lIllto ll.11 l enl l' t! y , is t ak en in((filla ll y Hlld I ·, CIS Iiml II,,·. III"",) u" the ~III ClJ U S Sur. f ' ces (, I Ih ' SYSICI II. lie Hundl ed 1>0 1. ian; fl'\\"Uld is ufTC:l"f: d (o r any cu se tli 'II 11 ,, 11', Cu lurrh Lure (a il s ' 0 cu re . $e ml NEW CINCINNATI SPEEDWAY II(lr ..' ·i rl·II~" " n u~ l e sl imllnill l~. LAST ·WORD IN ~ . J . C IH!N[\Y & C O. ,'f" le do , O l!in, PERFECT N.ltI by Drug ~ j ~ t., 75c . TECHNICAL CONSTRUCTION. 11 "l l' s Fa mily P ills Ifl r cOlIslipatl" " .

--- --




LeadIng Drillera of the World Will i Contut for Prl %C8 a nd Spee d




Aut O . m o bil e XtlOrlH ara nntlclprl1lng sOOle oo w Sl'ced r OL' onl" Wi, h Ih e i ulII)I)lUII or tbo u ew Ci ll ' Innllll S lll'o cl·

WRY ul Sharonville on Labo r nllY I Septembe r 4. Th e fu s tesl lim e /u tl d ~ WINNERS IN CINCINNATI SPEED. III li cen sed rllC' OR of I he A A A CU ll test Dcurd 011 s poclnlly i,ulit if'l;ck~ WAY RACES TO HAVE ROADS now I ~ h iii by COurROS hnl' lIl!! n lI' ()od NAM ED AFTER THEM, 8 Ul' rUCO, tho bes t ' xum l)los or thi s al y l6 of COll stru ·tlUlI he lng Ih ChIou· I g o S\lcodwuy fllld the Sb OOI)~h08d !lilY Big Money Priz es a nd Trophle. Will 1100d,''''Y. III Il}nlllling tho 0 111 1IIIII1ll i Not Be Only Induce m ent. ror poe dwllY, til IlrOlllllterri or t h ut e n. Stars In Labor Day Race. t Ol')u180 omhln II nil th e b HI IIDd I HtIIOs t rOlllllrU" of 11)(\ lWO ot her !lroml. Tl! o r~ Is a .b rlgh l prOs II 'ut th li l n 111\111 11'0011 tradl s. 111,,1 lIe1d e d Lo tholll nUl1,hc r . "r r:l" (l ~ Itl II a III II, 0 11 I'Ollllty, 811 'b od ,' ull e,,11 I d ":r~ li S lI"ro 8ugI( 0)\1. Ohio. w ill bo l'('chi'ls tf' lI eti d lll'l n!! till' od by tld vur" anll tll h r 'XI)ert9 who I1 O)( t fo w r CM·S . Arra IlG(.tnlcll ts lIO\\' barl IItIIi l! XIl ~ I'h' II L" un th o oth or big oro 0 0 111" m"d (! b)' lll ll o lllc lll ls o r Ih o Bllee d wuYrl of III ' (·c unlry . The r (t- n c w Clll dlll1n tl S l, ~e ,lwu)', IIOW lI ~ur· Bu lt I ~ thlll the Clll clrl1mLl Speed W(1)' Is Ill g OUlIlI Lion ul S ha l'onv flle , b), b ulle r '(11111)11011 IIl1el m ore Ile rreclly which tl!e Cumllll •• l o l1l!rB or Hamillon CUlIdlrlld ed Ih"n lin), co ur ~ o III AUlar. c ellillty 11' 111 A· le(· l en' " ), cllr a road \cu . thl . ~ Ulhl r l () r!ty milk In ' ortaln thl\1 w ill be lInrnc d artor l ho w tnne r greut o r BIlC(!LI wit h h'B8 dal1ge r tba n of t he 'Int I'nul lolln l SWCollHlllkes raco, !jOW CU ll h ' nl,III 11011 OU UllY or tho II'hl"', will be I\n nnoual ov e l1t on the o lho r "unr sc" III the "Dll( Spcodwlll' Cln clnnlltl I fn (· k . Ci r c uit ," Thl. phlll I. being 1I'0 rk od oul ·tor Th e IO lIny 1I111'lI l1 tUgCH o/t<'roc\ th e Ilu r" o"o o r g h 'ln !: Ilc rmunc n t reo drl vo r s til Ihl! Cln l'l llnull Sllne,lw nl', L'O/; lI ttl OIl to Ih e !! renl nul" Ih'II' Il "S 0 1 t" IIUlho l' wllh th " c xlru ortllllar)' pl'll. 1.11(' wlI l'l d h ""Il II A" or I.h' e n'CCIII' l1 " t , IIlId th e fn e l thnt three s l'o clal lI' o rk til 'Y 111' ,1.. llIg III th p lIl n tlur of aWllrr.l H, or $,,01) ell" h will be gIv e n s tlmllia l ing rO:!11 11IIllrOl'e 1ll0n t B. Il ts tho drive rs lending u t 100. ~OO Ilnd 260 Il cnC'rllll), cOIl"UII OI I th ut the vu rlo us Dill d, rOHIl ~ tiv c ly , Q6HllrOK lI ot ollly SIl CII","), ;'n l'eA th ro ug hol1t the cOlin· the mo"t " ll eC lOl'ulnr rat' or lhe S ilO , tr y IlIlv e ijlJU1'l'e d greli lol' n ellvlt v III Bo n. hUl I1l so nt ll l« ()K It c urtulll lhnt 1111 hlg h ",uy cLlIl Htru e ti u lI l1u d 11I1j)1~"" o, the l endi ng rn COI'H 111 t h o co untr)' 11' \11 UI III th nn 1111)' one e l III nl lh n t hilS p ll I'II .lilli l e. Wl l h n )m r rOeL trll e l<, a OY r \l ilt I'od Into L1llij work; Dnd th ' l a rg e r llrlz li s t Lh a n VOl' bofore h08 1ll11 ll agom e nl of th c C' llI c lnnn ll Sp oed· boon 'o fforlHI , n ll ~ th e b Rtnllto drivers wuy f e~ l s tha t lao mu ch p CI' lllll n cnt III t h w .. l'ld (' OIl \ O" L1I1K, the Lnbor h onor can IIOt be g lv o n . Lh o mOe n \\'ho Uny v li t III l h, Clndlll1tl tl SIlOe dwny 81'0 r0 8 pon 6 1010 tUI' 1I,Is .0 11'1111 " "l II g. lij ~o "tolll 10 IIlllrk u \tew cpoch 10 . W lLh sucll fl110 0llK drl vor s us HORln. (IIu[Ur CUI' m e ilig. De l'a lmll. fil c ke n hlll, h I', Mulford, All · ken, And e rso n . .('hu ndl ol', Olrlfl old . Chrls lacns, J ohnson, Vall und othol's s tart lll g tn the aOO·mll e, $30,000 rile I 011 Labor Day, tho Coullly Conllll lH' TROUBLE , s lo ne rs ot Hamilt on coun ty wl l/ bb "II1Ul Iw th ...·od wlIh I\vor trr.uble ohle 10 r e·cbrl" te n o ne at lhelr roar\ ~ .huot l.wiOl' II .V Cf\"." wri&o8 Joe with the IIDDI O or 0. mnll who e nj oys DIII !! IlUIIl . W. b~ t"r (, II-v, l ow" , "I I IlI l ernatlo na l tllm o us a d n l'llIg Dlld b .. vtl PUlllSlo lilY sll16 lind bfl e k aDel l Bucco ss ful "r al' O drlv or. It! ~ ))1'1\1111 80 01 ID I\wful sor on oss In my 8\ ll macb th ot lhl s Hoods or Fame 1l1nn wlIl ' , ' be CIU'I'ICII o ut In co nll (lUOII with I b e nrd or (J11J\I\lborl,lln @ TAblot@ SI)rlng l11e ol8 10 be h old u.t lhe Cl ue l,,· and 'rled t.hl1l1l By thll ,1018 I h .. d n RU" (lllw"v Als o. Ilsed hl\lf a b , H Ie o f them 1 wu~ f .ollrrjif tine ulIl'l hnd no ~lgnB of p"ln," Oh'~luuble (\vorywbllre.



--- -- - ..- - -LIVER

--- . - -.- ---

Get the Miami Gazette Now

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~'I'h IJIlIlM Il "nrlllll l1 ~ I,.


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Olassi&ed Ads









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;jel~vor I:!oel~t y

ut New Burllngto o

:lunday olght. Mr . IIDd Mrs . Chue . C leaver, of Olllrksvlllo, w ore vi s it-lug Mrs . Ulenver's si sters here 11111\ w eek. M I~s Mtl l'g llrelt T ollhunter, o f Wilmington, .w~s tho w eok eud gu est of Mr . UD'] ~lrs . J. C Gray . F re ll tlllflll O, our nfI~blo merit Bnd grooery tIl orohl1o$, bas b e e~ very much indis posed for several duy s. Mr . itnd Mr s. B OlDer Bud~on . of X OIlIIl, Ivoro 01l1li1l1J 0 0 fr le Dd~ ber e


I DI1 .1 \ 0 11.


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FA SH I 0 N'


t< lon D'd , it w ilt give y o n ~uoh w eI. . Mr ; nn ll Mrs Bou IJl' lI lnl)IHt II r n r ece ' COID B r e h e t. 11- Wllrl11 S li n d Bootho~ v l~it:JrIg w Ith M r. ,1 ((0 M ll'ln tt f1 ot! Prof. Gild 1.11'1< . Ii: L . lJ.uUou and the «n r l! , 8ti fY p~lflfnl pl llo e M lI lld ftlml ly . two , lnt.(lre~ tllI lJ r\uu g htor s, of BIILn. yun fee l s o muoh b ll tl, r. Buy It at, - -- .- . - - - - ohoster, we re gucsts of ~1r. BaUon '~ uoy Dra g Stor e, o nly 25 cents, V ~ _lo rllblo p IH ell t~ , UJ'. u.nd Mr s . BAD TO HAVE 'A ON Geor g e Rntton. . ,. Dou :t let yoer oold buog OU, rtlOK A ' 8a~ llrls e WIlS Riven Ob"rl ey M r. nnd Mra . Floy(1 An rlerso n II.IlCI y our AV8i Cl W lind boco lllo oh r o olo I Hllrl~n o ~ Ib fl '!lome of Mr. Iln rl Mr ~. Boll'R Pi De .'f"r. J]o n a v Frnok Bllrvey, of De" r Lohl1non a 1'111 , C Irlto n, nf X on lll, DO.t o ed b il l a \Vb Il Dr will b e lp vou . It IUl'I1 IR th e illtln u; Mr . ond M rs. t:!urry Hhldllker Bod F r lclay f o r t.lG v i i~ with rol .. tiv o9 Tun Ward picolo b e ld UBIIt the rIl llti o n, soot·bes t he cough a utl I OOh two cnlldren, I\nd Mr . Rnd Mrs frauk tlblduker, f rom h ere, we r e 8prinlJ,fiellj ohuTob was '/l'B Il ~I . eus ahe ph I g m . Y u"oreBth o ollelel' t ~ nd d, tOIi h elJig vresllut . 1:'lon t,y at· ono . ' Dr . 8ell'lI Plu«.'l'ar.Huno', present • . . is " laxative 'fllr ~rup, the ploe tll'r Mr. Bod Mrs W. L, I:l a rvoy were to Ant W,IS tbe sl oglln . T uo [-tlch . ()"rl' r e onlo[1 W/I8 b ele!, bll llll\ UI heilis the rlltw I!pote, Iposeos . Day taD visitors ODe dny IBllt week . WW . MO(),\fJ'on, ' of 'he firm of 80'nrdllY In the blllln titol ' AIlKllr. th e mucons Elod prevents Irri taUOD McOtUrOD Brol, was In UIQolonllti g l ove of W"It,,,r Jord\tnI The At of f. ho bro,?oblal tnbes. Just ge'"




_ 0 •• 01 tbe moa' famoWl allto race 4rl:'ert 01 tbe world, 11'00 11'01 ID1I8t Darlo Beata. leader In ,tbe OOD&e8' fOJ' -tbe 181t1 cbaulploDsblp, In I speed 411el at the ClaotnMtl bee4WIlF, Labor DIlF, 8eptemlklr 4. DePalma" lecoo4 In the' IIa& cd oosateD4.... for Ute· ~ U,OOO Chem,pIOllBbip the.1I,OOO

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8atnrdllY ,nua.oUIlS bOl!IDe ~8. Sovorol fWIll h ore uttsuJod tthe Grllham plonlc beld ' !Sllturday at Mr. tie"I'1 bome 00 'he V.ytor. !lod Lebanon pika, Howard Graham, wbo ha" he en lIok for 80me \lme I,m relDalDS qlll&e poorly. Bl,' maoy friends wllIl flnlalm ...peedJ qd perma-


tI~ la tl ' lI IlIlI l !"xl!l 'dH t, IlI'r \\'01'1< .... 11011111

'£'1 R II 1 ~1 r X I 111),e 1;1\'1'11 'IS lill II'll '·II ,,,I.!"I'II '''III liN i hp \, 1.,IU (! r~"( .. un 0 M tl'n 'B ' " ,' 11UIl"' UI "II I~ 10 ill' II " '.! III I lh ' 11.·1.1. u n u 1\ U1 pe, )U g I). t tl, 10 0 .y c hnrcb n. .xt S u oday evon i" g . ' A k t h q " Hill wh ll U 8U ~ It., h ~ kn o ws tIlrH . H obt. Grf' Ll J1 , of P n y t (l /l, I "'1'0 tl1l l1 k I Bufr" rOLi n\l U, eRU r ellrs IMPell l, ' u1\du y wab t1tr~. L Oll · hlu r . • wheo on e :lil c eo t b o LI·11l of :-;11) a n 's g nll II ntl fllm ily . I I 1_IUIOl ont uur ed m e ," writ BOD O .Jo@ 0 0111 11 1111 f l1 U1 I' " 1:!1l(!Irt. .'UD. i - -----1 g mtBful UH r. If .vb u h~\, 1l [{h ~ l1 . dll Y with A . l\I . Dill lt o:1 f ,"nll y .. From mll\l ~m ~ll ffar fruU! 'lO ff rnlg i'l~. . "I om 0111 . Ba ok:r oh e.> r Sl1t'enos~ nud N ~tl I ::, Si ck n t th o III' tlOIl t.


,WU8 fairly go od, mll.UY \lOW fn o A. tbl! older allies , havlui \lI\EI!l'U 0 0 . W.E (J'N Alll1nd O. B Beotly w e rn In our cIty Saturday tU08aoLlog bU 8i1lO~II, Wolter KlIblln. the Irord anto,

boUle of Dr. BuU', Plne.Tl!.r.BooIlY to day, ItM 'luBranttlod tn help yOO. At druggtsts , '






to Fiction McCall's is Su preme,"· w rites a New Yorksubscriber. McC Al.L'S

h c l l'~

1,200.000 womun d re~s in sty le a t sma ll (,1:..: -

"vli r

p un s(·.

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N OD,SkILl TrutlA.i

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$11.'15 15.0U IG.SO

1265 1 ,A5


ni tt' F ashio n A uI!:t0ril}' ror 45 y ea rs .

Pho oe 90·3


Mc CALL PAT. T ERNS le~ d ill Slyle , fr l, sirupliotty , ·e onom y an d n U n\bl~r sol d• McC LL·S- B4 t o I,M lICt\!"''' " , un \hly 'i~ th C! F :lIh lon OUlde Kud lC uu.ek; ecli inK: l-i t':l "C!r of nforewomen th'nn 'lOY nth T J1l tl '~.I.dnr In \110 w CJrld . AU the I d 1c l, . .. t yl!l!8 ~vC'r y mou th ; l ~ o dell ll l \trlll s t od .... ; Lll tlel,,' d erm rlrnt nl.

In <'-nolan", h ome dtc lln m 1Jkinc, fall c ,,· w (.r \l:. and wny" to h Lt h u!n l, ou"~"'nrl< , U ltJ SUVIl' Ino ney . Pric'r: o n ly Sa Q COll Y. 5Ot; U y enr , SEND FOUR Fancy. W ork Buak CF.NTS U~ with 39 E..,br"id of'Y' ,rynUIl "nt' STAMPS fOa 32-pa • • MoCali p.tI,·,n'Uook ~... ",.. r"" , ,,()In .Ir•• iI;plhlf'",LI~ '\itlll I " ,.11' r-o t " t .,, 1 ..


u. ~,, ",.n d

mobile I.lelmao, of 'he Moior IOD, '12 LeJ YOIIf Ol,llldNII LeU'll TJpe .. rUlD~ Wall Ihowlola very. beautiful iOWD Va\\!~ Auc.:aa V_lIou. lunructtoD Boo IUU'IBII TYl'E WOl1NDBY, lltllrllo,~N. Y. oar of ID Improved

Saxon Six Livery

,.H)t'''',,, Offr l" ''' ' h"ft''' ~, .,111 Flol" "'-'111."', ./H/J,.-.. ''''/d, At

nlE McCAll CO .. UI W. 37.b SI .. N, .. Von. ell, ,N. T.

~:At"l& _ u





A. MAFFIT .Funeral Director and E~batmer. t Waynesville, Ohio.' We have al;fallged 1With an under· taker to get an auto, BO we will lI" able to furnish elthtlr an IUto or horse drawn funeral. Both phones In Office and ResldeDoo.

Loq d1atance.~o. 14; Home pbon~,





Sunday Sch-ool ~:15 a . m. Tht' liltle fol k h,we finished their tl il' 1" t'IIHfornia ahead of Ihe olher cl/l.Re~ . All hono r to tho children ThE'Y rlirl well. .orne oUl next umlsv sno enjoy with us the study of ' ,uu·. }1nlhan Luplon I.' \'ery III lit hi~ lYord. 'ommunion service lind rp· home on Main Slrl'ct. (lr! ion llf III 11 b rs into t l,.. ehun'lI I on ' unda y morning at 1O:;l . AlslI . Look aft r ( h lilldl"I"~ ' FL'r tiT7.e!" the baplism of Ildult8 nnd infant!! u If YU Il WlilIl g,l( >{1 !!liod". : this ~ervlct' Preaching ~E' r\-ie't' Ilt I ,. .. I 7:30 p : m. These are the I t s(, r · ' , ~h-II . . ·. II. I'a!'r "'A~ a hlislIless vices before tho annulll onferen ce. vls lLer III Uuytoll 1on(]IIY. Attenrl both services. Dr. and Mrs. H E IIsthawny are I/lr ~nc e , rau ~ er. Pastor pending this wuek III ,t he tute Fair.



Eleventh undlY after Trinity September 3rel . ervlc s will he r . .umld next lltldav in t lv!n r v's church . Sunday L chool III 9:30 ' a. m. Sermon Bnd Hol y o lllmulliOfl a t 10:80. Th public cordittlly in· vlted to these ser vices.

--- ... -----


MI~s Vera Price. o f Wilmingt on . is the g uest of her si tur, lrs HallJh lIlilh ,

Mrs . Slislln Cook amI Ilaught.. r ar e Illol' inl,( lind to Waynesville from Mrs. Ossi c i\Je rr it t . n1ll1 her of t"d · Lebal1on. . he rt Merrit t . of II nrvl'ysu url!. di ~" at he r h un e in ~l'rillA'l )o ro Sund'l\' Mrs Lizzie Welling ton , of Chicago . niitht. The funera l WRR h ~I " Wed· i~ \'i i tinl! her lIlother. Mrs. Mary • nesilay morninj! Ilt III o 'clol'k, Sa tler th \VB Ite,

Last of the Season


Sunday, Sept. 3 $1 • 00 BOUND TRIP

C l a~[oIificd





MiSll Car n Lill!, aft r visit with re lati v~1! at a rri ved home Sunclay.

YOUR WHEAT CROP need cost you only about one-half t o sow if you will send me your name and address and the names and addresses of two neighbors who grow wheat and t ell me how many acres you will sow. Ir '0\1 10" 20 ncrn Y.II will use around 40 busbels of you r "beat (.t 2 bu. per acr.. Perhaps you will clean nud grade it and "'''' l ;:!l bu.) 40 busb"ls are wortb at mn rkel price about . We will lead you . t...tlcr variety. nlrno!t willter pr. of nnd cJltlMrclinarily preducUvc. to lOW the 20 ncre. -for . . , . You will bave aub left

30.00 8000


RelIC! What Other farmer• • a)' About Thla Wheat "My crop WaR 70 ac~ an,t yield. cd.9 bu. per acre. 3,430 bU5hels." - Jarrett.. "It mo,. than d oubled tbcyleld 01 olbers.' ·-Cla rk . " Wilt yield lwice.1 mucb alotbers, Just aa ,1 cpreMDtad." -(:Urry. ··Every. body .ya lt Is the fiDnt Iheye ver laW,. I "ill 1019 100 acl1! . ... -G.r. dOll . Yielded 6Ii bu, per acre, Beau allY "bea t ever ral~cl here." -Horton , :'Tbe po!<Slbilil ies of

my whole crop.··-ThomplOn , "This is my third yen . lI d I bave at fine a crop III 1 ever saw.' · Wi.• hmeyer. "I be ll~ve it will be the .Dly wbeat raised when f,mn· ers lenrn \Vhal it is.' ·-Sman , "Vlelded Olle Ihlrd mDre Ih nD olhe rs. I ",ill '0'. "olbln, ellle ." - Beyers. "I thlnll enough o( " 10 10 " my entire crop of It." - Phlpps. " I think It Is the comi nl "heat." thI."I~.a tareunliimted . "- Ellsley . - Webller: "II is far better Ihun "It is as reprelleDled , ] buve:lO I tlIpecl.d." - ]acklOlI. "I have I:l &erel of ll." - Keener. " I "ish I acrel of Ibe wh~at and \,e it ~OIJld have ga lien eDough to sow will thusb 1>00 bu.-Auslll. " A Double Money Maker If you are going to put out a crop of whea~ yo u belter get my propOsition for 8f'ed for one acre or 100 acres. I mean exac tly what IN)" Send your addreas and two others who WIl\IIOW wheat and II'ct full particulars. hundreds of printed le t ters. re o production of phot~graph! . etc It will mean money laved now anda blgtrer crop nex t harvelt. Start now to make more money from wheat. The suppl)' of this Double·l\loney·Maker-Wheat Is limited . ThIs 8uggeats prgmpt action . Write me to ·day .


Bnd Mrs, )<" H Far r and ThM. IPieMr. rce we re Sunrlay visit') rs with I r e latived in Springboro ,

Mrs . . Abl Haines and granddaughter. of Dayton. spent SUI/dav with Mr. and Mrs . Gordon Juy. ' Mrs. M. E. Funston . o r Y!'lIt.w ' I pri ng!!. III visiting MilS ~mrn9 1 ICartwright and othe r fr iendB here . . 1


Mrs . Charl es S tansbe rry . Ron nnd daughter left Tuesday f o r a we k' · vi dit with r elatives in Delroi t, Mich.


p\t the'Price

IMrsMr., Alvina and Mrs. L. A. Zimmerman. S"~ptember 6 to 12 CHARLES E. JOHNS Ly tle, Oh·10 H oltcBmp and M iss Mary , _ . , Ca rs t ensen were visitors at Clif ton '· ____ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _-:_ _ _ _ _ _ _.......________-:-_________________-:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ISunday.


Biglielt, Busielt, Best Fair in the State




Grand Opening Monday, September 4 (Labor Oay) with parade of all 'Live Stock at 12:30 p. m.

19 . Trotting and Running Races 19 $6200.00 in Racing Purses

Great Educational Exhibits . Poultry Growing Contest Two big State E xhibits Horseshoe Pitching Contes t Back Yard Garden Display Free ad n iss ion to all

School Children's Exhibits SIOOO in premiulDs Manual Training and Dotrestic Science Display Boys' and Girls' StockJudg . ing, ' P ig Growing an~

Sehool Children and Soldiers Wednesday, Sept~mber 6-Sp«ial Features, Band Concert and Free Attraction every day.










them tbls well, MI Ns 'nthru ln e Bnrn PI.t left Sun . Mr . AIllbrll8e 8111110811r r e tur ned dol' m " rnlng for u v l~U III I.oudeu . b ome from Olnolnoo\l tluodny morn. Mrs. R.ubert, ~nlhtlg r enfe .'taIDM lUg. Ilr A I OOrllltln aod ftlmlly W elln oR , A¥6 Whttaker and fam'!y ' 0011 dll)", Sunday dlnD or with Wnlte r Whit. Mis F.u ~(, lJ te Wbitalrt1r !lnd Mall'el' uker and tllwlly. RI\lph spellt 8o \' lIrul dl\ ys of th .. MIs8 B nz 1 Molle o fr om Dea r Ly ~l e V8.~t, weetr wit h thelr ~r60dpure n ts. v b lted Emtnl'lt 8eHz ami f" roll y M ... !luci .dr~. Eugene EVllns, of u ellf rJlUudn y .. nd Erlchy . Loolll o . Phyll ts Wi lit am. and (joy H eft lh. Mr. EmU! t Belt 'GRUd ' Inully spou t who bo.v& made qol te all f'xtended o UlldllY III Lubllllon ViR!t wltb Mr. liu d Mrs Corl [loll l.),. fit.- , fwd Mr. Unrl B en i,h ollllorl r et urn tld t o their bOUI ~S, in 8 dalta on Mr. and Mr@ 'l'o:n 'Courtoey Sunday. 'untl ftV oveuID~ ,

ZIMMERMAN'S Specials This Week Best Cane Grim. S ugar Sack. only .. , . . . . . .

$195 ,

Rio Co lIce, pound, only .. , Steel Cut Coffee, S a o tos, pound, only ... ,. . . .... H einz Pickling \ illega r, gal S t a r Tin Cans. d oz . . ..... Post Toasties, 3 boxes .. ..

Hic 20c 25c


35c 25c

This week we will have lndia na Watermelons . Sweet Indiall a Canteloupes, Elberta P eac hes Malaga Grap es, Jersey Sweets O n ioos, Oranges, Appl es, Le mons.

..................................................... : SIXTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL

I ~1~~iRMi~;~ -





Mrs . ::> O. Riggs nnd d augh ter, Ali ce. of Newa rk, Ohio. are t.he gU p.sts of Mr . and Mrs: B. H . Kelly .

SEPTEMBER ·15, 1916


-September 12, 13, 14, 15,


Lebanon, Ohio

Greater and



Than ever, making it one of the best Fairs in this section of the state. The program is a good one.


.Come and Bring the Whole Family



.- _-- -







f(lrBI~~ W~~~~~ ~o:~b~ ~~..yD~~r:;\ wr~~ _bo_t"l'tlp.e~a:'Ptll'l<l-r~"g:;;t;.i,.st-s,_.~-~_.'l'I'!"_._


~rlct Impro"omunt Boaa •. alld OIallod or ,Ie., ItJtd lg-18 sb" " bow .qUIck Mildred . Uverod tho ..Olerk or " Ie Rural O"lnl School or £dllra· ' r Relll e' d y ac:~. t Uon 01 10 W.", ToWIUIIllp D ill· I IDa Ha l' we Will leDd a t ree DY relllrD -1DB1l to anr lartle \I1e'. W._,iIIe. Warrell (loUDly. OhIo. Tile Dqard of EtJucatiou ' of warnl : Olle tbls Coupon to MUdred Tewilllllll RIU'II 8c\aoo1 IIl.trlCI. BOSlon,. M"•., wltb Dam. UOUII&r. 0Il10. I aad 100 for etc.






., T. 8UII.BA.aT. Oluk.

'-.-On. Sunda)' IIr and lira . Barry I:!haw 8n'ertained 'he 'followln" : Mr Vh slter Gilmour aDd ramll, .. and Me~.rl. G..,•• GUmour aDd I Geor.e CorwtD, an from Morrow I and MI.. "n-Ia "'-....... 01 r - ....DOD. ' g-



Geoq. Ocww1D will ........



I am bundling lhe Ci nc innati Capi. tol 'ily Fertilize r 14. and 16 percent gnorls at" and '1 9 per ton. right District Bonds Mrs. Mary Spencer H ug g and IiL· fr om lhe car . Edwin Chandler & Son . tie d au l~hte r of Del r uit . Mich " i ~ Phone 4~-l Y. visiting h er a unt, Mr~. I.,indley Men· Bealeel 0.01"",,111 ,,11\ 1>0 rflCol,ed ut Iho denhall . oillce ot the Clark of the Hoard of E dw;atllJll or W.yne Tow nohlp Hural 8d ,ool m.'rlct 'VatteD Uount y. O hio uULil J 1 o 'clock uoon o n Mr, and Mrs. J. C. ' lJawk e and daugh ter. Mil!S Cl ara . ~ " e nt . 'Lmrlay with M l· . and Mrs. [(al'l Hawke. e,f For ~he pur<:l" .... of 11 000,00 o f tilo 13 000 . 00 Dayton. I •• u" of b<lna. of 'he !tural School DI.trlct uf U r. lIud Mr ~. Whitaker eoterWayne 'l'o wllfllhll', Warrun qOUll ty. Oh io, t(J Mr. and Mrs. MYllr Hyman amI be dllt.od 8ep t.embcf )8t.. ,HUG . .. ad mULurluc:. tinn ed to Suodoy dl on e r, Mls ~ ell 1600.00 thoroor 10 be duu "nu ".yablo SCI" dau ghte r allc;nded t he M & M All· t emlJer lilt.. l S2N: I GOO.Ot) l,llUroo t t o lJtI thl" 80ciation ua nquet at the Zoo. ·in· .J ennle. ElizlltJllth aod Josephine 1ami payable Sop le m ber ht.. l oa l : $Sou. Ou Ree \'ofl. Leo oll 8brlvtl r a Dd Eleanor t.horeo t to be flu o and pa o Sop tcm lror 1M\.. cinnati, T hu rsday . Hllyd uok. IY B~ ; InOO.UO thoro" f t,(J bo .. ue ,,,,,1 \lora ~h ' Mr, lmd Mr~. J. C. P icklt:, of Day. Mr , ami Mr<, C. W. Barnett ar· Se~~l:l~r tl~;·.!r,:~;"nd. will be In 1,110 do· nomluatlon of 1 600.00. aut! l1umhun 'd r o n· rived ho me fr om N e w York Thur~ · t,oo, wore wC1ok ·e"d gneat8 lit tha ...:uti\'Uly (rom Tbroc \ 3' ~. 61x \ 01 hoth III' duy morn ing . afte r spendin g lhe holUo uf A. B . H lu lan and family , elusl"., . Rud will bear uteroHt a.t t ho ruto lit ~ l,.~ r ('tmt. per annum. lutcrc!t ,).Ylhlo 80011 · summer with re latives . Loe Lourena nnd family spent· Innually Oil the J'· iraL Ilay.o l Ma. reh .lid 1111 Slltllr(l!\y lind !:lunday lit the h omA : ."lrst.dI\10 f 80Jl f.,ellllJe f o f ol\cn unt! ' tH'urr r eor durin" tl16 li fo o f each <If 11\.141 I.w u,l H.' Mrs. M A. Pierce a nd daugh ter. of P ,lrUlo r 8'fmley Ilnd famll)" uetir lod t.o bo evldt.lIl';oo h y dOlll('hnble cOllpu nlJ thu Unit. of salt I (,'Q U IKJI.HI to beco me duo Miss Penrl, of LebDllOn . lnd " afLOI' Lytle, ani poy.blo Oil Ille UNIt <I .y or Jllnn:h. 19 17. a month 's visit wi th re la tive!! h e re , \.Jl\ lItoo Coo nty Supt. of Vi8Ual·ion • Eac h ami . n or. • al,1 b""dl to be da lQ(1 Sop,.m!.>"r lot. 19 1C. Hoth prinCipal nlld I,, · left Moriday m orning for lheir hom o. addressed thl} Frie nds' t:!unduy l<lre.1 or .ald 1000do to bo "t The Sohool 8undllY mornl-.ig. \Va ynel"lll o Nfttlo Do.l Ha nk , ,Vft. \·u IjEt \'IUu Mr a n d Mrs. Homer Carey and Oh lo, One Bond nurooorod Throo will bo dm} Wm. Harilln bO il BB his goes' a nod 1)u~·B. bI O 8cpt.c mher 181-. , 192 S; U II O iJu ud son ChE!!ltcr . Mr . and Mrs . Frank ount N red Your wHl be cl ue anti pa y.b1 u 81(1)- Carey and Mr. Chas . Cornell attended oollege fri eud, Uhes'er Bundy, of t um ber I.t.. 1032 ; One 00'1\.1 J1um~rtkl Yh'u Amboy, Ind . will be ,Jut) a nd IlDyahlo SC I)re OlI>e f Jst, lti l li ; the fUT II!ral of Mrs, 0 !lie Merritt, al Ouo Uoud 'nllmbert.'<1 Six ~' Ii be du o and pny- Springboro tod ay. Mi st< Edua Uoyle. or Da),'oo, speot oule Be ~ 1<Imber 18~. IU.O, Bald be",lo nro Sunday at her h ome here. \ri~r~,u ~11~:'O;~:rar~~:~i!f 01:10~~~~r~o~llt8 Willi ng Workers Class, of Sugar D . K . Ll'Isher who was oiltiolilly t.o 110 kuown as The 'V o.yuO '.IlJ woHh l p lturlLI Schoo l O tKtrl ct. tm p r tH'Orn ull t. Huodlt. Suhl Creek. will ha~e a n ice ('rea m s ocial III last w eek Is Improving. hontls will 00 IJO ld tu t IJt~ h lg h Mt ltllJd or fo r Mr. and Mrs; Howard LC\ne and Qot l eu than t.he lr lJllr '\'&1110 nocl wll l t..l r uw Septembe r 2. 1910 at lhe Elliot Int,er ost trom tile UIlLO t h oreof. t:o udl tto n a. 1 school house, Mus ic both vocal and obUdren, of Orland, O hi O, were bhl . will nOI be C<ln.ldcl'O<l , Everybody come. gnests of 0 . W. Roblnlion and fain. B~ld DoudAto he ,Iollvered '0 I.lle Waynes· instrUm ental. ED MON STEWART ville Nat lulI.1 Da"k o r WaYIIOfivillu, Oldo. ily las t w.s elt , . days from tho ,Iato or •• 10 tllerev r, B"d 1>101· President den< oh. 1I be . atI8Uo.1 wl ill the ll"W Ul y uf 8~lcI A . E. B.rton hal gooe to Mlohlgao boMs bororo tho hour 01 ",,10. 0 ntl .h.11 do· to ."oape buy fe ver , ' posit " Ith t ho hldo thorMan. .• rerWlod l·I,o:t·k ~ ~ 00 • • "Ive n~ hSllk, wl,hln the.hlo or Ullin. III NO ~"-ORE GRAY HAIR ..... the O"H,uut or l pc, cunt o f th" lJur nlim· of 11'J. gGld bondN. which tJ oV081 li tlh&l 1J 110 LreatCJi 0 UliuldS IOO 'laOl,,!!o alld retuluOl.l Ly .,,111 f Board or X.l u catlon ror Iho U80 of _al<l School DI.t rJtt III (: ..e II.ld I' hl I. Iccopt,,1 Mlldred Kna HaIr Renledy N.,ver. aod . a ld I1hl<lor r. n. to cumpl)' \\'\1,1< 'he Falls ,erm8 or ultl bid. alill KIlld c/Jock to be made ~aY'I 'lo to tho ordor 01 tho Clark of tllU •• rd To re.lore gray IlIIir to its natural color I lf~~,~I.~I..Egl~c~t~c~·..:::nll',~> ~:i:ij~~~~'lIItI~~ and beau ty. No matter. bow old nnd On Sunday Miss Ina tlamlUon left ceh'o lind pay for th.U .~nd s u,,'anlod Lo h im l,w h er, ahe w.lll aHsnd w;thln ,.,u "aYM from Ih. thllo or . ald .. ", ..d. Inded your hair looks. or hol'/ lonl you f .:lr e 100 l n.nal utilorwl"" relurnod t(I tho !.>hlllor. h I I 'II '. d f 'he Teaobur', Inllitule 'hle week, . N ew C ran It eware . A c"l ncl, l cD~.1 "..... h•• 110<111 1<,,'100 Ulxon ave leecn gruy, I w i wor .. "on ~rl or Pltns " . the Krand til_ ,lupUca'., 0 1 tho .alU \l ural you. keel' you look lDg' youni, promises a' C\nd on TUljlldllY will take up ber Ilcbool Dlnrle' or Wayne Township. warron lohool work therB. County. Ohio! HuOlclont In aOlou.z,t 1<> nny t.h~ luxuriou!, I:rowtb of healthy hair. stap its Kettles !3~r:l:t,rt.,~t~~':?~rI~. lo"J' ~ll:;"f~W~ ("lIIug lIut uud posili vely rem ,ves dand .Joyoe, Dorotby ADd OhM"r lAwl. Sauce Pan. b til II ~" II II kl Ii \v '1 retnrned to their hom. Oo4dll, W hn "'!3:h?'B"a~"''; 1 E<lucatlon 1'C80I"VUII tho rll(hl ru '..\ I IlDt t!O • . II or neD, II Monday eVl nlDR af"r ....ndln" • IU &sins to reJOlCI aOJ or "U blda aotl on ulli "HI I", j"ot Inl ure' your Imlr. Is not n dye. f d ..-:-" Dipper. ~'ifo':l'!:gr;,~":l':!I~~~;:'yp.!'t~:a 'W;~:~ IlIlO"'"t \{efuse nil subslitutes; 60e Bud '1 .00 " r::I1;~8 with A.a WhUat.r and Soap Dishes ,

INotice .of Sale of School

Dayton, Obi~ September 4, 5, 6., 7, 8, 1916

0/ the Ran2e alone - theWare ispee

\\ e coru iully iuvi te yo u to ca ll aL our s tore durin g our b ig Ha nge Exhi bit and see this Rang > dC rnO;]Slrat d by a n expert frO Ill the fac tory. Y OII will th ell ulld ersta nd wit ' we strollgly endorse a nd reCO llltnend THE SOU TH H!ZND MALLEA13LE RAN(,E , We want YOll to have both this range alldthe ware a t tlte pric. ~ you will hav t o pay for the mllg without .tltis war after our big e:\:hibit is over . .i\lany us fu l sOtl venir~ to be giw tl away,

Mrs . . Hann ah Anlrum has been Mrs . Louise Requarth a nd <laugh. quite sick . ttlr. Miaa M,ary, of Dayton. spent Mrs. ffitllmll Relallic\( is attending la8t week with Mr. and Mrs , Charles the Slate "·nir. Stansberry. Mrs. G race Lincoln S mith is In Misses Minerva and J osep hine Ha!lan soent several days la::t week Colum liu!l loday , the guest of fri ends in Day lon a nd Look a.fter Chand ler's Fertil izt'r Miamisb urg, if you want good go o d~ , . Lit.tle Miss Virginia Hamil ton of Born - To Mr. ahd Mrs . Alvin Earn·' II Dayton. is spending this w eek v.:ith her g randparents Mr. and Mrs . hart. Monda}", Augu st :l . n 8U I" \ Geol'l(e Hamilton. M1HS Mary Cook is visiting friend s Rev , and Mrs . J , F. Cadwa llad e r in CorumlJU~ this week amI uttending arrived home from Sul phur Li~k the S tille Fui r. Springs Monday evening. They had Mi~~ D o ra C:lli • o f Wooster. Ohio . a very enjoyable outing, spent sever al days w ilh rel!ltive~ Indianapolis, Ind, Harry Hamilton . wife and childre n here last wee k . ~-----..J ' Horace St. J ohn. w ife and daughter. Miss Hel II Dinwhhlio enjoyed last of Dayton . spen t Sunday with Mr, w.. e k wit.h he r uncl e, Mr . Whinie r and Mrs George Hamilton. Burne t. of Norwood. Mrs. R. S. Shonk r eturned to her Mr. and Mrs. F. B , H end erson and home in Dayton Monday af te r a two weeks ' visit with her parents. Mr. fa m ily and Mrs . J . H. oleman were and Mrs, J ohn S. Thompson, of th e Xenia visitors Tuesday. Lebanon pike. Mrs. Benj, Hawkins anJ Mrs Mr. and Mrs Ed Cooper, of Ch i· Mary Terrell , of New Vienna. were cago, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Stibbs. of guests of Mrs, Alice Keys Tuesday . near Lebanon. Mrs. Hesler R6binso n Mr. J , O. Cartwright on,! fam ily and son Frank spent Sunday with arrived hume Tuesday venin g trom Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Woo llard . a t wo weeks' stay in Adams c oun~y,

W. A, E~bach, Mgr., Dept. 690, .______________ _______ ~

pleasallt hillicothc, I


MrR. G race Lincoln Smith ~J1 lit la st Friday In Mo rrow. th gu e~ t ref Mrs. J. W. Patterson .




Messrs, Dean H owell lind I{ E. Davis a re spending several dnY fl III l he Ohio State Fair ,

From Waynesville Special Train leave. 8 :06

'C/liis Range .J~o this _ ~et Q/Pure Aluminum Cooking\X1are

Miss Berni e Watkins Rnd !aiater, of Po~te r B w ere week· end gu ' at:; or Mi:lS lnis Davis,




"Air l~loat" Talcum .•.••• Denni:lon' a Lunch Seta . . •• " Colgate's Tooth Paste ..•• "a in I" Oil. .. , • , . • • . • .. Machiue Oil . ,....... . .• . V r H~r~~~~' . P~~~id'~:.·.·.'. '.

IOc IOc 100 lOc




DI.h P~ 8 qt. size Williams' Shaving Sqap .. 5afor ... •. ; .. ... , .••• . JOe Tooth Brusha •••••••••• lOe See our wjudow COm b s, all kinds .••.•••. " lOe



FRANK H. FARRW.Theayae.'1


Magazine II... in a, Obi0



Sixty-Eighth Year

Whole NwnLer 33 G

One of the Winning Cars









I '; \\

:;PE P\\ \..

..\ I

\,.\ TIP 'lId



II :I~ L

ll.\~ I:-I·


RIOE THROUGH VALLEYS All u '\\l lI lI1lalll ';


e ro\l J \If \ a}'nc~\ illl! P~() p l e Attcmkll the Races


to lie a

nllc \\'a)' 10' ral,c II

Vni:.1IIOI1 Jt would tuk e many . pages to do· scriue t h' purk. The picLUres will give stlme illea of the scenery . The -i'h,· most fnlll"lI ~ of the wllterfall II Thc CinCinnati !Inti rd,utwu pike mus t wUllderfu I thing to me WIlS thll \\'a~ ncver U'it:!J .b I!, \I f·1t I , its CIl Ii rL' __~~______________________________. u_________________ .~ re tli",,,' Cfl lll jJlIRl'l1 nf lire w te r~ of j(eyser~ . The largllM t geyser the histury asil wa ~:5u nltoy and MOIl ( "y. IIttl M""1·,·,1 Hiver. wldeh hall two Giant had nut play ed for 21 days. All day 100,g th .' flll 'JI!1(lhile~ IVl' fL' f;\II~. n Intal rli~ LJ\IIi'A of ;jOOO fll!!t . thut wa~ 89 long a period all it had go ing il a ~l"tldy - trr- 'un toward:; ever Irone, so lhe next day after we Ih " 1I1,,~t I"'nul iful I>l!! ng Verlllli CIIIC!!1 na t i. ,\" ~u~ frum r.1ich il{lIn . arrivtld. the 22nd day it played . I ~1i nn 'sutH, 1"r1il\IlU. l'l'llIlsyl\'ullilol. SOCIE1Y ' I"all. :121 feet. Th id is ono of th , might make a dozen trips to the Park West Vlrv. ilda and lI1!UIY 't he r ijli.1leH t SOCIETY . E VENTS I "II .. t (llscinntilig !liMht~ thl\l Iho hu · again and not get to see the Giant. wend ed th "i r \\·II.V th rrt u: rl\ Wllyne;;· I t Ul iill "ye cnn I.. ,hll ld : The ~'aI IEl most I'eoplll have r emained at the camp vil lI.! elll'UU e lIJ he SI'Cl'uwIIY at Cill' Wil li impre;ls ivc SO llllll!1ilY, :Vlh:~ :' I'"Ic"n "f. hll\IAve r. nnd whi t h lire near il for a week or more and then cillnllti. . Kune away dislll'llointeli. I wa81· er· wIIIl,Io'rfully .. k ll t re~l l u . AI'6 the As ea rly I!~ :.\ n'clol'l, :I'UlloillY morn · f-:l1lrtlH lIulVk e b came the hride f tuilily lucky In being there that day Ill' alli'l M r" .1 T I :111 I I'II L·r· f II inl( IIlSclllrt('/i II"cre 011 llit.' road , sn ol Mr. Jamcs l'I/c Cl ul'e . Th il r:day morn· See Waterhouae for Auto Livery. It i:l the largetlt geyser in the wor Ill . The conteRt of the . E . . Rf)ciel y mil e aIte r wilt· ""ar :-;hl1runvilll.!, th~ il1g, Au u~ t il l:' l. al !.l::,\1 Cl'd\! 'k, In tRinl'd At dinl1l!r Tliur"dav lite ft,l \' ''~'' lI1it., VILli:!. the Ut'lIfl r fnll s n . I wall LOld that all of the geysers ex· Gordan J oy war In Cincinnati Sun- hllV lng ender! ~o me ti me ago. Il re o lino WtlS tl! l! r ~'Il' 'd. \lilti l lIlor e thlln ,'1 ~ll\rI'~ ('hill'ch. I{",v. J . V. Clld · lo\\'lnl,l" I{UI':!lft : Mi~~ 11." ,;, 1':lli.... "r ill >' 11,1)11 filet ani tit.., lower full~ cept t wu plaYlld that day . I t was a day. ception was Irive n in honor of t he twenty ,ni ll'H lIilrlh at,,1 wuth of th e walladl'r. pl'rf" n ll in){ the ce remony. WUIINlll r, Ullill. Mrs. ,I I': . .J"",WY , ab""t ;,110 felj t. The d rll]l lIver the great dllY in Ule geyser uasln. The Tlw rhul'l'h was bt'ull tifullv necor· M r~ . A. Mulli !. MrR. W. K (, 'N 'all 1i:1IlI [II"t preci pice ill~' fur lhnt th ... winning side wh ich wad the llink ~ id c Speed way wen' IlIacldll' ~ three and (aant thruws a column of bollillil uled wil h f~'rn9 and wh ite clemR lls and childr(!ll, MrH. Sill Elli ~ 3"d \\'illu cfll'riclltht:llVliler intn a varlta . Th e reception wall J,{l ven al till' f II r lines dU"IJ. EILon was II Dayton visitor Ii'rank wator as high a8 200 to 250 ft . at Monday. hl,nle of Hazel and Luci le Mo on '. IJuri ng' th" 'lilllili llti "n ra~c it J'Iw I'a."" 011 lhr- IIllar wel'c filie,1 dUllghtcr , t ht' r.1i ~.(' ''' I':mnw 11,·il(h . 101.., ~hc"l of IIli :it 20\) ya rdH wlrlc. times and the volume of water that Tu esday evening. AU${ust ~ vt h is said th'll ahlllll 111,1)1111 wa~ tallen ,lith while ('u 'mos and with l he !lofr way. Annie lind Manu' \l r"IY Il . Ikht Irum th .. call1lles a mal" 101'1'1" _ __ AKai". Wli"ll lhll wind is no t strort)f !lows from its crater at such tim es AlLer ha ving a jolly lime l h · f'll'e in ut t il ' KIlI'S Hil i 1"'11 :\JvndllV lh" Levi Furnas attend ecl the Stat e -,'one cuu ld flOt Ite imlll{i"ed . Th' , :.. ,, 1 th!' wAle r i8 not flO ~hRngel l int .. wuuld form a goad sized river. I part ~f t he ev ening t he ulues im'it ed nOll'd WUH inlll'I·II:·I·. Fair last week. Mrs . n I'nil!' I uilill ut hi!r plpR!'ant lili~l, it ha.'I wfliru and v" ry l' llr ir'll~ saw Old Faith ful Geyser several the pinks out to . upper II' hich a ftll r l'r(Jtnplly lit 1::-11) lilt' 11"g" rl ropp d P"\\'H r.:~or v~d f,lr 11ll' fllHlil y we re tim~s und an the morning we left the ueing sea ted a t t he tublc eAch wa~ and thirly.<.:lglli rl1:11 h l ll " ~ ~ tll rt e d lin lI1:t rked"i thwhil f' ri ltbnlJ slrl.!alll'rs. home in Il a r"oy:ol'lI fJ~ "nlerluiJlI'd Hll illH I ~ AI. Ilm ·>\ it 5 0 11mb lik a C. T. Hawke h'ls hllen very tilck Berved to 0 slice of corn·hread . To their :Ion mil , I'll" l 'r '("dinJ,{ rill' rl·rl'nltlfl \·. \ li'lH Ih· yo un~ l aui"sll ftltfl l' ri l·"d '!SIl" Raw r ll n n ill~ th rollll'h:l knot . I1nll ba~in as our stagll was paesinlf itf "\ ' Ih~ !/l!1c h inc~ craler Old Faithful gave Ud a fsr e· but Is better today. ue sure. the blue:! t hought thl'y 11Ild neured til" honlt· "t ': Il'h Ih~ li ne h' , HnLl, 1!>lI'I"lCI( H,flly play,;.J 1I!1 ur · day School (III TlliJ ,.,.,, !:ly lit ~ " nO. n>,ain Iilw IlIm t,,~r had (a li ,!n 011 a well t'xhihition by till owing a column played a g reat trick UTIlI hun a jolly !{1I11 to I"n glh, II " al d "" the sec· ~"11 pleillile, wliil'il \\" l~ full'I\\'"tI hy ThORO P" 'S/'li t ",,(''re I lli z I M"or '·. llnl S \l,.rll~o [,.01111 u diHtance. flrlri Tht! venp-rable Nathan Lupt on i good time . uft er ' .which ice cream ond' lup K(!sl<l lind l it I'alilia ran for ~ h' ~ i1arton [I 1\,,1 1)' . wh" in splen· Ve ta Elli". (; ,·" rl!ia WhcL,(·I, I.idll u)( lIin ,c' thlllll(h a plflnk I' r li'Ul rd of water )50 ft in lhe air and pour ;ng OUl VlIst cloud!! of steam. He· very ill at this ti me . and cilke were surveu eillhlc n I ti l,·,; 1,' , .•.. iotld nt'I'le On lid voi\'" >l1lng- llir-.'I' iJl!Il 'Jli fIl1 8l!Il'c :J1l11 Ett n 1{1'1I1ll!.ly, Mart ha,·n !< , It ad IWf'1l sllI l.lunl y .H Lllil fl·"'11 en d til _Hide" the g ..ysers Ihore are dozens 01 [n the after par t of the eVl'll ing Ih i:l laLi 11"1',,1,11 ,, had til g" to tli e ion .: "llecJ\ "~l'. " "Tltf' ,\ wak ell inl( " Leila 1':lli8 !lnci V,·d" S Ulllller .!lIt " lid , find othe r IV,· iroi Il (o i ~c~, I'd ry rc fr csh menlH Wolff' !wl'vL\d Allol .. ft.· r fll~d ll nli n ~. boiling pOlols alld lakes or unknown Look after Chandler 's Fert i li zer gamos we re playecl and evcryone pit. and 1.1 ur"I«('fl " ul,1' l ' IId!.!d h im and " Ll I\'r fl!cl I.UH·." As tile hand» (,f til · clo -I, wer e go· fI deli "h l ful IIflcrtI'JUII :;1'''l1t ill 11Ii1 1( Annthl'r fa !Tl "u~ watp rfllil i::! till' d ~ pth. rhe coloring of these poolh If, you walll good goods. seemed to enjoy themselves very fu r the r ~CI ) j' .. ~t I """"1,,·01 Ii ;; fll~t is wlJnllerful, one called the Morning . mu ch . 11ace af ter l ili i. iJlIl II IJrukcn shaIt ing up towurds . ](1. Mi!!:i Har t.sock ing fan cy wll rk t hey re t.u n"d II) f1 r1 ulIl Vuil Fulls. TIIi" wlltl~ r ( 1111.'1 uho ut \lon r~ t, find i~ ruthe r ~ mall tilory 1'001' is not surpllKl!ed in itll C. /). Benlley was in Dayton Mon. Those being present were as fol· pu t him air lhe tl',lck at tho end of began Luhen~rin ':i w ddlnl{ march thOlr hUIllCls. ~o thnt tho .nt im I.. ldy of water In colorlllg lIy the most brilliant flower day looklnll after his horse8. 81h mil '. Ail kcn, dri\,ing II and the rector and Lridegroom en· lows: Mr. and Mrs. Sargenl , Mr. his <'urderl to ti,.., I,ulllll rl ill 1\ whit., of that namtl. Tht!n there lal':merald and Mrs . Mil ton McDonald a nd two gllot alill al' AIt.!!, ,d I'i illl{ CI Dues· ter d thl) chAncel whero they were Mrs. J . W. Wa rd A'uv' n rii nn 'l' !iht· 'I. of ll1iHt. )' uol, l'risnll1lic Lake, besides man) Abe and Wilbur Dakin of Day . sons. Alvla Kennedy , Mr . and Mrs, tll1h rlf HrH'CIIlI ndud tho !'uce fir~t m~t by Ihe bride' who (lilt rl!u from Ano ther I)uin t I)f Mj)l\ci!11 inl~\·,,~t otlltlrs all with dlO most beautiful ton, apentSunday here with relatives. (l;~ll'ar Stillson . I\!f, un ~ Mrs WI.n . and second l'e. pectll'ely. A t t he end h po n'h Ull lh,' /lfl n lit her {'Ilher . pllrty Thul'Hlluy IIthel'lovoly 81111111wr colurill>(s. Tho water in ell of tllbm Gillam, Mr. und Mrs. b B Dukm, unly I'''tlll rar8 ftl i:;hed a ' follows: .'he 10 ked loyt'ly in U h udsome Buit cottaR' in 11(1II0r o[ Itcr ni 'Cll II"ru i" Mirl'ur Lallll, Thi ~ Lake Ull t dark bluesilk anu blllckvelvet hat. Nelson who is ijoon to I' tum I" liN ~I . O() 11 . 11 1 Is an actualltlirrur lind roo is ae clesr a8 cry!ttal. Some geysers Born- T o Mr . anll Mrs. Frank Da. Mrp. Louella '~h o~nus. !\!rs; l(\.a Aitkens first: d'Alene f;~C lid. Galvi n ofThe usher~ w re l\l r. Honal d Hawke hotTIe in Cali fornia . Th e tahl ., II'n~ 1I('ct-:1 thtJ RCtl n 'ry '1 1' \\,(,11 t.lint ill a pill)' con ~ \.8nlly ususlly small ones. kin Saturdl\Y Sel)tember 2 19IG a Howe. Mrs .•Oba ~ elch .. LI!M~It' fu ck· third.. Buzanne fn ur th. Klein iift h. and J. Wilson 1';' l waf\I ~ . bro.thor and art isticllily d l!CU ra te(1 willi r.,~. '~ an d l' ilOlllt;' I'lWh ( JIlIi 1'1111 !lrl\l"" cly Lel l Old F'uithful about evory 75 or 80 80n: ' " er, Martha ns, Llda alld Et~a Dcvlin six th Elnci Ha iu .. seventh, . minule~ and a few other large ones Kennedy, Marianna GrtlY . Geo rgia R(>~ ta won 'the Giuson cup lead ing brot her· in law of th e bride. Th e cov er!l were Inid ror lilt' Mi ~. ,." I·:rln ll which WilY i ~ III' s hi n dllwlI . 1-:1 Capl tain i~ II ~, ) Iid grallit rock . at rej(ular illtervals. Some craters Whetsel, Ann DI'st er. Je·lni e Lowgon. for t h" first fiO Olil (,9 nd also t he IItt eliolun ts were Miss ('lara Hawke. Kels y. I',~lll Rtl\CY. I r"Il' M I!l~l ufl', Mr . and Mrs. F. B. Henderson Helen Hartsock. Virgi nia McCune. lirst ~[JO(), I!'aoing 111 tirs t hund red cousin of the hr illu and Mr. Carl Ednn J llllney' M C!lIsl"H \{u ·1 Farqhar :1: 00 fee t high, l' o r jl ~ lltl i c u lar frolll pour out a volume of steam WhOS6 roar clln bo hoard quito a diatance !lnd daughters were Morrow visltorfl Clara Hatt on, Ir ene Ungl e by, Vinl" milt'S Ai tkin . th l' willner, a eb ~l cClu r (l brot llel' of the bd!legroolll . Wal ler Wil li nn,g. )"t'nll~lh Il oll j;"h , lito !l uor of thp Vall"y , ' llch fllce of The rt! arc 11180 pools of boilinl\" mild :3unduy. Jordan. Ern eel Gillam . Wilbur Hawk . $J:.l,UOO fo r his afterno n's pe rfor m- M.i:ls tlHlVke was charm Ing in a sit'k Ern est Earnha rt fino! I.y man ~il I'(' r . which wo uld uccupy II II I.mco of 160 An enjoyabl e af te rnoon wn g tl Pcnt ill lI·rOll. of dilfllrent colors. called Ilailit pol:! Laurence Stump. E verett Villars. IInl·e. d ' Alene f!l.OOQ. Galxi n S:1.UOO, uit and black velvot hat. Mrs. J A. Funkoy Is visitlnl! with William Lawson. Elv in 'henow elh . Lluzanne 11,500. Klein i'- I.:JOO. lJ evlin. As the recessionllJ man'h wa.~ plfly ing glllllca . The It o~t vlow to hn ohtl\inod anyIt is a strange r('gion and I would wh,;r other than th,· a ll y, ill ( oI aplayed Ih' b!idlll party lef t t he have enjoyed Bpending more time friends and relatlvas in indianapolis Levi Lukens. Charles HuLl. luck. H.2LlO nnd 'Baibo fl ,'100. ami Chicalfo. 'ier I 'Ilillt. whh:h i, a t t ho tOll ,If a there. Cllrlton Cook, MOl t lin. Lor II Aitk n li!!i ~h c .J the aoo mi le~ in church , til(' YOUllg cou pl\! leaving' im· MifUI Lillian Wll kol"llun entt'r tailiHI precipio'e from the Vnfiuy 111111 72 1-1. The Grand Canyon Is the greatest Boer!lller. Char les Doster. Owen Hpr ;.j:(J5:~n .:!:', mak i ng" an a \'erllge of ll1~diotely f ur u short wl>duinJ.( trip. Uoon Ihei r ratul'll thoy will g o to (wonly of hor fl'i ('nlls at a 12 o":li,ck feet 111,,'\'0 9('11 It,vnl, On Munday Mr. and- Mrs. John Wright~ of rl s, Alvin Harvev. Bruce Carr , Wil ~J7 Oti miles pel' hOlll . ~c e nic IIltrllction of the Park. The coloring of the cliffd excells anythlna Detroit, Mich. are vi~it!ll g Mr. and liam Do tel' and He 'c Lawson. \ llIll (~il Aude rtitJn alld his teammate. hou ~ek eeping in th eir cozy horne al· di nne r Sunday. T hORO I I' 'Hmllw'r ' Illll rni llK . J uly 10th. at 1):00 a . m. we I ever BIlW. They hllve pllltformb Mrs. George Zell. Hartsocic. )3\'cr ell S~h unlaeher. Wi l . 'h i · Id ~ , Lurned \lVE' r twic nt the read y fli rniBhcu on 1I1iarn i st reet I l\li Bes Corinn(! W(·kh. Al il'o Ca rllY. I"ft l ho II or of tI", Vall ey fllr l tl llder Mahel 'n li ~bllry. Anna 1 " lIr!1l1~ . 1':01 1111 ['"i nt. This is a dis ttln 'e of 21i !TItles built where olle can walk out and liam Lukens . Ve rnle Cline. Ha rold hume ~t n·\.ch on Bt: ount of II broken Just off of Main . Mrs. M.cClurc i ~ the daLl l{hlel' of 'rnelI, H ·I·n Mar lalt. 1\IlLuerill .· nlthUlilth we w ra cam pcr! immedilook down From one of them, In· Mrs. Elizabeth Ze llcr~ spent Sun· Gill fl m . lire. i\ll(ler~on \\'a:l on e (If the fa splration Point, It Is said to be 1600 day in Cincinnati with her Bon. Mr.• Everyo ne pr ~~e nt r eported II jolly v" rite:! allli \l"a~ nJakin)( g .ICJd time Mr . anti 1\11'6 G W. Uawke >tnd I.. IClark, Mildred Smilh . Il nzrl W\·loIl , a lely un olur tho GilICiH \'uin t , 4C10tt ft, 1·0 the river beneath. The lower Will Zellers and family. ti me. wh t.!11 the acddcnl occurred . JJ e u. vt! ry ptlllllla ~ ~' (lUlIg sU\'i",ty wOlOan. of l1ayton. ;\"~~'; I·'; . 11000\'flrfl (; II ~ti l1 ,. [co ll ,,'IIlIV. TliiMiM I ho mO!lt \' re Alf rl'd WnJ,{ht . ~li'lll, 1iI11lthe I lIu~t RtrllnUOlhl olfor ts tllild are just twice the height of hut! a leg Ur okl!n. Lil t il is thoullht 'h i~ u graduate of the Wilyn esvil ... [rvinl,r Welch. \ 1';l'erctt ·IUlII. !." iH 1"irPR. My rl'lI IV' hat! hy HUt(l)1\ !tile during the Niagara but of coune the volume of :hat Shield" is so blLd ly hurt that he Hig-h Seho"l. Lost- A pair of dou ble lens glasses Mr. McCl ll r" i" one of Wa yne· Keeler . Ell iolt \ r iKh l. Ethan t:r ulH' , cnli re t rip, alrhn ul(h it !fllve us no water is not near 80 great ali at N . wili di. Il i~ uadl WIIS Lro ken in th e j fali viII 'g rising YUUII!; bu ~lneSl:! men . Hn. mont! P cl:wlain. of Day tOll, IiIlL! wo n·~. W' climlJ'd f rfllll the !loor with gold Yellow~l(lne Lake with its blands, leave fram es. Finder will ~Ieu~(! .SCHOOL "'ILL BEGIN at the Gazette otTIce. VV I,f t h Valley lI lIto n height of beand il~ deep blUe waters set against The crowd w a~ (!.-;lima tCII tu l1um· Il e i t htl elder SO l1 l~ f t.l r. al d Mrs. , 'hesler \Vo\o:.. tl. ·lIf (·\J IUII1IJU ~ . Walter Mr.Clure an d i~ IIssocillted I \\"CO II .'000 HI"I \1(1)11 feet. 1I(! re lVe a background of anow capped moun b r < uOl t ·1 ,1111). Mr· and ·Mrs. T . R. Smith, of . I!'()t S(l hhlll thRt IVI! camo 1I11110KL in to ulna i. the prettiellt body of water I AI1)on g lh o"~ 1\ III" allcwiC'd the wilh h i~ Ca ther in the undertakill!! were gUCllt~ of Mr. and MONDAY MO RN IN G raCCH we re II'. un ll :'Ir~ Walter husine s i\lrs Ed . !lakin '1I1 ,·rtaill(·(I ., ove rn l tho lino of p ~rp('l ll a l tlllOW , IIn ti in have ever seen. Lookinlf acroas the Brookville. ~unday. Mrs. ·E. V. Barnhart ___ ___ -- \. ling lullil'S III her 1,1)1\' Thu rsda y J"el l hl! runo! had h en I lit throuJ:h north end of Yellow~tone Lake high ChandlC'l'. ~1!" . IIIHl Mrs. I'; V. Barn· Ufteflh'Un ill 1I : 1I· \·I 'y~llI ll'g. Th ' the slllIw . Il cr ' \vo 8n owlta~ l('d for up (111 the mountuln Bummits Is seen Ilan. 1,' IIllc !\Irs L. A. Zi,n mcrMrB. Emma Dakin. of the M~~onlc }'uun>, hldw~ " ','1 " :-\"I.·,j 10 br i"" "evorul'r1i l1ut,\>\ lin thu 10l h of J uly. the prostrate figure of a woman Home. Sj.Ji-inglicld. spent severul Illllrl. !III'. 11 1,, 1 ~lr-< . Il uI'r J' .~h ·1·WOOL! . School uellins Mond ay, 'cp tl!llllJer ~1!"~ . (; 'fJ!"j,l"C I,~I I. ~II' . and 1\lr9 lhC'ir bahy p ir tllflJ~ and nt!f..'d lewfO ri< It''!iutiflJ! ~ 11 0W 1\'lwcrR. "nly ~r o w · · It III called "Tht! Gianteae." A days here last week with relatives. 11 th o Thl' fi rst bell will ri n ~ at 7: 15. Carl Scrvi" i\1 r. aud ~I r~ l'ar l H n· • 1'\1 u·h 1lI. 'rrimelit WII!! l':LtHw (\ I, y illk at nn ;lltil utle l,f I11>Oll t !l01lt) Ieet mountain forms the head and f.c~ GIlIZEN tho second and Iflllt bell at 8: IIi . A t , 1l!I' ~o l1 . I\h·:.~ r~ Wallt·r ~l1lit h . Ben KU~:lsinl! wit" till'}' " cl',· Mi !'''.·" '11'11 1' . lh tl III n~t beRu ti f ul t hin g In others the body. drawll up knees and ~r8. H. A. Cornell was brought noon the b " l1 ~ wi ll ri ng at 1>'.:40 IInu ' Vl'H tn [';I"~11 1 111 Mar lha 1.,,1. Ii " I"'il ,g tile wurlil 1\111111. t, a nd !tloorl rot! , IllilLiy Ihe toeB. The eyes, no~c. 'Illd Hny tlli II ~ . l:aYIlI\,ml I )'i\·i~. home from the ))oy tall hospi tal Sat· I o'c lock respect ively. S.:h oul r.lo"c 1; f.'O !""", Wall' h "'.1<I·. Ilca ll tlow ·11. llie Wilillel'H fu.(' l(uI· ~,i n).( all .. I' tltCTH W l' r,~ ~ 1ll:1I 11t'1" in 1'T\ ,l'ut\1 lOll. Ther a mouth, chin lint! In tact tlie whol(' VERY ILL righ t. Tlil''' lit e 11I1<I P '~ llil H".! i~ Ii fill of $~;I.\lO I','r 1\il:ki nlI fln c of fiKure Iii 1II0st lifelike allli well pro unlay afternoon . ~he is Improv ing Il t :1:30 . [h'ca r Smith, W. It Alien. C 1\ rapidly. -Int hc~ ]Jill~ I1I1 U l'ap"1' Ill'"Ulld an.! Llll;~ ' tlowers as tltiH is Illl wilhin t he portioll(>d The til(ure exr ends ulonll El' er y pfl rent is urged lfI ~ arr hi ~ Ilar tsock, ill;i ' ami ~~li\\'lird Itick~. W(' W(\f' rl'III1""II ,.l III dres.'1 tlll · t , ill ~. ,' OHomi tl Nnli.mnl L'arlt and .n,clu· the mountain s ummit fur perhaps 50 chilrl the n rtit dny ~ , ) a~ l.1l a\' iLl 1111' \Iy r ll yrn /1, ,1. \ . MIlIt!I' . Fr ()11 In 11 \totlE' I' t o Ihe GII7.ulle. Mr . MrB Adda 'l'lmscy lind Miss J ellnne l\1is~(>.~ Vellu SUllln.; 1' allol "esla 1·:IIi. ~i v cl ':tllltruli(',l by Ihe U. S. Govmiles. It I~ on«: of the ~lrange~t cU llIpI! C ll ti' lII ~ t hat. nco! sau rily uri:<e l-i owk,P.. L F. l 'erldn s. I··re Ilal\ tw. Frel\ W. 'olh,tt, f ashville. Tenll .. sights I BIlW i ' Ihe Ye llow~toll e Fe rgus" n. (If Dayton, spent 11 few from enle ri n!! late . Le t erich cn ild n. L. Crllne aUll ;' on . Ethtl I, I'red ays: "My fathe r , ,). . W. Collelt. i ~ tllolc their 1:1" llI t('\ a n,1 tooj< H,l 11 Il' erllln nl.. L\ nnwinl,: tlil' PNIHmrii f' ulu r Willis 'I h"ri·. is IInother /igu re callerl' "1'Ilt" daYtllaHt week with Mr. lind Mrs. J . bri ng el tllf' r hl ~ ~ r a c\ e cu rd or pro· ' ;,)lJS, . L. :alLuur . 1 M. White . Vl'ry ill and hll8 utl'n ror I!l'wra\ pirtll r 'H of till' J,{ r" ,,\' At· II '1el l ~nl1 Gillnt" but not so WE'll detined as W. Whit ",. 'orllell..J. C. wi'el(s Alth oulOl'h with 've ry aUen · flblu h,lu r r\, 'lii'irl1IH fl 'i'n·uh THl'n t>; lor lliu VIIi II 'Y. \\,Ii'n \\'\'. canl", 1l<l ;L1" to molll\l1 ce rti fica te . T here will be no Ilarvcy Hye. Chari w,' rl' ";['1·V I'" II I ' ~1uL.(: ll juycc'l.Lj.~~·tH'- P lli Il L we \t,,,1 1l moat in tllrTile t;illnt css . !!c hool 1\111 day II fternoon . L':s.~on ~ Hawke. J . J. Il arts()ck, Ceo . Pratt , Mr. Rnd .\h8. Knowles Co nn. d wlil bl;! BS il{lI ed <lnu seh 'dul cs or Poll is Long , ~!r . und Mr~. I:l . Il . Kel· t iull . I , ~ is g- radullily getti n~ wOl'se lh . LIft '1'I1,,(Jn 1,1'1'1',' : Mi-;" ..: (;l'"rv:ia l-,;lilll( Miw-h t . whi·h lH'ne nl'p d I tl\llk a trip 1111 tho Columbia all the tillle. III ~ mind reve rt. ittlck Wh lticl. V,·0111 ~nlnn"r, I ,('lin 1·:lli". 111 11\"1 ' lI ml1 t ill' dri v r oC the ~Ol· . IliYRiye r 'unuu)' from her" . The fltli R Ion. Kennelh, Wl!rtl wcek·end vi. · ra ng-eli in Ih e mor ning and Ihe r hll · Iy and 'fV. E. Corn pl). to IJY g-on' daYH. und hI.' culls to mind 1·: UII HlIl l l.idli l';I·llI led\·. V,·" tll l':lIi". se lf. 'I'he rua,l led upwnrol nl qu ilC of Mlilinolllllh EI II RIO fl hilCh, itortl l! l tlio hOllltl of Mr. I ~ulte r­ dre n will th en be fr ee to 110 home. Waynt.'sville pCilplc whom hc se\'l'ral 1111 illt'li llC, und it Hl!L'III Cd W u had ':(11)(> I\Jartha I ,,, I;en,, alld I tu,.i'l M""r(' . There arl! ~ .: ~e l nl IIlher f tliis thllt thwuite IInci fumily. ""l11emlt,!rs, ,j(:1i H~ i\11' find r.1 rs. II . S. s tucie ntR will be expected tu III t h'l '!l d of tho I'""d nll d W I' w(HII L! shuw p!lIinly fH\m Ito" buat. Nalhan Jone~ . I\lrH. I ;Jeh" 1 I "y ti. ISHac :;tollt nnd family, who came COll1e prepured to et t ie for their d rop ",f tho prtlGipi l'o 101)(1 [(Oot I IVllnllo I1lCntill1l tloe f10wllrB in Mr. !Inti 1\11'3 S L ("nrtw r illlit. Mi~~ ~t l'lliJ.tht d(l\l"l1 . Il nwl'vOl·. II'hon we the Yt'l luwslolie 'l'~.e mountain hore frum Cali fornia ncell tly, will books No boo ks will be g iv n oul Gcorl{la I-Illddt'l!, l' hilip ll opkins anl l AR ~ hurl j{' lIl(' a hullt III\) YI\nl" fur ther sides and slutlell werl! ubla:4e with I'emalll hcre thi~ y,inter. Mr Slout that are 'lOt palu (01' at tho tilllu. · m all \' olhr: rs II£' waH LtO I'll in Way · ' tho rrollll tol,k Il ~ h a r p dt:clillll " f .. hnul mllflV vuril!lies uf th ~ mo~t beaU tifUl will teuch In the Lebanol! 8chool ~, n,!s\:ill . in ! !;;J:-> .. :!fi p~ rC'Ht t . a lld a IlIlirpi n cur l'e. zl~· fl u wen lIIarl\' k'lnlls Ihllt I hud nevo:r ,.'lI{ ~ I Il )( dow II for ubllll t xull feN to seen helur(;, IIIIrt soille thut lire Mr. nnli Mr". C. C. Cllrey and tile (;Iuciel' l'oin t Ilot I.' ' Thi ~ hllirfuuml in . cultivation in the I!a, t llimily Ulld Mr 611d Mrs . Roy ,"'rle. ijUARTERlY MEETING POSTS pin cur ve waH prnba ,Iy t he Illllst Will1 ¥ erulilum d hlld . lCaillardiaN liT' If Sidney. Ohio, wt!re the weel< cml · d:lIl !tcI'lIl18 cur ve. at l e:~t. thllt oue quit~ c',lnmOIl in 1,laces. Thll wild I(U€!ltd of Mr. and MI·s. L A. 10im eXI,., rienc"s ori tho enLire tri ll . 1I INSE CTS CARRI ER S . guilllil·di/Is are filll'r than IIny I eve . mermun. S1. MARY'S GUILD Tlt e (;oo(\l'irh Tire all .1 It Iitu('r Cn . one ", .. re unllbil! to make thi ~ cur ve . IlIlW CUltivated in Ohio In filet 81 of AkwII . hnd th,li,. l!1 ulor t rll ck. I'ith a n auto mobile nothing could ft., ...·e l·~ ijet'1Il 10 I!'rolY to lin unuBul.1 Mrs. Margaret Thomas lind dnujo(h· BLIGHT DISEASES .. 'nor tin ' Liz" in t IVn I I\~t Wed ~ a v e it fl'ulIl guln g "I'or the llrocipi o. sizl' und have a greAter . hl'illancv (;f tcr~. MidH 'harlotte Antl'ulIl and ~r. nc, lay. Th!:'y wer ' !l r,lute to Cin · f' nJll) ·th o Gltlcler Pll int Hotel we Cl)lurilljo( h.·rt~ ill the we~t. l'he .. ud Mrs Shelley. of Arcallum, ar" cinn ati. Thill compllny ha_~ c r cted ('ul dd Il"ot it w,mLlt1 rful vipw of the The l~u arte rly meeting of Sl Ma· rO~\l8, duhlias lind hydl'lll)gills Ilfl! tht:' llU(!8t8 of Mr. ulIll Mrd. lieorge That thL' 01'1(Imi5111S of lil'e bll ~h t gu iue posts on \ltl, (lOl:) IlIil l!~ fir till' hi,::h Sierra,.. 'I'hll hi ~ h ri! t moun· ry's (;utld will be held at the hume mo~t showy of- th.' cultivated plants Hartsock . of t he ap ple and pear clIn I\vo forr highway of the c()llntry.. IUld lai 11 . Mt l.y 10 13.u90 ft. Her' ffl r of Mrs Ha l'ri s and Mrs. Masher 'l'h"rt! is U \V'md~rllli vurie ty of ruses mor e than B \\ree k in honey rie w of "Snortin ' Liz" . !lnrJ her C'l'll \\, IHi VO II radi us of (\ floe n miles WI! could hert: IUld muny of thOl lJlooms lire six ' Misses Annie and Mame Brawn Thursda), a ftern oon, September 7th. \,til'IV th l' liu.· of perpct lllli ~!l O W .lIld !IIJhid". IlIld th at the orgun iams cnn donc ali the \vo rk . inchelJ in rlillmeter and look like left Saturllay morning for Lheir from tw o to four o'clock. The re Il1 llny ~1[lci · r~ . Fro ll1 this now and - - - - - - --live f r nt least tive days nn plla'~ h, p!!onllllJ In siza. rhere is 'a park hr.· IIChoul ~ ill Xenia and ColumlJus, after' will be a muslclIl program. Ilne! li g h t the~e g-illcicr:'l th " Mero ~d river I ~ 1,lu m and herl'Y nel!tnr, duri ng that huy a plot of 81100 rO>!tt liush r e .pendlnll their lIummel' vllcation in refreshments will be Rerved All . .1ern ally f~d . At. t :Iacier P()i nt, the memuers are urged to come and inc\uolinll 700 vnrlt!tie~ I am goinll Waynesville. which lime they may p os ~ibly ltC' MIAMI 111111 in fReL thrn ugh all the higher car ried to hosts susce ptib le to bli srht bring their fri ends. The offer ing . out tu lIee the.m in .the mo·rning. Si I' rn~ ell l' 'roll hy thiH view. the infecti on. ' are conclusions reac hed by taken at these meetings is f or the Portland haB 8 rose festival every Me88rs. W. H. Allen. B. S. 11011'· 9nllW ){ ,t>l from 1fi to lOu fellt 'leep. elwer l:! stud)linJ: thlts problem at the . year in June. Same of the dllhlias ell' Myer Hyman, Oscar Smith and Pllri~h Hause fund. We at IlI llch nt this most beautiful Ohio . Expe riment Station and reo ,.re immense. I hllve seen thl!m IIF Dr. J. M. Miller ' were at Sharon· • r: • r nrt ell in its · Septembe r Monthly larlle as my hat crown lind of a won ville F'rlday afternoon attendinil the MEETING point and rull et l tl own 4000 foot, " dis tnnce of 2li n\lIos. l u WUWO\lIl. Bullelln These men have also found derful rllnlle of colorl!. The hydran elimination races,' anu. reach I'd there ill time. anlt W(lre that the blight Ilerm will live f 6r 'aiae are blue. pink and inl.t>rmedlate about three days in honey. . The Miai'lli P ri mitive flall ti~t A ~· in !plcmiid sJUl1'O fo r a hilt slipper. .hades, and the bUllhe890ml;! of them Mrs • . J. L. Hartsock, M1M Ru I h DEATHS After II ~ uod n i g ht' ~ rest We left lqie~, ,, snts and vari ous kinds of sociatioll will be hdll at the Midd le· IL8 hlach as .ones head, are a solid masR Hartsock. Mrs. J D. Marlat.t. Mi!ll Wawolll\ at t': 1\. m , amI in seven Qf bloc'm. . .. bees VISit honey dew a nd 1!ower s of ru n church noitt Frida", Saturd"y Helsn Marlatt and Mrs C. M. Rodiffer ent fl'uit trees, Thus it is pos- and SunLiay A cvrd illl invit ti un t,1 miles camo to [lIlothe r gl'ove of the I will be here three or four days bluer attended the Alexander reunbig 81;)1IUola b ees. the . MaripoSil Rev. James T. Ball, aged 93. one sl blc f or the bligM to be carried to all . lonller. and ' will Iret down to San Ion at Clear Sprln&'8 Monday. Grove. Hare Is the lirlz; Giant 32 of the oldest clergymen in the Cin· . t rees susceptible to infedlon, . _ _ _ _ - _ - - .Franclaco aboat August. 20th where feet In diameter. 2::15 feet high. the cinnati Conference. dlod at hiB home J'wlll remain perhaps a week. lariest limb beinir six foot in diam· day. Rev. Mr. and M~. '1.. J. Hopkins and In Norwuod last ThurM ---.... ~.-~ daullhler. of Cincinnati, called on tlail officiated In Waynesville M. Ii) eter and about 2tJ() foot frol11 the g round. Here we droVtl througb Mr. and Mrs. J. H. COleman SUll- Church from 1879· O. He leaves CHURGH NOTICES lhe California tree . and 01,",0 throu~h day afternoon. Mr. Hopkins Is Ilen- four children, three, daughters. Growing Young. the Wawona tree about 2 teet in Mls!es Ella and Sarsh Hail al'ld MrR. eral man'Ker of the Dow druptorea. Tbore nre two \\'uy~ to keep froni Where Tt1Cy Were Likely to Be•. diameter and 275 feet high. and the G. E , Randall,llnd one .son. Harry, to .Tol ly ~l liIl (wi""" UPI'"tl lo tH th" road ill made . directly through the his 'Iosi. The funeral WIUI ST. AlARV'S CHllRCIi :~~."'~: ~~!r'~: t~r~e~~ t;~~~.)'o~~! Mr. and Mra. S. A. Stilwell pusad in~urn t'1I1'J' (If /ill hIs f " Il "w lJ plI1'd rlJ )-"Well, the cut through the tree be· center. held at t'he M. E. Church in Nor·!! MafY B. <;;eora-e, daughter of . . apirlt o.f )luullI II caltlvnted by loorn· t1hroUIlb W..,neeyllle Saturday. UYenr u ~,·"r I 1"'1' tn~t lwll b ulllmR nu my Mr. and Mrs. A. K. George, 01 WII- Twelfth Sunday after Trinity ~ep· ing four feet abo'le the top of nn 1II1 new thing.. A deBlre to know Ie nJ enroute to Lebanon, wbere tha, wood SaturdllJ afternoon, Revs. '·CKt." 1.U(ly uf ll, 1' lifuUKU (who hUM mlnjlton, WB marrlell last TtlBBday tembor 1(). Sunday Schnul . at 9:30 automobile and about two foot 01\ followed b1 Dlental IJ'Owth. ThU8 )'011' WIll 'Jpet\bIJancia f..., day". lilt. StU well Stockstill and Hart officiating. betlu Wantllll! tu 11:1 \'0 hlru a hlnt)- to Alvin MaRnon, of Florid",. The a. m . MornIng Pra~or and sormon each aide of the automobile. wu u t the hlult of bill "You will most IIllely ,lInd them In tilt! youq people left the aame evenlnll' at 10:30. Tbe puLlic co,)rdlally inp-ow ,OUIII In Iplte of wrInkl8B and caJlVUIlilad. for auditor of Sate In . (To becootinued) for their new hOlDe in Tampa. Fla vlted to th.....~vlC8I , IrBJ. ba1r. . _ __ _ .• I , _ Aquit. dJnlDa roolD, alr."



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' 11 Ii LEl'l ER nw~\ A \) t I' ~1 1I 1.r.;o.,



---------1 c. Lp!HSO~~N~_ . CONTEST IS CLOSED





Te rrilory Is Unsurpassed for Nat· ural lIelluly-ls In Oregon at I-'rcsent Timo


LABon O~

~ L I~ ,,

The Track and he Winner

One of the Prizes





'l'tWl'l' WU'I :L hro IL;:t Inl": ... IHIHl tlllfin

II'", IIIt'l I' l"IJ 1'111.111 I'" tili. r l.:ht h,,,"1 I n ttll' ..;UtI.t, hu! '\ It ) ht .. 1, ,([ Jw to \ \ I~l,j


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. h rlt'k ..1 111101 ImlllL( towlIl',1 II.


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'~ BEA'UCA t R E" I~THE eOHq,UEST OF C.u{MN .,

hll _h h,' Pil I II llflll II . " I j'o r n .... ,)1I I n I:n\ ! w l l r r ,· p rl'lh'rt y ~n " ':t


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111111 I'vc-- J . H . Tr," '.\'.



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lI C' W(l IiL IJJl O t h hUl\k lI R IlI C'Sftf' I1 t:t' r. !'fc,' (' Uh' ,' t1 Y.... ll t·!oI old : hfl wa s pr~ftltl t' u t

Wt rl' hOIl Il,1 IUhl,s ~IIO U III ""


a t for ly ·lhrl'(>. 11 1111 110 hlill t tlia t IJll llk wl\lI "I~ 11 ft' for rorty " l'lI r~ Dl llre. Ollt


shill' a ;':lIl lI . II tltl Itt' (li d 1-:". IIll tl 111'·...


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It W Il R (lIalllt)Jl I that l 'Ullllp:ll? Vu u't ," 0 \1 It'l Id lll nil t1r( lgl'rl ? 11 0 u~('(1 t o ('0 1 n hog ' tlt' nBibbs, cOD"lu cd tbllt th e m~ r~ III) "' '! H e \\,1I 11 !"; t o \'n'i li l, !lm1 lin \\" d n H il ts tlnt1 u n U(lJJlo ( o r 1\1 11 (')) : hut h (' sllmp.e of him. Ju st tlJl'lI . w OI1 I<1 pro\, ,' ' Y0 1l k lllJ\Y t llu t h...- , 'Oll ltlll't (} II i t If ,\' 1111 W l l!'1 U'r Htl u gy - ht ' \\' U S In:.; t 11 \'1 0 ' 111 h i", DOtblng IOS8 thon InoulT" rlllll (> r" r h l~ .$.:11\' " !l l lJl tI f'll: l llt',, : J i l l \\, 11 0 yll l1 k n o w I h""1t II'~~. _II0 I Il(l 11 ' t ('nro f ()r pic (lr llIa tl .,

nil 110 Phill ip VI lI ol\ j " ut l n V. ' ,;mlt h lAl Ill. ( )r,l r 10 .. 11 Il \ 11 !lull rij,,1

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H o w a,d V l\ WI lI ultl C. H o w. l' u~ U LIO II II f r ( Ii 1 e~ l ato . «r tl b u l U d lll I.,. Ur ll II V tl CllII r l ~ ~: . S r ..... O IH a l l 'ur l ithJU Cl i I' .. I M";V


\til e . .M utl!l l ~

B u ~h IlY .

r.1. Hll g h oy v ~ U ll ly h V. IlL \'(lf C U; :('''<18 u t'l( led v I

clot)' . Probate

Cou rl

I'roce edln\: ~

l!;u Will 1:1. U " "l' ril, lluull ll i.l,rut o r -.I { 1110 e, uul o uf 'llIlIloh Il . Hu r iu o,', tltJOll uSUlI ,, ~ LllIlltl u h I!; t:l ltl'ltLltL' ct II I :)1\10 lJ l Tl'nl ~, l lI toJ l'UllU ,lJW I .It ,tI ,Iceu ullu tl l ~ lrl u u II U " v nl tl r tlli. 10 I'e Mr ... T ulU 'l'Ii Y I 1' , IIl ,lIL ne • a t f vr lJ ~ u rtll lJ J\U ll ll ri~ ~\). .)o;tj la ltl CIt \ ' tl rtH' i\11l ,Y II IllI All ll oliIllr ,\' Uuok,)tl , IH Ill uH . ::i<'I'II II,1 IIUUll t o f I:!U ll rlJltIU Il ' ull . 1n r e EISt ii tu u f Cly Ul IJltI !llt Ul' r ' l d/lU~ lltiod . j u v o illory 11 1111 "11111'11100 lU e nt fi ltlu . In r eti t ute o f 1:)11 111110 1 ~1 . Cru IU. ' ,Ie oe llsud . ,IUU 101'I M. t; mip: " l' P" IIl I"d ,uiw iui " I,ru ~o r. Uon d ·.I,UlI 10 r o l~e l ato 0 1 ::ltlUl llo i M. Crrll C, I d. \v ' U 'IJ WI \ ·~d:je . I III Ul L un llY , '1 ' 1 Ita m 1. L un t! a uel Tlt lJ w u:l Hoe IllY UP ll olu l&d llpprul un .

h,' IIII,,, 't 6"1 Ill' IlI l"SIII'" -, " 111 ('111111 " 1 ""I " lII o hl le~ -h u hllll h is hlln le. It W Il R III "')' Ihll l III Igl1 1 I llllk~ III£' wo rlo l JII <I lin 1"81 Itll ll on. Il III I It cOlli e IlI'Hty llt' llf fI 1I 111t' 1,It 11111'1'1('1' ,)r wl sl' r'! 1' 111 11'"ln' tile 1 "'~l lI n' I,. ll rt o' t his tow n III ~p" :lkl llL( liS tI " ~ I " r lin \\'. HilI I 1,,11 ." "" I It9 t lllie. " e ll . thll t o le III AtI UHI' I to I " n~ 1IIIIIg I kllo ,,- : If ~:"tI IIlI. f' h llli PIISR o nc o· Ih eRu hero t UI·lI tXl,up·lloRr , li,I\"1I 111t'1..t. ~" ,"'II kill ' ''"It'lldll!! tli a l \ :1 11(1 tll ruNl . II\I . \I:.' ht ~ c1l':n retle hOYR Hn I I rl... 1 I. III hllli. II n,1 It ·s IhlP r. I Ihlll k, ~II,I (J .lIrc,' ls. ~ l· \·t'r "po k ' 10 hIm . Ihll ll Il ls pll)"I"a l hud y \·ulI·1I kil l r il ey lilli n' t. SIl"lI k to hl m '/ C: . II! II tll 'III I"r 111IIn n 1"'~ ;. I1 I1 I1~ · .\IIr1 s.' he "'nll.lfll!' t, ' R' c UII !;lI r ll on 11 1m! II " I why lI1)t le t it Ih·e? \' 0 11 ',·" lI 110u l I wonl d n t II Il' t h llll cl t'n ll th e {,lIs pl· ,'''" 1' 10 ti ll' «u,1 or your ' iI'llI l': 0101 tlor s li t t he hll nk! W hy. If he'd ',, ' jll"1 (,·II., \\,. Why not s lop tll is l'Nll~t\l lll· R":Il ,h.'m sllI nol ln' In rrnll t tltP bRllk 'It'" II i" ll 11,,1.1111)" Ilud gl"~ 1111," . h i" II(" I n hu rl him run orr u." RII·""!. Alltl , • "'" ~ Uo " t il ')' chtlllt. '7" yc n rn cy w"" Ilo ln' e ,·c ry ,lil Y or . his lire W IIS world n' tor Uillt d gnre tt o I Sb~~~~llnnt ~11100ldll)O~~ I,~1 !; li t him 111:(,,1- boy! Tm t'y 1I111111lht he wu ~ g l" ln' 10 re l!"tut o f Ull l\r loH K . u rt.on · 1 y. II I': 109 , ! his lit 111111 h l~ li fe- blood nnd thl' d eo"u ~~ol He l' urr. ll l " x uo ul,ur Hl oJd " You rs - w it h nnlur('." Ourllf'Y ~ ll" ' I b loml ot his bru in ror th o loll Il k. Io llt " 1,p r Ov el[1 aOlI uonflrlll ud. I lll n~cJ th{' tlullutillg g ll ze of h is tie r ., • . h~ \\,n slI ·t. It wn M en'ry hlt- froJlIl 10 r o Ilt [l lv h ::! wIl llo w feeble . mino I Ilnt ngo nl ~ t t''111lIbly. "Yo u dOll' l 8e~ 1 1l • th e tlllI e Ito w ent III nt RO Vf'n tl"C' n 1111 old . Ur l\o rud 'D,H 1\ WllI' ru n ' I ~' U to llIHlt'rs lul\d th ll t you' \'" lIee u lItrug· he (Ik,() III hll r ll c~R lit ci):ht Y. lll rc...- [0 Mr::!. L ut e t::!wu lJo w to CUOVl'Y glin t; ng nln s t nc tunl Inw." It W0 8 c I'ery InRt li ck of ' It jlls t pu ti ll tl ' t;o hl) ~ pi t[\1 l or flOo blo. miod ed ' " \Ybllt lu w 7" Rhll·lu· . to r Il tu rned.up.n ose. turu r ll- yo u t h. I In r u ell tut o nt 'l'ru umn 1I 010l0M, " Na LUrnl lll w ," snld Gurn ey. " Wbnt up-pllnts "'gn rctl C> Iooy . Alld 'frn{'\ll o you thluk heat you w llh ' ElIHb ? IIltlll 't CI'e n k tlow h lti nnmc! U e (1Ii';1 uectJndoll. Aluc rt U Olt il OIo 81lpolnL:ld Old E d iUl. bersl' lf, Il en t YOI\', Ill,ltl' t n ot ' I'N hll v lo' llo'llrd It. t holl"h Il t' adlll io ld rrtt ur d o u Ulll~ n un wli ll t h e ~b e olley w ltbout ques ti on . Ro mrl hlng r hn"" 11 hlUl nrr t he fron t s t ells 'of bl ~ Will tl uu t:xafl . H nll f tl OOO. U o ,r llo power ful that wo s nglli nst ~·o u ? I::fllth I h OIl ~ p once. T hc dny urte r T rll t'y d lr ll lt ltl bl . oltlnu I BOWLDtln tl nd L . E wnso't ngalns t you, Dnd yOI\ w reu' t h lH Hld ·mll id tllllI l('lItc r mnrrlell the !i8 1d wlul olJlJoln l,od "IJ"ral 'le r H. oglost h er. but you set youraclf IIgll lns t 1j:1l 1·('lte-III1 ,1 UI ~ ro lun 't nllY '['ru ('S E::! ~atlll o f \V . ,v , "' mold , d ~COl\ BeLl. the power 111llt hlld bel' In Its grip. Il nll b ll llk IIny mo re! AnI! l\fJ\\'''- hIH I ' II' ~' lDtil ULJ oou nt fi led . It sbot out II s purt oC Onmc--n nd w on r,'S" 1l!:llln- "nnd IIOW I go t n clJ,;nrc lte I' I . f U 1:11 11 d I.S n.EI ? on o r" UlllO, e· In n w /l lk! W hnt' s tAke n Itoscor Crom H()Il .ln. lllw !N you1 T lmbere bear jus t RO lUuch G nr ney polI lINI to Ule f101lr1 ~ l l ln g uelitlud ·llll< Inu l llocou n t o f IlLiruin l!l- I strain. old mo n ; btlt YOll wnnlcel to r ig ht hnll!"1 wll hont ~ Ilelllilng. nnll !4lu'rl. tutor ed. . I send ·tb e 10lld fl cross the broken II rld g e. 1 dun ()lice moro rl!turn~d. It 10 t hp Sli ng. 1 .E ij tu to u( Olun Uill m oo, d eo!laije d I aou you thougb t you co uld bu lly or " ~[y soo·lu .lnw li kes Fl orldn Ih l~ flDlll UCOlJ uut ot tHhll l u l ~ trut u r Illed I 1n ro w ill of J llc ub H e u r y WID ne r , conx tb e cr ocked thing Into Btnnd lng willtl) r," S hc rl dnn wen t on. "'j'llIIt'H ""Tha,.'a Our Little Sun.hlne l " He Well, you coul do 't! NOW bero's Dlbbs. ~oorl. ond my son-In·lnw helte r e nj oy d e061l8ed, \ 111 liltld l o r problltH Cried. 1'he rp nrc thousa nds ot mnn Ot for the It. lH'r ali se I don 't thInk lI e'l l be thore t::!(Jt for b ourlog AUlllis t ~ !l . lite you waut him to Icnil- llud 8 0 Is 1I 0~ ! wInter. TIH!y got t wclvp tit OIt IO' f El will ot J osu phloe smltb, deWIll udWHI Ud ~o l lfObtltll . ~.ther, wal a b out to make bls 08cllpe he. It wouldn't t uke II ll lf of B Ibbs' @1I1111 1I0II o r8 to Rllellll, nne! I hen r It oeu sed. ('on be Iloue In 1~ I() rl!ln by l'lell Ro ns·lu· I D r u ,e s\ate of UlIo \on I:l a t tlo ld into the lfO.ld.alld·brocnde roo m w hen br aiDS to be t wice a ~ good n lIu ~lll ca be ' beard Sbe rldan vociferou sl,. .de- man 8 S Ji m ant} Il oscoo \lltt t o!: tllel': ' Illw. Wben R oscoe's 1"O Ullln got III to duuell8l!d . M~rKUrtl t HlIlfie\t1 u p' "What!" S herIda n goggled nt hilI! ~pt' nd tllllt m ucb Ot~ Ilorch ror Ihl'lt· p ol u lell "dlulol ~ tr& tr ill. Bono $ I ,UllU. manding bls prescnce. . new It ou ~c , Elli th "~U l<lll' t glvo me II I U r o IO ~ t a. Ie of "'" .. ru ,.u U" "Tell him to come In ·berc! H c's ou t li ke n %any. I ' III I . . .., et.m ~, tl e· there. I h eard George jUllt let bl m In. "Your son Bi bbs," s alu U,e doctor. tlI lI ute S rcst t I.ucn od ol'pr the <i 1111 e ~O . Wcba l or L . Klr h.v /I])PU1Ullld A p. . Now ),Dn'lI see l" .A nd tea~-s talned composedly. "Gl blls Sherld un bll s Ill" MIillet to I her. IAnd toshu 8 got It, besltleR It'll II d WIUIt e .rll t or. B o u ..'" ,. ,"·OU U Hra. 8berldan, looking out hlto tile kind /Uld Qunn tl ty of 'grny wn tl!! r' t hot W 111 g ll "O ler go ells t on. prl11S0 rll ~l d n ll Y 1:1 Il l, 'h'u rled Cll t. -1IaU, beckoned to her SOD. will mnk e blm a s uccesa In fl nythlng- I h e gn nl' }IO~~ b~~re t h is t ir l1e ncx.~ t e rty uu d A. M . :S WLIIIIl . It be eY er wn kes npl T he thollsll nds yeo r . 8 1H " en • 0 co mos h ollle IInu Bibbs went RS far 08 thp doorwny. r fit f U li t t II I leoves the clgnrotte bebl nd- tor 1;00.110 rto 68tute of \ VII So o f:l.ur lu l1 , d e . Gurney s at w inding n s tri p of wbl t~ ~eB~e~lren' t O~t 0 d: y~~I~~'lI~'lt~"\t~~ nbe'li get ROlUe more. My nnme ai n't oeuse d . Ordsr gr tt.n t ed tl Xtlout u r t u rotton, bls black bog open upon R II f b t tt l d BII d l b ' . Trncy. n Il el t bere ain' t /loin ' to bc nny sell oer l tlln bO ll ds a n d W ilKO r e tllru chair nea r by ; 4I nd Rbc rldau wo s Htrld· be:o~g~~I~I~ f~r ::e 'cbll nc: ;;; le~~ 'r rllcy bu sineSs III t h Rh t' rlcllln fa mily . 11I:1O d~y 8 . 10& up Rnd down. his band so bea vll y It- he'M obeylllg 80me thlng tlJllt begs An d th ere nln't 1(010 ' to b II UY r lI eg E t"tu r Le"" 1 LJ W tllluf1l!! , d o. I .... rapped In f resb bll ndllges t llllt h e to slOy nllYe ,,-Ithl n h im ; I1l1d, bl lhdlY' j t oull lltn' nud endllw lu ' a nd trn tce. IU" uells\ld l"llJU, UOCOUllt or IId w IUidleemed to be w eari ng a smu ll box in g· be knows ' you' ll c ru ~ b It ou t. You've nor G0 d-k nows·"hat ' . to ".. ee fJ my I' t'op- t rw"to r fl .ied . slove. HIs eyen were bloodshot ; his Bet your w ill to do It. Let me tell you er ly 8 11 vo w hen I' m go nel E<lIUl' lI i n re upp liou t io .• o r Al bert R oold . forebead Wll8 heav il y bedewed ; on e 10me thl llJ,; more. You're ball m ud wlth be bnck, .nnd Bhe' ll get aglrl'a .8ho r(' n et' t o u.u r\lltlu~od fr om uOlld uf au IIde_ Q! .b.lL c.olll! blld .Jl ke n looso, ___ w ben she s th rou gb wltb tllll ! clgnre tt e, w ioi ~ t rut or uf tlMlnl,a o f Amlr o w Ho. a.n d there were blood stnlns u po n hIs n conslHtll tlg fllry 1I gll it l8t tho vory but- " o ll l n tlr d e oe~ sod A I' I,h ulltl ulI 1: 1 unt rlgbt cuff. self o C th o low- Ule Inw thllt took oll m " By Ule WRY." In tel'Jlo'eel (Jurney, Ild l':'eo w u ond Il ltll1 " There's our I1t1le 8UD sbklel" hI' t rom yo u. T he ,'cry s If of th o IIIW "d1tln't IIlrs. Sll erldn n t e ll IIlO· tlll1 t . : aled, as B ibbs appeared. "T bore's the t ook Uoscoe fro m y.ou nnd SO" c Edith Bi bb!! wanled you Ed ltb wO lll d worry I~ enl Est a tc · rru nsfe r s hope o"tbe tamlly-my iltelong p ride the certa inty of bcutl llJ,; 'you ; !ltul the Lamborn In New York?" A matldll J . 1:I 1l y ~1l6 to bar r y U. aod.joyl I wa llt- " very seU of Ule Ill \\, Ulll kes !llbbs deny Sberld llD w ent comp let ely to pieces: 8 ohwn rl z, IJt io L a ua ti on, ·t l. " Keep your ba nd In that sli ng," s Rld YOII ton ig ht. Tbo luw bellts you. Bll t lie s wore, while bls wlCe .screuwed W Il\t.IU t'illw ' 0 Lou e lla: S8 WI!. Gurney, sbarp\y . y ou've ~ut yo ursclC ug llluKt It. to beud II nll stop ped her ears. And os be 61) ; aOl'OS In J lllll r o re uK town s h ip . Sherida n turned uJlCn hI m, littering It to your .0Wll I!UUII, to w ield It II ntt Bwore be po unded tbe t a ble wltb hi s ~ l. . • sound li ke a how l. "For God's 81Ike, twist It-" woundell ha nel, and wheo tite d oclor , R E . n o oo t o U oo r go Uh llUllJe rli n . .Ing aootber tu ne!" he crlell. " You 'l'he volco brolw frolU bcr ltlnn's ofter sto rwlug lit blm loetrectl ve ly, lo t II> Milson , $ 1. BIlld you 'came ItS a doctor but slny h ellvlng chcst lu II sholl t. " Yes l AnO spraog to ca tch a ud protec t. Oint bllUd, r hOOAIlS ' W eloh t o Annll U. n ood as a fri end ,' a mI. In tbut ca pacity you by God, I willi" . Sberldan wrencbed It a way , t eurlng 10' In Mlorro w '$ '0. undertak e to Bit liP a nd cr iticize me-" "So Ajll x d efl o(1 tile li ghtning," Bilid the bll ud age. He ba mm ered tbe lOble t:l. K . otop b e D8 .:m t o It ll )' lllun Ed t'Oh. tIllk scose," 8111d tlle doctor. Gurney . till It leupcd. w on lot; i u lI' l'tlOk ll ll . f. L and yawned Intentloually. "What do "I've henrd Ulnt dam'· tool s,tol')', "Fool!" be pnnted, chokin g. "It he's L or eml 08 \.lI ld to Bri ce I:l W o r loy )'OU want B ibbs t o BUy?" t oo," Sherldnn retor ted , fh:e,lly . .. ' D e- sbowu gu mpti on enougb to guess rlgbt "You wc re IIlttiu' u p Ihe re t ellln' me fl ed the IIghtn lll g,' IlILl be, tho JIICkll ssl the II rat time In his lite, It's eno ug h 100 ~ o r e8 ln V OIon t u w lI ~bip $1. I got 'hysterlco l'-'by st~ l'l cll i: ob Lord ! It bO'd b 'en hll iC Il mltll be'd ' ,,' got for llI e to lIegln I~arnl n ' hI m on!" And, Comm issioncrs' Procccditll!s You IJIlt up there Ilod told me I got IIW9Y w ltil It. W' don't So s how lu' oft' s t ru gg lin g w ltb tho docto r, h e lea ned R uy BEl r:lhb~rg tl r . ~t. hlT Y 11. 8 JAII I 'bysterlcal' ove r no tbln' ! You su t Ul' dory ln' Ibe II ghtn lllg- we hitch It liP 10wtl rtl Dlbbs, thrustl ug forwa rd his there telUn' m e [ dld n't ba ye us hen v"J OD d Dl oke It work for us IIkc a bl ne k co nvulsed ruce, w hich W II S denthly t or ~ tiO ; ,l llm " tI ll'olluu, SII IIlO $ 10 ; burden. as ma ny Illlot-her ma u you stee r l" pa le. "1\Iy nume nln't '1'rncy, 1 .tell Fro nk K llpllr rl . r oad wor k In I:IlI rlan to o wn 8blp U 5 50 : .1 '1'. ' h ur p , r oad u~w. I jU8t w ont y{'u to benr th is. "Well . whn t ahout B11)11H1" snld Gur. youl" be !creu men. bonrsely: " You w o rk In H tlrillo t o w ns hi p ~ 9 il ;Jr. . Now 1I8ten l" H o sW lmg lowll rd tlJe " quiet Ogure wai ti ng. la the d oo rw lt v. ney ; WI!~ you bc Il reully big mlln give tn, you stubborri t,lO\! I' vo h'''l T bo f o llo w Ing r osol u t lo n w a~ " B ibb.' will you come dow n tOWI1 with I u 'lm and, my w uy with yon bcrore, (1I1tl I' ll h ll " (' Ildo Jlt od : AIJp rovrill t lone of f und s me Monday morn ing lIud let we sturt " Ouruey, YO Il kllow II lot a bout blg- my w ay with you n ow I" AUg Ud l l UI G. it id I C'l u lred unde r you with t wo vlcell r esldchcles, a dl- n css !" Sherldo n brgll·n to wal k t~ , nml Dlbbs' face was liS white nR his fn· t bcSm l t h ono por oe n t t ux !liW, th" t reetorsblp, 8tock ond salurles'/ I usk fro ngaln, u uu the duc·tor retu rned thcr 's. " No. YOll cu n't 11 111'0 S CHIi' t be d lJIe r e nt tu xi n~ boo rLl s m ll ke 1 0U ." • gloomily to b l8 chlli r. He hUll s hot his way." he Blliel . And tl ll' n. obeying n " I'Jl l'IIlJrl .. t ion s [roUl tho l(o n e t ux . " No, fa ther," su ld Bibbs. ge nl ly. ~ bolt the DlOlDen t bo Jullged Its ch auco slgu lflcnnt motion of GlI l'lI l'Y'S ht'lI fl. he fuo d r e cal ved Ilt t llu l! oollUI Sherida n looked a r Guru cy a nd tb eu to strike cent er wns bes t, bul Ihe ta r - w ent out quIckly, leuvl ll g the lll trug- de t tl eltl e nt wltll tho t rou~ u r e r 0 1 faced ' bIB 800 once more. . get s eemed U lluw~II'e .of Ule mo rk s· ,ling. W llrroo oou nty f or ~h e s ix m o n l Da b o~l onln g l:)e pt,owlJe r 1 . 'fh o fo llow. "Aod I'd li ke til e ilod or to heur ; man. CHAPTER XXVII. ing u p lJr oprlll tions w e ro Dl[ld e : What 'II you do If I cl ecld e you're t oo "l'm tryln' to mnke a bl!; ma n out 0 ' bl,b.prlced a workln· UlIIU t' ill1l'r to tbat poor truck YOlld e r. " Shcrltl tl n " ' cnt Uoun t y fun d .. .. ...... .. ......... 2l .20;J u9 Mrs. She rldn u, In II " 'rn pper, noise- E le ot lull expenso .. . , .. .. ... . ,.. live In my house o r work III m y ~lI o p ./ .. on, "nnd you stop Ill , bogglu' me t o let ut-(!J [01 lessly openc. 1 l the iloor oC It e r hus hnlul 's .Illd lciu I .... . . .. .... .. .. .... .. ... . 2!j~ 9 t, S "FInd other w ork." 881d I3 l1lbs. blm be Lord . k uows w b~ t- I dou' U I room a t (Ill y hren k , tll e. nex t m Orni ng. Poo r .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. ...... . .. ... !J71i G H7 "'IhereJ You b enr hIm Co r your sel r ~" 1I0d pccrer! wl lllin Ih e d nrk eued ch ullI ' [jridge .. ...... .. .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. 47 1G tl'l Sheridan cried, " Y011 bear "'bat-" ber. At U10 ' "o1(\" hOU S6 th ey 'I,IIlI Bold iem ... ... ... ... .... .. . ... .. ... 117S \17 "Keep your hand lu tbat s lin g! 'ye8, I bear b1m." Drink IIMre d n room, lIut ·tbo architect ItA el C bl1 llr&n's h ome ...... .. . .... .. H14 'j'(j chos on to sepnrute Ulc m nt th e now. Urplltln.8 lI .. y lum .... .. .. .. .. ... H~ fi :J 7 :& Sberlda n leaned ove r Gur ney a nd If You To Grow nod t bey bud DOt It DOWn how to forlllu - Bltlt,O.ll lDd oou /l ty r Olld ...... :lOGo ~ 2 shouted, In fI voice that c rac ked and late an obJectio n, IIl tllougll t o bolh oC Bliod .. .... .. ......... ....... .. .... . 7 07 ~ , broke. pIping lnto false tto : " H e think s Plump thom somethlug si}c m ccl vuguely I'uilre- Moth e rs lICllR loo .... .. .. .... ... r 07 :J1j of beln' a p lum be r IHe w ants to be a Ag rlc uU nr tl l s ol c~y .. .. .. . .. .. :J31185 bensl blo In tb o new Rrrllngclllc ut. pluw ber 80 be can think I" Slic rldllo did not stir, nnd s he ",nB :S h eep .... .... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . 11:1 3t) H e t eU bnck a s t{'ll, w ipi ng bls fore· 84 ~ H wltbdrnw lng ber Ilelld troUl th e u pe\'· Debt, C R ~ O ll l ty .... .. .... .. ... ... bead with the back of b ls le rt b u nt!. THIN MI:N AND WOMEN F ancied t1 ~ bt ......... .... .. .. ... . 156U ~ ·I ture wh e u he spoke. "There I Thllt's my soo! 'l°h ut's the "Oh, I ' m nWtlk el Come In, It you F lood d ebt, 11l I 3.. .. .. .. .. ...... . H4il l 20 ooly BOO I got n ow ! Th nt 's m y cbllllce to live." De crIed, w Ith a bitterness Do You Want to eet Fat and Be wllnt to, a nd shu t th e door." T ottll ........ .... b339 2 76 Sbe cnme nnd sn t hy the · hell. " I tbat seemed to lea I'e Dshes In h is atrong? ----__ __---woke up tblukln' abo ll t ' It," sl,(! ex· throat. "That 's my one cb unce to The $rouble " lib mtMIt t blD folk. "ho ..lob ·plnlned. "A,nd t he moro [ t holl gh t live-that tb log you see 10 the donr· to plD wet.lle .. ~b.' tboy In.''' 00 drUlrlll01r - .l. OU lJe t 1 HlLl't !" I W Y: l'tJ ll l c ll , 'IV d I" tu olr ltomlicb or .\ with IfHU, foodl. about It tlle s tIrc r. J got I must be BY y on r . rubbtng 00 uIIII_ " Ooeb cr..m .... or rollo,,·"Look how hltl llfl hie he W il l:! nOOn i Doctor Gorn ey tiloUgbt tu lly regu Td - 108 lOme foollab pbyalc.1 culture .tuM, wllUe rlgbt, nnd I kno\\' you 't! be t.ll'tlICll llu· ·c .... of thloDe81 "oee uotouchod. yoursclC If you WIIS It wII IIC. s o~ \\'c ll . gui ll ' bllt'k 'to Ih · wOI'kH," Hho I·on . t Ip be h lld . bee n the ed tbe bu n d age sr You c.OOO& ,0& f., until Jour tll,OIt1ve tract wlndln ll, ond t ossed It loto the ope n llroperly Ullmll~i .. the food ]'ou eat . Orick you got plenty ollicr t ruubles, hut I'm ti llucd. " ll e'~ n 1'lgII l j:; lul ·brol'tl'd \)oY. ba&. . "Wbat's the IIlI1tt'er with giv ing • • [Ul ofcold ..... wr fourortlve tlmNaday just s ur e r ou II lo' t goln' to hay e th e reully.. url(l NtllllOlilll CS I h o u c~ t l .\' IIn" e .od take the tollowln8 prollara&loo know" to to sny h e HC'(' lliS right SOIII rt, too. Now Bibbs a c1111D ce t o live 1" hc sU ld. ('001- ...,11,,1>1. drunllCo alma., everywhere . ....bleh worry with DllIlIs It 10 0 1<9 li ke." n nd t hon h~'11 ijll .\· Ronlelh lng Boun ds Iy. -I ,,'ould Ir 1 w r you. You've _01111111, embodleo the mloolDIr elementl n"""",TbT ,be dlpo&t v. k) holp tb ... rlg bt bL·lg ht. ' ('oll rse, m ll~ t nl wuys .It bad t wo tbat w~nt lrHO business." coov.r' food IDCO riel>. faHa" en blood. TIlII cl oeRn't, nllli n Sl1\l11 <Ienl of UIO time , Sbe rldau 'e mouth muved '' 'rotCs'' lI Iy prepUII. lon I. called k)Dotlt>e. and OIueb ...• " ., rn ark.ble IMtlmODY I. "lveD U k) lie IUcc.o· wb on h e 811 )'~ ·th lngs. w by, I Ilnve to before be c ulli sp Ak. "J oe ' II rJWY ." ful UIO III t1 •• h buUnlnl, l 'ODOllolI which ~ 0014 dOM no\ get well of Itsllif. feel g hl ll W.l 1I1l \'c u' t got ' ·.ntl JlI]l1Y, !leh e aa. ld. wbon b.e could C'omlltn Il ll· 1I1tn' com... 10 &ho fonn 0 1 ••m.I~....DDDI,tbnJubrl°d\l.l1 . , .abIeC. l iken .t meala and ml....... w. , . • cuu se t bcy',1 think hl' ul, ln't hnye any Mlf 10 fir, "ar e YO tl necusln' Ole or 'g1ll'ln, 'DOd. !.oDdl k) "rep.,.. f.C. tleob ....d The prooe.. of Wearing Ollt U oold g u mptlo u lit nil. Yet. look ut t he Wil Y the retllOlI tblll' " tor tbe deatb or my mUllcle IIIIUtliol elllDtlnt.e 10 ,b.' che blood wean JOu ou&, and your oough b e. " . can ....&dlly aCeflP' and carr)' tbem to Ih. oomee Berl'Jul It negleot ed . Hnok. 110 did w hen ,Tl m- wl\mt Ji m got hu rt. IIQn .1. m~. 1'" Itar".,.1 pOnlell 01 the bOdy. ....OU CI,Il read"I a~u.e y u of not bIng " sold· 't llP IIY IIle&u.... the ,raDlformatloD Ch. e addlCloDIII lDg OOUKh. draIn 'he eoer" y and .up De tOO~t rl J,;ht holtl 0' tilln s s. And Doc. ,~ ~ ' . o.lIf p.... '·louol' ladllnB lleob maldD, material vliamy, I'or ~7 yearl . the happy tor Glllmey "ill' S 11 's got brulllS, and doctor. "But jU8t 00 'e I'd 11k- to banI . bould brIng &0 r uur cheekl. IIIIID' out hoilowl ,3'OU cu u ' t d ell Y IHi t Whllt th ~ do ctor's It out wltb .. ou on the q ue"lIon or al"'II' your oed.. .bowde... lIud b Ull dtap- comblna'ion of (loo'hlng antlBtlptl o peartltl . and )'our WlkII1ll on from 15 k) .0 bIIh!8D1. In Dr. KlnR'1 N e w Dlpoov T\g bt' cem Wel'lI hle or n lOo n. He nets Blbbe-aud w hile be'8 bere, t oo." H I' ~ltd , oholldbbalt/l]' ft"'lI . kloollt>e II berm· hall b ••led ooasha and relieve d s le cl'Y, but th nt's tlilly bCcu llse be'e go -----------=~=,...==..-....-=.-.r.~e. and atocia 1 ~~D:.r.~~\i:.:t::t:~:~1 :~~;_·I~ II llch a Inrg!! (l rllc~ tlc ~'-hll's a pretty owarmlna.. bill b a nd. b ehind bl, ba k .....b& iDc..... II not Ob.... Ded u pw. lJIe ooDla•• loD . YOUDI aDd old can t ee· wl de-o \'vnko kind of a Ul lin sonte wnYIl. "" to 'be · effeo"veDell of Oz:, --"" III "Loo" b Id f II ........ found ta eeeb 1 pecll._, . .... ___ q . • ere, 0 e ow, g Oautlon'- kl"ollDe fa reccomm.oiied Dol, Well, wh ut be 811~ ~ los t olght about ..... be .... h" .. ,~ . " You u allMb builder &lid "bile e:l~' MllUIIe In KIa.'1 New DleGOY", for oough. Bibbs-tbat'l Wha t I lot to tb1IIldD' • _ • _ o r - - . . ~ -.. baftbe_ ..4 oolda. Ba,.. bOttle &olley.' aboot. You heard Jalm., DaDa; lie An.







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-and yellhey're MILD Ifl r s n

W (' CIC lIt' IIi' ,:tlu n 9I1U l1 J.,rU To r 1U 11I

to 11\'0 on . But Il's <'omln· . I'll lIn. III1lI be'li jl1mp tor wh ntt" "C1' YO Il wll il t to h und him onto li e will! Au d I cun tt!1I you Ihl M mll eh. 100: 11('.'11 wl\n t nil the ~ Il l!lr~' all ,l ~to e l, he CII U gl't hhld oC. u lI,1 h,,'11 h11. II" 10 keep J,;oltlu' IIIOl'e. 1'hllt girl's the kill d tilnt R yOll ll g· hCl ~h lln rl jll ~ t !lOC'!! c rnzy to g ive thl ri g-s t o ~ H h c ' ~ !'In'l ty 11 nIl tlne·lnol;!II '. mil l thluI:M look n"'!) on hrr. nlltl I gucss ~h e 'c l li ke to h ;I\'c~ ' (~ 1I1 (("nut 118 ~w well II " 11 ' x l. An d I jnll'S~ slit' ISlI 't gettlll ' mall)' Ih .,~ , d ll.\, ij. I'l ther . Lll id she' ll 10 (' [)I'd lY rl' ll,l), Fo r the o-tl' PoatoHice"a cbuuge. I ·snl\' hel' w llh IIl'r . lee veH OICice PbOUf 11 r olled u p .H th e 11 1I ~ hc u wlu.lmv tile otbet' dn y , Il lld .1l1c ksun Ir)l,l me y '. Lt·r· d RY t h" II' cool, Il'ft two wc eks ngo, nnd 1111',1' ha l'P II't Irl",' to hire illlnlhe r o ne. n e "It )'" h " .. AII, I li N m u LlIt I' h lll' ll el oln' th l" 1I)lIsf' wnrk II lfOoo l WItI i:II',.:.:.::;:,(n:';d,:::uc:o= w:-l-----~r-e th "."·rl) <10111' Ih Q ~oo l; III' , too. 'COll r sc Graduate of Obio Siul. lJniveuJ'.t n llJ I, ~ wOII I,III ' l k ll n w tll nt '1II1(',~ Rb o' s I" lol 10 1111. 11 11,1 I I' ~(' k ull ~ hc wflu llln·t ; ~1I ~' " Idl1,l o· "i1m ~ h · lo n l, IIt· . :l lltl 1:lhllR Office at residence in l", USher Is tno np In th p t'1 0 \ll{ S to n o tl t'~ fin y· wood' s house, FourLh Street. Ihlnk Ilk" Ih tl l rnr hII1lR<, lr. 'rtl oy 'VI'

InSURJlneE Walter Chandler aynesville, o.



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JAM C· • . coy, terlnam

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hOllse. hilt he ", ou illn '!: nnU ce Ihll t. e lt l ll.! I'- 1 1 C ' ~

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Nnw (


Way nesv iIIe.

",os thl n k l rt '-~'o ll kno\\'. I ,Ion 't " liP' pllae wc' \'c bn rd ly menti (\n",1 ti l" ~ l rl'R nnm e fi t tnb le Rlil ce .11 m \\' Oll t., but Jt seems to III I! mny he tf- " E. V, BA~NHART, Sher il iu n lI ung Ollt h l~ nrms, utt"rln g 8 sound hnl r f{ roo n. hulr ynwn. "YOU' I'O Public 1I0 l'k lll' lip Ihe wrong t rce! Go On IlUr k b erl , mn ln mlli l t All klods of Notary Work. "'lUll . "W1;Iy am 17" S!1O (l cltl ll ntl e,l. I'ro ~s l :v . uod Deeds a idpeolalty, '~V h y Hill T bark In ' lIJl tl1(1 wl'o ng t t'Pc'/" "lle(, ll ll Sc you nre. Th ere's nOlhln ' In It." J. "1' 11 he t YOCl ." sht! 811 1<1. rI8Ing-"1'1I be t you he goeR to chu rch WlUl her thIs m omln g. Whnt YOIl wl.nt to bet ?" "Go hnck to bCll." he cotll llt(l url e<1 . "I kn ow wh nt I'm tll lkln ' obout; there's noUll n' lu It, I te ll yo u." Sil l) shool, her henll perplll!Ccdly. "Tllc n--<lo you kn ow so meUll ug a bollt It 'that you nltt '! told me?" HATHAW A. Y "Y es, l ' do~ " be grunted . " Now !;1l on. II! lIybc I <'JI l l ge t a II tlfe 9 I e~p . I . W8.f oe"Ule'a LeiMlln, DeDttl' a tu 't nno all" ~ Oftloe ill Keys Bldg, ' Main tn .;ootlnued on JI8«II .11


"NC? You Can't Have Vour Way." '1II 110s 'u be a o l!:!;,cr olls mcss mll il

w hn t Jim n nd R oscoe W 8 S p ut togcth er- It li e c \'er w nlles up,' bo ~ nJ' s. WU MO't tlltlt esnetly w bnt h e Sill'S 1" "I sltppose so," snl'l RhericInn, wi th· ou t e xhll ,ll.ln g Rny ill teres t " Gurney' . c rll zl c r 'n ll lb1Js. bu t if li e wus·n 't- l t whllt he say s \\' 118 Ir ue- whn t ot It ?" , '· I,I ~ t C ll . papn. .1us t s uppose llI bbs t ook It 11110 hi s mluu t o ~c l Ulll rr ieil. YO tl know where he goes all th o II l1l n

tl me--"

"Oil. Lord, YCR I" Sh erlllnn tnrnc<'l o ve r In th o bell. 111 9 rnt·c 10 the wnll, leavlug visible oC himself only the tlJlck g r izzle ot Il ls bul r. ' " You bette r go bnck ·to sleep. U e runR o\' er ther e --<:!yc ry minu te sho'll let blm, I sup· pose. Go buck to bed. There's notbln ' In It. " "\VllY nln't th ere?" s he urged. "l kn ow better-tllCl'e \S, to!> I You wnlt anti Boe. 1'bere's jlls t Olle thIng In tbe world t hAt' ll Wilke tbe s leepiest younll' man (}IIvll up-yes, aDd makc him jump up-nud' I iloll 't care wbIJ be ls·or bow aouml nsleep It looks Uke be III. That'll when be tnk ell It Into ble h ead to pIck out some glrl a0l1 se ttle do:wn ba ve a home and children of blll own. TheD. l .guesB, be'll go out arter the moneyl You'll aee. Now, I doo't 187 that Bibbs 110 aot the Idea hi 1118 IIea4 Jet-'er eJIe lie ~'t be

DIIda' tIIat: fooWalk.. aIIoH .... GAh




••• DENTIST•••

0.(. H.E.




Thliia s medlolne that evory fam, Ily. Iho1lld ba provided · with . Collo Funeral Dlrect~r. aDd diarrhoea often ot)me on ead . tlenlv "nd" la of tbe greate-t 1~ll ort. Waynesville Ohio aooe 'hat they be treated promp,ly. OOllJllder the 8uft'erlng that must be endnred ubl,l " phy slolan arrives or (- J£JTHIt R .,medlolo s qlln be obtul ned . Chll m. Auto EquIpment blrlaln 'e Collo, Cholora and Olat'. ~.tIorse-oDrawn Equipment rboM Remedy hell B replltatlon aBC· ond '0 nODe for the quIck reltef whloh It afforda, Obtainable nerli wher., ·TSLEPHONB 7








As Written by Our Corps of Able (,;(lr re~p nd.

cots in the


Nei~ht 0

Says a GlaSA of


... - .. --_ ----..


Water ' ~-------------------IIIIIP

Every Morning Before



Will 'fake OfT Fat II 'Y()U "Gel






L\ On' lr ' h Air

\1 :11lUia('lar 'd full ,

Be l10dcmtc In Your !lid find l~e;llIce



siz '"

~1r A li"' 11 Il rll l, /' \'11" Irll lI <lI r llTVo \:· ll ~ ' · tH I I1 1 r . I I11 ... lI U\ "' , 1111.,',11 : %1 00 !n ... t F h urd .. ·

\\ (' I(' h 1<1101111 0(\ II " . ":ill t r

1{ 11!' ls o I. i_ill,:" " I, 11 011. iK 1" ' 1''1.' 1'11 ' 111 till !-,,,'k lI ( /rl.,,, ,.I r Ii. ak"I1< II ... " ')'1<11" I'ur. ,M r . u nd ~ l r!"i \\ , I" lI urvi ft· Wl ' f\' HH'k II t ,If IItu tll ll (I dd~ \' I' lI i ll ~' . r YWS: Jxm l' r u11 !tfl "l uuII I lltl Ib('I" 1)..,..-n HII'1 l11 t h'·If-i l ntt, ~"U IJ' u t C ~ I\lr u h u ~ f O I' l ;'. " 1",1 :,1,-. I' ." ". 1I",· l'. Il,"., . Kh lUptlb h , t ill l't{'I'llI lIt1 l l1fo" 111111 I hu Il l't lt u l or t • IWIU) tl f lilo ' 11111 or:.alU" hi li hlad ,'r r d , li llrt -



I· ....


,a u 'l

Hrl t) lt\,)'S.

:{(H' (~ r,d fr

"·I H.~lt.,.,·

.1 ' ,IIIHl Hcl": 'l qn , lr "n d '.,111

:\ ' 1'~_

til !lOIH n 11e n til l l t ll o H, :-", h " fH ~ 1 t, X "ll il 'lIurUlIvII III Lab ul [)uy. i' n n u ,q ' H ud 1'1.-11, · \ frlt ",.l-l III th ,11 sIr f" l. ~nln'Y l( lug, onl' CO," 1l1l1rd, nnl. cI y . ...o~ 11111


r1l 00811&

I H r (I (' l'V I SU ~ P '\' or,~ WI10 k ,


rnl 1 11 t1fl~


olt l

Ah!1 hy .ltltl;..!htl' r

J::j iq hu s t n UHM lUk E grown h " 'l1 o n f ~1 r , Ii nil I J rtoT, [I'l'a ',l< Uu kin t o qu i ' t l un ' · X I HO t., ;,. 'a t tt rtl" y. Hopi 1~ 1l' I llo t" ~ b' r pll l::i ln nA, o or nh ligln!\ Iw.' f ~IJ' 11 11<1 ~I r" \VlIlI.I ,' 111'11 Ill\' Itltlr(,lltt.nt, 1~ quito p oo rJ .Y tit ttd H ~p !.f' d l n" 'l f fl l' t tl l J.( h t Witil I h n l tl l .. wl'lting , tl' '' ''' ' "'1 ~ 1('" .'\11'1'4 CJII Y (Jp lun r I.AlHI f Potc;r Ou r),. no 11'~I'd ci 11 1.011 , IH " ' lill y 111111 ,,!I)1\1' l' o l!Lt i v e~ 111' 111' very d"n~(\rC)ualy ill. X ntll, Mr lJ oury Vun'l r m~B. of \Vlhnln p;i\lr. Hllfl Ml'joi _ ~nul k If a\'t't-' 41 n tl ~r .. t .)u. iH vlllilln g hl>l b rn tltO t , Mar lo n tHl nrHl hll' ~ AIlI Il lI w ~ n 111101 ... " 11 01 _ Vnn trt:t88 <lull :,.ch t o r h.::l 1·; I' l. l 1, ' til H Ci!O"w , I f



u hlfah .Hl


o"k l),) '"



W .,nosvI Uo. Uloo \\i'" L. ur.~I. API'I. I C"T I () N ~ . "'I ll".\'

cunno l r '.ell I he RC a l


IlIe u isease .

l'u lnrr ll 15 n loca l dis.·uso. ~l e . , 'l y 10111,,· IJ. L. ellAN";, Editor BIlII Mnnauer tJlct.:d b y c Ulis li lll tl.lwd Ctl1 . d i l i ll ll ~. Bncl - - - - - - ---- -""-'--..;:.....:...= ill oll1er II J 'CUt C it you tII U!l t I like :.tIl JIl .-; I ~P rEM BE lt

" \\' plI- "

G, 1016

Slll' W (' lIt 10 til e fl no r . IIt·I' "I tholl ,.;lit nlny :-lh,· ",, " s;h ~I I \lrcr"ll>I'lIy.

e)[p " "~ ~ I I/ 1L 1I 00\· I ,, ·rt ~ t .

III It II 1- " "( Ih. p Ulln. 801l1" L\lirl l( c1H' I \\'11111" 11 to . ,,,II )'1111 . 1 WrtH t"l klll' to II Il"NII' O\'l'r th,· 1,llll lI " l a~ 1 nl~ht wh ell till; !l·le · ~rl1l11 "111111'. ~o I r .. rgvl II) 1,,11 YU lI, lIut - ,\'(,11 . I'llIyl \\·" IItH f(l ,'n mc OI' er thl 8-


Tilt'." l' XI.P('t tu j;tt't hy tlu' f'wl u' till! wN'k . Hlu l I t(l('ku ll Rh t'

f1 (1\11" 1100 11 .

Itrnul lemedy . 11 ,, 11' , (ul" r ri , Cu re I. lu kell In lerna ll y nOlrl a cts Illrou ~ h th" liluud on I be "\II eOll. surr"e,·s 0 1 the SYfitem . I' Hll' a Catll l rh ' ure "'"' 'pre scrllx>d tJy ull u of tbe bc S! I'ltys kia us In t his <u lI,, 1ry I(l r yoars. It Is cOlII lJoscd 0 1

SOUle v I lh. bes t t (lIIi 9 kl ll,wn , t.:u ml>ined whit soUle .. I Ihe 1l<!5 t Itlo"r1 pulifitn

The pelf""1 CtJ ",~I""lla .. ,,[ Ihe h'Hlfdi. till. ill \lall's C.. l urrh Cu re is what pro,Iu<os such wI/ndel lu l reslI\l s 11\ cnturrhI1 ll'C.Jlldhlol18, Se mi r'Jr l. stlrnon la ~. IrCI:. F. J . ell li N L>V I\: CO .• Prop •. Tolcdo, () 1111 IJru/(lIisls, .'c. . 1-18\1, !'umil, I'llI s (o r cOl\s '; I' .•Ii"".

WIIHUt fn (lIP \ ~I W' H .!lUl u wlln t Ft hc ('(mi()

til kiwi o' rnllke lip. .\ IIj'II'IIY, thl1t'R wLl1t h" ~n l.l . Hilt wl illt I tlt(J UI(Ilt 'w n H, nil 11 ~(1 h\.l: u' l'fl lI ~ h with h r r. pll'I~'

- I

l"xl JIII ' l

~ tll" M I" lI tTI 1I'('1I


~(lu d rl i"lI l-

tor the lu st "'UI)('k or ~O . rUltl pll ~8cn nhen(t rl urlllJ( 1ho n ) II Hl \ ' ul ot the ~oot.

Rn,l I .1",,'1 'hl"k w,,',1 ough t to he. on

" There '" 8111d th e e"l ~rl y wtre. ' ''l ull' ro

Y ou'll - you' ll h4" killfl 0' IJll llte to Iwr. Wllu't y O\1. pupa?'· J t e multlhll'l t ,"wm.'.Utll ).:, \,' , 'I "il 'l'i'1I.~ sm'lllll'r - I llrt .Io' r th~ COL' rle t h o h",1

" I\\"U)' 9


nr('O lillt ,

W I'IIIIK wh e ll y n u

lug uho ut s tra ugers,

h p J,!'11I 1.! UeSH-

'l'l! oso lwo YOllng

people oreu't h OIU'ymuu lu'rH li t nJlthey've . been mu ....led ror l'~l\I'II . A: pul " '1 1 ,Wllr Itl .. 11(o1l'\. blind man could see tllUt" " \\' hllt ?" ~ h r .Hlt l.l. llrnl rlly. " I \Vn A "I wlah 1 kuew who Un'ew tllnt Root JURt ,,"yln' I hOlh'll Y.. I"II trell t Sihyl on you," 81) Id IlIblis. 10\1kl ng up at the nil rlj(ht wh on MI ,e CIIIIII·H. Ihl~ litter· llelgllborlng clllllllleYR . 118 l/leo)" W"lIt Ulllln. You ' \'111 . "'ClIl't ),0 11. 11II\lIl?" on, "Tbey nrrcs t clolhlr,," (or th mw11" tllre w nIl! ('I)I'~r lo t ulT rurlously . IlIg s llowhnlls nt Ule ijtre t IIrs , but- " tl J Ilt't'K llIIW ~.)!" tw 1'1)n rL-d. • "But they don' t nrn'st atret.! t Cll r)§ fo r Rhu Jt·lllI rl.·.1 ~ l1l1 llly . IbnkJoB nil the Illctur"g 111 UI(! bOlides nllt It 10;0 hn'l n"I"'f)I,'" hl'r Jlro rr~rl'l' crool(PII "vcry time tI' e;!, ';0 by. Nnr \\' I1)(c r 'h il I III1,h. "">111,1 1:" tn ,·hur.·h ror th ... uprollr II"•." 1I111k c. I wOIllI",' wllh ." urr \·.·,·c"",·.• Illn l 1I11'rullll!. ~Iri' . whnt' o the CIIAt III n er~A ror tlle nol~ e ,h"rhlllil 11'0111.1 11111'(' In.t. Tllt'y 1111'11 111 Of tllO rlly p"dl .I'(,lIr. Yt'S, \\' 0 PIlY til )(fO 10 .·ltllrd, . lInt It II tl lllll.' lIl~1 thn prlco ru r 11I'llI g 10 n ·"rnwlll~ Ihll r th",\' 11'0''''' . II 11('11 (" 'l' ll' prc'''''e u I'le~' to\\'II,' whether We li lt " e money to pu>,

til n Cll nH~I'~ntln n fiR Utl!Y cnme to tJl lt or n Olle," "iltl r"II : Ih.·y hu.1 )(IlIW un In crt'<l l"Who 19 It ,:;et8 th~ PRY?" said D1hllM. lilo' 1I11111\'" r or 101 wk. 1"' YIlIlt! It to .. r...." "Not I!" Rltn In\l~ht'(1 . Ih,'~' (1\_"('\'l'r('l1 t l,,' lr ' rror. n"w('\·,·r. "No\)o.ty g."" It. There I.n·t nn.,' r,·,·I1 I1 "; Ih nt tll('), IIII!:ht he fll1""rI'llS~- pn '; Ih "1" 1'1 ,)11 1 ' morley. '\11.1 nlll III " ly hi'" If Ih l'\' r",'lI r ll,·,I. thl)Y ,!r') ). y r l:t",1 Ihlll n lI'"i" wo u •• 1 mnk" Il,pul ~~llIe {Ir. tl!.~ 1I:.' n cl OWII tllwn get mlld, I1R )(noll. It \\'II~ II 11'10,110 .• " wlllf"r I 01 tb nt. 1.,tlll t s whnt Illy ruu ,.e r wunt H III o r1l1 U~. wltll II u 1111'11 ot erl"ll s nllw !nO to ge l . o""r th .. " ruIII"!. Ro 'hey wlI lk" II. nllol "Y'·R. " s ho onl'l. smllill/!, tn him. nur1 t or lit" m'o sl PlI l't tl ll'Y \I-ere BIf"II I, hUI no<l" III)(., """11 Y~:' <lOII ' t WUllt It, flOti 0 11 tl lI' lr wuy hOIlIl'. ntler Ihl" hud you clun t lI e,,1 It. tu rll .1 hllo' k lit 1100 11. lI,!!y 't)('snll to til' "nut ,\' n' l IIUII' t Ih lnk I'm n s lcl'p, IlI lkn l!\'c 111(,,111. wnlker, :\l nry'I" Jl e hllll toltl her or hi _ "alll !'Y." . 111,' IU bb • • nrter a time. "0111 I !1 81~pl' -w"lker?" I She Inught'll " Ilitlo. Ulen lookoo ; jrrtl"c. "DVIlK your (uthe r suy you


4re~ "

"Y es- whl'll he's In n moo" to Illltt er m('. OUwr tfllt ll~, ot\Jer DlIIII CH. II I' IIIl I! ' Iull.· II \1 st." " VOU IIIU ll t1l'1 IUln.t." slie ~n l (l , I:('otty. "n t""" h i·.,. 1\ gc rrlll )C Mome prottJ' Bt} \'(·r c s lwI'kH. \\'1' " 1 )'UII ' \'C 10iLl llI e nU1kl' ~ lII e pl'e lt~' M C·".\' (lOr him. mlol 'A. 1' \'0 alwllY s 1)1'1'11 Qurn h,,'A \'cry "I/r...· ·:\' l·R. lUI( II n/l- hllnt! . Jl lI'S like n Rl're u"' ~ withnul I'Y"~ !lUll wllholll lilly ~0 Il RI'I ""~ II C.8 CXl·l·.,t tllllt or h.M 8trcIIgliJ Ulld or iii. l)IIrl'0"o to grill\' s t rfl llg"r. S trolls~r (o r wh ol? b'o!' nothlll l(." "Ar' you 9l1re. Illhhs 7 It ~nn't hI' tor nOlhlng; It 11I11 ~ 1 he s tronger tor 80melhlng, m'm l UI OU)(lit be dO OHII't knll'" \\' hlll It I.. PO!'II II I)8 wllllt h" un.1 hl A 1;'111(\ IIr11Nlrlll:!rllng rllr Is somethlllg 80 grclI t Ibey 'oIlILlI1't Ree It80 gr eut IInu ~ 'uT II ~ coull! see .. ~O.



t:ltlt! koeell , aohllli UWbll, lamo bROil: m~te Ufe a burdllD. If you .uller trom rheumaUllm, lout, lum ba~o. nIIllHI"la.,'" boU!a I ~loa"l', Liniment the unl.llrMal reOlmJ, lor palo. E .. alJply ; I' peDe'rtlte. without rubblD, and ' .oo'bel 'he 'IDder fie.b, Ch,uDar IDd more el 'eo&lve 'haD mUB.,. olDtmepU or poul'loII, Far .....tD. or .praln., lOre mUlOln or ,rwenohed 1l,llDea'a NluhlDI from .'reDlioue eufC)\18 "oaa'. LlDlmeat line qaloll"eller.

·.y. '0

ItHp I'

oa. IIU4 for ........0lIl. DI...~IIO.

n ~.!. _\ t ( II1 , /\ rt'\,,' ILl_\

IlIct"(l" ... !n~

i""""1 lifo I.


It II )'


dress d s(>vL'ral g rad s r r va riou s


Ihol'- )IIl" I H'a rr)'II1U I)(IWt'r n tlh~

~'''rJIII1 8 "{i.«<' " r ~ I ht'f,.f ," JlIt1 ~· r Nm l t. W hvll ) 'I J u trot t h nt rnll n n 1 /o: cl till}.; r11(1 Rt OIl !,

bhod " u

.nl" ,hl' n' OIlM lnh."tl Il t ll "O"

1JII" ', 11'111 1 \111 111 ),(,111' 11 U:llr" JIR .. lli' j-mlW l\ jt lk t 1 nnrl )'UlII" ' 101\1 ' /1 t'"I l il wd tlll'uuJ.! h ( ~ lU"ryJu g Il n Hllld h hu r - ,

<1 ('lIlI r \lIl'dgh tl y omllluh c ullhy f ul ,

fl n"""O'Jlllli'h ll nll'u,' Y"UI "",,II ,IY"""ill

ti lt. " I J(!It I\l r ; hl'ell. hf' d t' o ply , nIHI t(1' " trOnlI\U)" '

u 1111\ or In .... CtJ. I nk(\ll"l u,.~ tlt hil t , II'I,t,·, " V"r), ",,"'11 1111< l,u(Il'" 1""IIkI""1 t ho"


[ ulw rl\ll~t·u uru·, OIlch IIIt"11 und I\tl h l'fltrn1tl. \ ' I: I~1t Yl )u rbfd t tl \",' ry rl l \\' till Y!! ou tl k~c, p up

lttro f "'or ~(

lli ,' U', l\lt llJOll lllutlt "f ilii


110 \\ 11 ( (I 110rlllu \.


h: r Ullll t, l),ddn null ( ' 1111111'1 \11 .'I' UJlM'" I'-! lI.l+6tllut('ly lmr m h ~ I~ 1,ll'USllOt t o '"" ( \ 1'0 f lit , ~l1 IHJIIY gUt ·f.i t :-o O l ;\1 r . rU, I ! Lb \,U. hel p, t.lifl dli-: orillUlI IU II I 1t4 do... l ~n{" 1 t o

l.l r !ii

Mr~. b'l'II uk CII"k, tl f H u ute ·1. I"" .... " ,,· tI,o fl .l )'gou·r.rr)' IIIM l'Oll' or o f Ihu 1>lr~ . 1\. 13 :-illll ll"r IIntl e ld l,. m n 1,1".... . . Iwulu .11"",. \\' l' ro t h u WI ' I I"" "I( ' I' u.j .. I "'i -IJ t t ilt, I~\'t·u " hl "t.l"Y5· tr()n.~l1Iu"t h ' U) tlc' (Jnl"ll ~ffil.I l l l' tlonll\ \~, ' i ).; ht _ Tho ro hi nut 11- : lrHl u r ~ I(r ll ndLU (J t JlI1 f M '·H. ~huli "l' . ' 11II:holl.1' lar nhL'HIt)' . o f Klll g llIII ll , l u ~ L ll l\H Hdl1 !luLl I FI·iuu}'. . M r.:! A~h ury BIll 1'Cl I'L1rnnlllJ o nw I5l1t ,lrlln v "ft" r to rlol i ~II'. ful \'I hlt wlt.h l'el;\tI \,U!l iu KnlltuCky . 1




T u en'r ' ' ll stolll cr, II ma tt 'I' wltal lit ' :llll()Unt of his purcltase. Com e' un d talk o vc r your plans

witlt us,



s i lO\\'

yo n how t o savc I1JUnc}, in bu y ing a ll killds of IJllildinl-{ male ria l.


- ---------

13uyers Get Quality Guaranteed on All Supplies

l\Jr . Rud

Mrs il o ward L.YODN, o f t f) g other wltb Ih()lr rnJ '),ed !1 1,Ionic lit Shll otl'l


M,"ml ~ h Ir ll,

I(llcst. "l'VVO Mo lJd~y 1111 .' lm pu l'l rll, it In tlo" b l".u1 . ., . . P r, W. Fl. \VAhrly , ~on Donlt ld, UII'" r liP I lll s ~ l rr hy l uk loJ.: Dr ICit ~ 'iJ N u '" I.!tn P II1~. 'l'l1 oir mild i I\ull rllLo g h t e r~ A~I~ , (I t [,)!Iytn n , flnd 'I Itlx!ltlve quulltll:lM "'Hu ovn fh t! 1',, 1~. Mr~ R"ymo rJ K err . of Illl p oouDoe. '1UH frllm l ite " YMt!'"I !Lnu brl g hl e n IVAre. Ib ~ ~ueAt~ of W . A . Null lIud Ib B ey e A 11111 , t,·(.U 1I 01l' 1{ 1'lp lof! IUIU Ly 1:'i1ltur uny. bow I 1I1 0" ,llIl eot lll tit " ID r nl r.,: i. M r . !lnu Mrs . (Jho~ t e r ' r o oketlllnc1 thu r WUI''' (,I n ,I,) 0 of Dr. K!II .(H Mr . lIod Mr .. . WII\ Tulli s lind dllog b :-low 1,1." 1' 1 1I~ I ho 1I 1Kbi IM fo r a. At le r IIttrond od the Groham ro ooion __ 225! _ t your Urn l-:l; l. I·. :::;0. I Slltl1l'dny . ___ _ _ _ ___ i'lr. lIud Mra. '1l1\'lu L onl{. of Ml do le t o w n. wo re t hll won k end 400 TYPEWRITERS! ' ne ~ I,H of Cia r nuo Ulth(lDH .. Ild 80D. Mr . uud Mrs. J oseph Morshall htl ve rllLnrlled h o me frolll an extet:dFOil !lENT uri vi I~ relilth'e~ Den r Iildentoll . I uv BUne, o f MrJtllaUl, IL former OOMS '0 r unt,. 111111 b oud Mrs. ' va tell' of the ', 8. ob uroh lit 'his 1r. lIl\ll Irt!. 0 11 , J rull nf . n enr ' pIIlC:A. husboen vie ltlog .lo1r . ~nd M u, W . 13. Yllinos, T hIrd Ure.l, I~p. ha,, ('l li . ~II,' "I. l' hury( l ll l' IIIHI 1'1 .Io hn Illtnn uod ol·ller frl eo d!! h e re. aG ( .' II'?:I Wit It I h Olr IIll u j(h l .. , , Irs . T IrOH. Mr@. Ma ry Bru~oup Is orlM o.. lI y ARN-B'or tw o horsoll R n. 1111 ut h e r hUUle 0 0 N Ol th Millo lI 'reet. bU811IN, t o r 11011001 , Mr. !lnu MI·" . W' n f) oc1tl, tlf n o~ 1' !ltr lIod Mrs B D L ong 800 1 will offo r AS Publlo 81110 at my [O'ln lrfl nl "'ils ofUoe. 110 l,e ul1.lJolI. v l 1I'1I,1~ M r. nlld Mr~. I ILlid lillug hle r hl~ve ~et~rned borne r esid \ln oe on tim WRY l1 eHv llle lind 11 11111 H HlnwllY o u I ht1r~uIIY . Ir o Ol ,. vl sl ' Wi th frleods In OI e r- Ne w Durlllll(to n .plke, Dour th e M r. U. M, (~l n(\ nf1. of D r ohlln\ mont oo unty . O O M- For fl!IID'lemoo QIIly, [0 UII9SI\r ' 8 C r eo k oh uroh, CD ,i: n ob wnt! t.ll11 Illl st or W . T. J o r Mr •. Nnt Murray !lnd ohllr1re D, of Rood 10cati oD. IDq uire.' ,hi. Tuesday, Scptcmher I:? 1') IfI d n8 o u Wc do e~d fl v. WOtihlogtun D . C ., were t he ~nos'8 ofllo8. 1111 Mrs. F . A. tlurl s uok !lod hll~s 01 frlend8 oDd r elutivcs belO tbo Com menolng U, 11) o 'olook, the 1 1:]Ple n UCOODl l'tllli cd Mu s t e r A Ivl ll 1 poet week . foll owlnH prope r ty : ~ Borrus. (Ja'[i ll rve y, ! o hI., hUDl l' DO.' ~ l t.!rt1 lind , Mr . 1),11(1 Mrs \f r ank Iliok .,rd Bod Ue aou Hoga. lI'''rlUlo~ lU1plementH, WANTED ";pflnt l!!Ur>dIiY ~lI1rl l! rl tluy with fllmil y , Mrs. Eu . Woodwn r d nnd !:ieo big blJls for t.orlll~. ..1 t . !Lutl illt S . H C U ,uv ey. (hlll ghter ~IHlnt SUnd llV w l tb frlend~ MrH . AmllUd" M Stllrr I' Mr IIl1d !')lrM )j]. U. MtH1Don lin~h iu Mlumlsbu rg. . Wm . MilI R. Anot. GET yonr .ohaire oaned ; make oml G lrloll1l lI.1u? n o l1, M rs I dll M .. o, Ra l p h S'owe hua r ot nrn ed h o me W . E. O 'Nollll. U lorlc tile III lal~ lonse. ; prlon uooord · nun lIud JIJI S' J;; ~ bel w e rt! the t3uD- utter UD e xtended viR I t wltb frie nd~ ' . --l og t o ,Izo of bo"em of obalr. ~\I~~;.ue t~ 0 1 Mr . a lld MrB. A l vin I uoCl r e luti ves nt Dnyton . Get the Miami Gazette Now Pbone No. 27, sIS Mr. uod Mr s. P. K Poo oo nod Mr~ . fitloOtlh Rl cll uocl Ml'~ . HIl'll b 'h rlstopher vll!lted Ml' . ~_~~~~~~--~~"""!!~~~ T e lllpb on a Operfl'or at ODoe. R lClh \'I ~ lt ",l Mr. unu rur . Irn Hi ob Mr ~ . Ida CI1U lit 'l'elovhoo.e EJ:ohaDlle. !lull M r s P . B . MuTey of Fran kllD ' , uu Thor >( I.1y . ono (lay I 8t week. Wuyo ollv ille, O hio . 113 Mr~. ::)IU O'1l Rod lIHn g ht ,'r , of lItr!>. 'oHu rlntbllv\IIl.l', of Norn Plt l' fi lln' 'y~ bnr g , onll pt\ 00 lIIr!' woo u, Is IH{tI In I.he I,lU ils t o f he r KlpA IlMt; - Hnvo von a CArm orotber hilL MI, u u uu Thu ll'HIII1.'1 ut l"rtlOOD t r , MIBS l 'uun I3ru~ cul', ROlLI J;;ol'llt f! for su le? If 80 It" AII~~ \0 11 0 [) n~ l n l' Iwut !:iuutlllY H"tr:O III l.n oe wi t h W . D. Chaudler , M r. Ulltl Mrs . T UIU Fox . Ilf Mi. with M i ~~ lOin .Jnwdull. WI~yno~vll1 (). tllllO, or Oil 11, h e ro .• ' owlsb ur c, w ere t h o 'lIn dllY {lllIlS!H MI'~ [ ,I .. J\\ " II'11 clU t' nt r rtoiu('(1 or A OI1Plll Ilnd !'[\mlly . "lllin" No. 77. I \lllv e 1\ fow KOO<\ ~I I ~ . UItIl(JlIll H II' ll o n \V illi" :lU.1Y u u t of t own 1tuyer~ wh o ur8 desirMr . Ul1 rl Mf:; . ( '111' 1 111.(· I rll t''' . u t q UR o f look hll( ut. property in Ilnd I>lt. uO ll "'"~ (;llllllll 0,'17 ." IIll.l Hud LIlIlI. ijpen l. tlUI1U Il.l w i ll. rulu>fOllnd WIL:Vllfl~vlllfi . Don't del ..y I ~ll~IOr j{ " h" rt 11u \' I ~ "I "'!l t Hun lln)' •\"1111 Nr. It 1111 Mr u. •1111.\ lJlL\'I~ In UV I'~ h~ __ _ Attrm(l til t,1Ii8 ILt, onoe . ri ll I ' -O), loo DUr \!. W , ' U . Ohllntl ll'lr . 'j'Il I~ rO lll lll l1ll i y w as w(tll rCjJl'O. . - -= - " ·lIt .. ll III III '" /'1 (1 l u n:. T ho tot tl 1 ~'ANY I!\1l .lhor lI,tOlJ cl1U fl fr u m t illtu 1.11 Of t l . I II Ih t If r l FOR .S kLE I. nun> o tl1u ~ Ii · " , IL I.l 11"1 0 Iw ln'" ~\\' o lv [' , "' , . ' hnIllIlL\t,y 1\ l u r ~o ~ b l l[ O tl tllrt willi , !II . HIl'llltrll L.o!llor, J !I'A ,Iull lt h CQIJ. ~lplltlon . i':orp yom' howtois I ,) lllll t'lnri ~1l ~!j b " ye ""10; rnturn s cl r eg ulilr nn d th y tII tlY I1Il 'Houled l:l o r~8~ . 1 ,l erillY (Jow , 1 Jefley h' )Ull' \V ... tnl"~ d~r "II l ' ~[)(! IHJlIl I-! Wil e n u luxutiva IE! n eorl",l t,nk () l:Ieife r Cu lf. (j mon.hll (lId. 1 ,over I dl\y~ \Vult .Mr ' nlll l MI'.i. ' hnll1bor!fl lo 'tj TolJlrt!l Thoy not Itulohor 'Ittl i:ltlIC/H', .1 tltll al tire RUll \Vm Culll. )}·, rwn r P n rtl und . 11ld . " Illy m :wo th e b o\\'o lt> hot, tll,pro v.' 1;llmt., i twn . lH1 r ~e WIlRo n. with MrH 11111 ~JnI10Ill) IIn,l d" ll g llte r , rhn' ''Plle tiH' flud Rtr nglh(!U th (Ii. I.w o Rut·S of 8101e l'Oltortl.; ' .... m·1t Hllr . ~~t1"! I , !t'fl !Ill :; m n trtl n!!. 'l'u e ~dn.v . ~es ll un Ubtu i ullhlo (wurywhtlro. !lOHII tor two burijtJt! IlOd 1 @flt 81[I 1,:1 e _: _ _ _ ._ r.)r 1'fP!ll'tJl,u ,' e Citv whl, ro MI~~ I HllroA B8. 2 Onron Jura .. y !:low s, doe b: l.b o J I I!IHl lIas Th oy "peo 1.110 ~IClll til f"rrow llotuhe r I ~t, ;; t3b ' 1 6t~, _~el! l oo l,e d oolrtR Qll t w o r~ /'. trH.l e nd 'Il pr with .\l r un tl r.ll·8. Ero ~t 1>1,,,, T wo anll a half milllon re;tdcrs find it of two IIwn tli ll n ld bllU o f -llut.lI1 r 0\. ~tuJl' ." l b en iJ , .. tigb t, I\ on. Trealmen t or Boll •. ",bso}rbing inter t, Everylh lng in it if< obf\~ t, nln~t Ull rllli eveiJ tit onoC'l. Dr. ~li 9 Jud it.h Uoilier 0 1.111 MlsR Mil rl " , .\ I- I""",·h '.' '' '101' I, ,, ,, 111,, 1 j:! rpnl " 11"W,IHen So You Clln Undor.fllttd It A n ro s or gnm l IlI n.l ohf\Sp Bo H'~ Plne.'rur.HonlJY Is Nn lur e' A Hi c h I ~ rt, Mn mlily m or ri ll! for L h ('p,~ \\'11 11 <" " tt " l' i n~ 1" ,11 " loy upplrlllg lVo. Rell ~OO.()('(I C"ol'ic ~\'cry month whhout If ~n Irl Hn,"1. ~'lIr in I oqllltoremedy. Bon ey uod !(l yr.eri n e h l " l ,LDoll ' lI' li e ru Ib(' y wi n he Iu doh eo l IIr II,,· 1i"'1 ,Ign" or 1111", ","",11011 (,,"nH lYlfl~ prt'nli um s finn hm'o 0 '1 ftulidlUr8, Any LIO n luldreHH P . O. /3ox 0:.1, Wllyne~ . newStlf'n lc: r' wil l Ah nw yo u #\ COpy: o r wdre: Ih f' Ih e lrrltil'od m\Hubrane, Bo ti setltl o (,bis w l Miss ,Ju(litll ll t!·on clin(C f11' 1" S I!~ \\" '1 wi,,, ..",,"I /1111'1>< lOr IInl" J)u ul ~h ~r { fi r h'! 5nll ll,Jc - u l)(Ist at wi ll do. ville. O hio . 116 tllr 10086n 8 the phltl~ m ; you brea lh e the 1 1 11Iv e l·~ lty und M1 S8 Mlll'io Uh ' I ''' ('l' of ,,(' nl' ·II. IIr ... II1'·, ' of I"d ln .. "nd $ 1_50 A YEAR ISc:A COpy d .. sler .. nd y o ur oold Is 1)1'0 £ ' 111 nil. I:i !gh I:i h OI;\. I " plrl l'.-.r "1\111 1'1'0,,1'. ('" "flll u,> ll"lIllhl' ( De H.)r80 Wheat Drill, with L'lelul\o\ to tllke . Dr. B e n'~ Pio c P opuiar Mochanlca MagRz"ne Ml tj', Elsio Ur t·le u rrl veu ~ un dl~Y Ir "hi " ~('l· tt\ S 1(, I... P"'S'·II. II' wl lh Fertilizer 8tl,llc hlllBnt. U"lI on rur.Bun c v Is ao Id(,111 r omedy f o r even In g I\ nd we ntll r ejoiced t o hear I ti ll' ':'lI tt l'(', ·, .<L'S fi ll.' 'Irlul,,, s ullll ",1' WrIa No. ~ W . O . Ublmd!er. WllynoBvlll .. , O . ohlldren l1li woll as Irrowu-ul's . At th o 8o h on l b oll riugln g 0(100 muro ' ter ur dO\'cl' hl..,, "UIll Il·lI. II \\'11 1 1118 your Druggis t , 25 0 lifte r It v uOll ti o n of t lJl' ee nlOn th ~. 1 h 1\1 In ~('lIl1l> r Ihe I,. 11" 1I 11l1 ",·,·reo",,· ~1r ~ ••John \Vo lfe SIle nt 1\1l)n <1 Il Y 1'Nldc n(·j'. w ith her on, Itoy, l1 b~ r U I 'I~k vill e. .~~ Tho Teat. QUit.ll " few t torn h o re took I..llbor 1_ ......_____ '::::;'.:. 1.:.1 .;,;1,,,,,11,,,,11_ 1 JJI' I 1110 II~I' ~- O l1 II II Iit'. tfo n; flirt DILY In GIRr Usvl ll e. He Wa s Impressed . «(lRICE~ RIQHT) "From ~ \,ou c" c r. on II f rC('1.l ng wlnrer 111l~· . Mi s~ LIUlr/\ 11'0101 Imet frlclld I "\\'II ~ 'Ihe ~CI'I"OIi w'hl~' W )'our 11k~ tn n/l !lrc~!lrl\lll Rl y III o Ill' s llll\1('r~' from 01 vel and spent If r lrloy nf te r - I lOll . .I" h" 7" 1I1'l ul r" [1 lho 11I1.tOI'. " 1,,\\'IlHhllllSIIl wh il e you sptlll g!)11 your HEAVY Il . OO t ll wit h M r. und Mrs r. J o r- I ,I (>,1. "I I'. II 1l'11~ n gl'nll" "'~ r!II"I1 . " ""hi ~h\l' rl n.: sC'lf With nh lit n fJlulrt nt (Glll\rtlllleed 4000 mUI S) fin o , l .rlllHI, Wi lli J.!t!lllI1ul' adllltl' utlulI , " \\' !tnt Wil Ier rrllill tlnnt\ ",r chinn how l7 If to Fiction McCaU' II i~ Su·preme." ~.Pl toI u NOli-Skill Mr s. o tLruh R loh I ~ Illovlul( t o h or 1"'1'1 ", ·... " ..·.1 III I"", · 1;,,101 uf ~' O ll ?" you thi nk ~·"u \l'on ld hn\'11 per!;I~l e d In T"""d '!'rMd writes n New York 8.u blcriber. ",,·t'll. 11 "11' sl ,u'l! ~-Ol1 Ilsl< III ... 1'1\ te ll Ihl s. lll (1rnll1)( I1fl"I' Inorn lng. In 1111 un· h omo III Hur v " ysbllrg t-hle we/lk . ,0.80 $11.45 ' 3U)(3 McCAlL'S ".IIlR ~h . ' bll s . 8ttLol,olI .. r rlved llero yuu. touk huhl !If 1I1 ~ I1\l1Sl Il' U" ",.tth·d lI ,'t1t'nt.HH. t It rtm g )'. ~cro w on t he r 1 12.M 13.00 o ver 1 . 200.00 II :ltJx3 ~, I ~l1 lu lc you ' YOl1'bulul1g to the e lecl. \Veduu · UllY tlveolng from t'lulllh y 0 1l1' P"rs"l' onmf! ~tl1U W il Y you' \\,~Il t wom l)n d n:ss 111 . 1 .46' 1!l.80 ~::Xa J;., I) ukot-n . M r s. iHIl.I~c e li u(ld childre n OVel' lI'l' - SlllUe Ihln)( It.glll " UlItI 11!;1I111 - 1'l\c ALll1l1ll c. Sl y l. p i smull 0.· who ht1ve been spI)Ddlng the e u m tlll il u!,;Illu. "-Chrl"UIlII U N·111t1. . po nao.. A rc cnK" mer wi t h h e r pare mtl Mr. "oel Mrs. ---- ni"ud Fa 8 hi n IllS. Gray ne(Jom p uoled Mr. i:l trtoo ell AUlho rity for 15 Preparedlle6S, CORWIN, OHIO Phone 00-3 10 Db.V ton 8 uod tl· ~r even Ing Wb l:l f ll ), urs. Yo ung AI,lrlc'h Willi wu ltl fl'; 10 Ih Ihelt-0xpeet to lIlelte t b el r homo. Country's Debt to Nove li st . McCAll PAT11l\l'llll' fn" hl ~ 10\'c,1 ono t\l 1l l'IINl r. ('hllrl's llc l1ri c k lll e' l · til\' \t, ltrlhl e TERNS lead In wlten he r s lDull hrother ell me In 1111(1 sy!!i.:I11 . ot trtln s porlllll(ln tor 1\ fl', U[\O ' lyle. fit • • lm!,I"'too\{ II BI·nt. "We ll, hOHt~ ... " sold r 'IIIrll' C'd fl'ojn Au~-t!'llllll nne l )Ie\\' ZC'nc lb:=.,:;::;t;~r.:;:~ Ily , economy numbo. sold. Aldrich, "whnt· II\() yuur HI!lt.' r HtlY Illn I tit slnl n of b\' lng ('rlml "nl (1I1mpMcCAU.'S 84 ll fl rmAU tn onthly- '" the w l1<' 11 \'0 11 1,)1,1 It l'" J . \\'rl~ \l'lllllog1" tn!! J:'I'()u[\d~ . HI !! 110\' 1, ''I t Is Ne l'cr F :tsh lo n Ouide n ntl H OllC c kf! Cltlulr H c hllU" of " W hy. ' s ho 11111n't 811Y lImld,,)(," rc· O Ic1a/it1l oomee Qt1110k onough w i t·b- T oo La te to M en d," dirt '1he trick. nod m""o r~ w omen than nny u llll~rmnu tulnc ill tho wor ld . A.lI the r.tC:"4t .-u-Ieu t'Vt.lf"Y rnonth; pll ·.1 th e sllIull hrOllwr. ":'Illu Jll sr out· invl~iDlllt, !:\OIDe lOOK old at f or. the Brllf sh 'lOP1 ll"rl)ll~ In Ihe gnUl.ltcrn 0 1"'0 dt"lI"htrut IIt c rl r,,; hfl Cd.t dtl-l' lrtmc-nt. t oult II ring ull' 011' fin!;·r un ' put It ' y. 'l'h~1 Itl p 'hey negleot the hemlRph ' ro nwe rh !> 1101' Hilt II Ileht of fn conkin'll h Ollie dr a"R OI ~ ld IlLf, IRney w or k, n nd w lJyi 10 Ihtl! \c u h o u tlcw o rloc a lld . ave .on l1uotb e~,"-Llte. \I ver aDd bowels. ,I{\lOP y onr bowels f!rntltllr! wb lch th 'y tlnve U l flliled money, P,I,"o; o nly 5c • ~D"y. SOc " ye ar . DWayne.vllle. ·Ohlo.1 regular Ilnd your II ver healthy aDt;! to ·"uy. 5111D FOU.llo~ Fan.p-W"... !look CENtS IN _it It 39 E ..,lwt)ld ory .nd JOU wl1l DO' only fe e l younler bn' - - ' -- STAMPJ '!II lZ_Qo M.eaU Pallor" Dook look younger, When troubled with We have arnnlrtlCl with an underCo..t. Noted for I; oge. t~:-l:::'~~I~:~'I':o.':.':rr=~'::J'::'''::''= OOD8t[pntlOD or lI\IIool nen tlb taker to Ket an 'auto, 10 we wllllMl A"",,..., Dcpr. N Farmer Must Be an Expert. Officlnl ligures shol\' tltllt tOg!! 81'0 Ohlllllbtlrlaln'a Ta.bletll, THe,. are able to furnllh either an auto or fIlE McCAll. CO•• DlW. n.Ue" N... , ... CItr,•. T. more trcqut'nt lin the l'01l6tS of 1\I0lne In'ended e8peolaUy for 'beas aU· 'Vo Uve In uil ugC' ur mechuDlcal bone,drawn tuoenl. O aoll New Hampshire thllD uny oOl- milD" aDd ITI exoel1eDt. Cl':av to (nrmlni; -the "UIIIII with !lie hoe" ,. Both ph~oaa. ad R..w... er purt8 of thu COlUlts IIf thi! UDltad take an4 moe' In eifeol. a bali-been. The furlllor ot Ole tutor. ~ .No. U:.&me~ wW be a machlDe esperc. Btatu. Otttabaable



OlaBslBed Ada




11•• "'0










I !




hc's ' jURt IIk tJ ~O Ill C hll lItl , IIDcOn~('\oU8 tblng hCIl \' llIg ullllm" grollull- " "Till hn hrenl.s throngb nnll lenlls Ollt Into Ibe "nyllght," she 1l11lahcd tor him, ciJecrlly, "Into th e smoke," .ald Illhll'. "r..ook at tb e pow(]er o r conl·r1ust n Irenl1y Itlr' Iyl u/: th e decen t Nnow. even thongh It'8 !.'Inu(lny. Tbnt'8 trom Ule little pll,.'II; tLo ulg Ou.lS ." ren·t 80 bllt!. 011 8untlny I 'J'hlln!'s 0 fleck; ot Root ou your cheek, Some pig scnt It out luto the fllr ; be mlgbt 11 8 well hllve thrown It ou you. It would hove beeo brllver. tor thon be'd loll vo tnton bls clll1u~e of, my \vblpplng biOI ror It Ir I COUld." "18 there IIOOt on 017 cheek, Blbh~? III there ?" "I. tbenl? ' There lire. IIOOt 00 19nr cbeeks. Uary--n neck OD ellch. Doe Illulled since 1 menUonoo Ule IIl'sl." Sbe bllll~ ImulMlnlcly, gi ving bllll her hllodkerebler. IIIILI ho succeeded III trnnsfcrrlng most or the blnek trom ber tnco to Ole cambric. 'l'hey were eDt1rely O1atter·ot ·C()urso IIbollt It.• An elderly conllle, It c hnnccd. bad t-n walkluif bchind Bibby und ~1nry

Buru - T o Mr, Rnd MffoL Pnn l ,l, M() uro, tl boun ci ng girl, lt rhlll Y, ~e pt enjbe r I f''' . Mre, S UBIW EU'1"ay Be ll j1al\~l1d ~w ll y Augu ~t:1O ufl e r HAvorlll \H'o kH " tlll'urlo" Ilo d WII" 1,11 (1 te, r ".q. t 1'111 110 c 0 ~ X ll l1"~ cern e , or y !:lI1 I,tolllhC'l r 1 ~ 1 . l!! b n \\'JlS IHlmlr('d by Ril wb n kn ow h r. . Mr , nnd MrH . H o r a oe T !3ur~ e~s r (lt or o od t o t.b ol r h om u 10 WI ~cous ln o n Ii'r lduY,lll't e rtilrp. o we kM l.lt1J:ing "' t or hl~ e~LIl I·e 'rhus Mr:uu l uo hll~ I bo fll rID r ootert lind will tult o o bur go of It In t h e n our fu l ure . Mr . aDd Mr!!. E.{l Cnrr m oved to Klnl.ltUIID wh nr e t.1r . Cu r r hn~ lL POH IM oo with B. 'W . t:iUlti ll & 0 U nr 10tis Is th ~ lr \luln. R"". Wo lller proaclJ e d h r :-: today f o r HIe lu llt tim o \lnl iI Ilfl r oonf erenoe . Mr. lIoLl · MrN. Wllilurn o lnpb ll il . of Wlllllln~'o o, W OIl 011 Illu g ou all qna lDttln oOH b e r e ~unrtay. Mr . H ow HrJ Gruharu "ti ll r e mui" " vllr y Kl o k . I)or to wn wus w e ll ropr oso ll t" 'd at CJnrk~\' III{' , Oil L uh o r DdY . T Lerl' WIiS prollchln g at tuu A M . E. ob oTc h HoudILY by tb olr m ini t e r R ev: Mu xw oll. .Mrll Ulllia MIIIlrt e n ~nd Bon , .l obo. Wtlro (~Ileel\ City vl'lt nr s lust weelk, r et ll fUtDI.I b umoif rt.\IIY nl gb t. Fo r two YOUr!! U tiI' lJ elg hb Jrin L1 towu Olll rk ij vlll e b o~ o b erve d !.nb;! r OilY In 1 1IIIlIt onte r t·llioonmt WllS ndmlr V nil thllt WIl B ,lllmy ell III be pre.oo~, ,! nd th ey ur e t o be 0') 111 plim l'1 nt ed f o r th e ir dl'o rl ~ 'J'lH II' cltb-.ens get t ogether Ilnd tolk olful r ;o ov er jOdt the Mine Uti .~ well reg uillted h OID Il. Tbey " II nKre -flU ooe to pull blLok nod th r o w Dlud'b en tiler PDt f o rth th Ir IltTO rt w whi ch ar e s u re t o r osult iD so c CSB . SO f ew towns CB n oono e D~1I110 tll e l r (or oes ~o us \0 g·t 1: ' od r C~ ll l h 'l'hpy wtll !l OCUS!! o n e nu o the r or g r uH I would n ot Uf) SQoh II I·hi l) ·: liS" A" litd ; t llB onty r 6.. " on!ttl lllc1 Dot 00 It WRij boolmrie h e dill n ot hll V(l tU II oluL ll o(l. iln t t<llch i " IIfll In @ODl O mUDI<llllnlt.l e~ Imd 10 t h o ~ lI Jl l llor~ r Olll ('s tnt e Is Oh 08p. Wh e r " IOVll un(l hutlB ony e x\ ~t eve r y l hil g worl'" ~ru oo~h . Y o ur Inv,,~ trnllu ~ lire d,\'ld elld "uro o r" "nd y ou IIl\n, n Olh lng 10 lilLy of y o nc n tlig llb o r ~ liu t prnl8e 'l'ho WIl rr U Count y " . C. 'r. l' . b el d Ill e ir nOD IlILI o oo\, l'nlion lit I h e Ifrl nds cb ur o ll W e(l o o~dll . I:; I) P t·('rubpt· tl, II lid M r~ . Vloltl D R o l1"I1~ . t"tO Cor r os Jl ~ u d ln ~ Bu r u tll r y. spoke to tll til In tho 9\'o ul llg U u r s boo l o p (m~ Mnnrluy Hl' p . t';nl Le . 11 . '['Il l! l e rt oher l< f o r f 11 0 tflTIll ur o a u I.ho ~rnnn.1 wl l b pI L· o l .'I' of t h o l1 ec· ... 8 ~lIry 1\IIlllluniti n n 10 dboo~ Ih o y o u ng IlIIUll 8 itl t hll rtlrt<O. li o n Ih l' Y IIhn n lu I{O W e { (' 1 RUl l' Ilf Ii j( ( 01 Ull ll I'r os p " I' O Il ~ ~ch ,lo l nuch' r lil a rll r oa Uo lI uf l' r uf . 'r1J1l us ~op l' rlnt o:lll tln l . w ilh Il\ s flNH lsLnnl M. WI) wi u fen 11\\1 11\ Ilolle ijS tloct \lI Ou:tull ! n rS ~ IHlll feo l Nllrn LIlli}, w ill rcoelvll til e ~op p or t of tile pat.r on s ,Iii ID th o p ns t

IO Uh)'

' uitah l ·



U n R t llr4' III rlnt UI'... lfl lt,. 111i Ih nl\\i ll~ It ol f h\'

n t'llt l l ~

Ill' ll',' f"


p urpns('''' \\Ie hav a 'car of tid ' lim' litO'll er in this w('ek.

I.y. ·flll·hlilrtu~Uunt,c'c ... rn \\1'4 1\ \\ ur~ (.; IIUt'Unr , lUtl Il ut hi ll llt }-u ftl WI1).t uru ls (Jt.,


ClI t ·

lo a ll s la nd a rd


It lllll, rill

b . 111 II IIY hi li I~ ' 1 11~" 1 ('It 1-;


I l' ted ~ t pc k,


Your \\ 'c1~h l \\ illl Tnssc(l H',.i1" ut. t'(l ln rllh'1:i " rill







They Were Entirely Matter-of·Courlo

About It. tnth cr's 'n ew p innA ror him. til('l1glt be hud IIOt Ill'~ "rll' c, 1 UI O \'1";01' Jlnl i plctllr(,M II" ' II "ij~ or Ihl' l\' Sett hl!; tOI'Ol. "Yo u thluk I'm rl!!\lI'/"

----- .. - - -


+-- - -


----... --.,---HOW TO GIVE GOOD ADVICE The bel' wily to siva g ood ad vloe il lie' a good (loXllnlVI O. Whl' .o o'ber.uf!fl how qnloll\y yon !let ovcr 10nr oold by 'ailing OhllOlberllllo's ConlJh Remedy' thny .ne 'Ukelv ·to follow yoor eXlllllplll, '1'11111 remedy bal been 10 U8'" for mlloy ytllltS and eDjoy. ao exoollent repn'"tloD Ub"IDllble everywhere.


----- ...----

'II -..;. ': • FASHION

1\ '

nn t'lve 80n. uull " hor tly ntter hi s n1'• rlvtll In Now l 'ork h e rOlllul hlnis()lt ID tho mIdst ot U irouP of IUI'1I who were In a blliated dlllCnaSlon of Hilile),'s comet. He could not mlas 0 chaDC!e to get ID a lJOod word tor the dear 014 cotat. "Wbat," he eJ:c1olmed. "Balle,'11 comet bere? Pabaw 1 But ,011 lhout4 baYe IIe8Il Ulat thine from 8aIl ~" _ ... . . __ __

Saxon Six -Livery BUCYRUS








"n" 'I)


True "NatIVe 80n!'

. He wns au (!u thll~ "III I. eV(1n tor



Funeral Director . and

---_0 _ . .---lin

- - ---


.................",,' -,'

'}£ lD_iiiI

.: 1'4;, .

... _ _ _ _


IJr . ll e r~c lt el l






Lalmnon ..... , ... .. .. ...... ,tJ 00 7 SO Lel.n ... , ..... ...... ...... ,. G 10 ,, 00 Doddl ..... ..... ...... .. .....6 2G IIi WlIYnesviIle .............. 6 40 l.\ 30 C.rwln ............. ..... ... 6 45 H a& Uarvayaburll' .... ..... ..... . .... 8 5/i






l ' \1





4 55

m.R EYSBUI{G~ FOI{ LeBA 0 ' A in . M Alii )1 I'm

Leave H.rv.yeburlr .. ·.. .. .. ....

I ' .II

00 12 (0 ~ (\U :3 50 :,U If) UO 1 I ·lIJ HI I l ~ 10 2 10 .j 25 '12 "5 ~ 25 ,I 15 ; ;- ;, \0 ~5 40 12 40 ~ ~O <I :lO )0.10 iO ~O 4) ' 12 ·1;; 24il <I !It) J5 10 .1;; )

10 10 10 10 LO

I ' \1

55 12 45 2 f,O 5 20 :~ n 52:"') 1~ 5 1 0;\ :; :W .'3 qO I 211 :1 :~!i 5 [)." 1 :ll) :1 .1r. G 00 oj

Gorwln .... ..... .. .. " ... ... 6 50 fI 20 10 4Ii W.yneavllle ............... 7 9 :![; 1 lill Dodds .. · · .. ,.......... ... ... 720 940 11 or. Lel~n ............ ..... ....... 7 35 ~ 55 11 20 ArrIve Lebanon ......... 7' 45 10 on 11 31

9 U!i \j I

1 i;--4'~

10 .-,0

:...i J I


Ii i









lrran(' tor

\''' J~ ~ ry WE' ll Tht' "h'e f fll' I ~ 'iOIIR •.•.. p!'t! til md'

, III!! \:1 ....

I 811\ h nl!lln" till Lint'illl1Ati l 'nlii. ban d um! Cr.1 I I khanl 1' . IT()I.t~O~I , Ill' Jo'erliill 'r II und 16 percti n t Il III tll?\I~h t til at,l flll'l lo n \\,111 goods at f lo 61111 $1 :' p r lOll. righ t I' make II Ittll money I hlS year. from tht> car . ' - _. - - - -~Edw ill Chllnd ler &0 "' 011 l'i1one ,1D,.I ' ~



fI[i s~ Hosamond Dakin lefl fo r her Mr. Wm. Burns was marr ict! 10 Miss Ma rie Meth ot l al 1. ·ha tr ClII ho mo in lIulin ibal. Mo ,. Pri duy. Thur&lay b y Hev \'\'all, ins Th Ir ),Jrs (ieorge Brl\Ho n uud son arB mallY fr iends are R howurill ~ tlteir . IllS He len Mnrlatt \VIIS lhe gu es l v l,.. ~IUi! WilliarD Dr .. ddook nnd law conJ::I'Rlulations on I It I' )'Illln~ Cl ' " "I '. of frien d s in IA!~lInOn .IBlit we~ lIy , '

.M.;-" John "'I WlI1ermlUI III vllllting A. M . 0111 .

. - ----- . .- - Mr. Walter Mooril "0(\ wifo, a~ll Mil lo Doroo l::Iu,,~. ollgllo lo to r('!( " Mr. Dan Prltohard, of X.enln, s peut I.tor. Apply 0111(1 Mlapel· J Suo1l9Y whb A . M. 0111. I d ille. It. D, ·1. for I nforlOlIo l ioo, e20 ' Mt . 80l\y 'sam pi ll yod ~prln g Vaney U .ll , Ga me Mllod ou ao. ooon' ot darkne!a . lIAr . C... rl Mo Arrange Kitchen Conven ien ces. Ulure pltohed a n loe K"me to r ).tt. Tho l>u ~leR t "" Il ~"n tor tll,- fllrrno r B oll y. Neu Suo day "U. Bolly will 111 a180 th p 111I1'dl~~ t ",(.m~on fur I hl' I'll rm journey ovor '0 I:lar veysuurg t wom llD. Th" f'I'nn'nh'UCI'S tlt"t wil l pl"y teilW . . ll,hten Rnd cxpt'LlIl her \\'01'1; ~llo)trl d )1r. Wlllillow Dodd and family, of be "veil 88 mu dl consld~ rnlloll fl S th e . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Da),\oo, apeD' ~nDd .. y with biB Implements to be usod Iu Ih" Oeld. BIG, EASY-RIDING' CAR motber. Mr. Robert Green. of DlIytoo. IIpent Bonday wUb Lue Mora.n .





Lewis VI. Livery


- - -__ a -

New Idea for Wre nch. The conler rod of n WI~ C(l Il SIIl In· veotor'e qulck·nellng wn'llI'h I~ threaded ollly nt th o' Ide!. permittin g the mOI'lIble jo ll' to be prosRed IIgnln"I an object lind locked by engaglu;: th


G(' t



Everything Good to Eat


Specia! this week ... .. Cane t)ugar Sack. ... . • Rio Cofke, pouod , only . .. l .jc

)irs. Lanra Bedb t ook SuodllY dlDDar wl,h her mother, Mrs . Ne iMan ' MoKeever. Beury Prelltle ollil ed ~he~e 10 'he al&erIlOoo . · : Star Till Cans, fllaso n llr. I!'reemau. of tJllrlogfield, calJed and E Z Senl Ja rs on Barry Bha"" frld.,.. Pure S pices Heioz Vinegar Mrs. Jilarvey Burno.. eDtertalned ' he follo,,1 01 on Wed0911day : Missee Engeuta Whl'alier. Laur ", Rosollsle, I of I5prlullboro. and Reba I:;lmm oD~, from Alabamtt. . 10 , he .ftero oon I d they vl81ted Ccdu BlulJi. and too): I Creamery B utter Churn Go l aeveral good plotu res . Mioce Ham, ilolognll, Fresh 'ha Woodrow Waroer and Mis! Frank l[ urts Friday Bnd Sat· JeoDle oalled 00 Mra. Ala Whl~lIoker urdllY, and dauRh'eri Toeada,. afternoon . Mr. lind 141'1. Ohlil. Ha,emyre It pays to trade nt Ipool Bonday aUernooo with Mr . Ind Mra. 'rom Coorlney . MlslIl:!ue Doaoe, 01 Clnelnnatl. U · rl, ell Friday 10 villi har allter, Mr~. Rohert Ballinger. Mr. Clrl Beatb " od Arthur WIl . ---- lIaml went to Bedalla Balntday, Mr . 8 ... r vey Bornett and falOl\y Notice of Sale of School aUended the Bayoer Rounlon at District Bonds 8.ban\z Grove Bunda y. Mise B0881e Warner . pent Bator. -day ollhl and !!londay with her ~o.I",1 IIrollO.,I. will hu roc"I "od fit lho





.. _

CAESARS CREEK Meee rs. J ollee (Jomp too Rnd Elijah


I Oompton.

ot Day'oD, h .. ve

Il fte n

IIpendlng n faw days vllllting frl onds aod rela tI \Te~ here and attending the

tou.MlJlp r ounlon, IOomp Horll ot! (Jompton "nd 1011. Estber

YOUR WHEAT CROP nj:!ed cost you only about will send me your name names and addresses of grow wheat and tell me will sow.

Due-half to sow if you a nd add ress and the . two neighbors who how many acres you


II ,ou 10'11' 20 Rertl yeu will use aronnd olO hu,k elsof ),ollr wbea' Cat 2 bu. PIIracl.. P"rbaps you will clean .ltd grude it aed lOW 1 ~ bu.) 40 bushall a re worth al IDMket price aboul We wU~ lead JOU a beller yarl.ty, almost winter pre of .. n d· eatra.rdlna,Uy pr.ductlve, lo '0" tb. 20 aClee fo r . . . . You will h ave cash lolt

550.00 80.00


Read Wh.t Other Parmers Say About Thl8 Wheat

""'y crop .... 70 acrn 8n.1 yi eld· ed 411 bu. per ac"" 3,430 bushels.. ' - JarrelL

:'It mar.

than d u u b led

lbe ,Mid of otben.',· --CI., k. " Wi ll yield twice al much a l olb. ·rs . j lL<t allepr-nt.d ." - Curry. ,. gvery· body aays It .. tb. /lnul they e ver sa". )Y I'11'111110" . Id d 61)100bacru."-Gor· d en. e c u. per acre. DeaU anv "bcatever raised liere. " -Horton. !'Tbe po~jlJilit lea o f


tbia"'hoea t a~unlilm ted ."-Ensley . 30 lera..0 ba t. - &ener. "1I wi s h r I "ou.. v. go lieD ,."vg j to so w

''It I, ... n..p reseDted, I 'hllve K f I


wllole ' cr"p."-Thotrl p.olI .

"This is my third year alld I b.. "c 'Ie fine n crop ". I ever .a\\' ." -

Wisllllle,c r, ". beJl~ve il will be lite . nl y wheat raised wh. n fa rm. cr. leu rn what It is." -SlllItrt. "Vlelded olle Ihird more than uthers. I will <.OIV 'IO lh ,'IIC ~al._." • - Beyers. " 1 thlni: El1ou;:h 01 il to au" my entire crop 01 it ." -Ph i flP~. "I think it Is the coming wlleat.... -We b. ler_ "It is fa r be tter Ihan I uru.cled ." - Jackeon . "I h ..~ v. I'" II re. of tbe whea t I ud ' ·-I ,· e,·e I' t { ""

wl.l t ~ r. s b .~OO bv .- Aus t ll." A Double Money Maker. If you .•re lfOing to put out a crop of wh~at you baiter i'et my prop05ltion tor sPed for one acre or 100 acres. I mean exact ly what 1 aay. Send ;your address and two others who will BOW wheat and eet full particulars, hundred I of printed lettel'll reo production of photograph.. etc , It will mean money laved ~ow aad a bluer crop ne t harve.t. Start now to make more




Mgr., Dept. 69(1; Indianapolis, Ind.

: :


Come and Bring the Whole Family




ED S. CONKLIN ::; C'fctnry


Mr. Henry Wntklns, of Route 4. who has been very siek is slowly im· proving.

Look after Chandler's F tl rtili ;r. r ). . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., •• if you WlIl1t goou gooUs , An olher W ay to Rejuvenate E008.

Several trom he re attended the Sparks ci rcu Aat Lllbllnon las t Thurs· day night.

i\ AIIII'yl n ,u,l UI H n hll ~ fOllnd II I th'Jlll~


K cep lno Boby Quiet. \l j'\("I II l ' II " -\ ' r ,"\\,I'p to

Ollf' l1IulhL' I'

PI-l·s ,·n ·I",..; t'~~51 w illa II :-1uhshIUl· (t kc.·PII hl ' l' "\'''I·- rt'~ th 'jo;ii ,'ullIlJ.::-I t"I' fl'!tlll 1, t\u\\,11 flM "llqut ll pl' lmlutlllll." wltldl l (' ru\\,lIl1 J;: 1I\\'II.\" till II", l iu'l" Sh. · ·"lIt \I


Ite ciullllS will rnpltll.\" pen ' 11'11 Ie l'1!~ ". h.I');",' ~"fl /:rtI)· loluuk ... IIlId c UI 11111 Mrs. Lida McKinsey, of Dayton. \I·h ell Oflllll C1l I'xternnllr. IIntl III n 1«\ 1(11)' ch'~lgl1~ rrnn, II I.· IIltr~I'I'Y IIIJ"h ~. i8 the iuest of Mrs, Eva Jones and Ih"1II Ilmot ngnlll"t lUol'llun' (,r h'I" ,,111 <'1) ~h.· S .\\"." 11\1 Ill. · \l hlll\(I'I . ' I' h,' other relatives. l erln. '(lho Jtrt'~ ' "\'IUK ,t;nHti llllu' l~ u ","'1111'1 W'~ J' t\ mud,· '.If IhhHt rrotH (tm' III Ix I\II:, "r hy\lr("'·II\'h"It~. \\,lIoll .. r Ih'l>!I' !l1t"11 " hlhh'''I1' ~ h' '';·k~ HIII,I In Misses Edna Jl\nney anu Edna Kel· 11I'01" ' I'ly 1I·,' lI to.I, i' I::l:H ,'lln 1Ill lIrc~" rI" \I nil Ih., ~ h"I'~. ~l ' h .. 1,1'l l:hl 1,l ctllr'M lit · sey were week end guests of Dr. and und er It no rm ll l I I·tll[W rllltlr " fu,' tIl IIll)' tn ld"l l 1111' ('\11111'. 1111"111111". lIuLi It .. M.ra. J. W. Ward. ",('(·ks wlthllnt .!ctr' rlorllllllj;.- l' u lll\llI'· II ltl "It fIIlUI·. 1,,"1; 1111; lit Ih ~ !1I ~doncc M(ltilltly, /lil tl I "'ki n): Ot UIIHU, ,\ hllhy t"n CI' Mrs. Lida McKinsey and MiS!i • - • 1I\,"Ulloi lir e rOJ; (·"n l "ll'l~lI th u outJlt. Addie Keys vi ited with relatives In Lebanon Tuesday. 1,


Freezing Coconut. to Ge t at Milk.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank LeMay, of Middletown, @pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hawke Miss Mara-aret Edwards left Tues· day for Day ton to take up her work in the schooll in that c ity .



Miss Blanche Thomas r eturned to her home in Si dney, Saturday afler a visit with relatives here.


A 1·l'11I, ,,),1\"]1I.1I1 tlllllt lIu" 11(,,·1,('01 a

Rubber at On ce Found Favor. or rI'nlm'lllg C{I~Ollut Hh vUtI by llulo ht'r w,,~ Itlll'"duc",1 lulll 111 0 tree.:llI!: I he nut unlll I 114' ~ h l'll I ~ Illlghll y rro lllrrl l'l pt\. IIl11 1 tlr"11 RuIoJl',·I· . UHllt'ti ~lllteH III I ~). \I hid ,. loy (tu odd '1.· ... lll4'ld,·II 'l\ WII )4 ttlP y('nt' or Illg It to II 'olll[lo rnllv ~ l y hi gh II·lIllw m· IlI rr ~o 1111 10 ('all." r"plr l l' lq"I I . ~ l o li . t'h"rl (>~ !;II"el .\· '·IlI··~ hlrllt. 1IIIIr u ren· Crncks In til(" ~Iwll un' tlttly.; proli uC'ed, llWY h all' t· a }\ O:<l "1I1 HH\'ign tlll' hrllu,,:ht A st' rlell or h ll lllnll 'r blows 111011 ('0 111, frulll ""111.11 II lIu,uh"I' uf 1l" lr~ of looO I ~ ph'leS th" h"'"I; l nl; .r tlou ~ h"I1.-1 " ' II · \\'hlrh h u,1 h "I'u ~"lIt f'(1 wlllL Ih e ,·ronr;· trlllh'd Illllk ..r th" rulobL'r I,·t'''s. 'J'h"lr ulll r SeI"lIC" Month ly. IlIl'finR

---- -..- - -

Illtll\lIaril,Y \\ IlX hll llllld iulO. on tL count

uf Iltt'l r Itr l (lN' ''luU~IlI'~s til \Vuter.

S erlolHlne.s and Stupidity.

l.awrence Sher wood , of Dunbar. Th e It'oll hl" \\'1I1t " r hll: "'1'1"11 " la Pa .. ill spend ing 8 few days with his tiltH so m e" Pl.·Ullle will :-'U'III' f'r t hat yuu father, Dr, T hos. Sherwood . ur(' olll;r st tIIJl d .. A ll " .illil' UII1\:! out nmuluallu u ot s ~oo.o o. atl ,"1 DU lll hu t uil C.UJ· ot ll'n Ih ey \1'111 I.. , l'lght "hllut It. HCllth' ly r'r o m Tbroe ( 3\ to ~I.(. ( fi ) l..Hllh lu · ChlB i vo. Bnll wilt hOll r Int-ercsL 6.l I11", r blO lit W. E. O'Neall. Elml'r Rogers, U. 5 DOr ,"onto per AUllll fU, in t-eN L parohln s~ OII · a.nuuaH y 01 ~ \.1&0 li"irfiL dtl.)' o r March ami t.lie M. White and F: B. Henderson Has Not Remembered . .FJrat.. day or SnlJt clllbfJr uf ooch o,'or y were visitors in Dayton Tue8day. yeAr du rh'.,' 'he uro or ench IIr Ruld hourlH. Ask 1\ 1" "£1 Ih, ' illll(' Olf thlY rll:hl onll t o lie e, 1<1 01\('0(1 by dc tULhuh ltt L'O IIl)(IOS. (\fll'~ hI' Irn R III I,I( '(1 ,II hi s WUII·h. nntl Lho n ni~ (Jr ISnlt t '''''UpO lI" l tl IJO('n rno du o !tllli IU1Yl1IJl o nu I ho flrsL d uy ur ;\ l urch . 1!J1 'i . Lost - Tail .light. bracket and Ii· li e wIll 111I'lIrlllllly Ink o II ~1'(·lIno.l lo"k ~I\c h I\u, 1 all of ti .. l tI bnllds 10 00 lhl N I 'ense No. 152.171 f rom machine. b ut"f' o HH $ \\· (ot·lug. ~~~~~I~~~)tl:a ,',7 t" I ~~'~ :~ t~tlJt~I~, ~~~~~~f;r~ ~tldirll ~ Find e r please leave at Gazelte office,

Art for Art's Sake, "D o\v do n ,) U know th Ol'ill' plctun--R nrt' WIII'l ll "'Imt ~. ,, " p ll l e\ for Ihel1l?" "I Ilon ' t I; nul\' II : ' 1" ' I'Il"tI ~rl·. ' 11 111' rox . .iHut 1'111 nul worrying. \\"hc lI [ g .. t through wllh tllf' ' Rlnck lI ck~ r (\t) \I' 11 lown. I (\1'"' 1' (11"'1) H ' to ' CUIIIO hUIIII'1 Hit ;) s lu t.1y n n\.'\\' 1I1Il' ot ruur-

ket quotnUo[] >I,"

WnynCli" lll u Nllt IOU81 H rW k W n\· u~IH· iJl u . uhlo. One Houd llum b" r, 'tI 'r hrl'U Wil l 1)1) d ue

nlld ,1 i.\ )'ulJlo l"IC,iIL' IIJ1,er l til., 1 ~21'1; lJlIO B llud HlIlIl ,I 'rud J.'t' ur ",Hlle dlHl lll hl P;).\'. III" Sup · t,ofllbcr ItlL, I tl 31 : "110 HUlII l 1It1 I11I)0 rcti Ji"h o will h o t!U('l Glll I1 Hl ynli lc f lll' ur IIOt , l:j ~I ; ,

Dr. 1'h09. ::ihe rw ood was elected pres idellt of the ::iherwood·J effery

reunion. he ld recently at Oregonia.

0 110 UorH.I IH Unhtln·d His '\111 IJt.I duu uul{ I''' r· ablu ROp tl' f'lIbl1r

1st. ,

I :.. .. U,


",lill bUl lIls Ili'o


Miss Helle O' Neall was called to BllinoH !IOU Zimri Hl1lua~ · "";Or" tit ::k hou l lJl ~I\.r"lC lr 1I11 '.'tJ ...... 1I1 U UUtl 8. ' 14111 WlIwlD~too on bu ~ ln e:4H 'J'oedUWV 1"" ,,1" willi, .. ",,101 \0. ,Ill' IoI~hu"1 1, 1,ldel' lo l' Lehanoll lAs t week on accou nt of th~ t _ _ _ ' :' n OL 10fU' th l'" 11 1c1 r pttr - \lld lil ' nUl l ,dll 111'11 \\ tlliou3 illne~~ of Mrll. W. H . O·Neall. I SlU10 Wilson ~ blld Iltl thei r gUC~I, ~ III' or,,", t roll' .Iou lIutu It., " .. I. t;o lllJltluu nl S~ t, urdIlV and t:!onu uy Mr !lnd Mrd 1,IIIs 11'11 1 11,,1, h e"".I.h,r.. 1. . Mamnel EJJht, of U!r1 'row~ ~ \'1I~gl~It~I(,I:}llll,~ \?~n~ :1,yl~~,~r)'l: I:: I:l~; (~~lhf.n,~; Seo Wlllerh ousc for Aulo Livery. M . du n- trum I tit! Ilnlt l u r /'lulu ll lorl'1.r und h"d re , MBrr Harjno entertaloed bt'r IJlliog Almll ho /'IIIU L"fllud WI Lh tit" h ' '::1I1,ly II r ,",uld l oo o Elio a Mloerva nocl ~f ll ry litH JIll' iJ()n;iH 1I,·roro ltliu Iiour \IC ~w l tJ, Ulld ",Iud l UI! El'llCRt Ma l kA. of Mil waukee. Wis .• , Of Wuyn e~vi1l8 ove r Snnday. ' ~~'~I'.~I! ~!lt:'~f~::I:·,~n7~;;"I'i:::~I~~';~,t~~~e; I'1~il,t,~~'1 ar.d CHh' in Mar\(~. nf /)uyltl n. lIpeilt! Monday wit h their broth e r, Georlle I' Mr8. \V, E B ouaD and dtl ugh H:r !~~I atl'~'I;~II ~~ ~.L I~I~)'iru~)?~rf. u ~I~ !:il l ~:,u rtl~~~!~~:;t"I~ Lelllh and Olive WlJso n werll whop 11'1,,1<1 ..'011 oIa",u~u &UU rullllll,, 1 I))' """I Marks und wife, plug in Xenia T leadllV. ~~~~II 111 . t~I~!t ·~!j~~~ r~~li lt J;~d I\f~o \'~~CJ~t'I~~l . . I{f)wlanl l Vale. of Dillonvale. 0, Mr' , a n d Mrll. Jlr8Dk ' t:3tu oley had ~~:n:~!~ 8~ll.'ltl~1. :,I::llrHnLi'~ 1.~;~III,~!llro j~~t ~~ll~!I'~ as t heir guestll BUDd,y . ,lIr floDd Mrs ~. l'"I' I " II, tltu llrol or "r th u I'h'rk 01 110 0 .." " one uf J efferson County's corn bll}'8 Frank Conklin and Mr , a Dd Mr s. 1t~'I\r~lf1~t f]Cl\li~l(:j~t..j~~l.o~f~11 ~II~~ 'i~I:J ~:~;'~~illtI~J;: t ll the State Ftlir spenL the week·p.nd Rober. Stanley lInd fn mUy. of n e"r culvu u,ulilUY lor tho hon,l. "lVarderl 10 hllll with relatives he re . WihntngtoD, and Mr. and Mr~.\'it::I,;!~r,;lIr~7 1:~,t~'I~'" ~!:III~~~~ Sillt.! nWlIrd , Palmer Stllooley Rud family, at noar A IX,llIc lll,'nl,, 1 ·j·ux. h .. i>cull IUI'leo1 III"'" Miss Anna Meredith will leave for Ferry ' th o ",rullfl t.,, \' ,lu l .lI('o lf.: of II I" HI~I " l ~ lTIlI • 8c hIJoi U ls.t.r k t o f \\' .&'),no 'l'u""lIsh I LJ, \\'IU ' rul) Cincinnati lIe xt weel( , t o take up her Mrl. Ra7m oud Wilson ente r. cou nt.y , Ohio, su llll."ilJftL I II arnutwt, 1ft puy Li lt, school duties . after spending the 'ained with. p 'L r cellhowor''ruesduy ~?l~~f~lIfL~;;lr~~:Hlt~'!:tl~I~~l~:ritl;', U~I~rC~~UIJ ,rl~i:l~ summe r with he r pare nts. afternoon In b ooor o f her siste r n,- (\Iher \ "XUi!. Mr~. R obert Furou t:!be recel vart LO ~1~,~~~,~1 ,:~ ~W'II~~,\~II~~:ro~I~·,I ~'I~~I:,·nrl ::, many u8eful aDd prelty presentp. I 'l'opt",1 lor 10"" "hnll I'li r "li d ""en"".! ln l""'s l Ira Vail. who d rove in th e Spep.(]· I ' k.I thu (Jat o o f dl..-'lI\'cry uf laid bOlllls. B orace Comptor:! 8 ent·e. tAm ed the Bioi . oil()lIld iJ tI .e"loli 011,1 01\11" " ,"<1 Hld s way reces ,Monday, p!lssed through followin g :)oueet8 BundllY' ObBs. . i:lllr • Inr tl,o WUYIIO To w" . hh, Hurnl Be h" u l . DI.- h ere thiH morning tldving his Hud · trk L (rntJrO ...·flIllt ·llt Bnlld s. n lld mulletl o r do ner aDd family. Mrs. Jennie MiliA IIvo""1t " tl, u CIOl'll o r Lho 0 ... ,.,1 nl E d,," ,,· son. He was accnmllanied by his tlljlib Oomp,oD lIood J esse i 'omrl~on' t loll .. 1 WnYIIQ 'j 'owlI' hlp I\llrlll OIeI,no l DI~ . mechanicl8n . of Dayton " . • Irlc ', WaYllesvll lo. W " rrUIl U)""IY, Uhlo.

Silver Plate thai' Wears II


Tho Hoard of l£dUClltlun ' o t \Va}'nu

Crew', hue as th'lr ?~"n~::,~ I& jIl8.rlet. guelis ·Mr .• n4 Mrs, 1.1 Crew. Ji;. Y.I1AII!'IllAII 'r. Ulerk, Joseph Le ... mlng '8 hAd all their guests t)unday tbelr two 8 ) n8 How. ~~~~~~ ,_~..~_~.~!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~~'!!!!!!!!!~ ard snd famil y, of Wllmingtou . ~D d :Ollo~~~ and ' ... mlly of ~b18 n eighbor. NO MORE GRAY HAIR H enry

The farmllrA !lr6 very bUAY hulling

0 I over and fill 10, 11108.




. Falls Mls8 Ina Oomplon 8pant 1.lst weok In Dayton IS the ioest of hllr oousln To . r ~ltore gmy hair to its oalural color Mary Compton.. and beauty. No matter bo ... old ond .. '" B o"'l\n ' mellrl. ",van Rnd Ber' B ogan are ,pending •I few daYIi in• I"dcd your 'hair look" or how lonl yo u bave been Rray, It \f ill work "onde r. for ClnCllnnatl. you. keep you look ing youel. promilu a 141'1. John ~eterllon' and Mra Ray lu lturloUl1 growt b 0 1 heal! hy balr, Itop lIS Ellgle Indohlldren. of Spring Va lley fa\llng out and poaltinly removes daod o~lIed 00 Berloe COI1!P'on ', I:!ondt\y ,ulI. Will not tIOll akin or linen. \Viii af.ternoon. . not iDjure your hair. Is Dot" dye. • - - ---


I' I I '.m



'~ • ...IMIeIIII.L

anll adQreD. aael



Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cornell and dauihter. Miss Edna, and Miss Adra Cornell attended the wedding of Mias Mary Belle Georltc at Wilming· ton last week.

Since 1847. the year ~ogers Bros. oriltinated 'electro-silver pl au ng,sllverware be:mng the trade mark "W1ROGERS BROS.has been renowned for quality, wearabiliiy and beaury,':

1841 ROGERS BROS;T~pt' slamped on fork s, spoons and fancy ~erYin~ pieces is ' " auar~n.tee of. heavie9~ plating, perfec w~rkmalllhip and exgulsHe d~s lgn, ass unng long and satisfying service. Any ' arucle of sllver:ware marked ".lW Jll'4IllIS BROS." may be', lelected without furthe r inveatigat ion. '. " Sol~,by lea~ing dealers everywhere. -' Send 10reataJope; C·L ,how 109 all patterns. • . • MEtltDEIl BAIT'''"tl CO., M.,lde" (tntflrna.\Jon~l Hunr Co .. 8n~(lflMOr.)

c•• . ..

Mlsscs Edna Janney, Edna Kelsey, "'!!~~~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!

Dora Nelson and Mr. Kenneth Hough -

Never joined a pa~ty at Kingman and trom :-~~IIIIIIIIII

!{~I,,*, all substilutes; ~Oc !Llld 11.00 1 boille at dr'ulliists. . ( mone, from wheat. 'KI~Oln;)J 11 4)0 III 111·\\ UIOII ·\\ ~'IU,g-ta . how b"" quicl< Mildred · The luppl, of libl' Double-Money-MakeraWheat la limited. ~o Jnqlllnil .lOlU~ "Ill ·pOla.IIUI UII"U Ina Hal.' Hemetl y nCB, ..e -wlllllDd Thla .uaeata prompt acUon. Write me ' . -e.I OtlO'IlO'.J·t pDU ·Spuo.!' 110>'2111:> JItO large SII,m,le free hy relufII mall to .l ~ OOD' YJilll(l!nuIH 1111111,)"' 1 "I;)Joq DO' lelldlo, thl' Coupon ,,, .. ,,'''' ...'''-. A. ~bach, 'papono.\\ puo P"IIIIJ Louise l~e., 8oltoo, You" IIIUDI ___________________________ .J' -Ill el(~ U&1I1lnq OOO'OOt 8m " lJ.IilpOW U III&q


Dr, Al exBnrlor and his mother. Mrs. Alethea . were intown Satu r dBY morning.

u·.Ilj(htor -' l!111~~n,tlu~ ~:I~I~ {ll;~ill ~~~1:;"JI)u~I'{S EVf!reU ~~~18(!,;ln~~~'r I·., h\' Iwow " n~ 'rll fl W U,fltJ TUI,\ n",hlp llurUI

I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!'!'!!!!!!!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!~'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!



T han ever, m.aking it -one of the best Fairs in this section of the state. The p rogram is a good one.




I:. •


Mr. and Irs. W. H, Allen uot! Miss Oli\'e. motored to Cincinnati Tuesday.

parelltfl. oltlr. , 'It Lh • 'I rk o r the I huwl Li t l~ du ('ll ll (UI Mr. and Mn. Alia Whita ker. Miss '~~~r~~"3o~,~~~!~·m ~o ~~,\'il~1126~t'~'~k ?,~~~I~~, Eugenle aod Ml!osi er Rlilph W hll~k. er I\tteoded the Uenntowo I:lchool l reunion Bunda,. af'ernoon. . P"r th. p"re h"". "I S2000, 00 01 Lho 130 00. ali Mre. Nel80n MoKeever, )(188 Carll 118"0 01 lJu"oI~ " I th u lIur. 1 Sd,uu l Ol. ' rk l " I and /das'er Ralel-h apoot Thllndtly WOYII U 1'''''''ohl p. Wllrrun Up""')'. Ohl,,: I" , e · bu tla.tutJ MOlltombcr 1s t . rulli, ao t i mlll.tlrlll~ , anerooon with Mrs. Wm Barge. I s o,,~. uo ~h"ro.. 1 10 he <\u" ,, "U I'll ) uiJlo ~ (' I" I ... d . tOIll""r I . L. ,"10: I~OO. Ou theroollo bu dll .· _r. ao Mrs Robert 8:l lhol(er I,"YRhl" Sc ptClIlu ur Is,. 1 ~31: ~u u .ou and daugh ter, Min Con8ue llllo took tlII"!,,,1 ~u II<) tiuo a"" p.yuhl. SOl'tellll>or I.t. Bunday dlnDer with Mr. AI D or man ~~4~~,~ :,o~'~~L.L%r~ 1 w b. ,Iuo allu v ·yalh· and family of Olive Branoh ' ~."h "I . ho 8,,101 hu(\(\' will I", In t ho ue·


, )

•• 1~li H'I Greater and Attraction i• •


MisS Fl orenc(I Wilsun, of Wilmlng . t{,n. suent the week·end here wit h f riend :!.


in t his locality. For fifty yea rs this line h as beell the world '~ Icntl er- t hat'-s why we hose i t; antI w e are leaders in gooo things here - that's wh y Ih ey chose u s. It·s , pretty good combinatio n tu do business with. Sold

Leban n, Oh


Mr. and MI·B. Taylor. of Columbus. li re Lhe .. ucsts uf Mr . and Mrs. Allen th e lummi 1... • • Gazcl t C 1 NOW Ki bler.

... TANLAC...


Dr . Miley willi be at Spri ng Valley th is weuk a11l1 II luveyshurg lIext

l.e IJIIII" tl, (),

••_ _ __

MI.a 0 .. 'hi rl oe Burn e tt re t 0 ru'e d ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.'!!!' - home from London I!lIlo'urdIlY,

~I1Y one who use. or ought to use pa int s alld .varOlshes, 5hollid r III ' m lrc r tllil t we hav e lit o: agency for

lIa r ry Merc(hlh Will I\ttelld the', Cincinnati I niversity thi s winter.

pa~t .~lIc e ..~sr s

Ph:lI1e "'27 A s27

W.ynesvllle, Ohio


September 12, 13, 14,16, '.


••• • ••

I call IV ('oiL keep your hOIlS f rrlln tlyillY wilh th" Ann Kelly. of 'incin nati cho'lora, :.n ' ,C pcr lIead find hi,.:-lw r. acco rdin g to "i11'. gU :.Il'l\nt.· '11 l u im · the fOue:!L o( t\oJr. al1d Mrtl. U. Kelly. mu ne for lifl ·. Un)ll ~lflI\\'n. J udging fr olll


Phone 83·5

thrends ,,1th It.



:• :•







h8llt. 80 thnt 8tn llll' .1 !;III 'S wlll,loII' can b Illnclo without fflSt" n lll /: IlIlIny plec R ot glnss of tlllTt'ri'ot lillI" to.


fARMERS TAKE NOTICE !,(:{:':.~,II~·l\,,11l ~·,I,' ~,~!i~I~~~~I::~.~~~~i~a~~ attended



A pro(' liS lUI" be.. n

I' ~ rr~rt," 1 In a1>pl~' lng ('olo r s I I, ~ Iu ij~ 1>.1'



I .ate 1·I'I".·SI·f,·ed !\ds

New Stllned·Was. Process.


' t al

1' , .11

8 4()


Fisht.'r . L('hanon.

--- ~--

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




__~ \

E. L . Thomas and family, with i'\le8b1, Miu Blanche Thomas, of SIdney, an4 Mr. Rowland Vale, of Dillonvale, plcniced at the Sol · dler8 Home in Dayton Saturday.

School Supplies ·

Tablets .••...••......• Olc Tablets, ....,' : .... .... 000 Pencils ... ....... ...... Ole

Mr. and MTs. Barry Cooper and daughter, of ' Chlc_lro, arrived here Sunday mcirninlr. Mrs. Cooper and : daughter will .pend a month with mother, Mra. Hator Robinson

Look after Chandler'. Fertilizer

It you

WUlt.~ JrOOda.




ather relatIves.

____IIiI__~______" _ "____1I!'


there went to Highland coiJnty where they spent the day at the ·cave..

Pencils ........... 2 lor PeDcils . . . . . . . . . . . . . .• E·rasures .. . . ... " l c & Pen Holders .•.. . . , .... •

05c 05c

05c 05c Pens, . . . .•••...••...• Olc (See our Wi,odow )

"Air I~loQt" Talcum • •.••• 10c Denoi,;oti's Luneh Sets ...• lOc' Colgate's Tooth P~te .... JOo " :i ,iD 1" Oil ..•••....... . 10c Machine Oil.. . • • . . . . • . • . ~ Vaseline. _ ..•.. , •. ... .. 6e Hydrogen Peroxide , • . . .. 10c Williams' Shaving Soap.. 5c' Tooth Brushes .. , .. I •••• 10c Combs, kinds... .. . .. . 10c



---------------------!lJll1IIIIJ1J1l . Phillip.' BuUdlnl

The Magazine Man

WaYDe.ville, Ohi

0 -







• __ •


"'6 _



See WaterhouMe f or Auto Livery .


f Schools on Mo


Wht' n thirt 'en \\:~l!'u n" Inad l'd wtt h chlldrt'll b '1111 to com' til OIl n ~11111' Cha r les Stan sberry spent Friday day m'Jrnitll.! il luoked very IlI ll CIi II though c ' n t rnli ~a li on had r eatiy h,' · in Dayton. " un . Th e ch ild r n Rlwwl!(1 their Get II pair of pan ts for you r hoy )Jreciati nn of t he evell t by t hei r bea g f!lces. and by lhe WII) th ·y at Hy man ·s. entered upo n Lh ne w school Iif.!. The dilrer en t dep/I,rtment R uf bul h F. C. Ca rey was in Cl ncinnali f rio And Mountains Proves to 13e a day on business. Fille Way to Tol(e a Ml s~ InfR Davis Is attending the "ocllllon Lebonon University.




schllul liuildin).: w re ,'on Ide rli blv crowd ' 1 • b u L tl uu h llie nrg aniza. t ion i3 har/lly complete ),('L . I h,~ school sYHtem i~ r unn inlS Ill ong nicely unde r th e etncicnt co rp ~ a r leach 1'>1. Th er e are 8eve ra l new fuces in the line li p Lh ls year am ng th" Pllchers and th l!re will ltu· seve ral new li ne~ Ol lllulty tllken u p.

- ---:- ~--

~' lfUL

s i -- -1 ----.-- -. -.--- . . y


~ .. ~ fl.·I" ,h .:, . " . ."'1, " The en rol lmellt ( 01' HlP fir I d ny i II ~ I a Hf ullo ws: lstgraot! ..j ('; ~r1l 1 radt. nl :~ItI,J.I .\ · ,j,,,r., r .. :", 1\ 38; 3rd grnrl . 51: 4tll I{ rfld,-..17; .ill 1.1. hll'r :11,01 ~1!' J t , 1',··1.···. g rad e . 4~\; (it h ~rat.l(' . -I:::. 7t h )(rau '.' : I ~l; th g rHde. ~G; hij.!·h ~1· h .,,)I . ri:.!· ,,,./oIalll,ltt '·1 i\lr ': ·~'·I.. norm a l, Ill . tll.lkin!c f\ LIltal o f ;W,' l' ll ff' lt:ItII' 1.1 d i l l l l ' " ,' Il ' d,\' \}'. /'l ,hal,ili l \' 11.· ~ \. ;,".1 ~Ir. 11 I "", ,,,I ~·I"·tlwli,.1 j T he re w ill . ill all e r'al morc tlupils ndd t!d tv ' U,t! lii l • Ii·,,,, ",' IIt"_· 1.1"'11 . 4,r \"II1:! , nlld ;\Ir be fore th end nf the w"elL Will ~ 11' 4 1"1'. 1 I. I II.

1\ 1: n : I'r.:"l o P A P 1L '1111.\.::-\

I, II '" \ r, I (

E CHI lION. ()I I I ,.

Mt· find

~Ih .

t: ~ t flillE'd ~t

1: .. 11:1,01


I; .·<: C, Ill'" I iolt , and \Iln\' Iltiler lIenl. fl f Ifl le rC,,1 of '1 111) (jr 'lit \\ c 'l


fitt 1I':r h "I,,\' ~l i , 1·.lIzIIIoL'lh l ,.11,'1 " . ,.: 1.•.1.:" ,,,n. :\-!,,"., " "'!ltll'l llI \1"'\;' <. '\' ;lll d ,\1r, .1 II '. Eclwll nl " ,,11 01 II. ( •. tI"., I,t .. , .


With th e trcmen(lous welllht of Dr. Dill. Osteopath 1'"" r.. !' '·\,nl' I,·tlf' r WI,lS ",rillelt the I Imber in th e tree one CBn es. way, Lebanon. Ohio. Mr~. 1-:. \ H " :,',,, t ,''' ''r:o'' ,.OJ (, ...\It·; p,oIla Z,·II Mr~·lell a nr1. u[ lim ut" huw mudl Ihe diamRter mus t tilt' f"II(jI\l Il~ !tt( I., ("II. . 1'I ' lI r , d .', ,.·" 1,,,. " ,,10, 10 Ihc . Z,'11 nnllunl he to h old the treo from failing when Look after Chandler's J<'ertili zer Hft e r nCll )11 itl l" 01 ''' '' ''!' It " 1 i'''''''( ~' ,'',,\ "'" '''''. and .. n ·l/1ll'n d t.J le(t(, t' and A very disaslrous lire occlI rre, l A ball stJI :.J~h · u" c)ccurrerl on Maill we consid er that size hole cut if you want good gOoUB. It is ~ a id t hlLl t he F rd w ill Lrav,,1 Mi!i~ Q~ 1 ~()tJi~ .. al i I! ( 'a " d\'~ 1 ~ ll\ ll h I,f I ''1'~ 1.1 " : r(lp nld u ~f: It f ,. th last WedneRduy . afternoon ubt.ut;; streel a t urdllY e vening ub oul :1 throll l! h i L R L the boLtom . We then "'I.'~ "I" . I,ll" · t·· L d . o'clock during the sllvere thund or o'clock. whell Geo r"e Lnnt£'r came l· v e r yw b~re . TUll. d ay mor ning ea rll' Il ro"kvill, ' . I;'~I •. II 'I'I·!. " . I).. walk ed up on the Fallen Monurch : S L. Cartwright Is consid era bly s torm when li ghtning siruck th e fr om Lebanu n unll · drivi ng (ust er ri sers wi tneRlled t he 6ce ne of tin auto· Il awke. N"\('ILl 1~ " '1"(' II " , I ail .• , I T hill is one of these trees th~t wall , , •..• ' ( ",,' 111 "f (110' fll llllllHi ba rn of Mrs. Anna Gi b hrltls, who than he ollg ht to thrould l t he cQn· mob il e on th e sidewulk itl fr ont of lI end.' rH"" . 1 ,(11,·" 11"11",'1'."" ,. I , ,,' .. hlu\Yu up by the wind p08si bly II und er the weather again . . JI-' .. \\ Itd t'r \\ mot, I,f I I Jr, " ll~ lives a ll the Upper :;ip ri nl/.'lJoro piice. g ed t ed :!treelS. ran into (; co rl{t! Mil· F lmkey 'Hst or e It ~e~ lIl ~ !lllme \Ya ~{ il e nd~r"on. 1:11;.,,110'111 II · nkl . I', ,1.1 th ousund Yll!lrs alro . It is about 25 rnn Harvey It re' s and i::m mo r lI a ily' ~ ·1 ,'!lIII OI I'" .. ili,. ('ml.:;(. feet in diam l! t"r. and at lelUlt four Mr and Mrs. George Hartsock comp let ely .d est roying the ba rn unci I"r' ~ Lu ggy. Mill er had ju st backed lll!lchin c9 up on th e sid ewalk while ces Henkl,·. ""'1 01 .·. ,, 11,·"01,,1' ... ,,. 1 tlt!JlIllltlt d ' Ih , I Fa u " nlSnn Charles l'hajllll:1l . Hh l'~ l .I .LIII ' 1' '/,' tobacco shed . Th e barn conta ined a y'ay f rOiIl t he " itch ing 1'081 pre· f eet of it lies in the II'round. A stllir. were visitora in Lebanoll Friday. 1.\ \1\'11 I; rl u~!"llt rnnny a bout twen ty tons of hay. thirlY fiv e para lO ry to r et u rn inu to his homll. t hey \Yef(~ bu ~y at th e belling of th wriglil , F,·, ,) t 'II q l{'r II 1\\ 11'd ,~ way It'luls up to this Fallen Monarch Me ·Iure·s . Mr. )Jail y g ot hi s ma· ~ e l cl i ll(£. Sara ~11 '·, dol ,·,,·. I..•" . I , l,r " , }(i1 . ' ·Itll ". Larfl'" of sel:d wheat. pl a tform when I a nte r H tru ck him. The im· b ushel s ncar t he roots. there being about 20 Mr. and Mr8 D . L. Crane gpent "'\ ,.' . r t 10 , ..•.. \ ,-i ll-'fl \ In "kn ~Iso scales. buggy. etc In th e Lobacco pact co mpletely d e m oli she.i Lllnter's chi ne "IT som e Lim e in the night b u l Wil liam,;"I , stl.! lJ~ to reach the top. Everett and Friday \\ith relatives in Lebllnon . •. : hid" I I I I f. 'utl l'r r~ruRI'p ril : Mr . Rye forgot hi ~ lind went hom Rhed wa~ a wheat binder. plows . e tc. bUllgy wh e I. the horse broke loose 1 climbed to the top of the r uota and Iii!!!' pHIII . and ~ tart ed up Mail! s treet. Lallter and did not m i ~3 it u ntil m orning . all of which we re burned . On Thlll ~d,, \' "il " I'll .. ' 'II. II ,r .. ,,, f"ltlll l' , 'c'n ,J"\\ll It seem ed tu me we were pretty well Buy \'our boy a Suit f~r Bchool at Dy a heroic errort the horses in th o I was t h roll'lI (,ut of his buggy and The Ecene Alfor.lcd n g rf'a t deal or Into the Rky. Wf! must have been 40 alllll Pc ment . . l. ucilE' li nin ,·11 ill II ,h" l'IlIi tl l! "; .. 11 ' . (1<.1'10, 1" "" 1,11... 11 Kn o! I!"hcrt ~tabl e were 1I'0lten out. but every · w!.e n p ic;\u:! d up W U~ t houKhl to be fe et from the ground . Hyman's, from 12.48 up. n~r gnVt ' n il ~H lIl 'l1llh't 1111 -,, 1 p ari\' I ." ,'.", , \ LIlt.' l.\. l'''~lti ll ll lly \\'hrk l n ~ thing else WIUI dpst r oyed . Th e da ill. dead . li e w a.~ 'arried t it Dr. ·her · ~llv<l r81 pluclls in t.hi8 grove W f! Mi~~ 1u bl<' ('Rsl 1\' It " i· I" 1"" -"1',,, " oj,., ~r ".'" ~ .1Il ,1 l{ul... ,.1 \'i~i(".1 it !\'!'tl to ~ h e barn an.d tO~l1c ro !l hed wood' s Ilflice ami ;' ( amined. but no . Mra. J . E . Janney arid daughter, gat d rinking wale r from s prinlCs. and Ihe bri,l" " ,. l,.. l·" "rlt .. ,l.i, nl ll ,·n " .. " I ,I. ' . ,', " "',,' I",r. UOln,( rr' ''11 ho.; cold liS i c~ . We had lunch here. and Miss Edna were Lebanon v i ~ itoT8 wtth th etr conten ts IS e ~t1tna lC d at boneRwc r ' fOlln tl to be broke n . Mi l· ~c J1temhl'r ~'i' . !lili \ "I.·:". , I ,.",. II, .. 11:" ", Jla rhor It \' water about f l OOO ler w as hiL hy t he wheel and a long hlld tlllr lus t wonderful view ot th E' Thu rsday . ~oc ia 1 h41lu' wa!4 :Jilt IH IiI"1 \\ Iu,' .1 ".t lUll lill :a r t', !:'1 Ui'(f h r- i~ \,anl h a -gash wa cut in his leg . trip. eml s tart ed tu rull down out of d ninty IWo\ r"UI'';O 1111 , ,II, tin \\'.' I. II I.. I ''''''''''"V a 11'.1 trfw l'i,'d IIlI Fas t. dri~in g on Saturday n ights, the mountllins for Lo8 Angelos Wf' ~e r v rI . Thl' 11I '~ ("~' 1\" .. " I ,I .1 " " Llil ll!,:!.ny·,; I'fllll " L.'11r J ohn Funkey ' s Shoe Sale ~aves big 88 well all all t hrll ug h till:: week. ha!l t ouk U d i{re rcnl route. probably more money for shoe buyers. Come now M i ~1\ 1';lIel1 Shl'I\\ ''''') I ll.· 111 ,,"01 ,."·,(0· 1,, .\' 11" 1 ,dwa\'H 1I1I" p,·tlk been ehara"ccria ti l' of' latl·. Autos Bce nic LU L j ust liM dungerous as tht' !lnd often. Jo(U I.' tR wI'rl' I I,,· 1111 fO I'''' ~1· o1,l .. I ,., ,I", ill "p" CI (I." \\'''11'1'. hilt h.' g o throu g h W ay n e.~ villo at a fas t clip othe r . b· inll built largely on the rim J\ I· t. hea Sllll ....... ,,[ ( ·Ia , h".ill.'. ~ h ,,· lI.ll,d ecl 11 ,,1 al .011, (101. lil1"~ lJ.· and peo pl who hav e fast horses of,the wor ld. and zig7.Hlllitingdown the ' Tva l larlnll , 11 "'1'11 :\1Hrhl I .I.'H I >,·Ill\" r ~I}' Ilt I l • ilt' IIh" ,Il\ .. n i ..'llf:l.'!:J 1.... A. Zimmerman and Mye r Hy. speed th rou~ h th e lown regardless moun tains here and th ere . throullh and Mary ~llI' rw "nol. I ~,' " '' 1(1.1, .f I!.a. 1'1 .. 1" ,01 11'; ' , ·ltIllt, I"'IIIll' >II.' were Luslne88 visitors in Cin · mati of any law ~ cOll nectcl1 wi th the The you ng flI1ciely people g ather ed cal ,yons all d up th nlllC h vassl's. etc ~innatl Thursday. town. J f ollr otliee n! w i II only take t oget he r 10tod ny E'veni tl !( a nd wen l Adrn ( (' n ll'lI . L ' lcil •• In ti 1',·,'.1 11·1 11.,II;I''''·/'-.1 " . / III .. III ( In' :O ~ lIr c' ~ I ,· W d re ll~ h e d Haymund. JOOmilesfrom f."",, 1 Oi l tit.· 1' " .. "i(l .. I:)' till' the pre aution and arrest ond or two t o the home of Mr. a lltl Mrs. Jam e~ m lI anll :l<lrs EI'llt'. t!{"·l·r-. the 1\18ripo,," Grove. from noon to IA .tr w,l fl lI:;. l" l rlIlIJII\ IJ[ a. i r:111 ~~cr l1 t! rat of lhese fast dri ver:!. then give lhem McCI ure a nd gave the m an old Matt McKllIsey left Tuesday morn· The corner·sLone of the new In · 6:00 p. Ill . This ~loow8 how sluw wt' Mi. !! Vetla SUmlllJr l'lll/'r ai r",;11 If' til 1"lildln,, · ; 1'1 t'h, ;,·(tlnl( whic h lug for ('asadena. Cal., where he WIll firmary building was laid laRt weele a s lifr tine . t h ~ matlcro! fast driving fashioned belling. H orns. ti n pal( , h llli t,) travei. ' bul',']".' ,.I'.-tll , :\ '1 1urn IIwd, p, ' ·,i ,I,' ,I thi I mE'~ ling at Lebanon. Several p r ominent might hel!lirnina ted to agreat extent . bolls. etc .• we re used and the newly· " Fril'ndR" (' Ia In the courRe of this trip we saw II spend the winter. "Ia" ( o f W' I 'I'. '1111 1 lin.! nlatc hll'" Lebancm men gave tams and th e There are u g reat many Iitlle ones wed in vited the crowd t o come in , a t h r h01ll1' on M·, In,,1r"I' ( III I', OS mU .. l on~ flume for carryinlr lum· veYlib urp . (J hill. Thc .yuu ,. 1"'''1 . (,I ' h' , 1,\ ,,1\1 [I\, t (ll ' 1I\t'HI. 'md('r ful "treasure bo)(" wal! sealed by th e on th e s treet.3 Sa turday eveninll, and they me t n wholesome welwhe re ber•. The tlawmill is buck in the tim· He v. J . F . Cadwallader was ·taken be rt aud thIS I1l1me is b ..lilt and oper· quite III with Il bilious att.ack Sun· Hon. J . A. Runyan . Two co pies o'f It behouves some o'ne to watch them come· roe cream and ('like were enjoy oj thl~ml!e ( v(!!l wry nllll·1I ,,1'.1 .~::~~~::l!I\I:ill (,I:!,.::li~~i·\\llt (1Ih,l';'::~ l ltn . the Miami Gazot te were deposited or there wiil be an accident t hat will served and the company had a good Ing dill' 'I' nt II III ' 1\ t l1l'1l :lgo·)'!,1 1'1''' ated by 1l0wit'g Ii Ml ream of wate r day. but is better. g r am WR S r enl ler-II. M"nlh !'1·c·virt,, ·;I\,. I hnd Pili U)' in the " treasure box ." time. stir the oiRcers to t h eir senses. through it about Sill teen iTl('hes deep. 'fhl. foll owllll! otlj('!·I.<'.I .. r ,'1... ·1, 1 ., ·II]t · '·"'·IIItl)!, (I f m,· very 0\\' 11 . that 'I'hill wul "r runa abuut20 milell pir Miss Hazel Rosel, of Morrow. Hazel M o" rl~ . l· t'I '"idl'llt. \\ ,d, I'" I " i ~ht w·' I" I hi,.. F,III' . w!lil"h ill my huur. ALoul fou r pieCed 'of lumber IIpent Saturday and Sunday with L ukenH Fir~t Viet' I I I "" .,. 1a °:--'11"I dr\'all1~ \N~l \R fa trv !a lld .. t t..'"yhantIIrt! filted tOllether aud thE'n a train Misa Ethel Haines. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ~ ................. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . ne r Secollu ice.p r\!" ~I, 110" I , ·,1"/, 1. 1:1l .'·Il'< '1!11,i"lll'('~ (lid .not of the!;e ar pul tllJjfOther by means . '1 I I , I' M" 1.1 ·" r Ill'. 1:""11~ 1'1' (I tll o~ " I.:Io fl ou9 • .'e •y' ()II '1 I (lII1H k cno of "canl·hook." Whiie we IItood Vetl~ .:u mner. Jr'J,:'f\ tli. 1 :II1,J ·t." "rVI,; II.~ III~. wh \l h. hll'l.It'IIKhtt,d Cl)un t! '11." Messl'8. Mahlon Hidge, O. M. hini the ",aler a trllin of these . wlltc Whet Rl'1. AS"·l (lrlo::ll l1 -t \t ·· .• ;lrl'n Il HI,lfvBlluIS . "n,J\~hlchcllu l , I ' ahout twelve In number, came dowlI Ridlre .. nd Jesse Burton were in se so nshlp hllu r n.rr" ~ I 1tIl' rd . \1'1'/'" I,,· • 'ClI "11" IllInd ...~cJ Ill tl ~ out a t VII)\on Sunday afternoon. the nume. golng about 25 miles an ']'1 I I " ,';1 1,..01 1:'""., "III for('v r. But ~e r vc (I . le e k . Hi J'll l rfh·t!11I Iflf.. ,·q I ' 'I fl IL ~ "l' hour This was a wonderful sight BtUI<' hom " f I.:(ta al1,1 l " d,,1 , 11 (11'''1' 'IIY~ ~l p r ,le ,·.X lln!1I 10 I , and ~o m e thlng entirely new to us. John A. J.' unkev'R Shoe Sale going i!-dy the (jr.-t SIIIH .. d,, · •. ,,.,, ,,,, II, "',,~ ..d . J p;r· l' lIlllI. ·,J "lit ~o 1'0 ,;hE'II Leil They round d a curve very il' 1'a eeful on daily. ~ve money on every pair ~tob ' r . v 1I11 "rl" 11'1 1' ,.f my dW l'Ished pl an. I Iy and; of cour~ e . were into Merced. you need for Fall. . . ~. I f .. ;' .. w, d ttly IIIK~ U "::I' wltit'h had tho O1"IllI,e rs of ( II ' ,· Ia"" pfI·,,·,,1 I 'u tl f"I' l',' Rill' 1 "fll lII'fl I tl~~ a di"tllnctl of a few milO!!. IICBrcely . II I \1 (. lfuili ' • " Y~ ~ befort! we got started from the place. wE're : [ 1.;'H I;S IIZI ' • ,m', .I'll r!.:1Il ,hrk nij(lot rur 1111' Smit h li n n llhip Mrs. Charles Smllrt 81)d 80n. Walep.: Whl!tsl'l. 1',1111 :l11 01 1.lh I,'·III"·.{\· J" ." '''\\'11 I f .... 111 J\1 ' III kl; . A "to urlcl'• We t~ok supper at Raymond and e Mnr'LIHl J. . ll k . 'I1t-l .. Il illl tt..f I,iI\\.,1"1 111H I jl l f l\" "~- 1 ItlhC' r~ L.. utnol1 e tull left there just at dark. reached Ma· .pent Friday at the hOllle of Rev. J . Vcdu SUlll tl"r M.·,-.; \\ ,'11'1111 1.11· I t~ I • . 'u . d r dera in about one hour, 22 miles. F. Cadwallader and family. • ...::1 1 (l"~.r 1" In. ' q lh n ll ~ r y 11) 00 ::I () a1'ld then came upon the state high· I~ l'n~ Rrl ~I " .. rp . lid I""" nl 1.11 \\ ' III. I':;"in,~ ill fl" rl 'llIl , ·r . 11 0r a l" Misses Henrietta McKinsey and way. a brand new boulevard. atraii'ht Bon. .. _ _ jl Hitl. :\ rrloiu Marl\11 • .'culch .. Yl1u (lS a die. We f elt like we had got. Marie 8h\ltt8 we re guests of Mr. and "i( I ' IIC 'o\); 111..01 I, ' {' II U ti ll'(l ~CI\ ' III::A te n into God's country, so fllr a81l Mrs. JOB . Hisey Wednesday. road was concern d, and made the IV distance from Madera to Frelino. 23 Mrs. Louitla Woolley arrived home I miles. in 45 minutes Here we had Saturday after a very pleasant visit . an e:!(celhmt niaht's rest, and tbe with r e latives In Spring Valley. "nd ""'·C ",. l'IH'1l on" nil(ht. t he next day. Wednesday. clime to Lot; : 1. 1"'11111 ' li lt, a~ W' ~t 'J,.d ('II cl eck Angtlles. the longest distance we had 1JURI G OUR SPEC IAL SALE AND n n:'lIO J- ... 1,·1 I Illlduir ll • 11I1I1"r II", hrill innt ever traveled in one d8y dn an (luto. Buy your girl a · school Dress at : TRAT[( N, W lIICH TAKES PLACE 41 . 1.... , of (" lii f"rlii:l' ~ lat'lll ti fl. WI! mbbile. ~34 miles. . Hymllll's, 59c up . ~ Th r' tenth " "lIltallt.!. tin" l'l' lt ll i"I' <t",IoI,·" ~"111 1·j'.1t cisc·u . und in tilo In all we were gone three weeks AT OUR STO RE. : W 'I~ /1,.101 U( , ll't ':ti , ,., I·,uk. I laVIIIII . ,':lr h d" ·,'11 1"1"~'·o! UlrI 'lI g h tll il Lost - A . lady's larR'e size watch a'1d had no mishap whatever oC any L Uloill . "I ·;--'Utl,I II·. \," •• 1.1 .' •. 1:111, , :,,1.1,," ','01,. d'iJ," wllkhll'afotlllll kind or charaeter. exeeptlng that we with gent's chain . Finder please S 0 Thl' rl.' , ',,1'" ."; It,.'" ,.1', " •• ", .,,1 ft·, II'''''' 11 III LIl,",·,il ',f 1110 wato ·r~. pick.,.1 up a uail ,(ioing into a garalre leave at thia office and receive reo · R ugs. -( 2 Inc ' h es long At(hcni)otlh "lr :, ~·, · It('I Il'''I~ oIln l '''r FUI· \1"lIri .\ flm,' lIlh. lr '·lIla i lledill twice. and hud JI tire blow ojlt on ac· ward. nc 0 f tl. lcs e )Ian d ~ome A xmms t e r I l,·I!.\ ' (I r • I( ' \.II( III. IlillI "I~I ' ' l " rI t l10 wab <;(' n ·,',j al1o1 ,·n.1 " ..1 II\' ull l" ":O I," count of the heat after we had got· <lud ill ch e s wid e . w ill b e g ive n Absolutel y Fl ce lly nl. I·; 1" 'HiO .. n ~;I""I",J~ man,\' t imes. ten on lhe boulevard both of ~hich Mr . and Mrs C G Williamson, of Th c Gcm il'y S tov e Compull)" ofDayton , hia. Tllcse Th'u"!'IlQ';l1w,,<' 1,,1;" ""11 wllh \\'nlk ltl l{ !lh~",rhed t hrllu lrh those inci!ltmtll were of no consequence Dayton. spent Sunday here. the . 1 d f .., n t·Cll<>t·1111I 1>l,,1 lili l" a",1 .. , ,,I,, n 'l , " I'll'mliol aV"I\ III ~" 1"'IIIl!'!' 1,1t1l Hll11be rpd We had traveled a distance of 9&0 guest of Mrs. Agnes Wright and I e b "'s t ru g s a r e ma(1e o f· on 1y tI m ate rt a an rn (\.l1 u llCI f rUIl!" II Pit" t II f tlH' wor I(I ... d en>ti tr y Mr \"0111111" IVoIiI,,"H. ,.1'- (11'11111!~ miles and we found nJthing wha~ever daughter. turcd by one o f the o l dest and leadin g ru r mak e r ,> of Wi:at HallJlIl. n "i " '11 1"1 (II .. ,.1,.,·. had 1'~~" l'ollllld p".' mlg' int i1 deserted wron" with th machine in any way. thi. c oun l ry antl w o uld cosl y o u $li.OU if bou Kht at a.n y tioll uf ("Ji" l"·~ . lIn,l .. I.hl'd ,dl l l'lI ll, lt n;' pkl,il1l' " I' IMIIlY fin in. and upon usin.c it the second dll) tore ill this counl V. ~in~ i nl£ lit,· hl'llll' "(;",) lil·with \ III 1,'r,'~ltllJ' l oil " I' III I"rll ' lI l1 ('II, " uil'~ Mr. and Mrs. James E. McClure: after we got home ·lt eeemed to 'be in _ _ -4-+L.illl:.J..·L-IIl'J.' ~ M . 'c ' 1\ III" II W ,1S 11\' Id ·.·ttll' lI: l'l'rh:lll you 1I" LiI'I',1 in better shape than ever. the machin. arrived home Saturday a {ernooD, The p a.lI.e rn is Ver)T hallds ome and pl e asin g an t h votetl to I.. ,ltl · ti l>' r,' ''I II,\n a Ihl' II" , I:II" 'I'~ tl1<' ... lIlI',. .llIY tllHt Ih after spendinll their honeymoon at ery seemingly was s moother than bem o s t fa s tidi o u s h Qu s ' wife will be marc th an de l ight c d ~atll > pIa II Ill" Y":I,. ,.\ III!Cls t ~I; . " "" ". lIl~ • Ill... Iltll ,ltllj;{' Illl d h"en Indian Lake. fore makinll th e trip . . h . .. J nl ~( . iJ l. l~·I"1 j J "'II j~ <': ~' II \\.· a nd l iLk.;n (Ju t Some peuple claim this trIp ~all ~ Wit thiS g Ift. "T hc foH()\\' i n~ \) lli :"J' \\,'I'I'P It,J/· t p d· t hl,I~ ,l '.!1I \' )l d.1, I 'r )\lII nt I t \ I IC e(~ II · l for a ~ood driv er. Suffice it .to say Mr8. Charles Stansberry and two D,:,ring thi s sale ttie mallufactur.e rs will h ave an e x p ert stove Ill a lt to op e r a te the I'r(l3 iriero t . i" ~1 t ).. lolll'llt . '·"',.l'r,'"· \I·,I,·.! 1111, • . , 11,,1, lI .. u".. I!u t ho that In the lraralCe at Yosemite are children arrived home Friday even· Kmg Clermo. nt and shaw you ho w it g ets all th b e a t o ut of the fu e l. H e wi ll lilerident . Ar){u ? lI"""III .· . ...;, .'rl'( a ry . .t ,," t I" 'HI,:, fill ,,).!loI It t' " II \ ':L~ tIlP machines in all conditions of repairs. inlr after a pleasant visit with relaII t k tl d f I F. Bok er ; 1\:;.'11 S'·'·~. I,)"ll" 114 (' 1'1" 't! ,:c~ c"("rl:ll/ltll\'nl l!i\'l ,"t h fl' Some had broken the aears. othel'8 tives 111 Detroit. a y ~ c liS won · er u . stove ~pa rt a nd cxplaitl its construction. The Kitl g- Clef borne; Trcllsu l" ". J"h .. S I':VIIII ". 1,\' (I " 'Ich .. f II,, · ,' il I .. r 1111' p ""r with the rear end. broken. other~ mont:. 1:> the mo ~t powerful h ea tm g s tu v e m a d e and is th e only h eater that will burn Th ose \lI' S('tlt \\" 'r(' ' :I ~ 1',,11 .. .\'": d" I,1n'l! l:i::lll II ul "I' t1,''' r~. in tho "'ith the entire engine tJrn down, Mrs. Mary Wise, Mr. and Mrs. hard coa l, soft c oal, s lac k. c o k e , wood knots o r a nythin g burn a ble with marvelous Mr. lUlU Mrs . ,Illhn S . J-;"II1.~. M ,. IItIt, .. " " ' (';"11'1 " f t h,' I llIil' ·I·"'!. wiLl l and springs broken, and towed in Bert Hartsock and Michael McDonald I db f 11 • and Mrs . Jo' I':lIlk 1·;ll'lIl·. ~h:j lI ,ie ' ,:l tltI' ,,1,[.·,,0,1 alld >:Illl~ II "alill!!' hildl etc. Wn felt we had a remarkable attended the funeral of Tom Muon r c su ts. an est 0 a ,the price of the King Cle rmo nt is within th ' r each of l ·ve ryul1e. • [leeell e, f\'l r ~. \Y . .J. ( ).I'ar".... jr, ,,!,,,,,,. li S III Lht' 1,,'\),(1)1. !'ILl lllig ht trip, one of the most wonderful in at Xenia last week. The fire travcls three times a s far as it do s in the Cynthia Mc \ 'id er~. ~1~' 1·'r . . 11 ' I \lllltll r I I,,' :.;illn t "I ntuar.,.. we ~I\l in the world, a trip and scenery thaL · 1 t' t 1 fl ' borlle. "1 1''',. t·: i\'\' I 1.• 1"1l'I1<'. p,· r fl·,·II'''lIl f. ,r( 11ll" IIslt' tI d til lil t'! or. d mary lea tng s ove Je ore r c a c ling t h e stove " . 'I .. ', ' I Imil' I )\11' I "'n ICIIN.t tl I..! II,' · could not be for~otten in a lifetime. Ben Wi llilllll ~ . Mr . nnll ,\ 11''' .1,,111' "llIlIl'tr and a viait to the long . sought for Buy YOllr girl a school Dresa at pipe, so that none of the h eat is wa s t ed up the Siden sti c:k . 11' alld ~l r . W .1. wit. hllw \1rlJ~'1"I\" 1 "f all "J;"ry a nd Yosemite Valley ended . Hyman'f!,5ge UP: chimne y a s is the ca~e with o ther s tov·es . I:IBker. M r~. Wolliam I 'CII 1I t'1V1 I.. ~li" ' i.IlI""4I1'iv" tl Iov childnlO frll Ol b .. a ll · We hlld wanted to go to Lake Ta· ' Minnie Lul,ey . Mr,. l .ut·,I' ItuH". ~ I r UII!! 10"11\ r.. , Iii.' 1il tll' "no:! h um hoe. which would have been a thou~Mr. and Mr. J . N. McKinsey and The Big Warm Air Flue takes in the cool air at the nnd Mrs. At !-I'll" Il~""rn" . M,"-" 1t1"II' h,)lI\l'~ I" "'" \I" I Illl:;il!h Iy . and miles more on the trip, but Wlc son. Misa Winner and Mr. S. N. bottom of the s tove and discharges it into t he room OsbC'rne . l\!r. ulld 1"", J 1.' . lIul.,-r. WI"," I , ·:\t111 · hnl1 ll' n 1'.' •• t.tI, I:!.t r. fouf!d the Tioaa road, which ~8E Zentmyer, of Morrow, were Iluests at the top of the s tove . thoroughl y hea t ed . 1n Mr. Clifford ilal( ·r. ~ I r :lmi ,\1 r< "11 . ' ' 1,' Y" ·\r·' Day , :1~ai ll liy WRt ,' r stl'alght up through the mountam. Sunday of Mrs Alic~ McKlnlley Cly.l e 1';1C h l.'rl. i\'I.I'. lind Mr>l . Alpin' all.! " I' (it ",",<1, (h,\ l'"lutnhi>l 1{lv l'r . • ', from where we were. climb ' d to all' this way the King Clermont kee ps a ll thcair inthe 'tcphen ~ . ~Ir anrt MI' H nrty I f .. 'lrool ·1 '1"\\ li tt J, · -I' n.i" a ll ~lo tllr . . ..Ititude of nearly 10.000 feet. and room in constant circul a tion, hea ting it over and Stephen s. Me~sl'~ Ern ". t Ilntl Rnl""' 1 JJ.IV I" 1':1', oJ . '1h. I'a 'l l and .Le... li nll·>I Mrs. Christie McKlnlley, .w ho was was not oPen to traffic. One week '1 t' 1 tl d ft oors arC' al[ .uk Mi~~ "1,,101 . w.lIlllI~ til It,· "·,·J,o,,moo ove r. 1 la 5 w ly ·Ie corners an ' . Q., .. a Mildl',~d L"... lm.v . Vi via" 111',1 lh ' ll" ".' \1. )\\ 1\' .. lIa\-, · ( w n ~n\IIJ . after we arrived at~ Loa Angeles we recently appoinled Matron of the Girls Dormitory at Wilmington Col· 's warm, even I ' n zero weat (lcr. C;am er on . (:iadi s 05IJOlrn... . M a~ ,. ,. . I I. " BaW pictures of th.!ir juat havlnll' 1: Leo 'Os bo rn'. I\l i'lll'S Vp.III 'II. Ad I d\l: oI r''' 1 .. I , . 111111' ty 1111\ .1" )1 O . way lItlre. left Monday to take charKe. op~heU this 'road to automobllea, the If yo.u want to 's ave s tov e ~none.y and ge t the best an f Marg\l r itu l llkcr 1\\';I.. I,·r f I ,. ,·,·l.lI' ,I ,))1 1' !1:lVC n"l w.'m ofr. ope bellutiful. view behlg atl auto Ea~1 Bilker Mi: s Arm t; I:~ I \.u~e. '.,. In "':I '~ l'r.~ " 'i'. Z" II \\" , t to !1\.~kH mobile standing in a cut through the Buy your boy a Suit · for school at heatmg stove made, take advantage of this ph e. , \, . 1/1 til" ,m il uf II Ifll'''1J l11 \n m '" aod Mr,;. ri~'1 ·O. ; hl)J'[I\·, r I . r. J I L i \' IJ{l' N n; . snow fifteen feet duel) . Hymap·s, from $2.48 lip. nome nal offer. Eve rybody welcome. Wheth e r Crawfo rd. ' Mr . Will "'l " .I.L~ : ,I, ,01",)' 11 • 1"·lIr '\."., f )11 th ' you in.tend to buy a st ·':I.e or not ; corlleandsee th e Perr y H unl Mr . Jill' 1',):11 ·t' " . Ir [Il, "'1 li(I;' . 1 "i 7.'I~~"~ II ~h Mr, Howard Gustin and slater 'tove III acttlB,1 ope r.a tl·,.,.... . . Fl' l'ld out · ab o ut stov e IUldI MrsMJ ohn I"r And1,. .1·l li . 'h',· I U:1 .1' ... I"")\" .O' . tlere .. , lor "" I aver~", 4 ~li-. 11 ,··. WI., r,tlltt· d wn .aR:lIl1l ~ reo S Mi8s EI81e, arrived home from Day· construction a nd when ¥ou do g e t r eady yOLl'll be ~ e mn. ast e. ..0011 • ( , I . [' .. . : ,'nt'· ·h'lU!. l' WIl l remqlll In ton Sunday evenlnlr. Mrs. Harvey leo S~e~~hen~. r.' i .. I •• I" .. ,l irLh. (ll Ow employ uf the GUlltm and Mig Hazel, will come 8lgnei l iJy .1. ,. " ;~'~.;.~." \ hll~ 1·1I"n ·HUrl Yll kurt I llite Garl. a bI e to seI ect the !\tove that will save you time. later, work and' fuel c o s t . ' ." .,' wlt III t.h" .'11\tn;! 6 (. h R g n e fl'l r a . , , 11; hill),C trlJI "W!I' in.t') th e C a(les. Mr. and Mra. N, S. · Barnett. Hr. Don't Forget the Dates I'.l r hi~ l'IIt'atiUII . l ill will be ill cv l· and Mn. Earl Barnett and BOn. Edgar Th·e Beltbroo'k Home Comln I on &l1li Mn. L'tBlna, of Wuhlnaton, C. nr!' IIl iJi h f r gradLabor Day wu well attended and It ft., ware Sunday iruesta of Mr. C; lTv , . nt inu ll) was thought by many to be one of W, Bamett and fainll), And l'ememberthe rug is only given with stoves the h8llt yet held . The address of ' welcome was made b), Mayor Oliver . purchased during this Sale and that any stove SERVICE SUNDAY Mr. and Mra.. Walter (Jhandler, Wat.aon .nd " the response by Rev. contracted fo~ will be delivered any time this . MI'8 Lydia Chandler and Milia Eliza. t We re"ailled an a nnu,tI ["lt3k, lie <1lenn Atklna' of Providence. R.I. h('1' \\.'ll~ nil ar vi.:!) sit St. Mary' f aII or wm er. . : of the Mld lll nd (Texll!I l ['lIir "nil InOfficers eleeted for tbe comlnlf ,ear beth Carroll lpent Sunday wath rllll: ter.cta te 8 how which wiil Ill' hpld 'hu rtlh ,' UIl(tIlY Ino rlli,,~. owill to were: Jamea R. Hale, prealdent. tlv. In Blancb.ter, lin, Lydia ep terll bel' :.w-so. 'r he Ihlo k wu th, ludd 'n iII ne~l'l e Rev . .J. f. . uC. G. Auttln. riee-PNlid8llt.i. F1or- Chandler remaIaed for a few day.' ,{ent by Mfg. . B. Hcrtl! . nn f')r· wll ilad er. A.. ther(' waq bu t nt1I"........::...,..~. encellJen . . . .tary. 1. S. ·l1Jrner. !"I~ there ~ at Naw VlanDl, • • ., ., • ·merly Mbs K thal'i r!!.· Wel'ntt. J oi~· c hu rch in to\\' n having lI(,rvice, treuurer. Tbaexecutiva colllmittee~ Ing from t he content., of t b hilt) 1(. chLlr h·j,foing fMIOple ~re at a loI!a J, 0, OuImlqlwnjJbI.C)owlaaa Look after CbMdltr'1 i'erWlstr know Wh at to <10, , it T\IrMr. U IOU WlDt pod IOOdI. ~~""'""~""'""~"""~"""""'~"""","!M" the fair ought to b<! a good onc. ,I














Given Absolutely free to every purchaser of a







All ""uel Base Reate

: OSBORNE (AM i r L :


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Sep t eml:ter 21 t t S eptemb er 23 r d •..





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September 21 to SeptelJlber '2 3




B E EARNHART W aynesVi-lle 0 ... .........................




Will BE Gnn rt UU U


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,It, I""." ".1,1 '1111' .,\\. I dow II. 1I11"h.'1' ,..II,.rl<lnll .. • 'lJt~






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1 Ihlnk til<' "'hvU! IOWIIY l\Ilcrlltljll,1 10 ju I III ,.,'. ~1I1<i

tht' \\ ~\'

\l r..; 'tl" l hln h (,tl • "ThudO Ih'(il,ll' WCfP ~n 1m. \ h"11 UI"Y thl " ;o.ll~~ \ 'l,rtrt't's stnrt· f 'nlllt~ to l\ ~Ptll dlt.. l1 f) Ilt1dl~ clullr, nlbl,tl liproro tbey knrw I ~~ih) 1 ~ l npJll'd . I "' ,lIll lu tr.1I ), ,111 wh (lt l(lor W(t R lUt;.lIh' o r Do ll t.fht!y ' tl , Hl1mlt It I1r~l.'· .sll,\' ~1I!t t . ,':ltl. 5.. 1~~ " U I Kot n 1101 lip JI1 I;.:lt t lJt-'"fn)ll1.lIts b.~· ISh ( It I'W l'n't nf I uti!''';,.. , U 1111\ \\ ' 1, ~ 1 1n~ Ju U !lO llllnrtnltl, nIHl 4 \lrs. \ or trt'l'8 It'~ Hu,,' th iu ~ tlit-' ,,1. 'a' (Hwl., till": It''l Illlkl'd Uh t If b~ wnR 1u"otl('. tlle very


10",111;( 1I1 .. ,II''I'lI,r,

I'kll nw .•ill. 1 lit,· , ..

,II"' ,' till' \I h,, ;,' (" .. Illy I" (h'I' II ' ,!lII.'lhl "" /I WIll' 10111 '1 I". rl"ltl I.\r 11_ II Il 1101 I" "rI ,1('r~llI u". 111111 or ,'nll " P (,Ither Shl',1

I 1,1111 'V" ~,


' ~I"II IIW'ft or' H r! .



\\ H llt t.1 Jwd

I klll,1 o( 1"1 ""cr II til·,1 " lIh SIIU; It '/1 1,/r,,1 .. r h"lfl IIW I" " ' t' I !lo , JI IIIl ""'"I;,£ht. I h tll'~ ,,'1 l:" t lillY r,·u"ou t r '"~'I II' It " ""1,1 Ih ~ ",x' ,1 ()r Ih" fllmlly.


:illtl 14-'s lIul h lrJ ":- Itl lilt·, 'lilt' \\'11 )! o r UI('




,dll r ,·. !If '·""I'S,·. " "fill r(l l' Ihllt. I ' ,'llll hlll 'l to ',.1' b~h , "' ''t1 Ii... WilY I did Ih'll II lglll. ","1 It so '" ,~ to IIle It Iherc's 1'111.':111111 1' I a ,l to hel p Ilw r"llIlIy, I Illl!;"1 10 . 1""'lI11S,' II ",,,,,Ill l,clJl s!.ro ,,- J



Uhf "'it..' l 'nr ll.'

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: ll lfl


" .\ W lJl'U

(el l til l! ('fg'lIt '\ u\".


\\' l:!I1, wllnt I wHu t

II rHt ,lny UlbiJ8 took till' l IIul;hte r Ou l lIu t" rltll"KI" ~I\(! fJ a ll~I'~1 II III lUent. 1 lotl k lll~ "~ M'.... ~h\'thJull. I UI II IIln); III Qn rly, TI",r WIIS uo gOUlld trom


";-; ,,!" I'~\'h'ltlll'd ) I rs .• herilin o. " It 's lu '~ InIUI." RII,yl Ih'cltu'cd. loud, \ Iy. "Oh. or , ',lUI'S!! we WerO lin ,'ruzy tlhull t tHnt /o.lrl,lt IIrst. " ' (' "'r,·' PI' 'Ity Urt't \tI "'hl'11 Wt' 1110\"(' tl Ull hl ' I'O, Hli ll W

t!J"\l /dl t "1,,,'11 ~l't liS IIl - llU t It il/,It}'t I lUke III II'I/!: Il' reud · l'L'rl lI c~ ftlw lly weI" dlll\ '11 III/tl (llil wilen It llllte to ~ mou('Y- lluII U.t'y blJll to gO 11ft ' It. (l1l0 way fi r nll i/ Uler, tluUlcho wl So sho stul'l cd rOlr

H OSl'\10j

---~hat does tha mean?

lJut sue t ou nll OUl l

,n 11'111 II ".", 1I 1" t!('(,'rt'url' te' II " , S"h 10 .1" Is '10 1.·1/ "lid" ,o's 10 k",'p U... pretty I]uk k he "'fiR IIlllrrl~ , I1I1U "bc A. Ulous /llIQ !Iml!!l l" RIle lolllli \l'1I ~ 11I 11 111(,'s l. liS 111\\,,,.\.<, III Ih, ' 1""lIlh' l' rll'l1 1.I,'lnl> nlllll,' " fool or. I l urllO') rl!!ht nrnlilld t o .1I 11l ~unll s lle I "There 1l,I1't so·mon,. baDDY D(,()Dle 1u ! 1I'II1:'I h o r hIs ,·(,,, 1 1I11i 1 Ihc 1'I""" ' h"S or 1I,III't''''/lnl In s,· .. the f"," I1.,· JII~t 1II11I1t' IlIntl", 1 b lllli 'l 'lll'\'c's I1n t/\luht nhou t y thIS, world. 1 Ihl nk-alld you SnY I II I~ ";lItllrtIIlY-III"hl sh!II": '"lil 1,1. toX - II SI! of 1I11t! 1"ls "'lI nn",,"1 I" 'r linlle r II, she hnt! .IlIu . /l1I,llr'I",'t1II1'llu you'd you ~e fOUlll! wl.nt lunk~ you hllPllY. [11'",,1,,". III IIIRt c h .Ihl" n' III:I()II " IltllllJl. I loy "tlllld,,',I~' Ih"I'_ g-OI 110 IIl t1rc l\I'url hlld nlloliler tlullglttf 'r-III . lnw beror I It,lts a drt!llm- kl!llp It ! \I' ll " more 11mll :O;/lhl",II ,·,II . hili ti l<' , ttll in 0 lIIuch 1,' 1'.11,,,1 JIIH II~ tl ur' to t hl ~. li S SUrt):lR I _IIIIIIl I"'ro I '1 1Inl( yuu 'Tbe tboughtof going down thl'ro-- Ul,,,,t ,1"'"111 ~'1 1I~ or I" ~ (\"II\,' II <lrnlloll" IIrlll': II'lI ll "l c~ In Ihe IO Il~ rUIl lljl 18 tJ," Gml's tl'LIIII 1I 1101l t It ! \Y~lI-wltclI into the lUooey sbllfIJ I hnt It 09 J "',," h l~ k ,,' pIli;! his 11111111 III hl~ sHu!" EII/lh's 1Ill>ol1lke I", \l' el1. tlIl'n, thi s I ~ .lIlu wns "'f t III tho c 1lI('tl' rs ~ltc WlI H never ~nted tho 1I1t0))!" Ite sn ld. "1 / ";11i.I'1 "dnll\('"'' III Ult' !lIl,ltll" of th .· Ille WilY It I... 1' 1/ JII~ t 11'11 Ytln how It "'OlUlI!; Ilt II",,· to d"I"e l'Olllu willI bate It. ,And UIO c Ity Itsel f. tile cltt 1'<10111 Itllel hnlh',1 t llpr .. , lI"t lookl n.t( II I lonk" to Ul(' 1111, 1 Ht · Jr It ;1111\ '1 s trIke Blbbsl .1 1111 wltsn't 0101- 111") slle that ,tbe mOlley Rhumo ha s Illlltll.'--JlIst I ldll' , hut .10\\, 11 II I hl'r llI un·. III whkh. It , ~" '\' tl,f' "lIllIe " "I." ,·" . k nUl'" W Ilell",r III bl1s wos Insll n o ~ •IIcI ut Chesterfie~ds loot at It I And the dIrt lind ttw 1I1l1~- I ' "Il lol I", ",·,' 11 , h,'" hllllll" Wfor, ' Ilt'r VOU H \\'11 111,\ Ih" '·OVIII. 1I11 ,h~ . lUll('h un , til' uot. IJu t h e WIIS UI ou ly 0110 nf th o ne88 and tho rus b. Rnd the nol sl' orron t I." "'flI llJ(, 11",,·,)(, W" lIt I" n "hulr III 1 'HI)' ,.,1. IlI 1>I/"" hi s , ':I I' II lUI hi" /ll'lI ·lI. ri ch Slrer,ll nn boys I r.t. ~hc hael to Ithe worst ot It; It S "'hot the dlrl 111111 llIlO II "'I' pa rt "r Ihe "OOUI, Tltt'l'll WII ,· 11 .' wl ~ III '" Ih,'y II ,,"I1/ ,,'t hlllllli IlIlklll~ ~ct hllU ." orllness and ru,8,b ",nd 1I0ls9 , DJ(,'IO - . I II ,I"ll lll," - III'tl r e. tI('III' hl ~ lh .. )r \\,1" '11 Itp W:lR trrlll~ to that'a th worst TI ou twa rd t11 111 ~ I 'rho t Qx lu ro o f witnt w ns lilt' trullt I e . Ie. I /lll ~llIyl rOIl,"1 n sbnky "01,,1', "fu' I' "'rill'. Il e 11111/ flll','1\ rro lll h is are In8ufferable. but they re oll ly tl~~ , ,\II Itl It· 1'\' 11 I nr ~ulplll", Ihllll"n .ho \I'll . ' trun k th " '"11 1111""1'1pt or 1\ 1'('{'\tI ht~ mnllo nn tt l'c n fnurl c wiU. whllt "' J1~ I '8 erpresslon or a aplnt-n bU ntl embr)o 1It1:t hlc 10 11ft it .. r t'.n'S. tllIll Ih,. dllrk ;:1111 ,I ... 1...... ,.," I1/-: ,,;ulllln y 11ft rnoo n. not. In .llIyl·s min d: s he helle"clll" '"r), I ot a IIplnt. n ot yet a 80 ul-o b . .I U ~t IInll II<lR CO lllinlll'rl to "e ll th .. III, ~I,,' 111111 ht> 1t "'1 "lJlIl{' Ii \t'IIS I", \\,11111''11 10 \\'IiI'l! IIlt1t "ito uttert'll, nnd she Riloke 8fted ' 'tAnI d thlllS 'go obefnd ' n OIl9('DSC! "I,,,k,' itllrrlprlly. IlkI' n n IIn KII'It'1l ch ili IIx 111'011 1" '1"'1' I",r,,,·.. ,hp!, 1II1111"lously with tbe m pltllly aut! ~"hf'lllen"U or I Ougbtn t a to be a e llow -h lp ' I . !lorco' ellll,· lel/on. 't It ' I d If' [ . d' rt't'l l/nll ~O ltlt'til luj; r0l1ml ltl,~ 1 I" 111, ' 11' ""11.('< 1 the tlr. t o PIli ' t'l II II III' 10 "lilll~ll . '.' b I'd 011 Id II wan ' r, JUbhM ""' /tu t I f 'el nholl t It I~," ~h!! Rn/(I. t h 0I act b n .en tl I coul .)ry, I'\I t IJP r MIII cfrlty ",us D')'lI, t I". rur ' ttlI'" WI"'" hu t 1:''''":1111 wan~th° I' ~ leo ler fel OIV 10' Irss t'\' ltlt'n l for thut, w nq 1,1...;,s"t! wl,Ii Ih., he!!ln llln J;s of blM " It ou g-btu't to t.J(! IIlloweLl to ";0 ou , ':laeep up w me. "1"lIlh ' r ~h l'rllll1n. you n!l,i !tInl hl'l' l"h'III, ,,,,,1 I f It •• ('11111 .1 l'I\lTS It Ulro,,~;b !l's t oo 1.1"" " 111 I Il k ,! pOll r HIbbs. nlltl , "I read somethIng tile other tlny nnd ~hl'rllll\n h ll\,(~ II lw ays bpcn Btl kllhl I" h,' 111 "" " it '" tl llr<' I'rt'lIlly with It~b.. I u on't w n nt 'to 81'C 1t1.1I lIIo,le ~urll II !remembered It for you." sn ld ll ury, JIl l! . IInel I w ould hatl! 10 hn"t' rO ll Ihlnk \\' folllt! " l'lIll1rl' It. " )Ion li n editor. For foo l or, '"IIt! 1 dOIl 't ",unt 10 Bee (ho ' give "[t 'wru tiOmethlng Burne-Jones sultl of 1 tl nn' t IIPllI'C!'llI t' It. rrlllll tile w ny I ; hI' hll ,1 bl ~ pllll\ nr lifo 1I0W: hi s dllY fumtly mad e Buch n fool or! I like "a picture be wnR going to pnlnt : 'In nCl ed. I' \'c ('o lli e In t II you I lUll wOlI lII be I)f lI,unulII I't bo r n nd thlllk' 110 0r ll lhiIJ~. but If h 'u only s lOIl 10 [the first picture I sbnll mnke n Illnll ~nrr_\, for tile WII.\' 1 ,1111 th a t nl j!lt t. olld 11I,.;- llr <'all III tlilnk of his f rIe nd null thInk n '[II !tu,t e hlmscl f ho'd b o ,'o to 'WRlklng In the strl'e t ot n g reR t city. rn ~II .I' I kll '" liS well liS nnybO(ly Ihe , III' " (lIlhl I hl"k hI (,lIllen ~ t or pl'lCms. rellllz(I he Isu't OI l! Itlnd of n Ul a u nny 'full of all kl\lds of ha ppy Ilf!!: Cllll· WflY I 1'l'huH'd . 11111\ It will \lel'l'r llnp· lu Ih,' "rMI,llIg of Illc Rtrollg mn('hln!!8 girl .wn"'Io.1 lJe npt to filII In lore with. dren, qnd lovers wQlklng, nnd IndIes pell ogliin. b ellu,;c It's IJel' lI a prell ,l' - 1111 1 If It l~ fllth!'r t l1rnr(l Itlm out of n o' s b etter look ing. Inlely. morbo. but 'leanIng from wln130ws all down great hurd 1.... solI ; o lld when "", (,flllle bn ·k. 'Illllh' nlu l ut of Ihe work s. he would YOIl kltOw h olV \to W II~-JtI~t klnll o r a cigarette the lengths ot street lendlng to the city 'om lIny. I hope yuu' ll se' l/Jit t you ' I'll 1I"lI' k ~ 1 " ... \\' hPre nntl llvl' elHe wlloro. U !S loug whi te rag III gootl 'Iothes. And WillIs; aod tIIere the gates nro wide !lot 0 dllu~hll'f· lu - Illw ~'ou 1I"I'ur II l'tl fll, hl' r hilt! Ih r Ight, oull It mllttered girls li ke m n with 81' 1110 go 10 'e Ulopen, lett1ng In a svnce ot /Creon {leltl to be lI"hlllll('ll of ngalll, I WII I1110 ask '·... I·Y lillie t o IIlhb.. - hc fa ced the pros- some onr t of tln "hlugllt'sB. nU.iho,,· 1 No· and cornfield In harveet; ;and all rouud you lu OX l' u ~e IlIC (or ihc Wil Y I dill. ,,''1't "f II ", ol'klll ~ mUIl's lodging hous e bod)" e ,'ur looked at poor nlblls bl'Try Chesterfields- today! his bead a great raIn ot SWirling nu- lind I ,'JJII ""y I h,I\'e n't li lly t eelll1 gs 1I'1I 1I"u t Ir 'pltlllUon. Ho cOllltl filld II to re. nll,lI 11 ('lIhe r'd she- no, Bl r l uot Immo leavell blowlni trom n little lownnl l':tllUl 110 " -. hu t ouly wi s h Iler "'''Hit ~I ''ntl to w r ite ullOn. he thought; till sbo' d trl~<l both !l oscoe nnd Jlu) walled ¥raveyard." Itn p plne8~ Ulld goo d III her new life. I first! It "'liS only wh,'" her [Iud her "And If I painted," Blbb8 relurned , Ih lluk you ror nil Yllu r klndull"s' to me. tornlly gCot dc. perato that sbe--" "I'd paint a Indy walldn.. In thc street Iiud I kn ow 1 n,"d e Il poor relurn for Dlbbs--whll e r t bnn when h e come ot a creat cJl;7, filII or nil klods ot up- It. uut It you cu n o"~rlook the way I from Iho snu ltn rlll m-open'd lit e d oo r. realious and totlle IIt~blldl't'n being beh'H'c,1 I know I would feel 0 goou He slt'pped Rl'rOSS Its Ulresholtl nnLl UtugM only bow to mAke money. and clell l htlJlpler- ltntl 1 kllOW ltoscoe stood look lllg 01 her. BOtll woweo layers borrylng to get r:leber. noll ladles would. too. 1 wlsb to promise not I.\l scream ed. . wbo'd given up trying to wnsll 1belr be as foolish In tlJe future. nlld the "Ob. good henvcnR!" crIed "Iby!. wlndowl cleao, Bnd the gates or tlls 811m e error w ould nover occ ur ngRln to "Wore you In th erc7 Oh, I woullln' t-" clt.7' wide opon, leillng In slumB and !Dllk us \Ill HO unhufll>Y, It JOU Clln be ~be R(}lzl"d MrR. Rl1erlllnu 'g nrm. pullsJaulilter bou8es and trelght J'8ff)8, chnrlUlblo ellough to euuse It this log h'r l'O\VllrcJ III R~fllrlVny. "Como and all roond thJ:t IRdJ"S bead a great tlwe." on. Ulolll'er Shr rldn n !" she urgcd, nuu raJn ot ,wlrllng Boot-" He p8U11ed, Bo 100Jced steadily at her W1UlOut n8 tile lPe fu dtlletl IIlId (,o\lfu ~l)d Indy adrUng, thoughtfu)ly: "And yet J be- reIlly lng , and she stood beforo blm,ebeyet). Iilb,\ll lert /I t roll of 1101 .v exclamntlolls: "Good grn clous! Oh. I 11eye I'm I'lad tIInt soot I'ot 00 your u C"cr lifting her 0Yl\S; moUonlcss. cbeet, I.t 'WDII just as It I were your slIve where the movlug tur proved tho wou ltlu't-- Too bnll ! 1 dllln't dream ,brottlet'-the way you gnye me your ug ltullon of h er hUlIlls wlthlu tho murt. .he wns the re ! J 1V0nlllu'l hurt llis feelbandkerdi1et to rub It olr tor you. "All 1'lgLtt," 'be wId, nt IRSt. 10gB I Nil t tor the \Vot'ltl! Of cou rs(' SUD. Edith never--" She looked U)) then with VRSt rellor, he hn(l t o kn ow so rne UlII e! But, good *No Wonder They Sali.FyI "Didn't elle?" II81d Mary, BS be thougb there WIIS a revolatloo ot b envy benvens-" (-and yet arc MILD) paused aga1u. U!lIrs wben tile eyelids lifted. Sho hen rd hIs <loor clo~e 1\ 8 s he nnd' Ih" pure Turki." tobacco in Che.terfleld "No. Aod J-" He rootentiJd him· "Thnllk you,;' sho II.8.ld, ''Thero's )irs. Sherlc1nn rea cbed Il. e lOP or Ihe Cigarette. that doe. it, Th" famou. Cheder· eelt with Jlbaklug b18 bead Instead of sometLtlni cis_about 80methlng dlt~ tfllrs . nlltl ~ lte glnnced OV H be r shaulfield hle nd con lIin. the hjghe . t.quality Turki.!. olferlnl' more definite Informntion. tereut- I waut to ' sn.7' to you, but I der qu/('kly, bu t Bi bbs was not followlobllccoa:-CAV ALLA forill Morna; XANTHI Then be realized that they were pay. wllnt mother Sher:ldnn to hear It, too." Ing: he bad gone bnck Inlo his room. for ill (ragrllnce; SMYRNA ror it •• wcetnou, Ini' the oew bouse, nod be sighed pro- " ' be's upstulrs 10 her room," suld "B e--he loukl'd4h; t crrlble hod!" SAMSOUN for it. ri~bnc.., r fOUDdJ.r. "lIlary, our wall!.'a almost SherIdan. "ltOBCO_" stnmml'rt!d ~lrs , Sllel·lIlnll. "I-I oyer." Sibyl Interrupted. Sho bod just seun wl s h- " Sbe looked as hlank. "So It 18, JlIbbs PIISS through tho hlt\l lIud begin " S tlll. It·s a ~oo(1 (1(':1 1 bl'l/rr Itl' !B1bbB." to ascelld tlle 8to lr8; and III II {I,ls h she know. ulJOllt It." ~IIILl Siby l. "I The,., laId DO more until tbey cnme instinc tIvely perceIved the chnnce for ~ llo llldn 't w O lIll ~r It Illigu t tllru out the to her cate. As the,. drifted 1I0wl,. to precIsely the etrcct sho wouted . "~ry uest thlug coultt ll appt:nell. Come • stop, the door at Roscoe'a hOUSf "No. let rue «0." she said. "I wnllt 0111" ---- - ALL KINDS d':lE" opened; aud ROacoe came out wllll to Rpenk to ber a mInute first. 81lY' And comp leting their ,I scent to lhe SJbyl, wbo was startllngl,. pale. Sbe way." library. Ilt e two mllll" th ei r II ppcn rtlncc BAt the first IIlgn of s ore tbroo*, seemed little enfeebled b,. her U1nc88, Aod sbe went awny quICkly, gnlulng to \tOSCOI~ n nd his rlllh ' r , Sibyl Ilt ollce tt ~ ht c hest or stuffed up h eilli tII"e bowever, walklnl' rather QuICkly at bel tho tOll of tbo stnlrs In time 10 see go ve n t u ll nnu trulilful OC' 'o unt of " dose ol Dr Boll'" Pine TBf_Boney hllsband's sIde and oot taldng his arm, lIIub", enter Ills room oud closo Ule He Felt 'rhat Something Inevitable what bud Wilen plu l'e. r~peo t l ug- her The b eallng plne.t 'lr , sooth in g hono v 'lbe two crossed tbe street without ap. door. Siby l know that BIbbs, III bls Was Happening. own rO!T\lIrks. nnd omitting Du ly tho Bod glyoel'lne qmokly rolleve t/le pe&nn.. to see Mnry aod ber rompau' ro om. hud overheflrd her 'Iuorrel wIth fact thn t It wnK thro\l g u Iter deslgo coogestlou, lool'lun th e ph legro and Ion, aod. eoterlng the new bouse, weN Ellltb In the hull outs ldo; fnr blttor on(l evcry !!"elling whe n he lort Mllry Ihut mblls bud ol'eriJellrll th Ill. break up YOllroold. Dr. Bell'sPloe. Common Ploas Court 10IIt to Slgbt. Mary gazed after tlIem mtlilb. thInk ing Ul e m,oro to RIUllfle h~r, he would wrlto n littl e ; 011(1 b e would "But us I told molb e r Sherlllnn." 1'ar, Honey bas al1 the benefit8 of 'rrtavely, bllt BIbbs. looklug at Mary, hnLl 8ub RC'l ilc utly Inrormel l her of the wrIte ou holl(\nYR aull on Sund ll .Ys-o n 6be snld, III cOllcl usloll, " It DlI~lit turn J)tll :tlll Phillips VI! BeujlUnln V the h ea llog aroma from a ploe f r .dlt1 oot soo them. cLrcllmstnlJCe, SIbyl ba d jus t rom elll' SUll(lnYli III th e oft ' rIl uo n, In 1\ IOII~lng out for tbe " uQ' bes t Ihnt he did lt eu ~- Smith et nl. Older tallen t,o Bell est, 'it 18 111ell8l1nt to take ond anti. ' ''Mary,'' be sold, "you seem ver, berl!d thIs. ((ud ' wlth the recol/ cellon bOIl~\J. nt leus t, be wouldn't be Inter - Jus t UUl t wn y. Don't you UJln J; 80, reH.1 e stl1t.e . 0.] septlo. Tho formnl" on tha b ottl e • mOU8. Is Ilnythlnl' bothering you?,' lbere bnt! fln~ hed Ule thou ght~ut of l'Upl M by Ills slste r·ln -I llw 's (' hollsltlll father Sherldon?" t,elle,why It r olleveeoolde and coughll Barry Ro tl, VB L, J , Beok er et ilL H ~. m"rely ""llole"U In rnl l d sn t At .v our DruggIst, 250. "No, BIbbs," Aud she gove blm 8 lI er own eXI't'rlcDcc-Olot peop lt' nre UIO 11IIIIICI.IIllto "Ielnlty of Ill s door for c Po ~ J y, nn Owr PDltoUl~,1i !.l ' I \ ' i3 b l r or) II lO IOp 0 r h iS Petition IIm ond od lit lmr by co rrect,bright. quIck look that made him In' ortt' n mucb more dceply Impressed by cOlll'ersnU ouB a,' ld clllly Ill1portnnt to rnbbl lo' g th e 11.lnk ,n jng D8me tof one of t,Lt e p ()t1l1oner ~ . Office Phoae 71 ill".! Pa,,! It herse". but merely dl stnrblng to 1l11O . h"nd 10 III" In ft I cl R c1 I kl mntly uoren80nnbly bappy. 'I'orrl s tbcy overheur t1lno by words ~ \\') , 1!l1I \I 00 ng nt no s Ign 0 f b (l. Stille V8 Jam os Wo olllrd , Bond "1 know you wallt to go In-" he be- d Irectly u(ldre88ed to them. Sibyl 10' H e frowned pIRlu til·rly. wl~ hlng bt' tll, e nrn~· ITe ha , ll ""'I,'nll ~ _.. • t e nded to mnke It Impossible for OIb/)9 could Ihlnk ot one pullt!! "' IIY of IIs kln g Ing ImpreHRf'd In lillY milliner by hnr liKed at ,GOll, the estate of Il:mlly H , UraDs, de. - "No. I don't w8nt to," n·p08ur 0 or " ~" nru \Tertr nes' ell t not to overh!!or. Sbe did oot besltate her to ""'0 IIwlly . Bllt. liS " he wellt on. ~4 , " Ilru~ e r; New Suits oeased, vs Ltlura E. BlLrkrltdllr e. III, did not l II S tUlIY - mn-m't keep "Oil 8taodln!> her.. -Iler benrt wns bot wllll the old sore, he slllrtcd viole ntly dropping Dlllnu- but his 1'II"fls"I\'lty ' l" ., Sale of to'al es'ale oonllrlUed an d -a , . . . . Bod abe believed wbolly lo lbe jusUce sorlpt uml pencil uI)On tl.e floor. Sibyl - It -liS TJlbbs '\'b I IretI .. , oln sh e «('s Edith We lp!lrt VB Elmer, EI Welf' ordered t,bllt deed bo 6J:eouted. Veterlnam and I mus tn't go In with YOIl- hllt- 1 of bar cause find In the trulll or wbnt "I don·t kuow wbotber you ben rd It. to Im IH'ceS, nud silo was conlent 10 U10t pert. Divorce ; grO"8 DOK ect 0 d uty. F. M, Cnnninghilm 8dmlnilltrutol just wllntetl 10 s aY- I'v e s o(, 'l1o,1 "pry sbe wns going to sny. Fntn wae vII' mother "S he rlflttll," she slIlcI. " but tbls matter. , at the elltate ofWilliam ffilmllton, Oraduate of Oblo Sial. Unlvor.I'y 8tupld to myself this morning, gr llm- tuous nt timen; It bnd delh'ered luto old Vertrees bouse. next door. tins ".'m sure It wns nil ror tlJe bes t." IIbe ,I, B. Gartson vs L 0 WlllterAon, d ec Bllised. VB ,Jeannette B , 8t , John bllng about soor nlld all thllt- wl d lp ber bonds tbe girl wllo hnd ntrronted been soltl 011 foreclos ure. /II\[I All they Bo ltl. "It's over 110 11'. and li e know s all the time J"':"l\lnry, I think it's \t e(' 11 ber. got out of It WitS 1111 IIgreelllont tI.nt wbat sbe Ie. 10 one way 1 Ullnk It ,,-ns Mone.v; 1I11l0unt clllimed $1-17.82 a t al. Urder taken to sell reulos. tll'e lit not lesB tban tte apprBI~ed Office at reilide'nce ' In F. U, 8her the very bspplest ot a /I I be hOIl r ~ leis 'em live th ero n little 10llger. Hos· lucky. been use, Ju st hear ing n tlllllg with Interee" Mrs. Sberldan wos in ber own room. eoe told \lie. 1I1l(1 lIe s nys he heard 1Ifr. that way, a person Call te ll It·s 80-valae " wood'8 house, Fourth Street, you've given me, I do . And- I dOIl't Probate Court Proceedlnz!! Tbe Ilvproncb of SIbyl lind Roscoe bad Vertre~ s IIIIS I, ~e ll UI' nnd (Iown tllO 1111,1 he knows I hn\'(!II' t go t lillY ax to Real Estate Transfers Iloow jnst why-but It's s\!elllcd to me drlveo ber from the II brs ry, ror JIbe Telephone 28 ~Ir\ulln l{iug Il(1miol~trator vs stree ls \lIore ' Il two yenrs. tryln' to ~ot grlnu eXec l)t his owu good anti tllt' that It WIIB oue I'd o/JvnJ'S retnemhc,·, Dillard W. Seymour et.I to Luetta l{\ng a t. 1\1 Defenllant granAod you," be ndded. tnl terlngly. "you hAd mlR('nlr ll ln tell l'fOr buslolllH\'S mootl. a job he could cull n 'posltlt>n,' Rod; good ot the family." Ont,rl08 E. Eaton,lut lu Franklin, $1. Waynesville. ' Ohio • and ~he felt Ihllt Ir lI e uscd his Injured COUldn't 11\1/11 It. YOll hl'nrd nnythlng loot beautltul todo y!" Mrs. Sherillnll wout oer~ou s l.v to tlt e totlleLlve to file IlUBWOr llind Or0811 F . M Hamilton, jr., administra_ "It must bave heeu the soot 011 illY hllllli IIR 1\ 11111 1'1< of ~IllJlhn H l s "/til In, In , ahout It, mo tber Sberilln n ./" door 8nil stood there, looking toward petition forthw Hh , tor. to ,JaUles E. Baynes. 118,61 ooros her p r~Ae ll' :(,. sit e wOltld (liS s he U\Ougbt ~heeJt. BIbbs." Bnrry 0, McVay, IIdmlulatrator "Well, I did know they bee o tlolu' the sla lrwny. "I wl sl1-1 \V 1~ h I l!n ~ \V In Ulearoreek township, $2016,01>. "Mary, wJll you tell me something?" ot I t1 "hn "e 1\ fit r lglt t U.ere." Site. theIr own bOllsclVork a ' good whll" whllt he Wit S dol ll·." ~he BAI{NHART, I. " B ll .lld or the 6etBtil of Willill.m I:l. WItham. 'l'homlls C, Weleh to Andrew A. hen r(1 81\)yl'8 atep. n tid prete ndM to be bnck." enid Mrs. Sherltlllll, •• A.ncl nOlv look terrible blUl, It was IlIlI) S OIU,,. decealicd, va Allco Arthur et ai, be \liked, Mayeelles , 271 aerel In Salem 'owupllltlng a tonch to her hlur beroro It "I thint I wilt" they're doln' tIJe cookill·. too," thing bud beell' U0l10 to hlw 11111 t \\'118- Order tnkllu to seoure . IIBrvlee by Notary, Public sblp. $1. ' "U's eomethlog I've had a lot of wlrror. Sibyl sent forth a little titter wtUl n I don't know Wltll t. I li" "or s nw IIny· publlolltiou, Ber' Reed to Robort Johnson, lot All kinds of Notary Work. " I wus just cOllllng elown." sho sold, shltr!>, eelgo. "I bope they Ilud some- body look like It e "lrI , H e IIi"I(p(l-so theor:lea about, but DOlle ot tllem ever Iu ro RUllrdlllnehlp of WilHam Wills just IIts. You, used to wear turs In th e as tlte door opened. thing to cookl She sold her plano 'lucero It was like you'(I - " She culled. i:)a'tortllw~lte, oonfioed In tbeLlma In Mason, $1 . and Deeds " tlpeolal'y. ~--raIl, bot no'W \l's so mucb colder, you ' ·Yes. he wunts you to." snld Sibyl. mlgbty quick nfter Jim dIed!" ~tate hospUa!. Ordered Ihab guar. dOI,-n the hlil/. "G eorge !" don't-Jou never wear them at all ouy' "It·s nil right. mother Sheridan. He's dian be appOinted. "YcS' m?" Blbb8 jumped up. De was tr embllllir more. Why don't you?" forg iven me," Bo~h Prodigal •. from hend to foot nml be was dl1.zy"Were ;vou up In 1Ifr, Dlbbs' r oom Estat" of Oora E. Morrielln, de A young wlfo r etllollstrlltell "'Ith her Her eiee fell tor 8 mome nt, nod ti hr M ,'S, berldnn ~ nlJred Instnotly; or nil the real tillng8 he co uld never Just II nw?" DR, J. W ~ MILLER. ceased. Fioal acoount of admlnis_ hU S\,!llIHI, a dlsslplttod "pelltltltrlft, OU ' crew red. Tbeo she looked U)) guyly. tea rs IlJlp pnre<i. Ill! ki ssed her 'duugb. hnve dreamed In his drenm tile Inllt "Yes·1l1. He> rlll l! boll; t ole me mllkp basor fi led,' his conduct. "Lcve," sold hu, "I nUl "Blbbl, It 1 tell you the aCHwer v;l II ter· ln-luw' R c heck : theu. In Silence, re- would bnve beell whnt he heard now. him nuh In Itls I:rale. I dono bull' blm Elttite of C. U. MoEowD, decell'8ed, , •• DENTIST••• !Ike tho prodlgl.ll 8On; I Hllnll reform you promise oot to Ilsk auy more ques, gu rcl ed the mIrror BfreHIl. wlpod hor Be felt thot somethlllg incredible w081 nI ce 0'111 I rn I I I' f II' Fhl/\!lIccouot or admInistratrix filed ' b ' , " ~C <o n Ie n 11 ee n 80 by oml by." "1 will he like the prodl. tlon.r eyes. nlld upplled powder. nppeulog. nod thnt he was powerlt'!s8 well, )'''8' 111.'' B I , rl'd In re "stille of Cora C. WaU8, de- gnl SOll, too," Rhe rc plle,l. "for 1 IIholl "Yea. Wby did yoo atop wearing .. T 0 (rpn c • , . "Alltl I bope EdIth ,.i'lll be bOI>PY." to atop It. It seemed to bl III tha t beo vy Wayoohllle.O .\,~ !lnt tIo YOIl elfllee t he wo nls 0 fire 0"1180d 'Inventory 8ud nppralie. nrls(J nlld go to my futher," tbemr' Sibyl nddcd. Inciting more 8ppllcutlonll . blow8 were tailing U)lOO bls bend nud mont filed, "Because I fouod I'd be wnrmer ot Mrs. Sberltlnn's bandkerchlef and upon Mory's' It seemed to 111m tIInt he for? slle O,B.kell. turlling tOlVlIrd ber E'. M. Cunningbam . Rdmlnh'ntor and Mnry w~re being slmck nnd hOllt- hUllbnllll. " ] Ito hOll se Is wnrm 8S clln <wIthout them I" Sbe caught hIs ha~d po,,' tler, ile. 1 do wls Lt 1-", with of WilHam 'Bam , Weighing Molasses. K. BATRA WAY "Yes. yes." murmured the good wom, en. p byslcallY-lIlId that sometJ)lng .. ," Qulckl1 In ber own tor aD lnstlll1t. IItOD, deoellsed VB Jeaonette H, St.. Whe n weighing molus UN for cook"Olt, qnlt frclllll I snlll ,Sherl(l'ln. laqhed lnto ble e.res, and ran iD,to ' the an. "We mustn't make ll1e worst ot hideous Impeoded. He wnnted to Jobn ot a\. Ord r '''ken to eell Ina PUI'POS : . " flo ur th e Be;JIIJ well nn~ ,things." , Ibout to SIbyl to be sllont but he could Well. r- I klu() .,' wis h YO\1 hlHln't Y'r'atDe.tv1lle'" Le~loJr Delllt.' rea I 8S h, te. ' th o Ul O ItI !<~C~ will run nit Iful,te "II ~ l1y "Well, there W8S something else I not~ be could only Btllnd, swallowIng sold anytbillg. SIbyl. 1 know you / )moe ID Ke1" Bldtr, Ma.lo St WItlIOUt' lell I'tng uny Rtlcldne,,< ht·ltilld . !DOli nt It tor tho !Jest n" el nil, but I aDd b'omhUncr. . In re WIll ot John V. B. Lewlll CHAPTER XXVIII, , don' t believe It woult! boe ll so much dec68eed. Will filsd tor probe te, lIarm It-" In re eltate of Edward B , BOdg. It It! tbe _neollng attribute of UD· s "Mother Sh crl!lnn, you don't mean eon, docea.ed. Neva B. Bodgson CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC, CHOLERA AND uaec! books that their deci>ratln you Wllllt tl'nt kJUfl of II girl . In tbe appoInted admloletratrlx, Bond .warmth will tIO qtten makeeveu a family? Why Bhe--" . DIARRHOEA REMEDY $2000 Appral.er9 Alfred Robert.on (PRICE! RIOHT) hIId.rmade library Ute &lotusl "livIng '~I (Jon't kllOW, I don·t know," tile WIllJam Frenob and (llliiton Ward. '1 • " Old aKa Domes qUlok enoulrh wl~h_ This Is a medlolne 'bllt evory fam. I'OOm" ot a famU" to 1Vbom the IIbelved out InvISlD, U, ~mo look old at for . trqllbled '~'omou quo\'lIred. "If he liked • 0lulDo. are indeed eealed. Tbus it In fe 1VtIl o.f Jossphlne tlmlth, de. lly ehouid be provili6d with. Colla Funeral Director. '1. TbaUI! becust they Dogleot'tbe her It SOllms kInd of n pity to spoil It. ceasod. W. F, Eltzroth appolDted and dlarrhosa often oome on Iud. ,.•• wIth Sberldan, wbo read, nothlog II ver and bowels. J[sep your bowel. Ele'J!I so queer, nllil be IIn'sn't e"er tllkeo exeoutor; Bond $7,500. Appralllers denl" and Ifll 'o Ube grede' , Import- WaynesYllle e&oeJ)t n~ buelDeee lettere Oblo Sole Agent " relular and your liver hel\lthy aud much eo;loyment. And besltles. I be- W . Ohe8tsr Maple, Ed 1; , Oonklln anos 'hat ibey be treatsd promptl,. u4 1\prM; who loolled upon boolul B, lI~ve the way It was, tbere WR8 more you will not only feel }fOnnler but and JameR folen. Uonllder tbe Inft'erlpg tb.' muet be " , Ioobd upon bric-a-brac or crochet- For Oorden Tires look younger. W:ben t.,oubled wl'b chRoce ot~ him belo' wlllio' to tlo wbllt InI'-WbeD be w .. .at home, and not 10. E8&ate of Margaret Babin, I'm- endnrecS num a physician arrlveR 01' -IUTHEk":' oon.lIpatloD or bllloUIUISH tak, pnpa wnllts blm to. If sbe wDnta to beolle. Flrlt aooount of gllardlua medloln. oan be ob,atn dd, Oham. abf4 .. MU .... be wu ID the library, mn rry hlm-" Oba.berlaln'. Table'.. Thsy are Aula Equipment fi ·ld . berlaln'. Collo) Oholera and Illar. o ••tood 111 ~e lDaDJ'-colore4 llab t IDteaded "pealally for tbNe Sber-ld8n IDter"npl~ her with a boot- - - ~Ho....Drawn equipment rboea Beme4, b . . . reJ)u&a&lon II8Cdie ...lnlCl-,la. wtn<1ow at the tar c! aDd are excellent, EaIY to Ing laugb. "She doo'tl" be sold, l'B-n Un. Tom Ta,lor. BearlD, ODd.o DODe 'or tbe quloJr relle£ room. "",.B4ecoe and . , ~ taIle . .4 moit .,r...ble In e11'IO\. "You'", .b arldu' up .the wrona tree, coDUnDeeI un&il tklptember Ii. whlll)! .fro-:d., Ob~.tDAble lYerr. .., II. IlamUtoD, a4aalall".t., 0 where, CO~WIN t , OHIO O)talna bit ..ef7Wh tie, DAY 0. NIQIq Ta8PBON87 looIODIIDaItt .,. 1JIIII ')1 ..


",JlhJo UI(' T(Hl lU.

It me,a ns that NEW quality, in a c·garette, that does for your smoking exact what a dr"rut of cold water does for your thirst!

To sati.sfy, a cigarette must do fa.r more than just "please" you-it must let you Imow you've been smoking.


That's what they're MILD!

do-they sa isfy! And yet

F or the first time in the history of cigarettes, here's cigare te that satisf:es a.nd yet is mild! Chesterfields !


• Other

cigarettes may be mild, but they don',t satisfy. •

BUT, Chesterfields satisfy-yet they're mild!

This is new enjoyment for a cigarette to give. It is

something that no ciga rette, except Chesterfields, can you-regardless of price.


Because no


maker can copy


blend! '"




-and yet they·re MILD

20 for tOe

---- - -







Walter Chandler tWaynesville.

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

. c--


E. v,


---_0 - ...


D H.E.



----... ........---

Saxon Six Livery





,. --.

.r • 01* ...





--'-----.. -----·-------.-------- ----'li·--·--- I THE NEIGHBOR 00 EVu I


'1' 'I'"

As Written . by Our Corps of . Able Correfipond. I I" "" 1.1 _ _ _ _ _ ~n~s_ ~t~e..; ~ghbOt·~:d_. ___ ~ _f 'i" 1 .' 1 '


d ,

.. 1.111111.1' t HI .(''' 'I III!\' ';1, 11'('





Wooklyi at Wayntiav1Uo, Uhlo willi 1.0 C·t\1. !\Pl'I.I C:\TI ON!:i, 119 l .... y call not rCdell Ihe scu t 01 Ihe diocase. ll1rrh Is II local disl'3se, I: rea tly ioflu . D. L. CIIt.NE, Edito r ant.! Manager eClI llced by ~u ll s lillltl ,, "~ 1 cun tlltlulI s, lin d in order t tl cure It )'Oll lnust t llk. un 111 tt rulll remcdy , 11 ,, 11'5 Cu tu rrl. Cur. I, :\ El''I'~MBMt 13, 19lfi n Inlerllally nlld lIel s Ih ro u ~ h Ihe blu.,1 on the DlUCU IJI Stirfa c 5 of t be s)' ~ . leol. H"II ' s Calar rh Cure wns prescri be d b)l ~n~ of the bes l phys idun s In Ihl ~ ~u unt I'J for yea.s. It Is cQmpol'ed of SO Dla of lhe best lun lcs lell,, "'n, cum billed with SOlUe of the best Il lo d PUrifi.r8 'fhe perfcl·t curnblliBlio n " f the lugrcdi. CUll ia 1t~II' s Cu l ~ rrh Cure is "lta t pro. t!II CO!! s u ~ h ''(I n,le rlul ,.."ult . in ~" t n rrb . ul co lldltio,." Send fo r It stimoula ~ , fre!'. F. J. tllSN EY & CO ., Pmp • . Tuledu, 0 /\11 ])ru ~ I(I.l s , 7.\c. !jails hunilT Pill. foreoll slipa lioll . Ubilih e d

~". 'I rl MrH \\lUI \''111. III F'rnnk llr/, W 1'(' tJ \O'~I1' d'.v ,r' ~ I ~ "I Mr~ . Htlll nllh H Io-1! !II •. ~, 11,,' 11 II I'Ll lIIlllO I/I t! I hnl1ll.lill n ~ nllt! '1 1.,1" '" It .. , I, 'I,' u I.w du .\·" lLH"" I: \',,, ,. l\lr 11 11 11 . 1111',', H I ' , Il ll TV!'.'· nn, ,,,i,, \ ' '!I' 1",1 fUlllll y " U' tllhllr I ' t\tll. 'I' .. ul ~'UII. 1' 1' .'\ I" 1 ~' I i(, ';"r d"y ~vilh Mr lIull I,I .. ~ J,' ,\. U lr l I1 l1f l'r' . n"j :.11 II, 'v 1'1'"




"1'11 Take tho lob You Offered Mo," tsI OYJ .


Mil O UIIl ' , 111Ut Kilin or u girt ,"

':I\ut, ftlther .11 rhluu, dlilu't sllc-" ne cut her shol't. '''I'bnt's eu o u~b . You mny mell D 011 righI, but yotl' gues8 '\'fong. So do you. t11l1l1lmu." fllbyl clied out, "Obi But ,ust look how she rlln tltl e r JIUI- " "She did not." he Mid. ~t1rtly , "~he w oultlll'l h.k o Jim . ~ lJe turned him dowo cold ." "Out Ihnt's IIIIP0851-" "Il's 1I0t. I kno w Rho IUd." Sibyl looked fintly lu crcduloull. "And 10n needn't wOITY," lto MId. turning to h is wife. "l'lIls WOII't hn~e ony e ll'ect 011 YOllr Id en, bl'clIUSO there "'flSU't ony 9('n ~C! t l> It, anyhow. D' you think she'd be \'ery likely to tllke Illbbs- orte r she l\'oulJo' t tllko ,JlIII7 . Sbe's a goo<l·hcnrli'll g irl: QIIII Rh e lets Bibbs COIIIO t o "I'll hcr, hut It Rhe'll ever glve a blm ono 81":11 ot en cuu rn ge ment Ole Will' you WOIII II Ihlllk, he woulrln't or nCltod the 8llll.lll,,·rll t..,ol be hils- he'll 'a' been lit me 10llg 111(0, lJeggln' me tor 1101110 kind or II JolJ hu cOliltl Slipport a wire on. 1' beru'ij 1I011lln' 10 it- lind I've got Ihe 8 UIlIt~ o ltl r1.,:ht with 1.1In on my bOlill s J"\·o IUIII 011 bl s IIr~""'lIlld tbe Lort! kil li n'S wlt ll t ho won't 110 t o bulk m e! "'"nt'8 hlllll'Ctl t'<i IIOW 'II ·protJul.lly ouly U1l1ke hlul twlco 118 stub· born, l.Iut- " .. 'Sill" i\lrs. Rh crldn n, stili In the 40nrwny, 1Irt.1'11.t.ur 1I,11ItI. · "Thnl's Ills .Iop-he'll comln' IlowII8tnlrs." Sbe IJlfuuk IIwny trom the door n8 It slIe (curell to IIn\'e Hlhbs Bee her, "r- \ wOllllcr-" sho solli. 0lm08t In a whls· p cr-"r woutler what hc's goln'-to dO?" Her tlmorotl s tlcRS lind Its eaeet upon the others, 'Sberhlall rose, frowning, but retUlllnlJjl stllnlling bc!hle hl8 chlllr : lind HOSl'Oe mO\'ed toworl) Sibyl, w~o atnred IIncllslly at ollen doorwu)'. They IIslcoell a8 slow steps doBcendell tuo stllin apll clime towllr4 the IIbrury. B1blJ, stCllPcd IIpon Ule tlire8bold, anll wIth alck lind bllggard eycs lookC() .Iowly rrom olle to the otll(lr uutll at Jnst bl8 gaze rcsl ed 1I110U his rotber. Then be Cflll'O and stood hetol'e blm. "I'm 80rry yoU'YIl hnd 80 Ulllch trou· ble willi me," bo BAld, gently. "You 'Woo't, allY ,~nore. I'll tllke thtl job you orr.~ r(!d


Sherl(lK 11 did 1I0t spenk-be stnred} a~lolltlllcll 'a od 11I<:reduloI18; Dud Bibbs tlnll lett the rooUl ' before ony or Its 0ccupant, utten'<i a: SOli nil, tlloll",o he ;wellt 118 Blowly 8S be cfillle, Mra. Silert· ~hlll WOS tile fir~1 to move. SlIe went pervou81y bnck to the doorway, and t4eli out 1010 tlJo ball, Dlbbtl bllll KOOI trom the houae. Blbbl' molber bnd a teellog about hi.n then that she bad never known


The be" .ay &0 give good advice I. '0 86' a good enmpls. W heA o'bernell hoW' qula)d)' you ••, ov~r ,our oold by 'aklag Ohamberlalo II . CoulJh Hamed, 'bey ar. Ilk.I,.o follow 101lr s ....ple. ,Tbl. nmldJ

b .. betD ID1IM for maal Jean lUI:

.Jore ........ tep1l",.oa. ....,1tIe



Our Aohool opened Tlle&dllY llI'lro. Inll, t::!eptember 5tb, undor 'he man. aaew80t of Mis! Ethel Lamb, Mrs. 11'. F. M~~ulnn and Hon, Boward, epent the week-end 10 WII rlllllK'OO. Uri, . L .. ura Reod tllIOO' Bnnd"y wt1.h MI.ll loIay Blirllln: Mrs. Mollie UllP 18 vleltlng Mrs. F. E. 140~ulnn thl8 weok. Howard Urahnm remaln8 very poorl" .. t this wrltlog . lcirM. Neva Voster wall .!lollplng In HorveYllbur, .' I'borsda)' morning Mil. Veda Sberod 18 IIttundlo8 HI"h Sobool.. Wllmlni'on $hls 1Mr. Messrs. Cbu, t3herod and Ohap. 1!:!~ls Buloed to WIlmington WedneR_ dtl.y evtlning to lIUoud 'he Eagl e Lodge 'I'he Infant 80n of ' :hll8 . WInfie ld 18 Vtlry serlon~ly ill ot this wrltlor, Miss Jonnle LawH on ' tl.od Mls~ Berdll ,call ed on tbe Misses Emma and Lentl Ellie ThursdtlY tlHernoon, Me Rsre, Bento n . Clmt .. nd Barley Uleaver .. nd Tom Wb e l'l,31 w ore In OIarksvllie W e dnesdB) ru n rnlu!!


I til 11( "1" .

III lili s

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,':ur dres


'v t:n.d g rad V, I ious \ \\: ilcl V(; a a r

iil1l' lIt mbc rin



t urrill"

~'1Jj '1

("Ww ltl


thllt our bull llIay h o m tltl " 1JI ;lro ~Imltury on d in v itin g t o t.h o pu b 10. Wh e D t h ey oll,l ln po n u s, l or tl nr e n ll. ..I port I e L u II C1leo r f u II ) r ep.jl 0 o ,,"~ lib II Y i 0O e rtftJ I UIK "tb ll DIf:! ~ It o D"• 'f\rye mII om\ler O I e109 · 1 a d e 00 y W nn} tloue UDde r th o e x ls t-lo g t·n x dUJlII cote of o ur m u nl ol llll\l ty. It Ii< np to IlS to AK~iBt ill hOY W [IY Ihat we on n Ilnd tlnl tt,I,o.,. rU I\Y h~\'u klod , Oou rt oou s trc~ l nwnt. They hin'u oo ntrn ot e d wit h u Ly oou llI BII Pnn fo r 0 libornl fl tJl OllOt o r t hel f l ul llO I wh loh w ill ru rnls h [)~ Ro vl' l'nl ov on In !{'d ell t e rt ululOu n t dn r ing 1,110 Wi D.

IolIlVCllo! fr o ll l h t' rl w .,tll I., Flur. vO}'ti llllrf,( liflllt r 11.\' U\', II III/.: I" 11,' 11' Ur"'IIrI I",O Il I, r n" "" .'1r. \\' tlll'UII KI1..,"~, fmIU " 'III~ ~rl'lll "It ",0" I IIHW J v , ,, II tll1 lI 'I \I(\~ to hllW, 011, 11I"' '''''linl-( ilO(\ 11"11\'1'\ [. i 1i J I J ~' JmIlK" [) lillr II ,~ I, lit n~III' (IHorti. If YUII WRit IIJ 1) 1' II ,ch nrt or u.liIl1hor 'you 11.1U!l ~, J! "

'" ," ( '''1' 1 1I"I,r h , '1'",1101 II


10 1110 h .. uf P 11ulllll LIlt 1\ r'.v~ ltllrl1 . 1I1r. u nd a1 .... l-HP.lIl1 I),,'I'I~ unll ~t1I1 . Mr. Mu 1\ H" I-lI'n , II ~III Mr . Bor t Uoe;.11 ~ Iltu.t SIIIl[IIIY nf\ I' r1ltIlU '''In. ,II'. IIull Mr~. UIlIJ. B IJ~·ID .

I "b,' rt \11"II ' I:l'f ll l1.1 .1'. , 1'"1, .,,,01 . III, Mr "I,d ,)Ir~ . 11'. n"~\ H, 'II'" 111111 .\,if,." ('" th 11'1 1"', 11,'.1 ~Ir ,/I,d MI'. ,'n \'.'I,I'I II,, 'r . I, .. ,'" :.,. " ,. no oi I :>: , ,:<' ' I'd :'1" ' pr I,:'. I \\,1 .1 I. ht

!or mo nl bs . Mr. o nd Mrs . H a r m o o Mll o rl' . Ilotl t wo IDl o r e~t i ug chllt.l r t'n wer\, tion. ,I"y I(ueli t ~ of Mr . n,1l 11 Mr H. Lo\'1 J O.S ll p, Mr. nntl M c~ Frfln lt H arris n ne l ~o n.l)w e o, w e r p- th o weo " e ll d ~ U P~ t:l of r~ lllt.l vtJ8 Ilt R lohDl lJU U, I n,1 Yr . f\1)f1 ~lr8. S h OTllIlI O FMri s and Mr. Rtld Mr s . A lvi n l"or rl ~, o f Ollvfe' Brulloll, w o ro HUll dsy g (l(Is t s of MI' unti Mrs Goorg u Wl ltlOll, of n Ull " b e re ,

Mr. ' . W II lllt8,101r " I)rnl Ih l' pI, sL wo(' I, In l i llyt " 11 1110 ~ l1 01"1 of hi. ~ou, Ill r , 1m HllrC,nC k , Mr • . HlIlli o 1,"11 I II'~·~ .Y 1111,' (lou gb t e l', "uti M .. ~ , Ell . Brown V i \tAd hlrA U~. " VOllJ u,mr .V", · o dvlll 'J'Llllr duy . M .. n ntl ~Ir~ . .f I~ t l roy ij llonl 1", i d" .\7 nillul "ori "ltnNl o s w 't b Ihllr 80 n, AII"'r~. [Joar Dud tl" Th e .Jlllllor PrisolllIIs were enl,{"r . tn infld by bJl ~. flol e u Uurtso k !'l~ t. urdny uftmnOIIll .


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\\' .t!n n".(\,I~· o \'onlll~~I:i('III C '~ \ln r_(ltl.

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III I II' 1I11OII V,,'

kind " vi

--============:====~= 1.1I;r..:r ' (id <)uali l y OUllranteed nn

All Supplies

Mr . Bowllfd (1mh nm, w ho h as J\1 ' d. W . T ,l llrtlulllln'\ liMU , lller i Sl OAN 'S lINlr~EMT ~C"ES ~ b eon 80 se rlou Rly 61Ck fo r ~lIm" PilI' t Sllnda v nilnrnoo u witLJ M I· ~. I I l I ' wo e k .. , iM tboU ~ ht to be s lllwly Itot. ,l oun .) onht 'l: 'lIm • ti l, r ll'nr. n _ ~ u ' ," ,: I I" • '1nl () ~I 'I' 1.·d .. \'I· .1 1;/ nl "I" ~ 1.111 . tlog b e r ;\1r. nnll i\lr . ~.o Brow n ont·Or IIll'tll I he' llnlyel~1111 1 ... ""j, f)r 1',. 11 Mr . IlDd Mr~, Hou a rt 8 lllnr tlltlc1 t:t! ~etlMrs It"IJt'rtL'ri iUDd, MI~~ I ~Jr 1 1~I\"y 't ol " PJlIY : I ' ' 1"ll;;IYi)"J"lrhl"~ tw o chlldron, o r ne ur S h u r o nvi lle, (~tlOII. M I~~ ~lnnlO li nd M I'~. lln lO 1\\'11 11 ,ut r ulJhll1" 11, .. 1 ' .. 'lfh .. .. tIl III u "ld p I 'h' ' i lt I' I,n , I 111' rC' w er e !:;un.IlY g u os t s ot r tllutl v t:a a nd F rls lnoLl u n bUl. dllY (rl e nds , 1uIS~(;fI L nllH und ~~n gon i~_ \Vll itn. prolJllJt,ly I fT,·tll" ,' t tl HI !II'I"".~ pl "e' Mr. (!lIot o f Du y ton , s p onl, IHlr spent l:!llttlrtl l1 Y u lll l . t wtth UlloM r"r ' or f1 1)"1 n.. J !:)ondllY tbe gU (\s t o f b itt pln e n ts , Mr . H (1 /tln lJllr t,so II. .,l;ln tlr (11 ", I (. '1' ,,~. I', r ,"[In • .z:


EN alP CO.





Itlil l

of ~lll

', ,1\' 1(\ ~111 stnndarc!

,'·!.I II, ','1.(''0.

The (, Ivic L ol'(n(', (\ )I1l)l <lSI'll fIf o nr e n llr l(OI ' C II lIRIII njt I !l flitl ~. h !' I'l' uppoill ~erJ u COlU nll UflA t o h ov" 0111' 'r own Uu!l th em u ,hly r oooVIl IUI.1t111 r) )llillor OtJ or [Jill II ted , I r it \\ .IS II ~ fo rth Ir a RRlIoltlDOe n nn pu ~b nllmy uuoeRil ury III1 !>ro v~ U1 tlt.8 WIlIl1cl tlll t be put UlroD g h . rboy a r o t; dot; to ~ @R f or a Bsi ~tlln oe fr o Ul t h e Oit l '~ OU !l


An~on ,

" It'I II I<'J1~: "'~

and Mrs, A , B . An so n , , MI~s ,Janllt /3r () \\'u Mr . Roy Y oun g llR S pur oh nl'ed a wit h h or p .•rel· l~ hU I;I gy, Wal t, lind w e will bll tu l( o . - - .. - -

a rldll . Missee Elsie Spath, Garrl e Po ok , Anoa Kabel, Margaret \Vel s lllt\nte l, Id~ WOIBmtlDtel. Ml;llls rll . .l oh " Ka . bel. ~))arenoo Koob , .l esp B la o kw ore, Wm.Zlmm e rDll\o otld Alhert \Vels rullntel, all o f Dayt on, wer e u nd,, \, I{neA rs of ~he Ce ntlul, w h or o th ey Are w e loouled. 1I4r. 8l1d Mrs . ,J. K I:lb IIm nlt 1'1' ant! son, Evere tt, le ft. Bonday m orni og for htdlan Ltlke to be g oo e t,v o woek..


!'inncl,, },





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mu~. iI ,u , ~hr"~lr I L ' tllII , II- Ill. l" IIII. - - -- . - - -- .....----"'--~-----S~~_'Iz::=~ ~~~~~~~!!! 1111nb ,",II. ~ Jlmll1!<nlld ~ '1I1n" It ~ I\'''' qlll Ie 1'01I~f. HI.)6n'~ LltlhlJo~1 1 '''' 4.00 TYPIEWRITER .1 1 Ut'N! btlt. e p alin n nrllb tl. ' 1.I,lll ;<; l , 11);:;$12 , RMITII -I"UU II F.It H Fe , e I e/>, , ra l ~ e8, llll1l1~ Kill (1 I . r2 I." 'i,.n c 1'1.11.11 II I",,",, .t'YI",,,,rllln,, ... -- _ .r U1iou r Ill jorl() 1,0 01111 , 1Pt) 1:1': " t ""1lI1I oil d',g I' .~"II"". 111.10'10'""" It"" FO R R1<lNT In h ile to day ILl ~'r,n" 0 , o Rgl&t" 2~1'. l~~\'i'~i ~~ ·~.'~I' lr. I 0 II I I'I IY, II1I erlll" . . Y. I . I I F AHM-GnOd o nl1 , Vnll nt t,blB , oni " ror In fol' ula'loo , 827 I




Classifiud Ads

T b a t d u ll, ltijtlfl~M, ()P llre~. 011 f~'ll in ~ I dn a to tU11IU"I~l o 10 your t m , S\U); j.( ldh Jjv~lr , olop;l!l!d illt(l~. Illle. UI' . Kloel ij N \V IAf Plll~ ~ I~e pro tUpt r e lief. A IlIlld , ort~y, SPRla'~BORO n on I!rlplll!\, bo w a l m ovQm .. t1~ Will Sh/lkespCi\r~ A Advlcl _ , t one l1 p Y" ll r ~y~ l~ tIl "utl 1... 1[1 HJ i ~'" 01 \I,' "",,101 01". WI' -1t,,..I,1 01" o letl r your ru uddy , pl lllLll y oompl " " ~ I "h,' '1 1\0 \l onl<l : ("I' litis \\'"rlol , 11. 111'-:'" WANTED hl n . B et " 1",ttI B o f Or. Kin ~'s 111 ,,1 .1,. ", 111'11 1""10 "I ~ IIll d '01, , .. " .. _ , Ntlw !.If" Pills to-!Iay tit VO IlI D~ul,C. i\lr . Ittlll Mr~ J uhn Murtln , ntl 1111111.'" h,'r,· ,II',. I, IIC II"" . III'" Itll lloI_. I gis t , :Wo, A d O!G f.o.lll~h·t wllllll u ke ' tl od dflftllutpr IIntl Mrl' ~J I~rre ~f MIlr_ "' I ,1.1, "I,; 1111,1 11', '11 Ihl s ~ h" .. ld I ~ , N' itO- At o n e " s mall f,un. Mr. Mrs , Warr e n Vuotr B8ij, YOll ch ollr f n l .. tlJ r llu llFuR 110. o r hll rli'l l _t nw n. \I f' n ' SUlld,LV I. I,,· II ' I" ',,dlhnrl " ,:h, Ihnt Ilu ri s r. II In ' arran"omell$ of d!,Iprlnllfleld, wu cnlle d h e r o 'ut1gU('8 t~ a.t t b " b ll m o Ilf \V A Null , , .·I",Il "NI" ""''', Ily f or a IIr g I l " & tb I s ill -, rl 0 0 f,t rm of m 08 aB we! • r ur tiy on ..oooun. 0 , e Ber ou I Mr. lin d M r~. Will Ii o ('lnr \, /III j .- -- .. - I r CI k IIIL7I\nore~, Ohio two Call Uon

a.vB I

__ -- . _ __






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,j ""

NEW BURLINGTON 1 ~I~i.\~~~I~1 ~~~,rllll~;(1U ~6~' ~1t~~\~

/W A

PUBLIC SALES I1 ~)tJV::R, :~ L17~ t~rrn: W

Cl1 ns I'll ,.-t . 1127 WInfie ld died t:>lI torda r nl " ht . 111 ' u tl '-' h I t ),1 1 , ' .. . I~" u El r I" .... '(' V.'/I','.. • 'd '. 'I.( 1'mD- TO r ont a fflrm by reANhnill MrH, Ll zzl f' Mo WlJ in oy, o f 10 WIl, !I nur~o'. ,. 'U,"I' III ;.. 11111. .. ,\· : e parti es , 150 a oraa or '''1'0 Is tb e of h e r lilst or, Mr N. Ma r y ' I I::i O'P il ll J. ! f a Tm s of 7.'i 'oaob . Inljllice 6' 'hi. 8I1yne! . G eo rge wh o struol, t,'r , 11'fI " iii ,,, 11 At, I'tlhli. Anrtlon Ilt, IIllI co 827 . Mi ss Ann K oll y, of Cioolnn ql i, uy nn 1L1It oru o bll0 mor l.h~D II weaL rittw BflIhpld 1'1'1 \\'l"I IW" 'hr It'I Ifll · III \' co ... hl "nCl on tho WI\~'t1t'~ Vi Il O I bus b elln v ls ltillJl r ulut lvcij 10 Ibl ; t11(" Is IllIfJfO\·it')I; s lowl', IIlIhoug11 I log ,,' tlw \' J.j " \turl'l •• ",_'v 1."'1111. 11111 1 J .nll,nllll !" I; ' I, I II,H" WI1~ t 0 1 G Jt:'1' ynnr ohoirs oaneLl ; malie vlcinlt, f ur s l' vo r a l d~Y8 _t ill oOl.lfiued to lib blHlIU 101 In c h a r ,;u 0 1 IIH' ' 'I r,'h'''', lin, III I \ \0' IY''' '' ''II1", "') thf'lllll l\Rt Inn gnr ; pl'ioes noCJord . MI @H l£dith ;\\ c Reynol <.! ~, o f ·in . Mi~B Etlna Coy l lID!! r e turn lld I,ll . iu i'>(Il'lu gl;'lI'o "(11 11 1"1'\. T llestl;n I ~r t' 1Il"~I' t C), P 1-1'1 III~ _ ~o. "j\l.~~ of b o ttom of oholr. olnnaU.IHv!~ltlng ber lI istu r , Mr R, h e r h Olttu IIftPt· spiludllll( th SUUl. nIl' Erll ~' t, ! "llll'll III 1 .:.. (' " I III "'111'1' tIl" ~'iJonoNIi "', "13 Ed i I D t I ,Ul nII1P1 /lf" ngo U 0 I. , ' ' IJ W 0 l:imlt , 'lio r n uy on. !lllt r ), Crll wbr 1, '" (,., - , ",(or f ' 10'\\'11'" lire Iwrt\ I' w ll ' [, H l) r"ON Bo'n - 'l'o Mr.a od Mrs Il:~ rl B ooltA lbo r ~ Mc Ka y 1ll1d C/l rHon ::;1I1 it h Iho ~\leR.s t ttlr 111'3 , I". 1\ . U. , r C"tr ll ' ~I :J 1111'''' F'I1rl1l lrl!! 11lIJllfl 1'01 p ll oa £l . O pora'or at onoe. ett," girl, 81\turd uy n ig ht, lerr. MUDdilY IUIJrnlolJ Ifor De lnwlue, .. g t I " ~fl""'r:tl tl ",to I, .. t ~o,'Ir. ,'U tlnl ,1;'Q, "" II ~ ,,, ,,I kllilw ri lItY. IA II Il t T elepho ne E.!(obllnle, A . 'l' . Mo lor s peDt lus t w eek til Ohio, wboro t h ('y will bOf1 Uf lIod U~ He .. LlJlJ ml~ (\(10' 111·,1 tl ", l n till till V Ilf "Ilt' ' W"yuM v i ll o, UlIl () . sl:l 'Ollr p rODC III Un " l cu J 1,1 WI nIt. W . N , h'·lr~. An ,q 8 . T . \'I~ 11 o a w i th re}!"I V~8 onel w h ile studeil ls. there he ILUo nu e tl the fair W ill . I'lt. r lAl1 I.. , l'(>~ lllJled h is h I~" LUIl Il I\ Il r'lrlll "t Frllllllli [I , U rt \\,,,..1"';01 1", (. It, ,. 1t A R M8 - B n v o vou & farm or other Mr, Barry Sobwarl z lind O n 'illo stu dios fit Ellrlhlllt1 oll",~e, vialrl'd IIII' III1, j ~!I:S . 11 ''1tr v O\"lrth Ito", ) ~J"t(\ to fo r " d e P If ~o URi Strawn of tho Oh n~ . h wn r b: & Berllioe E . Bllt klutl WtlS 0 n/illed Ih, Lir- t "I I Itl '''I'G 1\II llI e 'II II nco wi t h W . D . Vhllndltr, ~on~ Co. , MllDum e nt Oell lpr~ , 0 1 tuh e.rh tlmohyill"t?s~ llI~two.olr , lil t \' \' . I' r \ "'HI 1,,,,·1, " '"". fII Vllt,!'ptll (,' .. /ToII ' !! l WIII.''1 1 nl Wl\y n llflv ill o, 01110, or oull here 0$ Lebilll o n, were in our city ~lI ll1rdn )' The ,', (!; . Cllj yed u. ... oc b1 nt tlio of l.lIlJt'''' 1. "1" • 'tf" • I " '. I' 101 1' '." .1 1", t,.,',.l"I1~ ":' 11111". I'h o n ll . 0, 77. I hlwo tI tew g o o" trnn~I.IO lo g bu~ in esa , h lJ llle nt ttlr . IIl1li Mr s . HuUl ~lI chuer IE: r 1L\I'~uk '" I' l'lt ' . I. H I , . ' ill< II ' II " I' \ ,,' 'v ,. <w,,1! .. " fI 0", n nl IIf to\vn b ll yo r ~ ",ho !IrQ \\e8IrThe Clvlo ' L etlgu o lu e t SlI t,n rrl llY l'b orsduyeven in g I lwrr I, , \ .. I , II. I I' 111 11 .... ,,", I Ilr Il J1 H • r 1'''lk ln g III p ro porty in Rnd During I\. rOOE'nt eeplOH at experl- .It Mrs, Mllto '] t:lublll l'>1 c Do u ll 1,1'" l\1 is~ ~ J osopll1n e 1I1l,] .1(, l1nlu ~lI'~. 1'1 , ,~ I ', : .. " h',.~ '''' ""I l. II " , II r,IU Jld W"ynoRvlll o. DOll ', dlll ... y I mcnt~ o DdDol,1l1l by lbl' Ohio Ex . benntlf,11 h om e OU Eu~t, MlIln 51.r oot, R ee ves nnd M ls~ 1,019 W lllttllwr Oll- til· ~Icl: 11 'flit",,; '.'. !'=l'pkllJhCI :! I, JlJlIi Atton tl L ~ h l(j Ilt o l1l:e. Jlluimllut /:ItlHlon In WtlshlIlR\OII W , U 'hl\odl e r . 1J1rEl EII'l,abet h Vootross Is ve r ,\' t~ rttl!n tl on \V edOBsdllv evenlog: ~Jr 1111,1 ~ r.. \',' 1I [l ,,, n- "e I II!I~II!" I,,~.O: 111,, ',' 1"'11 11t" (,,, I,,,,, . Vounty and reporfed 10 I" tiel tern. '1un~e ro u slyl1lnt tbl s writi ng bod ~lisA6A Mll ll llo B IH!au , Rosalie Hel. Wi llllltlt, C<lII. 1\1" .11 11<1 f.' 11'/( rh ,.II,,'" I 1'1 11 '1'. III (:/lellt' , ber Moolbly Bnllet·ID, tile U8h 01' lc1nrlon, h or bU 8hund , Is "I ~(I qllitO II ng~hell d , Elollu o r Hllyd l'c k, Ir m u l W l) II'" "I1;,r Il', til \' .. 0, 111 1,1 ,IJ; 1, I' , rlll lll !.! IIlI ,I "'"'11 1.. I ~ Iurnt' pbos phoru~, limo aDd numure 'IVa. . Evtlus u U11 1I10850r8 \ Vru , I;!IHII4I1U tl l Ilibll .. OLl am i ,lU ll ,\ \·"r. II f ( 11,)"n .t o Iii II " ( 'I JlIl S"" [,1": !oil" rur rouod IIrtoH\l1ble In fertillzlnJ( past ro eblo, SALE I hU l!, , 'r" tlw "",,,!: 1111 r\1e~l-l I,f 1 1 "~Ill~ c '. W . 11. .I " nno y Mrs, Mnrgnret Lovioy Ilncl Bon, \V . G. Lll w r ence. ure Itllld, whllfl nitrogen Bud potnsD r , an d ,Mu . Wb\tn:lc t· ur "i s H- ~Ir nnll Mr~ . W. A 1111 '11l'1 flllml!', ( 'J' H . ~\ k" 1\ 11'1. , Iyd(', MiH~ tiuStlft Wh e tse l nnd ~luDl mude DO n{Jt,ioe .. ble Hhowlog . \hyor JO!l Whetee l ntte nde d th e i lle the ir b rolh o ,' bl r. Om .. r W lJit ll'er~ll!zlnl( elemeuts wero used tlloo e [ Ollll Pr B ill RW"y, 'J I ;-;("V _~y~t':r~II~(~h:!.l.II~~...!:Il~I\!..!r:.!:I\~R~11t,...IL:·l! II.:J'r:.!k!..__ _ _ _ - -h r WliiiTiIT1liiil'ii'iR1)N ID!iffin::ii1f, reI' 'it y II! I'hlll·ill ~ r olll l l .. ltti h " rC', Inform. 'I&d In oomblnatlt.)o n4-we ro com- runernl of th(\11' el~ti vo J Oil at·h flO ~ k e r of S r o kl y o , N, Y. WllmlngtOIl. M r. Mr s . S pi n ks lin d f u mll.v wore : Hev . Ko ulsl0.V 1M 'Llontlillg I.h" ~. n. U. - ll, porlld wl$b manure, $2 wortb beIng Eiartruln , of u8~d $0 Uie aore . LIUle was tlPlllled BnrtUllin ·wn s well knowu her o Iw d oldl od t o t.b e ir 01(1 h !:lIlI O li e u!' B IUll' &1. l!: , '0 d a r e'llOt' ul LillI . 82i' Mr. nllu M, A. J o hn Ii 'lrk ut\n ntl. III 4 few OllSe! MO,r e wblte olovl'r hBd many frl e ndll who m o urn hIs I"lt W ~~ k lJy I,he d ellbh of IIt,I·le .Al b Jrt ll ::ipl n Jr s wh o WitS kil leli l t ~l. t"lIle(l i n li u<'! from ltlll ill tlil ')\,£IT an\l les8 poverty grass. grew un d !'pa rt 0 r e o n(1 Mnl .. rlll r ('o fJ "{l~ , R Ii~lhlo io regIllota ~rellbed With lIold l)bo8Ilb<ll e Rev, A, Ii'. ~lHg e ot, t1ddr O~ Bell tbp by hgbtnln 17, w h Il e a ll h er w ', y h '.) week. _ ... __ l.t,Il·. i\ p p ly t,,, ( llio MI8t181· and mnnnre t IIl1n on the otho. ,. people o f Uet~ol 6& tb e B,. ptist h orne fr olU sohool. rh 'jo, tt t l.", h 1I~,i ;,r,' ",:1 ,." : t~ ",,,ntl ~20 Olo"er arew rnDre urofusely where hurch It b oloa tho 100t·b anolv e r• 11 ,1' 111"' l \11. 1I.iI • ~ I I 'i .. ,I'I II·t'~; IIf f p. Ii 1111\ It n I, fl,r III(orlllll; iOD, 'WI ·1 't lil lI -I-H. -4, \ \ b ' ll tlJl :i i ll ttl ' HI' II HDlt! wa. applied. Nitrogou ollllsed ~aty of th e ir oh 0 roh , To Cl ea n W illte Pa in t . r ANY I LS /I·d, ,Ie,·,- 01' ('11 .. ",1",, 11;"" (",,110-. I '10 ..1 I'I " r~ !lR, I ,J rHOY UO IY, t Jar.eIY "lUore luxurll1nt growtb IIDm ed!1. N. Mille r 18 vlslr-ing bis ohil,lro o \\' hll .lJnlllt 1It:.y I,,' .. 1"11",',] loy rllh· I G OI~STl~ATlO N ' :11111,1 1II11rrl""'II H,''' ... d,\' \\'111 /,0'",.(" Il l.l fll l' I :,o!f, ~ mouths old, 1 " tely artnr tll'lltm e nt, but Hs effeot Mr. and Mrs. Bomoe Willi In, of I II II I, 11 I I I II' I ! ('~ f(' 'J hi~ r "llh'd v I ', I) ah\ ;I\, '\ 1~ · II t'- fClll /ho t ti m BI1!:': V, I tMI tire Run.· 10\'88 nol, IU8~lng The u "e of pona- ~illdI80nvil1e, for a abort time. h tlll! I ,:te n ,r W I I n H~ I' finllt· 1 ( f tho .nllrnAr/Jll~ 11 ~ 1 Pit U (l jI 1 '~lld~.(llJl j~Ht (..... 11 i 'l t ht qllll""t. ~ jI"f'n'ItUll :lIUOl WIIH unprolltahlo . 11111"'11 In " [tllst" 1111. 01 .... r II'hl I1111{ :1 11 ·1 I hnru 1111 1,), II IlIrgu fllI.1 II ~turl wiI," ,hll /{I 'rtllI" •.""", , "",1 l,h,,"I ,1 I ~. 1" '/11. "I u 111IU I" l t\'I't1. h ll r llt; WUiOU. wlt·h Mr. Ed Luken ~ spout Ins t wec k ill " " I'JI' IInll n 11111 < ~'JIIll tJ°\\,(lCI' . cou, tl!'l\tl n n . 1, <,t,p \-' IUI' ~lnW I. '~ , Il'l 'hl fl ',li ly I"t ill, III,II. II"'< . . N~\" 'r ,111\'11 t·w o Ril l." IIf oid e lI onrclN ; Worll Bar- , Uaytou and while thoro vis ite d tb e - - -- - -- -- , frgn l Uf Rl1d th ey 1 t'lu~1 'l l\ H\"uHhHl fjl'UH iOn 1tj IIrl ll'j' \\Jlh nutlt. IJ OH fI fo r t\\'o h o r BI'8 nod 1 aet 8inglo fair. WhllU IL Ill xntl VO II; no clf.'d Ink tJ I:l hl· t1 o~" 2 Onr on ,J e1'soy l'{OW8, duo CharIty. A Go od Ronde meotln, w&s beld c·, fur r ~y ( )ot oh er IHt ; r; Shnats, ' bnll1be rln ln'n TlIhl()ttl. TllOY IWI A worlhy COllutr'Ylll ll n In SlIflhln ~t Town tiall Monuay nlgbt. Mllny nnly iii . \'e I,be b o wels bilL illlprOYl' two II ln n l , h~ old . 820 ent In fI IletlU'1lI tl! Ih,~ 1lIt1ltnl'Y un - ~ b l e ttllks w ore mnde ro r th o im tb e "PII 111 0 und Ir nr,then Ih o .\t . I IhorllloJR ""king thut hi", SOli 11\) Ill · provomool·, nothing dffiolte wo s 5~TY\e. preciou-, thir.g On o H or sA Wh.,,,t Drill. with geNt-t oD O~t~ '~I~ 1.1\'(lf,\·wl." 'ro. ,------rt?~'~ ~ I lowe ll II flll'I ouj(h til ('O lll~ Ih)IIII' I1IHI done; in taot, It Is Dot nood od now e' TY\ol"'r'.e.r,t . give!! FtJ r Mllz r atl,l,ohmont. CIIIl 00 \'Islt his pnl'ont". II., con c hlll ~ 11 hi ::! .hut wben t he r o ads get lmpl1!Oslble. W . D . t llllndl\lr. WlIYOOSV!llp, O. f rom hlrY'> who document as follows 1 "l!:xcu::!., hllli 1 will het my b ott om dolJar 1 wi Jl , R~3 writIng. I lin YO onll' Ilull II COIIIIIIUIl ' do my pnrt t,o bllve good roud8 If I~ tel"\5ely live.!l, , !<Chool olhlt't1tion, 111111 Ifllll unll.'r ~~ OOtitw me I) 50 . •fust tbo Idea I We And ~r.y time 1 c~t tlJl1chllr Who Wil l:! 11 very thirSty UlllO, tlre afralrl of doing more thon I,be other fellow na long 1\8 we are t·b!>t, "t"PP"~ In '<II mlnu ..... Su r u w it h Dr. 6hCM).p'tI I At I~ way we w!!1 huve nothing Let'e l :ro u p Uuowd y. Uno \i/ ritec; (\ Nc t lit will . ureb llro,o. be Ubernl aDd huve hetter roads, .J . D. liu r nn ~~ .. ntl Il\olll y J",.\·n feelir.g M C"AU:S h,' II'" No . nl1li t,iD~~ oved fr OIll W , M!lJ..llo .. 1<1 I' ll< m 'chool be"an MoudAY morDln g b"M..'\, A S .. ... AUc.l olcfUjhu.tbl'~p--600. IV('( I ,~ rlO,OO,) fjne. :t.nd oerore; It wae IUUlmun" nuu - vUlfue, 8eplemher 11th. All of tho teaohers \;' n r(l'tllll h' llltS 00 l'tllllD t:>t '·f\(nl'n II nl~H:1 II .!It..d but very lJOliullllt- so'UlClblnl!: III her in t.helr Ilroper phloe s 'fbe roll ' Bu ny Wats on 11110 . f mil)ol r p-' ')'l.· n l small ~Jo: • f\.')' (<'IN '! mourocd for blm UllcoDlllrubcoc!tngly. 01111 sbowed most of the so110lu8 ",·n:;.,·, A rtl'('~:~ t n r n ed to their 'h Om e 0 De t rnl t. 1I.I'tt F n s h i -tt 11 81\0 relt tlJllt 1111 awful thing hnd been IlreseDt. every ·one njlireelnl( til 1I11cb , ~ [\8t 'l'lI l1riltl\IY aftor a t w'O lthonty r(, t fi r, done to blm, though she .dld not know . Ihls the bllnner year of tholr sobool w ee~R v', sit h ro o I :-,\t.. or5. W'bat It wal. She weot up to hili room. uperlenoe. Ulll\J: lea B ow l 8 I~ !IClrlolloJ.V 111 .. 1 I McC ALL PAT. The ftre Georse tltu\' bullt ror blm MISS Nettle EVIIDe W.IlS entertained Funeral ble b om e on Eas t lj' rt)oklln St. TERNS I ~ ~d III Woe IIlmoat .mothered und!!r tlllclt. In.s' week 'by Mr and Mrs, John 'n ' 1(", lit, blmplll..'Frauk: W ood s of 11 rthweR~ t)t charred olllleH or paper. '!be lid or btB Vandervoor' tit; ,theIr OOllu"lful itr. ~(!( l n '·" lly I1lhl trullk Btood ope", aDd the large upper oOllntry home north eae' of our poro h md "Bniok , IIlltO· I OlJlOh," T lIultJ. CWaynesville, Ohlo.~ Mt.:C ..\U~·~ ., 144 10 I n pllf!"'i m ont hly h th e tray, whleb ahe remembered to bave elt,y. . . Mltny ooids t.bat blllll" on 1111 WiD. Our lown W8S w ell I' p r esen t etl F , ',nltnl (,udde und H C1u'"' ekeCI,IJIQ l ~dI1 t1t 0 1 aceo tull or papen a~ nolebooks, WIlS Mr, and Mrs, Ned Harlao, of DIIV. tor etllrt wlib a enee~ , A sntlYi ,a ,tt t h o Du.y t o o faIr I a t weok: ' n;Ut"! w 111c n lh ::U1 hOy Qtlkr nul" ~ "hlfl tn t h W(Jr ld, AU the:- 1!,. I .. q ,."ylt K t.,. uy m on thj emptJ. And 8OIDeltow Bbo understood ton Is tbe guea' of Mr. and Mrs. lore tbro!\l, a tlgM obeal. Y o u. '\1'0- ,,"111lh lfu\ Ittll.Clt>; .. n~cu" dep . rh ll~ n~"I Mrs. Wm ' u uolngIHIIII ,of 'Groenthat lllbbl 'bad elven up tbe myaterl- Ed Lukenl for a few days, k'loW the s ymptQms I~f oold"" and in l oo~ilJi:. It on'e ,du" mukir,.." I,"~ Y "VQrit. ville , hila be oD v lslblllll' r e lutlv s :nul w tya In ' tuh '''''' h -oUIlr,\.1 11. aud " lYe OUII vocatloD be 'h~d hoped to rollowThe IItlW Gllfage Is prolrreiling .ytiu .know proUl~' tHltltllle,nt will mo nc)' , P' H,C: only !)I; 1'\ C(J11Y, (" 1\ )o'cf\t. all(] that be bQd glTon It up ror evet". nloely hi . HII ftreO~iOD. We lue brllak them up Dr, King. New h ar e ror a f ow d"y~ , 5[~DfOUR Iloe F~".".Wo , t.O ocll Uhaa Cou nor , of U.l.vt,on, · visited C£N1S 1M with 39 £mb.roiutoW')' l· o ru a nd 8lie thoucht It was the wb.t thIng be proud of tbo but!diullt and tbe eotllr. Disoovory, with ttll 'Ilothlng autl5TAMrS FOR 32,~ ... ~ McCall Pp\tern L4C)O k could b\lve done-tlnd let, tor an Ull- prl8e 'bat tbe MoOnron 8rOl. po- leptlo ImIAam8. hlle been bre.'lttng up hill m o tber h ero 1 1,l1\~ ' n nd I\Y , lolu. Ubu.e. Bralij fo rd en t,el't llino d ~i:I:!~ e:~~~rlll;~ :!I t~··;:ti.!~f:i';;' l1:;;I):~ ~f~\:~~~. kllown realOn,. abe eat UPOD the bed .... It la IIp to UI to boo... and ooldll aDd heaUn. OOUIj(b8 of yOUO!! ""d,~·. ~ 'Io'r'. (\. , and wept a uWe betore Ibe W'ent dOWD- "1I1~t 'bllm In bela. luoctll8ful even aDd old for . 7 Jean. Dr, Kin, 8 Mias Ella 'fhorpe lind Mrs . W Dl. tilE &l<CAtLC().• Zl lI'. l7Ib'llL ..~'''''·.'kCilJt.N.T. .laIn. ' . If all have no au'omoblle, Ne ... Di.oo,..ry llOtl8nll the pble,m, Tborpe, of DaY&OD last Thurijday , AC.O" Co'vn.R".'b w..,,, lo 1r "All"" So 1Sbm~ Iwt bII ,..., 1fIth Bib", J olean ~. head, '~e Irrlta'ed Wlllls Bla13k and famlly,of Xenia, aU &broqIa. -' . • - • m.mbrane and br..'bIDI "t.lhIl aenry Weller a~d f.mlly L-_.;;;.__.;.;.....~", J" j" . (tit . . . ." la) ... Subacrlbe fortbe Mlam\lGuette euler, At roar 1100, I.., 1i1lll4a1', U S~

Jluc~ t

Pll1l ll/l~


J!'l1t'E'rnI I!Ht\·'("'~


-----_ ..- - -

~lf·. I I.~

· ' It 'I~ '








l I

---- - - -









be. ·gh....d




____ __ 1

.0 P











Director and Embalmer.








ACCEPTS POSITION JAmES AUXILIARY OQnUARY AS AMATRON Ii WILL MEET f~IOAY ,uaryOsee30,'ar1 32 nnd M~trittdt'parl"l~eelhurn y



free! free! ee reel


thi~ Iif,'

August 27. t!l:6 , u' d 4. Y /lrll. (l hrlltlo McKln~f>Y h.a~ ~e , Th" \ 'om la's uxilinl'Y 0/ :t. month anrl ~ .dnlo' . Ilill~ ,hc r potilion In Ih", (Of\IJIl \hl~'b hurch will mept wi hMl'~. She Will! uh!tld I Illl1rrJR!::1! II Po.tolli ee and aC~IlPh'cl til I'la\·!'.~lf l'",!I\!lllnue r at tho recto ry FridllY Ja!lles . Merritt, 11lr h 5. Ig', I. I.. Yatrln i!l the GIrls Hall n( \\]1. tlernool at 2 o'clock. This \>om bll th~e urllon thert' lVere horn. fOllr mlll.ton ~ 1I0K~ lch" the ~l'h~!l l yell; an '!mpvrtlinl met!tin~. as till! Y ar'~ chIldren. Will . Alb~rt , .l\!err!lt. of ~n . McKmsey, has,heen flll.thflll!1l \Vorll will be mapped JUt. A full ) H6rv ~yslJUrg. Ohio. 1,,11118 F"clwllr~ her dutie. 1111 clerk In our little VII· attendance desIred. Merr!tt. o~ Ely , . 6v8d.a ;. Joel l. 1111' PO!JtoffiC6 anrI made many _ _ _ _.__ Merritt. of , 8n 1)1 ~o. lal ; II d trl ends by her kind wonls 1,0 nil. Rhoda Jan e '[rlrl, of ~poklln, But we all wish for her 8UCC S8 in W!I::!h. In, dtlition l ral in~ her her work at WilmIng t on College ow n ' family tihe re eivud into IH'r , chriALi an home and 101'i ng heart two Ilranddaul<ht~r ' , Mil ey and Inl1d. --"' ," ur lovild one . r slried In tica. Tom Mason of ' Xenia who di d Ohio for Illlllly years. whore she ae· Late CllU4sified Ads ve ry suddenly'ot double 'pneumonia cepted Christ a.s' her , Suvi or, wa~ recentlv. was burled at Xenia IRst haptlzed and Uluted With th e tie ll Tuesday. Mr. Mason, who WM in .U/. B .. hurch as a ch~rt\lr 111 mber. FOR RENT the livery bu iness, was loved by all In whIch ch';lrch !!he fRlthful1y 8on :ed who knew him . He weli lh e husband b r Lord 111 whatso!ll'er CR pItCI!Y of Winifred Wise. and h e leaves three Lhat called hcr tuserVlce , RM nne! fora 7 tl) 10 oow dairy ' children. J oseph , by a form r mllr. About '10. y~Br8 al<O t~e falllll), wtah IUO, .to, for ront. !:lee riage, Thomas and Mildretl, Ii rnoved to • prlnghoro, O/II~. wli t!TI' oroPi aD Ibe plaoe now, Dr. KrIIlK- was well known in Wayne~\I il1e . they s tarted a bakery . llhe tli'lI bolf, OreloDta, Ohlo. 627 I t ransfllred her church llIelnbe~shi\1 to the Sprinll'boro , n. Chu rch




for .\ULO UI'I'ry,




\' i~i to r ~

"faithful unto ' i ';\0 11 Ie hilS IIlwBI'Mbeen op<'n t " the pastors of her church. and all • who have se rv\lu on this fil'ld of labor I am handli ng th e Cincinnati Capi· Ispellk highly uf her exempiliry chri s , tol Ity Fertilizer 14 and 16 percent tlan life. wllllnK 8\lrv! ce to he r goods at 118 and 119 per ton , right I church. and 'lovinll h08pltality to 1111 BIG, EASY-RIDING CAR from the car. She served faithfully tor mRny Edwin Chandler & Son I years as trelll!urer of hoth tho Latlil'~ Phone 49-1 Yo I Aid Soci ety and of the Sunday - -_ . - - - - ~chool. There are lett to mourn lhe de· I pbrturllof our faithful 0110, her (pur I children. ten llrandchildren, eight • • great grand:hildron. and ont! great great grandchild and also a h ust. of Phone 83·5 Waynesville, Olilo Dr, Hersch el! Fi her, Lebanon. frI end! who t estify t.hat their li ve.8 been inspired to nobler ideal s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!~~~~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~- have because of the beautitullnlluencu of the devoted ehrl!!Uan life. professed a!ld practiced by Merritt.







Here is your opportunity to secure that ptano or playerpiano, that you have been wishing for at a price that will ASTONISH YOU. Be sure and call during FALL OPENING WEEK and see these wonderful bargains. WE WILL PLACE ANY OF THESE FINE PIANOS OR PLAYER-PIANOS IN YOUR HOME ON SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS.


l' rt ili.lEor

1111'~, /lUII\ ' r Carey !l1I1I tIlr , F.ft1e Smith \\'crll MllI)l'pi lll: in l.t'bl\!l<Jn

We carry all times a complete stock of this wonderful talking machine and over 7000 Victor Records. Sound proof booths and efficient sales'men make record selections a ,pleasure.

Remember ' Our New Location

19 East Fourth Street, U. B. Bldg., DAYTON, OHIO THE HOUSE OF


Sept. 21st

fri t h~y.

Mi~~ Mineri'll lIaria n I ' fl Munday llIominR' tu all'ent! Ohi,) Wl!~It!Yl1fl l college ,


and ends

One lol Chil"r e n ' ~ 'h oes tu !:lose I al (iS ~ at Flink 'j ' ~ Sulll , l.u t No. :! a t :)H,',


Sep • 23rd Set Contains

[\11'. and Mra, l; tl or~e 1I1lil'ks lIt. ·, lend,~d 11 " eddillg lit ))11)'loll Th urs· d ay Il I'cning, , For Sale - i~1 0 bushel!! of co lUf'l uiru of Ceorll'c lt uilfj rt.;,ln. (Ir!'· i'OUill, R. It. 2

expert stove I An man direct from the


Born-To Mr. alld Mrl'. 1\lberl CI a ' r. of Rou lo 2. Thursday. ·e~· temb r 7, a son ,

S·CUp Pcrcolator li·'l t. T ea Ket tle 2 .qt. Covered J)ollble Doiler 4·qt . Hl'rlin Ke ttl e ~ · lJt. I're ~c. rvin~ Kl' tLle, Bnking Di~1I or Plludillg I'au

Clermont factory will beatourstore during that time and will explain all the exclusive features of the famous

CLERMONT RANGE He will I' xpln ill wherein t he Clermont dilTers fr01l1 nil olher range '- how the oven alld reser oil' can b wrapped in a blanket of heat by a simple turn of the damper. It will show you the' a d va ntages of the lermont Oven-door control spring. The on ly oven door th a t will balance perCe t1y at a ny angle . E ery thing ahol1t thes wonderful Rang s will b made very clear to you .


Remember 'the Dates


Look at Qle large linc ot Women 's. I desire to exprel8 mv sincere Miss,es alld Girl':! Shoes at $1 68, thanks to thilse who In any wnyas · durIng J. A. l"unKey's Shoe Sale. siated me during my Bad bereavement. Albert Merritt. W, H . Allen left 'ruesuay morning - -for Golumbus , where he will attend tbe Banke rs' Association mee ting. I

Sept. 21st to Sept. 2 3~d and a lso 1hat su hall oO'cr- six big 1 right Aluminum pieccs with every Rallge- is not likely to occur in this town ' again. 1'hi is your chElnc to get both at n -reasonable price. The demand for this combination will bc great- therefore we adv ise you to cOllie in the first few days of the show. This i a rare bargain and we hope you will at least 'come in and look it over even though you don't inl 'nd to buy.

---.... ... ~

MEETING OF I JUNIOR PRISCILLAS The Junior Priscillas met on Sat· urday afternoon. September 9, with Miss Helen Hal tsock as hostess. Those pTeaent were the Misses Faye. I Merle and Mabel Ellis. Viola Jorda n. Vesta Ellis. Anne Doster, Martha Lukens, Ethel Lamb. Eugenia ami Lena Whitaker, Martha Deal herage. Helen Hartsock and Irene Unglesbv. After Ihe business meetIng ' which consisted in the readIng of the min· utes. the roll ,c all and the election of new {,fficers for the following year; the remainder of the afternoon was spent in tatting. crocheting. and the dlscull8hm of "Hope Chelts" etc. A dainty luncheon consisting of choco· lates and mints was served by the hostess. Viola Jordan was electe'J 8S PresIdent. Mabel Ellis. Vice·presi I d ent and Irene Unglesby. Secretary They adjourned to meet again on October H. • - -




All ad verlising wagon of the" 1011 Ranch." which will exhibil in XenlR September 18 was in town MOllday,g up bills, Clet a pair of pants for your IJOY • at Hyman's. Misses Cecilia Snook and Mary Shel'wood, of hri!!l' s Hospital, Cin · clnnatl, visited r clati ves here II few hours last week.

CONVENTION WAS CLIPPING PASTURES Ordinance No. "'90 An .o rdinance , to estnblish Grlltles f~r , HARVEST AFTER HELD LAST WEEK Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter on lhe Buy >-,our boy a Suit for scbool at so uth aide of High Street betwe n . ... Hyman'!!, from up,


':l . ~ 8

S. Levering Cartw right litter apending" Ihe Bummer with his g rand· parents Mr. nnd Mrs . S . L. Cart· wright, has returned to his home in Evanston, 111.


See Waterhouse f er Auto Livery.

- - -... ...- --

Third and i"ourth trects. ~ The aC~n\Jf\1 wconven~lonCho~ ~he . UllfPpl0!l p,\s$U re9 aher h fidfVbfstt Do ILortialooll \)y LIo~ Coun cIlor tho Vlllall" Wal'r en {)unty l t 0 more no omall S rlstlan was oau .. , J r ~~ u' e· of W"Yllosvlll., Stalu 0 1 Oh io, thaL thu Ira,lol Temperance Union was held in the ter grl'~S!le lo II eUf v~y of 'he 01\10 on UiKh ML ...."L mauLlon..! In tillu 01 thl. Or Friend's church 'eptember 6, 1916 E:'t[lBrlmen& ~tlltlOO 10 tbesouthusc tJ?J~~: beallll Lho Il1mO 111'\1 OSLahllllhfld ..• There was a goorl attendance the e rn [lOU' De the St~te, Till! ripen . .:Ioc. l-llOllln nln~ a' Lho lutol'l!""Llon 0 1 ·' d soe",. ,1 d cnrl> IIne.L Lho~. W. Oornor or 'rhlrll ,,,,oj - I,unc h b'oxes I d e Iega tes b roug IIt t hClr Dgf 0. woe lit prevented aD tllrh S~l'OI,t8 QL 11I1 lI.... unlool lovntloll of ""vand the Harvey shurg Union served 1;Irh,rs one removed 80 'a~t olover , on':r six ( 16) IcQl alloJ rUUlllng "lionco 00 un IUlCcndlllK IIrado or $ por C"'" lor four bUrl' h a t co. Ifee an d tea. bl uegrll8~ m' a.y oooupy t b e lIred 8 Dd und lor" .Ix (~. ft) foo' '0 1m cle •• ""n Enthusi!llllll was hown f or re- j(rollod. \lsuallv thero .. re on'y D of ninety ohlbt anll thIrty hunoJrodLh$ (88. 30) ' d ff t to ' k W C f I I ' t" It root at tho IntersocLlon 01 ro urb 1\110 ., Ille nllVle e or ma'e arren ounty ew p aOE'8 D ue pasture Vi Bre n SoULh ElUltcorl\orof Pourtl, Gnd Ulgh 51rooLa dry III so to u se our influence to reo mowlDK' maohloe ODODOt be used aud LllOrQ eudlng. m(,ve the blig ht frQm our state ond In 8nob Ol\8ell the @oytbB 18 brongbt nn~::' ~;;-~~nl::~I~t~~~h:w'!oJl:r~~.tI~nl~~ nation. Into play. o"Unance 1.00 aud tho !lAmo 8.0 bureby",· The place (if holding the meeting pe~:::'~·3-ThJ. ordlnonco Lo t.tto ellool and next year will be selected by the IJO In lu...... lrom IUId uttor thu earJlen pcrlbct Executive ommitlee . Much Destruction by Fire. ""~~br~J~~i.. nh day or SO I,WllIl>e•. 10 IO. Cor.Secretory, i(lorc Jorlillcr&-1s tI <'sll'Oy"d loy tire _ _ _.. _ • IlInli hy nil uther d ~!;II'oylnli elclUcDlfi IHt08L M. L. 1'''.!~SI~~~~cll ~c lIIlJlnoo. L, A. ZIMlIKlloIIAN, OIork.



The members and friends of the Methodist · church are invited to a Thirte~nth Sunday after Trinity farewell reception for Bro, Grausel' and family on ,Friday evening. Sep· September 17. Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morn· tember 15th at 7:30 o'clock at the ing Prayer and sermon at 10;30. church. - -- ..-- - - The public cordially invited to . . I these services. Sincerity. Slncl'rlly Is Ih,· 1I1l)~t COI Il(1(" OIliolll< M. E. Cd URCH wisdom Ilud nu excellen l IIlSlrul;'Cllt Sunday School. 9:15 a. m .. pr~ach · for th" sprl'lly dl ~ 1 atch ot bu ~ III US8 ; It inll service at 10:30 Ii : m ., ~ermon by creoles conOdcllce In those we hnve Hev Clarence ' S, Grauser. An· to IIl'nl wIth. RIII'CH tlot· Ilibor of IIlliny nouncement concerning evening ser· 1r1!Iulrl l'~. IInrl 1lI'II11:8 I hlng" to 1111 IRSU C In 0 few w')I'(ls; It IH \Ik e trrll'(,III1f: In vice will be made in morninlf. Rev , S A. Beal. ot Edi'orton. has n plntn b"lIl~1I rOil II wlll'1I cOllllIl"nly been appointed the pastor of this brluJ;R fi mfill f'nOIH'r ' to hi j ouruey's church , He will be in Waynesville cI1I1 thlill bY,w u)'Il.--AII\ll ou, next wiek and will preach on Sun· ~::..~::..~:::: - ~~=~:::::::::::::::~:::::::dav. September 24th. Give to the new pastor as cordial a reception as you have given to the old.



H. E. EARNHART, Waynesville, O.

Misses Hutl! Whi t~head , Sarah Kenning und th Messrs. EIl!'1 I'hil· lips Il11d Harry Gritlith were SUllday gucs1.8 of Mr. anrl Mrs. (;eorge Marks.






Victrolas at


Mr. and Mrs . U, H . Kelly and The stream is calmest when it lIearA Miss Ann I<el1y spell l Sllllliny with the tide, relal ive ' in l1ayton. And flowers are swee test at the eventide; Look ufter hand ler's Fertili ze r I And bird, m08t m U8icai at c1o ~e of if you wnnl jf()(,d good s. day. ' And saints divinest when they pasa away. Mr, and Mrs. Howard H opki ns. of I Thoullh d elld, they s l)eak in reBl:lon's Day ton , were the guo ·t!! of Mrs Alicl~ Keys Tuesday . I ear, I And In example live; I Mr. and Mrs 1\1 . •1>0 . Cornell nnrl j ' TheIr faith and hope and mighty daughte r, of Dayton. arc vi Siting d6eds Wi th relative:! her\!. Still fresh Instruction give.

Such Celebrated Makes as


ft r

if you W!lut goud gooda.

fARM'ERS TAKE NOTICE Iwhllre she ha~ been


'h al1dler'~

This, Great Sixlr~ W. H Allon li nd t\liNSOliltl l Piece Kitchen Outwere llueen Glt)' Vriday . fit of Bright Alum;ct a pnir of pa nt :!' for YOU!' lJo~' I inum-ware to every a t lI yrnan~, . I purchaser of a ClerMyer HI'mon IIml family d . iter! wIth rel!ltl\'Ul! ill I)uyl oll ·undll~' . I mont Range during our Stove Show Buy yo u r I{irl a llr hool Vressul j Hyman's , f,Ue u),. only which begins , Look


F. .

'VI L·Ivery Lewl"s

11 8 ' Alma \\'nt.rholl e "'Ill relall "t·~ in ~ ldl'fll W :::11 ndoy .

- - -...

- ..---

EVERYBODY IS , , ATTENDING fAIR Everything tenda to make thIs week ot the Lebanon fair a record breaker. According to Secretary Ed Conklin the entries mad" Rre more than usual, and all entries are well taken. The speed ring is un · ulually Itronlr, and 'it is believed that there will be large crowds in at· tendance. ' The crowdl p&IIIlng throulrh Wayneav\1Ie today look well for the at· tendance, and as Thursday Is the big; day It II expected that this town will be about deeerwd . It the Weathllr Man II conald.rate there will no doubt be 'alarlr' attendance.



l:;::;:::=======:;;:=::::;~:;:===~ Get the Miami Gazette Now


,Everything Good to Eat Here This Week




Linc\ley Mi11~ left Sunday evening for Oxford University. where , he will reMum ll his studies for the com ing year. Mr. Mills has been sill' nally hon('[cd by being appointed oneout of fo ur assistants in the chelTi ital labora to ry , This honor was thrust upon him a year in advance of his studies, and out of a class of twenty·five applicants. We are ~erv g lad to note the advancement of thie sterling young student and predict for him a brilliant future in his chosen vocation . '

Merry-go-Round Will be In In"Waynesvllle fo r 6ever~1 daY8·~ at


-----+-- --

Moelons, Peaches, Apples, Sweets Irish PotatQes, Unious, New ' ::-:. Pancake plour. Karo Syrup, Cream Cheese. I1ried Ueef" Bologna, Mince Ham, Frank· Juc\ging from past successes I can furts, Creamery nu~ter'.IChurn ,keep your hOlls from dying with the Gold, Heinz Vinegar, Heinz cholera, 27Y.c per head and higher, Pickles, Edgemont Crackers, according to size, guaranteed to imL!ptoo. Teas, Silver S~a cor· mune for life . Oren Strawn, fee, Pia <;:offee, 15c pound, Phone 227 A , Lebanon, O. all Scrap Tobaccos 6 pigs., s27 _ _ _,_ ...___~_ 25c, Prune., Apricots, .Rais- J ins, Walruf; 3~ B' Sa.lmo1l P ' 1k 'c, S I2 Thoughtful HUlband. cans DC; Ig can In 'a· A' N IV YOll'kcr tolls ot 0 morrled mOD only IOc. A~k your Hf)tlpl 11(\ I,"" ! lit n ~unty "'Ir In I friends about Tanlac. We -Ohio. 'l·hl').' .,.~ w." to,uot! tJlemsolvO!s 10 tho are sole agents for Waynes· ccoter of qilit a crowd 'Donr.ooc Dr 111 ,ville. • II11111SIllllcni bflotbtl und the busband 011· Get the habit and trade at ( lrellll~d bls wife 10 tJIls wlae: "I Bill, --w-n-, ..ft .,' I thlok JoU'd bettor 1198 mo


ZIMMERMAN'S ~~: !:~Ch~lU:: ~D'~i::"~ eronT'


=======:::;:::==================== FUN CALORE :FOR · THE OLD AS' WELL THE YOUNC. 'COMEI






fSchool Supplies

Tablets .••.•...•• . , • .• Tablets., •. : •.•• : • • • .• Pencill PeneDs ... , .•. _ ... 2 for . Pencils •. ,., •.••.•••.• E rasures •••..•.•.. Ie & Pen Hol~ers ...•... . ..• Pens. . . . • • • • . . . • . • . .. (See our WiDdow ) '

.. .. .. ..... ....


Olc 05c Ole OBc 05c 05c 05c 0 Ie "


"Air Float" Talcum . . ..... Dennioion's Lunch Sets ...• Colgate's 'l'ootll paSte .• •• ...~ 10 . I" 0'1 1 ••••••••• , •• • Machine. Oil. •.• '•.•..•.• ,. ' Vaseline .•.•• . .. . .• ,. '. .. Hydrogen Peroxide .•..•• Williams' Shaving Soap.. Tooth Brushes.......... Combs., all kinds.........


10e lOe ] Oc 10c


fic lOe: 5c I Dc lOe


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,






Whole Number 3388

F SOCiETY-EVENTS-1 .------- _--..


. ------ -'.



Reception Given Former Pastor

weddi n ~



A farewell recep tiun a t till) M. 1-:. Miss E ls ie Gustin spent Sunday in chu rch wa~ t ~ nd e red Hev . :1u' l J\lr~ . Gra user and :lon last Friday evening, Dayton with her parents. by the melllbertl of the cong r gatiol·l. The re was B large ompany prcsp.nt. Look after' Chan dler's "'~e rtili z er Mr. Orange Raper. was in charge of Of fh e I.a tc rxposi tlon, Rnd Many if you 'Want good goods. I he fo ll owing progam: Music was Olher Items of Interest of furnl hed by Miss Hp.len Marlatt anti Lee .Earnhar t. of Route 4, was a the Male Quartette, composed of '1he Oreat West Messrs. Roger!l , Ra per. Elzey and Columbus visito r last Thur da y. Earnhart. Several imp r.o mptu




S~ Wa~~ou~f~ Au~ UV~y' I _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 InvltntiuMa~ ~1 arlnrulntinK lh~ of 1\1 r . Zlr11111t:r mnn

Russell Bentley s pont Sunuay in Dayton.



t:hll.-JI ·~

a nd ~l i~~ 1\1 :) 1>(11 · u ~ f. on \V t ·d ncs~Jay mor ning' . S"II ,!ml,er 17. I!J \ij.



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'H w r ' g il·erl. I{el'. Grauser mtlde a host of fri e nds who rellret tr; was call·d on for a apl'ech at the see him lca l'c but are glall to kn \\ close an ti r espunded with II. ve ry hc is being ad vanced in his wor l' , cxcell (>nt talk . De licious ite cr am , II Id t f or Piqu a whe re he is pasto r anti cak ",ere ser l'ed. lof t:rac(! .:h urch , whi ch ' ha s be"!l Re v. Grauser ha.~ serv ell as p !L~ t l) r bu il t a l](I detiit:ated duri ng t he p8 ..;t of lhls churc h fOf the past live y e ar~ . year . He has accomplish ed a g reat rleal uf Ma y he be as success ful in his ne w g ooll which has not ani If ueen a wor k and be 81 preciated by his new bemdi t to l he church hu t to the parish ioners ' is th wif\ h of hi ~ commu nity . He !lnd his fam ily hav e fr iend s.


Mrs. Annie Thor pe ent 'r"tliil,.." at .l In ne t· Sunday. Mrs. Alln':\ Wr igh t, Mrs. E~ th e r Stout Mr. anll !'II rs Isaac to ut and sun, and till' Mi ~o. ' · ~ \\'1 11'11 lilt' A~ dtlenl Occ urecl- No Mari a . 'tnu t and Susan Wri lrht . Cause for Iho Co lin pSI! Is Ii i VC II Mr. Rnd Mrs. F'nwrson Mason ente rtalned ' a t dinllor SU llua y: Mr . and MrR. W. S. Hartllf)ck. Mr . !lnll When II soction of a cO".' red hridlle Mrs. Na than J t.nes, Mr . and MI"R over Ander ~ o n '~ I"ork. three miles Frank Zcll, 1\11-. and M rR . Stacy from New 1111 rl ing lon. collapsed. Lamb. Mr . lind Mrs . Ah'ah Hart.~o('k abo ut 11. 0 'clnek W etln e~ tlay m.;rning a nd "n n ~ , Wil liam and Chlt rl.' 8. three men tl rivinlf two j{r8ve l te8m~. wh ich were crm~s in g the bridge, cs· caped death lly wh!lt ap ('ears to be a Mr. a l1,1 MrR Smith a mirade. Although th e heavy ginlerij t roJTI f"m ily el illn m' SlInday . Those prC}l· abovo fe ll when the 11001" collapsed, ent were Mr. and Mr~. Walter S mith BIllI t he men. horses and wllgon ~ were anti t wo child r(' n. Mr. nnel Mrs. !.RW r nce F.:valls, of lIea r Sprinll Va lley. prt'c ipitated togElthp.r. Lewi s Tu~ner Mr . ami MrH. Ibll'h S mith. MrR. d ri vl'r of the tirst wagon. recelverl I ':a~ te r Smith. Miss t:racc Smith and ollly a severely inj ured eho ulder. Chester Vannorad all. drivin" the rear Mr. Oacnr Smith . wagon and a young man riding on • - - - -- the w~go n with him was unhur t. Tho horsC5 were only s lig htl y bruised and scralchetl . The s pan (It the hridge iBabou t 100 feet lung. T he section which col · Iflp~Cl I wa~ not over the water, and t h g irderll which uroke w~re .ap · parentl y str0nll Rnd nut r ottmg. What cause I the Ht r uct ure to col· IJipse it{ a myste ry. T he two gravel The :\"Ilia Hera lrl f\fiV S : '' It'l tl'nmH we re following each other, about t.ime for III'. (;. A . Hough to an,1 b"th had entered the bridge and got o usy al(ain . The lJoctor is nn e Wl're 1Il!a.rinK th" center of the strUt!· of the prominent citi ze nM uf Lehn· tun~ whim the men heard a crackinanon. Lil\O e\'e l"~' lJlIlIy e l ~ (' he Itas II Round . Glanci nJ{ upward Mr . T urn · fad. · I t is t o hll ild n trul·tiull lim, e r. who wa!! on thll lil'st wagon. I!a~ from Xenia 10 Cincinna ti. The t.p r· th "irdcrlI he~inn inl{ to full, It IS ritor y is the best in Ohio nnd Rll (' h thouj:(ht t hat he juml)lId . bu t he B roatl on papcr looks good. J 'er- d"ekn't r In m\.ler what occurred, hnpa somc of thellO dayll Dr . Hough T he other men also have no recollec · may bo able to conn t with r eqlli~ · lion of what followed until th 'y Ite capital, ',I'han that line will Ito fount! thcms Ivos at the bottom of built . 'rhe t r uLh is Dr, II tl ugh' i4 en· t ho crne!<- ber!. The double lIoor of erg y 'shoulll long ago have he n r.)· the bridl{e remained intact, and tho . wa l"d ~ d. He ueserves n>cognition .. Itirrle re falling from above held the' It is t r ue that Waynesvi ll e neetls rear wallon Sf) that t he rear horsos interurban transportation We lmve. allli wagon remain ed stationary. pre · at the present time, a .. jitney. " hut vcntlng the two toallls and men be· this do s not C0l111lCnlU1W for fa ci li · i ng c nl~hetl Bnd malllrlerl together. Charlel'l HarriHon, who lives about ties such as th o in loru rb all call giVe us; To ride in the jitney. which n mite from t he scene of the accl· en ily ought to carr y ei!{ht passen· uo nt lVaH in thE' yarci of his home, ge rs, is all very well. but wh og [Inti heard the crash. He roa lized crowded to ten and (o urt eell It II! that the lJrirlloCo had collapsed when n ot so pleasant . he saw the volume of d ust arise. and he hur ric,1 t o tho scene being the nrl'll " erson to nrrivCl. Othe r alllist· Ance camA a HUle Intor and the men and te rms were taken out. Mr . T urner wa!l t, rought to Xenia by Mr. Harris(jn. and he W!\lI !!Kaminetl by Dr. W. S. Ritenou r. who found that he was not aedounly hurt.

II Mrs. W. S. Hart!lork is vlsiling ~~-_-==-""':"-----::---~--~~-.-------~~-~---~--~~---_ liltl e hurde r than uny oneabollt him. Mr . nnd Mrs. Stacy Lamb. of:Dayton . it Ree m ~ to llIe, auditing accounts for the GHS Company, and adding to a Mrs. ll . H. Kelly Is spending sev· fulll\IIY's work !leveral hours in the eral days with hel parents in New· evening. as a rule. "'or the !lake of ark . the f resh air and the ehange. we two take 10n8', long walk s on Sundays. at Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Madden s pen t go fo r IIIi·day tripa on our q uiet in Sunday with relatives neur Wilmlng· la nd waters. A s leepy. dull old ton. The first fr ost !I f t he . ,ea ~on came I pl ace we fOllnd it. where tbe coming laRt Thur8day IIlIJ rning. ;,IIr1 wa!l The, lI a n ey, burl( I.u~e uull tea rll of a boa tload or strangers is a dill· followed by a li g hter une Fr iday llefeatcd t.b c tilt. l lolly learn in u Mr. and M18. B. S. Howell and mu rning. The fro~l d id IJIlt Iilil e tinct sensation. We walkcJ out t o , . gam e at l'hil lil'~ ' J'ark , IB!it Sunda y, the heights to see the governor's Bon. Dean. s pent Sunday in Cincin· damage in this 10cal ilY. but rumor 1 h,e re ~ u.l~ r meet ing of th· Woo IJY Ihe score of II to I. As a base mansion, and incidentally saw t h~ nali. says that it utterl y d '~ troy erl a g reat man s AI~x.t1l a ry wus h Id at lhe r 'c · ball ga me- th e leas t said is th e g overnor himself come o~t and modeal of the touaeeo a nti gartJen . tuft' wry on I' rtday af te rnoon , Sept clllbl) r ~uu Jl(.:~ l l1lend "I. Harveys bu rg com · tor aWIlY wilh his wife and daugh· Re v. Blld Mrs . C. S. Grause r le ft in localities around lI ri . Hi The Ilwl: linl!: was o lJ e n ~ d by ple ll:ly uut cl aH ;ed th ,oir opponen lH. te r . He is a d!lllloc rat. but a mignty Sunday for tileir new home in Pi<\ua Tuesday m orninK wiln ' sa d an lIlusic un I h ' \" ir;trola . " GuiJ e Me, Th e features of the loCame were t he good one . and Btanda for reelection. Ohio. oth er frost greate r t han the prev ious Oh. Thou l;real J ehovuh" Mr ~ s pl endid pitching of Anson. who held this November. Many republicanll (.'I1es. and a great rl ea l of d al1l a~e wa~ Cadwallade r r ead Psalm 1 ~ 1. All t he Mt. 1I0ily uoys t o four wide ll' would lie glatl ~ see ' him win. WI: Mr . and Mra J . T. Liddy. o f Day· done. Tobacco. 0 \\ ing to the ex treme joi ned in re pealing the creed a fter scatter d hits, untl t he uatllng uf know liltle of partisan politiC!! hert' ton. we re call ing on M. C. Liddy d ry weather. iHnol ye t ripe IJnough tu which the prayer ser vil:e was con· " Greasy (Jill " Lynch. who made six in 8tate and municipal Hffairs. cut, and acres of it WIlS ruined. TIll< due ler! U)' Rev. J . F Cadwallad er . hits in six trips to the plate. Sunday . On 'aturday afternOon. we wit· garden stuff wa H lai :l 10\\1, 11nd the A secontl hymn " All lIaii thl' Power - -- - - - - - nessed the' moat grote3q ue and inter· Mrs. Hannah Rogers. who has been com munity wllliose th ou ga nd s of dol of .Jes u:l NUllle." waR play ed on the esting cell'bration we had ever seen, yict fll la .. . . 'c r iptural QU t) tat ion ~ at Suq ubmish, a vi llage and Indian visiting with r elatives in Lebanon , Is lars on account of th fro. t . The thermome te r reg iste r d f r ,'z wert.: giv en in I·e.i p" ns'~ to I"I,II-call . r eservalion across t he sound . an home again. ing and in mltny 1,IRces ice hail This being tlt c lil'sl mee ting' after hour's ride. It is fi rty Y!lars si nce f JrJned. The latt' rllill!i had s ta rted the sUlll mer vacati on a numbe r of a treaty was signed by 'hief Sea ttle. Messrs. J . C. Hawke Ilnd Lee vegetation , hut the ulltimely fr osts im porta nt ma ltel's wer e t ak n uv for whom the city was named, and Hawke viii ted with relatives in Day have cut thi Mshort. afle r th e I'eadi lll\' of the minu tes. oth ers of his lind neighboring tribes. ton Sunday • . '1'hen fo ll l.Jwed a short prog ram ST. MARY'S CHllRCH - -whe reby this rellion W88 ceded to th!! Mrs . Caciwallad er reading the Presi· Fo urteenth Sunday aft~r Trini ty . white man. and by which the Indians rl ent's 'Address , fr om the Fortieth Mr. and Mrs. Gall RUBSum. of received only allotment8. not many Dayton, were the guestB of, relatives Annual Report of the Wuman 'lI September 24lh . Morning P raye r and miles in extent. Meattle was friend· here Sunday. Auxilial'y, lJi oceso \If 'ou th ern Ohio, sermon at ]O ;30 a . m .; Sunday School Iy lind did 'tho Whites a great many and Mrs. Crano l'eading a se rmon by a t 9:30. The public cotdially in vlte d kiJldne8SeB. Hie Immediate tribe Bishop incent which had been de· to these services . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor. of was the Duwamish. TheM decided li vered at the A '1l1ual Meeting at at one time to g., and live with the New York are vlsitina- Mrs. Edith Springfield . The sermon wa along Harris and family. M. Suquamish tribe. acroBS the water, missionary lines and particularly ap· So their househnld goods wllre placed proprlate. . u pon calloes. lashed together, and Mr. and Mra. F . W. Hathaway at After atljournment a 1I1 casanl with Seattle • .or :;callh, as he was tended the funeral of Mrs . Albert When the wllrshi ps were in t he social hour was ellj oye d listening to ('.Riled In tile IndIan tongue. thel' Brallt at Lebanon last week. ha rbor of PCtrtland, Maille. over the victrola music . cro ed the wide botly of water and 2,000 sailors were In the city on ten - ---- were welcomed in a courtly manlier T he regular meeting at the W. days' land Icave of absence. During Mi88CS Cecilia Snook and Mary by lhe Suquamishes, Thlsevont wa. '1' , U. wi ll be held at t he home of that t ime not u sailor came in con · reLlrvd uced on Saturday by the In ShQrwood, of Cincinnati. Bpent Man tact with II police officer . There Mrs. J . A , Funkey on Wed nesday di"ns iD 8 picturesque p ageant. In day with their relatives here. aftp. rnoon . S.e ptember 20. p romptly was not an indication of drunk ennes!> most fantasti c garb, with fac es at 3 o'clock. A full athmrlance i ~ in public on th ~ part of these bo\,s daubed wi th paint. the braves and desi red . oDr. Herdchell Fi! er. LeblonQn. while they were in po r t. Edward Bu rdsall. n form er Rev \ 8qUllWS t uking JJlirt in the pageantry pa tor here, has ueen as.~lgned to came to the bClich just as the ir an .cestors had done and were embracE'd the M. E . church at Wilmington. by thei r h o~ts and rellaled by a clam [j' 'I:] E I t:l [:. S £:.==3',1ZJ [:.==3' r:J [l' t:!==3i1!J!lE==:J' E bake. inhunoruftheircomlrtg· Theil For thaI. new Cook Stove Of Heat •. ~ [:J o there we re speeches. partly through I •• Fumit,,",.to. Com. t interpreters. One of tbe Indian or· ators wore a coat ' of deer hide , ------~-------thr ee..ltundred years old. The squaw •• of one ot the signers of the treaty , .... Waynesville WIlH nearly depolm old and bent. was on t he platform EI lated last ' week, liS the Warren CO IIll · Sl>e is said to be more than a hundred Soldiers Home In' Dllyton sunday; ~ ty I' air WRS in progreHs a t Lehanon years old. And looking at her one T R S 'tlt 0 While t he fair was Ilhnut all usunl. caT! easily believe it, I t is true that M r . an d Of mi. mrs . . . !LOll) these Indians do live to a n Brookville, spent the week-end a WID 0 IS OU the crowds WOf O noL the re as in for m r yearR. Lookino- through the Incredible age, The IndIan dances h f M C W Harnet ' an r. • . • layman's g la'sses it lo~kg ve ry much were the mos, captivalinll part of f~:::li;.o a.~ if th local f ai r board thi s year wi ll the afternoon'l program . Ll1IItiy. they took part In athletic contesu r::J UP outof !Iocket. Under the caption of "Finally Rot If you need Blankets, Comforts. The races were sRid to ha vo hoen tho Goat of !J r . Surface," an ex ' with the white people. coming off Feather Pillows or Dry Goods. see fairly goncl. althuug h th or .. WIIB a chanlte tlaYH: "Having weathered victors. euch tim'!. Thill pleased our very large line, Freds, Leb· dearth of 1('00,1 horHes on the g roundl f our InvcstigationOi of the affairs of them immensely, rhe Indians of this anon. O . B not nClIrl y liS In allY a~ in former hi!! otnce, since ho took it In 1903 Northwest bav~ ever baen a meek We carry the P l.?rfe{:li() I Suits . .... $10. 00 and np years. and sluck tight to it, Dr. H. A. Sur· and Quiet people. but proud, withal. Mi s ) Mary Salisbury returned 2 48 d and often th e fires of. righteous in· fncs. Ponnsylvanla's State Economic $ ' an up Boys' Knee Pants Suits .. ... . . .. ... . . ' . ~_ Zoologist. gave u p the fight teday dignation against inju8tices of the home SaturJay t!vening. a ft er B white Rlan have burned beneath a pleasant visit with relati ves and Lion Brand Shoes for Men and BOYSi and 8tepped out. Dr. Surface wu friends In Xenia. . cal'm ext erior. s licceeJed by J . O. SandeN. fo t.:· ~_. __ ._ merly head of the same bureau for A short lNhHe ago, we had a must interesting Sunday morning walk Harry Meredith left Saturday f or I:l ~-=- ==---'-" ~ ~.;;t1;;;le~fltate of Wi ~con~in. Dr. Surface You know that between P uget Sound Cincinnati , where he w.1LI take up his El WI\8 asked t o re~iiiif"1jy the Airicul· \ Ve carry a big line of the n 'hecca C.• da uv,ht(' r of Will. lind tural Commis:!ion. Governor Srum· and the Cascade Mountains lie thre studies In the University (If Cincin fresh water lakes .. bout which our nati, Good luck to you. Harry. ~ Surah Crlll11e r, was born !le llr Wu y· baugh declined to inte rfere and the city is built. Into two of the~e, it neRvi!!e . Warn' n ('ounty, Uhio. No- hoar d mati", Jl() "xplanatory IItata· v mbe r ·1. I '3;1 and 11 parted thi A ment. Ollll probe of I his ollie\! was has long been d l!Mired that lar~(' A number of our local Masons will lif. Sellt elllul~ f l a , 19 11;,. aleed H2 pul.lic. but the nther three we re I)ri· ocean·golng vel;lIe l ~ might have e n· years, III months and 9 rlH YH. lI er vate. He welll he rerl all of the m but trance. fur various reasolls. l'lIe be visit' Morrow lodge F. & A. M. for Mell . \ Volllc n and Children ~ en ti n , lifo wa~ ~pen t in this vicin ity . decided he would lIot put. up a fifth ing that by co millg into the fres" ThuNdayevening. 'fhe M. M. dt! l!J froll1 ~ All her fllmilr hu\'c 1)1' 'cel("tI h"r tilCht to r etain his ollic>! ." water the hulill of ships could b .. gree will be conferred upon a c1aa, [::J ~ to the Lireat ll eYll liI1 (>xct.:pt hur ~i~ter Dr. Surfnre wa~ tho ~un of the ' freed fr om the barnacles with which at that time. they beeorne lauded and which dhMr~ . Amanda Smith . late Mr. I1ml Mrs . Daniel Su rface, Are you ready for Winter. f or • . he unitell Wilh lh ' 1Iapti!>t cliurch and he r ec oiv ~1 1 the gr(l{\t ~r part of In frellh waler . Com me rcially. it b at Middle rull .1uUC I::!. I tl7:! Bml was his education In Wuynesy illf\ and viimportant to t he city's progress tha t men's and boy's Suits, OvercoaL.q. bap tized uv El der Sfll1lue l Willia ms ci ni ty. Th •• a r t.icle did not state his Bhips be able to come up Into the. Hats. Shoes. Sweaters. Underwear, \Ve .I·ust rccei \'ed a b ig line o f G and has sinr (' been 11 consiHtl'nt and intll nt illn:l f or the futuro . lakes. Hence, yellts ago . tho mattel see F reds. lebanon. O. lEI ~ fai thful memher a lway ~ ti lling her _ ___ __ .• - -of a ship canal. with lockH, was pro seat wh en h ealth WOll lrl perm it jectcd . but never until. the govern Mr and Mrs, Will Myers arc mov· llIent toeK hold ot the enterpriRe. ing to Manchl'ster where he haB II While her plftc() here is vncant, we U feel she is wh e re ~ho lon!,Icd to be for W8ll it carri ed far forward . l'hh' good poAjtion. Mr, and ~1' 8 My er~ they rlid' s few ~hort years ~inr.e and made m ilOY warm friends the short it i8 nllw finished. There a ' e tWIJ time they were here. times as lockll, wh'ele salt water and fre. h water mee t. the larger one being th ~ Boy.' Clotb.... chuby rch. the C. servic(1!> beingafte conr· Mrs. Walter Chandler spent the ~ dRun ucted Ehler !'. Ballard . greatest in the UnIted Statee and ca with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene whic h t ho remains wore In terred III week end pable of admitting any war veBSel Vie have all kinds o f Middy Blouses and Wa is ts the Midill erull celllcteryonSaturday. that haa been completed up to . th,· Keck. of Day~on . Mr Chandler Septem be r 16. present time A day or two ago. went up SundllY and epent the day H ave all kinds of Cotton Blankets, 59c to $1.50 lEi T he Spring field Run had the fol · the cofferdam between the·two lake:! brlniing Mrs. Chllndler home with was br(lken dow 11 amid mut;:h rejoic· him Margaret Edwards spent' a ~ Wool Blankct~, $2.25 to $6.00 ~ e,\nu OF' TIUNI\ S lowing III their court liat oflast licenses issued: · by the prohate Thursday ing and the two lakes uni,teJ . The Also, all kinds of Outing Flannel, Flanllelettn S ' , I desire to express my sin"er e "M ad iso n McKleney. Pal8dena, Cal .. one the farther eaS L will be lowered MiSS thanks t o all wJ.o assisted during the nil( I M'ISS N eIII e W . Ot11 tot ' . lMSV 0 .. '8",ve'n f~t ' but a perfect level will coup le of .dal's at Dayton IUl!t week . ' ht co 1Of:> sickness and ,Ieath my slstdr . W.0, CI) Io. .. P crca' 1e an d G a lt not be rellched Immediately . In a attelliling Teachers' Meeting. Miss a ea- d ark an d I Ig Mrs. of Amanda Smith shrYTt while. the c!ll1al will be ready Edwards will probably take up her .r-!. r.'I. Mr : McK ln!\ey spent the Bummer Dress Ginghams, Apron Ginghams, Calico, Muslill, ,Sheets, and Pillo~ ' Slips .... • ... • here with his daughter and other for ulle throughoutJts entire extent, school duties in that city some time..., whil'b covers eight mi les. One eU In October. ~ ~ relatives. but he aaid nothing about matrimony." ltseems QS though htl riouB featu t e of the Immense works atthe locka 18 the concrete liBh ladder. .' hall a very good t.ime while bare this' Mr. and Mrs'. W. F,' Jennin ..... of . built for the exclusive use of the sal· ~ summer and would leave WaynOlvUle . of Leb0 f . or severa I d ays a ta ' tlmo. not stattng m"n. when Old Mot&er Nllture calls Cincinnati. and Mrs. Smith, them to rome up out of Bait 'water anon, B~ent Sunday with ~r, and. ' r.'!' r::'l, where he·was gohilf· He left here' into the frl!8h water. On our walk, CI we stopped at the ·Iocks and watched "vera! groupe of boats pau In lind olit and then we walked several milM round the beach and ate our lunch on the'sand with a motl, crowd of city dwellers. who had alao come Bud&'8f, of Marietta. ,JVere the lEI ~ ~ I:l minute trot. a free for all and a three; - - -... _ ...- - out to play on tb!. glorious plav ~.t. of Mrs. Mary Cukey last ~ DRY (lOODS . aynelv'l e, 10 SHIRTS ~ ~ minute pace besides conteets for fat i'round. edtl Mr. JCaak.V took h1this ,.,.IV - - - - -...- - -...-... men. bOf8. sack raC88. etc .• will fill the 11t • 1Ia\l&' ter, ane, home w afternoon. Several novelty events aawed·Off Sermon, (To be continued) blm. Tb.llttle mla hu II)8Dt leV' THE STORt; TH ... T S...vBS YOU MONEY will take plal!e at the IBme time. And mallY a mlln who ~\' l' np teD .ral " . . . with ber ~mothen, The admlulon I. onll ten cents. e&IIU to the ctIur('b on !lunda, a· , • !IDd berwl_1 htrqulte 1==51 r.:iiiiiil 'ii5=!lIDI5==I~!II5==51aE==!I f!_E_ _Ee .thenfore everybod, will be ·there to peete the Lot'd 10 Klve hIm baa ~ .Read the MIalDI Gazette now. poplllar. . ..... iii I 'Iilll ,1101 I!Ih , El'i I EJ wlm- theae eventl. ~ Den da{.-IDdlalUlpolll Btar,

II. The ftul,er. HaNey . still works



:Ml HOllY









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w, C, 1. U, NOTICE



---.... -.- --













1'man.. ~

P repare f . Y or · t er" C Id wea th· er coming. 0 will surely need Suit or vercoat or a Raincoat for self or for your son. 0



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.-- -- - - OBITUARY

SOC Up ' to $6 00

Come and see' us bef re you. b uy e Isewh ere. II h th °t t se c eaper an any Y • ore.

~~rn~X~)i~:r~df I~ ~f:il~;,any






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Br' adle)r Sweaters

Ladl'eS House Drecses Childrens Sonool DreSS6S'

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n~ tl l' '''III'rZlIl'ls tH}" r," ~11(-' !'m ld . Ct1APTE R XX IX. ,II /Ill HII).:,I'Y nll ~ n . "TII I'~l' IWu !''' ':,, ' 1 ")"tH) , 'UII't l'Yl'1l !-O ilY th :. I! H 1IJlJM, II 1"' \ (')all1H',I, ~h:\ l·pl.\': IIlld t1h'U . w n lt W H~ tM1t\: I c1hl try t n malet' .1Inl ",",H A ft BJbn clim e out or tlJc new hon sP, t llql'\llI ;.::ht.:H l n~ '1111 tt'1I1 p t : ··I.:11nltnru : I t o murry III " , I dill !" ,\11.1 tl lll' A:l II I~ '8 Suo(lny tri o \\'n~ In COII~O of Ijn~s:t~" 'l'IIlIt'" IIh,' lI"'IIl!" :<111' Itll'l h'" U\\,; I\' , (10\\' 11 IIIt o llie ,·h"l r. W" " I, III ' t.jltrrl Y upon UJO 81tlc 'T nlk : All utnl'l!! r OllnK ' . :1;:11 111. 1111,1\. W "~ ,, ~,, " Iz<·d.


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" J h· 11 11 11' 1 I IHI. "\ :1',,',\ Il1d' II ,\'flUIl J,! IlI lln 111.11 It II I .111'- 1 !,!, q 111I1lI!" ,,\"" 1111 11tH ' \\ 1111 III l!~II'" ~"JI I . ', ,'rid all, " ~ur Ll i lilt· , lit' dIlJr(I:" "I tu l 1.\ h.\ \\ Ilu' d .. "I 11 1101 .\1011" I., ' I/It. j'l ll!' t"d. :111 "': 1'11.'1' , " s ll" ain ' t Lh'l t .1.1/11 Il .1 1:11': : III y ou "':01 \ 11 hI \" ' "' ",1' \.1' I 1' ,1 II 'l l S"11 llnd



"I\'oman. plll r ld at t oce; u u lo!'k·clnd. " ~l lIr." , " 1\" !,;rou llc,I, "I tl l,llI ' l kuow thl o youllg IUnn, wbo se cxpl'e.slol1 \\" n~ r II cn ll li l 01'yl" olle ot bohltulli o n.xlety, huullun l wurlI ' I I "I I J 'I I II I I ..;e l II 0\ 1' 1' \\ 11 11. 11IIIuIo!li I'd pr"Uy m 'Ht' ncss nod hllb ltnn l ell gel'll~SS. Uo 1)1'0' I t111·"';I~~:~1 ~,~~,~t ~,~u' ;,,st~::llters l ll~:~1 l\l ~t /l ot ...... ·.11 t .. . • II,]' I ' , . t !l!1~ II \ \' 111\1 , prlle<'l a pcrnmbuilltor coutnllllll): tile ,' w.. re 11",)1', II lid' Wl' w ,'r~II '1 tlll ell I" 1" 1 ,,:,'" '' ,.,' 01,,,,, 1 1,,,.1', 1'1'1.-,111' !I f tj,lrd-nnd oil three "~ ere Ll (lwl y be. "'e n ~ " \! I'llIH l Ll't~II , I1IHI \" l' ,lid u' , ( :III' t04, ~III' \\ !'.II,· t il ,l llll ~h t' j'olll '\I, ' 1 c lea ned, Su ndll.,·6cd, lind 1I1 f111e fil 10 ! ku nw wltllt t o ,' 0. W c'u 101"'11 n l lll')~1 I "~ .. lli:I1 . .,",1 It ".,; " :.:"", i. " "':II~hl dine WI1l1 t he wlro's relutlv l.'s. I rklt : tltl' I'u WtlS 1I 11'1l1,\" . I.JUt my rUIIt"r It'I"','. I,,,, II "II'"'' I" .11 ',,', I>IIi,',,: It " , AI "How'" yo u like fo r me to be tllllt I WII II 1..,1 It) I " I,~ 11 11 111I:e of Ih " " ,'I"r """ It. ~hu \I r,II ,' It III,' lI!'Ier j..'1·' I\'·lh of til(' 1<1\"11: I", W,, "INI 10 h " 11 .10111 III' \I :I~ llIli·I, " . , ;roung (eil ll, OIomllln 'I" the hu~ I.IflU(1 wbtspered, "Ho's oue of tlJ SOilS, find rk lu"i Itll t tIlS I" ,"l-\\,,·II. JIISt nhull' " I " ',,,, ,,,10,,, I ,;t il' llo'r Pll t It 11·' t'·, there a lu't but t wo le rt n ow," 111 (' 111Ilt' r our flll h"r II lIlsh ·,1 hllll ,lIl1 ': III Ih ,' 111111 1 " ,,~ tlt"l 1\ rl l'l·"",\II ." :"tl ol Tbe wife atnred c u rl ou~ly ut mubs. '" 'Xt d uo r \\' ~ f oJlIlI tI \\,,' 11I1I 11I' t UII.\·· HOH('''!'. " I )",,' t y,,11 1', ·I,"'III J,,·r. !'Ilty l'/ "Well, I d on 't know," sbe returned. 111111):. 1','01,1" RII.I· t hllt, Hllll le tllll e-. 1 lold .1' '' " nl',, "1 ll- I \\ II~ \\'111 11111' I",r ( "He looka to Ul e li ke be hnd Il ls own 111 (,:1111 111: 11111 t 1I11·.i· II" "cll'l 111 1)'1111111' I" ) ' 011 wlill,' .1'''11 "'tI-,, III I 1l1'1'l' RIl ",il" Zing~::;-z-z. z.z-z!' ~even troubles." " 01111,11""'"11 w lUJ oili er" ")Ilie o r tll l' II' IIIII,III~ 1" ""1' 111 ,,1 11, ·,·. II \\:t ~ JII~ I 10" , "I expect b e hos, li ke nnyb(\dy ('Isu," I 0\\' 11 klll, l, hili \\' e I·,·nll .\' IIUIIII·t lillY' rol'" \\'t' Ihal ~O)lIldltlll;: w" ~ \\' 1'011 1' ' ~s laId the young bu s bcIlIl!. "Ullt I 1;110/18 1 Ihl lll:- we hllflu't 1I 11.\'1 1t 11lJ;' II I 1111 . ","' 1' 1t"I\'. 11 11 .1 Edith ,'\lIIIU :l1ll1 1'111 1(,1 wink~" -h w !We could stllod II 1:00<1 dell l Ir we hud II lhhs! ,\ nu \\' e CHllldll' t (I,) \lllyllllll~ . ,n,," h1a mooey." YOll 1I11;:hl w l,",h' r wlJy I dld!"1 ·I r.l' ttl "Well, ma ybe, It YOII ~ ce p on the Joe n 8!t-II, '~r:tI' l l\'r' - ullu I wOllll er Ill Y' way you beeu , baby 'II be 3S \\'ell Ol e d s,·1t wh y, Wlt l'lI n fUlll lly I O~l!s ItM la the Sherld on B, You CII I) 't 11'11." ,'Ll ~ : II ltllll'Y, 11\'lIpl' :lI\\'/lyS Bil l' UI O "ulI~h glanced bllck n t OI bbs. 'wll nnd (urll l',1 «' ra ' 1) 1I~ht tll 1:0 Ullt! h HI '"o~rIIJ!hc l'S.' 1I0rth, · " Ho wOlks klntl of s low and , II 's CIl I·I.. u ~ ! - 1I IF U ",",'r or III 1tll 'Id pleasE!d t his Itooped over. like:' 1"'1111' .1'011 11110 U ~tl'II(I/.;rnJ!hc r. :X II, 1',1 "So much money In bLs pockcts It I)l'l'n 1'111, 01 t" IN either lIIurrh,.1 COllI · ci~arette yet No makes blm sl.1 g. 1 g uess," saId tho I rllrllli lly 01' n w(' lI ·to·,ln old 0141 101, It J this. ,"ouog husbnDd. with bitte r a dmLr uCh"Ft! "" t 10 llIurry. 'I 'he po,' '1'1)' l':tlll!' Uon. nil sl ,)\\' 1.1', ll ll ,lts, llu t at lust It \\'418 11 ' I Mary, hnppenlng to glnn ce trom a till' " IIlI tl I lltlln' t 1(1101\" huw to 1J~ A Common PIcas CO ll r l wi d nil b I d b II Htl'1I 0l!rlll'llt!r. I dltlu'l kll ow li ow tl) cigal'ctte now, S llW 1 8 co m ng, nn 8 e 1'1' '1 ~" II I1 I '" "x celli u 1\",'II' 0101 'I'lt o iJru(;o ~ "I OIl l' h ino CO. \' P 8tarted. clasping b er ha nds t OJ;eili cr ~ ~ '1'11 ,) H. F rod Co. I,ell Y II g rllllt oti 11(' . ... _~ _. IlI"ItJ . .. r s II lullool y'~ wlfl'-ll llll ' I fo nn .. n ' , III Iilo nrn(!II(\ () (\ UDHwor lint! ID • sudden aiarw. She met ilLm at the door. P > - , ',Hl lllu'l lie II 1I",'II·to·"o olt! 11111111. O · 111 a tiLI "Blbbet" she me<'l. "Wbat la th e "Mary Maryl" He Cried Hoi 10111 '1"11\'11 .111101 ,., I d id \\'ltlll I'u h"~11 rll Hed I I B- p . o n . matter1 1 law sOOletlllllg was t erri b ly . ' p .y, ( t o kllol\" how to do. 1 WI' lIt Oll t \0 I", . M4I r gohol, loI o;" Mur'l'oli>l ll nd ..\ wrong lWben 1- You look-" !'\lJ e wco t 10 the .bnr o IIttte bl ack mnnte l, ' fll Hl'iull ll ng llll d be mllr r l"l!. 1 .lId It W Eprut,h v ~ 1',1I1ll~ ti. ,Uu nnel!. 1 paused. aDd he clime 10, DOt IUtlD g his nntl stood lennlng upon It. Pres ntly opt'llly, lit IClIst, a Ul I II"lth 1\ k lml of lIe- , l'ltlh'~~IIt! gmnLeu lallve to file r epl~' I 4!788 to ben, Always wbeo be crossed s~o nsk!'<l: "Wben d lel ~11'8. !loscoe '('lit liO llesty . I t"h l you r brother I fo r tb .... Itil. that thresbol<'l he bad cowe wl lll b1s ' hprldtln any til.a t 'no gIrl' co ul<'l care hud lIl etllJt to fllK 'IU 'ltulJlllI nlld thut I 'leu ·0 'e E Su r focn V8 H llr ve v E head up and hla wistful gnze seekIn g a ilon t YOU ?" w ila 1I0t Inlo\,e WIUI blm, lIut llet him ~urfnof . IUID or . Urdflr to r rl ls lTllnt"'.I'olloy." Ulln k UJll t p rhnps I lIlenu t 10 wnrry tiOD of eatllt,Q mu d, .. 'l ien. "A.Il, poor boy i" sho ao ld, willi a cesture of un<'lerstll oc1lnar aud pity, "I ~rl,ry drew a t1 ecll breu UI, "I thInk hi III. I thltl k I dill menu to mllrry 'I1I1ll. J" mE,B B. Wnllllof) v ,/umoij Brnon know wild Jt 181" I'm begI n nin g (0 uD!lcrstaml- a little." I hnll IIt'V J' cur \1 tor Ilnyilouy, (Illd I \V nl\noe, Or der Illlllie opprovln t; Be rollowed ber Into the room wllero Sll e bit Iter lip; 1lltlre was nn ger In t1wug ht It mlgil t be ul el' rcnlly WIISII'1 r epo r t o f rrcc:llv e r . they aIwayi s nt, ond sank In to a cbolr, b ood IrullJ In ber eyes olld 10 her voice. ulI,l' iltlllg lIIorc (lt nn II kind or cx ~lI ed The Otter be in H omu" J o hn M ~~ "You needn't t ell me," sile Sil I<'I. " Ans wer Ol e once more ," she allJd. f Ulldll e"s. I can't h o s ure, ,llllt I tbllll, Mulfurd . llod lt or uucl Frllok D. !IIil''They've made you give up, Your t a- " Uluhs, do you kno w no w wby I tl lIll th oll gh I did 111"1111 to IIIl1 rl'y blm Itl r. Lrtilasllrer of Wllr r lln I' o l m~y I I 1I," "~ I' shoulu hll\'\' <.1 0110 It, hC('ll llsU llllae conuuu rl lI [;fl tII Rf. U bllr l o~ ' . ther'B wOD-you're golog to do 'whut s loppc,l wea rl ug OIy turs 7" 110 wants. You've given up," "Yes." thllt sor t of II mllrrlngo Is-It' s 8u~rl· M ouu t s lUI cou nt,y u\l cli to r "I Ih(lught ao l Your s lster-Io·la'IV 1('!;C- ~"IIWUI Ill g \Y oultl iln l'e 8toPI'4Jl1 T . Denton l:loo tL Vi' Wlllliwe E. B.tllI wlthont looklui at h er, he InclJned hl8 bead In affirmation. (old you, d idn't she7" III '. ,'IIJ11etllluJ; d ie] SIOL) llIe: It W M Soott at III I,"wr enoo Voo rlll!l, exShe gave a lIttle cry ot com po sslon, "1- I heard tier say-" YO llr . 1" lcr-III ·lu\\", Silly !. he meo n l eouto r maue par ty IJltlln Wr. In!! came aDd sut near him. "Bibbs," "J (il lnk I know whut happened , no h/l rm-b ut sbe \\"os borr llt lo, uno! IIhe I8Jd, "I cun be glad ot one t hl.og, now." Mnry's breA th came fast lIu,1 8h~ pu t \\"hot I WitS dolllS Into s uch New Suits "The Mol! r . pen. in Turki." Tobacco. thougb It's aelflsh. I can be g la<'l you It~r \'olce . uuok, but libe s poke rnplcLly . ilorrlhle \Vonls-uud they wel'o tiJ u J o m es W . Mo ol'o et al vs Tile that IIro" are eonlft in~d in Ih. famou. came stralgbt to me, It'a more to m o " You ' ~cllrd her aay' more than that. trut h- oLIl I 911 \I" rnYSl.!lr1 She wus BOllrd o f 'ou -.~y COUl,nlsS l one r~' 1 Che.terfi"ld Blend :- XANT HI for il. than eveD If you'd come becau se you You 'heurd ber s oy' that we w ere blt - p ro Jlo~llIg a mlser /l lJl e CIIlUllllc t with I nJ· nu ol'io n . f rag rance : SMYR NA for it •• weetn . .. , ' t I II tI III r ' CAY AUA for ;10 a rom " ,' SAMSO UN were boppy," She dl<'l oot spea k n gilin (el' Iy poor, au d au timt uccount I trlell llI I}-U II,I 1 CO UI' III )ren 10 )e .r 0 1 tor 8 Iittlo while; then abo 611~d: fi rst to ma rry yo ur ul'o th er- nn,1 tlto ~IIIH (! roo Ul wl tlt 1",1', tliougil I 'd su Probate Co urt Proceedlnll:! fo r it. ri<hnen. "Blbbll--dear-could you tell Ole nbout Ulcn-" But DOW she ful tered , lin d It CIIl'IIJ'CIIL't1 IlIYH,M slJU Itn ol u r lgll t E:l t tl t,e of IIHi a 1:', B!lrn e r, d e. ttl Do you waot to'" \\'IIS only urtcr Il cODvulsl\'e cffo rt th ut IIS ' UIII(, thll t I wOll ld. Jl ut I coul rln t! oORsed. F tIl tli 8CC() Unl, fil ~t1, _ _ BtllI he dId oot look up, but In a s ll' w us au le (0 go on. "Auu tb en- I Il,ft Iwr, 11 111.1 1 wl'ute to you r brotlle r Ol I B. I:lturr" I I I I" 1 11m JU"t I n r e l'~tl\ te or .' It Il1U · ul t I k S voIce, 'shaken Bnd hU8ky, be aaked ber Ulu t I Ir Ie d to mu rry-yo u! Yo u 'IWllro l - JI " I (I <: e\'11 \\" • U u ~ I I k I II I ' ., d ecc/l !icd . l nvo ul r) ry bud uprrtll t" j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _•_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I \\' IJII· t I'd luue; ·, t I I I I thougbt sbe had OIlsunderstood bI.s don' t ca re for y ou und tlJut 'no gi rl' I su Id I Wall Iu no Iltll l'l"y J Ill . pos t· m e nt Hied. words. cou ld cu re fo r you- bu t you th ink 1 ell lite lutte r, hut ttl' II 'vcr go t It. Thnt de~~t~~~,~~t't~v~fn«~ I.ny\~~~1 ~·p"/II~a.l. eg: ; CHAMBERLAIN'S COUC, CHOLERA AND f:I a rdwuro Co., blhlge n ui)s. ::\; ~. E ALL KI NDS OF "Ha,l'7," he anid, "could you marry UUl III sueb ao 'ex trcmlty,' us, Ibyl wns wos UI" ntternoo n It e Wl\lI kill ed. T hut'~ ... ., Cut to r , br l,l g'l r e ptl lrs i n l:illlllll(o !l mer - Ul ll t yo u- And so, not w llUllllg inc, all, Bl bhs.' Now YOll 1<lIvW wha t I .1101 !Dent Bi nd. DIARRHOEA REMEDY I.owu~bl l' 1021; 20 i f. 1 C" IIIO". ".Wbut did yon BOT, 'DlbbB?" aho nud believ ing thnt I co uld not wa Dt -111,,1 you kn ow- lU el" ,'ilo p ressed In r u gu a r !ll llu hip of Wll litl Ui This iSlI m edioille thu t overy fa w- hri d ge r e pAir in (hlllllt-n o t nwn . .steel. quleUy. yoU-exccllt ror my 'ex tre ml!y' -you bel' clc nchecl' !J ulHl s lightly llgnlns t bcr l:)a tte r t.ilwl1ite coufin e,1 In !.lIP ::Itltt o Il y s b ould h e p ru\' icJed wl tll. Coll o s h ip .St 9.50; J . 1:1 . K II1P. b r id~a IU lllHla tone Ilnd a t tl tnde dLd not'chIlDge_ t oo k your t u th er's offer nlld tb oll cli me ey~". Icu lling fil l' rorward , iler bead b o!! plttll at Limn , BllIl.l)o r 1:). Hui ly hud d ia rr hoe llo often OllUlIl 0 0 Bud - bor $Il:! . 19; J oil n W olfa, . hr lrl [;U r o· "WlJI,ou oiorry 1Oe1" to usk m(l-to mnrry you l Wbat hnd I bo wed before illm . a p poin ted g u tl r ditl n 8 nd $200 . uenly umll tlso f I,h eg r e~ te .• t Impo r t· p ,Lir 10 MUMSI to w u ~ h lt> "'~ . ~ ;' ; ,J, Both her bands leaped to ber cheeks 1'lt0 \\'II you of mysel t Ulnt could moke 1I 11J1Is illld rorgoUell illDlsolr ' 10llg In r e wi !1 f A. Br a ce 'OW!'O, de - uno a t llilot t h uy be tr (Jllted pro mptly. K Spencer , bri dgo lu mber ~. ·1 7 \l J ; -elIe grew red and then white, Sbe you-" ngo; hIs bellrt llroke for hor. " eOUllln'l COI\ ~tl d . W i l l fJl od f or p r ob.lttl, O r . Oo nsid er tho s n ll'o rlD g ~h t\ t mu ~ t lie J o hu 1'. Grogg , b r id ge r IillirM In Slilidenly B h ~ sll llie dowo , k neclin)::, YOIII sn't there-- WOlI 't YOII- " hc d Hr ed t-lJllt notl oe he gl vou 10 o o:'! t eudurad u n t.ll i' lI h ystcltlo arrIves or Cle uror ee k tow l1 ~ hip $ 29; H 1" • •1. It. rose slowly nnd moved backwllrtl from blm, elillrlng at blm, at first Inered- ",lUI Ite r fllcc hu rlcd Iu bl! r IIrlilH upo n s t am mcred. " )lury, I' U] gOlD!; wi th fu· of Ido , ,'at fo r beltr ln g 'o vt omb er OI ed ioioe oun obtain _d . Cb um- Bun te r, oho p o t l utl r m Cl r .\' ;t:;7.;;O ulons\y, then wltlJ un In tells9 p erjJl ex- tlte 1111) or Il cbal r, tea t·s ol'crwll 'lUl ing tile r. 1 ~ II't lJlQ re ~ '" II(! wuy you co ulu ~!I . uerluiu 's Col 1o, Ch ule m . "od uiar- WA y n eBvll lfl Nllti onol U'tl)):, 1I 1 1 t' r e~ I lWaynesville, tty more oud more lu mlnou8 In b er !Jor, U~ t' Il le lII O U (!Y wllll llll t- w lt hnll l-" III r e will uf J o hn V. l:l . Lewi., rh oatl KEl m edy 1111" II r eJlutli tiOll sec- n McKlnn oy u o·.e . 5·t ; C. B. Un. ll ge U O; C, U . Ma rvin, ob lln t , post JWI<'Ie eyes; It woa li ke a spoke n qu es"~l ll ry, ~! 'lfY !" he cried, he . 8lto ga \' e II c.iJol'ell II I t1e la ugh. d ectlns"d W ill ullmitt ed (0 pro. ond 1·0 u Oll e fo r th e q u Ick r e h e t Uon, '.rhe room 611!'<l with strllll ge- "Oil no-you- J'ou (\on' t unu crillnhd," I· ""0Il gU" e me something 10 III'c ror," bllte. Ubfl r le s E. Lewi s nnd W Ill H. wbich it 1I1Tonl::!. UlJltllllll Ule e ve r y- sl1ll)Jll es for c oor t ho use li nd j~lI Over Pos to lfic~j it I2.55 ; l:i o rb e r ~ D. Bon d, brill"" r a: Ollice PbD U. 71 lIe88 in the long sll lln ce--th e two were " I do , tltouglil" she soll ucd, "I 1.101" I ile sil id. "Yo u kept me nll\'e, I tb lnltII , ~to Pl1 ,,! LI Nu whe re , L6 wll:l ll(Jpoi u te d [xccnt un . pulrl! lu Fra nklin , t o wn8hi l' S ~5 :iO; 10 Btrunge. to each o(iler, ..It IU8t sile He ClI llIe 1I1HI stood ue!! lde b er. "You I tllltl 1"'e hlll·t you li ke thls l" . b ond r e li ll ir ed . Appntl He r!l U W J eaoll ottei::ln yd e r , trn uscriLi u g r osaid : 1"-11 nw!" he sldd. " I CII II 't Wilke It " " " ot you--() h no!" Mo rriR, He nr y !:iu o m,m lnl! nn Ll J o h n o,or ds ' liD; H , E . Wllr wlok. 1U0 p S, "What mnde you soy tbnt?" p lnlo. F rom the fi rst o f your 10,'e11· "~' o u cOll ld rorgl\' c me, :'la ry7" Shawhan . s oa p, e t o., fo r j ,dl $ 1L .., J. Be did not an swer. ' ill'S . to me, I W'us 1111 self. It WIlS uI "Oh, u tbo usuod ti mE's!" H er rl glJI In r e e~tDtll Re boc'll UlnYPo CJl, Ch"rl ey Hili. r Ollrl w rk 10 D ee rfield "Bibbs, look ut mel" H er voice w ne \\"n.\'B YOll t1lUt gn,'e nm! I thnt toOk, I h/l lld went out lu n falterin g ges ture. d eoellaed . O rd or ta keu tu se ll goo lls to wn hill :ti~;!o ;·U. W , S pllT ks, r oad ]0 r e !:i oll ow r ')11(1 illlptllV Ulll e n l·. ~oud and c1enr. ",,"bllt molle you BAY ,," Ull th e d e l)~ lIll c u t-1 did n othl!!lL!l.ut null Just touelled lIlB OWll ror uu lu· a nd cb att e ls a t prl vute Hu lo li t up wo rk lu Uoto n t lJ wll shl p $ ' U, 75 ; ~arveyo r tR II1l 0 w ed IId d ltl ollld LllD n VeteriruuvC __ Lonnie W lt iLtlOre, elHlrnlltu 011 o on· to oomplo te pl l> ns find pro !'lles. thnt? Look at me l" ICII Il Oil you. We II lw/lya Lalked at m e, stnut, "!Jut th el'o's notlilng to tor pru ised vul ae. Irllot ii H $ iii ; S aUl (;n t te r, r o"d Be conld not look at her, lind il l' 1I0t or yo u. It "" IN nil /l uout my Idio ti c , give," Oblo Si al . Univeral'Y 10 re R, A. McC utch oon ot, II I fo r Graduate ·In r e Mrs . T o m Tu y lo r. Mrs wo rk 10 tllll.lli l ~on tow n sh ip $ 112 33; .. Iterutl on of pu blic r Olld 10 Fl"lInk . conld not spenk, d istress 's ulld t l'oullles. 1 thought of "A ml'YOII ctl n't-you cnu't-" r tly l ur or J or eLl tl i~ollllrg · (1 W , (;. Ullllloo r , 'ollu r di o g tl UU l/luU "W1Jot was It that m ad e YOII?" s he , yo u HS u kin d o r \\'on" ~ r rl ll llclllg tlJut " Cll lI 't \\'hll t, ill lJbs1" III r e eRt llt,e of Anro n 13 . t..:ho ll lil er Ll r y f o r prI 8 " n o r ~ 13 11l 3 ; Trustees lin to w os hlp, set f o r h Ullr lng Dc. Office a t r eside nce in F , ll . Sher ~I<'I, " I want you t o t ell me. " I",d DO mortnl o r h U1I1I11J snll'erlng ex"YOIl ('oultln't- " lober ~3. cJeoellsod . Uct ob o r 'W tl xed II H th ~ uf P u blic All' tirol, wuttl r t o r f oo n She weDt closer to h im, bel' eyos Cl'lJt lly Bympll iliy. ~'\J lI see llled 10 leuo ":'llIrry y ou 1" s be said tor blm, wood 's hou se, F ourt h Slreet. ----.~ d ll t.o to h ear th o <:1,,1 11\ of udDJ lnis La in un ~:hpriukll u g 7 Uli; Indus trl ul ever brlihter a Dd wider WlUl (hot 111- UO WU-()lIt o r II I'O~y CIO llCI- Io be klud I· "Yes." . (,; o mmi ~~i v [\, !.olle r cert Ificates $3; Telephone 28 teosIty of wonll er, " You" 'e gl\" ell up to me. I ne l'c r urearul'll I Could do ""0, 110, n o!" She slIrnn g up, rllchu' trul,rlx II guin ij t th e e~ tll \ e H llr ry V. W .. lt er . 1111mi n ls t.rnt ol' Bnrr ou l! h s Adding Mucllin e Uo., r e-to your father," site 811 1d, sl owly, II IIJtll lll); fol' ,rou ! I uel'e r dreamed b lm , UII.I, without knowlllg wl lnt .Rb, RHEUMATISM FOLLOWS EXPOSURE "and tben you COlIJe to UAk me--" Slte l yo u ('oulu need 1I 11.\" tlllll g 10 be dooe dltt . sli t) set IJ er ~IIU() S Ullon hla hI' 'I\SI V8 I:l u.rry Me '111 M ti t nl. Hul fJ 01 IIllh~ to t r eUSll l"e rS' m tlchine 14 ; Waynesville. Ohio broke orr. "mblls, do you \\' lIn t Ole (0 fo r you uy II II ,ruod y. Alltl to,luy I beard llu ~h l ll g him ullc k f!'Ow lt er a Itltle. "I r eal e~ lHtfl co nfir med nild u r tl ~re ,i Ui rlij' l ud llst rin l 1:;01\nol, clotblng In t.110 rl1ill all dllY i~ gO ll ornlly tbllt IHluli n iHt r u to r Qx ecn te d o d t eo U .71; Dll n P . l:Io no, fees $1;12 .00 ; follo well b y llAinful t. ~'illgl)~ 0 1 marry ·you?" tIlUt- Ulllt YO Il- " cu n't, I clI ll 'tl Do u't you sec ~" parohaser. DI~yt o o l:ittt t o H OHpital , c lotbiu g fo r rh e umllUa UJ o r o el1rnll! tn . .::Ilolln 'p "YeB," be sllLd. j ust au dibly, "You ilellrd tlmt I needed to morry "~l lI ry-" BAI{NttART, inmllte!! ~2G~ 05; J u!! IIUIl tittl etl, dam. Llillrn ent wUl Blve } oa <1ulo k r ol i r "Nol" abe crIed, " 1" 011 do not. Tbe n -BOIllI'(I\Ie--UlIybody- wlUl money," . " No, no! ,\nd you mu s t gl) now, Real Estate Transfers IIges for In jll ~ y ~ ,) h o rse $ 15; JOBiab Ilnd p'r ev oot tile twlO gllS fr o ll) b oo 'Wbat made you a sk rn e7 Wilat iB It s he soubed, " ,A ntl YOll tilou l;ltt Bl llbs ; I cn n't bl!iJ r IIny OJO I'(}Notary Public thnt's hal)1lened7" were 60-S0 desl'erul(}-yo u llelleved please--" H ur ry V. W all ar, a dministr at or H olbrook, rt'J)l1 irlog Bea ~loo(11 10- coming t o rt·ore It qut () ~:l y f'l' 1l0 ~'NothLDIr," tilnt I ltlld-" "~I ,,'ry-" o f th e e ~ ~al e of W il liam J', fl1cCI ~ IJ". de xes $8360; Hobor t S hllwbrlD, d e- t,mtell wi t h o ot; rubbinK n u d MO Ot ll OB "Walt," she sold. "Let Die thi n k. "~ o l " he s old, QuIckly. "1 did n't be"Never, never, n CI'cr !" s he crl ctl, In d ecou!loel t u J uhn LIl W, lot in Lub. fe ndin g ,J ll iln Ke ever $r.O ; H . E. t.h e Ro r e lind uoh lu g join ts . For All kinde of Nvtll ry Work, WIlli DiJatusb , l oqllos t o u \lO dy of Htlrry s or e , s t.IIT exhlllls tell IlJU SOlllb t ll 'lt ImtL Doeds I~ I:Ipooi&.lty, It'l something !lI nt bappened since ou r lIe\'c l'ou'd dOlle o uc kl.nd t blDS tor mo I n pussl, II ot tco rA. "Y ou mus tn't cOlD e !lnoo , Sil :IOO. IW&lk tblfI morolDg- yes, sluce you le rt -for tlt ot. No, 00, nol I kllc w you'll , nny lU ore, I ('un 't sec YOII, dear ! Nevor, Ii lae U. Brow n t o Mo ri oo G re at tim lth 17.1 5'; :Xll oi l~ Work Hou ~e , nohe !lnd t,lirob fr om OVll l' <V Ol'k b Jtll41ng prlijon e re for Jul,y 155,79 ; Sloau' s ' LinIm ent IdTo r di qoic k r e me at nooo. Some Ul lug ba ppened DCH r tJlO ught of me excc pt gonerouslY uCl'c r, ne\' er!" h o u ~e , lat iu L ba n o) u , $ 1. tbat-" She stop ped nui-uptly, w llll II - Lo gIve. I au ld [ cOllldn' t mnke It ' Somebow, In help lcRs, RtllOlull ng obeJ . IJ Fo ll e r to Leroy J a c ll8 0n 1'( ~', W, l'b OIllJ)80 U 8; ::Ion, eleotrio,.1 JlAf. Brlll ~ e8, ~prulns, 8tl"lltDM \lnel DR. J. W. MILLE~. tremulous m urmur o f u Wllz cmcnt und pl uln!" he crlcd. !Ics plllrlllgly. I, dl ence to b cr beseeching s cstul'e, be . Ilor es i o B urllln tU lVn sh lp , $1. ;. supplies tiI 2.70;. W . B . tlttlnaft,e & oth er mtn or inj!ulel'l to ohlldr e n Aro (,;0, suppll 8 for nudltor $-16.50; ll, dawnlug comprellell llioll, Silo reUlelll"Wult l" She lifted her ileud nnd ex- g~~~~ lD8eJr to tho door und Ollt or the C isrenoe If . GnI IJ rellot./J ' 0 Jt' rank B. lJeOh u Dt , stampil tor ' oomml!- quiokly s oothell by 810110 'f! LinIme nt G" t n. h oUl e t o-duy at y our Dru g_ •.·.DENTIST••• bered that Blbyl illld gO De to til e new t onele(1 lJ er bll llds t o hI m un conscious• ___ dUtf tD lU I, lo t I" ::Iouth j,a bAn on, $1. slonen o fllo e $ li ; O. A . Ja.mee, regists , 2110. house, Iy, 1II,e u· child. " Uc lp til e up, Blbba," pairs at oourt hOilse $ U ;O ; 'rhe Uor. BIbb II d I full d b b CtlAPTER XXX, Hut ll M6toulf 1,0 . ,J oseph Bines omco In • 8'\'\'4 owe p n n y on con· ~'h e n, w eo 8 e WIlS once Illore upon rOl1 l os ·I.ll te In Dtle dl eld townijblp II. kio! ChemlclLl ()o, dl81n fe otnnt for Waynehllle, 0 Na'ional 1Iamll .00dl!' trtved to s ny, "I d()-I do wo nt yoo to her tect, ail e wiped her eycs and -marry DIe, H- tr':"'you cou l d,"~ s tn,led npon blm rucf ully and faintly. Sibyl oud Roscoe wore upon tlJe l:! ow tird ' P . EIHl y t o E rn l1ltl. Austin j a Il ' 20.1)0 ; J olIn C. Vlln Born, ser· vieot! o n lJurilll cOlUmlRsioo $:! ; F. She looked at bl m, nod s lowly sbook but reAssurin gly, ns It to t ell 1,lm, In point ot lell vlng wit en Iltbhs rc lUI'II P!l et III l o i s in i::l p rl n j;(b,oLO, ~ao o. M, Hl\wLlt o n, !lg l/ nt, ~ecood Ilnoullt 1Iet' bend . "Bibbs, 06 you-" Her th'l lt WilY, Illnt. aile ku~w , be bllu not to tlJa II CW bouse. Ue we nt strai ght 10 l:icl rr-y V . VV- IlIt er , n!lIllLul8tfll t.o r, it. HA.'rHA WAY prem ium on trll lls nrers bond 11-15 ; 1'olce wns III uostendy os bJs-lIttle men ut to burt bel', And thut smile or Sibyl und spok e to bel' (Iu lutly, but so '0 I~ I\l!'o C. Brown, lut ill L BtJllnon , H os pltul fo r Kptl ep tlos , ol otlJlng t o r more than a wbl sper, " Do you think b erB, BO lamentuble but so taltbrullr thot til e o tll e~ mlglJt heH r. $425. , . ium ll to fl $ H 7 ' ; 0 1110 llorrnglited \''''lIi ne~vme'8 Leadlnjl; DeDttB' l'OI-ln love with yoU?" rrleodly, millted hIli own eyes, for bls "Wil o:n you sn ld UUlt Ir I'd RtOP t o Marrlal:c Liccnses Cal vert Un ., ou Lv ert pIpe· 121l.1lI i , )tn oe in Keys . Bldg, Main at "No," be eald, o:!- '!",,,!,!"~6l.IM' lnwered them no more. think, I'd re llllzo t hot no one woul d bl.' Leonurd O. U grl oo , e lJl p loyell llt, Elttrlan W blttlOre , brid g e tllmber Somewbere III th e otJ.Il air ot the Bot to care enou~il abont rue to OIurn' K i n i!S ' Mills 1\11(1 Aud r ey ~~ I1)\ tl b et h 182.23 ; L . U . Ao<'lersons tions, bridge room there was a whIspered word ; it Ben j a miu · 1.> 0t,h of Kl nllS Mill s. M, Inmbe r $:JH7 06 ; P . B. .Houoe, bridge The mOlt r e oeut bullot in '1f th e , 414 not eoem to come trom Ma ry '8 A. Jumesou, J, P . 'Wo rk iu l:illiem township 114.10; R. Ohio 810101(1011 I Survt.y I ~ d e vo ted parted Jlp., but be WUIS uwnre or It. .10e ~UJlth , e rn p loved at P~ters A. Mo OutolieoD, brLdge r e palra III '0 the physiogI'llpblQ ecol goy of t h o "Wlqor . ARE · YOU LOOKING OLD? Cartri dge Uo., anti Evely o Bllka r, Fran kIlo township 160 i Perry Wolf, Ciooinnati ragion , It Is oo nOc rD ed "l'n hllt1 oothlng but drenms," (PRICES RIGHT) Old &Me oomltl quuik enough wUb. both 01' King s _Mills. Rev . G'l lorge bridg e r e pairs ill Washington town. wlSb She plant geograpby of tbe Blbbe _Id, desolately, . "but thl'Y shill $100; W, B, MaddeD, poets alld oonntios of Bamilton Ilud i..!Iermoot ouUllvl'in,I', Some look old IItfor, W, Pblllllpl , _ _"t llb thIa. BLb,1 ~d 00 arlrl Funeral .Director. " oement 1-:!.lO; J . J IroD8, bridge reo and par'. of BuUer 1lnd W 'l 1rren, 88 .,. TIlatill beca.tlt 'hey negleot th e ~uld etln! a bout DIP." n o SUllIed Commissioners' Procecd. l nors T I . ... • hi "'5 bO '\ .. Pl&irs Ln urt earee ...OWIIS P. . ; well lUI a portion of the etfl,te or Waynesville liver .Dd bowels, Keep your bowele Ohio falo\l)" thougb stili be did not look a t Sole Agent Valley T e lllllhou El r ant Ilnd Vii , !:i, 'l'rovljlo, bridge l'epalrs In Kentuoky, and treats f'xh lm t lvely resuler and yonI' liver heaahy aud Wal7. "And whpo I ftrst e l1 010 home t o1l8 $ · 7 .2L ; Boy a ' Io d n" trl~i BOUllt, BamiUoll townshIp III 50 i Bliney of 'hie tlubjeot. . :rou will DO' OD!" .eel yonnger but Bd1th tole! me Sibyl was 10 &11110118 to For the Gorden Tires· look YODnler, When 'troubled wltb olot.h l ng for WArreo couot..r i nmalC8 M, Barr;u'IU, bridge repliirl in Wilyne rhe Ohio Blologioall:lune y Is ollr _ -£JIlIllltR- , maft7 tba t she'd bave marrled me.. S1u\ DODl'lpatioD or ' blllonlnl88 take $36 i !:i'e nr y Pa8tor 8, roaC\ wo rk in ' township II:.! 50; 'W. U . 'I'OUOD, rled 011 br The Ohio Btat J I ltllv pr~lty ':----,-~'----.--III.alat-:It-1I.~!S-_D_ ·Blb)'l's--1:reml1;r, Barlan township $160 ; B . E Dila Dt '!.liO; U . W, 8parkl, bridge In co-operation with other 10001. Aulo Equipment Oha.berlaln'l Tabl.'.. They Ilre JVU... But I bardly n~ed elther sbes Hortte-Drawn 9lulpment .- . Illt.ndad eepeo1ally for 'b.. aU tnlh', ioqnest on body of Ed ward repalra In Union tOWDlhlp $10.63; lelrel aDd DDlverlUlell. It or tIIem to ten me. I hadn' t thougbt me... aDd .ra uoeU.DI, lDatIy Ie Bod,lon ' 6,lIi; WoodbtJI Ceruetery, Ji.. W, ThompllOn III 80D, plnmblDI 'be nlaltl of it. laborll fit ~Ir a _ Well, not .u plrt1cularlT and hem ..lie u4 IDOl' . ., In efflMlt, oar. of loldlln' Iravel, 1 :relr $60; aDd el80'rlo Sl1ppllM 116,1111; DIUl p, GlpClfttlql" 1AIIlIlI110,!I loe & Uoal Co" ooal '3u; BOil., feel ,IC 10; J. 'if, LIDIIO. u,lpeela aabjlot ttJ oozDDl....d. TELEPHON& .7 CORWIN, OHIO OIMIaabl•••ar,when, DAY ORNI_ 0MIr.. ...-. Kan'a MUoi ..... PbODe 1().3



dO:Zf~ ,~ fte

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t11.e '~ cock


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thi,:ty. aw-n-nl And as a fellow hul'· his head into the p'Uow for tha last H,>tO it does safi:;fy! ChesterfiddL> do just that thing for you r smoking- they satisfyf But. theyre MIW;, too ! Smokel/'s are with new kind of delight- Hsatis':y ," mild! ot.ner cigarette ever di or can give them new enjoyment ! Because no maker can copy tho, Chesterfield blend! ';' Try Cheaterf!e!ds Iroday!

"tI "







hesterfi~ld CIGA&E. 1~T



aQ~tloo~gro~aq~lli""ft ~ t~ o



(~t-u ~yn

b cl l ~e

Ulli t


ISpllnO ~

20 for 10 C

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II1SURlInCE Walter Chandler



Dr. J. A. McCoy, or

-- - - -


E. v.




---_0 _ •.___ _





Saxon ' Six Livery





,"11ft .


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MI BB08 m.'her John80n , of Col am - 1IIr. nDd Mr• . Gee>. Bogan . fth . hOB and Ann. Mary Null Bnd Do !II,.. GIIlDD D .... I• • nd Mon Robert, As Written by Our Corps of Ablt! C;onespond. ber ' Noll were r eoen' A~lddletown .pen' MUDd.,. wlih Mr. !lnd Mr!l. A RM- Good one. a\ 'hl, vIsitors. . Uhaunoe, BOD .. ell . en t s in the Neighborhood 0111 0 0 fl)r InformaUOD . 'Che r emllnB of Samuel I:Iheet. Mr., O. R Vogl!lhy ol1lled nn who dlod a' bls b ome In Day t un Un. Oeo. O ..... IB Taolday aftern oon, ---------~-.------------ wer A R'Y IIxed for a 7 '0 10 oow d.lry e brougbt b or e 'fo r lJu rfll l las l lir. and Mre. Anon Freeland from wJ th Ilia. IIW , fo r renl. Be. S undav. Fonerlll servloell wete 1I111d Wllmln,'on han m o ved tu tD Mr or op. OD tbe pla08 n ow, pro Krl... tbe U. B. ohnr oh w"b Rev. Loom. Wh e leel', hoo.e 10 W e ll man Mra. bolf, Or gonl .. ;01Mo. 1127 11:1 In obarge. . trreeitlDd is.. .hHer of iii fl. ICd . Mra , Cbarles Vhllpman attendod Brown . Mr. Ilnrl l\1 r~ . l:I owflrd An 011. ~'IIH 8 1 Mr. un el Mrs. (h r /b ld Potsrson , be Couoty W. <.;. T 0 , <.;onveo\lo n MrB 11 III1OIb Rlcb hR. rlltn rned (lHlle ' An KOtl, MrH, ~1 "rJ.:I ' rM, All ~ Il, ate t ho prond pUrll n t~ of n uaby at Harvenburil, tbe !lUllt woot , WANTED . h ome a fte r n pilla ian ' vl ~i a wl~b b ar Mr 'liut A n ~Ii D, nil 0 1 PII .l·t uo , wllrll l girl. Mr. und Mrs. Ed !:lorflce, of Iran. nephew Mr . Wrn Wf\ U In Vranillin ' II rJ111lY J.:lI '~ h! u[ · tllu tr JlllrelilH. l r~. \\', E Bog nn Wil li o"lled to S ~8 , bu ve be_n v isiting friend s ",nd Po;. , , Mrs. Eva WY80n~ lIud 80n P ilul .d r !llltl M I •• A . 1.:1 Alison. th " Imrl81do o f h er m ol h e r nt Lob relaU VB:! h e re. . of Spring VlIlIey, Worf) Hlo SondbY ANTED-A' onoe, .emlll MI' . 1::1. L Uukiu i. hpl , u llf.VIIlI\ 1'11 . 111 ~· r lCltl.l', wh o i~ very SIck . Ily f Dr ,hlrln. arr.DIJ.m.nt I\1l tl~ Es ther J obn son has returnel\ goest!! of Mr . anrt Mrs, J ohn Wolru th u l.Jul ld tll j.(~ lJ n 111"f1HIII with pUlnt. H'I'1I1l I \V1 1 ~n n '!'e nt o rl.nln l'd Mrs t o b e r ' ho me In <'; nlumbus afte r" A good p r<'grllID I. planned f." !In farm of 1.lI aor••• two mil .. ~~t W" huv o uell U hnytllg "umo po itel' AIIIIII Inrg 'IIJ, o r I:l pring Vl\ lIey lo week'~ visit wi th W . A. N nlJ ancl Wei faro LOII~ue HnturdllY ovenln ", of Ulllrkn Hle Ohio. Call o. 1.IOD c mrt bllSlll ilS whi ch ttl n llt D ytl r y dinner ' l1l1dny . 00 YOft8, at, the '"rm, 1121 SeptembH r 2:1. . fllmlly . Ir ~ CJu nt occ~ ~ i oll h e r e. r u r w \I IItr. nnet Mr~, JsnnC Wil son werB Mu . ~arah ' Rloh and Mu "arl Mre. H e nrv Dearth "ud MrB. E , Iii " vl nlnt o rs kll o w whl1t th oy Will in' 'ill '1lIllntt t h o luLt e r pll r t o f tile ANTE U- To r.n' IL farm by re. g ol II l1d hy 0I11111rl ol{ Cit)se ly t u "'lin t W l.k . . Koolsley Bnd dao jthte r s pont IlI.s' eUa Carponl,er called on Jib •. W. T . Itable parUee , 150 aorlla or 'wo , ~ l' l~ ht ~'O U tHO kopt oul, ')[ th !) ;J'rldll.Y '91th MIss Uenna D Illlrth at Jurdan Monday IlUsrn oun . farms of n Claoh. In'1nlfli.t 'hi. Mr . omi Mr~ . ;l ohn Wilso n Rod Mlddleto\vo . oln tohtltl 0 1 the lu w. WtJ will ltil\' B Meldam." Mnrlha Davt8, L.n" oftloo .27 lJotl l! r u rele r if tUtJ b"n l.• l eg~l! r \\'OI'U r" "lIlv called on .1 e~' Ho H"" DeR and tu wily I:l ll nel.l Y "fte r oo'lll ,l ob o Hlnnton bll R r e turned t o bl8 Bartsookaltd Ada Talmage attonded Irn s lrutoll n liul o ill Iho ~ulo o f Ibe Atd I:)oolo'y the b a ml! of Mrs . horne In Dotrolt, Mloh" af te r an ex A RIotS- BII. VA vou a farm or othe. 'wllr"~ . 'l'ho ~ 11" 1 y IHiny I~ well l\lr~ 1>1 '11101 Mill, o f X on lii. vlH ltfld I'onded vlelt with Mr. and Mu . Barry AtklDson Wel1nes ,jay IUe r. Hall E.ta'ci tor 81le? It eo 1t.1 kno wn. tlll hunl(h h~nl o f 111" lrin ~ he Ill'!' ~isli' r ~l rH (/ 0111 I:law ll infl ~ uo . C harIeR Ubapmflll, noan . . sa me ... 1 onOIl wUh W. D . ChancU.r, oould bo 111 lido 10 un Ge rRIll nil . tluy ~nt.llltt "nrlntl ohnro h lI e ro. Mr. Elmer HarrlsDn and dllnRh'er WlynMv11le, UhlO. Dr call her.~' i<; v ry ~ood, luw-tLblt It ug cili/.u l\ Mr. and Mr~ , Joe Mar"h ta ll 8pon' Halota. of Midland. llpena Bond .. y 1'; v'lll IIntl L" lau U"SIIll fl i te oded tjuuultl IIS,I"I· th e otliodrll t<I ck,IT Ih e IJ 1J ~ ""11 JI'.lI r Thur~dtty of Ill s t Ronuay at Dily ton the guoste of Jim with Mr, and Mra, ,J oho :O olgh w",y . Phone No, 77. I bave a f.w .00<\ out of &own huyon who d •• lr. !l u t! UUI ~ llIl CiJ L illo lind r uduc'o th o W ·"k. J\Il1 r eball I1nd fllmHy . Mrll. Heigh way lI.ooom p~nl ed tholl1 onB of 100tiDI at properl, In alld )) uverty. . home, l\Ir .J II" Il UIl' Uins on Itnd tllll1 lly lire. Marth", Buo n oll nn d 80n, MIAM I CATARRHi CANNOT BE CURED a,oun(\ Way06l!vlllll. Doo'l d':"1 1 The ·1.... LObqllO , ne t, i n t OHulu , Meure. Geo. Dnt. "nd Uhafi . EI\I R Attenl1 to \h18 tat ODCIl . lIi l h LUCA I. AI'I 'l. l<':ATJ( ):\ :-;, . IS II... ,· e.t!III n I'IllturdllY n t tho ho Ul o u f V ' ~l l ~l :l t:, I'. Uuru e r '~ ond ll Y orter' I DwiS bt. spent8undll.Y with Mr. and n ou u Mr s, TO!ll Bllrnhlut at iraoklto , !!pllnl WedBeldllY In Columhnl . 'If . U . <';hln'ler , ..:a lln o t red c h I he sl'ul u l I he' c1i~ ' a Sc. I..:a lurr l, Is a h)m l di s,· "s~ , ~ rc" L1 y in ll u- Mrs . OUt! M . Wo lo b. All 'lIIl1,lJ"n I\<!_r~ .IPlllllfl Mills ~pe nl, 8u t urdtt y ' Luella G il pIn. o f Columbul. I. vie. Mlel Andrey Tbompson 'pAnt th", I J. L. (;I(ANt-:, Editul' and Manag-er ~ncl'd li)' cun"ilnli,, "al N,,"I i1 i,," _, .,lId Wet o pr tl~o ot·. The Ull" l1le~ < r IURI, t n Xl'llIlI '01"1 h ber , p"reu t", M r Ilnd I I Llo g home folks . ",eek .nd In Day t oo . 1II"" tll) 1> r ourl 11I1U npuruvhtl; r ull Mrb HI(' hnnl ,J on py . ::- ill o rder 10 cur~ it )'OU Il l u s l t il ke ull ill · M d M WAN II M IIr . and lire <';bu. SUUOD "11 (1 . , r . fiD rfl . . , u. r. SALE I .. nul r" lIIl'dy. 11" II' s CIl I,"rh Cu re i, o_\l nl\ .h owrd I It o o rllcArH til I h ,.i r ~ I ': I ' rEM 1i 1':I{ :!O, 1!1!6 L~VI ~h~llllmogh \VU H III X e nl~ Oil I" nd Alrs. W. R , Harris hl\ve reo mo,hlll' Mn. 80ne. of Day'en, an" L1 k ell illtcrllllil y 1\ 1111 nel s \h ro u ~ h II III pr o p ~ r s lllli on .. wit h p ro pe r regul ... , tll r l1ed fr oOl!l visit wIth r elatlvell Mn. J'le'oher, of MlluDI,borr. Oall8.1 IJIltl.H i UII t li \: llI UCo US s urf ,l el ' s uf t he 5 \' S' Ull ~ ln fl"" Olun e upllull WUli nit u tl .. d hU~lll(,~H H,It.urc1IiY. ttlU . J hi li -ii ta t lH r l1 C llfr \\ 11" f l '-c ~ctihl.· t l tu H8 I~ lI l. n o ut t. \I tiUl eH where \\'u f:lt n n 'l Ct' I ~l1nnpll'~"" l\tl.i rtul ll ~d t o a t Jod ta llllpoll a aod CsrtbllgO, In. on Mr. and lin, W . T . Jordan few bUlhlll. o. B.14",ln and b~, n ih! ut the be ... , pl 1ySjl'i .lt. ~ ' ill 1 11i ~ IIl Il D Ilro in \lu w"r, i t WitS r llBo lvccI flill,,"r :-Oll,"ln ' Mr. nn ! Mr ~ , G oo r~e I d Iana. Tue,day aHern.on );1 11 .1'1 HIIIl"k II ' r 111'/1,1. lou t ~ h t' ,.,'- ,'ounley (o r yeot s. ralpahawkln. Appl... I_qulr. It j" l· UIlIJ Il)!'l·d of III t Ib l! Inlli ez< uf ~h t; 1"IO L 1~ i.:U tl B IJ~IIIl , &l r ILnd Mrs Gle n Unvls IlU(1 1 .. , I L ' f "Id ...... IHt'llI1 I\ "'1 tl . .\ 11 11 sl ,,· wa ~ IIlI t "H li t tlnw II , 50 I n.. of Job o WbUaker. R. D. S. Wa,.. r the best t l "tics k llo wn, Cl, Jll hillCd wil l g ive I' Pu vtlr t y tiOC lil l nt" lJov ~\Jn Rob prt" Of W ulhllliD. Rnn Mr. Mr. end ... re. Va vln oell 0 _ • fur , :l l tlll\ lI~h Hu ltH' I'PIIl II I1 I1I ~ or I H"" wilh sOllie of t h" Ill's t Iolu. ,d I'ulilirr s oenl1l •• Oblo. uo\ll\Ir~ Will Du n n nnrl fllUlHy of dl etown, were 'he Runday . dloDer ·p l" .\It~' w ~·r' ,· l"ft III I" ", P~' l·~. 1I1(·.\' "' toft' The lJCI r...·l.·l Cll ill b i ll ut itHI flf t ilt.; in · e r ty hD 11 ,t:'nl,ur .ny e v nin g. :-;l'pt." " , . n Oll r 1..:a u·\,k ,. \·,lI e. • . g nests ot Mr. aod .u:re. W.leer 11'1"8. Tho \!ro cC'eIJ" 'If 0 ~ o A CLOGGED SYSTEM MUST IE CLEARED BY BU<.iUY for .ale, ,1I 1I1I11t'1 1 Ill' Itil I lI l' I" · I I ~ ln,.; ;.:.llIw 01 CIJI8 ill IIgll' ~ C.. lil trh Cllre is wltnl pro - bo r 2il. I UIIl, Fnlllk ~tnlllA y "lid fnmllv spellt Tbe r llgular mOn~hly business I I'i11111 I'h : " lid slle ,II·""'·I. ,. I- ,,rll'r '01111' d l ll'es SIK h \\ (Juurdul n ·ul n ifl c'H l a rrh · ho ue ed io g IIII(J tiutln g r.h ~ You will fiod Dr, Kin. '. Ne", a. thl. offioe. & lI d lu, tr slitnolll" s, h c~ . 101, rl or or th e T o wn 1-10111. J,;" OI' I'. Ib ,) <l ilY f-:u llch y wltll R obert, ~ 1,lIn . meetlog of ahe W . O. T , V . met., Life Pill •• !Jen,le ,.el elTt!OtI .... I. . ril'" h,'" ('·II):II"·II t,",.I' 11I" I'UII I '~C- \' I " I " I ,\ nl cOlldltlo,'s. J. ell EN ~\' "" cu .. Prop,. Tol 'do, () body Is lovlt ol! to a toncl. whI ch will I Y 'H Il tlll r \VII,o ingl nu, the home of Mra . Je88e Wrll'b.. A .. I YO for removlnR Impurltlllll trom ,'1,, 11 '1 1. .' fI. ' r 11 11. IIw l:ull1y hll .1 n,,' F . ,III Dr ll1!8i<l s, 7:,c. TO V E - Flr.t.olu. a.rl1 00aI8.a. m unn 1\ ,::ood t.lm o IInll ll ll Imp ro \'cMrs MllrLb... Go ono,', of n Olt r v a ry Interesting program WM reo· 'he lIy.'em, Aooomnlate4 W&8'e lll" '11 " ,,,111'11: 1111(1 ~ II<' Ih·,·,·. 'II·,·.1 1' :I/:lll' Ua ll s Famil y ~ " II . fur ~ un s lil',' li, ,,, . w ent t·o our tnwn Borner . I'or tnfonaatlon 0lI1I OD 1 will m uo t y ou Wi l "l1n p, l o n 18 til !It the h o me of de red , an<l 'he following omoers polaonll 'be hlood ; dl ..ID .... bllloUl1.1' , 1,"1 II"IIL' II,,· h'~~ s lll' ~ly , III11t II ." th or o ; II tD I righ t ~ h el' dilllJ.( h tp~ Mr~. R ulp h LCKlII lng. e leoted for the year. Mrll . W , I:t , nllll' and pimply. mnd!'!y oomplulon P . E . Keorlck, W.,.o....'1l1e. Ohio . . 'InJnI'Y It "d hl"'11 cuphlilrily 1I1' ~II /:el l. Rill' 04 I:l lsgtrled. pre.ldenl; Mra. W. 8. ·Mr . !lDIl Mr •. WIlIlII III WrI g ht. .mLl 11t · .... ("" {'d /I ('(l lIh ' ul, ',1 g-h l lWt ' lIJwn tth ' Mr, .lIl d Mrs .J oo LPlI ll\lll ~ hAd 11 8 W ilkers on lIeo.e'arr; Mr!. Jene are 'he dlllho •• ln8 eiJecHs, A do •• LlulIghttJr. ~~ th () l . o f Wi h llng ton. viII. 1I,!' u' gll e~t ~ t ho 1'lIst, \\" ~oll Mr. a.nd W right 'r~a.urer . of Dr. Kin.· .. N'ew Life Pilla to nl,M lIld II n\l:4I' with lit, ' !'lIl /1)l n, a s :t ilt! II lId . II:ARLIN<.i Mal. Bog', pure bred Itecl Mr8. Mlldr ou Eugle tlUOtlll ,Y . will aSlUre YOI1 a free. tull bowel U UMI'II I' t ' I'\ ' ..;:;t;t1 tllt\ s l l'~ · "'. MI S. IJP wi A \Vrl ~ h r. lmd II lrs . Crl s • big type Polan4 Ollin.. AI.o IIlr Ilod Mrs AlIl na Elli s Dttonllecl Llllllllilll,(, ot N:1rW ,)oel. Mrs. J. T. 'l'aylor baH been 011 'he movement 10 " b. morning . A' new thrill bid Tlmothy . .e4 . t'I.m WI" 'II Ih.,)' JIIII I II' "'l'. ~ l r R . Rhl 'rJ lall 10nt Druir,I ••• Illlo Sl OIr lilt. the Bull'1I 10 nil! Wild \V o~t, ~ho w I u 1, "IUI":I',1 III n' \'~ " II', hilI Ilflc r 11 wlllr. · A . lI:11ts. lIl., Bou.. a. 0' sl,,' Hllld, 1I1I('lIslly , "1'IIJlII . ),011 tll lllk II 'X enhl Moudu y. Bohool beian with the foJlowlD, ",,,"r.1 l.c· nil)' II \. to tcl l II lulls UbOll1 ~r . " 'Id !lIn. l'hos . Wh o l ~o l a r c ,.;bltll male IIbor.horn Calt. re,· oorps of 'ea chera, Prof . Coillne, 111111. Idl,'r '/" Ilul e rt lliu lng MrH. Wbetsel'!! II t!!tl'f . ""n4, I'or farther a.fopma. P rof . Green. Ellzlbeth &haf. R .. llzad· It Would Be CIon, CHAN GING SEASONS BRING COLDS " I , "lIl t t knnw." h e JII1 \\"I r ~ l. wul k ,\1 rs JB o k o u. uf Gil Icngo . fe r. Mamie Evan., Sarah Bnrnll" The moment the rllzor tuu ched bIB tI.D 0.11 on Jobn WIl.on. B. D . :d. " h eBO," ol og ~ed.uI) and Inlt 1I1"' >l lI ly til 1111' ",hili,,\\,. " I bl'CIl .27 Rev . Walker pllsto r of Ille M l!: Mlsl! Guttlry. tace, th e IIIUII III lb,i chllir rellllzctl that W.,.nenlll • • Oblo. IlIltll, III' nho lll II." 1.1 ,. clime to n d While "'1'he Bhlr ~plloghd" Is I·h e ohu roh llore has mnde r e'luC t thllt n o~o, t ight ohest. lI ore t.l1r0 Lt nre he was tn the hbndR or lin IlmKl oor. .... el~JoII . "I ",'I'kOIi I Will ." Anti he II'CIl I Unlt.ed tHllt-eH g()"ernlllont'y inolN I It 11 tbe 100 In be ra ()f 'be c lltlrch \) Il Hll ro sign of oold, lIod Dr. Klog 's Ible DDroo DOi ll, 1I1,Ible '0 rei· "Will you lIuve II closl1 Hilu ve, lilr 7" bymn '0 'he strlAlos of whloh thl'l Nl1w Oi~ cn"e ry il:l e,ure relief A i.t.r, Appl, to Ollie 1I1•••1 ~ nllked the Ilurber. "It l ook~ like It," 111' III Blhh~' room . flRg IB ralfled tind lo we red o n fo rl ll pre.en' alld answer t,o r oll 01111 on do ~e of tI)ttl oo mblulltion ot lIut lsep.ow 'II. you 1:0111' hurk on whll t YOII liod men.of.war liod "A llIorlcn" Is 1:!0DIlIIY, ot·oh e r l SI,. I,hnt th e r UB· Mo bBI"ams sooth es the Irrhated returned the vlctlm, mootllly. "At pres. dl ••• R. D .•• f/)r IDformalioa. 1110 PINE·TAR RELIEVES I COLO RlI l l l ~" II' l"IIUh'~'I I , hrllslluoly, liS hI' the \uoe m ost fliv ore d hy th e 1'0. ter may b a Rtrllll:ill e Oed u v, DS It Is ent tho ocldl! a ,::ulnst my ge tting out ltl emiJtllUe, oloa r s b ead, loosene Dr. Bell's Plne·Tar.Hooe,. 000· ot thIs chnl r ull vo 81'elll vcry lleRvy, OIIl'llI'tI tI" 11 >lor. " \' UII 1::0111' to tlllte trlotIO" 'opuIIiCo. "Yankee Doodle" InoolU1l1ete. th. ) p h I"IlI11. y on bren l,he e us ler lind tILlns all 'he loot hlal element. of 1\ hll " lt 111111 IllY 11011'11 IIglllll?" ... IndeiXI."-UoH ton 'l'ru nsCI1pt. Mr, alld Mrs. F loyd Ar; dor so ll.o l r l1l1 1Izc- y a llro Dld ia\)r ok en IIp. Treat "~o," "I ILI IJllihs. ~~~~n~. tu be!!t Iyplfy tI e " spirit of tbe pIne foreea. It healf the Irrl. Xon ill. nuto ed t o (. ur oily l' et nrlllUj:( l oolrl p e rsis tently; ha lf.w llV moos. ~R ted membralle, ILnd byU. allileep. -------.~-- ------400 TYPEWRITERSI " \\,. ·1 1. 1"'l'lIl1l'" I II II Itl'1 hlll'C nny CII!! It hne long been 118sertod tbllt, b orne to tbe ov eDillg. ur,. ~ Jou ve n IIll ge r i n,~ oo ugh . Tltke tio propertlee looaene 'he pbl_l'm, RlUlUfGTONB '12. 8IUTH·PRaluaRS to nt'clI ~c you or Ihn t. I dou 'l 1111011' "Yllnkee Doodle" wa" d e llved fr olll • t 2 .... YDII,Oblldrm Learu Tn>ewrtu.. Mra. Alolndu Koll y, of ChioAgO. i Dr. K l n g'~ Now Disoovery until you brl8'he .,..Ier, .nd wbl' prom. Lett. Han.~od Ii!neour.gement. n ~ \'11 " .' \·,·r d il l !:o I " ,l'~ 110 all), lhllll: d b b . ' IIQm. dun.,. V..,.,IOD. lna&ruOUoD Booll le1 tlng be r nepb ew Bnd olec • B. v your co'd Is g one . E'or y e~rs t he I'Ra •• Aak . Ised ·"I; M I(I, CXII ,' tly, tholll::h the 1. I'll a mIlitary lUIlroh playe y t e \0 be a lIavere oold ha! been AigernollDId sh e ~lve you a~.y en· J Boselan'roop" dorlng Ille R e volu. Y. Collot,t tlud sisto r . Nnn, II I, thoit 1II VO, ite r emedy for yo.u g and o ld . brJaen op. For tbal I&nfl'ed.up courageweet, aId boy? O~o ll y - Yea; &I\[I'JRI TYl'a BOUNDny. Dul!"o.~ ' Y. kilO"'>, J'lHI'I'c Inld 1I0 II'n on lIl e .. ooll;:h tlo nary war. 10 a r lloeo t OennD n b euntlful h om o oast of our olty on At yo nr d ru gg isl, 500 feeltn, Ulh' obed or lore tbros' ehe told 1110 Bhe Willi going to Phlladel· y "u ,'CI'tll lnly hll\'c!" Rhorlil nn WII~ pobltoatlon J ohllnn Lewalter ez. tho Barveysb urg lind \ liming ton lake II dale of Dr. Bell'. Pine Tu. phI a n ex t weok Dod alllc?,11 ruo t o call 1,1I 111 •• \. TIlIAWII S 111)( whll t 110 wlshe '1IIIIei Ibe o pinloo tbat n wae or. pike, Bonpy lind prevent. ",.arln,. h.ok. while sbe wua iOns. - 8 owervlll. to ~IIJ'. bu t bls wor.l~ w('re 1I1111\1I1I1IgO. fKl ll aUy a oouotry d/lo oe of a dl~trl ot loa oough dr.'KID" llarouRh tbe Jourunl_._ _ _•..--......_ __ f,h. and Mrs Borke nnd I.wo H()n , "101(': hl' (ountl hhllKc lt ulln ole to oon· of Kur- l:I flee o~ lIed Ihe "8obwlllm . ·' Ap soo n DS a pool of wM e r gete trol tl lelll, 1I11t1 his qll r rllloll9 IIh u ~1' In atudying tb e d ll Doee of t h e o f Sove n Mile, Bntle r connt.)'. l1ufocd olell r f o r II time , It lo vos &0 l!lluge It wlDter. A. ,.our Vrugg!II'. !lIo . wellt 1111 Itl Rillt l' or hIm . "I enll'! Rny "80hwII10l" Lew lilte r Willi stuok by t o 0 111 city ~ u u tl"y' und spent ~h e I~ tb e [' ky, and Illa ke mlmlo repro. Funeral Director I I'X III'(' t !I,"t'll or you- lI ol from tbl' th e "lwllo"'ty lu furm aed rhytbm IIttern lJ on with Mr nnd Mrl! Frnnk L1UOtliJD8 of stu rs . ::Ihidtt k r . Mr... 13nrke 's I.Ullldtlll ud Embalmer. WII.I· rllU IIIII' II l' s ucc u, up to lIow-on' l or "Yllokee Duod lo " t.o t.ho mOllioo ! Proper Hat, Important. I r~s yl)!1 111"11 . O \' ~r .1 lI ew iI'ut. und I I,belll! .don ol'!' . A t th e klrUJP8~ I II ~ t nOUle W'IiI Nrdt,ors nnd In h ll r CDrly W,,"rl u!; hu ls In boyhood relllrd, Ohlo.1 dO Il' t ReI' nll Y I!lI cOurllgC'Illl'lI t to thin k y e ILr In tbe \'IlIlIgo o f WSlleebeT" lifo vl ~lted Ullr m o l,b er'H b r ol·h AI', Itt' j.:,·,I\I·11I nllll fllJl ,le\'clopnll' IIt of the DavlDr quU 'arOlln,. 1",111 .ell ., WU il liI'ell you' ,· 1:,,1 11' III til> th 'H! It YOII go (Iown wh on . lbe lInod s truc k u p "Y IlIk "~ Lurkiu £L1wurds, wh Mr, und Mra. L. A . H ll rtaook. of \'essllls th ut nourJi<II tho roots ot th(' Publlo Sale, at my re.ldenoe 3 Dlllel We have arunted w)th an und.,· . ti l rc IIllil Rhnl\' II R[lllrk 0' renl gll·lIp. I Dood le"' Ihe v nUDg me n onLi gl r1 ~ knu wn 10 our old e r oltizens. Our 01 ,1 r ItJ 1.a o, Th od or u LUll . DuytoD. IV re Bond,1Y g ues lI of hull' lIull II CCouu ts tor the hul dn.,ss In nor'hwe8' of W.ynuvllie on abe re~ ko ll Ill' \\'I, ole I~tllet) :" r,l lI I,n 0 .wullg Into II trn) u~ohwllim er " taker to aet ~' uto. 10 we bit eu rly lire. Ao t'xnmlnutJoo ot tho head. Lytle road ••Dd l y' mllll' e... of able to fllrnl.h either an IUto or till II\. nllt It YOII rI! e \ er '::0111 tn dlln otl 11 8 if tbe m1181 0 ha d beoll rO ll ce ot Mi J dl tOWo . Hlltoed thr ou gh ~h e ir m ot,h or Mr s . Mu rgllret Lavloy. or boys wlil couble ono to determln(' LJ'le 00 . SIIOW II II~', YOII bl'lh' r be j.:ln rll:ht nl oomp~sea f or It. . ollr cit·y 8 uI1duy ellron te 10 WII Mr . I1l1d Mr s ' ltoht. Carr spent horae·drawn funeral. Thursday, September 11, 1916 ' uodl!Y I.he gues ts of Mr . and rain wh ose hends will be mnde bUhl hy the tltl! hrj.:I ~~lIlng nnd hc'gl n to show It toDllrlnt; tb o Wilt of In ll ep elldonce min g l oD to v l~lt r e l(ll,ive~ . Both phon. In Offtce and ~Idenae. BettID .. lnr ., 10 o'olO<Jk 'be follow. Lona o. U; 'R oml p1RIne Mr. Ilnd Mrs. Ghnuncy B t:lDn oll F rlln k MoGllrroll. o f Dellr WiYllee. wcarlng ot bots nod wbose head" will mOI·'·il l . . the ohl ~ f reorultlog otU oe IDr 0 11 list. IIUI.. wllh u r l'osollnble degree ot CeI" lUI oba"eI8: 1 Hor~e, 1 9 O.UI •• l'-2r. "" ,'s- I'II try." OIont of He~slull iu eroeDarl B~ WB!. iiI !lnd tl1mtly II oo mpanie.] b y Mt Ville loluly. B rltl! shouJd bo mode to moos· , "armlol Implement., til aor .. "YOII h~lI er, I( It' R In yo u!" ~hcrl ' Ziegeobaln in Knr.B ease. -It !'!e3 1U ~ Buno oll'~ s is ler WIU! In ou r oi t y r oo t\lr . alld Mrs. H e n.ry Mnrphy. of (\ n ll Wit H shl!crly ""uplusec\. Ho hml probllblE'. theref o r"" \hllt the sol d i e r ~ oeu t] y III t h eir n ow Dll tl up to.d .~tH uelH LO\Jno on, " p en t Snnday In our uro IIk.e Bul ts and be IiO constructod 1.,aDdID, OorD, KIle big bill. lor Ulat the pressuro will rost ooly upon ~erm.. W . H , JaDn" ol\y,i YR 1)('('11 ohlc 10 ~ny whnt c I'c r I", f w m tbe "8ohw :~lm" who f ou~bt Saxou nutom o hlJe. VIl lage. lho corll er6 of UIO f orehead Dud the T , B ~wke. Ano. . wl~ It;'\1 10 8ny, h ilt lilR 1 Jlllllle sceml'!! nod or tbe blinne r of KIDg I~eorg p Mr, Olllllllrs ,~, I,yu ch an d u 'l u gh . Mrs, Elizilhet h LI@ ter . of CIDOID; clfotcr of the back of tho h end. · Chae, Barn .... Ulerk be wlt ch".1. Il e II tltl C(lIllC to te ll Blhh. IJrought wl t1) th em to Am e rl c l\ th ~ I·e r wer e ~l1 uStS o f r elu tll'es j nll Li, und Mrs, ~usao Arllold. or nil lit ~I n r.r ·. It'l tl' r, nll (1 10 his ow n lune of tbelr oblldhood fw d p lnyed Wll ynesvi! It', 'un na )' nftAT u r oll. IVLlYll osville. wer e wee k. e n d iueUs 1I11 1l!'\' " "toll l"hnll' lIl ll' (oullIl It 1m · "'IS " tnllrcll. T b e dl rtRive \'\'oTd~ Mr . 1I11tl. MrH J ohn Vand ~r " oo tt of t\l r, lIud Mrs . Amos Ellis. Pil Hilll I" rio fllIY lltlllg cxcept to srol.1 Bet to t,b e IIlr wero n o d oulJt lidded M r ~. ~Drn b l:Iurhln Ilod Mn, Lydia IIIc(' II clrurlll('·(l rtl'.'r. " Y o u better I>y l ome Bllti s lI wit whose j ok e ",',w lin (1 Mr 8Jwiu Kmith lIutoee! to I::lu rvay loft Veducsdsy to v ltiU com.' .lIlII'1I tltl'I'" wllh you r 11111,,1 !fIlld.· turner! UpOll him wb II th o el>loni ~ H WII O\i o~ l o n Hu nd "y uft rlro oOll. O ur g 'l r uge t h llt w o k eOl} t elling with r e i lltiv~s in nnd n ear Hnnllng. Il l' In hll ~ lI e hllrdl,r tJinu the l\lIrLlt'st qd o pted I,he ~olJg 118 tbol r OW D Tbf "'1Ir1<ln' IIIIIlI t h" I'" IIIlllll r .1' 0 11 , or YOII 'II Brltisb It Is ~o ld eVHonnt ecl Bo t.ou Y OIl u ho ut Ihr lJUKh the c ol Cl lntl.:l 111 lO n. ;' 11. . Mr, C h lls. Mllcideo muJe u bOBI. not gl' l 0 11 "<!I'Y IIn.,(1 with me. I tcll plf\y lng tbls IIlr. W h e o th ey b eard t,hlM n OWfi Y pUJlor 1:1 II ~ olUlu:; IIll' r out 'rhe w ily 10 ~I! t nhead-IInd !OU H li t Y rkt u wu, played by th eh "PllOUrutl Ce of 'I nne b ullll iog lIo d It D ~ s tr tp to L eblloon SIlI,urday, Mr. Il nd Mrs. Au r o n Whlltsllland b etter Rc t It down In YOllr bonks- thO' oOllqullror, lhe y r eali zed that " YUIl. IS jo s t na go od 1\8 It is Jillf', ulld th o kee Doodle" woslodoed 11 "d!llldy,' Ilr uprlolo ra Ilro ooe r ge Lic bus Llllrl! ~OD. of DUll klrk. lnd, were gUlllIIB " nil will I!glt~ tbo t,ow u If th ey onll lutit w tlo k of Mrto. MII.rgaret Levloy. lied t,b el r own lDarohed out of t,h , get sOUl e enOOllrA emeot It i ~ th eir s uppo~edlyimpregl1nble " hIstl!1;"nd " Inle q on t u m Bet with t he cOllll o~1 Rov . Wulk er otUoll~ ted at the M. pl fly lng "l'be .Vorld Turnoo Up~ i de " nd lilY before tb OlU till'll' p rup a , l. E. ohu r uh ~J ulldllY, stock, cut Down ." li on for givlul: n tl light . Wh ou Mrs . H obeccil Mer rit.t is OOllopSICg .:,,., accurately to all standard th l!! 18 d oue It. I! up t o tho c u nCI1 to tho ltUUijO va ca tdd by Ed Cll rr, I i,' ... ".hf)ot or give up t he ~u u : " Neve r Mr~ . MUlId Au d el'SDIl , of Xen ia . siz~s. We carry dressed boro re bllve \\ 0 hf11l Buo b an oppor - \Va s .. v isi t ur In our olty 'l'hursdILY. "" U ULlC \\' '' H Ju st StHlI(I arollllo IIlIn r l'('~ lumber in several ·grad('s tUDity and tt. lUny n eve r oo m e ai/ uln. 'quirrEI blln,ln g is 'brlng Indulged 1\ 11111",,111 ' II c hilli 'nultl hll' lI l1c, nnll Tbll dl8aMe Bhonld be treated ... 100II Lil t 's Ultik o use ot i ~ while we can In lJy UlU'UY of uor oitlz AlIS, t hen CO llie home nud take a bath ~ l1d -suitable for various ILl! thCl tlr.' nonatnral loolMin61111 of the \VlI rr e u Vllntrcss uud fll",lly r eo Mrs . E II)\ lb ~ th VIlII ~r ess . wife of go cu llin'. I tell YOll you're liP IIgll ln ijt bowe" .ppeare. When 'till. Is done & purposes. We uave a car 810gl0 dOllllof Chamberlahi', Oollo. Cbol· u ml ghly IlIrrercm t proposlllon now, flOrl lUI n ed to th eir h um e III S prlll g fie ld MariLIn Vf1utr ess. pt!'lsad Ilway II.fter era and Dlarr~ Ramecl, wi\1 elfeet a It j'ou'rll worul YOllr snl t- lIl1d you :luturdny . I::le t ook wli.h b im hi ~ ~ tl \' e rn I W oo III! of su/lorlng 00 Toos. of this fin e lumber in this curO. ThIe remedy GaD always be du· n('vc r sbowell a uy signs ot It yet- not ruth e r, ·Mllrlo u Vnntr o8A. who WIll dAY, 8uplember 1 2 ~h Ilt t,h e lilee of p6nded Dpon .ven In tho mOlt and . .3 your~. dho ape nt m Olt of her 811Y s Igns thlll s tu k ou t enollgh to make bls h omo with h is ~on. week. danaerou. 0..... and .hould be kept .t Mr. aDd Mrs . Cyrlls G my. o J IIfeio t hi s vloinlty.lelllving husbllnd. bll llg s.ollwbo,ly on U, e hell i! nll rl Ulflk(> hud ready for loItant UM. Never lean 'em sit up nnd tllk e notice-well. I Clarksvill p, woro 8uodll1 g u Oti t·s 01 son . thr ee s UItor". grandonlldrell, home & without It. g reu.t g rlln cloblldrell, two brotherll, wunt to s')'y .. rJ ~h t bere II Ull now-nod Mt und MI'''. AUftltl Cn mJlbtl ll . Mr. nnd Mrs . <';'Irroldine S m ur". nleoes, n c phews 1.l nll frl imds by 'be you IJcl1 ll r II.teu. bcelllls e J wu nt to · if of tbe <clu Ben olt.y, wel'e ClUi n g on · ! core. She wus laid h) rest,ln beao. BlIy Ju st wh ut I <In suy . I sny-" Utul MIAmi oem otery on 'Ihursday ,. He llll'nllLlel'cd to 0 tu ll stop. BII. friends here la!lt wee k . l:5ilo tilltllg 18 In sty le the weilther HHorooon, 11I0llth hll llg 0l'CU, ~od hts wlntl woe a bel Dg jlll t ri g ht for It. MrH. Lezzle Gltl8s. ot Cinclonatl. bopl'lcs" ulullli. To ' every customer, no ·"From Mr. aua Mrs, J, B . Bogno and WIIS the weok eu~ guest of har ,Ie· OIblis looked lIl) I'nllC'ntly-An nlrt. 8 0 n ~ l1 ocom panled by.MfII. Bclg"n'& t er , lIlrs. AUl O! IJJ llts. old look, . "Yea. fllthor; l' tn lis ten In g," matter what the amount Mrs . MutUe Finoh undo~on. Robert. '''tuat's 1111," snhl She rldnn, frowning ftlth er •.Ueort!!O n un ey D"'''i8. were attellded tlto Wuron v ounty Filir of his purchase. Come henvlly. "'fhnt's nil 1 ClIllIe to sny , nnd ~lsltor8 t:)uod~y, .~ d M L H were 'l'huudflY. and wbile there wore,tbe YOII betl cr sec 't you ronwl1I ber It,!" . to FICtion M~I~.,"~up~lDe. and talk over your plans Mr· llln I ~ . ,'n W~rdVne!day of guests of :M l. and Mrs. Harmon 'I'll! sltoo k his hell I! WII.rulnj.:l y, IIn(1 BhDpp Writel,. New York ,u6~n'ber. n iJ 11 Ill' , " Oil kin . wcnt out. c l o~llIg the Cloor behInd hlll1 McCAU'S }MIps with us. We cl!-n show Burrilh! Our 'oltlze Dl (lr8 i et . willi u crll ~h , n o ", e \' ~r , no AOUlul ot Ilist wea k. ovu 1.200~ OOO Miss Jeonle Corbin. n f t he (~oeeu tlnc' in line fo r", IIsbt. alld arll look. worn.n .dr••1 in tUOtRtCps Indl' Dletl bl s ' d cpurtme. H e you how to save money City. wnH in oor oit.y l .. st w oe k . log forworrl to the time when they ' 81 )11e at .amall ... Blo111'L'(} Just outside ~lCl door, .ond H lllrls e nl {lrtllined ODn Met tllei r votos tor bOD ding 'he ,Pon.. , A. . r.coC· in buying all kinds of Btood thoro n mluute or more. '[hen : Mrs. Uora "Iud ·F ... hloD nbruptly be tmnd th o knob nud ex· three of b e r neph e ws Guy , Herbert mnnl olpallty lhtlt we may have lIRht AU1horily for 45 ami Bruoe <' ; ... r Imel Cllnoll 6tio~on H 181lredioted tbllt It wIlt oarry by buUd4tg material. "You Don·t Know What Work I., yot;" hlhlted to bls son n forehcnd IIbel'nlly yoa ... for Sunday dion eI'. 91:1 pe r oeo& Now the 'hlni to do 18 oo\'ered Wltll pcrsplrutlon , MoCALL ' PAT. Mr , 1111(1 Mrs. Frank Harvey nnd 1,0 pot It to a v ole, La, •• know wny to get nbend Is 10 do teo Um oo "Look bere." be an lll, crossly. "Tbn! TERNS in the work ot the bord est worker thol gIrl over yonde r wrote JIm. n Icttcr-.. d.ugh ~il 1', ot Le hllnon , were l:!nnduy whot Olin 1>e <looe and ~hon quit Ilylo, tit. tilmpltc. w orks tor YOII. nut YOll d OIl't koow lIy. economy and "I know," silld BIbbs. "She told Ille. gnee tH OJf Mr. and :drs. Hllrrv Shl. bIking. We ha ...e Iteveral bOlC.IO, what work la. JOel "II vn"' ..,,........ -Buyers Get Quality Guaranteed on Ul on 'with an unlimited amouat of .00d. "Well, I thougbt you n eed n't tcel so daker. Intlll6nce Bnd 1I0W ylou men go at U much UPRct about It-" The \loor closed All Supplies ,- - alld It will add Btare '0 YOllr or" .....D. on bla voice IlB be withdrew. but the We hn:ve talked ~blll matter over 'or oonclulloD of the 81l1tsllce WII8 Dover· thelesa audlbl&-"If you knew Ibe CONSTIPATION THE FATHER OF MANY ILLS a 10Dg 'Ime and ther'e I. DO ItRb'ln the ·tnlk. Yoo are Inltarllt4ld; If no', HOW TO GIVE GOOD ADVICE wouldn't bove .1Jm. plthnr... · O r ,btl D~WUIUUd 1118 thllt an'eot )10u. should bel neefa!; In gllUIDR an. 'rhe bee' way '0 81ve good ~dvioe ('l'n be GJIIUluod) homaolty a large ehlue start wltb thn81l18m.ln It. I' 'akee work but II ' 0 8e' 'a good sumple, Whe4 OODl!\lp.tloo . Keep your ·bowbht yeu will be well paId for n. The otberUlle how qulokly 'OU .e' over rellular .nd the1 may be aVOIded, oounoll 18 the proper one, now, You ,onr oold bl '-kiDS OhamberlIliD~' Cough Remed, tbe, are UIleI, 10 The,. "'''.,ouD,mll1lnamed litUer WbllD a laxailve I. needed '-ke were tbe oholO8 of the mue ot 'be Chamberlain'. Table". The,. no' vo'er.ADd 'hI••noul d Itlmu." ,OU Who WI•• tea) lacl,.kUler fOllow ,oar . e&ample, TbIe remed, In tb. eaM ODI,. move &be bowel. bna improve kI beiln .t on08. &0 ab. bu beeD lo 011 for maa, r-te lod Ute btll. 'Ill appeti. . . .4 ."....'b.n ab. dl. 'h.' will Wb..... po.' ..... III ROIl'" npU""OD, Ub. lnllllilld .ho" a.tIl_Q, ._tiOL Obtalolbll a.'rrwbere. • • WMD" q,1d .. 111Gb. _able























-- -












---_.- _- --


II" '"

















on journ.,




... .

a. W.,

_Je,. ,",,-1aIn,





ba,.. '0



t . I




- - MEARICK'S----.,\

~ee 1,';atcrhI1U6 f cl T .\ u to Li'·e ry . I I Miss RerUm K enrick . who hilS been 11 de ill for l he PIlRt paveral L UI h. uft, r nil n.llcr· r.'l'rt i I' weeks, W81 tllk en t o the Miam i \' a l· if IJIl ,UI, ~o, II I(vod~. leY ' hospitlllllt Duy lvn last 1'hu r~lll . and wns ope rRl J on .'atuldil) morl Al tu l!i:4lY. of 1>uyf oll . vi lieu 'vpral cOIl1\Jli cllliul1 "'u re wllhliRS , ing. frll'lhJ 5 here · ulIlluy. f ound. but we ure glud to uy thllt , 8he I g etting along very nicely. ;\£II\,'llml J . ItIIi!ll'S W ~ n h usin '~!-l "i.i I)r in Leban II ~l lJll d:1y.





])\'. Dill . Od t e()I'"lh :! 1 S, Brond ·

I ."hanlln. OhIo. I WAGES INGREASING Ell J.IIIUl llll. d Ril . IN DRY STATES nOli.wi Ih n'lul he r.:! 'a; d a t Leha· I wny. in~

Government rr'ports cov ering II e periorl from 1. !l!) to I!IO!l s how th lll wlIges hllve incr cast:'d obou 50 pl' r I cent mor e In dry etate!> thun in w 'I . I Th ese a re the tig ures: Prohibition sta tes ...... 103% increase Near·prohibition etates 77" in c rca ~c I Partial license stut es . ... 75% increase Llc:en~ states .. ........ .... 61 J/6 increase


Fall Suits,Coats, Dresses Featuring Exceptional Values

Wonderful NewTailormades $16,50, $20,$25 Everything Dew In mat rln ls. colo rs. trimmings anfl dcslgnl n<; Is woll represented. l\l o!llum le ngth anil n w long conts. In straight line and ripple effects. Smart pl eat 11 skIrts. orroc ll ve yoko mod· els ; new pocket 8ty109. All sizes tor women and misses.

The Cleverest Fall Coats $15, $20, $25 A cbolce collection In velours. checks, ga bort\lncs. EngllHb tweods

and novelty mixtures. Loo se or belted models. Som wllh trim· mlngs of fur, many wllh double llDslullll lng, d(' ell cnll nrs. Iho ovor· collar of v-elvet. Silk lined woman's and ml s~ s' sizes.

Dresses of Silk and Serge $15 and $20 Fuhloned JD Serge, Taffeta Ilk or In combJuaUon . .stral ghl lin e, coatee or belted model. Milch hrlght colored embrold ry used of darn1D& yarn or chenille s ilk, colors In clude navy and black and also In plum, green or brown.

The Mearick Cloak Co. SECOND & MAIN, DAYTON, OHIO


11111. I.

iI ' e~

lIlr . 811d ~ I r~: W. II. Allell nnu .1\11.' t)Il Vl' \\'l'r ('illl'ill nal i vislt urs ' Tu t!$l I1I)' •

Mr~ , (ieo . lI u\\'kp n,,,1 :Il i~~ II 'i );!hway SlIrtiini ll.

IIrc vi!iil in"


fl'i,-nd 8 a t

.\ 1r. IIlId!\lr ~l ye r Hyman and daught 'r ~ \Jent ' undfl j' in Ci ncinnati with rel ati ve" . Me~:s rR .

Addison I';'-;::ard. LebRllon boy. who for the pilat several years I ha s been attBche,] to l he PhiliPllinc : Bureau of Sc ience in Malli.a. P . I., has been notifled of IllS lI[Jpointment a s Un ited States 'ollsul at Ad ' n. Arabia. and will toke up his du lieH In that position within II short lime ,


Mr. and 1\1 rs. St acy Lamh, of Day t on , spent lhe week end wit h Mr. Illld Mrs , Emerson Masun . AIl'E'rt M 'rritt. postmnst or of lI arv ys burg. i ~ nllend ing the post· masters' c 11\'l'n li on at Dayton. Mr. and Mrs. J OR. Eb ri g ht and Mr. and M ra 'oen an d daulthte r. uf Dayton, we re cnllinl(' em Waynesville f r ien ds unday .


('lin' \,

11ft if you Wllllt g oo,1 &,uo d ~ .



The CI!nton County and CireCllE" Fall F~ Uva18 will be held during the cominl{ month in WiImln~ton and Xe.n ia, Commiltees are hard at work ' getting the pro · gramsin line, and It is expected that both of these cities will have II:l'eat doings in October.


----.. - - -.--

( .L~



II ulller ami HllrtulJ APPOINTED CONSUL Ke liy a tte ml ed !:ufralu Hill 's ~ huw I in _\cn ia Mo nda)' t!v('ning . : . ' TO ARABIA Look r Chamlle l"s F e rti lize r I I

nUlual Is the Early Showing of

j{ illg . "f

Women 'R and Misses' ne w Fall and Winte r ' ui ls. Coats . MIlline ry ,Sho es ; Sweute rs, U nderwear . a cOll lp rchen · sive line. Freds, Lebanon , O.

What would he? give for the coffee you ser'v e ? Like a million other w omen, :rem can serve 'c offee that he would give m ost a n y thin g to h ave - coffee which starts the day "right" for all.



Misses ~1 ary Sa! isbur y und 8thcl 1Iosicr and the Messrs. F. n. Hen· derson , U . M . Wh it an u Uan'ey Ry e att E' nded Buffal o Hill's show at Xeni ll Monduy evening.

Everyone loves the rich flavor Serve it in your home-see how of Arbuckles' Coffee. Of a ll the the little early morning wrinkles coffee~ in America, today, it is by disappear. fl1r the most popular! Until you try Arbuckles' you will One woman says, "My husband ne er know what a differ ence Roud used to swallow his coffee and cofli e can make in your home. A rbuckles' Coffee is untouched by human hands. It is weig hed, and sealed by machines,- machines which Arbuckle Bros. originated ~nd which experts say are the most efficient . in the world.

Look niler 'hand ler's Irel'tilizal' if you want good goods. Frifmds received cards

hurry off. Now we h a v e Arbuckles' and yo u'd think it was Sunday the way he lingers over his breakfast."


the arrival on Septelnber 3rd. SPEAKS WELL Margery Lucile L at t he h me o f Mr. un d M ra. Lo lt. nee ' Cr ystal Haines . o f Xenia. Mr. and 1\Irs Of OUR SCHOOLS Alle n Haines a re the prour] g rllnt!· of



The Journal·Republican. of Wit· mln'gton, says: "Miss Mabel Hadl ey and MIllS Vada McPherson have Irone to Waynesville t~ take up their teachillQ' work for another year. The Waynesville schools are consiu · 1 hue Und. lonl time In this ered a8 g ood as can be found in this vaUey of teare, and my held Ie section of the co untry ." whl'ened by bnrrylo.l years; I've ...... Illed up thl world all ,oddled along , I'Te IImplld 'he right and I ' ve sam. pled 'he wron.; I have huded with loatl and I'TI frollo ed whh sheep, 1 hllVe learned how &0 laugh IiDd I'vlI learned how to weep; I bav. loafed, I bave I1named. I bave whaokld up lome wood, and I'm sure of 'hll faot, 'hat It »&11 '0 be good Whene'lr 1 dowronl wl\b matlolon, A case at diphtheria developed in In ten', 'hen 1 feel for awbUI like II ovnn"rfeU oen'; I would Iwap my. Corwin last Friday, whe n MiflS lelf off for II " .. toh made of bralS . Catherine, daughter of Mrs. Lucy I hBven't the courage look In the Beckett, was taken 111. The hou se glal8. BIlt when I du \'Iaht, bO\t was immediately q Ullrantined , lind ohellty I feel 'bat" fea'har 18 plBoed t he you ng lady is getti ng along In my hood. and J guess I aID riKIl' nicely at the present time . t or, It pa,s to be aood. Oh, wbat......_-ape the thlna' of par&lou]", worth ? Aud whot lire the priliel we gala u pon ear th? 'l'hey .. re Ilot the a eme I thnt 10 ollok'y.oIBnll:, thlY are r o' the bundles we have ID the ba.nk . nllspeot of our neighbors. the love ef our frlende, lome oredlt np there Jud gi ng from pasl succosses J clln wll ert! the firmamellt blends-theslI keep your hOiS from dying wilh the thIDg8 are the garden for whloh we cholera, 27,Xc pe r he ad and highe r. shou ld 8trlve, thlY give us an objeot according to size, g uaran teed to im· In being .. live . .lI na yon'll Rain mune for life . Oren Strawn , them, nl gain them you Ibonld, un . Phone 227 A Lebanon. O. l es~ you b.,lleve that 1\ pays to be s27 ----. ----+---- - good.




E. W. RICKS Waynesville Ohio ,

Phone 83-5

paren ts . .


Th_ MexIcan Nemel.

Mexlcinn. DBIDes thnt IlJ'e ouph onioul In Spaulsh IIwkwar" whon pro· DOUOeed ILl 10 EnK1I6h. The . vowel8 bave thoe _me sound 1L8 In Germnn. ;r baa the lOun" of a IItrongly USIJIl'uted II, aDd H lB mute.. The douhle R la rolled, and the double L fs rcllowed b7 the ronllorumt !!ouud ot Y. Tho nccent IB on the ultlmnte when th e word end8 In II con8unnnt, U8Ilu lly on the vOlVel. penultimate wheo en4lna 10 Exceptions are Inc1Jceted by use or tho aecent mark.


. . ~

How Much Duet In A ir?



----- -


scientist 18 using an Ing' nloua n IV method 01 ascertnlnlug jus t how rou h dust and smolle the atmosphere cuntalns. A. ribbon of fill er poper Is Itretched over a 801all sli t In Ihe slrle of 8 hollow brass cylinder, lIud t be nlr 111 paQed through the (lIiP "r by ex· haustlnl tho Inlerlor of tb e Cyllnd r . After '8. holt hour's exposure the ribBorne of I,he vll ry wont 'biD" In bon Is autOmatically moved 011 ond a the world have bllen laid In the fresh sUrfnce exposed. ver, beat of grammllr. A




Wllyn,~s ville.

Roy, Dyron a nd Dana Varner, of Xenia, spent a r~cen t week-end at tht! ho me of their granrlmother on Jonah' s Ru·n. Th ey are tine. promisi ng litLle fe llows. Bons of Harry Varner , well known in these parts. Harry has rec ntlv paBsed a success· ful examination a inspector of in· dust ri a l p;ants. H e will make a very capabl e ne ,


See Waterhouse fuJ' Aulo Livc ry,

. DEATHS Mrs . Elizabeth Vantress widol" of the late Mari on Vuntr 55. died at her home in Hllrveysbu rg Tuesday afternoon. The fu ne ral w as held at the M. E. church Thursd ay after n oon. Rev. Walker. of Clarksville, officiating. Interment was made in Miami Cemetery . Miss Rebecca Cre amer died at th e home of her s ister, Mrs. Amanda Smith. Wedn esuay afternoon . Th o> funeral was held at the Midd !e Run Baptis t ch .. rch Sa turday m ornln l!', Elder Balla rd, of Blanches ter, om. cia ling . Inte rment was mad e in Middl e Run cemete ry.


durability and exquisite design -the highest ideals in plated ware-are ass';"'ed in apoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the renowned trade mart.:


There are various makes of $ilverplat~ tableware' ,which are claimed to 'be "just as gOod," but, 'like aU imitations, . lack the b eauty and wearinR qu~ identi6ed original and gen~e II 1847 ROGERS BROS, '


r.-- ---,,---:---....- - ' --&dd--InI..-J,...,.{iin<J

as~' SiI"er Plate thaI Wears. ·~I

d ealers l!vttyWhere. '1. Send for . showing all d9igns. _

..... EAIOOA to., .....:!~~.,IUO. leriIa,Cta.

I IIU'rl"!'lln~

... h 'l·t ,'l clIl I'X Ihll· llll ~ nt. tht· rll e t thu l MO Ulltlu \.' c' tlm·

{l I\I "' 1L~l1tIrH!

l':t ul .. ~

Ih ~

P II~~ I:!!I'


l'I..' I f' lrlt y

ti ll' hll(I~· . (' jill I I.' !'oI hllWIl In thl' r'l ll o\\l! q: t lllll \lll'I~: Lt.·, tWH " l' rSl'm ~ PHC: h Iml t) , 11 11 ..'II'(·ln ull' fl'lIl ll 11 !'<il1lntl

tllI' lItl'gh

14 16 goods at 118 and .1 1l per ton, ri gh t .1I1\g-1It ' ln liT' s h 4h'kltlJ.: \.'1411. l .t't un(\ Jl (~ r· NfIIl . wHit h is f"I ' t' 11111111. i nli Ch lh~ ntltpr A sixty duy notice t o the occupanl s from the car. Edwin Chandler & Son 1"'rsO)Il h .. hlllli 111111 jll ~ t I,,·lc) w Ihr .. "r. of the Deer Creek dump on Court Phone II9-1 X A h\f 7.zl n!( ~O' If\{1. tlth"l'wIK(, Illlllldlhl .... slreetand Gilbert avenue, Cincinnati ('on h~ h l'III" \. Thp tone uf fli P soulld was served by thl! Pennsylvania tJ f' lh 'IHJS t1 pl l ll the nllllll,,'r tit intcn :.u p .. Rai lroad ofl1cials the fi rst o f lhe present month . tlU IlS ut thc turrcflL- l'ul,ulur .'ctence A general c1ean·up of old sc:rap Muulbly. No. 2220 iron, building material and supplies - - -- -....0---R~PORT usable debris and a million other ac· cumUlations , the property of a dozen Of' the Condllion of the Wayn es· P eculiar Ma inc L lghthou sc. firms, i9 now in progre8;j and by Noville Nati onal Bank, at Wayn es F llr 011' th., nnst '" Mn l ll IH1\ j nllgNI vember 1st, excavatI ons will begin ville' in t he State of Ohio. at th.e 1I.'llgo or l'Oell. 1111 0 \\,11 Ill< 8nll,III'1 ock IN' on ground at the northwest corner close of bu sin ess, Sept. 12, Hlili 111 1111. 11 \\'hkh rh ... \llll y IIll'llUS of Innc!· of th ose highways at t he eustern end RESO t' HOE . of the Gilbert, avenue viaduct t o 111 1; Iii by f\ dl' rrl el! to whl 'h II Nort or Du d d lJlCO unt. 1163.1 21 . • ' (' Iullr Is ull u('hNI. A Il ghtllo\l8c Is main· pave the wuy for the erection of a LOfUf.!I 'ro l,,1 IOBU... .... .. .. .. .. $201. J] 1.0 rnln~d 0 11 lIt S 1.',lllc. IlIl1l1uge I by II two.story brick structure 400x-150 3:·tJ8. i~~~11l ~~~~~joculatio,i 0' .J6 kcr llcr Ilud 1'11'0 n ~s l s tnllts with too feet, to be used and jointly occupied (pDr vDluu ) . . .... . 00.000.00 Total U. S. bonds ... ... ~ . OO. u OU.OO Ill ~ n Ull Iluty nt nil tlIII CS. by the Norfolk & Western and the or uouilll108OCuro l "o»tlLl 81\ \'Cincinnati, Lebanon & Northern Oth 1111;0 . .. .... .... .. .. 6.000.00 .. railroads as a freight terminal sta· 5"'ur ltl"" oth er than U. S. boml. (UO~ lucludluir "lock.) oWIIC<I tlon . Use for Epsom Salt•. Ull,l~~~f~O;,d,: 'icCu~~~o!~~L~~ 1".3 05 . 56 North and cast of . thi~ proposed f:1'~n"l ~"It~ h,," lJ 'en r(lond by olbnr ~lIol1 I!c><Iora.l 110' building, fo r which contracts have St""k.. or\'o Bonk Stock . ... • . • ..•• Ill "n ~' t .. b e ' xcellcnl tor setting the already been let, a net work of tracks Stock 01 Ilod"rlll UllIOCrve liunk enl"r Itf " d",lI c"t p tllbrlc. , Just od,1 ( 60 pUr cellt 01 subscrlptlou) •. 200 .0 0 wlll be built of the latest type upon Vn)". ul ~ uklng uouso II I u n · ~ Il " 'u"polln(,, 1 to 'uch gu llo!) ,,~ \\,1\ ' euclllllburod ). .. .. .. 6.000.00· t t"l" unrl your gH rnl (\llts, eV' 11 thORO mode rn ballast foundations and pat ~" t. aillount duo from JlUllc)rnl terr,ed much after th e raised tracks HCIlor vu llnnk ..•. • • . . ... . • • 1l .1f> 3.2 1. Ill ll ri e of ser!;c unci o t ht!r \\'001 n Illfltaon Delta and Eastern avenues ()f the NUt.lLlll l)U\ lI~e trom a",yrovoo r ill ~. wlTl wosll ('uslly wllhQut losing ~ sorvcogoula In Now ~or k. Uhl Pennsylyania Railroad. engo Dud St. (;o uts t.H7.~ 7 Ihl'lr l·olor. As eoon as t.he freig ht t erm Ina! Net. "mount cluu from apvro ,'O(I rotior \' 0 a8ehL-~ In ot.ller reservo buildinll Is completed the "North , "lUI·... ...... ..... 10. 1 ~~. G9 1 •• 24 :;. ~ G Outsiliu 'flecks .. ot.l oth ur clUJh er!1" om~es will o~eup~ It tempor· JLUll hL •• •. . , . , • • , •• , . 28. 7~ anly, while there. 19 bemg .erected Fract.lou·l1l currency . nic)coh) ulHI No~ cellts ., .. . . , . • . . •.. .. 1 31. 07 180. J2 .upon thp present Bite (If th e httle old :\ot"" 01 uther nnUouul blw\u . . () :1. 00 frame depot o~ the C: L. & N ~'U<lorn l Hogur ve uo l<ltl •• •. •.• •. 1 00. 0 0 lll oud cortlllcflteoo . .. •.. . .. . )ij. 1 ~4. I O It It" a substantial .c oncrete s tuc· Uu HO I I~Dllltlo" (u u<l \\'1 tit U. S TNluc,?ed pnssenger. s.tatlOt;I t o be occu · urer.nd<luelruniU. S,'I'rollSuror 2.600.00 An ordinance lo establish Grades for S!dewalk, Curb and Gutter on the Pled by both CinCinnati, Lebanon & 'I'ot.1. . .. . .. . .. . •..• . .•.. 14 ~5 . 059 .8 1 south side of Hig ~ Street between Northern and the Norfolk & West LIAOILITlES Third and Fourth Streets. ern railroads. From a high oflicial of the lutter road it is also learned CUI, llnl .tocl, p~i,IIn . . ....... . I~O.OO O.O(I 110 Itor<lnlno(1 hy Ih'& Council 01 the Vlllflgo DO.OO O.Ou o f WRYllo"'llIo , SlllW 01 Ohio. thaI tile g,aclOR that the electrification of that· rail- t~J'l~l~l~uu~:.ohi.8: : :. ili:ii7'j:, I . ~2 1: 0a on nigh Strl,(!I, D1ontwnod 1o tlt lo 01 thl. Ora L..... e.<lIcOIW81l"ld . . . I .US ~ I road in the E lk. Ganley and Blue· Do te. o utstuudlng .. 60. 000 •.ou 1~n~'~~ /lO ntlel tho. 1110 0 ~ro ~tal>lta hO<l a field divisions has proven so success· ClrClIlatluf dowslto .ubJQC~ to chock .; ........ ... . .. .... . ful that it is now but the q uestion of CCrllflcfllllS 21 1. 037. 47 1Cll~~cilnl;;P~F.~lg~n~:a~~I~~r 1I~~e~~D(1D':l 01 IIopoolt d uo In Ie• • time before tha t' system will be un· o J ill 29 II lc h Strool. at all . ..ume" olevatlon ul In· ~harJ ao dDY•. ,' . ... . : ... , ... ' 19 7 : 0 ~ cnt)· _Ix ( 76) loot 01U1 n,unhli thouce on an der the same motive conditione along Postal Hu,,·tngd tJOJ>O~(t8 •• , •• • •• Il5ComUng grado of 5 per c- ut tor tour hun .. Tutul uUI?OS I~..... 177, 180.7 the line out of Cincinnali. oJred oll(llo ny _Ix ( 4.& ) toot \0 an ela.otlon With the completion . of the tw u 'l'otnl . .. ......... ...... . e m. m.~ 1 (!,~I~~t~I~~I!It'~t~~~l~~Y ~ru~~~tl~e(~t~g~ frei g ht and passenge r terminals th ~ ST .VI'E 0 ... OUl u . W.AHR\,;N OU~'fY . SS : Sou~h Ea. tcor uerof ~'ourth Bud UI&I1 8treo~ I. J. O. ·nrtwrlght . G...wlur 0 1 tho a bo ve and t h ore on<l lng. same authority intima:ted' that the lIfUlk; d O BOlomilly owenr t hul tlt o ';oc. 2-AlI ordlunnccs .tld part. 0' ordl· "Northern System" would eventual ODUlciJ ab~,vc 8tUt.OIUCJIL ItJ truG to tho 0081. o f illY utlnco" In conflict. wIth t.tlO provhdoDR o f t.hJa orollnflnoo bo and the aNI bereby roIy become an electric system be kuu" 1000ge. uUfI bollol. tween Cincinnati and Dayton, 0.J . O. UA HTWUIOUT , Ofl8blor . ~~~~·a-Thl. ordlnRuc", to tako elToct and Su .scrl bod olld oworll bo fore mo tILl. 18111 bo In to rce lrom aud atlor tho eurU ..1 perIod Western Star. d.y 0 1 Septem ber. 101 6. baahloG llhlgo . . .. UowOll bylaw. . - - -.... .....- --Oorroc t A ... .,.t: NOlary i'ubllc. 1'.....00 Ibl. tho 4th daY o ISopt<tmber. lel8 .


. Aro you largl en o11gll to ta kfl Plowing Iii tbe fall for n l!lxl smt}\uf!I(ly aud uso ludn:'t-rio uely II Iprlng 's Or O]l! Ilhoulct be enoou rll gaci bllrsh but j nst rop r oof. !llltI thllnk In mo~t oa8e8 b eoause It dll'l t rlbll.~e8 l,be gl ver? labor m ore evenly th ronghout 'be , ear, favors earlier Heedln!!, 1m . - ----proves SOLI ij'ructure !lnd kill8 wu.n \' Inseol'6, sayll F, A. Welton , of thE' Uht o Elt perlmen t ~ tfltlon . Onl y on 1 0 1111 s nbjeo \ to w!ishlng, on finl' olay Boil8!lnd wbere oa lob orops Br!' seeded In the fa ll Is tllia practlc~ not reoommended UH u~IIV \horl3 Is 1\ rllsb u.t eprlng Fancy E lb ertas only $ I .75 plantin g time. Fa rm ]ul)f}r onn b(l No w isthe time to buy Peaches used to u.dvllntPgo In the (&11 wh"o fCIr canning work Ie slock . 'l'hU 8 orop ~ oun' br 8eedod earlier neJ[ ~ spring At th o ·U est Cane Sligar sack $ I .85 Oblo Experiment I::itatlon u. differ enoe of B month. In ,fme of ~lllI.nt, Inll Star Tin Cans , E -Z '~al Ja rs oorn mode 80 dIfference of 24 bU8hel~ In yield 801 a.n a .erage of 'j' yeMIl , New Comb Honey, Mackerel Furthermore, tbe e&rly planted 0 01 n bBd about 10 peroent less molstnre Dril!d .Deef, . Bologn a , l.l it. Mince Ham, \Veinc rll J. C. 'Carroll, of Harveysburg, Freezing and ,.ha\vIDg . during t h e wloter make plowed suils fioer. Pt;;c Cider Vinegar Pure Spices . ~!lYS the~e will be a place' ~n. the More'molsture hOI been founclllJ ticket thiS fall for the ProhibItion t party. It required about 20,000 *he IprlnR In 801i8 fall plowed tba.1J F h 0 res ys. ers . signatures and they had lomethlnll: tn unplowed l"nd, . . Builli or Sanitary Cans over 1,000 more than was needed Whits ,ruhs, wlreworml, out. worms and oorn-ear worm. live over ---. A ProhibitionIst of means presented E dg:emont Crackers , them with a Ford auto, and a tour winter 10 t be grollnd. PlowinlllD 'hI fall 1I111a mauy at them. of the stale Is expected this fall P~ing 30e for l ·:ggs. It pays Ther~ will be Irood speakers and .... to trade at ad sinaers with the party.



ElECTHIC SYSTEM, FARMERS TAKE NOTICE am handling the Cincinnati Capi. ON C. L 3 N. tolI City Fertilizer and percenl




Catalogue" -L"


Mrs, Cha ~ . Hough wiJI Bccoml any her niece . Mi. n orn elson to her home in Californiu They will leavl! Thursday . Mi ss e lson bus been vis · itlng r'elativcs in Ohi o the past year and h ~LS made man y warm fri e nds in

LIsten ing to Electri c Current. A 11



W. If, AI LEN . S. LEY . OARTWIUGU'l·. J. W. WJJl'l'tl;. DlrectorB .




I' ..... CouDcll

L, A. ZIMMERMAN, Olerl<.






A lUI man Is of DO more &baD 'a dead ODe, aDd be &akel u~ more ~OOID,-OOD'rlbll'", .




u r Sub!!Uibe forthe MiamllGuette

================~~==~= - ==~============

Ladies' Aprons .. .... : . ... Crash Toweling, Fin .. yd Child's Comb. Shirt-Waist Pillow Sham • . .•.... : .... Child's Ro·mpers........ . Front Combs •.. , ... .. . : ,. Dust Caps, new line . . . . .. Meus' Canvas Gloves. . . •. Jersey Gloves .•. . .... ... 5mbroidery 'Hoops, 0·8 in

10c IDe 10c JOe IDe lOc H)C We lOe QGc

Ne\v Salad Disbes .... , .. , lOc' China Salt and Peppers , ., H)C Glasssware; Water Pitcher., Crealllers, 'Sugar Bowls, Spoon Holders, Butter Dishes, ]eliy . Dishes, Deep Glass Dishes, C~ery Dishes, Vinegar Cruets Vases".,",." •• "., lOe Measuring Cups •. , " , , , • •• IOc Salt and Pepper Casters.. lOe

'.--------------IIJI!I---_.... PbUlip.'

Buildiq -

FRANK H rP'lD D The Maaazine lIan AAaWayaenlU.. Ohio. I

'ixty~Eight h

- --"

Y ar



nEioNAiiNTiiij .--------._.- -. ' ee Wate rh ouse fo r Auto Livery.




Meeting of Fa:r mers' Club

Wayne Townshl fJ Farme r's Mrs. Chas Brown visited fri ends Cluh met at the IJlea8 ~ nt c un try in Morrow Thursdu y, horne uf Mr . unu I\1r8. C. M Ilouf{h, Tu esday , 'l'pt{,1ll1, r 12th . The d eLook afU!r C hsn i ll c r' ~ Jo'e rl ili 7.e r lir.rhtful weathe r. l.o untlful d inne r if yuu want good gOOUM. and con ~enial c rowd made thi,;. in.deed, a " P erfec t Day ." J ~se Th o m us. of Springti eld, s l,ent I-'rl'8. Chandler called the III et ing' . W hil:11 WII~ I .'Id ~cccIIUy- Tells Sunday here with relativ e!! . to ort\(;r at tw o o' c lock. Roll ca ll Ab'uill His New I . Ollle fo und sever al m e mbe rs a bsenL, so me from sick ness. uth(;rs because of sill)Mr. and Mr!!. Frank Z ~ lI IIpell( fil ling, Th e urr(; nt Even t s g iVl'n ill TexllS S und ay with fri e lltl ~ ill Dayton. by Eli no r Earnha r t were. must inte r·



e::\l ing a nl l Lrou);ht out c\lnsitleralJlc l nilY. IJ ulllil wished them God·s peed di sc ussion. li og cholera , it ~ preven· in th e ir l,ew field. Hoth rerlied in ti lln unil e ure WIiS then tak e n up. and l) happy manne!". They said in part proved a s ubject o f g rea t conce rn to that they coul d not hope t o find u'tmfl:i t p res nl. A mll ti o n wa ca rri co te r or m o re hOSI.i table people thun to in vite o lliciully, one memiJe r fr o l11 in th ia vicinity and ask ed ali t o re· ' aeh lhe other County Farm e r' ~ membe r them in their new fi eld . Cl ubs to our mee linl{S. . The CluL atlj ourll(;d to mee t in A vote · r thanks was g iven Rev . Oc tober with Mr. a nd Mrs. Maurie and Mrs . (; raus~ r for the ir hcl pful · "Silver. neH!I in th u ma ny Cl ub meetings th ey I A treat of ice cream fo llowed, und hU\'e atLend ed . I .c); l'ct s we re ex - all depart ,<.\ witil exp ressions of a pr ~ssed a L t111'ir leav ing thi s cUll1m u. 1 pleasant, pro litable day .



Alto, '1\ ' xa9, Aug ll ~ t ~7 , 1!11 6 P. B. Thompson, of Loveland , I wa~ callirl K on fri entls here !::lunduy. To th e fUllIily re union : A!:I we call no t lie wit h YOIl. we Miss E ,ma Robe rls , of Morrow , will write you tlJ the bes t hf our was calling on fri ends he r e la ~ t Thursahility-hmv we are s ituated . After Jay, h:llvill),( Illdillnapolis we went to th t· Miss Ida liilhens, of !Jayton , was sou thw t'~ t !Jart () f this stute between Slin Antoni o IIliU Laredo, about ·1O the lIuest ' of Mra. Mary Caskey lus t week. ' Amocita. Okla .. Septe mbe r ~3 . '1 G. Thf' en le rt ain ll en t given at mile!! frolll t he Mexican line. That raco track in IIarveys burg Saturday Am on th <, way to Byron and ·her · is th e m o:; t heatthful c lima te WI: afte r noon was a good f ne. There Mi ss Leyla Githens, of Dayton, is olcee, Ok la . , th en on t o Ki owa , 1\11 11 , have eve r lived in , but th., rainfall spending severlll dl1Y s he re With relWhen Frank TlLft, who was t he : was not a \'~ ry large crowd present I am seoding yo u a ~ al e bi ll o f ITl Y late brothe r· in luw's c!ltll €'. which gu ..s t at the horne of J . W. Whit ll i!:utuliwh o wentout \Ve re well pleased. WIlS very unce rtuin, a nd lh\1 country atives. wi il occu r the i!7th , on IHI ~ O(J acr e was prepa r illjJ Lo s tart home SundHY 11hu hOl'se raci ng was good, Ilnd sevwas III tim es ve ry barrell lookingranch n ellr MeJicinc Lfl elg-I.! . Kan . aflernolJn , crllnkcd hi~ ILUt fi it WI.\1l in i er !1! gouil s~eJJ'pers were In the track. covered with p rickly pear and mes Mrs. Freu Elbon spent several after which I imn letli >ltel y h it t h(· j.(ear an d ran intu hilll k nocki ng hill! l he bOY9 blcyclo rllC!;! was full of qllite. Ul\ u ~ r irriglLtion co uld grow days vlsitinl{ her m othe r in Leba rlon dow n ' in te rest 118 also were the running truil for" H ume Sweel 1I"lIle .. mo~ l wonderful c rops and good cot· last week . T h i~is a nla gnilic(; ntcolill t ry . 1111 H i 't:loLhillg' caught un thellilferen ' races between ~h e UOys. The fat t on on dry hilld fo'arming by irri agine stan ding in your Yilrd with a tial and him ,!ui tea distance man'~ race eliCited a great d eal of Imtion is ve ry expe ns ive in that dl~ Mr8 . C. P. Ellis , Misses Geneva treeless ho r iz' ll1 wh ose d iu l1l leI' i!; .bl'fu re he cuuld g-!!t up. The mR- m e;rlme~t, . . tri ct. You migh t t hink we were on chine run ove r th e lawll into a law n (,reat IOte res t was malllfested In the fr olllie r as tl eer ran over the Curtis and Nora Ellis w ere in !Jay 20 miles . The we~ te rn people fire s ure line swing, co m plt'Lely de;ll()lishing it th.o b?y who hi tc hed ~ p and made a farm and wa could hear coyotes ton Friday. I could not help iJul no te th e tlilrer · und on 'u()wn through the lawn. It.:; 11111(' In the fa~test time. Th o boy barkin>r 011 'h nilChl linn as to rabbi th e re we l en't (juile atl many as th e) I"or Men's Suits , Overcoat!!, Ha ts, ence in ser vice and ('o urle~y w(' ~ t uf fo rce was s lackened. howtlver , by !I who won h!JrI a fast nag \ althou~h have in Aust ralia, but slill we had Shoef! and I'urnillhings ::See I"red 's St Louis Ohio i:; )rood !;!nlJ ugh lJ u t s ma ll tre' , bu t th o: machiue wenl nn, he did not hItch up a s SWiftly as hl~ . ' if th e warm. r tI ulood of y()uth W1l . jllmped Lite st one wa il and iina iiy opponent. enl.J lI ~ h to ellt up live acres of le ttuce Lebanon, 0 Altoget he r thos~ who staid away su~ging in my vl'inli . th e broau alltl illUde n swing U1'ound into th e uitch We li ved on II r!.lIl cb owned by a Illorious II' ~ t '1) full uf OPtJl lrt un ity opposile the White hO nl t'. wher il fr om the track ml sed a great deal, co mpa ny, of which we have an in Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Ellis Rpent n. t.he fun was fas t and furious. ter 8t but wu we re not satisfied an :1 'unday wilh his brother PIHrick fo r me. Out born lIntl b reu ill I he! s toP IH:d . east and reaching wh er e we fa e lhe Mr. Taf t . Ilft(;r ",ett lng from un- - ~ --J ecill etl tlJ come to ESlIt Texa8, W" Ellis, oC Dayton . setting of t he SUI1 , home , be it ti e r th l:' IIIElciliue. tried to s top it, but I an~ in th e hear l 01 the tomato and east o r west, no r th o r south is the fr uil d istrict. The land isn't as rich unabl e to but do s st.ighThe ne J ohn M. Mulford, of the Western place. I (\Ilnnot speak in term wa rm was \Vas damlLged tl y, amachi ba s~e t here hu t crup fll,il ures lire unknown . 'I'he co untry i8 we ll watered by Star, was calling on friendll here enouClh of these people, So kind ant.! o f eggs was th rown oU'lllnd the w'lnd clellel"6nd co urte ou!! t o a lIt.ranger ~hield WI\S broken in aco upleof places . I wel l" ILnd ~I} ririgs, has been covered Thursday afternoon, Wish I cou ld dcscl'ibe the b 'BUty Mr. Taft, we are l{lad to note, was uy heavy· forests but two large loaging C8mp~ art' !!llLying thtl beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft, oC Day. of Medicine Lodg(,. J thi nk it a home ~ot hur t ve ry much although sever trees. We live 0 11 the King'!! Hiah tOD, spent the week-end with Mr. town of cattle barolll!, it is s imply al bru ises were f ound on his botlY' 1 beautiful.' Fine HCl lOOls untl IJOIll\ls. way thal runs trom Hed River to and Mrs. J . W. White. . --- .Well, we are i O R~ ill g al onJ.! lIear Sun Antoni o, whi ch WIlS laid out The opening of the atate campaign Byron. Had one 0 mile cllrriage I about 200 years ago, under orders started in Dayton Monday with a big Mr. and Mrs . Mahlon RidlCe and ride since here . Wen t ove r n stone fr om the Kin g of S pain. 'fhis sec tion Is fr om 50 to 60 yellra behind Mr JelISe Burton spent Sunday with hill. We seemed to dri ve up lh r ee relatives In Miami County s tolle s t eps then over ab ou t one· th e tim es We believe that 1I0me of Ididate fo r president on the Repub· fourth mile of solid r ock. This tr ip them beliove that Andrew Jacksou has ueen fine . ] 'vo corne t o the Dr. Ilnd Mrs. A . T . Wright and i ~~aH~I~~~~', B~~!~~~k~Y!~d Is s tiJl pretlide nt . Thp, women lIit around 'alld dip anun: wltll greal ~onB Alfrtld Ilnd Elliott, vir.i ted wIth 8topping place. s.nalor Harding were all th e re. Cora A. Thompson . cumplacllncy . Tomato growers were Springboro rei at Ilies Sunday. besides Ii tremendous crowd of Re · ve ry fortunate thi~ year, netting --publicans from all over the s tat e . n nl und $300 per acre. Cotton ILe bano n i:t to h ave n new factory . \Tbe hu g e parade. in the morning Mrs . K a thryn Pipe r and children, fairly Rood and Bell ing at a high o f Chica go, are vi s ilin~ her paren ts Several Leballon capitalists who ended at th o F~lr Grounds , anti prirfl. We are selling cream and Mr. and Mrs Wrn. T . jo' rame . h ave tllken Btock in a new company th e ~e t he I{cpuullcan campaign fol' use II sc parator, which is ' 110 greal called th e McrchaBls Specialty Co .. \ 191 6 was laun ched. . curiosity to the natives and as to of incinnati, have interellt ed the The . s peake ..s o.f !he afternoon fueuinll a calf by hand t,hey never Mrs J. C. Hawke and daughter, managers enou g h to bring their wore list ened to Wi th IOtere~ t, and a !law the like The Texas rule ill to Mi tIS ClarR, spent seve ral daya with "H ns "'u1l1ll 1i n ""11;;' III 1"IIIIOt /" f . t t L b S I 't great d eal of inte rest was Illanlfested nske.1 'Ii ~ lllali . ' r "f f'" '1 1111111 . ac orv 0 e, anon. .evera Sl es at this meeting. give the calf one half- milker on one relativCll in Dayton th e past wee k. ' ·CH." rt:' Jlllt-d M b~ ('lIn'n uI'. "Hil I sll~ h ~ye been sel~cted , and 111 all proba· The Warren Cou nty Hughes club side of tht! cow, clilf on the othe r, illiS ' 0 I'u rh II. If "';'"1('11 IlIu;:lictl II I blhty work Will soo n be begun on the th h d , d b th L b Th!'n we have Polly Porker and fu ctor y on one of these sites was ere, ea e y e e anon new M r8 Fannie Brown , oC PitisburR, he r daughter, Samantha Allen Pork .'ve rr clll llg III",)' .""11' rllI~1' 8 rU IlII~' ti l Y T he board of dir e~tor9 for tbe ~ ew band and they createu an impression er which are the IIdmirotion of lh!' Pa., has been the gue3lof Mr. a nd "'fluid Hp oll ., I)"I,~ S t u 11iOPOP' In su ul O fac tory areC. W . Ivins, G. O. March , when they entered Dayton with Ilcighborhood . The idea here is, Mrs J . W. White, for the past f ew n'I,llIy !lI ce III '11 ._ _ .. has Lewis, F. C. i\nderson anrl W. \ about 45 a utom obiles. thllt you mus t keep hogs in a s mall days, M. Mnce, . • --.- -pen, and feed them nothing but corn, ' G, W . Woolley, of Col umbus, spent or let them run wil::! Bnd fatten on nuts. The best all around crop, for Thursday and Friday of last weeli T~[ C~EERfVL feed grown he re ill peanuls. Hog. the guest of Mr. and Mrs . J . H fallen rapidly on them a d harvest Coleman. them themselves The tops mak p \.lOr\... ~"d. simple.. The.~e people Look after Chandl'e r' s Fertilizer the best of hay . Cows and hor~ !'. joys • th~Y S'f:J..Y. grudges ke~ l) in fi ne condition on them . WI' if you wallt good goode. Are obl"\oxiov-, 11"\ rr\y I quiet implicity ma rk ell the mar- Keep' Ol'\e t'rotY\ gettil'\Cj ha ve t Wu fig treetl that were load eo with fruit. We cllnned until we r iage of MIs ~ Mattie Curti!! and I'ytr. Me!'s rs, Honald Hawli e , E . W doll ~nd 91ooMV~ ~i~ht were Ured, and scnt Quite a quanti. Ricks And 0 L . Crane allemled thl' li a rl ey H o ug h at the home of Rev . I 5oN\e pe.0l?~e ~ ~ They Tn'b.h.e TY\e fe.e.l .'teele, ty to ttl (; noig hb or s. You have Of r!lcl's at Harvey s burg Salurduyaf· of Le banvn, on .Thursday, , idea how d l.' l ic i o u~ th ey are, whet· terno on. -'lMple. hfe.. 'eptel1lber 2 1, 10\(;. .50 'U\~ry' real ri pe HupiJ,llC that yo u mil) I Mrs. H ough i th e e,ldest d a ughter T forgive them ' have n Ill ea~an t meeting and with of Mr. and Mn< Jaftnes Curtis, o f Mr. lind Mrs. Chas, S he rw oo d lind kind r ega rd s to ullllur r e latives, we Jo-'t for \'-; Way n esville, lind was fo r a IIumbor Mr, anti Mr~. Chlls Edward s nn d R'1'C""~ r e01l1 in . YiJ urR truly', SPite. . . of yeu rs a Bu cce. s ful t eache r in West family auto!:!d to Wash ing ton ' . H. , . I\".r . rJ[ln M. r~ Walter <'.ell. R!1'(AN~ I Vi rgi nia . Mr . Houg h is II. prominent lasl Sunduy : you ng- bus in ess mun of Ne w- l ;ulilee, ... ...- - P lin . Mr, and Mrs John Zeli wen' Mr . ami Mr ~ . h are now call1'd to Uark t! Co unty 111, t week on ·Iocnted at New Gali lee. Pe nn .. and account of the serio us illtwss of Mrs • the best wi ghes of th ~ i r ma ny friend ~ Zdl's uro th er . I II t t end them .



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lEBANON TO I~~~lic:~~t Ch~:J~ E~r)1~~~~ ~~~: GC'v·X: HAVE NEW fACTORy I


"011' 1












'J ': \



' ''l' hi~

lit Iltl ('rib i ~ emptll nO\I, Tile IiI Itr (;I .. th l!~ Illiol Ul'; "" mUltll~ r'lI h.'pe, a (ILiher'R jllY, III d ~ lIlh'ricllld artn!:! (loth lie. lio Ii . tie pitlCrim to thy horne, On 'Yo)Jul e r bl .. ~s e tl ~h(ln, ; We mi s.~ th ee here, bllt >lQon will COIOl· Wht:re thou ha!lt gOI\ll b e tore ..

- --

.. - ...- - -

DEATHS Chllrle~ p, Thoma!! died at the Ohio Rtate H09pit.a1 at Dayton FII. day afternoon • . The funeral wal held al the residence of Mr. John Hartaoek, near Middle Run Sunda, aftel'noon at 1 o·clock. Interment was made In Centervllle cllmetery.

isoclETY-EVENTS-r OELIGHTFUL ....._------- .. M isse~ I lorol hy r.euau cl' . .Jus': pillne A ndr ew ~ . Ilpu lah Ki IHIl "r IlnJ ('lara Li le were g u e~ t ~ .'u lld a), v f I b~ He nri etta 1I'!cKil1 ~e y.


The ~ Ii "ses Mart lw II llrl\ ' It Illld I:: mma Cartw r i",hl. I·nl"rl'liu .. d t n Sund ay tlin ner Mr . lind Mrs . ::. 1. . Cllrtwright, Mr~. Raci le·1 I\" y ~ tlml Miss Kiz zi., r. 1 ~rri t t.


OJ Ihe,' E~ position. HIllI Many Olltcr ItCIIl S (I I n l rn:~ t oi Mr . anrl M r ~ . My ' r Ily man e nt er lite nrcnl \\'t! SI tain ed S und ay nt d inner Mr. IlI,d Mrs. George Hoilinson . Mr . and ~1 r~ . Ri r.hard Hrow n, RUll Morrhl anti daughter, Miss Mary . And li d, eal'a ity t or enjoymon t anl llOl; Ill<' peclI,1 all ,l the faci litiell Mrs. Anlla II Co uk and falllil y I'll for indu it!cn l" j' in inn ('cnt plca!uref! t 'rtlJi nf tiMrs. Han naio H IJa\'i ~ . "r Illukl! unl! uf S ea t llc'~ grea lc~t Co lu m bu~, ' JIlr. and Mrs. ""ra ll1 Coo k: of S pringiJo ro and M r~ . Cllas. ch arlll ~. YOIl l~nl1llllt I:et AWRY fr om lho mu~t dulil£hl ful IJlnYllrnun l l~ LhRt J oh ns , of Lytic. T uesd ay . we rl' ever f urnish ,\ mlinklnd. I (ono Mr. and Mrs . I". P. J o ne ~ \lll l e r · \I a nlll tho wllLo r. th l) r a r t'! ftill1lanner tained SundRY lit di·nner, Mnl. Sara uf boat~ tn .!v.>ry ('lIn c,·ivablc nOf'k lIacon, of Soattle, Wash .; Mr. lind ami cove; i (park~. th ero II r co inCf/lnMrs. E llis Lyle. of Dllyton, anti Mr. pamhl,' brm l ' I' ar d ~ u,'e r wh ich YIl U and MrR. A, D . J ones. of Waynescan whirl aWl')' to Ih f!nl and ill RRIllId y ville. I,(rrlvtllhe re will awa it yo" II furllaco Mr. anri Mrs. Donn nril~kney e n- II P llll whidl til couk yll ll l' II it'll I if YOI I t e rtained at itinner Su nd llY : Mr . wi~ h to pil'nk, SIJnll' \l'MI I ~la l'k"'l l and Mrs. lieo rlle Klilillar d , Mr. and neatly nf'a r h I', runlli n~~ wlllpr ~oll1e · Mrs. Wash Can.lllr and Mrll , lieor gE' IC'he re near a t honu '\1Ie\ lOll!!! hlill ed Grlffens , nil o f C lark s villo , Ohi o , a nn bui lt with hlJnchllil ullixOl' HOI thR t Illl · Mrs. Eliza Smit h lIntl Mr . A, Chari- men,ue purties ma Ilic llie ntIHl" tim e w' tho ut clJnf ll si.m u r nllJlestll lioli . ton and fami ly . Ami If one \ , lilts mou nt l,iIl9. thnr e il that grand lnwerllllC 01.1 .I ome. An in vitation tu th e horn e of Mr. TUCO lllR ur Itain i>! r o r Ivhatel'e r yOll and Mrs. J oh n Ha w ke i ~ always ac · m ay pl "aRtI to ctll I it . The re Ilre now cepted with Remline plt!ati ure, and e ledri coily li j;(hteu tents. where ele IBllt Thursday fOll lld Mr . and Mrs t ric cooltinjl lllAY btl dun o, u linn It ll J . E J a nney. Mr. lind M rR Prank reserve. H ('R id e~, on.' "a:! t h.! 0 ilQr Zell, Dr. and Mrs. E lli s, Mr. and Mrs. mountains of that rlLfllCe t ,) chooRu H . Murray . Mr . Imd Mrs . S . L. from IIlld all t.he \)IVtnpi'1I upon 'htl Ca rtwrig ht e njoyi l1lC the ir de lig h t- We~ t, th e mORt r llA'S{ tI urOU I} u lion ful hospitali ty, The dInner co u ld our continon t . Thl! ru is u popular not be su rpassed . Alter partaking legend that "'TIA , pril/ileg" III live of Lhe dlfl'ertmt courllce of s ubHtall- in Seattle." Well, it I , ttHlSt! d fl 'K, tials, we w ' r osurl.rised at tht3 last lly but for a raMon IIllllt't from these 1 being s r Vtld with ucnerolls dishes of h ave mcnti onell. 11 is hecllulIB ~el\t­ strawberrie!l fmrn th olr own vi nC's. tic is nllW I\' saloonl llss dty . Whe n and raspher ri efl. too; th ey wert3 ('e r- J t oltl Ha rvey I was about to Rit tainly d e lici o u ~. Ali of th e com p l\ · d ow n 1IIl,I w rite you 1\ let ttlr, he BRit! , ny wh o were not co m p lI et! to hid "Write abou t prohi Li tion ." And goodhy early on account of hU!line!~H, wo both fe Ithllt th e the me i9 wo r l hy remained un til alm ost sunsel, Rllentl · nil we coul d pOlISihly lIflY In it~ ~rl\i sR. ing the ho urd t OJ{lllhe r 1l1llRt 1 .le a~­ T houllanus who o pposed proh tbiti II a ntly . hdfo ro """ s~c ured it IIro now convinced tim e it was the wiRellt mOll!! ure ever voted into ex:id tonco . U pun O\'e ry hlllld. it s benefldal Influ e nce~ a re t.lO obvious t n oscape o b· Hor vntion . E ven sn. II vlcio uB enRct· mr'"t may he, vot!!11 in thro u"h th e prllvi9ion;; of our initiati ve law thi8 lLutumn t ha t will unnul th e good ST. MARY'S CHlIRCH e ll'octs of our prohil,ltive la ... for St . Michael and All Ange l,. Day, a brief while. But ~lItl ar~ 8SH ur etl Friday, September ~9. Holy Com- nothinp: ca n vcr alrnlll do It .per lll,!munion at 9:3(1 a . m. ThiR will b e a nen t harm, an d we are hOplllg thl B co rp orate celeh'r ation of the H o ly newt!r iniLiutivo wi ll be prolnl?tl y Communion fo r the Wom en's Aux · killed at th IJallot hox , We relll~ze , iliary and ail thewom f' n of th ~ pn rish . however, that. J ohn l:$l\rleycorn IHa The conten ts of the ll llit p.t1 Oll'.'ri nl( to ugh anu harJenen w r e tch, who Boxes wili be LllBcen UJillO t lttlll itar has ::;Iain his millionR h Ul ill YfJ t careat tbis ser vice Tho Uuile d Wrorin g ful of his ow n life . We rlu tlo t fee l tho ~tro ng ! en~ t on is a thank olTering, R!lkod fr om e ve ry woman of the l)arl l1h , for Ihe good · (Jolitically . that a!'" ' ·tfl the .P-,'LlIt yet ness of God throu g h thl) PIL~t, as an all li re Inte rtJlIttlll In t.h e cnnll nlt' e.lecearnest t oken of Hi ~ he IJlfulneMS and ti on. Thore we r .. mun)' p.rng res.~lves bless inf.! u pon tho!ir wurk rm gh in this !:It ronill y re pubhClLn slate. the cominl!' YC'lLr . These !rIlVQ g un.., ' n1tlgtiy t.l~ Iluflhes Fift.eenth Suntlny afl e:' Trinity a nd I tl are Ilay the Rlale wllI1r!> r,,Octobe r 1s t. S ,muay Schunl at 9 ::10 puIJlifjlll . Mr. 111I~hes was h e r e a a. m . e rlll ollillloll .. ly CU lIllllllni on short lilli!! AgO. hut 1Ii,l no~ make a at 10:30. You II rC! inv ited til th ese ;rellora l!y .fallomhle illlp r o.':!IIlon . lJ 'lla McCle lland servi ces:






--_ .. _. -----


·4-~~.n.....,:--t-+---.... Om=t---i''.'IIl1"l-u'f


GraN' E Me th od. cl au llhter 0 1 Martin 1l11l1 .1;:·!1ic M\c' th lJrl. wa ~ b on May 10 . UH(i . at L, li e, ()Ilio ACt" , a brie f illnes rl"parlen th is life ~ep t e lll lit'" W, l.J IIi, 1I~ l!d 4 lIlont hs an i 9 " "YR. She leaves ' lJ ~ h i nJ her to mou n her luss her fal hl' r ulld mOl her an, 1'lIe lll'u th <;) r, 1\ si> t.,r h u\' in~ d ~ part\!. this life bafllrl! her . Th i I illY Iol lJ"sl Hn WIIS g ivtln I' rl! l'er th,! !r" lne f .. r I.L hri e f timp, an, leavl' th e ~w .. e'nc~~ I\f it ~ tlllnHhh , un Ihe li ve~ of Ih"s.' al ,out ht' r. th" , ' (: "1\ \.'I II W fil,l o pluc k it fo r hid ICtlrt!,," auove

~8 9

Whole Nwn er

All lhe new things in women's Suits, Coats, DreMSes, M iilinery, ShoeR, e tc for aulumn and. winter, at ~' I ed's Lebanon, O .

Friendly Group's New Room

B. H . Kelly, E V. Blirnhart, W R. Sprdge l and !J. L Crane a' · t ·ndoll the Masoni c lodgo at Mo rro>' lIst Thu rSllay evening. If you \yunt wool Dre~iI Goods, Sil~s,l) tJli ngR. Fll\nl1 c l ~ , Und erw ea r. Cl)in fOrl~.

new line Ohio .

- ---- - - - -

1~ la uk e t.:l

etc . ~ ce ou r The S . FreJ Co ., Lebanon ,


Mrs. W. H . Alle n and Miss Olive left 'rue!ll'I!lY afternoon fOI' Mt Hulyok t!, Ma:!~., wh!'re MiHR O~ive will enter thtlculiego fq r the cOllllng term ,


George Wate'r house; OClion Howell. Tho8. Pierce, Wm. Prendergnst and Oscar Smith went to Cincinnati fhursdeyeveninll' and saw Ihl! new play, ' "~xperlence . " They were. all delighted with it. . Those who went to Dayton Monday to atte,n d the op..·ning of lhe state campaign .were J. 0, Cartwright, Dr, ThOci, Shorwood, Frank Sh~r­ Wood., J,.C, Hawke, W, H, Dinwiddie, Thol. Pierce, Lee Hawke, L . A. Zimmerman, Isaac Uncoln, Kent Thompson, Jerry Ennle, Elmer. Reg· ·el'll. W· H, Graham, Frank Stokes, Ur. J, W, Miller. W. )to Searsand D. L. Cl'8Ile. Mr. and MI'II. Harrf Sherwood, lira. Sadie Zell,O, W.




Work bas been actively started on the Friendly <iroup's New ·Home in the White Brick Chllrc:h on thl! hill. The platform being built II equal In . . PhU!p Traylor died at hi. realdence dimenlllonl to the one In the sehool mear L)'t1e SQn~1t,l even In.. The HamDton, E S. ~1, H, H. WII· hall which III no longer available to funeral will be held at the Fen')' , !lenon, Dr. A. T. Wright U\d lon, @Ill'ah tocl., at 10 o'clock, Inter· AIfN4. WU'I'IIl Coun~ wu ,alao the public on account of Ichool. The ~m wW hold people, and when ....t In CatervUlt cemeterr, well NPNllQt.d at this



J O!'leph . Rntl Cha rlott' Thliloas, was. born March 25 , IR U, and departed this life Sep t embor U . 1!116, ailed 36 years, 5 One of lh e UcR t i'lne('~ t o Hto re m onths and 2'l tl!ws . His entire life seetl corn is in tho I'l ft of a n o pe n was 8(lllntin thi!! vicinity. He unite d impl (1ment s hed. or n UIl"I) l he driv e with the Church o r Chl'ist at Ferry , way of a cove red dlluul c ('o rn c rib, says the Agri cultural Ex.tells ion S er- October, 1911 , unde r L , 0, Thomvson's ministry . · \ S tat ' I InlV (1rl\ ty . He was united in marriaCTeto Mln vice of the Ohio .· "' A kitchen attic is nlslJ rr cofnmelldud. Corn s tored in hayrn owH. grl\l\ariea nie liartsDI!k Marc h 19, 1908. T v containing 8W tltin/,( I{rlli n, or other this union wore b\lrn two chihlren damp and ill ventilateu vln~es have the eldest, a son, tlyinl{ In inrllllCY; EII8 left to comfurt he r moth or . Ho a lower percenLHll'e n f lI:e rrnination leall8s t o m Ollrn his los 9 bl'sl ll e~ his Corn stored ill a nark, heated place. also seems t o have a lower I{ermina wife and daughter, two hrotherll and tion. When th e ~eed is once dry Cour · sI8ten~, one hili! brot!J r lind there need be no fear of· the winter half s ister. lE'mperatures of Ohio . OARD 01;; TIIA:-lKS I wish to express m y g rKtitnll t.o the thol1j:thtful nehl'hullrB lind, fri Oluls . who mini:!tered to lIl e during my late allliction. Mrs. Minni e Hn rt!lock'.


~ the electric Ilght.q, furnace and plano have OOtln Installed., tbtl F'rienlily Group will have th.3 onlf room of its kind in town at till. time, The monthly meetlna of the' grouillut lo'rlday wu a work meeting, U all of the boYI worked on the room, wbU. the pllilrepued lunch.

The names of o tlicers of our farm ers' institut~ organization, the d ut e of the meettnR', the names of Btat(l ;peakers anel their list of subjects appear ill the announcement o f farmers' institutell to be hflld thi~ seaaori under the auspices of the Ohio State University. A change hu 'b een made this v.ea r In tha . ' general plan of the Institutes. In place of the ulual two men ' for t~u days and a woman for one day, the . state will send one miln for two days who will be aseisted by a specialist for one day and a . woman speaker Everythln~ will be In readjness by for the other day, Oc~oQer 27th. when t~e Friendly -------·--~·~I---Group will start a aeries of entertalnments for Die people of W..,nesExcellent RuleR for Life. villi bylflvlnjU play entItled .. Hunk· Worry lell8, work more; rille le&II, era Corn....... In wblch Ia promised wal1l: more; frown 1(:88, laugb more I • two ~l1l'S lagab for all. More eat 10118, cbeW more: preac!l 1.... pnlCtice wore. aboll' ·'BUDken COra...."la"',


On ThursdRY, Se lltcmber 28, t he

J ewi~ h Now Year 5(;77 will be cole ·

brated by the people of J c wisn fai t h all over th o clvilh:ed wor.ld . In the Hebre w cal endnr il Is the lirst day of '''l'iallvl,'' thQ soventh monlh. whi ch was ordained to be celebrated as New Year In commemoration of Lhe world. The hilliday hegins tunilrht with the appearance of tho new moon and ends ThurMday with sundown, Special divine services In all Jtlwish houses oC worship will be conducted on Wednesday evening and 'fbunday momina, . _ _••_ __ -· • •

Read the MUUDI Gazette DOW,





thl'J r,' ':011" t o .lIlllJlt l (\ Uno H'I)C'l"",lu1\ nO" 'J hla'y~ - atld It k ind ~l' Inut,at nll', II1UIlHllll. 11k .... l ahh~ IlJl~h t Itt'Pll Ql1It" a r.Ill~II\c.rrlhIL' Inl\ >; wa )o' n"~ I I.



~,.· .. r fn'lll II"\\' I' ll b" l \" ' 11 h ' won t klhl\V, t ht' t'~ ('I" ~ r "~R ~U ':h n Why,






poetry, ,' n.1 IILII ·t hI' (11 11'\" '/ ' 8t\t.~\l h ."l .lI p "'l'li iu,\ Cl101I11011 PIcas COll rl Nulrl ' Ihlllk.' Wh ll I h... ur"Jln t '''III!, l'\lll\\ U j';p,-uC"(,r VH M l\r r ..J. thllll, aholl l sn llll'lI lll1/{ \I "It!g~ \\' 1'11, 1 glletiS bu's koepln' blR ollllli I'e IT \ lib UI /-:.1 .. , t r " I t~~ tatt ''''linrtu PI I Il nrl 1fII"d 1\1'1" " -ti n(' Bpl ('cl t h l' n(l ll 'r \\ :It' h l '~I' ,t \' 8. l-olill ~ \~ !i1l·bHr. 1 l lt,n~ rllll . Ill' , y i·..;, l"4fr , 1t tonk n }ll';.t Iy f 111,' " ;" " ll.I If! 1'11) [tI,lh'llII"" tnr Itir UI bi nI'! ~ll tI" k In 1ll'1 hllll Ollt or hlN ' raw 'e, 111 oxll'lI u nll iI'Ill'lr n ~ t" ILle d, ".Uel hilI It ('rl'I III II I ~' oI ld tlH' 11". 111 1" . ... li e Ii, 11'11I'~ nl ,lt ~r'h r ~ '(I, I Pllt tC" hi ' ",I r" ••llllllht ,'r 1I):!l11I. IIHfl , " t ~ "8 1I .'rt.l'rl I ' 1\11' ker l,lId , (lll'n. without IIlt,l' 1I1'("J\ I ""~' ~~·1IIi1 1 \J1IJ" . tie lllR")' H, tl'!' rllll il IlIll rrt'r 10 lJ rllk., Into" lJ,II.I .. nlll . 11111(.;1/. Indi. tw. ,u t. fa r rUrtllrolll ll1( lu t IXl('lIf, " 1I 1n ~S I. nlll III IIIU, ll~ w UI'k~ IIkp 1\ II lg 11'1""r , .,' lI\1n p r ~ 1~ 1 1\l lJl .1 ~nd gorillu I" tlIl I.' n ll lllll IIl ~,'I" r ~~li. L :-;Iutu,,~ Frttt1lt L Mur phy. Ull, CHAPT E R XXX I. tnllrt'c'r I " Incfl(' IIIlI" t II'( ( \I "nI~ l dnll ItqlHlr III ,,111111 1,1' "'1" 1,"n ed unl i llc " H n w It)!J'~ II li t 1111 1\' 1 - . AnI'! lit' alomp hi t< wily nll\\' n ~ t n lrs Jl' llll1l1y Ill) ~:tl d. .... 11 1 "I I I r I )(1\'(' SOil 'HI Ill.It o(ltll "l tIl " I U' illl'e IIf so , l l,~ ""I III Ih" poro' I " I I ~ C.' mlliut d l. ('i1l1rl;l,.1 to tell hI!, "'Ir~ t,l qul l hN rr,' lU lI' nn.1 III ,':" I t crull I(' w IIII tile I1I (1UO'~' (· I\I\I,g.'r~, Itil l I I" , BIIlII' \.~ .lnllll:i 1'\III'III1IUII. j r not bOlbe r him WIUI Rn y mono ro)ol's 0 I r


lie \, Ullh,tl tn

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" ' : ntl l '\)n,"

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l u l l).\l l'ut\r IK 1"1\1 1\ ' 1(1


11 111111 f ~lljol ·

what ntbhs "~n ld . " bul a rt~r R .,',·unu · U I "All rt a: ht ," sai d ~ 11f~ rldnn . not I' e) ': " InIIJ.dIlJ.,: uf I I Hili P ,\ ' W ! I~ hoi,\' W llr ' tUlI \tltlltl'" ~, fq"ndl\ ut (ht-l1hJl l l~l · l1. ~\Oughl 8b~' ('e'ldl!d uot to 81Wtlk Ilt 1111 . Inxlll". " 1'111 "011"'111 ,,'11 . " ~hl p '" 111 11'\ll' rel":I,,". T " ~ prlo'~I ~ }In,, .. A . II In'''\' \. ~ .I.. ~ 1I 1I1I !fll r She merel)' IIIU,rmll ri!,1 II wonlil'ss liS ' 111 1 I J I \\'Mf' tl llil "s,· tl l,h" 1.. lIk 11 11 .1.1 ,,' 1Illllh ,' r \'PV ( 'u ~tl dl"'U l l~!''Il4t1 Il t ~' (lt'l t ~ \J t "~ nlll r"" 111'. "I Ihn ll ~ ht .1" 0 11 hutl "" "1\ IJL' '' IIIlI l n~ 10 L1 en'I,, \, ,\""" t lIent, Bnd " erlml cOlUlUuulcatlon WIlS . · f or tI, . Ie r e'st \\ 1111101 be. I II Icl('111IO II C tI l' 1"1'1,'1'1'11 IlI M 111011 III "IIlI d .·\'t'su \\'1\ ry I,,"k pi'; I n \I '" •...,Vell over b c t·\\, een t"ullW Frllllk nrn lllll1l1 li nd II. \V . I l'in~ of Ille nf ternoon , . II IIh' " .11l' "lIlIld ;wt ,1o ' !lII,'. bllt tr " ~ Th" LlIlY"," IllIrI 1." Ioun 'n " .. rI . tl lbbs nnd bl8 fath er w er e l;one wtle~ ('(lIl1.·S w llh '"Hlc ~ III U... 11'1111'1,' ; "lid r lluli li n t!. ''\'I' rlll lll ill ( ...... ~J II I III I1 1" 1 ll rs. Sheridan wok e, tbe next lI11l1"lIl uJ:. \ II WII S UII! ili u m II l1 lrk~d 111'"11 lilt"'" fn ,,,I; o ililt it ton IlLl n l li lli III tt- " lIl1 and abe hnd a d reary day , 'Il" mlss('I I fur hi • • Imrl' II \l' lIk~lIl ug 10 lhe 1,,'('1'" (' rliltn ",·llrrnlo'll. LC'I\I' " ~ l nu t. ,, 1 E d ith w oeluUy. and she wonl el' nllollt .11 ;('s lOr ILII I sen ·lel. d If 11 nll~ tll tlli> , (I o III 1I rr.'r l urrh , / wbat might be tnk lng plnr:e In tbe 11 Ilt~ AS little "lI s,'I ~ SM" tll lnltl ng liS Wllh Sberldan building, Bbe felt thnt e,'el,)"po,"", Io '. ):1 \" 11110: fllm"I'l r lI0 11111.' rnr It. thing depend cl'! on b ow TI Il>\)s " t ook fl u worl'ccl ('IUI IIII UOIISI\", 11(1(' 1'111): Il ls Un nonn ,\; \ \'I . pllrtn .... ". ~ I " .• bold," lind upon b (!r busbllu,l' " returll tlJO llglll s RIIII on his ,;' ol'k wIlen III' Vi;. I'hl' Ll I" ,I.:. \ '. I(y I 'u. 11 11 .1 TIll' C L , ,~) :~ H",!\,"'" Co 1) (' l lIll l 'I' ''t' t n th e evenn& I a b e Be IzelI UP OII IIII' fl r~ 1 .·n lHl' Io UI II(' li t It l~ hl, 1111(1 11(' 11I 1k~ 1I I, r ' . oppo rtun It )' 't 0 D8 k bl m IlOW IIIIII"S I1:11 I nUlh ltllo:' 11'1 1:11" 1"'1' ex ~ II I his \\' 01'1" t o S"cIlll,l IHll l'I1Lh-(1 pl'lltl lJ lI O,'t l', KOne, B e was noncomnlitllli. WlInt Hill h(' ,"" nn t s in" lit It . lie Wa" rn ktl E~ c" IIt1 L>ni" r ~." ".·,1 lJ ' lit" . ~ f e lh jllll l. ~ .. Ul'I l'llllllll l" ~rIl I1 1 1',l llJu\'" could nuybody tell by II,,' tlr~1 .1:lS 1 I MII' n In Ih e Alrer lS, nud I'I'0p ll' \\'\'r" 10 fiI('1 '1nI~\'\',' r t n ,"('llIH1 ,," II' n011 (I Be'd l een Illenty go nt. Ihlngs we ll I " ot nll()\"rod to ~"J"" In Ille NII'Ppt S. I'ulill ,," lJ y H()p l llllhlJ r ~ (I , enougb rlgbl at the stllrl lind th en I Th!'y ml,,"1 11111 ke ally IllllnnN or hIl11" blow up, ,Pretty nca r anybody coulll Oll ~ IIp rol" r- lIn:y COUlll shnke blllJd , (\ll.,,'r t L. 131'I1 II1'!l an d AltoM I L . And no matter h ow good coffee A mill ion other w om en h a ve .how up t nl r tbe [lrs t da,' or ~", T Il('r' IlIgs ; t hPJ' l'O ulrl OllltllUlldH Iht' tlllIlI . [lC'n ne lt. LlUlJlllli-t l"1I 1Il r \'6 'l'h~ \:, L ~'Il N, H ,d)\\'t l\'-'' ,'0. J )l' U1 U rtt r t n 1 learned w h a t good coffee m eans- itself is, if it isn't w ell taken Cat'e a t: j b a b /I, d was a blgo ,1 8 rna t crI II I • dl'r. (1l'IIf~ n till' llt'llr .•Itill kill lhe ~"'k .uch os It was-l3Ibhs. In f~l ct-lliHI wllh Illll~('; or 11,,'y (~'1I111 "'nlk the lir.t UIIIIH" ')[ Il ctl'lll " u~ tulrH'd \10' 1 they h ave solved this question in it makes a poor drink. Arbuckles' to be broken III t o hnnd lln g Ille work I lreelS o.r III'h'c t1lr,,"~b Ih em bllll'!l n~. ti lltl I.) ,;t rlkfl lOnt u\'l' r r nlcd . I I.., their homes for all time, Coffee is p ut up in sealed, dustR b d 1 d tl tit f('ullant" gl nn! .',1 ~O ( ! II Y ~ n Ii :l' I oscoe a {aile; lin, lell. n ,"~ n ~ Hf)unwklng or ~('r' rh ln ~. fI " th<'y r ho"I'. 'lil Y" lI r t l) th e ~1 'l:' lfld Cfll1-U u f lIe\l ulI, ' proof packages, carefully wrapped an overseer, tie mu t tll ko JI m s posl1r t ile 1101 0 \\'11 $ Irn e:lb ly roolll','leo! t10n In th e RellltJ' comlllluy n8 we ll , wltb buslll(,ss; tho ugh Hrcct ml1 ~I<' I "IL. l u ru IIUl'lIl'" ti ll n I f Ihl) tru~I O. " T hey know now that to get good to protect it from moisture, di rt a nd He t old ber to ask h im ' ngaln !n a I ",pre lI'lt IIlI I'II ll'(l. b!'lnR onslden',1 n " f tll.i l 'l sa~l\ llt 1'1111 11 l'rp lIy l,!rln " coffee, the coffee itse lf must be right, store odors. It a rrives in your montb, n lll.l\n ('~ uut! lin Ill lerf r ence, A IlIlIn nhllr uh I II enlulIlblll' nl.ll 6~l lll" kitchen wi t h a ll its origina l strength I I I r I 1'. Iltl 'lIl "' rn '\tu,llIuri tru ~I,"" ~ ~ I'llnt, But during tbe cOllr of d inner ·lle I or womn u w 10) ",.'nt g Ilg Ilg or 11 I'IIN ' .. T here are hundreds of varieties a nd flavor, latbered trom sO llie disj ointed r l'rnn rk s nrc th rough 111o Slr l'I' lrl- Ii1,e II ,'rI\,-Y I d Jlo rm l,.. ioll ru I' X.J ' ut u lIl url gl1go ot his that he and Bl hbs bad lun ched :'\""1101l11l 1l- woll ld lilli'" IIN'n s loppel!. III I ltn 8 11111 .1f ~;,no of coffee grown. The coffee itself together 8t the 8 01 0 11 r estouran t w here IIl1d belll,c IO(' k u rt u p; (or (ro'p,lu, u d\J CS h llo l & I 'u .• \'~ l.il1 r 'lllI ~lI l (1A must be put up by m en who Have your hom e the enjoyIt had ' been Sherl d nn'8 Clls toUl to not 111" 11 11 tlu,t II cltlzpn I ~ 81111"'1'(\ tn D l' Il'lIrr ~ r t Oll ll ~WI'f 'n·I"' rtll ~I 1. E K know coffee, Arbuckles ' Coffee is, m ent of drinking the coffee which, luncb with Jim, end she took this to bo .10 e"PI'Y (tlurugco lIS ti ling lh:l l I'Ollll'H oe llt lOIli! r llR rVl1d . an enconrtlatng sIgn, Bibbs went to I Illto his hen d. The Ylr.'els werp dllll ' U £1I I'~I' fo"J r el" "1l \'9 T h o t; L ,\, It is put up by Arbuckle Bros,. the of all th e coffees in America, is the h1a room III .oon BS they lett tho tohle, J:Cl'I)Ug euo ugh, III a ll consclellc.'. \\' IU I' 1 :S HUll VI'\' l; ll, I l ~ Ill\ l rr, r t " lI e , l . grea test coffee merchants in the most popular I S olve your coffee and ber was not co mrll unl ca I Oll l noy sIDgl n,,! nnrl thp ~llllor rc.l.'rll - I I 11 ttl (,9u rr ul e,I , 'l nrl UpI Dlld,,"' g ralll , world. There is more of it sold problem in the identical w a y a tlve after reading bls pnper, tiOD Iss ued pu blic wnrnlngs lie 'Ill rill): d ;>O tl lIY" t lIlu nll.WI 'r , She became an allx lolls sp ectator or t hut t.he pedl!strlllll 'S Ufu Willi III hI" Mlnul e Uu ny v ~ H,llpli I-II}(,,than any other coffee- that is why million other women have, Serve BIbb,' progretll 8S a mnn or business, " They've Got to Come Down Now," 0"' 1\ luw dH, and gll'lng d lrecUons how Dsl A I\CI~ut. o rd e n lll t.) l)rty ':1\ (luOI.J they . can afford to give you the Arbuckles' Coffee tomorrow- know althou, h It waB a prog retl8 ~he could ag\lnt. Be gnve me the option until to Ilroeued wlU, the leust llorll, TTuw- \\"' o k li d 11) I U1I U . II1Ir!rl~ III" p uulihW biggest value for your money, how much pleasure coffee can give, ,(Imple but ttlmly Bnd qnly III the el'o- tomorrow . but I told hIm I'd settle It ever, HIbbs bl'rlllu n flad DO deKlre I) f I.1li OUt;lO Illl U Itll dtVl'IIl1Y foo o r olng, through bis rewark8 nud his fa- this evening." 10 ijln g In tile 8t1'~uI 8! or onywbero. n " $~Ci, ther's at dinner. Usua lly Blbb8 W8S berldun gnzed otter him 88 h o left hn.1 gO lle to bls work w ilL nn eller g'Y 'J'he Pooplo 'ij i3uHlllng, 1..ol1tl fllIC\ Illene except wh en directly f(ddre~sed, the room, I1n tt tboa, th ough bls e xpres, Ihnt, ror tbe· sturt. at lell8t, wn s bitter, 81\\'ings '';u \' 8 I':lruo r b: W bl tll o r o but on the first el'e nln g . ot tile thIrd s ia n did tlot niter III tb. 's htest, rt 8 11.1 1he re WAS DO sOllg lett In II IIll. et Ill. UU60 Llitill)lij~lld w lt lwu t, r e, week ot bls new career he otrel'ed an Ho und came' from him th ll l . riled his He began to know hi s ncUve rello\\" UOlrl . . opInion which bnd a pparently bee n the ~n ' I='- It lI n"u bcen n long t ime "IIIC" ell.l7.P Il~ . He re nnd there nlllong Ule m • u Mllrl 1t1 A, J !l 1ll on, ~ U I \ T( I'1 8 n , V ~ .0bJect at prel'lol18 nrgu ment. • !We hntt hell rd anythin g rese mbling II he ro ulll1 a leis urely , kJn l1 80nl . n relic Willinm Butl rw u r lh <I t II I, O. IIr "I'd like you to und ers l llnd jus t ch llckle from him, nnd Ihls sO\ll lll- II I, of th e olll period of Ill'Igbborllnp9s, , :ain . t.rll s len. d lll' L1Nl to Jlny p u t of . P ol nt ln o Out iI Difference, wbat I meant o bout those sloT!lge IlI OUIl " It wa s g ri m u1I d d ry- bore that "pIoneer stOCk," u s unlly: u nd therp. \b u II I nil)' io IllS bllllll. a t ho ij lllll of room., tather," he snld, ns J'nckson rcsclIl lJlnnce, w ere men-pnrt1eulnrly nmoug tile '1 ' , 1 1 ~'1 1l1 I tfl l,', \\ t Ill \\ 11 ~ thl' 1,lollf"(lr of 2.{j!Ion, 6 t o Al <._ mlldm A . 1I piacod bl. co ttee be t ore bl m, " Aberhe br ight ened engerly, "Looks liko w. ereb IIlI t a nn il mn nutnc tul'ers-"so $,J CiI ltnl J,:Ulcu I\Tul,ln o r, hud All rl au , 1:1 , r i I~ I ' ~I! u w~ III h l!'ol n Illll l l',V , \\"lI i'~ fUll d IIr , .. 11 1111: 11t!_ ' 1"".\' : ",\1 ( ''' lIIllr''I!!:,', cromblAl agreed wltll me, bllt you be \\' 118 s lllrtin' rlgbt well, don't It, bOlles t th!'y lea ned lJaekwu rd ;" r~pu- Grll tlllin " Il ks ~ Ulll , $;oI :!. ~ (i, IO t\\' l n l! i T b!s !Hn m edlol ne thn t c VlIry flllll' wooJdn' t lis ten to h im." pUpil ?" Illtiolls Bometlmes attestell by stories b I f ~ 10 1 'I ~ I I J-:ll j:lun d , H h(,nh'ulturlt l ~ hll \\' wus n II l\U r i! q " \ .. 1, ll y ~ lt o u l d be pru vlded wl~h . Uollo "S tnrUn'7 Lordi He got me on tho ot hcrolc 8Bcrlll~9 to honor : nor were a nll dlnrrboell of t un on me 011 ~uct ":lI\lt l'-' I1I ~' 111\' 11 11 ,'" h~' It ht'H\'\'u l y hos t "Yon eao. tulk, If yo u want to, and i1f !" \ \\'P( J,:i rl j.! I'Htl ll H l l·S. ':'tI n ti nn a," I'll \lsten," . Sherld on returned , " but h lp l Wily. be knew whll t 1 wnntedthereI lo cking so me InAt1l1l t's or gr tlNew ~ llit s ue uly und !tlsoftbeg r ellto . t imp ort fOU ca!\'t sbow me that J im 61-er took Ul nl'B w by llo bll " th e ln811cct or Ill' I.eros ty oven nob le r. H(lrt! and tl.l('re, Whil e it Is b l. tle r ~o l1se IitUe o n t'lI l ti II IIIL' mht'r uf til t' l 'l-loC ull," f' l u th e " U 1 . "n oe t,hut tll.e y b e t,r eated l lr Olll ptly. np 'WIth a bod tbl ng. 'rbo r oo t rell be- thel'c. so ' I be'd bnl'e me bent be'or.) too. wore book ll1ell . III thei r II ltl e lei· L.u ollo I , KinK .... ~ Jiar ry Kln R U(o n s lli e r Ibe 8ntI e rlll~ Ihat runst b e I~old ~l) lI d nt lill Y tlm o o f Ih o yea r llld :- III ,dH IS\' dHl r g l' tl lt '~' , I ·III1It· . '11t H )" L \!aule It bad n't b ad t ime to settle ond n' e cvan starled to till"Do about It, ,,'1111 1 sure; 1I11d, l\l u i! lH111. P'lr~ lti fi n u t endu rOLlllnt,1 " pb y~i o illn arrlv os or \lilOu n ot to U!lllly 1I11)" soil ~ \, ll.:iul , I )lOIlnl Hut Ihut t hl~ I ~ IL Rl'IH.lI) l tor .. . C> A a moug the (; l!l'tnll ll S, UI us ic' 11Il 11 g , IlIN . on account ot w e utber condi tions. 1 did you b en r bi w '/ 'Oa.n't I'otlsoll nb h' I Dlell, nd th eso. wl UI llie otbers, ,," 0 1'- r oul OH ltllt e m edI cine oli n b e oMa ln d . Uhutll. I~ t ~ 11' Ih U h 1l1 !o: x pe rl mu nt ' lStu t loll lHIf"t it' uh l U't' !l ilt! Il u l (ll r h u s h:ultJry 7'" want that building put JUBt the ,val" d efend BenUmellt:· And the way h'll l shlped Iilg ness nnll ttl\} gl·owlb. each ( ' LlIu lottE' '; or"rd \'i< F o rm~n ue, b~ r!" ilJ '8 Uolio, C b o] er.~ BDd Llill r- r euOlUme nd I h ~ ~ I b 18 lIllI to rl ll i bo Btly ' Us:' 'Took 1111 option for Us !' [!lUll se rvin g ror his 0 11' 11 ~n ll.e ~uII rOl' ru rd . LJi v nr ou ; c rn e lty, rh oa .. H om aLly has a r ep u t ation 66C- us acl " r~tlr pia ",ins flli !lOIlI O c u lli11m planned It." "You can't bave I"" snld Blbbs_ '13 I11tr plied up on Us!' " w hll t be could " t't om of It. bll t n il N l'l lte tillll "' nLll r):ll \'S ,llImrs L onli to n one fo r Ih e fl uiok r ol1 t;' f Yil tild ~ (l rl n ll or o p . '1'h e !lUlU Oli U ALL KINDS OF "You can't, becnuse Jim planned tor '.l'here wa s nl\\,nY8 1111 nll oy tor Mrs, u ultetlill tbel r t ult h lu Iho bene Uc('llcC; tl\lll ll lllJU r ge. UtI' urco; wll f u ll tl b, w hl cbl t ntIords . O ululU nu le ever y- t h eo perform I t ~ fn ll fuu o~ion III It the building to sland uP. and It WOD't Shcrldun, "I doo't jus t like th e wtiy u~d glory at tb el r " od. seo oe , wb e re. prom o tln/:i t h ll g r llwtlt o f th e u llol e l ill do 1t. The other o n~the one that he looks. thou&b, popa." 1'0 ~ llll ost all nllke tlln t service ~ I ood I h il t g r ow on olo\"or r ooLs didn't rall-Ia 80 sbo t wIth crocks we "Ob, th ere's got to be Ao mellil ng: 8S tile mORt Imporl um l!Jl ng In 11ft', ex'1' h e ~e oOl1ntltlss bllcto r in, 80 h e il), .Probafe Courl P rocCi! dinZII baven't d8red u se It tor storage. It Ouly olle c blck left ut home. SO YOII cep t on occnalou or sonte RlWh \'Iln l, f u! to c love r or ops , w or k ·u l")' LI·t.llfl won't slond welgbt. T bere's ouly one t t t t t tl ' b It Itl" brief Ime rre{lllll lllllS th o d UIIHl'I'OUS III, ,I, K .Jll nll ll\', 'Il fi r(\lllo VH Ef\ wlU d I Gi lm our , t erm fees, I Da.Oj; \V. I.l dar k Ilu d r eq uir e hOI,h WII tur und Ilir thlna to do: Get both bulldlngs down s ~,r 0 roo U U a I , nesa ot a wI re or chll cl. In tbe WilY of E J lI llI es ilL III O rd o r tllkll n t o sell Elbo n, 10llel wo r k In ,Wmshln gt on fo r t h" lr eIO ~lenO!l , Al sn , Ihey Chn .. Quickly a8 w e (·un. ond build over, No. H eB cha nged . Tbp. re s a kl nll " reln xnt1 0n" some o r Ibe servers took I I te I to wnsblp $ 147; IV , Ii . Hlle.n" o, s cr - \ivo o nl y In eui l!:! el t ho r n li torllll y or Brick', the bost lIud chea pes t La the of a seltlsh lou k to hi s race, a nd- " golf: SOUle tooL! t.lshlng; some look re R eM .11 . 1 vices o n llur\1\1 oo nltull\sl n, iH; !Utili lally' RuVllll od w !tb lime, long run for that type," ~ue8s thll l 's lbe ' ~~umon scnso "sllowe"-n ml~ture of Infll ntllo and E s t8 te of 1':1111 t\I . Den trl llD, . d e, Xenlf\ W ork I:lon ~e, ke eping prls Lime s pread o u I lle surface Do d Sheridan looked s arcastic. "FiDei co III In o ut on b lm, th OD, slll(1 hurl- Degro'ld burnor, EtocklnllS, nod tin rnu- ce ·ISH] .. F lslllll cr o nnt of I\ II Ull Uls une r s during Au g ns t ...\ 0 ; ,I: IS Mo r- n o t s t·lrre d Inl,o t b o BO\l oli n b l' ILI t llo Wbnt we loin' to do tor storoge rooms dn n. " You'll see sym ptoms II kc Wil t I sic ; SOIllC t ook an occnslonnl deho uch ; t lll tOl' fil ed , r is , ~ l1pp l les f or olerk s ot!los , $(17'; c..: bllot erllJ bllt mU e . Th ey wo uld I\t O Waynesville, O. ftlle we're w"ltIn' for \boBe t ew Iu It ,,800d mllllY business wen, 1 I! X- sorno l(lo k t rips; 80me too k cn rd s ; li nd III r tJ O.~ll1 t " of L"wii:! Ll, I nJll~, d e - , C, Uo illns, aORta tn clt~e of I:!tlitt! VB there fo r Inc k of m o!stnr e . lin d Ih o bricks to be laid?" IleCt. . some t oo k notblu g. Tl,e hig h I) rlcst~ oonsl1d Hl'pult of "x,'cnto r B a1='- l10s~ '7 , 80 : J 081 ~b I:l nJhro nll , Index 1I1\1u w oulc1 be d ls~o IY (JLI Il U(1 oUl' r ied "Rent." Bibbs returned, p romp tly, " Well, a nd be I101l t hn \'o ns &ood were vlgllnnt t o w il tch tllnt no "reluxa- pr o v ed, i ng , $ 1<1 ~O; Wlllll1d ,J. W right . pORt _ In l o t h e Bull o nly Ilfter 110 long tlm p. Oyer POllotIlce, HtI"P,It, ! 1t ~e'll lose Dloney It we don' t rent, eo:or li B be W\l H g,'tllu' before, . ,.And tl o,," sllollld nrre~t tile 'ser l'l ce, Wben 10 1'0 6StiltO of A ~ tle9 ~rn ll.h , d e "116 , $-1 : W . H. F. llJo n . r" aLl '>Vo rk Li tll ~ plo wed unde r Is 8 1so Ollt of Office Pb()l1~ 71 auybo\\'-th~y we re wnltlng 80 long to r he d 1I"!llll to till out some, lJ ut!l Ul lin n tt l! l.1u(l!l t o a llstll lng outside (,lU8ed. LlrlI\ ' II llpoi nl LI ad - in WIl !lb in gt Ol~ t U\v II ~hip, $~II.r,O; r e"ob o t tlJ £l b lic te r!I1 , whlcb l ivo fou to gl\'e the wnre bouse mntter y our She ri don gll\'e (ortb Iln oUle r dry . his \lusl ncot!. eyes wero UIlOll b lm: his mini trnl.r lx . B ~mti It-If,O . Wilsoll u gles uy , bnrinl of J . A c ll wl1 V in th e Ilpper thr ee o r f o ur attentlon otler tbtl roo t tell . You don' t cbuckl ', a nd. golog r(lunli Ibe tab le t o cnlil II'IIS In da nger-llra t Is, his li fe F.<tAle of Vo rrll1 MilS Ueokott. et III Bru dl ey , t7Ci ;'fb e B,' hbs Merr ill Uo " in oh ey »f soli w he r e nil' Is (lInn t l fn l. know whot Iln !lUlO uDt of stua uICy've her. Ilu llell ber Ullo n tile '/Jou ltier w llil \\, II~ In d angcr, And Ihe a iel prIests Ul i ll ()r~ . ::) cuud l1000 nut of g Ull r - h .w uook ... ' :iG,50: W , BAnder H en oe, upplyin g lim e Ilfter VllJ w! og A~ trot plied up ' on U8 ove r tbcre, We'd bls I ~rt bund , Ws rlllht belll g s U1i 1 were ns ordcll t os tI. !! youn g OIWR ; 1111' ilm (lle{l ~Oll Uo . '111w book" . H:,O; 'fh o Obi o in tbe 8l)1.· lo g I1n (\ mixiug It by oul bave' to reDI u ntil we could III1 t.eb Ull h ~n l' lIY bRIIl.lnge?: IhO~lgb he 0,0 longer mil lIon wus !IS enger to be blgllc r li S , r ' La\'\' ReljDr~er. s u b tc ript-i on , 01.1' " tl vnllon in bo th e 8011 d ur!u g the VeterinarY; those procoBB perLJI:I-Il!ld th e I,r l\' ltch w ore 11 s ling. n la t s Ule WilY It Is til e tlJous llnd: seventy WU S a s busy n E :itutfl o f J (LlIl ~S \ . Uaukl us ll . t lO; L . U. S mUb 'fY Pc IVrHeI \)0 , ~ ntnnt e r Wilke olln d ltl on H 1II 0S~ r,,_ lIaDufacturlDg cOl'llllllny'B ploLlt Is W IUI y ou . mlllllm ll - got to tllile your s('l'entet!ll. 'rhey s lrol'o ru IglI Illy A!lsjl:,n:o cl lroc toll ,t o s~ 11 t.v p ewrlter l o r c le rk , '- 5: ,J . r;v vo rnlJle fl) r th o olo ver or o ps Illtur , Graduate of Oblo SIIII . Unlver.I'y OlIO ollo Ul er, nnd li lA. 01" prl nsl.. pe r!'on,L\ !l r n I tS. MA tte r Ff't t\ Nl I Ll n"o B a. rdwf\r o Uo . • BUI )ll \i CB f,!lt 7~ I s treet. I l ook t r etti n' out on e WilY It so u dOIl'l nn ' o"'alnst empty, rig b t a croRS tie " " U , UIl U np~i ~n e rlis ullllr ll((\ fr o m f u rtIJ ,!' n , an option on 1t for u ~ thi s mo rning." oUlm"!" . I were the most w nry, tile most pIons, " No, II e lIol1 ' t look \\'~Il. It oln't I Ib le and tbe most cl UIWp rOIl", I\I bbs r IlCO ' ,n tln le(, ;Grand and Pclit Jurors Drawn O llice a t reaidence in F . USher Sherldan's expression was q\l ~e r. tl l h l Ike" I b J( Wiill ~ ('i l l h r i~ t, t I l .'! t en v~ t he , "Look berel" be Bnid, sbarply. " Di d eXile y e WilY JI! 00 ' u W lell e len rned be mu st wnlk chll rll), nm ono: yl o n llw HIl II r Mills ('0. 'l' r lls t lw l'b e followin g j u r o rs h ov e boen wood' s house, Po ~ th ~treet. Of ~ he uum e r O Il ~ ills I,h ut Illloo l. 1 0U 10 and do thnt wi thout consu ltlug bel.'1In to get al!:k tbnt time. but be ' th eHe-he mus t \n'll r II lhousund eyes im wlI f or th e Ol'to hf' r t e rm of the kl nll 0' seelDS to be 1061n'. so me wil y," \ Rnll bo \\'u re at 811 111cr8. Indc(!ul ,1l recteli t .. P(lY hUI\ll h o ll!(l rS II cli \' I, " . . I"rg e ~h ll r e st nrt wl t,lI Telephone 28 hUID'lI1ity 1\ met" dend o f ~O " o n fuoo) o n' 1,.)1111 hold oonrt o f co mru o n Il eus; "It dldn't coat Anyt hl og." snltl OI bbs, " Yes, be nlll Y 'a' los t BorueUlllIg," Anil outSi de t be tcur ple Itself were . ' . u , llrnnll-AI\)e rt Cowl\n , Ft .· M 0111- onn s &i pnt1o n . K eep your b ow .. ls _ "It'. only until t Olllon ow ufte rnoon ut s old berldu D, " I ('X I)('ct ho's 10Bt B th e pretcll de rK. Ihe sw nrmlng Ihlc \'e6 . E state ut ~ l ~co !:leo ht. 1Il~lln ll: Inb e r, !:Ienry ~· oO l11 e nln !t . Uhflrl es r o~ ulllr oud tlt ey mllY b e n VOll) od . Waynesville. Ohio two o'clock. I und er look t o con vince w hole 'Iul o· fo oli sbll ess lJcollles hI" a rid sb nll lers nnd ll ~cers, th e s ly rns' P.'l l1u l II CCU l1~ t, 1111,1 r?~ l glmtl n n of T . Ur oBR. burle , ' h orw ood, 'fur, Whon B Inxlltlve Is n eeded tllk e 7 00 betore then." God rorsnke n UOtlOIl~ about cnls ond th e open rusca ls : but tll PRe t.{onrj lc. u fi led . !t es l ~ nllt l on no, t leoree k ; DWlg h' i3 on n el l, 'ValIer Oha lnh e r lEll n 's 'l'nh\ets. '1'hov n o \ - __--:--:::-~---------"Ob, 10U ttld?" Sherldnu's ton e wns poetry opd- " were feeble rolk . uot dllngerou s once oe pt ed . . A. Chtric, ,\r t h u r must un, Ul enr- onl y m o ve the b o wels bot im'prove E. V, BA~NHART, .al'l1onlc, "Well, jlis t suppose ~'ou " No," 1119 ,,-Ife perslslNI. " I lUenn be l!Dew t1 11'l tn, Illllih e ho() a good gu ide Bs t nt o "r I ~ ano 'r h oD.ln~ , tl rc .Is eu. c re Ak: Rober' Mon!", H a rnl)l.on ; 'b e tt llpetltB nnd Btrengt·ben tb o d i, COUldn't co~\' lnce ule." he looks rl gbt penk.llI. Aud yeste rdny, to point Ihelll alit to hI m, Tiley ",eru Fin tl l uCllo unt llf llllml '~ II~t rlltrl x W\lIllItn I::ioh nell , Bl1rlflD: EJwln ges tioD Obtulnable ove rywll o re wll cn bo ' Wll ij selli n' wllll liS, he kept us eful SOlllctim eH, 110 Icn rn cd, nnll fi k d , ti ntltb, 'V, U W e l .lh , Massie: Fred Notary Public "[ can, though- und I In le nd to," V add Bibbe, quiet ly, "I dou't Ib itl k you lookln' oul til e ", Iudo w, IIe wns n·t mnny of tlWIll SQl·\'~.1 os go,belll'c{,ll. E ~ t-Il l e Of Ro cb d I.lInp , ,I f) oeil ~ er1. HUl(ermao, Natban Gilobrlst, \ 8 ~b 1'ondln'," MILS OO, WIIYIl ~. All kind!! of Notary Work, Willi understand th e co ndi tio n at tbose I 1n IIIntters IVbere unaln S8 mIJs t lo nch Ftn a l 'llCOl)un t of Il(\ ml u i ~ l rtlto r !l Ieu . mor'on; ..Pe'll- Emeraon "" ell, why sllo nlLl ll 't be 100" out pol Hks. B e lellme(1 ulso how hrew, tl pproved nn d co, n flrm u . liirILm \V Ilrwlok , O. ~Bnd Deeds " I:lpeollil\y, buildings you wo nt I>n wiled U\?" I " M I J 8 " I T tl k • ~ e wiodow 1" ' er lcs lind " Ira clou compa nies li nd L' ,o t 'II " o f. Cllrl Brll (\"trec t , m l' ll or, orr d, . ,IUOrr !l, ·or eoree ; "Now, see he re," sn ld herldn n, willi I ' U b k .• II I l it II r It .1:.0". U ~ A OM B I [ ' I I Fltt nl .Iow empbasls : "'uppose I bad D1y "H e wlla look 0 o\" cr lere, IIt! Ull S nllu 0 IeI' liS n OilS OUI(' F imd nocoun t of ):tla r d lM11 IIU o wed . . IU, wa u , , 1Ilr (' 8 8, \J en.r nev~r read a word nil II fleruoon, I 01.1 0 unoUJer tor Ul e polltlcnl cOll lrol or tl 1 >r o ved uull OOll fJr wed . or eek; .:rlndlfl Y 'rbompson, Ule m mLad eet nbout thIs . ' J im tho ugh t don 't belie ve," I tile cll Y. The neWspAJl erS, he dl scov, 11. ' RODyan, M . E MoUiun!!', Dee rfield; DR. J, W. MILLER. tbe,y'd .tund, oml ~up pose II wus- well, "Look bere l" 8ald Sb erldan. "Dlbbs ered, hnd lost th eir IIncient political In, E ~(;d·lt e For ROB S . t "~II ~~n , . ~e. William 'F o reman , ,IILo.les Mo rgnn , Illod ot a lUu lIer o r Buutll1le nt wltb me m ight 'a ' kept golD' on over there the I tlu encc. especia lly wl tll til e k nowing, oeass, : lI1~tI I1 cooun . 0 II mIn s . 8 . W . U uodwlo, \Vlllter Anderson , to prove be wus rlgllt." III Ilf I ' cI I ' who loo ked 11 1'''" t~e lD wltb II s kcp' tru tnx !l l\ o\\eu, upp rovod tlnd COli. Uhllrl es EI1.on. Franklin; Uhf\rl e a Wood uhlli', whl oh whon un... DENTIST••• rest of " e, !Doon n on nn on. JUt . fir m ed Bibbs loo keil Ilt hi m c mp1l8Hionnte- w bat bc .bea rd Sibyl s ay did one hlg I tl enl hUlD a I', lJcll eYlu g the JOllrllnlR 1 ' . , Ellis, Uh"rls8 Cook, A B-. Talmllge, leuoh ed o01:) taln ab9u' five lJeroe nt 11. "I ' w sorry If you hOl'e II sontl- thing, IlD pvny. It woke him up out eith er ' to Ue r ' pnrtlsllns, li ke ~!ltntIJ of John 8 . Ellltn Onli. de- M"I!!lie ; ,Iobn Simpkins, Union; B. polash "nd 30 percllllt lime, life ODS om"" In Wet-oenllle.O mant Ilbout I.t. rlltb~ r." be flu id. " D'ut ot b ls t ronce, Well, be hud to go und Inwyery, or el se strlvlu g to torwul'd cousell 1"1I1nl Ilcoo nnt ot e xeout or V. Smith. Sllruusl Butterworlb, meaDS lhe l'lrDleJ: hllfl for proplirin~ 'iallona! 8 .. q~ 01116, !Wbethor you bUI'e \lr DOt ca n't moke bust cleon out with a bang; .a nd that \lIe perso nal nmlJ llions ot Ule lr o Wll ers . fli ed , lI i> A>r ?v tll1D d con tinu ed . . Frank Zall , Wllyne, al(llinllt the 8hortllge of p otash Mal ts ~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a dUfere uce, You'l1 get ' o{llOr people stopped bls ga in' ol-er there, aud It Tbl!. coutrol of tbe city loy DOt WIOI .Io;s t u t'e n~ . George Un.u g h e rt.y , d e, - - - - - • whl ob formorly onme fr o m ·U ermun.y burt It you 'trust thin proeus\t. tl od i.b nt stopped bls poet ry, but I r eckon he'a ' \lle Ul, but WIIB usuully obttllo ed by g lv , oef(!:!ed" F ln t." uCcll nn t of lidrul nis. 'I'be limount of Ilo tllflh vlirles M III Il _ . HAT HA WAY .... on't do, ADd If yo u WIlUt a monu-' begun to get pretty fnlr pay tor wbat l ing th o "[loutin g \' olor,," gin !lloney, tml or Idod ,IIJi)lI' o,'od hn d oonli rm ed . what, being hliber In h'Hd wOllII~ ·1 .., ment to Jim. lit I nst you wo nt one he lost, I guess a good mllny young anll hy plLer l urge8~e s, The rO\'enulls A !d d t t 11 f It If 'fhe p o tash Is readily SOIDbl(\ i ll , . Chat will 8.ta nd. llcsltt es. I do n' t thInk m eo blll'e bad to get over worries like ot the peopl !! wel'e the n dl s trlbuted as Real Es lale Transfers The o~roce~:So~ow:'~rl~e o~t Il ' ~~\d waler and wl11 be larsely IUIi Oh l d 1( n,v lI,rbeAville·. LetldlDjl ,ou can r n8utlJlbly defeDd 6 'nUment bill: they aot to 10Rli .nm .. lhl,.,~ .~ tnlrly 08 possible nn~ong n grea t nllITIweara y .:m oot and your oOl1gh he. ouS It the a.bes are n.ot prll l,po t .'1l I II 0('1 In KeYIi Bldg, M.alo S& til thts !>llI'lIculllr' k.lud ot atra1r," · ber ot men wbo bud a ss!sted UIO win , r4 a ry }o; With a m , by 61J e rltl'; t o oomes l!erl)uI'it negleo.ed. Baok. 'from ra1ns, Farmer! buro!n " W "\l!l l -:,==::==::::::::::::::::====::::~:: "Ob, r ou dou' I ?" nlng side, Nnmes and titles ot oe· C arrie E1 S pe n oe, r s,.1 • s tate In in coogb8 t1rf\ln the energy and up ehoo\d IItore tho !lshes· d ur lll g 1.11 0 1- "No, but I' m sorl'J ,.00 dldn·t teU me !lces went wIth many ot the prize.. Uni on to\V ~ bl p , $1176 64, vl~allty, 1I'0r .17 yellr8 the bappy winter and tho~ furol~b ,11(lfll sel vc~ .' JOU felt I\." and most 01 these title bolders were W illiam 0, HU {1 YI~'l t o l:Ja'flluel \\0', oomblnaUoD of 800thlng anU8eptio with at leut II emaH soppl.v of tch lR 8b(lrldft D Will plluled by bl~ 60n'8 IX expected tn proseut a busy npp eara nce Keever. 1 II 1I0 r CIl In 'I' nr\l ecr eelJ n.nd balS8mS In Dr . K1ng'8 New D!~oov fsrtillzer 'hilt the wllr b lls IDf\Ue eo tone, "Why a re ' OU 'sorry' ?" be a·s ked. (PRICES RIOHT) at times: and, Indee(l, some Hm ong Uni o n t OlV n ~ h l p A. $ 1. ery ha~ healed coughs aDd relieved high 1n prlo~. ~rtoU'I" thllm did work bonestly and tlli~lfully . "lIlitlfU Br:Hlduoh t o r~ o ul s Wur- oongost1on . Young and old can tel" The Ohio lilxperlmsnb . Btutl nn ad , "Because J bad th@ btlndln~ InKpee' BIbb. bad been very liBorunt. All rllll , 10 ' 1111 Mt R oll y, ,50 . tlfy to the ell'rollvenen of Dr, .Iee. 'ba o.e of 400 \0 1)00 J1l) und~ funeral Director •. tor op there. till. !lOOD," saId Blbb8. ·theIGl1mple thlniB, BO well kDown Bnd fJ lIey Ulb!fo n t o Ua r!\. Morgan, Klog'8 New Dlsoovery for OQUlha . per aore of a mixture of two pints Ohio 1 bMd Mm COcd~UJD botb those Sole Agent CIUItomarr, aatonlBhed blm at first, and real es ta t.e In Wtly ne t ow ns b lp, $1. "nd colds. Buy II bottle '04ay •• ~~l::~~o:~~:~n~r °bnO~~::8~~ e~~g~ WaynesvUle klInp." once-ID a ~rlef moment of torgettlog Ii:. B l:togfl r~ '0 Aluhr us o MafiHt, your druRilat, 600. "ferUlIzer ma, be UB9d $0 advILn_ _ __ "Whatr' .mac be wa. daDe w1th wri tIng-he "He'd been afra id tn do It b@fore, For the Oorden Tires CIIoarht that 1t be bud kn flw n them lot io Wtllyn cftv ille, 'ti~O, • -. 'hI .prlDR orope, while tho .-IU'fIUUI- I --....~:rd ..... t I. 'd --..II _ ...... of them "ow U··e a B"''''tl. M. ll u1l9:l n to W, It , Carmaok, . lime ' contained I. tbe Il!hes Will i - - _ ...""m U8--a ra u )'ou .. 31 o t~ In /3o D,h ~e ban on. 1100, Much Water Needed, _ have. b.llflt!.olalefflot on aeld lIoll~. Auto Equipment ... be IoIt bll ~b, But be ca n't UDthe plainest relation ot \l IP m mn!'t· It tokeB two tous . or water to grow Esperlmlnttl at the 8tatioD ~bow ! HorllC-Drawn Equipment . . . .:,,~m-tber' ... aot to come llaye eeemedl Irangest of nil to him Commissioners' Proceodlnjt5 enough wheat to mnke ul?at ot breadl tbat po...h doee not lIroduee l&I!full i 0 twent,y tOIl8 to fA" 111m a aJ14 plel'Oo a polUld wilen reloforced With 7 DAY 03 NIQa'C _.~,. . . . . . . . .tIl Inen4 bron. Pbou CORWIN, OHIO ::/~:"~



Until y ou serve it. you will never know how much pleasure coffee

can give


. \;:













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W alter Chandler




r. J.


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ClasaUled Ada Fort IH:Nl'

Mr RDd lb•. J eromfl AnderMon, M r nod. Mrs. Walte r Wilso n ~Dd I dAllghter~ Olive l\Dd Mr ,folln W II . of LclloDon, wero o&lhol1 o n W, A ' I As Written by Our COtP~ of Able Corr«~8pond­ SOD 8J.leDt l:!uDdllY with Zim rl D . Null Roti family, 8uodely . FARM - lill d on". ~nJi "' hll l:lalDes a Dd family Dear Lnmberloll. Rev. aoti Mn. LooDlls lIull (I\llll ly oJ1ioe f r Inr() rlU!I~l fj n . B~7 en t s in the Neighborhood . Mr Ilnd Mrs . Rolelgh Bo"ao , Luo}' len ::lll~o rd oy eveoln, for Mon tHon Uvrnptoo Bod d8~hter, lun M.y whe,o Idr LOo m lri I~IJI tl\ko np ~hl F AR M fi xe d for a 7 to 10 uow dairy -~--------~.-- - - - - - - - - - took dioner wIth R~ymoDd WlldOO'1I work of (l missloollfY · . w llh s ll e to , for tllDb. See tioDdllY. . Mlu Ii:IlI1o Milier hall bee n Oil th o or Ol19 on Ih o r; laoli n OIY. Dr . Kr legMr, lind JIlrs. DRVld M\II e r and slo k 1ItI&. hnll'. O r ~o ll l u , Ohio. a27 80U , of Xcnla. oalled on Ulirfiel,1 MrB. M08es Fred, o( Uaylon . Ita v I ' Pete r s o n'~ Suoday evening . and Mr8. J . W: l'"Uoo . of UO(Jtlr Mr . And Mr~. Am os VIIUO" rflO en · Mrp. !:lallie tlothawll Y and d'luah. Allnt. Evther (JOlllptOO /lD I\ he r vi ll e. wero 0.. 110<1 IlBro tbls wee k b y rttl lllf'l l l o r dlu oer ~undllY o ut ot' tpr !I(lo ut Lh o w a llk·e l~d wIth Mrf'. two grand onl\dreo . Le vi Ilnu Estber Ibe death o f M~ ". MA&-Y. Bro ~n llp. , WANTED tO IVIl t;;n ll sl ~ . I:fnLlIIlwtly'R ptlren ts , Mr. Bnel Mrf . ·hnmIJl.lugh speot SnndllY wl&b Mr . Ilod Mra, llBor/(f.\ :; 11 rH lIud Wm . l.:Iurl nu hu ~ I'o lrl hi ~ [u rt ll 10 \VIJI . lJudtl & Oll'l r Lllhlllno t1 : J ho H'III ' ~ a~ New Bu~llrlRtno. 800, Uonald . .dr. lin d Mrfl Irw itl liltlHIl Poor . 'l'h ~ ohllng tl wIll \Ie Mra. Ulaon DIIVIH nnd s oo v l Rlt~d ISRa WiiK OO', eote r talned . t n BIIDD uoc' Mr. ..nd Mr ~ . E. D WA NTED - At OO('A . 0.111111111 fIUDUlUlhl til th o Hpr.lllg. Mr p. Oll l' IH ·/tl IMtp r . Mr~ . Wm . Duon !:SunllliY di nner Mr. and Mrs. ::lam. G rahllJD' Illft tiundny 1.0 RII tid /I lIy fu.. ' !:Ihllr lo ~ arrangemen' Mi. no d Mrs. AW OB Vllu Ou 1'cn tllH e rul lIll Y!! last we ~ k . ulll WIIBo u'e, oo u plo 01 wookl .. t Jndlao Lake . I ~ IJ farm of 1;-r. aoret<. two miloll WeB' hllVtl ,((1 lu Lh 11' b elluliful fu rill tu Ii Mr •. I.on[l I:inrl.lIook WtlS tho guest I Tbe winning Rlllo of our t:luud!\y Mrs A Jph GIJplo !lnd duuS(hlor o f UIJlrkq",IIIIl, bio. Ca \1 a D Von . 827 ~lr. l.eullling w o Wt leo Ul e h, li) 'llid of Mr l'. I;lllrr y Co rnell o n FrldRY. :do buol cunteMt wore very ploasaotly Luella , "re ut Mia misburg wher ~ I IJe\·o~., Ilt t h o form MI' . Bort Boglln IIpeot !:lund ay Il utertilluod I.t a banqnet glveo by they wero CIl.II d by Ih u ~e rl tl1l8 III. lIiu 10ttJ Ullr mid s t . . I WA N'n;O-To r out n fRrm by r oTh o JJ uv ll rt,y SOCi al b eld o llller 1116 wi b ht8pn ren t~ , Alr . un ci M1H G eo the 'losers lit the h omc of our Buper. nees o r Mrs . Tom Fox. IIlIbJo pur t lc". , I r,u a er as or tw o " u :< IJ i ce~ o f t ba Ul vl o Lellgu e ilL P o v MOlln u Iulendeut, Mr !lnd Mrtl. 1:IIIrry Mr . aDd Mrs. J ohn Coll lo\!, o f f"rl1l~ o r 75 ..m oll . 10'Lui r a at thli! a r ty HnlJ fur 1,ll e 1r1.ll lr ll V(1Wont uf Mr . aod Mr ~. W. T . J or da a Bnd , HawkloH Ifrldtly nigbt. Tbe r e wer o Frl<okll n , were oal1lD~ on frleo rl~ om 'lt s!l7 Puvc rty I:lull wus qui~o I\. b ucnl' S~ duuJ.\htor ollllp!1 0 0 Mr . U. M. Greeoo ' n bOil' M6venty I)r asent /lnd u il hlld IS IUlro one doy last week . c 111(1 Ihe IUlvr o\lom en l/j will ullltt at At Uroll(l rd I{u ob S onduy Iltte rno uD. 1delightfu l tirn e . Araoonnoomon'. bR VO boeo rp_1F ARl\lfl- vou n lll rm or other o nOl' 1I0U wlIJ bo CO Ulp!o t OU vo.y Mr . I'tnB8 I:lutsook, of R ldll way, Mr . ,and Mrs., E V. Barnhar t II.nd oolvod of I,bn 11111 rrl 81(0 of MI @" I Itlllll fo r Hlllo '( if 80 li st /l UOD. p],lOnt ~at urd"y noel ::;nnd .. y wltb Mr . a nd Mrs. W Ba r Dett o~ l lo~1 i:tlitb Hlldley l10d Mr. PliIl I Uhmllr t' l s .. u \e ut unoo wltb W . D. (Jhllodler. Mr . Ilnd Mrs •• /. C. nl\(IM Ito hort hl B p ur pot.. , MI'. ,,')(11 Mrs. F. A . ' 0 H Ortl oe CO OlptOU~ IlUd . 1 . of Dayton . MI ~M Ulldley 18 one .o f W/lvoellvllia Uhl o or cll li here "t tony uu toen 10 l>lr . uod' Mrs . (J llf Hurt ~ cok . Jjnrner!l ~ nl1day. I:!prlnlrboro's most p npu l!\r young Phooo No. I h'avo n faw goo" Vanburn'S and Bi10 Ut lila af1.o rDoo u . Mr . lin d Mr~ . A. 13 Tlllrll l1ge en. • Mrs. R. E J o nes and Mrs. B . 'I'. llldies whllil Mr: Ohm .. rt. I~ n. prom. onl of town bnyen wbo Ull rlol!lr . Rolly day .. t Ih o M. E . ~ llocl ny to rt-u ioeli ~lr IIu (1 Mrs Alm oo Fer I o~l> l on we r e 10 Wuynes vlilo 00 IHID~ yonD g "111.0 10 hili o h o s~n \l ro· on~ o f Inok ln G flt. property 10 aDd Koh oul tluuctuy 8'\01'000 11 . 'uptlml - r lK llnel Mr .lOU MIS . I~d Wilson to uU~lneH8 MODduy afterUO tlD. fes stoo . A h ost o t friends Julu I n Around W!lyn88vl\lo . Doo't u81 .. y I MIAMI CATARRHl CANNOT 8E CURED uer :IOth . Ruv. Wa lker wlli bu pr OM d illD er !:lu lldu y . Mrl! Alloe Dl1Vl !i and two ohll. whlhlng tbem Dolu(lb h"pllID OS~ . Att und to t hi s I\.t onoll. \\' <..,k ly I at WII. )'JJ~fn· l lIc. OILlo wi'" LOC,I!. APPI.ICATI O N S, os I"", UDt Ibnt y o u tllU Y gel but·t or nC'IUlllnl T b u Mlltro n Prl~cll18B werll m OBt ' d ren IIOri j{rL\nd d .. ugbter, of lodlttntl . Jim Mille r IR 'lulto III at hi li h o m n \Y. U. (Jhandlor . callnot reac" Ihe seat o. Ihe "i s~ n se . tl d with II l1r mini ste r . Illotl811ntJ y onte rl lllu cd Ily the Mrfl , lI od Mrs . £Ielom SlIIltb rlDd 80n. of n ort.h o f 'own . (alRrrh Is 11 locul disru5e, j:rea lly lollu. llr~ . JIl o k8o n of tor tI te o dliYB V18· Murtl.1tl IIlId Edltb Olivia 'l'ueedl1Y !layto n ,cllli ed on Henry Urew '8 ooe 1>. I. . \ :11A NE. Editor an d Mnnager cllced by COI15titlilio liUl c o neJiti jl n s. niH.! Ed Mullll!, 0 1 Vayt oo, "'''' haos woro I ll!)Y till s week . . aotlnll · buslnesl bero ooe day lallt iu order to cure it )' OU must t Hk. u n ill - It wnll b or II ltlter, Mrt'. Tllu~ . WLtnt. aft orn ooll. Th06e preeeDt FOR BALE re t urned t o b er h UUle In ' hl oll~ o M!l~d ll m (Js ~;1I11 F e rris Ad " Talmage , Mrs . Amauda~r lind fa mily eel weok. IUlln l rellledy. 11;11 1' 3 (ullirrh Cu re I, Mury MllIJOOII, Berlla .Jo rdoo, Ran. wllllllovet.o HarveY8borg tbll we ek. IlIkell ililerunil y 111111 ne ls Ih m u~h Ille W ed nesurlY . Mn. 811.rall Bell hall been ont,cr LluOilull the mucous 8urfu c(,'s of the !i r s· Mr!! . L lltlu V , ud r; rv oort Merry. u It 8 01;U O. Lulll Elh'J. B118,l o EIII!!, I Tbey will be !!Id ly missed 10 botb '-Inllll lIe r 0leoe8 from '1'e1118 lem , lI ulI'8 COlurrh Cure \\'os p'esc ri L.,.1 ho w bod for b or wee k. oud gUlil! ts 1" 'Ll Il [Ja ll ij uuk, A UII lJell thorago, the ohur oh wor k lind tbe oommun l. Fresh COWII, I{o nd 0 01l~. Apply Chestor Whltterm~D .... a' tl Way. I,>, n ne of Ihe besl phys ida" " iu 1 11i ~ 'fri onds fr om Covlogtoo . M !~ [] nun ll u ." " dllr; . I he Mls~ ua Ly M large We 8100eraly b ope they to Mre, Aoo io UIlJb\lnll, It. D. 4. nelvllle viii tor one day thle week . CUUIIU1 for YII!8I S . It is coml'o~ d of WIlYD08VI1 II1. Ohio . I'l.IIY Hoffmuo, .uf W'lllIIltlg to n , Rnlb hUtl GlllllO/l Moulloo ood ' Rhtl u w llllllce thei r new h orne . SOrtlQ Itf t il. i)(:s t t o nics leull wn , cu tn b illcd Ellis 1i0 tl ~h s tor Hebel' Ellis. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Miller hada~ .. illl some o f Ihe bd t 1,lo"d plldflf rs apon' !:Iunany with bis p Ur (;o tK . Mr. /lnd Mr ~. H. A . Uur~un . 01 iolr, /lorl ;\lrH. J ohu WOlre spont 1·llel r guests tiutld 'IY, 'heir 100 aDd I The perfecl cn rn b llllltio ll fi f I li e iJlgr d i. oars of Bay wanted by 'he CIiI. in 111<11', Cul urrh Cu re is "hal pro· UO,ll too , nO\ ) fld t o WllrutnKl o n tillt th o ,,·cel,. ond wHh ~h e lr Bo n, Lowle. f(lmlly. of BprlnRfield . Mnrro w E'l!ed ,'(, 8u pply (Jo. , CLEAR 8AD SKIN FROM WITHIN dllces sur b wOOllerlul result s III c.. lurrh· nrdllY 00(1 Kto pp l"d o ff /loll cu ll et! ou Wbll (l tb tl l' ll tha y nl o t o red o vur to Mr. W. E. B oga.n and ramlly w e r e Morrow, OhIo. II PImply moddy oom plexiO Ds Ilre al cOll dlllo"8 . ~ n d fur tl' ~ llmollill ' st fr el' J . WlIs oo ,wd rnlll(l y. H .. i911 ~.des. ~ul)Jbur lJr lo gs In Hos s oou nty . oelllini on Ub urley W l\ rwloks !:lun. duo to Impnrl"ee In th e b lo oo. F. J. "IB N I~ Y & CO., Pro ps . Toledu. 0 In ,n for the Dltod ::;eourl t.y Ua .. Mrs. \.:1.108. RLIIDce ll !lod oblltlren Ilay a fte rn oon. fow bu.heltl or Bilidwin and Clear up 'he SIl.ID by tllll.lDIl Dr. 1111 Uru gglsts, 7,k , ur a Vi8!tlug .M r . nod Mrs JRB Uroy . f.lpabuwlli08 Apple". Inquire H"lI s Fn lllil, l'i1ls flJ r .OllS li p,, ! iun . d Uo nt oe, O. K.IlJg·1 Ne .... Life Pills. Their mild Onr gn r ugll ie !ltllI gOlog n Jl aod MisR Audrey Th ompso n It! viS itin g l!lx~tlY8 qw.lltlelrl remeve the poill. 'J! John Wbltaker, H. D . :I , W"y. . u4 8000 wi ll be 10 fil II oper ul,io n r e lutlv od lu COlll tnbu8 . ODS from the ,,)',,'em /lnd brighten oonl\lo, Ohio . A Novel By the eye . A foil, free oon.grlplng Will . MoUn rroll ill oWll or or Il Mr 1100 Mrs . F . W. I:Illtha\ny, NEGLECT YOUR COLO ABY n UllU\, for .. Ie. laqulre BOOTH TARKINGTON tra o lloD tln glue, h e lind e ll\plo yod t o Mr . Wm . ' h arwood lind Mra . t:l~dle Negleoted colds lIe t Wo rtle, loste8d bown) mOyoment In tbe m o rDing I, 04 a' thle olnoe. 'he rewllrd o r. do.e of D r . KIn.'. rou It Mr. Wolt"r HllvnrH , 110 I' xpo rt. ZI!i1 oulll'll o n Mr. nod MrR. Hllllie ' I llut sl lllf" ~ (If'fll lpr' n ..\'lJlll1 °A {'ut ; ' of better. A stuffed heall, "t1ghl Author ru.n o hiDe ry, IIOU of I:Jtlthll wuy W eeln esduy alterDoon chest mnst be r e li eved at o noe. Dr, New Llle P Ule ~be nllfha herore. A' " I t IIII g:ht Ll! wo r th !'4 u lllelhlng-fiOlue lu hllncl1tng oon r se Mr. MO\.:llrreD f uit pe rfl'ctlv _ _ _ ___._ __ yoar Drnggltlt, 260. .. Monlltur Brilut;llire,·· .. The TOV E-FlrsL.olasl Ba.rd UOl1 BolI'lI Plne.TRr. Boney Ie Nnture'8 dIlY." Conqutlt of Canaan,·· ~lIt.1 8 ll e el umlnr tb e ~ ul>e rvl s iuo of Barner. I'or Inforw a.loo oall on "IJIlW?" r emtldy. BODey IIDd "Iyeerlne helll - -.. Pclll'Od," etc. P. El . Ke nrlok, Wa1 D08v llle, Ohio. " It IIII g-II'n 'l lip .n d('/lI\- lIot If \\' e Mr. ~ lIv or" koo wln g hi .. bl1bit~ We r £' tho Irritated merubrane, anUBliptio .. ~ poro .. H h is oblihy. In brlngluK 04 FORGET YOUR ACHES W('1I1 Illtu It." >ln l(' nthhs ~ooll.l' . t tU 1008ans tho pblegm, yon brllathe • easier and yoor oold il brokeD up. " Db!" .·I",rlllnl1 'I!ollsld 'rell Ihl9 II1UB· the en gin e h ome o n b' rl dllY ntter Mev'tlff ku eol! , aoh lng limbs, lome E ARLIN li Mall H og. pore bred enl dlly tl o f euooeBHful work It g ot l'leuon' lake. Dr. Bell's PI~e. In~ly ; th en hu Hll id. "Who'd you huy II down 10 tho dltoh through 80WI1 book Ulil ko lifo II burde n . Jf yon rar-B ODIIY 18 all ldpal remedy for bIg 'YVe Poland China. Alao n ,"' illl t' llt 1f1U: 1Ih' 11 11\\ m ... "'. trolll '/" I r t r o Ul rhenmllUsm , gou •• lum. t lltTll DOW 'hreshOd 'rlmothy Seed . Ha.m m lspltiood trl glle r . Ufton tlm e~ ob ll~reD III well all A' "'" lll llt It. tlUJI\ ~ 11 J" ~ I frolll HlIllllnrr "A hr(lker--Jo'nnHmlth." whop pllople sLart home thoy got ba:-;o. utillrullf[e..get· a bot LIe of I:Iloal1', your Dragillat, 250 I will IIliI\ nt P abllo AuotloD •• . , EIIIII, Waynenllle. Ronte S, o~ lind It'Jlr nlll ,.c tl1 ~tllll l lllf'r n t fln' Wnr(I R "Well. lI D lIluHI ' 0' 'got It froUl onp 0' IJIDlmont·, tue unl ver~lIIl remedy for down io tbe dltoh but,lt n e ver tRkes my r.lldono. Smiles .ortb of of Ihe 1I1t'1I1 III nil"" c.... IC,·c r.l·w h ~ I'(l Ol~ the crowl! O· (Ioor II1 uul e8 Ulut wu. paio, Etlsy'o apply; U penetrRte, whUe malo Sbor tborn Oll lf, r eg. Waynllavl1le and milel e"uth o f 1II'IIIlltl Mh()nt~11 o r the po"'~r. Iho Rlzc. Aonkctl wlUl It~ I)on 't you kilO'.. who o ne day '0 go' til m out, but I t did without rubbing and Bonthos 'be htllfsd. For fur~htlr Illforwain tbls ollse and Mr. t:)llvllfS deo lJtre ~ Jj' 8 l1broo k 0 11 'he W.yn 08vi lle and th.· r 1<- I,,'~ IInl l the ~ l'o\l' 1I1 ot 111 .. lr r1ty . Clwn"d It 7" tlen oall on JohD Wllauo. R . D. :6, he ,v ould Dot b"vo b lld jt. h flppou tenll ~ r n os h. Cle(mer Rnd more of. Be nbrook Inke no ~" I 0111." thnl. th,'y . ,,1 (1 IllIIt th ~ 1'4'0(111' " \ ' I .... 1 dCl." Wayn08vllle, O bl o. 827 tor a OBut" !lod thlit It will n ot h up. fe Cltive t·h "o lI.In8sy o intmecta or of tll,·it· I'll,\' \\" 'r'l' Ih,· ItrNlt eRt. t"~ "A in't suyll1·. though? Thllt It I pun II io08 . For 8trlllnB or apralnll, Tuesday, October 10, 1916 pen ngl<ln tbls ~e(l80 D. Walter y o u "1I1I" Nt," till:' IdrUlI,1!I·",t . the RlggORt Whlll' s tire IIlUtter'I" woro mU8cl08 o r wrenched ligamenttl are n ot t J bltllue. Y. OU did u ot kll o w BeKtnnlng at 10 0 'olook 'he follo ...._ lw 4lplt· 1111 ,'n I'l h . T llP)'" (' ltt~ d no It \1 . "It belolliloo to ~!r . Vertrees," suhl resultlog from strenuous exerolee RDY better thot we oo n ~ce . 10, property : 6 HOUAI, 11 (.laUle. tl"1rl t..••. l1u.1 r" 11 fi ll' ""1,,1 of nonp. Dlbbs. 8uortly. 1I[I»lyhlg him self to his :dloao'B LI nimeot 8 1VOl' qul ok relief. On. f llls.alllrm will oreate a paolo 400 Balo8 tltr" w. "lIrmlnl Impl •. rhe ra C(lB nt t h e East End park K eo p It on b aDd fo r eme r genol es, Get the Miami Gazette Now deSk. ODe brakeD wh ••l will ditch a mlDIi eto. "Ro!" SlIrrldlin gn7.eIl down at hlN !:latu r dRY were n ~U:JOOSB 1l1141l0lllily A t your Drog/( IBt 250. trllin. !:lee big bi lla for Ic rms . j 80n'8 thIn fnee. " Excuse Ole." he snld. and 90oillllv . Walt or O r IlY, Ih o 00 0l One matoh will oaul. a oouaalra MAli YBREDI1·H. . "Your buslues8." And be went buck lug Bud Doblo drove bls !ltl·le \lao . Wm. U1l1l, Auo • . 10 hIs o\\'n ruom. Dut presen tly be to ra et thll t !he oame out nil a nd Dod One bas ' , word wl\l lead ttl. W. E. O'Neall, Clerk . eh ej odgc8 8Rld. "Wll lte r y o n blml lookel\ III ngnltl. vo roll. lbl'm olh r r " llI nn," uud W Illt er wn ~ "I rt'clw lI you won't nltrlll hill chln' On. ml~ohle voue boy will break T ltlij dllj{)'l1le Abonl.\ be tr"Jltf>(l .1lR soon lI ione toclll y" - hc I\'IIS "hutlllllg Illm self ~o uxoll.I'd h tl co uld u o t I1nd r r ~t ll nd up .. 8ohool. n" t 110 Ur"t uunlitu r..1 loos('n"R~ or H'b IIII U his o\' .. rcout - "I)(>~lluse I Ju s t wlttlf. th"y .~ llld. FiIUlJly Ur. Fros t 810kneaa and Death From Milk. ',uwlls JLPlle llr~. Wuen thi s 18 d nm ~ ODe lallill dep will oDe' II life c r tluHlj:hl I 'd gl) up 10 the bouse IIn,1 nllr vel e rlrulI'iun WJlR onllod to qul ot It IH \\'(~11 knowlI lleot Ih,· ("'conls "ingle Il osf\of ChJ\II1IJflrlltln'l! ~)lic. ~h ol. ruin a ohanoter. MI ~s Hl eona Uoo\: s pent BnturJ.!et thl8 0\"('1" wltll tuum IllD." l:Jn Wull e r wtlh un tlD es tll oti o whl o b h e One wayward daogbter will break ot muuy ('l tl(O~ RI\II\\' thllt ,1lrl y milk t'ra Illl<l DII.rrhn~" Hellll·dy w111 u/1 , ", t a. glllncl'd nriulugot\clllly tOIV nn! hi. did lIo d 1.ll en bro " 1l I ll tl 0 ws to him dllY .. nd !:lundllY with Miss Oora a lnotber's heart. CII U81J6 ll1ut h Hlckn" HR UDtI dCHt Ie from (' 11 rll. 1' hj~ r t;llIuIly (;un ""~A)'8 l1{1 d ..•• In the ru o~t 81l VtlrOllml It emHged trom tbe Ihlll, btl h!lcl w on a rnin oon t lind i (I ~ o K ee ver. righ t hlloll " 1 Qn.e pI'nt\ot\ upon Onll hl B8 wi te eR8 will /Seed an to. dlarrh eo l dI H"IIH '~ UIII OI1":hI ""II1,'flrOUR e ...."". !tntl ftbonld be kept at MrH . Nelsoo Hamil tOil returDBd Dooe nt milD '0 jail . • Iee,·e ot thl' o,·rrCOIlt. The bnulln J:ps reply IIC' All trl, "By d o ggy, l uoed !t. " 10 fll'C Yl!nrs IIld I\IIIJ Ihut It I~ In hot hand roarly for InAtant U 60. Never leaVil hnd beell CI' lIIo,'\', I. IllInlly . Ih nt lII oru· 'Wllh a Ul 11111"m 's ~lIIy o(!lldllll,l lin\' . Iloma Suud/IV BIter a two week', Ooe demalloguEl will torn fR otorlel ' weather Utllt dIrty milk Is m08t [.owe 011 a jouroey wlthont tt. n by bl " b r ll iullr, ('rnlllan dtd \\'1) 11 VIsit io l :olumbus ' IlO ti Cleveland . Into aOllphoUSB •• . 1111:. rl" 'colllll: but UJree 0 ugers- III deadly. Mr. 8n Mrs ChilI!. U rre ll .of Da y. ron>fllI gl'r uo.1 tbe nex t to 11 hnll 1.J(,(, 11 and w un a rn Ol' . UUs C,iff'S barile, O nl! basty 110' of IIIlIlsl"loD wtll ornpuilltl'<l . " She'~ bound to moke UII BlIile t.t.f did n o t do us well Oil h o to n BpOIl~ t:)at urda y 1I0d !:looday IIDtail unlold hard ships. Awful fn ~ s . null It ' better 8»011 her anold . It i~ ho pod t his will OOt'llr wltb tb elr n e phow , Mr. Barry t:)b!lW One quarrellome worker wUl ore ilnd Inanlly . 1(J1IC'1t UUIIl her dInner. I'll b~ l.Ja t'k agliin b efor e !!UOW li1 o!.'. ato /I strille of 10.000. 400 TYPEWRITERS! about two." MI ~s Bcse la \V.lrnar, o f Xeoltl, vis. O De undivlomAUo word will pro. RB:MINO:rO NS 112, BltIl'fU ·PIUUUBRS A wi~ e ~Or8 0 !l Oh ilug OI! b ls o r b r Jlut be calcuillted ,th e tlmo ot his ar· miud bilL tin uLl wlse p<lr 00 oe\, ,, ,' it ed hf\ r plue nts !:londo y. voke a war Involvloll thouunde of '12 Let Your Olltldnoa l..earn 'fYl>8"rltllljJ Funeral Director rl\'111 lit t h u neW h,," ~e so lI e(, lIl'1\t e l~' obll n g". tl ll'lr ullnd but, MI·s. l\l lJ rrl\" DOlDS durl"" V.catlno. IlIltruOllon Book Mr. ,md MI'~ . 'fOOl ()oo rloey eo. 11 yes II Dd the dee 'ruotlon of n111. .~ IInlillil, All< and Embalmer. lhllt ~Irs . f'! herldllll'8 lundl wns 1I0t dIs· Is on ll of t b willI'; e hA cllIlIIf; CU b l' l tert.Minod tho foll owl n l!t o n !:luoday : lion I of property. JU1PIRB 'r YI>I~ FOUNOrl Y. B ulr~to, N. Y. llll·twd. find . ~h e ,,"us rI sIng from lill' IlIlnd nud '!i'i11 Il ot m O .. B in t hr Mr. ond M, B T .,lld Wll lton Imd fti.m. CWaynesville, Ohioo~: I IOllely tlll.Jle ""ueo lie Ciuue Into Uw I\O U~f\ v a(,lIl ml by Efl l :urr 11 01\ it II), ; Mrs Mllry P e tor @D Il , Miss Gwen. (1II1 In,; rooill. H e bntl lett bls o\'ereollt "' 111 bo ocoupi lld hy M t'. /lml :tl r8 d olvlJ Bnrrott Hnd MrEl Idal:!t-okeB. We h aVA arr8n ~od with an und er· 10 the holl. bllt he kep t bls hoods III Plln i Mooro IIod t hei r (\ o ll ~ ht!'r !oI1 ~6 Mrs Blirvf\Y Bllroet.t s peot Wedtaker to lCet an Ruto, ~o we will bit hIs trOUl.ers pockets. \1Hr~ ~rfI~ hln Mr~. ~ I 'rri\.t w t ll II PS<ll1Y WIth h e r siater, Mrs. illlll able to furnis h oither an auto or " \Vhllt's th o IlIIi tt er. pnpo '" sbl' leell ll Y II SUit o f r o u Ul~ Iu tb o Sollur·. 111l1·hll\VllY. h one ·drawn Clme ral. osk!:'ll. '1111 ·kly. "UII~ nll)'thID~ gou~ tht. o n Mn ln s t· ree~ M r ,lotl:\1 ra. Oll rl HOl1 t.h t ook 8un . Both phones in Office and ResIdence. wrong? You nlo' t Sick?" Mr '1111:1. l\1l1d cl e n t rtln suc t-cll dllY di Dol'r wilh Mr. Ne l ~ oo McKoe. Long dlstanctl,N o. 14; H ome phone "~Io! " Be hmglted loulll1. "l\I~ llllSltl CIlA In IJobl1 n ,tU ~,.t ut(l~y . ve r Rn t! r~'I\!lS' . Mr and Mrs Em. 14-21'. sick'!" '1'he bn~I " t<t rDrlll in I ltl~ vloinlt." mot B. I I,.. Bnd Mles He lon olllle,l in "You hnd IUll ch?" 1.1 Mr. Frouk 15blduk cl wHh b rs "DI(ln't WII UI 'any today. You call l:itlo r y truosre rln g JleolJ ltl to ull t b e d l o rnoo n . Mr. 011(1 Mrs Hllrry Freemao and glre me II CUI) o· co lT<!e;-ttlou~h." poiul~. Mr:-sll lu llke r is 1\ ver)' Sbe rllog. Illld told George to bnve o ' ur teong ll tl utle mlllJ All yin~ v e~ be ver olOf th ir frl cnll fr o m Sllrl nil" field. s pell ! !:lu od tl y. with Barry cofTt1e Ullull!. IIrlll wbeu ho bnd with· "That StuW. Deader'" Adam'. Catl" dmwn she ' sald querulously, '" JU81 ;.,.\rheo h e I@ "ur t'! It ~oHli b ost Ulld 11.'1 tihaw tlud family . accurately to all standard when" 8UIt" h im bei<t. B e Is R I:i(}verul frolll IlliR \'I e illity att end. "pIli!! Ih,'III,,· I\·,," till' PPOIIII' 11111" f'1'1f' · k now there's somelh lng wro llg'." very OM f'lf ul driver ... l(u o(1 e nl er "X\oUlln' In Ule wo rld." hI! respond· Lllillor !lnd n\l eU 11I bl Dod UlIiIiOB t.lle ed Mr , Brit VIOO'd Balo 00 TuesdRY sizes. \Vc carry dressed bralt,c1.' Anll It th e thlll!! "'li S (IU('.· • ONLY CENUINE Mr .l o hn Whitaker lin ) fl\01l1y , U,)I\I,.I. or It II WII~ hln \t·r! thllt th ere eel. hearti ly. tokltlg a sent lit 'tbe beod Irl(lll j uyful ufra lr. lumber in several grades Mr . nod Mr s J OB B orm ell anll Miss IIII)!ht hn one Allin II " Irlll!! In \\'hl c'h of the tnble. "I th ougbt I'd talk ovep Mr "od Mr!l. B er llll) t:lm lth Hoi tl l"Y w,'re not tl~rr(\(.·t ntul 8upr ~ tn ct a notion o· mi ne with you. tbut's all. ~ ou li ri hort Rnd Mrs l ' I'lrll Cono ur. ROVIL. Mr ~. Uh lIR WbH,lksr and · -suitahle for var ious tht'v II'llst.'11 110 11111" (lxllmill irl!! thel\l ' It', more ,,·omell ·folk. · hu ~ ll\ eRB 0101 of OARr bor w ere MO " dIlY gu es ts Ilf Illlrry !:lInn oB lt od on Ala Whlbker "ud fllmily Hoodny afteroooo . Mt'I;· ~. 1(\ "£'P IC whllt Ihe crltk sa ltl whllt It IH tllllll·S. I1l1 yho \\'." . purposes. We have a car Mr. Rnd Mrs. W ilil ttm L. lhrvey nt. w aH I1'1I e. hut fell ullnn him nllil h<II't· Mr. HJjrvey Burneth and fBmlly " W h ilt IIhout/" Lheir bonutiful b o rne all Mupl A of this fine lumber in this etl h im lIn(1 el\r!'~r1 hlUl, t o r thl'Y were and Mr Fraool~ R OB06 g1ellnd f~rnlly . "Wlty, 01' -Doc Gurn cy wns up ot tbe .tree'. "I'nHltl"". S" UlbhR, I.Jlrnl<l g tbelr nm.·" (III. mo rnIn g nwhllc-" Mr . aDd Mr!l, ' Wm . Wright 110('1 tn Cltor ed to Wllmlnl!:too Bon day week. " 'oys 'n<lll wit lkl nll IV lth them. I\t'nrk· "'1'" 1",,11 lit YOllr buntl7 Bow's be daug bte r Etbol were 80nduy gueet8 IIfter Doll n . enec1 to t.he voIce or tile people n IIcl 8fly It 's Ilnlll"I" of their mothtlr Mrs. Mildred Eligl e . 14I'1'\'eel 1111>11 <'88 wi tit Olelll. For th e "Fine! \\' e ll. hI! "'fOllt III Rnd snt Onr very etlloleot post mO lte r W. ,"ok u or t111~ people Is Ihe voice or thl'il' ar('uIIII wllh III1JbR II whllc-" A Merrln auended the Post Mas 'et s ARE YOU LDOKIII OLD? tro<). MI'". l'ltcrlllllll no(lll etlllcss lllllstlcnlly, 1)00 v!lut·lo n beld Unytoo lust o • O ld a ):e oomes q nl ck eoough wUh • "I Jl I1 ('~R It'R tlllle you hlld hllll, too. I week. I;hl'rlel llll It [l'd OlCl,l e the room o ext k"ucw IIIhhs- " ou ~ ill vllinll it. !::lome look old aUor . 8everRI of the M1l800'io bretllreo ty . That hi becn.e r they Degleot the to hi. own 11110 ou o mce tor lIIblls. n n.1 ":-,'0",. 1111111111111. hohl ynur borsesl I Iltt.e od ed Lodge Morrow ' (lnd "From 1'0 every customer, 110 tlt e !loor bel ween th e two rooll18 IIAll' w lIlIll'<l hllll to look ntbbR O\'er .. "fore It VB r nnd bowels . Kee p Y:lUr bowels XUDla IlI lIt week. r egu l ~r .. nd yoor liver hel\l\hy and lilly 'sloo<1 0lll'n- U,C tnlber hud estob- ollyUllng-'ij the IlIlItter. You dou·t BUP' matter what the amount Mr. I1n d Mr,. William Harvey von w ill DOt. o nly fee ) 'yonoger bn' II shcc1 Ibot lothnney. Duo 1II0rnlng In IIOSt! 1'111 goln' 10 tllke nny cltn nc '5 io'ebrlltll'J'. wheu Rll.Jbs wne nlone. Sher· wl lh OIhhR, dll you1 Well, nfterwllrtls. eotertaloed . Wed·uesday IlHeruo oo i ook youo ge r, WhIm t r oubled wltb of his purchase. Come ne ll oqu (ltot on'c~8 from Wnrren I<1l1tt (,Il IllC In. 80llle slH'(lts o r typewrtt· !' shut the dllor. nnc1 I nil' ole Gu rlley oOUDty wbo epeot the winter at oo n8t,ipntlon or biJio nsoes!l 'ake to Fiction McCall' e is Supreme," Cbnmberlllin's 'l'nbiel;B. They are tcn mcruorRllllR In 1119 IIllD!l. and talk over your plans hlld a tll ik. Re's Il mlghlY dl sngrccllble Petorsburg, writes a New York lIublCriber. Florldl' , There hilS i nt e oded e~ p eolally for tbeae all "BlhhA'," he sn ld. "1 <1011'1 like to bllll 1U1I0; he ruhbed It 111 011 me wbllt be McCALL'S help. with us. 'We can show 10 ,. 'ry oftcll tills WilY. Roll wLton J 110 slIllI Ilbout ntbh. hn vln.' hrn ills Ir be boe D DO forwlI r appllCIi tlon mad I! t o 1I1tlnt,8 ODd are el:Oelllen t, Easy to over 1.200.0 00 to m ak e U" Itlglll holiduy CODgres8 toke ltnd mnat agrcei l lble tn otIeo' J tl Rllnll)' wlsb 1 hndn't-but t or heov· ever woke LIp. Thf'n I thonght be mllst wo m on drt!ss in you how to save money Obtllinn ble e ver.whel le en's sake 'whut Ita,' c you becn buylll!: wllnt to get somethl ug alit 0' me. be up to this d 'lte. slyle al amall "X· ______ •• __ -__ }lr . nod Mr8. Jam os ::lbum!lker pense. . A recog.. I tIJot ole bU8tctl Inter·trll ctJon atocl( got 90 Onttcrtng-tor 8 mInute! 'D1bhs in buylng all kinds' of !\nd li on Everett returo ed home. fAst nizuJ Fa. h Ion ror?" couldn't help bovln' bllsi lleS8 brains,' AUlh orhy for ~5 Hibbs lenot!tl bneil trom his des k. h e 8n5'8, 'belo' your SOli. ~)on't be slIr· week Ilfter Il m on lh'lI IlbsLDoe, Mono to ny mlly "rll ODII pllrt of building material. .ytar •. "110r eleven hnndrell ond OttY' /Ivt! dol· prieM,' he BRys-'don't be sllrl)rI8ct1 nt ~everal frow bere aUended tho our. natnre and res' another. . McCALL PAT. InrH. 'fhnt's all It cost." hIs Dloklil' R 8tlCCC s,' be SOY8. 'Ro Hugbe! meetlD!J 10 Dayton Monday . TERNS lead In "Well. It alo't ,,"ortb eleven huudred couldll't get over bls heretllty; bo .LeMter Crane o f t!le Miami Gazotte ",ylc. Il l, slmrllcand IIrty·/h ·o cents. You ollght to couldu't help belli' R bllsloess success- WaH In !lur oily 8aturdllY r~newln!J Ity, eco nomy and Ut.:==::=aQV kn(\... tllnt. I dOD't !let YOllr "1 ~1I . once you gol him Into It. It"Ii In bls old 8cqualntaOOtlBhlp. l:hii!! alway!! spent Sunday with tbe former', numher 801.1. Buyers Get Quality Guaranteed_on M.''-'AU.:!> -;'!1 t o U S pAglt.5 m o nthly- II the . 'ptUODt8 bere. blood. Yes; ' sir,' be SOl's. ' It doeso't a weloome loe8t and Houl'cketpiua Helver of . All Supplies an), oth e.r ma" • • lne In lhe need l.IIucb brnlns,' be soys. 'an' only Mr . and Mr.· Alber' W hetsel, of · Mra. MllryGrllham w .. 'he auOl' lalut •• yles every month ; thlrd·ro tc' brnl1l8: 0 t tbll to' bo .nys. 'but Dunkirk, Ind., viSited hl9 brother lalt wook of her daollil ter and fam. . tutlca ' ~f1echl l dep ll rlmtnta h om ~ dr••' maliln", fan cy work, It doee need R II llec!lll \lInd 0' bralos.' U. O. Whetsel and family ffJr , tly Dear Kltohener. w ay. 10 lIafiten h o uuwu,k and •• ye HOW TO GIVE BODO ADVICE be 8IIye. ·to he n mllllonnire. I mean,' eevcral daY8 lase w eek and returned Mr. aud Mn Bnd Co lieU were the ",pney . Price : only Sc 1\ ~Olll'. SOc • year. SEND FOUR Uk FAncy. Woo" Book week eDd gueltl of :lIr. aDd Mil. The bel' way '0 give good advloe be laye, 'wben a wan" given a 8tort. h owe l!iuDcI .y. CENTS '" .... h 311 Emhrold".." ~o aotI Mr. and MrI •. Peter Oory eDter- 1I'loyd Andereoa tn Xeol., II tie' • 800.:1 example. Wheol If nobody give. · blm a .tart. wby. ST".nOI 3z.t>a•• McCall Poll.... 1100k o*h."ttee how qolokl, 10U Ie' ove r COUI'8e hit'. Irot to hR V8 luck and the 'aiDed JIlr. Uhu' Moore aDd family Mr. OU1 darr lefU~1Ilac1a,. ....nllli ='J=lt':'~~:f~I':t.~~~::~~C:=':: AMrft. "",., . .11,/ Jour oold by 'alIDI Ohamberlala '. rllrbt klDd· 0' bralnl. Tbe oDly mIr- of Xenia, SnDda;,. for Nllw where he willI talle up h .. acle abciut Bibb,,' be 8IIYI, 'II wbere be 1IIItIloCALLCO.,23IW. S1IUI., N.wT.. kC.,.II. T. CoUlh Bamed, 'be, IU' 1111.1,. to IIr. aDd Mre. Babe" Carr .pen' lohool work for &he ,ear. follow),OIIr esample. Tbll rBllled;, lOt the other klad 0' bralD8-the bralne ahl week .Dd wllh Sheil' daughler Th. Ladl.. Atd wUb lin. baa bleD ID 081' lor maar , . . . aad . . mad'; Illm qalt un' aDd throw .Dd laml\), DIU LebanoD. Uot1erweed tlite~ .....


























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W. H. IADDE-! ~ CO,


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Ib, ad lira. Bat 0a.1'. 01 X8Di"-. ftuntay •






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1' \, 1

$5 $7 50 & $10 00 I •

In RIl f' 1l"nrt > () rcl icve the COli · g-ested cond it ion of th e sch oo l build · in g and pro vide m I (! cOlll forl!lble lIuart p.r s fo r tho lilLie clll idrell . oi the lowe r R"rad eo , til e L(' ballol! l30ard of I':d uc a ti"n has d cided t o IIsk the elec tor s of Turtl ec r ck- lown I shi p l o vol e a bond i ~~lI c ill the s u m of f6tJ.OOtJ for n new high schou I bui ldin g . a t a s peci a l election to be held a l the " !-:,u lar voLin" pl' (!Cind ~ on SHt urday . Uc to he r 1·1. IU16 .

The Mearick Cloak Co. Second and Main St.., Dayton, Ohio

~~~;;;;;;;;~ - ~ -- ~~::;:::===;:~:=:-~ - . -.!


E. W. RICKS Phone 83·5

- _._.. - ...- -

H~~f,;.~rl~:~~~~~1 ~ir~~~~:r nom. " 'lH EPIlWER

Keep BUlY.

To !'e hnpplly h'"y-hu.y In doi ng "Muh l'Ionlt'II. l llg 'I\' ~ rl"II)(ht III d oIng- Is n h" r sIIll Y. "" II. tI" 1II08 t llrOlUllI~lIt Suo I splendid nntldoto fur worry. For Indo- dllll!'t II. Ill s 1'.111 (l' town. Y"~Slllt. l enet) Is un n l'ltl UI1 the w lll~ds tit' Jltl'; ollr churt' ll uP,' pr Ihlnks 0' gl \'lu' n slllld III the eye of ,·m·rgy. l'htlllsnnds I Rn 1,,1 \\'l tl"" 1 sit,,'!! rl j;1it (Jllr to lIo d o o~ sCful·lu\' oUd s t o whulll udvorHo to I'· ltoNl-i lll' :"- K fl n :-:tI~ ('"lty Slur. .

tn nn hn" denl t',l th e pl l!llSUr 'S of us!.~ rn l work hm'e rldd~u to heulU. on II hobby. • -

Earth'. Atmosphere.



ThI s t he l"r"e~ l CIIIA k 1I0ll so In the Mlddlo West . was n ove r s o w ~1I pro jlllrcd with 1"1\11 01l1'O'00t6 IlS It Is tula soaeon , W e cordlnlly In l'l to you to pay us 11 vIsi t this Fall.

Lewis VI. Livery

hll"il~" vi

__ •



_ I '

Referring to the Cow ? It Is f;u lll U.ut II gru\' e~ton" hellrs Ihls In~Crl(ltlon: "H, re lies th e bddy or Snnlllci Hold"n. who di e" ~urlt1coly und .tIl'·X'Pllctedh· hy belnll Idoked to

Th'tl earth's nUnoNllhere Is Ruppos"d den til hy It CO l\'. Wl·1! done. gond Waynesville, Ohl0 to "lIry In depth from 12lS to 200. Ill!1P~. 1'lllthrul ser\'llnt I"

() ~


'l'( I {f

Til F A :

-I k




Open in' evening at 5 '


ru ~b eu op to 'he b OlD o oouotry doel,or In t he vi ll lige Inte ooe ni g b t 110.1 bes ought hirn $0 eUWtl llt once to Ii dista nt, fUl'mhou9t> . The Ul e dlcill 8 WliO hitcb ed up hi. I b orlle lind th"y drove f oriou Iy t o the fNr'm er ' M h OUle . Upon their IUrlvnl tbe farm or lIui (l : " B ow mooU le yo or (1'0, Doo ?" " TbreB .d()lIar ~ , " sn ld tbt; pbysi , olnn 11'1 8urprl ~() . "Hore y 'ure " anld tho fnflll or . haodln g o ver' th o Itt f) n ey " rl1t> b.nll1 od live ry mall wllDttltl flVI' cl ol. lars t o drive 111 0 h I me . " - ~:x .

A (Iu rue r

Like a. home run with the bases fUl1~ey satisfy / Ninth inning-bases full-two out-tie score -batter up. Bang/-that "homer" into the atanda makes you feel good-it does satisfy! Chesterfields make you feel exactly the same way about your smoking-they satisfy! , But they're mild, ,too-Chesterfields arel For the first time in the history of cigarettes you are offered a cigarette that satisfies and yet i. mild ! Chelterfi~lds! Thi. new kind of enjoyment cannot be had in any cigarette except Chesterfields, regard. lesa of price - because no other cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend!


• •






- -yo u are a

lIlellll,Cr tl f th t' ~ l'I)(li,J ' - WI ll are a lIICIlIU t' t' o f t IIr ' 1IIlrdl ' - - \ ' 011 arc a fri end (If t Il(' S l'lH 'tl l a ll il


W. H , Alle n leaves Thu rsday for Martins vill e. Ind , (or a coup le of wee ks a t that f a m o ll~ an itoriullt. Mrs. Ilann uh H, Davia . of Colum · bus. ha~ been S )J ,"ding the week wiLh relative~ at I.y tl e ar,d ::;prinl{iJoro, Mr . Ira Doyle and fri end. of. WiI, min g t n. clIlied 0 11 Mi ss Helen Jones Sunday evenirl~ be for e she lef t fo r cullege.

F. n. Henderson and daughte r, Loui e. G. W, Woolley and D L. ('rnne were Lebanon visitors Friday afternoon,



---~ yoll h a \ 'I' [H' \'(' r

I'("IL Lll \' n ' ltdlJll"

Mr . Frederick Schweinhagen. of Napoleon . IlnJ daughter, Miss Freda, of California. aro v isi ting theIr daug-Ilter a nd sister, Mrs, W. F. Benecke and fam ily.

Wm Neeld , the vctol'an undertak· er of Xenia , tl ied Ilt hi ~ hotll e IaMt Saturday afternoon . The funeral WIlS held 'l'u esday afl m oon and he was ,buried at Spring Valley,


Our lI~Pi~:n.a l:~'~' ~~~sen t A so uvcnir will lJ~' gi \'cll l(l l ll ' ()kk ~ L P l'I'SOl1 Al~o, a SOll \' cllir will II' ' i\'C' n l tl lhe yOUll g- est baby prL'scnt , who i;> :1 111L'lubcr of tlte Cra dle Roll. Ron Call of Classes. ~lak ' yo ur class atte tld :1ncc perfl'c t. p r c~e nt.

School Co m,"ences

at-::--9 :..15 a. m. ---=-__ -_--:..

7 - _-_-


am handling th e Cincinnati Cftjli · Ha n. S. D. Fess was one of the and perceht speakers at the co rner·slona layillg tol City Fert.ilizer and pe r lon , r ig ht of the new cou rt house at Wilming- goods at from th e car. lon atunlay. b:dwin Chandler & Mn . Phone 'HI-I y. The mos t comprehen~ lve line of Purn iture. ~toves, RUICS, etc . t o be found m ..... arren county . The S. Even Germ. Obey Laws of Gravity. ' Fred Co" Leban on. Ohio. Tho Influt'lIcl! llf ~rn\'lty [111011 bnr· Mr. a nd Mrs. Alva H oladay and t('rlll In Ih e IIlr Ill lIY he ohs,'r\'",1 III Mr, and Mr!. Lon Edwa rds. of Wil · \'nrlnUH \I''' ~''' , III ntl,jltlllll H I II ~ Ill'tl nn mington. were the Sunday g uests of II'lth ln " Illll lt ,·" 11I','n III, (! n a,' wI' " II r n r Oll m. lol l'!l1 !:'l flllltltl In R"lIh ' I ,,· Mr. and Mrs. Eber Arnold, \' CSII ~ll ll lJ II S III l 'ltl'l " th"t I\' l h,' r "II ~ "'I Ihe Itll e til' ntl' n ll 7[,(\ gl'(,l lI. 11','1',' l\1is ~ l'lelen L. Jones lef t Monday Ilr(,~CI1 I lit n ·"lili' III l'tl' r Yl·t- nt I I,,' morlling to attend Gallaudett col/ege ~UtlUl1tt ()f ttH~ ] 'I1 ntlw tl tl ofllr ~H W{'l't\ a t Washmgton city wher e she ob· found In Ihe ~:111l0 'lll ll l.tlt .\' or IIlr. tained a five year scholarship. Mr." and Mrs. Mye r Hyman a nd da'u ghter are in Cincinnati tOday and to mo rrow. attending- th e services at the Temple durin.r the Jewish NJW ¥lIar.

---- . --=

Be Th~re If

The venerab le Nathan weaker and il is I lhoUISh t th e end is no t far ofI.

~nldua ; iy ~ ('o \\'i n g


====: . --------- -- - - -

I ,I Lupton I ~

Holle r t MOrll{er , o f Garrett, 111. , has bee n enjoying a visit at lhe hume of Mr . Jarne~ Be nh am and dau ghte r, MiSl! Lilla .


!vir. Ilnd Mrs, Walte r McClure \' i~' itt't\ ",ith rel a t ives in B ~ l1 b r oo k :::;undAY e velli ng,


: , Silently t-Itey stllnJ -sllontly 10. vi t in i ru e D to 0 m e I urn tbtl ~eoral of ~halr w,) rlrl . old I'll tiuDco -ln tb ,' wajestlo bnm blon.> s of tlll;lr lo[&y spirit olferlllg tllllwBOl v 8 anu til w8l1ltll of th Ir teaoh lng. Wilen ooon you hl1\'8 nte r ed in t.,l Ibo RIJlrlt o f thes8 m Q l1ot 8ill ~. the plrlt sentiDel. gnflrdluj; tuo troD m es of ~b e bl1I •• icelllS to j O ' II O II ~ ly utlr tbe WilY th"t Oll one plso from th e world or wen IlII~ h t follo w wllo ,doeR not oome a~ y Oll Wb en once t he anm mit ia r ea ohed. J OU stllod fev e r ent Iyand with b oad where the pln.s are 'wlMted lind bllttered anll 'oro by the wl1rrl'ng oloment~. 8ml you loolt down u pon .he rolliog sell of mouutAlns sproad OU' /lite t,b6 protec\lng wlnl'l of ~O rJlO gloot bird· tlo you Ill'" r eoeived lut" ~h(l lun er /lfe of tbe m ,mntn ins ; 80 th e spirIt 'hat dwells 10 'hnt- LIlI oODotry whlt_ per. to y o u tue ' eerets of their eo dllrhg .'r en g ttl lIod loft y ponoe . aud ~ o 18 born tlil s ' O ud-Ilke lovl' for t be m O ~. !! nd 80 Is Inl'u ~etl I,he lr power InLo Ib e ve ry ~oul 0 1 tho · on e w ho Is so [ortun"tely ' p er . 'l.ltted iuto tlHllr llreilenoe.- -By !l:lkidUlo re ..___ • _ .. _~_



m. B. Sunday' S~boo l



Like. to Tra ,v el Against Stream. TIll) t"nd l' lI cy tn i;V IIgnlll ~ 1 th , t r (}UID i s " pry' ij ! r'IJlgly l1ul rl~ ,' d In H

Uti>! M Hur/ ey . lh o "priso n ,\r" IllUII" \\' a~

rel eased fr om the Uh io peni c ' ntiary a ft er com pleting h t ~ fuu rllt sentence f or hurse s tealing-. He relurnlld to his home in Grctll1u County . During his 1a.'1L sentencc it is ~ aid thllt hE' WR .~ II mflde l prisoller . His lif of r.:rime began aL till Cluly Ilj:: >. lIlId con i~ted of Bteal illlf a LJic~ cit: . It j ~ hOI) t! \ tha i he willles, l lh e· riJ,dlL Idnd of a life nu w that hl! ha~ H\lell l most of hig life l!ehin'd th e bllr~ .

BROTHER fARMERS( Ju dg ing from past s ucees. ~e:; I can

t:ntOs h. culled "'·~" S. 11'11 1 'It 1(H'~'s Its keep your ho(:s rrom dying with t hll

ll'n~' Ill' t he torrQl1 l1 111 SI l'''llIllH of U,o chulllra, :!7 }~c per head and higher. Andes. grIppin g wl lh I t s nll.uth nnd Ilcco rdinlLlo size. gua ran teed to imw"l og IL tr)Olht"'d ' "Unu'H } JIUl l' Hi' n mune for,,!ife. Ore n t ..awn. l e\'cr. It CUll ellttlh u[I , (((lillY t eet .or Phone 227 A Lebanon ,:O. 6 IUOOtll. \~ut er.\I'J)ri. ro ~k. s27


Silver ~ Plate that' Wears II

The many fri end s 0 1 A. A, Linton, of Wilmington . ' wi ll be pained to hear of an accident which befe ll hi m ---- ~- .... - - ::lullclay , He 8t nrted to crank his ' macitine . and his , wris t was twisted A Il. Il " w lt o I~ 187.., Is IIl(' tel y" out of place. It is Ifeate d the bOl1e~ of I he wris t a rc cr u dh ed. . stcl')u.dtler fu r 011 0 wh o I~ lIo t, See Water house fur Auto Live ry .

--- -_.---

AT HOME Dr . H e rsehell F i~h ~I" Leuanon.

ZIMMERMAN'S PEACHES Fine for cllnn ing $ 1.35 tip.


Try Chesterfields-today!

Eatin g and cooking.


Oranges, Canteloupes, , Sweet Potat oes , O~io n s Weincrs" Frankfllrts. Mince Ham, Bologna, Kiln V,ried Corn Meal, lew Pan Cake Flour, New Oats, Pure Cider Vi negar. Pu re Spices, New ){aisins, New Ap ricots. Rio ColTe e, per lb. only . . . l5c Steel Cut COITee, only . ... 20c All Scrap Tobacco, li pkgs. 25 c


II JE I _ _____ .

LOt) k afte r Chandler's Fer t il i7.c r if yuu wanl good souris.



It Cl.OSU I Till '1'~11 \ \ ' . SE P-

I'E ~1 BE R :.! ' I

F rtlli zer'l





WII 1' (,

\ :l S.1. 1



Silk POlon Velvet -Silk a nd Wool V e lou l'll -Duvct ync nnd B ollvln -K ,tten ElIr lind Plu sh - N ovel tie. and MIxt ure.

Sorge and No velty Sklrtl In "I I the F all Materials at

o.,j. '"


J";' 'Il~.


th e ft,w ' l l. l lJr k .. :tll li !--lIflt\l''4 in \· Ul:.t IO t!Jil! ~l!lHiO U an' S I ~l' lI i n ollr \:1"l l ' tll l t ll'UUII -


It' rhl 1\ Itt ~n l"\\ Hrd L O" K Ilfte r Chand ler'~ \ .ctr,lta. i f }fJU \\' :mt g OOfl g()o J~: I-







II p,lT in IHind he f.l n .u ' P!->t t ll,-l ~k!~ f, I' (1111 0 111< t llv .lrr illlLH :1 lhl will tlllt he ti u l'lI"au 'd


n t· '", .a!p "11'l'r: l.y t l:i' clnn" 'll 1I1r all!1 1r~ , r , B. Uf ntl~:y \ye re ~TTISH \\'h I' ". 'n <J ••, 11 "11:,·. ··, In, ( )'l'n r wi ll )", [I,p'lIl1. e i IllS YI'ar , 't it ... Xt:nia vtslLo rM Saturday. . ' fa('ully will\dv e till' Ii .. ,l ,,"e /I ll soon . ' II" Ill' ligh t lll ~ np i""(lt u> i~ I 1~llIltl'd Dr . Ilill . Odt eopath 21 SOo Broad· . , I'he 1l1l'"t'!'l i,' .'!'i, I' 'I ' ('qlli , lln!!llt W·IY. 'Le hanu n . O hiO . , 0 C OC. : will ,""0" l,,· • I. , Mr. W , 11. I't ladt.len were . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .<1 •••••••••••••••• 'I I,,· I,I'V' IliH u I: '111 m l. k I ft ~ t k flild Mrs, . 'd w l!(.k !tlll'l' l"'t't III W i tt tlii" I,' rid uy :J ill' 'slille \' lsilO r s l ucs ay. Come IIU I H lid Ill', I' ~lr . unt! !\I rs , I~ arl (;ray ViSilerl 11,1\\' IlIf.l lW "f It , pa!'t' llt $ kn. l\\I w ilh r ' I utive~ ill LelJa non last week. th a t Sc;-tiol1 ,~(j:{ ..f lite S~ ho t) 1 La w I'(·ad~. " I~ \· .. ry 1 a rO) li t, ~ull rcli n l1 0 1' F, ll. Hen de r so n. !\Irs, D. L. Crane other IH:' r"o n I HW i l1~ ·ltarllt! of II ny chi ld Ile lw" ,'lI t ilt' '11:" , l,f pig-hI a nd and A(\ n. Ethan. arc inlJayl un today. Ii tl"'n il' "'(11.,. IlIl U Sh ll.'l·1I if 1\ fe· lIlal e. Iltllsl Sdld :t l,'h (·llild t,) a pu lt· ~1 J' . and I\1rs. ~hC rnl !l1l Dyk('. (If Iic', )l l'i \':;((I lIr l·ar",·h iHI ,·lt tlll i. fur l{olt Ie;,. wertl J)ayl<ln vis itor!:! Mon· lhl' f uli lil'tE' I Ill' ~l·lt· .. ,1 i~ tit Sl'S tlay. ~ i o ll . ,. .., ~I rH, lillchcl I\ (.y ~ feli Tuosday ami wJ.\~ hu r t ~ ,' \' rely . She i$ much be lt r t uday .

,$16. '$20 $25, 50


~ I"i

E are now ready to show the most complete eOAr and SUIT collection in our history


------.-. '*-----------It ................... .................................

Bring USI your cgg~-paying 30c dozcn. \


-antl.get they're MILD

Remembllr we a re agentl for

...T ANL.AC..•



The mil ch he rald ed Brmory f or Lebanon", i II soon he a r eali ty. Ac cording to lelter~ r eceived last week by J udge J , A , kunYRn and Capl. 8arl Mc ' reary of Compall Y E. fron l C,,}. Bryant of th e ~tate Armory Board, that bouy lit a meeting- on Septen. ber 12th unanimoul:!l y passed a resolution to bu ild a n armory at Lebanon at once an d inst ructed architects to prepa r e pillns and speci· fications as soon as possi ble , ' For the past ten year!:! Judge \'tun· yall has wo rked diligently trying to secure an armory for , Lebanoa arid at ,tne same time he has expended considerable effor t to keep th e local company intact. The news just received i3 regarded by him a s a great victo ry. Bnd with the armory sO near at hand he feels h ighl~ re paid for hi!:! untiring efforts In thiS direction. Under Capt. McCreal'y Company E. haS been prB.Jtically reorgBni~ed and is In' fine shape at present. Western Star.

----- ...- --

not be 10 "wllnly" tb~t no WOlY!an "Ill have aDy' u se for JODr eom panT. 1)0

---. -.-->--


Do DO' mllke ,our work 10 "110.

"bed" II • ~oo... ,


I1nlab 18. obancel

Since 1847. the year Ro~ers Bros. 6rilrinated electro-silver plating.silver\vare bearinl! Ihe t rad ~ lIIack "!.H9 ROGERS BROS." baa been renowned for quali ty, wearabi!i lY and beauty. '

1841 ROGERS BROS~T~P~E' ,stamped <in (orks, spoons and fancy sen' ing pieces I. a Ku ar~~tee of. heal'iest. platin g, perfect workmaAlhip and' e)(~UISlle deSi g n, ass urin g long and satisfy ing service. Any article of ~ilverware marked "1MlI\(~RS BROS.'" may be selected wllhout fUrlher j nvesti~;ltion. ' Sold by leading deale rs everywhere Send lor ca._tn<n .. .. C' L" h . all pallerns. . ~-.~. • owmg .£RIDI:" BRITA"NIA CO •• lIIte'ld.~ Call~ (I nltrlllltl OMI !;Hvc r



FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE Ladi..,' Aprons .•• . . : .... . Crash Towelinli, 17. in. , yd Child's Comb. Shirt- Waist Pillo" Shams . ., •........ Child's Rompers . ..• , . .. ,. Front Co mlls ..... . . ... . , Dust Caps. new line . . . . •. Mens' Canvas Glov es ..... Jersey Gloves .. •...... , . Embroidery Hoops, (j. in

l" BPuUdhillir:~


IOc New S alad Dishes ...•..•• IDe lOc Cllinu Sa lt and' Peppe rs , •. We


Glasss lVare Water Pitchers, Creamers,:Sugar Bowls , Spoon IOe H olders, B utter Dishes. leUy lOc Disbes, Deep G , Dishes, IDe , Celery Dishes, Vinegar Cruets lOc Vases .•...• : .•..• .• .. lOe I De ~Ieasuring Cups . •. ••. •.•. 10c: O,je Salt,.!nd Pepper Casters.. lOe


FRANK H. FAR'RWayuesviUe, Ohio•

The Ma&adDe Man

II..............WI................................~. . . .~


~ixty-Eigh th






AU Ab ou t the Pe op le )





OCTO BER 4, 1916


Whole Number 3390

c,~t~~~~~~~:~:;~~~!~~h'~ (~~~~~g~)


THE' KEYST ONE fl YER ON TI1E history of the Associa tion, spnnnilll( spent lasl Whil e W. E. O' Neal l with an au t o . PF:NNSVLVANIA a space of time a lmost fifty yea n'. Mr . fI.nd !'lIn.. LlI1dle~ 1\lr. lind M!'s. O. L . Cran e , Mr. load of men was going to Kin gs . Will . Lip pin ott wss in Da yton was solemni zeq on Wedn esday . th l' ~.n C'1·tnlJlNI at II lim N ~\l tlll'n ul' nhali I·.than 'rrme and MrS. Louise ndll", M~~I . Mills Saturda y afterno on t o vitlw ~"turday twenty. seventh of SepLem iler. The ) ~tmall. 1\11':; . Whitel y nlld till"" IVer • plell~Rtltly entertai ned Woolley . Mr . and ~r8. J ohn McCollo ugh the wreck, he was met Sunday on the r oad day was ideal, and tile balmy atm H. Mlchclll'r. 'Jf the Pri '!II!' . Il olll(, and family spent Su.nday with Mr . by 11 machin e. which pulled at the home of Mrs. Huldah Burne t t to th e Or . J W Mill e r and Lee Hawke W. N. Sears and famil y. phere seemed to permea te til f " I· lind sons. sidu fo r him to pass, and when h(' wel e !Jaylon vi si lol's Friday . ing8 of all. present Th e r e:ati\lus , . . . Htarted to-pass the man pulled Ul' , and friends who had I>ct::n fUI·ol·..,d · r.l a aille (, ro~~. 1rs. Misses Dorothy Ge bauer, Josephi ne u~d in order to avoid a colliR with invitati ons for t hb day, luoked ~.t rs. M IrIlIlria (,ral1(': 1\lay ( 1' 0 , 8. ion ~r . Mr . and Mr:l. I~. S. Baily and fam · ~ he. M IR!olCS n r . Miley will bE' at Spring Valley Andre ws and Beulah Kindler Silent 0 ~e.all pulled out of t he .ronu. Int o forward to it with deli ghtrut'a ntici . (,t'Orgl ll Ha(I(l e~n and !.I ?t\(·\~art ily e ntertain ed Sunday at dinne r the this weuk aml Hurvey sbu'rg ne xt the wet.k.en d In Oxford . a dItch . The men were piled on to p Two Men Killed and Several Pas- pations . \~ere )l1.H'sts ~. rl elay or t he Mts.~('" followin g in vile(1 I(llestS: Mr . a nd of each other, lJut no one was hur l wee k . At half after eleven. the weddin g io.rlllllll ( art wnght and Mart se ngers on the . Train Were htl Bur· ~lr ~. (:. W. lI a wk e. I\'r. nnd Mrs. Mr and MrR F W IJ th ve ry m uch, only a fe w bruises and march being played by Miss Helen ne t l. . .. . !I"well Pierce . Mr . an I Mrs. C. W. . . ~a away scratch es. _ ~evcre _ ly I! urt Miss Mattie Hunt. of the Friend~ ' and Mr . and M!s. Elmer Marlatt , Rev. Am os Cook en t ered lIuruett . Mr. lind Mrs. I ~ . V:Barn ROl{ers The f ront all Ie or the marhine waq Ilome was ~ h o pping in Cinci nn ati were Dayt on viSItors last On Th ur~d ay .)\' cninl! tilt' prf' lt y ha rt. Mr and Mrs. J . B. Chapma n t he room. f(lll owed by Miss. Mabel week. broken. and th e steering gears bad · home of Mr. lind !::iat urduy. MrH . '. M. I(.>illt anti fHlllil y, and Miss Emina Hei g hCast and Mr. Charl es Zimmer man, Iy bent. The e nlline wa s in good The Keyston e flyer on the Penn· where, after a few i.mpress ive words ze r was thr"w n Ol,e n tr> about I ~, I>f WhY, Mr . unu Mrs J. W. Whi te. Mr~ ~hap e, and afte r putting a new ax le their fr icnd H. ' ;'00" w Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Cran e. of Ter- ' and Mrs. I". H. Farr and Mr. Home r under the machin e Mr O'N eall drove sylvani a r oad went off the t rack at by the ministe r. th!'y r epeated (h e tainmen t fUfni shcl t an da~1\ t hu 'n l r· race Park , Ohio. spent Sunday with Carey were Dayton visitors d clki" lI ~ Kings Mills 'aturd~y mornin g, kill· marriag n vows ac:ordin g t9 the tlVo·cou Sunday it home. Un ~a turdny enminl{ . Septem ber r !\c I nueh wa~ ~ !'I·(·rI . relative s here. Friends ' d iscipline . wi t h the ri ng ,' afterno on .. It surely was Ii miraculou~ escape. Ing two men and se rio usly inj urin!: service, :{Ilth . II pleasan t su rpri ~e waa t pn' after which. Rev. Cook ill' and the bOYil wh o ' we re with him a score of train'm en and! passeng dE:l'ed Mi Slat'y at herbcuu ti · vok ed the ers. bles.~inll of ou r Heuven ly About forty IIcople (ro m Waynes . Th "Little lI ~·lpcr~" ,,[ SI l\lnry '~ f ul hmnc R~ Mr . and Mrs . C. W. Barnett reo were v,:.ry glad to get out in Lytl e . Intc rE'sting gameR wit~ a The flyer was late, it having been Father upon them and all who were hurch wc r l) l ea~ a ntl y cnt(' \'ille went to Kings Mills Saturda y turn p.~ home Sunda)' rl ain "~I weT!' "1,,ye,1 and il'!! cream anu coke E! v enin~ . a~ter whol e ,hlle. Th ose accomp amed detaine d at Corwin ten or fi fteen present , Then followe d since re cun. at the home of MrR. Sarah to view the wreck. s.qendln g several duys WIth relative s Mr. 0 Neall were Cwho Zilllml'l" w ' r ~cr verl. ThORO pres nt we re : gratula tion! by every one. B . BenLley , B minutes man un In Washin gton C. d. SaLlIr,ia y aftern oon. Seplf'nl ' Mi ~"es ){uth (',,''". Ileulnh Coon, , and was making up time on H . ~e lly , W. A. Benecke and W. A The bride is the only chilli of Mr. ber 13. th ' 0 'casiun he ins.r Perk in S. thl! an nual He rtha Conn. 1·:lva SwentlY , Lucy its way to Cin cinnati, when the acci· and Mra. Walter Cast, and Mr. and Mrs. hed Va<chie , of was lovely opening of t heir mite lo(,xe!l. - - . ;-'; wl'ney, N(·tti,! Earnha r t . He iJa ])ayton , HPl1nt Sund ay t he gues ts of dent occurred. in a gown of whitella tin and georg ette Miss Ada Michen er left Saturda y Mr and Mrs. U H. Kelly. t·;fl l·llhar l. Mild r,·cJ Burnett . I:' 'arl for Mt. H olyoke where she will re o There is no cause ass ig ned for 'the crepe ' with pparl trim mings; her Mr . und Mr!1. C. w. l ;ordoll. cntl'l" l\11' t\ irl,y. Velma Smilh, Anna .' mi h. . sume her studies for t he romihg acciden t althoug h I'umors were flowers were beautifu l white roses . Mr. and Mrs. James W White, of .year at that'tam ous college. numero us, Sp reading rails, a br(,ken The groom wore the convent ional tained at lin elegant dinn er ~lIl1 d a)' lI" .... Smi th . l.eona McCinn i!l. Kath· driving rod and a stone on the inside black and mad e quite a dignifie d ap· the followin g g u e~ t ~: it.,\, . awl Mr~ r.\·" (·turk. Jeflnc\.ll' .Innn ey , Lo uella Dayton , spellt S unday wilh Mr . and Janney. Mr ~. Sh l COlon. Mrs. J. ill . Mrs. Walter Elzev and family . . of the track were 8UR·ges ted. The pearanc e. He is the elder Ron of Stines, of West Millon; Mr . llnd Mrs. SllIcy; Mr. and Mrs W . E. O'Neall left H un~in ge r, of I';u ton, Ind .: Mr ~ . l\I · ~~ r ~. Ora l Surface. Ever('u Mr . and Mrs, enginee Thadd r and eus Ii Zimmer reman I Monday for Lexingt of man. the second Qn, Ky ., where J t!S~ Chambl iss IIn!1 Mrs. J . . lacksl/ll. Chlrk . U1 enn J l)hn~ , Konneth Hough, engine of the double header w"Ire and i8 a prosper ous young farme r. M'9 Ina Aller. came here Monday tthlveYswa'ni~1 spend the w~ek with rela· The rooms were mORL tasteful ly of Xenia ; Mr. and M r~ . Earl ·P.VflIl9. 1{1l ~~c ll \lurnett . lI ur old Sweney . both killed and the enginee r and fir .. · 1.0 get her goods prepara tory to mov, e Hl'rman Smith. Ernest J::arnha rt, d attend lhe F all races. decorat A band ed with fluwers and fernll . of man gypsies of the passed first engine through were badly - - -- il1l( to her new horne in Indiana l.cH lie I':nrnh!u l. 'Iarence Hye. Ucr · A ~u mptuou Cli nton s dinner and hurt. of Greene f ou A r coll rses. chef In the dining car was Counties last On Saturda y afl ern oon. Lht· Mrs. Lydia Chandl er lett'last wl'ek week and stole everyth ing they bad ly scalded , and lIeveral of the all so daintily prepare d and captivH- day school classes of M ..s . .I . F. Sun ' nard Gehhar t, Elliot Wrig bl . Ethan . for Blanche 9ter, Carl whe re she will could get _ ___ Sm iLh ..-4._ _ _ ling M.r Rnd Mrs. Elias Oglesbe e re- spend t he winter.Ohio, ly served, that nothin g was lack· wallade r , Miss e lflnl Lile lind Mrs.' e rnne. _Allen t l-:el r hands on , even going passeng ers sustaine d bruises and Hllr many friend s Ing to tllrne~ from Ca llada last we~k . nftp r here hope to see justi into fy houses to it other and t he injuries t picking e rm per. . althoug u p D thin~!; L. h it Crane is th ought were gi ven her n Ilflrty a t back in the withou epcOIhnl{ sevtlral week~ WIth their spring. feetlon. t leave. At CeriarvilJe th ey not fatal. the rectory . Gam es, ll1u . daughl e r Soon after the feast , am id showers fish.pond were th oroughl ~i(' anti a gave their children a bathat the town The tra in consiste d of two engines , y rnjoyetl pump and held a citizen up for $30 ten steel coaches , steel baggag e and of rice and other lively uemons tra- by the ch ildren, after which duill Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taft returne d cold cash, t nothing less than highwa y mail cars. Had It not been for the tlons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmer re freshm e nts wc rl' serv ed . Tho ~oy Mr. sl:d Mrs L. A. Zimmer man to their home In Dayton Saturda y man were robbE'ry whirled . away They t rees were in where an fi nally arre\lted auto· invited were : Mi s~l'~ Es lht' r li en· the train was derailed . Bnd daull'hl er snd M rll. Sar ah Zim Mr. Taft it will be rememb eretl had and for ced t o return the stolen it is though t the damage merman spent Sunrlay with relotivl s an auto acciden t a week to life mobile. May their brigh test visions derson. Novella lIe nec lw , F'Hn c ago, but he of happinCS propert l! be more than r eaJize9. Cooper : D oris J:lawk ' . I{hcn Jal !et y and then ordered to leave wo uld have been greater , ' as all of ill Ri chmond , Ir,d . The regulur meeling of tho E Ks tis rapidly recover ing. town. ' the cars would have proibably land ed and With every passing year thelt Cartwr Ight. » O Tl~ Henderson. LoUIse orn Stn r Lodge No. 107. will ho ld mutual affeetio n bec.,me more deep Lynch, Mildred Hnrtsuck . E1ijie th .. ir reg ular monthly in the Miami river. m~eting at l'he second engine turned a com· and f ond, i. t he wish of t he sixty· Hllwke. · f( nthryn lI enllers1ln, Ituth th ir hnll Mondny evening .. Octobe r plete somersa ult, t urnitlg its head· eight lueata permitt ed to witness Stansbe ry, Katheri ne Fromm , MilS' !Jtlt at, 7 o'clock . All mcmbf! rs are Ii~ht in the tiireetio n from whence It the blendin g of the IIv !s of the e ters Boyd Hendcr son . Elmer Stana· rCl.llIcst c() to be present. "oung persons . came. The ralls !LIang the road for bery, Myron and William Thoma.~. Kabo Clara Hawke. W. M. Amer ican Lady about 200 feet were torn up, and the ties and roadbed 'were a wreck, The live Model Corset Several distingu ished Cincinn atians House Dresses and Dnd firazier cs and New Yorkers were aboard the Middy Blouses train, but they oscaped serious in· jury. Two ladies had been in a wreck j ust a week ago, but In both cases came out withou t injury. A summo ns was sent to every town in the county at the ' time of the wreck for physici aN. because It was though t at the time there were more passeng ers hurt t han really were. The steel coacheEI seemed to save the lives of p __ l~iers. The Wbat you've alway s wisbed for is here toda y. passeng ers were taken to Cincinn ati Clothe s designed for men and- young men with style in a special car over the C, L. & N. ·that was hereto fore confined onl y to high-p riced railroad . By noon a large crowd of Bight garme nts. But style is not everyt hing. You want seers was on the ground , but the wool fabrics, good ta iloring , depen dable lining srailroad officials finally drove them you gct all ·this and more in the "Frat" clothes .. back o/fthe railroad . The wreekln g .trains from Cincinn ati a nd Morrow were on the scene in short order and The "mor e" is the servic e you will they worked foraco upleofd ays try· ing to get the tracks In shape. A tr/ilck was built around tlt,e wreck and get In weari ng these good clothe s. t rains wero makinllr schedul e time on Monday . . The railroad officials and the Petera Cartrid ge people did heroic work cRring for the wounde d and helping passeng ers 'with their IUirgage . Several doctors went ovel' frum Leb· anon. but their services 'II'ere not re q uired. The lJody of Mille r. fireman . was taken to Lebano n, Ind was ihi pped to Cincinn ati Satulrda y !Lfter· noon . RI\i1road officials are loud in their prai e of the all steel bllggag e and mail cars. Not one of the men in lhese cars were hurt, althoug h ~he baggag e car was turned over, and rolled down the embank men t agalnat For Men anti 130ys a big elm tree. T wo window s in the !nail car were broken. otherwi se no g reat damage was done. The pu· ~enger coaches were all off the track and were buried in the 80ft dirt . Dishes on the diner were not even disturhe d althoug h the train traveled Thank sgivin g with the old folks at home -it does several feet over a rough way F()~ THI3 t N'flRE FA\"II. Y Twenty ·eight years ago last month aatisfy 1 For your smoki ng. Chest erfield s do the a similar acciden t happene d at Corlame thing -they satisfy I Uni nn Suits or seJll)ra te gar· win. when a freight train telescop ed a circu s train, killing seve,ral people 11Ie nts . . 50c, 75c &. $. and inju ri ng quite a good many, But Chest erfield s are M JLD. too - that's the; \\ioul Garmen t s . . . . . . . See Waterh ouse f or Au to LiVery. ]

Mrs. Robert We rnt z Saturda y in Cincinn ati.


... -.- -BOLD BAND OF





Prices, $10, $12.50, ~15 &.$18

Boys' Norfolk Suits, $2.9 8 to $6 Boys' Blouses, Special, 35c to SOc Swe ater Coats, . 98c to $6.0 0

Lik e get ting bac k hom e for Th ank sgi vin gthe y sat isfy !

Un de rw ear

- - -...

..... $ I .00 to $2.50

==---==,=..==-== Blanket s . . 79c to COnl/or ts . SI.50 to

SS.5 0 $3.5 0

Outing Flannel Callton Flannel .

lOa. 10"

12 ,~~ c

Ladies' Flanne lette Gowns . .

Girl'S School Drelises .

Wool Knit Skirts . •. , .. . .

....' .. 98c and $1.26 . ..

59c, 98c and $ ".25


Co'm fort Cotto n ~heetlng Musl in 8

89c, 89c and S I .00 ....... . 89ca nd 98c

Dre8 8 Clngha~8 Apro n Clng hams .




--ead SHOES


12.~ c

-I.adies' House Dresses . . ..

WAY NE.V ILLa . o • ..

- ...- - -

Our attentio n is called to the fact that tenant houses in Waynes ville are not availabl e. There are prae· tically no houseS in the town for ren t. Only lut week several per· lions, who wanted to rent houses, were turned down, and they had to go elsewhe re. - Tellant house. are always needed . There is alwaY8 a demand for . them, and it:looks bad for a town when desirab le people have to g'O to other places on accuunt of the lack of hou8C8. It would be a good !!Cheme for liOme one to put up a row of hoUBe8 for rentinll purpoaee. nill would not only enhanee the beauty of the town but would be the mll klnll of a larger town. And bualllli a meD know tbe advant8 ie8ofm orepeo ple, ~_ _ _ _ _ _ _• • There are aeveral rood! buUdlll a Biteuro und WayneeviUe that could be utilized for proHt to &nJ one who DItY GOODS II en&erprialDK enouiJa to put up -and-: - ' aeveral four and live room 0011111,


wond er of it.






,, r :


Don't expec t this new cigare tte enjoy ment (satisfy. yet mild) from any cigare tte bu~ Chest erfield s, because no cigare tte make r can copy the Chesterfield Mend -an entire ly . new combi nation of tobac cos and the biggest discov ery in cigare tte makin g in 20 yean.

1 l


~~~& "Give me a package o!'hos e cigarettes tha" SATIS FY. "


rf le ld

,. .. ~ ' jt!




.! : 20&1~






" ~


tl h 1 .1n h. I ... I\IIUllill t 1If' .\lI'l'rI Iw\1 j: lf't' JU p th~ 1!r' "HI 111 '111"'., "01


,III ~' ,

tllIIi rllll Ih,' whill..

l'i r"l ~

\ un k nn w Iinw he Is - t l1h.·.· In-

Ihl llll :"




hll" &::I h"


·' NfI." 81w Rrn l1erL


" I cl1d n-t knuw \' I ll" ·11t ughI'd, 1,,"klt,A' IIW11~' (rill'" I) 'C'

y o nl ll,,-t n T"I\r1l1l!r . l'ti al w!\\"fo' IW!ln l "I t's '\1,," ( illS wa y



("(1\ ,1111/1 )llfu. (ou rl

~lh'lIhln' n' III II

My rtl e \ ~ ,lo,,,,I''' Jo.,lt , ,!t 'UlI,\' 0' 1111111'. 11110111\." , li t! tOlld ilwo, "~IWN(lnl Rtllrlllt:; out l'; 11 11, , I l' I I1 ll I t ;" u e- h\t-4J ' Int ll Uw hull Wllh :til .1It, of tll n·I,, _" f\, h(l , \ 1 ' 1- I ,,,. " "I ', dn t ~d " 1.!"tlllIl l l ~· . ' JI !! t..'1t fhllt "h~ eC'l't"llIl~ 1l.1 1i ' lIll U t " l t-l t-lnh1h'r . fti ht t (.'un l tJl tJ ~ t >Ill y lit 1 :t ~ \, "tI ,,\\' I Hlllll,'!" b ut Ul l r- H . II, sh\! ""Ill tl(lthl tl~ li t nil, 11IouA' h 11(' \\,11 11 Ii: I" ,ltli IoI·h ~ lI!. H. F. Ih(""n, . , ~.I uU 11I tho slll'o" becll m !.'tJll)llrrn ~ '" I. . . Cu rl ~;\ r , p ht, , nOli til H lrUI1 Ht>, k l ing. Wf'r~ 1 ~H P lui n r d t J n '" ~1 ' t4 o f t il l ' "\\" ('11, I I!'u c~ e I bciller 11' g "tOil' ,·h i lll rolr ,,.' h Ult1 11 tllI ,1 u t'\lh ' ''I ~ IISyit,") , '\('Wtl 1I1~r('." lie sn lll, li t 1!I ~t. "U .. An oril"T \ . ... \.; tll ,_\1., f ll r nn nl101 I /1l lgl1 wor ry ." II Hltd nrhl \, 111H" " 4 I .,,-,lltl l!) ndlt t ill n I "{; ,)oll lJy- nncl tbonk y til," sulll :II ory. ! o II", RII, " tl n t .. l rl' .' Iy 1111 11 \\,,,,1 1111' " For wh nt '!" Ullylrl k III 11111 Ih .. I',, " nl ,\' 11",1, 1 If' " , "For tile le Ul' r." t! ~ \l lll ltl )ol ~ lllIj 'Illlpl",\ 1' 1' ''''' r II' "'''fVIOI ' "" I "nut ""Jot 'd h e an y nn(l llt 01" W'I<' ~ l1l1re .. lit" oPlltlll<llt: Otl t ,'I " " "Oh," h ~ "nill. Llnnld \'. " YoU'I'C t ( l htl r (lnd l'rn i J I I1" f luUtlu,I "r Il f tho b enlth?" Mn<. h4!rll1nn ,l el11an.lcod , 1m · "'fl llhi tlot I I hi III "\I~' ll:to'l h, 'r [1 \; \1 .; " welco ltle. Gootilly." . YIIRr patiently, III! G r ge p in ed n COl) or IIUlI II " rur f tt r~ -"I Il' i llg W:l~' (\ 11 t'lI" )l lI rr Pil l Oll t ber tHlm!. "G o.;.llIy." coll'ee betore b r husband . . be rl<lnn \1':\" ~h' II I H I ' • Emn \\'1 11,.1 ",01 rlll k \\' , hll Ul b I . ' , <:, . \It 1' ., ~· [,.Ild Ihp IIIIl' ", ,, ' 11 hll" C to CX('t\ ~ · Illy Iprt 111111(1," ";A!t· " "w ,\liru" "n il,' ,e1:r • •• t! ""iM'HI ped blm~clt to creom nn ll s ugur , eI, .. r, till' IIl1k!'r lind 1111' r·:\I1(II".II, ·k he ~ lIl ll. " I bull a 1It1 le II cd ," ' ''1 to tl J" ('"r,l lln J· 1l 1t/t , \"tl .111 "' . ph ilr (l \\'n IIlJd begao to sip thc · ~rree. nl:ll<,'r. tl llil IIIt'pel II 'W\; Oil , ',· m il'" ' oth,' I' olle" ti t Itl H',If' li t rl ln l t~l.I t ", 111 1 ·t.l ll1(JIl' i d "I'm comlll' to that." he I'rtnn,cd, It \l"1I~ 1101< ~l'I'\·l l r('.< ' 1 II' I'' . A [ll l yln)r Cn' ns Fh RIl\, . 1\ 01 1 d,-It-'ll (' nl p l, '1l .. wll II " 1' ''11" ,, be gll\'!' plncldly, " SIlIl bow en sy I Dlollng th is cl onl' rllr :-:h" r lcl lln. IlIli l I" "', ,'nlly ,,<. \ "ull , I"l,\r ~Ir. !'h:'rldn n!:' III f(, . t rn ~ I" ~. I II JI " f ::' rllnk M. CU~y:th b'::n lC~~I~?n~a~n~~~la~';ntcr. ~.I~:(",II"::.I;:.',, IlIllt ~ll u \. 1'l r"\1S wOIIIII I " :"0111111' ti t till ! })Idllll:! C\·PI·."'h lt 10: ' l'O ll ll " lI l1~ ll llo lui, 11n,I.: r 11111 will o f l'~ I~ht h u t' Wba t dld- " II I' "" I ~ .,nt tl 11 11.1' h(l\\' ." Ue 11"1j; h~.1 l st\ul' . 1 \ 1I1i1 ~ , .,1' H' t' lL P I' . .. II' tUa n 10 ro nren l 01 11111· J110"1\\, lI clocys. I " I "It's wondel'ful," be Intern1l' t!'d nl1 - rnlh ," wltl'lI rel( It. unt! IIc. tlu- h,," I" hilI ~'. nn, Il,lI yuu hO I\· nOll llt II~ n l"11 h .v tl ' U~ t !,(I ItI 'p r u " I'II , (\l«(',' pt lit o 1I,,·~"t l ll l' lIt~ l iJl'r"ul ~" I I mil'lngly, "",bot a tellow clln <1 0 ~\- lIb 111 111\ 1"'11 1111'. 1 n~ ~I "ry lII:1 rl" III'; (1 \1. ( IlJlIJenN hts le tt bnn~ . I enn B I~ D1\" UillIll' 1' '' '" 1·'''" .... IIlmo. t upon Ih~ 1I",\h; nr 1111' I "I 1I 1"1l1'lI YOII hurt your huml, bu t f or t ll tln c t ltl' Il ro lll " f 1' 1,'tin ll[ $1 :IU co nrt. e "" t ~. with minI! llOW. well's I C\' r:r ('(lull l r""k . :-:lIe 1111 ,\ u 1I10k CIt !t1'1,rI'iIeIl Sl llll n · fl t jll st how ." i\elY ~ u It s with my right. It <:JI m !! a 11 1111' Ilnrd (m th .. r1,."l rrucllon or H """ '1111. I'"t , " It W ll~ 1111s WRY," b e be ~:l n, nnll at fil'!lt, but llOW, hon es t, 1 Lelle yp I It I'II III_ h" ,1 u t Ill e .Ight of II Ittl . 111111 I,. 1101 11, u ~, u n('o lls..touRlr, sa t II0WII Th oll " '" E I '"r WIII \.• Tho I' l lt~ rather IIlgn 'WIth my I tt. T hllt's nil pili" " W II" t nk,, " In lI er ".Y'" I,y 11 ""tt nlo:ll ln. \ 0 11 mllY not kll o\'\' II , 11Iit I I ever ba ve to write, nnyw a..l· -j u ~t . 1.. 1I1"'lIce. will ie "olm r ll ' ''"d III I,,'r lI ~ l't1 10 ", ,,rry II j!'o)I>d .Ic'1I1 a l·o tll th~ b ur ,!. l ' IIlClJ l nnll , ( ' b l C II!..[l 1 Il nu :-tt . the IIlgnature. n s t' s all dlehltln "" , clll"'ks. Y" tl lI;: .. ~t fI' m y hoss-tlt 0111' IlIlIt I Joul~ !t"J!w " y l 'u . Appl'ld frulll He blew across tlle tOIl of tlte (' II P " 11(\11'1 I.J ' R tlrp l'I~I'(I ," hI' ".lld . "Trtl lh u~l",1 10 C'Jllt o ' to "PC. YOII AO III 'tlm r~, Ll uchlll. uf m ll~:1lf uf M O rl o\\' . N £, wllw • . \ ,1" ' 11"11 liy " llltl oy Lllro \\ unctuou sly. "Goo~ col1'c('. mn lll m(l ! I I~, 111 a WIl Y h 'H sor t of 0 11 hll ~lnps~ I nf ll r ,lIm- Ibot Is, 1 IJ I('un III"h~. 11" R Well, Db.out Rlbhs. Ole G lIl'III'Y SO YII 11"';lll" 1 In her e. It' ll (J nly WI; ' a 1111 11 ' tit" nile 1 SPOI(!' ? f fI~ my ,pn rlne r: at'l(l he r n l'x l· f r i(o utl \". Tit . (' h' y(, I"'Jd, he hellevcs If ntbb8 coul rl somehow Ute. I " x pcct." t ill' Iru t h Ix th11 t A w hnt It s j llst 11 10,,"1 Uln 0lf1 0111l, " Il ' CII{;:1l " 11,1 t:1t L illi ' " Roil w".\' (J o. 1\.1 011(0), : tl tll ll uu t ..l HIItl get back to the stnte 0' rn lud III' WII R " I'm Born'" _nI(l ~l l lry. " I 11111",,1 .:,)In ' 10 Illlt0llllt t o. one 0 ' Ih eRe .I IlYs-co m.mene.,,, wilh t h No r th - E 09t - So u th - W es t - w o In about the mllchlne 8hop-tllM Is, If ,l"oll 'lI om !' ' 1 :"{':t tl ~I' \\,e' r" n IgIII,(1 r". " If \t Is hCll lth hold s out_ W (' II, you rf'- cd :Uf>,UOLl coffet,. m en Ilrc s olv in!! th ~ coffee pro blem , be could some wny p:et to r~lIn' n l.Jllut Un Cll l"' k l~ll. " ;\cl!:hllors! :,;,11 11 e-. til e lit lIcr, I f'XIl{' ct, I hll d him ou n Prob ate Court I'roceedinee buslncss tbe ,.,'ny he relt -lI1IlIllt !hco tllII('S Iw upl ' ,Iun' t S(',' ijO tll ll '1 1 0' Uwlr 1II11.'h lll(, 0\' "r ut a pla nt 0 ' mlue ; a mI There is n corre wh ich brings a milA . m i's h ave sol ved it _ " An ann y ,hOP-Dot the POl'try nud wrltln' !Iort. IIcll; hhors 118 th ey IISCU to. 'flla t Is , 1 ~o lfl e tlnws I 'rl killd 0 ' 8 ll~nk III th!!I'" lion men 10 b reakfast " in a hurry" but-" H e !lOl1s ed, 8uPlllemcnllng hi s Il eo r s Inlely ." tl llll R e hOlv Ii \\' OS gr il lII' nlonA'. 8~ t ll te "r TrutH n U UI Ill OR, d . , I r a v e ls o n i:s stomach" an d o f the coffee t hat make s all I h ese O1t:n ellge r remarks wltb ' a motioD of hi s hell ll " Y \I 'll ~t ll.v long enough to si t down, T Hkl' /I 1(lf' lor \\'11 11 Ille ~ meUmeR, lI e- cell~eLl . F lo u l a c!,;o un t of t ru stee arm y breakflls l, a s k a ny soldier what to g e t to t h e breakfas t table, s lo w to towar(1 tbe old bouse next door. "He won't yu u ~" cn ns Hibbs never ",us 80 roLJust, you Rl h,w'HL Uppl'llV' d /Iud COll ll rlll li. I he w o u id miss mOSl_ leave it, saY8 Bibbs Is olde r aDd bnrder'n wbnt " t gucas I ro uld mnll nge t ltar Ul h: bt tiny. Olc D c Gmn 'r-I. gtl<'KS Estn to of 'l'nl li1tlll ii ll lme~ , li ebe was wbeD he broke ,down that tl1lll'; m llcb .... Ami tlt ry a M (ICl wn, fncln.: I IIlHJ'hc Y OIII(l~,O W him? '1'1111 , tltln w ll n; oed. Ll. Olstri bnllve 0 0 uunt OI ed F amous r es taul'c,: ,t s Il a ve solv d it , Your grocer h all th is co ffee--AraDd, beSides, he nln t the klud 0 enc h o th!'r 11 url not fnr opnrt. nC,I,s . ~ 1 ~;!lYI n I'e I!l ~ rato o f TI'UDlUII I:lo lm l!~ " buck les', T oday y ou can introdu e it9 Th ey know tha t without th ~ rig ht coffee i!rea.1llY woy be, WBS, tllen-?nd I "Of CO Ul'se, It couldll't be r ail ed bllsl· I ,,:.: ~ . , Ll,'COltRI'I II. A lh~ r t l:io lrmls H H lid rich. f ull fl a vor in . y ou r home, S e rve t h ey w ould h a ve fa iled. should Bay h e al n t! 1 d like ,elD to n ells. eXit('lly," [I' slIllI, lIIo re grnvely ell, o~~ II ny T on ole Doc 0111'- 1II1ni s i rll t o r u u b,mis 1I 01l · w il li WIll Arbuckles ' fo r a w eek an d nOlice how &how me anybody ble age thnt s nny "Not nt nil, 1 exp('ct. Unt Ih re I ' n('~, we ,, !!rc III th ~ r(', li nd I und er- Itnlw xc Ll tlI ad 11I " (llI~ " ry lind ull 'One of th e g r eatest Am e riclln j udges much ,nore his breakfast mea ns to him, ' mder awakel But he 8ay8 BIbbs' soml't hln g 0 ' yon l"!! It sce lll d to mo I t,," k to s ho w nl h h R Ilo \\' to MIll II I.. prn iMIIlIltlllt B ring joy to y o ur bl'ca kfust t able, ha s said th a t unhap pi nes s in thc h o m e lIeal.;b'll Dever need bothor IU ag alu I oughl t o ~I\'o .rO ll, nnd I JU Rt 1I1 0ul1bt I mnrhill e. , He told me Lo look O:It, bn t U " rg o A E~ ll nge r tt d m l lll st m t l1 r trIt WII R lJ ,tt r to bring It my elf nnll I \\'o llill n t lI ~te ll, and 1. (liclll t I I,le o f th t' es t tlt o o f l'!t r lfij l E. l, 0 K~ r, MI'B. Sheridan 8book her bend, "I eXIII 'lln how I bnll lwued toh n" It. It's 1011t- nnd ~hat s how I !tot my hnll .1 tl ('e tl,(,U v~ ~y hil ( ' Es llollo r (It Kl. ~oday there <I re wh o le towns where Arbuc kles' is pracdon't see any he lp that way, Yo n this-thi s letl 'r yon wrote my boy." hurt, Irylll 10 sbo w Dlbhs t o do BO lli UrLl r ta k n 10 sPit rClll l'R t u teo I tically th e o nl y coffe e used. In one Slate, al o ne , in 0 know yourself sbe wouldn't have JIm ." U e extended UII! lellor to her solemnly • Ihln!t L' '" M d ho knew how d I jto 110 t -nodI I I 'tdidn't, II O eor J;e '" I OUllg lit:I II1 'IUls trRt 0 , y ear , four pounds of Arbuckles ' Coffee w a s u sed for every "Wbo', talkin' about ber havlD' any· In his le rt hnn ll, IIIH! he t o,a.k It gellllr . : ~ ~e BO m: It li B ;VOllt ' n ~vl: n of t b (J 8st lHe o f Eil muDIl H ell Ie V man, woman and c h ild in the Sta t e-four t imes a9 bod,. 1 But, my Lord i she mlgbt lot trom him. " It \\,IIS III his mnll, uttCI' Rlf 00 1 0 myIS Dt OW08 Iulr - , nn'.n!oO, 0 cnl1~eil, VI! Pe"r\ Hllgl{nrd a t RI' him look at !ler l Slle needn't '0 " got b e Wfl S btl"t . YOII knew he never ly d om' y.o f d· m I DI~ . t rll.or ' many pounds of coffee as tht: vopulation of the Slatd • .."ot kl dl eI oe urney ItlIn( t o n, ..(I' 0 I ·e p'" I un 0 f • rv I ce ao mad, just because he allked ber, thnt It, 1 Illtll('ct." Dora ell mea8 url'R W I 01 , 9 b bl'l tI ,be won't let hIm come In tho bO\18e "Yes," he eald, tn R low volfe 0 rl~bt good doC'tor, too, Don't 3")U Y 1111 ~ on . aDY more, He's a mighty tunny boy. He Rlgbed . "J'ID g in!! IlII didn't think 80, .Mls8 Vertrees '" 10 T0 'WIll or MAry Ga rris on, d eand 80me ways t reckon h e's p retty Not," tic Ddded, qUl ckly-"n ot bllt wbn t "Yes." oeAded , Will tlOlllltied 1,0 pr ob-ltR lIear as bard to uodel'lltoDd as the you did jllst rlgbt to s eod It. You did . "Yes, he Is sol" Sher ldnn DOW h;~d E Ifltl! o f Mary M . C o rwiu, deBIble. bot Gurn ey klod 0' got me In YOll couldn't a cted ROY othe r W8)' tile nl r ot a rnmh lln g tnlker nnd gOS!llp oPlipo,1, Fin nlllf'cm nnt o t e xecuto r tbe way o· tblukln' that If slle'd let wit n It came right !Iowo to It. ThcfI ' with 11 11 dllY on bl~ hanels. "Tnke bLm fil ed , oppr ovod nn d 0 nfirm ed . 111m corne bock and aet orDunel w Ith olo't OilY billme comln' to YOIl - YO tl on Rlblls' cnse. 1 ""'IS t nlkln' obol1t In f O CU Hrrllll u Fhlp o f J ohn n n y IIl bbs' CORe with him tbls morlling. Klod lll', min or . Allco M . Kind er her aD eveDlng or two sometlm(Os-tlot wore abo\'eboard nil througb." l'8g'lar, t doo't rnean-wb-y- Well, I Mllry ~Illtl, "Tbank you," oi~ os t II, Well , YO II'" langh to ben r tbe wuy 010 lI \l ll ointc(l gUll roli a n . B 11(1 '1000, '1l11t tbougbt I'd soo wbat you'd think n whIsp er, RDd wIth her hend bowed Gurnoy tnlks nbont thn tl 'Course be In 1'0 eMtn t a of J ,) ltll Kind er , de. Start of Coffee I ndu stry In J ava:. A numbe r or eeneml oootrlloots DR. J. W. MILLER. ot lt. Tbere a in't ony way to Illik low. . 18 Ju st os milch n friend ns be Is clue- oell Med . F r un k C Kindor Il ppoluttl ci "He inlO wi,h S~mulIl E: . C lntte r , DIl\\' n I n 1000 th e on l y Slm r~l' u f r aboot It to Bibbs blm8elt-l don't S IIP"YIllJ'Il have to excuse mo tor reo<lln Inr- ond he 1nk e8 os much ' luterHst a d miui t ruto r. Bo nd: I ~OO (joor ge Vei olt, 1£ J. T nDlplin, F . M. cotl'uu supl'ly II'ns Aruhlu-; hUI In pose . he'd let you , Rnyhow- bu t T It. I had to take cborge or all hl., III ntbhA 88 It be '\\'08 III the t nrnlly, I n r n C8t u t" o( G oo r ge Dul'l' ow, d e 1;" lIlm , tiarvlly 'M. Burnett. W, '1', I hn t yeu!' O",'crnor ,"Ull H oorno of .•• DENTIST••• thougbt maybe you coold kInd 0' slip mnll and everythlog; I didn't koow Be thinks Bibbs Isn't noywnys bUd c ellllcol. Wililo m I •. ' u m enln~ 811 WII. ou, J , M. Sbe rb e' 1\ nd J . C K Ip. th e D utch Ellst Iru1lu Cflllll"'tlY r,,over thel'e 80me dny,• and killd 0' blot oIT yet: nnd be thinks he could 81n 1ld pOioLed aclmiul s trtltor , Boud fl OOO hart. ce l\' {lli SOIIIV ~I )n'l'(! Nl'cc l ~ trlll i l IrH \ ll·r~. om"" 10 \'r .yne~ lIIe. 0 U'OoDd tJlt you see bow the laud Inys, th e pnce and ([et tnt o n It If- well, this Appraiser ij C!l l'I ll r o lVu, Ed I:i 'onk- - -\\'ho I'll I'll hl'tll'('en th" Arnblnn I(lIlr :; .Uoo.1 1I.a~ 11 I<ler , and Rllk .heT-" • Is ;wbat'd make ymr Inll /!11 It yo u'd hN'n lin no d t:t f. Ur o wll. un<1 Ju\'u. T IH'St' sPt'\ls w e rl) Illilll[t ·.1 "Me!" ~ll'll. Sberld an there, :lII As Vertn'cf<- hol1 at It wO\ll ell" E ~ tnt'e o f , "ltl'r O . Kin de r el nl, lind IlIr"·",1 so \\' l'1I Illa l (I" , h "ltt ~ · .belplC1l8 and trlgbte ueil, H e !Ia URIHI to !!huckle. oml stol e n mlnor~ , F if th 110U " llU~ of gUllI'di llo try of c o j)'I"1l"'h'ru w htJ! Spoil HUh). ' .T n\''' ALL KINDS OF .hook her bend decided ly, glonce at her. f;h e \1' 11 8 g/l7. lllA' st rnl ~:hr HOW CATARRH · IS CONTRACTED ono or til l' r lC' h l·~ t P H~sl's s ll ll 'l; uud ,'!' fil od. . I do allJ' good." befoTC' bel' at th e w till: hel' li ps w('rc I n fll \\,1 11 of B l'I1oo Cown n , (\ _ . Mo tberRares ometim b8!1o tb on g h t.- lh ~ contl'lll lI f II", h l~ luri L: llu l.-l l I,,,sl "Yoo won't try IU" [lArted, Rnll-vl s lhly ~sh e WIIS hrentb- cell~od Will flU !,iueCl to }JrOUHto less I\S to n egleot ' th e oolils ,~ h iob I ntlln CUIII I"' ny . "I "",ou't risk ber turnln' me out o' In g hen \'lIy nnd '1.lI lckly. Ile (ea rt'd I n r e will o f Mll ry Brllso np lle. $hel r ohild r e n oontr aot . Th e ill. the honse. Some way, that'a wbot 1 thnt sh e waB growlllg fttrl ously IIO""y ; oeoeaLl , W IJI fil ud for pro hate,' il",wmal.l ou o f t h e muolls membruo(l, believe IIbe did to SIbyl, trom wbat bllt he hnd led t o ",bllt h(! wnnted to TlI r o 08111to of Mu rv Gll rrl sou, ue. a t fi r8t !loute,. beo(lmes oh ronl o (In? -nOllCOl! said once. No, I can't-and, SlIY, and he went on, Il etr rmlned n o'" oenM d , \Y . ·btl~ t o r '~bp l e 0 ppol nt. the child bRS ohronlo oatarrb, a dl . what'e more, It'd only make things to 8ny It all. H e ICllne1 1 fOl'wnr!l li nd ed n llm l1"~ Hrl I O I' Boo([ ItOO In sease tbat Is soldo m oure d all d thllt WOI'!le. It prople Ond out you' re runIlltered bls voice to one ot co rdlll' o' ventory au Ll I) I)p;'~ i 8'HO t\Ut o l.ultted. Dlay grove a ' lIfe's burdeu . Many nlo' after 'eni th ey thlok you're chellP. tlnl t rl endlJncsB, tll()ngh In It be atl\ 1 I . p~ rS On B w bo htl ve thiS loa t h some Veterlnarv: aDd theD they won't do as much for mnlnta lned D tone wblch Indi cated thnt Estate I) Aud~ o w . 1{0 Ill (l ~ I' , de. disease wilt r omember b avl ng bad Waynesville, O. you Btl It you le t 'em alooe, .1 don't ole Doc Gurney' s opin ion WIIS only a ceuseLi , 1't~6 1~nlltlO n of W . E MOSM frequ ent Jo lds ot t·h e time It was believe It's nny use, IlDd I couldn't do loke pc shared wIth !Jer, "YeR, sir, YOIl n~ ILClmtnt ~trl\tu r UOCoI, t.oLl o n fllluR oontrao ~e!l , A IItl<!li forethought, a Graduate of Oblo SIal . Univer!iij~ O~ r Poslo lfk'e , . 1t I! It w as.'' . certAinly would 'a·' laughed I Why, tl,nt flll .1IuoIJoun'bottle of, Uhllmberllll:1's Cou gb He slgbed with resl gnatloll, "All ole Dlno thinks you go t something to E ~ tl\te n f '.I'n lIin /)'ie rr lll, de Homedy jadicloo' ly neod, RDd all Office at r esidenoe in F. D Sher O/fllle P Il()ue 7' rlgbt, mamma, That's all." TbeD, ill do with It, You'll ltllve to bla me It on oo " ~ ,, r1 ::; ~ r,lIlu IlCO,lllUt of /ld mln- sblB trouble mlgbt bllov e beou avoldwood's house, Fourth Street, a Ilveller loue, be eu.ld: 'Ole Gnmey 111m, yo ung In dy, If It Innl(cs YOll f'lel Is l m t o r fU r l!, " " llro vel! a nd OOD· ed . Obtnlmlble e ve rywhere . took. the bundn ges orr my bllod this IIkc stnrt lo' out to wb lp somebodyl fit m ed, Telephone 28 mornill g. All beo led up, Says 1 don't fie's nctunlly got thts theory: he BOY8 n eed 'em any w ore." Bibbs got to ({oWn' belter wIllie he In r e e8 ~Il1. o of S ll ' II.II A , Boll. u o. Ohio Waynesville. "Why , tbllt' s splendid, pnpol" sbe workt'<1 over tb er e at Ihe shop l,Jecn uso eliscd. J. K hl v oy npPo lute d lid. cried, beomiog. "I WIlS IIfrald- Le t's you kept him chee red up IIl1d !eelln' PJ IUlsI,Nto r. Bo nd ' 2 500 App rol sFuneral . Director. lee:' good. And be S Il)'S I( YOIl could 1t1l1D' en V . L B £Lr vey , A Ibert ~lole r nnd Sbe came toward him; but be ro e, age to just Rtnnd 111 m hlluglu' round Le vi J e s su p. WayneSVille Ohio st111 keeplug hIs hBJJd In bls porket. a Itttlo-mny be not much, but j ust 1n r o estnte of ,Joullt\)un ~'Ilrri~ , DR.H.E.HATHAWAY "Walt a mloute," be s nld, smiling. eom~tl m es-ugnl tJ, be believed It'll do t1ec ellse d U , M b~l1r1'i 8 IlJ1Po inted " Now It moy give you jllst a little Ulbbe n mighty lot o' good. 'Oo urse l\(lmiul trat or U'1od $ .1,:'00 tlJad "Everillstingly I\t It b r iDlls suoWf\,YtleuU'e'lI Lellodlnp:fLlfeiiilJill<Z', -t - -- - - - _-],;.:.'I-'j'-It-g-n-_-- - -- - - \:: teeny bIt of a s boek, but the tnct tsth at's only what the doctor sold, life, AI)prnl , er P . V. Buo f', U, U. l;: nl a"1! oes s, " IS tl motto o r s lol("'o l ong MaiD St we\l, you rem ewber 1hut Sund ay wheo 1 dOll't kDow noythlng' nbout that ; but a otl () () UlU S (Jutter y , sinoe ad op ted by th e busin oss world Uffioo 10 Keys Bldg, AulQ Equipment Sibyl eame over bere aDd mnde nil th nt I CRn say this mucb-I " ever snw flny • . IIond ia r e gllrded 08 t li o ver.v foundll~ HorSl.... Drawll Equlpmcnt fuss about oothlo' -It Wll8 the day lIucb a meDtal Improvement In noy· I~ea l Estate r ran sfe rs $1011 o f oom m oroill l sucoess . atter 1 got tired 0' thut stlllue wben hody 10 my IIfe.aB I have lately III . K ll th 'H IIl D P . Ollohr is tto H. Willis T he 8UO? !l!;S menti o n el b o wever, . BA~NHARTt . Edlth'e telegram came-" "Don't Be Surprised," He Sala, Blbbe_ 1 erpect you'd find him a \;lIl (\hrl~l. lu (j " U Cl'tl~ in Frl1l1k lio dUBS not ho .. Imply In t lJ e rellBntiD~ l'Ii:Lt::P II ONE 7 DAY OIl N1 GHT "Let me see your hn nd !" slle crIed. I good dell l more enterta lnl og Lbnn w'bat t ow n ~hl p' tl. • 01 the wo nl F, fl or in th e uuopt l o n ~ f Notary Public "Now walll" b4! said, IlI ugblog a ud tlte bnndwrltln', and I rend It II II-<J uce he u sell to be-nnd I know It'B a kind " ~be s logtlu, uut In t lJ e effor~ t ll tll 11'1 pushing ber awny wltb hI s left hnnd. 1 got eln rted," of e mbarrosslng thin g to s ugges t nfter Mury I"J I';Ll wnnlA "0 ,Ju~l)n L put fort,h in ulIlldu g It 6 r ea\lty_ "Tbe trutb Ie, Ul UUl lD ll, tbat I killd o· "I'm g lad yon di d." . the wily he plied In over here th nt ::!h eeh IL o, 1 / , ao rOH In WtlYll tJ t UWIIFnrthllr tl lOr e lhe bllsioe~8 man All kinds of Notllry Work. Wlll@ DR. BELL"S ANTI-PAIN .Ilpped oot 00 YOIl tbl1t wornlng. wl)()Q " Well"-he Iculled (o,.\\,ord a8 it d ay to Ilsk you to stllnd up hefore U,e ship, $ I, .mlg h t eveD ad ~ertiMe n curtoln II r. .nnd Deeds ~ J:;ponlalty , For Internal Dn<i External f>11I1 .. ;you wasD't looklu', lind weut dowo to to rlso-"I gu css tbllt's uuuut 1111. I preochcr w ltb hi m, but uccordln' to ElruDl' E . Whit nc r o to Ill n P ool,lf's \I ole o r wore ~6l tl ll g f o rt·ll its m erits _ _ I ole Gurney's ol1lce.r-be'el tol u me to Jost tholl g ht you ougllt lo lJ,lve It." ole Doc Gurney, he's got yon ·on bls Ullil d l n~ /l OU I:hv ltl K" Un , uf L. ubu- IU a rell u lt of YOllrs of eud e llvor to _._ -_ .' 70U ,_oDd, well, It doesn't tlUl OII)lt "Thnnk you (or brluglu g It." brrutl so bnd-:' · nc ll, lot ill M rr uw, $ l. Il:lve tile IlOOBllmer Il QDlethlng of to aoythlng." Aud lie tI~ld out, to r He loo ked a t her hopcfllll y, o. s It Mltry jumped. "1011'. Sberlda nt" ebe O llitl!f F 'l' lw [JlIHIlO t o 1)f'l1'11 D eo le - qna llty ; b ut 10110 ((uullty (Il eoe~sl\ry her ID8pectJoo , the m'utllnted hnlld. be thougbt und owl ijhed thllt s he mlgllt exclnlm eel _ e r, e l u l, r 01l 1 flS tt\ t In 1..!liJlI tl 10, $ 1. to m eet OO lU vllt·ltion tlt lo .tH·) mus t ge slgh!!!l proround ly. "There! I . l'a u lilill Butt e nv o r th lJy s he riff to ~el\IlY ('xillt or Ihe r e presentntlon IA "'%ou lee, these day. when It's all dl~ have aomctll lug more to Sill'. But sbe tlltln', Bnyllow, oobody 'cJ mind lust eeewed no t to be ownre ot tbls gl ance, ootlced you were gcttlu' mud_ I E'l r l (:Imy , r e u l e tnttl iu Wltynsll. In it ~e!f fUllure. aDd snt wltll her eyes fixed sorrowfully I dldu't -" villcl $ 15 Life II proul em ~ are also BJlvBI1 I couple 0'-" U"OIl the floor. "No, no, n o!" .be cri ed. "nllt [ , . ' . tll ou g these lio es Pertli~teDoy Illsu .. d 't d t d d D , IJ . Run yuu 1,0 tu e l n llrn.ury p l IlY~ HI\. i'npor tant p' l\ft in our H e b nd to juUlP ror ber- she \\"I ' llt o'\'er backward. I"or UJe ~co lld lillie "Well, I expec~, I better bo getllu' Oil, un, era itO -ItO I think you BUildin g (Jomllli~~ io n of \ V Hre u 10 ber life Mrs. berlClnn bad. tulll l!!cI. back t o the omee, he anld, n .s lng des· dou t. '" but 18 It YOIl wllnt me to do ?" oonn. ty ri~bt t.o oo us tru ut .. tiltu( tn ry e Vil ry !lay 1I0lJi llve ..eotK wb elh o. Be slgll o(1 li gn In, btJt this time with ijOWllr n o r D ~ r oal ti t.ut o ow n o,l lIy they e onoern o ur bus lDess life, or pern tely. " I told-I told my portner CHAPTER XXXII, I'd be bllclt at two o'clock, ODd I guess reller_ ":Veil, well !" be ~nld. "You're grnIl Lo ,r ~, $~O. . t.hey lie of morul, Inte lleotnlll o r he'll tlilok I'm II poor bll ~ln 99 mnn rlgllt. (til he ens l!!r to tllik plaiD. I '1:' 1 J II I t M lellglo u 8 nuture . P ers l,te noy Is Id lIh !O[ltItS ' . i JO l ll 0 Ilry L · like muslo, n .. , !lOU n. g rellt many . . , ollght to know I It was a full hour later wh en he left .It he cutcbcs me h eh lnd tim\!. I gal the tl 1 j n CO il W, yo u, all (:Iilhlln , r oa l etl t flt,e In MIl . OO, U. ..her Hod .glven power s It WIll ber ly ing u po n 8 co ucb In ber own to walk the cbnlk a mh;htv 8trn lglll me, uat boped :you dIet thnt I . . I A, ~_l l:l llll to Loo Wall, X o f nn lure y p r pve worth wbll~f applied room, sUlI IRlJIentlug tbat Ule " fu ss" line U, ese days-with UUlt re'ilow k('ep. boy come lind sell you sometim es, ou re ' '"be on mel" . more. COUld ~oll 'l " 1I 0r e, p • lu th e ri ght ID1l0n o r, Boi'"pBrsisting w hi cb she was maklllg IrkP.!l 111m t o r In ..... J I d I th tI hi h G 1 l'O'se wi'" him. "I'~e alway". "YOIl dOll't un,\ -c rst'l n"..... Slle "lu .•~ ll "tl ' !l 0 DI{l1lunhood 8 lIn !1B w not 0 /!Ilnotion o( ,o or more th on bl 8 phy slr.Jl I 1088. He per J ." , , , Commissioners' Procccdlnls deOflnt d OBil Mn '"" Unquestioned mltted ber to th ic k tbat be Olennt to ' ben rd "yoll were tbe hnrd drive r." lIe r ba nd s t ngeUler in 0 so rrow rul UC~18 perl!llItenoy' ; a w ord of like spelldurability and r etu rn dlreclly lO bls omce, hilt when Hc gulrawed derIsively. ")le1 I'm tUre. " Yes, we must t.1I 11( pln l.. . Bl l!hs O~ Od r -M u \l ·'r, !lOIl P fo r oourt b o n~e lng, but of a dllfllrent meunlng and b e cawe out to th e oJ) D ai r be told Ul e nothlo' to tbot partner 0' mine. You beRrd that I'el Irlerl to· ",ako rour ~2; 111 . H . tldwttl ll ,0:,., ~o u, uurln l of 8i ~nlfiouoce , exquisite design cbautreur tn 1\11 1I,lllnce to ow'n lt blm couldD't gu e s to save YOllr Ufe how old est SOD Cllre ror lUe h cn ll sc I wj,~ t:tuor go Murruy $7b ; W,lS Ull Ungles l the ~hest ideals in plated ware-are assured in . . . In tront or Mr. Vertrees' Ilolls e, wblth- be keells atter me to bold uo my eiul poor, !llld so BIllhs came RIll] rtskc(\ by, b nr ln l of 'lI11r lea U Wil liams spoons, forks. and fancy serving pieces beafing the er he bllnsel! pro." d!(l 00 root. . me to tIlB rry blrll-hecnuse he "' li S t.5 ; W, H. tuntlge & '0 ., supplies !lir. vertrees \tlld takeD th e snle of '!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Borry tor me. And [ CB ll' t see bl!l1 nn.V for OOllift at ~o ugrn(lller nod j ,lDltor renowned trade mark. more." she cried In dl8tress. "I cli n't l" t.tS : V , A Bi s b o l', bllrio l o f WIIIIIIJD S~OAN'5l1NIMENT . bRlt ot h is worthle~s Rtock 88 [)llmnn 10 the wtlderne s; It CIIllIe trom bellv, 1'1'" lot! .... ntf""M' MIUllerB ~7fI; .'~ IIIt Br Me 'lllro, lIuri,.1 '[he dull throb or neurllolgia Is en- b, 11\' hat agency b did not pnrtlc. '·.......L .........'.... - -- - . -o f ElIz I~ ba t. h. VllutrOHM $7&: Ever.v- qniokly relieved by 810an '8 Liol. u lul)' qUUtlOD, Tbe broker Inform Ii (PRICES RIOHT.) . body's Buok Iwp, ·~u pp ll 11 fo r 80r· OIen$, she uulversal remedy for pilin. him that "parties w ~ hiler' led fn veyor 1~;J YO; ,I. W. -Lingo l:l11rdwllre Illl\sy to apply; It qulokly p811etratell cettlnl bold 9f tbe sloCk," lind that , Tall. Cbamber)aln', Tableta anu Co" r UIIKe tor oonn'y InflrUl~ry without rubbing and loothes' the ,_ There are various malees of silverplated tableware ' Iatllr there mIght be a possible 10adopt. die' of "'getables nncl ce. $1:15; JI:l , .E 1J1latll~h, 10qtJo'" ts on Bore musoles. Cleansl' and more ~¥c~ are claimed to be "just as good ....but•.like all creaM lJJ the l'tllUIl of tbe lorge Sole Agent r . . III, 'XaJr. outdoor ellerelse (lolly t h Q bueilell ,'f Elh\!\beth Uro" tbo~e, pr~lllptI1 ·effeotl.8 thaD mussy plllll' ' !JDlta~on5,' !hey lac~, the, be~uty and wearing quality amoullt retAilled by hili Ihmt. It IDd. ~onr oomplllx\on will be !Jr!l6t1). SnultlEl I Howurd, ROHOOO ~tolnt,o~h, ler:! or olatmen'; does DOS I!tain tht' m'-bt IV "Quite II way. wllbln 11 For h 0 rd T ,lmprol'sd . within a tew moutb~ . Bester Jlln e Urllke 'J2fi f,6 ; ltllymoud BIlln I)r olog tbll pores, For sUIl Identified WIth the o~mal and genuine •'1841 ROGERS BROS, tl t--~:-------~~~~~~"!U!d~~!:.......!. t 0 Tr, U, Obtainable everywhere, HRr1lhhar~er, I!a lury tGO: 'J'rnatee8 mo ~( le~. ohronlo rheumatlam, goot, , ware popularly known as "Sil"er Platetllat'Wears••• "IIttttll Uabt" with It. Mr, \'oTt1'eea _ _ _... _ ..._ _ _ - -PDbh1l'- AlJdil'!l-, -wtt-l-~ ft}f- OO :'I-lWlUlugO, spralnl and atralll8lt gl1'QIl ~- Sold by leading dealers everywhere. :.. Send for Dt bOlD. ud praTed, h o ol.,. II g h' for court b ouse lind qUI<lk reltef. 8IoaD'. LIDlmen$ rea Be roM froID ble knees ~eelliJg tbat Make Opportunltl... jail '5~,.15, ducee tbl pain aDel illlhmm,UoD In catalogue .. C- L" showing all designs. ".. lUte" ~mlq Into bll OWD ~ A great mao will make grt18t In ra Improvement of DeDuy dltob IDlece bl&N, bral ..., bum"" .ut ath.· QIIT. . . .fIOII&L&It.V··-.I-u- , , It wu more tIIaG a lDore PIP _ .. .. 'W portunItl8I, e.en out ot the <!Otnninn. '1I111g cla.Dlng, MaUer oootin. er minor IDjarl.. to oblhlr8n G~' ' .. -,I ""-'_ ad IalI _ COItWIN. OHIO . . UI\lIllUllIit lltuattOD& uld Oo.ober ~~, II. bottle to day.' ,ena, Dr.BII"t, IIlio. , ' ~tj







es youra bring joy to the breakfast table '1



I _\\



----_ ..


Dr. J. A . McCoy, Walter Chandler

----- ----





e. V.












S.·x Ll'Very









r-fHC NEIGHBORHoon N --Ijl W"d~~~~I~~~~~'''' ~t




r III IL hnnHI Llt t·()w n OOf' IllIln Iol"'n . III !o a r wtl h 'UI \(11 0 ),', 0011 WfI" arre... orday that Mrs. Sus8n Pe Ie hllo 1>/1888d away after se veral m ontb R fl cl IIn ,l I' hjl rt(ad WI t h o.ur y tDg (IOD. ents in th e Neighborhood , lIlo ees wllb pllralyall at bllr son'8 U ooe upon ... time ~IVflo nil m e~ .ca n I,," \VpnJl n8. 'l'b" InhlrOlOtlnjf • . , horuo In Wtlmln llt on. !:ihe WIl. tlt ll II\'or tho only nllwel\ In u,' e. Ull p I." rl, will ""'"1:1 I1lu nl( In ,J UDe wb n ....-..--------.....-.~--_~_a__-____ dtlugb'er of '! 'b os Mtller r. aDd wIlA'1',,.lI, Dlok or l'b rry, .. nd tunt th e trtol wll,I," ke plttl fl. Will the h "ed O1liny y Ilrs In t hl~ vl olnlty . Will' ",II th are W"!! hbou~ it . Onr ~~ rnHtl nl{ ,dUn..,r wh'l Idu ll.t~fl ti th",t Mrp. JIlUB LangLiu n Ilnd Mr8. EIIII presa o' IlUrOflmt's n ro~e fr oUl ni ok. 101010 ho fl rrt'~t.ed for perJu ry or be Welsh Ilod.c\ao!!httor were gue8t8 of naUle8. 'L'llus 'rom nlo 'Putl or bu. merll ly loughed to Boo rD ( Mti. ChUB. Crookett Mo nday. oeme 10 tim e T orn 'fu y lor Itud htl< I Mrs. ::larBb Reese bbS m oved Io ta dooen'dlll: tA used ']'ny lo r Rd Ih o fo II'· MrM. A.rnlindll M . ' tllr ~ I!.nr! IlIr e MeSI1alllBS il:dnl~ Burno~f lIod Pellr l t b e Ed WoodwRrd property oO 'Esijt Il y nam o. 'l'b · luost f UIl,I IIl"r of lIur Remarknble B,·az~nn e 9s. dU ll gbttlrll hu\''' ru o \'~d IIl t u ur Whjt,a k.\ r"tt.e n dBd. tll lO re "oll l~W.!'If, Hurnames wo ro talmn fr om tir e o. On hi >! " rll~",.01 111 '11,'1 lflll lll; 1'lIlrl cl< Illlri llt, lind lire OCOU IJY lu'l llpur lru 'lIIt~ : C 'r. Ul e~ t.lng fH tho nome of W A. Hobt 00 W US t,b l' ::lund"y ~upa~I On! of on r t or eroth llr ~, o f< III It! II",Ii,-oI ,,1 01 I ''' I!'I ''' ('~' " "I'usntlllll nf on E'ls t :'duin ~ ' I Ilt:t. We we lo"v ru e M r!l L II nil 'IILr It c'" r Id II·Y. ! gne~ t. .. t Mr. ao d Mrs. Heory De'l rth . wl~ 18, BIlltor~ , Bro lVe r R. ote. ~ , In .\' \I r ,, " g' I <lIIl~. fll,1 l'II I"II'k w,, ~ un coo. . Neillon MoK eeve r nlla fo mllv '1 he IlOm e or Mr . Ed W oodwltrl1 W l' D, t) l o vill~ t \) It w t OWU Ia , 1J u t1ll l~ \iIH"t '( 1. to P Hn', ( 1,IIIlW :\ 111" Lt c ~lt ld . Ih ' Ill 1.0 IIr t uwn . Tile lJIuu y frl 'omJ s of How l1rtl ' rn. 8P ' Ilt t::iun d .. y wit,h ·l oe Prion and un I!:I1~t . ' t , c8 u ght fi r e In ~ & Thu r s. n8me of ·th{\ pilla'" tr oru wiJ lc b rh r,v "y •. 1,,;,1; 1'"I"•.•.nl • "1' ''~I1 . \. l'(Ollflg h ll m Will bo ~ llJ iI t o IUllro of hts flll olly. dllY night froOl u d GrGo Mve fi ul'. hlld OO IUOftl S\en~l~ urp'Pn tli e!!l: Ut ll. s " n lll l\ "I". I'''l "" ,I,~ h 01",· ..,,'111 '" \'u're lUu eh 100 pro\'OC oo ndir.\l)ll . Mis s Inll Ellllll lto n ~p e nt \lw l Tho fire w ue Boun put ant ollu slng °Brl.81to,lk f" 1W B" 1 . ~lh'f', ... 10 1: 11'1101 11t:l1 '''''111.•,,, 111111 I." ,·,,11111 1'11111 11 1III' ra s 101) r Olll p "Yin" u 0'0 p~rl8 u I . . , Th o nllll]Y fri ends of MI1Tl n n Vil li. w oc k ood with hor pnl'cnt.9. I tJUt HUle datllo ge . I . 8 .. '" . IIIl l it· I11 I Y' \III .' " l ade III 1111' fll ce dogg "1 ,, 11 d13u 'f,un lire ' IInI' III. wll ll""l •. \ I'" 'h,",,,I II' ,'ulor I" tr Oij8, wllll now Ii VU 10 8pnn ~ (j c lu Dr. E . P . Krelg h olf and wife t ook R UIDB 1i8 ~hl\ w tt y rer.nrn..,d t o N e w PI> tty s' oroe ll eve ope r a m )J fl ur co l. wil.1o hl8 "0 0 , \Vu r r en , fe ll ll ud bruk o S uudu ,V d in nlll' with H ll r ry Sha w I Yur k I\t t lU 9- twu wee ks visit with me"nlog little p i 1(. O/Ll t tln,1 (.:I d o" hi h ll) uU u fr om ull II Coollnt,s will II llil fllmily. I htll Ao n ~ Mls ~ Ue nnlt. Bre~ou p. IIl'e nld dlRleot w ordR nr tbA BU ill " be "n IOvullil tbe hul l1noe of b\~ I Ilfly a. Mr. V.. otreHS hll ~ Leo n 11 MeHrl .. m ea B&tvey Barnett lind Mra Ll z~le uornfo rd ,'o f ' Ilflh~ ge meltDlog . T ad ru ehll t F ux , Fi l uhln 01 ift d Ad g rout RulTorol' ( ,,, yellrs with rh eu. A ~fl Whltllk or olill ed on Mrs. John .ir lind Mrs. \ al e10 Peol e, M I~ !l WUB POl600 t, !lndSD tile ken o stll !lon l ass B S of IBn ll ult ~O tr 'I C08 tll u h. Ql n llln r,:s (,I mllti s ln . Ou r h flnrtre\t symp,lf,hy Whltllltl! r Wpdno~dlt.Y aft ern oo o . Vera Mo \olll\olD , o f Wllmln !(too IIUU • ..,. • ..,. ........ .......... _ • ...,..---..,..".............,..-""'" gl.SS out t o biro tn thi s his S~(\. bA Mr N els on Hnmilt Clu ut tunded IL Mr . Willis 'rl tls, nf Xenilt, we re our oallles In the old dtrdoots. ~ II IlIl ' wo fun c rolill R och titer o n 8undllY. oa llio g on fr leod s h e re Monday. of the nicknnmlls wore o ri",1 uull.1 I WANTE£) rell v!'ment. Mr. anl l ~Irs Tom CnUlt nn)' ou llllO . Mrll. Cl aiM I:In m b ort ont,e rtll ioed dlstin otly un ooll1pllmoDtur .v, Il A ~o e.1 Severn l of U,e 81lo r trng e ltllllen t Iy or sm y, C"lllrOIl t or nr nokOfl ef oOl' oity ( .. nd we bave Iloite a few ) on Mr. f)rll ll t Duul(burt,y ond t .ml! y frien d>! fr olll I)hyt-on !:lunl.J"y Mi8S Uuzol Bumb ort. (If Lob llu on Dose, and Ko nnlll1y t nr IIgly IIII IILI F AltMS - Hllve vou a fa r m or nt:ber oUuuded t·I,o l ..dl gUOIIl llL Wilming- I:! o oduy IItt or n oon . G~lIoe d evolopod from I\'rtl~ ur fb t Roul ~~bt .. le for Bllle:J If 80 list Mrp. A HtI Whitll " o r All uDt Tuesdlty . I~ vi Rttlng h r pllreotH t bt s wee k . t on Suu dllY betwuen WU .h lD g toU IHllIr. e III Cl lIce with W.O . (;lIlloeUer , U. H . Ilnu \Vl lml ngto ll aod Mom e of wl ~ b her m o the r Mrs. "~ugoll e Evans Mr . lind Mr~ . Will. Null'IDd so n - rhe Amerloa n Boy . - - - I Wl\y n oovi \l o. I)hll.l, or I:llil her e at tb em knew jUSL whe r e to pin co th eir o f I'.ooill n . li nd Mr p. J ose ph MIll er were Mi dd le. I Pb ono N u , 77. 1 h,w u' 'I few Kool\ m on ey . Mr.ond Mrs . 'arl H e a~h Cu ll ed o wn VIs it or s t:;IIt ur d uy. A Olfferellce. I ou l of town buyorR wh n ~ r fl (11'811'· The ~Ioo Bupt.lllt ohor ol- Iy now ~n . Ntll so n Ma K eove r Ilod fllDllly fIlrl' . MIlY K eo ty, forDl flr ly Muy Y" \I run nlllk" II hit \\'1 1h n \\' 011 1111' 11 1Il8 at loo klll ll nt Ilro pllr ty III lind huldloQ a l ep dllYs' m eotlng, IIrom. Ollnduy o venin k ~lIll e r nna ~oo, we ro ve ry ulidl.y in~ (Init e a lot of In ter os t· lIud e n. Mr, (Inel Mra. R obart Bullin ger burne d ooc dllY IllS' week . JJ er fly cnllllll': hpr II "IHIIIII . lIut yllu CUII' l l nr ound Wl1ynlJ~"III f\ Uon 't ds :.. y ! thU N IU ~ 1l 1. M,~y th oy oontlnu e wit-h no d MIHH Coutl uell tlHe nde d B SlII. m any fri e nds wi sh t J exte nd their " ull I,,'r " HI~ hl 1111<1 l!I!t II WIlY wltll II. Attsod to \hlR ut o nce W . U Chaodle r . '1111'1 1111011 lllnqulrcr. th e ir gllod wfJrk . pri se on Mr . E 'r . Stroud Sl1nd~y. s ymph thy to l~ e8e unfortunut ono~ . Mr. ~d Ruaaon speot sev ' ral (luyt! -- -.-.---.-_Hltrv ey UnrDl: H aoll fllllllly UI O. Mr . an d Mr ~. Wm. Earl y Bnd Mrs. 1~8t week tb e !l u ea t of Ilia danghter, tor etl tu Duston on turtillY .. flerno oD. Ella Welsh lin d da ughter motmed !\trll ~;'lrl flo oke tt , of nea r Wuyue ~ Fon SALE Mr~ . N elson Humllt on aod M1 9~ 10 Lebanon thi s week, ville. Lnll t oo k 8 1lnrillY dinn er w ltb Ellis I - - --- - Mr. R obert Freelllod b ',8 bOllgU Murpby ~n(l fllmll y. of Lebllnon. Ii Reo to urlD g cllr . 1 will selt at Pl1 bllo Auotion li t FreAh l:owe, go d ona~ , App ly Mr Burr.1' Bh flW nod family suent 0 00. M . Edwards Is eogage!l Dear W edn esdllY o\,lj lltnK w ith lJou g lRl! my re81d en oe 3 ml.lell n orth of to Mrs Aunl HI~boOIl, H,. D , t, Wlly n esvl ll e In plu~te rlUl: II h ou Re. Ho lltog"VI'orth 8 0d fllmil y. Wh en YOIl fee l dteoouraged and WttynesvlliB and ;l,Y, miles south of WaJno~ v llle, Uh lO Mr. EdwR rds I ~ knowo filr und nenr AR .. Whlt~kor and f lllml ly motored despoDde ot do not lIive up but 'ako l:te ltbrook o n the Way n esvil le and ror h is Uloo hllnlOlll ability . oars o t . Bay ,:" .. ~to(l by ~hB to l:'lea .. unt Ridg e a nd visited Mr. o d o~e of Uha mber laln'a Tablols aDd Bellbrook Pike on Wfllter Kllbon, of Le b,lO oo, trnn R. Gos Hendrl o ks !lod fllDllly 00 Son. yo u aro "I m ost oert",lo to feel all Tuesday Oe fore 10 191 ". Morr o w Feed &; t:iulJply Uo. , aoted bC 8 10es~ here 'L'lil1rsdoy . Id e clay aft e ruoon. , r, II Morrow, Uhlo. 0 11 right within a day or two. De. Is ..veil known ut! Bn nota su lesmnn . s po ndency ts very oUeD duo to In. . Begl nnlng "t 10 n 'olook tbe r011 011'. t1 lgeat.l on lind bUtousoe88, for whlob Inlf property : 0 Horsos, 11 Cattle, few bu ~ b o l 9 vf Bl1ldy, io IInri Mr. and Mrp. Heury MurpllV!lod Ihese hble t8 are espeolally vllluable. 400 &le8 Straw, ""rmlna Imple . ,wo dnu g h\ors, of nea r Le unn on . ralp"hawldnB App lea, lnql1ire menU elo. U btainftble e verywhere. wore Hnoday guest,8 or thei r l)arC) nts of John WiJlt"ker, It. 0 . a, WilY· 1:;80 big bills for tor mI!. ' oeavllle, Ohio, 0..1 rdr. Ilod Mr .. Kub Barr. Wi t,b t be f\ vorlllZe m ilD a oold Ie a t;AM MEH EDITH . R .. lly D.. y WIlS ohserv eu at the Rerlolls rri otter Rnd sho uld nnt be Wm. M11I8 , Au ot . A BY B U Litl Y fo r 81l le, Ioqulre M, E . ohurc h t!undny. The pro trined wl ~ b, 118 some of the most W. E . U'Neall, Cle rk. Ilt Ibis o illce. 0·1 grllm WIIS carried out to the lel·to r. daogerouA di ~li o se s atar' wtth II Rev. Walk er was present aod g llve oomm oll oold 'l'lIke Obam berla.lo·1I RD Interesting tllllr: Bnd the exorolses ' oogh R emedy and gEl' rid of your T OVE-Fires. ollit1S HardOoal B&88 'Ae) am going to quit '.rmlnR, 1 'hroughou' were a suooe!s. Borner. 1I"0r Informatioo 01111 on oold a8 quloll lv I1S po~8Iblo. You "re will offer n' Pnbllo B.. le on the [)Id you know thu thore are aer- Olagou farm, 27,; miles north of p, ltJ . ltetll'l ok, WflY'18HvIJJ e , Oh io .. Mr. anti Mrs . Emmet MoCflrren not experhnentipg when yoo U8e , 04 are enjoylog a oloe now Oakldnd thil relDedy, all I. hn been In UMI t9-l o aDimal. whloh aotually hue Harveyabnrg, on tho Harve,..borg maohlue 'or many years 8ud btls lin es tab . beeD known $0 weep. Wben Ibey and New BnrllnetoD pike EARLI N<:i Mule Bog, pllre lIre,l Mr. (lIlnt Auaon, of Da y Lon, sp3n~ II hAd reputa tion . It oootaln8 no are Injured, leal. bave a very odd big typa P olllnd (;lIioa. Allo WednesdIlY" ~tober 18, 19 16 Snndoy here wHb bls ptlrent~ , roo optum o r otber narootlo. Obtain. way of 80bbllli all If In deepest mlsoe w thre.ller! . 'l'lmotliy 8eed . Hrr.rn uy. Thoy , a. well all dolpllins, ap_ abl e overy where. tl1rnlng to Dayton t:lund"y night. . CommenolDg fit 10 o'olock, ab,\rp, A . EIII~, W"ynotlvi\le, Iloote 3. 04 pear verv pa the'lo and lIJaUOr8 s~y Mr, aDd Mrs A. H, Anson sp ent ·they will move tbe hardest heart 4 HorKes, 3 (;I\Hlo. 110 Bog", 2:1 HlJeep, 80veral days this week vleltoog r ei. spmetlmes by 'he way tn whloh Farmlog Imploluenl8. tille hllill t or attvesln ·and nellr Waynesvi ,lo. terml. J. W . ULARI[ ~hey "oarry OD." Wm, Mme, l\ 00' , The new gnrage Is oeariog oom . ';Ne have all beud of thll Wfly tn Get the Miami Gazette Now W. A. Merritt , 'Ierk . pletlon and wheu unoe equipped It. whloh 4eer gaze mourofully at 'he will fIlll& along whll the best 10 liunter when eho~, Beare do the tbls leoll)n of the Blate . same 'Ualng &nd ,rea' lear drop!! r oll Bavlng sold my farm 1 wll18ellal Mr . ond IIIre, R. L. Bogan, Mr. W. I4ra , Margare' Levloy find ~on . clown their cbeak. aa thel weep In Publlo Auotlon 0 0 my farm. 1 mile Olyde, J08. Whet8el lind elater, Em. E Boglln, EVln and Lelab Bogall 8roo&88' 1180ny. of Bnrv eysburg, 00 ~be Aveooe DIa, wer.e Suo day (l Uest·8 of Mr, tina "u\oed to 1,.,bao on tionday a"er. Monkeys, whea tllllsed. will often well$ Road, on n oaa . This <lIselllle ShOlllf] be trl'Rt.<'11 1t.' 600n MrB, I . A , Idartsook, Dayton, U. ory bitterly liS by motion pleadlog, RR tho IIrRt nnnutumi looMI n" M R of the Mi ~s Ruthano" Peterson spent thoy beseech tbelr tormeotors to Tuesday, October 24, 11J16 One of our citizJ nt! went t o [A b. Il{lwl!ls allpe8fM. When thiR 1A dono !l BeglnnlDg "t 10 o'olook the t a llow. ~in g l(l ,l n~l.o f ChumlH' r\uin' RColle, Chol· anon 000 d hY I"~t weok to ut.t llD d t,o 1~ 8 t week w it h her uoole Horaoe Uop plagulog abem . CaUls weep freely qutte often and Ing proller'y : One HorR e ~ CIlUle ~ r8 amI DlllrrhOl'& Hem",I\' will efTt:ct 1\ Bome let(1l1 hU!Jin es~ aud ~b ron gli the C'lmptou and family. M18S Bn rB II Brad ford WIlS 'he tllere u~ed \0 be an expression aboo' 33 Sheep, Fum Impleru~ o t~ rind (,nro. 'rills rflmolly Clln nl\vnYA be ,1,,· judgment. of t he ir Mllv ur or Jud!re he hilS been dettttDed . 111 it a fu et g uest of If r!lnoil Willia n 8alorday weeploll like a oalf. The young of many other artlole, . \II'Il'J.J<l upon IIveu lu th"most Hevere 8.Dd nearly all beos ts of bordeu do weep Term. 'l.a4e known on ; (RY of Hale, dangorous CM08, and 8honld be kept at that o8nnot ~o to the ollpl\.ol at night and .lSundlly.1 hand r IlIly tor InAtAnt nAB. Never leAve our oounl y without being d e tllioed ? A. I) , V A N DO REN. Mr. and Mrs . Ed lJrew . of Dayton, freely lind long. Ionme 0 11 .. journuy without It, Perhllps the most ile081tlve animal Wm. MIlIR. Ano •. Often t, iru e~ \\'0 tire needed at hom e; nr e guesls of Elenry Urew's this 18 'he elepbant. The youog weep W. Ill. O'Neall, lJlerk . evide ntly til e 8aloon was tbe ou ose week . when SOptlfl!lted from tbe mothops of tbiA mon '8 n ot Rettiog h OOla II~ Mr. H. E. Jones and famllyapen' b e Ilhonld I1l1vo done Id e wonld ' uud "y with E o08 Bill 's of neMr and the old alepb au*s will ory for dlly8 .. hen they lire otlptured . The~ o ot havo gono If it b l~d n ot been f or Cedllrvllte. do oot lUake aoy eoond, however. 400 TYPEWRITERS! tbe SII loo o 1:118 poor s iok IIUU af. E ther Uo mploo 's hlld 6S f·helr l'hey weep very ,ulentiy, t h eir gred REMINOTON8 '12. SM IT U . J' IUU II&K M fll c ted wife ts t-he oDe thllt SIlfl'tlr f , h e is 001 I.ho one !o;o Jud ge, whll l. gu "sts Suodlty 'ho foll o wing per.on8 fye8 welling with tenrs whtoh roll '12 LeI YourUlUhJNu l..,f>rU TYoo"rlll n', Funeral Director John' Ell! 'IInd fllmlly, Will Compton down I.hAir oheeh lIod drop t o t.h e t-\d~°.r ° (juring Vacalloll. lu.tru.llon 8oo~ and Embalmer. eve r you d o wlt.h h im will be vcry 'lOa famtly aod J oh n S . Uompton. a:rouud at th eir h et . . . EMPliut~·~PJC FOUN IJ Il Y, Dullalo, N. ii, tib tisf~oto ry t o 1\11 of u s. Walto r W lls oo's . were KOllln Mr. and Mrs. Will. Odm ~!! . Ilf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' ''!!.~~_!!''_!''''_~~~_~!!!' I CWaynesv,lIe, Ohio.~l J a SuturdllY 1Ift,!~ roooo. slioppur Po rtl flml, Ur eg, urrived hOl o I R~ I, rhll W. F. M.S held t hei r monthly wee k !lUU I1 rtl IJIttklog tbat.- h omo with II1r. UllU Mr!! Fennk tihitlak Br IIwetiDg (1t t h ll h ome of Mr@ . John ii' IIi~ Wetakor have1.0 arran wi th an will und ebe r· I{el flill{cd au lo. ~v we nt tLlIl ir pnlllt,hl h ome on Mttplu WIlS all t::lut u r doy flftero uon . lillie to fllrni ~ h Hhe r all a uto or Mr. nnd Mrs ,J . B. Letlmlng and Ht·re I. Mr nnd Mrs lirimc;s were; horse ·drawn fune rn l. ron red In IIIIN vic inity Ilnd ~ tl ll oall .'~r. Bnd Mrs . Rnlllh Le Amtog "tid Both phones in Office anrJ Residence. it tb elr h o mo rh oy wil l be he ro <Il1 o ghte r Ednll vis ited Mra. Leam · Long dlBtance, No. 14; H omophone for M me Limo .. ~ It will t,nko a while ill!r '1I als ler MrF, E . A. t5lmmo nl,lllt 1·1-2r , PBiot e r ~ v lll e 8 00 eiRY. t o tIIe et nil of th ei r frieuus. Mr . and Mr " Will: l1rlme~, Mr. and MrR. lo'unk 8hlduk r. Mr, ttlld Manufact.recl of Mra. Harry 811\llakor ond tWj;l..IJhll. fully selectecl stock, cut droo and Mrs . Lou B"rl"n It.n\l two ~V ITH daught ers w ero Sunday gU tl~ ts l ) f accurately t o all s tandard At th e flu t tllg n of so re tbrol!ll, Mr .lm d Mrs Horloo ld'lrvey. of noll r tl ~ ht uhetl t or Rtn lIed uJ) helld tak e Dodds. sizes. \Vc cnrry rlressecl Tbe Town Hall bllA heen olea ned II d 08e ot Dr Be ll 's Pine Tar.Honey 'THE ONLY CE:NUINE ' The h 6ll ling plne·tllr , B ootblog hODey \hr o ,luhout aud the WAi ls tiote. l, un. lumber in severa l grad('s lllOkly .relleve the Rod gl:vce l'ine q de r t,he direotlo n of two ex port dec -suitable for va rious orotors . It loo ks Iloite difI er enl coo ge8 t.1 on. l o o~eo Lhe phlegm .. od and I~ In Uoo attire for the leoture iJr 6,~ k up YOUI' oold. Dr. &e\1's Pine. KEEPS FLESN IN TONE Tar H 01l6Y h l. l R BII the benefits of purposes, We have a car oourse, tbe tlrH being Ootobor 21s1 FROM SKI N TO BONE. the heallog aromR from a pine f ~ r. H elllB Everything lloolllIJlo. Burns of this fine lumb~r in this est, It 1s plellsllnt to tllll!e 9 nd anti. ~Ils, Soree, Ulcf'rll, ·l'iloll, Ecz()\U[\: The formulll on ttle bottle Corns. 'VOl)n~ tI Gild Bml ~S. I Cute, week. tll!lS why It relieves ooids and ooughs I '''TI8FIlS. OR MONEY OACK, At your Druggist, 250. I aDo AT ALL DROCeISTa.

A . W . b 0 C s rltten y ur orps of. Able Corrll:spond.









THE MIAMI I\' .,.,klyl


GAZETTE Wnyne"ville.



ll. L. CHANE, Edito r and Manage r -~-

Mr. Rnd MrR. Ernest, Mann on lind dlluKIlt,erll HIlI,h Rnd (llon nR !lnd Mr lind Mrs, lIl ll nn Davis and 800 R obert s pent Mund~y aftornoon wit,h Mr. and Mrs . Idarm on Moor e. Mn J ohn .Iotdlln !'Ipent Suoday "'t8rnoon with Mre W . T, Jordf\D . lli's. O. ~J 1I1 8 and dlloghter Ml e8 Nora visited Mr . and Mrs Clinton JliOk801l 'he pa8' we~k . Mr. nnd Mr .. , Wm . Grimes, of M,ushfield, Uregon, aDd MrB , Joe Dllvls ' RDd daughter Dorothy, uf HarveYMburg, were lhe IInests of Mr, and Mrs. Oeo. Dnvls on Thurs. dllY. Mr8. BRroh Rloh spent the week. end with her IIlster Mrs. HRnnilli Rloh . Mr . Bert Bogan s pe il $ tlunday wltli hl8 pu.rOllts Mr, ~ud Mrt! lIeo. BOllan M18 ~ e8 l:ieleo tiartsooli. and VloiB ' Jordlln spent t!&turday afternoon wl&b ,he Ed wards tUlitere. Mr, and Mn, R., Wolte and oblhlren frow n8llr (JIarksvllle IIpent Sdurday evenin" and Kuud"y with 'belr llAnDU Mr. aDd larl, ,Jobn Wolfe. M~ . Barry Unslesby and grand daughter ~Ueslrene were InLeb .non SalurclfY. IIrI. W . T, Jordao and dllullhter 81lE!0& Friday "'Iernoon wl'b Mra, iarub Rloh In Barvey.burK Mr. Oba.. tUanoell, of Dayton, lpeDt tbe week end wl,b bome folks. Mrs, Mary Jane lJleaver apen' Tuesday and Wedno/Jday In Har. veysburg, - ' - - --

--------- -----_ ..


N Ii IlIlW~Il" p"r '"ltO OR n he,n t.he t"tUlllellt,. " It'iI just tt n ewspape r IItury ," wUh llUL IIUIIl.i feellnK uf r H. IlEwt'1l 'n t Tho I!tlo to,fo(', oUtln ~pok. 011 t LII 'l1l1ut lclIHly or to oharuolerlze a ~1!l t " lII ut t,Ii!!' "oe d uel Ilut wnnt 1.0 . be ll uve. I~ lin llllplclIsont rl fleo ti o n o n tLIO w " rk of IlIUO, wbo for . the lU ust Ilort , Iue ever d otng their ul!n o~t· to n811"rtlllu Ihe fu ch . 10 t, llI~ wurk, I ~ ey .. til olteu hampered, hut loy n OIUHlj( mure liJlln iJy Ihl' thuuKbll HSIW08H ot iuforwaula lind BomOl·IIDIlH toeir d o ~ lre to 1D1~r o prll. lIout the f"ot~. Unh8Plllly, $00, thert) lUll pe rilon t! wh o tblnr. ,hloge Rud lilly 'blngl:! wbloh when III 'he Ilrlnt ~boy rogre' havlnll IIRld aDd e8011po responalblllU811 for tiwm by lilttUllng Iho ropol'ter or Interviewer, 'flley thu~ oOlH nJ.ute to too senti. lI.tonl f ulllld In Ih~ pbmBo, " jus' a nuWtlpllJlor star .•' ." It IU fiy ·.. t onOll be t~keD for graot. ed t·b llt the uv e r"lIe n ew8 1)~pOr re po rt o r Is the 1II0llt nnullto ~ed of nil ObllOrVefd or nudllo'll. It 18 bls bus. 111,,88 lo " Ilt the trolh aod t o the bellt of Ills .ulllly to 8\lI le It. It hll f,,\1s In ~hlll, be Is looktllg In tbe l!rllt r equi Alto o r ul(o od r(\porlor. 'l'oollY , lUoro thttn ev" r iJurore, U Is the tlow"llI,pO)r'8 bll81neaq in all tbllt it prlo t ~ tu tell I h ll 'rul·b, lIud If thoro III 8ny hotm.! fill huo on ilK pllrl·, H I~ M8ny ooids thtt.' hllng 00 81J WiD_ olllrH.v h..,oolllle th e Iruth liltS nut all ter Btart wl&b 0 8neello, R soifl le, II devel ol)e~ or bOCl/lURe the souroe of BOlO thro"t, "tiKhl obe8t . Y OIl Informtttl llil Is nuro\tnbl o. Uf this k lO W the sy mptoms of oo ids "nd III&! r. a rOllurter oOl11oe with experl. ! y ou kn ow vr owp~ 'relitUleut will on oo t o jutlll\!, hut t·h ll re Itoro hlways bhlllk them up Dr. King's New IIOIIU' now luforlllunts upoa whom Disoove ry, with Its 800~htJlg an tl 1101110 chllnoe w.u ~ t In Utleell811ry hur. I Bept.ic b1l1811111S. has beoD bre Ik tng up ry bo tuk llll. IS", It ill no more thhn ooIds I\nd beallug o oughs of yonug fair for oVllry pe rso D wbo use the I\Dd old t o r 47 y ears Dr Klng 'tl pbr/1l1e, " jlld 0 now81'uper ~tory," to New Disoovery I ,01lIln'H the 'Phleg m 118k jOllt h ow muob he Bnd other" olenrs the hef\d 800tll es the Irrltllted Dot In the n pw , ptlper b ~ ~ln f'S8 ul\ve m em'brhne IlUd tnllkl'8 breathing oout rilmted In uoo way or Imother eallter . At your Dru~qllst GOo to) Its ore"tlon . • ' ~

- -'--- - ...






'!'tlllt dull, 1i8t101lS, op(lrel80d fe el. 101( I ~. 11 OH Itl ImVllra~l od 10 yoor ".ya tem , s lu gKI~ h live r, ologgod intol! thlOS, Dr. K1ui! '& N e w Life Pills give prompt rel' ef. A mild, eRsy, DOO I!rlplng bow"1 movement will toue up YOllr sYHtom It.nd belp to ol oar your mud!ly, ptmply' oomvll'x lou, (:jilt u bo ttle of Dr. Klo g's Now Lite Pills t,o. th y H t your Drnl{. "tHt" 2(,0. A· d ollo tu.ntllh& will make you olieerful br"ukfIl8t.


----- ..- -- -

fERTILIZING THE' APPLE ORCHARDS l!'llrlil ilr.iog "pple orohltl<ls with 10

11'I I1I1U" o~clr uf uilrate of sad," und Ruili Jlho~pliul o IIlld flvtl puundll of

moriu Itl III PIJ I.,, ~ h ller tr"o will pay .. brlUI· '~t1 "n ocrll m o r e thun ueln ~ b"lt tbl~ qlluo'ity ",lIh It. IIluloh 0 1 009 buill lit strBW, IICClltl1h11C to F U. B.ltou uf ~he Ohl () ESIJOrlmetil t;'nti nu Hu b'l"e~ lois Oll nolUPlon ~ 011 hili r41 04111~ (1xperimon's In 80nlll. ern Ohio orch'lfdfl . 10 tllllS.U 1.6i1I·s the bUltvlor 11111,1' q .. U" n rillurll ud 'L1'6 .In &ore R,, · nUlllly lu frQ t.. or ,13 1II0re tb&" Willi !'I!ourt'd from leslll't'rtlll~ e r wll." Htr'1W muloh 'I'\.e IUfller IImoont~ of ' " r ' lhzl' r (l.1n(\lIo ~(1 KrllPR In 'hu oroll .. r d worlh $7 .. IOte l.hnD ,hilt, ,eouro d .frol/l leps t ert.lhzf r aud



- ...---



BELLBROOK Bnr n &0 Mr, aod Mrs. UhtlB RYRn It. fiuo d"uKbler. Hllrnlhn (JIotftllter and famlly movod ioto U1B Dr. IUtenour pro "erty on ~V. Frllnlllln St., laal Thursday. - -- - -Mlohne l Duffy, I!on of Mr, and Mn, Wm . Duffy, wbo lived here mlmy YOllr8 11110 died In Springfield l"s' Thorsday, "t tbo uge or 59. Mr and Mrs . Lewis RIlper will leavo ThursdRY for an extended vb" with 'Ilolr. son Edward Riper and family at St. Louis . Chap. Bowlel and son CblltOD h 'we gone t spend the winter In New Mexloo for hla heulth. Ed Hopkins alld family moved Into NuO,ill Miles propeuy 00 E~st 'Franklln St. 1:I0ratio Kemp and wife of Mil. NI!IIlir.I"' , are vl! lllo~ his lOothel' Mrs, G . W. Kemp. Wm, Conner Is on the slok list. Mrs W"ller t:!mltiJ , 06e ~ 'loreDo<' WliHHl're, whose de .. lb ooourred io KeniK, wnll boried hero 1018$ Sunday t)h~ leuves five ohlldren to wourn ber lou - - - ... - ••- - -

EASY MARKS "THlk erbou' yore ea8Y wllrks." laid Unole HUM! Genhllw, whlJ bnd been pUlIng a week hi 'he ohy , "UB rnbll~," ain" in It witb 'hem au 'euwn ob~p •• " "Old "Yew sell 'em enny lold brlolu. : SII8ti? " queried old Daddy t3quJ\lthneak, . . "Naill", I didn't," answered TJuoJtl 81lall, "bu' I seed a fltUer peddll.l' ar&lfial,llce-bed 'h' Bign right 00 bll .agoD- ID" blamed ef th' ahumPl' did DO' bllY" fer tb' rel1.l ,hlul, hI Kra . . I"-(.;IIIQ.ago NewI,

To malre 1\ good IIvlog. j '0 huve a ha"ll-Y fOOll1y; to ' walle prep"ra t.on lOr tbe hard "111811; to wear oyerall~ III ~ho IIhup wl&b tbe llame IlIl(nl&y at good olo&b('. aro worn on IdUlldft y ; ·to be oooftdenl yllD are 1aylllg " .ore (oqnd.lIoD for any Fooda of the World. 'D'a,e IUCOEl8.; &0 leel 'haS YOIl .,e !1mrve, of the worllS'l toodl shOWI ma.tllr of YOllr work, a.4 'baS you ahara abe or...*1n IpItt' I tble 'I 'be tllat on&-~ of the )'laude ha." a pbUolOpb,'or leanalDI' ua4e,-IIII. lWeetiatl taste, ooe-thlfll .... aaltJ. ucI


----.. ..---

"D f~ BIIII.",





~-=--_=-- --,-r- -









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Buckl n's

Arnica alve



Rye Is r egarded liS ooe of tbe best oover crops lur Uhlo. beolluse It Olln wlthstond winter beU(\r thnu IIny ot h e r orop ua ed tor tlltll Jlorp08e, L"nd to be de'fotlld thle orop Ibould bo ~ eed e d now . Cover orops kl'ep 801\ from WIsh_ Ing and prevent pllln' food trom leaohlog UWRY. They take up t.he plont food nnd store .t lu a form thflt IlOooeedlng orop8 'olln use ql1 ioldy, A large amoont of humot! t8 added. wbenever a cover orop la . 'p lowed under, Rye m llY bo 8oell od 11 M Illte III! 00. tobe r 10 In oorthe rn UiJin or even a 1IIeek lator In t·he soutbern P8f' of the Stille, At t·be Ohio Experiment Station it IPI seeded like whoat at tb ~ rate of two boshels &0 the sl)re It Is plowed under 10 the Bprlng for corn or tloybellnl.


- - --...




MiRR Bernloe Hawkios la' able to he out ft~ain after a t odioul aUaok of mlllnrl", The Mi8sl00Bry Soolety of tbe Frt 90d.' oburoh spent last l'bured8y lit the hotoe of Mrs. CJhae, Me.d ~n. hall, kuottlng oomfort;8. . The--L A . of the M, E . oburob eo joyed a oretlmed ohloken IUDohllon at *b \ Anntlx TborsdaJ afternoon. Mr~. Elmer. (!henowe'h i. oonya. I0801ng. Mr, ond Mn Fralllt Wl1la 8re 'he praod parente Of. a IUtle daughter born Sep'em ber 26. The m"ny frl~ ndsof Mr . and Mr., J. H. Reevetl tendered them a aor. -~--prise Tuesday eyenln@t, i& belnl' loire. Reeve~' blrtbday annl,verlar1, Ollr Bigh I:!ohool olllued about $8 Don't Worry I at " paroel,pollt lIale, F'r fday evenlDR, TI()aHh 1>1 ot h' lI ,. IIl1d rlulllc.l Ill' MfII. B. B. BanRha.m, ot' BablDa, W(lTrr Ilrll ll hy Iw,rk.· Llncnln wlSl'ly waB the guest las& week of lin 8Ilhl tI,nt no UIIIU eVll r ~llnk 'unller thO LIzzie Blair. bur(\ull !\t Ihe dill'. It 18 only wllen the bllrden of tomorrow Is added, that the 101'111 becomes Kroouir than a mao can' carry, Remember, theo, to 'bear Ingllah Molt UI8d. )'oor burde~ a dR, at a tlD1e I!-Dd dOQ'e Two-thirde of the world'. C!CIIfto ~llOAd8Dee .. In the ....... wont·





-- .

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l"I'U""From 'b"'l,l r"nl"iI"I'' 'I:n' I~'' 'i' ' ' U'I -'it--,--' h:'l:"I,:I.:'._'-' 1 ~

To every customer, no matter what the amount of his purchase. Come and talk over your plans with ~s. We can show you how to save money in buying all kinds of building material;

FASHION. to Fiction McCall's ieSuprerr\e ," writes a New York subscriber, McCALL'S help s o\'e r ',2 UO,OOO women d re:-.s in s ty le A t sma ll " xp t' n G~ . A re' cognlzed F" . h Ion AUlhori.y for 4S years.

McC ALL PAT· TERNS lead in

"rle, ity.

Buyers Get Quality Ouaranteed~on All Supplies



\-========~=---:::-:: \-

. DDE' , WH 11 N CO ...



e~ on n my

number sI)ld .

McC ALL'S- 84 t n 11 8 ",oau mon,hly- fs the Fas hi on Gu i Lle. and f-Iou lU::lcectt lnlZ Helper 01 morewomen ' hAn nny other mn(frui ne In the world. All thl! lnt u .t taiylu eve ry m o n ih; •• ao deUllhtful, IItOriCS. IiIU!.clal dellDrtrru,nta in cookin"l h orne dr~lRmll"h,,! . fnnc y w l1rk,

and WAY. t o lhrhl en houtICworli nmS .ave 1'\ COPY. SOc • ye.....


money. Prite : Dilly Sc

, SiND FOUl [INrs IN wll".9 Emt.ra ,d . R",," "t.e-ne ••• STAIlPS fO. 32-pa•• McCall Pall .... BOMIr



Add,.... ' ,,",rI. N


TlII-.cALLCO.,DlW. S7dlSc .. II."II.Y.

e-___CO_RII!IIW-.I-N,-O-H-IO----_I~ ama







'.- - - --- --- .




N. SE AR S L~~~TY__ E~NT~l i!!____~~NTI~~i , r"._..'....... Semi-Annual Style Show ····~······..••..····i Mrs. Gllrl Servis f'nlpr lllined at dinner Th ursdllY. 'lr II ('oopf'r \ and daught er. Mr~ . 'Il~an Cook anll

Au cti on eer



! liSs Marthll C Ilk.

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Re al Es tat e


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hlr ·\ ott! Livery. • : til r. nn.J ~1 rs \\' II ~:t.ddcl1 we re larks\l lil' ,.. I Hll wl'ek

I: . : . .! . Ii .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .;

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A very pi 'usn 1 blrth,hlY OSC;!\' ,'11 ii I h 1111 : \\'\lS giv en Mr . allti r" E T . Slroud wen: DUl tuli \I ~ill)) s ~1] !l owell • 'lIl(l;! y, I. S unday.. willm ..!fI r ly SuntlliY illUmin g i I all the r elntive~ and f!'i.!IHI ~ l\rrh 'erl Dr, lJill. () t ."path ~ l:. Hroad· .• at t heir home on I yt I nlRd . wi th WilY, I.e hllno II , nhi I well tilled bask l~ . Ahout fifty were • presen l. a goud tl in n r was cnjoye rlprl' nI81')' l'I.'I~., of .'1. i and I" ·\lII·' ay-.. . in the aft m uon a ll had t heir -~ ., . \J jJicture talte n. Tlh)se I r~st!nt were: school II III !(iI • uyst ,'r ~lIJlJ1c r Ila l· I . Offic e Over the Post offlce l worth B. T . Vice and family. . II. .onrl lowo'c a.n d fa mily . _W,illBStroud • • , wife , Otho lI ell'd e r~o n and Wife. L. . E 111'1lt1CIl. Df !Jill \\'a~ dr. : : , D. Chiles and wife. Cl arence All en, culuting 11111')11 ": "I t! frl on, iend~ liNe • Res ide n ce 46-'2 • PHO N ES Office 61 I wife and son. L . P . Perki n. ,vife Tu ':ldIlY. : :.+ and duught e r . roeonr troud. wi fe • + l and son. of Dayt on . She rman Carte r l\li~s :llltry J.llrl·r~lIn , uf Mid,dle . . :· and Galle Wadsw or lh . o f Ouyton; Form~· l I{obert Ballinl{er, wi feund daul{htl 'r, t llwn . is t I10' 1l'1Il:~ t " f 1\1 r. J () l t . U . IH of OreJ{on ia. J uhn 'hilI'S a nd wife. wrigh t and (:lIlIily. •• ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~f+~~f+.f+.................. Will ChilI'S and wife and Hoy e hil eR. . a f R ·IC Ilmonl j . I IllJ ; "N Ilorn - T o ~I r. 1111<1 • . I'~ C TUnc Ir < Ethan ==============~====~======= I. • ~~ alld family . 'of Beth 1: E J enninR's Col""wl l . Toll'''''' IIhlo. S" plt' ll lu\:!r : l and family, of Higglns pon.O : Clau d :'U. l!llll. Il tiall l{h lt!r. :

I. ·

Ins ura nc e





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· :1 ~13~rdos,~' ~n:u~~~f~.u~a~yr~~:tdJ.~:~~n~(' Pr('ndl'l')~U"t AGRICULTURAL DAY : -,----thor(!llli~ I\\'ck . WRIGHT-GREGG . Mi~ W. '. fAMILY REUNION ob~e rved

Lewis VI. Livery /OC_TOBER 10TH '.-


Wrn w('nl t i, Lexi ng· to n TU('~llay C\','llin\!, to nttL'nd the race





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Spt' nt sCI'erai da), .1 lu t wecl\ w!lh AIJrocl alllatio nhaabe cnissuc dlw ' . Wl'lci l alldl:lIl lIly. :. J Govern or Willis askin g that Novem- I CAL L MrH . Al il:e l\l cKinsl'}' SllI'll t lu!;): be r 10 be as agricult,urul I . Wed ncscluI' in lIarvcy.~ lJlI r~. th~· • day. It is ur ged tha t ~p cial p ro- i --gUC'B t ur ~ir . lind ~ Irs. I:'rank Shilla. : : •• g ra ms be giv~n in the !~~o~~s. War· The Wri ght-l ;re!{g family re~tlioT\ I((' r, : • rt'n rounty mIght obsenc I. hy hold- was held lit the hUl11e of ['rank Phone 83-5 Waynes vIlle, Ohio ing- a county m eeting lo conside r t he Wright, on th c Hellbro (,k raau. SunM. J . U~ "urn and fam ily are IlIO\, · matter of securin g an experim ellt l d ay. Septem ber 17 anu about une illl{ to tOWII l1l1t! will vC~ IIPY the : " • : - \ far m or a county ag-ent the com ing hundred per~olls were : present A ~~l.'i.ert NIgerian Coal Deposi ta. y of the lute Mrs. Nu ra II illyellr. Many countie s report excel- sump t uous dlllll Cr WIIS l ,a rl 6k~n of Nigeria hlt8 IJl'pn added 10 Ih londs lent I' suit s wh er ever they have th e by all pr esent. bubt tdherc WliS .no ft~rd 11.1 whlcn vltlllllhll.' d n! conl benelit of f':o:pe r iment farms or the Pdrug,rum . ?very 0 'Y I e IlJoy tn17I'1 Ie A bun ch of new Buick autos w as I · hllve been dlscoYl'rcd In recent yea rs. assi tance ot a c ounty agency. ay ntvurlo us ESOC ~~ I~ayij. d r il'en throu~rh t<l wn Tu esduy even · : .preaen were: ' . w. '''I>ero. ()lOthSel' inl! t o di slribuLi ng points north of : • Moorl'. Mr . anrl MrH, (: eo. ARwald , here. •• Carl Thomas , J . H. f{jggs, ~I r. and O()o()C.o<)o()()O;O<>OO<>Oo(K)o()()O;)()<O<><>O<>Oo(KKX) O;)()<o<>o~ : JMrs. W.Glltll oueph K cllr ollt.ors.of n. M. Bradfor T roy. d ' Ir .ltnd The Squires bruth ers al\o t he ir • a . J . A. Itobe Mrs f a Jm r l~ . Mr. lin d" Mrs . i l i e.s l\io LO rec l to 'incinll6 li last .::. •t S. Roger s. W. ·H. Vizard. Juh n Ve r- Sun day to lIt1,'nd tbe SlI uir es· l)onI liard. Mr . and Mr~. L. D. Nur ri H. lihue r union. , Mr . and Mrs. C. A . Gregg and chll · dren. Mr. and 1Ilrs. Frank Smith . C 1\'Ir . L. S. H) man and A. Moo re. Mr . ond Mrs. v.:i lli a m Mr. Uen I3l0ch. of X('nia. family Ilnrl : SI)ent Sun. ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~..... Holland . A. A. Gregg. E L. GreglZ. liny al the ...................... :. Edward J{ola nd. Alle n Davis . Mr . Myer Hyman .homo of Mr. li nd Mrs. . ~ and Mrs. Prank Hel:lS . Mr. and Mrs - . ' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . John Scolt. Mr. J ohn Wright ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. family. Mrs . Cynthia Ha ines, Mrf . Me s rs. G. n, Wilgus Abner Wright. Mra. Ema:ine Grellg . Rnd A . Wilgll l$, of 'l'rov. , M. Wilgu ~ visiled their Calisa Moore. Lallra Roberts . Abigail relative s . Mrs . Alice 'l Roland, Emma Grubb . Bertha R ob- dllughte r. Sat,urday . d(insey and discusse d ' at that meeting . Every erts and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Wright Sunday School worke r is always weI. and family. come at the e meat ings . Mr. and Mrs. (;eorge Hartsoc k, Orinll your troublell. qUelItion s , ------~.~-Mrs. -Hanna h Antrllm and Mrs . hlessing 3 null l r iumphs with you . Mary askey sipent !:iunuay afte rnool\ Wo n cd you lind will try t o mok o wi th relativee at Sprin giJo ro. our tHeeting profitab le . A genera· ti OIl hence t he cilizens of our county The Trustee! ! of Frankli n Townsh ip E Mr. and Mrs . Frank Zell. Mi ~s S d S h I h Id" . will he compllsed of those we now Ma rjori e Tu rner and Mr . Charl es have evident ly grown tired of wait- . vt!ry un ay c 00 S .o.u uegm have in our Sunday Rchools It be. Cornell spent iDunday wit h fri e nds at ing for the County Con.missioners to Inow t o plan fo~ a DeC!SIOn Duy. hoovell us to ma ke of them the very d o someth ing on the roads in this NtlVom uer 12th IS World ST. MARY'S CHliRC H Westch estor ncar Cin innati. s Temper- hil('hest ty pe of Christia n cit izenship . corner o f the counly. ance Da~. Send to rters Performirll!, the duties incumh ent . Sixteen th Sunday after Trillty Oc· At their meeting last Friday night tor suppl~es and m ake~eBdQua It .a Red-Le t- apon u"<J as Christia ns that generaMisses Doro th y and Kathryn Dakin a resulu tion tober 8 Sunday Sch ool at 9:30 a. was passed authori zing te~day m your S~ho?~ . th C t lion will live in a saloonle ss county. m . Mornln " Praye r and sermon at left Monuay for their home in Han- a uond iss ue ot fS.OOO for the Dur· e wan~ every S~ ~o III e OUIl y 10:80 . The public cordiall y invited nibal. Mo. Th ey s pent a ,(c ry en- pose of improvi ng the roads in Alex Boxwell . Pres. Frank. a front Litle one t~IS year. Ascerjoyable s u mml~ r here with r elatives . lin townshI p. to these services. tOaaaC\oac\DDaa.cC\O tam what the re4 ulrem ents ar~ and OOO()C\C\C\aooooooo~ ----- - - -.---- o The voters will be asked to back then work to reul'h that goal. Mrs. G. W. !lnwke and Mi ss 8m- up the Trust~ es at the election in . L~t us m ak~ olir county t.he most wu Hcighw ay retu rn ed home F riday Novem ber -Frank lin Chronic le. officlen t on.a ~n the tate thiS yea: . ,This is hard lines; hard lines not We cun do It If e v rys w from Sardini a.l3row n Co unty. where J l'ker does hIS they visi ted \Vi lh relativ es and friends olily for Frankli n townshi p but f or full duty. . eve ry townshi p in Warrell County . th e past week . ' ~he reg!ltar m eetlllg of the county In riding over the variout! roads of ofhcers WIll be held on the s~cond Warren County we ha ve observed Saturda y of October at 2 0 clock Mr. F rl'(lerirk chwei nhagen and that Regular eommu n ical ion the roads are in a frightfu l p . m. 1 want ~o see. every County Waynes ville Lt}dge No . lG3 daughte r. wh o we re l ht! gu ests of conditio n "" .. . In ......... ... ... some few places the Officer, Town.s hlp PreSide nt. abba~h Mr and Mrs . W. A. Beneck e las t F & A. M .. Tuesday cveninl{. week, r eturtl ed to .the ir ha llie in farmers themseJ \'es have taken School Superll ltenden t an~ Pastor m October 10lh. Work in the 1<' . C. FOR SALE enoug h pride in their roads to lh~ county at that meetmg degr ee. Vi ~itorll are cordiall y inNapoleo n, Ohi o, Monday. fix them uP. but in many places they thIS duy on your calenda . Note r and plan vil ed. are well nigh impassi ble. to come.. D L rune , W. M. . good yonng Jer~ey Cow, ja ~t . Mr and Mrs. F ra nk Wright and According' to the new laws the Many Importa nt questIO ns Will be L A. Zimm erman . Sec·y. fr n ~h. Also one swa ll oou ll Mr. allil Mr~. L. Nicholson went t o hands of the trust ees are lied and st ove In good oondilio n . Llndloy Sprin!{fiEld l a~; t week and placed they can do but little in this direc4TH 9TH , '1916 _ _._ J Mend enhall. Wayn98 ville, Ohio. Mr!l . Cynthi a Hlline!l in the OdJfel- tion. And it seems as thouR'h the lows Home at thut place. [!o m mission crs do not want' t o im · CONDU CTaD BY THE OW-A freah DOW for @lIle Bod t.l prove the highway s The re is m uney I!!ood one. API'I v to J . B. <JIJRllt . Mary's Guild will meet with from the state for this purp08e but , UlIlD. Waynes ville: OhiO, f or lI, fo l' Mr . J. F. Cadwa ll ader on Thursda y why it is not used f al' th e purpose is mlltion . uti II af te rn oon. This ' is an illlpo rtnllt unexpla inablc . meeting , as it is the e lcction of olli (j ~"-='--W-A-"-' NT-"'E-D-cel'~ and work ' fOI' lhe co minJl' year will be tli ~c u ~~e d so a full a ttendan ce • is uesired. HE Corn Growin g Contes t closes Novem ber 10th. The : H AVEILU tlUlbf' r of '.'\:::;B B UY Domes tic Scienc e Contea t. may be conduc ted any time in I ERS for Jj' A RM t:!. if ytlu Wllllt· A merry crowd wt:nt to Cl ifton o h . 1 10 S ELL. pee \I f write t·o U. R. Sunday . Those any commu nity, up to Novem ber 1 t . who enjoyed the .. l:lalne8, 1l1 ~-l~[ . 1 U . a. BUlhlln l!. day werc Mr. anJ Mrs C. M. RobitA grange , church , school, club or Ilny other orgamz atlOn .may . Duyton. Uhlo. o l !" ze r, Mr. and 1\-1"8. B. H. Ke lly. Mr. conduc t a D omesti c Science Contes t. G et the girls to enter; fix 1\ , and Mrs . [.' r t! <.i Vasc hi e. of Dayton, d ate and make a com- i th ' Miases J) rothy and Ka t hrYIl The f armer in Way-ne Towns hip is mun ity a ffair ' out of it. . Dnkin, Ma rtha O'N all. HellrieU;. lind hos been busy during th e pa~t Ra ise th e money by subM\'Kins ey :1 nd Me~M r ~ J . ll. Pence two weeks wi th his corn c rop. and a · scrlptlo n or by an enterI! reat rl eal of Lhe g ra in h'us been eu t anJ Ellllllor illtily. and shocked . There is not mu ch of n i Mr . J . L . McClur e and d aughter , I.h e ('om on the ~round, UH 'i:! Lhe b lanks an d rule s for the I 'Since 1847. the year Rogers Bros. originated electro-li1ver Mr . ami Mrs . Chas. Mc'lu re a nd r ase in lIi/rel'e nt pa rt s of th e country . contes t. ' Will be closed Satur day plad!lg,silv.erwar e bearing the trade mark "119 ROGERS BROS." cbil.lren , Mr!l Wm. Miranda ., Mr bu t where th e corn is on the grounrl We have four times as I . on accou nt of Jewis cutters a re chargin g 8S high as 20 baa been renowne d for quality, we;r.rability and beau!)'" ' h ami Mr~ . ,'taliley !:imith a rI · laug h· cents a shock for cut'ing it. t er. Mr Dr . :>mith un d lchildr ~n . of many trips pledged f or the Holiday. Cincinn a ti, cam €! up and s pe llt Sundll j' Some few farm ers. where the corn boys and girls already as 1 Store will be opened at with Mrs . Mi ra nda and we re lIccom · i ~ lyin g low. are turnin g th eir hogs we had last year, but we pani ed home by Mrs . •1. L. McClur e, into the field and will not cut up the want anothe r girl from fi p . m. whll had spcnt the past ten day~ co rn . A good corn cu tter can reap each county ; some one to aharves t at lhe present tl me. making i ' stamped on forks, spoons and fancy teTVing pieces i. • with her siste r . . take the lead and put on a from f 4 to $5 per day. , iuaranle e of heaviest platin g, perfect workma nehip and Ii _ .. - -___ Domes tic Science Contes t. exquisite design, assuring long and satisfying service. Any Mr. amI Mr!l. Walt e r McClur e. Write us for al1 particu . , article of silverware marked "00 .RNIEIIS BROS:' Il)ay be Mr. anrl Mrs . F. G Carey and Mrs . Ian. ••• ••• Charl es Rye left Sunday to s pend telected without further investigalion. . ' The 1916 tour takes us ten days at Indian Lake. This is , . -' Sold by leading dealers everywhere. ~ Send tor cata1~ 1 tI ld Pi h batt e e S about the same lot of peupl e who go to ~ ,."''' C-L" showing all patterns. tts b urg; . every year and th ey alwaya haVf~ th e of Maryla nd and Vir¥',in l.a: ..' ' '\ MIIIIOII I BIIITllll lr. CO., •••Id ••• C.... llame slory to tell abou t the amount '. . (lDtenaUoI IA1 81l,crCo.. 8acceuor.) Waahi ni'ton; a viSit to L Of Th S of fish they catch. Their husband s Conlfre ss just openin g Its ast e easo n are going' along thl~ tiflle, perhap. session ; a recepti on by $1 40 they will bring hOlllo 'a vasl qu antity \~ Presid e nt Wilson ; . New • . of th e finny tr ibe. York and othllr great cl~lcs . . . J. C. Hawke ' brough t a fine baaRound Trip ket of strawbe rries ' down' town !I~___ _• . . . _1I! +Wiiii3 Wia of the East. The Allet cBn ts Sprl"n gfiel~ See Waterh ou se f or Auto Livery. h last M t Fridsy. Mr. Hawke . has had ¥J eny oun a i na and Bl ue >!trawb erries continu ously sinee May Round Trip - - - - .. - ... ·.20th, There has been hardly . Ridge Mounta iDs in all a week -since the regular strawbe rry II0880n their grande ur: Horses hoe I _. - - ~ --=:::_;::-,-:= ===: ::: that he has not been ableto golnto Bend. and Sand Patch Tun- i The Ornola \ aado_ 0' 1he 1916 Corn B oy.' Hoods, for~Chiidren ...•.. lac Uuiver ~all'inware Mender . IOe To'!r t o Wa.n ' naton. his patch and Jlick from six to seven nel; Mt. Vernon , Arlinji ;on Edging, late pattern , yd.. lac Jet Hlack Oil. for' Shoes ... . lOe quarts every week. They arB of the and Washi ngton' i MonuNew Scrim, per yd .•. . . . lac Stove llrushes .... ... ---... Progres sive variety and they are ment; Grant' s Tomb, Ellis Gingbam Aprons .•.... .. . JOe Collar Dutton s ...•.. • . 2.... Waynes ville High Schtloll osl again' said to be very fi~e and of for 5c Island f the t!ILue of Li lip !, ~' a nd .the frowni ng forts delicioq that guard s Gloves -Childr en, Men and Talcum Powder . •.••••. . . lOe to llilllbrll ok Fridaya ft rno on by the flavor. The berries were New '\ r k; 1 he'll otlr CI ('IIIt1).!' banque t In the great lar~~ and room of the Women .....• _ ..... . , . . ·noc ·I)r. Warren s' 'rooth Brushe scOt'e Astor R Oll. '; th 11 il1llt ld ro me, Pullma n pal ace ball of 7 s lOe to 4 The boy~ played in lookl~ 18sthnat ural 88 MwhenH Plkckeid cara end then Home, W l't Hom '. Handk erchief s. _ •. . " 50. aoc Excell rloaling Soap .. :.. hurd luck. ' " . 5c ear ter n e ~n. r. 8W e 8 St cle' , • __ . I ---__ very "U fortuna te to have such a berry 0 "e lugs ....... ....... . !I. C r,.0 bl'III Soap.. .. ....... ... 5 c wl1 aoo the 1' 1' HI'~t citiea in 'Ameri ca' we will . . on a gre' wl'n'" at all tl'mes with the b.':t pe1. le f rom Ohio. T"'I- la'the b l m .tour SUND Socks ..... . ..... - ... .. .. Wc .. Id Dutch Cleanse r ....... lOe AY, OCTO BER 8 .• Safegua rding Locka. t ~ \• -Boys Pants ..... _ ....... - ::l5c Parin~ Knive~ ....... .... FRO' " WAY ------------~~)ltlD!IlG . . . i)€,OS NESV ILLE SlDnll enuugh tu o n '"c ," . We 10 hI' ('urI'loo tOe III n ,'eHt 4th. . YOU In pocket 18 s new d'!\'lcll to prevent ~ Ceuntry •. of Monk.. PhUUpa SPECIA ' L TRAIN LEAVE S 9:35a. m. Itey. on tho The Maaazine lIan doorll bolnc tll1'Ded ~~~!:-.~t>IIl';~ti~CU~lar~;_ ' O J __ Cluw . Direct. • et JUDlor OD&-leveDth of the people at Tibet ~BuilcUIaI WIll. . . . J.ecaJ Alleat Waynes ville, Ohio. tram the outalde. arelDOok..






Music Tell you r frl"ends


I.• i

I .

TH E S . FR ED CO MP ANy : , ;.



A car of fine Peac hes, thre e goo d vari eties , will be in Leb anon the Jast of this wee k.

Leb anon , Ohio"'

• i




A car of fine App les will be on trac k at Corw in soon.


Wea ring App arel and Sho es for Men, Wom en and Children" FI " for h L d owe rs an d S ouvenlfS t e a ies


. , 11 e H E S PE




i j.;i


S i •i N ew Fa ll' ty I es :; • :

tt •i

Della li ao Ie)' , of w illllin xt'!II. 11

: i

: : •

' ng, 0 12, 19' 16 f Thu rs d ay E venl cto h e r " rom 7 to 9 o'clock, and Frid ay an d 5 a tur day Afte rnoo'n and Evenl"ngs, Octo ber 13th and 14th, 191 6 Openl"ng and Display

Ii :



-:>- . _ - - -



: :





Late .








"Sil ver IPlate that' Wears

- .. ---fARMERS BUSY - -----





;~~.m~~~ :~i f'~i~ ~:l~





yman s




~ 1847:ROGERS BROS.T~P~(


Mye r Hym an



_._lDIm;;;::t_mil_... ... •.








I.liill lil_. .___- _ .___~,----. .- -. .- __•



------------~------~------~~~-----------------------------------------. WAYNESVILLE, OHIO, W:EDNESDAY OCTOBER 11, 19Hi

~ixty-E i j;{hth Year


fEll OUT SECOND STORY WINDOW ON GROUND L" \Ji ~. . dllughter of Mr. anell L .I\ Z!llltnl'I'I1!UI1. hail ,in ex. " e ri ~ Il("- ,he will nuL be likely to for g et fur n'lullY ye!lrs She wu.~ play . ill~ ill tllw d"",11l wh on s he took the ~C; I'(" : 11 uU L .. f Ihe wil1d .. w, and. III ~O nt~ m an n .. 1' f .. 1l nut of th e winclnw 10 th •. I(ruul1d SIlt' turn ed over lIlICl' wleil" in th e a ir, nnll alighl~d on hel· I' <ll' k . II ~r 1110 Ih"r, who was in nn ad . juininl( room. I ni ' ~r" hOl r, and went 111 lo"lt III: r up . 1111.1 sh" kn tl w ~ ome thillM' had hapl! <! neJ when s he Raw I Ill' disar ranlre rne n t of Ih lace c ur. tains. Shl' w,-lll to t il e wind ow nn.l s aw h~r dau g llwr lyil1lr on th l' ilrnunrt The lilli e Iniss be. an lit scr eam. bllt when s he was picked up not a scr il ich uf all V kinll Wl1S found on h,'" ulldy . ' Iw ' hlld a miracul nus es 'apl! . Mill')

I'll" ,


Whole Number 3391

__- - -




CHURCH SOCIETY ARE A MOST HERE ' ELECT OFFICERS \ r f'r (,,'" r:1 cilludll'''' I,,'. fOR THE YEAR t!

Tht, Chomoion b roth e rs and sisters d~1 q '\It . hr ~I"I . 1'( ' thei r tu mi lie~ m et at the home o! Mr . and I'll r~ .TBm e~ Traceys. f our I" I' I.: I ",!' .. I':h 11 .\ rl1'''' rHin f" 11 ai r 1'1,1" III . ~1:'lld : I I' : I.· ",il,d mi les ~outh,of lJayto~, on til" LI~b~. I ,: JllI·, •. l I I'. "'1'" . rl y I.ri, .. 'Ifi ll t ill' non pike, S~ndAY, Oclober 1. :)l(i, \\l'c llh ' r l'I,.I,"~llh· il( v f all Tltl' r :1in anel h e l~ th'lr ](hh annulIl reul1 w n . " If J ~. I h, I,·:' /.", I II) ponT- Idl y, :Plfl lh{' A fine dinner was Rerve< Lhe ll oon Wl' lih.", 1 - \\, "~ .1'\,.u l lL, · UI 'i l'ar hour Th e rewlJ ~ flO s pecial program ;u t', I.i~ " It "',Iq , r \ illl l'r pr~pl\ rcel hut c'It·ryhody. ~el' med 10 A l'('I\'fd:11i I ,dl thl' d l' p" Ih'rl e~J oy,vl's es pecllllly at thl' \1, I~ , \ 'p '! \, I' " 1" . :1 . ,I " hard di nn e r tahlE'. rh c ~1;) we re fifty p~e~ • It. ' t I Ir •• 'Il:~\ 1 , 1:\l' l'!~("\HI j . 'IHrl 1 e nt: G. G. Ch.amplOn a~d fllmlly. I 1 ' I, 'II 11:1 ,I,. i' l i ~ \\'f ' r., 'II t. " Henry .Champlo~ and, Wife. Le!!ler I ~!.',rl. I' II II i ' ,111" ol },, ' r Ihin ...~, b·· 0ham pl on a~d Wife. Vt aller .ChamlJ· 1'lIr.I'H r " . I ' \i.,l . . ;\ . . ifih.· :P,' f'f, H,"" 10!'r and famil y. I~en ~hlJll pion and 1 111 1\ f~ \\'" )111''i..('I,l 'l \',' ' lh:ll 1"1111" ~Il e. Mr~ May I O~ ltllll{er and f~ 1ll l r~ qlll \ I II t':\' 1 y. Mrs .Mary ~( IJ)\1 flnrl fl1mll )l . Alpha Smtt ~l . Wlf., and. da u?;hll'!· . "Y<'sl ey LRr.'more. and ",If... I raCIR ~~r".c r. LIlI~ Lartmore . of O~yto~. Ill ullll Smith an d ~on. Lawrenc e orn. of Wellt Ca rrollton: W r~ . Llllliin Hntrop and ~"~ ami He~ry Th' 11111 . :-i . fl' lf::0 1 . FI'HIlI,lIn , whlrh ",us lJurl1!!<1 II t ·w (Inys HIW CIt E HSIIloC't. M . .. by n ~" " "~,, (,""lIl:1ny. II ' Hotop. ?f Ferry; I· rank ~ . Simth r!!cover tI' ll cUIII"'r In hl' r I'I\, ~ I ~. 'l'hr I"r!l11I;1I1I \\'11 8 I Illlt tIl l'hl lncl l'lph ln III 18 L5 IUlII WH" l'dll,1I1 111 1 ~1: : 1. \\h lll and I Ulmly and .MISS Velma Sm ith, of m,'G'lne.s nml Re l', 'WS \\'rl'l1 In ~ I ,,'I<'d . Sho \\'lI S Ih e tl u:;~hll' at AllUllrnl F11I·I·llI'llt III 18Q7 \\'h.' n h e IHI'kll UII n crill" LYlle; Jum ps TrReel' ane! family and bat Insleil 17 Ul lIll ths IlHcl tool, him to Dl'urly C\'o\,y I'ug Bellport ot Europe. I Ambi Tracey, of Fairmount . Allo lil('r drli ln in n !'Ililn'l"l \\'f(·I·k -. ---"0-".--Wk < Hu ~' ... 11 ( '1\11'1 "111,11. ",hell h i.; t !'ain rU l I intrl ::l fl lll lf ' lI ,\".\'i tdl Rt Url)ann 0'11 Ilw Ei i· rati ron,l b~ t :illLIlTllav .\Ir. Cfl III P \.1.' II Il·a. 1 " 'rt' mall thc· truill, and at la" ;I"I'IOllI1r h i~ cOIlJltilln i ~ \·c·ry ~pn"Il' li E' i ~ 1111' h usban rl uf Ma rj.!IIo·I·il ,' TltCllll l'"Cln. fU"n,r rl ), I)f hi " P!:lI" . An explosion at the King Powder Co. last Wednesday evp.ninl{ killed Twenty ·t hree examinations are to Speaking fo r R. C.l!arnard. 'lIpnr two men . A singular feature of thl ~ : intendent o f th e 1'1'1lnsylvardll Lllle', explosion WAS that Newton Moon, be comJucted by the state civi l eer · West , and the I(!ad in~ lIJ1icfals I.f employed at this plant Cor about 25 vice commission during the month of News came to t own las t week of that syatef!1 in . Cin~innal i.. ' If~rel~ t· ,· yearR, was the luet of tour brothers. November according to its official all of whc'm lost th e ir lives at the bulletins just issued which will be the death of Mr John B. Ross. of W. Bell, hill Chief Clerk •. 1n <;"ICIn . plant by explosions An overt urned sent fr ee to 811 who requ est th e same . Lebanon, who di ed s uddenly at hi' natl. !18S m ade th e IISse r ' lon II WII' lantern by a g reener waS. th e caURe The more importnnt positions to be late home. Mr. Ross was an enthu. certam that none of t he em l lo)'e,·~ filled through these examinations are siastic M~son. and had been Junior could be blam er~ f~r tllf'. wr eck \\'hHl of the explosion . those of florists f or state in8titution Warden of Lebanon Lodge for eigh. occurred at Ktn g e ~tl18 SuturdlLY .J J\I ,i krrlt . . a l(,~ llliln fij I' Ar· g r een houses, a ssistant physicians teen years. T n e funeral took pl ll .e mornlnlf. when .an engineer Bnel Arl!' tor statt! institutiuns, dairymen fol' Mondav afternoon lind Wll8 con.. mlln 10aL th ei r ltv s, and thut it wa ~ buck It·s \l r' ,,~ Cufr"e '0 . • visit ..d !l it I' the new prison farm nflsr London, du cted by the Leba~on Masons. doub~fullf any investigation al ong' lown IQ~ \V 'dn s.lay afl ~ rn oo ' l lid· this hne wl)uld be held . ve r i ising l !tilt Fl'lpndid hrand of storekeepers tor vlldoua state insti· "The chances are the ren l c all ~e of can't, '. Mr. Niklrl( fll'ent sev('ral tution., district deputies to be em the wreck will nt!ve r be necorto ined ," ho u ri' 11I'rt . and Wfl f; mllrh impl'e!lAed , ployRd by the board ot agri\'ulture. Mrs. Willis 0 Neall died at the he declared . "The r oadb ed a nd hy ou r iJ""i n l' ~~ I"N,pl,' and th., t ,·lVn . All of these positions carry 'wlth them a substantial salarv and the h,!me of her daughter, Mrs. ~ar. tracks were so badly tom lIlJ lind t ilt' II ~ irl ~ V(,I'V "lr~lb l c' " I'n li ertllln. UIlt! Fine Desserts l $1.00 per bu; nice appointments will be permanent . A WIck at Lebanon. Monday morntng . locomotives 80 badly wrecked thRt i . we hope I hili he \\ il l ('jlllll' lIJ,:aill . ones for butters, 50c per bu. Ready score of other positionll will be filled The funeral will be held at the would be mere guess worl, t o try (u to use right now. Carl Duke. phone thro.ugh competitive examinations to Chapel in ~Iaml cemetery this after· determine the r eal cause. The tnllll crew on the Keys tone EXflress wa.'i be conducted during the month of noon at 2 0 clock . 5647-;' . Wayneav llle. Ohio. an exceptJonally good one: It i ~ November. The bulletins contain certain neither 'the d eud men nnr full information rellarding all exam· inations together with applicant!! John D. Steddom died at his hom e others were to blame." will be examined. It will be mailed j n Lebanon Tue.sday afternoon. Mr. ....- - free to all who address the commls· Steddom was a famous horseman In ~ slon at Columbus. A postal card will hie younger daye, and wu well· known ~ bring It. • _0 _ all over the country . HIli tuneral was held In Lebanon Thursday morn · inll. . I





WARREN CflUNTY CIVil SERVICE DEATH'S 'WORK . INO ONE WAS on EXAMINATION TfACHERS ASSN. POWDER _Mill GOES UP DURING THE IN THE BLAMf PAST WEEKI The Warren County Teachers' Association will be hel d at the Leb--I nnon National Hank Huilding, Leb· WAS IMPRESSED a non. Ohio. Sat urday. Octuber 14, 1916 10:00 Oevotlonal. Rev. It B Foster ; WITH OUR TOWN 10:15 A TritJ Throul,(h Yellow Stone Naliol1ul Park, Mr. C. H. Young; 11 : IOTRlk , Naturt' tudy, Mr W&l ter Gollins; 11 :40 .. What Can We Do To Bl!tler Our Association?" Let each 011 come with a SUggestion . 1:00 Solo . Mr C. hl. Parker: 1:10 Round Table. Mr. Brun er; 1:40 ome Pres: ent Tendencies In Education, Frederick C. Hicka, Dean of Clncln· nati University Lelus demonstrate that Warren County is prugrl!A8ive by attendi nJ{ the Association . Wm . R pr iejfc l, President. Huth Edwards, Seeratary.




----=--.. --..------


Th· . Ia .... n Ap\lf!U1 cam p. to OUI' lal,lc ti ll' l' a~ L weuk an eilrht· pal{e p:qJcr . It ia th e Intlmtlon of the I\PIJ':al tr. rll i~(' he s \lll~c r ipti o ll pr ic{' to !!, I. :)I) Ihe fir~l o f , vPombe r . 'l'hi ~ i ~ Ill(' t\r ~l pap I' In the (!o unty to rHbe thll 8U"~ r ip ti on rat~R. IInil if th o malter tha l ~oe R ill the making 1,[ n r np"l' ('nnl il1ucil to all vance. it will 1I0 t he till' on ly onA in the rllunt" I hlll w, l! have to rai se it9 rab ·H.' :\' P w~ llIlpe r rutes IIll ol'er th e 1''' lIntr), I1IlVe h"en r a lscu. Both in in ndv .. rti~i ng: lind the pricc uf tho slllt"c· rlptlnn. helnl( fOI'ced to on ae· co unt uf the advance in puper, inks Hnd mn<:hine ry.

l ~~~~~~~IJ BANK WilL


Boys' School Shoes at Hyman',.

Charles Cornell was a Dayton visiJ . M. Taylor was a visitor in Cincinnati Tuesday. tor last week.


The Waynesville National Bank Men's and Ladies' Union Suits at Hemnants In all kinds of Dr VGoods Will be closed all day Thursday on at Hyman's. Hyman'e. ac('ount of a holiday -Columbus Day. , ~eth Cook epent several days in ' R. G. Cross was a business visitor Cleveland last weck. at Cincinnati Thursday.


AITENUED COUNTY Wilford Elzey visited with relatlv(s MEDICAL SOCIETY at Clarksville last week.

Ladies l high· neck and long sleeve Rng Linoleums for under all sizes at Hyman'R. House Dresaes at H~man's

Likes to Travel Against Stream. Tht- tf : ndronl~Y HI ~ I) np;lIi!uH fh fJ ,.. 11'''' 1111 1M VI'I'J' "'l rtl n~ly mnrk .... f1 In fl I'li t Ilt-:h. rnth'l} nr ~ I' ~ , w hIt'" fOrf'~:-4 ItHi \\u)" up til l) 'I)rl·\.'lll lul Sl r, ' tllIHt Qr th" .\IIIi ,,". 1l1'1 1>1"II 10: l\ III, It" Iuollth flnll \I .. llIg It hlf.t1 lL'd \', ' u t rut IHlle fiR II " " ' ('C . rt " lIn ,'11 ,,,11 II IJ IlIlIllY ! at or ~II1 VlJl lt,

w ute l··wOrl1 fi,1("k.


All Ab00t the P eopIe

Miss Opal Uray sp£>nt the week end with friends in Dayton.




New Style Middy Bloueea, Hyman's

Th " rc~ula r meetinJ.{ f St. Mary'8 ( ;t,,:-I was held Itt the hllme uf Mrs. I F (·;tlIII'HlJa<ll'r. Thu r~d /lY A[ te r l1'IIIn. (lc"oI j/':' ~I h. lll,d the f lin\\,jil l!' 'tlli ",' r4 I\'.,!'(' ,·I ,·eterl f!\r th" com· I'~~ \ I': ,, : :\1 r". '\lal',Io' 'R~kI!Y. I're ioll·lli. :\11' - .1 II. l'JICI IAn, Vice,1I·1·~ i"' 11 1 . ~Ir '. I:. \'. l{lIornhart, "~p~' r.'t :U'\' aw l 1'1'{,:,--.l\1 rt'\', The ladies o!l·l· i.. I,·,j I.. .!Ja \l · II ~'''' ifll Novembe r ,.1 1,. lO r ' I' hidl fllrth l'r nutice will bl'


Mrs . Phoebe Tyeon, of Dayton, i~ Dr. Dill. Osteopath. S. Broad· Dr. Mary Cook and Dr . Thos. the o{ Mr. and Mrs, Walter way, Lebanon. milo. Shl!rwood attended the Medical So Chandler. . ciety meeting at Leba non Tuesday. Miss Nellie Gurd, of California, is It you need Furniture, Stoves, etc. visiting with relatives here. you need Fred's Lebanon, Ohio. Mr. W . N . Sears and family and Mra . Verntl Kelly, of . Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. P . E . Kenrick were In spent several days here with relativee [)ayton Friday. last week . Bed B1an~ets, all sizes and kinds, Special Girlt!' and Boys' Union Sults,50c 59(llmd up: at H}man's. and up, at Hyman's. ~ttractions E.II Dean, of Route 3. attended II Suburban Day Little Erma Sears ~pent the week reunion of the 79th O. V. 1. at Xenia end with Rev. '0 . H. Palmer and last Thursday. tamily at Ferry.

ANOTHER 81G Mrs. Sarah Holland died at her RAILROAD WRECK home In Xenia Monday evening.

.Ir·. rlliol 1\11'- . TUIlI Courtncv ('n· tOI{C' I hn r I hl1Y wI,re ushered in tho rl aill l,d :.It. d ll llll' r SlImI11Y, Mr'. Ilnd roU1i1 wh ro lhe Ru e~ t ~ we re seated. M r Ho (;001'llC H"lr"rl Rnn , Mr. 111111 Hu e . to theirslIrl'riHe, fountl their ~i s­ Th!! funeral will be held at the Frlendla church in Xenia Thursday Another big wreck on th e Hig Pour :11 rs. Harry P.arn har ~ and da llJ,:itt I' r ~ . t I'll fl'om Clark county the re. Thosl' aft~rnoon at 10 o'clock, Interment at railroad at II'e rn bank , 12 miles fr om ;'lI!s A bie Gl'aham anti M ry. IJ 'L I' njoylnl{ the hO ~ I)italiLY o f the hostess Sw k ~. . lI'ere I he Mi ses Warne r. Ito ro;. Reu· Sprmsr VallltY. Cincinnati occurred Sunday. Three hen Robe r L~ , Mrs. F. M. Wilso ll. Mrs , Mra. Hollan.d was a sister of A . j men were r eported Idlled ant! 8 I1UI\1 · 'I'cml Calv tJ rt, Mrs. IllJrry Mur ray, Maffit. ber sever ely w ounded. A dou lJl. ~ · I\lr. II IltI MrH. t;. I': P'c1wards ." . 11':;. Lev. Clt rt wrigh t. Mrs. Rachel hearier freight and a passe nger truin I rw illed lit tiwir pl(, IL.~i.L"l cn UIl r,\' . collided a t the station .' The \loisC' , hom E' on WI,cln ' ~nay of last wel'k. 1< . H Mr>'!. HowlllIl'ein'(, Mrs. Ella Mrs. Charles AI.brlght died at her whon the tW ll trains s truck cou le! 1)(0) Ii,,,, Lave rn J l'll'r y , (If Till ed .. ; Mi!<R Mir lwne l' am! Mi sH Ith ea Jllnl't Cart· wril(hl. ~ome ~ear OrellQllIa Thursday m orn· heard fo r miles. ~Iur.v Sho:!rwooJ . of Ll rel{onl:l, Alld mg . rhe fune ral was held at Tur· l' II. ::;h"I'l\'ool\ alld ram i Iy . tlecreek church Saturday morning at - - - - -12:0'clock, Mrs. Ruth Murray offidating. Value ofSirtl pllclty. nlr Slmpl(' rr~!l tur,·~. \\'h.I~,· thnll~h ~ ~\ 111I1lIWIIlIl . :'I\I"r l. 1Il!'d Ih ,' full ,, \\The veneraule Nathan Lup ton died nre - n o t tIIl,~1I III'. III,,· thns' Iff ~d ll mr,: ~:lI ~ L · StlIHI ,y l\lr . Ilild l\lr .. I " I H.II,,·r :-\n " ,.l .. n. ~lr lIlI.! ~II'~. this morning at an earlv hour. Th e cntcd PCOIII ·. w ith Ih,· ""r,· IIt' il fun e r ~J-w lll be held Friday at 10 tnuse ll!ll of 'llcm ll ph l'll ""s "rl' 'd, Il . hl·r""." I ~'i ·· .. I·:ttn Snl/well'll. O' ClOCK, at his late home on Main qui ck to sec lhtl .ll.l'" flld ~ wll ldl It r:' :'Li ss Ell cn :ihf? t·w(J(,iI . Mr. Wil litllll ! going 0 11 ubout thl' I!I .-O. \\'. 11 1,1'''1'''. Sl1 l1Wcl n, .11' - li llll' art! ~h l'rw'lOfl. l s treet Wonl \VIIS rec eiveil here this morn' i n ~ II) lite elrect tha t Howard Mis.iel· , 1' . . , . lline was Ilead . Hi H d ath was th e ell 110111 11':'"1 ._ .'1 1' III .. Satur I re~ul t of a ll aulo aCl:ititmt, although da y. was thl' ".I\'l I:ll lo1 l1 rpc.I'lve,! by delails we r e ve ry meagp.r, He haeL I~ 11111lllll't ~I[ jl'lt'l1d~ o f MI ::~ 1'.11"11 hef'n in tlltl h"gpi tlil at Los Angel es, ,lu' l'w r'n, 1 I ht· (,.c,·"·"" ,, was lnh ~ n () r ,(·al .. fur scworal day! with a frA t . of I!l' r g'1 1l'41 ~.·1~ 1 ~·1 La v (; 1'''''. J e llc l'Y : Itu recl sk ull. al)( I Ihc n ew~ of his arei. o.f [oled u . !lh l". 1l1l~ 1 ~JI~~ ~l.n r~ dr 'lI t ur ri vcol about t h<! Sftrlle time uf Largest Sherwuod. uf ()1'I ')[nlllll, A (laillty I his -Ieat.h . t ll() clJurac IUllril t'lIl1 1\' i1~ ~ c rv ed loy I Cloak House Miss [11,,11 a rid Ill' r nwtht'r n s~ isil'd -In Ohh by her lilt l.e lIit'I'(': I\li ~~ Margarl't \ 1';dw3rds In ttl\' r"llo wiILg I{uest~ : M"sdillnC" 11. ni t· Earn har l . t ;oldic E:I . , It un. Echth j·;oIWH i·lls .. Jo;I!lma MI·(:Iure . \ . .J!'" ir, U"hil l. ·r. I{II It I(og(,'r ~ . ::\1LI1i c' ~'l!\n i fn.d l lut ..c k, Mildred I . t Zell, ~mith , I li " l'~ LIL\'l>r Jl f< JefrcrYI Ma r y \ Shc)rw wtl. [':1111,1 !lnsieT, Cla n lJ awke, I lIl h Liar 91/0k , Mnria ' tout , I Mary Sah8hury, Mllrt ha ()·Neall. The Republican campaig n will :\111111 Wnwl'h UB open at Lebanon with H?oll' h ole. the greatest orator in Ohi , on Tu eg· . day eVel1ill~. Octobe r 17[h. .1 . M. l\1ulfur,1 The" M€Jl'ry Spinsters" of Har . vey, burg. gave a party at the Town -- Hull Saturday evening; Octouer 7, 19lG. Gumes alld mu ~ic w r c the We are sure these suits will stand comparison f eatur es of the evenillg. At a sea· ~onab le hour refresh menl~ \Ver~ \ with the higher-priced Suits shown elsewhere. served. Tho e who enjoyel! Lh eveni ng were Misses Alma ane! Eth '1 1' So complete is our stock of Suits at thes'e LI\lnb, Laura McKinsey . Vi(1luJ o r· dall, Geonl' iu a nel Mary Wltets('I. Lu ST. MARY'S CHliRCt-1 prices, that every woman will find abundant rile and Hllz I Mop r\', l!'c~le l n\:les' j CI' n tuenth Sllndll~' aFter Trinity styles from which to select. No effort has bY, Merl e Ilnd l' aye Elu·. Martha Ocluhor 15l h: 'lIl1dllVS ch ool at !J::l<i L~kens, Mahel ~lIId Murl,ha ~t.H rr , Ill. Ill . ; Mom.i r\)\' l'raY('lr and sermon been spared.·-no source has been overlooked Ved~ SUIl',", r, Lena !lnci .' edR 1 '_ lh~ . at 10:30. 'lUll are invitoti to th Clle to present every new mode tendency, We Marianna Uroy alld .fenllle Law,;lI l1 . ' r l'i 'us Mes!lrs. Alan Har tsoc k I laro ld GII !am . ~ ( . . assure 'you of Suits that are entirely different. Howard Sudot' . 1-!0warJ ~Icliurnrt. WHilom Ilnd Levi Lukells . J:airih To ll. I 'ORnIODOX FRIENDS Sieln y Wtl lkin~ .Kel lerH(l ke ,Ch a rl e . ,"1 Voier".. Gail (,ordlln , 'harles Ru ·l· J hn McMillan. former pastor ot clurk., 'al'l Moore . bJ!lrl Death rage : Leesburg. Ohio, ha!\ been employed • • Lee l' Imll!!t'. La\>o' rellce Hough alld I vs pl18tor of the Orthorlox Friend!! . . Everett ' hulllllllel·. . )chu rch here. EverytJudy cordially


._----- - -- --

alld ~lr.'\'al'l l-'~'~t"H.(Of ll . a I'IIKllLEO IN AN AUTO (. ) ACCIDENT


I! I'


We Present An Exposition of

Superior Styles and Values in

Mrs . Rosalie Adams , of Kansa~ See Waterhouse for Auto Livery . City, Mo .• was the guest of Rev. and M~B . J. l~. Cadwallader Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, C. W. Halnet!. of Dayton, were Sunday gueRts of Mr Cotton Balling for Comforts, 12Y.c and Mra. Gordon JoY,. per roll and up, at Hyman's. .


Ladi~B' Knit and'Flannelette Skirts,

Mr. and Mrs. John Morrl,. of Dayton, spent Sunday at Lhe hom!! of Mr. William Hay and family of Mre Emma Wolcott and eon, of Route 4. Maineville, were lhe Sunday guesle of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sides. . Children's Sweatel's, all sizlls and Ladles' Flannelette Night Gowns, colora, 50c and up, at Hyman'B. 59c and up. at Hyman's. Mlsa Aletha States, of Clarkevllle, Mr. and Mra. 'O lie Riggs, of who has been visiting at the home of were week.end Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cut, has rll. Newark. Ohio, iuests of Mr.·and Mre~ B. Fl . Kell" tur, .ed to her home. 50c and up, at Hyman's.

Shoes. newellt style, beat leather, The McClure-Cilley-Rye fishercomfortable tor men, women and' men returned from the Reservoir children. TheS. Fred Co., Lebanon, Sunday loaded down with fish stories Ohio. the bijfgest. of course, . getting off the hook at the crucial moment. . Mr. and Mra. D . L. Crane and son. Uh·huh! Ethan were gu"llts of Mr. Clyde Coleman and family in Norwood We copy the following from the laat week. Germantown Press, of recent date: -"Charles W. Schwartz & Son, the Mrs. Elsie Zell IApp.rt. formerly Lebanon monument builden, had a of EUllene, Oresr. is a IrUeit of Mr. number of men here lut Friday and and Mrs. Walter Chandler, Mr. and ,Saturday. enpged in the erection of Ml's. Leppert have Ii. winter'. 811· a large monument a\ the grave of ,agement at. Montllomery, Ala ,lUId Henry Crauder In our Cemetery. lira. Leppert _topped here enroute The beavy plecw of Irranlte. welllb· to that place. .... Ina leY.rat tolll each, were traM-




1M Wa*bolilt C"r AII&cJ 14YI".

po~ OD

a apeclaU, built motor bu ncenUy MIl-- for tbIIr _97 bIaIIDc.'! troek, which tIiII




New-Iy Arrived Fall Suit



In Which Hundreds of New Models Are Offered IPriced at

$16.50, $20, $25" and $35

.. ----- -.-


Thousand. of New Co'ats' wbilth '" women .MOll welcome . at *12.50, .·tt20,. $25 aJid up.

Wonderful _

Season, .~y priced at $15 and .~O $10, , , ,


' .ale: Co Clo •



liDvited to heat

A very happy ~urlJrise \vli8plunneU l by MiSli Kiz1. ie M•• rl·itt fo r a ·num· b5r ot her frielltJs last Frielay, )cto· uer 6th, at her pleasant home on the fcorner of Thircl Bnd North streets. A beautiful flve·course dinner wa!! aerved. IIttltl Rhea Janet Cartwrilrht



Second and MaIn, DQeon. O. =::;::::::::::;;;;::;:::::;;::::::;:;;; "'==:;::;;;;;~~;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;:;;::;:::;:;;=::;:=====::!.I 8lIk i ng th~andbllltlSlna. WhenWtll Mrs. f4itchenur Mrs. Peirce ,~ L

~i,:' __ • __

Improved Coal Mhler.

-J1:ronoILlY <If fllcl "nTlkllrlllltlon In Rtcom.hlr'R oft<'11 rl'l1!\lrI'~ ,h., mll,loK of two or moro ~lrltlH "f c·ow Ilnd nrl EDglIMhnlR1I hUH ItIY nte,1 Il ",.ullnll burge that mlxt!1I COllI at! It dull' I'll l~ In~Q


bUAkez: -=-_~

~'n"rl n \\I'n'


J41K' 111




, rt'Ullt ry ,,"'HI"'11 .\\ nil

n;;r..\; th,',\' ",'fro tr,ml nt' ' UlIt' ... . nlld !-!I\I\t 't1

hud, nlll",l " I"'" him \'lul il llt ly. Ttl ... , 1rh-!l tl'" hint'il' lr ( 1'0111 1l1l'11l IIf' st''1}lH'tI hll"k. Illrt'dly In Cr,lIll or II 111"\"hl~ J t rnlh ,.\' l"llr7nu p l.1f I' (. r .Ih~t 1\ 1U11tl1- 1 f'lltII':-;'S, t JU* H l bh~ WIL~ ... III 11 f,"'"rLu'll In th tHIj,!hl~ ("ClUt'l'rlh.: 1 \\ dh \\ h'lt III' 111111 11l'1'n II.I-ill/: (0 bl~ flllhl'l·. 'l'I,!'r"

in'ro ~hrlol ~ hllll ~'I' ll~; nlhilN 1,,"k,,1 111,· Wrt l l1L! wily - null tlwn :\Jnr,)' foO :,W the IlI'n'-y lI).:ur~ Ilr H' .. r!tllllI - l l hlll~ l' sl rn l~ht f u n"nrL1 III (l'UIIl o t '·lIr. I \\' lth "b·olm' ,l\.r'·l;urll Qt h l~ o,,"u : lI(p. hr hnl' h'tl hili', ,'It lit Hlb ll,.. Ilkfl 11 r,,,lIl1nll p l!lYI' r ~ l lll n iln;: 011' nil IIIIPO,







111", 'nl IY ,.,"" . 1' \.I ', ·I' ''Ir, to Bt·' jJ HU l l! F , .1111111 t·t til :"'~, , til'rllii In \\'UY III' l,o w n , I"i>, f""," 1."-1 1': ,, "'r~'I" \\' hl tll<" 'o til 'lil y I h·, W. I.I · \\" ~, I III ' rl " III Jjnrllill \ o wm·hlJ ".


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pkloL{ " rltnt-

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1. \'11 111' M,·l ·rI\.,' t o Ib e J . W 'W11l08 1,lIm b r 'n. "un t lirel Int e rll~l 11\ r UI!1 181.1 111 In \\' II ~ hlo ~ t o o t o w ll s h'lJ, ~ fl. L.IOlll' Me('ray t o fob n J . \Y . WII!IlS '0 . . .... 1l~ - f llt1rlb Il. re in

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1 iII~ I - I ill' Il n \' 1 ' II J, I", "HI f\' lrl ' . W ill ,1111 Mllr.l,. lu .1"'IIt!' ' l'hru'k l 'P l 1\1nil I I Ih I "'''.lil • n no '1'1'1 III l nK I m o r&u n, I \J II o n'~ In ( ' I'"lrOt 1"k t o wn C'll. '111 11' r ~1 '1',(1 '0) ,l "fl'l h lr\lIt~ tl lr s !Jl p, ~'OO. AZlZ'HQR ~IJWR.. BEAUCAtRE" E wprll 1$111 11' at 1111 11 ft o l.ld rt Mtl('ut, !l l\ll l t l :\I ury I I S(' .. lnwtl I hut Ul " ,' flh n~ IIn"'''' r [(1' ' 1' ,,, I "," .. ,,",,1 1,0t' ItIlIlIlH{h'" 11 . IfJ t. in ::iout·1l P"rk, n , lIoUI we nt lit' wlI i j!l' I"'r. HlIt t hllt 1\11 II \\1 11 1 1) I hI" .ttl ' :t'tlltl l " " II ' IIPI I1 · .. ·11 11· I', L . ~V L(-~IJIH1U II, :i.~.H 11J ' W R~ 1111 ~ h l' l'(\n ll l ~.'.. - allll>lIlOl'lIcl!., ' , Id , 1'111111111\' .1 , )" 'lIh n ll ~\) r'HIlIIT\ 111 1(1, l.e rl. B. I rll cks nnt! l,n'gO Il ~ oh,"!·,1 In hf'\wC!'II . ~ . 11, 11 11 IV Shu Uln!l~ Ollt Ul:l e ttl~ 1,·ollp.I· rll r g r ull t'l It 1 V" I,' Ii t1 IlIlWlldl'd p tlt l. D t\· t~ . :1''' , Ul·rt1~ In Iltll1l1ltOil t o \\' U .. ~III I I. , $1 8toppll(l lerk).ly, lIod sho SOW n pollco- ~II ) I\ lo rlll \'IIJI A lf r ."l l' 11 '" 111,11 1'" A,1t I.. Il ,,\\'Wll l ul'll '. tlnd~'Jn t o B ' nry F r ei. 1111'111'1' UpOII 11I1 'lr "hlliH "" " ':,or,,,, " III:Iu 1" ·,.,,ldll:;: h i. "'")' Ihr'" '~11 Iii,' III !lilt " 1'1 ul. lllNU tll,lI lI . ~o I ,,"I 1\ llI t . ul r e r . 10 \ 10 Kio gs A.lllI~, . 70_ S h ~rl dan "'pun'" I U~ tilrl"'l 11111'010- Hlh 1 UI1UI1 tl"'lr wl\' 4' '-I 111111 t..II,I,' -,l :11111 ~Infltly ''' IIt1 .. rl'. . l l1:.! i 'I' owd, ,\!1l,' Ill' II t" lIf1k f' UIlI " to II !-tIHlvl", II I , ~lJ d l't\()l'l .. llr,l Jut P t' "\'fIIl m~1111 f'IIul'ie be S"'t ' l' I1I1"' 1I rr~. f ortnhly. COmm issioners' Procccdinzs nil' "TI1 \\ ), c II tl,,' I I( v 'I 11 I '1'1 '1' I I I I Was, l ... flll,. I n tilt , :--~IH '" 1I11tl t' I(' ' I" .. ~. l"IOlld "I' i n nlll tlll ' I! .l1 f' '- Ot , ' l ' llIh tl.l l " IH V L . \"\1 1 v" I 'un'" . Btl J thou ght tbnt llooul you 1" rll ' ll . I U JllJ fl til l' fl llh~ lin d tir4' .. IIf wlll· ... I .... I1 ll f 1>i\·U I;·(1 flt lH t o l'I1 1tulU vrtll1 r' r t . , · ~ 1 l\.fP \'~ L un E~l \Vnr()~ . ' J . ,l oy ' ,h I , '.':<00 . Tlo l ,,'hlt t hI!' th onghl \\'11 6 Irlll'!" "'1,1 1 •.: .. I IH'I',' \\' H~ IllId'P ,..,11 1' . f p'·UOP, uns ~ $ , I' l) ; qtuto .., II I til 1IJ1 ~N H d i ll ll t· ,. nr ::", ' lnJ,; 1111),111(11\..,:' IlIJ tl 1 rl 'l'- I !lIlt I i 1A ' ",,, I\ n I hi I' nO I II' I l l1. Jl11t.1,tH'f' ""'ell - you tlIl':lI1 h " :IIS RO milch ' "11 11l'1',' h,, " 1,,',', " I III~ d.I\· .. r 1'1·1 ,111' lJoIrr lhl". tI II III II 11'. ~1 . 'II " 11 " I 11(1)1 III II .. illt( V8 U lL llS BllTt e ln ll ll, fOtl~ nn" oo~t~ t n- you mun he thon gb l SO' l"Dlll'll r 111',1' " )'1'1\1' ""rl l.·,·; t h ' I'~ WIIS lI11 ,rl' l . ~h', ' " It "' 11"1"'111 h"II,II. i1x etl ilL I ~ '.I':'; I'Cu ie V~ Wllllu llI I:IUWlthl S. I:l' t l I1r.llIl:h; II " ". you-" Tbe words "'{'re IncolI~el"Ahly 11"1,,,,: "n d till' .. ,·.' .... II ~ \\',' ," tll l,' k, "'-\ I ~I n ryIIII ned 10 I I H~ lll'. 11". 111 HI. (1 ~t ~ ~I.;W ; !'!ffl ld vs (-I e or"e awkward upon Sll erldnn's l onguc; h e ), (·t q" jrk"r hI ~I'lle or Illat. T hl' 'I'" r· I"IIP"~': '1'1' (II ".,. p" lkl'III " 1I ":1'"'(' ,1 '1' J' 11 ' 1' " '11 nu \\' nll 'II'O 11 0l ll"l lI n, l'l)~t~ "'i.·U,', ~tll' e V~ n e or"h Nt' l hdll 't'!11:111 h 'l l 1\ 11 - 1' 1 11 l ' r r H' JI ldf" r n·t. HIH ) tn II m l llut41 tlr Wo • H~~" l . ' • l' ..., '. 0 T q \l ..... ,",, '"-' Beemcd to be In doubt el' en nbout pro- U I .I ," II,. " t l':I1II ,· III lIIoiloll ,,): .1111. .\'t ,", 'c " tt l' r .. 1 II." I .' ., 111\',' r (lllf,t Iro :<- I:lll1'lllr. CI1S t_ f, !' 10; ti t"t t o VII \VillII' m nounclng tbem. but ntt!'r n !:h IlA !1y I 1~ P'I'"'' '' \l'P,'p 1, "\1'p"I1II I'"I - Iht'Y n·· . "rOlwd 11l '('lIm .. nlb lll i rll Iwr, IIl '- 111,' 1'" IN' . (' n lH'I' rn n l-: IdX ' " 1111<1 d,o; l rlb. linillu~o n. fl' eK l'O~ ts $ l lI.5U ; p nuse be brR'~el y f('PCH1N1 tlJt'1 .. y u I II lit " ""111 (' IIlIh lls (\r tth~ (i+o.1 tnl1rhl' t l1 t: Ul l\ l"f f I Itld ..... ' !-5rtlto \·!.!-i"nJ'l..~l ~lll',l',Dtl Kt 00t"tti u,nt.! mean be tho u)(l;t AO mu ch or IIn.1 ,,"1111 101 " " 0;1'1 I',;' ,1\1 illuill I '. III.. n u[tl l'lll rill rOU _ $1 . YO; \ II 1I Il,v . ItlIL'Vh q u,: st "l"'-11 j rr' p l HI!\" 11 ' 1'(' Hn tl IlU\' I!,)W w illi'll ... I- U I,d t·ul l~ ' Iy r 'I n 'Coo'I IIU I' j you us t ('ou lei II t Rl nnrt lJ lm IIroll ll rl ? ' I" I . -' 1 Ii,'""",,, \\'''~ de la llll ',1 1,< III ,' l' III1!:lu>: I'u ''"' .1 ,., ~ I ' u:lt. l'H~" t11~- rei ' " .D t ·Ill" .,,; .. ~ '" , .• '" 1 n f Uul 1).1 \ g ut t h.'1 1l h llll~ ' II ln rt' Irt qlh'lI t .. I " troflt oll ru a lu t tt U I\U CU o f "ttl ter o e wns sor ry or 1lIt'. l1 e ' 1 ' 11' ' If I _ 1,," 1 ""·S"·,·.-I" illl: " f 11 ~h\\'c, 1 h:lnl!. ml .,wrl fur w,,"1 (II I'r , " ~rl'llll , '" ." . ". cnred for me' lJe was ron d ot Ol'" nn(1 .' '.111 I",) 1'1,,">: In 1111' 1" ;':<1 1 I" -,,, ~- ' . . . . I£lIhH t ~ U ; A 1 . R ottll(. rOlltl w Otk . · mo-too mtJ ~b ! In. tb c I, ill~~ . hut kl 'l'llllc' III" l lJrlllI'l1 . III ~"'UlIl1r" II hilt Is Il", 11I:lII('r. l:ll ly'/" ~ kPt_ t tll', I\ukllll I II WU~ hill .:19 ;,0', 10'. " '/ b e ·. .. respected D .1\ . W . rU Lk~ I'I 1• IIlInn,c'b,) I '11I" ~.u (" "rM ""11 IIii' Il'lll'k Ilrll·,·'-.• III II Nl,' w "I\' hllre I\r(' th ,·,I"-(' ~1 :IrJ 1,,.1"1 1. I\·o rc,·grllnll<. I'" 1111 .' d llllr" ll uu - S Il ' ''ll:(')" r OlJElirlllg g Ullru r 'll! on ,...,.-.-'"T-'"1I'---.....,~--...",_ or ]1r.. rlllll' ll t' n·lI l1 "I "'S~. 1'.) Ihe tr " t · "Who'! Ule ~I a " !'ht' r ldllll '! 1 1'1','1,- o r g r l)"~ n "ll" 'N " f I t1l- ). 10;""1 It I ,eoEi n o ll]l1 k e f.5 ; .1 I:l. Morrl~, tJ c pol k!'IUP u Il'l l hllI'l1,," 1 1I,·,·s ; tl ... y 0" I,, · 1\" " "'[ l1Iu ,'h llur l'" fl l "b"1 Ilul ll"r1" '1f1 ,' s . T h " ('- I, . l" ,' dU]IPIIOR fu r /lu;li t n r 's " Ilioo $,;"O.J O; I Ihem.(> lrea W(' I'e 1;III.·d. u r ("""·Se. "'lh "lI ls SI '" - " :0< . l{ILi l wlIY l 'o_ I 'lIuse "'llttll'U 1I0ti JIl IUO 1"01 10[\ . j lhill o r 1 (1 ccrtli lu pl' r iullll'lt.l'. I,ut I h.,,,· 111 .11" " \\' IIS IllII t who Iho Olhl'" ol1e WitH? lli ~ I\I I~~' nll . , ,' l'OOunI R.o f the Iw o dep(I ,U n rl es , Il'Ol1hl(' I\' IS 11 ", 1 Ilh'.v "oll id IIut III "I; e I ~"I'II 111111 kll tl.'k him h. 110'" 11 1' 1 h'II L lu r t) np pl\ Hli ll l1 .. 1 trlt ~ tH~ ·.1 ['be L ll u 'lIJ n Il.IlU ·lt il. .IIB N " U OIlIl l th o c1tlZl'IIS n'III1~(! ,1 11' 1 It 1\11" n,I LI- "Il. I ~""". 1," 1.1'. 'I'h(' ,,~ 1111111 ~" t Plea lI11r J'ltltn. l'r' "bvy tf' r1 RII chn r l'll hl1 l1k~ f ln UI(l lI1 0 nth wpro lIuuitcd 11 11) - II l1d 1I"'1't1l1l y p l·rll,." .. to ~ " uh",, 1 . h im v III "r III I! WilY 1111 rl!:lJl. Till' t o NIOIl'"\! l' r('" I I'" I "lft i\11) r lgllg l" !\ nd f0 UOO co rn e l.. th"l r ('I I ~· . It ' '''1'1 : I I·: "'~". rOlr l h"r,' (I'liti l r ~hl"'l'" Ille ole IlHIII 111"""1,1 ~JO l'hnl' olJ pr )lllrry 1I111 ' UlDCU lIIoJ I'IIl - 1 Tb .. T\uult a r '''"~ dlrllo t ed to n lll ke II'l'ro pro h ul,ly lin l'i l ll'.l'lI q or III'Y KO II IlJ. hill I n "·\i.,,, he Illy !:"l 8h "it It y wltll for Iller unl ~ r uf eo u rt I~!lp- th e f How ing penuAuent trlt.D s fer : It'lIglh ()( rl'~ hl~1I 1' w ho hull nl1t It er- li p. 'fll pl' 1,, "lb well t 00 III Ihe Sh" "I- pr ol'etl Fro ll1 the lIudit r' ~ ft'o funrl to t-b O , BfJ ll lllly 1"''''1' 11 ('Hh"r ~OU1C"II" Wh ll hull """ hIlU:II11~ wlthuu t lillY twil". 1,:;:110 ro tr oat orFhip IIf Fru o k M. oounty fuod. $~ OUO ; fr o m tho trofU. hee u Icllll'J o r IIIJllrcll III 11 11 lI('('hl Itt. c u. ,· 1111'. ludY." Co ud ell n~ IrL11Itetf oU lll. r .Ib e 'VI II 01 urer '~ feu fllUd t u ~he oo nSlI)' tU Dd Or F'''" '' IInc \\lIu hlill nl"'''I''II II1I1\' kill ,I !,:, J I f'lnt. hU 'I(' .I oues d et:"II ~ ell MOll n u f o)l· I "I. IIUO. r III)u reo ollll'r~_ Anll set. iJerllllPS . ,'l' l'ldllll :" ,, 1 11I1h.. II , w (,ro 1 I I d IT -I .. nl 11111 1 I 110111 1l'1I I III tilt' O\t>I·!1I,,". '1','('11(\II I1W tr II o v or rn C . .xoap.· 005 r e G f'no r .. 1 oo nl.r llets we r o le t to A. T . Jt W II!:i not Htrllo~~, S t' 'flllo; Ule s llllrp 8 "r\'O{'l1 prl'OcClIllllllolI O( Iht' rfl'l:i'~- Ih e P~OIlI ~ IU;I. " \\·II I."-lJI'OOIl1 ,1I1' III th e lIllI el'_" , R~ tt.I ~ . of li'r!\ullli.u ; E. B. Murrell, lu"I' 'L""'IIIIIIi: o n fl ll' lr ," 111 1_; Itll!\' SI II' l'ld"" ..- us "" ylllg- " )"IU ~()t to I,,"k New !3uits u l \V,, ~ b i ngtOIl to wo~tup ; F. B. ('(lUl d lJ ul 0;101' 10 hoth~ r :J UO lit dirt aUJ "111 Oil Ih ..,,· CO rl,, ' rs lI o w1IIIIIY6. I lell O. 1t Fl'rris IIi! IId ullnist mtu r \', .:\Iml,o o l}. S a lem t l1 wns h lp; R A, uUIl!,;I' r . y lI lI . J ,hlll 'l kllow I SOL IIny 1111 to A ~l1ll8:\.1. Wolf .. tit HI. MIl" "Y II !HI \l cU lIt"b ll')o , FrtlllkIln ( ci wo~ l1 l)J, l illi II', tJl ""g h - lJ>'I'n ll ~ e I trl cd 10 C I'O~" ' ort'clo;;o re ; AI II IJl111t cltdmlJti $I~~U • nu d .1. K _ ::;poncor f Ol' m a tert£l llUH1 ~l lIr.l· \' ('rtr C!! wA S lint orte n (I o wn. , AfT r l ',m 11111. Th aI's bow I h llP(JllII",1 1n r I1 P IJIICIlII ' )1\ f tiT trHn~f u r UI I IU!J or wb e n o rdored.



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IfYOU could 1001 into a. m11110n homes

:!., . .

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1\ ;I\lel "'0.; '. II i ~ bv fo r I h e tn l1 <,1 p tll' u lli r co IT"l' sold in

Coul ll r OtlI O.... !: inl,., p",' h p T111' ·v t.'r y

("'c u t · 111 Alllt'ril ' \

and ~l' r ;, :.11 01'1:" nne 111·•• ' b l! i n~ ~"·r\'l· d i ltat 1"; I! H h l enough 10 Ill olh,' 1'I',·.I I,(. l,., t r ' ; h appy :'1'; thi" If

J\flh ' rW:l tod: l\ ,

] d:1'



~d \\' :.l li t ) ,~: t' l!fH Il I'" ; tire 1"In!(' cull,'" -


trt L"S \ • l ~ lC: l j t.Jl~

a lwa Y:i

111,1 yp u :""rv,) 'I yo u WIll "" '' ow h ow Ill uch ~ I cas ­

tIre \,;olf"0 t.:!ln '~I VC.

f '" '1\·l· l'h. •~ \\ 1:11 th,,1 1 f a vo rLt • C tin ' u,,' un th l.' ~ f'~1 l' \" L·ry , fI " ~1I ,\ ,11 ... ,· l~ f (l\\· 1I 1 C lIunI ' ll U . I ' 1"" Nu\'f YOI~ v"'.,u,,,11IU Ut.

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,"u ft,' .." !llIl! , · .. 1 . ' Lit:. )", l ,d , ,: II,: t. '

'.I ave


II,'V,' ,-

You r gro.:cr has It f 1 l''' U -


I v O l

\" .. nll'll.

You wall I ,) n,'I"r I' C:" ! unlll you bad t r ied I coH.. " .



wd lli nd Iha t /\I I' I\ ,·j.l. ,,' 11:1_ t h., r ic h . full

),e1l 1


t h e- t:;p nli l-

Th l' \ ,,' I1Jl1'-' n I n

h ltllb ' S.


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t ow lI; slw hlld lI(" ' ,,(" 8 ' ('11 lin u Cch lt' nt

to rlln In lo ,·O U.


\V e ll YOU rfl lll('lllhl.-' f

11111 11 II lls urIPru",," _ l-i hp hlld come III Iw k " "1 ; f le r ttlls \\"~ ro I'liklu' t UU!18 .b J Illo 1)ll~rJ (If (jdtlC1utl On 01 tll "'U ~r"" 'l1I M ror her mol hl' r ('o llo ,,"'cl l ' I .. • Ih IVAr!" '(lell .,WlIK hl li 11Irlil 1,\ hr rO Ii O" lIo t y. !thont _\I ll l'l rh'd ns klo' slll: ly-elt:; hr t il D- ~ c h oo l ti ihl rluL I I W I, It 1111101'0119 r!' furldBllrucnt; 111111 OK ~lIl1tl !lilt rOJ' IlI ,lt 1III1I'rY -lIll1c.yr"r I ~llU tlill III 'se. III 11 11<1 oot of Ihe ""Il llr l!r'"",_ It·s 1,Is 100 It ut Ir II \ 1 r n th r Probate. Court Proceedinll:lI mellt 8tores. she Ltild nn luslslrnl con· Ink(' 11 th a t woy, nnd I don ' t w Mclll U811 0R9 or Ih e Sh r lwlIl oulldillg, lIlll- " 10 r l' il l Rte nf A Arnoo 'o ,,"IIn ll'row Ille street, Ituywb ore, It WI1Il nl· d CUI, · uc'l. 1' 0110. M . l ht ll ll li o r 01)":>111." SA id Bi bbs, tllllpilnll ('n lly. n8 ~ t I Ul08 U woys In sight, like 80me monn'·OC'Jln r . Bu ud ".)I 1'1'.100. til' tllo,'utor stopped; "ho wou'l ge l It p.ol· tl t ell VA , s t rous lCcometrlcu l 8hailow. lUurk·col· Not frOID Us, be lYon't, .. Appr"lc'erll ' 1. U i.,lJlo", 11' •• '-' . I\ud 1'1\ !!liow ~" ,," n .c."..., ored IIDd riSi ng IImltlessl,. Into tho Con!t .l ID I\nd 14. P. : mi lb. yo u why . 1 c no convin ce you 10 tll'a 1 8W mmlng belgbts ot the smoke-mlsl·. E -til- O of O ~'en It. Sou ll In, m ino r . It wall guunt aud g ,1my on d repell en l ; 11I11\1I1L'~." ne followed hl.8 fatli er Into 0' " It hRd n olblng lIut strength ond slzl'- the olfl ce anteroom-nrld cOllv lnc'('" nunl B()O Oll Ut of ~UllnHnn flltHl. but In that coosclous ne89 o r :llury' " hiUl. '1'h e o. bill-lug hl'cn dl ll~e l1t1y III ra e~ I,fltll o f '" rllll B . t!1I11l~, deIlle grant stru ctu re InUY have parlnkclI hnlFhl'cl by a YOlIlll or color, Dlb bH oen s d . Ill v o n lOl'Y a nd I\j.)prlllseOf oeauty. Sherld ao hod made som l' Wl'l1t In to bls own roo Ul l1 n~ clos ed th o m eri t fli e d. or the tIllogs be sn ld emphntlc eooul:lI d oor. I n r e ost "te (; f HIH h 0 . . "11\ ~ , do t o remllio WIUI her. Bile lVellt ove' l It o W II~ more s hAken Utn n he hnd 10enst' rI. Ord a r t Hko il to~e lJ p Ol'8oo a l und o ve r tbem-oud t ll ('y begon ttl nll llw Pl1 h l ~ rill he r to Ilcrr(>ll'e. nnel Ills pr op e rt y TIt prlv I110 s nl p_ SC!!ID true: "Oo ly oue girl ' be cou ld ~"I l' W " ,~ sor \\' here ~l1er" lll n hilt! J . E .•Julln ey. gu"n ll"n v s Edwnrcl (el' l thnt s orry for!" "Gurney SIlY 'I I .Iw·k him . lIe fl p>!lr"d tn bo nl onl'; E .J oll01'5· e t AI' Jllhn POll Ill' . . L . he' s got you 00 bls b rain 80 bllll- " h o wIIII ' ... 1 10 rub hlm sI'lt nnt!. tor Oil'·.·. Cflrtwrl~bt II UU \V . I:!_ All e u "Pll o lu! 'J'lIe man's clumsy t.alk began to slo g I to 110 some use less thlllklll~ 11111110 . H u ad " pprul~ e r In be r bcart. Tbe song wos b~b'1lll l knl'w llillt hIs rflth~r lind not "I III p. E~ tu( 1d uf () ,ILII U illmu n, dnoellse d. Ut e re when s be SOW th e accldellt.. I,.,nct!" to run 1111 0 him; 110 kll ew Il, " l FllI n l He }ouu t til o ,lrll in i.truto r fll ee!. SI W08 d I rectly Ollposlte th o' Sheri - I Shprltll1l1 hud 11t ~ l n lltlr -lllll1 In sll nl'l· ,E. 0"IIIII'> or (1 l\ n l) ru 1:l lIllulln, ilnceas I... ·IY-I"-'''·ml Hill e IIQ hc lt! h is O WIJ lifo I Ie b dl I li n ull nil' theil, wultlng tor thc lru r - \ ot no Rl' 'uun t WI.,l tel'!' r COII I[lflrcd In lid Fil]l\l n Cl'ollut uf ud'l1l iuiij trut or !Ie to thlll betore sho c rossed. tI'ong !1 I th ul or his son I1l1d II C' lr_ 1I 1"11~ h"d III d . npp rlJl'I'c1 IInll ,)n firlll !!,\. oiller pcople wero ri ski ng Ille pnSSII )(I·. ' 111 I '1 1 { " , .' " Illou "" did b I I 1 '1'11 11 11:,1 111' 10 "I"':,k or ih nl . or Re"l1 l n 1'0 WI 0 "," q Co. "rOil " , nrt ug nn n tag IInti dollgl llg PUI'- to I,' no 11- II'. fo r !'h l' I'I,I :l I1 . Ju _1 ns 11I- lleCeu"eu. W il l fil,:t1lu l' l" robll\.O lou s ly. '1'wo Ol eo en nIe rrolll the crow,l E~ tlltll of .I ollnt hun ~' e rri B . d eb '1, lud bel'. tnlklllg ca r nestly. ool.i ~ t l ll c l"- "ly. bllll "WPl' t Ih e 11111 tt cr' uRI,l a stnrted ocross_ n oth wore bill Ie; 00 '" -ns ot uo Imp ortu ll ec. "lill'e 1111 It-,,< ceas!!d . ll , v ool ll ' S null lIPllrlli86. wos tull nod brout! nnd thic k, lind tlJ o "'''''- I-c' 'ertlng IUlUl etl lll tc ly to uus l· tD n \ fillll!. OU1(lr wos tailer, but notlCCllbly 81ell- ness . I~i\t lit. ul Mn r t:to]'e. it 1\ hill, Im /l I(lIJS bl't:;on 10 th lll l! Inll'nl ly or h l~ oecll ·. F Ir. t II c ,' u ltnt g Ull rdllln d e r. And Mnry cuu ",ht h e r btCU U1 . to o' th ey ,,"ere Dlbbs nud lIls faUlcr_ They t " lher. II percelvcd. as IIIl 111111 n ~ l- r '!lltld , " p I'r"'-, 11 IIrI11,cI)U liruIO rl. did n ot 5t)C h r. fllld sbe cougbt It ' IWrt'cll-Pl! before. Ille s h ndo wl nl{ «( E. t a f,o fir I lu ~l ill P . Hu ro tl r. de phruse of Bl blls ' 11\ 1I0w voi ce. which' SOlllo ttdllK e nor lllous oml Illdolilitul lie oensoll . 1"' \111.1 n O~'lll tl t t u tl lll l nl~ hlHI lultcn II c" lspor clnt:;: " . Ixt Y-I'I~b t - 11,,(1 11I1I'1e8s; II t lo lie duun tci l by t r ul o ]' fi loll. IIJ1 p ru vt>d lI nd l) l\llrrl\ e ~1 thouSAlI1 do llul'ij '/ N t slll:tY-l'lght th oll - Ihe 11'111 or nntllro's " ory Slllt; IU ll ghlng lu f() 1 . ~tH" n f .IUll tl lh llli H"lrri ~, MIl ULI hutl o ll sl" It stnnlcd bel' 'Iu eerly .. 111 Ih IIl;h t nhl!: 01111 lit \\'oll'Hls !HI(I I I.eCl.ti~l. rl . l·. W. !-"'ndnll npl'oinl OT1 UDU os thl' r o wnR n glhtl p~e ot hi s PI' u,"ll1ntl o n ; conqu~rlllg, h'\'~.~I·H tl liL'- 'lp P I\.iIt I ~ll "JlJJru i~o l' in pl aoo of ti ll) s he so w ror Ih e tlr.·t tim e 11 r"~,, m . IIn ll III1",lIy nohl!!_ F ol' tL,e tlrs l IIm~ D (' lIt1l 6 Gut tl·r.l". In hl ~ lire IllblJH b '!lit II to lll \(I('I'kl '"111 lJIll'lCC to bls fAth er _ In r o eti t" t o II f .1U ll l tli fln F orrl F, SII(' "'"tr hr.l tI,,·nl. Tn the mlL1!lle o ~ tI 'e mCllUlng ot u ~log t ruly llli s 111111\ 'S deeMSI'd . 1uvcnl. o ry /lwl IIppraise. tlJr 811' ~ t . D1 ub~ bll ,1 to slel) nlwiltl o r 811 \1 , l! • wo uld be tll c m ore truly hi s ROil mllilt' fi let!. hl s (IIthllr'. nnd Ihe I lI"n wo re seplIl'ldl'(l. Es lflt~ of J o h n F. Grllhl\ lI l, tte Bul the t'Cckle"~ plI "~ lug or II truck. h~II C l·fo rtll . tbough. 09 ~I,crhlnll BRlli , FII\ II I II c~ml ll; o f II d ll.tni ti b ,yoml the. econ u lIull cir rulls. fr l;;ht- Jt liJ lJ~ IInll not corne do wnlowl1 w illi c erl eNl hllll m C:lllly or hn lr-lIcnl·I Cl lI y . lI e 11 :,,1 trn lri x Il ot. 1I 1'pro \' 11 . ~I\,(,II his 1I'0rd been lise h e had "'nnleu ~~~ t all! of W . W _ Arn o l'l . dtll'PlI" Ad th o 1Il0 1l " Y. simp ly. tor l\Jary Ve rtrl'CR Fl oal noo(l llnt ll f " H'1milli a tr lx Ji lud III he r lI~c!l. And be s hl verccl with uppr o\tl d .LO J cnn ll r lJl 11, hn rro r of 1,11I18el f. l hln klni: 110W bo hncl E! I,u t I o f l.. e \'1 I) . Wilt i1l1n ~ , d o





"Bibb. I.n 't Like Other Men."

fluest way be loved m~. It you 11 ke. and be'd bnve done aoythlug 00 enrlli tor me, IlS 1 would fo r blm . nnd AI< be knew 1 would_ It was hea utltul. Mr. Sheridan." s h IIll lel . . "But th e meap. bad things onl'! hns done scem always to come bu ck-they walt. nnd pnll y,o u down wbc o you're l1up pll!st. BIbbs fOil nil 11.10 Oll t. you sec ; Dull be wasn't 'Iu love' with me ot 011." "Re ",·a s u·t? We ll. It seems to lUe ~lIe gave up e\'cryll,lng he wunled 10 do--lt wos t ool stuft, but be cenllinly wnnted It ml~hty hnd-be juat tI,re w it away ODd wlllk!ld right up APU look 'the job be swore be nC'I'er wonldJUB' for you. And It looks to me '118 Sf alDan Ill&t'd do thnt must tltlnk Quite a heap 0' the girl be .does It fori You lay It waY ouly becouse lie wns SOIT7, but lilt me 11'11 you the re's only one g1rl be could r 'cl tbat 80rry tori Yea, Ilrl" "No, DO." sbe en ld _ "Bibbs Is n't ltko other m en- h e '\II' ould 110 ol\ythlojf for an,boo:'Iy." Sheridan g rinnell_ "Pe rhops not so mncllllB you thlnl,. oon-nuoys." he sold . "For lnstllllcc. I got kind or II 8usplctoo he doesn't belJe\'o Iu 'sc nti ment In bU AI· De ss .' Dut thn t's 111'1 Uler lie re oor the re. Wbllt,bc wnoted Wile, jnstplnln and sImple, t or yuu to Dlcrry him. Well, l'wIls afrllld Ullllklo' so om eh ot you bad kind 0' aJckeoel1 you of hlm-the WRY it does BometllIlCS. D lit trom tile way you IlI lk, I imrlc rallllld that aln't the trOUb le." 110 coughl'd. and his VOice trolUrtlcd a little. "~OIV b e r e. IIflss Vertrecs, I dou· t 1111\'0 to t e ll you-tie~nuso yo n Bce thllll;~ CIl RYI know [ got uo bu siness COlli III' 1.0 you like this, lIut I had 10 11111 ko 1Ilhb. JlO my wny Ins te ud Of his 011'11 - 1 hllil to do It tor tlle slIlte o· my ou sl Tl{'as aud on bls own n !'eo 11 lit. IIiD-Hll ll I expect you got sOllie Id clI ho w It IlIIrt blm to give UI>. Well, bp' s "' 1l1I e! good. He dldn't como In llnl(-li t'll l·tcd or m en n ; be cnme Ill-nil the WilY! Uot there 1so't onytblllg In It 10 1,lm; YOIl can see bc's just ~lIUt his I l'cllJ ou It aod golo' abend w ith \lu Rt III hi s mout h. You lOt!, on e wny ot looklll ' at It. 1I 0 ' s trOt noUtlo' to work tor. Aud It sce Uls to me like It I'ost blm your (1·lco.l, hIP. aDd J belle1'e-bonest-thu l'a willi t burt Wm the wors t. Now you SII it! we'd talk plnlD. Why eoo't you .Iet b1m come back~" Sbe covered h c.r tn ce ' dcsperD tely wIth ber hands. "I CRO'lI" . He rose. de ten ted. nod look Ing I l. "Well, 1 wU8tn't IIress you," be so ld, jfently. At thEit she cried out, and dropped ber banda aod I t blm see ber fllce. "Ahl He WBS only sorry tor Ole I" : Be gnzed 'nt 11 'r Intcotly. Mary was proud. oot she hnel u rala l houesty. Dod It 1!00fl!8sed tho t rutb ot ber oow; sbe wu helple8S. It WIIS 80 c lenr thllt He Hurled Hlmsolf at Bibb •• eyen Sheridan, mnn-ellng uod a ml1z~d. wu able to sCt! It. The a a cbooge came oyer blm ; gloom t ell from him, """'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .04 he rndln ut. "DoD'll Doa't'" sbe crIed. " Yo u


Saxon Six Livery't-"


"J won't tell blm," !laid Sbertdl.n, ftoom tile doorw a1. "J l\-oo't tell aJI,f-


boc1I, Ullth1D.II'"

CHAPTER XXXIII_ "l'IIere w.. a bea T1 town-tog that

.,-:-______ ~_~~~~~-~~~~~I'~ denae1lUn the . . . . . " . of the temple. The people ......,

about 10 It,

aud d1117. W tIIeIr oatalde aDd InaICSe "hlp or coal ·tar, "phalt, lulpburoa. • C»U of TIUl,d, IDd til. Othu tamu~ D






bu. ,

m_ libel .. III'Iatlal ...


Pbae eo.a


J. A. McCoy,




"Now, In o rli o r t o l'nb l,r llot-, " t il l) Oraduatc of Obi" ~liI'- lJnivcril 1y - ' - -- - IF! ul' her t'xpltdoed . "thln ~ 8 11"\' 0 II' l be Ibo 8A1I1 0 oJeo ollllu"tt o u _ It".,r III_ I pt~lIoe,we 'fl nlcl o ' tl a kethrllOufl LII'S IOllicc at re.,i dunce in F. USher f~om f Ollr 1I 0Il r ~ , no r 911[ b o rR OH fr III wood's house Fourth S lreet Tok e Cbulllberioln'~ T ilbi olij and DtD J dt'gst l • • nIl pt 11 d ie t, of vog(jtfllJles ,mel co" 1.'0 lob r," Slt liUtoti 1\ RnUIH h .YI Tclc))ho no 28 renls. T,II'e o lltll'lOr exe rolse rlnlly Rotl yonr oompl e xlon '\\ t ll b e grelttl y "OR u 't y o u tn ka ~ , :ur q u.lrLs of III Ilk , WaynesviJlt:!. Impr oved within n tew 1lI0ntb8. fr om tbree co w s? Ohio Pry It. ObtalnllblB everywbe re .


.. - - -.---




----- - ..----

Pillows Ge ne ra lly Too High. A (,"lilly tli.I ('tHI" Wt'ltl'~: '" l 'llf1n llt glvp you Il u n!\,(' t'sn l '· . ."·I po f p l' :-iutlHt!

aIL 'I'(\. hil i Il'l III,· tt'll .1-11 \\ 11 11,1 111 tlll th e t ll nu ~: lfltl!ol fir pu th'u l s I l lil \',· :-: 1'1 ' 1\ In th'd I JII"Ol' U\"'(" r IUl' t willi H"l~ "Ito nrrtll1~ ctl

hi 1'111 . ,11''' h ),1; 1,'11 1.'11 II y . All tOil hlJ.:h. fllr 11111 hi g h. III J,: h 1111 11\" 8 cur,"t.· th(' s pin". 11'~llf l tht, nlTh. II lul Ihll s prc " l' l1l L111' f n'" 1'1,·" ... 1;111"11 lOr 101111111 111 Ih,' hi-II I11. 1'1111 II,'I-C'r ~·" I Ihe fil II "lIlue tllIl or 11 nlf.:hl·,. , I"e" \\11 -


.llll\cu r y-l;/nrnet , A r illo nu. i!'tl lJ roltfy...:....AruetbyBt.8iberln . Mur cll-BloodUon(l. 8IJu t b l ud la . Il'S S yilU f\ x: )"nur I,ll lt,\\,· ~h) lo w lh llt Apl' il - DII\Dl ond , 8011th Afr lou . 111(' h l'ut1 Hilt! Ih'\'I, 1I1't.' jU'it nit tI l L,,' ,: 1 l\llIy- E lne rllld. (;olllw bin. will . Ih ' ~ ll lll ·." .11Ioe-P,mrl, Pen lRu <.:lulf , Jul ' - l ~uhy. B n rwllh A ogn ~t- -!:)a rd o oy ll, Mexioo. l:\Il lJt{llUbe r -!:!lIp ph ' r o, AU8'mllu Caddie 's C riticism . llotn lJ e r- UpIII, Austrltl\a A bl'glrul4.."· un rI IltullIl -n pw j,n!( N ove woer-'l'0ptlz, 8iber ,,, ('OUrS(I In lh' !';(l lIt 11 \\"\' ;.; l or lld"11 De eeru ber-l'urrlu oise, New Mex. II''' S 11111-1111'( II l 'III'I I ~ IIII1 " I)' I I'.rlll!: I '~­ io o_ - ()tatb e Mirr or.

---_1_ ,,--_.

---- -.---



!lnl · lalrl rl l' I'()~~ It \\ ,' II · Il ut XIlH IH"'U II nJ,: 1,1f'" 11d

II r h 'll C(! (IU n IIl CIIIlII1A'

DR. J, W. MILLER. ... DENTIST... UlUco


,~"I o a&' II.Q~





InSURlInCE Walter Chandler WayneSVille, O.


fh' ld. 1\' I" n ho cll,1 11,1, .. Ih l' h"l1 Over Po. loUit t, h t! Ilil I he i:1' t!l' lI Io l'h Lnd II. Il l.- Office Ph , ~ iT cutlllh·. 8Ull1l1l1111l up Ih l' ,,"slll"lt II llh

"'Ull PO>l! I I

Jll s ('old , Hrh rl'~slu Ulll t'Yl" r \'II U1 I'! \\', 1

to hl~ "JII1)111I1I11o : "My lI",.ot ! II \\, ullll1 n'l cOol 1,1 111 ""'f'h Ir III' II ,,, A 'u udlly.~cll ()n l teAcb er bll d b ~ eu 1,luyl,,' with II!'W-Iliitl " g~~!" telling lI o r OIUMS of Iu,tle bo ys abont o r o wns o f glory IInu b eaven ly r ewanlti [o r good poople . ,",ure Tor KeSlleBSneas. "No w, t oll mo, " IIh e Mld , lIt tho ltl crllClll ili on nnw (' li ft' rt'!-tt I... ... ~ n (\~~. ol oso o f I he In SOli, • w llo NiH got "1 1,rdH'll sII1l1 ll"tI "UPr\' V:; " h y protbe bll!ge ~ t oNwn ." Rel-tblng hnth!'l. lj.n l r l.'l~,\ nlHI tl lI.\ (·UI""'~:­ l'llbre WIIS di leu oe for u mluute 'Jr two. Ib e n n b right litlle cllop pilled tloo ()f 1,,"1 hllh1i ~ " Thl'r n ·II,' ,·.· ' "'~­ le t y untl,IlQr llld f" II rs I1l1el COlT " I '"' r,,t: (Jus Irrt'gu lllrltl c" I)t IIII' hpIII'l II l1 fl cir"Him wot's It t t' oll(geet 'end. c ul utl on t.y n course or ,,~ I) hrr lllhlug. - [' \1 mtll ,

-----_..- - -


WALTER McCLURf F uneral Director, WaYI1t!sville



' Aulo Equipment Horsc-O rawn


Worthl ess Gift. oe nHCld ' ~-lI\n l ou(!()ulnt °lt n 1(~l1illl ·l_ "1':\'ory 1111'1' Il lIiJ ""n 0i'I'II ~ his l'ELEI·1I0;o.;F. 7 J)A~ on N IGIIT trl> tur fI led , II ppr o\'u, it III oon ,rll\{'1 i . _ • mOl1lh h golv ..',..; hfl ll~.~lf UWH y." HE"~ 11 br~lls t In shomeru l fl'lIr Ih ll t ~h~ \I'ou lrl E :! t a t o of C. lI. r.J 1' 1~IV' IIJ , el e"" ~ 1:lOll . Y o I~ . WIll fwd Or . Kln g .d New III lhul . ho;, II .. Jlhllal1lhrO(lI ~ l. " "" l'Ppt h lllli fIe IlItt! no t Imown iJ CI'; Flnni llcll IJ 11t11 u l' II tl ll1i uil:l tr trix liled !..H . 1-1118 'L ~elllIe yet " lTtlo l,t ve lax the kIlO\\' III!: bud lost li p. r to hllll. unu Ilpp r1"\'ed tlnll e 'JIl li , III" l1 l 'lI1 VO f u r r E'UlOVln!( 1tnJlurltiAB fr o m Iill s h!1(1 b ('(' 11 h"; rC1I1 I1 w:l l,cnlllg; ro r _ , I,b e A'ys t elll . Aoc utlluluted wa~to E, V, BAI{NHART, h .. 1;11 (, 1\' 1\1)\1- how ill' el) hUll lJe~ 1I Ihlll E ~ t t f.l lJ.f VOnt ~, Mo rr lsll n •. du p oi soDl; Ihe hloo d; diz"ln6lB hlllo u N. I Hlltlllll;:r wh e rein ho (lr~llllllly cclcbl'l1 t- cenF J.. F '"11 t n c' c" uut or «11. n llll S· 110e 8 l\Ud_vlm ply. IIIudrl y OO~ I)l exion Notary Public ctl Ih o. IIlwrlorlty of "rl'l 11I1~hlp!" Til l' trato!' 1I1 011 . Il Pl' eL· voJ uutl el.JIl firOlel1 111 1' 0 I.h o dl>,tul~l! lnfot EO'ee l". Ado Re Rlc~p· w!lll(er h llll I\"ukc uetl 10 bilicr g,tu te of .Io bu [1'. (Ir ll llum . d t'. o f Or Klng'~ New !..1fe Pille to lllKh ~ Wllyae.nllle' l\ L~Bdlnjl: Dontll~ All ki nds of N otary Work . \V1I\8 klloll'l edo;o or 10"0 lind lite, ftnd illg, ce"s N I Ji'IUHI u C u nu t nf 'l\lll\lul~_ '''ill n @~ ll'e you 11 tr e e . full bowel Office tn Keys . Bldg. Malu St and De ed'l a I;;pcel .. lty . h lll1sel f II rallUN 10 IJO lh. Ile hntl trntr l x Jil p.d . m ov(' m en l, In The mnrnlng . At nllHl e I( burn t oO' cl' ln g lit hlR el" cn ma, E~hl t) 1) [ r .1lwi s~ . 1 ronB . !l CPH BUd .' your Dru~gli't" 2!io nlill till! sa c rifi ce IlIIlI h roll nil u nr"rt:;I1' - Fion l nOoOount o f 'X " t-tl to r fil ed. :uhl o hurt to ~["ry. All (hilt 11' 11 9 lor t ~.tllt e o r AIIDOI' W . li l li , cl f! CellHed fol' hili) 11'119 lho \l' orl. hI' hnd c h o~ell , Fl n nl nCOlJoc t IJ f ndmlll l ~ t r li leil. h UI lit Il'IlSt bo woul ,1 lI o t full III thnt, Ukrainians. t ll(l ll g h It \VIIS I II1I c ,·(] III) lII01'C th nn /I\arrlal(c 'j'h ~ 1·I; rllil\l'. "" l' ,. III,' tl,·~ t r c pllh ll" "dll ~ t In ltl fol ron lltb" lr lflere h nd I.H!Cn in PH !-= tt ' l'll EIII't1 )\I', I I II ~ 1'\" \"11 I lh'it lt' ll he. '" IJ Ili lng- " to wo,'I, (or- " ' hll ~ M . ~ l t1\~1\ ·11I!lrl. f ll tlll Or nOli 1,,'I'l'lI III' " 11 1'1>.:"",,,·.. H ' I~~ i:l h(l l< lf; It p w e nt 10 the window. rnl Rcd It. Ml s~ ~IK~lfl l H . UII ~ . !)Ulhof WhY ll ":' . Its 11I1'~" " 1 1'111'1. "ll h "" II" . :!,~,OOIl.(JlJU 0110 Il' r III t llU llprol1 r of Ih e s t l·Cl· tS lie-I vlli n. I av. Al!l U~ Uu k Ukl'lIll1l'"I ~ ; 11", \(11 '" 11111 rlllll;'II"IIt11'S In\\,. 110 looked dowo Dt Ihe blu'·I·Cfl . Fmllit ~ kill l1 er, 1·1t' 11i. /ll o rrow, cilil , 1I:1t "" """'.1' ~I:\ I""II" I" I'" 1.111\,0 IIIlI'I'j'inj: s\\,lIrms-nnd he loolted Oh io , l'lI '.1 M I;o~ I, .. ura Brt>lIt, of L e b- nn~sl :\. a ," 1 Ih., 1"'''1'1 (' I.ltll l' HII""III IIH. AlI st l'ia -I IIIII ).:a '·.I- IH.(t!s a 11111"1, SII," I1 , UCI·O"9. ol'cr tilt! r oors with tllelr Pl1l1t- Rn)u. h c v I . H li'u~ h' r. 'ln g j cl s of "OP. o r. lllto tJl0 '·Hst. foggy Edwin \vill"'r~() p , ' tt1 1 1'~.r IlJlh "PH '·'1' 11,,,,,111'1' :l,!-,I"'. '~II' III ,·"",,,,'11 (; n lll'ln . h Ullrt of the smo ke. D izzy trll cc r lC!l ot "t or. nucl M i a ~ G o ltl1 e A t-kIIlBu ' l b'J I,h .j(~l.Ii(\n 111 (\u I; , 1\,'11111 alit! r.fI".UIIO In SIN' I \\'cro rl s lllS d i mly oga lnst It. clt a t- o f O r eg o n!'" . M . •\. ,l am e 0 11,.1 P. ~UIJ - I ' '' rl'''f''i illi Il! s lI·it'ls "f 1I 1ll'j;a l'Y. t crlng ",I t h s tecl on s teel, nOlI. Bcree hJohn Etow lll nl), !'lIlpl " YI'C1 " I I~inr.:' .. ~ _ - - _ _ ' In{\' III st cl!m. w hile tluy Ogur·s .of 11' (' 11 MllI ~, 1\\ \1) M hl~ ,,1 110 I'h Ul' lll ltlci' r. Unquestioned Willi ell 011 Ulreuus 10 tile flu ll Sill'. b Ih oft;oo t b l,oiJ,u il," . Hev. Uugh Bull(II11Ss w o ulu ovcrlop tile Shcrldnn. Wtlt ~ o n . Ra p id Growers. durability and Bh!Ucss wus belo it sorvell . nil nil 11 11 f1 111111" 1 1 "1I ~ 1\'1 11 yl .. ltI n COIII:ldrrv E Ilm n . lln . Ji l'l lIlIIn tln (: exquisitc design . elf" be Mnllnuerl I MI Il AIIII.! lr 00 , ,,~,., ' ho tll o f tlnlluII' 11111'" '."1 flll- Y"III-N wlthollt r eI~the highest ideals in plated ware-are a~sured .in pIUll lill),:. )\·(·ur ly ~Oll hll ll<. hll .. ln):: fHJO Ulito evl l lt) _ ({ov \ _ D. K. i ~. spoons, forks. and fancy serving pieces bearing. the . ·bOi. T . l:'"rklll~. "Ill 1>11 Itu r ot ~ tulk~. IIr' 1I11t111'1', 1 10 Ih li t '· •. yield. "renowned trade mark: OIl.Yt u, Iii o il ~ I i~~ l'hllC\hn L. Bnrdg/1 Illg 8(\1II!! :!OU II lt1rkl'lll hl ,' iJlIllI'hcs pu ,YP.tll', fll(l n\'l'r:q.:p pr.)U t IJel" 'u cre being Motb e rSIlt'8 e o metlm.(>8WIJ I b on~b t- of Fmukh u_ .J . l:_ D ol l. , ""ur SfiO L1l1nuuIlJ'. 18ss as to Degleot the oo ld~ w hwh I{ c!al Estate Transfers ----.~follelr ohHdren oon trnot . The illllammatlon .of tho muoo1l mew b rll no, Jl"llU() ~ llmpl}(l1l by slJariff 10 Bui/y . •• I1ra.t aontl, beoomes o brou lo n cll lJ~/II1.1boll, t 9~1 ;; U Jr ll In IVashlllp' United States' Coal Area • • There are· various makes of silverplated tableware 'he ohlld hae ohro nlo Oil tllrrh, "el i- Son' \Olihlll, U0221. t:1 ~'I, ('> I",own ~olll IIrl'US of thl! Un \1 seale tb.a t. Beldom oured lIod thlll , Earl (t Elyw ood to Mllr.y C;on . tnble e(l :-;~III"R cover nhoul 310.000 Slluurc are claimed to be "just as good," but, like ali may prove I lIfe's burden . MUIlY r eol atllt,l> in Pl el18l1nt 1:'I111u 1)1 ,"111'.• 111111 t here I1ro nhout ]00,000 imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing qualitr, perllone wbo b .. ,,!! thi s 10atb!:l o IJII' ,. Sllllll r,· l\IlIl>~ IIHlrl' Ihnt IIrll I)ellevetl identified with the originaland genuine" ROGElISBROS. ' M.!.rtlul · Ann Ll'fl~ rd n n to eha I ,. -tG-m... \!IHl ' rlulu \\'Lth lUurkcllll1le coni. dl!!8111Hl will r lllillllilber ha.vlnR IlliG • _ • frequent :l01d8 Bt f.he 'Ime It wns E. I!; ItOIl. 1' (111 fl'"le in ·ji'fllDkltn" I. .warepopularly known as "Silller Platet at ooDtrac.et1. A little forelhought, II J. M. Hc"tt to t:b 11118 E E4$OD. ! leading dealers everywhere. :.. boUle of (;huDlherltli:l. 'M c..:oU/l:h lot In Frll 'o kllll, $1. Flttlnll I. Important. catalogue I t C-L" showing all designs, . Remedl' jtldtclOQ~ly a iled, and .. 11 IIheria to -Loa'lI Dun't erowd nn 111110 Ure ot wrollll ahtl troable mlaht hul'I been AV ."J_ re.l e,,'.'u lu . Fllze (1/1 0 rim Bhnply ....ClIlIBC you CIUJJ (ItITIII/IAl::"AL ~~~VI. 00., eeL Ob"lD,bJe ,.,QI)'Yihlre. tureu lL OD. Ilake It At. .

~:J., ::~.y.tol,bl clrrl~o"'lotltl:I'erll llst, nl·IRc k'lldngoIIIICrll~~




- - --.

- ----








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1841 ROGERS,BROS.;~p~£



Sole Aaent







-- Sold by


W,ars." Send for.

lerfIIeI. c..




r-fHENEIGHiHoOO-~NEWsl A s Wr I·tten by 0 ur Corps



Able COI:respond-

, 11"n CI ... nl.'! WJndOW5. " ~d \ JI.·, \\ It Jll i'lIlJ" Jt fI III H 1I1 1"~' t-l , Hlu."'o



Mr : ~~ rnnlt II nw:.o atltl rI'\ .,,,11,, I ~be Milln Quu dll un au' l i~ l'nnl;1 (',j I,D his beel .


_ _ _ ~ ent:., ~ _~~~:'h~~~_,~_~_ 1

~ Slnn~rl'I!I~"rl1l




.1 1 n Uil1li.



A1r. nOlI Mr p. \ln u Ll o n nod 9 '1 11 • •In ltn 1l11 10ld 1,0 LI-I'llno o ~'rl. d uy n l/! ht. tint! ~ pa n t 1,111 ",vollluJ.\' w ,tlI frl

nd ~ .



M r~, '



I I. L . CUANF.,

rdil,lT IIlld Munager

LIIst t:lntllrd llY h ui n~ tho .G th bi rti ll luy 01 Mr~.Artlllnd" Dum btlOhe r , 'tltlll .V 1i' l ll l. lv ,'~ " n, 1 lril1 nelM III r t Wl lh 1, lI r t ,l ,·olull".tl Lh o hll llPY 00.


ou ~iq ll



"," "dl'l1l" ulhl 1J" pEl r


t om .. r y lit, ,, fill oil low " in AU. l rl ll U1 H q l1l'!'l thHl W ll " li ~ k cd . 0I 1u hi) \\'

i'l i r. IlU (1 Mrs /\ ILo l't n e~ t (l ll we re I.h l) ::\ulln"v Jlu e. t ~ u f Mr. ILIHI ~lr ~. H UrY e y Mun go r .

1l1l~~1 ,a~~V~:'~; 'L::.~I:~r 'f~:~! n~~~1r~ . Wilmingto n lu s t !;u nU AY t b e gues t s of WOl. !:lu r e aOel fall'U y. Tho wllny f ri fl od ~ (Jf M r . 'Ind Mr s . V a TIl 11 t5ll.1lm .>ns, wb o wil l leavo "oOn t o oll~ k e tb >'ir h oml) lIert r RtJoHe .. vl Jl tl , OhI O, .. "ve Il IUI "ce l lu oeo u ~ ij h wer for tb e lll lus t SaturclllY eveo 101(. T h ey r l'c .. I\' ,'d lOu o y u sofo l IH oso n ls . Th o "\' ~ o\OK \VIIS s peo t 10 gftUlO ~ flud U111 ~ l o Bort, Br o wn "' lIl e rl'nl 'l~ ,l I d e uds (rOlIl F r tlDkl , u 1018t ' o nduy Morris Mil lar is r eported Oil t b e slok li nt , IIlr and Mr s IJ. W. R ,IH nog le, of VI\Il!1111ill, 0, ive re viS ito r" bere over l:! u llduy . Mrs. 'h6 M. W e l\~ , ot L el/fiD o n , v l@It,ml W. A. Null An d ftu nll y IllS' Frltl uy . Mr . nn ll Mrs B'lme r F x cele. bru teu I heir f1r~ t w ed d in g un oi ve r. 5Bry lus t tim],, \,. Mr. un d Mrs . .Jose ph :ldnrsha l1 eo. t e rt aln o,' rr iend~ fr n m Rl dgev illo, llis t IJriduj .

.. Ill" til I IU1" 0'1I1 y " u t u rn 8 LT C 1111 0 'O"\\ " III'I " 'r ?,' 'J'lI e un SWl' r WH tI ~IVI ' D by Ilo ln ,j tr lld . A u"lury publi o HUJ oth M w tt n " "~ fl" we r u ell I lell. IIml "t f . .. OUV ~llven llJlI'ly til'" o 'cluc k III t h " lU o rn lng ,IIJerll l i" " . wor(J hU~ lln h I U r (,nl~ 1 IWll r thll f" Ol o r y by re llinf,! tllrl!" Ire H" '1'h o::·o wore st r ip ped, DlHo lnl o lIiL!C('P, lin d r odnco I I j II I' lllil hy IIllllJh lh 1014] ru ou o s . 'r il e p u ll' "',,,. tl lr \l wn Int·t) G \ ub Gud m l xoll wll h I h o in/,l r d l e nt ~ rcq 11 ir ed ttl t urn " In t " )lllp Br . 'l 'b puSl<' MlDe tnrm ocl w na Il rtPSOU Ihr oogh ~b e r .. l linf( "lit( hhtlt 11 " ,1 ,d nl ne .l bIrC\,t nu r ('ol"(' K-un u h un r li nd fift y 1\11111 millu",~ ,"1 r th o' t e l ling uf I bo t r\le~- th ,' Iir~ 1 ~1.(ll' I, o f lJ" pe r 1 8~ne, 1 f rtl '" I h u IIln ohlt,I·. 'I'h tl I""p ~ r W68 hu rrl ll(\ t o a prln tIn lC h " II ~" m ur o i,u an two IIltJ{' ~ II wuy , w lwr l' I h I' 1,3'110 b nd .. Ir elld ~' h ~ " n 8«1, uou ut t e o o 'ol poll . t,we> h u urs nllLl '" vo llt y I1 ve mlDulos f r o m tlt o b lo' ~ln'lI l ll tc ot tll o ex perlmon t In "::;l ulr,,,I·IJIJ h ell <l, " olol(,<od. np Ih o f," tl"I., " IH l n t ,,,1 n (l W~Il B p e r WllS oo~o, t,i/.( h t ohest. Bo re tlno It !He t llr D ~d " ut froUl tho prlltl8. 'r h e ~ o r o 8 \ 1-( 11 9 of oo ld , uu.l Dr. Klns 'a oWI\or 8 c>f tiJ n IlI cl,u ry c1 l1lin thu l N,lw IJi ~o rl\' e r,V IA !lur o relie f A 'h oy 0 ,'11 rt p" ,<I Ih e ftltl t In t ..... ont y do ~" of this oo m hinntlo n of t\nlisep . W I OD !tI ~ ,- l!.lwhnl'!l n t iu bn l a m !! 8001.1" '8 th o ir r H .. t ed m ombrnll e, o lea rs t h ~ n ead , loose o!! 1,11lI ph lng '", y o u broil the casle r lin d re n Itze you r onl,1 i . bro ke n up. Trea t 1\ Qu id p e r Rls l l'ntly; bo l ~ -w~y 1lI 0nH. ures 10f\ 'o'(1 u Ii IlR r ll1l{ oODg h : T flk e In th o r "ju " II lillY i" gl! n u ruJly r Ur K I II~ ' S ' N o w Di~oovur y u n l,11 foll o wufl lJy pllI ., flll l,wlll lll'S o f yo ur c,,' d IB Ro ne , For .j, ymITs the r ~ tl u llll\ t lM 11I o r l\ o urn llClll , ~ I ollb" '"" , IIhl r om e dy for you n g a nd old. L t ll ltlHm l, w ill ~\ v e JO Il q Ul o k r ., 1t f A t, yo ur tlr o ll >Is t, [iOo 80tl pI v p nL IIIll I \\,;'I ~I'~ fr o llt bu. _ __- _ __ • _ __ o O Itl IIJ~ t OTI nro I t filIi li ly I'OII A t rlliell WIt hont, I'll hhinJ.( ,wd ri lJo ~h ~ I,h " RO . O tlod IIch lol< j " inl s ~'\.I r 1I0 rf', MUll' fxhuu t t' d mu ~o ltl ~ th " a he II IllI Illrob fr o m (lv e r ,\'Il r k t:i l , ) ,,, ,' ~ L.ill l1 n"I1I. " Iro n l . quiok r Ih,f. Hrul'; c@ , .JlTldll~, ~t.rntll li un ~H ~ ~ p~ My rt lo Ihl e r . . Lois R o·s. o th ll r IlI ln !'r i l' j llrll'. to clJl ltlr e ll fir " N, 'Ilill Fr .v tln ll 1... ('l i" EJ1n n woro qlll o trl ys Olh clltJ,I' tiIOIlU'H Li ol rn () o t. '/ I A lt O I ~ lit, tho sch oo l h o u 0 W ed . G t f\ bol tle t o·e1 IlY ut y o ur Dru g . o ellLl llY "'t e r n o ,n. giets, ~lio 'l'lIp r!'l,(t111t r m eetin g of th o P r o· gressl ve )jibl., oln s>I WA d h bld Frld li Y niRht· "' tho h 'ILII O of MI s ~ E~ h e l I:!mlth . Mrs , t:illre o a Fe r rl ~ au d dllu gh t e r' Borth tl Rpent I:lll i u r dny WI r.Jl M rs 8 m nm K or lloy. ' MisRfls All of) Bu d Ru l b ,J e ff e ry e nt Art,,\l lIod t.h e Itlf1 mloo r S o f t,h e W ill1 oj( lV o l'k o r ~ OhlMS ti:tturday IIt torn oa n . Mrs. ~'lrIlb Elbon ,\8 ' po n d l'ng n Amon g tho m ll DY pxl,ro o rd ill ll r .\' on ~tOl1l8 u t t h .. ' lt l n e~o It! Ih ll t of ftlw woe l: s wit.h b a r tlD Il W. H . bllll llln(,( yllllr ~ t,tlgl> lh Ar In ((ro ups o'r 8 1brm lIod t um il y. Mr. E. , A. J "ffor y Ro d ffllll ily two lvo olA lI o!l "cyo lo-, " III\J n l1 nLio l! illl oll y e u ot Ihe ~o ri eB uft a r eo UlP s peot HUl) ,ltly WIt h Mr. J o hn ICd. all l",al . w ,u c1~ "lid fo m ll.v . . Thus I,h e Urs t r eor of 'I n ow oyole T he s t·o n o c ru s lt ~ r is on t h e road s Is ,ho y ellf lIf t b e rH t" t h e ¥coo o d \III' o ow . BeMa r r onds in t,he n ellr (lX, th e t hl~oJ yellr of t b e t ige r . tut tlre , Eve lY C hlo el'o born In t ile ,V 0llr of 1:1 V , W "rwlc k,ot Lnbll,n<l n, wos "" rill, bl' l o ll f(~ t o t he Urdo r of til " Il TllIned 'I,1" vis lt,ur .. t h i.. tllr ul . HIlt, un ci ~ ll n u , 'L'lteuoi uull c l tl~1! o f Mr ~. Hal'f1 h li:l ho tl sp" 'l l. W a du f!! . 1I'oZlI r y U h l o o ~e m 'l n lI od wo m ll ll III d BY wit h li st! 1.ldtl Mtlrr uy. t hll ~ r p(, 'Tlit', I, IIl1d I ~ h e ld to Ill) of Mra E li t h Wuitot! Otl ll ed Oil Mrs . gl'll.1I ltu JI" rt'' ' " <l , In f lTe .... lIl l1j( 'h,' Lil lie Vil lard ::!'~I' llf tl''' Y Il fte ruo uo til tur e, A nll l h or Olt , 1 " \1~ ( , 'o ~ II b ,,\) 'he Uh i ne:;o r eo koo inl( of I'lm e It' Ih ,"t III t.h ' C" I" " l lu l 1~ " "\l l r ll It Clhll ,I ' I ~ heltl I" , b o on !) .f "" r ll\ lI liB ~ O ll ll r1 ~ F ind Foo of t he Loc ust It i ~ bo rn. \ I~h t h o " b,m ro . u pI'r I h ',s"HI' l"lI I I~· rhi~ , \ I',L: (llll i llt' tll'l'nrt.. sl tllJU f!" tio 'ttr 10 Itw O rt on l"l IllHld. a bll,by b"y i~ f liflu llIl lI )' giwlII , Il lt ' ll l lI[ U':l'i \' ul l lll'(1 iI,\:-; :-:II{I\\ 'I\ llill ' II ll i rl 'M n UI1 \\l l l1 or o tl . t tl til'l'.,I\' u I h· !t llt HI'Il I l' !l r ll~1 11' l 'II \ 'lIIY . nf t ll l.' In'n " , ev il ~\lil'! l, ", w h (l. " "jI," onl l\' , h n v' 1.'~ I J'"\ t l'l . 11 111 1 tilt ' IIt lll:l l' l l lI l'lI l h tls ... ·CHIII· lin . lo j "(1I,I()I,lt ld ,: h~ bil' ,"f III ,k ill ~ I ' 'iI "1l\h' li UI:l1 Ihi, i"nl l"l1ltl IllHrllll lC of II ~ h llnl li S p " t" lh l,' I f) r IO. \' II lII ult· H ll t.' t(·I' l n h lg s Illl d t l,,' HI'~' l (ullllr w,l' l dlt\d ZOIl!l'J.I'Y of tl w It n ' !'t nd .c lturl'H\l l,:o , u I J' c llll!l ~lll'rf·~.f ll lJ .V - TIt /Ji l >' . ,'rllh' III II "tIt,I .I' Itlttl IIl'pll cnl lfll\ (If ti ll'





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hpst IliPI1l1S It) l' rlljln~ lI f I ~ j hi s I ll\rH ~ ll (' af'1 ti lt' II HI:-: t ,-,n't·~.' l lyl,.· wuy lie ell ·(.' Iclngtlw l'Il\'I IJ,:f":i uf 10 · U~(~ . 'l ' I\\! KUIU u f r,!nll{ 1)1\ 1,,'1' 1.Il' S'"~ . ( ~:!J ::.:lI){I) hilS " "('11

11j)1)1'tlllt'lrltull Cut'

1I ~1.'

III lllu cultl'

I,ulgll IIIlUlust I U'·lIsIS. B ~ cll r ll rul ut you r Ill " l\t1 n r ~ , t l'r 'hay itu)lcute y o ur l/Iceol ulj'. Uo olUtlful o f yonr th o nJChtM, f , r th e l' t urm your lito. Be c!.lrll ful II f 'y o ar "OUODtI. for th oy reveal yuor ohlirllntor. Btl Olll'llrul o f y"or 1I!llIonl ,t8l! ; Y'l ll .ore jud a ed by 'he c o rn p ony Y OIl 1I0s il. Oil oarl1 fol or your ramUy Ind frlan (11 i 'hey are tho bel ' lI11tl 'be AlmllCh" caD live ,00, Be oarefol of yoar health i "I, a bl" ,.. tall ')1at C~ 11 Dever be ' '00 blIbil va1mod i ~ IIllDJ17IJ1\011t111.



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W ith th e n verBile mao a oo ld Ie a Sel'iou 8 Ul utte r ncd ~bould not b e t r ill od w ith, "B Borne o f t he m ost Ll a u ge r o u ~ di~e R ses e t lnt wltb a oo mmo n oo lcl T .. le e Chambe rlain '8 Cou g h R e m ed y lind get rid o f your oo ld a B qoloa lv ItB l1 08SlblE'. Y ou are n o t ex p e r i m c ntln g w hen yoo U 8 ft tb ie r e m ody , a M It bus been ill o lle f or maey ." ORrs and has fin e e ta~ II Mh ed r OJl Oln n . rt oon\alns no ,o pium o r o tiler nlirc otlc. Obhln. abl e ev e ~:vwh llr (J. _

_____ •• 4__





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J.oy I'Cf(ull'l'd (h e vllt' l ullS motn · IJ f tll'r I'U IIlIHY'S 'h()ltl cluss tD

Cloakroom Chat. It'll liN ( II' lhln >;H f'lr whi ch th oy "I gO I m y cO llstl l'Il' IIi>1 1111 $ 00,1lOO w t' r' " 1,II II II lrflll. ~1 1l1,,'1 10;11\'" Ih ll ll k~ for Ilo"i olllce." bODrl tu t COligrCRslll" n tr lll (, ~y~s. J)\,roi h r fur her wu\'y hulr, ·F lllhd ub. "T hey ought II) b e IITIltetul, 1'0111' IIl lI ll HI ll , ft·C 'kl c·fuced nnd r ed e h?" or I I'CssO'il, ~ll:h('1 1 wh n It CIII11 P his "I d unuo," sold Collg rLl881l1nll 'Vool· \UI'II . " 'J'''(l ch ~ ,.. I doo't know tor whn t hfl t. "I llr eter th lud lvtlluul Dut e. IU I)' l h ll ll itful. S" lO a to we Gou WbLlU you send 1\ 111 It U n t en'i!enl (lu r t )' nigh rulnt illY looks," Pllckngc ot tree se ds he sort ot t eels tIInt )' 0 11 "Ilve d Olle 1!0 nll)li1ll11g t or hllll persotlully."-Loulsvllle Courler-.1our· ual. \'et'. Find Our FriendL .... It 18 llbout Urne 10 look tbe :world (\\Il'r 11 0 ,1 see If \V O huYe ,BIl.)' rrh)JId8 'I\'llo cll n belp U8 preserve tree In,tltu· Rebuffed, tl o u ~ luluet on 11118 hemillphl'. re. It we , In the earl7 morning hilI''' DO f rie nds, let us behave 110 o. to , boordvr met tbe ruatl c dall'7mold deseM'e thulO. Le t ue acquIt ouraelvea carrrtol a couple or BO tllnt 110110011 "",II Bee In DI a dealr- palla. "Ah,~I:g:ood~II:~;~~llt!i able 0\11, und Dot 0 parulte tor wbom he IIIlId" p they are to (lull aheBtnutl OIlt of the milkmaId 1" H'Talll't Bro.-Frank B. Vroomu, In the OlD- Ill," IIIe laid. "We 4_~.~-----

-----. - ----

tur& ........

If t his wc(' k .

PINE·TAR RELIEVES ACOLO Dr. Bell 's Pine Tar"B c;oey oon tuln s all Ibe 800thtng e l e m e nts of t,h e plno f or est. H \Je nl ! tbe irrl. t at ed m em brllno, uno b y Its autl8e p . tlo prop e rties 100811 nll :th e phle gm, you be easi e r . and wbat prom . ised to be a severe oold bas h eeD br Jk en up. F o r thlit 8~off ed .t1p feeling, tight o\;lost or More tbr oll \ tak e a d ose at Dr. 1Iel )"e Pine T ilr . Bone 1 tl nd preve DS i. w e uring, h'lI ok'. 'log cougb dra ggtDg t;lircin Rh the w\nte r, At yoor Vrugglst, 250.

Little to Be Thankful For,


United States' Kind e rgarte n. 'The ",/lrd k i lltl\·t'~,, '·(lII) . /1" [''' ''111 for l'l,tl lt'CI\'" gnr,II'I), IIWII II N n R'IIl)! '1 cun· cluett'.1 "II UIC thenr)' lhut 1'1\" curli es t 1',1I1l'III1<, " IIf yll tlll f{ d ll h h" '1l shollid bo bll Sc>(1 O il ObJl"1r Ius. llll~, l!xt' rcl ~(,H \\'lth t Oil>!, gll l1l <l1! nud o ther octh 'IUcs 1'llkUllltcd t o Il\toT('~ t 1h'llll. ThiN method WII R Int lVlIu e\.'Il b)' pluneer lIdu· l'llt ol'll ut New Uurnluuy, l'UIf(lY coun[J'. , Indlpuu, In 1&.'6. 1'01' Bowe l et1rt1 th1a WUB tho only klncJlll'llU1eD IChooI In

till V~tecl ItaWi.

" I •

IWI! '




01-:- Indu~lry.

r~-·, ~t('r) I,.



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'IH"t'i ' ~ 'h~1l

,~ " " ~I r . 1111 ~! r " \\'m. l\I oC"r,r OIJ l ' bv o \, t ' l I, " mO . B I In tn t !lei r b III r eoe IIy lIU · . I' , II "IIlassifiu d Ads I I I I I{ . o ,w ~ " C1 a I. n I)oy In~, '1' . ' Th o 'Iu.; 10 T o wn Hhlp :-inna ",\'. I ·tl. I, • III , \ fI II.· ,,' tl,,},lll1lll drl ,,ly,t, ' H or6 08 Uo mpt,oll , !:lum b tH'r·, .. ( 1,', n I U I , ... WANTED u • ,. Bradf';rd uml l nll May UQ lllp to n 'I :1, .~' , , !" On ll1 bl r 2:?lld , F'rod Pauly, 1~(1h. w e re Xen lB s hop m r 8 I el . Alr . E rn ollt U~ r I",ell "", t., I \ , ~- - "UOII, w ill ,,(ldre88 t h o oo u vo ntl l1l l. 1 8 II ur ny . cut er lal nod Mr. lind MIlo Ali", II " YOtJureoo rdiu lly lu vlted t o be pr ell , Mr , liu d Mr b. l:l e Dl·y ' r e,vllcooU1 I Rn d fumllyuI HI oll1 "rr ul .. i!"".~ 1'1 I I;~I": I h \' n vu u II f!l rm o r o ther ~ ot , PAlIlcd lJy t b el r " u est&l\:lr. oud llrs . t clay . H. rt I" "'I"o'n ~: "Iu tc f'll' ~ " I B? If ~ o lI ~t AI\,,. K e uo,'d.y a nd ,Ju~. D 'lvis Ed C r e w ,' o f Da y tOI:l , visited ' 1I ",lr Mr:, E,I\VlHd ( '.) ltl, tI:! I ' I. II 1' " ' 1 " " "I '",' " .. I " • lit • TW'J \\ 1111 \V I) l!hnnd l er • .. uot R~ o he l 0 ( 8 90' OUll UBY IHst Wee k t F 'd tl I \1 ,I,d , ", ""'" \ \ "r "'lil, ', rl r P fllI her., ut speu t, ::'o u ll " y in Ulnel nuutt . . s peu n tH' \\' I I /' r ,", " ,,, I ", tt Io!' " "" , ~ I 11 ~ 'n tl f l' w goorl W" ltor Hilv e r s Is eroo,tl u "l1 b uo Mr ond M rs . \V ul1tur , W ll eon nur] Hud Mrp, t~ onTf(" l'raH n '1 - ,I' i " i,:' '1,. ... Ur , o llll Mr a. [hymon,} WI\ a u w e re , _ " . ' ,I tit 01 " \\"1 uu, ,lr4 'N h o or o (\8str .. Ill tl ~ I au llht r IlOu8e on t h., r et1r c f , (,(u ps ta t30 1ll1uy uft er'u oml of C lIas . M,l~ No r .. 8111 :, VI,l t, ,I " 1"'; ,\' " " ,." ) '" 1" ,,"1" 1 1I J'~ I I h'dolng- III p rul)'rt,y in anti bi ll lo t. McKl un oy'~, o f n ll ur. lJe :l broo\c . 1 10 X onlll ,O Il C Ll« y In.t \\,,,,1< ~,:", "r"llll d \''' '' fll' "Iil!) !Jo n't delllY I 'Iove r l lll iling Is n oa rln g no oncl , Mr , Iln d M r ~ , J o na t h o.n MUror '. Mi llS C1 cuu U tltlS , u( 1I,~\'It"' . ,,' . tt ,'". ! J I thIS td \.) n(' 1I11L1 co rn h us kill g Is n eH ut bUDd, too k lli nno r t;onrlflY with M r . ao(l l " pan dln~ " fIIlw dGYs WIth ~.t>.; . \ " \V . U 'hu n dle r , :,etl d lll g Is p retty well ove r nml th e M r 8. J B. L ellrnln g , C heno w elll, of til l", p lu,H' . ~S Mr und Mrs Ho ~ d I:l I M r , unu Mrs W tl ltHr II,,' tit lI'l\' f '1fU) pr blls not,h lng to (10 n ow , 011 V'l U I Il Il • • t' of Ca :::l H B \'. tb ey huv o to d o Is t o wo rk a n d al n ' , oomp'tlll led by Mrll. , w,.r 110· "8 t "uS I r g u es t t,IIe I tIt ~I' ' H t~' I..'" Burley'snrp ooy r ents r Ell" fu r Jo' A Ifa.1tl . 11 you Wllllt th 'lt e n o ugh M r , Knu Mrll, J oslfl b Dllv ls /ln tood Mr, fr'lDt.. M~ D l ", of \ ""U_ . .' ,.. i\ I"", ,',,,' I " ' poil ',,,, " " I I " :--:1:LIJ, fo.",n til" \, fl te \1 " R. 01\ ::!"t,llruoy, OOl obo r Hlh, Ul e r o to D,lyton tlnod a y "n d 8peo t tbo l hrn8kll , who OIlUl U h el'li h,~1 W "l I''', II I; I I , . <, I I I "- I ~ I I lJ. n. Hll;ld lnK, will Ittl Ho m o enl e r ta l nm e nt lit Eu s t d ay 'vith L oy d Da vis and fuwll " neadDl' f o r fl U . e. ~(\ud ~ d ' I''';' \\, . 1" , '1"4' 'I .ro" " 11011 .. , '1 1' 1h " fh l'_hlll cH~' n" 01 ~:1Jl 1 lJurk, n good tlmo Is expeoted .. .. . J ' re llltlv(l8 at dill l' r l'llt p 1111t< in (I I"., I i rur. ws t t h e w E lIr n h nrt Ie qotte , . I H! ':II\'· "" I' .'''\ • It·, ,lnr \·!·,· .. t l ll r, HM 11 t h a lJ u", t d l'LD on 8lrution s Tr y s lo k lit t h iq t lll)fl lit t.h ~ h ., tD r b'. Corn cut ting Is I\Uou . fl UHI,"'1 It! L1nll , '" ' 1\ I' ",h, t HI l"l,r Hn d be pr~Aflot, wou't YOll ? d b At J ' 0 U L nur vi cinity and farmnrs "r,' I,U:!';' . lIu g tor r~ . tl UDlfl Vn v l~ . , w lt b th e ir el'ledloH . Th o 1" 'I','f,t \\cdnl'<Jn.', (\: t nh" r 1)\, I'J I(, Mr , o n d l>i rs . ~'f[\!Ut L. HtI)'rl s eo FOR 8:'\LE t e r tal n ed f o r dl nn or tluudllY, Mr. 81 Mr , l ang I M ~8. Jum oe ~pro y, of I r ll in WII S excell eu t fo r t ho Cllll111 ~' " lr <111''' "1[1' Itr III ,,"'1, " h , ' h"T!, a n d Mr~. Ed MoFal'la n d , of 1Vllm lng. Dom OK a (', nd .. a Uend ed o huroh ulrelld y sow n I Hur : I ' ,; I I . '''I II '\ ' I to n ' b ore t;u nday tllId h e v e r y a Lly filled , . , ,.,.,., '. "~' . , ~ ""1 ', tbe p ul pit being Il milli t t' oflb Mr. Natb9D, AO Ht l11 IIn'l .. r \\'cJJtbo l ~nr"11tJ,! 101·1", ,'lit· "~(I II\II ~ T L\j~I.I'il" I"1I n n (l L: hIDa M a l o PIIC~, no l Bls od d r 8P8 1\' 6S sveer y IIe I(J.e () pam~lo n at DIl Y! 'll! Inst \ 'H' l'ir . .1 ' \\' , '1..>. J: ~ M ~ . , lind M rs . 8, L Ca t son , ot l •'os .. ' tl'f'n~ '\VIII , till \ t , ( '11,, _ \0: Htl f.("' "eye l', Ore g 018 , Duyt 1n , au toed tb r D'1l-(b o ur o Hy ful to al l. Mr. Gnd MrR. T h I) IOG~ L lhlY ', lid . >, Ill' :, ... Ilhl n , T"I~ ph"lll' Nu J 9- 1;,. H,,, . tll m tly vi sit ed wi th Mr 1\",1 ~l r" \\ .\ \It'I1'1 ( ,Il , \·r" "'/"r.;< E" 0"[, ollt11 r d ll Y a nro u to t o W lhulngto n A u n t E "ber UoLD I~l.o o and tllll lily G' It Uk ' . 'lbe s t o re ro om In tbe Centra l RJlell & Sunllay 'Wit h b e r ohll d • r llu 0.0 lin d d llogb a r. ol Hon t" l eo ., last tiu udB Y· 1,\<1Ii] "rn,l" .f. r ROy Cattlo, BnIlH , B ot el Bu il din g Is bein g r e m odeled M r . un d Mr s. ,J. M. HIli and fam rily . ' , , 1 h \ P r"ll t!"" Il ly ( ,U' m ""I WIll !JO l!f' f R 'Jo ur\ !t ' 11 e '(d ve q , ll D9 th r o u ~ h oo ' a nd wi ll be COUlIJleted ot N e w B u rliogto o . ' MI~ a N olu Bill, of \Vn" "c- \'lll p : " pli "\,, r. ,btl,,! "I 1' ,, )'lIr s'II" II , r ,,!-:,- t·1r.',1 1;,,11. 101[' ire o r [l u rl n n by Novembe r I pt nn d w il l be , ooo n . Mr. on d Mrs, R e uboo Jones we r e SI)O n ' S u ndny wi h h or Jl" r pl1 I ; h OT' , , f .. II'll\" (lr) ~)lt ,, !tB'·!. W ' t Yll l'~ VIJlO , llCt ulo ,\, pied by F r ed M. tlbll n e t il e vory - - - - - - _. 1 '1hll rsd;I1', Ooull"r J I) , I CJ I (, 1'llfH I(1 L'J_ I ' . O:!:, pO Jlulflr lll eGt and ~r ooo ry m e r ohu n t.. co ll od to Alb,lOY, lnd , IlIs$ woell: \ 0 o t t e o d t)', e f uner Al ot Mr . •f ones ' I Mr. Wtlrn e r Uurtis , of UblJlloo I b e, n ephew E lm e r ,)ooes, 'wh o die d uf l e r f\' "I11I BI,,':rI ' Itt 1(1 ""'1 .,,' :, ,; iln r Q F .. -II f ' " IY~, :(1) IJ 0 00·. AJlIJ!,V Iip6nt 80ve r ll l dllYs b e r o' w l th fr ie n d s. nil ogerill g illn e~e o f oun eumptl on . u 1"~ , lnh,,.l l·"" !". r" ll n!!" r'''''I;" n~ . 10 \Ir~ Auni" 1I Ih bor1>l . fl, 0 . 'I, _ _ __•• _ _ Wh e n y o n uol d l, cu urug •. 1 0 ,I I HILI' r-:l r/l'~, I: ,lpl" "'·n r- . UPI:,!!". \\''',1' 110'<\' 11 /''', Clhl o M r. fin d Mu Lewi" 8oa r ~ . of J ofrf\T~ onv1I1 e, s pe nt l:lund tl Y with !\du. d espono on t d o lIu t gl\' O Il\, IJln ( hi;,' lI arl1 " "", J'·I",oI,',nontb ldu Howe ao d s on , H a rry . a d o~e of Chnmber!/I ln 'A T biOI illll! Rntl hl~ ,III" tnr I"r",· . o:l r of /lIlY wll nted 111 elle y o u n r o ulmo8t oe r tl'ln t.o (""I nil ,I, l l'U I' Ill ;>.! ' Mrll, Mll ry Ke nn edy Is e llto r taln, M"r r o w 1"flAd ,~, l:3 ullpl y Uo. , rlg ll wUh ln 1\ /lilY Or t w". Dc. \ ' . :\ :~nl r , . 'H't log oom Jluuy from Zao es v ille, Ohio. l\[ OI'TlJW. Ohlu. all spondonoy Ie 'Very o ft en dUll t,1I (11•- -Mr . Ilnd Mr s. W . L . H a rvey. M r . digestion und b t110u sne e , l'Of wbich and Mn ETlm k o'l o i ree and d~Ufl b 1o((JI1,1 jl)Una J rAey Co '~, jtlst, 1l""l n~.",' ,I my flHIIl I ",(II "nil nl ter , Mrp. Ltlllra H arlan . Mr. J . B, fr .. h, A Iso on e I,nnll cook Mrs. Cora Tbo UIPI Ot l bas re t urned theae tlibl e ta a r e eSJl oilllly \' lIln tl blo l' ultl!rJ A 11 1'1 I"" "'I nlY fu r "l , 1 nlli<' S bidllker, MI81!88 P~ oline and G1ad- from Am orita, O klaboma , wh e ra Ubtal o nble e vorywho re , ", .. ,I ul IJnf\'fy~I'ul'I{ , o n Ilt ".A \·"on, Sf,)\'O In 141'10,1 (' onrl\llo n . Ll n ctlfty dlB Harlo.n and Mr. and .... 18 . · Wm . ebll epent • man dmlllbUnl five ~I'l1l l't~n h" ll . W .. yn~~ vill o, Ohld . \{ o 'III , (on McCarren autood t o Brown ooooly weeki ",Iah her Ileter Mrl, Alexan. (JW - A fr osh now fnr Bllle.4ntl a. T llcsdny, Iklollc r 2 1, 1'J16 aod dlfferont polDtl a t ia t ln ost on der. ~1l j)11 IHI. API,lv t,o.1. B. 'hULltiun d ay I 1l"Hillll l1 '~ lit I f) ,, '''11I' ic lit" ( 11m",. Mrll O. R UD g!eeby aod Hies '"~ ". WRV IJ R\'illo. Olllo, f or Inro r . Y ou OURb& t o see tb e Urand 0 •. Irene oallacl on Mrll, (I"rrol Deatb . II ~ pr<'I"'f \. ' )'1(' tlOI~' , I ('utll l' "tu Lh ,., oll r age building . I t la eo m et hln g erage tla turdllY afternoo n . ;;~t ~hl'l P . 1· ;U 'III In1pll'JrH',1 ' ~ Iltl O I n l"l ~" nth . t 1rt','h e.. w o rth epefl kiog ot and '11'111 800n be Mr. and Mrs. Jill, Gray vli!lt ed oocupled . 'J\nullol 'lJlldfl hnn w n n ll IItty II r~nl(' \belrs on P e rry and daugbter MyrUe A 8poolal p r e aohe r , obou & t o A • J. " \ ' A,,' III >tfl~~ . Mr. li nd Mr s , W IlIIfl m ('!r Im es and 10 Fraoklln lever.:ll days lae ~ 'Week . oond t h e pulp i t In 1\ o'J olltr y "hllrt' h (;d the Miami Gazette Now \\- n . of I~I. \ 1'(\' Mr. fi nO Mrs . F raok tl hl rl ak e r I t· Mr . aod Mrs , W . '1'. JordllD and WU II . . ked If h e w onld lI~e ""}' W . 11:. It '~,' " II, l ' lt'rk , t e .ldod tbe B ll mlU oo fnlr Tbursday , dauuhte r and hlr , Paull Brown w . r. I peclll! by m n to be Bong t o n :~r~" i .. ",Ub 1118 lIerm on. I The ClvlO League mo~ at Town the I:!uoda,. loolts or Mre . John "No ," h e r eplfad " "I\R II llllltt s r tJf Ball BaturdllY aft erno on and B&. JordGn and family , fao&, Ibardl yk o owwh u~ l hIlI g o ing I ,·.'Iil (,f1'>,,· III 1'"I,lio ""II~ " lib .. t ended t o matters oOllllnll unde r Mr , Tto • . Rlcb lod d aollMer Inez t o lIay I1nm I a m In t·h e plI lJ1lt. " I' t o r llsldcnl'" "I l\l rq .J. \ :, , l flT riH Our oounoll III t h e ir sope r vleioo "u, w e ll . In t b .. ~ cllse, " sn ld Ih (' 1deC'6Il Q "ll III ~I'r"lnhu r (', " hl ... 'lt~ T hi- ,li H(' Il,q Ahltnlll lx,truntl'<l II R RnOIl taki n g atO llS t o ward ,he 1I1Zht pro po . s pent Saturday In Lebvlnoo. Mis e Vi ola J o rd a n vl sl teo n ear vloar, ., we h ud !Jet! ... r 11 l \' L' ti lt' _ "., lit ,.. Itt'ht t1111101 1lT,,1 1 Of" ' n.'~g nf t.h l:' ~ it io n In !\ead eflr oe8~, t b e p eopl e o f h'y mn , 'For T h oso nt :-icll . " Slllllr.ln~., 11, l nl,e r 21. Jllif. '" .\\',·1, "PpPIlI'". Whl'll this III dOIl[> " I,hl s mU IlIClpall,y w ill h8v e' l'\ ob u o ~e U tica s e ve ral dl1Ys the p ast we e k . uf!, J o bn W o lfe s lleot, Mo nd ny II I I ' I -i lt!!I., ,I".!",! Chlllllht'rlllin's Coli c. C hi'll · ~o elec t o r r eJ eot ' tb e pro p <JM ltlon , ... ---+ - . --"I,rIlLtIJC ul , '" ()nk 1,lt .. r.. l , l I '. a ll'\ Dianh" ,'" RL'IJ\Nly w i ll ~ rr,'c t" I, \\IUI-: It It-"I· .. I'I l~oo,I .. : . 1(l \' 1I1I "11''', 'I'I ,11l l'~ tlll'(ly C>l l\ ulwrn'ij be (le' There s hould bo no ODe to objeot. a s lIod Toe~(1"y wltb b el,' aleter M rs. ' ·u r1',·I", ('1",11", I't A lo t II I \.JII.·' I 1"'11, 10,,1111"011 el'en III tho III DA t ee\",'re nnd tile 008 t, o n eaoh ooe wl\I be v e ry O' N ean who II critica lly III at t,h e P rod ucing Colo r ed Silks. )1:11 1'.)o lH l Hu\:;:,I' ,1,," ,,' rull:' C I\.~ I·~, au (l 8h n ltl be kCllt lit sm ull an d t ho good derl veu will be h om e o f b e r daogh t er Mu. Oha e, It h "s h, '<,o 1'0 \1\1' i IlIrlt I" r l·," lIn~ '!'"rm, milO" kn o wn 11 oj" \. o f w,dl' It.IlI' 1"':Hly for InAt.f1Jlt II • N ver cavil ve ry gr eat. II wlIl l\dd t o t he vlilu<! War wiok n e lor Leba non. Mrs, Waite and dllt~i h tBr Attie 91I k w"r1tl~ 11111' 1.1' "" IIlUIl ,,'rl·.' ),011\"" W A . 11~HIII 1''1', ,itt,"t"l'" t,jOtlrn('Y wilhoutlt. of y o u r l e lol estu te. No ooe wante 10 huv n hom e If they 0,,00 0' see nnd eon Wllllim uod tamlly w e r e IIlld I'lIrlly (ll\' , IK;)"" 1.. " \',,, 1",1 1. ,·X \"'-1Il lll~ . • \I1N , w b e re tb ey or", g(liog, Th e p r op'll!l "he l:!undtlY Rll ests of !~!r e, W o lfe's "1',,'1\1'1 )' ,'url'ltt l wl l h lh (, ull',· "'" "< "r Uon nlade by Mot;n r r OD BroB. 11\ ~l8 ter Mrs U eo. BO!!ll o , ti ll' t\\'" r,,,,, I ~, Ih' y 1'1111 10.' 111'1', I, ' - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - s urely . ory ge n e r ou s nnd t h e y Mr . an d Mr ~. H a rmoll Moo r e und 11I',)(luv,' 1'1'11 :till! hi li " .. Ilk, (',Io't'i'oi s h on ld be oo n g r .. t nl atetl ro r t bel r fuml\y a nd Mr. An d lItrs G. t,: , (li n 'Ull hilS h""11 olol,<ln"1 h." ',',dlll~ 400 TYPEWRITERS! kind offe r nnd t b alr nea r ts li r e I D.. vl8 and s on e p e n t ~,uoday wi t h tl II1 " ' '''IIIS ' H< ll~"d 11""'-, I'll' Ill ;, HI'\ll.V"I"I:o.:jf! I~, ~M t T l1 . t 't( p;~I IKn" Ihn rt g h l pl ~oe W h y d o wo wllnt ~r . and Mr•. E . C . ""D n o D. W(·tll IHt i ~ 111'1 )l 1'adk'II'J! I' $ t 2 1'("" '(.lUr I 'lll Ir~11 I.t'arn J'qu·Il r llilJ.,M: Funera l Director '1 '1 I I 1(\\1 j { ':no d H~n.: \ ' \V-1, 'I!'1I I lII,t rll.'t ,fill H ook 1,0 1(0 t.a Duy t o n 10 ge~ o nr li ght? I I I and E mbalmer, Mr s. B llnnnb Rl oh vllll,lId h ~ r 1111'1',· u , ,':0 .... to ' ":01 ' '''. ,." VII:\o: ,\ ,.k Putr o n i'l.,! h ome e vo r y t1m ~ yon 011 0 ; g r (1o ddB tl g bto r Mrs E arl Urn dof}' , TlIw ,I II, '" yo:l l"" OIl' ~: .\ll'lIlL )' \' 1'1: 1',,' ,,11 I I ', Hu 'I,.!". :'I . Y. It i ~ t h o h a hit of HOUl e of 0 \11' oltl z q'lS ~ Wa y n esville , Ohlo."~ a nd dlluRhter Mrti , gi ll s Spray ' be ~~~~~~~~~~~~.....--~_ _....._ _ _ _ _ ~_ _ __ __ _ 10 pat r on !\'. f oreig n oorporatlo n s . pUll t w ee k. t1 ll t Ib nt no t of l: 0ur pystelll. l eave Mrs . B A. Ellie fi n d d a o gh te r . ._ __ _ __ _ _e_IlE!!!llI!!l:ll=nr.t:~!l'lm:I!lInr...../itl'l~3;III''.ilIt_IIlI=~0iI_~ t Wtl Ita v.' Rr rl1lll( ·.) w itlt an unnol" t,ho m o o oy at, h t1lll O By iloi n g t b at. ;; t.o 1; t\ I' to t{\l t fill nulo, ~o we will btl we Olin h u ve beh e r 61r oet». b ette r ~t..bel speD~ T hursd u y flf ter (Joo n alr le I II f ur nish CiLh r un auto o r wl\h tnr . IUld Mrs. thrmoo Moo r e. tlv Pry lh io g fin d W I' ,<;>111 thl ok b ette r h " r,~e llrn\\' n funeral. t\f OIJr n eig h bo r . We wll lu l)t be so Mr. and Mr s . Wm. G r i m o!!. Mre HoLh ph ncs inOfllue and RAlsi denee. en olo o !! o f , 0 11 0 (luLt,ho r - l,b e n ho FrRnk S hldflk e r a n d Mr ~. E r nes l d i!lttloce ,No. 14; Home p ho ne hoos i ll ra i n~ t Olld cif k nooko r ~, Yo n Mon n on lind f tl lll ily s p on t F r ida y k'now tlJ ll t e \'orv w ord or l hi s I ~ witch Mr. a od MrA. <Jeo. [) ~v l s tro e , l' b e 0 1vl o }.e a g ne are t o be /, . Mrl'. Olne nce Houi h a n d ohlld r e n I)m ieo d for tb elr effo rts put f o rth In of Wllmlnlltoo s p e n' 811ndllY with l\ra llu [al't~II ('( l of l',HC beb fl lf ,o f t·be lI ~ bt, and there s till Mr. lind Mrs , A . B , T o.!mu ge . ,~' .... r e m Ain s 6 l ot of tbio gs y e t In whlo h Mr . Ob1l8, S~Bn oe ll, of Dnytoo , rlllly selec ted . lock , ('u l. " Ib e y 0"0 bo ve r y ben efiolal One ie s pent th e wee k end with bis f olks, ~f t ont "o d eleMionee r the voters to lll'('uratl'l.y to a ll s l:lIldard Mr, Chu8nce Ole aTllr , ot Lellfl n oD, 11\Y Hsl ele t,b e lr obj aotl(lD lI o d fl R8111t vlslt e(l bls aUllt Mrs. W , T . Jord .. n io m a k 11\1{ thi s oo e of ~h e prot rills t size'>. \\'l' ctt rr y dn 'is('d li t tl e to wo s in Ohi o T his CIlO be ~turd llY afternoon . 8e hili to Da'll' "Fl y ing Me rke!." lumh cr ill . l'\T nt l gr:1d C's L1 0n e v"; t h very II t tlo e xpeolle . The Juni or PrleoilJa Ulub "'Ill ho -slIi lalJlc fo\' \'arlllliS ente rtained by UlllS ilarie ShuHs ~Ittirday a"erll o,o n , pll r]los '. \Ve h:wc a ('a r

;,;~:~rolrk? O ~;',flllnJ,ttlsO,nClwllillrl oILI


.. c. tLuilL' \.





l I





aJr , ' ). u o ~ r, of 11lllki ug l\ \,I~II ti t Ih u " I" I >!o n A . H . l:ib un",· tlJ. (,"u"" ' III' PI nOl'. ., •I Alia Ali ce ChenDw l' lh _1'",,1,, ''"'.\ I rr I" I li ll Y" of I ~~ t w ('o k w 1l11 !I·"tI!\', - I', '''t I. Mrs., W , g. B O~l\ n Wtlft ollll flr1 t o Ullyfoll, ' Lobllo o n ea rly Mtl tluIIY 1)11 rnlo g o u 'I 1 ~I ('1 . 11 \1 H(wnO nl, ,, ' !Jrr 1I'101.h a ~ Mrs. '" H ' 11 r . 1\111 ". tr. r ,,,. llll",~ ,",' ON (III who Is lying ut tb p i t ~",I) 11IHI :'011'.0 11 .1 10 .\nlttl" \. 1., d oa l b 0 0 n a I) f JJII."l n ll. \' :"tl",1 WIt h :\1 ' ,., I ~ ,'I . . , . • hl r~ . r,,"K U I. \' ~L' "t 1:11", 1I1r, Sumocl WIl8nn ' ~ o n t er~lllo ed I r.1 A \I "'I II J es~o Uf1 l o e ~ lind tllUllly 10 dlllilel r" .. lllll r rr', ~ '" ' . ~ : ' '" :-;n ndn y . ' I:r nllof 01 ve l' ~~,', I l:t - t .', .\: I i I "I 'n' '",'


dtl l


I. H


, I' If

~~ -----



1l1l(· llltlllJ

r in t hi ~


To every customer, BO matter what t he amount of his purchase, Come and talk over your plans with us, We cali show you how to save money in buying all k inds of building mat erial.

If'l Ficti n M CnJl 's is S upreme ;" writ'~3 1\ New York s ubacrib e r . M "r; ,,\"




I ,2()o.o (i 0 d ll '", :'10 in



Mt it




t.' X -

M,-C ALL rAT· T ERNS I.ftd , n

Buyers Oet Quality Guarant


:on")"I,-. 11 \ simplh..- ... it , t.' C'un o my on, 1


lumlle r

All S.u pplles


~(l IJ "

M<C bf.L'S -~

to 11 " vnv.rfl m o nttlly~ i. t he

F 'l" h (u tl Qulde lind !-IoufOekeevi ow. Halper 'o r mOtt wornt n 11mu Ilrty u the l ml\a"dne i n the. \\ur1l.1 1\11 the In\r t ;lyl e. ev e ry rHQr\lh; ,tilth} JC'luth thi\ tI' (,Ill~'1Ii lIofll'!C1R.l dep" r\me. n , . In l.uu",",r1': . h ome dn:"",mr.1clllit. fancy W ~'''I


"ut r1 ......-.IV6 to llnhlC:o h"U.sC.W4J fk :\n d anVt: m.lUcy, ['Irh; t l on\y Sc Yo ~OPY t SOc: • y~ ·' r. ~rN!! ;OUR \llle Foncy.Wort. Cook ! !mS tN ith 39 £,"L,olrl ..r~t..-_ oad StAMPS fO R 3Z.po.~ ?'Iec.n PftUem B......


:I~i..~~: ~,!,J .'::"Mp~~~.: ~:t~'II:;-It~~:·t'·. r:J !:'!~'.!: ... JrJ ..... ,. "",./ N

TIlE IIcCAUCO.•llIW , In. ~l. N.. y... a.,.H.". ~HW&

Cl. . . . . .

Her Par ticulAr Sl'f.,.

"l\!nh ,,"!t ,. ',,-.·1 I'I:",1)1"I, ..H'ltt r nt'lll · , H I l I 't~': ~u' cl ull l In,' l' I f.,~. \i· ... ~I\J'\. Ollr phll"d, )1"0" " '1 ,,' 'I vi,,' n I ~

t ltl l·shn.\·,

Another Car Load

o TlA


.E!or·hll \,1,1""1 "II."

' h'

'I 'r

10> (if)

b O"'·" ' ... 1 I1U ... .\ .. f ' I: \ .',ur.






natl rue ·'

Coupon s

\'i~itors ill ll O l;jlrlugUolcl .



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N l'lloMoN 11,0 ! l,hoO 8

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U' I

pUl'eol1i Mr IInu Mrw . J

h ll;Jltl (I f Ills



Peaches f 1. ~5 bu.


Fnncy AptJl e~




~weet l' o tut oe~

'(' w Long Born Ch CBC Wt! iul'l's, Frankfo rt s

'- UHf



;.u Wrapp on g M"tcrl al .



I pill :.! p :q,(.1'



l{flu \\ II,


i ll ~ t

Brinl-( u s yo ur Egg'S we arc p aying' :t:!.·

we: 'k .

J( ee f\

T h Ir d t,l . n N eeded.

I\l~ .

FAI Ed\\'a rd ~ ant! w i fc, of OilY' wcre we"k I'll j::'ueats uf thei r !:!on , ~Ir. C. E. & I wll rcl~ and famil y,

'\11 :-:

fo n d

will SlI\'e It pnys to trad e at


fl 'III.ld, luc::: .,[ ~ :l .'· ' Jl1!Jll· I Ilc ' lIl.'\'l' if ( 1111(1 ~~(.tl t I '(j t i l 1\ ~lr. _ ilild Mrs . I'aul Hun ter ano I 1'1 ... ·.. "I' ~I,.III~ 1I",II'III'UU " ,1 )'''U r"und no n, o f B lut! 13nll, we re t h Sundny the til" II. I ,h,·u lol 111:11...' '"""")' nUL or !o( UUliltB of 1\1 rand 11'1 r ~ . Richard I '''''u,'' .. Y, · .. .. "" 11'" 1'1; ,,01 .J" h ns"n. "hut

e ros:), .



These cool nights you neerl one of

Wetoh for the Opealallla.len. 10• • ' of Our New 5.,1.1


Wo rld's Rainiest Region.

illrs. IXIvnn . ell n;, or Dayton, and Mrs eM. R ' yn Ids Ilnd daughter were 1-(11 sts of 1I1 f\!. Su san Arnold Thursday.


ou r' new stoves und so me of the nice warm conlrnrts and I3I11nk ettl. Fred's,

'rhe minI ~t r el: lon In tll, ' \\'Orld 18 I.h I\hn ' Itl hl1l ~ . ~()V mil es north of Ihe H'IY of H"n IlJl I, \\'h <!rl' III,' nnnuni 111'I" 'll'ltI) 1I1111 frt'<lIH'utly "xt: .. ~fl ~ 400 IIlCh"R.

- - - ..

- ..- - -


Lebanon, Ohio. Bfl.vlng rented my farm 1111'111 sell The largest lin of Men's and Boys' ", Puhlio Allotl n 5 . mll e~ soo lu of Sui ts and verc Ills und Ladies' amI Wn y neRvlllo, aDd 27.; mll ell Eust of • Misses' Suila and Couls, Millinery O r egoni a on etc. ever shown in Lebanon. Th'e Wed nesday, October 25, 19 16 S, l<'red Co . Beginning Itt 10 o'olook tho fol.

The, Fred B. Sh erwood Property 0 n 4th., st •• good. seven-room House. Furnace, Electric Lights. both kinds Water. good Barn and large Lot. Will make you a good price for quick sale.

. ·f·RfE·r. .····"·f·REif--..·fREm i A BEAUTIFUL AXMINSTER RUG -


Given absolutely Free to every purchaser of a



All ·Fuel Gase Monday and T uesday, Oct. 16-17, i One of these hand s01lle Axrninster Rugs, 72 inches • •


Mr. and Mr s. F. W. Hathaway Bnd Mr. and Mrs W, C. Dodd . of Leb· anon, spen t ufHlay with Joe Dodd and fllmily , of Mic.llalld ity,

long a nd :36 inch s wide, will be given absolutely free b y Th Gem Cit y Stove Co mpan y , of Dayton , Ohio. T hes ' rugs a re mad e of nl y the best material and 111 Ll IlUfactureu by one of the oldest a nd leading rug makers of ~hi s country a nd wou ld cost YO ll . G.OO if I ough t a t any store in this county. T he paLtem is ve ry hand "ome a nd pleasing and the most iastidiou holtsewife will be n!,ore than delighted witlL this gift . During this. sale the manufact urer will h a\'e an expert stove man to operate the King Clermon t and show you 'bow it gets a ll the h ~nt ? ut of the fu el. ] Ie will literally take this wOllderful stO\'e a pm t and expla m 1ts constructioll . The King Clermon t is tbe 1110St powerful hea tiug stove made and is the only hea ter that will bU'l'n ha rd coal, soft coal, slack, coke , wood knots or anyth ing burnabll' wilh marvelous result. , and bcsl of a ll, the price of th e K ing Clermont is ill reach of everyone. "fhe fire travels thrc<! t i ' lle5 as far as it docs in the ordinary heating stove before reaching the stove pipe, so that none of the heat i wasted up the chimney as is the case with oth er sto\'cs. The Big Warm Air F lu e takes in the cool air at the bottom of the stove and discharges it into the room a t the top of t he stov e-thoroughly heated , In this way the King Clerlllont keeps all the air in the room in constant circulation, h eating it 0 cr and over. .T hat's why th~ corner::; and floors a re . alway~ wa rm, even in zero wea th er. If you want to save stove money and get the best h.eating 's tove m ade, take advautage of this phenomenal ofler. E erybody welcome .. Whe the r you intend t o buy n. stove or not, ome a'nd sec the stove in actual operati 11. F ind out about stove construction and wh D you do get read y YOll will ·be able to ele t the s love th at will ave you tim.e, work and fuel cost .

Don't Forget the Dates

Monday, Oct. 16---Tuesday, Oct. 17

Mr. an,] Irs I, rank Alld re w~ and two children and Mi ~s Laura An· drews, of Will>: koneta, wele gues~

Welch & Dakin






l ~ns)

"n tl coil "s. W 1\)'IIu6 vlllo. Ohio, Ocl obor 10 . 1910. 01 3


we . k. Mrll. Ella Taylor. Mi ss Luella Hagan and Mr. Joe Printz, of Dayton, M r. and Mrs. Wm . Fogk"ong, of Xenia, w e r e • 'ul1d !1Y gucsts of Mr. lind Mrs, J . M. Taylor.

Rememuer I"red 's Grand Open inA' occlIrs lhis 'l'hurllday cvening 7 to .1 o'clock. and Friday fl llc.l 'aturduy af · tCrJ']lJon and tvc nillj(. Su uvenirs , fl ower. , mu sic ' T he S. Fred Co ., Lebanoll , Ohio.

T he new Fall Dres:;; Goolls of 811 kI nds and Silk.q liS wcllas Outillg Flannels , FhLlll1elettcs, Table Damn::!l< etc. ure hNe fo r your. inspecti'ln , rite S. F red Co" LebuT))n. Ohio.



Mr. and Mrs Q. H. She rwood drrlve to Cincinnati on FridllY to vis· it their daulChter. Miss Mary, who is connected with the Episco pal hos· l)i131 in that city. They were accompanied by thei r g uests, Miss Laverne .Jeffery, of Tolcdo; nnd Mi ss Mary Sherwood, of Orelronia.

------.- --

Drink Water Slowly. Drink coltl "'fit .r Alv ",I .I' YOll ur c \',' r y wurlll . A ~I p , h ('h l III th f'

lDuut h lInlit WII I'IIl1'U, 111 (' n swu ll ow('d, will do r(,l1 111M' J'OI)II Ullin a blg dillft laken nt. II b'lilp.

i• - --------

iL«~wis VI. Liv.ery

cl""fto tAil


John., Pllllutl ,! }

o f Mr. and Mr::l George lIamilton Illsl


And Nm. mb,r the rtf" i. 011111 l1iv'1I lVith . tOt II purcha,ed all and 'Aut an1l .tOt .. c.o"t"aot.d /(Jr will be cleIit'.r.d a"1I till fJ th i s J(J 1l 01" wi liter. . ~

Cf'l18. E.

Wlllmr or IlrO\'Cr Uutrd. lJ.'t


,J ust receive d from the Home Stove ·n., of I noiBn. » o li ~- 12 Heat in~ Stoves;:3 \{anl.:c ; 2 Hil l BlnstRCO lll0 amI 50e lh ' Ill . 11.. B Sides.


T::--l- --

II c

01 Ohto Warroll Qo·un l,. Way no Towulhl~ : AtU,c hl1lent. heto re S. G. J OY, J. biilo~ 1 \ ayuu 'I'owllJIhlll. warrell 00l1nI1. S .. H owell attend· On sbe ~Olh 01 September A I D. 191 r.. ~ I' . Geof'J('e Davi~ , .ald J uilleu I•• ,,", an ordor or .tuchment I" tho abovo ac. lun I"r tho 8um or sno.oo (dol.

ed the funel'al of at Clarks\'ill e, Sa tu r<lIlY . Mr. Davis W Btll n Ul' O! hcr of M rl!. Howell,


W. N. Sears, Agent•

lowing proper ty : (j U o r ~es, 8 Ullt. Mr. J ohn Fromm Ullrl fai llily, Mr. tl r, t Brood ~o"" lwple'llent,lI, 01·0. Jump at DISa g:eeablo Round Dnd Ray H nwke aud l Oll, uf Uayton, 'rtl r ms made known 00 day of 'rh,) IUlIg !!I' )'''lI I'll! oIT 11 'lI!Ul g n'(>- , l" n u I"" " lit Ih, ' rnl Ih l' 111><1 thing wenl week·end guesls of Mr. J . C. slll e. nbl' pI ece of work Illl' IU"I''' yu u wil l el1!'h 111,,1 1\ ' "Ht II ('X I III"r'II l lI~ ~I", I ~ HSlwke and fa mily . Will . TA YLOR, (1 1'('11,1 It . Tncl, \<' Ir on Ih o HI' t. Oot : /,lItl" Il I I.,· \\'11 111111; til (,,,"1(' In II. h e jill I W . N Beare, ADot. II I It ulld Ih o [l" c lul nil pote,'s "ul. "III llgllin III n tght. A 11,1 HII lin 1111,1 J . B . Ohfl.JIIU:iD, OIark. Mr. J ohn Chenoweth, of Kalamll' l1/1 IJ){t! ti ll' J\\'V tll' c lldln ~ nlll uf ttl t' ~O() , Mich., has bepn spending a week Hh' Vl' (H't 't.... II). Y ( HI IIUI,)' otltlt\' C Ih lt; with his parents Mr . lind Mrs. Ab ner Anothe r Lu re of Public ity. (llIrtl t'lIlul' ('11 1. 111,1 tI,. " ·,, wll l'llTli'I1)'" Chenoweth. of Haute 1. Notice of Attachment M ll l1)' Jl 1111111 U!JI)III" R 10 ~1I"1(' pub- , I,,· .,L1Il'r ('lit" J lI ~ 1 li S I'lIrll ('lIllIr. You

Mr. Dnd M)'8

During Our Special S ale which takes place at O.: r Store

- - --

Y'Il I LnulWY

yuu "'1111111 h:"' I' to hll\' " U 1111111 tn ~hntl[ ilt ",h i i'll "lIt1 "I' Lh ' 'I ri ng (I", lI\(lu k ey

I osl-A . )awl bet ween Waynes- \\ II ~ 11.. 01 Ill. " villlo!und Il urvey. hur!:, Fimler please - - - .. leave at Ga1.ett e oflic ol und receive r e o

Is a briskly moving tete alive with interest trom besionlng to end. .




Tippecanoe, hears that hi. sweet· heart Is dead. then discovers her tied by one of ber captors to a tree 3nd rescues her from pursulng Indlans.



IlI'!lI'ti, '( ' I ~ .\

l'O OH.

Is Toinette. David rescue her but fails; he takes part in the famous battle of

.--- - - - - - -- - - - - -

your eye on Sugar- nur pried is rlt!ltl

Let u ~ fill yuur ord"rs nnd

qu lzzlnJ,: hl~ frh 'lItI .J 1I'1I1~1It1 . :-':11 "UI' ch I.\" . \\' 111 1' nut wlI lI\llI1:' t(lj.!ll l h ' r, li p 1,,'j::1 1l II! ~ u :-:unl Ht'I '\\' j'r

tOil ,

Captured by a Band of 'Indians



G. A. Ht!lI unt! i.tll,i iy, l,f \\i lmillglllll, \\ It f"rmcriy liv~ d neu r Ly t. e, wo.:r\:! ill t OWlI


HEMEMHI'; J{, We sull ~I(lllre'~ (j"·,,, lill'·. ~I/I"I<' ·., (; ,," 1 \ Iii, lI ein;(' Villo.:gar, lI ci f' z' I'icld 8 . l'Ul'C ! Iive UiI, C'·I Sl· .. , \ ' hllrll ( ;, 01.1 , Pinto H !Ins , C ream of Iti c ', :h ickcn 1"1' d, l.· r:u·k,'t1 \·IIm. L d, e H 'rrin g, ~11I (' 1< '1'0.:1 , .'tile L 'ath ;; r, I." nt el'll ~, I. I'l l ':111: I .'quirl neer. U L:edur Oil , Ba rrel SlI lt . 9 I bolll~ lind U Wllrt' h ', ,, ~ l' fll !1 of tir ~ l elu ~ merchund isc and uur prices ar' rig ht. ::>1ll'1· ' !l 1 jJrt,·t·s U II dozen luts a llll lar!!'!) q uant it i()!\.

~ IU II'III :d d' l'

1111 '


.C NLA TA ----,- - --

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1" 1'('"h !~ al l i nllll'l ! Uyst 'I'S Chll rn (;0"1. CreRlYlc ry HUll e r ~dgell i o nt Crack er" - - -N,w 1':"1-( 111....11-Walnut - .----We hU\,1) Illlt Ut\VlIlI l'U,j our P' ic"" i ll rlgal·." and Tu· baccos . St ill hllvc plenly of :.I for .il: C i ~ar", al l r,c Cigars Ii f"I' :! ~.... all t:)c rup Tubaccos ti for ~:; c und the lIo.:~t Long P i ll,' ,. ;! f"r ;,,' Civ.a rs in town. _ T he ~i u tc r ~ I <!u l cln..,. \J lIr~ II ' l'~ lin TlIlllac a ... · illaeasil1~~ . Th" r ,' is :l r ':II.<III1. II . k ),(11 1 r II, '11! 1l I 1111 ~ :till,'U I il.

~t·lltl ... .\' ulli IH lt lt '-l Il P IIH ' i l l II l I .' "IIJ un'd squnn ' Funnel - II 1'1) 1\ nf 11I:ltt inj!' in front ,.y, ." th,' ",·01 0111 11': 1"" '-"111' f'lI" /I 101'1,1 .. of 1m I : it.: h'~ fill)) , I{ ;1. (lw ll('r III'" S"111 I II" I",!.tll ". II I, ,·,' llll· ,,,', l t .. can h11\,4' ~a rn e at l"1 ~ \lllice, [ II\' :-' 1'l\d, ' 1' ( lIkl.' II It H~Ii(· t ) h y 1!1t' IlI t'N·

We are showing our pa trons tit - Vl'T)' late~ t ~ t y 1e s in deligh tful variety- saucy 'l'urban. , fl oppy Sailors, severe Tum-aways , dashin g H elmcts, demu re :'fushrool1ls a nd ever so man y more, a n color , a lly d esign, trimmed or untriDl med. See the Festi\'a l and these !tats.



the llonl.· Sto\,,, , '0, uf L d ian ajlPl i..; 1:.:! lI pat ing S t O \'t\~ : :~ I~ H lI J..! "~·, :J li nt BI!J.!4t..; Lorne and f! CC tht'lll. .\ . 1:. SiUl',4. i ,'pl l l' l l :

October 19-20-21 Thursday, Friday & Saturday

See the Great Play


&I.'stet' ;:lUPllCr Hal-I

J..! t\'l'

r l·('l!~"t.· d

.J u s t

- - - -- -=



Fall F estival

Xenia, Ohio

" f M I'

·mude .

Nell' l·raek,·d Il,,,ui ny N ()W l'oll1lh Il rlll\!Y • 'el\' SaUl:! ' Illra I'r lllll!. N P\\I Seeded I ai~i l 's N \II I m:k Wht''lt FlulIl'

Danish Cabbage

~ll llCC lI a lll ,

L lIIlIldry S'lI!!,

COIl'ee ·OUpOll. Itl'deemed New Coods This Week

Y lIow and White OUiOllS

I ..

l l a::f\ . o

t ,Iall


I{ ~e I",. , 'with 25c wor lh of !"luke Whi t!' ' \lap, T he B" , I

ll o ll.u ~rllll i I.l.le wuuk-end ut, tu ~ I


rln ' a r\' ~c:hc~~1 \\ 111 luwl! IL

Orinp' ) 0\1 1' (


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-.~~ I( :...:.:...-

JlIp J~\l ·c


Special Values During

Friday Evening, October 27


Mr . Ilm1 &:Ir s, J. W B y lookilave It with rtlntlv 81

~ J Cl.ep ~ lI ~l r~nell and tam ll), 51lellt L. r.t o~.,11 Sunday mll: .tI111 . MI·a. A. W. Reo ves Is tbe g Utlst f .. I llor son Hll r r y II oil ! lunl1y , uf 11\0il. A l be rt ,lIlillt f Iladoll . \,1 ~ I l<'d II HlL1,I, In d , . h i ~ l·clal l\·,·' lI "rl' . ' ulllili.v . H nr t'J}.<n 8pl nk ll IIod fnm ily spo nl I. ~I w~, ' k willi rf' Iuti vu8 Doaf BIIlDi-'. B ..;1t"T \\·"').! , (\ f L,~b[!l hl!!, Wtl,; olJ e ~t<' r . in to wu r Ue dll Y l· \l·nt ll U1t11~S J mllllll BotHS t~ ,,181\101; b r i niece l\.Ir ~. Il. M . Bru b~t., of Uu,U Lau i, s 11 1l 1l~ul"w t\ IITOlIP. new L'l,lumhlltl . pattNIl>l. dark .. n.l Il.. !Jt,ntIJy mn n ·~ H. I,; . ,J "UUH .. Uonded til!) fUD ou l , I " f .. J1 (lI,htl w Dtl .... · Donklrk, l ilt.! .. J\n r. .I u l ia 1I, · I· j{ UIl . (,I' Day to/l, 1 1"~t w tt.l k . ;1lwI\1 ti,, ' \\ .. 1'1, "ud Wi t h ~ J r~ . ~ l lIry - -- - - . \~ iS,L


Osterly Millinery


r e~ u r ll!'d frolU II VI


hite's Store ........................




'. ,J. .h,\ ", .. re U'J ineS3 Leu:llnun'l,'ll esday.




lind Mrll. '\Vba"k r Silent I TU"~lIA'i' III oriuuflohl ' . " . S (' \ 'ntl:rhouse f(lr l\Ut O LI"c rY' 1 HII\'" IHI,l Mrl' . O. M. IIl1rs,ot Nil'" nr llplu, .pont Il VIU t of IU8L ! L A, .f" llll.) rm'ln I'IO!l In L;in in- wtt~k wlt lJ r Ifill v6siler e.


==- ..=-~



____________ ..



---.. RSONAL MENTION It ~~ ~-.-


Ohio• WayneavUIo, Ohio

A story of the pIoneer days of Indiana, when savage tribes tried to 'halt the progress of t,he sturdy frontiersmen, and of the famous' battle of Tippecanoe which preserved for the United Stat~s the' great Northwestern territory. A romantic .nd historical' narrative that is inter-' esting .throughout.

Our n SI'rill L II YI.'II LI.e 1111·I

1110\"' 111 ('111 Ih

I1UIll PY h o 11'1f( hl II'

hll\' 11~ "1l t u pn y ~I " l' UICh'I', or groc'r.-MIII·on l\' '\\·s.



.'uill n ' th ,'

nll1'c rill rrOIl. h ~ 111,,1'[' M Ih,' c"I ~ · I Ih HIl I II" ,·" IIr(' IIr )"' " . I,II I I ~ llri ' r you IIr ' ' W il l' tllf'r r will 10" r ill s t o 1,ul ou t

bilker '1'h"I'c

_ _ _ _ _ ..

Rvun~-- -


('\ " ' 1'

II n.1 h 't In lIr1ll IIII( co"t. '0, "rl c r ull, wllllt II; til ' llHC ?- Ji:lIUStI S 'Ity !;;tllr. \ Saturday Holiday. T he h()l:l\lnllll!~ ur tI", Slllltrtl l1 ~' IlI,lf' ~"l1u"v ' "lght 10 .. I rn cc,l (,' nil ,0I01·""1<' "L1ston; uruollg ,,,"lhL'rll pl lllll.,I'';. '" h.. Guarding Against Fire. In Austria . Sa tut'd ays." S:l~'~ 1'l'(JCessnr ~Hl1rfll'41 In As, u IU'I'\' C'nth'(' t1 )wl lI"'l (In' All~" "'I'.h c St"ry uf Ag r ll·llllu ..... .. "r"r "1(1,, .1' , 'I'IIl II lu \\'~ r,·r(1l1n·. d":"llIllgM ,,,,,I b u slLho wh ole or l\ [1111'1 "e LI,,, ,10,,· I h,. ll .. ~" hnll '('I, 10 10" hllllL tllI'''ll!;l,out (Ie sla ves w er e rpl ,,"Mc,t f!'lml 11,.1<1 ' :'·OI·k . N" lIti mute rl lll11. . . • In nm!>y cuses I h.~y u sed thI s I time nnd Sllllduy~ III whkh 10 ullrn ,I In Pr aise of Lif e o n Farm. . llhllli'Y ror 11,,' ," ~ ,' II' ~s I,y hiring out 1lI111 l h)1 ng Odll j"bs. T hiJre w('r e LIlli ny )f ~ \·.cr.S ~ ' hl1 t l \\' t' l'I I.l 1I U 1I 01l1t) hIR III II" /'il III which Slill'"s purdlfl ~l'd (\'\'('r,\' 1I0 1l1P III it gn rtll'll , Hlor-;l of Uta t h e ir Ire,·;)"", 1111,1 thllt or Ihe lr f ll lJl II · 8.)1'1111 III:" w,,111.1 dl ·np II""r. Mom l : Be I!!II wllh lI1onoy ,',u'nct! III U.18 \v1I.y ." g lut! ~· .. u Ih'c UII n fUriu.

---_.- ..---








w. N~~;!~S I Real Estate

Insurance Office Over the Postofflce Residence 45-2






Office 61



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,. . . .. . '\

FIVE AND' TEN CENT STORE Hoods, f or Children . .. ... Edging, late pattern, yd . . New Scrim, per yd, ..... Gingbam Aprons ... ..... '. Glova-Cbildren, Men and Women , '.' . : .. , .., ... .. Handkerchiefs . ...... 5c, Stockings ..• , . , , •. , . , • • • Socks . ••.• .. •. ••... .'. . ..

Boys Pants , ... ... ., . .. . :,



lOc lOe

Candy Day . Saturday,Oct. 14 is t. be a nation·wide event a nti we will supply jour waatsin the candy line. Tbe


price is not 10 large as you would think. Prieel,per pound . , ... , .' 15c aDd ,1 20

W.toh fir t•• 1,,8nlnl Phillips' ---!.----::::-~--:--=-. 1.ltlll..11II1 . L.:B;ui1cUa='~=::":"~_;;;;~.

Sixty-Eightl Year

Whole Number 3392








IiPisONALMENtiiIi"TIPPECANOE" .--~~----+

Sec I rY lJ'l a ll'~ sper'iu l Blan k e t Sale.

See HYII 1[ln's ~jlccill l U1a nl<c l Sale. W. N. Sears was in Clarksvil le last week.

F. W. Hathaway wa!'! ill Daylnn Saturday on bu siness.

"Tippecanoe" Is the name of our Mr. and Mrs . E . V. Barnha rt were next serial. which we will start Uc tober 25. T he story il told a8 a Cincinnati visi tors last week . truo chron icl of that perlod- 18lL and tells the s to ry of the battle ot ndorw ar at Tippecanoe Get your Winter in the Indiana Wilderness Hyman· s. 'r his beautiful story is g raphically so t f orth by SI1 Ill11 cl McCoy, the illusMrs, S. Ruddick, of Cincinnati . is tratiom'l beIng- by DeA llon Valentln~. vis iting Mrs . Viola Harlan . It is a prl'tly ~ I o ry as wellal a viVId account ot th e trials of the pioneerlt Mra ' Laura Mosher is viHitinj( rel- ot that llate. You \\ ill be enlightatives in Cardingtun and M t. Gilead . ened a8 well as srratilied. for the t rou ble you take fu r followin« this ry for a short tim rt. Myer Hyman a nd family anel W. ~ toToinet te, th e heroine is captured A. Bene('ke and family . were Dayton by the Indiun~ and David tries to visitors Sunday afternoon . r apture her but fail~ . He is told that she i~ dead hut later discovers Mr. and Mrs . B. II. Kelly and Mr. her in an Ind inn cam\, tied to a tree, and Mrs George Mark!i spent Sun- from where he (' apt ure~ her lind reo day in Dayton with friend~ . turns her to the fort. It i!l a briskly moving tule alh'H with interest from Mrs. Esther Stou t and daullhter, bel{inn inll' to end. Read it. Mi81 Maria visited their r elatives in Lebanon Saturday and Sunday .


At a meeting of the "Men of Mol" . . . fIlW" III~ l wt'ek the subject of flood F. C. ~arel' was a vlsll or 10 the Jl revenl ion was taken up and diS. \Queen City Saturday. . cu ssed II I length and a committee of live was IIpJlointed for that purpuse I Mrs. Ralph Smith spellt lust week Th e committee went to Lebanon und with reilltives in Wilming ton . hllrl a conference with the counly nflicilli tl. als? with .~enato r HOlden i Get your Winte r Unde . wear at and Judlle Clark. H mun's A perm uuent flood prevention y . committee will he ap\)Oinled allli th e I , entirl.! Miami V'llley will be canvassed I Primary ~IMs of M. b Su nday · with a view of eRtablishi ng a ~on . school WIll gIve oy~ ter supper Halservancy district lowe'en . The objector the" Menof Morrow" s"ems to be that of rlredging the John A. Roberts, of Chicago, visriver and in places straightening the Ited with relatives and ;friend s here r ive r !Jeri, IImllhe whule thing looks ' Iut week. feasibl e and oUKht to be done. Ther.!! seems tha t ~o help c9;n Mrs. Julia Donavan, of Indianupo. hegult en from .the counly. hut If llia,lnd ., is moving into Jerry Ennis' til e state c~n bl' Inte rested It m.!lY be house on Thlru Htreet. thal the thing can be a('com Ph8h l'rl' l While Waynesvil ls has neve r ~ uf · fe red from flood ravages , only 80 far I B~y your boy a Mackinaw at Hyall not bei ng able to cross the avenue" man s. yet they are for a better condition I of things Il)at will hf·lp other tOl~n8 Frank Zell attended the auto sh ow along t h\! rI ver, who are y.ellorly Ill · in Cinci nnati last week, anu brought undatt'd by t he heavy rains that home a fine new Buick Six. I us ually come. Walter McClure attended the Na· I tional Funeral and Embalmers' Ail



"h i I·lilt ,·" ,'l ll l <' fl'l':II II' FniU lIlI ll , Oil .,. I hI' t1 111:~ hll' of A.lllll rll\ Furrullut. bl'lIl/; Lurned ul I:;lltilllorl, M e., for lIl' COI'fI'l' III It .. r I'''· el.~. whl"'l I,. \l'OJ·tll Ilhnul $30.000. 'Xlll! "csse! buruod ull !Ill)' nnd ul!;itt. '1'1 1.·

Sweaters for Men. Women and Children at Hvman's.


SURVEY MADE fOR '\ IOciati? Columbus lsst Thursday Dr. DIll, Osteopath 21 S. Broa NEW BUILDING way. Lebanon. Ohio.






Mra. Edith Harris visited he r brother. Charles F. Mosher and farn· ily in Cincinnati. last Thursday and Friday.

YOUNG LADY WILL BE MARRIED Invitation. were received here last week announci ng the Imarriage of MiS!! HOlamond,daulI'h ter of Mr.anri Mrl. W. J . Dakin . of Hannibal. Mo • to Mr. Louis A. Lane. of LaGranie. (ia.. which will hike place at her parents' r esidence in Hannibal Wednesday. October 20, 1916. at 10:30 o'clock. Min Dakin 19 well known her•. havina- IJpent a groat deal of har tIme with her II'randmother, Mrt. Amanda Wright, and her many friend. wllh for her a happy future. The younsr couple wIl\ltO to houie· keeping at LaGran Ire. and they will be at home after December 1st.

"Not now. but in the cominll' yeara. I Frank J ones and family. of Route bv-,y Folk" It may be in the better land, S. Intend to move to Dayton this he'b.r the. whiz of MIllS Edytha Macy, Mr. Myron to take charge of a boarding We' ll read the meaning of these County Surveyor Howard Collett, wpek, P'b."iJ\9 ye~r.,. house. . Keeler and Merl Turton. of Lebanon, tears, complying with an order. received Let othe.r pe.ople 1'Y\Ue. were the dinner guest s of Miss from tile treasury department at Ani then, Oh then, we'll under· Helen Marlatt Sunday. W8lIhinglon, D. C • thraul{h United Missl!s Cecilia Snook and Mary r\013e.etand." States Attorney Stuart R. Bolin at Sherwood. of The Chlldren'a Hos· 111 Jv"t be. one vho Jih CA;llumbua. on 'l'ucsday made a aUr- pltat. Cincinnati, were week·end Mr. and Mrs. Ridenour and child, tond hebor,. Alwilda Cleaver, eldest dauahter vel' at the propoRed site for the new iunts of relaLlves. of Trotwood, Ohio , were the gueata t\.,.~ of Lev.1 and Mary A. Cleaver, wu government building at the lIouthof Mr. anll Mrs . George Marka sev· born In Warren county,. Ohio, March eral days last week. ' east corner of Locullt 'and Walnut Just landed-Another car of the 30, 1853 In the year 1866. when 11 Itreeta. The site included the pr$p· Celebrated !-meriean Fence. Come years of a, •• ah. gave her heart to ertles owned by Dr. Auber Peebles and get It while the assortment is MI'II. James Beirne and two children God and her hand to the i'ree Baptl~l and Auditor Harry Gaskill and the not broken. A. B, Side~. of Cincinnati. spent eeveral dllye church at Beech Grove. On Octo west end of lhe HORworth lot, and here luI week at the home of ber 3, 1872, ahe was united In mar· comprises a e of 120 feet on . ' rial{e with Willis H. O'Neall. Thll,. C. H. Smith and family . Locust s treet end 174 on Walnut. Raymonu DaVIS. Dean Howell. G. union proved to be ODe of hearts as A comprehensive survey Is required. J. Wate~house. Oscar Sm ith nnd Dr. Mr. Collett having to mark the posl. J. ~. MIller attended the Auto Show ============~ well as hands, and for forty· four Just received from tho Home years they have trod Iife'll checkered lion of all buildinis, tree., wirinK. In Cincinnati Thursday. Stove Co., ot Indianapolis- I 2 Heat. oath way tOjfether. As. minister', pipe Iinel etc., located on the Illte. n~ Stoves; 3 Rangee ; 2 Hot lllasts• wife she Will a true help· meet, kind He la alao required to mark off the See Waterhouse for Auto Livery, Com e and see them . A. R. Sides, and tender In heart. of a. jOlllal dla· location with cement posta and takel Many of our readers will ram emposition ,h41 made f.riendl! wherever this as an indication that the depart· W. H. Ailen arrived home from they went, espeCially amonK the Harry Linder Bnd family . John b<'lr IIt tl ~ Ruth Alcorn. who was ment is in earn ' Bt about pushing Indiana Saturday afte rnoon . Mrs youna people, In whom she was deel)' Linder and Charley Pyle and family. ,stricke~ with Infantile Pllraly~i~ a the matter of purchase to an early Allen. who has been in Massachusett s Iy interested. To this union four of Waynesville, visited Mrs. Olive short tlf!16 alCO, anel her cond~tlon conclusion - Wilrnirlgton Democrat. for the past two weeks. met him at dalighters were born , all of whom Pyle and family Sunday - Clarks- was conSIdered dangerous for Ii tllne. . but later adviccs say that she will Xenia. The Lebanon Unlvsrlity Intend. to ville Herald. A plea is being sent out for help were permitted to aselst In carlnjf ~or probably recuver. Her mother. faira. . mother during her laslllickneaa which broaden Its leope u a lolat of learn · Alice Alcorn, was matron of the Mrs. Louisa Woolley, Mrs. Aman- for the Alballlanll. who are dying by was of nearly a year'lI duration . Ing. and they are tryinlr to iet back Mrs. Priscilla Compton, of Day to n, da Maffit. Mrs. J H. Cole man. Mrs. hundreds on account of scarcity of During this Illness her 8ufferinK was to the once ·tim. popularltv ihat the came down on lut (i' rlday morning Friends Home for a coupl e ot years. D. L. Craue and Mr. Chas. Cornell food . Help has heen extended to ali intense, at times almost more than to villit her m other. Mary C. Salter· attl'nded the funeral of Mrs. J . Hoi· other nations but thia one. W. W. mortal could bear. but her grace old coll~Ke had. In order to do thl., thwaite. She was joined by her Boward, who has but recently reo a!ld patle~ce !'lever lett her, neither a committee ie canvaasing the county husband on Saturday evening . They land at Xenia 'fhur Bdll~ turned from the Far East, reports did ~er faith III her Savior waver for to i'et the 8upport and co·operation returned to their hom e on Sundny Just received tram the Home that other countries bave plenty, an Instant. On Monday mornlna-, of all Ita altizens . evening . Stove Co, of Indianapolis-12 Hl!at· while this little country ia starving, October 9. 1916, death c.a me as a wei· way. In order to Il'et thel, co·opera· . T'~e cltlz ~ns of Lehanon voted on ing Stoves; 3 'Rangea; 2 Hot Blasts . eating the carclIsses of dead horll8s come rellet and the spirit returned tion. . tJ God who gave It. Beside the the Issuance of bonds for a new Come and sec them . A. B. Sides . found in the streets. Edward Sweeney . of t he I. O. O. F. The University has coneiderable Any little remi ttance may be sent Borrowlni husband and daughters, backing Ilt the present time, and it Home. Springfield, Ohio, is visitinsr IIchool house Saturday and the Issue . to the Balkan Relief Fund, 70 Fifth she leaves two sisters. nine arand 18 the Intention to g'et t1 50.00U in hi. dau~hter, Mrs. l<'rank Carman wss carried by an overwhelming The High School ball leam went vote in favor of Ihe new bulldingMr. anfl lv!rs. Roy Hathaway . of Avenue New York City. where It children, many rel~tlvell and a host order to put up more adeq uat e and family; Mr. Swe~ney celebrated to Kings Mill!'! Saturday anrl were 623 for and 188 against. It looks as near Cente.rvlli e. Mr. and Mrs Sher· will be thankfully received. A new of friends. not only In thE! home com· buildings. An endowment of $200,000 hi. 89th blrt~day FrIday. He says defeated 7 to 1. 'fh e boys. although If they· needed a new buildinll man Rogers. Mr . Eno! Rogers. Miss ship Is ready to take the contribu. munlty, but at every placl! they have has been lately given to the Univer· he has not ml !l!!e~ a meal fO.r ~everal th oy hael heen practising all week. 'for their schools are thronged this Francis Wrillht. of near Ferry. and tions direct to the famished country, had pastoral work, to mout~ her sit}·. and the income from thi., to· year~, .and that hIS heallh 18 1'1 fine fail ed ' to lJIake good . This will year. so much so, that store rooms Miu Lucy Emley were gue~ts of and the Booner the contributions are loss. But w. S€lrrow not as ,those srEther with the added money ex- condl tlOn. probably he the last J(ame of the had to be fitted up for the accomo· Rev. D. H . ~lmer and family. of lent in thtl sooner the little country who have DO hope, for. It faithful pected to be obtained throughout leMon. all the weather is lI'ettlng too will be relieved a few. more day~. oryears, at ~oat. dations t1f. the pupils. near Ferry, Sunday. _ __ ..: __- - we will meet WIfe. mother, f r iend . the county. has iiven the old college Misses Josephine Andrews. Mar· bad. and it games were arranged for in that BeU"r Land where death Is an Impetus that wi\l lurely bring It jorie Turner. Henrietlllo McK insey; they wo uld have to probably be canMr. and Mrs. B. H . Kelly. Mr. a stranger and part!n" unknown back into Its own. Dorothy Gebauer. Beulllh Kindler, celed. Saturday Pres. Holly E. Cunning· Marla Stout and Haz.el Mull en, and Mrs, George Marks, Mr. and Mrs. --- ~ - .... ham.vlce·preaident H. B. Marshall Jamc!! McClure.Mrs . Walter McClurt' '·We miss thef from our home, dear MeflBrs. Wm. R. Spriegel. Glenn and F. J. Bolender, of Chicago. called Johns. and Harrold Mill s attended Mrs. F . C. Carey, the Miss o 8 Hen .mother. on the citizens of our town, and were the Warren county Teachers ·ARSo, rielta McKinsey. Dorothy Gebauer, We miss thee from thy 'p lace. very much impre88ed with the hearty elation at Lebanon Sllturday. JOlleph ine Andrews, ClaiTa Hawke A shadow o'er our life II> I'ast: . reception they received by everyone We miss the sunshine oj~ thy face. MI!~ .Tennie Bowman, a Reader, and MpssrB. W. R. Sprlegel. Ray Mills We miss thy kind and willing haud, they called on. of Ada, Ohio. will R'ivo one of her and Glenn Johns saw "The Bird of The Edwards sillten, Missel Trll· The HarveYlburj{ Civic League Thy fond and earnest ca:re: entertainment.'! at the Ferry church Paradise" In Dayton last Thursday lena and Marlraret, are. Improving has secured four excellent numllers Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ellrnhart left Our home is dark witholllt thee. Saturday evening, October 21. Ad · evening. their prope~ty on ThIrd ~trellt. forthiuea.'«)ns Lecture Course, The laat week for ;Troy. Pa, where Mr. We mies thee everywhere , It mission, 25c, for adults and 15c tor They are bmldlng a nPow 12·f oot firat number, "I'he Varallo-Gross children from the alCe of 6 to 12 yrs See Waterhouse for Auto Livery . Earnhlirt has secu red a fine position porch on. ~h.e front of the house. and Orchestra Company" will be at the as a chemist In an EVlporated Milk CARD O~· THANKS It Is then mtent!on to atucc~ the Town Hall on tbe evening of October Concern. It goes with(lut uying We desire to express our Bincere entire house. which when fini shed 21st. Season ticketl may Be se. that Mr. Earnhart will make good. thanka to our many friends for their will make a fine home for them. cured for $ 1.00. General admil8ion as he la fullv acquainted with the kindness and Iympathy ahown us In business, but their friends in and our Bad bereavement lIn the lollS of See Waterhoule for Auto Livery. 35 cents . around Waynesville aTe sorry to lIee our devoteil wife and lovlna mother . Many farmers In this vicinity. ell· them go away for good. Especially do we thank Ilhe mlnlsten - - -••_ . and the sln~er. and tel those who pecially those who have bottom land. have been complaining about the contributed floral trlbul:es . blackbirds ateallnsr the neW·Bown Rev, W. H . O'Neall and Family. wheat. There has been an immense flock of blackbirds In'festinR' thO! trees on North street anlummpr especially In front at our home. The ownel'll ~ of tbe tr_ have tried to get rid of the birdl, but everythina that could be done was ot nO avail. While they were acared out of the trees for one Joseph Herron, an sged and eccen· they always . returned for the ·trlc man, who has ' been making hili next nliht'll roost. hoped that the, will soon feel the cold weather home In and around Waynesville for the past several years. WM found Mlsa Ruth Hartsock will pr.88~t and return to their Southern home. dead in bed Thursday morning · by her Spring Valley pupils In Plano - - - -. .. his sister. Mrs, Gee. Cart~rlg"t. RliCltal, October 25, 1'916, 'at the The deceased had worked all d~y the Methodist Episcopal Church, Bprina day betore, and ~eemed to be ID the Valley, Ohio. best of hllalth. Miss Hartlock will be assisted by The coroner was 8~mmoned and it Mrs. Barton Kelly, voice teach.r of developed ,that he died from a case thle place, These teachers are ar. of acute mdigestlon. Th!, fUlieral tlats in their work and a jfood prowas held Friday afternoon at the gram II promlaed. .. _ • Chapel, the Rev. S. A. Beall offi. clating. Intermflnt wu made· In Mary Whitlon, of Philadelphia, Miami cemetery. PL. I. at the Frleada Home, and i • --Rlvlnll m.truCtioDl to Sunday-School _ • Teach..... Th.. inatructlona are . . We ~re showing our pahons the very lat~st stY.les in , Office Over the Postoftlce de1ightfql variety- saucy Turban, flopp.y Sailors, severe ai.,en ID the corrlder at th.' Home, and abe lI .....tecI by Edna WUeoD, Tum-awaYS j dashing Helmets, dem.ure Mushrooms and of.Oak Park, DI. ThueIDl~cUo.. ever so many I,Ilare, any ~olor, any design, trimmed or Reeldence 45.:1 ' omoe 81 a... lIi.,en f.... to Sunda,y·School







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---.. --_.---MAN DIES Of, .............................. ..................... . .ACUTE INDIGESTION WILL GIVE ARTISTIC PROGRAM







A car of the very belt M.t and Stock Salt ma~, both Ohio River and Mlcblaan, coaneand 6n.. AIao·

a quanti.., of Rock SIlt.

J. WUI Wblte.

Special Values During


Fall Festival






Auctioneer Real Estate Insurance



October 19-20-21 . Thursday, .Friday & Saturday


te.chen, and all are unred to come

aecount of eoftditJolII at tbe and Mar theM able .... Ruth 8art.ock II NpQ






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untriDimed. See the Festival and these hats.

ladl.. It will

Reaa the .M iaml Gazette JlOW.

Osterly. Millinery




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b e n \n, t( ul co n Cll rt ,t uur :&ym l'hl' " ~' (' r 1t11"';;:f' 11 F X"t'pt\II IH4 Ch\'8U'1\ At tltC' .,·nntllll'IOr·s 1,' [1111\11 . .Jf\·C'ctIII r" I'll 111'1'1'11 1 Hlltld l1x, c1 ~ Ists l ho Il r ~ t ,'tollllts!" l;n'1I1H' t1I' 'slll<l ILl. ;\t:!I"'. !llld ll(lhln,l b ltll a r f' l\lo n'H l 01 III I! M .\llt'OI, " \ .I " IIlI "' " V" ~ IIH '" \', fll'i!l "IOlIllS, n lbo Olhrr slu~ p i tll o WII .. " II !It lI " lI t il .t I'I k II "";,,l,·.! lL''l\'n!' tllf~' t(\I(' {ln o llt' U Hlt rll llt' U !i 111l cond ur t r Li t tb o S~CO tlU ,· lollnisca. I " I ~ \ t 'r f r Mlf ll Ihl' li lt, , , , V l, r r t ll n l', But ",bAt ror ? The 010 questIon fro m Ills \·lslllll. It ra u!! (It' r''I'h'. Th ' ro \l' r.' J U~1 I1hou t a s ru nny <II ~~x r" l' tl .. n'" rr' "(tt' \"" \ " . 1II II III t I11'. came ro BIbbs wltb a' !lew d spnl r. ll ~ IIft"" the Ulln ' f ' II ' I k ttll' lU . ntl" tb"y we ro call"" Ullun l~l ," 'II,lrl' ll l ' , ( 111 11 1" 'lr ,~ ,M. H B r wb re bls eye tell hnd ollce b n . ~ Ii"" I •• ,'n e e. ' • <'e nn.! 1I 1l ~ \\" 't" "'-lln , 1 :IS th~ "Illull \" ',' ptllY whnt 6 l' tll d tll b ' JUhl II ,II Ill · r '\dll. "" I~d'l"lII~lm l , ' r .. f 1-'11 tll ll"I l1'een flclds and run ning. brooks ' nod. 'I lu :-thle It ~ I hll\ ,\ II£' (Irn ppC'tl til ' ... rt' ,' ('i\t'r .. , ,' ult DllIs. lr , '1'1, f' r w (' r e t Itll i lN ,\'b I' D \V . l'rll b llHc n . \It(' ((, r' l tl , (\f Il l. l)n bowlilld tile k,\nd nrtll bl'cn despoll!'.I : w illi n rl''''''. 11 ,' t .... lI\ h"''' "1.)I ~lI l1 y t he (l r~ t \'Ioll lls Wl' r lI ll l plll)' 11I1: at II lotllll1 \\' . \-" 1':II/.r" lh I.. ~ril ut e,1 and dlRfigured l T be ploueers bod bit- I liS hlll'lI'~" , 1 It III>. hut he tnld bl m-"" nil. und U II' tlI ' I/I,ly WII S bl'ln!l cnr rlc,1 leLlvCt t o tilll lJl'lI l w n f " rl!t \l' lt n , .lInt.hework, butlotb~lrOldagetb~lr l ue Wflli. wronlC- b,' hnd h('ell tIl l'lu k. l lI)' til<' seco nd " jull na. a\ " lhN tlm,'s. .J. B:, E .l\'Y \'" 1,:,1111\ E'lv y l\1 (' 11I'1~ oratonl bad snld for them tllHt t hel en- ,','t II ,,-n's n stnrtlln,::1y "'nllt iflll Ihe s<)coII,ls wero llln ), llIg 111 ulI lHlln CIt ,tI Ur tl ",,,d I.h "t n writ- of vnrt l. bad tolled and rtsked and 811crltlcl'd "Olt'~: "lunll n~ls kInd. tnn. tl ml Ind. ' Wllh tho IIrsls; nt sllil ()lh.'r lim,s; Uo o i~~ nl] t o tho I'll rll .. ~, • th.a t tlI~ posllerlty might live In peace 'n ll l)' like th" oue be bU II ;:e rctl 1lI"SI !ll"y wcr' carry Ing tb C' lr 0\\'11 part . .and wbdom. enjoyIng the fruIts of Ihe ' to benr Wll ho lll whIc h rh o IIrSI n ol lu8 wOllhl D"IIIlR Phllllp ~ \'~ " IIZ ,bl' l li Smi t.l. ea.rth,. WeI" th eir postcrlty was hl'rc-- \ "\','I1 '?" I Id hI I h not IHIV O so und ed IIko mucb. el nl . 8"I,e IIf r Ptll stl lul " r Cliltirtlll',1 1 0 .nd tbere wn8 only tur mo il, Where I 11 1 . 11l{'1~1I d' R own "0 co s nk· And IS nOl Ibnt lik e IIf f"! PC'oJllo IIl1d deed Ilr d ~ rl' d , "I hav e b een u s ing Arbuckles' CoITee for At some time every woman has had I t b all beeu 11':i4' I 3 Inu , yeMS. I think it is th e on ly colTc:!c rlt to wal tb e P1'0m Isedid? nn "~Inr ' " j llJut we cult secotld Ilddlt, r~ nro po rt h er coffee proble m - "b a d coffee. l\cw !'uils promlaed b, the soldiers of nil I he . ), or lho orcbcSlm thut ruuk 8 11 £ "6 drin k."- Mrs. A. C. W., Lay. Colo. m edium coffee. coffee that wus n ever wan; It bad been promised to this gen11" 1'f'"l'nn,1",1 \V It It two hu berl null . wUHle, The more promill onl I"JOI.le .J ohn H £)011 11,' 11 \' T he J> ' l u r ~ eratton b1 the ploueers; but here was I Inc rClllllnus wor.II! : " 19 II ?" , am holpl(,ijS with out t hem ; th e ru a ro t w ice the same." 'tlruIcIR<' C, l "l "lII Y l' & ul. ApPl'nl "We have u sed Arbllcld cs' CoITec for ten the yef7 poeterllJ to whom It bad been ' 'I'hf' I'" ",us !l II ttl " th rill or l'oUl('t1r lim ' s wh en lh oy clIny lho ronl Ul f)o f'r(lteJ ' tnl o I nrlll.· t,r!" I <': CJl I\JIl I~ "h)(J I y ell rs. :md 'h V O not yet fou nd its Sll pc rio r o r promlled, toillug nnd rl sltlug nnd sac- j ~1I,lf.lnU ghter, . Iu Lbo IIl" tnllll l' tlt. lody. \l'bo thu nUI"lln or Ca rl ylo wns A million women have solved the H.t'~ri t'llr llll . I ll. I A.1"l o Cu rlin equa l." - Miss H., Bessemer, Ala. 1.1I1Ils-I " llIlled to- just to sec If wo do lI ot know. bllt It thoru Il ud rlut rlftc1ll. In turn-for what? vor eo; g r "~K nE'{l 1(,(11, "r t1ul y . problem by serving Arhuckles'. Get The borah roar ot ilie clly cnme Iu yo.~-" .. ' b Il 11 ICUt's e th er would 110\'(; (te ('1/0 b'1 rL·t\ (I( B. \ es' \'s (il'n rJ,:p Ii a package of Arbuckles' Coffee today throucb the opon wi ndow. continuo usly I Yes-Mary? no {'arl)'lo, WnHhtngl otl' A a,lvl eo ro "The finest cup of coffee rever tastedl" Ileatlna upon Bibbs' car unUI he began I "I wo s looking when you were 80 s Ido m OlD to mil Illlnd s. but ho W e Rt. 0 vo rco ; IIh"pn co; tll' !;lect. and see why. Like th ese million other women you ,I , E. EH 'VY \'~ K ina 1';I\V1 Ni('h olri to distinguish a pulsnUon In It-.a bra- lJ(~ nrly run o '·I'r. I Hil l\' It. BI bb . They woulll ha"t) rondo dls tlllll ral!ur ij wltll. enn h ave your husband say -this. Tsn't keD a04 Irregular codence. It scemed' sl1 ld you lI"dn't been burt. t1,Py o ut th utJI. SlllDcon tUny b fur moro 0 1, H ~ , l'H r til1 n of ro u l o~ lut r, E veryone likes it. Morning after momto him that It. WDS IJk o 0 tltalli c " olce, lhotll:lIt. but I wonted to kllow for all' vl s lllle In your soe lrty lhnll )'011 IHO. The ' C'llrs 1It1c1 NIch olS ('nnnln /: th a t satisfaction worth a little time ing a million men prai<;e it for it~ fine, dIIoordaat, botlrsO, rnsW, metalUc- eelf." but h cannOl slny ' til r unl ss you Co . vs TUB \\'5 ' 11('<11'11111 L'RlI nin~ I and cfIi rt-wouldn't it be worth full flavor. \ V omen depend on It. Tn tb I t I A UI ... Lb "No. no. I wo sn· t burt at nll-Mnry. nud otb ers lik e you clo your own QuIe t Co . aJ uney: ti1ll0 ou t lnll1wu $j. ~ U ;I , j e vo De 0 lie 1:0... ):'tle. s . "n" r It Wa R f atb r wbo CUllI uen r It n while e ven to make a special trip to all these h omes, it helps make breakvoice 8ummoned Ulbbs as It 6Ullltllonet.l .. re . e part , Yo u can afford 10 play B coull . Itl1 ~ ~e ll .F, P.I rI.~ V ~ :-I "W e Mur. , all Ita servants sl\vcd me. IIddle. or nnylhlng c ia. to k ('cll the , glll'"t Parks. Oivoroe ; wllfnl ILb. • the grocery store for a packBge of fast a complete uccess. j , , "Yes. I snw: but y ou bad tallen, I mnslo golng.- 'Iolaud B. McAfll . 8e nco. tha t fresh, full flavored coffee a million "Come and work!" It "f'emp,1 to cll ll. conldn·t get throngb tilo crowd UUtil 1 ~;n l /llfl .Ir, u e F osta v::\ AI C'llu De "Come snd work for ;\1 e. 111 men! ny ,"all bad gone. .And I wnnled to know." other men are enjoying? Relld what a few of theae women lillY: r es tt', DI vo rco ; gl' ll~ B n eglool.. I ,"our 10utb and YOll r hope I 811 01mon "Mary-would 10u-lIave wJnded t~ Why He Liked the Camet . 4'1 r{'comm ('nd Arbuci£les' c orr, c 10 ml' ,"oul By 10ur age an[l your des pnl r be ~ 111i1 . There wo s a lUll): tllll'fl' nl Hnrrls Dicksou. on a hUl1lltlg trip Probllte Court Proceed In;:!! Have it tomorrow. He will praise it friend s . I buy it a\l the ' ime b " CD Il SC il is I stimmon yon t o work tor Me yet 8 ber" I'" slle utlswer ed. In Sunllower county. Missi ss ippI. mot I little. wltb what stre ngth you bl1\' ~, " }' (,S," an old darky wb o had ne v r SD n a morning afte r morning. When you tte r c offee . " Miss B . • M ercer, Ky. b e Iu r a c stn l ~ ot A , Dru co COWli U. B, your love of b omo I s umUlon YOlll 'Wrtll'1I why- " clrcua In hi s lifo, Wbcn tb e big sllow dec()I\Hed , Inv ~nto ry IIl1d RiJpra l ~ e serve Arbuckles' you will know why 4'} u se Arb uckl es' because it is s lron g r Ih an B1 JOur lo vo of womnn I SUl11U10n you! "Yr~. HIIlb , " como In the following season to Di ck· I it has solved the coffee problem in 1)1 10ur 'tope of chllrlreu I sUlllmou son's t own of Vicksburg b e SOlIl for m ootm~ . 35 c coffee, and Arbuckl e!!' packages ar" full E~ ~ "te at Abner W DiII, Ill·ceUdO( \. "I don't knol\' wbat to ~ny ." ~ t· 'TIN!. the old mnn and tr eated him to tbe ,"oul over a million homes. 16 oz:'-Mrs. V., Coldwat e r , Kan s . "It·s 60 woude rful to ball r your "(jlc~ ' I "You sball be blind s la~ e e of lline. whole tblng-arrlval ot th trulns. Ilut- Flr8t " C COtJO~ filed ., agoln- I 'm s bnk lng. ~lllry-I - 1 don't E tllte ,)1 Ii: B. 1\Ihllle, d ec nsed. bltod ro eve.... t1llng but Me. your ~J a8' tlng "P tbe t ents. grand freo streot 'J kaoW-l don't know Anytb lng except ter Ind Driver! For "'our rewnrd you Darade. nl onagerle. moln p erformanco. I Flu,,1 p'oo I'uot of p ~e cntrlx file e\. , Ulflt I Ilm tlllkini to you l It Is youThere are hundreds of varieties of coffee grown. To get th~ .halll'ase oDly upon my u,lIness. You Mary?" concort. side show. p.eauuta. r d lemE~tu.~e o lf J olln BreeD, IIr .. rl eoeued r:esult you want, the coffee itself must be right. Arbuckles ' ahall Bin 10ur toll IIn,d 10ur Ih·es. you "Yes. Dlbbsl" ollade. and all. The old darky fol· flllal occount of e x u trlx fil"d. lball /10 mod tor love and worship at lowed biB white patron througb wltb . Coffee is. It is put up by Arbuckle Bros_. the greatest coffee Estate of RBbecol~ Jfllle i'icofield . "Mnry-I've seen you from my win· POPII I ng eyes., b ut say Ing n e,'er a m, u,lInesel You sball perish still m erchants in the world, They c an give you greater value in d eoe !l~ e d. Fin"i necount r guurdlno dow ot homl!-()uly five times since 1wonhtplng r.le, and your l!b lldren .'lball word. Lale In th o arternoon th oy got f11f1I1 . coffee than anyone else. No wonder Arbuckles' is the most pop-, since tb en. You lookcd-<lh. bow call n pertab ":nowlng no other ""'(II" ha ck t o the DIckson hom e, "Joh.n, ular coffee in America today! Eetnte of Berth11 Pllul. I08une . .. v I tell you? It wos lIke u mati cbnlnec1 And then. 118 Bibbs closed the wlnsold DIckson. "you enJoy od It?" Fiu,,1 acconnt aunrdill n tiled CAVe clltchlng a glimpse ot the b In , A dow down Uabt, be ueard bla futher's •'n oss. " sa I u~ J0 IIn t rvent Iy." All sore J. 1£, JnmnllY. gURrdlan v Elh\,l1rn • blue sky, Mnry. Mnry. won't you-IH did I" "Wh did Ilk b ?" . Ilt you G te most yolee booming In the next roo m: be I think 1 '''11 " o.nBwere d J 0 b. n. "Ab E, Jannoy et nl . W . Ii All e n n o l ~uld not lJsUngulsb the words, but m~YOll ngaln-ncnr? "sta h DI c k son. bing ab 0 t o af.l c lIrt t o tu e d uli ea 1Ii1 co II kc you really torglve ru~· h 'nk d It II" .i'-·V 11 btl the tone Will exultant-and thero "sme you 'd bn\' to--" . s oro ... e a . v • W I\, m· tlppmls Jr A , Mll'fll tt npl'Dln t,ed In bls the thump! thump I ot tile malm ed "I dld-tbeD ." pressod yOli most ?" "v, ell . sub. bose." band. Bibbs guess I'd thllt Sheridan be Bald . "Ab rec kln hit waz dl\t d are 8\e~d. ,Iurncs M. Craig I\dlllluisirnto r of "No--not reaIIY-<l,r you wouldn't C. E, DeOlln t o .Jose ph 0 \)on . 'WU bra,glni ot ilie clt1 nnd ot the Iln Im ul yo u calls do camuel ." "The Muddled Thinking. bn\'et snld'"ou couldn't aee me nny cam el ,e b ? THeIl wllo.t ~'ns ao r em 11 rk• the eS \ I\t<\ o f SaUlllol aJ. Cmlg, de OIl!.Y, l o t In i\lorrow, $1. Blgnees ro Borne vlsltor from out o H. .. It woul,l lie I'u(," ~ h I.' SJlY thnt n toWD. more," able about the oamel?" "lIe Buttlnly oensed vs Elizil b th M , C rllig e~ III ( r'RICE~ RIUlH) eh IIrles Heory to Jenni e Uolllp, ,lynn '"'' IIl1d ntl "Ie'rlrle lI,; hl IIr Q tho Order tnlteD t o rOil I fl!l tu tCl "That wasn't the renson." The vole;> Ie got eleb a noble sme ll I" And be thought bow trul, Sberlda~ was very low. lotl! iu Mldlllouoro, 11,111):; Ihlll ):r,'p n IIJlple·,. I" n 10 re WI ll 01 Mltt y I!;. tlroat.u o tl so. WAI the blgll prle8t at Blg nes8. But Am undll !:Itm Is to the Middleto wn Io'rlll R)' IJ'JIlYIII'''I ~ \l'lth Itldlll,'"t lllll ; "Ml\ry." he enid. e\'en more tremu · deucliso d. lion ri nil' f o r good onuse with the old, old thought ngaln, "Wbnt lou ~ l y tbon before. ·'1 can't - YOIl Dell o~ it ASSoolatlo ll. real e~t~t· B iu Ih ll l 1111 1l 1',·lelll· (·e S I'!JIII ~ lin' tilt· ~l111Hl OOtl tultled. tor?" BIbbs cnugbt n glimmer of far. couldn't woan It was beellust'--yoll Sole Agent Franklin. I\. thin): Il~ II """lllll'll',1 hllllrllJljr; or thlll JI:. t llto of Lesl e r H ill. min OT. Fi . WHEN YOU TAKE COLO. taint light. Be 8a w thnt Sberldan hud cun't menu It Wl\8 been use you-cnre?" nal 6ettl~ll1('ct- filod . Josephlue Smith ~.v t!xeo ut or 10 R"l( IIttrncllotl Is hil t flllntlh'r tllillh} f. r all b ls Ute struggled and couquered. the Gorden- Tires There was no answer. With the averll!!'e IU~U a oold IK u /:lOI>lnonlll J. Hutobln80 n , r~ al es· Ih e Ro(·tnl In"I\lItloll1 1':lllt·" Ih ' fUIll ' For and must all his life iO on strugg Ung lu re wl,1I of WI~II~UI H , l>etn jl!!l (lY tllt.e in Ll'lJ!lU on . $2 fIUO. Ily . III Hit, ~ ll1lh' wny It: 1:-1 IlII t~\"hlcJ) cc "~Jary?" be called. husk Il y. "It you serIous matter ood sho uld no' be . ' , and toeyltabl, conQuer lni, as purt ot meun t1lnt-yeu 'd let me see you-, trifled wllh. ,118 som e of tbe m ost d eoensed , Will Ol ed fllr pr o u_tll, IIr 1II11"tll,·" IloIlIklll ): tn 11111111111111 thlll (~llltl oy .Klng to ll'mnk Mo arr a n !det fo r h anrln g Ol'tobe r l :.!. a yaK tmpulse not hIs own. Shortdall wouldn't you'" danierous dl @e n8et! stInt with II' Iwlng J.!'lIut l l:-; t he :-111111\.' Ihlu~ uS lH'lnt; ' ... U (J ' u d I I at ILl reJI <'etate In I:lDrveys hnrg. een-ed ' blindly-but was the ImpulHe Ii ran"... . nnnll1g aUl. 1\ III n 8- $I1lO0 1','II!;llIus,-H"I'llIIrcl l. lIdl In Al Iollltl e. And now tile voice was 80 low he oommon oold , 'I'like Cbu!l'berltllu't\ bllnd' Bibbs asked himself If it was coult! not be sure It spoke at all. but It Uough Remedy lind g ~t rId of y our 'rator wUh ~bo wlllllDu ex d of tbe Anoa Udboru to iVllIiuUl W . Dot be wbo had been tn tile greater It did tbe word w" "Y ll\bb _ oold II! qulolllV I\S po.s lble . Y o u are e.t~te of Wllll,HJl HI\Jl'1llton. de PhoDC 00-3 CORWIN, OHIO burry, after all. Tbe kiln must be dear ,; Sere. cs. S DO' experimenting when you lise oetl sed, VR .Jellnn e tl St J o hn et al Sh,urls renl <'stllte In Lebauon. $1. ' 8red before the TIlle Is i1azed. and the "'dUlIDI ~t': I\t.or I(r!ln te dll'llve to tile William W. Bhurts t.o Aml tt Ill , . . . 'hili remedy. 8fI b91 been In u~e The PessImists. But tbe lolce WflS not lu Ole lustru · for tnlLny years ood bKS an estllb , IID.,ver for t.h wi th . 0 born lib ILores In lluwllton lownAcropolla was not crowned with It th Iles~ 111Il s l S ur tit Illls! hA(I ment-it was 80 gClllle nod 60 IIghl. Ihhed roput.IUlon. U c onlalrlR no Rblp. 11. marble to a daT. II'lcollln King,ndmlnlstrfitor o r:tbe bClln 1·I Kht. 1\1'11 woulc.l tilill b,' ""IIIl: Smith !!" Wn.tklns to Hnrrv L, In CIIVl'ij lind tr,rlll!! 10 !': et th Ir tIlc,ds Tbea the voice ClIme to blm agatn, so olmos t I1otlllng. It seemed to bfl opium or other oarootl". Obtllln- eelute of 'Will ia Ul A. Klog . d eoollKflil. mlldu ot alr-nnd It come trom tbe .ble everywhere, but there was n 8tra In In It 8e of some olr. VII Luet,ttl Kin g e~ II I. Order tllHen Irwin, 100 a oros io l:illmllt oo towo. wllh cluh s 1It1,1 111111 llrJ'n\\'S. And t·\'I· ship $1. buge mUSIc 8truggllng to be born of II elltly ti le), 1I1,," \\'IIIo,,"t )llIlIlId)' t un· to !lell r OIl,1 esta te . Slowly anti Incred ul ou sly be turne<1 the turmoil. "Ugly 1 am," It seemed -nnd glory fell upon hi. shi nI ng eye8 , Llda i:lmlth et 11 1 to Ellsworth t ll~~ lnl: Ihelr Ull ~ t lll([ ' s fot' thl'll' pes· Veterinary: Fronk M . ('tmnln~l1ntn . otimlol!. ~ ..y to him, "but never torget that Hltnl sth: chll'lr 'II (;u lllll1\tt' lu Pl', ' pllesy trllto r VII Jonunelte I:l ·t. J o hn at Uralg lot 10 Fr!loklln, *1 . Tb~ dUQf ot his ta th ~ r' s rooll1 blul I am a god I" And the voice grew In opened. 111. ellie . I r elll e s late ouuBt m ed, Flora Gruner to WilHalll!:! !toof. ,lIslIJlllly Ihllt evcr)'lllllI !; lllllt Is S lll'e- Graduate of Obw Slat. Unlvenl'Y .onorousness a nd to dignity. "Tbe ly gul lls:r t v ilt! c annut pU S!ollht.r ('oll}u ~I'lry slood lip on the t1lreshoJd. ' 10 ra w i ll o f 1'h 0Il1 118 MoCrIlY. de- lot In Frallklln, $1. hlgbeet sbould serve, but so long /1S ~'UE E~D . ceused,. Will I:\lou l or Ilrobll t o. William f.. H Oj!srs 10 E!ill.lIhlllh tl) I "I S~. 'I'1 .. ·y ~(" ' 1I1 '" LJ,' Io orn WIllI Office at rCilidence in F . USher ,"ou worsblp me for my own sake 1 till' 1I.lll lt 1111,1 ('llIllIlIt gel uV e r It.10 f a wllI .of Mnry K (J r ('l\.t hOn e. A. tloott, 4\J~'" ao rtlS In I:ln rlno town. o ·tl'ult l"rcl' 1 ·l'l's~ . will not scrve you. It Is Wiln wbo wood'8 house, Fourth Street. 8blp. deoollsed , Willi lltll L ISnolllElDlng malles me ugly. by bls worsblp of me. lI ppolu ted oOtlltl\i s~ i o ner to tuke Olive ,SurfnC9 t o C bnrl ~s Ii:. MOD Picture Hanging an Art. Telephone 28 ft maD would let me serve Wm. 1 d <, posit.lon of InOrm wlt n !l8. rail Ilt III 12 Bores in 'l'artlecrbllk The matter ot picture hanging pre.bonld be beautiful I" DESPONDENCY In ra wi ll o f Mar y M. Brnso np. towns hil>, $1. Waynesville" Ohio Looking once more from ilie win· sents mallY probl ems to those who de ca userl. A cnm mi I\lo n was issued When YOIl feel dlso ouraged and Ethel BI1 80ro et a l te, Ernolll Jnne dow, Bibbs sculplured for hlruself- havo not time to give to a careful \0 J. W. lJl\rr o r MlInteZllTlln. lOWIl . Brebm, 21o t61D Frauklin, despondent do not gi ve nil bnt .&like _ _ _ _-:-======~=~= In vogue eontortJol1s of the sllloke Dnd study of arrangem ents. and Our walls. 10 t llke IIE,p"~Ition of wltn, 8M!0 will. tog above tbe roots-a gl guuti c fi g ure Instend at being r cs t fu l nn~ well bal· ()hu les Ii' T ulrltloltl to tbe P,uk u do. e of Chnml>erll\ln's Tablets IInri E ~ tll te of Illllry I': . 1I ~1cllu~. d o with feet pedes tilled upou tb e gt'l'nt anced. arc too often a hodgo.po,l go of PloCE) rteility 01) ,lot tn Franklin , $1 y o n lire almost oert.llln to feel ail I" glll wUhlD Il day or two. De. DR. J. W. MILLER. cell ied . Ad min l8 t,r ntQ r lIlo11 lim 111buildings and shOUlders dlsuppca r1ni:: all Borts and conditions at nrt. Alber~ A. Iro ns to Funk C. Bull. spond'e noy 18 very otteo doe to In. In goIng over ono's pIc tur es oltm· v" ot tina I settlemllot. tn ilie clouds, a colossus of ~ t eel nnd 50 .oresla Tnrlliloreek town8ulp, $1. dlgeAt.l oD and billollenese. for whl oh wboll, blnckened wIth soot. But BII)bs Inate all but tho choIcest and bos t 8stute of G eorge ll. Hnl(e. de M"gglc 1'11I oe h l\1\ to Oliver W. Mor , ••• DENTIST... carried bls tancy furth er-for tbere beloved and try to group tog tbe r Ihe oenied Appli cation of 'L' hornton rls . lH aoros In 'l'urtleoleak town- I.bese tl\blets are ospeoially VIIIUllble. Obtainable everywhere. pictures wboso subjects nre some· M . li iu k l e .~llrvldng"x ll cut o r o fth . · ~IIIIl, $1. wbat related o,r whl cb bnve a simi' w ill of dfl oo rl fln t and for gUrlt1 Olm "o, W.yn.... C. 8. Mo un ts ,.1) JntJIe~ Hflrt. relll larl ty In frames. Indeed, even when eh own lin or(lur Will! tn lldo Ihnt 1111 8.tat.a In !:in lern IOwnshtp, 13G5. BubJects are closoly r ulnted. It Is not ASlots !'tR nlllng 10 nnlOOs of ~xecu. Her Good Reason. l,;, MountA,uuditor. 10 Jllm es Bart" possible always to bllng pictures tolars ho t ransforred flud ti~nlld in 1: nh ell (, wn ~ r,lII" IIr 1111,1 111: on' her letber. owing to a lao great dltte!" UMm e of osttlte of Ueo r ga H. I:3ftge. lots I 0 Morrow 11. KhUl'~ IIHfI foI fu (· ldfl.L;s IIlIt l t.'V'·I· ~' t: iJHIL C'C ALL KINDS OF ence In the kInd of frum es. As a rule, Ull~8le O. DrllKe t o Albert A . d Eoel\sou Hil I! llllli ~ 11t' \\'lIIII,1 ,] .. ~u , lin r>ll(! OC· any room looks belle r. especially Es ta te o r Geol'!~e L, Th umu" , d c- Irons, 10$ in I..ebllllon, $ 1, cllli' lu n l"h t, "'t'lll down l 11t~ S fl'~ I 't n l'(lut small roonis. whor e only one oolor oe8~ed . Jl n ven ~o ry f:l led, IlIIlf II !>Iucie un rl In"l, nIl' her ~ hn(!M , &Tame Is used on aU tbe pIctures. J\\arriall:c Licenses HUti ~ IHdill1g~. \\' ht\1I ~11l! r eturllfifi .1. E. .) lI oney . gUBrdllln of e~tlLle or Chltrles lJ, Juuo ,'y. imh elle VN Ar thur 0 , Seigl e, rl1hb~r worier . Iw r mothel' IIs ke,1 III~ r why ~ h " \CIU\( Valuable Submerged Forest, Edwll r d D . J"nD ey ot Ill. Rellort of of Lovelalld. !l nd MiMR Ltd~ M~rltl t hr m "IT IIlId she 1111 '\\" '1"'01: "0. I nppral!lelIlt3 n$ ,1i 1"prOYld Itod gu a r . Marie Tults, of Foster. Rilv. J . L. JlI~ l \\',,"t ell' to weill' nly I)"ro fe"L" A ~U I'I I1t.·rg l·d uHk fure 8t cU"crtug di an o rdere d t o giv o Ilddl&ionul bond Duckwall. IIc\'orr" ~q'](trf' I IIII,,~ . frOll 1 whi ch 10gA 10 tbe IIUID o f ~9,<lOO. 111 0re th"n 100 I f'!'t In length 11I\" s Clyde J. Llgbtollp, f!\rmer of ~I. b een tllk,'n. \\'us cllsc'i\'cr ed 1J~- HUB' ID re wi II of .10 ill! D. loI tedd om. de· amillblug, (\Od Mi se Vell~ Faye R08s, Suspended Judgments. Waynesville, sinn clI):llI l'l'''' ~' hll e 1I1'"d glng u I'I "er. oeased Will tiled for probllte, of Sprlnlboro, Rov. E. Koelsley. lIfen wh o gl) Inlo cOt1rt CX I,, ·~tl nl: to Real Estate Transfers J ohu Redfern employed at be IIltl!d un,l . t.h en Ill'll\\' II ",,,petillo" Oyer Poatollioe. lJaytOD Powder Bod Light Co , of R'l1l clt Ce lIu,y nut hl1 , ' f' IncI"!II Sed 1I1 clr Utterly Safe. 8flOforCl B. UreAn to .Teaun ott ·R o.. " Plane 11 An Ii strologl'r pr ed l('ls (hilt there UllHklville,llnd MI~8 .Bel va Bugford, I' C~ ll ec t fOI' th e 111\\'. hllt' lhelt' r·U!wlc· Offloe Pbnt1t 11 Jam 3S e t III lot In' South Le bull on, II, of Lebano n Re,v. Foster. wJll be t ruuIJ lfl tl l'Xl yellr. CI'bls Is n tlon 1\8 10 thl' t1l'l'c~~ lI y of k,je plll>( Iho '===================~ Angu8t Ast.. oxecnao r '0 T. C , eafe ' pTC,clll'lI on: th er' ull unlly Is.jUllge on !Ill! hen ;h Is CIIOl'll\Llusly In. Christ.le, 1141 Bores In rurtlcoreek Dutroll I"t· .• I'reS8. Commlssi0l,lers' Procecdlnl[s cronscd.- 'l·ulcc.lo Hinde. townshi]l, U,OIO Stllte VI John Parker, M. A. Thomns C . W e lch tu O. E Dem lU . Self.Control Imperative. JII.U1ellon. 0011'. $./.,70 i W. U. Gil· lot In Monow, ~l. Thry wbo lu ck so·1 t'l'/lnlrol nre al: mour IIllpenslII for quo.rter, 1296.52; th eI r lin)>! fil(ht ln~ \l'llh fliftlcultles 01 DaD. P . BoDe, feet for quuklr, BARNHART, tilelr own mll\(lng. -HIIIII,,;'. - - ______ ::x= ' $240 ~o i Minor Muloy, malotenaDoe Funeral Dlr~clor. of BJake ohildren, f34 50 i XeDla Notary Public Waynesville Ohio WorJi Honse, boarding prllonere, HOW CATARRH IS CONTRACTED '3000; JOhD & tlon auto hire All klnd8 ot Notary Work . Motu DrEII1re ~0I11 1lt.l tllElH80 t hougb t. for surveyor, $71.80; Waldron 0 .Dd Deeds a I:Ipeolo.Jty. less itS '0 negl eot the oo ld8 whi ch Gilmour, boardlDg and walblug for Made Strong and Well by :VfDo] -EITHER!.heir • obiRri.tcn oontraot, The illprlsuDers tor september, $40S; H. H. Thi8 lctkr rrovc~ there I, nothing Auto Equipment fl&Ulmat.l rln of tbeml10ns tJl OmhrHne, Conover, Dail8 for brldl(e repaln. "'Iun1 \0 Vlno to create strength lo~ • Mor. .Drawn Equipment "a'7 .tood Up~n the Threahol.c!. " 'cak, run-down cC>!lditiua8. • • at tlrat llol1lte .. ha(J"lU e ~ ch ronio ond 14 i J, 8, MOl'll., IUpp\l81 fer enr· VestAl , CI!Dtre, N. Y.-"I BDl' a fartue obl1c1Ib,,~ chronic ou t"Lrrh. "cli • .,8Y r , 811.80; \:Iame,o'ber lupplle8. Wa••t111 a IIttl. p<> \ lluJ;:erlDI; lu the mer 14 years of Dge and got. Into a sellse that i~ Aeld om o ur~d I\nd thflt III 86; C , C, Emmons, bridge work baek of bll h"ad-II "II be Ihou"lIt th /l t weak, run-doWll condition as a re.u1e DAY OR NIGHT OlDY \Jrovl u life ':! hUrno ll MIIQY j ln Franklin tGWRBhlp, '12.03 i John Thla dlaeue should betreated 111\ 900n TELEPtiONE 7 .p ...r tb. <;1 ude. n_u frMn beloW'. .,1 tl,e Grippe. Our druggist Buggelted perl:lons .... h n 11.11 v(' IIn~ 10li thRon1l' A, OMlr. Jre. at Dall8 f o r bridge reo as the first unnatural 100000ul'll8 of tbe ' the .,ant laberro " 'lIb bl8 bIlD4I~ 10 Ihe "inol to buJld mo up and I noticed \ I1\1\'101( hod pal", '3.a5; A lJ. BhuUz, brldRe aingledoaeof bowelll appean. WbeD tbtaCoUc, Is done dl .eeH~1l Will Tf' UI I1IIAr OhambertalD'S Chol.8 ---~==~~~~~=::~~~= ._ _ eIea. 8UDabln: Ru,1 lllbba bad a an Improvto.ncnt 1lOOn after takJng It. frequeot, ~.*I. lit Ihll tlm fl , In \V08 work III rnnleoreek towDahlp, era ad DIarrhoea Remed)' will eftect III......r wbat btl malle there-1M'''' and It liu restured my streDtrth 10 I COli A htll .. furetuOU8b~, ft t30.95, A. '1'. Re'tl~, brld"e repairs eve. '1'hJa nmed1 08D alwaYII be d:' _pe I'W a tellowablp ot the< ('lilhl'~n ~f nhow du I' good day'. work. My boltle l.'h~lJIbnrlall·1I Ulogh IDl'ranlllln 'own,hlp, $ll.21i;Len, $pon.Y8IllDtbemOltHVef8a11d ii• • • ATBAWAY ., dlilclrttl tbat .....eN cblld~u now ' -;~~ .. aloo ..ken .vIDul for a rwa__ ....._ ...... ___ .......:.. b,. 1_ I I condition 'I\'i*h ,~ ReDllldv ndlcl.)U·lv DHPd, aDd "II I nle Wblt.aore, eltimllMl OJJ n''1loa _ , aDd Ihoul4 be ~ at . _ v a .. ..,.JL W.1.u... 'hlb trIO" IlI i~hl h .. \·u blll:11 ovoill. r.7~, $260, J. Ii. Wllalor. r ..... U'lt ut . . . . . blilltalltuee. . . . . ." W..,...fI11e'. Leadilll" Oua"••

'' 'ENROD ~ EtC.

In over a million homes they know









Saxon Six Livery








Dr. J. A. McCoy,

- - - -- - ..----

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.- ..----






--- - -,..----


A story of the pIoneer days of Indiana. when savage tribes tried to halt the I progress of the sturdy frontiersand of the famous battle I of Tippecanoe which preserved for the United States the Kreat Northwestern

n... o





b. ~ Jaaaey, DrugIaa, Wa)'naviiTe

InSURlIneE Walter Chandler




Our lell 'Serial y••'11 Like It Wal•• f.r the Opanine .. 1••lall.lnl I .



A romantic and historical narra,tive that is interesting · thro~ghout.










- -•• Iouav~.

~ IDa.,.

BkII. ' . .......








Sovoru I froUl bere attended the · Wbeat eowlol all elane, end Dam. tuuerlll of Mr~, WlIlIAO ' Neall atthe Ing IIp nloely . Mortuary Chapel III MIIlml oPUleter y Mia. Viola Jordllo I.s IIpendlDit III t weoll rlJl wIl8114re,O 'Neal U'1I R oouple of week" 10 Chl.oago '11181. b ume III ber early life. log lIer aun., Mrs, Nellie Jorda. Mr . lind Mrs. Walter Kllbon, of Lieber'. LebllooD. were In oar city oo e dalv Mrs Wm.,chl, of Sll. Illst week . ver Grove, epeo' 8,,'orda, wl,h We are hllvlng good lervloo from Mrs. (jeo. Boglln. oor jitney bUB8es lind find \hem to Warren II. Clener. or Oetrolt~ be very aooommodating. MIOh., II here Ipendlng a, wellk with 'fhe raoe8 at ElIRt End Park liat. bls mother and o\ ber relall1'81 IDd nrd ••y we,e a 8DOCall!! llil UIUal. frleudll . A surpri8fl W08 elvon In honor or 'rhe Junior PrI801l1 •• m.' at the MI~~ EHa Kennedy by ber young hom. of Min Marl. Rhu". on Sit. frlen,18 It"frel!hlllents and game8 urday aHernooD . were indulged In Ito lute hetlf, W.,laad .Jordlin Is IIpttndlng hll wben the apell WHI broken and the ..odlon wl\b boml rolllll. gnasta len for tholr aaveral homee On SUDday, Mr. aael Mrl. Georgs II~ reelng that they h "d been blghly entertlliood lIod would anewer to Davis aatert.loetl 'lie 101l0",loK : r ull Mil on ebor\ notice .. t any Wm. (jrlm8lf and wife, Warreo Cleaver, Joe OllVle !lad wife, Ero ..t futore 'Ime. Maonon and wI/e. Mre. 11:181. Lewll, Tho~. Matthew~, of Oa,ton, Willi a Oorotba Oavh, Huth e.nd Glenna ~ un dRY guen of Mr, and Mu U . (j. M"nnon . Wbetllel. Tom Rloh anel family IIpen' ~un. '] he Ford laleRman hae been dolollf da, wIth Earl Orndorf lInd tamlly , a land.offioe busloe88 14 'bll 8eotloD Maveral rela\lvei lind friend" at. reoeDUy plllOIDIr live III one aeo\loD \elided tbo funonl of Uri. WIlli. wllhln a lew dllYs : O'Neall on Wedoelday. Remembolr, the Masslll Towoeblp 008anda.v morolng, Ootober 22, tlulJe!a)'.lIobool oonventioo S andll" Ootober 22, at i'11I' fork oharoh RIIT . J. J , Bell will fill bll r!!gular appointment ", tbe ohurob. In at. Yoa are oordlally ID'Vlted. . 'ernoon Townlblp Con.lIllttoo will He'll. Wlliker filled .he pulpit bere be held a' 'be ohurob; pre&oblnllD Bunday In hi. n8ual plenlng man. .he eveolD,. . nero Channoe, BUDDela werl oll\ln. Mrs . lI'red ShaDe burlod her all tbelr frllndl , HI', and Mrll, Bo. m other SatardllY alur a lingerloe rail Buud", afternooo, I11neoll. Mr. and M,. . Joho WOItIl Ip.n' Mr. J . V\' , Kibler. of N 1111' \Vash. Sanday In Spring Valley with Mn. IngtoD, aud Jooatban Morrie, ot Eva · Wyaone. Tiffin, "an8aotod bORlnell bere Un Thllrldll.Y, Oo'ober 12th. tbe Mooday. Beeob Grove .6.ld" entutalne4 MI~e Emma Whetlells qu it e 810k abon& rorty ladlel at tbe bome of and ber maay frlende bope l or h6r Mr@. Martba ~lId Edl\h Dnl'l Af. a speedy r ecover" 'er a IIhor' program .. elellghtful Tue Clvio League met tldurday ''1'0 oouree IUDOh Will lIerved . A with MrI, 11:. B, Dlkln a' 'heir beau. pl_eaat aUornooo w.. elljoJ84 b, III pUllen" tltul bOlDe on Jlialt Main Itreet.


The Battle of Tippecanoe fought over a hundred years ago was one of the important conflicts in the history of the United States: By routing the Indian tribes, the power of the redmen was destroyed, which did much toward winning the war of 1812.


We ha'Vl IDother addUloo to our hUI.llnll oUv ID 'hll wa, ot a bll, poI'er 8214 olroular elIUrlbn'or. Mr. J'raok Iblc!a.ttr h.. .ccep'ee! the propoIUlon and hal begun wou. Tbe lobool bo, l'lndl no ohaDoe DOW or g"nln Ir a free 'Iollet to tbe Ihow, O~ber well regulated olUel bave orgalllz9Uo08 of &bllklnd and are membel' of tho Natloolll orgaoIzatlou of blll pOlte" and DOW fraDk II a member. and In Novem. bllr be and his good wife will I"ellel 'belr oOllventloo to be held 10 Omaba tbe seoond wellk In November All .xp"nles wlJl be palel b, the ODell attllndiDg tbe oooven\loo. We bope tor tbem 10 plellllant "me throueb. oot the ,r "ntlre trip He need. Ihe rell' and It oome8 jU8t at tbe Ume tba' tile Oootor hlld prelorlbe~ II 'rip fOI hIm . Thlelll 8Ufl luok ,

our new serial- is woven around this battle and introduces you to various celebrities of a hundred years ago. 2Jy 7haiJinA Th;.s Sto,.y You·1I G.t a CI.o,..,. Vnd.,..stanairv! of' H ;.sto,.y and at th. Sam. Tim. Enjoy a Thorou8hlr l,.t.,..oItl"l Tal••

.- .





Publl.b... WfOIklyl .,

Wayn.. vllle.


OCTOBER 19, 1916

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IH.. tl!M ur".\.

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tr.O!'4. tll'cordlllg tu Ihc "C... rlllllll" nf

• ••

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rt'efllll"'l ctiORS Ih

fle l"'~i'

Polluc k. who

IU,oll hlsr year nt nil' IIge of nlncty·tour. The~1 eItU~t" t 11I1Ich Ill\llo~' anc-e to un old cploll e l h (!Cll u ~t! thl'~' IlI c llIllh urc«.l oftl• l:t! nl lut:gllg('. "1' h c~H' young fII(ln," be

STAlE SURVEYS· . . . "k""I' th!!lIIselves SOILS IN COUNTIES cOlIIl'lalll!!,I till till''''' I" 1101 II IIl1turnl smelt IIhuut Tho oll ly 1I11111trliOllUbie \\· a ,. hla~

hit of

th<' III."

sUlell WUS, of courfole. tohn cco.

tloll lorveY8 oonduoted b, the ObiO ICspllrlmeut MtdloD In oooperli. hOIl with 'he U , tI. Bureau 01 tlo\ls are OOW pobUlibed for GOAu"a, lIelgl, Panldlng. Port·ngo, Tromboll • nd S'lnk Coun~108 , H,tDlllton, Lo. Oal "nd Mloml COUlltitlH have al"., been lurve,ed, and M~honlng aud Marlon Coun'lee wl\l bo oOn1'!leled ,hie ,ear. Tbeile rAporls IllIOY be su· oared tree from tre U. t:) Burelau of !dotl .. a5 Waphlogton, O. C. Boll reportll oontliin luformlltilin regardlllg the lI~rlooltl1r111 oOlld"'ou ~ or the ooun,y lIurveyed aod a de. .. lIeel de80rlpUon of all 80111, MI:!. obanlcal loll aualY8eB orll inclocted . A oolorlld mup in eaoh rep"rt Ibow, tbe locatloo of the dlfferoo' lolle In tbe dld·rlo •• urveyed. F"rmerll Hurt 'be reporh villuable In Rtu:l,lng tb, n"eure and needs of tllelr 8011 •. wbUe 'elobefs flod ,hese blllleUDIl UillruIID 'bl' soboo!'s.

oUlous Globe.


. -.

B\' cn

I>rctcruhlu. - London

Just a Laugh •

A you "" 1I1I1I'1'lt',1 UIt'I'l'IllIul womnn \\'II~ slIfT"rllll; frulII II "1'\" '1',, hrnrlnclle In IIll' 1II"wltl/: wh"11 lI ~ r Illi. hllnd lett for his \l'flrl(. OIlI'llIg III" IIrt('rnoon h" ('11111,,1 III) IIIIlI IlI fm'III(',1 lIer tllnt he wOIIIII I'PIIIIIIII ,10\\'111"\\'11 for dinner fo;O

thut :dl C need th1t IH1th "'r.


IlIcli'cd, lIellr, I IIc ' ,1 YU II here to help IIII' get II,IIIC," :<htJ n 'pllcd. nlld he went h'''lIc. He hnd hc('n lI11tl'd us II BP\Osh ult.! hll t' hl'l.1r lIcf"I'c his mllnlnge, but he IIItH 01111;1'0\\'11 It . .


----.. ...----

No Such Anlmll. "Wllnt I l)rOI'080." 811YS Ihe mnD . who guts I'cry IllUdl In CUrllcst, "Iu a polltlclll orglllllzutlon thllt will be tree frulli 1111 8"'[\~ h In tereRI. luborlng onl, for the "I ghc~t ""'1119-" "I know." interrupted the rude person. "You're Proper Way to Look on Life. Take lito ~Ike II 1111111. 'l'IIke It nM I:ulng lu stllrt one of .lhoRe 8ca·sertbougb It \\'IIB-tIH It Is- ull eorneHI . Ilcut pnrtles." "Wh)' do you ret er to vltlll, tl8~C'ntllll nfTlllr. Tllk o It JU Rt 118 It lUI II sen·ycrpcut l'urtyY" . "Be.ouse though )'011 wcrl) horn to IJ,,' tu ~ k ot there ulu't IlO SlIch unlllllll." · ----... - - pertormlllil u lIIerry purl. III It. liS though thtl world lIu,l wflltlld your comln" ~'nl'" It' II~ llllllll,-Il It wer6 i, One Dollar Winner. grnnd OIJporl uully to nchh!'·c. 10 cllrry Esther. IIged 8e1'CII. \\'118 listening forward grl!1I t IIIld gUild Iwh~III1'S, I" huld nntl to du ....· 11 ~UfTlll'll\g. \\'('lIr),; to 0 cOllversullQIl ut h"r chlers on the It 01111' be II hCllrt-bl'ukdl brt.l Ullir.- 8uhJec.t ot shllrlcs. "rou clln always know II IlII1IH!UtlOg shurk." (luntle eold. Chorlc8 H. SlllI l'~l'll ll. "bllcnullc he hus 011 1111 sticking out !!'!~!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ot the wllter." "Tllon," sIIII) Esther. '! "whclI you ~ee two . tillS 'stlcklng out, does thllt 1I1CUII It Is II 10dY·Cluterl" --~--- -.

- ..




.. ..------

1Iade "boD&' &Del wen BJ' ymol

' ~' ,

Mungo to Old. Wayaelboro, PL-"[ "'.. all nu" dowa Morillret hlld )(een dlllObedlent Ind I lIatd apell of broncbltla 10 "WII wall put to blld lit 61x o'clock 10lltead bird ,fpr IDe '9 keep about. I had P'tlnl ot elllllL Hilt' ~ultlll\er CI'I!ulllg. AB ber In 11!1 chest; and took eold eully. ' A mother WIIS leuvlng btlr bedside the lit· frleud a.keel me to try Vlnol. 1 did, anel tIe Ilrl remarked, ebeertulIJ: "Be It buil' me up 10 I am 'Itroug aod well lIure to 88Y 'good uttel'lloon' to father and I am able to do m, wblcla ' tor m " 1 had Dot. dono for tIlHe moa" before e. VIIloL"--ItIrI. Y. R. BouoVCIJI. - - -•• _ ••- - -


Wcro~~ltD appr&,1e, ~ 41Fttloa. . . . pore ' Iifoocl ..4 - ~ 1'OUI'''''1I1 ~ ., It IaUa.

tI. &11II1II, ~ W.,..;II





- - -... ...- - -





Wm . \HIl~ , Aoo~, W . Ill , O ' Neall, Olerk .


'i'here will be lold at 'fa wn, Ihlp BOUll8, Saturday, Octooor21, 1916 Berlnnine at 10 o'olook, a lot of Bonsohol4 (jOOdl, botb ModerD and An.lqae. 'l'ho!o gonde will be pas. III'!'81y lold to tbe hlgh"lt blddlll'.


OONfT NEGLECT YOUR COLD Ne.leo\ecl ooldili' worN, 10....4 or btJtter. A .tutted heael, a ( obel' mae' hi relined at On08. Dr. BeIl'1 Plne.Tar.Bonl, t, Nature'l reme4,. ' BOlloy alld ,lJtl8rlnB b . .1 the IrrU..... mllb bnDe. an"...,&lo ·..r lOOIeDl'he phllJllD. 100 br.thl ...'ar and ,our oold 11 broileD UP.

,0111 DnIIIItt .....




..... . . ~"-_!F-'IIL~""'-

roB 8ALIIl bave ror 81111 a dellrAbll, I oClDtrall, looated pleo. of proper', Vir)'

In XIIIlI .. , whloh will UD' ' 0 ,004 \f'Dant l opA' 10 per 000' per aaoam, 'rbll prloe II $6,OUO, but tim. oall be bad 00 mooh of tbill. It dBllr.d . No beUer looatlon In 'own, only 0.1 equare tram oouri bOOI., .6.1 an illl. 'fllltmllnt tbll woold be 1Ir.. 01.... !tee A, W. Trelll8, No , SY (ireiDI .treet, XIDla, Y. U. 0 A. BunellD" nl · Mal. PI., POIIDd OblDa, a ,.oel one. fol' .. Ie . U. p . 11:1111, Boutl .1, Waynonllle, Ohio, n1



t.,pe Poland ChlDa lIale PI,II. 3 Big Oball . 11:. Ballem.,er, O",oala,

Ulllo, 'l'elepbool No I y-, y., Ra'"eY8 burl Il:x, 026

(jrade J eri., CaUII. Boll •• SUME Helforll and lOW., '),,1ve., one

rllgiltered Bnll. Inllulre or Burtoo Jllarnb"I". Wa),nlntl\lI, Rou'e ~. Phone J?- IY. , 02~ OW- A 're.b OOW tor all. aod a goo<\ one. API'I., J, B. (Jbap. miD. Wlynellv llle, Obi 0, for Infor· matlon. . .11



the Miami Gazette Now

We have arranged with an undertaker to lI'et an lutO. 110 we will bo able to furnish eIther an auto or h01'll8 ·drawn luQwral. Both phonelln Offlce ItfId Relldenoe. Lon« dlatancw.No.14; Home phoDe



Bucklan's Arnica Salv_ THE ONLY CENUI.,.

K.EPS FLESH IN TONE ' FROM SKIN TO BONK. Hllal.1l:nqlhlng Healable. BUllIe,

Bolle, Bores, Ulcera. PlI9tIo E czema, Cu&a, OQrna, WOllnds and Bruisea. IATII'I& •• OR MONEY BA.eK.

Rile AT ALL DRUCe.8Ta.



To every ' customer, rio matter what the amount of his purchase. Come and talk over your plans with us. We can show you how to save money in buying aU kinds of building material.


- - -...


Funeral Director and Embalmer. DWayne.vllle. Ohio.'\)

Manufact of carefully selected stock, cut accurately to all standard sizes. We carry dressed lumber in several grades -suitable for various purposes. We have a car of this fine lumber in this' week.








yOU a farm orotber FARMS-Bave HOIII IllItato tor "ale ? If BO 11"

at onoe wl\h W . O . Chaudl." WayulI8vllle, UbIO, or call a' Phone No. 77. I have " few ,00<\ 1'1'11\ orrer at Publlo Bale at tb!l out of 'owo buyer8 wbo are dllMr. la'e resldfluoe of Mrs J . C, Meul" OOH of lookIng lit propert, In and. deoo&led In tlprlnghoro, Ob lo, o~ arouud WayDlI8vlllfl Oou" del.yl A t'eDd to Lhlll llt once . Saturday, Octobc.r 21.1916 W. U . Uhandlu. Besloolng a,10 o'olook tbe fa I· lowin. household 800d. : Stovel A.V IDaOllmb8T of (JA~1l BUY. Carpe". Cbaln, l'to, A lot of (jar: EliB for FARMt!, It ,00 want. diD Tooh" 1 BUIlIlY, to SELL. Ille or write to ll . II . Terml mllde kuowD 00 day ot lIal., l:Iolnel,I112- 15-14 U. D. BuUdln" W . .6.. IIERRITT. Oa,.'on,Oblo. 018 W • . Mill., .6.uo •.

- ----




TYPEWRITERSI "[ belte,'!! you're ,,(rnld or work I" 400 "AfraId of It I" replied I'lodlllng Pete, .RBMIHGTON8 '12. S!dITB·PRIUU.BRe 12 Lat Your ObIidND Learn T,pewrltlq "I nln't eytln ncquulnted wlth- It."- ';'R\'la~' ~~ VacaUoa. lIIIItruo,loD Book W aehlnrtoo Stur. EMPIRlII TYPa J'OIJNDRY, [lull'olo,'N. Y. ~et

-,--.--- - -


OlaaBlftad .Ad.

Imputation Scorned.



Tuosday, Oelobcr 2.1, 1916 Aids 10 Safety. BeglDnin~ at 10 o'olook the roll ow. Ing pr ope r~.v : One Hor ~e, 4 Uuttl6 l-~ '· n Re('nlltl III"u ~ 11I III huslnCIIII as Sheep. Fnrm Iwplom ents Rud nll ,1 II f.l 1"l C( IOt.l HIJ.; h l III 10 \"1', Thut rul~ mBny other ortl o I6~ . will SII Y" you 1\ 1.. 1 ur (JIBCOlll fort.Terms 'uade koowo ou 11Ily of sal e, Alt l'll l_ou GlolJe, A. I), V AN DOREN.

. -.


111111 "


r · Puhllo ~lIle aH 1111'1)",1 lilt! 1", '~ 111Il 1',··~It· I'. "UUI pf'rllOps sell eve r y,btDI( follow. un ·HIlII I.· /lr II", ~11" "' ~"rM ,In lI .. l '(IU'U to Thursday, October 19,191 6 1'1\\'1' 1\ ", lilt' fl Oit' I'III'I'U '" or rUll lllo~ (,·"quI·nUy." Commeuolng lit 10 o'ol ook 6 florij , 011,10 bead CaUle, 65 Hogs, Chlokons, Bay , BtrBw, Implements , Bogglell, HllrD ess. Mlaoell~neoas . All Agreed. See bill blllll 'for torlll~, "Dlti SOli SlIl'llk I" rll lh" .. nbout me• •J. B. ' BAPMA N. ,\ rllllll' ?" IIH kNI 11111 ,d,·1. "YeA, I dId, W. N , SOllr8, A ,101. tI .·tI,·, 111111 hp 11 ~ ""t' rl \I It II IJh' IlUllrltly," "" 1111" (1 I",,· 11'11 ', . ,., ·"I'!t.-II It , ,,"Iel 1 "1~1I 1 '"l1rr)' YIII I '/" " 1\' IIY- I ' I' - IlO: I B~ vl n g 80)(\ my fllTLn I will RI'll at tl lol l1'1 Ilu ll . /:I'l H" rll" u~ li' A!. I Just Publlo An otl oD 00 my farm , 1 mill' :-ou l- I .\ !lU wt!r u u It l '" ~II'I, " - L uu dv n Aowest of l:I ~ rt' f,ysbu r g , on til AI'l'II11P :-- \\ ,./..... Rand , nn ,

. ..


' ITh --y " I'lll .ytl h I"

hll':;.'· "'t" (1f·(·I"f"'i l.

1 bave reDted my fllNn .. nd WIll , 11....11 1."111.\


A ""Ileal "Hewl'I '." The Angelell UUllic IUudent "". thIs, from I musical blst!)r, examlna· Hoo pener: "Beethoven dlscoverecl thl IOnate 10 ' tour movea. _ Ih!tore till. It WI. a I"'eet. He Wrotll mall1 1)1100 IOn.taI tor the 1'tollll 1Ulc! thq were 1.)...... to lalla. Dr, Bell', Pt.e eallecl Itrlq quartets. • )lIIUlO ra,.Buaey II aD t4..1 teme4, for IOnlta W.8 for III It . . . lIa.. a ..d till Job. Tbe Idae of a ,job h tile 11M of tile oht14rea . . .aU .. II'OWD-~ At eaUed a IJDIIPbCIIII.

Ilt.L..IIoIda U,

IIr. Ed OinT, of Mlbml8burll, epen' thll put week wUh Barry Sbaw aod r'lmlly . lIeldamllll Oball Kibler and W . O. called on ~n . AM Wbla· fiker 'I'buf8dlOy afternoo,tI lib Clyde WllkeraoD vial ted Ro bert Bn \llng"r anel tamil, 11'rldllY DI,b. and Satorday. Ittr. and IIr8. Walter Kenrlok, 'dr. Ilnd 14r1. CbaB Jobus and sob , minD look Suoday dinner wltb Mr, 'Baney Hnrnett and rllml !y Ittr. and Mrs. Barr, tlb"w aod little eoo vl.ned 10 Oaylon Hllturday. Millael .lennle Wllrner, EugeDie ~nd Lena Wbltnker attended ~he meeUII& of thll Jonlor Prisoilla olub "t Ihe homll of Mill Marie 1:!baUII Sahlrday afte rnoon . lIr. Lafe DOline retarned bome Wlld08llday aUer a few daya viii' 10 Glnolonatl Yr. Ind 14rs. Baney Borne" lit. tended tbe mrlUng of the Farmer'lI olub ai Maurloe Silver's Thur8day . )11111 Thlliina Ba'ker of Wllmlng. '00, I, vla"lng her aunt, lin. Ada Courtney. Barry Bhlw and family eo tor talo.d the ttlllowing 00 BnndllY: IIr. and Mrf!, Yort ROlllh lin. Mill Lola, :lArI. WlUnn Corwlu 1I0d fam. aad Mr: Cball. Bowker. 14181 Jaonl. Wtlroer oa\led 00 MI8e Lizzi. Klbl,., Thurllday afternooo . Mr, ADd Mra, Evanll I:tatfleld. Yr . Rnd loire. lIuee'le EunB and lion, En'I. from Lallan 'oot Manda, 1110. ner wl,b All Wbltaker and family .

III II I" I'Ily 11,','11 hUI'" hut

1111 It· 1I'"nl ,I,· Ito /':" 11111" ,,11"'1' IIU 1'1111

Pimply mUddy oomplexlons are doe to ImporlUes 10 the bloo!1. Cllar up 'he aklD by taklnR Dr. Kilt,'. New LUe Pills. Their mild lau"ve qualltlea rameve The poll. onl tram 'he dy.tem lind brlllhten the e,e . A fnll, free non.grlplDIr Bavlnl! rln'ed my tarm I wtll sell buwel movtlmeot lu 'be mornlnilis at Pnbllo Auctloo 6 mllel Bouth of thll reward ot a dOle of Dr. Klnll'l Way.enlllll, and 2X miles !:lIl1t of New Lire PIl\1I 'be olgh' before, A' Oregonia 00 your Ornlgll', 2~0. Wednesday, October 25, 1916 ... 8eglnnlne a. 10 o'olook 'he tal. 101l'Iolf property : 5 OOflell , 8 (Ja,. WeBtller Reform. ID this best of worlds 011 Ullngs nre, \le,l Brood Bow, Implement., eto, Terms IUlide known on day of ot course, nrrnnged for III I'llry Ilest; bul 1111 n ilord·work otl gurdOller, wenrl ud lIale. WI(. TAYLOR. wltb much watill'lug ot 1I11werA, rl)W , N . Beara, Auut. lIIurkeli ODe el'Cllltllg, he Could 1I0l un· J . D. Chapmlln, Clerll . duratund why nil Ihe 1'1110 tlilit hlld to filII could Dot be wade to COIliO ut FORGET YOUR ACI~ES t)tlfr knee., lohlal IImbl, lalllll night. "It would Sli I'C llH gurdtJuera II Bnlng rented m, rarm J will lel1 buok make life a burd.ln, U you world ot trouble," h e uddl!d l'llIlnll vc· .t Publlo Sale II tJlllol WOlt of Ly"', Iy. "Dud lJe lUucll usctull cr to the lIo\\,.offer from rheumUIIlD, ,ou', 10m • miles touth or CeotervlUI I\nd • ba:o. neoralllla, gill a boUle of Slna,.·1I era oDli Iblllgs," mill. nortb or Ridgeville on -. ---Llnlmeot. thll onhereal rimed), for Wednesday, November 4, 1916 patD. &IIIY to apply i I, peDetrate. Do It Firat. wUhou' robbing and .ootb.. 'be Commllaolng at 10 o'olook 'bl rol ~ Let him who gropeI! palntully In the tender flelb. Ciliner anel more .f. lowing propert, : Ii BOrlel, II I:Il&d fective 'han mllllY olalmeDtl Dr durk or uncertnln li gh t. nnd prnys or Oat\le. 60 Bogs., lmple. poolUoee, For lI'ralDI or Ipralal. n hemently that the down Dlny rlDeD ments, Veblcles Harnell, Fled, eto . ,are musclel or wrenobed 1l,lmln$1 Into day, luy this precept weH to . Bee bill billa for term., relulIlllg tram .&r.tiuoul eXlrolle hellrt : "Do the duty \\'lllcll lies oenr.6.LLI8U~ TAYLOR & BUN . Sloao 'l LlDlmeot gl fef! qulok rllllf, eijt tc) thee," whIch thou knowcst to A. A. MoNell . Ana'. Keep " OD band for e(Derg.ncl.. , b!! a duty I Thy second duty will 01. J. II, Blmos, Clerk , ready hove become c l ~llr~r,-Corlyl e. YOUT Orngll(llt 260.

Take Chaw berlllin 'I Tablet8 and Ittr. and lain. Ra,m.1I4 W"d. aael adopt 0 <lIe. of vegetables lind oe., of L,'le, Mr. an4 Mfi. reala. 'falre outdoor IIzerolae delly (~eeter Wltterman wllre 'b. 1:I1Jo. aDd 'your oompl exioo 11\11 be greatly day eO"" of Mr, and Mn. JOlllpb Improved wltbln Blew mOlltb • . "auban. Try It, Obtainable everywbere, Mill Ulnna Brusoap bat beell orWOIlUy Ill. Mr. and ·)lrl. 1'. W, ROil nag I•• Pror. Ind Mr • . •John Bmlth aDd ohHdrPIl, of VandaUII, were the Sunday gue," at W. A. Noll lind femU, . MrI W , A. ~01J II IUIJ on the Ilok lilt. Mr aDd Mrll. Benr), Oear'h Wire Ittr and Mil Ueorge Gilliland ,nd lIon8 of ne"r Ferry were tbe Uem VUy .llIUorl one day la.1 8noday lIaea'lI of Mr, and Ittra. A. Ma" C011lo1 ha.. gool to Indiana B. Sbaner and family, ' 10 makl her borne . Mr. Bnd .Mrs. AbI!Ialom Evan a alld lIr •• MoClllr. hall retlllrlled to hlr fam Ilv, of lIear Cen'ervllle vllUed bomll afler a vii" 'I' Uh .lIr IOD John wltb Mr. alld Mrl, B, C, Dakin anl1 Ind flmll,. family las' 8uoda,. Jamsl 6reJ II ooovalelloing. Me8l11e, ErDOI'IIDd Walter O.kln lain. Benr), Oeartb "llltlel hit and FrAnk nnd B:dward Cook, of daollbter a. Mlddle'owml (lnl dl, Ruutll 'returned tlIIturday evenlog I..t week. from a few daY8 oo\lnlJ at UllJhland Mil. Hllrtha S'even.IID, of Da,. Park. Balobrldee. Oblo. Wblle en. "I sited hom. rOUlll ODO da, l..~ roule the, enjo,ed n ple.8Iln& viii t 'on, week. . d the b ome or tbelr ooullo Mr. ------~.~.-. Barr, Halues ".Dd fllmll1, of BIllI. bora. Mn. Oaklo aDd daughter I~OLD and E . M. Maple IIpen' '3durda, aDd BUDd"y with Mr. lod Ittrt!. Beri A oolel d0811 110$ gl' '1'1,11 of Itlllllf. Bolmel and 10011, of near L"eIan. The .. prooell of we.rlnl out a oold "rI. Frank BeAI Bnd daullhlen wean Y"u oot. aDd ,.our' ooueh bI. Cbla and 6noe, of Oa,ton, lpeU oomell ler\)ol If negleo.eel. . Baok. Sa'urdap and t)unday ' wltb 1'1.. 108 O<?ogbll dralo 'be enelrgy and lap vitali'" 11'01'.7 7earll 'be bappy Allo I Cbenuweth, Mr. Fran' Maple . leU lIonday oomblna'ioo of lIoo$hlnl aDtiaepUo morDlng for KIDge 111111 where be bal88mlllD Dr. Klnl('l Nllw 01100. will '1'1,1\ hll bro'ber 11I.llw Theo. ery ha" he.lPd ooogbi .nel relined Trimble aod ramll, for a fllw da, •. ooDlJelUolI . Y obne aDd olel caD tea&lIy to 'be efreo,lvlolli' of Dr. Mls8 A 1100 Cbellowe'b I. en'er. KID,'I New DIIoo.er7 lor oooib. talolog company from lu41aila tblB Inel ooldl. 80, a boUle toda, a' :week. Jour elrDitelat, 600. . Ittl.. i'lortlnoll L.ey · lpeDt tbe week 1104 wilb b'1r lllter Mn, ... II, Vook an4 daulb~r of Routll 4, II" aDd Mrl. JlMle UolaDd and Artthuia. Ur. and Uri. J.rr, .Roland IIpeD' The nOllle ArcthUBII III trom tbe ODII day lall' w.ek wl'b ·lIr. allel Greek. It Is tbe nume or \'llrlous Mrll. Brallk Oawle. "prlngs 10 ODetcot Grel)C~(l. espeeially Ittr. Berbert Meredl&h. of Dear of one In lhO blnnll of 01'tygtll In the Middle Ron, II the owner of allew IInrbor ot Syrocuso, With It WIIB.eGO· automobile, ' Dectod the leeend tha t Arethusa, a Mr. Frank Bawlle II' oOllllllerabl, nymph ot E1I8. \\'11110 batblng In tbe AlphellR, Willi 'p ursued bf her lover, the Improved at 'bll wrUIIII, rlver·tloll. and lied rrom him to .... eea. whl ther he followed u,ndel'lH .nd overtook her.


A Po·8 6Iblllty. ",' I I·II I1 /.:'·r~ ~ 11'''t ' l

As Written by Our Corps of· Able, Correspondents :In the NeighborhOod_ _ .... --...-.-. ___________..._. _ _ _



Buyers Oet Quality Ouaranteed'::on All Supplles


FASHION to Fiction McCall'I il Supreme:' write. a New York Bubec:n'ber. ., .McCAU.·S helps o v or 1,:lOO ,00 0 w om on dretls · In

style at small expen.e. · A recog· nlzed F a a h Ion Authority for 45


McCALL PAT· TERNS I..d in .'yle, III, IlmpllcIty. economy an.1 namber sold. McCALL'S-" to U8

pa.'. montbl~-l. the


Welrl..!. A1I th .. 1." 1\\ .,yl,. every mODth; .1_0 dellahtrul .toriel; ypecl.' d,putmtnte 'n coo"inl'. home dre ... m n.klna. faDc,. work, and .... y.


'0 ltahhln

houu.w ol'k aad ••VI

mon.,. Prie.: oal" Sf: • c.opy, SIc • )'e .... SIIIII reul\IOG FUK'·W..... Baoik , ClldSIN .,iIh •• EmbroW.,.a..- ...

IT'" roila-.. M.c.tI ~ ......

=":l~--=::e'~~~:-~:! -'0.-."

18II1oCALLCO'.III............. ' . . a.....,.


• ..1.

.............. .......................................................................... ~




•~ ••



I i go Co/s, Le~~non, October 23 to ,2 8 i. .

T e Great Majestic Demonstration at The L



........................................................................................................... ................................................................................



'1lI1 .


. ' G 1:1==:JltI I

==::11 r::J E'= =:11 13 1::1==:11 r::J G - I r::l 1:'= = :118



lIymnn 's special lllanket Sale.

r.l i~s Clara Lile ~J)enll he week-end wi th relntil'cs ill Xenia,

Walle r Br ita in, of Uay tol1, it ing here with relatives.







Musk, Free Entertainments EI and a General Good Time.



Republican Day

M" i by the Greenr,.M Dan o!,

FridaYt October 27

With Senator Warren G. Harding EI Nearly one and one-half mile and all the candidates for ofiice of Booths.) " on the State Ticket present.

$2,000 offered in Premiums,

Democratic Day 'Saturday, October 28

I ~mI


Best Premiums ever offered for

Wl'th Secreta~y of War Newton D, Baker, and Congressman Alfred G . All en as spea k'crs,

. E a Coun t y Com . x J11'b't 1 •

Big Premiums offered on Horses Hogs, Poultry and Farm Produce_

Frl'day-Educationai Day with parade of the Schools.

~\a ~ Come

p. Ill.

Buy your boy man's,



Banl! an d t ill' inth Battalion Band, of COIU lI I-

tam ily, of


Three Frce Entertainmcnts every day by High Di\· an d Fire Diver.


She rman Dyke and oute 5. visited in New

Vicnna Sunday , Mrs. Alice McKinscy und d aughler Mill Henrietta, " i.,lteu relatives in Uaylon Sunday. . . .Mr . and Mr~. Mahlon Ridge and MI~II Lepa Conne r were week·end viSItors In Columbus, Mr. and Mra . Geo r"'9 Hartsock motored to Arcanum IBst week to visit with relativ es.



The Lytle Sund ay-Sc hool will have Rally Day Sunday afternoon, Octo· ber 22. Everybody invited.




ST. ~1ARY'S CHllRCH Eight eent h Sund ay uftec Trinily. j Octobe r 22nll, SUr:dRY School at fUJO I a. m ,: J\Ilo1'Oing Prayer anll sermOll , . :>evtral from here went over t o a t 10:30. The public invited to these Hurv eYHb urg 'aturduy afternoon to services. f at tl" nrt the race~. Th ey repo rt II •_ [gOOd time, and th ", racOlS we re right up to dat e. Th e boys ill that burg B have 80me oodother horses lind thurely ey arc willing to glet people see tbelr good qUlllltio::l.

I I I.


----- - . ----

To the memory of Elizabeth Van-

Members of the Ladies Aid Society. Wherea~ , God has remov ~d ollr 10 rllzee, of Franklin, are the guests dear sistef and beloved friend.t o of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Evans. I higher Fpheres or usefulness. th ere· f ore be it ' Be rtha . Kenrick, who .und.erwent , n~solved, that we lUI sisters of this nn operation at the hospital In Day- I Aid endeavor to make our lives more ton lecently, arrived h\lme Saturday, luseful and live up to t.he Golden . Rule: "Do uuto otherll 8S you .weaters for M~n, Women and lwoUld have them do unto you," ChIldren at Hyman s. Resolved that in our w().rk our M J C E . d soci.llnter~ourse. we feel Q loss'that rs. , • vans entertams 8t ' ean not be filled by another We dInner Monday the 01' Misses Kathleen exten d our d eepest 8ympat h and Gladys l>~ razee Franklin y 'to t I10 ' ' bfreaved husband, son, brothers and Mrs. A. C, White, of Owensboro, sisters. Ky ., arrive.d. here Wedn6sdav even- 'Tis sweet to be remembered, Ing for.a VISit her son, Mr. U. And a pleallant thlnlf we find, M, WhIte an d wIre. That though you may bl! absent, Mr. Bnd Mrs . D. L, Crane are i n You stili are kept in mind . Columbu~ visltlnfl with relative II, ~ Emma Ell1B Committee Louisa Jessop Mr . Crane Is attendinlf the Oh 10 . Mary Harvey


, The Mls!e! Kathlllen and Gladys

P rof. Will Rogers, "The. Black King of the Air," double and triIe a a I te I b th d d p r T - lU eaps 0 ay an night,







Special Parades Every Day.

~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~-""'----._ ~ ..

ill dll~Srh:~ct\~~eJ r::


_ ________ _____ "_

W. N. Sears, Agent.

Macki naw at Hy -

mi '


h us.

· . L eague D epart men t Th e ClVlC offers handsome premiums on Fancy Work, Canned Fruits,Bread, Butter, Candy, etc.


Mr. and Mrs. J . C. E\' Q.ns we re the gu ests of friends in ' incinnl1ti seve ral



i ~ vi~­

The Fa r men' Grange will mee t Sa lllrday afternoon, October 21, ut 2

EXHIBITS,=-====4. ~


The Fred B. Sherwood Property on 4th.,' st., g ood, seven-room House, Furnace, Ele ctric Lights, both kinds Water, good Barn .ctnd arge Lot. Will make you a good price for quick sale.

Different day.


every r:'I


. TheMassletownshipSundaySchool Union w~ill h id . its r egular meeting at the l'ree Will Baptist chu rc h at Beech Grove on Sunday afternoon, Octob r 2:.! . Mr. Fred Pauly. of L ebanon, wi! address the Convention. Everyon e invited , Mrs. Martha Davis, Secretary, - •


All Four Days . and Have a Crenera ~ .--- . . ~. Good Time. The Fall Festival Association ~ ~~:~:~~:~:~:~:~:~~t::~~:~lWill HOLD MISSION

On !looount or AD ~ooldent dlub. ling me ror rarmlng, 1 will 8011 00 the J .. F. Clld wllllader faflll, 00 tbe Wnynosville Pike, 2y' miles tlollth ot Wftyoos" llIe ona 7 miles Norlll r;. r:'I Mu~on icGrandLodge. 0 1 Lebl1uon, on ~ 1,;.1 Just landed - Another car of tl WednesdaYI November I, 1916 Commencing R~ Il o'clook 8 . m. th& tollowiOj: ohllHels: 8 Bor,s!! nod Mul o~, 2i, I:jead ot edtl_, ~~ BOlld of l:!Ogli, 3S Sheel', Farming iwple rnenta, \:oro, Bay, Hous ehold r;.I!' I!, r;"IP, r;"Il!' r:.==31 p. [!J L: p, 1[!J .. ,L: Mar y's churchat will "et withFrida Mr ~1Ii .. ...... ~ a.:; Ioi L: L: Cadwallader · the mr ectory y Gooda. ~~~.~_ ~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~____~~__~____~__~~____~__~________________________~~__ aft e rno_ o_ 1l _ a_ t_ 2!~c.:_ . ____ See bLg bills for term s. A mission will be held at St. AuUEUIL BITESMAN. lfultlne'A church October 29, 30 and nf18 t;le ker, Aoct, 31, Rev. Charles C8S91dy, officiatillg: Brown & Gr06s. Cle rks, There will be Ma8ll at 9:00 a , mot 101lowld by Instructlon8. Evening ser- -" vices at 7 o'rlock, rosary and serm on. J uat received a car of the At! all Everyone Is corlllially invited. HI"h Grade Cement, Can furnls h any q uanti ty from one lack to 200 barrel lots. J. Will Whitr, - -

&&51' m ==51'


559":]1--' e







... '~ r


., I



t, ('



r· t~ ,

~r ,. ' I '






A big new discovery


cigarette blending The big thing about Chesterfields is their unique blend. The CI,e!terfield blend is a'n entirely new co'mbinQtion of tobaccos, This blend isthe most important new development in cigarette making in 20 years. As a result, Chesterfields produce 8 totally new kind of cigarette enjoyment-they satisfy! Just like a "bite" before bedtime satisjieswhen you're hungry. But with all that, Chesterfields are MILD. too t This new enjoyment (satisfy, yet 'mild) comet ONLY in Chesterfields because no cigarette maker can copy the Ch,sIerjilld blend.





.- ..


Lewis VI. Livery

Late Classified Ads.


Miss Helen Hawke, who was oper ated on tor gall ston09 at a Del.wafe hospital recently, had to underlfo an other operation last week, The Rec and operatIon was a very auccealfu I one, and It Is hoped by her man y frilnd! In Waynesville that she wI IJ 900n be able to be home again .


v • • • • • • • • • • .,.,



Ooroo Male PlglI , :3 tlo"l and Pille, • .tlowd rarrow ~b! 8 mon'h. AIIIO, IlIr,8 oheap work mara, J, W.OcBI1VBll , Waynesvill e, Ohio, . nl

- - -...




package 0/ those cigarettes that SATISFY I"


ZIMMERMAN'S PEACHES The best Peaches of the season, Sal ways. Big lot in to ·day prices right, New Dried F~uits,New Hominy, New Oats, Pancake Flour, New Canned Goods, Cabbage, S.weets, Onious.


New Raisins


Special Gran. Sugar 25 Pound Sacks .. ".




Paying 32c for Eggs




At Lytle Hall, Saturday evening October 28th. Two playlets an lunch. Admission :Wc; Children un der 14, 10c,

. .

d -


- ---

-=-"-=------= CALL '





Phone 83·5



Notice of Attachment Cll"". E,

JOIUllI, Plaintiff } V8 .

Wllour or OrovDr UrltrcJ , Uett .

tto.clnnol1 t.

The Stale of UhlO Warro" CounL~, 'waruo Towu.hl~: AtLachmon. ueroro S, . J oy, J, 1'. , or 'ayno 'fuwushlp, Warroll c..uut,.. UllIO, . Un tho 10th lIar of S0p,tcmber. A. D . 1916 snit! JWiflc o i&.iuel o.u Ort or or att.achment. hi Lho abovo action for tho lum 01 Il .la (dol· tu.n;) fUtU costs. Wuyu""vlllo, Ohio. Octobor 10. 1018 , oU

. Notice of Attachment


Johu My."" PI.lntl,f } - VI. . AU.cllm~Dt Wll lJer or o rOver nolrd, D.n, Tho !it"\6 01 OWo Warreu lJouut7. Wayne TuwilShlr -tt.chmollt uo/ore 8. U. JOT , J. P •• ot "OrDO 'J'o.' oMIlIa,. \Varrcn OoUDt.y. t)hlo. 00 the 20th day 0 1 8optomllor. A;· i)., 1916. ",1'1 JUIUCO IUUIl<l aD oreler of altach· llI~ut 10 the abOve I(ltlon lor tbo lum of 12.00 "olla... Blld COS1 •• W"Yllosvlllo, OWo, (,latobor 10, 1S16, 01


- -


DEATHS Mrs. Sue Cartwright Suydam died at he.r home In SprlngofieJd. Saturday . evenmg, October 14th. The luner aJ wu held Tuesday momlnlr at 10 o'clock, Interment wal made in Eerncliff cemetery. Mn. Suydam wu a resident ot Waynuville at on. time, and hu sever.1 fri.nd • . bere Sbe .wu a IIlster 01 the lat. Isaac Cartwrlaht, wbo spent IOIDt time at ~be Fri.nd. bome, .


Yellow Kitchen Ware Ass t IOe Hoods, for Children .• ·., .. 10c New Dishes : Bowls, Salad,Meat Bd g iug, late pattercn, yd " IOc . Plates, DessertDishese tc' lOe No.w Sc rim, per yd ...,. •. IOe Dainty Little Tea Pots ... lOe Gingha m Aprous. , .. ,' .. ,I1Oe: Canval Gloves, f~r Men. _ lOc Gloves-Cbildren, Men and "Boss" Ploves, for Chlldreu IOc Women ....... : ....... lOe Ladies' Gloves and Mittens llc Handkerchiefs .•...•. De, lOe: "Star Cut" Glass Vases. ' . lOc Stockings ..• , •. ' .' . , • • . •• lOe: Pocket Books, men, women I Dc Socks ... , .... '.. _•••. '.,' lOa Gla!lS Dishes-." ,'... ... "., JOc Boys Patits •••. '. •.••.••.• 25.e: Phillips' " BuUdm,


Waynesville, OhIo

New Honey

Fre8h Oy~ters

e __ •




~~~l!r. "G;fle me



==311:::1 .,==3J G



The. Magazine lIan Wayaelville, Ohio.


~i.·ty -Eigh t l.

Y ar



. -~----j I HIGH SCHOOL





Buy Comfurts at Hyman's

. . hus. StllnHlIerry IItu rd ay.

\, 1~ ' lUr

WS 8

a Dayton

. Mr . lind Mr~


A lec ture course i:! bei ng ~iven und, r the auspices f th e I ligh :·c!IOOI.! The ohjecl is IlOt to mal<e money but Lo ~('rve th e eommunit\' by brin l,{illg ~omethin\{ that wi ll ser ve hoth a · an entenalnment and an up lif t Mo re will be paid t or t hree u um bel~ Ll f 'ho COUI'SO than 01 he r Luw lI ~ ar ' j.J3y' iug for II fh e:nuil.l 'tolr co u r~e The re will be four g uaran teed numbers a nd if lli ., pl'(l plc !lll lJpnr t the course uml UH'J' e ill U lI ur.p lus an uthe r number will be add~<1. The fi~st numbe r oC d w cour-f' , . Th e Chicago Ort h .. lIt ral '::)..,xte lte,' Ni ll he given October :.l Ist. The ~ econd numbe r will p ro b'djly be nn Illustrated lecture by M r Sorensen fhe third number wil l Iw a I"ct ure hy Col. Unin. the "Si lve r T,lue(\ Orator" of Kentu cky. Th \:: fo u r lh number will be The Nllti ona l Wee Club. Adult ticl<ets ure $1. 00. Children und er twelve 50c. A dmwillif of gents will take "lace Frirlay uiter · noon. Oct obe r 27th a t 0:33 in the Township h o u~e .

S \I ,)wellwe re SUI! tl ay .

Mr. lind Mrs. Jam.'~ Ke rri ck ~ pent Th u rHd"y with w lali veH ill X,!ni a. .

l; nrge Waterhous() und \le ll n Howell were lJay tol. visito rs Sunday. C;on!:,o lellm ItUl{A r 'r und er stoves nil sizes, all ct!lol'S, a t Hymnn's. ' Rev. Dnd Mrs . J F. Cailwnlladpr were Xenia viMitore Monday after. noon . C hllrll'~ Grlluser, of Piqua. spent Sa l ur<lIty anet Sunday with fri ends ill Waynesv ille.

Buy ' your winter Und erw ear ut I-[,' man's.

and viti Mrs. C. W. of Iboost()r Show by that you are t he a community Cl1lMr. umhus. ited with Mr.Taylor. and Mrs ~upporting Cour~e . All en Kibler la~t week . . - - -- - ....- - -

SCHOO l l"' OS ES· HONORED TEAPHER LateRt s.tyle crepe de chine Waists al Bynum s. U Miss Gwerd Iyn Milt h' t !.'llclJinlt in ~1idd!etow~~rohio~s;e~~ the week end here wllh relative...

· Mr. and Mrs. Fred ~~Ibon aul ocd Cent t' rvill tl Illd . lust Wednesday i The resignati on of Miss Mabel and attended' a sal~ of pure- bl ooded I Hadley, who hus been l eaching ill hOl{s. I!)ur school f or th e pasL four y <!ars, . t has CBSt a gloom over the pupils of Mr. and Mrs A K. Genrge of the High School. Miss Had ley had Wil min gton, hav(, rented their h~me Ian aUack of ptomaine poison last in I hat cily. and will spend the win _!summl.'r at her home in Wilmington, tl'l' in the South. and has never fully recovered from . its effects. She came here at the . and daughter openmg . f t Ii t! BC h i d t 00 k up Mr8. Harvl'Y Gustin I) , 00 8, an Miss. Hazel., who have been con: her duties, b';lt w~ unable to hold dUeling a lJOardlnlt house In Dayton up. Her r.eslllna!lOn was ~anded to fnr several months arrived home Supt Spreliel Friday evenmg. much Sunday even in If. ' to his rellret. Miss Hadley ha.q made a host of .':iee Waterhouse for Auto Livery. friends in Weyne Township, all of whom regret her lehving, and hope .T . O. Cartwrillht went to Dills· that she will soon be fully r estored b oro, Ind, Sanitarium Thursday. Ito health . H ill rheumatism was about to get I - - --- . . th e btis. t 0 f h •lin. an d h e wen t betore The boys at Corwin station were II got him down. j made happy Monday afternoon, as the pay cor made its appearance. . Ruy yo~r boy a Mackinaw Coat and they rect!ived their money for t f)



at Hyman s .

nERsONALMENiii1 0 - -'-' -


-~- -

th" month .

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!"'!!!!!~~~ =














POOL ROOM \ Ju~t ~~:~~it?f~~~t ·on~a~ac:{ut~n~;~ I~:iHANDS CHANGES SOCIAL

"P;:.:~::~: ~:~:~:i:::':07'O~91; So~i~ri~ ~~~~O~.I~~~~~~~t~~OF:;~~



where he will engage some bu si, to Dayton within the innext month, ness, Clarence Mendenhall will have charge of the pool room for the ' ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. present, _ - -~-


Iml==3'1:] E'=='1:][:'==1[::11=5::1'[:1'15551'

~ ~ ~ ~



W I:l


Next United Sbltel Senator, and

1~lon. Wad~



I a

·1 In


'J oin the parade at earliest possible moment. Will 'be at following places: SPRINGBORO


.. '.








- . ..


10:30 a.m. .. 12:00 m.





• •

11:15 a.m. 1:45 p.m. 2:15 p.m-

Harmon ·B8Il ·Band willi accompany the Tour.








Former Attorney.General · of Ohio~ will Address the different ' localitie~.


~ ~ ~a ~m ~ t:l


·Hon. mytton T.


.. .




i I

- - - - ,-

5J •[:1[==::1' t:J'LE=::J' aGI==I[:U==iJ.t:lEf=5?5J

1 II;] 11:=='1:]'==51'[:1 '==:3][:1 '==::111:::1 1:== ..==5111:][===

Republican Automobile ·Tour of Warren County



The Wll yne Tow nship Farmers' Mr. and MrR. Myer Hyman an~ . club III ,t li t li te coun try home o f Mr tluu).dl ler spent Sunday in Xenia. fin d Mrs. 8 ill'er on Thursday , Oc tobe r \th . Th e dny was an id ell l one Mr~. Mary Burns spent the week olltsid e th e wurm ~ lInllLin(), inside th e end wilh relati ves in Rellding, Ohio heaut iful r (l o m~ dec r'a ted with ' g'ro\\' in l{ and cut Ilowe rs JJ1ade it Bny r our wonl Underwear at IH pleasnre for the m emlwrs and Il yman's . 1/inv iteu g'nes t ~ to C11j,)y Il lI'JJ1 ~el l' '8 socia lly .\inner was an nnlJ lwl'(1 Stanl <>)' Sl' ll er~, nf Lahanon,stopped • in the big l l'nt Oil the In wn whe re " Ir 11I'r e one day laHt week . e nroute lh ~y we re served 1\ Rl'lend id dinne r ttl :olulJ1bus. . in:a de li ghtful manner. At tWn Hall Brand Foot· wear at Hyman's · o'cl ock the pre~ide nL' ca lled I he meeting t o orrl er, afte r the invocalion Mrs . Geo rge Hartsock attendeil by He v. Bea ll, the r eKul ar prug ram was carried ou t. The eu l'I'e nt even IB the funl!raillf M : !I. M. S. Suydam a t by Mrs. I1 af\' v Burn() ll were we ll Springfie ld Il\.qt week . read and pli ci tcl\ much discussion. Mrs ' An na Cote. of Cincinnati, was < T he es~ ayis l, l' . D . Clngett bc ing absent the l ime wns tak t'n with lh p t. he w~ek · en d Ku eat of Mr. L. A . Tlila Is lit e Ih'st p hn[(,g fH(lh <u r end, th ,' 1; 11' 1" ,1 :; l:l h' ~ \If Olll! uf th e UI'ill~ h urUlt) r eli " IUll k~," the g r"lIl s te,,1 special t opic for t hedilY, Ni ne rea"onR Zim me rmnn and family, fll'o{ t't ll'lI 1I IO I,Rt" r s .hllt w er e u sed III t h e Imll i o uf th o :-;,UII1I 1I0. 'fllt'Y c ru s~ ~ 'rIlUIl1 S , c limb hill s unll c m wi ov er why men should not vote; Nine Rh c ll hulps nn .\ tl·" lIc hes. MrR. Addio Le()vy, of Dayton, reasons why wo me n Ilhould . vo le. ~~~~~~~~------~-------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" conducted by Mrll Will Fram e 011.1 s pent last week with Mr . and Mrs. Dr E llis the papers were cule aud J . S. Thomson . of Route 4. . . spicy and crea led mu ch merriment See Waterhousc for Auto Livery. and dlscllssion pro and con which II wound u p wit.h a rousin g s pellch hy I Mr!l. W . P . Salisbury and daulth - ' Rev. Beall in fllvor of Women's Su f- t e r, Mis.~ Mabel , visited relatives In rage. The Library Committee mad u Xe nia Sutu rday and Sunday, favorable report on t he cH tAlili shm cnt Wi lbur Huward Missildine, tMhi,.r.od. I' Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kennedy g ave lOf a club library . We had with us Mr . J ohn Hole and fam ity, of c!'il~ of J oh n F. and l)ru~ce\la" a s urprIse party in honor of their tfrom the othe r clubs, Mr. !lnd Mrfl Dayton we re week· end &,uests of ~ lldJnc , was born ut Wa ynesville , daughter Miss E ttll's eighteenth McClure and daughter, Irene. fr om Mr. and Mrs. W, N . Sear&and family . Ohio, August 10, 187:3 and died at : .LOShAn g.eles, Cnl. Octobe~ 10, 1916 / When you go t o the polls on No · birthday, Saturday, Oclo bc r 1<1, Franklin, Mr . and Mrs. Keys and Buy yo ur boy's school Shoes at ~t t e age ot 43 yea r! and ~ m onths . vember 7th , see to it that you make 1916. The Friend9' cIa.;. was s up- / Warren Reys, fr om Lebanon. After rhe d.ecea~ed m et a tragic d , 1\ mark in fron t of Frances M Hll m. posed to have its meeting there and la kind invita t i(1O from MI'. and Mrs . Hyman's. ~~" With e ig ht other~, was wallln~ i il lon's nltm e, wh o is the Rep~blican sh e was not exp ecting anyone e lB e ~1 Earnhart to meet with th em, it waS Mr. lind Mrs .•J. W. White, Mr. b a ~t ree t car wh~n an auto, ch~sed I candid a te for lh e Cou rt (If Appeals. Games were played and mu sic and a given over to t he Exec ut ive com mit · social time waR enjoyed by all . / tee and announced that t he next find Mrs. F. H . I~arr and Mr. Fred h~r~ledO~O ~cyt~e of1l ceJ flor speedfln g , ' It is unnecessary to say who Frances good )or In 0 () crow eavlng our 1M. Hamilt.on III, because every voter At a seasonable hour refreshments meeting would be at the regular time White were Dayton visitors Sunday I son.s prone on the paveme.n t . al\ In Wayne Township knows him . He were served, con sisting of ice cream, !Thursday, November 9l h at the afternoon. . bbadl y Injured. Howard sustained a ~ was rai$erl in Wayne Township. roake, candy and apples Those Who /home of Mr. and Mrs . Burton Mr and Mrs. Benj, Jones, of asal fracture of the sk~II, and waS l afterward going to Lebanon, and .the enjoyed the evening were : Misses t Earnhart . The meeting adjourned !\~hnoc:tremo,!,e~ to a hos~ltal. whehe, voters here a8 wel\ a.~ all over the Etta and Ll~a RenlJedy, Lessie ! wit~ the wish t hat we mig ht cnrr:e Moor~sville. Ind ., are the gU8!!ts of . died a f regi:lnlngl ctonSClousness, e county. will vote for him. because he Tucker, Georgia and Mary Whel.8el. agal!) and again to the plea.~ant 11'1 Mr and Mrs . Nllthan Jones and Wilson , Martha Lukens. , ver home. The invited guests of Mrs. o th~r relatives herE' 1'1.'. ew. onrs a er. t d d is the man for the Illace. Mr. Ham· L:>uise Laura McKinsey. Vesta Ellis, Martha Silver were Rev . De all and son, Mr. ' . ~ ~ remains were cram, c an 'It ' II lit· d f h . forward d t 'II' '1\ Oh ' f I on 18 we qua Je or t e POSI an<,i Mabel Starr, Marianna Grey. land Mrs. Le.wis , ~f Killl{mru; Mr. JU8tlandeli- Aoother car of the burial. eT h: a8h~~es~lea~hed 10he~! tion, : BfI he was <endorsed. by the Veda Sumner. and Jennie La~son, . ana M,rs. Will. W~lte, J. E Jan~ey I Ce lebrated American Fence, Come October 24 and were interrl'd on the Hamilton County Republican. as Mess':8 Wilham Lawson, Sidney !and Wife, ~ewis Chandle r and Wife , and get it while the assortment Is family lot in M' . C t wEll a8 the Republilcans al\ over his Wlltkllls, ·Thol . Matthews. Howard , Mrs. Watkms. Mr . and Mrs. Henry not broken A B Sides T b h la'Ol 0 en er'd' district . . . ., ' this wo rot ers. . . ls~1I .me, of He will receive almost a unanimous Surface and Ramey Carter, .of De- IWatkini Dr . and Mre . Ward. - - - _ - - --Those who attended the Ohio Fed. ~Iaee, .J . Harry MISslldl'.le, of vote In his own c,o unty, and every trait, Mich . All departed at a late I Wichita, Ran ., WIth three sl ~ters. county in the dist rict will support hour wlsbing Etta many mor03 happy I e rntion o f Women's Club. at Dayton last week were as follows: ~es· ~W~r~' tlextdera'ddltrs r~ him Remember. when the time birthdays . •- • dames B H. Kelly, J . W, White, Smith 'of ilr:Yk o~i a ' ra. . comes give him your loyal support, Oh la, s l!lrlvlvhe in order that a Warren County man J . A. Funkey, li. J. Smith, H8well 11'lm 'SI' 10 VII e, W . nce eay ng aynesvi e e b I ' ted to thO , Pierce, Wm. Frame, Lindley Me~­ has llved In Penl1!!yl~ania Wellt Vir. m~y e e ec IS Important r eceiverl ll car of Atlas Hillh denhall, J. E. Janney, J, T. Ellis !tinia and California. ' oll,ce . and J, M. Ward. The \adi e~ were As a boy Howard was a favorite • - • well enlertained. and an enjoyable with our people Courteous obllgami instructive session Willi held, rei lots. J. W,ll Wh Ite. Inll, generous and lovalole h~ made HAllOWE'EI~ an1 he ld fri ends. steadfast to the end , May lI«ht perpetual shine Charle9 Stansberry 8"ld his pool room Monday to W. H. Whitacre. , . Mr. Stansberry will move hi s family . SEE

Ma~o ns repor ted at the Grand Lodge church. Monday Hvenlng, October which met at Columbus last week. ' 30. Chicken soup, sandwiches, pie. Last year's gain was the largest in ! ginger cokes, pickles, and coffee will • _ _ _• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . . . ._ _IIiE. . . . .i Ithe history of the o rder. be served . AdmisBion lOc,



Co tton for comforts at Hyman'lI.


Ilr-. Dill, Osl.('npUlh 21 S. Bro nd way, 1.(· hu l'.)n. Ohio . U .I I'll ~ \' Ill e V Isll Inl




Whole Number 3393





McCre~r" Chairman.


.~ . a


·:i i


,I. I~ .1"UUlll (Ill r,lIull \', ~,dwurl\


E . Jlln,luy


AlldlLluullt h 011\1 OrdEl r tnkt'ln ..... 11 rlllli eHi"l " a6 DOt left! thoo it~ uJl)Jrni (t vil la e. In I'll I'Stl\tll )f 'lbClUliS l)ou"lhhlt·, IlllHle fO'lr rli!'trlhn , If\CeliliOt!, Or" tlon of lIot i>s Rod dookll In kloll 10 C film n I'lc:JsCoUli Ma ry ' ()I1 .. ~"bla who I ~ Ibe o nly 01111 I \l a rry ,.,1 V~ L wi J. o lff'r \ flol e dl~lf1bulell aud Illgll\ e I". LC'"" ,· UrRn' 1 l'rudunt hil In . In r e utn uf ~Ilry L. IUlf o rll , ;:rll'snlW L'n T tlll! ROI I"'lr urJd l'fO~ _ d e~~ed, J oun ,\l ulf o rol!PIJIIlnt IJ'Hl\hm In till) d ll e, "u l'otHl nl{,t r&to r . UUllI;l $l,"Q~ '\ • \ \' '\. \I I t r H. , p rn \SI,lI ~ . F Bru\\'o, l3. N, u UI · . u~ Il'r ",6 V • ru ~ t lle () " DIYrll I\flU 'r. K 1\'108 I hUI' I JI, 'l''''h~ o r o! A, M , !:iro\' 0 '. e &ti l t-; IIle o r r a l tu t ll ou n t.! tIIl:'t! : 111 rl e t .lt of Uuvld M. Mnlf.uJ, and u rcJllr for d ls tr lblltll)U u\lI d~ , , lIi!ODu~etl . •Iullll (J Mnlto r d II\J}Jolnt . k t ' a d adlllio l In tor do bon itl [ l n, I,Jllrry I...' Of t \' ~ I .8WI. ' •1, I'> ., 'r. 'fi r I' Bou(1 !'., QuO .11. J d"me u t III rll~'0 1 f p lul ull ll ~, . Iu th oll' om o f · I~'~'.\l:i. · i n fI' f'~tHt(l o f .J hn H n r y L y n rh , dt'c ','m l. Or(lor rnllu ~ f n.r 61111 p11 0 U 'ew ~uits n f e ll/I, l WhOSll n.1I1I 6 I~ Ohlll1~c d f r 'lul .J o h n !JODry Lyn oh t o J o hn Elln K i rby VI! tot, ttll \V So nr y Htltl ry FI MIt . '1'r3U', (\ 11 111 O. ru llk t 01. l'"r ~~!llIt'" o f 'l'boma8 Coostllble, do titlOu lJ r r Olll Klnto . rellS d, l!'hlll,laooo u ut of Ddmluis. \ Vi11 ill lll If r nit V" Allun C. rt,mklp 1 trllto r lII e(1. e ~ Ill. P a rtltl n 01 r e ul Htnlf' . I I!: tll t e n l lJharl~ 8 F r lln :t.,dece/lSI••I. l srlHI! tt orthw llI l ' ·, ullUll n 'i' tfa I B'II1I1I II (:CO UU\ uCIld nll n l81rutll r II ItHl, t I' \' 01 1J 'lUry ' ult "rlh wR ltd t) ~ 1\1. 1 I n r o wi ll of l\1l1 r y M Br ~t!( n p d e. 'on~~rllc tl o ll uf \\,1 11. Oe1\8 3(1. CUllao con t lUued . ' Th o llltiH B. h'''M l l<l r V ~ li'r!IfI Co~ 111' 1 Mil loy. Mou,'y; UI1I OUllt l: "l llI e rl I~ cal [state T ransfe rs


@ ~L li<;COY ~~,IllU5TRAIIONS c.,•..,,., l(noD~TON VALENTINf 1916,


IWI.M",II/ _,..;

e,"'.'\(· \\'nn (" "l't t.l/IIO n tJlt til ~II\,' hIs Sil\\'l. ~'e' l!


IlT 11 ' ''',


ftl lJd hy guardll&D .


Bcing. Q TJUe Chro,licle of Cerlain PossageJ Belu..'ccn 0, VID LARRENCE & A N fOli ETTE O'BA 0 of Ihe Bailie of Tippecanoe in the In diana ~f ilderne4,s, and of YJ hal B e} II Thereafter 'In Old Corydon and M w Firs} Se1 Forf~ t - ,.. T "





IIl, >h on 1111 . \1" """ . 1',,1 t .... rl nd ,' r Kuh,!!." Ali<I h, . The Wlldern e88. Aprtl- 18111 UII 'tll(! \' III1('~' " or the tll rll <1 h l~ !!lUI 11 11,1 stl,.'1 1111" Ih,' )'lJ\l " ~ fllr ul C ,",k:.I ; South sprIng Ilola tr~llIhll"/.:l y from 11 1111' " h" nd~ \\' 11 11 the fa rther South. nlnns till' rh'"r l ow. dl ~'" II )'. "fll .. ')11," "nhl t llc' ~Irl. "F"l h, ' r'" 'I' llUl d.a at Kent ucky ollll liP tho shll'~ ot the stc('p, pebbly hlll s on Ill e Tn ,lI· ~tll \ll<l."· ' 1'\1<' ~' Illl nl! Willi 1"llte II" ilin l "n" ana 8bor6. First til come, like the white CUI dons at 6 11 II rmy of pl'll 'e, t h,' 1>10'$' s lf" I \l'llh n ' I,,"~h a"d 1",.-11 """" 1" 1 80WS or t he wt! u p l um flung OUL ,1l1I1'1I· " I.. '),. 110- r"II rrllll;:"\I Ih,' I\\I ~ ~ 1\! lh II anoue d rtl\)er le8 ngnlnst th o III MI (). 1'141'1 ' f ll I hll nd. ~Irlll'k II hl;lIrl, 1111" II,,' chrOItl ~8 ot 1I1e Bolls lind (hc dlll'l( t!rl"" r IIIHI IIUl',,'d It fM II hl"':l1 hl , ..s :crecnness at the pI ne "'.'Vels, Tlh'n. 1111 '11.",,1: th"11 II till Y fl n lll " "1',')11 li p lit" I'll,' o f I, ,'ush un ' I fill' thrl'll tUt,I",II .In lbe opeu Ilpnccs l\ od flround II". gl'llY ot O ne woman say s : " My Ollt' II l1l\l hl' t" In t riumph. Lik c B m illion ol h er worn· ;loa ('nbln e on th h~lghtB, U,,' Ih"Il' h ,. I I lil t we' ' r o nN" I III ' ' t'l rI' II t II II, ~1174. 3~ 1 ' b V BI I rI' II t n hu sband usee l til s wallow hi" " .,,1( lIe I1J. " lU ' O PI I I II IpS ~n, yo u can ser v e nrrce 'th a l trees fius hlld pl llk 10 tho wflrm kt "~.,s .• "id tho 1I111t' (lIt! ':,·I1II"l11l1n. Probate Court ProceeJitllttl ./uoo o Roser, 1>bX /l Or I'S i u VI"" r h e wou ld g iv e mos t un y lhing c oR' e And h u rl' orr. N w w e of the SilO. Tho n \\' ~'1'It~" "'liN "IIIJI/Ifi ll." " 1111)' III", t it!. : bu t 'II. 11I\1'II.'~ o r~uk township, 5,0 7. 26. t o h ave--coffee which s tur ts have Arl.1 uckl t's· and you'd jllt.lrred 10 ·pat ches hy IIl11ltIIlHI,·s fit " ""llIr"I'1 !n LIlI' \l'ood~," 10 rEI will o r J o hn J) ; I:ite!lll oDl, HBrry U. KIDg Illbo r ly F.lrqu ll r . t hi n k it was Sumln y the w a y th e day "rig h t" fo r all, bluetli, the b l u('-~y"d grn.R, I'n dl lillY "rt'U 11I11\,ln t1 r., like u w,otl$lI\nn," oeoells od. WllI llclll/Htull t , pr ob.te , [h~{ ucrt)sln tiec. 2 ', T J, R. .llJn. he ling e r s over hi s b r eakfast." dower S8 simple nod ns \\'omll'r(u l II ~ " I,." 'r\' ,'" II,,· /.:11'1 IIIIIlI I,.III IiI ~·, "thuul!'lt I~d tl, 'ookliu UVpo lllt tlU 6x~o nt or, ~W llO O Ihe r.J111011 R l v, ' r8 . $ 1 Everyone lov e s th .: n c h • IltUe cll II d. tlf ,"lIlIr::' \ ·OU 1I1','n' l ou~, " \ Ap pr "serM l-l Il . 1:S1',jwn. U 8 . Uil: ' Until you t r y Arbuc:kle s' fla vor of A rbuclde s ' Cofltte. D eep III 11 crevlco of til e IIml'ston,· t II gi n s ROU Kurl UruwlJ , Luo\hl COlllpto n tu b urry V. \'(111. you w: lI n e ver kl19w w hat II , 11 11 , 11,'1 1 . l or 110 kilt·\\, thll I !< "Con' t Move, Toln ette," He Cr ied, tor , lilt In L ubo 110n, $1. Of a ll t h~ cofft!t!s in America eo-ata that Blink t n fo r lll II .., I,, ·" or F. M . UUIIIIIlI lllmm II flmi nlwt r !.Or. t oday, it is by far til t! mos t 1\ ditTtlrenc" good coffee can Little .ln d lu n erel'lr. hhl,II'11 (rolll I h" n' ~~ 'WI',' lin I1nu ~u lIl drl'~~ tor th o hllll'~' A Uu s lin t o I::1l1 rry V , Will. m ake in ,YOW home. warmth ond Ilgltt of rho A pril mOrll ' hlll' k~kIIH'I:I" III ('U of t he fllf, ,~ t ; 11 1111 \ I thll"g-ht not, \\, ," 11 go lip 10 ( 'n n. of ~ht rltll to o { Wl lllll m t:! ,,"Ilto u . p opula r I Ina, there Iny e ('olt ot whllt ml"llI litl' J{l rl IIfl,It 'd quIckly. " Hccnuso Y,'U r od'K I.llver o 81111 8<!1' wl,,1! h~ CllU "Ive JeO<! lIl1e U. v .I !lun ettu Ii , ' t , J b i.. t. r , lilt· I I 1.0 10 <1 11 11 11, Il. II r"II't ('ll rrylul; n rlll c," I IIR IJcfo n , y,' h",,1 1I III i "lIt n1.f\lIt 8t l~1. Onl u r III 01 Lr ltHlt,1 u IlIlId. ·, ~;I I W llrll Bil uo ot tro ( ~o o r g o W. Ar. hsve 'booo ml slnken fut' n r"iH ~ 1I coli Today t he re a re w h ole t own s wher e Arbuckl cs " ' • 1'11\ IlO woodsmn n." II ndUlH- I hlln tl n' r r lI'ormk , A sl l'p. ~ Ir," I III1Ilrflnt, rl w !l 1I lmut. OIl \ uw n Hltll' :1, whose m' er)' t old "'fl A thlc]; II . •\ IIIlln'~ is practically the only c o ffee u sed , In one S t ate, AmI \I'!th n Ins t g rlll1l1 co ot Ih,' tlln· - , - - - - - - - - -....~~'!"!-!!~~ til. wrlBt. tn,\·oy, Ulo'tti cil wllh "1,,1'; of tNI, l:roteCu l for hcr tuct. "lJu t 1'\,<, ClIII1 0 1\ long d lsl nnco .tllrolll;h the I gled th Ing thut Iny In Iho I!rH.", he .. 0 1>. Cl1rrln)(t tl!l t n 1/ . W. 'j\lnl P' 1 a lont! in a year, four po u n d s of Arbucklt·s' Coffee dull bl ock. yello\\,· rll1l:NI. , , . , f,~OI " J dor ~ In Ucler U" ILI l o wn· was ~sed fo r every ma n , wom an and c h ild in t h e Along tb I'll th Ihrou$:h i h,· ro re ~ 1 \I'oolls 111111 I1 l1 v' huu to learu 0 Ht llu IInk'(\ ltl ~ HrUl In P,,,' l d' ~ , II 'hi l1\\h- ,,' ns ti ll frAI1\ "' 1 I n lilt' ('lIhl !'tn:l nfl\V I klll~ b • . b l n~ rltllcul Oll~l y l(\ ull l;, 1"1I 111m ot Ih o dllo ~wtlY. I II' \\,u\" ',1 II l 'oll1'[I ~' 3 IjJ, $1. • . State-lo ur times as man y p o ulld s of coffee as l he there callie strid Ing 11 roll )',)11 111. III ot UH'lr \\,Il~'. " "y," \,C CI UI a I og wny?", n ked tho \ t hl'oUl;h tll l! woolls, hnnrl- Ih ~y wn\." .1 gll) I ~' In r ('["rn . . ~A rttle \V , bmtth I n U (ll'!'~o l R l g~~, po p ula t ion o f t h e Slale! A r buckh: Bros"NO! w Yol'lc. ;a:aaged ga rU1t'nl s . 1\ little !tlllhll,' ~llI lI g '1'0 111\ ·11,' \l'lIlt{ II I' ll tilt' ollB' r ~hll'. Little old ~Ir. p'nl\II""1I h"IIIll',t "mll. :J , "c rCH III L111UlIItlIIl !\.J \\O . ItIP, H I at the end or n s laO' o\' cr h L "'h,'"I- old IlcuLi milO. "T h lo y'd b !It 11' slttl II , ttown WIUl li S for a b It. SlI r'. 101\\,1<1 mll\'ctl In n hn pl'Y 41l't·I II/I . Th .. ~: I V I ~ I il dor. B ls flllr skill wus (\ccply ""l'l1e I Ula 10\\,11 will ",ult." r n hcll th., llon r ot Cnnn'd 's 11I \','I'n, Ingl)' 10 whel'!' Ih I\( , r~, 's \\',' ,'" IPlh· An lU ~ . ::im lt '. : tJ .. ores II un , . , by tile s uo ood hl i< bl \I ll eyes we re er NI. n"t "~n m t ll" ..' n,11 lt·., tll lI l '1'01· l it n tnw1.l~b I Jl. $1. ~ ()h, (1 01" Il dllcI] th egl rl Im pul s lvc ly, ('II~t of t he \'~III\"'~11 "'1l1l1r,'. h'\ \ ' ' ' .._ _ _ _~---_ _ _ --_----~~~..,.'I''!'"'-!II;~ -''!.'!'.-"''!'--;" eUed In atlXlOll8 tbought. LJ~ hllll n, I If' h"II (nll .. n II >'1"1' lJ~hlllll nn ll Wll~ Ilfun i '. I::111USOO to B n wnrcl B .. " ... PuraUed nooth I' mon ol'er seu find "Tell us nbout th o wOOlls, 1111\'0 )'OU h OIl RI' of Rtone. t\\'o rl'e t th kk tn 1\", o !it'en lilly Tntli llns? Fntht' r dl ll u' t \\'lIn l WA ilS nn!! with l he ntf)~t pkturC'"Q uLl WIlI/""~ nt D" lei's .lltc·. . ::\ollll lu t io I"Vl Puri< , $:15. 113ti71l0 ' VlI ll oy 'f " leph o o o t \ . , r lIr~ IU : ' I' through forest wl1 dern es~ with thl' luto como ou t here to(lu ~' tor 11'111' o ne l ot HlI1nll·pflltl'd \\' lnUo\\''', 1'I1,,·-t·l( ro'n""n"n nll d 'l'"III,~ ttt' IIWIIII1('(1 l'h nr le!< Moure t o Willl"m C ' lro r ~ep tem ll o r $3., 15 i L, hl. Prlm'll Ge t th e l,uum1 ul\ze e ow rtentJOIl of kllU ug t hat lIIa ll It h e should would pounce 00 us," li e Inugh cct II , rnl nptl- Mr . ( ' Bllnll<ln ("·l~"IIIIIII ' rl .. 1!' th l'lr It OI'St'~. On\'I<1 1'·'II I.ln ll II rul hl'r DU DO , .:17' . Ror e In WIIslll ng loD I Cu. ' 'h i IIII rll f o r ' /. n vl. vor~ (.nk e 1 o\'e rtako hi Ul , rlp pte lIIo r c m us lclIJ UIIIO th ut or t he hi s je rky proll'r"~s \\' ll h " II" ", .. f 1'1,,· d ullt~,\' hU1II1 LU tIll' g Irl ~ ""~I H lull P. *.'\\,1,,1111', $ 1. If') riO ' II I & ~upp l y .. ('itld " ,r _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ NolV. th e youn g mnn'8 ln t nll oo wns llti n l!'('s .. I ( 'III'~·II" rt. II c hnd nlwfiYs hr"'11 IIf l'll ll11 ~t,( 11l'\4'18' WllliLlm D un n 10 l ' h lules c~;;r t ' bol~~e $~O If'i 1::1 . E . 'lJil"tn"h, blunted.' Alonths b -foro It hUll sccm d b~ook, nncl . tuck Ing Ihe ~k l rl N ot h ur qu{'n 'e nn tI. !' lI,t\'l 1 MUu t t! , rio,' 'J nort's 10 \V"abl u g t on Inq u. si li D budlo~ of.J. .1,. /:l.)I'r I , Amll zon lilltJl t bcnenth bf' r, scttl'd h"r· \\' it,' rf'. It $cctllcd. he nlll i hl ~ dl1l1ghl" I' o\:~n nrrll nl"'Y on l' ~, .,," (J Ilt'tlc the ooe rlgbt nnd Just t hI ng IlInt tlilf/ sclt 00 th e ledge ot II mestonu rock, 11l.1t1 r celltly nrrlved f ""m Nl!1\' tlr· 0 IJn n nol1. n~ 0 I:l u nr ' toltl. WUR 11M town hlP • • 1. J flu nb H ornll r , N e wtou M oo n , !>DeI , other 'tJlBn ahoul d dI e n this buuds, ''Ttlll us ((bou t II Ill! nus," 8he w ~nt on l ell"~. TlIII1 I1 I'Y, DIl,'ld knl'\\' thllt tiler O .lo s r i!.!lt.lIS 138 ; !:;tur, t ngH li n d ' This othe r moo hOd en usod the 11'1:111 " lI urrlllo." hf' f'x!'!lIlm f'II ,,~ !lh' ,\' ,'11' Wel'l, 1I,,'n " hI) \\','ulll 110 A""111 ~,'rl'lc"s Marriage LI, enses hlulI )(1I fo r t r e asurer, IOUll r h Olld~ I Dirf'ctor murder of t bC! )'Ot\UI'8 rniller , But to comrorlfltJly, " Wu co m" here !rom New OrlenDs nnel ho"cn't scenll sIngle, t r,·t! 110(' low doorwlI)', Jl ~Tl" ~ l·III.. " I'1 tor lQ.l!l e wllh t;l1lhll1t " rnee. hut , he Co r olerlc n nr! hla o ks t or jnveolll' d E bal take Jll8tiee loto ooo·s o\vn hands. even rhal pnl nt'l1 nt!,rcnU.ers olle yet, Oo h t" ! l"N'Y: II " II Hnd om thIng for yIIU 10 r ell ec to(1 bllt.-rly. tl1l')' \\'l)re oot men RHI Ilfh L , Poppe, f fLrmer of Leb- oourt $4!i .25 i R, () Ferr is, ~ ')"IJ lur 'C)n neb provocn 1100 os thiS. Is flU net she laoghed In mock terror" do, be s ur ." ,,'ho hnt! b I."n b Ulllhle W {)I1 VOI'A. who DI,n,11Od Mary Edna ti or n b . of j l1oltor $2 50; l.1e ha o on l Oll Bud (;0 '11 UDlJ)eUIll>lJ' d reodtul: nnd w e eks ot IJ'h o 111' cru ckled uler rlly up 0111 {nce A !!:/'nlh'11I110 wi th hUII(1 out" tl'I' t4'/IC'<I hnd hlllllll!red flH' hn'p II. blHm nr· o r MaRon. lev. R • .E, 8 11 1 \V IIl, 0 • • toe $920; Ohio B oa pl 111 h )t· ~Wa'ynesviUeJ Ohio. J medltatloa had S11ccoodod only In at t he roc k o od fI tlrutt of It." \)'urulth to nll " hl'~ '(111)lIIlIlon ,'111)111 t .. r\\'Hr,l. r nll(lH'd (or rioting 1111<1 S~~ 1l th.~ll' (11F r fl d N . Unllok, p o lloemllll of Uln . IDpilep tios ba r i .. l o f ld ~101y 8.<1111. ' palDtin& It a8 R thing more d esillcoble, swc pt Into 'tJ1O ~ovlce ot tile s tone, "A I>()/)d llIo r nlng III you. Mr. ()'Unn· t htH;S IUlTlglld. OJn Ullti, I1l1d Mr • . D o rl1 M PMtto ord tlt,on Bod Jl1nlllS 8WDIlII i.H i 'll h ()l~lIa W e hiwa atrllng~ Wi lh an ut}derIn the trllgrU lit breath of the vir- Th o d u k,y thlog Iylllg wlth lll s tlrl'l!d 1l01l ." h crI ed It 'n rtlly. Aud RO t he, thr ee went "tl1l1g th e of !leur Lebauo o, Rev , R . B F os t e r . Brown, trus 'f e, mlli u t Dunoa of EI'II tIlktl f to g~t an a uto . so we WIll btl ~nal euth be cried out- In an IIgony A fin • cOUlpeltlU!; !1 ~IIl'() of n mnn milo of trn('e thnl IPII t o (',)r),llon, Dn· E \' e r et t M, Morton, Kings Mills, aDd ThoW8S Mo ltulle n ' 1Ii,flO, al.tle t o f u r ni s h !lithe r an aulo or plellsnntly. of mlod. A. bourgoonLog univer se "1" '0 seen ooly pellcetul Indlnns on \\'tIR (,olonel T holll il P osl'y. ns he Irt\\,111 stll'ldlnj! h:v Ihe _hll' or tit" horse om ploye . aud Mllrle (Jlark, bOtb of .. _ _ . , .• , lIol'3t'!i ru \wi funtl ral. . Ibouted aloud ·for joy ot .vl ~tory ave .. tll'e rand so tor," s miled , the you ng prl'tI . over II ltle Mr, ' 13I1rtllnn, \Vhn thnt boro 'roln ~ ll .., fu ll nf R tholl ~nllll L eba uu o , !:loth ph on e:; ill Uffice illd Residence, death. Lire rose by pre.saLog h e,r trl· mon. "I cnn' t tell you nny excltlng ~i(l(ld I oklng u p li t h h n w/t h ~ slltt~ sp<!col utlons n:l til thl' ruYRtel'lo us wl\· Ull!te r H . K urfl s8 employed 10 . LOIlK Ji~t.ance,Nl,l . 14; H OIll\! phone i1lD1pbaot teet 00 the proo e shoulder s • . . wI. ' cock or th e bud, SplPIHlhllr h o d el0 S9 Into \l'h Irh Ihls 1I0W till'll of Rolliog ll ~, 01 l\1 1ud ltlto w LI, nlld 14.2 r . of b er weake.r brothe r, Dea tlt, F or tho tul"es." Don' t be pesterIng th e Ind, T ol· fllI,·tt hI s \llllY-trlt l1li,crl , light blue fortune hnl l phl ll;.!" 'II h11l1. SCC IlIIII):ly Pno\in() E. 'j ult, o f !:;prlugbOl'o, . lItruggle between Lite Ilnd Diluth Is notte," cllided lh e old mon, "I'll bl' nrn,y ~on t. ,-.:It lt II ~ hll):e COnnl' rI'lH:h· T ol/.e tte t hought him u sq uire not to Re\, . Knei~ loy. With f·h o a vefll i,le 0 111\1 U oo lli Id 1\ actulll. and Lito II\' s by kllll og, God hounu be's too tired to ta lk," Bertoue mnt t er !lod s h o uld 0 It, he In!! llll to h is "II rS, I1 IH hI" ~ hollld ~ r be cll Rdnh' ·,1, fo r sP \'~rul tlme.~ she 1lI1D8elf ordnlucd Ule kll !lug and pro-. . '1'110 'mott led r ope wTili ln· tlie crevIce' ' II)) ' "uri Ills cocltl'd hut. wI th It t! blllc\t beomed on h Im with lIltl"l: ulllnl stnk· t rifle d wi t h, Rtl so m e o f the ' lD Oilt Commissioncrs' Procecdit12S 1l0UOcOO It Plirt of h is et er n!)l Ju sti ce. telt ilia wnrmth or the lire, s tl r rcd, uu· und while cuclwde, IllY (In II b':-H 'l!o IIbl e-:-b ut nlwhy s nt ' n tlono \\'hou s he <l llilge rous d is eases Mn r t wlth ' lI 'But the ngool:r.lng milD who thou gh t eolled Il nd gil ded oolselclI8ly toward \\'h 'r<' h.' h nd i oss d thCHl. _ 1:J1 1001" ',1 wei q ulLe sure lie \\'ns not looklu!:, Frunk lln No w! , pnbl h,hln g lIudi OOOlmOD oold . 'fake ObuUlb e rlnl G's ~ I'Rlt.:E:i 1{10I1r) ,of the lite he hnd sworn t o toke wIllI the a per ture, paused ngulD. to r,'s1i l1nu ollil r ~ po rt $36; \10; J ulin Gough Rewe dy tlcd get ri d 'lf you r thl! VirgIn ia gllntl elluUl hl! Wll ~ by lIll owo buDd-what could jus tify hIs A. 13I11.!r, s u pplies tor j nl\or $2 10 ; oold .a ll qWQIII. v f\! Ilol'8lblt' . 'Y .. u lIre CHAPT E R II , live In Oorydoo,· s Ir'" Rsked birth, act? IDa act would be accomplish ed t he"You .le/luueHe Bnyd e r, trtlnllorlulng In not expe rlrn pl,ju g wh e o YO Ii u ~e young man.. "I'd Ilke to flod wor!c . T im IItUe ' old geDtl emn n cbl r\1f!d n reoo r do r's 'Jffi oo 150 i .Johu L a w , r e- IlI ls remody, \lA. i t hR S b oe n III liMO there-I'm a weaver by trade," greeting nDd tllrus t f orwllrd h Is rIIj;' Corydo n. Sole Agentj p 4li r @fl u d v nrui llh f or j !l o Jt,o r l .f'. 50 i for many y8~r ~ oud b UI! no H~ t ~ o charge, Th e a Id ge ntl emBn put hIs h ea d on ged '''1'hl ll Is Mr, Lnrrt'n' '," h" ~ lIl fl : , A. ~ltor t doy's IDlltl'b' ..l1or tb o r th.".. IJ eol'g6 C. J OD Ot!, b ridge r V\1!t's In Ihhed r ll \lutlll.lon. It oon t ll ill~ 0 0 hroad f! UI'I't'lI i or 1111 ' Ilh ln. nt Ibe pnlnl one aldo 1.0 (lublq,uB. r Qllectl Qn, "Small Cllobeo 'for n . wenve r, mY' ll\ft," 110 uu , "11I'llte of ElIglnntl (1111\ n uW CQlltl} t" wbl!r e I "") ·. fl tpld ('I·,·t·ks-['.Ig llld lll ll l::I u rltln town s h ip $~ 22; B~a r : p ub: ' opfutn--or ot,b ei"·~ft'ro 1t., ~:- O btul u- "or. .;:.1:Ae<.~",;;" -1'. res nnnl1\11 r op or t able overy w he r p. 8wcred, "for eve ry cubln hus 0 loom tr y hI s t 'l rLlInes In l1w AlJ1e rl can li nd Lll tle Indl un - ull ll ,'. ~ tuUlI n' chI" l\shi n g ttud ltor's S Ill- R tNI. I um n o h e ral d to 1[1I1" 1t·,, ter or tIll ny 01' [urlr cll hlll~. The tOI(" L __ _ at Its o wn. But ye'U l1ud sODl eUliog ot tnl'O' S pt'dlgr(,lf's ; It ",,1t\ccs lII e If th ut Illud e tit" II'lIl1 s or Ihe ohl ~"r of 1or-" I know Uu~lr vl rtu('~. o lul\ cl P OS('y : t hem hucl I",m, ' gl'lmlnl> !11 lhe virg In His words froze 00 111.9 lIPI! a8 n oml It you ul; IU~II'S fncil be no tawDY mottl ed le ogth flowed ou t tn lac ",Hues . ' hl s I'Il'lnC8 tJett" r 111)- ' forest tllTl'U yeu rs b.:ful'(,. 11] tile 'c utel' of Ihe vllln r: .. wus R lCrll"sy l:UI{WIN, OHIO l'boue Do,a tro m tbe crevIce, built Itse.lf up with n Qll lck, 1l101l0lltl twI s t Into a coil or lIv· pltrel h is mInt! t h"" E nglllnd 111.18 n r~­ sQll rll·j~ . 111 It n nf' \\' f' tn l1f' h n l1~<-. furt y I rtlr dM1n:J3tff, ,,,Itll a IIght nlllg- qu1(!1r- (I\U'ulud hIs tJody.'.: _ teet'sqll11re, I~ w n ll ~ l'\\'(r nTTII llIIc:'Jrlllf ness, tho yo lUg mno had selzild hlH (lIonel P osey luu gbll(l s;nnU· hu· teet ' h te'I(, II ~ r""f ~ III I hl COlll)llme. !! @ ..lll. thll."IIIH!Q w ot th Corel's. t re'S etaft tram tho ground. • m or Illy, .. - . .. - .. un fluot ln g SIr l'hl lljl:-M'F:-Crl'nn ' wh ich hutl lIepu Icrt Mundlng urouod It. "Don' t move, T oluctte l" he cried ; non? Nu dou bt you 'ro I'l llht. I\,hnt F rom th e 111/ 1(' ~tl t " 'm ~ lIt the primeolld on the word s Ihe oud gel wlltrt otl CIIIl we do t or YOIl. ?Jr. Lllr ro nct.·/" ~fiIltl obove hili shoulder s nod struck thH "Mr, 0' 0 11 110011 te lls Ill ' 111,,1 .villi ell n \'01 f"I'r . t 1<1 /,,'1 ,' 11 ,,1\ ,\1' :1)' In VeterinarY: (ll1n,·s of ttll~ C:I'('U I L ~ ll' ('~ . to 111\' h i lls veoomous hend IIko 11 thuuderbolt. A lw r hH l lH g l ve ru e ~(illlt: \\'u r l< to un, ' of II,,; (1)<10. to 1114' pr;lIrl"H or Ihe Till· loog lett arm S,vcllt down aDd pluck ell .. hillel I'o_e,\', Is It lr ue?" of Ob lO ~ f Ill . UniVerai l ) Uradual the girl from tllo spot whe re tho u gb ' Col()nel P osey sm il ed II gnlll li t l he nol, Cflllntl·Y. It \,1\ ;,1 Irlll ·t or II 11111,,11'1'11 tl1 OlH;(tnd ~I\ III II ' " ",II,·s 111 CX ff'nt; RI· tolds curled and flattened 3mollg th'l you ng Ullin's clIgerll e . len t, IlIhn lol U'cI ,>ril )' h y ~11\'II)(e ' heust Ofllce a t r lklidence in It' 11 Slier rocks. "Wllntevcr Mr. O' I\IIIII111n t ells )'O U "Merciful bellven I" cried the II t U" Is t ruer tl,IlU th e Co"~f!\1I1 Inn. \\":'11 H,)'I mort> ~11 \' n;.', ' r" .I ~ld n"NI hu nter ; wood's ho use, Fou r th ~(retit. ~t blf!"H , Ilr IHII ul, (Hllc llmtlull. old man wenkl! , 'aod burled bls ta~e III find u 'place tor you somo\\'lt\lr~." Tile R Itlt'mcn t \\'ns OI')'oI n'il : ~ho 1I1s lfandR. "Allon t th nt 6tore of YOllrH, lone t." Telephone UI The strl drew a d eep brenth i uml O'1.Iullnon su "!' "Ye' re closing It u p s t ouo hOURl! th ' 1,r:!Idlllll wll leh \\' IIS In On Monday I December 41h, the Pllth Aanall Buckeye CorD Tour from I,l' UIII Ol','t cupit,,1 " I' Ih,·. tl ·ITlwI'Y ulld the youn g mnn suddeoly renllzed thot , wIllie you Inake l'o ur t r Ip t o Ln\lI ~lnnH , Waynesville. Ohio Ohio to Washington .n'd tbe ",.t ,Ill.. of till Eat starte over tft, he wne s tili slrnllling h er to bla s ldr . /lreo't ye ? W ell . SUIJl'ose yo u Ilut Ihls the ~ t. ut h~w lI fl'l'lIl 1111: vlt'glll w Ollol H. POllnsylvanla Railroad System. H e r elellsed he r IlS tuough slie burnell youn g milo In chur.r-ge or It ouc1 I I LOllI~\'llI c, 1'1'1111 ] .,,00 IlIlIuhlLlJIII S, 20 to Ih "HS1: "",,·cnllcM. lit' Ol t! hIs floge rs: Dod . llIs fllce crtmsoocli It enro 0 d oll nr Of t wo wlillc YI" r a m il wltb shume, , !;ol1e ?" H e lelllle<1 furwll rd 11 1111 whl s· Post, with ]('fiS t lllil l n 11I"It ~ n lld. SO N MONDAY, December 4th, the Fift h Annual Buc1wye , "I be,g "y? ur pardon," . he sold awk,: pored s omething III th o Cliionc l's cn r, mites to til l' II (1 I'lII\\· ,'~ I : utlll'r LI mo 1.)1<. J. W. MILLe~. wllrllly. I In .sorr y I \I liS so rough, " l~h o s oldi e r nodded Illlpr o,'lu!;ly und tb c~ o , no ~ .. 11I ' /I" ' 11l tlf lillY ~i7.1' In 11 11 Corn Tour from Ohio to Washington and the great th nt ' s nyng" 4'11I)/ln :, 1111'1: ' li S 1':1 g llluu I Dut th e girl S CYIlS sh one Ulee stllrs. threw flWflY the Recr et: , ci lies-.of"': tire East ..-8uuta..,,pv6r. e Pennsylvania R aih·~d.­ ' •. ~ .. ~VENTIST••• • "I'm o ot thInk Ing o r r oughu css;" sbo "Mr. O'Dnnnon p r mul5cH t o 1'(' r E'o he r Self , Syslem, Please get this date defmitely in mind, It mijst H lth ~ r enlOe 1111 I I,,· plcturt's'lUI1 111:' s old treUlul ou. s ly, "I'm ju st-tbnnk· spons lbl e for you, Mr. L nrl'C' ncl'. \)0 MA FIne Marnln', Young Ma·an," Officu II> not be forgo tten nor coJifused with other dates, this is f u!." She went over to he r rnthel' you t hI nk YOll Cfi n tn l.a cnre ,)1' I he ures of t l c lI eW Wes t. Flr~l 10 ClllrtC ,~ ll),oenUle, 0 ~. U O QlI Il ... ~ Ulda. not that he might live, but In th n t nm\ k issed birD. bll. lll esM ? It II ski< nothIng trl il re thnn \\'08 th e pnt!'i " ,. It, Sqllln' 0" .. 11 '. the onl y official Tour. There will be no profit to any indibrot h !'!' of J 'ulliI' l \I ,IO I1f'. th · Ill! hly 'paeslon ot the bru t~re\'en!le. T llc "My boy-" bcgun t1Ie ott! IOlln, ooe ul'lll nn ry 6hrl'wd ne~s 10 11'II111 ng," vidual for cOllducting this Tour and a detailed accounting of i'l1enBe at blood·gulltlness to ~ome boro :nrm aro untl hi s tlaughtcr 's Wllls t: uod "Bu(," DIl\'ltl crIed. o"., rwh lilil' d , hu nt er or " " nl ll ell ,\'; tllI'n Lo ne, t he the expenses will be given to every passenger. Idown on Devld Larrence' w llh Its ru ull· ! e nded: "0 11. It we were 10 Ire laud. "yo u k nnw nothLn g ubout m e. 1Ii njor Pimnlngto l1". t hl' Sp" lI cers, OCCJI'j;O ALL KINDS OF ll!enlng ' weight. I whe ro there Ilr·r -o no bastl;8 Ilke Ulnt I" I'os('y I • Wh y-wh y-;~u\\' cfln . you nnd Spit· 1', Ih e POPl tlll l'l ly (,( Ihe III1I er .. L~avi ng Objo,.trai~ m~e t at Pittsburgh, , The young moo renchcd the poI nt , 1'he :youn g m nu luughed, "They stop tru s t n sfrnngcr wllh Buch a r SpOD' gll'lug r lsl! to tbe' " I,l '('ollpll'l : ' t he n over the Baltimore & Ohio Raill'oad throu gh beauti ful '~l o n g~t nll lhe BUI ' " e~ t llll !" K Jest onc Iwhere the Pllth forded tll o s lrlJlll n und to rultl~ here, lhank God I" , s lhl!lty ?" mountain scenery, Harpers Ferry, and othel' battlefields of . ,peu.eed In su rprIse, 11 t hc fur th er Hut Uw little o ld cl fi n wllved his · "Oh, os fo r lhnt." thc. mlljo l' 1111· Squlre ; . bank were two IIg11r":;-1I s lender 11J('(1"~ l y u~ltl e, . Hwered. "you will be }vlltch,cU ! Uj.C_ 1L : Mop;, t. _1IJ~ .t il.e SD<:J c~I'S .lcpL. on9. ~ial'yland and Virginia, with several days ill Washington youog ill'l whose lJen uty tlllltl ll hi m " .11.,· IIlI lII e Is P ul rlce O'Bnuooo," he h l1w k b v UI'. 0 '1I1111n on, Jror' lh u lIlut· · ~1l>ler. with its sacred and historic places, a recepti on by thePl'esiI 4r6W lD ht8 bJ'eatll Sllnfjlly, nnll th e 's ull!, "u ud VI'OUU I'll tJe to know y ours, tc r ~t r'ilH t. Mr, L urren ce. I t hlillc I'm • Sp ier SIle,I)('e r It ~V1l8 Wll0 ope' ll('d dent of the United States, a tri p to l\1ount Vel'non, the a.ure of an old gentl ewnn In blnck air," n fu lr j odgl! o f meo, myselr: 1111(1 I'll the tll vorn by the hu lf·f\ nl all cd co u ~ t­ coat fUld knee brccc\;les, ben t oyer a , "Du\'l d Lurrunclt," wu the IUlIIwer. ~ c h o Mr, O'Bu"uoo'S' -(lpllll ulI oC you, hous!), nnd eol lsted lite mell of the shrine of American patriotism, and oth I' siele t ri ps. We pile of brash which he W IlS eodell "or' I ot tlrst glmlce. No ueed to Il IU "b- wc coun t r y In Wflt he roic cOJllpll ny knowu leave Washing~on over the Pennsylva nia Rail l' lac! fo l' Balti[IIUI to ~ Into lire. "You'\'e nll't'n,l.\' I'II I\ NI me tJ y m ine: I IIlQ' whut we ,thInk. h,e renpouts." _ ~ 68 .!:l3peD~t)C!" . Y~ t(j.\'{Jll ckets," \v1 ~ . mOl'e;Philadelphht and New York. \\ hil at fa \\' York, we Waynesville, I AI the II1rl's exclamation t ho old gen· su lll lh .. j!lrI. " I' w 'J'oi nct 11'." Da vlll cOli ld only M(Ulllmer Ills grn t!. Unm R eDl'Y Bllrrl fi n, the yo ung gove r· breakfast .at the Hotel Astor, have a I'ccc pLlt,,, by Muyo l' ])11\'1 (1 I>l u:<h"1I rlprll,., " ' - the n tude. oar of Ule t er r lt"ry, hn(1 hll d out hi s tleman 1'080 to hIs t eet sUmy, brus hI ng J ohn PUl'l'oy Mitchel, visit the MuseunI, A q llaJ'i u In .•l l1d .f, Llte l' the twlp tram bls koees. wus u't t lwc- l 1111(1 I\purd your fo thel "Vorl' w~Il, tlWII , 1'/1 gh'c Mr. O:n nn. farm at 800 n 'rl' Oil t he cl1ge of th o , l)ver POli I.uIl~, -A ftoe morolo', young IDa,un I" he cu ll ,),OIJ I)l' 11t1111~-" DOb H.e k er at OUC9.~' 'Ffl' I !roll' mi t un vIUn g!),. a nd llim'\) plll.llt.efl hl8 r 'hurll . liistorical plaCea; - a.;great.~t.tide · pn Lhe F ~s l and l1ud ~o n Wee "b(J ~ e 71 ~te4 cheerily, with an ethereal fia" ]\", \, (,(, I1I I1Ht," liiuj.:IH'd tUIl gll'l. "1 euorm OlU< ulT,(lr or Iron It nll hnnrll!d It of greeu pippins li nd rom nu ltes; und Rivers, passing (:i'ant's Tomb and the g'l'eal intel'l ell ve::i:lois 0\\'0 y,.u Iny lIl'e--ou ml~s dOIl' t mnttel 1111/11 01>1), to D,Il'ld's spon8ol·. ' blthe l', to ,1I'ydo n, c!tm hIt! frl e od, 1"01' ot brogue, of the warring nations of Europe, down bea utiful New Yorl, Bllt It was not so much tbe rrleodll· n o"'·... "Aud now for 0 l:I'lU8 1t~ 1' IlI nn er." Colo nel T hOl1lllS 1'0. Pl', p rout! of tlle Bay; where floats the commerce of the world; to Ellis I~ lall d "Yo u' ll honol' 1111' hy 11'lng my guest, 81llli O'Brill noli unrl h •. P"O(llw,'u n titl e WO II III th II'l1 r wit h !llnglnotl In the old aenUemno's voice UlIlt and' Staten Island, passing the Stat ue of Liberty and 111 lmade the 70ung mao smile, as It W08 all'," \\'1'1'11 on ~11'. O· IlUllUCl II. " Sure, Spnnlsh <l oll u;, wl~I Ch t h " tnv I' ll thl rry yeurs bpfol", lJut willing 10 frowning forts that guard New York Ci ty, and out of the the .mIle that 1I1lbted :UP the eyes at U,,' flllrl ~s sen t ya b'llro at tht s mIn' "~e""r took, ,'lUl 1\ ·UU(1. l! ~, 'II'.flYC,!J ',al\l,LIn ... o/.'i u gr~vll te , sJ.!Q,lJ,ld .A , ,.Bay-io 'ttte -ucean;- '-We retul'n ttY th1! Hotel ~AS't9!' fW' -~HII \the pI. lier C1af1c"bal nfuile a 8Uken ut~." ' . ~' • _J ~\:td t o th" Hmg IlI hl(', T h,' rll dc W ill' ar l~e. . Uu \'ld becu ll1 ~ cousclous of his rogevening banquet, after which we go to the gl'ent Hi ppotramll ..bout her plok cbeeks und be .'fl tltlUll(1) ('1 '0 ., dIsh es WC l' e h ~ "Jllld \V IUl rOil, l chldu'n drome, Amedea's most gorgeous playhouse', th an to our ~ lIpe; her e),e&-Bo pph lre blu e g N I cli>lhes. nnd wild r1l1 ~k . l.' hPftl were \)111; d Funeral Director. and clear 11.8 the aky-doo ced with a " Thuo h rou, no." bc s!,Ild. "bot !' buffol o fish nu d cIlrnl!r oll . III ld tllI'ro PuUman Sleeper and _over t1).e mounj;ains an,d around amlle ot dlvl o e triendllnesg, And fnmous Horse Shoe Bend, breakfast and dinner on the rlinwere pitch ers of milk. At O '[\Ulllh lD'lI . Wayne'~VIUe Ohio '&MIl. ·too, ahe crlnlcJod, ber eyelids all ing cars,' and Home Sweet Home with the best people f rom \\' nrd n bottl e of Martel l'll .wus u, ldcel, HOW arouud theul. All . Lron lrun~" wou ld " When )')twIt! fwd ,fini s h I 11 rrj~a to MOt h er I\I' P so mllt.lmtl~8') Ih oOlJbt• \ -alhQhlo. . have responded to tbut In ughl ng e11111· take hi s dell/irtn re \\'I th O' T\unn(llI. les8 HIS to neglec t I,he oo Ids wb loh All eighty-eight counties of the State will be repre. -EI'L'IiIt:H18llae, , Strong-By Delicious Vino~ 0010nel,P08ey wulltell wIth tJl ' Ill to Ihe t h e l!' ohilc1 r o n O/Jo brno &. ..a'h e 10. sent~d thl~ .y~, wiJ:ich F.!lY~.900u~iIi .any, ~~~l}~ 'fouy • \..,. ~,.o\~~' EqUipment . Thll louth fluf,l ~'b"o d ' mof orrig." Luke.porl., };. H .-hOur little girl 8 door and laId hlB hllnd Ul100 1I1r. fillt11:matlo n ot tb o m non . ooembrl1D t' , pl'eV'lOUS lours. , . horse-Drawn Equipment "Bound tor r,d on 1" Inqllired tJlI " 'Il rd "r ng \1'08 in a debilitated, run· O'BannoD'lIl1houldor~ at fil'st Hc u te , beOOlJJeH ohronl o ,!nd Remember the date, Monday, December 4th, to be gone old pntlemllo utrnb lr, His nndoubt<,d du-wn <'ollditian nnd had a stubborD ".ADd DOW:, Mr, O'Bunnon." be eold tbe (,bUd hIlI! Qhro ol c o(\~l\.rrh, a di. .; for one week. ', J8&!' were · 8Onrtlho'''' dI scounted 111 "" 'lgII .~ Blo c \1' 88 w~~ ~4, . aillq all atfectjQDately "1 mUllt tell Y0Il.IW'_'.l.Ll 1!1!(UJI, b air t !l llt!lclo m o n .fltI- .. ado-tll'4 - ' :klf -are'invite:lLt'trgrafbng ' ~th U's. Please write for l 'IiJLBl'HONE 7 'aD almOlt e lfin Qulck n4lflll ot ~Iun ce, t h" t illli'. J\othing hefpCd l1er' tintll lDuat I not!" DAY OR NIGHT mav prove 0 IHo'~ hnrd e n Many tr i~d , ' in o1. Thtlll ber appetite the itinerary, Address J, R. Clarke, Dil'ector of Junior Con.. laud bit hohblllli pit. hls wbole liP' w,' .. ye .... fIlIld the little old cent/e mno. pera'Dn, wh o h .lYfl tll18 loa thsome I I\~rl ·Il",·<llInd abe I. strong and w.11, and tests, Columbus. iPMlUlI:e . uBlle.ted a Solomon 8mooa I wi h oth r parl!ntl of weak, deIlcaM "You lellve lit down tomorrow, dOIl't dlslI3lBe wlll r ~U\ mhor b B vl~1I: 'ttfttt. 'eoct-tpU'l'O"'1I hoppllll alolljl & pump ch i1d ren " 'ould try Yhiol.",-GIIO, A, 7 e ' GOooby ODd God bLesa -you, my Jo)de At the .&ime I' waB IIaD4I& C !Ju..t:l8, ' lJteod," A h.$~lf! Jor.'hough~t.!' Thl \8' Lef'.aul1l! Vlnol colltailli ~ . "Obodlir: and load fo\1uner' ~ tor Oor7ifon'" Cham berlal n'A COU[Cb K• Y and cod }h'cr peptone", lion IT. ~ loathe rtaht tre~T' ... the depor1lol IIIlIIIta weot o.ut 101011 Iv nlleet. ann all' 1I1anV" n"1!(l pcptonattl and BI~ tbe petll aD' the t "'n'a a bit UMr turaed 8nft looked back. -The lal l, h"vf' boen aVOI d- ! U ~ph&t&:a whleb abe Deed •..!. . . . . . lDIID-OII8 dll7 to.. IIlV·





'would h e give

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Saxon Six Livery

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Walter Chandler











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@Vr.:RY WED b$ J)A Y

D . L. CRANE, Editor nnd Publisher



WEDNES DAy, --.--.-


Ot.:TOBF. H. 25,


THE BEST Of I DADDY LONG LEGS THE BARGAIN I' Don 't UOC/lUSllIt dllduy longle"s h e Ili n· l. r-;plt! era .


0 11 11


~ pld ll r ,

You g e t a barlts in wh e n YOIl get Till! tl ulh '~ Compani on fo r J!J17 for ::it (JU- ij;! i~. u e~ rrowd ed from cover lu ~o v c r with the \'eading you mos t e llJ oy . hilt you gel th e beHt of the bargain if you s ulJ~c ri be Lhu minule y ou r eaclthill. for lhlm you will get frllc e very numb er of the CompanIon i ijH u~d bct w c~n lhe litn e you Buhserlbe RIIII New Yea r '!!. If you send yo ur $ ~ (JO .at 011 ell that meUlis a lu t of reudinlC fur whi ch yo u won't have to pay a cen t At .d then thl! long 11'10rluu H5l WCCkH of 'ompanion reading tu CUl1ltl after! Le l us BC'ud you Lhe RorecKlit fur 19 17, which te lls all abo ut what is in s ture for Co mpa n. iOIl rliaders in 19 17 Uy ~ pecia l IIrrangement n e w suhscri be rs (o r The Youth's Compani on enn have also McCalls Magazine fo r 1!l 17- lrolh pulllicalions for ' 2 10. OurLwo at-one· pr·c l olfcri nclucl(, ; I; 'fhe YtJulh 'tj COOlllani on - 5~ iss u e9 of Hl17 . 2.. All th e remaining iSRu es o f 1!116 ;l ThlJ 'o lllpsni on Ho me Calun· dur for l!H7 4 . McCall'!! Magazine- I:.! fashi on numbers 01 J!l17. 5 Ont! 15 ct!llt M{'Call Un'~~ Pat· tI'r n- yo u r choico from your lint numb ' r of lhe Il lFlgazine - it ' ou s e nd a 2· cont stamp with your se lec tion , THE YOUTH'S COMPANION . ~t . Puul St , lIoaLon, Mal'S. New !lubscri ptiolls received a t this oUice.



bite IIOLI hoy o jJ o l ~u u g land R. ThI s iuseot I~ pe rrcotly ha rml ~ s ~ . It, ISIl ·t ju~' pleu8uut to buve oue of tbem orawl up y ou r II rm or down your tl.ok . bu~ yonr just RRle whtln be lso't the r H-l llfl Llrn06sn fer tblin Ule tn Keo' 1M j DSt ~t · t bat m om ooh l:lll'~ n o t ouly h ~rml l! H8 , but BU oommon thllL you'l\ !l n r! h im alm ost tUI.V ]JhlOe til tbo world wh re It 'l,I wprm on"n g h for him t o. exist In goou old Am e rloon Itw g ullg e wo 0,,11 him dncldy 1 0 nglC'g~. Mli y b,' vo u 'vo !learel h im Olllllld hllr.ost man or I(rlludru t hllr g rnyureud . B e bOR eight lo og lolt8 b01"ed 10 tbt! mld,Ue. 80 tll .. t "b (m h,"'! Htltoulll!,( Ill' blij little roned body 01'l1 os1 t nuohes th e ar ou n d wben h e walks . B o ah o h 8s two t'Y"S Imd tw o pIn. co r~, wbloh yon wil l seo If y ou ex · u" ,lne h im oloHo ly . h' roUl mid · eum m e r to lutu "ulumn 1I11ddy lon g. I· ga SOn n! po. 8 a u out o ve r roo k~, tl'ue tranks. g e ts In tb o pi oniu tlIlirnla ludu In t be llll~k , craw ls rip th tl fI~h e r. U1on.'a Ileok ulou.: tllii stream, 00\ Ipo•• In ull stnll /In I h UH a g en e ral KtJ od time. (i' ow uf tb om survl vo tho wlntor , 1u M~mm (\ th OIlV" , I(e nl,uuky , the rlDddy lonl{h!!!d IHU b liod .- Pblla . dillphla Nurtlt Am orioAn.


DESPONDENCY Wheo you f~el dl~o n ura Jote (1 Rne] d espon den t do not !l ive up bnt t lille o d o~e o f Chnmborl ltlu's T !lbl" ts IIod y n lire IIhno.. ~ CA tl"ln to reel a l l rl gbt wIthin a OR,\' or two. De. 81.ondenoy Is vory a lle n doe to In. (ligestio n Itnd bltl ou 801188 . for whlob t b oKe t"blet8 Itro eepeollllly vllluflble . Uht"lna ble every wb ore. .

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At· 'he fint ~ll{n or 80 re throa~ , tl .~b~ uht> .. ~ I) r s t ofl'ed up b ~ a<l bk" ... " doseot Dr Bell'" Pi ue 'rar-Bouey Tb e be"l\og pl oe . t.•H . 800thlng h oney BIlII glyoc.lne qnlok ly reHovll UI" CllnK8IIl;oll. l o n~t1U tlle phl~!fm a nd break up y uur 001<1. Or . Bell', PIDO. Tar Ji on&y hilS alllbe beuefU, of Mrs. Ula rll:, of XeolB, 18 itpilDdlDg. the oellltng arOID '1 from a pine ' ) r- 'he wilek wltb Mr. Don Mrp, W, 8 e"~. It Is 1J1f\"8~nt to tllk e , end aDtl . W\lkenon aud Mr. aod Mrs. Wm. ""pllo. l'lill fo rnltll \ ,In t ll o bottlA A 11011 . tl'\ls why It. r ell ov o" ooIds Ind oouilhe Qolte a oumbor fr om bero altend. At yo ur Drujlg lf t . :,lr,(l. ed t he tiarnbe rt rennl on a' B1II8 aod DII.16s, ""yton , lo!!t SundlLY. Mr. and Mrs. (Jbne. MoEwen, Ed na o.nd Thad Mol!:won m otored to VleDn . (J oo !1 uy lllAt wee k aod vielSed Mn, E di th Tan \1l1ud rll mlly, Mn. W " lto r B Il UZ9 entBrhlned Seed eara n o~ gntherlld frol1) 'ho wl,h a mlsoellaneoas s b ower Jost standi Oil' corn e hoo ld be 8eleoleil at T burs(\J\Y afterno oD ID honor of Miss hua khll( time l10d Rl orud In " ah ed Pauline rsH. wbos o IDllrrl'lgo to or r oo m wltortl good olroulntlon 0' Mr. Loster Knrn~, of RIdgeVille, 00. Rlr 18 ~ ~s llrell. 13· OtlllRO of t he lli to Q,ured \tst Tuesday. MI ~s Hil da Burs,uDd Forreet ray. n oss o r pl .. ntlng oorn la s\ ~prlog lind the UnftlVOr tlh l1l growing eenson, lor wero mD~rle.d III Now llorf., Ky., o KronoDl I ~I.~ lit tll " Ohto Ezporlmenl lusl TnnrsullY. 81t,tlon "dvi~e fllrm p. r~ to bep .. rt.l o M r J.)seph Mil lor h' " r etm-o ed u h rly o lroful In aC'l('cl·tog seed oorn b ome AlLer A vl ~ 1t with h illduogb tfl r ond Iu IltorlnK it. pr ppllriy. MrA Er nu l; Kllol y " t 1"ls b II , lIbl u, Tbe 001 n DIll Y hCl Rn~pl1\lded from Mr . ,IUd Mrl! Hofus ROMnug,e " oRlr!! iu " we ll l'IHltlllll en Kb d or on t erta loc.1 n L rll 0 uer Ipijt !SundJ\Y, a!tlo 'fht' wlnd ll wM .. li o n III he Ol l)s'HI Mr. Hod Mrs. F . W . R I)@IlRgle, Mr. . only Ill· , IlIh~ I' r on r,dn), dnyp. Ar. il od Mr ~, Wlntl~or R uuk ln , of Vlln. ' 10011,1 hrmt i. h. " ... Od lll In fa8l' the dall". Mr 1\1)(1 Mrll. Dnni ul Blltt Rnd ""r" IIrt1 n ut w.,\1 clri ~C\ I1 U' wheu dtllll(uter. of Frnnkllu i Mr . und Mrs , wit.h'r "' I ~ . iJl. ( 'o ro not th nrcmf(h Irwi u Enrly "nn Nlln, I' f MlllmiR . Iy dr~' will lIo In jn r ocl by rold wi ll. hurg; 1Ih-, [Iud Mrp. Will nevon~ugb .&or, oro ]> !p " dnll~l~ ~~y. f\nn family , o f Lf' blln oll . nud Mr. Bud Mr s. Uhm er !:"nx, nf Lytlo Mfs ~ r ~, lind MOA nllml's F . W. Ilo~Dll gle IlOct Wlnd~ o r n .lOkln .I ~. Patience. l'ntJcm'c I ~ tlt t' <,uur,,!: of Ihe con· l ' e:1 \Y, A, Null end ftlDllty o ll lld~y 1\1It'ror. til ' ~ tn' II)o:lh (,f 1111111 lI ~nlll ~ t 11I 8 ~ . wo ek. Mn C hurl fl Chapmlln hilS r edps tJlI),-of th e 01'" )l g llIrI HI th e II'vrlr l. IIIILI lIr Ihe soul n ):nln ~ 1 11I;!ltcr.- Tltl'r . 'urned fr ()ln Akron. Ohio. wh ore ' t"rll It Is . til e CIIUI'n '::l' of lit lo:o~t1 l' I: !th e hKs bf'en ntlflodln g I.ho t:ltal. filiI 11M hU llortnI U·I'. 111 II 8 1\ 'Inl \'1 ell'. W, C . '1'. U . . 'onve nttoOl Mesers and Mosdtl mea J oh n Bnel 0",1 10 1·J1. ·... ~ 111111 11I " t111111 0 1l ~. rnnll,lI Ill: Ju" enruestly Incitl en t d.- Ilulwcr. Wnlter 'I'lLylor w e ro · 1JlLy~ () n vlrilt o r ~ I.. et i'r 1<1 by . Mr and Mr8, Oh .. rl ell ObllPIOIlD had for thei r dlnnt'r !(ue ~ ta 11181 t:l~~urdIlY, Dr "ud Mrs If M Stall. tou and family, of C()lllmhu ~ . nn!1 Mr, lind Mr ~. Jult .. 8tant,oo , of Co u. • I. Jn~ld8 To Delicious Vinol 'ervlllE'. 1'1.1 1",lull.II II., J·...- " I.nst fnll I \l'R8 Dr. M W Lang bae r oturned uf. lroubled with a ,"cry sol'c rc .. ronchin l rollI, h actnoilC8, hl\cknch o, lind Rick t tl 'I1r IIlCBverul w eeks stlAV 10 New l!1V sWUllu:h. I lin. 80 luul I kearn,· Mpxloo. nlilrmtorJ "nd tried 6<lI'cral mcdicirlc9 MI Ms I!:lln .Hhnlld,' I', nr Frltnklln, IS ulso n d.ocwr, hut dill not get nny r .. \icr. 8pendl"" I bo woek with frleodN hOTt'. A Irll'l'd IlRket! me to try Vlndl lind It "rought the rclid which I craved, so . MIH8 EJlbK b el 11 liohlIOfor epellt tb e w-:ek-end wllb her parents at W eN t 11(,W I 11m enjoyIng perfect 1t ..."ltll. "Mlddloto wn, ,I ACI, ' ( ' . H I NCl 1.ETON . ."~'" /;1' o£l\1I t. o ·o Vinol for cbroolo Mu. (JhllTles (iotner and Mrs , W . wugh •. eolot. I",d l,rollcbiLia. A. Euly aUtmd~d tile N E\I\d le Gulld Ilt the bowe of Mra 'Lewlll BItUy, of J. E. Janney, Drug~lst, Waynsvllle, W e ldlll$ I~S' Wednesday ,



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·N. SEARS Auctioneer Real Estate I·l isarance



otftce 81



The J onfl h Run Bapt ts' oh ur cl! Mn I d a t:ltokes Is v lsillog ber I{HVe til e lr Ilnnua] Bo wleg d'a ughter, Mrs . Ada Oonr'o t!y. f or th e foreign mISSions . Well. tllled · W oo " Wlt rn er cllll ed on Rober. 1lllskC't1' Wllr e tuken to tbe ohurch BnllJn~er S and.LY evenlog. Kn<l lin eu jo y~ble timo wa~ hll d by otll preseot. BH r vl'lY Burn ett II nd fllU1t1y ~oolt S uodlll' lItonsr wltb FrflO Oi8 Ro. 1'bo fir s t number of the Leolor o I d f \I ' Dourse, uud or the 8upervI81on of tbo ne g e Iln lim y , of n 01l1 tlprlng. bo r o . .. Olvlo Lan gue, was a "nooeesln e vtry Mr . llnd Mrs. Aea Wbltllksr, tlOIV , partic u lar . The Ind ies cesene ILrd Rod Eu~ e nle Wbtt,ak.r wero In grel1t urodl' for tbelr solection In Lebanon, !:Iu t ur day IIhero oon ~ oo url n{( I,ho Bonloes ot Buoh R Mr. a Dd Mrs. Ne lson Hamilton 3111tJ o c11U Bureau. Mr s . Emma EIIi, 11'&8 viSiting ou, entertaIned the f olloWlpg 00 t!uu· dllY : Rebecoll Bur'lw, of Chl o<ijJo; Dr t nwn IlI sL weolr . )lrs. bnson DI1 W80n I~nd BOD, Moee. 'I'ho Ulvlo I,Oal(110 Ie oo ntemI> latln ~ of Ihrvoy ~ b llr g, lI U lfl R pblL On>,. fu ed l n~ tbo It I>Uhltoiln Denlon. so n , or DILyto n; and &:Ir. und Mrs. !t t.rutlon wbioh wil l be (J ot. ill. All Jobn Robin s on Bnd II l tle SOD. of you tbat lleloDg to 'he pllrty joi n Mra. W . U Wll rnin Ie vlAltlng In us . Xenia . Mr. !loll Mre. Ed B'lemlng, of Day. o.nd M.. ~ . 'I'om (io u H oey ",ere t"" , we r e guests of the Ceo tral In Mr. W"yneMvllle on !5ll ~urday . W edn esday . Mrs. Burvey BnFlIl eU olllled on Mr . <':bR~. l:lartmlln, of Wllm log. t on. a fence 8u1 08ln"u of note, t ra o. Mrs . Aea Whitaker 'l'hoTedar after. Mlloted IJUilluoS8 In thlK vlolnlty Wed. ooou . Mr . and Mrs. Cnrl B enth vlsUod ur ~ ,J I1Y or luNt wo,' k Ou r I(arn~e Is uod ll r cove r and tho NelMon MoKeever's SuudllY . Hey . !)IIU !. t.h e I,~~tor' Of O rellont" wiud o ..... !! urt! 10 U ~ in8t .. !llld Il~ onOll; tbo OOOleDt work will ch e n 'prolCr flM~ U. U O'IllJuh t ook .-;l1l1d Il' dlnn or rllllidly ILnd ID" eb or t Um o It will wltll As" Wb Uuker aud fllmlly . be open 'or e ra. L'ho mos t modorn mllol!inery 11'111 be Inshl1ed tbrougbout, tbe hIli best gnllo ma ' erIal In evt'ry detail 11'111 be l1!erl 110d Ml'l t\ pfuot\ on guaranteed. \VellI'Jlll s fled oustomers mean! d l vluende That dull, IIltloss, opp r e8sed fe e l. to the loveato rs, th e re b Dil beon Inl( i ~ dU ll to Impnrltloe In your lIye UJU I181\0glug by Ilowe flf eu r Alway. te m, elul{gJ..h It ver, ologged luteil. I will lo ll I1 t OIy ro~ ld oll OO io MA N plla' 80 wHh h orse Rn ll bult· Hldgevi llc n n ' g .Y tUH II l:1 l,llc k(;o ndl tlu ll f'ow batlv oltl7.ooll. boleg beller haud. t o Iln lle. Dr. KlnJ 's New Life PUla . ' I dOT In W Arr n \Jolloty. HIlI"r.y ' 7u atteod to oiher people 's boslnen glvo prompt reli ef. A Dllld, eBey. Eleclton Day, NOl'c lllhcr 7. 191 6 p or Ul on~h .' Adilrc~6 II Indufl trilll tb 'u tbelr own . buS th eBe ener gCl tlo non Brlpl ng b owe l movtlm oo& \vtl\ Mrs . ELlwl n Martlo, Mrs . Goo . BOilnn i n ~ II ' 10 o ',:luck t ho rOI. / Bl d~ . , I lldl"llllpu l\ ~ , Indiana . nl young m en bll ve 1,,,ld no IiU untlon tono up your system and b olp to , !t od pulled uh eod and It 18 hoped by cleAr YOllr lUuddy, pimply oOlnjJh' x ~~l1iB and daulthtor. M iss Vesl,n. we re lowin g 11 0 ds a ll il lIllI,t t l II': T\'I'o Ihel r trl ends 'b" t tncceslI wi ll b e la o, (~et 11 bo Ule of Dr. Kln g's sbopplng 10 Lt' btlo on ou 'l'aesd tlY . B or~ ee, Bo useh olll GUOLI ~ (l.od U1 /.1 n y FAIUIR- 8 RVO y OU" lrirm o. r-other Mes!1l1me a ~!1 Bro wn anrl J '1~ . o tb or a r t lclos. Helll F.,tllto for M lo? It so ltst Ule m oat brtl U"nt IItar tu their Now LUe Pills t,o-lby u. your Drag. t:;ee bi j!' billa fo r t "rul~. IIRme lit on o. w ith W . D. C'h a odler . or own g Ist, 2Go. A d Olle to.ntaht w ill Ulake tiny were io llurv ~y !tlJ11rg on 1I0 n day. . !Ii W . L ANG. Wllynel' vlJl o, Uh lo. or cl\1I h ore a t Several II Honde!1 the Ibssle Tuwn . yoo ol! e tlr f ulllt breakfas' . MrR. Editb Ta bb"la und m Olber, Gns Si e ke r, Au ot. Ph olle No . 77. J hl\ye B fo w g oot! s hip t:! unday t!cboo l oonventlon II I - .--'---Mrs. Helihway, were milling ID Bar. - - - -. - out of towo bu y er8 who sre doslr. FIllt Fork Baptlet ohuroo , Oolober ~eY8bllrg ou e dGy Inst wook. on~ o f looking al· proper ty 10 Rnd 22 and r epo r ~e tS 1& very tnterestlng (.1eo. ICllls and brother , Oll ful e~, SuI tor's Expla nat ion. (,round Wllyne~vllJe Don't del .. y ! prc.Rram. l~ u{III'1' (,ll1l"'(("luj! " "hlllll l)' ) ~"W lllll At ten cl I-a tbls I1t onco. The Saturday · night aoto warlo attend ed ~be R epub 110lln RlI.!Jy Ilt ,,., Lebll.nQn. ~ I'I .. r bu~III ~'~' II .. yilt I ..",1\ .Ihl~ .. kts!In . O . UllIlDdl e r . Ite. u~u a l v isIt to Xenia. Inl' Illy II JlII~h l t'I'?" HIlII"r (wlt huut n t:!unday was a ,beautiful Fo.ll day The Ma'roD Prlsoilla Oroobet lIilsl('r) - "I\ 's Jl ", 0l'1 "r '·"' ''I.el'Utlvo VIC ~ Dumber of UAJ:I1l BU YantS 'he automobile C1Wnerl ntade R:R.B for FAB.Mt'-. If y ou w"nt; Mre G. Val I:U 01 IlependlnJr 80V. olub wae en$ertalnlld at the h omo JllTalr. ~I r I- TII"'" 'J'''l! k~. ~ood uee of tt, fl:DowlDi the .unoer· to BE LL. ne or write to e. R , oral daYIL In Toledo vrHh h e r daulfh of !tin. Ella FerriS. Ootf)ber 12th. talntl' of good weatber. Tbe fol1 owlD g Junior Prlsollla's --. . . 8 0lnos, 11I 2-l 3- 1·1 U. B. BuildIng. ter. MrtI, Boyoo. Mrs. Pliul Peterson, ot l3"rlng TYPEWRITERS! I, Dnyton, U IlI!). o lll "Were dellghtfolly en terta Ined at he 400 Mr. aud Mrs. F. U . Holt were Valley. II vlsltlll8 her parente, Mr. b ome of 14188 MAIle Mhntle: Ootober. and Mre. I'unk L . Harrle , (or a few Columbu8 vlsl,ors leveral daye I.., l ·ah : MIsse8 Irene Uogledby, Veat!l RIDMllW'r O.NS 'I 2. Sall'rU·Plt EitllER S week 12 LGI Your Ulllidrun L6: ru '1'1'I1O"rlllug days. EIII e, E ngen Ia an d Le oa WhIt!lor e, e at Uomo oj uri 011 Vacalloll. I ... LruclloD Hook FOR BALE Mr. and Mre. R&lpl! Alex&nder, Belun Blrl,col!; and Ihbol , Merle FI UCE • .A_k Mra. AnnIe Thorpe, Melsn. O. L. EMPIRE l ' Y!'E 1I'O UN OIl Y. Uufruln,'N . Y. Ilnd Edwin Rlolls w ere Sunday lIr. and Urll, Ray l!IIlile, !IIr. and and Faye EllIs. Mrs. t:!arall Rich .ylalledher a au g b . _ _ __ __ ___ goeate of Mrs. A, L. Merryn,w at ~rl I. O. Petereon have re'uro ed SOW8 . will fArrow ion Ie .. dIlY~ , hor beautiful bome 011 the Avenue from a week's sojourn a~ tbe re8er· ter and lister hore OD lIun4ay. voir . Mr. Geo, Bogan and family eDter. 8. V. BAI{NHART. 2 ~h o r'llm'll P o luud Cui nfl. I nrl Mr, and Mrll. Frank L. Barril ID!1 i'rlendil. ot Mr. Wlltred Slme re o " aIDed their 100 Ed and fa tnllY BIlD80w. In' luire ,\~ tblH oll\oe . 118 1001 weTe vlel'era of 'heIr paren's, celved the linnounoemen' or hili Mr. and M.a. (ieorge Barris. dIlY · · Notary Public Fine HhropH hlre Book Lamhs a' marriage t o M hi" J:!,uel Weise, of Mr. and Mr8. R . W. Kaylor have ·Ollyton. Mtas Vestfl B:1lI~ Rp en't Rundol' $ 10 Moh . (n'lmr" of ,J . !:-I. VII D. moved In\o t heIr new hom e !loron with MIss Mru t h u Lnkens. Alllltinda of N otnry Work . Wille d ennort, R. D. 2, Wnyoes vlllR . A large nombor fr om h ere a'. the 8troot vaeatlng tb elr bomo Ed BORlin and f am ily .pon t SilO. Ilnd Deeds f\ "'p ol"l ty. Oblo. n~ tended .be fall fes tival In Xenl .. whlcb tl1ey have ocoupled tor 8ovoral day with thllir parentI! at Ihle pll ce, las t week. yelln, Mnl e Ptll. ['l) lllIIrl Chlnll, A good Mr . Barry Atklu 80n ancl ramlly. Mr., Fraok Kyne ",ho hllll been Mr, an d Mu. J, W . Ulark are n ow l one. for 8nle . IJ 1:'. EIli ~, ROllte BeTt Bogan and Re v. J . .1. Se ll t ouk .Iok II'ltb rhtlum a tislIl for the past full.f}edt; cd 0ltlze 08 of o ur tQwn and nlnner wlt·b Mr. and Mr8. G eor ge I ~ ' Wl\ynollVill ll. O hl n. nl 81x woeks Is alo",Jy Improving. I1re tlUKlule to beootllo mewbera 01 Dl\vl~ en Sunday . Mr . DlIrlllm B ~dl{e lev hllB ao ~e pt. auv of the le ullues or monioi]Jal Big t y 0 0 t'o lnnf1 htnn Mrll o Pig p. 'Mlss B ele n llilrtsoo k WOH a' h oni e T ills dlsense Bbolll,l be ITNlt('.l IV' ~f1(tn has. E. I:IlIgomoyer, Or ogooia, od a position 10 Ullyton ufi} e8 . . ovor !'luod "y. a ~ thJ nr~ t u 0 natuml 10", t·"PM IIr thl' I 1 I] I T I h N . I U 4' " u Miss Ne llie rbornbulI~ has r o ' ,. T be s lok In thIs vlc lolty ore on bowels Rppeara. Wb n tb l~ III tlone /I I 0, eel) D UO 0 - • • , •• 1\1· LOtl tor Burfli oe nor! rn nllly~ ~\ III ~i ngle c\ ot ChILmho'rlflin 'R Co\Jc. () hnl. veY81mrl{ E x. tb e rOAd. to Impr OVOloot muob to sig oed IlS tuaobo r lu tl! o g rammar ' 0 21i room BDd Mlflll Wildmll.n of Sehllu WnH "nd fom tJy, W a ltor h.ll\)l)n ern RUll DlllrrhOl'/Io R<lllll'lly wtll tl1'[('I·t a t.he g rll'ltloil tlon of tb olr frl ond p. ' • ~nd wife s p e ll t, MnodllY WI tb T o rn !'lIre . . ThIs r emelly CIlU I\lw ny~ bu ilp· wlll fill t,be I>osltlo n . f111r no Mil le Pig" 2 1:\0 "18 I\n,1 Zen e l:IIldley Iloil wlr" Ilnd Dr . . R lcb unu f UlD tl y pt· ndNII1JlOn liven III tl l!l l\ln~t. 8t'v~ rp nn,l . [ I g~ 9 tio Wlj to' fur row t his Hov. MoClure, of thll Xe n ta 8eU)\ . MoKenzlo Rod wi(tl, of n el\ r Wi l. MleH MIlrl e HI ' h wn ~ h nlnlJ on ll 11nge rooa COSOI!, Ro.l aholll11 he kopt at . ~ mlngton, wero t:luoday gue8t8 uf ou r 'nll' y will preuoh ~, tile FrlendR 8uodf\Y . e b o I H II tl l'" 11ill j.C ' Ullltl hILn.l r6JIIly tnr bU!t..nttUill. Nov ...r 1"lIve m onth . AI BO" IBrgo choap wnrk uhurob evory SundBY morolng art! bcll ool Ilt Lllhnnoo . o"y . h otlle on tl journoy witbout It. ,J . W . Crei! lVoll, W " y otls v lllo, nl O hI o. Mr . unu Mrll. WIIlIIlUl Urlm.-s lin' oVbn l 11~ dnring tllo wint er . ,MIs s tiull I ol/l l!shy v l~ lted h(,T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--_~~~""'!!~!!".!!!~~~~ In Porry Co unty, whore Mr . Urlme" p!l r eots etllurday UIJ c1 l::iu oc1oy . S he . = 18 Iltlwinletorlng on lin oe'a lo . 18 t oa ohln g nt Carl i. le .. Rc v. Alfred Wlllkpr wil l fill th(' The Sunday Soh ool COIIYenti on pulpl~ Ht lhe M. E . ohuroh t;u nda y. (J1l S unday WB P ~ 1J 1 odld A Il ood Oot(J ber 29, Y ou IIhould come a1J(1 '[he dull ~hrob . o f neurul glu I~ " ttooclllnoe. lind g uod s p c6ke re . Mr . btlar bltn. quiokly r elieved by Bloon's Llnl. G eo . Marcb, Prof WbilnklJr. ~r . .Amo~ Vuu OOTon 's li lLie was quIte tDOnt, t.ho uDlversal rem edy f or pnlo . ,ud Mr. lIud )Irs. lI'red P!luly. Rnd II. @ U OC08~ Iu eVll r'y Pflr t loul u r . E,i~y to .a ppl y: i \ quaokly pell et·rtlt e ~ Mrs , Borry, of Lebanon , wore p r e~. Mrs . D'Lit;y URrt'lioo k, of' Dnylon, wlibout rubllin g lind soothes ~ho ent a nd elloh gaVll[l Bhort address, mllsoles . C lolmer aDd m oro I I tbe ludy who I! oondnc"ng the ~oro II llUy ~f1'eotlve thRD mussy plas and all were very · nte rest nil · mllllnllry o"eulog ut C. E .. Lel' loY'1! rom Manufact ureu of cr~r · Mr. Amos Alleu oontinues quite I d ry go odl! !'tore, r eturn ed 10 her leN or ollltmen\; d oos not ~t8ln the aktn or olog tne p ur es. For Iliff , p oorly. I bome ::luuday for two dllYs , jully selected s lock, cut lDu~cte'i, ob ronlo rheuwatlslD , gou*, Mrs. Billie Bell(hway hilS reS orDed ' Alvn I{enntldy, roprosen'ed tb e lumb"lo.llpral08 and Itru'l nl It Klve~ frotll vlstllng h e r daaghter . accurately to all sta nda rd liIlneYliborg Ma~ o nlo Lodge Uol. qulak relief. 810an'l LInIment reo I"lI w Wolfe vlatted bls pan nts OD umbu s where tbe urtlnd LorJge of dUCl'8 the pilla Ilnd :Inflrt.mmatlon In S undllY . izes. \V carry dressed MU80ns waB h tJ ld l riM t week aod reo 101100' b it e@,brullell,blllDpllllndo'b. - - - - .. . - ••- -POI ted a good tim!'. IUllIber ill several g radt's 6r minor lujarle8 t o ohlldreo·. Gilt George bI E ll\\llrri s I~ plul!te rinll fl b ill tIe to dl>Y .. , WOllr Druggll!lt, 2~ o, - suitable for va rious a b oo se lilt or uOllr N e w Burlington, ~~.~----Clinton U.1. GuorgelslllwaYII busy. purposes. We have a car We will , loeo ol1r very OftlOIODt Many ooids that bang 'on n ll win. and Booonlodllt.hig .aloph JDIl operu. ter ato.r& wilb a eneezo, Il soll1l->, II of this fin lumber in this bor, N o yom b erl at . ~bo ba@ a better 801 e tbrol\', a tlgb' ohesl,. You p osltiun tind 'be plltrons WIBh for ·II::IOW ' be' symptoms of oold!, aod week. her 8U00888. 1o.n know prompt ,'ClBtment will i _ _ __ _• - .. a _ __ brOlak 'hem nIl. Dr. K in g's New (Dela)'od ) Olsooycry, wtlh Its !loothlng nnti- i Elmer /juDea and family hl\ve lepllo balsams . hilS been bre lkln g up m oved t o Ertink (;oDIIIID '1I farm, ooldll and healing ooughs of y o ung Ind old for 41yellfll , Dr:. Klug'~ ea.' of tOWIl. Hartmao Splab and family han New Ohiooyery bOllens tbe phlegm, oleBri the head, 1I00.hel! ~be Irrtt,,\od movllt1 to Xenl~. To every customer, no membrane and ml!.kee breathlnll Mr. Ilnd Mrs Char :ey Br"ddook ., ~. B. Harlan fell OD ErldlY night easier . At yon, Dru~l!ll!t, ~ oo. were Ullyton vlll'ora S~turdtly, and .enrely brnlled bls .honlder. matter what the amount l Mr, Al Shimer II.nd 'am'l Iy viatted Mn, Alloe WIlto:n 18 oonfiol!ld '0 of liis purchase. Come wlth Mr' and Mrs. John Jobe Ind her room \ly a aevorll oold. famIlY,of 'noar Bellbrook, Illsl t:!I1D. Hlotmlln & Blair h"ve eold out · :



Classified Ads











- ---







------: -.:-. --.--------11 Diarrhoea.




- ---


















day. their blTber bUlllnes!! to Lee ·W hl,. !oIr aDd Mrp. George Pra'~ enter Ion. tBlned Mr . Jeke Pratt. Mr, a'one Will Reeves' n'e w ree'llur;'D' and .. ntl lh Blaok, of U.ylon, at dinner PQol room la oompleied and opened one df\y lu@t week, ' for bnlln9l!l1 &,urda,y DiSh', Miss Nola Bill, of WaynesvUle, , M~ aDd Uri. Trevor Ba:ydoolt en IIpen' Sond 1S' wltb bar parenU'here, ,er.alned on ':lunda)' '; Irlr, 8JId Mn. ~11Il!ldna L90Y spent Baturday T , O. I:b!dook. Mr. and J . W. , The largest, beavleet, aud mOti' ftn,d tiunday wl.h MI •• •• Mar), and Baydook, Jal, H.Jdock and fam~ly, peoullar neltll are '0 bo fonDd in Lula 8olalld, or Corwin, O. E. BIlJdooll aDd ' ..mUJ, 1:. U• • u~'ralta. The jungle fowl of tllllt .Mtlll Alloo Ohtnowe&b returned' Shldaker' and lamU" Uti. 8~all laod band Ilea'. to 'he form hom!!l frqm, OaYlon 'rlda, aft.r a Barlall .a~d ilt.. lI!tud. ".rlan,. .f Ir8&' .ouad., 10m. hnln~ been few daYI vial' J. M, Bill aDd fllmt1)' spen'the fpUlltS 111 fMt 11l h.tght and 150 fee' ~r, and Ut. (,"bal. Braddook erie week-.lid with frl ••,llill N.w ParI., tD olroum'er.IIo" The, weI'. ereot. "r"'lued oomPl'ny from Iodtana a' ObtQ. -.l buh.Uere4 lPO", alld art Ikil· .opper DDe 'eVeDiQ8Ia.' w.:!k, . Th. fUIl.,.l of !tin. ChiDe, 1D"r,,0'91D wltb lsnel" grall8 Mr, ulS "I'll. W.b.r Da"lD eD. TholDU "'..... Il.ltS a' tbe Ilom. of 4t",I... Tb~ bUlb 'urk.ydopts Hr •• IIII4I .. . dtDD.' 88nda,. lb. b .. daqh. . 'Itlra. LaWIOII OopMJ Itmll.'I17'''~ til CIODI'ruaUn. "I Ind lire. rraDk Ooo~. Mr. &lid 111''' .'IIr41y aHernoon. D__ , bat'\JI' 'iIt~ ....Il...,e. and Ch.., 8ra44ool', ...... I'1{)HllciI lit. MallDIe Aamba b .,tea4ed .... lbaPi .. pyramlAloal. Th.y Lacy, lIarte 0001£, atOlln, Bober' fIlllenl of &II la X D1a bull.1D 0010111_, 1U14 'he 0•• \11 arll Lal1a1e, (Ja.1 ~ ana..' 8rad. 'l'aIItIa, aUD a , . , la!. . that't waul. raqulr. ibe 4001£ " • "~OIaof .Isot · .e.flil oar.. '0'1'11• • _ • . Vera·. . . ." laiD.,.., POOl mon OD.. The malerlal of. 1101 1•



with US', ' you how to save money ,in buying all kinds of building material.

Buyers Get Quality Ouaran'teed ~,()n All Supplies


Office Over the Poatofflce R ••Idence'"oU-2 -

UI 0111 dl cl t tl b tl · On uooo nn' of un 1I0U , l\lllt. ,11... . h· 1 mila I t ho t wolvt -yel,r.u\l IAI1(Chem 0 a , , le nmA 0 11'" hng Ill" fu r f"r mltlJ( , I wi ll Htoll 00 tor nf ;, fAmi lv t b;, t rotllaello lin m Olber Mr". u eli lub D!lI , on W ('qt.l tlle .1 F. (JII (lw ll l],Hla r f nrrll fl U t.ll'~ . ~I Maille abreetlA s t Satnrday mor nlnR Vllvno~vllie P ilill ", . mll ~ Hou t h 01' "1;\' n ~ pll rl,m Dt ooa~e, r Ollflll . Y at J o 'cloo k nft er Il l ong slc'Kof> " o r . . ' . . - .~ d·li<.1 I" ht r Il ltll·ber. . 1 hId I h "I or t h "M o~1J8r I WIHb you 'd \VII h ' r'o m. " ~YOb~ "1I 1I0Cl, mlldS 11' uuer l!. W Il R e Rt liS .o m ll on u l LIJI , [lU '"l Mouday oft ern oon. 13nrl ul III II 11, ' ,U1 V fO llt'. brook oemet er y. ~cuncsJIlY, 0 ember I , 1916 • ,)W T om my WAil UI P Io n o r to o MTI, F Il Uouo':lllenu, of uO<lr E'E"' r)' C(l I'lIll IOU In g al U 0'0101 II, II. m. , miLD wbosellllnr\m on t ll joln.t!d .h IlJr~ . spont laat T bu rijcl"y wi t b h r moLhor I h e r,, 11 ,will" oh l\tt Is : lI \1l'b"~ It:io m o illor WIlB b ot b all\rmed aDd Mn E d BrOWll /I ud AlUI"H, 2;; I:II'/ld of C"t.l lu, "~, f\ !> tonl ~ lJecl t .. . , Il A,,, 1 ot H ()jo(~, )!H Sh o" " . ~' ''''' 11111{ "Thl lelon ,. , ~ h e I;'XOhtl rufld . M IIM Dor ot by nud MU Y11l e i-l n r n oHB I mpl"'llO lll a, Uor u , I:IIt Y, H ' ''l~ .. III, hl ' · Why . ll o'~ n nelgl1 h or 'lI olilld 11 Mrs. Ob~a . Btole ro rl\ a ud Mr . II nrl 0 00t15. . b ', vr no thin g to (lo w i t h h i m . " Mrs . Elurrv WCla \',o r. o t I A "I'~O n , Hou till.; bill!! for "rll1 ~. " litH I hnv",, " 9xplnloud fl)'bel , m nt or ecl to Mn pie Goro e r Inst. u n VI';I '1L III I · I ' I~.-; ~l A . I' . W u · 90 b (V) III II e n gl1l1:e[\, a n d I w 14n' dal a~u ~ r the . g u(\~ts of Mr . nn d (in H nkor , AOt' l Ito ktqR him" .1rs . 'I : E utnmln r.s and Mr J . B Drown"" C ross ' Il\ r k~ ,_ Unmmtnga lI ud d uu~ b lor Muy. . . Obas R u n loe ' 0. Tol ollblfl h llr Il n l'rld lite ;\liam i Gazette n w. 1118' w e'e k hy beln ~ f un de recl I 81t "ill ~ d £ol,l pd t n· r.j111t f~ r fl1 1"~ . I. \ W ord wil e r cc Ive!l h or o fru lll I wl.!1 ~" " IL t P"IJIIO ~~I " nil Ih" C bB S. Bo wIe' of his s or loD s 11I nt' s" Mc h .lrhy ("rill . ~'J mil,' b.:1I ~1. n l L I· tl l', in New Meltioo wu r e lJ hu .l j( o nf1 ,.',rl .l lll llfl~ fr 'JlJI Wu. yu p,,,, tll n n fo r b ls houlUI h nt tlt th is wrltl Il~ tho WIIYI" ;vl11 , 11 1111 Lvl\1l fIIll ,1 , . 11 wall eom e b e tl or . ,'l ntlclay. OCloilcl' .lo, 11)(1) Fon SAl.E I'.JWPE RTY Our t ,lWO WB8 w ell r epregOo tlH\ l\ t B"l! inniuJ,( lit. l:l 11:"I(l('k I II fIJ \_ ,be Ftlll Festlvo ll ast t3n lur cl ny Ifl wln lt : '2 t:i orlll'8, () ·IIILln, .1 11 010: '. W . M. Bo!1ge tho g rOCElT h" ~ ]lur- III Chickpm, IIl1 v. C ,'TlI. 111 '1 111" r Olllll h nll~(1 Ulld l o ~. w it h ~ ooc\ olmsad 80me land from 'he Bor olT 1ll 0 !lt~ . H on ~.·ltllitl (1 11 11\_. 11011 111', ","111111,1 olHlllr n. 10 t o wn ftH~ ' l'er m ~ ",aoo kn o wn nn rIll Y n f , ,lrL ,,,,,I IH II l:0u,1 IOflll tlnn Ro ld r o ollp ~l l t"\ MAleY M .. R I Ilf\\' 'f John ,J obe, n or.h o f to ~\-n , Il AS A. A. Ma 1'l nll, An fl t I ~o ld H(Hl1l . III I'\ o lr o or fl . Morra v , lI.urohased an a u to. C hll ~ . 13l1Tll ett . Oill rl. IVllv noMvllIe, ) . nl John An'hooy I~ !erlOll ~l y III lit I h l\v~ f or ~K lfl I~ I'o ry ',1 osl r" l)lo, l'nntr ul1 :v 1 ')('J( I ~ c1 pillro of lI r O[l9rty hili hom e 00 W eS L Ml1p lo Hlreo t w lI,h 8'0lDaob 'r ou b le . I Bu vln l( rcnled my f"r ll l I wil l ~elJ 10 Xun il• . whll"lI '~\II r ont t n 1(00 (\ ---- - - l ilt. ~l1bll l) 8Ale 2 ,"l1r~ wo!'.1 of 1.)'11 1'1 . t" n ll n t~ " l'"Y I ~ Jl ll r "<lnl [1"I''' U U U ll l . ·1 mil es ijo nt!l Ill' (j l u~ 11' \'1 111' IIn.\ :l Tho " rl Ol' I ~ $I·, .U(I(\. lmt 1·lrn e (llln bf' IIl tl eR n ort h II I H!cIW \'1110 o n 11 1111 on mn r h (If t h l~ if (I ORirOll Nn W cdl1cSlI a\' NO \'~ llIhc r -t , 11)1 (1 ' 111' 11 1' 1' In" Ill lon in tll\l·U. on ly n.m , .. l' I ' 'I' II I' . , " '1 llllrl) f r l1 !11 (\I m t h on RI! . At4 Brl In T Il k e (". _unmutl r n n s II Il l ll Il oe Ca l 11 111 fl lw t il K li t III n'c ll) r k Ih o t n l- \" 'Ht llI rn l, thi~ wl1 nl.l h" flr pt, I'lau . 14Ilop t u ••! I~t, 01 v l'getll ll oR lind ro. l lnwi ojo( IIJ'0 l'" rty : ;, l:I"r~ b". ~ UI' "U .". 1\ . IV. 'fr o. IHO. N" ~\j fi lt,lI ne real ij . 1ul< 0 ou \(~ or ~xorol~o n J\lI y {I t (JRttl", r,Ii B o!(~ . ' h lrkml". 1 ll\l' l e .l ~ trent. XOtllO, Y. M. U A. Bu il d lu g . J\Dd y our oompl e xl ou ~ 11l hll !!roo tl y me nt ij, Ve hloles llnrnll~~ . Ff>rtl, I1to ' l nl . Improvod wtthlu R lew m ontba. !:lee bil{ bi ll Mfor 11'\'J il" Try II. O btalnubl o e v orywbe re. \ ALLISON T A Y Lt i ll \~ HU N - - - -.... - -- - A . A . MoNoII, Auo t . I WANTED J. E. H lm Bs, Olerk .








.~_~._0IIt* =\.~





to ....



..~~~.....+.............. . ........................... ~.~.......'


... -

The Gr eat

........................ ......................... .~

Oyster---Punkin Pie


~~.,. ++



........ n--EVEN s-I'rPERSONALMi-NTIONI TO BE_S~~D .o . ~. ~~ . ~~~


E ating Potat r ) cs \Y ill hu\' c a car on tr?,c k soo n . l, yo ur order" 11 011' . Car Coa rs e 'S al t ~ J! \ OD ' t get h ard·- ll arr d s and Sacks. Prit'e s righ t. Peaches. Hig lo t faDc), 'a lll'ay I'cac hes in t o -d a y , Better th an e ver.



in Bask e t s, lo t in to ·da y , . , , , . . . . . . . . . $ 1. ~ ,i

E ~ gs -B ri n g

liS y o ur Pay ing 3:3c.


--- ~------. -

Eggs ,


I t pays to trad e at


Social Rooms of



Junior, Primary and ' I Beginners




~t~~~~~~~ p~~t~

, b reedin g s t ock fo r ne x t year . . eled I bens rathe r th an pullets for breeders I Hem' eggs are 'Iarger, hatch a hig her percentage, and t h e chick s are larller, more thrifty aud stronlle r In addition it is poulble t G kno w t heir e&,g la yln. r ecord , (n dica tlon a of a good layer are la te m olti ng . 1\ oc>OC>OC>OC)()()()(~O<>c:ioOOOO-()(lo<>O. b ri ifht red comb an d fa ded beaka a nd IIhaT)ks,





, .

,' .

"What do you know about that-a'MILD cigare~te that satisfies!"



Chesterfields have done tithe impossible" -they satisfy and yet they are not strong. T hey are ,r MILD I Chesterfields do for your smoking what \. bacon and eggs do for your breakfast--they satisfy. I POIDt,





I"u R ..\



I,I l ~ IiT ,

0 1\: I ~- l 10 RSE \ l I C L I~. W ORT II ~ L90. 00 i\ E W . \ 1 ~ VE l { (:Rl '; :\ SI': 11 In '!, ( )I\C E' U ' ED HUT VE R \' u r ru ,:.



T he Wu nlllll' ~ A xili '\r)' of ' t c hu rch at t h oil' me l' t'ing' l u ~L I- r id tl)' II f tur llllon , p eked a m) pr ,. pa red f o r Rhip nw n t four box .s o f ' Ia lhi n",. ctl n~ i J.: nll" · to ::it. Ib phal! :s House Mo n t~rcy, TCll n. St. l{apha t! ls is 1\ 11 0m B and Mis · sio n S~h oo l unde r t he Il u ~ pi cu" of t h" io.: piscopal ' hurch min isteri ng t il the 1II0 un lllineE'rs of that d is tr ic t. The cry " r t he less fav o red , IIlU un Co rt Ul luLes of God's c hild ren tinrls a re ady r e ~p o n s e ill t he h e arL ~ of t h pcol le of St. Ma ry ' s 'h u rc h a nd i ~ be a r ing fr ui t wel l wo rlh whi le. "The I{in ~ shall un wer unrl say u n lo yo u, [lIa~m\l c h have do ne it un to 0 11 ' nf th\;l least o f the!,,- my b rl' thr ' II. yo ha ve d one it. un to me ." M al')" ~

---'- - . ---


On Fri da .\' l' v!' lIi n.r, Oclll lol'r ~7 t.h. th u I' ri 'ntily (jru u p will pr ,'st' nt " II Ul1k c r ~ 'or ner>! " in lIh'i r nell' llll ilf l r a t th e IVhitu Br k k Med · IlIg h\l ll ' ~ Th" HClio n oi Ihis cl cve r pl ay ta kes plac e ill IlI li lI ull kl' r '" WI/ll t r y s tor~ Il ll d a ll th e t ypi~ al c h at'Uc te r ~ ·A·ill LJe 1IIl·r,~. Th t \\' en · t y fi \' u llI' m ure nH!III U " r ~ lIf t he cast have bCl! n coached I." 111r:l. BartOli Kell y a nd Scl ll ll! raro ~0 11l "d .l' i :! \l Tl)l Il i. ·d . T he admis,;ion 11'11 1 be ~;J L: fur ad Ult:! and l ;:'~ f,)l' c bildn' ll untio.! l' 1l yca r:!. -.-- --~ ---

DEATHS. ll'v in, second ch il~l of Cla r ksOIl and R\lchell utle r \V\Jrth, di ed lit hi hOllle III I o dla nd , ru ' .. 'rucsda y. ... Oc tolJll r 10 . j\1 r. Hu ll rworth was

MOVE ~~ i~~i~:~~ ~~~~:'~,





No other cigarette can give yOu this new enjoy· ,. ment (satisfy yet mild) because no cigarette maker can copy the Clzesterfield Mend. This blend is an e~tirely tlew combination of tobaccos and is undoubtedly the most important n~w thing in cigarette m aking in 20 year s.

- ----


Lewis VI. Livery










CI ' 'I' ti l-: 1)1 ';'1(,

' A NOl' \ - T0 1 . Ll C I-I'i'. TIR ED SU RH. EY .

Mr. a nd Ml's . Robt. Tine and M as well as o t he r par t s of Warren ST. nt ARY 'S CHllRCH a nd IIl rs Pe r ry Wat k ins , of DaY lo~ ' C~unty . as he has made fri e[lt.l s an d W('r c g uests C/f Mr . a nd Mrs . ,J asu~ pat rons w he rever he wcnt. . N inete enth Su nday nf tllr Tri nily , S h eli an Mo nday. •Octobe r :W, ::)unduy School at ~;.! U <I . m. Mo rning P rl!ye r ancl sermun J us t landed - Anilthe r ca r of t he ut lo:ao . T he public co rd ially in· Cele bra ted Am erica n Fe nce . Come vited t il t hes e :3C!(V 'ccs . a nd g et it while th e a ssort ment is - - -.... not b r oken . A . B. Sid e~ . . ('I'eral from her e attended t he Mr. a nd Mrs. AI Cornell a nd Miss Rt: j)u b tican Ille Ling a t Lebanun irma Co rnell, Mi,;s Ev a Murphy a nd Thursday ellening . li ~s J en nL 130 winan, of Ada , Ohio, wero gue ts of Re v. and Mrs. D. H -The J un ip r Pris cillas me t with Paim e r at Sunday din ne r. Miss l\I',a rie Shu t ls Sa lurd a y a ft l' r· You ca n get th e S upe rio r Perfect- noo n. Odobe r 14 , l UI6 Eleven fi t Uni on S uits at H yman's . me m bers w e r~ pr esent and all en· j oyed a n a,fte r noo n of fan cy work , Mr. and M r3. J aso n Sheeha n , Mr. ,>cia l c ha t , and tak illlf pi ctu res. A a nn M r s. All' in Ellrnha rt and Mr. J ainly luncheo n o f c r eam cand y an d a nd IIlrs . W ill . Reyn u rd , of Sp r ing- nU L cake was se l'ved by t.he h ()stes~ , BIG, EASY-RIDING CAB fie ld, we re th~ gu es ts o f Mr . and Af te r ar, e xceelting ly e nj oy nbl e afOne of th e very )Jl e~~all t aC/cial ~ rs . Cli /ronl H im es , o f Cente r vi lle, le rnoon , t hey adj u rn ed t o meet el'to!IJ tsOf tl1l! .w eel( W~~ al't1t' h l.e p~ r lYI ::iu nd ay . , . with Miss Flo sil] F ires N ove mber C ALL 11. . g iven by MI.' 3 l' u tn ILu lsuck uti Mond ay afl ernoon . A ft,,!, Lhe gam e Mrs. .J . C, 'I-! a wk, e . M rs . C, M • - •• - - <::" lfl l' a Ha wke l.eft Il. delec tal, l" lwo-c/Ju r~(; Illllc h IVa'! 1~ob: l il c r a llct , M.lss se r ved . \'0<:11 1 ,mil b :l l ru lll en ta l 1ll 1 J ~ e.\tlay [ 01' Spri ng-h el d , whe r e tb ~y sic r enrlered b'l I\lt ~ . Hall.,m II. K I. W I ",at~entl t}I C G ra nd l,I)~I ){e of th e Iy and J\1i • H a l'Uo() ck mi ll t d mu ch t o I () .E . S , w lllc h co nve ne:! I II that Glly \V a}'n c~vi llc, Ohio I'll ulle 8.1· S the plea ur e (,f t h ' I)~ ·a.,iufI. T he /' till S \veek . , . foli o vinl!.' l{ lI c3t Wl:re 1Jr e.,e nt. I\lrs J H , r:ole mnn, '\'11'" )o'. !1. ll C'nd 'r~Ol1: 1 he . XCnlu. Work H ouse had a Mr!l. Fld ilh 1\1 . lI a rl'il . fill'S. I. ::ia lt e r- r who l e~l\ l e de!I \'e ry IlIs t, wee k , whl: (l Notice of Attachment lhwOllc . Mrs, J . 0, ClIl l wri h t , t e~ Prl~o ners ! nad e lh e l r escape fro m ~. Mrs . L A ZinHn N tnan . 1\1r~ . J A, : hut p lac~. lh reo wer e ap preh end McCoy Mr G W 1[aw l' c M r~ ~ tI be ro r " t hey g ot ve ry far, but l he E, V, Barnhart was ki ck ed hy 1I11 P. D . " Iag ·t . M .·!!'. W . I'r.' A i l ~I; .· res t of lhem a re at largo. a uto mo bile last week . As he was ' hll.8, E. JO~~I.' , l' l aI 1ll 1lY }"ttnc hmell ~ M 13 11 I 'I • M c ra n king !.he machine it llicl< .. d and WlllIur ur t; "," 'er Unln!. lML. ~ I·t ar lHue i , il rs (j : , Mr . and Mrs H (' Alexa'nde r hl' t h l' m s uch a n a wf ul c r ack on t he 'J'IIO t ~to 0 1 Uh lo Worroll lJoull t6' WaYllo I rs: I{Ora IJI IZllI' 'IIII.c ' ,II Mr~. L( ~l l U "Y\Ivl of'. 'f"w n. hl»: Atlacl IlUU II~ betore Ii. . Joy , J. r:3 rI ., l·ll V andl n cr . 1\1 r , UTili ·IV·I ,·s.· L ut'lle'r' Selle rs . or' kn ee he wa."" lal. ' d up for u co ur.Jle I, i ' .• ot Wayne 'f owutt hlJ). \Vl1rruu liuuut,y . M .. I l . , .r , . ', . • am - D!l yt OJ I 111 r lint! Mr s Ray Smilh of d ays , Whil e ho still Iim pa a lilli e, Uhi o, ' .'I~'J~,I~~C!tI~~,~~! ~~ ~~~~":.~o~it~l~o~~II~i ha r t . Mr~ I~~ n al ~l. II :lwke, . Nt rfl . .U. B rook vi ll e, a nd Mrs: .Mari on Hamil. t he injury is a bou t we ll . ·Whl te . ~ll :l' h.I77.le 1I·le rl Itt. M!b tall :J lld Mis' Baird of Leba non at til abo"" a"tloll lur 'lie 8U' " " r a 3 . ~ u (do l, ~ ~ ma H elghway anl1 ~ I r". D. L. t cmd ed th e f une~al of Ho~ard - -- - - - - - Inrs) and CO" ~. . . ClUne ,_ __ _ _ _ Missildi ne Monduy. WII )' uCHl lto:qhlo, Oct.obor 10,1 010'035


And yet. Chesterfields are MILD- that's the :


. NEW t . af te r Icav ing High School he we nt tu M arl~aret Leviey , Ma ry Mann nn, Mr. an d Mrs. H om e r Wilson, of Colu m bus. Ohio , a nd fr om t lp re \(I Mi fl l!r Ma r Li n J ssie Mooiley , Eva 1" I Oh ' t d tl Mil:h ilwn , , nd in 1 ~ 1·1, ufte r u n Olle rMcDonold . Mami e Re tnllick . Lizzie ,IP ey. 10, gpen one ay recen y with M r . and Mrs. J. S. Thomson, D r . M. W. Lan~ . whu ha~ b l'n at atiu n. ll e wen.L t o P~ ; t I UI!( I, \V h r e he Ridl{eville fo r t l' e pas t te n yea rs, hus s l11ce .r e~l rlC'd. I he .fun ~ral wa!:! ·hid aker . Ad n Ta lmag, F lorence o f Route 4. Kersey. a r r ie Un ~le5 bv , Em ma will h ave a sale N ovembe r 7lb, a lldl h eld at hiS hHe hOlllo 111 I u rt lan d , W~l ie , Ma ry Wil so n , Mi.'lses Vest a ' A moskeag Ou tin g · fl a nnel Night. re move t o Rosl~e ll . Ne w Mex ico, a nd Intt! rm ent was m ad e at that Ell iS, H anna h J o rd~n , Gar ne t Ec1- (l owng al H yma n ' s wh er e he will e ng age in su rge ry . plilce , _ _ _ __ _ - - w r rls, Me r le a n Ilo'Bye Ellis, Do r othy . ' F e> th d ' I I Dr . L a n'" h as m ad e qu ite a n ll me f or I . DaVI.S, 'u a n li e nna l\' al111on , r.liss L u cy Em ltlY s pe n t from Sat - ' " . E ve Iyn U ng Ie b y a n d Rh ea E•llis. u.rday night un til Monday mo r ning himself in su r ge ry . and th' I is openlllg A two ' Course IU llch WAS se r ved , They w ith M r , a nd Mrs . R oy H a th awuy will give h im a belter oPPol'tunity I I d . for wor k than h e reto fore . Or. Lallg NOTICES c e_p~og ra l11 near 'Centerviil e. will be missed in Clearcree k towns hilJ a so la a_~I_

lvrr. a nti 1\lr'4. Will Car r ga l'e a d elig h t f ul d inne r to a b u nch of Olil schoolma tc:> 0 11 T hu rsday, OCt.O UL' I· '19, T h e hos pi l a hl J hOllle ope ned wide its cloors t a nu m bc:t: of people many of wh om had wand e r"d ,iar f rom t.he 11.1 school ho use a nd ' retu rned to ga hc r around the invi t ing lau lo, TI!c;.lI ing s tor ies of d ays Sp911t luge tl lll T in t he IMs roo m and 0 11 th ~ p l~ygroull t.l . Th' dinnc r sel'vc3d by l il e s mil ing hostess was am p l:e !lnd p urf(,'C t in Ill' ·ry det a il , g ivil1lg plel1s lI I' to all wh o pa rtouk of it. :If "coukilll{ is a nubl" Rcienre ," ~·Irs. Ca r r Il as .:e r t uinl y rna~ t e r cd il willt ho nor , T hose prc.~ e t l t II) e njoy l he <i llY We l't!: M.. . lind M 1'9 . Will [;r im os , Mr, all li Mr!! . Io'ra!l k Sh i dal< t:r , Mrs J olill Wo lre , . I r~ . Marion C;o rdon. j 1r ~ . 1':rl g:llr · t.i nso n a nd Mr s . R e rt.




t Cecil Hitesm.a 's a le It\. 1ove·m e s·t ! 'Q

~===============~==~~=~_=~_~_ ~_~_~_~,~L~~=============~ Ha ~rt~~, L~a o~ar~1: ~~ ~~~~fM~~d M~,MY~ Hym~ --- ---- -r vey . Mr'R. Fe rl'i~ f Her da Jordan , ,

+ . . .. . . . ....... ........ .

¢ • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • o ~

will take th e place made va r alll b y we rt' (' 11 1 'I'IHII,' 01 " I 'i\U;'lh 'r } I 'I III' I'; !rl' Ihn l!l'l Shir U; at 11 )' lll a n ·~ . Mise Mabel tl adl ey ' s r~si gnnlion , I~' JIIH' o ( II'. un " ,\1" (; [I M IIl ~ I'ril li ll ry 'IH~~ or 1'11. I~ SII !1(lay Bask et bafl prac tice begin s ne xt Slind ay. ',;d .. ,,,1 will gh'i' OY HtCI' : uppl' r Ha l. week . The boy~ a re lookill g" fo rwa r d IUI\" ',,n . lit ,.. an d· \l r!< . hi T I !lIH:l~ all d i\1r. t o a succ<lss f ul yea r , See t heir /ir ~ l l\l m. Ell a f.d l. of ·'ul um b us. was g sm e. Wa tch f ur B'lnOUnce m ent . and l\I I ~ . \\ Ill . 1" '1 11111 <1 II> I Ili nller '~ U CS 'I " of It', all d- ~I "" . ,1-1"," :-'Iwl" t ilt' ).t Il '!I t uf Mr . a n rl 1\1 rg. Frank T he Domesl ic Sci ence I partm enl hun T I1<'sd:t~· . / ,<,11 la,; l wl'ol,. is in full s wi ng. It i ~ a p lea illg' Right t o sec th e girls so eage r ly a tT h e .I P Iy ill; I I' 11 1', .\'i t II th"i h u~ · t\ 1II!'ric:ln Lady H \ 'II ~ e IJI'C'sses in tack thei r prob lelll ~. ualldij, we n ' l'lI lt'rtwll".i at,l '; lI 'd""I, dnl' k clilo rs at Il y nt a ll ' ~. di nn!.! !' al. tlld I"'ll ll, .. r :--':1'. al,rI ~1r ". Friday o f last week lhe SOlJh ulll Ol'c I{ttl p h tlli ll~r " I U/ldal' ('I' !'!lil , , 1 '~I Ill (> \, l{ce \'l' I' a l' r il'e,1 ho mo T hurs· class held ull ice soci al m ee t ing. The .In), Hi l,'1' ~ I ,, ' n dill ~( SC \'e ra l Ill vnth~ class i. well organized . 1\1 I's. :II ~ [\II Sh l'(·hall 1'1 It hr ll ted in 111\' :-'1111 111 alld Wes t. The play f or Thlln ksgi ving ig prpg· ,Iw r .-li tlt hi l'lhdHY In"l !:'flt u l duy tlTIlI 11 011'(>11 I iC' r i~ w(\rki lllr in till' r essing n icely. The m u ~ i c w ill be In hOllo r 1.,1' II:e l ll'I':"1 n "IIIJlIt nfl\' ' at io nll l Ba nk . owin!! to I hl n b ~l' n ce ( hl' r fL' lat il't,~ und fr iend,. wcnl k e xcellent and t he plot is guod. he r hom u and ~ l' l'l1l t ill' day I'c ry o f l'tl. lI i~ l' J . n. art w r ig ht. pl eruoant ly. ilia Va rn e r and Flora momi Heed . of J I a n ·e.\'s IHlI'g' , visited rela t ives in MI', amI ~·r s . 1("llal,\ Haw ke Xen ia dur in g en! nil'al w ek. erlt 'I'lained a t linller oil ;-;uncl ny Mr . alld :'ll rs. J a m <':l i\lrCl u r . ;III' . a nd l iSlj J en ni e Bowma n , o f Ad ll , Mr~ , Gtlu rge Ha wke . M rs I':dilh I hio, was t he week· no gU C1lt of lI ilrl' i~ , Mi ll::! E mili a lI .:: igl,\\ IIY li nd Se ven c an ~ of fi sh we re Id t at \{ \'. a mI Mr s, D, Ii . Pal m er . Co rwi n station Fril1ay Il l-clling . li nd ~ Ie~~r ~ . Fn ·tI 11 wl, e , ll a rri!\ ~tosh\! r and li ttle j \ lllr), Leah Ed wa rd". Way nesvill e got thre() an d Ha r veys' wea te rs f or me n , wom e n and buri' fou r of t he callS, T ho consignehi lurl'lI at Hyman's. m en t was catfi sh, t hey being abou t 0 11 Sal urday eveni ng- III th ple aseight in ch ps long'. Usually lhere ali t l\l c l\ insey home in Cu rw in. with Mr . llnd l\lrs. Go rd on J oy , of are a lot of baBS but the IHiss will M r ~ . 1' . D. Clag e l t an.1 J\li,,: l Ie n· Way nes vill e, we rc clt ll ing on I{e v. probably be left u nt il p ext Mp ring . n ctta M ' I\ in, ey a8 h osL S.~ l~>! a bt,u t Palme r a nd fami ly ' und a y nft e rnoo n. The rive r i bei ng s t ocked wil h ",a me 35 g'Ul's t :! e njo yed "II e l'c llill ' of Mr. a nd Mrs. Rober t Cre w a nd fish fou r or five tirn p..s each yea r , a nd e uchrc . Fo llu win g t h ~ ga m e a d. · it ig ho ped that th ey IV Ii I dri ve the lici ou!i two t:0 u rse lu nt:n was se n ·cd . Ph illl'as ' oa k '1 en t Sat urday wil h Mr . anti M rs. J uhn Uim ond, of Xen ia. carp o ut vf the r iv e r. Las t s pring three ca ns of large Mrs Ma nha and Edi th Davis e n· Mr. a nd M rs , She rman h onk , of . .,,' I I II bass were p laced in the rill!'T he re t tJ OY,lll1lS ladi es to tea Dayton . s pe nL the week .end with and fishermen say that the ri lIer Is er tam"" t 1 on 'L'hur~d a~ . Mrs. H:dn llnh Bo~an , Mr. Mrs. J , S, 'l'h om~o n of full of small bass. N ow, if the filih- Mrll . Ii", COrl , LClm ·Iarke. Ma ry Rou teand 4, erman \ViII put t he li ttle ones ,I.\l tlr , M a~y K , I)avis , Mr back , when ca ug ht, It will no t be l)eat he ritl ge . Bel> ie Ell ill. Lucinda M S 'd Bl I d'l' h tl long unt il we wi ll have pl e nty of Edwa r ds. J essie Elli:>, E lla Fe n is e.s~, I IYlY oc 1 an eo a re II . D " ·Me nd Ellcorn, of Cleve llllld , were the bB88 and catfis h in the Li ttle, Miam i. Liizie Gri m e C


g O

Leba on, I s N

carMS~lnEneCsoIAtaLw"." ,te ·:i:;::~C::o~o-;-l::-r:~~ ·~;~ :~~-;:~-I:-'J:'-II,~."··' ·-I,,-r"l~l'J't;'1 !-----------

To Be Given Hallowe'en Tuesday Evening



_ZI_MM_E R __M _A_ N -;S I T



monstratio ..(,.......................... •.• -------------------------.



Mr . a nd Mrs . J. H . Opp left fo r Toledo las t Friday, whe r e they will Notice of Attachment ma ke th eir f u ture home. M r. and ver h ome . T he in vi ted g uests of NEW Mr.9. ::iil ve r were Rev. Bea l, w ife John Myo,.", Plnl utur v.. . } Attochmont Mrs . , Opp h ave made fri e nds In IV lIlJI!r 'u r Gro"ur U,Ll n!: Dert. . ""~ Wayn 68ville since th ei r r esidence AI! li q uor licenses for th e y e ar , , '1'110 SLatAl or Ohio WarrOn UOUIlLy. Wayne h e r e, wh o wi!lh for the m th e b!'.st of . Jow lI.h l ~ : 'I ttuc!,moDL belore B. U . J oy, J . were gran ted las t w eek, and a h cen Re l'., or \1 "),00 'J'u w lI"hlll~ Warrell Oounty. H YO II k ili or CBpture wilt! d uck lu ck in th ei r Ilew h om e'. was iss ued . g r a nti ng a 8aloo h Ilt OhIo, u ~ Lho 20L h day 01 I>optemlldr, A • . 0 .. . beari ng an alumi num band a r ou n d , • 19 16. 8 11,,1 .I .. aLlcu 1... 1100 lU I onlor of attachSee Wate rhouse for Anto Livery Roaches te r. In Salem . To wns hI p . , Jt nwuLin tho a llo ve action lor tbe .um of n .ao one leg, hav ing a nu mbe r on o ne side , is a s ad st a te. of a ffaira t o gran t II ,1 011 \... 8 11d coota . an d o n t he oth e r n s tateOleu t re o R oac Il e~ I ' 1' , II nyucs vlllo, Oblo, Octobor·IO, 191G. q u esting t ha t tb e U ni ted S la tes De. Tu esday n ig h t is H lI.llow e'en, and Iicense f o r a ·.. ."a ln Ie t I'k I e nI L1artment of Ag ri cul t u re, l.r t he Bio- in all probability t he you ng of the logical Survey : be no ti fie d, you ure to wn will h old t hei r r egular mask r eq uested to t he' l:l ureau of Biolog i. carnival, T he carn ival held here I cal S urve,y, D epar tme nt of Ag r ic ul. ellery year has not baen alone for thA t ure, Washin gto n, D. C T h is band young, II.!! lIome of t he older ones if acco m panied by a sta te me nt as t~ halle e njoyed t l-:ilse oec8'Jions '&II weI!. d a te, place . and cIrcu mstances under T he u s ual amou nt of masked lath. wh ich th e bird 'was t a kl'lI. will be of erings will be · ()b~rved, an the 8e rv icl~ to lh e ~u rvey in itll effor ts to town wi ll be ramp a nt for one night .New. Dlshes Iioen l ,'fo r Children . . . : . • 10e deter m ine t he longe vity of indi vidu al at leas t, As it Is all innocent fun, O ur new " G old Band " d is hes a re Ed rin,:, late pattern, yd" 10e d ucks a nd the r out e! of mi"'ratl ' on of ie ,is well t o encourage: it. . t th e· thO "e \v .., ""cr' 'Im ... JUS ing t 0 set your tao .. . , per yd .:.. . • • 10".. the s plecioa. Thlt • _ • bl e o tJ nIce ' I Y; pTI!=e ' is not e x - C'IIIg h am A prolls ..... •• . . LOe ·d hlinds are bein ·.. a t t ac h e d. to con~ 1 e rable nu m bers of wild d uck of several species WhiCh ~ orbite~_~. con'lsidebring t he w a y G loves-Children, Men and have b een CUI d o f the d uck sickn ess everytulOg e e as gon e up, WOLDe n . .. . ••••...•. . . tOe . p raval ent around Great Salt ~ , . The price while tbey la!lt.. 10c HanJke rc bic fs • • • . • •• Se, 10e Utah, a nd t here rclelllled . T he de: . Hallo we'e n No ise Makers . . U5e ~tock i ng>l . .•• . •.•.••••.• tOe partmEln t is partI cularly an xious to -P umpkins, for H allo we'en 05e S[)cks, . • . • •. •• . .•••. •• •. ·100 repor ts f r om t h e bird. te de · A car of the very ' best Meat and ,. Mask s, for Hollo we'e ~. _.I .c. '. 0 5e noy s~ ~_IUlt9,. , , ••• • • • •• • • 25c te rlmil118 their com ple te recovery !StOCk ealt made both OhIo River ~mlladv which h .. klllert, and Michigan. c: 'rse and fine . Ale Phillips' T he Magulne "ao L"lIIlre~IDOf thoueands of ducks'll a quaotity of IWck Salt. , tBuildlo,t A 1\ \V" Ylle, rille, Ohl~


~.~~(J,:, 4'Give me Q pac~age of those c;garelles IIlOt SA TlSFY"







CENT STORE -..========





J. Will White. . ;.._ _ _ _ _..._ _ _ _ _- - - - - - -


Sixty-Big·htl . Year



jPERsoN"AtMENTION-r HUNKER'S CORNERS . ' mi" .-,-------+ ABIG SUCCESS ill i'ih «< Mn." Wri ...rr ht wuua ~ C'I' llcl' nnatl' . vbi l"r T hlltsol ",\'.

J Jo:. .I;,n""y 1"rid ;l)'

li lt

I II,iIH'~~


in Cinci nnati

u ' 11, ()"' II"t l.1 I" .. Lt:11,LmlUll. Ohiu.

, l ~. _




Muy Wright ~Ilent Monday with fl'i""11~ in LdJUnun. M iRA

W. O. Hllper viSit d with frielld~ in Cincinltati ::;unday and Monday . Mr . und M I''' . W. H. All en viaited wilh frit!ltll~ in Hamiltun Sunday . Mr . lind Mrs . 13. S. Howell spt'nl Sunday with l'elative9 lit POI.t Wil !iam. Mrl' ami Mrs. Mye~ Hyman a nd dSUllday. aug IIllr we re Cincmnati visitors LI t k d Mr _ lind Mrs . J . L. , ar suc an dau g hte r, Miss Ruth, visiled in Day . lon Saturday, Mrs E. J . Arnold and son s[lcnt sevllral day!\ ltl~t week with re lat ives at Wi lminKlon




1[:1 •





"There is no d eath, what seeme so A g rl'Rl mllny o f our citizens were in Wilmin~!()11 lallt week attending is transition ." the UIH\ulll I<' ull I"estival. Atj we gaze at the still form we realizo that it is on ly a s tep from Mr. and MIS. U. M. White and earth to heaven . Weare here Loday Mrs. A. C. White were Dayton by loved ones. tomorrow vi~itol'l! Tuesday afternoon. we are gont!. t o tliat land from whence "no travfler returns." When we see a tired soul wafted home to its Maker we exclaim. Mr. and Mr~. Ll'ster Gordon . of " Truly <.:od doeth all things welL... Morrow, visitpd lit the home o f Mr . Ma ry Jane Searl!. daughter of H. H. Wilkerson ovet· SundllY.


d N b h ues ay, ovem er 7t will be a duy of murh a ctivity and exdtement throughout the n ation . In many places it will be a ki nd of

a nd cast their vo t ~. as real Ame ri cans. reo gardles~ of party Il~tiiations. Vuring Ihe d ay th ere wi ll probably be more me n in Waynesville than on an" o rdinary occa sio n . J


I.l may seem that this has nothing t o d o with school but it does . A large percentage of the people know nothing about our New High School Buildi ng save what they have seen fr om the road . This is not a~ it should be. Those who pay f or a thing should see it. With this in view we have set aside Tuepday ovember 7th as a day on which to make a special effort to get

every man, woman and child Ir. Wayne Town· ' ship to go lhrough the building a nd see what is really theira. We would be greatly pleased if the public would make this a gala day. Those ,1 •



t~~~ ~~~ f~\~ab~~h l~~~eYi~·caW~r~:~


boliday. E"erywhe re men will lay aside their work for a short time at leas t and g o to the polls




' H a r tsoC. k 0f Mr. a nu Mr~. Uert . pik , en t er lame . d a t. a t I1(' XE'IIIU fllmi ly d in11e r SU11, lIlY. Mr and Mrs. J . 1.. llart 'iLlck . M,-. a no Mrs. Archi e I lal't RlI 'k, of Day t on , Mr. a nd Mrs. l}(j~i ti nn . I-'rl' ti Hart ock, .. f Mor ruw. find Mis~ r=1 It i ~ hard ly n ec~ssa ry to say who I'' u th}-! Hr t ~(lC k . I.!I ~ Fra ncis r.l. Hamilt on iA. for th e vot· -- - er~ of Warren County have known him as a hard work e r for Lhe party Edna Janney and Et helyn f or several years . Hi~ n"lllo wil l liP ' J ones ul lendell a Miami University pear on a S(' I.JUra te hallot - non· parli · baO' luot at the Woman' s 13uihlinlC in san j udicial ball ot - th re foTe I ok out Toledu Ia... t Satu rd ay afternoon. Thir· t::I for it. and give him n era s ill fr onl of ty five Mi ami girls " e re preslmt. ~ hi s name. as he degorves t.ho compli Dilan Mlnnlrh of the Millmi Unive r· men t fr om every voleI' in t he co unty . !liLy. met with the m arid g ave thom A Hamillon (Ohio ) Jlllper hllR tho a nice t al k. roll()win~ tlJ ~ay nbout him : Mr. Hlunilton i~ one of L ~ban on'l\ r:lI most distingui~hetl cit izens . He has Dr. J, T. Ellis entertain ecl Reveral ~ practiced law in that city fnr the mt!mlJ 'r~ If the Dayt"n Homeopathic ~ vast Qu arter of a century. and stands M diea! 'ocieLy at fI (j o' clock dinner the pee r of the a ttorneys at that his· Ml,nday evening. Thuse who enjoyed who desire may bring their. lu nches and stay all t ori c bar . which makes the proud t ho good dinner. s uch as Mrs. Ellis day. If you can ' t slay lon"e r than five minutes boast of producing Tom Corwin, always prepares , . were Dr!!. Black· '" , you are welcome. Thomas McBurn ey . Geo rge R. age bllrn , Dickinson , Doane. Ensey, G·u v. The wagons and students will be here as on til and a 8(!or eo f other ill ustr ious ju rist.!!. lI er r , McCann . . Laughlln, Miller, t:l It wn.~ stated yesterriay that Mr. Itnumls , 'chram, ~hawlin and Wine . . any regular s chool day . but there wl'll be no' • H '1 allli ton is the on ly man thus far to regular class work. There will be a tree ball ~ receive tho indorsement of all the game in the a fterno on. Th e teachers will be in coun ties in this judicial dist rict for Rey. and Mrs. D. H. Paliner, of tlh ·ir respective r ooms eager to answer all Ques. Circuit Judge. ["erry. very pleasantly entertained t ions a nd explain th.e work. At 1::10 in the Mr. Hamilton was named unani· at dinner Sunday the following ft h J mous ly by a Committee of Republi · guest.. : Mr. and Mrs Frank Wrigh t. a ernoon t e stu, e ntq o f the Grade Building in [!] cans fr om this juciicial rliRtrict at a Mr. and Mrs . J obn Wrigh t, Mr. and a body wili march to the N ew Hig h School ~ meeting in Cincinna ti. It is the first Mrs. Pen"v Thomas. MI". Carl rrhoma.q Bdlding. see the sights and go to the ball game . tim e in yea rs that a candidate has Mi:!8 Lena Thoma!, Miss Mae Wrig h t It m ay be tha t a ll the stud ents tra m the New bpen gi"l'n t he unanimous end 11'Se· Mr. Romo Rigp;s, Mr. Carl Wright. B UI-Id 'IIlg WI'11 go t a tIe I G ra d e Buil d ing and join ment of all the members t he party Rnd Mrs.Master Naomi Paul Wright. Frances Wrigh t for a nomination hut theo f recI)rtlof Wright. in the march thus u niti ng the Old and New. Mr. Hamilton was RO excellent and How would you like to see our 400 students [!] his popularity so a ppare nt that the marching? Come out and help us make this a ~ committee f elt that he ahould have T 11 . hb the nomination. On t he ideal autumn day of last success . e your nelll or._ If things /1(0 as 'rhe committeemen were from Suilday II ~urprise dinner was held we have planned this will be the big-gest day Butler. Hamilton , Clinton. Clermont lit the CI untry horne - ot Charles that Waynesville has had for a long time. We and Warren Counties. Shutt.ll in honor of Henry Shutts. it n eed your help. Sincerely. [!] Mr. Hamilton hll8 served his home being his sey nty·ninth birthday . R. SPRIEGEL. m' town as Mayor and IIlso Solicitor . The day was spent in unpackip/J the For ')(\veral years he was partner (If well· filled baskets. eatinlf the boun· present Probate Judge. Alton F . t eous dinner, washing dishes. etrol· n~n Brown . hut in 1913 he !\no the B on ling through the woud~. Bodal talk, to Lawrence K. Langdon formen t he und taking picture.". Those who en______ partnership vf Hamilton antI Lung· joyed t he day were .Mr . and Mrs . ' - - - - dOli. Mr. Langdon is now a mem ~ rank Shutt.s. Mr. and Mrs. JameA





FirstCounLy Ohi o,}urli i lisonl lrict. is a War· ~ ren manci.althe y cnndid ute




_ _ _ .. _


~ ticke t fo r Appellall' .IlI cil.:e of the



Mrs . Alice Mc Kinsey and daughter M' H . tt ( guests of Mr Attenl M. iOIl IJalnl' ca lllton, ed to ,th e fact ellrl;e. Oa. aget t S un d ay. . "rancl's .. 110 I'S onthat tll n tillIIsJs"1 [, r. - --




Ir~·--~--- ---i ~ Of WARREN COUNTY L~~~~NTSJ


\..;.t M.

See Wuterhouse for Auto Livery



The Old School House. Where Parade Will Form for the March

Hllnl;cr's Corn ers . a lmg hl splrk. lilll-: ctl me:i y . wa", l,resellt ed bvJ th o :;!'j Icd ' IHI Iy Cruup in llie soci fll rOI)1I1 at th~ Whil' lll'lck church Frid ay c" were ex• ening. I f The ' ~iluation~ I f L , n ' me y laugh unny .teralllwa~ rOIll til el ovethe ry !!I vinced the end . ~ A rather unfortuna'te inci (le nt o) f the Llcl'abion W lt li .t haL une or till' . . I f 'l d hi ' IormCIJllI ~ a i I' t 'i I 8 Il l" up at tl ' ast moment IUt entll!by paMr~. rt WUII. 8 1'IIX trclll ely we ll. tak '3 KI.lly . Mr!!. Kell y ~howed he r • ubility th rou&huut t IH' \\ b"l" pl ay II~ ~ tl manalCer. and t hert! WII~ no t II moment's laRKing on th e purl uf any . ont! in the wbolt! cas t . Hil l Ilullker'~ groce ry was th \ v~hicle f or th' pl ot , lind Bi ll s urely c:J htld his t ria ls during ' bu ines~ hours ~ from lhe village " (;hronic" to her . b~llt! . " A litt le lo\'o making intPr ' mingled with tht! hunKry trump lind ie"erlli t uurists nnd farm e rs made the pillY a guud on e. und the ad "enl of th e Ge rman band. was hailed with C!I much pleasure. Splice alone fo rbids U S' mentioning o!ach and everyone. I)ut e"ery on e I'n the east did his )lart well. • The play ~ ellds with Bill fl unkers askinc Kathy to become his bride. but she want s time to think the matte r ove r . The socilil rJ Om of the F riendly liro up was not ad, quate for Renting r." t he hold e r of tic ke t/!. anti the play ~ had t o be r ppeated Monday evening ~ to a n el(ct'edingly good house. The proceeds for the two nights will reach conside rably over $lOO.

O. S. Ri ggs, of Newark. Ohio. WBf the week end g uest o f his daughter . M r s . H. H . Ke IIy .

• '. MI .



Bllmk e t; lind COlllf .. rtRat II)' mun· ~ . MrH .h.fl· 'mith was n Xe nia vihil" r •I,IlUI'~( I uy .




la l


__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____



~ for tl' is posit ion from War·r ·n Coun· ty, amI that Warr n Cou nt} has not had n jutl" , of t h is ('(lIll't fnr und hl! ill . th erefure , c nliLl ed to lhf'

vear~ .


I "==== -===::J 'l:I===::Ila,r.===:J1[:J Il:li:

fiRST NUMBER Of CHARACTER IN READING ~etili~i~~~heIt~;a~~1I1~~~r~n ~rla~b~~I~ ~l:!tt~. T~ E~:::~~t~tD~y~~; M~~ LECTURE COURSE

Mrs . Fred ClUlkey and Cuunty wh ere he r entire life "was gentlemen pledged thems Ives t o I{uher t . hutls. of Dayton. Mr. and family; o1'''''M ariettu, Ohio, visited almost all of this time on the keep out of poli t ical life, but hefore Mrs. :Iarence Edwa rde. Mr. and relatives lind tricllds here Friday. farm, where she and her husband T led 0 0 18 1916 many month~ of partnership had Mr f . Albert Shu tts and family, Mr. 0 o. ., ct . , . • The Youth's Companion does more elapsed Mr. Langdon was called to lind Mr!l Charles Shutts and family were engaged in alCrlcultural purthan entertain: it affords the reade r Columbus and Mr . Hamilton very lind Mr. Henry Shutts. Dr. Marl Cook is spending 80m9 ~Uit8. At the ege of thirteen years Mr. Josiah Holbrook . Lebanon, Ohio. a mental and moral tonic . Its stories generously told him to accept the time wit h relatives in Chicago. She ~he united with the Free.WilI .Baptist The first number of the High are not only well told, contributed position. It now Beemi positi"" that will be hUlll6 about November 10th. church at Geec h Grove, whe re she My Dear Comrade: In honor'o f the birthday of Mrs. has relllliined 1\ true and consistent I·have been thinking a lot since School Lecture Course was the Chi by the best writers of stories but the senior partner will "break up member t o the day of her death, I met yOU at the reuniun of our old cago Sextette. which came here the}' maintain the standards reflect the firm " by entoring upon a six· Harriet Lincoln a few of her relaMrs . OliYe Pyle and family wer .. always g iving freely of her mean~ . reg iment lit Cincinnati about your T uesday evening. They are high the ideale of the best homes'. They year term as Appelate Juu ge . tives ate dinner with he r on Sunday . guellts of Mr. tlnd Mrs. C. W. Pyl E' Mrs. Lincoln occupied the place of - -nd encourRging by her presence thE' telling me that your opponent for class entertainers •. and their work do not throw a false glamour over and family, on Route 4, one day last ..cau~e honor while those gathered at the of Chris tianity . County l{ecorder was very much was thoroughly enJoyed by all who the tawdry things of life . Rath er week_ board with. her were her Bon , lRMC On April 15. 18G3 she was married disturbell because be f eared you ~eard them. The orchestral and 100 they depict the courageous , the and daughter!;, Mrs: C;unice Mllten· tu William Cleaver who preceded were too old and infirm to perform Quartet numbers wel'C thoroughly ' healthful, the simple- the t rue life Mr. and Mrs. Joe White. Mrs . he r just 14 years, on the day of her the dUlies (If th e office, and I wish enjol!ed . The artis~ic num~ e,: o f the of the grellter .number with their berger and Mrs Grace Smith. Oth· Mary Lewis. Mr. ami Mrs . Legler. of dea th . Thi s un i'i11 was unusually it w ' r e po~sible for me to visit my evenmg was the plano. VIOlin and adventures. thetr conflicts of t em· ers were Mrll. Mary Lewis. Mr. and Day ton. spent Sunday with M i~s happy, fiv e ch ild l' n co ming to them uld home cuunty just now and tell cello number . Thev will have a perament, 't heir failures and sue· Mrs. J oe White and daug hter of Lola~11. to make life perfe ct. three of whom the good people at old Warren of hearty g reeting if ' they ever play a ce~seB . In 1~17 The Companion will DieJ . Wed nesday morni ng at 4:20 Dayton; Mr. Fra nk Miltenberger and Ilfl' living. W:1rren lea"er , of the lime when you were not too return engagement. prl~t 12 se nals lind story groups o'clock . October 25. WIG al his home. Milo Miltenberl{er, Mr_ J . H. Smith. - - - -- beSides full y 250 ~ingle stories and No (i08 1~ath e rlnl\ l l ~ tree t, Nashvill e. Mr. lind Mrs. Will Zell, Miss Heten Mr. and Mrs. W . • Graham have Detroit. Mich. Mrs . Annie Warwick. young or tt)o old as a boy of 17 you sketches, all for $200. The Forecast Tenn" J ohn We~ ley · Collett, in the Harris and Miss Lola Zell. Mildred been ent e rteining Mrs Clara Urown. f Marshfi eld, O re .• and Mrs . li eorge OIIme out of the smoke of fierc p. bat Miltenberger, the granddaughter of , for 19 17, which we will send on r e- 7!)(h yea r of hi!lllge . . of Cllirk!!ville, who hilS returned to Davis. at whose hOIllt! she spen t her tie at South Mountain. driving be· last days, lind whore she received fore you a big two fisted g iant of [l ~ uest, t ells all about· t he g rc t The remains arrived here Thurs Mrs. Li ncoln furnished the birthday her hllml! . Inl' love lind eare due to a kind and prisoner whom you had captu red features of the com ing volu me. day la~t . anti t he fun e ral was hulti in cake which waa a thing of beauty deV(,ted mother , To be compclled and roubed of his gun :\nd IIccout· ~y special arrangement new sub- the Mor tua ry Chapel. interment on ns well as so plea.~lng to the taste as Blankets & Cumforts at Hyman's. to leave her own home , "on uccount remen t:!. anlollg which wus :.1 dread · scrlbers for The Youth's Comp'uni on the family lot in Miami cemetery. to giY'! the younlf lady quite a stand· of ill heal\h." was a grea t llrie f to ful lookin g dirk knife about as ' biK' can have a lso McCall'!! MaQllzine f or The pall bearers were comrades S. L. ing in the art of bnking . Mr . ann Mrs . I3 S. Howell spent 8 Mrs CleMer . {or ~he lov d her own u~ n good ~ ized corn cutte r :1nd I!H 7-uoth publications for $2.10. Cartwrillht. J . H Coleman, Henry cou).llt! of days at Wilmington at· home. and he r tiowl! rs whe re she IVa> which had engraved 0 11 it the in· Our:two ut·one·priceoffer includ es: Prater. Mahlon Rid ge, James P ren· tending lhe and visiting most con t ent , ~hll most sineer!'ly spirill ~ words "Death to Yallks."· 1 1. The Youth's Companion-52 is· derga..qt alld F' W. Hllthuway. mourn ed th ureaking of th ' honH" 1 would just like to have Lhe op · Wo rkm en began at the M. E. Par· sues of 1917 . The decell8ed was the Bon of One of tho pleasant occasions of with relatives. . ties that wpre so dear to her during portunity lO tell my oId friends and sonage this, ~eek putting ill a new ~. All the remaining issues of 191 6 Thomas and Susan (Carpenter) Col- tho pn.'1t week wa. Ii dinner given 3. The Companion Home Cal endar lett a nd was one of a family of ele"cll 'I'hursliny by Mrs . S. L. Car tw right Mr. lind Mrs. Waller Kenrick. of her hu~bands life time. but now th(' neighbo rs that the boy w ho so furna ce. 1 hiS furnace has beell is over nlld she has ~one tu hOllortld his old hi me town and IIcetil'd in the parsonag(' for some for 1917. ch ildren; e ight of whom grew t o to a few of hllr friend~. The t able waiting Lytle. anI enter tnining Mrll Mary j oin the loved oiles . co unty and served his coun t ry as time, and it will add mu ch (0 the 4. MeCall's Magazine-1 2 fashion maturity. was most a ttractive with tlecornUonll L . Silvers al,d dlluj(hler. MidliGladys. See was a memhe r of t he Ladi es well on thf\t day and for th.ree long ' comfort of the occupants. numbers of 191 7. The g reate r part of his life he of autumn leavesaod flo\\lerR Plnee 01 Excelsior SprillgR. Mo. Aid. Pythian SiRl rs, Ord er 01 thl' years and m ore, if he li"e>! as long I --+ .. .- -5. One 15 cent McCall Dress Pat· liyed in Warren and Green Co unties. card~ were sU~j.(estive uf Halluwe'en East ern St a r. and lhe W. C. T. U . as Methusllleh·. will "lever be tOo l tern-your choice from your first Ohi o, until 1897. when he. with his lind on the reverse side. were q uota· number of the magazine- if you family went ::;outh and lived s uh · tioll s 011 fri enus anil fri t!n dship. A . The "egular mee ting Itf St. Mury'~ all of which she attended. and old to receive any ~flice or honor Guild will be held lit tl. e homo of while her hellllh \le rmitted lhey can bestow on 111m. I t will not send .a 2·cent stamp with 70 ur seq uent1y in Murfresboro and Na:\h tivecoursedinner was served. after She pfl~!led etlrlh's ac tiviti es to be p09.Slble. however . fur 1Il P. to . selectlon . ville, Tenn . His wife was Miss Anna which the guests spent ~' de light.fu1 Mr ~ . Cu ~ k ey l'hur ~day IICttlrtloon. Hellven'~ rewards on October 24. co me as I leave· for Washington on THE YOUTH'S COMPANION Steddom, of which uniun two chi! afternoun with read in~ti mllsic and Novembe r 2nd, ut l! u'cloc k. 191 6. aged 78 yenrs, 3 monlh~ ami 16 bU9ine~s this afternoon Rnd ·rn ny be I . St. Paul St. . B9stl'n. Mass. ' dren were' born, Willia m and Fred. conversation. '{'ho. e inviteu were New Subscriptions Received at this who, with their mother. survi ve him Mesdames Huwell Peirce, H. E. Hath· Mrs. J . C. Hawku, who wus lit ,-lays . Sile leavt'~ tw o d aughte rs. kept there for eOlne time . I can 1 The Farmers ' Gran~e will meet Oflice . He callie of a large 11IIri tu lmlte,1 uthaway. D. H . Plllmer, L A . Zim· teoding the 0 E S COllve ntion III 'lne son, one s te pdaugh te r Mrs .. Wm hard ly believe, hOll'e~cr. that old ISaturday evening. Nove mber 4th. family, influential in this community merman. Eva J ones. Hannah Rogers. Sp rinl{fie ld . wa!! called home Wed Grimes , four grand chil,lrt:lI. f our Warrt'n will t~rn you down . Hastily, your comrad e, I when the contest will begin. All . II half century ago. His brother. Sarah Zimmerman. J. L. Mendenhal.l. nellday e venin g, on sccount of th. I{ reat grllnd childrHn , and. host of R. B. ."YIl..sON . lmemberll ar~ urged t il be present The rabbit season opens today. Thomas was II Meth odist minister of ·A. T. Wright, ·Henderson.Cynthla relutiv!!!! and fri endll to cherish her funeral of J . W. Co il tltt . mE'lnory. For Hughes and prosperity . nuv , and take an IIlterest i .. ' lIe contest. Poor bunny will have to Buffer now, note and serv ed some of the most Evan!!. J . E. Janney and Miss ~ary 'l'odliY hl!r home is a new one. "a iml)ort:1nt parishes of his conference, Salisburr, The ~oste~s ~as a8sls~ed ____ _ _ ___ _ ._______ and James uue to hi~ fllle legal mind by her sister. MISS Klzzle Merri t t. Mrs. D. A. Woodruff . Misses Ma· palace not made by hands ." and proven fitnellS f or the place ble and Mamie Woodruff. and MI ~. served as Justice of the Peace many I'- red Guttery and childr.e n. of Lebll' CARn OF THANKS consecutive terms. non, we re week· end guests lit Ihe In 1862. the suhj ect of thia memoir We desire t o thank our neig hbol' home·of Mies Katherine Pr!!ndergast. Ilnd fri ends (or t heir n ct~ o f kindn ess enlisted in the 7,!lth 0 V. 1. and ~ nd sympat.hy sh own us in our sorrow served until the close of the war, Mrs C. M. Prill'hard , nee Fanny .first as quartermaster' sergeant and Way. of Tulsa, Okln. ill visitir,g '\\ l he l o~s 01 ou r mother. The late r as First Lieutenant in charge r~ He" . Sell and Mrs Murray with her brothlo'r. Ur . '1'. I Way and 'nillbte lh ei r consoling wor,ls. Miss Irenl' of a company . wife. at Cincinnati. Mrs. Pl'i tc\UIl d for Mr. Collett was a ready writer and Ullgleshy (or ~OnIl:9, the diffe rent is on he r WhY to the East preparll- Urders for th eir fl oral pieces. and Huent speaker and always stood on tory to placing her duullhler in on, th e undertaker Mr Mafiit tor hie the right side of every moral issue On Inst Wednesdav eveni ng Miss of lh~ se hool ~ there. and in the forefront of every afl Ruth Hartsock 's c l as~ III piano lit work and accommodations . Tho Cllildren. vance movement of hiB community. Spring Valley rendllt'ed 1111 exceplion· Tll ose .who .atterllle'lthe funeral oj He was the youngest of his family ally good recital program in. the ----.~ J . W ColicLt from out of t own and the last of his generation to PIiSS Methodist church of that place. The 'fhursdtl)' were liS follow ~ : Vr . Wm away. . . playing of the 'young performers Collett, of Versailles. ' Ky. F, W. "Though dead he yet . speaketh" nlstinctly showed the careful and ' Collett lind hi~ friend . Mr. Griffin. and his wise counsel and jU!lt deeds thorough traiuing they have receiv~ of Nusl.ville , Tenn., Mr. lind Mrs. will live' on and bear fruit in the fr om their teacher and Mi!IB Hart· James Roskelly, IIf Chicago. M r lives of those who cherish liis sock is to be commolnli ed for the Georgc Larrick and family. Mr, and memory. plendid work she has done. Mrs. Mrs Dayid Dunham. of Ll'bantln, ... ....... Barton H . Kelly lidded to the proIInrl Mr. and Mrs. SteddoQ1. ot Ore. gram with three vocal numbers ionia. which were. heartily encor4!d by the A bunch of Republicans went te audience. Wilmington Friday afternoon 101' Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Zell" Mr. and the pu'rpose of boosting F. . M. Ham· Mrs. C. CareY, Mrs. Chas Rye, Ilton. who is on the ticket for Court Mr. lind Mre: Chas. Sburwood, Mr of Appeals Sixteen machines from and Mrt! Morrill Sherwood. Mr. and Warren County were Bhown the Mrs. Uarvey Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. courtesy of the town, and a brass . At a epecial election at Sabina I.B lt l 'hos. Gourtney, Mr. J, O. Whitaker band headed the proce88ion There week, the cltlzuns voted tbe saloon and family. Mr, Frank DraddocK and Is no doubt but that tbe parade of to stay out of that town by a vote of family, Dr J. A. McCoy and family, these .politlclans had a ~ood effect 264 to 18-&. By this vote Clinton Hallowe'en passed off ratherqolet.· lirB. Ida Hnckett. Mrs. C. B. Hentiey, ~piln the many Villers who were in coonty Is dry from . one end to the IY here. A n~mber of masquerader, M4IIIIIrI. Harry Sherwood, W. C. W!\minitOn on tbll oeeuIon. otber II it ought to be, AI. Wil enjoyed tbemaelv .., nt. .there Barnett. E. V, Ba.rt. Gor4on mlnaton excbaDp 1&11. one lingle but. lmall proportion milked Joy. D. ~ Crane, and IIIY8I'8l others • - ••- - -




... - ----








----_ - -....




..- --


- --









~.,~ FatiVII at Wil· ... Salllcrlbe !ortb,e IIiaml Guette

_GOD would be a blot on the coo".



11ft, tIU\




Being Q T;uc Chmnicle 0/ Cl'rla;n Fa <ages BdweeTl 0 ViD , LARRENCE & A r01NEITE 0'8 0 of Ilu' Rallle of Tippe :amoe In lh Indiana 1flld mf.\s, and of W"at Befell Thereafter In .Old Corydon and Now Firs/ Sel Forlh T T T T o

~ cWWELJ1~COY __~~

IllU5TRATION~ , 6( D4LTON VALENTINI: '"",rftlll, 1 ~16,

""\'-l·nC1 yt 'llr or 1\1",




rlltnl' r

thnnh'll Oed tnr bl" rE'l~o s"." 1 A C'ry of Joy -~f1J11E' trolll L)'<llo's I tl'~. ";rhuok (}{)d: Inil<' 1I," rtlol'd rnnmcr. f111,ld !tmlled nt th em os a 111011 smlh.s nt hi. R\lr~.' ~I. "In n ect-mher we w('ro 0 crowd "r \ Rkl'IIt"no 111 fl\1!~. " ' " ~I"".I In lh" w~t snow nnd wlllehNI Il IIlnll In II l illOI'll hood fi;<: th" nolOS('S ub"\ll Ih" ; ",ocks or tour llIen. ']'111' 11 tll .. Ul!!11 tell th61 ngtb of Ill" ropo ond Wl'ro FIlii. 'J'II y hod IIt\-1e ttf(l to 10SI!. Tbe mon wllo ~tood nert mo ",os OIl'




brot h~.

no. a.u...\lw~1 c........,

"Tbe tourth t 100 Ule), lIull!r was lilY fnther." "Youl'totherl" 011 n " \'ld Wllh so honest II IUnalln t'!'~ A IlInn 80hblng with (lry eyes Is Ihul n'1\-lel ~n\\'c him lus tnnt trU8t. A drendrul to look upoo. ~Ir:lll!l" Ihllll;, tOI' nl1\'ld I<neLv It "n t til ruth h t Ih'" fllrtHe rs of Ens lun(1 whosc ' now· 1\ e man- w 0 wns B mntle the thr eepeu ny 10nTes who..' fpcT PI'\oo" hntl mnile t he weU\,NS ~o hUll' DII\'ld's fnce was terri ble. gry. "Th ey ~et him frt'f' who be " I'd from til'. "I"I1(111'r, 1 wnnt' you lo"-sho tu rul',1 DIY rllthl!r wlusolllCly t n the ~'o lJng >;Iorckceper- I\e WO Il oC our Broulerlwud...,trnit nr " Whllt Is YOllr nnme?" lit w o rs~and had liwurn-Uotl help mare.'· ' 'I'he yannI'( IllIlU ~urr e utl c rt!d. "011- him I" "Oh I" exclaimed Dovld, r elleTed. vld Lnrrt'ncc." Fnllicr alld ilnu~llter were ~ 1I (' nt . Bow absurd oC him to suppose that In "ThIA I~ my fnlltcr, Mr. Job Mi ll· DO\'ld coulll soy no 1U0r(), hut 1I'II 0l)d thl. remote spot he shoult.! meet' tho u"'r. My nllme Is Lydlu, nnd [ 'm I , I ~ Ol;ol nst the COll nt(' r, hi s SIl Qulil.'rs one human bL!lng he ' IIl1lcd an en· only dllughlcr nnd he do 8 whnt I !l'1I trernbl Lng. L~' dln tell Ihllt Ln IIto y , BID71 him t'l. ilon'l you , fother?" And slltl longer ".'OUld be Intruding (00 Ills grief. Toloette IIdc1ed II furl hcr word ot gn" c blm n tug ot hili elbow. Sho pluck ed ol her tnUJ er'A IIrm olld eoDllllent on th yo ung doctlir: fo r al· , '1 'h' nUIIl Ll'Clla In8tUQlIy becltmo they loft th e s tore. thoush Elliott hlld bellLl IllIy lng bel' (til· l)I1\'ld Olle ot tbose Ull lhe col Il" "There's a lod \\111 malle good cnn· ~ for wMka, sbe bad not yet cl.. duro lIou·s·menl In the Ynllke\,s' Ht'r"I('e';" " \'Ql1r dnughler Is very kind, I6r. l s uld Mr. rIlOJller, when lhey wero uut dded ju~t whnt sh!' UlOught of httll. I o! bearing. Mr. O'Dannllu ure\\' O'lvld Into ::II1I'n- Cl'lIllmcr." 'l' he girl hos lcned to Impurt Ule oue ' "Whot a drendrul sto ry I" excllllUlctl _·s tovern nnel ~pok a wlIrf! to Ii'll' pl l' (' f In fnrmotlon ~h [' h'lI\ glNln,'lI till' .:I rl. "Anil how wise lie sUl)llI ed I" p rop rietor. I "Learned trom hIs futh er, 1'tt lie ''They wlU tnke care ot yrlll here nholl t hpl' coulllrymllu . "H e ~f\YR he Is gpln~ to II \'0 here." bount!," wn,ered the furwer, "'1'1I0S9 tonlgbt," he IIlIld, "nod tOIll Ol'row I ' ll "A tlo a ellu ntry, 1'lIl s, ~' Otlllg mllll." ",,"f1iIlKitnTli wPll ve rs nrc 0 R t to II IIII< e ' 'come over II ncl . help ~' 011 0 11'1\ up ' Colonel Posey's shoj,. AII(\ II OW, young nppr,wed lIJr. mniliel' hellrlily. WI En~llIlld tr~lIlhl e." TI,,'y \\'ul kp,1 bn('k tl) Ih .. tll\'om, llIau, ( wish you 1\ goot.! ,Iny [lUll '",loll mC1l1l tn ~e lll (' hC' rl! III Y~ If. 'l'hey !C'II luck. TolneHe unci 1, li ve ill the olh ·r I U~ land I" II ~ elll'lI ll h re 0 11 I hll wll- I"l kl ll); III lo\\' tOIl "~. E \'('II " 0 , l.ytl lJl dc rn lIS border 11 8 r'l) nl ~ In N wcust! 1Il'11l'III'Uti tot r"tl l· Ibo t S"flllO(1ne IIIlght lend of tbe ,vl1Jn ge." Ih .. u" whllt III~y Wflrf' s n yht J,C. r\ow nUll From the door or the Inn Dnv ld -1'111 u rnrtut ng rnUll." l'You 'l'e 110 tllrllled" huzllrdetl tbo tll~ 1l II( 8"''' ' tight ru iltl(> ~hi' I'( llIOCl'd ,watf.'lloo his quaint figuro 80(1 tbut or un dU llsty nuout 111111 II I lml th eill. 'Il18 daughter till th<,y d ll<i1 I)P~tt red girl III DU\'id. "N~l \VIIS a wClIver." 11 111 lit!' " '\lln ge st rol'l \\'IIS ell1\Jly. from view. A negro boy cnrryl ng l)ullS " b !" 9111d mu uI r, co mprehend· Onl~' II", Inll. It ' UlUU!; 'ulms ,,",' re U.,lIr, of watCl' oame up to tllc UlVern d r. ·Davld could not rcslst osle lllg him lng, :'llJen It ha8n'l beeD all sklt Uc8 Ilutl Iltl'Y IIIl ght htl expcctl'C1 tot k!!l'P h ~ r tlltlt r'w secret. tbe meonlng of 0 word he hilt! hellrd wllh )'0 11. lIey, youllg mlln?" A wovo of dark red swept OVCl' Dator the 6rst time thnt dny: viti's ffl ce alld he seemed uno llle to , "Boy, what Is 0 'Hoosler?''' CHAPTER Ill. The darky set down 1Iis polls nnd answer. way, maybe ' " pursued "Nottingham ,.cratched hIs helld In an attempt to Vows. hi s q lie Honer, aDBwar with eJlaC~oe8a. flrh'llIg torwltrci with h ~ r 'BcnUl'r Nl "Ycll," be Ilssented. and choked over "('II,'tto ,_ the' " ~stl l:cs of wln t('r, ~p rln g "Cap'n," he sllid 1Ioolly, "rse a VIr1I0ny DIgger an' l'BO seen all sorts 0' Ule word, bl'gu ll II) IlItrC'urll the mulu bl\(\~' ot "1'our people ha,'e been Ilnrd trod· IIpr III'llIy. Til l! 1I1 11('S bN'nnH' '\I'III'IIHlR wblte Quallty In DIy duy ; but firs' un' !la-8' tbese yero gemmcll wut li ve yere d n. baven't they?" pressed Crllnmer SI' I'\.'utlpl'S r frugl'n n ....'. I h ' jfllwI11cn 'to Indlanny ILn' goes by Ule nnme 0 ', kindly, ullf,,\(1 ' U Its CXl lul ~ lte RIIII,II' t\ \Iw~ r. .. 1'1, do not mind me ot it I" broil" -VIr ,II' I ,~ hntl owed III' cloud I(rnsses of Hooalel'8 18 de bentenes' lot 0' tlelll 011; trom David's lips, lIe bowed his hun!\ de.7's lOt mo' qunlily blood In 'em 'll w llll"r. 'fr. '0 lite dOj(wOlld fl' ' \18 hung de oO'th'n ,emllOco, no' dcy's got mo' to hide the tears be could not con trol. (lut lit 'Ir !molV·wllll o bl tJijRlllIIH like Lydls turnod to hor toUler tor ex- hu ge white blltiertll 8. /\1(1\11Il!t tbe boa 8eDBe 'n they Is 10 ILII 0' Vlrgllio),; an' des a8 aeon a8 de good Lowd glts plnnatlon. drlfUng cloud and up Into tbe wann "Likely thlll youni mILo lIutrer~ olr tlllDlcd the dnrlug color ot the red tiohed o' runnln' de ,yartb, ' dey', SOlDe with the Lud<2ltel ," he remlLrked, one 0' dese , HoosJers dea oaclleUy nlopl!' of the 8WIllll118, ''Tell us," whleper~ Lydia, "we arc cwtne ,tek be Job." 'l'he so\'entecntb of the Dlonthsorry." . . , Ue was stlent a moment and tben "Ay, d -'-n Ellgland," blulltereil 'l' Inette O'Onllnon m et wlll1 n Pl1z· added: Cronmer, without an apology 1'01 t be zllng "xvcrl euc" thut ufteruoon. She "Mebbe 'Iectloneerlo' fo' de Throoo OOUI. WlI ij work ing lu the gtlnlcu beblutl her ftJght now." David looked at the mILO Intently. cnLJln, 130 It mlghl 1I0t Incle tor Its • • • • • • • There was something about blm tbat wouItll of bloom lhut spri ng. The Colonel Posey's little one-room Iltore rou8od question. teort< gnl1lNed lu h ur uses u~ ~he bent .was the 6r8t to be opened lu tho little over n .., to k. She wns thlnkln~ ot .vUIllge; and over It now pretilded, like "Nottingham market place Is a falr ' th e gorden In New OrleolJs, whoab Da. sight," observed the fnrmer, tI rs t coo I bl oorus Jla d b ee n gil til orecI t 0 a tall prteat ot trllde, tbe w~ver, ~u , "You've boeo Were1'

-. As' tlie' O'BonnNls, ' ond their now friend entored Ol·~· tlo n , DII\'ld ~nl1ght IIfbt ot It you ng mU ll . tnll t1~ himself, lIt!'1dlni· l1w6Y do\\'D one ot th . uo'rroll' "\lAiC Illnoa. Hi' slll1'clletl like a dog that se 8 lIB toe. "Wbo II! lhnl1" hI' nslll'11 ~hll rpl!. "Thnl'" Tolnl!1l(l !!mlll'l) ot th e back of Ihe retl'C'IILlllg tliurc. " 'J'lInt's ,ouug D ctor E ll iOtt oC 1,0uls ,·llle. H &eomos here ODC 1\ \\'<'ok on his sorrel

Coll1 men Pleas oln I






T 1,,'1II11 \lI 1". J.:e IU'fl VF I' <', \Y" I(' I. AlI\ ~nolurl tl lI t dl' fl\t!() "\\'n h lrl1r1 C. l,\!lll nur ,." M

'I' dl i lldrldntbtrllwrof til ' rHld a u( IS tnHlIl1 'IV. I:'ru lm~(' , .d c Il ~ ed Ilor,' nrl«111 II r('C'tect t·o ~ltow Ilil I~I' ''I'b y ur ta lill ~ t O(1 lt I'hnuVI n It h'

II Ih'orl,d t o pl",rntll'f. II rnntion I1n(1 lvlllli v· T ill' n"y ' '''' , I.. hll o oll !lnd ( 1lH CiulllOll It"itr"'tli I Jt'"'\ll1t\~· Llltl\'" ~T"lIll', 1 "lu l Dtllr" 10 fiill r llp::, 111I 1h\\"ltlt HOwn r U \' < \\'1111"111 '. U "W 'lrtl tH II I. lllll i tll'lIl1rol rolli , 'nT"h (h,'U,lr\' " . ~' r' k O r <:"rv,


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20 (,'Ii,!olth~ n u ri 1'1

::~it~~e :::~M:~~:y ~:~t.'~ben," ~~~n~~o~:I~I~h:t 8~~~, ~~'~~~ t~~~v l;'l~!

Davtd looked up Qulckt:, at his herael! wus 0 ,,"olUnn flud hud ft>Ulld, !Quett1oner, She wos younier tha n he, ,cried 1.ydla eagerly. wi th her to thel'. II IlOW home III nm "Tbere wns blood on the lllll'tlde a t norlhern wilds. an d pretty ond freckled; and when Mnrtinmo8 two yea rs ago," David ee wrinkled IlP ber oose as sbe burat torth, tire smoldering In his eye. Sill' gnth('red sOllle sproys of llllrple AIk~ th e Question, David could Dot hyncl lith!:l Uillt n late fl'ost bUll with· "Our people gathered first at murk el cr~t l 1111 lhelr Btalks. Th'so she tw ist. goos~tn lr In October; maybe It WDS the plentJ' we saw there tben thaI ed lutO a d ejected po~y ond tOR8t'(\ mada ns Wild. My tathCl' Bnd my Into the lune, 100ll rnlnl: el'cn tor them. brother ond I hod eaten bllt one meal Then she stooptHl nDd begnn to dig a doy tor WBe.k s betore, There were Idly IIbout the roots ot some 10\'0-In· othel'8 wOl'lle off tbon we, 1 saw 8 IhO-OlI9[, SncldenlY she \tIIs rou sed srorving cblld knocked down and beat. f rom her dny.urelllO by tlle sounl1 of eo tbat stole ao apple trom a cort. footsteps PRstlng on the side Hlroet They droTe us out o! tbe market wboo lIbut pU68ed the garden. And Ulen Bllo we cur8ed Englaod, heurd un jnculntlon like the mOlln ot It wR8n't till November-that we a liORst caught III U trop, and 0 henv· could bear tbe rent of the fram e. no ler vOIce speoklng. Too 6tnrtl '<2 to lonlrer. The Ulen were fair WOIV68 move, sho listened behlnil tho S~'l'cen· by then. Jl!very nlgbt they ga tbered Ing bushes. "Whttt nll ~ you. man ?" In front of the Excba nge. Then when tbe cold begnn nnd we hod no conlJl "Tlte tunrlc I The murk I" nor even peats from Sherwood- the m~':~~~~lt fooll sbness now? Whot men blasphemed. They shouted that It wos th e mochln ery thnt wns takin g "Th ore! The purplQ JlOsy I Oh, my the breod trom us. Illy lather • , • Ood I" The spculeer seemel1 to choke. they coiled my foth er rrcocher Lar. The other laughed cOlltempttlollHly. r ellce becouse he heggerl U,em to wnlt. "Nonsonse, IIIl1n. thoso be but flow urs though he was one ot Ulem, Illy fa. someone has dropped. Th ey meun ther • • • I r eDd to him at bOlne uought." tbo nIght they stormed th e mills , , . "You conn ot know," snld tile othol' 011t of St. John • , , hIs eyes were con ,·ulslvel,.. "It you but knew Ul e gone. they broke the looma 011 111-" tbut Dlght." ' "A ficltlle~t1ck tor the ooth," the Be stopped, Bis eyes were burning grlllT Tolce blurte<2. ''Throw the thing Like conls. I1way, I tell you, Bnd torget It. HII Rt "Newcastle sent lila men trom thplr It with )'ou1" "II Thll Bilk Very Coar?" There wna Il pause, Qno U,en' the Qunrter8 In Costlogote to belp tbo con· forbear IIDllIng. In spite of the mo- sloble8, They took . fo ur ot them 10 commanding voice resulll cd: mll1ltary emile, the titt er hopelessness 'Volin toD street. Ami t ben tbey eUlDO . "Throw It Rwny, mnn. It wus nuu t;ht that returneil t o his caverll OUR eyCil to our collnge , , ," bllt n mumm ery." a1m0llt frightened her. Sill! relt as He stol)Ped aga\n, (lclltlily pale" The gI l'l hen rd their ste ps pnss 011 thougb ehe had unwittingly kn ocked "They took my raUler with Ulem , ' " down the streel. Rising qulc\t1y, ~ll e at the door ot a hous e Umt h id a be kl ~8ed me • , ," Dn"ld's voice 8tnred at tllelr retrcotlng bncks. The tra8edy, and she was oa til., verge ot was low. "T here wlla one wbo snl() l one wus a toll youth, whom Rhe r ec· _cSl8ma,.ea ret rent. Bilt unt.!er lllll thot my tother hod Incited the I'lot." oglli zed a6 young Doctor El li ot l; tIl e fntIIIJ IIttlo noso there WIl8 Il kind lIe wos trembllog so thnt lila two oth er n hrond·shouldered. portly fI g· 1Jttie mouth Bnd' a square little chill; llenrers ",ntch ed him In pity, bllt be ure, a strnnger to her. As Ilhe t urned 80 abe drew In ber breath unil ron up drew hImself together. bncll her eye cntlght sight at a aU .her colol"8. "Of the twelve judges of England crumpletl bit of pnper lying on the "Two poUUd ten It yard." we .Ud not kuow whi ch one would try pnUI ol1ts lde th e gnrden ond with girl· '1t'1 'doUau,' not 'pounds' here, yoo the rioters. We uddressed plens to Ish cxcitement she hn stlly rnn Oltt and , DOW," lihe chIded, "You're EnglJs b, 1l11. r 110 not suppose nn)' ot ou r let- plc)<eei It up. Dirty nnd greasy It '\'08, aJ'9D't YOII'" ' ters got beyond a clerk. We were n8 If with long handling, ond on It, Bla IImlle wos frDnkly bitter now. very funny. In the nsslzes of Mlchnel. written In n struggling hand ond on· "rm dono with England," he fla shed mns torm tile CIlBes were thought 110 couth spelling, wele the words: 1Hls. . unlmportnnt thol , 1I0lle of the judgeR -J . El~wQ rd Scull. of my own free wi ll "A Yankee ·tben1" even more In· wns deleguted to Ulem-John Sliver· nnd Aeoard ~o declare and oolemnly ereduloully" , t er, ESQ., recorder,' ood Mr. Serjennt Bwnre that I wll.l novor roveat 10 anoY ,"Yee, tbank God I" he bprs t torth. 1> .... 00 or Peraona alley thing thnt may Bosnnquet s itting. ' lelld 10 the dl. covery or the enme Elthor ebe hasteoed to rOlDove the Iwpll· "l!'our of th e fi ve prisoners were In or by word .1111 or netton oa mny tcnll at IICOrn In ber , words, han ged. The CRse ognlnst them wns to nney DIscovery undor tbe P enelty of Well, I eupp08e we II be, too-tn· too open- lhey hnd bee,n token In the bolni' .ent ollt of thl. World by tho ftrot Brolh~r thnt May Meet me after 1.he por. tiler lIud 1. We jus t nrr~ved at Cory., very net ot vlo ln tlng hIs mojesty's plo mark further more I do eWIlre thnt I clOll thIlI morning. Dut 1m 1Iot thDnk- d pcree crown lo\\' .1 n,." tho .......-.- will Punl.h by de"lb aney tra ler or .... God elpeclnl1y tor the prospect." · tral el'fl Ihould there anoy ArIse tip amongtlt UI J will porlltfe wtlh t1n.encelnj{ H1a alJeIJce seemed 10 disconcert vongone., .hould he fly to the veri'O of iaill'. She mll7 h 0 ye been consclou8 ' 8latuto. 1, will be .... t true .obor nnd falth!ut In ILIt my dealinga wlLh all my or .,m~ In IICl' tlld ltnoglned a Drolher.. 90 help God to koop ti,l. my nlrake lie did oot lnteod. ' She bit Oatb InvolhUed Amen!' Ia.. Up and threw 8 hackwurd elonce.· Her Delicate Boy, Strong "'J.'b.- cheen for the president I" Now York ' ity._HM y little boy was Wh llt bnd Doctor Elliott 10 do w ith !I'IIe candor In ber e)'el lent a slncer- ill a very wrtlk, delica te condition B8 11 "EdWard Scull '" She puzzled over ll) to hel' *<IrdSI She turned und Tt'8ult of JlBstrltis lllld the mClUIlea Bnd tbe riddle IlIld tried to dlemlel It wit h , beclt:onec1 to her t a ther, wbo was chat" l.L"re seemed no hope of BaYing hi. life. a laugh. But aI llbe returned to the . Uq at tbe door, :ae _med to be 'l'he doctor prellCriued cod 1Lvcr oil, but ImlllDg !rarden It seemed to her tltnt Il • . . - &0 b.r humora, for be came for- . he COllld not take it. I dt!Cided to try cloud, no bigger perhaps than a IUDO'S Vinol-and with splondid rcsultll. It ".r4 IDdul,entl7 wtth, "Well, daugh. llI'C1moo to agrCC! \\;th him 110 that now ho hn nd but still a clout!, came over the ..r i. a Btrong healthy boy,"-Mrli. Taoll4ll place, th_ broacl. red raee ot II FnzoEaAhll, lODO Park Avl!., N. Y. City. • ' . I e We guarlntoo Vlnol, which contains . . all . . . . Brlttllll farmar, a rn4d7 ITo be Oollll~\ . . . . wblell lOU mlIbt d1Kern DO t.eef and c:od liver pept«JDeI, Iron, and _______•• _____ til pile. Beartt- · radl- manpnelCl peptonatel. and glyeerolIbOMlhitea.for l'UDodoml _ilIUIIIIIo _. . . . . . . . . from tH matulq




• •


uw._ ...... J,

E. Janaey, Druarlt, WaynelvilJu

Get the' Miami Gazette Now

till 11

.. I ItI.\ !(,lllt1'U t I'hl'\' ,·I .!tllll Ihu CIIUllt .1' j "1 1 II" d " '1 1;1(1 " "II1' ,Y Lhlu K III Pltt'ltiltlllL l' 11 IHllt,IIJO iJllI ~


,.t~~":n~~k my dear'"

\\' l'n l\,..tW~

t \"' f' rI

, Nc\\' l'J vl' . t· t t


1'l' lt Y"',IH V-i


Ifyou could look into a million homes

1 L1 "' lIl~ (\rlCl' I

' 'lJlIII'"Il.V or )I "rl ll \ ,, " "'I\'''"I,ll til~ I 1~ " V/lI""d !'i"t ltl '1ll1 n,,"k . J\ltllIllY; '1IlllJ1HI t rhll1l1'" S I. :, 1\11. t:;~r"1t ~~ I\'1. .lwllt (;I' II ll1liJl V9 n !II '11I'1 &ostulllnPtJlI. ] '/l ltl1l "ll, I o A. I:iflllllil VII K tl. 'I'"wosen IIld 1\ , F. Mop);,'r. itl'pluvlu. Stllte \'5 (j Of!; . Z lI iI. ul'tyl ng 1 tl no ~ Ill'd w(Jnpo lllf 1'le.\ or ~nllt.v o nt rtlU. Nmt" noo dpl or ru<1. Btllle V!! Em es L Hru(l ks . Curr y in r; I co n o a iI'd w II POD!. l'l tl ~ of l!'nllty I e lltnr d lind llonte llc'l1,1 to li "Y tI till o f 'UO ond co te . t;;tll t n VI!! 'l'u om nll 1'""l'lor. CuUinB With inl ont to I 111. 1'1<'" o f ~nlll>y Il nteffld ,md 'T'tlylo r sun l e'DeNI tu the poni len li .. I·)'. ,'I " tu \ '1\ Itt ~l!~ Ill:it nt'. Pet i t lnr. ' clmy . PI~tl o t guilty cn' ll rorl lind eutlln ad to P"Y Il U" tl of. $~r, " nd

Your grocer has it-Arbuckles', It is the most popula r coffee in A~erica today! Like the women in these million homes, you will find that Arbucltles' has the rich full fl avor you have always wanted, Serve it. See how much pleasure coffee can give.

Could you look 'into one home in every twenty in America and see in a ll of them a coffee being served tha t is good enough to make breakfast as happy as this' If you sawall these homes using the same coffee ....... You would never rest until you had tried that coffee,



I:>tll!6 v!I Eva iru ~. AB8ll cit I1nrl lllltle ry . Plea of Dot 60i Ity . Bond

To supply the women of America with their favorite coffee.. ships of Arbuckles' Coffee are on the sea every da y, bringing coffee from the coffee growing countries to their big plant on the New York waterfron t.

.~O O .

Srnte VI! Bu~e R obt nson. A ssanlt h[l l,tOI'Y, Plcn at g mhy outeretl Ilml tined $ l O lIud , I 1st . Stnto ~·s Let;lie 81m,., AS811ult lind blltt!!ry. Pica Ilf lIot l:ull\y n t OI ~ d llo11d bond Ii x d ILt> $200, ILmJ


COO rt Proceedlnal

In re ena\e of WUllllw W. \Vhl\. ten , d\lc61l8ed . AlvR . J!'. Siwolltoo lLl/poiute\! liumlnlsbr.. tor. Baud sa,ooo llLllprtllti8n J. W. SmUh, Hllr' lI'lshe r tlud J. D. ·l'rlrublo . In re eatl1tll a t t:!D1Hh a .. Uleld. de. 06a8eO. Ueorge E YOUDg upp olnteC1 I1dw \niijtmtor. B')Dd $ ,UW. Ap. prtUHtlrS J . W . Duubl\w. J . L . Rlob. tuCls Qod Loe Mo\';orllllc it, In re eli lute of tl oriEl DlITrow, deoolUed. 1UY80tor y snd 111'prallle. [Jleu~ tiled. In re will o f N ,I \bau Lnpton, de. aeused . Will !l\M for pro uute. tl oo rae A. E sli Dg tlr I1dmI Ul 9t r ~~o r of the 8~. tAtEl a . 1t1rl~"11 &!lIng6r, llecellsed, VB ~y ull E @lInger e' III Urder mll,ut ' ooncating t.!ued to r eA l 8a"iL u tlnd onler ntlllle to ~e ll r oo I


E1arrlet V. McKinley to T he Park l Pillos Haalty Co, lot 10 Franklin, Uharlea L. Mye rs t o J esllie E. I i:iDlitlt , lot ID Mt Bolly, ~l. E.lle ,J, Harrison to ,JosephlO!l Rh o.nk, 50 aorel In 1::l"lem town8hlp,


NOW LOOKOUT When 11 cold hllnll' on Ill! often happen., or wben y ou bfi ~ e hardly goU.eo o ... e~ ono oold be ro ro you oob. ~rao t RDo ther, lookont fo~ yoq tUe liable to tIlo ntrll ot some very lerloue disease. This Bucoellslol1 or ooids wellkona the a,.atew find 10WBlII th(1 Vitality $ha& you are muoh more lillble ,to ,~o Dhao' ohroolo o~'a.rtb, pDoumonla or OODltllIlL'''OO, Oure your 00111'1 whUe )fOG oaD, Cham · berllLln'l Ooul:b Remsdy hu .,reat r.;pata"on, r eUe<t . UlJOIl 'by Chou,••da of people aael un., 41~" appolDu the., Try . IS, It oilly q ,ObtaU-abl. .~-,.



00." • wben,



W.ed. Prove Theory, Someone once Hu'Jd thllt "It's n<lt flO mucll ~ qU 08t10n of the survl\'ol ot tho f1ttefit us ot· fitting tiS mllny as pos· sible to survive," nnd true r WOlds wel'e never spoken. laverybody wbo hits II gorden Dod corefully 't ends It )m ow8 thnt tbe only thin,s whlcb renl. Iy st!om Ilt to survive aro ' tbe 'Weeds, -BalUmore Suo"


Qood In M.ny Worrier A mllll o\llllt to have 10 mlltlll WOJlo rtes tlult Done of them WW C8U1e him alIT parUeGlar trouble.




William Bar.on to Everett Pe,r. so n, one· fourth aoro 10 HnlUil ton townShip. $ 1, , George Uastlema n t o Barry Tin_ dell, lot in , LebAnon, It. 8 .. t!l>t e. Fuok. M . CunnlD~b5m IldOlinls· E~ tllte oC E lI z tl ueth t:!Ullt.b, d e. t rll tor to O:l &er F, Thompson, lot In cOtlBed . r iulli aotJu uut of udmlnla Lebaooo, $1,600. G eorge W . I:!t\uasef to Loula !:!au!!t rator filed. ' In re will ef Willlllw B . Uewpss y SOl', In~ In Lebanon, $1. MlLlk C. Rell to CbllrleB NeelY,lo' deoeased. Wi lt uUlUltted t o l'r.)bato. E. Du b H III Il ppalu tell e xecutor. In South Lllb~oon, $600, Hond 12,4UO. A \,pmlsorn Uharlos Marriage Licensea nelly, 011\[11. 13 nn tlLt llnd 0. E Sar. uer , LAA Thoma8 employed at Peter~ In r ll w ill M l,e ~i tl" Juno Hoston, Cartridge Uo, .od Oora ReyoClldl, deotla ~e d . WIl l ,.umitted ~t) LJro botb of Ktogil MIlI ~, Rey. Bugh buto. Willsou, In re will Q't MBry K Ul'o!lt.honae, Grov or William Uleaver, Clerk dao ell ije d . Will udmltted to probAte. t\[1d Rona Mildred t3mlth, both of Estu.te of flowur t HI 'n Hilde · Or8gonlll. Rev, H. Wlltllon. brnnt e, III millors . Fou r II acoo ont (;Qmmlssloners' Proceedin!t5 of ~a tlrdhlD fil ue. ' In ro Milry J . ba ll s, ItflldllVH John LIlw & Bon, auto servioe for 111 d for ber Il drui~lItan t o I3tRtO t he Baney or 19 ; B, E. Olla\uah,lnb otipita l. qoe~' on bod., , or J ol!el'b Berroo E sttlto of J " hn H.u J' ]iiuder mi n or $7.75; L rna Stille hospital, ;,Iothlng Inv e ntory fil ed . tor, prieonus $7.06 ; George W 10 r o ostnte o r J o bn 'J(i nllor. Ill . Pbilllp", rOlLd work In Frllnkllo nntory and npprlll!lBlllent fi led. township SlOe; Dr. Edward Blolr, In ra c"tll t,(l o [ 8nS(ln A. Bell, d e. mel1toIlI1l81",lo6! tor prillooen Uti oOtllled. ]nvontory ulld tlpprllisu. G, B, Deohll ~ t, stamps (or audUor'1I mont filflll offico $/) ; allrry R obln80n, re~.jr8 Ilt West street bridge, LeblLnon in r e eatu to o f ,) ehn 0, 'teddom, ~2~25; Robert M. B1lllr. !luto service d6COU~od . I Uvllllt'Jr .v IlIld "Ilpralse. to tbe oonnty b oard of vl.ltors $15; w llnt Hied, II Ut'I xeeutor )\uthorlz ~ cl Oliltrlol 'l'ubercul081~ hospital oare to eo U pl'ope r ty u t Ll rlv/1t1l Bille at of Jauuitll Parker 11,43 !lpVflll~od vuluo. Tbe au'\l&or , dlreated to traDS. In ra e~tll t n of Allroo B. ' hllondler , fer $500 from 'be auditor's fee fund deoeaHod. OlllllU of Lydlll A. Obuud. to th e ooooty tnnd 110180 $500 froln ler IIgn.iDl!t the e ~ tal e tl Il O'IY od. tli9 ooullty ruod to the audtto,', fee In r o IIl1 tnte o f El1wl\l(1 B Hodgson fuud, c13ceaaed , luven tory nnll appr&l~e . . $740 8 1 returoed pre'llium on ' the lUeot fi led , " 'irst Roco unt of admin. oouoty tntlrmary waa orclered:placed 'letl·/l.I,or ill d . . 10 the coooty trealury to the oredl t J oaeph Glhllonr f' XOoutOT of tbe at the oonoty fuod, es ta te of EliInnuh JoJIi'!.Ilbeth Roaoh, In re petl\1oo of B., A, MoCutoheon decoAse d vs Bl'Irthll H.oBoh, Order at 1'1 for alleratlon of ro.-d In If rank. tlLt en to ae11 r elll Ilst .. te . 1\0 townehtp. O,ontinued uotil MI\roh 1,1917, Rc!al Estate TransfGl's P etUion of Georg e E. Sblelds et Ol\fll e l E. Bo wen! to G. H, Pi\1mrll al for IlI*aratlon of pnbllo rOlld 6~t for h,"rl"i November 17. e t 'll, lot In Morrow, It. P eiltlon of B, () Shielde et al for h a rl.(Jli E. gntuu to liophron\1l lilterlog of road 10 1:I"DIII'00 town· Tb o mn~ , lot In 8't',\ uklin, $ 1, ~hl ,p eat tor 'hellrlug, November 17, Uhorlo!j E-. Elitou to F retl limy, Mr ~. Luoy Borden, of Frlln~1I0, lot In If ralnklln , $ 1, was all pointed , teBeher for $he 6reenwood sohool to Ill! the veo m t 7 JtLlleed by the denth of Mr. Gregg,

A. MAFFIT Funeral ,pirector and ·E mbalmer, CWaynesville, Ohio.

rh o t ollowiolt grellt peopl e we re Datives of the Buoltl'ye ~ tll t(l: We have arranged with an under· T h e Indian oh leflinill!, : P on t is" Laker to gd Btl au Lo, so w e will be ab le to furni sh e it he r an auto or j6nU TeouLl1~ eh; t.;Ie n ~ r 8 1 ~ Hbermllll , h o~e d rown funeral. Hher idOln, G rant, CllstOI uud M Plt er . lion; Lbe emi nent !<tate~ m e u 8<iwln 80th phones in Offico and Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone M; ~taotou, J os hua R 6ldding8. I Benja mlo !:lantAon , J " lm Sherman 14-2r. an d o tbers; the 8on ll,lt orB '1'. D. J o nea and ,J, Q. A. Ward; th e jour. nalistllLnd Anthors, W . D. Ho well s, .be Cary Sisters, VenQble, G811"her , Whitelaw Reid, M Gaban, Go or ge ( PRICE~ RIQHT) KennaD and WIlO Y m e re; the sOllg wrltera, wbo wrote "Dildo " I\nd 'Old Dilo Tuoker" B , H . Hnnby, wb o wrote "Dllrllog N e lli e lhIlY;" A. U. CroB8 who wrote" f ipoecanoe Sole Agent) Qod ryler Too," an cl Will L. Thomp , 80 n, who wrote -"Gdhorl n g Sbl'lIR For the Gorden Tires F r om th e t:!eit8hore," tho SoielltlstR, Brnsh, ~dI8"n, the Wright brolliere sorl IDIlO yoth er!' ..


Saxon Six Livery


- ....



Good Cislnfectant. Perlllllll gnu al(' ')( l'I' I:I<1t I ~ :III t'x('cl· Phooe len t, chr up (lis lnf 'd ll lli . nl ""oII'P (111) ounce III II qUl II·t or hOlIIlIl)( Will 1'1'. IIncl pall I' u II tUIl tl j,wn .L'\'I'I·Y (I\'nl ll " Ilt II w('o'k, If YOIl Wtl llt I" I""' ll ,h,' h•• tlse



Dr. J. A .. .McCoy,








S~Il'fEl·I' nIJ:MIItIlS

Graduate of Ohio Slal~ Unlverll'y

Let Your Oh11l1",u Lenrn TytlOwrh 10K '

at. Homo durin.. Vacatloll.


ImH.["ucLton Uoulc


DuITnlo. N. Y .

Office nt feilidence in F', H. ~her wood's house, Fourth Street.

Telephone 28

E. v.

BARNHART, N~tary Public

All ;kln.ds of Notary Work . Dod Deeds a Speolalty,



WALTfR McCLURE Funeral Director. Wayqesville Ohio


••• DENTIST...

Diarrhoea. Tblll d1soase .hould be trellted Ill! soon, Il8 tJle tirst unnatnral loosene88 or the bowelB appears. When tbis is dooe Il single dose of Ohamberlaln'! ColIc, Chol· era 8ud Diarrhoea ReDledy will effect IL core. Thill l'e~edy. CIIJ) alwllY! be de· peoded upon even in,tbe mOlt lI6V8re I\Dd daogeroWi c_a, IItIId Bhould be kellt Ilt hand rea:dy for In(!tao~ t138, N ever leave home on a journey without tt,




>I~\loaot lJu~

Dldrr •.





IOSURHneE W alter Cb&n~ler _Waynesville, O'lef POlitolllce, Offb Pboae 71


Bolll.I . Pla~tle';ll


Auto Equlprneat HOf'leoDrawn Equ pment

Dit. H.E. ftA.THA. WAY tVtl1 ae.rille'a [e4.n. . . . . . . '




III x.,.


..... II



.. 1 HE


G A Z E To T E.•;.

---------____• ____________



THE NEIGHBORHOOD N As Written by Our Corps of Able Correspondents In the Neighborhood

11 . I,. CI' \ N E, Ed itor lind [llblisher J::







OJ.assl Bed Ada .


Mr. anti Mrs. CUfI' Bll wk were In Mr>l. Rn\lbfll Millo r r,' I In IILl • . BlanoboSler lall'l:io turd ay . \\ >'11 . Mr" .J. M i: "(!V'" I 10111 1.{ I· to r wor week nll ~w I" of r I . Our promlo l\nt '801l0r , MI~8 I\'e~ in Dtlytno , mah.1 Ltlln b Pllent H!lturd uy find !:Iund"y wlt b b er sl to r , AIUl/J L.. m lJ. MJlI ElIz!lboth Oarr h ~ r e m 'll " '] of Btlrveysbo rg. Irn m u pI lu nt vl",l t WIth r,l ouu i ll S

ni ll .

h' RAM~J

lI ~ a blo ,

R()()M wlLh F IVIl:'"d 'ITvil l ,(Jhlo, ,t3 uo wn ~1 2

nI,)n! h ly


~a niij , () llI o

.. nd BUl[ 157, ol5

tle von l of tots ~l oi Ditv IIttll ndo d " tbe WillJllngtoll FilII lfo Ht\ .ynl Ins t 1'11101 rema iull 01 Juhn E<l X, (I.tllor r oo m houae ~nd lot, with /Joo d of Mrs lrl.> ~cro~gy. w ~l'e r ou/(h t oo llll r W llllod olster n In t own weok , =--~:......:::== .. v. I"ntl Iu " ....~ olXl IUflll t lon B~ I'l wr . L li u reOOtl UI f 1\0 0 flO d f r I nll ' he re t llr. hurlfl11'bn r al1a '. , ohe lll' ' pen t So nda y eveni ng w lLh MIB ~ ' R ,jlflt l\,:eEt Of .Jllc k .. n I."/l I'll , " .' I f .~ IIIJ aOoll . IlIlJulfil of ~. M·nrrIlV . ' ' Wi l ll "nj.(~" o, rnc:pl v.'tl wor r! I,r hiH / WI\ V OO~V1II 11, U. nl Onr ~ o wn was ,well represented Mrs Geo, BOlran al](1 Bon , Bort·, Em rn a E llis H d ~~ , 111'11 0 1 whi ph OOlIllTT(l(\ S oo(lnv o i!! ht , $ho Wllmlng,on Ftlll )fo.,lvul an" wore In Wilming to n t'or Ib e week . o\Var \: rn b 'm Is Impr oving f,' UI1 " ' " I ~['r"I r-I'~ \\,!'rfl 1) I1 , ci Iiii hi' FAItM8 -1I1< Illl~" Ilf')Qd IlIlld baek all repor t ed I~ good time, end t o vlRII relatIves and Mtend tll a oo n slde rahly . ,. mt'llIf '" li on ', ' l'Ull"rl ll Y. i fro Ul rWIIl $MiUO; 2:3:l aor oll ,raln MJ:8. MarY JaneClellver, an elderl, Falll1estlval. Mr, Bownrd MCUulnn spellt th o ~I T . ItlllllHrd I. I, M,'N,.II oll tfl r.l und ~Lo(' k fl1rUl '13,\I~O . EalY oltl :.'. eD of oor to wn, pa81!ed pelloll. Mr. no d Mrs F. B nt,lla wllV ~pe n ' la t t erlla r tof Ins t wee ki[I .Willl1ilJ g. IlIln l'<1 II lllrj.( " 1lI111 1Ua r 0 1 fr' Wllil" It oJ rOlil . J ohn 1:I . rbloe, Alle o , Bolld. f nJly lI",ay h er daoghter 'l! b orn e F rld l1Y witb ~ b el r son , Ballle Balh t on. 'lI0 11oI\' In h on nl' o f tllI.i e w['d,lIu ; lng , Xaol" , hl o 01 5 Ourl u/:! tbe pu. ye',r WllHllm B. U I'IU W ellmlln Maod .. y, m ornIn g. uway IIn,1 wlto. All rc f u ~e should be r8111 ved from Mr. a nd MrIi. ellll B oover SPB Il~ ' oll lve rFH rv . I f I v d esi rable Mles Emma B elgbway waa tbe I h' l{lIrdell or be dee ply p lowed La p p, grndu bto alu oo t In r u rnl eoo. Mr!!. Clullv er h ad been In deollnl ng P r il L · I ,'; nTl' noo OIlJ Iv'!cl IL d~It ' ~::ternll~rlo~:t:(tple~~:f proper'y bolil t h for 80me time. Sb e W/.I8 well Ru est o f Mr . a nd Mra J oh n Heigh. S uodsy with ~b!l s. !l;llls aud fU lJlll y. tllld" r b for!! Wil11" r s e l~ in If lert n O Ul lo~ I1 ll d p ooltr y b usllllud r y <i t kn o wo Ru d respeoted b tl r bueb',nd WH Y ODe dllY lus,' wee lt , Mr • . J olln EO llI and two rl uu !!h. f roUl hl~ ~ l s t l' r IIQ_,II'M 4 10 1" 1I1 r 11(' 0 , In Xt! niy ,,, hioh will reot good 1I1J1I1I II!' ground til"! old vim's, T ile lIbio S tllto U 0 1v e r ~ lt v, b lls bOlln ters were lu Wllolllugfon In~1 Tl.Jor ~. f) f C"I " m ! ' u~ , Hu t ((.Ill Y un tl L1Utiu y . tenant )Illl' 10 per CllIlt per annum . prl/oadort be r IIlxl ee1l yea r s. ~ h o Mr s . ~1t1ry .Jun e Oleaver , a life P l llllt~ and I ·n vea lJ ~ CUIflt! hilJt! rnatill lC oonduaf,log ex l)orhueoUt III oulll star. day. Th e IIr st nnmhru of I,ho 10 tU l e l'h pri m, I" $II,OllO, hut time oan he plltc~1! for various inReCL8. Th ey Ilre d i" t or ~h e Gulumbus N,HlulllI l Ice l eu vel! t wo dllu gb ter s, on e son , ~II ree loog r esldeo' of. t bls oommunlt.y u.o d Mr . dnd Mrs , Low Fol y unl1 fnlll. ,' Ollr ~u will he An it ln trn.t.nrl lI'otu re 111111 on II1 uoh o fthlw , if de Ir ed . No tbr ee erand ohlldr .lo, H ar vey ~burg , p ussed awny 'ruosday I on In.1aw8; tl od l:ito ru ~e CO DlllUny. l'hllRo ox· alst> II sc,u ree of in fection of I1 Ulller · perlrn ()otll we re lJlad e ",11>11 eggs , Iln d four g r "111 g rnndohild r en an d 1\ hos ~ mo rnIn g a t !>b e h ome or h er dll ugh tl y, of Wlimlug lOQ , w ore /inllclll.\' toy I'rof 8 n r~ n "" Il . 11 I>lInf', wt. n wi ll IJI' tl ~ r l ut1~ t, 1 n lu t·own , ooly one ou~ lli ~ea ,'cR. Cabbage slubs end the r tl~ ult ~ will bn os ,d by t il e C Olli. or frl on ds ~o m onrn hor d opluture, te r, Mrs. Mlu t ha Da'rlll. Funeral vhutor s or Mr . Rnd M r ~ . T . F . oIolh'M I II "Il d re ~ ~ 111 Il,d,i" l\ ro ~. <t"llrfl fr OIll nou rt honse , As I\ n 101I ~ IIIH Il~ U H ulld oui nn Lops shlJ u ld be I lull' .... W, Lln e~dlly e Vllloi ng , NtJvl1 ll,. vrs tnll'n I, I·h is WOllI n bo !i r~' OIIl SP, MoGuloo . d estroy e,1 ~Hpe ci911y if th er e has pl\liy In Itl:l II } rl ~ to p ln oo upoo t he d ho W'tB lata 10 res t at tb o s Id e of servloo! were beld all the Chapel Thom lls MoG lllde WI"" trRlI ~ ncll ll g INT " ::,loe A . W. TreplM, N ,) 3~ Qreene been a ny t elld ~ n c y lowa rd t1i ~ease . murk e l Il belter HI orllije produ bt and h ill' hn~bf) nd In Hllunl oemetery 'I'horeday morning, Josl fourte en y ears ago the same day b e.r 11nlbaod , boslne8!l ln Ll.' bnnoo lilst T h UTA,I B~'. , '1'110 C K W flH II IBJSllnll .v on l •• r. "lrAElt, Xenln, Y. M, (J A. Ilu\lrllng, A!'lJllraICus tOPR should b e cut close IU ml nl Ul Z l' the o"~ t of huodling aod Tb urAd uy m ornln li: Mr. Bnd Mr s, A rt hur Atk illeo[l , ~ll ineLi lit ~ht\ h o mo of ~Jr , " ," 1 Mrs n1 Mr , li nd Mrs . Wm . MoCarroD, Mr. Wm . 'Clell ve r wae Imp led. to the g round amI bu rn ed . Thi s not pao ldog, '1'hey li re und oubtedly t.h n . : . . _. Mr. lind Mra. Wm. GrImes and spen t BIl Dd ll.\' w\t·h &he lr dl1ngll t er, I A , V. I!'olllnd, ",mll,Lyevllulng. only will d eslroy a la rge pro po rti on lurgoK t expe rlm enl s of t h Ol r Klo d Mril L ll urll Bllrlllo lind Mr. J . B , Mr s. V o dcl ~, 01 Xenlll, wh o wn~ or the Reed bu t will help t o kee p evtlr Ollrrl ell 0 11 b y u stuil ent Ilt Iln y ::;hldn ker we r e vIsItors ot t he Uem ·Mr, aud Mrs Ernos ' &1annon lind Mrs , Gr ooe S buy ler. _ _ _.... _ _ _ _ _ fo r Ih '" :v eurH II .ni ~~ t ullllry In Cill o.: MONEY LOANED ru st unde r co nt rol . Fall p lowing of Ilui vcnlty In the o" o o t r y. It.y T ou9d l\Y IIftern oo o lIo'd while t wo danghters we re So o day guests I ber e ~ Uelldod tbe " l e ll &ro. retorno of Mr. Ueo. Vavie deli ve red 1\ UlOHt iU~t, re H tlU ~ MI ltr,' p:< __ _ gard en land t hnt can be h ea vi ~' inll hoUio 10 t bo el\rly b oor Wed. lJofor o tho G. E. l:ioeloty ~lln dll Y cove red w il h ma nure or Ihat has It The ston" oruHher hilS b aeD bu~y 066day m o.-ul ng m uoh delighted h tJllvy cover crup g rowth is r ccom · ONEY LUAN~I) on live 8tO k , CHANGING SEASONS BRING GOLDS (' vauin g , for 'be PM ' week , Bnd t,bla oomlIlU. wtth t heIr I,r lp. m end r:d " " Mr, T 'lnnl'r, o f I bu n. H. & ~ n.: ohQtt el~ Iiuel eeo on d m OrliR!!!!M . nl t y will bB blossed with good rOllil ~ Sto ff od.n p head, o l LiOIIl (' e plln l. n fow (lll v_ I n~ t, "' I'o k I NoteH houghr.. Jollll Uill hl ne , ,J r ., Mr. und . Mr p. R . W . Kaylor, Mle. t hl ~ willter. OORe, tJg hl ohest, l or e th ro ,t /\T O loold ng nl l nr hi s J1r IlJlP ~I.y Iw r o. , Al lnn lIulltllll/:, Xenln . Oh Io. 1:10 Dor l1 ~q u l r tl8 nod Mr . Geo rge B . Mrs Emrn~ W olfe a,pen t par' of lure elgns of oold, lind D r. Klog's ~ "Tr l~ uutoad to Bellefoutaln e A T n ,'~ d l\y r ot,urnh, g ThuredBY nIght. tbe weel! wl,h ber 80n, Lew Wolfe New D 1800~ e ry Is Bure ' r elief . Whll ,e the r e tb oy werE the guest,R ot 'lDd wite nel\r WIlmington and at. do ~e of this oom blnllt loo of IIntlse p _ WANTED '"nded tb ll 11'1111 F tls llvu!, tlo bnltlnma aootb ol! tb e Irrita ted Squa re Dea l f or th o Sh ops. Mr . Ka y lor 's m othel', Yleldll of wb oa t ut t he Ohio Ex. Mil S l';lIIr1e Rl oh aud 1.1'188 Judith membraoe, olell rs tb A hond , looean!! "If \\"11111"1\ lIa oi ""lS .11" , ,·,,111'111.;" I" ~ l r. l\nd Mrs , Fred Hl\rlan , Mu. I)ei Imont tl ta tlon Ihis yoar \V e,e 10 E mlIla (JlIne Ilnd Mrs. Rub" !:ltump Collier who Are ,,"eodlng lIohll016t tbe phleg lJl , y on br el\tb e eIl 9I o~, Ilnd !Otnp "hn[l"III~ \\ 10"11 I I,,·.\' Ill'" Ilred," I paRt 110 with hon e anel hng. A Ou llll dia n 1I!11l1pd CIl~IIY \VIlS I; p . bo IIc l ~ m ore to tbe 1I 0ro w here tbl s LE. banon spent BaLnrday and Suo. ren Itzoy oor oold Is b r oke,n u p. I r ell' ';Illd " J "II II J.t \\' '' 1111111 110", 01 II,' ,· ,hlY. I g.v t o RP \l tltook ComlUlon Pow nd d .. oghtolr, Margerl e, wore Day n Ilolnt,ael t " Ii , II()Verlllll !1lH pl 'l oe, or op followed 80Yb o an ~ , \l Olotoell or day with ho me folka . a 00111. pers Iste ntl y; b lll "wa v m ona. "Th,' s h1l )' 11011110:" 1111'11 111,,1 lIo, 's <til I rl or 10 WIl rr en County . Salary 1'10 T .. hlll cn lly It b ud to b o h o ld by ,'a tll Ihllll whe re I~ WI1 H dCloded c n t on vlsh ou Mond llY and Mf', aDd Mra. W . 'I' . J ordan and orel lellvo ," lingering oO DSh . not nnu III ·,·,.r will 11 1(" "11,1 It l:i II I per mnllt,h . Adc1resR 9 10(lu8&rlal of Illst w eek. tbe bt' nc hl' tll o i the III \V a OOlOty, I" nd growing oorn yell r, (n all 01 Gorn ~ hre dd ln g hilS be un In thIs Mr . and Mrs . Ira Rloh and ohlldren Dr . KI~ R a New Disoover y ll olll hhtll"I' t" 1.11'" '\I,,,,.n 111"\ II nI'P,II"Sl\ I Ullig., l u<llnnqp li s, [u(\iaua, l\ lrlw y cr, \\lI leb Ca ~e y W bI! 1I 0t 1I 0 w . th ese r ol",$loo teat.! the trOl\tment 'OIIere Son day QOBllttof Mr , and Mrs ~our ~o d 18 !tone . For 47 yea r s t he I'xJ) ~l1 sr' 1" thl' sh" I's, ' 1'11,' ~""d~ III'U I I'vor , nn ,lert ook to ohv lllle tbe ' eoh . of th e Holl 8S regllfds li me, manure vlolnlty !lut Ibe oorn Ie no\ 10 a vr ry Charlel Bortaook , aVOI te remedy tor yoa n g Ilod old, IIII'\'ltu iJl y "f'lIlI'I\,'U 1111 ,1 P I'('IlIt~'I ' 1 FAn.M8~8~ve v ou, II f.. rm orutber ulonlte y . IHl d o ~ bar fe rlll lzfl ril Is t be Hllme. good oondltlon ~o be orlbbed a\ 'hili I \\'11t' 1I RII'Jps III'" ~" <l l' '1'111. "10,,,,1 ,, ~. Jl.e'L1 F~"ta te for IIllleP If so \left ~ra . Elsie Lewle and Ino, of At your drc gglst , 600. "Well R8 ~ y ," said t h e ex amlr. er 1'119 w'b ell t Wile Il l! seeded IU about t im e, • " ( 'ptlll~ >:", "1" 111111 "1·,·,11 11 11 >: 11"'111 It IS RIl Il'e al On! 1l wi th W . D . Chandlsr , .I ...·h ul ' In yo n kn o w lI110u t thE' law , the ellme date, The ylelr} of wheat 'rbe "s" 8111 is being "raveled U alOll,spont the week.end with lIlrp. , f" h' I II HII~ h ""ll oI,IIi<IIIII""l~ lu i Wllyncl\~ lIle, (llllO, . or 01111 horo at Illl y wal ~ .. uf te r ouro wai 2i! bus bel! per aore, Itnd pu~ 10 fir at.olllBs oondltlon for MlIoItbs Uavll. I.;II'C thl' lIl n SqUill'" .10 '111." Phune 0 . 77 , I havfI IL fe w goo" Mrs. Baonah Rloh entertaIned at "'l'u lull Ih .. I,ruth," repli ed th e while tbe yield!! whe ll wbflat fol. tbe wloter. ou t of to wn buyers who IUS dlooerl:!unday, lIIr. and Mu. Abljah ollllrt l(\II IO, " 1 dOIl't kn ow 11 ~I o!! \ e lowcld ' t ho oth er three crops waH -- - --If)OS of .Ionk lo!! at pr OI)erty In aDU Oor soh ool 19 pr.JgresAlng .8S It thing , " IIrou nd W!l yn qn tlle . Don' t delllY ! 1\ bo u t 3 bush el8. s hoold nuder Prof. '1'011 Rnd bla GoJ\\er and Cbtlrle~ and Judllh 001· lIer. I Al tend to \h I8 .. t onoe . 'I'll". " xA ml n~ r rr-p ort.ed In bl ~ n m. "8~j s tan'8, DO YOU HAVE SOUR STOMACH7 d,. vir, t h ut " h I' llnd pX>l rn lol'd Mr I W . U . Uhandler . The eDtertahiml'nt I(lven III t·he Mr. Freel I:Iba ne, \he grooerymon Mra. Wlll Orndorf. of R on te 3, If you arc ' I'ou llied wit h 600r ' "" ~ey 1I~ t " hi s kOIHv l. dJ,le of tbe Ill"', Ichool house by tbe Soolal Uenter and bee f mer oh & nt. Is no 'II' occnp,lng Ipen a a part of las t week wit h h r &tornloh you 8b on14 eat 810 wlya nd -:=-- : - - --.."......-=--=---:--===== on d , t Ih" L ~I fir h Is lufor mntioo SUFFERER FROM INDIGESTION RELIEVED t he lo" m In the Cen &ral d ot el wal a 8 nooa~" every way. The onM " Be fore t ill! Ing Cb!lm berlBln 'I Til b. bollding whloh wae ,b orot\Rbly who were mae ked oertalnly · had daugbter. Mrs. G eorge Booook and rualt iollte you r food t llorong bl y, aOlI heli e f hI' lI " d onswe red th p FOR SALE hUl!bllnd. t hon t ake one of Obllmhl\ r h' l n '" Cj uell tl oos t h At b e ho d put to him le l8 my btl ~ bl\ncl Buffered t or 8 8 ver· ren ovated to suH him. .dr. 8hame 'l lome fine make.upe. MI.I GI ~ nIlB B obll~ en te r ~al n ed a II I y oara fr om Indlr( eltlon , ollullng abl ets Im m odlately After t!UPI ar , T corr llol,ly. --bnslnM. haa "rown 10 It was neoee· , few ot heT rOUDK friende 11' hor bta iQublo e ~ eryw b l:!r e . Tbe ll ~ pU lln t \V illi the r (o re Ild. him '0 have n alns tn 'he IIIry to Ket a 100rirer room. H e wlll Atl ULINID IGN'Gl N1C8- .IIllllven. ,Uld dl lltrl'l\l! af ter eBliOM . (Jham. be gilld to Elee you at hlB Dew looa. plea.all' home lal' evelling, mUted ,-KtI,n8as City Star, h OrlO6'008 on trnoka ~250 ; Four. berlain 'lI Tablet. r elieved him o( Mr. Jam91 Uutal, 80d fOomlly at. RHEUMATISM FOllOWS EXPOSURE lende4 l'all ....Slval., WlImlogton "00 , thell~ spella rl l(h' away," wrltea R d t il W N bone ,»5. Fodder ouUer U 6. 80x ID tbe rat. all day II ,eaeraU), that 00 November 7 Remember COl e ar ewe, 167 Xonla Ohio. nlll Mra. l'homal\ Caeey. Gllneva, N. Y. A te.lld .. ,.. III II hll'I,lC Hr h"tll IIrnr ' , JOO should vote to nlte the till!: followed b, palDful 'wlnllli of &'ord.y. Obtainable everywhere, Mre. Amll1lda 'mllb. of Wl\yn sp. lilto 'I<I" 1I hll J1J1f'l I 'II h' 1)(' IIIH IIl A' I h ll K NoXDALE 'raln. ot Plymonth that we may have eleo'rlo lighta. rbeomdlam or nllllrallilla. M(oan'l -------.~--~.~----Rock Uh ioko r ll, t be host I flV •• n will be ao sIDall that you will not LlnlmaDt wlll 81ve 10D qulok reller ,,\lie, waa oalllng on friend s 10 Ibl~ Rt(1 ry "r Atl nll l fllr Ih e SI'rl plu," I ('~· ~(l II . n url ll!; II", I, 's~o n ~ l lc IUll,!!,l : /' hnd. P Lllle I8, S1 Cooke rel l , IL GO. ~re . and prevent tbe aWlnllel! from be. vloln"! Sunday afterooon . reali ze it . Mrs , Wlllle Allen was II guellt Il t, . Who w,.- It ttl ll i (':11 11(' ('I' "'Jl I II~ tlllil D. 1f . Sm ith , O hl ' Stae" Phone 632, Walter SIIVllf8 Is ereotlng 011 tbe oomlog t ortDre h q t]lokly penerear of ble premllea a .Iaogl)ler Lra'" witbout rubbing and aootbee abe bome of har brother.ln .IBllv, Mr cnlwllllg In to t ill' /;111·,1"11 1'" XI", \\' n~ I ::;prln g . VILlle,V, 0" 11. D. 1. 01 5 boua. fot 'be z,urpo •• of butoherlnl the lore and aoblDI( joints . Vor Will Curtlll aDd famlly, of n ear Hed rutll (' r 1I"1I1 ~1 · d. 1 hili Hili t: lIrtlt'(fo.: , 'd , t h I . 11l'1I!' III r"Jlly fr .. ,,, "ne III lit' r, 'Jtu II',1 pLY MOU'l'B Rook Oooterel.. AI. bOlla for tbe farmers or any ODe sore, ell1l' exhaue'ed musolBtl ah,,' Ll oD, eo a t ow , Bul! O q)lnltoll8 $l.OD Mr, aDd MI'I. ;F. ·M. CoolI , Mn. "1'1t'",!.. T111 ~s , Il \\':1 " II "Illp,,!'." Dorothy J ohnaon apenl the weelz. wlehlnl work dODe of that naaore. aohe alliS ahrob from overwork . "B ellS r ll1u1r , Bome proteiD 9f end \'('Ull Mr Ilnd Mra. J ostie Wrll(ht 'I'bill busloess hal trrown 10 tD ,he Sloan', Llnlmont afforcll qalck re B. O. Daklo and Un . Frank D" lln - - -- - HIli!! e, IlI q lllre of Mrs. c\lll ord anlm .. 1 orlltln Ir best r J.ults 10 egg sod other relat! vel bere. M!\Jl:well, ROUl e Phone tlSr., Jl.. D. 1, laa' few yeara aha' II DooeellU1 to lief. Brol'8II, Iprall!lI, eera,na aDd and aoo motorod to Day too Tliur ~ . Good Wo r k of EngUeh Spa r row , prudllo\l oo ore '0 l>& eeClued."'Sald oaher minor Injorlel' '0 oblldren are day, . WnYU 6R "tIl0, n1 5 tliullb Burnett R.I! t,he Snnday be ID readlnN •• q olokly soolbed by 810al]" Liniment. W. J, Bn8s, p ooltrrllllU\ tbe OhIo 'l'IH! Ihlstl ' Illld 1111' ""Ic rllllhll' 1,lIve Mrs. A. E. Oheaowetb rot uroed I(nelt or MI ss Annll Borm.11. M". Emma Ollne, wbo haa bee~ sows, Wl", pigs , an Y8ccllJatsd. Experiment tltat\oD, ''In our work Ge' a boUle IO-day al; )'oor Drn,. home from IndIan. ' IlIst· FrldllY b C(' 1I "lllIlllIllt(!d frllll' ]oi .\•• ~ " lIll1l1d by Mr. and Mu . W, A, Ellrly apeDt a olerk In Qolnoy KI'1S'1I dry lIooia gtl", 2150. 2 t,h oroujfhb rOtI Pola ud Chloa, 1 meut ~ or o p liRH vroduoed luorM8ed evenln8 whllre ahe haa s pent 0. W IlO\!: t h o Elle nsb 811111'1'11"', Suoday at I Je n to rvll1o. a'ore, hall rellgoed ber plaoe and r cotl tlo w , !tUlul Te fit th I~ offi Ol). n8 elt " ,Ield ll lind m ~ re th :\O paid for .... at thll bMlllde 'of a IIllter, Mra. Eeo. Mr . King htis leoured the aervlces II'1elf, bot MOy be'IUS geoerally Ilr n Mrs Rufu8 Rt)snu gle 18 vlelUng of Mr!. Ida 1::I0we, wbere her frlondll Imcre, of Modolr, Ind. ~ b e alllo v l ~. n ot a ~l\ t I 8 fa \ ' tor y te ln feed." hol r dllo g h ter ·Mrw . Will Reveoaugh w1I1 find' her ready '0 "alt OD 'hem FIno Shropshire ' Book Lambll a. \ted other relati ves In t hlLt !lU t e In reoent feeding te@te at the Saatloo, .od fBlUlly of Lebanon t hla week. In her oheerful way, $1001\011 .' In q Uire ot J . S. Vao. whlJe abien t. hene fed eoybellnll laid ooly a few Ilu[voor t, H . D, 2, WaYD8svlllll, Mr : .. nd Mra. Ueo. Beok hall teo Mr. and ~rII. Gilorge Prn tt we re ~r. James Vandervoort, If tlear 1Il0re eRgs t lU1U tb ol'a given no feAiI t u rn ed h ome aUnr & vIsit w"h reI· WaynesvIlle, . n 10hl o. traoilloted bUlloesll the goests of Mr, aod Mrll . Edwa r d 1 wi ll Bo ll at my r eslde n oe In I hIgh In prnt eln, SkIm milK Ilnd l\ ,iVHsat Springtleld , here Tuesday of IllIt week, of Rooae 4 , Iallt l3unday. Ooolt, tllnk"~e IITIl .. IRO Imitable for ule In Ridgevllle,.on able p ig , Pola nd Ohlna, a good allslI loa Bamlltollspent tbe week. B ersholl B um bo r. r e tornlld home J. W . Clark Is Improvlolf bla pro. Mill Geneva Cnrtta I!pena a few Elc lion Day, Novemher 7, 1916 raUone for lKylog henll. ono, for 8a le. C . P , 1lI1118, BoullI end with ber pllfllntl . MondRv aft er sev 'nlll <lIlYII vl ~i t days Illit ,",elll!: In WllmlnRton lI.od with frI ends 110(1 r eil, ,i \' 6S .. , Mor. perty and when dooe will be" oo~, 'Beglnoing nt 10 o'cl nclr th o fll J• ..1 , Waynelvllle, )111 0. n1 1o1r and Mu, Alia Whitaker, 100· II.ttll ndod 'be FiliI B'~atlva1. homf'. lowi ng goods Otl ll blltte l ~: ',l' wo ro w. oompanled by Mr, and Mre Ed ReMr. and Mr., Frank Dakin ,~ n d ~o rs os, 8"0 ahlJld G,)oct~ li nd mnny Doroo Ma lo Pig", 2 BOWl aod Mrs. COrB MorrBY bua returned to RoberB Oarr, j'lOUor of 'he lohool I.IUok, attended tbo Wolfe ,ale P Ig8, , !:lows to tar:row thle family ~Ialted w l'h Mr, and Mes, ot·her II rti(ll e~, Ul oolnnotl "fte r a ple81lant vii" building, Is tho rliht mBn for tbe Thureday, month , Also, iar,e oheap worlE F. M. Oooll and illlughter of R ou te plaoe. He bu a plaoe for every . I:3co bt ~ bills J Of tflT lIl B. Barvey BuroeU and tamlly .Mr, , with Mr Bod Mr~. Jellse WrIght. 'hlng and everythlog IS kept In lis ml\'·tI. J. W , OrllIwell , Wa,08nllle, t laet.BnDdIl.Y . M . W , I.A·NG , en'eradned Mr. and Mra. B. 1!I. Mr, &od 'Mrs, Levi lJreatbouse plaoe . Ohio. Mr, Be rn~rd All nn lind MI ~R Nll rll nul' iek r , Auot. hove rooently moved to Ly&1e, O. Mel8rs J ohn Kable, Albert Wise Bathaway 80ndo.y, BllJ 810le a .mllroll on th eir m ILDlY Mr. LaCe Doane left (or a vii" In frllnds by allpploR .'1nl etly awny to Mr. aod Mrs. Roy Cro!! Dnd daugh. mlOolel aod William Zimmerman, of "Pa," Inquired IL Beven. yeor.old Leb~non 'w bere t hey were Illorr led loeker after the trnth. "Ia It tru ~ Lll r were tbe weeK.end gnestl of Mr. D~ylon. were guoetl of tlie Central Norwood'Iharada" .. od Mr/'. ~Orl'Ow Brlln., of Lebanon on 8onday. Mr. 1104 Mr~. Nellon ' MoKeever lut 'J.'oesday. The bride Is a dBUg h. thnt lohool tt'n ober!t get paid ?" "Certaloly I~ \8", ~oh' the (fltber. Am os Brebm ,",Illl a huslnePi vIa. Mines Lizzie lind Lolli Duel, Mr. oll.l1ed on Emmet Belt:.'. Ilnd ramlly ter or Mr. Ilnd Mrs . Albur y BHI and .IW .. ll , tholl, " sllld the y o u ~h In. ft or 10 (Jloolnnatl Wednlladay . Is highly respeoted while _b e gr oom Ohmer Eby ch!lPllroned by Mr. and Thorldllyevenlng, dlgnallUy, "that ain', r18M. Wh y Mra. W, C. WarDer re~ nrned bome I, tbe yoongelt son of' Mr. lIud Mril. Mr. /lnd Mrs . C bn~, MoEw8D , .Mlse Mrs B. E. Wil son, all of Doyton , .hould ~htl tellcherll ' llet ptlld when Edn'l McEwen, Mias Ednll MoSlAlio were Sunday evening ~llell ts of Mr. !:l"turday aUer a vlsll wltb frlende J. A, Allen and III '''' pros perou s 118 kldB do al! the work ? nellr Xenia. Mrs, Ed Vao Drke ao- young fumer. Th u y oung ouuple .od T MoE wen m otored t o Bell. Wllson 's parents, of the Uentrol. left Imm ediately t or !\lllnoh aster, ....- --Inooll: unday and ' were gue8" or Th e Gnrai!o IS n arlng ·Its conI. oompauled her. pltltlon lind In a short .tlme will pu' Mr, Barrr I:)halll" and fllwUyeu. Ohio, and p llinte In Kentooky on rel.ttves thllre, their weddlu g tour. Their . p lllo s M aUll facbtred of carear Sub eribe for the Miami Gaze tle MII8-liW~!=-,I..U.""-~""'L.JtJ""''''''Wl+f.orth the I!leotrlclty aud" will be tertalned tbe following on !illnd.y : for tbe future Ilre not y et m nda watoh In the We8~rn Star oontest. up '0 the ollizeni to porohase .It If Mr. and Mrs, G. W. i'reeman, Mr. and b ast II:nown Oongrllbolatioll8 fully selected stock, cut Barry Fleemao lind danllbtar, of Mr. aDd Mrs, Flank ueardoff and they wanC ta, wishes of the oommunlty foll ow talully ~Is"ed rell\tlvel Ilt Middle. Mr . Barry Uarwood . of Chloogo, 8prlnsfield; .n4 Mr, .1~4 Mrs, Wm. thll ,,",artily rouu g oouple. accurately to atl standard lown, Saturday. • and Pror. E. L tilltton and family, Sylv!!ll'er lind bab" of I:'ebanoll . Mrs . Wal"'r Dakin and daughter Mlel Lan I WhUaller apen' tbe s izes. Wc carry dressed MI8I Belvll M cO~ndle8 hall reo 01 BllILehesler, were week.end vilited at .the home of her oO Jle, ~urned ho we atter a week'i viii' gue~t8 of .!;Ir. and Mre tieo. BaUon , past week with relatives Dear LeelHn Theo, TrImble, of Klnge Mills, las t '1'0 Tired W orn·out Mothers lumber in several graqes t!evera1 from here attended Wm . ~uurday. wllh relrHl vcs at Dayton, Warren Ulol\vbr, of De~roU, was J 4j:k 8011, Mi ~~.-" I ~!tn lr 10<,1 rcpnid l'ay!or'l ula on Wedne's day. Kllthe rln e mid Belen Roblneon ollllod h omo to attend lhe tuneral of -suitable for various Mr. and Mre. WIlJlo Orndorf !lnd for writing t lli.'r ii 1 ~n n h ~ II' My Mn. Nelse Htlmllton and :MII II family sontbeallt of Oorwlll were tircc!, worn·out In(,!.!,,,r or h01l8f'lwcp<!r nllve r eturned fr om Chloogo ror a bla m otber, Mory Jaoo Cleaver, Ina visited ID Haneysbnre Satur. Our r a nds aro baing atoned and purposes. We have a car to tint! h ~nl ~11 nnd str<'Il,:llt uS I hn,·o. few Iby s ' visit wHh Ihelr I(rand. tbe BnndltY gOBsts of Mr . and Mr R "1 hn\"c III {nmil y o f 1iw', 8{\W, cook psreulF. T bey will matte their b~ ,Ie pot In bet ter oondltlon, muoh Co tbe day II.fternoon. George Boooolr. of this fine lumber in this fll1d do my l,ouilUwo rk lind ( I"'cllme In Dlly~ r,n . d elight of tbe usen. Mr, and airs, BAI'\'.~ BorneU, w ry much ·run·down ill honlth. A fri end Mr Bnd Mu, " hili, Sweaney en· Mr. nod Mre. George DBwey tre Mr, and Mn. Tom c.;.D1I~'nIlY lind week. lI"ke,lm'l t o Iry Vino!. I did 80 ond '!ow ~erlalnoo at dInner HoqdaYr the eotertalnlng Mr, Ilnd Mn. AUlllem Mr, and Mrs . Aea Wh U,r attend. I 11m \\" ,11 I\n(l strong lind my 01,1 lImo ellcrj:.j" lone b O(,11 Tcslon·d: Vinnl hlt8 110 fo\lowln~ gueats: MElssrl!l and Mes· An.raw. of Filldl.y, lind Mre ' Allle ed the Fall Feltlvlll II , Wllmlngton PINE:TAR RELIEVES ~ COLD on Friday; ~ np" "I"r II ~ II: Ifl llic for worn·ntlt, rUII' damel! l'dlaou 8t .oy ond fllmlly, ct Eyoke, of ADdera6n, Ind, Me181'11. J . M. and J. \Y. Ballin. Dr, Bell's Plne·Tllr·H oll ey oon (I OW11 t i r ('d lllll t l l(l l's o r h O\1 CCl kuup CTS., t L.ytl<l, t:!weeny &Oil. fe o: lJy. of Mer. Mre. Mamie Hatfield, onr ver, -'/IIr~ ,I. N. 1I!Er.TON, ,1 "ck~ll, Miae. rlltalown, and Ed Kesling, of /:!(lrlng. aooomodat,)nlC telephone operator, gef', of Falmouth, Kv., ap~ne lbe 'Illos all the eootblpg elemeocs of 'he pine foreet. 1& beal l tile lui. I h the Ir b·I " I h er, M r tated . " elllgned her plaoe here aod bill 110- pal' wee k w, J. E. Janney, Druggist, Waynsvllle. l>oro, membr.De ... nd by its oolnep. oepted a 'p ' )"Ulon aa operator a' 'be Robert Ballloler. tio properties 100lieDil ~he phlesm, Ma80n Exohanllt>. Idhe bal tbe bela Mbl Beallis WarDer alld I(lrl frIend you brlathe easler, lind What prom. To every custome.r , no wishes ot the pa'roDI of Ible ·ex. and Mr, Roy Bull. ot XeDI., 'peDt lied ao ba a lIevere oold ha l! be lin ~ .obauge SWiday wlab Mr. W , O. Warner and bnkao up, For that matter what the amount A. mllequerade B!\1\ a IlfO !en P4'r" family. reellnl, tIght ched or ftore 'hrollt wae given at Town Ball ODder ehe M,. 'Baryey Born," 'and family, take IL dose of Dr. Bell', Pine Tar. of his purchase. Come Qusploes of the K. or P'a ToeBday Kr. and Mre, Aaa Whlta~er anel . Bonpy Rnd preven. a wellrlng, haok. and talk over ' your plans ~ nlgbl, October :n. The oOlltumlll! Ions, Raymond aDd Ra'l pb athudeo Ing oonjrh dragging tbrongh tbe were unlqne 11111) muoh eDjo,ed by a Ball!)w , :en eo ~tal a' 'be bome of wln\er. A.e rour Vrngglst, \l60. with us. We can show' :""''--::1 ... 11 who had the pleaaoro In belnl 'W\lI Kereey In Orell:onla Friday • _ • present.: e~eDIIII' .. . you, how to save money , Be'f. Muwp.ll tilled tbe pulpit 'a t 'he A. M. .E, ohurob Sunday . buying all. kinds ofSunday belDg a model day ad van. HER SON SUBJECT TO CROUP building material. hge w ile tllken by auto owoers. "M, IOD Edw'l o la l1JbjIlO' '0 . oroop, II WritN lin. E. O. Irwin, New Ksullnc'oo, P.. "I 'Pll$ In .Mote In the bar.oyard ACLOGGED SYSTEM MUST BE CLEARED many Illeple.. hoorl . , Dllht be. Utzy, bUl qulok ; Buyers Get Quality Guarante.e dI()O' . Y III fl d D KI , .., fore I learal4 01 Obamb.rlat.rl lIoy with a plD on the end of a Itioll , ou" n r. DI I L,eW 0 h R ... l 'b ' b d Onepa op behind him qote' a. All Su'pplies Life pml • gen,le yet e1l'eo"va laK oua elDe.., Q • 011.' aD . I I 1t ' f nae it &11 dlrected U alway. I ••' a mODl_ r aU:ve for remov DIt mpll t fli rom my bo,. nlllf. I I 'Olttalluble .",_. Onpe OD the 400r of 'he 1I"le boy '8 lhe 'YI~m. Aoo1Jmulated wae'e 'h •• , hOlln poltOn. tbe bl004 ; 41umlH, bll1o~' w ,n. _. _ _ • . • _ ..._ - -nl!88 an4 pimply. m1Jd~y oomp\azt01l • -- . ' . Office Over the Postofflce are the 4lt\lelliDI Iflee.s. A dOH of Dr. KiD,'. New Llle Pil.. '0 DieM 'leA19A Ol~OJq ~o Il1ld U\I;' [3 For Preeervlng FI.h. will allIllre you a free. faU bow.l OffIce 61 A method tor freezioK flllh, pllteoted 8 11910 P1rl. JOlmp U Im.\\ 1191100:[ 'J\) R,.ldenCe 45-2 PHONES moyeDllnt ID 'he morDID" A' m Denmark by lmmen4Di them In a '!p-t 9!p OlUI \I9A~ qn.. PUll 'n ~~ oun y01U 160 col4 1Iq1l14, .. e1almed to praene .1I84.nq amn tI ppy 'SJilU"UI '(pama.l .:. tIIem fa more perfect c:ondltlon tlwl aauo lilA' .nod Plnbll u '~lfn GI ollq} alr fNaI!Jw. u the lt Dot clrte4 NOIII lIa:tJWP I18Dq8 1I£l).Iq Otl~


W 81JN E ' DA Y, . NO \ EiIllllW



====-==== - -- -






















.. ..- - -

---- - - --.--


-------.--- ..-------






- ...----




----- ..----









.. --



.- .


......... ........."""................" ............

W . .N., S·E.A RS. Auctioneer Real E$tate


- ---- ....


----- ..- ---










Draa,,'" .


Read theM;eml ~DOW.





...... UM00I8 010"


.........................; WARDEN COUNTY

Public Sale!

1 • · Th introduction ()f wlll:er . Ulmlv ============= · : and sewage ciisposnl sYl'tems, on thO

Of Irnmuned PolandHoO's Clllna ".


• : Monday Nov 13 i :

.' .






At t.I

: • :



B e giunin g at Free lunch,

12: :'0 sharp. free ('onvcyanee from Hlanche ·tcr and Fayettev ille. \Ve have for private sale Barred Rock C. ockerels.

ii ;••


· C•B•Geesner & SODS Blanchester, Ohio.

.......................... ~" ~"I'ip,



Blnnk ts & Comfor ts at· il y man's, :

j"I'idny will h(' 11 hi lt (lay ill \\ arrl'll Otlllty, a th .. H'JII ti. D. I~.'!\'; 1111 11 hI! here all that day . In l ilt' lift er· nou n a ll :3Uo'eicldi, IJr . h·_", l ill b' ~J' L. A. ZlInlllermllll was a.'. ' inein· ul Ilarvcysbur" ,11111 '11't>nk :,1 lh' n ).~i ,' isilllr Monus.v . . c i tizens IIf p l~t" At ;hl'I' lul:t; ht:! will be in WIlYIl '~d Ie IIlto! ~ pl'llk C. B. n utley w(lS U olumbu s in th e up n. Dr . I: ~ lIl'C Is n ill' busille ~~ vi itor 'ru '~uaY . t rotiuctll.ln. as he hn : pIlk 'n lI'r n lis Leufy Emloy is qui t ' 'ick,'

farm , togath r with rural communilV lift! problenJl' , are to he e11lpha~iz il at the I' llrlllCl'S' Jn $t it u te~ to he. h lei thi BO:!Qi!On in Warrell 'ou nty. Ac cording to art of11cial llnnOllllccmell L\ just i ' ued, in8tiLut~s will be held lit I Woyne~dll('. Ma: n, Ore)1onia alld a rlisl. ' I' he date., names of sp a k· \ er!l lind oflicers follow . Wayntlsvill - Dec .· 29·30 . 'l'WI1 · day peake r, C. F. Gjr pen. Plltaska l On e day sp ake rs, Mrs. Murtland Bedford , Wakeman, Dec . 29: Jas . A. par, cw .. ien n a . iJec :30 Prl'~' id nt, A. ' . Tom lins n . Waynesvill,, : s cr lary , Lee 1::. Larnhllrt, \V a) · nesv ill e, . Ma Jan ",·6 Two da y 'pea\{('I' C. 10' , Gr een, Pataskala . )ne·c.h,v spellkers , Ja~ A. Spellr . Ne w Vil'nn :i, h n . 5; Mrs , Mur tlan I Bed ford, Wakeman, J an , G. Pre idE-n t . L ,~. \ oorh is, Mason: secr etar y , Vi r l( iI nurts, Leba n on . . Morrow- J an. ·9. Two d,w speake r, Geo . S. Lent z, St. Clairs· ville. One day speakers, r.1r;<. Murt · land Bedford. Wa keman, Ja n . , : Paul Mc Ni sh, Burton. Jan 9 Prl:'~' iden t C. O. W orl~y, l\!orro..v; Rec re· tarv. J . Vlln Worl ey. Mo rrow. OregonIa-Jan . 8 9. Two ,uHY speaker. C. F. Gree n , Pataskala One·d ay speak e r, Paul McN is h, J an. S; Mrs, Murtland Bedford, Wa k man, Jan, 9. President. L , C W il· kerson, Oregonia: secretary. W. H. Kersey, Oregonia, Carl isle-Fe b. ]2 13 Two·d ay speaker, J , W. Necodemus, Van Wert. One-day speakers, M iss Pea rl Dorsey, Moundsville, West Virginia, Feb. 12; C. H, Swan, Apple Cre ek. Feb. 13. President, A. T Rettig. Carliele; secretary, Robert Mitchell. Carlisle,

, .


,' . j,

,, 11'1 ' III


to Fiction McCall's i. Supreme,"

writes a New York subscriber. McCALL'S helps ...--- - - - . , - , over 1.200 ,000 women dress in slyle at 1m all expense. A. recognIzed Fa. hi o·n Authority (or 45

y.ars, McCALL PAT· TERNS lead in style, fit, simpli city. economy and number sold. M.CALL·S-11-4 to 118 poe" m onthl)' -I. the P ••b ioD Ou ide and liou .. e.\(e-epin" H elDer of more women than .n y o th er ma.:u~lne in the world. AU lhe lat u t .t y le. evu y m o nt h : &1&0 dellabtful "ories; ¥Peda l d~pn rtmc n t. In coolclnl:. b o me dre u m aklna . fanc y w or k. and wI.)' a t o li"hlen Hous e wo r k nnd sa ve money. Price: : only Sc II. copy, 30c a yell' : SEIIO fouilloe F .... y.Work Book C£NTS IH wllb 39 Embroid..-y La_on. and

STAll" FOR 32'...10 M.CaU Pane... Book

=!:.c::li~~~~\! ~~f~·f':~;b~~~\"i:t;~t;!~~~~!~t .

AdJrt'" IXVI. N

THEIlcCALLCO.,21S W. 3TlbS... N.wY.rkCitJ,N. Y. • 01~S W.u(11:0




ehas. I3rol\'n, o f Co rwin, wns ill

Il11YlO ll


\Jus ine. s Frhlrly.


Come Out and Hear Him Speak •

Mrs . Susan Arnold spent a few \ - - , - - - - - - - -...- - - - - - - - - -- -- - - -- - -

SUNnAY U SG.HonL U E\'illl~ ~pent 8e \'~J!1I NEWS LETS I).:h " rola tive~ ( ~i ". 1

(\\I,......,~"", h.~ . '"'.'ilh n:lu t ivos in Day tun the pUtit \


~Ir>l dllYS

('yntllia I,,-t wel,l, wilh .

o Sentimell t. ·I' ... w pllttl ll ':; "'Plh ,'!'- .IYN1l11 "':'. ,\l lItI",·I \\ 111,' ,,'" . ,, " 1I1.IO "' illld , 11I 1I .. I'~ ·t ,' \'o\\',


.__ __


('; 111

\(" ~l1l nl' nwl'l inj.[ of Ihn ('o !l llly I OIl~"I' r~, SC(,~1111 1 ~at ll rd ay ill 0\','111'


;-\ 'IU·\,i',Ua .

f"'."" 11 -,-,.. .


CLUB.A.''Il•• ' WANTt



Brooklyn Oltlzen.


Iit tt~st C:1IIIl) oYtllCnt (If f·4lJllJlI·\.'~scd

olr Lo nlll n ufllclllrln).: )ll lInl" . In ,,1\" In· s tnucc n C llllf\) nli a fell lJlHtluffu: tUi.'l'\l"


makes use of cOlIIPrcs~('d III I' fol' ·on· 'l'wenti!!lh ' ull\iay after T rinity ""yIng dllllll' \\'flo l frulI! Ih.! ~cu urlllJ: I Novem ber 5 . Sunday School a t 9:30 plant sflll e~zers tn 1I1I",ltl'I' hl1 llll1l1;; a . m. Sermon an d Holy Commumon Ilcross t ill:' Slr<-l·t. ill ",hi d, lire lucnl<'d !at. l O:SO. Th e puhlic cordi a lly in · tlle slln .ex p ns~,1 dry lll~ 1'1I11111~. '1' 101' : vitod to lhese ~ervice!! . m ethod Is slllu l .. III, d"1I1I lind I'IIplll ,


- - - - ---

c' l : oI


Lewis VI. Livery

' "wel'lll fr om h e r o ut tlln t\"d th e ' t l\\1 fe~~1 vul \I t WillIlUl g [.)11 l" HI' 1 week . __ -.----------"-'~~ \Va;ter Mc Clure went t o Dayton MI'. Imll I\l rs , [J OrtICO C IIIII I' on I Monday afternoon to assist a Dayton und e rtaking fi rm at a c.I.ouble funeral. lw ve re t uro er! b OIl1 I\f er " ,\u llght. ' BIG, E 1\.8 ¥ -RIV[NG CAl? fn l vla i~ with rul~tl\' e5 in I... (a yo&to, l nd" ood n l ~o nt l udinolll)oh s . , Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hathaway, of M il'~ j; r l1nOI'8 WII~on j lj peDdln~ near enterville . ware ca lling on " w eek with r plond .. " t WI lollinglon. . CALL " Rev, Pulmer and family u nday af· M.r, Heur y Cr IV h 'III \)eon 111 01'. t erno on, tn-Ini ng 111 brotber 'rl.tom~" 'r w, nt ~ynn, 1011. Dr. and Mrs. Garner, and Mr . and Levi 8humb 8 11 ~ b !tnd ~ 1 8 t B r E~ lh o r l pl C 815 Wuyncs\'illc, Ohio . Mrs , DeLaney, and daughte'r, of 1011 •Lynchburg, Ohio, were the guesls of visited th eir ful uer O .iOl1f ::;blllll. bllllgh 8ond"y . _ _ _"!""~~~~!!!!!!~~~~~~ Ur. and J . T. Ellis 1'uesday. B o nbo n ,l Oll OR was 10 X Ollla 011 ~




J . O. artwrig ht ar ri ved h OI1lt! bn ~ lnB~s l:!n l,o r dny. Notice of Attachment Mrs, W, Ii; B l:l'''U hilS ro t nrn u<l from iJil lsboro, lnd" wh ere he has hOlUB fr om h e r fnth " c''i M r. W , l i~ been for the pas t ten days takin g "t BlOomville, Uhlo . trealment, and we are glad to say O'11f(!I~l1's . , rllll., I~. Juhlt •• l 'lnhl~ur } I:i ve rn I f rom 1I0re n ttennt'lll " . ' . .'.. .\"" "n~ that he is much impro v d. bJ lll u~ quOr l\(l ll ]J' ~ l' ty M OIhy ni~h { 1\\',111111' IIr Ura\Cr. li al r" . Veil • t' f 1 I F 1 11" ')Lutu of Villo \\' ~U'N U 'uUllloy , " ra ,,' UD u " hOlll ll 0 AI 0 pilu s ol.. nlt 'l'o Wn"to l~ : AII "clll1'OI1I Iouloru 8. II. J oly. J. Mrs: Morris Silver, Mrs, Frank ":lOa1' New Burlin g ton t;iil o~r \ urnu Tow n. to il'. \\' lIrrou L'utlllty, Fltrr, Misses Stella Daugherty, Ethel Hosie r attended the annual Can· 4 . -- -8n,~tJ:,~~(.!Ot~H~~r a~~ ~~~~n~~o:i t~~I~;O!l~tj~i "lie IiIHI\' O 11Ctlo U for th u s um o r ia . ~ o (lIulvention of the WI". M. S . of th e I Iu 'ti) I ~ llt l 'lI.:, L ~, Springfield district at l'illua, Thurs· 1 ,~I'IIl'lI,," \'lUo, Uh lo , Oc lo ~or 10, I UIO'0 15 day.


See Waterhouse for Auto Livery,

- -----+---

I '"


We will offer Itt pu blic s ll le nt our l lute re ·Icl ence 0 11


a new for a cigarette to o • It's nothing for n cigarette to just taste good-lots of clg~rette8 may ~o that. ~ut C.h~sterfields do more-they sat,sfy I Just like a thIck, JUICY steak satisfie s when you're hungry. . .

Yet, with all that, Chesterfields are MILD I c~garette

can give you this new enjoyment

(satlsfy, yet ""Id), for the good reason that no ciga r ette make~ c~n copy the Chesterfield ble"d- an en~jrely ,:ew combl.nat~on of tobacco~ and the most important de velop-

meIlt lU clge.rette blendIng in 20 years.

.. -----

DEATH M. L Parshall re ceived a postal card from Macomb, 111 thittl week announ cing the death ~f his aunt' Mrs. Mary Archer. aged 83 years'. Mrs. Archer hod been ill for the pa~t: year. She will be remembered by a host of old resid ents and Bhe hud many relatives in War~en County John Archll r. her husband still sur· vives her. although in feeble health . The Archers lived here mallY years ago before moving to Illinois. No funeral arrangem.,nts had been made at tho time of writing tho card.

----0_--_- --

Jfna1t.~e0t6~~ ar.

"Give me a package of those .cigarettes that SA TISF1""


communi l'.ation of Wavnes ville Lodge No. HJ3 F . & /\. M. , Tuesday evening, November 7 . Annual election and jl8ym ent of dues, All m embers art' earnestly req uested t o attend this m eeting. Comc, and be with us on . that evening . ~

'G AB-ETTE'S ' 20 ' .~ . 'forlO

of Attachm~nt

' ---

Mr N elli e Cci oper, who has had W. ch arg e of th e loclIl . t t! lephone ex · change for some time pa~t, but who was forced to give it up on account of he r health, will lea ve for Mason soon to m a ke that Iwr future home. Mr. and Mrs , Crawford of Masr n took charge o f 'lhe Way;,esvllie ex: chang'B Tuesday . .

- --


Thursday, Novcmber 16, J916 ' Onll.l)on C ln~ 0 1 o 'olook t he fo1 Juhll ~Il' o", 1>laiu~\lr } I,)wtog; <..'IHrlllgo, 8 u. ruo-!~. !lunso. \' ri , t.Lhchm n t. ~ hoW Ooods IiDtI <';0 ki n!; Uren Bi I~ Wlll,or or I1ro\'or Baird. llo lL, .' 'I'IW :\ \ 1Il00 01 OhiO W." .. \.J() Ullly, W ~Y lJ o Ilflll UlllllY thi ,tgs Ih llt h uvo oull r:-cto li 'ftH't' H~llh) : -\t.. llu.c,h rn uu " u ufort) :; , O. Ju y. J . ,,1.1 u I· un 01(1 IJ nllHlstlmrl. 1',. f)C W"yno. ·'·owu~h' p. Warrell • .0111)' lHIl II. m l t hO ' 'Vt h u"Y ur So,, ~o ll1 hur. A. 11 .; Aun:, !Iud (J,mo uh){ oll.y, 191 t,;, ii,l fJ J U (teo IIi... uod 0.11 ordur uC Illl.ach-

,I. L. Mtmdu uhull, A g t. lunll t 111 t ho I\."O\,U Gc.Llu ll Cor Lhu 8um o r $ :I,5 U Ut>l ltHcf nnd COSl8. .. WU YII"-,,vl ll u, Uhll), O.Lohor 10, 19 1G, •

Allot . O'NOIi Il, Clurk.

MiII ~ ,





Mr . and Mrs. I'. E . Sherwo od and family wenl to' Columbus Thursday to Rpend tht) week·e nd with r elatives,


Ice Retards Budd ing. Ice 16 ' mode use of In II Texu8 tbe otber dIlY." "Bu t I dIdn't know are getting a full sup ply of It mY!;l'lf until III ~I nl ghl," "011. sbe orchllrd to retnrd the IJuudlul: until 1 good Jerse,' Mi lk e\' I!ry mo rning and ,I 'sIr 'II. ' evening. White's ·to re. told you, too, dill s h ~ 1 "-f.. lr(',


111 11 1 ytU I

1., 1',.


He Found It Out. "Fnther knows you'ro goI ng' to mnrry sister. I heard him tIIll, lng- about It

Get the Miami Gazette Now

1111 1 Iii. > 1'114"(




1I 11,\' ld!l "

10""· .. ,, "" , ' 11 "",,1. "

Lytlill lI n lfi' ltl i!< ;<pend inj.[ h~1 III Lebun,lllI , al II Hrt l1."11 111111, HI _ _ _ _ _ ~ m ll nlhs with fri nd ~ nca r 2 : ,{~ I)· m. ,1',I'I'r y work ~ 1' IS W{!!c n I1W l.d ,a 1l 1l 11 . lI unty I', a ll y :'I l I. ,hanon 111 l h, ' ,,\'em Classl' fi\~d' I"irsl I'rcsbyleria n C" ur('h Ill'!' 12, at 2 : ~O p III I'rnm incnt ~ I r . and ~ , r5 . Pranl Z,,\1 SrJf'nt · s p<'l1kcrs WIll \l ld res~ t he I1l l'el ill j.[ . 011 t he sa l1l .. ti ft)' Ihl! B ny~ and ..,.....,.a .... _a a_ --~Illl"~ \' . with 1'l · l:t t il'c ~ in Y ~ lIow (~irl s 'nnp;ress will h,)l d a se~Riull ill :-;"r illi~ . FOIt ".\I. r. Leb"nolt . D m' t ftlr~(!llh e~ ' 1ll t?f' lil1 l!~ . mak e Mr~ . 1I !11c1l1h RUI'l1' tt, of Ho ut(' R, " I ('nt 1< 'voral day~ last woek with youI' plans to Iltlcllli. Al1l1 ll Ull C' t hem in YUill' ~r hools on,\ frUIIl t he D '"""IoI,, IlllllollU ,; \'1\., 11''1 'l1ro f ri.~ nLl ~ in iJaytoll. pul pit. IItt hl < "l1IlL'. 1. l h Don't fo rget to p rc~e nt th l' in· R llt. Ilaine!\, of Lebllnon . spe nt teresL., o f th e ~unday·School \ orl< ' r Sunday with hi s parents , 1\1r, \lnd at yo u r Towns hip Cllnv 'ntions. \ I A TE D Mrs, J ames H ai nes . Every school shou ld have tit le\l"t li ve COpiCil. · \ Ale x Boxwell, P res . Mr. F, I{ , Hender son and f am ily whll o /-llrl. f ht' U Ill".! Work . 10 nnd Mrs. J. H . Coleman we r e Day· n Rill Iii (1II Il II v . . A lldr,)~~ 1' . 0, ton visito rs 'ntu rtlay, B " x II. I, U " lU n , O :II'J III i



tfl ill ng up hOI· nny?" J;:ltt y-"n(,Cn li" e my finnce I , Inte r es t NI In II plont lit R,)me I"nd ond I wnnt to bo IIbl e to ~on"orse hlotelll · genU y with him nbont hl ~ bUSiness."... 111'1'

111: 111'II ·d

Itlan l, !'!,,; & Comforls IIt ll Yl1l nn' ~. 1


Al ke-"Why


nlll }" ""

It Must Be Sol FeminIsm, lik e SOCln UHlIl , Is dlmcult to conn,1O withIn lh' bOllLluurl es or n tOrIoulu . lIlr. W. L. Geoq;c, In "WO Ill ' Hcrric1( , Candidntc for U, S. SClna tor, W ho Ad dresscd tbe nn IIml Tomorrow," IlIls dUll\! ",bllt I s Hon. I\\yron T. Citizcns Here Tu esday. pos Iblc In thIs dlrecll,u.. 1· emlnlNlIl, be SIIYS, Is, IJroutl ly, Ih " f ll l'lherlng of tile luI 'r"sts of \\'UIII " " , phll o~" \lh lclllly The Republican Automobile Tour I 'aving hCI'e the pnrty went on to the l e\'cllng ot tho sexes, nnd s pcdflclIl· HI\rI'ey ' b~rg and the olher places Iy the socllli ond pol! u eul e lUllnclplI' of Warren County TuesdilY was a d e· cided 8lICcess. Th ere wo ro about schcduled . tlon ot WOUlIlll, Th r wa!' a line crowd at Waynes· 32 machines in the parade, and prominent Republicans tr om all over viII t hear these !Jolell RpcaltErs , the county were In the par ad tl . Han. and Harmon b liIl entertained the Myron T. Herrick and Hon, Wall e crowd befo r the spl!a keps arrived. No Subatltute H.ndy. ever al flllt o I l\ds from here went It.. New York physician s nya tlIat Ellis were tht! speakers on t his with the pa rty. what we need I s fewer drug storel<, occasion. and both of these ge ntle· Vote fo r H tlg'hes and Pr()~ pori ty·. Maybe-hu t wh ere would one buy men made good speeches , Afte toothhrll s ll es nUl l cigar Hes nml post· age s l nlll p~-lI nd w h.'r o woulll onc 1\\) to h ll \'(' 11 1001, fit III' city ull'l~ cto ry 1 New Use for Comp reesed A Ir, --Clevclulld 1' llIln Defil er. 1I1t)wlll g cotton fruUl 1)11 • I I ~ Plll' llIlI' llt to nnothl!r Ihrou )!h ~ultllhl' I u\J' Is I Devotion.

:0 ,I, !j,iI- "," lIlill:< 11111 1 I h, :" 1101 ·, 1.1' " . .1 I.. ~llIl" 11" ,1 1' III',· \ \11 11': " :'I1 • •tl l \' 1' "1 1,,\\' .\" ' 11 ! 'd li IIi.l 1 \\; :. l " 1111 r"I '~I\I'

"h.1 111'1 1.. 11.,


l'i llllati.

---_.- ...---


'v, ' rlll IIc" [I'inn<, and lh 'citiz n~ will Ih' 1;lild lo wp l!!",ml him hl'r .II-:atll I. " ev"I'I' v,'[,or in M".·HU nnd Va 'lit' I'''WII,hll> turn uul t,) h. 'ar II h.ll IlI' h' lll " II' ' lin ill tI I ll Ie \\ III' ill' . lit I'' rallk CV\!lIim:', flllll a IC rcat m allY fr ll ill h er' howe si~n i ied 1/1I' ir intentioll of ~()in g' ()vor lll '!! rc tI l h" l1l' hilll at IIllCht.


r ie~ Anili c Brown, (~f XCllia , sJ1ent I ' undoy wil h fri ends her c.


'ee Wat erhou se fvr Auto Li very. ,I


, 'lnt ~I'"


uesday .-------...

I i

' •

The farm we live on is for sale, Call on or a d dress Peter Seramur, Fayetteville. For sale catulogue address










- ...




SILVER OF 'QUALITY AND .BEAUTY Unquestioned durability and exquisite design ,-the ~ighest ideals in plated ware-are assured in spoons, fork s, and fancy serving pieces bearing the renowned trade mark:

1847 ROGERS BROS.~~P~E . There are various ma.k cs of silverplated tableware whic~ are claimed to be "just as .good," but, like all imitations, they lack the beauty and wearing quality . identified with the original and genuine "1841 ROGERS BROS, " ware p opularly known as "Silver 1'lal;H;at Wears. I I SOld by leading d ealers everywhere. Send for 'catalogue .. C-L" showing all designs.

MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., uNmN·;r~~!,o~~.~~~v .. co., Meriden, Conn.


- - -.. ......- - -

Origin of Co.l, The \'cry \l6 '[ul Ill'tlcle known IlS COlli Ie fundnlllentnlly vegetublL'-the prO ~lu ct of chCllllcll1 nnd oUler ' nctloll nl1QII th e bH l:!' .v g~tllIJI O gro wths of


the 'orIJonlftlrol1s Ilgc. 'J'lll! snme t hing Bllid of t he dllllllond, wblch 18 floUllng 1II0r'o thull chellllcnlly treated clll'ioon or vegetnbhl, Any hnlf dece.nt IJlluk \lU geology will tell you nil IIbout \" hn l COlI I la. II lilY he

.--- .

FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE LOT OF NEW DISHES ~) ur new "Gold Band" dishe a,re'l everything else hag gOllc up. just the thing to set your tao

ble off nicely; price is not ex · 't . o rb lent, consl'derlDg the way

The price while they last., Hall ,1 wc'en Noise Makers .• PUt11 )kirts for Hallowe'en I for, Hallowe'en •• le, Mask.,

JOe 05c 05e 05c

Knew About Aching,

"Dow mAny "Ono." l'l!{IlIcd reeolll'clion ot ached beealLM

rods mllke aD acrei" Tommy. with II lively the last time 'he had ot the ro4.



The Magazine IIan WayDelViUe. Ohio

t 1

'ixty-Eighth Y ar


iPE~iiNALMENTiir SPECIAL SCHOOL ~---.-~--~-~+ ,) L-: Jalliley waH a Fri ol "y .

1)1I)' ton




Whole Number 3395






AUGUSTINE's'---++--L~~~~J~~1 I

PHUR H lJ lJf1


vi. itor

~lr. :lnd MrH .J. H . Coleman \V er I'ntel' la ined sl Ihe home of Mr. and MrH. Fores t (;nl haln : o f th e Lytle ){t)aJ, SUll day.

A'I invitation was g ive n to lhe T he IIlissilln hdd al~ t. AUJ,!lls tine's Mr; and ~l rs K V . fhrn.hart 'enI' har! ; S t"n ~her ry was a Uuyt'on ' pu[, lic laHt wtlek tu visit the New Catho lic church in Wuynesville, Dc- I tt~ rta.lII('d ~~ II uche r party SalllrdllY vi ~ ilC' r' Sa : urilal' Schoul a nd see th e wllt'kin~ ~ uC that t"her :,0 1)- 3 1 wa~ I'ery wellllllE'nu,.d e Ill{. lh 'r we r e nll1o.> ta l~le~. in ~titu li o n . A ~ p eciu l illvitati on IVUS and muc h gaud re!ill lt"J therefrom. fll1d al a ~l'a~llIlable h01lr del!cH'lus also issued t o th e parents 10 cOllle IJn Dr I Jil l. ()~l""Jla!h 2 1 Broad ,the day mcnlioll l!d. Illadd ltiOI1 to Lhe The Mi s~i on \\'as giv en 10)' HI '"' ' I'l·fl' ·~ hlllellt H w.e r l! n 'et!' W.IY, 1."['UI,O I'. hio !u th llr lII\'it uliofl . (· Cassidy t ' .1'. of lhe Pnss ioll ' Corwin ThO\1lP~C\n, (1f Okl n , David i.l Father~ . as~ i s t",d by l{l·V. Wm . .1. . I . A llh e ope ning " f the n<:w bu,ild I,'. n. Sh .. r w,IoIi I visilt!cl I~i l lt Iii : ling I'. wa ~ :iUIH:estcd thallt be tor·on roy . th e pa~ to r. TlIl)ma~ . . Mr. lIntl MI'R Kenn et h ( ather l' ridll Y afterno ull . IlIlully d edicateLl, lJJtuf t cr debut e Oft Ma ~H WII!! culub rat ell 'nch m e,TII ' TllI)ll1a~ and frlllllly. Mr . and Mnl. th l! qu e"tion, it \\Ia ~ c\cl!i dco 10 leI. in~ wit h 11 short senllo n of instl'uc .1 'lhll Zell, Ilf Co rwin. Arlhur and tinll. Each evening th e l';>(er l'i Hl'H C Url! ThC1tna~ we re dinner gues ts of Mr IIrti Mrs. H/llln irl Ha wile I'i~ il!d : that m att er dr ~p. ad ill1 .:ccdta ted c l1 n ~b ted uf the r\lc it ~ti(on of t he Eo! 'l'homll!lan,1 flLrnily Sunday. Wi Lh n.'lul ivC's in Mu rrlJw S un rlay. Ian ellpenS(', accordi nl,!ly the directu rs and SUIJcrilltelld cllt sl r uck upun t hi s r o~ ar y Lv l he COilA'\' 'gali l"l, f I el'ial I('cturl:! by I"alhc r Cassidy allil I he Mr. !l lld 1\1r3. W . N. ear s and plan instl!ud. of the uLher, lind it s ue· Mr. Bm) 1rs. Th'(I' I Zimmerman \l'n('dic ti on of tlH' M US ll\l e~se J ~al" entertained at t1innl' r SUflllllY th T I ceed d admirably. t 'l . n tllli y were III aylo lt hurbc MY· A ll dav IOll g a Htl!ud y slreu lIl of rU IlICIlL. fol lowing : Mrs. L. A. Muvity, of ( 'lII Ji HIIHIt 111111111",\ till tile \\'''~tl'nJ I'nllil Ulldt'f ilt.'H'·,\ 111 1)'1 ' 11 1,,(; (11"(11'1":-'. Ti l" t ' qu l JlJ1H'l1l (lj" Ill t·)oi· HollHers Is t1..1.d visitors W('llt tu t h ~ sell uo l blliluill!, . Sunuay e\"c llin).! th e ~u hj cl'l WWI I ndi:lI1apoli~, Ind. Mr . J oh n I'arker 1'I1.r. u~d. MrR. G('~ rge Oszl f sbee, of and made a th orouL(h ~ tudy of con- 1'11 1 froln llllli In 1H1) (Ithl'r Wltl"~ In h t:-;lnry. Tile !'ohonJI I., qll i te Il ti tlll)lOrtollt Il I JUl't 'If tll"!r equlpululH us lhe i'I"" "I{ lij.(i ou8 lncliff 'rellc .. rind mll'h an' l da ughter. 1·;lizfl bc th. of Ea ton, }\l!I1IU. V I~ lt ed relati ves here 0 11 Sun ditionll th ere. Ar,d thllt th ey 11'01'11 'flu: ti'u'l i'" hun · li t lill SlIlIle rt'u i IHlIllllnl In1tur In tho d l g~lug: lIf trl'IH·lt c~ . strCHH WHf! Illid upon the fact " thaI Ohio . l\'1r. Hnt! Mril Er nt'st Itogors day . well plo.>ased was mliltif rs wd by th e HO f ~ w l)('ople tJf t h ia en li ~htencd nnd Mr. Bnd MrR . Chl\rl~s Zimmer dUe ntion paiJ to th e work they ~aw :I.r . Reetn to fc ,I any "bl iga tion maTI . t ow aruthe pr ofession MUIl Y religioll. Apron ~ of JI ll kin lls made by th p. exh ibited by the PUI il~. It was very -- Frien dg' Ind ustri a l Sucidy f or Fa le g ratifyillfl co th e facu llY tu have fO 'practically un ly one third o~ the POll ' M. and Mrs. I'orter Jat·kson, Mr . Ilt Hyman's. lIlany men vi~it th t: ~cho o l ~. ulflti on of. the Um te d S tale:; are an d Mrs . Patrick ~lli~. of Dayton , In the aft e rn oon at 1:30 o'clock affi lt f~ t ed with an y church and t he r e ~ li~~ tlene\'a McI{night a nel ChesLer ~re S!X hunllred abandoned . churches Wh ite . of Wilminglon. Mr. and Mrs . Mr. an d Mrs. M¥er HV lllan and Lht· bl'h ool children fc,rmell in line at II! thl8 state today. Appalhn " . fa('t~ ('arrington E Ellis nnd James Curtis duughte r, BI!rni ce , we re Xenia vis. IIIe-. olu buildlllg'.. a nd ma rched t o itor!l Suntl a). Maw s trt!e t to f yle r. t hen lu th e since we a ~e compelleci to admit thai and fami Iy wer e "u~sts at the home schoo l house . They we rt! preceded ~ur salvatIOn ought to b,; t hH llIosl of ( :. H. 1':lIi R and family Sund ay, Importantl.Ju;;iness of lhl ~ life IInrl .. . . . b I tit e Waynesville band und l he MI9H Elizabeth L ~ W 9. of G lnc lnna!:l . school wago ns Arrivinii at th e Mrs . Btnmor Baily entertained at h ll ~ been th e guei:l t oC Mr. und Mrs g ro unds l he pupils fo rlll ed in line, subject and Prt!sidcnt of the ' chool Iloard, J . B. Challman. WIIS " Sin. " Attention was cllll ed to a dinn~r last Wednesday . 'rhe fol the strange fact that peol,le hav e l o win~ Illlest!l \Vllre invitetl : MesJ . O. Cartwright. in one of his char· ilamell G. W . lIawke, L . A. Zimme rHobert Wallon, of Dayton , was a ucte ristic ~ peeches , turned the !chool I m res pect Civil law>!ment,," th an t hey the for " Command of m an. J . O . Cartwright. F:dith Harri s, d nore for • ~ues t at t he horn e of Mr . and Mrs . uve r to the pubhc. He WIIS r eMrs. J ohn Arche r of thi s city . (J ud imply becau so of the f ear of ra Mosher . Julia Donavan, J. B. sllondP.d 10, f or th e people, by Hev. J . L. Ilarlsl,ck Sunday. public censur e coup led wi th t he Llind Chapman. J . D. Marlat t. S . L . artJ . F. Cadwallader in a neat s peech. passed away last night at8:45 o' clock' l Francis M. Ham ilton Wins --supposition, that Cuu will not recoru wrigh t, Cy nLh ia Evan~ , H . r:. HathA picture was t aken uf th e scholars, aged S~ years. 11 months and 7 daY9. M r~ . [!lIIRC Vule . of Smilbfielt', aft er which the grade pupil s wi/re ~uneral services will be held to· for Appellate Jugde The citizens of Waynes ville and our every thought, word and a c t ion, away, ullli the 1\1 i9setl Elizabe th CA rOh io . ha~ re i urn"J to her home after conducted · through the bui ldillil by mo rrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at rollulI'\ Elizahe Lh Law~ , of Cincinnati . _ ___ Wilmington were ve ry much s ur- b ' t hey good or ev il. a brie f Vi lli t 'Nlth r elati ves here. prised to hear of the murriage of ., Pers .vere un to the end" on Tu es· the r esidence, Rev. G. W. Martin of :Supt. Spreigcl. Met.hodist church officiating. R . .llckel ,. 1' ted . I A ball flame was played by the the Inte rment in Oakwood cemetE'ry . e pubJacall \Vill s in M'ISS Ma b e I [J,Iadl ey an d 1\1 r N . . u~y eventng was pre;sen III asp .11 MI'. and Mr<l. Walt r Ken r ick en· Dr. J . 1'. Ellis lind daullhter, Mra reg ular tNun ol!Cliin&t an ex-pupil .1 d Ireland. Th e young couple w ere did manner and the cong reA:!'t!on t e rt llined Friday evening. in honor W. E, O'Neall t ook <Iinner with Dr_ t eam . The winners in this cont est an~ald,~ ~le~arB~~lfht~~s °to~~m:~ lhe County married in Kentucky fl hortly aft.e r wore r eminded that our .rellglon of th eir A'uest, Mis~ Glady!! Silveri!, Ensey' and falllily , uf Dayton. Sun· wer e 7 to 3. . Waynesville, Ohio, Novembe r ]6. oehool losed here last spring , May m\lst b~ an ~vclry. day 1 ra 'llce , not of El(ce l~i or S\lrinlls . Mo. , the folday. The parade was one of the mo~t lSS3. May 2. 1852 she was uni ted in 24th. MillS Hadley had b en t.each , to be IBid aside yo'ith om' good cloth !l lowing gUC.~tR: MiMes Re ba E arnIMpir ing tha t ever took place in marriage to J ohn Archer who surThe electl6n ·p assed off quietly, ing in the school here for five 'y ea r~. on Sunday evelllng. hart . E~ta anti Zelma Stacy , Bertha. H. A. Corn ell and J . B. I ence ~ayn esv ille As the different gra~e8 vivCll. In 1868 the family moved to although an unus';lal larg~ vote was She came back this fall. bu t her health At. the close of the s. ~mon Fat~er Beu lah and i1l1t h Coon. Mess rs. are in Dayton ·this week at'ending With ~helr blinller~ , and eac~ child this state and settled at Bu@hne ll cast. The daY 'belng BO bright, pre- fail ed and she handed in her r esig na- lI~~ld y confe rrel! th e II\~a l. blessl/lg (;Ienn J ohns, E:rnest Earnhart. u meeting of th e Scottish Rite Ma. carrYlll1l tilt' Amencan Hag. hied by whe rp they r esided until moving t~ dict~d a gl~rlouB Repu b lican victory . tion three weeks ago. o!, the congrega t lun. Thi S IS a b~au 8 ve r ett Clark. Ailen S mith. Jam es fon::! . hand clapping a ll along th e. li ne WIlS a farm in Macomb township where ' but It looks as though o ur own state Mrs . Ireland is the youngest uaugh- tl ful an d IInl' r es~lv~ ce re m Ony ' ,~Clven Hain eH, Mrs. Mary L . Silvo rs, Mrs . hearty and freq uent . The little ones they spent thirteen years. Fo r the wo uld go to the Democ~ats. Re- ter of Mr . and Mrs. Char;t:s Hadley , b,Y !lp('~~al pe rn.lIsslor.1 of lile H oly C. E. J ul,ns . Mrs . Holle Coon. Mr. kept step like \' etel'ona, and many of ~o . hiS m iSSiona ries ll nd ami Mrs. S. H . Haines and Master Mr . and Mrs C harlo.>~ Sherwood the g rades had ('haraclert ~ tlc me lh. past thirty fou r years they have lived t~rn8 are IIlowly comi ng III, and It o f Wilm ington, and is ve ry popular i'ather a nd grandchildren I\nd Mr. Frank ods. The class ' of '20 marCII!!. 1 be· In Macomb and have enjoyed a large will probably be another 24 hours sathhom e as wbelll ats in hWayne~dvitllhe . f?r med a fitting et:'d of the be~ t ml~ ' Robt. Haines . Mrs Archer was a de before the vote will all be in. he~,absacadPade l ealc cr. an e . \(,n ever held III St. Augustllle ll Sherwood went to Cincinnali Satur tween pl,le~ w hich were swathed in fd endshlp . ' Th t t' k t I ted IIC OUl oar an BC 1u a re we re sorry Chu rch, . voteo mem ber of the M. E. ch urch e coun y IC e WaB e ec to lose ht!r ' _ ..._ _ _ On Wed ne~day . October 2G , III dllY t o vi~it r elativ =s. the class colors . The Norm lll clas!! since childhuod and was a r egular thrl' ug hout, although some o.f the Mr a nd ' Mra Ireland ar c at the ' honor of her guest Mrs. A. C. White. m arched to form the letter N, and attendant at church until h er age candidates· we H re 8cratched consldera. t t Ime ' . d tng ' th' 0 ' Owe ns boro Ky ., Mrs . U '. M . il 'J I ' b pres\Jn spen ' elr h olley" Mr. and Mrs. Elills Og lesbee, Mrs , looked \'ery pretty. bl M would 110 longer permit. She r eo y. a rIon . am ton WI Win Y moon In Toronto Can wh e re !\'rs' White vory i)l ea~8ntly entertamed ThE' wh o le affair r e flects g reat Ric:hard Hrown and Mr and Mrs. mained staunch to her Master and a ~ood plurahty, T h" Ireland has a ma~rl ~d ~iBte r residi~ g: a hout:!fj old f ri end s and n8i~hbors . Fred Gons and litlle 80n wert! recent credit on th e t eache rs and the facul not abl e to at~end church. fhe ~ote of Wayne owns IP IS as The Ilroom is the ~en ior mem ber A. d eligh tful after noon was spent ty, and it was a d ay long to be reo g uest::! of Mrs. Mary Upp. worR~lpped at home. ~he bore her follow s . of the firm of Ireland & Tuck e r and With cr ochet and neeule work. A me mbor ed in Waynesville· Cor E W upon the ir r eturn t hey will t~ake d eliCious .lunch . wl\a served, the long Illness b ravely h~vm~ been con Mr ond Mrl!! Charl es Fisher and fined to he r bed f or SIX months pre· President th eir home in Wilmi ngto n. Find the valu o of n day In !lchoo!. hu~tess lJemg n:lSl~ted by Mrs. F. B. child ren, Elizabelh and Alfr t!d. of cedslhng-I herdt;a thd' b h h b d d Hu~hes , R .... .. ........ 1l4 126 92 - -- - - - - -Tbe a vcrlll<e eUlicated man earns lI enderson. M~s E V ' 1I?arnfhallrt~nd Cincinnati, \\Ne th e week·end guests e ~ sur\, lve y er us an an Wllllon, D .... .... . .. .... 95 144 6l! '1,000 a yea r. In ,10 years he wuu ld Miss ~a~tha () Neall . he ~ OWlllg four ~hlld r~ n . Th~y ~re: Mrs . Elma earn t40.000 . v-:ere tn~lteu : Me.~dam eB F..dlth Harof Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen. Hurrls, o f CollegQ Sprm~,. la; Fran.k Governor T heavcrage unedu cated man carns rlS ,~ . \' . Cadwallader . W. H. Allen, ~rcher. o f I ndl~9try; Wilham of thiS Willlis,: R ... .,..... ..... 121 140 15081 1 i450 a year, ami in 40 yea rs he wllul li LOU ise Woolley , J . H. Coleman, W. Mr. Corwin Thom pson, of Okla city and Mrs F.. llzabeth Pollock al so Cox, 0 ......... .. ...... ... 87 138 ar n fl 000 S. Graham , J . L. Hartsock , F . B. homa. has been vi siting with rela· of thi~ ('!ty . Oecea~d was t he last U. S, Sen6tor T he vaille of tho fi rst nUI"l'~ etlu- H cmlerslIn. M~ry Caskey. Annie tives h ere. Mr. Th ompson has beell of a family of fiveelu ldren .-Macomb c !l ti on then is th e.diffe rent.!) ht! tw ee n O'Nenll , E:va Mill er . Warren Barnett, in Oklahoma for thirty years. yet (111.) Daily Journal. Ht'rrick, R .. .. ... .. ... .. 117 133 101 $40.000 and $111 .000. or ~2~.OOO . The~ . V . Barnhar t , n. E H llth t1w~y, ll. Ohio is" Home , weet Home" to him. - - -... - • PomQrene, D ....... .. .. ~2 14Q 56 time requ ired t o !lecure un el lucation G.lirllss, R. A. Cross. Miranda (j rar~e. Congress i ~ l:!' yenrR o f ISO clay!! each. a tot a l Wrn. Phillips , Walter McCl ure, LIllThe "Friend E Class" of the Friends Me3sre . Frank Zell , George Ham - Sabbath School he ld thei r monthl y Fess. 1l .................. 122 142 102 Forty commun ities will h old one · of 2,1 60 d:ly~. 22.000 divided hy coin S i~es. Mr~. W. W: \{o~er~ . M,r s. ilton, Wm . Zell, George Zell. Frank meeting ilt th e hom e of Ma rtha and week extell sion sch ools in agricul. 2.100 g ives 10. I':ach day ill school I . L. C.rane,M I s.~e~ May WrI ~hl, E:mElbon, W. H. Allen, H. H. Wilker- William Lukens. The meeling was State Senator ture and home ec onomics till ring rhe then b wo rth a t l ea~ t S;1O. It ls a mf.l Helgh way, KI7.Z le Mer r itt, LilIa 80n, Thos Pierce and D. L Crane open'!d by a song . The minutes of Holden, D ......... . .. .. .. 9:1 139 58 coming se ason. The fil·~t scliuu! will r~sult wurth p()ndering.- Ex. Benham. Martha 0' Neall , Mary Cook went to Harveyaburg Friday afte r la~t meeting- were read and r oll beg in December 4, lhis ll~'aSLln c iuoes Repr esen ta t ive State noon to hear Hon . S. D. Fess. March 9. £ Wher eas: Ou r Heavenly Father, called. Th en we had another song. Clark , R ...... ...... ..... 123 136 195 Separate Ilec ti olls will ue held fo r All there \Vas n o business we pr o· in hi R infinite wisdom. ha~ seen fit to Wilson, D ............... iH 1:i3 ;)6 men and wom en. Ins tructio n in so il The Misses J opephine Andrews. ceeded with the pr ogram: Reading. re move fr om li S by death ,)\Ir loved fertility and soil c rops will be given Beulah Kindler, H~ s te r Canim' . Do r- Lida Kennedy; reuding. Geo rgia and worthy Sister Mary J. Gleaver , Clerk Hone , R ............. ..... 123 139 103 at all sessions for dairying , horti cul· othy Ge bauer, f{enrietta McKinsey. Whetsel; instrumental solo, Vesta therefore be it, 56 ture or animal husband ry . A specResolved, That we extend to t he Carroll , D ..... .......... 87 132 Marj orie T urn e r, and Mrs Howell Ellis; reading, Etta K e llne ~ Y i readI ialist will a lHo 1)l'ovitl e two hou l's' Pierce went to Day ton Saturday at ing, Murtha Luke ns; readin g , Ve ~la b er eaved fall iilies , our heartfe lt S heriff lnSlruction in ei ther ag ri cultural en· ter noon and saw lhe Mia mi-Dennison Sum ne r. Those who enjoyed the sy mpathy In this t heir hour of sorWaggo ner, R ....... .. . 124 139 102 gi neering or p oultry husbandry . evenin!: were: . Etta and Lida Ken· r ow and be reavemen t, a nd commend football game. . The eec ti on f or women wi ll be deJ ordan, D .. ........... .. 86 13l! 58 nedy. Georgia and Ml\ ry Whetsel. them to him who doe th a ll things \ voh·d to lectur es and d emo ns t raVesta El ,is and Veda Su mne r .. At a we ll, and who has promised never to Auditor Mr. E. E . Eoright eelebrated his late hour we adj ourned to meet at leave them nor forsak e them. tion s on various , phases of home' eeoMounts. R .. .... .... ... :. 119 135 104 nomics. 83 anniversary \\ ednesday and en· the h ome of Georgia Whetsal De· . Reso lved . That these resolutions Keever, D .. ....... ... ... !JO 135 53 Wilh the excep ti on of local expens· tertain f>d at lun c h ~fl n . J . W. Shert· cember 2. 1916, be placed u pon our minutes and b e es, th e cost of these schools is paid ze r., Adam Britille and H Slansell in inse rler! in the Miami 'Gazette and Commissioner s --- -honor of the event. Mr. Ellri ght is that a copy b e sent to the bereaved Co rwin, R .... ........... 118 142 108 from funds of th o.> OhIO State U ni'"ale and heartv. de., pite hiaadvanct·d famili es. Roge rs, R .... .. ......... 125 142 1O~ versity Coll ege of Ag r icultu re pro· \ Jennie Gordon age , and r:t'galed his g ueRts with his Mr. nnd MrR. T. Freedman ana Stokes, R.. ......... ...... 12:l 142 11 2 vided by t he Smith·Lever Act. Committee) Laura Ward - - -..... f~nd o~ Wltly tl!les and anecdoles .- Isoll • J oseph, Mr . Ilnd Mr~, George Gray. 0 ................. .. 93 136 51 (A 1) Van Doren l'ran kh" Ne ws. ~)'er. Mr. and M\'s. HosenthAl, of Tfeasurer --~ Sidney, Ohio, were guests of Mr . Sh erwood, R .... ....... 132 158 101 See Walerhouse for Auto Livery land Mrs . L. A. Zimmerman Sunday . 9'}. Sub8cri be forth e Miami Gazette Harkrader, D .... ..... 79 114 51

I ",'/II


1,\ ButoOhGioovDero,nuobrtful f

SCHOOL TEACHER YC6~t~~0~~a;n~~e~1~~~,ct~~~ MARRIED IN MAY







.. - ..


.. -----


A SALE OF SUITS For Women and Mi.s ses Choice . of

800 Fine Suits


$20. Suits now •• ' $15. 00 $25' " . . $18.75


You may choose fur trimmed ' suits or without fur-to be worn with separate fun,


Recorder Holbrook, R ............ . 1 . 7 Hutchinson, D ......... ! I Surveyor Miller. R .... ..... ........12 ~ Coddington, D ......... 8 ~ Prosecuter Stanley, R ........... . ... 120 Gay nor, D .. .............. 90 Coroner Dilatush, R .......... .... 11 6 Ellis, D ..... .............. 95 Probate Judge Brown, R.. :............. 1l6 Miller, D.......... -...... 87 Appellate Judge Hamilton, R............ 136



We want to close up a partnerlhip by January 1, 1917.


133 140

144 10:': 127


143 102 127 57 132 139


139 54




162 100

------....-- ------

ship House on Wednesday· morning, the before Thanilcaaivlllg at 9:30 We so11 cIt ~,our pat ron!'Ke,

- - -•• - ...- - -




100 511

$30 Suits now ~ ~ $22.50 THANKSGIVING MARKET... The Dorcas Society wi\ll hold a $40 " . " $30.00 ThanklKlvlnir mllrket at the Town.

All the wanted colors "re represented. The range of models .is very unuaual. Suit, with .~arcely a bit of trimming-their beautiful lines and fine fabrica give them dlatinctlon-others are quite dressy.


The " Jolly Spinsters " of Harvoys· burg. 0 ., gave a .Masquerade party at the Town Hall, Monday evening, Octo ber 30, 1916. The young peo· pie were not all owed t o enter the Hall without being mask~d and pre· sE nting their in vitat ions at the door. Games and music wer e t he enjoy· mentsof the evening. Ref reshments were servl'!d by the hostess con sist· ing of pie and cold tea. All depart· ed about 1 0' clock wish ing the" J olly Spinsters" would give another party in a 9hort time. Those 'who enjoyed the evening were: Missel!! Irene Unhlesby, Merle and Faye Ellis, Mary and Georgia Whetsel, E~ta and Lida Kenuedy, Elhe l and Alma Lamb , !-aura McKinse.y , Elsie Eurtel . J en· n ie Lawson, Hazel Moore, Emma, Lena and Veda EIIi~l Vesta E llis . Martita Lukens and veda Summer . Me881'8 Harold Gillam Howard McGuinn, Ralph Toll, Sidney Wat. kina, Charley Voters, Charley Rud~ duck, Alan Hart89Ck, Lee Talmage. Howard and Lawrence Surface, RussaISurf ace, GaU Gordon, William and Levi Lukens. CarUd.oore. Edwin Randall, Charlas Doster, Everett Shum,!ke~1 Lawrence · Hoqh and



All parties knowing ' themselves In debt to the firm of

w . .B~

Madden & CO~, Corwin, Ohio,

Please' call and settle not later than December 25, 1916. No ~ccount will be carried over into 191 7 except by parties giving bankable Dote. Note to bear interest a~ 6 per cent ... ...:, until· paid. " .


. .

SprbwIleid YiIlton Mo'nd.,. mOrJlQ UId WIN Bam Sherwood and John Spencer - I. ._


. . .- - - - -__- - - - - - - -. .

L '"' ",. . '' '" " " ' . . " ~~:, t~:ll\\(~n~:'~~ 1:'::d~,~';;~I\J\\I~' ,r!t


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v' ,.',

w(~ rt.' t o Hit, \\'Ih'Il ' th~' ,'uurt hutl hL'\' 1\ trlilll~r\~r l·' · fl rrtHH ul ll "h h·t)nlw~. IlL

111l\!1 11Il! Ill.'

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hlj( I H)fII'k~(1

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frtll l , · pnl~ ' H rl':l:'l sln),.{ sll("1(,


h er. T ho girl. "'"lklng .In 0 ro,'erl thnl tl r \V n "('11 ot tel .. lerues~ 0\' r th~ dcep Mnpllhln' of her ('yel", nnd the April duy. rlllllng Ollt I n 11 dr~1l111 or ulII (>th."~tlue blno ond 0 duzzllng glory

Hl'lurn lnl'; to UIC tnv!'l'Il. h e ~ nt n wlli1c- in




Il l l u k t3 ~;J .

"'011. PI ~o,,(" !'Ion't gfl on! 1 ~lllll l nove r mnrry. I do uol hrll cn' I 'I'll" ml'nut tor morrl,,!:(>. A,·cn·t sOllie gl r l~ b orn to be Snlllsll'rs?" ·' No. no I Not you I" "V<'9. I shall be nn old mol rl . Th er .. III no one In th e world Ulnt I shllll CI'er marry. I shall be happy wllh my. 1a' the r 1111 my Ute-nnd ha ve ouly good

David deToured Lydlll's ell l'Y goou· IIUII10r hUO lP'iI,. '11h tly tullted tOI' hours of the old scenea tlley both k oow 110 well :

"Old you !lver clhob Standard bIll, I,ydlu. 8ud go on tlll yo u !II)W S b c~ " 'ond for est' Oolng nroun d R ~hlll D l)(ld's burn, we u ~ed to call II." "Do you remember th e thre grea l onks by tlle roudsldo ? Father olld J mod. t o lJe there ' unl1 \\"lItcb tli el roV(' r R go by with th ei r tunny sh ee p lind the SI1l~ little lambs ." "Ay, l''I'e scen 'OlD corne In to mo rli t uy thOUS8n(lS. like. Or di d YOll ever s ee the Poplst B oleR. the cov e~ In tile red sood! ton c bonk s o r the L eoe '" "By the Castle road?" ~olnette, You Must Marry Me." "A.y, we boys UBed to pIny nt hunt· th e· ' uI,ttlln l~: om-tulr plnc es l o hid,· frlend_. f nll htul frl endl ." she ad ded In II w ill tier 8 0 low that It seemed a I n. lhe y were . "I a ·Mn yln g once to t b . H e lD : thought, not slleecb. "Your tnther Is young no lon ger. He mUllt wLeh you to lIIarrY-he w ill be "appler If y ou do. You IDust no t sncrlflce yourself to blm-It Ie unjutrt." . "\VbIle be 1I ves I sholl not 18II"e hlm; 80d oh, do not make 'we think thnt there w ill e ver come !( time ....hen • • •" "ForgIve me ; I am sorry. But can't you Dlarry nud .stlll be wIth him? Wouldn't h o rulh " r , "In a lIou7 Oh, Tolnette, It I coul d o nly t ell YUll wha t I teel l You m us t mn rry mo-I love ;pou 1101" "I enn never ma rry you." "'Vhy uot? Is It b eca uao you 10"e aom eorH'

else r'

Sbe W8 S si lent . "Is It 80meone In you r old home ? Bnrely not- you wou ld never have lett 'h lm to come here! Desl d es. y ou were too youog. Tell Ille-Is I t BU Y rona In Ooryl1on? Answer, To la~tt e I IK ItTolnette. Is It this n ewcomer . lhls fel· low Lnrrence?" Sbe 111d not nns wer. "Larrence or no one! 'W e ll. he's out ot my WRY. YOu 'll sec little of him oow-oh. I kno w. I' ve heard ot 3'OU both I He's happy en ougb elsowhe re." "Stop I D on·t speak of Mr. Lar-

·rencel" "You thlok I rloD't KOOw? I' \'c never met hiID. bu t ne w/! tr" " els tnr, I teU you I The rc's a pre tt y En g lish ,lfrl that he spcnds hI s tl lll ~ w ll h lIlowl" "111m not con ce n J(' tl 10 lIIr. Lur· renee'. actlouB." she nusw erod col d ly. "Belie ve me or not. us yo u ('\I " O"C. ~e whole "lIInge Imows I t. fl ul I !mew mor~yo u t hI nk ~' ou r I" 'ro lc Mr. LIIrreoce Is nn honcs t Alil c rl c'IIl n,)w ? Bah! Whut 18' b l\ whl,t I,; lie (1lI lng bere? Wbo k DOWH I1IlYI.hll1g IIh"ut

Lnffence ? I tull

Yll U.

hH 0 IIlI ('1'110'

mer's daughte r [I re tl vrett.\· 1,"11' I" "Doctor E ll Io tt ! Tnk" ('lin' IIr ~'ou r words! Y Oll llnre not s lnllde r I,yu ln!" "Oh. sh e's


hOIll'~ 1

eUllu l{h . 11ft doulot ; bo und t..o lJ Will' wlrh

;Englaud-nn d son n. Supro~e you ,were E~lIl1h: wo ul d n't you ,In w hnt 0U 17 could f or yu ur coulltry? T hpr o's our torts nod lhls t rontler l hot the EngUab w o u ld like to 110 " 0, relll ern-


"I will not IIstpu to Ulls!

You enn· m.nn W\Jllt you III'Il snylul(."

,. ~ - "It y ou ore a loynl Amerl cn.n you wt1l ll.leD."

"r wtIl IIeor n oU,lu g mor rrtlnt y ou .boot Lydh. nnd IIIr. Lorreuce. Ant! . DOW let me go. I s h OUld n ot hn l'e let 1)'00 18)'. wbnt- y ou bllve. F orgi ve mu-let oa Itoth forget It." Bb. turnod. o'~ay and Elliott bnateller! to r ep nlr -bis bn'ty speech. "f bne Mid oothlog ot l.blll to 8ny· ODe ud I lIuv.' oul)' told )'00. Toltlette. beil:aue I lovt' yoe SO. I don't wuot

l oClt ~tone 011 B rn mcole hilI. Mnl' Ill Y n o w, Dtl\·ld.

101l1!' mil e hetwNlD tln'hnm, b ennt It? lIC'r we coul d Boe llolme Pl cl'r epoLl t

It s ? eal

It s n Cor ydon nnd Not · • • • I rem ID · Colwl ck h o ll nnll from tile hill tha t

dllY. • • •" T h ey both fell 811('ut In th e April dUBk . th eir eyes eee ing In tancy tho old pln yg~ound 8 on tile 8unburnt turf of Hunger bll18 or In the Ilreeu grOl'Ofl of Clltton. Th e dusk deepened Into night nnd s tili Ihey ellt lost tn I1renms

,., I i\·




ntbtw .....


C I IU .

[t ie,", I

'l ' rId l


stealing a doz , aB e the clock goes off..-thq sati#y1

lW Th" :-\t rr

}'I !IO II

:-;UOI,it-UI(lB ur \Vl ! 11UI U

~lI it '"


r-: .

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...-l11l ' d ld / HI

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lo;ll z I b I II .': ItI m " " II [)II·" r c'., : Il r')f~ I Ilf1g I \!t. ,1t1l . lusn run l"'t1 ' ul1l t"luny nf }J ll rtJI ' Am o rlU" ',, ~ \\, 11111111' .Ii . .. '!II IIIMI' ~l t1uny: allI O UB~ ('lh.1UI(,H I ;p.[J,tt; au.


Zing-z-z-z-z-z-z! Seven thirty. Yaw-n-nl And as a fellow buries his head into t.he pillow for that Jast "40 .winks"-how .it does satisfy! Chesterfields d .i ust that thing for your smoking- they satisfyl But, they're MIW, t oo! Smokers are pleased with this new kincl 01 cigarett.e delight- Hsatis fy, " yet m ild! N.o other cigarette ever did or can ~ive them this. new enjoyment!· Beca~se no cigarette maker can copy the, Chesterfield blend! · Try Cheaterfields today 1

Prubate Curl Proceedlnl(8 111 r u tI.tllld of l!:dw!lnl B. H ud~~o[l tI. l'~ ~ou. .1 O. \;In t le ry ilvpo lut ed H'IJI,TRI8ul' IU.!,IHClool IVtllllt'u Freorh uU llule t o IIct. In r w lil I' Th IJlllo" Me 'roy. cloCt·" ,,,',I. Wlllllo t all ll iiteod to pro- ,



I of a Second FI g. I He Ca ugh t a Glimpse ure. I l 111101 , ,· \iI, ·01 01 11\\11 III \\'h II I 111·" "11 .... !' he 1\ \\'1I1t ()f S" """111 I " ,, "'~. ,\lt ll'"

I to

h hu J1 f:tlUU " Clf lll,' ullllll ls h 'd I

II h e

I'Bt,•. ' t H f't ' l u e nl"m n . )\ • APl'lI l'u tlllll III ~t !tIe t.:i r a tl! tll::!1l11tlsod ""lItU) U ," ree rd .

It Z1H'fI shll\\"t ·" tht'tllU: h



T il,· "CI " !" I<,, '"

I ' ll • •

P !l\' I(1 \\Jl~ 111 11" \ ' I 1" ,, 1 Jtwu 1·1·lIl1z['cl. II ... \: ""'1' ,II·UI\·" )'. . . . ';IC'I'I. . . .

'W UN . Wllrrn ,


c.tllLc 0

l "('\J tl~ e!l f l'



lL. J111' V1U .




J!;~t!ll(l of F UNlI j' Ilillu tH. f PllllllpR, " e ' u tu r " '1" '11 Ill' IIwflkf'. \\ ilh, '"1 rlll ,lllt.: II I. tl ctlllbed. In" Ilcoo un 0 ex c I llcllil. h I., I', II'H ',",):il l II,,' 111111'11'" .. "r fil~t.I . . " I I V( II"I'S' hilI .h'1I1 " '1'111 ', I Ii . 1'111, I hl'''"1: 11 In re Will of A U ~ U8tQ 8 E . Mu • I h Is 'IrI'III11M. All th ' II ~III 1':111 (lIo1C',\ I Co r d, utlC 3~~eu. \ VIIl fil ed fur pro- I . t rolU thu mOIIl. /I "It ll' ',Ir""" Ih l'tl lIlZh ! bate. t lr,' IIldln l~lJt't1 N'l C Ili gh II bil l',. 1 1111. hi re e~tll te of JtlCOU Borner, de. I 'l'h,' "nl ' II~ tfill I II lit hi" l"iI·. Il l) cUIl"ed. lI' r d H. B n aplloiJ( ~oCl cuul,! heu r thl'lIl IIIOrl! 1I1 ,:llIly 1"11'. IIltUltJ&rllt o r . 1l111l1 $r,O O, A llPTI\UI9lB " Mun e~' ? Why. I 1\'11 you, 11111 11, U. ~I . tJlgl(i nB. Jilin" . ~'ol1eu Il n Cl J. t1l11rl"s blll' I'I! I ~ of It ",,,Itlllg III ~1:l1 - \IV . ~ llAwh'll n , . d Ull." 'l'hu vol ~o WII S IIU1'OII1IO I. u 1[1 re estILle of PlI ll llna BIltt er. guttuI1l1 hllr~llD ess (·h ..dl (>c! "'ltll IIU \vor th, d·e cellsed . Ol'd r to,ken t~ eIT. ,d 10 n \\'hl ~Jl er ; SUIt! 'lIlnt's It ro~o oompoun d notoR. 0. Ibll ug h lis o\\'lIer cuultl \l'lth (11111da r ry D . III IIY. udm\ol Rt r lltor Cul ly constr ulll 1I1111 ~1'1f 10 CItUl l lIlI. d e bO nld non wlLIl wilt nom' x e o 01 "llll l'r~ ls of It . I '~II ~·ou. 1 1 IIJ)~ o· eBI.ll te ot \V,'tll,,1Il Ei. WIt,U," " . d e. gO'>l1 dullnrs IIk~ r\llllzc In th' 1III1Ion cea~ed va Alicn A rtbur et!ll. (J r uor vIII II j!'eM." tEl lun to 8011 r e lll oshto . "U ul do you thI nk h Is wllh u s?" Estate of Samuel 6 . Stnrr, do. D II"ld coul!l ~Cllrc[)ly rt.'Jlrl'~l< tl Rlllrt oe~liIed . 0:!~ 1 lJilllIl,,(\. at ~II o second I'olee. . hi TO e~tllttl of Eluily ' tedtloUl , de1 be fi rst s llCallcl' ",rllllt l'll '0111 ·tnp- · d EJ ::; 'uni h n apPolUted · T .... Moot upen.i .... Turki.h Tobacco. tuo us ly, "~n ll with b ll,"" un ~' I S ~~~n~n is t. rtuor.' B o ud $1 '00 . that II rOW arc conla ined in th. famou. b end? You re ns StJl'C of 11111' Oll lO ll I:l "VI Ch •• larfield Blend: - XANTHI for ill aro of m e." I u re Will or JIICOi) all r y . no er fraara ncI; SMYRNA for ill aweetne.. ; The I'o lc e thnt IIn~"",r cl "'os Oil/) ·lI eooa80d. W l l\ l\dulitlcd t.o pro bl\ te , CAV ALLA for itl aroma. SAMSOUN for ih fichne ... of henrty trl cndll nl'~~ . 1t1 1'0 eAtato of G a rga (Juro lV. 11 11. "Th er e. lh ,'''. t ''' \lt:l l ll Glrtl" no of- cf:1t\t!e{1 ( I rtler /,l ' dont ed W lllio m L. tense. B UI you 'lI :lcllllit illal I W:l ~ d u otUon ing. 'Idlulnl~ tr"tor. t o sell B nt over t o tr l't1l \\'Ith YUII And S II l.lrOpo r ty III. prtvlItn tI'Ilo. onl ~·. And now )'011 \t1"If/U$e h. 11111'1\' )j;~t'llle o f JII11I DnviH, LI {'~n8td . 0 1 th l>l lunn. 1'011 Ill Il Ht nrlllill. ClI\I' fl t !Ioco uut, o t II IJj I Ul~tr l1tur fil"J '" t ol u Glny. thllt 11 11'rl"~ n 1111 "c dlllnto bj",tlllll of \;In~.tll vu P Ul'PO, do Ir o wO ll ld p reter n YllnlIC' 10 '"I I::li lt- elill!:! d. 8111 bIll h lucl. NOW LOOKOUT Uayt o o, Rnd Lo reno Wln tl (l r, I lI Mh cUluol lssIOn." )j;Btllte 01 .J hn F . ll r llh\lUl, rle o f LPbanon. n v. Georgo Phl lliJl~. 1 W hen n oold bangs on 1\8 of to o Thp DlO D nddrcfts('tl 11 Gh't y 8WCll'~ OtUUlsd. FJuul t\c coun t (lieu. ~ I"emy JOOkSOll, t rll okDl on of W llr. Irrlt nb ly. bllll peD8. o r wben y o u b~\' e lmrd ly _ "'~l1I erl cnn? n e hu l u·t 110 D1or o .Il:- tu te CI~ A . \ . 1)111. OeOeal! 3{1. g otte D ov e r one oo ld b ofure y o u con, r e n Uouuty, and Mn y (J rl s w'Jlcll uf Amerlclln than I be. You prollll~o F in 'il " eQu UIH uppr u \'od Il.od coo. lract IInother, lookont for you uro n eBr L e v c l Rov U . I:i F'J~tl\r . I-u netal hIm II nI ce b erlll with the kl ll"'~ COlli' flrm e d I Robert 8 . Van Cll ln P . p· ller Ulokel' lillu le t o o:m tn ot S'lme vory aerlo ns mls~l lo tl ud prlitcc tl o n lind h u'll l uliU I!} tllto of L o wis. ·. ll'Onij,d e0 3A, e d . dlsOIlSB . '1'hlll Buccesslon of colds li n d My rtle 'l Ilao ' nPI I, both of Way nesv il e It." F i ul\l f1oconnt of O)(ooulor " Pllroved weak ou s ttl s ys teiu lIud lower 8 the Fmn k lln . J~ov. V nn W ioklu o .






au. ,

~hesterfle d glGAB.STTE S

20 for tOe



"Anti If h e r c fu .('s?·'

li nd ol.rulirm od .

"No OIl O'S t he \\'''~cr. I'll Cllt h i i hron t CIISY (,l\(l Il I: II ." DUI' ld th o ug ht Ill e h u s llY 1:1 1:;:11' II I I I '1 il \""'1111 WI r 1 neC011lpil n PI I 10 \l'o r s ho ve grnccd 'Oln ll. "Well, w c' ll I1I C t h llll tnnlght. 11", n. W hcr o do " ou SIIY II ·s t.n 11" f'I\II1II?" " '1'0 '11 III•'et lit t h ,'. C'lr"I' ttl• 1)11' 1',1\" ~ n cr 01 Oak Illu e nllt! · W:llnlllI ~I'nvl Bu tt's smIthy. lJ e s lli iS III 111111 (.111 wh'\I he p h!lls~s." " W .'II m eet Ih ,.(' lit ml d n lg h l?" . "T ll cr{'ub outFl. Gi l',. nil' lill ie I I . I:ll SOllie o· tlli s JhflJ(l ~. We dllll ' l gIl good wille " " CI'Y ti ll Y III I he \l'1I (h'I" "-'s,"

~fhoOI~r!:~~~r~~~:d e~:~~h~o~~~~~n::.;

80ng In the tree8 ove rhe nl1 ; nnd o t IUlt Cra n mor enme h orne. s lumb ltnf,( uucertnlnly ftl ong tbe Illne tbn t loll

E ~tnl"

vitali 'y @o t h nt

'Cl f

J I,hu


. LII ro o'll t O' IIf l!:mlly 1> ~ I Mdolll, cl ece .. Hotl. A I" nlJruirio'rll (J,II' I M. Br OW Il (j. F. Br o wtJ 11011 0. '. 1:1iL(",iutl. E~tn te IJf b~ rn.1I11H nl'l d ~l'I, u c.










!Ire m u oh m o re

~held on

E. MoKlnne.1'

Oon&lntMd GIl PI'P

wh er e,

oJn 0


'1 8~

B 1;;

McCLURE Director. Ohio

rni lr O!l lll'r

- ~I'l' UI!:H -

ox ~cutllr

Flu til u 0" 1111' of ad tolnl s. kato \' tJlatl T ile V Illa ge o f Lel..,ollD V!I Nall cy Gl oH ' er t al. COUlpe o ·.. l lon fo r InDc'l · i§;·I,OUIJ Elltllt of Ell" M n nm~ n , deoeDs. ed. FII1,lI " C(1 unl; filed, np pro ved u n d '011 (irulctl. Es t~ltl of I;lrnc l:f ollt, In sl1oo e. n n,,1 fl ooo nnt of ~n!t rulu n fli ed , t\Jl pr oven "till e o orIrlll ll d . 1~~.t.u tfJ of Atllll' uW H.crm ou r , de. oens ed. F liHlI tl cuu u n t Illtlu, a ll pr ove! \ 011(1 ollntiruwd . -rr;,. tllt of O we n (;t . ::; ovi ll fl, m inor, The Speolal Agent. his Im pllc t ns hc rlll'n l'd tire "Mlh' l': It mnll1ncoo uut IIf g llllttlhu fi led, IIp(Jolonel P osey r emaIn ed Indellnltcly w us rnllm~r 11 1 1ll ~clr. 11'11\:" 1'111;; 1)11 the provell tlntl o()u til'ru e d . In Loul slntll1. ulld Dnvld was still In wily t o h is In n. F:~tlltO of Mary A . Soo vill e. dechnrge of til e a h p. Lut o the n ext ott· "Why. Il's n""ill l " Ilc I'xrlllilllNI ce " "erl'. ~'l nl\l tlCO,l Dn t filed . Ill'. er noo n h e closed nod bolt ed the smoll wllh hlu ff fr lClJcllln cRs. "lI uw lire YOII. 11 d emporIum 1I0d sturt ed do,,'1l t be street II youn g IIIn lll" 11 ' c rus hl!t! Dfll'lrI's ('ol rl p r ove, l auu Or)! TIn e. t owllrd tb t! ttll·tirn f or nu "urly s lipper. j]ogl' rs Itl II nrll:hty "rll~ ll . " My [,uY." As 'b e pu~so cl lIlus logly Ol" tlg beoenth h e went 011 5tlll'lllly. " I' I'(! seen 1I',l h· the new·gr een elms (I n ri nenre d tbe lug In UIIR tnwlI nil doy 10liF bill. wn.s nltnlltl r.o . 'J no 1l' (J I\ ~ 1I Wllll:n" r cOllrth ouSl·. th e w ords h e hnd over· drltn l(oo 1111 It " ' cJods lIl II. I dOli'\. t h ink rose tln t! stole on u (}l~ole~s fee t aroun d It "ard t he nigh t be fore fl'om the lips th ey'r e (o il, yoU tllll Il'pcn ll . 011. I th e conl c'r of tl lO .·lIl'nt sh op nnd fel t of (Jronmer's comrl1de en IDe shllrply stick to old Jul1ll W 'sley. I'est his his wn y n long {ts \\'11 11. No wlnLlow. ba ck. "l'h e co urlllO use to- hou eRt soul I 1'111 II J\INitodlst. I nlll ; '.rhen cOlli e the It Jl cl" l'lul n ' steps of S.tll! morrow ulght. . . ' ." eveu In 8 IfIwn \\'11""e t he r e's 1l0lle t il nooth er " 'ho sou ght thu door of tbo 'fh e f oed nlltl on of th e little court· pren~. I' m h IJl·I·.I' lng . bnck to my r cndezvous. stll lllltllllil nl ollg UIO lin. hl' lI se p lucked DII \'l rI 8S wIth an out. dnughter, un tl UI'II \\'0' 11 hUI'e flllUII.v even 11 nggl II g. s t l'O tched hll nd. 10 n mom ent he found prllyers togerlle~. Wo n't YOII join u,.1" DII\'lrI Mnk to his kllet's. Dnd nR b o \U ' oJlBl t h efor e It. Throullh tA~ half· Elo · bcnmeu o n David w I t h the ex· did so hIs fiU).:I"·8 t!lH:ountc\'o,1 Jl n 0llen. pressIon of ClIIC reo II:; to Bu lTer t ltu Iu · IlIg In Lh e hOllHO wu ll. lti\" 1 willi Ule qulal tlon. !l ut Dav id stllred ot hll1l /lugging. 'BelldJllg lo\\'o r. he Pl!cred In. III sllcnce w ltb II s t rnngo 1001< nut! A nolsOIoe odor IIs"uul ted h Is n ostrI lS. the r. nlJrll ptly turned U"'IIY. W Hllt II. Tb& op eo ln/; " "OS scarcely ' two f ce t Tolls H'ow Vinal Made Her Strong tOol \J e hud beeh to trllRt t h eRe Crlla - squlIIr e ; ev lden npm·t ure Ulroug lJ m ors for n m oment I H 1I11;.:ht 111m· whleb th e bill ks nll t h mptlet! tho In I,,'r ~ight~·.""r()nll yenr Mrs • •101m seU- Lydltl. f or lI ught he I'ell ll y hlle \\,. dut:. ' w'Lte r frofU his ·fo r ge. Bu t cou. W icK"rshutn, l1 f HII H8,·lh ille, P u .• ""Y. : . was Inuoc clll of he r fll lIillr's 10tJ'lg ul!s. querlJlg hl8 r llpug,JIlD r e . he lilY fi llt "I ill a rllll ·down, {c" ble condition • • • ' . • • • h Ilnrl hlill lost flush. A. neighbor aske,l nnd. w rl ggl~d hi s 8 "u ld 6l'S In. A IIII' to tr r ViDOI, lln.1 after taking two On thc comer of the Inn~8 clllled :','oodeu. . bllckot, full ()f \,'oler, I:Itoot! 1,"lt h.", ';I~' streng.t il r~turucd; 1 am Ollk and Wnlnut th a bln cksmlth S\lOp before tho oplI tllhg. 011 r ho InSldo ; thl~ gai ning in fi esh: i t hll . lroilt .up my of fAro !'1 Dutt. n low lJ urrn ek of lQg.!!, he pus he d nul le8~ly IIway ftnt! l,clIlt h ou d I 11m le"litl g fin r for .. I\howerl no gl~lIll1 (If lI ~h t frOID Ule In. peel'~ la' ju~t HI:! the' nttentlon of \\,0I\1, n of my /10 I g .. ~ llround. U1~ t erlQr b.e. cJulILce PllJIIIeroby.. -DII'- ..tho..~.o-withln.-l\:Jl!l. crllWn-to_ th e 1\0 BUcct'ealul l vlll, bidden In (hl' dll.rk pn_geWllY at comer 4l the d oor. Mrs. Wick('r s ho m '. CIUI\I' wa. be- the rear of th ll IIlIlIthy, warted Imp.. _ ...l:here. we re toUT meD now Within il Ctlnta illM Iho w ry elementa l tlentl)'. A ell ont figure plUllled hlm, the lIbop, one nnsoon by the other 1I,...dl'li to build b~r u)!. . anaee1q, .erv.tcbcd thr1ce with tbe

Dlllat 0& • lmUe

1' 0 0

Bmwll . ~ r. , d e- ' liAble t u contraot ohronlo ollt"rrh . of Leblln on, ~ nd lr eu o Co lllllK, 0 1 pne nmooill o r consumpti on . (Jure Morrow, R o v. W. 1:1 . T ilf o r d. cea"",I . FlUlII ,' LO rl Ullt I.If your oo lll wll11 e y o n oau . C hulIl II p pruv lIlI "Ud (1" nfinuu ll. . I II J S 11 Id CommiSSioners' Proceedings I ~~to. t ll 0 1 • CCt·" • /100 00 e • berltlin 's C Otll( h R om e dy ba8 n g reu t r tlputl1 t lon. It. la ' r elied Ul hlll b y deoaD setl. FlUlIl ncco nut, flied. MIllm l V.llI ey !:I osp! !./l I. oure nf E 11I1I! of Ii) .II : Mnp le , decea sed t houliKnd s of peop le aud Dever tliK. "lJPoints ~ h em . Try It. It o nl y i nuates tr o lll oo u nty $1i 14 . f.; L. M. FloHl n cc ull n~ fli od, ·,pp roved Ilnd 008t8 II {(o u r ter . Obtllinllbl a every. Pr i nce 00., ~UJl lllie8 t u r I!urv yor'K ouo fi rill cl

trom the tnvern. DUI'l d. lllw lng b I dd e ll L y (I I n 11 rr I e ll d Iy gO(l~ night. 0 I luoa. t I U' \ UCuA rU Ii It n 1.1 u ld" II ru ns t en d y pn r~ n t . St ,.,n. ll l Ilg lI Q": Jli n"t III. lllOC to I1lr .. C" c n t u co lll •a\oo III the dnr k n e~s. hs Ctlu ghl II " lllIlli5C of R s(,co nd tlb'ure-n mllll from \l'h olll Crlllllll er wns jus t partlng. "It yo u·r,· sober· e ooull:h." the s econd mil o wn.~ SlIl·l ug. " wl" iI tun 'e Ilo olh or talk 1n Anf! til e Irnckwlloll<II IUII <:hu c ll h'c l tb e n ew courthouse tomorro w nigh I. o gll in wh('('zlly. - - " ([Invld di d oo t culch th e cnlJ1 c OIll'ld h ('lIrt! thp fllillt .h"filfl of till' thnt t ollllw ed J "will b e 0 0 h on d lh eu." Drllish 1I ~"nl's st ep s liS thl' twu 1II11\'{>(1 Puu;l ed . DU l'ld Btroil ed s lowly buck 0\\'0.". T Ill' !« ','ontl mlln III11S1 Ite IllIrc~ t o the. tun·rn . where he stm lod ge d. f Ollt. ho l!Inllgh l. Til, II ('IIIfIl! t h, ' ju,,· Th ere ~I' n s so mething IIbout thi s ilion n lJcll lt le ' 01111<1 ocn,,· c lnslll).! 01"",·" "n~ (rllnm~r th nt WIl S not on t he surf nce. \ h e wo s n lon e. II,' rnsl' 111101 IlIt"t " II('t1 eometblnll he did not understand. or th" ""~h t hc Irro wln!; ,1.... 1(l1i'~~ III,,· It Ilke. t nu crllcJ ghoR\. li e 1I11t! HHII . '"' lf llwr --r end ezvoull w llh trnlto rs tu It "CI I th il t I nlg bt. • CHAPTELR IV. WIUl n g runt n pOI'tl,\' pn ~"·r·h." Cclt

ToJanney, Druwst, Wa)'DesvlleJ


UI1 "'\\1 r I"l thf'l l rh .


.!'.--~----,----,---'c.....-ltlHntI1~d-b)'-ftlptllMtl'lt8~t.-i'H.m:::~-r-l Crun JI. 811<o~n~\,i:t<in"'n~i~"-,,,. a': c ..,. no thlDg lUO~ about . . . time II show )'OU I am rlaht. .,. .... Dot amcr7 with 111" 1'o1Ilett.,


( '( 1111 )l '~ II \.

h ... ·fill, I" tt p t.~

fil\l CV"'l\U": tit tht! C'ronmcl"r", Unfit,!" Ill s fril' 1I11ll11{'''H t he /:Irl glu"'l!cJ Inlll u rc,sy rcll\('II I'nllll on of t he uudlldous.


It ,.'"t V t "

E III. lhpih 1\ UIlt1II1IlH V!'o1~. (~ I "dl lll t't III L" ,, "'"1 "f 11I f , .t p .1 1111 111"

• •

ly SYl11llu t h c tlc Ly,\ln o f their tlr 'l m ecting. It was sweet to b enr th~ hrond I'o", ' ls or Jl\otlln ghullI,hlre o n her IIpi< nnd t o hl' lIr 1111' 1\lII II CS of rllflC(,~ thllt tru c k 1\ pIIng (II 1I({'lIIory t hllt DfI"lrt th""~111 \\","11 1 ,"'\,'·r ~tl r II gllln. T ul nclte. rlln olnl!( (lV(' r t o see I .ydlu ftn rh e '\' l"'ninJ: uftt~ I' Ellt U'8 cnll 1111 h c r~"l f. found hl," lind I,yrll n t l1 (1 I'(· nl,)np In whllt 11:\,.· .·1I1rll 11 1110 t IIUlrllllt,·;j C'onverRIIl1on. uclalOwlcdsc, l hi " I 'r~ '~ III'~ wit h th ... ~o,) l esl lit IIOWB 111)(1 10" IIII'd on ~xcusp to wlthLlm", lmmedlntr·ly. 'he took pIII II S 10 n\'ol l1 II ny repetitio n or lh· n('ounler ; uua .). 1'11111 . wlt.h the tI Id clt'll r. ",liS al Iu'war d ly self·snll~llud OE II hen tho t Il!Id driven nnother b en frOID !.blJ bn r n-

t hll

.J l l\-

th e siJn~l l c tl'IIlt.·tiies wcr'l po lsuos t hut .~

al it IUJlI /. II~

S1n r ... Vi I tl-:\t+ ~l " H' r n r h t :trll l ~ ~!I\' (IIIIII'''J :!"

shuu hl l'IICun,pu"s O·BIIUllOU·... deulh. - I

tll, l rll'r.


· lttl .. G II~ ' hl hi 1 1"1\~f t lt~ ( Il l"

" ~ ('I fllr \\nt~l" II ' \\"1'I" to l tlH~ PH


1I h,,(\ b"pn r ll:ht In on{> respt"'\' Dfl\'ld h llrl "p~nt rnor t h un one ploll s,


~1 11 , r,w It .!l" .. ~"I" I 'J V.\ 'I'll<' P "tJl' lt,~ 1'~It.:('ll \' ('l1l.l'H fl\'. U nit·,


"Tolnetto, ybu must mo r ry me I" - "Wllot I" She h eor \! now. .Bul Rhe could n ot b lIev w hllt s he hilt! hCllrd. "You do n ot ku ow wh nt Yl'U ur e sny. Ing." s he Illu gh ed. But he pa id no III'cd t o he r. "Tol. nette. tbere Is no one III I hl! wOI'I d, there wlll never b e IInyoue--"






t' .", ,"

hi s roum III Illtllltiy . ~1Il' r h 't t 1'1'gUIl "I,) HUlly !O pOII lI,1

,lrl1gs with



lilt' VIl't urV'l tl h lihl l'. l 'lI " ('to :--;'lI HII~ SU Il . JI:ll i~ I I " ~ " ';0 r !;\' W .dk l' Ilud t\. Tng t It~o ' IrJ l! " 11"" ~ (I \lr t, HI '· J> v lll t"' tl H- I)" lull1ft l , ~ . 'tllil ' lllt-!-.;h .lI. " rf It t l' ,II' 'I'l.! 1'1, " 1 l it ,· ~ U ll lll

nn r nlli.! f),'R llt .. of g(lld, ~ ''elrlpd pllrt of (,lIeh otlwr. "The fnl 'H'nrlr c"n In ;h,' tire lIlIIt fly her Ride wn lked Ule !aU ~·t)ung lInl'· ... he n,ulll're,l. nnd cur"od 1I1 u,. doclor ; IIn,l I.e. too. wns pn rt, I'lIr\'ly. s l'lf under hi" b routh. " )' l' u' r ,,," of t.he hCllutitul fellowshIp of tho d('\'l1lsh hn s ly," he wId hllJl ~l' lr. "SI"", h nlJP? wor ld. • Hn(1 ('01"1' (111 is the . worO. SJIt ~ l ovl 's I Do speuk~: ""nlu('ttc. II ' r" m'l) ' 10- !ri n , ~ Bu t I'll ~1',,1I hls . tllIl' /(lIlIIe l('t8. • • • D lue os your eYlls, '1'111- '1'11" ~Irr~ rlr-h - r l<: h, why. 'hut wi". neUe I" erll.'(\ 1.1.1 futhe )· (If hl'fS llIU$T Iw W r l lt j •' ho dot'S not nnswor; tlll~ "'orris nre II f url tlll e! Anu he ('u n ' t II\' rll"'1VCI·... only n Ilarl of !.be dill'. they n ed no 11,· rl'1110 grindin" h i. ltru~8U " Iho\J"h S()lllC'


t;( IUlll COfl\ !ll1t·

H "'1" 1I " ~ b'rflll h '1\ f\ ~"'H dtltl l\H'V fl to .'ClIH IIH1,td I It·ltl I IJ .. ,


I III 1'1Il·Ill' (1.

:l niH

l ...·,tll

Il W(' 1l

liru fHt\l ).. ,


~"",l II I~ht tll< It Uillhill!: 111110\\'111'1 1 hfl rl


(l( l t.

,,9ll l l T(\lIl l.\ '

rl , cr pnth. Sh(' 111111 1I0t kn n"'n tllll1 11I"l li t'" h i'~nn lu ~ l)"lIk or (ll lW I' thln~ -.: . long; bul on eneh (It Ills wl'4!kl y vll:!lt ~ IInil I" ,fll)"\' I 1\,,)" hut! h'nclll!d lh ..-. \' llln l!"t' • '1 oryl1on h~ hllll dl c ltl"",1 I n ,"·or.'· 111111 s U l·l·~,·,t. ·rl In dru\\' lng. II SIIIIt .. look lind word 11 growlllg I'lI s~I"1l for rl't~m 11 1:0 ('1I11111Ilulnll . 11 11 1\+1<1 h l'l'

~ .

tflh1 ''' H 'l1 r;{, ' Hl1 fl flD. P i l A. u l /o{1l 1\' "IlI,Hl·d . '1'11 I t . (It 1,Ir D ut' , uiJl r I.

,.,)II\!f1ul .. tl fr:tO) vl t!w. UJlldc hlUlb~ lt ~owr I·'ul . · ooillod



t h~



trod I1J tit t-rthh ., . ~ p!t h l.

Wht111 "Itlott. IIn,l ng rllldl'U In from Ti lt' ~II'I \\':1R (" 'lelM!I,,, nroIl~ e I. 01111 I Louisville 00 his nlllrl'. enll ..,l on T,I· 1I1~' 1-:111 0 11', j(II,~rI Sl!nsl' In III'nppl lll( nott e Inler lu tlt(· nfll'rno" n . th ey lit,' :<11 hj('(' I ~'''' PII ,h .. \\'lIlk h OIllC\\'U I'" s t roll~u , fit h l~ RIlj(j((!.1I01l. filling




t 91b.



s trong ' 1lI~0 Ro,·r, ·tly 11(1.·. ' I nlJo:httoll . . Cot 101011 Plea Conrl ,. W Ith Ihl' c-lllslnl( 01 Ih .. ,Ioilr _ hnhl",1 f:d; \ ... 'i 1' ... -' l, iI •. ( "tl" lo t; • I hIm. ill the ill"l 1\j(111 h" riblln ·111~11I"1 l':,~ "I 1:1 ' I S I III Ih,' nth, '" (,,"1 0\1' thr"'·",,111 Ih,' ItJgl' C, r; • 1. .1 .. ~'<l 'I' 1, lntror lll 1I1lt! (!.·sk wl ... r,· th,> ju,IIl'" a ... 1 1't,,1 1 d !:l',.","t.('(Y t i l -p ~ y!\ Ullt!

I III1'f' lInlC

@ 5AMUEL 1'1<;COY ~:~ t.;'Jlrfl

Gl ~,1U


l h i' ("nt~et'd tllA: :-;!1t'ut ,,,,,1 t1m ' t l~ (f I~ Iwr. H ,' wI>lIh l ,'lilll"'nl him ,.11 Ilih h It 111111 "'nni wuy .1 h ~'rnn lll"r '.us

Being a 7iue Chronic/,' of C~rlain PassGI?('s Rcfu:c~n D;\ VID lARRENCE & A T It ~ F:nE 0 8 NNO of the Baffle of Tippe. C4noe in /lIe Inriia'1Q IVilcl me-tS, Gnd of What Befell Th ereaf ler In Old Corydon apd ,VO(l) FiT I Sel Fort/' T T T T


; 1;111 :

All to Equipmcl,t 11 o r~·lJralVlI

Equipment DAY OR NIGHT

t.>lIll ttl ~b, I nqtl"~1

on b :xly of Joh n 1'llrry M .75; ::lhlr printIng n oti oe Ilf ~iU1 es fu r IlO ld "1' ...,;::J:....::..... Coart of Apptlll!tI$ IO ; B Qo ~ eye "'~ Real Estate' Transfers &; (lrBvel Co., Sf.O n e (o r rontl I II Agnes K .v lo to J ose ph Kn o ~t, loti ['urt/eoreok ' 5;; 9!:l; B. 0 . U. ld 11 . prem i um o n in!;Ur tlnM p o lt oy "t I ll. in Mutnev lIle, $ 1. or OlJlo ~tll l. Univeral l )' IlrtJ1 ILry $[1 1 ; J lllU e~ F olloo HIl la r y M Mari on Piok erlng t o Uh a rl es WII · jaulto r ltv; RIiY EiarB hb!1r ~(\ r , lIan19, lo t in t>o uth Lehllnon, $1. lIolary U~ janitor f o r Oo~ )IJo r $liO; lIice at re,jidence in F. B. l:)her Ambrose ~lIl llib to EHI Gmy lOX. C . E Fox, r Oll el wor!' in Bu millo n wood's house, Fourt h Street. lI or es In Wayu e townslllp, $ 00. t o wn s hip 1114; M. B . Odwnltl ,~ (JanIe J ohnson to Geo r g a K e h oo l:Ion, hurilll of WIUlltll lc'ar ko r $iii; Telephone 28 a t Ill. II uoros iu H a milton t o wn s hIp, A. l.. King. rO!ld 'wo rk In M Il ~!\ io towns b!i> .97 50 ; U. L &: N . R y . $1 . Waynesville. Ohio Blllen ~h e rri t t to George R hoades Co , freight ou of Atoo o $ U; ~Jlj. 5 \lores in D e erfield $ownshlp. $1. Genoral oOJ)trllots '\vere I H I n A I. Wllfurd (J. BudHon to Ueorge (;t. '1011 'WaHor, C. C. ~ ru on ~ •. 1 C:. Mul. f{lng. reftl ostde in Deerfield town. ford , ud Lowis A t klo A Il for 1ll lll u . r ship. 11. j o ltt, tellms /l 0(1 lilb or o.t ~ t. ut.ed DR. . J. W" MILLBR. G eorge W, M llrRhlll to George G. prices, J(ood ullt il l:ieptollllJoc 20, K:lng, reol o~t. llt e III Deerfie ld town- I U17. •.• DEN·tIST••• ~ hlp. $1. The lIudltor "'>III dlreoted t o IlI nk e tltophen K Mnrphy to (J eorge u. t h e follo wiJig t. ruo~fu r ~: R"oo' '' ll rM o rnco In \0\0 aynen JIle, 0 King, ro~ 1 oat nte In Deerfie ld lOwo· fe6 fun d t o oounty fnnd $:;00 ; a ud i- '1'''loaal U.~k HIlIl. ShIP,'1. t or f ile fund \ 0 th o oo u u t y fund Walter L . O at ltty to G eor ge G. $1000: ~h o ril1's f ed (unrl to oo no t.y Kinll. Teu l 68111te iu Oell r fieJ.:i l ow n. (uo,i $ 1)00; ll ro\) ~ t e jo(l l(l)lI I fit! fun d t o t he oonntv fU1l1l $ .700; elorks f" , shlp'l . ALL KINDS OF E ssie Clllll plJe ll et al t n OI(lUcl e fno ll to the oo nntv lund $\JOU : l.o~1l. 1 t :; 00. . S ears el III , q ui t OJIIIOI to l X a oras tn Bllrllln t owoshlp, $15. A Tesol n t·\on wus plI~ Btlrl (l ec!R r tn ~ lu L. Kib bey' t o Jessie Brown, It neo08e n.ry t.o r eblllirl I s ill b tO il 121y' lI or 6/:1 in Hamll to u l ow n.hlp, brlrlges 1I1l11 ·1 eul ver tA In tbe Ben r HI t o wn hlll ~ r o f~ rr ec1 t o In TCRo lnt.itll'. I'IBoes llU d 8IJoo1 tlcil ti o n s n nll ~· ' I . NI\D OY .j . tih urts t o Ever eU Snow mll te" for th" r Hull ilrling (1f 011 '\ I I lot 10 l3o u ~h L Ob unon ...$ 125. Samuel B llugb m l\ n, ngen t .. to Jon, t oo t. re in for ced oouo rete ~ l n lJ to!' atbl~n MoU urdy . lot In SprIngboro, brld&:e In U Di a n t o wn eh lJl li t ' _ri.

-=A -=.=----::..:M...=...:c~C::....::o:...#-y...L.., c.

Dr...:. . .


InSUR1I.n eE



Walter Chandler

·Waynesville; O. mftt ~ ',51 3. ai, Ono 14 l oot reiofnroarl oon 1rofa Josle Sili ter to Z B. Bl1rkll]OW, lot Jltl~p t op bridg e \D U oiou ~ .wns bl p <.)ver Postotricr. In Franklin, fl. o8tlml\l e S584. 75 Cfi"" i> \llIoe 11 f{ lIUI Plllll!\'.ll LIi IlTa W. Inni, et a.1 t o WAldron Ooe 17 f oot r oi ofQr ooll oo ncreto O. Unmour, lot In Lebanon, H. "lap t 'l P- bridge In Hamllt,on' t o wn. WIllia m 1:1 •. Fire. to \.)lal'a Man. 8bl) at til" e~ " mllt£ $oG6 nlng lot In Leba.on, 'UfO. One 1/1 ' foot refnforoed oonorete BARNHART, flap top hrldge In Doerfi eld tuwn. Mqrrlll1' Licenaea IIhlp It the 6stlmnte ' 631 nO. Notary Public Bornllrl\ M. Allen, farmll' and Nola Dill 8111, both of WaYD •• villeo. Rev. R . B . Ji'oOlter • A'll klo.da of Notary Work. The Dlfforence. Ilnd Deeds .. Hpeolal&,., Berman L. I'ordyoe, maohlnl.& of A timid ,'erRolI I~ (rl~htcllcd b efore lttaiD8Vlll.. and . 8erlha Emma 11 dunger. 1\ cowllrt! durlllit Ih e tIme ' ~~~~~!!!!"!!!!!!"!!!!!!"!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~ KDlldler. of J'UI.leI'. Rev. Bohman. and 11 C0I1rll«COU8 person .at'LerwanL G.e·t " t-h ~ i G J',e,4 Uayaa, iDiPlotor' of .teel of -Wehler. OW



---_.- .. - - -





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GAZ E T TE ....

'--------·-·-·---:c·----THE N'EIGHBORHOOO


t I,

I.. e ll AN E, 'Ed itor and J ' ublisher

As Written by Our Corps 01 Able Correspond, ents In the Neighborhood

.-.-..-. - . -


w~~ nN ESIM Y.


19 W



TlPP(CANO( IIIllIIUlIlIlIIlUllIlIlIlIUJllUlIUIIIUUIIUlIlIlIlI lIIllIlIIlUlIlIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIl 1 I" 8elDil a True Cbronh:l .. 01


00 YOU HAVE SOUR STOMACH? It you "rtl tl"Ouhled -wh-h sour stollllO ull you Hboliid (, ot ~Iow l:v lind I U ntil l Oh lO

y u ul'

I tt ll r u lJ~blY I

fi )(,HJ


l like ' out! ti l' l;hnlllbe rlll ln 'tI 'l'tl\)l e l ~ lIumcdiute ly " Uor bUllller . Ubtuluublu e ve r :tw ll tl r e

Cerlllin P ...... lll!e.. l\etw .... D DAVID LARIlENCE .ad ANTOINETTE O·BANNON of tbe 811111 .. of Tlppec~ noe In ~he Indla.nD Wild ern ..... aDd of Wh .. ~ B .. lell Ther e. Drier I. 01. Corydon Dud Now Flr.. t Sat Fort,h






Illu.lreUua. by U eA lloQ V.I_aU.e

It ~ 11I111I1II1II1I11II1I1I1"lItlnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ~ (OuPJ rl,b1.. 1»10. 'l"IIt1 Uultb:a Mo r rill CuwP&Il 7J

Irc 1I0\\' hll~ 1 hl ~ Ilr ~ l H I~n ' or ~ an y. ti l" h '~ 1 ~ 'O Illi' I '. I '" ,'101 . h i:; h ,' tI II 1t'''' '1 with 1.hl· "111111' lloollr I/ ~ I It u "hili" Hoi 1"1'. 1 II", 1'lI z7. lo : lO r tal'l .,,·s Ilrol ;;I' I ('s~ ru o[ S \l' I ' ~ III I h,· ""III'[louuN' llo't hure'f n nl~' d. 10111 Nhn.1 wllh Ih ~ sl. I III 1I" "',:u , llI" II I' Ihl' 111,11 11 11. ( 'I lid In ,10", ..,,1(111 lI'IIIIIII d l wllh l'lId,N ld u tIl"' 80'IN; th l' hunllllg , ltIl'[ ('to\'{'rill'; Iho !)~ \I· . · ,.rlll ~ 1'"I1 I L1" I' " 'llill Ih"'" C' h .· ~t of a $111111. Shll oll (jlrty WUS Q liun ot


H ~"I11I11 /: l y.



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.. ~' •.~. J"t 101,,l'Ic. h""11I',1 wll" Ih" ('n l(1 fl rl' ur I h,· I ldl" ss Hf' r{ w nt's tlull IH.! , - ·r gr"wl'4 o lel . Ttll' tW() Ell g lI ~ hlll e n "'1'1'" s ll,' lIt het url' til\' lIl lI l, ' vu l"lIt dlldll' nJ.:L' Cl f hl ~ ":Il ~ t': Hu l d ll l'l lIJ! t ( 1 1,.. lir:-o f 10 !" IH 'uic

(;1 1'1 ," ", .. ',,1 ,,\I'lI ylr'l! IIl1slc'" d ll), III Ih .· lI ~h l "r Ih., rlll' ~ ". A I<lnlll " I' Iii" Juk e ut' ,I:, I" illi ' ~o wus " " h l~ ('1'11 ,,1 li ps.

It An d w la"',,, lid s h!l J.,:' fi r IWIH '''"''' lw . ll sl, ,·d ('u lIl. 'lIl ptlllHJ :-: l y 41t' 11 11 ' U rltl !-= h 1I 1t" :1 1. " 'l'lIl ..:, ( 'lI p lliin ( :I" I Y, Is II ~( ' Ill l l \' . ' 11111 \\ IIH t UtS PI'f'('p4i4 ' d Ill !' r,'u" ) I ': II ~' IlIlId II(. ,II .. )00.11111" Ilti..::--I II II u s III~ ~ ' I r­ ~I I'.

1:'1" :0 ",1 S ,,," ."

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IlIfll rlll!'r

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" ,,«'Ie III " ,, "hi's I lo r.... ' II .II t' \\' I ~r l H Il 1I~~l h ' .


II n l ,.1 hl ~ h"/Ill II ~" I II. hI' ""W 1I II It Ih ~ 'hr.'" IIWII hlld ~ ' \l l tt 't l fh,·ul:-;,·I", ,:oc I II f nll it uf th l' SlIl lIl d ,_'rl ll lo: I n n!t' ; (UI' lilt' lll ~ h t ",ll t " ' I\.



1111 11 ~ 1'fI\\ " d dl l.

\\'h p il 1If '

1I 111e1e sllfll l" WH hU1I1(

Restored To Health By VincI

1ft 11 11 tlw l'II I'IIt'r s o f th"

Alh..,{i, Vlt.-flI

IlI,d "" I hl',I\'II)' UI"'" lit" " "ulI l.lf·'·S ot It,,· 1111"'" 1111'11 hll'l,l l,·,! "IH,"t the

W :1 ft

\\' £1ak . run .tt own,

IIl'l'd-i lc. 111)' Llo",1 \I'll . poor: I c'oulol Ilot ~low p nil;hts Illlll, "'li d rIl l'ldly I,'A'


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und IUlIl to

M, '<i ielll" ~ Iolld fll lh-d to 1t.'lp lJI" II l1l il I L" .. I, \"i1l 0l1. Aft, 'r lAl kill j:( tllr c'., "oltl,·_ 1111' "1' 1'.'l it,· I" Ii ,.... l AI,·(·I' ",.·11. ' lit \" ld .. od '1,.. j.:"od Ilrld I um Well Ilb:nill." \1'(7.-1; .


IHI ,\ ;\111) " ', U tl H"I: \' , ,, 11i,·I, ('nl1 t H i 1l~

ro n:... ',

O n!\" tJw

n ·d g low ur


11111" "ph"ro II1 l1t-

, p ri ng tlr ur!lcl':l ly to lilli e Lkk s . . .


li lt;'


lIttl('l rOl}lu

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Ihl' ~· j, n rc "';tl ~ ., t 11(1 IJr 11 1:111 '"1,1 "'fl rli liit .

(llrl~' \\, H~ J lIllI~,-,lr:


I "'" lin 1h .. )1 " n·

NI'lIlp" th l1 n u rl'tl s ld u

th.' t long·hu 'r('ti /tnl " "'ce h ~ r ". my tlll O frl atHI ." ~a \Cl l h 'f'r JlI·plOlIl 'I". irf'1 L alld U1tlll gnrW~o )"·I'I""u t.·A II lid 1!lycuro ph o .l'lta ~1 Id Rellil Rhll rply. " lI cI'I' r mind your J!II U :lll l ,'ro(\ for r UIi·dow n cund'lt,lons. ~('IIII1'" \ hut I ~ It thut we ure here tor. eb7" J. E. Janney , Drul{"lst, WaynSl'lIIc. Ol rt y rOlJ sotJ \Il1u ~elt. "Tell hIm, Cru U111 cr." Th bluff nnd klndly·ftlcoo fnrmer seem rI ' Ollt of plncc In thllt de\'I\'a cr w. But be besn n to speak chel!r· fnlly. ( I'RIl,;E~ RIGHT) ""'('11, Nt"l. I'm Ilere to wnko you nn ol1'(' r on Ih (> (lnrt of tho !dng. God hle~8 him! l'Oli hl'l\'e Sl'en my crerlen· tlnls, It WII M Ill )' Inl'cntlon to go direct Sole Agent I.) tb e trlh.,s In tho counlry. tnklos ,lnns of tile gnrrl,nns wllh rue. bll t I For the Gorden Tires 1WtlS to connt you with us Lefore I se t ou t on Illy trip to th t! North. Our cornrn.l· hrllt~s word from tho grent cht t'f of LllI' Shu wlt e ~!I. TCCUIUHcll. thllt ho Is ,I('slrolls of formin g n lell glle willt his hrnthcor. of Iho South. Phon~ 90-a CORWIN, OHIO Ih., Cll<'ttokee~. the 'hl elcll 'Ilwe Ilud th e ('cnlts. "YOII. Ned, nn! !\ !lIlIn whom Eng· hltHI u "t.! . J II m P1l1powererl to ~uy Ihut If YOII will eDl cr hi s IUnjesty's ~ l'rt' l ce yon wil l hI! g PII l' r llu s ly r~ ",unl" ,1. \\,hllt ~ lI cce s cnn you hnpe Funeral Dir~ctor tor In [his (lllllper nntl on? But Eng· · \ ' jllo l.

hl'(' ( IllHl ('ot l


Saxon Six Livery


and Embalmer,


1 ••


We have arraOl,ed with an und e r · taker to gd u,, 'auto. so· we will bu able t o furnish either an auto or horse ,drawn fune ral. Both phones in O/lice and Residence. long distance, No. 14; Home phone



l(E.I1LNOTONS,12. 811U·I'!:I.PU&1l11l:1\S tl2 Lo~ Your Ultllll reu Le~ru TypewrlLl1\II VIlC14UOU. IDllrUctlou lloOJll 1'1111:11:. A. 1t 1I:lll"lIU' 'I' \,PK FOUNDt,y. UulT .. lo. N. Y.

C bos . Madden, tbe R epubllo.n Oeutrlll Uo njffirt"~ emlln from tbl 8 'l'ownsllip. bas wQrked Inoessll.ntly for hl@ \Ju Ly aud hnll r epr estlu ted his p llO ple In " very ~lI.tI8ra o 'ury IUDnner. lie deserves g retl t cred it for his uotlrlng dl'orts Mr. !!ud Mrs. Robt. CRrr visited I heir 80n, Ed aod family, of n orth King w An. on tlonduy. On Bcoount of th e vlloanoy In oll r telopb o ne ex ch a nge Mrs Lnurll Barluu Is filling tbe ploce f or 1111 no· Ihnlt.ed t im a . The Aid tl ociety k ept ope n bousl\ 011 ol(Jctio u day l10d fed tbo weu ry tra velllrp. 1'>1 r and Mrs . U, (J. Wbetseloncl fuml lY will, In the n eRr futurR, hllull mB c lll zen~ of Wllyn B8ville. whl oit w -" vor y lllnc h regret . Our I O ~ 81, I h ei r !l(lio . Mr. C hD~ , t) bldll~ e r . of Lehtlnon. Wli~ l oe ~O ll~ t of his b roth e r , F rook , o n 'J'u e~dRY of lu ~ f. woc k . Mr. :;"mul! l 15toUIJ~, f ur mllny y c n r ~ ou r l"If.t mo stor, Is In very poor b ~ ultb. BII. OlBO .V friend s w l ~h (u r him" Sp tlorly r eoo very., eb rlsti a D ~ndrn v or /:Iu ndny nlgbt H Frleud~ obor ch . You are r eo spe oLfuliy In vi t ed . , Ruv. Wulker wilt fil l tbe po lpll ut tbo M. E. choroh !:lund"y , Novem bH I ~ 'I'r, "nd be l)fesen , . Mrs. l bble Co lle tt return ed b om e

Mrs , Anna War-wlok, of Maub. fiold , Ureg. was t ho g o est of h er sillter Mrs. Martha Ol1vllll:londny , Mr. llud Mrs. (Jeo. Bogan BllODt tiuoa:.y with tb eu driughtor Mrs . WIll Dun D ond fo ml ly. o f Silver (Jrove. Mrs. Sa rah Rioh , of Bnrv<lysburj(, en tertained a t dltln e r Sun day Mr . Iloll Mrll . Will W otr., "uel Mr. LIlt evl'r, of ~· raoklln. and Mn. I:itlnoob l{.I ob, Mr. Bnd Mr ~. W . T. Jordan . Mrp. Marlst·te Ca rpBnttlr IIOel Mr~. Marg llret tlmltb WI)r e ollillng 10 ,Il l' afterno ou . T he formers IlI'O bn!y with tb e O'lrn s hredder In this DetghborbooJ. Mrs. C hllt Hat h awllY und daul(b. ter Mrs . Les te r t:lur·f .. oe were vi s it. IDg a' Mr.1'b08. Rlcb'~ Friday. Mra. JO B.,le Moon ey ape nt T ue ~dllY evening with Mr P. Berda J o rdan . Mr , J o hu Tbowpson dell vored ~ 10,,11 of fine punk 108 In Dllyton IO Mt week , MI ~8 V l<.o ln Jurdan , who bBS been spend ing 11 mooth v isi ting rell\&\ves, "ull frlonds In ChlOI\ go IiDU Browu~, Ill .• arrl VIlt! h ome O'De d"y I his woe l! . Mr lind \1r8. Wm , MOODY spe n t t;u llrlu y .. ft ernuo,o wltll ber tuthol Davit.! Willtaws n ea r UrBJ(onill . Mr. Ilnd Mra. P. !:lnel! vi sited their dung hter Sunday ,

~~:~n ~~~~1I1


d"ys ' vI 81t 10 th e o f XBnl .. , WAI< Illld to re~t In be. ntHul MI"ml oernuSery, Monday. N uve mbe r 6 In Mr , W ellt'8 boy b ood dllY8 he lived In tbis vi cinity and he I11WILY8 r e me m. be red It, 118 ~uob. "Dd ulw!l.ya roade frfquenl vlsltt! b~ck to hi s ntitl ve ~oll. Be leaves !\ widow, nleoea . ne pbew8 &nd frlende 10 grnt now. oo rs to mourn hi e g olog Btl was II mem ber o f one of the fir s' famllie. of Clio ton aod Warren UO~Dt,leIlIlDd his onoestors were people whlob were very ollpable In e~8ry port IO., Diu. PhyslolaU,. he never W88 r ohu ~t, b ut g,'od habits and ao ~ven balll.nced ulaposltloD, fatbomed ont t or blm a 10Dg ood uS8fui \lte. Be has gone never to bl' with ,os IIKain aDd let nl so live lhat when we ~ome to the river Illat Durkl 'he uokoown shore thllt oor hllnds mil,. be fill ed with deeds at oharlty that open the Rnles of l!aeroltj. R ob Edwards, of College Park, Ga ., was oalled to ' Xenia on 1I.000nnt ot tho deUh of his nnole, Robert West, and while tbere he vial ted he re. Be bas beeD In the (IIoutb for mlny ytar. engaged In tbe bUllY bllldne8s, and oow bell wbolesaleloi automobile... As a alllellll .an he hlla been very suooe811tnl lind ,h ie many friends wl8h for blm uubonnded 8UOOl'8a Be retorned bome Wed. nosday , Rllbblt huntlog wae wnrklld at by mo!!y Irom "be oltlee, taking them awov by tbe hundred • . Mr lind Mrs. William Grimes are looated In Xenia tor tbe winter. 'file 0 m eDt garuie 18 DOW beIng " ncl. sed and In the neur fu\ur t tbe new furnHurll will bl' put 10 plooa and openod for business. It Is a Ilne struotn re a oredl t to any t own tWice the size. When In thla vlolnlty ~top In And get 1I0qudoled with tb (· boys, tbey will trt'B' yon rlg h~. llllDY of onr oltlzeos are bnrDln(t wood wl t b I heir OOlll. on n ooount of ooal being ~O hl!!h prlolld Boru oe Barvey h&1 lI.ilded to bil neril of cillolry oows a very va IUI\ ble nn e wbloh he pnrol1ased ot Walter 6:l1la R,



I>' Uorno <lUring



FORGET YOUR ACHES !::!tlff kn ee8. aohlng IImbl. lame baok milks life II burden . If you ~utfor trom rheumatism, gout. lum bll"o n"nrnlgla,get a bottle of tiloa"l'~ LI~I~ent. the unl versal remedy for p~ln. EUAY to apply; It penetrates wltbout rubbing and 800tb08 tho teDder flesh. Cleuner aDd more ef· fectlve thtln mu~sy olntmeut. or ponl1loes For s'rolnl or IpralD8, More Olu ~c l e8 or wrenched IIgamenu repult.ln g from atreoOoU8 axer.o lse Hloan's Liniment giveR qulDk relief, K eep It on bood for emergenolell, At y our OrogRitlt 250.

DR. H.E. HA'l'HA W A ~ WIlJ neHllla 'a Lel\dlnv DeIlSI" Uilloo In Ke}'1l BldK M~ln t!l



, "Before t .. lIlng Chamberlain ·IT&b. let,s ,my l:nsbund suffe red f or SOTor. a l r e llls from ' Indl~e.tloo, OIlualng blm $0 hBve pilins In 'hll atomlloh aod dl strps8 after eottoj( berl .. ln 's TlIobletil relieved him of these apell. ri ght ",way, " wrlt ell Mrs, 'rhowllo! C080Y , Oeoevo, N. Y . O b ta ins blo everywhere . -------.. __........_ ~1.

Rely on )'Otlf o;. .u ~--. . jutlgme-ut ", to pattern, but rc. w eJ..:1 her durnhiUt, Is the mOl t 'UlpO~ tall&' (c:ature.



Is the n"me Itamped Oil

the lll\c k o{ lpoonl. (ork. "lilt Cnne, l!Jt:!rv lllg p l~ce .

in .1I\"er plate of pro.e.a

quallty"Sill1er 1'14,. ' lhal

lunt! IIi' 11 rl ('h nnll t'()wl)rful potroll . I (l1Il u SII·ulghHorwlI!·o! .ftllll1 . Mr. Scull, "nd I Itll\'e no gift of n j'I;IIUlout, bllt-" , Scull "etd up 0 hllllll, commllnlt,l ng n plluse. Ue lea,n,'rl lou 'IcWIHII und 1'1I1!,1 Iho bellows (lI 'on tI w o!ylng fir e. The ~ I,,\\' IcupcII 1111 111;11111. ano! In It.s 'ruoLllf,"bll'Y, glnr.e Duvld cnught sight of ,hl8 fo c.'. s lrul'k out UIiHlnHt the RlIf' roulIlli ng Rhn rio ws . IIk o 1,1 fnce wbtch IIOIltO dend tuu~te r of the bru b hud palute8-<lllr,k. cruel, web Ie. cootenlptUOU8. But bls reply wus D(lver S1>Ok ..n. 1'1'0 Ilo Contino/I)


F . W. Taylor wall a Dayton vis itor Negleoted oo ldll ~.t wOrle, Instead of better. A Btuffed head, "tlgbt ooe day Illd weell ohed mOl' be l'elle~ed .t onoo, Dr. Mr. aDd Yr., Wm, Bare and 'am· Bell'. Plne.Tar.Booey Is Nature's lIy, of Wlltnlnl'on, and Mn. Anoa remelly. Bone,. and glyoerlne h elil MurJ' Tllrrell , of N 'ew Vienna, were 'he Irrlt&ted menJbrl1nll, antlseptlo 'be IU8SM of W. A, Null &nd fllmlly tar looaenl! the phlegm. you brea th e 18st Friday. easier aDd y o ur oold 18 brogen up, Mrs. Anna ArohdeaooD, of Fin 1'leaeBo' '0 tale, Dr . Be11'8 PIne PeinSl, wal 'he waak.end gueat of far. BoneT Is an Idl'al r emedy f or ber sls'erl, Mra. Ella Welsh and , ohlldreo aa well al . At Mra . Jane Lanidon . Jour DrD~IJI.', :l50 O. J. Null waa ' h e Bauday luali& • _ • ____ of W. A. Null, Ih•. KI.ln Bod llIons, of Dayton, Odd Terms. spent the w •• k end wllh Mr. and The terlDS. "cnlf week. " "cow week" .re. Joeeph Miller .. Mr!!. Emma Par'lIe" ot · Dayton, oUlI "ltull weck" Dr!.! UI'plied In muny bas heeD ~181.lng frleodll anll rela of Englund's grent Ilirlus ll'lul cent /'9 to the thr e weeles Ih'torll th · Chl'l s t· tlves here. Mill Belen Miller hll re&nrned mus holldny week. In "CIl lt week " UlO to ber borne In D"yton IIIUer eu ex. men worlc Urn · 1111,1 n Ihlrll. In "ro\\''' wcelc" tlm c nnd (wo·thlrd H, nlHI In "bull teoded vlaU wUh rel,,'lvlll! bere. WI.! 'k" doubl e Um e. In ord er to JUn ke Mra . 0. CrOlll, of Lebllnon, was a up tor loss ot output cnus Il by tho Springboro VIsitor t he p... week. Chrlstmns Ilolldo~· s. Ur. and Mrs. Waiter tilegtrled and family, of Frankllu, were 'be 8nn. day guestl.of Mr. I~nd Mrs . W. fl. Wrote to Shakespollre', FrIend. Siegfried. The New York lIJuslcll1 C'llIl'/t'I' ro· Mr. aod Mrs. Jo,bn MoClur. and fnmlly were Leba:non vlllitora lut cords the CII SQ of II gl'llfllo)f, hon ' pl'oprletor who. on mnl.lng Iho n " q ll nlnllIllCO) BlIlurd"y, of "Drink ' to l\fl' Clill y " ·/1 11 Tlt lll' Mre . Ed . Null wal tbe Sundoy EyC's" wrote to u~Jr, Hen J lI Jl !'\o ll ," ('nr gueal of Mr. and Mrs . W "Iter Ro~er'~ or Ihe Amcrlcurt IHl hll sh rs or t h ~ (Ing . .... otrerln g to In chtl' • his pretty. up·11)dn te ballod In hl8 list ot r 'OrtI R tor





Wide latitude {or <holce



il ofl'erel iu tile maa,.

u:qullilte d.. I,.... Sohl by lescllDI' de.let'll eyerywhcre. &e.ud (or Cat.lope

uC.L;· ahowtq .U 4..1*"..

HER 'SON SUBJECT TO CROUP "Il, 'lin EdwlD I, anbjeo'

'0 oro up, .. write. Mr.. E O. trwl!!. New KeuetDlwD, Pa , "I pot in maa, .Ieepl... houre _, allb' before I learaed of OhllDberllill'. O~h aimed, la the . bOaM aD4 aM It a. dlnated. It .....,. •• "

---_.- ....- --


Not the Same Thing. An olfi ccr In chll rge ot It compnny of lutHutr), Oil Ihe rung.~s ut - - . wlshlllg to thnc Ihe "rupld ,II ring." tllrned to Ih o CO mltnny IIIItI n~k ed ! f unyono llild a wulch with II seconol Jlanll. There WitS no nnswc r for 0 'f," \' momont. wilen nile ot tile "IllS: lo olCIl" remurk ed: "1'101180, sllr, l' b oo I' C a socoodhand one."

_ bo, reu.r."




---_ ........- - ---

_. - ...-----


---_.- ..----

STOp · THE FIRST COLO , A oold does ao' Ie'



...... ...........



~ o od

l'()- A O verland Road. HaOM lfRAlIl li: with !l tll'ble, A Rbor In first olalll ' OOllditlon, FIVE CGdarvll ie , Ohio, $ 12 dnwn "nd Inquire ,,' t,hls OftlM.

'12 m o utbly Xeoio.ObIQ.

bu y s It.


1li7 01 5

n~ ~

8'1' COOl{ b.lnd ,

VE, COlli burD'llr ••oond bit 10 gpod ooudltlon, ro om h ou He ,md lot, with g ood Addr8sH BO."l J ' , Waygesvlllll. ni:l. oellar weiland o i l!~er o . In t own "nd In IL g ood loolll.ion Bohl c ll'ell1' new 1M of baodaome.apklolat If sold soou. .I o!'(nlr" of 11. MurrAV , tbe H u ettG Ullloo. Cowe 1& Wavoel!vlll e, O . nl and 11110 the 'fI. nZ\! Imlll'




A ~U LI N ~~

ENU I NES- EiIlVin. b nrRo b' OOB on trnokl $~GO ; FourILnd a~o('k farm 1I~ [l8Y horse $fi G. Fodder outter '411, Box nl6 terms. John Barblne, Allen Bnild. 157 . XO Dla, Ollio. Ing. Xeni a, O hi o nl.J NOXDAl:.E I'ltrilin of PI,.montll Rook Ub lc kor ll. the beet I evar bl1d.P ulletll,,1 Coo kerell, It. 50. Mra. MONEY LOANED U. b'. SmUb, Ubi I Bta'" Phoae (lSII, Spring Vulley,O., n.. O. 1, nil'> i; nores Cnod IRnd buok FARU8from ruad $5 r.OO ; Iloros grilin 23 ~ '1:1. ~'~ 0 .


U'l'n Uo,ck Cookerels, AIEY LOANED ou ' li ve stoc k , P, LYMO So f ow Bull O rpl!!ltona, MONcb ntt els !lOll seoond mortgage • . ILlneoe . lDl'\ulre of Mu. CllIJord



Note s b ought. . .Iobu B".blno .•Jr ., Mllltwell. HOlUe Phone II AIIGD Building. Xenln. Ohi o. nao Wayoesvllle, _c::=

_ _


R. D. 1, DUi

BOWS, with pi gs, an vaooln&ted . 2 t.h or onahhred Polllnd Uhlna, 1 red tiow. Inq uire at t hltl offios. n 8



Fine 8 brO I'~bi re Boole Lllmbl at y ou huv e 6nythlng t o sell, we $10 ell.ol1. Inq lllr8 of J . 1:1. VIID- . 0110 ~e lll~ for vou tlt go od prloes , dervoort, R . D . :!, Wnynesvllle, Uome In llOlI 80e O~. . n 22 Uhlo. 08





whil e gir l. tnr B uual) W o rk, In Deslrn.bl8 BulldiD g Lot. n smnll fnrl1llv . At1droHij P . O. at tllle 01110e. BOlt B. I,oMn on, Ohi o . ol r. Hl' VO VOU ( \r m or ol.ber FARMSROltt E.tate for HIL le'? If It Rt /L


Itlqulfil n15

Patience. 1'IlIleilce I ~ lIl l' c,,"ru~ o !If Ihe coo· ((II CI'II I'. th o ~ 'rI' II ~ 11t or nlltn ngulnst rlo·~ tl lI~' -· o r Ih p filii' lIt.:ulns t Lhe world. IInrI IIf !1~ ,, "1 "!!,,lu "1 I1I11 UI'r.- TlJeretOO l·... It Is tIl" " "III·II !!'· or th e gospel; nll l It:-; 1 1l If"H· tll ll~"" I II Ll s lft.. lnl vt~Wt 1I 1I t! 10 I'Ul'llS !l 1t,'1 I fI :-: llf"ntI O ll ~, C'u unot h ~ to u ~lt rJlt.·R Ll.Y Iii ! lilt I i Lctl :-- HI1I wcr..

Avoid ing a Sugoestion . "Do you Ihlnk your " JWII ' I,eopl c will give you IIIlY ,lrU III)U.' IS ·/'· "N'J!. If I enn h end 'Cto Ott'," rl'pll l'll Sl'llltlol' SQr~· hUIlI. "1 !11,n't "'lIl1t to I; ,t with " crowd IIml s it rl gbt d(')wll In front of, a remind er ot the hl!!h cos t of II "Ing proble m." .


PUBLIC' SALES Havlnll dlolded to q,olt filrmlD(Z', will oft'u for &ale on our fum 2 mil .. southwest ot Wayoesvllle .. nd Orsloola Pike nellr what Ie known .1 the Telelrapb "1118 on

Thursday, i'lo\'cmber 16, 1916


Beglonla, 10 o'olook " he follow. Ing delorlbeC\ properiy: g ' li )rSe8, II Canle,lIl Bo,., Ifeed, Implemen's , Terma-All lome of 16.00 and un _ der,o'ib. tI,u m. of $5,0.0 and ovsr a oreem of 9 mOD,he "'Ill be given by purDhl"r glvlne a ban liable oole. " per oen, dlaoonn' ror oub. . ,r, E, l!IBERWOOO 00011 •• fioHiullwor'h. Auot. W. Eo . O'~~.l1, Clerk.

.en of "elllt.

'11. J''''



----_ ..- - -

The pr008l1 of wearlal ' a oold We _til offer ... pub1\c 8alo at our wear. YolO OU', lDel YODr OOOlh be- late r1$14.D08 OIl oom•• ,lerIOUIrlf 11.110*1. ' .lIaoke . IDI' ooa.bI drala eoar.,. and 'Ip Tburlday; November 16, 1916 vl&l11&,. ror '7 the -PP7 Comm.aolDI" 1 o'olook abe tol oomblDa'tOD of lOO~tD' aD....,&lo lo)wtq; Carrl'lo, BarD.I, Boale. bailaDU! ID Dr. &tll8 I New DleOo" hold QoocJe and CooIlIPI UteuI1I8

u4 ool4e.


wi t h Ih e fi rs t ·u p. of poor c ofTt·\! , Th e re is n coffee whic h b rin g ,. millio n m en to break fas t "in a hurry." Tod oy y o u can introd uce its ric h, full flavor in your home. S e rve Arbuckles' for a w ee k and noti ce how much m o r e h is breakra~t m e an s to him. Bring joy to yo ur breakfast table.



deoa,"·"_ 01

.... ~

m c nce~

'full,,), t h CI l! a re wh o le l o w n s '''' here Ar hu cldt's iell Jlra~~ t it-ally th l.! unly cutft · tl8e \1. In one S lato . tnno. in " r eu r , (I)U I p U UllJS "f A rhu.:k l t,s· c {) n ('~ wal u 81.!d (o r ~ \le ry mun, ", Olllio n und c hilt! i n 1118 Stato - rour t irut!s A. nmny I'0 UIIUS uf CUIJ~ " US tb. P0I'UI Mio,i Or Ibe S\l4l01

e Ilt nu oo with W , n. h~Dcl l e r, Wayoe!Ov l ll e. Uh lO. or 011\1 h or e nt Pbone No . 77. lIlB"(l " fnw, goo" ou~ of town buyers wh n !Ire rlcs lr. Platinum. o ~ s ot looklog at prol}e r ty i n .. nrl Plati nu m. with th \! eKCL'p ll OIl or Irl· Ilround WaYlloRvllle Don ' t rl niuy I UIUIII. Is t he heu\'I I!~ 1 uf 1111 lit ' ILl ctlll s. AtteD d to tlils .. t on ce The nlllUe ol'lglnlll"L1 wlllt U, U iS pIlO . ' W. U UhAntll e r . In nis 0 11 ~t CCO Ullt ur II. ~ sll"ery ~ o l o [' . plain slgul fy lu!;. , II \' CI', II \l' US un· knuwn In EUl'olJc Uil i/l ulloolll 17-11 .


Cany.. Pipe for Ventilltlon. For ventllllUnc In placet! where bl8lt~ lug Is being done there baa been In- IQ' hall Ilea led otIullli IlD4 n1lned aD4 IUD,·'lItn81 tba. haye ooUeotld ooa,lItioa. YoaDI . . . 014 . . . . . aboD' aD 014 bomll_d• • 8IIted a nrntRbed C80Tal pipe, whlch "" &0 the Dr. ADD aD4 BanDlh Kelly, hal the IIdvauta,e of belog praet1call7 DiIooftir 101 CIftIbl J .... II.Ddeaball, Art. proof agallllt damage from blalta. u KID.'.

It coUap1181 It 8trUc:k.

. N orth - E a sl - South !4 w cst - wom t! n aro ~ol vj ng 1 1he co ffee problem. ~b 'Arm i"<: h ave sQlved it. " An a r m y tra v e ls on ils s to m ach " and of t h.., a rmy b rt'ak fast . ::15k an y s ol die r wha t h e woul d mis s mos t. . One ofl h e g rea te s l Ameri cn n jud ges h as sa id thC! t un h a ppinc s s in th e hom e com-

Pimply muddy oomplexlons are duo to Impurities tn the bJood Ulellr up the skiD. by tllkl!!j( Dr KII g's New Lire Pills. Tbelr mild laxiltlve quolltleH remGVG 'ho pols. ons from the Jy .tl~ m aDd brighten the eye , A full, free oon.grlplDg bowd mov,nne ot In tbe morning la Ihe rewlud of" d .)IS8 of Dr. Kln"'11 New LI ~ e Pille the Illgb' before. Al when ItJo; exlsteu cl.! \\'II N HIJUIJUII Cl.! t.l tu (he worlrl by /I S(Jllnl ~ h ,."'e lltl s t IIfle(' your Drusslst, 250, II Irl(l to South AIIIl'I' I~ II .


Like Fathor. Music Tencber-"Your dUllghter Is ImJlroylng, but \\'hen ~ lt c gilts to t he ecnlcM I huve to wllt ch her pretty elo~e· Iy." M,o ther-"'1'hnt's 'JuSt like her tao tker. Ho mode his money, 10 the coal. bUijlncsa."

--- - -



Does yours bring joy to the breakfast table '1

Gazette Classified Advertising Column


8oldle .... Wh en sove rcl J;Il~ begun to hire sol· ----. .-~ dl ers . . t he'" funrl~ , were derlv'll loy commutlltl ,ln of ' tho II Ilcl en't teudul The Touch of ,Big BUllneSi. nlds; hy clllt\'ersion ot the spollN of Edwurd Mott Woolley; spellklng ot wor ; by orlcliliollni direct tnxllU OIl. The Aoldler's Inl erest In his trnll e ,,'us kept th e "Irtues. preSCD t nnd nhsent, ot liP hy (lil y l'I!celverl from bls soverelgu, mod ern omce ,boys. digresses far enough to SIl Y: "ID the large flnd ' suc· by klot, Ity th" love o f ndventure. cessful hOllses you usunlly find tbe art ----.~ .... of personul tOllch. The' nenroJr you upproach to big business. the morc of Good Re ..on. o rcol ort uocs p ,ersonnl toucb be· "Mllrln. YOII'II , IIf\'~r be IIhle to driv e come:' thll! 111111 "'HIt II f1l1 t·lrllO. F(lr heuven's fl uk cR ucc yuur h rll<l." nt1ll1onl shed Mr. Stllhklns. And th en II l' wtlnciercll why Where Trade 00 ..8 Not Stop. s he WOlllII nOI ~ I'~ uk 10 him the res I ThIs ollght be used Il~ Ule bosls for ot the duy.- I'III:I,. a maxim: "Trado goes pnet the door ~ ot tbo man wbo ,doos not ling It."

---_e . .---=-.

Mu. Laur" fleA*h vl ~ It"1 b Ar m ather, 11118, Nelson MO!{Iwvnr [frl. day . Me88r~. Dllffo oe, Onlla AoJw k81· 1 ()bIlA Cot al' t o\ ,k d lDD r wi t h H ll rr~' '"ihll w W "dUt'8duy . 'rll a f IrAI(!)[Ilfl \ ('. '/'. I . ow t wll,b R" be rl IJ ulll n lo: ~ r un j!'r ldu:v n f. ttirn OO D. Tlw II1 r'etlll~ WIIM " pry \ve ll ut te Ul],d lIo ll n tine prog rlll ll Wft l! r om.le r ed , ' Mrs . W . U \"~rtl c r !lnd d.u l! ll. , ter ; ,~18 S J e nn io lind ~Ir ~ 1·;1l VII " Oyl[e. n f X" lI la,. cull e(l o n hlr~ . ChUB . Kib le r l\J ,"da y .. ffern oo ll , Mr IInllMr . H"r vev Bot·naf,l. ,lO d Mr, and Mrs ,A PI1 ~'illlitfik e r u t l,ent.! . ed 0\ Bl.tll o we'e n BlIChl\ ut t1ellr J effe r y '~ b orn e n IJa r Olive Urnnch . Wednesdayevsnlng. Mr. !llid Mrd Tu m Cou rl 08Y en . terldn e d Mu 8l1 ldnh Burllet t ltod ItOD ~ . Ultff. Wttl to r (tild CllfI rl ot! lind Alvin Dy 'k e on Slloday . Mr. lind ~h Em met Be Jt ~ tn t e r ' tfll ned the Mc K ee l·a r ~nd B oot b f"mll y t o a n Oy~ I,o r supper R'IIIH. day evening. I Several from h e r e Itttendeu Ceoll al~e l!ma n' I! t!lI le on W odn esda y , Mr.. . L . 1::I. Bolll o i e r nu d Mr . I\nd Mrs O. F. B~IJin~e r an d li ttle \l augh . ter tr om K y .. ppeot. tbn wlw k .o o(1 witb flIr . Hobe rt Bo. lllu gc r n od rom. , Ily . Mr . fjttrry 15llnw und f ,.... llv t onk unday ~Intler vllth Ir. R oush unci fumll .v nflBr Horve,Vebn rg. , MISS Engenlo Whltlil,e r nl,t n .1Mt • t lt e nigh /:loh e ol s oolal Friday l·ve c. Ing Mr. And Mrs . ChilI!, Kibl er IHB e o , 'ertain ln g 'lie laUer '8 br o ~h e r II nil I BtUrt, Mr. ~"m M o rrl~ o Dd .~ll' M , N'mole B owyer . Misil Rot h Enrnbut Bpen t Tli urs. day nlRbt w ltb Mias t:l1thur ln e BnreeU. Mr. lind Mrll , Noise Bsmilloe v ; ~ . Ited In L eb~ uon 80 nd"y 6ftOtoOOo , Mr. Cbrls flelm on ond tAmll y ap nt 8uud~V wltb Wm. Tay lor !lnd famII,., Mrt, Rober~ BI\\linger eote rtalned Mrs, W . C. Wilm er lind M18/! .I e n. nle and Mrs. Ed VaolJyke Mo od"y evonlDg. Mr. Pres'ol ood wife took S unday diDner with Nelson McKeever and fawlly,

---- -----


"Vou, Ned, Are a MI" Whom . Engllnd Noed ....


• bottlt. tolar ~, " .. litO.. AaCt. W, .. 0 ........ Qer~.

Can You Afford Any but a Titan Kerosene Engine? AT present average prices for ker?sene and gasoline, Titan kcw_ Clle eng-Illes save their owners 'a bout I. I c. per , horse power per hour over gasoline engines. . Figure it this way. Ol} an 8.hor~e en~lU~ th~ saving is a.8e. an hour, 8Se. 1.1l a 1 o-hour da~!. ili\88 l~ .100 days of work. S ay th:1t IS all your engine does In a

yei[·would Gost you $88 more than you n~ to pay, to run an 8-h orso gasoline' en ~i ne OI~C year. 1hat IS .m ore than a third o f the price of the ent;tne. . Gan you a~?r~ t~ tb~ow away $S a y it? Ca n you afford even to t In 0 buyin g a gasoli ne engine wh e n } 'O U Can get a Ti~ that . u ses kerosene? See the Titan dealer and talk tbllo over. He has some interesting figures to show you,

IutematioDai Harvester Company 01 (~


Tl..... ke~ne -.I--..wJ,.



Wa),Deavi1le, O~

w.tYN'l8V1LLB. OHIO. - -

===:1' B Il'===3:1


~ ~ ~


~ i!ERSONAl_~N~~J _F_- _R

(:J r;:




Wat erhOU8 f llr Auto Llvc ry.

, l Ed. Hanl1y, of llaylhn. WUil in low n I •• \


t71 .1~l ll rl



--------------~----------------------------....--0------.~------ --

r,~=~I.:l~ 30




~h ·rw ood . ( f

i ll l own 'I'll 'sdflY.


Facts Into Your Head :t ili~~r W~" h S· C' I· I R egard Ing t e IX Y In( er Motor ~

~ ~ •


The ans wer t o t h e p erforman ce pow e r s o f Saxon , . ix" is locat('d in t h e I'Jlotor - lhe fnm o u s 'axoll If • " I' 1 d I' f .. LX Ilg 1-spe motor. t g l vcs nD per orlllan"C _ ~ t o d ay which is probabl y as nca r p erfecl as h as cver been attai ned . I n hig h gea r work, i n p u llin g powe r, in s m o o thncss and flex ib ili t_y .. axon ' ''Six '' g h 'e aper fo rm a uec that seem s incred ible in a car of i ls p r ice clas s. Illus t ra tio n s are mos t readil y g i ven b ), COtn l):u iso ll


s o w e ha ve com par e d S axo n " S ix " wilh o lb erca r s i ll


~I ~I ~ ~I

U n d c r t he s ame \ '011<1 i l iOIl .' aX(1I1 "S ix " t1l lpl i\'. l ed t his fc. t in :2:) s cconil .:; . Tlti ~ -.lto\\'C' t! :.!:!/ fn -. l rr . k . f .S 1)1(' - l ll) In ca\'o r tl l I' ,.. .. ,' I .'' ( II "~ . .' The hill -cl imb Lc~ t ill u slr :lteLi what .l hi~ .' llIoflll1 e r l l0 w l' r -flow IlICali S in dL' \'l' l() l,ill ," g' re:1ll'r 11I 1!Iill" 1)1 )\\' 1' 1' ,., . ,., Thi s "less than s i x " s it ii'li llg g C:lrs oll n: l'l ill1lJc d a mile lo n g h ill in t wo lIIilllltes .Hat. S axo n "S ix" - w i t h ou t sll ilt i llg gears d ill i l ill ll\l' m ilLu t t: a n d t \VO 9('l'olld s. T h ese in s l :1IIl' s

!~~lriCp~rc1~~~~f ~~1\~e~ ' l~ ~in~~~~~ s~~..a ~~~~~ o:c;~~





power impu lses per mi n ute. axon ' Ix"' s 1owed . 21)!l:3,\)2 imp ulses per m inul . U n de r the 'same wo r ki ll g ('oud i t i n s Saxon " S ix" m o tor s howe d n e a r ly 98';, g r "ater eon t inu itygreater s moothness- g r eater lIuifo r m itv J of t on lu e .

perfOrtna l1cl' ::iax1·ull. "Six :' g i \'t'S day ill :1I1U cia)' 0 11 t. Intl1e las l ana YS IS Il g 111el'rs' tes t s::lI-e lh eo nh' ba s is for ('ollipari so ll . TlIl' se t l'''h:1r mad e IIntkr' eq ll a l l'o ndition s :1 11 (1 llllti r th iI1JI)[l rti a l , 1I111lrcJ' lIlie -d in s p ection of dis int en' 1cod Iwill ('c r s. These l cs ts. /'>

A c o m parison of th e e fi g u res make s it appare nt that a "less th a n si..x" llIo t o r leaves m u ch t o be desired. The fie r cest foca mo t o r c a r has to f:lc e is v ib ra tio n . ' bratl'on l'nd u ces f r iction. T h e Icss nu mbe r of

w hi c h we h ave I 11:1 tiC'. prov lo U ~ 'oncl ll s i\'e ly: - th at v ibm t i01I is t h e ficrl·e. l roe a lIIotor (,elr Ita to facc.' - l ! lallhe amount of \'iiJ r a t ion is dirc tly I roport t l Ll b f . I . 10 lla e 0 ) C nUIII e r 0 p . l\\'ct IllIpll ses 11\ the m oto r. - tha t Saxon "S ix " h:l S approxilll a teh' 0, I ; , more . I . I ' I ' 'I pow e r lm p ll scs per I11 lT1ut e l131l ( l C ' ( SS than s ix" .mo.l o r , w h ic h g i ve- il [I," ;, grea t cr c o n t mu lt y r,e alc r smoothnes: .


impuls es p e r minu t e , l he l ess smoo th is th e p o w e r flow and t h e g r eat e r is th e vi bration. C . t b' . f t h " , ." d th arry 111 g IS compan s n 0 e . IX an . e "Fo ur " into an ac tu a l p erforma n ce t es t , the r esult was astounding , a nd jus l ll o w much a d a ntage obta ins f r om the 1)8 AI 1 fi f S .. S· " . smoot ler p owe r - ow 0 a xon IX IS rea dily appare nt. ' Il 'k ' f "1 ess t h an S .l. - " Th IS we - nown car 0 cylinders , prev iously m e ntioned, r equired 30 seconds to reach a 45 miles per h o ur s peed from a s tanding s t a rt.



Iii· l!I P!t. ...


not ci led :1" ('xlnl mli ll:lr\'


rJ~~~~~:~l~:~fl~ (~r.l~J~'y ~;~S:~~I'I'" Sl~~)f:ti~.~I~Ol\~~ ~(~'I~~\~~

deSvelope~ Sl? 1 2 . 71


herc (UI"

L uanon.



th at ' a. Xli II " f as 1e r pIt' k"-U P m otor .


moto r g ives 22'; " l cs~ lha ll ~i.x"

t 1lUll lh




'Slllurday oJlhs Iwer e ' nut. lut 11' 1111 Sunday in New Wch· H


;" '1 mOIH . Carl Huwke, o f Day ton . ~ pf!nt SlI n· fl ny wilh iti" pnr ·nl.>l Mr . nn tl Mr:! , G J . C. lIR\\k e .






Mr. a nd .. Chad es l{cYlIolds. of I lrin cr Vallc.v. weTl' Cl1 llin)(UIl fri cnds

" nd ay evC'ni l1g' , he re Mu

S!I. St ilwell . of C,)lumbu~. a n d Auuitor 'har1('~ MI,UII(S. of i cha non. were in t OWII Tue sd ay.


r.1t:s. Alice McK insey'aoel daug hter Mis,Jll enrietta we reSatu ruaygueBt s of r el atives in Day lon ,


Miss Hazel Rossell. of Roachester . Oh io,'was the Sunday gues t of Mi.s Ethel Haines, of Cor win.


r::l .

M rs. L / A. Mav ity.oClndianallolis .

~ l nd • iR visiting a t the hom e of •• jUr and Mrd. Thad Zimmerlllan ,







M i~ l ~cy Em ley wast hegues l o f Mr , anti Mrs Sher man Rogers from r::~ rday night unlil Monday morn-







- .--. ;\li :lIlli C·llI'I,l..,r Nil , 10• . () I': S , I': 1I'1f ,)rllla . IIns'!lO . lI' ()I lI.olL5 ' '- - 'I I\\'...iil· 111\'(" 11 ,) '" ' ·,-w·niIlIT. IW l·lIl lIlll{ on ",' 1>111 I ~ "; '1" '1 1':1",' 11.111 (I f· tu frill' w('allwr lit thl' Ilres ent l lllH' I , I .". II , (I I \ I . I • LJ." rt ng l hl- Jla~t t wu lI1 ol\lh~ litl' II' IIieNs ,,"t1 l'aY"ll'nl I.f dll" ~ 1\1 :-SClll tl l S .111 .1 . 11I11I" r~ of lllf 111 ~ h 11Il'lltl l('I' " n' l'llIIl L', II\' 11l ).! '·oI 1111, , ' 0 Li lH IIt·y Mil l~ . n f Millml .l'ullcge. ·dlll. ,1 h<l\',' bl'I '1l jeHtln){ lh l' Stt PIItI ' \ I,n'"I'"I . . ~ llt ' llt th e Wl!l'II·cnLl wit h hi S pnre!lts flI il I'I ':; ab,' lIllhc'II' s l,)w rll'sH. 1'lIt's ' l'la ra 1I:.\\'IIl'. \\' , 1\1. ~ h~rt!. day ll1C1 rt llllt,(' whe n I he pupils llt1'in'') " 11" 11 1\\\ hI' . ~"l· . at Ihesriltl lli hUllS'" t it~y r(> 'l'i\'cd 11 --- - . -- !~ 1\1rHo C. M. I'rit han l . of T ul:s a .• "h.ol'll wlli rl l ImHI . Ih(, 111 ·hall;;e th l'ir ! I J , Ulda , i~ th' g- ue.t of Mr s, Alary II1l n'~ t:dwart!~. L p n t h .. Il;l~ u"I.. a larl1" l>:mn e r 8~ mud .· up o f willtl' :11111 h illel. ",hl 'l1 U IIrc l he ' ol'h" c I)I ,' ~~. tl lJall,d in Ihe I ~rr ' Li na lI 'v ilt and Mri Jul in brel'i', e W hcn the v amv '11 ill lh,·ir lJum\'l\lll\'('r' vitiitor~ in Cinci nlla ti r(\ Illth} f.' lll1d ii d ec-orat ed with ' I' I II k I' I f l I I Sa I u rd a.y, , II' II le an I I al' W li e 1 a r uu S lUll" ~J r. 011(1 ~I r~ \V " Ikr \\' 11<0 I '1Ih i !Jell ~deco m t ions or r~11 lylinlh»t I \,Iuck n gh It ' ,,(I,,·r r l llll' r:J I.! l. lti ch flnd daugh te r s pent .tIh proved conclUSIve th ' I tl-; lln",I.'\I ll .o,<)11" ,1<,1' 111 , 1 1'1 ~ e ,Ill

~=~~~~~~~~~,, \r"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I !-_L_E_T __U_S __C_I_V_E__Y_O_U _A __D_E_M_O_N_S_T_R_A_T_I..::O:...N --:"_JI --~~-----~ m



SEARS, Agent.

so 'SLOW -AfTER ALlll

F rank f'or ..rry. of the Au to mobile De pllrt ment , of Col umbu ~, was call , ~ in"" on olli fr ie rlds here F rl'day_




tha t Saxon " ix " 11", . _,' gre~ter PI III I'll g " p owe r t h all 1 h " l :s t han s i , " motor _ . 111 Its price cb ss .





IIlr. alld !\Irs. GOTilen J oy <Ire



Th e Fred B. Sh e rw oo<1 Pro erty o n FO Ufth S tre et, good, Eeven-room Hou.;;c , Fu rn&'Jc e, 6lectr,c Lights, both Kinds o f te r a g () od Ba rn and a l arge Lot. W 'II make you a go o d 'p r ice for quick sal e .

rel:llli:: Vls ilillIC fr iemls h 're Tu esd ay.




.:II i ~~ t; rllce 'arman s penl 'ul1d"y II ' re wi lh her parcnt i:!


~s Get These m

I", H

·i)PP. of '1\,1 tlo. l ime.


U. G. Whetsel .


U_'O_U_t _l_t. :":"r8 B ill

I '\ ' iJ' l"


ntH I n f u

I I Jt l\' t\ \·

oJ k" . ,'~ (lLaW

UllIOr~. I:~';::~I~;~":";I~'''') g,;,'~!,~ I,f I·; IRll r



lI'I-:'" 1I


(li~:::~:'~· I1~~7,:'~."~;',~ ·~ f\:'t~;lr~\I~ ::~~lI~~

II'Olll I'IIIO , ~I ". ', ,,(I ~ I r ~ I{ , t ·Ollll,lll O 11111 ~ HI IGII 1)l'ro, of W l ltlllll~tUll I MIt, I II I' K .I WllN 1 1 Ill'll I"till'I t "HI11 ' , 11 £ I" 1l\l~1I ' lilt • 1' \'1 ,ultu ,,, mr n,,,' ',In;,:u, InulllC III t.lllr.uul:'• .Induy - -I II'. aud M r~ .J ,!tn \V1 1~. ' 11 Il nll The t>l i:lnli Vall ey Poultn A ~~\l. IIlllnKht , r FruII\~ ~ ", ,, 1',1 WillIlill" IUll ciat ion m el Wednesdav t'\'~lliIW al l ~h n IlP,'r" r,t llll d" . ,\ttl,rt'"0 11 I '> " "I I) 11'1 t he To wll~ , ip House in r egula r t'es I ."r>\ . 1111 .IV I " ('Ull" ' l ltlfl~' 1 1lr~ ~ioll. [{uul ll1 e lnJ~i lle~9 wa~ di~pt"ed l 'I" \' Mr -, MII'l ,lt"I "· " f ""11111 , Mr •. of. a nd It ge ne ral tulk as to th" )luod I ftltlh FIlI . 'H'"UII '" 111 d '>l1 !:ht l1r and welfare oftht:! coming poul ll')' I 1':,lh ur lind Mr~. ' ',,,,,,.(," ",u II\) " :ih ow was disclls ed , 11.,wO' r lili llur "" k I"\;" T he show this winte r. Jall l1a r~ ~ li. Mr " Il,1 ll r.. , H •.·ur.\' Cr \ ' 1'" ar, wi ll be of g reat intercst not ollly t,, 1L'till,,11 ~ u :){l h" ~ll'· . .hlt" 1..1'1'1. "I pou lt ry r!l:s rs gene ra lly but to the 1l lt. U 'III }" . 1.1r ~ tl dl II ~nllth ,, 110 pul>lic a~\V 11. Th sta tedel)[I rtlllcnt hn,b.V "nt! ~J'I HI\\\I~o ll und t,m llly, af wil l have a n xhibit. and thllr e will [) Iy 1011 b~~sveaker .s, n~ here with the ex · P Ull Ba wk n~ of Tn/y . wUllIoh o hlblt . who Will g ive several lecLurc '~e~ k el)'} "0' ~t u f hi M Iltl ront-' Mr , • n" ~ v 0 r'elat~ve t o the poul tr y. IlUd ,\I r s , l:lllrv ey 8 .\\, latus. It IS t houg h ( by the membe r s that the show will be t hu la rgest eve r h 'ld linr tl cf) "llu ll t~II '~ ,lfl iCl I'[u iu en t o '111 n../ ayne VI'I Ie, as ou tslt. .e I ' (.Iin Mouelu" WIIl!u Ilr[l ' ClC l1 1'l lICon, li n dner d llll l; hl llr Mr .1 0 Allhi n",. IU(1t ' D(,.\r have ig nilied t hl'l ir inten ti on to ex.· l.Alw roocu. l{ unSll1l II tHl hl n ' Mnr. · 11I'bl't thel' r stock I!:n rf.>L Hl1r nfll l· flo (1 flU ll l( ht ur "~ m" . of - -- - - I N ul\' Ulll llug r'll'.






I M~IItl, 1 ~r . l MIl n Wil~Jo, M ~ , .I ou U!..hl·o aod t/rlo glJ ler \.) Il rul hy 1 ,:v:l;·Of ~~:~I~(~.v g u [<I•• M .Job n Wi lBUII

fOR THE YEAR If\ n~It~lr~~t,~~~\~~,I~llit~ :;~li ~~~'I1~~~

Ha rveygburg' purcha3cd the Kelly prop erty on ~~u;;I~ l ii~h~t~e.and will soon move .


' slul\' . IafJlt'r ' <lll'I



te" 1J:1I UOl pent Sllll tJlIY witb Muud lltln r Brun t , 01111" , At tbe r eg ul a r m eeting o f Wnyn es. Mr. nn,l M r~. 1:l0Wllrc~ Hurla) ~==::1 -===::1 ~==3 G, . . .. . \' ill .: Lod~e No IIi:! F &. A M , 01l1Ie11 on IiteplUlD Hur ue tl '" t:!ou lltlY Gl' U:l'!s==:JIGl': 'B': 1t::J1e==:JIEH: I 3 G l::i===::JI t:lE:=:J ElI ~1===:JI SP'L:===::11 8 a t the t. Mar y s GUIld wtll.glve a socl ~1 . Tuesll uy evening t he ' fol'lowin~l)ni ' "r t ,,"n,) ~ n . home of Mrs , Caskey 0 11 Frl ' I ' I t 1 f I!! I- ' D L I M1 8 ~ Frun ope Wi\ Ho n r oturn ed ~"!!!'~_ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _..._ _~~_~~_ _~_ __ ~_ _ __ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ ___ ~ay evenlll.g . N?ve~nbc r 17th . ~vc ry ~,e ril we~ ~ (lC ~l Dor H . k'l' S W h .\lU I I\~t w o"k fnll ll Wil lll i n g~ () 11 n !Jodv cord iall y in Vited . J,•ra ~e 'l~ ' :k ' J . W ' ., ''"J It!r . Ce0 'I~"t n tln' l. wh~ro sil o n]'nyod !'e \'u ml (Id-YII • -l ily.: e, , ,A Kann o AlibI. T n 'uB.• L. A , Zitll ll1crt nnn. Sec·y . vldlting , Mr. and Mrs. Veg-o Mi ller, of Jj , H Kell y . :3 , 1), . Wilso n Bdwa rd$. M r~ . J OG r.C'l\ rni ng W IlS ~h o Roost All AlChl"ull n'p"rlc l' "'us borl'IO"II whclI ht,) Ihou~hl hu slll cll,:d \\' h l~ky Dan i I. Wyo . • amI Mr. and Mrs. J.D .• G. W. Ha wke. 1'yler. P. U . of her st.t or IU r . A. ro o l:il m oD8. of Barbed Wire Fred Pence, of Gennl own~ w ere the Clage tt, t r ust ee f or 3 yea rs . 11)'011 th o 1J ... ·!lt h 'Of II III'Ultllll .. nt Atcl l' D eElr Pain i or svi ll l', Mo nduy , g uests of Misq Ann Ph illi ps last ison II1HI1{1-'r wh() hU $ llll' rC lmtll l lnll tit ---_ - - --Mr. on Mr s, .J oo Dnv lM Wllr o Mrs., Anna Cook di ed at he r hO.l1le week. . IJcllll; u teetllltl lOl'. 1I1YCSlIStl lI " 1l rt:· S d S g llPs ts of J!~ rn er8" n E ilfllhu rt ullli .on Mam ,' trest lat ' Sunday evol1l11g GUARANTEED to heal withont 'lenv- "cul ·,1 InSlend or W l ll~ k ~' the h"IlI"'r awe , Off ermon. wife uutlllY atterD ooll . , I a f te r a shor·t illn ,s . o('c~ R io n e d by Jng a blemish, or M ONEY l mpUNDED, IlI lll IlI'p n cn tl llg I) lltll ll ~ H u B WII S d i P \\"· A n!l ll111 Jl Y n Itllll! whfl ~lv('R up ten MI'. alltl Mrs . Knowles Conn and 600 and $ L.OO 8 ;7.('8 for fres h wOll nds. acute ind ig elll ion. Mrs , ellall WtlS cell lR to til e' chll rrlt 0 11 S lln l lll~' exMl ~1l Mnry b ello B a rn er o:lll(\rl \)n old BOres, sore bac k s "nd shoulders, bu rllS Ing dltllllpl1gLlO- t1 Il\' u l'cd lublicco.-Al chThe t~ach e r9 of fh e High Scho ol taken ill Friday a fl 'rnoon Ilnd con · son, of Sprin g fi eld. we re the guests peers t h e Lor() III J,:1\'p him hllcl; $10 l An nll t le r tbwtlit(\ ~un t1 llY liCLerIsoo Olob.,. of Mr. Israe l Satterthwaite anrl fam · IlDd bruises. 2iio size for Faluity.Use. entertam crl th ~ s~v c ral clnsses ~t t.inul;ld to g ro w wor Re until dea t h r . UIO nl)x t dny.- Jnlllll uu llulls Slor. 1I 00n. ily S unday , Mrs. Co nn stayed over DR. coX's PAINLESS BLISTER m asq ueraue soclalm the old buddlll~ lieved her She leaves th r!:! dOU ICh , Is painless IIJld gnaranteed to cure Frid ay even in!!. Th e costum es wer e fers and t \~' O :ons to mou rn her d etlth , for a few days . Spavin, Rin gbun(', Curb, Swct'IlV, Splim, m an y a nd vaned an d tlveryboli y had , T ile f u ncm l WUH hf'ld Ih i: afte rn cJIlI1 Better Than Nothing. Pull8 t or any cnl!lrg£'tllent of - bone o r ' :It 1::10 :o'c1ock at her In tc rps;iden r.c Miss Kath ry n Dakin. o f Hann ibal, GI\'(' IIlC 11 poSIII \'e t'lltl rIlClCr, willi n g ood ti me. mUSCle, or mOlloy r efunded . l' rice 6Oc. \ I{uv , J . F. 'adw a lilider olliciati n" Mo .. ,who hus r e umed her piano II poslll\'c (IIllh. POSII IVt! flpltllo ns uDd FOR UU: .Y ALL DRUGGISTS study in Cincinnat i. s pent the weekposili ve ncrtOI1R. th ough (r('lluc'ntly In ~~~~~~~~~ I end ut t he home of he r gra ntlmothe r. , error. m Uler Ih nn ...1 II 'gllt lv\! chllrn <-... ter. wllh Il doullllll!! fulrh, wlIv llrlll g i T he body of R. C. WeilL, who el ied Mrs Amliml a Wright. - - - --- -- \ ' opInIons, undeCltle~1 11£'11 0.118 nlHl Cnlo t· in X enia las t ",uel,. WH~ in le rred ill lIess of hem·t. SOl1lt'II\fllg Is bettur J I Hant i c!mmter,V M o nda \' afte rn outl. IAn acco un t of Mr \ C"1. will be lllllll Jlol hl ag,-C. '1IIIIU'IllS. 1.l..1...J!: ' "'.':... ~-----------1 , If oundinll:ell<l n ' eysb urgi tt,m s. "From S~

t .: B • CHAPMAN, A g



FASHION to Fiction McCa1l'1I is Supre m e," writes a Ne~ York subscriber. MeCALL'S helps ov e r 1.2 00 .000 wom en dress in st}· t ~ a t sma ll (IX .. I, penee, A recog- '



)·oars. McCAll PAT·

TERNS lead

in fit , sim pli city , economy and nu mb.. sold .





F tllih io n GU Ide a nd HUlI t' C'\(re ,lilll! tl t;! l1er mOTt! w om cm t han (l ny Olhrr mu.~ Dzine In t h e

w o rl d. A ll the 11lle s t J-tyll: li every m o n,h ~ a llio d c liKh t(ul !lilrJrtes; ~l)tci .. \ d cnu r lT m nl in cookina:. home drc n fn ,.h i nu . rOll c y W ~' rk. anCl wa y . \ 0 ha: h ltn 110Uli cw otk ilnd ",ave:

monty . Price : only S, a cory. SOc • y c;u, SEN D FOUR \ 10< F"n cy .W o.~ Book ( [ IH S I,. with 39 E lnbr oid~ t)f Le .. on • • n ll STAIIlPS FOR u McCall PUll .,,.,. Book


f.1 \lr4I. I\'. IIllo,k ,111 , 1"1"' , ... ,.". 1t.. 1... ",- . ... , 101) 1',11. (1'1,. I .. I h ol . .. h ., ~ 1>11 1 I .. .. .... flu . "' , AddaJ.A II .. ,.,


1=--- - ,'\ l CALL


THEII,CAUCO, .Zl8W . ~nb~( .. I'I'wYo,kCil,. N,Y. I'





--'"'' - ,,'- -~\



E dgemont


Butter Cracker s, Fresh Baltimo re Oysters .

C rea,mery Butter, Cb ~ rD C· 0 Id . All S crap l' 0 bacco . .. (j for :25 '!! All 5c Cigars. , .. , . . . (j fo r 2lic

25 kinds .('Cigars . . .

,a for



FARMERS~SHIPPERS , Get 'Pop Price on Boom Ma rket - Costs o ut little to ship. We ean use all YOU have. large or small l ot~, .


Peaches , Bartlet P ears, Fancy ' J\pples, B ermuda O Rio u s . Vellow and \ Vhite Onion s, Celery, Cranberries . Wdne rs, I l rankfults, 'Bologn a .

t pays to at

~~~~~~~~_~~~~p~h~o!!,!!ne~83~.~5~~W~8y~ne~SV~Ii!,!,!le,~O~hIO J ZIMMERMAN'S ==:-~':::==


The hesl f amil y pape r alld t he b e t fashion magaz in e- The Youth 's COITI . paninn anu M e all/ s Mag azine. b ot h f or .. 2. Ill , The Youl h' s Companion ('200) by ilself has for yoa rs b e('1l one of the Lest. mClst e ntertaini ng , most useful of Chr istmas presen t" , crowded wi t h sto r ies, artiel ?s; hu mor sci ence. and lhe progress of th e world ,weck by week. McCall's Magazine (50 ce n t.~ by it self) is the m us t widely circul a ted fashi on m agazine in Ame'rica . Uur lwo a t-one-pri ceofforinclude : 1. T h.e Ya ut h's Companion-52 issues of 1917. 2. All the r emaining issues'lIf 1916 3. TheCompl1nion Hgme Calend ar for 1917. . 4. Ml!Call's Mailnzine-12 fashi on numbersl of 1917. 5. Ome 15 cent McCall Dress Pa t · tern-youf choice from YBU~ first number of the m~gazine-jl you send a 2-cent stamp with ygur seITecHti:!nYOUTH'S COMPANION.


_____ ___

-- -,--' -- - -


My'steriou8 Confectionery. ' ~'h'J Chilli'S!) nre w ry sl;lllrul lll Dloklog cf)niv 'Wnwry. nlld 1 ,()ij~"H' Ill\' rep, utntl n or huvlng tWill" s~crctll the . ' , , . knowlcdg,· f) f wh ich t) ur nwn c" l1 f ec' tloners W() ultl Iln d v ry d c~lrnhl ". 'I'b ey ECCS • CA LVES. POTATOES · ' nrc able to elll pty ull orflllf;1l ot Its pulp anet Today-Tur~e)'I, 23- likely go to 26; Spring Chix. 16; Rabbits entlroly. th l'lI 111,1 It UI wllh frulb j elly 12.25 to ,2 40; u,alveI, $11 . What have you to offer In P otatoes? without olle. b <'11l 1r lI ull! to tIL)(I . the &i pot Cub da,y of arrival for all shipments. Snlllllcg l ('Ul In Ihe rh lll or eVf!n n -tillY St. Paul St •• 808tl'n, Mass, ' ~a. DA~ ~ hOle.' Int1" L·d. I h ~~' O\'eo eJnllty nn ,egg New 51ubscriptions Received at thill ~ ID Ihls nlll llnl'!' Ulld 1111 It with a.8Ort Office-. Produce Buyer. • ot almond Doognt. wlUtout one fbeklg - , - - ----••- -able to find the sllghtl!8t break (or IDW.l~ut CINCINN~TI. OHIO bOD 111 the abell. Read


'a'rK .... .: oA.&....


S. S.

i I I


M cCALL' S - tk t o 11 8 P:lI(f: P m ont hly-


F rank Zcll has rcc('ived a no ti c ' of


Corn '.• . leal, e\"• Ta ,,), I t he dea f his un Itev. cle. He B.lltiVn • 17.\'11. of th Sp rio ng-field. Zev. t! W Beans, New Crack ed H om in y , I Free-Will Bapl ist preache r. a nd hll il I , New Flal.:c H om iny, New Isevernl c h aq{('~ al'fll tnd Wa ynesvil le. lI on , J D. Cla rk will sp ea k at t h,e P a n cake F lou rs . 1 1Th f L1I1 e rai will be held at the ChapFOR SALE . I I in Miami cemetery F ri da y a f l cr. Warren Coun ty S und ay· Sch ool m eet· N ew P runes, N e w R aisin s. 1\e\'l' noon at ~! o·clock . . ing at Leban on n ext Sanday after1 oon a t 2:30 o· clock nt the Firs t Apricots, NelV Min ce Meat. A Nl'ED - A kIn d nnd CODl-1 Pr e~ by t e ri a n ch u rch . H Qn Clark is . pe ten\ youn g wom an t,o do a good speaker and it will repay nil New Country So rg hum. ew j;teuerltl h ousework. No WIl 8 1\lD ~ w ~ ,) g o to Lebnn on to hear him. E vp. Peach cs, Je rsey Swee t 13 a weak, 20-5 , Harveysburg Eli: \ - ------ ;-- ..... - - Potatoes, Danish Ca bbag e. 0 22 ....... ~


~ty le ,



- -- -- ---A---- -I This Week Late Classified ds. I j~ lelV


ntEed . F:J s h i o n Author ity fo r 45

D ,..



.::-_.--"-·. . .,:.:. ;";='~'. :'. .I




- - -+.--- --




IBl1rlJlll l~n '~



~. J,I .. I' . ....

W aynes'ville, O.




Thore will be a special communica t in ll of W ay n e~v ill e Lodge No . l G3 F. & AM . Tues da y Evening. No ve mbe r 14 [It 7 o'c lock. Work in th e M. M. d eg ree. Soj() t1rning brethren and visitors cordi ally invited.

------- --

VALUABLE FARM . WAS SOLD The Janney farm of 40 acres on the t:.ytle road was sold Monday to C, L Duke; the deal was made through W. N . Sears, . -------.-~------

Ironing Velvet. .Velvet must be iI'olled over the Iron so ns !lot to crush til e pile. The best Is to get SOll1CllOll to hold n hot Iron upwnrds while you dro w the vel",it bllc~ord ond forward olong tHe het IIRrtRCl!. Keep the velvet well .tretched, aDd over every piece cllretullJ' tin the pUe 8tandl up well~



Unquestioned durability and exquisite design ' -the highest ideals in plated ware-are assured in 'spoons, forks, and fancy serving pieces bearing the renowned trade mark

1841 ROGERS BROS.~~~~E

, There are various makes of silverplated t~bleware 'which are claimed to be "just as good," but, like all imitations, , they lack the beauty and wearing quality, identified with the origin a Iand genuine '" 847 ROGERS BROS. • ware popularly known as "Si/per Plate that Wears." . Sold by leading dealers everywhere. . Send for catalogue "C.L" showing all designs. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO.• ~'NTtnN.:!~:!~~~m 00.. Mcrid~, Conn.

FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE New Dishes t )Ilr new' IGold Band" dishes are just the thing to s~t your ta-


'I ~cc

ble ofT nicel y; price is not exorbitent, considering the way everything else has gone up. . The price while tlley last.. 10c


. BuildiD,

our Window Display

Toys-,o\U the Nowest and Latest

5c and lOc

lIaa FRANK H. FARR TheWaynes"iIIe. Ohio Magum.


~ixt -E ig-ht f Y ~ ftr







.I,·sst> L(!wi:; II' Ull a Cinc innati visi tor Monda,V .


Whole N umber 3396



Mr . and Mrs Ben States. of Vill ers . Cha pel. wl:!re Sllnday ~ues t9 of Mr. a nd Mrs Waller Clls t.


----- .. E. S. ELECT


!lI rs . Eu phemia Houg h, Mrs Ma· ti! la Hos ia r bnd Mis.q Et hel Hosier we re Dayton visit ors Friday .

At the r egular maeting of Miami 8 1nnket!land omfol ts at Hyman's Chapter O. E. S No 117, MondllY evening. the f ollowing omcera we r e Mr. and Mrs Hurry Hllmilton and elected lor the ensuing yell r: t wo children. of Dllylon, s pent Sun· J "ssie Robilzer. Worthy Matron d ay with Mr . and Mrs. George Ham· Louella Cornell . Assoria te Ma tron . Il to n. Warren H . Keys. Wor t hy Palron . Sue Hawke, ~ec re tary. A. Mumt Ilnd Dr . J. T. F.lIIs at- Eva Jonel!. Treasurer. t.! l1oed the S otl is h Rite Consiatory J essie Hy man . Cond uc t ress . lit Day tun Friday uflernoon and Mabel Farr, Associate Condu ctress . eveninl{. Following the election of oll-jcers a very agrel'able hour was spenlamong The Wom a. n's Auxiliary of St. the members. Ma ry's church will meet with Miss Letitia Mr KIlY Thursday IIfternoon

.- .

t~i8 wel'k, at 2 o'clock.


MISS Ele thll States, of VIllers Chapel, has taken a po~ltion at the Frrends Home , made vacant by the resignation of Miss Lucile Hormell.

Mr . and MrR . Sher man Uyke, .011 th' L t l road. I#n tert a ined a t drn · \V AYllP~ I'III(' . Olr i(,. ~, o v !.j. ]fJlt; II r SlIllJay . Mr . flllJ Mr;; . D. L. l'u AIJ t Ir ' Fri l' ncis (J r· Wn.I·111' 01'0 \\,11 - Cranf', l\l rHo L(I\1isa W olley an d Mr . I":t han ( '. ' rane. ~hi p I'uhlic .'d1l},)I ~ : - l n hehalf o f I tl,.. srhllnl~ pcrmit 1111' tu thank yo u tl..., m\,:tl Ill ann l'r in whi "1> .\' 11 11 I ,'v a nti :-'11'';. 11. II. Pulll1 e r onI1r"l' '''" poIIIJ('Ii' ill mak ing nll r ~ I "'rra l \('I'llIil)o-d III dinller Su nday tho f ol.'I'!)(II I Pal' !1 ~U I·('l·~ 4. Thl' ri)~Jil!n,e ilmillg' ~I r . anl l Mr~ . J a ke U lrey . 11'II" truly ·J.!'rlltif)ill~ . T lu ' t, 'u"h r~' ~ Ir . IIlId ~ I r!'. F ra1Jk Snyde r . Mr . IIlId I''' pi l,.; 11'('ro p:I·a,;e.1 t'l ~,!e that Elrlll) l1tSnydl';. Mr . all d l'vl~!< . Howard t h, Jluhlic \\'a~ ~o t'1I :tl' r to " IIPIII \ ~t Wou ds a nd MIS8 LOIH Woods. them in all l lll·i r un d crtakllll(. 1 11~ II re~ 1 pl .fls un! \0 ~\' o r~ i.n a I' II1I1IU Mr . und Mr". C. W. Squi res .at tcnrJe'" an e lauorate wedd in l( Ilt lugh n ity t hRt i. so Il ubhc I'lrll d . YllU ha ve now visitP\' 1I 8 when We' II I <)11 lit lh C' homp of Mr. ll n.! Mrs. we r e 11"t wo rk ing' so WI' f'~te nll a lIar ry Nic krorson wh" n UI ·i r ,hllllJh11108t cnnJial il\\'itat ion 10 yllu tn tl'I·. I ~uith. Gl 'CRll1e t he brido "r Lescum e lo ~('e li S ofte n w ~l en Wl' a r~! at tl' r Stanti('11I T ile g r()(11ll i9 a nephew wo r k. () ur bOYH antl g'l rl ~ 1\'(lr.k Jll Ht o f Mrs. Sq uires a ~ ha rd fI ~ they p la v fill" are JlI~ t al1x iou H10 hal'e yh ll see Lhe wo rk a H ., 1 ' 1"1 ' ) I r ne crave II·t U ~ h,, " ~t ou r e"111 IIII' n il' "rH. II II rlon . )U e t he I» lI1u n?t /~Ild ~~hooi. AK~'in Ih un llill j.( o." e o f tllei ~ ~ig ~rni anblll a\ I ~tnCA ) 0 11 f r Yll ur h IJI in the pnst alld Sa turday nll<, lt: .. uv. m er " 1. s I' oilin ' you r C()OI I" r!ltioll in IlIP ~Jll en dl d tlllll! \~ ,18 e nj oyed b> a la rg 'f ilth ).( 1 crllwrl f rom lhoRu r r ountllllg country· \! u re .1 • II ' t VI" ns • T ho ~I'r! e an u lle lg .1 JOrlng Y . f am I e t tp r community ou rs or a ) Wnl. H. ·l'r i" g;'I . O~lJo rne dances havo become a socia l (ea tur'.


Th e Ch ilJ ren'R 1I0spi t a i uf t he Se(' Wa lt·rho use for Au to Li ve ry . l'rotest an t Ep i~ClI lju l chu rch, M t Au burn Clllc inmni. Cllre>l fo r sick , MrR B. II . Ke ll y w as II Cinci nnnt i injured' an d crl fJlJllld child ren f.rOln bir th to siX lctln yea rs of age, 1:1''' v i ~ i I IIr leri.! flY . s pec ti ve uf rlcct, ere.ed , col o r, ~lItI O'" uli t y or place of r e ~ l de r. c .: a ~ d I ;qUPW. II. MJl llci en m Ull c a Ir lHiinellS portl!d !Jy volunl ary contri bu tio ns tri ll ttl CIJl .. k ~ vil l e Sa tu r cl ay_ It i ~ u lo ~o lule l y frCl: Rllli t he bllst of medical and surgicuI care i ~ p ro· Mi ~~ Itnw('na Wrig ht. of l1Iueball . vid ed without COMt . is v i ~ itin J.{ here with relat ives, Se ~ e ral childre n f ro lll this corn · mu nity ha ve r eceived t rea l me nt und M ~,;d n m e ~ Li ll n Devit t . IIncl E ~ . hce n benefited at thi. hos pi ta l. a nd Bui ly Mpe ll L Suturil ay in S p ri n ~fie ld jU!l lllt t hi,; t ime tw o of our ynUII gwomll n, th 1\1 isscs Mllr) Sherwood an d Cecilill S nooll, are in t he T rai" fh lI Bru ni! floCl ts a llll Hu !Juers at in ~ Schoo l f or chll rJnm 's nurse;! M I' 'I' Hy man'R The a nnual lJunaLioll Day a t t he H o~ · pital will be T hursd ay , NrJl'ern ue r ~: I. M r ~ . H. M· Sher wood s Pl'nl th e Wl 6 D O nal iolJ ~ of money. fl ou r . w ~ k-l'nJ wit h n ; l a t iv~s in Ul unch eH - pot atoes. ~ lIH c h, al l k inds oCM mull tu r . cere alH, us we ll as jd Iy . cil olled f ru i t , lind uPlJl(os o f a ll k inds a I' " in g rea l 1\1 rs Ma n ' C'lIftkey ~ pent severll l de mand li nd earnes l lv solicited . d a \',; wit h re llilives In Dayton las t if you ca r ~ t o cont r ibute t o t hi,; week. noble cha rity. pleasl' lea ve yo ur 1:(11 1' t riuu t ions atl he ho rne of Mr. Up M ~. and Mrs . J. E. Fra zpr visit ed shure M. \\ hite , Mnin street. DOTlI.! Nlagu l'li I,'u ll .:"! III :111 It :-- I lI'lIlI l ,\ I lI ulllillfl r. '" III Ide ht. 'I I l l ' JlI ('I lII'I ' \\ Ur' 1111" '0 It'o lll r:U Hl hiuliti. HUU fi' h 'W I!' t ho f rie nds in Blanches tc r alld vicinity ti onq Mhould all be in not lll ter t han noon. Monday. N ovember 20th . Ou r ''''I"k of I IIl' .\ 111" 1'11':<" f:<" ".' Till' 1,ll'l u n ' lij cl) lI HllI 'r,'lI II n 'IIiu rJIII lJte pholu;;rol'hlc II chll',· 'nl ,lit. Ab o u t !iO f l'C I b _ IUHt week. ing the Plis t year 728 child ren we r ' " t ntl Ih.. 1" 'i'I II I''' IIr II ,,· ,'11111"1'11 I!< n Im lll! I)r au li re lig hts. li nd t I the left at U1 U p Ict ure, d lrl!ct 17 at the t oo t at admilt erl a nd 550 disc harg"d as cu red . lh · rllt b. 11,,·1'\ ' :I I'" 1\", Ionnl" 011' lI ;;ht 8. M ~ ss r ~ J ohn Soence r and H. M Helpthem - Ho!lp these children. ~h ~ rw (l() d were business visitors in --Dayton last week.


I' Rlld ~lr l:! .•1. . Mc 'oy ell t ertui n.:il a t euchre lust Thursd uy nillh t .



Ball Brand !.loots and Rubbers at Myer Hyman·s .

A bronze table t , which the boarrl of tru stees o r Wilming ton College ord e red ~ om e tim ~ ago was last Dr. and Mrs . H . E. Hathaway and week placed o n a column in front of Mr . and Mrs. Le w Bailey. of Miamis· Bailey Hall The tll l~ l et is t o com · burl!'. were Sunday gUl'sts of Mr. memornte th e liberality of Mr, a.nd and Mrs. Harvey Burnett, ~ outh of Mrs . A. J. Bailey . wh.,s e g en e ros l~ Y town. mude thi~ valuable !1rldition to WII · Imington College p() ~s,bl e . The tabl et . bl'ara the f ollowing inscri p tion: . .Mr. and ~rs. J. M. Patterson. "Bailey Hall of Science. e rected 190 . MI s Katherme Balskey. of Dayton, It I ugh the g ener ositv of Albert I. and Miss Elizabeth Carroll were IrO " .. . .. Iluesb of Mr. and Mrs. Walter : Bailey and Mary E, BaJley. - Clrnton Chandler Sunday. County Democr.H




- - -.... -+"- - -

----- - --




IFROM THE NATIONAL, STATE T he Sophomores of Hi~h School wer e somewhat se lf exu ltant when , in t he laRt issue of t he Miami Gazette. th ey q uesti oned, "H ow about it 'Senior ti and J unl or ?'1 The ophomores could well have been proud of the ir room; they had good cause to be self exultant-but for one. thing. Their colors. bla~k and willte. marred the r oom, we regret t o aay, the en t ire building more than an y other combinatiun of factors. They were r epuls ive to th e aes thetic tastes of our guests. They showed a lack of discrimination, love of beauty. artis tic appreciation : or they betrayed an absurdly assumed origin alit)· . Clall8 colors s hould be chosen which the individulli members could Wf'1l be proull of. They are what will remain longes t in our memories of school days. In aft!'r life they will hRve Ii dear place, a shrin e of the ir own. in our hearts. We s bould cho08e our colors that no th ought other tha n th ose of fondn ess could corn e inlo Ollr contemplation of them . Man y pe rsons , pe rhaps, would like to kn ow what the colors of the other r1a s8 ~s are. ' Seni e>r s - R ed and Bla'c k Juniors- Red and Blue 'o phom ores- Black and White " 'reshmen- Green and White With Orange and Black as the colors of the school.



A distressing a ccident occu rred Saturdayaftern on when Ear l She ets aged about 30 year! , lost his Ii'f e. Mr ~heets who livea on the Sprin g· bor'o road.. ~orth- of t he p ayton pille, Wat husking corn. and ItI so me m an· ner the belt cam e off and was r olling up, The man pushed with his elbow on the other end of the bell t o t hrow it off. but his arm W3l' ca ug h t in th e belt. drawing hi s body in al so, li nd winding the poor fell ow in to it1< foilis. After the machille was fi na lly stopped th e man W IIS al most dead . both arms and legs be ing crushed a s well 8a the body badly mang led, and he lived only a few minutes afte r bein~ taken out of the b elt. The young man leaves a s mall fam· ilY. and the whol e communit y wus cast in I(loom owing to his trag ic death' - - --. - - - - -

-- -


. Oiven-One Township Ooes Oem. ocratic, but County Holds Republican

8"1 I



Ir. anrl Mrs . .J. I':. McClure enter tained at a (; o'dock ,!i nner Satur lillY (>veninll: at th eir cozy h ome. Mr. Rnd ~J rH . Vll rren U9.r net t. Mr . Rntl M r ~ . Ie G. C ro~M. Mr . and , Mr s. Frank Zell , Mr. nno Mrs . G . W. Hawke nml Mr . a nd Mrs. Walter McClu r e.

T her e hM hecn in~t alled lit t h e M:r:;. Isruel Sa tt erthw llito was Wayn esville Nati onal Bank a lI u r· h os tl!B~ at a ll'eaflant euchre par ty on r ough s L >dge r Pos ling- Machi n e. T u~~d(\y a f lern fJ on. Follow ing t he ThIs is t h e second Cine o f t he kind t u g am e a d elicious tw o· course lunch be used in Warr en Coun ty . The mao was se r ved . The f oll ow in g lad ies chine is a mar vel of mechan ical skiJl . , enj oyed the occasion: Mesdames W. and on it one book-keeper ca n do t he II. All n. J . H. ohlman. 1". B. tl enKa me wo rk that t wo form orly di d (1 1'1"81111, Laura Moshl' I',llonnldHawk,e wi th pens . It is th expe lilt Ion of Gcu rp:e Hawk e. Wa lter Chllndler , ~. t he bank ofll cers t sOll n adop t t he V. lla rnhul"t. Wa r ren Barnett, ~, . S_ pl an of m onthly stat emen ts f or . a ll Bnily, Annje T horpe , A . 1'. Wrig h t, active ac counts . in stead of bulancmg Alll1e~ Wrigh t. J. 11. Chapman , L. pass bookl:! , A. Zi mmorman . H . E. Hathaway. Th e loca l blink is always u p. to . ~at.o Miss May W righ t. in all eq ui pmen t f or t hc bene fIt of ' _ _ _ _ _ __ it s cust om ers and e mpl oyee;. _ _ _ ... _ _ - - Mrs. J . U . Coloman a nti Mrll. F . 1B. Hendel'8un enter la ined a la rge number of ladie::! on F ri day a fter Inoon at l ire home o f the la tter. Eucre w as the di version af te r which a t wocu urse Ili nch wall ser ved . Jnvita ti ons we re g iven to lho fo lluwing : Mesd ames A. T. Wrigh t. I':d ith M. Wallace [J ruce Amsull ry will he at HarriH. Laura MORher, G. W, Hawk e , Ihe Town Hall , ill lI a r\'ey~\lurg, t he Cy nthia Evans. E. S. . Buil y. Li na eveni ng (,f the 2:!nd of N ovembe r. I levitt, J. SatterthwaI te, U . M. Eve ry one s hou ld heal' 1hl:l . rare White, Itnymond Cl eager , W. H . hum oris t. imperHon nto r and Inte r. Alle n, Wa rre n Barne tt E. V. Barnpret er . T he Lad ies of th e Civ ic tiu rt , II. I':. Hat haway, Waller ~h an. Leagu e are l o be conl(ru tulateJ on d ler , S. D. lI enkl (), C. M. 1l011l~zer, 8ccurin~ t his talent. I{ulph Mi ller . H. una ld Ha whc, WI I~on ___ J~dwa rds. J n. ChapllIall,J . A McCoy L A. Zi mm er man , Geo. Hartsock , W A. Benecke, Mary 'a~key . E . J. " A rn old , Le H enderson , J . . a rtw ri ght, r. D. Clngl'l t , B!!rt lI a rtsock . W. I'~. O'N ea ll. B. H . K~ lIy , Ca rl H e nd er so n, D L. Crane, M l s~es l(i Mer ritt, May Wright, Clara We a r e gett i n~ a fu II supply of , Lile , II enrie t t a ~l c J{in8ey , H,u l~ Hllrtg ood J e rsey Mil 'v ery morn ing and . sock, Eth~1 H OSier. Mary ~~hsl1ury , evenin g". Whi te's S to r e . ~nm a Helgh way, 'frillena I',dwards.



. For several days durmg the past week the country was kept In a turmoil re~arding the prt'sidential vote. First one side claimed it and ~hen the other, until it was . Mlmo~t Impossible t o tell which BId. dId have it. Finally. however. after all the states were heard from, on the offi cial count. Willon and a big bunch of Dt!mocrats slipped In. . It i3 almost beyond reason that Ohio wellt Democratic. There h~ve been seve ral papers ready to give '" the reason. but almost all of them have a dilferent slory to tell about it. But it did go D'lmocratlc and we will have two moreyeal'8of 21 Cox regime. A great deal of money passed --hands in Wayne Township this year. A four and three q uarte r·pou nd more , in fact. than USUSI!. bass was taken fr om the White wllt e r Warren County, we lire very Iflad riv er nea r Hamilton las t week !Jy a lo note, still etand. in the Republican Cincinnal i fisherma n Aeconl inl~ l y . column , but not as Btaunc~ as was this fishe rman gets t he P rJ ,." fvr hoped b:.:- the party . . . IIndi ng t he largest bass call glit 111 What IS the matte r With Frankh.n . Ohio wa ters lhi s year . _ township? She was Democratrc This is some bass Stor ies h av e throughout except for' the county not I10ated into this town a lJou t ticket. The ' towns hip has always catching even a t wo·poun de r t hi i piled up a gloriouB Re publican vote fall. althoul{h r umor. has it t ha t fur several years past. there have been several g ood ones Fo llowing Is the official county taken fr om the r iver In the las t f ew returns of the head of the ticket and days. _. _ ____ _ __ the county vote:







ANNUAL APPLE ~~~' ~~t !~k.~:~~ S~S~~i:: ~~:~t~: THANKSGIVING MARKET SHOW COMIN'G ....

Mrs Fannie Pritchard and dau~,", ·

for Cincinnati, where they will spend several days with her brother, Dr. T . 1. Way'. tllen they will go on ~o their home III Oklahoma. Mrs. Pritchard find8 many old IIcquaintances here. but most of the people are en~lre .trangers. and many old famihar faces are gone.

' The Dorcas Society w.illl hold a Thanksgiving m a rket at the Townehi House on Wednesday morning. thtday before Thanksg iving at 9:30 • 1 k We solicit your patronage. .) c oc .

Underwear for the whole family at Myer Hyman's.

Read the Miami Gazette now




The Advertiser Wilrfind this column will bring him mo.ney if 'he wi\1 use it for anything he has to sell. . You have a surplus on handl at the present time. Feed is scarce and you want to get rid of that cow, horse or pig: or else, You have a surplus amount of farxping implements on hands and and want to sell them. 'You can do this very easily QY putting in an ·ad. telling, 'all abollt them in or


A pie. baking contest will be a fea· ture of lhe sixth annual Apple Show to be held at The Ohio Slale University December 14 16. In aclrlition. 13 classeR of apples will be displayed, 8 9 w ell as exhibits of veg et abl es and examples of disease and insect attacks common to native fruit s and vege tables Appeals lo the dhrestive or(.t'ans of the spectators will lte in the form of pie served a Ia mode Seve ral floral corn panies have also arrang ed for exhihits at the show. and the Ohi? Agricultural Experi m ent Station will have an exhibit of ditTerent vari eti et'l of apple8 not com · monly kn o w" . In the interstate judg ing cont est. seven colleges will 'compete. The conteat will be held duri ng the sh ow.

------ ..- --

. PrEs id ent Hughes R ........... .... .............. 3569 . Wilson 0 .. .............. ......... .. ... 2893 Governor Willis R ............................ ... 3781 Cox D ........ ........... ... ............ 2791 For U. S . Senator Herrick H... .. .. ... .. .... ........ .. .... 8704 . Pomerene D .. .... .. ........... ..... 2786





Dr. Gail Russum, of Dayton, h~B prt!sented the choir of St. Mary 8 For Representative Church with 8 Proceasional Cro~s Clark R .. ................. ...... .... .. 37115 which will kdd greatlv to t~ A rever· Wilson D ............... .... ...... .. ...2834 ence and beauty of the sorVlce!l. Jt is a Latin or Passion Cross , For Common Pleas Cl e r k nicely mounted. perfectly plain and Bone R.. .. ..... .. ............ ....... .. 3825 beautiful In its simplicity. No w Carroll D ...... , . ... ; .. ..... . .. ...... 2G91 Iwho will donate the church a nag , For Sheriff that the n!'otienal colors may be Waggoner R ... .. ... . .... .......... 3906 . c~rrled behmd the cross In proces · Jordan 0 ......... ....................?634 ; lItOn~. . , _ ...._ __


We want to close up a partnership by January 1, 1917.

All parties knowing themselves in debt to the firm of

I ·W. B. Ma(lden & CO., ft~:v~~ ~'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~~~~ , ST. MARY'S WILL MEN Of LE8ANON For Commlsaioner .... ,............... .. .. ..... 3774 . HAVE A SOCIAL. Rolters RR........... ...... .............. 3844 ' ! Corwin, Ohio, HOLD 81G MEETING Corwin For Auditor


Rtokes R ............ .... ..... ... ... ... 38313 Gray D .. .. .... .................. ... ..2l!31

The Men of Lebanon held their Fo~ ~reasurer St. Mary's Guild will have a !locial Sherwood R ......... .................3930 at the home of Mrs. Caskey . Fri~ay flrst meeting of the ·winter Monday Harkrader D .............. .. ........ 2597 evenlnl(, November 17th. There will evening at the I. O. O. F. hall. A bill. reception was tendered to Judge For Recorder be al(ood program, and light refreshF. M. Hamiltlm, and the evening Holbrook R ............ ,............. 335p menta will be served. Come and have was taken UP in the discussion of Hu~chinaon D· .... ...... .. .........3172 a ~ood time. Prjlceed. to IlO to Par· municipal affairs for the .better- For Surveyor Ish House Fund . . ment of .the town. A large crowd Miller R-" ............. . ... ............ 3792 • ~• was In attcndance. and a very profit Coddington 0 .......................2698 'able evening was spent. For ProB. Attorney Stanley R .............. .... ........... 3a46 . Gaynor 0 ...... :..·............ :.......2679. For ,Coroner .• 1>I1atullh ~3705 Etta Elisabeth, daughter of Dr. Ellie 0 ..................:................ 281\) and Mn. Martin Weat, died at her For Probate Court home on the Bellbrook road, about . PhilIp r..rrlck l IOn of Mr, and Mrs• . Brown R ................. " .......... 88'l9 mldnllht Saturday, aftergt_ :ort~~lGeor~ Larrick and MIIB Helen Blnk· . 0 ...... ........................ 1f;~ rom IPlnal menen th I e IIey, both of IAbanon, "ent t.o Spring· For Appellate Judp : t~=., ~~'::' D~ r w:~ field. Ohio. lut week ;ondA"~mar· Hamilton, R,.. ....... : .................02& "... nddent of WQDeUtne' about

-----: ....---



• k· InIIper. r;:mw~~ &: ~to:u~.-:e0 OD

fled by the Rev' h


:R ........ "...............




Please call and settle not later than Decembe~ 25, 1916. No account will be carried over into 1917 except by parties giving bankable note. Note to bear interest at 6 per cent until paid.


Jon.,(CoIatiDQe4 D ............. '................. 1181 fift PIp ') ......-,. 880. ' Interment in Miami 1"1• • • • •



n" ,-,,' ,,,'" ""-·,R "". '" "" "" " I!r,'lll1 .. f ~'"IIl!; Ill'fl lllLo; hut (h ... 1'1111 1.


hi s nl r s C IlMI·d . IlR 1ftr Il N hn I wn"i t' {lJ\I' P1 ' l\ lo,1, w' u\n hf" ,..1\\\ T oliH tlo t'Ulllunt UIlIf)Ilf,( thl! f( ·~t. ] k ,1 J thH'k ..

&ing a T,JUe Chroni Ie 0/ C rlain ?assapcs Bt'lwecn D

VID A TOil '£ O'B ':\ h B 1fT' l..ARRENCE & En ANNON 0/ I e all C 0 rppeunoe In the Indiana Wildern ('~, and of What B :jell Thereafter

h-r ill



\ fnl'd J,)ltwd ' th(,llI. "'l,l w l" '11 I,,, 11" ,1 , '-,

h" ard wllllt th" m" 11 hnl l 1""'11 ,1I-c'lI"s, II~ b • urt I I II~. Ih ~ !lId " "",lI n ,I..11 "llv Ihf' 1\\ I lltI c! nut yet jolnod !:ip"urer'~ c'"n l"lll~' I' U. n{. I .;j(~O t /, t .l 1'1 "· II r'(, 1 'In Old Corydon and Now Fir I Forth T T T T of mIlitia, ~ ',,, It t' ,11, fru I~. l'C'f\ ltl1tILY , I , ~ ,ISo;> you wnot u ~ t ,,·t -hpl. '(1<1 fl ,I I ~A~ ~ ~ ~ I ~'I]" '!" IP",,·,I l1I nch foroi, "I ' now '1', I ~" I "L . \I . ' ..til M .S ~ c.J.[lJ 1 V J..... 1 1. ' I __--.. thnt )\1"" '" u '\fodhl c:;~ ()flirt but 1 l ' UUl >1"" t "I, cc.)u ut " f t,n li t " Ii I ultlll't think WI' w, ro t b ,t 111111. " IIpp ro) \' ,,", IllU.5TRATION~ ' (J! "Stu p IlI'lng fUIIII), . Nr, Dltlr\,:(onl; V,iI O L,.Hrowl' \' , ( '11:\ Itl. e. B ruw n I 1916, TIw 1W,",\f...411 1 sh ould thluk Yllll two J;n' lI c ~ I rn ug I I"IM I~rtlt IC '. I I ,I ~1J1l r01\1 es. lo.' n W \11(1 Ill' c'ug" r to (':111)< 1 11,,' 1 11,,11' llt ,II , Tho' 1'01<1 cllll1 or tile SloneH Otl "~'II, A 1(l1l(,'Y Y\'UUl "won III " "' tlrl\' u t thp~ o l elTIIJI· J IlII I ,u, ~ tor 'ul " . II I il,l\ l\.(' ,\1, tll'U J;JII!t \ (· Ip rl ', I';'·",' r I'; , \\' 1'1. ",blch be loy l1a" "u n k dl'et' r nml sl ll, dowl'l nnd wntdl ed tilt' white. glllll. 1101 cl." cle per loto 00yld'8 b 1I (' i<, 'Yllh th,' lI,er lng "hllll"S or U'E! 1l1l1Idl'IIS. fl /' !1 ""·c'l1. 1" \1 ItS nm,ly IIH lit' ' " ',X t 111 11 11 vort" 1'1 d nt l.l r ,,,t ,,d 11l\,,, ,·tJI' unti l ,"p ot dospCl1Itl ol1. h slro,·,· to hol ll with 1\(' 1' bllck wootls cn \'llll"r. R'O b~', 10 ItHve the 10,111111 " 1<"1\'.' us In r a t:.U l il t t(l h 1 f1ll1l1h\u llt, t UO. I- I, t l' , - I «I l',, \U ,.I,,' U I'Uble t eeth tOlletber. hut In Rpl h' t\f A pUllg of c n"~' shul Ihrllll/t h him U" lWllt·,. ... ,1"",'lufO' oJ l lo1\' ld "I"wly" "I.llt I ,[lU U utlll hlmselt I!ud(leoly th~re I;u rst from his hI' It I'fll·' I th eir 1I 1: ht reli ,ul'k. 0 " I ]'v(' lie" r L '~ n 11 ,old lt 'r II l1d I I!(,;" [ ten 'L il ,,, \J I It lil'" (" lIP8, with the stugg ri ng uneXf\(.t(·l1· l\J!h ll' r 1\l1I gh l,,·r. l! , WllS llQ Y')1I " .( !!"11,·,·,, thll l I'd Illll k II n 'ry IIu uII CIIKI" . • llIi [i v., UII' llth .. III j,tl l. .I'll; ,· tll H1 ,·0,1-1 .. -\l' P' t"J,',1 II I OU h UK h~, ness of 0 thunde rclap, a I'urox.y~1Il "r 1\ ,"1 " ll'IIlll: IlS lhey, h!' f1H1l1 glt t. wl " I. on ('," eoughlng. f UllY', \ -II ~ I1f,' tllwl1Y ~ In \\'llhh "l o\ "I '- hn\\, I" l' rl ~11 'r" lm·tt,' 1:1,l\gollnt· b t l_,,'" \Ill 4i l \ , ull d ' ("'H u t )' . Ingle Ic n(l, Ol rl.\' h Oll S\JIII C o f II", gifts f ,'olll bin,? Jr. "pll,'r" jus t ,"l ohl'1 to b e u ~"I· E V l I t 1 \ ' h 1 \'r; \Y, IHil ll" lJ " .... · \\TJth a 1'Ct\ched the spot ·\Vb ro Dlwld lay. ){r, (l'llnnr.('II'•• ~ Ircl\l t'I" d ~ !' In r, " '. 1:1<'1' 11 < 011 ) nne In 110, " ·rrlt, "'),. Yull 11 ""11. l' f.ld r 1111 . It t l"" h i ltd,,· fl lH I U!'l · f-,'" ut tt ,l\ ,rtHi \ d \l\ lu" . ..- UI I...:t ;, . It,u d , l>tivld's head bad VII OI8h (>(1 wit h IIIl ('r ll'~ "f lh' 1l:l NI. ClIrCOIInI('('('.l II: \I"" . )'11\1 kll ll \\" YOIl II rl·... ~ven greater spee". But Irty's , (101.1' 101lH'iy )" ' "tll III tile Mnrll ghl 1111,1 Co ,.,. .. ~lt' " , " I't· I.:; rIJr ull r com 'ls . I )l\\'I (j." 11 '1.1 t Ii,' Ii ,.t\lll i I, t I II~ 1,1\\'I· r 1'1 Lpt', thollgbt was to selz the W l/llen ,j;nlzr (\ him wIth nn l'j ul'll lut\ on I, r 1tIl,~h" 1 1 B11l ckfll rtl . "\I'll 1lI1l)' JIH t OR ,':<t, $ I ... .l..!";-, bucket nnd das~ Its conl ents on tho I'll-tls ure. 1 \\' <'11 g ll'o In to he r Orst II ~ IlIxL" I n t 1u, 11l11t l u I' f t ll lt\ tr lln~ f( ' r nt "re nlun"'og the room Int III 'tl nl "11 I D I" 01 1 b t L Il\'lol Inu ghcel too, Dllt JI, W OR 81· f null .... HI l '\t'{ '1"! 'f"" k f w n ~hl PI ~ ii, uO .. " . ,,. , . II II \' " . my ( on:. '" n nre I len t, thlllk lll(; Itlor o f T ,;! " tl C' H "arltness. Dovld h eard th' s hurp ~'O U c\ Ing Iwr ulon(' ? \\ IlI'I1 I wns wlln1R Ih lln of fII l1tkfonl·8. lk ~ c,m. I) rdl n -'d If l)1hl+u I ,-d I { tllil t ht' lI u~ h.1. , l U~ t Ull d tllltlt.' ttl ll"l ll t \lIlll whlsoer ot Scull's commond . ~' mlr ag!! nc\'~ r u dnnce 11111 we hu\'e tillU >ll hi ' chllmn' : "We IIro wntch e(l. Go ou t nt ooc('. thnl ' " W IlIP m,t In Ih c t llll'k ro t It. 00 ,. , I !!I f 11 M Rold lp' 8, .. . , 0 \\'1' I'C li t' I "'r 0 !\ cw :-uits I D,I\: I,I:. ftl st h e -" fI, llIg Ih,' 'lIIerrt u,"t ,Captain Glrty. yOIl will b e Ihl' first. lip lind j oin til 111. soller·Hlcl ~ ." :Mr. Oranme.r. 8econ(l. It l ·OI1 "I " lis e. ntl,'ld mutt('red n ml Mcr nll1 con f""' 1 'rctCMU" Ilr Ill(' \\' ., ~{, nn,! 1'111 1\ In w· I ,\I n 1,'1) l.'r(:t" r~ " ~ l h u , ll" e r nl "..,"" )I wlll follow." HI,,". whi ch Ih o ol u gcntlr nlu u \\'ou l,1 y..r, t lt ou h ]'.1 h li le to loll"" 111 0 lilt \) IVutCt:! lIu'l Iti lllJO,1I 1,\', Thebthll0hglWhlch Oa\'ld cltcl !lIen WIlB h u \'e nnno of, : Inlllf'ntrd llI u 'kstone h C'lI r IIf O'RIIV ,\ my Atklll ~" n '\' ,\I\ ' lU Al k IOS,)D Proba ' I S 88lvaUon. It occu rl'" "No c1tlth~s., IlId c('dl Sl lI r e when thll t. lk'el r oll o,'('r. I'n' " V lit IIt~ UIV ,':'I'U 1\ It! h\t lll " ny. to hIm thnt hi s chon c of ,tll"'1I111: wero bncksklns n ot ns good 118 broud· I b~~t YC,JrIl of illY yo ung lifo enopcO I'rullil lo ' o lll1 Proceodln lt!! Scull slnglc·ltnnc.l d WII s:r<'lI t"r If he ,,!nlll III'r(' In th e w ocllls ? N n 111\'\11\' 1 1IJI In J mll£ Ir n r(l's olllee III lI! IJrrl s· should return t o the pll h·tl ll rl; ~lt n .. lI"n 1 F lclrl l,'s ll k ~ ! e veryone Is \\'1'1· I tewn. wr' Rtllll g wllh lIk~ lI l1y'N 1n r e wtll ti l A\l~n~ I\1 H I~ , Mill. ,thao If b e remn lnl'd III t he s lrC!!t. '0111(' with II ~ ," "Hule8 or 'Evide nce" when I s houhl r,ITLI, tl'dCC.Illl I Wtl Il dlu ltt e (\ t to I And tbls be dId . Alld II<' IlrOlll:cd the re luI'tllnt youth I ho"1' h ~ n &h rJd los: n III ~tl' r "" " II", p r"u e ,\ ,IC y E, YJutfo rd , c.I u()\,lIe U Wh n b e hud rruwh~d ~"lIn(\ I ~~~ ly \ o\\'lInl Ih IIJ::hl~ lind mll KI '. I qU1'i ,11 IIf,' nf X\'\\' .I I'I·~I' " '"111 I 'I,'n' r Will ttdLllltl tJlI Lu p,"11 til. ,u Ll r y 1£ ~e 'I'll .. I!I'II t'lU IIl' lud y of th u 110118(' 1'1'- r{'('l a" If II wOlllol he ":1"11\ f,,1' IIII' Mulford II ppIJlll Lecl t1XIl (' ul I'll: , AV· baCk Into th e l:!Ullllly. kk klllJ( 0 0' hl~ sboes ou18I,]c. h e was ju, 1 III Unit' 10 ,cl'I\'('(1 hllll lit th c old IlIlIn's Intret!u c' ! lo throw rtwllY ull t l" " . IIII;:II I.I' ,'ro,, \1 · pral u t ll l:l ll rt y \j; l;'I\Vtl lI. ilod ll Make up your mind to begin A milliiln women can t, ,11 you see tbe d oor p 'lIed un,l 1111' O;:U I' ~ IIr It on, II'llh kl nlily smiles for DIWlel'H 11'>11 jll~1 tn gl\" ~ 1111' rl'll . <I;IIHIt', 1 T h u ml ,~c>n lIod J A. ·" Wan. I n. the first mon. Gl rt ~.. rollllly 011111111'01 !;hl'IH'N~ ; bllt II Wfi R neu lely III III J;"nt1"11111 11 ,h "I" II~ lIrt. IIr wllll'ln" v tlntor~' Hnll tlIlIJJ'lI iMB ltIt u t fi ltHj, that with them, the coffee prob- today to give your husband the 'In the ap nur ' n ~ ,· , 'n. ,Wh,·IIr.I I. "u ". 1I1 "'crlll(' I ~~~ , 111110111,( tlte grolll) Iho " '1111' Ilf a fU lll f ,> rhl .. f .lu'Iit"· ben~fit of their experience. Give MLlry 1£ H," ll l·l d Ild Ollll l ~Lrll t rix lem is a thing of the past,DaVId stol ferwurd, Tll l'lI III Ilnor (,f ynllnj! Illuirons wh o clu"tc red Ilt li t hl ~ Ill'll . or e "Con III" p io'lI,me IIr II I)" " l t h" ~t 'lh' o f 'I "tun U tUe lu . dOl · ' him a chance to call you the opened wid er lo ullow the hpu"Y ng· !\Ir~. Hull Nl'/:! shl . In t h Ir ~lIkR and III'flll lll ll'UII C(', I "XI,,'<- t 1(1 h i"·" " .. r~ eC"I" p.c1 v ~ l\l " ry I~ 1:ltlltl"lu et L11 ' greatest coffee m a ker in the lire of Cranm er to emergl'. Allu tll 'lI l!lIll1ty 1ll1l " lIn lt-tr(, osUl' I'~ In t11e wll· I rl'w (' IIt'lIl s II111 0n l: ,'u r ," ,I " ... ., h'·"Il. that every morning their '1', l' L'lJn , lt" 1l1'1"tl lll n l t::lltt rdill n Scull. tho third mnn. weut out. WIth d 'rlh'H~-nud ho \ ' IIS g lnd to c t;CIlPO " C'I'>' fow. R"II" IInw. II,,,,', ,,,,,.n, to world. When you see how enIl II ltl.·ttt" coffee makes the whole break,the quickness ot dculh. Du \'ld I:lld d 1CI Ih (' nllrrow v('rli lldo. wh cr~ u g roup pl"I ,rl' r I' 'w ill Ing II hll ,d,('!: I' ull ll'r M'lf Y I'; t:iul ll,illi a d lJllIlI ~ 1 rtltfl x fast seem entirely different, satis- thusias tic he is over the flavor of ,at hi" heela. of IIhl.'r ,I ll n CO Il\' r ~ d In qui et t oncs Il lII n II IIl,tl'iwl.f1, e" ,1 nll " r n l"Y, I f Ihe ). t tlta o r ' IItllOll Ulu U,·ld , lIu I He bad picked up a b c.n vy b oi'se- 11 1' 0 11 Ihe nll'lIlrs f the 'l'c rrltory. Du· I TI, uuj! lt . F(l r tIll:! 1t1l1l1, '1' "r 11111 1, 1 starts the day right for all. Arbuckles' you will know· why it fying, !:tJ,'ri t)U VI ~hl' Y J,; i1 !Htl uld, d tJ · ehoe on the fi oor or Ule sm ithy. tll o " tel Rtllr ' d lit th Ir yell ow . nunkeen dn,,'t hpllf" 'o I cll n bltllll(' 1·1","1. .111'1 ~" has solved the problem of over a IIIH tolko u t IJ 8ttli ro I ilLu Ie I first weapon thllt hud come to hnnd. IWIIRP r.... H urs t 1('11 ~ U11' lltllt In " " II .. " I' 11 11 "r Like these women, you will end million women - why it is by 1u r a tl)l l tlto of ::;ltIl t,~~ H LII ft e ld. d , : The tall figure wnB jus t before hI III. lI n rl·l ~ ol1. t he go'· rnor , who bod GII Y("' lfllr 1I l1rrts')Il'M '11'11,'1' I " 1'"1 Ih, your search for the right coffee far the most popular coffee in ,H Is arm rose ; aod YCII 6 S lli e hen\'y COli II' f l'l) m Vine nnea to OVllrsce blS l lllll lJ u" ]J ll' n ~ t1 o lrl ·. "r 110 .. fr" llIlt'l" oiluu! d , InY oJ u Lor)7 hll ti 'Ll'p rlll ~ t!. 1 , weapon bung In til nlr. Scull pu hed "prlnl: l,ln nUult. un d had tn rrled t or til tI" '1~l on hy lh. Cl1111"1 - , Iill roo I "I ~II' I munt fil od, the moment he tastes Arbuckles'. " America today I T b o tl I:I9I XDU1 CU~ of th t! Mo rro w I open tlre door o! a cnbln tlwt s tood t il' vc·u lnl:. WIIN among the group. hI"'" (Ill whl to Ul lin h"ttf, ,·tt r",· 1:,8 R I.lllu r MIl[" Uu , I!'l til IICCOllll\ of Dext the IImlthy nnd \·IIOI8bcO. )] , ~ul'uo d to a young mun: IIlllrch>r of · till 11Idl kll ,,11\,'1' 1I11' I, ITI· DavId beard til IJoor aloS oguin "Mr. Blackford," 110 !jn lc1 , lOr 1,ellev8 \tlI· ~, "'Uf! IHJb'1lD. IIl1d thu t 11 " "'lI 11,'\' , '1' trn , tll l~ ti lc tl . Arbuckle Bros. have the largest coffee roastlIod the heavy woodoo bar .droPllell tlln l you hu\'e lho (lI~ ti ncU ou oJ be- ",HI boo I n 'ftl fJtiliaHI o f l~ mll y D. Stnrldolll, ers in the world. Every day they roast enough IIcross It on the InSide. Fer a m<>- Jnl! Imuluur d the somo ('o llego "Hilt Aer lousl y. 31\ 0" () 'B II IlU,JI\"- d OO\>l1 ij.IO, ltlVIl O t lll'Y 'l1ud L1]>prlll II coffee to supply your entire county a week. mant be stood dumiouu(lcd. Olrty whI ch I'res ldent Mu!1lson attended. I m lll'klord W'"'Ttt n- ·'!Ile,·,· ,·tl ll· t he " " m oot !ile tl. and Craomer hod dlsuppeored. Dllvld flI~'81' Ir WUR 0 student at Bamllderl. g,·cll t a ,n ecessity tur Ihill lll!!" ornu 'lOl K, ttlt,e or Eltllli bB\ll 11, (lolleU , d E. walked on slowly, broedIng over pinos SlIlllcy college ; but I r emember hen r· with n lot ot rnil itlo l lt ~ n j ll s t 1I11\\". c ltll eed . I)rd il r 111141.10 Ii tog ,he tor the morn log. oud -found blm!; 'It lit In g my rllther once 8ny thllt. tres lcl C!8 I'on Ihero ? Thl!y lIl a k ' 11\,' Ih lllk or IIID Otllll1 o f lo li r ltR ll cll l x , " the river, u,.lklng to Itself In the ntr;ht. the lus tltuUon which WIIS tbo first- I~n lI<t" il"A opinio n or his rtli:i:,·t\ r~~ J use ph lhlUl o nr, exeouto r of the Be became aware tbnt h e stili II lel horn ot tlll AU1f'rlcon colleges-his c rult,,: " I' ll n ot mnrr h thro ll)lh C,,,'· ",stu te of thlDl1lllt li: IIOIilutith Roaoli, ll<imethlng ' tn his hnnil; and looklug own coll ego of WlIlIllm lind Mory- onlry with t hpm. thlli's fl nt: ,. tfeollui!ed . t:lnltl 01 11I1l1 ",til to Oull · clown, bebeld the horsesboe. fi t) the r \\"IIS but one which a Virginian "S,'cl'~slty! " eri ell T .. llid II'. "Olt. firl1l e ll . nd d oad unl t;r ,l,l. tossed It Into the stream and wcn t IIII!!ht ottend wtlh out doing v101 0nce Y OII 1II,'·... ,' t hl'en h (' I'(' 1,,",; "II" II~h I" 'back to the tnvero. t il his fOlll lly t raelltl o ns; he mIght, It h ~lIr till r,' porls of 11ft Ih ~lr \'I'Il,·llll's I Marriage Liccnseg For ml1Il7 days attcr tbot bls rag· lie hod 00 80111. go to Bon'urd. or, It' · lJ U\'I·II·t YI,U Inlk pcl wit h II I'Y " F Ilh'~ " Ced, di8carded s boes loy unnotlcec! nt he h ud no stomncb. go to a ontmeg IIIl 'l,wc;u(IsIl'dl wh n~" fh ll1l l1~" 1""'1' 'h llrlatl ~ . t'ou • O , I ~t 11 lCollothnl the low aperture ot Israel's sm ithy. InRtlt ll tlon ot New flo yen; but os u b""1t (, lit c1uwn nntl " ltl~"It , 'rp ,1 II llel f " Ur i ll t;: lll) ro , Il tH\ Nu r m lL lJ. Riley , 'r u e tlull thrOb 0 1 n e nrolglti Is DavJd a~oke In the mornIng all Vlrl(lnllln tlod ' a gentl cmo n he would tOl'lur~"1 But I don' t ,'1'1' ~I:" ",lor ll'ru llt!lltl. l~ tl V. [ , B,. JI'o . til L'. quiokl y r GIi ved by S loll ulll.. iDlmeu~, fresb os the doy, Dut day brought go to Princeton." unci prucl lcOl your old 11l \\"! '1'111'1'<,'11 .J . t>lnltp U lrrl uk. fU rWtl f and t be IIlliv e rsul r e medy for pllin I and Embalmer, .wtth It the demond tbllt be toke up JJlllcirford lou ghed . He WBS a young 1.00 Illont)' Of ol he r ItI \l'Y ' ·I·~ to s hlllll· B ele n.J , J-s lllkle y , unth of L ~lmnon , b:aIlY to' lIpply : It quiok ly penetrates Tbe 1!".l ulle8t d og ever koown lII'u ~ !hl8 Dew work i amI be crossed the IlIwyrr who hod Jus t urrlved 10 tho el er U gun. If th l'Y !!"l klllc·(1 tlIl' n " 1I • R ev, \ 1/, A, 'OOPOt·, wlt.b o u t rllbbing "od soot b es tilt! "Ttnv." Il bla ok-anc1.t~n torritlr, hI'. ~Waynesville. square to Colonel Posey's stere.. scou- t errll ory. 'tbe Orst 01 tbe Aala!l: Y ot' Le jU ~l thnt IIlli t h lli ore 1'1101I'C fllr 80re UJu80Ie~ . Cleaner Bud m ort! ' 10ng inJ to 1i0 lIro:ty tllli .:I r III En g luu' j I~ cal Estate Transfers IDing tho vlllage sharply ILS lie went. young men bred In the elJstern col- you to s ucccud.'· proDlptly eiIecUve tllan mllSIlY pl8s.1 (0 Uonur of hi s ext re u' ll t lolo ess 11 13 . He bumod to the cablo by the If'g s who we r e t" nclll e\'1l distinctIon Bltlel,r"l'cl will '(I, \. 'J\l ltll'lt e Wit S Rt) ,I ulia U oge r to Hnfi ll E HqrhHoh , ters o r 010 twent· d oes n o t sllliu tb o is H O W preSll rvcd nlltl e r 11 ~ltl H tt " I' . W e hlll'8 arranged WIth an u,:,d erTiny WBS le~~ tlllm fou r ill '1, ~ lak. o II' tall aU ,l o, 80 we Will btl_ ' blacksmltb's sbop. An bonest,fu eed lu Ihe lIew eoulltry. His 101:e \tnll u t. clllllgc "" ' II ~ ly nellr ' "1 ~")' 1 "I1I"~ litat h 22' " nore" In Fl'Ilu!di u t ll w u ~ hip, f l ~kln ur olog tb~ por es . For s uff aLIa t o furni s h e~th el an auto or woman. with a brood 01 babies cli ng· Im et d Oo,'ld Lnrrc ncc slnguhtrly i WIIS ~"''I'y he hud je~ I ,'tJ "" II ' h al l. 8 0 mb ~~ . B ri tl llC! t ul h " Plt r k Plll os mo soles,ohronlc rhenollllism. gout, long, uDcI ouultl oomr or~flbly '\lr l nil ho rse uraw,n fun,OI 'II. . lng to ber skIrts, unswered his koo k. 0 \\' 1'0 wn something In th nlnn's i " W e ll , well." h e l'l'pli ",1 "f)r'l lt lnl': ly. R Olllly ' ()" r aft I l te iu Fran klin . Inmbngo, IIprain& and stuins It .lUd t ll ke 1> flap III l\ o omULIJU I:hlSH Il lves qniok relief. t3loLlu'f\ Linim ent tumblor. Au o rdlunrv fio~e,· r ing Both p hones III Othce a?d Rcsldence, "Scull.," sbe r eolied to his <iu ry, fln~. 8lrulghlro rwnrd look that drew \ "D'I\'\(I 1111<1 1 will tI·~ I" "It'lI' U'" 1111 ~1o. r e dnolli:l th e pain and InfllDlwatl on wU8111rg e en o tlgb fo r h IS c o llar ; ,lll d ! L o ngd lstance,No.14, Home phone "no, nebud<1;v by tb et name IIvln' he r. hIm IIko u broth<!r. And hero woe on to y our Id ~ u of n 11 111 11 II' Ih l n ~H gl' t \Y. I , Rlt ll til J" .. villn Wll sUIl, My' M7 man 1.11 Israel Butt, thnr nt th' opportunity; he cou ld now gra.tlfy OilY In, )re ac rl o u ~ , I'll prowl ,,· YOII !lores III I:Itl r l!l ll l Ow uR!l,p, $L In ~ blIAII, bruleea, bnmps Bod when he 8L1 till', tl b"by 's btloc1 wo u 'd 14· 2r , forge." She wos 1)Osltlve Ullit no tl lrotJ~h Bl ucldortl nn omhltloo lie hnd th 'l t I II\'ld \\'111 knock down "O~C II" other minor Injuries t() cblldren ullllo~t lltue m lJde ,a broad onll !lMe _-:::::-~:::::--=::::::::===::::=== A, El. P IlOllt,·1! to O. A. .l obnHo o , Get a butUe to.dllY a~ you Drug. resting plaoe for bun . · .----luch person ae SCUll lived In tbe vII. seer Uy n ouris h ed to r some . time, to Clr ~nyu!:l' wIth hlH ~' lI l' ll s ll 'k IIll rl Of llOllrllO b e oould 1I0t fi~ht lage; ber hueband was equally ot n study Inw III the e" cnlogs, H I) "'08 ' I' ll til) th III h om) tllIlI fuot wll h r~t1 re"l :;tnto In H tl n llll lln t ow llsbip. ~Ist, 250 , S!. R2t1in Bt 11 rut. lJUt btl li ll d oo oru !>:!! ,10118 to remember the name; ood Da- growIng r estless wi t h no greuter OC- tnp '." enou~li 10 bnrk ti t one-wben it WKS A. 1:1., P '"\Hll e ll I \J Mury E. Porn vld. COnfident os be bad beeo, wos eU IIIIUon thuo lIlCllsurlug silk IIml cui· "YoU'ro !JOUI i;lIl1jJly 1I11ll'flll ." d edClld , He lloulcl bo vo 1I0ytliing h e ,forced to tum owny, bomed b7 l\1elr Icuts over u s tore cOllllter, And the chll' II 'rulu ttl) ; unel ul e HlIbj 'ct WU N IU'II, I t, in lI n in ovl \lo , ti Carrie B. Spenoer to R o bert f't , wl s llell to Ollt; but lie vms flat bIlPP Y. E:lllso n Hml lb \' 0 M. R. Ui ll, real ,honest perplexity. l.'be muo hIld dls- Inw would be u st9~UO step Ilt droPl) eu. tHng, ron I eduto in Union nowoshlp. for h i! b~d 0 0 IIppetlte, lind ' h tl Funeral Di ' t'~ l or. oetu l:(t i n Plo"" '>I,t Pl ni o , I ~ppeared as completel7 as thoul:h lellst-townrd Toloette. $1. sllivor~d mo ~t 01 'be time, even CHAPTER VI . he had boen swallowed up In the "Bal'e you ever m et tllo preSident, H Il lilt h E ltz' l bo tli rtllllCl h by e x Ohio WlIlIILm C. Van Fossen to Luettu tllough h e WII8 blddeo In ~Ilrw WaynesYille earth. Mr. Blackford?'" flarrlsoo WCllt on. ecu t o r t o (h~ I" 1 b , I:illl g ln8, lot In \Vmpl<. Vf course, be otlugbt co ld ~c o tt , lot in Milson, :liL Le bull olJ, $ J (iOU. Stupe1led, Onyld mnde Ws WILY to "O~ce only. Governor Hurrlsoo. I ' Moonlight, WIl1i8nt U"rry Tindell to .' 11sepli olwilv. ulld t hen (,b. dear! li ow Oranmer'a lodgIngs. He had no Ideu flllllll oever forllet seeing him at our \ I '"\1 d wu ~ tbIJllghlfu l. wh iIL' 1110 I!:u r1 G llT l'I1 10 c'lltl rlo~ GO l1d~n e-l£lT It I, IlBnrge r. re81 oatil e In Unioo towo. pitifully b e did ~ n e('zo !-Bt. Nioho whot he woulc! SI(Y to tho mnn, but commencement exe rcI ses la st Septem· li ght lJ unter mu 0 11. lot III Ml,ple P ' rk, $ 'u, 1118 , abip, $1, bls steps took him mechanlcttlly to be l': ho \VIIS tit r wllh bls two cIa8l!' "Go"cl'nor Unrr\sou," h ~nl c.l, "mny AlIlo Equipment T M. Mn oy II dmiU\ ~ t r l\tol' to Mlny the door. And there he r eceived n motes. Philip Fr nOllu ond Judgo I hll"l' II worl! with Y" u 111011(1 7 1 A. I;l UIlI n , r llill IlJ tuLfI III Waynes. HorlOC-Drawn Equipment !'. , Commissioners l Procecdin2s second shock. rUlImer WILS gone, Bruck nrhlg of P ittsburgh, They l1" v9 Sill' Info,'ulIltiOIl Ih nt 1 \\'I: h to v II I , $ 1,.11 0. ' 'hie doughter with him I wore gr eat <:rooles wbll e In coll ege, 111.1' before y ou." H. Ill. UIllI.tusb, Inquest on botly larry W . f; ur e y t o ' ll 'lri es L. I bcll eve. One BIl\\, them wonele rlng Th O YOIII 'I: !()\' '1'11111' !Jow II 1I~~(' lIt , Wblther? DAY NIGHT of E . W. Webb ' ~Ula; J obu lItlel oyt Ao de nun,l o IU L,,6'Lu ') u, :U , , 'Ihat dull, 1I1!tle s, Ollpre~~e (l fe e l. l'1i:LErH ON E 7 HIs question brought the r eply tll nt IInd" r tho elms wlUI th Ir ,urll19 nne! led th W ilY to II QIII' t 'M'h ' I'. G tlorgu K o hl ~o ,llls pu r ll , lo t· w{)od tor oourt house '10.05; Etlr. ing i ~ UIlA to I m)lllrt~ie8 10 y Ollr ~ye I ,they bod euld they w ere g oing to \'In· ur'/lInd one onothcr's Should('r9, IlIlIgh· DavII I ' tolcl Ih e aW l'y lit' tI, l' IHI'cllnt; Il IHt'S Oro!: tltore, dipht,b e rin IIntl tem , 8 lu gl{i~h 11 ver, ologgo l) I al es· 'cennes. David's frIend . Jolm 'l'lpl on, I n ~ at so mc o onsen slClI1 bn1ln d nbout , IJOtw'('n Glrty. Orllll lll(' r 011<1 !:i ull. in MII >;u n , $ L tex ln $2 riO i E , WIt ~o n, 11ft nnd Unes. Dr. Kiug's New Llftl Pills Mat,tl 1". I.'r '1~~ t Al be rt, ,I. D oor'tbe hunter und mllltfttmon. wns lhert! ~lIl o l, lllg thut Mr. Frencllu hnd ",rlt- 1 U"I'rl ~o n' s fn el' grl' \\' ;:1'11 \'e. foro o 1IOUl!> II~ tbo CO tirt hOIlBO f5; give promp~ rel' ef. A mild, (ju~y, '- be would s ud J ohnny II letter to te n," "Why dlel you n I r l'p" rt Ihls ~O ')II- Ill uun . 1 (1.' " I\ o r o ~ ill 1II\III, Ilon t OWlI , ~tn l e vs 'froy EwuraoD Be ltz COst,H Don griping bowel wovem ont wilt Ilt ip, $ 1. "Wllrn him aod GO\·en lOr Unrrl ~o l\ "Fren ellu Is our grelllcs t pnci." sold er7" be usk cd s lllll'ply . $ 10 tj Q; Waldron C. GIlDl'our, b o nrd tone up y o or !lY8tela lind h ol)l tn L Veterinary ; jII&alost Oroomer. Glrty aod SCIIII . llnd rlulTls un . "Surely hi s bouutlful IIn09 tor wrOl e nt n,wc III ""ltll Tll'tnn, und 'Ya ~ biirg for prlsonera $20 .5 5; olBll r YOllr moddy, pimply OOUl i' ll' x telllog of their tnlk or an Illdlnu up· "11 'The 111'IInn l3urylllg Gro uull,' his nl VIt, c·Pllnt's." I)n \'lll nll <""' I'I"1. " I M I ~ml GHzett.e. Je~ter heada Ilnd eo . ion, Het II bottle of Dr. K in g 'K Graduate of Oblo Slat. Unlverli'Y rtalD&, exquls lto ode to 'The \\'11<1 Uoney- ,,,Iced hllll to t ,n ~· U ll hllll l(,01l ,, I' ' ly, I s r'ntlllJ lg- IIII' I'" ' ' ' -. ro .... .I I JI," __<o n 1.1" velOIJeS for eherl1J ' 7; J. H. (Jon lev. Now Life Pilla to-tillY Itt your DrUB' He returoed to his slore. wrote th o ~u c kl c: 111111 th ot mllt c hl~8S <llrge for hn ye hnel DO r C)Jl r I" ·OJII 1,1111, hUI 1 1:" lnl( /1 \\ /1 ) ' " loll ". !:t ,1 1 , 111,11 ,'GRd work U OO; W . .8 . H o oping, gist, :llio. A dose to.night wllllUlLke letter, sent It on by post. Thllt done, th d >n,1 \\'ho MI' at Eutuw SlIrlngs l"f,"'111 1;,'ll,'l'o l . ll b" n. ' \\ Ito Is to cl\rpoDter work lit o ourt house f.3. you oheerful u' bro/,kfllat, Office st residence in F, 11 , Sher he could do no more, except walt III wltl live fere~cr." . 111.1\' " d O:"'~I' n f Ihc· "''' I'i Ior." I" Ill y nlo· Aooo nots of the ~wo d llPOMltolles patience for Crunmer's retu rn. wood's bouse, Fourth Street. Ancl In hI s dpcp ulld r eson llot voice, I ' Rr nc,,, 111111 ~ h ll ll "I rl t l hIm In hn \'(' t he lJltizAns IlUd L e bRlIon NlltiOIaui his fllc e Hhrotttlcd In tho ShllelOW8 of I Itls r"l1 r~ " I'" ."ukl· II Ih' .r" u;; 11 s l'lI r eh j bonlt8 woro audited aod found ,cor. Telephone 28 CHAPTER V. illo vcmn du , Ito I"'glln to reclto UlIIt I What The)' Say. f or th f .. ,> 1111'11 . A:-i f (w T I'('lJ ln '-:I' II, rl! ' reo.. . ~plendlu elegy. Fur (l wll110 uo one It wns the Iks l tillY nf ho"r I1rs t term Illllr~ 1I U1 1 I ds 1:1" dhp l", t-:1f'SkrlfflWlI' l " Ohio Young Men and Maidens. l5\1okc, Inllch wus thinking of the ' lhe r' rl .f !td, I", ~jl l"l" llTg- jll,. \\' n ITlo r~ o f !'Wh04)t. nod 1hl' n,' w h ' ut'!I .... 1' j'ulh,d Waynesville. Ma7 oaBBed and under the lus trous Rhndow of wur with En t:;lnnc\ thot ' UI' the c lll ~s 11,,01 II s l, ,',1 It ItIl'SC ~ Irl tn tn dISt '''; " , l - l 1t:I YP 1"\ ':11'11 . I 111\' CUI'H ' Itars ot a Juno ol ght twluld cc.l Ih e " "I'II, ed dc-e(,,'n lng with Ih e dllYs ; of H", I ,1>>' UI't ·,1. ~ rr, J.IIIT'·IIC,'. ,illl t WI; I ' tI G 1('11 o f ( tlliu ltlh ll s ' VnYIIJ!fl. U\V cll.'· Mold warmer lights of the littl e ylllllgc, Ih e cl,,,pr, more t crrlblo shodow of sl Ul fl 1(,·(·1' ''''It 1'11 1 \\ a lt' lt (j\'I'r' Ilt p''''1 " Beforot,d"llgCh~l1Iher1!1itl·8Tub. Ih o Illrl. uCl) llIltIhtl ~ " lurtcO! "li t 1111(\ Tho)' shone bMJ; htcsl of nil In tho th ~ Indl!lll, 1i" ,It,'r', I tI' ,IIlI( ~ toU f lJr whu t yo u let s , my bll8b_ci suffered f o r sever. su II t'll o,'ol1l1rl n " OL" ' ''Whlll?'' so l<l J. little h ouse ot ltllnelulph IIUll l)lt. SOll1cone' hegnn t o " peak ot Pres l· 1:111'1' I.' I, ~ 1111·. .. a l yelltM fr olll Inc1l~estlon, onu8inl'l Iho II stolll s lll!tl tcml'll~r, I· U U IllicII where enndles bluze(] In Ul Ir sl ll'e r Ilent )!lldIS\>t1'S polley of diplomatic V :I \ LI f,' lt tl1n r It 1(011(1 !tn,1 1)C!cn 11ft. him to hav e p 'llns in , tbe stomao1J nrOIlIll! II II Ol," rt']1cnlet:l tho girl. 8COoecs nnd lit up n waxen tloor . lJl ~ cfllTe~jlonl:" n ce wltll Englnnd. nnd his ••• DENTIST.... I~ f," ,! 11 ill., 111111 01. II· Iwtl l\tl ll ' hl IJ liOU eli tr ps8 uher ell tiog Ch 1& Ill· l'rel<~('(1 'f nr hCI' tI UI h o> rl ty. s ho ]lol utmJ ,'Wite, tlre graodnlcc of Lort! 'urn , uU f' uljits t o Hettie Ibe mnrltlme dis· (Iu ly t " III' IlIlI ti Iha t IlII il rec 'l\' cd herl .. ln '8 'fa bl(,tH r elieved him of lI'llI,"pllnntly LO t he tJlIgo Itl the h ook wallis of ,Engluncl, wue h ol ding 0 )) ' II ' PIIll'S pencf'lIltly, h ili ' wlilt SIII'I, 1'11111'10 h'" nllllilly. th eS Il spe ll~ right IIway," writ,os und tho ton 'her rouc1: "About thl!; waynonllle.O house. Above the chu ttor Itlld IlIlI gh· S plt' r Sl'l'ncer. the l, cmled-Dn. "r I:II'JW ('1"111 111 11 '''.'' til e I:o \'~rnor ,Mrs TholOl1s COijey, Geneva, N . Y . p erl oel ColulIlbus sn lt e u." .ter ,n Oreole vlollo IIfl ed lIle t oo l\. h \"I(],o; h08t tit th e tu\'crn-wns about \\" '11 1 on, "1,111 [ tlc ,''' r .~ U SP"'C le d 80 Obtolnuble everywhore, atr ot tile French voyage ur, Ihllt h " " 10 ""1"1:1 tllllt It w us more Intolcrnbl e CH t ' II I,IJ!'tll'I)l1: II fel lo·w, run suy - - ••~--hlOu Aoated ,acroe8 tbe stnr·gllmmerlng wn· tl) t'llIlure th e Ins ults of Hrltllln thun The Delights. of Life. ' It , , W " lIt I " hll'l' II I1 ( '~ 7 J.fUU certnln ters ot the river ot St. Jeromo 0 hun· to plun gc th e conntry Into honorllblo ALL KINDS OF 'Vhllt Re(!IIIS tu gl'\l\Y flllr ~st tn lit e 11111/, I,,", h,," ""l !>I" 'II ' ni Ne of 'lnte. ccJred 1BarB belore. Wllr., \\ hen bls young wife und 11 bevy Not Exactly. li S II re gnos hy I s I h I'! lov e II ,ui p~ n ~(! 1.I·t 111<' I, nl'\\' If hI' I'l' t IIrn ~ (n Co ry. "Now ' t!Jllt f cuds huve ' Ilrllcl1clllly ot rudlllnt w ome n mllde II sliddeo .rush DerrIere qhes-'DOUS t1 yo. un otang. ,I ' ln. '1"11{' \ ' ltnl ,.. • ',, 1·1 hW('l~ t hilS ran· cetlsc(\ In Ull~ r 'gInn:' s uld the HI)ectl~' ut.. 1 tenc1,)rnesl! of It: 1I0t Its wll 1111,1 f"pHI wi thlu 11Itt! tltc genU lUen were T .. ye ment. c l (,YCl'n cRH nnd ~I'IIIIIlC' lIr of l"If,\\'I· Hfl lt ~ ll li I 10\\' I lw l' l'r'I1 I ' ~i1 d t1 Gl r lYI h l lt c1e ll tourl. t. "I 11I'CSUni YOII huvc, I1g· led cnptlYe to tile ,grcnt sliver punch· Troll canard••' en vont tl al,oaDa. I f ":l r it i"r UIo.'t ' l p~)ot t,) h OI' t.' f ur hi s ('up' urnU "uly sII ellklill:. !!ellton )'Ilur pl ~to ll! ecll(t:!, grllnl1 UR Im"wh~tl i:c IR, 11\11 :,". I Tou. Clu lonl' de Ja , rtvlero, bowl. w her e officlute!l Il grlunlng, the Il1u l:htf! r "r !t rill' c hlldr"II . 1I11t! tlH' .....rem.nt ma berl'.r., 1111'1' ,HII\', li l' II IIf'\\' , III \\' 1I11 ' I'n c",~ IIlW I)runlllg 1I001, s 7" "Kope I" I'e llllt!cl ducking. b erumed dnrky. lAcerem811tl 78 maot I lila' 1111 I IIcH lI II , Ali w e ll It llflC) to nod Mr. GuP .Johll so!) of UUl1IPUS lII11ge, , frl,!Utl Rhlp ' flf frh·"t1 k, uI111 I It c' (' 111.), a wrtd blrtllri lito treo tOilS. BY' l1OIV Ark. "1n Ule /lrs t pluce, we dou't rlli so tnll< hy the 1lr c~ ld, '. nnel lI,' 1'1r:;I' l I,f "lIelul zat wos de long tam , ngo I" flowers. lind th e so und oC lIlu ~l c.- J. ",. I~ d .. 1I1 Iii""" hOl' lt III til' ,U"!U sh III' tlIleS yur, Illlelill the HCCOlld tllnc you Ilched the wunderlog 1lddler trom n. Green. I;"'I ~ n lll" '" 10:1'1(" YI III 'lilY tllnt file , u c,' l'r ktlew wlwu II II 1111 feud ~\'!11 beVIncennes. Michel lie RlctJardvUl c, STOM ~GH J lIil't! !l UIH WH, t- IH' 1, "OW Il to y01I ft ~ aWayne8ville. gIn to ~,l t up mid luk" llutlce."--KuoSIIS I)eDdJlII over bls bew. Wllere were Ulf" ~(·t l ll·! ' (,IH" u :lil1 ' o 1.-- H IH' \V ("I n ll. Olty Stu r. Dh thoae ancient hOU8eS 01 the Olcl y. ld Serving a Purpose. PoIIt-the cardinale, tile Andres. tbo Ie s to Delicious Vinal S II':t IlIV', h"w , ,,' UI ~ tll t IJl ' Jlro d . 'V(~ ··ll --------~ "Doeso't It wuke Yflu ludlgnlillt t!)r OYer Postolfice, \l'lI i, ·\< "111' hllll." BardAl8811I. thb Racloes, tbo Lnde· Rhrc\'cport, La,.- " I Illld 11 hl\u stom· R~qtl Plnn II that mun next uoor to CUIlI\) fJUL und Office Pb()ot 71 "VlllceJlllOS, aud 8 long tim nolo troul,l" for YMrs o.nd IJI'camu 80 \{~\C"1'''(II ,' ",' 111'''1',1 It hi" f"It ' "II ~ wllh UII Palntln" Window.. sbout at your boys fot' dl s tllrhlltj( him 7" l'low It wu Corydon and tJle \\,I'n~ t runhl I,n.ruly wulk or do allY , "Governor HarrIson May I Have I ,lIld, ol ';""'<1 .'1 Ih'"I I(~. l"I \'ItI' ''' rlleo ,\11 clf 'ct\I'C and cheap method at "It used to,I' replied the 1IIIIchi WC)IlIUO, ... I I wur\;. ~ I r IlppotlW \\'118 poor O1y 10...J ' fitU'1. " lIlld " '-' ' Ill' l)mu J! hl UI f't' m o rf) or ~t. ".1 WI a I bI ~QUl'I!lng blood ~\'ouJ,1 not' di g st, 1 blol1tl-u ulld \\'Il~ \'cry Word WIth You Alone1" darkenIng ",lndowN Is ' to stlpplo them "but It doesn't- 'any 1II0re. Y,IUI1UVt) 11<1 :';o.:ul1. \\ h .. I'I' W,llli 11<'·/ II "", coulll -~"_ft_~ ftle de::a.D~onlte· ·bt1:.e tLn°rU.=tI'bIUII: w,·nk utili lwh'OIlB. 1 hiel' muny r 'me- h/lYl! 6111'I)O~<.'d !I,u t 1«' gu,'o "011 th' Itt' hhl.. 101111- ,,11' ~"(,' ;lI l\ l l"" 'I~' ? The by mCiLllll..Of a brush ' with white leud Idea how It amUflc" the chlhlrulI." BA~NHART, _... ...,,, J .... dl" 5 \I Ilhout Iwlp 1 SlIW "illul adv'r ' • III~d tllrllt'lIt1ne, Illltlllell lightly or • _4 _ _- - ..ria and taU ,.ouths went Into th Ii ,11 u,"1 tr il'" it: and now mv .t."w:cl~ uwssuge. John'~ lIulI!lI'r willi Ill s I lh'IU' ."'v 'Ir II~ ' U)UIl' tot · lt ~lrtt~' 1I 1 Hf rht .. os clesln'll. net;) lead could be ~ed hall of the Bulll'lt t n,u!>I,' i~ ~oml 'I" tPIY eUll.d and ! am .rllle thun with II P 0, Oov!!rtlor liur· ,'I d's r 1111'1' r"~I' 11(1 III 1)""lcl IItlt'\\'; tllickly NotarY Publl~ used where a tlot Is preferred, or othII1ppiq out apia, " 'au- w,·I! ,"- E, b , •.," II AI L, , rltir,lI. till you knuw." uutl h" thnn~ h t .'W'r' wore nf 1he 'unfll ell color!! coUld be obtained by mix. 80m. Operation. two b, 0 1D the ml'1\,ilwl id ,'\lIlfnnh,,',1 to trim' lip tho "1'ell," smiled liUrrIson, "It's ngony tbllt 111111 ,'I~nl'll ..." l' Ihe. "I'III'IlIQ' lng tile pigment of the cll!lllJ'ed shulle "now much of an opemtlon dIll the All kltl.da ~ork, Will. iIIltq• • • DIIIlt. btDIatil tile lUut tln.J, m eNu\( J and w".k'·n,..t Den_ for him to write. But I fear that bo I h,' 'wl·n·\"t!r·1I IJrollL"rhuud, to with the white lead. Thla prepara- c!oatol' perform 011 :vo~r' "Oh, n l'Ouple ~ ..... IIIIUaIl enM. IIf lh~ Btu~h aud .,\"'. " "lrenglh. baa not received ,our letter evell Jet. tlmt M'DU' UOIl eua IUIJ7. JMr ~ 01 ......"" doUUIt' wortll."-w.. , J. Eo Jaaaey, Druallt, W.,auvWc l.WQ 9,!l • hllD~ ~ OOIItImIItl OD .....


WL M"C. (0;'\)'"







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-T-H -E- SMA"l-lES-T- O "-OG I' A. M A ;'~·,(T


Funeral Diree r


Ohio. ,








,- - - - -----





Dr. J. A. McCoy,

r",. "

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II r

W alter Ch~dler o.






s. ... .,..


B. v .





,.. T HE






'h. l'




Ohio .... SCCO atl

'ItI~ .\Iall ~h'lwr

As Written by Our Corps of Able Corto8pond- .

D . I,. CR AN 13, Editor and Publisuer



_ _ _ _ :n~s_ I~ _t~e

MrR. Mary Hard all(l dAugbter, MISt! Nellie, of Dayl In, wo re th l:Iunday gue8tl of Mr lind Mrs . Ir. A. Bart800k

~~~~O:hood___ ...;.~_I ':1~8:I!t:t~1 t~:n!~~k~:n~l~rt~Il~~~ hro,her, Mr. Ie






U. Alann on



8ell was tue dlllO(lr giles, o f Mr. and Mrs . O. R. Ungle8by nod I fnrnll .v 8unc1ay. I)r. And Mr p. ,l . E . Witham, of Barvey Burnett nod If amlly e ote r. Mr. ami talrs. Ii 0'. Bathoway Made Well by Delicious Vinol [{I n!( ~ Mtll@. Rnd Mr . '\nd Mr" . Adam . t ill ned til e follOWIn g Oil l:'undllY: VI it.ed nellr Waynesville Ron dllY . Mr. IIlIel Mu . Albert Gray and 1:1 " W , \ " ( "' stlln ~, Ollill.-"I ~o ntrnd <'(1 II ti ' ouIIS, ot Waynesville , w"re 8undp7 Mr. lind MrM. /"ou 1:!fl,\ley and 800 H 1111 , ,! W ' lltt 1\ he'11I. ·hurtl . c hronic coug h, n lu.l \\' ll S wl!n~ "ll e .o oon ol1llar~ 011 Mr. lind MIH Jj'o rt'6t t and Mr IIntl Mrs. Ii E . 80n . ·of nBar Dodds, s plint ~ulldl1Y I " " 1.lllll tl " w, ·t ! npr\"OliB uny run (Iow n. 1 hnve n sJnall 8 '11111) 01 t!tOO\l~ I1nd Or lind Mr!j Buthnway. with Mr. and Y.' 8. Jus. GrRV . I h ., L< · " .Y " I i\"dlll ll d Mtlv . fu mily of tltrtoc, find it WU 8 IlIml fur me c. 6 lIundlll1ll~ tbelr h ome 0.0 Eas t ' l\tls~ e8 Eugenio and I~e na Whltn.I Irs. !:lomh Bloh "pent t.he w~ ek_ II~ I tI" " I' ~ " " I \\ 1 Il· 1' Wl l hl/l IlII h ODr I., Ii(, m~' wfOrk. 1 I.ook dirTQrent IDediker ntt ond ed tb l:! Jnolo r £' risoill .. end witb Mr. li n d Mrs. W . T . J or- , H IVld 1" ,ltlllll<.l ,II" II h ll .. y cill,'s without licnefit. F illull v I h" lor<1 ~t .. 1D !treot. ~r lind .Mrs Frank E Mills le tt FIlIlOY Work (Jlub at tll ll hom e of dan . . nliout \"ill OI, lind it IIUM rrstorl'ti lnc to Mr . aod !\tn•. Eru(.s t Muunon ond hl-' tdt.ll urld 8tl'UII :,:lh, my lluul!h ilj all g ollu ~undll .V morlling for N e wport, K y. , Mi ~8 Flo sle Fi r es i:l .. turdny aft ery ,,1 I.b h T,I." h« 14 un" p o ~, .. rflll vlrlul' IIl1d I f, ·,·1 fille . "- ~Ir •. II. U. CAIII.ISLE. 10 Pllond thll wluto r with th( Ir e hll. noo n ' dllugbt er s Ruth !lU U U le unfl . ~IBS , ,) ' Huu t, Vinol i ~ ,t CUJltit.itlitioflu l rt' m l-,dy lor drclI, Mr. ,,~d Mrl!. 1:IIlrry Be llugh BIi~old IInu Henry Burge o.. lIeci ~;l ho l Mallnon. Mrs. Allnu Wllrwlok. A h"v" "Ii II ,,· fl "w ur. n r tuu fI " ldo, chrllnh' ('u\lgoh ti II lId coltld, uml (o'r ,Lit TIT AN e ngines nm on kerosene. . o n Nel ~oll MoK eeve l"8 l:iutu rdoy or Mar!llfleld, Oregoll, lind Mr . War. "Vhl''' till 1"IIVI'b 111'<11111 lltll1rl,l1nc1 Its W l'ld c, 1lc'r\' OUti, rUlHl o\\D cuudiUODH. lind fnmllv-. Frod Sha ne, o nr p .,pnlu tn.lll eve\ling . ron Ulellvor, of u e trnl t. wore the 'l'ry it u ll uur :';Ul1 l'UUl.cC, Average cost of gasoline so far this y ar, o l,l l1 r::, bu \/0 I!O" ~ IUllrobnut anti groce rymlin. I!. fur'fil e flUm e rs In this vieioHy Ilre Su nday qnesh of Mr. nlld Mr s. 8LHI wh " l I~ Ij\vuut perfoma it ylolds. ]6.9 cents per g a llo n. J. E. Janney, Dru)!)!lst, Waynsvlll". ulslilDg flno beof Ilod fre8b pork to Ihredulug fodder this 1veek. G eo. Dllvl~. b 18 P 'I t roOIl. Avera g e cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. Huw frnO Is lhe yonth nod IIco uly MI88 B ' ~ 8ie Wurner speot the Mosus I!,;d unrl Ueo Sn ell 0 1 X uniu , Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed . MoFarland, of weok. ond with her )1nrentH. Mr. nnd IHO visiting thri I' parents, Mr. aDd uf m lm Gasoline costs over 100 per cent more than keroWIlming ton, wero I:)unday guellts of Mrs. W. O. Warnor. " Mr8. Pe rry Snoll. '1'ho.l' bll'llll' IWU look gny IIko tho sene. G asoline is go ing tip s teadily. Kerose ne is not. "t H'1l till' I'urty !lflfl IJI'OHll n urI nl Mr aud Mn. Harvey Burnettal Mrs. Lavlon Wor wlok oOlI fom . Mr. uad Mrp. ,J 088 CI~rk . " OM At present fu I pri ces Titan e ngin cs, using ker . No nmtter wbqt o~re we t'l1ko to pre- III ~ I III Illu"hl nli ""no(] nl"llts," ToiMr. un rl Mrs. Frank 81lld!Ilt:er tellded tho meetlog Of $he ~'armer'8 1I:v IJr Leb'loon . wero the 8noduy nClIl!, 1I1 IH'~r" rti 111111 0/1 \,], 1 >4 lrull, ·,1 "er 9 0 Ihum, save th eir owncrs a bout I. I cents per horse power sene, NorB gues t! of Mr . Bnd Mrs. Ww. olab at, Burton E"robnu's'l'hursday. gueets of Mr. l1ud Mrs Jobn Tbomp . F or I lim. k tIIs thllUl ff a s ovoryono 111\\'111'11 'l'olnC'tI("s hOlIi O tOI-:(·lhl'l'. Ike (:Irl oles. of Xenia. Frid"y nigh ' Bod Mr . and Mr8 . Will Beatb aud Mr . ~on . per hour. h eg ull hUlilIttlur; .. SUIII,; us tll ey WlIlll\lt! knowM. ti" t-urduy. .' Chns. beath 8pent • fow days Of 'fhe Juol () r Prlscilla8 were "ulerIllnlll,; : AIe y o u rnnnin g- ::t ~nsolill c e ng-inc ? " hat horse power is Mps Mun Orabolm lind ber tbe p .. st wilek w\t.h Mr. and Mrs tolnod by MI8S Flosslo Fires l:l6~nr. it? Fi J::'urc whnt),oll 'd Itl!sal'ill ~ if },o nha(\ a Titan k rosc ne Wo ~hoult1 c"re nothlUg for youth dooghter, Mrs Laura Barilln, we re Oarl Heuth. Mra. Be(llth r ~ tnrned dl1Y . Co ul d you t o bntt l o marc h II ani Y. c nf:ine. Ratl ll.: r s nrl' ris itl !!, isn ' t it ? ll o w long w o uld it take or he"uty, A nel Jeu \' 0 m e h er e' 'am ptn I nl ng~ooday vi81torA of r e latlved n ear home wtt.h tbem '1'hore WilY eloo&lon of otUoe r Mat tha t savin g to pay (or a Titan e ng-inc of th e same S i l l; l !:linoe they must wither aod flld e. Ride6vllle tie vern I from this vlolnity were In Welfarll LOl1gue Snlurday even' l nl!' "A UJlghty fin o '''elltllg, WIl S II 't It?8nt WII I,(lIln II ~"l'(1 nllmu by d ulng "r ond Mrs. Mllrlon U~born g"ve WayneAvilie Tuesday to see the tlDd the t o llo wloll omeer8 wllre In onr lIut..v II daoce t:l"turdoy to their many &>hool P .. rnde and th e n ew./:lohoo l U(llled: PreSIdent., F. A. tll1rloooir ; I 'm s uro 'tn-au ld brenk rtlJ' )U.' lU ' t t o HAY. And this will ocent lik!' t!te r(\PII \:Vh on }'O U w e re gOll6 cR.l1Ipnlgtlirur, , , , f rl ollus, wbloh WIiS ~ nj oye d by all BuUdlng Vice PreSident, Mary Mannon ; 800. (I.corporlled) . Whl n wo'rll do~(l.--i"lllk a r " ~Oa D pl l,1senl. Mr. and M re. Ollborn Whl taker I1nd family took retllTY, Wllllllm Lukenl ',' Treasnrer, Asa "Trust n WOllmll to Mult Ilt'r own k n ow h ow to make tb elr gueBtll • d &ferle Ellis. An InlerertlnD' ~un ay dinner with Mr. EOienl! • proTilan eniline. a re 10101 by 8w.·.·1 will." . f ee I that they are wllnted In their E d "I L I "ram Will! renderod . Th n8wepaper " " ' hil l'" Ill(> Nons. Ike?" h I vuns an faml y n ea r e.e ~n, ... • ---_ - _ --WOMB 8speola)Jy lnterel!tlDg, •• . "Th" l? Oh. 11 <:III 'h [hnt w u ~o" B:~~Oioa~ojl ~r8e) lao:B!:o~8~~~tl~~Oan~~ 1!8ee M.. bID olld (j'lIye Elll8 were tD ~I ng lit I'rlneeto ll. PUllr ol el IlIlIl' 'rhe 8t ork b~8 h ~ en worklng'lver In Waynesvillo Tuesday. 1'1I1 " r HIJU wr"l e It y~lIr~ n!;o . relit Itl s time in this Beet.lon tor 11 fe w day s, BAD COLDS FROM LITTLE SNEEZES GROW Me~l.'rs WillIam Luken., Bllrold folo ul! Th o lu1 u attorney gt-'Ilt'rll lhy so dOlllg he blls made two bllPPY GlIll1m and Ellrl IJeatbera"e ..oallud I'III"~ IIr 116:1." III' ,ill, le, 1 ~X)JllllllltO' homes Born-To Mr aod MI'l< .Muny ooIds that bllul{ on nil wln.. WIll' milk" 11)1 Ih 3 bnlk nf th" rill'. ill " rldl 1<' 11,11' s\\'ung Oil Illh. Bt'rn Clnr,n b ouuolng Rirl bit by both ter eturt w ilh a eneeza, II snlID :I, a on Alun Barts'lolt Thnrsday evenlog. onOlcCrlllltl UUlll n tll ll ohnrcllos? It 18 th o lilt of Iho churu,,: dOIng w e ll . Born- To Mr. I1nd Mrs. 801'0 throll'. a tlKIll oheat You Mr,and Mrs. Wenzel Berrll spent vw......_ _ _ _ _ _ _"w... w ...... w... w............."....•.......... th.} WUIIII1II. (Jbos, Oray, " fine boy . Ad<1res8!i.l 1 k'loW 'be symptom8 of colds. and 'be weelt: end III DlY'on . Be.vlnq dloldeQ to quit farmlnt!, W Iw Ulilke u)J the orowds I1roao,\ "Ah. n on, non, non, l)8u\'re Madelo n FOR SALE- PROPERTY Meur~. ~ullluel and Le roy Ellie 001DIlJuoloatlon8 to ~obt 8. Uray. you knuw prolUpt tl'Mtment will "·ould · nevo r quit h r H II \'Or , will o1t.,r for sale on oar f.rm • ~hB sLr not oorner. und drlnklug All. n O ll , no n, n on , rmUVTC Madel on Tbe weuther duliog abo ellti ro brt!ak them up Dr . Klng's Now attended a nlo near D(I,y~on Tbnrll. milo. lou'hwe8' of WaynellVllle ",nd pl~ CAM'! 11. ," I hEl mBn 'Vo u}(l g u with y ou th e witt e w o rll1 time up tl) dato has be 3n 80 ex t,rewt'- Disoovery, with Its 800'blng .ntl. day . Orolonla Pike near what II knowD Who 8IIfe~u"rd the homo Ao,l over!" Iy fine that tbo 0111 Illdy saye. "you sepMo balsams. hal been brellt:lng up Mrt!. Nellie BUDuel1 epent Thllrll. lVE ROOM I!'RAM~j wltb 8tablo, UI lhe T elel!:ra pb Mllll! on nl'Juld t ll tl W\:ImbllrM uf tht! {IlDllly 11(' bl'okl' orT "bruplil': " W(l(llll,,'t heel better look" litt le o n~, for we ooIds o.nd beallng ooughS of young day with her Olathe .. Mn. Oeo. Bo- F l:edarvil18, Ohio, $12 down ulld OIr oltl~? It It! tile women, Thursday, November 16, 1916 going to hllve boil weat.her be. /lnd 01<1 f or 47 yelll'8 . Dr. Klnll'll' gan, 112 montbly bnys It. Box 1(i7, yYbo I:eup th e to ngue8 01 d1800n- It til' line to hm'o U " 'l'n<'h hll llt:lnR I1re f I 1 I b NeVY 'Dlsoovery l'OtIenll tbe phlegm, ---... ---~'onr conttnll us you mnrched I" to Xenla,Oblo. D16 Beginning as 10 o'olook the follow Hin' bnsy? It IE' I h(\ men . _ ore ong. oan tel y my rben. oleare tbe bead, soot bel 'he Irrlt.ated Be anld good IIlght nb ruj)fly nt ml1t1em when It glvoe me 80 muoh Ing desorlbed property : 'ilnsel. o!I ho nur~" the ~11111 on bllttle.fleld pllln, and wbon my oornl hurt.,lt', membrane and mak" breathing TOluette'" door uud went on. .nd lu hOHpltal? H 1'5 tbo women II Ct\~t le , 21 Bog8, Feed , Im)Jlemen~8, Whllll he' hllct gon , til Y two, On· Inre proof to me · ~h.. we wl11 hl1ve easier . At your Druggllt, GOo. 00 YOU HAVE SOUR STOMACH? Wil l) pIO,l t,," tb .. II .. Uon.ln,t o mDr. 'ferms-All 80m" of t6 .00 and un. ARMS- (l aorci lood laDd l'llok ,'Ill lind 'rolluJtl , IInf('red on, thoy falltni 'Reuber. I never eaw It fall ---dero ul! wllr~ It 1M tho wen . trom road $!SpOO ; 232 Rorell grR In der oa.b. /:luni. of $ 5.00 .nd oyor If you are 'rollbled wltb .onr Wb') t:ltHnd~ fur clvlo hone.ty? It knew not why, under tbe moon- ID my wbole lite exce pt &'11'108 ." .stomaoh you 8hould eat slowly and alld IItook farm '13, 9~ O. Easy a oredl' ot Uulontha 1I'ilI be glyen by drenched trees. . Id ·t.he wumell Mrs. Ibble (JoUett tlntertliined the mtUlt\ode your food thoroughly, terma. John Barblne, Allon Butl<l- jlUrObUef glVinall note. "And now," /lhe enId, Ic,!nlng Llldlee AI<1 at tea ThllUdllY after. W bo oorrupt our poll ~Ioll wlib -I per oenl dlsoount for ' ollih. n 1fi 'ben •• ke on. of Cbl1mberlaln's III I, Xenia, Oblo Ignoranoe, profllllooy and aralt? U toward him tu the moonlight, "tell noon. Qntte a number were pre8If. E. 8BERWOOD Tablet" . Immedlate}y aUer t:lupper. rue how )'OU II ke orydon-Qs much ent and .. n enjoyable time was bad. IS the meu . Dooglas BOllingswor'h, Ano!. Obtaillabl9 everyw~lIre . Whu t!tlUl"od I1n oppor&unUy to nil you linow of us." W. E, O'Neall. Cler". The 01'010 leugue me' lit Mn. Cora MONEY LOANED lie \\'ns so hlillPY nt seeing Ill'r thllt Barrl!' t!aturd.y afternooo. Eleo. rai~ e otllolul dt'luelart.l? 1& III the MI811 Goldl. OonllQ"l' .pent Snn(lay It WII S CIlMY tor hIm to full luto her tlon of officer8 took place. WomElo. afternoon'" be home of ber friend Wbo oppo~e tbesll dUUlllnds of pa . "WlI light lies., ot speech. MI!II Glsnna BoblU. We will offer" publlo ..Ie a. ollr Tbe bond IS8ue carried and we "Ah, I t ell In Im'e wltb Amerlcu trlotln lind eolil(Mened women'/ It ONEY LOANEO on live stook. lato re -Idenoe 0» Mr. and Mre. BernB.rd Allen (nee will 800n bo In (l088e88l ou of good yen I'S ngO-OIl tile doy ( r /lch ed CoryIII t,hlllU e n . Mltll Nola Bill) arrived home Wed. ohatlslll aDd 8eoond morlilacei. Thursday, November 16, J9J6 L/lt I hI! thinking m lln nnll women (Ion. . No\\' f om only hothered to hKht~. Everybouy In the mUlllol. nesday evening lifter lJ,avlng .ojoyed NoleS b ought John BRtbine, J r., }lamy Will more tban au:toJUd that Amrrlrn likes me." kll,"" If rule . -L e 8 IiB'~ W" f kly (JommenolnlJ at 1 o'olook 'he fol. The Infant daughter of Dr. 1II . t:!. Allen Bnlldlng, Xenlll, Oblo. .SO we should bove It. No doubt I ' tbetr wedding trip wUh reltl U veil In "Why, of course she likes you- look will be Installod In all of tbe basi. Soutbern Oblo and Kentuoky, I,)lvlng ; 'anisge, Borneu, BOUie. - -- Well' and wife died at the home of whllt . h" 11Il H <1on l) for you olreody." need hon8ell and prlvo &e resldenoes. bold Goods and Cooklnll U'.nllle Air. and Mre. A . B. 8hllner spent ItI parenti .olltb of town latll Sat. 1'11'1' glnnc" roHccl on hla hea lthY, and many tbtllgl that have ooUeotld arday eVloina · 8unday the inea' of tbe form.r's Rev. W"lker fillod tbe pulpit at "Ignrous form appro,·lngly. abonl an old homestead. WANTED HER SON SUBJECT TO CROUP slater and family, of Kingman. MI.I Katharine Olbbou and MI.s Anna and BaDnab Kelly, "\' 6: hut Iter tl1"Or8 repronch me the M E. churoh tluoday. lae"a Mill. atsended tbtl Teaohers .• My !It.ll E.I W In 18 8ubj "0' to no\\': ( urn ufrnld I en n ne\'cr occnmCorn !hreddlng b08 been the order Mr, an<1 Mrt!. W . L. Harvey were J . L. Mendenhall, All. meetlnla, Columbus 1ae' Friday. croup," writ,,:! Mrs . E U. Irwin , 1'1t ~h whn t this country expects ot her week.eod lIuostS of Mr . lind Mrs. ot tbe day .mong ou.r farmers the ANTED- A kind find oome Wm. Mills, Allc~ . New K"u~lul!tun, PIA . "I put In young Ill '!n." past week, Tbe wea"ber '11'81 Mas*er Glenn Edwards, of Day too WIlliam Mahan , .of nellif DavloD . pe~en' young woman to do W. E. O 'Nesll, Clerk. Ulany 81"e)Jle~~ buurll nlllht be. general housework, No wa8hlng. :he prct(lndcd to look at him Mr. ond Mrf. LevI Jessnp are for tbo work IU that 1'I";e delay wal l. vls1\lng relatl ve8 bere. fure 1 IIl(uoed of·/I Ih(ju~htf\lll}' . "No. I dou't 8UPI)OSe _pendin g sevenl weeks wltb their npoes~alY and a fow lDore daYi wl11 Mrs. G . W. 'Kemp, who has belo $a "week, :lO-Ci. HarveYlburg Ex. tJ:>ul4h Jt"mcdy in tbe Douse "nd )'IHl cun evcr climb very Illgh." She ohlldreo , Mr .•md Mr~. Uh1l8. Burllller end ebreddlng In tbls vlolnity. 8erlou81y III remains about the slime. 0 22 Bavlng deolded to quit farming, use it ,,~dirtJotcd . h alwllYI I!a'l'e 11I1I ~ h e" IPO Ins ly. "How do you like I1nd f .. nllly, ot nel1r Norwood . Mr8. Clarenoe Thompson, :Jf Mrs. 110 Bowlel returned bome [will offer Pubrto t:!allJ 00 the my boy roli"r." Ubtlllouble every. ynur work?" O~dell, wall a gaest at ~he home of trom New Mexloo wllh her bnlhand 'f ho young people In tbls vlolnUy F you have anytblng to 8011, we premlse8 known as \he Benner farm where. "SellI n/: t,,~· s to the Indlnns IInrl 1111'00 orMuniz~d a clnb oulled the hor . brotber '0 ny Chenoweth .nd who had gone some weeks ago olln Rell 1\ for voo nt good prl (JS. j oilli ng E'r"lllr Burnett, :.I mllill wlet ----.-~--I/l ces ttl th o Indies? Not very romuu· Young Peo\>le '" Hike and the wily t.mll.'!' lli8' wee" . for bla llAaltb, and Is very poorly AI Come In and lee os. of Lytle, 1X mlle8 eoe'.f Eive PoInt, 1\22 tIc." Eleotlon plte~ed o.IT very quietly tbls writing. It Is o"Tried un, they go to tho "old ~ DI\lC8 "ou l·11 of CentorvUle, on "I ~h o \lld Ihink tho Indlcs would ho \>oo\lle's" pllotry and tbele Invellt, here, 100 nelghborbood was tllmo"t 'rhlre was a big demonlltratloD wblt·e girl, for B ou se Wort, \n Thursday, November 2,3, 1916 rOlllunJlc. ('ve n If tho Inr11nn8 oro not. ~hemijelvel! wltb ple,'oalle a 'HI egl!s destitute of peo ple 118 almlllll every. here 108t . frlda.y night when tbe a sillall famil y . Adtlress P . O. "Oh. but th('y 1111 wnnt Boldlers; ulld all the goodIes l.btolnable un;! one was In "ttend.noe at tbe Speolal neW8 of tbe r(\.eleotlon of Presiden' Beg lnnlolJ aa 10 o'olook, thll fol. n I r. 10wluJ( property: 'flouel, :.I Sows, I'm ollly n \I' IIl'cr by trlU\e." th on \hey m o nnt "snank'~ hO'8e8" Doy Parade in Wl1ynesvlllo wbloh WIl!on rellohed bere 'J'hAre WnQ a Bolt B, I.ebanoo , 01110 . "Thnt r Nomlnds l1l(\--you'\-e n ever .. nd bike to the oountry ten mile! was IIredly eDjoyed by all IS wa" large plirl1de. over severu I ~ t re " ll1 of Imploment., VAblol•• , lIarn... , a.y1 t>be Is 8tlll awonl! U8, I,b/Jugh we told tile nbout YOllr life In Ell/(Initd. more or les8 ~nd spend the evenln!! tbe llbert~ ot eXamlnlog the new rarely see her l1ioturo tn the pt>per. l'I~IIIS~ do It Ilow- hut wolt, I'll lell ,.Iong the rOl\dt!lc1e I1nd oamp for Ii ~ohool Bulldlog wbloh was visited tbe 'own. also quite a dltlpluy of FARMS-Bave vou a 'Arm or other (Jorn, etc . Relll E.tale tor Rale? If 110 ltB~ 8ee big billa for 'errua. tlhe 0 008 not O<lro fur thllt I.lnd ot you tul'aelt." Shc hnlt closed her sbort while that. they mliy' devour by @co res of people during t·he day firbworks nnd a general big time, A. J, LJZIllR. John R, Wblt~ore and fllmlly en 1l&lI.e at once with W . D. Cbaudlor, tblnl!, und, p08~lblv, doeM not elirn Ii ey's IIntl b<'gllil renectlvcly: ~hlt elellolloletl they had enollspd In Mnoh ored" Is cllle the aobool board lertalned theIr son Walter Whllaore Waynel'vlll B. UhlO, or 0011 here at R. C. Bnln88, Anot. plaoe In tht! oulumns uf \bo dlllly Orrell I:)orfa'oo, Ulork. " IIlI) .ce--I·/ll looking Into Ihe their red b .. ndlln .. ~. 'I'belr rules do And tea (,bers for ·thelr exoe\! ... t and wife, of Dayt,)n. and daughter Phone No. 77. I have 11 fow gOM pre8S. for ber ambition III nut t o 1I 0t .. lIow them to be b oisterous: mllnner of entertaluini the pellple . Mr. and loire . Walton tlp!lbr ant! out ot town buyers ' who Ilre deslrIlluy not know It, hut I'IIl pns l. Yon be IlUown 08 a I!tllr l!wlmmer, jumJ!llr tbtlY b'o ve a oh .. perone who g\le~ Word wae reoelved by Mr. and . on8 of looltlng at. property tn and or bllo8eb .. 11 player" t;ho "ulne~ io II rl!1I1 frl sh 8 no l'h S lly ~ r:' She leI Ih e with lbom but they are not all wed Mrs. O . H. Ellis of thn deatb of tbelr family I"st. Soudl1Y . ghost ot u (1(llIcloU9 hIt of broJ:ue IInCha!. Couner, of Deyton, vlalled around Waynesville Don't del"y I ahe humo. Ii er Kontle word soothes Holds the Record. to partlllHI of Ilny uUlle good Lblog!; I(rBuddaughter, 15 months old , Attend to tbls at onoe: . tatil,er; ber retldy 8crvloe 81lvep gor on her tongue. "I'm', beginning to they m\l~t e ither sit or etRnd anu daug hter of Dr. al3d Mra. M ~. hie parents here t oday. A " .. Il lltlll ie wrl t"r s uys ;Joybana W. IJ Chandlor. molhor many a t:lt~p; Bnd bel' W18~, sce your I1n c~~lrnl cstn tes now. Orn· loo k Wl81\ durlnll tho whole nnd ene WeRt, of Bellbrook. The httle one UIIWIIlI It I iH 1Ill' " 1'lgl nul mod el Cor the kln<1l!odvloe to til" yuuulI"r ohlldren c1ous, 11 tlucnl pnlnco tul{ cM.hnpc 1" Glh HOIl 11 11'1. Sl)loll llln hnd 700 wlves, "Th'er c's nn -doll.t n lOut l' our bo n " l'\'tI perf.f) rmanoe The membortl pas80d aWlly .ut 1- 0 'clock Saturday prevonts Dlllny a .. quubblt', Tbo bIg m ono Ih nn Illal IIWII Y orlj,:lnnl GIbson I\ra limIted 118 to Ilge. nQ one nnder nl~ht.. Funerl1l.At Jll'olook Monday broth"r 'hilllul sit .. 18 seoond only t ., Ill' Trl8h 8oolhsnrrr." Dn"ld CUtIl- t broll yenr~. nor ove', ~l vefl,rtl neDd .. tternoon. FOR SALE glrls.- I.ouls \'l lli) U<Jurlcr·Journul. mother, Ilnd olten bl!r qulel, "1 mented 50rcnsl!cnlly, "thl! ducol \pply for admlstll on uoless thoy WIllie Drake entertained It nnm. cl1s tlo wus cerlulnly there. but un(or' wouldu 'tdu 1& It I \\oro ynu." III wleh to bo hon orury m e mb" r~ . duoes him to Klve "l' hla projeot or l.ulllll t)ly It bl'longed to th!) dul,e of They Intend puttln~ a new },lank In ber uf his 80boolmllt(11l l!IundllY. Bnggy noarly 1IOW, rubber tlr es , Mr. and Mrs Bernard Allen were prlluk Sh .. t mll;h~ UUI ke trouble; OJ N('wclls ll e. 0111' duCtlI cnRtle wns be- tbolr plRtoruru'i which will admit. Ralph Robln80n a~d, Mrll . Bar made by I'loley Vanlage COl perhl1ps IIha titlta blw tbluklng ~u hlud St. ,fohn's llnlncc III Dottle IlIne: Il1dy t,e .. ob"rs ana wben thle IH oom- tbe i:lnoday guesta nf Mr. Asbury rison were marrlod last week d the A\>ply to E W. Rloks, Wnynell'llle, earnet! eba' he ~ePII the riGht It h,ul OIH; ro om lu It nnll 110 !loor." pleted t.helr .lhartar will be tramed HIIlllnd family . brldo's borne lu JIy They aro reo Ohio. n2D ''',I'hnt's nothing to he n"bnm ~<I ofway upen beforll him ·md folloWIl It Mr . Jobn Orndorf and famtly oelvlng tbo oongratulation8 Bnd huH the cuhlns 10 th(l woods hllre nre "nu olirrlod by the ohllj>llrone giving ~pent Bundl1Y d tho plef\8Bn& home be~t wlehll8 of a bost of friend!!. ' resolutely. . Tit. OIt."T ••T lot of full blooded R 1 Ro o~t­ no lurger, und theIr Jloor:s ttrll eurUlen t.hem rigbt uou perfeot adety along o f Mr . and Mn. Fl'ld Rn8lelland Mr, and ' Mre, RoblDeon will reside • • tbe publlo hl"hwI1Y. ere for 8&.10. Oall 722 Home too," family . hsre. pbone, l:eu . Ib:·. Mrll. May Cornell. "Ah, hIlt every scHier here hus ns IN TH. WOItLD Mr •. . WillIe Allell \p ,It preslJn' tbe Mrs. Dora Druley, oHndlanapolll!, lI1uch Innd fl" the <JUli O of Newc ll~t1e I Why Recall It? J1JBllSlD!D WEEnY. $4.00 fER Y!Al hili been villt.lng relative II here. guellt of h'e r patent8 [II ':eaver'own. nell' BUigy lind new flornos" Almost ony WOUllin ell Jl tllik luster AIr 10 br('utlic. fr ccc\()1U I" HEAO·OFF THAT ALL·WINTER COUGH Mr, nnd Mrs. Will 8. Nnll and for sale. Used IIbollt II weellll. "OTILa, DRuoel • .,.. .P.CIALISTS, thun Bho elln wrlte.- Atchlson Olobc. "You Interruptell me--he qUiet, or daugbter, of Lebnnon, were th. 0011 BODle Phone 722 C en . ]o~x, or co a TUM. JlI 8, T JlI A. N • F I It. C" .. At the flnt Hlltn of 80re I b roM, I \\'(1"'\ nul"h. Y,m Idl l'll IIhout th e week-end gues" of Air. aDd Mrs. write to (J. B . Cornell, 12tlY. EIl8t AltO 'Bua ,.RVlel CAN PIIOFl:' I'Rtll tll 1111 !IllY lont: or you rotio O\'er tl~ht uh8S\ or 8tllfIed up bead take Didn't Want to Wi s h. .., UIINO ITS ADVIRTISINC OO~UMM. Ii'lnt8t., Dayton, 0. . n29 tho countryside with your hounds-" a dose of Dr Bell's Pine Tar_Honey "Infern,,1 hot tiny, nnd lIJ alces mo In- Ed, Null. The Ilel\ II ng plue-t"r, 800thlo!! honoy SAMPLE COPY FREF Mrs. Mary ~elobty, of ' V all Wert, 'terunll y thirsty," growled 'hu colonel, "nls 0111\1 0 wns l.'lrnon, tlllll Olle UTO-A good Overland R oad- - * - 118. YORK CLIP"IR mongrel of mlm!; he hnd fr~Il(ls und I!lyoedn" . qulokly relieve the sloklng Into the club's biggest nrm· 18 visiting her son, Joe Lelohty and .... '" Yn"'_ OJ y . eeor In first oillse oondll\oo. 11'110 II vcd on hll\1-J beg your por- oougestlon. loopon . \he phlegm' llnd chair ono oftel·noon. "Tell them to family. (PRI~E~ RIGHT) bren Iz nJ! your oold. Dr. Dell '8 Pine- t lltch you some wuter, colonel." SUII" n:.!:.! Mr. ant! M·r8. Ed . Keslln., Mr. Inquire at this Qffioe. d Oll." "Horrors! Will you .he qui eti And Tar HOII&Y has atl the benefit8 of gested Ii cold-benrteil scoundrel who and Mrs. A, Ollpln and daughter OOK 810VE, ooal burner eecond ut night you luy on sllkl'll cushions In the hellltng aroma from a pIne t ':lr- knew the old genUellitlln'H .hnblts, but were WllmlnRton and Hablna viii. oMI., It Is )1lel\Mllt &0 t~1!e lind Aotl. hand . mud btl in. good oondltlon, tOri tluoday, front of th grl)lIt Oreillucc, reudlng the nnclent \\'Ilrrlor "'"S equnl to the Sole Agent septlo. The formul" nn tha bottle Atldre88 Bl.lx 18, WaynllsvUle. n22 occnslon. "Sir," he 8{lid, IIxlng the sug· Mlesell .Jennle, Kathryn aad Belen sOllle tule of tho court-" "I kllnw It \\'ns wrong, but one Is toll8 why It rellev0800141 .ndooughll gesto r with (l flery glnre, "I 8ald thirsty Robln.on, 01 Dayton, were tbe wesk. new I'll of hand80me napklos At For the Gorden Tires nllturolly Idle IIft..r IWelve !lours ' lit At your DruggIst, 250. Kt'lyon )' o nrowu . . -oot dirty." .• _"'41____ .od guslt. of J. iii, Robln80n aDd ____ tbe Gas()tte Oilloe. C.ome In m~a,\1 j wlgmC' lIt n i 10 family, the 10001. I dId rend u good denl pfltl rr ll. b 11 t r c .nd Bile the'll. n211 111th Burry White." . Mr. Jobnson, of Liberty. Ind., 11'''!'1he r IllJ r n.hlllly Adhesive, "Who II' US !'InrI', White ?" hi t hr: ",Io~ t ilDPOfloo has beeD vlaltln, bls daughSer, Mrs. Real Events. A correspondent . snggl!sts that a Wm. Bnmbert At:!ULINE ENGlNE S-EIllvenlIlul fr lol.lurc, . ".lin rr)' Whltu WfiS. my bes t frl e m~. "Do nny en'llt~ of IInporlunce ever Btrlp of ndheslve tlll,le, tlxed to the horse B'oos on trup~ B$ 250; Four. HNlry Klrlce Whlto-the son o.t 'Mr, Air. aDd Mrs. W. A. Etlrly enter. Phone oo-;{ COR\:VIN, OHIO White, till! butcher. He \\'IIS just my occllr here?" IW('\,18hly d ' tnnll(l cd the lower sIde at II 8trolghtedge used for Mined a'-dloner Bun4ay: Mr~ and hor8" $55. Fodder ouUer '45, Bux nlCi ' own Ul:l~. WI) worked togotller ut . Il h)'ll ~rerlll cil l yuung mnn from 1\lIn8n9 cutting ,,111118, will pr,e vent Its sllppilli, 14 rill. Oba• . Early aDd family, of 1~7, Xenia, Ohio. sto(!klng loom wit it '\'e wllr.. fourt een, City. "Well." cnltuly replled UIC lund· PoasUowo, and MI •• LaureUa Weloll. 'BROS.T~~ lord 01 Iho PHu nln Invcrll. "mornIng, NOXDALE l:!traln of l'lymont,b IIlllklng stocklllb'tl, llUt Iho noxt ~' ~ur ,'" .h·e nAme . tn"'pf'd 011 Tbe 1800lld Dumber of the Iiprlng. noon lint! night hUPIl II here \\'lth unRook Ohlokers, tbe b~!!t I ever NOW LOOKOUT I h~ bue !.::. u r~ ,.po(m • • (ork. his flllh"\' 1I1,pronticctl hIm to n firlD fulling rcgulttrlty, utl,l ljomo of our boro Leoture COIl.rle WI'S RiveD ID had.Pollelll,Il Coolzorels, '1. 50, Mr~. 'In,1 fnn e y ,; rvlng, pleeu of nttorncys.u tt Wboo a cold ballg. on •• ' often 'he' K of P . hall Wednesda~ ev~n: D. If. Smltb, Obi. Stat" Pbone 1)3<1, hI ",Ilv rf 1)1Gte uf J, ruYeQ hOlDe folks 'peur to rcgnrd them 08 "An(1 you kept on 08 0 weuver? happen •• or when .you ha,'e hardly IDg by the Ohloago Oroheltral tlex. qU.Qlll)' Spring Valley, 0 ., R . D. 1. nlCi tl\"Ctlts of conHlrlorllble IwportuIICCo",¥,,;_vtlle" Leadlnv "I kept on us n well"or. But h8 ,o"en over ooa 001111 beror.e ~ou oon· &II "e. , "Sj/per Pia" I{UIISH8 Olty Stnr. _______ ..... ____ _ OIl108 lD Key. Dicit, ".In 8' lent m'o his books ut IIlght. HI) wnll ,no' .no&her, loolloat for 70a are LYMOUTB R ook Cookerell. AI. lhal W~arl" ltable '0 oon'not 80me vory "1'10.. thl . Baury D...r&b a"ended 'he all PQOr 06 I Wilt!. nod ,hc ' drove him· 10 a few Buff O,pln,&oDI, '1.0,0 Wiele latltuuc ("rcbolce ·illieale. Thl. _.nooeelloB 01 oolda p..,.tol1 DII'rlot · ~oma. 'I Dome .pleolJ . . Inqnlre of Mn. OUfford ,. otferr-rl tu lhe: m.o), lieU 10tSl his grove with study. He. wealtens Ihe .,..'em and low. . 'be a&lIl1our,. me"ln, .1 BamU'on Maxwell, Rome PbOD~ 685, R. 0 . 1, ex tlu-i Z4i tc.: tl c~ltc"". H.d Been Pr.ctlolng, dll)d wlieu lie wos twenty·one. fh'e Suhl by 1 ~." lnA' . ·'1 shull never scold my husband ritaU", .0 'hat TOU a,emuob 1D0r. rrlb,.. yenrs ago. But Mr, Sod the)'. the Waynelrille. 015 denier, e\'c-rywht-tc. Ilia. lIulllnna Allen wal th. ~" l' ro C" 'Clltnlocue Thill dlll8l188 should be treal8d ~ Il000 poet lsuretlte. collected all the poems ngulo tor 8penillng 1'0 lIlueh time at Itabla to 000'1'100' ohronlo Datarrh, "C.l,t .huwtog all the club '" "Tell me about It I" "Well, potnmon1a or oou'Dmp'lol1, c..'tua p Mr. 10114 Mrl. Walter Wll. "lrabie BuUdlnl La., ILl! the tlrst IUlllAtural lOOIleDIlI!II of the Hol'ry' _ had wrltten-'" . d ..lpo. I ••• w..11 lullt night n hurglar got Into the bOU80 ,our 0014 while :rOil DaD. (JhaID lI.non ..~1 I' thll otlLce. boWl!lI appelU'll. Whelt tIiIe II clone • ". nnAt' A botcher's BOO'" nnd my husband knocked him aeDllt- 1terlaln'. COIIRb BeDuld,. baa ap.., siDglec108eof Chamberlain'. 00110. Chol· lin' Calla Ba'bawq laM r .. A'o be Ooo&laerr er. and I>Iat'rIaoM BemedI wtJ1 d d a le88 wltll the poker. I've heard asY· l'"pl1talloa. 11 'e reUed UpaD'" turDe4 to bar !lom..1Ia Norwood a ' . cure. Thla I'8IDIC1Y _ . . , . be de• -. ernl men llpeak of hIm aI a poker ex· &hou••da of aD4 DI'fft 'b. , ~" ".tb 11.1' .1.. · ~l;!!"'eftIllDtbelDOlt ..... lD4 . Hame HI.... • pert. He hOil evtdedtl7 been pr.ctlc- appolDte tham. D ollb ",1IIIa '0.... BI'aIIcnIP, tq ot the elub for jDlJi'llIeb aD ~ ;;r.;a;~~.:::= Salt dfIa)IWed In all.'Ollol will a qaan.. ...,: . ~~_all4 ~n. J •••nIaall ~-At the MJaml ..... ...... . . . . . fto,m ..... lUMJ. ~ -... _.~ .....& - ~- EanI.. . ._QotI fl'oIa cIoUIbIIP,¥!I~"-"1ldp. -----~=======================



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Waynesville, Ohio PUBLIC SALES

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---_. - ..---BELLBROOK


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Saxon Six Livery





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u.ntl flIr . L. A . Zi\lltne~man t h ... ,O IJ a r e 11\ 'incilillali loduy. , \ aYIi SI'III.I' , , I'lth fl'" clu l· I Il l'. !lill. s t opal h 2 1 . . IIrolill !"'.\ I WilY Le htlllo n . Ido. 11 BURGI : 'l'hl'J\a~1"1 :( ·(,I,r.(lf ~l'l'hf werp l • ' . OHIU · ·. : pen ,IIl l tn , q \ P ."' I > \\, It h Ill' r ~,H1 . an'j U).{htl'l: W . 11 , Allen mad e a business trip •• • •••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ~, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . .• H H lire thuII", h II ,Ii"t 'UI<I una: UIIl' \ to Cil.cinnuli Tuesduy. iug WUti finE' ,tf " .'l~ ,1 ~ ,,, " ict! () • ,)lh .. r<l . 'l lt.,I',' \' 110' ~n .... itic., tnn • I) . Ilen kl e wall a lIusiness visi t. . Jl r n~ f,'r ! , I' I' 1"llk.·. oo r Hone ~II ' or III Uaylon lall l Wedn >sdny T n above zcr o thill u. m , 1 u-h! s mal l. lh:lt .h~ (h' I"" ,1'1 0'" Nil . mu r mll r~ II '011 1.1 III hill! Il\Ur rt',1 :\'1'. !\nd Mrs , U. M. White visit d , . Miss l3e r t hal lIer. of illtionllti. her lif t'. [lIl: 1',1 r t " r bUI·r! \'m· willI (ri ends in ~I\ringboro 8undtJ}/ . ! 1 JS0ylh, e ~uest of ~11'. allli Mr~ . S. l: . a Oll ,~" rt l"'''' Ihroll It lij, "~ l'h nl llo('" .aud 1·IUlIlI." \ l,lt I '·'11I1.1~ ulIlI . Ill,· 1 ., II I I tt I i " I ~I r nnrl Mr~. Fra nk LeMav. o f " I1lh -I" Il. ,\\' 'r~ ,," IU I U II' • 'f " ·I,I,I I'. tO "11. VI'SI'tell Il er" la"l I'V "" .', MI·~. 1·:1:11 S hOl'makf'r. nf 1'lId ". Ih,\' hu ·.I 'a ,,'1. I.. n.:.1 Im·l1t hl'.!' (l , ~ • u " ~ I\ III • :1 11\1'1 ,,1',' C , I' \ . II II I V(' I'~ ta, It. .. I JI'. S. I). I'\,,:s \l'IlS I'l' tllrlll:rl too I)' ";'I<!i. t.1 , r l" n 'lId ,"ll' has SII II'\! I .!lll ill\\'all. I·a . aro g'lI l''''IS ,If r('la IC"II~U" "" ill Lh l ~ uiHll' h.: l. II'lti ,,1t fuct Iwld l ' . Ilta I f 1' 1II I I' . 1lJI"th ami Hugh RIdge , uf P ILY' lIVCS l1 e rt! today. we are I' 'rr j.! ad til .no e . . _ .. _ _ _ I;,·, ide~ 'i,1 (·it I ' ..•. ". h.' Idl \l;~ 1111 1' . ~ \l"llL Sund,LY he rtl with r(~la· liv.· f.(I'IIW! ,·hild n·'1 all.l II h ,,~t ,If ' Li \'l'~, . The c' )~n l y ll UUW I y will 1m in fr i.. ndH. I lw od halld~, we tll, )./U. fur aL i 'a~l " I. a (.~ Ii 1\ " "Il'" 1111. " In ftl ll F rank Snouk A fllallil and \lell ( 0 '.11' yea r~ , f ur I' H. ~1I~ r\\'ood wa~ Alld tlllw ,' rs c. ',\'11 !Je r \I t tl ll' nor th ~lt ll" utillIlduJ' th~ lloldl cin ~ ull! at ,) I ~ctt 'd lu (lm l ulli.'I' Wll it lltl' l\lrl!'c~L \\ Ill' 1.·"\JII,J Il'l,t· ~I~., \ l'u Ioil , 'l'u llsday . lIIajll r ity 8(,t,0\\ lU I.\' lIll'lJupJl "llIlIt,y ,,'" I ' s,'l . ' did a te~. ing-vI Lltl! al'l\Ycall o f' UlIII( II h' "t III ~ ' 1 f' rtl ;1 11'0' \'11 lltl' 111 ,111. . T ,le ,'ot""" ' JI lll(. · COlln ty B I . I ~ I • • , /I~. '~• • ' I . Mill. Lillian Wilk e r"oll gpl!nt Sat ur0 1. Ilo.., t h . dBY ami Su nday with her si~ le r Mrll. ---will IllId· tltey lI1ari e 1I1I 11I1~Ulkl! Wh elt Gun!,lIl . nt Morruw. th" y ... 1 cl~d I·· r~tl tl ' llt :11 I.OHILioll . I "I.II ' W I U,\\h S Misses Al mn Llllllb nnd L 111'11 Wl'L·.Xll·lId lohiJ)III I II" ''' II !(ratul" t\Olll ~ McKinst'Y g-l1ve n "~h1('l1lij.!h~ 1111,,·" a lld kllvw t!t a l 11\' \\ 111 fu lfil l 1111:1 We Il c~il'(' .1 ' th ' 1 l: lh,' f l i ~ !tdR und t\lr:< . Linn D vilt alld Mrs. J ul i ~ ttl lh p yo ult g pell pl l' of Hat'vev" hllrg duti ~~ lo', Lite cuunL)' ~ "" jli~l':lcdll ll . nt' l ' hhnr , f UI t h~1 1 w att)' i\cl~ of Do naVll n al' J' I!l\ives in Wedlle8dny ~ve lli nj.C, N,,\" ' lIlltc r S, ki nJ n~ :: ~ h ll\\')' \I II ri :u.!' (l 1It" ht tp I \l lf}. 'I'h,~ gi rls \\ l're " ,ked tn hring A vI,le to i ~" uo bU II II ~ un a new ' plll1 KllO ro lhi8 w eek. When things are goin g hard and a long comes nIII itt illl!, 1/1 t IIf' r\ •• ,~h "f I' ll r mil t !Je r \ Ilree e~gs npice. The>·;tll f\"'~l'lIl ~ '1"1 ,I hUllse "' ,I" I HlS~",d \11 Frunk lin the boss with a good, cheering word-sa y, deesll't. '1'h, · Jo'Il Jll ily. hlt:!d at thc IIH'clinK place ami j llllt' III:!L W l! l'K , r lll't'U \Va,; nl ~ o a vott! Mr. and IIl rs , Emerson Mason had n yed all ou t olle mill! Illld a ha lf \\' >~ l ior a IJU llo i"sue 011 wads I!.IlU Llt i'~ . that satisfy? IlR t heir gue~ t~ Sunday Mr .·lllld ~l rs or tOWII . When they reach >d thpir I ~O . w:t:< ':U rlc,1 [,' rall li ll l'ul II ' ha rl ti Py le and Miss Ma rt ha Pyle. d o linat ion t.h e 1.J1IY ~ lIl ade 1\ fir e !IlIn ~hill WIll hav e gUild J'ouda nolY . ir· That's the very thing Chesterfield do for you r t hey lOll ted all lh ~ marshmullows r es pec tive of ~lltl county. Mr , Ea rl Stat es . of Clint on Conn tv . t he y COUI U eat . tlum tho hn}s and ilmoking-they satisfy I A I' i e ren t.!ull1 VOle was t akt;n III wat:! lh e week-end g u es l of Mr . anJ pa r t of tho girls wrapped '!Hch l'll!! And yet Chesterfields are MILD! Mrs. Wal te r Cast . ' u p in pup p. r anrl covered it wilh cluy L tlU:.l1I1l1\ I:.I);L we.:! o n t hl:l ~L r etlt anri Imt i t in th e nro t,) rOllst. quite pavi n~ pruJl<l:lIt IOIl. ~illd it w u~ car · No ciga.rette maker can copy the Cheste,.field nr. nnd Mrs. J . A . McCoy and a mis ha'p happell teu lo OIlC of the rled by UII OV"I'W-lll!lrnl llll: vot e in El ta I:.:liz, be h. u f Or. :\1. S JilJeI Ihlll " \\ cs t ; wa ~ rhi1drell have been visiti llg r " lllti vel' yo ung .Iadie" wh" 'Jnl d own on a ll fuvor uf il , 'Mend. They're the ONLY mild cigarette that satcglo( and bursti ng it. of cour!!e . much hfJ rJI nenl' Be llhl'tll'k. Olll t], on Augu ~ t al Wa Ii g lon C H 1511 1. I [) I:; . n, '\'('Illue r 12 . EllG, l SI 11 . , t o the el!lba .. ras~ rnent of the ot h rs. A lill"i1L ·.va~ m ud' on Reco rd er. isfies. · This blend -is an entirely new combination of Then game~ were played a nd sOllgs bu t Hu lbro uk ~l uJl t:Ll tII roul!'h o y II 11ll! little spirit rd llrnet.! to \Jim wh o tobaccos~the biggest new thing in cigarette making gal'". ag'<!d 1 y ear, :3 1lI0ntit8 !lnu I Bali Hrand Uoots a nd R ubbers at were ~ ul\g. Delici o u~ r efr' hm e llts tllllaH III JUI·llY . days. Mycr H yma n ·s. were ser ved by tlte ho st ,'~se ~ clln · in 20 years. lit !hlllliitu n hat.! a h andso m~ Just a f \\' . hI rt months we en· siRt lng' o f S8rtClwichei! allli pirklll joyed her buby ways and bE1by milC!'. Messers. O. M. Ridge. Jesse Bur- Those who enjoyed the ev ninlr wcre: plur alt t III lIle f lr" t ApPtlllatt! Ui:!· urnm CO Un LY but in our g rief we calmly say " Th y ton . lind L , . P rintz were in Dav- Miases Irene ngle, by. Alma ·r. mb. Lrict fo r jud"e. UIILl will be dona" for we re li7.e. tall undayafternoon , Lb UrB McKinsey , l artha L uk ns. feel" Lltal Lh t: clll:l."nt! Ie wCl a mall v 110 ill l ho~oughl)' capable or Laking ~fGifJe me Q package of those (ligarsttes that SA TISFY. , p Ett a nd Lida Kellnl!d y . Ut10r i "This lil t! ... lifl' IV1lo not in vain • '{ 'd d Whets I Ma-rianml Gray . Merle and c ro, r the JlO ~ ILlOn. Mr. Huntlitoll All ho u " h it RIIIl'(!I'~U de th lind paih . . I'b, I o bitze~ s pent T ues ayan I'l'Aye Jilli ia. J nnio La ~so n l Le,11! iol pf ol.ld of th~ vute h~ reclolV d Jft .. t oday ill .. Iumbus att ending the Ellis. Vesta Ellli and Ved tl SUO/II t' . old Warrell. unu wi!>1 es til lhall k h hl God sent it IIl'l'e . 11i work t(, do. . tate Millers' Conv ention Mes. rs. Harold Giham . R~lph T oll. f.-il!J\d~ iI. ayn\;l 'l'o\ u9ftll' tu r Ltullr Hor mission i , (, dCI I. her t!lsl< IS Gail Gordon. i. ney Wa tki ns •. Levi I!'en\:rou ~ lIupporl. through . I • . Her life wus ~h ol' t . hut !lt ili I ~co Wat erhouse fo r A uto Li very. and William Lu kenR . Ea rl Dealh e r· 'l?hc proposit ioll o f lIuying electri c age. Charley Voiers and H oward lighll! IVa:! ca r ried in Hllr ()y~ burg. i t waR G od'~ V;, rl. Hi hllly'" ill . Surface. H1I8 ca ll ~!rl he !' 1 1\l 1 ~ frUlI1 eart h to I Mrs a mu el Wi'lliam80n. of Dayunci t he ci lizens are I-l nerally wel l dw .II. I ton . spent t he w eek ·end with Mr. - - -.... ~al i ~ Ii"ll IVllb lha t re6u ll. With Him l"hCl ' lee th 011 things well. " harle!l lloug h and famil y . . J{epul! lica n camptlign ma nage rs h avt! n OI gi ven u p )'~t , ow ing to th Two liLlIe III·oth e rs . hurles aii'd Mr. an d Mrs. harl p.ll Sherwnod recuunt in sevel til ~ l ll t t':! . Otis. await her WIlling i ll t he Greal attelld!!!1 Qua rt e r ly Meeting of the l-\eyond . Sh le llvI'!; La mo ur n a Pri nds Church at N e w Uurlington ~---- - - ST. MARY'S CH llRCH fath er. m oth e r. llli 'l ft is er d!ln t Il' ' lll ll rd ay , urol her s llntl a h'J8t of re lall ves an d TwentY'lIl!cond unday af te r Trillfr ientlB. Funeral sen .ic ' were held No· fIIr and Mrs Ueo. Hart sock, Mrs. ity. Nowmber 19th, Sunday Scholl I vembe r l ~:th. l!) I G aL Lhe home COli · \ ~ unnah li t ram and . Mrs . M.ary lit \1:30 a. m; MOl'lling Pray e r a nd ducted l!\' H~v. WooclwIl rlh . T h . asktly s pen t Sunday WIth relMllves serm on at 10:30. The public cot'dinl · !y invited t o th ese services. Iitt! , b [) dy \V II!' laiu lo re:;t in Miami III Lebllno n. Cernetcl·Y. l'iora A. Ellis. Mies Cynthia An t ram. of Spring; C AR P vI' T III\ :O; ]{ 5 . boro. who has b ~ en visiling Mrs. Biueo pltoSl'll ur uM I,; 0 .. rr i6r1 off t b 6 Hanllah Ant l'a m . r elurned to he r We in et" 1), dp~ i rc. th rough t h .. home last week. fllrm IU " ,,"t1vllly l .q~" "'Uluunt" tn ijrd ll1 orop,;. 10 t h e bUlla" o t unlwlIl~, ofilnd I fl'ipapor to lha uury ----~---- column n e i l<hh()l'~ on lls wh'l so nk kindl . u u lu ulJl~, lIull ~l' e J i ll l l 'lI. ~"h" v plo l£x JOI' IUlell t lll l ,u U . r ~ou w. aSsi sted us' (rill' recent be· nd or wear for lhe whole family r eavem(mt. I ev Woodwo rt h for 'at Myel' Hyman'8. w e uu tlltl U~B of 1l0lU lill Otiplili h ur • his con f oling wo rlls. Mr~ , Turner and r tl w p lt \l!l lJlt~ I'O rook HI ftliutoroo ~r " Petersun fnr .th ",i~·, beaut ifu l Mrs . Grace' Lin.c In Smi t h will blLr uy lifl1 Wflnu ro. II ~b fe rtillty uf t·htl ~ol l I ~ to be Ul ul ,,, .. lu ~ d . AOIU IN~UEl s mg . anI! ~\ !ll le r !\! cChu'e for blS close her Millinery Store on Mo nday. And we hav e a b ig stock of good " k11ld and elh~lenl ,,-rvlc e. . Tu esday and Thurl\day evenings pll 08 1l1ll,IO i ~ m oru genuru Ily ' r eo wBorace UO'llptou's had AS their BIG EASY RIllING CAB tllings to cal for tbis seasou. Dr. M. ~ . W~qt ,lUll fllm lly. d uri ng thi s winter. U1 tlulled, IJO(J " U ~1l 11l1l1t· r II \' ur'III: OO(lD Friday night Ke v , Hober" d l tl 'nt! It I ~ moro ell .0'" " nd wuru D7moDd, ot Xenia. -·---_:=.-=_-=:-=.. : :. : : _-=_= ====-= f New goods, of a ll k in ds. Many tHJ\JU Olil l tJ l ,ntl. n Lh ,tI v 'lJOu. . Mrs. J , W. Ward. Mrs. May WiI· IIr •• Onal J. Uompion ie im prov . Al the eleventh meeting and. ban· articles 110t handle d by the AUld pLIl! l'b"lOIms r u tll~ntid more ingnlcelj: audlaableto benPllome, ! CALL Quetof the Volllntoer Medicalanrl regular g TO eer. If it is in tllllu th ruo . hu es II c',," t il.l O[OP Rey. Willia O 'Ne&1I11 Vl81t1og niB Suriical Staff of the U. S . & S. O. the market you will find it y ieldlll i ll l!IIlUY t ell til u~ t lt u Ex pert. LJ Hough atte nd ed tlt e Warren ·oun t.v dlln,bter. Mr • . W . E . Bog~n B e ·1 Horne in Xenia last w eek. four nilw . here, our w a rehouse is full of lJI eot t ll tlU U, tlVtlU w h tm \I ~" ll 11.1 drove tbronih from Bloomville. ' •• surlreon~ were added to the list: Dr. . I Sunday · School meetin g at Lellanon ou u n eutiu n Wltlt III l1uuru : It l~ or_ g roce ries putcllased early so Ohio, in bll 'bnllY a a h'aDoe of 1llO ' Phone 83.5 Waynesville Ohio W. A. Galloway. of Xenia. Dr. Olu " rll y osed Ilt ~ lttl h~l:I o r 40 po ul1ds Sund ay nfternonn . our prices are right. mUsl or more. 1 ' Horace Bonne r. of Dayton. Dr. Hugh pc r t oo of LU unun'. '1'118 pl.tOijpblitB Rev. John MoMlllan lI.ud wife. of H. ~aldwin. of Columbus and Dr. Ed ward and Ev e r ~ tt Schaeffer left llI uy be !!I}I· tl Il Q vv ur rtL ll WilD oro III Bring us your Eggs paying '3 c Wa1n_yllle atlended o ur m eetin g . i C' L. Patteson. of Dayton. Dr. MOllday for Middletown. 'rhey were Hl.O ~ lll!(1 ur YlOrQ OC lU IXIl<1 wHh 1~ )'rldaT and Sainrd ny wh ioh WIU J ose p hine S pray. of Laurenoe, Ran· Andrew Timberman. of Columb us. M the tl Ul e of hli ulr o K. h tD li Y il ia ) New Seedle ~s Haisins this week. Dipht heria hll ~ Lro en out in ca ll ' d home o n account of th eir beld '" New Barllngto n . 18 &8. o ne e venloB last week . was re elected dean of the staff. fathe r. wh o is very ill with rh e u· bo sprlukletl (,ve r t h tltl tu bl o fl our b uQalt. a oompau7 hom h ere atMr. :lnd Mre. Joe Leaming, und , and Dr. A. C. Messenger re ·el ect ed Xenia . and lh er e lII'(, sevPJ'o l cases,o f mati sm . Mrs. Jesse L e wis is still at Sole agents for Tanlac. IlIul1 t ho l'O I UMI~ ... bouL UUIl p uuud the d i ~e !ls e th or e. T he Board of tended Cbrl.&ian Endellvor at Chl1s_jdaullhhr. Ednl!.. visited Mr. MIRe isecre tary of the board. Several of her fathe r·s. t aking care of him. hulag 00.,,<1 lhu ll' por i.D uo Vl) Ondd Health, h Ol'J c\'~ r. cl llill1~ lhere i~ nu &lr Bunday night . Llu lneier at Wilmington S undll.!'. 1the board were unable to be present When you Ivant G rQcerics think li ve IV I~ lt t of t it" Itll l lllU!. 111 tilts eQU SE' for ala ·m. (I S th ere is 1\ "dIPh Blr , WUlBpray aDd daughter J oMfI!. Jennie Dnis visited her i at this banquet. of IflUo r o u tllil it· 11 1110 U(lt ~ Ilti IlU IlbdOrUt heret il; sore th r oltt ,. t h t resembles Mr , and Mrs. J, E. Janney were .ephlne. trom Kan11l8, Air., F . ldaugbter, Mr8, Boward Burley • - ....- - on t of ~h \l 1I!1uld lI umllre. di phthtlrin. and wbich is n o t neces· ca lled to Tol edo Friday on ru:count of Oomp'.n. Mn. R . E . JODe8 (\nd \SaturdliY II.Uernoon. . sa r ily fatal. Such cas" h ve l! pen lhl! iLness of th eir daughter. Miss ROT JOllel vl.ited Mr . Ilnd Mrs ~ Miss Mary Wilion has been con· A Oood Time? r t1port(~ at the 0 , ,. & S. O. H ome Ednu . who teaches school in that . Of Course Johu MoKilian and took dinner· fined to her bed Bufferlnlf trom Il tllll i . Peopl e nra II lwn " ~ bein g II\ ISllll(ler· and in several' ro oms in the school city , We are glad to note. that W- Sullscribe f o rth e Miami Gazette wUb Ben Milia one d&y lut w eek . IiDd i'njnrlng onl of her limb! . stoot! : cspeclllll y till! IIlJ1 n w h o;J(J It!en bUildings. The UuRrd h<;ls lhsin while q u it e ill for a time. she is BeTera) ot our y ouug people . at.. I It. 18 repor&ed that Bllrry LVtl. 1or SIJowlllJ; n fr iend I) J:oo(l Urn e Is fee ted lhe Beh ols. and it is sa hl recoverin g nicely. ,ended lit paray at tb e hOUle .of M11l8 ,h'La .bon.h' the Loolan Wil lOD farm to tnke him Ollt In Il raclug cnr nnd t here if:! no f.urth!! r dang-or from t his il\lael t:omptoll In h on o r of Mis. ' n ellr tbill plaoe. . \ JlU nd hIm the sCllre of his life . epidemic at (l rellf:11t, ( l nd e r woar f or the ' whole family a t blyer Hy ma n's . lll'r fl O'

I ·

.J\(\ I! I U 11'\ Y In "!I£h\cl'c ~ ' ·Ir~ , . ~l' ~ It oak h"."..... "I. I ,I ~he W11~ I :1 I' 'J "w <lrt'II , t im ·" d luyh "I !!



ll~O ~ons

I: !:!: F k L H· ' M ran ' . arrlS an.







! I


Like a "boost" from the boss

when you're anxious-they satisfy!


)UUI;~C:l t ~i:lughtcr II I










20 for lOe





hi~ rl lIrill~

Lewis VI. .L.·v·ery';jl DOCTORS PRESENT AT A B









Cold Weather . IS Here

I I~~,~~~~:~. J~~n~~i~~d J~~n~~~n~I~~









E OF SUITS ~omen



and Misses

.Fine Suits ~


$20 S~ita now,. • $ '1 5.00 $25






$30 Suits now .. $22.50 $40 " $30.00 "

AU .the w~nted colors ~e repre8ent~d. The range of models is very unusual. Suits with lcarcely • blt of tnmmini-th81r beautiful hnes and fine ,fabrics pve thmn dl.tlnctJon-othen are quite . dreuy. You may (booea fur trimmed Buiu or without be worn with leparate fun.


Miss Margare t Hess . an ex-pupil of the 0, S. & S. O. Ho me. of Xenia. is a ll1issiona r y in Korea. lind h e r fri e ndY at the hoine r ecentl y started a paper to get cont ributkms t o build her 'a bome in l{orea. $200 ',vIlS 8sk et.!. and contri butioo:! ar e comina' in 8teadily fr om- all over t he ~tate f rom a.tate officials an d ex,puplls of. the H om e. I t is thought that lhe desired a m ount will . be on hands by Thura,d ay .

--- .- - - --

Hev. T. C. Oebauer. of Henderson. K y,. SI)ent several day~ here with hi s daughte r. Miss Dorothy Gebauer. Rev. Ge baue r is the field secreta.ry of t he Ke ntucky Sunday-School As.soci atlon. H e vis ited the school s while here. and made several good talkli to the Hcholars. '

FARMERS~SH' IPPERS Get Top Price on Boom Marke t- C t ~ but li ttle to ship. We can use all vou have. la rge o r small lots, .




Market Tod ay- rl'urkeY9. 23- like!y go to 25; Sprinlt Chix. 16; Rabbits .2.25 to f2 40; Cs lves. $11. Whnt h ave you to offe r in Potatoes'? . Dr, and Mrs. Lee Cooper and fam- Spot Callh day of arrh·al for all ship men ts . ily, of Dayton. and Mrs. H. H. ·Wi!· liamson left Tuesday morning for Florida. where the Cooper'. will Produce Buyers spend the winter. Mrs , Williamson will probably spend a month or 80 44 Walnut St., .CINCINNATI, OHIO with them. They went In their Autumoblle and will go over the Dixie Highway. . .

Mr, nnci Mrs. Chester Anderson, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Cartwright and Mr. and Mrs. John Reichel. of Day ton. ",ere Sunday . guests of Mr. and Mrs , S . . L . Cartwright. Mr. ' and Mrs. ReIchel have been in E urope for four years. where Mr R ei<;hel represonte the lnternationai Har vester Company. Ilnd tell _ ~di]rn Pbic ~leIJ of the situation In the war ridden countries. The Reichels were located in Bruuels until the . hn." ~he natural gaB war hroke out, and, since then have l1avOl ~? l?a~ th en traveling through Denmark expemt from We.t Vlrgl.n1a lion, the : and Russia. Mr. and Mrs. Reichel ~our,d. and will meet With the Co~. exptict to return to Eui' pe ft th mercia! club of city to .ee If Il / boliuaye 0 • er e can be It will end I • ' u It In e, by atrikinar r pocket. ' See WaterboUil t~r Auto IJvery.


-_._ - - --



=========== -==--==-==============='

Mugs. for .Sha ving . . ... 5c ' loc Aluminum Plates. children 10c Aluminum Broom Holders lOe AluminulU DrinkiD~ Cups. tOe Comb and Brush Ca!U... lOc AI'Jminum Collee Percolate lie Handkerchiefs, plain .and fancy •••.•.•..•••••• Sc "lOc Manicure Sets .. . . _...... tOe

PbUlip.' Buildiu,

See Our Wln'd ow '


CO'ld 'Band Dishesl l

at Each .............. IGc


The Magazine lIal1

WayDelvW.. Ohio


~ixLy -E ight h

3397 Whole Nwnber. I



;as ..


fEll OUT Of


--- + *-- --- --1 fo~ I


Sec Wlit rhou ae



.--~--~--~ .

l'll tlrt:lined l 1\1/,,; J f J. Mal'la ll SlI'nrlll v a din ne/' ~tr. alld .\I rs, I': II. ' I';olly. -

Au lo Livery . 1

. I


L A Zimmer man is in Cincinn ati , I toda y . j P. D. Clagett WitS' n CulUlhbu s vi ~ · . WI , . n t i) .. n elY~ cUf!1 u to Wuynes · vll l ~ ~a tullhl) n"lr nl ll!! thu t Atrt o~ iLOr TU!!dJUY . V ' .d '" rUII '.'>l" delHI. it wlll! ' alnlo~t An 'arly cull nt Rid .... os 'will in ~lIre u, ·~ " 11 .1 C'JnIl.JI', , ~pn ~ i nn . · as h · had .. 1""'/1 in \ II YIII '",' III" just the day bef" ll: 01,,1 111111 IP'oldud Illany of his you bdt er work. t /i/'/lIlt' h..,r .. Or Her:lchpl Fi her, of Lehano n, ~r Vlllln" r,>n hllll /Zone to Ih " 'unday . bKl'IllIl) lout 7;ao Snturdu y mo rning was illlll~n tIl tN.'rI h i ~ hurst:. and whil e engaged Mrs. W. A. RudgerR wn.~ clllling in thrnwin l( Ita) d(IWn from thl' mow'. he 11:11 ou t uf tlH1 door uf the mow on friendt! h.,re Inst week. mid nlill'hled on hi ~ hplid. ki ll ing him The d ll or WIIS a d ubl e in ~ tantly Mrs Anna O'Npull has been qui te O /ll! . and Ihe lower PllIt had been but is better at this time. III, one r uppe the p. nai led in pilice whil swung Ofl hinlle~, It i~ thoug ht he E, V. Barnh a rt WliS a busin efB put his wriKhl til much on the low, r dOM. lind \v Hf , perhllll . trying to vis ito l' in Co ~umbu s ThllrAday . /lhUL lh., ltinllll d"o r. when Ihe IOlVer olle I(H ve WilY . Th u accirlen t will Mr J os Hlom p811n. of NtllWOOtl , Ileve r be verifieol . DR lhere were no spentlh e week· end h ~ re Wilh rela witnel;ses, tives The dpcea~ed wss a succcs~ful farm er lind had but rer entlv suld hi ~ T. N. KinR'. of Maso n, Ky, farm and purc hll ~ erJ prope rl.y IlOd vi ~Mrs. her sister. Mrs Geo. Lanter muved into tIltrveys hurg, wh t.' re he lastited wee k. might spent! hi8 life in a retired . munner Miss Leah Smith, of Cincinn ati, Is .Mr VllnDoren wos -a memhe r of th e M. E Church and he was a hard viltillg her parentl!, Mr. and Mrs. worker. being' a trustee. and always G. J. Smith. takinjt an activ e part , lie was also a membe r or Halvey sburg Lodge Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hatfield , of No. 31l! F & A. M.. and of Warr('n Xenia, were guesls of Mrs. Hope Chapter 0 E S. No , 224, of which Stiles and family Sunday . he always took an IIctive part, he being 8 past master of the Masons Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cast. of and a past pr troll of the Eastern unt, Ind.. are the gue~ts of Fairmo Ster. Mrs. Walter C\lst. and Mr. . Mr. VanDor en leaves a widow, twq daughter~. two grandch i Idren Mrs. M. A Hightow n, of Wil· and a h.,st of frhmos in Hal veysbur g and Waynesville tumour n hipdece aRe. liamsto wn, Ky., visited her daught er The fun e ral 1"88 held at th~ M E Mrs, George Lanter, last week. Church '(1ue/ldIlY morning at 10:30 o'ctock, clIl.dueted hy Rev. We have Thanks giving Cards and The funenll waR in chal'l{e of fhl.' will have a nice line ot Christm as in made MllsonR . Interme nt was Cards and Booklet s. W. C. Phillips . Miami cemeter y .


I '

i~ h u I'Y Mil'. "" i\l ury and !'thlbtd "al ~. V. Bar nhart d ro ve Beveral UR t twi r L~Il ..~ I " nt ci inrie l' Su nllay nday af ternoon t he Mi!'<$es lloJ rot hy (;~ua ll c r lind !ad".,s tl! IJIl.v t'!I1 Mocur. Wh n t he 1111 ,W. 11. Allen 's II sl Or ('anine. party Wl!r ' ail ul to r e t ~lr n home. Mr. Ba ril ha r t \wnt into Eldor &; Wl·dnl! ,jay ('\' enill~ II' . and .J "hn~ t u n · ~ : til rt·. I.I nd wh!!n lIeHcaml! o Im I·: \. Ilarn har t entert ai ned Ollt ht' f(Julul I h~ ~ a r Kono. lh ~ polico a mi fi(,d i n,) illlCh' mer! ty r pa euchre a L n s 'Ilo.l fri y f'H·t .. bout \ ft e r til(' KUIII U II deli ei .u ~ r ' lIas l they heg':.I1I til g'ct uusv . Til lalli"s ( I he pa rt y hud to r i:' \\' 11~ enj oy(' I. · tur l1 h'Jrne n il t hl! t rain , ami Mr . ____ ___ _ . i lll lrllh rt allli" in Uuylon. Tuesday . " t o Dliyto n Mr~. J, ; b i\IcC}:lr l' enle r tu l n e, ~ a l n1 l1 rllillg' ~ I I' . AlIl.'n went in (,lIrnest a bunny .sIlPPI!r I h Ll r ~ua.v ,'v,"n IIll( I find the ~ 'an 'li "~j:{nnh we\ll' r . Fred t~l > foll.uWlnK; MI ~"H MO t' 1hll 0 ~('u lli l lIdn!,: t il!' uf tcr no ."n. el"phulI l'd ht,rl' 1.1 1"11 . hto rw.,,,oI . P.lltel II"~ I'-I'. ( lul'l\ It ll'lliU·oI . of AII ,lm. wus Il l!ur nt tha t ll awk e.lll1th lI al'l ~IH' k. Al rna Water · a nd ~ald tlmt th~l'() 11 1;1\:1' L1mt rt!~()l llhll:(1 ~tr . AlleH·s . hu t III IIISI' lind Vada Md'l1"r ~n n . in till' lII ut! ntil1l thu Jlul ic\o had heel! nul i ted t ha t there WIIS nn ulJu nlioned Mr . and Mrs. Harrv I UrI'llV ,IIlIN- (" Ir III.!:.II' th (lt pl ll('l l T he wen t Oll l ta in eli Sundar li t tIi lllll'r Ih(' f "l. th e re. ~II'. AI I' n w, Ii nuti li!!!]. allli Inwinl< gl1llHtS: /vi r !lnd Mr., Franl; up" n nrrival ho iLl 'ntified his ca l' Il u rr i~. Mr. a nd Mrs. "'mnk Sli itlll- beyo nd doubt . ke r. of lI a r v 'y~b urg . 1\1 r. aJld Mrs. 'fw o II1Qn hilt! dri ven into Alpha C. H. I/ ansock . " f t ilt> lI ul'v('ys- and wanteu t u g et gasolin e, hut a .. hurg pikt', a nll Mr. AlliI Mr:'l. I:;'ul they fa il ed to get it they drove 0 11 a Conner , li t Ie rurther, when the gBlloline lta;'(1 "l\ a nd they ublilldoJled th eRr and A six o'/!lock dinner at Lh'> horne of t uk a tracti l' ll fnl' Day tun. It F . W. Wuolw urth ~I r . and Mr~ . u[ plllcO '. 1\1. I{.. uil ~.el' on se l!U IS they had no monoy ilnd they cllunLry 1! 1II Uull. ,'10 11'11011 I' \I I'c II U)' lo Cliu '.U·U u Ille 'l.· hl ~ JOI H; IU~rul'll \I' U ' IlIkeu LlIII'III!; I s MI'. Woolworth SUI\Pllcd us Ito Saturda y even in g wa ~ /lpn'ed 1.0 lhe 'Ne re put IIlf th e (·aT. The men had right the At O,UOO. S:.!O tit d estllllllte \VIIS llg" (hllll nru r (; 11' 11 ' ,\" . lo(' 111! 1 ~ 11I1I ( 1. '1'1111 fullowin g: Mr. and Mr!;. W. II. l'ut u fil{ lll e off t he license nu muer. WIIH cuhllly I\'l1t chllll; U, e cUlIlllI gruli ulL Al len . Mr. ami Mrs F. B. II ·llIlrorsl;n. uu tho rwiHc the cal' is in good shape.d Mr . All en and Mr ..Darnhll rtarrive Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cha pman , Mr. anrt Mn~ . E . V. I.lnrnhart. Misses homo lust ('veninll with Lhe car and Em ma Heigh way . Marth a 0 ' .. nil t h Y WI'rl' HUl'ely t \vo havpy men . of The police are hot on the trail and MIlY Wright . the mon. us from the d escrlpti un fj{h'en lhem t hey a re on the r ight soon land thom. Mrs . I. Sa tte r thwa ite gave an all- troil and will a ()on n At ay. Frid sewing rag events it has llay In the ij rv ed hnd th e Benjam in Frankli n Zell, son of plea~ed Almigh ty God to call from dcliciouR dinner was born was Zell, on TVB Mary and John u e~t8 thoro ughly enjoYed lhi ~ part g r1 l~a er. broth among UII our bel oved who \Y 're county. near Waynesville, WarrenOn Sheets, of the Fi v ~ Point Local No. of the pro{l:ram. ThoRe New Edward ' . Mary es Mesdam Ohio, on August 7, 1833 wero there kind A A. of U C. & E F. the 24. of !1evil. Lina all. I!'n BU Year's eve, 1849. at a prayer meet· ey · Chaunr mem staunch a and and loving faUler ing held in the old Baptist ,church. remove d J II lia Donava n , E'. R. Bally. It'. 11. beell haa union the of ber No. Advent before next Sunday kn wn as the FlrstCh urch in Wayne, Fan and the Misses Trill nu IIallit 9:30 trom \his land of pain and sorrow to wa rds and Monhlli a llun"\all . . Mr. Zen. a~nounced his pur~0ge to vembor 26. Sunday School blessed. the of abode the sermon and be a Christia n. He W811 baptised. on a , m . Mornin g Prayer nce ha Provide of n visitatio This January 20, by the Rev . J<>hn Hisey at 10'30 " 0 0 all tho go all yo u can. laid a heavy weight of sorrow on th e .• In he r most gl'llcioUll llIannor . asinto full church memo received and and family all Lhe mellnll you can, d ny bereave the of hearta LebResolu· to e!lt went Several of our boys sisted by her m(lther alld sister , Mi~A . The followi ng Februa ry at . The followin g concurr berthlp not is the wa ys you can, all grief In thlM but friends. many fMtball ~e of that tlon , anon Sunday to see the rl<quet!t of this church Mr. Zell tIO!lS of General Conven 110 hope. Leah 'mlth ontertai ned the High In all the tllaces you can. Epl8eopal Church rt!<l.'ently held m the grle! of thOde who have r team defeat the Wolveri nes, of Day- was licensed to preach . otlt fow 1\ and s To all th people you can, Therefo re, Be It resolved fir~t; School leacher ves: ton . On Februar y 20,1856 , he was mar· St;,Lou la, speak for th~mselne!S and Th!lt we, the membe rs of the FIve fr iend informa lly at the C0l.y home As 101111' a.q ever you can. ~erIOUll The . . W.her~ evening er lay e ried to Jane M. Phillip8. dallght of the F. F.:. & ,t h~r parents on Tues 24, No. Local, POint for call time thIs. at hfe ot of grllvlt¥ n of Mr. U. M. White 81l!isted by Mr. Rev. John McMillan was called to at Jane M. Phillips , daught er his Five hundred was t he diversio express ion c.f clear G. f.!. of A. do hereby r;xlelld tosym· ch IUll s deliciou u Atlol' . B. Hendorson last Monday afte t · F. evening thl' L~esb urg, Ohio, Tuesday , to can· Gabriel a 1d Susan Philllp3. The fol- th~ ~Ighest re llersonal.I3f.!lf control on family our heartfe lt and since rA be num llIuslcal ated prepllr eu lind cxpresscil a bar· noon apureri uch m duct the funeral of a mfmbe r of hlB lowing Saturlla r, Februar y 23, Mr thmklng andevery ent. Chrllilla n, that thE' pathy In this their liore be reavem t!R Call in , rei and box filled \vith the cOlltribu i~S M by d rendere were Zell wall ordaine d to preach the Gas· the part of old congreg ation. Reeolved, ~econd; That we as of the hour Ruth Hartsoc k. lions of canned fruil. jellies. cereals, pel ministry at a quarter ly meeting moment0!lll problem s8olved, membe rs of the above named ord e r McPherso n and the and 8ly rlghteo~ be may church Grove urnishi ngs and otc . from the t ·We hnvo been asked many time in housl3·f Ple8\lsn the with held · All an of od will the Sherwo to ce Charlel obedien Mrs. In Mr. and tremend .oul crills in hillman affllirs be the last fow days as to when the and fri en ds nf Sl. Mary'" Ohio. nity ield, commu Springf near well things at· all Mills doeth who George Ruler coun ly officers t>lect will take their and Mr . I1nll Mrs. e Elliscop al Hospita l for Rev. and Mrs. ~ade WIth sanity and moral Buffi- Wille th to to born church Misll were tality There pi hos g charmin With sub meek the in at bow with -the family . Auuurn , Cincinn ati. respective offie~s, and through the tel)ued protracte~ Sunday Zell, three children . Mra. C. K. Hoi· cl~~cy; be it Mt, n, Sat· Childre on ined enterta Merritt of ie Kiz7. removal the Rea~lved, the House of Bl1h.oPs missIon to hlB will In om our mid st. the moat Ilenerou s of olle kindnes s of Couuty Clerk, Dan Bone, 1FrlCndll church In Xema was all, Pa .. Oscar B. t I five Aspinw of . were re The verstott oon. torn af urday l.on. our beloved Drother fr evening . kind. yet sent from Lhe of ns WI! give the followin g dates: donatio tantial Cayuga , Ind .. and Mrs. L. conc.u rrmll', That this . Convent subs a Zell, anci an· euchre in tabl es of Resolved third; That we. ~ senSIble of the IJreat ~!vlls resultm g that lnstltut lon . to Ill. nity Paris. commu er r ou Shumak courses ~mith two in experi ence which lunch was >lerved d M M Clerk of Courts, Flrlt Monday. In did from i!1te~p erance m the use of ticipatio n ohimil aror to and went schOOl Zell taught Frank +--rs. Zell Dorothy 'S an Rev. . « r MiR Int er. prepare Those invit ed were August 1917. the must come sooner ~hey were some prl:achl ng in Warren County alcohoh c liquor, appeals to all Hester. Kinrllcr Beulah Chrlsr. with e Gebaue overcom to hearts our the Probate .Judge. Februa ry 9, 1917 ~~nia Tuesday where lo set w~, Vada Mr. and Mrs. Zell. The» until the autumn of 1863 when he people of the Church Sheriff, First Monday in January by and self tlan fortitud e the Beeming chasti~e­ ·al1i ne. J osephin e Anelr Clara will go to Racme, WIS., for a few accepte d tbe pastora te of the Salem: exampl e of ter:nl?ernnce 'I'urn~r, e Marjori . paqsing rson in us McFhe to comes 1917 thai I:o!'!trol .by ~efrl!-mll1g from the use ment Indiana. Quarter lv meeting. y Ville, with as Lile, Ruth Hurtsoc k, Mc~d rlll1 es E. J. shadow life's through e Tr~aeurer •. First Monday In Sep. days'st ay. bevera~ a as I!quo!'s t)nll mtoxlca of pas. In June 1864 he resigned this elll.l e r~o n . L. A.. Zimtember 1917. function s and SOCIal much courage and hope as is ma ni- Arnold. F A.nT.lI Wright, ,I. II. 'ole, prp.igel t(lfate alld accepte d the pastora te of at all ,Public merman ;W.D.S Janney , P'. . J family his Messrs. by Sep. fested In . . Monday irst ' [o r, " Surveyo Th e FriPIHlly , roup will hold thoir churche s of the Harmon y QUllr· ga,~hermgs. Resolved fourth ; 'That we recom- mlln, U M White . t:: S. Hllily. J . O. rC[ful£lr Novem ber meetinl l Friday . E. J. Arnold, Glenn Johns, J . T. the ~ur age Is ~ltnesgll1g . s, Wherea re he where ternbe~ 191? . Ohio, in Lina . l Meeting terly HencclH 10:. D. L. lIrtwrig ht, W. tments mend the eaving grace of a symps· Auditor , fhlrd Monday In Octobe r IElIid, Raymon d Davis and Laura Mo. her evening . the 24Lh. in the social r oom , melned (or f o:> urteen years. In 1878 vast and Universal readjus . Crane went to Lebllnon Monday he be~ame pastor of the Baptis t with referen.ce to tho manufa cture lhetic Savior to hi s family, Imd how Devi tt, Cynt hill EVRns. . 19~7.. althe Whi to Bri'k Meeting hOllse. hour. at with them in humule !\u hlll i s~i"n Howell P ilarce, S. L. Car t wright CommiSSioners, Tblrd Monday In evening and spent \leveral C. K Mic hener. Socreta ry. Ohio which church and sale of I,quor; and LaRue at churth Crane. L D. and Gor!. loving a of will Hnll. the to Harmon , Seotem ber 19I? years for half . "Where as. It III gEmerally recog· ele'ven for served he iv F by itted subm Sep· ful1y In Hespect become 3 Recorde r. First Monday , _. time serving the Plea.~ant Grove IlIzed that the saloon has of the F. E. & tember 1917. the ~ore lind more a menace to the b~t Point Local No. 24,Walter Krue r. Ohio, . home ield arrived Springf near Janney E. J. ehur~h Mrs CorQner, First Monday In January mter~sts of our corpora te and In- C. U. of A. Saturda y from Toledn, where she other halftim e. Secreta ry Ind Trells u rer 1917. . t e dU,~trJal life: pastora illnells the the of gneu account he!retli on 188G In called W&! the " r:eso~ved Prollecu ting Atty', First Monday lt Therefo~e, be of her daughte r. Miss Edna isltet of the Plea8an t Grove ehurch and In January 1917, concurr ll1g. fhat Un'g along fine and will be able to llecome General Missionary for the Hous~ of Bishops ~elf on re~ord. as placeslt ~hurch this West. Middle l(Jng. the of before Bapti!:lts duties Jo'ree take upher Bchool In our legl~latlve a~tlon such ' favorml! · pa~ the d accepte Zell . In 1891 Rev e the large cOlllserv Will "s es assembh of church. torate of the Uaptist . Luther Warren , of Wilnlin gton Mllrion, Ohio, which he se rved unti l Inte re:lt.s of tempe!a nce throug-h the . ('ollege will give an address at the 1 89~ . when he retired from aoLive repreS~lOn of the liqu or traffic . '!l pursuBf!ce of t.~e abov~ reso· Red Hrlek church next Sunday at pastora te Du.ring the thirty years th e 7;00 p. m . His theme will be "The of Itev. ZeJl's 'active pastora l work 1~llIons" ~ntl 111 compl~an.c\l ;-VILh Young Friend's ' Movem.e nt in Ame.r · he baptize d over 1000 persons . mar Church l empera nce Society s appeal, ica" All are cordiall y Invited es· ried 800 couples and officialed at over that every clergym an of the church next before Ad· pecially the young people. Fred Russell, who bOllll ht the Tom 1000 funerals and assisted at lhe or· preach. the Sunday26) agaInst the Hess ber (Nove~ vent :s minister five of farm, on the Bellbroo k road. dination with The Junior Prlscilla s met evils o! the liQuor tr.affic, t.he serm on was awaken erl about three o'clock wife. Zell's Rev. Hle5, 26, July of funeral the d attendll Those who WIll be on Saturda y morning by lhe smell of MI88 Flossie Fires Saturda y after mornin g Jane M Zell. wen t to her eternnl next ~unda~ morning noon, Novem ber 11, 1916. Tholle Amos VanDor en TuesdayMrs. J . E home, On March 5. 1008, he was Temper nnce . smoke. and on inve tigation though t were Mr. and persons en.ter the po.or. hou se hi~ hOUSt> was on·th·e He got on lo More Cun· present were the Mieses Ruth and from here of Shaw, E Mary to married k H C J d M M stroltll drink the roof whll'h Wlls covered with Esther Edward s. Faye, Ml:rle and J e, cordia, Kan ,Rince which time Rt!v, and mad hou~e from B' S Mabel Ellis, Flollsie Fires, Mari~ Dannet;' r. ~nameer~.1\I e.. - . ow- and Mrs. Zell have resid ed nt Tangle- t~an from d!sease. More persons frost, slipped and fell La the grou n(1. · pl agu~ of the When he was pi::ked UJl and ex , Shutts, Lena and Eugenia Whitak er . L. rane. Farr and wood Place, near Springfielrl, Ohio, die. of the drlnk The and Irene Unglesb y. The young ell, Dr. J , T. Ellis, P. 11. tuberclllns!s. 'a~ue, whl~'I? he when 6. 191 1; er Novemu until amined, it wns foul1{l t hat he had two ·'·Vlces. ' ~ these to ladies spent a ' busy anti enjoyab le F. C, Carey. inVIted thems~lves puhhc eternal hi3 to on passed lly peacefu broken wrists, a colJar bone bruken, ' and afternoo ll at their fancy work ' - - -- inju red . ami severtlly years was 3 of back his age -I an the at home ue Columb in made was An effort lookinlt at some very interest ing It was found that the Hue had lifted" on 3 months. snap·eh ota. A dainty luncheo n of recently to have the "lid s :emain his fire. hut nothing Berlous relOth. er caught Novemb On might drinks that fee cream and cake was' served by New Year's eve, BO It . from sulted his of those I 'd to rest beside be sold on Sunday , but Gov. Willis the hOltflsA. After the usual Bocial :!fe in the W~yne~ville cem pro no make laws Ohio "The said: wIth meet to ed hour they adjourh celebra · etery . Miss hene Unglesb y, Decemb er 9, vision for their Ne ,y Year's _ . - _ ,tion, Runday is thl\ day tor war· . J918.










------4. __••------





COMPANY UKES THEM :~~~;:t~~tl.::'~.'b':"~~~~~'"~ SEE THE CAPTAIN


We wan t to close up a part ners hip . hy Janu ary 1, 191 7. in All part ies kno win g deb t to the Hrm of


H. Ma dd en & Co ., Co rW in, Oh io,

MiB8 Helen Hawke accomp anied by her parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. T . . re d I I bll' Hawke, arrived here"fro m Delawa Th TheSha nnonSt ockcom pany which Ine pu c I cor ia Iy at 1:30. Saturda y afterno on. Miss Helen. · ' . . al)on t.h IS !,mter, who has been In the hOllpltal since has appeare d at Leb vlted. The program of the Old _ two 1nt underw( who and The regular meeting for the Wayne n J t I Buildin g will be "Iven Wednes day are general favorltt SII1 WllmllllEton . . I d ' 29th beginni ng Town.h ip Protect ive AlI8Ociation will ber Novem oh aftemo The Shanno n" also think a great deal 81 u e, we .arC' relO · Thankll before evening day Wednes ce ~~ :a:~118 to Me the little tots. take place Saturda y afterno on at the of Wilmin gton and her people. This ~peratlons, I. . y giving the Hi"h School will give The at 1:80. Come and will Kive its pro- Townllblp Houae. Tills w\ll be a School Lytie compan y have 8 vaudevi lle engage · Ii'! much better health, The ng bellrinni th Plymou of With Captain on Novem ber meetinll' of ,0Jlle importa nce; and afterno ment In 'a Western circuit Bnd in, Improvi ng. Her many.s,friends, FrIday ,ram s student The poody recov prompt ly at 8:15. 1:30. all membe ra are requeat ed to aome. at ng vIew of this .they had to replenis h the Gazette , hope for.a beginni 24th deserve and have been worklnli' hard home. who baveno t paid their useS». Tho.e -0 ___ • their w.farob e. The goode were all ez:y for her, now she IS at to play before a full hall . The cast do 80' at this meeting , a8 can ment ' bought In Wilmin gton, and the typO! to When' James Thomas ' of Ferry is good and the music of the the trustlle l are very anxious to get . modlstl! waR Mr • . Lee Biker, daullh. for given ~eIDIl" is y. 'a t the please. This play all of the allHlllm ent paid In, 811 they ter at M~. Ida St~k.,s. Mrs fi~okea W88 coming to town Sat~rda to '?! fal810g a fundNew are in need of the money. purpose the from mile a abOut farm. Henkle Sam lOme for gton b~n .m Wilmin to "act purch8116 a Victrola tor the . ~~.-----. time _lilting her daught er In town ' . hie machin e began e Bll88t up.".'an d before he could get It to Building, MusIc \a a ,,:aluabl . makln>e th~ clothes. , Yictrola a havmg By . • person any to fence beha~e lt8P.lf he ran into the . • - ~ . . . ". ~ ~t the bo~s and, r lrls will and al80 struck a tree, which stopped In tbe school mllbt Fnd., open. HUOn The . the hear to mty opportu an it MI' Thomas was badly cut about hal/e the on n of them with a rame with Klnama the f~e with broken al88l, and a m..ters· in music. MalU' t? do 10 home fiool'. Com'. to Me the tim a chance bad pah was cut in ' his bead. The would never have the boYI were It not for the sehool. GIV. tbe pI!le, Watcb otlrfloor, machin e wa alao badl, damage 1. The pme make ball down the H~p . 8Upport royal a school ran that on., the wu e maehln The ,' to be II CiON one. You Th. Warren Cotmty Grani8 will 10m. time IIKO' the boyun dilrll happy. Tbe tlck- .rom _ afford tit mill llleiq it. meet ill WlI.YDelVW" Saturda y, No. The Dorea Soclet.y willi bold a oft an embank meat Owen Burnett. eta will be on .... at Janney 'l Drul' can not rU.r than Thanlu rlvJna market at the ToWII' and IIverely InjuMto bave _ mall!. Store Saturday momiq , November Scbool actIviU . liN on ill fulllWl na, .1IIIItu 21th one month •• _- _ _, .. . ueema .... tak. . . ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~_ pl macbln aenwiU This I', AIlGru mornlD 1IIIIiI. n!lldal o.announ fOl' tldp Bou.. on,Wed .....,. " ' W_tah be wfll ...... Seata o'cloek. I 8 o tnrrW ,*,Ut oqht 20th at 9

'OF PLYMOUTH ~1~~~a:lk~~:m~~r2lthlb!lJf:~1~:




llHia.,bltoreTbanlrt8lYlDa aU:80,totdoIn u n

..... W,lOIleltrov

II~ to 40.


",,"ed•. TIok_wWbt~~




Plea le call and settl e not Jater than Dec emb er 25, 191 6.'. .No acco unt will be carr ied over into 191 7 exce pt by part ies giving bank able note. .. ceDt 6 Note to bear inte rest unti l paid.

I neHt


wllnt. 1111'11



1t11l1a,: t1 r,



TJUt! Chroni l of Certain Pas.o,ages Bet/It'I't'n D, VID lARRENCE & ANTOl ETIE O'SA 'NOlo/ the Baffle of Tippe. CGIIOt in the Indialla JtJ.'ildem~, and of What Bejdl Tlierfajler




Old Corydon and Now Fir I Set Forth


WL 1M"C;CO ' 1\.7 1. 'I _,."'

..J:" ~ A M't @Y Ufi1 ~VL





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lIul It tlllll'~ htrl1ug UI,'I\-' who enduro> {lOll llo fII't ,. I1n-


yO\1 tblnk I Alii ""II1II1J:? 1',)'1 I Un! tu.t." U" wtn I·tl Iwr l\o r-d l I h tll"ILlI'nrly. "'11K POlllo·lhln.:


lie h.lPvctl hn' lult~lll .to lul· I " "nee In the fuco of Ih~ tr",·,···,' ,i I hi" lIu~~1 III /lhe hud tllro\\ u I,,' lJ I~ I plItb . I Th<l ro('ln W[IS "I·ry lilill. Il ull\,"'11 \la' c rlr'k"I~

II 101111 wlJlI




!'rohale ~OtlM I'roc,"ocdln!lll


M ( · r~i!>: • ..At.!rur 1110 . YP hi I 'mlll I "I. I:;"! ~ till '1 11111'\) .I\I,1I1,'rll( rml, ; IC I-I II I 1, ;\,Iu\l'x VIj i , li ll lh,·ld I I III . l'rIVltt'\j sl\le

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h lI"Th' d ul\l ·":l Rtn~ ly. I ',) r 'IV h UU 'Y I'I0uII fU('l lI~ .'111'11 . Ill" "

othcol' lu 1I ~llce thul fI'."1 d 111""1> ucd luore benvlly upou Dllvld's h ·urt. 'I'oluetto rlll Rell her 'r'R 1I11111l1v. DO\' ld 's loo\c 11Ud uot Clltlll!;CrJ; It seeril~ll to enfold 11 I' willi II UII;;htl' pn ~61() u ot w oulIll(!t.! 101'e. proutl. :; utfcrlug. pleudlllg to b uud'rJ;tooil, Sbe Npoke IIgnlu. rulterlngly: "We shull ullYn ys bo fril'lIdM. ahall we not 1" Thrre "'118 no n nsWI·r. :::ho wnit,·11. 0 01 Ullrlng 10 ml~l' hc'r " 'y.,~ (rlJII1 tit" ~ouud. She hCll r(1 III III IIIUV Nil,,, I~ Il cross ul' rOOLD. ht'urd 111 ' Inlt'll Ilfl"II and tho dllor O()~D.' Il; !J 'urtl hl~ u""V,





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- \

UI' 1 I~:.! 1.-4 ,qIJlrl1tIlLH,l \tlm1nl .. ~


"Be lind won Il 817.Or'·"'1> lit lilli' , '"". H lilt.! *;.l l'll flhl~\I It 11111, " ,liltn".' "', brldgo whe1;l h o ",li S nlnNI'I'n- II' hnd m nt. "Arc y u NIIII liS /'tIlle r r(lr I. :-i.-!III I·U 111.11 II " UI'Y Olullts WI\1' liS YOII '" r o nuce?" 1111 '. , act bls first poems llrllll t!c1 tlw ~'f'nr 'l'Ol ll l'tl· HlrllllrJ'rell. It WI18 unnecI I UP It Ip " h dll upIl"'" '1M 1'1l1 ' TlI '" berore. Thnt Will! hOI\" he lInrnclL~ II" ~~III'y to r epl~' to the tbruHL 'l (lXI, ' II.. • II· 111 I ,. 1l11l1Ll'r o( the .. ~ t'l\t o of Mr, SOUthll)"S 0 tt nUou ," 1.1"". 1' 11'1" IA,uullllue r." .. libe l. Dis. DI\~' 11l wrllt u e venly, , ·,11 I'XI·" " I I \" "And b e's de~d I Oh. !'m SiJ "orry I" '1.,~1 rt U tu 1 '!l ul ston !1 lJulOllglOK to LllI s "" '\1, Ihl' whol tim of Ihe cun· 'rll"kl' I "Be told me onco thnt u frleud he \ir{'!'S Is ulke u up 1I'lth th .. lleOOl e8. "., 1u It.,1 t~ t) rd~nnl h Ud IIlt"J o Il l. Clllllhrld~"f It hoy Illluu... . (1 Tb.lulis ure lit n breuklng p,llll \. 1:1111 \. , 11111 ltluHl'f "f tbo itullruiilll 11111 Goorgo Oort!nll. Lord lIyrnll, "':Jill IhUI .t l' hi "IHI ,,'o"l l<y HUWIITII. ' IItn , prl'sl d"nl ~rrm,. IIk"lr In I!<II whOI 1".1 Itls poems would n ey r clle." '1 r', h ' " I:I .. w"ni t~ i1 !J}l ll IlHo l·11. ' 1\1 '~~"I:(, a~k<'II for In II". "'"" of 11m· .1 "B e wOS u !,oet too 1" i In'd f ~' ':L2U ber. for shl pblllld-Tol neHP, " I""k li t :, I ' "I think 8 0 . 110 Is 1J \' IDg yl't. B,,'8 111(' I" . Lllettn -, • I J IIllll lU Hlllfl, Alltlll" y ~ RT H \'(' t"fdrn :-tnsluh' ~nll~IlI)· . tI'" In u .,nly twenty-three." Shl' l(loko<l lip, ~tnrll"l1 n I I ho tJrt ' IIJ1l: ht'UI'd lh( ' (1/)11 " fI,. ':f', 1'1, " ' 1.1,' I1 H'I\ h.IIl~ '. u:. :-,,, 11 ~ Hjl}u·o , 'ed.. "Why. you'r only twenty'~lx. l'our, "Iii ,'j t'~1 • Tbere SWf'pt (j\"!'r 111'1" II I,' r"1I117II' .elr I Don't tlllk like II gl"llDMutliOr I" chunl!e In hi s Yolee. nlHI Sit'" whnt ,lie CllmmOIl P lell!! Co url ,. O ne woman says : "My l . , \ Like a milli o n oth e r worn· hnd r"nrl'iI-'lnd Yllgu Iy l(lnll", 1 (01·.....; lion or nil 11'lnl' Ii hlltl ~ lI ll,'r, " 1 II/III ltD ''" tIt 11 tr "'1 "I tel'l 11 ke ono." '" WOR IIhou l to co rue. Oa\"ld hud rl-I'll I rl ~kf'lI rnr hl'l". 1111 I h~ fill, ' U"IIIII II" '~ h onl' ti t- , .,l( \ J \' lnl en . you can se r v e coffee tlIR t hu sh nnrl used to swallow his New Suits "Why'" h e would giv e mos t anything coffee and hurry ofT. Now we The sympllth y In h er \'01(' wnl! ns tn his (('et. Tbo room '('(,!IINI Slid · thllt lifted him "Iou,"l' 1I1L' """'1"1." or' Ol UDlI l"" -- I, " II W ' 1l II Uolli"~ F lr llllill K IL1H ilL to h eve-coffee which starts h ave Arbuc ld~ s' a nd you'd I·, "ul' ; IIWUUl1l, cltllllied ,tjul", uti . ItIlncere us thu t III 11 r "yes. ])n" I,1 tlrnly flllNI wllh II trjonll'n(\"u ~ II·n~"r . hi S Ilff'. 'rh('l ;.>Ilt:ut rnu lll ~(I I'I1I (I t1 10 III n pr h,"nrt Iwul u T1('oli t rolhll,ly; !'Ollu IU· ..·u ti e h ~ r w it h H hundt',',1 IIl H'I'lltu)ll l' Ihink it was Sunday thl' WilY the day "righ t" for all, ,hlld Dever known RU r.h fl w01l1 nn-hlHl ' l Itll ,\\t; i-.: t:JOhUD UIO,;trlllll U rlloll ry "n lml y rhrfltull'd II n{,pdlp unt ' \\". , ~ ~Y P~~ [(c h ull 1111(1 tlllf" h l~ I,t\'\' 11)t' , .... h e lingc l's over his break fast." ,n ever knowD what It wns to hUI" Ihl' \ ' I V"'I. I . \\ , rluJ .\1l11ll l~ (,;tu· Ull l: hU lIl. ·I~ Ev e r y one Jov es the r ich I -. j, ,J uno ~'Otl kllOw wlwl fnlllll"t' I~? " 1If' ht'r IIUt! ::; Iu' 1111(1 Ilra lJ:J.:l' d I I III Iii,' IIn":l _t. dlvlno SYlIlputhy at wnrunuh" ml. [{ (l ,\1 1), , ; u lll u anlO U1 WtKl 170 \\·1(·h Unt il y ou t r y Arbuck les ' flavor o f Arbuckles' Coffee. ,I . , l Ir , 1" ,1 , 'I began to tell her of his lire. of hlg sur- tlll lll: lit h ror. The torn'nl nf hlR h(,lIrt or pr tty thlllg... Suu ' tl"o'\dll 'lI Ill'r Of all the coffees in Am<'ri ca you w:lI n eve r know what ~ .. ln, Mil !! ~ I d \"1 If tsings, at bI!' hopes fo r Ihl' !utur ·. rll,II(,11 Ollt with the wonl". "l hll"o hllllllH Ollt yrnrnlngly. A ,1111 L. ::'h llt't ~ V ~ 'l"h .. C L. '" N . Rt"UIZI:"Il'd, " h e gll id hll r,hly, "bul I ' "J )nvl ll , .. t-t hu .'ulh1(1. tod ay, it is by far I he mOS I n differenc e good coffee can t,h9 Juu n til (of hie asplrlltl ons ; Iln d tb rnugh It nil H.\' . \ •. Illr t1 "IU"~ " " llllli 1I111UU.V b"vC up now. r work (r(>1II dllrll~ht 1'110 r oo m ID l'l,PII hf'r with II R RI, tnt tl : ll"tI.1 .' popu lar 1 . make in your home. ,the airl IISlened. a 1I'lIlto rose III Ihe 'ul •• • , 11\011 "t ., 1 l. II 1\011. $.1;'\, with II d ...;: I, tlo 1'''''1' 'rll " ,moonlight, and pourCfl th e holm or 10 dllrk. 1 r('u(1 lit night nl Ihn law. I lence. tu :. ~ : l t' ""I. wenry myself wllh IIrgulng with Iko I lJ e 11'118 (10 no. ~f Ol1 h ., llh.~ " t"IIIll Iller puro SPIrit upon b,19 hl'lId. " Today there are whole towns whe re Arbuc k lc s U ... IU Od \·s l"Q H It1no~ , nlo ckrorll. Th~R9 Ihlng s ough t 10 I .. eel III h, ... j, ' . r is p ractically t h e only coffee u sed. In one t ate. lin .•.', I dl\IJ1II;': '4 rOtl ::t U ~KlolJ r. CHAPTER VII I. CHAPT E R V II, mllko up my world for me. Hut Oleoi' , br k OIl "I' alone, in a y ea r, four pounds Of Arbu ckh's' Coffee J,- ' ilon·t. Th ere 18n't unoi' world for 1110 I I."" 1l. 'I,1 \ ' hllll,' r s V~ .\rehillllitl I ' hl) rUtJitnll, 11~I,t ,. T"l' ., Pf . dl\ IL'C". uud . h lU l'UY· wes used for every man, wom l\n and child in the tnLi l~U( .... .. . , ,, f/' The Course of True LOlle, u nlrss you-" Bo checkcll hlms"IC' 1 Fear. State-four times as mo ny pOUTlds ofco~Tee os the v, H ,\~ . h;1i·I~ . Corydon lay hnklllg under th S\1n tben b('gnn nnew. "I think nb out Ln y· . VI" ' ld went-buck tn 1I1s Ilr('~ ·"tutT'!I HOll S' 1.01 j. Proc.:cdinl(s po pulation ohhe State ! Arbu kle Eros., New York. lilt Aurus t. Along Ihe vorched grouud sclf. r go bnt:k OYl'r my IIf(!--uli lis I b~ lluy and Ill H luw bookM Ill' nl~ht 1111; "JI1..;h "' I • 'I:;h t Itf : .. t .;;•• the WIlV of hl'ul . th e "ln7: \' L"w- poyerty-cve ry mlseruble IIno at Il>! with u h ~nv y. h ·!In. 'f he dill'S <irlll:);",1 wllli er . \t I ' l f C\II 11 ,wd rd VB \ ~ . I;. l:i o wnnl. renCeS,'1 danl' d mnd t! nlngly: Tol, 8tnrvcd edsleuce. Anll theu-I think by 118 "lowly US Ih l' pn RS Ihl' itl'd .• of I-I llioullull II I 1 r 'Jc~ods ,1I1:;11I1o: nette WIlS r ejol cl og lu the nrrl,' ol of uhout ynll. . , I wnnt to know I lh o ~Ick . te \'e rl s hly h l. III r\l'lcllhly tr uu, t;, 11 u 1 l' t.~ U 1 d hl tiO, on.. 6reu • • gren l box tram Nc\\' Orl nns--sclIt "dUlt ri ght you hllye to lIlnklJ Jlllrt of ho stllo ; lIIl 1\[ lfist h welcnm,·,1 Iii" III I til' I""rtor ur lho ltllPllcu LIIl I_ bJ. flatbOat to LoUls \'llIe, huul d my world. It·s not your wor1<1. 1 ncccs"ltJ' ot U jOl1rlwy In r ';l''''III,h rl" I:" 1I .1II,tl' r of tllurl~ by tile thence on a clumsy onll' runner slpilge. don' l h"long there, Why do y"u cOllie I hi s slock ot goolls, ,110 ,1\,,1 I'''''''Y 1I '.1.01 " 1£,1\1 "I lo u u t 'Ioll rure k ~olted Slowl3" over th e rutty rond, by Into mlno? Yon ought Dnt to be In hn ll OUCII more po 'l pOU pu hl~ 1'01111"11 : 1\ ,\\ 1i~: \1 ' HUII,l Molluo l l)ldt'I'lot , I (1)l1I f'I= "; 11IG,H f ) the patient oxen. Tolnette cried out my thoughts. But you nre. I CIIU't to orj'don nnd hnd 11 "1;",1 J ll1vltl I... "My Bvn E ' 19'oiu I~ SlIitjl>C'1 ;5 1. ,1' I tlU uoll. rtoU fr ow til BullllrapturoUl!I), lIS sbe drew torUl from drlYc you ant ot D1~' mind. You bove huy ", h" t(ll'ar WIIS 11...·11.·(\ 10 (·lIrr .\" oroup," wrlt os Mr ;4, E I' . lr\\, \II. ;ng "1l1 ,J lu 111I.l Ttl ttOIl FUllu the lI1'el1t chest walklng dr 8 es of bOI'n tllt' ro ever since I first SUII' you, on t he lou_loess. U ls sup!''''''' w,'r" No w K. e u ~lugtou , Pit . " 1 pur ill J'h u dJe KdUhi\G Uel s tllnJ l-l r uoe ry 'White jlleonet mus lin; 0 CblDa rohe e\"E!r sluce . , ." to 110 r"rrl('d ncross the rll'"r frlllll ulony I! loOp leS8 honra ,H n t).( ht hO' 1 ( ·U. , . J. W. C"rwl hnel et 111. fore 1 lellru ed o f C lI lll1Io,)rllllu'" r.r India tv.-til; 11 ~eposterous ly Inn \lnl s voice broke. Lnul"' lIle lu Inr ks"lIle ; lind "''''IIII ~ Sole A~el1t l'I!! IIII,II i" I~ t> nlur 1I to r eCu\'U r SUlll U()ololb Hem edy 10 the 1J"1l~{ ~'Ii eqtiate c101lk at slI rse net s ilk ; tiny F rom Ule first, wild chnllrDJ:o ot his nt rhllvn one momlng, h e slI·UtI • 1111 ,. 'flillt Ill'" '''' h· " t . I' .• , , ~) frolU U~fontl"n~ . "l'! u se it at! dll"I'OI,ocl, It 1I1wl"'H glln' For aUppers at white kid nnd r ose-colored gaze bo hod n\'I' rlI'll h ~ r fu ca nlld till." lunl:" th rough tho slll'lll w"",I'. tR ~ t In. , : ·.,~h : ' 1111' the Gorden Tires t .. II • t , , my boy relief," O!.J Ill lullhl . !I\"()ry, aUt and a preclouH pncket cODlalnlug hnd lis t n II w lUI h"wct! head. AS The ti lln wo s golug down wh 'n II~ IH't b lo r e'l~ I" '.' '., I, I' \arriogc Licenses whe re . • terronlere. II h ndbno(] of Unt geld ·h e Illiused sho Ihr w tl frh:llten d I!I C ronll, Plluted to the tllj) or Ih L' gRl"ions!llt Ih 01" t"f ' ''. _ Unka '!'J1th a 8'l'eut pendAnt or pearle glnnco at hirn lind ~IIW thRt tim !illn!r hills /lDd fiU llg. himself IImm '/II tl on. III , Il I Wl ll illOI Edgltr H, blu~o u , 10 bot' ~ r . r 1 "r. 'IUd 1.11 J?I U 1l0(l ·p olJoll"r. bulb of Itangtn, tJIOm Its C!l1I ~P clown 00 tho knucklf>8 ot hi s CleMb II hUll ds \'fore III wound, AW1'Y to IItt! _oUlh with ~l('lJt 1 \ "I! "'~ r 1.lII e • 1111~. l\hto, 10rehell(J. It wn8 l' lIlrlce's blrthdny wbll encd with tho !.rall:t, ·It "rled Hl n Hchcd Iho b rolul lind 1l\11Jv~ llc P\II'- onl y to'Inl ~ ,'II • \. 11 .. ,1 1' lilt tor: his daughtor, ordered tbrougl1 to spI1I1 k but could tliluk oC nothing r nt uf tho Ohio till It 11!1~ 'ell Oll~ or (Iud 1IIJ",t,h y ~ CUI{WIN, OHIO 1~L!ll1 Estate Transfer lUI old friend In Now Orlell ns. ilinl she cOllld liny, nor h a nds picked HIJ:ht lImong the bille lll1ls or 1~ I'n- 1~ ppoti til' UQ .11' TIlere were to be two weddings In nirnlellllly at ilie Ulre otls In h r Illp. rucky; b -low him. In the IcngtJlI'nlll1: ,,180 to 1,'I1e l' I, I t~wn thllt morning-liS the wcokly AIler n mom~nt he regolned control ehudowe of the evenln~. rONO UII) sh'n- stl)un I hin!. I'.·,. • iIfH.", [ eir~!lf .l oU1l8 Elt llrot ll, d ceusod llewlIPaper put It, Mr. Philip, B ell wlla of his lips and went OD. pnSSloD lltely d er columllll ot smoke tr~1ll Ibl! ('uhln WtJf n fatui \J~ lu i ' J.:I ' , II hll, L I. K l<:11;;roLh rtl~l e8t~tl) In CilZ, Get the Miami Gazette Now to mlUTY the o!;l'ceuble lUlss I1l1chel as be!ore, but wli h on unrl ercurrent Cllll11 U ys at ClarkSvill e, (I c lUster flf b lue ji/rtJI I 101 .. 1 1", .1 ' \.I , .. 1,., ,\I,y ,,,.1111.11' :1'01.. , Harbeson Ilnd Mr, l shllm Stroud tho Of"Plelldlni Oint sott ned hi s 1I'o rds: u tlozeu or so log rlll'mh oll e... n.,.. l1elll" lile u n tllm "I I I' Ihl til p olll· , "1111l 1t Du nlap '0 Tholllll" lLud -.reeable Miss Pots y Sunds--anll TolI hllvo b en trying to believe Olat yond, ocross the TUshlng wnle rs or In,ble g rlLs 8>. , 1':111 11\:1 Ul n.noy lo t 0 0 \Vile' 8t , L~bThe olJest nu t cluue f r o m !tnly , lleUe vacillated deliciously In her I could conquer all this In my selt- the Iro lls. bo could dl sti llgul ~h Iho ; " U Ol1 , ~ I. The oni o n or lginl\ttlrt In 1£!C,I 'pt dwlce or a costume to JrrD ee the two ' thut It wa s too preposterous to e n- ro01'lll at Louisvill e. brlgb t lu th e sllb- . . . W. U Gilmour. ,1Iatiff ~ o EVil TobBOCO Is a ollotlve o r Vlrl!i n l ,., oeca8l0ns. dure, . But Instead ot thot It lIus set light. U(I\'\"url ;l 11 1' ijll l' ~ In C,lIlit·a rY !:ior voy 'l'he De ttl" 18 II. n ll- tiv e of I~ l,r o l li' grown strongor • , • so stroug that H looked his till upon thp "mUll "IIUHII \"' I'u l<l 1.\'"" "hal· nnd ;0.1<>. ~2:J :5~IIJ.~(j TIle " 'edcUnp over, sbo mode ber It Is now ovol')'Ullng, You ar e III e\'- eX\lnnse at th( !:Teut rlv er- Ulo 11l'II U- <lr w hllll \I 111.1 11 11" "1"". 'l'ho oltroo iR a n ttt lv eof (J r eElO '1 ~1;\f inlh t ; U flr\1 t1r t·o Elilnbeth Funeral DirfcL,)' way home In her silken s lippers, oryUllng I do, I eunnot keep s ll eu t. Ufll l rl\' r. liS the IlIill"lIs cltll lli 11(l ots orlcltilltod in No rth AIII!'rIClt. fl llvi d . lvl'I,.',1 ,\JlIn 111 hi s ll"llcks. I~ . 11" flJl'I par t uf l u~ Nil. :J lu Mor. and ~ mbalmer. nathe(! b orael! In on apron aad pre- 1-" The POPl1:V originttt ed in tlie ENH t;. Its' hurrying. tuUlu lt uotls wilier.• Ih" 'J'h .. r WtlS ur,l Ii 1111111./1 lit ,to lost). I ro w. •' 1, pared their dinner, Dnvid h od not Rye OIIme ortj(ln,lly (r.JIIl -'Iborl" . "Exactly " 'hat d o you wan t, Do- Ontboa t t erry. slo"'ly cTllwllng 11 CI'I"", Wllhout ,lI OUbl. 1'111111"'1' IlIl,1 llul Hllo!d J il l", ti. nl1r1 U. E. rl ulfl e r 'to H. L . Waynesville. Ohio. been at clther: weddIng, Sbe WIlS Plluley WtU Urs' known IU I:!llrthlnJdna ot him 8S s b e busied bereelt "Id?" It lXa s t1 v ery cool li t tle voice the green s hores berou(\-nlid tI"' I1' hl~ \\,(lr~. I,IS II " py Ilud wns r cn dy to 1381:1(I1"w 2 ' ra ot>! In 'l 'urtltloreek (lin I .., t bnt broko In on him. s crumbled down , tho stee p hlll.;I <1 u til 11'11\"", IlIllell willI IlIflll'IllUUOll thllt WWl'S lip I. at the hen rili. Bnd old Plltrlce rend Th e p ~ar .. nd appl e "re ( rom 1<~\l- We havl'\ arrnnlfetl wi th ar, u~ld e r­ He wu s wou o"u Ad to Ule henrt. For tho ",lte l' o 1110 smok,'s "r WOn I(] I,l! u I' , ' U II I ' l 0 ". B' I" It I II, ~ kl" ,,1Il11ge. , ..... e f:l, L , Ilod Fl l'ok m flo t o rop e. happily trom his b loved "Arcsdla." . . taker 10 go ·t un a uto . >:10 w e will be a moment ilio Ilurt look In hie e ," e~ tCu 'lI hr 8 Sent U)1 th cl r f rien d ly ~I g-· "h' \, Ill '\'o r II '1I IIlII" IIA J 1Ilr d , .lnS ~ I)11l 10 BUWIIl!lIl ~ t,rUOll! in Tur a a I ' ~, , ~ C She drew the Out boord on which ilio !;Illiunoh VIliS fir st e llllll'Qteu 10 able to furn i h i lie, a n aulD Or: SlMI k h er wlUI »It". l' u t sho s t eled nil S, Arthe Illn Wh l'I'O he r csh:ll th ll l \\'1 t J II I l I J > I I ill U 0 y. IIh cIIUII U~ J; u~~ I H) ' t IO()rol"k t o wllsltP' $1 cornmctll hod b een baked to j;oldenArnblll. h" r~e ,Iral,'n funerul. h ers 11 and went on: n g It Ihe til\' 'rn k~c(ll'r i1l1llclll' <l II le"lIluel;llIlI" ''''''l hll \·" fonlltl hlml . I • .. brown out trom the Oro, set the ronst, Tho Hllllfl n we l" WII- Im.lll:; II, fr um Bo lh l>h vilCS in Ottice llmi Resldence,d l' ert~d cull in th a t 6100ll U III" tho li t! set hi li JIIW, lillnl)" to ~ .. t1ll'r lin d I • I 11" ~ ,un trnl 81L".1D~9 ~'Jlln k no d "l'm n1n\ld 1 Iion't know JU Mt whut ed wild turkey on the tablo, ])ushed L u n ~(Iil!Lancc .No . 14; Hom"phone riv er bonk. took a ~lIl ck bllJV l Ull" Iru I' • II [ru4 L ., to J lohu L hloK1Uloy l ot, ~ P e ru . baek a IlYiDa lock of hnlr tram her 'you'ro tlllklng nbout, Do you melln 'f b e Ill'ulborr y oril(llIntNl illl'l· r ~ in. "'l'hur's the cnhln whor Glll r rn i I _I eu I U. N o~. '~U. ~ 1, :n 11011 23 in Morrow, $ l. 14·~r . thnt I om wroD gln g you In nny woy?" IIll8hed fnce. aDd roosed her rother Geo rgo Roger s '1IIrl{ nsel! t' Ih'(!-- It I "I~I I "". " I"" I ". ,\ /I r<"11 1 "I . ' .;U. I1UU Mo,r y Hodso n to Mrs The I(onrd Is 1111 Jo:IIPt. rll PlnPI'j .A. wave ot h ot nn ge r swept through from hie book. lt waa her bapplest vore old crltte rl" lI !';hl ,1""/" I III , ' I'I'U"" oe th .' u t"! I till Loroy YKt,er In-lot No, a The wlllol1t lind \lOIlch oille fr oll! - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - him thut she could c hoose to ndopt 80 birthday least In tho Dew Illnd. "H e's not !lelld. 1.8 h c?" IW:lvy Ii·' '1 ' 1111 t:\' g ld 11(1 Park AudlLlou to l:ioul,1.i P er.ln . The horl e ohesllut is a IlflllV of In' the evenlaJr tho old i()nUemnn "HIm dond ? 71: (\ knln'l kill 111m with "Mr· <."1",111 I ,,'" I' ",11"<1. L »<111 n, ~IOU a [lX. I seed hIm yl8tndoy, o"er yun " T h, I'I ' 1\ I. h., ~ '1", 1 or ,\ nllir 1'hlhllt. ,oaaed olf on h orseback to General --" 'Il ,"ng toword L o ulsvill e--"pore 0111 ' 111f)I' I'll 1t;1 "1'1.,· ,"I'l. 1'·,,111" ",1 ,1<'. li nd AlloD \ • <;t"loct! otN' 1 t o TiV " PM' l'be ouollm be r 011 me fr ru East Harrison'l! tarm, to pn3" bl a r espects crlttol'--drlv the Brltlshcl's Otlt ' ll IIlc r1 ~llrl' .. I' C'I,1 ,,"1' \1'1' .. uI IIIII'" tor .u n p"rt of l o t 0.11 ' ri Kllt 'd l ndi os , and be served with Il allUls 01 Mu· I . d .li ll n to Le banon, fl oJl O. theso ports \bIrly yenr goue, on' 8('[8 In .11 1" 1'1111111. i Ill. Tb o quinolJ (lum from ' r ela, aelra, Tolnette pr eterred to r emu ln F un~ra l Dire t.: t or. tbar cros t the river w ltbout en ' 0 fo'" \I d l ', " h,' ,. 1: . ' " ,.ki ,u.'ly. tl p li on IJtl te ll to J, C. R o bbins H o r ~1J r o tti s h id fr o m 8o uth e ro at home-Mr, Blllcktord would coli ; pence:' .If ,h~l\ tt l IP til, 't tl IJ l(pr tlt'lf lott' " 0 . j:\ nod ~4 1n Mlll>le Pur l. Enro pe. perhaps David us w ell, Sbe finIshed Ohio David beord him lIs l.less ly . Di s \\ il'.lI,·" I.. 'I 11< .. \ ' II "I ,1\ 1 • Ii: ., I . 1I1.l\l!y ISIOl' to K.lUge Mllhf, $ 1. rh o udl Hb Is a nlll I vo of Ch lua WayneSVIlle ber work and sat down to "lDlUStl hergoot.!s , hndnr .. lved .llld w .... e piled In , nlol l l... I': I ,,', ,.,: ,"" "iLl;"Ul 'l1 l'. \; "lIll L. P . Hnffine to A, E, Bod Jllp~O. .eIf wIth some elllbroidery. n cundle Pell s 1111 of Eiypt,ilm orlgm.the ttll'crn leo n,to; nnd ns b e t urned 11'111· · .. 1 " 'i l l""". I Uin" ,11 h 1 0,I . b~ lIorBB In Sec. No 2 1 made at the wox of Ule myTtle berry Am erl oll n Prlmuy '1'e a oller. throwlug Its light ullon h er t1ylnlr fln-IUJ' UEIItoward the shuck to sec UlUt til!!\' '1' 1"'1',' wn~ 11 rrll'I'tr'nr~ 11l1l1 0' 1' 1'. 5, It :I, ' ~I It, 1::>, II . ICre, Tb SUUlHlor dus k fe ll rnp lclly 1':111111" l"'I'r l" Inll) II .. ,1 :II·kn , '. ~, l.~ ur(\ Hurtlen et ti l t o W, T. Dodd w e re In reolliness 10r lhe homew"rd Auto Equipment around h r. The nlgbt clo din. "\v('I \':1" If" , 1/' 1:... ·"1 1l111l11'r l'li in,1 I No, 16 IU \\h, l:I olly, $30. Journey In the morniolr, h e heord his tlor~Ur8lYn Equipment beavy, wlI1'm, tul\ of sleepy sOllnds of jll1't SI.·p (' Ulo;l 11l:r Ill'" \ ' Ul , 1:f.1I111r loks to WAyne Sh urta nllmo ca ll ed by II gIrl 's voice. bird and Insect. SOllioo ne's teet lit He wheeled and Bnw Lydlo Crunli e- .. 1'1" .,1 11, . (/""1' hdilllil 111m lind r urt ,f lot No. UlO "Drl 42L in Milson. F iber Sponge. the doorstep. II h nnd rllpped Ilt the mer. The girl broke Inlo n 111111lb ot ell II 1(' fC11·'.I'IITlI ,'I II bl,al'ly (1'Il' Ollll' l $ 1, . TIle Loofllil HI'''lIge. 111111' In J( r n crn l T&LEI'1I 0N E ./ DAY on NIGHT aoor. Tolnette lUted Ule la Icbpln. It tbe e:rprcss lon ef utter s urp rlsc. 111'.." 111 his \'oio" : F lr m/l" KiD !! ..Adtllr. t. O E. tl, 'uso. Is 1l1l1 11 ~ from th' lIulll'orl, pC IIhl·t' here J rd t o 2" h e cried _ W88 DaVid. amazement. " D id rou como h ero from • 1: eM .t "ltrF"1'irr ) "". my In~br "v ('r7(i nor es iu GI"p r oree k ~wp , from t ltl) In ~ It! () of the !;(IU rtl , l,n>I.))I\)ly She swept him 0 ' curl8y, olle of t11~ , I d u~ t " C'~SdH I<1IO WII til U\II II. Cory!lon? Wbere's YOll r fnUt r1" DII\' I'1 hrrllllu·t\ :t •.'11t11 r f r~ I "·r. It I $1100 . One ot tho fuuctl ons at worn a ll's "Why. yea, we've IJccm Il el'O lor ,ms ,Inll' til ·',·me t f) " "';"Il, "'lfll1IlII King Aclmr. t o J . A . .Tupon furni s h,'!' Ihl! ~\!~ t ~ 1 " " I""~ or droBS Is to snBtch 0 lOuD out or hi!! weeks. Flil bel"1:1 gOIlO 10 6 .. 0 som. "n l Lro ll": " )" 11 rUI' IIIIJAl' I'll\n~, Sir flh uD Illl" M rv H. Piue 9:l 11orep I.III !' kl lll l, T ile f1l) ~ r Il s~, 1 III 111 " Lno· dull s hutlllng!! UpOD cur UI 0 nd s how fnh ~ I'nllp:() I ~ III'It' 1i Ii .. II·OI,,!;"ll', MtN frl end8 at ~'urt 5tl!ub'l\ ton lll1 t. but mnll1L''','' III" ',: tlil 1!1I1 .. \ly, in L' h'Dre n·ok tW)). • $6:);,0 l him a world ilorlfiell. Tbut function whi ch It iJecoUi ' S \\'It\lI C~ Olll l' IIlId criHf., be bllck SOOll." 'I'lie I ltn ~ r~" ,d· t.! 1\ SIo ' Il r'li<1 Ollyld h\)'I1 VeterinarY; waR pertormed In thi s CIIS!!. Duvld So this WIIS \\'\J~ro bl'nr<l h illl rJru • In lis bl" cillh hll rply, ! laW Madame R ecum l'e r ( bo hud hellrd Gradu,ate or Oblo ~IUL. lJniveril'y goae, otler tlm t (li gh t III tho ~ Inltll.l' 1 of 8uch a p e rsou) Curr$~' lul( to him III ut Oorydon, Dm 'ld S lI\V In n 11 11~h the bouee of Putrlcc O·Bmmon. Muthll t u pon 111 m cit II10no mus t II 'PUIl" Surprl6ing, " :>lufT'lll,up h enri ," olol( ~ed,op dame Recamler spo1<o,' and 10 I It was OfHce al re::lidence in F. 1.1 She r Ornnmer's capture. lllll ing Ill s cx· At th c c ' I ehl'n linn 01' 1ill' DllrnB cell' 11( " .. , j,lr.(h t ohest, Bo re I,h ro.t are !l'olnettl: wood ' s hou se. Fourth Street. cltemeu t, h e pretend ed to listen to t ennry In Ho~t o n In 18-11) 111 11i'I'~" 1I Hm ' , ~n r .. NI/lUB of ool u, lIod . Dr , Kll1g'~ "Wh7 don't you s uy how you Uke Lydia wlUl euger plellsurc. I ~ ('w Db,oo ve ry h~ so re r e lle f A '{lI'l sed hi s lIull lcllce. II ccol'd lng I" L O I\" Itr ' Telephone 28 It wu evidsntly the gowo ot cob She run ou In Dalve delight lit soeI "n~, of L lt!~ oomuIUtI,t·lotl of Imt,isBI" ell. who WIIS III'C>lc'lI l: h~' pe l'III'ulill); In webe that wna meunl, . - "I'm Af rOll d I Don't Know Juat What Ing Da vlll ouee mo ro. Th uy w~ r0 111''1l' 1:!1 "~ ltrIl9 o o tbo~ I,be Irrltllted Ill s eIJl gl'lIlII : "Th e Melli ory (if 11111"11 sYou're Talking About," Ing In ilio cubln Dell r eRt the Illn. ", ho Ohio '"\ IJIhrnllo, oltlll rtl t h fl bead. 1008enp I 0111 firru ld hell," ell IIn CI cllrtil hu\"o Waynesville. "Jllxceed.\nal3" well. EXCUBO 1.11t' pll l<lI( IIl, y o u br eM lle ea&ler and . tn k('n too goo<1 cu r e of I t t o lUll , ' U ILS 1111 a'kinI, but Is that all of It 1" pltlrul a misconstruction, But th~ sn ld; OI)(l ,she begged David to COlilO r"" II:.IclyO tl r 00111 '1" bro \c e n II p. 'rrea' ajlytulug to 611 .1'," "Imbeclle I Tbe lulest trom Pllrtsl girl wus llghllog wHit Ule w Cll pons at !lnd t lll k w ltb h er t ill Itt!r fllth er rea. ol,l] 110r Istcu tly ; hal . -way meas, It', too bad to wa s te It on yo u." ber sex , tlghtlng to r egain cQntrol at turned, It WIIS late when they t~6n rd ------~.~.~~-----IlrllR 10tlv il a IIn g erlnll oo ogll, Tako "Well. well I" Dll vld pretended a tbe sltuoti oo, He s tood very proullly, CrourDcr's yo1ce lif ted In u rourinp; DR. J. W. MILLER. Or Kiug's New Disoovery un,ll drJ lodllference. waiting to gIve h e r au opportuulty to I Ilall ud Ilnd dlstlDgul shcd his portly . r otruct. form Illovlug uncer!lIloly d ow u' UIO YOllr (~Jl ' d i s KUDA . For '.17 yea'rB tbe No Tempt ati ons. Tolllitte turned u p h e r nose. "Why "It I have otre nded y ou ' • , . " vulh that led to th\) cllolu, ItV (l tite r tlI !!(ly for y ounl\' and old. "nlllck: .ullh sel' lI~ tl1 li nv n repuln, ~ereD't yon at the wedCIJllj;s?" "I b (> (] I k , ") Id Dnvlll t elt hlm scl1 grow hot with ,\t yo n r drnl1" lst. GOo lion fOI' hOIl '~ Ir." "D ~~ .. r\·e"l.r 80 ; ·'Couldn't. I WIIS oft on a hunt," n e ~,n e u m s tll e, Ie so repugnun.ce a s the mun drew neurer" 1 om co 111 but due (J1I1·tl r , Jl 'r hul'" 10 till ' lIutl WO 'I. clooal lIul< Bide, VI.aynes,lIIe, 0 . baugbtJly, I see !hllt 1 hllye been Ho b llll not s een IlI lp slnco th ut 1l1!;llt ' "LuclQ"'" or Ihe bu s ll1 e~R . Nullody enr:III"I"' I'8 II "No-only a couple at d eer," ridicu lous ." wh en he bod watch ed the tllr!:o COllblll t:ksmit h with tru ~t (uu,l s. ~·Ii ... r u I . "The brides wer\! sweet." Sloe shot u frighte ned glan ce nt him. splrotors In the smithy, . . Foolls n Rabbits .. She sat down at ber needlework HIIlI s he gono toO fur ?, Sho forCel! Oroomer's beavy s teps drew n eurA linl'c will ,1111'1 In r.h e "nlii ot n nothIng til u<iul tcrrrtl' In hi s IIl1 e. t ill", ooce more 8nd DlIyld. seated In, the bersel! to go 011, s tili clin g ing to h er er; he started In sIJrr)r1se when b tl g i un t 1I1I'I'lllOlh'l' It II I!;ht un,1 rU1\ lit "nred '\\,lIh ~O UI C of n ~. II blilek ~ llI rl h ALL KINDS ·OF '. cl1m.l7 Habted r oom, hit! blgb lin en nlllke s hi tt un1l0r. ~ 11lI bldlng behind clime on the two 6b'l1"~8 In the 11IH'kth l' l'I' te nr ~ Ix ly 1II1"'~ uh Ii our In t ho lias few tCII1IIt.Ilt!OIl >l 10 r()~ l s t."- Luul !:l' vil le ourl ,,.,J IJUrI1111. roUarband aleamlug pa lely between her p oor littl e defl!nses : ness ond tllere was 0 n ato of n'lh'f full g lll ../· IOr, th l! hl' IHIl\!: ht lll1r1 l111ully hi. clark tnce ' and the som ber blacks "Cu n you · l hlnk 1111\t I do not r ealize lu hi s laujihter WbOll he hellrd DII ,·It.l i rlt'n" ,·"h:l lI SIC(1. II 11"11,1 ne " ~r I'W I' of blfl't lIod his cout, "'utcbed how hurd II fa Is up here on th e iron- spellk. ' fl'''11I 1J,' lWI'l'n HII' I':ill ~ to II pillce of Iter In silence, \ Vben be spoke it was tier ? .It rolls fo;' 1111 Omt Is best nud "Wby, It's young Lurr nco I Sweet!<af"I)". 'I'll" hure [lUr lies the so m o The Pilot's Ski ll, to Introd uce 0 new s ubJecl: braves( III u s to 1:0 00 tlghtlUl! ul!ulnst ' h oarUn/& out b ere In Ole durk, you lIl C'!lI'M0 11 111 0 h lgt!wuy wh on ' uu tos tire 1>\1<''''(1111);, Th pllnt·s :;kill I ~ h y 1\(1 nUlIII" "Oo01lT088 blls voted to Increa se tbe .r ogues ? WeU, wheu )'our mother ... cquu lly PI'O"l'ti ill II ('a l," li S III II " luI"Ili. army b, men ty,1I ve tbou8l1 n<,\ m en." wlls :Jour age. L ydia I , , ." ]n Ul e fO I'JlII·r. h,,' tilrn~ly l'ntur" lie IIlId abruptly. "ond hus provided DeVid dushell with reijeu t.m~nt nt th e port. \liln o tlr L~ 1 nnt! ltnllpplll'IIINI; ror the wiatID lit of Ctt1 thou8llJld the mnn's eOarSCDI)SS, but be gUI's him Furnace Rulcs. I IlUt ,,,he n tho cordllgr c r~lIl, s. the 1I111!tl ~unteera In addition." a civil lrood nl gllt: Ji e plulIlleti to ~w aynesville, O. I I'W'I' )1 01<1' II 111'1' from I h" top. In' Ilends n Ull th .. rtll.h lt' l· ' I; rrJrJn ~. 1I11'D It ,~ Btl. let ber V(A111W , bunds fall to h er Jap. Wards Off Nervoul! Break DOWD wa t ch th e h ouse un d coo f rout CmllV'\L<:...r1I,..e sert th" I okor ul tlil' IJuLium 01111 mis e Is t ho t he sbilies nut III 1111 hl ~ glury,meou wtlr Is sure?" All j ' P "I t cl . th mel' wben L"dla IVU.S l'Ot present, I , ~ot that 7et. BUl th~ talk ot It treel,. lI1r.18, ( 1 . - nm It on Icr In I) # , J; 'li lly. '1'hls CIIUS(,S 11 druft. lind Pliny, th e Youn gl·I:. Over PUltolfice. . ~d wID 11eld to OODe or our reo' pu~lic schoo ls, and I ;;o~ int(. I~ very ner"You woo't sta)' a bit longer? 1'\'0 I 1II 1l1;,,~ th o tiro burn brl gbtly. But If O(f\ce Pholle 11 H )\1" Plltae II \ ' ''\1 ' rnn,down condition. I could nota .. ~ kept overlon'" with the "oung "I'll T,·o ubl.. You for Thoso -~.----P lans, Is \I' ' II In . thesc dllYs to lUuke It a: rule ~" ' . sh'l1p and liad no ""'~~ aero.. the I'Il'el'--they're .. p ctitc, 1 was tired men ..._ _ " . a •Btlt at Cranmer,'" : to pnk ' the lire as selt.! om 8S you caD, ......ed proudl, to beneH at hi. *11 th o t im(', My e ~t.. r IlIIkcd mol to try 'aU' dOlL You won't Btllyl Good _ .... ar the word "our." Be went on Vinol. I did eo, alJd· witbin a week my algbt, my boy t~ Bu t th p ni ght hill his ":'Cj)fN\SIUn Imd I.~'(' lU ore yOU, p oko It the more wIll Tlct, .... .... ilia _ _ : M te iDlpru\·.,d u nd 'l cou Id a\t.oep all t~" ton I liurn a\\ ny. A qui ck O~d sounti jllllgmt'nt, 1(00<1 "'Mr. OQ aDti. IItroD ..... 0 .......· It ·, ~ 81\ now .", -wm1lmiM.n,;,.....,......j---'lalAl-lllAD.WDB ~".Idently .luhol:lng un- l,e SUUlIlWIlP<! !l hll1"t rllll!: E. BARNHART, • - ••- - -.~ ., "I' 'I K AI" n ' P A __ _ excitement Dot wbol'" due to "P 10 , Ill'? Wh.1 1IIUII,:1 \'oun:;: mnn . 'j '-I!Ommon sen e, kltul tt!oll ng, lind all -laIl't ttl-that lCenruA.... - \U~ A .'. t:Lu:K, uU I~, a, ..- .... Ibstlnctll'e perception <)f chru'llder, lu til 11 ....., Wl' !:lIuIlQk" Vinul, which cunt.alnB . wiDe; Dllvld had oat- taken a dozen ~ou 1.'00' sc n ~ troJ1 1.l .,..," rtl J"~" .... Notary Publl~ 1Il::'~ with the Ma· 1. ,of 1l11I1 cod li\'cr 11I'!'toDl'8, Iron and 8tep8 when he h ellfd Ol'lllllller burst tl)l!I!e are the (.'lcmel1tl! of '\\'hnt Is "Tou nrc ,,('\1 u\\ure IhIll Ie no J"ke' l TIme to Avoid AdeSert. Cronm r. 1" IIUt U,OSII plAD:l at j,'ori All(ll'rs are mOHt Irrltnhle Juat after 111 ...... -"-'II . , l1I~nlll'Jle... P"lltuu~te .. , and glycerooat ID an aultaut whillPllr that "'DB called tact, which hus so Uludl to do • ----.• _, ." ' r eco\"crillir trolll hV,crulltiOD. ond their "th ,ac..'OPtabUll¥ null IIUCCClIIIJ In llt.. All ktn.ds of Kolar,' Work. W~ wild pJ.v.:.t"t •• for l'Wl,dOWll eondiUou. 1Anl4er thaD lie realI&ed: (;'0 be_~' bites tIllIII are ptIl'lWua. ~BlID~ 8& ... ilia .II - . . J. E. J......y. D~aIft. WayneavJOe ....a.·daubtu. IU wark ....... 1f\!

What 'would he give

for the coffee you serve?




Pi lE









Six Livery

'" "'.:.., "-





" "'1.






. I






Dr. J. A.. McCoy,

- ---------








------ ..----





.. - ----

Walter Chandler













.. DIeIII • 1I(IMIal".





[vI I A M I





i :For Tired, 'Weak, 1-Iervou8 Women ]I,II,liln.It,II,...

loi o.-'· I 11'1. 11 t very

I h.: n·o u ~ \\' (oCrlILIt ("vultl hu\'e ' i nu l, fur 1 11l'\'~ r HJll'lIt. nlly lIlull l'Y in 111 \' Ii fu UmL did 1111' H.) milch good li S

O r l'iI, "" 'u \"

A,I l' OrLlt! l U~ lri IIu l u l,ly II lIU olII ~~ t ll"ut I Ilrc'nt. fo r Yino1. I wu s weak, tln·d . w"r n ou L a/ul I le £\· OU 8 . lind Vi nol IJIII Ie I iI ", l"'ll l b LI t " lllU d\.' JU ll f'tro ng, \\'1,11 unci vigorou8 nftcr (J<I (I.HU bl1 I I ,' , uod I' U~~ V1U ( t r lul u tb ~ C\'C'r \'t hllw t.' ltl.t lUIII fai led to belp m c,

CUI U I U U hl l. .' · ~ o O~to' lJ tl l..HII: . v.. Ith u ut tlllv " ' I I~ IIJ!; ,, ' V" lllI r \\ 111 not IUD II eXl bl. , ' !lU LtJ .. hu WIll tl U dUUl l'a n LJln ,~,,1 1 " .. l,Ot I,ll UUV"fll.", tDuy b tl rl cu lutJ, l ... II rUIJ Il iu I he O" lIlUlunlry lu wll .uh h,. hV \J ~ ,bUll I'x l"' ul~ \0 UII.k tl " /l VIU !! . A ~ U ~I(" ~1I 0 U glvoulu lubur uiln le rf. b y IU u N~lIull~1 LUUlbtl r 611111ulll c. ~ur ll l· . · .-\~. 'C I.d lOll 11.1 a tJUlllilil L r ll. o.IIvetllh Ulhul' <i .. . . Iuru~ o lor tlt O r " I"lllu m !'u. u"",,"c . "'. ~,,: u on 't bluu yu ur Ilg lH ulIll ur u btl. b ul. Au yur l l." yuu r y,. rd. yUll l' li lAlll rl 01 . .,uurdl' \t "w I yu ur blJrV ICO. U .UUIlI Ii IlU .uVtlrLIt!o l· IU Juu r luo.d )J" I,n . uu t UIol k., yuu . li d •• uy H" w uLh IU\: . ' · 'l'lIu L: ."i" Xtu " ~ I"lI OtlpU 1' 1 lU tlUt ul th" ~ u ll u uul .. ·"" OI"I1U II ill uddltinu u q~lu~

t· I Xl U ll ~l \' 1J

t tl u lt'lu

u e "'d pnfJo r t"J .

UntU llig t o 1t8 ~ I :oI t

r utu llt' n, III vr"I"" IIJIl" Ib ull .. <lv." HSIU!! ov)JY ...(U IIJ prll Yllilu t; UU I ~ til ruu IU liJ tl u d\' a ll~ ll"'llllll~. 'riJ e l'lu ulliliutl TI Ule" tl l.l\r s lI.y .. IU;' r e o Ollot I \l U O: ·'Uut ·A l u7 uoslneij> 1lIllu fl'; uf ,.I I Ill nud tIl UUIOIu null IIJ I nIJ. U \lllr Oru t llud d one Ii tl,lll all vUnldl ullC lUI<1 lU )Jur Ollut none . lI D(Jt'TdIU!! 10 Illa t lJ Ul ll U I·~ Wilde by JtJ88r M. J u«"Vh in h IM aLlth e!!1I blliurtl thr A tlv tl rll l!\ll' ~ club . lie poin ted out lll.-t auy Illoul Ildvtlrtltler ou uld U ~I: a fulr.l!lzed lid In \l very one of the t uur lll uding d ti ll y ptlp6rll d Ulooln DIHI 0000 .. . WIlOIt aoll rllllch ellob r~lId e r 00 tlmos II yetir a\ a rlUe OJ uu e.nlil! oent Ildf purson p er yeBr. A woIekl v n ~\~ .. v.. per Ivlth o otbln!! bnt oews lind n u udver\!sinll 800n ll11ttl tu be un uy SOlO ro ,be reader . alld ~oo ll u r or lutll r Ihey will qnll tulllng It, b CP U ~O tt:lo llverllye re ad. 01' of ,0dllY 100 la8 over the advertlee w e e t~ "Iwost Il ~ 8UOO 118 he do!'a tbt p ur sl,uul coluDln. The want coinaul III ~o"nod t h e ftrbt tb l ng 10 uur metro. pulltHD 110 por " aud IlnbH lIoon reoom· ulll nds ~h l .. to th tl reader of $he weekly plllle r. To btl ~ lucoe88fnl lJu8l n e~ 1! lIIRn fI<1 vertid ug 18 I.e es· Bouth.1 Uti n g OCl d s look of gOGd ...

~----- ---



AT THE END OF . THE GOOD ROAD To lIf'e wbat reaJly hnppen8 lit. tbe end of tilA goon r oatl, "publlo r Olld "peolMlI sl 01 tb .. d ~ pRrtllleo' re08 ,~. Iy bnd obKervllllonH mud e in dllfer. "n\ seo~h)nll 01 the coun t ry. 'l'he ob~o rv &rll Dolild mtlllY oonn\ry. brmnd l oam st r 8 wh o drovo two luadecl Wttgun H bltoh d ,1De heblnd the otbt' r. " tho and of til ~ODtI r,llld . I,"d then 'found It, Do0686ury 1:0 lelivll I'ne walloU by the roiadHlde to be returned for Illter, whIle ,,11 tb~ Jlower of \h(llr Mum" WI\II devoted to hHnllug II> elngle wagon over ~h" uolmproved road, I!"lirmen bonlld for the marke~ frequently were 8eeD to hHul wo d to $be begin. aDd:8lmilar prod nlnl[ ot the good rOlld, tbere dn m p. log them, lind rfltorolng for a seoond 101ld . When this arrived, t·ho two loacl~ were oons olld.ted aud e1l81!y bRUlud hya "Iugla tell .n the rem"ln. Ing. l.h~tllnoe to mil' ket over the 1m. proved hlgbway. . III one seotlon of the oonntry where oxen nril atlll UAed tellt.nMtarH were observed ' to brluK tbelr lotH\8 over tbll dirt rOliutl wltb two or tbree yokes of oxen. Wh uo the be. ellloinA of till: ICnod r oad!' W&I reach I'd, tbe \eamsl.ol re wonld uu. hlt.oh tho extrft. IInimale nDei fiel~b tbeir j uurntly 'II'il.h "lIlo gle YOkt!.


an,\ . 1 ('fi~ Jl OW dv Ill y hOll llCwork with pl 'Mllrl·!·- \lr •..1. F. LA"lIonov. \\" . l!u.Htl nlo·.· \"j'lOl f,'r 0 11 weak, run·lIowII, II ·t\'OU ~, dcuil iLatcd COli' tliUullJl.

J. E. Janney, Drug!(lst, \~ aynsvillc.


CORN BOYS Pl ea s\! ti o n ot Ile mi~l o d o or 000. by Imy Ilnll OnUOem tlnt for ~hc wuulr of D ~ o c mbl' r ~ tll t u Ut.ll 'l'here It! un ly ona Uhlll 'o ro Boys 'rour 'lUll In OCOulD\lllny Otl 00 tho trip, V' l U Illest pro ure II tloke t· 0 1 J It Clarke, Dirr otur o f Juulor Contests, Co lumbu8, Oblo. . Klud ly mllIH) f1 .1 qb ooks an'\ re· IUIHtluoes paYI>ble t o him . There 'nust b e no oonfusiog tbls with any .)1 ber tllp or tr ips tha' mny be of rl' rpd or IIdv'e rtlsed, for our Ohio ~o rn B )YI! t.ralos hlllve ~h e ~t artill" (Join' for tbls ~eo"nn aMfoilow!I: Trn 10 No.2 leu ves Clu olnnatl lit to :10 II W. C. R Carl eton, Colleo~or In ohcuge. Pleaee write for your tlokel~ now. J . R . Clarke, ' Dlreotor. rn ~ad




DO YOU HAVE SOUR STOMACH? If y ou are trou bled . ... I\h sour ~ tolDllob you 8houl4 eat sl owly and m08t101l.10 your fo od Uloroogbly, Ih(ln tllile ODe of Cbamberlllln'lI 1'IIbiete Immedilitely arcer !lupper. ObtlliDablg every wl\lIre

----_ ..---S~hING80RO

Mr. aDd Mre. Lelltar Korll.s, of \tldd}et.owD. were the dundllY guelh. " f Mr . and Mea . George Tal~ . Mr and Mr8. Ularenoe Dugan and Will Tbompson, of MertlU8town, were the tlnn,lIlY dloner 10e8&. of oI4r aDd Mrs. Will DORan. Mbs Mary LpooDY entertained a' ,lInner Snnday, !du. Sarab Reeoe "nd Mre. Nlioule Bazler, of Middle. 'own. Mr Rnd drs. ~lt rl MerrlU, of Lebunon. VIsited relllUvee here the week-eud . Messrs Edwin and Walter Urlest "nd MrR. ldll Urlest, o f Clno innatl s pent ~ undll Y wJth Mrs . Annll Folk ud Mi811 Lydia. Wood . . Mr. Iln(l Mn. Ed OoffeeD enter. talned at dinne r 8u\)llI11 , Mr. lI.nd Mrll. Foster Culleen. . Mr. and lairs. li'. W. R080ag\e, of Voollu1\8, wero the t;;uod~y goestl " f th pareutH, Mr. and Mrs. W A Null . Miss Belva MoCandle8l! "pen'tbe Ollilt wetlk wllh relatives ID FrllDk lin. Mr . and Mrll Rufu8 RtJ8nagie ~nd !otr . .. od ~re . Funolll R09nllillo aDd da ughter Bpl'nt 8und&y d Lebanon the I!uestl! of Wm. Reventlul(ll ft · d

ta:~. J~nd Mrs Joseph Mill er Ii'rldllY at l,eb D the 8

11 0



: I hidHk er u.,,1

r;- Ilnd M r ~ Mr. " " I M I ~. b'l"IIlIk L. I;IlLr rf~ w .. n l:IulJd ,v)Lu ~ I ~ I/t Mr. 'IntI Mr ... Hllr. ry Murro,,· . II f Wllyn '~"v ll i e. .\1 r p. Mll rgH r~" Lev lo.\·, Ml tl,.tls 8 ns[l u UIlU EOlUlft. Whe lsel, oh llpe r. UIIIIU by Mr. U E Le vlo\, . vlelted Mr. und Mr~ . Ira A. Uurts oc k, of o ' yt'm, S UUUllY. hll ~8 N llt ~l e EYlLIl8, ufte r SIlVS' ul Wtl k8 «thY Iu Ul noilluuti, re ~uroed hOlue III !I ~ week. Mr. Il nd \-irs . Fr eri tl hnne eote~ ~ blU B lIlit SunO ay dlDDe'r, MrA. Sbuno lIod duughter. m oth or IUld sliter of . Fred . Mr lind Mrs. J oho Shflo e, Mr. nod Mrll Jomes /<lDu ue "[lct fllmlly " ud Hob er t Ho bertsoo , ot New Bur. lioKl on and vl Ji nltv Tll e pllrty lit '[' ulv n Hull Slltllrdli Y ni /.:bt WIIS \Cl ve n by the Dew ' oooherl! and betr boy pupt!s tO'tbe IEluy: (t'aohel's nnd their girl pupils wo·s a v ery ))leAsnnt uO'ulr. The menu Wti ij bll nlln Ra, \0(1 or en m , un eeda bls. cu il'l!, Ptl IlUU~ bet'e r, CleRm cheess, pio kl e~ and· many othe r 1C 00d \blnga. Re luembllr, we are soon to h"ve e leotrlo lights Get all of your night pr ow line done before" ie In. 8tullod,8ft-er thal yoo will be li ure \0 be fonnd OQt. Q<tinoy 1{lng '8 drygoodR .tora. nuder tbe 8upervlslon '01 M re . Ida 1:10\lte~ hilS beon und ergolDg a thor ough renovatin g whloh 'ldd8 greaUy t o IL8 "ppeartlnce. MilS Hftzol Moore eotertaiDed eomo of !Jer lady friends !:3unday at t ernoon at her horne near bere. Mile MlAble litarr, who t eaohes a' KlngmliD, epen' 811.. urd"y Rnd !:Iunday with hur wother of East ·atreet. Mr. and Mra. Arn old 8. ;JolIet, are visiting Mr. Rnd Mrs .Morrle Collen. of New York OUY. They will be gone two weeks and wblle there wtU ,ake in many points of 10~ere8t. Mr. Mamuel Stoope .tIll remalDs very dangeronely Ill . FraDk /ibldaker transaoted buel ne88 In Xeola ria'nrday. Ohu. Gilloogh, of J)ayton, trans. aoBd bnstneee In our' olt, Monday . Mr.. Lo ~ ie Vandervoor. Merry. hew wu the !Jllee' of Mr . and Mr •• P. D. Olagett 00 t;;a'arday . A vury .ad aooldent ooourred to Amba VanDoreD, one of our highly eeteemed ol&lzen., Saturday m orn. Inlf, while enllaged 10 throwlDg dowD hay for hie "'ook he fell on' of tbe mow '0 'he gronnd H«htlDR npon hil! head bleaklDi hlB neoll , killing him almost Inl'an\l1 . Be leaves lI. WIfe, two dllnghters aDd ~WO grand{'blld~en and frlende to mourn hIs dopar'ure. Our Bympa• thy gooe ou~ 1,0 the bareaved famtly Ae n boeo .lI.ld In life we are In dellth . Funeral Willi beld TUleday at 10 :30ifrom.tbe M E. ohuroh. ID te rm e .. t In Miami oeme'er,.

lb. a.dllhl, W. T o oJo"aD a.4 'aulhH. wert 'h' "allday IUlih of lin, Jo}na Jordall. Ib, Canll Itn .. Willi. Dnll. alld h .. .. . ) ....iii .,, 11 . d l , dl" I Su.,u .. y v.i th Ialr bud M.-tl. 1.:1,,". Boguu . .IIlr. Willis O'Nellll VV!\ij t bo guest of Mr. /lD U Mrs. J ohn Wolfe ~II t


urd~y . MI . [lod Mrp . (Jeo.

O'lvi>! . Mrr< . Mury Ca ~ btlrloe Dliv lH.. Mr. " od Mr t!. G lenD Dlivls nod tlODt, Mrl! . Ann " WluW10B, of Mllrsh filClltl, Urel(cm . 1I11e! Mrs. Ida Mano o:lI, of Tlppe. oKnoe, were ~he 8UDCI~y /.:Ulll!ts of Mr . aud Mrl!. Ernest Mlnnn on. Mr. Uon ''[hompsolJl and ullugb. ter oll'l1ed ou Mn. Almon FerriB Sunday "ftt-rooon . Mr . and Mel, W. '1'. J ordau spenL l:lutertlllY In LebanoD. Mrll. ~'. A . BarUol(} k And MIs8 He lee were MhoPlllng ill Wilmlng'on &turdfiY . Mr. and Mrs. Clin t JIloII:80n Ilnd


---_. - ..----

A CLOGGED SYSTEM MUST BE CLEARED Yo u will find Dr. Klng'lI New Lile Pills a goo~le Y'" rlfeotfve lax aUve for rl'movlog Impnrltlfls from 't be IIY8teUl . Aooumulllted waste poillon@·t.he blood; dlsJioets , blllou~. ness and pim p ly, mudcly oomplexion are the dl ~ tre8810M flfeo .s. A dOle of Dr . King 's New Lite Pills to nlfth\ will aStiure YOlla free, full bowel movement In the mornillg. At y our Droggl8', 2Cio

..-- ..----



IrU01l1llUll4-_ _....:...:....::..:....:.:...:....:...._ _ __ _












That's why C hesterfields nre like a good cup of coffe.c-they taste fine nnd, in addition, they satisfy!

fa.mlly vlsitud relfl~lvm! at Uherry Oreelll:luudliY. Mr . Wnrnln Cleavlllf r et urned to hi .. b ome In Detr oit 'f1~u rs d"v. Missel Andra;?, 'l'olomp8ou and 'VIola Jorda.n oalled on Mra . Jobo Jordan Frld"y .. Uernoon. M~. and Mn . Calvin Reeder pOI!,ed through oor vi.! lalle Hnnda.y evening. MrB. Ida. ManDoo 'pen' the week. end 'II'ltb her son, Erne8t Mannon aDd family. MrB. H. C. Barve y emd daugMe~, MlsB Dorlll .vllitad Mra. F. A . Bart. sooll two dllYI the pfl.e' week . There will ba a pro,g rsm a' Weltare Lellgue Saterday Ilvf.n lng nnder Ihe dlreotorshlp of Mrs. Gu.oe Rioh and Mr. Earl Deatbarllie. Mra, W. T, Jordao lind daught.r spen' Thu1'8day wl\h Mn . Sara.b Rloh, Mra. JeBsle KenDoD, 01 Camd.n, Tenn, Ie vl snlnl her m l tber , lin. Amand.. Garner.

Kr . ..lid Mre . . Boward Ar.l hde 000 MI.. Floreq.oe Hlltbllway, of De. Yr.' Johe Sams, of BeavertoD, retroil, ball baen vlslthig her wu\her turned bomo ~undllY "Uer a few 'l1Id billier. daYIi vl81t whb his IV and Pdr atid Mr8. RlIlllh Ho blDeon dllugMer Mr. aod Mrs .WillIe Allen lave moved Into tho Boatwright trlrl!. Ohlulell Braddoolr IIpeD' p~oper'y on Ibln street. . TueedllY I\nd Wednosday tbe iueat of relatives In Doytoo. Mrs. Dav id Luoas lind ohiHlreD --aud Mrs Emm... Ch Anowelh returned .heir b ome HnndllY "ven. ing lifter a three daYB vltlU wUh Mr. IIDd Mr!!. Ul"ronoe Thomplon, SUFFERER ~ROM INDIGESTION RELIEVED of Ugden. "Bofor ll tllilln g Lallutl bor llllri 'lI 'I'tI b. Murlod whon the year Ie new, Miss Nora EIll~, of thl' plaoe alld lel i! my hu~b'LIld sufflJrlld f or se vur· lie' ll be loving Iolnd Llnd trne. Mrs, CarrlDgt.un EI1II, of Waynes &1 ye.-is fr ll m IDtlil(ostl oll , Ca URIDi' WheD Febroary blr(la do mate. blm '0 bavo ·plAln8 10 th o Btomnol! Yon may wed nor droad your flitI'. ville, were ouillng ou trleude 10 and dlelrt'll/l after eotin!l UlIllOl . If yon wf4 Wh'D Marob wilids blOW. Lebanon Satorday afterooon. berlllln'lI Tn blets rellevl\d hllll of .Joy and BUrrow both yoo'Ullnow .Mr. aDd ' Mre. Uha.. Braddook, these I!pell~ rlgM "WilY," · writ- Ell Mtlfry io April when you can. Mel8n. Will and R 'bar' Laehley Mrs Thom"l1 Caaey, Geneva, N. Y. 'oy for 'maldeD snd fo- man. lind Mr. and Mr •. Will 1iI,,"I)OII, of Obtalnablo tlvery.whl're . Wayn't!vllle, were the t;;uoday Marry iD Ihe month of May. gueell Of Ur. aDd Mr •. Alula BartAnd yoo'\l lorely roe 'he day . sock. . M[ltI'y when June rosell blow, . Mr. F(oo Rnssell ' snffered a pIIID. O"er'laod and Ilia you'll KO. Novel Use for Sand. fnl Injury ID a t.ll from ~he roof of In Hollilud Sllud ·ls lll" nliful utili In· L'bey who In J nly wed expensIve,. uud Is us\!d ImlteJl!1 of hn~' \I u~t always)nbor for t.beir bread, hie home at an tlarly hour I:III\nrl1ay morning. 'l'he 1100' In the ohl~nay lind strow os \Jeds· tor CUIVA . It k eep~ Wboaver wed In Augu,' be, bavlng oabliM lire. and 'he hODle In the Llnlulals porfect\y d CUIl , requlrlns ~h.QY a ohange I. Bure to lee .. (Ianger of bulng IgnUed 'be vlo~lm ollly a 811ght rllklng lil Ihl! OItlCllI~g to Marr, 10 Meptember'B ehloe. Yoor IIvi'n g w ill be rlob and fine. of ~he' aooldeDt wlie maklDg an ellort soften ond fresben II. [f In OMober ,on 0 0 marry, to reaoh the ohlmDey alld to .00111 Love oom e, hut rl(lholl tarry. ml)unllr 101' bl. 1!GI~noe and fell to (f you wed ID blellk November, 'he comell' wtAlk balow .. d~8"nco Only joy will oome remember. of 20 fee'. Se ... aa relldered aD OOl'lOloUII. Both arma · Irao. Wheu Deoewb8rlsllnow~ fall fae'. t.ured 14' ,be wrllt, 'be oollar bone Karll' and trne lovo will IlIe'. . brokeu and • Dllmber uf brul ••, ,lIa.l' "". rllle 'II Leadlu, DeD'let .... el18talDed. Mr. RUlleli. one ~f our ' OIBoe to Key~ 8141, MlIin r;' 01 .·. . premlnl'n' farmerl 'and b .. Tapplng Rubber Treea. many frlande wbo Ivmpa,blza wl'b Rubber 1rl'e tnpplng by n series of him In hll miliforaan.. .8tDal1 borerl< Ret In II circle. the Inven· IIrs . Ro'h Yak II lpeDdln, .. few Uoo of nn Enltlil<h expert In the BelclBII Congo.' hn '[lro\'ed n more produ~ daYI a' 'M home of h.r UIIele a04 aun' IIr. aDd ·l Ira. "raoll aa".I, 'rhls d18_ Ilhonld be treated' l1liIl000 Uve method tbnn the customBr, vert1IIr, ~od lin, Albor, Bill, IIr. lit! tho IIrst nnnatural lOOllllIll!llll of &he elll Inclalon e,Btem. "and Mr.. Berllarel Allen aDd IIr. IJO-pI" ll. appears. When tbie ill dODe .' and lin. Beo.~... .Dl011d MUllda,. 81118101 doeeol Chamberlala'i CoHo, Cllol· · .."tab IIr. ADd Mrl. A ODSO era and DIarrhoea RemedJr win deCt a Both of • KInd. care. Thill re~:: ~WI\)'a be ~ OI"IDI tho bnb, the blDBna to eat ..,' ot Cor"n, .~:aIId ~ ~ ' .. about al tlioughtl_ u tbrowIllI lin. A. 8. IUDer lpea' lIoD4a~ ....., r-1IIItNIt... . . . die IklDl 011 thB Ildewalk to tx.k tM at UUI bo•• of Mn. 610,.. GIUllu4 ~ • • ~...... ~. DICIlr.

.. --

"They do more than please your tast they satisfy !"

L_____ ~n~s_ l~ ~t~:~:~~~-----,

}.Ir ' \, ,J~ III\'"

v Ur 'hil l!H.


1111 6




As Wr:itten by Our Corps of Able Correspond.

IJ. I,. C}~AN g, Editor and Publisher


~ ..--·-··------..·..------..4.-..- ......--...----~~-

But, besides letting you know you've been smoking, Chesterfields are ll1ILD. too r

C hesterfield is the one cigarette that can give you this new delight (satisfy, yet m ild ), because no cigan::tte maker can copy the Chesterfield blend-nn entirely new combination of tobaccos and the greatest ad vance in cigarette blending in 20 years.

£~fI-~U4-~~ "Give me a pacl.·age of those cigarettes that SA TISFY I"

. -.



ID lb. ula aU de,. I. leDerally follo'w ed by' pain full ,,,In,el of rheuma".tn or neur!llalllo. "}OID 'I Llnlmla' w\lllltve )OS qulot r.H.I lind prnen' the twlllllJ" from be. oomlDI 'ortnr.. It q ulokl}" PIOOtrat.. wlthont robblDI and loo'h .. the loro and aohlng JOID" . I'or sore, BtUI exbaulted 0101101 .. 'h.& aobe and throb from overwork . Sloan's LIDlllleD8 .fford. qolok re lief. Brnl"", IIpralnll', stralD! aDd olher minor injnrle!! 'ID ohlldren are qulolliy lloo'hed by Blolle 'a Llolmeo •. Ge' a boUle eo-day lit yonr Drul1111", 21io.

2 Ofor 1 ~

------~ .--~------

CAESARS CREEK Mr. and lIfll B'Tan', 8tllniey nnd 'W(\ ohlldren, Mabel and RJ;1uell "ip. Ited Rober~ Stallleys llIear Wllmlng. ton Satorday . Mr. and lin. J . Ii. Lellmiog , Mr. .. Dd tialpb Lellml lDgand dangh., Ednll. motored to . ;IDclnbati SUQdBy and BpeDt 'he day, Mre . JOllah uavl8 vl5\ted ber brother lIond family Bur'on Earnh .. rts Bnnday. Mr. John WIIIIOQ and family Ipen t Senllay wltb Mr. Wlllon'l unol e Aeeph Baloes, near Lumber ton . B oraoe Comptons b ad ·as their KU6St8 Huudlly,Mr . aod Mra. Chlluooey Buonel aed 'wu obll<1rllo. Rhoades lIood George, MI88 Monimlll Bunnel. W. E. Bogllo and family. Walter WUlons en'ertl>lned Char. ley MoKlnney IlDd 'amlly of near Bell"rook Sunday, Mu. Henr7 Crew was ID Xenlll on bOlllnesl one d"y hil' week. Mre. Orval Compton II Improvlni nloely and able ' 0 be eot allaln. Mn. £l1a dainee aplID& 'J.' u ••day with W~her Willon'e . Mr. aDd Mr8 . Rar mood Willen and' little Mary Oalhe r ... e mplln' 'hi day Monday lI.' 18aao ·WI 'SOIl 'II. We welle "lad h&v Amo, Cook wltb UII tluDday. Be I~U I· t) U8 a very helpful talk. Mrll. Funnle Battelr'h waite aDd lwo dlugbler. atteodod 'hll fUlleral of Llasl, Wood, Dear Bprlni Valley .Mond.y, . rh, maDY friend e: of Boward ~'aBley are I,Jad $0 ha"e him baok home "ialn. Be reported .,hM he wal loa' t or lever ..1 houre liunday oliM.




.. - .,._---

NOW, lDOK:OUT Whlin II oold .t1a. DiS OD AI often happen., or wheD yon have bardly ,oaten over ODe cold IMIforllYou 000. (rIlO' allo$her, lookon. for you are liable '0 0011'.. 0' 8'l1li1 very ."loUIl dll~se . Tbl. 100Qee81011 of oold. wea.teDI the e,.'em alld lo"en 'b. Yltall'y.u 'ba' fOU ,a re'Dluoh mora liable to ooatr.o' cbll'onto oa'aub, pneumonia or OOOIIll_patOIl. (Jure your oold wbU. 10111 CAD. Cham . berlalu'. OolaRb ReD1edy haa a.r... r.pu'a,loo, U la rl'Jled ·upo. by " of people .IlA . . .., dl • • appotnH 'hem. Trl, ' ta. It 0111, Ooe\ll .qur"'. Ob.1tatoable aTlfF' wblre, _ _ _......__• _ __





PUBLIC SALES El n.vln g de idod to rln i t fnrmin g I will offer ab Pu bllo !:leli a 00 the

prolU18B6 know n tI S tbe BeDner f Brm Atoo k . jOini n g Fr!lnk BUI/mltt, 2 miles \'Y ost., ohll tl ('I~ l\ uII aooOlltl ID llr tgngelC. o f L :v ~le, IJ{ mil es ea st of Five Point If yon arllirn pat.ieut, @it dow u !ln d N<Jl(8 1)ill1l!ht. .f ohn Bill bl n e, .Jr. ; " mile! BouH) of Uon terv ll le, on have a tllik wi t b J ob. If you are jnst 1\ lit,t lo 6 I roD~ ­ A lie u Build I"!;. Xen in, Ollio. 11 30 . Thursday, November 23 , 1916 headed, go see Moses. Beglnnlll g III 10 0'01 0 k, the fol. If yon Bre getting w o"k kll ll od l o wln~ propert,y : .1 Bor~e!l, 2 SOW8, WANT ED tuke a look at EJlj IIh Imp lem ent , Velll ItI!', Bl\rnels,l'Iay , If there Ie n o IlOug io YOllr h Mrt, 'o ru, etc . jU8t listen to Ullvld. ) OK ~1 ()V IlJ . CUIII lillCllflr "f1001l(1 See big bill s for terms. If y ou on a p olioy mun, r end h fHlU. mp. t hi' IT1 good oBlllliun. A . •1. LlZFlU. DanIel. i . C. Eo ln e~, A~U~O!:.:t'T-_ _ __ If yon are glllting Bordld, spend 6 Ad r e6M BUN l H, WUYl OHyi llf' . n~ :.I Orl'elll::lurfl\ of'l, Ulerk. while with 11I1'I" h. AN TED- A kiml nnt! . corn . It you feel ohllly. got the belovfld Ileton t yo uu g \Vn lll iln' tn (1 '1 dl~olple to put bls arms IlrOlll1el y ~ e If your talth It below p ar , r enel ~AD el'!l l h ousew ork . N D WUS lllll l{ Paul. . f:1 II week . . ::10.5, HnrveysllOrg IJ Ex u '" If :Jon are ,eUlnK lllzy , watoh F y ou hRTe all yl.hing 1.0 s(lll , we Jllmel . Ot II Rell I t for y o n nt goocl prj pPIi . If you ara 1011n. sillh' ot the n 22 THR ORIATIE8T -•. fU$nre, ollmb up ~o Rev elatio n IInel Uom o In and lee U ll. g., a glimpse of the p romised land. A RM8- Hllve v ou" rRr m nr otb fl r - - -... -_0- - . Ro.lI III ta$Q for sale'( If Ito lIet IN THE WORLD Mau e ut onoe wltb W . D. Cha.elli er. tifBUSUED WEEnY, $6.00 PER YlAA WnYIlC!l\,\i lo. Uillo. or 00 II h ero at I!L'II. DRUCCIsTe. .PECIALISTS. Plioue ~o . 77. I have a fow goO'l 1'o1 !1T 0 B T • IljI • Re, T RAN 8 F £ R. CA b ou t of tow n. bl1yer s who lI ro d esl r. ANO "BU8 8IRVtCF. OA.. Plle ~ I ·· OI)H of lnokiu l{ elt propArty Iu lIncl flV VelNQ ITa ADVERTISINO COLUM .. S ar(Julld WII Y 1l 9~vill e Don't de: ... y I SAMPLE COPY FREF Att end to t hle u.t onoe. _ _ Maw YORK CLIPPER W. U Uhllndlor. H.... Yo lil • •• T. U:-\ EY L


A~ (i; tl 0 0

JiV !l









Sagar boets lind me Ilgeis ·t PDd til FOR SALE IDorellle rnllk produotlon wben f ed \ to dairy OOW8, but elttJllriu\I;l\ta oon·I - · - - - - - -dnc'oo at the Ohio Exp er imeot t u. will be r eo::ly to' b ntoher h ogR o n tlon show thd opro sllugE> Is fur Monu llYs lind 'j'hltrsll ay~. C~II more eoonomioal to feed. Bo/)t.l1 0 autt S08 me . E.·S. B,.II", W ~ynl'l~. af thlll faot these dalr·y el!(p" rt8 do vill e, Uhlo, . dO no' ad.ills 'he feedl ug of beet!' ex. oep' fClr hleh reoorde whe ro co ~ i I ~ i:\h r op~lllro Llnnb , g ood oo es. a minor oon sidulltlo., or whe re th fo r I!flle. II)qulre o f A. It . nnmber of ~ow, 11'1 t oo sma \I '0 per. 'l'jl.ltn llge, phone N o. 40- 2r, nll r_ mit the uall of a 8110. veysburg. 06 . CO"I fed beetM had hen appetites aDd ale more food beoa.use of tho Buggy n oarly ne w, ro bber tit· 8 , "Imulattng effel\tl of tble roo' or op. mllde by Finley ORrrlllg o On Arter 10 ,ellu work 'he OhiO ~t ll. ~ I){lly to E W. Rl oka, W~yn 8Vlll ~, UC?n hll8 fouod tba' two pounde of Ohio. . u 2!1 dry matter oao be produood 10 the (ot of tull b1oode" R . I R Olls t. form of anaR8 a' 1 lS' OOllt 'hlln ooe er s 1'01' sn1e. Call ,22 Ho m n PQUlld tD ~be form .01 lIee'.. Oon nlltanel f.edln, I. In fa VOl' of ph Oil", Ui.m · Ex. Mrs. Mqy Cornell . Il1aB', no.v BuglrY M.1l1 no IV Haruese ----~ for aule. Use() "bou , 0 week •. cun B OUIe Ph oe 72:1 CeD 'Ex, or write to l\ fl. Uornell, 120 y' E"st Gender of Ship •. u29 It Is B well· known Cn t lhnl ships FirHlSt., Duy$on, O. are almOtrt tovarlubly referred to os UTO-A !load OVll rl llond . RORl!. beIq of the feminine gl'ndl'r. Nmv 8tor In fir~t, c la88 ooodilion. and theQ a ,hlp Is called "It," but I I a. this oIBo.. n 20l WIth rare uceptil(}ns the rc(lJreoC8 Is oql1 re -.JJe" or "ber." Just wb, this Is 80 Dew 10' of.haDd ome nap.lllI.t It would be dUDcult to tell- the ~ tb. (ftSllU. Ol11oe. Come ID 11 .a ucl8Dt. . ad . . UlO~, .. oa~


11 1







Utlyo n y'oll r o \\·r~ j lSd ~ 1IIf'lI t n~ t o p rUt t: IU ,

hil t



.llImh llity Is I he ' lli uli t lwpo[" t nnt feature. U I I '\tl c r

.18M, ROGERS BROS. T:~f .. th e name ~ tn11lflC'd nil t he hnc.k o f Mpuons, furd l1 ,u 1 nltu: y $en "illg ph:ce. In . lh' t;:1" 1,1atc: o f pro"CIl quut hy-

" Siltter Plaft

Ihat W. ar,w \\°itll'llll ltqdc ror-c holCe iJ o LfC'retJ tu t he ro a ny e SllulJ! l t c dtlJltgu ... Sollt by I ~ n III n g d euJuf5 .evctY'¥to'1iere. ::k-h., for Ca\.tope "C.l..', ,hu.w l ug all


!Jr. Dill, Olteopa th :'1 S. rl ruau· way, Utbanon , hlo. Mr. BlId Mrs. has. (hapma n , of Sprin" b('ro, visit ed rehlt iv(!s 'Ii n' lut week.


~~~ . ....~~ ,-~~~Atfi!~ -:-_ ___ __ --, ~~ ullythi nj.! I........ ----- --- --_:-__ __....__

Your fri ends can buy you c&n Q'lve lhem except · y ur pho· tOl'raph, get them Bt Wc!ge:s.

Mr. and Mr • . Thad Zim l11 mum and Mrs. Ern~s t Hogers visi t I wil h . rela ti v e.~ in J amestow n SundllY. Mr. and~ 1 ra. D. 1:1 . Ke ll y le.fl Monday tor a len days ' VBCllli 11\ wil h relalive s in Indi an a , a nd in Ohio. The Lad lea Aid of the Hed E rick church will meet Thur~d lly afte r noon at the home of M rl!. ,Jam es K.rrick . Mr. Horace Drown, of Dul u t h. Minn ., and Karl Brown , of Lebfln·on . vl.ited with Mr . and Mrs f red 1::lbon lut Friday. Mr• . W . H. Allen. Mrs. Hawke, MiM . E mma Heigh lv ay Bnd E. V. Barnha rt were I a vlon \·isi· . tors Monday .

(;('0 .





Chr istm as SUl ses tlon s 01111e s Ultt Books A ' Llne Il Day Bllolu! Ulfirlo6 Lea t Note l ·P LaM Book. \I' ardell & I.nnou " Xew

T !J uughl" Book s Blho l1c PI'ay er Dooks

R OBu r t 8 Ej)tu 'ollal Prayer Booka Jlllb y Boo k@ .'lIm l1 y R eco r d B ook. P IIOlo Alb uUl s K odnk Al bu ms Bmos Desk SulJo In lahl S lI vlln CO\.ll;. e r Dusk S(l l~ Bra." !Je.k Nove ll ies

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shel wo oou. Mr, Frank Sherwo od a nd ~1 r ~ J ames Kerrick were Xe nia visilors .·a t ur· day afterno un. Miu Lou Henley, of Washin g/on D. C.. arrived Friday eve ning and wu the guest of Mr. an d MrR. S. L. Cartwr ight . Mrs. Gracf Lincoln Smi t h will close her Milline ry Store on MonJay , Tueeda y and Thured ay evening s durini thi. wiri.te r. Mu. Dorothy Dinwldtldia and children , Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Smith , of X.nla, were Sunday auests a t the h.m. of Mr. W. H, Dinwid die and . family. . Mr. Myer Hyman and family and Mr. Sherma n Dyk. and fam ily 8p lln t Sunday with Mr. Elijah NOSJ;ett ~nd tamUy, of near Five Poin t School Houle, Dear Reader: - Do you know thal Christm a. II very nearT Call lit Ridae'. Gallery and make your decilion, they have the very lat est in mountin l(8 ar.d they are not war prlcs, See Waterh ouse for Auto Livery .

l)~~ k


locks Pu (ll'r K n I"es

)' 08 tol Scules

Dl c tlu narl os DI C: t1 ull nry S tands

() " .•. in t he co un t r y lI as g row n w ith the rap id i y ;lnu :;r, !ic(l' y tha t has ' hnr<1ctcr i cd the g rowth ot 1)a.· t n in t !,c 1'.1 '-\ few ye,l r~.

Crepo P aper 'rl.. ue P Aper tor H olI·

I n k · ·.·"~ II. ~'{'Is ll t a 11 ra •• A.h .a.D~ 8


H ru • • PlI l'p r Rac k .

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1:Io"k R a ,· k. Ja rd ln t r.}s

~ec · Globo·' Ycrn lrk A 1I 0n lll Douk \U80R

\' ases

omce !Jes kA

B rllsH nn (1 Copper U m · Da. k brolill :< t n nd.


su d

Ca le nda r l

W illow lin . k ota

'fyp ewr lt "r Do.ka T y p .. w r lle l· bil iTi

P l u (' p rlt r ds T nn,,), ('lIrtlo





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Ca blu eta . ' ," ood an'!!' I letli LNII !Jar Goode Fllln K Uevlce. 1.. ,11 s ' Pu rus Cooki ng Re61pe Bou ll Lu d l".· and Oen t 'o E ll' Orll u,htl nlr Out l1t. l'Iul lve fH.aUollery Chr lllmllB Lllbol a o llk llD '. S l lt·llllln l Holiday Ooodl of all F'oun t al n Penl O, acr1ptlo nl terma n' s Selt·lIlII n, H OIIAOhold 8At"l t' ountaln Pens Gol d nne! 8 11 ... r ICnIT." Cu h Balle. I! slon On8·Dollar Pin· B ond Bou. Bt,,,1 SUyer Cb • • h d l IIh" r p lnln

TIl' I,






I'" • ) II li"- t





the increas e b een


'II Ihl\ I l'll I)o)W

pl'~se nt s

a tr uly

11 {' ,


h )o.('


n< 11 (' ( I




pac e wi t h this nolo th. n Dayton

.) ",'r


21 ·23 W. FI~TH STIUE T

. I,,, ',,11 1


i1~\l te


J~ Walk-Over Boot Shop ~,



Da yto n's B igg est Clo thin g Stor e


u. t1 t· JI\l14 t t will nlJW l1 0i tl it t or y uu unitt !'{ mu8 36 E . . t Fifth , Nen r J elt ••• o n IO H O . TON DAY

' Rll\

C eo. R . CI ar k

F or Dad and the Boys The

An.w e r


Proper Servicc-·Better Value8~ ·Lower Price.

Wi er


ros e & CO.




U. B. Building, 4th & ai Sts., Dayton, Ohio ER M LON G RTepn. yn"l e nt

)~ -( _/ 0 _



1t \ , ' \1 1\ 1\11 1 r, >'u u .. H nt t u I dll

Dayto n, Ohio


71 4·'~A":~8~~gH~5DQ

(,' t l)' 11-:

I~ .




Dayton, Ohio

14 N. Main,





The Har veys burg Ferljlizer Co.

i •

WllI pay y ou , :3.00 per head for lJ RSE,' nnd C \'\ S at your horne an d will com'c ancl get thellJ . Orders filled promp tly. All t cl phone charges paid. Give us a. call.

i• Fran k L. Harris, Man. ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....



191 7









...... ...... ...... ...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ...





.I i I Ii

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I ' ... IIl ' Ill tt. f;ItrIfC . n Ult·~. H I·\, ., t n .'11I. F I!hJnl Hk:n lt'o tl • •.'1#14 • • T . II'It I• • '1"'1111'""i f :fI\l I ' ~, H 'Int lna.;- Il v lltw. P", H.,Lcf§ , Ra· B J.':I !.,t1. 1··tIU:'1~ l.il1lp~, (;1'1\ 1.'8 . ,'ontlt, t "~l 1'l1uIHlg rMph . , l.1l1sr. U 1';11I1'''' .lIlt, C I' l'ltl, utl:"lI \\' ZOl"', 1{I1I\ OH. ur Qther. M lhltll1rf'd I~ "'rlf. T I ••hlli:1l 1 Hkt!s, K ll t y'.lId

--- -- -- -- ---. -SOG.IAL HAPPENINGS ··················:...•....•••••••••..•••••••..~···i



C h r isttns s Gift Sugg e.s tioris

l ' I'lla lu t,

Ma ha rg' s


prt....._ ·, 11 ., 11 1 t" ' YIO , W I 1\"111 an.d a b uy.r, 11 II). W f' h ave 0 11. that will lutt )·ou .

Ohi o Farmer s R eally

Eatabl ished 1865


11 4- 116 E ast Fou a: l h St.• Day ton, Ohio



Late Class ifit~d' Ads.

Turkeys Ra.b~I ' antedI

D ayton, Ohio

207.9 N. Main St .

loat in procuri ng the prolecti on. th at the installa tion of a piece of modern fire fighting apparat us at Lebana n : would Itive thi ~ count y . Som of th e readers mny re call t hat aL t he Ch.ter Smout, of Ful ton County , q uestion of,m ode rn fire fight. 1916 Fire Chiefs ' Con venti on, a t Cin· The HartIe the poultry champi on of th e' etate Ing a pparatu s for Warren CQunty cinnati, a nu mbe r of nllll: hin ~ unde l" '1'h£o lost ,'lIlld ay Mr. a nd Mrs. Willdd In the boy.' and glrle' poultry rills· ha! been raised, lind as auch equip. went a 12·ho ur tes t a t Lh e Inkl:. l In pi ke, T u ~rlay eve ning, .ock. MI'. lind Mrs. haa, Bra ock F·ri· Ille. Broukv III hp.ltl IVItS ral ne inlr contest conduct ed by the Ohio ment has 'p roved so efficient ly lIue· CheRter Park. a nd Ihey pump '1 1' 1fu Mr . lIlld Mrs.' Fra nk Braddo ck and State Univers ity Extensi on Servit'e. cessful in other places, it seems that water du ring that l ime withoul a day morn inll . fn m ily, M Il~B r9 . Renry Prater . Hob Chster ral.e~ 135 chicks from a t hi counly should be 80 equippe d, Bt-Ol>, prC'ving their e fficiency. W IH~ I· e· tlrt l$ md dcck lind Will and Ho be r t batch of 140. One pound of chicken a nd have t he app aratus at a central ever the machi nes are In service Lashley , wu obtaine d from each 2.13 pounds point, whi ch would be Lebano n, and they have provtld ve ry 8ali ~fa c tory, e thre hear first to lnu the g • be of feed. Durinll it could go to any p a rt of the co.unly and this paper would a t party a ave g week. the chicks were fed cracked in a very few minu tes . The c08t, express ions from r esidents of the Bunch" y oll ;'J he T : "" _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ ._ corn, cracked wheat. grllvel grit and ~tiooO 00 to $10,000 .00 (accord ing to county I:)earing- 0 11 lh t! matter , as 'c t he Town Hall in Harveys bu rg scraps a mash of groul1d wheat, beef :Ilt urd oy eveninl l, Novemb er 18 F ORS Llo: equ ipment) , would be trifling lIB be lieve the apparat us Rhould ue in· and SOtur milk. During the remain· compar ed to the wholesome satis- stalled at the earliest possible mo· 1916. 1' he young p eople gath red der 0 the season they we re fel.l factI on every resid ent of 'he co unty ment , ami every county IIhould h ave lit Lhe hall alld games were etllrt ed cracked corn, whole wheat a nd sour would feel after the machin e wal such eq uipmen t as it wouln g rea tly [~efr J~"rfi t o r, I \ ' lIqhlll ~ l aob too Gam 3, m usIc and d a nci ng were the milk in addition to what th ey ob· placed in service. It wou lt! bave red uce the lo! sea caused by fi re S B rl~, 'l,n,,'" nnll" lot (\t hou _e. e nter tainmen ts of th e ev enl'lg. A t talned on the range. The cham pion ~ av ed the bond Issue f or a ne w in· hol d I( MU I~ eM11 "1,,1 Boe .t h tn. a late hour deliciou s re.fres hments poultry club Is the Harring ton Club firmary , and Victor Loer's residen ce 'hoe. S tfl,u, ~bl\rry , IV s n e ~v i!l t! . 0 . were served , consis ting of icc cream , dO cake and bananas . Shortly afler of Medina County . could have been sa ved with p ractical ly inl· red discove was mi dn i ~h t l he young peo ple departed fire the as 088 1 no wishing the "Jolly Bunch" would medillte ly. Many other Instance s j:;ive ano ther party soon . The in could be cited where such a maehin e i/ pd .IIuesUl wer", as tollowlI: Misses would have rendere d valuable service . Mar t ha Lu kens, Bessie and J ell nie The machine should be pu rchased The reg ular meeting of th e W oo Wnrnm' , of Waynes ville. Ire ne and main lained jointly, by Lebano n ry WIIS hell.l a. Ihe home lesby, ViolllJo rd lln, Helen Hart· 811,i the cuun ty. Leblillo n should pay man's Auxilia to Eat ~LTng Good hing t Every ay Thursd on McKay Letitia Miss Ande rson. of Xenia, Annll Miss of od(, ance, mainten and cost of 60 I e r cent . IGth ber Novem on, . afterno , of Waynes vill e. Ethel, Al ma LJel' right 40 PlITna ng are remaini price: e th and our alld lh~ ,county. by 'Mrn nd Aveyi s Lamb, of Leba non, H azel cen.l. lhen. It peopl e, the rural The meeting was opened waUade r r eading a portion of lind Lu elle Moore, Jennie Lawson Detaile d deecrlp t\ons of 11 0 va· reSide nts· of the coun ty who have Cad your order with ns [o r St. John xv. ~tau.) f S larr, Laura McKins ey, Elsie ' r~, ' t ()y~ rietles of Ohio apples ran~lnll from wells or ciste rns. would prov!de ~g-i\'in~ y our Thallk Scriptu ral q uota tions ' we re give n O~ h.) rn, l\ ~on(ia and Ma ry Whp,tse l , ~ Arkana u to York Imperia l lire given ea.~y a ccess to th em for the euctlOn t rui F Celery , Crallbc rri ';; , to ltev. J . ~' V t!~t a E llis. Lena E ll is , Jennie Me· 1n Bull.tln 290 of the Ohio Experi. hose ot th~ al!paratu ~ , or haves ~va~er J in response conduc ted the pray er et c. lader Cadwal ' :n rr r n and Veda Sumner , Meesrs fire e(> tr the of tion, teet 1000 Adapta I!) h wit Station. supply ment . ilervice ' Keller Ii ike, William Lul(o ns, Al an and ce nnd confiden the nce enJoy appeara ould ~ t hey charaete rieticB, it is .in tire Illar'].:el yo u lVill If minutes the ot ing read the Hartsock, Halph Toll, Gail Gordon After htlng d. g fire·fi discusse are t benefi18 that mo.dern quality of the f r ul fi nd it h ere. other bUlines R, Voie ra. Sidn ey Watkin s, ~ lrarll'Y lllu.trat ioDs of mllny of the varieUe s II pparlitu e could g'IVe them. liS there and transac tion of ng PU.l'i :gl!S l which ' Bring IS yo If "h'I1'lIlY ltucldu ck , La wrence Houg h , ar.inclu QBd. <. onsume rs and grow· ha:,e .been mallY cases where farm election of officers wa"ionheld. they lrkt' t Oe t o· cla Y, j.Job of the old !']nd lJ\\l:l thorFIge , Gflorge Warnl.' r • ers of apples find the bulletin helpful bUlldlllg a were fjwept away all t h~re r esulted in the re· elect J. F , Cadwal lader, Mr. Hull. of Xenia , Mr . !:lay e, How In .tudvin g differen t varieti es. It was no me~ll s to prevent l.he hre oflicers ,nt;Mrs. , will go hl,jiler. Mrs D. L. Crane, Vice Su rface, Ha r old Gillam. Lee !lrc! ' f OU t.y may be obtaine d fr ee from the f[~;n spread Ing to ? lher bUIldings. Preside nt; and Laura H. Mosher \\ Wh en YOll waUl), Preside ma Levi 1.ukens , Carl Moor e g. mas:e. fightln . )'lIl fire ha~e n.ow l!Y !h r. U, I·01IlI Wooste .-.: at lhStation Chum G !ld, f ' linu Everet t Shu ma Osuorn .-ri~ M,· chl!1es uSlllg fire retardrn g chemIca ls Secreta ry. better Ll I"n tll'~ t l ~ lltlt!r . ced the announ lader Cadwal . Rev . ~l1erely by I'. k.' Iloing t kep be can ~ wh'c to the church by Mr . - - ---- - ---'p~ urJng water mto the SUPPlY tank gift of the flairight. It ·pay. t o t rade a.~ On l!uggestiQn With buc"ets . but of courlle If a S. L. Cartwr l!l rose •~ ~tU O II ,nil IlU IlO;J wat~r 8upply was accellila~)le tor the of the preside nt the membel" tion of Mr . 1IJV puq t<:a ql (P III ,'\ .1:11 " '~1l 0J RIlOIA<.P su ctIOn hostl, the. machrne . ~ould to their feet in recogni 'al! ~oll d o o ~.erate a t its hlihest efh clency. Cartwr\ jcht'a generos ity . IIQl lIUIA,OIl U, 'U;J ,U; A,HU Mn . S. L. Cartwrl llht read "The , ~)l>ilJI)J . 0 \lual ~ UI J a .\\(o ll 0111 ) 0 uP IS The m.a chlnes have powerfu l mot,!rs g," a descrip tion of euo 01 " )J.u .r Q(; ijUlOS 11 u.\\ ,) 111 .I. AO and Will make upward s of forty miles United Offerin at the recent General --,-- - - - - - - - - - - - - service ,that . . tI road II the .on 'IJuIISIIO III hour 11I ~ per. l\lJllll H I' emil;) BASA'IO The lesson Six Cylin der . 1 he W~I ter was Informe d by Grsen- I Convlm tlon in St. Louis Our Ohurch ~\w1A 01 aUlmo;) ~aa ll UIU IJilJ 1U(!l punoJ How on" was day the for m~de they IB th~t RLAN D IJ , p lIlt ) OVE UI\ firemen a , Ville. OhIo • q .pq.r. 'IRa u Oll l 11I0J ) Came to New Jersey, " and many in Oversiz ed tires .. r u n less than 1500 • UI ~O U rmll ''' IIll'.1 SUUI.' I' illll ln! t~e run .from Gr~envl.lle . to .Umon , terestln g 'pointe were broug ht out. miles . cont $1 250. First check for 'Ql .(q 0lullo H 1I 0a~ 11 1 .1~ ~ I lI"Il1J.1U ldxa Ci ty, InduIll8 ,13 mtle~, 1'1 l.9 mmutes ,After adjourn ment II plea8Bnl BO' . h ton t h e P an h andle An fX. t ra f relg , 10 8 SJIloa lIlIzltl'l. U ::IlIl·;\I)1I0J " '1 ~JII and rende red ,the Umon CILy depart $760 tak·~s' it.. " rhey clal hour Will! spent . service. e vIIll:'abl ~ery II 0 men~ ;1dl U !'Pl! U 1\" 1111111 0 :lltld q )0 .MOIJ Roxann a Saturda y near d t wrllCke presen was wall . s , CO. Edward W. SALES J. Z . • I1 Mr C. W. HOFFR carried full. eq Uipment, 1500 feet of -.1J"ldll III\,OU " · U OA' 11 01 ;1 ulliJI););)V Ahe extra lef t 6:15. t abou evening . OHIO' N, vIsitor. DAYTO a as . I 17 E. 81lcond St., hOlle. lind el(tnt Jl)en. 'lIiS Ol.j~ 10 IIlnol;l Rhort time to a but had and as a 8, Xeni Lebanon needs such apparatU - -- ....... - - _ - - - - -_.- - r each Wayne., .ville to take the siding there have been instance a when the fol' the faat east-bo und train. and p resent equipm ent proved so ridicu' l . lly .practica be ate lou sly inadequ ·tsW 1 ~~~Rt~~v~~~f. at the rate o~ sixty r educed to no fire vrotl!Ction at e:J1. A broken Journal on the thIrd car · . tn been has ul • Wherl! such appar~t nity commu the t h at car t o leave the track a t of caused IleOplt;l the talled, s -----"aflr... fil~l, Ih.t s the )o n d l O . ~c t the and there Ba rr e t t'. Milia and the 'smash. up pric.I , Ibll) UI )'Ull f .tuff and 1\ e II let feel very proud to have it, cam e IIbout a 'mile the other side of . a. f eeI'111,,0 f Hellli' t y, as th ex 1m ow CAP ,H(1X1lnll for 'l'OU.l a ' , 240 II • . " 11Turk. W. S. Graham purchas ed th4t A, BIG ]~AS Y-RIDI NG l~, pillnlr up fifte.n freight. when them to come will . machln the ;I ;'.... Spria ' B. Chandl er home on Fourlh stree t i th their content . . v. the on CJ)r. loni be not and it, need they IS-=14. t (He. .I"F~ y is ver ' . - ~ The w reckina train wu lOon on way. The machin . could ·g o . from last week. Thl. propert. the Ora · ••11..'. hie le and will make dedrab or ,",cene and b, nine o'clock the Morrow tbe Muon, to \. n. CAL Lebano UUI,~Il"you Mrs. Chandle r W811 cleared 10 that trains could ack tr Waynes vlll. in I. . than twam~ ham,' a tine hom.. BI~cbf. lter 18!! t paH$. The track was &orn up very f minutea and oth.r points in the moved her .good. to her future homp. bad ly for aev.ral hundN d feet. It County propol't ionate to tile iDUeaae, week and wUl make many friend !! Her plac.. that at na. condltio road and , _ III", abta quick_ &:'~ Indted. that ther. WIll :ofg~~U W.yneavUle, Ohio d th.' mat- ban In WQMl vllle rerret her Phone .5 CO. I Men who have dt.c.." ~"~l'" town. CIIIwiw,•." . 0. · tar believe that DO . time uwld be


It~flll 1 y tq''I l lJ't' lll\l PI !.



.--- --

\\ h l""l f h H' ''' wh ll " lilt 11.. 11 If! rhp fill ' rph,· I I h,- ,It' U ~ 'n Sl',!Ul1

wtll I ,11 ~(1\1 \\' h o l1 In IIH:lnl1 ( n il 011 \I~ , H{,R thl ~ tjflt' unet w ~ 1.. 1\ )~"lId nttl t1 1\1 hIlUW , uuot lt U1 A Jfltf , I Y cl('n lt-r t n YOII I IP1"r l1 o r:' wIll.

When you come to Dayton

39 South Main, .Dayto n, O.

\ \'lum "nnw 11 1,.", nn rl ult" n w f nd~ !tlo \\' t ra\,p l III op' II I i1 ~ s' d\' I' I' hwl,ll t'l , I wru '" II, RlI(! lt 6 rI1l~ w armth, l:"IH(;l rl nnd ('011\ I1li tlHt' Il\O~ \


~!~~s. ~~~. ~~~~~~~ . $4~.

$1 !)30

$ 126 U

yo u to their ", l"ul: . t o buy w ith the 'd tl ., to tIle las t de gree.



You owe it to YOUl'sel f to see our wond erful collection of Foot Wea r-you will see charm ing styles that are not shown outsiQeof WaJk. Over stores in t he large st cities. We employ expe rt fitters. ' Our store service is efficie nt and our prices are most reaso nable.







The Everybody's Book Shop Company

' -H°T~~RY.


't H



pvpnbl il1l' h

; 11

s tim ula ted I'CIT':II ",,1,,(·, h 'l\ UU-If: ,., ~c l i"' I I <'~ have s b1l ildb1lsines iri d IJle-n ~ in al :JlIil I { .. the I" ·;", 1 '1t.'11 1

Stanrlo tor in 7 Omce ba ll'.

B ook Eml .. BI'aa" a.nt! ('o Wu le Rs" klltl


din g·

~~ .

~xtraotbin arp



w.ednesday, November. 29

TRIM MED HATS FORl W o~mi\', M fB 'ES CHU"DRHN .... SPLE N/)LD () A l XI' \! .. .. . CO RRECT STVL E



0~ teTZ'E RAILROAD HAS • .Xenia, Ohio ;. ANOTHER WRECK .37 Gre en ~t . ......• ...... ...... ...... .....



...... ...... ...... ....



.. -



CEN T STO RE FIV E AND TEN . _._4 _ M".... r" Sb':,;ng .. . .. 5,

Alumin um Plates, children , Alumin um Broom Holders Alumin um Drinkin i Cups. Comb and Brush Cases . . . Ahmin um Coffee Percola te Handke rchiefs, plain and fancy .••••.. •••••• •• 5c Manicu re Sets ... '" " . ..

PhUJiPI' BuiJdiq


ltlc lOc IDc lOc JOe lOe IOc




-c:::c: ~

See OlAr Wind DW Displ ay Cold Band Dishe s]!'

at Each .. : ..... ....... IOc


Megaziae- Man Wayae nil1e. Ohio


.. ,


Y ar


iPERSONALMENiiiil ~.····U


N"xt Sllnd~y will us he r in t he SOlelll " Au Vt'" L f\e ... ~o n. i binI!' lI ,e Sunday 11 III' ~ t St Allrll'ew~ Day. Nov<,llIb"r 30 und tht! Fou rl h ' unda\' h" ful'''' C h ri~ t mll s And we do well if W ~ hel'd 11 ~ c:l!1 til .. ' a ~ l away t he w,) r k ~ of dar kll ... ·s. and put u\>on us tI,e il rnwul' uf liyh t." Adveltt is the ~ a l season in whi"h we mUMt look in I he face t he f ou r \lI~t things: Ucath, Jud gment , 1I ,,"VCIl anti Hell Il i~ Ii time to cons ide r OUI' 'N ays . li nd In whafever pa r tic ulars or dpg ree W I' lI ~ e(l III repe nt. It is a ti mtl to th ink seri ously . whether lYe are doing all ou r d uty . 1 11:I 1I i ~ cill l e~ of J esus Chris t. " ht l her \\ e IIrc making f ull Use lind proo f of our privilel!'es in t hc 1''Umily of God The pu bHe ~e rv i ceH . the public l:ha riUIls. t he public Lahors of t he hurch. should be:4 u ~ t ll in ed lovin 'Iy . g enerouRly. ami w!lh (me rRY Are you doi ng what you can for a ll the:;e? Advent sound!! a trum pet of wa rn ing Li ke J ohn llaptil:lt, i t summon!:" us to belter Ii vii'll{. It HpenkHby mll ny voices ; the voice ot memury reca lling God's ma nifolu mercie~; l he voice of conRcience urginlr Ihe claim of our Christian vows; the voice of t he .:iaviour calling Uti 10 live neare r to Him . A new Chri linn Year opellS betore us. We fi avA every incentive to reo ne w our VOW9, to improve our service. to reco n ~et: r a l e ourselves Let U 8 resch'e 10 be th o r~u g hl y loyal to Chril:l t and His church . Jno F Cadwallade r .

-_-'.__ - .0- - -

Mra, J . H. Coleman hllll been q uite sick .



~ I'


m!~~~ toWLeb~t~on ath~s ~~~~l,y



Mrs. Catherine J ohns atlfmded a ~ I{olde n wedd inl!' at Mason last week. ~


. Miss Anni e Brown. of Xe nia. spent i,:, several hou rs here Sund ay with ~ ~ fri ends, ~ Bo rn- To Mr. and Mrs . Wilson Edwa rds, Sunday, Novem her 26 . 19 16, a son. Mrs. Rebecca ltandall, of Dayton, i3 the guest of Mr. and Mrs . J. W White. Mrs . J. C. Hawke and daug hter, Miss Clara, were Lebanon visitors Monday, W. N. :lears was called to (1 reenvill e. Ohio, last T hursday on account of a funeral.

~~ :;:~;;:;,~ ~'.~~'~;r::;~


guest ~: Mr. am i Mrs Waller McClur . Mr. and Mrs W. II. Oinwiu di t ~ :.Ind Mr. and llirs. Wall rJann y . _ __ _ _

~p ,il ~

I". ~




• • • •~~d~~

DID IT EVER OCCUR T O YOU T HAT THE nEST Cli RISTMA'-' GIT"fS TO A u lo' HR THER, SISTER, F'R l E• ND ()R E IG H BOR WO LD BG 'O~ I ET l nN(i 'fIJA'I' })r: l\"IN"'ED 'I'I[E'" ()" [,' 'l' II I'~- GIV " I,'R EVE,R\~ \."-"1 '1 JJ ll' ". WEEK, OF THE YEA R ?


Mrs. Ha rvey Gustin has been vislling relatives in U1anc hes te r

••~M •

Whole Number 3398

NOVEMBER 29, 1916

A Very Fine Christmas Present

Mrs. W. S, Graham is qui te ill ~ wit h r heu matism. An ear Iy call a t Ri tIges will insure yo u bet ler work ,






~ ~


Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas nter. tained Mr and Mr!l {{ I~ Crll~R tc a hou nti fu I1 2 •.l' 'Iock riinrlt;roll','hur . da y," Novernue r 23rl!. in hon' r of "~ 1'1 ' I '1 . . I' I .nr~ 1o III liS IlIH "r~. !'t )". mt I lI aYA, _ _ _ . . Mr . ~nd Mrs. S. L, C~rtwrlght ntert~med Thu rsday at dumer th e fo llowlf1g guests: Rev, 11Ild !\1rij. J t· t F. dCra dw.allladMer, JDO r Pc IJ · C\lI lJ'l e an ami y. r. '. . ar t wr IIfll und family . Howell Pter~c .. the M I ~~ ~9 M9.~garet Warner , Km:l Me rn t Ilnd r:hzabeth Carroll .

- --- -


In compliment to J\[ re, E V. lIarn. ha rt. M i s~ May Writ::'ht j.(3v e a plea!!. nntca rdpar ty last Wedne!lday afLe r· noon . Eight taul ij we l'c filled. A l1elic ious lunch wa s ser l'ed . MI'~ , C, M. Robitzer . J . H. Coleman. Mrs, Jaa. McCl ur(' . Mi R ge~ Emlllil Hei){h <Yay and Henrietta McKinsey as~i9 tIngthehosteslI.



We nuticl111 lallt we k , whAn t ho dark. cloudy days came, that there were n li"ht!! until ab ut 4 o·clock . ... These dark. ~I(to lny days are coming rtlpidly UI>OIl us. and it seemR a~ lliull),{h th It>ctric- Iight consumer ought t) hAve n little more co n"i d e ral ion . '1'1 is 'ollsideralioll wO.J ld uo t{J lI el l'ant" 'e tu the locat' plan t.. a!l every u pr or th e lights who pay~ In' met er. woul,1 ('onRl1llle more Ii,(hts on a dllrk rlay, There has.been quite a bit of ta lk about thl! di>lcriminlltlon o r use r.:! of the ligh .. , as sume or the merchants , an d ,)thers, we hellr. ure pftoyinll a tlat rute. which all ows th em to use n

lotl) rsurplu~ I'l ec tri citywhit:hough t

'n,, 1 lo lie al ~verr one oUll'ht to bl! on t he Sf~~C bllBl::l. rhere aro mun~ .0 C

, .ur(,ltlzel1sw hodoll~Luse electrlcl ty

t hat oUght to hm;e .Il, bu t as they ~ay . we cllnnoL ha ve It when we n~ed It.. ll' ,!refo re we wil l get ulong with lamps. ~s wo have to use them mosl "f the lime an yway . , . . Wh~ t we would hkt'. to know IS. Ilrst . IS everybody pnylnll' the lIam ru le f or lhl'ir electrici t y and water? Mr, and Mrs. I~d i(e ta!i ick. of near Secono! , I" t he rate per Idliwllt too Oregonia. entertained ~lI n <l ay a ~ rnall o r too l ar ~o . The p lant has di nner the tellchers of the Il il{h be n running f or s'vor al yt!ars now. ~ch ool. Those wh o enjo\led the day lind BOOneI' ur later the old machinery 'e re t he M i BSe.~ Elmll Hobert... of will hav to ue replaced. What will Morrow, Dorothy Gehauer, .JoHcphinc be done then? How are we to Ilet . Andrews, Beulah Kindle r. Hl'sLer lhe money fol' thia ex penditure? Canaine, Vade WcPhe rson. Mr. E . J . This article is not in the nat ure of Arnold a nd famil y. Mr. W . ItSp reigel a cri ticism . but the public which pays the t axes . would li ke to kno w a few A sur pr ise was P Tpetratetl on th ings In rel,[urcl to what it il do ing. Messrs. Walter. Cliff ord and Ch.. rles A Ta xpayer. 13urn et~last Sund ay. when sev ral - -of their fri ends mar ched in on them at tbeir home on th e Lytle road . A big dinne r at noon was spread, ami those who were for t unate enough to help eat it were Mesllr/!. L e Hawke, Cla ude StI' ud , Heber Smith. T. ID Courtney. E llis Jvens, g dwurd Ricks. Par ry Cook , Earl Conner, Dr. A·. J. McCoy. Mr. Will . Moh r and flunity. Mrs. Mary J. BaliilVin . who lived of Dayton . Mr , Ji'orre~t Graham and fnolily . a nci Mr . Sherman Dyke a nd lVith her eister. Mrll. Ida Eckley, f amiiy.over Wh ite ', g rocery. d roPP91 1 dead Sunday afternoon at60' clock. Mrs. Baldw in had not been well for some time Palt, and was ' unde r the doctor 't care for heart t rouble. The funeral wail held this momlnQ' at 10 o'clock, at t he M. E. ·church, Hev. !3. A: B.eall om'~lating, inter · ment In MIami cemetery.

~ fl I I :.I · 3 .. I T 'HEM'I A MIG A Z E T T E ~I' I19f: I)l









• 1.00 A 'rEAR

~ ~ Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day ~ The Miami Gllzelte office will be M~~~.~~~.9.&~Y~~IMOI~6.~~~~ ~~, ~ closed all day. t:2Rt ~~~IRItI'~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~

Mrs. Howell Pierce. whe has been WOMEN·TOPIC visiting hor sons in Toledo, arri ved home Tuesday. OF CENTURY CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Walter McClure and

" THE fAR'MEnS' OBIJUABY Mrs. Charles Rye were Day t on shopCarl E, Sheets Willi born Septem Amos D. VanDoren . youngest of WllllNSIITUTE ber 5, 1882. Departed thlll lite at Th e Ne w Cent ury Club held Its pe rs la'st Wed nesday , thirt#en chi :dren, born to William hili home elUlt of Springboro, Novem· and Athalma Luddington VanDoren, N(lv(; nil.. meeting wi t h Mrs. J . A , St. Mary's Guild will hold Ita an- ber 11 . 1916. Age 34 yeara, 2 months born in Warren county, Ohio. Funkey ; t wenty ladit!9 rellponded to SOON BE HERE wu February 23. 1848 . and dfed in Harr oll-call wit h quotat ions , from the nual ChriRtmas Market alld Apron and 6 daya. OUtTUAHY



--- - -- - -

He WBi the youngest cbild ot Wil· veysburg . 0 ., Nov. 18, 1916. bei nlf liam and Cornelia Alexander Sheeta. • • . 68 years, 8 mont ba. 25 days old . Hi ll Det.alls are betnll raPIdly com · father came from New J e rsey to Your friend s can buy .a nythilrg ),OU He was united In marriage to Myrtle can give t he m excep t your photo- Davis April 28, 1905, who is now lett pleted for our Farma n Institute t.o Clarlc"ville. 0 .. when a boy and g rowto mourn the loss of a kind and lov- be beld here on December 29th and In(f to manbood married Miss Ludgra ph , get t hem at Rid g(!'s. in.¥ husband . Two children blessed 30th. Every effort haa been made dlnllton and riear that tIlwn but ill tbe part of t:G~ 1!JI:n1. maDJllement Warren county r eared their large tbls union . Opal and Harold, aged Mr. 8~d Mrs. Clarence Hiles and eight and four yea ~ , respectively . and the farmers . m8tl~ute force at and honorable tamily, All the seven - --80n. of out h Lebanon, spent Sunday who will now be deprived throu gh the Ohio State Umvln81ly to arranp 80ne have now ptl8S&d to the bet ter The a nnu al Ohio State·day ban. wi th Mrs . Lu cy P rat t and family. he raillini world and ot the si x dauKhle rs only Iite'ot a father's loving cart!, Earl an attractive pr?gralm. was born and raised on the home of p~,.lncrell!'mg IO f !MIll fertility, two remain. Mrs. Parlnda Hadley q ue t w ill be he ld· Ji' riday night, De. cembe r 7th. a t tJ1B Owniy Hotel. Ca ll and see The Calendars at farm, and there on Saturday after- a!ld Ilmllar toPICS, w,hUe given BUtH - and Mra Esther Costello. Having a brig ht m ind Amos availed Leban on. Oh io. We have 8 host of noon November 11 th t he whole neigb- clent emphaSllI, arE! not the only Rid \le Studio. .. bOI hood was s tartled and saddened thmgs that are to. be taken ~p this himself of such education as th e g ood thi n{l:s in sto ro for you, so . leBIon . A rural .hfe speCialist, who IIchools of h is day offer ed and be. come a nd boost Ohio Stale. By or- .~ Rei ular com mu nication of Mr . and Mrs. J. B. Chapman. Mr . by his sudden d eath. speak from hIS own .experl~nce came aT} intelligent and progressive der of th p. president; He did not belong to any particu(J Waynesvil le Lodge No, 163 E. V. Barnha rt and Mrs, L. A, lar church, bu t was a firm believe r W!1I WIU be ~resent at eve ry Farmen In· man , He Willi a good fa r mer and F. & A. M., Tu esday e:ven· Zimme rm an were Dayton visitors in the Word of God. and at heart Itlt}Jte In the ltate to discuss rural f ollowed t hat occupation nil his life ing, Decemuer f,t h. I nstallation of Monday afternoon. socl~IJroblema. The m~st llubhc in Warren coun ty exc('pt one year in was a true Christian. ollicers. Let every ol1lcer be at t he farmers an~ busmess m en Clinton county near Sligo. Th ~ memory that lingers with t.he spirIt hall p romptly at 7 o'clock. At 8 Mr. D. D. Lefferson and family de'lr wife \Od loved ones today, is of the community will be called toHe Willi mar ried with Ar manthu o'clock the lodge will entertain ,t heir ar.d Mr Ba tes, of Midd leto wn. were of a mlm noble in character, very gether t.<> s~udy t he needs of OU I Wa rd , Novem ber 23.1871. To them , wiveR and families. A program has Sunday guests of Mr. J. O. Cart- conacieptious, al ways kind bearted, commumty hfe and. t.o decide on BOrne we re born t hree children . Minnie We hllve j ust receive, l a f ull har re l l been p repareu and a good t imeis anwright and family, and considorate of the feelings of defi nite rural socl!~l problem that May Coll ier and Sara h Mell isa Curl. of very fine Kentucky Sorghu m. ti·ipated . othen , He poured out his affections may .change the eft orts of the com- who su rvive to m()urn his I<JBS IInti Brin g yo ur jug. (;(ic II gallon. I U. L. Crane. W . M. Cha rley Ed ward who d ied March ~I Mr. and Mrs. A. O. MBtfit and in unstinted measure upon his wife mumty du~lnll tho .y'ear. White's Store. \ L . A. ZimmermaTl. Sec'y. Tne Prellldent of t.he Farmers' In1904 ' children . The invalid mothe r and Mrs. Louella ' Lloyd, of Ne N Bur· ~ tl tute says, "All tha t remnins ':I0~v For th~ past 26 yea rs he has been f orj:(otten. but was tenderly was not 5 Iington, we re t he Sunday guests of cared for. Also the "ged father was IS f!lr our. farm'lrs to feel that It IS an active member o f t he order of Mr. and Mrs. A. Maffit. theIr Illsllcute. and t,o coopfl rate, In Free and Accepted Mas ons, which cared for with the same care Both fa t he r and mother wilt miss Earl in order to- make It t he bl\l'lI'est In ye!,rs . noble order he hlllhly es teemed and Mrs. Will Warwick. of Marshfield, thei r decli ninll' yeara. Do not foriet t o brmg quest l.o,,!s whoae moral precepts and symbolic . Oreg. who has bee n visiting relaA loving wife, two children, fath · ahout your own problems. Thll IS truths he largely demonstrated in and around this vicinity, will e r . m other, t hree brothers William t he be.! ~ chanc~ of t he yea! to e x· the good life that he li ved , Besidcs t ives The Wayne Township Protective leave t his week for her home . at home. Augustus. of Sprln"boro , change Ideu With your nel«hbor.: t his f or the last e leven yeara he has and Detective Associa tion he.ld its .' and Carl, of Day to!'I. Ohio, and a and .t o consult the veteran F armers been a faithful member of the M . b. The Misses Anna F~rnas and Sarah host of relativeS and friends are lef t. [n s~Jtute speakers who will addresl! church of Harveysbu rg. thus crown: regular meeti,!g Saturday afternoon ____ Ing his life with fai t h in his' crucified at the TownshIp House. Tber e was Satterthwaite will leave the fir st of to mourn thl.'ir loss. One brothe r UR, and Risen Lord and hor. oN.n~th . • - '. quite a· large nUl!lb~r present. and the year for Woolman Hall, Swarth· and sister have pre~eded him to the . titutions ot reli gion which Chrillt the regular routme of business was more to enter into a college course. better land. Unexpectedly the summons came, attended to • founded and committed to his ch u rch . Four applications for membership and our heartR are almost ove~com!! Thus has lived and paseed an IndusMr, and Mrs, Albert Shepherd, with grief . To hie dear ones it seems were handed in. A rE'Solution was triou8, honest arid patriot ic citizen. pas~ed at this meel ing in regard t o Mr Henry Woollard anet M i ~ Eva aq If his life's Walk was not com a faithful hueband , a de voted a llli the assessment t o tr.e follow ing et· Wo'ollard went to Leesburg , High plt'ted, snatched away as he willi in lIelhacriflclng fllther, a neiih bor fecl; · That if ,the assessment was land County, 'F riday to attend the the prime of life. But we bow to Bnd brother whom we all r espected not paid immediately, the membe rs funeral of their brot h er Lewis the will of God, and "Some day we'll and loved: We shall miss hia-r, lind ~p not paying the 8am e- would not be Woollard, who died of pneumonia. ' know and understand ." we can but lament hi!! see mlni unentitled to any benefits. As has been timely death, but we belie ve t hat -IBid before. the as80ciation is In The C ' lumbus l)i~J1Btch ot last thtl steps of a good m lln are ordet:ed The Misses Hester Canalne, Dor· need of money and the 888eSSlOent othy Gebauer, Jose phine Andrews,. Saturday hIlS seve ral ,letters that by the Lord and 80 the time and man· Willi m!J(je on purpose to re pl enish Beulah Kindler. Ruth Hartsock, were written by H . S. '. Dave" Warner of his departure could not be the treasury, and It W88 thoug ht Ethel HOBler, Elma Roberts. Hen· wick. Of course Way n,'sville peo- without the care of our Heavenl y that th is course oUllht to be pur· tietta McKinsey, Marjorie Turner pIe know what kind of >icppery let· Father . . sued ih order to get the amount in and Supt. W. R. Spreigel heard tel'll he wrft!'.8, tor they have read . OARD 0.' THA NKS So if the members want protection i't Paderwesklln hia concert at Dayton them. "Dave" WSIS one of the booa· We wifth to thank all our fri ends beJ.loovea them to pay their dues Saturday. tera at Columbus on the Y. M. C. A, __ movement last week to raiae .mo,ooo tor their grant ki!ldne83 extended to ----.~. -. in thi! great bereavement, ' Com- and of course he did hi' share. ·as he usMI'!I. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Maxwell, . M! . VanDoren and Daughters. Than,:-..,' vl' ng D"u ·. The Holy always does, He had a donation of and Mrs, Jake Meredith, Mrs. Mlnnl~ munion at 9:30 a . m . 'The First Sun- $541t,11, and hla father, C. W. War· Thomas and daullhter Eva, Mr. and day in Advent, December 3rd , Sun- wick made up the extra 89 cente, Mrs. Horare Lackey, Mine!! Martha day School at 9:30 m., sermon and b ' I . t 10 30 I rmg ng th e amoun t up t 0 even . _ __ Cook and Lucy Emley attended the . . ' , evangelistic meetinga at Blanchester In that city surely . The SOCIal RIven by St Mary 8 Sunday, co'n ducted by Rev . 1.. 0 mortality, or Does D~th End All. had an eh~ht·daya' hard work, but Guild at the home of Mrs. Ma,ry ThomV80n and 80n Charles, of La · The. four Sunday evenmll8 in Advent they a~compllshed their purpoae ClUlkey was largely attended, almost ranger La the .aermoM will be an After Death and of course, the], ar~ all happy. " 100 beiilll Present. The net proceeds ,. .. We lleed onci .ol~ two "Daves" in SerIes. Topics:, , were t13 which be added to the December 3rd, Immortality, or Waynesville to boClst thinK' here. Parllh House fund. See Waterhouse for Auto' Livery , Does ·Death End All _ . _ _ ........_ __ : December 10th, The Intermediate Several poaters in different shop State., " windowl in town dU'rln" the Pl'8t _.....~M4.........M4M4........M4. . .~~. . . . .HlM4......~.. December 17th, The Laat Judi· Week have elicited much .comment ment. . . . . from the townap(>()ple. The posters Decembe'r 24th, Heaven. advertise the ' 'Captain of PIs mouth," A cordial Invitation to tbe public \ wblch will be riven WednelJday even· to atend these servlcell. Inl{ at Schpol Hall. These pOlten were -----. deelgned and executed by the pupils ara of the Normal-department at the --Hlah School; and they ·all.dlaplay conPrsftaraUonl for 4000 ,isiten at lidsrabl~ . talent. The three-Iheet ' I I~ " W Ie pater In the poltoffies fa especialft ttl annua ' armers . . . to Iy well done, but by. a little mowl, ___ ••_at The O~lo State Unlvenlu . . . of the "art preaervative" could W.ill pay you ~.oo per head for, HORSES and.COWS 29 to .'ebrua&7· 2, an bi- be impreved upon. Th... poaterl at your home and will ~me and get them. Orders All'penonlknowlnllthemael... inThia win be 1000 mo... an all unlqulta their charaeter and filled promptly. All telepho~e charges paid. :'~t:r 'ru'ef:~ o::.~liHr. pI.... wUl ueomplllb,a cnat d_1 toward the ~,..... draw1Da a lar.. crowd to ... the

Bi ble l ela ting to women. Atte r some discussions of un fin· iHhed business the program of thl' d ay was taken up lind we· Iillte ned to n leng thy and In teresting art icle by Mrs. Cad wallader on " The Awaken· ing of the N ational Cons ciou8ness" which awakening occupied no le88 than 1200 years of Hebrew hi8tor) . After tbls we were pleaAed with an account of a number of "Women of the Bible" by Mrs, BlIiley . It was a relaxation from the st renuous Ilral paper and gave us another view of 80me of our early women of whom it had been said ' 'she was fair to look upon" Adjournment and a aocial hour Willi thoroughly enjoyed by everyone duri ng which lime we were served with ice cream, cake and coffee; then WI1 separated to meet next month wi th Mrs. Hatha· way.

Sale Saturday , December 16.













-----_ ..


We want to close a partner.hip by January 1, 1917. All parties , knowing themselves in debt to the firm of '






a. ~n~Yae~,!, ~ubj;:~i~~ m~he:'boostel'!l


W. H. Madden & Co., .Corwin, Ohio,


'Plea.e 'call and settle not later than .December 25, 19.16. No account will be,carried over into 1917 except by parties givi~g bankable note. Note to bear interest at 6 per cent until p~d.




,T he ,Harve)".burg F~rtiliZer Co.

Fr:;......i.~I·Harris, . .. .~~DM.- HAt4R~~t4~~~!"BU~R ...... .M


. ..




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fOiiYl;iittlNaiDd d....tra- ., d~




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, '\, tlleGuJCt•••• Amlllllft•




. , r ,," I < 0 lImber, ' :Jll 60; Ut'I ,,,h.,l Flijhur, U1etlloal .erI ,' ,'M r, H.ll lih \ ren, lumlta in )"\.'1"1, 1 n Il\f"ln, druK ,,0,1 '" '.. " j,,~ lUl unl y j.i1 SCI ; \~ e @ l• f •• r


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II Tsue ChrOhic!e of C~rld;1l Passa~e5 Befit' 'en D VID l..ARRENCE . & A TOI EnE 0'8 ~NO 0/ ' the BailIe of TippeCQ1rOe In the Indiana H"lfdern e-ts, and of What Befell Thereafter


4n OLd Corydon and Now First Set Forth





@.cWU[ELl1~COY ~ lllU.5TRA!IONS ((TIwDfALTON, VAi.ENTINt c.......,. .,~""" 1916.


St('uh~n I

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I t YlU}" I' s..lIl'lh~ whnt to flny •• ny· tt, nntl be dl)ll~ w it h l It f ,\0 II SIlO eSs." th l>nvld t oo k U Rtt.' p t o rwnr<1. uYou know w 11 n ou ),:h " hilt 1 m enD. I kuow th ut y o u Ht(. ht.r . ... os 000 ot Eo,;lnud's 8pl '8. 1',H1 11:\\' 0 no t (,8 concc.roJng F\)rl Sl,' utl(.' n . I wRnt Ihem." .An tnurtlruln to r nr r rll g~ b\1r~t frolll i""Irunlllr r . His voi ce 81wu k with 81lI'J )ress(.~ tu ry.

"So thnt's whn l you'\"(! h " ,' n ,] nl nl:, you dlrl y w ll elpl Sl'.I'lng all til!' "h ll .. f ou pr,' telld('d to cOllrt my dlln j;'II"' r!

I'll hr~nk you with DlY t wo hll lHls, \ 'OU nog ! ' 1'11_ " . II e ll"k ('rl wi t h rn!:l' nn,1 hnrl .. d hi_ bulk at, Uu \'hl. H tll, with n l il h\'IH'!'!'i no,.bo rn tn tho w ll,l<'rtlI'"R. )),, \'1 u" etepPl'<1 Qulct<ly 10 0111' Rld~ ''',,] ,Ir,,\' ~ hI s long r lghl nrm full lit Ih., lell "" " ll s hl11nn 's 1l lstorlN) ltl re.. Thf' hlo\'.. went slrnl/:ht t o Ih(' In\\,. with Ih ~ 10(\' m enlum ot n Rln wy I' olly h, 'hlnt l It. nnd the "llY w('nt down "'lIh u gruul. In n ft nAh Dn\' hl ha cl I('np d 111 ,0 n 111111, lnJonln g hI s u rm H wit h hl ..~., kn ,(, ."u., P wWlo h o tu rn o (1<' n Ihe mnll's II'li la t. coat and thrus t hili hnll,1 ' nul('kly Inlo I . hIs pock et. A fat bU Oltl .' (If Hil i; ' r~ re\\' urll d h is search nuel ho r os 10 .... ni B.

.. C

f eet WIt]I no rjnrulnil nll ,f thllnk. tulnesIL nmmer groll l1E'd w uk ly an(1 slrov In "oln to rI se. "0 t ,.. II D Id I I"


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!t1ll1)11"'" Il"l, ' W l' II : \ , ,~ , '11 ~'nl1 Inll! , .\lr ..rlt' J"I .... h IJ,. " "1 I lfl \, ' 1'1'1" hOlllt'

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11 "\ (\,1 In ynll . ~" fld yo" hUH' ("THl d 11' : Till' ('nlll'tl ... nuh. · fn.)1U \, h k h ,'p lI

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n l .tl u HII , ,nlor, 1 tilt" WJl"l l.·.. \ lI,·! PI! . l tI.1 'I\' Jt TII I II\'cI.', (11 th~ ~n rl y m nrntll . ~UII. r~U'J!,~t ,,· tul l ~'nll d i d ! I I I. 1h:d \,ll k h '-I;ltill i ' \\II~ 1"' I'II,rn . I i I " I ' mld;,'~ \\ hut YLlH hll \' ,' <t ilt H· 11 11 It t\' . 1I,!t: I n · ,,,, In,!.:" II UII l' I 0\\ " ~Ilil nlY 1f(,'. \ . . ' U in In \\oma n . 1I UU\\f'r d .. \\ . IIrh.:ht 11 ,mil l'" l Prrl hll· . " a l'lI !. un t m htllflJilt111t n ( "Itrtl;'..: ' f f'" 11111.:111 hll \t· hnd II. ir ) .. \1 h a d C'l\n" I'n. .t" I"l lt C", Hhl' \\ " lcutllC'd l :lIi, i tL with H n ~1I )'tl\l hU"l' ('h j .~,· n In .. h '/ HI tl'" 1t ,\ 'S "' Hillt. 'lh u l 11I!ltil' Illtu \\' tHld, ' I', ,\I(h 11 I\t Jill til .. . ::,' 11\")1'1,' In th ,' "'thl l·r ll p ...... 1'1 :Il h \ H l1 H ) , If h i' h u d Ihl t I h"' 1\ In l .. - Ih(H.;'I · "tl·ttlr' r ,:-;, tlh· ... t · JIlI ' 11 \\lltl 1111\' fu l\ I '1l [11 ,II I' r,'),wT ... It .. h fhl IltI",' H,I . nl' '''' r 1 1l~rBh'r1 YII\~, hp~t' """" n. thl' ~1" IlI ltd'Io 'r ,', 1. It' h. h,,,1 I'r .... h . ' r Ii ],. "h litlr"II , '1 0 l'l't rI1 Y 11"'11\ II h ., 1J1I'r,' hal·tl il y ,lid ,-hi. n'~1 1h 111 \ ( ' L llr. h U\'t' Iinly 1,1\'(,(\ Y()ll , \\111' 11I"t' t ~ l't'n '·,'llI','? . \ It. If lit' \'IHlltl 11 111;' dl'!\'l' lilt' • y, lur . rrl .. ntl.~! 1'('1 ~l\' f' tlu"l IH IU(ll tIll 1 1111111 Hu t ot C" urytlnn ! Tht. h 1:u'k' 1)(,Il~t h UlI.t..: of\ll I\nll tu tlt ... knh' ,,,s


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• HI hI H'I U~J/h



For a very triflin g cost you con get tht.!se Genuine Ball·bearing sev n inch Tension Shears.


They a re m ade from selected cutlery material with h a rdened and ke n-cut ting edge, an d carefully ground.

I ',,·" ,

They are h ig hly n ickel-plated, gIVing a bright, s mooth finish ~hrou"h Dut. Ball-bearing mR.kes the Shears run smooth!.. T ns inn keeps them sharp. Handle fits JikQ a. glove. DiI-lere nt in construction from ordina ry shears.


In~. tlll~·.


~" lItl


e shears!

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;) .

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All you have to d


these unusu al Shears

e up . sn ( tt\' gr III " . You r . . . , . I " · t\ Pllrolt'''' ' 00 YOUHAVE SOUR STOMACH? pme Is dono tor. One word irom nt, 111\1\): IIIIS '''''' 1\ d~nr to 11l"~Uly love 1Iin ckf(lrll lurn r I It) l"lu \'ld . n lq .\ I , . is to order a pound p tTe of Arbuckles' Coffee, t, f"r" lll" I I I 1 , I I ' I I ' t l '/ I I I I t and you h n ng lit Runrt se. nul for .". r .' 1\' hll~1 111 1; ('11 II F tl ' I' 1'"I'\;lIlI l'Il 01 • " I' " I'~ I (. 0 II \ '.1 lt r,l Irnu l " (' tl Wi t h ~ on r e ither WholeBear't or Gro und. from your grocer_ your dnu~ht~r'lI Silk ... I'll >: I\' o ):ou n l "WhUI 11Ilrt hn s Ihn t Ill · t11 1 ~?" ab a 'l'lll n l-'t!t" R II rs l rt1~ h oe 1" ' 1'1'1111 1'1 1 11 . 11 1 1 \\ 111'1:" \ \ '" I t.·I\ . d",·,"~, I. In. I,l l n', l~ , tl U :-Ih l n tltl 'Il t sl I1 \" ' h r 11 1111 chllDce tor your 1110. Gcl out or II sHeli l'~o u(lIy. , n ow 1I' lIn"11 o~nl ust tb o low ,'''"II1,'r, " 1' 1. • ', '1ll.1 "I Iii 111 - ,' 111 'nl h i ·,1 Then cut the signature "Arbuckle Bros." from the , " ,I", .' ),(11)1' [ " lid l11O r O \1/1h l)', ! Olnrksburg lonl ght nnd I'll h old th ~o " 1·; ,.,' r.l·l h l llg, It . h("'tlll. o 1 10 \,1) I I " t,lJn II, ·.lt H (l r t h,) • -In: ' Ll I I II ,,,. I ,·' 1) '"' of ' h~ mlll' rl n ln ' ~ wrapper and send us the < igna ture, w ith only 25 centsl pnpol'8. You kn ow whe ro 10 go-your r Oil 111111 I h U\' 1I ('nm o to you nllw. 1I· ., rid , .II " 111-<, . I"'·l· , ", I, ~" I, s un' .• It ' '''' IIII UI"lh II t ol y "ft e r ,..n \II I r . ( lil t ,ni l 1." , Ui.'l'l .'iwbrt ru Indlon trlomlA wIll llnel n hoI t or you r'"I- l u ld III o n CO thn t 1 ctlul c1 not ' ,·d , W e make this e 'cepl iona l offer because we know 1.0 U10 wUrl crn el's. do uhtl .s. Ga l hO)l(' (,,,pr t o win yuu . I trl ('11 10 tllrn 1,,11 11' Ill"rt"r III 'h,' g u 11'111 ' n ~ I"I ' th nt once you try Arbuckles' you will n ev r be salisAnd mny God forgive you I" you IIpll " " t till' Blflll I f"IIl'l'd, Out I " f /'; 11"1 I \' \1 n ~. 1,lIno r. I, 'il r" I1" ~ De wos consclollR at no f!!('lIng ot I \;nnw n ow l1ul t my 1{1l'1' fur yo tl IS I ~ \' , u OC; ' M" " i' 11\1< 1. IIm,1 t:1' ,II tled with any other coffee. HERSON SUBJECT TO CROUP elotlon, but onl y or nn unh l'nrn hle r e- Nlrnn~" r thnn 111"1'0 .1~~l r,' . I Willi! I An l.1I 1\. ,,111101 1' 11. 1( 11 11,,1 '''11 I'~, " ;',I y ~ (, n E ,I\,lu I~ s ubj oo t ~ o ~et tlmt li fe ~hould bo 80 snr,lId; find YI' U 10 Ii hupflY, ""C' . th ,'ngh r ~ \lrrl'r. I .\11,,· \· .J. E ll is I ~ II I. \r. Hnina~ 010 !llckenlng 60rrow tor th l! p oor gi rl .And !; ] l1nl'o 'OUl(> to " ' \1 y uill' (' of W' lJl H ' lrVI1\' 1111,1 ",.,. \"'" U ,. 'rl':; c:on p, ., w ril llB Mrs . E, l . 1rw j 11 , I wbose futl1~r hnd torc~d h er with him nil. :'in one her o kll WM !hm ! ;urr .nce ,In, "Plll 'IOIl It t .. "I'Jlrll i s,· 1.. UI '>" J ' l>W I' f IJ ingto n . \;'1\ ,· t put. i tI ' "",(l IIIOBt! ll o urll ' l ' u i~ h t, bll. ) along HU8 6hnIOotul r ondo Wile n he Is III Englnnd's ~('r\' l c L t It be tll\l) ill 11l1" 01111 . 0, ,, 1111' 111 •.1;" im. /l.lI [ lin' l \(', ..rll eu of !J1\/u\.J llr l"in·~ I had gilloed the tavern. h o exullIlncd 100()wn, nnd his IIro 'll) torf Itlld. I III ll.IHl l·l\turn til Ih.:llr Hn dlnK~ . Be sure the signature and money reach us before ( ·Ju ;..: lt H~ 1Il tly In t,bB lI o \l ~e !\lId tho bundle of pnpers " ' lIb n bCll'I'Y 1\1\\'1' Ontll to gh'o you,tb gl'onleRt this offer expires. You will r egret · it if you don't Marr II~C' L1CCI\SCS II II II. li l t <ltll rl . It nl w" y~ g , \'o heart-dRlllol og o.\ ·I{!cnce, slm icb ..s ot gift Ihnt I In m y ]1 w~r. I gh'e YOll take advantage of this special premium offer and get , '" lI'J Y I hof." llbtnltlllbl o o \ ·o ry. • dozen forts nlollg tbe fron Uer. dc< Ih e lit of tbls mnn. Wllrn hIm lind Murff,io ' ' I,n ll rnml.>lill'r , I·nil . ' " llt"·' . tolled descrtptlons or t he garri son or I h.. r o Is yet tIme fat hIm 10 e;Cnllc. a pair of these Tension Shears. r OIl (lur "u(\ ~llIr l) n ,, !'itt' '1'11 " 1 : p~ " u, eucb. Be tolt1~d them up cnretnlly I I>hl111 be Imppy Ir you are bapPY' 1 b oth o t BIIlHl·I Il·" t .. r. i\1. . •/" 111£'. and replnced th~m 10 his cant wIth n Only r emember thot 1 lo,'cd you. TolYou have to buy coffee anyway-just ask your on, .1 . P sIgh. At dnwn he sot ort sgnlo for n ,'III'I" I~ Bil l· .. n , 11 " \1 r \Or,. M." n ",,, n. grocer for Arbuckles'_ You'll be glad you did every Corydon. The hl1l1lo& sentences seemed to , lu lu h'~"', "nd rrl( ld :l IIJ 11 'at' 11 11ll I. n 11 1'Il·.· t'lIg l\~PII\f'nt to But Crnnmer tettered bn ck Into his com from the d pths ot Ill s eoul. Be I time you use these fine smooth-cutting Shears. Send 1I 1' 11l 1'1E'I; r' r .• I L'JI "U" tl I (' V \ . t hl' ~II\I"Jr nll hl _il'l' I ~ olT." "Why, Y 'lI , daugbter'B , room wIth the tnce of n ttDI ~hed nnrl s tood before hor humbly, '. \ i11I11"' .. ' . lie 1111 01 1,11'. 11 0 Wll~ l\til' rtl,I~' J"lIll' n~ today and by return m a i.l you will receive them. dead man. "It's till up '" be cr ied h il! h elld bo wed. Ell wo r h \ V. B o (\' "HIll . f ll r!u a r 01 nUll "', \lnrtl h·." " In w l l1lt Wil Y Wos Arbuckle Bros., 71 Water St., New YoIl, In , n ghnllUy whl~per. "I must get "aud bloss you," she . sn ld \'ery \ C 0 1: ."l l -\I I' , •• n ,l 'In(tI 1{... lI, ( ·lIr r ell. Ill' II nruh"!" " I': I'I'I'Y IlIu" !lh (· \\',lIIld o , 1n J· r fl".';. H,L'\" H Ii llu~ tt 'r . IHuh'\' IIIl l' t\JWgN)\P ttt tn J.:1I I li uturi n g away tronl here t oni ght. Tb ere's only \ ~o rtly. wit h .... oUH' .,1 11\'1' UIII Il lu! \\''1ul(1 V rH )' one chnnce to wIn yet-yo u'lI hove • 11 ~ plll I U10 precloDs olntmcnt of H II)" 'Ill il P J (: N' ~II . f\\nll ru l (li rro. I f il l' r;, l I t," to stny h ere, my gi rl; ru see SCUll hl'r I Ul1c' l:cnt faIth In hi s words upon t"Jr, ..,f 1-!.l l lIilt , 1\. ~II(I (~I DOlI Ii: . · toolgb! alld ~et him upon Ihls Lor- \ th,' dross ot his henrt. Be rlllsed lIlB Slowly He Drew Out the Pack et of . ::itI I\Y.· ... o f 1.1 UK II' II . Itll v. H.. R renee ; ond It be succeeds In getllng h<'lHI lIud thuokecl h er· mutely, while Papers He Had Wrested F rom Fm.[t·r . . ' tho pInos bock. you ure to brIng thf:'m hl R pui s s leope<l with exultation, She Cranmer. t~' I, s 8: " ·"Ii. lid "" 1' 1' (, I' Kln~. It He I. Wise. 00 to me ot Detroit, God, how enme be hull belleve(1 blm I But would sbe :'lll :" 1111 ' ( \I~II, tI (j 01,1. ''''f\' n[ ( :e n Art ,·" ~(' Itlng Ole 8h llrt e n d II! It u t u61lect I You-dld you-no, you're WllrI} Lnrr one ? H e sCllreely dured to to! w ise "1 11 1\ ~ ny 8 n oth lll!; bul pro cl!{!ds true t Ooodbyl Do oe I bId you. h O)l (·.u s he whIspered : tr mhllng, pul e 0 , nc wl10 h n~ r4.'to gt't ,,·ve n. · Gool1b1 I cu ll wttl be over 800n" If ~'Oll will wurn him • at ce ll'cd 0 m ortnl wound. 'nil! ,,11(1 I; . 110 1III " , 'T• I •1I1'1,· l ll llltll , (, lI rw'n t l' r I . ' be'U take care of YOIL I'm glnd you '"lIll1lglll my mnre will be ot hIs door, of hH o ee u l\lIon c{lIlllu ll 011 Ih" t"'('I. u f \ ' I K I 'lIlTI11 1t"" ulI' l H . \tlrr - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . . . - are soon to be ml\rrted." "I'llIly t o ride." at th l) \'ory mum lit 1I'1,,' n h e IInrl L, L l V'lr, HI l ' "J.\ ~ Mill, • I l:I ~ r.rhnl .... Lilll(. f'rll'IO r or 6JT TELL THE ADV ERTISER YOU SAW He strained the weeplog &lrl to bls Bu t th e gi rl an sw er ed lu n v oIce that "I~ k c!l hi .. lif e (0 coufro nt rnnm c r, b:u e n 0 11 . "nil 1)01'n l h ' , li g, 01 'jJ AD'i IN THE MIM\I GAZE1TE I IX lIreaat IUld burrle4 awal. • boat St: 'lIIl'll to come from beyond the I stunn ed hIm . "ru ve. so full ot a soul' a ogony It \Yael Onl y hl ~ IIlgh , Ind\gnnn t prldp r s ,' L Il \'lIl , I l " It U. 1'·I) ,t tlr. I (PRICES RIGl1T) a"ro~s th4' ·foo mlllg rll' r nnd B ''1'h er o will h o no n CCII 1 IIgolus t tile sorry rldille -D srulll! rn I 8htlJlhi c I"r" l/ l;h Ill(' dn rk I1r'o\lght hIm " '11111 g il' hllll tip. . h, DIIVld, prltl!) whl cb bOllo hIm II Htcn to 110r I cal Estate TtOlIsfers to Seull '~ (Ir)or. A cl~\l lIo us hilloo nllvid, Dln ' lell " wild Chargo III s ll uce, h \tllng hImself 8ummnn<'C 1 Ihe ninn from hl 8 be d nnd In bls uugl'Y conce it abo yo Ole vlolenco C 1.1 . I1 n l11 ~\ "t ti l n Wm . Jt; } Sole Agent ITc l urn'd to hl (1 tll a moei.tlog the s tory \\'11 1' tol(\ , while t orror R ol\"J Int '11. I III Ii'r,lIlkJin.:Sl. smil e thnt IIghled liP Ill s fnce. ef contl'l1d lcllng h i" '. nhn l' c !onpln:: eeemed to tl x It ~ Iry h llnd s morc IIl1d Uayill (; C l1 rfl1 t o J~ to C; ,' nq; o ~(O f' : the Gorde n Tires Th e g Irl' s fnce hnd g rown pole US to drill' th d r 1.0 I'e In til(' lIust of qU il l" more dCl'ply III marn er' s throlll with ~lt ' IT ' " .. .1',1', 1)1 X ii. ~ ~ in IJI" : I n,," 1 I Ihe whIte roso . h e Iwhl In her htllll1 . . ret. m n ckFol·tI . sll'I"ill!; lo pi p!' '.' he· every hurrying moment. Scull 100k"1l $ 1. ' at his white fnee lind ('x\lit " d. sl'cr('lly nut sh e f orce ,l h ('r so lf to go on- un- n Oll t b th e 11111~ of lhu t whit,', I,' ns ' Bur H Kt , 1'" lm t o \I11ry E et hi s collups!!. A SlJl'millJ! ~OlJt (, ltll't b esltntln gly, hu t In tI voi ce rrolll whl c l:\ fuee uUII Ihe 11I ~(' ru t l1hlc t'y ,,~, l'rl' lI tor t he mnn h(' forp whnm h o hnd so 011 IIf(' hn d tl('d . so w~lghlcd \\'llh un. out In nlnrm nt ])1\\,1 (1'8 sile nt u ('cr pl' ~ttJr' k lll x t J Hud H,· ... ·' ~ . 11 1) \\,11 h t~ in llll ui' t i n h ,t No, :!I\ III Frtlnldiu ' Bne or he r words. ofte n erlngpd tlll ('d hi s b l·urt. "Am I ul1 "rnblc nn!; ul s h It II'D" : I. . "You h ll d IIl'tt"r Infor m Judge "Il's not true • .Is It. Davlll? CON.PUCTIlO BY Phone 1)0·3 CORWIN, OHIO whut do )'0\1 ('Xl' cl me to do?" h o B oo ll e ot oncc.'· G d, It cun'l be tru~ I" Mu r y I~ .. 1 ,,'011 111" 11 1J0tl -ace~!t' S .' ask ed coldly. ' Br n WIl t ' .. Bur l H . ' t Olll. m"" 111 .. 1'" "}'O tl don't undcr~ I nn <l, Tolnotte. 1 DII\'III wo s s il e nt. A ftaah of hi s old truc ul en ce rp.. Blnckford tried to IOllgu ot!' bl s 1)1\' 11 ln t ol' "t, \11 II lt" u l 111:\ , (' 1''' :' in:'" 1.:J7 turned to rnlllu C'r . "U0 1" h ll w hI R' "hnll not ral Re n On ~" N o~nln8t Lnr. o.lorlll: . '1', -I, I t ~ .. \1.1 . "', :fl . pered bonrR Iy. "Ther o's bU! on Ihlng r e n c, H e suull n ' ''('r . tl y I nm re· the Miami Gazette Now "Y ou t\\'o IIro plnylnl,( some silly j okt' (~ q i')r~t) 1\1. Ih rHVIl I ', .1. tor YOll to do, my I'r~ lly mun , ):1/ \1 ~ llrJl\slb l c tor hI s eXI "), ur('. YOII 1I1 0 lle wtll hnve to g et t h o~ p pln lls 1.IIH'k from III I '1)1'Fl on Imow h i" ~e:cr ct. It is for on mo, of COU I·. e. All rl j;ht- l 'll (O\\' n KnuI1t1c 7!.:r;- "cr t ... In ll , h" ' 11\' 11 . ~'IIU I n n ed d e." you g ulled 1110. ::<nll. Ih·lI. 'fo l ne t",'i" ~h I P. I Ihnt F'kulklng rn 'iluhl1oPA. I t '!! .' yn\ll· "(;0," sh e s nl!! qui e tly. '" will rio my T(I~I.lCttc Ihrew 1111 ..1, Il l'!' h t' nd p ro ud · t: l\ l'''Ii UI ' '1 . l 1 \ a: !li ) ,) .f IIU 1 :\~ H 1 ~ own bURin ss how. 'l' h e ll glv(' 111<'111 W dil l y" Iy. Ihe hlu e t·y,·s t1mt hull so Ufl '-'II Lydln. Yon mllY thlnl{ you'l'e Iloll(' H K:,II .. P ,I """'I p,rl "t I •• t : '; .11 ,11.' . . dUllcctl w llh IlIe,'I'lIol'lIt w er e hluzll\!: IIno thing In gl\'lng 111.1 Ille work t hnt "iOll i lt t. t~h d Hiq . ~ 1. "/lu,,(' I dnn .. 1111n('. 'I'oln e ll e ? DO ' lltI IJIJhlres. you , cnmll here to 110. hil t I prnlOl~e ~11' ly j.!. ' i '~ /,h ... t I n ~ l r ....· B . "Seureh him. lIr. Hln ~k rill' d . " he l' you fllrl(l\'c me?" you thot Englund IIns II lo nj:! nrm. .. y l'~, ;YO\l )W\'C done wll lI ." she nne voice rOll g nut.. "[ do no t dtltlhl IJ11 1 . I\l ' lt h un p tt llJt 1'1":' " 1\11\\ M ,lr. li'u neral Dirf'cior You'll oot esenl' ' It ~' Oll ( \111 \IS," 8W(' 1' d Il1 ccbull lcnlly. , YOU will Oud el'ltl <'11 e (' Ilough 10 snl· r eow. $l. and Embalmer, Scull sh rnnk n gnln from hi s nl pnll c, Alirt' T tl I lll ll":I'"'lt ~ I V t h \! h n llll1 "I It 111." "i'(' Y(III ng-nlu? Oh. T o l· ISfy you !" Inc gest ure. His uhj,'ct prot ('sln Ud ll . !\l·It.£'. le t me s till hope I" l klJ's eye" 10 kNI Into I h os l' (. C Ills I n t l; .. ',~ :)). ' ) nrlll ., l 1l\ d ull,...· Wayn·csville. Ohio. of fulVifuln css f e li hn sUly from his "r en l1uo IIl1 s wm' nnw . . Rllt- " her frl nd wltll n p "s"luu o f pl"tlllln l: rill' v tJl t' . U,(:. I L ~lJ l 'lli I r'n t I tI ' ,~r :-l l r l tremhllng III'S, nn d the spy. wit h II tI.rnnt ""('lII cd 10 c lin k.! llPr Il!HI ~ h (' delliul. Hut ])1I~' Id '~ vol ,() uu s lI'e r U vil h;':f'. <!o l We h<lV(, :It'l'anI{O.J Vilh an undergrowl of s nllsfll ctl oll, s lnle QuI o glll n \\'ns UIIII hi ' 10 11111"h. Rllt I hrnllgh the ' cvenly. ('Oldly: 'f , t ' , P tttf\"ilLI I I ' , 111 .,1 :. 13,),: t ake r to g-d all [lUllI , ,;r, we will ll" lola th e dork nlll] All e n t II ll;ht. FOllll g II oc t or's 11111](1 Ih erC! t1u ~I,,'~ 111<' "Th ere Is 00 neell to ~NII'ch, I pl'!'- V r l nt ~~ I H IU \ ' ''l ~ h( It' 'trJ d lti d U I t ' ,,1,1 L" furnish ('ili le l 1111 aUlo or At Vl uccllu cs. two ll (l ~'s Inl l'r, (litl 1 ~" II"r thul he would ye t 1I1tI1,,~ h er hi s. SUID thnt th es(, p nl) r a "I'e tI" 1It!!! I. h~~, {I, 'I.], , h o I'S " I·"wn flltl lll'll!. "H o rsc h ~I\'I" G lb ~o n , Iho 1I I' ut (' IIt1l1t Slw w nu l<1 fnl'l,et LHIT('n ce- tlnly le i whIch 1I11~ s O'lIlltHl" " wls lu'N." .J 't llll'. :\1. ' · r,ti /.( . Adlnr. III M in \" !.l ol h ph o!.cs in Olliel' \lnt! Residence. governor, s ut wrltl n!; n 11' 11 " 1' In C" pl. li mp hl'n l Ih l! wnund! 11" r nl,,"d hN And wi Lh .Ii'uely IIn~(, I'H h e unfnK' L" U, )lIIH" r !1~1 t'l' (~r-' t il U, ll utl I wI' , J (II : dl s l a ll <: ,N'J. 14' Ho rn e phone Billy n"rll ro v ~. \I'll .. Wtl S rlfllll ~ 1lI1 1f'S h ll ll .1 Itl hl ~ III' S. fhll\~ hl1l1 8Cl t ol'n n I t cn.Cd bl s CQIII Hud \ IIIHI '0111 . IInll, 14·2 r ' $::t 00, aWIIY In th "' '\,'tld e rlws!o: n t Uw 1U' jut or th e TPU II\nl c nml wn 8 1l'1J "'·. while Bln ellflirtl l:Hz~ d In h OI'WI', s luw· 'fI)II .. 'II" \\' ~ 1I,' "n nl Ih n lt 10' a dozen torest rll l1g!' r .. '1'11 .. olt! mll n • • •• •• Iy drew out the pllcltrt of no I"' I'R lie ,[h \1 Y. llo\' 'l' , ' I ~ l'hnl1O (J", p "rt 0 1 Will via. Pennsy lvanla LtoeB Mondny, December Hll, au (ollows : wrot.e s i()wls. witli n hand m qr e lI ~ l'tl To T/Jl n~ 1 Ie til<' 1H'1.:t mlnllll'g wpr .. . hnd wres l e d frVIll Cru nnl r . 11 0 put to a 1'1110 thAn n p('n. 'l'hll!cttl!r, wh e n nn nll r(,11I )ll'(H' .... s i(l1l 111 whi ch n Itl rl I tbem In lk e'a hund~ nnd howed 10 '\'01· lot N,l. 1:1 In \10 I n w, 1'1. T RA IN NO . , . ' r-... Cono ver .......... . . J :SI ~. :11~('a.vo RI , Pn r l" .... . .. ... ) ; 11 P . M . he hnd Iluls hcd it. nw: "'III! \ h ll l\o r(1 tn ,J h u .1 . < 1(111' 1 • l \l1U ':'Il T lmf!) nUIl1l'( 1 '\nl.,l1l ... t rl' O'nnnn a n move rl :t? with n touch of Ironic 'CJllI'tcsy. " iu j!1iI eave UrlJ\\na . . .. ... . . . . .. L :lfi r . M . 1.... 1'' '' ... ~1 :111 "' l n . ... ... . ... 1.30 P . M. l i1 t ~ .:-I. '. :n lIn(\ 32 ill rt()cl.iO::l 8 Irnn ~I'l y "I'0 n h r r In ~ k, t1ry.pypd. ' uu will Il nd Ih em nil UI l' ," lie Le<\vo )lI l(orli ('on ler .. : . 2:10 /" 1>1 . T .~' n" PI ' I . I' ll }' . •. ... . 2 , Hl P . :r.f. Vlnqe nnea, IntUnml T err itory. t o r , $ 1·100 . t:ve Pln ln City .. ....... . 2 . ~r, 1'. 'Iof. J uly 29. lW . ~ "" t \' r' " l.t\. II . ...... .. t: ~ 5 P. M , s l f'nrlY · I·" lc(·tl . Rh(' ~Il W thi s girl go sui t\. , • VI! Columbu~ . .' . •• •• • •. :«: )1") p , M . \V . I'. l~~t~" ". J L imit ",! PIL r t .1 I ... • " I ,.1\ ,'u l ll"r , •. ' . ' ,.2 :45 'P. M . F o r abou t tcn ,dnYQ a. mu.n h a l! blJ('n d ow n the lUll to th I'\\' e l'n, whpre A I'lngl o gilln ea mod o Dln ckfo r,] r r.nlLe"Ye Cen lrAI Clly ••• ". 8 ' ~" P. ]I!' 1.'" , .·1 .. , \' , \ 1 ...... ..... :l :£l6 P . lr. a.round F or i Stouhell who hntl .HICl! ~ ('IO(J l\ ef ~ h t)J t,1\ ' 1'1\ (1 V. '1' I~,~,·s !;o • IOI ~ t..av. Newark .. . .. , ..... , 4:08 p, M . FuneraJ Director. 1 I \I' ( • • I' hI /.: ' .. .... , .. 3 :30 P . At papers of r f co mmen(hllif'n l hA t Itn w ,, 9 T\; I) I1lu C'!;f"';11 I'ul rl""ll In n hO(lk ot Izo. Ihel r meunJng. N ,i~ (;';'\1 . (\, U, Ilt- l , 'l!l:l nnd IiH III '·Oh. Dn\'ld, DUI'ld!" h o eri e". ..\ Id~~ ., ., \, I lI l h • "' 1< \\\ n ' • • ' ~ : ~o P. Jl , permUt ed t o 1r0 whe re he pJ (.In.~ crt and ""UR IIII\'; Iwnrll her u!lk him to go with her TRAIN NO.4. all throu&'h the tort nn d b:trnu.')<K, 11 0 10 Tlu\' lil' ~ Slnl'''; ~II\\' him how with A thous and \'t1I C~S, the co nruRc ll Fuukll ll , $ l . WayneSVille _,P AI N N o. ~ . (C ntro l TIm e) Ohio haa dl l!llppoared ond t ook wit h 11 11n n ,I olhu i\1 (' ~' t,r l u nrl t'. fi: .1. n,Hl Npt,. llnltll" ~ II"nln ~ cou l·te"y; Rnl\' thl!t11 murmur or n ml~hty thl'ong, ~em{'11 ' , ' f' nl rn l ·T lme) L.a.... Van Wert •• , ••. . . 12: 10 '1', 1lf. very floe .add le h orse w hh~h belpngo(1 t o tie I:Il\rr\ ~ t'lI 9n n t'c ClH In ~111 111 l (Jw n . I ("rll s s .h l' cllln·lho\l~" ~'l\mrp ond I!nter rloging In Toln ' tle's hruln, Dnd RIl e 1,pa ",' ( 'h:tit, f1 :l t l .•• ,. , . , .1(1 : 10 A . ~ ( J ...... ve. D~tpho~ •••••••••. .. 12:21'i p , "' ' T . COl. Luke Deckef, t o gc l ho r wl,lI 0. nile l " \\i' 111. 1., 11011\1111 . .. • 11 1)0 A. ?tf. TAav. LIm o. , ....... . .... . 12:50 P . M, .addle and .. pall' 01 he,,"Y pI H( ~ I " I n lh" thl'. II I U . tnl'p roo·m. JURI; then emply tau ght I\gnln ~ t n slc kl'lIln g gldllln e~R s bi V *l. , rJ ,~ 3 ""; ·"tZ-Ju 'rnltll-'ma~ J.I":I\·" ,. I' f 'n',\ ' , 11 : 10 A_ M. I .... re Dunkirk •••••.••• •• l :a O P . M. hol.lllOre. It " ' lUI thou.:-h t he w n t t o wllnl "f ClI"tnnll'l's: Rll'" n''''i(1 ' "dvnn ~e ' thnl mnd\llbe walls wh i rl uroull" h ~ 1'. L to.l " ~ , \~ h'll l L: nil . , .... 1 1: 45,\ . M , Leave Forfl"t , ••..... ••••• ] ' 40 P 1\'1 the Maumee r1ver a nd rna :r come IU!JLr '!Aulo Equlpment ·.xI '''fhnt Is enough. MI'. Blllckfor,11" Com missioncr's Procccdinl:s Leo n 'I' ,\ ,t-' 1111 1 111 1 . ' " •• 1 .':.!·'1 P. ~l.' Leave UJlPttr Sandusky •• 2;00 P : ~f: aome ot your 8 t n tl on~ . T tl r e Is no duu ht l ownl'rl 1111'111 ~rn\'t'ly, WltJl th(' proud 1... PlIVl, , ' }r I.' il.l \' l li r ' . . . . , .. . . 1:no P. 1\1. Leave B~oyr\JR . ........ . . 2' 2n 'P. 'M . tlorll4..... 0rawn EguipllIent he I... BritIsh Spy nnd 1\ I. ve ry d c"lr' dlJ(nlty h e hn'l I\'"rn ~Ioc e the dny sbe sbe usk e d wenk ly; ontl on tolledn" 'rho 'lilt Will; f1ir nct·d.o tl l) Ur.V a.ble t o cnplurfl 111m. A d08c rlp, Inn o r h . t1 " P""',I hip lm·l'. Rhe h l'nrd a kn ees .lIe tu r ned nnd lett the two 1 •• "" " 1.11"0" . ' n,' .. .... , . • I ,M P . 1<l X-". er•• Uln............ 2:50 P " l\1. him «Ivon by Ih o"" \\' lIh w hom he ",8. Is: L. o,·. J UII NI"" e ll y ..... 2 .1 5 r. ~l TRAIN No.5. th e I Iter lll' \' n l:t Il w y h.ut! '1'1 rtld. I m e n Rlone. A hrtavy man. ft,·o rnel (en In ch. In Leyv. ' ow T.px lnj;ton .... 2 :25 P . M, , (Centrn l T lm~l " "Surely you Clln explnln Ihi s. Dnvy I" ual Ct. tn N'ptlr Ihel r cro .Rln ~~illl 'l' ti: LEI ' HONE 7 b...ehrht ; wouhl lIl' efirh IlUout "One hUlldr d L .. av Zl1ne81' ma ..... . ... 8:05 P. M. Laave ........... .. 12:45 r . M. DAY OR NIGHT and elK'ht)" pounrt fl ; dR r k h a i r . hhU"k 0 ),('8, cri ed [k e; his fnl th In hlH trl eu!! flluDg \ Ilrre n l.'nll u ~y . I a\'8 "rln wft Y ........... ' :67·P. J.[, LeAve Woo,h 'lll. .. . .... . 1,13 P . M. and be wore a flne ,. lvot \ IOIft nod n dark Lene B ur gnon .......... : 1:3;: p , lIf, II..". V O Co, hON nn . ........... ,,5 P. 1\( to h im In stubborn (h: ll u nce or the tl oc · S~ ok"" " , Hraharu W·lre 'Il !If(let! blue long-'lallt'd cqol. both orull m nl e ll L ....,.., l ' hrl ha vtllo .... . ... 8 :00 P. M. L.a •• 'fIlllIn " .. .......... 1' M P . M, uml~t'llM ' lUu te u ccu~ utlon. t Ollr (hit 'I'l\lJ t o.mtruots rc.' r lid ge wllh aUv ... butt o n.. A patr ot fi no ,,'hl,o l.~~ve Bo",.rlon . ......... 5 :%5 P .!\t. Loa... Bloom)·III., ...... ... 1' 10 p , 111. "Do you thInk It II ce~~nry lo x· w orlt "lIll Tl'l'll'l fll . d.HIle<I bu ck .kln k ....e bre ~ IJ"" with ~ I· J~..Vl' Jt-welt , .. . . . .. . . .... r. :3fi P . If, ',MY.. Manlft eH1 ..... . .. .. R:20 P . 1\-" Says Vinol Creates St. r engtb ~e r bu clcle. a, ht. knee : I> Pllrr of nile t ...,. 1'0 (,. ~I . lun~tl o n .... 5 · .~ P. M . L . .v • . 'Woo.ln ... .. ...... 4 H P M plnlll1" suld Dnvld hnrshly. 'l'hl' IlIl ~P f Bids tot' Inro ' hin · ll1(\t- riHI 111111 , leather ehou with elln!r bu('klc JI: R. Bw l\, .. 1'''1) \'0 Mlnl(t) Jllnotlon .... 8:10 P . M . L ..v.OrrvllI . ...... ...... ' ; I~ p ' 1\f TlIl"nn' lI i ll nnm~, J1"wLh orn~, N. Y. which he hud wi thhel<1 fl'urn T olnutte IrIljlr O.,,) till e1e(l hat. made (\ut o f beRyer Itk1l1. JtiLVO -'" iLeK V" Stoub.nvm . ... ..... ' :2f, 1',1.1. Mu.l1Ion .. . .. . . ... 4 ' ~~ p ' 1\(' '. h"',,p ull.d Yinnl fur many run- hud' Illouuted slowly unU! now h is I ron IabOlr n eo'l ~~o~y t, ),our Dl&n . keep a lOad lookou t tor him. br ' (} I~ tlc r o 'l! t be Cllou1 uL Ixll T""IN N t Luv. Canton ... .'.... . ... \ ~ : 15 P' M' dOI"II, ,"<'ttl. 'or cmttciat<-r\ pl~ticntB wIth Veterinary) . .rOI·IN omBON. wilt bud reached n white h"nt ;J( furl· ~~rl' >ot In ~' rllllkllll " 1'1) t,o h" r e ( el vu,l o. • X-".,", ... .. ...... K' " P ' M ' \",nellt. Onc young wj)mun W80 IlO weak ACtln.,- O"v ~ rnor. (Cu:traJ Time' Le..,. L.",,"I. .. ....... .'•• :I~ p ' 111' und ill . hr. cnnhl [IIndly crc"p to my door OUtI reseolmellt. "By' Goel. I cxl,laln Ill> t p lJt'c(' ol IJ"I r lL. lIlL G IlIl d oil'lrk I U, the hand ot a trlendly 1 elnwQre In · Le"" .. Pari. .. .. . .. ....... 11 '.0 Ji. M L ..... H .... 0.111 .. , ....... : .~ P: "': Orllduate '!' Ohio Srate Unl\Wli'y ,' II! Ord l'f cl\ t I .1Vllrl 1~1l I ,r It 010 I 4tan. J\~turn btm 10 1'1\'0 lin)'. wllb for uit! . I ~ul'l']il'd Villol to IlI'r lliterally to no manl" I."." . N.w M'ldtltOft .. : .. 11 :•• ",: Ii ' TRAIN No.•. Ike looked'hI'lU straight In U1c eyes. tla&l you wl.h to py. . nnd ill I~ mo nU, I IIIITllly r~'CoW' l1.t..J her. Or.""vlll ........... t2 : 0~ P. M. Ill. til ' 1. 1t It,'c 'o f 111(1 Murr o \ ' 11iHI I 1."" . e BrA."... d . .... ...... 12 :211 P.'M. Le (Centrnl Tlm"l Rhr \\'u~ etrnng, h er folur charming and "No man on ellrth cnn use thut IOlle Ueb ~' D'lll 1'11. 0 ItoR,1 l mpr V91J)hrlr:-] ,.n"e Covlnl'fon .......... 11 :40 P. M. C1e"I."d ......... , 4 " ~ P. 1If. Office at residence In F. D Sher CHAPTER IX. IJI'r olu~k8 f " untl,..J ont."-~IOTUEII M. to me." he sllld quleU1, "-except .. IR lI 10 ~bB IIlnHer of lill' Pbtlilp. Le&ve PlQU 1" 'I! P " .__ !,fUdana ...,......... 4 ' " P. lit. • .............. 0, .... ~"' Ruann. S wood's hOUle, Fourth Street. AI 1 'll tJX~A I. "11801', II. 13. D, IOU, David, old mUD."· Ro.,l IUl lrOVtUlent., ad ve r tlRi n~ for All tralu a .. emble at PlttibuTI1I, w1l_", e"enl~" '~~i~~~OI P. ~. laorftloe. WI' !!I,;t"'''''''; Vinol to .Iutrp,·n tlla He lald his hnnd leoti,. on Ills lIe n r 1100 r'I ~ il' ort! - ... d De taO ~ JlblaldaD from Lolli. • I'l·t ito·., I "il:,,~tlilD. CAridI tbu 101tJ<}~ frleDd',. "bOUlder aDd the BnllTY llJ:hl blfi'l ha, been Ar1'Ult;ed by the Pltt.burp COIIIIIlM'Olal Olub' til runon Teleplao•• 18 AlI .. w J:- VullllY 'l'.. lepl;~ntl the Paltlmon aDd Oblo RaIlroad . . tIareaitl laal '-.::;: over .... 1'Ode IaI8 IDINI pare &Dlo OorltloD oj, " . •"1:;:(11;. In. Da "Id'. UflII w.slUlldeDl1 QueD$ecl. aDd toUI . .floUi oillON ..... ... . . . .... at l'aa1oe J. Eo Jaaaey, Druliflt, Wa1DtIViP 0 _ ad No 1le:00A&IMd







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J. A. McCoy,






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w"'nNI ~ ' \)AY

Itll t ~rtJf l III till' P fl t4 lntlk ., ut WI\)'II(lffvtl lo. Ohlu, 8ft Qjer-call Clll~ Mill! Matt r

As Written by Our Corps of Able COII'....pond. ents In the Neighborhood .

D, L. CR AN B, Editor a nd Publislte(




, \ ElINE~nAY,






:as _



t)U il a ... y fl f t er noou .



It ii lnc)o;,li){ht o n th e luke and o'er 1111 it'! silvery lid e , IIl'i~hll y d(lth the m<l"n retlect o' e r the wav s t hat softly ~ Iid e , Ami th e rilJl1le tlf th e wllte r in a (!,ilty , soft anrJ low, t' teal8 ac r089 t he g cntle wnle rtl which majestically doth flow. lIUI behold ! look in the h elive ns what a galaxy of stars,

Ami th e mys ti c veil of Bll lellllor for one view is left ajfl r, And th e trlln q uil breeze ot s umme r lind theliowrets sweet perfume, B alli sll~ ull ell rthly so rrow, baniahes despair and IIloom, acrt1s~ t · is sh eet o C water , stands a man sion stately fair, AIIII tunight II wellding BUrpe r ~ ulnptu u u s , indeed, and rare, (o' or the fair une uf th is man3io n to th e altar sh all be ltd, And th e Bo le mn pledge und prom ise tru e a nd no bly; shall be sa id .


E'e n 'an on thu peals of laug hte r so un ds !tbove lhe mu ~ic strain, Ami the re seemeth ovo r al l a j oy and a happiness t o r e ign, And the me rry trend o f foots te ps to th e w altzing a nd quadrille, Makl!:; the yOllll){ heart leap with rapture. brok en· by a mag ic th r ill, I Clln l'ee t\1 e little muld en g e ntly trippitlg o'er the lawn , Bright IInri rusy as til e Springti me , ay e , a fr ag me nt of th e morn, An d nmitis t her dark brown tr essl!S t Iny rin g le ts cir clin g 'b r ig ht, And he r eves uri:' blue a nrr bonny, as !lo we rs Up OII a s umm e r n ig ht. She is at th e thr e~ h o ld walLinll fo r he r lover b rav e !lnd true, He is s ta lwart and CO UralftlO US s uc h a manly fe ll o w, too; And al l a~t Bhe hellrs him coming und it makes her heart r ejuice, FOT !lh", heurs 'his we lcom e foutstep , and his d eaf, familiar voice, Then (he~ step lIerORS the threshold with e alrer hellrt nnd mind, And they thus begin life' s journ ey with th ei r childh!Jotlleft behind, Then the Bo le mn vow i8 tak en and the nuptia l knot 111 ti l:!c1, And Ihe litUe m ll ide n bluahinlC has become his winsome brid e . Then she leuv es he r hom e of ~ Dl e ndor for B cottage, s mall and low. Hut th e price less gem o f true love in soothing number~ fl'J W, And th ey t eil and strive t ogether and they labor not in vain, A A th ey gather in the roses and Ihey reap the golden, grain.

I clln see thei r c humbe r window where the tallest roses climb, Anti acr01S th e porch. the jasmInes, clustering thickly 'upward twine, And their myrlll:!ll blcor'n and bl os~o m s hedding soft 1\ lu ~ tr e bright, Int erminglin g with th e murmur of Ihe lake at morn anrl nigh t , Oh! the Ilind scaptJ is so woody and refreshltrg to the e ye, P leael nl{ and il\spirlng. N"bl. gifts from God on ,hillh, BeAuty every wheN. The Hewer!! grow in profusioll, It i~ a spot whi 'h might be clIlIed the valle y of secll.J~ion.


AFTER GRIPPE lin, Findley Made Strong By Vinal

Sc"cry, Kans.-liTho Grippe left mo T'lo K.log of Pru~!lIB oooe VIMI &od In n wcnk, nervou s, run·down condition. Il n eedl '" l1l .. out"olo ry III hI" klng_ , 1 was too w~ak to do my ho!-,sew~ rk anel could \l ot elC('p, After trYlllli U.ll cf out d nm , 10 o r d " r t a lIell '" b " t, m.o bl n. , lII .riicinl's without ben"fl t Vinol r •• ' v,cd or v., OI1lU: .III Od wtt.h t he bumllo.hlu,d, ' my Iwullh • ..t n ," nt ll und uJ>pctite. \ Inol o" ul d prl1duce . lie Wu8 Rhown a Is a Krallel m",hcillc and evcry weak , DUOJheT of v ~ ry UUII nll e dl e ~, thODS. nCTI'O\I R, rlln-doWIl \VonULU should tuko IInd Jl of ... bleb, togetner, did not It."- Mr8. CEO. l~ll'iDU;Y. , welgb IOn OUIIOA, Rnd he mluvelled Vin~ 1 ahllrp,cna the nppcUtc, ai(IR how ~ ll o b IIny objoots could be dlgcstlon. ,'nrlc!WY thc IJlllod, 01111 ptflrood 'Wltb 110 eye. Tbo bar or buil'~~ up ""ttJ~"1 8t rt''',t;1I. uod encrgy, aeked tor 8 bllir fr OUI the Dlonllrch 'a Try It au our gUllrllll tt.'<l. hetld, It Wilt< readily Rlvcn, IIl1d , J. E. Janney. Druggist, Wllynsvllle. wtt.h "1111111" , h e plBcod 1\ II~ once unller tho b Irin g mlloblne, mllde a hole III U 'Wltb be greatest cllre, fnrnhilled 1t wltll B 'hread, and tben btlndod t h o Hlngolar needle too tbe /Ast ontsh ed klnl(.

----- ..----


Mr. and IIhp. J ohn Peuewit &TId th eir ~0[J , GOOH Ponewll and wlf ll Iho W U. A ", their ".Befora t!Lllltltc Chllwberlaln '111'11 b. entertained home 00 Bouth MaIn street laRt letB my ,"uBbtlnd lIui'fered for lover. Monday evenlllg. al 'y ell'B fr om mdlJol8l!tton, causlog Cblll'. Bqwles who bB~ been 'a po')r hlu} to hllve pllins 10 'he 'stomaoh and d letrf'se "f ter ell t\ Ilg eb" 01· Iy seeme" \lttle better Mr. E~oOJ Earobllrt 18 vlsltlng hi'll he rll\lo '" Tablet.. relieved 111m of tllelle "Ilell" ri ght IIW"y, to writ,," dao gb\er n oar Be tlve rtown, )trs 'J'bomlS8 Glllley , GenevII, N . Y. The Weaver:Srelerora famllle. Ob$8lnoblo every wh or e . ente rtllined darry Wellver and wlfp, of Da.y top, IHll t 8uodl\Y , ------~ . ------Tbe firet nUlI1bpr of th e Lectu" Course W 1M given 10 the holl lull Mond .. y .. vetllo!! by "The Waa.er8 ·' Where In It? "!Rn't It I<II' UII I(I' h.. ", fjll l<:kly UmRe ... nd W8@ very !!ood wllr IIlUpH g.,! ,,"I Ill' tl nl,,'I" "tt"nlly. Mrs , G eo, Ke mp, wbo hB8 hee .., 1\1rs. Hl'lrnk. I l!llll 11111 t h"II ~ llI nll""t It. oooRoed t'o h Ir " "d , for IDlIn,Y weekIDo till' )' 1" "r I'~, II"I"!!II, I !tollllht It lSlCr .. du.lIl1, I(rowiu Jol wllltker, lind new Ol\(' ('Illy III ~ t \\'u\'k. 111111 "Hlny I hllr oe"th Ie ('XJlIlOtllli ' lit IIOY time tnolccil fur 1111 " " til· 1" ) 1' A"III II/:,'lIt!OIl, Mrs . PrUtl"nlltl flnrllll, of UhIOIl It" . ll11t I ('01111111'1 flllt! It IIl1y\\'hcr ~', "­ I~ vlKltiut( h e r pa reut8 b An, Mr.,auo Chrl ~ lIull lIurnld, Mr~. Chll~. Austlu. I\lrH, £mmll n .vrd wh uSA del\~b uo I ou rr ed ... H~ MRtord"y W~II borled New Life Raft. ; I,,"t, MOhillA, "rterooou Sh e lellve. All Ilul\,·lthllll IIf" rutt ' tnn'nl et! In three c\ U\'lIhtllr8 by" forlDllr IOlIr· Gllrnlllrtl' I~ !J1' .. "IrI, .... with" COIUPIISM : rl(lg.e, Miss A Ilgu~tl\, Myrtle ~nd In (1·,1111' 111111 an Int(! I'IIlItI 1'1I I\ );hl. 01>- : Mrs /il\rllb (J~rp"utl) r nnd ono grliod , erntl!fl hy H lIIulnr. whi ch, IlItt' Ihe oruld RUlh LlIllJollt.fJr. IIl(ht, Is 81lPIllled loy /I stlll'llgc IIII1I cl'Y - -~ 4._ _ __ In Ihe nmr.




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HtlfI kn ees , lIoblllg IImb8, laDl8 b,lck mtlkA life II \Jurden If you .u!ftlr from rheuUlatism, 80\1\, Inm , b4~~o, tltlornlglll,get a bottle of tlloa'3 '(I blnlmellt, thl! \\nl vor.BI remelly for Ilalo, Etl"y to I1Pllly ; It pene'r8t8'l Mr~. 0, H. Mount Wttll II rlloe ltt without rubbing and 8M'hee 'be tendow fle'b. Cleaner and more ef. Ully~un shOl'lJllr Mr. anrl Mr- , W, A. Enrl;v IElav!' f"e tt ve tblln mUBsy ololmen'. at thlll weok for W .. b,.88Il, Florldll, ponlHoe", For A'raIDS or spraln8, wbero thflY wtll spend the winter. ,ere'mnaclea 01' wrenohed ligament" reenlt.lng from strllnUouB exerola. Florenoe fht,haway b811 rnt urDl'l1 SIOIIn '8 Llnlmeo\ ~1gep qulllil relief, 'A DetroH, MI()h :, "Her tln fldeDtled Koep It on hand tor emergeD alee, vhiit wUh h ltne folki', At your Drogllitlt 2Go, Mrs J08rph M\lIer ,..'1.. ofillell ~o _____ • M' Bully t.l1 ~1 \)lI8 i W<lpk by tbe lerloUIl IIlDO~" IIf her oeph ew. L) E. Bunn olt '~lIi a LAbll lHlD vis. CLEAR BAD SKIN FROM WITHIN lior I.. ,,~ l:1unrLt r ' Pimply mDddy oCl mplcxlonll are . U. N. Ponctl Ir'ft tbe PIlMt wou k for dutl \0 tUlpurltlell In the blood, Day<tona, Fluruln, whero ' he will eleor up ,be skin by tl\lI.IDIl Dr. _pellcl, 'be wlll,er Bill Ball, Jl~ rry KI LI!'8 N uw Life PIII~. Tbelr mild Peooe .nd f"mlly, of MIIlDel\.oll1, laxative qUIIl\tleti remo,e the pollwill jolo hllll Ill n 'r , ani from tbe .' Yl!te:n and britlMen Qr. OlDd Mrs; B . J. DeaU~. Mr. an,~ 'be eye A (ull. ffl.e OOIl.grlplol Mr, ' :. a J.oklO1I an4 Mr •• Uhrl • . bow .. l moyomeo' In 'b. moroto, t, ThOllll8Oo, of I'r.nlLlln, oallecl DO the f1'ward of a dille of DI'. KIDIIIi" friend, bere Suod." ' New Ltc. Pilll tbe nillb' befowe. A' Dr. Frank UHf', of WeJllollloD, ,0111' Drqgtlt; 160. hu I;Ieen fri.Dd. aod l'ela. ' . - ••- - tt •• her•• III" Bertba B&ephentoD, of 'h. Quit' Tru•• IIlaml VIUe, 80II)II"., ~ bome I'ew thll\lll Ippeftr u ~Ible u 0Dt ~ ~ till)' aN ~ .:...



Ill'" d."", "..-. .


14 I II!--




L' wis VI. 'Livery





,,, , )

'Y ·lUll(NG t:AB

.; !'


, I





w. RICKS \\;"},nesvlllc, Obit»


The now gUlIge hi enui08 d arid Ou r (!I' II,1t I I 10- 001 ~' ri , l l . 11 1, ,11 0 11 'htl Inter ior 18 balni ueoorded and . u <' 01 11 11 1 n I: 'l 'I'li o h r< r '~ I U ~~I ID~ 110101 ALL K INOS OF In the vtry n !ltlf futore the tll eotric HI IllIr vr> ,'s l1l1 q; ~ I :11 rv "rl 'i! I·lI oo n. onrrent ... 111 be ~urned on a.lld oor :'Ir, anti IoS r : , Wm , (. 111 1111 11 $1 n(J; tH r eet" wlll be lighted, then we will ed tbe fu neral of Mr . IllU ,)w V .1I1 wondor bow we go' al ong wllb oot Doreo a' lbrveYlb(~r8 . liJom. Mr. aDd Mra, Oliff H Awke .pent Mrp, WnHe r J ,r dlln , of Wellma.n. Ir . nOll Mr t-4, \Ju h n " "oU t) Sl)I'tH t I hi t f,'I ... 71 '141 ~I'{' 011, 1 , ,. rill " " with Chnl. Moo r e neBr WA H til l! ~ u e Bt of her m other, Mn, Sunday SaturdllY nl l{ lI~ 0 11(1 t; nulln v wi l li I ;\· nt ., ·, I "";lit . ,!o,!l 1t Il ul ltin,', .Ir , Clark~vl!le , tSara Ii lU i'll! , 1118' Thursdny, tbel r 80n , R" y, netlr 'I nr k~\· I II ('. l'AII\111 lill lldlll!!. _"I'll '\. Cl il tn. 0::11 Mr ,.twu' Mr~ . A. S. Uolls tt arrlnd MhH .1ay Barilln wnR IIu toed t o Mr. and Mrd V nl ... ,1 n E' l'rf,g "_ _ _______ _ h om o h om New Yo rk F r id" v, liftl!lr W!lmloR$on las' F r ldl\y t rau.oc t oalled Oil Mr . flud Mrs. J ulin T h oU1Jl. Waynesville, O. " luu d"y" vis" with bi 8 brother, buslnllu . \\' ,\NT ED s on 8 un dilY !'1ft-urn Ion Morri s , Mr. lind Mrll, EaroAs t \VII!OD Rr o Mr U'y r!l ~ Limy , nf 'l'lr kn' i110, _ Mrs. Mary Graham and Mrll, e ntertAining their 00u81o from OBYVv. r (Jicr, ~pe o t 8u ou uy wltll l.J1~ b rotlt"r, I LI,una I:Jlulan hll ve returned home too. ({"un Pboa! I t JIl~. Uray ., ' :O:I," OTllr r f " T tnhlt'll ~trlll r COO Il1 , Olfic:e P I~, ~ 71 ,.Hor I~ ten daYI! outlnlf In lhe OOUo Mr. and Mr~. W. T. ,)ord nn 11 11(1 \ u il 1-\ . I) H lIllkh' , \Jh 1\U,; 1- 1 , Mr, Chall. VlJlmra, of Dayton, try , betb mucll i1nproved pbysioally. II I. , hll.vlog ~pent 'be latter par' of IR,1\ dJlu ib\er clllie d 00 lIIr. IlIHl MrS \ \Vll yn SYIIII', Oh m, J . K SbomAker', titudeooker wee k wllh Chae E liia lind flt/ully , tb lite Bll t,hllW Y '3 un llllY 11ft ro oon automobile oaogbt UrA nocn\ly bua, returDed b OUle Toel!d"y morning , MI58 Irene Ungll!!iby loft RUI\l\IIY Fl) ll ll n ~ \1(111. Inot It" In !;nr, d DR. J. W . MILLER. by Mr . tihulO ... ke r hoinl! 0001 hlllld _ . r 1J ,l h t! 11 0 "n il r Oll tH"1'l b l l\ l U" I':r. Mr!. J e nnlo Gflll hrun lind sister, for Lul'l\n on where ah e expeots t,o ( :,, 11 'V~\' o nH' llic r"I " ph 'Jl ln I.;x. ed b e 800n bM.I tbefire ex hu lluis h ed. f"' tnn~ ( ~ r.' I I' Mr. Bnd M ra, W, lll llm Keraev and l4l88 .. lo rl1D Ce BeVkn we re 10 tlar. tilt; eoourse lntheN orOJ"1. ..• DENTIST... Mr.llnu Mr ~ , Ubll u f\ Olly Ounn 11 ' fUfIllly, of Urel(eoltl, were I::i unllay ve1'8burg laat T u ead"" , gllo .• t ~ of r " ll\tlv e ~ iu t lliit violnHy , Mr, aDd Mrs . RobO! t !:lhlrdeo 8\1l1nt. Anll ("m llv Ipe n t St1o(h~y With Mr. F ' \I L\ t 'l HII"'!' " f1U:) [ II rill or " thf' r UJIloe ID Wayoon llle,O Itl... 1 I~ ' I"'II' I")r hIl i" ? If 81l 1lHt \ 1"" 01 IJ <>" BId e. I . U (j my t r t,nsfl otecl buslno8elo ~unday wIth 'be I!l tt')r'~ VlUent .. , anti Mrs. (j oo , BOgllll , MI!lMH Brtrl1(\e H e rreHfl .Hl ~l :t· ' l' r H ' 1''' " C! Il t " tlf'" .\·il h \y , \) ( ' IIII'lIIIr' r , Mr. nnd Mra, J ohn Fellly Doar HllrWilmington Mooelny , ~'''"n ols lIud \V(ll1t",,,1 I:J Il H eM co', li l'd Wny nm' Yll lf', II lt ll' , M ('n Il !lor£' Il t It1H7. McUill, B Jewtsh evan~ells', voyeburg. un MIH8 Hllzol 80011 ~ua d n y d tet. l Pb one N'I 17, 1 hll\'e 1\ f,'\\' ~ oo /l ot Pu,t ~ lJUr~b, Pu." preaohed I~t tbe ?Ir!!. C liff Sawk,· ta flDtll r t.nllllul{ \o nt "r I W I1 hItY I'l' " wh f, 'II' '' ell'Plr. M I~ oburoh Fl unu8Y. her Bnnt, M1'8 . Biltltlo McFa dden, of noon . Mr. ,l oho l'h omllHou oo c1 >l lwa O ll ~ of I nk lng ,II p r" \lf' rt y III" II Blancbes t er. Chrlll'ion Knclernor 18 belog Wl\\l Audrey s pent MO. liay In Ol\y t oo , ura uun \VIl ,FI6,..,.I!l o II U ,'t 11 " !Il Y! atteoded. Mrs, Vhas. VllltlrH tlnd ~lstAw , Miss !\In Mllrth" Dl\vl~ 1I 000 1ll11 ~ ni (l d At tllUll a t bl fl ut nll('" Mr . ~am!lel t:ltoopa 8tili rewalol Emma EI\I~ we re shoPllingln Vl8rks. her RIAtllr , MrR, Anon. W .. rw lo k to -' TH E OllliATE5T \Y . U ( 'II/Itt lor quite 8llrlOu~ly ill ville 1.8' MendBY, ~ I Xenia b' rld IIY. M r s. WRfWl oK ~ _ ._ (lor UI).to. dBto fUfmHII flro mak The older HOD of Mr, lind Mu, 111ft tor h er lla m o In Mllrsh fi eld , IQg qood u~ e of tbe lioe woather oncl Robart 8 h lrdftn 18 'fJutte poorly at Urcge D 80Drl 1\Y. , IN THE WOIILD FO R 13ALg ~U BLISl!FJ) WEEn y. $4.00 PER YU'l are C"UIDg th ei r corn pot In tho 'nls wrltln!l;. Mr. Plarcl', or WillD(DII~ o n , vi s. orth Bnd wbfl n winter sotll In for I1 t>T f L.8, ORU00i!iT6. 8PECIALlST', M r Earnes' W ileon Willi tranBaot. Ited Well are L tm j:tlle 8 11turutlY e ve n~ !lle the, oan sU bHCk Bnd eujov a 0 STU M e: R S, T RAN 8 " I! II, 0 A It. Ing bust ne8a In !Jayton Il fow dllYs In g an d helped to w llRe It 0 vor y tbe beat by"heir fir esi de, A 1111 1i( l. ' \" P1Utll,l. ou n 110 n t AN D +e VS 8EIIVICI! CAN PIIOFI-:IDtoroRt,ing w eotiu f.( . In' week . '1 'UBIN O ITS AOVIIITISINQ COLUM ... taoh"d t il " n y \J ltln'" . A lot of Mr. and Mre, Wm, Urlwes, of fi nt! r e(,nr I, "n,1 1/"1,"1, IIIl'1 n,.J,'(] . X enia, were l::iu llU"y visitors of Mr, SAMP LE COpy FREF Ve ry e h .. ,, !', In'lu ll' C hi I !ll~ " fIl I'p . " "",_ tlew VOIII( CLIPPEII and Mre Fu,nk ~lIiduker, 11 1:1 ~.W .,1)".... ". ,, ~ The Olvlo League m e t Bt Mr ~. W OON:T NEGLECT YOUR COLD L , SIUVOy 'H I:luturclay r.fterDOOD . STOP THE FIRST COLD Negleoted coldll [l et wo r po, to tell li H " f rl~ I' r l"r) r , 1 W,).f1 in l! \l ~I ' hi nl ' !2!L5 MIlS M"rth8 Starr, of DAyton, A onld doe8 00& let well of \t,ftlllf , of b blter . A s tnll'od b oad, n tight :! I t i1 ~ , ( ~II'll 1 "'.lU Jll n I I If fi t h n .. t'spent Suuday with hel' w other, Tbe proeos! of weBrlng out II oold ChABt Olnpt. III' r oll ...ed ti l II nof'. Dr, b old g .•,,,!. ( ' 11 11 IIl1 d H'" 11,,'111 . Mrl'. Am"ndB ~tllrr . . wearll yvu on t, aDd your cOI)gh he- 8 ell'II Pine. Tur l'ione v I!:I i\ nt tl rJJ's ClwB. :-;I 'ln~h e'r ry • •\ -u ,\' tl ,)·H' III ", Il. Mr , Frllnk Forn~bell, of Xenle, oomes 8erl ) US If neglected. Ba ok. r emedy, BOHey uod ~ I y ('erill e hr.-tt l I!'; wa ... tbe 80nday gUIIII' of hla motber, Ing oonRb8 drain ,he eoergy ftod 'lip tbe Irritllted m orn bmne, ' un U ~ eJl tlo vitality , For 47 years the happy MrR. M... tha Meroer, of EIIS'Malll tar 100len8 the phlegm , y on hronU,e '",,"0= .." H d)' o n ,)' Ollt 0\"" he reR 1.v to hntcher h o~ .. o n combination of 800'hln~ aotiae ptlo BaSler and your oold IA bl'olum up, Sbeot. . Jtl ll'!lII Cnl Ri t Q Mon du ys nnd ' t'h t1 I~,ltl 'l' i< . ('1111 Jutltt'I' U. hil l I e . taRe , Or. ijeU's Pine William Mflrlin , wbo bad bl, balsams In Dr. Klna ' a N e w DI.. oov , }'leaPBn' Int'l l'w r durnhilUy IIn ll H O nl(' . ID . :;, 1311111', Wlly nR" . bmb broken two weeks ' lIgO, 181m. ery ha ~ heall'd oougbs and r elie ved far.R onov 18 on Id,,.nl r Ollle(ly l or " U le;, rn u" t fl upo.... 1] /1 ooogesUon Yonog and old 08n tea· ohlldren lit! we\l aB g r o wn. lipS, , At vil li', Ohi n. In lll f «:R 'urc.. proving ~"ry rllpldly, tlfy to tbe etl'PfJ'l veneR8 of Or . y our Druggist, 250 On Wednesda y, November 22 , KtD," New DllIoClvery tor OO UgllB Hltrol'-llit tl LII IIIl),t, g Oll d n ll e ~ , Rev. A. K. Bllrgeoi was fending htH aod ooIds, 8uy a bottlll today at fo r :i'd" . Illt p d" I' 0 ; A . I . oblc ke nll and fuund iwo lioe benl your drogglll, GOo . 1'.dLllll.go, I,hu nt N" IlI- ~ I' . 1I ',r. Irllied lind plutly devoured lIud beln, v OYbb ur~ . li n Self Denial. deSIrous of catahlog the intruder be I .. fht' lI :l1 n~ 81'''''1)('11 o n Orput I ~ s If cI 'n l:! !. I.If" goes nil let a steol-trlll> and 10 a few mlnut l's t 1\1..' 1.,u ' L., Hf " 1')l IOIlM , lo r k. . to ron ,ls nlle l tntt 'I' S \\' Ir I' I'C tllll l eutcrs Buggy nOllrl\, Ill'lY, rll hh ul' tin's, 1111, 1 1 ,1111... ), ,.· n ·l lt Jt 1.)ic:cc !II be hlld him, and It W88 what h lUnrl o hy FIn lay (:Ilrr i"B ~' Co nO l. "I rlyl e, In .. Ih· ... r 1'IIl lc o f P(OVf: U known as a pole. oat- In a ,bart ' p I:l1l1),E W. It lok .. , lV" y n o ~ v "II', A\1ply t o 'tOle ble bide WlttR In tbe baDds of d Oh io. n 2n ~ J'ilJltr Plafl fnr buyer ond he pronoflooed blm " Ih,1/ WIllr," fine s peolmen . In tbat way the BARNHART, Int of fn ll hl'IlI( I/' (1 1\ I. 1 .l" "t· Reve r end wile pnld tor hili fowl8, A mdthemBt\ollill oelohrBted tb e (' r ~ f fl r " 1.1U. Cull 7:.t! I l otJlf' whioh he values highly . flf&lllth Ilnnlversary of his birth reo Notary Public phon", ('I'n I~ ;( . iIlrR, !\lny ('o l'lwll. The 1:1 ... le of hoosehold good8 at Jen'ly. From the foll owing be 181 lba Ashmore home toot pilloe ~at. \repressed by whllt he ba8 done In All of Notary Work, \Vilis ne.v Bu gt-: I' nnd now li n rn e RB urday oft,emoon, tbe wl~ding nil of 1111 \he pas' y eare of hlH life : for ~ 1I1f\ , -f)r\ ,II)II U' !) \\'00118 Qnd Deed s Q I:lpeclu lty. ... hom e of over III%ty yean cf IUO- , Geoerally 8peaki og a man of 50 ( lu ll 1:I nlll O Pb n un 'i:}:3 (jeD ,~ x, l) r OOSII aDd happlnesM. 1'he Stile WB8 y£lAtll of age h&8 fllept G,OOO dBY8, wrlt a to ('. 1:1. (]om oll 1.21\ I 'J I!:,\ t well Ilttllnded u nd goon prloes were 'worked 6,~00 daYlI, walkod 800 daY8, n ~9 mulotain ed thrcughout muoh to 'he amused himself 41, 000 days, ea/,en It. HA'I' HAW .A " First 8 t , D /~ y t o n : 0 , o redlt of Col Wilson, 1,500 dllYs, and been alok 500 d .. ys . !l El W Il, t nf h"n rl. nmn n n pkin" li t The 8(1oood nomber of the Leatore He bll8 elltsn 17, ( 00 (lOunda of v egeW BJ' llOAville's L etLdlnll D e nt l l\ ~ th l:lnz() t lo u nit''' . Cum n 10 oou -se took place Wednesd8Y Illght. 'ables, eggs and fisb , and drunk , In lI ud ~ u e th o II . n :?O Office in K eys Bldll. Mllin !-It all, 7,000 gallons at liquid . Tbe audte ooo Willi well vlealled . Mra, &lory Flncb and b er 80n, Rob0rt Ginner, spent ThlIDlttlKlvln8 the goe8t~ or Mr IInll William MabBo, or nrar' Dayto n . Mr, Imd Mrtl, Peroy Reason. of nellr WaynARvllle, were tlundllJ ilOe ts ot their parents, Mr . lind Mrs. Ed R"ason, e t EIIst . Maln St,


- --..


Mr. and MrH, F , A , !:lll ft Mnc' ," li t 1 1 '/'01,1,, 1'. telJded Pome ol\ ti r l1n go at W' I Y Df' ~ .. _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _.... ....._ _ ville n.urda y , I UI~s Jod lth Co ill or ",h ,) I ~ n tt c, nrl . ds Ing Norrulllln LAh"non iii 81' n,)l ng ber 'l'b.ok~giviug v" olltl 1\ wl! 1l 11 I' L . ' g rAodpareo t~ , Mr,. un ll Mrs. Ab ijllb UoJllor , M8!\dameS l\lttr th " lJ .tV IH lIll Il A llllf. Wafwl ck vi Iter\ Mr, li nu ~ r" 1.' . U. ' . C l e~ver , Ollllr Hlc kt . vil li T n ' Hcl /IY' / M 0 :-Ji.:\ \.( 1,\ .' 1·:'1,, 1\ II " _In"".

Walter Chandler





II '



M 1

Silver of Quality



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1!lI G


Mr, BQd Mr!\, WO), Dlirll\ (LII!l ~ r anll »re, Ourl Oodu IIno QI1 U,{h IQ I', W(~ndB, wo r a Ill'" o o nd" Y 'j(nll>l n I) Ill" """ 'Ull .. III" , !dr . and lilts, n. Ii', 1j,l\h ". '). ro·".' '" ,. ,,:,,' Mlu6.Y Audroy I\nd ()fl 'lI 'l'llClrn p 1' 1' I " T/ ,,) ,r i' • 80n cli ll el1ou Mr • . Aml\ Li tl It "Ill HI' I. ' I' I ' ,I"

·' 1





......- --




E. v.



D H. E .


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- ...- --


colcl bangR on as often ball\l on~, o r when you hllve hl\fdl y 30tteo ove r o no COlO before y oo Call. . raot flnOl,her, lookont t or .yon are liable t o O:ln\raot !PDlA very ferlous dlgell86, '1'hls ell(\C e8~ion of ooids weakeo!! thr @ystelll aDd l o wor~ t,hp vltalil,y au thllt VOO Bre lUnch m nTA lIablA t o oo n\. act (' hronl o C II~"rrh, pnonlll onirt nt' ooul4UmllU oll. Uu re your ool!1 wbllo YOII oon . Cbllm berl ... I17' .. CouJ( h Rilm s tly h~" a grellt rt:lput"tlon. It t ~ rolled npon by thoUM" ndR of II AOpl1l and nover dl~ rillpO!ot,f\ t,ho lJl . /rry u.. It oul~' O'llO l81\ q nattilr Ob'ainlttble every whero. ' 0

.. ------


They let ' you know you've been smoking-and yet t ey're M 'LD

In other words. Chesterfield Cigarettes are MILD-and ' yet they satisfy. This is 80mething totally new to cigarettes. It goes further than. pleasing your taste-satisfy does for your smoking what a juicy slice of bot roast beef does for your appetite. Cheeterfields satisfy-they let you know you've beell smoking.

But they 're MILD, too- Chester. fields nrc J (fyo ll \\I o l1ttbi !l ncwc i ga.~

(satisfy, y e t mild) you 've got to get ChesteriJClds, because no cigal'etta maker can copy the Clleste1/wld blend_ -:fhis blend isan e ntirely new combina,tlOn?f to_baccos and the biggestdiscovery in cigarette blending in 20 years.


.,Give me a package of those' cigarettes that SA TISFY

SPRING BRANCH Mr. Clint Grobb has retnl'Q,ecl to bill bome in Dilyto n "ttllr enjoylnl<' a few dllYR viSIt with Mr. and Mrp, Cbarle. Braddook and /Ion, M re. Emn:: a e honoweth, of Ogden, bas beeu IIpun<lhlK a few ' dllY" w it,ll friend. and relnl,lves io tbl~ vlolnlty ' ' Mrs, Rutb Y ilk, of Flndla" 0 .• waa ' he goellt of her aunt lind unole, Mr, and lire, FranK I:Jllutle the past week, Mr . and &In. ErnBtl. 8artlQck and daughter were .tbe tl1ln~a, 101l1lt. of Mr,and Mrs. Harry t:lto'ea, Mh"BtI Leila aod GoldIe Conner spent tlulldllV' 't be gue.,. ef tlillir frlpod, MISI! Ku~h CIl~e, of Spring Valier Mr, Fwed RORMIII who wat! Injured In .. fall a' hh homo a week "If 0 Wall re(lOrced be to a ..erlous oonditton for a few da)'. I' altghlly Improved, at the time of \hlll wrlUDr, 1Ifts. Flore.nol' Lao.y vltll ed a' the home of her .Ister, Mrs l!'. ·M Couk IDd family thla week ' Meeting WI' held ". MI~dle Run, Ba'urday a1l4 SandlY. Elder Ballard. of BlaDohe,"r, BUlII, 'h. pulpl' 111'. ad IIr, A, 8 . ShaD.r Ilalled on Ill'. IDd lire. I'r8cl RU8'Jlll 800


4_; .U.,.oo.,

IIr, an4 lin, Em..' D.."o, Ill'

..4 lire. r, II. Coek aD4 II,., B,

U. Datta motaffld to DaJ&cm IIOD-

lal oa .1IWPIlDI _ _oa.




ee Walerhouse flll Aulv Lh PI"}

J. W. Whi t vlalter Tue day.





Dr. 0111. Osteopath :.! l . Broall. ! wey. Lebanon, Ohio. net your order~ in eurly . fo r endanl at Ridge Stud io.


J . O. Cartwri~h wile 8 business vIsitor In Lebanon Tuesdl'Y. . Mr.. h08. InnIlh rrl' hils be Quite sick but i. slowly il11lJ roving.



I ~VII!J!K~JJr~IJr'~JfF'dIIr ~b .

, - - - - - - - - - . - - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--.

Stop! L o o k ! Li.s'te:n.!

i I

~ ~


Christmas Suggestions




Muter Forrest Fornshell, of Xenia. Is visiting bis Bunl. Mrs. . 1:1. B\!nt· ley.


nlhlo' "

IIhh ' kb llllr<l ~

I; In nook.

(' Hl;l) ld u r ~

A I.1I1C 1\ Un." I lin riu ,",


l'l nl e Ghl '" fle s k I':lds li nn "}, B p\ t'.


Order fresh fis h for eve ry FriJay of Stanlberry Bros. Ilelivl' re I if de· Ilred. .

Mrs. P r iscilla Compton, of Daytvn. is visitinll her relatives here for a few days. Will Barnhart. of Leballon. was in town calling on old fr iend thi~ morning.

Mn. l'aul Omart. of Springfield. waa,· the week· end gu e!;t' of Miss Hazel Gustin. Mr.. and Mrs. B. H . Kelly are lpendl ng several days wi th rtllatives in r-hlwark, Ohi(\ .


tors hera Sunday. Mrs. lIfaggie Davis, of Cl'arksville, was t he ~ueat of Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell last week .


At Factory Prices ara n nre('Rolt y these <lays. They c·".1 flO lIul e Hnd sa \'1\ Rn llJ ~ua t s

Mr. and Mrs. Elias Oglesbee are at Eaton . guest of Judg and Mre. Risinjfer.

so mu ch t but 11 0 nmn, woman or child should b wlthn ut nne. " '0


man ura ct ure I'Rln OQI R. ThoU811Ulis or th8111. n il)' Inl<1 .rln I In g l' ea~ "URII/ltl".. Ha l'll our (nl·to ry rj~bl JI 1'0 In Ilayton.

MI'. Saml , Tomlinson , ofPlymou't h, Jnd. , was the week· end iuellt of A, C. Tomlinson and family .

Mrs. Winnie Mason, son and daugh· ter, of Xenia. were the guests of Mra. Mary A . Wise. Sunday.

• ";"' 111.11('<1

W o wlll sell you ralucoats from $3.00 to '10.00, .8uo 018Y will be tho kind or ralncoB t8 thn t would COSL you 110.00 to $18.0 0 It you bought tb!lIll from n rotall denl r. Wo'lI


be gl8d to have you ca ll whe n you Mrs. 'Lvdia Tomlinson r eturned . 8re cOlIslderlng huylng a ralnc08L home Saturday from Plvmoulh. Ind., where ahe has been visiting IIUlce SelJtemb'er. Ove r Fulton Market Mrs. Eva Jones has r eturned from 36 EAST FOURTH STREET II few days visIt with hllr dau g hter. DAYTON OHIO Mia Ethl yn Jones at Metamo r a, F'ul· ton county , and relatives at Dayton

The Comer. Mfg. Co.


Th. Lebanon baaket ball tellm will play the Wayneaville team at School Hall Friday evening at '1:00 Come and '189 the game as it will be a fast one.




't '.




Cylinder '


.......I! ...ll:-..:l






The .1e-rrl 'I'''. sedan I~ th l' ",t ll \, 1',ltlH'j'/J ' (';11. F ill' r!,,· "(lid :l l1ri Ill,. SHU" ' , 11 i·i\" I~ f'l l tHrt " 'l, 1·l/tln.'Jlil'Ih.'·· ,. 111W:I"'11I1' \\ Hill 1, J. "" ~ 1I1J l ' Il WJ' anti 11 h !l\ a :i 11 I \\1 1:1111\'1" til " ' lI p " M) l iP f ' ''~fI.'' 1'1111 \';\' d , • '1.1I tho h.':1.~ 1 o r II .. Il!l\'untn l'('.I, i..~ ItI " (iI "id l.' ~l [rHnl ;,.... , 'It:-. .lficu,H nj.( (' I.i l1\'('1tl, out. IU ' C'l'!'> •• rl'Ol1l lh t' ff'l Hil t l) fhe l'PHr I~flnp l\rlnt, Ill~.



. I ' ~ ~:r


i" ....)u......

me t


Ild \'\lU 1,,1141 \' t ill' .J, i'(t~I' Y m a ll in ~ '(H II' iora llty? lJ uYtvn . 1.,·I ·W; l oll you ahl1ul him.


M~n 's

Priccd at .. . . . .. .... • ••.. . • . .... .......



f{ OS I IllRY.



B ~I .r

3 9 SOUl




Wens Pleating &Button Co.


11 ',,~I

DAYTON , OH IO 5th &. MaIn 8ts.



" \\' 11 )'


"., I" " e one Gift Suggestions


I:>: .


14 N. Main,

Dayton, Ohio



1 )·rnll1t.IR,

I ::~I ?'; ,u;':I~·::,I.::'·':~r·ll::;~I~ ~~'~:I,t': :I'~lil;,~ I





The Advertiser



> ::; ~

"' .

\ViliJind lh is colum n willlJring him mon e) if II will lise it [(Ir ally thill g he h as t o sell. 1· Yo u l'iavc. a·s urpi lls OIL It. nd al th e " prcse 11 t li me. Feed is ~(,;t r C a nd yo u want to ){c l rid f t haL ow, horse or pig : or Is , You .have a surplu s amount of farming impl (,J11 nts 11 ha nds and and want to sell th e m . :-"' ou cun J ; li tis\' ' r y ~n. ily h y putting in an rtc l. (dlillg- all abo uL them in

















m r



c ·














~E 5ULTS ,





~~':Il~1 ~~::"~&~~I~ .I~I:~~~:: r.....r ~.I Q , '. ult au,l wllh R:;:!'~tl';~r.:'i.'J·~·I~;Bl.1. 'oj,;.,;a,;.


l':' L'1duk t! . CUfllI\ I'tUl. nUllS, ttHI d. n. ~ ' lI h ' j'l"1' , F'h~ht n .. T u ck!.·, T f'n nl lol f'lIJ~1(1.. ) l un li n g ' .()Qlla , 'ku.tfe, ::fle d. l!. 13Icyri"' CII, F)al'l h 'l .tu nllR, nt O\' e.!Jl, f ' 1H1,l~, Cu r., ' H,.,b\:t1, R II · lon , Hnh"lf;, " 'lI l C'h<'tl, I It'nl. I::dhum I) I_ c l' hun u~ l'lA iJlllf , 1'u cMIt! f)tk ee, li' n.l,)"'dltl 1~.r6. HUlltlr \19 u( uth rlS


8t:;~,~e ~~I,':r Cl'(~~ ,~~!~:~I.I.<~ ~", ~.: 2~000o



I M a ha r g ,s

1"111 Gild .. buyer. ' that ... 111 lUI! you.

Mesnl. J. C. Hawke. H . A. Cor· .. nell. C. H. Hartsock , Hay Mills, Myer Hyman. G . W . Hawke. L. A. \ILJ lJl'HI" ut ll l, I' Uu.: g"IIl'r ut o r'';OlH tlr)ll j Zimmerman, W. R. Spreigel. J. O. Ths murder of Denman Duncan. Th~ J ournal·l{ep uh lican nnel 1111' or tlJl' cl'·""l't." ~ . I Mr. n~d Mrs. Burton Enr.o ll"lrl Cartwrl~ht and D. L. Crane lit· Yellow ~pring8 r ecl use in 1915, is Daily Newll. of Wil mml{lon , have i brough t to light sgain by the follow· consolidated arid will i sue Ihe e l wo _ . ;lnd f. 3 1~1IIY hflU grt!a t pleas~re In l".l tended Masonic Jodlte at Lebanon ing article clipped from the Xenia papers as f6rmer lY- lh News a.'l l .tertal~lI n,g ,th WaYlle rown~lil Tueeday evenin~ . Ga ze tte: daily and the J ournal Republic n a~ ---., 'arn~ r:l ( Iu b. at lh~ Nov m h.? r The rnys lerl(Jus murd er of Den· a weekly. III1 Cdmg"nl thOir I i!IU!lSn.t coun fry maR Duncan, Yellow Springs scholar The Daily News owned uy W. J. hom. 1 he day w~s tYPICal of . (l . and recluse . which occurred in the Galvin. has been in. operation as a '~em 'wr, eo.ll~ ~nd n~"w. but a lrol)(\ly u mljP l.lJ r,, ~ed the ele~lents a rlll a fall of 1915, and was followed by th e daily for about a year and has maJ e arrest. confe.Ai on and convictio n on good froin th .. start. 'But owin" t o :lews' \ e,~::\(,,·"J·?;~l..tlle 1101.1 p rolitable mw t ·· of seconrl degreo murder, th e tlnsettleu condition of affllirs. it ' 1" " " W I~ . . Mra. Ann ie O'Neall. Ilfter a short aofcharge Le wis Haines. is recalled by a suit was lhou/{ht hest to conHolidate the T r~ . ~ . ,I." :'~,;II :he 1ll0rntll){ hou rs we re IIIneN. died at her 'home on Third Cor divorce which has been br ought two papers and gi ve Wilmington and : .1 It. ~l' L .. ~ . !fnli a ~ . Ill) n a m'ls t .treet Tuesday afternoon about 3:30, against the co nvicted murderer, by Clinton County a better lot of read · Peac e '". III 'I·ll, :I.l .•I!III Il'~ I· ~w.a .~ ;e l've~1. u( ter Mra. ' O'Neall was the wido w of Abi · Maude Hllines. She asks t o r divorct ing matter. Improvements will b e h I ":'1 1ent vh,md,er call e.~ the jah O'Neall. who died 8everal years on th e grounds that her husband is made and the papers wi ll be pinel: in t his g rl' " , I Il~(!~!lllj!, CII .. ')Jd<:l'. Lyman Si lve r ago, an~ was a lady of widtl acquaint· erving a term In the penit entiary on a firmer fouud ation than ever be . a Dd yo.: ta l I 1t,<&H tllI_ ~ u I I e ~1 evenl ~ ,,[ th e monLh . ance. She Wall a member of the for the murder of Duncan . fore making it a first.class printery eau b u t h · 1 : I I h·· ('-'"aYI3' IWlng- ab .nl , by re.q u t!~t , Friends church. The f uneral will be · . :I . 0 .' t Good to 1" " t ... I , '.iI . I. ut wrl{(li l ()('cnp led the ti me III Th e H ames were manIC' In s· In every re spec . eOll siderin.,' Ill h ,I\,' Ul ' Ihe IlliTe nll1 t poin l.s of t he held at 1 o'clock at the h(lulle Friday . - -- - h I I II.! ' ... 'r Ib \';:1' ciisctlss ud by afternoon, Rev. J. F. Cild wallader born August 17. 1909. Mrs: Hain es W 0 eso.l ' I' I ..1 r I, '.j . l\t : Rl1 rn ett and ot h (!r~. is mu ch younger tha n bel' husba,nd. officiatin~. J ealousy. which Mrs. Hainr s deelared ing se\ t:rJI • I ' j"'1 rl ,\"'I1JI 'nL of !<oi l fe rtil ity . was tlnfou nded.wasgivenbyHaines worth 01 \ I ' ,I )'1\\ \ ~CI\llhc"L dfJ it..'· was discu8sctl as his reason f or the murder of Dun· 1'obacc{I$ I I , ( ., ', .Tr M .. reliith and Mr. O glesb~c NO,2220 can. DUlican and the Hain€s fam ily vaue 5, IK" . ,. t l. .1 \. J ,h" /l1~I· tlnr. 01 ~ ,I wit h sev rill occ upied apartments in the old Hom e ill )ml' ,'~ , '''. HU"","', (111 t be piano. R~PORT fo r the Aged building in Ye ll ow oth(:r~ Iii! ,. l \ 1 " " . ,.. , lno; d"il ;r\jl>~t~ of lhe I~arnhar ts Of lhe CondItion of the Way ne:-;- SJ1ringl ~'1 IHainesslidP'ped .uPI' ~nhDun . goods . .,! ;,,'.: , , ''', , 1. t \ I'e I: .. ,· :\il' :'Ilrs. IJeall , Mr. lind - -- d 11," WI :I \~ hlte , Mr. and Mrs. ville Nntivnal Bank . at Waynes · can wile Il' ~al r en mg III liS orne ville ill the State 0 1' Ohio , at the at night. and kil:eu him witha hatch· . a vau c"J ,t. , t. t .;. l" '-. II .'1"'J,b· lI. 1~IH"r'l1ll and Alvin Earn. close of business. Nov. 17, 1916. whirh h picked tlP in the kitchen. The first bask et Lall game was sume gm . us " l" '1... 1;,1:., '\ art and w ivP>:I . .... i I:HE SO ' HOES. . . . The hatchet was found whe re ~t had ' played ~riday evening atSc~ool Hall , prices 011 l:\'('!.1 ,llIr<~. " 0 l <. II _ _ • ___. _ - - Loana llud dlllCountM U 63, UI'.0 4 ., been tossed b y the murderer m~o Il when Kmgman wen t down,HI defea t what )Jlll' ~" .l.rt; a ' IIC,.1 }'I I,I . Tutal lonno . ... .......... !~ u a . 00.6 4 pond n ear the house. Mrs. Hames to the score of 35 to 31. 1he ga m e (' e t o u r ncc~ I,·.,j(,rc U I}'lilg. I ~~·er.t\tJ::'J. ~~'::'~~~~'h'-cljl'ati,;,; 16.<'9 fi M .CollfcsRed. and her hu s band then was fai~. t h oubgh sever f oul s we~e Buy y ou r II tfle"W'.~. i;tl'lI ,\' t !lies ( p .... ,· ~Iuo) . . : . . ;. 60. U~u. OO admltled the murder . . made . as the oysar e a It green ye a nd save bi' I1WllCY., : ' o tic!! .Total U. 8. 1101111. . . .... ... ~O,UUII. OU _ _ .. Their pass work wa~ fairly good, Otborl>uncl. l u.ocur. l'o.~.ISn\' · , k' 't ··' bl f r them ' to win our a d\' . lIe.xL week. llrlllg us ~~r1il6iO·dI6r·ti\"""u.J:~JI~i3~1 rnA ~:u~r~°S:!fe~e~ f rom Lebanor; y o ur Eg '5 p,y ing 'lOe t o-day. i::.,,\..!:~ c~~'I.III~ .•~~~Mi l.~'if."t ' was se0ured . and he was a good one . "),Ji R I,.l'l l1h BOgfll1 60le rtil.ined h er ·Fot.f Uun\l •. IIOCl,lrltl"". ~t.c. H9.2 11. bO I t seems to lJe a (Sood scheme to have It pays t o t rade at 'piead . Mi ss ll()s a.J\o HolJlngshlllld, f Xenia, over Sund AY, . . oOou 1\ . ' a n eu t ral man. there was not lltoc\clol ):ooor.1 H IlM!r\'~lH"Uk • single d isse ntingforvoice againot hima. , MI8sel Estbflr Bhllmbaugh lind "~I~~ ~ ~!~~h?J 1~;)I~r(rr'!?~! A doubl e h earier will be played Fl'IIDeill Wilson very pleasIlotlyen N:tU~gl':;~~Ji':ow ''' ' ~e!'l'~ 8.0 00.00 F'riday evening. between Wuynes· ·.... ,·.&I\ODI5IU J(."''¥'urk, Ill· ville and Lebanon. Let ever ybod y !~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!! tertllinlid ::\"'l1l'dIlY afternOon at the home of 'he former II. nomber of .N~~'O~~~ ul~~· r~~"'OI~i:r!,~;:J' . Friday of last week the Sixth. come out and ilee it. ,.0001 ladle. a~ II paroel .hower for ...... r "e ~1I01JL.ln ,Hllcr r r\'u Sevllll lh anrl Eighth Grades gave - - -- - - - - Beroioe Bawklos who I. to be NOTICE ELECl'ION IIMi~. F~:~nai ~u'rN';~;': uiJ~t~~'I:j ~.763. ~ 4 very delight,f ul prllgrame. They Thanks,lvlnlr bride. ceut. ' " " ... . ... . . .. ' OG. UI 100.91 were h eld in their respective rooms


i t (or you untU Xma8


lWAYNE TO\~NSHIP FARMERS' CLUB HAVE GONSOUOA1EO i ~;~{;~~:~lil.' ;: ·: : :~;!::: ,:I~~I,I,~cl~~:i:el:.~:~~, :;I~;:~;' !j l \


114·116 East F o urth S t .. Dnyton, Ohio

, ,"nlly Co. 71 4. 1 ~ARv~~~~'6H~~DQ.,


1l1 '~ISII!~~fln.~~II~'~;1

,,1,I I'm, "We




~====~ I ~============:======~


\':'1' 11 1 I lQ I, '

d ... po~l l



~.9rh :.:,,:"""~ Prt~2.A N S



Gr-EO. R...

Established 1865 I D.yton, Ohio


- -_._-"y

no w -

36 E ...t Fifth, Near .Jeffer8on

ot Shop - I

Covered Buttons. Kn lte . SIde. nox nnd Aocordlon pleating, H e m 811t~b· Ing. Peoob-Eld,ln g. Pinking. H II ~c h· Ing. Embroidered S061101)lng. PI·lto· list fre.. Mall work dIrect. :\\ Al L

·. Je~e1ry

O h rist:n:1BS


and Ladies' Shoes

In \\hu ll Ill'Xl in

Dayton, Ohio

207·9 N. Main St.


All YOU 'tl look tor III nn Art 8tore, And wbat·s more. our price dOU'L ollr.

. '~ ' 1'


For you t· t'u t wear---the select ion you have is a hiD' advantage. Our prices are within t he reat..: h of everyone and our store service is mo,'t efJicient.





to thei r hI"; ' ''ith the

\''' 11

.. "''',,. ,,, ,1., IN U'~1



Picture Framing Gilding

Second Floor



For a Gift Th at !& a Gift, a J effery Seda





this aytb n

Illet" ,·iL l

t~ l rc ... t


25 Prud.n Bldg.


., c·~ huild1",,·:l[ '·aLruly


MilS Moon, ot Wilmington. Is the ~89t of Miss Vada McPhe rson. of the Friends Home.


"\ II , 1he lI1trt'nse beell

The Everybody's Book Shop Company

Mrs. Alice Hawk6 and daugh t e r, Mi.. Mary. of Lebanon. were visi·

grv·.... n wi lh the rapidgrowth


ere I'll Pll[lar TI ." lI' 1'111 ('r tor 11 0 11·

(,h l'l:<II111t< 1I1';l.os


" ,\ (.n 1?',.1 til

NOla Ink W ,'l) , 1'111' r \\"'lgl1t. 11 0 ), ,hI' "'111'111'11 &"o ll " "ell' II"R~ " A.h SllImls l;II'U · \Y ernh' ke !i~," Thllllllhl " Books 111'1\,," 1'1I 1" 'r Unci" Ilullni DUllk t'.1~r8 e,,1hulle Pruyer l3 uoks no ,' )'" Ofl1,'o )1, •• kK U O"Krlt,. J llrdlnl,·r.,. J),,,k l'uleudnrH nn d Epi ~co"o l 1 ruyor Books \ ' lIdOri Sto nd" to r 19t7 Buby nUlIks }jl'ads nnd op per Urn· VlIl re Chnlrd Fam ily H ",~ord Book» bretll\ ~I IIl1s Type wrllor Dc. k . Ph oto Alhum. Honk 1-:1111, Tyuowrlt"r hilII'd Kudak Albums Ilm s . lIud C'o Pllor lI nl Ha ck s l'lm"s D Rk S e t 5 \\'nRte 1I0. ke11l ]-' 111 1111 ( ·8.111111't9 , " '0(>(1 oJIIle r Inlaid 8th'or '\' llIo\\, DK . koLa nn ll "I' I 11 ~ .k F;et~ Pt."·,, (''' 1'01. F Iling l'I ~ \'lr ps TIl'll"" Dosk l'\ovellies '1' .. 11 )' Cnrd. Cook In!! Hoell''' !lnxl'" IlrMl< L amp8 I. eu I ber UoolllI Dmlll:htln(t Ollllll" Cl ar kR ]'n,itos' PIII'sea Chrl_ttll 1l8 1,0h.·I. I'u [lur Knl v s 1. 1\(lIc~· aud Gent·s Ex· HolldRY Oood s o r nil I'oslat calos clu"lve Htlllt nery U08crlp'lon. I11ctlon nrl08 ouk lln' A HNf· tllllng HOlIseholtJ o~fos IlIclloullry !'l lnnlls FoullI uiu Pil UK Cash Ro ~os \VI'ltlng Purttoll o" ' '''' lermul\· • . olr·fllllug Donel H.'Xl'8 P(lkcl' Illnt: I-',mntll iu P n s >ll •• 1 !:ili"c'r Chr"IR Tf+E LARGEST AN D MOST COM PLETE OFF ICE OUTFITTE RS IN CENTRAL ANC SOUTHERN OHIO J. p L o os Onoks



, .. I

GlIl d !LillI SI "or Knh'~s Ho~to n One J)o:1I1r l' ~u · ell ~ harl)~ tHl l'"





a nd all were well attenrled . The n ext Notice II heroD), riven th'" an .'ectlon wUl BOt'lloe Hlirner attended the meet· ]>ro~ram that th ey 'will give will be 110 heW Iu /J",r\,oyaUurg 81JeCt,,1 SchOOl 0 ... • ln lt ",·t be ,Erieurll ohuroh In Xe nl" al .3b l . I O ollle time in March . It will be given Ir\C~ au ~un d!lY afternoon. . uror..utldu .. Wm .S. TroIL'UM 2, ~OO.OO In t he Auditorium ' of the Grade Mrs. Jenule Mill s visited &tGra.~y 1'01.1 .................... 'OO l .aO I. O~ B~~~d~~~ogram at Lytle was also a . ' &Hl.lo utunl "OIlRg pl""08. from 0:30(\. rn. to I~un ntnrday. t.U·UILL1'l fl , " ~1~I~ft~.I"t'.~ f~~ U• ~~,~~~':ii'{,lI uO~~\1r. a~ L't.~ ) ' CJapllolltock 1/.ICllu ... ...... . '. success. The dcommunity was WI ell for .chou I lI\1rl'"~''' tllr .. p<Jtl() Of J'·our 'J'be oh ur oh .erviolla Sunday "lAS lIurllltlii tWJoJ . .. ... ... ... .... ~u. oou.oo reprellen ted an all went away fee ing Th b b' YU"ro. WA Vl'E H Glj,.~ V . . onrl uoted by the Y OUUII foUts. MIIoY· lJDdJ"ldll<l IJrolluo ... '2UOD. 37 better for havi ng visited t he school. I ~ Le anon MB!lona had a .Ig . Clork I)o'....d 01 Bductll ion II Ttl n uct Ro wfI,rd MoKay, of Cluster, '1..&0 ... I18UA<.... I'I<ld .. . ~. TBO aT 2U. ~O . OO '1 meetIDgTuesday afternoon and even· '. ' d Ia ' ''. rn with us. ~111 .\JUM btlt,.M outlUaDdlllil, , 6 0. UUO,dU ---. • n InlllvlUuaf 1181/0811 au bluc ~ tu ing : There were four candidatf>,Ii U I C 011_ ..... . :.............. ~ 5.tiU.VU r railed. three before dinner and one _ I r s. rlL ompton if! .'III.1m ONLY 2IWORK,I NC .DAYS' 'UNTIL' ~.'rll~:,e.~.~~ ?U.. I.". ~~ ~. U2.l7 Clock Proved a Friend. after dinner. A bout 3()O Mason s --,. pro?lug -md lier many friend. ",ere ,CHRISTMAS ~'<>-taloavlnfa d~po.ltM . . .. ... . . H6.02 Ali re tlll,,' s [lIuslc le"SOnM nn[f con. we.r e present from neighlJoring lodgg /loll ~o ",eloome her a' ohuroh /:Ian. TvIOll Ilepooll<l .... m.H~.~b . Ildp,rs It u grent hnrd",htp to haY9 to e~. The dinl)er w-, a perfect Ol)e, STATEMENT d1Y '1'0'-1 , • . • .• .. ••.. • .. . ••. "oa.II)l.6~ pr~.tlce ono.hltl! bour 811<:h doy. She and everyone ,relent en19yed th e MI"H Sarah Bradford ".. 'he We. have ~coured tlte marke t and have brougbt"'to town a 'larger 8T&'1'.OPno..Ol:ltu. WARREN ooU·NT \·.S8: I has a little el()ell on the plano. and ol:l:aalon very much • Waynesvill e rueut. Stntemo nt 1)1 thO (lwner~hlll ~lltl 'lluongo- we" .oud iuell' of BoraoeCo~p&on •. stock gifts for the Chfldren and C.; rown Ups tban we have ever _ ~\. . ul t.b -:tUtu" 1 ll:t1.t:LlO. J)ull,J,oUIOO nl ' J 0 I. • .....rt.wrIlIb~, ot lbe .Ilnve mok R s ure t hnt s he does nOl lPeod and HarveYlbur'" W81 well repre·· \l'foYlll \·IU~. UWU. 'ill 'luJl'u<1 by I~o \"1 ,,1 Rnve m l from here 'be bad. See our ad. next week . eam.l bank. do ooI6ruw1 ."...... l ltkt lhe • . IA • H IU~ • :.....;---,-::;:-::.....,;,...:.:..--"---;.;:-_ _ ~.. al&"'~' to .rue I<> th.. boal 0 1 ruT nto['1! tbnu the allotted t Im .. Rt ber 'lea- HDted. • 'TJ[I~r. '0. Jl~. Crnlln . Wft\'nl!S"UI~. ohio l!,fi t .t 'lulver••ry , of lb. Chrlll"I'ID at._t.Jp and l..m.t. i l8(ln One dRY hl'r mothor wns talk· • - • ' ~toulB€lor IUltll'ubllshor . O. 1_"~·l'''lIo. Wnyu,,: F,n,l· 'L vor "a New BurilDI'oD IunI. o. CAIl1' ,,' nJOB'I\ Cullier' lib I h ba It ,'1110, 1.>1I10. .~ (1" • nVt!Din, .' SHOP EARLY; YOU'LL BE BENEFITTED IUId ..",.... WON .... tllb Ilrd Ing with a nelill or ou~ n t il e 0*110,.. AUIlIe! aud Mamu Jlru\l ll. I).• I.. • • ., _ _ . "16. J. O. c.nwrlab',. :rard wben Alice ran out In IIreat exUncle Eben" Crauc/, LooMo . H..1 HIg h 80lan .. ok tllDD.' with O C .a\~: 1'I0WJl'UbllC' l cltemeDt, caWn.: "Mother. I caa't "A hiZ7 mUll." ~u ld "~ n('le b:bllu. bold llocII; .., Pbuiina' The u _i_ev_W.8. ALU&,.. . Th cl-." .. ,...lhnlder rumo. tlJ I1tr"".... loIld.otI1 r.OOUtlll'lbla PaT!!O'.Thar... ' ....7 .t I a.. w... r_ ....DOl _&.II / •. ~Rn'· BT. j pral:Uee ILD7 more. e.,.... .... "80rnetlru" hlu. to work wlgbty hurtl ..!'.!'?~:3 Jt.!'d ':~[JI;~ w (UI'l.·.. file IIII-. R. /.11. JOII.,. 'I nlltiDI nlatly. '. . B"IMI.ft • W. 1nIlU. I hutlln' tob aSl'ulII!s." .-.-"'@ID4II'.JP J · N l t O b l o ' ' ' _ - . . . . . W a J I I . . u I e . O h i o .._ _ ~ ~,V.BarIIIIa&'C, .NoiU1' l'ubUc. .war, 0, __ weeIr, . ii1• • • • • • • • • • • •III. . . . . . . . . . . . . .III~ L.awful












at.-....... ..




., -


Sixty-Ei t hth




Wh 1 NlJlnbe" 3399

Send the Miami Gazette to. Some -Relati'v e or a Friend for a Ch~jst... _5 se t j=----~~__--.:i OPERETTA WAS r~--------i! FIHST FIVE LOST ' ·----~·------·f MAN HAS A PURE BRED n"





See Wllt'e rhouse for Aulo Livery .

THIS VICINITY Tuesday Myer Hyman

The ~D:s ket ball .game~ at School IHaJJ "mlay evenIng were well at· ,. I ' tend etl anti the spectators saw n hard 1 hlJ~e. IB a httle bunch of poul~ry 1 James Benham spent Sllntlay with contested gnme In the nrat gnme between the fir t five ot Wayn~sville peupl", ItI lUlU around Wlly nesvlll", f I d t ur' ~I~o have demun.Lrllted the fact that reI ' 8 a Ica . and Lebanon, Lebanon came ou t vic. Mr. Chas. Sherwood and f!lmily torious to the score of 36 to il3 The It Ib far more OJrofilablo to keep p~re KRme was hOll.v contested, and but bred s toc~ lhan mOllgrels. Durmg were Cincinnati vioilOr! Satu rday . the past ~ IX years this group of pe? · . for a fluke en the part of Lebnnon, pi e ha~t) dune a world of . (Cood m Master Charles Grauser. ot Piqua, Wllynesviile would have won. p,romotlllg t.he p rllJltry .,"dust:y. spent the week end with friends The lIe('ond Kame waa a walk-over r hroulfh theIr . t'ffort an m crea~ed hertl. Ifor Waynesvil ;e. the score beinK 33 d "mllnd hUB been created for more t o 13 in favor \If the Waynf'sville five . Mr. and Mrs. It G. C ros~ spent The boy s s.imply played Lebanon off and beller stock and today !!lore peo pie In Warren county receIve a rev· the week. end wilh rplalivt's in Cin- their feet, and they were at no time enUtl from poullry and pou!lry pro dnnatl. in relll danger of blling defeatet!. , _ ~ _ __ duCttllhan IIny uiller two IhmgH pro· Mrs. Elizaheth Snook spent sever . duclJd . on the farm. Ever think about It- p~ultry III rnlsed on almost al days llUIt week with her daughter every farm III the county .and many in Mason back lot:!. If the people could only . Enoch White, of Atlanta, Ga, be made to realize what a vast sum of mone~ p~ultry and poultry pro· spent a few h,.urs wi lh Mr. and Mr.. duc\.8 brlllg mto the county a great- U. M. White Sunday. et Interest would be taken in the busint!Sll. We invite you to cail and examine The promoters of the chlrken in our stock of Kodakll, Print Albums dU9try around Waynesville have etc. betore buy ina elsewhere. On Tuesday evening the Waynes vitle Lodll'e. No 163 F . It. A. M. tormlf<i an asaociation the only om' of the, kind. in the county. This a~ Mr. F, B. Sherwood and familv, of after the regular meeting, enter: lociatlOn gives ann ',al shows; thl!lr Lebanon, spent a few hours here tained their ",Ivea and friends . A next show ",ill be January 2-6 Sunday afternoon with friends. good program WBS rendered and This will be the largest and bpst show . ' . was greatly enhanced .by Hu;ry J they have ever pulled off. The Stall! !\fr. Harry Hanlllton and famIly, Kiernan of Xenia who gave an Experiment Stilt ion wiil through of Dayton, spent the week end here amusing'ly funny , ' monologue in their tlxtension !'chool put on a with Mr and Mrs Georlle Hamilton. negro dialel't, after which a lunch large slate exhibit at tillS show • was served. Atter an hour of IIOcial They wi ll also turniijh a man who is ~erbe tt Edwards arrIved ~ome good time, they disbanded, hoping a practical experiencf'd poultryman las, week trom Denver He Will b.e that lhis feature of the lodge work who will deliver lhree free leclures here until after the Chrlstmal hoh· would occur every year. during the ahow. days. • _ • . T~e associat\un wlil not ~k t~e Mr. Frank Sherwood and Mrs . busmess pl.'Ople ~Qr any donat.lonsln Sadie Zell left last week for Pitta . ~' e1l8~ or merchanaiile, the" will pay burg,' Pa , where they will vl~lt with their own expenSl? ' Rnd hav~ a fret> relatives. ,ft show. The praclJce of charRing lOe at tlie door will be dilContinued Chas. D. Col)k, of the HarveysWe exp~l to make this flhowone burg road. will serve on the speelal ot the grealest educational features petit jury for the U. R. court at that has been pllt uu ill mar,y a day Cincinnati. In Warren county . Fred Caskey, of Marietta, Ohio, ~be. Warren Countr Teacher.' As· We will be delil(hted to have the teachers of the schools come and was called here Monday evening on BOClaUon will meet 10 the National bring their school or· any class that account of the derio u8 illness ot his Bank Building Lebanon, Saturday , might he int erested in this work A ICrandmother, Mrs. Hannah Antram, December 9, 1916 Following is the competent person will be prl!llent tll progral!':. !rive them some knowledge of tbe Mr and Mrs. Elmer Fisher and M~f'!Il!lg- Invocatlon, Rev Geo differenl breeus . . daughb>r, He! en, and Mr , and Mrs W. I billips, Lebanoll' Music' "The Rem .. m.ber now tblH Will be.a big W. II. Clellver, of Xenia, were Sun- Relation ot the Teacher to th~ Com· 'f ree ah w, and we areexpectlnlr to day lCue~ta uf Mr. llnd Mrs. C. B. munlty," T. W. Horton, Franklin; see you Ihere. Bentley. "reaching for Power," Sup't Wilson Ask our Secy. I.. C St. .John or Hawklnl, Newark. any member 10 Bend you a premium St. Mary's Guild will meet with Afternoon- Music; Demonst ration lisl it will inter('st you tremendously Mrs. S. L. Carl,wright on Thursday o! Primary Work. ~i~s ~ura CunRememb~r the dates January 2- 6, nftern()on. As this is' the last meet. mngham, Lebanon; 1 eaehlnK Under 1917. ing heforc the Chrialmas Mark el and Observalion" R':Ip t HB":kins. Apron Sale, a full attendance is deW,ilhllm ~pre.. gel, Pr~. sir ed, MISCJ JessIe SI bey, Sec y Willi

in CincinnRti

Mrs. Sarah Haines was the gUCl!t of Mrs. 8va J ones Thanksgi vIng Day.


Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Allen ate Uleir 'I'hankSlCiving dinne r WIth r in Cincinnati. .


lI1r and Mrs. E J. Arnold anti son. took di nll e rw i~h Mr. Arnold 'sparent!l ill Wilmington .



I.SO~~~- _~~~T~ J


Dr. and MrR. A. T. Wright an d son, Elliott, attend ed a family d inner ill Cent er ville Thanksgiving Day . . ~


Mr. anti Mrs . A. Mall1t had as tht'i r g uest!! Th urwday, at dinner, hurl es Shitltlker, of Leuanon, and O. S. Hamilton. The Jolly Matror: s and thei r husbands we re enterlained at the home or Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ronald Hawke on Monday evening. Owen Burnett IllJd wifE! bad as thei r ThankBgiving Day g uC!J!t.B J . M. Kevs snd wife. Sami. Butterworth and wife and Ma~ter Gi lbert Frye. Mrs, Edith Harris, Mrs. Laura Mosher a nd Mr. Harris Mosher at · Thankl!giving dinner with l~r e d Hartsock and family, of Morrow. The Barnett-Barnhart·CartwrightHawke·Chapman-BailyannuaIThanke Kiving Day dinner was held this year at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W Hawke. '

WIR'RE'NCHUN1Y Mr and Mrs . J . E . Frazier had their dinner on Sun · TEACHERS' MEETING day . Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Mr. Mrs


Second Sunday in Advent Decem· berJO. SllnduySchoolat\}:30a.m, Morning Prayer and sermon at 10:30. Evenin. service and IIcrm on at 7. p. m ; Bubje ' t. The 100e rmediate State. 'fhe 8ccond in the sel'ies of Advent l'Ierrnons . The pu bile cordially invited to these ser'vir.cs.

Mr. and Mrs . J. M. Keys and Mr. Warren Keys, of Centerv ille, Miss Mary Parlette lind Mr Ch'a s Thoma, I)f Ridgevill e, Rnd Mr . · and Mrs. Harry Murray attended ' the weddinlf of Miss Nellie Bradstreet to Mr. li'rank Thoms, of W'est Alexandria, Thursday ev,.ning, Send the Gazette as a


gift .


Wm .


Harry Sherwood allJd Mr. Fox. Mr. and MI'II, HawaII Piercu gave much pleasure to Mr. and Mr•. S. L. Cartwright and Miss Gwendolen MerrItt by inviting them to dine with the Home family on Thanks· giving.








-- - -----_.




- --------



eH·R ISTmllS?
















I!I ~

A big to uri n g car for . f i V e p e.o pIe

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cleaver on · terta/ned the following at an elellant 6 turk ey dinner on Thanksgiving: Mr, ~ and Mrs. lIarry Cleaver and 80ns, Wilbur and Theodore, of Kinlls Mills, Mrs. J ohn Whitaker and sons, Harolll End Marion.




-. - -




m This Saxon "Six" sets a new pace in .performance

Thomas, The teac-h-er-a -;;;r- th-e- ;choola spent their Thanksgiving holiday at the EJ lowin&, places: Millie" Gebauer. ~ . va •• a" .., and Kindler, at Oxford; Miss An,tlrE,wsat Cincinnati; Mr. Arnold Wilmington; MiBSClara





Mr. and Mrs. J.Thanksgiving W, White entertslned at dinner Day the follow inK i'uellt!; Mr. and Mrs. [!J Frank Taft allli iOn, Robert, Mrs . Rebecca Randall, MI8I Jesnl)e Fer· ~ frF~~:f Dayton, Mr. and Mre. F. .

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ry '~ had a ~ family dinner Thursday. Thoae who enjoyed the dinner were Mrs. Ruth Cll rey. of Spri'1g Valley, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carey, Mr. Mont Hoblit and family, Mr. I,nd Mrs. Ed Hart· 6 sock and lon, Mr. anti Mr•. GeuCire Hartsock, Mrs. Walt l1r McClure, ~ MiHI Alice Carey arid Mr, Jesec

We Are

----- - ---

Mr. and Mrs. Osc!ar Wade, of the Dayton pike. had as their guests Mrs. Hachel E . l{eys entf'rtalned l'hunday Mr. and MrS. Frank BurJohn Squires met with a painful on Friday, December 1st, Mra . R. ft . nett, Mr. and Mnl. Harry Brown, accideht Saturciay moriling . li e .".a ~ HBndBII, of Dayton; Misses GwendoMr. and Mrs. l~aymond Bur/lett and working at the new snw mill in Cor· len Merritt mill Ki t.zie Morritt. MiBli Marie Drown, win. and in changing lhe "dogs" one Messrs. P. D, Cl a~e tt, El ias Ogles· of them fell und ran t.hroulrh the Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Pratt, of the fles hy part of his hand, Illllkinl{ 11 bee lind C. H liar lsock lefl Tu es· day evening for Chicag", wh ere tllllY Bellbrook Road, hEld a8 their guests very [Jaiuiul wountl . 1\ largo Ilnd apl'rrciativ aud ience \vill attend the anlJual Live Stock was pr Pllt alth Thanksgiving enThanksgiving Day, Armstrong Mc· Show. Cray and family, Mrs. Ed Cook and . lertlli nnwnt R'ivpJ' i>y the lowe r family, Able Miniord, Wurley Moore Your friends can buy anythillg you "I'ad ~~ in :c' h~!)I II [lJt laRt \Vedne;"ll ay The services at St. Mary's churc h and Allen Morria. • Thanksgiving Day , WIIS very well at Clm give th em excep t you r photo· Rflenlo II , '{he prog'!':lIn co nslslecl f rhuruseH , Callcy cI ril ls and e_ et'lended. Rev. Cadwallad er gave II graph get them at l-lidgc's. , cifl (,S which W l1m well ex~cutccl. reM·r. and Mrs. F. II Henderson har! fine len minutes talk. and the Hely fie ling much credit on the teachers.. Send Gll7.ette for a Xmas gi fL. CommullI on was celeurated. All persons knowing themselves in· a fRmily dinner , 'hursday . Those who enjoyed the dinner were Mr. and debted to mc for Fertilizer, please Mrs. J. H. Colell\lln', Mr. and Mrs . call and settle at once. D. L. Crane, Mrs . Louisa Woolley Edwin Chandler. I =='8 and Mr. Ethan Crllne. . eEl==II:1&:'= 318EI==)81:1==UZW........ ·=U::JE'= =' ([EI=='B[E




'ee Wllle'r house for Aulo Li l'ery. ,I ,)r8ey is a litllc cow 'i v~Y(>llrs "ld. I • th rl.!o and 0 11 0 half feel high. w!'i).(h~ . \~ : (): Itaper sp,mt th o wop.k·f!ntl iJl ,' rciinary ~ondllion '1-10 pounds and ' 11\ t mCJrl llall. - -is I'\l rfect in every t eRpecl . II 1"11 I 1 ' 1 L ' I' I 'I'll" 1"'."llliC'1 1 II I)nrOI tao " Th \ 1\1· ,' :10 was bred and rai Hed hy I,'rank I'. oJ , d.qlt'''Jlllt I :. '''' . . rnll' .' 1;'1 "f l'I'~'JII"1 1 111 , '~ ~"'I!< Ilui. 'J ' <II • Mr ( '.1Irren ,0 f Warren . un t y. ncar way, I, ball('Ii , Ohio. ~(' I IIH d 11 ,,11 \V.,. lllc ~ "av ('\'PI, .' \1. Wa'lIlesville, ami at birth c.)uld lw 1"1'(''' Ibwkf' \\''l~ III Ci ,lt'inllllti Till "" "1, t ill' ulllil'inp, irllrt!< oj'· h.-Id at armRlelll{th on olle hund: h"r r lIP~ l:iy "11 hll~ill(!. ~ . . ,\h- ,., \ 1o-1'h " I'~un and Andrew s, : II' sir e and darn we re uolh ).(ooiJ ."i 7. !d 'IP"I" " a \\11' handsomely prorlt: ' I. c all 1e~nd i~ is thought w r' eli -I I,,,-, ~tr~ . E La l'rint r. ,(J[ IJaylon. ~ 1"' 11 I.\.'I'.\' i,a l'l W i\~ w,'11 ~t: ~l:1iTlt'd , . ,1\1 to ·r~!l ' i~(t~tlOn . h I h' " ITllu rs, hy with Mr. Ilnd ;\lr~ . .1. ~I Ilh" ('h'"'u~ work \\"1>1 e4pcC'iall y !l1ll'. IS . I e .cow now . a~ lp.r t Iru I TUI Ili r. I lIc k (Ii' ' \Inc'" \\'ill not nll 'lw 1\ fu i' Talt by her Side. and, like Ils Ill llth er. . ''''"('Jipll'' l1 n( ('v'ry part, Inl h •• i~ v~ ry sm~iJ , bu.t plump and J H!~ f~l'l l ~li ,;4 ;\1111'Y ·ali~lJ \lr.v i4 wnrk ill):' lit 1('JI')iJl~' f'!lJl l'f\c·tp rH wprp all thai B~ .. an be, she IS kind !lud g~Il . I ~ . lhe Wnyn.',w iil . Nal ional Hank Illl' fl cO\Jl dl,!, cic'. il'l"l, tit" ~i unl i()l1~ w r" glVlIl1l: agood flow of JTJllk. whIch I" f' II' w ("('k~ fU1l1l , tIll' 1ll\J~I(' wal< ""ry l,rett v e .. ver.v n ch. HIl (1 LII (' Q('e l l\~ I'y Wit>! Wf'illIda)llc,1 t" Sit e was purchased lind 1l0W owned Mi s3 n ell!' Dsnil.ll, of Daytfln . sppnt thu play. by W. N. Scars. the Rueli ~cer lind the week eml with )-;d wi n Cha ndler A filii hllu!'lC~ g rf'P(e(1 th pl'J'for . ~eal estate man of Way."esville. and 1:1l1d family. Illllnr'e und l Ilt' rc' "i pt " will go fa .. It I~ 1V0rth any body's li me 10!o(O sec oWllrtl lIll' oI t'~i r ed goal - that ot' th ~ cow and calf. Mr. and Mrs. 1!l8nc SLollt on I son. tJur('ha~iI1K 1\ " il· tri,la Th e plan is fI . • .J f Lebanon, Bvenl the w!!ck 'lid with worthy ono for il will bring th" relatives here . pu p il ~ of the Rcho()1 in close louch with th Ill'R mU~\c1l1 TnaslorR. ACte Next year you wi il ha"e f o r ~ottpn pu rchllBinl( III l' iclr"l fL lhe publil' ho w The Uaby looked thi s yellr, brin R' will hI' d oing a ~rtl iOUB net if lhey wi ll pres II I Dill' or mr>re r eco rrl ~ til it in while th e weather i ~ g ooel . t il e sch'lOl 1Il thi~ way now record H Mies Laura Su rface. uf Bellbrook, can b adl1 d f rom lime to tim ~ pent the week· end with Mr . and Mrs C. M. Brown and other r elaOn December I. lh the Opera lives. House in Lebanon will have J. Hart· ley Manners' delight ful comedy of MrR. Hallie Ridge anll daugh te r. youth, "Peg O' My Heart." The of Cincinnati, Rpent severnl tlaYR,l llst MCIJn08 of the play are laid in u well week with Mr. and Mrs. E. V. !lam· kno·yn summer colony in England, hart. the 'home of the Chlchestera. Peg Is a jolly, impetuous girl with a fas· Mr. and Mra. 'J . Will Hayni , of clnating brogue. She has b ~e n raised Columbu! fl pent Tuesday with Mr . . Eleven.yeor.old ,'Irwa rt Nixon, of by her whole·heart.ed falh er. Bnd Haynie'a brother, Mr. J . H. Smith Prallldin, hUI! lIlad/' t.he 4lnviabl,' when ahe arrives in the ChicheBter and wife. recorp of winning third Jlri~.o of th o home with her Irish dolt, Miohael, Ohio State Corn (]ont()~t. by raising she shocks the family, nrst by her Mrs. Kate Berry and Miss Pearl II crop of 11!) bu ~ h(jl s per acre . B appearance and then by her manners. Hnrdin, of Cincinnati, have been hll!! W l)ri a trip to ...... Bahington doHer unfamiliarity with the modes of visiting lheir au nt, Mrs. J 091'in ney, nate,l hy Senat.or Hnrding . . living- her ready wit, and her of Co rwin. The secrel o f fit wurl Ni J(on' n curious anlics, cause many' humorous crop lies in t hflroug h prelJarl\t iol1 , eituations throughout the play, Miss Gwend alen Merritt. I)f Mid· good seed anti slI!Ii ien plunL feed The production I. under the per- dletown. spent the Thanksgiving ing . II ' plowed carly and dQCI), 6 to IOnal direction of a well · known WeHt- vllcation with Mr. and Mrs, S. L . 8 inch s. Tit field \Vas rlisk{)t\ one' erner. Melville B. Raymond . Cartwright. befor planting. J t was Iillled and well Certil ized. Th e t (Jtal CORt o( Mias Anna Meredith, of Ci ncinna ti, growing the crop woe $ If) . spent t he week· end with her parents, Mr lind Mrs. ;'aml. Meredith, of the Bell brook pike ,







_ _S_preigel at ~

Those' who enjoyed the Thanksgiv. ina- dinner at Mr8. Ellen Marlatt's were Mr. and Mr:s. 0 B ,. Sims, Mr. E::J and Mra. Ernest Brookbank, Mr. and' Mrs. Rob . Sims lind children, Mrs. ~ Elizabeth Seale a'n d daughter, War· ren, Oscar and Kyle Simi, of Cineinnati, 0, . Mr. Marl Sims, Mr. and Mrs. Burton Earnhart and family. Mr, and Mrs Harry Smith, Mr and EI Mrs. Canoll Barnard and IOn, Ever· ~ ett. Mr. aDd Mrs _ Lou Hartaoek and tamll1, Mr, and Mrs. Geol'lre Mar· lau and 100, JllCOb, Mr. and Mra. Br uce BelpDlan Ilind'daulrht.rGladyal Mr. and 141'1. Hcarbitrt Marlatt ana El Mri, . B.mud



A case in point .is the motor demon- ' stration at the San Diego Fair whe n S 0 "S' " on over both eights ax n IX W . ' and twelves, well as other "sixes." in speed, in hill-climbing and quick get- away ,


= I'



By continued and consistent expert~ mentatiOD and research work Saxo1,l "Six" motor has been given a smoother, . more supple power-flow.

At .Hawke's Grocery

~~~~~~,. .~



"Six" and its notable eColLOtlly 111 gasoline, ill oil, and it! r e pair se r v ice.

11 S 0 "Sixes" Figures baseu upon a • n:-.:: 1\ . in use to dalc s h ows th aveqlge eost . ' par ts a veragcs. 'Ii' oil::'0 1 per fer repair .v ~


I!J ~


car. Do you know any ~ar thnt can ri v:l.! m'uch less equal-that record ? .





Saxon "Six" is $815 f. o. b. Detroit,



IIr. and 11m .hort call,r::J: . . EI JB!llol _~~ 1Ir~ IIn,_ M_ Rel_


Think what it mea n s COli pie I with - the easy-t:itlin .quali ties of .' ax o. Ll

But this new series Saxon "Six" is even an abler-acting car.

A~ . Banud.



of what this Lefiricmcn t mean~ in quicke r acceleration', in increased flexibility. in improved hig h gear work.

R e p eatedly has S axon ." S ix" proved itself the .superio r car. Not alone in private u se bU l ill puhlic ol11pe tition too.



J• B.• CHAPMAN, Ag-, t

i. . . .m&E~mEi~a'm.'

Waynesville, Ohio '


...' .I....... ...laE.....~'




IkIDII ... True Cb .. 01 I ~ ot C.~.ID ' ..... 11"" 8 I.. " ..n D""tD . LARIlE NCE alld




O ' lUNN I'i 01 da. Battle of Tlppec:.tI'not'! ' 10 the IDdleD. Wllde rn ....... . . . 01 'Wha. B fdl l ' b"r .. • .r.e.... 01. Corydon nlul Now rlrat S .. t Forth

Stc>p! 'Le>e>k! L i s ten.!


.Ieau ...

..III!I~~I"'mlllnn"nll"lI1u""IPlUnmIIIRRlIII lOot.Jrt.a"



Christmas Suggestions

Ib SAMUEL McCOY 111•• u.uou by Oe.AltoG

1I1e. The J)Ql.IbaMerrll l \o'omVu.r)

flln,· kh onl·, t~

' ''"Illdor~

II. i\ L '. ne a \)u~· 0

"It IBn' t !TU O, " n o srun, lIua WIIS • I·


Il f:\ r h"

lent once nif1 l n. "ThO!'11 th nnly (':cplnnllllon yotl and [ nllf'll, Dn vltt," lke IlI)S\\"'I·,',1 "li lt e lI~nve IIIllIII' ; nnt! 1 n \'Id ~"\I~It"rl hl_ : band In a ml ellty 1;1'1\,. I

11' 1.(lIl~O llolll,"

L ont

l'Inl8 Cl ll H~ Dcsk rad8 11 1l1111. ~' H,,;,,'~

'ul'i (milS lIoxes Nole I lIk · v,> li s


Crepe Pop"r 'rtSij1l0



a ' \ I}- C[L'


T"~<e D 1"\ I n

me!'c'1;::'1ts in. : te yo u to their til , l-:oJ . I ,} 1, Oil , t o Luy with the po,itiv(' a~SLll'lI1l':;C of ~a'i,. "ct',':l J tl .e I,l st de g ree.

~ 0"("

In vite



All you'd look [.or It>. nn Art sto re. And wba.t's mo re, our p rice d o n 'L soar, ON ACCOUNT Ol~ , AR

It doesnP~ mnke IIny ,11rr ,r()nce,

' rlt (1IIl'lIT.mue IIUy!! ylttlr (lr(n l" l lo nUylll1l 1\lId \) a k )H>tll U. Our drugs lire alway s !ra b nnd or

But I want you to see 1I1:. 'Bntinon and turn' m1 accounts ovor to 111m. Will )'on do. thlB for me, Ike?" "WJlllna;l1, Davy_ But, ob, 1'1\ bute to KITe 101\ up I" "You're the best tr1end 1 ever lind, 80 I maU bave to lose you, as I have teat everyooe I ever . loved." Duvld II1Il1led bltterl),. "Davy, don't aro I You'll win yet I Sbe can't bold ' to nils s\lly ml s toke. Wh1. rll explain things to ber I 00 bliCk, 3'00 8Or&-beaded old beur, and-" But .Dll1'ld check d him. "I shall never ente r thot house. .A1lt! I forbid your speaki ng to ber on this IlUbJect. Do not spenk ot ber nloln_" Hill tone WIL8 uuyleJdlng, final: ond crlevlng In s ilent SymPDthy ' for hl8 -triend's- shlllterlot\-

tbe best QlIllllt y.


)1 1111 w ork direc t.


PI" .. lI.,.

. 21 m;1I .,. ... !II; II",

and ~


at ,\ It.


Cor. 4th &. JeNerson St." Co.


m enn\\'ltlle retnlllt~~d·llt Ili s \'illn S'(', J:!o'NEWS hoImiles no rt!-' o r \ IIH'l' llll "R, IlI HI Hj1('IH


tho tim 10 InCO n1lt1i('flH nllil onll nou. mu tte l'llIlIs; antl rhl' IIt li e to\\'n of Vincennes IllY, In IIn xloll~ 1I ,u'ertnlnly on the bunks of Ihl' W n\.>usb r lv(,l" down which calllO Ihe IJ ~W S of tlIo

• • •

Reml>led hns tlly. (ITo be



XI111t 8







G ift

v ggestions

1(lIt1 ,,'\/,. ,', r'lPrtt~, n \ltt~. HUh,:,. Itt" I lh'I.:I''''. Fi,.hh ilit ' r u C'l:I . ', ' li .'ln l" 1.1 1(~1". II I 11th ~ ';lIlId ... :-i!;n1t·fI. ~I·· tl. nl ,'\, :~A. F'l,~1 h J. IIUPfC.. I: l'\ j~. l '.,lI ' I., , ',lI,H. 1:111",,.., HIlT.lll·K, l~ nl\(oH. \"H l d',.. ... " "II~, J.~t H. .. f1 1)'*, 1'lhII HI "".t p hlll.




'';HIt4 .




" l llH': I S .

Maharg' s



\ '0'1 \1

71~ · 'b ARy~g~~~H~5DO.,


Dayton, Ohio

14 N. Main,


11>'IU Ih e8ttl te of Bpnj min El l lI lI tjJ~ . (l tlo ,msed . till ollll nn n fi ll"

The Cougar Crouche • . To an In~lon mother, Iylnl{ lQulllid tepee In the fMf'~t. OIH'1' \\,1'1' e1ven 'three BonR ot n ',Irlh. On!' of the three died In lufnncy; 1\\'0 to become the mn · t tnm ous ICI1,l e l'ij III terrible ltihohltuuts of I he fM.'~ 1 11'11·

Proc 'cdill~s


f.\t .lt Q ,of til" .. \' , Alh e rl, I:Innc:k , i mullOll for .. T( ,,·u l.' IH' f\ ~l1~t lA\DC [I . I \J() nrr fill"" 'l lltt mUllt ;~O 111,,1 (,U"lf. '1

Anp: lll\tH' ')1\'."11< Yr •• ' flIIH' 1i UIIl'iR .

1Ili.! \l()~ 11'l. ' derne88 ever kne w. As one of tilt' Iwo I Ad ... lo C,l rl n ",. r 'J".~ l 'n.r1\n, 11i crew to mnnhoo<l III1fI forerci h I. WilY ' \'oro, gr 1111)11 ,"Jlf "1I~1I,,1 V fI) mlll,',r to the beod Of hi s Irlb\! by h l~ '''II·ln ~. ; ch ;l<llH ~I ,111 I.. li l" )1 '11,) 111 . hili cunnlnl!'. hi s mllll'hl , ~s el(lrlll' n"~ I and power, the red Ulon, \\1llh hi s lo\' e I'roceedlnlt ot Imagery 10 num ' 8. r hos ' t.h e ~1)1I ' In t h r' '11' ' : ,r o f tit., ,-.'111 1'1.1,1111\ gar, the pllnth er , the ,;rCllt cut of the fol'ellt, 811 the fltll ng t~' pe ot Ihe abl et .Rov,1rl R. Blclla , of ::It.; Lout p, l\f , .. il",'II, ", (l,.dtiCI; . \\'JI) I Ii'iLO i tt!lel Lo Pl'lIl,lt (0 . whose ll&htcst wonl \VIIS Illw. HI, Voice In Council Was the Voice tbe grellte8b and most sUCOil~Rtul ot In th o 1Il ·,ltl\l: ,,'f HI,) lIs t t u Tbe couger I It wos from tlJrR demo· I of Authority. wetither foreo~9t.er8, died on October Dlac beasl tbot tbe Slunm('e cbler 12,1916,altera ahilrtillooell. Beforo ,I o hll M \\ II~')D, tloc" Hiltl. J ,) ho recelTed hill nom~'l'cc ums(> b , "tho I Volcl';" !lnd bl s ,"ol "a 1n co uncil ",ns he took siok be had entire ly com . U. \ i1~ " n I.. "'l )[Jolllt.'d OX(!l)ll t or: co\lgRr about to spring." tbe ru\c(' of Ilulh(, rlty. Dut yenrs hll(l pleted his work oti the great Hlok@ I:l lid ':::'00. W II) U .. nkl1l~ ... n. F, ' . A. Yankce surn'y o r prc dl c1('d 000 Il0 1Y Iil\l''''~\l ; uud ho prn yod In flcc r t Almtlnllo for 1 n 7. H.nd IIl1d reH.d the "l'hOIJl(J~1I11 "'.1<1 W . It l: u bl tJ ura li p . da)' an ' eclipse at tho s uo. Tecum· I ('or tln"IlICI' sll(n to b olst' r up his proofll of 1111 1)18 wentllor for eoflsts p Oi ot,o d ,, ~ .. p r ", 1 8A r~, tb" 1l1 .. t(A l' "t thr, cslllto o f eeb'lI br9tlJer. on ne 0111lt of Ills freo I wa\'cl'llI /; s trength. for ·a. yeur in !\llvan ~\f' . This n oted quent druuken bobbllu'g9, 1,,"] h"en , Th O) \\'hlle IIwn cn'lIIp, 1flrtber unCI Almtln60 III 0 0\\ r eud,!' flo'd Is I\. fiu ll ,1 0D,. 1n Ie. fArEl~g, durll't1~~I1. N I... dubbed "Tht! Open Door;" bUI It gll ru- (arlh er low t h \\'Iltl~rn ~s , rcured IIpeoimen of Alrut1nllo mllklog . Prof. U('tlr ~b l,~ tlllp.,ioIlH: tlct m llJt t Tflf or, Dler ot .s brewdnes s I",h l (1 up hlH ruUl - , th('I I' (:u\:)llIs In "rpntcr "nd greut er Ellok8' p ortrnl' wu~ pllinted by u Ull nJ IflflO Lo oi s III May, sodden brain nt the words of tIl e wblto nl.llnlJerR In th o r ed mll .. '8 fore$t, bur· ' leadlog erti!<t of III t lJl, 1l1,ltler of t ll a cB tntf) 01 DIaD; be r eturnj!d to Itls trlhu, ntHl BUY' tUI·,·, 1 nllt! b(Hlght IIlrgp.r (lnd lurger and tbls portrali prin te d in c.ol (; r ~, (~ .. (Or~HI) rhl\·,d~ ' a~o <1. 'I " nre ~q to all wbo w ould lI ~ tell tJlIll he te rl'll orl~8 frOlu lhe ,!'tupid s'lIvuge, who makes the. frontispiece lIf th l) 191'7 flppr,!Vc,) . had ' been glVf!Il n message from the II rendled Ollt c'lIl{erly tor n ' hllndful at Almanac. Tbe I OJ 7 l\ irnll ll llo IS :I , AI1 Wl 11:. i\.Jt.:dolt'l1. I;uilnlio ll \' , Great lIituitou himself, propbesled iOl'R, (I Ju~ ,of th white mUll's fiery oentsby nloil . Pr uf Bick,!'moutbly /1.11\ 1".1. '&111 • ..,tlll. VII\I nt H t(Jo lt~ that 00 a c rtnln dny the sky ' would 'I' (Irllll t, n ull gn" 10 refUI'D tit· countless MllgazirHl, W UIW AND W O ltKS, wiiJ 1 n pptJID eel .1Q o,l'IJlII I;w r , to fi l l be darkened-Ii Blarn thut he, "'I'he fl cri)s of JIl s hUrltlll1; groull'l. But n ow &180 be ooutlno d by I,be \lubll ~ b er!:l . Vllel tlc.V" O"ll~ ,\ by tn" (Je ll 'lt u f Open Door," Wll8 divine antl WIlR to\' ypnrs hi s dumb rcsent,ment grQw W ORD ANIJ W UIlK one y~al' witb th ll tn"f! V'I1I i)of'lD. ' -,'!!~~~~===~=~~~=~--=., more aud more bitter.. TD Tecumseh Blok. AlmnDtlo 18 one d o lh~r . l:ie a d I n t ho ptllhu uf 'l'h ,r,rJl( Gn n tlihlll ;;; and hls brother, Elkskll16WIl, Ole II oent~ for 1\ sample copy of WOIW l<'irst. DP d fi lp'l nrooun~ It! upproyecl: Proplu~t, th r II men tooked IruJlllt,leot- A.VU W ORK~, Address , W OIW ANO 11\ ,.ho e"'t ~ te ur Cit" 'los Fl'Ilu~"d·". An ~ Iy tnr II l eadership whlcb e hould reo W OHKB Pobllshlng Uo rnpnoy" 3,1,01 oea sed. b'j r~~ un d liuul tl IlCO UU ~ III How Vinol Made Her Strong : Rtrllln flIp. tncroncblng settler, or Franilitn Aveoue , 8 1 Lou l!', Mo. appruvel1. BeaU"'iIIc. Oh;".-"r wi h 1111 ro or. ",hId, rnl\:h t ,n'Oll r Clllllu tor tb m • In tb.., h~ tl' of E li7Al hotb 'wit h , ~ WtU. run·down \\'om"" could tJ1QJr IDst lunds. .\ deod~ I,d. F ir t flod fllllli fH lOOllOt 111 bye Viii'll. I WllS fIO ' Y'un,uOlln, wc.. k The ;young warriors could not walt !I [Jpr ov~1. ad JU' I'TOUI I roul(\. lIot ~Ic.'.l" l~\'('Ij'- ( tor council; bere und there they struck 1n ~ho f) tl~q, of aowartl G. lllhlc. till.., I at.u hurt m." tltlli UI\' tlwtii(' hw ; down a settler, took a woman captive. WheD '.he nervoosnO"1! Is M 'u wel} I had tnt.'n I~~d m' no ~,lOiI . J d('· ' dllsbed" out the braiDS of a cblld and 0 uo , brau~l, .~ aI, minors. .E'OOT tl l IteleId..a &0 tn' "1II <l1. nnd 1••'fllrt' \Illig I • by oonll$lpa.ion, 1111 18 oUen the 0811C, III "p].)r ',,·e<.f, r.nd (Jour' tl o ll .. ",Id I-at a.i,ytlling I wllnt(.'ti IlUti cUlIlcl hurried back Into the. roreRt. To Bar- yon will go' relief by ~lItlnlt Ch .. m. ~:1~9,H In t ho hnods oLIDe p ,II hlf.!lIt . 1'",,' 1 am' \\~II olhl rison tn Vluccones C01l'l0 Tecumseh bul.ln'lI Tablet8. TheSll I;!! Utl rllil II (It, ,, >!lid Qllthto aDd iu 1M'tb'r b~al~ thlUl l tor l'ounc11 and prolDl1Ied rllClrell8; th_ allo Impr Jve the d;:r".~ioD y,.U,- Ira, U!fA I sUpped awlJ' to the South, down the able everywhere . .!st,fllll of Anron B. CbflnclIII", I'hlo. sr-t river. to the' tribes a10D, the • u,"Q"I'.~'Il. 8f)COun' II 'I]).' pu""b.. " lnlll fur all run.d0Wllo ; QUIf. to Implore them to stand with - - - - - . - -- -.I."rn."." d 'he Uour' find. lam of Ud d.a.llltaled CVlloUUoDlo I tIIe1r brothera of the North aplDat Ole of ,he admlDilltra 'Olr






I i



+- - -



!'...' 1!I*Il'. advallce. !l'be ProN Read the Miami Gazette now

. ..................... .

( PI~ICE:;

I'l oc,In Iho Silt/LFlr~e Ie of ICra!\\11uS Brldi{IJ ' 1 • flnd Iln H.1 I,coount 6


SoIl! Agent


t,,, 11" rl l

. db nted.

lr. the m it/to r o f the es t ute of .J In eb E. Tud hunte r, d ce llf'Nl. H~ l plt [3. Tollb nnt er Is IIppolot (!c1 n ~ 'uIU, IIlI!o tt'tltor. Ba ud $2000, I)'ln lel

lloo ' Ii, (i r',)fge Perrin e !lnO WIlU u('1l , 'cot ( II rt.l 11 pp ) In t o(.\ II Jlprlllser8. r n t,he mil tte r f I,he I: t.n t of Nu '·he E, I.. opton, deceaseu. In v' Il l, II'Y III,d I\ppm i OlUent arc nl()o " rl '.' Ll ,,1 of r 01l1 0 tnte o r dot' el. 1 th", Ul l1tlu r of the estRto of V"I, Ie, Ey r, d oc~use d . MHI'y L " u: Jv<,r 1('1 11P!> itn d tl ~ IIl1rnlnlst rll 'r l'>. r-: n c1 $ 1500 Wri Qht' Hill, 1.1I ·I'1ll Trlmhle Ilm l GO" rge :'10(;11\1 ',ro, 'I'!' 'II1 t ... ,1 "pprnl o r . U "'Tf.\f E. Youo g, Adtu r. VB. Vl o l , ~ '.',I rrull "t /I I', P I\lI\te ,Iflle of TIl UI

st'.,,. n ·(I!'rod.


I"OR SAL8- I'ROJ>Eln' ¥

room b ou~e nnd lo t, WI t it g,)0,1 onrnHlll I'lrnsCourt IIIl IJfU VI' L . oall{u wen 11011 cistern iu t o \\'n Nt:w "'lIi1 ti i ll tho ellt nto o f Wm. Bildeb rnn cl , nnd in I~ ~Cl Od Illoolion ",'old ohe II DII1IllH Plulll)). Vo. v l vun .1oTilp. oc <l ~, tl. Ji'lnr, and fio ',1 fl OOO OU Ie tt ~old Boob . . Inqulre 0 1 B , M1Jrril y, " \V nyuesv ill e, 0 . d ~o Q SflQ,. u, t "r oJ,II', uillo un t "lilllUl'd tl.lJpr,IV!)",, t,(UO fin d .1, lor ..,.t , I II Illo O!ltnte of l-ln8tllv 1'01'1)1), ' hO . C k 8 un di)on d 8 1I1 t,lio ' III I". "., . l tI'il ~~ 1".,1- 1t' ('IIRI d ,ce rrlllU ' t d b :e~, 111111111\ V. IJ Jon~lUg to tlDI' d llte i "ro or e e re

- --.. - ..- - -


Saxon Six Livery

OlassifiBd ' Ads

1 ',~I'C· u ' lt Is IIPI)rov ed . 1 11 lilll lI:! tl\te uf .rorno91iIlvl~, d(l " "n .,.~I. I'i rst !LUli 1I1l~1 ocooml t, I ~ "l'llfll ' eu.






Mrs. Bugb l:oo k , i:loott-Rvil lfJ, N Y . \lilllony I, 11 " ',011 01 $10 I)' Ill 0 nll1 i.' lllio '( U (Jllil ' 'Ill u ,, <I Milo " ' 111140 Sill'S: "Abont live yellTs RgO ", b el we were livin g in WlrollU. N , Y., I I1nl I·.!li t') tI" "r ' 11111 of ,'1',() IInll dootored two o f my ohlld re n snIT r_ Ill,t' a t tOrn".\ ~ 1'1 l1 nt niH"', In:.: fro ·t! 00ld8 wIth ULttlmber I Fl l n '~ Ste t a ot (>III" \'~ . ,'.' 111;"11 H"n""~ Coul!h Remedy tlnd f ounll II j O. t ~OrJ . P [a tlfl t·d lu llt ~- ..... ,·, l tt~ll' ,·.1 ,tt U represeoted In every way. a • {lo t U. \V Ji)": H'dl~'" Ju,' !OJ. - rth11ltJiS promptly cheCked th e ir oO llghiol'. ~tfl tc (Jr" t 't'{l \ ' :4. Ll·-.; l{·~". H.nd onred their coldM q \ll c ke r t,1111t! I a IlLu lr, . ~d ljJI.~ t \ gUllt F, [I't 'r1 : -3ti nnythlng I ever ut' od ., Obtuioabl e 1)1f1 O\J~f:1 J'It "'-·tl lt , Ul" t Ii til j \It t l)1' everywbere. ; hi r l y U;l,P'. I';tll t e ~Ir (II;",' "1 I':", ·l mH. '~ llu ug :td p: ~u. !) ;~1l1 tt,;-" i,'Uhld .. ~;,


• •;1-.. . . Wi



GrEO ..

With Rt'"no .... nl ant PrlvU . .e "'''ti l I t'.' ·ll )1'1.11' r,U"Ill, \!, 8 w l H tln d a bu,"' er . p ,1 W.· ht t ll\l~ ,t , ~. {' hi, Vf' Oll t that wl1l lui t }'o u .


Prophel's restless ploltlng. The little Tlllu ge r'r('~p nlc d (I scp n of the n~08t un u~unl uctl\'lty_ H e re uod lbere In vactlut Gel(ls tbo vllrlolll1 compaoles ot the terrlt rlol m!Utlu ~I'ere drilling- four compnnles of mounted men Dnt! eJgltt at lu!uutryn torce 01 some six hundred m n, I which Dnrrl soll hud cnu sed to be D&-

Davld'8 back WIIS towflr(1 Corydon and ill his hopes. His fuce wn s lowtl rd lthe north. The lruce through tho rori_ stretched aWRY toward VlnCeD:lC8 Iud he m8r~hed olong resolut Iy, ~Tbere he hand d over to Ule lerrtt()Irtal olllcl'l'8 the plana that he hod taken from Cranmer; .had from them their blnot thflnks. lind fnllllt\ rmploy· IIleDt lu the RIlI! I (' ut t ru rllng hlluse 01 the Spnulard, VI liD.


)Q U


broken her owo bco rt.


(u r

36 Eaat Fifth, N ear J efferson


Ohio Farmers R_:l\ty Co.


.111 . 11e III.. UIIIII, II10

GP8Si I ke- hf'lped h.."H'\' fOrtll to 1{'il.,1 11:8 TllI'y him close Ull the m nger nft'ulrs Dt the Inughed: but til i:llll'lcneHR Cllllle II Il llttle Btore nnd bnde b1m good by.••• hall fOI'dolll, tlllli fl'III U Ihnt dny h o To [ke r muln ed no qu StiDO of Dnlo()k,," tiP to by e nry wnrl'lor In ' - "Id's honor; l)ut the polsoo of Elliott's wns Il, a r{>re~ t n the Kr en tes t or l'fllljllrer R. words hud found nn nbldlng hold fn 8e wu " no longer 1'1111('(\ " T it Onen 'the glrl'B heart. Tolnette bad reached D oC) r," !.tilt Blks kntuwll, "'j' h I.. oud b er tather'8 hOIl c !'be knelv n ot IloVl'. 'She gained Ihe hnrbor ot her owo cbamber. clos 11 the door. aod sank upon her bed In a poroxysm ot grief. She bad saved the trontler trom the ttaitor, she tbought; but she bad


e-vve1ry It



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YOu. · Shoe Wants.

Our a ~ ol'tm nt \\ as ne, er better and our prJr\?- a1' 1 W l' n \V t han they will be later\'el'YOD ,'hou lG buy ' n ."tra pair of shoes and be 1 ' pa ~'ed _ 1J a t her is getting scarcer E:'\'(.'l'Y clay_ . .'ho .' are going up_ Shoes 01' ...lin 1el': mak 1,11 fi nest sort of Christmas ifts. Stop in <md let us how you, th n xt time ou ar In Da 0 11.





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llito!\,! \\,l ,'ulll lt 1h'III 1"\ J,n, \ ,0 ...;,\1.," \'h . 1I lh" I-did :11. 111,1 \\ 11100. lh I \~ t.! If1' ,1,:: ,·11 ... "r 111\' . \ In 111\ Th.·" pl, 'IU n' " '.11 uojt'll t', \\ tn." i ." lIl(t . l 11 11.1 l·pll · \ ' 1'11 1'1 11"\l&h- .. \,, 1.\ 1111 \ '110,,· f' I 11\ t" 111"1:10 p,'II' ll,,1Iru~ \,III,Il" 1".lltll\1.:' ':"'\', 1\ 111 1· .... ··UL ' f • \, \,t, "11 '1" I " ,,;1.01'"

l·t/ lIl .1

135 N. Milia SI.

"You know beBl, novy. It·s not my \ bueln-. But where?" !\losl 2fic, 50c. nnd $1.00 me ,llclues "VlDeennee, I suppose. I mllY ns auJ l olli'll a rtl Ie. n Lwell on there, nfler I bll"o do. 19c, 3ge, and 79c Ihered thts evidence to GmtCrIIl Glb-





hOI .(. I' ::It p:lce with this bet!.:!' tor<:s lha n Dayto n

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me, tlte n-" HIs voice tnltered again. ~' be hns worrled herse lt o,er Ao~e I rum_poor Tolnette, sbe's s lrun l( 10 the brenklog-polnt," said Jkl) g('ully. "I want you to do sOOletlllng fllr III " II IIIe," repUed David, uub e ding the ex· cnse. "I cannot alny 10 ~orytloo Il ftN tbll!. I cannot be Inde lll d to 1tl.r. O'Bannon an)' longer. [ must go." .

h n5 " haracte ri z e<\ the growth r\~\V ~ car~.


.-(1 - ,


• •

!,~,r<1i t). th :Jl on 1< 11 (' pr"t

(1 .':, ill (I !)"',, t:, 11 h~' the inc rease been 11' ·. In·t bw,il (".' ." ti , ,: , h;I\'c s limu1ated t l1l.' i '. "'t.. 'It ',f ("r ;t 11 i .;p:·/\:i lttlsiness build.. 1_ • Ii c·.' j' liPI! "I I);, lOll 110\· pret;c nts a t ruly



If Rbe doubl





(f ; 1,1.,


I cao't explllin to II r I Doo't you un· derstand? I wnnted hor lov e. 1 thought she bad given It to me. But


() cit'l in 'h: C' IlIl.lry h~s r:;row n with th e r apid-

Oold lUl d HII" or Knl\'(l~ Dostal! Oli O'\' ollnr 1'('1\ ' ell :;!tnrIl l'lIo l'S

Pa llU r fOI' 11 lilt· I?R I' o r \\,"i!: h s dny usc \\'o nh II & l .a r Ko o "No\\' nms11 A sh Sln ll (1 Glohe · W ernl .. ko . ','. 'l'h lll'Sitt " \luOKs 'nl'!l~ " Palllll' Hucl s Ilonnl Book t: .UJCd Ci.thol1(' P rnyor Books Hoo k Ra ,'1(8 Olll eo J) o~ks !lo"ul'les Jal'dl n ler " ~ lJ\l.k 'uleurlars "Ike, y r,m ulllh·r ' !'fln cl! yo"u h,.lll'\·1' Iilp i!;l' opa l Prnyo r Dook s "6 ~O; S l a nd s ro r I a17 10 me l" he ('rl w lu n \'01<'0 Ihll l Buhy n ol(s , Jlrn sM nnd COPI)er Urn · Omee Chulrs IIbowcd ho\\' ruel tho snnlll li P' Il Ills 1""'1U1I~' }{ ~c(lTd Books hreillt fi llinda Typ elHl le r n~"\1~ lIervDu~ pride ho.1 1>""0; n IH I I he I\\'O - \'Il uto A I I ~ lIll1 ~ Tlook Eml.< T~· I1.) \\'rl,or Cllllir~ JOunll' m"n Bmll ,(I . Irllight lilt. ('UI'II I, 1\ (,[llIk AlbUntR lim BS nllri CO Pllo r I llll Hac ks other's eyes: B l'u~ Ci S Wn sle lJa.kol8 FIlin g Cublncl •. \\' DOll David hnt! [l1PIIIII 10 4.",p hlg o\\'n I COI1IIM I lllllhl SlIvor Willow Il nRk ts untl Steel J) '. k Sl!ls J' I:,,·c Cn rtls F Ili n g n l'lccs eounsel. but now 11, I>unll'n or bl ~ Tully IlrtlH 'o(lkillj; R ccJp.' J cows heart tlooded O\'cr lit lkt··s trusl In , Hru . s DOdk No veltl os ll'sk Lamps JJrll1ber Unocll Dl'llughtlng OulIH. blm_ Be told of whllt he hot! le\ll'l\ d locl(s L lullcs' Pll r. As Chrl sl mns Lnh ~ l" ron~ernlt1ar CrnulDcr; 101<1 ho \\' he hml J'n p or Knh' S L nrllils' an ti Gent's Ex· lJ ollul\Y Goou s or como Into posR~ssl()n or I he "(lc n'l ' 1"1~lol cll ios C' llI Rlv o Sl nllonory D08crllllions eaeot's OIDI'S nnd (10 UlU e nt~ . "I lUll I Olc'tlo nllrles COllhll u'H ~~I(,OI11 llg H ousehold nfas alread1 sellt ,,:ord to Vlu ('ellllC'1' to t letlonll ry Rln. nd ~ Fnun", l" l'ens Cosh n oxo. aenr~h for rnnmer," he snld. "nud 1 \\'r lllnll I'onfollo \\''''I'rIll IlU·. 'clf· nllln!: !Jo nel Dox es Pukor , l\llnl a (o', .. I1\llIi1\ Pens Stoo l SII\' r hr ~ ls menot to tuko til(,RB pup rR t hl're I1t the tlret opportuni t y. How Toloett THE LA RG EST AN D MOST COr.; PLETE OFFICE OUTFITTERS IN suesSed tllRt 1 bnd tllIllll , I cnnnnt 11lI· CEN TR A L AND SOUT HERN OHIO derstaod, But, by belwen, Bin kford , 'I


i~ i9fg) .~






Phone 00-3



LUANE!) MONEY cbllttel8 tiull

o n l ive s ta k s(ioond m u rt gu g es. Not 8 hn\1glt t. ,I n lln U ll thin e , Jr ., Allon Build ing, X e o i ll. Ubio . lI ~U

Get the Miami Gazette Now

WANTEJ) 1:.. ,

y our Fllr to mo . FUbeR-Bring G-ns Livery Ilt

III '8

\\ III


:::iHl h (,

P ay bl l; hos t ~ Il .. b prico. Llmrullo(J Wfl.k e l oy , ~pr ln g VIILey, 0., ou Al ax odur f/lrlll . II:lO

every 8uturdllY.


Funeral Director . and Embalmer,

Stenmer flJr t o bll UCO ~I, rl.,' r nClIl> .

Qall 1::1. J) Unukl e , IJbo n rt I, Way n~svilie. Ohio. d1 3 h llhu/-I t o Mllry 8 0 1.1 111- Waynesvllle,Ob lO . We have' urt'lIl1g-ed with an under· 'n,. t;)r~ Nt,., . 7U:l 1 iU4. 'i~' ;)t 7n7, -;OOt{ t l ke r LO g~ t an auto , ~o We will bl) Fol!linllr Bed. Mnst h ll in ~nod ,'"j ;:Iu III 1"r 'lnk llU . (1hl <l, $ l. o onditlon 'lO ll r oul'onlluh. pri oo. able t o furni s h eith"'l nn auto or ,J, '1111 J I, Bnrnij b IJ . Ii. P e lll y, 1 h llt'<\O d raw n { lIIl CI'II\. Oll\l WlJ.yuesvl ll e l'e le pbullo g xfill' ! , tn UIIl'liI o town ship, $1. Qhnnge . llJ :t n ()th phones in om ' (I anti ftesidence. .1nt", 't'. tcKin lllY to The Uentml LOllI{ d i!ltance.No. 14; Home phone "l"vir, ~ , I3l1l\ k und 'l 'ru _t Uo. , l ot~ 14-2]'. ARMS ~ Bnvo vou n. Cnrrn o r ntb ur Nl'~. ;.!(), 2 1 I.. cd frllotlo lllli lo ts NOB. Roul Eottlte for. ~/\ I e? IE !l lis t 22 tlll(\ 2~ in Morrow, Ohio, $1. Vu le l'ltl n e Dnug ltuillu to Harv ey flAil e III rlDoe with W , 0 , Uh n.'lfll or , Hutch' 08 2 trilote In l:iu.rlH.n town. WnyneRvll\A, lIhl O, o r ou ll h ere fit hip, IHO 10& No. (,7 In Blltlervlllo, Phone 'No 77. I !Jave tl few goo ll o ut of town bUY!lr8 w h " IIro 11t' ~ lr. Obi o, 1. one of l oo)(iug ut pr operty til tllI,l J l.Jhn Bllhr Rnd wlfll '0 J, . B. arouod Wf\YlJ e~ villll Doo't d e :.. , I 131'011'11 ,Jr., 'Ilod N. D Brewiter ,lr , J\ttoild t o tbls lit onoe, l! tl llOtfl i n Deerfield tOlYnBhlp $1. Funeral Djre~tor. W. I) C lum dl or .

Rea l Estate Transfers

;\ ru!r ... ", ~



------- ~






-E l 'l 'UIllUIs Jirst though I. _____ ~. _____ _ "t lIt ()r btirR tor bUlnps, bruis(ll R,nd AulQ Equipment Hp r dlll th .. t OOntlDually lIappeo. HOf!le-Drllwn Equipment ABOGONY Pinnnlll, ' o'~n bl1 fi t Ir.!!' t ohlluren, It qutok lv penetDobed ' 0 nov plnn o, A 11.1, IIf t r "je<l n nd 8"ot h B~ ~ I,thoo,t fubblog . flne reo,ordll !lod ' be u ch iO l~l lId , (1 , l 'l(lllnor and more effeotlve thBn Veryoholip . loqulre ,~t till!:! man, l'~;LEI UONF.J ,7 DAY OR NIGHT Hlll>lIl ' ~

LlollD e Jl~


II IUH~Y plutiters or ointments. For r ll ell ml.l 10 a.obos, neuralgin p[llo aod tll 'f, gd ppy soreness after oold~,


,II :)

1 Refrigerator l Wnshio!l Mll nllin o

I-l lllnn'/i Liniment gives promptre 2Bed~,Chlll~SA D\ln ' 10t ot JJ OIl 'E'. !l pf. Il llvon bottle hllndy for brnls., bold gooda. Cull and Roe tit m.

e , s lm i nl!, sprlltn8 and all externlll Uhos_ Stan8borry.

11'01' t111'1 ,houlands whale Wi) It Q!\ US them oatdoor., " be palna Bact (Iolle. followtDI.llpOIDr. ars fe 1i1l" /I,l hy ~Ioan'. Lh. tmID'. A\ all DruggIsts, 250. p III




\'VayneMvllle; U. dO


Dr. J. A. McCoy, I


will be ready to bu\oher bogA on Graduate of Obkl MondaYIL and 'rhurlld"Y8. «.JaJl end ••• m.. E. S. Bally, W'.yn.,~ville. Ohio,


Playl"1ll Saf., A WOUlBn lIIlY8 Hbo loveti to play ~hropabire Lambs. gooll oDel, lIolltulrl' hecause IIhc caD chellt withfor Ale. Inquire of A. H. out jt.' trI01 CIlulbt ut It.-New York Talm.... phoa. No, 40-2r; !relcampb. ~Q.bara. dIS



saah, Un I""'"

Office nt residence in F. B. Sher wood'll hoUle. Fourth StneL '

,Telephoae •


. ..TH E 1~ lIlt'I·,·'t

MI A MI \\' u~' tw"\' illu.

ill I h., . " ,NIUIU .,,,, Ill.


.JJ .


GA.Z E TTE....

~ -..-..-..-.- -- ~ ~~-

Ell , E '!lAY,

------.-----,- e--HARVEYS8U RS



TO PRAYER l li r eo"""nt· V\H l jol !lil t 1'" 1 1 n n lc lJ huy pulJ l h·b "'cI O(' fl O,,!r Ull l~ (hu W il l k

h ., HIl

MRS, SLACK'S lEITER To Mother s of D elicate Children l'nlmyra, Pn,_ttMy Ii tUQ gi rl Iouu c).Toll ic cou gh u nd

Wll ~ 80


t.hin you c!oulrl

count h~r rjiJf', and Rhe 111\(1 no n.p/'l. t,it", No t hin~ WP "''11\' 0 h e r ~Ct!ll1 .HJ to hI' P he r, unW nne <Iuy lIl rs. l\cii.Jcrt I1sk~ tI mo to t ry Vittu l, HlI,d no w sil" jjj hun gry ull til "

" )n \1~ ur llh\l ' 1\11 11 tllllhHinUH' <1 hy tatne, he r cough i ~ ~O IlU1 sill! itt tlto U l'o l'lc n MII II ""I,\ 1-:11.:1, ,, 11 I I wl tl und 1'118 Ii more hcu llhv color. I wish 1I,'e.rv UlUtJH.'T whu hU rl 'u ,!flI h'll t l' chi lll I,,; r l:O"I I\)OII"\ ~ II ' " ,"io ll h " " 1 ,,, ,, III'" \\'unl,1 try "ir ... I." - ~ I r~, Al.m,," S I.A ·re. Ulllll t, 0 " or~" lr l''') c\ au up, r .. lIlIo h ' \\' u llh't· Vi ll!! l, filiT J 14."H~l'L·r l 't " .. rrlml " " , 'My l ur ~ " wu rk 10 , th e t onic. h i lunl" " dt ·li cu.l u t'hildrt.:11

1""1'l llcu lthy ulid ~ lrullg . h t' d '" ,,,,I h H h HI " ' Vl' l l tlrlf l lIl rdll . 'aiDed , pure l)' lIu o n II '" IHw" r · t 'l .I. E. JU llney, Drul.!'l! is t, Way nsville.

(' (l r o of fltp tl'l ll'" 111 ' .; l1u IIlI UI

IJl'ttytlr '1' h tt W Jr " ( n t l nll tl ... 111 ltl, · ~ 'HI '" lJlI~ l i4 ,,~ f l OILI be b"!o(llIlIln ll 'I' ll" flRIU" i ~ tlr .. A"~.t e y t) .. WII p hh n 'l gH . ·.... h ~ " nflu lil rl,\p Ll r t. rdntl Jb

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1·1"" , Wll h oUI. "'1\' r un d ~


11I ' W

fl~:! ,H W.

n PlIIII ' H



<It.-,,ot l1 J1 pell l fo r Ihf' lnCHm o f o r

Wh 8. t ~ 1l . 'VI1 ' .

1\I 1r. um oD Dt ed tn 1·11 1111

- - - - --

l e.~ ~[)U O ; I


u l'O

nlnu n/<! th o /1 s t IIf cl lll l n r" 'I'hlH I. Mr. nrlll Mrp. W , E . Bngll ll on l\ Tl lijll n j" II II "trlkll lf( IUI . W" r t Ol' rllyt' r Mr. ulrd /IIr" . R. t,; 13" 1(1111 .. I I" lIuo() 111 th,' Wrir 1111' ''. 'I'ho lI ulI\ h ~ r o f l ilt' ""n og"II~ ll o Htlr VIO~ ij 1\1. X .. UIU ch i\,irl.'R mal 11 t. ltI 111111 <l ur llll< t, h ~ ti UU( Ii Y f'vonlut-: . y I\ ~ r w a~ I. n,1! " 11,1 I ~O were Hs n l lour onOlru u nHy la ~Ilddtln"d · b v v ut well l'IIU II'II",1 ( 'I t UHlir li fe's the ~ U dl,"' D dout h f'f HU 8BO I tHbnley , ~ o u 0 1 Mr, 11011 Mr ~ Fl 'lIIk H\ll liley \\' ur k - - --. - - - - wtJlo h ucou rl,d O il 1.'h u r~o.I .. y mJ fil . 10 1{ IIf hlst wlle l!; . 'I' h o l u ne.,.1 lin Hu nd tl Y WIIH .. t.1 " " d(,1l tJy " IAr llt' CONSTIPATION CAUSES BAD SKIN OUIllJl ... n y 0 1 HVllllmt hiz iog r t' Jntl v o6 A d Ull ,., ,,1 )1i lll\ll V Nkl n iN Il u ll to ~ ILllel tr i IJ lld~ . . p l u"I( '~ 1t b o w,· 1 lII " y,' III lln t Cm ",, '1 Mr, rt K J onos b UB r eturnl\U t h 1,. CO IHlitl ll 1l u fHt r lHnr " n nr iO n] .. f rOllln r, I".""nt vI~it wtl·ll roltll ivcl;I " II' Xl1I 11 wll h Dr f{ 1 1111 '~' N .. w I,\fr' lit N ow'lr lt s u d (;OIO lOb uli O hi O. P,\I" 'l' Il I.lIIft,1 l.. xll ll vo Illkl!ll lll Mr . li n d Mr ~ . W . E Bog 'l n ' lI nd 1o,·,lIl m " wi il . ri. llrfl yll li .. fll )l . tr up, UOI ~ B !:"0 v l s l ~ed n ' ILlI 'IIII"!: !It ,) V II IP nt In t h ll llJ flTli. f ~ lu l ly " 11 0 WO llulIllll:) u nlll\Y. I lIg, {I ,IV"II u t, t ,,~ (lu ll. lI ~t l (\ "A fllol. Geu rg o S oga oa Mr, " 1', H li rne r B lId d ll o~ lJ t e r, I II r ~" ul oj,,~ f r" 11\ , ' v l' rltl! .rl ~ d In . Mu r y hel lfl , were Day l On Hb nv pen l t (·~ tl n,' • .11"11 ti !\w!C I. h IIvll r u,' ~ 0 h " I,I I', t," <\ uy . AI 11 \1 Ur U !(KI ~ I ~, :.:!r. u MB turd"y. MI. M If ra uce8 W ll~ (l n retu rn er! hOllio ' u l\(lI~y. vI'Ulog li l t r tI )JPud . DlgMtlblll.t y of Eggs. I UI~ Ii f ew ll",ys With pl\nlOt~ ill W\I. ~l l\tH cul ~ ' 1" 1"' 1' ""11 ,\'; t ll lll r l\W I' ;': ~~ JD1 'l l,;ton. 'fho W , B' M. , '. U1e tu tthll ho m e Rt'" !l lor. ' q 1li c 'l\t ~' 1!I ::p .... "·d th :t n (',,"k lli l 0' )i;Ht h or UOIO Jll on H.. ~ o rd ..y ot ft e r. 011 4'1-1, 8 ul't - IIII(1"II . 1'~la "'; h ' d 11111 1 p O IlI'ht~( 1 DOOD. {')!~~ UJ'I' II I t-H ' I ' H z-I lI~' .1I&::(lllI, 'd I h U ll \\'1 11'11 rl' !. '11 m' hlll't! ... hlill"t l. 'l'lh t-flulIlMro!, 1:\0rR"e Compton, M 'r~. ,J. p . n t,h w ill IJI,I!(' :cl n Ittl\\' l~ ~g In rl' ulll o nll LIJlI lII lnll !lntl !drll, A J ~1i l l e r 1111(1 II hull' \0 I WII h "III'~. :-\"fI-\luII "t\ 81lfmt Mondtl V with Uhllolluey Uuo-



nl HI l'UH ~ Ii 't t r"tllI "'"

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l .. d C II' lilr, '"

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1 (' ,rll ,I\\"'oI fl"'1II tilr:t) flllli' IIOUl's f tH' tll ;; , '~tl tI) U ,

IlItI ~ 1

UlJd u la lli"


willlt! hllrol· hullt' II

oe ll~ ,

Mr . B Uil t , of EA rl b lllll , Iud, h ~~ hpeo IIptruc1lng " few d ll l' 8 wi t h Eve r ot~ Hll i n e ~ .

Ho ve rn l , .f rom be r f! wore In WIl. ml ngtoll on b U8 lu o~1I Monda y , T eat for Dlnmond. Mrs. F r n nk Har ue l lind little '1'hrmH u \Ilr llll c," t1 1'1111; 11I 11l II hllwl dS D"hler ' IIHII' 'r hs n k ~g ivtu g wltil o t wlllt' r lI11d 11r " S lt'lIc'~ w ill J; llIlt' r GhRrl uy B .. r oer ' ~ . ' 1 1I''' \I~ h lhl' Iltl' lltl ; 10 111 111 1 IIII IIIlli llll 111 " 11" I II~' II 11 11 II ~ hrtl ll llll/'y 1I 1111,'r Wli · t l'I', Ir yll n h,"k til l'II I1)!h II oIl u lIIIIIIII li t GOOD FOR CONSTIPATION a 1,llId( .1, ,1 1111 II 1,I l'I'" lIr w h ll<' 1 1III1~ r , . . yttll ,,:111 ~ " I": li l li ' I,hll'h ~pt'I ' k . 'lUl l, · VIHull u"r Ill ill 'II 'l'aL III&8 li r e oxoelI'II'H rl .;, I t tilt' .hlt I ~ tllllrn t l (II' fllll l · t l\lIli'(1 Ih t! ,~ t t)n " III 111'11""\)1,\' I lIll gcl.\· leot fo r Clon U lp",tl (ln . They are ple ll ~ 1Lnt t o tllko lI.,d mill nnd gentle u lllll. In eff ect. O :ltalna ble eve rlwb e r e.




The True Friend. A tru p trli!1I11 "11I brill'('s "ur ohJpcls fiR hl ~ own. WI! r..,,1 \l u " t1"~r mind h{'ut n n t1UI I"I:lIrn c tl fu t, (In Joylng It, o,,"urlll g II, .r e (]c{'tlng 1( , li nd delight-

\l ll l'~' your ~l lI'l'II\\ ~, I ,UI Jors 1 · I ~ h t. 11 11,1 1.'rJ 1111<1 1,'1

I ng III our Ile"OII "" ttl 1t.-'WlIlIlI lD I ry Chllnnln g, .

j o y fh twel's, UU1 1 nul til l'


Only Joys t o Be Distri buted, flllIl{ you r

Im ol\' yotl nrp 1I,It " H' III ~ ,

\I". 111;.'111

II ~IIIt'IlIh"r

l/r,' I\'orl<l

fll r III Olln· th lll Ihl' IIl'IIIl! (,11 '







'i W f


Madden. & Co., ,C orwin, Ohio,

Lewis VI. Livery

Old IV y. ( '. I II .. I ,1m,

11111)11 'U It, 11,, · ~t'ltll., ,II litlW" ~It Iht'~lll'llllI u:n 1

t .• ,'11. t







oa~:g::dtb~Sr:iOICol:: ~::'~oO~dl)eanYI'

r")l I! " d lilt' wt'lI ,

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Il4'h .hd

R,j .5

Waynesvil le , OhIo

IU!' :IJI !

CJ,, ·jr

Mr " A 'llliel'hor pe,() , I.... lindEd. j\lin F l\J " l ltj l:l (hun ll l e n olJtl ~ lp r_ ' . " wl o Hiok!!, of ne .. r Woyntlsv ltle, ' h y "ill1 " r (' atle h,lr D!' "('h ll,,lar. I.I'I! . Tbaok~gl vl ng w it. h, ' he to rlD er 'tl lli'l t<l I\t the i'.\III~ : ' ... I t M L I ' m o the r of Bluveys IJUr"', \\7\J l'e ..,u o l ny t-:o e ,8 at n , ute ' " 11 ' " >1' II , l lrur .I,:,!.; lv\u~ <It I lI clr D ALL KI :"J DS OF Vll lll.l er v oo r t Mer r r b l.l IV . h o,, ' r ~ . Veda alld Irma 1!;IIIs spent ~undtl:V Miss 0880 A ns on, of Da.v ton . Rod I·' , f It "" , •• to. 1'1'1 k wit h Mr, Ilnd Mr8 . 'has. BBI!Alnlyer , , I .~ '.It " II I', ~ peu l alt!_ . ~! r~ Muqo(are ~ F.. ber, o f Xen i" , gl vl lJll wl l b U .. u, l£ltid Mr. Ind Mra. Warre ll BOKllO spe n t H. . 1 • H AT If A""rA" ",· .uB Hun d a y viRilort! of thei r par Bale H t k· h b h !ionday with their an D Dea r (JI .. r ks_ onts , Mr nud A-I r l!. A 1:1. Anso o . n Ilr ·900 11 8 eeo Ila ome v lU o. for a fe w d IiYA. IYn .\/lleuitlo 's I,IJlldlnrr Do ntlH. \. Mr~ , U:WUhI I~ lt lll B PUU~ T h,U1k,_ M . Mr~. H er b ! r ' D08ter a nd Aon )M 1 lIiviug wl lh Mr, Rod M.r~. Fl oyd A u . 08e Bogan h as gOloe to t b e h oe- , Doete r wer e In ' H a r veysu urg on ( Ul l'll iu Keys BII g MiLlo ~t IIOrl<lI lI, o f X 611ill. \lltti l fo r treutm ant, . Sa t urday. . r,lr~. ll runk W II Ho n liml d"\I~ h te r , MI~s ,J a dHh Vo lliBr i,R visiti n g hor J oh n J!'e&ly a nd f amily sp!ln t T b Ao klp;l vlog w ith Mr. pud Mrs. I, (N IHI' , wore ootor l,alDed by Mrs. gTllod flHher, Abi j,~h (o ilie r . WIt ,- '11 'Ii HI .. ~e r. Mrtl 1£ 1 1 J;~betlJ I...eslJ, [" r a, Ii, A E llis ODd d a nghter, Rohar. t:lhirden. . Waynesville, II I t'I'li>iu u , o n '1'll/1o k ~gl vlol!{ U"y MI~!! Me r le oalfed a U M,. J ohn Bruce Carr, of H a rvoysburg, 'oak T lii ,li:-:t'asf' xhonl .1 ht~ 1rr'H h- ·.l mol snf,fI IIlId wll il o 10 SliblOll I,be y o', lIed nn Th om psou a od dl1n g h ' era MoodilY 8unUtt y dlnoer With W ilbur li llwke . ,1- II H' l n st llll lluttll'al l OO ~ I'Jl":'"< 'i f,t' lil (~ I)wr PostolJic~, .\lr~. M.. lv l u :Slover , for lllorly Mles IIrte r n uon, • _ ••_ __ '" ,w, I" 1lI 'I'V:Lr". Wbl,n ~h is i R el, ' Il l ' /l om"" Pbooe 77 ~h u.e PIlODI' I I Aoou tS hld l1 kof M r ~ . Edl&h DRvi a and s on 8pen t ,I ll !!)" .lo!-.p "r Ch mnht'l'laio 'ACCl th', ( 'hoi Mr. IU1C1 Mrs, W L , Horvey trans- pa r t of ' he woe l!; w ith Mr . '''Id Mrt. • 'i'lL aw l Diarrhnr'o. Jl'''lI lt'dy Wil l t·fl','e t H 1 111(' . Tili ::; rnll1f'cly ('/tll ,i.I WllYt4 t lt1 I~f" Ilc tllll hU~tO"Hti in Dn yt,ou Itts' wee k Oe o. B ogti ri . I h 'n ~I" /l llpnn (' ,'t'n i n t ht' I noHt I'V"T" I111l \ Til" TI1 .. uk~/l ivl ll g (\!sp IIlY In IU e Tir e MI,scs Ju di lb Ool/I er , Ireoe A oon g h t ba' racke sDd IrrU Il les '1""~(' l'(l tl ,< ( ' II "" :!, u n,l Ahon l,] 1 kl'/It III window of 1'r (1(1 M, ISbn outl II r ooe r y Uuglosby BDII Mbrle Rio h w h o are ,be tbroa' may lead to a 30rl ou ll h'\Jlll rl'lItly for in~ t..a n L n ~t'. N.·\,ur .DR.. J. W. MILLER. , to re W'"I n roly j('IOc! t or wo~ k eyo14 Il U" n d lu g aohool io l..abllIlOO spenf ohronlo oough , If n e ll eoted . 1'be t· 1I It CI1) " i('U rt H' V WithOllt it,. ! or u~ J1 ecl~lly f or wo nk " tIlInIiOhB th eir 'l'h ll okaglvl og Vl\lll Ulooa' bOtnt' hea \ina: ploe baln m s in Dr. Boll 'a I .•• DENTIST... Mr tl b ll ue helle vue In l e t1iu~ h l ~ Mr F. A. Ha r tsook 8P(>0 \ 1'o lla. PlD OTar B on e1 - Nature 'l! own re'Il o u~tntll e r8 know t, b R ~ b e llR lI t,b e dB)' 10 Leban on , l'd,-wtll ll"ol b e and relle"e ab" IT omce In 1I"o,ls whl oh wit l or en l,e ndellire Bnd Mr . linu Mfa. Er nes t Mln n our.od r"stl on, bre atblnR will bB e" . la r " hUlona.1 na il\:' B IIS&_ Ibtl (I~s l r e III whut lII uk es cli ,' lde'ld !t fa m ll.v li nu lrir . ,J 06 Davie @pen' and tbe InMseptio propertlee will wh Ic h wo ure lill "ft,a r w bo o In b nll. Sunda y wll h Mr. BIDd Mrs Geo kill th e I(er w,wh lob re~rded heallu ll, 1Il0 ~ t4, Wlt t oh h iH win doIV8 for th Dtlv ts Bave n ba ody for oroup, Bore t hrollt o"'~ ) Itl'"lronyo nrow,: ""• • • , -ju,l #;lIIt"lIl ,b 10 1t l)I.IlIYI! nnd yo o w ill 01\1.011 hltll Mr. Ilo r) M r~ . Ed . Bt)gan a nd flim Bnd obroolo bronohllli a ffec tion s. ! pnU.-, n , 1, ,, l ft' · (l eu\1 ~ 1 r lg btli wi t il the s oode In bls \l y " '1d Mt. Ber' S IPgsil w ere t h e G o' 1\ boUle 'od,y. P leaaan' '0 ' ak e tl ond~y gtlei t8 of Mr . Bnd Mrs . G eo. At all Dr u 8 gl st" 250. P" "S!lSl!iOD . Mr. and Mrs. W. A Me rritt s pen t Bogan . Mr~. J e sHle El lis B,nd dBuRMer, Hunday th e Ipes~~ ,)f Mr , a o d Mrs . MI ~ Vestll. ~ pent ::lut nrd ay wit h \lnr t.ln Ro o~h, of Denr h e re . Being Polite. W . P MoV" rrou h na ins'" lI ad In ~ r . lin d Mn Ed win t\nlir tln , Jll cksoo Willi Illtc utlluj: B blrthdny froo t o r blH gl1 ru ge one of tbose l1r. bn d Mrs. Thos R loh "od fllDlT~P~E " OtlDlPU ti Uj! \:IlRo\lUl3pUrups, the l uteMI i\ y ~ p o o t Sut orday eve o lo" w ith Mr, party. 11 " Iwll iely IlCCcIJted cVi'ryl hln" I I, 11,. Mm. 'n 11",. ,1 n n \ ~ !rnl.lStlED WIEKLY. $UO PER. YEa PItBSt'fl 10 hllll. !Jut whell 1\ ce rlll in dish lU ol/o l l n our olty. 'l' bh yo un l-{ on lOn' ~ ,.nu Mr ~, F , A. 8nr '8 00 ·· . t Ilt.' I.ul..)... (Ir "\,011011 .. , f Il l k. 1J \VU ~ n1Torcd hhll t h e ~C!co n l1 tl we, b e t IlD I·OTJ, rl ee 've lIro p r o ud of " lid fee l 1111,1 ( " ' H ")' .. t" h tiuLf p ", t" ~ kt: TEL'8 , DRu ceI STS , S PE CI ~ L.' 8 T 8 . MlltJ H a ll LJ ogltl~by Bod frleo d , ~li hl : "No, Ihu nk you, I olily l ool< It KorO the p nbllo li t Itl Ne w ill (lb ar e I" ... i1n't p I/li e uf \lIVH' U OO S TUMERS, T RA N SFER .. CA ~ the ir p iltrouli ge wl t b hi m , tiS It oOBtll of <':lI rlis le, Sll60t t h EI w eek.end a t before to b e I,oll t e," '1",,111 ), AlIiD 'BU 8 SERVI CE OAN P RO!'I":"' ~Sill 'n l'Jn r~ I it" U SI :'Ia ITB 'A D VERTI6IN D CO~UM li a n o !Uore t h1LU o n" of th A old .'yl c ber h ome . ' hl1 f It\ltnn '' Ther e wil/ be u p ro~u DJ Bt W elm odell! t:lervlOli ls wll ut c ount ~ . I SAMPLE COp y FREf Mr, Imd Mr ~ . R oh l,. Cn rr bu d wltb r"l'(I LOlig ue t:itttul'd ILY evimlo g , ,,- -... IoIIiW YORK OLIPPER W". 'V f)r"" .. . , ?~ Mr . Murl o n Faube r lind fa m il y NOTICE OF ELECTION t h e nl t,h e lr clJl ldrl!ll on 'fhll o bg l v_ \ lUll: at. d m r k f'Y Ulouer . T hoso pres. Im li Mr Otto Mlo t\ae lnnd fa m ilY , or ent WA re Mr . IlO d Mn W. L , HIlr. Chu'ksvlllo, oall ed on, Mr, aod Mr ~ , " I" d I Not ice II IIarab y IIlven tha t ''0 eloet lon ,v II I vey, Mr . II OU Mrs, H ro nry Murph v noe MIcurr.e " un tty e ven ng be I I I0 U .... vay.i\J urg ~'~I 'rlc'h ·0'0 ....... a I S ,C IIOU 1111 •• \ and t W,l dlln8hte r~ , Mr . Imd Mr ~ . Mr. and Mr8 Jame8 G r a ,f spent • • BA&<N H A RT . Ed Clirr ~n d 80n 'a ud Mr. lin o Mr. 'rhli nk s/lilvlng with Mr . tind Alra 8 ern Cu rr li n d two dB u~hter8 lbma r In Bltr vey eburg. ~ a' the ulual voting p i , r...,m n: 30 • • m. to Notary P u blic Mr . lI u d Mrll. 116' Btlwlt IL nd 800 , Mr . R lohar d Col1ler a nd niece, lf~1I ~~~ll<)o":e~~ 8i'i°~mf. a~l~ i Wilbllr, Illl (l Mr. lnd Mre. A, L. Mise J u <1H b , oAlled o n Mr . • nd Mrs. ~i:I~,~~~o:..f~~ for ..,hool pur!lOI.. for , period of jlour All ld n.da of Notfll'Y Work , Willll KllIg 81Hl n t T h n n kfgivlllg 0 "" w"b Ernol' t Collier F rida y en n ing . ,,,,,. W ALT Ell GR A V , Olark Doard of Rducalloo !lod Dcedll I~ I:i'pt!olillty, Mr8, Sarah R loh, Oof BsrveYllborg. t be lr mo the r, Mrl!. Mtiry H aw ll, who tl I3 Iii tn very poo r b eu\lh , s pont ThurSday w i th Mr. Bnll Mrs. .\Ir. l:h.mae l 8too ps IIti ll remains W. 1'. J o rdan. Mr. lind Mrs . J ohn Robln,oD aDd VAr y poorly muc h to the r og ret o f hl8 IU a oy frl e n d~, ao n oaUed aD Mr. and Mn. Clio' Dr R a nd a ll Is a very busy man . .Iaokfloo BunclllY a"e rnooD , B e I. OD t he go both day aud nigh t MIs8 M"ble 8tllrlr, of Harveys Mr, I N MIl\ I}r li nd dauib'ter, hur ~ , IIpent the we ek.end w ith MII8 1~ 111 11, we re T h .. o kHgi vldg O"y F!l1este B eleD Hllrtsook. : of Mr. aud Mre, Ed Re tllllJok. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Lc'l'V W olfe from I O efH Ureg oo lu MIlr Wilrn l ogton Ipe n t b UDday wl t b M I~t! li n le U og les bee, o f Carlis le, Mr . u d Mre. J oho Wolft!. O hio, li nd ber f ri e nd, Mr . BIIIU, ot Mistles J ndl t h Vollier Knd Vio ls . :l noilJO ILtI, wer e Ha t urday an d HDD. ,JordaD oalled 00 tbe Ellis ~llaere day gn este of Mra Luti!' Va oue r ~aturday ,,"erDoOIl. v)or ' Mllrr.v bew , . R ev . Bell filled the pulpit at Beeoh R av . Wali er wlll p reaob tho M llrove 8UDdAY . E c burch next Sunday, Docember The Beeoh 'Grove Ladl81 Aid ~o 10. . olet y me' at the bOIDe of , ahe Mea Mr ,IHld !kIrs J , I:hmllt. on BogllD 'a dames Mattha Imd EdIth Davll y ounjl;osf. flou' lIIls beon q uil e Illllk for Wpdne ldttya.fternoon. se .. erol r1ay~" bu t Is t hought to b~ Born to Mr, and Mrs. TIffin Free. Improviog land I:)unrday. Dfloember ~nd. a Q~nlel U Dderwood blls been v ery daug hter, Dorothy J ane. Mess rs, WIlUlLm and J ohn Vnns lok fo r se vera) d a.ys hnt li t abl s writing is J.ll oug bt t o bo Improving OltO, o f Ly oohburg. vi Hed Mr. Itld W e have In 'hla immediate vlo ini ty Mrs CIIHeOOe Irll cbllel the paat t wo fi rme ~ hu t a re s hredd lo g f od de r week. u od by SOUl e Illuy, Il u(l it ml gb ' h Rve Mr. aDd 'I1r., W . '1', 'J>rd&D ,pen' bean ~ mi l! pl ~y, \h , y let J o b Qolo SODdllY 8f'erool)0 wltb Mill. John t5qllirel!, o f Wayo oevllle, oome r lg bl J In ,,, ,heir I·e rrtfory tind tttke a w ay ,ordsD_. _ __. ___ - - _ AOlne of tb oir work , Tb u t, t. 1111 4-_ • ri g M f o r ,J obnni e bnt le ~a ena our fi r m's dfll)Q 8tt~. N ow , $her e Is a STOP THAT COUGH ou n@e fo r th le, a UlI 11 0 u p '0 d e ttA hROlllog coogh w eakeos th e " peciall s \ lu trell , lng a case fir81 fi Dda o ut tbe ORU8e Bud then h e wh lIe ay e'em. drall~8 yonr .Derl1 .. nd get worae If Ileglected; J our beg in s In treal·l nll' tbe Ol\SO. th roat I" fllw • . your ohes' aobee and Mrs , t;lir8b RiGh htis purchas ed you feel s ore all over, Relieve that th o Ashmo re prOllerty Hn d will ts kl' ("old . at onoe wltb Dr Klog'. New pOaRe~Bl o n Deoombe r 10. We w ei Dls oo very. The loo 'blnl pine balCOlDO h er Into our mid at. Mlims beal t h e Irrlta't ed membraDel, Tbe Zloo B»p t lbt ohurob g&ve II li nd the ant-lse Mlo 80d IBlt,,\IY8 qoal. lurkey (\lon e r a t Towo Bttll for til e IU,!!! lIill 1he' germs and break up ben e.flt or th e oburch and Ii goodly your cold. Don't I'et 11 oold lIorer. a m a nn' o r m oney wlI8,8eoil rod , (Jet Dr. King's Nnw DlsJoverl • 00 !;Ilturdav Dight the A . Irrl. E , day ILt your drullglal, 600. oburo!1 llll ve & Moolal for the b enefil of th e ir ohurch .\nd were ~uoo e8l f ul in th eir nlTo rt s . . Mr. and Mrs . E phraim Smith ",nd Ho n , o f Lovelo od, wore Tb,mk8glv ing gllus t s ot Mr, ,!:;mltb'e mother, nothin~ ()u~ 8choo l ojJl' n od MoodILY after a two day's v tlca tl " n , M~ . Harve y Burnett 'Iud familY . Mr. lIud Mrs . Oeorge B8rrl~, of entertained tho foll o wl.' I! 00 Tb .. nkl Spring Hilt, ~ peo t 1'haokRgl vlug g lvlnll: OilY : Mr. Wil l, lI er BDrnett. day w ith I,he lr ohlldreo, Mr and "ud faO)\1y,. fro m Ulm" nnaat, Mr, "nd IIIr8. Alan Grelrg, fr o m Oen'er_ Mrs Frank L, Harris lind family , ville and Mra , lIIable Dl o wlddle aDd family, Mr. R enbeD MaKe ever from R Ola County and Mr. H&rr,. Oox from Newark ape'!' tlevllral dr.y. of 'be If 'he tire bell aboald rlol would Pili' week wUh Neleon MoKeever YO,D ruo aDd stop~' or go and help and fainlly . "Give me a package those cigarettes that SA TISFYI" to put ou~ Ihe .fire ~ It ie mooh 'be . I!8me way Rlth a oongh A. OOOllh Mill Ina Bam:II\on , 'pen' ihe 18 tI dtinl!:er sllo:olll ae muoh 18" fire- Thaoksglvlng holidllY!'! wltb her bell . You ebauld DO more tr,. ,,, psren'. Mr . and Mrs. Nelae. aanlllI!npprei elt 'ban skip .. fire bell ton , when Il is rio gInII', bna .bould oore Mr.; Cora Baker and ltttle daulb. tbe di~lItI.lle th 8 ~ tho oough ters, Leah alld Mll<lred, of WllmlDg. Ing ThIs clt n n early alwayi be ton, .re ·vl.Ulog 'be form \lr's IIlaler, d une byI.klog Chimberl"ID'1 Cough Mra, Tom ~ot1r'oey , ' RtlnJedy. MtlllY btlve aled It wllh ' Mr, l:far~y Sbaw and famll1 too. tbe lDost benpllcl,,1 rellnlte. U ill e • .' ThaDb"IvIDIf dllDoer wUh · GeOo, peclally valaable for 'be perllllleDi' Gilmoor aod famlll· Dear lIorrow. o ongb I,ba' 80 often lol1ow. a bad " Harve,. Burllett and famU;' oalled oold or an aUllok of 'be grip, Mr. Oil MrR, Mable Dlowlddie Snoda, Tnomal Beaohiog, Andrewe, IDd" a1teroOOD • wrlt~98; " ' Durlol tbe winter my Mr. Late DoaDe vl,Ued III Clnoinbusband 'a!tIlS ·· oold eaaUy and DIl" a few dl,.elall' W8fk. oougbeand oough. Cbamberlaln'l " Cough Kemed, Is the bell m edlolne Mr. aDIi Mra. (;ar1 BII.a'b lpent for brer.klDI up the"e I"aoka aDd Thureda1 whh thEI, la'ar I Plrlil'. yoo oallDo\ get bla: 10 &aile aD1 1rlJ'. 8D4 lira, Ntll.OD ..oKeenr. . . . .n , KI11I. raltoa, JoliD ttm"b, Oo\her. .. ODlalDable ner1wberl, _ _ _•• _ . Ralpb ",ObOIlOD aDd B •• IIWlfwom LebaDOD were I' !I.IIOD BamU..... ID lIoada, \0 bOIlI" In a Financial aen ... lin. Banb WtilSUe 1I .s.&thli '.t'"Whllt Is tbe capltBl ot hlr IOIIl1r...... ftorlda r' BrI,ht Bo)'- "TIie lDOoe), adfamllr.-, th87 pt from 118 NortJaemeri,"-BcJIt. . . . . . OoI...U toll _ _ _ _ __ __





... L l arr ..


Walter Chandler o.

o e a.


Silver of Quality


:::::;;:;:',~:~~nl :;.II~J:r-




I if:~ 1\


~ YO

E. . V.


"That's just what I've always wished a cigarette would do -satisfy!'"




We want to close up a partnership by January 1, 1917. All parties knowing themselves in . debt to the Hrm of

·111 ,H.

---- - - -'---




'!HIIIII I ~C')1(' IIr. aDd ·MI'II. Wil l obuyler ap('ut l'Uhllf', t ll'IlI'I'H .un th r ·, !II I "f\, Jo , 8unda,. '111"11 Mr. and Mra , Anh ur W ill' kllUW It Ity 11, 1,1 'I' tb l' cml l' IJI'ulr;, Itl" "" I "I 1I1 "~, I A'kIDIOD. Mr,, : ADna J nidBn , of Colt1mbu~ , I II VIII.IDg T. F, McG uln n all d fum lly. I Ml ee ReDa BOKlln b ILl! u .tu rnr,d Not W inners, bome lif te r II week 's v illi' with h er " \V ltfU, " Cltl PJ'tt'l) th. , \ ,'n' ~HIIIII! sl ater 10 Day 'oo. mil fl. ""11 ~· o u 1IIIIIIf lI t' Ih ,· IIlt'lI "II., TbOl. Gray, of larksville, Wftl' hli'h'Hily 10' 11 11 < " . ",h' 1':111 11 ," " ('10 ," PI" 110

As Written by Our Corps of Able Corro8pondents in the NeighborhOOd





(Iltl ll, II" t.Cucu fJ ll l"hlri'" Mu l l !'t lultlJr

' I' AN g, Ed ito r an d Publishe r



The reature of Chesterfields is that they /Jegin whel e other cigarettes leave off. In other words, besides pleasing the taste,Chesterfields go.further-:-they satisfy! Just like a long drink of cold water satis.fies when you're thirsty. And yet, Chesterfields are MILD I It's Chesterfields or if you want this new cigarette delight, because no cigarette maker can copy the Chesterfield blend-an entirely new combination of tobaccos and the biggest discovery in, cigarette blending in 20 years. .






"1'0 . ETT'ES ~ AR. ,


" No account will be carried over in. to' 1917 except by parties giving bankable note. Note to bear interest at 6 per cent until paid. .

20.fOr IO~






...... ~~.I!I~




••••••••_--. __.__ .. .. .................. COUNCIL TALKS ON

"Savage" Tires They

~cceed for ServiCe








IlIt'1t i n I"l'gul , r "c'_ . 1 I'








M onoay ev \\"ith on" Illhd " : l abs nt. Hou bu t' bu,ill ~~ \ , I ;. A O ~l PLETESTt K · F SIZE ' t\ • \ tend ed t o. a ft er whi eh the q;1L .t,·, nAND. T II. 'OLEMAX' ''1'1 RE • of li~hI8 .ca m U\.I, Tilt, Wlllf'r I '· I. mission submitted a I'e llllrt . af l •. A FEW CI FT SUCCESTIO. • which they re com menll d t hlll m elel' n r '11 0)' : I LJe plac d in til busin ~~ !III l'~ ' . ~ THE MAN 'llI b rcllas, ' Trnve Ii 11 I: Bngs , lli~ a Sf!S, ClloI'7' , S hirt~ , Scarfs, :l'ies, J. B. CHAPMA , Agot.. I '" ny nes"l e, 110 . wher u flut rot a has hee n Ih ' li Ii'll ,". liliti I llancl k erchid ', Mell':! Ho~i c r)', lints , Cnps, 110Ilscrs nud ~\V tLt rs . : Thi wu~ 113 ' d by 'uun il. allli lilt" Il v,l 'I I , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 buard were i!1 tructcu 1(' pllrc ha~,· ' Itl. " fOR T I t \VOMAN - l-'t m, Tr onlin g lings. Suit Case ', Frill )' 'Hn!,;~, I 'lIl'ses, mhrellas. me lera and hal'!! them vlu ce.! 11 /1. \lull '" I. K nitted carf and Ca p se l , S weaters, Bo udoir ' nps, Camisoles , Glo vc~ , I ,'ory . NOI'C' lti S , and !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. a possib le. A cUllIminee Will ai' II J. 'I " i Il't A rlides. I pointed to act with tho water unJ '"." several d"y. lu t ",e8A: wIth Mr . lillh t cOlllmi. ~i on to Be'e into th .. (11:'\', FOR T HE BOY- wentu5. Mackinaws, Gloves, nelts, Ties, Hanrlkereliiers , li lT Li nkH null Mr . RIlY EaRle. Illatter o f pu rc hallillg' a lI ew O!nJ;i:ll'!1 , ~ tatio Dcry, r~xprcss \\'agon s, Desk nn d Cllai r, desk's just like fa th er~s, an d games of all so rts : ~r. " 13. Crnu e bAli aOMpl ed R for . the li g ht plant. The J.l r '~ellt JJ sltl onio New Carlisle . They.He .e n g III 8 ' IR too lar~e f? r all ne l'd ~, tllld FO R THE GIR L - Cnp aDd l'arf .c ts, . wellter~ , B.ead c1nnd 'Embroide red na~s , ~I(\\'es, I' " exp LiOB t o wove 800 0, . a small e r ?nt:! wdl IIgh len th~ co,.1 .It I I I Tuilet \\'[l t er, Collar and '\t11 Set s, Purses, Powder, S t atIO n ery , H o'(! nn l Hallflke rcluefs. Dr . Bu. rtloger aed wife 11 ve gone I of J.lrO(IU~lllK . I"\f ~er II UI5CU"" hl ll , )II .~~,; , ' l t,o h ou pekeepiDK In the roo~18 over I ,:the t' mm or subjects clIuncll lid II, 1I .11 I ---------------------------------~---------------' llill OmO!! Jo urn ed . '. i tJ " The SIlle of 14,000 ' wo rth of elec· · :l' , trio ligh t bonde f or the I'Hl nge of Mason last July , ha.Il heen r efu ed b y LADIES ' COATS in nil tbe lei tlinb M EN'S SU ITS & OVE~COATS the buyers, Weil, Roth & Co. of "1 •. , . styles a nd dcnmJlf.l ,\I fnl ri '~ . • See ew York, on the ground that they A re yo u looki ng for the linely lilli 'hed l'or· were advertist'c1 In but one paper, I recti" designcd , well tailored )I'ercoat , at when courts hll e held that an a dvera lIIodcmte price? tisement for t he sale of bonds IlIU ~ t be advertised in tw o paper!! . ,~ft!'r 0 \' conllderable correspondence over \ t ) · :\* :.~. for the matter the Ohio Industrial om· . ISII ' t Wayne vllie-e ntil l.. '! uall l! .l :., . , ',r' , l·f . I, ,", u( ~hllit rnlillon took the b ond . . good thi Tlg;lthntolhl' r vll l ag'\'~ 11.,,\' r ,I I I, "Il·d ... 1,,1.1 " 110 Would n't i~ be II'Llr th wh ile III t'IIIl' I 'I'"l 'I '1'1': 11.1' ll1rel' h.llf l,ro llll'l'::I. Ynll jud ge a sui t by thc appearance it an. a8.~(\':1I1t101l her .' Ju~1 :;tUP:l1 d I II (I ,,' \1 h Ol1\, il l' II ru,'t! I' I ~ h "r . "I LADIES' SUITS - just what )0 11 de· gil'l!S you. thll:k . 1\1 11';1, and Ill' . I-ICI''''·l. o::I Fi She l', uf sire io vog ue , (aur.ic aud prke . N ~xt at~,rdI\Y IlfltlrlHl0n, !) :" II~J 1,,·1'11 111 •.11 . , IIIViI'S and 'i r e ht:rl' luclay Suits b~ 1 J, at ~ch o.o l AU.tlllll rlU Il I, ,I I -Ito pay L1 1 if laHll nu ULtl of Inve. ,1t1rgar t Ilam 9 \\'8 !H I r J1I11 l' kab le a cres and buildings • :1000 0 clock, a m eetin g 11'111 lie h illel ("I' IS 32(, tllaL pu r p s . . . . wvnlllll, whu In addi tion to he r :Ill 3.'iOO ' . The Ilurp os~ I ~ not a library bu il d· molhld,ly ca re o r Anna, t ook five :.12 IIr. aDd Uri . Wm \{yoe, of tb 5000 Illg; there Will ~e hllle money at other of her l:Ii~te rs' children into Uen'lnHle pike, eo ~e rtaln d lit 40 4(1 0 s tak~, but a blg'S:lU lclf pu q JO:,: , hu r home whe n th eir mother s d ied. ThlDlr.Igtvln~ dtouer I\bou t fift·y 4:!,X 6500 Won t you co me and help? , \\ e aDd n1ini~tered to the m until they CUla'l ID bODor of their lion B rnllrd ·17 5000 need your. help und, enth mIl8~11l . were able to ca re for themselv es or MEN'S SHOES The styles are so snap py and the fi Dish so complete, that YOll are i..IIlund and wife who were pocently lUarrled . 50 7000 ome out, eve:ybody . , . wer calted t o join thei r parents in to li ke our shol s. rbowal Lflckey, who lin '! been 53 5300 Li brary CommItte Lhe ot.he r world. 'he nursed not less Ilok for 80 we tilliS, dIed' ThursdAY 62 7750 - - ---- -than t wcnty ·twoot her near relatlveI1 LADIES' SHOES -- Bostonian, Florsheim, and Educator. Such a line a s we have can · noon, 'oDoral "erVI M wu s held 66 5000 thro ug h their lon~ struggles with not be duplicated anywhere, Quecn Q uality , !'lny Manton and G ro ver. from 'he hOIDe &tn rdllY nf'e rn ooD 8000 tu berculosis t o the fatal end , and at 7 9000 I last ~ Ilcc uill bed l tliat dread malady Kev. IIDd Mu. Wiant are. lilt' proud plreD's of Ii \f~tl e dlill~bt ll r . 8000 hersel lf. N ollh ChllPITI1I11, J ume8 ' Drake, Jo eph Chapmull lllld Char I s 11000 . Mill Sasle 'Ievonger etlll TRl1I a ill f Vlf1111 . 12000 ch!l\lmun , all of WIIllI'TI \1 re known 6500 to many 01 you, shar d I h h O~ l!italit y I Yr. Ind Mrs. Hny Eagle en&er 8(00 a nd lovin" r ar- of her h OllI e wil h I ... ned the ADabee fUIDIl y at til 9000 thei r cou sIn Annu I ThankllglviDg dlnDer. 16000 'fh ~:rea t lov' of thi.' noble woman The Innual dlDn er at the or,b 13000 Russell, lhe 17·year· olll son of Mr, \Vas r eq uited , ~y the latter , who family wae held 11\ .be b ome of Mt. I G' 1 M V 10000 and Mrs . J.'rank Stanley, of the New remaiued \yith hor and c rell for her · t on pi' k e, d'II!d a b ou t noon ill her tleclilling YearOl and thro u~h Mr. Robert Walton. o~ Dayton . B W, iSi! and lire, 11. M. Gartrell. 8500 Bur Img l k D. ,U~llll anI· . I N er na Rev . WI n' began ~he revival 25000 Thursday as the result of a o acei· th~ l"Il'" i1ln~.s IllIt endlld in her , was .th e guest o~ ~ , L . Hartsoc k IIIlU ~ec elL ,v'r<1 III ' .111. (·,\I)Jorl., . ' d , "' " "0 Ky" \ ellYl adny e,'('nl1l~, NCl vem· .. nice tn tb. y , ro. olnlf h nnduv 14000 d ent. H e was ·h unLm g , an in get· translation ' I fanlily Thanksgwmg Day. ' \ b' r :!!lth . ACter lip .nding a f II' ting over1l fence he j um p!!d In to an Aona 0' ..all "'liS a modest, r e· ,1 • ., • I .• • v.Dlna· if interested in any of the above e Id er b erry b US h th a t h al'1 b een cu t served a l' d glJntle ijpirit, warmly Mr. and Mrs. Ja:ll'n Sheehan nml 'IIuUy!'! t ley ' I'eturneu - '- - - - - + . tIIIl ' IIlClllnllt1 k Yn, 1I0ra Dyko II! sP.8ullmg the olTand rane branch into his abdomen. attllctied lo hLl r fam ily anli friend . . .- - Mr. imd Mrll. A~a V'!lliLaker Icrt \ 1O!1I.e . liS wee . ' call at the office over p, O. -wIn'., ""Uh ber 10D Howard 'U Ohio The boy WIlll taken to the home of kind lIOJ gell IJI'OU in 1111 her a 0 If ' Monday on the Washm"loll Co rll _ - -. - .-.. -- - - ,- . - - Yr, and Mrs. B . B . Engle P(lD\ W aynesVl e Charles Harner and medical aid was ciatiol1s, and v~ry faithf ul to h c r :ee Wate?' louse c,r Auto LIvery . Trip, . The trip is an exttl l1sive one,

- ---- _.-------

. ---------





r ()












reoaL-S IO .OO, $12.40, $15 00. S17 ,Q O. S22.50. $25,00.



Sales, Farms and , Fire IDSUranCe I


SI O,OO, SI2.50, SI7.00. S22,50· S25,OO.





called He oontinued to grow worse, h d d 'ed Th d owever, an l U I 'S ay m orn · injr. A post mo rtem exam inalion reo veale U" the fact that severall· nch~. = of the broken branch had penetrated th c abdomen and pierced th e intes· li nes , and had broken ofr, inRamma tion re ulting The funeral was held at hi~ parents home S unday. and was largely at· te nded, as the young man was favorite wherever he W IIS known . - - - . - .. - - Eccen t r icity of Geni us.


r.;ot It fe'w f ll ll1ul'" 11 1" 11 11:1\"1 ' 1Ir\I ' O Il OtN I f'-II" ." ..'1 1' I' l 'i 'l' /l rr i ~ll l~ lit' t1l\· Q~. H IIIl' n. till' 1IIIIUlllli "l. 1\11" 1llIl'lkulllr. /111111... 1' I" 1'1 1I1·1I1"II -n.·",. III hi., ,h·'· ~H. h \\'II M h l~ 'll'Il;:ht lit 1II'l"~ III H hI1W ~·. · c, ~ II .I' mull' rllli lin d I n 1\ ('111' I,,':p." IIn,[ Jf'\\'II ~. II,' "IJ I'II'd hlH 111111' wit h I'll • cl lli 11 111'1) I I"n (11111 \\ 1"'11 Ut work 'I'I,re I t 1l I \\'IIJ' ~ III Cu'·l pIlI H ' r ~.




:::':~:":';:""'-/-ll-'n"b';'S';OI;'I ; :le; ')II;';"';:'lei/. lIi:., :;';.,e~:;'.,':'il:;:' ':':'I ' ';_il ltli ev' e' ' ;b; 'e"-or;i ;e; 'o'; {";';e~re-d-,~...- - . . . ! Z IMMERM A N'S I

Write for this embrOidery outfit I A complete Ivorine Embroidering Set! Eight big transfer pattern sheets! 105 new deeigns! Lell.on Book! All for only a few cents! This is an astonishing valuel The Ivorine Set of needle-case, stilleto, silk-winder and finger· guard is worth 20 cents alone' This transf~r pattern outfit includes the newest . designs in initials, table doilies, towels, lingerie, neck!-,ear, baby garments, - just the things you want to embroider!

. -\

The lesson book gives frill instructions for 38 different stitches I It has, in addition, many illustrations. It is the most helpful embroidery -book ever offered- so complete and practical.




'Send now-don't delay. For thirty days you can get this splendid big outfit just by ordering a pound package of Arbuckles' . Coffee from your grocer. Then cut the signature from the wrapper and send us the signature 10gether with only 20 cents. The moment you get this complete outfit you will realize why Arbuckles ' premiums are famous for their big value-why lOver a million women are sav- ' ing Arbuckles' signatures. This premium will be one of the most popula~ ones-everyone will want it. Decide now to have your outfit. Order Arbuckles! Coffee today and send the signature with 20 cents . direct to Arbuckle Bros., 71 Water Street, New York.·

Don't put it off~send to-day .




Save Money By buying your g rocerIes he re. LOQk at this list of articles that we haven' t raised th e p ri ces on . Rio Coffee, pound only .. ...... 15c Others asking 18 to 20c for sam e . grade. Steel Cut Coffee, only .. _ .... i c Lenox Soup,;l Bars ........... We Clean Easy 'oap, 6 [lUI'S ..... 2.1C Aunt Jam ilflQ Pancake 110ur 10c A. J. Buck wheat ""Ioul· .. .... We Pest 'foas ti ~s, 3 pk g for ...... :!·ir: Shreded Wheat Bisc uits 2 fur 25:! Grape Nuts, 2 pkl:{s ............ 2:jc Mothers Oats, pkg . ......... .. .. JOc All Pan cake ~' lour8,pkg .. .. l Oc Sardines 5cbox,Cove Oys t .. rs 1(\1; . Macaroni 5c IOc,Sphegetti DC10 Campbell's Soups, all kind s JOe Van Camps Soups, all kind s JOe Canned Pumpk in .... ' .. .. .. .... IOc Canned Hominy ........... ...... I Dc E\lrly June Peas . on ly .. ..... .. 10<' Ohio Pack Suga r Corn , only 10c Pie Peaches. ' onl y ....... .. ...... 10: Big bottle Toma t o Catsu p ... 10c Big Jar Mustard, only ..... .. .. 10c Big Bottle Sweet Pickles .... . lOe Dried Beef, gla s.~ ........ : ...... 10c 2 Pound Baked Beans .... ..... IOc Hein z Sweet· Pickles, 2 doz .. l 5c Cracked Rice, pound .. .. ..... .. lic Best Head Rice, 3 pounds .. . 25e Jello, 3 pkg for ....... ........... 25e Da ~es 10e pkg, Fig!, irkg ..... JOe Best Cala Walnuts, pound ... 25e Peanut Butte r, big jar........ 10c Merry War Lye. 3 for ......... 25c Special Best e ane Sugar sk 12.00 All scrap Tobaccos, 6 pkg .. . 20c All 5e Cigars, 6 for .......... .. 25e All 10e Cigars, 3 lor.. .. ..... 25e The best 2 for 5c Cigars made 25 kil)ds 3 for 5c Cigars We hav~n't raised . tha price on a single Cigar or Stogie. Lay ill II supply of Cillars and To· bacco now while you have 8 chance. . . Churn Gold:""ltsbetter than m09'. butter, and don't cost near as much-try It once, The b!'8t lOc CanvlUI'Glovea in the state. Let us be your "Gro· cer" ' and aave money. Get the habit end trade at,


Lebanon, Ohio

The S. Fred Co.,

*---- -.----* I

--- -

$9·95. $12·50. H7·50. $1915·




S5·9&. $7.95, $9.95· 812·50, SI7 50. . . SI9·15·


church and it~ in titutio ni. ' he wa R Mrs. Verna Kell ey, of Sprin~field . a ~ri ellli ill belief allu by inherilance, is he re aSRisting in I'aring for Mu. b~ lllg alJl~ t~1 tr~re her conn ct!OIl HRnlla h Ant ram . tl tI I t 1 'm unb r ken hn e \\,1 1 Ie oc c y II , U I of ancestor s to a forefa her who .. was f,1S~ociateJ \ ith Will iam Pelln Mr. anr.J ~rs, A. I~ Irle s le ft befo re th at v. rl'u l e:tponenl of :lI e~day ~e n1~g for,Ch lcBKo, Wa;;· QUlll,e ri sm lefl r:n~ln!ld. .cnrl the Live :stock how. Other \\' OIllf'1l may have fi ller.J S t, Mnr~" s Guild will h old its a lllargeit' p laces in he wo rld , but it is har,l to conc ive how Rny one could nuul C hri ~ tma s Marke t atld Apron ha ve heen true r to her friendd 'und :sale 'uturday, December 16. neighbors, or m ore faithC11 1 to the Mr. and Mrll . C, A. Bruner a nd rusts impoReu upon he r . Sherwood. of Mr. a nd Mr.i. F. . Lebanon, alte nded thesociulmeeting' I o f the Masonic lod ge Tuesllay even· ing







Late (Iass·. fi Ci d' AdS.

Bnd they will probably se~ a great deal of the workin gs of 0111' Na ional capital. _ _ __

O. E. S.


- -- --- ---...,. "'OR SALE


of Jlllro I , '. R J Ro(le, ,,0 " r [1n?' '1\. j ;'lll 8()() B If y.H I wu llL UItJl I1. " \\' HntullwllY Reg ular m eetin g of Miami Chllplcr WII"' 0 6svl lh, Obit> . n:lU O. E. S. No . 107 MondRY even ing , Jlth, Inst.allati on of lut I1f (lrl O R. 1. ROfl O'Hlkrels December otlicers. A full altenuan ce ia oarn· for HWOIt bird .. I nq niro flt e~ t1y desired . t,hl FrtOIl I)'!! \:lom ll, Ph ODe DU, ~IIYClara Hawke , W. M. u esvIllo, Ohi o, 0 _0 I~





- , __ _ _

.- ._1_ - - -

.. - -

Irtlgu The ,T onio r Order will lBl' moeting F r irJay



! The Har veysburg Fertilizer Co. i t Will pay you $3.00 per head for HORSE~ nnd ~OWS i

h old it:1 evening. 1M .J I" n ' in tV,q" b orn in As t her e i~ business of importa nc Mallo 11111 1': I )'1 il~ , l" lI.l, on O ctober \a\l memb 'rs ar c r~q uested to b 5t h, 1l!5t1 ,'111 W.·, 'll al'rl~\I tIl A llUISrJ present. . 17, J1'>tili. 0I Ua ld w in R, :.tUIl.h t h i~ IAni-,n .. "r(' I" . I\'.'(I \'I1i/lIren, I Mess rl:l. H ~ K irna n, ,Roy Iia,,· both of ,·.li" JI •• -'" I',l'll f "urn them ward, H ora~e 7.ell, J ollll Slml s~ n, .L in inf IICY "iI.. ,' ,'1, ,'{hll)won I eyes and C ha~. J ohnsun , of Xellla, (J('\ o llt, 1' It'. l.. hUli lm lld I a ttendcu Masoillc lodgc! here Tutlsl lay lta\'il1jt ~ 'I" l ' , ' : I'>I,\" d unn}! , e verlln ~" . , lh t~ l_~1\'l~


(tt; Htn n


·! I.

at your home and will ,come and get tl!e m.


u"lil th(' 1'1.1 t 1 '1' tiL,' h Wllidl, Mr. :ln ll MI'3 H rvey Bllrnett; filled promptty, All telephon e charges paid. . Cl' UrI'''''! nil :O>'.l-I\.l\ (o,. t!T!l!,;; nb our:;' Mr . and M,rs. J . C. Haw~e, Mr anci a call. ' , Give us I)'c le"k ", '. ::.hLI :: , ~ht' m ollie! 1i!!1' M r~ . J . b J a nney , MISS Ro;ve na hr roo 'i " }"r, IN,'!' ItLI ;,1 . I~c lde.y ' rl~ht an I the M03srs , J. ~ . [ \In :~ HARv!:vsnURG, ,'lIe .1" II rl thl' lct!to,lj·. ( 'h urch and Ii rank renc~ attended th~ runer· OHll) (,fl l'ly 111 1./" aI, \ I''-"ll;\ I! i'h!ul and ' a l of Chus. N. I ence at Sprlllgboro ~ "'lJl\~j!'ltl;Bt W.,i kc l' in 1hI.- cb u r ·tt I T uesd ay afte rn oon. un II !l('1 11:':1: I. ~:-::=:-::~===~~ -:!-_~____=~==~======~===--=-===-::_::::::::::_ =--:,.",:: ,\[ 1•. T;',,'b'in V'I~ vi a kiwI a nJ . It \ 111:'1. ,,0, •• J! 1',1)(1 • "'iL·V\.![ r e uy I v I I' I :, If,\pi', ~'HnJ t I lIn"r: a1 '. l\ tJ ;,111' 1 f J.~·r ell It' III I 'll r 1 , I (ltlJi:1IIV' r i l l " ':,,\\,1'


b~ ~.I ~,



· Man. H F L k ran . arr,IS, ...............................................



. ! ,II I'hri'l i ,tIl

"j,i III Htl!l r \. 111 ' ll Ini~.~1 I,v h~ ,~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l""!f.g' .... ,.. 1,,1'0 ~I' . c ll'r'fl [ , I' h'~ 1 Ildlo.'r f:'l 1;'H IlI'nlth .'fw h" d b~en in po"r IWJ llil (o r ~()rn(' a W e time but h('r lnat ho ur A~ USUAL, WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR TOYS THIS ,'EASO , c,.tnP ';' il h'lut a Im)mellls ,warning. COME IN AND I,E'1' T OYS. T HAT ARE INEXPENSIVE BUT GOOD. for h ~r j\l n ~ t er WI IIC!f1 lhat her li fe ' 0 11 ea nh Rholiid close , ~I l at hi~ cllII US SH W OUR NEW GOODS. . . sh , wa8lAken to hel' 1:1 a ven !y 1I0me, til I'e to await the ills t great r.Jay. .,

k'i ylv IU,"


C,\ RD m ' 'J'llA.NI{S We deAi ro to express our sincere than ks f Ol' the many kindnesses ~ ho wn us during our recent tlad ber eavement; e pecially d.o we wish t o tbunl< the min ister. sIngers and und el.'lake r for their service rrndered , Ml'B. Id a M Eckley and Family.

HOl.D .THEIR ANNUAL MEETING At the onnual meeti ng of M. illrTii Valley , huI~tnuqua Associa· tion held last week 'at the ·Y. M C A , Dayton. Ohio, the foll bwing offi· cerR f:()r the ensuing year wer e lec:ted Pr~aid ent, J. Ba:mel' Showers , Day ton; 1. t ice Pres., E G ' Rud er, Hamil ton ' 2nd VI~e Pres .. R · A 'Colte,r, Cincinnati; l'reall., R. 'r, Johnson; Dayton; SC/cretary, and Asst. Tress., W. G Anderson, Ftank: lin Board of· Manage rs E . S. l o~e'nz, Dayton; H . D. Dickson, Dayton; E . M, ~etera, Ham ElilUl Folk, Franklm; W, D. no..._..J. berlin, Dayton The program for .the eoming season h81 been larg~ly arranged for the succet'st'ul season ! juat n~lh~~::'k:i~~ ything points to a I ,l~ .tteRdan~ in 1917

Toys · for the Children

Banks, Trains, Coffee Mills, Lawn .Mowers, ·Telephone, Flour Sifter. Coal Buckets, Tuba, Ironing Boards, Washboards, Wash Bench, Wheel Barrow, Derrick. Iron Horses, Iron Wagons, Iron Animals, . Cloth Animals, Dol)s of all kinds, SUrprise Bux, Borns, Drums Blocks, Pop Guns, Bo!ads, All kinds of Balls, Games. . Bubblers, Tops, Axee Street Cars, Ice Urtam Seta, Shlps, .Noahe Ark, Sprinklers, All kinds, of Rattlo!rs, Sheep Pens, Ranges, Stoves,· Swirigs, Two Wheel Carts, Child's Urooln • Doll Wash Pitcher Sets, m ahel 'fin and China, Pastry Sets, Meat Grinders, Glilloping Jocky, Lanterns. Talking Bir~s, Doll Heads, Merry·Go.Round, Corbett the Fighter, Sand Pails, Fire Department, Bungalow; Automobile. Scales. Tool Sets, . Books /111 kinds, Dainty Writing Paper, . Wa't ches, Plate!, Cups a\'ld Saucers,.

Gifts for the Grown-Ups

Crumb Trays eri<l Brushes, Whi~J<: Broom _ Holders, Pictures, Frames, Vases, Gla!lS' ware, Plates. Cups and Saucers, Olive Dishe!!, Fancy Plates, Fancy Deep Dil!hes, Jewelry. Sllltand Peppers, Mugs, Tea Pots,. Combs, Sid e ,Comh~, Back Combs, "Heeitalion" Hall' Pins, Barrette, Perfume, Mirrors, Box Puper, Corre!lpondence Card!!. Watch Chains, F"ob~. Key Rings. Handkerchie fs, Hair Brush, &c" &c ,&c., &c., &e.

Christmas. Tree Trimmings Ev!!r"t.hing to make the ChriBtmas complet ' . .

Christmas (:ards ,Never haYo we had such an assortment as this year.

... d Y ",an






flRllnK H. fliRR

The Magazine Man Waynesville, Qbio,





.., s

I .-







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---..,......----....- -_ .....- .- ..-;.........-ro-:..--_ _____ ______

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Whule Number 3400

--------------,~____~~._,~.__w_~~~_______• __~;----------~~--.--------~~






l amT

azette 10 Some 1telatrve or a Friend for a Cliristmas Present


-----------------.~--~~-----------~---------~---------~~--------- ~ ~- ~-~'~~.~~.-- ----~ ------------~~--------------------------------------~---~-----~--~~~~

~:Ii:l t:!==:::lHGI==31[:]1::1==::JIG !






~ ~

. """n·",,k ,,,' : ill I. I- Iur en c" A dey. "'"" ho rn e\\' Jju rlinl(toll. Ohio .. ,uly 2:; lh, I 1)t









. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:

as Presents


This!" w srri s SnX(lll I ~oa d s ter is now ('oll1l'lctc alit! li llislierl auto mobile to thc lery las t de tail. 1.011 k' alllong II IC I 11;; ' I1 pllce . d 1110 d Ci d san you' ll lind none tlmt cnr ries marc con· I'enicnces.


[:::J .

It h as now one of the finest and most ~l1icie nt llYo·unit st arting and . lightinl: ~ ys tellis that can he purchased . n 0 1 ht'r car . 11 0 matter Ihe price, has a bctter shuling and light ill g systelli.


rn r."'I

This new attrac tion puts a vast glll£ between ' axon Roadster and the car · S Iar t 109 ' ' I;,1C k.lI1g an d I'Ig Il t 109.


~ ~

In comparison such a CilT is anti quat II and old fashioned. As much as the ox cart compared to the auto· mobil .




Think now--;-you simply press a button with your foot Ilnd your motor is purr· inK away .


Think of the ease and l'lxury that is yours in this refinement. Another feature .of ins tant appeal are the ~demountable rillis wit h :W·incb by 3· indl ti res.



In rase] of accident tire challg-inc: is a quick and easy 0pclatiou with de· mountable rim!'.



· Saxon Roa d ster New SerIes 13ul these ' larger tires have (\ furlher advau tage . They Illake Saxon Roadster highe r s tandin 0" alld thu s add to the roati clearance. And beyond th is they mean greatcr rid · ing comfort aod far longer tire life. ' ow Saxon l~ oadster possesses u greater proportion of tire s urface 10 the weight f ~ t lhe ca: r thall auy o ther on the tIIar· 'e . So the Saxon Hoadster o wner fi nds h illlself possessed of a car which prae. t'Ica 11 y never su ITers. t 'Ire trou bl e. Nor are these the only new advantages. 'i ou'JI n()te the body is of new style and . the top. too, which has a Grecian r ear bow. Then there's the elect ric horn'. the tire carrier at the rear; the specdo meter; and tbe new design carburetor whicll gives finer performance and easier .. tarting. These features are all in additi()n to those others you know 50 well. Such as Timken axles: Hyatt quiet bea rings: c.~aoxr·oenll'lhOi[gel.l .speed 1II0tor: and tully a ~~

Now, no car in the world at so low a price otTers the value t() equal Saxon !{oadster. Price, $0195 f~o . b . Debroit.

Suspenders . . ~5c to .50 Cull' Lin ks . . .. 2 - lo $ I.UO ;,.. nrf PillS .. " 25c Lo .75 Shirts and Drawers . . .. . , . . . . .. .SOc to. l.50 Union Suits $ 1.{)Oto $3.00 Boy's and Girl 's Raincoats and Ilat~ to match . . . . . . . .. $2.50 to $3.50 Men' s Raincoats . . . . . . .. $5 .()O to $12.50 Boy's Suits . $2.50 to $6.50 Umbrellas .. $ 1.00 to $3.00 1.00 to $3.50 Suit Cases

~ teacher brnu·.!ht before the cJal:ls. A ~hort time before he died he ..... , .. $]0.00 to $20,00 9puke to hi ~ moth ·r 'bouthealing ' ) ()O " ,j "O suc h beauliful hea Vt'llly music . whic h H ats. . . . . .. . . to '1l'~ .<> haM been su ch a cL) miort to his 10vl'I G loves . . . . . .. 50c to S 1.50 I!J on\V~ cann(.r unt1er~ tanrl why one ~o .. lJ os iery.. . . . . J 5c t o Sl .OO ~ young an d WIt . h I b I h" c'200 suc 1 a r g t pro· til Shirls .. . ... . . flOc to." . pecl for tbo future sho uld be so N k 'r sud denl y Clll down but it unly r~. ec wear .. .. _ b C to . 71'i): minds UII that ali bot h young lind old Handkerchiefs sooll cr o r late r rnu ~t :eave this world d h b d S in boxcs . . . . 2Ge to S1.00 an P'ISS t o t e :g rellt cyon. d) mav we all make tl necessary pr'p' illell 's l\l a ckilluws ~ Il rl1t illll h tO meet our bMllker unci .. . ... ... S5.00 to :s0.50 t lI QSI;l W \.I have gone on efore. B ' 1\1 k' UnexPt'cted the bummons carne 0 YS ac . 1\1 a ws and our h(:art ar p. almost overcome . . ... . . . . . ~. !)8 to . 5.0 ' with ll;riof. Caps. . . . . . .. ;)1::0 C to • 1• i) ~ ' f h ToI' f his ' dear olles il &:J seems as I is I e S work was not Men's \-Voo! Shirts completed, snatched away as he was in of life. But \lie . . . . . . . . . $ 1.00 to $2.00 t helhe willprime of God and some daybow we'toll






know and understand. AIm Of' TII ,\NK We v. .5h Lu thlllnk our neighbors and fri end" tor th eir sympathy Ilnd help in this our grea t sorrolV in lhe loss of (lur deaT loved onu. Especially do we thllnk ~l r. McClure. the mill ' isters, the quartette, and those who sent such beautiful flowers. ~ MI'. and Mra. Frank Stanley and Family ._ _ ___ ~ __ _ __








If want to make Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or .... weetheart a useful present, you can get exactly what . want at our store. New lot of things for every member of the family. Call and see our line before you go elsewhere.




~ ""'."""""~'"

0 . . . . . ._

I!JIG. auud 17 years." months an d 5 days H e leaves to nlu rn llis loss 1\ l:tther . mothe r. fiv e brother~ and , two ijil:lters. Palm e r , of Ferry . Ohi o. : RnLtlrt, of Wilmlng t "1 , Ilowlird . [i] Walt r , J I'.'ile lind Mabel a t home. : Vei nl Phill ·'ls . of N ' W J1 Urlil1"tun ' l , alen one h l lf ~Ister Marga ret A. Ct ,nklm. of Wilmington. Ohio, dllug h. IeI' of A IIi, NOlrH ltl Sta nley. one ~i sLe r us~ful I ~mm a J>l ne nn d tVl' brothers Warrell t ~'I and Charley ha vinlI preceded him to • I.!I til ' etter lnnd . Russel waR of a c heerful disposition. Oliedient and ready t ,\ do a kindness o oth rs. He WillS e. very attentlve _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"""":_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._~--------------Sund R\' ,'('hoo) c holal' and t ook a :


~ ~






. _ - - - - -----

Sweater Coats . ... , . , .. $1.00 to $6.50 Jerseys .. . .. $ 1.IjOto$2.98 Men's Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 Ladies' Neckwear ... . ..... .. 25cto ,75 Blankets. . . .. 59c to $5.00 I ..adies' Crepe de Chine Waists , .. $ 1.98 to $5.00 Toilet Sets. . . 9Bc to $3.50 Manicure Se ts . ' . 5Ue to 2.50 Ladies' Hand Bags ..... . .... . . 59c to $2.00 . And a thousand other articles that cannot be mentioned here.


t f



The Store that Saves You Money



................................ .................. . ~

--- - ----------. ---- ---.. - - - - - - - - - - - .. Installed Officers . .

NOTICE I SOCIETY EVENTS I 'metMiami Chll;er O. E. S. No. 107 Monday evenlnll: and In.talled • - - _. - : - - - - - - . their ofJi cers for the ensuing year. On aceount of eoal advanclnll over Toere was a g ood attendance and 400 per cent we will run III1MII until ' YES Mra , CbarieaJohOlland son. Glenn, Ievery one present enjoyed them~elvell eleven o'alock and c()mmence morn-

of Lytle, were Sunday guests of IAfter the work of the evening a fine Inp at lilt o'r.loek. These condition. Mr. and Mrl Perry Wade. lunch was servec!' may chanie first ot year. ~ The company of people who Ilalh· The officers installed are 1\9 folloWII:-Botrd-of Publle-&·~'-'~-----ered at the School Auditorium at the Mr, and Mra. Alvah Hartsock en · . leH~ ie l1olJltzer. Worthy Matron; _ _____- -call of the Library Committee last ned at dinner Sundny Mr. an d Warr 11 II I( eys. Worthy Patron; Saturdayafternroln, ave I'I0sII atlen· Mrs, W. S . Hart?ock. Mr: anrl M~s , Luellfl Miller. As.~o. Matron ; .sue tion to a talk by Ml'a. Ida Keever. of Emers? n Mason, M~l! Matilda i-l osler Hawke. 8~cretary; Eva Jones, 'I'reas. urer; Jes~l e Hyman, Conductress; Centerville, who dpscribllu the and MISS Ethel 1I0si r . used in t.i.cir village to cs· ----- . - .. MuLel Farr. ASRO . Conduetres8; Ruth (;)E'==U:)[:T ISlE' =='~ lEi==I[:::J£:I G'==1131:15=113 methods tabli3h .. library and who pointed out Mr. and Mrs. Frank 7.e ll enlor- J annev, Chaplain: Sarah Zimmer. the 'benefit their Library A8IIOciation ~ailled Ilt dinne r Sunday th' follow· mall , Marshal; Mary B L~phall1, or' l The Farmer's InsU.tute to be held has beenlo that cOlllm lll1ity IIlg guests: Mr. and Mrs H ~r:I'Y I{lInist : Mahe l l{llll .I·, Adah; Edna at Oregonia on Janullry 8th and She \'V a follow ed I.>v Miss All en. of Legle r , MI'. Ilnd Mrs. J o. el)h ~h ll Hldl{c. HULh : Clara Hawke. I'.)!ther ; 9th promise. to be one of more than Mr. aud Mrs. James ' McC lure and MI·s. Wal l r McClure were shOlll)inl! COIUlllbus, Ao,istun t Stote Organizer and daughLc r. Mr ~ . .Ma;v Lf";-"IH, of Alma. Wat crh{\C! ~u. Martha : Edith ordinary interest to Warren county. of Librar l" who ga ve mlny inter· Day tOil. Mr. and MI S . I . It. I a rr. Ifa rrls. 8lcr ta: S u ~an A~I1OI~. WIlTd · The time Is here when the merchant ill Dayton Monelu},. ' 1Il1pl'o\'cd now . esting points in r egard to tbe b~lIt .. .er ; Chll s. M. Ho bltzer. Sentlllei. and the farmer realize that their In . modernmethods o'f establishing and . Mrs. Iluldah l1urnu tt . ~l l·.~· ril h '" I Chin),· S~an9I.>err)' anu family ex· Mr . und M nl J dE Smith S[l nllhe ies Walter. ClilT anu (; hurli ,' il u melt. - - -- - - - -terests are mutual. Many merc anl$ _--~---- . ----. ' peel 10 m elVe to Day tOil within th e week end With Mr. anel Mr8. Ha1i1h carrying on librar · a commiltee was·". ·1 Mrs . Slln.r a're 11 helpinll tor make thisd ftInstitute n r , an u Following t I\IS . .rll . .I', l)y l(" ~ und t '"'' ., h 't IIcxt few duys, ~1T.ith. Bouth of t o\vn ap po'nted to solicil names of tho~e daughters. LaVo r. l)c ami Rhea, we ....· WeT U Notice rea y accomp JI some e III ere· See Waterhouse fur Auto Livei·y. . entertni ned a t the hUlll e' • .• • . sUIEta. h Ith' bl dis . . Mr. uncl Mr~ . liff'lrd Himes. of Your fri ends Cllll buy anylhil110 y()U who arc .lIilling t o assis t i!" formin g Tileasantly .. , II ' ' I L{ S J very orne w III reason& e • J?r. A. Wrlg~t , wh~ hus been '·Cellll! rvil le. "i~it ed wi th relatives ebn give th om except your !lhot ". a perman~·:' t organil. tiun In the neal of d ,,,rs. ,IT 1- urvcy un, II Y The ''I'. . T. U. will m e t with tance of Oregonia Rhould be repreqUite 111.19 sl()wly Improvllig . Iht'tC ov(!r undny , . grn p". get the m at Ridge's. fu ture valuable The caiiu ttl and Library will t th O render il is hopl!d On Ilccoun of nut heing on I he 1\''1 ra, R IC IlaftI D Ll k'e at t h e Hi nkl e sen ted a. IS mee rlI:ag . . I d right side of tho fenell e1 uring th e horn e on. Wcdllcsrlay lifternllon, O~. F:,x.ecutlve .Comnuttee: E. L. ReBry<!,n Prend.e rgast. of Dayt on . Our $ 1.00 sett· tiffin)! 1'·t)llnl.nin Mrs, Itall'h Smith, of R()ute 3. 17 spont Sunday With hOll1e folk:! . I 'ens will mlll,o a useful Xmas prE'S Silent Rl'vcrnl claYB laet week with enough peo pl e in Way nes i1 e an election. Mr. W. A, Benecke I ce~bcr LOth. A f ull atlellrlance Ie talhck. J . W. Goddard. E. C. Jeffery, cou ntry will be in· was for ced to ent e rtain aL out fOIAI" d"~lred. I Ruhert AIl!irl'ws, C C Emmons L, C. St. John and H . W. Wads. enl. J. I); JUI~_ . _._ M~I~~ Ed ith Willemborg. of Spr ing' surrounding tel'esled to the exte nt r giving their nbl.les and onc dollar to the com. teell of his fri l!nd~ at a spl endidly np'll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' worth \\ c re Lebllnon visitors MUll ' Friduy eVellilig was SOI))e evening V y. mittee and thus make a slart toward poinled four·course turkey dinn('r duy. to be out of do()rs .· I t blowcd . Mr. und Mrs J. H. Coleman went having a libral'y W P cal , be proud to Wednesday evening. Seve ral gucst~ \. All are invited A hearty welcome sleeted. rained and snuwed. aU in the to Norwood Thursllay morni r. g an ti own . from Lebanon and Xeni a were pr e~· no IlIlitter whether lOU rome to Hec courHC of a few hllllrs. are visiting with Mr, Clyde Coleman Tlw co mf' liltec i,s h S foll f\ws: Mr . ent. . OT buy J, E Junne:,:. ~ ·St·nd Gazette for n Xma ~ J::ift. and family. . E. J. Awold . Dr. Mary Co()k, Mes· Mr . and Mrs. Henry SaUcrthwaite . Chnril!s Cornell returned hoO" e dames Laura Mos her. Dora Ward very pleasantlY ente rtClined last fr om Dayton last week. While visit· and Em ",.! Peirctl . Rev. J. F. Cad Thursday evening with a six o'clock ing rela tivefl there, he was quite ill wnllade r , Ir aSlJrer, Please do nOl dinner the f 'lIowlng guesls: Misses WAit for the commiLtee to come to P.e~l ah Kindler. Hesler Canaine, for several days. . you. lJoroti" / O" ballcr. Joftephlne An · --_.- -'--Tho Woman's Auxiliary flf St . drews Vada McPherr;on. Mr. and Mary's ~hurch wili meet w :~h Mrs. J . Arnold. Wm . R. Sprisiel, Mrs. Harris Ilnd Mrs Mosher Thursday Emmor Baily lind Keller Hoke. a fternoon at 2 o'clock. . Music and games were the diver sions Oran0'8s-AIi Sizes Candy- All Ki nde of the evening YOII will also find our Xmas high YOU WlLI~ SURELY FIND DEMONSTRATED Mixed. lOe pound lip Sweet Orangel. JOc Doz . up grade stationer v in harmony with On Saturday afternoon Mrs. J. F. your Xmas needs. and at \'ery reason· -IN EVERY DEPARTMBNT. Or. E . J . Emerkk . Sll llt ri';tendent Cadwallader, Mis9 Clara Lila and Ch ocolate!!. 15c pount! \.Ill Peanuts per pound ..... ........ 10c able prices. J . E, Janney. of Institution for Fee!:. 'e minded 11.< YOU ARI:'; KI DI,Y INVITED TO \ISlT US Mrs . D. L . Crane llave a pal ty for Soft Shell Engli.h Walnuts ·Figs, package ........... 6 and lOc Brazile, Almonds. Filberts Columbus. ""iii de liver a lecture t their Sunday School clas,ses at the lJates, package........ ........ ..... ICC the Whfte Brick on Thursday e .. enlng. ho n, of Mrs . Crane. A s hort pro · WHEN YOU ARE ON YOUR _SHOPPING TOURS, December . 4, · &t 8 o'cl()ck. This gram waB rendered as follows : Malaga Grape, Fancy Western Apples AND WE ARE ~Jurn~ CI~i~'l'AIN THAT YOU WILL lecture will deal with the problems Piano Boll'. Kathryn Hende rson; reo Grape Fruit, lIanlnas Grimes Golden, ~ell Flowera c()nnected 'Nltfl .the mentally d,e tec citatil)ll. Novella Benecke: vocal. Bol(l, FIND MANY '1 1IlNGS 'I'll AT WOULD NICELY CONtive, especie.;ll f rom the standpoint Elsie ' Hawke; recitation. Esther HenBal~imore Oystera Jersey Sweet Potatoes . 01 hereditary influ~ineel. It Is under· derson; reeitati()n, lJoris Henderson; ·VEY YOUR MESSAGES OF FRIENDSHIP TO BOTH Solid measure,. per quart ..... tOe Cabbage. Yellow & WhIte Onions Marconi Reed. 12, 11, '16 .. stood that the lecture will be i1IUS· piano s()lo. Kathryn Henderson. Deliver~ 12, 11, '16. tratecl by lantern slides. Dr. Emerick Games followed the program after OLD AND ..YOUNG. Fancy Cranberries Pure New York Buck Wbeat North Pole 12. 11. 1916. will be aceompanied hI' Dr. Walter which the ehildren enjt)yed candy All Pancake Floura, package lOe Jumbo Celery McKay, whom many will remember and popcorn. Mrs. L A . Zimmer· Edgem()nt Crackers To Frank H . Farr·. lIS a Wayneaville boy . .New SeedleSs Ralsine nian and Mra. Fred B. Henderson. Heinz Olives and Pick Its Mgr. Toyland Store. It is to be hoped that 'all thinking assisted in making the, afternoon Fancy Cleaned Currants Heinz Minr.e Meat Waynesville, Ohio. neople ' will take ,advantale of thi8 pleasant for the little folka. Prunes. Aprieots. Drit'd Peach.e s Klh1 Drilid Corn Meal Will visit yeu Saturday afternoon. opportunity to gain information on Candles Air Guns Toys Flake and Cracked Hominy Dec 16. 1916. from 2 to 4 u'elock. lubject of deep concern to every Full Cream Ch~18 . A miscellaneous shower was New Navy Beans . Uio Coffee, per pound ......... 15e Tell all the boys and girls to be at community. No charle for admit. Skates ",Nuts.l 'Wagons at "Breezy Hili Farm" Sat:uf(ial' Pinto and Lima Beans your IItore to shake hands with me . .tance. Steel Cut Colfee, per pOlllld 20c Tool Chests Tel.1 them to be good children and Mra. Alfred Jones in honor ot Bulk Rolled Oats IlFruit!i Sleds Campbell'. Soups, per can .. · .1Oe Janie Jont's whose marriage to Frank mind their Pa's and Ma'l: Saller Kraut Creamery B.utter Smead will be an ev.ent of Dee. 24 th, Yours for Christmas Time,. Green Lima Beana Enameled Ware Safety Razois~ Churn Gold, per pound ... ...... 28c Cups and' Saucers A Ilueaaing ' and huntinll contest ,. . Santa Claus. 2 Ib Baked Bean., per can ... 100 Water Pails were features of the afternoon. . Ingersol Walt'hC!i Cbina Plates Clean Easy SOap . .... " ... 6 for 25c Pure Country Sorghum Prizes WeTe award~ the winners. Chamber Pails ' White Karo Moluaea per can tOe Fancy Pick Salmon ...... 2 for 25c Compassts Tea Pots The bride·to-be wu the recipient Coffee Pots of m8ll'y pretty and useful ~fts. Thermometers ~mp~ All Scrap TobaccOil 6 Pack.,. for 25e, all6e Sauce Pans Refreabmenta conalltln~ of ice Cipra 6 fo~ 25c, Big AlIOrtment StoKI. 8 for 6c. Fluh Lights, etc. (?i1 Stoves, etc. cream and oak. were lervod . Water, J\lgs, etc• . ThOM Meadama Jlaldwin Apple. ~ . 75 per Barrel. New Coane Salt jult In Bernard Ev."thlnll: sood to _t at th.lo~ S~ver ~lated. Nickel Plated and Alumi~_Ware ~~~~~.~~ Lula



J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt., =='1:11:'

Waynesville, Ohio




-I-P-ER-S-O-NAL-MENTIO-N-V I\~111\~~flh~;l~!~I ~~d~~il i~I\t!~~e~l:~~I; II




.. -.

The Chrlstmas S·p irit·



ZIMMERMAN'S CliRISTmllS eandi-z-s Ottang¢s nuts


----_ ..- --




Gift Suggestions

--_.- ... . ..-,.




'. I Specla

-- ...



It paya to trade at


[IPPfCANOf: • 1 . ____mlllllalnIjJiJlJlmrllllll1llliJIllllml' ~li : I Beloll a Tra.. ChroDlcI .. 01 0.,1.10 ....... 11 .. ,. 8 .. ' .... "0 DAVID tA.RENe E and ' ANTOINETTE O'SAN ON of tb. a.tll .. or TIPpe""'Doe •• daD 10dJao. Wllde.D".,. • . ••d of Whal B"r.,11 T he • .,· aIIer .. 01. Cp,),doa Do d Now Flr.e See Forth

S1;op! L o o k . ! Lis1;e:n!

Christmas Suggestions

ay S~t\MU E L McCOY m.....uo. . b), DeAUoQ \".t •• lIa. "

n lhl

_ _mlllllllmmlllUllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnIlIIllAII ~lIk1, mo. TIl_ Uubbo Morril l Oo .. P&Il7)


Wit I


ool( ~

t\ I. tnc a Duy Dooks

Womllll Bnd cllilclr n 81000 "'"telllng Ule evolutions of tho 'l'oltmtl'l'M!. The Frencb Inhnbltants chntt~r('rt II\\'II:\, In trem endous excllcmcnt. As fnr' os ' mlll tnry drill nllel accou tprrt1l'nt were I , conceml'd , thA ml'n lI'('re rld l(' ut. lll sly I awkword IInl1 llntrn lnNI. Th (' ~- I'onl(1 not k,ocp SII'P to suva their "oul~. 11(\(1 onlyon of Ih ... tll'('I\' (lm!,lIlilea mlld o au preten . C lit a UnlrMIII : lhl~ one W118 the cnmllllny I'ommnnded by pier \ Spencer of Corydon. ']' he ~ e \\'ore 'l'ellow huntinG' Rhlrta trimmed with 'red feath ers: (h(ly we.r e promptly dubbed I "the Yellow Jacketsl" and were morked

IJ I" rl ,'~

1·1' Loos e L ea! .'ote Uouh. . Worden &. Ln~so n "New 'I'hollgbt" Dooks UI holl e Pruy r Books n UBn r l S Episcopa l Pl11yer Dooks Dnh >' Booles F, rully R cord Dooles Photo Alhums K lInk AlhullIS Bm .s D esk Sets Coppe r In la id SlIl'or I sk tri nl'ass Dosk Novelties I II . k Lamp8 Clot' ke I l'opcr Knh' 3 POs tn l Scnlcs DloHonnrles I )) kll() lInry Stn n~8 Wrlli ng PMtto llos I l'ok r OUI fil"




. BlIl' · \i:hon,·01~

Gold allli SlIvor Knl,' oa 'ut;Jliclor ~ B )'1 Ie Gl o ~~ Desk P dl 08 \0IS' Ono·Dolla r P en, Il untIy O U)"O>' cl uarD eners hrlt;11U8" Uo ' 08 Cr ve Pape r '"K-WI' II. 'I'ju llo Pape r Cor H ol l· ,Iny u _o 1'IlJ>e r \\" ' I~ hIS I 11'Il8~ A Kh Sln uds Gl obe - W rn lclto Sec· n "llas P up r tlll cka t lou al Dook CCl ~C" lIook n Ul l; t; 0111 " 0 \11'"ks J ardi niere. Des le Cu lond nrs \ ' 11. ij Sta ud s tnr 1911 Brut;s nn (l Coppo r Um' Olllc Chnlrs b.-ella. IDods T ypewrite r D c~l(s BOll k En.l . T) puwrllor Cllalrs 111'''" 8 and Coppor I IIlL Ra cks Waste II IIRkCL& F ili ll i; Cabl n<"ts . \V oo[1 Willow BtI. ka ta lind Stool PI " "e Cnnl. Filing Osvlcos T Ily Ca rIb Cooking Re cll'" floxos Lc-[lLhor <,; 110(18 Urau g bllng OU lli t. 1.1l[lIee' P lII'SA B hrl sLmDIl Labols L alli s' a nd Go ot's Ex· HolldllY Oood s ot ..ruslve .'tnllonery D08orlllllon. Conk lin'. Sclt,fllllng H Ollsebold Sales I"Olllltl1l 11 Pons uall Doxes ,\'"le rl11l1u' S \(·nlllng Bond n oxes 1,'ollnLOin Pe ns Stoel Silve r Chcsts



No ci t y in the o unlry has g r o wn with the rapidIty I 1 ~ ,i IlV lh::l t has d aract e r iz ed the g rowth uf l) ;J)'tOI1 in t'!C p ast few years.



.)nly in popllllltic n ha" the increas e been r(,r-,I'; blc .. but bu s l "t~g ~'L(i\ilt s h.. stimulated tl1<' • I' t t'I1Ct pI cal';lal h ~I'I' '1 Ii I hus iness buildin: ;'1!\(\ Ie ,I" " line (f Day t Oil now prese nts a truly n1(.; ret 01.·~11 'l'l.J ra pl"c.

1 .:ttn: ·li1 .. c;h h a'I- l'Clt p ,1 c e with this rror.:r(''', -71' l \te r e ,.re 110 ;, .. t \ t ~to r cs th nn Day ton ::'11,;\,


• •

Th f' -} ','''71 mcrcl a.1 S 'r.' 'Ie YO ll to their mrn. Rut the r ~I' " 'onl \\'}IIII e" r step". I'!-;Ilc 'n: , t "l ,110'. t.,! . " , to b tl wi th the clolhes they I\'''rI~ 1' I l ~,,(,s!l ,·d of In lh plr dally Ufe--tow Jamls or lIns;'~·'",ool"'· Y. positive a i·ur.dlce 0' '.1t1. a<:l.O!1 t..J ll:c las l dc g ree. or the hunter's tlrpss of ttllI(wIl deer()I' l'1l car, 11 11 ",inlt' r \ y ... :Ifl' Ihl 1IIIlger S I X SEDAN Ilkln: and (>1I('h Inno cllrrll'll the rlnC? 7 P."' 1'" nVf!r ot bl8 choIce, fir Cllrms of vcry muke f:t, h ill llal ,k. T itlTl' I ' \I II'Ill lh ~lId '1 " 11 ' ( $1630 and ot 80y leogUl of bllrrel. . l'a,<' ill a I"'Ten :-; "11. "1 \\ Ill" ~11"llIll' r THE LARGEST AND MOST COM PLETE OFFICE OUTFITTERS IN FOUR SEDAN Ooe mornln!; wus eOIl I'COtl hy Il ['.' 111[' , . t it'e 1<' 1 ' 1 ,'1'\ ,, \\11.'1 ' 1lI1\1''''~ Iii ' CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN OHIO 7 .'l\ •• enR. r Ilbootlng mutch. omeone gut n whlre- I :'t:da ll (" I' ;\1;" h;I::1 1" '1'11 <'I I, 111I:ill).; I :(1, $1 260 wood plank, Bnd pnclnlr oft 60 Yll fl l.. propped It UI) firmly. A circle t 11 p I InChea Ln dllllll eter "'o s Rml'llrCll 0 11 1 21 ·23 W. FIFTH STREET DAYTON, OHIO OF WAl~. OVE R SQ-IJOES DISTRIBUTORS the board wltb \1'1 L powde r, lI ll,1 In Dayton, Ohio 209 N. Main Street the c(lnter ot t his hlnck ~JlO' n hll of 1f ~'IIU do not kno\' the si7.u, w e can sell you a WalkwbJte PlIper, th e ~nze of fI (lollnr, \\'n~ (h'C'I' 'hri ·tnu S cl'titicalc and t he shoes can be pInned. One nfl r nnothcr (I{ th o awk" Free Ride to Dayton ward mllitiomco 8 ' [lpNI to Ule line ' 8(']('I"'j 'r! latcl' .. and IIred, seemingly without flllll ~ ll1g 13S N, Main ·St. Buy n o w - a de pu~ lt will l tul,l It tor )'ou u nt il Xl1l1 ut '\ 'e han? nevcr shown as complete a lin e of Holid ;-ty to aim. Not 0 nUl1t failed to Rentl his I bullet Into !.hI! whl teo Then Iho tllr- , CLA.FI.~ 'lippl'l'S -Ladi es' an(1 1 fen", al'o hri~( ma Hosiery cet WIUI moved to ynrd!" di st a nce, DA YTON, OHIO 36 Eaet Fifth, Neal' Jefferson - \\" ' flll'lli~ h y OLl Lei uti ful Gi ft >:c 1"l'ee with our then a hundred; and !lle dCAd ly oretl- ' racy continued. OS the better mnrkR- I and h ~i 'l'y. Priced < t 50 cents ancl $1.00. men took their I1lrn 9. And th'c u UI 'y I MORt 25 0, 50c, lid $1.0 m edicines A11 you'd look for In an Art sLore, to8Sed pIeces ot wood loto Ule nl r. aud tollot D rllol 8 11\Theee, too, cnme down plorced by the And wbat's more, Our price don't 19c, 39c, and 79c soar, . miraculous bullets, 114-116 Baat Fourth St., Payton, Ohio Priced at The afternoolls passed In the F~ me ON ACOOUNT OF WAR. 'l'he (lI1f(lrIlIlce \l1I l'B yOllr 1'1\ rfnro 0 IS BIGGE-R AND BETTER THAN EVER .tat. of 8uPvrel!sml cxcltmnt'llt. Th o DlI.y LO II and bac~ hOlll o. men lolled around tbo shudy ~h1<l of Our dr.UIl~ Ill' nlways Cras b on ll ot .Il\e best QIIA li ty. the taverns and chewed tli<:'lr tolJuel'o ASK THE OWN ER OF AN Chrishn8s G ift Suggestions .Uentl,. ,T he long. hOI hours drnl:!ll'd INSTRUMENTI.:!FROM K llll.tkl'l. i,." .tl n,·rH)C 1 ~ t1 II' 1:\11 , .. Ilt· \.· I~t·t·l4. f"flh htJol by. ,.At sun sot th ey llcnrd illc hugl c T 'H' k l, ', '('. ' III1 It'! I'l ,,-)111 l :-;, 1111 · .... \:", !I" :";Jd U.~. ~ 1f'fll'1 •. at Fort Knox. tho slockude In closuro n "'.\'dc~. FI ~ h I.lIlIl p~. I : 11\1 .... t I'" I !". ~' .' I\"'. t ll l lt·d. Ita. · Z II I~, I, nl ~ ,'0,;, \\' 1\ t .' h f" H, I " 'l', I .,11 ~. 11 I q~... t ' h\ III\ Ia.: r: q, h". SECOND AND MAIN three mil es liP lhe rIver, sound fulmly Ludlow 5th &. Wayne ·l',HI.Jj •• '. 11(,14, I~ · ,, ~m d I .• °t' l il' l lo ... ~l!-l 'Jf iJlh,·r :t the end or Ole duy. Third'" Terry Third'" Broadw3Y 'Established 1 G5 CO ,\l1-: 1:-\ Dayton, Oh io 39 Night enme on nnd n group o r ml'l1 Eat. 1883 aradualll i'lllh rcd 011 til b nr h 9 'Inti COVERED BUTTONS FINE tbe trNl88 In frollt ot the .TdTI',·so n C (.\'~IIJ cI HUlionH. J{nt(t' , 81(10. n ox LONG TE R. M LOANS :wo , ('ru l',lIon r,leu. un ,;! ll e lll8lllc h house, all tbe tiwern of Pnrll1l'DIlS With RepftY IT1ent PrlvUea:e In~ . I'(,,'o f-F.dar ng ...... InKing, n U8chBackes, bearing on It s sll'llhOllrd n I n~. I·; tnilro lot e red SCllllul.hllr. Prk o· tr ~'n ll W' nnl 1tJ !'It'll) 1I1IT f l U m, t\' e ,,-III fin d II. buyer. Over a qUlIner of a century on the Ih'il ( rep. Mnll work dl r er. t . ~I'-\II... tr ou WJ.l nt to h ll"- .{ (- ,rill. w,.. hl\\'t o n6 t ha.t will .ult r ou. CANDIES .tarlng portrAit of tile Rlnt man, 0111 11.:I1S l' n OMPTLY PI1.LEt). Cor. 4th'" S'-•. , WIUI K1'nlldly cull ed. They lnlkcd In Walt. PI .... t:I... and Button Co Ohio Farmers Really Co. 714' 1~ ... "v~Z~~~H~5DQ. , DAYTON , OHIO, DaytoD, Ohio 14 N. MaiD; low tones , nod Dn" ld. on Lbe Ilgc of II /' .... 11«:.. 1M Ii", "' . . . .1. lb. Inlll!. "IIi the crowd, could lint d istingui s h their ~----------------------words. Be kn IV. howolver, il1ut I1Ibst ~r the leo ll<:,r/l. ot 1he town were th ' ra: Wash Johll son, the old 1)0 I mus ter, m Oil of 1f,e frontier; .tur lcss would . r with his dNlP " oleo hoomlng out lit ho hOl'e permitted to \lrenm this Jr.ngllsllluulI. 'l'h l' Lill ie '''''PI1- I" IN l It I1Il w it h J I1 t ()tie A Kroner, ollfpent r <If lilte.!"'ols ; H enry onli Il cilry tbnt the grcnt office might be hl H 0 1\'11 hIIll H,M !<1I1lrlllll' lIt U, a lIu,i - rt( " 111 ,\f o iu 8 ville, (mti Leo llt1 M . tini<l c r, of Vlln der Burgh, til e j llll l=: s; lIr ll jnllllll W\Illom E e nry Hnrrl sou 1 Villcellne~ : >« nll 1"'lIr: thl~ White Cza r wos Ills- I Pru,bnlc Court I'roceedlol/:8 !le H Fost o,·. Rev. R. B Foeto r ................w .........w ....w".""""....................,."."...".............",,"""'......... . .(PRICE:; I{IOIH) . Parke, more recently oppolnt II to the wn s 1.1 yenrs old: lhc mno thlrty- \'hl'~' lng hl~ comm lllllis t" I.< I(lr\'o tit;' I I!: "(I 11 B P. MoUri(l n, o ponto r of b ch Id J h I'lght. ']'hore hUd n 'I'or been nnuthln'" trulle of Engllln(\ by clo'~'"g Iho porl ~ j I (h " III lite r uf IttI' Wil l ,, ! Mn r r Ciuoil1onti. Ilnd Delill E1\ 2!1 1)etlJ . FOR SALE - PROPE'I'TY en ; D o n moll. who 11>1(\ b'l' n J .. 0' the C tl t r,.nl(l II 11I.l, 'Irll'E'n IV M. I:lr"~('lIi'. d I!O"'1 .n1. Will i uti U,uH'II ", of L obllnoll . Rey . H. B. !lherltr t~'pnty yenrs 11l~r(lf IIllIl c mrnonpill ce In the exlstcnce of pineo II Oil ne n . t 1I 1 - ._,--- ,--, ' Sole Agent .calped with his o,wn hnnd mnrnudlnj: or mlln. En ch h nd alrell,ly hnd II his- espcruUolI, \VIIS Relzlng Allh~I'I('U11 SCII- 111 1 (.( n ll ru) lu. b'o.t r. .- - , Indlona whom hla PORO hnd )lUrBIl II t ory whoso lolling must mo,'o the hellrt ~ ~ nll ~n the PI"l t'Xr Il la ( Ihcy w ' r ~IJ n tI n Tll1t:"r of IlJu ",,,I,,te nf IJ ow ll r dl:l . Sllwy er , on rp ntt'r f G OO D roshlonoe property wi h and C111)tured: P tor .Tonea who lind more Ulltn with a trumpct:. ' l1g g lUII'll. Iwll rllrclug th.: m 10 SI'I'I'Q ,' ry M. Iirl1 "" p. ,joP" r'"ed l OI1U II l...nto nI8 . Ky., and .1 I\\lOU Il P flnrl r o leotrl o l1 Kht~ IInll furuac(l, W() /l For the Gordtm Tires 8een the error of hi s WIl YS' n~ '11 tilV' 'rho toeo of Ole nlull WIIS tbo fnce IIgul nst till) Frc n 11 : nnll ~IIII tho gov- to. Hrll -<\' lI l I ~ "Pr" Wlu,l ('1w0 l1lrtx. I,'r " o(ln ic noch t, of Detl r UIl\rk av ille 1" Ullh!<.1. I:!ee W . . lSellr~ , d 27 ern keeper and h url r ('form"Il nl1(1 h I)- of Lbo ~nldl r-strong. resol ute. prolld, ernmcllt li t \Yushl ugton kept u p ItOi 111 0 huml 11 'jlll rt U. Hey. Bootb. r oom bOll f) unll lot, wtl,IJ Ii! lId come tho terrltorlnl . audttnr IIlItI Iho j llltlOm llnh le . . ]Jut It WIIS lik e wise the emll S8 IIl1empts to sto p th ese Insu lts I Mi a " ' d t, r ot t ho o~ hl te of O"nllr. wtlll (In 1 cistern, In cnstodlnn ot th o lutlillt publle IIhrory; rll\ 'o of Ihe mlll1 of the people, tbe by words, wUI'ds, wor~s. L t'uisll Colt,ll' n. 11'·'·"'I~ou. HUll I,,}, ConllJ1issioncr's Proceedinj!s lind '" II ROQd locll ti o n . tio ltl c houp thehot-hendecl VII'gllllnn, Th clOlIIS I1 lI U- milo III whom they trus ted for h iS '" bo Contlneol I H CO(llll' 1) II<' l·p 'HI \.1 1I 1111l" I,trn10 til t' III tte r of t he II t lti lHI o f D . If ~o l cl BOOn-. [Dq ulreol I:l. Murra y. dolpb. ~corred wllh IJIO knl re 1I'00IJ1' Is I enlm pntlcllce nml hl8 w(lrm trl cnllll_ _ _ t " r. 13 HI I , .i '"I. I: C. J)u l.l liIlCll . ' 1 ~hi('ld 1 t ,,1 lor th '" IIHoru.l ifln u f Phone 90·a COI{WIN, OHIO Wllynet!villo, O. d20 received In bls row Wllh "Snwol'Y" neRS. Wltb whut \lI1fnlterlng devotloo I A , .1 . . !5I'\\(·\1Itll .'1.1 (' ~~ IlI,rtH!r lire pu hlu: r ouu in H'lUlll~on tnw" 11 lp MeIn \OHh. the rt c rnlllcr of Tl nl'fl nn: IIl1d they como to r ely on hlm l Aud ,III1POlD tl) 1 '11' (11(\ •• • I" . W l1 rrf' lI (;Iltl llty, A iel i DlprOVf'I11 ~ nt the two s nwbon,'s, "Dnc" l"h,~ Mc' ho\\' the mell nnd women of the wlld er(~oorg 1.:. Y "'HI~ , n um r. r~t hI of II~ IlJlpro l-od I\u d n r d or (\(\ e l!tublis hetl . MONEY LOANEJ) Naml'c nnd "Iloc" Juke 1, 1111 ..,,, 1,,11' nPRS, aceln; thot tnll and mnrtlul flg. If the fire ben shonlll rlll g w nnld ~1II!\h lI r tU nlrl, U"( 'f'II ",, 1 \':1 Vi l£l III t h I\) tlttor of t hA pe tition of and a doz(,11 mor". FrnLlcnl ~ '\'Igf', \ iI~ ' uro . 11n ~~. jllluRed to mArk UJllt long, you run and stop it or go !l ll d h ~ I V : Cn rroll Beul .... 1'1' " prl)vlld. DI'! ('; <.'orgo E . ·hlol(!!! ('t nl fnrth e nlt lr r old Spllnl~h lnrrl"ilUnt, who hncl Heett grnl'e 1llco, l he cycs ,rl'ep·set 'II1tler to !Jut out the fir e? It is muoh Ihr. I ' rlbutl ou !lrtl "t!n '\l i lln "e 11 IIIII)liu J'ulid in 8111\1 11t oll George Rngers lork storm VII1I 'rllnes hURhy I)roll's on either s ide the lengthy, ~oUle way NILb B ooog h A oot1~11 r~cal Estate 'fran fers t"wlI sll' jJ. Htlld 'I IUJ.lrovemeut I,~ M ONEY LOANED 0 0' live stQo k Get the Miami Gazette Now c b!\tt el~ notl ~ eo o ud ra o rtlfll gos. 82 yenrs h~fnre. I'll t nt Davld's ~11l!'. CI humorOlls nose, nlld mlled In love nod liS 1\ dan ger signn [ IlS llIt1ch 8S 1\ 11rH '1 pprnvtld nod ort1t' r d 8sttl lJlIslle <l . Nota!! II lIght. ,Iohn til\! billa, Jr. , old fellow of Rel'enty-Ol'o, , (lc-ep r ,:'nrll In IIns wcr to the s low bell. Yoo 6l1001d Dn m o r e try t o ' . A VIllll ph I I" "'"1'." b l'1I !rOO l-'n l' ' fil l oontru ct,ij fo r sewer nnd Allen Huildtng, Xellll\, Ohio. , tlaO The only IIgh!. l' I ~lhl e W" R Oint In I Rnliia of UIC wide nnd k[ndly mouth. ,opprsu\t. thl1n to stoll 1\ fire . hell !I!! .O:, u oell.<m I:'nlr' l11 (.P\\ II~hll', $1 " 11""'1'1 Im provem e nts were modo. , -----------------the shop of th r r ei "ter, Elihu ,'tllul. I Whot hod be not dope for them! wheD It 18~·lnll:. bot 8bmHfHJllfe I:J rv 1;' 1" ' '111 I W ' " . ~;h '" l .. In 'I ll.- Al ltl wpd - W . [ 1. Ht Dllge & IndllAi rl(llls ly nldl ng hl~ "1'1'1'''''11('(> III I Be wus n wnrm udm lrer ot tbe ths dl ~ llllae thut oonsss th o (' ougll 'loS I[ tlloll U lll, 1~'"\1fll t)(Jlu'g Irllct l·.· .• IJI -\ul!ij fur An dl ,1r tH: W. H. th\! types or wll'lu,:' his Inl(y IiI1;: er~ I ~ 1 dcmocrntlc J('tl'('r~on and he \VIIS on tllg ThIs OliO Dellrly uhvlt Ys hn Hl fi ll 1111 lit ,\I '".·,t.~:lIP ~l \u<l er~' 1I & 'no, IlIw books $:10. WANTED exa-:J lnc u proM l'u lll'll on Illl' hl'" ,, <1 nrl srocrntot the Ilew ter ritory. S teepcd IJUII8bytakillg ·hnrul)o rl'sC" o~ l , 1 ~lIrfl lIt,·l \{ . I" 1",II'r~ In ; '1 (i-car ('L, . 1{llh ru ot,', o to U llI~ritl es, 6Upbond-prt'RR. Th e 11I" lhs anti In"I'ClA In the c lllssle s cholllrs hll) of the Old R e m edy . Many hll vA u Stld it wit h H 'lJ(\r~ n 1''''f1I''C(~' 1_; ,I l~I'I"Il.IU IJ 1I1111 ~ I IllO lr(\ ~ of ID stitu.tioD [ 1.1 1' - - - l'lttared IIroun,l his cllntl ll'- '"111 Ih,' , DominIon. the ROO or a s igner ot the tbo U10stben e fi clel l r eq uit e It it! es- ) 11 ,) $ 1 I:" 'J I· Mi '1l1r' rl ror 2 1\ wee l(s endin~ UR-Brin g your Jj'ur to me. W 'i ll ;eat pour 'd off Ill. r,.,n' lw," I ; \til l Ih" Dcclu rotlon of Independ ence, at IpeCIl\l1Y vulullhle fortl\ e perl!i ~ t"l1 t l.u;n II n,1 V "H'\o 'ra'n I I Itr "I: \ \II4n.1 :h, 1\1\6. $H2 0. IHl : Anng~t be ' l~t Ulls llu 'lj Livory t:!t~IUle 114 estern Sun \VII~ 1111 0 Fo r 11I1101l ' 'a ll on , elghteeu he hnd chosen (0 leuve be- cough th8t tlO uflen fo ll OlVij II I) qd (111(1 H II , . h'r ' I I PV ' . I.C1Pil :\1"" .•" . ' i'rfm~, cou I $U7· : W ell t.- eve ry ::iu turdt1Y . Pay blgb(Jst " Il ll b Funeral Director Qn the morrow /Inri ho 1n ~lIn t l(l ~ee l hlnd him the culture of the oldcr cold ornD IItt llokoft.l l o grl(J. Mr~ MI,l!I ";' ·11I\t,';" ;"; llo'l, "111 ~I"r . I('W I udvl' rl,tslnl(, fQllr p,rlCe., Lu.nre noo WI1II:llloy, ~prlDg and Embalmer, it throuG'h. Blotcs nnd to plunge Inlo the rll(\e but 'l'hllmas l:leechilJ ~, AI1 ([r~w~ Ind ., ) 'H. \l I'P" ~ ll;!,'i:; : A. '1'. ll llttl", III full V"l.ey. 0'1 on Alolt'llldur forru . d iu . r -litl . At I It a . "Il I tl ' I' . l'~ l c r.1 I · . y I :-S I r; (' )r~'" n Do'l'idli stencllwlih rlMernltl'llllnn ~eneosus.ol\, ClI1S S' Itdwiellty'elgbt l~ur8188n'd t~r ng ' lIdO wI~I,er 111)1 IU. I1n clldli,-J \(' III! I:I"IW" 11\ • ",'I'I\c-t . " 0 ii:i t;. $:)7 40 ; 81.rrctt Waynesville. _O hio. whenbeoverbpll rU Im·(' rnol· II III'!'I . "n toerWOAI:I t'lelrnt~ro f lb t e n nnnterrl· co ug'ha ., lol o" ~8 h, uo "leI.l81I Yl ~n.r. 11', 1 ~ ~\l111 1I. IV '\'-I,n ' I- IIn lln ·\,·,:~ ,111'"llt"fur .'lr·,,~ynrf12 : ~nD. Stelllller fl')r .tQbllooo strip rooID . uddreR8 8 squllre-Jnwl'II J'Ollllg tIln n In ' y. , I r J, mils e r 0 t an empire. 11Ilu o~ S ,-, 111m )er Uln ~ '" 11 . . .' '" ' I "I" . ~ lIp lily l ''', . F<I{1 pll f' R for jan;( !lr Uu \l 1:1 • .0 tiHukle, ph oo e i' tbe uniform of u cnpl il in In IIII' Unll " Dr l CiO.OOO.OOO ncrrs, rul er over a provo Gough RSllu!dy tS th e lms t m edicl o fi I f'l"" In""I( )" 1\ ( , "'II 1 ,\1.Il", 3 17.:'Q; W, ('. ( ~ i l mour, bOll r<l nn(1 Waynedvill<',OhIQ, d l l l ' We h a ve arranlSed with an undertakttr to get an 8U t o , so we wi II bl! ed State!! Rrmy 1I'lI lng him Uillt I ' Ince t wice ns Inrgp us England and for brsllklnH op those at,tuok s lIo d ./1' I n n,1 W1I M llt nl( fo r prlsooe rs able to furnb,h eithel an 'auto or bad just wrltto~ to l;;us!ls the ~,,~~ [relnn r]. lorlle r, I~cleed, tlmn ull ot YO Il o~nnot g a t hln: to take 11 0 .' , , A . ~: ( ' nl1' '" \Ii." fnr (ll'rp. I II o1n-ll1<: N,, \',\ l1\be r ~21:,.:l3 : <? 1:3. Fo[ding Bed. Mnst be iu good l1 horse drawn fUl1l!rll1. , ,retary of wnr, at Wn Shln ~I(lIJ . ,,;1;1 B'rllt1 CC, other . Obtllinuble everywlwre. I~ '). I .• <llil ~> rlt I'll,',' '\.\i, lItln n t ·1 \1 ,,;Ul ll ~ Q l ll rl' , Hcny of BOldl e r i:l ' oo nrlttlu a IIDU roo8oDllbl e prloe. had commend ed to tb e Ih'pnrtll1 Pllt Ihe ' Within tha ten ;Jenra folloll'lnll hlB - - - .. - - - -fl'r ll "I(II I1 . (J"I '. H. {..:"I,,· r Un n' , *:!U; A. D. S"rk.low , UI\\l W"YDo~vllle l'l:!lephollo Ex- Beth pho!1cs in Ollice ami Residence. Long dI8tance.No. 14; Home phone work of the YOI1Il U ('nptlliu . 'fllil t\ KI" '! I-I ,[. I'" ('"r' (31'11 ~d"rlr tlelll XP{' ''~.e! , membor of " blloge , Ill:! 14-2r . , lIttlc rort "' , ur n'H'pnll In n·ons·g I' flI J1llnh lf "Io'ld II') t~,, " "~ " ' j 1'.1 \I ; llu l lln l·~{\tl o ,,,()(I"' II ~ 'RI • 29.2u:Johu ormngtle IIe ' 'I I ' I II ~ "':' O"f'I'nnr . • 'h" n~"f,tlR. ':' at o r )11), .. t I fro 1I ' 01." II " "lIiln.· il"w!'r <lr 1I" 'IIII <l~ )/.1, 9~ III " llIlt ])' (,,",In. !! n l1 Ohio I. Ii t l anllUI, l'uJlJa ~~ ' (;0 ; S, L RMS-B nvo von 1\ lnrm or other p nce wretf'III'dl ",hi >'1 1 lI dll" d I" til ;' Ill'' ''' ' (1(11 "' ,1' flCry' ?~'llOO ' • ('n rtw rl g hr H/t lll, $ 43,,0: an mda a aQullte BtrOn!;ltnlyl lI~glVI(' letllnl'l II .,hllrl e~ Real !l;, t"to for sale? If 80 hat -==~:::::--:::---~-:..----------.~~.:: , ( . 1;0 1' 1 . mlil lolll' PI' " '-'1'(". " rlllll111111 I"q~' U'H AllIe r! h l1k '" ~'rl\nl( .T . n'lrl n ~ ' ' ti bb~ III fn ll 0 utrllot No L3:1, 1!1lI1:e t1t olloe wttb W . . [) , Clmudls r, d Ul Ot the ltoy WIIS C" llt, 1':11,,1 1111'1 1111.1 S" III I" (1I1 '·o l1,IIIIIl" 1. At perZa-~ to DTav,ll " 9 - II ! I " 1" , .riO ,. " . " . f l ' l zor, in full OOlJtrll I ""ary II) or f r<lm K enlu r ky \ I I /1 .1"" n "U f'llI t OlVllRh ip I ' v ., a C, ., \' In . , 11,'1.1' "" ... 1111101 1111( In hi s 1", ,, <1 I',,,· fil' o d N u. [1;J2, $ IU'I.UU: ' ( 1,0 o f OhI O vs Waynesville, UhlO, Qr 01111 h e re at ' I' d I PhoDe No 77. 1 have a few goo<\ h aIt b een P IlC-C II eO";,lIIl1n d nt FOI t ""'lilli, l ilt' tI" " , lnl "M of II tnl't or \l l1rr 0 , \ " Ilk rloO I:l 10 EVil L . D • Knox but u t elV w (l('ks pr('I'lou~ly. " -1) 1)1)\) \ MoColn," ,,"url1 lJ ~rt, uf lo t N o. l :t tb [. lund tJ ' Jlkln~, fo oa 1l11d 008tS out of ~olVn buyers who lire llu8lr. "I t' ru8t,,,.. 11 '" _.. . ",p' ll r.. ' nil es. lin , IDl~lI'.-I"1 I '" 4 70 , ' IS rnt lil 0 1 Uhi o ' V", . "'dwllrd "ent on nrrls(lu Ihnt . ' IlOkROU '~ Aud iti o n t o L e bl Lu on .. ~ .. oos of l(lo king at property III ~nd Mr E ti8 ill b tl 1 f' , . , , I P,'"," hee 1;1'1'loII'r ih ,," nil)' nlh.r une 011 0 $1 ' . Ve ll atte, fe es 1I0d 008 te $.1 70 j StILte • U8 W e loug It ul ,' nou!;h 1""'" "1'(',· "", lrolll!cl In ' lh~ hi sto ry or Common Picas Court I " .. of Ohio V~ Frauk Jos oph, 'feos I\od around WnyoesvllIe Don't de:"y I Funeral . o.irector. Attend to tbi8 nt onos. to brIng ml letter to Ule nttentloll of 1'11\' ln ltefl ~lIIl e~. IlI'rflrl! or SI I1\'[' New Suits ,lnno tb fl !lud Mt nnl" M rri~ t o co~t.s $·1.7(1 W. U, Chandlor. yourId uncle. Madison. I I ... .• , Io h n • P ipr II n 3 GO II c r es I'" I Waynesville Ohio '" Ilk hi President t k I ')11"'''1 ;(1 III him Ihl! !;r~nt• IlrlllUgo, D o n om - - -- - - - -\\.:1~ ....1 aseed w~ .. 0 lno~ tkl~,t we are ~.I t 'I f Ih l' t .... j;lt t.Irulllll or the s umge, ' The Citizens N .tlonal ,Bliok vS. tcl WIIship. l1hio, "e , .... YOI r \\or . 1,'('11111:'11'1 1. n ul r nr five Indl nn tribes Mlrlllm G. Vl\n (JI\W!), m Olley &n el N fl ll.n, .1. ~ 1It1rt9 t o 8. M . I:' Onr~ElIEVED , Tallor'lIuBhed through 1119 ton with I IIUl SI'1 IIIlntl or [.I'll w ellt [litl llIO ('0": attaohment. ~ r (lll)'t, of IIl IS.I!, 10 !\ nd Hlo nnl,b FOR SALE ...,.EITUEn. ple8.lIure. He would .hn,·e liked to soy ,. fcd cl·Il CY ul' 1\llIlll1er scot' lOr trlhcs. Nat,hall!t. Collln y VB . Winnie L bllu)[,. Uhl . f l Dr. KIng's New Disoovery i8 II Auto Equipment that be ' h oped thnt Harrison ml g,ht Chl ,," (lr ;;,nov ..-nl·rlnl·H. ruuglng over OoUins. dlv oro ll, wlltul ub~eooe. @o ~ hing , hauling romedy for oough8 Horl!C-~rawn Equipment lOme dllY occupy the presldcntln.1 chllJr, 100,000 n,tI'R of t'rrltnry. . . , . Marriage Lice n CH (lad oo jd~ tbat hll~ stoQd the teet of BARREll Ply,mouth Rook '000 " but be wall a8 tnclturn ns m~8t of the HIlrrl soll hnd poli 'ed tbe SlIme terr~Proceedings • \ ~lt rr 1" Urtl 'k. furlU(l r II od nellrl.v fifty yeur8. For thllt oOllgb erel8, of good quality l1nd !li z, . J tory WWl I'xllclly . (wcnty hll ckwoods· OharloUe G"rrurd ·VB. Firmnn I!: rul!nt\ Sn lll4, Imth o f ' L ehtlDO n thtlt atrnillR tbe I,brout I\nd I!Ilp8 th e nQW reody, Arls&oorlit.atrnin. 1\: . 1:1. TELEPI:fONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT vl t lllt t y try Or. KIDR'8 Now Disoov BIl,lly, Waynesville, Ohio • Ul en. , Twenty I1WO to guard Itn e mpire, Garrard. Divoroe grno'ed, costod y H v. '. I\ nlll "l y : <127 'I'h"y tllr(lllt.!ed tlwlr Wil l'S t11~uugb of minor oblld given t., motber of n oll' Ho hlo r . e m plo7 cd at t.h i N a r :\,. Th s soothillg plu.e bl\JI!Bwsllnd I I"~ \\-Ihl [' rt)('~, (rOlll St. Louis II) De· defendant exoept first 8R~lIrdll.V un'd O. n., [) /ly t "n, 'l nll Ah~y .A Br ow n ' milO Inxt\tlve iogtedleo't s 800n drive ABOGONY Pianola, Oflll Ue Ilt - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, til 3 old from the sYBtem fill ve 8 __ .. ~ u·(\I1. · ~'hcy I' 'J)llI'ted to hllll at Vin- 8nndllY, of eoob m onth tit wbteb hotll Olr Mltlu vIII. Ltev: R . taohed !lOY pili no. A l.Jt of LottIe OD h lod fQr winter ooldM, _ e Strong By Our Vinol eCllnes. tlmee said oustody is oonflded to the Fos (f'r. 8. fin .. reoords ,nnd b~Doh iuolnded ' enormous stoge the curtnln plaintiff. I\.7r~ ,' C'. U II I1,-' ,~ " IlIlWll n fllrru or of cr onp, f{ rlppll Dnd brooohit11 Ilfl'ec- Very obtlDp. InqUire at this omoe. tl P(lrt F.dl'l'nrd, ~ . Y.-"J WAS in <1 run. I 011 .. Uilst... • tiop ~ . At your Drogglt!~, 600, (\1\'tI, 1\(1' '"' T'1O u~ 8f Uvout Ella . Vlrby VII. u,,·the~Ulld th IUld I w"lIk COlhlitioD l!O [ tl 'Y0 va lifted on the tlttlnle dud ... .. . ~ Hanrv' ., . eX! te rvfi' II , II tI l I Mary E. Mo ' :UI.lo ogh dUI Veterinary '~ . • (" r IOlltll\\I'ork for m,' littlo 0 , II! est. Frllnk et al. PnrUilon or real esuio t (.i"~v 01 ehr,.... t h1\d tll\;~n Mil Iii ,'r • • • • • . • • ord Ired , 0 Sprlnlg bllrn . R llY . .t1 orl\ oe Muu n. ,,~t :':.11~6Ion 'UII\ ,:,U'l'r r"l1ll'tlil' ... 'tll· I '1'he ·group or men, lolllDg In the John F . ,r oulton, In borer hnd OT of ,pure R. C. R. I. Redll, Oraduaie or '01110 SCate UnlwnI'y Great Men Superstitious. ' "iu<>I "l tt.. -~ frH'IIJ t .. 111 m,· ."hon* shndOwa bl' the Jeae~n IlOUl!ft ha8Un Wm. Frank VI. AnD .. C. 'Benlllo Anna I.. ,Tu rdntl. lJ th or Lel!an on. 18 50 per dOZOD. (Jail loon If • ~if'd .t emf I ~D bUilt-up my -. ~ e • .a1~.rtUlou of real eatate O'r- t{ev Sn~IIh '--TIl<' \('11 rIH' (\ floclor .ruhnAon hlld a YOI1 w"n8 'hem. F. W . Hathaway 0 F;t1f'I'lnl lll>lllkf> of Rtl'IJII1t11{ "v"r a .. •• II dared, Biram C, 'fhompsn n. ialJllror IIntl Wa,Dl!llvtlle, Oblo. · d,o }.~ 01 \lll'~_ • ' thel'ounger Wellee[c1 bad drlvt!llldaaI!!t.. te Qf Obln va. Georll:e Bartnn , fluefe both .of L uu.noll. Rav. tltrp. llolrl with Ihl' I.. rr foo~ foremo8t, 1\11<1 III' 1~08 Ilflt'll "p('n til IUnkl' II great 101 of 1108 R I. Red O'lOkrelll \\ ""'.!'alll,,' \'iI\,.1 to rHtore ' ('na'" Frencb eolunlDll olr tbe fte[d ot a Dolh pro~eqal to the IndlolmeDl 111 I!!mUh. for 8100k birds, Inquire a' lahorer nnd <'Ir('ult In IIrdl'r to ~nltl a cert"ln val. tr~~ ""11 I "l' tun-dt,1I'Il. w.lI : FUOllt~ addtnl to the Iau. made, lr.l. or LabaDOD . It')' In },plceeter j.·IOId , whl~b be be- tIw I'rlelld '. Beme, l'hoDe liD, , adJu.,'n I"'" pJae4 at TalAvera and BulaCQ, 1lJD.IaI. J. la&tedbwaUe ft. Frieda ~ U.ved 10 be fatal to DII'riIlt. Oblo, GIO ......,&>.,.... t W.,.....1JIt ,....... ... l!II'IIP' Til. p, O. V. &- .~ L, 87, Co., ou·,Rey, 1:.




The Everybody's Book Shop Company




Cb..ris1; Jevv-e1ry

G-EC>. Fl..

Picture Framing Gilding .

Cut Rate, Drugs



Men's and Ladies' Shoes

I I Jenkins 'Cut Rate Drug Stores 1 6th. '"





M'a r ns: Player-Pianos



I ~tI ~'I






OlassiBed A - d-

s iSaxon




Six Livery






- - - - ----------











.• ,











Dr J. A. McCoy"

---_. _...----


l~~o ~;ll~:;,~Q1r ~,."~~~rtr:.~~~ ~:~:t.0' :e~a~:~ ~~H:~~n';! t::a~










•.. T HE

GAZETTE· .. · , ~--------·~----·---l l


's ;"''' 1<1>:1<"" ' :UN"'- UAY W .'l" W",\IlI~. ~'c.'

II IH I'I I ... WII I. ·




Oldll , a H


. I.. CP Al H, Euilo r and . _ ,--- _ -

J' uulbher

_ 13,




Restored '1.'0 hCl,lth By V~nol


( '"ru,lt'II. :K. J. - '· l hlld " dl'''I' . cou g h, Wlt~ ruu ot! uwlI,l\ wl !hy lUll;;" W;ft: WI'll" ILD U _or.." 1 ha,t t rt ed \! ,"crytl"ul! ~ II Hg l 'litC tl wl tltUl l l llf' lp. JlI~ c,'c1 11i lll£ I " '(III "Ioou L \ ' ino l 'UIU de'idetl It" ,·.. I rl '1{ . i I I l' lt~. li t HI. " " nt ", 10 lry it: ~OIJIl I ll uLie,·,1 nn iml.rO\·cth l1 "; l"I t,oI, ... 11 /11 (I III 00s t rHh ' C' ' ,,:-oin t lit 1 1I 1l'nt. I kl'pt o n tn king it. lind t oday [ WU H ' 11'1f t l lrl'i: f\~ lt ' r".ltt~l l " II (Iu t1 I b ..- r 1 '~ I~t n.. \\' (,11 n,uln. Th e ~ r(' Il('RR i s all 1 ~ I \Hli, *,1 (1\1"tI ~hH" 1 i!III I""' . I1nt'flrl' , {!C li P r~om m ,< ll1n ~~, r d;, not l lll V!' any . I I ,. I I " oll c h nllli IlIll'" /-!" ",p,1 /,rll'Cll I,ound 8 " I '



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V i lln l for ch rn"i,' \ Im ,lllilo tur HII ? ul,d h ll d r (1 oll thu ( 't)Il , "IH~ cnld li lind I. roJ1 (·ldtiQ und f or ttll

)I l'l lnl'H u i 11 1L lilt:

1,,,· 110 )

\\" . /tilltran" '"

' 11I'!lOut- I M w,'uk, ruu ·duwu COll d itiollij, Tltlr, 11 ",,,(1 J, E. Janney, Dru~J,(isl, \Vayns\'iIIe.

\\ t'u t lit r

UIlI' lit ,,, Iv,,u 'l·.

A hu 'L UU O 1M II tI'\ fI ' Il"~ UUlt l!'i II fin e 1!f1~o lrn !jn of AIIU'WIIC mil kin/,( Prof'.

IIluk,, ' plll'l' ,IL w" .. 1'''II,t,I,LI l,y

~=============~ -


~I L ' IOIH 11. MH ,\ , t l1 l~ p"rtrnll Ilrtlltwl ill cnl rtl, IllIdH '''' (lit, Ir UU(I'I'I , eu IIf Ihl\ lH17 J\ J UUlfl l,(-. ' ("li t! 10 17 \jrultnn n I~ J" ,(Ull\:( nrll l'4t ti l


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I'r"t IJiokH' moul lt ly j\ I II~II7.l1ll', W'11(1I A~ l) W( . IIK~, \«1 11 1

l'!,' ulli uy fIIui l.

. Wlllium (;lllltllU HP"Ot &h" li b" hi, r ll ,,,I.,,, 'I hy Ih" pU!III-h u..... I" 't"r JlIU! o r woelt witb relo, \\' null ANIt \\ 111(. UIIU y,' U'· wllh Ih(· tiVIIH III WII,,'dn j.( t " ". I. IUM. A Ilit 'I It " !) I< "III' ""l llll' . tionl1' Unl J.mol o Urollrllln 8,'IJnL Ii'rid"y r, (1,, "1 - f ,r t\ ~"III(l I " OltP'y nf WOlil' ,vlth b"r Jl"rtlltl,1I Mr. uud Mrs . AStt WOIII( -. At/,III 'H" W,"W ,':<I ll Ii'nl"k · Be v" ... W"lIliti l'ult ll.It!II \( , ' ;" "11 "' " .1' . :l l l'l I Mr. Huel Mr~, lho Ilrl\n~tn,tor at . •qraok ll ,' AV "ltll " :"1, I." ul ... Mu 1.!.l1l110,1" (liln oe "' lillrvoysbllrg ThllradllY Ol!:!hl·. Miss ElrHllll b:lltll 1\ Thur~,jIlY nlt,HI'Ol)IIn l<!ut'!!H of h er Hillt~r Mrll Iii " ellKurlllyur of Beooh Oru vo. Wh 11 ti ll' \l lt n ', 'U"nt' M" iH c<1l1 ·ed Mu UltfT Bllwke Is ell'e rt.aloinll Ilv o , 'n~t'l,a tl uu, IW I ~ o ftl ,n I h,' O!l~' · . h nr little g runtldaugbler Maxine .VIIII Will I(nt r ... h..t b.v ~11 king Uh tin. !:jailor b , r-Itlln'~ I'"hl ll ttl Th,,~tl Inl,I .. I,,. '\'. &'. MoUnlon 011 lied 00 Lew ... 1... " ifnpr .,o n tlu~(h~ l~ li ' J n . Vbt,,,,n Foley lut. FridtlY . .. IJle tlv6rywhl'fe. Mr. OllvllI WIIIlllruM will ~pond tbe .,Int~ r wit b hid ullllghtor Mrs . WllIllIm MOUlltly, Mr ... on Mr~ . B"wnrll (hl~b"m wer., I. r"n~" o l. iug bn~luu "lIln Day too IIl"t W "r'l u o~dIlY MrlO. 1:1,,0110 b McUulno "oli Anull J ordllrJ took WeunesdllY dlhlll'r wit.b D. E. BUlln,·/I ~lmnt TbllrHday Mu Llzzlo ~earll, of Barveysburg with frl!llut .. 111 /., ' hIIll OIl , U]Jff Hl\wke lind wlfH WOrt. bu~I­ ~1 r~. 'I ' h"ru,,~ ~'l l tl r IIn i! o n. oMIl tr"nllilotol'l! lu Wilmington Mo rrIll, VISII.HI ro' I"LIVtlllAi Wllyn cl!- Th 11 r~dll J' ' VII/" MonuIIY Mr. Ernost Wilson ba8 been UD tbi~ Wl'lIk Herthl\ , ' f, 11h"" M" Il, (If [)lIyt n . tb" 8101t w,,~ t,h " ~uu"1 ul btlr IlI UI.htlT Ulill .Ioe MoL'lI rrfl n W8 ~ oalliog In thlM d lA,Y 1"lIl WI t\ ~ vloioltv ItlRt Mo nd l\Y Mr •. I';"rl NlIll I, 1I111f" '!ltlll lng hpr R o~ alill ~ 'o ll'v anti 11 tt.le IIOD tI'-ll.Ir. MI~" P, ok. ,,~, 1,1 """ \'Il rtuwll, s pell t. rhllr~L1uy wll,h M ' 8. I:itlnnab Uhio. f\fl'Ullloll . Mill .. E~lh f1r .I"hn.oo, o f VlIlllm. &lr" HorlloA Bngnn flDd lion were bll~, Iii VI"" IUN M rl!!. WAN ullllnd "b 'Jlping In f]flrvey~bQrg WOdDOS fo IIIlly . day" t te ru oon Mr. IIud Mr ~ t<:Krl Null ~ p eu ' ~ --..ThnrsdllY lit /\ill • "I~bllrg Ihe Kuo~tll 01 lJr 11111) AIr .. , .1I)l\Itl{ Mr. lIud Mr~ . W If Siegfried w " r9 UlIytllu VI,tll Or l! ODO d"v I"HI w oel!. Lllok of f'X erOIRft io tbe winter 18 Buunr Ilod Anoa Mnry Noll Wl'ft' A fr c qUt' ot ol\ose of OODII'lplltlou , MhnuIliburg · o rll 001.1 day the You f eel hf'avy, clnn aDd 1I"'el", yoor ooulplexion III 8lillow "Dd pimPII~t week. Mr. H..rry P 'IOCO "lid '"mily, 01 ply, "nil energy lit low ebb. C1MD !i4lnD lJllpo It8, wore oallod h ere Illst, np this o'JOdl'i on Ht 00011 with Dr. King's Now Life 1'1/11•• mild I"XII. weell by ll10 dentb of his fatber. Live that reUoves tbe oongllsted ID Will Darlln"toD wus u Gem elty tesl·IDe. without grlplult A dnsD v/!lIt<ir one day IlIs& woek . befoflJ r e tiring 111'111 aSHnr" you a foil 8Rmoel ,'Vh i~ l('rlnfln Wll8 'rIlDS aud oasy movement ID the morning. a c Uo'g bUB IOOSH ID Le blloDon !I'rillav . :.loo. d your Oroggillt,









--- ... ...



NOTICE ~':~~'=r

We want to close up a . partnership by January' 1, 1917. .

All parties knowing themselves in debt to the f~rm of

.W ·B .


& CO.,

Corwin, Ohio,. .


Please Call and iettle not later than December 25, 191'6• .


No account will be.,carried over in~ to 191·7 except by partiel giving. bankable note. . . . 'Note to bear interelt at until-paid. .

6 per cent

Thilis :,(oo r} 01 Vi


" ..d


Ul oll ' fut w, 'u f hc l'

,. f"









Walter Chandler






i ..

I ,.










- ..- - --

------ ---




H ..E.




j!ft> ;'




woo,::.,: ""1,,, 1" ,),", '" '"


tr" .




!Lewis VI.


Ii',- ~Y-rmH i' G (;AF Alr"l l, .. h ll r y fil II ) 1, 1 1 "l"tl (J Hit, As Written by Our Corp.s of Able Correspond. ICve ry h nci .v I~ f( r. ttil1l; rl'/llly lor ~H' k II -t. ' ,·, \. ents in the Neigh'borhood . : I h " "1~ rul Ul! \ rd II,I'~' I'111111 .I' hi, ~ I;._. ( ' il'lfl ll] I3rl\d rloc!r \9:." /I -=-_. to bo IItl lu III · W"yu ~v llh u eXI , 1)!1H' ' I \'I~I I IJ" 110 tlny I,ISI· \\' I' k. CALL. - - - - - - - - - -, - . - - - - --......--.-. ..... ..-. 1 0) nUl ' I , 1. 1' , ' 1'1 h Ull" Ltl CH' I ( 'P hli.'" , . . f " W8 1hlr Whit ,·"· s nd 1<' b , 1.,h olOl1 J wt'r " I b :-; " 11./ f ~.n (\ ~t~ " r fr llnk ~on Cllllo,lu u lI>u"'''''K ~ Lnl'l v 1111'1.: ". \ 'IJ ,II 11 111 1 / .. lIl l l v. ul' Il " nl " I. \' lIl e, on !;lIlunh,y evenlo!>, ,\ Ir~ jo' r<1l ilc n t" "6 fl ncl · 'I " ll ~ I "(\ I~ · Ph one S,l-5 . \\' aynesvlllo, OhIo .Joo M,' I~~ rnn , !I t .H·R r I '/ltrk " \' i/l i" (''''1'111,,1 !-irtH·'.' . \1 [ 1)1 \' 1,,,, "[l "11 t WII bere " " Fri da y lt u.V I l!~ (· tllllt,. ~JlIllrltll \, !lull ~ 11I 1(] t'y II", l II"'" " I (lur siok atln relllsin tho slImo 1'1 - 1 t l-l' 1"11 1 "/,~n r :- " '<l ~." \\1 111 M osdn!l\"~ ElI l ~"' rr l" II llrl .JII ~.i fl l ,\ 11,". 11<'" (' 11 ("111,,,,<\11 , with e, it lilly. IrnlJrOVetneDt . , h r" " .. (, ·I k . . KpOD OD ~P Of i-illnd I ' wi th m lu, ,\1T. IIl1 d ~I r" . ~. '1. lI u .... " J, ,, ,v"L/ The uwoe r!! uf tlUIUIIHlbile l ID o ur \ " )1" hll!'! II "' 0 I'· " I \·c,: I It I ~ hI .. " tlv ds 11('01' L alr il 1II1Il , I II I' II I t boi r hou <AIt " ld 1( ' " Ill f" , I,ou O, unn o o II ll d \" r" nn d K K i th .. " " ""' u ( IlltH r ""ft hI_Ill \\' ~I r. ltl t ,\' r.ra lcoellillg tbem in \V , p . H"g. ItII ·'l(e ltl l1~ II ! "J ' H n lu.! y. ALL J"lNDS OF M oCarroD'~gllrtlgewhtlroltl~ warm,. U eo. EIJld /lUU fun llv "o t l'rtHI09(I ' Th nwpSIJII weI'. III \\' II .rn'·~\, I I I .. O il b.,j T: ,I , n,1 II lul ''' ' lI il\·. l,f ( "'r \'11 1. lind oo nllequolltl.1 they do not refustl Profd. Wlltkloi ADd '1'011 00 blltur. Mou(iuy an d T n,,",,,', . nil " d"v I ',~!. ,,,,,,1<. (I ..... ".,.r ." h '" to atun. d uy . · t I' I Oeo. L ewl ~ , " t· X " III ". '~~I" " ,liu " 1' ',p ~tll l ., " I 11<';l I' h !I.l r. !l-! S~1l H· Ueo. M . Euwarns /lnd R.. C G~ln. Miss Vlol".Jordan8.U6udedo hur II tblj woule wil.1I .101(','(, , I ll '".. . j l·'Jl.n' .... 1 "1 1,, _ I' lI" 1I1 t' ho ' ,';o;l1e u( r are plfl~t '.l rlng HOll ""i.nin g H De w a~ J ODIlU'S /-tUD tiundllY . .1 . W . Crl.~\H.1I tl lHl J\ Ii' j "III' oI lI Pr . ' ~ :'\.:.'~""01 Ill tl \'I nl r w ith I h " >I' r 1,,hon~o for Goorge /J e ony, of nOllr ' . 8 0clal Venter W8S W 11 IIUooded Br,_to ni 11 1 1'<'. " \ "IIo1 l'o\ !I" , fll' ''' rtlI (,r I tw.rtl 00 I'\atllrday Bv~ niog 18nno Mill or IJ li ')'u n· i \I ; " . I' CII 'he n o w/l th r<'lu r nr o J o~e )lh Ht.ewllrt h,,~ purohft60d Seversl YOllog poo ple at tb i> Frank Kltu nk tll.oI l ulll: I\' II '''''' r,' 1 11 ,,,", Iii" 1" n' lr pu rt (I f t ill' w Ol1 k hl~ I' Ur entH uld llom e h orn tlt t! b"lr" vlololty Ilf.teoded the partygivAo b.l' tOln od t o th oi r h " " ,,, h"rI ,,[w\' nll"' .'1 Ilh\1l~lllJt vl ~tt wtlh l) 'l v l uo .. IHI wlllm o v" lb Ar tl lo tuo netlr fa. V . T . IJ. W , 00 lin,urday night aud ~p"udin" n oUl1 l'lII 01 ,·",·k. III H"1Il r, dll ll v .. <tnre repo rt a delightfnl time . I lItllu . I\Ir DUll ~Jr ~ . Illlrrv Ht ol< r!! I.lotl Wayn esville. O. Tho Re mlngtoo typ o w riter 811oloAM' V E ' \V 'I' I I I \111 \- U Il HlI it ;l(tlr I\IIH IA" n i~1t ·wor,· I btl /'inn I S~ esttl /lis, VIf\[J, .IIJrdllOHnoi .1 ,lIy o r nil{ : IIltl .r tlnv )l ll f1R I." o f Mr. nod f).h-~ . I';r nos t I11l1n. of Clnoin olltl , Wild 10 this violn· Ov~r PMto/fico. . ' H it r l _ ,/' 1; I ty IlI lIt we e k d i~PIJ~iug of hi,. \'fUell, Georglll Whe'.elllf.te oclod lbe.1 nni o r u\(Jv ccl Itl " "htl " ,n tlt the b ome of MiSKe, Wllll e r W hll r' !t 11<' II u ti 11I1l'1\, 0111"" P h",. 77 Il I Il H Ph)" .. I ' R" v. Alfre ll' Wlilker filled tile pol- pllMolllall I.uoi lle aod Huzel Moore !:l~turdl~.\, will rn \ 'tI in Ii " " IIJ1 I~ " I v' p, d" 11" '111 ~1 " "l lll\l \\'I\ ~ Il t'l ll 8 1 ~ll d dl o Itun Ilit ,tt tb " M. K ohnrob b nud"y . afl,e ro ooo. thl) C . b: H,lIl."" I" rlll I " " f'nnn I·' !t llr t'l' 1,·1 Rutnrtlll IIn ,1 Hll nd ,, ), A dlilloo \VIlH !llve u IH ou r t OW D Tbe Wlllhunn 80hoo l b .. vl' ~ont ~olll. b of l..f lH'hhuq.; . ~ ' r ( ;.': ,rl(lI P ~lJ C O lllll i t h" lU I"· 'I'hn rscluy oil!et of VUlt ree k . The thelrorgllo to WlhnlDgtnn for r ell,ir Ilur Nch 01 i, pr lt "rib"ll t" nI C' Iy 1" 1 '~~H' " II)!'I,, !!: n \'IIIII-\blo hnr Nl' rnUHlO w,," fr u rn X l1 nl a'lIud tho j o lly Ed RrowlI eDtertnilned the !t're o. noclor the skllf _ I ~'II111g' ~ " l'lt! " I IlIh !" r·,),. \'. DI{ . J. W. MILLER. or uwd 111'1\8 frullI uu r to wu aud vloln. lacd fumlly "undIlY . our o ew 10llohor . UI ~~ UJlul Mi ll·. III' Ity . Jum es (:Jr .. y ftnrl wHe weD' t o oOllr Hltl ge\· llI e . Ou t:in 'nrl1u y olght tbel:! ill h t!oboo l ...DENTIST..• ()ur I.m tcl1 C1r, l ' l1ll~ 1J1l1! t' 1lI .1' t' l' htt H llluuhllre lIOU PUIlI'!d lIlld tbtllr frleud~ C luk svllta :-;l\turduy' 1,0 atteeu thl fnner,,1 of tIle bro,hLr ju~t. rec~ lv " Illlo l·h ll r (' ll r I ", ll IJ f f'lI ~"VlI " pllrty tIt 'l'ow n l:itlIJ. uiu UIII"" In W.ynen llle. 0 VO_tll E IUs Il ttenile,rl M . E cburch tlIlttle whl ob h will I,nl c' ho r III \ :.; 'Ll o n~1 Oaok Dlda, o ot. MY tbllY UllDOed IJeOtillHe tbo tUfl oh'lrH Wllre preseot, aud you nov . 1\0,1 Ch rlstino Eode"'~ o r 10 Hurv ys. dlfJeront II1l\ O~ ,11I.rln )! tllU ~\' In e r or h onrd of one of them dlloclog . bnr~ un ~lllJdflY evo udDg. Among thO R" fr (1I1l " ri i.ll' OUl' Wh l' Ap )lo rt, II ' 11 ro"m pulllll t f! l ouch Fred M . tiUIIDO IIllloue a lIying trip Calvin R e"dtl r aud Will' of Onk- ~t.t eod{ld tho In n '''',, 1 "' Mill,·, t,hl ld n ,n th" ,ln l1 >: c,,:-\ " I l 'lk in:; to D,1yton Wedo estlllY of 11I 9t wee k . Jaoel. h nvfl lIluvud o n t!J'e ROSR II , 0 0 TuoslI"y "'(1 m I<." b nl /1 111 1",, " "_h o r.t (' \HS " O\'<1r rnllr oltUH. I'l ny lD j( 111 11( 1 dllugh t ll r, hll~~ 11' (11111 '11" , 'I f H nr 0 11 Ih Irll k>t ' If tl"l llll' TIIl/r oll rl l:le Wll8 uUYlDg ~oodti fllr hl~ up-t o. Mllrr" fnrUl . ·., ~.' dllte Kr oce ry lIod meRt el·o r o . ()or t,o'ICuer MI8 .. 1t.1~ ltl Erld spenL I v eY 8bur.~ , W . ~j . :>/ . r( un "I ( h" ' ~ ll llln rIK.U IS o f \'I'IlY, hrltlg ,, ~ IIntl Ir (' ~ tl S tho l'pnnH)' I.." uln 'n .• · ,11 ".,.'" ,,1111111,1 1.. 11< ':. 1,·,1 " , ~ 'o(l n " Il le r. of l1 !lnr IInr- 1\ 1< IllgltlVu, ~, Mr~. Froel \1 tlltllue hll ~ bee D for S "turrl" y "IILl dnndny lit her b ome I "od AblJ~b ft,,, 1rfltl fl ~'.fl t P I l\ h il S l ~ R'H l( 1 nn ,I I ii I •• t n llnal 1 1T,n l I O" :-"' I H~"~ rJI tho . vey"hnrg . sever,,1 d"YR v ory mu cb IndispoHsd, io L ouuo oo. 1 ·1 ·tj 'I" I'~r~l· \\111 \'0 . lll:'~~CIH'I·(~l 'I" ·lht·Ola Illu s lr,,1 6c1 Oll llll lll"r r M JlP Clllll v IIlI ""1 but is tboa~bt t o be improving IIoL Mr~, I:1llh bwtty, iI.1r~. U ell. BogUII ! 'twle r ll hil S Rt ru '~ I, K . K 'l'I, o mp . 1 ' ~ l~ , _ ~ 111 ..... ' 11 :'+' (1 I:n n't ' I'II ' Litis wriliDg. aud Mrs . Micbllel vI" lt tld Mr~ , Mllr. ' .. "0·1j hllrd o f r UI-iI~ t t r Oi l h l l !{" IlJsi ll f,( ~! f.( D Otl to oPPllu l to Y f! lln ~ fOlk. / ,;\ "11.\ / Iiltrrh,)!'" H,.,,,,,,I." will 'o./l l,<.t" 1:"" T I,i. r'·Il " .• ly ,' all " I",a y, 10" ,I, .. II OUr. of 13 (lO ll gu l· \\, ,, 11 "Il d Ih o [ Ira cnlEllld nr I" In l Olld ed p"rlll' ubt rl y W. A. Merrill tnoHlIotod bUBi- tiD FridllY. DIlH~ iD !Springboro ODe dllY lallt 1sII0 0 MIlle r of o'ulIr !Jore ul e u l o ther ono hn ,l ' '''1'11 troul.'JII I\IH) for usn In ~c b " n l r .0 1 I~ <lOll \V III 1m 1" ",1, ,1111",n t' ,''' n ill Ih,'1 1l""t ",·v,,r,·nn,l hU f'Plt o I for thM pllrp'WA Ihr ough I I. II'::" Y ,,,. ,."e,.". RO ol "I, 'lIl,1 h ,' k~llt III week. IlIstw"e k ' • I didn 'ttllkO IIt OI'ho k.n . o ut the c l tiu~ t n w n H Hfi O O tln(r\~ 'I:tn.l rt'II. I" J'''rin )oo;fu nt 11 tl. Nt'vcl" U-tlVtI J . W. Klhler, of N ,-IV WR~hIDg . ')'!Je R '~\9I(1igh m u o bns beon oil' n, F. T!J n mp ~" n hOR n' C'1 iv et~ a il ls lrle l s Fe r niu hy Iho I ', I1n ~\' Ivnlll~ II .. ,, " " I"n r/II' Y wi tlul llt it . t on .Obl o, Rod Joolltb~D Morris, of oulJltlllg lII 'uur wldllt I p"n of 1\ h e ll~ '11101 t rll ' ,sh, r " f wh it e LluflR. both E'I!:!t, HUll \\'08 of 1'1UK'l'lItb, Ohi O, tr'lDthloLlld hnolloesH ____ . _ \\r8, .I oho Helgllwtly lit.. dlonl'r W'ynDd nl.fH fr~' 11I .1 "'. ~ln "flU , ur Imrg h here Thllud .. y aDd b'rldlloy o f 1"8t 1M' wo .. k wit.h Mr ~.Vorll· I'homp8 0 0. P o r t DO\'e r , ( 'II ~t1r1 ", thp fIlrn n ll ll J<Jvery Ylln r m OrA t ban r. OUO Amer ' l woek, it beiog tbe birtbday of Mrs, Th o mp. Iteglll strul '1 wh loll bn WIll ' I'xhlbl t lonn hO.V R, girh. Ilor! I( r owII ro lk~ lit the Mllllni Vnlln v i'tl ll l l,ry how who lake suob rl kR 1111 thp.~ throw The o lt l7. ~ n8 of this vlll"ge wb I son's wutber, III, Wnynesvillo Il l' I, Ill nll l h . lf you their li ves away. Uon 'n YOU bo 0 110 IUO progroBHl ve Hbonld wu'ken up t il Cho~ , !!l II I", of ne"r bore, call ed OD the fllo\ tPllt wo bave lit le~"t two bls lady frl e ud 10 l.ebl1Ooo 81U,llrdllY wnn t to MOO ~om ll fl ri O hi niH II l leoLl f) f Ibom THE CREATEST • I,bo ehnw. drawing o" rde fot' the ,r8veliug IIQb ovenlng. IIO- lIDO 18 II g ood hotel whIch I" }~run\ll J~ ll hl , of n nr /:li oltMles -.-'rbe MI8ges Metlo lIud F"ye Ellis kept oo wfortobl0 dnrlng the oold otyvilJe, ORm A (1,)\\' n 0 11 'l'UC8tlU Y IN THE WORLD m o nth~. aD'd ~b a ut,her ODe 18 aD up passod through bere o undlll(, Ilnd 8pent L11II rIll Y wil It Iltlr HIRtH NOTICE OF ELECTION f'UBml1ED WfEKl Y. $4.00 PER YEAR ·Mr. Do vld Wllli"w!•• of Oregonia , t o .d'lte garllge. They Bro dmwloll um' fumll y Mr ~, OW .. fl 'lj(o rlll y o r . b JSineds fr om ,,,I j oining tttwuil. \btly has oo m e 10 ~l)eDd t,I, B wintt.r with i10TEL.I, DRUCCIS T8, SPECII.LIST8. S'nlku I,. lior(lilv I(I\'un ll1ll.t nn cltJt' l io li \\ III J88110 1:1. lIIill cw diNl o n Mo nd uJ' oome h or e to IIttly oVl'r night buy. biB d'lll~hter Mra M()onIlY . UI hl~ld III IIIln'eY!lhl lrj.( S pec " ,,1 :-;l'Illlil1 JJIPI· OO S TUMERS. TRANSFJlR, CII ... eveniog u f l u~t W Of Ir III 0 () ·01'1l'1t. lrr\4IDg 00 otllor bUHIDOSY. You folloWS, L II U A ND ' /IUS 8ERVlCE CAN PROFI HIli fnn e llli WII R h Hlri llt Itl. 1I 0 l1l eoil Ii." USIIIO ITS ADV EIlTISINO OOL.UMPlS you IIDow WhO you lire. qUit knook. Wednesday nt 100'0 10 ' It o" Ollu "ll'd lUg ~hot!o people thllt lire enorge"o SAMPLE COPY FREF by Rev. Hutll Murrll.V. 1111 h'IJve- ut Lliu IIIlIal votln, plnco" , from .5 , JlI (1 , Ill. t n _ .. _ MEW VOR l< CLIPPER "od WUDt to do somothlng for themTO !'i ,\u Pin. rur tbu tlUrposo ot vollllJoC nil nd · one broth or, .In oo b , Illl tl 'I 11')ot of HlIlves lIod t.he t own. R ope lJas n ot .,"'- Y ·lr'f .. fill Wheu it 18 palufnl no brtlaUle aDd fri onds sympathl:.: wi t ll llilll 111 Itl ~ ilili o ua l l ll ~ of Ono n.ud one· llalf mi ll tJ II ~l) lit/ vaDoad very muoh "ud It 111'111 Dot . llf)t' l " Ut~~BrJ~r\ rnr~r, I OLl ot Four "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!~ fever BeDdt! ohlils up and down your p;rea' IOS8. tllke mooh for yon to hNnlt yonr()&ork: Board o r K duco.tlou A UlIle. IJ I a StllveS; thero Is Dot mooh lett ot blick, y 'n arolo for II ool rl you. 'rhOMe knooks are lJ .. rd on Iy doee of Dr, Bell '. Pine rur Boney BAI{NHART. Yllo r system Illld ooodltloD . p o wder~ will stop 'he BueeZOB lind IIDlffieB. The plDe balAftm 100Rlll08 the pbleMm wll! do ynn no good. B ufore this Notary Public It. HATHA WA l ' torllble habit Itets loto your .".te m .. nd oleaTe tbe "rooohllli tubel. tbe ChamberlRiD', 'l'ILblel.R 11 ro "KeeL 'boroURhly, $ake some anU-knock boooy soothos lind relley", 'he lore Itl Dt for oonltiplltlo n. They IIr l;O All kinds of Notlny Work , \Villa rlrops aocordloq to dlreotlooll on throat. The fto'lstlpt\o qnalUiRI plo/ll6ut to tRke a"Jd' mlll IIUri j:\elltle W!l,}" IJOHillo's LOlI.dlna DonUI~ Gnd Deetls a I:lpeolalty : elieh aDd ev 'rv packalJe, and in jn~t klll 'the gorm aod tbe cO Dgesled oou. 10 l'ffeot, Obkllnahlo ove ry wh e re. (l ffioA In K~ys Bldg, M'lln 8t GroUI), wboop /I few ClOReK yon will feel lUu oh llif- dUIOD II! relloved, tareDt towllrd your fellowmen Yon Inl oough aDd ohr onlo bronoblal afwill fiud thl. presorlptlon (!lDti feo,lool qnlollly reli eved . At all knook dr01l8) In 890ry well rogn- \)ragglllt8, 250. lutod h OIDe We have a popula \lolI of 400 IInii It woold be ",ell to order 1000 paoksgea AUor trylog It, BDd YOll btlVd reoelvod no benefil from it, returu 'ho empty paokllge 1I0d gel. 'yoor mODey and. there will no' be .a qUAstlOP aaked . ...... Mr. and Mrs . Glaode BaTrls, of DetrOit, MIOh" who bavo beon Til lUng here for \111'0 weeb retnrDed home Toesday. Mrs Stell" LtlUlUlo !l Oll Miss Myr, Mrs. Bllgh Uook . Hoott.svillp. N. Y. "ays : "Abollt !tve ago when tl fl Wblttlor ) IIt\~nd e d f~ blrUl/lIIY we 11\ ere living. in UarbnU, N . Y ., I dlDner a\ WaTue~villfl in houor 01 ooo torod two o f Illy ohlldren 8ulfor- her liUle n!ilce, Mias MlltLred Gustin iug frtl '1 00ld8 witb ChllmberlaiD'~ I&&t IfrldflY . Cough R e medy lind f ound 1\ JUMt MfR. ErnUl" BrowD Itl vl@ltln~ hOf ~s represente(1 10 every way. 11 gr'B nd"ugbter, Mrs Habel Ble@sl, III proUlptly oliookAd their 000llhin8 Day taD thiA week. "nd r.ur ed Ih elr ooldd quiok.or tbllon Miss DJro~hy fll\rn ~~B wlJ n h61< IIoDytblDg lAver u~ed " Obtainable been coot o ed to the bou~e f o r Ihe every whero [la.t weill! with lUOlb~ KO is now .bl e to be ant nKnln. Alfred Jon es llDd \vlre. of WIlYOl·tvII Ill. vI)"itetl lIor I ln rtfl llt,~. Mr. IllH l Mr. WilJjllo1l1 8ldaD"trJoker h OrA IlIlIl Bund .. y. MI88 Mllry AileD , ,,'bo waH recellt,. Iy taken to th" MIAmi VlIll ey b Oil R ev. Wllhs O'Neol 18 vtsitinlf his plhl blls rotnrned h umo muou 1m. provt'u io h oalth. dau~hter Mn, W. E. BOII"U, Mr. nDd ·Mrs. James Pepper, of \Ir. und ·MrA .•1. tI. L eomlnlJ and Mr, 1I0d Mr~, Rlllph L t3n mtn~ aud neHr Way Des ville, 8 r l'l visitlog their duuKhter Edna vl"ltod George ~Ilbb, ~on, l.'heodore Pepp, .,· and family lit Pl1lolervllle unday. bere. Mr. Tbeodore I:lollllond au(1 two Dr. H. C. l:Iookisg" ''' ,,! onorutoh"..., 8008, of Sprlog VlllleY,apllutHundllY ee on IIoooount of a f .. 1i !.te reoeived ./ BftetDOOn with Frun lr 8tunley's a fow dllYs ftgo. .--.--~.- -. Miss Ethol ComptoD took dinner with R. E Jo otlS'·t!ondIlV, Mr. and Mrs. FrIlnk t;tanltl1 bllve both btlon \10 tbe . ~Io" lillt tbe past Rbeumiltlo V"luII linll nobus g ~ f week. . into tbo j oints I\Dd muscles, mokin({ l:iornen OnmptOD '8 hlul Il8 'hell' ever v mOvolDeDt tor t uro. H.ellevfl guesl.H l:InUlIr\y Mr. aod Mu C , W your 8uffetlng witll tllolln's Lloi BUDett 11IJd Mr. pud Mre. E. V . lDeot : it qolckly Ile not,rlltes .,lth o Ll I, Btunhart . of Wayne~~III(l, rubbinR, (lDd Rootbus lind Warln!! A million other women have And no matter how good coffee Mr8 , Mill y Leuwlng on ter'"!Ofld vonr 1I"ro mI1Mol e~. TlJo oODgeRl efl her thrl'o grtloitoblldreD tho MI~sed blood is stllDullloted to Mlloo; a slo learned what good coffee meansitself is, if it isn't well taken care of, M~ry aDd Mildred Loamiog,of Har- gle lAVpllolltion Will drlvo ool Ih o they have solved this question in it makes a poor drink. Arbuckles' veY8burg, ODd Edull Leamlng on plloln, 810.o'~ ..... Inlrndot id eleal) . their homes for all time. Coffee is put' up in sealed, d\lst~ Saturday of IlI8' weok . Jonvenlent und quiokly ('treotlv.), it. proof packages, carefully wrapped WaltE'r ' Wileon's had as their does not stain the skin or 01 011 Ih d gneBSe RnDday Mr anti Mrs. SBmuel pores Gilt II bottle to,d ay at y oor They know now that to get good to protect it from moisture, dirt and WUeon'e. of N ~ w BUtltDI!i'OD . lltol!gll\t, 250 , coffee, ,t he cqffee itselfmust be right. store odors. It arrives in your ' M'r s, Lvdl. Shepberd Is suffering kitchen wi~ all its original strength wltb rbenDlBtiam , Purpose of Hl5tory. There are hundreds of .v arieties and flavor. Ch8rley ~ltepberd'lI eDter~alDed Btl whu 1'~',,,1 ~ hl ~ l"ry Il'urnS tn ,,15of coffee grown. The coffee itself Mr. Jim Crltell, ('f ·.l&rlooI1I1d., ona tlnl:lI18h' whll1. I~ 10,'111 ' It'l'lll WIIllL 11:1 Dlght lui. week. unh·cI·"tl l: whlt l Is Ir lll\~It"ry froUl must be put up by men who Have in your home the enjoyIsaao WIl~OD'1I l\Dt'! Joe Dlllbro'~ ",but I 'etetllll l; lu (lI~l' rlllllrlut' heknow coffee. Arbuckles' Coffee is. ment of drinking the coffee Whioh, .,.re !lhollPlng In WlUnlng'oD 000 tweeu eXl"'l'tlnn ~ nn,1 rul eH : (u trRee It is put up by Arbuckle Bros., the of all the coffees in America, is the day la8$ week . . . tilt! oll(.'rutlun or t.1 1S tlll!'IJill~ l'UU S \l)o;: greatest coffee merchants in the most popularl Solve your' coffee . Johu tim and ~.mlly oalled oa to ""IIIlI'ute Ih" g"UNlII prlnl'lllh's. Auut ~.'her Comp'oD" .:iauda, whIch IIr IIlwrlY~ {rue IIUt! \'w rywh cru world. There is 'more of if sold pnlblem in .the identical a epPUCllhlu, frol11 the nvcllleu",1 "lrcuIII' afcernooD. than any other coffee-that is why million other women have. Serve IIr, aDd Ma:e. JOIlah n"TII were aUIlCI!8 wHh which lu ~'\'I'ry t'OllltuUlllty ,they can affQI'd to give you the Arbuckles' Coffee tomorrow-kitow thel oro hlenil ..!l.-'l'. D. IItltlruUley. Da7toD Ihoppert tIa'anJa~.





Until you serve it. you will.tiever know how·much pleasure coffee

can give

- - ..-_.----


II... aabert IIUler, Dr .'&OD ........ JIlftDM IIi. 8u4 lin A: ~. II.... _al'd.~ .ael ....da..... -------•• ~4.~__~-

---_..------'" • Fiortune. We lIhould maup our fortuDe ute . . . C!OIIItItaUOIlI It wben aood. Iaa,.. paU_ .uG Deftr ftIIIDt ID CUItI cd

biggest value for your money.

hpw much ple~ co&e can give.


I ..


__________________ _____________________________ ~

.. ._ _ _________ ~


_- -




Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year for All

Bulk Candies r l'r Ib

8 'oc to 60c

1 •




1i<~ lIe len C(li.ik

1' 1. H




I ,

),' ·har t \

Arizo n a Na et s 25c





Florida Crape F, u it




Fancy Box


Fancy Howe Cranberries'

The Good Look ing Kind

How about a Genuine ~Ieerschaum Pipe

~c nuill e

Swee t

G. W. Hawke



~l'\"c' rul of 1111' I p ); 11 ~ c hn ( rI teachers Ill'" ~ I. iUIl!' th e cent r al ized ~ cho o lat 1;1 L'l1 liL' IJ , Ollio. touay .

Ir lH':lUlifllI didpl" y M ill uHtr ll t eti all req llire ments J 1-:. Ja nllfl Y. i:;H Clara

,11 ' ." " Ull,






.) 7. 1';:-;



•• • ',(l),IH's" ill' Ohio: • • • ••••••••• <> •4


; ~~. ~ , O.~4






Na l io1111 1 1·(· .Ie· day LI';'(·I I'l"d at Ou r b:1~kl:t bal! toam wi ll pl ay th e [<'i'i, '1 ti H cholrc h. SU lIlIIl Y. Ill' em · Kir:gs Mili~ Fr iday night at Kin g!:! . he r 17th, :':u hj ert o f 11I0I 1" I1i11 "'; 'r · It pro ll1i .t!~ to be interesting but vice , IO:ilO. "N l'it lll' 1' ~ hal l Ll II' Icarn W . ll. S. cX>J l'cl!:! to bring ho me thc war an y 1111'''' •• '' 1 ~f1 . ii ullll ~Ii c. l h iv . t rop hy. It will be a double ht!ad cr . Ch r i ~t ian I~n de;l\'or \; p 111. ;;lIt.jCl!t , The mid.year exa minations will be "Big J lJ b~ t\ \I'ai t ill):, U,, " ' helt! the third w t!ek in Jllnu ury .1 J oh n l\\.-;\llilan. Pastor. There ~~i '.1 b. ' no eX(lnlp~iOnH Ih is ST : hV,I ' \"" Cl\llRe1 1 yeat'. l ilis I ~ liN Sl' me t llll1).! to be , . , ureaded bUllllCrely l\ ~ ulllmariz'llt i('11 T hi rd Su ltd " I' in Adve l t. IIf'(' CIlI " f I\)" wu rk d O'll' th e lirdt hllif of the he r 17~h S"ndnl" "'d ,o.,1 ut \1::111 {I. III yca r . l o rni n~' I' rH~ ",: !lilt! Se I'll 101 It a t IIi:::" . I 1\ 111 : ' I'rvice und s 'r l11" n a ! 7 II 11 1. it"v , MI':'111 !an t~IK e( to th e s tu· suhj ec l, Tlw Lu~ I.Judl-:"lI "'nl I-:\"e y . clen t~ of Ihe f1ljlh . ch oolat momlllg bouy inv ilc(l 10 t l ,,'~c ~~r\'i ("t~s exerci ses las t Monuay. . . _ _ _ . ____ _


was ullau le to

T he N ormal wtu 1ents took charge

h~r ~d,O)u l d utit's Monua y of the gmd e3 last ThurRday, and th~

'l'u esullY on


uf ill ness.

\: e have ani ·e line o f Bo x andy , elll cs. :t lw I 'e C r ealll. Christmas C;I. ds a nd Boo klet!:! . W. C l'billips. ~ liss " Do r othy (.e bauer. ,J oseph in e ,\ IHJreW!l. !3 eulli h Kinular and Hes ter CUll ui ne were s hoppilll\" in Dayton Sa tu rday . '




..... ;} •.


~rn\ lI arriett Lincllln. '''h o haH uet' n ~ \I ,' el'dy ill fvI' a week or 80 is in l>J rllv inl-:". .

.I C'r:~y





~; i,; Bon k~ . Il,e ' (~ rhl'l1 tir!:!l tu las t




,\ ,. "n·.,!" ,n.lI 'l H,!.\." ri or f1$So l·t mNI(


fry ' )m'

----- ------


'.\ .. 'L\ '.~

. ... 1 .,


Zilllll1l" 'r'! ,n E \'. l:an,· I, 1" 'It:iIlTllIl l twlllY. "

"". \ Ik l~ I\lcl\ill ~~Y li nd l\li ~s II ril' t ta ~ c l\ llJ s{'y ~PC 11 t the week· ...• lI'i lh r dut i\' es in 1laylO ll .



They Promise ' Satisfaction .

:.I," 11\

lIlI r ",,"sur lIlH'nt of Pictures will '" make l,eHutiful · Xmas pr esent':! for ,, ·lli. J, -: Ja llncy.

All k tn,b ,J!

~P,\ ll j ... h


llayt .. 1

~1 I' S. no renc!! lIuddle. f Branch llill , spt'll l ~e ve ru l day~ with friend ~ hen' la~l w(!ek .

\ " Til1"' ~ (' 01 "(,11

1'\1\ kinds of Vegcta- \ Lettuce and c1ery .----bles. lIeinz . Fig Pudd ing Special Chanquinola ----_ .. --Bananas Aluminum Ware




Iff J., wdry 'It . faircst pri~~.



\VI\S [I



~~ J !lnO l'Y.


Candll'd Chl'rtil's ClUldied Pineapple Candled Citron



ii'"Savage" Tires Succeed for Servicei .~

IJr I)il!. I ),lll'n p'uh : I '. '. l:rl)lI j. ..~ way. nOIl, OiIIO.

I S c t,


Fancy Candy Boxes

!:;eeVl'aterhouse fur Auto Livery.

IlaatH umweek e r Cllrey wa~ 11 'Day ton vi i ll1r . ..


Fan cy 13mt 26c to $5.00'



---'-_ ......



. '. ~N~!EN~I~NJ




teach 'r R vi ~itocl th e Xenia ' 'riwoI H. They cume back with SOlll C new id c'os ye t not in the leas t di ~ c o uraged with I ho WaY llesl'ili e Schools. Our s"hllo1s are sel!ond to non e in thi ~ Cuunty and compare very favorabl y with t h e ('ity schools.

Wayn eSVille was not ve ry well repre~ellted at the Warren Co unt y I For gifts that are popular and Teacher' ASRociation this tim e. ~:::::::::~~AAAA~~~~~~::::;:::~~~~~~ e asing st'eToilet our line of FllncyNotions. GJOOS, Only f our of the teachers we re there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I' pl Ntl\"e lties. Articles. This is unusual but Chri"tma~ shop· pi ng >Jrobably i~ the cause. l . " . . . . . let, J . E. Jann ey.

1\\. J• • Cd URCli Sundar. \) c~ m hl:1' 17. I~ Ui. SUIl un \, .sch Ul'! ut \1 : 1;; ,.. ' 111 ,\ lnrni ll)! \\' or" hil' a t \0 :::0 I-: \" ~n ill>(" sl·rvi. " a t 7:UU p In Th i,. ,,· .. vicl' " I tl 10,· t:lI H ir Ib d\J\'uh.,d to II I'hi<: ~(H ne .. f th· most fami lia r hVI11 1t8 w ill 10" f":ltu rt'd II\" lIll' (·h oi l' · wil.h dl'~c r ip· lionsuy tii 11l\~ lu r The pu b:ic i~ 1lln~t r o nli a lly invited to atwnd Il il these Re rvi c c ~ SA. Beall, Pasto r. I

- - - --+ - - -


The re i an epid e mic of m e a~l es ill Ih vicinilY of ifl'n l11' l! K Sllveral in· nf hl8 ,If on the far.m n ea rOrego ma. ) !lnd SllIce that time has not been In n A. Cross was coiled to Sll r dini u. How would YOll like to hav e our s tlLn ce:; theft· ur\! who ll' faml li e~ ta l;· Warrt'.n cou~ty, OhiO.. aood ~ealth. Several wee ks ago Ohi • las t week o n ac ount of t ht' Grad e Buildin).! ins tall a shuw e r b lltJ, en d "wI\ \\ ilh tltP .Ii ~ ( !u~· Tlt e re is il llll'SS of hill s iHt e r He I'e tul'ned for the tudents'! Th e puhlic.J:tetR I)I1 C ('a ~e re p" r[(·d [" r Wayne. vilk. . During his lallt Sickness .he. told BrIght s disea8e took hold of hUll. but it iR hOllet! t ltat Ihe ui :;1! a~ e will hlS bro ther he had mad e hiS peace whi ch hastened hie death . wha t it wRnts. hUlll e Satu rday e ve n in with (~orl. and sai d. "10m r eady t o Mr. Taylor was one of Ohio' s brig h t ' I ' ue ca~ri c d nu furth e r . Isaac H. MiIl.r. 80n of Ande rson go" "J wish J cou ld go . • lig hts in political life . and made ~ ' V ' . , : r~. L"u i~(· I equa ."( h. of Dny lon. and Su.nn Miller was born Sep· "'!e leav.e him witha merciful God. e ral runs for Re prclIe ntative in th i ' . \\" h" ca m~ Iwre tn cu r e tor he r d aug h· umber 17,1839 .. departed t his life a kind 10v ll1g Heave: ly Fnther. district. Although a lawyer hl1 had . , It'r . Mr" t;hn rles Stangberry . re o December 4 1916. Age 77 years, 2 - - -- benn in the banking business fo r sevThe Me n of Ll'uan n , who have l urned t u he r ho nl c Monday . t ,. . • I" . e ralytmrs. beln\r ca. hier of th e .hOles· helm instru mentlll in re furn is hi ng mcintha 17 day. town bank. and later prellidnnt of I he ()rera H OII~" with np.w ch uil's. , I he lu.d\(.':! of . t. Mary " ,,\l1 ld w II! .. With' the ex~ePtion of one "Year ··· the sam e bank. He was active in will )(i" tlll()tb '1' ~ho w ~' ritla v I.' VCl1\- I!"ld th el r annual: Mark et and ~ li r on when h. W88 with his parents in III · . Masonic circles being a membor o f in).!". ()I!cem b r Hi h. A h l1uc tlon I SI I' 111 t he !l.!lrl l 1'0 . m.. Illurd IY. !noiJ. hi. boyhood days were s pent the several branches of the Masoni c ~alc of Rea ts i'I'\olllluy , hi gh Jlri ce~ I D"l'c mlJe r .Gth. begmnlllg at 9:30 . C. Wh ilfl 1.. (!!( l)OJtll~. '. !j1l 11' Bot h basketball tellms (If th e Hi ~ \) m Warren County . order. \~. I"e I}uid for choice SC~\t", anu it iO ~I r. alll] Mrs ,J ohn Da 'J ~hters . • ()rp t l1 f.( " I I1~ , c.,r- ker ul:! nud /lO I. He enlilited lri th e war August 14 . His one great aim in life. e8pecial . Itk cl y that th e Me n Will .ma ke u p I who have Lee n vi sitinj! with r eluth' s :ichool went to Xenia Friday (lveniJ>1C I.. ". ' ul l Mrl' R V. l:! miLll . ph li n " 1812 and belonged to Company H ' Iy toward ita c\"8e. was in the inter· .,he enlll'e defiel~ncy at th ~s Aho w- here for 1\ coupl e of weeks. will to play the boys there. They were ;j ~. ; I X , \\'rlyn t'~vlll e , O. d27 of the 19th Regiment. On ac.:ounl est of Ilood roads. and he spent time $700 , Ray Law 19the leadll1g man. lea ve for their h ome in Montana accompanied by about th.rty loyal "rooters" but to no avail. of •• ickness h l3 came . home for a Jesse Taylor. Greene county man. Bnd money In order to llet the propo · alld thi~ hespeaK s for the plny .. "A fo'r luny R. /\IJ I': .Ilm ' ~:Y H~~ n' F~t!. · , ull Tbe bovs were slightly handicapped while. but soon returned to th e land well known advocate or good sltion before the people. Pair all Sixes,' , a large a tt e ndance . '. ng cF. tl lHI III l!'lOll JO llltl OIi . by a large floor and the goals , Do,th war. He now belonged t o. com· . ro~(ls . died at his home in Jamesto.wn. 1 The funeral was held Saturday at This company has given several plays l Ou r well lIelected assortm ent of IUf\U lfl'llt Unrtnn 1J;,.rnhl1 ft.. H. D, panv D. of the 133rd RE>glment. !Ohlo. last Wednesday morntn ll ./ . . . in Lebanon , and all have been to p· [ioo ks is first ill varietyanel fairest teams played good games, and their 4, I'll ol\ u 12 ~ " \I'n )"n" villA. lIhl o He had an honorable discharge and About three yea rs ago Mr. Taylor hIs late home. the whole VIClntty nOlchc'rs. in ,1.l rices •. ha~inR'. bought the~ with pass work wus of a high order. in d:l7 returning home spent the remainder Jsufl'e red a Rlight stroke of paralysis . paying him homage. - - - .. - .. (] l!Omblllatlon ' anrl early lil the a bility to place the qall in the basket. hOIl/Pve r. lost them the g a mes . It f) f l)ur .... l)rI·d L' II'Ulf) nlh R (1Ck is well that the boys hAd t he ad van. J.E. JwMY. RIIII"I(lr" . l uq " 1 ' " I 1' 11Il8. ~ L'}st - A g ood horse blanket be· tageof thtllarge {ioo r. fur there Will tween Chas. Madden's Slore at Har- be several games scheduled to he r; ll l\r ~, II. D. ro . \ , j IHl ovllle, (~I~iu. I/eys burg a nd Henry Satterthwaite's. played on regulation fl oo rs. and l-' ri . d~. 011 Saturday night . Finder please day's night outing will give ~hem S uck ling \:i elf flr (.'nlf. Bhflrt_ leave at this office and receive re- a gene~81 Id~a o~ what they Will be \ born. Inqlllre of )t,dph MII.It'r. ward . HEADQUARTERS up a~alDst thiS \\Owter. WI\yoesvilie. Uilio d27 CHRISTMAS













~~~~~.-~ -- ~~~-~ - ~I~_~ _~ -- ~~ NOT~GE


$10, $12.00. $15, $17, $1 • $20. $22.50. $25.00.

Styles fMhioned in materials of latest· colo rs with up ·to·the-minute trimmin ~6 in fur. plu h. braid, etc .• '9.95. '12. 50. $17.50 and $19.75.



Remarkable values in si ngle and doubl.breuted.,Pinch .back or vlain.

Handsome coal!! modeled on lines which emphasized the latest ideas in length. trimming. collars. cuffs. etc .• fS.95, '7.95. f9.95. 1I2.50, 117.50 and f19.75

$10.00, $12.50, $17.00, $18.00. $2U.OO, $22.50 and f25.00.

DAVENPORTS - Built (or eaBe ond comfort. These dav· enports may be co nver led in· to beds quickly and with little trouble. $35.00 to $59.7S SEWING MACH I N ESEquipped with all the difTer· ent attachments. Made to run euily. $29.75 to 835.00 LIBRA'RY TABLI'; - Beau· tleul wood. perfec tly cabi· netted. roomy drawer and book shell/es. $12.5" to $25.00 CEDAR CHESTS- Best rna· . terials. e.xposin.g the bt!allti· lui cedar grain. mounted on casters. !4.QO to $12.50

16.00 .7.00 15.00





January I and 2


The ll'ar

I sr rUTE

C. A. Hr une r , fo mlor ' sllpcrin ' : te lldr-nt of 'chools h er n. waq elecl'd • Wor~hipful M>l~ ter of Lebanon Lou~e : at the onnulIl el ectiun III. t week. • ' III 1' . Bruner iR a hustl e r anu will make I a good' ~eco rd for th o lodge during ' the cOllll ng yeal·. j

I See Wal e rhouse for Auto Livery I '--' _ __

$3.50 $7.50 f,1.00

Muffs ........ .. .. ..... .............. $2.95 to 110.00 Fur Sets .. ...................... ........ '15 to '35.00 Purses and Handbags .. ............. 50c to tll.OO BathrobE's .................. $3.98, U.98 and ' 5.91:1 Umb re llas ..... ....... ~ .. .............. ...... n.on up Wais ts .................. .... .. ....... ..... 9 e to '7.50


urg Fertilizer Co.



\Vil! pa.' y ou ,.:;.00 per ll C' au for I:IOR,'ES :lI1tl CO\\ . • ilt your h Olll e a lld wil l come and ge t tltelll . 0rdcr~ filled promptly. \11 tel phone eh rgcs paid. G' 11 I ve us a ca . HARVEY. BURG

I Frank L.. HarrlS,· MaD.




. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

Old Santa Claus is going to leave his workshop .a nd come to Lebanon on Saturday. He will make his headquarters at this store all day.' He wants to talk to all the little folks. Come In and see him.

ThIs i~ not an excur2ion to the , North P ole to Santa's ' workshop bula lrip to our sto re . . Here you will fi nd everything to delight the ' child . The first thing you lenow you will think that you Ilre In Toyland. The toys which Wll have are all practical and educational. Dolls. teddy bears . steel erec· tors. motors. drums. animals game •• books. fire engin es ' etc.

FOR THE WOME - Spel!i 2iti s in Dani el Green umfy Slippers. ThtlY give comfort to the tired teet after the day' s toil. . FOR THE ME -'Romeo~ and Rlipper s in black and tan leather . . Daniel Green Cumfy Slippers enabld the feet t o rest properly.


STEPPING iNTO FASHIONS FAVOR • . Beautiful Fashion. in Men's and I.,adiea' Footwear. l1o,Btonian. ·F1oreheim. and. F..ducator tor Queen Quality. May Manton. and Grover for Women.


The S. Fred Co.


AVisit to Toyland


f I ead tOCkI

Tht! annual ITt >etin" of the slocK' Mr. and Mrs. W. H . Allen spent ho ld e rs of l he Way nesvi lle Nati.onal I a co ~ple of days in Cincinnati las t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. ilank fOI' the e lec Io n of seven di r er we !k. Mr. Allen nttehdf>d n m~ e t · • • tilTH. to . erv I UU!'iIlg" th e ens lIillM i n~ of the Southe rn Ohio bank r ' a l .\'ea r. w ill .1>\' hell Ilt itq bun ki n \!: at. tliJn) ilto n . T hu r~dl\Y and r e t u rned .. !) home nn Iu« 1loY . Jan uary (J, I!lli, I to IIlCIIlI lut l FriO y to s pe nd the dil}'.' frum ',Ih! l , ,_'~ (>'clo~ k P. ~1. . We arc sho wi ng tho new est lind ,I. Ll. :a t'l,w r i~ nt. \Jashicr. - - - h est line of Uh ina we ever h ad fll _ _ _ :-:::.:~..: Il iricl's I" ~'cr Ihan w.e we r e ex\wclitlR". : I hu"i ng' houg ht ea r ly in tlte SCUS UI I. "1."... , J . E. Jalll1 ·Y . 0) .1 :


(lIFTS FOR MEN Bathrobe. ...... .... .............. '4, f,O and Shirts .. .. ....... .. .. ... .. ............. .. .. . SOc to Gloves .. .. .. ......... .. . ... ...... .... ....... $1 to Umbrellu ..... .. .. .... .. ·,..... .. ..... ... fl to 'rravelin~ Baga .. .. .. ... .... .. ......... U to Collar Baa-s .. .. .... ...... .... ........ ....... ......

Gift Furniture



ONLY 9 MORE SHOPPING DAYS The styles are del/eloped in fabriC8 . carefully chOBen with service lind satisfaction in view.







Lebanon, Ohio

Toys for the Children J. A. SPEAR , New Vienna. O.

LECTURES ON "25 YEARS BEHIND THE DAIRY COW" Wine Prize. For Milk at ' Aeaoclatll?n.



For milli to I<eep sweet tor seven· teen tl nys wllhout llreServo.t1ves ex· cept cl cnnl htcss Is the record made on t be dnlry farm James A. Spellr o( New Vienna.. '0.. who will be amollg ·the sflcnllCTs during the two days of th (\ e ... mi np: ~';trm .. r s ' InsU· tute. Mill, 1)1'o,lll ced from th e dlllry ot Mr. S po.a r toolt 'firs t prize aud cream s e '011(1 prize at tho Ohio Dalr)'· men's A ijsocll\ l!on re<:ently. " M y le ctu res bnsed on actuai experlonces, In m y bus lm'sH . Itfld my bUBl lUc G h e ll on my fllrm pro· ducling r cslllt~," COUllllc ut s ;\11'. Speur. "Wby A SIlr e tis and l3 ,Falls In the Dairy Bu ~ l n ss." '''l'wentY-flvc 'Years Bebl·n d lho Dairy Cow," and discuslIonl3 ot tho vBlue or ensilage In the I daIry raUon are among the subjects Of ~I" lalka. I MI~tte rs 10 think over around UlIl.. , tlre8ld~ 011 wlntl'r (1" "1n~9. "CIIIU"n tlon of the )111111 lit th(' Pnrm II me" and "The Re';Tlonfllhlllty of CllIzeu· are two others or Mr. Spear's '






Banks, Train s. Coffee Mills. LuwlI M wers. T e lephone. 'Fl our Sifter. Coal Buckets, Tubs. Ironing Board~. Washboards. Wash Ben ~h. Wheel !:Iarrow. DerriCK. Iron Horses. Iron Wagons. Iron Animal s. Cloth Animals. Dolls of all kinds. Surprise Hex. Horns. Drums Blocks. Pop Guns. Bo!ads. All kinds o.f Balls, Games. Bubblers, Tops, Axes Street Cars • . (C ll Cream Seta. Ships. N.oahs Ark. Sprinklers. All kinds of Hattlt!rs, Sheep Pens. Ranges. Stov~s, Swings. Two Wheel Carts. Child's Hroom. Doll Wash Pitcher Seta, Dishes Tin nntl China . Pastry Sets. Meat Grinders. Gall oping Jocky. Lanter.ns. Talk ing Birus. Doll Heads. Merry-Go-Round. Corbett the Fig hter. Sand Pails. Fire Departmen t. !3unga low. Automobile. Scal es. Tool Sets. Books 'III kinds. Dainty Writing Paper, Watc hes. Plate!. Cups and Saucers.

Gifts for the Grown-Ups Crumb Trays and Hrllsl· cs. Whi ~ l( llmQm H o luer~, Pictures. Fram e" . Va ~es . Glass· ware. Plat.e~. Cups a nd SU llc e r ~. Olive Dis hes. Fancy Pl ntes. [·' aney Duoll iJighes. Jewelry. Sbitalll ll' e pll e r~. MU l{s.Tea Pots. Combs, Side ComhA. (jack Combs. "Hesita· tion" Hair Pins. !3arrette . Perfume. Mirrors. lIOK Paper. Cor respondence Gards, Watch Chain s. Fobs. Key R ings. Handkerchiefs. Hair Brush. &c. , &c • &c .• &c .• &c.

Christmas Tree Trimmings .F.v e rVlhing to mak~ the Christmas com· plete.

Christmas eards Nevel' have lhi!' ye1\r.


had 8ucb an 8S90rtment as



fR1lnK H. fllRR



cixty-Eighth Year




umber 3401

The Miami Gazette .W ishes Its Readers a DI'errry Christmas and a-Uap y Ne ear ,.i \~ \.i \tJ \'i \.i "i -.; \'i"j \'i ,.i ,tj di i.i "i '''.\ti "i \ti \tj\ti. PRAISE FARMERS' INSTITUTE WOMAN'S AUXILIARY ;r·...·....······..···_·······..................... FROM I

To Our Friends and Patrons . !,:


~ .




The following letter is self·explan· ~ , alory . E-: . Mr. J . O. Cartwright, .... : Waynesv ille, Ohio. e-: -My Dear Mr. Cartwright-As the representative of the State Depar t ment of Public Imtruction, 1 visited the Wayne Township First Grad e i-: High School on December 13, 1916 ..... In my candid judgment this is onA ~ of the best centralized schools In our ~ ~t ate . You have a 101al teachin g force and everywhere one can see evidence of this work. I desire to ~ commend especially the work of Mr Spriegel in planning for the welfare of your boy II and airls. ~. Your course of study and daily ... . program are approved. I am d e·

11 mef1lt\l Cbttistmas a) Happy



M yer H yman, Waynesville, O. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.,~~~.~~~~~~~~~,.~~~~.~~.~~~~~. ~~~~tl~it~~~ep;:~~ca~V~~~ ~~~~ high school on the day of my visit. Mr3. James Decemb.r 14.



For gifts that are and pleasing sl'e·our line of Fancy Goods. See Waterhouse fc,r Auto Livery . Novelties. Toilet Articles. Notions. etc. J. E . Janney. . K V. Harnhart was in Cincinnati ast week. Mrs. J. S. Thomson. of the Leb· anon pike. spent Monday arid Tues· We offer you asnperior assortment day of last week with Mr. and Mrs 9f J "welry at. !aire~ t prices. J E. Sherman Shonk. of Dayton. Janney. Earl







SAXON "SIX' A hi£'! touring car .for five people


~e ~ ~



rurul womo n.

ij~_~~TIr lEC~~I~E~\ PHYSICIAN "



lOUg I •

Universi ~y Mr~ . S. L· artwright :.vero· lhe Il!enace to socitlly, bllt r~ther the 2: g uests invited to tl njuv the delight. hlg h-go.raJe rtJentlil defectives who

OhIO IItatl' corn ~how, January 29 to f I h ' t rt f Mr. a nd Mr . Elias Illppear 0 nearly norll1ll.1 that they February 2; OhiO atate dalrvmen 's OUgl e~b~! ~~ gll~day B aro not genl'rally recoitnlzed as such . allSociation. January 30 to February . I t is this lat ter clas that furnisheR 2; Ohio !ltate horticultural lIociety, - - - .. - - - - I ecruit:l for the delinquent girls and January 30 and 31 ; Ohio state vege' I hovs . the criminals, th~ alcoholics: l table llrowers' aasoeiation. February I Hi ~ p 'ea is for the segroglltion of the 1; ellil show. January 80 t o' February ' feeulo mind ed. e~Llecially the high2; OhIo rural life association. January g rude types. not only that they be 30 to February 1; Ohio Perche ron cared fo r p roperly themselves, bu t breeders' 18SQelatlon, Januar y 31; ST. MARY'S CHLIRCH that society lllay be p rotected, and Aysbire breeders' association. Ja n· . th~ propagation of their kind IJre· uary 81; Ohio Guernsey breeders' Fourth ~u nday In Ad vent Decem· veil ted . Cou;d this be done for but a88oclation, January 81 ; Ohio J ersey ber :l4. Sunday Sch ool Bt .9:30 a. 10.1one generalion. thi s undesi rable porcattle club and Holstein.Friesian , MornlO g Prllyer and 8~ r mo n at 10:30' l tion of soci ety would be practically breeden' association, Feb:-uary 1; At 7 p., m : the Chri stmas Sunday elim inated. Ohio Hereford breedel'8' aslloclation, I S~hool l' estlv al. ~h e olTering's to. be It was pi intoll out . al so . that the January 31; state stock judging con · g~vt!~ to. the Chi ld ren B Hospital presen t publ ic school system is entest. January 29 to February 2; l c'nC\l~natl . h II I Com. tirely unllui tlld lo the education of former .tudents· reunion diriner Chrlstma.'! Day t e o y feebl e· minded children . If they January 31 at noon; IState farmers' munion at ~1:3V a . .m . . . could be giyen ' special instruction. Institute workers meeting. Januar y The e COrlllally IIlvl ted to all for the m09t par t along . Industrial 30. ,lhese snr vlces. lines- hand work in~tead of head rhe~eiBBtillallmalldeficlt,whichhe . - .. - - ' .. - -work-many rthemwouldbemade hoP811 will be made up loon. I'upable of earni ng a livelihood .

We are alway. glad to record the happenings of our out.ide. boys and girls. who have left. their native heath and are ma)dlllll good in the oUlside world. "Dav~!T' Warwick ill still forging to the fr(>nt in the city of Columbull. havinll b6fln en~cted .. direr-tor of the new $600.000 Y. M. C. A. Building, of whieh hewU;one of the Ilreate.t factors. He Is the youngest one of the directors, but this is not sayinll that he i. not the beet worluir they havo on the direc· torate, for we believe they will t8k~ "Dave's" word on a great many lubjects that will come up during the erection of the new buildilill. . Mr. Warwick, who took such an Interest In the furniture for the IIchoul library room, :i' anxloull that the amount Be madl' up at onc..







The Chrl!tian

NOTICE Of ~i~~:~h~~\~iiS::r; lVa~n~da~e t~:p~~~~ .1 BANK. ELECTION ~~i~I~~I~~fr hfa~d£:s kinds of work

End eavo r of the

Orthodox Friends will hold a confe r· GOOD POSITION . ence on Tuellday. Decel11 bnr 26 l h. Jamea nlbbons, son of Mr •. Annie Uibbons. who live. qn the Upper Sprinllboro pike, has secured a po~l. !ion as mail clerk on the railroad. Jimmie, who gradullted from the High School two years ago. took an examination for the service several months ago. and had almost given up hope!! of securing a position. when he was ordered to report at Columbus. There has been no regular assignment made for' him. and he is at present doing runs on all di visions. We want to congratulate th" y?ung man on his lIuccess. for he is a hustler in any position.


In the Red brick mee: illg hl. u s., . The t~pic .to be disc ussed is. " l'lIe Relatlon.ah~p be~)Neen Recreatlo lls and Christianity. The meeting will c onv ~ne .at 1:30 D. m . and YOU are cordially 10 · vlted.


p, 0,


The an nual mcetinlr of Lhe slock· holders ot the Waynesville National lJank t OI' the ele t lon of ~Bven direc · tors. to serve during the f' nsuing year will be hElld at its banking !.oblly open frol1l7 a. m . t07 p. m . h o us~ on f Ue!ID flY , Januar y IJ , 1917. All DelJar; ITIell.ts ope'l from!J to ~O frolll one to three o'clock P. M. a nl . alld .) t o l• .p. Ill. Carners Will J. O. Cartwright. Cashier. l1Iake rc{:u lar.trlps.



Useful Christmas Pesents l ...


BOYS ENJOYING If want to make Father, Mother, Brother, Sister or a useful prelent, you can get exactly what t rn ' SKATING SEASON Sweetheart want at our store. New lot .of useful things for every i a IDI

No other car in its price class can give Saxon "Six" service So if you choose another in' the price class of Saxon "Six" yoq must make up your mind 10 do without the advantage. of Saxon "Six." : .

And ' it 'i. c1early evident by n.w that . Saxon "Sixes" is the best car in its price clas,.

You'll have to cont~nt .yourself with lesl smoothness. leu quietness, less 8eXibility, less acceleration,. and' pay more in. higher upkcep cOllt. But will you be content?

We think not.

Il for practically the same price you can have all that YO'If Deiihbor enjoYIl who owns a SaXOD "Six." wby. should you put up "ith tbe short coming~ of Hllne . other car? Why tatta '!secoDd best" when you can just .. easily have the best.

J. 8. CHAPMAN, Ail·.,

No fine phrases caD dilp~te the cold fa!:t. of Saxon "Sixe," abler p~rfonu·

anee. ~rutiDY of the reeotd• •h~". that SaxOD "Six" baa both publicly in OpeD tests aDd privately in owner.' han~s .urpassed tbe be.s t efforts of other "Si~es" and "Foura" iD ita price clBSl.


It win win 1~u hi a lingle road trial. Saxon "Sir.' is $815 f. 0. b. Dettoit.

Waynesville, Ohio

~ ~ ~m a


1.• - . , .

MEETINGS FOR Mrs. Hannah Ro,ers. MiRs 1J0ra E llis anll Miss Moll ie Bi"Jlham took ' WEEK dinner Saturd ay evening wilh Mrs. Dr . El1Ierick'a le~~ure 139t . Th~ra . ~~~dl~v~l~i~~o\~~f o~~t~~~res!~tatrv: ;Eva J o.' es. . FARMERS M G citizens. who ' found therein much / Mr. Gllns. It He emp hasl'zed c\ f Marlin CI r. (luincy d f 'ons f oOu or tl l'1 0 Following I, a list of ~he differen~ ~rr. :::d ~ ~/. F'rtldge~()n~~n an~n~~~: . ~he fa~t that it i~ !lot the low·l(rade meetings to be h~ld during Farmers Mr and Mrs Davis Purnas Mr and ImbeCiles Ilnd IIlrots that are th e

ACCIDENTALLY YOUNG MAN SHOT HIS FATHER AGAIN HONORED Week at the OhIO State 1ro.m January 29 t o February

===:]' 1:11:'===:1' a '5==:,,1:]1:'===:1'1:] E-==='1:1 ===:1','15==:111:1 =:::::1' a






- ...- - -

of ChIcago. is Once al{ain 1he happiest and most 1)lIren t8 at Corwin wtllCorne of all our holidaYIl draws near. With the compliments of the sea~o n to all our friends. we ask the Our of Pictures will question of the hour-What about Addi80nCraig. who resided on the make beautiful Xmas present~ for Christm'ls'! The children are askjn~ New Bur:ington. was accidentally . it with. wondering and hopeful ex- shot by his lion Edward. la'st Tues· all. J . J.~ J allnev. pectations of what Santa Claus is day. al'lli diem at the hospital at Xenia . I'k I t b' tl Th ld Thursday afternoon. The two were W. F. Shaw. inspec tor of High l ey • .Iem . eo er pe?· hunting rabbits and were u~ing a fer Schools. of Columbus mad e a visit' pie are 1!'8kmg It. ~ot 80 much 10 ret. and the animal escaped from hert' last w e e k . ' !lpeculatlOn . regardl~g th~ remem them. They .'erA lookl·ng at • hole bran ~es Chrlstltlas will brm~ them. . . "" . lIut rather as an inquiry how they I~ which they thoullht It mIght be Our beautiful display of illustrated are to provide Buitllble presents for hiding. whe.n the son a !run ~xploded , Gif t Books. meets . all requiremerits relatives and friends . .without too tbe w~oll! load entermg mto· the from first to last J. E. Janney. heavy H drain upon their time and 1 father s right I.e ll. . . purlle May we he lp )OU solve.the He was hurried to Sprlnll' Valley problem and g ive you a vision of do. and afte~ward was taken ~o Xenia t o Mr. and Mra James ~cClur~ and ing you" Chiistmas ShODpiflg - shop- the hospllal . where he died Thurs· Mr. r,red Hawke sa~ A Pair: of ping with pleasure. 88tisfaction and i day . Sixes at Lebanon Frldsy evenmg. enconomy ? Our Holiday Stock this The funeral, was held Sunda.y af year isa marvel of beauty. its new ternoon. at 2 ~ clork at. the Friends We have a nice line of Box Candy features Bre innumer@oble.llndita ehMurchCIn ~prlng ~a~ey . h d Cake8 a'p.o Ice Cream Christma8 variety almost unlimited We ex· r rale: IS we . n<?WD ere an Cardll'and Booklet8 W· C Ph·1II tend a I'ordial invitation to all to haa many frle,!ds who Will be shocked . • . I pa. ('ome and see our brilliant array of to hear of .hls death. T~e lion Is Holidav Goods. without feeling that almost frantiC over the affair. Mrs. Kizzie Thompson and Slrand - the slightest obligation is Incurred . ' -Bon Wilbur Haines have returned Hoping to see every reader at our You will also find our Xmas high home from near Cente rville where store and wishing one and all a very grade stati onerv in harmony . with Mrs. Thompson has heen curing for Merry Ch ristmas. we remain. your Xmas needs. and at very reaaon· Mrs. Frank Thompson. who has been Respectfully yours, able prices. J. E. Janney. ve ry sick. J . E . Janney



Your teachers were in Greenfield . Your high school order Willi excellent and clBllS work proceeded without lhe slightellt friction. I take this mesnll of complimenting your young people. . With best wishell for continued lIuccellS. I am. Cordially yours. W. F. Shaw, High Schoolll1!lpector.

- -- ...




Born-To Mr . and

Auctioneer Rea state



e------_ I PERSONAL MENTION I;n~~,o~ad~~J~~err:day.


The regula r meeting of lh e.wo·l man's Auxiliary wus held at the I #ffi home of Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Mosher, on Thursday uftern on . : M .... Murtland Bedfoord of Huron December 14. Th e meeting WaH County Hal H ad Excellent Sueopened wilh music, " MuJ:(ic Bell," t cu. With Poultry and Sheep. played on the plaYf'r·piano. • A rea.l (arm woman I ~ Mrs. . M n . Cad wullader gave the SCI·ip. ture reading. thc' fi rst chapter of ' Murtlanll Be,lford of H uron coun. Hebrews. All joined in repeating I ty. who will "I,eak at Ibe coming the creed and Rev . J . F.Cadwallalie r farm e ra' hliltltllte. She not ouly conciueted the prayer service. S~rip : come. f rolll f arUl stock. but has tural quotations were given In reo al"aY8 1I"ed on a farm. with t:Je aponse to roll· call. excelltlou of til e yen m apenl In reAfter the reading of the minuteR celvln, her education . Mra. Bed. Office Over the Postofflce and disposal of other business the ford has had 10 year.' e); Derlence lesson for the day on "How Uur IU a rural 8c ho ol tench er . several years' expe ri ence ns a mannger "r Church Came to Ohio." WIlS taken Resid e n ce 45 -2 'PHONES Offic e 6 1 up and proved to be of unus ua l a hundred'acro f nrm I~n d fo r yell .. intereRt. the history of the church in haa lieell Intercsted III co mrnunlly our elate written by our ·! ducational liCe wor~. secretary , Miss Elinbeth Matlhews ' I "My Ilpecla lt )' 0 11 t:lle farm." 8nY8 W During the course of the leMon. , • Mr • . B Mord . "'s I'oul lry nnd De. lalne ~ lor lllO s llee ll. I ilal'e hnd Mrfl. ~adwal1",~er read a very in· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . terestmll memoir of Philander Chase good RUC CCS. with fl o.lltr)' Cor 10 years. n y Improl'i nK my flO< 'k I written by his granddaughter, At the conclulion of the lesson 'the \ Ill' I' e hocn nill .. In muku It bIg /lroN t on th r In vp stlll l'II I." 011 Ilcr aun t oC th,' nalli re of hor C X P~ r1 nee. aile I. a Lle 10 speak whh IJer. ro moot tho so1l111 kn o" le d ge c un c·p. rnhlg rural Gch oa l • . \J o nltr., ' 8u,1 II.." work u f







We takethis oPI)Ortunily of extcnding to all


DECE"1BER 29 and 36

The zero weather of lut week froze the race over, and :;kating of a very good quality was indulged in Sunday. The ice WIle about four inchAa ' thick. and the Waynesville Mill. started to eu t Tuesday morning. The quality of the Ice il fin •• all a crystal. and two mo.r e inches added will make It jUlt right .f or eutt\n~. While some of the boys were skating Sun.lay afternoon and play. Ing "hoeky," Milton ThomplOn struck ROm!! thin Ice and went In up to hli neck. He \17as aotten out wIthout any trouble, however.

- - -....


OBITUARY ' Isaiah Reeder. IOn of Francll and Isabel Reeder. waa born Mar.o::h 28. 1162, and departed thll life Decem· ber 14. 1916. Age 641yean. 8 mooths '16 days . With the axc:ept:lon of- thirteen yean hiB 'IIi hola life '111'" lpent In and around Wayn.vllle. September 28, 1892; he wu united In muriqa to ... . Lula Moqan, who died about four YMri qo. He w.. alwaya a poeat worker from allDall child, wu alw.,. jo,ou.. looIdDa alWQJI OP th, brirht -.Ide ud IdDd to ODe. In hi' Jut 1Ickn_ ... and kind.

Be~~a 1.......III~....~III..Ii:III......~II'~II..III~~..~II'I&~lIlIjll.....ii u4.~w



member of the family. Call and lee our line before you go elsewhere.

Suits and Overcoats · . .. ... . S10.00 to $20.00 Hats ....... $1.00 to 82.50 Glo¥es ....... 50c to $ L50 Hosiery. . . . . . 15c to $1.00 Shiits . . . . . . . . 5qc to $2.00 Neckwear ... . 25c to .75 Handkerchiefs in boxes. . .. 25c to $1.00 Men's Mackinaws · . . ... .. '. 15.00 to $6.50 Boy~s Mackinaws · . . . . . . .. $3.98 to $5.98 Caps .. . ..... 50c to $1.50 . Men's Wool Shirts · . . . . . . .. $1.00 to $2.00

The Store that Save. 'You MODe,)'

Suspenders . . . 25c to .50 Cuff Links . . .. 25c to $ LOO " carf P ins .... 25c to .75 Shirts and Drawers · . . . .. . . . . .. 50c to $1.50 Union Suits $1.UOto $3. 00 Boy's and ·Girt's . Raincoa.ts a nd 'Hats to match · .. ...... . 2.50 to ' 3.50 Men's Raincoats · ....... $5.00 to $ 12.50 Boy's Suits. $2.50 to $0.50 UmbreUas . . $ 1.00 to $3.00 Suit Cases $1.00 to $3.50

Sweater Coats . .. . ... . .. 81.00 to $6.50 J erseys .. . . . $1. 50 to $2.98 Men's Shoes $3. 00 Lo $5.00 Ladies' Neckwear . .-..... ~ .. . 25cto .75 Blankets . . . .. 59c $5.00 • 1.adies' Crepe de Chine Waists ... $ 1.98 to $5.00 Toilet Sets . .. 9& to $ 3,.50 Manicure Se ts.. 50c to 2.50 Ladies' Hand Bags , . , . : .. . .. .. 59c to $2.00 And a thousand' oUler articles that cannot. be mentioned here.




OHIO :!:



TIPPfCANOf • _ _ _ _uwnnnnUnmnIll1l11l1UIimllnWIII,IIHn :11" Belo' 0 True Cll rool cl., ot Cartalo l". ss.II,," 1\" . ... ., .... DAVID I. AIIREN C E ~ d ANTOIN IlTTE O ' BANNON o ' daD a. tll., o f Tlppee"" o .,,, III lb. lod l • •• Wllder •• u • ... 01 WII • • 8 .. f,,11 Tb",.. o I . 01. C o rydo .. Dud Now P ' r.1 S ..I Fo.tb




S1; o'p! L o ok ! Lis 1;e :n.!

Chr istm as Sugges t ions

, Ib S.c\M UEL M COY ru ..treUo •• b y O. AhoD \ laaeDUO.


R lh}"

(; If l

non ~ ~

A I . ! n(~ 1\ 11ll r 11001 .. 8

III " 'II lJ lln r,j, ('II Hllldo", 1'1"1 00 1,, ", Dea lt P ad e I l.dl dy

n l n tl -l;

Oo ld n o <1 S II " e r Kn ive s n e-Doll ar P a n, ' n oslon el l ' bar pcll or B Cr o))o Pu pe r 'l'lrls ue Pup or ror H all, da y u se Sec. Olobo- ' .... c rn lcke t! on n! linok Cusea

l '1JrIU lma , Ihlxos 1\,'lr 1111\ \\',' 11 , i':tl'el' ,\ "I~ hl~ no u k~ \\'nnlp ll " l nl"!'11 ";o.Iow Itm~~ " ", I ~ IIllfls Il .... s~ 1'" pl' r Hll ck s Th o ll!!ht" II tl"ks alik e D ",k s a l ""l k Pm>or Hook. HlIo k H n" lid Cn!e nd a rs D oslt .l a l'cUn ler." HuonI'll's Sla nd s fo r l Ul 7 Epl s,"o]",1 Prllye r Books \''' "us Uraas alll\ Cop pe r U rn· O ffi co Ch a irs I3ll l>y llO" k s 1' Yllowrlt er Desk s hrolln ~l a nd 8 F tl m ll y It co r d Booka Type writer Cha irs HOli k E IIII . Ph oto Alh um s lI llt Ra oks Dross un ll Cop por l\ od ak Alb ums Fil in g Cab In ets, W ood Waste BRs k eta Brass D ~ b k So ta anti S teel Copper Inla id Sil ve r W illow FlK sk ets F11In g Dev ices I'l aco CIl rtls J)oll k . ot " CookIng R eolpo Boxes T o ll y Ca nl8 B raSH Dosk Ko vol Llo8 Drn ug htl ng Ou tllts L n ther Goods nosk Lam llil ' Chrlsl mne Labe ls 1." rll cs' P II rM a lock s Lllllles' 8 1hl Qo nl's Eso H oliday Ooods at a ll "n " a r Kn lv os Desc ri ption. rl ll s lvc .'ln ll one r y 1'08 tnl cal e s l;! ousehol d Safos C onk lll1 ' ~ . nif-flllln g Dlctl onar lo s Cas h Boxos I,' oun (nl ll P en s Di cti o na ry . tnnrl s "'a lor m nll', S e lf, flllln g Bond Boxes W r iti ng PortfO li os I'l leel SlI vor Chests Fo nllltnill P na POKnl' OUI IlI H

IlI :l rl.' 5 1-1' L"n ~tI

L" " r


Free Ride to


Dayt on

Pictu re Framing


it y a n d soli di t y that h as ch a ract c:riz ed th e grow th of D ay t o n in t h e p as t few y ears .

19c, 39c , and 79c

All you'd look tor In on Art s tore. And w ha.t'. m ore. our "rico dOD·t


T he dUT I'on e poy " YOll r olll'fl\r ' t o


N o t o nly i n p opulatio n h as th e in cl-ease been re marka ble , b u t b us ine ss ac ti vit ies ha v e s t imulate d build· th t~ investm ent o f capi la l in s pl end i,l o u:.i ness truly a ts prebcn ow n on t Day f o line sky he t in {~ and ce. n ra ppea a n ta i m c:tropol Dayto n merch a n ts h av e kept p ac e wi t h this pro gress, a n d there a re n o b et tc r !;torc s th a n D a yton at r es an ywh ere . T hes e Dayt o n merc h a n t s in vi te you

T. lle Beautiful


1'h is Year Make the Gift Both Practi cal , and Usef ul. A Pair f 'Lad ies' or Men's Walk-Over Shoes Wou ld Be ApPl'eciat d by th e Most Gritica l. I f you do not know the size or style to select we can issue a\\ < Ik-Ove r ertificate---th e sh oes can be fit later.

$ 4 .(JiO a n d




In Beaull ful



Dayto n, Ohio

\\IlIll t


b ur

,I ( ,IJIll. w ('

Ohio Farmers Realty Co..

1\1. \, ' Z " ltl.

7 1 4- I~AR:,!g~~~H~ ~DQ"

14 N. Main,

i' n U II ' llIM,

'1', ' 11 111 "l

'r llt'kl."

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\\' & will n ne} a. b uyer . IHl\'e o n e th At will IIlOlt yo u .

YO U w nnt t tl f'i · 1I yl+Hr (u r n-! .


Chris t tnRs Gift SuggestionFs ~hl l1 l(

H "lluK~.

'M ah arg ' s

M LOA NS LON G TER,ent PrlvU ••• tr

1 1 4 .1 16 E .. t F o u r th S t ., D ayton, Ohio


E stablis hed 1865

tt y ou




Shop ,' With Repftyn

I l o lll It (u r


36 East Fif th, N ear J e ffe r aon



Dayton , O h io

S root

n HW -

B o~ ..


th " bea t Qu allty_

M ~ in

ve1 ry .n.a s J ev C h r i s1;:r yo u UI1 II1 X IIl" " dt·, JV:'I !l w ill n llY G-E C> . ~ . CLA. R.. ~

HOSI ERY SOc to $1.5 0

HOUS E SLIPP ERS $ l.!liO to$ 2.50

Roa dster $1435

Sedan $1630

Sec this CR r wh.n next In D a y ton .





We arc sh.\ wi ng in ou r s ule8 \,OOIll rig ht I' nw ono of thr new mouel ·. [t 's a t ype that sel la it s If n n si~ht . Beall ty of line, A ni ~ h and a bove a ll effioie ncy in !lCI'['of mum'l' l!OtU· Ill end it to (;! V(;! l'Y pe l' ~ on wh o \Vanlll to o w n a , tlhll'o ly good cal'.

to their

Tourin g $1465

a nd

Mos t 250, 60r, nn d $ LOfJ lu ed lcl1l6l! a nd to il et art l f' h' ~ ul-

Dayton Rlld bReI!. home, Ollr dr ugs lir e al ways fl' oall lI1111

& CO. FRANK NoBE" Main St. 135

JENKINS Cut Rate Drugs

N ~ city in t he co u n tr y h as gr o wn with the rapid.


The Everybody's Book Shop Company

21 -23 W. F IFT H STREE T



Dayton, Ohio


Sole Agen t


()or d l!Jl

t he


Phone 90·3

Hn g h Unfl k. 8oo t. t~v II I " . N Y . " A It, ut IJ v~ YlllI I' ~ I\ ~ n w h l' n WO 9;rr e li vi n g in ~fl r \Ju t ~, N , Y . 1 rloo loretl two or m y ch ild r en 'ul\'(1I'iD ~ rro 1\ oo lu ~ wllh C hll m h or ltl ln '!, Cou g h R e m e rly li nd f onnd II jnNI wny. it 118 , rc pr o~ e nt e d In e ver y Mr~ ,

Stl Yij :

Get the Miami Gaze tte Now

prOlJlpt ly oh e ked th~o o n l1; bln ( nre ct III I)' oo lue q ll ic kor \,IH. n !lOci M,lir y S ph ll ior b y @h Arltf . to C h UB ully thlo g 1 ove r U ~ d " O htu inllh lll '''p h Il le r, 10 1 In Mils o n , $iO IJ, oVllry whe r e JI! n ry CM IJOr so n to M ~ B8enger <':0 1· .... l in ~ , lot In H a rveys bllrg , $~fi , C hari ER A , Euto n t o WilHam A f'u neral fJirpc tor HI li oD d w lf e~ lo t i t) !fr a nklin, and Embalmer, G O<lr go A , E~ltnllo r, ntlminls tru t or to \V I I II ," ll C. P ri oe, 83 ' tl o rOB In Wayn esvill e. Ohio . l:i llm il t,on t'OWl1 Rh i p ' 3,200 C. (:leo r go A . ESlin ger t o ,lVllIltlm We hav e arrang-e 'l wi l h a n unde rPrloe, 3:1 a or es In Elatllllt o n tOWIJ take r t o j{l:! t a ll all l , so we will btl " h ip 1 1 le to fu r ni sh eillle l a n nu lo or Ilb e Th to e ln Jw OJ W L. I1Ilrt\ Belli na Lo nl ~, tit. of tlra wn f une ra l. horse HlokS. . R lrl . Rev In Jots Uo" y i:lpeolnlt i Merchn nt B UO(J " ~Hf nl o f /:lolh phones III Ollice a mI Res idence , t os m nd (, tost grea he t 1. $ n, o n Lob !l wa"l,h e l' f o rooaste rs , d ied On Ootob r Long- distance ,No. 14; H om e Jlhone ln ess . B~ r ,ro 14·2r , C ha rl es A, Ar n old to Ma b e l O~ n en L2, I0 16, af te r a tlh o rt,lI 111U Olil'ely e ad b he ok be t ook sl lo t l u !:louth Le bnn In, $75 , th o gr ollt fl icks ~ , S. Monnt,s , au di tor , t o C harles piflt, ~d bls w ork Oil rl blld r oud th e o " LU!7 r fo mnao u al HI eek r Tnrtlec 10 tr.ot N ix o n , smnll t! lOr for(Joo~t A o" w H /JI l !il of ofs o r p cllnts ; tllX doed . , T bis Dr,toll M llry Eli za P enoe t o CC'oil l:ligl1t- f o r a yellr I n "clVlln'Jr IR DO,," r ell d y fl nel 18 II [lu e m ilD, 4 ncr et! io W ay n e t owoshl p, $l. AI Dlanac U C Wil k ing 1:' r o f. R o b e rt J . !:lba wban , executo r, ~o l' peclm e o of A I Dl~ lI !Jll inte cl loy /J \\;II!i t lnti l' [lo ks' !:lio III Dares 133 nn, 'Ed \va.rd S b o wh !! ill MII ,V, [,ool ':it of t . l1 r Fune ral 'Direl: tor. s g lu loud OO $5G p, Wlltlhln g to n rbwnihl nted ill colc- ra, W : V, S tri c klan d t o W , I, . Wone, and UI Is p or t rrlit J)ri Ohio mt\l!ea t h e fr o ot lBIJleoe of t h o 11117 Wayn esvill e Jo& 10 P lell8ant Plu,i n, lI\ l. AIUl II Dn C. The 1\) 17 II lm nnno i ~ :Ju 8-iok s' lIln ll t hly Eli )\l\ be th KIIUO' tnl\o to 8,,1110 E centl! by UlBiI . r'rur M" gll ;\llltl, Wmw AND W Ott KR, w li l .....llllTJl KR .Joy , h )t 10 ~V !\yues v tlle , $ 1, tlt e pu l o1 l " li r r ll ' L oo n nr d K oe l!'l n nd w il o t o Le oa al RO be cont.inll t,d hl' ent Equipm Aulo I,he lh wi Yf1l1r OOf) K~ Fordy 9, :IX uor ealn U nIon town W OIl IJ ANI> WOI! Horae-Drawn Equil!ment ~'"l<l I 0 11 0 d n ll nr is c Im~n" A iol18 B slt l p, o f \\' IIIIJ I Rul,er' J . Mo rr is il otl wife t o Law. Ii oentll f o r" anmiJlo '/JIlY d d r eH~ W lll fl> ,\ I ' ( ' n oe K LoV"lley Bll d w ife, IJ)~ ANI> W o rll{~ . A DAY OR NI GHT 7 W l lt KIl P.ulJl\ !ling 'Onl l)tln y. :s !t)1 11'ELEJI'HONE flor os In I:Inw lHon to wnsh ip, $ 1 Mo j~, ll o L. ,Mo.r gllre t Kra tze r to Allsun J.' Jl ra nkllll A ve nu e, t .-SnAil ;, tl or e s in Ueerfle ld town. ship , $ 1,

Real Estate Transfe rs








AFTER THE GRIPPE Vinol &t!ltored 'Her Strengt h


-,-- -'

Dr. J. A. McCoy,

The Ha gl og rapha. Commissioner's Procccdinits fl'ltV " "1'1('1'1'111)1111 I: 111'" l'!, 1'(11' "sn· ~, F r od & do , oloth l ng I\nrl h ed . c r l 'tI wrl tlu gs," fl'hl ' IUIlIIl' I'V\' t 'I'!i 11 Veter ln'arv din g f flr aounty infi rmary .07,2 ; book_ H lll h , 1''''"II1I~ . " "". l 'I'(lv..rh~ , Oblo Slat.: UnlveQ1'y J ohn Law, anto hire for c o nnt,y (;l\nl\.clOH. r';I\II Il' lI ll1lilln~, 1 " ""I" HI II "te~, Or8~u'8te fl llrve y or , 53, 50 ; Fra.nk U. Allde n oo, IJull ld , J~k lh "r, In>. rll II lItI t'hl, ,,"It ' I "~ , to defandl ng George Bllr'on $&0 ; Da,. gl vll Ihe rn In til<' IIrd" r III \\'h l l'll thoy Office nt residence In F. n. Sher . t o ri"Fttu-l lnd ~&a.'lonllry Co. , binder. occ ur In lIle J C\l'I. h '1',,1\1111,1. I n i Frank Wdkin l, bnrla.lo l W. E, WOod'8 hOUle, Fourth street.



loe for t:ie nderson $~5 ; ~ar oourt bOUID, '4: J, R, aUn'er , IItr.

vlael a8 ohaplal n at oounay Infirma ry '37 110, J. S. Morril, luppllee for

l"nerO l' u. jultor ,61.110 j II, J

-.:. .---- --.---

Imitatio n Ivory. So1lth A.IOerica 18 prodllClDa Imlta· . .... ~L

Teleph one 28


WIllD !'!l e,



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GA ZE TTE ....

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1£11 1,'ru I ul

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BottO !'n (Jomp'OD hu bee. on 'h~

'l'be Bellbroolr khgb 81lbool wlll BIG EASY RIDING C" D • '~ Ie I ve a Oh r I .'ma, "n 8r ·...."1 nmen ' •• · ' ' ~ Il'rld ... , at· lobool b 'JU'u · nE'l: Iln cl 1\I r • . W. E . BogllO ooU.d 'be 'eroooD . 0 1\ "' mnk ~ t aD ley. tlooday aUer. Mrll Gnct! W olte, 0 1 r hu oll. bAli CALL nrrlvod her e t o s peo d \h e h olidays. ",.1 f "om Jiere ' llti e Dded the wl t b bel' p ur n' ~, Mr. n nd Mr.•. ,foo 1'I I,. (I riison Cr a l/jl l:!lIoturdo V. M yroll . . • (.. I r 'IiAon took di n o Dr M r~. Ln ur" oyd.'Il' 0 '0 .1 hi hl r(III , Ph ulle 83.5 1\ 1 I ,,":1 Illll ult; ~Iuod/ly . .. WaynelvJlle, Ohio tlf 1."lUr ()B v t 'lU , ~Pf' lIt III" t ,,;u ul1,IY • '. all I )lr~. ill ln ri I:l olll eli onlled w Ith r ei tl v' 8 h e re . "" • lorn.',' '.' 111\11 ' n ~ 'un(J lI Y u tte r . AhH. Ma r)" \\' hltoMP fp"nt n l·. "" 'I' urd,lYll ull l:iu ndKY in D,,~t " " w ltb .,11. "u·1 ~I nl. Fr~l) k Shnley sslll ber sao . Ror Whit-ll ore /I li d fKlIlily . ALL KINDS OF r '111" ,n \'l' n ' pnn rly . Mrs . .Iuoll" H arl I" ~" ri o o~ l y III i IIl rll l'H IllIrl1 r, II f DUytOD ; Ie Ilt lI e r 1111111 0 n o r lb ( f ' tlWII . ~1" 'n ll lll J,f " I,' w II" YII 11~ b ls bowo Tho !.,,,IiOM of tb o I'ro<I' vt erjll D hc·rt·. oburoh wil l h Iii ., .;hrl"' " 1:1 IIlllr It. ~: . .1mit· h llq g" no t n Il" lm ldll·l lI et. ln t h" to wn iJllll o ex t :-illlunlll}' ~f<o \\"'11 1 1.", Il""l lt' ~,, \·tr ,,1 dOl},!!. I ev.", iI'I~ . 1I1r . II ml M,. ~ . J ,,~ l uh Dftv is vlsi led , M r ~ . E t he l Blnes l . of Dnyt on , Is lI .. r ~I .. tl'r , ~ r 1111(1 Mrs. Leo UII,e , "I~ lt in" h('r hth l' r , WI I\ I~ !.Illui n llo r . lo_\ e uill ·llUtlllr . I Mr 8 U1 l Mr8. \ VIIl DIl I, o t I:I l1 yuer :'~\Ye·111 fT1l1ll I his oo mlllulIll,Y II' \VliCUlI lJin ar e v il\lI l o ~ bl ~ Olothe r , 0 l,olldm1 Ib e fu ,, " r " l o t T OlD 0111 a' i Mu. De ltl u h Dill . Waynesville, • M t B \1 .. d d . 0 Y!Uon II Y· Mr. b nd Mr ~. Vlem Pe newtt- 110 . ) ,Ir. "oel Mrs \V'. E Hogao aod IdAUlbler' DMl)lh y vl~ited J Ohn j ove r POltoJ!li' X t I A ~, R L . Bogl11l we re llho pp ng D . 110 r. l' enowl\ Rnd tKmlly l'L sb !'lu n"ay Orrici Pbo ne 71 ROil.. . PlaoDe 11 OUO dny Illst w8lill . _ _ . __ _ .. - _



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nll ~ 'H· i'I·to: !'l r n l Lill i , III I\'" r oooll III 1' II"l'c t i VO il es , WIIH u ot rl l,,,l wt·l"I lIh nulfl.l, nt le dltnw. . tli 1 I ~ Il I ' IIlIr II IU I u "mll \t" r o I1\ I r" ro n IUIX w illi ""VI' n IlI .. t,. u f wflt" r IIIU11l0 ,,11, '11 "' '"11'ly " pri n&: Slll u hlfl ull l! fill Xl'll wtlh If' l'"r ls o f Wilier. Ilr~' _I so reo., mrn e ndnd . . Po wllur 9 I'rl"' ~ , 'I" ~ o lublll Rulplltlr n""' pnul1rt . hfl r ium ~ ulpbur Rud Mo. I (llIO eo lullll' " nln" n r . K"v e vllrlable rph nH~ i u kllll n!; th " ~o .. lfl ItI"Hot~. ' I'he Htl1ll l111 e XI,l' rr _ d u Ull t d ,,,c rim . 1,,,Ho 1Ij:( i n>!, "11(' 11 III Atr' r ift l- bll t .. ,, \' IIl I'.? ~ h "l\lrt h" 1I~1l,1 ,w l y In 11 0 ux p nTlm r'nLIII W', 'l"r ovft x 'LI llI DAr r ... r 's troe fluid . ",lI rl hv 1I\/l Il II',IOl uI"Hrl! t o Ol1rH all rllim oll l" of It'r"~, llli d 1] 0 trea t In oll"I roll illl{ II II n r iu~'!C I,8 II r p laut,

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'J'llllf Pd n y in OilY

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Ull lll rtl<1 ui l i l.

OTJCE We want to .close up a partn~rship by January 1, 1917~ All par ties knowing themselves in debt to the f;rm of

HJ o

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I :l\rl ~ ~ UIl X t. "

(I f:!

Il1UlO HIIUl of



Please call and settle not later than December 25, 1916. No account will .be carried over 1917 except by pat~ies giving bankable note. .'. Note to bear'interest at 6 per cent until .paid.



b lrll .

fir" t 'a u ll Will An .

tril ln Chris t m as · IH DllIlr Ilt h ll llllll ,, (11 hav e [lo t Illu de Dlo cb tl O VllllOI'II' "nl In a 1iulluolll l way !tnt I w ill ht't I II.\" 11I ~ t. d olJ~r thllt Rn othor yt n f 1 v;ill not- be II() harll UI) I s n't' t his fr e q aelltly BIloIIH Wi/HlIm Me "!"r Oo, of tbo n e w g'tlTlloiSO , tr"n l!~ ol"d hll S ll1 llil~ III tll · (~ I]ee n CIty onA (Ill Y Inst wtlHk I3ny , dll1 y on MO il ' Fronk Wil SQI1 \vhoeJiug l'e t ~ r (jot y o n It wll ,,~ I blll'To w I~B I. Wedn e~ ct lJ,y ? P' r ee b a ok to tbe bot.AI ChAS. Wnguer Bnd Vh ",.. l:!bldflke T of L ehllnol1. attBDl1ed tbe K . of p. lod~o hllre hRt 'rhnrHdlLY olght, "flor Ihe Lodg e 'he rnllD.lbers wer e enter"tinod lJy tbe Pythilln ·10 eondwloheB, ooffoo and pieties

There Ilrfl mony tuony 'hiDII YOO o\u 's ee au(l hear 10 yo ,\r oU)' ... hen yoo. do Dot nave yoar gUD. h Ilia fuo~y 'hlng to see il womaD ' ",earlD8 a.mIlD'1 overooat . It l , okB Btrange me to lee a m"n oarrylng 10 tbe ooal whlo hi. wlfe 18 not alolr; ln fao', 1\ 18 terri. .ble. We hll ve lIovoral meo III oar vII. IKl(e who hllve a weak Ride ; for my. lelt, I keep mine 00 a oh,alr. 1 bellrd a m(\11 .ay reoentlv tbot he was as 'rue '0 Ills oO'untry arC he WIIS til bill, wite, aud I, God h e lp the oounl·ry . It h. true that tbe bee that gets tbe hooey doel not toaf arouDd the hlvll . A JOUDg mall attending oollege IIhowed me 'I letter he had 1'_1 v!ld tram hili t.,h.e r .aYlbg: WIlle, womlln .Dd IOnlr ...8re t·he walna. \lon of manl ,.ODDI maD, aDd h. aDlwer~ btl fISher .,101 h. bad on. """1II1D,. ... Bow "ft~ 'he BOlli J. 11 0 1r aa4 'he IIDUe Je weal' tbe"1 maJllII. th. '''''hiDe nlrywbue,




.. .....

Ill"., hadutl'lou ~aIloa14





W. N. S .... n.




}rU T

. 0' . ,Ir.




BARNHART, N.ary Public

. Willa AU IrIQ of- NO\llry Wort. aD4 DH4a a tipael.a,.,

room boulle aDd lot. Wltb lood 6 OIl1ar, well and CIIl'IrD, In towo .nd In a good locatloo. 8014 obe.p It .old loon . Inqulre at B . Murray, Wnyne~villfl , O. 420

Silver 'Of Quality .._,l>"'. .

R.etyoDYOllrowJ) . . . . . . JUd8' lUCUt at to plnerD, b U l reua~nbcr ..hlrabltlt1 al tbe mo.t ' .. po...

'.at fe.hare.

DR'-H.E. HATHAW..lT WaYDNrllle', LeadlnlJ DeD"I' MaiD e$

OIllOlt ID Key, Bldg.

hi the ,.ame .... mp ..4 o. t he tJl:, ck o f . ,.oo n. , fork. 11Ilfl fau c y e"'uR' piece. i u ~ltv(r llta tc IHO'Y1t1l


------- -


.. ,


W B. Madden & Co., Corwin, Ohio,

relldeDoe proper'y ,.,Ub GOOD eleo'rlo I\lIhle a.4 furnaoe, Willi

I' iu ~ ' ~

,\'1 11' ,,"

n u\v 111 1.. 1'" All : •. 1




;' . , ~ linen I hI:' =-----'l' llO, cr:ou p, \ lJ , tt lo ' to· \


e lll , re m Dnlll r p\1 n 1!\O~' .,1 lJ 1(rlonois with \)011111 11\11 ~ ,"' 111'!-' ,,' hl~ ft, \ . • Wi ll i ~ "Iwll l' ~ Ih lJ t1 l; hl Inl wf h IS lIul·ivi) h u nt!!, Wil Y I>I",k 1'1 I)1l!) IIr :,; h ill. lIud fit' f) 0 of . 111

.-'1_. . . .

. . . . . . . YO•• cuP.... . .

live sl.ook 1 ItllI~ It " I ('b'lIl e l.; II nti Rooond m ,)r tg[l ge8. , ~,"'n rf" ,' N o .ek hough t. .l nllll B rublne, .J", ,u -·gB~ DI:. A 111l1I JI\1iJrllll~, .\ pnil\ . O hf" . 11:10 ....


JEW !~~uwa~Q

Ola••llled Au

,\ nt1 lit I",,, the M ()~~j\, 1.t)ANE' \


D iarrhoea. Th l~



d r tltn ~ ,

~ I 'X'd \\'0

It W as. The fUlld l ,\' HIlIl It .. 'If IIl d ,'u l lrt iJrg d1l1 ~ n l ll ... t 1m \',· 11"f ' lI :t V. IU ": II IIJI II ; lll' bore i t I t \\ It · It ur \\ IInw IlIltH 111\1 lU od ~ rt1 kllu II I, IIllIulIl . l';'II I1 ~ 1I " I: IIY


. II t hl1 1311111 ,

Ri,, ' flll ,\IH t' r t ui tltIi Ll tlt ' II " ~.. ;: J f ,r tll " Il(·" nfll "I I I" , ,\ ·1 i: nh \1 l'olt },', If l,\' nlJlill . ()n t-\ u tll t".l.r n l l!1,' .J ~ ,',." BI)h lunn , I lI u~H'1l 1 1!tl t l "r fir ' ·1 n p(l l\u r hfl l" l lln \l l' r 1j, \ P 'I tll\~ \ '\ tIC I 1." .Jt'\l~ 'rill' fft ('IIUI (',) 11 ' 1'lItt','l' OIl': :I , ) nH~ ,)1' U ri w , 11\ j .,l' \\ hr.' '., I I \.

, (1

,." "r" s~I"n.


' r" )O 11 t.hnt ,.

H H'HI t!r. I n 1111' 1, IIlY II 1'111 ... 1' ,' :"I'''lI l1 t DR. J. W. MILLBR. fltol e u ,." 11111101,, 1'111 1':. '1'1,, ' "'" ~It. ,. III lIuger ,',lill'tI ,Ii" . ; ' 1' \' 1111," It..!'" .. ,. hi... oud 1I1t" tn l'l t'ti til g,, 111 " •.• DENTlST••• """'ho S'I" II' tl,o rl ll"?" h ,' I "ulltI' ·I·,·,I. .. ~ Thill "IHI thp.... ti lt · lil t"· r,·llnw. \I ho 011101 III W.ynenl' .... 0 had be•. " 01 ""1 ,1)' " flJ; r"sNcd. ",,11,,01 ..,'"t : /fallonal Iluli. Blda.. .... '~rb u 1" ,," wll h 111, . ,· •.• 1 ~ rud d ll~~. _ _ _ ._

---_. - ..- ---





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Ne w Bnrhut!;to o. ~,-'h t 'n l

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,liReIlSO eho ultl lJe treated sa loon Ill.. lirst UDuIltum1 100.I.m_ ot the I. I\\·.. I ~ 1'1)pen s . When thls I.e dono. SII,r. "' " ~ lfl ,\ oRfl of ChamhllrlalD's Colle, Ch01· t' rll and DIarrhoea ltewooy will effect a I·ure. TIIlB rllmedy clln alwr.,. be deIlIllldffi upon even ln thll mOlt ..yere aDd .COISTIPATION MAKES VOU DULL ,\lIngeroull CIIIIN, r.od .honld be Irept a~ Th•• dralllY. 11."1111, nppr8llled hund r tldy for lostAnt WMl. IilIyer I.... norne on _ journey without It. . fHIIDIleDeral1, relnl,. from OOD. '''pattoll, The Ins.ttnell .ue clogg~4 and tbl blood baoom.. pol'onIl4. &ell.... e tlill oon4t"on .t oooe wUh . Dr. KID,', I'le... Llf. Pili.; thi. ''''Je, ooo.lrll1tDllaullTe I. quiok. I, efreo....... A 4011.t bed&lme will malrl yoo fell brllChter tD 'he mora· ta,. Ge' a bonle to.dl, a' ,our To Drop MedicIne. Shok e the lJoltle 80 aB to molateD Dr..... ', 850. tJle cork. With t.he wet t'nd ot th. U' TH. WORLD ,I, cork m oiliten tbe e~ell ot the mouth •rvalJSID) WllnJ. IUD mt na .ot tho botUe. tbeo, boldine Ihe cork Hor5e's peat Running Time. - -j und er tb e mouw, let tbe' fluId pOS8 An ElI glJ sh burs.. h old ~ tbu lulle rec· IIOY.UI, DIIUOOIBT8, .P.OIALt.~ o~ er tl'Q cork 10 dropping. o rd . C,.II11UII , II t .. ur·yeaN)ld. \\111. 128 OO.TVM.II~TIIANIP.~ OA~ ..ItVIC. OAlt ·, .. ItQJII'I?' (lound" UI) , 00 July 12. WOO, ut Ihe A"D . . Un,field courslI, cuv e r ~d 14 wile 10 • ., VIINO In ADVlltTllINO OO~UM". 1:88 1.:1. IAMPLECOPY FREF ., '


Euwn r d" lind G ll rn llf life floi ~ bID~ t llil Inl p- rl e r of tI lo r ~e h Ol1 @e nc "T

- . ._ . -





I \ Ev id e nce of E ye w it ne ss . A f'llIlu li lil ly rl ll ' l'n tl s : 11 11'1I\h'~1 I H"t






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.1 I'. Ill .. ')"o (> uI\)(o r .t uh . Iry li nd !Il'l IJr ~O ll' . ~lr . IIIIIJ M r ~ . Irl\ HYJlh ord lind lio n . of t..:1LI1 " M ~. ~rl) m o vlug In,o our ," I,l Mt.. 'I'hfl .V nrn w oloulllc tllJy .. II. A K Mf)le r. t h t.! lllltcher, III tb" I)U"' OO \ UJn O ill Ib is . 0<' lion a i, work. tOlo{ l!l he r witb bi ll b oo"s ly , hOl Mrntlde h i m very p OllOlqr. The Slid ne ws r e:lollfld o nr citi zooN 8 aturdl1Y m oro ing tbut l:)., (II lJeJ ",ton p" [l/l~800 "way ~' rlda .v DIIl I, t "I'o ut \I 0 '01001[, ut bi~ duoj:(ht ur 's h(,uJ P. Mr~. C. (i. H'lnll ll ll . o f. En" t Mlliu ",treat . Mr. Htllul"l hll d h e ld l'0~ i tl nl1lj of 'rus t fo r a grlllf' mllu.v y O Ir ~ , the IflHt ]l Js ltbD h ~ h eld wn ~ P ()~t,lIltl st er of or cit y whl oh h o bold for HI,Ye rti l iY nor~, r a 'tmID " D . Mr. Fred MU ~8 el ill not ImprovlDg f f' w ye llrs II g.o tn live ,L rt ulet lifo tiS 11\8t a s b I ~ w Any frl BDdl!! ... o uld with hili oompoul ou w ho 8urvlv e~ blm B e WII~ 1\ cOlllrlld e of the W 9f to BO him. all be i ll aUlI ollnfiDed of '11 1.11190 n m elll Oo( of t be JODAb 's to bla bome. U til !hoped be wlll RUIl B~pti~t oburoh ror y eafl and SOOD be aboot again. Mis@ e 8 Lena Cooner aod Be..le held a VIIl OO In t108 o ffioial bORrd . Smitb called 00 ~16S tioldle Conner (1e WtUlu.luaD o r btgll d e grt!u of mor"lity, honor .. bl a In 1\11 lUll deal. 8unday. lire. Absalom Cb8ll0we&h aDd ino~, fl.nd will be r8m. embarlK1 .~y e 'he ()"'rons ot tbe postollioe all a MilS FlorenOl Laoy "'ere 'he r_n' (l Mrll. JIlII. R,ooelllland f .... kiod 80d obliging Morvant. .r lueats heartfelt ftVIDl1l1thy goes out to tbe Ily .. of [lear L,tle. Mrs. Emm/\ Chenoweth bll been bercavetl ttlwlly. . Fraok L . Bnrris tra()BIloted bus. tbe Ru ~st of MIs~ Alloe Cbeaow.'h the past tf''R days . ioe8 ~ 10 Le bmoo ~9t.urda,. . Mr . uud Mr. ~'. M. Coot eD4 'fbA j itney rl1[1l1lnc: tram Lab" non daughter ve re ent r llllllaed a'dlnDllr '0 o nr t.D WlI for t·be lint time f,IIled ~o nrrlv e h~l'e ti" t u~ d IlY morolug, 181' "'uoday by M ... and Mr •. F. M. bat marl Ita U8U'11 trill in tbe e,·eo. O .. Jr.IO .nd family .

TO WII 1" 11 1 ' l'hll r ~,I "v Ill, I, . 'l'h.· IV I ,p rfcn'" GI , .. ,

• -


.t '





l l (,rIlUl pedl~u8olfl.or~orll~II' o· owlOK" 00 or 0 Ir flpe ea~ed and ra11 e'", ,an IIPP M 00 otBloau 'ILlalment . Doa.ootH, ..ln ,ho skiD or 01111( .hl oar.. 11 lie mua.y oi ntments or plllalen and peneha'"11 qUlokly without rubbln". LlmboT .. up your mU8011i aUer oxerollle, 4rlve OUI, the pain. aod aobel of rheuma. tlllD, oeur.l"IA, IUI.baltl. .'r.ln., A oblld r ll roly gU'l~ t.hrouj:(h .b.· IIpr.lns aod bral.". 'RUh I810au'll wb ole ",In tor wll,h ou , It oc,l r:I , Dud I I Id " II bl Lllliment . · (je' a bottle 'o.d.,.. A' ov eryd wot J" r a ] 0 L'11 v,'r .. ave a re a e all Druggists, 2~0 . i d so r d' ,"ro" t ro m e Y )11 " y . • 6 " ,u '" t' h. b t d up oalls arll lit . 0 e ~ all or o ' y 00 ... 8urOlym l-' uOJ • . A (itJaeof Dr. Bel\ '. I Pine 'l'a r Ll ooey w i ll loolen '111 LJ. Ancient Industry of Venice. phlegm,n r e llove 'ho oonges'ed 1000f(! aDd ptoll th tl OOUl(h It. Iln'laeptio l~r o ll1 th'I'll y lng n o me th e Hlunutoc· plop hahlB lns heal oDd lIootbe. For ture (I t g lIl H~ wa s u·,wsr" rI"Cl[ ItJ Cou· orollp. wboo piog ou ugh lind cbronio sIIIntllloJlh·. Illt>u. ~e, III Ih e sevclllh cen· ),rou c hiAI t roublllil try Dr. Bell'. tu ry. ,,, \' l· II il'~. whl t h rOl l' IlIli by hUD' P iue 'l 'lIr B o ne v . A & all Droglli8t8, dr.' ,1 Y"urs WJt s to r euaslu th e (' t~ut cr of ;t::io. lIw In . III " "·~·. Ih e \' O!n ~ tlilu gulJltl tll 'IUd drl nlrlflJ,: CUJlH being e"port ed oil ovor th c wurld ..

1l "" 0

IOSURJlneE Walter Chandler


tOJl ,






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" n \lct)!'~lIryW II 11<11 r w ill I'rell oh L ~I b' I I h ~ . Li t ' U " 0· 11 J\ a ,,'o r," ~.t I, HI . ~ \I Jll r<l I . " re ';I? fl y Ii

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HOI" l" ," Vlll '~ t 1I f' hur 0:> lI, ull lt' ( . ~ I n' ." l'\lIr .. 1I 1t,,,,1.

III I ,111 11111 1111 il ~I" ' ,, \''' CI'''' f ,,,uIMr~ \\' 111 I", ""." I',, ;t! , I , 110.1' OI.rll ro r lil ,-i r \\"" "11, ., ,, " , ~Iw h II WII.\' lb ·., h '!! h ·l:rllol,· l.r,,,1'1I'1" lur\\' hA lI\,r. k'·I.,·'I . \. r ll , ,,.1 W . I '" II"rlll in Bnll fl lI n :'I!I~ "I Ilin 011, " g ' l'"rl ~ II\ . 1.1" " . ~I II" h.,1 III .. l!fu llflr o f On[ll 111" ,'0(1 I ~ I,,,,,, I" '"11 ptfHl fI(I(' ll In 1,Irrll w"(''' I.. I ~ . ,," t! Ih /\ 1I1II" l/l1t I~ d l~l'''~fl'' 1 1I"' 1I h l .\' 1I1I· '·l· .. . ,III( . rvr ",1le rl! 'ilIY . .---- " " r h .. 1',.11 (' 1 jill , ,,1' flJ rf'~lrY .. r ll b.. i ,, ~ ""pl lf" . I" n llio nl Ol1l1 1JI0 rt' " ' I' I I I' i I III I R c~1 c- ,r.e for Worry. I Itl II ~. " I' " n IV, ,, , 't llf 1 Iff r t r lll'l.,-!" ,.\\ h :II' ~ \\ t'III1 ,L.: '! Ynn ~ H!n l · II tUII ' • .\' Il·"~'''. t IA I !'4l1ltl1 " rOH 'I , rfoi \"(' 1'.\ ' \ \.11'1 ' 1. ." . " !'-Ill'1' j ' ll'I' - " r HilI. I I . .. v', 1l1L" •• 1" .... " "" VI. ~ t o Ad V" O ·1 ~ \\, n , I , · I " q 1110141 ·, II liI' 111 111 ,\ ' h l",)t ll \1 I' I Ih 1 1" "11"1 " ro ' f.! " lflf ' l( " \lan.n... ·1' 111 (I:-th l n" 111111 ,I' II .· 111 0 1. IIH' r ut' II t ool. 111 " " 11 1(611' (" "I "'" I ')1111' k Il II III! of . ' " b u nt! t i ll ' 0 111" 1' I'll .~di ...... " ,.I tlln..: Il R k llJ~ f" r . II PI" Ir - h,. ,,, ,,, 1.1 I". llti" I!. Whil e J - - ---. - • "' " ~ II UI "' H IO ' \ hll'I ~' H '!" 111IO U d . ·Yes,' fl nt! 1'"" Ih,' lif, · III' 1111' I rl OIl ' , Itnuw Par.dolC. ",11it'1i of ' t ' lIl II \\II S, " ~ n \\"onl 1Ipn ll 1111' 1I1'~ nt hUfUnully

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Wll h h tl r \1 ,\1I .: lIt " r u,\ll f"l1l . M •. ~I) t! ~Jr~ . i'.:rnlls t Manu oo ilv MrR Ellr l II "n I'"t, I uf II UII I' 81 la l t lu L,' b ' u.ou. . \V,', .\' nI'R\: , Jlf". ' ~"'. ; I oll~ OUVi R Ilt/( I rllllIlly aod I'h o K . ()f P . J,otl~, of thl~ ci t y r lit 1'. Ilur lo I h~":l ~p "" t 1:lnndllV wltb ' l h~l1p1'""WII \lr,1.( rrn l! Irt·,·~ \\" ,11t 111,1\1 ""I ql\,·~I1.. Iho • Ult - h .llId wit h t-IIIH lh h.' 0 ' ) ' \ ' l'UII II ,lIWIJ II 1\.. t \'1111 1 of I(10 Mr. Ull t.! Mr ... Veo . UO((flU. .. fl. AI1 R · H". 1'It 1 JII r ..I "Yt oo n t r " lI(lti 1:l" n .1... 1' ,e" lo wll .. " Ilro l t 1111" I" I " ' r I) '"I! I ., "OllI m ,eo,.I ~ M_ Ill por li n dlP I" I,· II l n , ', Wblill P U'\' d p r "t l ~1l1 . I I M~I~ t W I I,h q r CH I1 \P ll U O 1:0' e( , IY I' p ri ' lt d~lI I LC rl' 1II " lIIt1 .. ~ o n ' ''111 '' 11111 YU ll r " ~ . INTER BRINGS COL OS TO CHILDREN

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It." Hpnnt I "~ did Iti lH lif \ Hll d 1111,1 tI",' ull .d III 1. 1'1 11' ,,,1 . f hi" !-olnt,," " '1 I . ,~I I" J 11111 I .i\t I' A IIdn,',' I hll.! taf~t ' li II I.ultl.' 1 . !·I:l ·"!-\· ... '·· fU 1~f'1't I nil I. • 'If, ·l l,' I·. !Juil nft . r 1 nl~itl ~. 1\\11 ludll"4 1 1 ~' hl 1.l llI t (11 11 , 'I'li' II , '" l \ Mrs m,l . " ,, ~-,I . i'-4 "I ltil'd ',' " 111'1'.1. " ! III I 11 11\1' \\' 1 I !'I ' ,\' tA fl h 'lrd .1I' t ll)' 1_ · f . ,. I 1 " 1, .. ', 1 IIt'W \ jll' H ll d 1' l lI"q " •• -o ' \III~ I .. h H L!II li t l i p ~1 'lb" l'o l. I, I ' ~1 I, ,.1 ll~.d n". I _, ,. I '" .. ", ~ '1" h,rlliil lt~'~ of 111 111 iM II 1I .,n, ;01 11"'1 IIplI ~ . If ,' 1. j HlliI' 'Ihl:< ,. It! \\',' u h. 'I.., -" " ",.d 1Ilt'.; .. I ~~~i,. it I, j .. ;~ I II I I .t 111 .".1 l .. r II ,lI l' I I" , 1'\l ld"'l 1"11 11 I . hli ,''' \\.111 I" ' ; " " ,. p 'I II,,· d ,, \' at .lll lli Il ltt' ;' I, t! It' ,til I I II' /. 11 h,·: tI" l' UII -1 0\\ " 1" " lIlI l llf ll ",,·1 ~ .. , " " 1f ,1t! Y"" WII g"" " "\ ~ I : 10·' , ' , , . Iil' 1 1I1 ~'~ r. "i f III rl "'J tt..( \ ~ I·. h , \r:l q~ 111 IJ \Jf r " . ,.;. , \V)"'I)II~, fi r ~]l rillg Vul. I J . E . .I 11nnl' Y, \ \ " .1 11 " ill,'. 1" 'I',' l1' .v. ,.1" " Itl '. '· \ I ' , .. ,,: h ," h 'o . \\,o lfn on "!nn thl' wrl t pr \'·aF a f iJ4.> l . ~!nd til. I - - - : - - - - :- - -- - - - - - , ,, 11 1 1-:1l 111 11 r ll)': Uu Ou,' \\'11' 1\11 : d·, "' I-: llll with ' lIN. \t,·. ,J"IJIl J hOIllI'"otl nn cl ,lllnghter ti" ~


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It.t h u I, Im'ProvIDI.



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Lewis VI. Livery




".1 A :; \\ 'r itten h) ( )







Barbed Wire

LINIMENT· to hel\1


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b lU flli ~ h,

or J\IO ,' J.;Y

\\'ilh ,,"~ ICAV' HElt tf ' DEl) .

fiUc and $1.00 s i"cs lor (n,.h woulIlI . , ol d ~o n' ft. Alire backs und _" uuld erl'<,h urJle aud brllisOa. 25c Rite fur Fal1li\y UR.. . i I{ - Br l n g y n l\r ~\lr t o DlB. Will DR. COX'S PAIKLESS BI.ISTER b~ lit- U II . : ifJ · ~ " i v Ary Stable Is p nillle.s IIU (\ Illl1lrnnl crt1 to c.u re ~ v" r ;,: " " t ur rluy . l'(\~' blglloRt ollfib Spa ViII, I ~in ~b [) ,w , Cllrh, SWCllflyLS(lhnL, p rioe, Luor ll ll llH \'{ Ilkelov , Spring J' u((", u r lLJ1Y 1.'Il I11rg(IJOt-'ut of OUB Uf VII I.oy. 0., 0 0 Al ux .lndor tllrll1. d ;!O musc'J e, ur ' '' (O IIO'Y refu nded . I' rice 60e.

qu ty-


~ Sj/t"r 1'lau . '''a' W,arl N

Wi lle Il\tllu,l e fo r choice I ~ o ffered I u tilt! maDT callu htt tc " e.lao" Soh1 by It'adlnc dcnlnti c:ve rywhere. !X liii (or Chtnlol'ue "C L," 1Iih o wing aU

de. iln••


- ..-to. I IU Lara.l llJ .. '

Kl h '. r C'" " MII\IL"U."f. )

• ...w•., ......



t pn n.{:' ~ l YI'\ r~, of ~o n t h D" k ot fl,


II '.\11 VHlti nll ui~ lD o th ur !lud !ll~t\1 r 11I' rA . ~Ir . tllI,1 ~.J r ~ W. V ' r ow and fllml :,\'. n f lo!y t on, \\'(' r n t h o gue ~ 's IIf 1t' ! ,d!\·I'!i hf1ru OV lu r Anu dn.y, FIIITP' I;il Drn lJy. o f DlI yl,oo, spont I 110 wll ~ ". "p , 1 w ll-h hOUlO folk • . :I.1r8 . K [(uol" ley b lls be llO on the Si ll ' II t. OUll lllY ~1 \ H1 U t iI " S b AeD OD the


ARM8- Bavo v o u" farm or otber R e lll E , t,lIte tor !I~le? If eo list s .. m8 al onoe wltb W . n. Cbandler, WaYD88vllle. Uhl O, or Oll\l Pbone No . 77. I hlive ... few goo" out of town bnyerl! who Bre deslr. onll of lOOklog at, IJroperty ' ln and aronod WaYDenllh, 000 't deja, I Attend to thlll at 000lt. W. U. Cbandler .


_. __ .

~Iok h ~ t



Mr. (ln rl MI'R Geo . Klemen and . ______._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ f",ull y wi ll m o ve :lII l " , Will Wright Red I3horlborn male ".If, 9 fArm OOll r F rrlllklin I' , rbe uea~ tu. moo'ha old; rood grn ... 'b, ODe. I~u e . MiRS Auna Abb ott.. 11 "'raok)in , II Inquire of the BurneU OrOfl .. V.lley Pbolle 69-!l, WfI),nllnllle, U, jJ vl sit.lug Mls~ ·P eorl HI1' ' I'. . CI,uenoe Wootl h~! , '! UTDed l tl Fresh Jersl'''' a Rood onl. bls home in AoaDL o~ R, hwn , KUer lnqulre of R, E. Slmklol', R. & few dn y a vl!lt wlah hid uUlltl. R. 3, WaYDenlllr.. Uhlo j3 Myrtle Bonl.8 '/fat! tbf SaDd.,. gUN' of Mr. a.nd MrII . W.UIIl Blluge. C, WhU. Leghorn •• 8 . O. Buff Mr. and Mn. Olltl. Fr~ and daagh. • OrptaS$on" aookerl" a04 pDI. or lef& . Wedne.d1"y. for Florldl lo'e. Oal1 Mrl ••. V. Smltb, phaDe where sbe,. will IlplJod tbl winter 87.S,", ,. W.,nenllle. 0, d21 Mil. Esther Jobl!l~on hll retorood RAUIll .JICRSEY IlIilIURB. all to hilI' home 10001llmbui after an. .,ell, and In lood oondltloD. extended visit wl.'h Mr.. Frlnoll Ioqulre of Darten JIlar.nh.d, R. D. Noll and family. 4 Pho,.e !J.y', Waynlnllle, Ohlo. dU Cbllster WhlttefUl&n Will a Leb • , anon vis itor (lnll dOoY thill week : OT of llare.bre4 PI,.moo'b Roclr Mr.. aud Mrs. E. W. RosD.llle, of ROOllterl. or 011•• VI\Ddl\lIa, Ohio, were 'be luee$. or Sear~ R, D. 5, WalDanme, OhIo. ~rs , Franoes Null aDd family. , d27












Belfer Oal', 1 SaolrUll1 hom. InqUire 01 Ralph Wayneevl11e, Ohio.

8hort. IIIIlE'r. d27

Wben the 00rV01l8ne(ltj III oau~ed , by oooltlpa\loo, ~8111 onen 'h. OIltIB. ARREl> Plymouth Roolr Ooolt. erlle, of,ood qu.ll., and IlzlI, you wfll get relief by \ak'OIl Cham. 'bulalo'll Tabletl~. Theae ~ble'. now rl64,.. Arr.toora\" ...ln. E . B. elll7 allo Impf.lve 'be dllol&lOD. Ob'aID. Ball" Wa),DH't'Ule.Olllo , . .ltJe ever, where, . of pare B . C, R, I. Rid •• 18 110 per dOlO.. IOOD If ~. WaD' ..... .... W. Sr.tba"a, 4081 801 IIlOOHcl 'h . lliOuld " , botb Wayaeevill., Ylite, 410 bDde. . . . n.I...... reII LIlteD, Dene III' tllD. aDd )'011 do. .B~. a' lDB DolhlD" tIaIl'rI..d ........ l'b'" It; Wa,. Abo'f"ll 'hIDl!, til • qul.. Ohio, GIO






rlaok brlDll'

dOll', 1~






\\: 'i(J

if': ~I;.,




Does Wm1 bring joy to 'file . j . me4fast Ql)~ " ,., ~~ .'· t Nonh - Ealt .,- SJouth Weat - women .re salvinl


the coffee problem, ~ Armies have solved it. ... Aft 1IfmY travela it. . MOmach'· and of the 1IfmY


brealdut. uk an,. IOldier what he would mi... mOst. 0.,. of the lreateatl American JuM" has .14 that ~D' bappineq iD tbe 110.... coni. I

!/ .

mences 'with the fint cup of t poor coffee. - ,(. There is a coffee .)which brines a million men to breakfast "in a burry,"

Today you can introduce it. ricb, full Qavor iJro your bome•. · Serve Arbucklee'for • w'" ap4 notice bow much more his br...fiut mnns to hIm.~:BriDc

Joy. to ;your

br. . . .t table.

Toda, III... are ...MIa _l1li .111,. Arbocklll Ie P'-



dCaJi, the 001, eoIrM...... I n . . 8111tl aIoD.. In a ,IU, , " I '"~ of AaIlGcldea' Co&I . . . . . . to.

IftI7 ......._ ......... ID ....... - . . . iIIDM .. ....,.-.... 01 . . .... die CIf .......

,e, .......

-- - - --




- -

, .~ . !l

, I

W ATNESVl'LLK. 01110.



Coraline - this is ju. t the titnt' we nrc extending th glad hand (0 our lIIan ' friend s and scnd illg h rLt III a . ~ recti ll g S to e\'ery reader f the Ga zt!tte.

Tomorrow Harry- T hat' s th e coming 'ear 1'!)17 , Wh l'll we shall. awai t 'our roers ~lld mOllY. :-,'yo nd s,:ggestlOns tha t we may be of more scre to )'0 \1 than ever before,



J. WILL WHITE ~---------------------------!~ -- -

Se~ Wd terbou~e


I .

~ey Promise S atisfaction

11 ~ D A " .1. 11. ' uI.E :' I.\~ "

J. a. ' CIIAP~1'-\N,

A ll a l' il1\' it ,'(1. A hear'ty welconle ' I' whethl! r yo u COlli!:! to s OJ 01' bill' ,J. fo; Jun nl!;' . no !tl ut(

Ci lCllr ~

in Il n. ~ lI f I': . \\,11\"e,*l(' rorie't' .

:! ~l.

:;0 fit





\\\'JI1~'''IlY '\' '1"1l1I .

Baldwin A p p le~: barrd . ~' :l 7[, Baldw in Ap ple., h il~k..t .. ' 1.411




1::Ifl .. rl..:!c allll Dr . ~ I I'I\ '\. (It 'ulu ll bue. we re

I . . . l\l l . n lld Mr<l J . 11. Oll!lllfin ar· !·II','," I"JIll(' fl' OI11 h vi" it to r elatives In !I;" l'w')IId ~atlll'liay e V~ lIill" ,

Ill'. I )ill . O:ltC(ll'alh 21 S. Broad , w ay. I. ·!laIHm . Oh io,

I : : ••

A ')\1PLETE STU K OF :-' l l l ~ : U l

. h ~ 1' 1' "lc6'e leal'e ut the Gaz ette vlhe ...



"Savage" rr succeed for

(or Auto Livery. :

• L(.ql - Door It y, of lll!cu liarshspe

'V~''''' l I' IIr II It, 'In.l. ':, ~

t lrunJ.j' '...


TI~ 'vener~ble ullluel S toop di ed Ilt hiS. home III HlI rI' ysbul'g. FrilillY mormng at 10 o'clock. Mr, t OQP ~ carried the mail betwee n Wayn esvi ll E' and 11 arveysbll rg tor many y an \ and later II'I1S postmaster at Har· \·ey"burg. lie was a brother uf clam Stoo p" of this place. The funeral WIll' held at hislnte rt'sidenncc Mon,lay nlllrning at 10 O' cl ock. Re'· A . K . ::la rp;ent olliclnting .

Y tlrs truly,



nIt' lar ~".1 : • 1" r '. o f "hlll l), ill lm 'J\ n II ,\ i", I.e' 1II\\' .. ~ t , 1t~I,j IU ;ld.1 iiI, tl. 'l:Jtfl ' lot' , &.__1 p't Stud, _ l '!l _ ,l~ "'t.)d_ ~t l' a--,.-_ _d _ ._t", _

Clarem'e 1l'l u lll! n . !'Ull o r I h(' Iat ~! Jacoh Mu llen , di<>d at ltl ~ IT 1111' in' Los Allgel " ·Il l. , I ecemb ' !' l ~ ~h The : mQin~ \\' ~ re hipped to Wtty· I !l,e~\'I."p . nrrlvlTlg her!! uturd a\, 1111" tuneral W,IS held from the 'hnp',,1 at ~ o ' ~l ock. Itev . J . F. ~lIdlValiadcr / oliiciating . .

i .1






Iwrn " IIf his mothe r in 'orwin ,{,h ur II.. I afterno 11 1\ :! p' d ,)r k. :l'Iw f ll ll, 'n :11 WIl8 hell Sliturd a.I' 11 ft 'I'nuon at ' L" chap I, H('\' , ,I . Ji'. \ 'adw ;dla d l·r (,!1, Jelating,


-----* ..........................._........................


~I;-----------.~I~ I DEATHS , Yesterday !' .Isalah Reeder--dier!--nl the ara b l a ue- th a i ' " ill '~ar I HHi .iU. t 110ing- ilol 011(' of th l' b t, in fa t , on e f the vcr' be t . -en rs we lin \ 'C ha d im'e we opell d lip little shop t\Vo doors abo \' '. '


'~. . . . . . . . ..


Wuynl'.'vi\lt>, Ohio


• • • ••••••••

~ • • oo • • • o




• •••••• o•••••• ~ , 4

--- -


o~~veek ~ootl I

Mi.,; ~ l i nn i o ' ulle rthwaite (tlll T hu'r£tl8Y. a { T he Stlltl' Univer sitsthrolllCh th ir 01 ')11':1 ., LHl rs Sunda y fllld cut her head l'epl'L'~entltl.'?l1 of t.h e m.clllbe \-~hll! of (::cc t ~lI~i lln ~c h 'wl \\' ill Iill 1111 UII ~ x· It:ldly . SIl(' in impr ovinl.(, howeve r . the V. !lyne l ownsh l" ioILrmenl Club 111ll1t of Jl" u ll l'y upp h a l1 c "~ lit th e ,Il; e t ~t tltO h ~I?le of M.I' Ilnd Mrs W I'uultry SI> f) W at v\ ; I Y IIl'~ \'ille , Jun· ).lew • 1111' 11-IJll l \\ Thoma Dill, son of the lu te Abner l he ~,) c JUblltty uf the U:lry ~ n, 1!1!7 ' I.",t - :\ 1\ uld fal'hionell breast pin . I brame I~\llk P" .\t ll I: " tt 'r ']'hi ~ lloi ll b,,' th;' (it'~ t ') Jl Port u nity Dill, of Mt , Holly , died at h i" hornl' 1' 1;.11. ·1' will pl,ca ~l' lelll'l! a t Gu zdte huu \' ptycedin~ the b ountiful dinn er there Frid ay morning a fter a Ion" ~ns CIlJU>' t·" nnrla prugram of m uch Lhe I' (J p l.! "r \\l l\ l'l'en C' Hlllly hllv.· • 101,'" :lI. d J't.'Cl 'I'e r ewu.rd. P ur l! HU ,:hl\'hl!!l l. ' l.ll'ico Sy rup illnei s . The funeral was h Id Mon· tnlere , ~ ' \Va'\ c,lrrted out ,Iur tng th ' ,'vc r hHtI 10 1'('I'Cil " :'IIY b" llI' ti'ts from - ----- ._----- day afternoon at I :30 o'clock frolll uft?l'nOIlII.,. thifl line llf wo rk. It i ~ H If t'!'at ' UI\ · Buy YlI u I' ~'''''I' '' rle, 111'1,' I\n rl I 1,,1' IV!:' II $(,I ... t'( E'd rtSSOl'tlll nt of the Mt. H olly M . E , Church . Inter· " L,; u rr~nt b'·ent.s gIVen by MJ' ~ , ca t iollal r alll re Illlt! ~ h o tl l tl be ~ N' n 511\'" 1Il ') lll'Y Itl IlllI yllur l'.; \t·US 11 ' ,tJl ,~ b lil'~t ill \' ar iety and fairest F rallk Z.'II. broulotht ou t IlIUlt y nO.te· lI y p\'e r)'h lld y, ~ , lt oo l ~ Lh a t h ul'c m ent was mad e in Sprin g Valley . for Xma" . III prt Ll'S . ltan (l g bu ul{ht them w ith wO'rlhy JI " JJ1t~ an.hl Itvely di sc us'l n I'la"" cs ill a ~ l' i cul IJ l'l' . lil' ~I I ~ k . I'lc. \L ", 'P \UlIlIHIl ion " ann earl y in the Hi:! to w h, ,t he r th e. ~'ol tl sto r!l.g e mell aru carn ('~ lIy \'l'1I " '~ ~ d 10 b rillJC their Mrs. Jane Rap hun diet! Sun r!av Special Prices t his week seH'U Il . •1. E. ,Jann y . wtlre tl Oln~ n ,le~ lt\ln a te bu ~ mesl:l 0(' : l lL~S , l'I'Llf , I'l lpat Ick I~ ill be ill morning in Lebanon , The body Gra n. ~~ lIU I' 111' 1' ~ ack " .... $ U lO IIOt, addt'd ~P I C~ to th~ p r~Rl'alJl charge. He w ill. dur ing t lte sho w Lem')( ::>l1UI' :1 c a\;t' ~ .. .. .. ... 11k A. pllper ,by. 0 1' . J r , E : II ~ on thc t1 e livl'" 1" (' l lIrl'~ nil th,' fll ll ow inlf , :'Ilr. ~lId Mr~. ~~ . n, Howell, of A ll l 'allcu\H' 1" rK, pk ),( .... , lt1c Mlcro~os ms ami , Macro · ~u hjt !c t " : 'I'll!' Fann Fklck, Fl'e!1inl;' I III I \\ 111 1:1111 , Olu o, IV re unday ' sll lJJ~~, All ":crap T ll loll ' (' /I ~. I; "\' I[, .. :! :. ~ gave mUIl Y of U lL, s(!\'ere I· owl N f,,1' E ~ ~r 1'l'lJdul'linn . BrOtHlin,. ;':lle'~l ~ IIf !II!', U. S. Howell and c lIs m s (;1 an l::adY ~ O !l P . t5 fll r.. . . ~,C [,lIll lly , casll of !uentallJverw ork, bu t In spIte and Fl>t>din~ Yllllll j{ Cbix und Pall ing ~nwrence Cartw right ~ a form er l' & l ; Na p. S,IIlTl . 10 " Hrs . ,tric . of the title the p:tpe r \V a.~ thoroughly P oultrv fo r Mu rk ,t reSident of Waynesvlile, and a Ohi o SUi:ar l · lI'Il. ~ lIn " .. .. " . We Thl' i" Iuliry ASlu.c iat irlll the onl y ~e ~ th vriz'5 offer ed at the new ~njoyed and ably discu sed by MI' nephtHv of S . L , Car tw rig ht and , nn ed (' u mp k in , ca n " , .. " IOc ~ow l Jllg ull"y fur thiH week . ' Com tl S., L. Cnrtwright. Rev J ohn Mc· one· in th e cou nly. i~ llfyJ ring th i~ Mrs, Rachel Keys, died at h is h om o r>i e Peaches . CUll ... "" , ... ,,, ,, IOc \ tn nlld t r y lhe new u lley. Clarence M !1.lan allli <;>tht'rs. . 'I ' yea r vl!ry. 'Ill r:le tiye cu~h prizes , in Dav t ~m Monday after a s hort but , Ihe s pecIal .t OPIC . I ~ It to the The l" eml utll It (lL I~ nnw relHly to !I'hmctenhull. seri ous tl l nc!l.~, The r emains will be M.~ rr y ChriR t m!ls to all Inter ests of OhIO AgrIc ulture t o be muil. Ask StJc'v LeSt. J ohn t o brought to Waynesv ill e Friday and IInder the colttrul ot partisan poli selld yuu on e' (o;very thin g fret' . ~I'an~ HUIl"'lic u tt will b e at Cus l icd?" was taken up . P . D Cl agget n othing ha r ged at [h tl oor the. funeral will be held fr om the ' ar lt n LIvery Barn Wctlnesday liereSIdence of _Mr. S, L. t: wrig ht I c(·lIt be r '!.7 L~ buy horses and n;ules. lIei ng abs ent, Mr. C. L , Duke settled Friday mormng f\l 10:300 clock . _ _-::: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' B rttl j;; t he m Ill. the q uestion lon e handed, in tll f n egative. Misa Allie Kinder died at her h om e e lM CI Guei\ts of the host an'd hoste~s near Franklin, Monday morning, F allcy ~I';, d I !:It..l H '\1 - . 'I!'\ F ~II") \ '1'11111". I l' 1"'II\'h"s

- - -- - - - ---


-I-HiGH-SCHOOLNOlES- i SHOTHOLEIN EAR . !iff,~n~it:,~~~:,,~~;i;~,~f;: _____________!


The Normal Students gave a very ' deliahtful Soeial to the High ~ chool lut Sa~Ul'day evening. ~"e room An accidental s hot that might wal artllUeally decorated m red and have proved fatal, occurred Friday iT~. The Xmll8 tree WIlS a real morning about 8 o'clock when Rus. l urprile. The .tudents are to be sell Surface , an IS.year.old boy . Bon conaratulat ed on tho .UCCeP8 of the of Clarence Surface, who resines evening. west 'of town, tired a revolver at a The loniliooked for Grafonola has rabbit, and the shot entererl the at lut arrived . The student. were ~ome of J ohnath an Surface and hit IUrpriJed as ther tboullh t that there Ed S~rfac.e who was In the house at wu not money enough to buy it as the ~Ime, III the ear, the bullet de· yet. The truth i. that It will not be nectlllg and dropped on the noor. • ntlrely ours until af ter the ne.x.t Mr . , Surface. w~o . was ~t hi' play b ut we can use it just the same. f~ther s home. was Blttmg talkm~ to The record. are of the very best and hI m. ~e heard the 8hot fir ed. and will be educational to the, entire Imllledl8~ely felt the blood streaming 1Cb001. The ' Grade Building will d own Ius face. the bullet .golng have t he mach~ne until after the thro~gh the fleshy part of hlS ear, Holiday. maklnl: a sore thoullh not.a uangerous • wound The shot JURt miSged his The lame lut week was not very fa.ther I who wall sitting by the aaU.factory u the floor was ~errlble . wmdow. Ou r learn ou tclused the opposing Young Surface was almost fra~tic team but could not fight against when he hear d that his shot had .uch • room and 1\001'. The audience gone into the house, and he hu rried .toOO ou t in the room. The ball wa~ t 1 the h~uBe t o do a nything he eould to alleV Iate th e Buffei'ings of h is • never ou t of bound.. School Friday and will begin victim: ~he whole affair was purely qatn T u eaday after New Years. an aCCident, an d no one was to blame.




- - - ... ..

NEW CEN TURY CLUB ~~:f.?~e!I~~I~~' aH~:~~~!~t Si~t~~ i~~:~~e:~a~~~:~.r~d~ha~l~~~~I~~~;. 51ATE GRANGE HOLDS MEETIN , n [ut!1lday evening - • MEl lAST WEEK , ' GI>e~tWehne .a re showi ng t~e newest and ·l MO of . China we ever had at HE MONEY IN ThA Ohill ,tale Grange cony on d lower t han we ' . 'ril e en Lllry Club met with hal' lng hou ht earl ",:,ere expectlJ1lI. . O,hi n, in '!ll1Ilual sed ion I ,w ith (il legat NI Mr ; Ha thaw ay I ll riday, De~elJ1. J . ~. Jalllle~. y the seasun . EGGS THAN POULTRY Decemol' r 12, 11\, Nowark




11 .






ber 22nd . T ile Ill)l1"e was beauti ful Iy decorated with Chrislma colors Al though the well her wns et·y cold D J\ lr . a nd .Mrs. W.. H Allen went to ur ladies wtlr.. tru e to t he ir club nyton thIS morllJllg to m eet Miss an~ most of thcril we re prl! nt a nd I Oltve .A llel,I , who will spend her col. qUite a number o f vi siting la{li es. I lpge ~acatlOn here. The pape r:! were o r unu~ual in . ter~st, one being co.mposetl by Mrs, Mrs. U . M. White was called t o S.m lth . Songs, Eleg l 8 and Medita , MiJson hUlt week on account of the t!ons; by Mrs. Ma r ks. Music and Mu. sl) rious illness of her aunt Mr slcal Jnstrumc'n t3 of th e Bible Times White joined her on Sunday and --Mrs . Hal ton Kelly gal' e Il heautiful spent the day. Who Will Offer a Baby ? recitation . M ' J' ry Chri stma~ ( 11 , GOG) An Originator. "1 \\'Ish 1 bud II bnby 'broUlcr--the Aftc rourpr gr m l)urh oSlcsil se rv ed . (J ur .S1.00 self. tillin" " ou nt.lll' n "My Intest paIntIng." ''I never saw real Ill c ut kind-to ride In my I:;ocnrt, an e lt!gant t\\'o. cou r~e dinn er anti ru '" 8 IUlllIet look llke t hll!." "Well, what mnillrun ," IlU ld li ttle 1.0 10. "My dollll we d epart d I :win g g ood wi shes for I ell~ WIll make a uHef ul' Xma~ pres· do you ·thlnk I 1101-0 mere eopylst?" are 01 11'11)'8 getting broke when It tips en t. J . E Janney. a Me rry I 'h l'i~tlllas to a ll. -Louisville Courier·Journal. .. over." A yo ung lady a t Lebanon who was working at the j ewelry 'e steb "shment of M. Koh lhagen drank cyanide, thinking it was wa t~ r. S h e I ~ getlmg better, after prom pt atteoON All ACCOUNTS I tr on, CEDAR S T A MPS 'I' I IJ enahl liS t il rn<lk ' a clean W I re l)Ort tl) 'I, ~ .,{'CI't '! ~. ce a te r louse fo r Auto Livery. ...I !iJ'\· 0 f "tnte of OUI' o u tdU" I" il ,~ tl"CIOlllltS. an d to Robert M. Rogcrs, em inellt actor ena ble U!l t tl t .the. 'I'W Yea r wi th I Word wa re~ei\'ed here last week and nephew of the late Lawrence ILl! f w a.!co~nt a p')M."i"lc. we will i of l~le S I'IQus Illness o f Mrs.. Kat •• TO BUY 1\ CAR LOAD OF ROl{erH, died udd enly ' of h ea rt glv~ Ced al' :: tll l~lP~ t .. lid who StlL tJto IY,l cCuma ', on .h/?r ranch at Park e r , their acco u nL III filII lin Ol' be for(" , II: H r relatIves at Hamil ton were trouble in t he' Fulton theatre N ew Satu rd ay, j)"I'cmuer :W. WI - pas l 1l0Ur;c·u alld Lhcy immediately s tar ted York City, on Saturday eveni~g ac· due al!cou n ts in clud d. fo[, tIl l'ado. cording to despatches in the Su~day Inte reBt will be Bf ldd on a ll pnsl paperR. He was in Julia . Ar t hur'~ due accoun afte r J) cc(· m hc r ;lO A h ~ompany and was leaving hi. dressThe ~ F · .d C • :< y rl program will be given by _ __ ._. __ _ . _._ I C O. I t,he e htl~ re!l o f the Mt. Holly S unday From 4 to 8 years old; ~eigh t 1000 to J :'WO pound , f a t an d lIlg room for the stage when strick en. Mr. Rogers and his talented ('h~ (O I .C I1l'lslllJlls Eve at the church. ready for market. Dring them in . wife have often heen guests of his Wise R ussian Re')lI IMlon . beg lll ntl1l{ lit 7 o'clock. After the cousins, Comm issioner E. B. Rogers 'l'h e nil Sltlll ~'I\ I I'''''''' 1Il (' o lltrol ~ ~Jl:o~ram our pastor , Brothe r Wiant, a nd MI~. J . 0, Cart wright. tbe prlcqs cll''''':'''' flO" lilt·tl le,, 1 pre- , wIll talk , ' ~~~~~~~~~__~~__________~__~~__~~__~____~__~____~~______~________~s:cr~IP~t:IO:I:ll:~~._____________________ 1 I , ~ook aL our att ractive line of Books ~hll1l1 Ware, ~1u sic Rolls, Jewelry, I Ict~l res. Chrts lmas Decorations inI cllng Bells and Festoons, Bibles { ~ Ut G IlIss wuro, Handkerchief and , (.l ove Boxes, all at lower prices-so , II U r e ~ s tOll1e\,A say- than they are in th e CItI es , J . E , J anney. ,

---_.- ..

The members of the Five Point Local No. 24. of t'h e F. E. & C. U. of A" ve ry pleasantly surprised their President and Secretary· Troasurer J ohn Kruer and Walter Kruer on Wednesday night, December 13 Several of the members gathered at the Kruer home while the boys we re at the Farmer'lI meeting a.nd the rest ot the crowd followed them home , They certainly were sur· pr ised when they arrived home and saw the crowd that was there and still more coming, An oyster su'pllel' was Rerv~d to about thirty five and t he e vening was spent, in playing 2 amea.

---- - - ---


I will be at Gustin's Livery Stable, DIED SUDDENLY Waynesville, Ohio,

.Wednesday, Dec. 27, '16











A Merry Christmas and

Fancy Rox 25c to $5.00

Prosperous New Year for All

, Bulk Candles ~

Per Jb

SUe to 60c

Fancy Candy Boxes , each

.2 c


Cand ied Cherries Candied Pineapple , Candled qtrOl~ RaiSin. Dates

Figs ,

Fancy Box Apples

~e Good Looking Kind

f; ancy Florida Oranges Per doz. t o 50c

Ari zona Nave l s 25c Florida

Fancy Howe Cran- H ow about a Genuberries ine Meerschaum P ipe


hi g hes~

a,1l klntls of LIVe Stock. Call W. P sul8ltury or Sons , Waynesvil hi, Ohio.

. . Mostly of Average St re ngth. Ri ll t u Ihe I: e ll c fllllt~' " r. per so ns' (let (rom IlIIpul s lIIu eh !liMe thllu frOID prllll'lt)l , lII e n 111'(' IWII h,'\' ~ o goud nor SO hull as we oro "tot to think tbemBore. .

G. W. ·Haw.k e

Eglls for market should be ' th most importa nt source of income from the farm flock. a :co rding t o M C. Kilpatrick of the 'oll e~e of Ag· ri culture, who will lecture at th e ~oultr~ Show, There is a steadily Illcreasmg.d emand for.fresh ell~9 of good quallty at profitable Prices. In add ition . eggs are produ ced with less labor. than othe r poultry pro· ducts and are m o!'e convenieutly marketed ', Poultry for market shoula b e t he second sou rce of incolne. ncl e r presene condi t ion!>, the larger lHlrt of the poultry , meat produ ed on most Ohio farms is II by· product p r o· duc .. d an d sold with littl e regaru to the cost of prod uction . The poultry· man should 11111n his work so that while produci nl( eggs for ma rk e t . hc may . ohtain ('on"icle rabl e rav onu e ~ e rs during June from t he sale of broil lind Jul y , fowls tluring' Septemut'i' There w ill be a ba~ket ball fame and,October Illld capons f r om ,Jan uary l"riday veiling At School Hal beto April. twel'll Por LWilliam and Waynes ville. - -The PorI William boys beat the boys badly :a~t year. but nre going to beat them this year. Co m : I) ut and see a gO (ld ga me , If arra ngements can be m ade there will be tw o ga mes thnt evoning. as the mallagement is trying bard to get a I:ame for Ih e second team.







The third number of the' Ha rveys· Lecture Course at Harveysb,urg WIll be given Saturday evening, December 23rd . This number will be by ~he m usical entertainers. Jean and Ord Bohannon . b~rg


P ro~fof Insincerity. "Ju reltgl!'ll, li S III rl' tl ~ltlp . t hey who profess moat lIrl' th e !t'nst Hln: cerc."- Sher1duu.


Cash Paid for DeadStock The Harveysburg

Fertil izer


wm pay y ou $3.00 pel' head for HORSES and COWS . a t your home and wili rome and get. them. Orde rs , filled promptly, All t elephone charges paid. Give us a ,call.

' ok L. . HarrlS, · MaBe OHIO Fra , .................................................... HARVEYSBURO,


3 Working Days till Xmas.) • • • • ••

Grimes Colden

The Toyland Store

Mnlaga Gra pes

All Kinds of


N ut s


' panis,h Casaba



Try loe

1111 a


Genuine Jersey

Sweet Pot ato es Philli ps' Bu ilding


Oil account o r the grow th of the ord tl r this was the la rgest allli most inter· esti Jl If sessitl ll ever he ld . $i:oc hundred and t we nty· four r e 'eived the s ix th (leg ree, the larl,'{e<lt class ever receiv· inrr t hi s d j( re in Ohin. Heing- lection o f offi cers. L J . ,!,ab't!r was ,elected W urt hy Masl r, til~t e r HarrI et Dit:ksol1, Icc urer, anti W, t: . VU llderbarg-"I . sec retary. The invitation t"I1 I('(' t with Dayton in 1!l17 wag tlCCl'[lL... 1 ,[hos r('pl'csellt inl!' IIlill county wen~ fl1r1 ey Winfl Id . of Morrow , ~J; delet!nlP anti WIII'ren H. KeYl!, ,enter"ill !). liS d .. plI l y


Fru it

Apples Fan~y

All kinds of Vegeta - Lettuce and Celery bles. H einz F ig P udding Special Chanquinola Bananas Aluminl,JIa Ware

Per doz. to 60c (~ra pe

i LIVE STOCK WANTED I T he possible price paid for

- --------


lit 15, f rom eH~h COlJIlL~' bei ng pras lit.


fR1lnK H. fHRR

The Magazine Man Waynesville, Ohjo,


. ..




~chool HnU, December 29

The P ~.l "V ~h()w"at Earnhart's Hallr lJ~n u ry - 2, 3,

and 30, 1~'6.

4, 5 ana 6, HI 7.

The ll'Arl1ler's Institute at

~ixty-Eighth Year




.~~:::~:.::::::~ THE fARMERS'


I It

* .

. Ono of the lectures at the I~al m\! rs' W. H. AI:enisl!onfilleJ to his home Inslitute t hiR week will deal com id ~ rably with community welfar e. All ' with all Olhc){ o11he 2rippe th e pcoole of th· lo·... nship a re more or l e~ls inte rested in this subject, and Dr. 0111. ' Osteopath 21 S, Broad it behooves all of them to come and way. Lebllnon. Ohio. h . N I . b h ear It . at large ot onis yintert'sted tins ut tin eknowco m- ' I munity Allen Halnes. of Xenia. visited relatives.bere Monday. • Mise :Edna J_ney of Toledo, is home durin&' the holidays. Wa) ne Smith, of New Burlillgton. was a vialior here this mor:ling. RQbt. Burton. of Detroit. Mich .. . came home for the holiday'vacation . .. Mr, Ethan Crane is spending sev· eral days with relatives in Columbus. Edward Lewis. of Da\'ton, spent

Community Christmas


relatives, Monday . M~ Clara Lile il visiting her si8' ter In Chill ic!othe. I


ing what the great~T minds have to say , and they oug)1 t to ultcnd on . this arcount. The director s of the ' HI' Extension Service says: We should like to see the in sti t utes ~ minister a littl e more to the enrich· jji ment of rUTlillife . Tooft the his tend will notice thal each wo you day . men has allubj ect r elating to water in the home and sewage di s po!lal. ~ Charts will be used showin~ methods ~ and giving cost of various installa. " . tions. It is suggested that you give lhissubJ'ect place · on your program and get oneor more local people who have made imlli'ovements of this kind to di;!cu88 their value and prac' ticability. Let us give this special.



~~~evne~~~t ~f m;::nyle:~~rt~ thh~'~~'"

thlt week-ellJ here with his parents. Terrell Maey. of Detroit. Mich ., We expect to teach most, if n o t . is visitin&, frlendtl here and at Xenia. all. of the instituteij with a specialist U on.thesubject of "Community Ser· vice." If our present plans carry . Misa Ruth Hartsock 'was in Day- this extra epeaker wil·1 be with you ton Monday nia-ht and heard Anna the day your lady speaker is there, - Case. -I bl f l Ik d '11 b :rthe~1 aft;rnao:! Bor e ev~~i~~~ ~e B. H. Kelly spent _coupleof trust that }' OU will give him place d ity da)'s this ",'el:k with Newark relatins. ~ff:r~u:i~!o:::~:e~c:S~~~~rt:a~ial)l • . I prod uctlon. need8 0f eronomlca Mr. and Mrs, U M. Whi~attend­ Remember our slogan ia ed tbe funeralot a relative In' Leba- ~'armina- and Enrichment of Farm., nonSunUuy . Life." •_ , •

I I ' It

Mr, and Mrs. Howell Pierce ppent Christmas Dav with f lends at South Charleslon

Mr. and Mrs. Frank LPMay. of Middletown. spent Christmas with



Mr . . and MI'8: G, H. Anson, of Clarksville, vlaited with relativtl here·l..t week. Supt. W. R. Spreilrel i8 attendiq the Ohio TeachetB' Meeting at Columbus thia week_ Mra. Cynthia Evans is 8~rlinJl the Christmas holidays With her tirother In Frank!in.



Mr_ ar.d Mrs_ Lloyd Davis and son. of Dayton. spent t:.hridtmaa Day here wi~ friendll.



I" •




wliere be will vlalt" with relatives for 'Weeks.,

~' ••verat

.. .tn. Jeaae

Compton, of Day and 'Mri ~iui., Wellington. of cqO, . I~nt' ••v.ral days here , , "' with relatives.

sled. and they were enjoying. the coasting very much. but as the sled the Little Bridge the king· pin RefUSing to pay hiB fare on a tracfront bob broke and the sled tlon car until a seat IWas provided for ""'"AnU! unmanageablt> and ran into him, Arch Copsey. of Spring Valley. work. on the bridge. a local merchants and well 'known to So!I~ ... r,..1 the young ladies were m'lny Wayne9vill~ llElOple, was ejectUII. . . . .:U. and scratch«;d up ed from the Sprin'f Valley car at Jones had her wrist put Ohmer Park last w,eek. This trac. _.~~I_ and one or two . other Ition line is now only running one car H8zelSah8b~ each way during th,e day, and pas=~~~;~~:~~~~' reqUhmg\sengers claim that the cars arelo , ·the wound. crowded that manY' are forced to rt ~lightly. stand a\l the way f'rom Davton to aC(!Id~!1'lt was unavold~ble, and Spring Valley. . , noonew.. to bla,,!e .. but It puta Mr. Copsey decided to inake a test damper on the enJoyme!'t o! the case and see if morl! cars could lIot 10l,l nlr folks. t~e ' bill belDg m fine be liuton to accommooate the .public, Ibapa for CO. .tlD&,. The citizens of Spring Valley w 1\1 • _ • wateh this ca.~e with much intereat. .

C. F. ~ItEEN, LlcklnQ County,






In!liltut& Bpeabrl

haV8' ilad the' oPllOrtunlty for broader

vlIl\liI.:IJ", and Mrs• home in ClaJlkevll\el '"


" ,been . S. G?I\}l'llrJ t

whl~ f.


to her '

, . - : _ __

IIr. ~ MIt8 Warren Etlwards. of

Dea••• OJ\.: arrived here Thur:aday

erenlna-, ,nd' ~re spending their. annual va(!a~n with" Mr and '111'8 0 : J, »Iwatd'Nnd other rela-




U "

Her upper lip requirtna- eigbt atltct....~fo\elo.W.,llhewound,. Sbe Wal of her niece, where' Ibe Is of care_

observ&ilon and pracUcal ellperleuce In farming tlian,G. F. Green of Ltcktn. county, wbo Bl!aak at the cOIn tn. farmere' 'Instltute, , Mr. Green ,tarted tarmt~ In pa~. nerlhl~ with his tather. On account of . Ul hea1t1i !D .tho t~ml\y he had to , .0 South. fanned III North Carolina, Lou a. ColoradO.' Mew Mexico aDd lome t1m~ In WlacoR~tn and tba' Northwest atutlytng asrloultural Uletb0d8~ A tew yeam ago 110 localed on .. run-dowlI farm hj LteldllS llDu.n l,. There he ' la· emploY,lng lhetilod8 and Is receiving imI.tIorlDI reliults. Fle· has gro:wn legumes, turned - ul\der green . manure crop., used tile and tml)~oved mothode ot cui· Uyatlon and hail gl ven ca.rerul allen tlon to th41 lI.electloD of tbe alre or lila laerll. Re II keeping Pcrcheron I ~!!!~~~~ midi.. RoJateln _~ttle .and Poland, ~I


Iff '!il


POULTRY SHOW OPENS JA~UARY 2 Five big days it Is free Evcrythi ng point:! now tll Lh t' lar g!!st and be!\l tihow tha t 1185 eVt!r been pu ll ed olI in Warian C Jnly. I;'an ciers frolll !Jay t on, Xenia, Pranklin and Lebanon ure a~killg- fur premium li sts , and we IH C "xp 'cling them to Bl'nd in a hunch equal to Ihl' whol e nu m be r that was in the show las t yeRr , Local hreeders £Irt:l ali ve to th\!i r own int~ros ts and will (lut in llIure bird s this year tha n ever before. The state oxhl\Jit f rom the s tal extension school will be 1& I{ r. at ed.ucat ional feat ure am\ worth g Oin g mIl es to s<,e. ~ No one can alTord (0 m i s~ aUel . ImK at least one. day .. ~pen cvenl :lgs You are cordially II1 vlted .

It is now Hugh Ridge, Barrister. Hugh passed the examination In law at Columbuil last week 'by a very fine grade and will ~o there again in a few days to take the oath. The Ga· zette conaratulatea tho yonng man upon his admi89ion to the bar, and foretella for him a great futu,e, as he haa .tudied .hard and Is a tood stu· dent. He Will. at pl'esent take a 1'0aition in C,i ncinnati. and will take another vear of IItudy before he hangs out hi. shinlrl,e. . , • ..!....••_ __



\1 r. und MrR. 'F . .II Fa rr and Thos . Pierce \ 'e ro ·hrislrna.'1 Day Irue.~ts 'o f :'111'5, I:lellnda Hogc r ~, H 1\1 add en were

Mr ,.James Ketat !Iinner . .- - _ _ _ . ' 1I11'~ , ~Iary Alln WI e elllerl ;ltne.d un Chrt 3tma ~ Ua.y, ;\I1r:A- Y.lfl Dle MII ~o n uor! <:hl!'.lr(,I~ , of XO~lI a, .md Mr a.nd I\1 r:j l. .l~. CUlnnllng~ :md R" "~ , "f nf'u r Xcma. II lr . and 1\ln, I; . ll . Eliis and ,Iuul(hter. '"ra p"tertall! 'U :luuday, Decemb er ~~Ih , t their annual hollduy dinner till' i·nllowill\.( guest!:!: Dr. M. S, We t and famil y anu Mrs. Nettie Tilhllan fIJ\d dauflht er, of Bellbrook; Mr . an d Ch f'~ t er White, of N elV Hu rling-t.)n: Mr . ,lflJl)('S l:urtis and famil y Mr . anrl M r:i Nelson Hamil lon - ~nd L111L1l!:htpr Inn. ~'lr_ Bnd Mrs. Cflrrirlgtuli E lli~ and ir . Laurence Simpson .


d M


I "J

qua It

r . an r . a ep) ar rl , PHOTOS fROM of Route ntertailled' to an elellllnL turkey dinner Christllllis Day. The Il ucs ts wh o enjoyed thill ICrani.1 WESTERN COUNTRY ~~~ l~~;ry ,MrM~~ld ~~:l' ~lar~l. D~~r~ 4,




We have just received a bUl' rh of fine phot.og raphs from Jack Daughters. of Elk Dasln , Wyo .• '~ hdic h we are going to place in our Win ow so that all caD see them . J wh o left here last week. is an en on Wyoming. aDd while here. a week or so ago, wa!! asked if he intended to come .back to Ohi:>. ',.! ) which htl replied. "Not as long as there is plen ty of Western c untry le(\.. ,

Stin80n Bnd SCJIl , hankie. Mr. a nti Mr~ . Doan BTIlckney and son, Melvin. Mrs . Julia Granzow, Mr. and l't' rs. Har ry 1~ltm an and MillS Velva Marquanlt , of Dayton, und Mis!! Myr tl e Wad e. .. _ ..- - -




ST MARY'S ers are t~le , ano their Bubjects are of VItal Interest to everyone. • .

Sunday after Christmas December 31. ~undllY School at 9:30 a, .m Mor~\Ing Prayer at 10:30. Evenmg ~ervtce and ~~rmon at 7 p . m .. subJect for eve~tng. Heaven_ . , The pu~hc cordially mVlted to these servIces .



and white church decoratio n~ ma de an a.ttractive appearance. _ The pro"ram W88 thor.oughly en· Joyed by a church full of people. and the u8ual treat was ~iven t o the scholara. At the close of the service the choir went to the homes of several shut-Ins and sang Christmas carola. On Chrlstm8!l day Rev. Cadwallader celebrated the Holy Communion. ,Thsrewereseveral o ut to this service, At the M. Ii:. church a Sunday· school cantata , was .given Sunday eve~inll ,undertlleleader&hipof Mrs, B. d. Kelly . It was a very pretty ~ntertalnment and t~orou~hly e~J"yed. After the service the chOIr went over town sinaing Christmas carol II.

- ---- --- -

~I r and 1\1 rs. W. Slue~ tq of ~I r . and ri tll Ch r i~tll\' D y

CHRISTMAS AT Samuel SlOOps. second born of J ames and Matilda Stoops, was born the ColI.elt ~9tate. February 2 1~t. THE CHURCHES on1843 and dIed ~1arvey~bu rl1' Olno December 1 5 t~l, 1. 16, beUig 73 year8' 9 months an.1 24 days ~ Id . . SundllY evening ~ St. Mary'u _He attended t he No and H, c k o r~. church the festival for the Sunday· Ville schools !lnd w?rked . for hIS

not only the farmer but tbe' me rchant, as well . ~'riday morning, '. F. Green will s peak on " Some Feed P roblems," and Mrs. MurLlaml Bedford on .. Hatching ami hearing of Chicks," Friday afternoon, at the Ladies ' session, Mrs. Hedf.,rd will hal's 1111 address on "W hat Hural Women ar e " and O . D, Welhaum will most importan t talk 011 ty Welfa re." MI's_ Ella. h av E' a lint! naper.

t~e Ho~~"

In eet be e Prof , Ramsower wi ll tal k a ll 'Ligh ing t h I·'arm House, " Satu rday a fte rnoon, P rof. Ra mwill talk on . Farm Power." while C. F. Green . will di~cus!l ·'nel. ative Im por tance of Live ·tock." All the alJovc will be subject tu d i~c u8si o n, anJ th e ({cneml Illblic, B usua!. arlt to ask IUtlst iol1 s in or d r t o get the full import of tho oj

t a UtH.

- The rnllilic will h ' of the highest In August 186_ .he enh ~tc wlI.l order and will ue in charge of Mra. the 7Bth O. V. I. .m defence of hIS B. H. I\ el:y. . country and went mto camp at Camp Dennison, Ohio. Thence lo Cincin · nati , thence to Loui sv ille, I<y • thence back and forth through western Ke nt u('ky by mard les to N a~ h v ill e , Tenn ., to Chattanooga, th enco towarde Atlanta, Ga" in which he \\,11 9 in battl e firs t at



about Atlanta, S!lerm an aynesville Locilto N\>, 163, F . & A. M , Tuesday IlVento the Sea_ Engaged again at Sav · annab . Ga .. anp at Ave:ysb urg and lng. J anu a ry 2, 1(\17 . . 'ojo urn ing Acan Run, Nerth Carolina . Thence b reth ren und \'i3 ito l'~ ar~ wolcome. into Virginia and after the surrender . II t hc III ' llIbcr ~ a r 1'~ Il"ci ally inof Johnston 's army to Sherm an he \'itecl to come Ollt find lIIaku this t he marched to Washington _ All th ese ban ner year of t he lodgl) hundreds of wiles, with bra ..e corn · D, L. CrllIH' . IV. M. rades. thelle wear V feeb trod, enL. /\.. Zimm er man , S cy during danger. exposure and (atig ue _ _ _ __ • ___ _ for three years. in !l righteous wa r for the preservation of our beloved Union, Arriving home in JUli e 1 Cli) . h resumed his labor on the farm, plowing corn for D. M. \ )Uett th e st!cond day atter his return, . 1 t· f W '11 On November 15th, 1 116 he was A speclil mee I.n~ 0 aynesvl _a married to Mnry DUl'ge and took J. 1°1 F~ d' A. \If. W!lI be Oheld abt th~9lr up hiB first home near Harveysburg. ha ' n ay cvtlmng, ccem er ~ . __ This union was blessed with two All membj)rs are req uested to btl In order to Inform woodlot owne ... daughters, Emma who died in ill - present. W Ll Dinwidllie Sec'y . Anna. Mrs, Handall, who .' , , r elative to methods of sell\n•.... prices fanryand - - -- - with her m ,ther sur vive to mourn and cost of lumberlna operations, a the loss of th i~ IIffectionate, self bureau of .exchange for the benefit sacrificinl1: and noble husband and of tho!18 havina marketable timber lather. . for sale baa been established by the In 1884 he was converted to Christ Ohio Experiment Station at Wooster: and joined the .Tohah's RUII Chul·ch. Inspections of timber land for the in which he had been urought up . UNITED DOCTOR S SPECIALIST purpel8 (\f estimating marketable He was a faithful and esteClmed WILL Afj ,' \IN BE AT . timber will be make by a repre&enta D ' I ' f h XENIA OHIO , Sa t-nrd ay ~ tive of the Experiment Station upon member. llrln l!.' t l iS Ime e was the treasurer of the church for about J '13th the requ.t of any owner. 20 rears and a deacon for the last 12 anuary ,. 1917 . ' H_0 t e1 . Travelina . expenHII and the lu.b. years. Grand, Parlor SUIte stltenee of the repreaentati,!e .while Be was highly re:lpected in HarONE D'AY ONLY doltla- the work are the only IDcldent- veyabul'~ and vicinity as a mnn of • . 8 al chaqrll8 to th.woodlot ~wner. H~ sterling integrity. ohtrict morality . Hours. 9 a. m. to p. lB. receives a report, IncludlDg ~ 69_tl- of !lenUe and ·warm Iriend~hip ' and Remarkable Success of These Talmate of merchantable materIal, Itl promptand acuratebusiness methods d Ph I' I th T ._ quality and IItum,ag:e valUe. I.n adSe W88 Postmaster of the :village eute ~~nl ~ . e wa ... dltlon .uanreations 19111 be "veil, for for twelve years ment 0 Iron c DiseaSe•. ' the manqement . and improvement Thus h811 ion~ from us a useful Offers Services Free of Ch.arge of the timber areas, .. and honored citizen. loyal to The United Doct re, licensed by th • - • family. his rieiahbors, his church of Ohio. established 1 . -1 . aro bis nation . in 'the treatmElJlt of i,l isllM ' S We shall all min him here. but we liver, lungs. stom' C J , trust be lives witb God and there we nerves. h a L.spl • thall behold hIm worthIer to be bed we tting ,rheuloved. ' A. K. S. acilltica. tape .worm. Iclt u 1appendjel~i~. gall stone.i, goi trl'. etc without · U\Jeratlon. aoll . the Iilve... . We known in this loca)lty t() Solltb, will don 'f urtber c.JI ~ ~ .JanUU7 ear

---'-_. - ...- --


The bond ~a;e for a new'\chool , - RESULTS bulldlna- at '~ew I Vienna w.~ lo~t b~ WITH INTERESTING Hven'vot,es at a special electIon held Studied Agriculture I.n Fermed at ~at place r.eently. Many SI·otlO1l1 of U.nlted State.. .

, f9r-lOme time-p,..t;


I---_. SOGIETY EVENTS I . :. .- -.




- ~,



in the community uniting for these carols ,' also _ for a Community Christmas Tree and a genuine manifestation of "Peace on earth, IgOOd will toward men." What say you?

--_. ..- --

'Thill new A:llen .Jay cburch wu dedicated,. In , ~ichmond. Ind.. lalt "Sundav. Several promlnentspeakerF ,,\ .




PROMINENT MAN aboitt four o·clock. Raymond Davis EJECTED fROM CAR school was held. A, beautiful t r im- father and the ColI l>t t s un tIl he was had a crowd of girls on his big bob med tree together with the j!re(!n grown .) ' .d ' l

~ornlng fOfl . Winston-Salem. N. C.


I &I I '1

Tne first coutiOR acciditnt of the



Jln. C1'ara, Brown,.



·Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cartwright. • itOn and daughtor. of Chicago, Ilre lpendlq the holidllya here with rei-



wlnte~ occurred Monday afternoon

, . MIu Rutb Hartsock is spending the. week-end in Dayton and will hear .the Cornell 91ee Club tonight.


feeling of Chris tmas 100T(' a.nd sympathy. ~ Our community h as a signifi t - 't W d d can ·spm. . e 0 stan ' t ogetber, but we need a new baptism once in a while. We need to ~ draw from the sources of univer• sal mankind and speak in a lan ~ guage tbat all can understand. ~. Why not work toward a com~ mu't Cb -st t d " m y rI mas ree aroun r which our people , young and old, f cou Id ga~h er onc~ a year f or b' rle. simplc ceremony of song ? Why h not avetheoldstoryrepel!-tedonce a year in a way that will appeal " to all, regardless of creed or race? . Let this tree be illuminated ~ every night during Christmas ~ w('e~. One of the former resi!Q ~ dents of our neighborhood has volunteered to give the multi-col. ored electric bulbs for the lighting . of the tree in token of his friend ship for his boyhood community. We have the people who can m. ake a Cdmmunity Christmas a pronoullced success. We have made the start in the carolling on •


.... - - -

Mr_ 'and M·I'8. D. C. Ridge. of Col• umbU91 vlsitl'd with Mr. and Mrs. Mallion Ridge this week.

!;Jaml. ~'Meredlth

desire to enlist for community . singing and there could well be arranged two or three rehearsals. . Just this feature would draw to' . getber many of our people in a single cause. It . would create a



:::':~:~~3:: j~~j~e:::'~~ ~e:~:~::~~y:pj;~;~yr~~h:£gt~~


DECEMBER 29 and 36

" atl... ,.

A most beautiful , appropria te and impressive custom was inauguraf d this year in Waynesville b th h' f th M th d ' t d y . e c OIrs 0 e e 0 IS an St. Mary' Churches singing carols on the streets Chris tmas Eve_ This is an old English custom I h t tat as stood the test of bme. During the centuries ' the " waits", were abroad on th~ H oly Night singing tbeir carols. ' This brought joy to the sick and. depres~ed_ it ' cart'Ie d a message 0 f goo d ch eer to the weary and heavy laden. It' b h h h f I roug tome t e story 0 t1e Id' wor s greatest day. 1 We hope our o,cal choirs will make it an annual custom to be~r g~ad tidings to us all on Chiistmas Eve. At this time, hearts are filled with gladness and • d "I .. f .. gratltu e. I Ie Spirit 0 giVing permeates us. Love is manifested more deeply in human kind. We .as a community should be, and we believe we are, during this . d b'. y t h e gIa d' some s~ason, untte bonds of love, It should mean a bigger, broader and more helpful


The Friends' Home wa!' pleasantly . surprised Thursday when it was dla. • covllred that the diDin~ room w.., decorated for the Christm88 leason-. On returning to the corridor It was _ found that Santa had been there and left tOYS for every on ! around a btlau· ~~ . .;. ..itir~~.~M<:.~~;Ma.~~~~ . ~""~!I.I tl fully decorated Christmas tree. All fifiliNf~~~~1It1IC)Wf~~~~~~w.~'iINJl~~~ gathered aro~nd the Christmas and listened to &'ood mUBic tTee was 'given by theNormall:iCllOOh-f- -and the rest of a most enjoyable evenin~ was .p lanned by the MI88eB Gebauer. Kindler, Andrew! and Canaine.

Mia Etblyn Jone8. of Toledo, If lpendlng tho holidays with her mother and otber relatives.


Whole Number 3402



O. U, A, M,





' I

"'V 111111' ,,'euk frolU Rltln·Otll1n . ('PII[ ov"r Ike unll ft)lt UIO hOL (l'llr~ w IlIuS; up 1IIIPQn"C!I()u ~ly; I1l1d I'lVl'l1 ati htl Wtlt '11('el, Ik e'fI eyps Cll'l'n~u Rnti I.. k d . • UI) lit hint wit h ull ddi rlu lu Io Cl U ' . I'H ell", rtndd," bo ~lIld "'<'ullly, " I¥



C"ronic!~ 0/ Ce llain P~5Jag(!S Be/ween DAVID

utIU'I' A 0'8 0 f II .B ill f 7" l...ARRENCE & .NTOI ~ITE AN N 0 Ie a e 0 J IppeIn the IndIana J¥ddcr.n~~ and of Whol Befell Thereafter


In Old Corydon and Now F,t ( ,( Forth



T T T J MeG~ "

. L 1 1. OY cSAMVE




I tfIe 1"alu 0,-~or 1" WII~



"Y • ," tho jorou 'r, I, "thnnk Ood. the l'tllu'S O,'f-r Ii w:" loy tor willie In sll,'nce l",(or o I1It1!W

11; ... u b e "pol e ll!;fll n: I ··'t·hlll' w o'I'" !!nl n g on. IRn'1 1t1" IJ trl ~u 10 d RI'. ".:Vhy , wh llt rullkt!:! III ISO w,~u l(])1

'00 Pk 1S IIUI( , li lts Jr tl b .. ,~ !l111,,' rl Trnllt .\1: I., .,,".1. I 'I'o! "fl'. '1)1111

/ I ~t Cr' I I ,u,1 ,I

"'~· w

"'1 I. \., II 1\ tJ ,I"" "". 1'.11' (" "f " \\ ." .. 1\ · II.~ .,' rf lor " I' ~"'1' .l., I \ \"4 1)(')) h,!l! 4.1u ru lt-{ IIIl ' pt" IU Ib Id .Ii. 1911>. IJoM,·A(,",,1 'I'he to. lO ' f his long delirium wus ~ {I\rI (lId,'n .I,1I t -hull:",,, II", "111lI u I oo e whi ch lite It'llru In wundl' r. H is $3 1,0 jJ"r w,,,,l., So PIIBse,lu lll' O f<lllr~ of t~'" rot,'~n . "". til\' 1.1II·,',t 1" ,~'\ld l 1t '· t ltlll lit' sl ck ll es~ hnlJ \I·ft 111111 like a lillie c hi lLi, ""nlll- o t' ( HIIil \ Q \ \ ' , I ~hu!l1blp,' ('hase. In · hJ~ n tl'mOOIl" I 1;' ~"tl' t ' 1II11'hl ,'''111'' 0" ~' l\ 1I" "·'h" '''llIl'' ''I. l lI n'l hl! cr l dlll .. h~,'r grnLirutlll ulille lI11fl'I\l I.11I1 I~ Ifllll, t"" ' r:,1 III 1\11 h~8IH'll II I' ek o r~ "d.nohr, ' .:~ y "1'"" . IrJil'P("1' ,·III' n '. fllI' \li"~ ,1II\"n ,,'" r enUzed ' \l'hnt DIl "ld hUd Ilone f ur : MI III I \ it 11<" II"~I' I I,I 1<"" Hlr w .lI ....., . I!IIW IJlnt Ike rem emb red 1"1.1 rlll\\.II . . •• v1I'"ln" .. lillie ~r nuI I Ir II" "~ "r I ' Inllr '1 ... ·11 111 \l'lIh lil ~ 11111,1 o f III .I I~ "h .. h im. Dnvld . upon h01lr. . Atl n r: I 11 I I I,I' ./: lI ln 1\(1\11" 1"," 1 ~11I'('''r. 1'11 ,'1,1 I,,"k :,IT hi' I n Olhlng of Ille pll~SI1,.e ot the IVOI' , 'L' \ L' 11,,1,11 ·'" 1'11" . (' b li: 'l~ho Tn n wrHJlIl" ( f It'1I1 l n . [" . .•.. \ '1'"1 ro · C. r t rt II 11111111111' , hll'l . 1t!.1 II. I")!,'IIII' I" \l'llh hi' porty; and he suld noUlhl!; o r It to W ... II' h .In fl· lillq~ I'.IH':< 111 111" .' 1 'CT'fly !!nrll1pnt~ (I \I' ll "f. 1" ' 111'1 " .. . I·i n,. 1111.1 I".'''l~ 'r hili'll. II'lIh lll 111,. 11 ,,1. Ike, t en rlng thnt Bl ncl<!ord wonld " f t lwlll'f .. Iii II I Ill ' " I ' 1\,. 11 10111 ,'1 > til ,II 10 IIlI' ~kln 111. 1111 \1, . hlh~,."n/: In w IT,' ,'. ' l~ hl " Il (',1 his h,.1i nn, l hi. blnme hlmse!! tor Tolnetle 's loss. tid ,' m "I II, Il lll"lt n. 11,11 11 " 11 . m~ll . thC,l1 \\'lIb It~ r"AI,. I ""I'~~ I I I I h,'" I' IIlnC, '1I ,I "". ,,,,, I . ,'1 "IT IIlIh'" III,,·r, ''' . .\ They ogree d , II' Ith IJcurts In cxprcss· III,: li nd, I h l ' rt' I" II." 1 1 1J '~ II Ill' II , (llu nlCNI II'rplrh,''', IIr Ollir I111111 I1·. ·. I "u r ;: 1111(1 h · "'"" I.. ,.l til ,kh l lol '- l' h O\'y, t h at lhe e d llIyb au" r11 I I'f"").!l I I II r veu (,' ntl lll, 1 f l' l III ' 11"11'1 oIl1 l1n "I " ,n I hll ndhlA' 'O\\'II1',llI r. or r 1Ij:' I \\. I' 1"11." In th ' (" '1" " lh e Inst glelllll ot bopo trolU Ihe pur· (UOll lll' ['o l' r 'h " /,utlllql ' • .• Ik . bl rhrough Ihe hullows. Thl'lr lh' ~r"k lli _"n hll II I" "II ~~ d . ' I h,' ~ I I'I: 1111111 1 Bult; unu u8 800n us e "liS II e to . J A. U", k,)r "cI lI l.ll" I, \.l"k r . ~tlr'I','ll III iii fl·' ·,' I·I. " ~II"' ''. 1'11 1"',1 1 srund th ey begou ognln t o sec\.: Ule 01 V'Hon Wr'\lIL ,rrl !l(ll hln s: hnrl 'nn:: "" II~, ' d I I .. I ' 1I 11~ Itlllt ~• If 111'. II l1d ~ 11II"" 1 \\ I I,II~ On\\,urli " t U t eo, I ' )) ' (. 1' 1tl r~ t\ n ))Qr e fhu n II t'lirl 'If lit!"" ,11 11 ", [ ",\ th I west. fi I II 1k ' I tJley. 1 ' "'"1 1\ ) \'~ U r or . n"" 11i 1 river to the . wI Il n to to. e 8 l(lUu , I ,. l ' I ,. auld. J~"(·r~' thll\g. fIX" " pl till 1''''' d ,'r hlll l. II. p• r"~c 10 his I: II " ' ·.~ w('III.1y' pres8ed cllll&1 n g to DavId's shouluer. Il~ I ullUI 1))("" UI :;-.' ll. ~ Utplr !lo rll"', \'11~ Wlll. '1". 'I'lh' w~'i'l l l cau/:ht ~I gh l ot n I,' nfy hOll gh nnC!(Il lIg 1 A.galn and agllill they' w ere for cecl to I Proball~ Court Pnl(eclllnltB was wat f. A nll growill:! ,11 11t1.I', In the hr ~2e 11,1<1 \\,,"" 11 h l~ hllllli ti t I Jt ro illNI nil lI i;:II 1 I .. III! 'I'll. 1\\''' It In nn 1I"('r. rf~ l; finrl ns 1l,I' ~un IIp!,;nn II._ ,IOlfi) I Mo ry 1:: . II lllll ,' \d II Imrx 1' . baIC-dr<,wnl'd IIll' lI . dllll, ·,1 I" 11", III 'IIf'. .. "11':"0 .. JII:k," h e 1'1I11 .. d f""IIly . ' "'11I·t! Jtlnrrll'~' th py h,,,1 Irll"pl'~,'f1 fin M"ry K L1I1IIi ,·lci 1'l.1I :-oalH III)' 6nolly gnl'll UII 11 11 ,'lTorl 11' lilld pr n • o nil" 1'1\' 1 ( rk 1 0111,1 III ~I'e ,011 - , mll p~ 0111.". 'I'h"y hn<l rI'ueh..,1 II lilt,,·., 111'''\, (',1. 1)1'\ rlllllll 'lli ,lr d " r " lI. tectlon tr"llI !lIP (h'hl ~ " IIlId I,,~ pI" "'" ('111110 t1 0\\' U (' " th ('011('11 7" I "' h~I'" lhf' furest grew t11 lJllwr lind II". 1 0 ttl( IJsl II l!' "r.II.I(\III111 f ,,"ttn' In the grll "~ \\'llh till' I'II" I "'~ "i! flo Hngg~r '(1 10 hlN fN' t nnd Int.- 10'11l" rns h(' s rose lIbo"e thl' lr h"IlI I ~ : Id H)t" "'e,l, 1\'1\'1 <1 K 1111111111 11 1 ' .. liP: arollnd Ih ~ llI . Th~lr II .. " " . 11 1"11 ". I' ll tN I'd lIhOUl th grn .·S. ~ h llklng 11nn,ls III IIU lhJ.'s.~ home or InnnrllNllhh' WII' puinlL'11 11 i< .ILllI\lIl1 ~ ll'ut \Jr . IlLJ nd towed on tlwlr nrm~, W(II',' u hf l\'" lh~ \\,Ith Irllllg!tlllry fr l ·\Hls . Anfllher tnll n I t.errowl. Ik fell h ellvlly upon the $1000. " ' 11t [ t..' \\'I ~, l'. \ '. I';nlll~' sluIcing ~ lr "illI1~ . nlll'<' I'" t\\'I ~ ". ~(l ot memory ~t1rr(!d III h l~ deli rious 1l1ur~hy ground. cra sh ing thrnll ,;h the IUlll l' V " U,, \l1\ tlru 1IJ1I)ul flluJ ~ll utt eT "'" ~ tlwl r l' hIlU ~ I I,,". II"·.,, ~1f'''1. hraln IIUlI h e h l'l;lI n pl~fI(l ll\l; 1\ ou l~ dry r ~NI s. Dilvld lift ed Ike'" hl'ud In prlll ~I , r6 . It mined In ~ h()wcr~ In I hI' mo rnIIrgul'd. hlu strr·lI. en lreat!),\' Rlo rll H'd; , (error. l1 e hndnot lost collstlous .wsI<; 1u tll u nl/l l t o r th (l <',lI nlo " I Ing. Th ~ r "' n~ no ~ 1I 1l. nil 0Il Portu· Dlty to d ry IhC!lr r lolhilig. Th"y Ille n lid on ly t hi lIIulIlIl\lllnn 1\ ~ Ju ry nf I he \ an unendllrll b le to t\ l;u e JlIlRS(!SSl'L1 hi III . A I hw :,i1l.1W h"ll . lIl)CI'II .;'ul. :,i1l11J; un' t.rees h l'R rll 1I11f1 Illor lt 'il him wllh lh .. lr bu t his ryes burn e,1 wltJt UI1C OII QU C t'- \ IIP IJ rovtl d . a mOTS I ot ru lu·s ukrd ,·,'nl.nll. pl od611 ' nee. obII' resolve. ded 011 nnd on Ihroui:h till' "I'II' "ln~ A nnkNI. I'O(lI'('r'('olored figure "II(~ ' "I'll b oil i t 111 lh e IItIlUor ot Ih o Will L1f Am "~ .. r ISIlt o a mn ll", n , Vun 0 0 1' 11 u ouEca ,·ll W III It! tit! III'IIdernC5R In d nlli d ~II nc.'. Hl" W('IlI'~' cd n ols('lr M" Y Ihr ollJ.:h t he under· i Dovy," h ee gn~pe,1. · "It's ollly- lls te n. ' . • to RPl'nk . rto~ld turncil mh'" to louk 1tT0IVllt ond crilli'I tI like a serpent whnt's tbot sound '" II1lt tuu t o p roba te. at lie lind \Vn~ 910rllNI tit Ih " .l l:hl ne staggered to bls feet ond Dllvhl I n the nULltur of tho tnte 0 1 of Bhlc!dord's drll" ' n blue lIp~ 1\1111 II\{' t:own rrl Ih" J!"S 1" lI lntlng mllflnm n. Il elri hIs brealb. Then b e s houk hl ~ Am OH V It U IJ IlTeo , (l ooMS.H) . Ar. 8utT'erlng lines ot hi s (II "~. \\' hplI 111' From bpl.t nd II fn llen Ing It.~ I!IIlIl' r lllg. hend. manllill Van D li reu II! 1l111lolnte(l tI CIIugltt DIIVld'8 ryl's on him , Ik .. f(lrrecl cvll (' ....8 wntc hpd th drlln kroll Rm/:· ."1 henr n otillng but the blnckb lrLis e " ecu t rlx N o b ond r equIred . We! • smile that shonn IhflJ u!lh Ih e pour· gprlOJ!" of tIll' Rick II1tlll Rnd glnnl'ed Ike." . • l... l:Jurve y, Etl Un klU uun In\ll e~ E . tm tr<lNoll~ly IIl ong th e burrel of " Drlt· In, rnln. "No I listen, Do.vy, 1110 fi fes, tbo SbUllIJlli-ktlr liT e II ppo ln ~ec1 \lI'Prt\l ~"Shouldn' t bo ~lIr p rl8cd It It rnln~ I ~h 1It1l ~ lt ~t. Tho glln lilli e to II le~t IIfesl" o! P. betore tbe doy Is oyer," he grinnell. OI'c r Ik e'" h ellrt; lhl' r,l',1 finger 0(1 Dorld felt on n",ful t ear 8'Y" "P 1n the UlRt'..r of the o~ t .. te of th" Irlg/:C'I' W"s nhollt to tljrltt ... n ,' wbcL through him. Bud the strnln bE'c n 10,) Ob'Hl e8 N, Pj,DOtl. L10c tl~~'l. In. "I'm getting tired nr lhl~ ,Irll ughl." But the mortol wNlrlnc~s ClIl\le hn k SllIldpJlI ), Ik e drew him.plC io hi s rul1 lUuch (or Ik e's exhnus ted bOlly? \VII" VllDtOTV "OIl ... ppruII:!IlUIout IIr fjl L1 . to bls fnce n8 nnvld tu rned f rwnrll Iwlgh t IIlHl beglle slnglDg 111 his c1CIIr (he d ell rhlru to r!!tul'll on ce lIlol'e? [10 ten or : Real EState TrBmfcrs aralll. AU th~ough the clRY he b !;Rn to s penk soothingly. hl~BcI1 torwnrd , summnnlllg (I" ry reo C'h~(' r. ah.,.,r. you " h h 11 n ot ITleve. But Ike h eld up his hUDLI (or s\lc llce. ' M,uV E. l:iutlield to }"Ilok A hl lien's ot strenrrth to comp,,1 his Ihnhs A BotdSt!r true you' ll n nd me! "Lis t en. Davy, tbe IICes! They're rid l!e Ulld lvldoli one.hHlf \Ut ere till .A h . non, n on , no n. plLuvre Mu(l.,lon to persist In the rel!'n li eS!< iltruggl on· Wou ld IrO wt th you .• • pluJlng 'Yankee Doodl e I' A.nd, oh, 2 1.7 flores In ['ur t leor~e k tOWIl8hl l' , ward. A s odden lInIn RIII)I through The I\m bllsllcd w nnon Rnnk again DII vy, you eno belU' the drums now I" *IlQIl.05 1118 stde, almO!t mnklQg h llll "ry (Ult. Dovld Rtralned In nn a gqny of li sten· K I,helr ille A. AJ oltlllldor to A. L. Hl, lIeal) bO/l'fln to f~1'1 IlU·Ulljr('I.I' IIghl Ul)rertalnly. 'nfo the gllttcrlng eyWi . and his pulfles th bhccl In his enrs. ~n1ll a (1\1707.1 d look; noc,l then tile Ini. A breozll rUlltled tho lllPS 01 I he t11l0 O . 11 Mead nholl lln.rtH 0 1 lotI! N o Ii Ilntl In Wlls ltillgi" u " Jullrll He ",nnted. tIl cry out to n il " leI 1(\ Rtop. hidden savage rose wit'll a gl'UD,t ot Wayuonllle . $1000. 'fhe 1'aln cCIIsed onll t h liT<' 1.0 " 'hkh u nderstnndlug and strode !eu~IC8Sly Goorg.~ U. Muroh 'l' rll @tee t o Thu wi th lowered gun up to the singer's drove some ellrly·y 1I0wing E!lblll!!er' SMe Mfg . (Jo. In 10' N 1I downward "'IIS hilly; bu t h Ilurncd Bide. 1'5 i n LelJl\ll o n, &1. wltll a heat thnt mnlle blm diz zy. Flnll1ly hl' begon to st llgger from Marriage LlcensBli eyes or the whlte mRO looked elde to I!lde os h e walk ed;; and th n. a t him without a ray ot comprewith n pltlllli. Innrtl culn te mOlln. whl Milton John Ar/(aIl\Jiuo; fsrm or , h ens ion 10 tlIelr wtld Iltare. A moDavid bllrcly h enrt l. · h e pitch d ll'll(l Iteba Ma y i:ic.Jtt, both of F oster. mell t o nly Blnckford paused. aod tben, ward nnd folnted. Rov. BlIlsomlin. Wben DavId r ench ed hl ~ sI d e L,- _,nr,n' Dg his shoulder Ctlrelessly on the J. Moorl Bil ngllrnll n. (II nn er of wllrrior, re8uqlec\ his song. 8Y8S w er e close<l . F ra ntlcnll y Uiarksvi lie, uU11 Ui IIIl/hl M ~ lIi(l . The Indlnn nodrled unde rstllndlngly. 8COOr~ up hnndtul utter hllut1ful more. of 1... , b liD lIO. Itov . Kilmer. "Ugh I" he jrrnnled. "White mao bl, water from l.he nearest pool, . Rlllph On v j(l (J " 'J,IUlll.n , furlllPr lfflnltou I Mnk& big medlclne I" It In hI s fn ce. Ihlm te.1I to rubbin g 'LOU I£du u I,U IlUU Kl et ll boon . b ot lt o f l'I e glided ort' ognln Into Ule forest J'l'lsts nod tcmpll's. Alld at InRt Lebuno o . M. A. JUTJ1 1l!!on. J P . noi selessly os he came; oDd tor a mOI'ed l ... e\)ly. lIrte d himself on Ie only U'e chlltterlog ot the squl~ bo'\'\' and looked IIhout with Commissioner's ProcecdlnJ.!s Il1Id tile notos oLblrds hrolf;e the eJes. Be tried to rise forth e r. stlllne8s .overhead. Il>e hRd sunk ' B tlls ·AlI owe.l-.J n hu A Blall',8l1P toppled over o)':nlll. mOllllln£. to t;be ground. And Ul ell •.. one by one, pll o~ for C I:i . $:! '(; ; Mlawl l:!lon r there 8tole Into Ule glad e six nnke d I\nd Grllvel Co , .to ue for r OH.dwork, snvoges. · th .. lr cheeks hhl eo usly Ilnubed $36.40; Tbl! ' o lambus . BI'lnk Hook with red and yellow och er . Ihclr warUo •• lJlslIks f or~. J . , $2110 ; X e Di tl n Olldlng over th el r h ends. W o rk H OQ~e keepIng Wttrre n (Jo Dn. who h orl first dl s('ovprc,l Ikt ty iumates ,20 Gil ; W . B. Hnppleg, to tlte Og ure on tho gl·US8. I"b or atld 1l)I\teriu l ~o .LU; \ . B . Stan ll gfJ & ' D. , r oord, Aud i lor's medicine," he grunt ed; "no h ll ri e. J !:lob wartz, o ffi oe $:l2. {jO; supplieR for j unitor, ~5 ,).0; Wultllr 'I'My pnssed on to the nQrlh, III Bog un. brldgo IU Ulb er , $G~ 00 ; U. s ln glo file. Behind tb em CUllI e the ti.' M O llut ~, u n{I HOr , sanou l ~ tllti~Lloe, oth er two ot th e po rty, lendlllg befinnnold r il l)Ort o f 80 h oo l LreUtiUrer~ twee n th em a girl whos!! fllce was aDd eXlLCliilllltlon o f soll oo l tfllllsnrors with weeping. \\"hose dross for ooe yelH Hll o, $JY5 ; U La P. torn Rnil muddy with the murch. Bo n e. p08tl1ge $~ ; J . '. I!:llI o lt, r eo knees tnl tered bcncllth her. But pBlrM f Cir tYllowrher, Reoorder'e !lessly tho mnrch k e pt on; (lIId office $ 7.0.0 ; fI L . Olll!.lll , Jos. B. sick mnn, rnls lng bls head wenk· "Llaten, Davy, the Flfesl" Woodward tlnll WID . 8. B ohlneon, from thIS ground, look ell In the ot Tolnette nnd kn ' W h er oot. marsh grnss, ond sudd ~nly I1ron tlte service. bll!llli oo wu.itte R, $3, $1 and wInd he hetlrd tbe unmistakable sound $1, re~p eotllmly; U. W . tJ uilesby, CHAPTER X!I. o! II morchlng quIck step. Ule shrl11 mil· burIal of Audre w SoU, $75; WII1teT !lIe ot tho flle9, the ritmble or tho Mo :Iuro, burl,,1 of M rd. Mrt.ry B.. ltI. "'Yankee Doodlo Dandy." drums. They threw Ule lr arms orouutl will , $76 ; U bl M OU Dt./!, fl 08tlJ !! ,$1 0; the WId ot the burrylllg file or ellch olher's necks nnd shaute with 1:;;. E. (.luUer, c ontraM $ 1&0 ; W. W . 8Ilvoges vanished In to tho "'oolis Da"ld oil th'elr strength. Will ted . • . shout. t:!weoney, ooutra ot $1l5 ; lo q 008t bod y stolo bnck townr(l t he gilld e ·where Ute ed IIgaln • . • .on nn8\V erlng hullou of, Jumos M . tloidfl r, corvn er and lay. Be hlld gone but three mil es clime tnlntly to their eurs, ulld wIth 1VltnB8R. $7 .~ 5 ; Chllrloa ~ ltnllSOu, on hIS' Quest tor 11 jp whon bls onxlety 0 cry of Joy UHlY torced tbemselves trIl8~e a. f ll r uIlLin t 1n " ll ce of ''11'0 . for lite's surety llnu overcome him np il all. Wltb n lu st elTort \lley burst mIn or c h l ldrc n. ' 22.fiO: i!: I4R t Eul1 he turned bllck. Be hnd nenrl y r enchcd through the reeds lind fouud the brQu.d \]0111 Co. , f or !:IOPI>lIoA,' H .1l5. tho spot wbe n be C1Lugltt s ight or the flnod of th e Wnba sh nt their f~et; nod. lu st t\\'o wlu-rl ors oC t hll llUrty, nnd flying 8wl f Uy townrd the m 0 cnlton TolneLlo be tween them; nntl ev ell 88 driv en hy the brawny mu ~ cl !I of tlVO Ill s blood BLOppec:1 III his "elus ot Ule while men. A Naked, Coppor.Colored Figure GI vi sion, the two warl'lqrs overtook the '" r o n om I" ejncultlted th c flillre In Mrs. Hugb Uook. !-;cot· t~ v'II t' . N. Y. ed NolHleelly Through tho ~ ..... _,( R,Il"ll n,:o iun ru IlUtl lllsuppellred frow the bow liS the conoe Tilll up Ihe reelly says; " AI> at live yoa.r K "go wllan growth and Crawled Like a tlrnonll the t rl'es. hllnk. "Les homm es tons qui p our· we '1'1 Elr e liv lng ie .I 'Ilrbutt, N. Y .,l Toward the Madman. The blooll pou uded wildly In On- Hull"llnt In Olle ue Cory dOll I" C1oolored two o f lUy oblldren sufl'er. 'J'01l8snlllt Dllbols. the cnptaln o. tllft v iII's tCll1plc~. ond IIl,e 0, mndlllilo h ll In~ [ro rl o olde with Uh"mhorl"in '~ I VRvla'S hear t !iSl\nk nt Hi e F;11H1ifHlIl I d t U Id r tJ (I 11 1 L v He foulld II sl~elttlJ'erl "flO I III whkh La rU~J\() 1,,0 h te ~I ~ 0 dl~ e r ~u~ ,~;~. /:lIld08, hlld Sill II 11 r esp ect tor !oolhur· Cough :Reme(ly und fou nd 1\ just bu'!ld It fire, und Inhored with flint nnd Ie. II spere onrae y. 0" dlness. Dut th sccond oecup"nt of as repr'lsentoll In overy WilY. II I- didn't you see til I\l poss ?" the cunoo roco"nl z II the two ndve.n- Prt)Ulptly c h eoked t heir onughlng steel till lie Bucc~ ed l'd III ClIlI X11l1; n . D B kf 1 " b'JIIJIB to 11,'e In th e {\I'Y chI p, OliO tin" lit Inc arc only mOllned plte- turers with /I cry of thankfulness nntl tLnd c aNed t.b etr co llis 'lulokuE tbuu der b e found In 11 hfl ll o\\' Lr,;c. lie oU6ly; nnd Dnvld sunk to his kn" es, ' flung hIs nrms tlrouud We m. . tLuythiu g 1 e ver u~ e d . · ' )l.ttlllno.ble lltted Ike tn hll:! II rlll~. exertln!:' Il il nnd . 08 Jo(cntly U8 II ,,"amlin, bathe d t.he "Oet In the Cllnoe qui ck." be sn ld. e1'el'y ..... htHIl hte stTengUI. and burc hint to th ,' ~ ,,"l. purcbed tore hl'nd of tile unconscio us "no tel lin' wbat p~8ky devils Ultlr Is Bla-ckford WIlR 11011' 11 I1r(ln~('\ IlIR. 1.111111. As hI! wnt('hod Bluc kford, n 8U' lIerenbouts."


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lung willie, 800 ;


In over a milljon homes they imow







breathln. with sl ~ rtorOIlf! /:rltnl R th ll l ~:~~~I~~:II~U~';;C:tt~~e~c: v~r~~~~~g ~~~~ leemed t o l.. nve hllll II·Pllk, ·1' IIn ll wenk · IlllI'ly; hut liS often as he rose fren. u. But tllere wos noUlln!: tltU1. 1),11'111 zl culy 10 his t ec to the utter folly ot could do, ond hlll'lng "lIt'!ll hl ~ hit of ottt' rrtptlog Toluette's resc uo ulone "belli 16~D. he ~Ilt thrt)llgh (h e Dlgl!t wit It pull ed him dowo; tlUlI at Inst he fo rced s eJe8 li.x ed o n the ftl e. of t he Slc ~ , ltl illsc if to turn his back 00 Ills last IUlln. lying In l.he tolnt nnll wllyerln!; bOl'll 11[111 to Ito'v ·IIIS heild to tlle duty light oC t!l<' lItu e campfire; whllo th e . nen.rcst III huod. . bloek ShRdows or th e to re t closeLi Throllsh th e long nlgh't s his lonely tlluw In r lentl 1!~ly. . I Vl.gll 8 wc:re Silent lu Ilrouulug over the At dawn Ike set'med to be sleeping {JUSt. ' Dy IlIlY b e scoured Ule woods m!,re naturully. The Wnh llsh .m ust li e for food. Iluulllg a w ~llltb of purple wlthln U few miles to the west; t11l!re clust(,rs ot tll., wild fox-grape, "Itls hlbru ca. tbe muscadine; sometime., seeing the busy cluud ot wild bees /llI'lIrmlng 'hlgh overhead, be smeBred I hi s ru ' nil,] hunds with wet elIlY. ' c llllllioll' Inh orl us ly to thel r strong· Oot Strength To Do Her Work bolll, lind ri ll ed lhelr rich mn ss es ot Fair Rav 'n, ,"1.- "1 wn s S<J n ~f\'OUK ' driPping honey_; someUmes· ~ndll)' a 8Dd run do ... o thtLt 1 r01JIJ nnt ,10 my 'store of nuts, toriotten by the ehot· ~_\Vork for my Iil.-tl ' fllmlly of .t1lrl!l.'. teriUi IlquJ~rels ; some times succeed· 1 bad dOOUlI'I'd lor n ~a fl~' t ,,·u ~,, 'an : Ing In brlnglog down a black srOU8e wlUtllUt hrlp. Oil d Y I r"lld a\loll~ 88 It drummed aud 8trutted on a reaYlII<l!. altd "'h.'~~ to it. m,", hl'u.ltb hu ollalll..lo&.. T.hUIi 4t\l..l.Q&..out their 8C8Dtr l. ,.r~ <'0"1 aUl do",!! a y 1Ioll....-ark on"" RW,,'. I aID k' iling 811 etore ot ~r1ed ..,ellison, he kept ute ill ,1:11"'" ,.hat \ ·"",11<8. dooe lor Blackford II bocty throu,h twelve 4a7I _ J K n. FilbY. of aroDlzed "atchlnt. YI1I I i,.. .mhl ...'i"n or fa"ou8 ArId at lut the fever and the Itabo \I hi to build blue paID In lIle'. Ilcfe 'fUI1Bbed UDd. .. ... IIIaI1q of the toreit.


mU'' r


... ...... -

To bo rrnlln,d - - --.--.......- - - -


Everyone likes it. Morning after moming a million men praise it for its fine, full fla vor. Women depend on it. In all th ese homes, it helps make breakfast a complete success. Read what a few of these women eay: "1 recommend Arbnckles' Coffee to my fr ien ds. I buy it all the time b ecauso it is b e lt e r coffee. " -Miss B .. Merce r, K y . "I use Arbuckl es ' because it is stronge r thlln 35c corree, and Arbuckl e s' packages a r e full 16 oz:'-Mrs . V" Coldwater , Kans.

- ---


'() ,,!!

Build a Cistern . No cl" I"I'II? \\, ~ II . l h nll, for the 101' or Y"U I' III f ... ~,' I 'l III!; bar!"'1 lI:ll fwuy

Ih t' J.U'ii1lllll UIU l 1l' til\!



---- - ..,......"._ --

l eJt u ~ r




p lll t~l! .


. Much Ado About Nothing. '.'W lf ·. \l'huL's 1111 I hl ~ III)l>uL'1 I1 e re's II Ic ll l l"

U ll

r~ lrllllh t.t l's ,

til llLlng


l'Olll' fllrtll 111,, ·,1>\ 1I1,l)ul so Illlllly tuus lu tit · IIcr .... " ( l'S 1111 r ight , hublJy. ~un "t ll' o f !Suil t lj til l' II ~T i c ul · tU l'nl dt' )HII 'UIIPnl. ~ly gel'ljUiU{H ha sn't

J !\l'll l II

h l!~ 1t l1ullll;

- ..----

"L'I'y wd l. " --.Judbc.

---'-..,... •

Bree ding Powers of Oysters . . Thl' breelllnl; I,o\\·.. ri< oC oyst rs ore @lrnl'l y IImazlng. 1111<1 It hili< bee ll COlD' put('t/ Lhut l,()(1(I fulH;rown pnrents produ ce 440.000.000 ombryOlI In the courso- of II YCI1I'. nu t of lh e~c It Is est h IIIlt ..,l thnl onl.v 421 In.III·lduoI8 r eneh IlIl1turltr . rur Ul e rtlflrlnllty Is eoormous, !11llllnn ~ holn)( wIl8h"11 nWIlY nnd devoured hy hungl'y Os hes.

---_0_ ...----

Righteous Judgment. The hlllt(' ~ l worl,llIgma n II'lth '0 Word of Different Meanlngi. Il '~ k of <'o"IIl'1 1 Iw"f lint! Cll hlJHg e UDA "r"ulllc" Is 1\ 'OIUIl who Is 1,!ul'nln g d er' hi s bl'lt lIIlI." cnv~' lit o II I1\1 Ion· to be n ·I!olllier-t.he ,Irllw reel'ult," The oll'e hl ~ 11IItll, U' ·~·"\llI l. IIut hnnged 1t t 'I'1I1 Is Englis h. 'fhe word "I'ouk" h e ",nntll the omel et ~ o llfllc.-tloUIle­ uscd t o be used tor Il vllrl ,ty of t1lln gs. ton Pus t. A gnmllllng d en \VIIS II rook. . lSo WIIS II hurl'lI ·/tH. 'l'hp. (I'cquentllf or eith er bccume n ".'00 1\.10." To Soften Paint Brushes.



VIIII' l(lIr lt eu l<'(1 10 Ih e lJollill f; Ilolnl. .,'111 :<ofh' l\ hllfl h' I\t',1 1)111 II I brus h s.


----.--.... - - -



Saxon 'Six Livery (PRICE' I{lUHT)

Sole Agent For




J; I'U\\ 1l In IUHII.l' lJurts u f tllt~ ~ouu·

froltl llie I'" ,( lIlI I I'UI " wit·\! CI·C,·U Good Farm Homqa. nI t lu i I" ',. ' ,ll t th · " ' \I"'I U ll. 'e~. 'I' his It Is INt ucce~slll'y 10 g" {o ' lli e clty will li e l" .,,111,' 111 1111 r ull IIlId LIllI" to (0 I;l'[ Il IIlml"l'lI h''' lle. A rlllh hOlue bullli II I'c'td , 'i~II·'·u. I CII II II' lJulil [UI' tlll've VI' foul' tltou· _ _~ ""I1 t1 dollul'.· Ihll( wOllld ,~ ost D"urly t\\'lce tiS mu ch III Iho dly~ A II ghUng fLud h t 'lIl.i ll J£ l$~' s tl'I Jl ,-,u u lH.! hlRtll lh !tl us Gla ss Mak ing an O ld Art. ch"lIl'ly III tlt o cOllnl l'Y IIn<l !;"ll t "L' ul A mnllg ti ll' I: ,IIIHII I"( I l h ' nrl tI" gillHS 11111 ki ng ;J')" H It II I ,\;". , ",,,'111'1' Ih:m tho n WUf'i 1 ~ 1I11t11 (Jr l' X IJ C It Sl,~ thuu :; hulhlr co,,," ' lIluIICCM CI1 I1 lJu Ifcl,t III IIII! clly IJcgltlil lng "I' I h,' .. 111 1'1.·.·. IIUI 11~ fll r bUIII l!. bllck It" F B. I '. I II ,' I h,':! te l's 1I11t1 "('~n ~~ -----lI cc(lru t ,'II 11 111 1 IIIit' I'\I,'S nntl glnss



PhoDe 90-3

Ai MAFFIT Fu nera' Director and Embalmer, Waynesville. Ohio. We have arranged with an under. toke'r to gilt an aula, so we will be able to furni sh e lthel an auto or horae drawn funeral. Both p h ones in Oftlce Ilnd Residence. Long distance, No. 14; Home phone 14-2r.

WALTER McCLURE Fu'neral Director. Waynesville Ohio -EITJiJ£R-

Equipment Horse-Drawn equipment Auto

Sad But · True. Dlstollce prulull l>R lh il Ilro O{· II great T&LEPHONE 7 1IU1I1Y friendships.


Dr. J. A. McCoy,

Tunesmlths. A musl c/nrl w hll tJ 'Hires to COtnr SII 11 (ull e IJill L ~hllll b""OIlI I! PIIIIIIIIII' IIIUst couU·.I\·., to JJI'odu 'u 'flill ·thl,,!: IIIIP'P" ently orilgillll l, II lIll ~" l not SU ul'lgl uul a s to ' , II' IIHIU,I >l LUd.v; It p}Ul;l tll ao I;UII' tnJll • ·hu .. ~ lie 0111') 1' tUIU)>! JlI·"VIO II ~ ly pupulli 1', .lIlt! yet 11I .'S III u ~ t lll' H,) In1111' \'1111 loll I:J II' 1·l1r· d .)IlII"" 111111 tllill wh ,'I'" III '~' CIIIIII' ·fl'll)lI. wilich Is


Have it tomorrow. He will praise it morning after morning. When you serve Arbuckles' you will know why it has solved the coffee problem in over a m illion homes.

Not In His Lin e. Brought Big Money. DRI'wln \l'1'nl with lI i ~ 1Il1i lltmn to rn r/Il ~~ ll f l'!J 1I1 Sl"'\! l'ulIIlIl IIlllong \'1 ~1t h i" 11 11111 . wll" 1i,"1 II ....·,· little A Z h 'l.' c Ul 'i u s III ~. ' \\' ~ l l"'xll'lI ","hi lit g\rl ~. Afte r n ~ II,. rl tI,", h, ' L'IIT11U In th ,' rll llJ or · l. ~:;O,uIIU II CII I'l un d In a nll ~nl ,1111' II h.,· III " 1111111111111. \\' ho at l'nn ~II" . lIoll'l.'vel'. ollly lOU ,; ruluR 01\(·... tI ~ I•• ·.1 \\' h )" h ,· \\,11 <11 '1 " la.,·ln!! w ith 11'" 1',, "011.1, hUL il L lit · I'Ilh.! ""Id- t wo bls cn n ~ ln 8 . 111111 h I' 1"'plll',I : "0, "" ut1; II g rnill- n 'II rlollt! lot woult! mll mrun. II. Is loo IlIlII'I, ){II'I for 11111." 'COS I U IUJU lou uuu ,,",'o(llIlIl'tl>r dolltlrH. ..... ' I'h' eOI'll IH lJu l Lllllllifl fl,- ,- hcnll co "

Veterlnarv , ',,",="'\1



"The finest cup of coffee I ever t2sted'" Like these .million other women you c;:!n have your husband say this. Isn't that satis faction worth a little time and effort - wouldn't it be worth while even to make a special trip to the grocery store for a package of that fresh, full A vored coffee a million other men are enjoying?

There are hundreds of v ar ieties of co{l: e gro w n. To get the res1,llt you want, the coffe e itself mus t b e ~ig ht. Arbuckl es ' Coffee is. It is p ut up by Arbuckle Bros., t he g reatest coffee m e rchants in the world. They ca~1 give you " r eqter v tilu e in coffee thlla anyone else. No wonder Arbucldcs' is the mos t pop. ular coffee in America today I

- ...---

A oough thai locks and irrtttLtes tbe throat may . lead to 'a ~erlou8 obronlo oough, It negleoted . 'rbe lle"Uei pIne bai@lIms In Dr. B~""II Phie Tl\r HODey-,NIl~ure '8 owo re 'u edy-wlll soothe and relieve thalr. wbut W ~ I IJV Il1-, w lIPIl we su y I t i ~ H wi so ritatlon, broathlng will be OBslor, tunl! UIUL kno\\'s Its own (1II h.QI'. and the antlseptlo propert.ies wi ll klU the ger,'I1,'" hloh retarded hesllnl". B.'V8 I~ bandy for croup, sore thToat Bod obronlo bronohlal. ofl'eOtlOD8. What tJ;c Egg 18 Made of. Geh bottle kld'lY. Pleasllt:\t·to take It hul'l Onl'lI hee ll 'h\ IlI1 f',1 Itlilt tlte At Drug,lets. 250. wld ~c OJ' nn ('1'1.( I ~ l JllI'" IIlbu"lI'lI. but thnt It Ills,) ('o ul,IIl1r; 1'1"'''plll11'l' IIclli DUtl s,"lhulI l' hlorl'lc 01 ' 1"HIIIIIOIl suJt hos hpOJi provcII. ~rh" fntly "art ot th,c "~~r, nlkO r i)IW~Jlhnl'Qll!o1 ('lIlcluln Genial Man Always Liked. The genlol mnn huS II 1;llId 11'01',1 or Bullihur In tit(' Ill'''. no ,Ioulll , tll"'uunts IIIDlle f ur nil whom h 111 ets. l1e I.. tor the dork ~lrlln ,. I"ft b)' l'gg!! 00 _ ever rendy to hl\a~ . \\1th IIYIllPlilhy Ihl' "lh'Of. tale ot nnothcr's grlet, til gil'" Mlll'h ooo80lnlloo nod IIltl 118 h e ('IIIL III;! does nllt t~1 hIM 1.loe In ~ol'l{'ty HO Generally Both. IDIeCUre that lie Is In donr,; r ot IOMlng TIl... mon who dululH lit. n"I'er IUnileli It 1i1 lpeaklq to one outllhlu ot "hili a rul Is cllller II II 11<1 ,villi eioUsm

"We have u sed Arbuckl e s' C orree for t e a y ea rs, and ha:ve not y t found its SUVCl"iOI' or equal." - MiB ~ H., B esse mer, A la .

A million women have solved the problem by serving Arbuckles'. Get a package of Arbuckles I Coffee toda y nnd see why.



"I h a v e b ee n u s in g Arbuckles' Coffe e for ·y e:lrs. I think it is th e only cofftle fit t() urink."- Mr s . A. C . W. , Lay , Colo.

At some time every woman has had h e r coffee problem - "bad c ff e, m edium coffee, coffee that was ncv r twice the same."

Rc1yon your ow~ Jl ulgllletit a . to puttt'rn. b II t reUlI! r:.lIJer d u mbil Hy I. the mott Imporlallt feature.




For Father and Son AND ALI. THE FA"'''

Two and a half mmlon readen find It of absorbing Intereat. Everythlua In It Is

Wr''''"S. YINlCan UIHI.......... We...n 400.000 COllIN enry mQllth ' 1ritbout

giving pnmIlumII ~ It.YO ao IOlldton. """ new;<l"",IO!I' wilt llIow you a c-llPFl or write Ih8 publllller for freo IIIIIple - a PciItal will do.

,S.86 A YUR

, . . A COPY

Oraduate or Oblo Sial. Unlvenlfy. Office at reSidence in F. D. Sher wood's house, Fourth Street. .28



Js tbe unme IIl amred OQ the: h:\ c k of APOOUS. fork. mill (n n cy se nlng' p l~e . In sll\'r:r 1.lute o( pro\lea Q\UlU1y-

"Sillier Platl thaI Wear,," Wltle lrHltude tor choice ,. qITeret l lu the many

nqul sitc dC81/r1Ul.

Stlht by 'ea rI i h Ir

deRI t'1'lI


Send (or C.l4togue ItC-L,t! .howll1K aU

destau ..

DR.COX·S Barbed Wire



VI.., dAdrftI.





Lewis VI.


1~nl i


S RINGB 10 '

Deep B,·e.. th lng. 1 1\'f'lIl1 i ll g- 111:11 tI,1 h,'w ti l'" III tlI 'r11' nil ' 11\ 1 I't> Ijr on" d :I lI \o' d l l1uJ Ij l ' I'S hU -t ll,\":: , . \\ It IJ , p.... It I ,r. ' 1\ lip..:"




Ie s \\ '/1 nesville, Ohio

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ht' I 'lIlhlllL!

\'",,)' tll 't Id,' h i




AL . 1\( , OS OF '

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nr 1:1:-< d llls t . :-.11. till, ,, '1_ !Itl d :t!H!.IIIH' U, II I' : I!'I\'PF ItIIt! I hlll I ~ l.!, tr Jd t.'h hl l ll, K~llIh'

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O'IlIlUI>l tlllll,


- --'- -

Vfalter Chandler

Cla ss ifi ;~'

h r t'al ld ug lie

III tl t'I' IJ




1', /111 I,.

.,1 V.. I PostoiJice,

Everybody's Sentimental. WI' 1111 s('n Um en t lll HI 1a4!1I"t, \\ll lI tl'\'I' " UUI' ~' u"u re,

Hint fpr Bachelors. ~~ " tJ U tlwl1 J,: 11 " t, ' rq '1' I'I"'ln l t' nrHhlll~, "';Ince I IUl\' c g(\" '" Illy I ... ~ t Ih ..llght shull \\' 1.1 uot Hnt! ~ql ll " I'I"U$I II',· In I he to t.lrl' prohll'llI I h ,,\',' 1I 0t f,'11I1I1 It .!sr"I I4'rtoll"t!' or I h \.· flnllt l 1II' g'III1 . Hilt! peelllil y 1I1Uk ul l til IlI k, ' 1'111' " (lr my

thtl ur;h uth.'l'ly


a d lll ln ' B" I III 'pll l !



~ I Hl t·r-ln - Iuw 'tj Iwu-Y"lIr·.,ld t lll ily w hile !;t1CS M hll[ljlhlJ;," slI llI II", IJll cirvlor

l·oull. '11 1II " JllI l'lly a UtI .JUII Il ?" Th"I'~ UI'I' 1I1f1l ,ds III w hl (' h ,f t-'un "lug~


HIl"ur.- itul",rt

t "lIow lIutler tl tulr , wl'l ,;hi ",1 tlnwll !IO thtlt by 110 I.OHslhllit y " lin h " U\'ur8ut It, und theo go Ollt tIl lite hurn IIn<l relid lint! slIIoke 10 IJeucu."- Julige.

Alluutl c.

Much Need for It. 'rhe W'lll,l" "I' 111,\1" I'CI'erNlel' the trel' l'ullt'd 1"lell" 1l, 'I IJ;lu"ll. or till! Peepul t l"'I!, IwculisP I h.,y ~ II Y you con n"\','r 1.-11 u Il l' 1II'I1I'IIt h It. (o'or IhIB rCII"on th .,S :t1\\, 11~'" IlIIt It In pili 'eH re11101" (I'UIII \\'hl ' l~' 1II,'y ~I' II tlllyUllnar, Wltut II HI,I"11I11t1 II l1 l1 g It \l'f1uld bll It It cOIIIl! III' pln nl ,'cI throughout our cillcij.- eillch'li.

8thrlkt.l ~ IIII'

Cultu,,·1 t:Uf·t) Ul ] ~ hltd nuw. tbln' tv Ik llg 111111111. Whu dug tt?"-

-..- - -

Unfortu·nate. j'lurll!'--"Oh , II ·'Ii'. IIIU'UIU, tll<' bnby hus JIl ~ 1 wIl ll,,\\',',1 lhllt wholl' lllllJer at tncll"." MI'~. Hul1'rug "II,IW UIICold Siberia n Rlv.ra. torl ulIlIi.<'! :'iuw I will lie ohllgl't! to put Severnl ot III,' SIIJerhm riv ers ftow UJl nil th (J~ '" S III1'I'II :':U (l1J~ t e rs wltb over IINls or loll ll ICI!. gille."- I'ucl;.


omoe In ' 1lloDal Oaa\( old\l.



A hlleiling oough welllileol 'h.

Notary Public

If 'he lire bell Ihonld rlDI w oul d you run aDd Itop Il or 10 and help to pui out the flrei It II Dllloh 'lie 11me way ",I'h .. oougb A OOUl:lI I. a daoK8r 81goal .. mucb a8 a flre bell, You .bould DO more try t il 8upprel8 it ~hllD to 8tOP " tire bell wheo It 18 nogtnll'. bot Ibould oo re tbe dhesae t hat CRuses the noogb log 'l'bI8 oaD Dearly al"'6Y8 be done by$aklog Chamber\"lo 'e Cougb Remedy. Many hne ueed It wi th the mot' beDeflol..1 rll~ults It Ie el· peolally valaable for the ' l>e rlill'eot oongb 'hat 10 of teo follow. a bad oold or an a"aot of the Irrlp, Mrs Thomal BeeohID •• ADdrewI, Ind., writ .. ; "Ourtn. ah. wlD1er my hUlbiad 'at.. oold eallly a04 oou,bl aDd ooa,be, OhamberlaiD'S Oou,h a.mlld,. il tb. be•• medicine for brKklD8 op ~h_ a"aOKIi and " '0 0 OADDot pa him &0 'ate any o,k.r. " Ob&alllable everywbere.

wb ,Ie 'Yltem, dralol your .Dlr.. ,. tlnd 1(8' worle if Delleoted; your IbroU II! raw, ,our oh8.i' aebee aDd you 'eellore all over. Relle 'yo ~ha* cold at once with Dr Klnl~1 New Dlleever,. Tbe loo'hlol piD. bal. lam. heal 'he IrrUated lDembr.nlll, and the IIIDUlep'lo end laxdi:re qual. Iti~ . till th8 lerm8 and breat up yoar oold, DOD'I Ie' a oold lIolrer, (let Dr. KlolJ'. New OtlJovery toda,. at yOllr drn.list" ISCkJ,

.- .

Proof of Marital Chain •. ltfi strt-HS- Hl ll uvu u avt!r StH1U your

IImnlllg\! IIc~nso', Mlludy." l\Jlludy"I.or', IlI lssus; IIln'l yo u lIeeu dut nlg· I;er knock lilt' II I'IIUlIlI? S'pose I'd let him do du t It wu wasn't murrled?"Puck,


tll fl

---- -_ ..

It means that NEW qual"ty, in a cigarette, that does . for your smoking exactly what a drink of COld .water does for your 'thirst!

("1111 (lr 7.1) I~

~1I 111

·gl' ullj4 ·d t hdU.

l "tI,' nl ~

'l'1l1' ... l' ' 11.,,11


j't ll lll


Imby JUlllp "r to a ,1o 'I'p" "" " ''''''' ''fI ~, ulUl fl'UI II II f<lIl11l" lu p ell to the I\I'~ t eoold III; stov,·.


To Batisfy, a ,cigarette must do far more than just "please" you-it must let you k now you 'oe been smoking.


I0 .H.E.

on ce wltb W , 0 UhRollle r , U' HATHAWAY \'vayoel<vlll e. VblO, or onll h er A at Phone No . 77. I hC\ve u tAW goorl ., ill ' L' dl D "I" out of towo buyers wh o !Ire rlBalr.. ',nyue" v e 8 e/l. Oil eD, a. 0011 of lookin g lit property In Ilnd Office In Keye Bldg, MaiD 8t Brouud W Ilynel<v ille DOD't d e: .. y! II A tt end to tbie at Ollce , W. I), Ubaodler. 81lrr. 8tlt

Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey Fol' Coughs nnd OoIds.

FOR SALE ~bo rt horu

male " a It , 9 1 Red months old: g ood g r ow thy one,

Diarri oea.

l equire of t h e Bur ne tt BC08" Valley Pbone 1i9-a, Wuyn ellv llls, O. j.:S

Thls dt ease 8ho\llll lIo t r utc<l us soon 118 tho first unnatnral looseness of th,' !H)wels IIppellrrl. When this is d on 11 _Ingle dOl!e ot Cham her ll1in's Oolle, Chol· ,'m IUld Dlllrrh n R('IlIuil y will efiec t n. t·\lre. This remedy CliO a lways be .le· ponde<l llpon ",von lu thn most Bover aJlll lliutgerou8 eliSHS, IIml Bhould 110 kept lit hand r ell(ly for i DRtun t 11 80. N over leave 1101118 on Ii lourDes wi thout It .

SI If\n'~ LWl1neot iR flr t thougltt of m ol b I' l or bumps, lJ rni cs t\Qd sprainS thllt ore (Jont.lnllnJly happ eD. ing t children, It (j IlICkly pene. Lr"t N! l\Od 8,)otbo@ wltlt')ut robblu f; , 'Ien ner ti D(\. more effectIve than Ulu 8~y phi ler s or oIMUlBut.. For rhenmtl 10 ao hes, o eurnl gi" pain aDd tb 'lt grlppy 80rODeS8 after oold(l, lllollO'lj Linhn6nt gives prompt ..e lief. Hil vo II lIotUe btlndv lor brull. et!, 8'rllln8, 8praln. ADd a\l ext.rnal palo , For tho ,housaDd. who.. work oalla thom outdoor", 'h. painl aDd aobe. fol\o"lnl ezpollDr. are re Illlved by tlloan'8 LI"lmeDI, A' al\ Orug«ilta, 250

OT of lJure-hred P lymouth Ruo\ I L Han tors. ["'1 \rl' of ( ' hno ' R Otlr~ . H. [\,:, 'v I~ I1

Women as In ventors.





:~p~E:;:::~:~~.;m:,:fr~fl ; PEWY

:'I[nr y 1\ ..,,:; II'n,' III" 1I1·~t ,\ nll' rit-lin WI,1II1111 I .. tll k,' "lit 1\ \l1It.'O t. In J ,fjH, f OIl' w('lIlln); Irll IV Wllh ~i It, '"' U 11' ,.11 d ; bul with l h n ~ Jl ""Il '1 " j' " ,illcn ll rm the /lu rrlh'r oC fl' llIini ll" IIIVf'lllllll" IIIl\'e 1,\1'1"'11 41'1[' UIIIIl IIdwi'I'" 1 ,~~ llI t ,,1 WID

Try Cheaterfieida-toJay /

I:lave vou n farm " rnth FARMSReal E. tate for tlI\ lo'( If It s l


----0.. --_0---

This ,is new enjoyment for a ,cigarette to give. It is aomething that Ji~ ,c igarette; exCept Cbeateriielda, can pvc you-':'regardleaa of price. " ... " . Why? ~auae DO cigarette ,maker .:an copy the '.Claaterlie/cl blenJr ,


Fresh Jerll3Y Cow, a Rood One, Ioq uir e of R, E. SlmtiDB, R, R, 3, Wayoelvilla. Oblo j:\



Chesterfields they're mildl


BUm., the buil1 coloreli !01I1l, wa. 1I'lpl. . A 1'0,.. tor wellr'Bcd-wlu e stu· d ~Dt up tbe dormit ory steps, 11I1IIiIed U, White Leghorn8, S, 0, Buff and wiped the persllirntloll tl'OI1l hll • Orplng'tooB, oookerell and pulbrow wheo u bystllutler hllOsel! Ie's. Call Ai rll , B, V. Smith, phone moved to /uake cOIUJlleut. "Whut Is 3i.Sy' , W"yneHvllle,O, d 27 ,our oftlclal (''1lpaclty, Ru slu s~" "Who, met" WB8 the repl1. "Well, 1'1\ te ll you rlgbt DO"" bOlJlJ, and It's thl8 yore, GRAVE J ERSEY HEIFERS, all rID de director ob 81lOrts nt dl~ yeah Inst1tutloo ob learnlu', "assuh, do dlroctor 011 8ports."


, That's what Chesterfields do-they ~ atisfyl And yet they're MILI)! -,For the fll'8t ,thne in the history of cigarettes, here'. '. cigarette that .ati.liu and yet is mild! Cheaterfielda! • Other cigarettes may be mild, but they don't aatiafy,!

ANU ARY ll, 3 4 , (j 111] 01 1', \110;-: . Poul\ry 8!low Il ~t,e. W I V I1 ,\t~III' All kin ds or Not-rlry Work , Willa Obi o. L 0 , St. ,I bn , ~lI C' y. l'rlll ll .\ !lDU Deeds 0.' ~ p eo l.l ~ y . l u m \19\ ready to Il1llil .


At L..... Jutt It That Time.




Waynesv ille, 0

--- I




.. , DENTIST.. •

----.. -.--.._---

More Artlltlc Cemeterlu. Mnny of the lorge cemeteries the country over hu vo HlOPIJ,. tl tllf. Indlvhluol pltioUng on grlive8. AU work Is done In Uleru by th" cemcll!ry 11890elution. This tends to keelJ tlt e eelD&t erletl 1II0r e park-Uk l! unt! does awuy ",lib tile 8euttm'cd I!trect ot presllnt pluotlng utetllOds. 'rbe old melhod bus n IIclltl1neol IIbout It Ihllt Is bart! tl> Lrenk uwoy trom, but the restricted Saw Rival to Goethal •. null'el'I.'· (1'11',,'111;': Ih,· 1:1'1,,"1 cllu)'on) plut\UOIC lIIakeS U IIIUdl prt! Wcr " fl'eel. _ ulJuw tI" it x llll'i li " ,\0( " 'l'ItH?" Hag... - Lel:lo)' Cud),. arerl y (II cllll lr:lI'll1r) - "Fl.llth, It - --




brot h e l·-I ll-iow . "I",lI''' IIIII C', IlIlll\ I Juw nud 1tt rl" . I h ' IIII1 I1S lin' IhJt IIl1lwklNh. ruu!'it e r ctl tho ",u l w~· I. I II ill St . '(lIlrl!SS 'I' hp IliollSllllfi s slitl "'N' P 1I".l r tho tllIIl II huoJ lIIe cII II. I<l prllhly oll(U' I'II Ie<t ,it'lIlh (If 1.1111,. 1\,,11. 1III,"!!lr II", critics llut now I U1erely I' ll I Ilrl' <le.. r II ttl .. ,Ii. C:II~' , I II


Orrlc. I'll Ie 77


!I' h£' 1I'1I11r I" 111111









• J


IN n l E w o rll.D

IJ':> W" LY. $4.00 PER

I 1 hK110ldlnl{ n r l). for'l


'lyt Ju.~viUn , tIl



RBt;;V 1'111'1 '.Ith f:'f

1 • of


P RUacIs1 G, SPEOIA LIS TS , I '11 E fl S , T It A ,. 5 FE R, 0 A ... ,I,'S SLAVICE OAN PRO F I"


I! ,Hllj

H OW T f' O<l v I A r14tl I' ~I Ha ily, WI\ \, O f'4 \,!I .' \ II




1' 111'



NERVOUS WOMEN Wben the IUlrvousnS811 ill

08U ~8 d

by oonstipn tlon, ae is often tile oa~e, y ou will get relief b y 'aklnl': Oha m. berlalo '8 Tablets, Tl188e tIlbhits allo ImprJve tlie digllsUon. O b~aln . atlle everywhere,



- ..----

8preadln" Happlne ... "I wllnt someoue 10 be glad that I

wns born," Hold a lonely womao: 80 abe cel,,\.rrllted ' her blrtbday b,. cRrry· I.u6 Irltt ll to other8 1111 lon'ely aa berselt -to the poor. tbe 81clt, and tbe .ad. It -------.~ --.~,------18 plellsont to be remembered, aDd to receive- preseots, bot tlte ooblest, beRt Imitative Monl:ey •. and hnpplest that can ~ame to It Is lu tereatlng to I.. " ru tram ex· UI 00 our birthdays la that we caD perlmeots 00 Ulonkel's II I U zoo tbat mye someone hnppler lIec:aua. we they, unlike dogs, cuts, dllckens aad were born.-Seillded. ruts, bllt like humuo b ~IL11:~ , do seem to be tlbl e to prullt by oiJ~tl rvlnlJ one IInother'~ behu vlor~ In Ih numller of cases one mOukey would 11UI\ out a 'L ott Tim •• plug or tug lit Ii stl'lug 'ntte r be bad Bow IDouklod deters trom doy to lK!en a complloloD lIet food In UlIH W81, day tbe best It CliO do, Bnd the mos\ but not betore, bellutlful things It can enjoy, wltllOut thinking thut some da" must be th e lost one , nod tbat lost time Is lost True to Training. eternlt)' ......Mnx Mliller. ,' Little Fred, on being tuught wheD be didn't wBnt' llnyUlIng 011' didn't waot to do something, to sny, '''No, tbBnk )'ou," was visIted one dllY by bls u'ucle, who was II grell t lover of chlldreo. He Ohamberlalo'. Table'. are exoel. was tenslog little Fred fmd upoo hi. I'e ave Bsked hIm .to kl s8 hLm. Little leD' for ooD.Upa~loo . They are 10 take a'1)d mil, I and gent le Fred turned his head alld rave tbl8 ple.. tii .!rIOt. ObtaiDable everywbere. reply: "No, thook fou." ,

.. - ..---'--

- - -'

-- .

----0.. - ••---

... .......... ":' w'"


We want to dose up a partnership 'by January 1, 1917. All parties knowing themselves in debt to the £';rm of


H. 'Madden & Co., Corwin, Ohio,




Farm Women of SpaIn. Woman arrlculiural wockel'll SPliln Dumber 77IS,roo.





8.a.lckn.... Recalllor th e foct tllat dent and dumb people do Dot become 8~lIijlCk, Dn. Lewlll Fisher and Isaac B, Jones ID the New York Iledlcal Jouroal draw tie conclualon that seulckness 18 an ~ phenomenon. The end orpris of tiulllbrluDl In tile ear canal, the ltat· 16 lab,nntb, II dlaturbed b, the une __ tceutomlCl _ _ lOt ot tile boat.

Pleale call and settle not later than December 25, 1916. No account will be carried ovet' into 1917 except by parties giving bankable note. , Note to bear' interelt at 6 per ce nt until paid. ' ij




I I I!JI' ~

-=U:JIiI===:J' I I:I==E:JU:JI:'===!lil:] '

" I X"








New Series Saxon "Six" From the standpoint of radical departures in design this Jle'". .. serl'e'"~ Saxon

But in a score of ways it is a better car,

a greater value than cyer before.









' f The events II th c past twelve months have conclusivel)' proved the fundamen · tals of Saxon "Six " construction to be as advanced as Is possible in the light of aulot:nob il e knowledge. T his is e vident to I he p ublic. 1\ 5 evident Ils it is_' to ourscl\'C!I.

~Si~~Y t~V~~y~O~Ir ~~I:~~I~~~O~I;t\r.~~

quahty-one of the "cry best cars in the wor Id regar d less~ of price. So attention was turned to rc li nelllcnt where refinement seemed possible.


You' ll find lhe doon w ider, nnd . easIer . and more convenient, and the eXIt h' cus Ions are softer and deeper.: __ _ There is little need to speak of the nel'l' d b m.o e ody lincs They impress them selves upon' Jvoll in the firs t look. In the second class of improvement s comes the 2" . cranksha ft and other de. tailed irnprm'ements in the motor.

"Six." is uncbanged .



""our, ~d.

n o (nn,, ,' n" .~ . nf:'r lippI ng tlJe qUCljllOIl )--",vtlf .1.. ~"I cry, wy .

New Y.e ars



ro- 'Wishes no <I.l'nr, ~lllUl1 'Ui\\'ll)'~ lUe, ·1 'L1lI, .Ildl . " Ihu t .. OU All ",Quill IHlt 1111101\,')' II

As tb(' years 0 l.>y it is v er y cvitleu t lIl u the business friendsh1ps ba ed on mn lual fairn ·ss are constant! ' incr asing, . ] n our own exp rknee' it i a source of pride to us tha t such warm iricnd 'hit s nre constantly .s pringing up b twe 11 ours ,I ' ,..; alill those whom \ e serve . . ud now for the 1 ew Y 'nr, fro'n! January Lo D~cem · be.r, ma.y the happ in 55 of t hese ame friends botll Id a nti new in your e1, il y w rk be CL grea t as ours. \\ e coulu wish for y U I1 llltnppic r N w Y nr. Yours I. espcct fully . .

'(\;"'11'1 .',;1\ by 1113' 'IU "lIy '" hi",: _ "Ob, I

yon UI·., l1£>t 1"'''11 • 10\' r, n III now J IHI\',

",,101 II' 1M


f ,)t

,t'\ orll,


all.' ..


to. bt 1", lI lJ ~ ~ unJ~ 11\ "'lIk~ cOlltallH'.J In flit II 'il' t"n \'! ;,1.),·, "Ith

Probably it is in these motor refinements "e take the greatest pride. Mainl y be· caus ' it seemed impossible to better the


axon motor. But it was finally fo und possible to make smoother . and more supple even its smoo th an d SUPP Ie power· fl ow.


Even more rarely than formerly will SaxOn "Six" owners resort to gen r shirting. In behalf of greater strength and sufety the brakes are now II full 12 inches.

Thhese nlewe~ attractions naturally group t emse ves mto two classes- those that are evident at II g lance and tb o!e that reveal themselves in smoothness abler perfo flDllD ce. ' In the first elMs, of course., is the new body. It bas built roomier than ever, a Dd lIlore comfortable.

And the wonderf ully easy-rid iDg qualities of ~aJ[OD "Silt" have heen heightened by the'I X ·inch rear springs of full canti· lever type. Saxon "Six" is $ 15 f. o . b. Detroit.




TheD trlc~1 p~,

h ntl




:ttll'.h 1I1l"





1111 .


- -- - -

IJwlll'lIlo II ";1'111 . • ,'lfI:"'r III lilt) hom !? nt' II I,rt\,· 111,,01. :",,'1'Il1 cullrs.·.. ""COII1' ••• I",·" • I'll ... I'I'I",.~ 11 11 01 "PI,,·nrl'd. \I I.. \I I' ll'" 11 ",101:


" '\' f,ll.

tlt. ·.. 1l

h ,t\\"

" .. llIg

_. -



1)) 11\

to ", ?" - -




Young Men "Horse Shy." Till' ,II""/way Is h,> ln ~ nllHl e Ihot ' lIa ll\' .\' ,,"n ~ IIl lln wllt1 tlH\,~ rf'flched man h. ",d III illl' 1t1~ 1 It'n ye nrs do I\ot lil" I\I' h" ,.. I" hllrlll·itS al1,l u ttllch tho III "'''' 1.1 t il.· In' )!~)·. ,'r:lIII, th~ h " I1Rt.





1"':::'11,' 1""

t,h ,' lit' 'I'·.' ~tnrttl'·r. ,. , " " l J.:I· l1l'l"'~~ . It'




Mr. uu a loU ·~r6. WHil e Allon la ft for ~ " lleu'( ertown, t;ntnrrln y. to bn guosts of the IlI tt r's p l r tit,s lllltll afttll' O hrl ~ t.rtl1l1!1 . • . [::J Mr. Nlltha Au tIn I s spendlog ~ ~h o wlnl,e r with hill 800, Charlel. (lUcI tllwlly at Ulliollgo. M Is.~ L,enll Go nner apen' Ch rIst. ma Day at bQr hom (I here. Mr. aod Mrll. Moole BollHtt. were called to 8prlo gboro, last t/atordfl.V. ~ 00 lIooount Of. Mrs. I.he illneS8 ter'. mallber, Meloy01 . the . Int-


To.a Late far Regret.. N Rncy . wus ready to IrO to her ftrst pnrty. "Try to be cllreful of tbl8 Jlttle blue d rells, dear," cautioned ber motb· er. 'Il om afraId It wJlI uot 1}e HO pret· tl' after it III wusbe'd." Ao '\Inllr IOler Nancy cawe ruolllng bom , ~ohlII ng wildly, holdlog up the 8klrt of bel' blue troek. "1 did be carc.fll:l," sbe sohbed, "but the lee crellDl fell In my Inp. Oh. bow 1 wllb I had ione bare nllked to tl!e party I"

sol d "bunch of Mr. Jamee OnrM,!! aod ram'\l'v are IIn\OrtaltliDIJ 110 rr lond from Jame~. ·town d\lI~loi .th e holiday • . Mr. and Mrtl, George PraH were plooeant Snnriay afternoon oal1ers at the home 01 Mr. Frank Daklo and family. Mr. Fired BI ~gel ie rapidly 1m. provIng• . Messrs. 11'.' M. Dakin and Frank Oook ( ran.aoted busloess In Xenia, Saturday'. '. . Sobooi obl1l1ron no enjoying tile holidaYI to th ' Ir ft11l extent .

=U!JII:===:Jn~ oa~I~. J~~n~!


o o


The Advertiser

(·lIgnJ.:~ Ih~ lin·





h O I·~ t· IJ "'WIll·.-~lIl1ueu llolis

I II , I' 0110 l .l oll l·OiII.

r:J~. I",...r oAar~noP,PIII . .und .





Will find this column wilt hring him money if he will use it for anyth in g he has to sell. You have a surplus on hand at the' present t ime, Feed is sca rce and you want to get rid of tlla.t cow, horse or pig : o r else, YOI:l have a surplus amount of farming imp I ments on hands and anu want to sell them . ,,'You can do tbis v r easily by· putting in an ad. telling all about them in

- ---_.. --Not Bad Rule of Life.

It I ~ IlO'tt('r ~ II vp wltb r~r('re nc

to mil king tIl l. II h,·tt~r \\'01'1<1 10' 11\,0 III Hltlll to goltl!! to a b IIpr 11'01'1<1 Wit I'll WI' ,II'. I r we uro doing 1111 we ('l UI to Itlllk o litis 11 good world to he III w " Iw ,·01 hun' itO fl'UI'S or wllllt Is to I."'(''-''UO lit UN wht,,, our time CQIIlUl! to INl n' It.- Bxl'i,"ut;e. - -- --.--- - .

YauI' Child. II ~ Iml'ortnnt to tellch YOll r child to be c11O,'rtlll liS It If< to teach hllll to hrenth <lel'p Dnd tu l)rll ~h b l" leplh ,'"11 .1'. Being cJ\eerful aids d l~I'" Utln. QlIlrkCIIII the clrculotloll. fn i n('t. VI' t01111 Rnr! \'Igqr to tite entlr" IIndy. Tho ,,1"'Ql'ful "hlld rnrel),

o-< c: n » . 2 III






;tQ "tI r'"


It Is nlmoKt






mplllhl f;l Of mlnAl' IInmellts.

---.. ..- - , - -

tier \(acatJon. WUII cnjiYlng 'an ollt. l11g willi hCl' gl·uudmoth er. :She wus /llnI IlLI" ull\'n)'II, qu ill! willIng to do us bet· J;'Tlln,huuther wlsbed. except 10 oue resJl,.!d: whe I'cb"'led lit the dully DUp. "Wily should 1 sleep?" sbe remon· stl'll ! d. "This I~ my ' vucutlon! ' L ItOe r':lIzub e lh



He I. No Benefactor. H e whq allow9 tw o wcells to grow ,wh ore Ollc weed grl!w h ·fore Is no e\'crlnsllug benetnclor to uiosqulto klll,l, but I\ot much ot n civic prldlst nor i'm,mllier of public bcnlth In bl.8 Tbe fanoywork dis play at bhe home town.-Brownsvllle Hemld. bome of . Mrs, Mury Munnon ' 0 0 - -- ... --WedDesday WIlS well at tnDded IUId IIlthough t,be 'lGe'llllar \\'118 bad It did Dot dnm pen tho oj ymcDt of tbe "tterno D one bl . Romance.. Mrs. l!'. A. B r t,.uo k, AIlln Gnd nomnncc~ nrc wrllt.m uo(1 reod not ilelen BI)rttlOck spent 'b ri t·mlts becuusc they nre .cltller true or uo· Heard In Court. Day wi ttl Barlau llllr'wy lIod tumi· true. but bec/luso regilrdles8 of uctu"Yollr \aooor, I acknowledge the r f· Iy near Utloa . allty Ihey give reli ef to tho uuused erencc ot the opposlug counsel to /II)' Mr. aud Mr~. G oo 1'; li i~ n g ll . el/lOUonnl vres, lire of CUl' hcnrts.grllY hulr. My hulr 18 gray. und It w/U conti nue to be grny ns long li S 1 tHo MI81! Ve 8 ~ u !lpent. '~I I1!llI 'f Y Wllh (lcorgo So ule In tlle New York l{~pub. lJe. ltvC'. ~'he holr ot thut gentlemtlo Is Edwin MBr,tlll .Ind ~jfll . • Mr. null Mrs . G t)o HU';liJl n nd son. blnck uno.! will continue to be bluck 011 long 118 be dye8."-Boston · E,'enlng Ber' lnjoyed 'brl tlllRR <linn", r wit ll Mr. and Mrs. Warr [ I Bug In neA r T ronscrlpt. Hlokoryvllle. Stili Tells the Story. ...- - lltin . Idll Mlln non 0.011 dnuf;h t- r, ~"' n y a Hlloldl '·nged mUll who bears Gaod Advlc.. YIIl@ Et,hel, of '!'jPI " 'lIn Olty a r. the Unklo n( II school. bell iviacell 118 t Envy no man'. tnlent. rived l:latnrdn:r .. v.'um-t tl1 till tld ho for)!els for n IIl1l1nl'nt tlmt It doe• your own. the h Oll d"ys With !<jrn""b M.lll n oll l not cnll hlnl to bOAkH. But he wtu and famil y. tell n H(·ltoolboy thut Rchool ' doys are « Mn. Wu'yl(1ud J ni All , of Ui llilin. tll e hlillpicst.- Loulsvillc Oourler-JournaU and Mr. aud Mr •. W '1' . •Ior- nnl. • ~ dan and dtlu gh tor louie hl'i ~!\ - - -.....~... - ."...- - dlnll'er wl\h Mr s . J ohn Jorilan und family. Th'o le who ' enj oyod .. Oh n Rtm 88 Sandy in Doubt • Day With Mr. \l nd MrR. (l eo 0 11 '1' 18 !':' ·IUI'.,· (I .. ~k ))IIlI gII I. l'ct~rnlng from were Erns t M14ntlou ,"111 frunily , \\·".d'li ll ~ r,··iII\'Ii I ~H ) -.. PU8$, friend Mrs. ld~ Mlmllo u, toi l J~ t,I H I Mnn. a li s \\, ,'11." ;\klJulI/:/I I- '''l'hunk ye Iud: Don , Mp. Jas. <;II uvor, Mr. "nd Mrs. rll,·. 1 ~1I1 ~' I' ' 111111:1 h,' n til.) gur<1 wl'te or W m . Gl'lmell, ot Xoni a. Mr. J ail ~'I' " l llI lth 1:1 Ii • H(, ":I II'C,"- L olIlJU U Oplo. . Da v18, or B nl'voylllJUtg, lind Mr. 1(1' 1. Gllnn DIl vi8 and fami ly. ------.~ MI~se. J acllth Colli(l r, Irene Uogloeby and Marie HIoh, all of 'Ii Lob/lIl()n, bre spe ndin g tile ho lidaVH EnemIes. '. at h ome , . , ' The ren~on we ure 10 love our eoeTbo Mis80S Merle (\nd Faye EIlts mles Is be~ll llse w'e CII lIllOt help but be spent MrJDda.v: ,wIth the M1IIses Au~- nice to those WIl love, null nobolly we 8 ~e nice to It! golug be our eneDl)' rey .<od Opa.l I hompsnn. ' .l'lle program a\ .Wellman sahool ' ver.v long: It·s th e {'nollly we hute wbo Frldl'yeveniog was well r endered, ·remalns our enemy. MillS Ii:I~ie i8 to be oornplhnented on horahlll t, Mr. Raymond Wolfe and family, ' of noar ClarksvI lle epent I:lu nday with. Mr. und Mrs. John Wolfe . . MilS V iola Jordan Rpen" F,lday, . 'wlth Mr~I •.Mllry Mannon Kr Oba~. Stl\noell and famllv, of Dllylon, ,~nd M,l'. Lumar IIond wife; of Barve,y saurg, etljoyed Uhrllltm81 With Wr. Ilond Mn. Jill. ~ ray. Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe enter'ained CID M.oDduy evenln , and Tuesd&y Air. Wm , (lrimCla and wife of Xenia. ' There will be a Uh r la'mll" pro. gram In connection with Ohri8tllln I£ndeavo'r at Bosoh Grove ohuroh . Mund"y eVilDlnll, December 3 1s' Yoa are Invited aUend : Mr. Alaa Hart.oo~ '(Ilited Mr . and lIrli. Ira Harteock ID Dayton F riday 104 S.lluda,. • PhUlips' . . Mr. aDel ahi .. r...ter li~rraOl aDd family, (lif Dear W.YDee'(ll1e apen' .Building Kouda,. wlah lin. BaDBab Rtoh. 'l'be IIlaDJ' frleDdl of IIr, Carl Cleaver went pltalaDtl,. larprlH4 to bear of hll Cb.....mae In N." I .aD to houe. k"I~Di Imlaeclllataa" I. . . .hamp .

Andrew Jackson's BIrthplace. Waynesville, Ohio J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt•• Nortb und South Ourollnl0118 fj tlllr· reI U9 W ' tbe birthplace of ' Alldr IV •••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Jackson. A tradItion bas It thot he wns boro ut tbe Wnxhaw settlement In Union county. North OurolloR, but Jockson blmselt thought thut be wus born neRr llJe 'Voxhnw creek In Lnn· custer couoty. South OOrOIl D". 'rhe weight of evidence seems to fuvor tile SOUI!1 nrollnlnns. ,

-- -

In I,,",c. n ll ~~"'I . "ho,·,· h ' l , ,·1 "II>lIlI'r


'they Promise Satisfaction



H appy New


aIEi==:JIEJ~i===:l11:1===:lII:UIE==5I1t:ll:.1===::11 BE:'===:111::11

"Savage" Tires Succeed for Service

"'1' I '''.,. I. It of tH'uuly. I}I' I'll" I'I, ' I" IllillnU r " OR i ll th£' motion lit JI \:II\"(' of td.' ... t' U. to tit,.., MI'O\\, Ul Qr 11 1111'.' I" th nl ". ,'1"1 '111.1its SW f ~ l ·t II'I\ \"(:I~ I n Ilu' I fr', :1111 It ,fl· colo's It.' h,·nul;.· j " th,' :,1111 " Iii,'''' I" po!'tr)' III Its blnll. 11.1411.

Mr. aoel alta. Bernurtl Alle n en· joyed qhrltltmll~ With ~he lortlle r'~ BIBter , Mr! . Wi ll 'urtit' and famH y at Red I,.lon.

J•• B CHAPMAN " Ag., t ' Waynesvl·lle, Ohl·O.

• •••••••••••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••• ·t•• ···········~·


Uke ~noll lbg ; hul "loP'"

eJ~ ns('


'To Our Customers and Friends:




Why She


In 1'\.

~~. 'Orn, ~-c~-~-~-,;;~ ;',~;,~~ _""


~ ~ ~

-- - -

C:l• ' ~OV"? pOMI T' nloll SIll'

A bl' ,..o tourl'ng car for . fl· ve people'

Pat .:.

rh"Ui"f'lr ,\ al



- ..


EVERYBODY - -- - -- EVERYWHERE P lt'lUle accept my best wishes for a

. Happy and Prosperous New Year' 1 appreciate the loyal pa(ron8ge given me in the Pllst a nd hope for eontinualion of it.

.-...- - -

The Harveysburg Fertilizer Co. wnl pay you $3.00 per head for HORSES and COW S

~t your home and will come and get them. filted promptJy. All telephone charges paid. Give us a call. .

Orde rs

' k L• HarrlS, · Man. HARVEYSBURG F ran OHIO .................................................... r

- --..



Auctioneer Real Estate lnsuralice



Starts Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, Lasting Until the .20th

tot~~o 'heobUdre~

Notwithstanding th~ fact that muoh of our preaent stoek of merchandiae could not be duplicated a.t the price we have paid for it, as is our .usual .oustom, with the exoepuon of a .few items BOld under contract prices,





~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3 Working Days ,tiD' X~8s.) • • • • •IIIIi.1





lUisbes 1111 a.

The Rike-Kumler Company ~~""-_ _IICI~~

Re.ldence. 45-2 ·

.',. he .Toylan.i1 .S tore .


Office "Over ·the POBtofflc;e

.H •


Slxt y-Nin

1 ...... -




""--- "--+---0 ••••

ll~i=, 'Tli. ~ . .!I;

~ PH1 WA S LAI liI :1 \ A 111:1 lH'; D LA T

,"oWater house f,,1' Auto Livery. Ur . Dill. Os l('tljld th 2 1 S . Bl'ond· IVIlY, Leb!lnon , Oh i, l.

V (;l! K

- -- -

SPEAKERS WERE GOOD I to~I~:t ~~~t~Liles \\'H~ And c \'cry One Tool. Morc Than II 1)lIssi ll ~ Inl el'cst In .the Inslilule The :'!·1l11

Far mers Institute of W llyn,,~vi ll e oll"lIed at 10 o'clock, V eC~ lIllH! I' ~U, 1tJI(j, in High ~choo l Ha ll, l're id el. t A. C. Tumlin~on pr e~it! illl{ , Invoclltinn Uj Itev J ohn McMillan, pi l1uo d Ut!t. ArLOr ' 11 s hort address by Ihe l 'r,,!.'idt'IIt the minutes IIf the IHII L .lI eeti 'I IC WU tl reud a nd appro vcd . 1'11 ' I'I't:sitlulil lll"n introduced Slllle . cHkers, ' F: Green, of PII' t ll:l kal u, Oh .o. ~ ubjec l, " Some Feed P I' 1JIIlIllS." Mr Green said, "ThaI every communi lY has its feed prob· lems and th'tHe Ilre ~o msny half fillet! feed bins th is yellr lind commercial t eeds are so high that hll had very Iittl" to olfer . We sh OUld st udy feed values, and keep in mind lhe elemenla required for each cluSl! of live srock In moal cllses g row the feeds ·need · ed if poStlibJe. Growlegumes, Con i ailal{e lind Illflllfll hal make an al m Ollt bulanct!d ralion. Tryin!r to run a dlliry without a silo is a mls take. Should biliance corn with a prolein feed ~oil will improve by a-rowing IIlflllfa quicker than with any oth er crops Doell 1101 lI c1vl ~e the growing of cow pea9 in UHio 1111 Stili and climate condj~ i on8 lI.e right. .ooea ad · vise growiug BU,V beans if planted in !rood soil Hogs will make belter . nd qu icker krowth if thay han a legulll' p ture in addi tion to other feed: CI vlIr p" ' ' re was l'stimated to lJe wonh $1 :. , - acre, and rape $2 1 per acre. Colton seed meal can be used to sUlJpl emt!l1t silaS'e. Sald tha t oil meal or cotton 'seed meal at $35 per ton is cheAper than bran.t .2& per Ion altllough It waa not a practical feed for hog earid sbeep Oil meal should not be ted r8jfularly Brllwers grains, malt sprouts and glu ten fe(od are 111110 good lupplemen· tary rations. Animalll should be well 8upplied with water at all times especially beef catlle, Will take more water th rough s ucculent feeds Salt ehould be fed in abundan'; e . Feed the in· dividual increa~e the protein feed to the cow thlit has a tendency to take un fat. H animal:! do not give a profit sell them.' ' ,Quetltion by U. M, Brown , How 8upply f eed dUI III\! early fall drOUll1 Mr. Gre~n ur l~\\ rl ti Gro w 1)1019 til ,weet ~orn. and b IT.· hUlIl to f~E!(} Ul! til reauy lO f<~C'1 Cllhlb gf', fr um lhl eiloa. He a l ~,. ~I\i d tliat !lJ j~, of j, meal is aV<l ilt bll' . BI'I,n is no t t.h t equal of oil m('al Ui II fued Mr. Robit z 'r lIo id that we mu st consider the 1It !eJ~ of the pr 'Renl day. Many ' d ~ alers sell feeds thai do not give r c~u l ls Advised not t buy pre paretl nlfnlCu feeds, bettel buy alfalfa hay , us it is much cheaper . Many buyers are govel ned by thl' low price. Mr. Green advised to IItudy what you r f eed carries and buy per unit.


.. ,-



M. Cartwrig ht was in Cincin·

na~a:·:~d;:n::.It:fS i: :::on,

spent the week ·end here wi th relatives. .

Mr. and Mrs. Waltl!r Chandl er wer e Dayll:m visilors Monday .


+--- ---------- .


., . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 • i



D uring th e pas t year we have beell i ~s llil1g a SCVCII - olu mn pa per to our readers, and ill nlmos t " cry CflSt' we ha\'e 11 l'(IrC I ' noth ing bll t cOll1ntC'lIdat iO Il regard ing- tli chaJ lgc. . The l\liul1I i Gazelle has tri ed to holu 011 to the old price of ,"' 1.00 per )Iear, but the advance in e\' ryt hi ng t hat. goes to produce the paper has advanced to such an exten t that it will be impQss ible to produce it any longer at the olu price. •


We have flattered ourselves that we have issued a paper for the past e ight years that is surely worth more money than we have been getting for it. 1n fact, our subscribers by the score, have told us as much.


Ernest Martin, of Duyton, is the gUt'st of Mr, and Mr a. Wrn . F rame.

South Charle8ton, Ohio. is to have a poultry show this year, J an uary 18, 19,20, Mr. and Mrs, C. M, Brown and children, of Corwin, were Oayton visitors Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Zell, of Cln· clnnati. are visiting the former'8 parente at Corwin. Mr, A. Lawson, of Cynthiana, Ky. , ill thl! Kuest of Mr. and Mrs Robert Beckett, of Corwin.


• Anexc ·lIuntu inl1l' 1' and nt "I 1,l ca~ · • ant evening were: njoyetl ;It I he ho me of M rs. I'~vll J o n ~s and .l augh· ter, Miss Ethlyn, on I·'riday, by C, M. Car twrigh t and fam ily. Mr . and Mrs. S. L. Ca rtwrigh t ,

The Miamii Gazette


Til Dayton J ournal of las t Thu rs · day SHi M: . ",\'Ia r l' ii~d - J 'lIn es T horn· a , fi2 : PI in~ Vll ll el' , l,lh io ll) Mo rgie WII",III. 5 1, oi IJllylon, hll) " Miss Minel'\'II (1",I'\:ln. who IHL~be cm (he> hul lday h 'r~ wl l h her mo tiler, i'nrt M,)1 ,day e\1 t.i ' l il1~ to fl' duma her st utlios at Uelaw..l re Ulli\'Cl" sily . lI ~ncliJl~

Mr. and Mrs. J . C. Hllw k. anel daughter Mis:! Cl lIra, a nd g-rand daugh te r s. the Misses She ano Uoris, spent ~unday with { e lati\' c~ in Dayton.





............. for Aum



brief illnes9 waa bUlried' In Miami Clvde Coleman. of Cincinnati, who Cem!ltery, Decembelr 23. Funer~1 At Chapel Tueada,. morning !tu been with the Dow stores in that services were held at hi~ late r~l· the Lebanon UnlverBlty, the presi. citv for the past 25 years, resigned dence an:! a . second sez:vlC8 for .the dent" Mr. Cunningham announced hia position on the 23 rd of last month : benefi~ of hIS WayneSVIlle relatlvea that.176,064 had been ~lI4Id toward Mi'. Coleman was one of the pioneers a!ld friends W88' held at t~e home of &be new Unlveraity bulldID,.. This In the Dow drug stores, having hiS uncle S. Lev. Cartwright. Rev. I. the first anneullcement that served all that time In the liB me John F. Cadwallader wu In charge ,,"n made regardln~ thia purpose store, Central Ave and 4th streets. of the Wayneaville ~e:rvlce. and the faculty,,, well I I the citi: startinlt from the bottom and going i Lawrence Cartwright W88 the Ion lens ot Lebanon, are blah I, elated . t,(I the highe~ t posit ion in the storc- , of the late Capt . Jol!n W. and HanItis thought that the balance will that of manager. which posi tion he nah ~ul1en CartwrIght. He Will be raised in a short tlm~ and the 11M held for the last 12 years. Mr. born I!I the house on Third St., now bui ldi~g be put on its way Coleman will , for the prpgent . t ake a occ upied by .Mrs. J. H ClllIkey po~ition wit h the Buick M()(o r Co . ill Ma rch ]5. 186 1. H IS father was 'illcinnl1li nw rtlllly wo ulltlerl at t~(! baUle of \'/i ncl-e:lcr, Va! ann diet.! a m !lth 1 Irt er . Allf" t ill'" fo l' ~ n uml,er.o.f · . ~. a.',,;. L'~\\Irf'lI("'I1l ,d e ltj ~ 1,0'1)(, ~vlt-1 1 . h1 5 ""!lll1 lf.ttl,..!'. tile lal'" "Iet h l,nr t· I wIIHhl lJII hi. ia m neal' the SpringV;~J1 .·\ pil, c li e \\' 0, ar •tt ch iefly . I l ity his aut. t. !ll rs I. f.., I\ <!ys , who Illl' n was Itflc hcl Ca rtwril!h~ il ' L II(,' r hi .. mothe r 1l' ;lrri~u J ohn T he Fa rmer." In titute to be hel l Rl:liclH,) , and Lllwrence went to D oW ' at Oregol1ia J anuary and ~ wi ll ton lo '·e ' ide. At lh e lime of his haye some ~ood speal< ers. Among death he w" (\ com mit, ion merchallt, l hose who will ad Liress the in~titute There wiil \.>e sevcn eclipse!! for H ~ wag twice ma rried, leaving a a re Mrs,. Murtland Bedford, Mess rs. the year 1917. The nr!lt one will be wldow and two sons. C. F (11'(,6n, Pau l McNish and L, O. Lawrence C~rlwri e:~t was a 8~lt. Lantis: ' on Januar y 8. thllt of the mooTl . a nd it will be visible in the U S. The made man, Il1du s tl'lOU ~, cordIal, The exhibit will be somewhat on a moon will be totally eclipsed about <! cheerfu l. sympathetic and hospitable. larKe scale, and some very good a m. He wns devoted to his family and prizes will be awarded to thesucce5s There be a partial eclipse of friends. ful contestants. Write to W. the Bun 0 January 23, visible •- Kersey for a program. throughout Europe, Asia and Africa . •_ •


._. .



'YEAR 1017






---Coal costina- us bOW four times as much as it did . (cllUslnjt us to operate at a 1098), we hllve been comI have aold my Timet Star route pe' led to advance the light rates 60 to Mr. Stanlay Pence, who will take The Lytle M E . Church will serve ppr cent and our milr'limum rate. to charge of it Monday, Januaty8,19l7 an oyster supper at the Lytle Ball, 75c. We hope thla situation will not I b8loeak fer him the U8ual courtely Saturday eveninK, JaDuary 8. continue Iona-, 10 we can return to you alw.,. ahown me. Everybody come. old rates. Board of Pub. Ailail'll ' 1 FrankH. Farr. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~





y ,\\'NES ILLE




YOUNG MAN HAVE RAISED A OBITUARY · The Farme rs' InRtitute at Morrow, J . Cartwright, who died RESIGNED POSITION at Lawrence GOODLY AMOUNT Ohio, will held January 8 and 9. hi. home In DaytoTl, Ohio, after a A good ar rny ot speakers will be

Mr. C, M. Cartwright and fam · lIy. after spending a week with relati ves here. left Monday evening for their home in Chicago,

,:\' I~ ES

~l l' lIn\1 tiro, ~Vf.lrrtln l:: I.\'it d I.!l l 'ti l terl ainet! a t IlrilL:u ,';1\" ll~ 1:\"'/1' ing, The n" \ \'N'" Lillo'" Int. II'.' ;:l1d II : af ter th ' g'll m ' 1\ d e rCi'j u~ lu nch \'.. I~ sel'\1cd . -

Mrs. Ali ce McKinsey and daughter Miss Henrietta , s pent a couple of days last week with relatives In Morrow.

Mrs. SU ~lI n Arnold wal' a guest at a famil y re unillO at the home of ·Mr . and Mrs. Amo8 Ellis, ot Harveys· burg, l:iundllY ,


Miss Inis Davis , who is attendinll Lebanon University spent the holidays at ('.orwin with her mother, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~~~~~.... . .

present ,


: aft(, loun

Beginning the first day of February, therefore, the price of the Gazette wiII be $ L.50. New SUbscriptions and Renewals will be accepted until February 1st at the old rate of $1.00 per year. If you want t o take advantage of this special offer, come in at once and get the paper for another year at the old price. If you cannot come in, send your SUbscription, and we will immedia tely ma il you a receipt.

Mr. and MI'!I Stanye, of Dayton, were Sl,1nday guests of Mr. and Mrs, GeorKe Marks,


: ill r ', r' I: II. !·JII·'r';·,I, , • t h£' ' .Iully tJlal JII~" C' , ~,

News print paper, at the time we took bold of the Gazette, was selling at 2,!/:ic a pound, while at the present time it is quoted at 8,!/:ic and is hard to , get at that price. Book papers, writing papers, envelopes, inks, and, in fact, everything has doubled in price during the past two years. While our old subscribers have stood 10yalIy by us, and we do not like to raise the subscription price , it certainly can be seen that we can hardly be expected to publish at the same old rate.

Mrs . Cal. Burlls apent sev ~ rlll days with reilltives lit KillKS Mill s la~ t week.





Xl'll iu visi· :

Mr . AlfrQd Wlight le ft Monda) morning for George 'School, Mis!; Olive Allen left Tuesday morni ng for Mt Holyoke, Miss Edna Janney .\lrs. Bedford Talks :eft Monday for Tol<,(fo, to reSlIml.' . After music, Mra. Murtland Bed· their achool duties , ford, of Wakeman, Ohio. ,ave a practical talk on Hatching !lnd Rear· Don't forget to attend the Poultr')' ing of Chicks. "Most fum ftocks Show this week. There are somt' are woman grown. Poultry rBliSlmt.lexceedingly fine birds on exhibit, and offers one of the grpatest opportun- if you are interested in poultry the Itles in Ohio or in Americli. 1 I b P f K'I Ohio leails the Union in productll, ectures g ven y 1'0. , I patrick althoug h o)1ly une in thirty ftoCk~ will be very interesting . . are pure'bred , A larlle part of suc Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Howell left U S8 begins before hatching. Hatch from a select few; select eggs from Tuesday mornln~ for. their planta hena having good vitality. egg con· tlon In Alabama, where ~hey will sperid leveral weeKs. They were ac· formation , etc Keep egt(s not leas than three nor companied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank more than gl:ven days before seltinK; Howell, ot Port William . . ute for hatching purpo)ltls eggs of II unUorm lIize and color Different The many friends of Juda-e Levi coJors Jl ave Ii different resistance Mill., 'of Wilmington, will be pained heat and moisture. If you Ute 81 , to hear that he suffered a slight at· incubator, select one of a well tested .m ake, there are many; and follow tack ot pliralyals, last week. AdviCe!! from that place, howe.ver; is to the the instruction! that go with it. ~ffeet ·that he will be himselt again. MOIsture content ill importallt, soml' mllchine~ do not evaporate 'enough. Chicks do lIot require food for 4~ Millll Hester Canine. who Ipent her , hours, aftur 48 hours remOVl! from vlU'ation at her home· in Paril, III, Incubator to brooder, keep tempera· Miss Joaephine Andrews, ' who WII ture ot 90 tleg rees Ulle water and at hur hom!! In Conneaut. Ohio. Mia . cbarcoal for .firllt fee4, second feed Dorothy Gebauer, who wa~ at her moistened bread cru/llbs, hard bOiled bome in lKentucky, . Mias Beulah eggs, lettuce, etc. Hopper feed Kindler who epent the week at Cir· best, using bran, middlinl(ll, corn cleville, arrived here Monday even· etc. Do not give bran mash to Ir.,to take up their achool dutltlll. batched chiek~.. Milk is one ,of \.he MISS Clara Lila, wbo Will! at Chilli· boat ,lind ' chel\peat feeda, 00 not cothe during her va~tion, arrived boine. Sunday eVllning'. · chan lie from sweet to sour mi lk. Cockerels l1et'd different rlit.lons; would liell them when weiahing lX Those who attend·~. the funeral of Ibs , 88 the price is u8ually better, Give pullets aood range, shade la Mrs, Mary Upp from arlistance were 'very ..,ntlal: Feed pullets crar.ked Mrs. Fannie CIlIIf and daugbter. corn, whea~ beef 1lCUpa. Do· not Mrs. Rohert Stupp and Mrs. Joaeph ule mOldy 'feed Keep quarten Carr. of Dayton. Mr. J. Durkin and B8lI8ie Du~k'h, Mr. andMt. clean. dialnlect eve.., da, . Leary, of Wilml~ytt9n. MI'II. , System Ie the of Annie Jordan and Mid l!J4w1na JorNever .mix • • of Coilimbus, M.... Upp ~. be UII . Itock. =~~r.,1IICI daurhter. of aDd lin." Chari. OW8DII ..... ...... bJ'Of Dayton, MI'. md lin, WIIPrlaeliwc ' Grimes. 01 Xerdl. III'. . . lin. l'I8 ~18lbee. of XenII.. . .


Whol Number 340


Mr.-and Mrs. J O. Cartwright en· tertained Thursday ev enin g at cards In honor of Mr . and Mrs C. M Cart· wright, of Chicago. The evening "SA ple8!antly apt'nt and a delicious lunch W811 served.


f he Pastor of r his CllIIrclf to duct Rev ival Personall y


lh is Yeilr

M. E. C I URCli Sunnay, January 7, \ \Jli Suml y School at 9: 15 a, m . MOJ'T lll1;< urJ>C\c hing service at lo :;!r). C'\1""11lllion wil l be observed Ilt thi; ~'·rvic e. Evening service at 7:00 1'. 111. This ser vice will be the fi rst 0 t h... nn nual revi val services which >,\. itl I,e con· u urted by the llll!:ltor. I':vl!rybody Is m[)~ t cordially invi ten 1,(, allend all the 'e ser vices .

Harold Whitak er , eon of Mr. Rnd Mrs. J . 0, Whitaker, was hos l lIJ a part, Monday afte rnoon . The chil o dren of the 5th and 6eh g rlldl's WE're ST, MARY 'S CHl IRCH the reclpientA of this deligh tf..l I Fi rsl SundllY a fter Epiphany, and a fine lun ch and a good uary 7. Sunday gch oi at 9:30 a, m . time waeenjoyed by t hem. ermon and Holy ommunion at 10:30. No evening service. The MIl!! Corinne and Mr. Irving Welch public cordially invited to these ser· entertained at a delightful walch vices, party Sunday evening . A fine lun ch w8IIIIerved at a !\ ~asonable hour, anu those who enjoyed the occaRion wer£' the MilSOB Alice Carey and Edna Cornell, the Mesers. Harry Mer edi th and Alfred Wright . Th omas Benj.llnill Dill, lion of Abner and Rebecca Uill, was born at Mrs. Huldah Burnett entertained Mt , Holly , October 30, 1 G9, with a family dinner New Year's He was the thi rcl of seven 'children Day, Those who enjoyed the day tour of whom su rvi ve him, Mrs. were Mr. and Mrll. J . H. Coleman. John Zimmerman and Bernard, both Mra, 'u,u lse Woolley, Mr. and Mrs. of I>ayton, Ohio, J essie, of Toledo, herman Dyke and fa mily , Mr. and and Mrs. Elizabeth J ones, of Lytle, Mr•• Forrest Graham and family . Ohio. A's is known his father, who pre· Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Crane. ceded him in death only a few years, was a blacksmi th , A blacks'mith of ' On Thursday, December 28, Mr. no ordinary ability, but one who had Nelson Hamilton and family enter- mastered his profess ion to such a tained the following guests to dinner degree that men came fr om far and Mr. and Mrs Le~ Murk6lion and near to receive the benelH~ of his wife, Mrs Frink Morgan aud daullh· skill. ters Anna and Lula and Mr. Frank It Will perfectly ' natural that his Kimberlin, all of Lebanon, Mr. and Ion Thomaa, growing u p undel' the Mrs. Clint Jackeon and iBJDily, of sound ot his father's anvi l should Wellman , Mrs. G" H: Ellis Ind learn the ' trade and become his daughter Nora. of :sprmg Branch, father's partner, and for It numbe r and Mr. and Mrs. John Roberaon lit veara they plied their trade toand son John and Mr. ~th8Chlld gether. , . Vanburen, of Milford, OhiO. Thomas was a m()st ardent lover of horsell. This no doubt accountlJ . . for thia becoming so proficient a8 a . Last Wed.nesday ~. W. C. Phil h(>raeshoer. How often the strunger hps IItepp~ Into the dmmg room as moving- into or near this community, usual for dmner, he was completely upon asking where he 'm ight get his surprised to behold til hie sur· O1'se properly-snoer. r eeeived the rounded wi th guests, which ~emi!1d reply, " GQ to Dill at Mot Holly," ed. him he had reac hed another m .. I!e· Some of tho most pl'ominent ho rse 5tone in liFe . .The tablc looked Ill · men of the couilly secur(;ld his 8er\'lling, laden with gooli thil)jC'l to !\t, vicc.'i. WiUl its deco ration, Chl'i q\ll1t1 Cll kl' 0 I August 1I)1 h, I . !:l lie was and C'hl'i,. tmas . l ' lltlll·"."t ,jl'h "C'J.r;>, u ni ell in m artbl~~tu :lli sR b:uphemia s~ nt<'d th~ 11 1) 111 \ ' '''' of ":11 I.' It d 1I111. II lad)' or 1 11'~ . (\I)U! name.but no rc: acllt~d ill !i ff', !Inti lh ," 'I ., 1'.1 I t. )·Hlu n. To thi,l h;JJlI!Y uni , n were ie" (,I'pa m. 'rht,,,~ jJ 1'1' <.' \., " . ~l . - ,It three chi ld r.,n t ' O!\ ns Bmerand fll l'!I. 13, nj 11 •• ill Milb 11I.I.h It!11 ""dll1 d Lcsl(!,' l\!ld one daughter tl'r, M I' , a nd Mr... (;r l1h 3111 ,'i lll d · 'hl I· 1,}lt1Cl • leI', Mrs. Ad l l lt ' I I ,;r~"I·. ~Il' ,lIti :-'Ir" Il l~ ho mo It C "Vel' breathed the Lonlr . Mis'! LIZLh' PI"l I t tlllt! :\lr "'PlriL of. love. a ltl 0 never seemed and Mr!!, Phil lip.; and ~nl1 ~e\,(I!' Idly ttl enjoy Ihe pl~lIi ',' ~ .ol .li(,e we re " eLaill ~d III 110m . un It CCtt UI!l u! wlt1m ut hiS wife W Id ehll ren lh icy road !i. Ill! \.tlited wilh the Methodist Une f' l'Ij~ 'nt l tri ll th a t Mt. Holly under the pas· lura te u1 Wm. Patton, und for a 1t:1tgth (I [ lime WI 'i sup~rinUmdent;o f Of til\) IIrP. n UI) t i ~d affa ir!; given in lit ,'uf1lhw School. hono r of Mi. Le nll Wh iluk r , hrid c li e hati be n a III Ihber uf the I. O. el ect of Mr, tl e rhcrt M'eredllh, 0 .. I~. of Spring Valley for has en more enjoyable lhal! and some r y!' al'~ nee wife ter lnk~r on T uesbecame a memuer o( Lodge flf tha t pi a 'e. day ternoon, Decemuer 20th A prettv novelty wa~ introdu ced li e was of a: j vial .uncl fU ll loving in the manlie r in which th e brid e di~ l,osition e~er l1Iukin,; 111 fey with elect discovered hpr giflS. The fol h iS fri end s. lowing lit tle poem Willi reud as a n in· li e \Vas taken ill abou t tlte Ii I"' ~ oe vitation to search for them: last Aug u8t ';\ ith a pecu liaI' nc rvo u trouble which cau Ild !tIm l! rcat Llttle.drop!, of water 8ulfering, and though U lI\ll1\b ' t· of And tillY Jjltts select vhysit'ians were consu lted hi.~ C!L'le Make the ~entle showers proved b,'yond their skill \ '~e k For the b,:d~ elect wore into mo nths under tit.' lov in~ thlS httle shower an d tirele!l3 ministrations llf his wife you're heretoday Rnd kind helpfulness of hit! frienc ls 3!1 theR~n~w~pM~ g~d heloo g~o~e~~n~ e~ ~ I I~ ili . will have to fi nd the way. II ap parently ·howev 'r. ev'r felt t hat death was near. giving instruc : lions to his wife abou t h i busine a ttarl s and req uest.i ng tha t his forml'r paslor condu ct hii:! funeral On Dec£'mb er Ht h he' grew suddenly \Vorie becoming unconscious anti on the followillg lIloming at. :30 pas~ed peacefully away, lie WI18 in the 4 th yea r Cl f his age and during hi s Itfe he bel!ame aeq uainl ed wi th 11 very large numb jll' of people. it being rema rked of him, that he never kne w II stranger. Of th ose dear to him he leaves an ageJ mother, his (I evuterl wife and three ch i1dren, two brotht'rs and two> sisters, who with 11 very large eircle of friends mourn th'1l 1.,S9 of a loving , a kind husband and fa t he r. and a tr ue friend at II neil:(hlrol' , '



----- ..- --

8AMAGE··M'lllER Misa , Mildred Marie Miller married to Mr. . Jam.

Providence,21st, R. ,~~~~~~,of December

Ie the daushter of of thle place. who


We desire to 'e)(tend our sincere thanks to rela'llves and ' fri ends t lJ.r their loving help and sympathy c:\ur. ing the eickness of our beloved husband and father ; Thomas Pill , · E$· pecially do we t hank the Brothers of the 1. 0 O. P. lodge for the funer !l~ the Rtlbekah Lodge, tl\o Association ami Juvenile of Ohio, fQJ: ~ dtterin!rl, fn.'m~'p Pastor




thu oc<'aMllllllll " 'alllilg Ilt n Qurckly hll.hpd by nil IIIIlrr~' "nlU1Il",,,I, the burklnlT or thu nlllll1{, IntHlw flngll- Iln llnml ~l nk"ble r lilh'ssnCKS In Ih whol CIlIIIIl. 0 TJUe Chronicle 0/ Ceriain PaJ!ogeJ Between DAVID 1' hl're rell 011 hpr ('nr tbe tIll .. ! l...ARRENcE & ANTOl EITE O'BANNON 't' th Bill f T· • sound ot drUlII,,-dI 6tnnt, Inl'Il"lIl'~c!, .L . _ 0 e a e a Ilppe unliko the Ir rl'glllnr benting or Ihe Conll1l0n Plcfl,. ' ourl canoe In me IndIana Wildern~, and of W'hai Befell Thereafter ,Irlllus or Iho sunlge. "'lI rer itn~ lit Old Corydon ana Now' FiT$/ Set FOTth T ' T T T n,lIr('r It cnmu. 1I1('ndy. unmlloltukllhll,'; \'i ,I Jr\ rtlll (' our ... Ii M.~ . 'rc!ud . IIIIlI I h.'n, h f h II rt nt IIrst rrfu In]! "c\nll r.r·:n'I or 1 hi;" t . \•• >1 "~'1l1l"1 1 ...;:" ~ A M'l ,.,.B~~~r~ 10 Ill'lJ""e her el1r~, tho lihrlll "lid \\" Ill'll "1'1"" \) 'r r'<l. I'l.ll m' l\t~- 1 ~ c..l[\l LV L 1 1.. ,I I reckh'~8 11111 Ic or the fitcsl Sbe bo- Ir,ot t ,; df'f.,1 1'1 Hn ,J\' I' • tl\l I l!nll to t1lrlll with h pe In \"'ry . 1,' '1...4 I;' '.)0' 1~I( y.r" t l l VI D~TON IlI'rl'\' ; nnd wIth lin Inorll culal BOb nr , i ' . ~1;'ltll " ~ "O!lIl ~l 1:l1l01) 11 ~L . ~"'f14 1116. TItr ~I..~ ~ JI'Y Rhe rose to her kn es. Tbe 10- .11 : ('1111"0 rti~ lI n~ ~t,,1 1\,lthout TooCl rll. IIlulI lind tho renegod e lookcll liP 'rh o, lItf' , Nic h ul l :l\ lllllnj4 ' f.! . '''l'bMlt Ood )'ou fOllnd us, IToguel" II b lIu t~·, 0," t wbleT!, In' May, It II . t slollrpl y 08 s ho !l ltlrt ~d liP; ond wllh erled Dsvld 118 Ihey oheyp'\'l bls ('om- Ihe mlru(,1I10us 10\'<) lIn(,89 t I\s WO.% (' II 0 '1'I1e1lY Ihul s lunnetl bel', Clrty \' S '1'11 1'1 1"11 :1'11 .1'1 11., '11l1 ll1ng ('fl . Man" ,I t dfo frll(lflllt t o tltrlke Ol, t '. 1IIIlD4 die il jl,il~ (lut· hi ill om... IItn/:1i 'Il In hor tace. afaln over Ui WIlt~, The maD luIiI n~· flny '1!oln ~llo snw. nt tho!!8 HII' "1'1('. lIe. he I" Thet hnln't nny oortllll1 Jl"rl~ ~1I" tfll nlld aened 'WIth I!nrgro~e, ('np tnln ()r rn (' mll rh'r I",oplo ot the 1I'0011s. ('rnud lt'd , rrl puds 0' ytltlrD, my denr I 'Tls u Proba tt' Courl ProceedI ngs rompo.DY In which On\' I(I bnd cnllsWII. III II", nIght l' n~UlUplnt' nIH, Rill' II., r"lIll'uny o· I'roct(l r's R edcon ts trom "Are you carr:ylng mesSilges tn Ih !) II' nNI wllh hcotlng hcurt 10 III,' 1.',·- ~ll\lthul-t h 'y'll IIIllk,o yo n lIoe body- · li:!ltnlf1 IIr ~:t1 '-l .' Wl1l k.II·, Il ~ I'I. t1~ f'II. Propb U What " 'ero 01090 tires II' rlhll' ",·r.'lIln or I" couj(llr. th ... tllWII." I /:lIl1 rtl to tllke yo crost 10 Conndy. I"l nllln t'c onf,l. tIl •• M " heard?" 11(,!lhHl of I h wn II, or lr.' III\lIo'1 1 III np· I He, hc, lie! Yo th ought ' tWIlS ROIIIO 0' , , "The mllllclnna at tho tort," suld I'r.' h n~lt' " I. f thORP oth 'I' hnlnl\\1 , Ihl' bn~'S from Coryd nll I It·s 0 sbn ruo h:~h:ltI ",o f AIo 'u ·! ." ( , tI~~II ~ .\' , (11'BOiUe. ru r drt'lldrnl dl'llloU , her (·1\J111l1·8. t' 1I1SIIppol ut ye 80. 13t1! It yo IIU II'I ·en 8f'(. " (IlHth '" cuun ! j "I . ''The tort'" repeoted Dn~ld hlnnkly. •••• \. wish fur t ' go w(llb the klllg'S 60",'r~, In t h m at t ,' " o f I hOI ", til t,. of ~.· o· re 1I0t ohlcogecl to. \l'1t " don't yc MIII1,,1 'I'!I<~"", JIlI II,'r. lI .. rt"·,, Il .. ,l"Where are we ?" Noon of lhr ~ll lh dny "r 1'\ 0 \' I\Ih.' I·. ' 1 11 I '" "0 ..... ' r oy II Jll' ,.1u,,·t1 r lllln In ll Il nl " ~,, . .. ,e,re on tb e Wnbn~h, ~1X1y Illll('s A fire of twIgs tilled Ih,· le,,"o with gil weth SlllIon Cl rty, Insll!u1I7" nor-tb or the Old Pnot." lin ni:l-Irl smoke IInll rpn .... rNI th t'"I .. h ~hrunk llwoy trom his filtby I E~ tllr e n j' "'hIH" '1l t ht" rd, oIfI, 'PII (HI. "But there's DO torl 011 thl' "-RoRSII," hut IUti l' 1 '88 dflmp. 0 11 lho 1.11 1' IIf hllnd In uuutt cruble loathing nnd (!'i.·~ t 1\I'!'llUll t 'I IId,"101~ t.r6tlJr fllull. hid Blllcktord wonflprlngly. .klnH UI)nn tho trozPlI /:1'''111111 ", .. r.' Ulrew Iwrs.elf fn ce downwflrd In a Pill'I,n I bill ", t "r uf 110" eM tnt.e o f "Th' bulldln' on It'll jist h"):'lIn." flU- thn't' fil:ures, t\~O mI'!} nlld "\\'00111 11. '}I YSIII o f \\'(leplng. Tho IIlllslC ot the JAm el' F. " lr)t'I.IIIl . d"I'I'lIlIo lI '''''111 _e;ed Bogue; "tb'nrmy gut bereyls- noth men \\'ore tilP. II 'all"'I'n 1I1'I'''R I lIrulII ' nlld orcs hod censcll. Outsl\ll', "flml ttt'd t., 1""L I' " (h, of!w I'; Udd),." II rill fIlO 'cnslns of Ih ~ 11101 1:1 11. hut III Ih ' PflllI l) bllzzed with acU,·lIy. The ¥ .) OU!L uf pnln " I ,s. I·nll ••· D. ri . . "The armyl" Ike lind Dovl(J ex- spit e or hi s dr~ss fl LIII dnl'l, 1.1' lnnnull Prophet hell t ti.e r ed cup ot his e Y8- HIIl ~l jll' . 'I'.t · l', ' Il"I ~11\ ~ I II I H .1 . clnlmed togeth e r. tnce, It could be ~ .. eu !h:II " "(' wns I \!~ij suckct O\'er n IUlltll1 ot grotosQue 1, t-' bll whnll II }lpnl , t .. " II tlprlll"f'r~ "Ill coul'Ile ye clldu't kno,r-Ief' Vln- white. Tho womnn woro II'li0t hilt! nlll ul ets, mutteri ng' lucnn(OUonH to I 111 til .. 1l 1~II"1 .. r I hI' I'-I ,,, " f cennes, horse nnll foot, nl!:h 10 a thou- nn ('e been n dres~ su h fl S ~l\'Cflt Ule blmselt. A!lu fl H. ~"' . . • n~" " " 1-'1'0,,,"1 nl' uDd on us, se\'en dnys ogo. Will gnrdon wnlks ot \'er~nll1 (" ; hut It Girly pnsscd his blind 1I0othingly co u n l fll ud Harrlson'lI n..commonllln' snd Dnhnls wn~ n()w no lIloro thllll II '''rIl nIHi l ovu the trembling shoulders of Ul e E.tnt ll ' If \\' 1111., 1Il H f)L' lllto ~ IlY Your grocer has it-ArCould you look into one and I all' o-scoullu' nround th o bresh." lI1u,ltl y rng, 1I 000r . . lIuk 'd "hf)u l,I" r~ girl, and patted the tougled, silken Llec l'~"ell. l'ill!t· hIli lil(l,l. buckles'. It is the most pophorne in every twenty in "Then Tecumsch hos cbns('n wor'" ,,('rnl ched IIn(J tnrn lo y hrllllch IlI,tl cloud of ber holr. III t h l) I'll" II Rr ( If h .. I'~t.'d " o f "Tecumsy's still Boutb," Bllld tJl6 brlC'l' nnd bille wllh mill. 'I'I,() wh ll,' I "I knlo't bkiUle ye, my denr, fur nol Mlloriell IIN~'l'lt,lh".o ",('d. \\'11 1'\11 America and see in all of ular coffee in America today! bllckwoodsmon grImly. "Old Bors()- !lllln t" SRCII 0 hun'nl" r"h., 1""'111'<1 \Ill' tn.kln' a IIklll' to sccb Ii ugly ole crlt- m lt,tl'd til }l To .11II " '. ~1l\ly l!: 1I"".,,\l head GIbson nnd Rnrrl~on ll,::'ger tllet /fI r!. lind mollollet\ 1,,·1' In ,','\','r h,' 1' t~r OB I ' be, but I've bed a IInrd lito, " l'l tUl lltpl i t' x " f'nlrix . them a coffee being served Like the women in these he'll op t' de\'llmen t w etll t he Cr oks ~ b o\l l d rs willI It. Il'~rln,::' In~'1'IItI "lln g · my tleu r, a hnrd lito. I been Ornery. that is good enough to make an' we'llns air a-goln' t' Rke r the Iy while t he Indl ll ll ' scnwler!' ]II ~ I 'll grunt ye,l bee n orncry. but I hee n In 1111 lll ,"lt". (If Ill,I<'4 tll tl. " f \\,11 million homes, you will find Prophet Into a IIhnkln' ogue beroro T()- hI gh, pwnrthy hCf>k hnnl' \\'(01' 1' olJleeged to be. 'l'hey's n lot 0' pesky IIRul J\. 1-1111. tl.,c,' t ~'· ,I . \\,il l 1I11breakfast as happy as thismut" 11 t il pril l III .. l·· rllll l' l ~ A. nil eum8Y hes 0 chance t' glt bnck." frolll!'I'1 h:r bruffls of eon rsc hleck hili I', mellu meu In this world, my denr, lin' that Arbuckles ' has the rich .- 888eo t. "B y gAl', nl\'ntl rull" 1I11l0.,r d "'Itll lIenr's .."reu"e I've bed to figbt hnrd ogln 'em. 1'\-e ''')\J' )lIJINlll dnollli~frnl''l'. BOIllI ~ :.!~(I(l Dubola atnlnte d UI ,,~ 0 N t'w t , n L 1)')I)rl h . -"'''''lIt,,1 r ' , )S ,10(1 H you sawall these homes fuU' flavor you have always thee! Barrl80n he atmke QU eck 11lk nnd ndorn d by the fellth ers ot the been wnlUn' tur 0 likel y young 11'111 J U81'ph 1l1.Jlnr "1'1)111 11\ ,,11 "PIHlIls" r8 pon!here'l" bllwk Ilnd e llllle: 0110 of hi s l'yes WON like YOII so es I kin go Into tho s~ tt1 cusing same coffeewanted. "Yoo come just In time," enid Duvld /fOlie, the brcm'S COIIll'll c· tlll/: 0\' (' 1' a men ta on the Iinafly s ille. nnd IIvc I'::<t ll lo or Wi' n t lr ~~ ve r. ri(I ' 1I~ lld. wtll!.kly. BUently he atumbled along alit thnt Rbowed n hl on,l-red Cllvlty; qu lel, like 11 klug. I'm askin' ye Qnlel lo~,. nh r y nn ,1 tlP IIIIII ?nlue nt Ultld Serve it See how much You would n~ver rest unIt !he beels of Bogue ond Dnbols. 8S hut th (lth r burned wlih a hYPllotlc to go wllh me, ye aee?" E~!fll o u f ,Inli n H. l::1olus t ·' "d, dll the)' bore Ike's llrnp body between Int nijlty. His beo,"y IIPR mu tll'rcd on 'I-olnette only sobbed. rrll~ud . FItIIII 'Iccnn llt Ultll1. til you had tried that coffee. pleasure coffee can give. them towllrd the clearing In the fore8t Incnntatlon. Be WnR ElkskllinwlI, the "Aln't thet tnlr, e8 I put It to y e 7 III I he um lt " r .. I t h tl o~ tflta of on the e\lst bnnk ot the river; and Prophet. Whot kin be fulrer nor tbet? I. ki n W II II " '11 D IHI 'i1' flY, t1""or1Muli In . when the men at bls compnny rnn out "TII('re'lI be R bri ck I)ouso tor yoo see thet es pretty e9 0 plciel'-ml! IlU' "'\!leu r y ud (I p pm I .... Ill un t. tih·t! To supply the women ' of America with to meet them their cheers rang In Mnldan, my deor." Al1ld the white you Il-scttlo' In tront at tIlO t.l rc. rue W tlhll!1l L. " " Iltllont n g vs A j U 6~ I "y etreogel)' distan t In hIs enrD. I lIIun plensantly. "With n hlfl(,\c boy ft ·rendlD' In th o Book obout the bl~s· Be n ue l t at, II !. I ll'flor f( t'flnl fl d to "all their favorite coffee, ships of Arbuckles' Coffee Bnt food and rest 800n brought bnek to 11lIlid a fire tor you e\'pry morning, Ned I. nmb 0' God. Oh, ye mlly know r l'l lI ... tll ttl. are on the sea every day, bringing coffee from bla 1tI'eII;th; and Ike, too, ruined rap- ",Wle you'r., &till s nng In bed. Hon.. I WIlS es good es any on 'elll Ivhen I . lB ' d .,. woo0 n leetie de\·J1. I hed a "" 00"U old It,.tutu uf l\l ' llor .. onl\ ~ t,t . fIdb' lUlder the clear skies ot October. pen you'll remember poor Simon Olr1 .., I •. II III I the coffee growing countries to their big plant motb ~ r I" ellll ~el . ,!l e ul III • .tIl the month wns ep nt In completlog t)' then, freezJlI' out In the woocls with III t,lH~ Ulllttt' r lOr I h e II tllt,e at on the New York waterfront. the 101 tort10catlon, and then. leav"'" "he Injun devil- rot !hem I" He Tolnette wOJlder~ to hear him Dome .... , "'lanced at IIlIk8katnwa ... d Loul 11 Co udeu, d onu",etl : ln ve o . . 88 It atrafd hi . /lIO tlleI'. SIIe ,mild e no i rep y., un ..~ sUu "d linIy b urll t tn 1\ S trl nr a t the tor" 1I,0d l\[l"II\IHOm eu t III Ii It all a bllM! with I bnnJful nt ruen. , •that the Indlan mlg;bt have underlltood ... >3 ... the c\llumo took· up It~ ClmrS41 once 1bla 18m worel.. "You'll not torget the JjJ~'llte of l:\llfllh I~. ~uell , deoelUed more townrd the Prophet's town nt man . . 'II'U IdIId '" )'on then. wLU r( 'lIlc~t onUIS, ('urRln~ IInft bl nRphclO- !rln,,) IlcOount filull . TlplI\!Cllnoe. The mck, Blackford among yor . lu/:. But he otrered' her no violence, Alber' Belmes. lidluioilltralor VII the Dumber. were lett at Fort HarrIson 'Tolnetle .hudd, {at blll tone and 8 1'. till 1I0ped to f1ml SOlUe om er III Alber' Bolw411 at I. Veeu ord e red . to .pnre Ulem the onward mareb. wall allent. . MIlItII'II who would pay 6 · rlcll prleo In the maHer of the e8 tl1te of Jo D BV Id R.._I" t dOL I B prhc r. And such a IlUrehllsf'r would sepllille Bml'h , dpQeused . Inv.uioTv ~ .. on ere op an "Oh, I'U eee t . 1. lit to :Wolden, fOI' cI 1\11 1111111 her physically southl. For 11'0ve's cOUlpAny. Amoog the cold all eate. m:r b l' y." he went OD, ~ thlf! hll hnd seeu to It thn t no wur- Ilna u PJ>raltlOI1lBut f1loll . Prophet'l apatJl;f, rlllr hurl hnrlll'tI her; nnd he mcullt Estl~te of Robsr t :t:!towllrt, deooll8ed aRhes ot his hop one glenm IItl11 p r- I I181Ured b:r t mated: he miGht yet find Toln tle at •..·I'ls a fiDe, l ndsome DlIII thet's to Clllllll hls mon ey In the cod. Flnal8000nnt !lIed. the Prophet's town, lndeed. t'lilt wile waiting fur ye nn..-. pllJ'Q' red cod Til" lIrmns hud begun ognln. loud, &St.-te of Elelf' 1l 11'. Aqln fl~ III , mieHtn.le In Bl!.mllton township, [ the one ploe where sbe bnd probnbly lie w'ara, and ' :088e10' &014 OD each II i'll II lit ; hu t Iuslelld of c1rllwlng n()urN nora. 'sco ud Ill'uoun L tiled (PRICE' J.> 1f1 11T) beeo tllkcn. .boulder-pl I ez a !dng. Be'll PQ UHlir rnu~if~ IlusNell fnrth pr 'lHltl rnrlll cl' E "~teOr lo.: 'lrl O . WilSall. d eoeosed. ~ . M. Budsoll to Lorenli V. Rey They odvoncetl wnrily. The regulor mollY a gol" ~ce fur ye, m7 deal' •• , IIlI'ny, rnliller IIOU fulnwl'. · Elksku· Foa n h 1l00o n u t uf tldulinlatr"tor o oIds, lot in ~ontli Lebanon. $1. trooP8. onder Colonel :Boyd, bended An' ye'U b' /uth 'em all," he ,,"Ieel IlIwn stoic cnutlously froro lite lent. OJad . 'IhA j<'runkliu IWJlrnvt men' '0. to the little column ; tbe mllltio tollowed; evill,. 'mid 'nl I' lhere SWl'pt over Tgluot te AntH\ K 1I.l.udtlrlll . guurdilln Vii Berry A . Browo, lot· In FraDklllJ, Spier Spf>ncer's "Yellow Jackets" trot::':':!'- Ih e rt'uil1.utlon thut Glt'ty 'hnd Iled- dary J . ~JI II>l e t oJ. Bills of renl Sole Agent Andrew Mehau et aI, $0 Robert ted at the left, tbe Vincennes borseTnlnetl ooked at hIm liS • fright. the tIf,',s were plo),lng un nlr 'tIlUt red. el!lote uppruvtld, t.nd ell. 'rll1ntlOo A. MuUntoheoD, lot lu Il'raLklio, "DavId Copperfie ld, " "Tho Prodimen at the rlght; Jo Davless' Ken. an ed hlr,. ookl' ot 1\ snuke, unable to contR never motched to-t1le Htlrrlnl.l ordered, the Gorden Tires '150. . .al Son" at .be "Mlssloue r " Vl'1l9 For tuck7 drogoons brougbt up the rear. move; a tear stole trom ben.entb her swing of "The Pn's lde'nt's lltlreb '" J"80n Klud!!r to Miuth& A. Kln- ""Itb "Tom ~r.wytlr &b1'ood " bavlng The bont. conveying the supplies losltes ond rolled down her wasted Sho lenped to bert e t, Iter eyes blllzReal Estate Transfera del', Oil lorellu Franklin township. "Thrllllnll Ad vonturo!R " " In Dnrkest wera ·lett at a blockbouse halltlly con- cheek. lng, Fllioter 00(1 tulnter 'cllme th e nit Oha rle .• R Ii III ttl Ell w!\rd Blair $1. Atrlo"," bU$ his "Mother" "Thlj etruded at a point 2tI miles north ot "SlIppose ye tnlk Ii bit to me-- to whi ch she 1111 C~Il~cI()us ly . tltted tbe Fort Hnrrlson; und at noon ot· Novem- IlIlIr's 1\ gond gAl. Come, wbot's yer anri litober t lUlJ e r Blulr, lots in Irene V. Olark '0 N . C. Shankle IrOIl Wo uun" hea rd of " The &lber 6 th07 COOle Into view of the hUIl- Illllne? Tight-mouthed sUII, ore ye? .Irlumpbl\ut words: South Park, et ai, lot In :\dalou. $1. Ipved VIIgllbond" belog invo l ved In dred!l ot tepees whlcb mnde up lhe Y '11 hell' 10 speak 'fore I'm done wUh -who fought Ilnl2 bled In Freedom'. CORWIN, OHIO R. M. tiallaber 8&eOU'or '0 New- "An Alblr of Dishonor " and SBU\ Phone 90-3 t:! t Bllley G. Wlllon g hlJ'f towV. T . PrOpllcttl town.. Less Ulnn one thou- ye I" And ~~~eS:' the 8tonn or war was J)o.stYoanc r "K'18en~er No 4 .. "l'hron g b '1'he Reynoldd, lot in iSoutll Lebanon, ~f, 'on L Bunnell and Gaor,B 'Band strOllg, they bod ventored to the 'I'hp flnps of tbe Ileer k.l~t - -''Llsten '" sh~ cried. "'Tis the IDcn Willl!lm Buerg&r 10 W. W. Shur's t ao~el .In 'f.rtleoreeJt townshiP: Oontloent" aaklng hI tl '0 t' Re'aru' .' $1;),3 1l ,66. .. Home.: ' Indian stronghold, where 2,000 bruvll8 tlm",n ulJ1de Arm u" IIRlllltld face of a from borne I" She faced Glrly, nnd .Iot In South Lulillnon . $l. were 8l1l!emblcd; nil nlong tholr mareli \I'~lJ r WIIS thrust Ill. ne was drip- nil her dol'll ot drencl, all her hours or LeIiVlD8" "The" J~ngle", ,,:rhe 8 W . Bnerkle to 'if. A. BurKet' Eva M . I:Imltb '0 Eluoch L. JaDes, -L Soapegoat took A frlp 'Io Eng . theT hnd been uposed to sttllck; "" In/{ " 'Itil s,,'eut though Ole do)' W88 sulrerlnlr were forgotten. "1 hove 69 aores In Hamilton towDahlp. $1. lot In South Lebanon ,. . land" r.rrlvlng u, "The v'lLy" •• 1I0W, 118 they mllrched resolutel~.rfo;", prllyed to Ood BOd he has 1l0swlU'od Albert Holme., admin istrator to 1\1arrlaae LlcenIN "Tbe Lampllghtnr," koown a& "The Funeral Director wartt, the red wRrrl01'l'l hft$.6"to pour me lot Georgo BolmB8, 56 \lOreH in Ha.rlan Buman Torch" Wile "Down In Dllt Uke aDgry bOIl8 prom a h.l VO. For n moment Olrty wile s ilent .bo- township, $2000 and Embalmer. Millard T. Clark. toolmaker of Water 8trool," filtiol! .. fhe LIght. The colum /lDIl (I pnrley took tore tbe white rodlonce of be r faIth; Beber 'Bolbrook t o II:dwftrd Blair Dayton, lind H&rrle~ O. Meeker, of That fail ed." "l!lbl~--:A'rrrzrl; f Ihe ludlllDs Inqul red but he threw olr bla besltancy with Ilud Rober\ MIller B.luir, lot la t!outh tfranklin. Rov. Ahbeh. Waynesville. Ohio. Willie "Lost In A Gren.t Ulty" hla r the nrlllY's · nell'll ceoa sneering laugh. Park, $1. Emory E. P.lle. brakeUllln of IIwel'tbeart "Mary Midtllorna," " An lid 'to attnck ? Hflrrlaon "A pretty lot ot gcod thet bnolltol JO llllph Wortmf\D to Edwl\rd Blair Youugstown. afld Laura B. Lambert Amerloa n Ulrl 1n ·London " pa ssed We havo arranged with an undersbook htl <'lId; ho wlsb d mprcly to 0' sbeep kin do," be sonrled. "Ily suntaker to gd an auto, so we will b" blm ''In The Bi8bop~ Clifrll\gu" Ilt of FrankUn. Rev,R. B Foster. encamp . ,t night nod to conter with dO\\'n tomorry we'll bring ye ever' one aDd R obert Miller lllulr, 10' In t!outh able to furnish elthtll an auto or "The Crollf!lus" .ot "The Street elllOren B KoKeny, blirbor of BuntPlirk, $1. tho PI I .•et In tho mornlog; there ot their wet skelps tur ye to pillY horse drawn funeral. I:!'Tlii,ht" tlnd " Tlle Brolld .13 Igbshoul e: e no hostilities. Tho chlers W. W. Sbutts to E clword Blair InRton, on. Va., and Emmaline led weth," Be stepped hostlly outdoors. Both phones in Office and RMldence_ BruDlfield, o( King8 Mills, Rev. R. way . " gruote , pnclfiad, nnd the ormy, whe"la~d' H o ert Miller Blair" IOt8 In aoll oSflUrln'g hlmselt thut the troupa long distance, No. 14; Home phone Beiog B " Very Ocld GIrl " "tll:ie " B. FOIHlI:. IDg - mile to the nortbwest, mnde hod defil ed from view, he rllturlled, South P llrlJ, $1 14-2r, wit·h "A Faoe illumined " smiled on ~n .1' upon a wooded plnteau, olong Alphus Rogera Stunel. employed and, seizing Tolnettll's urlll, lIrllggeli James B . Dilley nnd h eirs to Bar" T1Ie BpendthrlH" Rnd he wltb v .l O abrupt declivity 011 the west a' Kings MUle and EdulL N\loml her roughly trom tbe teut. As Rh e ry CrUst, lot iu MIlHon, $2G . "Memories of Homo" r.nd "A Doubt e ~ .re raD a little cr... ek, cllllell Tlpl)('White, bolh ot KllIg! MlIle. Rev Inl pnssed out Into the rllW Nov Illber Udi,a Brown to 'harle8 Brown ; deart " U\[\de " An Honest Illf.110e. Tbe regulnr troops pitched R. B ' F08ter . wind, TOluette shlveret1. (or'" to win "A YoungUlrl'1 Love," bell' tent8; the mllltlo, shivering In Ohulel 6 . GIrton, painter of -l:!he WIIS "A Dl\llghter of A Mag. "Ye klo sec te yerselt tJley halo·t the raw November dusk, without tentH, Sonth Lehanon, and Beatrloo T. any on yer precious sogers brtlvt! ul\te" wltb "1'on 1' honsand " Yellr" were torced to build greot ilrc~. around Voel"lo. of Maineville. · K.ev. R. B. "In 'Ber Own RIght " und "Tbe Clloogh ter light a pnpoose, lut IIl ono which they huddl ed upon their arllls. nUll WIII"n~, II" n H ~hlll h.,.1 ill tllo cen- Foster. 011 lhese braves," he suld tllulltlugly_ tilrllo QneB&lon" kuow "'rho ~o ur 8e A rain began folUng; and tho night, Robart Blnel. emploved &t tbo Of Troe Love " rnilles "Marll Mun" Tile Inllull1ernble warriors ' of !he ter of 11"1 1'l'tl 1" lin" I he lI"oo\ l ~ luy Funeral Director. cheorlell8, bitterly cold, shro uliing In l'rophet, hideous In \\'I\r'plllot, stnlk- qul ~t, ~\""IIln;; ly ''''p ly of IIny Lntlllln ~ . King P owder 00, of Sbaronvlllo, •. Out Uf Tho DelHbs, ' and he saw blaclmes8 wbatever od vR.nce ilie so,'llIlY'11I 1111' 1 11'1 1 nh" nt nnd glulloell uod Rnth John.on, of Millnevtlla. log to ond tro nmong tIle tents ot lbe "Raye Ofliope" in the "Wom"n 's WayneSVille Ohio .... mIght make, closed In on UlelD. towllrd the rl' l1l ~ r l.r tbe ru 111 p. Y lfLy Rov . BUlih Wataon, ~lIhlge, contemptuous of tile CII UU 0l!Y U'aoe" and "Tbo Luoky Lover" SOllrlll' II \\·U.\· \\"'1" ll,o IplllS ot tho 001wbltes, lent support to his bOIlNt. Tol. GeortJe RllIymonl\ Griswold , teach- ooold .aeo "The Love l'oat Lives" In CHAPTER XIII. r,clte looked belplessly tram sllle to cer ~ . 1I~ 1I 1 . · 01 tIll hy Ule Clllllpf1I·CII. Be II' and Florenoo Irene OOlIIntl. both . A Pair Of Blno IDyes." -El'fUER- : coulu ill"ti ll ~ul ~ h tllo fl j; ul'c~ or them 'I'he 'Groat Love" •. {\he No'or Do side. seeking Borne uvenuo of escnpe, af Lebllnon. Rev. La Yerne l 'llyior In the Hou .. of the Propbet. 011. 'I'l ll:~' \\"' 1'11 1111 fully llrl'S8 'd lind Auto Equipment ond bope· dIed In Iter eyes. Well" had for "Lovely MRry" re . Arlhur L. Robln80u, farmer of Th. red warriors wbo bod glided '\'O~re bIJd<1ll1 t: ·.,n lI,eh' swol·u·hclls liS Horf!eooDrawn Equipment deemed hla "Ilarom Soarnm , . put Blnc)[ford's deUrlou8 eyes "He'll Pay Ma~y a Goldplece for Vo. th e)' blilleti. ll nl'l'I R on WaS sl llll<llug Plell8Rn' Pll\ln and . MarjorIe E. "llappy Go Luoky" lluSt. CHAPTE~ XIV. Starkey, of Butlerville. Rev . Stev~ with tbem a girl 'wbo called My Dear." IIll(lotl('ntl y wulUng whllo 011 ol'dorly "HI'! Courtship" Was no' "In ene. strllgi: I,'" wltl, hl ~ hOI·se. plteoully tor belp. "Ike, Ike, dCIll·t chilly, ond 1118 worlls \vero hurrlec), The Battle. V"in" tor t.hls "Angel of Fot'Slve TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR ·NIGHT . J:(III"/l I'l)\'l!. dh'lnlng lhllt It wos the ,.,U know me'" Bho screamed. Dud 'l'ol'neUo strove In VII In to catcb an SO\1odlessly, II,! the ,1Inrk bo"r nfter noss". promised to be "BII 8elp. Commluloner's Proceedlna;s gonCritl'8 I II [(' I1t1"U to ri lle 0\\'11)' - - answered only by the mocking "!lgUsh woru amollg !ho' torrent ot' mldulght, lIle great war-bow ot Ole 111mdo" through the "ProoeI810n 01 Penn A. Morton was appoln\ed Life" III "The Quest Of B"PI)loe~B . " ' aUencell ot the wooda. I ('I"",nf e, bllt nOlle cume; sho gUll8Iled dl"n wns strung. nut the Cllmp or tho tuword the Ilolul s whu~e the sn\'nges Northward ahe 8truggled, drIven h)' {n.1l1 Ihe SI nrUed grunts from Elkska- Arnel'lcans slept. A light ruin felL It weT" altac1d ug lu nUlllbers, aU'uck janitor for the C ourt Bonse 101' oue "At l'he Time AppOinted" "Tbe year b'lllnning Janu.. ry I, 1917 at Little Minister" 'm ado tbem "Man her mptors; and all around sho sow t"\I'1l nnd til e onrh tllnt f ell trom Glr- WOB nenrly down. ' . . " Duvld on Ihc shoulder In his hurry: the unpltylng child reo' ot tb o WOOd. ! ty'8 lips thnt the Illes ngo wall ~ "e~I- ' SlId(lellly .through the black D11~ '. "00 osk Colonel Decker l! we are the salor, of 1 GO per month. and Wife" In "The Bonse Of The Propo.ed proRfllm for oool&ruo. 'i!even O llblllP" aOer ~he "Marrillge" Dow\l to the edge of the riv ers cume I 0118 poriellt. Olrty, cnsi.lng a glance sput lIle red flome ot .a rifle; with th to stu nu here I Quick, before' General Veterinary tion of etr.t. ror.da for year 1111 j' In Rnd "Thelr Wedding Journoy" &, the dark ma:Je.ety ot iho torpst. Be- I !)H'r hIs sJ,onlllcr. SII\V the girl's lu. f10me ' uod the crock cume · the sound Bn rl'l ilon goes !" David tlln t wurd tho officera. All Wanen Couuty Is adopted aud oOPY "The Honse 'of David" t.bey enjoyed low etruKgled ~be green gllln~y ot J tense gtlze flx ed upou them, lind ot n mnn running. It was tile li:e~-, Graduate of Oblcl SIal_ UnlwnllJ bush and ehrub, and obove, to" eriDg , lnll/:h"d "'lr.erlllgl~'. . , . tucldun, ·Stepheu MOrD, ot Gelg I' 8 he r ellchl'd them, HarrIson succeeded of sawe II ordered '0 be Beu' to 'he "Lovee Reoompense" and \I.,ed haIJplly in "Sweet Clover."-O .. P. beech.eII, cleon-boled, BmootJl, gmY' ·1 . "Herc's sOllie news tur ye-t.het tina compn~y, ' !-n outpost. A dozen rUleR In getting his foot luto the stirrup fwd ~la&e I:Ughway Departmeut . Bille Allowed :-The Wlllltern 8tar News. rea~ln, their c1oud.8 ot doll Cllt~ len t- youllg llIun of yours hcs hed Ills scalp Ip .t he bORds of crawllog rndillne rllng throw hlrnsclC Into tho suddlc. Decker Office at rlllidence In F. B. Sher __ • _ 4.. er7, 8),comores, whose mnash e P~I- Ilttpd, II(!, h e, he! SUllie 0' tbe y,oung but; he .tell In the wet 'ond tnDglcl1 W06 abOut to mount.' Dnvld snluted 'wo reoords for Commisslooers $46 . , wood's house. 'Fourth Street. as bo rnn, crying, "Ill On~~lllu Hor'aame, pub. ra'e8 of ta&,.'ion $250.0 . ; lol'll .g leomed whIte thro~~ tho dUH. y l'oltn wlltlnllllp8 nH' t tip wi' him wan. brush. his tnce In lbe sodden grOUllel. gro\'e to staull whero he 187 The BOhbl-Marrlll Co, law booll alsle.e; IJ1perb cottonwoorls, benrln!:, I II "rl~' ~Iong lost IUIO Ilia woods a8 ' ef Tho night, which hnd been soundTelephone 28 Hnrrlson Ituswored beforo tbe colon- $7,150; Hatfield Bro., orushing staDe . THE 'HABIT OF TAKING COLD, with p,!'Oud lightness !hclr wel.g llt ot h\! I bougllt he wos In Phllodelplly." . less snve tor tho 80tt rush 01 the rnlll ever-trembling leaves ; ~OIOSl3ol. oaks. 'foillcttf! whitened The bro\'ca who ond Iile drlpplllg of tIle woter trom . Oolltlnued ODlJllIfO a Turtleoreak Sowu.blp. $"'00; Valley With many people t~klnR oold Is Wayne8vlJl~ . . • Ohio like Atlas lI.ttInJ up lrI'een worlds ot , hnrl hrought her Int~ the village of!ho ti,e trees, suddenly become fill ed' wllh TelephooeCo.. ren'. aDd tol1s, $3425 .. habn, bu~ fodnnately on~ tbnt I~ toUaI8; and;kln~ ot all,' the Amerl- I 1-'rophet hod tolf\ Glrtl', do~btie8s, the stir and uproar at tlle aWl1kenlng , ---- W" 0, Gilmour, .berd! '1 fe.88 (or ea81\y broken. Take a oold "llonge CIIn 1lrloden.ilron~~he tulip tree-Its I hnt she bod r ecogulzed the sick cnmp. with tbe' wboopln~ of Ule hid· Uo\ober term $71.61); lame, tor hlllb every mornhg wben you first branchu' IltupepdoUII "omp' ot majeR- ' Inon In lite 1I'00dfl. Bild IInotber scout. den foe, striking '10 tbe lInrk. pOBtlngeleo'lou proolamaltonl '30.60 ge~ on' of bed-uo' [oe oold, bn'. H.oW TO CHECK THAT COLO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:=~ l ln g l)(jrt~' {oullll Ike lind killed hi!"? DIlI'llI awoke trolll sleep nod boundC. B. Deohant, per C, B. "'ount, 'empera'nre of a.bout 90· 6' AlBa DR~ J. K, Spen_ 1I1oep wl'b your window np. Do' 40 'COUld not know; Glrty, seeing ber ed to his teet. A band clutched Ws When it Is Jlllltifnl to breMhe and pOllt.l\ge for auditor, . Barbed Wire "llIlIch nt llis ruudoDl tbrul\t, giggled wrIst one! drugged him down ognlo, fev~r sentis ohl!!s up and down yonr o~r, brldie It.mber f1.0.251 ~. P thll aud you will leldom " . ke oold. . In triumph. The news wbleb the rllP- while a volce ' coolmnndad, "Keep' low'" bllok,' y n are in ror II. oold . A time- C01l1er, aervioee 011 burial comml"ee WhOD you do takl' oold tab Cham. ~ DI'. Klnl ~' Nitw Dilloovery II a hr.r hod brollllht wa. thut tbe orm7 of ,.Be eDW thot 1111 the others tn !he I:v c10lle of Dr. Bell'" Plue rill' 80ney 13; Jlimo8 FolI.n, .alary jaDltor berlain'l Oough R,eqJedy and let 100\1lIDII, heallnll remecir-tor OOUlhs wbltes was 'wl!hln a tew mHee. compon1 we.r e . Qwckly,: a1le\ltll' look- Will. IIIIOP tbe sneozes ' !lnd snlfflee. ap.,., floor of C. B. ,10; Raymond rId of it .1 qulokly all pOliJlbRI. (lb. OUARANl'EED to heal wIt log a blemish, or MONEY RE~ut lea.. au'd 0014" bu 1'004 tbe ... t of Tbe conBoltotlon' betwljCO _ tJ;J8 hlK to their rifle&, but that aU 1'0- The pllne balum looAsns the phleKm, IIIlarJ, ,80; II. J. "'Illable evor1where. \1elamp)" roadwork Tortleor3ek , 500 and $1.00 slzee for f NDED, =::1:,r!~! i::~~ro!'~!u':~~=~~~ Pr0J.het aud the reuepde wen~ oUlla maJnad crogcblog on tJle' ROllnd. The and olearB the bronoht.1 tube•• She 'owlI.blp· l8l1.lJO; The Gillam Iron . . Oljl·80rei,l!Orebacke~ndsh:::e:o:nd .. 9lklUy lry' Dr. K~nR" New Dlaoov. guttural whlBpel'8. Tolnette begab1~ . :rell B «If ~he Indlnna' 1M!'e~~ . lo~de~t ·, 800thell and rol1evlll 'he lore .' " and brulaee. 26c BiZ. fC1r FamHy ij:~ 'yo TbellOClllalDII pine bal_ms and wonder wby the news ot the ca~ at the ,ettreme I~ ~ ~IA'Ilt 8 u,roa .. Tbe ftntlseptlo !l!!aUtial Workll & lit,. 00 lupplt_, ,7711.80. ----.- • Your Trouble.. ,,. . DR. corsoPAlftLEa IILISTER • ~--4I_l'" "--atlv • .lnlre4l.a\elOOn drhe of a aln,,_ white man 8hould ca,~ ';IlCI~I!Il . stood, aod .iIl, .dIe ~reme 'kitl tliegerm and the ooa,es1i!roon. , Don't talk about spur tmublill.. If ~ ~nl~ and ~araDteed. &0 CUre - ... -.. , Sa.... a eo prolllilifed a dll!culll!lon. 8oUDI'I8, rIPt. where 8pencer'. rUlIIID\'D la1 bo- dl"on I. rellevsd. Croup, whoop ~d ..:-~ .Y1:m~ oold. of uDllInll1 activity In the village t . bind tbelr Imeellllg bones. Before bli oonllb and ohronlO broaoblal at. GOOd AdYlae. there III DOtJaID. else to talk' a!'Out, pt ~. ~~:::o:; rb, BreeD""spUn&, Elnv1 no maD" talent. llu;ao,. to rour IOOID Del mooll It out to IOIlI'- _ _ • 0," DlO~~e:.. O(~ or tomPBD7, which, ' with the other qalokly r.lIn8d, ..... an b 11 hl~ Ilfreo: po to nadi her-a conltant patter CIICMlP. ..., -::.:n...;:.~ 100. .ell feet. 1l1llJ'lJY It,J .... . IIIWUIa ~'" of w~ ~Orrll 260, jour ~_ _ ~ (0.) loamal. ......... "" . ., ••• 1iIIo~




-qll llw,

\,1 "

1FL 'M"CCO;V- __ . L.(




Ifyou cou1d.looh into a million homes






Saxon Six Livery






Dr. .J~ A. McCoy,




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~ ..

how It Loo ~ed to Her. Ilrnm1rnll Willi 111:1 ,,~It"r Ill'NI "I ~lt , to 11ll' dl .\,. ,'I,,· I, I )Jill' ,,' "'111 I "f' ' I enjoying Ihy 110'1'111.0\' 11111",1 ";11 piny ot UNITED . DOCTOR. 8PECIALIST th!' ~ 'Ilson. WIIII 'h, r11! rII,· 1f1'llI'p Ful WILL "CAIN liE AT coup l 10 U 11111'1II/!" "" II/.. "II .. .w blsp (lr~ d 1(1 I"' r ' hQHl"'''~ : "TltuL'11 be a XENIA OHIO I Illuteh nil right."


IleWIS · VI. Liery I = --- -



D. L. CRANE, Editor and Publislier








'1'hls 18 the beglnnlog or a New \ Mr, .I no w h (l h.9 Yell I' jUKt llle 'fmo when 80 ,mliny ill for M'tl ,,"HI tw'l ", .!/' It" , \ViiI! tRI", ,, J.llitiS r<l80lutl on!l aOIl very few are t u ll ... M c CI~ Il" n II mlf .II-HI IJtlfl'l'll1.l.u. nll< ~'II t·II ..·r w,. I IIIl 11)(, 1' r"r thy ]l"lIdo nln int" lIio.-"I wiah every onrrled out. Anvone waking a res. Cld.Y wl\l' r~ ha ri Il IJ u dU', d t n 1>11 oJlerll. l uv 1\11 tN J' t' "Vt ' r OM . ti rr d, \\'l" lk . n 1f\' OUS WO nlu n co uld htlvu \,illul, lur 1 II "'cr ~ pC II~ a ny moncy In ul uliun shonld stick tolt 1I11e a pos t. II " Wlllt, ll WIIS ~ u ·Ill.s tu l "·c,,.! h il I IV" IIl h ll~ Ihl!" ("r Ill , ~(, 1)I'"lltl. 111)' lifo Lhnt did ow "0 much good a8 age Htl1mp t o u le ttor ontlll' rOllohee r9~ IllIg c u~l e r todllY w ltb nilI'I or Il rn l olll,' _. thnt ] 81wnt fur \'inol. 1 was weak, I I~ ueatlrJutloo. One ot oor oltizens eptledy reoovery. . Wtl 1hll II 1\ Ihue fo r .I! oo>d I1I~btH of tir"d , worn out Aud IIcrvoU8) autl Villol 811 YII he doell, IiDd ~ho others sho uld Mr. Ilnd Mrs. ObIS . Ryao and ~ 1" fl lJ 111.,1 . "~ I . matle 1IIu Miron;,:, w,'l1 olld vigorous after love thy utli~huor all t hYRIl U ; It t·hat f"wlly enterEUloed rolatlves trom W,. Ihllnk Ih~fl r'lr 1!1l"lllll I" rIH. e"cT)'tlJiIlj! Is ' lind .fllil ~tI til help me. oould be d ool! wba& Q gloriouK world Dayton Uhrlltmus UII.Y. \'f,e IhulI k t ll l' t-' f or t-a tr' ' ri g Olllllf 'oo ond I fUll HOW do Ill \' I!olhwwork witb IIIIM wuuld ue, UU, Ill! 1001( 118 atylos \\' e l!J lIlJl, lit ...· f,)rtw ,ltl ll ,d bll" d s 111 "1\8I1r,'.'·-~lr A.• 1. I":' 1..A~lfJOIiN . Mr. an d Mrs. gUfnel!t D ~ Ba\'en lIod rUbIIlOJ)~ predomloltte our 8Y'" "'JlU ,,' hl e h I " wurll t'llllrllll\o '" \' illo1 fll r nil weAk. lern Will he thorou ~lIly !illturtLled and fo ur 80n lU ll visit ing her par_ \\" I tl Tun·dow", ,,"r\'uuo, deloi Iit.nt.!d CUD' with e nvl o u snllss uod tha' is Ih e elltll Mr. 'Ind Mrs. J . R. Wbltllore • 0 I III II I· Wtl Jur ,",V " good uro~ ditiullu. wlIlt Wlllllh 1\1 ~nll Ol) rnorstonll to blltred . 'l'he m odI. fur a few Clay!. \\' ~ 1 11 01 n k Iho" ror gootl 80hools J. E. Janney, DrUI!~ist, WaYlIsvll/e. oul profods.lon hftll oever heen nble Rev . Webor la on t be s lok list , Iltl,j kino! 111I1f' h Clr fl . to find n dru~ thut will era.dioate ~hbt Mr. and Mra. Chf!.8. l'lr e lsfo rd speo l H uln u ~ to n "ll o ur minds right t-errlbls dlseufle whloh makes ullhllP- C hr fstmllil with Mr. and Mr~. JOE" 1:1111" U" 10 1l " 1l OUI hunt1e right . . 11Y hOOles, and dlsll ppolnted live8, Z ea aull torully, at N e w ParlR, Ohio . tlnl" U" t o bp ~I)nrl hoye "DO !!Irl~. wn lt until a gfl'(li ' 111111 IIN'n f'lrmeu Now this IS not gQlng 1·0 exist dura Mls8 1011l:~gle 8w'\llow. or this 110 \V ii 11111 V b.. ~ u od Olen and wOmeD. ' on Ihr ..o ~ Itl o~ ur I h ~ {'lIl1ll" whe re u iug t he yeur 1111 7, 80 lillY ye all pl ace, Ilod Wm. K ei ter, of near '1'h18 we IIsk f,'r .l eNns ' ~Uk8. ISlluulluneoufI ntlllck 11111;111 \) <> Ilmd ~ . When thiS ooourM h o w g lori o us t ltifl O.. y'"n. were !UnTried Int Amen. lIunll. ~Ui4t und so uIII; 11111 Io "fur~ Ol"y world will be aud we will be -lttillK evenlog 10 01Y'00. T hey will make o - - -hlul cumpl,·tt'll Ihl~ CI,·tOlUI· Of tire op on 'he t.hroue wearing orown8 Dnyton their foture bome wUIO.II' <I 1,1111 "11 11 Llw 1111111111('111 811V- t h"t 08nno~ be Innsfe rred. 0 R. Ptlterllon and .famlly aplin' (Juttlog wood Is being Indulged In Chrlstm"e 10 Dayton. . 1 ~~~" 1i~~~Il~;:~::'u~l~ntl:::,,~:;~'I~:;:;~'H~'I~:~; by ml\DV of our cltlz"ns, wblle It Is Qulttl a numb"r of men KIt\hered til th e ATIl t' l 'll'ull ": ~~IUI' I;\ s In tllt'lr eu001, 1, solt will no t Inte rfe re 9VUh a~ the hoole or VolllnEI Torner oortb Kf"I'IU..'~s tl, ru!'C h In, I L WitS Oll t! of Ghelr res tln~ on tbe shady IIlde of ellsl, of here for Il wood. ohopplng, these ,..hnm SU'rlh" lI Mllrs hml ~cflr <1 our \lubho butldlU"a during tbe hot Iltst '1'hnr.dIl.Y aUernoou. us he 18 1n 1I111\1ng tbrOllll'h tht! WI·t· lInch!rhruHlJ: 4nYli of JUly, very poo r h edth IIUWUWJlIlIIIlIlIIIJilDUlDlUIOIHlUlnmDllIIIIIIIDlmntnll fI' li 11 II lit tll u rupul·t "I' IIl N 1'1 f! ' III l uT\vo yoon g 'lien frJm IIIlddloto Nn I!t UUM tllfCW H:-o ldt! Pilil ''.-'J1'1111(t ul nnd wlllopr eUy bf\dly 1I0llred Hnll. oon_ "",,'lU Iho on"~t flUtIll) II nl·th II nuk or sillenlll.v hur~, 10 dftsoe ndtng the B.,lali a Trua Cbronlcl. of tb e littl e nrmy, \\'lIhoul I\"lIltl ng tur .,~" bl\1 l'o 8 w ot orcy olil. They 10llt C.r.... o Pa ... II.,. 8.".a.a m o re ot th('lr "ulllh "r~ III coolllpll!le O, t! oootrol of it /lod rnn luto Ille t ,lnof'. DAVID I.ARRENeE and c1l'dt! 00 lho "list trollt. We tr ost Iblt' It wil l not l>rove 811ri ANTOINETTE O'BANNON And so th e m('n ot r. d::c r·s Ken.. 0 08 of tha B.ltl., o' Tlppauao. " I have taken a Itro~t many bot. tu cl(y Rltl S lIud th vse r CU lllnln Mr, and Mra . Irl. A. Bl1rtsoo k, of la .he Indlaall WIId.ra .... Durton's reg ulur troollH. f"nnlng Ole Uay'on. wera week e nd goests of tllll of h& Ol bllrlaln ' ~ Vough 01 Wh .. Bef.U Thera. edy Ilod eve ry ttme It has oured me north\\' 6t nOll'1 . nwoke LO lint! 1\ hnn· Mu. MBrgllret Luvloy . J have f oond It m08t elInotual tor" la 01. Corydon .ud drt!d shll(fowy torllJ ~ ru shing 011 O.CIU Mr, nnd Mra . Wllli .. m a rlm~s. of Now rlra' Sel Fortb With tbe erlcs or wilt! heli Rts. Tholl' Xenlll, ~pen' severul daY8 lus t wee k haoklng o tJnl&h and for oold. . After tlrJswerlng lire burnt th' "cry hrenstM wltb.M r aod M.a Frlink Shldllker. hltlllg It "cioUKh alwlIoYs dllap. Jl Ran, " wri teH J . R. Moo rl', L os, or the ludl nuH olld II glill'd UIJ Ole IJr, Romine and b e r gro ndllon, Valley. all. Obt"lnable:everywhere pnluted, 1l111 cO ll M tll l'~S. 'l'IIO're WDS DO l!:vorett ~bnwlloker, are sojourniuK Ib SAMUEL McCOY tlllle to rololld; the I' illeS hi'c'nlue cl ubs thot 8wuug 110d cruHh ' t! nglli list rlh In Florldll. llr, aDd Mra. Romloe Sh umaker I ill_ani and elmll. or red wurrlor lind white I11IIlQllmnllllllmnnllllll1lUl went dowo locked 111 Ihe t!' rrltlle elll. of Wilmington, motored 10 nur oltv ,. 'Oo.,.t;""IiIII, ~b.lWbb. ".rrlll~) bruce which tho bl oody ' knife DIoDe. S und ay to see their parents, Mr. and "A ll the Cll1)tfllU:'J tlrl! . [;) :;;::::=.::!. rlslog nnd flllUng. lull:ht cutl. Mrs. JameR E. t)hlAmllker. D~ Air ad W I II fill ,. eOfllj)lInl cs li S UI"Y stliud I You ,,111 But the angle helrl Ilrru. \\rbeo Hor""'v. .. a ker w J tue III, 1I0thlllg hut hol<1 tho grouod until rison lin" Illu "'j ." roillft' l II. ulclr j pulp" at the M. iii. ohuroh I:;uoduy. light enuugh 10 nll\'ci"co " u ~ ~'L., J 7h Mr. and Mr.. MenU' Brunk ,,'n d III gulher d UI' lh~ relos 1I0d with horlles at UJo ~lIot tho\1 . 8nUary t . family wore Olnohmati .1,I'on cOlll1lct WBY over, Il~d tbe 8IIVU""S hlltl ' Dr.luld Mrs . Jamell Ward and tbe MondaT. . a bound was ll'OIlC Ihrough lhe folllUI( a' mlHt, ' lloyd. \\'on, Hursl, Tllylor. retrellted to the sbelter ot tree¥, <1,oo~(jr' l 818&er, Mn. Aml1ntbs, Mr. and Mrs. M. J . Far, .peDt WUKhJo gtOIl ' J ohnston and Davie.. wbere tbey mIght 1111"'0 tim to rcloud VaD Doren, len thll week for Peters- lionllay" a' Jj'rauklln the l0.,.'e of ur~iu g Ulelr bOr84!S li t biB heels. I their IfUIIS. B hint! t hem they lett a burg, Flo~lda, aod will be gone tIll Mu . Kathryn Null I hwl tl rilll hllck townrd his Cllpto1o. 8core of t! elld IIl1d dying oe their own the robin - nea, IigaiD. 141.11 Pearl Barris leI .pendlDI she Th t! hQ'rrltl tUlUliit ut tho norUl\\,esl number; bUI some hore ut theIr belts Dr. Earl F.rol', our .ery popular clilil AOlithclI l nogl1'8 grew louder. Do. the drlpplug scnll's ot llle oewly III00n, veterinary, ... home Ilck ,h mlllh& week wUh friend I and relatlve._'






For Tired, Wea k, Nervola Women










\'It! Udtt!lIed wltb 00 excitement that It WtlS theo tllllt tbe trum(leter. at be oalled tbe mea.el • . IlII tI bl a enrs with the BOuod ot hla llnjor W ells' cOl1llUund. had · pillced MI'I Marlare. Cooll III at>.eo'

own benrt's U.robblo~. Two huodred Yfl l'lls UWIlY thll rifle. crocked In a cl.'ns'lelJ8 s llUller. 'rho drull1s begnn. The orderl7 drufllwer at the oIDcer.' teota 1I'U befltlng the long roll ; the &teody un. \'''r~· lilt:: · tnUclO spread Ita IIlJ Pl rlou. aUllJmons Ulrough the nlgbt with a Bound thut for~l>d ·ltl wa7 tJuough all tll e. wilder babel of the camp. David wonden'{l wily It bad not bcaun IIOOD· .. ; It did not .eem poeslble thlt not


tho trumpet to his lips !lnd blown the chllrge. With 0 beer. the meo O.t Bllrlllll'S compA UY hen rd the order rapE"lI te(\ b y lh~ir 011'0 capUlIn ootl wen I ahend at a ruu. Only a dozen or 80 or Gclger's lIIen hnt! been Ilble to 00cu re th,'lr rl'h:lltl'fll'.1 horRPI! lit th e tru1l1pnl CJIII. bill these. rldlllg from tree to tree. (lrllve the b"med IndlnM be fore tlltlrn luto th o willows by the creek. wbere tbe horses could go no fnrther, }o'r olll Ule 1I0gle caDle an aide with Harrison's order to sound the rocall. Tbey cnm e bock. It Wall willdom thnt Sllvi.>d Ihern frOID belog cut otr from the moln h (j<1~' or the Iroops. For tbe fight hu d j U8t b egu n, Ouly II little breathing spll e\! tht!y hod; ulld In II th ('~ looked Ull00 tho faces ot their dead. . . The cOlDmnoder nntl his stort 10' epectc(\ Iho lin 8, lei ling their borscs pick their wuy through the trees. througb 1110 llorknoRs, loose-reI ned; ouch complllIY, U ~ Ih Y pn ~Bed It, plcadJlIg be II 1l0wed to go loto Ihe thI ck of the fight, onil the commnnclcr co unscllng en'h to hold Its gro und, until Ilt Illst thl'y Cll~, e to Norris' lind Wllrrlck's COIlIPIl IlII'S lit the corner 01 th e right tllml, nud b er.e fouud Spier SI) 'lIcl)r''i, rlllc men (rom orydou In tho midst of u red hapUslu of cflrlluge lOch 08 Gulg r's and Dnrton's com· , OlluJllS bllt! Just gooe tliroullh. '1'0 be Oontlood • _ _- - - -

from .ohool on accoun. of meaalee. The many trte":lda ot 1.880 WIl.on will fellret hearlnll: of hie leriow offllOtioD, Mr. Moot Stump, af. er seTl\Tal weeki of IIDlIerlol, II thouCht t o be Improvltlg aDd In the nlar to~ore will be baolr his naturalDeas. Mr. and Mr.. J . Hamllt.n 8oll:an'. family h~ve beeo bavlor the mllll· el., no •• bowlnl aoy par"aIUy. Mr, and Irln. Gran' Davia and dau.hur, of Walhloltoa D. V. Mr. and Mr.. WIlliam Davie, of Xeola. Mr. Rnd Mre. (''lark Davll aud daul!hter, of 8prlngfleld, IIr. Inil IIr• . Floyd AoderllOD and 800 and Mn. MarKara' Faber, ot Xeola, Mr. and Mra. Llnooln Be'o drlok 'Ind Mr•• Suaan Arnold were ~unday (loeate of IIr. and Mn. AmoH EIl.I•. Mohool began TueadaYI Jaouary 2nd, ..ttor on8 week 'a ",o.$lon. Uharle. Moore , of XeDla. Will the gue~t of Mr. an<1 Mrtt. l'e ~er l:or:v, on SundlloY. lIItlss 6ail U uglellby , one of tht. teaohers of 'he Carllele .ohoolll, spen, tbe h olldaya wltb her parentp , of neBr here. Clint V1Baver, one of ~nr op-toale cmd pr..lotlo,,1 fl1rmerp, 18 havlDg bls oorn hu.ked and reporta a ~pleD. did orop, bot h 10 quallt,y and qUllntity , .


Ilxty secon(1s hnd elnpl!ed sloee the arst olllrm hlld beeo glveo. A cold gust lDade the raIndrop' "'nver_ Be becnme conscious Ihnt hI' , 11l'lh were huttertng. Two men, "rlll'gllllg on th " grouod, eocceeded In sClltt.erltlg the Ilre 80 thnt lis light, III d d own 10 thl! emil MI. Dovhl 8411' , the ')th r COUlflllllY tlrcR go oul, oDe til' one. But tll y 1111\1 Dot all beeo exUllglIlsbCjl soon enough. A s tho light of the Ores died out .be nnshlDg of the rifl es' became more pllllllly vls lhle. Tbe damp air 11'08 heovy wllh Ole ocrld sll1ell of powder smoke. In tbe swamp at the east Da· vlt! could see the Oumes of the Iodl· nus' rilles twinkling llke IIrelll ~8. T he uproor at the norUlw('st angle ot the compo IWO huodred yards away, grll\v louder. Dllvld slralned bls eyee lhrotlgh tile dllrkol'SS bu~ ' dl8t1D· gulshed uoUllng. Sudtlenly trom the durk lingle II trumpet hlured out Ita Dr f:towlI.rd Bu.tJman, It dentl.t of Immemorial summolls to chn.rtre. 00 tbe lioosier l:ap1tal; 8pOo\ two daYII the last note aros e 0 burst of cheerof lut WEIOK wi.&h his pareuts, Mr. Clock With Phonograph. Ing. . An 1IIInoie jcwt' lcr hit!! hullt II clock liod Mn, Ellu HuIIOlBn. I:!owllrd "Ohorglng l" ejuculuted Hargrove that pluys oDe {Jr IllIIi' SI'I 'cllons on 0 lett here when It boy snd by milking Dt 'Do vld's sld r . Ilhonogrullh atluchlll ' ul III deslgnnte( I{ood use of his time hall prOilpered It wn8 tlm pluo ot t.he 1m" I u hili profession. time•. Prot. roll .pen\ the holidal'i ",i$h 11Ie parenti 10 Blghland County. Mr • . Benjamin ' Evans 18 a. 'bll.' writing "ery 1t8rloully Ill, mooh to the r.e ars' ot he, many friend., CLASSIFIED ADS SELLS EVERYTHING Several trom here aUendOO She 'armer'l Instltote and Pool&ry Sbow at Wayneaville. Thll MoCarroo BrOil. ha.e oon • ." z 0 tr.otad wltb our oorpora'loD If) \lgM :0: 10 our town with eleo,rlolty, and Slley ;J ..J have pllrohased of 'alrbaDkll, 'I IQree 0 0 2 & Co., ot ChlO&Ko, ,hrouih 'heir U ~ travellng 8ale,man, Willard E liar < ~ 'In, of Dayton, and through hi, > :c eaorte the tollowlni .S)wn8 are '"0 Will find this column will bring him being Ught tld .. lib 'hie e,.ahm: St. :j 0 Benry, ~olllburg. MlnlO, Wee' Alex . mone' y if he will use it for anything z IInder and Troy Hlgb &hool holld. ~ ;;; he has to ' sell. z Inl' and varlou. other. tbrouahout ;J You have a surplus on hand at 'hiH IItate Thh will be of b3ued. to >'hose Intereeled aDd ellpeCla;Jy '0 Q. the present time. Fee.d is scarce 0( Q. 'be IIkeptlollo', I!hould tbere be any1n o . and you want to get rid'of that cow, <: our baUwlok. We bave ~D looked c: :c. upon by eome of our adjolnlD'1 horse or pig:. or else, ("l w towne .. .belng a baok ntlmber, but > You . have a surplus amount of C:Q Z w ken ·'hl. lIi1b' Is Ind"Ued "will ..J farming implements on hands ' and CII put UI In tronl of Iha . proolA1on ..J rn wl&h the mOlt modero IInown, and want to sell them. r. ~ ~ lIoo.d lns\alled b, a oompaD'f' a800n4 0 . You can do this very easily by ,to .Done In any line Ibe, may repre. CII >putting iii an ad. teJling aU about c: '.01. E"er, 'OWD b18 'hair Mun 10 ex & JelI lind Mott .ald U ooold DO' be them in '"0 ;J ~ done, _nd Jeff ."Id It oOllld be dODe, on c: and ' w. br beDedned In ollr CII 10&: mllnlolpaU,y .


The Advertiser













Irlr. and Mre. CIUION OrOll., wllrl,he weell ead lu .. la of &Ive. at Lebanon. aod Mrl. E. Knelale, are enSertlllntn, the formor 'a fanler from HIII.boro, Ohio. Mr. andMre. lIoward ArohdeaOon of Lebanon. were 'he g01l81. ot Mr. aod Mn JOleph IIIUllr 'be lIr.' of ,h. week. IIr • • J . W . Badle,y II .1.IMDg Prof. aod lin. EIDlIU Spabr. of }'aul4lng, Oblo, 'hI' 1171.11 • John VleTe0I.r I • • latalD, rela. tlve. and trllnde as R1obmoDd, IDd . Dr. Emily WrIIM, Book 1.laail, III , haa arrl.ed here and will mUI her home with her II liter. 'heJlt. . . Wrll!M, '{he lhoule oeoupled by IIr. aDd 14ft, Bob Wqoda ot b,ear ~ Lloo, wa. borned to ths 1 r()IlDd Mooda,. Mr. "nd MrJ. Wooda · formarly of 8pr1ngboro aod their man,. frlenda here are lorry '0 lllun 01 'hlir rulsfortnne

ne •.



- ..._---



Those who break fa.' ellbt o'olook or laa.r, Innoh a' twelve aod have dinner at .Ix are alm~' oertaln to "a troubled, with In4Ig •• Mon . 'l'hey do not 8111019 time for ooe meal '0 dlge,' belfore takln. an. otber . Not I BIll than lIve boun sbould ~Iat>se 'betwel8n meall. Ir you are troobled wllth Indl.elt'lon onrreot your habltll arad talte Chamberlllln's Tablete, and yotl m~1 rea. sonl1bly bope lor a q ,_lok reoo ..r1. These tablet_ 8tren81ben the .'om. aoh &ud enable 1t to performUI fnno. tloo. nalorally. qblalDable ever, wbere. ,



eaM8lnc1udtogtJetorrultlo8 , nor,'oul and c ltrOu· I ~nd

I. dl .. _. olIllID. " omell

chlhlrcn. OITer

,Ian '01 dleord.. of abe ltoIaaob aDIl ..,., "Obam_1aID '. 'l'abli\l Ifl 1M bellI..... • . .

••, U". 'iIM.

W alter

Fl eet Ind ian Bul" ,oko. ' o11th I"dfll liB'"

t.o aU who aall 011 thl. trip, consultalloD, ox-I amluatloD, advice treo. mllktrJI nn charge


whal<>vor except tho actu ~1 coot 01 tre.'" II tlie 11',,1tllJ~

.""!llt' Id

Iolll l'''''i~,



fUfIl O llS

"/til IfJ Is,' ,

Waynesville, O.


m e Dt. ~Il ttl .. t. uked In return ro r th98() ! bl'tH.-.ll UH "' lIl' I IH~:--t 'd fill' S \\' JI'tnps,,",! hut~ Ya1uable llervtcea t. tbatove ry pen;on trentoo qult t.' ~ 1 11I11I. !'-\o lU' ql' t hl'!1!' ntdlll; tl Sr l .. III .tatl tho refull obtalne.. III their Irlend' i en'll Whefl filII gl'",1 fl . II n' I'" "I ~~er

Ove r PO![otJiCt!. Rnd thm prove to tbe .Iok all" ullllctcll ie tbuff II I,,,·;:,, \l og. '1'11, ·)" 'U'~ IIIU", usot! OUg Pho n. 77 overy cItY ~ud locallly. that ab 11>:11 lrontment. III ligll l rll n .', ha"6 been dtsco"lrtttl t lml 8ru rououobly I and cortllnJn theIr efJect. Th. L:nlted Oocloro

tN!llmect 01 chronic


'11 ....0.

IU't J


and wonderful ha ve beeD roaulu that In IDIDY e/lM8 It III hard 10 nud tho ti lvldlu8 line be".oen IIkIU and mlrocl • .


Typho id Fever.

([ O",. P IJ:)u ~



'''r~q.h ni d 1' (1\' .. 1' II" . . I"'PH 1tl :t~ hll'ltlJ," T Il£' IIIUl ' ulullll1l 1'11 1' t !l JlI un l·-tIIIl P 1'(1'" tn l d iz.:"u"t' t,,,", 'I llill' :1 ' 1' lrt'I'th ; n., nun )



____ ~ __ _ ___

rb In the Rod flO iroat I



0 ... ..- of the lLOlDlICh. IntoollocH. liver' .•• DENTIST .. . blood, &klo. nerTII,. blU't •• pleeD. rhoum ollsm, t ur ~ lwdIJinx. T ~' l' lIt'll l 1"('\' (\ 1' IH no ICI.Uca, \ape_orm. leg ulcer... Ilk luo.. and lunge l' U 1I1""III I'P "hpl"lo t h ~J \\~ lIfHh' rr ul . 'bo.. InllcSld "nh looa·o'andlni. doel' seat· s erum Is "1o[,,lnahlo-. Waynesv ille, 0 I S ."oD~lmrf:.. Bllll(, ed . cbroOlc <11..-... Ihl' havl b.nte<t the 1Ik1ll of Ih. f.mlly ph:rolclall8. ohoutd not lall to call. O".to_ orsell h.. beeo curd In Retort 0 1mct. Ilxty d~)' " "~ty first l!lIs lO:lfl oi 10- ,11 ""10 '" heUer A ~conUo. W 'heir O,'MID DO more o\lllra· tlon8 tor Ippendleltla. ,III .SOoes. tumorl, !I"ose Omn you 1Il1', ': ' "I ":l II't R<!e It. BA ~N HART; gollA•. pile.. e~" .. III __ accepted "III ' Ve wCl'e b01l1 rUh l'-" "", 1111:11 In IlOurl')' y uu."floston '1'1":111<,'1 '11 .1. be tre.ted "lthon' opera'lou or hypodermic Notary Public Inleclloll, .. ther ·we", amollS .he nrat In America 10 earn 'h. 01 "8100<11_ Slir geIle .... by dolnl.".y ..ISh .he knlle. "Ith All kinds of No tary W o rk. \VIII. blood .od III plio In &he .ucc_lul trntment 1~0(1 Deel1 ~ 1\ H:eOllilt y . of tb_ dangeroul dl.... -. _ No m.tter JOur .UmeD' may "'e. nu ______________""'____________ matCer "ba' otbere ma, SOld you. nO . . . . -----,..,., . .......- - - - - -......... *"'."'~....lDatter .. Ilab . experience you m~, bno bnll MONEY LOANED "lth olher Ilby.lel • .,.. I~ "III be I<> your ~q . vant.,e to - them a' ollCe. Have It lorovor - - -- -- - - - - II A W .A. Y Htlled In Jour ml<ld. I. Tour lalllcur· J ble they ,,111 IP'·. you o1lOb advice u may ro- MONEY C)"-N"' t) 00 II' vo I:Itoolr .Wayne .. vtlle'@ Lea.dlnlf Dent1., . r,n~. , lIeve ~nd tb. dl_. Do aot pulolf ohattels and seoond m o rtgages, -I ()ffi I K B M I Ull.du"'ouowe'o ..... lfor trlenU.or rela Notesho.ught. J o hn I:Ifublne • .Jr . oe n eys Idg. anS$ tlvee "ho are lulferlng beeau.. of JOur .1 'k: nNI. "lalt at Lbll tliDl may blIp )·ou. A lien Bnlld ing, Xeuin·. Obi o. K:i O 14_ "-:=_~-::::::::=-=:::~~:::::::::~





Olasslfted Ads





Woru-ou' and



DR. H . E, HA'f

men or women. no

.... _


ma't;er "ba' r our aUmn, may be. call . It - - - - - - - - - - - - - COIle ,0DOWo" WANTED R .....:mber. tWo trill otT.r II for Lhlo vIII It Dr. Bell's Pine-Tur-Honey only. For CouJliha and Colds. IIrmtetl 1..,1.. com. wttb tb.rr liu. baoUI tUld mill..,.. "lib thalr .,.,..nto. AN U ARY ll. 3 4, G lind (), 1907 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!"!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Poultry l:lhow (jill, • W~yil68vl ll e. Ohio, L 0 'to .l oho , HI' 'Yo Premo Labor.torl... CI\veland. Ohio. 10m he t r eady to 111111 I.



' ARM - Have vou n farm ur other Ret11 E •• "te for 8~ Ie ¥ It 80 lis' eame al once wl ~h W . D. Chandler, Waynel'vllle, t)lno, Qr oall h ere at Phooe No. 77. I hllve a few goo>1 out of towo buyers wbo are dealr. ODS or looklog Ilt. property In s nd ar ouud WaynBlI9ll1e Don', det"y I IIr. G. \al 81mll Is very- 111 with A ttend to this at on e. W. U. Uhaodler. lID·omon1a. Mr. ao4 lin. aerman IIInn8, of Oolumba" were week •• nd iue"a of 'belr panDO. FOR SALE



lto!:~r-:'~~'::~:8a ::::::e~I:,


Thl ,1181.'118 sholl1c1 bll tnmwl UK I'OOn 118 tho /'Irst IIl1nllturnl 100 e lleti8 of thu oow pjs I1pplll\r~. , When this I dona a . inglo dose'lf 'haru1Jtlrhun's Colic. Chol · and Diorrhoeu. It L1l1l11y will tIl·t I> cnr . This r medy CliO l\l~YllYs be de· l'enderlllllOn even in the mo.t Mverenn.1 a'lUI,'C rOllB CU8I1f1 , and s hOUld be kept lit llllDiI rp.udy tor InMhLllt u • N ever ""'VII ~OJD on u journey without it.


_ :::::::z:z



-P LACE of O'oUale, all i . butldlngl, nBU Rod Oak. In . THE CRIATIST , Devin Thom~oD, ot DaJloD, were quire of Thomos Jallll'lI, Route 4, boUdaJiIl.... 01 IIlr. and Mr • . V. Way nesville, Ohi o. IN THE WORLD W. ADall.. and other relMlvell. Red . S horthorn male " alf, 9 PiJBU$!IEl) WEEKl.Y. $4.00 I'I!R YEAl Th.lprlnlll Farmer'. In. months old; good growthv one. ItOTEL8, DRuc0iiiT8, SPEOI ALISTS. .U'UM will be held In the Town T " A N a F £ It. 0 A ... aan, Jann ....'10th and IUh. MOlllo I nq uir e uf the SUrRlltt BtOM .. Valley a 0 a TUM AND 'B UI IERYICE OAN PROFI':" Phone GO-a , W~yne~vl l\e, O. .j8 by 'h. Columbian Q08rteUe, 8V uelMO ITS ADVERTISINO COL.UM ..a IIr. IDd Mn. BOJ08, of Toledo, are Fresh Jers v o w. a I{ood one. SAMPLE COPY FREF' spending 'h.' holldaYI with her Inqnl r e or · .H . ~~ . ' hnklD8, R. _ IIEW 'lOR I( CLIPPER par.ntfl l IIr. Illd Mrs. G V . 8Im~ . n. 3, Wayneavlll il . Ohio j3 ......, Yo,k. 11_ T". Mil. 8nll. OJevengpr I", l1.ble to be .nt after 'hree montbs \lI0881 . IIrs. Tom Kyne II 00 the 810k lIt1t. A watoh ..rv1ce ~"I held at $he II . E ohuroh New Yen'. eve. Milia Thelma Ware, of Veuaill!l8. WI8 'he ,neat laet week of Mr. and IIrl, E. II. Vople,. . Mrl. A11.u Mlars la grad ua11y IrowlnK WQA.IU.L--------Hlf------'--...~.

De'roU, IIloh, and lIr. an I Mra .











.. - ------

We want to close up a partnership by January 1, 1917.


All par ties knowing themselves in debt to the f.' rm of




pu ln!j lin I /lOb eR get Into t,b j olots tlod mu ~o I9!'1, IIl nlilllg Waynesville, OhIo ONE DAY ' ONLY I a verv m OVtllllll u t t r t llro, R olievfl Ph one 8J-S y our null'erlUI( 9Vltl] ' 1011u '8 Llnl Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. t. it quloltly PIITl Atl'lITlls wlthflllt I ------------------:~--::---~ ru bhiojl, 'IInd ~ "'l th o~ Iwd wurml! . bl . I I yo ur ~ I"T(\ rn\l@ r I~ . l'hA oo ngel:l lod Remarka. ALL KINDS OF ,e ~uccel8 of Ta en ted I bi llod ill pllmu lILII'(1 tn I,ctlrm ; II ..ln PhY'lclan In the. treatm e nt glo "p plknl.lon Wi ll d ri ve Ollt the of chronic dlsea.u pOID . Hl o "n'~ 1,I Di", ,,!'.t Is ol alln. I nve nlent Ilnd ll uio ldy ~fr 6CI, ivl', it Direr Services Free of C harge d es IlIl t. .;t uill tl.u ~1<1 1l or olOlg the porN' (i .d . •, b ott.1M l o_doy fit Yllor Th. ' nlted Docto" 91*lallol llooD...... fly I I )ruggl to. ~50 tllo Slale of Oblo lor Ill. troMm.DC 01 ~ II dl.· I _ _ _- - _

Laok of ex.rolAe to 'he winter I. a frequent CAose of oonstlpllllon . You feel bea.y, dull and It.lIe.s, your oomplexion Is sallow and plm. ply, and Inerl1 at low abb, Clea.n op thle oondltloD II~ ooce wl~h Dr. KIDI" New Life Pin., a mild I&xalive that reUevee the oonlell&OO In 'uUDe8 w ..bon' griplnj( A d oss Why She MOlJrnad. He {Anxiously, Ilflc r pOlllllnr the before r'Ilria, wlll ...are you a fnll questloll) - "Wby do ~" "I cry, my and eal, ID 'be morolng. love? Old I offend you by my pro- 260. a' 10ur DruIII.t,. -~.-------Po8Blf' Sbe (qllletly sobMotr)-"Ob, no denr, Uummll olwlIIYS ~ ald to me, '1.111, you are such nn IdI ot. that you No Prevloue Experience. would Dot get· eyeD II doakey for a Tramc Cop (to Dotoist whORe car lover, and now I bave got ODe, atter has jUHt beeo 10 n bnd collt ~ l o l1)­ alL'" "That's UJe 1II08t complete smll~h' llp ( ever law." Autol,t (p~udly) -"T hllnll: lOU. Aad would )'OU believe It, It'l the IIrst one .l ever had?"-l>uck. Never Pay. to Walll Too Long. ----_0 Some of us let flllll'hity good opporo tuolU e9 Slip by. ,,"ultlng tor 108lllra. u.. Care. tlOlJ", or the pSycbolugieul momont, aU Tho top shelt of tbe medicine clr.tK!t the time torgettlug that 141en_ 'never ,Inspired lIuylloclly to do all7. may be kept for emertreuc)' 8uPl>lIce. .lIIIpectally· where there' are chlldreu tbtotr. th~ tblop are oece&lllr)'-aoUdotes for 'll.OlIloo;. antlseptlc waahee an'd eueb IUppUee.






~ ·.o_---



No account will be carried over into 1917 except by parties giving bankable note. Note to bear interest at 6 per cent ~ until paid.

Of Little U.e on the Earth • . There ate two kind s ot men who never cblln"s thei r oplnlnllll-foolll aDd Flnt Requlelte of Bravery. dead ones. Thl,! mno wbo ~II Dot The bru.ve8t are the lIIost humane, learo trom aoother 18r a stllr-necke4 the most kind: aud If 'anyolle would be old mosa·back alttl0tr on the tall cd truly brave 'let 'him loorn to be gentl. pro«r-. aDd tender te everyooe !lod everytblllI , Arthur Sewell. ,about 1iIm.-Bev. , .~



~O ~4.~

H. Madden & C~., Corwin, Ohio"

Please c~lI ~nd settle not later than December 25, ' 1916.

----.. -.-----


FOBIQ • SURE TlIII I. B. Wlxeoa, l'amaen 1I1!11. N. Y., baa aM4 OIwabellala', TAble. for



-n ' DIN ' CAl?




HOTEL CRAND, Parlor 8ulte







".. Lateet R. . .n. ~w

.dall,dnIIl, wtl8t·-Wl.. 1

........ or tile decline or the ROIUD

........,. Blllbt BoJ-"I know. It • ..... to Iii IDI1Cb mUltarIaIll OIl tile .. . Ill!. ............




VU..l..s, OHIO•




--~- -.......---.

!. .______ PERSONAL.-..-_______ MENTION •i,I HIGH SCHOOL ~ TES iJl O------------c



Q:1L'1ItiOl1. "'.\'h ,' 11 t t;, J,p ·t w\,'ltht. f ,r rou.~ a r 7" A 'S\\'I·t. ",I Sce Wall.rhouse t or Auto Liv ry. til;' I'ou'nd .. ' I • l~U ('~ .. Un ~'<l1l f!ll'llI~h .;rits.'· • An". "y.~, lout un IJl'r ('hart'oal .J. O. 'arlw'ri g ht is on the sick list. i mitre i m purt nl " , U'Jl!s. " Whll t \'r Cl"I~ for rll~ tt't~ ?" L. IJ Iluily WIL.· II Dayl n viliitpr 1·\ I1M, "11 0 J..~. Braillna . . or il lllt't Tuesday. heavy lire. I ~ . " • t\ "' Ilhin 1 "u \ nil Ii III hu\'c 'am· \\ U . I{aper ~l1e'lt :'iundli}' anI lIIiLltlll I't'.ol uli t' lid rr l)urt Ll(,f urc the noon hall I' \1Il ' I U rdllY. . Monday in 'i nci llnati . t-: UOII. A. Mll ili t utlr:m c!ed a funeral a t CUlttintlt'd IItlXt \ celt) tcw Burl ington. Sunday.

A big touring car f~r five people


C: 111I1II 'ralle ~ I'C,,(' • ·d a 1'10' 'ord t the lI igh Sl·hl'Ut. This i lh lir~ l re 'urd thlll h!L~ twell giv\!11 but It i ~ s~ ttil: ).!' a !<'U\)U >x!llllpll.) for olh!'!''! I f.lIl l,Jw · fIn giving to t h ·' J'ublk • I ' lluU l~ u "llr cuuntry UII • ill makll ll-:' he 11105t libornl u., e of hi ~ m onel'. It v,. )t'0! to 1111 IlIIrl nol a ele t fe~" Th e [ilne wi ll I·, lm.! ill the hislo!'v of I thi s co untry \l'h " t he I' uulk Scholll ~ ' hurl es m e :1 is spending the l will be r IIIcmlt'r ed ill will~ and wp,ell wilh re'lati'veH in Dayton . , olher b('{J 1I ~t~ th e sam U~ church 's I ElIld rol leges. 'fhis is ad it ~ h ou ld II' . L II LI d f w B I In thi w ay II la rgll r nurn be l' clin be M1'8. y ue a oy, a e . ur· r ached lllBn in any uther way hngl oll , IR the guest of Mr . and Mrs A. I\laflit. The Ili \.:'h St:lltlol b l19ketball leulII I we nl to Le J.,an II l u s tl~ ,.,dny evenin". 1\1 1'5 . Nel~o n 1\ illg'. of InuianRPolis. I and calli e home defeated Uy the Ind, iH the gUlldt of Mr. lind 1\1 I'S' 1sco r e of ~l!j tu :!i). Walter Elzey. Saturday evenin g 11 learn from I TiPIJ t'cnnoe City clime he r amI w a~ M r~. 1::\'11 I\li ll e r vi 5itecl wilh relll_ l dd eat cd by Wa, nc vill e;':O to :!2. l i\'e" ill ~'p rin"lielri and Dayton dUI" It was a pr c lt~· gnmc t o lonk 111 . \ ing tli" h lll idaY::I al t hou..:-h nuL a tH~t g llm ", . I . Frida\'·v 'ninv. ut ::;1'111101 lJ ulllh(' K i ng~ r.lill:; t 'am wi ll (Jlay hellO. M bR France:; quires, whu i ~ Tli c~e h OY8 dC r.'alCli u ~ ['l' Ii ~ 11111 11 tea ch ing nl·a r Cillcilltlllti. Hpellt th e I~c u r e I fI ~ l tll Olll il. 1I11l] aH they ur' II holidu} s ill hU IIl ' . fas t tcalll II \.(u uu game i ' lou lw d fll r . __ _ __ - - - lIol'll I )(.,'0111 LIN i .11h. a c111Ul(h tel', to·tllt·. !Llld 1111'S. Miriulll I tick~ Tracy , at L..~ .·\n g' cles . " ··d







~ ~ ~ ~ iii


iii ·


It is no t in one way alone tbat Saxon "Six " survas~es o t he r cars. it IDatcbles! .


In pulling power on hills

An d the economy of Saxon "Six" io gas· olioe has kept pace wit h its other a bi l· ities .

~tld thro ugh

beavy g oing, in hi gh ·gea r wo rk, and in . acceleration it duplicates the ability of costly cars.

1iJ '


206 s to ck mod el Saxon "Sixes" recent· ly ran 308 mi les apiece without stopping a nd averaged 23.5 m ile! per gallun of . gasoline.

By cons t.ant betterment th e I ower· flow bas been madc smoo t her aod more su p· pie than ever before.

Judgi ng from p resent day sales it will b ' hard to get p rompt d eliveries on S axon "Sixei" b efore long . For th e demand is practically Ilbrea~ t o f production now.

And in acbieving this conti nuo us pmver fiow. vibration has beeH vir tually e li minated.

So that now Saxon "Six" bas longer life-a greater period in which its enj-



re main s unimpaired throug h wear.

As nearly ~ cnn he estimated its cndurance is so me\\ he re around 20 per cenl grealrr th a n a n y o th er car in its rla ss.

In every phase of pe rformance you'lI fl od



Consider the many ways Saxon "Six" excels


~ ~




During' Ch r islma."! week lhe words of t he Cu unty at. tht· Warren Co ulIl y C h ildrc n' ~ 11 .. 1lI,' luid Ill'phllll i\ ~y l \lm r:'I wc rcl(in'lI tlt l'u' L·ht'l;l llIas t r':llt llnd &;.i 11) turn I"lItl'!'l,d l'l'd 11 numtlel' of ~UC t" tA lld tho It ••ml "[, Tr n~ tees wilh a ph'a ill.:' catlt., t .. . .. ·!tn,t llllu, i n .~)r ~lLllllllOd .. . . Lhe ':lnlut:! wa ~ g'i l:l'1I ulld ' r lhl'. tllr eetl ,m tiC .\11 s :; ..) ,,1 111. tlll'tl'RCh· 13 er al till' 11" "1,>. an>! .\'a.-" 1I1 ' ,st eTc I· It abl t! I'r url uc tll) n :\1 I' alld M r" 11 ,111\'), 11ll' ;:ill peri n tenti" llt an d ~ Ia tr"" at Ih ,· 11 'JI ll.". werl' til€! an h 03 1 lin.! It ()~ll""i til Ihe h t· t ill f lliks rl I lwit' 1{1l "~ I~ nnu s" r\'(,01 nil elab u r u t~ t urkey oIl11ll1'l' with nil I:::J t he tri llllllillJ.::I. 'I'll" Iltlll' [" Ill s \\·"n · Mr. IIml Mrll. Will Gusti n sp en t ~e r \led !it lh· !Irst tlllll,' an d thr· ::iu·" iuy wi th Mr. ami Mrs . Ora Hill, glle~ts h ad I n wllit r r lIll' sccond ' lIf Mianlisu ul'f(. Ohiu. lllltic whi rh v rt:l \' t'S th", t th e l1 allt:y~ huv e t.iw r ig hl irll'a ttl e ~'hi l dl'ell' ~ Mr . and I\'II'S Myer Hymon and 1I0me IS f ur Lh e r )Jh an ~ u l thl! ,·Ull n· ' rlllul! hter II pcn t Sund>lY and Monduy r:::J ty IInu no t fur pru utillt.mL pcnpl c who I with relati ve:! in X elllu . . . sometimes vinir Lhe iliM litlll ioll . T his in tituti un is ill s pl n.did on· Mr . und Mrs. J oshua Fost e r. of diti(lll lIIr.d Dilly nHuTlLl{ed by Mr. Haney und wi fe. Thr) ro nre lit pres . Paye ttel' ill e, are the g uests of Mr. e nt thirty·twu c h ilurell in thu hOllle lLml Mrs. 'layton Foster. \lnd 1:1 lar ge num ber hav e bee n ~e nt r:::J out d urin g the pas t yem' into. inui · M1' 3. Will [lecllett and niece, Mollie Whitllke r. of Kentucky, are spending vidua h'O l ne~ ofbyTruslees ad option is . made u Jl a fe w duys in .'pring Vulley. I ~ Th el Board



J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt., Waynesville, Ohi~. EJ Ell"i==3'l:Ir,===:1' ==:::::IU!I ===::1' S===:111:1 IE'===:JU!I' .-:5J S===:lr.\ I:


Po, I,;

P!, L:




~=~===============~====~========~==::--:-:~:::=~::::=:--:::-::~==:::::==-:-=-:::--:'" ----_. - - - ---




of rt tho foil O\lr in en: E. S. T. L Ca w r ig·ht. G.g gF entlem Brown. Decha nt. H. D. And c r ~on. Ge rge Beck and ,I uh n Buc k. These g-entl . men ser ve witho ut compensatioll an d each one t&kes a per.ollul interefl t in the insli tution. The pl~o ple of Warr 11 I:ounty have reason to be prl)uu (If lbeir 'hild re n's Home.

Chas. Lewis, w ho has ueen se rvin g on th e Fede ral Il'rliliU j ul'y lit Cincin· nati. h!l8 been hum e for several d ays.

l\f rs. L. A. ~im merman and daughter, Mary Louise, left Monday f Or a visit with rt:lativ6s in Cleve land, Ohio.


. Mrs. Sarah Zellors, of E uhanks, The annual meeting of the s tock1: y.. urri ved hore l'uo?sday evening h olders of the Waynelvilte Nationll !. and is l he g ues t of Mr. and Mrs , A Bank for the election of seven dirac. iYIaflll. ................................................................... tors , t.o .serve .during the ensuing year, WIll be held at Its banking Mrs. 1. N. Harris and two sons, house on Tuesday. January 9, 1!l17. from onetotbree o'clock P. M. Wm. UrllllOK ROll wife. Goerge of Day lori, spent seve ral days last J . O. Cartwright, Cashier. D.. vlti nnd \V If 1', Mn MU1 'ILtb er- week with Mrs . Alice Mc Kinsey and --'>---.. . - ...- - IDe Davl,s. \.ilolln Dllvl~ .. ud fa mil y , daughter. Mr!!. Idn bffi nL1ol0 und Miss E t bel They Promise Satl.factlon · Mannoo w ra 'be ~ u '~ t8 of M r nue: . ' The reguta r m£eti ng of St. Mary ' s Mrs Ernest Muon," n o 'l'hursdny. Guild wi ll be he ld at th e ha lli e of Mise M"bel " tUrf , u t eflobu f in Mrll .. J . H. Culcman Thul sday afte r~bu I{lng lllllD suh oul, S I'OU' tl.HUB noun. J anuary 41h. A COMP LETE STOCK OF SIZES ON dol' s wI t h \ II S9 H ele n Bartilook. Mra. James Ke rr ick received word I'll y CI1,l1 d a U MIMI VIo l" J o rdan , HAND AT H . COLEMAN'S STORE _ Miss Ruth Hartsock whi le in Dayby phone, Saturday evening thllt Sa tn rd " y ,,(tornooo. \lnrl MI IjK Milri e ton ' attended the di nner dunce at her cousin . Harlen Beach, was fou nd Rlob. Stl.nc1ny afterooon. the Hotel Mh,lmi, given in I~onor of dead in bed Th u rsdav morning at hi s Th'J 1M! ~o Antlro v Illlel ()lIul the Cornell Glee c lub. Waynesville, Ohio daughter 's home, two miles cnsl of ~. B. CHAPMAN, Agt. , T h om ps;) 1l sp nt Friday night and Xenia. He was well known in Clinton. Green and Warren Counties nnd ::>ntnrtiny With the ~I ~o s Mer lo II no Principal Arnold received a tele · ~ Faye Enls. was an extensive IItock buyer. Mr. ancl Mrs . Th olJl!i8 Rioh spent gram that Col. Bain is seriously ill, MoodilY with Mr. Utls [ro n s and therefore there will be no lecture at School Hall this evening. wlffl, OO ll r [.eba nnn. Air IUHI Mr~. \ T. T. Jord. Ln mllde Lost- 'B etween Miami Cemetery 11 buslnees t rip t u Le bnooo. F rldllY and the School House, a pocket· Mrs. G eo. 8 gAll ' Ilud @on, Bed . book. F inde r will please leave at spent Su,tn ruHY uV l' nlng nn d l:) undllY the Gazette office and rece ive reward. with Mr'. 0 nd Mre. Will . Doon, nellr Sliver U rOVtl. George Clark, of Columbia , Mo . . Mrt! . l~yr t. I " 'Payl or \lnd du tlKbte rs his vacation with relatives at I to Fiction McC a ll'a'ia S u p reme : ' Tb elma nnll o I:u] .\· 6. ~ JlIHlt pllrt of spent Lhe wllel~ wllh .Ilr. lind Mrp. James Lytle, and m ad e several social calls writes a N ew York 8ubll4:riber . among his many friends in Waynes. l:iray. Me C A. LL'S hel ps •~-=-:-:-:-::---'::---. "" ville. WUl pay you $3,00 per head for HORSES and COWS \ ove r 1. 200 .000 Tbe Mis Oli M,\bl'l. Mede and Il'lIye \ ClIn e n dre!::s in at your home and will come and get titem . Orders Em. vory ));o usllntl y ant rtllin ed a styl~ 0' small cxAft er a t e n days vacation with her party of yOllll!( ( ulk~ on Thorsday filled promptly, All telepbone charges paid. pens .. A recogparents, Mr. and Mrs. N.elson Hami l· evening. ni21·J F 0 S h ion Give us a call, ton, Miss,Ina Hamilton retu r ned to M~ ster Al viu fl llfv ey , of n ODr AUlhorilY r'lr 4S College Hill, Monday, to take u p h e r years. Utloa, 8pon' t lJo w e tlk \Vlth his EJ, unt HARVEYSBURG, dutiC's 8S teacher . Mrs F . A. Fl l1 rt ~ook M cCAll PAT· OH IU TER N S le .. d in Mrs 1tlu Munn oll lIud dlLogbter .:-;t 'Ie, fi t, simplicMr. anu Mrs.· E. M, Casey enterl"f ~ MOlllluy morninll for t holr h OUl e ity, economy a n d in TlppeCtLDOe, U flur ~p e u.lmg t be tained on Ne w Years Day Mr . and rJumner sold . h ohdaYIl w ith Ji)ro M . Mu tll)(1U Gna Mrs . Will Gustin and Mrs. George I Mc.C AlL' S - 8.4 10 tl 8 p nl!"" m n n\hl y ~ i !' l 11r Adams and children also Mrs. John family . I l-' hkh io n Gll id~ n nd H o uu kt'crli l)K H el per 0: mO re wom en t h al1 any o ,H'e r mAKUtin r.: in l l' c I Mise Anne Dostor, of Urnnvi ll e, La mb, of Be llbrook. w or ld . All the la ' t q t t ' y!c't t'l( ry m e I ltl.; also dC'Jlit!h~rul ti l ort c ~: .. !lC'ci:,l1 . i r(l ll t\r n II I" 'I speut FridllY with Miss Violn in c o ,,1<l n,.,. horn·! d r e"'l~1U f' :lnl:. (on ~ y w ork, Miss E thlyn Jones. who was hurt :l11d WoI)'R \ 0 I Ia l1l u h\lusrwo ,k Bn" ": (,\1 I Jordl\ o. rna ncy. Price.: only So; a COI) Y. 501; u. y e ,... on a sled last week. is in s uch a conMr. nn:! Mrs. Gleun Dllvi~flod AOt' S!!N D FOUR tOe Fft nq,~Wolk n"u1c I Hobe rt lLn rl Mr, Bert B tl!: u spo nt dition that she will not be ab le to 1\'0 C[~ I S IN wilh39 Embroid ll r r LC!Mon" an j STAI'II PSfOR 32·p.wc McC. IIP." ern Brook Monull Y with Veo l3ugll n ILn(\ "'Ife. bark to Tol edo to resume her school' tll fl l."o.,yl,! ' )1 ,(',, 11'6 'f 'r.d tt ... ttlJ: 'j ~" .. t III~ I '" ,,,,'10,10 duti es fo r several days. It.III..... II ',1l1 a: IUU "rlt .. UII .. r 110 ' IItl "'I' .. to J:bt, UtI I I'Il ll t ., . ltIr. lind Mn" l, n H'Ht llnuk. 01 • Aurin 'JS 1If' /'f. N IJlly t lln, "pont several dlt l'S with Mr . THE ~I,CALLCO.. ZJS W. 37rbSI .. N ." V.,k Cil,.N.Y. !lnd Mr l~. F. A. Barts ,(J '-. The conditionof .Miss Georgia HadAn ENT!. ' .\ ru~ Cl UG· RAISE RS WI\NYE D rt~ ~Qi,. WAfo,UD Misses ' Tr pne U ng les bv , M'Lri !' den, who fell down t he stai rs a t her I • ·",I 'w'lI ~ ', ,' ,,'.' , ._. Ri ob an d Judith Uo llia r l'eLnrn etl hume all Christmas Day, is improv '-~..l) ---'-to Leb ·,no n , Mundny, ing, and her many fl'iemls are hoping "''' ~~ : Mr . W 1'. ,J ortl .\ll ond fa mily to see h e r oUluefore long. atteod ed tho fnnt ril l' of Mrs . Mrny UPP. In W"yn cl's.vilie. l:>a hlrlIAY. Mr·s . Agnes Wright received word Perry UrllY 11 1.111 I'nll1ll .v , of F.raok- last week that her sister, Mrs Clark liu , SPIMt t"nlnrtl.L1 wit h Mr. flo.l Uarlwallader hlld received another Mr .J LIne UrAY. 8~roke Of paralysis, at the home of M i s~ Op~ l l 'l! lILi)~Il" loft T u osr\ IlY he r daughter. Mrs, Craig. of Norto ~I\;kn II t ll ll.IIU ll t.1I 'l ur." O li t. 1,11 1' ·wood . Ml tLUl I , JlL rlu lJ:s Imlli 1l 0A~ colloge III Dr. \lnd Mrs. J. W, Ward left . Mr. tlll,l] H 'lr l· oa k Wf'lLt to Col- this m orning f or St. Petersburg, nm hUll 'I' ue (lILY to I .. k o 11 I,b r oe- Fla .• where they will spend the win· Dlo uths rllFI ullurrll · cn UT so nt n . H. ter. They were aCl!bmpaniad by Dr. Ward's ~ i ster, Mrs. Amanth a engines run on ~croscne. . . lJ. Van Ooren. Mrll. Julio Wo lfe villi t elilu 'prll! g . Average co. t of gasqline so far this year, Valley ' h l~ pn st, w 'o.k . The wedding of Seymo'lr S. Tib16,9 cents per gallon. .. . T h e MI ~Sf 1:1.,,1611 H nrl.Ii" .J, Hnrl balsed itor of the Franklin Chroni. . Average cost of kerosene 7.7 cents per gallon. VI 1'1 J o~, lt'll ~ pnllt M.. nrl~I' with 'cle, t o Miss Maty E ldridge was sol. tb e Millssl' Audrey "n\1 01".1 i'hn m·)!. e mnizf'ri Monday, New 'Year's Da y . Gasoline cpats o~er l OO per ce nt more than keroson. T hey left immediately after t he cer ....e. G asoline is going up steadilY'- Kerosene is not. Mr. Clnroootl Ie v r. of 'J)tlylon, e mo ny fo r a couple of weeks in New ~t present .fuel pri cs Titan ngi ncs, using .keroo 8.ll e.l on fr ioudH Ilnd ,. Illtlv~!I ber e Yorl< Cily. Here's to you , " Tib" 8n.ndtl y·. allli may happiness be always you;s. sene, save theIr owqers about 1. [ cents per horse power Mrs . Joho W'6)lfa . I" vi~HlDg her ._-_-per hQ,U(. " . 80n RIlY nOIl1· ~(;ItLrkJ4vllle. Are)'ou run nin g a gasolin e e ngine ? What h orse power is Mrs ..lohn Bel~h wny 18 spslld lnl: Good Farm Hom eL iH Firuf~what you 'd uc"Suving if yo u had a Titan kerose ne I!IlIvllral dAyi! w'!th b e r hro&hor 1.·h08. ]t I" not DccesslLry to iO to the city engine. Ratb ersllrpri sin~, is n't it? How lo ng would it t ak~ Jamel Dl eu.r W~ynesvills. . to gel " modern huwl!. A ralll llOwe that 'saving .to pay for a T itan engine of the same size 1 ellll tie built tor three or four tbouliuhd dul\ur~ tllllt would coat Dearly ' 0 UI! wuch In thv cit)'. A lIibtllli Who Will Ofter a aaby1 (haqoer:atM) " I wl#h I h lH I u hlllty brother-the autt h ~I\U\JK system cuu be Iw!blUed as rea'l m~I1L 1;lnd- {() rl(Ju In my J1;ocart. clleul,ly ill tho eouutr1 au4 kept up at ....... 'U"IL,;.. tlo lCl little lAlla, ''111 doUs I(l uwd, ~U1aller oxlleu.. tluul BlllIllar 18ttlDl \lrok. wbeD it UlJ:II cOll\'culcucvs CUll 1111 kept 1A the c:ltl


"Savage" Tires Succeed' for Service



................................... ................. .............................. .................-


leash Paid for DeadStockl tA·~~I~O~ '~ The Harveysburg 'Fertilizer Co.

· Man. H arrlS, L. ...................................................... Frank


Fi. It''m' lls fi nd flim lly, n l Hi hUl UIHI. i tlrl .. · Mr . liud Mr ~. H l ~ . Ill lt Lld It nuv.· .. . III XI' lI i'l , 10'. P . tt l' ,' •., of f U".I'tlJl'. ~Ir. 'd 'Ll Mrl! \V . Ii H.I" V08 or IILi ~ .pl.ttl" ullj ,yeu IL N uw Ytl urll dJu .lt' r li t . h" 111101" u( I IHIl' pureu t.t!. M r "uti ~Ir~ . A.. , V. Htl l"''' -. The W. F. ~ I. :-; IIIllt lit th e h l'm t f 11 rs J . '. LJ ,LIlllJS uu t!utnrdtL II ftt>l uo un \lias Marie Bu ll, at OilY tOll, ~p(to l the lt oltullY" wit h M '~B Edll .l Coyl. Mill . Bllrlun . of Eurlh ulU cul\ogl ri\Jll nt tllli hOltClIlYS IL l, Ill S n UllI e hure . '1 'ho rU llor,,1 ~o rVI ('e8 of ~lr,. . MIH .' ~1I11~. B fo rm nr rCHi< len t 0 1 on r "I I. lu !(o. was It Id in tho M. E. 'hmo!J dunuoy til ll r nlog iut e rOl oflt In tilt· oemetery Iao r... ' be \T1i ~ yellr~ ul ~g(' 1\ ' . d le 'w' to m unrn !\l Alf 10 S. flvo chilliI' IJ, UOlIl OO. Elw e r 11.11 0 M nt MIlls. Mr!'. ho~ler Brudlltr. 01 tl ml M'r ~ ~ 1.11 illulr, hi' Ido II h.\r!t( tI\\llllJO~ ot othel' r eltltlvotl uU II frle od s. . Uur 80hools will n ot rll " \lIlO un d l Il f' xt weelr. owlug to tbo ep ldem lo I measls8. Loci n Wilson nnn f~TIllly b u\' moved to t5PI'lIIg VtI lI ey .



.,.... QJ .PD4 h



r "'lf





"< -=


..... =



fIl fIJ








t'Il rI1

....= ~

.." ..

Specials T.his _Week . Le nox Soap, 3 cakes for ...~lOe Clean Easy $cap 6 bars .... 25c Rio Coffee. lb . only ...... ...... loe Blk Eyc Na v i Beans, lb ... 1 2 Y. ~ No 2 Cans Baked Beans . clln IOc No 3 Cans Pumpkin, call .. · .. · 10e Cumpbell's Soups . can .. · .. · .. · I c SUll'a r Corn, can .. ...... ........ I e E a rly Ju ne P en , can .. ,........ IOc Big Bottl e Cat up .. ............. 10c IJig Jar Mu stard .... ........... .. i·Oc l:Ieilt Pink Salm oll, call ....., I 2>; c All Scrap Tobaccos, 6 for ..... 25c All 5e Ci gars, 6 for .... .. .. .... ZOc Oy ster::!, qt on ly ...... ........... 40c Edgemont Cnckel's. 2 Ibs ... : 25c

.... fIl




= ...







= .... == = = = :f=

~ ~





= = ~ =

Solo agents for Tania::. We sell Moore's Gasoline. Ca bbage. Sweets, Celery . Crnnberries. It payil to trade at .

ZIMMERMAN'S --------~~------~~


w . N.


Auctioneer Real Estate Insurance' .Office Over the Postofflce




and trade at the sto r e ttl/it can save you money,

Are You Wasting The Price Of a Ti~an Engine?




Start the New Year Right


--.. -----




-.-.....,OW Haneater CompaDJ 01 America




... - ..





Saxon "Six" is $ 15 f . o. b . De troit .

. choulJ.,e)!'uIITlIe~lln infull ~\\'illg . . MOMt ot til, I,upil!-, er~ ~"'I'" 'IIt I :lhow ing th i! the hol iJ,IY R w.. ~e a I ~U rCe:l8 II f,lI'" s ickne~" is c. ,ncl:'rn"ll :

ResIde nc e 4 5-2






Office O.

OHIO ................................................. ••


FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE We want to thank all our patrons 'for their liberal patronage .t he past' year. For the year 1917 we will endeavor to please you and all the new customers that will come to us.


Tb,e Magazine Man ' Ohio


:ixty-Ni nt h Year

{O-------..------- I



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\ \- .., L 0\ IW I L Y

" r 11. ,\ 111: 0

Whole Number 3404 ·


1 111

\ 1::\ I~

S<' \\ lL l c rl lO(j ~e f',r

I [)" . Hi iI.


.--..... -


, -. --

JOI I; ~ .





PU Ul. ll' Y UCCE S'




Mrs r~uph e ll1ta Il uu),( ,1 ~ nt erl nt ncd I Sund ny tu d in llflr Lhe rul\uII illl(' _ - ._ ll'uests: Mr. anu Mrs Ed Bou!{h. ! Mr. and MrM. Vern H,) u\(h. or l),, )" i Tlte Co mmu nil I uol< nn Unli!-!Jal tun. Mr . and Mrs uy I ihler. uf Interest- Bi g I'luns arc L 'IJ Or~gonla unn Mr . !I nd Mr .. ·Allen ,' l . Kibl r . 'or 0.\ caso n

. 1:"r!I - 'I'" MI' Jt.lld Mrs . W N uI I S(>lIr~. WClJn t!~duy , J a n uary ::, 1!)17, a ~ on .

S,' sion ( ' harl ~

vi ~it e d


Mr lind ~ I rs , H. tl n\\';.; l' lil"r , \ 'ALLf:V luined U 1111111\) ('1' 1) [ Il I1 'lo< ' It ·"·,iI\)" , I , 1 Thlll~"a y "\'(' /lill )ol' , III illlnnr.ut ' Mr, anel M r ~. \ \ar en I';' wll rri,. , (If Denvu r, ('Il l '

s rE~KERS WERE GOOD iI "ut. '~ i ' s ~Iur;. \lInday ' ~hpl'lvu.'''', h ofOIJ1(' ·!Ilc in. A CU ll li ' ,lIl1 li,,;! IIi' Ihe ',\ "rI, Lus t Wccll- I lie L u d k ~'

•• - _ . - . . - . -.. f .

-----------*'I J.'

u:, ) Lh'eTV

O. I H,ll' tll 21 S . IJroud· Ohio .





I lI' ay , L cl 'IIII UIl,

I , ~ 1J " l1t


Heucler. of (' in ci linaLi. his lIIother uL COI' wili Iw.t

week .

The ri ve Point L )('al No: i ·1 of I The rarmNS' Ed uca tion al ann '(1 , The p ,ulu'; sho w which cl osed lust Operative Union of Am erica had ' Il tu rd ay \\' 11 Lh e 1l111,t. r et~a rkable J 0 Cartwright , who h u!! been ill T he Illll il'R III t he ins titule op 'net! II New Yea r's pa~ty at Bm ther l'e rI'Y' . hu.w I ' 'el' p ulled Il IT tn Southern II" 'I' In <! , " ill~ a l 1::10 Wi lli Mrll for the past wel! k, id Mtill con liller.J t o Wadt!·s . T hirty fiv e or Cortv me m Uhl ll , 11, 1111: l,fI';\! numh9r of bl~c1~ his home. \ 1~ llIIlI"r IJu ily ill chair, u~ president berss\lunt theev ninl( p lu~i ngllam e!\ It;xllJl,I L~J , 11,IlJI' r ful hig h lluahty 'I'''e fi I "t 1) 11 Ijrtlgrllll1 wa~ rnu ~i(', and eali nl(' popcorn und a pples All , and ta. l.. ,\It nut learl. Ihe. ll~t1IU al whi ch en, rYllllC tmjdyefl, hy Mr ~. Mr . tlnd Mr~. 1\·1 Ir ri ~ Sh 'rwood departed at a la.l e hou r hal' ing spen t Inte reb L lakell I.) Lilt; lIuLlIc In the li .,,, . ~ I II rk ~. spent Sunda y wi lh fri emiR in II II r· a joy ful evening and wishing uach ~ h ow. ]0'1'0111 Ihe ' tllll l1 LI \! doo ri\ Th.,' Il1il' lIt ..~ o f liI,.L year wc re the n vc·ysburg . . other a Happy New Year wer e throw IIP '1l Tu >1,lay morni ng roud alHl II ppr1)vo:d until a lu te huu r Sall11'11 11Y J) igh t lhl! Mrs. M /I r tl~lId llcdfo rd llwn SlllO kl! .J. 1'. Lid dy , of I>lIvl In,' snent sevI aisles were cl'owded with ill ereated on I h.. ~ ul,j ec t. "What Ituml Wumen eral lalll week Wi Lli Iti:! Cattle r. Dr. and Mrs . J . T. Ellis e nte rtain ed IIl>eet atore. . . a rc !Jllil 'I( , " A~ lhi~ WI1Mll n inl e r o:~ L M. Cdays Lid Iy. last Friday with an eleganl four- ! The quality of th e .lock t h;! yeur ing ~ ubj e · t it WI!" lik·(\ uy till. She coU'ree turkey dinn er . The tabl dec. was prono un ced by J udt{o L.aKe lO begun ut IWIll<' ma killp', whi eh s ill.' oratioM we re g reen fe rn leaves with I be t il!, b~st he evt!r (ounu In n Hho ,., Muid Wll!' Illud hy Ih e huslmnd IIn(1 Severn I machin' loads or Hnrv ey!!· scariet cactu s blooms Those PI'S' of tins SI Z~ . wife . If th ·y wuuld wo rk t Oil ther burg citizt!n s went to Le ua non MOil· ent were Mr. a nd Mr~. S . L Car t· 'l'llI,·. lec ~ul'es Ly .Pl'of .. Kil lllairick. ane! Co ('pcrille wil h 11 eig hb( ,rH tlt,~ y day afternoun. Till , I. /101 " 1'111'111' 01 "" . hlll " 11IIIW lil.'lI p <If \ ('11 lli ul Is uClug blentled lu Loudou (or English soldiers at the wright. Mr, and Mrs Har ry Murray . of 01'110 Stato Umvers1 ty, were Ii cuu Id mullc Vlls t illlprovementH. nve r· (mil l. Thl'r u II rc ·4Il,OOO 1""""" In Iill' I","p. Mr, and Mrs . J. C. Hawke, Mr. a nd g reateducll,ionalfenLU re a nd proved cumin " Lhe di dtllli e which Is u ft en Mr. and Mrs J . Ii Stanlon, o r Mrs. W. E:. O' Neall lind childr 'n . adr:lw in~card . Fra nklin, are the gU()~tB ot Mr . and felt 811ll,nvo Iht'lI1. - -- .------- - - - - - - - - - - - Miss Mllrt ha O'Neall and Mre, M, M . Nel'e'r !Jef, rll was a shOl'" give n She Wil li much in favor of Cluv Mrs. 0, W. Meek!!. Duke. The Afternoon was deligh t · where exi,tcn more 1l0ad feellllg: wor k Ilu L l>eller hll ve one or I wo fully spen t llocially "garni ~hed" wit h ever~' body I~~S happy, the ·.' kn o.ckel' than nOL der ive any benefi t fro III . music by Mrs. O'Neall at the piano lind ICruu ch, usuallv found III sho lVs . tlw rn . If you want t,o eat j)ure·br d l'hic~ . also'some nne seloctions on Ihe vic· was absent. Sayina it was a g rand ':)he lhen desc ribed the work of a en~ attend the 25c tl upper at MaSOniC I·'a rm Women':l l~ l u b to which she Ii all T hursday evenllig I r om 5 t o be lung d specials art! as foll ows: The n,sLIhought II f this cl ub wa ~ Morr is Silve r. F H Farr and Em· A t t h e h orne of Mr . an d Mrs I s[Jciul;:.b ili l.l' , <Jnd when l hi~ IVlllI at· eraon Surface alhrted 0 11 the g ran d Armstrong of K 5th street Miss l Ba rred P. ~oc;k taincJ, the nCl!d~ uC I he communi ty jury wllrk at Lebanon Monday murn On Saturday afternoon. D ecem· The ~Igh School basket ball team!! Lola Armstrong entertained a comwe re cor,~ i dcred Til l wt!re ubi" ing. ber 30, 1916. t he Cheerfu l Helper.!! I , had thelr handa·full last week. 88 the pany of f ri e nde on Monday evenin~. B. 1'. Vice. 2 3 ck. 1 2 pili. by wurking lull''' 1her LIl make Ilood claSB of Ferry ~unday School hellJ first five played two gamea, and the 'Cards were the dive rsion of the E. B. Bailey . L ok. 1 2 3 ck. 1 2 rOllds. It v belt r hchuols. In theil' thear claas meelin ;( at the hume of aecond fiv,e one game. The games evening. Late in the evenin8\ a pen. lto!v. J. Ii. Ildwallader WIIS 1l11able soh!)I)1 tl. pict Il rt? ~h.,W was e~tnbli !> h d to holl.l servi ces at :It. Mary's " lIl\day LOeieSLI'nWgowoda9s' toTfjhlned pouurtpoh'oewofmtulclih9 Given by t.he Poultry Asso- wb ere all 8tren~0~8, and mllde the lunr.h was served at which the on., White P. Rock which pr u v~d a ~ uc c ess frum t il ori account of an. attack o f indiges· m Oys.go to the. hmlt: ' . .nouncement pf the engagement of . ? \ first Th n the c1a~s of ll1u:;ic wa~ tion was contributed to~a rd . Ihe class ciation. Everybody invited. FrIday evemng ~.tnga MIlls came Miss Lola Armstron g to Mr, Alber t Raper 8.: Evan s 1 ck . 1 _ U ben. mad e hutt e r, not nly fill' va ' ue 01 pledge. Th e f~lIowtn~ m te res tmg here to try and wan another g af!le Herres. of R, R. 8. Waynesvill e. 1 2 3 pul. 2 ckl. 1 3 pen. mU!lic hilt t o ~ i \' e .; r~cefu l lle E s t o program WU~ gIven, Song number from the boys, but were sadly dIS' Ohio which event will take p lace the L. M. Pence , Lebanon 1 ek l, M,rl! has M Hough arl'ived hom E' 89; rpading. Via.' et. Hig h· . childis'1 m " Vt' IlI ~ Il U:1 appointed. as the WaynesVille team l atte ~ part of February. Mi ss Lola Isaat; Lincoln, 3 okl. 2 pen, 'h ' Id H,' splik t: of ' he:. im pol·hll1!.'., frum 'alifo rnill III l w ee k, lifter a fill; repeatmg of the Lord!! Prayer . '. ~. sl~ply played ar?und them at every is a very popular and charming of t, f) ~ WOllllln kn owinl!' 1111 \ Ullller· visit of sevO! ral mo nths with relalive by the class. r1!1 call . sec retary s fl'· • pomt. For a tIme the ~ame was young lady of East Day ton , Mr. Sinl/;Ie Comb R. I. Reds t here . s tli ll ding lir e bu . " I ' ~ ' wo rld . port. treasurer s report. Hong num · No expense or trouble wlll fast and fllrious. but Kmgs soon Herres has a num ber of f riends in H. H. Wadsworth, 12ck. 1 23 ckl. Ollw r I('oclll un(1 i l ll c re~ ting I o inl ~ b~r 35. recitation ..Marllaret. Li ~er; b t t t . k thO tired out. and the rest of the ~ay Wtlynesville and vicini t y whfJ will he 1 2 hell . 1 23 puL 1 pen , IS one was extremely easy for Wayn esvllI ~. much surprised to heal' of the event. M~r s. A . B. ..,1 "" des, '..J pen. we rt' l> rougllt to the pIo'ul)ll' to thin k I Mr. and Mrll. Allen Kihler lUI.' plano solo •. LoIs Woods; r eCIta tion. e 00 grea 0 mel e L I h J H d owar 1zer; c ass prop ecy. ames of th e grandest suppers ever Tb e acore was 48 f or W aynesvl II e . ubout spending this we k with r~latives at . . and 19 tor Kings Mills .-T his Willi followed with a diSCUII' l oreR'Onia and are attending the In . Hartsock. piano solo. Clara BerryRose Comb R. I. Redi hill; recitation. Hezel Burnet; song. served m WaynesvIlle. The first team ot Spring Valley sion hy MisH Elizabeth Chandler. stitute. ·Mrll. A . B.' Sides , 1 pen.3 ck. 3 hen .. 'Brlghten th tl Co rner Where You Arrange to have yourfamily played our second team . While who WOR Sf! much an e nthusiast in H. H, Wadsworth, 1 ck. 1 2 h n, 1 1 ' . the little fellowa played a good game. this. ubjec l as Mrs Bedford C I H r 0 k fS I fi d d Are." boys' qua rtet ; class poem. M, s ' K By in her pleasing way . ar II ls .c , 0 prnll~el .ma e Barbara Filer ; talks by the teachers ta .. e supper With US. • weight W8I againat them. and they l! :I pul. 1 ckl. E' hlBannual vtSlt 10 Waynesv ille Thura P . N . Cornell. 2 pen . 2 ck. ~ .. .nccumbed to the acore of 29 to 48. then sang a 8010, day . and called on 1I0rne of hi' many and singing of song n umber 78, which ended the progl'am Du ring 'eot ~u, ... The ftrat team went to Kingman fri end s while he re. I p, Wyandot/es the socilll hou r refreshme nts wete U oold be p:...-- I. S,turday evening and played an in. Rural Wflfare Discussed served consisting of ice cream. cake, wIth the 'empelratnre r::. ... ~ , .• ,- , '!" "ent team at that place and J as. rd, Ligh t. So. Charles ton. 1 ween 40 aod 6Ci de,grIl1l8. bv a score of 30 to 46 . • Rural Welfare was the !!uhject of Ray Smith, of Rrooleville. Ohio. oranges , apples and ca:tdy. The reo ·.ck1 •.J..b.en~.1. pul. . _ . ": ,. lItily ... rJ poled in . .J~"r.~s M": CoX: emcorat, or t e Mr. 0 0 Wellbaum and he Will! was el ected Wurshi p ru l Master of mainder of tbe-afternoon was spent ...~oo~r t.nb8'l s hon](1 be removed very pleasing to listen to as he told the Brookville Loclge. at its regular with music und gallli:<., .Tb ll";""pres Buff Wyandotles the last ga!,lle, and had to use one or aecond time beca~';) g''lvernor of of the wurk that could be done In election jast month . ent were: Barbara Flier, Hazel two substItutes, b)lt they made a Ohio at n(lon .Montb.y. ' 'i'h:!.u Ziml'!lerman, l ' ckl . the rural community. ' Burnet. Marg aret Thomas. Ada . . good showing notwlthstandinlr. Tbeuaands ·of visitora from all sec He 'lIIiid the two factoTl in this Hartman. Irene Gulladay, Margaret • • tions ot the etate viewed the cereMessrs. F. B_ Henderson. J , E . White Orpingtons were tho church and the school Loi~ Woods. CI~ra Ber,ryhill, mony on the tem porary forum at the That we should strive for and make J anney alld D. L . Crahe attended a Lizer· MarIe WIlliamson. Vtolet HIghfill, west entrance to the capito\. Rev. Jas, McMillan, 1 ckl. 1 hen . better fo lks In school work the Past·Mas lers lodge a t Dayton last Gra.ce Wardlow. H.a ward Lizer. Carl . Only a few momen~ following the W<>dnesduy evening child ren shou Id be trained by having Wrlgi)t. Claud e RIggs, Henrv Mur· ---. end of the cere mony I he . handinlC of Buf~ Orpingtons them beautify s 'hool r oom and schoo l phy, James Hartsol:k. Huber Thomas the gove ruor's comm ission by Frank . ., , Mr. and Mrs . R. A. Cros~ spent Mrs. J en nie Thomal!, teacher anel grounds . Muc h interest could be The commi ttee appointed to solicit B. Willis to Cox and the oath of . Raper & Evans , 1 2 clt. 1 2 cIel. 1 2 office, administered by hief Jusliec 3 pul. 1 2 ~ h ~n, 1 2 ~en. derivf'u by placi ng a milk tester in severa l days last week wi th re la ~i v e~ Mrs Claudia Co rnell, assislllnt t,E'nch. members for the LHllary Associa· · Nichols- the boom of ca'mon, th e Mrs WIll (;~ rnoll,:q pen, , school and lest Ih e mil k fr om various at Sardinia. Brown County. and other er. Th e g uests were Mary Wilson . tinn. held its first meE!ting Saturday Altha Palmer. Lu~il e Brown . H az.~1 evening, and upon comparing listll _ _ __ splu rge of bra~>l bands and church Mrs . B. V. Sintth, 2 ckl. farms. The school house s hOU ld be places in thllt county. used as the meeting place o f th l' Wardlo w,. Le na '1 homo!!, Amos W11· of names. were pleased at t he in terest ... . . chim es to lrl thousand s more th ai . Black Orpinglon Durmg hiS V1Stt at Wmston· nlom . there was a nelv execut ive at th e community. When children were Mra, Mary Leah Ad a ms, of Kan9a~ son , Dllmel Palmer and Herman shown by the peo ple of Waynesville given essa ys let it be on lhe horne, Ci ly. Mo. , arrived here Thur8da~ Woods and s urrounding cou ntry. N . C .. Mr Sam!. Meredith met. and head of the Uuckeye government. Miss Eva Smith , Spring Valley, school or farm. The commi ttee is cotl:tPosed of had several talk~ with J . P. Reynolds. Gov . COlC .lhen stepped to the front Ohio, 1 pen, 1 ck. 1 pu , - - -- '- - - - - eveninl\'. and is the 'guest of Rev busy people and during the holiday of the Re nold 'f ba co Co one of d d . I. Th~ ch urch, he said . could not ex isl and Mrs. J. F. Cadwallade r . eason· they have had little lime fo r ·' y S 0 e .• U S of the rostrum an launche 'ln to liS Bluo Orpio lrton withou t the inttlrest o f the men ~~~ largest of it!! kind in the inaugural add ress. .. This be proved by givi ng the detuil ~ this work. but neve rthe less •. have !tIlS firm makes several grades of Nichols also adminis tered the oalh J oseph Hesto n, Dayton . 12;3 p ul: Mr . and Mrs. Howard Fe~ and son, eve~y reason to believe they will chewing tobacco, and Mr. Meredit h to the other various incoming state of the church work in his own com· of near Greenburg, Ind. are th e. munlty. how they "got t ogether" reach lhe One Hundred mark in the brou ~ht a. han~ful of samples back officials in their offices Silver COnlplnes not only a~ a social . but found how guests of Mr. and. Mrd. n. /-1 . Kelly . near future. to Ohto With ~Im. Sam knows what Wig!!, tho iRau. If\J~~'I-I~AAI-!-"Tl'7.=::-:p:-r.o:-::;:-::;-::--.-"....,rr-;;r,r-r""'r---~r9 Fee was formcriy-Mm Chris. 'l'hi8 is a non· partisan. non denom · fin o ·tobacco IS, a s he has ~oug ht induction into oAice of the ot,her they could Improve each and every ination!!1 movement. 8ind as there is !housands of doll!!ra worlh of It dur- officers . farm of that community. Th e buy- tine Kelly. no age limi t . any citizEin of the town· lng the Dast few yeat s • .and ho re· Following Cox's inaugural speech ing and selling was made an im por· s. C. B. Fi'lio orcas ship is we lcome to join t he ASdocia· membered the Gazette WIth several and the singin~ of " Amer ica" by Miss Ethlyn Jones is slowly im· tant factor of their bU8ine8~ Xenia. which was aCter the State tion. and bene fit not only by the genero us samples of the best g rad l:!s five hundred school children , Dr. -Rev. Sargent opened this di s ~u ~· proving from the injllry caused by L. C. St . J uhn, 1 ck , 1 2 3 hcn . 13 sion and no doubt but he summed up the sled accident . It is probable Hospital for Crippl ed a nd Deformed books we are ab le t o purchase, but put out b~ this large concern . We Wash ing ton Gladden pronounced the pul. 1 2 pen . that it will be several week!! befot! Chil d r ~ n, was budly disRppoi ntet! to a illo those the State Li brary will send want to thank t~e company •. as ~ell benediction. H, /-1, Wadsw orth, 1 2 cit!. 2 pul. the whol e meeting. as Mr. Meredith, fo r their kmd _~_.... _ _ - - Gus t in. l ck, Mrs. Kelly Ilnd Mrs . Marks then she can take up her school dutie~ lmow thal it will not get thl' us home. The coromi!:! i.on in cha rge of The children, a9 well as the young remembran ce to the Gazette. again. played u piano duet pt'ople and parenls. ore to be fur · Rose Comb 13. Fi'linorcas the home has decided to go to Col, A locai llaper. written and read b) ni!lhed with the best of re ading umbu B. Mrs. Ella Cook was excellent anel MilrJrt!iI GUll t in , 1 ben . Miss Mary Saliebury, who wa~ . X nia had a good pro position to matter. several )(ood points were made. burt in a lied accident Chrhllmas Theil Mrs. Kelly sang Bob a linl! Day. has been confined to the hou Re offer to the cum Oli ~s ion. 'fh e nur· . Your dollar helps t o buy one more ~. C. While Leg horns at the O. S. & S. O . Home book, so do not a llow the Committee as a closing number . for several days, Although her knef' sery to miss you . R apeI' & Evalls , I clr. grounde is practically nevp.r used. --WBS bad1y hurt. abe tried to do her Fred B. Sherwood. of Lebanon, Isaac Lincoln, I ck!. 1 :l hen by putting u p an addilion to th e - - - .... .... - -- WOI k at the postoffice. bu t tha shock and sold his property he re on Fourlh Mrs. B, V. Smith . 3 ck 23 put building already the re it would have In the recent poultry sho ;v my R street to J. L, Hartllock who will was too great for he r. and she had made NcceslAry FI rat Step, H . E. Stokes. L pul. :I. ckl. it large enough to SUP1)Ort all Red! made ' a clean sweep won I move into it the first of February. "Dc ,,"0 ,'1[1 won'l b., I'Nllly toll no to giye up work for a couple 0 ' the children of t he State. Thi ~ every 1. 2, 3. and sweepstake special Sale was made by W. N. Sears. (Continu ed on Page .1) unlver'SlII 11Cll CC," ~/l ltl Uuc tu Ehen. "till weeka. Sheis improving slowiy. propositi on was fav ored by Gov competed for This is the most reo Indlvtdullls (Iul ts g(!lt ln' mild enough Willis, but the commission did not _ _- .- 1 markable winning ever made by an to fight 'bout poUtlcs." See Waterhouse for Auto Livery fav or it, exhibitor in Ohio. The commission that My Reds. two yeara in lIuccession, there are 750 crippled ch ildren in the have swept the sweepstake honors slate with parents too poor to fur· for finest pen in show. all breeds nish medical or surgical aUen'tion competing. Higneat : acoring bird PIG~ONS !or them . It recommends that a Raper & Evans. the cbicken fan- in sbow. highest tlCorlng parti·colored law . be pwed providing thtlt per· ciera. who made t!~ch 11 big showing. mare and female all went to my Reds, 80nal property assessors next vear in the late Poultry Show. sold a very Thia showed by convincing proof make a 'Complete census of auch fine White Leghorn 'c ock to Prof. that my yean of E'xperience count ildren_ , __ 4_ _ ••_ _ _ Kilpatrick. of lhe Ohio Expe riment ~or quality. ·Great Britain ." .. " .. $15,50D,000.OOO Italy .... ..... .. .... " U,900,00t'l .OOO . Station. As Prof. Kilpatrick is 'a 550,00.0 ,000 Germany " ....... .. .... 14.900,000,000 T u rkey" .. .. , .... ", If you are In the market for either fine judge of t.hic.k ens,• this was in· IItock or eggs come to the fountain 75,000.0 0 Russia " ....... ..... . 10,500.000,000 Bulgaria ,.. . "..... deed a great honor to this firm to be. head. get tbolt' scient ifically mated 50.000.000 «' rance ... : ... .. : ..... 10,100.000.000 Rumunia ....... .. tbu8 recognized , . thel' countries ..... 150.000. 0 Austro · ~ungary ,.. 7,.000,000,000 for ,best realil ts. . The' experiment farm c.ntains Your/! truly. nothing bu t the highesttype of birds. , Total ......... ......... ........... · ........ ·""" .. ,,,,· ........ $60.725.000,000 H . H Wadsworth. as they claim the best results areob· Phone 58 . Waynesville. Ohio _ _ .,..-4. _ . tained through them. ' Causalities of European War at End of 1916 The c(,ck Bold took t he first prem o ium in il.8 'c lass at the show. .







Hours .rom· (,' 51'08 p m


en t



I -.. --.....













1--------------·----- ----------;



ur 1916


The Dayton Recor ling and Com· putmg Machine Co . of Davton'. has recent ly nurchased 1000 acres of land between Spr'in~ Valley and Bellbrook. lyitlgalong the little Miami river. This companv has been making large : ities of munitions for the Euro· pean war. and it is cI'njectured· that the purchase of the land meUl8 that tbey Imend to erect a large factory. The 'anDa purchased are tbe Allen. Graham and Stauffer. and are adjoin-

IDa. The deal wu made tbrou,h DiJ.tDn . . eetate ....ta. - ' tb. ~:~i~ti com~_" · t,c! take po- ••• of &be






JUNIDR· ORDER ' NOTICE The J . O. U. A. M. will hold ' their reaular me~tlng friday eVflnlng their hall. The IhBtallatlon of officers will take place, and all memben are urred to be present. -B. DInwiddie, See'y.


.- .

Killed Russia .. ....... .. ,.... ,I.pOD,QDO Germany ...... ......... 1.000,000 France .............. ,\. 950;005 Auatro-lluitgarY ... 600.000 Great Britain ........ 400.001) Turkey .. ....... ........ Servia ... .... ., ......... 65 ,000 - ltaiy .......... ........... 70;000 8elllium ......... ;...~ . 3&.000 Buliraria .............. 25.000 RUmuUa ...... ........ 60.000

Wounded 3,200,000 2,500.0 0 2.200.000. 1,700.000


2GO.U 0 150.0!)1I

17:;,000 80.000 60.000


lisin!( 2,500 ,000

:.;:'O,n.OO .too ,OliO I 3110 \~OO

'100:000 90 .000 1.000

T otal

7.200.000 3.750,000

3.450.000 3,600.000 UOO.OOO

!lO.OOD liO.OOO • lfi.OOO 2011.000

Total _••••• " ••••••••••,.. ..... ••••••••.•••••••, •••....•• ,........., ••


===::1'1:) F5'=. t:l .::'=:::1' a r- .. ....-, I:J 1l'===:Jhlll ===:.JIl:J Il'=::::]

• • • •!iJIilIi'

I' .1 I I EI

to:; !loulld ." See ''\'al c rhou e f or Au t o Livery . M o~L or Ih e pupil:; weI' jJ l"'HClIL t1uc'I "Do ~',1\1 fllrlllh ~ri ts:' showing Iha l 'tht! holiuuY3 \1'''1'1' , \n~. "Y·"lI. illll cul1"lder char 'oal ,I . , art wr ight is on the sick list, ucce '~ II, r 11' aa tlickne~~ i~ l: ,\1ce't rwd l11orl' impol'lIu,t " ,I Que , "V,' ltat urel'd~ r(\rrOasle~ ~" j~. 0 . Baily \l'a n Dayto n visito r Ellm'll ')':111<' Jlrc~", "d Ill' cor.! I) 11. I Ails . .. HncJ..e , Brl1hr n ~, I'r Otllt', l' .1 the 11"h Seliuol. Thi s is th f1r~t ~ I I I " ue. uay. r.. Il'al'Y )1' II' .q , , ' re ~\'J'd IhtH h . hel'/I g"ivl!n QuL Ill .• .::. G A m ".\IUII >I'roIvail ElI l\I 1\l1\'eI. l'UIll' f W" I' t ~ u nday and ' ",ettlnKu~\lI)J, ~~tlmp l llf('I'othel' ~ tu lllILtO:'C 111 1 h ':ill ul itllll! rf'I)O[·t u(: un! v . • aper spe'l , folluw. In gll'll'll!' to the l'II 11I, c th' noon hl1ur 1111 !:irllurdllY. Monday in ' m cinllllti , :c: houl>l.,f 0111' co u nt ry nn ' is l11allll1~ Noon. , the 11l0~ t Ilberni u~e of hi ~ m Ollt'v. (ConI inui'd next wl.:ek) . Mlillit attenued II flinern! at j t ~ (J!'~ tLl RIIIlIHI n() t a Ileie' l f ,\\" ~ew !:lurlington, Sunuay. The lim will l'on1'1 in the hiHl ory o f I I!l this cuuntry whl'n lhe I'ubli . ~:kh\l (>I~ hurl es orn :1 is 8IJen ciillg the I will ue rt.' 1Il1'mllcred in willM and WI! l( with relative~ in iJaytoll, other LJt'llu e~t~. t.h~ al1le.u~ churches LJ I . l and ('ollcl£e . Ilns IS a:! It ~hou ld he In thi WHY 1\ larg .. r nu mber can ue M ra . . L ue II a LIoy d , a f N ew 13 ur · rca theLl than in any otlter way Itngton, I;; the !{ues t oC Mr. and Mrs iii [iJ , A. I\latlil. Tho High Schnnl basketba ll team I, we nt to L banun l a~ t Fnday even inl-:. I Mrs, Nelson King, of Inu ia na polis. lind ca lnc home defeatet! by th e excel~ "I 0 fJ)IUl'il!~( ' hris tnttll s 1\lv·eek th~,ward:! Ind. i::< Ihtl glledt of Mr . and I\I I'S. ~cor of:l~ t o ~il. I Ie (lllnty at. Ill.: arrcl\ I.J unty Wal ter 8lzcy. 'n t u rda y veiling a team f r om \ T ipPccll lloe Gill' cante he re 8ntl was \ Childr ' I\' ~ I ltlllI' alld \ }I'phllll f\ l!y lulIl r."1 wcrl'g i\'ll'" tlll'II' CItI'l ~t lll:lB lr"'lI.t lln d MI'~, 1';\'[1 l\lille r vi ilel) lVi t h r elu- ddeat cd uy W:hnesvill e ;{O to U. It is no t in o n e wa" alo ne t ha l 'a:xoll cienn.· remains u nim pa ired t hrough wear. Li in lurn 11l1'n uil1,'.! u nurn(}~ r o f · , ' . d i d It was a Ilr e tt"J ,., <Yallle to look aI, J ~ I I n~:; III :;lJrll'll{hcl alll [)ayton li t' · " Six " su rpasses othe r cars. s;:-ue!ll" 111 111 the II'lill'd Il l' I r ustce$ in).!' l h . h uliday. . 1Ilthuug-h nul u fust ),(lInl l;' . . As nearly as can be est imated its e ndurvilh a pll':lsing' C!llItal ,l, .. 'I"' I SIITI' Fridav l'\I(!ning at ' r hool i1 allllll' In every p h ase of performance you'lI fin d aoee is somcwhere aroun d 20 pe r cen t in On' ml lllll il " King Milts I '11 m wi ll play hl:!le. it matchless. greater tha n a n y o t her car in its class . The 'anlal:! W:I S ),(i 'I'll Ul ILi e l' tile 111 ;".~ Frallces lJuirc~, wllo i~ 'J'h e~e boy~ dd"atl'u u s by a "Ill all dire\: II ' 1It of .\1 1. - S I . .I "It II , the leach· ll:!a\:hing 1I'"a r CiliCillllllti , ~pell t the :;Clll'e 1<1"[ mOlll h , allli as they are a In pull ing power on hills ~n d thro ugh And lhe econo m y of Saxon "Six" in gas· t:J cr at the II " ""' . awl .\'1l~:I II""t Cl'l! I, holi'la) ~ 111 hllllie . f{l st leUl1l II go"LI ;,:"me i ' lo"kcJ for. heav y going , in h igh·gear work , a nd in oline has kept pac e w it h its o ther abil· ~ Ituulc pn "luctlt, ,, , - -- - - - . - - acceleration it duplicat es the a bili t y of ities. MI' allLl irs \l alll'Y tl1t' Slll' ~rin ' Born -lh.t:clllbl' r zt\t h. a. dnughler, costly cars. 206 ~tock mod el S a xon " S ixes" recen t . tClld ent <lnd ~Iatrfl n al t h,· 11 "lny. to IIlr, al ltl M1'11, 1\1 irial'll I tick~ Tracy, \\' rc lhE, ho"L un d h(J!;tl'~ S 10 ttll! Itt· :It L"s An 'olc~ . Cal. By constant bette rmeot Ihe 1 ower· flo w ly ran 30e miles a p iece wi t h out stopping t ie flllkR and 11ll'lr I{ lI,'sl.; uno sl~ rv II I )( r.I has been made s moothe r a n d m ore su p · a od a veraged . 2 3 ,5 miles p er gallon of all elahorate> tllrkey dllln ,'!' With nil , .:. pie tban ev er before . gasoline. , G t he trimllli " J:~ , T I.c htllt'f\llk~\\' c l'l I Mr . and Mrs, Wlt l G usti n slJell t ~ se rv eLi Ilt the (jr~ t tniJ ll' ami Ihf' ,SlI"l duy ~\' i lh Mr. all,l Mr:l . O ra Hill. H . H. rt"" ' YtlS )Iu d ftlln ity, III And in a chievi ng t his conlilluous powe r· J udging from p resent d ay sales it will b e g uests hllLl II) Willi f r thl' ~el!ontl of i\haIIllMhurl{. Uhi o. n l I1 m o Li d. I nrI. .. MI'. "li d M r~ . H 1\. 60w, vibration has beeil virt ua ll y cli m· hard to get p rom pt deli veries on S axou tuble whi ch Ill'Uve ' lhat th H I1I1t!Y~ UHJ u d R,)ovrJ:4. ti l X.u ui l " it'. P. H ('I o \" ~, t inated . "Sbcc," b efore long , F or t he d em and is hay th' right iLle:lI - I he l:hi ltll'en\ 1 Mr. IlnLi Mrs Myer H ymnn and H ( UIl Y''' IJ , i\Jr. " lid Mrs \y , 1·1 pra ctically a breas t o f produ ct ion now. Ilollle is fur th 'lll'lJhan ~ \Jf l h . (·oun· I dall g hter spen t SundllY and Mo nd l1l' l-t BVOS o f 111I ~ 1'1111)" tlnj ,yeu II NllW B So tbat now Saxon "Six" has lon ger r:::J lY and not fur prolll i n~1I1. peolJlllwho witlt rolative:! in Xelllu. Yours diulIl' r nt· till IH/tIl B ur 1111'1' life-a greater p e riod in which its et1i· Sa xo n " Six" is $ 15 f. o. b. D e t roit . sometimes vil. it the ill til.utioll . I)l\ r ~mt~. i\.I r lIud Mr tl. A . ' V. H ~u\·o >. .'I:his in~t i t uti f) I.1 is in ~plendiu co ~' 1 Mr. ami M,·s. J oshua Foste r, of T he W . F. ~l.:-'; luat li t t llo ll 11 mt dltlon .1IIr.d .~hl) 1~lfI:IH,g",ed, by M . Fay et t ev ille. a re thtl g u es ts of M r. o f Mrs J. '. ltuiUtll! 00 tl lLtor dll) Haney, and \llfe . . '1 here. are lit pres· amI Mr~. ' lay o n Fos t er . " ft('rlJoo n ent tlllrt.y · twu chtidrelli n thl:! hom e li~s M" rle H"II, of l)uyton, ~P()ll l ,., . • and a lalrge n ll muer IHlve b een stm t • • B r::J ou t dudng the pas t YI!IU' illto inui · MrR. Will Beckell l1 nd niece, Mollie ,·lIe ho liull YII wl t b MISS Ed ua 'oy l. Whitaker , of Ke ntucky , are,spendi ng Mm .. I:\,u ltln , of E ll r lh" lIl c(l lI o~t 1'~1 r!,::::::11 r!, I ...E ..r.,:::=:J~ vidua home! of byTrustees ad ma:Je up a fell' ll uys in ' prin g Vulley . ~ ~ L: L: 10: , • Th el Board 8p\l n5 tllQ ll olidl, Ys ti t, Ilis 0 ,'1110 llOro. T ho tll ollrILl Sll rVloes of rrlr ~. M f~r" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of the fol lo~ ing g ent lenlen: S. L ;; 'artwril~ h t . G. F , BrolVlI. E. T. Chas. Lewis, who has been serv ing Mille, a fo r [Jl (I, r e~hl e o L a t o u r vii. Decha nt, H. n. And e rson, George on the Federal grand j ury at Cincin- ItlIlO. was b ~ 1I1 io the M . E . Ch u rotl Beck a nd ,J oh n Buck. T hese g(.'nti . nati . has been , hom e fo r s eve ral day , . ' Il uday UlorDI ng iut.orDl flf\ t to t bl' men ser ve without cOlllpensation and f'D1 etl:!fY t. rH o S ilo Wt1 8 84 y ell r!! llt eacl~ on ~ ta~es a perll'mal illtere. t in Mrs. L. A . Zimlllerman and da ugh· "se, n - d Ie V OII tIl mo n rn t h ~lr 10 ~ . , the Instl t u t lon. ter, Mary Lo uise, left Monday f o r II fivo ohlhh t' U, 11011\ . Ellner and TELL THE ADVERTISER YOU SA W 'rhe p ~. opJe of Wa~1' n coun ty hav visit wilh relatives in levehm d, Oh io. MooL Mi lls , Mr~. Che~ t e r ilmu!ltrl (I t reason tl> be p roud (If their 'hilu ren's HIS ADS IN THE MIAMI BAZE TE und Mrtl WIl,l 131a lf , h" Itlo II. IMg,· Home. O IllU bo r ul ot lle l' r III ti v9 S uUII rol rs. Sarah Zelle rs, of E ubanks, The annual meeting of lhe s tockfrie nde, Ky . , arrived hore Tuesday e ven ing holders of the Wayne.ville Nation a l Uur Bch oo ls will n ot ro o pon Utllil a nd is th e If ues t of Mr. and Mrs. A Bank tor the election of seven d irec· lI1'xt weel! , owing to tllo epid emlo 0 1 Mafli t. ' .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tors, to .serve ~uring the ensu~ng measles. year, w1l1 be held at it!! uan klll g' Looien Wilson nnel f.IUl lly lI 'l VO Mrs. I. N , Harris and two sons. , . ' house on Tuesday, January 9, 1917, moved t o S prlllg VII II I3Y. of Dayton, spe nt seve ral days last " " • • from one to three o'clock P. M. Wm. U r lmali 8 D n wife. Geerge J . 0, Cashie r . Dll Vl1l lind wHo, Mra , M llry Ullth er . wee k with Mrs . Alice McKinsey and IDe Davis. Ulonu Dllvls aud f llwll y . dau ghter. Mrs . Ida Mill non lI ud M i s~ ELbe] They Promise Satl.factlon The regula r m£ e tin g of St , Mary' s Ma nnon w er e 'bo KuostB of Mr fl OC Mr a E r n est Munll " n lin 'l'hu radIlY , Gu ild will ue h eld a t th e h alli e of Miss Mubel "'turr , a len her 10 MrR. J. H . 'olema n Thul sdllY afte rStart the New Year Right t h e Rtogllluu solwnl , SpOll\ thr eB noon, Ja nua ry 4 th, .' A COMPLETE STOCK OF SIZES ON da ys with II/s s H e le u Hurtsook . and trade at th e s to re that can Mra . Jamea Kerrick received word Th ey cllllIeu au MIs8 Viol .. J ordulI , save you m oney, H. COLE MAN'S STORE HAND AT Miss Ruth Hartsock while in Dayby phone. Saturday evening that R&Ill' u"YII no r n o(ln . liDll Ml l!~ Mll r lf' ton att('nded the d inner dun ce at her cousin, Harlen Beach, was fou nd R ioh, Sunday aft(l ruoon. Specials This We~ t he Hotel Miami, given in honor of dead in bed Thursday mominll at hi 'l'h ll l'>1\ !;o (l ~ Andre v 1\11(\ 011111 Lenox Soap , 3 cakes for ...... 10c Waynesville, Ohio daughter's borne, two miles 'f:8st of Th ompsoll • pent F I·tduS' n lg llt IIDU th e Co rn ell Glee club. J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt., Clean Easy ::)oap 6 ba rs.... 25c Xenia. He was well known in Clin::!at·ordll:Y Wit ti t ile Mis~e 8 Me rlo lind Ri ll 'olfee , lb . o nly .......... .. loc ton, Green and Warren Counties and P rincipal Arnold received a tel e· IJ'nyo El1I s. Blk Eye Nav ,. Beans .l b ... 12%:: W8S an extensive stock buyer, g ram thll t Col. Bain is 'seriously m, . Mr . a nd Mrs. T h oUl .. & R ioh tipen t a No 2 Cans Haked Hea ns . can IOc t here fore th ere will be no lecture at Mouday wiLh Mr. 0\111 Iron8 uu d School Hall this evening. N o 3 Ca ns P ump kin, can ...... JO' WHA, Uunr L.eba n oll. Cllmpbe ll 's Sou P . can ...... ... IOc Sug ur Cor n. can .... .... .. ...... lOe Mr and Mr . W. T . ,' o rdlt n made Lost-'Between Miami Cemetery Early J un o Peas, can .... ..... .. 10 11 b U 8In p.p~ trip t Lebanon . F riday and lhe School House, a pocketHig Bottle Gilt u p ....... ... , .. .. 10 Mrs, G eo. Bogil P lind eO ll, Be r' , hoo k. F ind er. will please lellve at Big J a r Mu stard ....... .... .... .. i Oe sptmt, SlIItu rdri Y v ~ l\in l:( a u.! l:> uudll Y the Gaze tte olllce and receive reward. Best Pink !:ialmon. call·... .., 12}. c wi t h Mr'. lIud M r ~. W ill . UUIl U, n BlLr All Scrap T obaccos, 6 fo r ..... ~5c Sil ve r liil O VIJ. All ac Cigar s , 6 f or .. .. .... .. .. 25e I\1rs. My rtf " 'rll-y lor Iln rldaugbte rs , Geo rge Clark, o f Columbia, Mo.. Oyste rs, q t on ly .. ...... ......... 40c , b) Fiction McCall'ai.Supreme ." Tb el rnll ~nrl (; IIIU., s. PI>I'lit pIIr t of spe nt his vacation with relatives at g dge mon t Crackers, 2 Ius ... : 25c th e wee k With .\ell" lin d J a m es Lyt le, and m ade se veral social calls write s a New York lubscribel·. among hi s man y fri ends in Waynes· Uray . Sol e agents for Tanla .~. McCALL'S helps ville. . Will pay you $3.00 per head for HORSES and COWS ovo r 1, 2 00,000 The J.1is868 Mnhel . M.arl tl Il o d Fay wo m en d reEs i n We seli Moore' s Gasoline . at your home and will come and get them. Orders EIII. vory J);OIISlt otl an t,er Mined a s tyle 0 1 small .xAf t e r a ten days vacation with her part y of :;00\11111: f olk~ Oil Th o rsda y filled 'promptly, All telephone charges paid. ,wn.6. A recogCabbage. Swee ts, Celery, Cranpa ren ts, Mr . and Mrs. Nelson Hamil · evening ... n iz~u F a s h i 0 n b~rri e 8 . Give us a call. Mll stel' AI vlu n I'vey, of nonr ton, Mi88 Ina Hamilton returned to Authorily for 4S College HHI, Monday, to take up her yeurs . U tloa , s pont tllo w ~ ~ k \Vllh h l8 aoot [t pay a to trade at , d u ti('s as teac her . HARVEYSBURO I ~r8 E , A. flllrt~ Oo lt M cCALL PAT· • , • ,OHIU _ T E RNS lead in Mra , Idll Mll un OIl aud d tLo g bter ZIMMERlVlA~-I-+-Mr. and Mrs, E. M. Casey enter· s ly Ie, fi t, simrli cleft lr.1.ontluy mor oiuu f I' t il II' h OUl e tai ned all Ne w Years Day Mr . and In T Il\poCl>o OO, u {ttlr PIlE'u.h ng t,lle ""!'!~~~~!!!!!~!!!'!!'!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!'!!~~ .IlJomhe it}', t .. conomy anti . .~ r solli. ' h oll dll,Ye with EWCR 1\f1\1l1l 0 1l lIod Mrs . Wi ll Gu stin and Mrs. George M r; CALL'S --84 10 11 8 p a.C"D m nn l hly - i" \ 1\ ... Adams and children also Mrs. John fam ily , l ..... r.hion (ju ld~ And H n ullf,S kt'c l1in2" lI c::lpcr La mb, of Be llbrook. mo r e wom en th a n :lny otfftr lna~ u l1n e in l l ' e:: 1 Mis. Anne Doste r, of Cl rll nv ill e, ~ wo rld . A ll t he: )a \r " t , \}'I t~ evc r)' m ell ' h; ottilO d tl iKhl.ful :it oti c lC ; ~IT(' c;al d "rmrtm ~ II \" speut Il'rldlLY wltll Miss Vloln ill C(.l o k t l1~, 11olll ~ t lr ~:l:;m 'oI·ln" . fnn :: y WMl- , Miss Ethlyn Jones, who was hurt Jorda n . ~~~~le;." YPr ~cOc :l j ~~j~fl5 ~1~ .~~~~~t~~.. n~t :~::. I Mr. ond ~lrs . Ulall u Oil v i~ IIDd sou on a sll!t.Ilas t week. is in such a con· , SEND FOU R ! 10. F. n e, . Wo,k Book I Robe r t li nd Mr. Ber t U"I:( 0 Silent ditioll tha t she will not be able to I{O CEN 1S IN wilh 39 Etnb ro id ur y Le uon ll and STAIIIPSFOR 3 2.p • •• M cCo ll Po .. 0'" Bnok I , MODdlly witlJ Ueo' Uognn an d ,,,ifl' . ua('k to Toledo to resume he r school duti es fo r several days. ' ":;t,,,,, I.. C"111 0 ' W ,f'w, II"~ M..C'uJ"~."'It' tQtl " "t U I .~ I ~r .. t·I"I, u.lo.. ,. .. ltlt,I @: .UO I' r lr .. .. t tlllNII U ,",1a.. t. 1111 ' 1 11'" . /. ~ r. nnd Mr l:l 11'11 Hltr ~ook. of Addn.- " U" ",. N Uay t on , s pont sove ra. I IIIIYs wit h M r . TilE McCALLCO.,US W.Jl.hSI.. N", V. ,kCi l, .N.Y. T h e condition of Miss Georgia Had· ILnd M.r l'!. F. A . {hIT t~ )0 k . A CE~T ' ~~ '.t~ CI.'l:. AM StnS _. ~ ,W,," t D ~(l; ", .. _.! Mlsse'S . Tr une Ung l ally. MII,rl den, who fe ll down the IItairs at her '--___'- "'1 ;;;:..: 1~~.1 ~ ",j.; .. I' ,II' I, J improv Rloll' [\ I\d J ud1t.h On lllor ret urn ed homu on Chris tmas Day, :t>i,~ -----ing , and he r many friends are hoping to LeU'I,n o ll , 'Ml'l n dllY , , Mr'. W '1'. ,l ur (l ,In lind fa m llv t o see he r out Lefore long, nttended thu f ll n llrlLl of Mrs , Ma. ry Mrs. Agnes Wright received word Up p, I n Witynes vil te. ,::i6I nrd fl Y, P olrnr U rn y lind fflllli Iy, o f fo' runk - last week that her sister, Mrs Clark 110, s pell t ::intnnl uy with Mr. lI od Cad wallad e r had received another stroke of paralysis, at the home of Mr J Imee U my . he r daught e r. Mrs. Craig, of Nor· Mi ss Oplll t'\t I)IlI PW 'I loft T nesllity w.oed . 1,0 tn.h i u ~OIl.1U 1I 1.It , (Jo ui'~ e lit I,li l' MltlID I .I" ool)' bu.l neas 'ollob:o III Dr. nnd Mrs . J. , W. Ward left Duytun . Office Over Postofflce I'Ilr . AI • 0 ,n .u :tsook WNI t to Col- this m orning for St. Petersburg, olllhna 'rulli'd .. y t u \.lI. k o (). t,hrof!- Fla., wher e' they will spend the win . mO Dths 'l~. riolllt llru l tlo o r ilc h t O . H. ter. They were aCI!6mpanied by Dr. Office 6. Residence 45-2 PHONES Ward's sister, Mra. Amantha TITAN eng illcs run on 1;cerosene: U. Van Doren , Mrs. a l.llJn 1)11"0 visl t d in ' prln g .. Average cost of gasolin e so far this year, Valley t b !l lin t, W (l it. The', wedding Of Seymo lJr S. Tib· 16.9 cents per gallon. ' T b e Mt ~1! H H ,hm Hnrl.!!1) k IIntl ba ls ed itor of the Franklin Cilroni . • Average cost of kerosene 7., cents per gallon, Vi ol·. JorrlM' ~ J)flll t l\I .mu ,,,· wi t h c le , to Miss Maty Eldridge was sol· tile M illaes· Audrey un d Op ul 't'hom p. e mTlizel1 Monday. New Year's Day . Cuoline cOlta over lOOper cent more than kero80U. They left immediately after the cer· ...... Gasoline is going up steadily. Kerosene is not. Mr. C1 nreno.:l Ulell.ver, of DII ,y tno , e mony for a cOllple of weeks in New present fuel p r i es Titan engines. using keroo&lI etl on ft'l!luds e. Ii r elu tl-v!l!l h or e York City. Here's to you. "Tib," and may happiness be always yours . Sunday . sene, save their owners ab ut f .1 cents per horsepower ' Iilrs . John \'lplfo l~ vl ei ti ng I er . , per, h~~ ., --- -~ --' lion Ray n8Iit " Cltlrk",vllle. , Areyou .running a gasoline engine ? \Vhat horsepower is ===:'; ' ==::::=' . - -~.,-==. Mrs .. lobn Bnlgll\911Y 11 ependlDIl Good Firm HameL iH Fi(urewhat y u'd be'saving if y o n had Titan kerosene AN~ ALL .,HE,FA MIL Y 8everal dllY" wah Il r hrothel' 'l'hOIl, II 1>1 not u" celj~ury to KO to Ule city We want to thank all our patrons for their liberal e~giDe • . R~tQ ersurprisin~. isn't i t~ H o\'dong would it take Jamell [lelLr W"ynlls v i li e. Two and a halfm1Ulon readera'find It of to g" j t II modern 1\010'1. A rulU Ilvme patronage the past year. . that .v~ng to pay fo r a TItan cn glOe of. the same size 1 abeorbll18l11tere1t. Itverytbinc III It Is CUll he built tor three Or' tour thou· For the year 1917 we will endeavor to please you and W".. . . Y_ca. ...........1lfl1t SIUIlJ dol/ntH Ulat · would coat aearl.J .aU the new customers that_will' come to us. ' " U8 much In thu dt7. A lighting IeIIc_~,=·.--· -P':"I' - - - . -Who Wltl Off'lr a ~b)'7 -' "1 ",mh I b u~ u IlI lhy brothel"-the Bud !tPIlUn" sy!tllw euu be luIitalled III real kind- to rld<1 In my gOClU't; eb.'uilly ~u lhe cbuutr)o alld kejlL up at The Maauine Ma1l . (laid little Lola. " My doUa • lDud. slUaller &11"11" tIIaIl lIIJullar l!OuvealenCOII CUll be kept ·lD · the d~ Wa'lIIIl!lIlvnL~ .Ohio . .Una broke _1MIa 1& U».a bum,,"

A b ig to u ring 'car for fl've peopl e










Cons."der the many ways'. Saxon "S.ox",













m,..===:1' Ell',:=::1' ==::lU:J

Waynesvl·lle, Ohl·o"

l:J ,..===:JU:J ===::III:J




Savage TU'es Succeed for Service










Cash P'aid for Dead Stocki FA'S HIO The Harve}"sburg Fertilizer Coo


'rl·s Man L Har Frank ....................................................





U ff ~ "I


N·. SEARS Auctioneer Real Estate Insurance


.'.Are You Wasting The Price Of a Tit~n Engine?




I ..

WAYNESVILLE OHIO ....................................................




For Father and Son





~ixty-Nint h

Year .

Whole N umbe~ 3404



S L '\ In! I' I."



1'1 I. II I. () "II 11 .

Sec \\

il lt.· rh Llu ~e

fSOCIHY EVENTS: Cl--------·---*' .

\ I: .... I~ )) 1' . I )ill , O. tcr,p 'll l! 21 S way, L ·ha ll "I. Ohill .

'I .

SIn),.rAKERS ~~ERE GOOD: !\Iis.~ '~lI nd I

I- .

A CUlllildwliun co r Il'e "llrk Lust WCl.'l( - Illc 1.1.II1ics· SI'ssion


~ l' ~

Mary She l·wo\1(I. of Cin 'inlIati. spenl y wit h homl' folk)'.

.1 ll~rl1-'I ' "


Mr Ulil l W 01 I Sl'ur • . Wu.l ll e~t.l u v , J unuary ~: . 1!1I 7. I a son .


T il ' Ind ie!l llt l he inslitute opened

t h"1 1' /ll e,·l ill\.( al I::IU WiLh Mrs 1': 1l" ' 1 1I ~ Ilull y ii , ch air. II. ~ presid e nt I'l l;! fit ~ l 1)11 jJ l'ug l'<l1lI \\,Il~ l11u ~ ir. which e\'e!rYllll ' em j.lyed. by MrH.

Rural Welfare waa the subject of Mr. O. 0 Wellbaum and he WBll very pleasinR to listen to as he told of the wurk that could be done In the rural community. He tIIIid the two f.etora In this were the chu rch and the school That we should s trive for and make better tolka. in school work the children should be t rained by having them baauUfy ~chool room and school grounds. Much interest could be derivfld by plac·ing a milk tester in school and test I he milk from various farms. The school house shOUld be used aa the meeti ng place of the community. When children . were given essays let it be on the home. school or farm. The church , he said. could n.ot exist withou t the in ttlrest of the men Thie he proved by giving the detnil ~ of the church work in hi s own c;om· munlty. how th ey " got t ogether" not only a~ a social but found how they could improve each and elie ry farm of that community. The iJuy" ing and selling was made an impor· tant factor ot their bUBineslI ' Rev. Sargent opened this di s~u ~· Bion and no dc;mbt but he summed UII the whole meeting. Mrs Kelly and Mrs. Marks then played lL piano duet . A local vaper, writ ttln and read b) Mrs. Ella Cook was excellent and several K·ood. points were made . Then Mrs. Kelly sang Bob 0 linl! as a closing number.


( 'ha rl pR Iteud er. uf Cin ·i llnat.i. visiled hi ~ ll10the r at Ct)rw in l<l:.t

I w .. ·k .

Messrs. F. B. Henderson. J . E . Janney and D. L. Crahe attended 8 Past-Masters lodge at Dayton last W('dnesday evening Mr. and Mrs . R. A. CroS!:! spent several dllvs last week with rela.ive, atSflrdinia. Rrownt.:ounty, and olher places in that county. Mrs, Mary Leah Adams. of Kansllf City. Mo., arrived ' here Thursda~ evening , and is t he guest of Rev and Mrs. J. F~. Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fee and son . of near Greenburg. Ind. are the H . Kelly. g uests of Mr. and Mr.i . ~rs l<'ee was form erly Miss Chris. tine Kelly. . . . ,


Miss Ethlyn Jones is slowly im· proving from the ' injnry caused by the sled accident. It is probable that it will be several week>! befor ~ she can take up her school . dutie~ again.

Miss Mar.v Sali~ bury . who wa~ hurt in a lied acoident Chri8tmas Uay. haa been confined to- the ·hou~e. for several daye. Although her knet' was bad1y hurt, Bhe tried to do her -------.~ ~ . ----Walk ot the postoffice. but th.lh~ck waa too great for hl)r, . and she had Necesa.ry Firat Step. "Do worlel won·t · I)(· r!'lIlly toh DO to give up .work for a couple 0' unlversu l r.cuce." SHi el Uucle Eben, "till weeks • 'She i8 improving slowiy .


iodh'ldulIls qu ltt! Ilc tUu' Ullld Clllougli

to tlgbt 'ooil,t politics."

See Waterhouse for Auto Livery




The Five Poin t L1r al NO. 2·) of T he Fa rme rM' I"d ueaLional fi nd ell Th e p'lUltry show wh ich closed last Ope rat ive Uni on of A meriea had ' ,saturday Wil ' Lil .. mlht remarkable H Ne w Year s pa ~ ty at Hrol hc r Pe r ry rlho.w .",,'c r pu lled ufT tin Suuthe rn Wade'f< . Thirly fi ve or fll rl \' mem o W \lII •.1Il the .. n'at num leI' lIf b\~dlJ bel'S spenl l he even illlCplWyi nJ{ gam es exh lbllcll , \\ 'Jlld,' rru l hIg h qU Ahty and eat ir,g popco rn und n~I )lI(!s . All and 18,l . [,ut nll l. I'!a.t, t h~ . IIryulual depar ted at a la te hour having 8)J!!nL Intel'e6l taken b~ lh~ publiC III t he a joyful e ve ning' and wishing each show . Frum th e lime lhe doo rs other a Huppy N ew Year were t hrow up 11 TUt!HtillY mornlnit' un t il a late huur Saturd ay pight the a i sl t'~ were ~ rowd erl with fille rested Dr. and Mrs. J . T. Ellist'n le r tai ned apecta to rs. . . last Friday with an elegant fo ur. ' . The q uality of the , lock t hiS year . coune turkey dinnel'·. The tcll..rl ~ dec. , was pronounced b~ J u u~c Case to orations were gree n f ern ' ~euves with I e t h.' b~st he ver found tn (l sho ..... scariet cactus blooms '1 hose p res. , of , ~hls d7.iI. .., ent were Mr . and Mrs. S. L Cart· J he. l ec~ul'es by ~jrof .. KIll)Jatrlck, we wright. Mr . and Mrs Harry Murray. of OhiO la~o Umv rSlty. werll II. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hawke. Mr. a nd I greate~u co. IOnal fetl t ureuntl proved . . Mrs. W. E. 0 ' Neall a nd hildren, a drawtn l& card. Miss MI\rtha O'Neall and Mr E. M. M. Never before II' II shol. gl.ven Duke. The afternoon was deligh t· where exi f lcd more llood fe ehng; fully spent Bocially " g ornishetl " wit h eve ry body waB hap py . the ': kno.cke r music by Mrs. O'Neall at th e piano IIn u l{ rouch," uRuallv foun d 1TI shows . . also'some fine selections a ll the vic· Willi a b~ ent. Sayina- it WIIS a grand


J 0 Cart wri g ht. who has lll;en ill for the Pllst week, i.:l t! lill conli l1 cti to his home.

Ray Smith. of Brookville, Ohio. was elected Worshipful Master of the Brookville Lodge. at its reg ular election last montll.

'1 r~\"


Denve r. COl. . Mrs. E UI)he IIllU II OU)! .. t! ntertlllll ·u j Sund ay to di nne r the f()lI uwin,!( , g uests: Mr. nnd M l' Ed HouK'h . I Mr. and Mrs. Vern 111)[1,,11, (If Da ,. ! The Co mm unit y '!,jok nn UlI ll ~ " a l ton, M:. and Mrs Guy hihler . of Inl t' rc.s t-H ig Plulls ure Lo l.. O ~'egoma anrl Mr . and M r~ AIIcn F ' " t S'oson o r "c:\ c KIbler.

l;e' IL ~ I u l' k s.






Mr. lind M r~. M orri R Shl'rIVood sl>ent S unda y with fri end s in 1·lar· 'I'll .! ll1iIlUll' ~ of 11l ~~ y ea r wcre th en Vl'ys burg . rewJ lIn u HJlpnJved !'vi r~ . M u rthUld Il",Jfo r u Own S )l tkt! J. T . Liddy, ofo VI OII.'p p ' nt sevall the ~ u bj tl Cl, "WhaL l{ural Wum cll eral days las t week wi t h hi:! ful l! 1' , are Uoin\( ." A ~ th is WitS un irlt c J'tl~ L M. C Liddy. . illll ~ ubj c ·· t it was li kt:'! I..r y 1111. She hi'gun at hOlll t! Ill a ldn,:r , \\I hi d . s hl' S('vernl machin e I()(\ d~ IIf 1I,lrvcvs· BuilJ wa,. Ill llde hy t he husbanli unn wif . 1C LIl 'y wuu ld work to"ether burg citizens went to Lebanon Mon. a mi CIJ opera Ie wil I! neighbl. rs th llY day afternoon. ctlu ld malte vu ~ t irn prove me ntll, ove r· co min g !.he clj rll '1I1ce which Is oft en Mr. a nd Mrs J . H tanton. of fel t 11l11 l1n ll them . Franklin. are the guestB of Mr. and She wu ~ milch in favor of C I ~l b Mrs. 0, W. Meektl. work but ue tte r have one or two t. b d h' k t han not d ' r ive any lIenefit fro l'n the m. If you wan. 1,0 eat Ilure· re (' Ie . . ':)he then clescr ibed the work of a en ~ al tend the 25c ~up)Je r at MasoOic I" arm Wome n's t.:lub to which she ,' Hall Thursduy evening fr om 5 to 8 belung d Till' first Ihought of this clut> wm.l Mu rris Silve r, F H Fnrr a nd Em· sClcialabi lily. alltl wh n thi ~ II' ll.q al- erson Surface s tbrled 0 11 th e g rand Wined, I ho n CU i f the community jury work at Lebano n Mond ay mo m were cCl nsie!eree.! The} we,e IIbl ing, . by wor king t ll ll~1 he r to make 1l0Qd " roud s. have bett or ~ c h ool s . In theh Rl!v. J. 11'. CadlVuliader wus ll nable seh ul:1 ~'klU r l'~I\I ) w was~ tablish d to hold services ut H ~. Mary 's Sunday whicb pro\' ' II a ~ucc ' s from tltI' on account of an attllck' of indilIes· flrst Then th e claS$ of mu ic 11'11' tion mad e hell r. nol on ly fo r va' ue 01 mUlIic hu t t t l give ~ rvccfull1 ess tf) M,rs 'hlls M Hough arrival h me ehild h;I, m l l\'l'nl~ J1 1 s ' he lIl~ •• spok" of Ihe im por tnn c.· Crom ' alifo rnill Ills t we ' k . af te r a of ~ .w W O Ili I1 11 k n ow i n~ nil \ untie l" vis il of sevt! ral m o n~h s with relatives the re . sllulrli ng I hI' LtJ ~ ll h ' St! wo rl d . Ol h"r gOll rl a nd inl e re~l.i n g p oint. wert: I..rrough t to the pt:o pl e to l hi nll I Mr . ane.! Mrs. Allen Kible r are about ~[1 ndi ng this week with relatives at This waR followed with a diSCUII'1 Or gonia and are attendi ng the In· aion by MiS!! Elizuhlh Chandler. 8ti l.ute. who wall 8S much an enthusiast in thi s ubjecl as. Mrs BL>droT~ Carl Hartsock. of SprI ngfield. made Mrs Kelly In her pleaSing way hhllmnua l visi t to Waynes ville Tlturs then Bang a 8010. day . and cullcel on some of hi, many friends while htlre. Rural Wrlfare DIKussed


Mr. a nu ~lr8. reI . Haw i- e Cllt,·,· , Vr\ L L £:V tuined 1:1 nllllll.)(~1' of 1C1I",,{:l !I' " ,-,III,!" • last Thu f,;,l ay l·\·ellillg'. ill IwnofY !' Mr . and ~1rs . \ 'arr 'lI E·I \\ald~ . uf

r,.r Au to

Thl ~ I ~ 1101 /I pill' of ~( ':l I . 1' "1 " Itu !:t' II clIl' ot l " lL lho I tOJ llci ll~ lllcn!!cd In Lou!!on tor EoSlltib 80ldle.r8 r'·flul. Th" rll IIru 'I .oon 1'0111111. In Ih· hl'lIp. _ :L_ - -



-- -





Arr:8t~0~g ~f\;~f5~r'stl;~~t A





I su1'he~~C~n~~ifi~~u:~~~S i~vi~Zn~II~~

, specials art! as f ollows:

Miss Barred P. Rock . On Satu rday afternoon, Decem · The High School basket ball teams Lola Armstrong entertained a com" 1 . ber 30. 1916. the Cheerful Helper,!! had their hands fulliasl week. all the pany of friends on Monday evening. B. T . Vice , 2 3 ck. 1 2 tlul. class of Ferry Sunday School helll i firs t five played two games, and the Cl4rds were the diversion of the El. B. Baitey . 1 0k. 1 2 3 ck . 1 2 theIr c1alll1 meetin.( at the home of lecond ~ve one gamo, The games evening. Late in tho ove ning a pen. Lois Woods. The purpose of this . were all str~nuous. and made the lunch was served at which lhe an· White P. Rock meeting was to find out how muoh Given by the Poultry Asso- boys.go to the. limit; . nou~cement of the engagem ent of was contributed to,yard. the cl~ss dation. Everybody invite d. Friday evemng ~mgs Mills cam e Miss Lola Armetrong to Mr. Albert Raper & Evans 1 ck. 1 2 ;) hen , pledge. The followmg tnteres tlng . here to try and wm another '· gaJ?1e Herres. of R. R. 8. Waynesvill e. 2 3 pu l. 2 ek l. 1 3 pen . program was given. Song· number from the boys. but were B~dly diS . Ohio. which event will tak e pl ace t he ; L . M . Pence. Lebanon 1 ekl. 89; Scripture f('nding. Violet High· a.ppolnted. as the Waynesville team latter p\lrt of February. Miss Lola I aac Lincoln. 3 ckl. 2 pen . fill; repeating of the Lord's Prayer • • Simply played around them at every is a very popular and charm ing by the class. n! 1call. sec retary's reo . point. FOr ~ time the !fame was young lady of East Dayton. Mr. SinRle Comb I~. I. Reds port, lreas~rer. B report, >long '!um· No expen s e or t rouble · Will f!lBt and fllrlou8. but Kmgs soon Herres has a number of fri end s in H.. H. Wadsworth , 12 (·k . 1 23 ckl, b~r 35. reCltal!on. Marllaret. LI~er; b t t t k . th O tired out. and the rest of the \~ay W/jynesville and vicinity who will he 1 2 hell, 123 pul. t pen . IS one was ext ~emely eaay for WaynesvllI ~. much surprised to hear.of the e ve nt. plano solo,. LoiS Woods; rt'l:ltatlOn. e 00 grca 0 rna e Mrs. A ~ B. Sides, 2 pen . Howard LI:r;~r; class prophecy. James of the g randest suppers eve r The score w!lB 48.for Waynesville Hartsock, plano 801(\. Clara Berry· . . and 19 for KlDgB Mills •- • Rose Comb R. I. Reds hill; recitation, tIlI~1 Burnet; song, served 10 Way'nesville. The firat team of Spring Valley 'Brlghten the Comer Where You Arrange to have your family played our ' second team . While Mr •. A. B. Sides, 1 pen. 3 ck , S hen. Are." boys' quartet; claas poem. • . the little fellow. played a good game. H . H, WadBworth . 1 ck. l 2 ben, 1 Barbara Filer; talks by the teachers ta .. e supper With us. wefJrbt W&I againat them, and they 23 pul. 1 ckl. and singing of song number 73, aDccumbedto theaeore of29 to 48 . P.N.Cornell, 2 p en. 2 ck . which ended the program Du ring The flret team went to Kingman the social hou r refreshments wete I. Saturday evening and played an in. P. Wyandottes served consisting of ice cream, cake, dependent team at that place and Jas. M. Light, So. Charl estoll, 1 oranges. ap ples and ca~dy . The reo - - - - - - .- -were defeated by a seore of 30 to 46. ck. 1 ckl. 1 hen. 1 )luI. mainder of the afte"?oon...was IIpel}t .TI:..• 1"'!lrn was. hAllly I\rjppled in -Y..."1!~ M, Cox, Demcorat. for the with music !lnd liiilll'{,"~ :LtIl1i'' :1>res the last ga!lle. and had to. use one 01 secohd time be{!a~:!! .g,)lIernor of Bu ff Wysndottes ent were: Barbara Filer. Bazel two substitutes. but they made a Ohio at noon Momiw.y . - Ulh2,tI Z· l' ckl Burnet, Margaret Thomaa, Ada . good showing notwithstandlnll. Theuaands of viBitors from all sec .I. ~ 1!Jl'!1er~l!' Hartmo:n. Irene Gulladay. Margaret • - • tions of the IItate viewed the aere· Wilt a I tons -Lizer· Loi~ Woods. CI~r. Ber.ryhill, mony on the temporary forum at the 1 e cp ng Marie WIlliamson, VIolet . B,ghfill , west entrance to the capitol. Rev. Jaa. McMillan, 1 ckl. 1 hen , Grll:ce Wardlow, H.oward L,zer. Carl Only a few m oments foll owing the . WrIght, Claude Riggs. Henrv Mur· end of the ceremony the handi nll of Buff Orpington! phy, James Hartsoe:k. Huber Thomas . . ' . . the goverllor's com mission by Frank " . ., The comnu ltee ap~Cltnted to aoh~lt B. Willis to Cox and t he oath of Raper & Evan~. 1 2 ck. l 2 clcl. I .• Mrs. ennie ThomaA. teache r and Mrs Claudia Cornell. assistant teach" ~embers .f or . the Llbl!lry Assocla· · office administe red by Chi f Justiec 3 pul. 1 2 ~ h~n . 1 2 pen . er. The g uests were Mary Wilson. tlon •. held lIB first melellng ~atur~ay Nich~ls-the boom of ca' lIlon . the Mr. WIll C or~.lI, ,a pen . splurge of braes bands a nd t'hurch Mrs. B. V, Sml t h. :.l ck l. Alth(\ Palmer. Lucile Brown, Hazel evenmg. and upon comparl':lg 'hsts WaruJo\v. Lef1a l.'homnR. Amos Wil- of names. were pleased at the In ter~st •chinles told thousand more tha i son . Daniel Pa lmer and He rman show n by the ,l)eople of WaynesvIlle During his visit at Winston·Sale m, there was a new executive at the . Black Orpiogton Wood s and surround!ng co~ntry. N . C .• Mr Saml. Meredith met. and head of the Buckeye go vernmen t . Miss E va Smith . Sp.ring Valley, - - -• . - - - - The committee 1~ composed. of had several talk, with J . P . Reynolds, Gov. Cox then Btepped to the fron t Uhio. 1 pen. 1 ck . 1 p ul. . busy people and d u rl11l;t the ~ohday of the Reynolds Tobaeco Co .• one uf of the rostrum and lau nched into his 'se~~on they have had little lime for the largest ot its kind in lh tl U S inaugural address . Blue Orpmgton thiS work. but nev~rthelet>s. ha~e Tbis .firm makes several grades. of Nichols also administered the oath J oseph H eston. Uay toll , 12 a p ul l e very reasoQ to beheve the~ Will chewmg Mr . . Me redith to the other various incoming sta te sample.s (\fflcials in their omces SlIve'r Camplnes reac h the One HundrE~d mark 10 the brou~ht a. t to OhiO With h came. . ne,ar .f u.ture. . . has induction oRice of the other I sper &. Jo~ vsn~, 1 2 '3 ckl. 12 ~ . r~lo IS a non ·partJsllI1. non .denolI! ' fine tobacco is, as lllallona! lI!0veme~t •. and 88 there IS thousands of dollars wor th of it officers . hen, 1 ~;3 pu l. 1 !Je n . 110. a~e hma. any clt!z~en of the tov.: n · ing the cast few years, and he re~'ollow ing Cox's inaugural speech S. C. B. Iil ioorcils S~I P IS welcoml;'. to JOlin t.he Asaocla.· membered the Gazette· with several and the singinlt of "America" by . Xenia, whicb was after the State tlOn. and benefit not only by the generous samples of the best grades five hundred school children ,' 01'. L. C. St. J ohn, I ck. 1 23 hen. 13 H o~pital for Cripp led and Deformed books we are able t o. purcha~e, but put out b~ this large concern . We Waahington Gladden pronounced t he pul, 1 2 pen. Children. \vRS badly disappointed to a lso those the State Ll.brary Will send want to thank the company, liS we ll benediction H . H. Wadswort h, 1 ~ ck!. 2 pul. kn ow that it will not get the us, as Mr. Meredith. for their kind __ ._ _ Milul'cd G us tin , 2 ck. home. The commis ion in charge of rhe children, a~ well as the young remembrance to the Gazette. Rose Co mb 13, MinorclIs . the home has decided to go to Col, pl'ople and parents. a,re to be fur · ni shed with the best of reading umbu~. . . !llild red GlI ~ tin, 1 b 11. . X Dla had a go?d. prOP?SltlOn to matter. Your dollar helps to buy one m ore offer to the commlfslo~. file nur· S. C. W hite Leghorns aery at t~e . O. S: & s. O . Home book. so do not nllow the Committee & EV il/IS, 1 ck . Raper to miss you . grounds IS ,Praetlcally n~,:er used . Fred B. Sherwood, of Lebanon, Isaac Lincol n, 1 ckl. 1 ~ hen . ----- .... -.. -- In~ by puttmg Ul' an a~dltlon to th ~ Bold his property here on Four t h Mrs . B . V . Smith, 3 ck 2;3 pu l. buJidlt;lg already thllre it ,Would hflve In the recent poultry sho ·.v my R street to J . L . Hartsock who will 1'(' E. tltokes, 1 pu l. ;), ckl. made I~ large enough t o suppo rt. a!1 I Red~ made a clean sweep won move into it the first of February. the c~lldren of t h e State. Thl~ (Continued on Page 4) every 1. 2, 3, and sweepstake special Sale was made by W. N. Sears. prQPosltion was f av.o red by Gov . competed for This is the mos t reo Willis, but the commission ' did not markable winning ever made by an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ favor it. exhibitor in Ohio. The commi98ion estimates that My Reds. two years in lIuccession, I _____________~-----------'-'O:~_: there are 750 crippled children 'in the baye swept the sweepstake honors state with parent.~ too poor to tur· for fineet pen in show. all breeds nish medical or Burglcal atten'tion competing. Higheet sCoring bird for them . It recoI}'lmeilds that a . Raper & Evans. the chicken fan· in show, highest lIcorin&' parti.colored law be Ilwed provid ing that per. ciers, who ,made such a big showing male and femaleall went to my Reds . sonal properly a88essors next vear in the late ,Poultry Show, sold a very Thi. showed by convlncina proof make a complete census of such fine White Leghorn coe~ to Prof. that my year. of t'xperlence count ~hildren . Kilpatrick; of the Ohi!) Experimertl for quality. . ·Great Britain .. ..... .. $15,500.000.000 Italy ......... .. , ..... H,90 ,000.000 . - -..,-... ... Station. As Prof. Kilpatrick is a Germany ......... .... .. J4, 900.000,000 Turkey... "" . .. .. .. 550.000;000 If you are In the market for either fine judge of (lhickell8l: thia 'w as in· stock or .eggs come to the fountain Russia ...... ... ...... 10.500,000,000 Bulgaria ,........ .. 75,000.0 0 deed a great honor to this firm to be head, get thoH scientifically mated '. France .. ..... .. ...... 10, 100.000.0 0 lhirnllnia ...... " . 50.000.000 thus recogni zed. . AUBtro·Hungary ... 7,000.000,000 Other countries ..... 150,000,00(> for best reaults. . The experiment f arm clnti.inB YOUI'l! truly •. no~hiDg but the highest type of birdll, Total -............. " ......... .. ..... ,' ... ........... .. ...... ..... $60,'Z25.000.000 H. H Wadsworth, aa.they claim the best results areob· Phone 58 Wayneaville. Ohio tained throullh them . . Causalities of European War at 'End of 1916 The cock sold took the firs~ prem o ium in'ill! class at the show. The Dayton Recor ling ' and Com· Missing Wounded Killed Pilling Mllchine Co ', of Dayton. has 2.::; 0,00 3,200,000 Russia ................. 1.500.000 recently purcha~ed 1'000 acres of land :.:!~Ol(l()O 2.500,UO Getmany .............. 1.000.000 between Spring Valley and Bellbrook, '/0 .000 2.201).000 FranCe ................\. 950.005 l~irlll along the little Mitimi river. The J. O. U. A. M. will hold their 1.3l1\l.i'OO 1.700.000 Austro- Hungary ". 600.000 'l'his company has been making large regular me !t1ng Friday eVl'nlng at 100. 0 900.000 Great Britain ...... :. 400.000 quan: itie!l of mu.nitions for the Euro . tbelr hall. The inatallatlon of officel'1l tJO,OOO 250.0fl Turkey......... ........ JOO.OOO pean war. and it is c(\njectured that ''),000 will take place. and all membel'1l are 15U.OUIl Servia ......... ......... 65 ,000 (he purchase of the. land meana that .to be' present. ~1 .OOO 175.00(1 ltaiy .. .... ,.. ......... .. 70.000 they Intend to erec~ a large factory. Q. Dinwiddie. Sac·y. 1;0.000 ' 80.000 Belgium .......... ~.... 31);000 The farme ~urchUed are the Allen. 16.000 GO.OOO BuJpria .............. 26.000 Graham and ~tauffar, and areadjotn.· 201.1.000 150.000 Rumania ...... ........ 60,000





Hours firom 5Ito 8 p m


Supper 25 Cent









- ..






----- .._--





IIIbtl. and the The d..1 wupo. mid. tbroulrh .~giaIll1t lI!III. of the



Total '!".~.......,,!!!!!,


Of 1916


Iloryof hl'r Qll8tD to nil ('aJ)TUrH: """u I III(1AtD of ~CI.b 1>1810\'01IlU"O 111 hJ~ I e"e•. Dnvld 'alIuddl'red nl he hud 001 Rlnolli nli tile \.'nrllo~o of hl\tUe, lind bll IImlls tott~r<ld Il e n ~R lh 111m, ~1'1n" one or Hie soldl!'r,; rallletJ up hIs rille nud etruck down th bouat r U' Jt h \\Terl! eruah.lui ,8 soako. No on hcW

&n, II T.JUe ChrOnirle of Certain.. Passages Between 0 VID I..ARRENcE ANTOINE.TTE O'BA NON of the BailIe of Tippe.


eanoe In the Indiana Wife! rne.tS, arid of What Bejell Thereafter In OIJCoryclon and No w First Set Forth- T T TT


bll~le~~::o~l'k,,"lI r<1



(; HJ rl

1I)'m potJIY. puc . r."Ut " 11"' lL y . I(I -p" r \\,.1.''''''. hla llllnc i on th sbould r of tho DI . II ., .:rrtuf,.,1 pI 11 til l iT C Mt ' shnk n Dllvld Ilud Jed blm bn k to tho 111'''''1\ ", 'f',r Ij,'''r I' IJ. (!!!J/ t..U\l 1\1 1 . - . -. A.1oHICOQ CRllIp. n hind thl'm tlll! \\'",1 I' '''n',' 1111' . " Lif A T'"1'OiJ\.T i T& I ruined vlllnge IllY smol<.lerlng In Ib!l .. Ill.") I li Ol '" '., 1 'I' '1. IIh' , I'I " IOIII 'H " .l'U. V Vl Vru.. J.' .l., I N Ol' mbor sun ; but Dovll1 him cJt .."/(,,_ , "'lIlked HS In 0 t1r om. 1\1 ' 11 whu wet l"iJ f1I" rT \ ,I K!" I. I I/ r"l1h'll 1 1:11. .11\ At tnl. mOI11 p.ot Dnvlfl hen t',1 RHO .." U ,'re' Anti I/WI'O till' IDvlll ''I'i"g ;r.::".'~. hllll 5t PP II 1\81do In sllrllc(', to I .t 111,11 1\IIII ,l.tllll ll',' fll' l, one enlllna III illS CllPltllll, or th o bln7.I'c1 Ill' IIguln. nil- I htw pnss. dnrlug to II llk 110 QII tltion. 11 ,' \1 110. IoI r 'I ll IId.lI. hl8 eyel through th e ml ~l, '1I1)llll~ 'lip ' vld wput on with Ihe sickenlllg ,wod; ' Behlod hlll1 rOlle the wniling ot the 1,1I\0ullI\l I\\II ' "" " t :I/i:l.~,.'. 'man rnn up to OIU·gt'OI·O. \)0,'1< 1 1" '," of tho 11Ilsp ltnl co rps.. Indlno womeo, mnurol ol: lor th olr 'J"l't' llf l r, I' Q'1'\l11 1\ dAn o,nlzod blm nl\ ,l'l)rgle 1.'1'IO~IIIIIl, CIIII' T1~ "'ns corrylng n WOllOtl tI loon to deud , WnlUfli omoog tho trumpl d nd ullll)t)" j" 1.1 ' W II nc-,' ut $;'; I k tlw ~lI~h('r of he \\'nglln~ when 1I!1~ mo(ze; and the unuttru-nb le sorrow In n p t:'. m,' :', tl: .! rnfll(,,1 no ' t1In Barlrrove 8l1O e sbarply; "Wbflt'., the motter?" .11111111V ::5l'on~I'r. nplllln :olPCIlC('" ~ bls beart grew heovl er henellll1 thelr I I I ii"" ,, ' 1 ' Oroghnn 8oluted. "1'111) chi ef """ f"lIrlo:(,f1·Y(,lI r.nhl 8(1n, nn f"orn itll' unending IUID(' otntlon as the s tRlks of ,~ 1I tlll llll III .,'." "11"", " goon hos rellu4)st ~ (11<'111'1 T l'<'k~r lI'nts lind ('llIl ched him by IIw ell' " ('. I corn ure bellten to the so,ld ' o ground !"Hr,t t.: In l" III 0 ,.11,,'1/ \' ~ rt""I1~1 to let him have somo os Istflll (,I'. We b 1:/lln, 10 be (nlll If his fOlho r W'IS .In tbo cold mlDB or tbe Ilylni , ,,,or. I ~;~~Ini l l" 1l"1~1'1 .. till. II/till' hllve only three Burgi'Ofl'lI nlllll':<, \\'0 unhurt. ' no \'Id '"18\\'(' r('u Ule hoy re- i Me 'honlNllIy he took up bls work ot I;: I~! 11111 II, , , .. c t1l 1,1" 11 ..>, ~I "Pot\ ,I n\ ul!Cd more help with th e ~!r"f"l1t'rs. o.$llrJlljrls; he I"HI j ll ~t s~en th " (,liP- ' warchlllg ol'er the wouudoo 10 the Arll 11.r I'; !-I III III " 'lI,l .. )I., rly (Ie Can you detail some(lll~. ~II'?" t"II1 h ,' rin g Oil lds 11\1'11, " hI00(1), llen\')' wRgons.. Tho cnmp "'U8 alruck. I [011<11111 [01. , Horgrove nnmed Lflrrl'llf'" nnll bnndkerchl t tied ohollt Ills he,,". the homewCU'd jouroey bell'lln. ; tlnrn,b 1':ii ~" I ,.' lh tlrl1u lli u v~ Cockrum; thcy lIurrl ~'1 illl'llr liS I' r('loo WIII.'I1 th,' )" \\"~nt bn" k to thl! ri gh t, The 8ulI'ering ot the Dlen In the I RltUh l' l 1,: ,1111 1.11 Mdhldtl ti t II I Illinllled. Fr In "Ollll)U IIY '" ~'\Jllrn IlY .Tl mmy rlln lit Dovlc1's side, r('fuslog to '\Togone wos torture Inde8crlboble. 1 1..i)Wi ~ J;: irlly 1·.l rIJl't I1 r llll ftJd h'''\,A ,they rnD, Urtlll~ t he rI~nd nn,1 """11 ,1· !!l n~' hl.' hlnd. Over the unevcn . gronnd .the oxen til fil " IH>~'" r "1111 ('n,~~ petill IO n ed on rude IIU crs nnd 11<'lIl'ln" fhrlll "F"tlH'r I" he cri ed. nn" th" solc1l er .dragged the' lumbering carta, tho 1 , ': • • to the @belter of t h o \\"II ;:"II~ In Iha tu rnl'd nt the hllll. H ~ w,," Ilbaur to WOOden Clskfl thnt served n8 wbeels Nell, UII center 01 the cnlllp ; h,'r,' th ~. h'rt wurn Ih e boy 10 flO buc k whN) 0 bull,'t slipping nlld jolting over rocks and their burdeu8 Ilod wl'nt hll(' k (.l r n SN~ st ru ck hl tn In fhe hlp Ilnd llussed loto ditch 9 wllh n cruelty "'hJc~ '1'11.9 "I hav e be on \I ing Arhuckles ' Coffee for At some time every woman h as h ad Hili 'ert H, ,I II "II ) '\, .: " r v .. <:h,nrlo!f' oDd Bnd II third tl rue, nnd 1\ h time Ihrougl1 bot h rhl ghs ; he tolt ered and no less b nrtrl'ndlng bOCUUSB It was \\t , Mll tn H ')''1'gt'r y ea r :;, I think it iff th e only coffee fit 10 P h rtlflOU coffee problem-"bad coffe , h er tound eome uew vi ctim. fell, l unovoidabi e. 'I' he carte wore sprlng- relll o" tll t(l ddnk."- Mrs. A. C. W ... Lay. Colo, m edium coffee, coffee that was nev r And thell Dn\"ld WA S In ,11<' rhlrk "Go bnck to tile tent. 80n," he slll<1, leu, Hot with rever untler the Icy ["oollo r.l \\,",ltc·1 V ~ C'llI '" !\:un l el of the I)Allling strul'gle wlt h'lI SI'I r 8111 111nl:. "1"our molber will need YOU mnd and racked with the terrific Jolt. Olvnrc:EI ~lIl1tt" rl 1,1, ,nidI', twice the same." "We hAve liS d A rbuckl . Coffee fo: I n Spencer's meo wcr" end urin g, 'l'h (' if J don't go hOIUIl," lng, the wounded men raved, cursed, y ea rs, find h a v e not y e t fuund its s upe rior t' '~w.l l l f: 1."11'1" \"rl IV, It 1.1Iw1H. horse8 lay 00 tlle groll nt!, ",,,1 (1'11111 TI e rlrew til boy down nnll ki ssed IIIng In dellrlum. or the 151 wounded, 'A million women have solved the equal."- Miss H" B essemer, Ala. over their bocks tllO rlft -Ino'n fI,-,'<I 11110 him, Fllr n long IIIlnute h r('l!ted HI! 20 diet! OD the mercUes8 journey trom ['L'phw ln IInrl l:n m , , :{ ('~ , problem by serving Arbuckles'. Get III r.., f\ tictl l" VI' t;h~rI[l. ~\ , Hn n tho darkness peopled with ,ltl' ,·n!! uo hlk fuln lnl'Ss PUS8~(I; nnd thell he be- the batUet1eld to the blOckhouse on Q package of Arbuckles I Coffee today tor . ~~1 "l1I ' ,V ; al' luhllt ol"I ." .. d $1\1I shaJ)OB or the howling RII" II I'''S; but gllu <:nlllng t bls III CII tn fight nu. the Vermilion river, where the bonts "The finest cup of coffee I ever t:?stedl" the horses. tl.'rrorlzed hy till" 1I1'I'onr uddunl)" tho voice ceRRed nltogethl! r hot1 been lett. Day aDd olgbt DaviC and see why. Like these million at he I' women y o~ and mYtilerlous stloglng IhlulIS Ihut n8 n bllil tore Its woy tbrough b1s benrd their pItiful monolnr,. the Plfobule Cou rt I'roccedill\tll cnn have your husband say !his. I~n t tore them, tri ed IIgolo ond 11.:,,10 to heort. .snotches of I)leadlogs, the tmprecaEveryone likes it. Morning after mornIn tl ;o 111'11 t'lr 'If (11<1 ooft,d e of me: theIr mn$te.ra kept them down With III 1Ife's sbrlll mull' 10 th eIr tlon8 aDC the Incoherent wllllderlnlr8 that sa tisfaction worth a htt le til le ing a million men praise it for its fin e, i:lurlLh F I:'lI ull, ,1" <J~II H(ld. Annll E. enrR. th e Yellmv Jn ckets held th Ir ot theLr tortured mlnde: ooly by ' superbumuo exertion s, and efTort- w ouldn't it be worth full Havor. Women depend on it. In There WIIR n TUOfoentli ry lull; from groun<1, ,hough IIIncMnhnll, who took "A tabtul ot honoy I. the 'n e l) n ,,1 r"lntwd tu plly In hnrl. while even to make a special trip n ell 1 x. tou all these homes, it helps make breakacross tbe IIttlo volley wbero lhe rushpeneer's plnco. f ell dead, nnd Berry, ·ant1 the bear got tt"-"Thnt boll weDt E<tlltCl of ~tlll \J, ·ar ftlo ". d~the grocery store for a packa~e . .{ Ing creek 8'Ilrgled among the " 'lIIows h!s s~'<'on<1 Ileutenant, t ell olso; beld through tbe h oop"-"lIlnke the stockfast a complete success. I n~ I 1\('Ol ltl ll 1I Jl pr,o v('ll , there come a strnnge Bnd wild chant· It tor two hours In the fnce at the ade hlgher"-"From Knsk.1I ky with cle'[ ed, that fresh, full Havored coflee a million Il ol'l' ud IUlI l ( ' fl lJ ti Tin .. I. Inr; hJab nbo" e the grOODS lind the ~ren1.led nttock ot the IudlRos. Georgie '1IIrk, I tell ye"--"The AD' Read what a few of thele women say: other men ar enjoying? The m en with the Utters were very gel Gobrlel set hl8 feet 00 th ose lOunde ot burrylng teet It rose, the E. tde of Su r HII B. SII11I8, tl IOIIOr01l8 codence of the abOrigine's ;b usy; n ot only bere but back at the Itonee"-"Thot c:nlt'8 got tbo milk. oellll ot!, !ju j .. \.)1 11 filt' u , "I r ecommend Arbuckles' Coffee .to, m,r H ave it tomorrow. , He wi!! praise it E lclte I)f H ~lI P r.OI\ A, (],dl"hor, fr iends. I buy it all the time, b eca use It IS rthwest nngle, Where the tlrst ottack 8Ick"-"Nn, " " nrl e, th aro nln't no more II..."er to the Greot MllottOU, t b e ~ been modo. At the opposite 1Ul61e better coffee. "-Mi~s B" Mercer, Ky. morning after morning: When yo~ .a· 0 dDO"less wns sUIl dntlog wtth lID- men t"-"Tcuclll'l', mny I get n fr csh decau8ed. ~'III11I I' CO!) UOt, til ed 10 tile mnLl er of t,h en tiltH of J olln of au. QuIll 1"-"1'111 a old mnu nn' r ",'ont serve Arbuckles' you WIll know w~y ·'1 useArbuckl~s' because it is stronger than " . oUeo ce. From behInd a 10i, sev- ~Olllil " 'hlsky"_uAIl the Federali s ts' A. l;lllrk, ,hlll M~ell A . '- B:\~or e it has solved the coffee problell} In his 'TIen tile ent}' Yllrt18 OIVOY, a dozen Indian s hellllng"-"Wnler I nln't til r evan " ppoiru tod Ild l11 i nl~trnlor. B()DU 1 3[;0. 35c coffee, and Arbuckles' packages are full ow eong, 8 u " isharpshooter8 " 'e re pourlnlJ a Wleked some ru lowu ter1"-" II, MC\lly, Molly .. over a miJlion homes. 16 oz."-Mrs. V., Coldwater, Kans. preter It Harrison's Bide, , re loto the mnss ot tetbered horae. in t be IU ~ tte r lit the orCtltte llf Davtd lookod lit General Harrison. , ot the thr~ equntlrone of d"';'''''''ft~ Mllily 1"-"Watc1l Ihe ri ght flunk I l.'be Am os VllDUoren, UO illl~Nl. Jllviln. ... ent b ors~aD 8eeme d t 0 h ave Puke' .. Funk', ga . a .. ~_ ri ght flunk I"-"Water I Wllter I" tory IIDd ~\l pruI8E1I1"lIlt iii d , ... nnd Begge' companl8L thel"IId In his eyes nU the tromea' l c:e DllvieA hod .eot to BarrllOn 'l'hroo miles belolv Tll)pecanoe tJJe E!l tll til qf LevI Luoy, Je e1ls611. There are hundreds of varieties of coffee gr0':'l'"' To get th~ lI 11~llIg I"rophet modo n. nll:ht's CIlJllI) &'ll1ltl Ul dunt fillld . result you wnnt, the coffee itself must be right. Arbuckles tor perlOl881on to charge and dl810dlre 011 Wlldcnt creek, the I'ullije I'lebou til I hll IIf the "I-IIt.e of Coffee ii, It is put up by Arbuckle Bros " the greatest coff~e them. Tbe strll)lInl' CroghOll carrt&« Qf I.ho French. DubOiS' scouts rouod ,\:IlUtb,1t IU \ h ,I10 I ocl '01 ""terlll thIrd reQueet. Pru.ently CrtIahtlll merchants in the world. They can give you I;{reotel' vslue In , e bact on ths run. He wal wtl4 the warm Ilsbe8 ot bla calO\lflre there iDher~t 6n 0 tlll( nf ' I I{i~ 25 ordereil coffee than anyone else. No wonder Arbuckles' IS the most popwltll. ~elIflht. film cl !ill by one of the tnl dea pIcked puici.. ular coffee in America todayl "'.rell MaJor Davie..," Horrleon ha4 lip a bit o! lace. The man put It In 111 Itho toll to r o f the e~t"te of the pocket ot his shirt and hrought It Brewy'tar ( ' , r:n~t on, deoe clABll. J 01\" I&lIL "that b:e hal hea~d m" oplnloa hnck to the marching column. Dllvld R , andl Mliry '1.', h:llst,on , IIdmllll;t,rll twice; he mol' now use biB own dllt- "'Ilil QIOong the men who crowded trix Inv llntory linn IIPLlrUl flmsllt el'etlon." ebout him to anze at the tiny allred flIlld. "God be prnleed I" ejllculated Da· ot elotll; ood hav1ng Been It he put Funk M. Fox, ad ministrator vs vtess, Ho.,tlly he called tor twenty eut hllJ hand and took 11, nnd no mnn volunteers, Quickly they threw them- enid him no; tor they 80W thnt be Frank M, Fox Itdll1inlstrator. Bow Commissloner's Proceedln.l1,S selvell .ID the aRddle. Dn\'II1 BOW Ulem llOd recognIzed it al a pnrt of 0 gnr- ard W .!violl 81'IIoluteel gUllrdllln ad dnah aClOI8 the Uttle space between meut or ADtolnette O'BoDDon, wllOm Jitom o f mi no r d uf urinuts. O rtier Wosteru t;tllr, r floo rda for COlli. (PRICES I<Hi t1T) the line and the 10i wbere the Indians bl! IlIld loved lind who woe slnln. WII- grlloute d t o pe ll r ocd e t ,l te , missiOner lind pI'int-lng rftt II tliXIIwore ,hidden and aaw. the apurta ot lIngly tbe maD who hnd found the ~ion ~2\1I),O~; The Bobb~MArrill '<':0., Real Estato Transferi red flnme run olong the t I) of the log, I'loth led Dn vld, st hJs request, bock I~w b ook.. $7.65; lJattislll Bro~_, For every fln8b of tire l\ trooped reeled to' the aahe8 ot the fire anti there left Jllnl el' Jf, ItoBHe ll to Mnry F, Rus. ornsbiul{ I<tOlie for 'l'nrtl oreek In bls Ruddle; ot the (root rode Da- him In silence: oud tor a loog tlow Sole Agent township $·100,"1); Vulley 'fel 9phou6 vless, the Idol or tbe backwoodsmen. DO"ld stood looking at the ground ell , ,11 o ll or llll In Fra,llklln t OWDHbIP, Co., reots lind lo'is 184,25; W . 'J, Of U1.>re .bBn 0,000 ohtlrohes in For the $1. As the red WBrrlora begnn to brenk whl're Tolnette's fe et lost hod been. Gorden Tires 'ummlna B .1 100S t me to W. H . Gilmour. sherlHs fee!! $72 46; Some, Olllo,ODly 1,000 Iluve J~8tors de. aod sc~tter frOID behind the log, the Tbe frozen wilderness was very BtUl. pos&lng, ele tlOD proolnmati on $:!O.~O votll' l{ thetr full time \ n t be work Alloo , jr .. I U~ , . flores In WI~yl)e lost ot tbelr 'rlO es rnnlr IUlt tGsetlltr,. :;:~,,, " I5inll· oral:; J 9 M -'tlJ,, ' iureat C'" ' - _ - U, B, DeobuDt, po •• nge for Ru rlltor 8 'rhe ot hers Are served by pas tors aod th.'!.. Ren~; 'k1n u rose 10 his stll'- crenked aoll groDn ed In tho November 'owu :lil>;' :) I, ou;.,o;6;' J K ...:lpaJ1oer, bridge ItlDI. having from one to !leVIlO ,ohurob98 &li z .. L ou g t o Frank DOlll!lJmo D, rups, - clutched lit hIs brenst, Dnd gusts, but there was no sound of huber 1100 25 ' A p , 'ollie .. Biliary on :lome ehurchRH IIro growlUl! whil e pi tched h aalong. man llte. On a dend 11mb a mottled lot j.l West WOCldvll1 ,$100 . bnrial oom~ts~loD $8; Ja~es Fulle n,l others lire decay ing, Tho statu, of Phone 00.3 CORWIN, OHIO As he en w Un ,'leS8 fnll, Dn\' ld drew woodpecker wIth a ticorlet cnp !:!. M . Hndso o und wife ~o Ede&be .ialarya9 j1lD \tor oourt roo~ $,10; lba rural ollUrcD ODd rurul sooial 11 deep brenth nnd lJ~gan to rUII ner08S eenrched IndustriOUSly and vnlnly tor SurfaoE!. lot In West Woodville, R. Baflbbarger, salLuy 1IS J"nlt~r ceuterH, "s well 8S t~e m eli Da or the wct nnd s lippery grltS8 tbnt IllY Ito tood. A sIc k, brown.furred bll- $100. too: H. J Melumpy, road work III bllllcJlng np rur,,1 life .llIter8llt&1 wIll between the Clllmp ond tho alUbusCllcl· vor crll\\'led to tile tOI) ot tho streom'R ·I:!ttaiJley ' . Wlllougbby to Mllrilla Tortleoreek township '89.20 i Tb" be nmong the topl os dlllon8sod IlL·the lug woods beyond. 'rbe bullets ripped blUlk, lOOked Inquiringly flt the mo- J. Trump, lot ill o nt.h Lebanon, $1. Oillion Iron W()rk~ & ManDflloturlng Ohio R.nral Life Uonforeuoe to b e viciOUSly througb the drlpplog weeds tlonless figure brooding over tho nsh es h efd Ilt tbe ObI State Univorslty at Everett 8 0 0w t- t> W . A. Bnrrer, Co, supplies $77 9.30. nlld tore luto the frozen grouud at ot tits ftre, Bod BUd back Iota the Wll- lot iD ,t)on t u Loll0lio n, :U,. Propoaed progrllOl for constr uc. olu mllns frhDl Jllonllrr 30 to Fob. hi. i oet. He .beard sllOUtB of warn- ter wIth a epJosb, Deep In tho WOOus Director E, 'h oo kl1Y an d wife 10 \ :barles Mon of I:ltlltlJ rOlicts l ,) r ~he your 1917 r unry 2 during li'1Ir~er& W~~k, lng, like voices In a drenm, b ehlod 8 flock ot wild turkeys clucked nmong AIIlOflg tbe IIpell"er8 Ot! e pro. R.eed >LI nil Ivire, I,o t 10 Avalon In Wfl.rren oonnty WftS IId opted and him; but he Plllri no heed Dnd renched the uolle rbrutih. And so stuDding, Dn1 t "rllm will be Ru.lpll 1\ . Felton aDI It. oopy of IIIlIJIB was orderB d ~ent 0 ... B d f B Mis the Kcntucl(lnu's side unhurt. He ,.Id tRsled to the dregs tbe bltterncss l:Ieight s; 'lot. Moses Breoze, loar °h 01l1~eC O· thtJ !)~1ItB liighwllY Depa rtm ent fbe ~eb{\ ld H enlty I Tb \,'rank. Ohio. placed his bund unller On ,'I"s&' shoul. of bls tal/ure, tbe numbing coo cloussluns Pre8byter au 0 uro, , • Penn A . l\I,orton WIUI 0 PI?' Int d I UiII, ~lI:l'outive seorftary Ohio Ror,,1 d ers nnd tho dead· welgbt sickened ness ot Irremodiable 1088: Uleted the liD IDlprovem en t ' ,luL iD Frank jan!torof tbeo nurth ou Butustll n ry Life Ass oOlIltIOD; Poul L. Vog t" dl- We hay!) arra~ged with an under. hllll. Three III'D from Parke's COol' , bltterne88 ot belpless deteat aDd BD nt liD, $1. rootor rnr,,1 \If a work, Methodls~ 'TIe the Shawneo Prophet. Singing pliny ron out uud j Oi ned hllll a8 be hl8 bour of egooy ond vnlo seltCilroline Costelln t The Frnnklin ot $00 per lU onth. taker to get an OUlO, s o we will be - --- . - ohnrcb i B, F ~tlllwelJ, . in oblirge HI. Own Song." .. strove to 11ft the hOlly; with a des· renronch, while the ..~ ..... ~ .forest shut Improvem ~ nt ' 0, lo t In Franklin, able to furnish oi eh!.!1 an auto or peru te hf'nv th 'y ruls'd !II) tile dying hIm In wltb alleoce. $1. or rnrnl life work, BrlpllRt clturob; horae drawn fun eral. ldo08 trngedy ot the despairin g rncs mclO and stngg I' d bllck townrd the A rltle cml'ked. U, W. Fiske, Oberlin TheolollloBI Both phones In Omee ann Residence. T UOUlIiS LlIl'v to Walter Wbltnoro iOf red men, And th en 8 grim slUlle llno or rlt1 IlIO n. Tbo boll knocked the cnp trom DII- Rmall trllo t in 'W uyne town Hhip, $L WINTER BRINGS COLDS TO !Semlnar,v, ?resld\!llt w . O. Thomp Longdista'nee,No, 14; Home phone tclO 88 ed his tnce, 08 he rell ectell I'Ill1t The ltI en uC )'url<c's And Beg/ls' dm- vld's beod. AD Inch to the right ana 14·2r, A ohild rllrely goe3 tbrough Mle so n Ohio !>tate UDlverslty; ADne Mny ' Gnmmin to Bernloe O. lh' nnd his little nrmy, un co ut h. pro- goons Iwgl\lI to 'chlll!r ns the tour men be would have taileD, his skull ahat- Thornpson, lot in Mu~on, $1 whole winter wUhon. 11 oold, lind M, 'EVIIDII, U 8 Depar~ment of Ag. ---c Olle, greedy t or mnt rlol thiugs. sor- laid tll!!l r Ull onsl'lullK IlIIrd!!n dOl\'I} In tared; , bllt he bnd beot his heud at rlouhure ; Dr, F. G . Boudreau. stot\! Muy E , Smith et ILl to Hllmb Hioh every mothor should btlve n reHable bonrd of he"ltl.l; aDd 6 Dumber of did 'lie a.ll bumUlIlty. wns tbe t\nmlng sntetl', anti Ule 1'~ lIltUll t yells sprend the very moment when the hIdden remedy h"ndy, Fev r, Bore throat, word of the prc,gres8 of humonl ty- like fire from 11<1 If) ('lItl 'or the little mnrkBmeD's floier pressed the trigger. lot in Harveys burg, $000. tight ohell' and oroupy oougbs are otber rurnlliteo wrkere, Samuel J . SlUlth to Max Ko hlhn. Burellymv,ome. A dOle of Dr, Bell', Idrivlng out tile old order, substl~utlng 1,lntenu: tor Dll vl ·~s hlld bC!ml.l;t rucl( He WillS IIU alone; only hie own !the new. ot the ,.ery 0I01111'nt \\'hell the nttnck 8peed and qulcknes8 ot resource sav~d 8eo, lot In Lob'lnon , $1. Pine 'rl~r Honey Will, looseD the . The 80ng of Elkskotnwn, the Pmi'll- or the lavngefl h8l1 cellscd. ond trom him. Kizz;e 'F~II:r,rnth t o, flTv ... 1 T . SpIt. pb leg~ lliovtl tbe oonge8ted 1 '10~S, .Few Norwegians Can Swim. let, the Lood Voi ce, WOllt 'o n. The group to groUI' of pOII'dpr'grllllccl nnd With a bound be renched the bonk ler. 144 noros ln Hamilton township, lC.od stop tbe oou~b. It! anl1septlo Tt Is R (·urlou s ru et, illly!l th(' I,nn' twhlte men henrd It nnd were Iruuhl ml. blootJijtnlnetl , rlll ctl1f'tl tun ille shouts at the etrenm, leaped down benenth $l. pine blllsilms h al and I soothe. for eet. COlIs ldorlll1; the f!eogl'llphy of Ih& Director. /The red men henr~l It nllcl grew dru uk at victory, Its friendly abelter, ODd ran on noiseS. M, Hlld o n e t. u l to D ehner oroup, wh ooping oough aud obronl,O cOlllltry. fhnt the propol't1on of Nor:witb audoclty. "Tho bullets ot tho Tbe sky butl 6CI1 rcl'l r ligh tened , The ' less 1Il0e oslns uloDg till! IIbeJ\'1ng Bolnolll, 101 III I:Ughlalld P, ~rk , $:100. hronchiul t,rou1>les try Dr, Belill Ohio wcgltlus w!Jo clln SWI IlI I,. ~lIIu li. the Waynesville (White mllll shnll fnll nt }'Oll f f eet. Ill y trees stili drlVlled wllb ru lli, They I Igc, bflCk toward the quarter from R. M. Bullllon tlt a\ to Mllry n. Pine Tllr E1oue..,. At 1111 DrugGIsts number or ,1(,lIl hs In NIJrwny rrom .children, 1I1lt1 thi'lr lIow(\er sbull be bnd bee n fighting !C68 t~mD four hours; which Hle SllOt bnd come; It be wer. e BalnuDl, lot III Blgb,l c,nd I'luk South ;i,io, drownlllg helng ubout GOO n yell I', Only IIAIld J" How coulil I hey bo hurUiecl? nnd tlle bnllied J. roph'>I, 1Iis Inco lltn- pur~ued, It would be , better to let ille Lebanon, $2:10, ----ET'rffl£ ll_ obout 12 pur cent of ull tll U Rchool AgolD their wild nttllck cOJIIOlcll(:cd; tiona tU,tIIe, hi >! power "Imltered. "'liS cl1CIse 111lSS hllU than , to try to on to Children hetwlJ,ell the lIg-e of Iwelve AulD Equipment ·tbey lert the shelter ot treeR ODd flyJng tIlrough ,the 11" ),,<1,,. A hundrl'Cl , dls llln ce the lildion runoers. At lost Marriage L1censcli nDiI Ilfteen hi1V\! Icn rn ed to s\\'ll1I, Nor· Hor!lC«Drawn Equipment How to Treat. Cut. Ihe slender IIlle of his brllvcs In y UI""1 the sOlll1cn he stopped ood Inch by Inch crowled Artbur L. R oblnsoo, or PleosllD\ itallen log and \veglrm sollors SIIY 1111 ex t ...!lttll cold· Wh en )'ou II II"C) fI cut, n scrntcb. a ·ithat beld the right finnk. Horrlson field; the rest hrlll tnch-tluwlIY like Iho up to the tClP ot tbe bonk until lie Plliln, ucd MllrJ orle E .. Stnrkey, o f ne s of the \\'Ilterll thnt Illvc their brul ~e or lillY alii r kind ot Injury. ml8t thot drltted thr,o ugh the torl'st, I oul11 11ft lils heltcl with ,Intlnlt!! cnu· Butlerville ; 'Villie F rl'lDont, _lIooted orders to blJl nlds: ahores fiC('o lllll~ (,)J" Ihl s, TJIlLEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT "Send Rohb's cOlllpnny here f or reAll dllY the men rested. curlug for t l'm nnd , lleer through the, tufts of of G~lll.polis, Clnd Jj'r&DOOIl Genevieve rllllnt It with Iodine. As sooo liS In· eDtorcement I Tell Mujor F loyd 1'0 ·the "'\lutldell. buryl"g lhe r1PlId. n·pllir. \\,,.ctl~. No slluod broke ' tJ}e stll\n e~s. WaBs, of South Leb~no'.l; Cbarles JUrt'd. clip 0 toothJllclc with COttOIl plnce rrescott's eompnlll: '10 n ohll'S Ing their rifles. All dny DllvlCJIs h,y I l,'or nn eternity of time he lay, clutch- Ii. GI bb~ , of Nnw Ullst-ie, Ind., aDa rull ed on the cnd lit It In Ule lodlne, position. , S~nd Suoll ing to the oor h· b ueath Ihe Ir,'e wlll'l"e they I",d l ing hIs rlfie III rl'ndlness; but tile only Ruth Miriam MouDt" ot Morrow; nutl paint (lvel' lho wUllml wltllOllt Tailor Blrd'lS Neat. ,west angle, Cook nnd Ro en b.:.rel 'rell p1nc d him, bl s life s lowly ebhlng oul; 8pund \\'118 the querulous colllng of the Osoar 1,. Daughtery and Cleo AileD, wushlng. Til!) 10dltH! will kill rill the The tullol' bird of !rulln, u tiny yel· 'Colonel Decker to sefid WJlsou's com· nnd When n,t lus t hi s 'yes do~e~l, th p.v IIW .. woodpecker. hlgb overhend. He uf Mor:row i . Fred Phlllp8 t)tarke, germs In tho tll rt thnt sets., Into th~ pany to th e oorthll' at ongle, Oolonel burled hint by tho 81,1(1 or 'lholl1ll8 Wllltcd ' . . • wCLlted • • • waIted. Rod I\dtl fllllle Osborn, of Lebanon; WbUlU.I, while wu~hlll!: only drIves the low crcntUf'C, lIIukcs R most curlouR Da'rtholomew to seod ScoU's compuny . nnodolpb, the his trll'nt!, Fltty ' ynrds nWIIY a twill' snnppcd Albert P, Kraus". of Uinolnnati, aDd geruJ" furl her Iuto the fl es h. When , nest. To .cscnpe snllkcs mill ItI Oflk eYR "'lth. Wilson's J" ' The bnttle was won; ont!. nltholl!!h und er a slow·nlovlng ,toot. Dnvld, Elialibath BO..fl'ma 0 , of Leba!loD;, plllfltetl with tho Incline. IVrnp the In. bird hIkes II d entl leur, III'~ up The night WOR slowly g\\'lnl' pillce th Y did oot kuow It tJl l'n. this hlltlt!' l scnrCely brcllthcd. A bend roso nho"s Seymour Tibba lH aDd Mary Carle,t on jured /lUl't In It cll!lIn cloth {'o r n cqu., Into n tre e.. ',lf1d 11'1)11 , n tiber fl)r It Oraduate of Oblo Sial. Ul!lverll/l' tbl'end noil Itl! bill (01' II 11 ' di e, HelVlI (q the /lI'II1 dnwli. A !ulnt light !ltole ,ful ot meo hud aoved to till! nntlon nu 1 a flJllen glunt of the ' forest, atid n Eldridge, of l!'rn ukIlD; Lester Fry, 'p ie of lIIlYS. the leaf to It green one hunglng f"OIl\ aradually tllrollgh tile "'ripping empIre. Men t11 r e w th cmsch' cs on the crouching sbfldow tIItted trom tree to of ErankHn, and Flore Doe A, ROil. tile tt(le, nn opelllqg to Ihe n lit UlliN Office at residence in It'. B, Sher llrancllea. Dovld CQ uid sea llOW yel- ' b'l"ouud, the dreudflll t ensloll reln.lWu; tr~e, oenrer, 'nmirer , • • Dnvld Dllgle, of Springboro; L~r~~ U. SaD. tormed bolng lett lit tile top. ~1'h lJ wood'B hOUl!e, Fourth Street. low the tacos o~ tbe wounded looked YOllng Joho 'l'lptoll scrowled b Itl s. rnlsed hi!! rifle ever 80 little • . • del' I\nd Je!l8ie Pea.rl Longl\ore, of tn tJie brellk of doy. BO'en. he Journal; but Dovid could not He tho tace ot tbe dread bunter. Frank, liD. ' ;Baby" Flltlron More Thl\n a Toy, lcnt, IIl'Ililrently tllll1glng from u twig, T~lephone 28 , ' IJep.rlng with ,q uick motions ' ot the A "bliby" OllUron we ighing: exnctly 'woultl never be lullen for n n ~t. Imew, WH' wounded morrolly, Barthol. rest. OUI' .iurt. ' rn tJlG olght thllt 10llow d be \I',rest- head from s ldc to sIde, wntcll1nl 88 0110 J)otlud not ooly provides tile "l\ltIe Way.nesville. ~ ho nell.r ed -the cElnte,r ot the etl In ugony with bJs t n~ for rroln~tto. the brow"n 'wnter..snake. Nearer hQ ~ - - ; - -~-.IDOUUlrl:J" wlth au Incentive to InulJl~o Ohio ~amp, Rohb's Mounted Rltles~ 70 men, ~t dlH~n they were ~o IItt/lck \Jle cnme; the gllrb wnll \JIII~ ot an ' Indlun. BAD III Industry at an enrly , ogli. but It Is went by blrn wldl a I:u\lh. the gnllop- l ETOJ,bet 8 vlUnge. \V (luld she be the toce 0 wblte mnn's1 David was 1\ useful for light Jlresslng nnd lingerIe, IhntlillnR (\[) the wet tilrl'. found fhen' , Ih'lll~ or dentl? H e could about to cry out " 'Ith r lIe~ wboo the l'boQeI who breakfltllt at elgbt loces nlld ' hllndk ercblers, Thl! Iron Is I B . WiXIOD, Fsrmere MUlti, NY., not "lIut {n ull hrR the picture of glittering eyClS "'ere turned lull toword o'olook or later, 'lnnoh at &welve r ver.y for truv ling, ot hs~ aied Chamber'lalD'8 'l'.-lblets for :: "hut tJrC'lItirU I sig n!! IUI!!ht be round him. ' though they tfliled to pierce tbe aDd ha.v'e diDner "t elx are almost Its IIJ:ht, WPlght ul1cllt8 (:ompuctnCIIS. It yeaI'll for <Ii~order8 ot tbe stomaoh lu lhe r. lll S-1I ,orn robe, II treS8 or !lhaltl!rlng covert. nod with a slc!cen.lng certotn to be troubled wlt,h Indlliea. ope>rlltos ou less thau 180 volts, and Is and liver IDd BIYS, "Oham,berlnln '~ ' Barb~d "" blotlu·stnluccl hnlr. even her body-be borror David - reeognlzed the :(nCG or tion, 'l~hey do no~ I1I10w tIme tor tlQUlllilCd willI' C()Dnector 11lug8 and six Tablet! are the bait 1 have ever With many people _kiDI{ oold I, sbuddered lind 'the col(l sweat Btood Simon G1rty. 't he renegllde I one'meaL! t.o dlges' before t ..klDI aD. teet of IIlnroan cord. Uled. a hablt. but fortuDately ODe tha' III, upon hIs foreheod.· At lost elaw,n enme On the lnetnil.r. Davlellltted hie rtfle other. NQ' Ie.. than five hours ------'.~~ GUARANTEED to heal ...u, broken . Take .. 0014 SpODge and the men were OllCe more ~ ..... tlrad tnU at the crouchln. fllUlre. Ibou ld elapse between meals, 1f Ihg n blemish, or JrlONEY RI~(rm)Ei[), moroi'll when you Ont leUbed. Oon'hiued 011 pap • • you ue tronbled wUh IDdlleaUon Gratitude. ..' oa,oI bed-no' loe oold, but. oorreot !your habIts aDd take Cha~: 600 nnd80re '1.00 sizes Co'r8lr.~~~~~::~~~r::a old BOt'C8, backs and temPllahte of _.boDt 80· r ., Aillo CHAPTER XV. ---- • berlaln's T"bliltll, aDd yoo . m.y r "It love· fllveth thee not , nil thllD and bruises. 2Iio Bile Forget It, Anyway. _ ... .,our wI "dow Dp 0 .ftDabl" bo.... for. , q .. IQt. reuoyery, ~~:!:;;~I~ n;;K When you have forgotten bow wille crnvest, thllnk hIm tor whnt he (\oth ... ..' On Wildcat C ....k. N.ture'. Aldl to ... uty. ~ J .. " &h &_ <I 7011 wl\l leldOlq .. b cold. Tb The tarmer'lS "'Ite IUld daulh_ These Mble's s.eD,sbea • II Ih"m. lUll! useful 1100 &ood you are, there ..vo: remembering tbnt the le08t of do aile oold lalre Cham· TolDette wu 4JeacL e D~ came soh aDd enable" to perform UI faao1IIa' lItis JI lII\eb 88 thou eouldst not aem.d1 aad pl to Davtcl and lett 111m wtthout hope keep th,elr red cheek. and dim plea aDd 11 • ObtAlDable' ."u,. IDII7 be lIOme IDcenUn tor othe11 to IlOIHIII wltbout him, badet thou all the DlUe the d1leote&7.-Arbuu Dc!mo wal&h and all tbu wllllom ot the "~===::"Ibl.. (1b- w &SID 01' wtab tor life. One tile a,oIe1 wrinkles bl Cla!l'C1IIna 1Il..... : . .t. .. ' . .... • ...... . . . .In taI4 ............ 0,. 1Ilr. 19 n.

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over a million homes they know






Saxon Six Livery








and Embalmer, Waynesville.

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Dr. J. A. McCoy,


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B.RfA' U. ;


As Written

CR AN I~, Ed ito r and l' ubJisher

WlW N ESr'lAY,



·Our 'Corps of


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Able Correspondents In the




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)l1csvlll c ) Ohio


Mr, aud Mrs, W 'uHe r Hi l ver s I\ t.

d 'i d . 1 h " I !tg,' !1I .1 1 W. B. O ' NI~ 11, M r~ . W. IJ:. 110' t' l'If'" (l tJ U t e nll e d th fuoorll l o r Btrll llJ BOt-Oil, Be),lu J o r tlll ll i T' Dt 1'11111' tl ay "," h gao, LelAh. R~ l e)!(b linn EV ll n Bog'IO I .. . lldl.'fullilli llC, Oh io,- " r ",\eh CI'Cry o f OllAr BIBnobos l tlr, wh o wut! R h ~1r Mr·" ~.,"I, H,IC h III fl :rv"l :"h llrl: l ook dloner Hund 'l! wll b Mrs .. E Vl> ~I :1 rtl • t,' I S 'IFi 1lllllllllllUlllfllunnllllUIU!lIl1nUUUlIunlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllll II" tm'd, W.,. li< , lt~ n·O U 8 W lJInllU cOllld IoIlV " bYol h ~ r o f Mr Btl V on! il'{lr !!~ vo rt\ 1 ~ b t: JI~ ~: II) ~ ~ I :v1ttll lll l D h li d (0111 1 V RJl l tl1r W U,rl'l' lolt tit. L e ll!Lllno , "illul, for I Ih' \'(-r 61'1' lIl Iln y m o ney in YOllrs M r B,lI o" 'ViiS lloPfTiutoudeut, Su,"hy ",IIh Mr. il url MI:d. U . Mr . And ;Vlr~ W ~ l te r W,I"on, AIr. I. PII Ill." tifu ihllt di d Ill. 80 much good as IIf tbt'\ . 'o ootv In fir mary , ' Belnil a Tru e Cbronlcle of Dnvls, Alld MrR . H.!\.ym ood W il ROII HI) II ". Y Ihot J SIl£'lIt for "inol. I wn~ wellk, Cert"Iu Pn ,"'''l!e~ B e twe e o t ire,I, worn ouL nlll! u 'rYOll A, nud Vinal I'I1rf\ Hilda R ells o n r e t.uyn e ll b rnne \ 111. ;t III r Mr onel Mr~. ,J obn I:1 e>ighwtly lire Mi a 08 Olive lIuc1 Mu r y Cul h ,' ill !' DAVID tARR ENCE aDd ]nlld. Inc Htnlllg, \\'1' 11 fl n.1 viuorou8 af... r ~ ulld l' ,V flftf'rllllVOra l J! 1~YB' vi'~lt wllh l'l s ltill lJ tb elr br th ,e r, 'I'll os , .James Wllaon we re u ndllY g ll ~ H t M III Z i lll i) 11 e l'crylloln f( £'I . e hnd {,til"d t v hell' Ill., hllr dnul:htnr. Mr/!. E 'lrl I:l llo ke tL, of n OllY VVIl,Vn A; vlll e. , I" f , ANTO IN t:T TEl O ' BANNON r l Holnell, ,J \' ,( find I call liD\\" do m y hous ·work with n II r W" y ucsvill o. n'lPOoI of tbe 8nllie of ,Tlppec'.. noe J' . \.,'\ \ .1' 1\ ." Mr , tmd Mr, Sam llel Wi1.·on l ook Mr, BArt 1J Itnn !lOU MrA. l )h n ull )It.n~ur(,, "-j\h· A • •T'"F, L IlJlOH~ . R e v W,ilk er fillet!. tile Puillit h oro In the Indlnna WJld., rn •••• IlIlIer with I'l " rry ti n " killS ~ nn d 1\', " o y BnnllAJI s pent ' uu clny WIt h til If j I:!unru fl ft· · ' lIIu l (or 0.11 weak, " d , , 11'11 K ;l. "h'~ ~. T \' l' a .. d of 'Wh ... Oe rell There. J'un .duwB, U~r\'UUl'. tldJi Jitu tcd CtJD- . . nil tty pHrellt.s Ci eo. B Og flO and wlte. Auut E~t l>r r C",np lo n ote r l Hi u!'oI, I' " 1 I lito I 111\ II , :-. "\ , dltion., I W o hav e ~ov o FIII In ~bl!l vloinlty after •• 01. Corydon Dud There wilt be prellohl nj.{ at Beecb l't. p:; ,I o n os Itnt! f,"u dly ' u n,J" .,. . i, I who ~r ~ 810 k with Ille ll~ !e " " 1.1I1d Grove ~uudf\y 1l1OrDli u lf und evenin g Now Firat Set Forth . Va)' ,'.ville, 0, MrR. B tlry Cril l.,. h UB UP II on III J • E, Janney, Drllll:J.: ist, WaYlI svillc. orr l.J s lind a few other troobl es by Rev. '3ell . slok II Bt t h e JlA~ t WOOII. "' lI1P" !31\(,hfi,nl" '\1 ("11. 1 ' r. 1" 'l" 1n e very VICini ~y thore are busy Miss" lola .J ;}Yda[1 spen$ two days MI~H Ed,v t h LtdI'd , o f U". m rlen. b,I) l l l .. lll{· 11'1 rj' " lle1i i . I! 1l00 1>\O Bnd AonHI aro more thn n o r lost w ee ~ with Mis!' May H lI.!Ill n Oh 0, hllN r ebuf nfld h OUl a n Itor " {' I.,...S:=1p:I • «; 'J • . ' t t'. \ Jt ~ ,f .,.. P11' I" 11 lJusy . In thle ol ty Mr, Ifl'anJr H1I 1· By S.4.MUEL McCOY nea r I::IlolroryvHle. plonllllllt visi t witll tr lo 'r! un u. 01· :-.; Y, dtl ke r is the m oat bosy UlaD we 1l1 •••qUOD . b,. b . AJh,. V.leDtl •• UnthOfr,)( ,1 ll, J, .... r. F)un lilt Messre, Ueo. D81vlll and Erocat atil'ea b e re. 110 ve and bow ho e oj"Y8 It. ti ~ fult Ma nnon oalled on C bIlS. 1£\118 SUD. MI' lind Mrs, 1I11rry Lytic h ilI'!' (\ Iln thllt h 6 mURt be bUB Y, of energy IIDRIlDUDlDI1lJ1l1l1l1l1l1ll11l1nlllllllllllllllllllUlUUlnHn .Ja fll l' i-I A . U tr li,,'.j, I \ l l:'.'~,h _,1 movod to t h eir bomo wh lo h tho v (OoPlrlllb" 1II1ti, 'l'bu Ilu ~b. Morri ll 00",_> w o rkMsurlY' ond late. whloh worrl e~ day afternoon . r c ont- Iy trom Lu c l ~ ll ( J 111 \ ~ev e fftl from ~bls comm unit y purohnt<e d l~i·tJl" lH l' LY 'S lipS " IUK.U u,~ " ,ur 01 Dora I:;towp. o f Leba no n, spent 1" 8 beUel'lltllf , ILLE R . DR • .J. WIJ llont!, I' h "~ 1\111 111', ,\I h,\ o\' ~ , . MlLo y of our p. o VI ~ RUe nded tbe were oalled t o Lllbilinon M ondl\Y on till IlIe ,,,'11II ,'ll IIl1lnlll l; II£' 9 Iflr;g4'1·.'d t,ho week.ont! with ho mo fo lks, B I·Pj"I ' IHI 11,II' rl 1"'. I lIlJl;lllup "'1, , 8000un~ or tho Manllo n.(Jate8 trlHJ. Mt'. !lnd Mrs. ]!"I\nk Stllnley v is · bllck \\' llh the IIlIJlllc t of llio s hot, but 11 ,I . ' Mr. and Mr I ,I. 'r. Tl\vlor aud Ifllrrnel"s IosUtuttlat O re/lOUiR M o u ... [)'" !'1ST, •. Everyonll Ie tho Ure. Ited th eir lion Ro berl'a ot Wllm l ',g. , I\1 r. and MrR. Willi-fir 'l'livior wore dllY, Wl lIIII ,,) ~ltIK I'I"'" I '''·It,lIl . (" I' '. tOD ono day,lRst w.ek , gonia Fr1rmer'lI 1nult,nte. Mr. aDd Mra, Fraok L , d"rrla Ilnd Gem oity vI M ltor~, TUPRdllY \.~ r O\·t]or "hn,"'\1l I I. P' lHr,d 't o U, T. BI\f n er hll8 Ro lt! hiM fll fm ~, \ ne~v lIIe. 0 J. Mr, II.UI) Mr14, WulreT RpllJ(o Ilftt e r Ron. Harold. Plnd Mrl' . Ida Howe .. "ro to Mr. Bt,o wsnider , of lit. H olly, ah o llplug lu the G em Uity FrldllV. ta lood!lt ' uDdnv d lan e r th e '0110\\'. o Comp~on and flun ilv ncrl Mr, and Mra, Morris S h e l'wQod. of ing gUOi'ts: Mr, uud M r H. J Hm l'fI STIFF, SORE MUS6lES RELIEVED Mr.B orllo Go t 9 r C;1I. ~ [elu", it, E ,l ones \Spent Now Y ellr8 III RangA aod duullb ter lind Mr I\nd WilY nee ville, were !:lundey R u eMt~ I t I \ II wll' A lin d '" 1"1111 UflilDPBd m osol ees or so r e nea8 f ol. Ali c e WaHons. of Mr, and Mrs. A. B Anso D, Mr". (Jeolge Tlltt. kl' 11 t h,' udtl ol ttt ." I. 1~" r td,UIH:;:'" owi ng II ould o r 08se o f ,rlppe Ar c MT. W. E, Boglln f\ud MlIrlnllu ~ V. A ,'H APT , "r, and Mrs BlLrley An ~ on , of. ell sed oDd r elloved by &n " IJplloatlon Miss Ruth lIill pr , of Davton. iEl i 11 ,It!' I lid ur Bogan btl. ve r et urn ed h o m o frOD] ''1 hl'l" Ja n It p it visiting Mr. lind Mrs J" 1lI68 Wl!ld. T iffin, are among reilltivel 10 t bls of 10lln '" Llnlmeot . 0088 not s t'lLln Gli b " whoro t hey hll ve ol osbd fl1\"'S TlU "" \' \\H l t1 .. ,:" " .11, 1f til 1 1J'lt.. Not'tr,Y Publ ic vloi oUy. ' UOI. b't, tbe s ki n or olo~ tho uorea like mussy Il two weak's revlvlll ruStltlUIl' Mr, Benj amin H llwke tra n9ILoted ol u t meut8 or pIIlBtel·t\ and pen lltlatell Mrll. aertbll Whltllnlrtlr, of O"y. MI8S Ethel Coml"ton s pon t 0 f tl w \It hi" " of • T lhl',\' W nrk Will. t on , 1M vl~Ulug Mr8 Iflln M h Uellftb bl1~ lDe~8 In OilY ton 8 "turday. qnlckly wltb o ut rnb blng Llmbor III1Ys wltb HOrtloe U o mJ>t o ll ~ I.M t ~ ] ! ()P"'! t' ~lIe(llal t'V. 'bls weak , Mr Fred E. t:!be rwoo<1, 'Who wa H 1Ip ,Vou r U1n8ol ClS l\fter AxorcI86, drl ve wook , Will B o rm o ll. of OILY tou . spent, Ih e le8dln~ Fire lusuranoe tlgent c. f oat tbe p a lu ~ "nel ach es of rhe uma. - -....- - -Wayneeville for HlIve r,,) yellor~, h ilS tism, ne uralgln, lumba,o, atrains, t:lundRY wHh b ome t o lkll. spraio!l and hrul @~B w itb Sloan's I will " Ir"r ot 1·'lh~ .. · ...;, III " IlIr Mias 6nttery "pent th o PAs t week dcoeptAd a p OlIlMon with ~ ' oonooro IIHJolnmbus and be~un hi s 8 Llnim e u t:. He t a bottle t o.dbY, At LINGERING COUGHS ARE 'DANGEROUS r -lll~lJI'll ' m Ill e G il , ...:, """"r· It.. h with ber parente at Morro w , II I Il'er r . f tHl r 11 "4 Jl Irl l \ • .\'o':;t t MOllday morolng H Il hllll OU r tey't 011 Druggis t " . 26c it, TfI.AWAy Mrs George t:lollofs I'ntertllined wlshe!. \:i e trlel of thll t liokllo g oou gh thllt I ' !l YIl 6 nll o o n tli ll [J'll'lm :1>, 01 -' 'be ulelI\b e r ~ of t he 811n l'lirle l Clu b k eepl\ yo o II-wl\ ke lit olllbt aocl drllin s W 1 1Il ltlJ.; t n \III I) 'l1\ Several fr om bere wers 8ubpoe. al bor bome on East tltree t Slitordo v '" ,<viii"· .. J","lll n J/: DeoU" yo ol'vl ta lit,y lind ,e nergy. D r K in g 's Tuesda y, Jall ll ;l r\, 2,1, 1111 11 afternoon, . 13000 to' appellor before the JU8tloe New OIRoovtJry IH I. pl ens ll nt ba! lIum , 'I \"" I I L{"'lil ill,ll(. Main SG t..;ourt Monllay . rem ed y, antl@ eptlo, I nJtI\~ivo "nd ', Bl'!glllrll ng " t 1(1'" It l,.I 1I ... r ,1 '\'" WI' a~d Mrs. R"y C ro88 aod Ilaollll Seth Cook. the Quaker Coal Ml'r. 'p romptly effoottve 1tsooth ~8 the p r(I I" r t,,;, tl). \\ .I : ' ''1\.'(' 1(·",1,,1 tar were rooont gae:4tA of Lab"n ilD ohant, ot Corwin, 'I\.a In oar olty Irrltatad m e mbrllne Bnd kilt" tb e ! L-t lr e~. ,I 'o t Ie, 1(1 1J"g~ . V(\hllllt~P,; reilltives. las. 1'huraday d ollvel'lng to bls oold germs . your oougb Is iii un, reo I llIplpmQ1ll M , 1III1' and M1'8. Pllut Obmart, o r many Ou"lomol'(I, a fine cillendar lI ev\:!d . Del y Is dangllro ue- ge~ Dr, I ~~ 1 b Ig lJjJl for 1:?'.fIl ': Bprl,n g8eld, are viSiting the I.Uer 'lI whloh I. a beauty , lie bellev •• In KIlIs'aNew Disoovery Ilt onCtl .fur , . II ~" II'\: 1.<lT O)' pal'enY bere. buylog the tt8ll1 ot everylblng. even nearly fi rty yea rll II bas been t,be \ A, I N etl . ~U I' t. Mra, Henry Deltrth IIllent !:'I"lor. coal, If an aotomoblle Ie u ••~ only 00. .fILvor"e r e medy tor grippe, ~rou p, I ,I. p , .M o lll n , 1' lpII{ day It Mlaml8burg tbe guest 01 Mrs The Ladlea Aid Soolety mea~ oa810nal1y durlog 'be 'WInter, the ooughs and oo ids Got Ii b l)t.t le t,o· A. J . Lue •. ,T bnrlday at tbe home ,of Mr8. wbeell IIhOIlJd b~ 8upported by day at your Orug~l ljt, 500. Mr, lind 'ofrfl, ClareLoll Uroeley ~'rank L Baula, jaoke and tbe Urea Ibonld be par_ __ _ _ Th ey Crashed Together and 8pllnteNd bave reluroed home after a visit The man7 frlendl of our blgbly tlally defi4tad, cd Ads WIth. 8hock. wHh relatives a~ LebaDon ea!.emed OIUUIl, Lev,. Jessup, will The tire. .bould be kept trom Precious Balm of Gilead, ... . ......... .. ....... . _ __ ._ '['I. ,1i, 11>-!:' sill ,:1,\ \,. dl'''llWrlIl1l8nnn MI' aDd Mrs. Augu,~u8 1.Iok, of regret hearing of hit a~rlons Illn!'M ,reale and mol. tare •• gr...e III Among t be IlncJcnt J \\'s. s o In(lI s· • ~q lh .. li,', t 11 1111 Inf,.l lilt t'n ~~~ ot t il h e dId not fall nor yet cnd be 11ft hli Detroit, were vi s i ting trisudB hero Be Ind hie estimable wife leU he re Injurl01lll to tbe rubber and mol.tnre pcnsohle \\'cr' 8CPlltH u()IlsIII,' r c!l for FOR Il l': ' T IIP1l'm', \'It. 'n t hi is ,1011 0 f\ wc.'1pon to hie shoulder. and Oa,ld 'be fint of tbo weak . Nonmber 7tb , for Norwood to to ihe fabrlo. , luf.1",,(lw."ofl 'h lll]l"·I IHin·s C?llc,Chol. BIlW lbot hIs s hot bod struck onl,. tbe ~ r. lind Mrp. W . V Crew and IIpend I18veral weekI with their If tbe oar ie laid 1Ilp tor tbe win. t ll' hrlillli lOlIet lhlll on ~ IWll lf1 1t of .'m :11 .. 1 lJ.1I1rrhn"1l ltpUlPlI , \TI II e ll'e t (" locll 'ot Glrty'S riM, renderlnl It ua& dllou;blere. of Dayton. r eoeDtly v·i ~ ilaughter, Mrs, ChB •. Buntler, and tel', 'bfl "reI sboold be removed tht' IJrlcJnl (lOW I'Y WII S S' t IIpU I·t fol' goq ll 1 1.llor e f u r m wHh g oor1 . '·nY.... Tina I" nJ"I~)' l'all a lways be P' Cute In tbe rubbell' Ihould be r e: their, Th fumous hullll o( l eRS but leB I'1 ng the mao unharmed. " ed the laller's parentI', 1III1'. and wall 'taken elok 100D lifter , jll,m lf" \ I1I'on " W'n III I hI' lIlost severe !tn' I pilired 10 order tba' 1II0ietore m~)' (;.lI r nd \\'IlS di sti lled ( 1'0111 II h\l s h will el\ I blll !,h ugs ; (otl r III)rClS In grow' j ,111111(1.1'00. "n'IL S, n nd ~ h nllld 110 kept lit W ith 11 be llow of rage, G1rty bounoled Un, W. B, 8 I e~f ri fld . The lIewly eleo~ om.oer~ 'or~e 00& eoter. tbe fa b rIO, 'l'be 'iTe fo rm erly CO" red Ihe mOll ll t1l1n,' of In ,.! nlfrd f u. F o r 10 o rmation In . II>Llul r ,,,,lv f ill' imtllut liRE'. N ever IOllve t oward him, Iwlortol the broken "I "'I' l S I h ,~ ~opon li ke a dub. There wall no time ... B8 '" I II. I le i b ~b"e ~r as re enllDlng term Of 'he K. 01 P. 1.0 ge .hottld .be 'Wrlpped In paper or bur G\l und, but hus of late I,ecolll o ~o q ul ro' II f .Jnffil'lS 'I'llomall, F e rry, 1 ("mIl' oll;i jounw' witbQut it . were duly InlJtalled Thnrllday 111 U to relood, 00\'1<1 lenped to tbe top at' tur:1 ed fr om ,a wee k vlsU with her j 2.1 lap '0 1l ..",1 thew al3 dry es pOssible ti('urea th at only th e s ulton CIlIl bu Slip· ' () h Itl, tho bank nRd braced blmse1.t 'tor the parentI! at W cp t MIddletown MaRonlo LodlJo No, 312 ill do og aDd to pl'o'eot ei)em from luollght pli ed. ::::e:s work. I:!everal younl meo are t IE They IIhODld be 'J:r!/WOd ID a dry onact. As tbo clubbed rltle ot the out. •- • . log ~he dell:rees la.v rose nbOl'o hIs head, David aWllq room with the temperature r :tlti lll '! 1\10 BY LOA ED • --between 4Q .od 66 derreell. • hi s ow n upwnrd 10 meet It. The,. Wampum Beads. ~-. .. CONSTIPATIO NMAKES YOU DULL Inner tubes shoald bll remo ved erJIf'h('d t OI:E'1hC'r lind splintered 'With Wnm ()lIm h cud, IIl11d .· [1'0111 n . , 1\' II I and be either defla tetl or roll ed That dr"~jI;;I'. li ~ t' l tlsp, oppl'e&afd .. slu k. nnd In tho slime second , fling· rJ ety ot ,1I1l'''I'..m ,mklltll l·4'H. !Jot M ONEl: L(l A NE Il I1 liv e stno 'r CHAMBERLAIN'S COUGH REMEDY MOST loosely wltb a IIlIglll' air presllure ,'u TH £ eRE! TI!ST In g Iho hrol; u Rlock aWII)'. t he mi ght,. feeling gene nlly results from oon. . obutl('l~ tlOll Ilc ' lIld m o rtg ng . ! ' I ~ft In them. Tbtl t ubel should tile o lle Olllt \\'n ~ II SI',I III th e 'ii ~l.Ilt I!Ht EFFECTUAl ' orlllS r Simon· (l lrty fiung the msclve. sllpatioD. The intestines lire cloggBd lIulll l!urs wus lilt, ()I' \l I Il Il I'Y hili'll C Il11l! ;jtes ~'llIl~lt' t. I:~~ \ I-t:,~O Cl ;I:~Jor . , i tben be given tbe alame care al tbo and t,h e hl ood b ecom es pol ' ODed. arollnd Dn I'lel. "I bave taken a II:relt mnny bot. &irell or qunhog, whleh 'ls fnllud fl'fl lII IIPO ·P. o ~ III ng,. l' I , I N "OU:: WORL D With Ult) s trengtl, of desperation. Relie ve Lhill condlllolJ at ('nCB With Uea of Chamberlllin 's Cough R em. Cut! to Flo rl.ln. . lto/;p r WIIlI UII18, --,-------,:=--= Dr. Ktn~'s New Life Pills. thi H .-UllIlSlfED 4,00 PER YI!AA Dn " I II strove to Op(lQ8C ilic terrlblto edy and every time It blls oured mG . w I'ltl ng of tI\l' .'II>i1 'I'll Jlld I Il U~ , !Ill It os . gentlo, n on.guili ng laxatIve III qulok. 8111(,I\>ll. Buck Ilud fo rth over till' I bave fODnd H mOilt elJ"otulIl for !hut (hlly " HLnP till ~ h cll,; III ~Illllln I' The Hymeneal Knot. trlJ7.[, n grlll. S t he two Ulen tOllght IIko Iy I'fftl O~1 v . A dOSCl at b edtime wIll haokln" oough and for ooIds. Aft.!lr mahe ;von teel brighter In the morn. Tbe trouble wit h UIO, h yml;u4'111 kllot 1I1(II1nst wint er, whel'euf lh ~y lUu k' h cu~t8. h" II\'I Ilg, struggll ng, stumbling plllting It 8 oougb alw8Ys dtftllP, Ihclr luoue y." over \"oots, locked ' lu on embrnco tis Ing G e t a bottle at your yeorl." writeil J . R. Moorl'. ,Lost 19 lhllt It IR ortt~ n tlell 100 tlghll )'. MlIlIY I .. \ t;G of 'l Ot\",,~, ('1\ t,IIgC',1I f ilii. Oroggist, 21io. l hllsbllnd r eml uds one o f n J (I neck In d en t!ly liS UlIlt of the cougnr. But It VlIlIey, G •. 'OhtlllnD bleevory where. tl l "' * I' Unr.-Smart Set. • h\l ll'l ir,!(~ I'f'tlr Hf)tl 0 1\1e. Ln coulll not hllll long . Olwld t elt bls I1l1lr" 01 l'h '!Jl(l~ ')lIlll!'~ . R ,)ul ~ ,J ---strength cbhl ll g undor the te rrlne Geniu s, 1\ "ynl· • .,.:lI', ( 1111 .. , 8t mlll IIUll Ill s IJl'elllh grew sllort nnd Ito\\' cn~y I t I ~ I" hI' II 1("11111 4 Ilnlll

:For Tired, Wea~ :Gervoll5 Women

.\hINr1'llll l ri

.... T

















.. -


- --- ----.- --


I.E . It





" >of

- -


.. - ..----





1-..-.- --




---- - ...--,---

gn splng. whl'n !llllld nl); the earth gn\'c ,

Wo rd In .Season. \I'RY hc ncllth t il Ir t ct nnd wi th nlo st " 1 il enrtl ~11'. S III,h ul,s Sljtm l; lll~ mos t c1 'Slllllrlng elr<li' t DII\'ld twls teel bti,,- bcul\t lf\lll~' 01' h l ~ wlf LO U110lhtJ l' ludy Ir n bol'C li S Ul C1Y tOIlPli!cl over t ho low Llull', onll the fi llh t WIlS ovet'. Glrty, taillug und e rne lllh , hllll struck his bend UpOII 0 s tone; Dud bls arms relaxed tb clr bold. DIl I'ld s tooll UU, nont lnll:'. f.;

• CoDtlne<l


'1'0 be

Ju ~ L II11W. I nI h 'I' lI1I1I511' 01 III II 1111111 III 's.' Il l l~' ," " Not uuelcr

ou till! Ll'lIl li

the Clrl! lI ll1s lul1 ~'·$. COCIk h '

Wilt! e~

'i'hu t wuk II II 'W 'vl'lI ,,!,; OU I: '- 1\ 'hlllJOth

Bunlln), \J i'I'IIIt!.


--:-,~.-~..= TI'O Much Science.





The 'Advertiser ~







~ ~

::. t.I.I




~ W ell:

;:) U) '

g; Qt ~

Will find this column will bring him money if he, will use it for anything be has to sell. You have a surplus on , hand at ' the present time. Feed is scarce and you want to get rid of .tha t cow, horse or pig': or else, You have a surplu,9 amount of farming implemen,t s on hands and and want to sell them. You can do this v~ry easily 'by putting in an ad. telling all about them in




r-< > "CI


:= 2:

n m

. -< o c: n

> z




..............................................:, • •: 1'

·: , '••.

:1 :' · 1

Duting the past year we have' been issuing a seven-column paper to our readers, and in almost every case we hav,e heard nothing uut commendation regarding the change. The Miami Gazette has tried to hold on to the old price of $1.00 per year, but the advanc'e in everything thal goes to protluce the p~ per has ad· vanced to such an extent that it will be impossible to produce it an~ longer a t the old price. We have flattered ourselves that we have issued a paper for the past eight years 'that is sur~ly worU) more money' than we have been getting for it, ' In fact, our subscribers 'by the score, haV4~ told us as much. News print paper, at t,he ·time we t ook hold 'of the Gazette, was selling - at 2Y2c a pound, while at the present time it is quoted at 8Yzc and is hard to get at that price. Book papers, writing papers, envelopes, inks, and, in fact , everything :has doubled ill price during the past two years. While our old subscripers have stood loyally by us, and we do not' like to raise the subscription price, it c~tainlycan be seen that we can h~rdly be expected to 'publish ~t the same old rate. Beginning the first day of February, therefore" the price of the Gazette will be $1.50. New SUbscriptions and Renewals will be ,accepted until t.'ebr.uary 1st at the, old rate of $1.00 per year. If you want to ta~e apvantage of this special otTer, come in at once and get the paper for another year at the alP. price, If you can'n ot com~ in) send lOur 's ubscription, and we will hnmedia~ely mail you a receipt. .


nn c h ns nom' ~" " "' th lll ::'. )o;"' I',l'lo udy Is It l]otc n llrtl 1(" Il I Il~ uII I I! h,· III. [I'led to do s,'"." ,lltlng III thi s \\'01'1'1. Y\,oe bo to hi m \I' hll 11 ,'K sromclhlng. (o r to I". Duu C!'s tooll Is 1\1 b ' fOlln,1 out. I




".Y0rth Whlle Quotation, "Me r e r[tlllll~· 111'\'.' 1' ItllllltJ n man

Illinois j cw.'h·r III. " hullt 'lI clock

lIlllt plays onc OY 11 11)1'0 ~ el "ctlQ nR OR II greot. T hought 1111'I Il ee.\, not llcd1. \1holl og l'llllb nUu cltlllll1ll tit t!Cl!lgolltecl gree, Ilre tile [111 SpU l'ts to c nilurllll tlmel. fnme."-SkobcI011'. '


Mr, 01.111119-"1 $I)l' Ih N'l' Is talk of Romllnt le BIHI"!,;I'''U I'' (lin the hon· IJlundnrdlzlllg 101l \'Cll oC hl" 'IIlI." Mrs, 8)'\110011) - ", 1I1'rlOH~ 11',' hnt! lIe ver Dodds-"I w ondcl' h ow It II; golUl; to, meU" Still -hOlt. I ~ l il1,U ld l"ll'Ilply hnve tu sle wllh th 'lIl d O 'l u l'8 puttlog nny more ot that toot! ~ turr In our tood." lIIurrh:el nllo tll Ol' 11111 11.1' Unfeeling,


Clock With Phonograph. An



want to close u p a partnership 11 We , by J anuary 1, 19 17. 11 • All p ar ties k nowing themselves in i

debt to the f\r m of

.. .





«)., •


Please call and settle not later than December 25, 1916. No account w ill be carried over in-' to 1917 except by parties gjving bankable note. Note to bear interest at until paid.


per cent



__-AL_MEN~!~l :- .p~~~~~~ "~~~

~ngE'~I.~ . l~

i!i5!!5i:JU:1I?=='13 e::::::3'El F . '=='1il'e:::::::al(E'







I. ,I

+=' _











~. ~ I



~m a


~ ~ ~ m. 1':1






No costly car i. more completely equipped than Saxon Roadster That line is worthy of repetition . Read it again-Hoo costly car is more completely equip ped than Saxon Roadster."

Just think of a car at this price in which you Sislply pless a button and your m.otor is running .

SIn point of conv~niences andd beqUipmehnt axon Roadster IS surpnsse y no ot er car at any price.

This new series Saxon Roadster also has larger tires-30- inch by 3·inch tires.




First and foremost YOli fi nd a two.unit starting and lighting system. Today an automobile without a st.a rting and lighting system is ill no sense o f tbe word a modem car.

T be advantage of these bigger t ires is four-fold. ' T hey make make for II. hlghstanding car. give more road dear'Ylce, t all d Ioliger t'Irc grea t cr n'd'III\: com fo r, life for there's more tire s urface ill pro· portion t o car weight.

T he fact tbat it causes so much trouble ap.d JOlt time marks it at once as really unworthy of consideration with Saxon Roadster priced at less than $500.

In addition there are twenty further , features of real appeal. See th is new series Saxon Roadster at g,nce. $495 f. ' o . b. Detroit .


r:'I ~




J. B. CHAPMAN, Agi., Waynesville, Ohio.

===:1 ,1:===:1'1::1

IiII'iiE5511E11'===51' m155551i EI~t5=551n!lr::1


a.I:===:I' ~



., (Ie

H"ving sold' the Fal;m. and being equal owners in Live Stoek and Farm tmplementa we will sell at .Public Sale 0 the Farm known as the Jud gjl MunJel' Farm, located on Wilmington Pike two miles south·west of Beli · .,rook, three miles.eut of Centerville. and one mile south of White's UorD.r ~toP on SprinJ Valley Traction. on

TUESnAY, JA·NUARY 18TH, 1917 Sal. to commence at 10 a. moo Sharp the following' articles to ,wi t;

10 Head Horses and Mules


MI'. and .1 1'.• ( ;Il~ I I .... If (ll'l'i'ollill . sp ell l c ,"'r, 'I, I,:' wt.>t.' !.. at t he h~m ' ,)( .11::1 1;"plt" !11 i:, Hough I Mrtl L wl" nc' Ev II. of III.'. r Spring allIlY. i ~I lid illK u few daY H with hp.1" p1:lr e fll ~ , iltr. und M r~. Jelt , mith.

------20 -H·e ad.of -Stock Hog.



S Short Hom Cows, 4 Jersey CoW8. 2 Grade Short Horn Cow., A· Hol~ .teln Cow. ad Janey H.ifer. Holstein and Jer8ey C(lw, Short Horn Mnd " J<:::wy' ,


Har~~'I~ Feed,


lOe l Oc 10c 13c 25c 10c lOc 40c

"elli' TAN LAC

. ;\l1>aYII to trade at

Humor In History.

~~e-RiUl!l' for Terms

WhIm Llluu. I1S clUlpl nln to tit Irll"l. roport~d Oli t.he n'lIglou!I cOllultlol\ nr th o JI ~uJlI(! III SCOtl IlIlU. h e WIIR II t llwnl'O bow hUUlorolls he wns. H" " ' 1'011,: "' 1'IH're Is not 1\ surpllc III til'

J•. Ef-BIf"E~M arid ·LOUIS DEGLER. A. R. HOWLAND and B. W. HIMES, Clerk

Co\\utr~' . I question It there be II 1111101' In th e country tJmt conlu cut you II UCcent s urplice; the tradJt10n 01 religion seem.' loet."

ResIdence: Centerville . O. Offices: 1112-13-14 U. -B. Bldg., Dayton. O.


10c 25c lOc 10c l 5c·


; '

R. C, HAINES, Auel.



12 Head of Cattle

WI' ·


sUpped Into two slits In the letter paper. one·fourth . Inch uport and just a trifle longer than the stumps ar~ wide.

Let us know what you have to o ITer, by I~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~llail

or phone.

We pay long distance

phone charges.

Home Phone 3561. ,

No. 2220


· f th W Of th e Con d I t Ion 0 e aynesville National Bank, at Waynes · ville in the State of Ohio, at the close of business, Dec. 27, 1916

BEN FRANK, 2215 E, Fifth st. .Day~on, O.


Lo&nu.nddlBcoUDtaU60."o77.S6 . Tot&lloans ... ........ . '2GO.777 .8 G . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. ., ••• • Ovenlralt. Ullsocurod . . .. .. 6107 U. S. Don(L,·t,beeeureciroulation . (par v&lue).., . .. , 00,000.00 'fotnl U . s. beede . . ... .... 00,00 0.00 OLll er bolldSf.OlIOCurePO.eaISav· i .._ S..:,~YiIM~·the;. ·tbi..o'ii. ::, ~~8~1 II ( no~ IlIclUtflol .lockR) owned ull.f~t!f~ondi.: ·.ecu!.:Je!l~~~ 119.211.80 Slock • . . olJIOr ~han Fed.iii Reo They Promise Satisf'a ctio,n \<)~~vg,~~~~r~eiej.V'e· B"tik 1.600.00 (60 (l<lr cen~ ot .ublCrlp~lou) •• 200. 0U . Value 01 banking bouse (If unSTOCK OF SIZES ON encumbered) .. . . ... 8.000.00 8,000.00 A COl\"PLETE .~ N., amou' dllelrom ap'pl'Ovedre. ""rvelLg\lntllln Ne.. York. Obi· C"IlO aoll 81. Lout. 2,aa..12 HAND' AT . H . COLEMAN'S STORE Net amounl dua from approved

" Savage" Tires Succeed for Service J


J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt..



W 'Il Oh' , aynesvl e" to


' WH ,MiNG'l'ON, OHIO ~ m .oo. TUESDA,Y, JAN. 16, ' 1917

Federnl Re8ervo Hank.... .... 81.688.30 ONd D ' AY ONLY ' UI'IlrandduotromU.S.TreUUI'Ilr 2,500.00 ~ 'folal ...... ... .... . ... .. '601.617.62 , Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M . LIABILITIES Remarkubl Success of'·These TnlCapltal .tocII. poild In.. ........ 160,000.00 ented Ph ys ic'ians in the TrentSurplU8 luull . . ........ . ..... 80,00U.OU f Ch .. D' Unllh'ltfoo rlroOt. .. ;120,U6.8~ \ me nl o rORlc Isen I' S . J ..... ex(lIUlIIeI!]ll1ld ... 4.1G'1.3 20.a19.93 , . C P~~~~i~~~~~~f~t·:e1:1 · io GO.OVO.Ou Offerll SC~VICe.S Freeo! hnrge ... . . due . ....In. 1_ ... 2 8 4 , 'I'he United D,l<!tors licenserl by th e chuck. ...of. .. Cer11ftcateo deposit tbnn SO day... .... . ........ 6229.77 State of Ohio l'shlblisheJ 18, 4 are l'o.~'"![II .... ..... 1.2r 2.98 t'xperts in t he treatment of diSC811CS Tot... de\XIIIIIol .. . . 291.088.10 , 01 tti e blood. !iva.. lungs stomach.



Tot&! ... . . ...... . . , ......... laOl,.77,a:., inte9lint~) s~ in.

nerves. heart, spleen,



~' I'

\,O · .It


It}i~ l fo:. illER. you wil l au ,' rn'"1 $100 t tl $200 If you U U Y NO".

All Gone.

w ith "'h'c Wllft'll (,ln ll Uu ..)(jr ll~ h };1I\,I' r 11'\1 'r l,",,~ u ; 0 11 ('


t'd on wll'o wheels. IIIf, p ec tion .

e- 11'f\ !h'e m o Llnt Twu montha (r eo

;I .....

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rhan""Ii , JI.)~, I t' JlO lntt''',I . Dell!o l:; lur ltH' h ila 11/' " tl'll. Pfl l(lti cR lly n 'w (ircif. extl'll ti t'". 'tlhl CUhl'. "6hl IJILrgul'n . f 'rl cu





Hl,d.on Six 40-1'\I .. rhlll. O.... l -ql"Jl"

n "'~'111'I1tclll1~", n '> I1flIHl


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tfrt'~ 1:000, l l XU'tL tll'e


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191'7 D odge Brol . Touring ,Dell1on .. strilt o '1'1, f'S III ":(11',,1 l'tl l1 \lItl n , ,\ - 1 I1l1lnlnl{ o rd r. IOl.ks lik~ II \ ' W , 1'1'Ic...



19 1& Codge Bro a, ROAdst e r- F.l petl'l", lI .,;-lIt8 fUll.! 8 t llr ("r, 1n II rill L.. c l ISS I ' UII-

II lng ordor, Price $525.00, Dodge Bro.. Delivery Car- Wll it cunopy top, elec t r ic light s and Sl ur te ,' , "lIarhlly ueed n. demonslrator. PrlC(\ $700.00,



pl~tel y

C ar-Tullt


~ ...




or taxicab,

1.16 Chalme .....:;' .• OQ

R. P. 10 . o· tor, &.. pnsI!en ger, SHu't r Utitl lights, extra tire, ftr8 t .. clnS8 running ol'licr.


1.10 &tudobaker Tourlnlf-4-O)'Under, rep"lnted und overhauled. loop lI~ e new; exira Itro Im4 tube. Price



P rice t8OO. OO.



I J r.u ~ ~~ond . BUY


fun nlllg



= =

orl!\Ir :

J1r1l'.' $200.00,




ar 132·134


ftk t! nnd •' :1. Il1' s t"tJolllf!: Second St, Phon •• , Mai n l eOl. Hom\! 22 10.


pnrmonl. 607 Phone 4567. "Du)'



our ~. <1 Car 00- t Wuhlngton St. Homo Open Sundl\)' morning. , • • • •

Cn ... cnn be " e n

1\ l


f~mA~!!~:u ~e~!?ur mon- ) c ) r'B



$610.00. Studeb.ker Road.tor-Tn 11004 running order. Price '100,00. StOddard· D.yton Coupe-Ju ot tho ear 10 run nround In. l'rlce ,110 00. Ford Sed.n- l':lcrlric IIGhis Ilnd 8tnrt~ r; good m eohun1enl cu ndltlo n, P,ke '025.00. Detro it E lec tr ic-A EtJ}lrlidid ~ · J'n9 . Arm lfL)'




r obuJit and r0r,a.lnled nt !iltlv I'!I fa ctorY'; dectrle 1 cht.s Rnd staNO I', lood fill n ul\' nnd II J{'enulno b tug'Ill n. Jusl lhe car tor livery. JIIII O), bU8



fh·~ 11 c. I : !lIte n ew , .I rl v (·n 3.\)00 mnchalll r nJl y prrr{'Cl ; ('ttltlll)Jlcd

(Uj)' If




tO~I.l: ~::n ,I tt. ~:1::,~ ~ p !4~I~,~·1 -g~'8~\~·I~~~!: til I N~ ,


= ....

Come Before the Cholco Cars are .

worth . '


W ,.

N~ ' SEARS Auctioneer

Real Estate Insurance •

Office Over

Realdence 415·2






Office '6 1



'O HI0 four times as ..................................................... to oper-

C()a l co t ing us n ow much ns it did. (cau~ing u~ l I) b b a a H ()S~ . W t' ave ee n com,,~I 'r1 10 IIrlvanrfl ' til Iil.: ht rule8 51 ' 1)I~l Cl'n l am i our mir,ilhultll'ule ,' lo, .'()c \>\ h(ll)e lhi. silllaliUIi will r.ot cOlllinu Illng. 8 we can returr. to old ra ll's. Board of Pub Affaite •

-- -- - - - - -

of .w....

STATE OF 01111). WARREN OOUNTY ,/:IS: I, J. o. CAnwrtllbtj Oubler the "beVD

kidney or ' bladder, beel- wetting, i":!Sm, SC i bt'e tap~ "'" D"mod "bUill. 40 10 "moly Aha' UIO r h euma I a ...........r-:--_....._ _ Method of SaVing WODd. =:I.:.:::a~~ '<) the bel, of mI' ulcers, appendicitis, gall !lLones, \\'lt l'ij lI11htluJ: 1I1'1'!!, .. pill el!cb piece I . o. OARTWRIGBT, OUhl,r. . i'oltre. llilc!S, etc • without operation, fir \\'01111 In 1\ Imndll! lato two. It II 8ubecl1bIIC IoDd IWOl'Il before me thJa 8th and wall knOWD In tbiB local- a "'1\1 !<tl"llJg, tor tbo wood .rOOt! twice tL::.~r&I'P. ~. o. CvI~~ ity further mention. .Call s>< (ur, 118 JUilt tbe Q1Jllotlt1 IIgbt" the • AUK" .o~ . ad It COIla you nGthlDg. Jlrc.. And "prtnkle eoal with .It UJd

t .. ~BIOBT, 11111 I



AS H EI' ItI ·:'-~~ . "1' 1'; 0. .\ IONEY II.\l'K

•- •

HOTI. L MARTIN. Parlor Suite



• I,; 1\.. TilEY


CasbPaid for Dead Stock I 'per head for HORSES and nOIDu:::.-tIIQU .will come and get -them. Orders DI'CI1.aJlIilY. All telephone charges paid. . acaIL .

n E;\II~;\1


Reolem g~10 "rund ...lthlJ.8T .......·

.', The Harvey.burg Fertilizer Co.

G 'J: fU ~'S

FRESHMAN Mi Hazel 'alisbury has almost recover4!d from th e effects of the R.equi red-Eng, 1., Europenn H. I.. sled acc~denL, and \VIIS abl e lo go to Algebra 1. school MJOllny . . Elet!t.ive- L.alin I, Gen . Sc. and Man. Trinsr or Uom . Arb. Mrs , Kate Evun~ . ~{ :"rlnA' Val, I .M an u."1 f ralning and' Domestic Art ley. is b,I'I'l' attt'll dlllg to ht!r mother, WillI' I,!lle on Monday , Wednesda y Mrs. SURlin gberly who is quite il l. and Friday the first half of the year, at her home o n N~I' Lh Main Mt l'C t. wli.i II Ge n. Se . recites un Tuesday an d hursdllY is rellerveufor tbe second half uf th e year. , The I:on,)iLioo of Miss Geo rgill . OPHOMORE Hadden, who f Ii dow n s tairs II~ Iter' home Christmas da . is s till improv . Heq llired- Eng. 11., European H. ing. altholl );h shu ll!l has no t becJ1 If., G ometry (plane) . a ble to go o ut of d oots. Elective - Latin 11., Com. Arith, lind Bk Keeping. 00111 'c Yo credit. E. W. Mtl rkll, 01 Detroit . Mich. Com. Arith. will recire on Monday, came to Colum bus Mondav to th e Wednesday and }<'riday the first half inaugur,a tion. and then came down of _ ~~." Jlt!li '-'and Bk Keeping on to Waynus villo to spend the ni~ .it tuesday and 1'huI~ay. This will be' with his brother, GeorJl.I! ~~IIS Bnu reversed Ihe second half of tne year. wife. ~* .. Dom . Science will be taught in conoJ ne ction with Bk. Keepini unless the Mr.p· ..i:. ,:;';: G. Cross: James Bll n- studen ts desire the Com. Arith. ~"!n, Elias Oglesbee. Harry Murra,·. JUNIOR and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey. of Required- Eng. III.. Chemistry, Harveysb u rg. went to olumuus Monday to attend the inauguration Agriculture.· Elective- Latin III or Ger. I • Ali. of Governor Cox. II. and Geom. 11., Dom. Art. y. credF. E. Sherwood and family moved it. ' to Columbus last week. Mr. Sher• May be omited In certain cases. wood h9s a good position there in a Ai g. 11. will be taught on Monday, creamel'Y. Mi Helen. however will Wednesday and Friday. the first stl1Y here and finish tho school ' half of the yel1r and Geom. II. on and wil l 1ll;)1, her home wi It her rut'sday and Thursday. This will be grand plI It-,ts revcriled the second half of th e yeaI'. - -- -... - • Dom. ArL will alternate withAIg- 11 . un less the cluss desil'es Geolll . 11. U~r. l. will be offered only in CII. ~(' l h l! L ' tin ClUBS elects it m l h l! rluc" . "f Latin IJ I. .. ' ~EN IOR E. C. Lelllllr \Vb ,) I~ c')nfilll'u to It e"u ir d- All1 e r.lfi~l. <I ud ivies, hi, bome witb 4l 0n~ 1 1'. I~ 11 t re- Economics. OOV8nn~ aa ~ t.\p\ol y a~ Ill ~ f rienf. E Elective - Lat in IV. or Ger. II. would like. Eng . IV ,Physics. Dom ·Sc . Geo lo· MillS Elhel Curr.,· i ~ ~nlf>l r i n g ~y, r~le m. Trig. , o r Agriculture. Y. from" BOV llr o CAdi "f (J 'l\ ll rl,V nlHl cr Illt. other oomplf o~t.l o ll" nt I ll " h1 Ul" "l ot more than 5Y. classes of one her brother Elm . > ,' 'UI'1' 9 dll, l f tlm - , unit will b~ oft'e red the Seniora at ny. 1lI \"'~J' . I ~ 'onolllics wil l recite on JOI, 81 Ir IH r OOI"'" Il'C hl t)wl' ;, ~I ' _ tllId l'h tir u ay the firat half frOIDIH!tlVe rellltl\ If .. , )'\' ." t,rllUL ' (: .,' l ',· 1 [,ndon Monday. Wednes• . d . ""i,jll the second half gf Mrs. Ed t:it~rld o m H, Ii'" 16 III' "'ll . ~ I, .. uld t he clas.~ desire "gBln Ilft.or lJ"ll1~ ,. 1 ,. I II) 11, 1 I 'I ' Lh I e f bome nl n wn (\ k~ II.... ." I of 1', ,! • ,'I! III e p ae 0 !In.e jnrles BU8t nln l.' U In "rn. '," , y IIr :. . ' .; th ey ma.r have It If deo. . " ){ran t It. Should •. I) I,' t<!d Ele m. Trig. and WID . ell n O~~,PI I '.",,1 ' , ' . HI . . _ ,u!{h l together. Trig. !11oved In t l\ 1.1" " .. I' ·I.'rt-... : , t wo days a week duro In Sou tb B udl n.!t ''the year. The work Will ft 1. 1' 1,";1\1 ' , - .J nt' olj .,11.,,('[1 as to g ive one half hAvin g oi;; nUT.,."" ',1 '1 "'"t, . 1\ Swde ntsw ill be free he WAS el~ll n "" ' l n, ..,' IJ. ' 1 >1! If I " l he nlselvestheir courses reatl\UftHl t \-Vtldll ,I< 111\' "r' · 1 \V"(:~ , ' I )(lI idance of the faculty They lilt" uu tr 1',· ,,1 ,t ~) I' , I, I(~ lo"ether with the co .. HarolLl nohi ll ~l)lI " ,"1 M 'll'Y WII_ nil' h\ IL'n wil li the parents or guarson W fS ,""r r lu'\ "' NlI w[lort, K y I , dhll l~ Cr dit will not be given in MondllY. 'l'ltl'i r llIuny f ... (>nu~ '''' 18b It IUlI~uug e unless two year~ have them Il lon f! lIud p ro~pt3rfJll' Ilk ue('11 aken . .P fl r e nt~ s hould study th e course of _ -----._ _ __ .___ study carefully in order to be able to advise I heir childl en intelligently. If tho'r e are things that they do not . understand. their q llestions can eos· '1 b d b h S . d lye answere e t e upermten_ A ent. Tois course has been approved UNlrE~~ILL"'~~~ B:P:~I LI8T by the State Department,


~:~~~~~~~.~t.h.•r8~::: 10,750.~ 1 O~t~~:, ~~.~~~.8..~~~ . ~~~:~o':.;~ Fr:~~o~~.c.~':~?~~:.~~~~M.~~ . m .S8

. • NotolloloLhern.llonai banks .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ • • • ••• • • •••• Lawtul' reserv. In VAuJ~ "nd "Uh

li llie s n-It' c.


" When Inolo,lnli 8tampL Po tuge starn lJS will "rlu e 8l1te" as tar us the muUe will corry them if

Will pay the Highest Market Price.

cears; m lloy or Ih LUll hu\'u Sllen but

Mrs R. C. Evans and daughter The folluwin~ courses of study in Miss B,e len. o r X.enia. were the gUests of Mr. a nd Mn. W, P. Salis· the HljlCh School ought to be cut out and r eserved by every parent who bury Saturday. has a scholar in these grades.

choice Irish Potatoes,free from frost. Jeney Sweet Potatoes, Cabbage. Onlons"Celery. Gran· berries, Oranges, Lemons. Grape Fruit. Fill8, Pe~ " 'r

Co~t, ~Iack Coacb Colt;



rhi, week we bave plenty of

1 Span Dark Gray Mules, 1 Span of Black Mules, Span of Dark 8sy Mul., 1 Bay General Purpose Mare, 1 Roan Driving Mare, 1 Bay Draft

Farm Implement.,






services ._ S ClIllh Ilreatest nu. ml>er ot entries ed to these ---L..-___ . ~altel' Chandk. r was a Dayton , VIsitor 'fu day, Raper &: Evans. 7i I f4, Cash second ireatelt n.umber of Knowl edge Unrevealed. Miss El izabeth Carroll is quite ill entrl ~. U . H. Wadsworth, 38. "n,,1I' I ~ )''' 111' hols .r,,~h ~l'ItI,,· 011 t til r" .. IJ t5 I"ine t II n in ShClW . all breeds ' 11 e ' nt!n .. ~ om comp .\l llg. H . H Wads worth on Willi I,IH ~1"'II I''' '! '' "I <illl1'"I," I·,'p ll,·", .' I (. b (' I R .1 Fut'nH !I' (' IIt'Ul tf"I..I;,'l, 1'1 ,..' Ih''';''' .I ,,~h I ~ o m , " eus , I I I . I I ' 1' 1 I ' 'I , I \I'V dill. I 1\1 r~ . :., G,!'au,t'.r a re ISIIll{" ~:! (' , ,~h h il/.'h~st s l~orinil' bird in 1'11 " 11 I III"" I " ". " tl,' \' I,,·. ,· ,111' 'pl'n dm~'I.1""\ <l,\ • here IIlhfrumus shuw 1.11 br eeu9 competing. H . II. " ':"111 " Ir I,,· 11:" , 'II""';" """ 111 1" 11 1'" IV d' tl S' 1 C b I' I l ' 1'111 11 11\ It 11 \ 1,,'1 ' I I '1 p'" lit I" , • i', I'l,""!;" !l ,'v l,per I'UI;,,~I.\lIl \, I ~ ll1g C om \ . \I .'. , .;: '. ; , , ' . . I' " '.' "". '0/' . , . ' Il lig. , :io:! t'II,1t IH'st Hol ,, 1 cl)I''I'(' <I II . H" " • • sh ..... : I., " I. f' 'IICI;' , I.l·b·IIW Il . \ ({'lI'l:, .:kl. . J. B. (,hll lllll"" I il l '\ m>, '\ rk I S~ t',I-h l)(''It ~1,lid elll,lr.:!II f elll'I', CiLV a tl e nUin)f Ihl' l'l ~ u l"l1ld,ile in lIilnv.'. H'llIe r ~ F:\'Jn ~ . W. 1' lJ.'k show. ' pulle t. ' ' :! l'flilh II'~l 11nrLi·eillo l· ~ !IWJI! ill I . , ho\\·. fI II WlI,j ~ \\"'rlh. . . It 1. John Il Heh. of I{·· ll" ;3 . h h~V I1':; I'.~ d.: ,k binI a tussle wi th 111:11 1'1 '·, al. 1. ·'l:\Il101~· . $~ "'·.h +J ·,t\larlir.ol "I'I:t\ r('Il1 t1 le ill the griPI){'·. ; ~::..... I It Wa "~ \\'()l'lh : c. I{ed We call save you $ 100 to $'ZOO If MissCeciliu ::;'11\11, , : 'l ' l ,dr,·,,·" , 1" I" " ", llHlIlIheI'Clf elltrie~ )Iou buy one of Ihege cars ~ H u~pital ' iIlCi ll llll t i , . \ ~ ,tllrd,II ': \ i. 11 " 1,, member of \\'1' gl\'o 1" l t~IG STO RAGI " UNTIL at herhl)Jlrl t' her,' \ tl'i utiOIl, 1':'11'1 Orn· S [,I1I:O-:(; , . ! !-.'~. I i S~ :oIY C.\11 0:-,'1': \\'8 81{. Dr. nnd ~1r q " I I r "",I" . di"pl u\' pf par li I r 11, I us 1\ (' 1' ~ f\I' ~ :I" "t il. I.>r li1A' we r th e-" m"" 11' , • • 1, 10 .1'1',,(\) I{-( pcr & th o ('," ' 1I11l' 1t " "t! ge l your 01"" )' , Mrs. W. I I. AI..· . OUR C 'U STOMER5 • :' i.: 'V; hi ~: ~~~~t~ MUS T BE SAilSFIED M nl. 8 \',\ .1 , t, .. • 1 d dHI"t1y o j {(: Prlt'c8 o n hoth Ill' \\' 111111 ~ ·cont!· we l'c gUP.~I '; ,I' • I ~ , " ' " "I{ I. 11 L1 ~ , !tuncl !llItUIlIOhl l(l 8 wltl 1)0 rrom $ 100 C:arll hal t IIl1d j , , I,;, ;' :,,, tl ), c~ t dj~lllllY to $200 h l),IIer n e xt I.I(1r " II . I' " I·;v:l.n: , ilulT Il Ig I!ooll [,II s lnc"" ro roalll itt to MI'. fillli . I I. ,," buy no\\'. YOI\'11 ~O l II. UClt CI' (·M. L e La 11 II I' •. " :lil t! h Rt u i ~pltl\ u 110 • " ,. you 'lI Pill' IQ ~s tor It. JUllI es 11 1\itl\'~ 8' I .I '., Hi t I.r" III I ,'l .llIhn. '. C 11 The ('1\1'. \\' 0 1)11'0 1' her e are good


Lenox Soap, 3 cakes for.. .... Clean Easy Soap , 6 bars ... .. All Pan cake flours. pkg ..... Prepared Buckwheat ........... Rio Coffee. lb. only ............ 2 lb. Karo Molasees, only ..... 21b Baked Beans, only ...... Cllmpbell's Soups, can ·..... .... Edgemont Crackers. Ib ........ Post Toastiee. B tor ............ Big Can Pum{Jkin ............... Hlg Can Hommy ............... . Baltimore Oystera, qt ..........


, , JanJary 14th. unday I at H::lO Earl Orn dorf. 1 ckl. 1 2 hen. llyen. a . m •• Morning l'ra}'er uno Swecp Stakes-Specials. fit 10:30, The public co rdially invlt·

'.er~.. I

W II erhouBe f or Aulo Ll\

'·S:~d~~~~:S'f~,II~~:H",. !. .,. ...,. .. .",. .~a:BE~sm

Cleveland. 01110 .. ,,'atllr; AlQ) PL!CB laIIf.It 11111'111 better and·.Iuta

twI •• ~.


1!"I• • ""••••~•••••~. ....... . . . . . .IIi~




!jt.~;;;~~.;;;:..~;~~ ;~~=;=~:;;..~k


. 'ix t,y- ill L! '" tU.... . . . .





woul d ulle a dOllule Lallk titted wirh . iph" ns. lind COll IOII L~ 'Hnd uc tod frt 111 'N:cw d lll nk' lJy ~cveral branchI... J d llr llic Mr R I11Il IV r in ~ i. cu s:l illg thi9 leC lUI'e) ~a i d . Hyrl l'llulic Itamd C ' 1l be \ .~ LAIH i l:L\' I\TI E DED 'I H IS I~, ·d to force waLeI' lilLI/ p re&lure tallk~ A PI' ssu rt! of ::!O t o 4u Ib a, VI: I~ IInl), i~ lie e~,ul'y ill CO Ull ~y IWlllcs. rh(, prt'~sure in ci ty y Will i' u ~lI "lIy 15 lo Ii Ibs ll 'gh'p nc 'iI It ..llll'; are '''" I'" cU IlI)ll i~a t d II~ \I'd I a~ II1U l e "ilicien , d Ullbl · acli llg l) Iws :t ur a ' I 11 1Il('~ [IS l'IJ, tl,1' I t u,ing Il yuru P m' u , 8\'~ l(> 1ll w, II:J uso ,n/'l ll1 ,tl'>l oI ot lIan! w ' Ltl ,." I )," '" :lO t adv i." the UHu of P nt'um nLic: A CIIIl I i, \l il flo ll III Ille . \ "rI, ul sl'"lelll ill Ho ltle pHr ,,, of Lh t! ~ Ialc on ntcoUn l .. I lim. sa ll t.! , L" t Wct:l.- 111I~ Lll di c~ ' VI' p, L) Cluggl:lt who has Crav , ~I'5S 101l ilY , h lt'ullllltie. Hn d lI ydnlCllie 5y:-;le lll~, u '~d Plleull1 .,tie ~) stem fo r ha rd wat!: r bUL m ade t he rnt~t.\k e of FriJllY j\ 1 ~1i( 'cssilll1 pUlli ng in u tanl. t II smll il fo r Lh e The Ii ,',l on till' IHU" ralll W"I, I nU~I' e' rt quireu serv ice. 1I 'cd t he g ruvity ~ ~" LI'nl fol' .of t 1\'Ul" r IVl' Lh ~ lOI u in then IIltie ~ He ul -v ~ stated hy lIU I/I'leI, c" llIl,u~l!(j of ,'•'11 11 tanl, " , ' alS~ Mrs l; r,, /l C, ;\1 1'0; ,\ I'Ij( hl anJ 1'11 1' that tho Hyd ra ul ic would not work LJCl\d"r~t> II , .. l limes and 118kutl Cor illIllr nou t ioll , 1111'. C. F G r ~c n \vll~ the ~p '"k e l A n~IH!r by Mr, I{anbo wer , . il ilui/ l uf \.Il e 1:vt'll lllg li nd LllliwJ 0 11 Ih. air vlli ve 1>llIced in uotlum (If pipe lI uli j" ·t, Tn .. M"cj ' l II Yure! Slick woulu rem edy the t ro uul e I{ife and 'l'hlll wa~ u vCly 1"I\I ~o;lillgUS\\'l! 'I Ut ,.ther lIl unufacturt!r!l ha ve such Instructive LIIIl{ ' 0 yuullg Wid 01<1 !tum , Retluing M,'s . B H Kelly ulikt!, II., picLurl·J some! uf the U~(" Li g hti l1g the I"urm ("lome, by !VIr ' uf the Illoll t! rn YIH.J /lli ck '.Il il is u•.,o itamsow er : 'aI00I18 are uMually l he to Ill .. "" urt! n, 't ,," ly I" fi ll oi l " "I VIII U( Ileat light ed !JlscI'M . MO~ I ttl er ful but to li lltl w i e re ~ollle unt! h UM fui l"u I1l ace~ bre well lighteu. Said It" ro to product! a.:curJ iug LO vu lie 01 ~e ne has b en lhe commo .. SOllrce 01 nwa!!u rc, In lIla ny ins tance:!. hl' light tor the lallt 40 yearS, but I'll th~. C I I I III I ' _aUII lile wroll g m"li"ur t ~ I OJ 'Itt IJIIOIU,l(rlll.11 1111<'11 VII III~ , 'bh'I'I, 11'11<11 . , 11\0,, 111" :-'; Culch U I ~ I II '.IIIII " I" ., l \\'u.'I, I,. I··rl.o ·e IJ.'oud. r • " ~ . eMart! ~e II~ Ilext 10 or 15 y ars ~ COlllnlon kero en li ..n rnI mill! d rl Hl S• ('ots IIr o (!fi g' r to tl )!hL. Ho,ld·IJUll dl ug" 18 not to tl!.. pl!' Ilklll~ x I l:l d I • Id b " 111'1 rOll , nllli they Uro only dolo" e Hlnl) !:l8 , oya all g lr ~ 8,1 0 U e 'ene lamp will be a nOvelly" In n It us 0 wOl'lulng' np to the deeds they !!XI''!,,1 to do IUler. '" • t!du~aled so lhey IIlliy 1~11 \'e oIJpur. . yetem. illuminating power. is ~h~ ~ Lum L\' to knclw value uf Ilttl alld nOI , li rst thin'" to be considered ', Us~d ~--~~~~----~ conl!i~t!1' itl alMely . eo ' <:harttoshowlhe comparativepoweJ ______ ,__ __ ::iucct!ss , be SIl}' S, dt:pends on thre( ll'ld COtlt of gllsolinc and acetylene

Whole Number 3405








i~,\il~~::~e~~~d~~~~I:~l·:I'l~iOd~el lJ~rinmr ~ l!l.Pnbuil\lOI ,.aIotd/i,~l ~I~' ~~~~Cb ~:~~I~tl:::~: ~~~~ I~~~~ -I-P-ERS-ON-A-L ME-NT-IO-N-·' WAYNE TOWNSHIP a; With out malllles, Acetylene gives less heat fur same candle power. Used in demonstration, round wic k centre draft lamp of Argand type, small round wick , Aladdin mantle lamp, air pressure gasoline lamp, and acetylene lamp, while each had advantages In tbe maHer of \'ight saicj the Aladdin mantle lllmp using kel osene. was the best and most econom ical for the average household, thelle lamps rould be bought for about to ' ach Saturday Morning '" F . "'I . orGasoline a complete system thesatlafae Hollow , . Ie openlillC lIu mber was 1I vocal Wire SYRtem was soh) by t:IllIlCtiU II ~;lI rnhart, piano ac. tory and economical snd no more cOllllllmimem by MrK 1:1 ri o Kelly. dange,r ous than other gas syslems The rep',rt IIf the committee on Complete pll1nt can be installed for

do soillt!lhing , , lhe comt/l unity in which you live will be as you make it. Who is sue~~:f~~I:nl bh\tolletllWehO helps . to in'. \I I:r COnllllUnily. M UKIC, II BIIIlR by Mrs. Kelly: read inll, Mrs. KIIII),: llIu!:!ic, quarl~t, Mr ~r~I~~~~'o~,ral.le, Mrtl. Kf!lIy and Mr

!~bl~I~~:~ii8th:~(t~::~~~lIa~~i~~~ on


• ______



Mary E. Jorcl an was born at ' ligo, Ireland, Septllmbe r l!9, 1840 and died in Waynesvi lle wh e re sh~ h HS FOREIGN MISSIONARY SOCIETY lived for III past 20 years, Uectm OF M. E. CHU&;tCH ber ~" I!H6. agetl76 yea rs,::! months and 2!J da)'s When a child she ca me with her 'parenl H unel he r br olhers a nd sisters to this COllI' ~y living in Clint on county unti l her 1Illlrriage to J oseph :vi . Sea rs, October 24lh. 1800, Tu this union w re born three children olle dyiu g in in fanc y. ' Her A Good Program wal Rendered, hu sbantl died ':lelHember 1. I 70 and And a Large Crowd wnll her Ron, Charles, Augu st 8, 19()7 , Present leaving one dau g hter, Mrs , Elias Og lesbee. lwo g rand·daughter .. , t wo great grandson s, and a numbe r of ne)Jhews anr;1 ni eces anti a great many relativ es and fri e nds to mourn The January mee ting of the Woher los~. ' he was u/ll' ted 'In a sec· man's Foreign Missionary Society ' ond marri uge October 12, 188B , kl was held at the plet18ant home of Henry UPP. with whom o;he liver! Mrs . I' rlAnk Carey on Wednesday I.. t.~' very pleasantly until hhcdeath which r he attendance of mem b ere ' an d •' occurred Janullry 24, 1897, guest.s J}rcsent, was beyond our ex- ', Mary E, U pp's life has been a great pectations, though highly appreciatexample. She was hsppy ami cheer· ed. We were thoroughly surprised, ful amid any and all Burroundings, but mo~t gladly, in having Mrs. ltiving out a loving anti kind el(pre",~- Grauser with us once more, Her Ion to all who came in conta~t v: ith presence and tslk on Missionary her . he loved her famil y Rnd her work was helpfill and inspiring. The friends and her hospitality anl1 s:ren· foll owing program was r·~ndered. erosity Wllf! well' k nown to a ll. Her l:icripture reading by the presid ent. pleasant smll~ and courteous t reut· hvmn . "O Zion Haste, Thy Mission ment was an ins piration Lo her High Fulfilling," prayer by Mrs, f r ien ds and I G re alives antlllll of the m rauser, roll call. at wh Ic h thememlooker! forward to a vi sit to or from bers responded with a passage of "Aunt Molly" as one that would be S~ripture; piano lola, Min' Ethel filled with lov<" and cheerfulness, Hosier: rAmarke by Mra. Grauler, "'h _.l G' H'1m 0 ur Glf tB. .. '" ewasa d evot.", wi f e undmot her rea d'109, "Ive and was always hllPPY in makin g her Mrs , White: , "What an American


't -HIG-H:-S-CH-O-OL-N-O-TE-Sg~~~ S?m~~~\ab~~is t~Ol~:~'sIOrtf~ ~~~~~ ~~!~'~r~~s~' ::.::r~hilii~~r:~J :i which \lad has taken to anothe r ot he rs; readmg, Mrs. McClure. "A

plane o,f existence will long be cher- Missionary, and a Gir!;" pian~ duet. fARMERS CLUB .I - - - - - - - - - - - . Ished m the memory " of all who Mrs . Marks and MISS HOJ!ler. A k~ew her, and a lasting influence motion was made a~d carried t.hat Examinations are on in full swing, Will be felt througho ut eternity for $25 of our money b~ given our ~IshMEl THUR SDAY ,',easy. The Question"s aT . h h rd the good that she has done. The op Anderson. who IS soon to saIl for Those 'wh~ ~~!e C:on: g~gJ hosDitable home ahe kept and loved Europe, to help in r~lieving the di~-


See Waterhouse f Gr Auto Livery ,


Mrs J. F. Cadwallader is QU ite ill.


Mrs. C. B Bentley was in Xenia , Tuesday .



The ' Wayne Towndhlp Farmers Club held their fir'st meeting of the F. C Sawin, of OilY ton . ,w as in new year at the cCimmodius home of town Friday. D r an d Mrs.. J TEll' ' . lB. Tb e morning was ' spent socially. At 12 Winter started In in an o'clock all were invited to the dinlni ioned way last week, rooms to take 01 the elegant dinner



work during tne Semester need have no fear . Parents ehould consult the report cards e er th d how t heir pupiis :rem~~ogr:s~i B~~ thei r studies ng 1 . . , Some of, the wagons I ~ame In on funners th IS wee k . Wh at a c h ang-e rom the,ord methods of tranaporta· tion! Mr. E3twine. of the State Dl'part-

long will' kno":V her no more on But she WIll be no Atranger m her new home and the blellsed warda of our Fat.her in Heaven. will welcome her, Well done thou good and faithful servant, enter thou .into the J'OY8 <if thy reward , ..._ • 80



rh:pcl~~ by Mrs, Ellis, and ladies of &:hno~1 tihis t;:lki.ngH~n ~~: ~~hrT~~ ' P tl t 2 'I k

about flOO. A 60 light Acetylene C plant be Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Broad b'dcanf ed A Ielter from F. L , Allen, State I'nsta IIe d to ra b ou t ~"'r.n ",~. ar lee way, Lebanon, Ohio.

romp y a 'd t M B0 c oc ourk new presl en, r. urnett too the chair and csl1ed lhl! meE!ting to order. Raymond Conner mad e a business Rev. Cadwallader opened with prayer trip to Xenia Monday , first in order president's address, roll ('all, five families absent, current b M' EI' E h . MiSs Emma Cartwrigh t is quite ill y ISS 1Il0r arn art, speCIal tilpic at her home on Third street. Power andLillbt for the country

.- .



school iast year and specililized in the making of intricate knots, . / S .Jperv Isor of I nstitutes, requesting heing th e best type, One of the thillilisulute to appoint a , delellate bes.t systems. Electric lighta are Misa Green. of the State Health to the Slate Conference of In; titute saLI. factory but the most expensive, Department, was a visitor of our Harvevabur'" Lodne No, 812 F. & Workers. was read aud referred to and need constant and rellular rare. schools last week Her chief work ... the Committee on Officers, A I t I f . . . . . A M.. haa purchased the whole "W comp e e p ant or an 8-room IS In exammmg eyes, building where they are now located. W C ' , ater in the Home," by Mr house will cost abqut 1400. The teac;he. rs are. busy selecting a The lod"'e has owned the second The. arren ounty Teachers ~sGreim w811interestingand practical" play to be given In honor of Wash'. story fo; several ears, but by thill soclallony will meetal Lebanon. ohiO, I17 bmeunwl. Otyr,kedThoeur: mgton's Birthday. The play will be last move the" hecome sole pos. SatourJa , Ja[nuary ,2'1, l!R . H h ~ M' , Saturday 1:30 p. m. C W H ~ f M gIven Saturday night February sessors f th b '1'" Th b 'Id ,. 1 a , m. !"vocat on, ,ev, ug 1~ no t!xcuse for farmers not baving , USIC, vocal solo, Miss Reed. , . , en,,~rson, ~ ason. spent Are we In need of a county agent? 24th • . o. e UI wlOg. !! UI - Watson; MUSIC. Moody Slstel'l, MaThe quesllon of an Extension Sunday WIth hts family he re. caused a live diSCUSSIOn by the memo ' Inll' Is QUite a largl1 one, bavlng t~o iOn, Ohio; "Solving the Needa of the thelle conveniences. No system equal to the gravIty It) stem. He mentioned 8chool was presented, and it was de· bers. A vote was taken, acommittee larae IItore roomll undernColath It. Community," Clyde Wilkerson; CIlI~everBI inlltanccs, in his own ex per- cided by vote of the Institute to ask Miss Vada McPhel'l!on is spending was appointed to meet with Lebapon The lod~e Is to be c?ngratulated isthenillsln the G,r ades, Mr. Williams. lence of overcoming natural diffiwl- the Stale Boal'd for an Extension the week at h.. r home in Wilmington, jand P'ranklill clubs to decide if best , upon havmg a home or Its own. Director Harmon lIall. tieJ. In getting water from IIpring: ::school fo r next year. . to employ one . After remarks by 1 D. m , Music. Moody Slatel'l; The r!!purt of the CommIttee on There is a lot of sickness around Rev , Cadwallader, on T~e beginning ' , Demonatration of Primary Work. below the bou~e, would use the Hvdraulic Rain. if a fall of 3 feet Resolullons taken up this time Waynesville but no contagious dis- of the ew Year, ,a motion was madl.' Miss McKinsey; "An Hour With the could be secured , The east would and the follOWing Resolutionll were eases ' to meet Ht the hom e of Mr, and Mrs. Bees," G. W. Phillips. ~ low, probably $7 to '10. besides adopted.. . . . . S. L . Cartwright in }o~ebruary . Miss Jessie Slbcy, Lebanon, 0 .. See. pipe and labor, and would work 24 C.!\Jrnmlttee on NommatlOns sub· Lau,ra Zell ' ---~ Wm, R. Spriegel, Wavnesville. Pres. hourss day, and earh foot of tall mitted thE! following as officers for O. M. Ritlge, Jesse Burton and ----~- ••- - - - - - . - ••- - would raij!ewater lUfeet. Question, the followmg year by v.ote of lnsti- Ralph Smith were Dayton visitors Lt. Col. Chas. S Walkley, veteran Several Riera were out Tuesday Would the Myerli Ram be better tute were ~lectE!d: Pre~ldent, S. L. Monday. of lhe Civil, Span i. hand Pn ill ipi Jlo afternoon on the Avenue. and for a than the common type? Ans Pro CartwrJght; Vice Presldc:mt, ,J , L. wars, and retired U, S. army chap· time the mow Rew freely beneath bably an automaLic rllm wOlud justit) Mendenhall; Secretary, Chas E.,Mich. , lain, former lector of Christ Epi sco· the racers~ feet. Ronald Hawke and the extra expense Would use a ener; Treasurer, Kenneth Hough; Elmer Wills, of Lebanon. spent pal Church, of this city, died Sunday Tuck itogers had their pllcers and pitcher pump to supply water from ExecutiveCommittee, P. D. Clagett, Friday night and Saturday with at lhe home of his son, Dr . William Chas. Rogers had his fast trotter . the cistern. and WOUld place the ¥rs, Ernest Butterworth. Wilbul Mhan Crane, S Walkley, 276 Washington avenue, If tht! weather continues there will link at height to suit the women of S lark. Mrs, Harvey Uurnet, Ernesl Chelsea, Mass . He had been failing be some very fine racing during tht! Word was received here last week the house. Earnhar;t. ' Miss Henrietta Mcl< inf;ey was the for some time. wl.'ek.. _ • announcing the dea't h of Mrs, Annie He did not recommend the HydroF. A, Har!sock~wal elected 'dele wee k enclll:ue~t of Miss Made Shlltt!1 Dr. Walkley was born in England, C. Bradbury .. who made her home Pneumatic system, bul if uled would gate to the ::ltate Convention of, In of Rou te J , A lar~e number of women are ex· May 26, 1845, and carn e to the U lIit· for two or three years at the Friends have tile storage tunk buried out~id(! stlLute Workl'rs to be held atColum, pecting to at lend Farmers' Week at ed States while a boy. At the oul· Home She died in London. En~of the house. Advised using larg bus" Janullry 30th. . the Ohio State University from·J an- break of the. civil war he enlisted, at land, Christmas Day. after a ahort tank when il\stalling lhis system oii<arm Powl:r by Prof, Ram!!Ower. Mr, and Mrs. , Fred Furna~. of uary 29 to February 2. The large the age of 16. as a the iIIne~. at the home of her sister, using two tanks. These system!l'can .. Far~ power ~~el! not mean the USI T!ppecanoe City , spent the week-e,nd Home E('onomics Buildinl!: 'which has 58th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infant· Mrs. Saral} Clawson, aged about 70 ' be operated by hand or steam. COBI of enKme,s only No 25 years of th, with relatives he re. just been finished will be turned over ry , and served throug hout lh e war, At the election of the Waynesville years. She was the widow of John was the main objection , futurewillaee the same, progr~ss as for th eir lise, The big food labnra· receiving t v. 0 wound!!. National Bank last week the old di , Bradbury, of Oregooia, Ohio, one Rec~mmendbd. installing electric the laat 25 y~at B Han.d labor ,I S the People who are fortun a te e nough ,tories, lecture room s and all the f:I~ studied for Bnd was ordained rectors were re'elected. The bank of the Foumlerll of the Oregonia lIahtB In eonnectloll with thlssyst.em most expensIve, Machmes ale bought 'to have a !lleigh are enjoying that equipment will be available for the to the ministry after tile war, and was found to be in fin e condition as Bridg<, Company, of Lebanon. and or He also said that a system 01 sewalfe to enable us to do more work easier. mode of travelihg at the present. use l.f the visitors. Prominent wo one of his early charges while yet in usual. Theelection was a very quiet whi~h he was president at the time disposal should be installed in can- '!'Ie could begin in tho hou~e by buy. liml? men who are to tie on the program school at Gambier, was St. Mary's atralr, of his death. December 13. 1904. nection, and that country 'peopl!' !ng to save energy and lab~r, 'rher.1 in addition to women of the Unive r ' church here. After being ordained sity faculty are: Isabel Bevier, hea:;! he took a charge at Hartwell, and '!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~!!'!!"!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~~!!!!'!!~~!!!!!~~~~ should pay more attention to w8step 'IS a wonderflll field for bemg able Le , from the house By charts illus~ help the womer. , of tbe farm home. Jos. Tinney was notifietllust week of the Department of Householtl was there for several years. From trated the u8e.of the Septic tank Buy to save ener~y and , labor . of the death of his sister's IiUl e Scienct!. University of Illinois; Anne there he wellt to Springfield and was Would use sealed sewer pipe leadi'ng Crops must , be PI'o~uced before Wl daughter 'Lucile Beckett, at Hamil ' M Evans, investigator of the office rector of The Heavenly Rest church to tank which should be located 50 clln buy the luxuries. We are not ton, Ohio. ' of Markets lind Rural Organization, for more than a year, and it WUI feet or more from the house and (Continued on page 4) U. . Department of Agriculture; while serving that church that he Miss Vivian Smith, of St. Regis, Virginia Meredith. Pi e'i,lent of the was appointed cliaplain in the regu· Montana. is making an extended Indiana Home Ec,)Oomi" ~ Association lar army, by President Cleveland visit with relatives in Waynesville and Rose Morgan, sol oiBt, New York He was assigned to Fortress Monroe, and Spring Valley. Oity . Va" and then transferred to Ft, Har_ _ _... _ ,_ _ _ rison. Mont. He had been there only about six months, when the SpanishAmerican trouble broke out, and he Ethan Coleman, of Toleno. ar· was ~il(ned to go to Cuba with the rived here Monday evening to spend Second regiment. While in Cuba he a week with his father, J. H. Colelerved for a time as head of the Idenman ami other relatives. ' {ification bureau. With the "Beti~r Flour" Lab.l , He was sent to Montau, Pt. L. 1. Dr. and Mrs. J. A, McCoy enter: in charge of a transport of sick and Why buy some :flollr made out~ide the Statc when you tainl'd the "JollY Matrons" and their wounded soldiers who were being CBn get better flour made rig~t here in Ohio? The husbands at aupper Mondayn enlng sent to the convalescent camp, and mills of Ohio make the -!illest flour moncy can buy. Cards followed the aupper, When the fi rst 'o f the month comes later he was stationed at several ar ~asier to work with, richer in food value. an'd ideal Last year during.January and February. we bought pay die little ad'iance in your light my posts. , Heeerved three years in for every baking ' purpose, . and stored $25.000,00 worth of Ford cars to supply Genial Clerk of Courts Dan Bone bill c,heerfully and willingly. ThIs Philippines with J.he47th rellimentof the demand during April,May and June. By July 1st is having a broader grin on hiB .f ace temporary inCretlSe has been neces- volunteers, Bnd then 'r eturned to buiat OD the GuaraDiee Lahel we had sold all of these and about $16,000.00 more than ever He is tbe father of a sary on account of the hillh [)rice of FortreSs MonrQe. wherE' he was eta, Most of Ohio's best Rours bear the "Beller Flour" which were received as they were RlanufactLlred. This , daughter"boru the first .o f last week ., coal and only for the purpose of tioned when he was retired eight meeting ou'r running expenees , years ago with the rank at Lt. Col. label, pr!>Of that thcy meet 'the Ohio Millers State year Ford will not give us more cars than we can find Every citizen has all interest In He was a Thirty,second degree M'R As 'Qc.iati0n standards of Purity and Qualit y. You are ' immediate :delivery for . The cotton states are de The Woman's Auxl\lary wi11 meet this in8litutio~:and ahould be jus. as son: He is survived by his widow, demanding Fords and gettin~ all that are produced ~aIc in buying any flour so gt13ranteed. Try one of with Mrs . .Cadwallader at the rectory Iiheral as possible both in UBID" Mary N • and two sons, Dr. William uow, Somebody will not get Fords ill t,he Spring. th('~c flours, alld sec how easy it is to handle and what aflernoon at 2 o'clock, LIll!- light and l11so in cheerful words to S. Walkh·y, 'of ChelsE'a, and the Rev. Will it be 'you or the other fellow? ' Place your order satisfactory result you secure. ' . How' Our Church Came your fiends . Tllik to them of the C. T. Walkley, Wh9 Is rector of Grace now. Accept delivery as soon as y.u can get it. , Bofety and convenience and safety of Episcopal Church. East Orange, N. J. Bake More at Ho~. Then yon will not be _disappointed~a little later. the Ihtht.', and the value of the water The funeral took place Tue&day at for use as weill as to protect our St. Luke's Epiecopa1 Church, Cheljgea, Mi~s Mary Salisbury took up her , and burial was made In Woodlawn homes from fire duties at ' the postoffice Monday Urge them to 'Install J>oth In thii'i' tftQ'....'.4.~' Chelsea. mo~ninlf:+ Her many friends are , glad t.o 1Iee her genial smile again at homes, and titen 'y ou will beeom a booster for one (If the very beet n• - ...- - the wlndo.w •.


~~I~;ed~eyn:~u~be~p' r!'en~awke,







tress and suffedn, In our church 1ft France and BelgIUm caused b¥ the ,a wful war. Mrs. MoClure UII18ted !drs. Carey in entertaining a!,d durmg the social hour. mOlt dainty refreshments were 8erved by the host· · esses. Offering from the meetin"', ' .. $6,85. Thanks.







The KUpatrick·Freoch 'Motorcar Co ,

Mn. Lydla A. (,bandler, who has been in Blanchester Ilnce early faU, has iecllred a ":1:ueratiye poaltion In lb. So Co at 'the Ohio

_ _Ie

fl'.e at

~rlnIrfield. Ohio.


~, ~I~IC Atf.Jrt,


SBRVlce srATIQNS.AT ,6t.: Dlaa• •


WAY N"B8VlLl ••• 01110.

, I "ury


IIlr IIr()lInO IIno 00 ... ~ lito .... v. Sih. dlrtn't 111)1'ro,'" "I ' . plm'lons, s tili I~ 9 of rblullR, nlluw\('~~ ror(,C9. ilUll w"rc hl~ge r IllIIn I'll.· \\'118. IVhe n sho hud l/llk d to OIl\'ld III U' )Id dnyslt wile like tulklu" to lh\' h ... urt ~r on· ot rho~ .. terrIble cr<'lIturl'6 o! Iteel, nhout whh'h Mr. U \"lngliloll hlu1 I nTltten I..' r talh\'r-t hllt gn'n l Illroh· h IlIg cnlclroll "'hkh thcy fl'd with lflg8 I nnd whle'h Plllll\tnt d with fur;.' lind ro"~ Il bout i rom I lttHl.mrglt to N~\t Orl nus In iI III nlh. It \\'us hll':ller IIlIIn !lhe was lind llllnuill ngcnhie IlUt!· It "'liS .1I0t li t nil her Iden .ot 1o>l' 1l. I \VlIt!llllVer she thought ol.oUllI. th(l ll ~ 10 auy IIb,1ut th ~ II tllluspll ere whkh \\; 111:1


s.m, •~.I"I:'TJUe Chronicle .& A


Certain Passages Between DAVID O'S .I ~...... . .NTOI ~TIE A. NON of t Ie Ballic' of TippeQInOC In the IndIana Wtlclerne.ts. and of What Befell ThereoJler I




Old CoryJon. and NouJ


~ A M'l

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Set Forth

TFL 1.l 'M'C.

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'C.TR"'\""IO~ ~ Lv D~~l A TTON " .n.l 1'", Vt c...~ 1»10. n.. ~",III c _

c!~a~lli.e ~ne~t' :I~~' ~!~\I;~ta;;l~ I"~'"







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'ommon PlI:n ' Cou r l

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'ew , lI ll s 1!·J\v .rd \ Iboc \\ ,1\ 'HUll X'·!I .. . Il' ,. 1.,. N1, 1101111 J: .\11 ,III. ' I ', 1. II:, ! \ "r ' I I tlf Wilt, ~111 ... l l ... 1t .,




Slal nc'l, with hnpp), .,' 10 IInti mystorlously ","Ilh'ed : 1~~ll °N h OIllIU(ln dll.l'l wh eoever. DII\"ld I WIJI. :-l :-' ITH ,>'1l ,n \.I~..r," ~;I '/' I. m.n wal dead bc,toru bQ coullll,,, snlo 1,Id ,·II.)\Ill h. illY cll'Il'-.'· Lt •• !llliol. blmlelt. ne t elt In his @'Irdltl tl1r his Alld till' Ill"n chr.·rcd nl!nlil. v e UCOllOl ree , her cyo;s t1ll od beth blllld ll l " lI. :! ..... , ... h ,'I , ;1. oJ knlte' bllt It b d f II I I th A tluzl'TI thill'S silt! 'WIll< "hU>'"c\ lQ \ lUI ttlRrs ot vex lllltm . A.s (or bellig ' I\ocl II Itlll duUI I ~ ,. \. n '\1', 1 , a a I?lI0tlt(urng e ~ 6orry.llllltwllsllll otlhlrm alfer. ItDI\' l lll.ll~[l "'I IIII "I\' ". '. • " III · 1Itru1l"1e. Olomberln" ~ , .• • . . .U" . llie hnll' I, t rll th,' ~\.tr~· of h.'r ('nllllvll .v·. n doz"I'• \'Id \\1 bod to be IIlnt she '\I'(lS Ill?rfac t; ' . I ap)n. be 8(lW It lying on tile gt'OlillO tlllll'ij Ih Ill l' n IItled DIl\'1t1 flU Ih,·lr Iy cnllllble ot being" t I '" h . Pllul1u,) II . 1>.11'1, ,,,., 111 111 \,4 'l 'h" 1 •n.lld II 8 hI S fI ngerl! cI 0""('1 lllllm lh~ . h()\II ,1I ' I'S I"~' II I I 'O'er CI I 'Ill I In \ I Ie ceh". thOught abont him ever s ee . .. el ~ 0 L I, I ' . J' I I ' t!1I ' U 'I n Oll '~ VlI Jl\ V ,." I " ... I 1 handle be tlrought ho Ilrnrd n soh. Bo IIl1t Ih rotlj::h nil Ihe 1"0j,)1 Inl; 111111 l loe ' H or f tI t ) y. IlnT>!llu II. 1 /lh" 10. t' 11 11''-' 1111 1"' .l lllIlI turned bll bend Quickly, thAnllsgh·lnJr. Dnvld's Iwart r"!1IlIlne.1 a ler. or tI\e first time In b r dt ~ tIl IK""11 \\ith .. nt 1' " cil. ''Tolnette I" h l" " 'Y: fM \ he hrcil 'h 6L111 seell",.1 I",. o:rperteuco, fulled to b-e at nny 111'111 to The bllret' .trom him In t h A p(1sRlbl to Ll'lrlge. S he. to('. s ui'ful'I.,I; Il{!r. , At b Ollle. 10 Nllw rl enns. s he Probll lc Cour' l ' roLLcJIIIIl' eompletenHII of bls n tonlshm!'nt, In lorlll('ntPoJ by It dcht of grn lituI\ d ll9 ench hlld go ne who to him stor y ot boy bnd wltb dnDCedIhu6tlen(illUCe In tho Olill tt"l " r tlil' 1' 1111 .011 lI. hl p w IIll"O to hIsher CUllnlry ono tor .yer bll rlrell"on hIm f rom love. n'"~t ull(ln Iwr l1ud b e hud seen thllill liS ~h(! 0 f N ora' III 1':\ ., \c'1 • I ,"11 .,· , .I j \l 'r did 111111 together Ihe" lIlId Inughed ell ch mil M('Cuit u 10 1I1"", 1II111 1. l\" Hol rPIIROO? " ' hy WII8 It, tlwn. (hilt Dn· ' $1000 yld saemed such II hero t lilt his COlli. cavnller Illto obU vlon; but she (ouul l It . mdl's nlliong th e mlll [ll1m~n? Why Imposslhle to dJ~cuu Ults new problen; 10 til e t·~ I"t ,. " I \\ 11111" ', n "Y '"111 hn.1 011 of thrm r~cel\' d QllIl Iuto rlwl r with 101m. It wus no use telllllg be r l:ituol"y :\J " rl l,I, ; m ,". ,r· ,'''I-"lll Ill' h rOlher Ihllt s ho , W(lil 111rnl<I ot "OInt.'- Daunt Is tLIILJr u \'ed, g~:.;·t$I\~:k~hnr~:~;~h~~?e ~;~I~~ro~:'11I~lr~:7' thl"g shl' couldn't nlUlle. It Il Wl1a In the l" utt,'I' (It I b e. tn ln 01 tru e tllut s he hlld tr(!lobled trll'" h"1I(1 8 0 r1lO(l I:Jru "u, II l"'lttl., J. lll tl Uoll t "pcr \\'llld. 1 he th o u~ht so horrlblCl. f Llt lle hy. 1I1tle. s he aO ln e to lho con. to 001 when she tolt thllt th ,· ~pllrk8 orolur 16 i~ .. n eli fo r t lJo WI (lo w 111 t h i6 wbl ch nn shed buck Ilnd f orth rr,II" hur Mil Ke I 1 ['I 'llIllr Ji ll ." 1"17 I " cluslon thnt Dnvlll bll<l 1lI1111111((!1I In s te'" nllll Oa\'ld's flInt were 'Itlllgll~' Ill . ' . I • " . • a v 1!, . nmo ",uy to wlu II PI\l'(1 1I1l fr,11l1' G,)\'· ously Dear fl powder min e BOlll OlI'her t! I~ea,t esta te Tra nsfers ('ruor Harriso n, bnfore th o Irlp to the III 1111, Iw r, thn t wns her'nlr fllld she would bave to drow~ It wit h h 'r '. M. ~u I M~ry HIIl180n to Arth n r P ropbe t's cn III !"' hnd b ('~u b,'jrllll. P; . D,lwololC 1I.I . lo ~ ·N u.:J 91 n l:Ilgl1lnlHl She wI'm bnck o\'I'r th' {'i rCII Ill· ow'n coolempllIs bea t she ml gb t. Stlll1l'CR of thnt u'ujtlc 111"e'tln~ III Cor\,· Purk !,(\tll(loo ~(I l$(lulb Lebnn oo . elnn. wh,'" !l1II' nnd Ik' hlld "(oIlrrllnt~(\ AccordJngly, Ole little old g"nUI·lIIan. who was slucerely troubl ed b.y Lho ",vi· Uhlo,$ 0 , D n \'leI n",1 ("(111(1 th., l,roMs or Ireuch· den t breach betwoeo hi s dnu ghter it ud .J, Dotio 1 ix o n '0 J . ::'. Al o r ri~ two ('r.v hIm. " ' hnt hnd hoppe,,,,(1 0 avId . go t I!mall sntl s(nctl,1II from tra ots in 'f nr t lolore llk towDshlp utterup"n " I\\' hlll1 leet IJIDt c u? P r. llnl's .ll,p hn(1 111' ,,"I1N1 on Dllv"l to r e- ,Tolnette wben ho 8 tu~k U CIIUt!OIl flu· Benry 'ooley to Jail. \.t. Be rger Make up your mind to begin A million women can t. ,11 yqu 110\11\ 'e his 1111 glu nl'e to 1o:nglon(1. P er. ger Into the dlfficuL,. Tlt t'ro W UM 41 \lUrOH n<'t or Leb'Hlull Ohio' I no. thin 'rong nod sbe WI!H p~r r.·~tly $1 ' , today to give your husband the that with them, the coffee prob'"I1S, th ·n. II hnd Int"rrocl~,1 with happy ond t1 Dovld cllos to Icc Il • GOVl'rrHlr H nrrl ~(1n lu hI s il'l~.nll·s he- bctlr with n sore bead Ih nt WII ~ hi s O so ll r W. Bishop to It. 11. Mo ul t! benefit of their experience. Give lem is a thing of the past,1I01t. ~h~ plclured l it steru young COIICern und not tlHll rs ' olld AIr O' RIlIl' tbo undlvtded on o. la .. 1f Int,s r 8t in bim a chance to call you the (;(1\'1'nllll' n~ ~n~' lng Ihnt Dn"lil's ur nOll wi sely t orbore tllri.hc r ut t ~mlJt8 til Iwo t ',8ohl 10 ::; O. 2 , '1'. 4. R . 3, M . - that every morning their greatest coffee maker in the rt~p~nd on hl p (nilhtul s(' r"lc to etr~(.t n r econclllntlon. Ik e Bhlc~rol'd . Ii, 1:<. ::;l. Ih p t,·rl·llol·." In t h" future . .rue· hnd who remalo ed a stanch {l'l'nd to ouch, J o hn W. Hl'e &0 n. G Morris thEl coffee makes the whole break· world. When you see how enII ver ~pf\k" 11 .me \I' rd to hOI' nboll t Wtl B likewIse coustrnlned to r 'IlI nl" III Iln l1i vl ded on . hAIt i n tere8t I II \WO fast seem entirely different, satis- thusiastic he is over the Havor of David fr(1111 Ihll t Il nr "ll. Little by lit- troubl ed sil ence; he bnd open d n I\' .\1. ',uotll III eo 28, r, 4 • .l:t 3. M . R.I:). starts the day right for all. Arbuckles' you will know why it fying, ti e. n ~ sh.· '\"f'llt oye r nrh poi nt In ber meonlng mouth to eneh I'll lUrn nllet has solved the problem of over a II PI1rt, n SI ' U ~(' thnt s ll hnd been hnt! got 00 cakes to 0 11 It 0 1 ('il her W Ul . S. ' 1lllo n ton to Leon ld8 R lrlck('t\ ont ot Iwr lonl I!I'~W on her, II fall'. tiim n uto n hlw tll,l" au ,l ln'~rest in In. million women - why it is by Like these women,you will end S<' II Re Ihllt sOUlehnw s lo l' hnd cl.enled And at Inst her "hnpplness" wns so lut!! N 0 8 . 1 2~ , 131 I\ud part of In ' No. your search for the right coffee far the most popular coffee in hf'Nlelt. 10 Ule ~l"epleSR hours of the perfe ct thllt she resolved to mlnre 1t 2 in Lebanon, OhiO, $"100 nlg hl t.hnt follow ell. s he te1 t h er ey_ no longe.r . . the moment he' tastes Arl>uckles·. America today I he wulted uotil sho tound him nlone /ttarrlallc LIcense" :TIle Hllme .unt From Him Like the !'mnrll ng \VIU. blllrs. W1111t ('onld she do? Whllt could ' 'ho do? The whole In tbo shop, the Uttlo rooru wbl 'h hlld Cry of the Soul lbelf. Euaone B. plllding, ut'lHoll.luler of ~rbuckle Bros. have the largest co~eero8st­ Worm "lIIed ,, " nI OHt her I ooco mCllot til 111m the beghlDlnlJ of Mln.hsollvi.lle, ~nd Wid M urJTlty, of tile ....-ulIlOII of bill despniJ:. III hIs i d' n o t ... • , r.h , ('OU _ _, ng h ersel1 to voice IItO'8 joyousness and Ufo'li hOlH1S: IIml LabanoD. ['tov n. B. Fo~,ur. ers 10 the world. ~very day tbey roast enough !~q Joy. 11ke the err ot tho .onl her Inward trouble to nnyone. lenat of which ' nil DOW n prIson bouse wbence coffee to supply ~our entire county for a we~k. Ke181t) 0 , .ArUmr, l"Ulptll~Il, Bbd l~ . all til D~vld . She wlitchod him strldlog ghosts ot yesterdaY8 mocked him with Mrs. Sldl tb D J l1oolJs,b tl ~h O fFt~ok. To_sHe WIl. lellnlng against tho log 01 mIg. nillollg his comrades, JCllting their memories, t~om behind whlcb Glrty hlld risen. ex· w!th thelll os only men who bave II Il 'wus about to cl08~. 1ts doou tor Jin. Rev. C. L . WlrlOluBo. h.1Uted bJ the effort sbe hod made to 1111 ReI) througb deoth togelher cao the dny. I Commissioner's Proceedln,ll;8 !tne h_1t from the thOOIrll tlmt I Jest. 011(1 her torlUent olUiost mod· '1'010 'tte summoned nil h er 8trength. ,bouod her teet and blinds. A I!Ob hnd de ned h r r. Whnt n (lrry tnngle ehe The tower ot prIde WIIS totterlng; It COBtrao l; f OT furlllshing bridlJe j ~e from Upe dl'!lWO 1n utter weatl- 111\<1 got I)erselr Into Wbot a little fool can be seot down In rnlns Sil easily lomb!lr WIl8 ffill!le wllh '. Willis In_ and deapslr. sh hurt I, een I Bllt David, too. she wb ~ !1 'a &lrl tlrrow1I down the wenpon Provlstooa w r ll marle t·o ~ wu beside ber. t olll herRcl r, hud been Just as unrl'a- ot her sex I sev\;lra I bri dgll r p ~lr R . "8a,.e:rooraet1....hemunnurPd falot_ \ sron llhl e. !;lhe. cllUght gllmps ..s ot him "I can't elaod It any longer. Dnvld." BilIli A llowed : \Y. H , tilollOoge & It. 'illere are Indians cornlol I" wheo I,e tlhJll ght hltnRelt unseen by s he sold brenthlessly. "to see you sufCatching Fish by Suction. 0, UPlJIiCd t or Auditur's al'l\ oll ,. 6; Be kneeled an!! cut tlre thongs that her. and Ule nhlt1llce Silt ot hIs jo\\'s f.·r. I' know you nre 8l1ffcrlog. becuuso TI' e n,.,h Ilf t.he 110',,1' 111'., g tllng (PRICE:; Rltj\11') bound ber IInkles 1I0d then those ot ber convln ~ctl h " r thot he was uncnduruble I -b 'cause I-because It bllrt8 to so I" Bob .Kee\'e r, lU a t c lo ~ " tor O. H. $l; wl"I'" bill '''('y. clO n't "lll e~t" ll a recent WJ:i1.t L As sbe trled to stan4, sbe j 10 Ills fIxed resol!e not to forget what Whut II glorious crllBh tho tower I.JhllrlE!!1 GI '\tloy , ~ o~ p for O. fl. ' I ; flPllurntu "ullt t o "n~lIl1re lIl em. It Imperla, j Bro ~ h \.'0., mops $6.4li; 1 will olIef Qt Public 1:11110 ut my tlWayed weakly an'd talntell. There lllle! gone berore. Why cnu ldo't be be made I (t') Ver01ll80 I Is Ill" icIng mllre thllll lin IIptll.lcn tloD re@ldeooe Oil tlw Uhtl!l. 8. Seull r" r 111 DIl\'lcl took II Ql11c~ step t ownrd h er. Fra nklin 'hrtmieln. Wall no time to lose; belltted her limp sen:llll" nnd talk to he r Ill! It nothing Ellv. fn r Treas ure r $~!l ;'G; J oho A ot lhtl VU,'UlIlIl 'I ~IIII ' r 1lI'I II Clplc. 'I'he "t ~·erry. toar !Dtle~ north.0\I6s \ of' t011l1 upon hll!sboulders and ,rnn stng. JITHl IlII flp.mad? As tor bers~lt. she HIli I)U IRes throhbed ungOY (,lrnllbl y. Sole Agent n h CIt!" I' II lunnlll-I'hllllt'd nc[ uo<iet' ~VIlYlle8'rtlie-on - tb(r Day t m . _and "Toln ette. whnt do yon men n 1" [li s BlIti.·, tlupplles f'lt' j ,ul i tor $1.80: W :cet;1ngly In the dlrectlon ot tlre troops. ·w ulll dl ~ h..tore she begged his tor· UI C !Jont Ulld Ilre drtlwn IIV to u COD' W ilmington pike on Be cOllld never overta.k e tbem~the gIV('I1Cf'S. Aud s9 motter8 stood when ta('e wns glorious. "SIl\'e you-do you U 'Turt uo. 00 .. 1. 1112 ~6: Mllb io n Ridge. s er vw <'" Bn rtu l \JO II mitt 0, loi ni'll toull 1.) 11 fleck Ill' 11(111' I'ful ' IIC' For the Oorden Tares . marclilng column ond tlre slow.movlng Ihey r ench d For~ Bl.lrrlson. on tbe believe 1n me now?" Tuesday. January 23. 191 7 $1. W . .. Gll ulI,or u()n rdin ~ Il od lio n pUlUps.- f'opulnr '('Iellel) Monthly. w.goOlJ muat be a mIle 8W8Y by ·now. llollleword jour»e:!'. "Yoll hnve bl n ed 'out nil the post, wIlshln (! f or Jlrt ~ 11I 1'fl', D e 101 0. BeglnntDg Cit 10 n. m. the fo ll,)\\·· Be ' st:llmbled on with despernte axerAt l1'ort Rn.rrl soll they tound Ike Dn"ld." she &nld ~llllply. ~282.20; W . " . II UHlIl r , sbElrt1T 's lug IlTol.lerty to.wlt: Five boad f tion. Be renched the winding creek Bltl ·k!ol·rJ. so unt! Dud lltrong ogaln. Th joy suddr.nly lett h iS fllce. term fees fOr fl '"lrll'l' 1') 11(1 n~ Dece m. 80TSe!!,4 Uattle. 10 H ogs. Vuhlel H. apln. Inld down hIs uoconscloUi 'bur- T olnett hlld <I I' Ided meeting him. He "TIut the pnst." b .Bllld. In t!reat! ot ber 3 l , $34 17; t:ilntn o f Oblo v Implemont . den and dn 6hed tile Icy water In Tol- I'II00e II wllrd h r. hl B fllce brl ht with what her uns wer ml gbt be, "the Ila~t­ Dally Thought. . M '''"If. 1'1' . Illlli (lasts, ' horle ~ , big bt l1s for t nnn Q • Phone 90-3 CORWIN, OHIO ,nette.s fn co. Her erell~ bluo eyes. J(C~', bllt 'Ieuded WhOll h r 1\111:0.) thut h'l \ ' 0 yoU forgott 0 why you d ro\' e me $ ;;Sttatt! of .()hll1 v~ ,1ubn ·o t.terl1l1 They arc s uch Oeur tnmlllnr ·1 t , 1:1 E ItY I::IUT()P Ibll.dowed by durk ctr~ll!8 Of exhuus- 11I1I'ltI Illitl s ll hud not y t settl ed trolD YOII ? BllVe YOll :ton! ttell wllat fees and 0 0 11 1" $"12. 0 I ' lIl l ~ <If Ohi o that I: nli1ng lire pnth with ollrs-fect . A A. Mo N"ell 'l. [Jo t . HoD, opened ' slowly. look ed ' lit him UUllr allly quarrel. Jke "'liS nil s rt\. trelllJo n ;\'<.u cbnrged ~o with 7" V8 O rAo gll JoJI\lllIY 11"'1l .i lid QUS ~d fn s t 01' ~Iow. but tryIng 10 kaOp pllce ; J, P. ~lnl1lD, \ il rk blanltly. "lrntll r. h~lp me I" she cried. hi'; hilt h > It llt s lll.·11 e. H i! kllow bet· She w~\'ed Ule words oslde. "Tbat $4 ,70; SUHe (It OhIO \'>i F re,nk ll r eot. I( they IIIl stnk o we IUlls t h mu tl! 1I0t Be ...hook Il er by the ! IIhoulders. tpr tillln to tlIrnst Ills puw IIlt6 thnt Is nll pas t now. P'l\' ld. It is the t il' b ot!so. flle ,~ It.llll O. I H,' L7 ; , ' tute p / tUl'l1lng' ~o Imvut:c p:ruv fOlllts: fC) r 'tlll'Y "Stand: up I Try 1" TIle U,lht at con. fit·;: . ture thnt . 18 everyUllllg. And I kllow OhIo VII E; ll~l'hHr 1 ~ III I"v . I lI C:! lJud lint! w hll vc b'lac'h II IIl t le WilY to gIl. 1 will !lAlI At publi o /luotion at my IldoUllne118 came beck luto her eyos' J he .WOllTHI('(] wore trnns terr d to now whut you menn to me." Cllll 11' lOP:c lht!r s uch n Il\ tic whil e oos ts, . .1.7 ('. ,1110 TOile trembllngly nnd tried to wol~ t!l e bontH fit {!'urt Bo rrl on nod the H o clenched bls bands nt Ius sIde. 11\100 ttw \\'IIY. w e mus t h I) I,nll nt residet'loe. 2 llIileM west of WBynes. Funeral Director ville, on the rOl1d le,a ding from WBY· They tonnd II place " ' bero the ",nter jonrl H.'Y 10 Vllle('u lI 'S was soon necom· H e wouli1 he patient. WOII It posslblo WbU ll we Illuy.- (;.'O I·g : Klln glc . . and Embalmer, uellvllle pIke t o P e kiD. on the D'Lvtd \CUrlllod oye r. n stony bar. IInkla-deep' I'II!'h~t!. ~l'lt e" e tlley 1'ounll the Indy thot sbe stili , believed tbe empty 8lan· Mllsoo fill m, 00 C(Oss<,d It flo<l s truggled up the bonk nl\ll~ l' rl sci llll, fln(l whell tlle mllrcll to der ngnlns t hls loyalty' Waynesville. Ohio • . 'on the t nrther si de. As they reuched Cor) don WII" ,,~slllll .,. 1 Tf)lnatte wns "No, Tolnette," be said. liS geotly as . Tuesday, January 30, 1911' Those wb o broll kf" t lit e lgbt •the toI' there como to th el!' eurs tile {PI'rI NI 0 11 the; j(' nnr'~ 111lt\ent ' buck, ho could, "I have not torgotteo yom F.ffectille Hint. BeginnlDg.,n 101\ m., tbe foll\lw · We hav e arranged with an underdrendful exultnnt yollll of the lodlnns whil e Iko s\.n)Clu he Ide h r. IlIlrge ngnlnst me. ~ can never for. o'olook or Illter, In nc h lit twelvo takel' to gtlt an aulo, RO we will be A littl e girl \vIIR vl si tJug h r nlll t log: . ~ hor!les. lJ OOWI. farming Imthree }illodred ynrds beblnd. Dnvld Anel Ik Inns hed. sLrlvlng to moke get It unOI you sny thnt you wero Bod h (liunM Ilt "Ix oro !lImo 1 certBltl to ht' trollul <ltl wi lh ludlges . ,oml whll o the dinn e r ",us bl'lng pre- plements. hooeellold goode. Role billa able to furnis h eilhel an auto or hi. arms lI.round the gIrl 's sboulders ' he r f"rt"l"t ; \)ul a\ rO\'e In \T!llll I wrong." tlon. l'h E~Y d o Jlo t al h' tV iroo f I' IIUI'l'd IlUlle'l'lI t.hllt nil II Pili I) pic WaR for term~. horse drawn funeral. IllId tlrey rnn on w ith palsl .d limbs. (In tho twe nl y·nl h ot No\'ember 'I'he toweT ot reured Itselt up one Uleu l 1;0 d Iges t b h lro L"ldu~ u.u· to liE' H.'I·vI·d. Whil e II (II 111 WI' ~ h () WII • Both phones in Office and Residence. HAROLD TaACKARA They seemed to be slru.ggllug 00 In tll .Y rellch.' (\ oryrion. nUllll Prs Ilfid ' agnln trom Its dust. Wby mu s t be other. N ot eaR ThUll Ii\'o hourI! -I::&ttg Ellsttmce.No. 14. 1101116 phone C. T. aawke. A1TOt. tbnt nIghtmare where tl, e fe t al'e gon all before wltll the n ew's ot vi c· nsk her to bllmble berselt stili furlh er sbould ol(\VijO betwllllfl Inllal~ . If I·t·u tly rOl' hl'l' elo'sSl' rt h efol'e I ho Otll' 14-2r, ' W. E. ()'Neall, Ulerli:. leRden and tho pllrsllcrs fl eet. N enrer lClry; j trlil the wh,lle \'111111;0 came out wheo she b,, '1 olrendy said so much? yon lire tr o obl~d wil.b im1ip;estlolJ QI·". '"111 111'('<)1111111: illl \lll lll'Ot Mllid. uII· and nearer csme Ule fierce yolplng. tn nw t them O R Ih 'y Il ~arl'll t,lIe t.own: Sho wos sileot. He wnited tor be r oorreo ~ YOllr h!\blts oDd ,t.ulcu 'hllUl . (Ir/IRslng III" (·IH. \\' ho I HI\lP~lIcl l to bll At Dnvld and Tolnette ~tuod \t·OIl.I~ll rn~ 1I1ll""g tho 11 11'11 () \,t'U IlS nnswer. but none cllmc; and lit last, \Je rIBln's 1L"lbl llt.8, UO (I 'Y011 IIl " Y re". IINlr th l' lul.,l . : ".lllsi Sc·,! 1I111,e \Vnlt· III/{ r.. r hloll '~ pi cc of pI E·... sUU end looked at each otloer~ Dnyld IIII') I1I1In hecl IIml fl ll llg th ~lr Rrms he bowed Ilrllvely. ~ollllbly b o pe for u l( ~ iul( r fluovery. To Keep H.nds In CondItion. drew bill knItI'. She nOllct!?tl. silently 11 1'1111 lid Ihe npr·ks of hr<!th~'·8. fnthers. "T hen It Is useless to tnlk of- for· l'ho~e tllblets s treog rbe n t h e Rt om. , Ne'1' II cleunslug uod a sortenlng praying hIm to deliver Il(~r with lhllt hus hllntJs. thougb ""u'e sought In \'nlo getting. P.lellse let us end tills foollsb ~oh und eUR ble ito porfurml Ls f unc. fillirl In Ihe kltc)aPfI. so thnt after a .wltt .death frOID the tortufl'S ot tJl ror lhf)~{J whll wlIultl n'!,,"l'r return. pIny." tloD8 natu,rull y, Oblt\itltlhl o awry tll s k whi ch Is opt to lenve IIgly IItn lllS ..valles. ·:Oh. God. Dot y~tI .. he cried' Ilr tlll"'W t11l' lU ij('\nJS wll h \\'~('Illng heHo moved 'us thongh to go on wltlr whore. or rough ~k.ln one CllO use elth I' I)r\'ll' -ftd dre h i t II d' h • khlc Ihe h,),II C!~ (Or those whn Iny npon hll' wor". _ w er all n 1 n oSll' Twice tl II I . ~ .. --- ~I. B . WtxsOn. Farulere Mills, N , Y., aratloll Immedlutely, Tbe quicker the Furteral Dire~tor. he Ibouted, with 011 the 8lr~n th t ' 0 t ,' r8. Rnt " 1IIIIIIIreti " "nrls were "Wult. Dllvld I" she said tre mulously. hl\1I used CIlBlUbe rlaln 's 'l'lble~e for a ctloll, the quicker wlll be tbe rl!sults. .... _ I I ... ". I g 0 I"'PII~' nno.l thnnl,,·t! and' nnd hnpl'lest .... pap OK un b .,. ,, 118 t nn echo. ot ' nil w III I • j' Her eyes were blinded with tears. H er vear(l tor tli~order8 of the e&omllob Waynesville Ohio or- an ' an8werlng s hout tJ lllt COllie 0' OS a I e 010.1 I1Ino. IItTlce fingers had been pilleklllg oer vously at Ttu e H ... ppin ess. !lDci liver Bnd 1!IOYS, ,cCbamberlaln'lI ~"l And th tb nllllnon, '''ho strlllll cel hi s dllughtcr I p I rtl b II h T r tJ ~ )ul l lpllll'''is ' 1' t'!4 i~ IIIl I 'onl e nt .. """ eo ~re CIIUlO a burst to 101 hrenet and IdsMcl tll'r ngnln and I urll e 1 00 WI e hUllg fl'OlD her b. fBbleta !\te the best 1 have evor lll£' nt nud is II sla to uf Illirul rnth £'! l' osed . ~! ~~ IIwelltetet D1U RIC Int' tll O wI/rid: n"nln with t enrs ' mingling wIth his bodIce. - }; l'rUKRthnn II COli/lit I." , II f th o hoel.\'. Hles8NI :rhe ROOf. !-I'll. ""oem ·o a .coro 0 Hn rrl!!on's hi~Hea ; for ih£! hnd lie n brought back "Wnlt. I wunt , to give you-n reo ., Nit' I I U U ~ w h .. ('11 11 ,,(1 ('IIIUl'nt on u Pot-Sure, ('rn thlilklo' we sbollll1 Auto Equipment ,men, crashing through til e woo(ls a , to hIm as from UIO grn,'e memhronc()." Sbe li fted the great hundred yarde awhy. • shears from the counter ood clipped s lllll pur,,' 111111 u .... ~~ell ·!Jut. nut. be dryer oulslde JII the wet.-Frol\] , Horl!e-Drawn EqUipment Today. The eba.e WIlIl 8ud<le~ll.1' reverse(!. A.t CHAPTER XVI. tho silken cord from lis tust olngs. A ' ~" .· h "II " "'1111"1'\,, lh C'i"O al,,' t uo 511 .. . In the Golden Age. the tlrat Rhont ot t.h e bftCkwoodsmell. tenr run down nnd 8tnloed It wIth n 111111110 1. While gold Is now ' tbe strmdnrd ot 'the b.ftled .Io('l101l8 turn d' (lilt! n"d. dncker color. Her tlngers twI sted tile TELEPHONE 7 DAY OR NIGHT ~ The Pollon L.lngere. t k valne throughOllt the world. In . the The Te8culng pllrty purlluell Ih III .I,ut D n\' Id s t nye d behlnd In Vlllcennes, 80rry a e n. qo1ckJy twIsted It Jnto n I f I llllYS or old Greece gold oud sllV'er a btUe way, vnlnly,at the n~elng I I k I w st u en.blem such as bappy lovers ~ 1;0 III: lite to lis w(lrk nt the trllcllng I hi I gt wel'e ('ommuuly \ls" cl 'ln the decorntloll I , ' forma dodging IImoug the tree tl'\lnks I oU80 F' nUll nil Y ve ench other--a lover's Cultlv... te Courtesy. o! hulldlngs, wb ~ 1I Phldlos and tile Yo.UO" Geor"'e CrOllhun. · narrlsou's' ·' h or . rnneols Vll:o. Rut he Rlnyed knot. She rRleed her tal!8 and her DOl\" s w'cct 1I 11l1 Ilrll~ I(lU~ ('VI'O In res t of tile grelll. 1:IcuiptOMl, swoyed • to· l ('re on ly it wel'k or two before his bl alcl, was In commQlHI ot lhe IIttlo I lonrltn ss Ilind e e"I~lenco without II uo eyes smiled wnnl.l' tlrrough the ' r Onllll(' n s peec h Is 1I111t S(! U"fl wh ich we th ~ III·t ot tbnt cuuntry. -.....\ 1.d. 'I'hey hod 'hellrd GIrl, U'S ' shot, s t thnt clouded them. I coli e'"lrl ,~ ~y I It t nt" R,"u te~ Illleus "II':1 .t ,f 0 T0I nflllO on (!xl~t(! l1 ce not to mi"H '1lJ'ed at David. aud II little luter, DIl- UP {' nlluft"!. 1:Ie hlltell the sight of the ere, · Dovld, toke this-just to be luh, l!'iISllll~ frh,u,ls. IInll gi ves Ittl Veterinary . ,'tid'•. ",,,t; and hlld ,come hack !rorn 1. III .mll'lIlng s tore, with Its henps of tooll sh . .1u~t to be tooll"9h for ollce." "wner 11I'''"l'l' l't 'roulld tho world..tIIe troops wIth nil speed. TOlnctte i gr"l'n 8Idll~. Its crackling bundl es ot B A took It. ({Is bnnd Willi trembling. .'UIJI('S 'I'. PIC'1c1. to Fil;tion McCaU'II'iIlSupreme," Graduate 01 01110 Stat~ Unl...... ') 'ba~ IIlInk to the ground. Inughlng snd (II t·,<; hnt· 11 Ihe s ight ot the cheertul But his fllce wall eteel, uotorgtvlng. Study Hum.nlty. writes a New York subscriber. 1IObb~, ,thq lIatheN!d around bel' (' .Efl) iI'rs vnt! ~'ren 'h who thronged the bAli bItS yearning tor her boroed In his Oil!, . of the ueorest ' ond Rlmplest . McC ALL'S he I 1'9 /f7:;'--:::~ ' = = =:-::-:::1 \ h reos. " whl te caldroo ot passloo; of duties Is the perceptlon IJf others' ovor 1,200.000 at reside!1ee in F. Sher with ~Id hurrahS. 8 torrpnt or enller 8 r eets of t .e old cnpltnl. nnd loathed pOin ts ot view, of sympathy. In no wom on dress In !l0MtlOIl8. Ule wf(·tch!'l! Plllnkeshaw Indlnns who but around It closed the uny\eldl1l8 The Id ~ill In Life. ' wood' 8. house, Fourth Street. slyle nt smull exlI,:ulted senae; and thllt sYllIpathy we TheJ bore be r on t1i 'Ir ~ho uJtlprfj slept In, the doorwllY, Suddenly. one waUs ot bls cold passion tor his bonar, TII (l tel l'" I I~ lilt' hl ~lflrl (I ll Y lin· p..n.e.' A · reouglMIek to the mllrllhtng 11I\'U lI,,'" Ihe morning. he told old Vlgo that be He could never torget thl1t sbe bod rellll',e~I, hili II "1>, Telephone 28 'I' th lin real. elln (lilly gaIn througb looklng at bu· nized Fashion daMrt~ rlill oloug- the lIoe 'n~ tllp. 0\0'0 musl: h!nve ; and the nut day tound doubted him once. Until that Btalo Ruth ('r If; It III<' !lit(. ~rcol n·lll.lty OIllnlt.y 111 .. 1\9 wllolenelllJ.-A. C. Den- Au'horily for, 45 ....oaht lIight ot 11",'1 G'I1"rlll Hn rl'lson hIm once lUore 10 Oo~ydon. where IJce bad been wasl1<.)d IIWOY. he could nol tllronllh w!l" St· \I(.,i·l' l· II.· unr .... 1 ' IS son • Waynesville. yenni. Ohio d b welcomed hIm with bellmlng tnce tor~v'e . He remembered the YllunG torevt'r f)v,' r(·"IlI\!.- Su~n ll Ill. IlIa II'. • -.. .... ~ IIt-- "II Moe ALL PA.T........ ..a "II ope up o'te \. IjU~ Sir Phlll SId ADd abo~ted Ilk ' bo"s Old ",iIll~h" .,till the lorenrh WOR open I It Is so p ney ot whom lIer tnther. TERNS lead in lobn8ton leanl'd o\'e~ :md kl~ 'pd her ~ hord 1(1f ~'onnp: mpo lind luolden8 to old PatrIce. hod 80 often told hlm-()f style. Ill,. slmpl;"c. ~ , lay UOWII ttlel.r prIde I bla prolld gUllrdlanshlp. of the white ilYI economy and! H••dlng. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=;::. To Toloette the days were "hOOR IIhlcld ,ot OIol1ly honor ' be blmself hIld nUIl1~c!r Bold. Famous Dille. noirOHs-"I wunt eferyoO!! to koow . , .unhe6rnble. Darld ncted like. be.r been only 0 'wearer, but hero. In thle M.CALI.'S - 84.o 118 ,.ar. w mon,hly - Io .h. A GI'cl'k Rflflllll,··fI~ "I!l· "l all's dIve to th~t IlIIr enl.'IIgen'lllot t. bro)[en." . F • • Ma n Qul de and lfou.ekee()ln.r I let"",. or I with a 80re head. Rhe thougbt. It wu DeW country, he " 'flB B mIlD; flod biB Il d l' lllh I'C :!II!! (oP t III Ih e !lUll 1/1 be- right. I'll hnve It put In' the ,,!!petS. 'mOl 0 women 'haa auy !Jthcr malQ:dnlot In \h ~ Barbed Wire , ' world . AU tho lalr" t ,..,ylea evu,.)' month; I jost whnt sJle might bhe expected, honor must be flrMt I , lle\'ed 10 he 111(' \\"ul'hl'/:I I'ocorct tor n !'olIO dell.htr\l' ator'c. , ... pccta1 dt'-p.u ~m nh lIotler ~hlJ h~adJ~ 'Busloes8 Trou· Wllh maDY people .. kllljf cold t. , abe told herself. It II perfectly sllly "Tolnette." be Illfd '111 II low voIce. In coo~l"" home dre .. maJcinR, flnt" w t) rk. I1lell,' "-r.lrc. . . . way. to U.h!ten hOQHWOr1c and lo ve & la.bU, but for'an.aely one t~.' t. j to be 10 bla I!Jld IlInq. ahe wu 8OJ'tI. "wbo told :ron that I bad acted U II m.w Uflnrcl ~ ".' t l'(l liy nny sort ot tliylog GUARANTEED to beal witbou' lea,... BPllU rn IlIiI. "'ODty. Price: QuI,. 5c • cop", 50c " yeaI'. brokflll , T__ a ool~ .. ponge J J)al1d had Denr..-potell tell. wordli • !rut 1\ bll!ltli8b,or MONEY REFUNDED SIND '001 ".Warlr BoaIr _ _ I,",wY mornl!)« wheD you Hrst \ hi wItIo. £ ........101...' ... _ .nel Iioo and .1.00 111811 for frelb ,wouo~ srcurl ••,,,.,. lI--.. McCall r.ttem B ...... be4-1101 toe oold,. bo' a l ler lit a~1 ooe dille, .nee the \!a), be ' old SOl'ell. I!ON baIIkl and abonldtll'l bn.,.. lit......I" of aboo' 90" r Aillo lad knOCked e,.1J')'thln& loto • cocked and bruieeli. tllc IIize for Family wlodow IIp. Do!lat by tellllll' ber be loved blOr. ' Trees DIt. .. h oold ;II "'hn loved eaeb other dIdn't act .. fumer', wlte aDd rllIUgllW Nit " !II. II t bl',. did. IIbe toew: why. WblODeYlr red cbeeklaDd dlmplel UI4 lI\I ~' ···llIihl,. bad Iwt!Il to,ether Ille telt .. .


" 'tI,"

-1he ~atestroffee.?Jlake '




the -world


If he doesn't call you this it is your own fault'




I PUBLIC SALES Saxon Six Li'Very












Dr. J. A,. McCoy,. n.




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"." '.::~.~~,:~:::~":,~~. 1'~:": ,'". ""'. ,,u D. I.. CHAN E, l~ d jto r and P ublisher WbJ) E ' DA Y,

- --



) THE NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS As Written by Our Corps of Able Corn8pondents In tbe . NeiCbborhood




-~ -,-.





l!I1'lI. Findley Mado Strong By Vinol







BIe.n'ly WI! pobl\ehed III 'h••1 oolulnoll aD offllr of Th. Youth'l BIG, EASY·RIDING CAB Oompanlon all(l MOUall ·. Alalulne, both for a fnll year. for only llI.tO tnoladtDR a YoCall Dr ... Panaro, OALL high prloe of paPir and ink bill obllaad lIeO.ll'l Ma,&llo. to rallB ,belrllubiorlp.loD pUQ' reUJollry 1 to 10 Ollot a o.opy and 7G Den's a year -410 'thaa 'be offer a' tbe above prloe Phono Sl.5 Waynuvllle, OHIo mull be wUhdrawn. Un'lI M.a rob 81 our rIlai!ulI have 'h. prlvllelle of orderlDI buill. pub. llca'lonl for a full year ~noludlna 'be ohulce or any U oent Mo 'all ALL KINDS OF Ureas Pllttero. for only U 10. . . Thoamouut at r.adlnK, Informa. "on lind entertainment oonlalnefl ' In 'he fihy.two liluel 0 1 The Youth'l U . Companion and 'he .alue of 'w.l .... mon'hly'alhloo Dumblnof 1I0CaU'I at '2 10 offer a rlltl batM.. ln &0 .yerl reader of 'hil paper. Tbll '''0 a'.on. prlo. offer In. clod .. : t. Thl Youth 'I Oompanlon-&lIl ••


.B oWlHd S tan ley and Burde! Bo. ' W n 'II rA ~ I M (l to CI'P Irt th ~ Hlok a ll gao wero Dlo rr led }i'r ldll y . I,ll .. Ul ll lld; MCd. VUll r!.1 Bl'8dcl o ol~ Born '0 Mr. and IIrl . Bred Bllel', s('\'~ f\" 1(n"8.- ;"fl ,,' Gri ppe left mo The ~1 \l\ lIh8 are runu lng lin d \ b e a ft.ur a se ver e s lego of II lneJ!@lu"I ' Ij{ hi lL wt';lk, rWfvu'1I8. rllD~do wn cond ition. rio k lng Ilud tb o j ingllug of the bell s more tb/)n 6 w•• k .. n d Mr •. A . E . Que mthel ' Lanllnger a lUtle ,Ir). . I WI18 too wcuk 1.0 do Illy houscwork and U Doie Billy (]onner lion 'ha Ilok • ",,"lcl not SIN'I', Arl.l' r I.rylll~ dill 'r bfl t hrlnJ up tbo u gh tB f by g one d1lY9 . Cben o welb aUer a 'en daY8 Illne... 111\. Ntll to A ~ · I)lJ l .. tl l) n luu n.ohe .. clIO . ". i lll,·oIi ,· i,W8 wi th out bellt!lI t Vinul r .. Lv, d F mnk Wlilio n trJln~llotlld bmliueR!I Meeel og wes held IIlddla RUD Mrl! . Bbrry Weavar, of Day too, IIl ftn r, t tl " 'O . II" ~ , ll"llll In rn .v n'HI , Illy Iwu llh • • t r",,/.(llt 11 111.1 nPl'cLil e. \'lIlUt 'in t be (;lO Ul Ol ty t b o firs t of t his l:41ltoul ay and tinn(\a,y 88 uaualon the . eoood tllt-utday aDd .I:hmdIIY of IlpaOt Tbllraday with reldl"ea her • . " .., ~" " nowll ~ u w' rlfl r tll1l1i11l ,," uf I i. It grand medicinc Uful cI'cry wcnk, woe k Mrl. Grace Wolfe II wOlklDS tn l,r Cltllllll . ' I'll " ) .. be1 "U I ~ I.t! l( llll r 1 1 1t'.~"Oil", ru u.-,Iowu womu/I sllould luko ~'rl1 nk BarrlA Will In Lebltono n on eaoh m on th. . Dayton . 1I 0 lt ·p . ,' Ih " Irl:II I1I1I" " .. tJ will Mi" o n / IL. ;:-1IIr6. G EO. F1NVLEY. bOR lne6s 'fueijd uy . MI8e Alloe Ohanowlsth Is able to Imu lt ul (I lt ll l VI " u r uII II ' ur rn ln '" tll I' \ "l'?1 8hnr,8 thO, Il Ppc,.tlt(}, aids ·l'be 1000n4 numb., of 'toe Leo If y ou want t be news ei t h er for b e ou t Biter illdferlnK' wUh a <fonl'll /:' I 'i:Wd a lii , C1U' IC l es t. Itt 11nod DuLl are COllrll8 wu blld In the Towo ~.t""(l u r(l~ r, qlll rll tl U)' \) h ll) Mi llo' s 1011 11,1. "l' IIlltll rlll Rtr~"l:lt.b uud ~D ergy. el Ku ur looul r r!!l cl t he Ml nm l Gazette . oold . Halt Frl4"y evenlnl wl&h a leo'D ... !; t11 I" AH ""(I,, , ' '' 11 'l'ry it OU uur guuru lI lcc. Prl:l f 'roll hilS purobll ~ed a n e w Mis! Go lda Vonne,r IIpent Batur. by Volamln Ba,tl.liI whleh "as ",ry (l 111 0· III a ll . ' \l'l ou r iN jl;Oh I! t I b.) Fo rd tourlo g Ollf . Be Ii & s log le d"l7 nlj(hC IIond SunOI.y a. 'be home good . • OUII", 1\ ·tu plt l IIrl>lO lo l li " vHry Oh io J. E. Janney, DrulI:lI:isl. Waynsville. \DllU but ,ikes oODlpaoy fi nd 1'1'111 Qf h er f riend , Mise H)ennll Boblit. 1111l 1lt. If Itt .. ~ Il .• rr.~ of 1.'1140 Ohl,) ~1 ' 1 . AI"" .L lo"<I 'u~ dr u g I«,ro I" aU OhIo to wn. The Wllllni ~orkel' of th. M. E. s b ow no partlllllty wl,h his f rie nd8 'r u b!,looo stripping II the order of Ion>! ri l" Ifi A~'(J i u l ; r) U r oa o it tll1 c ijB who hn ve no l1u tomo blle. Hn!pb. tht! day among the farmer.. The ohuroh hat purohued a plano for fully 'l'h l ~ II r ,!tltli ;-'" Ii llll ll r Blloli a va .- d o oot ge t llisoourngod . YflU II re crops In tb ie Illction IIr' all .old BI10 tbe ohuroh . fhu l' '" Unl1 ' 1I0I U " l) r~ iI. 8tu rllll l( t bla Mlu Mary Ry.n II oonfiaed 60 Y0\1 08 un d we pred loc for yo u II tine e veryone In Il ruth ' 0 flnl8h Itrlp w ,, ~ k nn' " ctl ve t'Hlll p ti gO uf IItlv u r. her home wltb tho Irlppe, ping. " 1 nove orrered oil J huvc." she 811 10 fl\rw witb ' ots at Borel . M. lng ~ .0 p o bllol ty. Ih " PUf!.101!1l of IIllIell Maude Eavel' aDd lI;,rUe Mr. Eterbl'rt MeNdl$h and Mise B enl y CllrpenteT, of near Ce n ter. wb lc h 1M 1.0 IJrinll ,·b., ponl'l l! of Ohi o protlllly, "I have nothing lUore to gIve." "I Ctl ll tuk e nothlug fru lII you wblle , viII", Monfgom ery Co., v isit ed b lli Leila WbHI\lI:er were married at 'he WhUaorl were Dayton Ihoppen t n.. bAt tor u" ' ''' r ~ tllnrl i " K of till' ' borne of tho brill!! lilli' Thursday laet 81'.r<1ay. ~ tJ\l J' rl o rlty of II IIlr tII"do i n t lJll YOIl 1)"lI ove lIIe gllllt y. My nume Is aU otDotlJe r b ere tiunday. • HI LI I. e , Dr. and MIS. W. 1:1 , RUenour, of 1 ho-re to gi ve you." Ira Syford t-r .. nf\t\ot ed bU81nl188 tn eveolng . rhe ,room il weli known Ilc.r untlwur Ilcurcely ronched hl8 Tlllln tbl~ ' wee lt Mrs Byfor d and In tbls v iolnl ty and bl~ ~ ' wl.bee are Xenia. vl.Uad b.r parente, J . S. - - -.... Turner and wif. hi" 8un4ay. ell:' : S U". J ohn, were lIoe8tll of ber e lll ~e r Illttended t o ~hl. youul{ ooophl. 'Ob, Dn l'ld, let ou r lovo be cno, gh." Mn. W . E. Martin , uf OilY ton . . Mr. Mon t Roblit hll 8 beeo ' pend. QnUa a ,cod .any IrolD blre a'. Th light liud fUlled froUl the sky. W E Mllrtin etl le8m&D for 'l'be Ing t' r,art of ber ' ,me wUh hI'll 'enlled 'he Inlmll" a' I:4prlnl DII,,'d look'd lI uwn ut lier bent hetld Fl1lrbll~kll & M ~r8e 00 of Obl 06go uge<1l1te\l.m.>ther, Mrs. lIeloy who Valley I.., . Injnred In hUhl ii a' b er bome ItU,~ trelllltl II. b tUI boen meo'ln, witt. 8ucceSli I~ Mr. John Berryhill toulh of towD Whllro IR th Is mnn E lliott now?" Ihla vlclnay seiling t he f .. rUlerll a In ~ prlngboro t bis fa ll. ball tb. meallel. he,~eUlunlled 8ulld .~IY. 11111 \form ~o"l e . Be m n ~t b n ve the -. ----- ---~.----J do not k ll OW, tll.ltered Tolnotto. clgh~ kind of a lloole .. nd a t (I good IJIIIIIIIIOU!ll!Jli!!lUUUUlllilDJjlQlOllllIUIIUJInnWllllliIIl1U 11' "bu t, olt. Ollvltl-" loe "Good· by I" he sUld. pr . Bllall • Trae Chrualcl. of Sh" did not unswer, but held out . Ma rsh a l Gray whb bi ll sn ow plow C..tala P ....tle. BetweeD her hnnd. }[ . pu ttl no h el'd. With II ::iuoliay m orning dI d good w ork BloaD's Llnlmon. 113 fir" thought A d1l1l aod pimply .. In tt 4uI '0 a DAVID t 'ARREN'CE aDd sob sbe turned and ron t ulterl ngly toMI~8 LeBsle Tooter, of Ilear b e l e, of motherM for bDmps, brullPI a1ld Ilnrllab bowel mo"amen', Correct ANTOINETTE 0'8ANNON \1·lIr,4. Ill'r tutlier 'S house. wlia ~ Sondll Y g oest of h or grliud. ~ pra i ne that are oontl,nuilly ba"pen. 'his ooadl"on aDd olear your oom. 01 lb. Baul. 01 TIPPleaDo. O,!O;ld 8et obout the work ho bad m otber. Mrs 1\t luy M. K e nnedy. ing ohlldroo. It quiokly pen •• ploKlon wUh Dr. KID,', New Life I.D lb. IDclI_. Wlld ••D.... to do. . Barveysburg Lodge K. of P. No· trlitol! 8nd l olot hea wltbou' rnbblnr. Pilla Thl. mild InaSiva laken a' .Id Wbal B.I.II Tber•• lle went directly to Blackford 's room 567 is 88klnll for 11 100 0eot d :matiun Ulea'ner .. nd m ore 181'1'eollve ·tban bedtlmtt wtll diU" JOI1' a lull, free. ut Ule tnl·ern. \Ito II'IIS oot t here. III 6 ud In retn r n tor It will give Ii "oke ' muny plulltere or ointmentl. For nen .grlping mo,amlDI lD 'ba moro· afl.. .. eo.),dOD Iud a corner. beneoUt the wooden tn,b ltl tlokno wledglng your don8tion, and rhouma 10 aobel, nenralgla pain aod IDI, Drive oat th.40ll, 1I.'le. , ..I· Now FU'1 Sel Fortb' where a doz 'n luIY books lny 8cut tered, I·h"t Iiok et .wlll give you an oppor th ~ t grlppy ' ureoelll after oold•• 10lr.uUlo, fro~ 0"erloa414 In. wus a nurrow box. lke bnd often ex· Lunlty to own t\ ford Toorlng ollr. ~Ioan 's Liniment "tv.. pro!DP're ","n.. and IluIP1a o.t II hlblted Ita content8 to Illw. Ue Ufte<l Lsn 'llt t.o your b08t Interest to 11881n lief. Hllvo II bottle haDdy for brutl. boUI. &cday. A.' all 2Go It upon th e tu ble nntl Ulrew opeu th e ~he lJOy ~? Tbe leoret ar y of tlokets eB, I'raine. Ipralns .lDd all e:deraaJ By S.~MUEL McCOY ' lid. Withi n luy two ot tb ose dend ly is Fran.. WUeon who 11'1\1 be gllld \0 pain. For ,be 'honllnd. wbole Ilhu_o•• ~ ... o.all•• v.. _ .... work oalle thom OU&4001'1I. tba pal De weoponl which Done but geutlemen anll\1'er all qoeet\oD8 at all 'Imae . lIohel foll owlnleKpOlur. are re W. E . O ' Nea)I, of lIetlr WOYDlle. ~.lIIIIIlII!OmmummMn"ttIlJ!lllllmilJlll1Jl~.1I. cIlerlshed-t wo du eling plstniJI. br own· WOfItIIM. wa, Tbo Boi~ bNhn1U eo..,...,) by I;l0an 'l Lh.iOlID'. ..U all burr led. gllsteolng, lon, nnd lea n liS ville, who'ltI tllklng orders fo r the 'J'lte Illood rllshe<t tCi ner coe" ..... IIghtolllg. B e Ilrew forth one at thelll, Ohevroillt autom obllo, . wa.'1 In onr DlltllUrlilLB 250. tried Its hawmer; It moved awlWy. olty IIlBt wee\[ looking afler hi! op. This. too, ehe would glvCl blm. .. floetor Elliott," 8he whls pored. wi tb noiselessly. B e loaded II:, tltted the portunltlee . Dr. and II,.. Dndle, Kiner. of bent hend. flint Into tho . loc.k, placed it In the Frank L. Barrie, A. L Kennedy ee ....rvllle, wire lb. ,n. . . of Ih, "Who I,.. he ?" cr-Ied Ou vld In a fury. bosom ot bl8 coat, aud \Vcnt out, 8Uent· and Frank WIl80n .ranAaoted bnBI. MI.... Lydia and lilt'•• Wrl,hl, . "Thnt young doctor who COlO 8 here Iy. his tuce white 0 8 Unen. nels 10 Lebanon one day Il\st week ~undal· Ni ght hnd tnlleo. Far to the east ,, ' . t rom Loll Is\'J1Je 1 10 Ood's Ullme, what a m eet of flum e fli ckered plllel Lo Ibe Masonlo Building In nur u"y Bn. B. O. lloon. ot CeDMnllli, MilS France, WII.on i. vllUlu, I. vllilln, Be • . aull lin. ~n.III., af ter, II talut roll ot thunOer :~lIOw~ WIIS 8014 I'rldt.y, .the Ma90nll having A drop ot Icy roln struck hl8 .I boogb' oot *he belrs ownIng 'htl her friend Mr •• "ntb Pe'enOD nlU and II •••tt"lIl I. lb. ~vj"al .1'. B e Pllssed 8wlttly tram house to hO~:' undll' lded hlilf aud now 'hey lire Wilmington. 1'10". Inquirin g trOut ench It there the YOUQg ~ ole owners. Mr. and Mrll. Raleigh Hollan a'. rrl.lld, bel" have reoel"ed an doct or from Loulsvllle, TOling Doctor Mr. and Mrs . Fred M. Shane are .ended \he Farman Ina'I'ut. lit noulloemenM of Ih. arrival of an Elliott, W JlS wI thin; and, thobgb sever. ~ovl~g Into t he property forme.rly Spring \ aIley WMn llllday and took elah':pounl) len. Dadl., Spahr, a' 01 hnfl ,een him thot day, none knew ooon"l"d by ~ .... 1tlary JaDe Oleaver. dluner with Mr. Olalrton Sollar·.. 'he home of Prof. and Mra. Elm.r Where he mlght 'be fouod. It was l,nte Mr. aDd Mrll. Wit . L Barveya t. i :bllunoey Hunnel 's . en'ertalned Spahr (II" Mab.1 Badle1) a' Ibelr when sonleun ho quesUoned recoiled 'ended ~ be luaoguntlon at Colum. the followlnR RueStl IS-rid a,. ev.nln" bome.' Panldln~., Oblo . . tbu t he tltought h e had seen Elliott bOB on Monday. Jauuny 8 Mr• . Jan. Lan,don ttvtlUln, Mr. Mr . Bnd .atre. W. Iii: BOlan and thnt nIght at Oonrod'8 tavern outBIde Mrll. Frtlu k L. Harrill enter'alned family and Mr, and Mrll, Ral.I,lI and 111'1, Clyd. Oampbelllil Dayton. the vmage. tbe Ladles Aid ·fborlday. Refreeb. BOlan. lira. Gtor,. 'TaU lpeD' Tneeday ~ o Bet out on tho roud thntJed to the ments were se rv lld aDd a loolal good Levi Shambaugh 18 on 'he Ilok wUb ~It .• nd Mia . Wall.r Ben,•. eust. Tbe storm hod reacbed ltl lime wu bud. lilt. HII frlenda hope for hilipaedv Ur. Emily Wright I.n 8unday 10 heleht. Mesllrs Funk 8hldaker snd Prof . reaovery. ,Ipend a mon'h wllh friend. In Day 11'0 be C<iD&lDed Ralph D. '1'ol1lrantiaoted business In Roy. Berman and Carl Jooee look lona, Fla. Lebanon 8Cltnrday , dlnu.r 8unday .wi,b E,.ro" Min. Mr. and Mrl . WlIlhuD Lel,hly Mr. and Mrs. Ira 8ytord are now denhall. and 4&",b'er lpen' 8unda, "..,,~ loollted In our ,,\t y and they are Mr. and Mrs . Bc)ward Hurle, Mr. and 111'1. Oh."r )(OUIl', of weloolDe olti zene. visited Mrs . Burley'. parimil Yr. near Jl'rank!1n . 'fhe winter 18 vllry Re vere, 0011 Ie and Mn. ~oe Da,ls tl,atnr"ay nlgb' iii. Florenol Groby of O.,&On, A b"oldng oough weakens tbe high, cost of 11 vlng Is fierce I and Sunday. . IIpen' tbe week·ln4 wUh bOllle wh ,Ie systew, drllios your energy Mr. aDd Mrs. Jobn Mllr1att arA Lutber Balueell home from '111. folb. ~nd get woree If negle oted; your moving from t,b!t Stinson form Inio mlngton oollege slolt, We hope he Mrl . Sarah Null and Ion ApeD' throat 11\ raw. yoor ohe~ t Bobel and 'he Oonnor proJlerty vlioated by F. will be able return &0 hll wort In Sunday whh Mr. and Mr ~ . Johu you feel ~ore 11.11 over. Relteve that M Shane. a tew days. Brown and daulrbMr, of near L1U•• cold .. onoe with Dr King's New WAIter Rilbon, of Leb!lnon, trl\n Robert Wlleon called on Ed Bo. Clifton Gilpin wal 'he IU'" of Disoovery. The loothing pIne bllol- eaoted bnalneea In our mlds, laat gan'l ~unday afternoon . Le,banon frlendi ~unda1 . ~llm8 beal tile Irritated 1DembranBl', week W!lller Ie B dandy In his line R E. Jonell W4B In Clnoinnatl OD Mlaee. Inell and Ann. Bar••• ' aDd tbll antl8ep'lo end lax<ltive qual. .RuDlor b8s It tbat we aro to btl ve Bollan<1, V •• han be.n .1.I\ln. Have Offered All I Halle: I Hlv, Itl, a kill tbe g~rinl aDd b re!,t. up a 000\110 of wec1djngs In OUI' v!olnHy bUllnes. Tbureday. • MIA8el Yaudle and Martha Peter. Mrl. Franoll Nnll .ud family. Nothing More to Give." y onr cold. Don i . le~ a oold hoger . tbe ne~r rutnre, eventulIlly, why Get Dr. Klng'e Naw DIII )overy t o. In son vilited Boraoe Oompton'. ooe , Rev. Btehop, of Coll1l11b.l. filled n ot now ? hoe he ugalntrt w o? I''Ve never Been day at ynur drllglJlst, 600. ullbt last week. 'hoI pulpit a. 'he Univerlllloll~t ohnroh Mr . lind Mrll. Howard Fee and But do you bellllvo him ' •• tho . lUtlD I Mr. Bowllrd Stllnle, wall married tfnnda;r morning. IIt1U~" I I ____--'__________ _I -¥J!..\!XJ~Y5!.!!.!!..!..!.!~~!.!!.......ill!.~~!"r&~. Min BOlJlln, of Bllne"ilburg, onll • - • "You ' have never-Dever denle.- ! ' 'J WerTO d M F day la8' week . Bo baa aha be.t neve~" she 8topped miscrnbly. Sho ' ~ liS' uos ay. rs. ee wiflbes of his lIlany frlands. Hint for the Housewife. WIiB fOl merly MillS Chrllltine K elly. could not rulse ber eyell to tllce him. Why Watchel LON Time. Mr!!'. &'fllnll: I:U,nley is on the Ilok "Then nothing eiso IDlltters. Tolo. It your fingers lire frult' stulnl'd at· Miss Alloia Kelly, or CIDOlnDRti, Tbe rellson for variations In the list Ii«aln. ette." Jer cookilig. 80np your IlIIuds thor- WIIS t he recent guest of her aUD'. tlme-kej)plnll' qualities of a well·rep· - "Ob, Dllvld, thnt doesn't muttcr cl. 'oulthly bt!fore you let any w rlt ~r touch Yrs Etta Collen, of near here. laten wotch have been the eubject of In" cstlgotJon by eclentists recently. therl" sho cried. "Nothing mnttersl them. Thn t will uwn y UIO stnln Mr. aud Mrs. Fred B!lrlon enter. The popular theanl'l that animal I wlln t you In spito of thllt I" at UIl Ce, but It you wet lhem firs t, ~ab e J for dinner l:4undli.1 Mr. and COLDS GROW WORSE mngnetlsm and bodily temperature a... Bul he .s book his bend. you will find It very difficult . to get Mrll. W. A MerrU~. Mr. and Mre. A oough thai licks and Irrltatea cause8 ure denied by the 10veetll8tore. She hectlme very Dille 81lBln. Ull'm cleun. .Ie811 l;t .. rk and a(la l Mr. end &lrf'. Warren OsborD. Me anll Jo •. Os. tbe tbroa' may lead to a Jerioul Rnther, dltrerent rhythms of mOTeborna'n d Mr and Mrs. Chot Cleaver. ohronlo oough, It negltlOted, The ment as well aa, the aalle at wltICl! a Mr. and Mrs. '{W m, llrlmes. 01 heallu" pine b .. IIIBmJl! In Dr Bell'. watch honp, are .lven &8 real c:au.. Xenia, were oalled to Kuola8 Olty Pine Tar Boney':"'Nat \l r .. •• 'own rern tor Irrclf\ltarltles.-Auburn Ad,ilrU. on aocount of the death of Mr .. IIdy-wlll sootl~e an.d • .,lIeve the Ir. er·J ournlll. Grllnel' :lou8ln, Mrs J . C .Robb, rltetlon, brelltblng will be ealler, CLASSIFIED ADS SELLS EVERYTHING former!y 8arah OIoavsr, af our oltv. and the Bntleeptlo pn ' l.erMel! will tIll the Rel'.nwbloh rfl~rrl"d h8lIln,. Dr Bomine aooompJlnled by her Have It hand1 for oroup, ~ore 'broat graDdlOa, Evore" Sboemaker, Is find ohronlo' bronoblal dfeotlon •. . Secret H II au_II. keeping bonle In Day tonia, &'la. Gel a bottle IodW. Pleasan, '0 'aka "!lIe Is, II IIPlendld wortman . • oae tecret or It, ou tel1Je of 1I1s attll, II the Bnd Mre A: 1;. OolleU eDter. At all DrnggIBt@. 250. 100d cel-e he glve8 hili tools. . ae 1'""ln.,u III the la'etlt "vle ao of 'helr ~---,leeps everYone in the bolt c:ondlUoo; frlende Thurad"y nlgb., Janutt.ry 11 • ready. for &nstant use. Another aecret Gam08 were IndnlgecL in, 1unoh W8!l Is the c:ore he tates of hll' beat" toollservell and ' following. the IUllob Pebble Industry. brain, nerves' and muildtlll. He neyer punoh w"sln order. Frauk L. Bar. The flint pebble Industry gives' OCCU' i!ull8 them with liquor pr tobacco, rll waa one or t·he ille~'1 Bnd 'he to U1l1ny women 11011 cbll~reD roollsh or hormful , pleflllUres, dlll8lpa. Will fi1ld this column yvill bring him on p, chosen to P"SlI I?n lhe qoallty of pntlon along the French coast between HaTre , ,the punoh. nnd Dlc"pe. The, pebbles collected In \Jon or carele88U~. Be Jel!!. ~be, b!8 t money if he will use it for anything . . lenlce out of them and'" tbe tOOl • . Mr • . apd ·Mrl, · Ohls . Tlloter' aad " . . 110<1 nenr Hnvre nrc s,elected tor theIr which pertot'm tbel~ ,6 Id"lq.......:,..:... he has to sell. r"mllY epou' Sunday tbe gue8ts of sph rl cnl sholle, und' IIlre used tor pul· chloro. 'I'" have a surplus on hand at Mr. ,a nd Yrl ' t'~anlr R~~duok. \ verlzlng 10 certnln Industries, partlcu· the .present time. Feed is scarce larly In th~ mllnufa(~ tnre of cement lind 10 COllper mInes. being employed and you want to getdd of t~at cow, In the 1Dterlor of largo c,Un<lere. horseor' pig : or else, Dlollen.. Ind Ai.under• . You ,have a surplus a_mount of Dlogenell was eXPlalllin, to AJaan· !er about hil tUb. "I could baY' lOt farming implements on hands and II oDe-room allDrtment with 'bllth on "1 bava takon a .rea' ~aDY bot. Mutt Have the Rebe. and wnnt to sell them. tho Acropolla, but bow cou\d I keep "" of Cbllmbt!rllilo', Cough Rem. til • In AustrflUan IwllIlmlot rac:ee ., You can ~dci this very easUy by edy a ,n d every time It'hal oured me re,ulatlons prohibit 81 ,Irt cont_at IID1· reputetlon al a cymc If. I U"ad at putting iJt an ad. ~~lling all about I ha va foun'tl " moa' effAO'ua' for a 110101 to the pl1rk tOI' a ra~ unl... II plilee lite Marathon HaDor'" AI:Id back-In" OOUKh and ,or coldl. .. Af-ter them itt . hae II robe on ailld . an atteDdant teadIni the hero to a c1eter little pllee pa_hill " • 00n8h · a)"aYI dlup. wltb her. "he robe III not dowell to that had not yet heen lPOileII b1 ~ ·,ea,.." writ" ... R. MOQr.t';· Loat be taken 011 until the litert of the raee, mntd, be welcomed him . to Bohemia Vallay.Ga. Obhluble:e.er1wbere when the attendant sltaode beblDd til. O'fer the red lII.Il of CbIOL-lbebaDp. IWImmer, holdlnc th" robe. and tIAI ~ racer pracUcall7 dI". ont of tJaI robe.




InSURII n""E ==============<

W a Iter Chandler Wayn_vlUe. O.

1I1l • •

2. 'lbe Companion Boml Callindar for U1T. 3 lIeCall'1 Ma,allnl-1I f.lhloD 0IIlIIe ....1M 77 nambtre . , • . 001 l'-o1nl MoC&n Ore •• Pa.. t ern-yonr obolo. from Tonr fI,.t ~~~~~~~~~~~====== 00p1 of lIoCall'a-lf ,011 lind a 'WOO oell' Itam" wUh 10ur ••lao"OD . Tlil. YUUra'. CO'4PANIUN, DR. J. W. MIL..,.eR. 8 •. Paul 8'.. Bolton. Ma... Subtcription. r.c.ived ".re. ..• DaNTI~•••

o.u .........

.- .

FIlii" Dlltenllble Itomaeh. or the deep-sea ftl h which 8wallow olher lIah mnch billger than tbem· selve", no better known example can ltc stvell tllBD the blDek swallower. It BA~NHAI(f, Is a most voracious IIsh and bas beea IJl·",lded b;r In accommodatiD, Moth· Notary Public er Nature wlth a dlsteDllbl1l aneS .. dlstell9lble Itomllch. AU,ua.dl of No....,. W.II.

e. v.





, i

Ability to Help Others. It Is by steHdfuSt (Irllllng II1l0 Ih e bed,rock ot the wOI'hl thut \\'~ lirE' ,, 101 ,· 10 brlug liP the dl'n ft H \l'hl ch W" h il i poss to otbers.-A. F. ScllJlutller.




IM4'n, Dea....

.1I'aID 81

; i

Wldesprud U.e of English. Ot 1111 the ,pllel's thllt 111169 th l'uu ' l Uiu P08t util eI' of the world twlt'lltlnl, UI'U \"1'111<'1\ by nlld sent to P 'oplo ,1'1"

Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-ttl"...., FOr ~ .and Op~

~pl 'uk EII ~ II ~h .


, ;


Ole . . . . .d Au "'._ _........_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

FOR RENT U.aore farm. wUh Wood A 100d bulldlnp; foor aor.. In ,row. alfalla, For Il1formatloa iD. • of Jamell ~omal; rerry,


~::.::.,,::.I JE'IIDlLPPQ Pi'

M°'=J.I;'!!:!z,:: No... bougb'- Joho Bal blue; Jr.. 'PIm' ! l.DJ:.ll

Allen Bul\dlnl. Xenia. Ohio..sO



DB. H. E ~ H-'.TBA.W-'.Y 0tII0t III Eq. BIcJi,.


---- .. _'....- ---


IItII4 DMt1a • ~~,


0' 0'.

VI. Livery




AI" J:.l\.

III THIl WOttLD u.~ lJl ~ FOR BALE DIIUOcii'lTi. .PPIAuaft, OO.TUMllle, TltAII.fllltt, OA .. ACID .UI HttVIOI O~II PII~"\ . LACE of 2 aoree, ooUa,e, all ~0<l4 , u .... a ITa "DV.ltTlal .. O OO&.UMfi.




SAMPLE COpy' FREt. . bulldlnRI, neal' Red Oak. la· qulr. of ThomM JamN. Rou.. '. . . . , . . II&W VOlt" aup .... . Wayn•• vllle.Oblo. - - "0111. III. Y.








.. -


We want to clo~ ~p a parlne,..hip by January .l , 1917. .' All parties knowing themselves in debt to the firm of .

- - --

.The Advertiser

'w. B. Madflen

& CO.,

.Corwin, Ohio;





Plea. caD and uttle not later thaD . D~mber 25, 1916. ' . No account will be C&lTied ovar in'to t9t"1 except. by partiea living "bankable not.. . . Note to bear 'otereat at 6 per ·___ &!i •cI. . - l!Aftt: ---~.I. "



1il1Iiii'iii1i:IIElr= ~,ae:::1~,,:u---·.,ffiJael~1!e::::1S

I s I


i 'l£EJe ~Im . - - - ---:------ -'-


I U~~S~~-'.. :~~-



1 m



~ ~ ~I



The venerable Isan ' J. 8 ,severe cold I Homa:

car iIJ. tbe field. To dispute this ,would be to quest ion facts. With a 2" crankshaft and a score of detailed refinemellts in the rn.otor, v ibration aIllI fricl ion have beep practically di pelled. And with th se gone the life of the motor is largely lengthened. In fact, now, ' running with full load, Saxon " LX" has the stamina to stand up twice as long as the best known "four" in its class also running under full load. In oU1er· pha. es of perform ance, too, this absenc of.vibration belps. It makes gear shifting a thing of the past save in rare cas S.




l <



of the enrth " IIml if l' l>lacu . should ""'., IllIiollS of : , ',L l. ,,OW \, " III l'e [(,r · d '111 11 live ~ lo ck . , .I \'l'~ I... s~ and re o & , I 11111 than other ill gl' "u le~l prob· It is ':l recolor • r .'11 fru m grllin • "I' L Live ~I ock t • 1 "lI lld r,, 11 on t he • • 1o'"S


1l:\\iU ll~.




The' fr ien" ,.1 Heywood. eon l lf '. Heywood. form er nCfiv ille, will be I' this young man's I is n(''tV 10000ted at charge of a Un iv, has just recentl.

I IT :'0.

~ ~I

r ,,' IClIr'

': ,,(,



I. 1 IW:t . II. fli



B. CHAPMAN,_Agt., Waynesville, Ohio. I '11"'.==::1' ===:I*BP.,===:11[:']1:'===:J11!II:'===:111:]1- SI!II:'==5'!I'S











W. L' !



Medicines, Toilet Articles, Sundries .






.m.. ., 11_

.pen'~.w"~4"''''''"nte. IIr.

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ruIn, I\~II

1101' J '" '." II" ·

Gao, Bopa ...........lda'. u\\' u I'l u\\'II1;r.-"III'I ~ l1""




1I1 1 '~1

,l l el'alt l

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Colletlarelu8I$lohheltlll.ter, Mrs. Wile tl~e Ineat IT/los. Haydook. ' Lllura BaJ:ley.




n'il T A Ii ...t '

1Itte'9 ou Hauing a$i11








A CO;\1PLETE 'fOCK OF ;'; ll: l.,S )N llAND AT J. H. 'OLE:\ I A~' S :-;' ('u1<I '; ~


Wayn l'~\'illc, Ohio :

J. B. CHAPMAN, Agt.,


• • • • • •• •• •• • • • • • • • ~ • • • • •• • • • •• ~

$ ~

~ ~o ~~






I The Harveysb:;; F~~j,::;. ;;:-i51 WI11 p ay you 83.00 per heal \ for IlO I{,' I\ :-) n n at your ho me and will collte alld gd tlll:llI . fil1ed prompLly . All telc plllm e charges pa iL!. Give us u call.

Frank L. ,Harris, Man.


.:0 \

rders : .


RV EVSBURG , : Olil V '


. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 0 . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . •



,,!~~·2;;:~,~~::t:::~~i~~~nK!! . AN~ EL~.C~OmCERS

am. Morn ing Pra~er Ilnd ser mon 1h... ( :IT,rell C()unl .v J\ !tl..lcul ural at 10:30 "r was glad IvhE'1l IhL'Y\ ~,' \Ch '( ' !le.d .8 llll'elll1.g aL ~t!cre tury S id unto me. We \I ill go i1fto Ih · ( Iud Itll ~ u1\i,:u last al u nl lly . " h u use~of lhe L rd ." Yuu Ilr ' irwit. n·). ". :<1101 ,' Ht!Clp(j un Ilrg~I1IZ!1Ll\)n e. to t hese servives. Hnt! 1m.! 1) I ~n~ fo~ 1h· cn tnllll{ <lila! '!:-.lllhilit n which I ~ I.. hI' hel, l In L.. hU 1101l S IIIem b",r II tll 14 . 1\)1 7 I'll. E. CH URCli I V.~I, vellr'" uliil:er.; W4~ rc 'c1~c ttldChange in plan of E vange listic ser. t.:dtllulld. St<:WIHt. Pr~t!iderit ; Ber t ., i v Lees 1nstead of continuous eer. Heed . V''c:!ld el (; ~fl m ~ Ir ns . vices 'of this orde r, until further an- 'l're!l~ure~,(\nd Bd ::' C'\nkhn . Sec nounced, the Sunday evening ser. re ta\'~ Ih; m;1ll ,,,r uft~1~ Board vices will be devoted to eaid purpose. are Edm on ,! . l ,'~ 1I ' \' , R~' t Reerl. For January 21, 19 17. the them e am l·ons. Ed De !. \! r ••~\ tTl Huff~ rd. will be: morning, " The Man Who· Walte r A I~ell. J \le Gl tlll?r '. Karl Don't Cart!; " evening. "Chickens l3~own .. . Eo Le wtg. 1I ,Hr) Ral ~ton . Come Hom e to Roost." Everybody I)a lf~ Blshup UllII, r'I'hll k D 'MIll r , invited to come and enjoy these ser The ecrelary H finanC ia l s tate· vices. Sunday School at 9: L. 111 . mell t, w;~ nE!xt r~ II llnd was a p · A rlaQs for every body . .proved .rhr: Board spent over $600 ' . S A . Beall Pasta I'. I IL~t yea r I~ l,?!pr.:vel1'lE!nts. a nti al_ ,_ , though stIli In debt the member ~ - --have great hopes of paying this off Bfler the exhibition lilis year . The various comrnittees w6re appointe d and act ulIl work will bp 0011 unde r \\,11\' for tht! coming fair.-Western tar -----.--.. ....

ORGANIZED SUNDAY SCHOOL GLASS Mrl!. Harton Kolly ente rtained the



Gv f·!n "1 ~:: c. • L ( lit ~ Ii 1.'-= '11111 11111': 1"'1' liltil' t' :1" H I''':



• , . "fll,l,11




I .!\' J-; I ~ . ) h .lt t · L I.'

Late Classl"fied . Ads.


.W. N. SEARS Auctioneer .Real Estate Insurance


F'ri URY evelling the two basketball teams or t he High S':hool played two teams from Po rt ' Willianl, and the latter were both defeated by large sco res. , 'l'h e tirst game pulled off ,was by thl' second team. and Eddie Burton proved to be the goal thrower of the first half. Eddie, small as he is, hopped the pill into the basket ti ve times for field gOIlIR and twice on foul goals. ' After the start, however, Port William never had'so much as a lookin . The score was Waynesville 41; Office Over the Post9ff1ce' Port William 21. " The Ifr'lt teams started off lookinll as t hough it intended to be a nip and Re.ld~noe 45.2, PH,ONE,S ', or.flce 61 tuck game. but before the first half wa , I?layed Waynesville h'ad tucked the game away sofar that the other' ltlaln could not touch them with. • tC-Il·foQt pole. The sc.ore was Way· • neRvilie 25; Port WilIia,:" lG, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ' • [loth ~l\ tn ('s \\~re n icely played, h(j\,'c v r; and Lhe visitors ,proved .~ -. - ..-~7"'"--=-.-.....~--:'~-~r I h('m~el,v ('R til be ge ntle men al l tI~e . . . . .IJ!III. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . l\' ~.\' th rough . ,. I!!! trr S~ORE 'l h"" 'wi ll pr bll bly be lwogumes .';lllII'Juy l:ven'i ll lj' wi th Xenia. Hath ' ' I ~ l ... Ihr,,; games will be :(flst ones, and \~ ny ne 'vllle's two ' fives will surely be In the games. CHINAWAR E, GL.AS5W. 1 (!;,.




FI"VE AND .TEN " t':'E..

. _.


•• •


as ·we are better equipped for this· class of work than we ever hav been before, and can make an attract:l ve i I. VaIIeJ PhODe






Pro mis e

\ '., "1'





ft.,r Service

members of the RerE'an SunJa\, 1'( IISIII! .\C;U }o. h HlIlIl '1 111 "'l t UIl .. ,:hnol class of which s he iH th es· tI " I' h,lt' h H II'.-- I ·~ .. dH\' w l •. teemed t eache r, in 11 deligbtful man · ner a t her hom> on Thlr IStre t 'at; urelayaflerno n , The meeting WII held especially t u orgallh;e the , cl a~!! which was executed to the I!ati sfae , tion of , all. 0 meers were e lected, . for a term of six months. commit-- = : ; - -... -=-_ ~ . ::..' ~;: '''-:.~,,:;'''!;_:--= tees were formed ,and future class meeting to be beld the 2nd Saturday WANTED (.'1 II' o ur local puper of each month at the MethodIst church~ Fifteen enrolled members and two visitors were present to en· A 1diuln g rool11 gi rl tlt th o I? rJoDd ~ II, R Hathaway JOY the hospitality of tho hostess . B owe. t'.11 I. ,. til E Garroll I ,/ . ,!1 , II-:I! illan

I ,,\ <,

If' ·y ou contempla't e having a ,S ale this"spring ,$ do not forget to come .iii and .con's a t us about it ·for we will give,

... ...........•.

f"casn·faklfor···..e· ··'·~··:~-C i"i




Dayton, '0 .


I 'o ta~h

" , .. il cl ements. , . ,I,. , ,,01 loy II C'ood iii " ',,', , ' , .,', Ultl1l llg. In 11I ~ '11 pI/ in ti ".\1' 'lil'IIl'" ,.~., I .. , Ille r !'uulld th t Iilo~aryedltof of tl " ,1 '11',' ,,· [Iuil d. 1.11>,'\'1' I" h • ,lid nul lih~ livll l!tock an organ published '" ~It •. It· r..Rt, ..., It' IlI,t W\l l' tIl llllo"inl(. We should Saxon "Six" is $865 f. O. b. Detroi~ . Let us give a demonstration to show ~he Masonic Orj;'III,7. " ,,,11 a t An: wurk "UL a bel 'n Lilie feed illg plan aod n'Jl rl'l,d 111 1\ I!l.I LJhUlIllrd wuy . mosa, Iowa. ' bow supple arid able a performer this new series Saxon is . . r." Rev. Heywood" I O;;t;II.", r with Ill' \ l' :', ' II d ~a\'.: l enility by us in g 10,;,1 parenti left here nn' W!'11 10 DIIY COllel t' t· 1[ . I)'••• dS ' I " f the Nitr gcm to n to make th ir hOIlH' ~e v~r!ll Y!!lIrs /' a m i lh r<:.,·fJ 'lh~ " f tit, \'flLall,h is lusl ago.. Hr3 ha l, 'ell very !lc.lwe RlDc e in I 'XPUSCtl [,,,1'1, af{b , ~a rn ya rd leavlOg !\Chool and hall , lit limes. beell manures lr uLeJ w i ~h floats 0 1' 14 connected wit.h ntlwspaper work . perc~n t acid phos phate give Les l and has mnda .. r eputation . Ten results . . vears ago he ent red the ministry , c.;omplcte f e rtilizershave increased • Ii I: '" and einco that time has been located grain yields 826 pe r A . Barnya rd in differ4mt charge! . manures re in for~eu wilh 14 percent HA hall the best wishes of all his acid l plloSI}h ate .36 0 p er A . This Way nesville friends in hill ne w work . I ~lul'e was illustraled b ~ use of chart>! prelare<! by t he O hio Experi . ment tation . ln c(IIlc1 usion Mr, Green Raid . " Live ONE cnNT SPENT FOR A POST CARD WILL stock f rmer s can e lll ploy help the The Saxon Models were the hit at yt!a r t hr uugh T he re il! a higher YOU DOLLARS IF YOU WRITE TO the Automobile Show last week held I:ltandllrd liE in tell igence in a live in Grand Central Palsce 42Dd " st., tock cllmm uni ty. '1'0 ~ ucceed a live New York. stock iarmt!f must lhink The bill ehow said to be the best In llle discutllJlon whicb followed ~ held. Some n,e w cara ehown, LYllll:m ·il\' er. Hllid that PellIIsyl vania I beside the many now on the market soih, wh ro live SI ~ was kept" were to choose from. ' At the m eeting oftht' M 11 of L ~b· improving, while 1Ilinoil! soil wher e The Saxon held the position near anon Monday evenlllg' the fo llow jng gmin farming was fullowed wer"rle 1 I the main entrano ~ , . wbich place was officers were el ecter! for th" e nsuin g crellsinl{ ill fer tility F'loat.s drilled merited throullh its rapid progress year: C, C. Eulass, chairman : Fred with g ra in cn)ps did not give as into the automobile world . B. Sh.rwood, secretary and t rells , good r 'suits !IS acid pbo ~phat()s. -:::---... -~ --urer, . an,d Al ton. Bro wn, F'red HUlldown far m~ a r e, ju tlfied in ,. Bone, ~,eber Wll ham $ no! U 9m ~ a cumplete fertilizer. but bet· SUt!menmg were elec cd a~ othC'. tel' results can be had by using iloat memj:Jers of the executive eQll1millec. trea ted barnYll rd m uuu re . . J \" }cal s olo. irs. B. H . Kelly . TO SEND YOU A COpy OF "THE ECONOExpenses of Ins titute; Postage .MIST," , A FO'qR-PAGE BAR9AIN SHEET OF a nd Stalioncry , 50c; Printing und A(h·e n i. inl!. $1300; J anilor, '300; Tbe friend. of Min Ulon. Mhr~ ..r ~lu 3i . ~ J5 ; Li ver y, Tc ; lncidell ' &end.rld ber a lIurprl.e )'rlda, ...D. tal... _ $4 "'J: Tot al 336 2[i , iDI, . Ii'. . Har tsoc k, :1ecretal·Y. lair aDd loin. Harold Robla,oD , "liIr ••. be r.eolpl'DtlI of many ... ful LuoUI , tb e t nth .old tlaui l!· Resolutions . .,' ----preMDCI at alhower glvea .. their I,ter of Mr. lIud Mrs. Ll\wrenoe AI : • • 'I!'. . ._ _. ._ . . . .IOCIIOCIOCIOCIOC)OC)OC)oc~OOOOOOOO<>O<>O>OC>OCHXHX>1 bOD OW l'rlday eveDlng. Allde r h'll AIl.J,lmlt II hot sto ve ·lIn. Resolved that an expression of our .. Bo , 6( ~ d II Ob 1 day nftieru oon blldly burning lun a ppr eciation be hereuy given to our ""'!!!!!!!!""!I!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!~7!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!I!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!~ rD 0 r. aD reo N. OlD · face esteemed 11lsti tu te lee lure ra who bo"•• , January lUh. 110 daqbMr. M~a, Emmll i c6rew Is very ill. have so faithfully and instruc tive ly of tbe 1)1108& week wl,h hi. dau,bter 80Th b '1 Pll pll8 d Of Kb Ing~b.nll Blilt Mr, G . V j ,~\lnli i Improvlllg performed their labors 3"!ODg us lin. Wm , Dunn and family. 00 ,a\tend a a A81le. a ,am. slowly wi th impllrtiality a uu dig!\lty lind Tbl.oommouUy wal well r~pre. ., 81.nobest.1: Jj'rldny DIIM. Mi ss ' Unth Ueed I , til kiD g trellt- marked ability, in performance of lID ted at the Orelo~l. Farme •• 10. Mr, a~d Mrll. Tonia OODlIlla hav.\ meet' at II hu pit-ul IU ( 'i uciuufltl. ' thei l' d uty · ' h . b . .&Itule lODe to Florida lor 'be wiD'.r , R(>~ I,'ed that we el e y expr{'sfI IIr . . .4 lin. Gao. 0.,... ,,.0' • J d F Id ' . r.'lnd ~ es. To.} \ W/I!tntl llrll tb l' ou <, " pprec iatioll Rnd thi!n ks to the TbQndar wlab Wm, lIorl'lI D"~ lIU.. Viojdi : r0 a~ IIpen' r ay Jemima Boo'. fall a.tordllY, P rlJu tl ]>Jlr<l l (6 .,f " IItt I .. tl nHh to r. I \)fl'i r~ I'!I of this [nstitu te w ho so nobly' "'a,. .'VIU.. "Itb MII8, t , a s. aDd bruilled bet faoe. No bon us She artiv((\ .1",,11'" S !( II (lr '~itlec:\ !)ver thi~ borly with dignity Jolaa W.U • •peat part of 'he OD aooount of tb~ weather then' "ert brollen , M Ilia La urtl , ; \I'~\' ,,"ll'rtn lnflf' , awl I iJ r.·t ioll a~ wcll . ,~ to 0\1 t ho ~ week .Ub hJ. 60. Bo,. "bo III wae •• mall a~tend!lnoe at Wa1farA Tbe Aid tloolety of 'he Frlen els 0. Dum ber of III tI .. l,lt'IIC' . lund" ,\' a l,. 1,:lrt in I h prtll!l'a ln . qal...toll: at ble bo';. OJarkl!- League Saturday evenln~ bu. a good ohurcb me. at the bome of Mrd evenin g a t I' pliT t}' I' ll,·, ot II r r ,:H"i thnt a COllY .If Ili e3l" tlDle was bad ne vorthele88. Jelle Ba.wklnll Friday afternoon: nlD th IJlrtlldlLY . rI' : , .( ti i .ns an d l' 'sl?lutIO!IS be 'l'he III.eoi IItrl,' ''a,. and V.... Mr. and Mrs. Ellrl . Orndorf spent Tb L 41 'Aid t h M E The Ii',,~mer. In . IHo' .,', w· Il ' 'If :," h Ihe. \ uynE:~Ylll e l'arm · EIlIl ad V14. Mnmnu .. ere tD Sund ..,. atternooll with tholr am nd . e... el 0' e . attended a.nel enj oy utl I, "". •. I' .' for It<l curl II'S mtlllt. . • _\.._ Th ' _ A . . - ' . . . . .h...l mO$ber, Mr • . Ban nab Rloll. ohurcb held .. 8e"lul lo~ 'he p elOr, Rev. Woodswor ,. I j.. i 'I,ll WEI vi ' {J rou ~ly 0llpose _ _ QOU .. o ... a" ,,_..... ... r ' . d B d' di at She bome of Mrs , \'1. B. ReeveR U , . ' I . 'r I lIi.nele who a,...4 'Il. Uaher,I',. R8~. Sell eDJoye , un ay nuer rh d protraoted 8ervlotl8 '\ ! It ).1." a 10!1 Of CO!DpU. · Ib.r.. . ",l\b Geo. Ullvlll and faml!y. 00 u~. a,., oburoh. , '" Illll' til a Uf pu blic - - -- - " W. B Ioenhower. of Wa.hlng, ,. l " ur pr par dness 1In, ' ...t. . . . ·..... Tharld..,. $ODU. H.wN'b. gu .. t of her parRev. MUobell pr" .... ' "rury . lo Lhe best in· wi" h.r ~"a". lit. . .I II~• . Ed. eDta lal' "eek. Frlendl' oburoh Su n, : .• l:lerie II ove rnment wlD""'a Meteorological Molto. alld evening. ' ., . . ' .' '1' 1". I I S\), :t" I I"I SIIIl"h l ll " '" M re. "",ra "'- h B id ur 'wowl h anu prosperIty . .a , . Rtcll, o. LebaDOD, ,1<'" ar &D an _re o I'bbl e MI •• Elisabeth r.. " "J , ",,, ~ t: 1'1 py of t hese reBO-



I "·;"~I"" ·(";;i.,\~" j'~~\!/~~~~I~ I' ;S! "Savage" Tires () lccee


It can be fairly said that Saxon "Six" is the smoothe t , q uietest, most fl xiblc


.. "

ill with


The Smoothe.t Running Car


- 'I' ; I P.1Y " 1 ' : ' ,, ' : ,t ..' .l r: :d I'ril'l'. ery Ihat Will 911ve time and labor. r • See Waterhoill.e for Aulo Livery. He Bd \'l~wd "· horse machineil, fin ing , ' Let liS 'JI" W II k l ), 0 11 Ii.n {' . ( u l! ('I' , hy lool if practicuble. to save hUlIl;ln L. A i!:imnult'man i& in Cincinnati Fllt<rgy . Uli!'oline eng-iMs ~avt:! ell 'V l' l' "~' jll J1 g distance Ill. il .oT jlIOIll' . today on uUHinilBl , . I'rgy ,. (lll(i CII';! ~e used to ru n w a llY Y'~'n~""41:f;~ nlu ·Iune .. , ~ Iud he WIUI not tlluh ,;. I .; I om Pli oll£' :rS1. pho\le charg(~f; . . I I I Ie " ,-ar lbe furlll lrB 'Lor, a~ '0 ' ~ J . E. Jann~y Il. II 1,1umhuB', lU i 5 ar not prIlClICIII. ·bll l t.:I visilor la81 ·t!l;k. 1'1 11 ;ll huy ilre here to SLay. It 'V . .. I~ ' : \ Ill~ ($ v A. vf I.\\'t!f can U" I Fr ' Ib ,wk",,! LII" :a, t, hus· ItJ d I J.\!lllrs us yt!l. Wlwli lr... ~LOr" in ess vi. itor '1' ,/!;t! \, ." .1 I'd lllber ,, ( t hill l' arltl cW, ~__.....~~_"'_,_ __ _ ,_..........."''!''!''..."~ _ ~~~-.~~~~II 'Lltl I,art a htl yelH' Wid I . h )o' / ~. , Wnltm' K' I' lb on, ,. L· ' r." 1. WIO ., t,. I. ,l 1 '. cd • • ~ .O.,f;... ,<O ..'t.. .;. <,... '9 <' . 01>'11 ~ a caller her. Tuea .oy. : nl II. I' J l 'll Jf J Jl\'l! 'ttlch


A biS! touring car 'f or five people

~ ~

UlANT&:D 5 ;11 ."Um""" ,,'''' r.. m,,"" i" L ... 1 STITUTE

r. '.'.




_~ixty-Nint h Year'. ~

'....-;'.-."........."....~~~"~~~~ ~ ..... ,.~ ~


~~~~g=~=~==~~g~~~~~~~~~?~-~~ ~~~


~ s '·~~ ~~


Whole Number 3406


Special for Saturday Only

Special for Saturday Only

Special for Saturday Only

Special for SaturdayOnly

:\ meril nil I rin LS ' 'a l ico (!:ialurday onl y), . . ,. , . . , . .

'Boys' Wa is ts, SOc qua lity ' Only . .. .... .. .. " .. : . . .

:S 1.25 alld $1.50 Sweaters (Salurday only) ... , .

... 1.00 alld .~· 1.2ij h irls 'I'D close out .. . . , .. ... . .








Sale fltti. II 26tb Everything Reduced

- e - - - - - - . BROUGHT HOME THE WET AND IW + ~I MEMOR'ES Of BREEZY, LETTER SILVERCUPSI ORY CONVENTION i WAYNESVILLE'S REGARDING A Don't fail to IItlend I{ lven in GIFTED POET • j A delightful dance Evan s & Raper. who entered thei r ' Th I . t h W Earnhart's hall Tuesday evening by SOU1HERN TRIP CIE>arance Sale. .. '" h Ch I P I Of course the usual amount of en· .e regu ar meetmg a t e o· the Mfs.ra Baily' Davis Burnett b . dsat t,.e ;,out ar e!'ton try th usias U1 was manifest . but th at man s was held at the rec· and Waterhouse The'!'e twen.


O~~~'~A~~~~L~:JRCH [~~~~~ ~~l~]







~ee Waterhouse flir Auto Livery , show last week. ~ur el y mad e a win not the ch aracteristic thing . This Itor y FrIday .afternoon, January!9 ty.flve couplt!s ';resent and everyning. as they did at the local ahow convention 8 S no other in the history r TI~e meetmg ~as op~ncd ~Ith boci~ enjoyed th; dance , Stake and Chicai'o. January 22,1917, Mra , Laura Mosher spent Satur- here. T\le boys ~rou g ht horne .fi ve of t he ~ght in 9hi o WBl! m.ark ed with musIC on the vlc.~rola. B~autlful Howell ~urnlshed the muelc. this be- To the Editor oHhe Miami Gazette: cuP~ . wl."et) slon e IR II fin e shoW Ing sane, wise. bUSin ess 9a~rac lty. Forc' IIele of Somewhere. The Vice Pres· ing a feature day in Morrow. Their wmnmgs we re as follows , ea were united as never belore dent. Mr; Crane. read a portion o f ' My recent visit to Wayntlvlllct B V S . h 'X · . Buff Orpingtons - 2 3 ck l. :l3 hens. Featur es we re e mpbasised that here: "Romans X All j oined in repe,ating ' . broujfht back many usociatloDl of . . . . mit was a eOla bU:>lnesli 1 2 3 pu lle t. Black Or pingtons- l toro re were not mentioned. Far- the creed followed by a service of Monday evening. MISS Rulh Hart· the past and called to mjnd name. VISI tor Saturday. hen . Wbite Pl ymouth Rock- I cock. sighted a ncl f ar. reaching plans ""ere Iprayer conducted bv Rev. J . F. Cad- sock entertained very delightfully and faces familiar to those who knew 1 hen. 1 2 pull et, 1st pen . Every laid that cannot hAl p bllt produ ce the I wallad er . Another Rang "SomeLime her piano student!! fn the manner of the town in other years. Waynes· Dr. Dill. Osteopath 21 S, Broad bird entered into the.,e classes \\las needed results. We'll U nderatand." by Trinity Choir' a mU8ical. In which the younger one. ville has bIen the iood mother of way. Lebanon. Ohio. pla ce~ ., .' Wh il e space and, tim4! will not per . WB~ t~ en Ilhlye d . . were the attraction . Those on the hundreds of i'ood men and women Their ~lnnlDg~ .wer,e . , i!;e r CliP mi t to give a detailed write UP. we Scriptu ral Quotat,lOns we re given program were Raymon~l Bratlclocll_ who have relleete<! credit and re", est The next Lecture Course will be .bWesh~ WRhlte Rock. ~lll ver CLIp bb wllnt to mention a few salient .fea. In respo'1 se to . After the Rhea JanneUe CartWright. Robert nown on t,he community. Some who T d' .Ite . ock pen~ SI vcr ~up est tures. reading of the minutE'S and other Vandervort , Burnett Butterworth. have distinjfulshed Wa,n..vllle have on ,Ies ay evening. January 30lh . salad co:orcd bmi 111 s h~w; Silver. cup I Wm , J , Brya n was there and while business the less.5r. for the day on Kathryn Henderson, Ruth Tomlin- become but nil mea now and I fear to , best sohd co l ~ red pen In show; Silver he broug ht the moral force of his "How Our Church Came to Illinois." 8On, Anna Woollard and Irene Vice. the younll'er school even !lam.. are Mrs . Margaret Baker. of Dayton. cuP. b~t pen In ~~I breeds and prese nce .and his wisla council and was taken up , This le880n proved ·A dainty lunch was served. fad ina. Is the guest of Mr. a'ld Mrs. Frank vari eties c"mp etlll ~. 1 h ~y al 0 had forceful s peech. the splendid thing to be a fruilful source ot informa· For example, tbe Wlost eminent Zell. the. Grund Cham~\On bi rd of the that he did accomplish was to tenta- tion. and it was hard to realiz. t h a t . man of letten that Wayn..ville hal enllre show. a White Plymouth Rock lively orQ'anize the Democratic Party the first church bell heard in Chicago E. B. Bally to~k a merry cro~d produced Is Col. Coat.. Kinney. He of bob·sled JOY ~Idefll to CenterVille reats in your beautiful cemetery . of lhe state of Ohio to back this pro. was runi on Christmas Day. 1836. Earl Hockelt. C. H. Hartsock and cockerel. T.he boy~ are feelmg fine over hibitio nmovement. A committee of After adjournment a pleasant ~tl,lrday ' l3y walk!ng, amid Burroundlnlfll that were hl.lnB. V. Smi th are driving new SIlKon their premIUms, and well th ey may twenty· two representative Demo. social hour was .pent Ilslenina- to Elldmg and runnmg th~ crowd spiratlon. Col. KlnAI.lY In hi. day cars. as the s~ow was a larJte one. and crats of the state was appointed a,; Vit:trola selections . aged bto get to CenterVille about 9.40. wrote versn that were aurcharged 'tt 'th J b J Le tz Mrs. Mary L Adams of Kansaa and t ey had to come back home with deep thouibt, fealin'" and pow· several big breeders were present. a comml ee WI 0 n. n fI8 • ' a g a i n by another ,"oute which was .. Mrs U. M. White is sorlously ill I t y 0f comp~t I' t'IO!". chairman d th ey h~ d pen ' to complete arrangements City and Mrs. Louise Woolley were ft • er. Somethlnac, and I could never with typhoid fever al her home on anAI Shaner al: o had some birds In t r f ur th . ti I MBrC h t present aa vlsltora fully as bad aa the rst one The figure just what It wu. kept ('01. 'Main street the show, and Q'ot first on II Bar red °h . h I er °wrgaJDlzBa (In n '1I , a ' bob-aledder.s had a merr,. time. nev· Kinney 'from bein'" a really "reat . U~~k Cock ere I . E . B , Ba'lly won to w assist Ie • t f!1e . . ryan WI return •- • ertheless' and enl' oyed every .hour • l\oUC 10 the same ' poet. H8 had the• poet'. geniua. n' second and third on Barred Rock Th R C th II f they were out. Those who enjoyed moodB and emotion.. He had a maar' . Don't fail to attend H ymll 8 pullets. e Qman a .o~: orces were the outillg were the Misses Dorothy •_ • represented by a priest, and a lawyer ' Gebauer J08ephine Andrews Beulah nlficent vision. Perhaps he a t tempt Clearance ~ale. of the I18me faith told us of. the part K' dl 'H t C· M' , ed too great a task and had not the Mr. and Mra Frank LeMay. of that that church toolc in the Michl. b In eli' c!r !lnln a~ rman a 111- capacity to meet It. Middletown. spent' Bunda witb __ gan fight fiand aze ullt~.'· __ ~~lace d H arry_ t1Im'O'elln SUl!h discriminatina'. critic. u Wll· ht what ' they would do in anudrY'h t e- M*Bl'I.- ........... - an. Howels Julian Hawthorne th Oh' relatives here. . Org~~iz!d iabor W88 represented , O'I HHODOX FRIENDS Satterthwaite. Raymond DaVIS. Je8Se and others were liberal in their esti· anp showed wluare they stood. The A eerie. of G08pel I8rvlces will ~~:::::'B ~eorll'e Waterlil)use and mate at Col. Kinnefe literary worth. same was true ot the colored vote C('mmence at the Orthodox friend, Dean W Applegate. of Pleasant a y. Emerson Venable In hi. mo.t interAt tbe same time th'lt this conven~ church next Sabbath. January 28th. •- • estinll' volume. "Poeta ot Ohio" Plain. Ohio. spent last week with Horace Fr'ancis Mayers Bon of placeR Col. Kinney In the front row. Mr. Blld Mrs. Gordon Joy. John J. and Eliza Wright Mayers tion wall meeting. another meeting Everybody "elcome. "I will bless the Lord at all times This poet of Waynesville ess.~ed was born in Dayton, Ohio. Septem· was being held In Columbus at the , , ~he hiahest. , He w~ bold and darmff J. E Janney Bnd .Rev, S. A, Deall ber J, 187J. where he spent almos't Deshler hotel . Leading business and his praise !hall continually be in my manufacturing men o,f Ohb met at mouth." . In his a,cenll. He lanored the can· spent several days In Columbus last his enLire life He was educated In week. attendiDa the Dry Convention. the public sllhools of Dayton and this plttce to discuss !interests that "0 magnify·the Lord with me and ventional and in his famoull "TrUoKY" gaye unmlstakab)e evidence of at Denison University. Granville. pertuin to their busIDl!!8s. and one of let u's exalt his name together ...• possesslnlr i~nlull akm to TennYlIOn Miss Dorothy Zell and Mrs. Martin Ohio. graduat ing from the academy the things that they discussed was "0 taste and Bec that the Lord is the part that they would take in this gooc1: blessed is the man that trust· or Browmni'. Wolf. of Xenia. came down to the In :889, After leaving Deison Uni fight. . eth in him." Psalm 34 ~ But even Col. Kinney's mo.t popbasketball game and spent Sunday versity. he returned to his home in The central 'management of thla The first and second teama of ular verBes are not kn~wn to the with Mr. am~ Mrs. Frank Zell. Dayton and accepted a position wllh ST. MARY'S CHllRCH Waynesville met the first and second 'school chil~ren of the nelahborhood the Car Works Co . which position , campaign will bll different and more teams of Xenia High In a battle where he Ilv~ . W~at more beaut!W d' t I . he beld witb much fai thulneSl; for wide reacbing than ever before. It en VIse, you a ay In your pres· 3evenll yea rs. leaving there to do will profi t by past mistake. . Fourth Sunday after Epiphany roval at Hchool Hall Sat.Jrdny night. ful and n:'usl~al lyrlll eve~.came ol,l.t ~~:Barts~~~~e.\~:c?'Mo: O\I:tK:~~ en~ and future underwear supply. secret ari al work a t the CMh Regi . Here Is wishinll the .movement suc. January 28th. Sunday School at !I:30 The second team was a fight from or the Miami V~lley t.han Tb~ RaID S. A Besll a, m ,; Morning Prayer and lIermon !tart to finilh and when the whi !itle upon the Roof . It IS a classiC. full tucky home was written'. we also see pnrletE's advanced fbrom 40 to 60 % f~r te.r Co. and for tht: city newspaperI'! , cess in every ph ase. ex season. 80 uy now and save At 1h" outbreak of th e Spani h at 10:30. The public cordially invito blew the score being 13 to 14 in f avor of fine feellna' .. an old brick church. theolnestchurcb money, Myer HymaD. Ameri c" ll War. ll e nnll· .ted. llol' n<>, ed to these services. . of Xenia A notable trIbute was paid Col. west of the Alleghany mountains . " ~ ~ .. The local five of the first team Kinney at the time o~ tbe _ long-r... Here we took several views. next' WE' - good service while there. Abou t ~we . membered Home Commg Reunion in , were dimbing th~ winding Mul. Mrs: A. C. White. of Owensboro, one year 8[50. he was g iven the pos t first balf but in the second half were Waynesvi e y aries Ewan Merritt draujfh dill a long, winding road . Ky., arrived here Sunday evening of Captain <.over a company of men 111. CHURCH In these hills Jells~Jame8, lhe bandit See was. calle~ here on account of at the National Military Home. and , January 28. 1917. Sunday Scbool. equally as good as Xenia. scorin g as in his address on the school campus. held 8way. Ano(her stop waS at Ihe serious Illness of Mrs, U, ' M. whlle thel'" in September was lit· 9:15 a. m ; Preaching service. 10:30 many points. The final BCOr e W ll~ 27 Capt. Merritt was an ardent admir38 in lavor of Xenia: Lack of er of Kinney's literary work. It Lincoln'A old cabin home. a beautiful White. tac~ed with arute Brights disea e a. m ,. theme. ' 'Afire for God'" to practise on 8.:count of examinati ons was suggested to him then that he . , place kent up by the government, from wbich he never recove red. Preaching service, 7 p. m ,. them·e. a~d theab.t!nce of one of,t he regular gather together material for a bioi" Tbe Chicall'o Quarttlt. which is the l He wa~ for nearly 30 yeal'!' a memo Arthur Ali so n. of Norwood. mana "Ohickens Come Home to Roost." team men II blamed for the de feat , raphy of Col. Kinney. u:ive his OWl) e Ca~~uBi~~ a~~ t~:~v~~i~;I~iath~ next Lecture t;ourae number. is a l bllr of thtl First Baptist church. and g E?r of lhe :tandard Oil Station. met Evangelislic service characterizes Xenia playSlome of the best teams personal recollections of him and In18th arrive at Mammoth Cave. Ihie fintl brganizrtion, ,and will be here a faithful teacher of the Sunday w!th an acc!dent last Thursday that the eveninll' worship. Come and en' in the state and the Rhowing of the clude in the volume some ot Kinney's Is a very old hotf'1 and since WE' Januar¥ 30th. Do not fail to attend, School for a nun,ber of years. Will keep him from work for several joy these services . local teamlle credltllble . most finished ,oema. A year or so visited it we are told It bas been all tbls IS a star attraction . His gentleness of disposition. his days. Whi!d he WIIS cranking his • ' - ...-::..-previoul to his death. Capt. Merritt Followlnll' la the line up : keen sense of humor. and willing de · automobile. the machine kicked him Second Team being incapacitated for office work _ sire to serve ei)rieared him to many. fi nd broke a small bone in his wrist. burneri with many of Its old records Miss Geori'la Hadden, who was and being confined to his home, de· Mr. and Mrs. Warren Edwards He js survived' by bis three sistere. While the injury is n" ,t Ii dangerons We made the night trip tlirough thE' hurt Christmas Day. Is at her home Xenia cid ed he would undertake the pro· W. H. S. lone. yet it is a very pain ful one. cave and found' it a most \lVonderful a~d Mr. ~t'rbert ~wardR left Sun, two nephews and one niece again. Crane ................. I'......... Vannorsdall ducllon of this book . He requested ' place. day evenmg for Milwaukee to attE'nd Dyke ............... , .. F ........ Slevens me to get for him two or three volWeare 00 OOr w~ ~~n ~t&m~ti~~ ~~mM. a~~m=======~=======~=======~~=~=~=============~ Satterthwaite .... .. C .. .. .. .. Ferguson urnes of Kinney's poems, I l)ave 'morning is fine. We jl8R9 the Na. ' (here will go to their work In the searched Chlcaao. Cincinnati and Phllipa ......... ...... G .... .. .. Retinger tional Cemetery cro~s the Cumber- West; Harlan ............. :.G .... .... Reddell New York book stores. going to the land 'River, arrivillll' at Nashville I 'Field goals-Dyke 3, Satterthwaite second hand shops too. but I could where we spend , our next night. The Misses Beulah Kindler. Jo· '2: Vannorsdall S. Stevens 2. Retinge 1. not find a elnile volume. , Another morning-things are no\\ 3ephine Andrews. Dorothy Gebauer. Col Kinney's worka were out of . Foul goalll-Crane 2. Dyke 1. cl)anging-we see cottonfield!! and Hester Canine. Henrietta McKinley. print and this meant his name and Stevens 2. C!ottonpickers Passing another Na· Marjorie Turner. Elma Robl'rts and Firat Team fame would paes out In a few yeara. tional Cemetery here was lhe baltle·Mee8ts W. R Spreigel and Glenn X· I regret that Capt. Merritt'l physlfield of Stone River. a very historlcul Johns went to Dayton Friday even· W . H . S. ema .:a1 dil8bility prevented him from , place. near Mur,free~boro Monu ing ann heard the celebrated violinist, Gustin .. .......... ..... F .. ... .. : .. Barnett making more than an outline of hill . ment" mark where many a fi ere' ,K ritz Krei~ler. ," Wright .. ............. F ....... ..... Moore memoir of Killney. I had hoped ,t hat ' battle \Vas fought a:onll thi" part. 0' I Furnas ..... ........ .. C ......... .. , Walker this miiht havs been the mean',of . , our way. Here we find pilar laud Mr, Chas. Wilgus and family and Snook ....... ... .. ..... G .. . ..... : ... Owens revlvinll' Interest in a local poet who.. . homes and people. .]- M d M R d f0 ' P McClure ........ ..... G ............ .. Belle versea carry 90 much charm. , 'ow at the sl"rt ' of till r. an rs, ee. a ayton. rof We are n " and Mrs G J Graham. the Mitaps Field goals-Gustin 5. WrIght 2. I W811 interested a few wweks IRQ \ . ' Cumberland MOllntains. traveling up Mary Wilgus Clara Martin. Anna Furnas 2. McClure 1, Barnett 7. In attendinjf a reunion of men' who l steep, /,ough mountain road ,pas( Morrow. Mepsrs Geo Moore and T . Moore 3. Walkel 3. Belle 1. had been connected with a 'western Wonder CaN, a beautiful place: on Moore. of 'Xenia; Mr Mil ler, Mr I , Foullto~ts-Gustln 2, Wright 3. society for lome thirty five yeari to Il.P to Montl'lJlllr . whl1re we stop for Damon Fox. and the MiRses Edith Itnd Moore 1. Belle o. hear the comment of lOme of thew supper and til(! Illght. 2200 feet above \ Alice Fox. of SprinQfi€'ld, attended • _ • men who were familiar with Col. . . IIell level. '. . the funel'al of Mr:! Wilgu~ Silturday. Kinney'll versll!l In a brief calk 1 ' Thp IIlr l ~ f1n ... everythIng beaull. had made rererence, to tHe pbyaical ful. we take 'pictures and are trav , and mental preservation of , those 'Illill ~ tH ,- 1'1 , b \: and pic!! Inll untain I ,T he Hllll~: c~I\(l1 .bQ~ ~(· tbal l tl!;AIn present wno had been active In 80 I 1I"l' l:llI mt 111 1.. The rulttl i~ !If.e(,p Wll1llo to) (1l'IClIln llll ['n,IIIY /,vp.nlng mll,ny lines for 10 10Da a time. I addHlid r!,ugh. UU Wt! ' IIrt: o.: ll~ ,ying I to a~t~IiI'I I~e bll~ kl!tb,,11 I!we~ af ed that one of the ireat arta of life Mr: J. Howard Dice. of Cp!u mbus. is' to jl'row old Ifracefully. to retain eV",ry moment nf it, buL 8:1 aUl'h It I ~o llth rn Ohln Southern ~ndHlDa State Organizer of Libra ries. b811 ,8 deep interest in Ufe. to keep in trill as ' lhi" \V . ulrl not be comp'ete alJd No>rtheru Kelltucky ThlH mep,t · arranaed 'to be in Waynesville. Sat· touch with modern ,thoUIlt!ta an<l whhout Ilii .. hap. all un looked "";11 determine the b~~t tellms In the I urday afternoon. February 3rd. mo;'ements Ul be bUill aDd ' pl_,. for. our'aula st-op8 slill and refu~8 South'ern parl IIf OhiO and at , the to budge. Atter dOBe . ell.amlmllioD same time the central and northern Thla Itlll leaves a few more day. In with children. wblch the frlendll of good literature, and quite a Int of work we find wd team. will meet at different plaeee. To lIlust who have not already done 80. can erence bave been ilven lOme ba~ paollne 'In the end the best team. from thelle to join the ranb <If ~O!le helping the froRl In a lew .bol:!ra we are again In Order\aectlon. will meet to determine the library movement. The expense II "To anone and = y to.....renll\e our journey. cbamplonablp of the ltate. The difApple IOtmall and the caule il 10 iOOd. in Itllmqery We . RIIlkln'. FarQ', drive our ferent tama repreaented Will play WlII ,ou not -'ve your name and macblD8 bbr 1Iat-boat .00 .... Satard., all dollar to the committee betore Fa~ recopize the dai T1DII .... River. _

JUlluary 16. 1917 Dear friends at hOll'e:Findir,g it impossible to write to all of my dear fri ends I will try and write one for the old Miami Gazette, Having received un invitation from my daWlht~r. Mrs L, T. Cooper. husband lind hule lion to take B trip to Florid .. to spelld at least part of the win~er in lhe sUDnl 8OUtl1 viail ; I.- ":1 ' " many places of Interest. I of • , aC~IlI)ted. t he romance bonil king ittln automobile trip, l:fO that e~l'r~ thing should be com plele. MI' and Mrs , Gooper pur.cbasl'd U Id have equipped a Packard Twin Six T<lurilllr car and after many Iloodbyell on the 14tll day of November. 19.6. we It'ft Waynesville and in a few hours arrived In Cin· clnnati , He e we spent the night at the 8inton Holel. Early in the m?rning ~e were on ouo ws, The Blr was CflBP and cold but our heaters were warm 80 alllO were we. We passed into Kentucky and were soon climbing the Lexington Pike Hill. Th~ flcenery was fine. In a few hours more we sawand gath· tlred mistletoe. at WilIiamst(Jwn. We stopped for dinner and htmgrywell, you 'ihould have aeen us eat In a Rhort time we were driving along the Ueorgetown pike. with stone fences on eitl)~r side for miles Imd miles. A little further on we were enter. irig and passing· through the Blue Gralls regions of Kentucky . We Betfine farms and fine stock or all kinde especially the horses. Hurrying on we arrive at the old town of Lexing ton and s,Plmd two dllYs Ilt the Phoe. nix hotel. This is a place full of marty romances Hertl we were treated royally Lexif1gton isa place of about 40.000 Leaving here w~ are going over the most picturesque road alon ..a the Kentucky rl'ver Rnd















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<C9JltlD\MCl ...... ~



AI" Uttrl -4~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.w.r . .~~?





.; r to,

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,. . . T"" Ch....;d, of POM4gU B"""," DAYlD WRENcE & ANTOINETTE 0 BANNON of the Bailie of Tippe'. , . In the Indiana WilJem~. and of Whal Befell Thereafter


~U~T~I9!'J,f.t',.~~~"~~~:~:,," I



Ito"" a,...k..

r~ Doctor JDlllott, lyin, prone on .... blaDket 011 fbi bewn lop of the IoGr of ()oQrod'1 tavern, tUrred Unlla8u, Ii taJ. liMP. Olltede, the art1ller1 alth,~tlumd~torm of theautllmn rv.IDbied and Cl'Ilhed above the Itoady r1I8b of the rain. .A. band rell upon tIw! latch and the door burlt opon betore tile lu17 of the wine!. Elliott ,,[olce 10 aDd the raiD 4r1vln,lnto hIe tRce. He 1fU \ about to rlle to dOlo t h.. 'd(IQr .he~ the wbole room wu Itruck out ot 4arlmeu b,. the dftllilln, blue ot sheet lIcbtnln,. It W1I.I1 rone as lnstontly .. it ClIme and the ernell or thunder w.. dI. accompanied It dro"'lu'd hIe cry. III that d~le momont of the b!lndlna bah he bad leen: outlIned lI,olnst the ahlmmerln, .kT. frRmed In the rectaDale of tile door. tho dreadful or a crouchlnl Illdtan, ku.lfe In hand. ilia Umbl frolll 111 borror. The r oom .... DOW a. black u mldlll,ht. but hli .,.. ached wtUl th. lmPretli of IICIltlllD& stare and th. lIIlI,. tha.t llad

~m ~5.00 . .Eye.'Glasse's' at

QI! ijl'


;;,.wwrLi1~COY ~ OHA'TI" XVII.


and I clim e R ross tile Allllnlic to tlml you: I thought I mi gh t sll.l\\, you I wus Inlloe'nt. I ~W('III' I tll1I .lnnoc~nt ." "You Ue." retu('n~d DII l'lil ,"" lm l~·. "you Il i) III e\'!~r~' "'<lrtl. Yu u lufl' rlll l'u . fBI ~l'ly 0 11 lilY (ulh 'r, nnd hi' Ilh'd "11 th u gn1l II'S h('rnu~ or y .'11. )",u h~·



~ ~

e. ~




·T HE CINCINNATI OPTICAL CO., of Cincinnati, wish their Specialist alnd his assistant will be in WaynesvilJe Wed. and Thurs., Jan, 31 and Feb. 1. 1917, and every


'r 1



dur .Optical Specialist Adl wit II

And his nssistant have had yean of experience and you may rely 00 them absolutely. They ' will uam· ine your eyes in the most modern, ' scientific way ABSOL ' TEL Y FREE. We SU&iest, therefore. that you caJl 00 them.


111 1


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1I~:ltl.\ ,·hl·.:, Ii \ cJill ~ d . Llr If yo'! ItR\" di I I Eyc GllI ~SC, I' i, il UIl I ~:i' l"'1





1' , 1

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a ll e ll ~ioll

10 tli l1il'u lt ~· a ' cs . \\' 1: \;1,\ 1, 1\:\'['1 ': 1,; Ollr \\',111. :Illtl (; 1


Our Invisible

Our Obje4ct In making this offer of Sci glass'l's for $ 1 Q pair, is simply t.o introduce our lel'vice in th i$ COIllUlIll'lity . Regular prices will prevail after our L I st \' Waynesville. Sp~ial prices on all tJt Iter Optica l work .

Arldl BewQre of all persons who call at your home aud claim to be representing tiS, a s 'we have no reJl'c , 5enlativcs but our Speciainst at tile J[otel, as wc advertise .

Will IIOt confuse yO ll . the same le nses.

All orde rs taken are delivered by I ns u red Parcel Post . lIa nka h lc rdercnces ~iven. to those d esiriDg same . $~

YO \l

H i-Foc c~~ s

can ,,,e

I,ll " illl

1I1': 1I . ll1t

Uoo ' t Fo rget tile Uall', -

Wednesday and Thursd a y January 31 and February

all comlllunications to Mllill Onke:

At Cust'" Hote l

The Cincinnati Optical Co.

Ollice Ho urs : S " III. In ... 1'_ Ill . 1£ your time is lilllited , l:\l III<! c.Hh :1111 1 11 \ ,, ' I l " rush . Iteccpliol1 Ro o m. G lI 'E Ill Il ov·1 1',1 11,,1.

15t;9 Ruth Ave. , Cincinoati, Ohio


lbeen 'lIt:nIc:II: Int.o them. Still In the pitch clarka be coUld see thllt Ick· tl~ark , evU, Itl .,... peering mal."olenUy Into room. He heard the raln·eolked 1ll0CCll1l1D.1 ot the· take two 'teps Inward. Before he could m out alala, a teeond ftaab at IlIhtnlnl illumIned the I'OOID. apd Ibowed a 8Ilcond man, taU, JI&le wtth anler. ,Ilia fOOL on the tbresh· 014.

With the boane' lIIIarl of n wild

beaat. the IndJan leaped at the (!.gure

A. cold. Rnd dreory mIn was 8tll1 raU.

came n BrlU b 511Y. You Iled from Ent:to nd to escn pe me ; yon never tholltlht to flnd me here. Nor dId I thInk to flud you here. nnd er lin allau.rned nOlUe, pretendIng to be a pb,.. alelan." Scull looked ot hIm In terrer. "God I" he whlspored, hla lip. 4r7 wtth leur. A doo r Ihnt IC.d to nn Inner room 8tld.

lng, but a my or IIgbt 'mbone trom the U\vorn door on the upturned toce ot the dend IndlRn. DavId stopped anll looked down upon the algbtleu v1lDte for a moment and thon lau,bed. The dreadful feat1lre, were twIsted Into a Ismlle ae to utUrnate Victory. and a little rl'f'Olet of rain tr:\ckle4 unce. . Ingt1 from the corner or the mouth. No mQre of WHtc:he4 lIfe: no mol'll ot ftrewaterl Dlh'ld', band IItole uncoDicloDJly to the plltol that hunl beavlly within th. folds of hi' own blouse. HIs Ilnrere tlghtened on It and ble IlPII drew wlether In a harder line. • • • Why not? • • , The tbln, 811 ea.U,. eo quIckly done, • • • WbJ not! Wu there Bll1thln. remalnlnr to mllke hIm hold to Ute all1 10000er' What thou,b Blacldord did beltne IJi 111m? Wbat tholllh a bundred Irtenda believed In blm' Wbat mattered all tbelr friend8h1ps, their mpld l1'eet· Inp, the UtUe Idnclne_ of dally In· ' tereollnel What cDd bI.a dreiuD, at Irent tblnp to be done In W. new land amount to' Petty drtiun" pett7 taeks, buyIng and 8IlUlna. IIqUlbbllnp over pennlea, 'I'\TIIngllnp over HtUe 'gaIns-a 80rdld proapect, the hertta,. ot toollll Tbe rain fell It..dIIy. clillllDg blm to the very bonN. TIIroqh Ita era,. uncenslng tornnt ba plOdded. uncbal· lenged In bI.a lonellnelll, to hli own rooms tn the vllla,e. BoddeD with the cold tlood. BOdden with qnenched hopei, he sonk beavll,. upon a ebalr and bowed ble bead lIpc1n bll hands, there to alt for houra In a nomb wrutl1n, wtth bltterneu that were be,.ond hi. power to 8hale olf. Atter It lon, while, be rOle ond drew the plltol from Ita plaee-wlped the tiIloqlDes8 trom.ltl ablnlng barrel and Kaled at It wltb unlleetna e,.ea.




Marrloge LlccnseR . Arthnr';' . J o rn~, form er of Lf'bI~n()nl oml M"bel E. Sliields, of Yor. row . Re v. D , (). I!:lsollu gle. Ua r old Mcintire Bsnlillru, r"rmer lind Mil ,,,,1 (J, M o rrl ~, both ot Leb. moon . Rov. Ueo. W . Phillips BerbftrL R. Moredlth, farmer /lnd LEilia Whlt~ller, hot,b of \Vl\ynel. ville. Rev. C.!:; Urllllser, Howard 8&anley, farmer ot Woy . nenllie. and Birdell" BOI"n, of BarveYl!bnrg. Hev. GlIOrl. W. l'h1l1pa Vernon B. R~If. electrlolan, "Dd Genevieve L tI\lbbl, .oth of Lev aoon. Rev. R. B JI·otter. Ralpb E . SbutTer emplo,ed at Klngt Mille an(1 Uoldle !lllller, bo'll of Lebanon. Uev. R. B Foster.

I'laroid Thackaru . ... .. . . . . J un . O'Neali f( Zell . .. .. . . . . .. Fl'll. Waller Barnord, . .. . .. . ... Fell., A, B. Sides . . . . ... , . .... . . Frb.


I:! 15

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Saxon Six Livery , I'R Il,;E ' IW.l I Il'j




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CO I{WI N.0I110

Phone 90 -:l

A. MA. FIT l·' uncral Uir(>c/t>' :1 1; .. ;

., nbalmer,

W ayncsvi! e. Ohio . Wa hav(\ arl·a tl J.(Qj VI Lli an ulIdt!r· taker t I:r ,t UII Oll l,l . ~ , ve will btl uh e to furnish 11 110: 1 lUI I.HILo or h u!':;\:! .In\>1 n rUIl I: ral. Bolh villines In Ollie!' llild Hesidence. Long ,1i!'tllnce.No. II; 1IIlITIc phone , I ·k!r




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t rill

or . Ohio


-l.. lfflF.HAu to Equipment


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Il o rse~ Urnwn

Equipment D ~Y Oil ~IG~ _

l' ELEI'!I0Ntt ...


Dr. J. A . McCoy, Vet erin ary ~ Itll ,

Graduate of Ob i()







True......... d....... Bon. I... ...a" 4.......




Telephone 28

,Waynesvill e.



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ON to Fictio n M cCflll's ieSupreme." ' n :it s n. New York subscriber.




O ffice at re.~idencc il\ I~ II Sher wood's house, FourLh 'I reet.



,,"Ot'l.: ~

"'1 1' \'111.:111

\1 I' (Ill'


Erncst Hartsock , . . .... ... . I:eh. IC) Mrs. DnughcrlY, ...... . ... Feb . 2 1

na~ ,",ppled. ID tile darko_ Elllott beard theIr quick Boraoe ~'nbbl Barry Barding tarrfble breathing I I thaT Iwayed In I will se ll ., pnblio ullo~i o n III, my money onl, ; amoao' ol.lmed uu, 000 • Itronle for Ute. . .A etool tripped residenoe , I! mllell 'l'l'e t of Wllyn ~ . tJa,m and thq tell. rolUnr alulnllt bbll. doul y ' lI'ullg OIIC D ond a woman and OOlltll ville, on the rO'Ld le"dLDg from WilY , ,.lIaiD the Uptnlna lIerild and he Baw 8tep~ed quICkly out. Am brole Cuder n . Ma'Us Oar nonUl" plk6 t o P ekin. !llll·b i) O.- vl d tile kDlf.. dallbed trom th" IDdtan'lt A cry of renr e enol'<l her os eb. IBW der, d11l'0rOl; groee .eal.o, ' Million r,u m, nu !laBel, lrIDI beIld. him. The white :I?nVI? lowering menacingly above 1'bom.e S"'w art "'. Alloe Blewar'. IIIUl ,.... beDllllth hl. tace bidden b · ;' rull 8 \:)1111'011 h ~IIIJ. . Rh wos face to Tursday, Januar)llO, 1917 dlvor~l; abHlaOl and nelleo'. tile ItnJDln. lIbo~tdere of the .ft"'l.g~ " toce wIth DavId IIltd bu looked at her' Beginning 100. , m .• ~h a to ll ~w · Etbe'l BrowD Linder " •. Will. Mo. BIIDd17 Imllott eelsed the weapon and tn ..rLI~~d"lnul lqllnollt. I" Kinley 81'0WIlI. per.ISloD . ,. Ing: ~ h or!lo!:l, :l cows. tnrru loR 1111· etnIdt wtUa bptertCAl toree. ,runlllcr plamenl8, lI o u~l! b old g ood!!. "',8 bills TIle DIaD banllllUl thook 011' the reo The girl tiling h rr~ It between the Mal"ba MoOabe "1. Wm. "oO.b• . for ternl ~ . Real Eltatc Tran.fers lued anne of the bldeou. Intruder and two mell ond cl1l6pl ng Scull In . bor dlvoroe. Ii /\HOLD Tli ACK /\ RA . . . Ullltal.d1l7 to hi. teet. Tben he ~~~d she lurned deJlnntly toword Proceedlnll .1.,0" V..II to Kittle " . Lollar. G. T . Hllwk e , Au ~ . la_ed alcdtl 111 the darknee.. W. E. O'N, 1111, ( ' Ier k. lIlUoo .Mooo .... appel •• ad 000. 10' No. 1410 ~&o lte8' !leoond addition "1 an't _ who 10U are friend" be . Np, not LYllIn Cranmer. she cried. atable '0 'be Oraud Jory . to Lebanon, Oblo, $1. " " I "but MI6lress Sc:ulI l" ,8114, "but ~ v. ~tnJ..nlT IlAved me "Huah L"dl " from • ooee call'" , J II, cornmanded S cull W. O. Gllmoar n, II , 8 , Todd... Maud 8han?n, Ruardlao &0 the BlUott made n'o anlWer. Be was dUlly:. "(Jo bu ck, I t us end Ollr busladml. ,01 Ibe ea'ate of tiamuel W. B. & O. &y. Uo. IImlill 'rao' Baw eobb\Jll W . .klT, hll hond stlll cllltch. ness. li e @\\,ulloll'l'd convulsively nnd Probuoo. 4eoeued ., 11. C••• I. lUon townshIp, $125 . IDa tlI. bl004.lItalned k.nlf Fr th IItrolced h r hn Ir os though soOtillng B Ie "lId oU'llde of 0001" and nl) MBud 8ha,on 10 the B. & () e. om Q child "Go hI ck .' , .. reoord I. mad.s of larue. Ry. Co bet In lore.' In " email traoL lIPper ' room tame Ib, BOund of vole s . I , ucur. ad Ole taftrnkeeper came burrledly I "Not I. Nl'~I I " she unswered. "Whllt Loullle(Jre'orllvA,(Jh !ul~lI()rotoJl. In Hammon townshl!" $1211 . down th. narrow iadt1er leadlnr trom does thll mnn wont' all, Ned, tbere Canee ledl!l11ll88OO . W , H . and ' A W Williamson '0 'til. loft. loll owed by the .wllkened 18 no dnng ' r, Is tllel'c ? Tell me, what Harv.Ylbalra !Aldie No. Sl~ F. & IdBr"h M: lJeroaw I) ' No, Ga 10 lta. P orhll)ll! we II" I\"t h .. v l' S 'J muoh Pllltl. Someone .truck a DInt· can- III wrong?" snow In I~ m ot.lorn wlIltpr H; II,,· A. M. '91. CbHlrleli E . el al. .00. Oblo, $1. mea were U~ , As f)u"ld lookt'll ot tile two he felt Par'hloa of r ell! e8'a'e ordere4, Bauh M. Bercaw 10 .•1. E. Ber. earlIer 8eUler ~ ul tt\l,~ rp!{ ll~n bl,11 In "O...t God. bow did that Infunret the wild IInller dyIng down In hIs . oaw 10'. No •. 89&, 807, 301 IIn-d 309 the " ,,00<1 11 111 dn .~l! of "b H-h \ <,p In bere, lIf. LarrenceT' ejllculnted Ibroost. tlod Instend !:llere urose n teelIn 'be maHer of tbe .Ivlol of In Wlntrow Addltlun to Mason. bOllr sn lUooli . \V" oro tol'llh I th l! Oonroe!... the eandlee ahowed blm the ,In, of selt·plty. All. It only a womnn bond by 'be Pros.cntlol AttorDe1 Ohio. $1. ullwlIle hRs oll utl~ecl .lln,1 our II uli I. d •• ptovlded ill t!ao . 300. o'·'be Gen. I'xperi enQe Illlrel' H wi th t lli ~ ~ tlI. tl . hud thrown her nrllls ubollt hIs nock liuddled torm of the dyln, savsge. eral Ood. of Ohio. Delio. E, 1:1&"01,,. C.1'. Barou ,,, John W . Strol. •. f l ' n"tloeel that Ih "DoII't alii mel CaptaIn Conro!!," re- and tneed the world tor blm, bellcvlng .. - d I f $19·0 hi b t , older 208i lorll In Wrt.YIHI towo I w en., or we 111 \ (3 -turued tile other cheerfully. "Your In him I An unbl'urable pang sbot ,ave uvn n lIum 0 u ,w 0 ;V Il U'" r Is "P,"'f t h~ 1'11111 f,11 1 W(l appro"ea. by tile Gour'. . sblp WarreD COUDty "nd Sprlnll' yallrtl III suo f",\ )Il . Uur ~!>C' di\I'lZ door ,.... open when 1 aot here and he through hIm. J;l/:! eyes w re bot ,wltb E"a Sherwood VB . ClarioOI Bber. Valley 'o .... nlblp, Greene OOllllty, $1' 1of SOOW. V CHI f tU ,. ltl U.I. I II I ~, JuapeoI 011 me wlten I ClIme In' . and the bitter envy 01 oue who 10(lks Into wood, divor(18 III anted ; ouatody. (lharle. A aDd B 1. Grah .. m to Dllloh full In ~ h 1 1"1 . ,~ \~ n rl ' , 1a.'. have rot melt It bad not b";n tor the windowli of • house wllera lov~ 'w. man." and light and wnrmth stund flrm oar. and oon'rol of minor ohlldren Lafe R. and A, A, Grahllm lo ~ No. n@ ~Ix tv Rlor.'" 111 Ill" " , An4 h4l lal,\! hli hand ,entl, on the nglllnet the dellolo te world Ivlthout, and dl"lded. AUmonv In 80m of 1700 I. 17 and par' of lot No. 18 In Rl d i" mll V b~ II,,11 ul·, ,' , \ I't ; ' t c about.... ot the' lIy~terlcal ft~ who knows blmself u 1I0meless wan· allow.d plaln'il! and III per monih v \He, Ohio, II, OBU'1(,8 1ll 1}(1\1 r" , ~It ;.',. ClIIOuched on the lloor. d~rer on the earth. When he spoke. It fer .npport of ohlldren. () 8, M . • pd Mar,. Budll(ln t o W POIlI>11 l>1 h" " I " I' . '., .. '1'0 be Oontlned R1J8II811 1', lE-arlla n . NeIU. liar. W. Shart • .ln.lote NOI, 74and 7:1 II] ont, \\ h.,l!y t, ".' , " ,.,r I . "'11017 nttleenak.II" bunt from tile "as In n chnnged 1(olce: utoDlahed Conrad. '"It', Doc Ell10tt I" "Are you thIs wonllm's busband 1" ,ar.' (W..I,bi') Park.. O1"oroe" Bifltbland Park I:\nbdlvl~ loli to ::j uul·h ,·h. f iJ It r" 1/ ,"" ",\ '1 Itll ,Il Lab.non, OhIo, $280. 00III 11 f n ll ll II I. 1<1'1111'11'" " _ David Larftnce lifted hi. relCller to "We were mnrrlcll n month ago." Am), A.klp.on VI. Alfred AIIlIa. Oharle. and Alice (;ongor t o 0111. r&l1 l1l1cl wll'l! 11tc .. ~ c,t.•' ," .,·It JIll t ..t. "Here, lat'a _ your face, saId Scull. He seemed Rllllosl to have ~ 'Irt.~" torlGUeo Du\,II1'8 preseoce and his 1\ 1\ 1\ loa 41"or08 IIranted' oueaocty OlIn II. Phllllpi In.lo', NOB , 12 , 120, 130 1100 whic h nTIJ ~u l!J" l't I' ." , oOlltrol of ml~o .. ohucilD Ie and 1S1 allo oat-Io' No. I In tlprlng. terenoe b y h ell l'Y wlutr'r -'''lit TIle man looked up 1101'1'1,.. bnnd cnressed the gIrl's check with a Laok of ezeroll. ID thl wln"r II bo.. o, Oblo, SI, . In 'hI! early dllya peol'll1 .lId l ll)! '"Ned Ikulll" aid Llrrence In a .tranle ,eut/enesa. a Ireque·n. O&UI. of oonl"pa.lon, oo.ade4 to .h. plaIDtl!r. Ella L. Bansell to MllrgBro' 1'. oUen &ry to trllvel or send m ss'lltg t .. 1butl7 wll1lper, aDd .ta,rered back· . DavId looked nt them tor a moment You feel bea"y, <lall and 1I1,lelll. Plymlre 4:~ 70 aorel In WlII'ren and &0 dlstllul 1l0lnlH In the winter t im !) ; IWUcL . In Illence, then drew a deep breath. YOllr oomplezlon 18 laUow and plm. " ... c:.urt Pncu n r Clinton co~n'le. It. bg\ beoomB ItO 1I00Uijt om oil Th. man bowed taJ. h ..d araln, He bad mude up bls mInd. Be was ply, apd .nerlY "loW .bb. Olean . 10 r"pld 'rRvel nt all seA80ns and to In 'hi ....' .. r of lb.. • ... t. 0' LarNnce IPOkI llIle a man In a 'lad that be could be mercIful. to an· . op 'ble oondmon at on08 w\tit Dr. Tbornton ~. Blnkle Ii:&tr.'o 801. elooblo oommun1o.-tlon that a IH!le drealiU other. thougb lite mIght be never mel'- Klnl'lI New Life Pill., a mild 'axa. .Ja.... &. TodbllD'''', de.aNd "Scull I I ha... tound ,.ou at last I" cltul to Wm. He thrust Ule pIstol back Live tha' rellene ille oon,.. ie4 In. PaDI Todhaalel' I. appolDHd ad_In. o"o.n Fred tbe lion. Tb oUlBS (:or In'erroption from IInowdrlrts all "I am Innocent. I .wear It I" cried Into tho ,p080m ot hla hunting shirt ie.'inM wUhont ,rlpipi A dose ..... kor dl bon.. non. Boad $1&00, ..10 I In LebAPon, Ohio, 'he ',aok or broil en wire ee(lrn lt 1\ .. rrlble bardsbip.- Ex. Scull. "I nlVer betrayed you I" and hls hand tell upon the kDOt of before reUrlD, will a..orft yona fall I. the maUer of tbe Inardlao.hlp ,S850, John T . Dud, &0 Jobo J. WInD Th, othen looked trom ooe to the rIbbon Tolnctte hud gIven hIm. aDd ealY mO"lmeD' in ibe mornlnl of Bnlab Wbibore et, III, mlnon -----.... ----oilier 9f the two mIn In amazement. "Do yoU SCI' thIs'" be IIskcd. ' a8 he 250. at 70nr Druglld. • Pbllllp Wbltacr. III bPpolnted . the undIvided one.half interel'lD 10' N o.6 In Morrow, Ohlo, .ll. Wher. bad tbeT known each other be. drew It out. lIo!ld laoOo. ------- ~~.~----IJliif R eeve. a' al to R.beooa tore' B,. what name did· Larrence call SCUll turned poler. He hud freed Not Gutlty. In .h. matter of the "date of Resvt· , WID. M, and Jennl. O. Elliott! What W"8 theIr lecre!? The hImself from tlie glrl'l! clusp, Rnd sud· "Frlend," sulci tho lI'flsC/ble mAn on Hanoab J'oder, deoe .. ed . InveD· BUlI t.·1 l rl>O'J 10 rurneoreek &own moment ....u tenae with walt/nl. denly We kuees loosened beneuth him a trolley cnr, 'Tt! rn ther III ve you thl ~ Look for the Beat. .hlp $1. David turned to the little group. Dud he F.ulIk ut DUI'ld's feet. LydIa newspaper tllnn hnve you r(lutl lng It When 8 young man gets lato a new 'or, and appratl.menl a ... filed. "'Gentlemen," be saId. "may 1 tnlk to lh~e:v her llrlll~, lI~olllld hIs shoulders. place he meets the blld compaDlons J. the .. tale of William Bamllton Jn won L. Sheehan to Ma,y L. over my shollltlor." "You do lII e fin th1a man alone for a moment?" . '] hu murk I crl el! ScUll, raIsIng Orst. They float around on toP. as daoea..d. Fire' .ooonn' la ~pproved Ed wlrds Im.1I traot In Wayne town. Injustice, sIr," ullswered tb e l'II S"~ fI' "BuN . . .hooUn'," hId Con rod oUer tromblllll: hnnlls. scum usuully does . . Good compllny III "nd 'he Conrt Anda the lIum flf ship ger behInd him. "I b!lve n crnron In a 1)I.u", "bat let'l ret thl8 IuJun out of Dnvld loolccd at tho rIbbon with a not 80 eusy to get Into. It hilS to be $1180.1(, In 'he band. of Ihe a4101I1. Mary L. Edward. to J. Wnlon my stomllch thut mllkes mo leun ;'1' 01' II-. Int." IItOJ-~ "Wily, yes, It Is purple. nut I sought. The wIse young man know. la'rl"or du. 8,. ld eata'lt. .md D. M. Edwards 11 01 aoree io thIs wny. I'ID not trying to r{'ml Ihe B, 'bent abon the ftlthy body and do ·not show It to l'OU ns n sIgn thllt I the channels tbrough whlcb he can headllnes In your darned 01(1 news· In tbe ... aUe of MUlrarel Hamil. Wayna 'ownlblp II .. turued the llnip Iboulder. over. om keepln~ my oath of the Brothel'- come In contact wl{h respectable peo- 'op, deoea.,d" 1I'lrel aoooon& Is ftp. lIJary L .dwerd. '0 O . J . an. poper."-Blrmlnghnm Agp·Dernld. "Wh, It'. that wutbl9U P1Bnk8llllnw bood. No. As he contInued hIs vol co ple. pro ....d. O. '1' , Edwardl a 'rao'l In Wayn. come ~ lut week to leU hli sklnl' ,rew tender; he acemed to be speoklnll 10 .he .. tde of Charles S teinert. to wri.hlp ,n. bain drunk ever IIDee. Be'll b. !lObe: to blmsel! or t\> some l'lslon which tbe 4lO8aled' FhlalaooouDt Iuppfned L. 1, Reed to GeOrtre 0, S"ntoD wretch C)t1 tlgllre ~neellug ot Ws teet a whll.. now." . Influences the ' Brain. In 'b..... ~Ie o.r Iflmson G. Guard, lot No, 73G In l'~nkllo , Oblo, $1. \Vlth Kant coNmon,. the,. dralled could uot 8ee. Every orgnn In th .. bod y' ex I't~ In sulphur. 4801..14. FI,., aooou12& II approved. • _ • tJa.j hee..,. bod1 with tbe dark red Italn "You sO'I'Cd my life Just now," be lome woy IIU Inflllence upon the \trnln. Sulpbur Is one 01 Ibe 01de8t knowl\ In 'be e.'ate of 8arab F. i:lnell, between the IIboulder bladell Into tile went un. "I wuuld hllve thanked you Those w!toHe lives oro nlon~ lit sys· ra1n. One IndJan lela on die wilder. tor ending It, us you ended the love elements; tbe ancient Allyrlan 1101· dl.ea,.d. I'i nt and final aoaount temnU(", plocltling wily - the greut But Some C.n Do It. n_ border 1'1''' better luck thlln bad. ot the ono I loved most lu the world. eheml8ts re,arded It as Ute prl'Dclple la appro.,ed . Bow (\o e~ ou 0111 b!lchelor make crowd ot 118-hll "e 110 elCCllse lor "tern1 b t J b R combo8t1on on account of ltl OWD The balt·tbut e,el ttlled billokl, up- For tire anke ot tbut delld love I prom· of n t; e ma'''r 0 aoo oler. love, IIllywny? SUI'ely after one bas pernmental tlts." It \\'e luke car{' or Inftammablllty. and termed It "brIm. ",ar41n lbe beaUn,l'ftln. Ise you tlmt no one sbo.!1 know trom me Itone," . I 11 II b I Applloaltoo for admluion of "!lome been cncru ~ted with the dust and our henltb every orglln docs Its rlul y. ''"Bu17 him In the mornln· ... dIrected . ~I· hllt you IIl1ye bel'.D. wliot you are. ~ mean ng temll~ lIUlrD nl, · .., DaytoD B&II" Soapl.. I, I. mllde. toughnl)ss three-SCore "ears or more and titulo ond nerl'I)IIS ",yslem ,Iu nol Itone. a Dame now app ... pop !lor, .' . .. , ()owod; and Scull-whom the vlUliKe breok my outll ot the Brotherhood." to roll-sulphur. In t,be m.~"" 01 ~e .... t. of he CUll t repl orr Ibllt buby talk tbat Is become telll[lorllrlly P0180110<l. bad bown only .. ."IDIUoU"-and Da· Tho grovcllng creature at David's .JHt1. Buralll, 4eoaaaed. II'rank 1i0 tnollsh Anll swe()t lu tbe ruddy morn. :914 LarreDce were left alone tOllether. ·teet rulsed n face or luc~edullty. . I. apJiH>I·. Ied ad~l.II"aiol'. lJig ot lI£e. ,"Now," aid Lan.ooe with deadly "Y u give up the Brothers' . ven· IIon4,7110. alm. '"tell m. bow 'OU lOt here I" ,eanee 7" I. Us. m.tlIeI' of 'b'! will o. Beur, To Fnlhen WIcker. To Te.ll Age of Htirrlng. . fte man &:uI1 duped hi. bands Iii "Absolu toly." .' When a wicker cbolr require. clean. K. Oal., 41011&H4. Will ,. a4.." ..d Notunillsts Colclllllte Ihut til l' n<:.· 0 1 _treaU. "You will not bold to your oath.1" With a Tore!! on HI. NOH. Inc, dust It welt ond wash In tepid 10 probat., '"I lett Nottlnaham beoauee I heard "I Iiave lIuld no." o 'r n II the lumInous varletles or IlIh the ItIllrkctllble 11('1'1'1111: filii \. h," 1,'1\ In th. ma...r of .h•• a.t4lanlhlp· S'OtIIuICS .....orn to till me. I .wear to : Seull looked up at him, a radiance loallsuds. MIx together equal porta tbe tOI'clt6sh I~ one ot the most unIque. thing betweeu' tllre., 1\11(1 PI;"" 11 .1 . ' or turpentlne Dnd sweet 011 and a tew of Jaoob Roaer, IDleD.. Ob ••I.. :roa befON God I ...... Dot reepoDalblll 1 transllgurtng 1I;Is tace. Upon Its nose and erect upon a ahort judgIng by tho unnUltl rlr u:- "II , tor your' lather'_" "Ood bllllls you, Larrence," he aald droos ot methylated spIrIt.. Wbea the Boler II appolnte4, ' 110.4 "000; ilfelD, It hns a smnll orgaD wblch II Icales, In Ute m ....r oltha wilJ of Jame8 phospliorescent. Tills tbe flsh bal the LuNDoe cliecked the word on Scull'. cboklngly. "You do not know wbat chair Is quite ilry rub wlUl a c10Ua tlpe. death means. You bnve only your own mOistened wltb the poliSh. II. bam, dlOlUed. II ad. Power to make, gl ow at will. mUted 10 pro bat;e, .. ....... _ . FOU ....r h. ~ lite; I bllve-God belp mel-two lIvell to llvo tor I" . 18 'he mall'" 01 ...' ...... of Lydia stpoped quIckly and lifted Da· ••nl'J' K. Oala, dlClHMd. OlGa. B. New.Use for ElectricIty. vld·. bund to her IIplI. . CalD.. appOII.tad ...eo.tor. IIOa4 Jilit • 8uDgeltlon. Barbed Wire Accordlll,tt tn 1~lIgl18h sclenUlts, elec- 11100. Sbe went husUly trom the room, The ." , "Be _ed to Bny there was no .aerl. two men &tood tocln, eacb ' other aad tricIty PIl~8I'd through tImber wben In " . m~".r of th. ace h. would not mllke for me. And a whUe there Wat tllenee. Then fre8bly CUi ' mAkes ' it more reellltant bJ' _tal of the will of 0.- DO.... he 'lIas run away wltb my wife I" GUARANTEED to belli wltbout leav· aplnst decny ILnd fungoUI IJ'Owth. IIpQke lIIowl7: Oba..... Poppe "WUlted to prove It, probably."- bur a blemilb,or HONEY REFUNDED. ".Are TOU roln, to i-elIllllD herer. • PlI~lDa.cs '1'r111.... pOO, BoustolL..l'o.t. lklo and '1.00 mea (or (resb wounde, 8cul1 Itral,btened hlmlelt up. oldeore8, eore back. and shoulde1'8~~urn. .....1' 01 of "Nol we -ablll 10 back to Enaland. and bruleN. 260 alze (or Family lJse, lIoColm, In. Enterprlaln, -)'eo r have lObbed 'OU of everytblnr, and . DR. PADd.I:U BLISTER "Bow did you ,lOr IUch a broiled oppl' ..... m.n ..... flll4, OIl.B •• rlng Shal., have -'"ea me every thin,. You II palnleu and guaranteed to oure ~. Rastus'" "Well, boa, I wu out 01 tb....... 0 It IJI elDlult'd tliat III Colorado th~I'" ~.Vtn, Rln&bone, Curb,~wee~Yl Splint. with to II1II ID1 tace aptn. But I I wW tell 7:oloette ~. a-IoOIdD' for troubl". an' dill , . . .,. ~I!~II.~ . . . . .~.~I III ellough oll·bearlna abale to 81lPllli PDffI. or any enlar'-flDJent of DOne or ".. . de fUlt to aDd It."-Bt. I.oaIa 1DDIDle, or money reIW1dei!. Price 1iOc. _ D, 2,000,000.000 barrela of ...,11IIe. ..... .,...... III!!JI.I•• ~I~III I:F. ._MIlIIMiI ....... ellA . . . . . . GIobe-DuDocnL

In the door.way.


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_.. THE


GAZETTE.... , - - --

YOUR LAST GH·'NGE tewi~ VI. ' Livery

'1 • : U RI ) I ': VI~ I y WEDNI.;~ nA y

._--- --


RI"('I" H V W" t",' ,l! h ,1 in I h (>~I' BIG E J.'.. . -RIDING oiL111ln s an "ff"r of 'l' h" Yooth'6 , COl, R t'spo~den~s in the Onm jl/l UIDn 1\11(} MUI] 11'11 :tlllI( O I.I.Il", D. I.. CRAN E, Ed itor and Publis he r _:"_-- = ==""""=""""=~ hlth rll r Il fnilY fm t', fOT o nly !-!. IO III I lldlng U MO()ldl DTaM!! P" a ro. hl;: lI pr1 !'t' (J l1np r " 0 1. In k h n. WEDNES[AY. J A UAllY 24 , 191 7 - - -- - - - - - ' - -- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - : - - . I nb Jll(lltl Me l; ~ ll ' ~ MUI!II~lnfl t il. 1'IIi~ .. I . , I hol r o b,c riptl On p rlon lfe'Jrllll r r 1 J , l rl l O oll utILO I'Jlynndi' r.oeo ll! ll,l' (lllr t -SIHba t tb ~ If1'lIr n ttbe ub ov e prio~ Phone &l.S Wa nelvllle Ohio =:-----:--- -- - - ----:--;----' mo. t be wltbd r~w lI . I - -- : I --I U ntil M!l r ph :3 1 our IIn v e , . . , c\ w(rd lllhl;,,,I I'/(J IIr 'I''',, rutl l'. ." 1-', il'H ( ' IlII S. fJlh , of OIL Yt a D , WAS ! prlVllllgoofurd rlog t " Ih lIu b. -~--......."" 'To Mothers of D ellcn.te Chlldren JuLIn ,,: ''I,}!' ,tt:' " I, "' 1 I p ,' " .. .,' , r v l-lIi llll n.ltiti\'n~ h rre Ills t we k. I l lclltlOns ro r l\ f nll .v u r It1l11u d iOl-: l'n lmym, Pn.- " ) [y 1itl1~ gir l ha,l 1\ 'I" r .... " . ~,IJ, I '" I I '" I \ . "t. ., \' , . "\\'I'I-bIP 'l'ruRrl' l,:;(',.. r ge Ptl un e. t hl1 ch~i ce o f /l o y 15 O\~l\t, Mo 'all All KINDS OF rl, rOlli " \'ough nlld I\ II~ 80 Lhi n )''''' .:<IIII, l ',t",lI,' '., ' "II I , ','r.·. I " !l1 , I . I I ,\ 1, h.," ,.r. rtln I. ed i' l'ur d u'u to of UTI)"'''' 1 " " !!r n . fll r o n ly :J 1.0 . eOllnt l"'T ril .. ,flll d " hO hfl d nnU Jl/"'I 'l, .. , t!1I 1', Io'plt n, (' .. " ,',. ' • . j. ru "". ,,'N,t.1 1,.,1 ' 01'<. . 'lh u nm(lu n t ol r end IU K. l llf orlll ll ' l n S U R l I n e E ' , ' U lId";: w, ' ~'!,,'c h'" o.ce m .'li l u hi' p h, ... ph'· Il I, 1 i,~ "I., 1,1 11 ItI!' 11". lil" a t I fl,) t ll) n II Utl l'fJ I "rruj,l III t' U I. O'lIl tldlll ,iI 1 h 1,' h'l M" i ll \ ~lnrt l n \llI lil ulle dU.I' Mrs. r> ci\)ert a kl'u me t" . ~~ 11, . h ' r . . r " ., 1'" 1M , ; hr' Ulsl I U~ 1111111' 111 I' f on-" t in/l I n 1I11, (jftV.two i;Sll~S(l ' j' h e Yo ulh '!! \.. nl, 1'6 110 He d II I I '. I J • d ' COlrl)JtUl1OD . tlll el t bu v tt lue Or t\ve l v,+ \ H ~-I " I ,' \\' 11 :01 I II , 1" 11 , Lry ' \ '" lll ol, nnd now Mhe iti huu g ry fLi I t ltn ~Ir,.. ~'!I( . 1 d,nol' • "UII \ I . ,p., P P J:,C,ltJ l \. u lJ fI t Ii \1;1 J , • ..r l' I t ,q u IJU~13 1\ l l Wtt ls \'V,nJd().Y ~ A I' \\ " :1, ,. 1';1, .\ ,. ,1 ' (. " l !H I- A Ytj r t.i III e, lll' r "011$.:11 is gone. she i ~ 13t oultr ". 1\"':-- II .Jfj 1,,11 Clet"U t\~ tlo 11(.·~ lll()U I bl \· fll~hI Ull uunl ber ~of ~l o 'ull 's , lIutl I,us n more hcn lthy co lOT. I' wi; h ~lr,. 1','I , r ''' ''' , ,1'''l:I','Itt. II- I I,. ", rl,' I . • 11 1'fJlt'ulJl~l' " .1.\ • 1'!J 11 red ".' IIl1l1 ~' rllla .l'. tJJO r t< " .t*2 1O· offerlir onl ba rj/ ~ iotoevery t'\' f ' '' : \ ~!"' \' P\l ~ h l',,'rv mutt,,'r wh ll IlI\d It ch'lil'lltc dlilt! !lU, 1. ,'.\'11 " " 'lu ll .. I' ,. " . , I " ,"'. ~ ,,.,f Itl '~ 1.\\1. I-~ Il l ~ , I," nn h II I t 1 I I t 1\ 1'.' ,. " , 1',·" 101 11 1' 11111' FO lill-r luo ' II ' I ' Ti" "I;, .\'1" ,'l';, I :'l' I!! , ' 1, 1'11 ")III( HOI" 11.: I ' }~('I " ll l'nlle rof Lb is VulJ er , I IJ I \, · · t\ I , .. v.,'· ,t l' IIC", ' " '" l. Irv V i ""L 'L- ~ 1 ro. ALI,'IIl:U :';LM' IC 1t '1II1.'1 II ., ' t 1'1, ,' u " ... 11' "" III I'" ,1. " .• 1" . _ " .1""1 II " ' , Oll . II .. "n l . llJ b II. ~ur l ucp I~ wer ki ug f r t h o Tb ie two at.oo e prioe offet in. \\'u gllu rallt.,·c V inu l, ullr llun -s ·cr,·t lI'r t h ~' J't' \ ! t 11+1 II J' t I 1)\ "(" . J II .' : k I ll' \\' ,1I ,d. uU ' nllu y h o N t onic', to lU llke childreu In ~!'!oI Lf (1 in h H \llf h lJI ' ''1 t, i .' \\. J IJ I p l\ .l ll! lItH V I. tt"Hlt .': or, ll~ Kt · l Hll[Hl.ny, (~l o(] p 8 : . 'l'h ".v ',1'\1 0;0 11 111 h 'lv o Ru til e fuo . Leul thy ulld slrull!>. 1",,:'1 '1111 ' "(',I',, ~ ,11\\1 Lll . [I ". I' " u \ ' \ 1 " D', ~1.,-" ,," ,.I1JnI,;1 .U I'1 ,11' l oli'Y wlI~ v l81t1llg i n X e o tn I '1'bo ,Youth's Uomp~nloo-G218 .







'~ L'L ,.I'! ni"iI

II ' E Ucj DII!;'I!~ IIARV . IJ



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J. E. Janney, Drul{l{ist, Wa yn sv llle. } !! " ''- ~ I hll ~" J\ ' 11 11 II ~ny ln' ; ,, ' w (1I 11 1u r \\' 11 .... r ~ )Ui ' .. ut ? Al liuI1t..lmuJlu){ drug l tt,ro In all 01110 LOW IIK H.t ,"Ia ' t h Ht· t\ "u, tlJi K fllt ... rn oon, ·' I» )' M' In ,, l blll' ,,1"" 11k., tllnr . Blll I,'L 'tl lll Itr " 11" " w hi ~rlt n' ; 1 1: \1 .·.. · it' . j U_I, "" ",,,11 If . h lllll~ !;(',.p- I1Il rh' way 'IIW go


A fc llor s b o nldu 't tell


W {_ h l ' tI h ·tlll burrod " o rphao' WlI h r' llt. n n \;111 II' t oll; 1 w!lultl ll't bllV, . t' 1<1,lok Ilrooo<-' i\ O ' h"IIT" )' . ' l\lI l-1" U ~ qllfl ll

"l'h " '11 Idu ' r Illu uh u so l\ ,lJtno ' r\ b /l Y.II~ l l{ I Il!>'I." • If .\' Oll Ll llVlI " I WH V M ~or, t'

W a Iter Chandler



' r~ , .1111 1 IU~ ~" rI'l 111'1' 'I 1I r' I UI I II .I IJl l ~ tl: H I ': 1/ I ..~~f.

,"I·r! , . 1.". llillr-,] ay. I J.~.1 1"... 11 ,q ' 1 H ,,' I, , . \\ 11';'111 Bumgurdon IS I hn~ I] ~" I; II u ~~h,t. i ll b)") I ·~ l tl:-. It !l\lI"1 ;"t il' . • I. ," r i. I d, " ,.: I .. : ' ,'H1 1 11'1 1\ r l.':lr~ U i t 10 old e r ... .. O'rn a or ~1 T~ . Cil l :t' " , :J it \\'\ 11 'I, VIll) I .• I ,L", , . I 11 " . CI'/I h,ll' lI l bu l wl ll d"Y'U I;" ·<i .'l r, I " 11"" .. 11' . l. -101 " , ~I·_. ~ !IVIl10 I1relHflJTll Viol ted 111' 1' oo""t (l 8 ln nrll U'i I)lt t~ n t III ll l' l I' t I, '-1"':'ft l.1(, 1 1·v,· i\lr'! . Bnrr y \Vet1\'er 111 ' ,,' , ~jI r > ,It . I,I.) Hll rl ~ up, otH1 Y'JIl Itll ll , . .',,1 1 ',i, ,, "",, 'I • I hi '\'1., , 1.\ 1' 111 1. 1~ t \ '0,1 0 :lOIl .V. t bolr meo t lng!! whbll Ih ." J ,·"IIll'. '! I D '. I ',i .• r· .• , , '\ ',I l- ,' L""W1\., : n r .' IJ Il Ul(uu r .f W b n b rlH r eo A \Jlny ~DtltI' · , "rll ,' ul" •• ilul , ~ It" "'1'.1 ,! 1. -" :-:",lrll , V 11l'llt'll h ,me fro m t h p Mot' le llno UO ll vuIt Ll!m " Clln\\)I,"11 al '1', ,\'1\ . ' . ; , • ,. • 1 11, ,,1 111/1 1 .. ( X lj ut" , 18 ' till ooofhed

~ll t un]I\ Y tl lg hL t il II \' ll t'\' tIlTe~t"d un rlt nnco. IIl1 d

tbey ?nn plok ou! cruisers lind s in k 'b um ~ 'fhe blow the Uel1n " n~ 'I'll :J liUlUY fnlh - Ilk e me - Nfl"" York ·rIIlJ"~. ~l1rll t~hIE~gl~~dd Il few dill'S d gO B r'rDI,"le eyeije °orr tnh~ eubmarlo e t R 8




I Llh...'h \

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Sl dl~r ripti0111

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",hllr- h ll l \lH: t,' ot ,II ,l\l 't "\\' II.v, \\h ll ! Ilid li p (If) with .. 11111. 1",,1 l h em nil lip."

~.. Inl! III IJe u f u rllit ure 1'011 'I'rnns cr'pt.



Thfl tnRtrlm o nln l g.' rm b ' .~ In tills v ioln tt.v 11l\C\ 0 0 ~



,!aouBfY 15t b, M 1 8 ~ L flAsle TUQ I'C!r to ok tor b r PI\rllulIr II m b n h .l 't ltCl

l.. e


Will find this column will bring him money if he will use' it for anything he has to ·sell. ' . You have a surplus on hand at. the present time. Feed is scarce , and you want to get rid of that COW, horse or pig: or else, You have a surplus amount of farming implements on hands and and want to sell, th~m. You can do this very easily by pntting in an ad. telling all about them in .






Notary Public

All kinds of Notary Work.




... l .

WOYDe.riUe'a LeadiD, DeUI.. IIala In

WANTED room ,Ir! at the Ftlends A _dloing Home.

Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honew Por Oouliha and Colda.

::. -==--=- =-===== FOR RENT


of 2 a 9rep, oottliGe. 0.11 go,)d P LAOE bulldlo gs . Dea r Red Ollk. In .

This <Ueeoae should be treated aa I!OOn q uire at Thom ll~ Ja l11~~. R oute 4" ns the lint uDDaturAI 1008eo_ of .the ' Ilyoedvi\le, Ohio. !IOWt'liI appears. When tble IIJ done a . illgle doeeot Ch&mberlaID'S OoHe, Ohol· good l,1.aorll farm, wl~h gilod era nod Dl&lThoea Remedy wlll effect & Thill remedy em al"a,.. be dll' bUlld iogs; four lIores In grow_ Cllre. (lended upoo eveo in the man ...,en aDd Itl" alfu.lfA. For Informa'ion in. dlUlllerou8 a_. and I!Ihould be kept at q uire of James Thomae, Ferry, hrmil rllMY for lostant uae. Never leaft Uhw . j~ 10 m e ou U journey without It.



MONEY LOANED live stook MONEY LOANEO on mortlragoe.

oblltte ls llutlll600nd OtS8 booght, J obn Bal biDEI. Jr ,! Alleo BUildIng, Xaola. Ohio, a80

BE\HOBfllPP~ ,

THII 01101'111'





TI. :

1i6TIL., DIIUOc.rn, .P.CIA .... _ __ _ _ _1.- 1 co 81' U M III', I'll A II I .. III, 0 A 1\. 1 . AIID "U8 I.IIVIOI OAII PliO ... lot o f seoo(ld .h no (l postri for II~ UliMa ITI ADVIlIt1'IIINQ COI-UMIC-

- - - - - - ' -- -

A call

81l1e c beap. For tnforTnl1tlon SAMPLE COllY FREF M . 1:!. Hllrlfln, WIly,oellv i11e, ......... IW YOIt" elL ~~.II .




... _ y_... Y.



We want to close up a partner.hip by January 1, 1917. All parties knowing themselves in debt to the firm of.




H. Madden, & Co.,

Corwin, Ohio,

--- ... - ,

POOR OLD ARKANSAW Pleale call and settle not later than 'December 25, 1916. No account win be 'carried over into 1917 except by partie. giving bankable note. ' Note to bear intere.t at 6 per ceDt until paid. .

..ra ,.



n ' 01Doe ID X'71 Bld"

Dr . 1\:1 ng' J. f\.... UI uu ," ry 18 11 '\lJo t hl n!f. u tlfl ii I! remed y for OOQg h i! lind oo ld t h t b B l'Ito 0 I·he t e st o f netl rl y tlrty l' en rll. For th " t oO~l~b bat etrRills the tilrol1 t Rnd SlipS the \f.i t allty try Dr. K I[I~'s New Diso v er y . T ilt. sootblng pille b ElhH~tn8 nn d IJ1 11 Inxutlvo Ingrlid lonta 80 0 drive ~b .. old fr mu t·h e 8,Yiltom , 8u\lo 0 ho t t.11l un h l Oci r l! r win ~c r oOldll, m'ollp, gri.pp" aD d hrou~b i u l nfl'ec. tl pa, At yonr D ro gg\ .~ , 500. -' ......:.'- - -

to oherlAll.

The Advertiser



OlasaiHed .Ads

Will T,flW8t1n t"o I \'fl 111\" · Tbf\y b l\ \'e ou r he t ",teh e ". Thi ~ ill t.\V(1 Wild I nu;~ In Tho bl~ h p M, t r .' (lt In t,l1 e w r hl i II\PS t hAn a wl'Bk. Wit lIfi,P be t b (l '>l'lm St,N'EH,. III U,)ll ~ r ; Ille r l ell ~ I Ol'xt? • 'A !i' lfl h ve nn'" in ~ew "'i I'k (·tt v ; Oli n t on ('o ullt,V, Ae " I'T II J'yoor$ oge, Ill" will ~I I~ 1\1 ~ I k' lt ::;t'rpet.. Philo . hud!l probR tl\ j lldR8 w ll s Fi lil b e ,1(11 111i1ll , IIn cl Ow. ort t is tlll' Ro o uld II lwIIYs t'I' ll w h ~ o h o wRii go . Hi". 1'Ilr ,!,. 'rll!l d lrt l .' ~'h 9t ree t. Ii lo g t.o l!av fl Ii rou Oil lliar r t.l {lfl II · h n t of 1'0\.101'11 ~ Ii, N ~l o ki n; ~bEl censee; ocrl b!' W !,\ll nllkl'll lll"w h I' Cl("111 .,t i ~ I.b •• VII' .cillO lie, In Be vlllf.'l , o(l'uld telll\Dd aoewar It~ when 1'1\ 111 i the ~u 08t "'. I ~Tnor 8t l o OA i he (lr t".llp ot p n1nrnlDII; and (CluUI1 I l llQvunnr P ill 'e, In IA n Cl on; the frolt 'on lhe pnmp bnlldl0. Be eore· most. b C'nu/,lf nl is H ill ~l V Ll u e dell Iy W~8 a 01080 observer , I' hnmp IGI,v 8 rll1~, PIlTI~, ' 'I'll liaf . ·.hiT allll /I r8 P . rl. e lea ~er wil l ro w e~ I, ~ t f" U is V i" 0 1. ff V <1 I1.l , width f n o wore !'loon be oll lze nll of our .v lllflllA , h ~ v. l.'ubn., w b lob b l' lo!! POtObIl8P C\ 'be (Jnl vln 'Edwt\ rlh lilian fo ly Inob eH Be se~1I o p lit the alarm of Ii 000property , a D Eu~ ' ~l ~ !n "I,r et, Deo~lout 01 001>, hu t toos 1\le Ohlcago Walter ,J~ rdIlD , ot Wnllml\l1, h 8° sUlilp onderll . to Ua trol t .0vbraUI; M id hIli farm ht' r eooMI), IlllTohft MACl WUllbe8 hili f-!loe with ' Oinolnoati of tbe e. tate Clf N B · Rioh , d . 80dP 10 ,\ Punos ' IVIIDla pU.D; sitl tHOW TO CHEnK THAT" COLD celUl~d. 'Rep I o8 tl~tEl I~ chsn~~l1~ d own to 8 UratH} RlIpld~ t .. bl e ; ell~ hood!l qnltll r Ullldl y In tbl ~ ~M i n (\~ Wholl It Is f/Il lnlnl to b roathe. and ObloLt(O m 8t lind TenoeslI8ll flour, our \ .. n<1 II.nd improv 1Ut'!l t!l nrQ (e v c.ll! Hen ds ohlll up u nli down Y(lnr COlt lled wUb ' K 10.8119 1fl, rd OD" St. "eo.ond to n poe. b l' k, yo n ~rll l l1 f or n oold . A. tlme- L OW8 stove; pntll a New 'York Yr · and Mrt!. John Mll,rle,tt ...,111 Iy d Me at Dr. Bol l' s Plu l1' r nr B o n ey brilli. OD a Kentnoky mule f~ "i',b move SO Lehtloon !n tbe Ilear fl1tur e, will sop t ile I:ID80Z 8 81114 8~lfUee . Iowa oorn i pio wl & f.rlD Clo.,.red were Mr. MIlrlaU bas a poilltloD Tbl1 plu b 1<1 ID l o o~ en'" tbe phlel(m b,..D Oblo mar'Sqe, "Uh. Ob.': and olefi n t b lIrooohlal, tube II, tbe talloo•• plo" l whea bedtime oom. . with frenoh Bro•• b ono,. II othes Gild relieve. 'he eore he read• • chapte.. frOID _ Blbl. Rn. Alfred Walker III holdln. a abro t. The IInt1~ ep'I(! qllalltl .. p'lll"d In BotItoa. pra,er pro'raot.d meeting as Oltve Br.Dob kill .be Herru 81111 t he ODIJIl8t1t d oon. ",ntte_ t. Jerun1eal. orawla aa\ler ohareh. . dltlon 18 relieve" , whoop • h'aDke' madill. N.", .Jenq. oDl,. Bev. Rou; of Wllm\ollllOD, 611ed lu g o.lll!Jh and oh 10 be bP' ...... bJ' aD . . . . . . . . 01l[I) fl o f




~ tr l1f'1t


,,"oo.)~"1J. BI~.,





... DENTIST•••


"\\' ''yru n n, lt'sll~\·It'lir/lsII IlY-he·lJ

Bake at Home-Save Money


l{ollU iPbculi


r' ·ot. • tIlm t) wi th yo nr B~ l eor l llD . T HE )'I) UI' 8.·S ·O . IP Al\'lul\' ' t:;t PH1l1 8t., Bo~ tOll, M rl S>! .




P ho rse 17

I 'ruoholee lffryou '> lll BllIItilltlV von r fi ret -========~===;::===== pyofyo ur loC"I1'6O. -






, "11 t' eo IIOu W tI, ~ DOll r His Voc;a tl on. ~\ lI11hlnRtOIl Ml.l1~. mov ~ In t.) t.h e "r /!nvf' tim yn llll l;~t(!r ' nr IIll n n un '"'~! 1 n P rIlpl'l t, y 11\8t • rld ILY· I,'y p ri e ti ll!(' jll'l'. ' . " Ht(',UU 'ltgll) l', tI ·,' lo ph" 'II'. II bll" M )llIlnt~, 111101 ~ III"

- --- -

, o ll e c "r ry\!1~ "10.,,. 1. T,· B~n prIZe oqght t o) bf! 1\ 10' · 'WI·'· I " 'III . ' ~trllll(ht hollow tube IItllrt.ln£: tr UI\l 11 k d I II . II ' .. II I. , .. 1.,-1 rd "I~'ht tbe ~iee~iDg ch8lDbe; ot the ve~~PI I ~~~~,o ~~'I 'f b~ t u~I:~ ;IIII1~'; ';';~ ~'J.I·.'.C I)T I I " I, IU"'l l1 III I ,\HI,,/I COU GH MOST Kltcl1en Hint. Bud proJeotlog IIbove th o 8urfu EFFECTUAL . '0 ot 'i u u WI' II uu W t II l)!J ll 1 1o · """' ll' pr' I', oIlU I.,\," 01111"1" II I ·IX llTbI'I ' Iilll1 o~ t H n Plllnil IIrlll hru " 1I II'llh 11 Ion/! ~I k I '. r l " l , I .. 11'1 I r.·" 1 I IUtl'I{I '~ - h :1I 1I 1I 1' I, u ~\ " 1 III (' 1I1I1"'('lIn ll II'llh 0 th s wutor wben the bon t It! su b· lIl tlrg f ri !{.V ctl \1 1'r'"" pl rql"r!,. ttl I ,,,, II,' 'lit· ,·", II" ,11"011 Iwwf"l 'lllll.Ptllk!'u 1\/.I:'nt. llI n n~' b nl. ~" .. t1 l'!" UII :-:lug PIIWdl'I'. the w ork nf A ~ th'e pe ri~oope I s oDly a nlllt.t .Jr ~~c nH"ry u f II CI",! " , I ,I,. "" I I ,11"- ;'t Ii t " '(J r"I' ln!! lin. • o{ [Ii IlIlher llllll P (,oo ,.; h Item, 1'I1'1I 1t1 ,, /! pIJI ~ 1111,1 PUItS 11'111 h e l('sR of ~ix luoho!! 10 dlam e t,or liod 1'0 1,1' ,. .~,I I/.I hl ol" , " 0 1 ~11I1' :! 11 ,) \\' n 11'1.:1", ]\ t ' " 11I'lI1 lltiul'~ I'll l' 'l1l" f"""ry Mille It hilS cu r ed U!f' f )J .... U,L! l'tt.' lI hlt'. Tilt' luut: Itulltlh~ \\'111 pr(lj "ots !lUWO 17 IDOb,,~ nbo ve t h ,' .~ hlJl i ~ 1./\ l UI: Iliduiv' rlln , "'Iii 1 " II H " ""'I el" Ii .·,,1.. 11 I I I>V,' fu nnd It uw s t (' tT"ol u n l (nr a o h ' ·" 'tl' fht! fI " (' ( 'S$it)' (ur k ecJ)log Ih ~ wav"", lt is Ii most dlffi oult thm " ".. M T ~. Bot. v A ll n \\!I lgn-, of X III. I H ' \I "I" Ir,.n:l l, ,I ,1'1111 i uri l/.l,lHlu n J.ll ok i o g- 0 ) 11 1;11 11011 f o r cnlus, A tll'r 1II II, tlS In til " ~rell s y II'lIter. "f.'IA h.v 111 0 eDemy. Itl!l tut·al l ell gth I1I1,d Wedn uy rll" lI t lI flU \\",~ Iollr " .rt" " ,1 "1l( h , h" ~ "uti 'uk " I 'hum . IlOlklll/.: It Il on ll l'l b nl wIIY" di lillr. III 15 lee.. ' ed In Mhiull C II ,"\f' 1'.' t:; " IU I'I ', ,' "' ' ' ' !Ill ~ r"II.i, 11 11.1 10'1 I I/II,\' Toa. ,·(·nrs. " wriLC'!, J , R. Mo o r(\, L ost 'l'be tiDb,larIDo'" eye i8 rell il y u co orow', 1l'lI viu.( ,I II"", lil " T, \\.11'.' "",,1.1\' 11I'P" II'T III) lelf T\· ,· u"or.~. Ynlle.v . G II. O o t uioub]oevo rywb e r oomblQ&tton of telt'80o pe, nDd 08U" ~nd fl OO, l ' IJ I... le~ 1\1.. ". \\'I1j(" ~' h . · ~" r " .h-I- " t l'll~I~IIl\'ll t li .. ~tOIl,'era obsouTI1. At the top is R pCI\Vtlr·. IUliuleo 118 me w,... ["ox "lie) ~Ill' I ': , . 1/1<, 11 u "oi" 110 , "11 I " JI (' I'[ )<'111 i [ I n u,'. HOW'S THIS fllll enH,Gnd in~itle , at Intervlllli,tll m llrrie d tu Olltlit I \\' II"O R In , I ~\l tllll\~ JUlI WIIII,·. Ob ',"in:.hl , (' VI 1'.\ 18 a 8eTiee of mirro \\". 'h o' !J!lot li er h fe i n " ' ,lr r r ll und wiJ..H'. \\'~ orr~ r Qlle Hund.~ rt Dollnrs Reward the way fUT li ll y nse u( ul ... h Ihut Cllonot be wbloh oo~rl' t,be r r ll" ctioll of wh rll U t eene oo uuMe8.. '11 I"u\lc":, "lit> ' clI , ~ d by 1I " 11: ~ II la uh Iloledidne. Ie .. b 'lvo the witter t o the wnlolw, .1 lor.whu Is In Cllllt tlrnlft fluil U\1 Ilnll'~L''' l u Tr1, M,.diclUC hus b.,.o t Aiccn 10 tb e eu blDarlDe 15 feet be l W.hrol,her wh o I ~ ,) w ~"tlln IIf t,1I1I II by II I.flll suff.,e rs for ih. last Ihirty. 8 08tOD Post. Q Fox Wbolll u le tiror: r y 1\'., I.t fil'c ye'Hs , nlld hilS b~I 'o me kno\\'u as Ihe - - - -- · pl illgfieill. '1'0 tll tl Idllr e1tlz/'u " J oh u WIJ~ O U 1I0d Lelab Bogao liFe nlu' l r"lio\) l. r~ \II.d y (0. Cn lnrTh. ll lill 's o f aur town s b e W,tS \\'1'1 I ku" ~n H \Ill Oil t,ho s lok Ii t.. e ll lM rh Mcdlcillc "r ts IllIou&h I he D1aod rl'M ll eo t cr1. 'J'lt fl I un l1 1111 ~l n"lr,'FO~NO A SURE THING 011 Ille ~ I u(' oug sudllce5, eopellilll: tll ~ G. T . Un r oer Oil-lied ou Ann' Lizzie l'"i,,,,, Irum I l,e 11I ..",d and h.. llng Ihe Un mpto o ~ t R Oll: rlnnIL Hoodu.y after. I. B WlxSOD. FurUtar!! "11 1Is, N . Y." Wf' r o 11 1'111 lIt I hl1 Ch ll !Jp l lu ch ~ r~u ()f d i ' ~ , I ~ t! I 'ill I1"n s. ' bl IS ve ry siOk lit t h ie Mille . bOil o sed Uluuuue rlnlU 's 'l,"lblu t d ' t ill K&\·. ~u rlle nr . r;y . H 8 1l'J~ rrie ' l Il.ll bu~ l u IlB . nUO D, Af lOf YO II IIl " 'e IUI<~II H ull ', Cn ll\rrh M I E! . ~" rn ll !i icli 'Be"h'f'1 W ')Td lrtl'tu 110,) inr! Cl\I" du .1" I ... t wPll k , VI1BrIl for !l i-ord ors of tll u sLtllnn c h Mi~s H o~ nha ilolliogAhoad " of ~I, lI io ine fu r 1I , hu,l lime yon \l'ill ~e . nn d 'v Ol Ornl 0 1: of tb 111' 11 / 11 nf h~r u gr.':, I imp l oHIIlI'nl ill ),oll r ~C:llcf .1 aod liver sud ~' IY B , "Uh nm he r!lI lu ',. Will :\ , " port. I)f I.ollli oon, W ill X et1ll1, \\'U8 the w eelt.eod guest of "1 ~ l llr "Mr .1 ,,1I1l Log!! .• ,1 11(! ' ,I' \\, ," . l U ll 1ny Comptoo , hl·. ti lll , 5",, 1 lakln~ Hull' s Ca torrh Med · l'ablets the blle t I 1I111' e e v r [It·svltlp. Th e OU W N (),lmlJ ,," r y 0 0 - t r ""~ OUIl .., il081l1"ES and cul 1t oj:C 0 0 i d ll~:l 1 011<' 0 IIl1d ~ctridorca l3 frlt . Se nd used Mr. n od Mrs . R IIle lgb B \tR.U ut.. r ht l VI'S b I'll ,olle Iluy IDtit W tl() lt . expocted ' t.o r lestitnllninls, frt'e. 1 ' 111 bu u lllllrd, uf ~ i[Jo llJn nti . ]lllni tr u<l d the Anti l:; BJoon Lellg no oou. F j , eli ENIlV & CO. Toledo, Oblo. TIIlI HnTv Ivs hur g Fll rlill :t.I'r <) , I' n t lon Il t Golo m bu llls~ week and ~(li d by a ll LJ ru gg ists , 71k. Read the Miam i Gazette now h eld Its .111 1l '11 m elhH! l'1"to l,11'i' 'ilt "" 1, , 9 n.1li6 1£'. R e ~ i R lt lD g fri ends in Colom bu s . "'" i1 :~ . D "~r'h ~1)I'nt Tlt o n .. ,UlU RI Ill.'OWEI Y . .ud lila tf' ll ll- " meu, •. b' nnll: B'H , . !!':::=!""-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:" I I io. wlio h n. 11" "11 111 1'111 gA r fl1[ ... ~ rl \ ~ ·,.. Hh tJ r~ E me r GrulllilU . g 1111 B" gtH' :tull Horu Br I::[n ln e' !irll l y B nl' ~ , r {le i ~ ' lr d 111$ vI" 'I' N'll l (it}h UIt J)I," rlll 1" l!JltldletO\Vu , I rll y f Ttl WU R ~]l]ll\tntc,cl 1 (1 ~orc Mi ..;\.o 'l~ l " "'''1'1 .P ' II \ ' 1~1I hor p :lreot~ 'It \ u ded 1\ bllsko t bnll som e at K,n 'W!ID tSutnrcbJY nlt;ht, M r. Hn 'rl • • UI' \\'"~ n flt ' l h l nl I' " t, ' T ' . Zl llJrl I::inln es hlld' 119 t,h elr g ue, hi VQnt t il t lt~ COUl l ""'Y /t n t! It,. wll ' l,a 1UI . I ntl ~!r. , I ,h n 'V agller Il od rni sH Pt! \I I h f) ll g- b Ihe J1 ~~ro n8 w ill ri blll:' h !" f ~ .. ,0 lll .. ~ Hill,, ), l! u e@ L~ Of onB dllY 1 ~8~ . week Mr . W. E BOillO 11 1111 fillully. find M,·. tI,vfu rU uo ubli g i ng g II tl". t\ , 1'. Ur"b,\' lI ud fnll tt y . Mr ~. Elluoor n Wil ~o o blld 11 oow. m uD, 8 .. 1';01 UUIl bprl" of .' blllJOO, s p ot .1. W. Ktbl r ,(1f N ow W n~ hto /otl n o . ~b weok. nil wit I! hIlT pt< r e ut@ b er ... for ~ k nllttlo g Fri(\ y 'l'h o8e preeent Home-bakini makes saving all a10nr the line-because W fl' I.lry Bug nn. I.e l .. h Blinn , Btt llod Ad l il A F r lt llz'r lU eet,l ll~ the m!)re home-baked things we eat, the less we require 'f, lIu Unr.( OWUo a bU8IDOS!\ t r ip J eonie W i lso n 1I0d GltmoA WilsOD , whicb bo I inl (,l o.1 tl ill. wllt«y . _j i\]IS8 0llV8 Wlleeo WII S g Iven a of expen.ive foods. And besides-home·uaked bread, Mr. l rd ll \\,(,1 h '~ .l> '111Hr. flte t{ I Itt' ! I h a U ~ l1l ' I t y I. r,lr:'. Fr '\1I(1~9 ull a d SO IlW ,r" pI eri lint s nrllrise FrIday e vening by 1.l st wenk . hilI, lIIudl IU' )I'{ 'l" C'c\ Tolls, biscuits, cakes and pies taste 50 much b~lI cr than L !jRll,m v;wo ~ Otl rlcy I ~ t Iveek. ner f ri I\ll ~ . • UOW . a"' d be w ill &1).)0 II " b nok f\ t the things that you can buy. U, IJ Lo], I, nI' ,1 "bu , i lle 8 ,rtp We nr '" " llt d t o lillo v t b a t Mr. all d <l'orll' io ohllul .. ud lutl 11 10 IJ' 1;"'" 0 11 lIhA '\" .!' ibl .vee 1:: . ll·~. F ra o k t:l~'~D l ey /Ire b o tb muob tOIlUl USE OHIO.MADE FLOUR r.lltl5 U fl ila Brtl "~ \\ll .t\lld Ir butler. ' t>.lr ... nd Mo" : (' b '0. 'onk iH ba bo;c.............d ... tit. "Botter Flour" Lab.l ~ \ 11\ H IllHLWIIY' wlilll'u\l~ for t lOt. flo. 1,I\\l i ' h r,\Ut l )n n g b 18 r ooo ver. g ir l. It tlt.I, , It 14 llo\f' /l 'Ill t- i ~c>rlo ll . l \ III t n f '\lv. , r,,1 ,j",:< 1I'!!. t , \In Vo lt ' hJlIlI tll ll 1t t1 r fnt (lI·'·. Wh !'l l"8 t l, ey I IlR ~ ('om Ih m il s l o~ . in all your baking. It's the finest flour in th e world, cu r rfnl I!l1r;o no.( j,'lIllu,Jlit t 'l b ... 0" "'til Il\l U Ill . l'e Ul:>HI ·1er I) f t \Jo MIM " r 'l n d' ,J1' cI h l\" r ,'llI T"I'd adaptable to every baking purpose and easiest to hanI li o r "nd t i t ' ,',t' I,' . 1I .me fr J1i1 " bh r elj week. VI i t wltb :;,,1(11 , /1 '1'11\'01 dlell Mo u c1u II f. b ~ r ' pm' ,lt t ~ at ldoncb C;iJ.',rl e ~to u dle-a splendid product of one of Ohio's leadi ng Mr. 1\1\ ,1 "'" .1 " . 1-1 'rr • . h ·r nnll J, at l \lJ IU Il uf hill BOO II I Tl tBn. t r(ln.l1u~' tl 1.11 .\ t'" hr'8 I II~t hllR'I O llv o Wl 18 0 h ad IlS her industries. [)all'HI,' Tn t' l ,.t1l 1\ "~ lI, ro br ,' ughl WI' l. '111t1 wrr , J~n() r.~ Lf Nr. (\ lr1 1 "I e I>ud bnrllt\ v: 1\ m Ild, io ~prlU~ gl1~~ av or ~tl n :ltI Y Eug Din 'Whit. Ask your what flour he sells Bk QI', of W "Y IJeovllie. MrH. 1m Hyft'rll. b ,r o C Il1 pl"rt' guaranteed WIder lhis label. Mr!', J o f.. 11 D s.vis Willi u de'egllte S utn-'1'o M.r . DT\ 11 ~Ir !\ • •IM . \V . to t hl' Anti .' o.l ooD Leul! u e Con veo. O" " i!! 11 b aunr'hl/{ 1,. l'\' f: trl , b o h I too 1\ \ 'Ol llUlhu 8 1118t, l 'bllf .. daY !lod Ul otlUl r n::11 oh llli Li,}} J woll, Il'rlI]ay 'l' b n ~ht i ~ nn '011 tli" pnl)pl 111'1' SLOAN' S FOR JOIN TS Mr n n d M r ll. J. • Len'toiog e n till'. ---::::;;;;;;o~:=iidl~u.uJJ.LLlblll ll lIbl roll )' I " 11IP [e of p .. i,h, IWHH II) 1',, 108 .\!)If 0 boa I!' t· IILlued t <1ft n fir 'rl1Ur sd lY R ev BDd ror w hlnh I llIIY 'V~ I l" p:rllt P III llr ~ lill rll'er, Mr o.nd Mr8, 1811no The Ilol'" t ~ urr.' ~r, l"~ I nt lIeT ' r opll l 111 \0) till' j 'HI I" hl'll m 1 ·"~"" , 1I H11 1 11'( 6IIH1 ' , j',1 r Bnrl Mrt>. Rfll pb ItD(l i t w il l n il t. lip Irmg l1 1lt l] tit , ' \'~ 'l Y 1';'.1\" JJ'~!lt t l I! U t . ltljt} VP L e'lm i ng nml dn n g o t or Ede ll, OW I1 e r \V iII h " ill l' 1 "~n ~ ~ l ou rot tlw y' I1'lr :"1. \ liPI'1i , .. ,,'It',. :-' Ith.. u·s LUll Mr. IlUc1 !of r . J S LO l1 mln~ s p e nt For d T ou rlog ol\. r. ] r ~' rm li d ve n,I' 1\ t :l I, ll I"'.\' I'c'i, tl'alr~ ~11Ill'11 1 ll'Il,l nv wlt,h JOtlS O B llioes ' of New mnrl e y nur . d oulltln o HIe tn i t ~ t rll lt·. Ill!, ,\ d ~'I .' I, hlK 1>00 \ "Lrm 'Jofl'ltlOys Bu~ on oe ; g t bu, Y b.'lp t o Ill:l ko I h lB II ronr ".,~., tlll lH·h l "' . l'iJo cn nf:{ ('~tpcl Burllug lo ll. D elllllnn tMs h ill IU 11:0' :-ti r lul·It.t'(l II] !lv Ii-un i u. fo iu hl!~s 8 ur ll B N tlford took eli Der "uoopes. do u ot !\Iip", It- '.0 fu ll .low 'Ohio"lIaae Flour. GIIOrQi',(ce Label It YQu ur e lotorfl,.teo In ou r WWrI , ~'" "PI' IH'flt l,Hl wtll uri ~e not nil' . '01111 Y w i~h b e l' friond MI 9 E s tbor r.Jillifll ,fl.. t 1 01 fUI , 'IHl 111 hllUlTil . (t is 1\ sr,ral !!b t, ~D rl hon e ~ i. r.fOp')'· . n' I IH, h' \HU "'" lIon line} If yo u h old I h,e r luht OU\/1, , ''' ' "i'1l1f! r t u«1 qUloh h , I.-" Jl'(: t h't\ It J ... bo COlU ll ~O£l \ ~ s p e ndlog this lor ~ n lll ~t~ 1II til '" ~k 1lJ Clr ole g t il" wa It at. the h om o of ber It III y onrF. III til I' I)'lrr·. l •. ' " OlJIlltJ t n ·,1 l' ·nt yom b:~ t hnr t;011l 1'~01l. Mr, B, L . [lRk i n w ns t~ l t(' n 1]'111<\ )\ I u,:t(i I, :!iILI , . ,,10k l:Iutnrdll Y n ight. lint 1$ th o n li t ~- - . --to be bett e r IL ~ thIS ..... rit I nr . '


ODe 15.oent Me '1lIl Dr ~


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II' U 'l hI ,.e


;1, ~~: ~: I1 '6 M/}:; a zi n o-12 to tlhion Office

tuth Hhou ~b utt1 1tu proviLll:{"'1 Il w J r ' " . '.:. p l' h ",'I .~oHjd ltll'lt . \l t I,j I I .. ~. 'I 11.. " I ,t r. u. l1 J 1\'1'8. O rv ",l Be rry l1i ll n.r ,._• n'I" " "'11 , ', ,' ., .... ."\lr' . ootcrtlllnlo"" Il r brother J l'H~ I::i0 9. on Ilnd w l f o. ui nOllr Dll Jl. to n . (J B t .1 if t



Waynesville, O.

' 1013 ~. r Tbe fl1 l lH7 UOUl1>,,010D B ome Cillend llr

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Bow about the "eye ~" of the s ub. ~n I w hII WILY t t ~'L id to murloes by wblob, und er WIlt ll l' . lIllg 1', I. .


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MEMORIES ===-=: ~=-=.=--=~. =:-

racked. brok,ln. crooked .•pple·trt! In an orchard that hal been proli fic In fruitaa-f! and blo!lllom ••nd now .ven In ita boat ltaatn bunta forth in the aprinlrtime in grHn foll.lre and pink bloom. U.lng thil.a the basi• . Col. Kinney wrote thII poem and It cloaes thus:


~ EI



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~GIIa'==51'1:::IIl'===' ==='81:'==='

J• B• CHAPMAN ,Agt ., 1:'

All thlp ra ther rambling PI' Ii,· . Inary leads me to make the IU R'lll'" tion that thl'l Miam i Gazette pu uli I ~ from time to time Col. Kinn y most appealing poems . Those w I " have read them flnd been inspin ·1 will welcome a re-rudini. ThelOrE' .. maj ority who do not know t ll f , will find keen enjoyment and p 0 1 • in becoming acquainted with the i . Do not let Waynesville's mo~t beautifula inller sink forever bt'hin(1 the hUll. C. M. Cartwriiht.



~ S81E'==51'1:)

Waynesvl·lle, Ohl·o.

==='..81:'===' 8.


The Chleago Quartet will be the next attraetion ot the Lecture COUrM at School Hall, January 30th.

Extra Special

---. , -~.---

Prof. and Mrs. G. J. Graham. of Xenia, attended the funer.1 of Mrs. A 'S~lalilt 'from the Cincinnati Wilgus Saturday. lind made several Optical Co. will v,l llt Waynl8v!lloJ calls on frien~s while here. lIut WednelMlay and Thul'lld.y. Thla eompan)' comes "en recom· Miss Belen Sherwood left Sund ay mendai. .nd anJ' on. in need of evening for Columbus to join her GI..... will do well to i'O and see parents. ·Mr. and Mra. F. E Sherth.m. Read tbeir ad. on another wood, who recently moved to that city. . pap

$4.00 and $5.00 Skirts to dose out at



See W.terhou.. (or. Auto Livery.

ma il or pholle .

$1.98 G$3.98 .

There will be tliree prize, Kiven away at t~e end ot this month at the Hub BowlinI' and Billiard. Rooms. The fint prize wlll be 16 In I'old. Come In and try the all"'y~ it m.kes you YOUnl' aaain. C. M.noenball .



When lho fi rst of the month comes pllythelilt le advance .in your light bill cheerfu lly and willingly. This w rnporary increllse has been neces· SII ry 011 Ilcc(, unt of the high price of (',lfll !l1H1 only for the purpose of Il ll'eting nur rurining expense,s Every ·ilizen has all interest in this insLituli on. and should be just as liberal as possible both in using the iight and also in cheerful words to 0 111' f .iends . Talk to them of the ~ afcty lind convenience and safetvof the light:<l. and the villue of the water or use as well as to protect our hOI\1 S fro m fire Urge lhem tQ'install both in their home~, Rnd then you will become a booster for one ('If the very best in · stitutions il' our village. Roard of Pllblic Affairs

WAS RUN DOWN BY CUT OF CARS Charles Yeazel, brother of Andy Yeazell. who is yardmaster on the Big Four. at Covington. Ky .• was run over by a cut or cars last week and seriously Injured, M~ . Yeazell had just finished makinl' up a train, and was crollSing to the round house when a cut of cars from the next track ran him down His right foot was cut off. several ribs caved in and other AeriouB iujul iell, H is brother here r eceived word this week thal he was a little better. but il ill a pre· c.iious condition.







-J1dutual Home &-Savings Association .


OF DAYTON, OHIO At the Clo.. of Bu.inea, December 30, 1916 ASSETS . Cu~ on hand Jan. 1, 1917 . .. $ 360,494.22 Loanl on mort,a,e lecurity. . . 8,184,138.60 .J.,oanl on all other aecurity .. . . llP,130.00 Real Eatate -.. . . ... , .... , .•.. ,. 69,231.65 Office Buildin, . . ........ . .... . 166,109.56 IMuranca due from memberl .. 5.50 Uncollected int.relt . .. : . ..... . 18,062.38 Certificat.. of d.polit. . . '.' ... . . 480,000.00 Bond.. .. .. ..... ...... .. ..... . .. . 12,000.00 Tetal ......•.......... '.

LIABILITIES Running.tock and dividendi ..$4,128,229.83 Paid-up Itocl, and dividend • . .. ~;5(6.,351.16 Depo.itl and .. ... , .. . . 1,109,496.76 . \ Rele"e and undiyjdecl profit . fund ... . .. :: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Depoalta from other fiaancial inatltUtiOM ............. .. 45,000.00 UnCollected inten.t ..........• IBi,06t.3~


Total., .................


State of Ohio, Montaomery County, II: . William H. Kimmel, boi., duly Iworn, d• .,... and .ay. that h. il the .ecretary of The Muha" Home' and Saying. A"ociation of Dayton. .Ohio, and that the above Itatement il cerrect. WILLIAM H. KIMMEl.:.. Suhaoribed and .wom befor, me thi. 30th day .fDecember,18IS. (Seal) GUSTAV BECKER, JR. Notary Public:, Monttomery County, Ohio. paid

'0 .



Money d~po'it~ , DOW wiD receive di~deDds ~uly 1, 1917

.z. . .

JOHN E. VIOT, Pre.'dent F. KIMMEL, Vloe ",,",dint. F .. ED·... ICK A. PUNKHOU ..... Trua. WILLIAM H. KIMM.L, -.orela"., ,10HN A. CA ••• AIII.llt ........"..



L.I: WAIt ... N JAM", ~~:i4III:-I---~'-------,----l-~J.I '-I' ... JON", GHa,.. M.........



Th. retiialna of Mrs. Ch.rl6tte Ed· wards, who died at the home of her d.ugh.,.r in Birmlngbam. ~Ia .• will /:>e broul'ht bere for Interment. Servlc.. will be held at thll Friends churcb ' Thursday momlni' at 10 o'clock; Mrs . Edwards waa well knClwn.ln WayneSVille. and the newe of ber death will be' a ahock to her many frlende and relatlvei.





, LI:I W ........ N JAM." .DW..... D WUIOHIT. WILLIAM H. Imi'M.L.

c1 i . lnnc~


2215 E. Fifth St,

Dayton, O. I


I i


it J.

i• •

Waynesvill(', Ohio .ii


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 4 _ !S!_ _ _ _ _ _




Mrs. Henry Vandllrvoort will Bell Landing <1n the sll\lr~ lVI' SUO II pass Wauhalchi e monum enl wh ra was at h ~r farm so uth - of Harveysburg. fought th e b:ltlle of th at Ilame du r o Wednesday. January 3], one work ing the famolls Chul lll llooga camHorse, J ersey CO\'nmd variolls Farm· paign. Here we sl.'\l) f, r n while. ing Implem ents. This is indeed a 1II03t interes ling place. We climb Lookout MOI1"trlin , Oh! the wond er ful view - w ' ~ fail to exprellS this pRr l. f Olll', ip auove the cloudl!. He ro we find ~o mllllY places we bal'e h ' nl'd of . We reRch rhe Pal ten Hull'l. Chaltanooga. Here we write 'artl s horne and again resumtl ou r journt'y We poss the Specials This Week Chickamauga balliefiehh, wh ere All Pan cake flours, pkg... ... lOc 50.000 lives we re Iul'lt. We go on to Bii' Can Lye Hominy.... ....... lOe Fort Ogl eth ilrp,,, U. S. Calvllry Post Bii' Can Pumpkin ............... 10c and PIlSS many m on ull1 ent~ _ In a Bii' Jar Prepared Mustard ... lOc few hours we pass cotton mills and . Big Can PifO Peach!'s ....... .... 10c see ou r Ii rst buies 0 f CQtto n. Here Ohio Sugar Corn, only ..... ... 10c we have 0 fia t tire. hut 'w e are all Early June Peas, only .. ....... 10c prepar d and in just fiftee n minutes . Baked Beans. can ............ ,, ' lOc we Rre traveling n We BCe mall" All Scrap Tobaccos.• 6 for ..... 25c nolia tr ee~, also, ox·teams. Elvp. Peaches, lb. , ........ ;...... Hic (To Ue contin ued) 14est Pink Salmon. 2 cans .. · .. 25c Pure Buckwheat. Kiln Dried Meal. Cracked and Flake H"m · iny. Fancy Apricots, Prunes. Raisins. Figs. White Eating Potatoes. Jersey Sweets, Cab· bage, Yellow and White On · . Ion a, Oranges. Grape Fruit. Lemoua Bananas. Hig Sour Pickles. Little Sweet Pickles. I Sauer Kraut. Fresh Oysters, 18 the two-fold s (llran adopted by Ediemont Butters, Cranberthe Ohio Millers 'tllte Association I'ies, Celery" Olives. for lh e campaign . ' Mu de in Ohio" Fresh Lettuce this week. speaks for itself. !l Ain!=( especilllly Maple Syrup Cans. leave your or- a pplicable to th e IIIHl r miil"d in der.~ Lard Can!4. 25 and 50 lb • Ohio. si nre mills 01 the Buckeye . Tin "Cans and Sealing Wax . Rlate Bre rl)cogniz (1 loaders ill the in d ustry . Th e S lale As~oci nU o n in TAN LAC. another lot just in, Ohio is onll of th e largest of IIny ill IlBk your elghbora atrout the country a nu there ure IHob~bly Get the Tanilic Smile. as many if not .more mills milking tlou r in Ohio than in any other sta~e. It payR. to trade at The" Bette r Flour" fell lure of the slogan is intended to conve)' to the Ilublic the superiority of the Ohio products.





'T"":"; -


PUBLI C SAL E 39 Immuned, Big Type,-Poland.China , Bred .Gilts, also 5 Boars:

The venerable Mra. ,J ane Lagg died at the hom. of her daughter, Mrs IIarry Stukes, e.rly Sunday morning. following a stroke of apoplexy Th~ luneral . was held from the Chapel Tue!day afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Beall. officiating. Intermentln Mi.mi cemetery. · . For catalogue, address

Sale, 'F ebruary 12, 1917CHAS. B. GEESNER & ' ~QNS

Ill' n hetter world 1t the 1I'IIIIItl lie"ot> lellS attentlon to f ell lit I' r.. IInl! gnllhl us and more to wltHo 1111(1 !I11rl{ IlIcnt.-Ch1cIll!0 NewiJ. Thi s


R. F. D. 4,



tl1rli e~' s


He!ght Glldne... Wh en t.h" "tol1l1\~h Is full the heart

Is j;ln{l; wh

the heurt HUlil I ~ 'lInd, Hntl when the U,o Wli,,1 n'UIl Is glud. · II

Is tull the ~ou1 Ie tull

W.N. SEARS Auctioneer _eal Estate ,.IDsu·r anee

Mr. F . M. BleU waa • ' buaID'" .IIUor 10 OIDolonabl ~ .., ,w .t . . ·Mr. Walter Ooyl,olW... OarUgp, waa a vl,Hor In our town &'ar4a" lAnd Suoday. ' Mr. A. fl. ~Iara died Tuttda)' Office Over the P08tofflce mOtDlal aUer a lID."I~. IIlD .... Burial W.I m.d. Thuracl." . afaer. aOODl!l Bpr.lDi Vall," : .. . It•• ldence 48-2 PHONES Office 6. Mr. Elora Dyk. · baa ...Id hom •• .SHDdld ., ,,.,... her @OD 1~. WlUdDiburl, P •., ' j. A Dumbe'r of 'ox.. haft .... J.. os'u gbt In .'be , oommuulty In the . . . . . . . . .M<M<~~...._


".r .D

Preaent Dividend 'Rate 15%


They Promise Satisfac t ion


January diYidendl anti inlereat, amounliDI tg '196,200.02, i. now being memberl and depolitorl, .

Numb~r of accounta opened duri., ·da. year . . ,..... 7,635 Number ef loans made durin, th.year ... ,..... ..... 1.138 P ......t Dumber of accou.ta . . ...... , .....•... ,' ." .,.. 26,192 Amount leaneel durin, the year ..••..... : ........... .• 4....,7.7.47 IDCNUe i. Uleta 'duri~a the y....... , ......•...••. : ......•.... , ... .. ,2.3()6,17S.U


Mra. BetAy WiliUS. formerly of Warren County, died at her home in Xenia. last Thursdav morning, after a longillneBS. Th. body was brought to tbo Chapel Saturday wbere ·Ier· 'vlcel were held, Rev . Sargent offi· ciating. T.he body was int.,rred In Miami cemeter~:

And Be More Plentiful.


10 11

"Savage" Tres S cceed for Service


'. '~

to offer , by

om I hone ~5~ . <... I ,) I

r" ;c-

Ie .



1 rice.

• • • , • • • • • • • • • 6 . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .e . . . . ~.~ . . . . . . . . .. . . . . , I

--_.- ---


Wc [lay

phone eh a rge~.

. -·

Don't fail to attend Hyman', Mn. W. H. Allen Is In 'Clncinnati Cle.ranee Sale. today.


lligh st

Let u know wh ,lt you hn\"

- ..- --

Thou qu ivel~e.t in the lunny June mornina'B to the welcominl: of long. . And beell .bout their bUliness of II


Will pat ·t lt

The ~xaminationa are over and The blllebird. warblin" mellow is now p rogressing as it did . ft.fralns. like memory comes anti Ichool before the brief intermIssion. calls thl1 name, , And like tirllt I"ve. tbe ori.les pomp -~.. of yellow . Flit. through thy fiam e.

Thul thou art bleat and blcsBelt Thy g r ac:e of blossoms fru iLiI I!J into gnld! ~ And thus i ll touch with nature. th (, I pOSBessost The 8rt o:f ll rowilllr old'.

Strictly speaking Saxon iloadster is the grea tc t \'ulu'! low-priced ear on the market. It is absolu tely ullequ ~lIed in the number and quality of the equipT h f 11 b . . . . meat. an d convel11ences it ca rnes . ole t em care 1I y- est two-Unit starting and lighting system built ; new style body. big, roomy and comfortable; demountable rims with 30-inch by 3-incb tires ; new style top with Grecian rear bow ', electric horn', tire carrier', speedometer', new design carburetor that· gives greater efficienc and easier st arling ; three speed transmissio,n; Timken axles; Hyatt quiet bearings ; Saxon .high -speed motor of unusual power. speed, · , . smoothness, flexibi 1Ity and coolness ; vcntlla ling windshield ; and twenty further refinements. Saxon Roadster ., 495 f. o. b. Detroit.



~ W~r~pe:r thee all the day long.

Greatest value low -priced car.


The Hlg!l School Play to be lI'iven in hODor of W8l1hinlrton'a Birthdav .will be "The Kentucky Bell." The parts are now being IUl8lgned.. The pl.y will be of the same high type IlB the former ones. The money i8 to be devoted to the pUrchasing of rec· orda for Lhe Grafonola. It WIlB an n IOrrO'WI eav)', y.t rom wm- nouneed laat week th.t the play ter8gloom would be given Saturday. Febru8ry Thou lasuest wIth tb. rouna tree~. 24th. Owing to conflicting dates ,lad al any. this will have to be changed to Thurs· Aa qllick ot ireen .nd bloom. day. February 22nd.

8~A·td~~b~~mf~ c::J




few d6),1 . . Mr Lutbur WIISOD hlte parohl.l~Dd th e 1l 11~t>Qry blllldillj{ II wnoi! by W. '\::'. tilillsbury. or W'11D8Svlll!'. MI~Jj 1i:IUutt llallllOOdllted' the D.)~ t­ &10 0' a8 SMoher of tbe grawrutlr room mllde VAOJtDl by lOll relligoa &lun of 10Uee Wlldwau . .




'rhe 8 . Y, ' Hpar~Q' defnted&he

Causal' Oreek Bleh tklhaol 10 ••am. la'Drday D11bl. 800N 85-81. lit!.. V. B. er•• fonurl7 of til.. plaoe who'" D.....W14 OD •• tilt tloOllllaD bOl1ll&al 1... week .. do. Il!Cel~. . lin. 8uI7 UopatJ', of IM1icIa,

motbN, " ... __ lin•....... ...., 0DpIq. tor With







2 -



Whole Number 3407

31, 1917

r ..................... ~~-- .. ..r .... -




...".......- ~




Hyman's lInnual

EXTR~ SPECIAL Bl'llt Ilk Lftdies HORe. fast col · ors fur SalUr .a,' only .... .. .... ..


EXTRA SPECIAL Hest 15c Children's "Kan tbustem" 13 0 e, fast colors. at. only




Dry Goods

[P]~S~~~ONJ r. · · ·. ;;~-;:.;--·~~~~;;:;~I [~o~f.EDV!~l~J .


Everything Reduced

Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings .

~ ;.,~~~~~~~~--~--------~--------------~~~~~~~


See Waterhouse for Auto Livery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr, and Mrs . Walter Kenrick, of WERE OU r .THUR.!5DA Y AND We ar.e now in Georgia. a rrive in ' Leavi ng Jlicksonvi ll e we cross the ' great hedges of oleanders are on Lytle. had for their dinner guests on FRIDA Y EVENINGS Don't miss Hyman's Clearance CarterSVille, the hom e of Ra m Jones. St. Johns river on a ferry boat and either aide hanging full of bloom, Sunday Mr . and Mrll. Charles Hough, Sale. and ~pent the night. Next morning are soon driving .. long a fin e brick al80 strawberries in bloom, while Mr. an.d Mrs. C. E Johns. Mr3. we are up Bnd f~el ing fin e. to uring road call ed . Kings road. We pass birds. bees and butterflies fill the air. C~thal'lne Johns. Charles Grauser, of Grange meetIng Saturday evening, throu"h mountalll . cuts. deep ~nd beautiful cypr~8 gt:'0ves and cypress / Goiolt on we arrive late in the PIqua, Messrs Kenneth Houg h and rough The earth IS red a~ brIck. swamps and arrive III .S t Augustine. evening at Stuart ,,'erry, are taken Glt:nn Johns and Mr and Mrs . S. H. February 3rd. On we go and are coming into At- pass the ancient gateway, and Fort I acros!. and stay for the nig ht at Hames. la.nta. Ga. Here we pick our first Marion, the oldest fort In the U. S. J Stuart Hotel. This was a new plaee M. C. McDonald is seriously ill VIO Ie t s, cross t he Iong t7 uri d ge'across Going on we are in sight of the Hal· j and we were the first guests to A party was given at the Town Many FOlks Have An Idea 1 hal 't h ' WI pneumOnla. Chattanooga r~ ver and on the 23rd of ifax River and see many beautiful register as they did not t'x.pect to Hall, In Harveysburlt. Tuesday Town Wenl Bac\( to Prlmldv. DaYI, Loeol People Were CODurncd When eoal 611 and Candlel N,ovember arrI ve Ilt Atlanta. at. the sights. We hurry on and soon r each open until the next day. which was evening, January 23, 1911, in honor In ~obbery Dr.. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Broad PIedmont hotel. We have found the the IndIan river, here we aee blue 'fhankftltivlng. Briltht and early we of Miss Veda Sumner's eillhteenth Were· Uted way, Lebanon. Ohio. flnest of thingll to eat and the kindest heron. sea gulls and many ' varieties are on our way for today we expect 'birthday. Games and music were of p~ople to s'erve' it all along this of water f owls. Touring along we Il lonlt drive·part of the ' way i. the enjoyments of the evening. At W. 0 Raper spent' Sunday and mountaino.u8 r.oute. arrive at Daytonia.and·pass pineapple through marHhes and part through a seasonable hOJr refreshments were J eff Smith's Meat Store. . AtI~nta IS R hne ~ Id p:ace of 154,000 fi~lds and many fruitJs at different sand •. We pus Palm Beach; this Is a served consisting of sandwiches, And tilere v.:aa darkness oYer all Monday in Cincinnllti. A, 8. Sides' Warehouse. mhabllants. Passmg on we travel kmds. fine winter resort and has a beautiful pickles, cakes lind cold tea. At a the town. ThIS was the fate of H O) w c ll' ~ Dry Goods SLore. through Macon, In a few dAYS WI! Rere we have our Brllt view of the ocean beach. Royal Poinsettia Hotel. very late hour the guosts departed I Waynesville Thursday and Friday. Enrnhllrt'M Hnruwa rt! Store. \' Great O<iuction in a)) winter roJl.' reach Way~ross and here ~e see for ocean, wbich i1lrrand journeying on at Palm Beach, is one of the larllest wishing Milill Veda many more happy t eveninlr!! of last week. . W"lter MclJlure's Stable. II'lCry. rll.:e L. Smith. the first time moss hanglllj{ from we arrive at Indian river. Here a hotel. in the world. We now have a birthdays. She was the recipient of l The Board of Public AffaIrs re ' Wal ler Elzey':! U..rn the trees, and it certainly i ~ beauti· long, new bridge was beinl!' built and lIeventeen mile ride along the ocean. many beautiful presents. ThOBe who celved a letUir last Wednesday that CorwIn Blacksmith Shop. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Phillips were ful. Pasa turpentine pines g(Jing on a lonlt wait W'lS caused by a man. This i., in:leed, bl!8utlful, we see enjoyed the evening were: Misses the ear of coal ordered by them had Madden'!! Lumber Office. Lebanon visitors Friday. \!fe pull throullh deep sand pas. t beau driving off the bridlle and beinll'!bathera in the surf. many rare !hells Alma Lamb, Laura McKinsey, Sarab \ been delaye.~ and that they would be Benecke's Eleva tor tlful palmettos a!s) see banana nearly drowned We are st last on and fi,h.tIDen with ' their nets Satterthwaite, Anna Furnas, Glenna unable to shIp the same for I8veral Misa Clara Hawke spent the wesk. trees. In a short tIme we ~ee our our way and arrive at New Smyrna Butenina on we are coming into the Marsh, Georgia and Mary Whelaet, dnys. The bOllord then decided to Thi, is the story of the burilarie~ tirrt orange trees full of frUIt . We and remain for the niUht at ocelln much·heard of Miami, arriving at the Lena and Veda Ellis. Merle and let the town be in darkness rather committed some time late Wedn"s· end with relati vell- in Lebanon. are traveling over miles of dee~ sand Houae. Here we are nlaar the ocean Halcyon Hotel we eat our Thanks· Faye Ellis, Martha Lukens, Opal than order coaillt 16 a ton. day evening and Thumay morning . road, rough ·and had. and arrive at and can hear it roar.and seethe great lriving dinner thankful indeed that Mills, Edila Smith and Hazel Moore. On Friday evening tne Council and Thf! burglars were very bold in their You will save money by attending Kolar8~erry. end are ~k~n across ocean ~esal'ls, also see great Sh.1I1 we have been p'ermltted to enj~y Messrs. Hobart Marsh, Rus.~el, Harry the Board met and decid~ to aet depredations, and they must havl' Hyman 's Clearance Sale: ~t. Marys and croS:! the Ime mto Flor- formatIOns . \ . such a areat and wonderful trIp. alld Leslie Satterthwaite. Lee Tal- coal from a local dealer to ttde them VI'.orked very fast to accomplish all Ida, Here we fin~ good brick road November 29, brigM and early, We have spent sixteen days on the mage, Levi and William Lukens, over until their own order came in, they att"mpted. Not a BOul in town Mrs. Alvin Esrnhart and Miss and see !llderberfles, roses and other every~ody rea~y. everYlthin.g i. now road ~d ~raveled 1675 miles, Here Ralph D. Toll. Sidney Watkins. Char· and aocordlnltl.y the town wu n~ht. heard an)'thlnlr suspicious during the Eleanor m bloom. · changing and IS very beautiful. We ..t Mlann we have spent several ley Voiers Chattey Rudduck, Carl ed Saturday 'maht, and the'l decided night, and they had everythinlt their Fridsy. Earnhart were ·in . Lebanon flowers Arrive Bt Jacksonville at the Sem- ·are seeing great hammock .wamps , weeks but expect to Ira to Cuba and Moore Ja~es and Leonard Lawson, that rather than not have thellgbt. own way . • Louis 'Fires. Keramit Harner, Ray in the future the, would get th"lr inole hotel (named for the tribe of and pass a place where they had just o ver to the weat coast Boon. . Where they ' started on their raid of the sanie naftte). and ahot a deer. The ' land is rich and [f I can find ' time 1 will trl'and Mills Lawrence Hough and Roy coal of local dealers. . 115 m·erelyconje<!ture. At Jeff I:Imith's Mrs. El.t a Collett. of Harveysburlt. lndia~s a fe~ days, seein., palm trees. everything grows luxuriant. We wrlle alrain ot BOrne 0.1 our trips, and Clark. For the past two or three ,elUII . tbey took a broad&)( belonainll' to spent Sunaay at tbe home of Barton s~nd pomseLtss In bloom. and feel the are paBSing great orange and ll1'ape· other placet! of interest in the land •- • ther~ haa been considerable bad A. B. SIde's, and smashed a hole in Kelly. warm Southern air. We ,visit the fruit groves Tbe Indl ' un river fruit of sunshine and great opportunities. feelinlt between the council and the the frqnt door and by turning the alligator place and - llee many new is considered .very fine and we are board, and It culminated Frlda,y' evnight latch were soon at work. The Everything in the way of winter wonders. Mrs. H . H. Williamson ening at toe council meetin." when ' seeing many different kilndll offruits; burglars showed their vandalism here millinery at cut prices. Grace Lin. J. E. Janney, who haa served on the by c'uttlnjt meat Into strips. They coln Smith. _ __ __ ~____ board for twelve yean, r ••llPled, " opened the ca&h' register and took Regular communic .. tion of IWj·chlesrneotth,.lltlffaoUrmlfedlie.lthe general pub· money to the ,amount of $10 or $12, Mrs. Artie Albertson, of Indian · Miss lnis Davis. of Lebanon, spent ; It 18 presumed thl'Y got into Sides' apolis. Ind .• is the guest of Mr, and the week·end with her mother. Mrs. Q . Waynesville Lodge No 103 F. At another ~peclal meeting of the 'warehouse first, as a lot of hIS tools Sarah Davis. & A.6. M., TUelldtiY brethren ev nillg, II S a t urd February Sojourning counc ay e ev l n ng, Mr• JanMrs. Frank Zell. were fuund around the butcher shop are welcomed. Everv The baskl!tball team of the High ney'll re.lgnatlon was accepted and and visitors Here they examined everything, but "Passinlt out of the shadow, member of the lodge is urged to at- Sehool went to Cincinnati Friday the council elected W. H. Madden as thll IIBfe was unlocked there was Mrs. Lester Gordon. of Morrow, Into the perfect day, the to take his place. The election of nothing of value to be taken but the was the week-end guest of ~r. aud tend th is meeting as matters of im- afternoon to participate in Th Mr. Madden was a wise one, and Why should we call it dying, GETS BIG LIFE INCOME tools. . portarlce will be diecusaed . champion<hip games there. e will meet with the approbation of Mrs. H. H. Wilkerson. This peaceful going away P" , D. L. Crane, W. M. team played Saturday morninl{ and A~ Bowell's alore they gained ad· L. A. Zimmerman. Sec'y. were defeated by Lo~kland, by the every voter in W~ne!lville. mittance by jimmying the back win· There h\\ve been several cases of Elizabeth Jane Watt, the fourth . Bcore of 32 to 19. The boys had a • -dow" Here .they pried off the money measles reported in Waynesville, t1aughter of Robert and Marga~et "scare" in the first half, but held drawer and got about 30 cents. A durirle the past few days. Watt, was born near. Urbana. OhiO, . the Lockland boys down to two field check, In the mQney drawer f-lr a goals In the Ia.~t half. Janul\ry 24. 183B. DIed at the home I doodly amount, was not disturbed . Mr. ,and Mrs. W. M. Humbert: of of her daughte r. Mrs Harry Stokell", +++ I I It ,.1111+. I I II , ••• 4 +. The boys are loud In praise of the There was nothing else misaing at of 'Yay nesville, on Janlilary 21, 1917, gooli tIme they had and of the trellt. this IItore Ill' far &s ·known. They Sprmlrborc. spent lut week with h~vmg almost reached her 79th . ment they received at the University. made their J¥etaway throuah the hall Mr. and Mrs. Chas . Crawford, of the ExchanRe• . bIrthday. ' . The University boys made it very door . . . On J !I~uary 8, 1855, Elhe W!lS UDited 5 pleasant for them, made them stay The:lbuJ:glars gained admission to · 111 !"arfl~ge to Orland!!r Fox, ,from all night, dined them, anel in various Earnhart's hardware store by s l\1Qsh- ' Look and List en- Hyman's Clear· whIch ulllon one son <was born· Jo· ,. ways made them feel that they were Subscribers to the Library fund lolt a hole in tlie window, removing ance Sale. seph Fox, now deceas.ed . at home, are hereby notified that ~ach Individa window stlt·k . and climbing in Her second marrl8:g e to T. J . . I While they did not make much of ual or family subscribing has a vote A. C. White and sons. Enoch ami Here they got four gold watch."8. ~glle, was consu!D ated , .November • I a showing, they got some fine point- in the election of officers for the ,alued at-BOmethlnlt n~ar '100, lind a Dewey; \\ ere called here last week 3, .1861. From thIS mllrrlsge, four ID lers that will come in handy the rest permanent organization. and a voice few tools. The vandals opened the on account of the death of Mrs. U children were born , t~re~ daughters of the season. in all the affairs of the Library Ascash register, and it will cOlltseveral M, Whlte, and on~ son ,· Mrs. MlIlme. Clark, of sociation. dollara to get it repair('d Franklin. Ind; Mra Moille Stokes, Mr. J . Howard Dice, of C'~lumbus. Tht\ next place visited was Walter .A. N . McKay. of Dayton, WalJ8 Mfs. Ollie Mendenhall. of Wayneawill addre,s a meeting at School Mcelure's stable. They pried off bU81nesil visitor here last Friday 11 Auditorium Saturday afternoon, the lock to get in, and a hag of corn Albert is always a .welcome visitor in T~~ene~~' and Arthu r Legge, ~f February 3, at l:ilO, and everybody Was missing Frof.D here they went Waynesville. ' . One step·daugbter, Mrs. Salhe _ . is cordially invited to this meetinlr· up the alley- to Waller Elzey', barn. Mr . Dice is an eXllert in his line and pried the lock, and 'took L. A ZimMessrs.W, Ricks. ' Edward it Is hoped he will have a repr8lentamerman's auto truck. which WIIS Ricka, Isaac Lin~oln and Kent Thomp · to the Home beyond. . . .' r live audience to hear what he haa to ( . .JItored in the barn Several tools BOn attended a big hog salea at Wash· She was a member of the MethoV say about organization, State ald. etc. ( 'rere also taken from here. From ington C. H, last Thursday. . dist church for a number·of years. I. 0 U If you have not already tak.en part acICa the nut morning. it is 8Up ' She was a devout Christian women, The National Gtee Club was the in thia work, it Is not too late to ·,'1'1 J,IOsed thl'Y ran · the maolhine into and mt:8l!ured not the limits or her number p!'ellented at School Hall deinonstrate your civic pritle by Mjss Ethelvn Jones has returned the aUey and down the hill 'without purse, but gave in charity of Tuesday evening at the regular Lec· helpin, furnish the bast obwnable.. Btartlng thl! Tnotor. They evidently home from Mhlmi hospitill, Dayton, of the soul which seeks not reward. ture Course. The club gave Il very reading matter tor WayneevlUe'. stopped ~~ Corwin, for htlre th fl whe e she has heen receiving tretltbut the approval of God . good entertainment. and it was en- present and future citizens. blacksmith Sh'l P was entered, and a menl for irijuries .received in a coast• _ • joyed by a good·sized audience. Ev· When most· women. of her age iug Il.cci~ent I'n Christmas day. few tools wl!re . taKen ery number was encored'. The quarJ woulJ be sittini by thE! fire contentThllY went to Bellecke's elevator, edly knitting Bnd pas:sing their doforCIII , the front ,doQr and entered' Misses Clara Llle, Maria Stout. tet numberll wellwith rendered and c1ining years in rf!it·andl contentment, the. boys werewere artists the bells t~e offlc.e ' :rho .o~ter dl_!>r of the Anna Vandervoort, Beulah Kindler, H. A , Elliott, the basso of the comMrs: Le~ge, was UP' and doinlr. IIIlfe waS open. bul they priI!d off the Henrietta MrKinsey. Josephine An , . is a Bellbrook boy, and is the 'Though hel' health hiad lon~ been ' Im,er ~oors, where. Mr, Uenecke drewd; Dorothy Gebauer, Marie" failing. it was . so .gradual and sbe HiB .read· kee!?, a lot of Yliluable paper~ Not '. Shults, Hester Canine lind .. Alma . was 80 bright, cheerful 'and active inis were very much enjoyed, as he . findmg anythmg. \yorth ' LIIkJn!l the Waterhouse, Me!\Srll. Wm. R.~preigel is an artist in his line. Mr. Elliott that her nearest and dearest friends vandals took t helf spite on him by and Glenn Johns attended feachers' made several calls while here, as he ~-:.. did not realize how seriou!I it was splttinll lol}a:cQ juice all over his \ Asaociation at Lebanon Saturday. . . ' is well known to many of our citizells. The Gustin House property, owned until on Sunday morning at one ufe and papers . . • v •- • by Frank Miller, la for tale. ·For \ o'clock, after. a brief iIIn88l, :o t about At M8ddllll'~" dfice they trl d the !JIh e' who atlendE!d the funeral of I four hours, the."Irate of death Do. . several this property bas been hfe I!!'able to eet Into it os I ,,'.. d f d' open" and she PaSEed Ilw.,e'I,V Here L.Me and 'mUtiL have \MrS Char otte "",war 8 rom a IS-.r . , run iii the Gustin Hotel. and W. O. and ,Peacefully as the ,Ieep been lhtllDlMllves,' u Bevera! ta."~e were Rev JeB8e 8 . .Harvey, cbild, Death came tQ' her, and. were found on the WIfe and Nathallle! Harwap at restl A. M. ~. and Hadl41y'and Wif~i and T~~ht to :Inht~~~o :~~ wife, of ClarklCARD OF THA.NKB " up with all the ftnt-c .... . 'John Dymon~, Qt In order tQ bold Jesse and Luther We deaire to exp!1!l!1 ol1r beartfelt Drumm. . make ChIS. E. Dwls· thanks to the mlnlalel', the idqers .Ohio, Mrs W. In Ala.,





I. I








your Father• . good reputatIon


hed · were welg tho. b I . e a ance agaInst 1


your ove or a

~:~~~~8~Yt~~ ~~v~~:C~~i!C~~thh~~


. . _ •.--'·1 . 8 GLEE CLUB GAVE

Wh a t Wo u I d D' o. '-.,.



I l

E. E.



' . b.. 0'.f W e' .. ' I 5t ee'

Cyrua TOW{UellJ B~~ FatIa.,. Son





~~~tI~p Wt~~n ~~~I!= ~i~:::~

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san, •

T.1Ue Chronicle of Ceriain Prusagcs Between D VID 1..ARR£NcE & ANTOl ETTE O'BA NON of the BaUle of'Tippe. the Indiana


and of What Befell Thereajter .. Old C,rgdon and Now Firsl Set Forll. T T T T _ _ In



c-rfI/oI. "16,

n. IWlo.Afurll/

CHAPT ER XVlII . . The Uttermol t IIl'ta nt. It 'WIll tbo dllY fo llowing , r un's deJ)&rture. DlI'I'ld wlIlked SlI'lflIy, 11I"p Into the I aO 1(;~ t, fllld stroll alooc Little IndiA n rlWl!, KUrgllng un'er Ita Ice, to th SPIlt whl'r T('Illl.. tte O'Dnnnon hod linn smll (\ lit him ~ the April nl>On. It woe tll ' ro his new li te bad begun. And lilI'TI', kne 1Ina by the rocky ledgu, h prnYl'tl, 8S a t a I hrlue. ' An end: of aU thlngR hnd romo to David. H II long qu s t WIlS o\'cr nnd the lu rt ot hili paulon hlld spen tIt cl f In t oam. Uad It been worth wh llo t.o torstve ' AU thllt he hnd 1\,'('(1 for WR tom trom hIm. Toln!'tto wl'lIl1l kn w thllt 8he hnd Judged hIm unj u .tl~· ; but ~Id tllnt knowledge brlllg hllek \\'hnt be had lost ot her? He bll il hcen n bot·t empered fool, he hnd 1"_" lt,,,1 hl'r be,ond torglvlng. TIle hn'lIch hurl widened beyond brl JI p lonked a erou the CU I1' thnt Iny bct\\'c!>n hllll and Tolnette nnd telt the bllt ernrss of nililed hopes. Bo thrust Ills blind In· to bll hunti ng shirt ond drew torth the dueUna p,latol he hnd tnk n from Blackford'a r oom. F or a long while ho ~ lOOking a t It In s ilence. A light st ep rusUed the dead leoves undertoot an d be turned Q,ulckly. Tolnette Iltoad beside him, n j oyous SUllie on her tace. ~I 'VIUI seDt to fi nd ;rou," eho greet•ad hlm a8tonlablngl;r. B e stared a t- her all thou/lh nt a mea' 8t'Dller from the akiea. B el' sUver IOllllhter rani .out na It had In doys ( ono b7. "Vo not decel.,e ;rOUl'8el1'," sho f 1UIIlled. "I am no angel- I'm "l'olnettlll" D"nd did not believe b er denlnl ; DnaI' believed It. .....ther IMIIlt mo tor:ron. Uo's go-111& to &lve a lI'eat dinner at the tav· em and 70U'1'8 to . It til tho place of !bonor. ·Oome, ;rou mustn't keep your CDOk walt1Jlr... And abe held out hor hand. But David did uot stir. 1lbe lOOk or hBgprd BU1I:ertn, hod ,nturned to 'blI tace. , Bel' lovellne.. ~ an arroW that 1I000t all the polson • I blI despatr 9nce mol'8 burDlng throach hi. veins. For thO' first 'tlme ' be tound a voice, 8 .,olee trembUni III emotion. . "I cann'!t • • • I connot • • •

, I

oud COIllO nrh'r me, cnnnot De my llli.",I III~!· "'Th ' \\ ur.18 /Ira tho~(' of tho greD(!It UltimO(' ot nil. Thl1Y uro the wurd~ of a lIIan who, without II s ln jt\(' full,,1Y r proolllluw.1 hIs ,·oll\·Il'tI ;.lIl1 1J"i<lre lh~ Dlost· h..stll t> 110(1 t\lIrl'l<'lIdl~' ot ull 1'1 " 11 ' , orntllln ~ . 'rlw" h,,11l c ru"hlt'j( wel.:ht or Its hllie tl'lI Ul100 him, hilt ·he ·l lln,.; to those b.'lIut5 to thl! " cry Inst-\:,u ,.• III" 1I 1~ IIr,·, rlllh"r thll n h' tholll lip. lie. of 1111 men. kncw whnt It rJlcnll to cling to It I'nl'(l.lsll In the (n('(> l)r tre· IIW!"II1US dllll<:lIlth'.. ret he My~ thnl wboe" "r ('1111 110" PlJuolly cntlnro the

• hl

l',I ~n8

or thl' lIIon'lI IlIn\lI ~h II I;,' I tho O'07.Cn lJrnncnee or tne trees IItO,hl 1I 0 ( III 10 h \! u 1I1:111. moti onless. A ~hlte 8Downllke dllUced ' "ThlrtY.lw" ) "'II'~ II~ " n 1I t\l " "/lIIt! Il,cro s tho SIlII CO before Dllv ld's eyes I (I f lI'I' II -R .'ttlo' l'~ III;I' Y"" . ",I " "I 'I~" nnd hi vlllion followed It UP. up, Into tI~ nl''' h"l'l'rp IIII'- roll,,,, ,."






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rady, Father and Son

tUn s "nd



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• I. ~ tin' m5tann'S WNt! ~udd cn ly l,o force you 'J r ' I I ' nlt~fI1ali vl' of f~rinll forth into a night of 1"11 .. , '1";lfC, fJrryin[' Ihe odium of your father's -1:11" you r 0\ i1 innorence, Ihereby securing ... ' , r ( 'I "( lint! cnsure, If'HICH COUR~



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Il'Jlol B:rho m




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In you l\ad I~ivcn your heart and- a • j~. c ',erc to he suddenly overtaken


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phone 'c h:lrg e~,

Home Phone 3561.

l BEN FRANK, :r. i



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(.',1 " Hlltl it' i1 1\1\11 di~lIli~~I,d. I:In,,·n;vsloul'l.[ t..II I.:tJ· No :I I'! I-' .>:.r 1\1. V~ , ' 11 111 \to M I': l.llIII' " '' II I III. I :'"1,, U Pl' rcIV <'tl .IItO llid trllmtll.1I \11' Bn'lI" lll' \Il1 bl" 11 .. I " t h e~ o If r ,,11 1,.ojll' ll .. M l' l n~ v'-' flu rr y K IIII,; t"(l 11l1l1 l.1~ In, I h'Hr o [ T. lt~ y ,lut h 'y t :u lllI\,I U10 U ", H.l At IU ll 'H t\ 1 " ~I1 Z\Ut"' . l' t'll. "i ll l f o f r(>.d U I"ltI dIIIOI'"II . IoO lhl ,,,· ul l1\ I '·" ,.r. lo r .nly t . tO, l' .... d " B ~',lIr c hll(\ "H NI'IIII' 1I l(Jl l l1 nl1~ tl M I'l" Hl! Dt ... ~ P 'll,h lt' u . UuUP,l l' p t II I l','l't1tl HU uf r ILl p~ -

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h Ig h p t i( ' t1 Ili 1,1 111,11' kit. : ink h t\~ .\1<'( 'H H t~ l\ \iI\-=H'l.lnn ttl flll."l\ l h l'lr tluh ... t 11p t 11\11 l" 'lUf' II'" lruary 1 1u 10 (!&IIl I Il 0 " 11\ flUli ;' :) t'H ll t ~ tt Yl' 1l1' -~,) tlt r" , h .. . 11' 'II I I \) 0 "lJlI \' n Jllicl1 tl hl l~nd

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P ' \t1 l~ rtl . tllr 1101\' $;) 10 . IUI , '. U· l t l l ' r l't "II" ~ . lnf., rtH ~'. tlnn II U" l·n t ·' l ~r.lI\I1IlIJ\r ,'o u l ltl" .." l til t lali fitt,,-. t Wll l ...... \ lI\~d ,'It t' \. lI ut h ' ",


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11 11 1111"'110,, 1, Id '" II'N t " l\\'u ry Co mmissionc r' s Procced in ~s mil d , r IIr ,1 11- I" II' r 'r lll ~ tw o II t-" ' •• · 1"''' - ••n'o01· Ill· H.tlsolo t\clD WIl M1)1l ~ou r ~gu l "tlll g ", eight uf Illud s to. btl h ~ ut..I U OVI'r o ll1 d, '" : L Tho Y01l'h ·... t .. ... I1 I1I11 ; I, n - ~' ~ iH • • bl'! r .)!.d~ ot I btl COllll ty. Bills w ero r c ived ODd oon tr ll o t ~ H ,I~ to\ lilt t Ol' f u r hridgtl Illlll Otllv ur& r l'· -.!. 'I'h,' (:.It Il I',\\li ·'11 I\UlI1 l1 'nlondfll' fqr I !11 7 lllll rs , 118 I1c1VllrLI ~l.\I . a l\hl l 'loil'~ 111 "\'.;1 .'- I ~ fll~blun BllIR a llowed: 8_ ~~ red Cu. , oloth lit) III h " T~ lo g fo r p r lsouen, $ !:!5; H o hart M. 4. )u(> · 16. Oll .. 1 ~ 11'C' 1 1 1 • ".,. I',i t. U, co pern ,.iou aod trent Lt.tru - y ., n r c.' h q1l't l t r'.) ru n u r II rs t Hllllr, Illllllt, Wm I ,. :ih 'lmb er. l) ri~O II Ot·, OIl.Y lOr ~I I) .:.. 11'. - It YOII ~ "'Il d ,I I wt). $75; X eni .. 'i t v W o rk BOU!lIl. k tl 11. orn t Il n 1' \\'11 11 \"')111 tl .... IH( t i, n, Illg in Ul ll luB frolll Wu r ren \Jounty 'I'll!!: \' (l U a l ·... 1'0 ol' AN lu N , for Deoemb tl r Iill~, ':l1 .50; '['rll~t ee~ ' t, PUIlI HI ., BIl ... ' In l , .M H~ ~ , Publlo Afl'nir ~, h ~ h t $:lil.42; \J r . 1:1. u/J. <c1·iplion" l·ll('ai " 6I f flo·('. III RutlmtlU , t1 e u l tl l l'aTqlo\J~, oounty prl sonor 8 $2; W. Ii . BOIlPI I1j{, r ep"lrll llt U. Ii , $4.10; C. A 1:1 iilO a r, tlrAt eM!. oon t r II &, $65 i C 1.> . ,\1"r· vl o, drllgd and HUP\llia~ f.' r j ii i $ LO.40 ; I tl ue~ t q ver \)o(\y of Mi Ill.' d (1)1 IC C) I~IOH I ) 11 werm 'L ~ t e r , co rOIlAr lInd w i tIlB~~ 17.75 ; I llqu tlU OV r botly of Wm S . Urp.g or y , !lo r oner R ad wltLlCHSl!S *3a tiD; tll iO o r )ili o 'li ~'lInll \l 1 ~1mtlleD, fees ~lId OOllts, $4 20; S~ .. t u Solt: Agcn~ of Oh io v ~ .J o hn S mi t h f .. e 8 nllo1 00 ts $8 40 i '1t,lttl ot Oh io vs W U I. For the Gordel1 .:1'1 res 13.lnw' vi\ lfI, feeH !lnd 008'" $'7.05 i Olton P. Bone, feo~ (\U B C le rk t Courts for q ua r ter 8 n a lu ~ Oeo. 3 1, 1016, ' $115 ..1.1) ; W esteTO St llr. Jtlll ol ludox: und oan VtlS c o ver for 8l1m n, Reoorde r' s office. f CiG.21'i; Ifr·n.nk U . CO RW I;o.;, 01110 Anclo rs on , leglll servlctlll, I:I Ulll lI Dfi P hooe ':looioty ORSA. O blo vs E:l ~" r M _ -:-_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _-::===~ Or g<ln $ 10 ; SA m o In 0080 of Oblo VM R 'rea lM , $ 10 ; 'Sto lo of Ohio .v" .Iobn Mo rri tt fees HollO oosts $1 :3. H; I:ltllte of Oh io va li eu rge HllTtUIl , lotl and .co!!ts $ 1;'.a5. lLt





' Read

,,2 !{ll' ll' .·t


h ' ("111'11"':" \1)










'11 " 11.

"H eb if • eel" enl /cam what old Shurtliffe did.




Dayton, O.

2215 E . .Fifth St.

I,blo " r l! (OI" ll. 1':11 " 1\ lr.Y' " .. ~1. Ii . Fl'IL nk l,t hI. " 11 1,,.. III'Jlrt)'· ~1l I\l 1l1 '11~l r l h ull ll n 01' \Icn,, \. :j: Will . Frllllk w. Alln" U. t:t e nk t~ 1 ,.1· III. 1116 ' 1I()(Jt'o) vtl ll tllld dl~kihlltillu ani r et! . fila rrlage Liccn sell -It" 'org e A L~le r fl, Illbor e ~ ulld E · ' tl li a U. Lrwln, bOl.b of Ffllukh" . ~ e v . I.>e il r ge W P h iltp~. Ernt . s l,tltl "'lIlilh, hblJ r r '\1HI DlJflllhy i:lmue 'l , II ,UI 01 WLlhlll1'lII . H.ov. H 13. F'J.;t!1l',

(oj -: I'd rdl In tho ,,1',01111(\ Ullllo...,I- 1111111 )' '' 11 sIllY here becllllso the ligh tin g 1 c·d. VIII' IfI IOu,I{ II '1\'1' (IIrwlu·lI. I spirit s lays In you. on what npp~a~cd to be c nelusive testimony, you BU I , I", dll'('kncl hllll. , "'For whl'/1 ot YOll. In t(,1Il1l1l1: to "-1 had ull .Iy c (, :uH"'YlIlrd a m 11 an ven him from ".No." $h(' ~lIld. "(10 n(lt, tell me. Doc- hull II II tower. silt th not down flrst, lor J;:lIlllt t hll~ tolt! UI nil. D o 111111 nlld cOllnleth till' cos t. wh clh ' r he 1111" It ' yqur pre <'nct', only sl.')6eqtlcnlly to discover you had l,s.lIn I1I1\'c gune. Forgl,·c me, forg" '!! 5uOIclellt to fini sh It1' . ..!,, mis'ud~I'd him, would you be bi enough to eat hum111 " VII\'lrl! L 't the r1rcnllful vnst go " 'I,e t Imply, n! ter h hath 10111 Ule . hle pi . and n11ke I'ery mpar,J:on In your power? Or would wit h th 111 1 ,e, you bll"e IIIntio me tounllllUon, tlnd Is 11'0t nbl to tlnl h It. I crY- Urt.n'l you sorry? And IIY I.hls ull t hot b hold It b gin to mock him. yeu n['f!!" out (If a Full a t nelllel)t. justifying yourself as tllllo UP I' · ·s no dl'nn r for e ither of ' ... ·lI~' l lIg, "This mlln b gll ll to build . . -I' In,,'1 ~ l' I ill, C,uf(~ . wilh the e id nee and in perfectly us." nnd wns DOt able to tlnI Rh." , ~Ol! 'illlh--·r:H ~ Rrad " Web of Steel." and learn They IJllJghed tog tber. They wero "The ttlwer tha t you hu,'!! begun to t youlI~. buil d Is on InvIsIble tower : n ncw lind ;J: what oloncl lIlingrvorlh did ~ " 1'11 get dlo n r for l'OU," promIsed mIg hty notion. Todny you sit dowlI to + l;\1I,'ld. ,,[ Imew n butcher 's sou ouco cou nt the cost of t he bulllll ng, to sec :;: afle r clilllhing to the il{X:X of one's profession, and UPOl\ I. tim e." whe ther you hove auflldent Wltll whiCh ' .1coming to be regarded as the greatest living authoriW "Once ilI on 0 time I" sil r Dented. t o 1Inlsh t he vast edifice. Wh llt Is the ~. "That f<ollnlllj Ilk II story. Tb ut's tile cost? T he ,vorld watches YOII, nnd not .f, in his line, a man cl'mmit a n error of judgement, 'WO), they nlwnys b gin." only Its gener otlons of todoy hu t lhoMO which hmls him down from the pinnacle of achievement into And 80 It "'DB 11le beglnnlng 01 a unborn genera tions who will welllh tbe ahyss 01' iue tricv(:!j\ min - WIIA T WOULD BE story; but David did not tell It to ber y"I1I' work to see whothcr It ';"08 good .i. HIS FEELINGS') Possibly you don't know. But then. . or bnd. I know ilillt you hllv counti-d Ther went homo t.ogethcr. Ule cost nnd nrc willing, r ndy to Imy rf!od ••Web of Sleel, .. and learn how. in 3ueh a erisi!. At Toluette's d or, li ttle Mr. O'811n· It : n tre081/re ot 80erJOcc, II lreusur' it jared wil" IV/eade, the great engineer. non hnUed Dn.vld With n sh out. of blOQd nnd 'W ounds nnd drcllIlful "I scnt my ~ Into tho wlldornOl!S." IIgonh!s ond blltel' tears. But you w ill cloudhursts and rising floods threatened almost cer· he sn'cJ, hliJ eyes twInkling, " but you're poy It. You will pny It /-0 the ut ter· the most sl%able ol ive brnn ch 1 ever most, hl)1I)lng you1'8elves to tho grim tainly 10 sweep .you and the work of your hands into IIIlW I" necI/uut with Iron w1l1 8, forcing yuur· sheer lIol1lin a nc ,wol\ld you seek a justifiable safety ___ seh 'ell 01\ with un conQueruble rcsol V~. or would you di~ in yom toes and sl i..:k? HOW A BOUT CHAPTER XIX. "Not you aholl It ever he l:Iu ld: •After be hoth lold th e foun dllJlo ll, li nd IT [l R ead" Web of SteeL, I I and learn what Robert! Is not uble to finl sb It, all tha f behold The Story BegIn.. and VandelJenlcr did at tIle,buildillg of the great dam. In the li ttle 9tone courlhouao-on that 1 t begnn to m ock hi m. "This mon began to build, " ·Snylng. ~ 101 \ nb hnUI morni ng a hundr ed voices SJIe opened her e;rM wide and shot were li fted In tho BUrring music ot ond wns Dot oble to Ilnlsh." , "For the tower which you bui ld Is la blue radlance . of hurt snrprlse nt Olnnllnl's tri umphal bymu. . The peoIIlm. TIIen abe went 8W1ft aDd s traight pie or t he coun trys ide hnd gathered to not buil t wlthhand8. bnt with souill. .to the point. a WOIllAl) not to be pnt i 11" '0 lbnnk" to Ood for tb e victory ove.r "'So likewise, ~'hosoeve r he be of dde by evallons: iliulr snvage foes. T he vigor Of tho you thll t fo rsll keth not Illllbnt he lIutb, "IAdee4, 1 WUl 1l0t. You mustn't cbnot Ill" lied In n atern strength which he Cll nno! be my d isciple. ·ltay het:O alone." wns mude beull tltul by tho rougb vol~cs '" nit Ie good : but If the snIt hnl'e ,B. had regalDecI control of himself, ot Ille IJlO neers. In tho' little room the losl. lts snvor, wberewlUI 111111 It be he the Htrut ale lett him deadly prue. hYlDn echoed with the mllj esty ot a seuBoncd l' . .......____ __ --IB._co1l1.<l..JIo.t bear to tace her as ·he catbedral chnnt · "All ot you kDOW how hnrd It Is to IPOke. • get sn it In this new country-how we "I am gOlnr away. 1 cannot Uve Come, th ou Almlchty Klnl', lui ve to haul bushels or soIty earth Hel p U8methy10name Iwlthoat :rou." '!'be worda wore hudHelp Ilrn IsetoI 1 101', trom the spots whI ch tile red deer or 'll more than a whl.8per. Father! all glorIo us. tbe forcs t have dlscoveretl. the 'deer She took two QuIck . tePII forward. O'er Comeall a ndvlctor.ona, reign over U. , liCkS.' You put this snlty eo rtb Ln nn ~~~~~~~~~~~~~,w ,JIer hand tell uP9n biB Bhoulder, Ugbt Ancient ot 6RYS! O ~JI 1I0pper, pour wa ter o\' er It nnll Mille r h od R o ber t E. are Dav id felt bllnselt Ihrlll tn every cutch tho wa ter In a trough after It voln ted upp raille r • nerve ; his wlto's hllnd trembled · lo bls illl s leu ked througb the dirt. Aud theu lu lhe Illuite r of the e tll t·e of '1'. anti he knew thllt, llko him elf, she you boll the s ult y wllter down tllL telt t he mighty glory ot li fe Illltl love, the ro Is lett · n little ot the pr'cl oll Bllu Soou, decell~ed.' Olstrl bu. li ou c,).fn Ollrt.lin tno k~ belon gin g to (If trla l undOJ:gon • dt good trlumpbnnt min erai with ,,,hl ch we can pr(' er" ·thl s "stllte Is Mde rell . ov~r III, of yeurtllngs tow ltrd Ihl' Inef· our menta. You 0\1 know 110\1' lubot nlJIIl· Tellrs of hU)Jplnoss stood .ln his rlous nnd Uraso llle n process It I ,'olld III tl.le mutl e r of the es ta to o{ eycs_ 'l'he pean of victo ry cellsed. how much tbe snit weuns to th IIct- · ~lrll eun Wllli lw l s. J r " decef\ eel . The minister, U Ihun ot 0011. rose s low· ti er. H ow the cuttle moo fo r U luSte Prub I.: emll'/ ! ' rt>eee (Hnr.~ Hill e IIro flll l)ru,'ell . Iy to bls t eet. Be, too, fa it tell rs rising ot III ' Vl lDt would our child re n do In tho mlltt er of est..t o or f rom the depths. Love hnd Illlldll him 'WLthout milk I 1'1 II . PIl Il I in- H l'lorga W. li'lI\ I1D, deoeased . By th e Ilpostl e of the peo(Jle ot t llo \vll-' 10 t·bo (, -OJ _I ' "We coo nU understond this monoer F' t; •. " IW(1l'Il Ut il:! tip oo n ~" u , of Ilil Illt tll flHfe -1 pa rti os It I ~ derness ulld be hn tl knit U,elr 11 Ilrto ' to at spen klng: 'Salt Is good: but It tho Ho u e, I Ir... ~ /I tI'l . " grol'ld th ,\t 0 tute I.IHII been full y hIs wlU I bunds or h lllllble mlnl sl ry. Ho so.Jt have lost ItIl snvor, wbercwltl\ pro vel . I', IMI. lit ~l,. \" OhtHir, de' LLlJlllilJlMtll ce ti. In th \- t 110' II Ih ,1l (lCO.J Ullt . ho\1 never before lIudr 's'~d sn 11Irgo li n shall It be sensoned?' Fre.1 F), Ho no ndmf. V8 Fmnk otllllenee ns tbls. • uudllY nfter Sun· "Thnt gr en t soldier, Chris t. menns to ceased. '1 I ,Y') I' ,ldIM)" . j~ ~p- B lI l'f, r ' ul. ,u lo uf r ell l eS\ II t. o dny, the ten o'r twelve who mll tl e liP 1IIl7 thnt h e looks to his folldwers not wHh on rtl " l·...'!. his II t \l ~ Illvllllstle tlock, locking a only to be"ln g rent tnsks, but to con- proved . In th r. \, I·, I' 'I 11 1\\11 .1 'n.v nl'. chllrcb bullll lug. gutllercd In Ihe hOlOes tlnue In tbelO ; tor there .are no greo ter Real Estate . Transfer. '/.'11\'

I\loil nr


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Read "Web oj

leade did.

d; .(';',11'" wl,uld your lo. . e prove , I , ". I !,. Y (! '0 k~ ;, Oil helieving in him, • ;" \0 ,. 1 ri!I~! (,f his n ame ; or would , tit:. d II r I ·\'~I! you, concluding


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t + ot p'lIrl s. PII"ld su. l tll 'nl~' 1',./1117. •.•1 : (rlllll UII ' old qui e t pl/lccs In Vlr"llIln , I + how 1rlt"Tlilol y s \\','cl lire WII ~ ; r. In lI l lI"~lI c hu ~(' lt , In COIlIICNlcllt, III o!rill , I I'II /:I '. JIlJ'''II~ w"rlhy of IU\lsl.;, 1'('III1~yl\'t11l11l lind I\('w ,l cr~cy Ill'CIIIISll t wur thy c.r 1<.'lIl'S. I YI1 I1 1111\'(' III,' lI"hllng spirit In you; -r w\llIoI ..



.... Is s c'opt" enllu~1I , 110 n',~u1"(IS IOl' the .1 litt er w ill he "'~s :~: th i"~~·t() on ' ' fOl·.I=t l ll ll l or til e muu In till' l':lllltH. + hl.' ll U 110 \ '(" no t nt ('rctl 011 t lll~ dlllll)\·

l\lu( ~h,' ~t'IiI NI llt'r 11pQ \\ Il h til I leR. Iy I IPI'ole struJ,;,:I' with tlw w lhl.' r· mol ~ 1I1 s or her tellr . whl (, h rollow"11 n('ss wllh tho ~X I ,et' lnUoll or 1IIIIII'rlni ~IIII (JUL' 1I11011l 'r like n PI" "'Io ,us ropu r(' \\'lInl IIIHIII!: ~' II U hll\, ~ NIIIIQ hl'r

Io.", WANTEO•••50,000 LBS.



th cl,llIdlcss blue beyond. In (he QIII,·I. I;,'"r\:,,' '1l1',N"" Clark Ihl'IIII),( h UII I ".~. It 6 llIcd 10 Tolnetto ns It she could IlIlIhl<' IlIIl'd,hll '" 11''1'''' ' II", \\'1111r~' benr her own h art bcntlng. Dn" ld i ,'1'111 I' ll's (I'IIIIl 1( 1I ,1,,,,kl,, til " 111""'11 11'<. Sllok 1I\f1lln.lllowly : , Lnst w.'pk I plI ,,~ ('d loy Ih,' "rullIlolI"" "And If \l'e be lIeutcnnula or Ood In tll"Io,·I'" nr till' otrl ( ,.rt 2111 .1 r.III1HI 110,,11' this trouhl Il world, do you n"t thlllk , IoIIII(' I~ ~ullk " 11 III t h.. 101(. 111,1010 · Ih,' then th nt we hu,'o right It, chQI '>le n u~w " ·lIl lorll~ lIr..". SUII.U lIr , '''U " WIl III 111 1, statlOI1 wh en he len\'es 1I~ \llIprovtrl ... 1 " wl i, ·..... · \\ •••.,. wllh hill' III Ih" i .,','. of good r cnsoll to stllY III Ihl' oltl 1" rllo l,' "'"I'd. "'111 ,111 1'111,1( "'~ "Illt . II I:; "No, certulllly I tl o 11 ('1," ~ho Buld, IIs"I,."s I" ""." thlll \\'~ will /Iel','I' rolT' wtth n t'.~llUlif' tn\"lill~r .lr 'UlI!'l:O It l ilY b ,·t "hilt )'nu !lIlVt! el OIh' f, lr \I~. Cl'Il· In h••,· ~ \\,l'\' tl y tr,'ul'h'd \'l.I,"'. "" trIO '" I rnl ('lurk Iii 1I0W It pcu lI!Io ·"~ H ilt! 11111 · It J~ 110)1 r"r US to IIl'polnt tltUI 11I1j:h ty . If''' C'I'lp l)le III hl~ RIHIl.' r ~ h,,"Il·. I <. IIIn.f" SI.I' \\, IIIII\! bll wIll help us I l1/1t 1·~ Ill'I·t thlll n rI'lllltJllc ",h"'h 1I11~ I

~~~~ .~ '~' ;-·: .::!:!+.I







' , IAL- I






Saxon 'Six Livery








Funeral Dir.. ctor a nd. Embalmer. W a y n ~s v ille. Ohio.

A. V. Chiles .. ...... . . ...... feb. i We hav(l arrange 1 wiLh an u ndertake r to g ~ t Illl au t . ~o Yo' wi ll btl Charli e Lam b .. . . .. . ... . . .. Feb. 8 able to flll'ni~ h eilh' l a n a ulo o r Sherman D I,c . . ........ . . Feb. 10 ho rse drawn Cuneral. \ .. O' call & Ze I , .. . . . . . . .. . fe b. I:! !loth phones in Ollicl! lind Residence. Walter Bamarl . .. . . .. .'.. Feb . 15 LU I~ distallj!>,N(). 14; Home phone • B. -ides .: ....••.. . •. . . Feb. 17 14·2r.

Erncst HarlSocl . . ..... . ... Fell , I I) Mrs. Daugherl .. .. ....... f eb. 2 1 I. Sa ttcrlh wai te ... . . . .. .. .. Feb ~ 28

Elmer Eu mhart. . ..... . . .. . I\\ar. I J wi ll Bell at publi o lluoUo n 111. m y 1'0Hldence. ::l mile M west of W"y n os . "lI le, on 'be rOlllllellodlll g fr oOl WilY· ueSVIl It' p ike to Pekl o, on t ho David Millio n IHo I W, on

WALTER McCLUR~ Fu'nera l Dirt-nor. Wayn esv ille Ohio

Tuesday, January 30, 1917

- 1~ I 'rIH: H-

Beg tn nlDg (\ )00.. m., 'ne foJ\.lw. Aull) F.quipmcn t i ng: .J h orMS, a OOWS, farm ing ImH()rse':'\)rllwn Equlpmcnt plem eots, h ou sehold goods. flte bil id for term ~ . 8 ARO LD TBAUKAR A TELEPHONE 7 ot his el lt~r ,I Bc.o"ry Illc untl Jnm es ao1dlers than the s oldiers wEw figilt In deCBtlst!d 11'1 1 t not tl (I ,1 h\ lU I r 114 flAY OEt NIGHT O. T. Buwke, Auot, Arm ~tro ng ; the fO UIl(I"tIOtls 01 Gosh eD a goou.• cuuse.. Th e mnn W h0 stops mld- Apnro v,"l . w. U. tio u\J k , odmr. , to Lulu D, .. W, E. O 'Neall, ()lerk .. chnJlul hud been sco rcely plnnncd; but way In hLs fight Is IIko salt thot loses 10 t,lJo ' _I" I (II' li .. \j" rt ' 1"I" !'r r I IIT u '/II. CUllrdll1D th o we!\t half of ill l<l N,) IH illHmtb Leballon,$11)0 loti llY be ro unrl n hllll.lred men lind Ita eMential qllallty. Tbor e Is' no decensu<1 , 1111 ,j " \>1 d'l'r"\"'/l wOlllen wn tchlng him, expectll ll t ot longar any renson for Its existence. til tb l' Mrnl " [ ",';': ,I '> ~':I I :t" . i Dot" Y~g e r to ' h n.l lel! E, Eaton Bav1n g d eoided t o retllru to ·K on . spll'lt unl comfort. No one or.prl!d uted Detter not be nt nil, tbon to cense from decoll ~eu. 1", 1I11!, ••'. ,1111 1 " lI l' l ln No ~'1;J In th e Mllokln ~ w Addl. tnokY, ' I will offer 110& Pul'oUo Anolio n GoIng Away-I Cannot Live better thri ll he the sufrl'rlngs. tho be- being stton". For then who Is I ft to ., . H ,II tIl 1'l'lI nl; llo, $l . ren vemcnts Ul rougb whi ch t hey 'hod " Veterinary Without You," give nil'" strength to th e snl t1 'l 'll rc I n tLH nt- I' l l" 1',1" ,\1 , o. " t .h ll r;tll1 .Elvlrn. Coffman to u' my reSidence, 2X mllet! tr om Wayollsvllle and IX mlles from J1l1sRrd . 10 hi s \lweI; nnd Iw role Rplrlt Is no 'o ne tor you to foil bnek on- "ou ( I 'I \\ I nd II ry ill til l ' u a ftoatlng strand of gossnmer. But ho Ulnnl,ed God for the hlooh hnnnl' b~ , or, d. c ',(;<1 11 , ,01 ... ,d 01\:,1 11(' ••• ;':":'.,~.', • . I l , . ' ng e ~n, ~ ~ huvo chosen 0 ccrtnl n wo rk In Il fu und •I ., I ' CI ~ri 111 T l1rtloo ree k t oWoebllJ Lytle, 00 ' be WllyneBvllle and t.y t.1e Ora~uate of Ohlu ~ (I\'. Universi1y he.. t elt It and U1Pllled throu,b all hlB .stowcd upon 111m, thllt to hllll should you must s tick It out to the end. COUO.18 ~ JlI p'l,.,., ;~I " , pIlle, on tbe J o bn Smith tarm, on ~ In tilll 1',.,"' · ,,' t:. \\'1 1 b.... n'. Slowl,.,· slowly, he rnlsed his be gl,'on the worr!~ to o ddre~!'< sn great VVedneJday, February 7~ 19.7 Office at reilidence in F . II S her beadllnd"hesawhls face,ilill t llehnd n compnny. I n a vol ~ t:hnt rnng "I wnnt you to remember till s decB"~ .1 . I", U' 11l u.· 1\ ' I. til" 1, 0<'11 M. entt t o Samuel aod (Jo mmenolng at 12 :30 t he follow. ' ione Into the vnlley of the shndow of with Ilrollhecy. he l'cfl.1 IIlnllll thnt tbrough nil the greot struggles which proved, b' l" r e lltll'l Peol abollt lit! oorea In WQed's house, Fourth Hlreet. Ing propert'l' : Foar Rorees, [01 pie. death. In the hllsh ot uie wilderness thril ling clIll whi ch cond ud II Ih.. fo ur. ure lett before you . . Toduy we nre I n t be edl lit e o f ' Itau 'L Ull l! . Doodiel tl 'owo~ b l(l, $ 1. blII IICllrcely audible words seemed to I ('n lll clJllptel' of th e Gospgl IIf Luk e ; wultln~, nt d l'b\'lu~ttIUg f~rb tho appelll'- " h er . d Clltl~ ~ I (i'. r~t o lld tl rm l tlOo UTnld T h uok nrIL ' 0 Barry C. mtlnts, Barnell!!,' Corn . Telephol)e 28 Bile big billa ,for.terms . tall on their hearts 'wlLb tho meosured nnd OR he li fted his e r's from t he oo.ce .o II er r eoI.'.... ey DJoy come count !s '\1 PI' 6\1. /loti J3e r tll u I,. E mle y 2 traot! tn A V. CBILES beaUn( of an Inexomble judgment. Ilook. he roulld resting on' hi 111 th e ctenr come to mise theIcewar-whoop or they nlllY o to wu Mb lp, ~ l . . WayneSVille. • Ohio In pc But however th n m In t be U1 ... t tpr ... 1' tliA g llll.r11lll r' FililJ Wn.yn . C. T. I:Illwke, Auot . What did ' she seo In the wlltlero.n~ •• l stcflll ~' gnze ot thc t hr cs core .11DCk- come . ' . " ~y . !'Y A S. eu l p t o WID . Jt'ordyoe lot tl e III fI d d Ilk tb of Ber t hd I'tl lll, in!'lIn.o Arl·hu r W. E. U'Ne llU, Clerk. a dr7 reed, shaken In the wInd of (]_ us reo y,It d 0 de Bry an t i" nP lJoJinLotl. Bo t1 l1U;IO. No: I'll ill P" rk PIlloe Addl'lon to ... ~ \1'00(1. mco. ,Ise klI 'II w b nh th • apalrl But her voice ra!), Uke a MDg "I 11 111 s;;olng to ' penk to ro u obout ,. JIg W 0 (I con~ u e . Ull Frankli n , $L. In the momlnc: tcnnclty or [lIIrllose." he bt'J;lIn, "the t ound himself r endy to meet th e torce 10 t he mntttlr of t.llo oHtllt.e of MtlY (Jhuney to WrigM Whl·-ore . thnt cometh aga lust hi m For YOII MI.r l!4 lH1T 1'. (h'ci:n ~l)rl Co l!nte ru l ... ·'It I. not brave to turn bnck from QlIl1llty ot \I I whi ch enulll s you to b v I . . fn berltll n. l'1l T aX' I~ Ih od; 2 tr ncts in B arl un to ~' n~hlp, $ 576 the plowing• . I lIave heard my tuther hnrl~ on t o th e thi ng rou 1I0\'e bel,"Un la e feoUrned to 6ght tbe grenter strug-. . I L d El 1 G 0 As 1 h'lve deoided to quit folrrlllog, NY thut courngo I/bould be Utted to UIIIII YOII hll\,c fllll~h d It. g es a Ie spir it. You bnve lenrped to .I oh.o C. M(llfMd . rl~ .n .ltnr . VH. t;lIC • u n ~t 16 . uke to I will 11911 at Public Auotloo at my . be cool tempernte and stendy fi rst of Oll vid H. In lf"rc1. >t. u '. H. "' . j Aileo I. l rlokey 4U a ore. s In Wayno roeldoDoBS mile u north weul of Ly ncb a b elgbt as to maintain ItIl greot"~(lt 011 of " 011 nw n nn.1 wOOlcn but 11 . ' 1 I I . ' h ~ 1 m a D8IUI even In the mIdst of miseries, ' despises U U1n-11 ,vho gh'es UP 111 t lHl 0t; andII lnv oS dell'rlned th cdse vl.~ues I:Iro w lI , U. N. ::iOl; ' ia' lU:vro IIUtl '1'. ./oJ. h l .~ns IP, 'p. . . tlo and 4 miles sooth east of Oe D - ' ~boldl II thl d 1 I' 1 Id f 11 I '1'1 0 mlln neS8 on p uc k- on mll .... ery I vln;! ,U tl /I \) (lui u te d (u rllI1}rlll~o r ea l Pe rry L. Bo wy'o r e t III to (:. n.· tervilie, on the CIII. rk farm De.u MIl. David II, aamlled.ogs un er tile . 111 .8t 0 ~ . g I t. . lis fcell IIg I ~ II )lnrt r s eIf , you ~'·111 n ddo t .th em th e 8U• ostl~te in thl!! CILU:\~. B 'l\vyar, :.,. SIll/l I I t ruots In Maine. nor, on . Co' nt· )'Ilur " cry blood, for )' OU ha vo been 0v/ ~ . h> f,ietion McCaU's is Supreme," "I call tlle Immortal truth 'to witness I hronght UI) 10 the Il1l dst of «IIngors ~ ~d e vlrt~e of Itennct:y . : : keep, to J. E . .)lwlle)' , n~ gour ullLq. v~ F.II. ville, $1, Thuraday, Fcbruary 8 1917 wntes B ' New York subscriber. t McCALL'S helps ' • Ithat 110 fOllr, either of.llte or denth, I slIch flS 110 oU, er genc ru l·lon. cit men to ":'hl\gr,P n~ n a v se ~ ~urvose wardl J OllTIllY at Ill. l:in lo of lj'ln & Chf\r1o~ J. Wa\lgoner,. Sheriff to Beginning at 10 o'olook r II can appall me, havLor 10Dg leurned to 1 hus kMwn. It 1~ 'IlJlon re~lsllI lICe up to 0 c l OU nve consecrn e your· Trao t is IIl'pr o ve tl . . Hllr ve y!<burg L'Jd ge No. ll12 F. & M. Ing property ' to. wlt: 4 8eor~e:'W6 o ve r 1,20 0,OQO wom on dr(!~ in '.et bodIl, pain .I.n the lIecond torm ot I tb o lust notch tbn t your li ves ' them- IIQ1ves.. In t h e 1Il"lt , r of t he gl1tudl?ll hip ," lot 10 .1:I.~r veY8bura, '1800. Oattle,31 80ge. Implements, Bng l n u 1 small f'X " '111;1 ~ And I do now thluk It the f ~~ h'cs \I{')l '11<1. '1'hll t JlIo n nmollg you "And Ulen, some dllY, the tower ot of R obert O. (,ross. lUI DOl' . hfil' le<l CommoD Pleas Court lies and Harne8~. ChiokeD8 nnO ~ st-y pcn~c. A rccog!ael of a coward t~ die." . WI.IO sll rrend er~ ImJ1,crll s the II vps o·t thIs DOW and beauUtul nntlon will 'r . CIrO~!l I,; "1l1J•1IOt ()d . Ho u,l $I>OP. maov othol' artlolel:l. · . I n;'l·cd Fa 11 h i o n '1'IIe'&trl bad crOWD pfll!!1' as 8be rend 1111 of. ~·llll. T htl ro 18 not onc or you stand liS Il drlloID made viSible. Tho In t oe Ul~I, tor of Lb A will 01 NII.. New Suits Bee big bills for term!!, . AUlhority for 4S Iala determlnatioo In hi. tnco, ,,'hlte wh ORe resolution bas not bO(>11 t ri ed foundntlons · Wa!lhlngton lru d, IIDd I.h nnl el Bund, damtu~ od Willi IHIE \{osenw"lrl & Dro. VII Will CBARLIE LAMB YMrs . :.aDcl rIIlO •• 8 m~'k. tri ed Rorely by t he nhnost InRUff£!';' .000rk tlandbHnrrl80n have added Lo ; tbe Ul lttud t o lJ[uIJll te. 'I'lle wMow 01 el l! Borge, In junotion and equitable reo W. N, Searl'. Auot . M " CALL PAT. t Da'110 'Wu .I/BIlt. III the mOrnlna obl e bur(\Clns of thlll new Innd .. A hu n. great m erB 9 the wa1ls which you . t o t uke unde r tibe wil l. liof. . I TE RNS I".d'in stylc, fit, simp1icADl1dIt that cSanple4 .... little •~lft· de. l! dred tim es yo u hnve StUd, 'WIIY did I afjl ralsrng willwhich be Btrengthened by ... ... v mlght;r girders III In .tbe nl att.or of Ihe 08 ate of Nl\. ,I ,Io h1l T . Rnrbille Jr., VI Ro.oo~ not remoln In th e Innd' whi ch lilY fllyour sons W th I 1 w v Having deolo1ed to quIt " "rining, i '\ ~r.~~c~n:o'rl. and tII ors hn"e m.II(I~ "lIre ' llnd .n~n.s'nnt. for heave IDt o place und fils ten togt> ther B 6n, sl Bon et. d eoelt (1(1. Isubtlll. JiLnll BelISle MillBl', money ·; amount .. Uke a Id d k dU I .- IIJ on ~. e IIPJl·I. lllt~d l'xeco~rI X N o ol"i lllod $350 and lo'.ros·. wlU "ofTer Ilt Publlo 'e''nle at m y re8t-- l'o1eCAL1.' - 801 1" 118 potter. m on ~ hl y I, ,h. Ie r s ons IV. bond, Is r \14 UI1' <1 . "n1nrlt \:{olJlsUIJ, • mc l' And n Il"~ nll red tlllie.. 'ou hove t'We he. yob 0; an • d e ncB y. mlln etllst of L y tls lIud FnMnl.1I Qulde ",d Rou,,",cl'ln. Noln r or to It 011' (h t t 1\ t dl rear e roo. a ove, and 8tUl anoib r B'run,k D . 1I11110r 11"11 (',11" rl " Ilo'lr.tLI t:i' .L Irooll aDd !Jan P. Bone VI wfJn~ wes t of W,.ynesville, un th l;\ n""ow."'"n ' h "".nyull' . ( m. Il.~ln.t n .h. ~~t.~ . a ee D" q uro,o- lanoratlon wlil mnke It a hOUle -"utq , . n " B V IV 'I I w orM, A ll h o hHf'1f • ty 'l' n c .... ry n 1Pn\ hWUh IDAII,J'.people &akIDR oold 1& m ~ au nre ft'PI)o ln teCl Dllprll iHP rl:l IItIY . aUer aod F. M. Con. Ly., 9 rOt, l, on Ilha , ti "'lI Uht fu l lp rl e " i .. pr ,'IDt d~' I) Inm H t~ a laabU, bll& for\008..I, one' .,liaa t8 " You oro a bout to be put to tJq oat the tour ~Inda ·ot the earth ; I th . t f U .t u.h \g h llm , oootribution and equitable I.. UMt "If, I.ome dr••• ", '''In~, I,n 'y " , tlr, Saturday,' ~ebruaty . 10, 191.''~7 , 'lIllJ \.fI"Y,M 10 h"\Hc;n hUUbQ vIIork and snve --17 bro~. . , Tate. oo,1d lponge more se\'ere thnn.any you have y and ,our 1I'8n480ns' eons will make It .n e Ul."t e~ () Ie ~ t(l e of relitlf. '. ' . . . Bel1nnln8 ., io o'olook', the f ol: ",ono~·. Price: only 5. n cop), . 50<: .. year. . .'b .....'momt~• •beD you8rllt. dergone.Youhnve wontheftahta ....autul ~lthln. We sholl not aee W\nRaID· A. N II I1, q oe!lstld . I n ve nMYl'tleBsllvs Aroh M. Bell 41. lowln. "po-r'" t~'Wlt·. 1 Gray J ShNIJ f OU R! 10e F.n<p.Wa,1t B_1< . 01 bed- DO' Ioe oold, . but a peca.ooe but do not be mlataken that day nor 1'eap any ot Its rewurdl/; t o ry lind n ppr~ll'omont .. re f14 d vorce, oruelty and drunkenness, ' ..... 1 " " " ~ CENISIH wllh39E ........ lde'pLo_.nd Mar., 1 tl1:D of lIules, 3 Oows, L STAMPSl-OI! 32...... MeCall Palt.m Book . . ...,..." of abou' ~O" r Allo the plt1l~ warriors ot the tore bDt ot us Ihllli the UD8eeIo corner In tho m il t fir o f tIm e tI\\,o of 11 C.1f , Cmp emdD'., Harnell, . Ford fi.1OI1 " ',. .. r• ..c.u·•• •,..I"•. hl .. ftoillaft,I I " "' . n . ,onr wlndo'W tap. Do .. ther again and ' c:rnah :rou out atonM. be mode. Today Is the riot;)' 'or Mllrlr L . M ol lord. d p' use d. P r l vProceeding. _. II .... "'.... 11 IOO I·rtt .. IIH.,.'".·•• f'tt•• rIlIH . . ........ . Automobile, Botlllflhoid GaJda. MoJr.. .. ' ..... N ~a will ..ldom "'~8 ooJd. 1t!re1:r If they can; and behlnd them YiatorJ; tomorMW be&lna the clamor of , ute u le 01 CIJI·I.. iD £IOJte Is o rllo re d. , ~'Io:rence Grovel va J:lunr Groves See btl bllls for terml ·TJIEMeCAUco.,mw.JlIUL,Ntw TtrllQlrIl.T.· take OOId take Obam the ~er or that natloa acr'Ollll IGIl. 'Where. Is th e house that,. bUild I In th e 1Illlttf' r 1)f Ibl) eNI.ut e of W"m· lollee dillm l8l1ed "Ubonl reo~rd ' BellIed, aDd . p' .... 'Whol8 tJrallllJ' our tathe1'8 be IDto me' '~~l're II the plac:e 01 my ': q~ej( ' r.v., dooell.IIIll , A lbert (;. / 8~rrJ B)ane J 8BICRIIAN DYKE ' A, A. lIoNetl, A1Iot, Ob. at ncb tl'emeDdou COIl:. a ll I" a d ml l)l, tr.tor. al. Prtva" ..Ie or OOrD '11 Ob... BuaeH, Uerk. , ................... _ ...... TBJII BIm, . "UO. 6. C. Oial, loho B.· 8 •• - Pi 00 W W






•• Am



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'~~,,===:: poIIIbl"



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Le,," Beak ,









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... T H E M'I AMI D. L. CJ


Al B.

GAZE TTE .... i

~ • • •••

THE NEIGHBOjR HOOD , NfJWS As Written by Our

Editor and IP ubli~lter

- -=--==.=--=-==- ======-=-WlWN8S.IMY,

Muddlers, (\f



of Able Correspondents in the Neigh borhood




.•:c. .ion








J. H. Cf



Flour Made in Ohio

The 'Advertiser



Oi ~






c: en en





~ ,





of IIr. aad Mn. William P. 1100.1' aDd liver aod rea l&aaar), tUb. She br0IllM. Table" ~a ,hat wP1 waR ueed:




VI. Livery



.. . . W. RICKS


Waynesville, (i hlo




-.::========VValter Chandler Way ne ville, O. Ov~ r

Postolflee, Ph I . , 17




w "yne"'Vi ll~, 0111 ').



LI)\, lEI)


rJnlce to n an l< Blda:.


----- ...-----




BARNHART, Notary Public

IAll Id uds of Notary Work.

----1I-----:::-=:=-=======:::1 lind Deeds

A Ii.

Waynenllle. 0

, .. Ional

"I bn ve to kell 1\ gre .. t rnony hot_ tIps Of C bsl1l herlnln 'f! Uou g h R e lll. NJ~Y LOA NI£ I, flll II .. " .. trw I ocly llo.1 e very time It lill!! ou red m il chn ttelllllUll,"- II' I [II 'rl.' It!\<, : 1 hll ve found It most effeotDal f or a N t 8 bo ught., .l nll'l 1101 ,1,1 0", .J'r, h(loklng cough and for cold., Af ter Allen B nllrJill ~, : "lll" (j·li . '. ,,:]1) IJllldng it a oough alwftYs disllVy enrl ," writes J. R, Moore, L OSI, Vull a y, (2u . Obtnlnll'ble 'everY"l'he~ o.


f!Jute Ph" e 1 t

..• DENTIST...


t rt'llb 0 w , with r' tlf by h"I' "\11<'; II gou.1 ,1KrAey , l oqlllrrl " I W Llls hl ey, WIIYlleil\,IJI ·,, {) III


ijpeolal'y. .


Albert Deoker formerly of this 1 . f lot of seoo 11 .h I11l( )i1J" ts .'H ~\n .y !lIl..HtIle ·8 Leadlnjl DeIlUI~ 1)llIoe died Of the (2rllBne Co unty ' 1011 11 on slIleM ChOIl II . 1',1r IIIf'Jrm I tl nn IOlfico tn K ]"8 Bld"', M&ln Bt l 11 fl' rmflfY J',18t T u e"°d ay lin d Wh8 ~ HfLrllln W }' ''''.\'lllo . b burlBld IlMb COflWln Indst t'f~nrsrlOr YOIJY Oh io, t o;' . , Aus h 0 orr s. un er I\ .. er, 0 R \) rn, He lea ves t,he foli o" Ing ohlldren Mrs . Ltz<lle Bre we r. of !!'_~~~~~~~~~~"!!':~_~ OnstoD, Mrs Hllnouh !l'rya, of -- Dr. 013I1's Pine-Tnr-J-toney Beavert,own. aod one son GeOr& L ' r Co ughs and C olds. Decker at eElst of n"yton . • 4. Jllhn' Gihsn n, who h0l8 bEle n ~I ok 'Barbed ,\Il're for Rev till w eek~ IS n o \v o nt lIgttin" The II ttle son of Mr and Mra, Alpba Step~en& Is serl ons lY ' ill wit h GUAnA ''1'F,ElJ I" )" ',.1 ""I "'1 ' I,'!I';. 1l0eum l'lIiu, io" B bll.ntiloh, or Jll). J \ T Lrl ' 111'. 1'. 'I II • I·" Fhn lllol 1,,· t f('attld a.~ ~oon Protraoted !lle ~ llng II! uow gOl llg flOc and ~I .OO ~i Z\',. 1,' I -h,IOII1''')-. , .. Ii!,t, 1\11111 tnr,,1 looP{' lw~!! of ti, .. on tit the M. E. church . olrisnreB, A("'() bnl'h ~ "".1 1:0 I d ",htlmp r.. ""pI'al·x. , l10n th;,; I don Ito 31)d brui ca , ~ 'lc f:i"l~ f l' t. \,,!lv , +t' , t ",~, ,I, ~",.r 'hnlllh"r lllin'e Colic.Chol· Mls8 Emily Borryhill Is 0 otbod DR. CO X'S P Ar 'I.r:S:' BUSTER "'I I 'h1 ) 1111'l'ho"ll )l ~\U '(ly will etl'{'c ~ a h f I II tl to> a r home so n tb (1 t OWIJ W t III iR ]1'lin].o.s 1111,1 ." I, "" I cI 1\1 rlll'I' "r' '£ hi-< r~ rnNl y (' /111 IlhVHY8 be de· ,. , ,j 1111>111 OY ~ II io \.llll lUoat Clever noll meAsI 6~ . . . pnri ll, I illt!Ii",W, t 'lI'I'ia, ," ','r !1~) f3plillt Mr . tl tHl MrA. r ;'1w l ~ Rlppr h " v~ nr ,\I .), 1,,1,"', I ." c'L /ll)lIt' "1'1 I • ~rI"'~ ( '''''I'~, notl ~hould he kept lit '1,1 '"1,, rClr instull nKe. N over ]euve rOfurne'l b o we tr o 'l! "V ' ''''I, .. f )]" ' 0 muscle, (1 r 1110,1,'. \. I '" . L h:'~I! 1101' . " .< ; .1I II'UI·Y wltll'mt It mooth s wit.b th eIr ijon EJwltl'l1 1l11 (/ FOR SAl! 8\' ". p' \W'·I ..T




.. oea .





fllmily in !::It. Louis,. I ~'-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cblls. Cooner anti wife. of Dnyt on, ::l1l'O'loEm:aIlSl.,;wl_ _ _ _ __ _ _ were ollllod here FrldllY au 1I 0oo un t ; _ _ _iL"'OJJ_"'';·,,'ISOIIn<:.J:.,~'!IIIl, :'; • uf bis father wh(J i n ow lying nt the pOInt of dea lb. Altred Loy is vi~ltlng r ala~ive e io Dllrke Couo ty. . Mra .r. R. Whltoore vis ited h or ROD Roy W!Jltncre 001\ family 10 Dayton Illst week ,




- --~-

WELLMAN Illn Varner, wh o h as been til poo r heilith tor ~OIne time plt~sod IlWOY ~·rltlay evening ttt he r b OUle nUllr . bere. &Jr. John Thompeon spent Friday In )IIytou Ilnd br~ u~ht his dnugbter Mise Opal home with him to, S)Jonll the week end. Mrs Buonllh Rloh returned home 1 Bunday ohe,r Il weeks visIt with her dllughter Mrs. Lester Surfaoe. Mr . Rod :'ilrs. HlIllIe Bu.thaway ~Pt' ot l:iuoday with relative!! near Wa'YlleevlJ1e,

We wan t to c.; ose u a partnership by J anu ary 1, 1917. I l All p ar fes know ing themselves in

Miss ' Rele n Bart800k j nloed hor hrOlher AI&n In Columbus Frldoy evonlng Bnd they spont tho week b R end with their . rother OS!!, In RIdgeway, Ohio , Mr. aod Mr8 ' JOB. Gray spent Saturday and , SaturdllY Dlgbt with their daughte~ Mr£l, Ch"l1 8t"no ~ 1I aDd family In Day,on. Mr, A B , Talmage, one of (lnr np-.o-el!lte farmers, Is spending thl8 week 10 Uolnrnbut! "~tendlng Farm'ers Week a' the 011.10 8& .. ~e uUlver. · BUy, . Mrs, Geo, Bog&1l 18 ependlng a few days wteh ber daughter MrEl, 1 Chaunoey Bunnell. I ----~.-.~.~---


Members of· the Wayne Township 1!Irs. Ir. A Bar'·s ook, returned to BOlle B&"gen. wbo live In thlll '1'1- her home In Day\olilon RUDda, after 1\ olJlny. have beoD very busy l~ try a. two week'il Villt, here, with her That dra.,y. lIetlQllll, oppres.ed IDg '0 oatoh the bllrgl&fI who broke, M.II, Mary I1&vl!! . flBlIDg generally re8uha 'r ro,m OOD~

opeD the bQsloe.e hou~8I in Wayne.. • _. • ville la.' week, FOUND A SURE THING Bev. Alfred Walter w11l preach at 'baJl.E.chorcb allxU5D1lday. Come I. B. WIXIOD, Farme", IlIIIa, N. Y., 00' aad laeu blm. bu aled ChamberlalD'a 'l'Able" for A boaaolllB..,1 Dame to 'be home yean for dillorder. 01 &be atomaob


Ill '; •\.>, H.(; \ I , I • Clarn Bugbes, or ::\,,1001, h UB ' Ilnnr ne \' ,'\l>' I. bee e the gue t of MISS A li 'e Oben - ;-'lJoe ~ T ... ~"I 1"1'" " 1 " oWllth fo r th o 11llS t fe w !lllya. ~ .v 'rir l1~ reor "I I" t Mrs. I:lhaner lind duu gb ter w er e W llyo etivil h',Ohl , onl ltng 00 friend s In Mt. \:lolly It'ri doy 6v enln v . .lI niog r O.11lI Mrs, E lz ey cot~ and ohll d r en H ODl t! , "pont B few dU YII r eoen tly Ilt th'il l b Ollle of h er parents Mr , and Mra. I J. A . Alleu . I FOlr I l~ . J' IIlr. lond Mra Bernaru All en ~ p o ut ' Mooday ut the bo m e of hi:; br oth er Willie Allen and wife. Mr. A , B, tlh,\De r reoenL ly pu r- pLA CE I)f ~ IIt 'T '", .' " , " ," "t oha sed fI fiDe pe u of Bur ro et Hook bnil, lin R~, "el1 r It' I (I • , III puli e l, ~. 1)IIIre of Tholll u;o .J nl!u'" f' ,,11,1 I, 1I11B~


' •• ~~ . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .+4

• f.


noo n .



Way nesv ille, Ohio

Meilslos a nd ohlok en P ClX (u'e tll ro p rev ulling Bplde mios In ou r viclllity . . . . ..... ......,..... III, thl ~ time . Mrs , J ILmes Allf'o and d/lll~htl'r Mr~ •'oo tt w.., ro thH g U UMt~ "r tim fo rm or'lI dl4 u lfhter Mrs , ..9111 'urLl a IlUtI ·flll.llll y. of LlfllU lted L ion 'l'hur~. d 1 F itl Ilyao f ray . Mrs. A.B. Shuo e r Ilnd III n l:I oro (' 1 POll 1Itf,l) nuod tlJe funen) of her gmnrl . f t her "1 B llJ' llllt n "' nc" ' t II " r II , .. ~ , u ,- b • • .. UI110IUn(\t l,l f1 ~t Mo nd/tV, Mr. 13,.., k. H I rn:. . ett Wll~ nelLr ly ul uety y llllr Of llf.: Il . , II'l, IIl ee tiog Will.! h eliliit M i<hllu Ruu 'I " rd 111 : I'" •• SMurdli .v lI nll l:lul1Llay, . ( )blo Mr~ . Edwnrd 1.\)0.1( lIud fllmilv SPf' nt uO([ IIY lit t h fl hmn e or h r I FARM 1'",. •• 1, pllren't8 Mr, An d Mrs 0 orge PrElt,1. Sprl rl/~b ',ru r Mr. A . B, H~nnftt' "I' ''~ I,be SII IlUUY " I'lhU ~~d\\''' J'tI" t " ., • ~uedt, a t hi t !II thor .. ud ~,\8Le r htrp. '"J rD!! }I'II ' '' ''' I " h' lymlog flud fllruit)' , of Kiu g mlio n,,11. FAirn" lIlnt, I,,· Mr. EI1~ \Vorttl lialUe~ ill lIt h In Il gid n to t·b e d elil,!hr. of ~19 mllny ,-[rhonds. I W ,\,\ Tl'" IIlr!! Albert DrnKe co il ed 1) 1\ :\Ir !Lnn Mrs . J oh o EVIl08 !:luudll y !II t OI ,



'J ()F SJZ}!,S ON ,.. Ct)f.bHJ\ _ I TORE

_11 -' .


How Vinol M ade Her fltrong Rllrn or )m! It. tbllt th fl r u IR going 1.l r. ·.nd II ... • 'hil, ,, n. '.'.\" 1 tTI :a 11 Dca 11 8"1'II c. 0 1110. ' - "1 W I~ II Il II J".(lr... 1[0 00 ' . "ulDutbiug r1vi n ~• in rh e. r. .. ll_ ' ;lr,\ , 1 ... ~ "(" ('I ,(11 '~I .. t:,, I '\'I " " .1'... t, (:"iallll. IlI tll'Ill ll d .. ~1f' 1 III' h ,·ill).: wl:-:" fill" 11 111 . \,OU 8, wl'uk, I'UIH!,.", ,, """J('" e'lId,1 1 (llltl wor lLl ulou/{ the pr opo cd ruut e I, I.. t"l's.-' .A ru l d. 1 I ~\illn "' ll. T i; 1' 1'. ,,,1 '1 f I.' t zit ' t·, rup l J " bn'·c' Yiuol. I Wll. Ru rU II·down, w" 'II; ~ lIr voyetl ttud I.lIIrtl y gruCkll, lIud I and II crVOll8 I could not "Ie,·1'. Jo: ~, ' ry. ,II'!; rnllJ,jug Ill! r~r 11K Kiogul\IU, In w. t! b'·I ,1 ,It Llill chtll l'h ~· u 'III IY tIli ng 1 ute hu~t m,·, 111111 Ih' medl,'111 Ull n Lo u ODUQty t;t rll ogurs ~unt u p. Uu ri , v WIlr wiek's. of .IJBllU nOn, 1 hud bLkrn ,bd ml' 11 0 glJud, [ d '- [lOli r tJ kn ow w hfl.l 18 goln!> on io< of visited W . E. Bog~n'll ollnda v. Use fo r Leaves of Netttes. cld~d to try Vll1ol, unll l.d"r' I" flg I lorin g to buy pr 'lpo~ty IU Ollr viJllIgo . could "llt "!lyU li llg T II'llnt..,1 and cOlIlII nlon" tho li nD I~id out El'eryollO Mr. ,n {l Mr ~, ,J ee~1l CoU\p ton, of A IIt' II1 11111 1 IIl1 d 11\' 1'111:1111'11\ ~ J'f'/I H ('HI I 81 rep nil l1I ~ ht. Now I. 11m well IIIIIl .. DII .HOD. n t t" D(l ell t b o f uooru l of Ill' ,,1'11!I1 I1", -1I f 1"1111 I thl' J II I"I\ or th o ' strollg, alld ill uctt ,'r health U.a n I berl) b 'ltl p ro pe rty for slli e h ut If Mr ~. COID pton h e re ·u neltl Y. ~tlllJ~ H Ili I" h 'II "\' S .,11 Ill' ull'lol , IIlIti Js Wi lli} hn,'u hucn f" r' '·"l1r",-".lr", .A~.'. ~ . t,hls r llllri \ S oomln g t.h ro , u~h WB " 111 d."\.' WIIU I"1 1 ~l lI ll's. lIJU,I.ISOS, BrllllsI'iii." Illd". " " ~ WIHlt t o k eHp it , for tht~ WIll be t h (l Mr~ .I enDle D .. vl .. l" ~ ,tt lug ulong \\,,, )!'lI u.. n"~et' \ ' 1,,,,1 fur ,,/\ rlll1 ,uO"'/I, best t OWIl nn d wh" re 1111 fllllt tra iotl nloely wlIb be r bro ke !: 11mb , I weak Hilt! dcuililllt"L1 CUJl uitioui. wi ll ~!" II ue t wolJ u ~In olollfl t" lin d Mr. lIod MrR . H OWIHII IJOtlllling · W '1 1 IN I!W Yor k , 1wJlr o v e Dl ll n t~ 0f " II v I ~ It e d h ·II! p'lre o t 8 M r . J ,).l L '''\[11· J E J D WINTER BRINGS COLOS TO CHILDREN . , anney, ru~glst, aynsvI (' kltld~ or e ool ng dl l!f) U~~od, he lp i~ b . to gs 000 d "y lust weok Mr~. B" rtHlO Co mpton II nIt Mr~ . fI "hll'l .. "rlliv l!,.;I1~ tlll' Olllll b Iho Also nt I DII.ltll ~ uru g til',r6 III all Ohio t.oW II. loj.( eugI1Kt' .l IItHl if th e r nlJ" r\p tiro wh nlu winter ~'i r h n ut II {hl li.!,IIUd ~~~~=======~==-":': trU \:l l uulr: o ut for iJu siueBH In al\ ot Ihlelg h B"~an onlh••1 on Ali oe Wnl '- its hrnn oll" 8 wh e n [lIIrlng o pe ns o f! t,Utl .,100d "y aft.ernoon . ev nn iIl " Lhur ~ h " l1l.1 hllve " r oli ul>l o r (llll\l,ly h , lJtl.l'. Fo ve •• Ko r thrOdt., . Now. If thl ll fu\ l ~ t o U~ tfll e . d o !Jot Mr It. K J a ne's hnrl ns t ~ei r tillhl ()",.~~ IInLl ur ' HIIIY l).lugl, 4 lire F,sh Slory. blllLIIA th e w r it. r h e IH IU f' fol y [lnt- gUf' ~ t9 W (lc lo O~d' IY Mr", K'lte Sta f. . 1 rI,)800f Dr B u /l '8 'fli p,.., "'" " 1\ lI " h ,IIII I",r, nnd n .'IlI·j, tlJl ~ Into p ri ll L willlt, b e h Ollr8 t~lk ~ d tord, \I r C hnrl llY J o o e~, fr .)Ol AI. Hur,· ijY w . tO Ul ~ PI,III) -r",. U U U f' ,9 w'lI IlH h'.(4 1\ Ihe ellll. IIg. ·oI (I" .. . WII S .t oill/{ e"">;IU"I·u hlt· f by [)Bopl o w uo httvo IJ ro )Jpr ty fo r huny, I ud, ullio Mr. IIIH1 Mrs Byron p b 'I .e'll d HiV i thn () 1 )1l \~u:ftod I l DJ.( ~ , ~rtllllhllll g 1I 111H1 t H ('HUV" uf how's , 10. Adl\fII~, of ~prilll-l V ull .y. I. nr! ~t.,,,i t h " (lI'O ~ h. JI,~ un I· ;~ .. pt 10 Ihlli. cil·,,,II,, I",.. IJI(lIIII'r'H Cllllt 10", Our M. E t:Sn ll dllv Soh ool 18 hllvMr. Loyu DIIVU.!. o r DllytOll, an I 1)\nn I tU:~ 1I1I 1S 1I1la i '.url l:'Io0t bA. li'"ur \\·.... c III h"I' pori 11 111 . Edllll , :.g'l1 :-:ix i n ~ IL llo"m uU lle r tllll dir~otHJU of th u Mif!Be. Alln u ItOri L!Lum FI1Jt.che r c:r on p. \\' hn fl pin ~ ou n g h liDt1 clt roll u) IlH If'lH 'd to lh'llrl"II U f o r :-l(Jf u ,: tim e Horu e of o ur ch tlrc h w o rk e r~. 'L' hel'1l WArA 0 IlllOg uU JeoDlB Davis i" uo hr 'j,I'tI1111 Ir.J1l \JII'''' II'y Or A . ' I1' ~ w lth u llt Cl""lIll'll1. '1'h"II , Hud •.h'uly. a H! tw o ollpt .. ln R 0 0 f~r .. "ob ~\I l e dlly .nf or uO!J U Pille T,.r B ') Il ~ \· . At, 1111 Oru gg l ~ t 8 ;111' hUl'st OU I. )Jill "'II 'e h llV IIl !! 1IJ1J)lIr- Ou e ~Ido to wuu r r ed ttnel 000 side Mrs. Mllliodu McFaddoo, uf Wtl 2 f,tJ. ~ntl y 1'l'lIch 'd It s /lIIII! : ""'01' J;oodu .SS· blue iJ ut.t on8. Thor e III q uite U !I)t , "I,,·, 11"111'1"11 II, IlolI't fu ss so I Goll OIf "'tuuiji. lI ~ m !Iud DIlly It co ntinue mln gt.nn, III elll'ndlt:lg 1\ \V " o k wit h for tlj( e~. 'rb ey bAV l Dl orf bu t to o" bur oll u81" Elltt ell 'IIl LI) U, of K llx lI ut ''' Ill t\tl!rc I" Pol it ics An (\ lyz ~,' . f or m ore people nn ll yon ore ~(, ru i'll. I",mi. "P"IIII I'~ ." ~lI ld 11111'/.. 1':1... 11 . Iy Tf qu sted tOl.Lssis t III mltklng I,hl s "'"IIJ llu' ~i:J I ~ lIll1f l 1'1I11~ s \\ oil 1' I he b~nn e r t:i utlll~:v Sob ool of the g:lttll,ll u ' If It (' o li id III ' 11 11:lrI d STIFF, SORE MUSGlES RELIEVED oounty, It oli n bu done. LINGERING COUGHS ARE DANGEROUS q uid\. U ~ II ! 'II ~' l 'II{'(l 0" U !'.lIli, ·... lJrl1mped Dlutloh' l! or Or elltlf8 fo!Walter Kllb lO, th e len.ding /tuto· (j t ri<1 of tbll t tlCkllllg ooogh that owing" cold or OIlSS Of grip pe nre w o blle IIoI 1!8JlluO f o nr ofl unty; W II H ellsed nnd r elte?ed by an " pplicutioo in this city FridllY Ilvenin ~ dter k ~Il Ps yu n IIwako ttt nigh t 1i1l(J drillus o · Siollo 'R Ltnlment. Or es not RIllin seiling fonr Ford o!ll cb lnes Ih~t d ll.V, .y o ur v\l ,d it,y IL\1(1 en '1 rg y . Dr Kin g's E di th's Portion. I be ~kin or ololt the Dor es ItlIe mussy l'"klua Inlo coosido ruL iol1 the h igh Nt!w Oisoo ve ry iH u ple ll ~ llnt bllisaln I ' ~II t 11f I: I\\·.\ ' PI' S go, IIhl lt11 fll ut,m etlte or pht 8t.e r ~ !lod rJetHltlII te. oost of \Jvjn g it is ('h ellpe r to rldo 10 I Am ed .l'. II tJt.i8optlO, luxllt.iv e lind t iH' I's tu h'. • HI! I':dltll I!"t fi l I' I qui c kly without rub bing . Llmbr r .. Ford t.hnn til wa lk. pro m p tl y effec ti ve It soothes th e H(.h. yl"S; :00 111' gilt OW"' !If I II up your to u80le8 Bfte r e xerols l., drl ve Y "l's: '- Bu.-; tIl JI TI'H IJ !"'rl'lf Boward Urllhum lIocl J os Osborn. i'r!tll t.,,1 m uwiJrun e fi nd lIills th e out tbe plllul! IInrl HobeN ut rheum .l - tw o of OUI bustllol-l furm e rs , olteud- OOlll ~ er lrl S; y our oon~b is BODO reo ti ~ m , ll e ul'ulgin, Iflmb!lgo, s traio s, Drill.), I clllllgtlro us--ge t Dr. eel tl h og s alll ut Washington C, U, li ovell sprllius und brntllils "" it h t;lou o'_ Thursda y , Klll g'8 N'lI W Disoo very ut o ncll F or nellrl y afty y elL rs it bas boen ~b e Liniment.. H et· auotll e t o-d .y. At Som8 of n ur c itlz e n~ bnve forme.) fuvcJrlt,e 1'~ l oeds for ~rl)Jp e, oroup, HOW'S THIS all Druggl8"" 250 Il stook oump.m y unuor tue mun icl oo u ghs aod ooids ' Gilt II b tt Ie to. 1I'.ofT« nil. II ull d ,. 01 LJ ullurs Rewnrd . pill luws of o ur olty for tile I'nr [Jo~e d oy ttt yon r Druggis t, 000. fur ,, "y r aSe uf l ·ul. rt h Lhlll "Bllllot be 01 clellr ing the tlmbur (, ff or II tr llO~ cll rc' d hy 11 .. 11'. t.:ultllrh ~h'<liciJle. Cruel and Unulual. --~-- - - of land wh e, e th ey will rpise wllterJf aU'sC"u,r rh ~I"dicill e has bc.n \J,ke" nrl c \\'II S tryhlR t {) ('IIIl1' ln cc hl A Ill· melo08 Ono dAY I coe:J tlv the pr e~ _ by en la rth S, ·IT" le ls for Ihe Ilast thllly· lie lJrllthcr r sOlllcthlnlt which Willi Ident lind seo retary were III. their jive )ellfS. It"t! hilS be"l>tne kllOll'U as Ihe must I<,Hubl. fClllrtl y for '''Ionh. H ull'. not 1n IIccordllllf with his own ,'10\;'8. work &od hll "II og tied their h or se to '"th lth MrdlelllC '\ I' t ~ through the Uleod lie arguerl for severul IIIIIIUl08, when a tree lind built Il fire, and le ft fo r "" the MIII'OIlS s UJ'f"ces , cApelllng the IItlle brother rlln to tbelr moth r, ex- quite Ii dlltllnoe BWU,V, on their r e Pu i ~u" frum the Bluod "lid Ile ~lillg the cllllmlllll: "lIlll l1lllln. Cu rle Just kcep ~ 'flrn Iboy fouod t,b e bll.loket burned <1 i:-:casc d pori ion s, urglllln!: 1I0d IlI'glltl nJ; wltb mil." l!'red Henkl " is critiolllly ill. off the borse Ilnd its OOltt of hBir Afler ),0 11 ha ve take" HUII'9 Catllrd, Mrs , .Jaoo Lllogdon hll8 r e turned eonsld erably singed , Nod o ubt, this ~ll· .licirle for a , h.. " I iltle YUII "ill see was qu1l.e on I'lCoiting tim6 llut it, bome after a v\tllt with Mr. find u gri'al itnpTl.J\ emt~ nl ill your g~ lIc rul Sawc.ll ·o rr Se rJ~ on , wlll 800n be forgotten, e~ peOllllly 4rs Olyde Oampbell uf DII.ytOD , I",,, It h. Slur! ttlkilt!; I laU' s C'''!loh Med· T il e sur, ' l' !t ; 1.1 I ~ :!iIP I! II " , I, ! wbeD the meloos begin t o r oll iD. icl li t nI ollce nlid ~d rid of en I" nh . &·nd Mrs. J, W. HadlEIY hilS returned In;.: III In\' \' \ \ it I! h i' I' ,III" It ' ~ "': ,u ri'I!I' /"r Itstim"nlats, f.. e. They bllveurrangeDl" nts for prompt home after several weeklj visi' wltb F, J. CH EN n V & CO., Toledo, Obio . ,, 1'0111 10 .. 111;: lit loll' ,· ,,111i 11 1111.- 111011: dllll very to 8·11 who may fa vor tllem Prof. pud Mrs. Elmer S pabr, or Sohl by all \)ru ggists, 76c. UI IIJII~ :-;tal', with theIr bu~ine8t1 , Paulding. Mr , Ilnd j,lu Jess Cllirk enterWII.lter Bogora owns a Lobanoo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!'!'- tRln od tor dl noer ouodllY Mr . ami viSitor MondllY . Mr8, Ulint Cleaver , Mr lind Mr8 ~'r!lnci8 N\lll . aon lind dauah. freu Blllillu ao.1 Mr I\nd Mrs . terMc~, were Leblloo n ~'19itorll Wednes. Bowur!l ::ltuIUP und daught er. du y. Two of Waynesvllle'll men oame Mr, lind Mrs . P .·rry , Bor don have over to our t·o wn I:laturday night to sae 80lUO of our fulr sex . lIod 111"- move~ln .~helieury Dcnkerprope r t y laming 110 alls orhed wllh th eIr 0001 on Motn :-:it. Mrs, Pdul OhJua rt of Springfield, I. Better Flour pliny t,hey forg'lt t,bat they hlld drivl' n eve r wi tb a bor~e IUld buggy, hos returntlci home I~fter a visit with fh o b onm ,~" t tired of Ptbndlog Itl her pare nts h ~re . It Is made of t!le finest wheat, which proc1\1 ce ~ flo ur ~he r ain uo ~i1 2 ,) '010ek flod murt " W. B . t;iegfried lIlC1de '\ huslness that is easier 10 handle , giv bell e r flavur to yom Ilak· its getawll" ,landiog t~fI buggy up on trip ~o I)flyloo 006 day Inst week. ing and makes it lighter, whiter and m o re 11111 ritj {) u '. ~ fen oo lind t he " nu e j ol oroeVf'd a u WIll N ewport, o,t Lebflnon , ,yae hOIll B, l (l!Ivin~ Llle wpo and bUli!llY tran8ll0tin g llUSio(' ~ and cll llio g on If you have been using some other flou r, ),O tl owe. it ou tbl88ld" of Ihe riv er. Of OOUl8e rrl e od ~ h e re one dllV tlle P"Bt week. to yoursel f and to Ohio" mills t o fry hi o-ma de /lo ur, th ey did not expeot t o 8t,IlY 80 1008 Mise ~8rKh Burnott ~[Jent 'I'hllr@guaranteed under the "Better Flour" label. wh en they OMUtl ov'er, but time fl le ~ d"y 1lI1(1 Frida)' wi t ll lIlr .ttod litre. wh en we It r A bAi ng e ol('rtuin e d . .Iobo MoClnre !Lnd If.Hnily . YOU' ll find Ohio-made fl o ur lh e ('nsicsl' YOll ever Now, arter I,lal!!, lJUt y OUl' Dlrlohlll lJ Willillm Sbulllllrdl, of Olncinnuti, In Iho garuge . 'w orked with, your baking will be beller, and yunr fl o tlr ~ pent th e week.llnd ttl Springboro . money will stay in Ohio where it will continue 10 WilliHlll H n bi~on. onr gonlnl fllld ---0-- benefit your own community, prom pt drilY nHIl1, ~hou Id lJe PRt r oo· Ized by ,,11 H8 t,his is tbe only wily he bllsof s nppor ting hi>! f"Dltly. BAD HABITS Do More Bakia,ln YOW' Own Hom. The Slid Inte illgenoe r ea·. lhad Q~ 'l'hose who bre"ltfll8t at ei IJh I, SuturdllY morning of the death of \I'olook or later, I nnou Ilt twelve Bonce 'nbln at· hi~ hOllle in Xenia . fi nd bave dioner lit 81x Ilfe almost Be' WilE tb e ouly .SOll of Arnold IIn!l ert&1n to Ite trouhled with indlges. Bllriot 8n h'D, Ilod WIIS born 00 0 t,loo. '1'hey do not all ow time for fltrm ntlllr h e re and spe nt ~is early " ne DIe. I t o digest b eforo taking 0.0. In thl H vloinit,y, As lie gr('w the r , N ot less tbfln fiv e hour8 - - "...." mR-nnserl Be studietl-4lHY uuder ~ ll on l1i ellipse bet,ween meale . If dlr r oti oll of Judge B~ rl ow in yo u are tr oubled wit.h Indigestion Xeola, und WIIIl tldmltttld to prllet.ioe, correct your hllblts ond I,ake Ohum. Be wall eleot,ed proseouting IIttor"ey ber!t\lu's Tllblets, IllOli you ml~y rell. of Greene oo uoty whi oh h e lil\ed ~()ollbly hope for II (l ~ i o k rOllovery. 'Always n,,), with Dluoh ort'dlt to htID~ e lf uod the rheee ~u blets stronHthen the RtomnPlll nlld ,fJis H" IAIl\'''8 ... will" Rho lIoh und euallle It t o 'l'erfo rmits tuncoonn ty ... I~o Ohio-made Flour GlIIll'ol/.it'C Lauel WIlS always vury mucb d evo ted to tio ns nllturally. Obtatnllble every . him. lind one 8i~tflr, th e only onllllof where. II. largo fumlly left to mourn the "IRS of a devoted hu eband Ilnd brotiJer - - -- Notioe-To. 1111 holding books of ,JoB, Oarroll Qod dlloghter. Mre. t.iol<ctti on t,he Ford automobile will !\nna Stioson, are BOj " lroing 'In tho plBIl8e reflort th e ir pr·)greH~, 118 t,he s unuy 80uth. They I.. , ving rem emCLASSIFIED ADS SELLS EVEIH'THINQ oommlttee Is very !loxlons to llrin~ bered milO.\' of th e ir ' ' If!Dds wi t h it to a clo~e. 8nd t,he OoNner mllY be uettutltul pos tttl cards "' :lI oh llre lip . kllilwn In the near future. preoillted MIss Ida Varner. Ililldy of mlLture 'rhe sad Intelilgeinoe ""Bohed us ." z yeRn', died at her home near here I1'rlday of Iflst weelt of I h .. pa85lnl( 0 ,~ ;tg ~'ridIlY aUernOIJD utter a lingering Ilwuy of Mrs,' U. M, WUI'£" after :J ....t t\lnes8. Reverol weoks of ~Iokuues, Anoti.lOf' 0 :z 0 MlI8sle-Town8bip Sund&y Sohool beu,ltiful life closed on thIS earth u roonventlon convened at the M E , btl' ehe \I.v es 11 bo 1;0, I)reparlllg A oo< U !a ohuroh 8undllY, ,hnuary 2!:lth. Oow- pl~ce for her loved on es Bt'r frleod s » :c "rd NuCune made", very Interostlng In this vlclDltv Ilxtend t,b ~lr heart.. ~ talk whloh Willi instruotivtl. ' f elt sYUJpa.thy to the uerell'lled hU9Will find' this column will bring him ::j 0 Mrs 'Sud~ ReAson Is s'JendlDg sev. b~nd lind parents. money if he wilttise it fO.r anything z ~ era) days"wlth lier dAul(hter, Mrs, Tb .. uUon(/IInoe a·t tho M E I:lnniii he has to sell. :z ::I E~rl !:IookeU. o r Doar Wayoesville. d .. y t:iob()Q1 nnmbered III Never (') You have a surplus on band at m Mr , and Mrtl. Chtls. 'ruoker &fA W,.8 the IIlle known, In tbe hill,bry >. g. the present time. Feed , is scarce 'l.Bvlllg 1n6lllleis 10 ~holr borne and of our town, ' 00( 0 ~, lire quit" slok ' MoVarron'sgaragelsa(\lnl:lIothrlvand ,you want to gt;!t rid of that cow, c:: The Cbrilltian Eodellvor soolety ing bUSiness, much to tile sorp.iiil :to horse or pig: or else. (') . rtf at the tl'rieodll churoh every tSoo- to mllny of our oltizens, ~ ' You . have a surplus amount of CIQ day, night i8 heiog well aUended . Mls~ Vlo:a Jordfln, of Wellman, 2 l.'he program I~ 08"lod o~t In lull; vl81ted her grandmotber here on farming implements on bands and ell ::j ' m rna)' the good work oODtlnue. Sunday, and want to sell them. . r ~ If yoo have nol made your donalilt. ODd Mrll. Willard MtIl"n, of r 0 You can do this very easily by tlOD do I' DOw, as the time is draw- Olly'on, were vlll'ora of,.he. Irhr >- , ell puiting in an 'ad, telling all about iDloMr when 1\ will be dnWD to a tiu 'e sleter, Mrs. Ira tJyford, on c: III ~ 01088. 'l'hur~dIlY of laat week, . oc them in . ::I

• r S vice




t, f ' '''1 p t,. ,pl (1 ot' tJU ltl' "('Jlltlrlwhl "., Ill ' I'II .·.·l l1 nl f :II 'lIlly. will i tI tiuh,- 1" "






' )' 111' )o.i:IJpt'(llli p 11Hlll d h' I'!:

l\lpattoD. The Inteettn8a ..,e alogia" and *be .1;»1004 beapmH pot,oald,

Relieve thill ooudlUoD a' ODoe witb Dr. KiDtI'a Naw Ltl. Pille; 'his

.ea'le, DOD'&rI1J,lD.IaU,,",.te qatek}y,lflOel.... A 4011 at bedtime will "ObambtrlaiD 'a make ~OD feel brlabwlD th. mora. I ba,e aTar ~... bot'le to.4a, .t 10ar

e.:."'' '

...-....--. __

debt to the f rm of







Please call and s~ttle not later than ' December 25, 1916: No account will be carried ove,\" into 191 7 except by parties giving bankable ·n ote. " Note to, bear interest at 6 per' cen~ until paid.



iiRsiiiM~TiDNl i*-.....-~- -

Look and sce the jlrkl!!l nt H) m;m ' ale,

Of 153 Acr Dairy Farm and an the Personal Property Belonging . to

. T. Ha wke was in Lebanon n business Saturd ay . -


You buy II SQ worl h for lUll) at Hymun 's during sa le . .

Located Three Miles East of Day ton on the Dayton an d Xenia Pike

Allen Ha ines, of Xenia. epa nt Sun· dsy here with relative.;,.

.b 21 , W. e d nesd ay, Fe. .J

Oommenoln, at 10 , II. m.


the If deatred. Casb II beJDa lold onl,. beeauae

tIID. ant Itrenrth.

peell\l contract to r 'Bllie at milk go s willi Incomo ror till s yenr ol'er $6.0UO.00. ThI s tll rrn Dr. Darker's pro! sslon lll work d mllnd. oJl bls

_L h F How to Rea~ t e arm: tllilun . tH

~ DarW. . . X.nla. li n.. IU'1I loa "In .. " enl" w •• hour, .r di rect "rh" on X ~nl ... Pike,


..Joo DIlJ ton on


The fum t • • l moe t IQ\Ulre . 8lopt'l8 t owt\rd ll thtl sout h A_n d ilouth eLUIl . 4...m1~ Into tho f",",ouo ne.".r Crock Il:vel'J' foo , the . oil t. U)~bt . . . .4 well d ntn ed. NeIl-rt)' hult rhe (urm .:a rrtes u r iot! gro\l' th Of blue .,....,• . The r '6 Are ,.bout 30 aCr"f'If In Il lfnl f w. ",Ith 111 R r~~ ren d)' tor a D",.. p lantln. .. SpJ e nt1 h1 orch9rd ot lHur, 'I..ppl~ ltud oharry I n- • . 13 dIl U · Ut1il . rove of na.tJve ollk. Abundtln c" v i ",.,1..:1' t NIO 81U'10&8 nnd w II • . J



Improvement.: 10-100m brIck fto u •• : bp~ c-m en t unrler t he en!! re houfte; Ilate roof. Larae banlc' ba,rtI wtth oem en 1 floor and a la te roof, T Wn- ,.1 0 r)' Im p leme nt h ou • .,. hOI; h o ua .. ehloken h oufle an d w llOrt s h ed , A la r ge dJi l ry barn 4Ox102. iLlmat new an4 ot nlOftt np Pl"O" e(l (J' pe.. Tht th \dr I I Ct'fl1 f1nt with 8 lAlh! paved to oorle brl qk. Rtrt'nC'he'O.JI~ iultl pnrt ltlvlljoI: :l ro u f 8tee l. \ '\.· ntJlllUon. .. perf.ot, All n OO I"tll 'c},-ain to t n"Pfl~11 8f1!\\' r tf l1~'I!rn nl. In lh ~ bo..rn . 8t.,n. tor 10 00"'., 'I'he 8 110 t ill almoa t TH'''' unt.i lulH rqJAcl t y f \)r 2 01) lOnl'. Iltl.. of mow lOlx40x80. Th. mt-lk h Oll"'p 1111 :? tlfl ((lifH f ro m the b arn! w ith . , . . oement ooollnw troulh and .,. ment n oar d,'nluec1 t o th e trnpped .ewer. W&lf, art paper !tned Inelde and OUI, j'obl In ~\lmml' r An i1 W n fln In wIater. E lectric lIaht ond po"or dlre.1 f roln Ihe p1nnt al Day ,on.

Peno~ Property: II " .... 0' OIttl' oon.l.lInIJ or 46, mllkero. 10 youn, helt.l1I. 1 y.uLlng .uU: blah·..,..". Holotel n. . One of Ih. nnon dairy herd . In OhIo.



pa,lr heavy P . . . .. on •. celdlng AnI! mil .... both 8 y ..... old, coal ,lack,- ...\aht 1. 100 lb.. One toam of h .. v y mul ••• weIght 8.000 Ibs. On. u.tIt drivIng ma .... kind " nd ,"lIl.. Two . etO of work hAm .~R. COIl&rl. '11M... \)n1'o1'$; on. Intorn .tlono l TrUCk. one ela. od-rron t milk; ,.llgoO. f&rm "acon, h.., r&Ic. b\13CY pol•. S· H . 1'. g ... enclne. power rotnr)' ,'imp. ofte lI-lnch onlh"re out ter. 4Q· ft. ptpe for en.IIAl11 })lo",or.- 1I"y te4a.r, ooUbl. talI4em 41 ••. alralfa and C......... eder. a rldl,.. eUlt lv.te ..... oom Plalltor\ Iteel h8.l'roW one Oll". r plow. manure .p .... d.r. IIrlnd olone. ~ lcald na k.ttle. il Ilry . q u lpm~nt compllte witH Cll.n•. buckell. ooolv. ..panter 8J\d lar,,, r.frlgora lor. BabCOck milk tooter. 40 ten. en.llag.. Many oth.r " rUcl •• too numoralfalfa and very choice lot 0".

Special Notice: A .. ftt~ct to lupply thl HOlplt.1 go"" with the fnrm. 2!e for mILk In _ an tl .OO for cream. Over .he I hou oand dollarl worth ",llInli Ihl. or uJ. on Pl- rarm : ~ MIO 00 dR Y of "Ale. tht ro·

'I'JII' iDalII4v or 1-1 Of the purohU.


wrma urana.4 'll'lth


price wh.n deo" o'ft'nor. .


given. Bnlnnce upon

T ..... of Sal. for the P.raonal Property: A'lt Mime 01 ,10

IS" unOer

Year, Ch. PUJ'Cbaa tenlt from 4at.

,.ttl be a.rved rved. I




or.dlt wlU b • •I.on for


111.,1,.. o' ,noto "lth npproval . ... urI1.1. b ell-rlnl!' 8", InIf,l. . 1i'Jl> dJ.OOllnt ror oll.h. . .

bT the Ladl,. of th.

r... Funher Inrormatlon ~ PwrI' St.. Dayton, Ohio. or 10. .1 .. BldC.. O",.teD. OhLo.

, to


JD _



IIgrestly All hats. f ealhers. ri bbons. eJc .. reduced prices. G race L . mi lh . lit'

h i~

H awker Reformed Ohurch. All "UI b. liven by Or. F. Oal. Bark.'. P .lUle & SmIth. Auolloneero. RQOm. of b"d aal. will be III&d. III


MiS!! Marjorie Turne r is ut her baardinj{ LJlace her e ill with rtle Bs l e~


Mrs. Mary Adams spenl Saturday / wlth Mrs Allie Daki n. of Lebanon


wing to a ru sh in adQ this week. several imlJortant items were omit· I ted.·



People from 'larksvillo and Morrow are IIttending Hymlln'lI Sale. I Wh y don'tyou7

I ·:

The rel{ular meeting of St. Mllry'. II Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. D . L. Crane. Thursday aCternoon at 2 o·clock.




Lost-Last Friday. between Wi l- I mlngton and Ridgeville. prelumably near Waynesville. nearly new auto tire chain. Reward. D: C. Aus tin ' l Wilmington. Ohio.

an Extra ~igh-Grad-e lour for all kinds .ofl










.Y I -. IIM

The West Jefferson Crellmery of Columbus. have opened a cream ata tion at C. M. Brown's grocery, Cor win. Bring In your cream and Bce it accurately weiihed. tested and check iuued for ume immediately. Give U8 a trial for best results. Open daily, commencing January 26th .

- --...

a ent



See Wate rhoule for Auto Livery.


0\18 SO mentJoa.


t he PO\\' f\ r II OUMtt on

D..cription of Farm: """oy.


ate Ass

I ers' S

D. L. Crane W8 ~ a huilinesil visit or in Lebanon Friday a fternoon.

Will th ground hog see shad ow Fliday. Watch for him .

1.0 -.lllut•• walk north of tlIe In terurban


jHisHsCHooLNoTESj1-:o. . . .:. -=-=-BU.RG~ =.:;. LAR=S=




. - - --- -- - -- - - - . : wiiltl ie. of '~l ~ ' . &. O. Association. i\1 P. CHURCH A '. Hllir "pont. I at wook In Th \\' . • (. f '\'. .1 .' . A ' \\'0'11 t l<) CIIlClllnU Lf . und retu rner! . " 1.. \. IlIlId . • ('t' a~ll ~nl .OUt"' Y lC. 1 lei " 1 7' ~ o m. w ilh tho t ruck th e sumeevenSunday, Fe bruary <t. 1917-9:15 11. I "'I~" """1 till ~Ii Y O I 8 win 18 very III spc la 1~ 1I \~ , IIC I me. .~ l.. •~Uil lJu.n as l , II1'g . m .• Sunday chool. 10:30 a . m. at htll' I",n u llll~ t of town . Ie BOItiC. ~U ~lIrddY \ ~a~ 11 UUt.:CI •.,. fl t tu I ~:o far as thp, men nre concerned Preaching e rvice. Theme • • God 's "hnt WI II'· UWll. at home who willeadly miss a moth· ~.n!sb t pur t.wrl~i')k" alld gl r l~ th 're is nh~ol litely 110 clu e as yet. .lew I~. " 7 p . III Preaching Service. .II'!~ .I .. hl , 1.('1II " r I"'"ijll!l thru ' B er's companionship and council She jC1Pi e ll' . I . I ':~ Ht ' ti!,;,e Y l;au g ~I U i Th A soriution iH working on t he l "Dry . Bon es " Even ing lIervice I VM .y I!rrl ll t18 nl'" rll l·""1 tor ORnOH tit was a member of the Friend. church L ftS S .n l rllllaa tl::- t 't lI l:!! 10 ' cn-c, how,)\, 'I'. und the rtl liIlIY Ut: ·w ang li stie. 'ome and gat r ight 1110 i\1 \ 'It' lIt.IJ 11,,1'111 . ,11 I"~t w e~. at Spring Valley. She remarked to It Is rleclared by the Ohio Miller 8Sf·c l t ~rl I ·:r I It! e S \rC ~e n SOliII' III II(>f (e th e .. nol of till' werk . wilh G d. Ol'r UOIir ItlllU ill \·u ':·JIlI'I ~l n l!. . a friend before ehe died that ahe wall State t Association on the lIuthori ty of llf 0 I~ ,. )v(t ~-; we 1I ~ 0 ler I ._ _ _ _ -- -~ .lll tl L1. P"'tl'r Whe olll lpd to ElIzabltth. daughter of ready to go and that Ihere was noth· flour experts thllt HoUi' le.r!!", . . . I 5T MAR V'S CHliRCH S l'r lll l( 11lI"y I" I. wt1(,k by the a · Joel 81d Anna Faulkner was born ing In her way. Blessed are they eminent . b i l l f Oh' . th I ThiS WB!-I the larj{cHt 1\.ss0Cllllu II1 • . I'l n1l8 tJ1n "~ri of hiH t 'I · J .., ,> near NeW' Burllnlfton, Ohio. Decem- who die in the Lord. ~ada~~n ~o~:" m~~ufar.:ti~~d ~~~UilS Ir hnt WRrnm lJ(,o nly ha'i e ver had . ! A~VIVAL Se ptu gesima Suncl ay February 4. tH'R"'". · It . " r, . ., I tber,l', 18«. and died January 26. • _ • vutlY ' lmperior to muny other va ' he a ttend anr.e \.\' <1 a:l follows: . . ~ullday ..'choo l Ilt ~ 30 a. in . " Sermon 'I'lw W I'. M. R. milt , t Lh e homo 1917, iIr.d 72 years, 1 month. 10 rleties of flour. The major porti on . 8ll;che.rtt No. In la nd ~-J oly ~nlll1 ~ l1I?n at 10.30. Tile. fl f I r" IJIl t'or,)ggy. till t urd"," f_ day.. She was married to Elli Comp · of this Ohio staple is made trom III · h~t rle t a tten rlan ce . I~~bhc co rdi ally in vIted to th ese sar· l e rnul)o .. ton, October 7. 1875, to tht!m wereTheir Loneaome Look. Hi vices . A Wllrni-:tllton (Jo lI "lre Boo" ter bPfll ~wo c.h ildren. Annll E. and Having Il Inrge tomlly. the dining wheat grown within the state and i I Way ne Town hilJ .. .... l · 40 Kev. C. S. Grau er is conducting a P,lrtY 'lIpen t '{,bn rsdR Y 10 this vl ohlJllry A. In the year of 188. her ' room tAble wns n long one. A sbort il said that thll wheat nroduce the Le banon Special .. ..... . 40 L7 very succes ~ful rev ival meetin .: at ORTHODOX FRI ENDS It.y . b.tband .w as called to his long home Ume ngo tbe pnrpl1 ts '!Vera alone tor a finest flour· obtainable, one of it s I F ranklin Spechll ...... 20 3 Piqua Grace M. E. Church . Eva nge listic meetings at the JO R. Bltl lr 18 IIbl0 to be oot II galn 'eavlqjler with two small children few w eks. so ull the leaves were tnken chief features being that it is easier Mo rrow ... ...... ...... .... . ' 7 Friendschurch every nij{htthis week. dte r II. prOI,rnct d IIIn ~S. to earftor. but ebe met th e situa- from the table. ,\ little boy from oext for the housewife to handle and it Mason ....... ......... .... .. 7 !l exceJjL Satu rday. at 7:30 . o'clock . Jtll vlvnl ~e r vi Il6 will buglll SundBY lion b ....ely and worked hard to pro. door cn rn l! 10 one dllY lit dInner tlme can be U'8ed succeasf'ully In all kinds King8 M.iJ1r3.. ............ .. 10 26 d t . • Thu rsday. February I - subj ect. IlI· l h e Fn lid, cbnrolJ clIndn oted by ' vide for ber little fllmily . When her and. seclog the smoll table. 801d: "My. of baking The ,claims of the Ohio South East,DU ..... , ... :31 outh W t Di~ t ...... .. 2(j 20 1 ea tie Miami Gazette ~o W "G osJ,Jel nil to the Perishing of MiH9 Milli Lllwh l1nd Ii alSlelllJy ' lI ~o.n'" d.~hter was 12 year8 old but you look lonesome up 80 close to- Millers In\his respect are borne out by the resultsot exhaustive eXPEl ri- North West Oi ...... 31 27 Wavne vill e and Vicinity." Friday, IOlli n M' aVClllg!i1t: t Ih-e stricken wllh typhoid fever (etber I" ments made in the domestic science Febru ary 2-subject. "Play und lind cIIM leaving a vacancy In the department. of Ohio State Univer· Total .... ....... ' " I!!J ...... .. 163 ...... Work in Christian Life." Sunday home whleh never can be filled. Liz· sity and other proroinf'nt educational Such a r ecorl l Sl'cak R Wil li for the m orning, Februllry 4- subject. "A zle 81 she was usually called loved "No~.hlng Dolngl" inetitutions, and by the test8 con· sc hools of the ;uu nty. UniverHa l Christ" Sunuayevening. .her quiet h 'lme life, and never seemed Ofllce Boy- D e bos8 kin !lee no call- ducted in the laboratories of the __ .. _ _ Rubj.ect. "GC)s~~ 1 Call to Waynesville to care for society and public gatherB U~ lIl es~ Men. . Inga, She was noted for her honesty ~r8 dis. mornln'." Insistent Vlsltol'- mills themselvea. The product ot' =--= --:: ~~-- -- --- -..= = and Uprightness. IIttendinll strictly SOY. I II give you a qnnrter to tnke Ohio's mills is eaid to require less Specials This Week •- • Jo'Olt SALE to her ewn affairs. She l\laves a ~hlS cnrd In to 111m." Ofllce Boy-Ikneading anll a short.r time for larg41 c'-Ie of relatives and friends. 'Aw. shucks I B e glvell me bigger risln!?, and In addition it retains in Whil e Eating Potu toes . pk .. . 60c Altitude Not Uncommon. ------- -------one brother. Wm. Faulkner. of Port wa~e~ fo r not doln' , It.''-Doston the finished bakinJr the deliciou s natural wheat flavor. --Rio Cotf e . 3 pounds ......... .. (jOe " ::;011' ''; r"I1,~." HlIlll UD d e 1':111'0. "Is SIl:~ D -HoverBI bu b el s o f LI tie WIllIIUll and her daughter. Anna E . l'rlln crlpt. I Pi e Peac hes. can ...... ... .. ...... 10c RIl :lllxlnll,s I,) "h" Ihuuk Hdilt (Ie" doo' j R d 'I ... T ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ M rs. U ."'1 . WI'l II e d'd Ie a tller C annd e r ump k'In ...... ... . ..... J' 0C wou t to lonvu- I1IJll,-,-I.,· ~I e OCI " • bless· I . e f o V~noo~ B \ T .n ~oodab~p~ 'd M' t l'd f e b II' S 10 ,~ . nqulre 0 . ~lUlth. R. D. I • -===51 -==551 r.:55::1 resl ence 'on I Ul)1 " reet • rI ay a . amp e s oups...... .... ..... c In's to Itl.,,'! Ihnnks fuh." W 0 a"i5==~'ElII==5:1lr::1lli===:!lt:llll===:1lr::1E-·:';=11:]1: -1U: II:] ternaon at 3 o' r IOI·k. nftel' a Il hort ill Bi~ Call Hominy ...... ..... ...... lOe ~yue8vtllo. blo . fl4 I; ~ ness. of typhoid r ~v ·r. T he fun eral Brown Beans Ib .... .... : ... ..... tOe ' ~~~~~'!'!'!~!'!'!'!''!'!!'!'!!'!'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!~~~~~~'''!'!'~~~''!!'~~~;.. !&Ita















Late Classified Ads.

~~~roctci~o;,;wl~:l. d~yar:·~;~rl:~~~. u~n~ ~\r~,~~ICaokn~ ~I~~~~·." ·pk~::: ~~ .

----U - ,I C--S P _--. S--L . -- L E








te rment wa'l mad '! in Le banon cern· et ery. A full ',' lie 'OUllt will b· g iven r,1 in our next is'iuo. .., ___ _ _ • ----


A bi 2 to uri n g car for f i V e p e 0 pIe

Ril'e . 6 pounds for ...... ... .. .... \'.5c 50 llJ Lard Cans .... .. ... .... ..... 401: Cold Bl as t Lantern Globes ... 10e Churn Gold-1{etter than mos~'. butter ..... .. ,. ................. 28c


Oy~ters: Celery, Cranberries. Edgemont Crackers, Hig Sour ' PiCKles. 'Sau er Kraut! Seedless Raisins.

The reg ular mectirllf o f council will take pia e Mo nday eVI)l1 ing at 7 o·clock . Tbis will he Bll open meet ing and th E~ publi c· is hvitetl to be pr ese'nt. ail the Dayton Powe r & Lig ht o. will ha ve a r e\lretlentative on hands t o e )[pl ain th e ad van tages of buying their ligh LB .

Fresh Lettllce this week. [t

pays to trade at



_ .


A - --' ---- '--.. I


39Immuned, Big Type, Poland-China Bred Gilts, also 5 Boars.

Sale, February 1.2, 1917 For catalogue, address


Blanchester, Ohio.

1 BASKETBAll GAMES ' a III===:1 r::Illl===:1' r::Im 11:555:1' m . ' m ===:1' m1[!'==5:1' mIE==5JUEJ 555:1' t=l III

i I II





A big roomy easy-riding car. .


You'll find this new series Saxon "Six" roomier and Dlore comfortable than ever before.. The door have been widened. So e.n trance and exit is easie~ and more COllvenient. The cushions have been given added depth and and greater restfulness. Two people in the front and three in the back sea~ ~nd more than common riding space. '1'0 accentuate the supremely ea~y:ndmg .81ities of Sa..xon "Six" the r~ar spring has been }engthened to 41~ ltlches. And every aqded inch means Just so much more discomfort tak~~ ~r?,~ r9 ugh roads-just so much more,luxury added to good roads. . Saxon. SIX IS $865 f. 0, b, Detroit. ' .

There wi l I be double header basket· blill game at School Hall Friday evening', be\.ween:, Blanchester lind Waynesvi11<e t ea·mlt. The Blanchester t eam was h ere last year and (Icifeated t he boys. 'fhi~ team Is high·clalls r,1 and the games .will be to n finish . .... Come out a,nd see them.



. £1


. EJ


J. B. CHAPMAN, Agte, Waynesville, Ohio.


---- ...........- - -

'Several RIll1l8r camps were o]1p.ned this week. and ~omtl cla im tho J\()w . of sap 11.'> being first ·.clllss If lhe . weather cOl~tinl.les ther e will be aev· e ra l gallons, ofayr up malle-within the

. na~t few :I:::~y-::er:~·"lh·r"I·C J Dl unit'.1


I bad l' '' IIJI'~' "~c,· whnt l!aEliLPlU3IIE5551..5IIEE!!!I'I5I1iiF. =U5hE!55!1'IB 1,yluKI"-'l_~I~~~IL",!"",,_.: ;


~ ge Sale at the De and tOe Store .~.


~ ~




IIIlhl you ODIl g elll for




m ~



, m BPhulil:UdiPmg's FRANK •



. ALL.



EI '

'~ . EI












Maga,zineoMan waynesville, hio

m ot·


~i.·Ly - N in tl


OBITUARY · Cha rlotte I!:<lwards . daugh te r of \\ ilhum und A nnie Hoga n M(~ l3 ty allt, was L.,rn Ileal' Guba. Clin ton CO UIIIY . Ohi o. February 5. 1828. and died J un u ury 23, 1!J17 , lit i:lir ming hu m, AlII. "ltt'll t;8 years. 11 m on lh ~ 8 III I 18 days Ii er t wo prothe rd and Ilt!vell ~ l tilt' r8 nil p r ec~ d l' d her. excepI Ii yo un~ ~ r hi. ler. M r~ . 1IIJnnah Gruil( . of Duuk ir k, Illd . '-= he was fl1ltrri .. cI· to J ohu EtlwHr<i R. Nove mber la, 1856 'I'll lh m wcr ' h I'll peven ~h i hJrcn . t wo sunil lind fi ve c! lI ug hlers. · J ohn Will ibm anti i!:lwlIou de c e~ 'ed Th e dll u g lllt' r ~: Mrs IN R. :3tul'hu ck. . of Hi rmin ghuffl. Ala ; Mrs. A E Burl ton. uf N '~w (.;1J3tle. Inc!: Mr·s. Ii F . PI· e~ nll \l . uf r·llirmount . Ind; Mrs E E:: . Gr ei ~ t . of N 'w (' f\~tle. Ind and M t R L. '1' GreiHt. of 'hi CUgo. 111 bll t \'ive. Her hus band. John Edwll rd~. Ilied Mlltch 25. tH 3. Il t Waynesvi ll" . 0 Most of h,~ r life wa9 !!pent near aud In WaYll ~t;,'ille ThE! his t eip;hteen months of her life were spent at t he home of her daug hter. Mrs. W. R. Star buck Birmi ng ham. Ala. whe re her dea th ocltur red. She had been in failin g healt.h fo r se vera l months. Her preciou s fo rm was la id to resl ill th.e beautifu l ('e met e ry at Wayriesville, Ohio. By r fQ uesl she beca me a member of the Friends Meeling at Waynes ville. Ohio many Yl:!ars ago. Her c~n 8i stent Cn ristian lifo! has bee.n B filrceful og 'ncy for good.and a g reat comfor t to her loved on~. She was a brave. c Ul"Bgeou~ wom an lind al waya concerned f or the c:om (ort and welfare of lhose about her. t o t he last she lonlled to do somethin'g in lovir\g service for others F'uneral ~erv i ces we re helel in Bir ming ham, AID, in the afte rnoon 01 Janu a ry 23 rd Ilnd the re mains \\ erf brought!(l Waynesvill e Ohi o. whe re t he f arewell funera l service was held Jan . 25th, at the Frlpnd8 Church. at 10 a. m , and interment In Miami cemetery. Rev J e!l8e H Hat:"vey , a nephew of Clarks ville, 0., officiated. The pall bearers were: MesaTs Rober t Crew, Sam I Dutterworth. O. J . Edwards, W . P . Zell, J . W White and Thad Zimmerman.

Whole Nwnber 3408


............................................................................... Council Holds Open Session-Representatives from

jTERSiiiMENTii ;1 ..----------- - ..

Dayton Power & Light Co. W 8S Present

[~[}~~] R.~ton~~~~~~~· ..

And Ime clear call for me, The dance' at Earnhart's hall Fri· And may there be no moanin~ of lhe liay e venin~ was not very well at· bar, When I put out to 8ea." W.. '. S ars is ick with measles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tended, owinlr to th e extremel, cold nlaht. Council met in reg ular ses9ion local power and light :pla"t, and olher property. Ida Olive Varner, dau~hter of L. A . Zirnrnel man is in Cincinnati Mon dav even ing at the co uncil ' d ata that would h~h) the company I There i8 diversified opinioh about Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kenrick, of Nathaniel M. and Hettie Crt'w Var' toc1uy cham ber. As t hi s was a n open meet. to make Wayne!lvIII ~ an ~ffer fo r I the matter. many persona tavoring a Lytle. delightfully entertained al ner, was born near HarveYlbur", fi ll I 'th plsnt . ~o that th"y mIght mtroduce change and many favorln ... to keep dinner Su nday Mr . and Mrs. Emer· Ohio, May 2, 1863, and pueed on in· . th h b 1I1g e c .11m er was et WI th elr ' I'I~ hts'10 t 0 th e t own . · .. t h e plant. have the neceB88ry rna. son Earnhart ,' Mr. a nd Mrl. Bern to the hliher life. January 2&,1917. Car l Srh weiiJold·. nf Xenia . visited rep resentutl ~e m'ln read y to hear Mr .. Kelly was bombarded with chlnery repaired and operating the J ones' and son Ther!. Mr. and Mrll. When but four yearl of aKe ~e fr iend. here tiunday.. wh at was g:Oln~ on QuestIOns after he had made his plant themselves I I heretofore Clarence Smit h and 80n Allen. was a victim of infan tile paral,lla . The rout1l1e buslne~s of the coun · I1tate ment, everyone of which was There is also a ,reat many who a i and although she lost the ule of ber Mrs. B. H. Kelly is visit ing a sick cI I was aUe.nded to. bills allowed and answerod very sati:,factorily . After' in favor of the foreign plant COml~g left arm and hand to a grtilt extent, relative in Col umbus. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murrav en ehe beeame a very Industrillu, and ordered. p~lId . they had m ~de their otatementll they here. becau81! in that event they will give a t wenty· tour Bervico while ter.talned at Sunday the fol · capable worker at all dom •• tlc and At t hI S Juncture Messrs Thos F. left for theIr homes. The council ~oted to give t~e. DIY, they claim if the local pla~t etill lowing guests: Mr. and Mrll . R. G u..ful task8. My!: r Hyman RlJent :unday with ~ e lly and Howard Hea l hman wer e She enjoyed her ijchool lIf. very Int rodu ced. Th~se gent lemen were ton Power & LIgh t Co. the prIVIlege. conttnue~ to operete Wo! will lltill Cross, Mr. and Mrs . J . D. Marlatt. relalives in Leballul1 . Mr. and Mrs . Walter McClure. Mr. mueh and beClme a proficient echol· the r epresenta tIves of the Dayton they asked . Co uncil alllO voted to hllve th p. eillht·hour service What 'the outr::ome will h4i laltlll a Ind Mrs. Earl Conner, Mr. and Mrs ar. well loved by both teachel'l and Dr. Dill , Osteopllth 21 S. Broad· Po~e r & ~I g~ ~ Co. Mr. Kelly ~' I employ an outside man to make a plamed theIr VISIt het:e to the coun~11 !lurvey of tho town in order to eee conj ecture, an, d will be largely at. Ueorge Robertson, and Mt88 Helen pupils. way, lA!banon . Ohio. Beln~ endowed with a mOlt re· ~n d asked t~ e co u n~11 fo r th o prlv· what th e. pro!?"rty Is worth. and tr ibuted to what the Dayton Com. Marlatt. liege of mak10a an Inventory of th~ what a talr prIce would be for the, pany wlllirive tor the property . . markable and retentive memory to· Mr . J ohn Simpsoll llnd fa mily were Mrs'. S. ·H. Halnea and Mrs. Walter geth.r with a love of poetry, .h. Harveysburg visitors ::lunday. ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::~~~~~::::~::::::::~::::~::::~~::::~ Kenrick .ntertained at dinnn at early learned and enjoyed reciting their home in Lytle on Friday the pot-tical aelectionJ, and was aillo good 1Al " i .T rI C,;;£' HOI" R raUi.'; .'1 t-7/'j' J / ,-,<. TI/AN TO BE H IS /AI(foliowlna- guests: Mrs . Rebecca Dill, authority on hiatory and local hap' F. W. Hatha,way atlend ed the fu · C'. - - I:;:,. L :~; 'FO r- ~ ..H :'t(N u,1,.J"il"Y ... h J; ,r N THE FAnovS H OlliE: (70'1 neral of his brother at Xenia last of Mt. Holly. Meldames Hllidah panlngs. . • " F LJ 'Ar..! WA S ALlVi!: <:JoCH AN F. XPF- R JF-. NC£ O FT£N BEFELL Burnett, Paulina Ber"dall, Susan She became a areat ,tudlDt of week. .A .M c N e IL T I -I e; AUC.TI OM/~{;' /~ ,,(·N EIL i!:o"A, D/,',TC'':' /i~~?O T 10 0000 HOf;;>SE·P e>WFR Havens, Sherman Dyke, Berne Jonls, planeta and f\owel'l and was a .uo· ;OOD C HEE:F<. so I ~' LI la: TilE, I. A7"I= t./lv6I1rEf2 -/"i.4 k'CN III MORC WAy S 7 H A N IN and Ben Jamal. c_ful and enthu.iutic &,ardeDer. Kenneth Ridge, of Day to n, ia 'H YS ICAL AP/.IE.A 'oi!/iN Cr. . FCl~ 1$ vC,I.\R:s . II. HAS B£C:IV Har love of ail thlnlll weak or spending a f ew days here wilh rei · ·. R YIN6 S A LES 1.11-' AMO D OIA}N iH - OUNT"~'Y unfortunate was a Itrelll trait of IND H ilS S EEN Tfl lE. IP'\UvR VILLD F O R rHE:. atives. Mrl. Mary S.atterthwalte wu her. nature. She was a frleDd of the 'URAL DISTRI CTS. HE: IS NE v eR .WI'r'HOV'T plea.antly surprll8d Thursday In frlendleu; and no PirlOn or animal I PUN AN D I S A I.WA'I :; ABLE: TO BURsr honor of her .lghty·l8venth birth· appealed to her for sympathy In Paul Chandler of the Cincinnati "TO p()~ rR y, FoR INS TA N CE.: day .. l'ho(~ pr...nt ~ere: ~ra . vain. Unive rsity spent Sunday with bia flFOLkS/ l i L SE LL Y OUR H OR St:::S, LIlZle Weltmgton, of Chlcaaro, MI'I. Shaloved Nature in all ber·..,.eta, pnen ~s . SI1EI>S ANO BARN!:; Prlacllla Compton. of Dayton, MI.. and moon and stan, 'UlJlMlta and ''AND 6 1VE YOU "'rll 'f'HA r 's D VE~ Minnie Satterthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. clouds a con.tant lDuree of "BUT A S F OR S UN S HIN E , S l'lILE'S Miss Kathl een Haines, of Cincin· Seth Furnas, Mr. and MI'I. II(ael pleasure to h.r. She lIyed a quilit AND C I J£.Ef<! --nati. visited relatives here over " III 6LADLY GIVE' THOSE T O y ou. / Satterthwaite, Mr. and Mrs. Henry life and y.t had villi ted in a Dumber ' Sunday. ' Sa~terthwalte, Mr. and MrtI. Elmor of cities, and enjoyed all little jourf\1IXING PHILOSOPHY A/>IO (;;00 0 Billy, Mi_ Minnie Davia. A~na heya with a keen relllh. · She was _HEER " 1'14C" I S A B L E T O 6ET Dr. J . A. McCoy and family have Furnas, Ma~garet SatterthwaIte, never known to deal In vOllip of an (7000 P R I CES FOR /E /JEf<:.Ymoved into the Upp property on Measn. Johme Compton, of Dayton, unkind nature nor to apeak .vli of THtN 6 FROM L AND rb OJ.. Main atreet. and Raymond Davl.. A bountiful anYOlle, and It may b, truly aid B R 4 SS KET TLES . I dinner was enjoyed by ali and her lhlt lb. wu wltbout an enemy In H E: H4S ALWAY' S l i'ES ED IN W ASHIN G7 -0 N T OWNgueats felt as if they had llpent a tbe whol. world. F. F. Benecke, of Nspoleon, Ohio, SHIP AND 18 V£4 RS AlSO pleasant. day. MrtI. Satterthwaite Altho~h a member of DO church is the guest of his \lOn, W. A. Ben· ENTE R E D AUCTIONEE RING alllO reeelved forty I!0.t cardl from or a dealer in creed., aha poa•••• d ecke and family. BY 'JU S T 7A/(IN6 IT UAII relatlv.. and friend. In remembrance tbe fln. rlqulrem.nla of a Chrl.tim IN THE. V E Al=? 1 9/ ~­ of h.r birthday. life-tov. of h.r fellow belDil, unHE CRIED 10 2, F A RM See Waterhouse for Aut o Livery . selfiRh service for othen and an un· ': HATTE L SALES A derlyin~ faith In God and a future H4LF DOZE N FA~f'f Chicken pox , measles and mumps life. LAND SIIJ. £S AND are keeping several of the children H.r latalllln... wBIIloni' and hopesrANDIN6 IN TH I;, out of the schouls. C O V A ". HOUS E Dt:.>OF-?1 Ie.. and dl.treullll: but wu borne O/S PO S £ O O F 98 by her with ireat patience and fortiP4 RCEL S FOR THC .. . .. tude of a nobl. Mul. She kept h.r has been III for Mila Hazel Gustin .. A mother'slove , ho'w sweet thenam" COUNTV S f/liRIFF Not d~ :id. UI IL~un (! before. mental facmltl.. unim,.lred until a week at her home on North street, HE RID E S liN" A noble, pure, nnd tender flame, l~ the mH11t of her d.,l, at th~ the lut hour of her life and paaaed but is much better now. Auro, OF ~JHICH &kindled from above: , zt~1th o~ her , usefulnea, after a Into th' Beyond u pe&cefuliy I I IS A P ERFE CT To bleea a heart of earthly mould bnef IIIn... ot typhol df.vert Frlday, thoulrh 111. dropped to II88p. ANO HIS LAull,H"N. S. A~stin arrived home from The warmest love that dole!! not grow January 26, 1917, at har. nome In Th.r. are man, I.ft to mill and J()T TI-iAT'S 4NOTH{:R Chicago last week after a visit with cold' Waynesvlll., Narl(a!et White p&.ed mourn her And, u the ~,..t b....t 6 TORY. his son Charles and family . This Is a" mother '!! ·Iove. to the reat of Paradllle. of Chari. Dickens uld "It I. Dot In that sweetly There are three words The daughter of John and LJdla tbll world Heann'l j~.Uc• •nds." blend, E. VanRarUnKen Ihe was born near In the Kraat Hareafter·God will aiva Mrs. Myer Hyman and daughter, That on the heart are graven; Lebanon, Ohl~, <?etober 17. 1878 and lier ali Ihe hu misled In thlallf•• Bernice, are spending Icveral days A precious !loothing balm they lend- with r elatiVe!! In Cincinnati. lived all her hfe 10 Warren County. "Love'l balanc., watehed by anl(.III, They ' re Mother, Bomeand Heaven." April 26, 1905 lae was married to II hung aeroll thl8ky. II L. V. R. Upehur M. White, who with her J . L. Hartsock and family moved GARD OF THANKS parentJI, two sllten and two brothers ' CAitO OF THANKS into their newly pnrchBsed property eurvlve her. We are deeply KrIteful to each We desire to express our sincere on Fourth street lalt Thursday. In the pusing of Margaret White, and all who I(ave us kind Iympathy a. ellrtfelt thankl' to frienda and rela· we have loet one of our very best. and 88IIietanee during tb."reattrial tives, who so beautifully ministered High School Basket Ball team will whom to know Will to respect and through whlcb w.bava pUlld. We to UtI in our time of bereavement. thank them maetllincerely. love. Daughters ,of Charlotte Edwa rds. go to Spring Valley ~turday night to pillY the team at that place. Tb. Family. Preeminently a home maker ahe was devoted to her loved onlll and •_ • frl.nd., her unllelfieh Iplrlt often We have a lot of valentines on prolDptln~ her to Hrve other. beyond . hand . Come and a'et your pick be· her atren~th. fore they are ail gone. W. C. Phil· eommu:--ncf-;Ica = n·t-" of St. Mary'e lips. Church she was a devout worshipper and faithful I8rvant Identified with Mrs. Hannah Rogers Is in Dayton all Ita socl.tles. nursing her nephew. Ivin Smith. Mal"l(lret, daughter of J018ph and Only in the 89th ,ear of her age, who has been very iii with blood we look at luch a life II! hel'l hu Anna Murphy 11'11 born near Center· . poisoning. . been and feel that It ill prematurely ville, 0 .. July 14,1816. and died Febended. But how do we know what ruary I , 1917, aaed 80 yeara,6 montha con.titute. a completed life In God's and 15 days, Ray Miller, who has been th e Sh. WII married to William J. CerIII"ht? County Tr.easureJ:'e deputy, hilll ac · A life of un..lfI.hnetll, Ilved wholly man, April 18, 1865. To them . were cepted a .position with the Franklin for others i, not a defeated 'Ufe but born two children Frank and May. National bank. a completed one, even here in thlll Her huaband was called home to bl. world, and is a promiSe of a life of Master January 27.1896, leavlnl( her MrI. L. A Zimmerman and daugh· "reater IIrvlce and full fruition In alone to fight the battle of life which ter arrived home from Cleveland. the world to come. she bravely did, Ohio, last week. after a visit of three All of UI who enjoyed her kindly Her bome wu at Ferry for lI1any weeke wi th relati ves. waYII, and were acquainted with her yeara and her• •he made many many vlrtuel~ wUlJoln In the Draver friends by ber kind deed.. Aunt Rev. Walter ~ . Dakin. who has that she ma, res' In peace and that MI&', as ahe w.. alwlY&' called, was been rector of a church at Canton, IIgbt perpetual may shine upon her. alway. ready to h.lp tholJ8ln trouble. She leav. a lIOn Frank and daul(hter, Mis!! • for the PIlSt three y esr~ . has . CARD OF THANKS May Cernen, and two grandchildren, t iliten charge of St. Georges church He who whispers down a "ell , about the things he bas to. sell; at (.;lnrksd&lc. Miss. I desIre W expre!18 my appr ecia- Grace Carman and Carman Cornetl, Will never reap t.hc bard carned dollar, like he who hires McNEIL to hoUer. She was a m.mber of Baptist church tion of and gratitude for the kind· .at Middle Run and 11'81 alw"fa hap' l. We are glad to report that lyin ness shown me · in my late bereave· niest wben ahe could attend the ser. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Thursday. February 21-0tto Drtb, 3 miles East ment. For lhe beautiful ftowera .. Thursday, February 8-David KiDg, 4 mile' 8'mith of Dayton, i, recovering that apoke the tribute of respect and vic•• of Miami.burg. I nicely' from blood poisoning. .His S. E. of Centerv~lIe. the Inexpresalble language of lI)'m· No more paln, Ot sorrow ' 'riday, February 23-A Cotterman, ~ mUe South pathy. Your aervlces and consoling life was despaired of for a ahort time Saturday, February 10-ShennaD Dyke, East Will e're be her'. I&'ain last week . of Lytle. ' For .he baa aone to her ' reward words heir to bear the burden of of Mlaaiiaburg. · U. M. White Where bappinl.58 )JaB no end. ~tar4ay. February :U-Sh.riff Sates at Court Itrlef. J. O. Carlwright Mrs. Thomas Chapple Burch ~ent. Monday, .February 12-Chas. Raybolt. 3 miles .... House DaY~Il . . to Xenia Tuesday to , attend 'tlJlI S. ~; of Miamisburg. Monday, February 26-Kenry Zapp, Yo mUe Nortb " ' . funeral of her cousin, Mr . H.orace TueSday February 13-J Kec,k athom. 1 mile .After . twenty .years !If ,serVIces Sabin, an attorney in'thal rlty . Mrs. '. . • of West CarroltoD. wllh tbe Wa\ !,e~Vllie NauClllal Ba,n~. Burch read at' the' services Robert Ea,t of Alexandervdle. Tuesday, February 27-1. Strater, 3 miles E .. t J. O. 'Cartwrl~lit h~ tendered hlS LoulH Stevenso,,'s beautiful poem, Wednesday, February 24-Ed Coon, y. mile M. E. CHURCH uth f Mlamiaburg realgnation as ' cashIer and It. has 'Though be tha ever ' good. ana of Beavertown. "--8'd 0 lIy News. 0 • . , been reluttantly accepted by the Februa17 11, J9i7, Sund., Scbeel" Wben W. S. Graham dlat:overed Wedaesday, Feb'r'ulry 28-1. Slitterthwaite. board of dlr"etorl. ~or the laat troe. • I ney a . Tburtday, February 15-IrvJn SmIth, at Whit· ~.:16 a. m.; Preachht~~.rvl'.; Them~; tha~ hll hot-water furnace w8llitoing North of. WaJDes'Iille. year :Mr CBr,~wr.igbt'8 hellith hall not . field. W.bat D. You Thlnk of Jeeu.T to hard he w.nt to the cellar jut In been I(tSod and It lawlth the hope See Waterhouse for Auto Livery F ' F ). , North of Thursday. March I-Elmer !tamhart, ~ mit. :,:00 p . m pr,~ehlnlf eerv1..; Theme: Ume U; ... the .q>aDIlon plpea that a more active ' outdoor. life will nday, ebruary 16-. Albnght, Dry Bones. Eyenlngaervlceevan- breaking. a i'd III hi. end.vors t!J So'l1th of Lytle. be beneficial that.he ha. taken thia .• - • GemJaDtoWD. ~el1.tlo. .t.p the leak ha wu badl7 lCalded . laturday. Karch 3-Sherfll Sale at Court HoUle I d ' th b d The Pre••nt Aae. Saturday, February 17-Sherlff Sales 'at door of • teP• · February 14, 1911, Dr. W. D. by lba ateam ' . Af ter d ue eonl eratlon e oar Cole, D.O .• of Sprlril(ftetcl, Ohio. will _ _•____•_ __ D8Iyton. tendered the poalllon .tO Mr. Fred C. We live In aD Rife In wbtch BUperllU' Co'irt House Day too, preach at 7:00 p,·m. . :Moadar. J.larcb 6-Bert St&ey at Lytle. Hal'taock. Cubler of the fJr!!t Na· 0 . . Ideas abound and elIIIlIDtlal Ideas Monday~ February 10-Ernest Hartaock, ~orth tlonal Bank. Morrow, 0., and he bu arI lacldDg.-Joubert. of WaJ1lesvi1le. 'l'uetday. JIarcb 6-JohD p~. AleUlidervill•• 'Wed....,. ~ .1~W. Baker. S. W. of DayaCce~ihe Ant of ~ Mr. Cart:. Tu.....y. Februart 2O-Auoa B.oIe11, 3 miles See Waterhouse for Au to Livery .

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McNeil's Sale ' Date.

Heard at a Reoeptleft. South of Beevertowa. "Your 'new poem 1s cbanDln. 1 80 Wedaelday. Pebruary 21-W•• · T.... 3 mila UUb JOur uua1 wo$."-IIaItIOG . . . . . . .·of MJeno......- • •

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'1,'\ t ilt'

11411'11. 111 ;", 111111"1"1111 Jill '" JlIHIlY U ~(·:-I. U m~*lo&ll only llved up to th eir f ~r\'llh' , 11 11 thu ' Inl'k fu rnl1U1tu' ~lll. H,- 'll ntly W«' pnbh",- Ih atl I" th l' ~ ' It tl:t '4 I lru \ I\I\ 1, .. ,-1( u . ~lIud Iw.;utnu 'r. uUdpatlolls, Ufl would be B s lIcces· n or, ')11 ll l ll ' l l ll~ nl\ \ tTl ll' u f Ttlu \ 'p nlh' «o. I~ '1.11:1111 .. , l'illl I.~I :-:u\\vd, tH 11l1 IIr . Ioa .r _ttlrillOI ell.fa xes. 'I t hod b (!{,11 I hur6doy , Fcbru :IrY 8, 19 17 ( \ " " III 01 I1 H h t ll t ~l c ( ~ ' lll ':04 M ngtt".tlil'. 1'111 " ' 111 '11. \ : 11 1 11I~ "h'I,tl'ic.'ul IIl lpll· !MIme mootbs IIlnce Meade hud ep o H, (.:1I "111l~ t, 10 ,1 '()luuk 1,11 .. f,,\III,\' . hut" tn I'' a fn l l ).' l\ .r, f t r lIo l,v "' ~ ,III, II IH'f' " :1 1"\' !til\,' ilia d.. flU IU 1111 1-1 11I:ll \. Belen Dllogworth. Be Illld !lrenm II I log I,r. I" rt,l' Ill. wit : ~ H;)f~~N. ,\ UJt ' " 11 g It. 'h" '" 111'\. . ~!4 l' r tl , 1· lnl. \\11 1.'11 ("IH II'" II'HllI llh' 1II111111(1IC'ot meetloc ker e very dny nnd IInII ll lc· H Y(l~J n uturn lly ,U h e f ou nd hlm s(ll t Ill ! 'S!\Uh'U h is fU lhl' f. B p!' fllllll .\' ,:" 1l1g ll I'll!:! " 0 ; r .11Jt' r ,uH: IIl k hut- I U1 '(' I' 111 \1", (111 '111 or \\11 ',, -,: , I'ods Huti lured tho meeting dill' rently nnd lUor' !IIlylng tir., I .) 1 1I'e l HI" t h e plun.s. f ,' l' Ilw ~l l : ' flh .. I\ h n'l \ , 1>f ' 1 i.l-I uu. , I 'I'ttll',.n U Pq~ . I lllpl~ fU t~nt~1 Btl K" In II con\'cutl onal lune of ,' 01<'(' . ll . I0""I~. rapturously after every leller. A S II ui ll l(. l·e ~,I .·, II'" I h ' .1 . 1.' lId ·lIlt I 'dell KIII I I llI r"".. . hll'liOIl Hil(I ,,1lIo gll(1 M" I :,,\1'. ~ I III( U·I.'II f1 In "It lIIl'nns " SI'~n t d ea l 10 tile. lily In k rnn tl ollul. t h ' 1IJ('SI'~"III;hl.""· 1 'I b l' l f ~ n h"l'l'il' 1<1 11 l' rlOH I~ , )I'n llr.\· I mattl'r of fllct tbe '\\'11010 thltlg WIIS rnlJ)(1 u~ or hrlt l .L:(I~. 11 ,_ hu d II lIrt,l! \ntl ' '. ,no tl," 1 thn r I\ rt lol f" ~ . (Ill"he r--" I . 1 tl .. I " I II. \\, ,":-i.·\, t ' h'J II \ ~ lInl' ," ntHl u, •. Ill " "lll~ I ,,/' "" " " , •. f,o 10 c aHL" OIl PV H Ul l 7':) C(,ut" It .\'t'Hl ea8UIII and ordtonry t Q tbo III SI ,Iegree. ' . you r n ler, S .O u"l;un n( t· ~lItl "rll l!tI {l n Ihut Il h' .. ltI •.,· ,11:"'. \\'h · '" ~ ~ ~ - <I" Ihllt I hn (I T. r ll l lho,,10 ."c' 1'1'1111' It .alwllY8 Is. fl'I'\'lIl ly. alt hllugh she kn (lw lind IIk"J . t oo,1 tl rsl II UI OII~ bl'id):!! "II!!I" •. "" "I ~·I"IlI.J\1· l '",,· '" II" ,,01,. ,',' '11111 l 'UA I((JII~ L A~I 13 ' rrl . U l\·iJl ll ,1 ~., I .:, \ \i' .....' . L.'·.··., I·g. A 'll'l m u ~l tr n w ltll ,llll ", n . Doctor Severcnctl, a r etired pllyal· tho eo ntUl l·lIt. hn,1 ns~ucllllt'd \\ 'III hi '" ., ., tl I ' grellt ('n ... n ~er. rll-Ir 0 F I"hec. l ,II I !>1t. rf'1I :11 U\lI' 1'("II , l e 1'8 ba ,,'· dan. wh~ "" os vice presld~nt nnd "It Is III Ct\lw nlng wOl'k 0011- " s 'If h is 8" 11. M l·II1I". Jr., h,," I,·,'. '" I) ~ Cl m.' Ii,!, I II -I'ltl l;,!' 11'1I! 1\ t hf' Wfl .. the IJI'I\' il "~ 1) II I 1Il'11 1llin~ ",,,II jllll' Inanelal DlRn. ond Ourtlss. th l! chl l'f II l "o u r l)(1~lnlllng." rfl t u rU t'fl ft'nm S Ollt h ~J\.llI l'rll·11. \\ h. n. I . I' 1llltl .... \1 'dll 1111 '111"\'1\ 1 1'-0 I n h\l \~ .natneer of t he b rlc1~c cOlllpnny. w e re "It I. no t III II I '. or III l\(\)' en~ln('('r, I h" h 1\(1 11,1:11111 "hll\\'1\ h l~ ",, '1, 1... ...h. ~t·a to-" i'." \ • " I' Hili .). ' 11111" n ~ t11'('hlecl t I) 'I \1\ t F'I rm II I" 1 IIUU' In"'" f , t" n 1 1111 \" Utl r H 'W : U lt l1 J! 111:.:1 t:-l tt l' \1 )'1 ' 1\1": ' li ... IIII1\ · j .... I II tlH' ,,11', "''' I . I tl I II I I I Will .. tI,,!· lit 1'tl"l\o '1.10 lI t ITI I' r ~: I. l il t' (' \I , Ie" Il f .,ItV j:, OI ~ H t ,\ 1,' It 1' u.d upon MIIUI UlI lI gworlh's h eels a lil Y fIIIIII I}Cr . I" ( 1 0 11 , I" 1 1\\'0 \\,urk •.cl lnS'.,.h l''' 1111101' 1'''' I'."·all r,, P [' /\ "~,, , ,. " , . . I". I ,II ,. 1.. 11/" ' .J nule "u~ u t , f L , t l" lIi,,1 ~:Ir...... II r ~- I' '''1' 1' 11 . fll r IInl ' .~ 1(1 I 1'1", ... ' 11i,'ld'" Ill',' 11I."h· p l,..,~l hll' t I) IlI'j::' I n n \\,Irrt. De et epped down 1r onl the cnr to th e f;H CO llnt' kl 1l ~~'l'lI r of t h' <1,-,~l gn~ ( ,,11" whllt \\ :l-; III Ill' l h .. lIHY~ Itl J I, P . ' "" ... ; J\1I..:( [\. ' 111\0" .','. I .. f \Y " '·I. ('<\'''I~. ,'" 11'11 • I(I, flpnt this \\' 111'1111:.-11 .11 , ' .1", i" I"oIl ''' 1 III' 11Il' l IP('· I t I 'r l ln II J III lll11 qr I "!,,hn.,!, \1 lr ,rlllol· ltat/on plfltform. He stIW hl'r. us It ( r ,' . )I"'IIU~C \ I11'011 ":' ,1I1'1l " I I I.' P I til> J ' I rat Iwr s . Ilc IlI'~S I ern"'" fllld I rluu,,,h of ti ll' ,,""_ .. 111.1 11', I 1 I I t '" n"I" t I' L~tl ' 1, ' ,1l ,I f! lir'" n u ll 1 'll tt'rtll\htr l~ lI t (' " llldU \! · l 10"11 1 p l' ' ,r, ;1"1 1111. IIl1 d IIIHII': 11 til{' were. l arround ed b y p rosn lc IIlI'.n. Th!' I hili .~1IfJ1e hllll d _" 11 fl'. Ihl! 1U('~ 1 8\""1'1),1,,1), "r ull Ih. 'lin JI 'll' " . 11' I" r $1' ~ 1( '1. I , u tllo Ji f t,· .LW" '- . '1"8 " 'I'h .· ¥ .J\ll h ·- t.' il l ~ ( .. II 11"\ l ' !l I' 11, . II li ll" 10 t lll 'lr wllma n be loved got Ule s nme wel come "1 \);>11 1"'1.' yo n (li d It oll." Ill terrup t· CIII\lII " \"' r bdtl!;l'l! ill II", ",,,rhl. , ,,u n \0 ,will ~~,:.It I h""I' 10,"" ~!lt urda~. Fdnuary 10, IVl 7 .. :l llil lL: fI I," II"., . ,1, '11 ,I ., III , ' n\"~' I ' C~ lIlll' il lJi tl,\ n lill I ht~ Vn\u e IH f \VI.: I ,-, and the snllle hnndsh nke ns h ~ r fn illcr r,i tilt' S:l rl. '[' h,' grrnt ~ 1I~11I",'r 11Ud u hij.;\l hII.': lU,.d. · I . H ' 111111\", fll IO,j "' :o(' k t he f·,I· Il llllllh l ~fn.hi ' III nmh .' r" 'I I'~ I 1'\ · " II '" I II I .. tIl IU" · pf I,ll I. ,I ~ I"! I '-I~H' rl l,, 1. 'nd tbe other t wo m~ n. 1t \\,II .~ not 11 ,' lIrol;e smld~ll 11I1I!;hter. nnd lit his 111.\' SOIl' S IIh lll ly. II ,' \\' II~ will. '111 \(' "I t .lo, I'· II oIlv ~'I'" z '. '"II" ,'( \,1' 1\1' " I I' III. w.t: I U r ll y Id . ~2 IlI ll l1'" r" 1" ,, 1 t.IIWHIl t Jl I) \"'ry un'tll bllr Ab\tott, who h ad hcI.'u hl.'lul f' d h is 11I(' ('I'l m('nt lJO el tJlIlt boylsb r illS Illg 1.1 tJl'Uc hllln lt. 1 1111111\11111\ II. lIrlC, t'I "III ll" I /! II' 1'1": .i [ I 'lu ll i "'~I' \1 .. " , l .", ,, .,11 'll "'In l ~ . a ·OWH. 1 r !l ,I" r 01 I h i" IHIP" I'. by some s mld en' (l emnn c1 o f work. <,nUle d <.' ft' IHI It 1\~I LlnHt 1111 c tII l\!'!,; 'N("'Pl \ ' I1tl~ I I \ If '1 \ 1 I 'j"'I! ' n '" IIJl~ '~ Illf I ltl p lt' tll Ilt~, ' l l n rut',;H", F o r e) T I,,~ (, W, ,"I.II" I· p riCt.l ,,1)'t'l' 11\. . lIwe liJ,llng d!lw n th e plllttOtnl II' rn!tnl:'o hhlls 'lf. Whl'n Ih' t ,'I'O will ' ('l tJ~IIl'\l 1' 1c·\fl",l ·~ 1 ·\·c . •i,·. I ,,11 IIIHI " '_1_ 1 \ 11, ,,"1, \)1 1.. 11 ,1 \1;1 h .IIo IIl;),18. E I 'lht ~ .... n l..1 o f L"'; v, ( I ni1 t' ~ : the attention of llle men Ulllt til l' ome· H I 1.1\\ 11 ",., 1:("<'H,·d · h o r 'o~l\lzcd but (~le wny. his own I ~~\lt " 1.1 ,' \. \ I' 1"' 11 "II ,'t" . :<.'" "l~ I IJII~ t " r t 'I'hl' • i ,it I " t 'J'il~ Y '1Il1h' ~ 1 ' '' II\ I ''llli n ll - ;'~ '~. 1.1,18 Meade b nd II mom en t with t he girl ;HII ,I 'Ih'cl I n .\ 11', Th e r elullv ll b"twc~lI .Ihe t \\'o w eI'( P\ul1.,h .. 1 l,()lJl ' v . ti " " S.• l l "." I,'" 14. r" 11~ 1 , \ I.\:'f 1) )' KF~ "1 . 1(\8 I I '~ tn : I " I . . ... tt. . 10\' I~ b t1 t n o t id en"I 'TI \f.' r\' Wf\S It..~n .l \• \ l"~'· ll. An d I'1H\ ' u l nl ultitlJl t-J(I1\ l A .'nl·'n !l rd' ~I\J \\) II, '",I' ~ , • lid d(' f il l' tltl' J btH lt~' r • 1 'v'" \f(P F I II J 'I~ r Now B elen n llDglI'or th lin d flIso he~n cr I , I .('1 .... ~ ..'oJ.I.J.t '.)-i , '.~ " •.; \' 1. • 1\ n II\1 ' f t . t '1.. Ie fu r 1\)17 . ~;hIlIHI~, III I~ "r L ,mdtll1: lhs h lp not lllll·tnl.'r }.I p. dlr 'ctlon f Ut/I U' 1'1 1,,1,"\ •• I. aeetog vi sloDS, 110 tl.nt she li nd been M • I , II ~·I II" I t'p II : . : : t.! t l' tI·... ~ ·: :\, a ~ 1 "l :II I I ' 1! lit.. 117,; uo- 12 f ll~hll1 l1 un eo,ollerll tlon. T ho k[J()\\'l e d!;t! nile \\ ) I . ---dlsu,ppolDted ns h . T Ilt! only rell l ~"t· u"Perl en 'o of tb boy-Cor RO he I,"'(lc furl' . t A. ll. t ,I , • • II ,r! •• 1J. ~'lll ,'101 ... ' ,.It II I r l w~'; II. \l Dl lllJ" r ~ .. ." ( It' 1\.lIli \ [j,.q, ~ ~ l,t JIlV I,CI III . l will nl]' · r l.rllctlon that elth r of II J4~ m cou ld tnke ·1. O O( 1C,.(,Allt i\l c '111 1 n l <' "~ P,ct. ':t'lild , ·\j .tl ')1 ", I ' ," ,I .. 1' 1; n. uu t o c n II II I lC~\\' c rc 0 f COUI':!' nothl D ~ f • t I I In tho ..tnlltlon luy III tile f uel th nt th o I 1111 I ' . ' ' ' ' I'll tI,l' I lrtu <Je MUlI [j t. r U-y 'l ur 0 11 , ·'" I f !' J IJl your tlrHI cOlllllll r ctl to those ot hi s futh er. \\'111'11 0 IH c'~ r II J'J/' ~ : '7 . • .ol\'lIi~" 11 1 Jut'~' ; . th r W illi there. It WIl mid U1 nm~ r In discussin g ruoot poin t . th e yOIlIlI;~' U l:l r I,. 'n l" f 1'1'\) " ""I" .a'h " t \\'1 " I" ~"IJI ,l, on lllfl (1 JlY cit I Il C ,d l '~- t yo u SUlIlllI I.W. I. . ;:","1 I II-I,. find tbe was dressed 'In som ' II gllt, mnu h ad be n u n CoDvtncl' d by t h o r nt. leo v " II' ,.... ,, 1 I ,ll .,'J1:\.' .1 hHtl fl Hfld U : '\ n'H~ bll t'e pHf~ , C ' nt t' t n 1l11l With "n nr I-Il,lt.~o tl l1 tt. flImy fabric wbJ ch well be ~nmo her 1'n' c ul ntl ons ot the elder, h o Ilflu bc [ 1\1)11 Jf ". 1 ,. !t'" ')' ,"" 1I1 II". · nlll> ~ ,..·.' 1 .,f I IrL'l:o ul n, on TILE: ,\,UU I' lI '<:I CO lt PANl t)N , ,IIQnt beauty. Me a do could look at a lough ed to scorn In n gOOII'DlIlur ( ~t"t .. (II I) h ," VH ! " I1I ' \\. [I' .. h. ' Sal u rd ay, February 10, 191 7 ~t P., ul - I .• Bos to n , MII ~~. u lt t IItrueturol ste el work a.nd t ell wny. ' B ls cn rel'ul1y s ot f r t b obJec 1JL'r l:' lcl1,J.,,1 lIlIl " ,,, 11'<' . l!,d b lind At I~ lI\~I (",k ~'II' ' 1', lin' fl1 llo wlIlg Su l)sc riptio lll 1'6c. iwd h er'·. )'ou .all Ibout It. All t hnt III! cou ld tlons. even In serious mutter s. h lld bel'l flfWU li t $~1I II ,ltCIIII or \\'hw h d e prIl IP· n .\': :& I )r .. rt Mltr(l~. a ~ fi e"d bave t old 310U a bout t he drcsl> sbe wor o overhoree gener ally. oud by tl'lnrn . fomlulll I~ r<lltl n e,l I·) tho J 1\1. f)l't rt'l' llng~ . . "';o \\' ~ t u fu rr o\V In (PRIC :' '' ~ RI(il l l') •.~ was It exquisItely DPprO[lrl. \ ph tlnt cllicul a ti ons ot h Is own th e tn. t n t.. o f Uhl a vs [• ."' l\lIrcl ~'''r k '\I'r Ma wh. Mil lo H lI~ . B "'.Unrn . F ·) d d pr . ate, but It never o ccurrcd to h im that ~ lhor li nd re-enforced himsellin hl R COil P I" l1ded n uf ~ ot lty. 13 II h'nLI Ie b'url J\ r lll ple m " u l~, 1:1 11 I'1l e~s . W "l;nn" WIUt a great prl eo to a grea t arti st SEVERE GOLD QUICKlY CURED c lus lons; nlld th e mo re s trongly be- fixed lit $ ~U III lit' /iul l. uf w b loh u llU n il J;"" r U1 ln\t 'I'UI)I~, Lu mber li nd Hele o Dltogw<lrth had obta ined tbat "U D Ofl lU rH r tl r Ht L b l1. l1 n ve r y ctl use ot the opp osltloe. d"femJoll l i" Tt'l ''ill 1" ,1 to Ill " j "l l ~ Itll'" ,.. ti o)lr' ~ toot of d ellcbUul s implicity, . 5 0k A r~ n t Young Meod e's po ItioD wns ratb el t J'ttl:! ,.{ IJbl'1 ~!I Hnl' vn' I~ ughe~ U V HAItN E. S . ' D. BR AN NON ~ evo r(1 001,1 ur ,.U ll ok of t.h e g r ill Il ~ The iown wu not wasted on Meade, I ~ n lUY bu. 111111 INKS n eA rl v d o wlI nn mnlou~. Be h ad no dlr ct Rill I' P lofld ,,;1 ~nil l' I·. e",) I' ~n tI cu nse Il rI6\' 11 & Webb, Au~t. l IIhe decided, as abe cAugbt hIs rap tu ... . Io lt In b ad ," writUti O. J M" rod f, ' For vi Ion ot U10 cons tructi on. II WOI ( lOUr! uMI.\r" •.en t n I'. R . U .l ujrrle!1. UI, rk . t h e O Ord l.! l1.~tA.Tlres OllS glance. Sbe had never looke d love- 1\ " I blHlIl II I. 'WI) W ell t h e rb v . Mo. ~h (1r ns rc~l d n t engineer r IIroSllll11n, • tnt 01 tlh l.) v~()r"llll'I M ~u ll e D b ott, J;,~ or Ch,unb el1l11i n'" ou gll Uer. She wu no t n froglle, e th er clil r:~:~,r h is fn th(lr , Bo h ud welcomed 11\ 110 \1 P lot"l,'" DO', "l lty. ·.1 1 hUhtl lh Ad W e w l1\ 8611 nt, P o hllo Auotlon lit: Re lw'd y lind I Willi I,nly & f e w d(t y~ ",oman: q~lte the rev(>rse. That w os . tlon because 1t gave him nn OPOPrlU tit, $ 00 In t1! Iflll lt III "llleU d t·fpll. tbe r u Id~u 0 u t \\' . E. O ' N e ll ll. 2X nn til 1 W" ~ Otl m ple t e ly r cs t o t fl d I ( one of ten tboUlJllnd thi ngs MllI1de liked n it), to ~e ' trom tIle v ery beginni ng tbl d out U~ r OlJlfllldf'ti t " j Ii! . mi les !lo olll Oil s t. O J Wu y neKv ille , o Ll beall.b . 1 fi r Ul l v bllh l'vo l h il t UlLom . about her• . She could do nil those atbt ut o " I' C1Ii11, vs l~llI\llt· Ml \lulhm . Mo nday, Februa ry 12, 1917 berl uin ' s CUD ~ I ; He rn edy Is o ne of letic anC! praetlca l th ings thnt modern i L.1-..AI..:::!.~-------=:::;-'~ tl r~ Itlo n of whnt w ns to be tile greot· ·t 'o n tllcver bridge the tlle t or tlll P II' urh tl I, t I';ul ily. h l,ll b '\IIU tix vll P hon e 90·a l:1l R\V i 'I OHIO ~OWlr women COD do nnd she could do I 8 1'~innlo~ nt J O u'cloo lt t h e fo l· t h e ve ry b s t ill di oines [I u d w ill wo rl d lI a (i ev r trod upon. th e wheel! lit :l'.O() •• ,," t 'n1t (II w ill h .t., r" 1\ I n wll\l~ l. r(lppr l y lo.wit : 2n l:for ~e8 . kn ow \V bn t. to ti ~ w be n 1 b ll\' II ll· them .well. . . He Lingered About It. of t he world ha d evor r olled neross. d llll ~ 10 '·e'.I1 ,,,.:,,,, t ) jil l I,'. 1. )b tuh lll lJ lo (V ry. lo l 'nHle. · I I\l J.ll ml\ ~ lI t!', (f u rn ess . otb or cnlll. ' · 'l Ieade' WD8 Intensely prnctlcal olld she ll k('(l. H e Rel'm ed to thlllk (h nt B e hll(l follow d wllh the utmos l :unn lnj!hlllrl ,. 111'1' " 111 ",1 c l1 11n~fll wh en l • 1:1111 d Lrnw etftelent. Be COUld do all of those wo n s ufficient answer t n Ilm t stnte- cllr. 'onstn ntl y r epo rting lll o p rog· for ~1111 ,I,· I "1I,h. I t l'i'rm 11I1\11l 11Il ll "'"'''n rltlY ot s .. I ~ . . thlnp IlImselt Dnd m a ny more on,l 'h mont, f or h WOllt on qu ick ly. r ess t o Ills fnlbllr. v~ ry step tnkcD <;\. E (I ' N~~ A L I , &, .WBN Z EI~ L liked t. do tbem, and thnt Is oll e r n"fIow long s h llll you s lay," und r the f;lI llcrl llte n,lence or AbbOlt 10.1". '.1 II hl • \'~ \ ' . I,. :-:llqllll, I'Y C ' I', U tI '.\"k' \ A . • ao~ wby be bad been Bttracted to h r; I An(l In spite of himself he coula not a mnn or greut proctlcLlI obillty as no -P leud '1 1\' 1\... ,,,II I. rln ll lJ"m'l fixl ',} W hy a " Bank." 11'uncra l D iTPC () . Rt . 1""') I" ,I ,u\t ,'I WII, " II ,u:>f.".w" •. '1I11~ . '1 I ~ • ~It not for that olone did be love b~r. keeo bI ll Dux l ty out ot his vol ' 0 er ector , bu t of mucb less capnc lty n! (hin t I , r '" ." 1"1 I,) J ,II. A I, " nk Is S ll l·n llf'll l' lhl! b '11I.'h l 'll" , T (' r 'l~ • • I Iprk . .00 'hat 80ft aammer nttcrnOoD she ' "I til l nIt r nl'iICl" s goIng on to U; e ci ty a n ',m balme r, r 1»11' lllhl' U IIIJ IJ \\' hl h IIlIJ IJ '''Y \\' u ~ i:I .II Jy l \, 1t·.. 1. 1 \.I!" " k(, la- r l11 l06ked:.a. sub tly delicate 1,18 every mfl u 110m IImQ.. tODl O rrQN~brobn~ In the ~ htlll ~f'd 10 0 ;:- a~, I "'os l',,(Q'yw h t' I'lj a1 . "1l''''''Q. \ 1 1 1:; ILltO ltlll . ·.",ould at jlRe thno or a no tller 118\'c th e mor nIng." ""'Waynesvi l e. O hio • .l • 111 .,.11 n l 'U I' .1 A'h't·i·'\l Ill. lily ' nn , 1\ B$ n "I\n ul.; ," ( h 4' 1Cr1llfln w(l r (l O,"d OT( I' . wqmaa he l~v;es IIppeDr, a nd o~ fu r rel\JQn do's tilee teU. n~:- Id! * ljt 'l' 11\ t h 3 l"r\l l1k Z OIl:U f lll r Ioi'nrh. ']' ht· 10'1','111;\1 spl'lI" (1 II !Qo.,ed from l;blnn s trenuous as I f In I " So s oon 0 8 t hat," Br"Il': '1 'I' ll I. fJ. <~ \\' . h.t. .· :u· r, III ."· I N !t an under · II I ~ '. tilltly . (I ll " I 1J lIlI [\I ~ ;" ti ll.' 11 11)11 " " ",)ftN"'" It III lJ. fl y f ',) 'I 1 It 11 \tl~ t h li 1 ~!,,>\1( . a!lother world I Be was wCRrln g I h "·1 Will t ry to persu nde bJm to stoy td lwr 1'1 ).(d un ,. u a '. !'too \V b will ll tl " b UI II'U i" t!1f' l ;t! !"'Ii-: h II'Cl l l undwu;.!" '41. ·l hllrsuJ." February 15, 19 17 i n I ~'V l P , !,i.l." 1, 'd\ 11J ~ h .1 H-n oj _ ~u&.ll ~otbe8, ftnnnel sblrt. khukt troll- longer . ' I' vo see n lots of bridges bull t uL l" til lu ' 01,11 I,·. all tl uto u r aerll, h eavy .~oes nnd leggl ogs whl eb . but n ye r 000 like the In ternotlonal, $71\11 .11.1 . . ll ... llIU'Pll ul 1" (. III ,,· k . t h('l f ,. l· \\'1 14 n 11 HIli fI \\ hv l'tI n t\ " tJTtlT1\" ot· h u1'<~ tIr 1\\ n III 11' 1'1,( fOl' ' l l\ltl,.:i lll.!' HhHlPY ('lItllll Hul W't're ble habltunl uee at work. con. : nn d 1 s h01lld enjoy s tandlog by ond IO\\l11~ \.Ir "I " r f.y 111 \\!': (l U u r~ \!f' • Buth pllt,n l!'.> I:. U IIlI!l' 'lOti Res id ence. h i"" hll ilU'.. ... S uhlignllllu . . . hi s I ran ·r r Rca l E. I:1. ....sted with ber ll1my Dnd d ell cntely ' ''Mehl ng you work." • fj I..: " li e. ;?·I · b N' I'. l :n pl('u l<" II !'. I 1'"11;' dl~ I. , " .. c,1 u I I; liu lll e phnliil" o r "haul(' Wits hrdla'n \11' rup colored fabric bl, well·worn oli ve- . "I don't d o the work, Abbott d oes I 1 1.2r \V ' . II, • I ~, I \\) f ~ tu I,; D. n.rm" ... ( \ )r u . lur, d . und III' 1"'cuU\,, 1(1 VWll li S 'u dl'8b habllJment.s stood for th bldeously. tbat, n nd Ule m II. o f course." ki~n tol;t h"l~ fo r l l' r ' lI~ Buk e r t,h .. U' o1,\." ... ,J lIu e . lJnl f 10 "b lrldll'lIl,\," - l ' ul d"lIlll1 ,1. ~t Is. be thollgbt s o. and tbe eoo"You r 'Work Is Ih e work tli at' mak es t ere~t 111 JI .,., "l·I.· ~ I n l llllll ilto n \VA L'l'E R HA lt~A lt D trut aomehow leemed typical of the pns~l hl and pro lltn lile Ule labor ot tbe I town h ll' .~ I ' N. ,'lptl rB. Aue t•. dUrereeee between them as be CODsld· otlters.... s h o answered. "You pilln you Cl\"rl!l" I \ .~, b ,,'''', ~ lorlfI t il .1 . Chu plU1\o. (I rk ered her. lotH1, t he r est only follow. Dy' th e MUl l{tl r !lt h: ~ " h ;; , ', llnc in "- - Seen sin A',cieJ1 t Egypt. There w~. , the careless insouclance WilY, f,l tl'er told ,m e to osk you lind ]0" tlU I:.l\1 IU'Y'l'ltritnT·l;, I wlll." \1 'It. P ll bllo S 10 tlt LI' Y E ", '1'1 Ill" n Il 1'''" I ' 1I 11 l'l1, ;t f,II' 11 11 of COnsclOUI power In tb e be orlng o f Mr. Ahbolt 'to dine "'ltll us tonight In ll,nrli'!I ,I . ' '''1' ," pr !'h~ T i l'i' In \Vur" ll ,l\l "\ . Ull cill d, ~I~ PI'('tl l' oI'~' \ ~ lItlW lt ltllUlt' lIwnJ · the eDgtp~r wlll<;h 1I11ferentiated him ! t he cor." . FUl1t!r~l.1 Oirt'l.: t or , MolT!,;" re'I J1, "' , III ... ' on:~ i tl Fr., 11 1;. ' S I F b ~IJ I \, .... h l'ullllrnl ,h l'l1 11:.A h l h l' lHoW o t: · trom moat of tbe men wIth wbom s h e Jlr r od e'~ mood chnnge\1 Into poslUvo li n 1 1: 'WCl~bll', \oJ . I'\) . .a lU nay, e ruary 17, 19 17 ~SJo.I·IH' t·A, u tlfl ~UI'Fi lS W('I'e I' ' ('l' l\' c ll in bad !leen tbrown In centaet durin!: h er gloo m. . ' 1' ( . I ' I I . " I , '''llIl1l''[t tu g lit 10 ,, ' cluc k t.he W a Yl1esvl li e Ohio • , " ,. , , , " I .r~ VI II " J'I' l u n , 1;) ,d nJ; p ro p <lrtv t·o. w it : 100U ~'!)IIC'" ~1t u IHh ,'l'H ~II'",; n w i I II U O\\,\I I'S:; , )o) \' {IIl Ufe, Tbe IntematloDl,11 Di;Ld,Jre WIlS th e "I COIl't .·' he Fo ld dcJectelll y. "j l ,t :i, ;. L . ., III 1>\ 11 "\6' n P 1 Ill' (ll'" ,1 \\" '1'1' IH'I ( M gO tt. ' II , for the 1I1m1e8t , tblng of Uie kInd tLe Mnrtl e t hll\'cu'l aey lothcR. neither II ns Ab· ~n IHttV ' ~lO !: :.,' I' $~() m pl " mo ll t ~, finr d ,,·lt rc . !llIt \:ti llh'd Inlll ll:II ~' W:l 8 F:nlu ru l C'il with • , , .) 'Ill! bIg l "lld tor lEl rnr ~ . ClOrn-pall; or flO , otber .American struc· b It. W e left vll r dr pss Bul ts behind -glI'ItLi )Cr fIl IlIP$ lIud t-olli ' \ '~ ~ t fi n tl !;\\,('o t I{ ~ nts r,} " ry ~~. H. ,,',: t , 1' I ~ fl In " I' ( '. t' Ull w ke. A. B ' 1II JcJ' tural plllnt lin d eve r undertake n. It us wh n W ClIllJ !! In to tbe wllderll ess ~' ('I'I' IoUI'I1I'(1 I,,·rfl'·.., I hc-l r s tn (lies. 1:Hi II\J I' ~/j, I I ,",:" '. IIl WIIC. hlp. (:1. W. N ·IlICl·s . A not 'd. l,Aui O E<julp m Ctll bad bfto n constant topic of convers o· t o worl;." r h,,",· \\'hll <'01 I[d UI,I nlTo!,,1 Ihi R [>:\llIt· 1:\011 wh erever ]Ier fnther was. She H ~rscw l)rawn Equl pmont \.'1\ 'rlud. 1 II , ~ (I I 1) IUI'1l ~1 .• I(JIJ ' ~ J , '~s" C: t:t n h1Y. bad heanl all fl bou t It. nnd nltllough . "Oh." s he Inllgll cd. "Wbnt diffe rence !ll ~1"' lIt II(Jltll'" li n thd r lombM. 159 nOle ' 0 l lll d " u .(lwn ob, v. $ 1. W . ·E . O' Neal l, . ~ lor kR strictly s peoklng, the brld ll'e Wl18 the does thnt m uke ? Come jus t os you are. Lao.' ,\L .IU11(' I, (J b , rl e ~ ,' OI'lN" ,I. 8 . UlIa (Jm u n, work of Mead e, S r .• y et sbe ahva ys It will be a rell et. 1 lik e you thnt w/ly. l'ELEPII ON E ( !)A y O l~ N 1(;"1 3 t rll m~ ill tllIrll11l 1.1 ·o .. lrlp, Identified It with lIIcudo:. Jr. 'l'her e \v U S I get so t ire d of block nnd whi te." sbe E 'j wtlrI1 uD(1 fl •• (>I· f. Ui ld l' tu W m. It Had Been I Part of His L. lfc. a f~lIng In h~r' mi nd fhn t It WIIS he r went ou Quickly t o p revent him f rom 1 w \1l "n',' r Il t Pnblio I:lnI£' Ilt Ill y Un scra mbli ng ~ n Egg . "nll MYI'II fi liI "" .' [,) 1,1010 Il il1 I'i'Hlih r '1 ~ ltl')IIc lll X ml\"!l lI o rth of W .•, y n us • t.rldge and th'nt. tllrnu"h him, Rho com. taking udv ontoge of be r Incautious ad· V ' ry fl'('(11ll 'II !!)' ", he n ~C I Jl II'Il!lIl!; III ,' • 8e1entl1lc des igner or office en gltJ('c r . Pa rk A I I W lI , II .. . ·lltl"Oli . f1. " wJ sslon. viII ". roll tl ll~ \OVfl y n l' !lv li l" "nrt Bel 1\' 10 11e~ r" UIII UII' SH tilS or 'gf(H Ihl' Y'j llt oUlllded It. Sh WII S fl su pre mely ns · . Meade bnd wn tched Its dll ll y ~I' "'t h M ,1)i(: U( ltl ~ { H II taU ,,, ,EvtJ br, lOk .Pl k ';'Y Il ~ tlr e fa rnllll g uq nt p. he " III I('~ Iln.I,,·1\ II l1 d fa ll':! Into th, ' 8ured ond entirely confident yo uug "Hu ng the clotlies," snld tbe mnn. with tbe clos es t atte oUon. LlltC vcry ] ·1 10 .'·" .. (;It ~ Ad. (JI li n t 11 J\ lady, yet with tbe Ullin by ber sl ;1 sill! ~nd l uD t once mOI'1) In tbat udmlssloo. otber mOD In slmllor enso, the \\'url, Op e' lICI.r Ir.t '. " wh il e. !Jlp 1\ t'[ ulh III WII I'III r. experie nced a pa Sllln ~ s ens e of II J) C'nRI. si nce you wlll nll ow It, I w1l1 come bad got Into hIs blood. I t ba d r ~ Olll£' d ll la[t I' I:il1lh I ••' " '''11,$1 Monday, Fcbruar)! 19, 1917 II' rlll!; It 'h'.',' 11 1111 111 11 '1\ UI C so lk willi " Veterinarv . ~_. ~u ch 81 one mlgllt cOl1 ccl\'(! th(' ",lUI wbnt 'l can r oke np. Dut you'U a part of bls life. B e loved tit t)l'llIg ,' : 1\1ul·II '( .. K. I •. I " :'.nr,d. ' I-iultr lo t 11I'l;l ulI lng lit 10 o'olo e k the fol . cO"lI or of It Iln Cl lite yolk will ndlwr o to · butterfly ",enId tcel In tba presence or hu vo to tell me which fork to use, I let more he loved Belen Dll ngworth. N r. i'( :l tCJ F,. 1)1, 1.11. $1. GraJuale of Oblo ~'!lt. UniVt'ri j')' IU,,"I IOg pr o p er t. v : 3 l:\ n r l1os. 25 B .ogs, ltl ' c loth "IIU 111;1)' " as tly be r Clllo ycd. .• &team h.o mmer. hn vo ohn ost forgottc n out bere 10 tbe 11 .·Ii II, FarDl lUg I m ple men ts, . Wild erness." CHAPTER II. They were all a wkwa r ll nnd con · an rul1 ~~ , F'l.'ed , Office at r esidc ll ce in le'. 1.1 ::iher etralned wilen left to themselvcs as If "It ,s o't s ix montlls since you were 1-(10 h tg lii ll", fOI' t e r m !. · .!le bad not be ('n nil ' oyer t he worl,1 ot ou r 1I0use." The Wltnes8 for the Defen5 . Hall'h H . .... I.tll .,,' f .. rlll~r f Mid . Only Comes by ExperIence. wood 's hO UIIIl. r 'ou r l h S treet, "~R.NE ~ T H ARTS O UK on rnon'l! Joba tor 0 d eca do lind U. ~ " Six monti,s I Il's a thouSllnd yc nrs," One of Ule plen 11IIt cll id nces r th ,I lolt ·,,, 11 , ~' Hl II .."d l'l E . f:hl du T he wOlll n n .\\·110 1; lI o\\'s h uw 10 " pli n k A . A. 1,'N rI. All o t oUler hnd not que en d It tl Ulong til e h~ w ot on, "nnd I'm golllg to take YOIl posseSSion of ri ches II> In tb ll1x\I ,·y bm olJ .·nl t'r.~n lin. 11 ,,· . .l A. De ll , n bllby prOIHH'ly ,1Ir1 u' t uC(Ju ll'o I'hr. Tele phone 28 W. K O' Ne li li. 'lerk nlcCl!t girls ot the Innll for II l1lf Il~ out 00 t ho b ridge ntter dinne r. It·s of 0 prl\'nto cn r. Al though .. I"" ~ I IWOII'lerl gc I.h l'ouSh n corres poll denco mnny. yenre. And \\'lIh thoug hl S b uru. greot n t nuy Ume. It·s tho mos t mn g· 11l111 ~ \\' 0I'th Wil l! P l'sonn ll y 1\ IJ lIln of ----~--"""-~~~'!""-­ school, Waynesville. Ohio lng, J)IlSSloDnte. ond wo rlJ!! cru lJllL'rll~S. nltl ccnt sight on enrtb even · now, but s lOl pll! l o ~t II flS becam e on 01;) el1ll" Ingly torre ntIal. nt h nnd 10 _" I\'o t lwn! In t he moonll gh t-tl. ere It Is now," be pn l":Il !'I·. tll ~" () wn a no n[lOl)illl'l1('nt 1 \\'Ilt ~(d l l~t Publlo A u e Lion ntmy 10ln t d tl IJttl th t I I lI lI ·~t· I II ' h il ,','-, -, 'OlJ. llIl · f llll t·r ~ . f'f H C u • I tl ut!erance, they on ly Sllol;o ' COlUmoD' I e os .e e g roup wnlked pns t n w t COli rI d \' I~e or tllnt 1lI111"'," e h 1'1\ ('(1 :! 11\ I'B ~ on th uf Be l\ver. placClJI U.e s to tlOD wblch lind hid the view ' COlli;! 1111), whi ch wu s locl; lng 10 1l.1I1,' I 1i 1'~1 "'lIlli l'" )' . 01 '" rt(t ll<'I" ~ <11'11\\' 111[:;;. t ow n. ·lll.illl~ " ol' th ou ~ t 'O t Uenter . h t t hi I I wml1],.\,,," 1I I,.. h'I· 1 mall" I hn ' 1" 'I n/r ' I 1> . "Bow III the brl d"o "cttill" n IOI'''?'' un d tledc gren s r i' ,'utc cnr el th t' r morc C IlJf'll·\.IIblo ~ t l 'otU':- ( ' 110 ,, ' It III l~ l.h ! t hI' w t'h~ ," VI,I(' un t H'~. o . i3 ig llur farw, on e bb r:-. t th s r uc tuI'e f:;uddeely wos wed tbe girl, r epelltln"b I' l'r ('. ren'n or mn re IUllIl'IOII& Tucsda. .v, Febru a ry 20, 1917 . 1'1 0 fou0r e m. u ' h d i d ' chin I II ' In It s II U[I"I·'·. . I!hlsti. "'I'hll r In •• t,.' J " ( ' I',," thn t'O\1!!h ly word- of a 1e," .lll.llltes borol'e. < , n." II d I me a en ,0 sto"ped ,. I tI II nn' ~ \. r. l he (IIn lll "" wl 'l<! IIcell· ~on t· lIu n," ,',';'1 .\1· ,,,I,, ' lul"',I.I'. ,. " I t I'1. 1'\rIP lll~ . n ~ I (I '0 I ock' tho Eol tbese two f ell liehln,l t he "I ' " m,"e . Jj . I)\)' stoo s! ent. dTbtr e re \VII dS SUlIle l hlng I e\\'11 not t o'1' 1IIllologlzc to nny vi he.' 11 0\'· v .h ern 11\'~ln~"lrlng '1 . "'li B Ih.. ,., r)·l.,.ln l \"1 "'Ii 1 nll'-" Ir h u;l t ,.\~",,: pt . pllrt-y I .wit: Ii Borsils.. II L·r '. In" down tl.e Io n" ... piu nt r"".]I , ,,'Ilile II ."c ~-~.. uu emen DUB ubout H? (On (I1lt'1 "'11M muHt IHlIlC' '1 U' ·HII""I·d. l .. lI [." ..... ,. I. ull. . ,.)l utt'ly I ~' I '"p IL·. III I(I,ll] D nfuo H og • l!~Llrm • 'mllld .lltanding b~.,. · t il rlrl~nte cor " '1'u'', , Ih .. '""'l'(.:; t. I11.,t·',·, 0111 ,·, 'lc·I,I ,,". fl, r. t Iuus bIn d l'cij~lng lll~ 1;lI rt nll,1 ;o, rCIlt!c conllth-tlt 111,, 1 .'w I .. " ,'1,11'<1 I n tl l('llI~ I 111I I"' 1 l1l1ll1 I ~, F ,,~ , 1 v . " " "" .• ' ". I enou S'h til IlIl'I' \III 'all Ih e ~ lJ·'" St'H. 1. •. I " '" 1J 1~ llli f n r tM IIl R . the porter look ed cl.rl " I.s Ill ofte r t llo l""('ncll ,,!! "1'1 "" ,.,f ~.~"" I ' ')'1,1' 1\" .<'1 ~.·I "I.t II n.d Ab ott w re bUl b sC"uulled 10 moving; gronp mid wo nd ered It that I II r II " 1",,.\'''' l:" \'e til(: hehlll'le r u IIttl o ";I thln nn I11Ch of Ih Jr Ih·cs. but. looln'<1 jill .. II lnt IIInUU l' lJ\y~Olf." he A. " . RO S S E LL ara7'gree • • long .legged young DlII II Wll~ I s h, ... k. It ,,'11 " ~" 111I1tt'. ~" nU\s~h' "', so c I\I l;l nl; nbout t he hl'l' l~ . th 'I r hu nd wen t on \\'1110 Illuch ('II'[lh ll~I~. fl . A. ~l llN 'il ,\ uo t.. g l',, " cll y IJIllj" sll~, "11,1 " 'lIh,, 1 S ( ' nlry. wel'e SCI'OI Chc(i, r Oll gherJ cd. sll.lncd nnd "I b"1I "~~ 11'. n il l· i~lIt· :· Ilul d CUl'tl8~ .1. I~ . (h lJ . e~ . Cle r k lbe fea!lon for t be New Yo rk gowo I I I Aslu e frOl n thnt . lIIcade wns ccr· IIg 1. ll y. "I e~ '\lnl ll, 'ri I he w ('l111 " lid Ill c, "n'_ doing spl endidly." was t il e ,. 0 . ~t" '11 "~1I1Its t l h!' III ' I '.·'·~"I\·" I"" ''' ...''l'n'''ld t orn. and eV(>1l wlth ' hls ll en,.t nil y I mos t Itpr sf n tll l>l e. tint! olu Ab· 11I ~8 ~ur~ rlll'I~' Ihl ll IlCl,'rnonn. Tbey , f u ll or l,of (J ..,,, gl)l'l;<' ,,"cl 1." lIs," lcli In ,1I IIl1d bott W( w ill Hull lit Pu blt o Auotlon at tke .."1 by bls sid e whom b e lor.g~d .. J ~ I ["I'·of'( 1II 0 Il i .IIJIII~. :So ,thpr·I,,"· ne wu s s U '1• n t ls p eI 0 I his Indll'fc.r. nl:e to seem to to I l ~ r1t! ht :I f< 110 ~ ihl e. " t h e l ~ to r es in Hoe of 11 00 , ULl ugherty t. dup In bls u rlllS but t.bnt e \'~n e r c, ' ers. 00 tcd th e a ble oed •'T~lIls' t,ru~sr~." 8111"· Aliholl l'm phnt· l lllilo ~ out b of W nyn e eville on the · did not . eye II i dII' IIIII It ~I J1 t'rtuc IIIt 1)I'''I ,ortluII I FUI lUll 1Illln Ite was. . pow· Jl 'O Jl '~."1It1 Ilone of ICli ll y . ."'1'111 s l" lu l r<)1' v<.\'. Vo u need lo w r ' prillg boro r oad, on d ~"' tou ch tlIII I!em of h er glLrm cDt. ' II IIIH S 11[1 The convc rslI Jl on nt dinner wa s .nt not \\'01'1', ' nl1.1l1t Ih nl." IIOme Utile elllhus intim came Into hh I til es ' w,' ro th ll t-fe lt It ~ OVt" '[lower ln g Unquestioned WednesdllY, February 21, 1917 ftI""'elltest brl"gn " tr'l s lo ...... t III.:ht ~.... "It II the .,. u ~ t1Jat p l·(!~(·I.1(,". 1\1 urlo III lI1 Ihl' ., , .,. ed firs 'T I tnntl " fri volous. ••A rc , '0 11 ,wln!: ttl li ll ish Oil" joh 0" <lurability and UowIll60 oi n g ftt 10 o'olook the wall eYer erected." h e s nJ d. . too. After ,m e '""luIICI!' u t the brl d ..'re. er d m Ith ON . II b,::n u Abbott. " ovcrpow· II lil t.! 1" ..•. I l'1'YCr,'n(" . . (! Iwosl· ', t he vi exquisite design . "Bow JOU love It." said the girl. . , 1sh eI l('ul'1{l'd An d. th ltt wns typo eI.lnll." W 0 thi s s liver 'o nd g in nuel dent. ' ' l'l1 n kllow ti ll'! 1III IInrllli (,lid (If . fll ll o w ln J:t pro pe r ty t o· wtt : • Bor~ell, Il' hllt him. (\ I I :.. t ll p. Uh iel!.e n~ , lmllie m ents l:it1r DId Meade love tbe brldg~ ? Ab, / Cll . 0 ,· I e rs t tUu e he "'II not Ilt . II Is mlnc. II " d ""lI'h ;J"f1cn!ls 1I[lon the l- the highest ideals in plated ware-aTe assuTed' in 1101 lI, Fecd, P o t ll t bBs, Honsehold ...... ....'4 ... ft _ to ..... t. I the IIl ClIll 'ut lIWlI l',' ." f, 01' hJlm '-'II.lely .....,. ...- ¥'" .,. DO doubt _...... a. h " VI·S." b Inllgbcd Mend e. "wo shuu lll .)I utc .. r c/J.llpl ,·ll ou." . '. . spoons, for~s. and . fancy serving pieces bearing the ' U ~)Ods "'....d' Itudl~"lt ___ " '"'" wtll h 0' ur \t y r sp,.IJ,'1 h ·e· to, h e/' ~" In nrc: Autl thllt. n\'e d t l rOllgh t ul ong our gr fllllte WIU" . ' ,1'ltn I " UP!'''''" .u " on .you p PJ)lll e ' nt t:iI'(l lJlll hllI e for term q.. Be renowned trade marl . - -.... _~:, -~""b DCIIPS. ili ,,"ould he free I'\le ~I~(,l'. (Io)!'!,,,'. 11' .. ~·" u " Ilt the s Inn: ... th ........... .. ... , _t ........ v rO.s e Ills Ino, \VII~ t,l'Jlll'u l. Sh e nol('d Ihl R wit h an trom the .' Ir clII f \\'e th RU Ta A. D A U~BERTY bv_ .. __ '~'Itb It. B e look p'rlde It· ,r." ." lll o r j.CIIJtlU~y. , . '" ....." _oded _ " Ing .to d urcl.I( 1I tilIlll r litb w e IIro go· Ile n ' :ll) II IC l'll ~t\t II. ill pillce In f<hor t WM. 'L' BUMPI::ION ID It .yell more 'II'hen they ber.'8n to SOf~Y II 10\ () llll' ' b r ldge,' ~ht' s uld tb~ng.'. rop s OlDe I 1,1 1> or r enk HOWe- ol'lh' r." IIt1S\\·'· '·l·t1 Ahl \cltt. U. '1'. EltI wk e, Au o~ . . ' . "You cnn brlljlk' ony tbl'ng YOll li ke." " W." (I " n 'l worl'~' 1 '1J; a hnut nnythlng paaJa the JI1IIl)eJIded I pnn across the I W. ll: O ·N e nll. Olurk . lI.... iNltJleouter lend of the-compl e ted I 1I ~ .'Irn l\th ienctl u O nnd thr\lw bls said tbe colonel wltll benvy plenHRIl' with YOll Il IHI 111<':111" ••" the j ob All· e . .W...... tOWI1'd ItII t ellow rlslDg all hea d h",'le ond loukeu ut he r. try. :'50 long us th e brldgll sta nds." 1t".I, t;" slIld t he cl,l,lIWI ~~l1ll1l1y. ' . There aTe various makes of silverplated tableware _ _ lid.. ne UIII red about It " [ Ihollght so." be R~,irl "I mply-"uo· "And Ihnt I" 1:011111: t o be tore ver , I n't .. ' '''. ~'rl u U'·[·, folhN. slIhl the Illrl, which are daimed to be "just as good." but like aU ~_,;:",___"-=-:-"""'_~""I-1....,...~e...t:be worlla dq-W4l'ld I 111 tudllY, bu r 110w"-h" sto[lp 'd ngoln. [t, Mr. 111 uiI ,,?" olik••d -Hewn q.u~ 11: ""[1~II\~ ~ thc· rfl t~rn ll ll(lIl " 1 hU ll been " . .,... Ith It bad willa. " Hut n ", 1" sho a ked. "I don't 'thlnk nn ylhlng bllllt hy 1111111 ,, :i?'fi" :",.11 II"",· " "." , ohl,· III T.han the Male." imitations. they lack the beauty and weari~__quality . . . . . . ~ ~at!lltl7 latelo the "I hn\,c' Jnst le llmed wbnt 101'0 really will sllrvlve lJulle that long" he • I "l\'(' II 11"'111,111 (0,'('11 t\l II .... 1' 111 tlrpd II ' liS, .. I II ~ " UJI ' womll" who identified with the original and genuine "1811 R06EHSBROS~I" *\ld bad I tt tbe is olld i lJe I,. on bn Dot hOOD tauaht awered ae mut h to her fotbe~ ond ~h~' "I' II. I h" I'" h .. "III th ing w ill soon rtl,U~" '~ II "I II" "lro'l'" t.y Ihrowlng face ware popularly knownas"Sil"er Platet at WeaTl. be oceapIed Deal'tIle we by 0 b ri dge." be IIDlWer ed dlret!tl7. others 811 to b r "b t tbl g\ . 1",11 I.~ .. "mt \", l'Il II :l ll g.l lilidt p, .,,,I,r III hll ll 1·I1JI,hIlSI7.t>s onee Illore UII• . ~_ I8Il1011rnJPII~ of the land Yet 8 1'tlJ'llm !lil'llde, tbe ),oUDler, did promIse ot 11UI~' tI . " ves eVl' rl 10 n(,· :I IC,IIIl'-' . 111,· ~I'I'''' .1 1·ul h fhllt tile gt'lltler Rel!: . SOld by leading dealers evctyWhere. Send for 4dII'- tl'1lb' tv". the bridge wblch be had "!'uta kDow" O~~ed InCurti e. "th I "I lOn. t .. n." RssoDlel1 the cnloDel I O,I\.,j; flu ,ither \\,01l110n8 thlm tbOlle Ita catalogue "O-L" ahowin~ desipi. 11& • .... 110m die DIacIu S8, ere I ' , own lIrmury IUl1pllel,-PhlladelRbia _ _ _ _ ID . . JIIlD4 about UoAUa\llll OIl . . . . . .. i'IIIIl1c LedalIIL











'I'.' I , " t



~nt. wn~

Saxon Si · Live ry

- --+-----
















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Dr•. J. A.. McCoy,








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~r:l r('r'I~·.



a« till.,.. _...;...


~_or,e ~ca~IY




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... THE



THE NEIGBBOIRBOOD NEWS )). I.. ' 1' AN IS; TI!lilor und Publis lter


As Wlitten by Our Corps of' Able Corresponden-ts In the Neighborhood

uuecriot i(ln Price. $1.50 p ' r y e~ r



7, 1917





1,eWIS. VI. Livery

01as Ui~~d ·l..-ds



In G, Eu~ .& ·RIDING ,CAB HOTIDI. Jlr ~ I r\I', I f "' ,1t! Ihl . m o n~h, lit .. h l~ \' or ~ ' m Ill . q l1l r ll of f rllu k Mil ili r. W... ,11,<. Ohio f l.

. ~ ~-'--


•. -..:=:




FA RM fn r (I n l ilt> I., .... t I prlngbor o rOll,I, k !J\I \ 1\ II t hI' I John ~ciwnrd 8 furlll of noltr lv 1(10 ! Phone 83·5 aoreH 1nq 01, e-nf- Mrs IJ [? • Pf7'l':inllll, Falrmo llnl" Indi Il Ofl . 114



Mr Bud Mr!! Jj'nnk L. Harrl. lind Mrll. Erli th Til l b 'oI ~ 'll-I n n t llll tlic k Tbe Illhool waiOD on this route Mrft Idll Rowe lind Mr. Fmlik !:Ihi. Ii::lt. was oer'alnly overloaded Mondlly Camd en, N . J .- " l hu ll 1\ d oc\, I!<!llted u"kM w ore vls lt.ort! at I.h ll (7 flt ll ~I ,.~. \)"11 11 Igun "Iel tellill:r t1llugh mOrnl L. ,. When .a.lmol' a.' the edd cough, WUd rUI1-U OWI1. Hlld DIy lung )j w ur q CIt.v Oil Wedneaus y . WANT ED ALL KINDS OF ter o\ lI d "all, Mrs . C il tltl DOIlY Iluonol of It I destination no' a 8oholar w~uk aud sore. 1 10:,,1 \.r ku cI"'rylhitl" T he extreme onld welltbe r found und Ed Bog llu at Clle¥tu" s :Ire uk l1li'1_ IIboard . Me Isles and levere oold B U g g C 8 t 0 d wit.holl t 111'11'. On!! el'e~ mliny with sm ll lJ 00111 and w ood enl d llY8 lust wo ok . nill/: I rcall lllK1l1 t Yilllll ulI,1 d 'ciurd pUHS. Th ~y d o nOL fo ll ow Liooolu'R to try it. SOOIl r IIl1 t ir~1 1 n il improl"" '1(\1'l oe. pr pare f or w ar in tiUl e or Mr. Edwin MurUn wilo hilS been m ~n t. I krpL 0 11 h,. illg It II lI d I.o<luy I p Olloe. ooofi ned t o 111. h oa e fOi three weeks fllthlt' J ohn Connor aod fllmlly elllt So ed 1.40 ; 4 "h oe r eAP I f. lr li(J,,; J nm 11 wi'll mn ll . '1'10 ,' "'1r"n C R~ is 1111 The btl les t mbn lhut b"~ been III with o:lld Is geGtlng bette r . orday nigh' and l:!unday. new Yo BlIggy '1'1 r('~ fo r $ 1 00 F' nlO k ",nno from my lUll!!". r do 11 01. It ll \'\' a nv Mrs. Wil HO Il mot.her or Mra J ohn cough and hnvt! :::nitll'r1 fifLccl1 PO>UllrlK:" t bl ~ vl olnhy Illtely WIlA ..valter KII. Mra. Chal. Bladdoo k s pent a few Miller, WIlYll esvi ll e, tl)"u, I II hoo IJI~t week tuklng o rOc r~ f or tbo Tho mpso n 8tlll remllln ~ quitel,oorly. dllY ~ last week with her Sister Mrs . _. -FUAN t.' n Tl.UI,, :-; . By Cyrus Townsend Brady W(' g'lInrnlll ,·,· V i II ° 1. for doroll i .. F'ord Ilut omobllf'. Be hus prov en 13eveml from here .lUelJ(led lbe GilD ~ Grubb, of Uayton. C"flU ~h A . ('oldM 'Hit] l,r 'HH·lJ il is nntI fur u Il hltn sQlf to he nil OXJltlrt Hllto eales. fun e r .. 1 of MI88 I dl a V"roer wbloh ,1uth.r./ Mr, Bt1rnud Allen was olllllnlt on weuk, rUJI ·uuwu con!! i ! iOlHi. FOR RENT "Th, elral;rt of eOUraXI, .. II Th, mon o R e landull tbem her e bot h occurr e d on 310 udoy at her la\e Waynesville. O. his pllrelltl hore Saturday afternoon IJla"d of H.'ttnlrat;.", .. 'IC., a,,,i ri ght tlnd left.. h O Il\t'. J. E, Janney, Drugl!:ist, Wnynsvllle -lliss 'l'helma Hartsook hilS been Wellre hnvlng s ev ore oold wel\th. .' rod U. !:Ihanll, J ohn 'op .ey Iin,1 Also UI 1• • ,1111;: IIrug .t,.ro In oil OhIo towu. Cyrus Townsend Brady, Jr. Over PostolTice. vilry III with 'onsllltlB and m eaHlell . ,"n o w tlnd wind. LACE of ~Aore ~. no ttll gl'. ull gO' lIl Ben Ha w k !lUcotled Llie .Iuo iu r CIVI L I'.NGINBHR B ~lne PU1lue I I Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Coo k IIUel hulldln gs, nenr R OIl ()'Ik . In Office P ll () 'I ~ 77 Ordu r Lodgll I\t t'priu l\ Vo ll uy fj' rl en ds of Mi 8s Anne DOSier bave lu st 'l'bIlT!<r1UY ul g h t . reoeivf'd un non llC!!menta of her en. dllugbter ttu t h, of Houte 4, were quire of Thom as J lllJl r ~ , R ll uto -I , •• 1 'S.· :"\1l1 (1 til l' 4'4\IOU(.I I. "nilt w .. Frllllk Pl1rlll, re preRelll.ill g th i: lI g P 1.lH' Ot to ,11 y oun g lllis@lonAry ont·ortllin d oi dillner 'fhuredllY bl' WaY lle~ vlll e, Ohi o. · 'II Ud I J! lIt ' .... :i yo u H I'~ l'I j.!I1l. T h o ftl e t lIon't \\"lInl 1)'11' t!xperltu ~lIt to fllil lil O a bl. ~J1 I (l)Jb e ll Brunoh of Wadblu !: . wh o 18 utten dmg O Ullville 00]l e1:8. Hr. and M~8. Wallor Ollkln. I" tit" I IJ'It IP:" I" flU .. \t ~ ' ·.~" lun with I\H IlJl R II1Rtll ll(·(,." The publlo Bille of Mr. Ernest - ~===--=:-t u n, e ll. Is 1.mok ont,l Ill S j ub nnl\r P urry Mnf Jl htls I·h e grippe. III I. It Is Ih <' 111 J.'J.'l' st .\111) Ih(' 1I11l rti et "They WOII't," sulfl th o youn~ JIIun se vera l w ee k ~ lIf o() ufinement Il~ lila OR. J. W. MILLBR. E'll e ~t. Mannon anll Mose Bogan Bartsook will be held Feb l~ , alter Ii liS ,.,','1' 1111 11(111·,1. In ol l·'·11. It Is th .. holell y. wbloh Mr. Hlnt·eook nnd fllmlly ,VIII I\IONEY LOANED how e. Uis ot.stomers IUU deli g bted bA ve n tl '" FunIs " 1 J,'J.' , ·~ t IhhlJ,' III til l' II'Ol'ld . It'f' th" move soo'h of Wa.ynenllle . There li e hlld lOll!; BlilCC )}er!lun lled hlm$elt '- 0 h'l\vtl blln bllok. 1 1I1l J.'1·~ r CJ\IlIIII·\'I·r. Ihe gl' '' "l~~t s pun. li {\t1 , DnvlM ~p e nt, 8 nll d ttoy In Xenia will be qulle Il 10' of m oving IlnO ... D ENTIST••• thnl h" hutl hl'UIl nil wrool; Iwd his Or Mc ]{ollzle . or Oll klllnd. WU E wit h hl ~ wife nl t he Mo l ellll ntl bas. t hp II t'lI \'I"Sl t rH ~~I'i~, tlte-" ohllnging abou' among the residents tnlher nil l'll,:hl, so thnt he f'lIl,pred b erl' t:htnday 'Ittendlog tn profes. p lt 'I.I, ONEY LOANE D O il liv e fl t o Ie " \,,,,, h"n l',j n il 1I111111t It." Illtl'!'rllpll'll 111)(111 hl$ defl' lI. C ulIIl the defl'usc ot omcc In of this Hoin", this sprlnl . ohatte ls ttoml tlOC ll nri lU o rt g n ~tl tl . to; a' IDn.1 W aynenllle.O nl d u. t.les U nk Bleil. III ,' /:11'1, wll vln/! hllll IlItll silence. ",-"1'1' tho Ilrl!ll;c with ent hllsluRIIl. He WIIS sllJll, MI', a nd Mrs. G e,o. BogaD visited Mr. Cley" Oonnor purohased a NoteB booght. .l o bn HilI b ine , .1 , Lhe fo Jl ow lDg nllmed oltlzens of Glunn D"vi~ Ilud fHmily !:3undny fine tOIlUl of mules lad ' week . ~ I IICI' r "11 IW/:Ilu It. Snll\('tllI"'~ I thlnl! rtlfll l.v to hre all U IUllco with unybouy Allen Buildin g, Xeol l' . Ohi o. 11 ;: 0 o ur vi\lagu t.rll. tJ stloted business III . Mr L' e(ll d h I h II';; h"!!IIIIIIII~ til Ilhs,'ss lIl e, too." 011 Its h ~ hll\ f:' SliM J . ., r IIIl w 0 ooou., e~ , e . b Tbe writE'r had tbe pleasure 01 ayor CIS. Wbatsel pro~'e rty will move In Ed "\' o u I10n'l 11Iol. 1I111l It ." \\'h l. p ~r '11 "Well ," h ' l(lIll th e colonel. "we hnvn .6 un ou , IItur !I .V . ca.l\ing nr' ,\lr . Bud ~re . Frank ~It· ,,,Il'. 1I1Il],'r ,,"""r "r til e gl'lI 'nJi e\'ery conlldcnco In your fntlter lIud In Wb e t ~el, E runk L. HllrrlH Ilnd FrJl nk Bro wn 'H hou!! Hawse nt theIr winter h owlS In 001' ~h i d .. ke r, two uf our city tllderllll\n. MI . , 0 aoon, . IlI u;:h IllIItgrcl'I ,'L! hcr rl'rllllrk. YO U. I don't mind t elling YOII.. lIIende. BAU,NHART, FOR BALE and foun d thlSm en. On Ilcou ont. of th e snow s to r m S8 Villi" .Iordo n WAS sbopplllg win r "uently " \I'lIn t dc' I 1001. IIkil '/" ~ h c \l'lIl s· It O('ed not go ooy fllrth er. thut wh en Rev Al f r t<d Wlilk r di d tl ot lUI tile In l:lllrveye burg une clny thIs week. j,,:>"i ng fairl,' good haal~h accord Notary Public III'!','ll hill'll Iluil'il ly. Iu !,l' tUI'U, tbl s hrl(lJ;e Is co/Opll'lecl we s h ull be polplt- h Itl a\. tb e M /£. eh crc h Oeo. EIII8 WIlS In Wtlyn6svil le on lualy TheIr friends and formal' 1I11t Mt'ntl c hilt! no ollportunily 10 11I'ep/HNI to maltc yon rlersollully n uelj(hbors v.1t\ be to learn bu ~ tlle!l ~ W edo osclllY. fre.ho ow, wltb oll lf by IH.' r sitlo ; It I~ oillim ed by ,"oruo Ihll t th ~ y this tell h, 'r. . . vcry ntl"lInto"COll~ offer tor futur e rca good J erse y . l oqolrf1 o f W . All k inds of N otAry Work . Mr~. Ml1 r\.ba DtlviM wllo WAS Op. " It Is not :m cl ly a s ubjl\ct f or 'IIn· l l lltI"n~ with {h ' MIII·tl el cOlllpllny If know I tho write r fo r thi~ ll U W ~y e rated ou a t Dr. McClellan'l! ho~pl. Mrs . A. B. Shftner hae been oon. B . Lashley, W ayn es vill e , O . f ll und Deeds tl I:lpeolalty. III'r ('/III\'(,[·81111",n." l;lIld th tl colollel with YOU enre to II cecpt It. 011 tb e s trength ~ h !l et Tbey n evI'!' @ay \\ h o th ey to l In X e ni l~ on TU{'ijdJlY Is doIng fined to ber h ome, a vlotlm of ' 00. SIIII ,I" 11 I,:rll,·ltr. "lol" nil of llH Ilere. ' of )'ou r Ilrohnhle IICcclltulIce we nrc nl· t hluk It II!, but IQere an. people wbll nlo _ls. sllltlH. lot of sBoo nd.hnori POSt8 [or ~.-:. C\'I'1I )'ou, my . d 'ur. mlls t renll ze how , rcnd)' plntlnlog to vell ture Illto certnJn Iloow more thnn thev I;)Ok t o kno ,,". .... !II'. un 1 Mrs. Oakl e y TJIlgle8by Wh"t is the ,dift"reootl who it· 1" ~tl III UI'II Ihlll hrld l;\! III ' II li S to u ~. I won' t for 'lgn Ilelds whi ch we hn,' c hi therto sale oheap: For Info rmll lon g AS von 8ro n ll t a ltu· NI. Uo were Le bno o n visito r!' 'l'uBsday, ,,0 ' 0 fill' liS to S ill' lhll t It s rlillur ' not f It It to our Interest to clIter," 0011 on M·. ::l. Bllrlnu , V uYll os \'llIe, l:I!.rry VtI roBr lind flimily of X eol" - wou l,l rulll li S, bllt It would he li nrd fur "Thllt Is most klDd of you. olonel not ~I\ke Ihe opport,onit.y to sl llr Oblo, "" U. • • ATHA W A. Y FOR A BILIOUS ATTACK lIli ngwor th," suld th o young mUD grut e· "noth er ju ~ t bCC~DS !\ 8 l\Hle jok e wll re oJlIl"d h er e to II ttend tile tu ll R til ~ un' h' c ," Thltnll the L ord t,bero ne rol of MI~8 Ina V .. rner, When you have !I severe headllohe Wa)' uo.tvtlle'. Lelldlna Den'iI' "lilt"\! you C\'cr kuowllnnythlng thot fully. "nlld It Olllleois ' to 1Il1' \' -ry wss ~p rollg ttore very fuw who are ~ o near Illsaue EED~l:IeverBI bu ~h e l s of Li t tl e John MnrluLt i8 m OVIng to Leba. accompanied by a. oOllted 'onllul!. my rll th er dt!. lgncti to Coli 7" oaked strongly. I hove been ns oclnted WIUI Offioe In Keye Bldg. Ma.In Bt Bed Clover ~e ecl, in good Khup e. non and will work f or I!'renoh brotb. 10Bthl~g of tood, oonstlpatlon, torpId Melillo SO tllCWhllt hotly. I rn Lher Intterly. He wnnts to reUre ibat will p"y a IIY attention to it. Inquire of B . V. mlth. H. 0 , 1., Ilver, vomlMng sf parUy dlgelted Phillip Ward, ooe 0 ' our old olti. ere. uN(, . .nud Ulnt I,~ wby we took hl l:< with th completion 01 tbls bridge. ond f 14 food and then bUe, yOD may know' WaYll8lvllle, . Ohio. plll ll" III ~lllt ' ot- ' h"rorll t oJ) n lillY olllc;o of my own I Ilene. 18 very fe eble lit i,bls wrlUng. Berb~ri DOBter will 'Mm the 'hot 10n have a eevere bUlonll ILt. Mra, M8~Y SIlwk, uue of our Ilion. StInson fllr\)l tb '8 year , "Ill s l,lle IIf whnt, ~Iro?" I ~h n \lld IIIle tho ndvnntnge of furthor . . '/lok. While TOU may ,be quite .Iok "In ~I'lt\l at urtl/is hero nnd somll , '~Il{' rl e ll ce. Such a connection us YOII eer oltiZ6D1', IItill remAins ~6ry Wliller Tlbbll18 a'Jd tnmily will ~bere II muoh ODn,ola'lon In know Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar·Honey othertl. P N)IOSe se('tns to me to lie Itlenl, from poorly wUh. little bope for her being oooupy th" Willie O'Nea!J home Jng that relief may be had by taking For CoughS nnd Cold. "Mr. IIrtlss," ~nld lIJml\lc, turnln ~ lilY 1)(1lnl of i' l ~ w, No IDnll coulll hovo muoh Improved, Maroh 1st . tbree of Cbamberlaln's Tablets. to th o chi,,! enginee r. "If It will odd I IIny better bn el.lng tlmn tho !tnrtlet Dr, GUI), Ei~tson, tbe oldept citizen Oh .. ~ . Barne@8 o lf Beeen Grove bas 'l'hey are prompt aDd effeotDal. nll~' lhln~ to pmI' (It!IIC(! of mind, I will llrhlg\\ CQllIrnrIY." In MII RIl Ie 'rOW D8bl~ Is irJ hi8 \l;lrd 801£1 his farm Bnd Orlando B"anno n ObtalDable ever,whllre. " ""11111' Ill.V f ilII ~hurn ni r -sponsll)lIlt)' "Well. we ~hn ll look to YOII to ' be relir, Be III n ot working at hl8 prJ). wilo oooupll;s Itwlll move to hi! own ----- ~~.----fQ r tho Ulil tle r. You know Ihe books , worlhy of It," Bllid the colonel kindly. fOllsl on, but !{Udell8 in tbe " ummer b ome nOIH the ohurch . hy ~c hlllldt· hClllnll z. the grollt Ger· I His glunco vIIguely comprehended IiDd wblle restlU!{ IIllyS n uthIDS but Word hitS be In reoelved here of Bow mllny yo oog "e» his (lllllghtcr os he spoke. Colonel SIlW@ w ood mun bridge \!1l1,'incer7" b Fiction McCa ll's isSupre rn e :' Barbed Wire t.he death o f Miss Anna B'ire9, of \\l'1\ s nodd ed. 1Il1l1!-'1\'Orlh WII S n ,"cry rl~h moo. The wuuld d o the work tlod pot In I.he Leban oll, sister of Elvan Fires w rites " New Yorl( subscl ib e r. "A t fir ~t l- tllllt Is, we-thought Utllt ~ 1 J1 rl") t Brld!(e compll ny wos neorest time r ondlnll, tryi ng to Inform him. LINIMENT~ McC ALL'S hell' 'l'be IpdleA of tho elvlo Leagne 01 rh N'c IIIlght possibly be W Ilknc. s 10 Ilis hen rI. hut he h nd Ill8nV otlier In. self liS ooe~ the dootor. Be 18 Ii o \· . r 1, 2 00,000 ~: GUARA NTEED to helll withont leav· Bllrv ey~burg, are Ilreparing t o .give bureou of informa llun on wbat Is tItOF' COi llprl'8, Ion m elllb~ rs. bllt I to' r :ts. nil; only doughter would e\'ent. me n c1re\i~ in ing l\ i1l c tl1i ~b , '>r 1I10NEY nEF NDEV. MIs8 Belva l100lindlell lpen. 'he :l-:o ch ecked them with tlto 'llI eUwds h' nd· uolly be tho III1 RtrC9S of n grent for. , gulng on througbout- tho fore ign a home t.alent pIal' in the near lu. t y lc a t smn ll l~ X­ 60c nnd $ 1.00 Sir.UB for freab wounds, tare . pBs' week In Middletown She gueat penso:. A recng\,II~'IIICS nud then flublllitted th e figures tUIlt!. Mend "'nS not poor. or course, 06ulltrle~. old wo res, 80re bn ck ~ IIl1d sho ulder8+l)\lroa 01 Mr . and 141'8. Leiter Kurfi~, to my tnther, und th en he went through 111~ ltIean s werc II 1111 ted compured to and bruises. 250 eizll lor l'atDily vee. idz ... d Fu sh i " n Mrs. Helen l:Iarrls Peterson, of the \I'bule col 'lllnll on nnd npplled co- CIIIOIl,,1 IllIngworth's greut fort line but Ooy to u, vm s u Bunday gues t of ber Mr8. Snydsr, of Morrow, Is visit. AUlhorily C r 45 DR. COX'S PAINLESS IiUSTtR . ie pAinlllll.s nnd gil Ilrll II I cd to curo ctlIcl ~nl s he telt to be snte." "'lin t h o hnt! en rn etl, 811"ed, nnd In~·('st. pilrents. Mr . Rnd Mrs. Frank L. 101 her danght"r Mrs . Obrll Bum. y owrs . ' SOMETHI~IG Mc CALL P AT. /';pllvi ll, Hiul(bonp, Cllrb, Sweeny, BplinL, bert .• nd f.-mlly. '.'I'm wllllllg to tnke your father's ~d wu s " um clc nr-~· Qg. evcn for two. Harri!', of Elist Malo Iltreot. T ERNS le.a d In i 1' "II~ \ or nny II lllrgem ellt of bone or judgment III th" Dlotter rnth er 'Uinn .\1\ /1 he would Inll e/'It milch more. Old Those who hat~1 nls'" medlolnll J. W. Hadley 11' 1 1.8 a reoenl Gilru s tyle, fit. tii m pl kMr. WIlIHrd Mnrtill. of Dayton , ihould t,ry ChAmberlaln'l Tabletl oit, vlsUor. ulU8C C, or mOlley rc fund ed . Price 500. S ·hJllldt·Cbcmoltz'. or auybody's,'/ snld ~ I t'n<l e hod not bl'cn th e greutest rugl· itYt econo my p m' _.:!. : : - _ FOR SAL£ BY aLL DRUQQISn CurU s, "so s uccesstul hus been his cu· no(Or of his gl'llerlllhou for 1I0thlng. In. was oulling un IIcqol'lintonces here lor oonstlpatlon , They Ilr~ pleuan' Mr and M F , 0 If l't u~ so ld. tialld·IlY. ·to &aka lind tbelr effeo. 18 eo agree. . ra os er a een were rcer." Illo-I1t'IHlcllt olld St' lr. re~\lL'C tlllg, young M, CAU'S \ 0 116 Pll r. f "i nll)n;h ly II , h ,. ue The Bt'oond SundBY of the M. E. able and so natural eha, you will ~~tI ~o';!~T lI s18 of Mt . a.nd Mre. V-cn h io n Gu ide a nd H Otl 'lCL."U1 ll1U, 111"1pt.r o r "Now tbut I hu\'e seen the members M t~lI d l' could lIot be consltlerl'll u tor· mo re wDlnen 111311 Imy o t t cr JOAn,,,l n e In Il.e nut realile t·hl t Ie hlitl been pro. ' SnndBv !::lobool oontest show tbe In pluee I htl\'e n.o doubt that they wllJ tllne hUIlI,~ r hy on~' body. Bo WitS Ute w o rld . A 11 ' h e: I.. t c" \ " , y l~o; C \'e-q' m on th; s o del il"htful a\o ri c ~ : . 1' ;, I ~~\ I' r \II1' nt :l slllnd." silid the colonel. I 1<1 lid of 1Il1l0 to whom a dcecnt father Red e to be 13 tlhelld. Wblle Runday duo~d by & medlolne. 0h\alnabl6 , Mr, alld Mrl., Genrlle Talt and al in cookl n !:t h o rn e dH +I,. . 1! i, :I! . llIti v W 'I k. everywhere. II~III Belva lIoC.lldl" 'pen' Wed. ','Sure they will:" lidded Abbott wltb III,cs to IlI t rll st hl ~ dnughtcr. Old '11'1'11 11 bad day t,he attendanoe Wt18 nnd w A y e \ 0 lis:ht en 110' , w jrh ,.".1 !,' \I~ _____ • ... • needay with relatlvel a' Middletown, money, Prl ct' : onl y Sc: .. Coil ')'. 5Qt,;. {\ y e"r. sllpreme nnd cont.oglou8 confidence, on Colon .. 1 fllIlI gworl h found bllllsel1 go:r;· good, 'TId" , li~/!UBe shouM b( treated llS Boon MfII, Ella Welllh, of R.d LIoo, Is SEND fOUR! lOe F':U1C")'. \V ,1r:'!, ' nSSUnlnce which h Iped even Mellde to Intr wOl1dl' rln s ly lit the two. II~ .1h" tit'st 1I1lllntllm l looBellBss bf the Mr. and Mr~. WilliI'm Uobison CENfS IN w ith 3 9 l·.rn b ro ' tlltt b ·.. " Of oJi ltn .J vlllUing her It.ter Airs. IAnidoD t\nd STAMPS rOR 3Z. p ll;t a M~{~l! h . n o,;rn Ho" r: 111\\,< ,1. IlJlpem·M. Wh en this Is dono a believe. ArLrr lllnn 'r the IlI OU snt out on the were t:!lIndllV (.{U\ls ts of Mr, iltld Mrl', other relatlvBII here, thlll week. !'... ,.1!.rflr:y *' \1 .,('. 11'. ""t(Mr, , I •• ' "f':" j'''4o '·I.,1t 'illl!!' /1 0 . of Cilnmhcrlllln'sColJc, ChQI· I "Of course we 011 know," solll Doc· : b~tll'\'lI llo tl plniform with their cigars Tbo~ , Gllt· C~ , of WIl1 nesvtl lie. IlI&b' ..... na . UIO I', I' '' 'JI''' I I • • 'I,. 1 1i1 , I IIU .. "'., , I'll li nd Dlllrrhoea H medy will efIootl~ l1'rlenda here were lIurprlsed to , ,1dd ,. J '1 '/" .". Itor Severence, who hnd booll long ' nnc! colTee. For those thut liked It The A. M. E.obllfch III boldlng It '·lIre. 'This remell y Iln alwuys be Ile· learn of the marriage of Miss EstAlia TnE ftlcCA I.L CO 'f ZU W. :17ll 'r 'T. \'fl tk Ct ,'.t:, Y. , enollgb In touch with engineering 1I1l're \yos somet hing In tnll glllsses III pl'll" ....l npon avenin th mOlt 86verellDIl irwin a.nd Gaorie Plerod, b .Jth 01 ~~~~~~ , loom mllcb nbout It, "thnt there Is at· which Icc tlnl.1 d wh en the glallllcs protrlioted IJl flfl t.lng.t tb it 'huroh III ngl'ro'ls (·Il"C. , Ilml should be kept At in our olty Ilnd ' feal very mlloh enW"Uer w.i1son .. nd famlly.nd Frllouklin. '\Vnys more or le89 ot I'xperlmenllng In w're Ilglluted, but lII ende declloed nll oonruged with tho out.look "tl lll n'",l y f\lr lllstll.nt u re. Never leave Rllymond WI.Ison and ftlmlly took Mr. aBd Mn. Abe Cook were O"y. , ""0; ,y.. " i nllrlJey without \t , . tht' deshm of II II 'W Ihllll! like thi s:" tltr e. dinner t:lunday with huo WlJllon8. ton vlll\or8 BIIo'Drday . "With your Iwrml!'slon, sIr." he 8111d. Mrs BeojRwln EVIlns8llli remlllnil W B. O ' Ne~llwas called too Leb. "r Uill ~olng to tllk c MIRS 'IIllllgworth very S1'lously ill mooh to the regret MIIII Mnry Cad wall , of Detroit., IIonun Friday to "l1e home ot his M.lob" Itl visiting Mr. I,nd Mrll. A. D. t)tlt (In the bridge, The moon Is rl81ng of bel' many friend I . daughter, Mrs. Eva Warwlok. Their EastoD. ,!ocl;-" Mr. If,nd Mr8 J obn Simpson And "I hnve h tlrd so much nbout It." two ohlldren. of D!'ur W .. ynetlville, bome IR quar~ntiDed aD aooount of . Mrl. W. S . Wilkerllon Is oonvalsoarlet fever . 080Inl{, Th e render. 01 this pnper will bc !<lIld tI\ "Ir\' 8tnndln!; by the cluor. , were 8 Ulld llv gllests of frisnde. Mn. Mttollndt\ MoFadden ADd Ella Mr. ulld Mr. Ch,,~. G ordon were pleased to learn tll"t \ hcre i. III leul oue "I wllnr to Nt'O It whell Ule workmon 'fhe mllny frleoda her. of Dr, Compton were thEI guests 6( Honod d r".ded distils<! I 1111 I scicure hilS bee n abl. IIro nil nil' oml It Is till Quiet. In the o nud.II.Y vi8liors of Mr . And Mrll. Perry Gregg, or Ytaml!barll were Comp .oos Wednellday. to curt iu all its stuRes Rnd t h.. I is cn tan II . moon light." Wm . P, McOllrren. grieved to -Jearn that " harbeeu Catnrrh beiuK grellily iujluenced b\' Call ' • "\'cI'Y wdl. YOII hnd better chnnlfe Mr. I\nd Mrs, Gar.3.eld Pot-erlon DeOe8ltary, for hIm to bave boih feet One of the wont SDOW tltorms slitutiomd CI,lJdiliol'5 f('qui.e s cunstiluvisited his puent!1 at Spring Valley 8mpo'a'ed. BA III now a\ the home tionaltrc"lmenl. Il ull's Cutalrh Medi- your d.ress. B elen. bHore you go," sold ~htlt w !) bll" e blld ,ln ~hl ~ . seot.ifln i::!uodIiY. . of hlB Bon Dr . W. 0; Gregg, of D&y. cinc .is taken inierna lll' a lld OCls lhru the th e colonel. hlrl~ lng to Abbot t nnd cn· Wll~ on !-Iuo(ln), nnd lusted for ijeverlll Rov. W . O . O 'Neall, Mr W. Il ton . ' Dlood 0 11 ~Iucous Surfuces ,.f •• e ~)lstCll! goglllg him In convcl'snUon on t echn!o bOllr~, thereby dCllloyitl K the found a lion of th e nl IIlU\tQ.... Mr!. Albert Be8ton II lufferln, I N. Miller r flcen l)y pnrohased Ii Bogllo and Lelllh Buglln took dlnnl'r diseuse , givinR the palient slrellUlh b~ '1'0 ha Contlned fine young clrlvl1l8 horse of bigb with HOrtlce Compton8 Thurlday wl'l1 la irlppe. building UJl ti le CO".tilll l iuu alld Q5sis t ill!; Mrs Luoy Compton Bad Marianna -------..~ qUl\lIty. Mr. Miller kuowe Ilo good Mr. aod Mre, W, H. Siegfried nature ill doiug its work • . The prol"i,· t'::::::~:=::';::u: r Bogan oalled on Alloe \II alton one vlsl'ed Mr. and Mn. W, V. Crew, of borse when he sees one, tors .lta"e Sl! much f" ith ill Ihe cu rnth" da V llill' wee k , Uayton, Monday . The fight h on betwMQ thll R B d~ powe.' s of Ball' s Caluflh ~ I c dicille tha t When Home Beckon. to Pa, . LeVi Stambaugh was In Oily ton they offer Onc Huud red Dollars lor olld -----..:... Ir P" Is currying Ole buby he Is I\od Blue8 10 I·he M . E !::landay on bu ~ lue~1I SlItar<lay, case that it fails to cure . Sclld for list ur rcnlly to go horne. He 'tells wife she Sohuo\' telthnuhiuls. Virgo Mitohener II.n" E~'hlf !:Iham Hetnrn!! Are ooml ng 10 fr om \hose Addrcss F, J. CIIIlN HV & C0 ., Toledo, Cllll get the bnl!ltlce ' or the things tomorrO'l'.-F9rt 'Vorlh Slur·Telegrnm. h oltllng books In tIle sale of Ford lJllugh atteoded rl6vi \' . t 8ervloes at· Ohiu. Sold by all Drugg ists. 7,ic. tilltomobile tioket8, lind It. wlJl nol Uhellter F~ld"y IIdg1l 1. Tbe meet be long uutll f.lle· olVner will be In g8 ere b('lng oondulll.·,' by Dannie Whybren, of Luptoll. " IL,Il. known , . ~WRiter Silverll, manager of the Dr, Wellt'slmle 90n who hilS been Armour PRolllng Co., Ilt 'hl ~ ll'y, is' very lOR 'Witb pneumonlll, Sa now quite 11 bney WIlD. Ilowly Improvlni R~COMMEN'OATION One of oot· bU8111e89 firms i8001l . Wm , Uonner aged 81 diec! a' hie 'fhe 8trongest recommendatloa home lad Monda.y mornln& and Will templatin" t be puroho8e of a F ord any IIrtiole mllY r&celve la a favor. truok whloh meaDs 80 spoedy and burled In the Bellbrook o'lmetery .. ble w ord from the liSeI', It Ie the WednMdayafterooon. prompt delivery of pnroholse• . reoommendtit,jons of tbose who have Home-baking is the housewife's sure~t weapon in Benry 1 Oyler, of ADnl\dllrkll, Mr. and Mr., E. Uasev, lIouth of Ollla, Is vhltlog h ore amOl g nld u8ed It lb lit makes Chllm bArlaln 's 'o.w o. en'ertalnAd Beveral friend. to fighting high food·price s. Home-baked foods cost l ~ss friendS of YAar8 ogo, lie Ie the lJonoch Rflmedy 1:10 popullLr . Mr. ~ . 110 chlohn dlnller IAat SundllY. Am'uldl\ Gierhnrt. WaYllesfield,Oblo and are vastly better in point of focid value. And Ihe 8~me Benry lu every W'"Y tlS whon Mr. Fletoher 'AlIen, an .old resl. writes, "Ch'lInberllin '8 1J00gh Rem lipJendid pies, cakes, bread, etc., t11at ·yeu make yourbe ' wn~ a olttien of thls .vl,Olnlty. ~d ,v hllH beeo u oecl In my family off dent of thlll plaoe,' dtod at hll home W, p, MoCarren, of tha new 111:1\- .. nd on for twent, vell~8 and It hB.II on We.t Maple IItree' ~anday Dlorn self certainly tasle better than the kind you buy. fage, trAnslioted buslne8s .n Cioole. neVolr failed') our,e a o~ugh or cold," lnll a. 4 o'olock of ~ .." "ouble. nlltl two day~ last week. The fuoera.l will lake plaOll l'a~da.J' USE OHIO. MADE FLOUR Obtainable everyv,here. . ",oJnln, aDd barlll wtil be ma4e In , )Ir", EUIe ColleU attended t',e ~.he Danklrd'. Ceine&er, north .f filllo"~1 or b el' brolher,' Boraoe In all your baking use OHIO· MADE FLOUR, made O.ytoo. !'!ablo, 10 'X\lIllli, 'l'oesdltY of la8~ 'Qlorlou8 Hungary. in Ohio's mills ' and guaranteed , under the ·"Better weelr. lin•. Barry' Turner laiertained In spenklng of Huugary, a German Flout:" label. Ohlo·made flour is better for every bakOur pobllo roads are ver,. bad writer hos sold : ' 'When I hear Ita qnlte a. nu'tnber of lad.t. .. her ' ing purpose, e.a sicr to work with and the surest way' dnd .u oless there Is a. 8peolal' tllX for lome mentioned m)' waistcoat ~mti ,hollle lad .Tu.ldAy Iv'eDlni. that pur pOle we wtll oon'lnue to :00 tight for lII e, III Ill)' lloort waken8 Mrl Dr. Turnbull haa purohll8ed to bcttcr baldn~. .' . Ilave bad rOlldl h 18 tbe duty of rrndltlollury eXI>lolt:s of long ago, the a Ford aato. every o~t\zan '0 be 11 boolter for )octry nud' SOllg oJt Ute Middle Alles. SAVE BY HOME.BAKING Mn :John Edwarde, of Daylon, good rOAd" . . (ts history 18 thllt of yore, the same vilUed rel."v .. her. Thurllday, lcrolslD Ilea wlthlill 118 borden. the Mn•. Phoebe Oonner bae lIone. '0 lnmea at. Its 1l4! r0e8 aione bave UaytoD to Ihe wllh he.r BOD OhM. Ihnnged." Oonner and fa.mJly: Grandmother'1 Nice Allg. LlttIe Jobo "llIlted grandmother for "week. While there one of his great NAtlon.1 BII'II. 1018 wall to pll)' on a certaln UtUe Bome OonlOlall.,.. Most of tbe choicer lnrke,1 New lU, which WIS a wildcat Itln. Tbe dB)' -n'1 toup "h~ Joa ba.,. to pU rork eatll lit HOle haD after bll ret1ll'll bome be fila Into the eea~ a poaJIIl for bC JIaQo. .tcIrtJ·llve boDe d......D4lDl bread and "utter. fJom Ohio. . . ." II"IUIIblecl tb, Mad of the flaYGr, "Aud be aure." b. 181d, "'to &lve·.e .. land dad, are OOIDlIUI'" ...... "r... blIt It', piece ot brW th:tl's IUft U the wIllIe Rhode II~ - - JOG IMI7 the wIldclat

Restored. '1'0 l:Iou.lth By Vinol


Web of Steel


::~1: ~~ya,rs~:'as Ct~neno~~e~~ ;;P~7; A ;~~r t~:~t~bO~'~ pf,::~{ f'~ ;':;~; In SU RJI ne E Walter Chandler

- - ----






.. - ----





tiO") D

----:.---::====== HE B









iarr oea .







- ..- -----


------ ..- - --





We 'want to close up a partnership by Januaryl, 1917. ·All parties knowing themselves in deb.t to the ' firm of


B. Madden & Co., Corwin,


-----... -----


.- ..----




Please call and settle not later than December 25, 1916. No account will be, carried over into '191 7 except by parties g,iving bankable note. . Note to bear interest at 6 per' cent until paid.

No road too . avage for







Tht! patrons (I f l he school wi II find t ht! tol;owing Q ue~ li o n s in eBch g radc PEOPLE S A Hl O T OUR ING CAU card t hl IV e k. The parunt!! should fi ll t hem out cnrt!full y and te t utn them : This is a n OIJPOrl llllit {,lr Direct f rom f act o ry to you the m to expre~ themse!\·es. It will lIle an a g r a t deal of work for t h ProM o f the g!' a t r Slren g Ul teacherll to tabu la te the lin IV rs. 1::1 ,8 . CHAPMAN, O lstrlbutor but they a re willing t o per form it utili ' II ltin m 'e r :;cl .x~Jll f or the Bake of .kn owinll whllt tIlt' people wan t . " ix" IS fOlln(l III tbe f ac l I 1. Would you be in fuvor of that. the II \ . n g(' '() ~ t for , - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - , I Ir~v ini the Bible taug ht in t h~ grad es aSIl h isto ry . omittin)!' a ll s c tal'ia n' r. IP ir 1 arls U ism? Would yo u like t o ha\'(' a I t horo ug h cou r e ' in Old nnd ew t wo i., .:,'. iit} pll' car . T esta ment History in the H igh I Schoo l? 2 . Do yo u fa\'or a g ymnasium for the H ig~ Schoo17 hould it ut' submittp.d to lhe \, ole of lhe p(·oplp. 13 would you wo rk for it ? . 3 Wou lrl you obj oci ' ( 0 le tti ng t he H igh chool studen ts darrce at t hei r social!!? (The leach ' r8 wuuld not d ance wi th th e 8t u d<'nl~ but s upe r vise the enti r e socia l. ) AT 2 P. M. 4. Would you work in 8 Mothcr's Clu b fo r the be tte rm en t of Ih,~ ~I / school? ( MOl he rs on ly. RnSWt'r.) , i ~ 5 . (~ i \'e an y suggestions) a u tlla y , . ~, ~:..~ have for th e bett erme nl o [ th e ~ ' ',,;. ( Tru.l. .·s aile by public nucllon at the do or 01 th o Cnlll' tlloll80 In Leba· schools. I . ",,:.:,1."' nOlI. WlrreD Counly. Oblo. SatllrdR)·. Fl'ill'llR l-Y 1 ;th. at 2 (1. 01 . FI ve Li Wha l per ce nt of t h o~ !ln ~ \\' (' r · , i, r- " tu • • b .IoD~ l n~ to the Ei:sl6te of t.he le te J . :'II. lI"yu E'r. Tbe entire l!l r::J ing d o YO II conside r sh o uld b r(,' · Sax 01l " Six" i." $815 f. o. f,. Detroit bCHIy . t land oontaln. about ~ lIll 9 re~ . 8\1b ·,II"ld od IU lJl Ol'e turms Itnd I} uireri bt'fo r it is Ils~unwt1 to L ' tile' locateil .Ilt mile. 8. E. of L~ba IHi ll . " 'KITe n (·"U ll t.' . hlo. reacbecl by l be voice of 111'e Township? GO ".. , 'itJ .... . ,' Ih"'ilka l jons: New hody <1 f' il!. l1 . l" n r"1' h",J \, . I"",· (i r. i ~h , l at'l'W'blD line fr om LebBU() 1I to :)1)t1 th L ,·bnu,.II. ' r''' l'm Ile~ abo ut oue LO.... or !JO "v. J ~ Ior;lke~ . 4 I h ·· 1'11 11 ,'a n t i\c I' cl' IYJI(' r,· ,, ' " 1 "· l rr ~! . ~ l'I'aJ.k lIllII trom SteUon. one m il e tram Little .\ lluDlI St8tldn At South Leba· . hll tl. lilte.1 \\I inll:;hi ·1.1 . n ew styl e Illp \\ it ll e l l'l' l ti l 1, ·>< 1' htlw . Dla. br.Doh at t bl P .. C. &, SI. L. nnel 28 III !Je ll nOl'I h ot Clnclnna.tI. Ilew s tet' I ft'rH l rs . ill~Ll' lI t1l e nl ~ 11111 1111 ('01 " n ,.,,\.;! d, II (' 111'11 111 [' The Blanchester Hi ~ h School [:J Tract No. 1. known 08 tb~ Lll r.aa Farm. enntaln. 141 anrew Imflro \'ed I C:J basket ball team came he re Fri day \' I:I111lllium v/l lve . I' rinl{s. nt'w d"oi!.:t.l I'llrb lltcl" I' I I~ ' \\'lw,·1 wtUt "room brlok bOll SO. Acety lene llao. bnrll ro r :15 heed of ato"k, .13e evening Bnd they mus t have had COl cl ha. p . li,"h t \\ eil! hl ~ i )( cy lith lf'r hi \.: h :;o pel'.! llI"I" I'; :: ~ ;\' J l i r ( '~ ' 'b" •• Ina le oorn orlb b ol .JJ n~ 1.5 011 bll .. 2 r lst ~ J'JI' And np,'er tAili ng f eet when t hey ~a me for th py weill . . tl emnullta hlt' r ims . I wo unit :; t nr till),! li nd livil Ill\! 'Y t ( Ill . • ,rlq; 115 aores of fI ral ball om. balan ce III hlu" gr.... flo. ture ",Ith . I. If : '1:' . " "II l'ilrs away with a l remendou ~ d efl'>l t . on ly 1 L 1'1"·1' . ' •. 1'. , : " ' ''" .. 'l'il1ll("'11 l1 xl s. full Tmlk n lJ ~ u r ill J:'~ . a tll l 1\\"11\' 1'1I1;h ,'" 1'1' • ,..,1)' I. ,r. l', r ,ll..·w .,r the D.....r falll D~ sprlo~ 10 pasture. . t s t 0 th ~lr ' ered I' t . lit.'uct n· JI " lillettl nls. fi ve pOln r ~h' l\\ Ij. .. ..,\ ' 1 11 ., \\ hi r 41)\ " I, J I l l I l ! l lid ' J1tl l' lS or Ule Traot No.2. Imo wn aa t he old hODle tn rm, ('olllnlning l OS Rcres. 1m· Thef WaYtnhesv llllet bOYSk~utplay~d uhaCIl:JI'''blll \, .1 :1 .1,.. lh l' '" k o f H Ih em r om e s ar • ma Jnl( II' n ~ I provecS ' wlt b l O·room trame bouse. nc nlylpn e "8~. furna ce, ~·Il p l. ce lla r, whe never they wanted to. The game lIarn 8b 6' wltb 20 rt. abed entire leDlth ; spring Wlllsr al th e barn. 'l OW was too one:sid ed to m ake it in bu n J1x6j) . celllant fl oor wltb I t.el . (al1 phl'OIl . dll Ublo ('or n crib oa paclty. 3,000 bu.; lar~e warehollSl Bnd r•• ll barn tbat will Ilc('om mod nle )00 teresli ng. but tbe Bl anch e te r boy~ layed a clean game t hroug hout. bea4 of oatUe, nu m. roul otber oul·bull~ lulI.; 113 Bcres ot tl rtt bottom. Th e fi nal score waB 47 to 5. • ba.laac. In blue Iran with 6ve neVll r fal ll nl sprlngl. Tbl. rarm and t bl) old 110m. baa to be Been t o be appreolated. Large rorOlt lreee Burround lbe InUre I'Ol ldenoe raclnll the. LI ttle MIa.lII l n.lve r and R&.Ilroad OD l be eoutk. One of tbe most picturesque old rosld ence !.Dd Burroundlngs In I I Warren Oounl,.. TNlt Ne. 3 , lInown al tbe Leonard F arm. con tains 93 Bore •. ' ImDroved The SIl W his ShadO\\'! The M n" s - Women's class r ,;I~ frame houae. acet ylene lias. lIl1Iull horRo barn &lid 11110 oow last Friday lin I in order to I rove il a nd Li"ltt Ileal'er d' I .s anu fr iend s bara ; 17 acre. ot IIr. t bottom. 46 acres ot 8000nd. balance In blue gra .. Mrs. C. W. Hawke received word he sent ~on. of lhe c o ld c~ t wu th t' r uf Ghri. linn Bibl e ~ch o I at Ferry putun wltll tbree ' Drlng •. Monday evening t o t he effee t that imagina ble tn uce n tulltl:! his kn nwl· \'e ry s u c ces .~full .v pi l1Il'ed a nd carRegu lar meeti ng ofJ . 0 U. A. M. Tne\ He. 4. kDown AI tbl YOUD, Farm . contlli na 110 ocrel. Improved her sister. Mrs. E lme r La t chem. had edge of" Ir" i ~ il.'· !:\a tu rday t!vell- I ried out R s urprise an Mr. and Mrs wi ll m eet at t heir h al1 Friday even· wtik '-room trame house. barn tor I) ho reee. LO OOW 8. slnale corn crib. died a t her home In T ill man. F la , ing and 'ullday m') g I.'U 'Iy a \\ Frank Wright lal\l WCl ln rl ay nigh t , in g. Febru ar y 9. All me mbe r s r ~tt, 100 IaU. i· SO acru of tint boUom . 70 acr e. 01 upland. balance In a f ter an illness extendi ng a vcr seve r- changes to wll r mer w6a Lh r. hu t emindinll' them of thei r twe nt ieth I' q uested t o be presen t. Owing to imparl nt legislat Jon ._ael ~o"'th timber &lid blue cra.. ~.. ture. al years . Mrs . Latehem will be r eo along about 1111. m .>.Sund ay a bib, I ycd dlng nnivdrSary. Owing to t he penuing io th ' i nlcrC8~ of libraries. m embered by many fri ends here as zanl t.ruck t h oown. Ilnd i l) fll' r aip ana bad rQ dl! rullny were d e MI'. iJ iu whu WRR t) have been in Trallt No. I . kl ilwn as the. Hu Un.. Far m. 11" Borell. unimproved; 90' privcd 0 f being lJrlls ent, ' bu b ah ou Miss Maggie Dakin, The funeral hOD 1'8 the theJ rnorn e ' r WOln t do, WnYM,l\IW\} last I1tllrtluy Cter noon , _ _ farm land, bajanci In wooda and blue ~ae8 pasture, two nl"'el' wiU be held and il\terment made a t like it was gre /l~ .i . At 6 0" '1 ok in fOTty-five mar ched in and ·tolti t hem \laKed to have l hu meet illl!' PObt l)oned. faJI~ ",eU.. All covered In cloTer !lud tlnlotby. Penn Alway. FrIend of Indiana. the eve:nhg the )\ ~ro tOllrk \ V1I8 the h d comt! La liP 'utl the ir a nn iMelbourne, F la., t hill aft ernoon a t 1 'I 'll sever ily or t he weathe r made it ] t h ILS bc:n ~ tn t etl thnt bl! fllr" P nn ePII01.U. NOTICl!l :·-'l'b. maehlJlery and contents of the ()annl n ~ faotory o 'cl ock , More extended noti('e later . reach ~d . anrl a breezp rnak il)lf about veTilf;l ry with them . seem hest to the cOlll mi t tee to agree eft P elltl ~y l\' n nlu 101' EIlj!lo nd. iii ,,1ll1lOt "e l ola with tbl hom. farm. but the building will , 0 wltb tbe GO miles, a ll hotll·. ma e pcople hu g: Thc vening w ns !lpent in soci al to Lhe pos tpon ment. Th e meet in g pro,.n,.. The pr••ent owner has one )'ollr to remove the conlent. of the the fire . Monday ml)Tning 1he th(l"· con ve l'. all on and l11uRic. A n oyste r .OS4. he mrrcJ e 1I·t!lI ti cs of r rl c q(l ~ h l J) is tl OW announced for Feb r uar y 17th. m il nlll e nee with no les>! I h an nillebutldl. .. Mrs. Harriett Lincoln died at her momelt'r r egiste red from 6 to IU b ' . s u p pc r was all of t he enj oyable 1::\0 p. m . li t ~ Ir oul II II fpa l ll l'{,s of thu even iti l{ . The Li g ht et'u disti nct t rl beR. ll uLl Ihi s IlIn y well home Monday morning at 10 o'clock. low 'I' h !lolicilirlg COtUIlI It have one TUX. 0:1' 8ALl!l:-,600 deposit on eacb tract sold on day ef .ale. Ie tru e. for history pro,'es t tilit fn l' Wate r· pipes all 0 'er town we r BearerM cl. " of hi ch Mr, Wri g h t after an illness of silvera I m on th9. hund r/'d rn '1Ui! I'S und arc r ady for The nmalJlder of ot t be pur cbll88 price to be given 011 or before 'lO The funeral ..... held thi, morn ing frozen . an in seve ra l hou es whe re i t!l<l~ hcr , pl'e ent ed Mr . a nd Mr. . ""Il I'S ofler his lltm lh. which occurrl II o rgani;~ llt l(ltI a nti li n enl husiastic ' ' ' ' 'from elltl ot lale. when deed Is r iven. T b" ballDoe In two equl n 171 . the hl\llJulfl In nil J)ll rt s or the hot ·waLer B Y tem is used . tIll' Wri g ht wi t h 1\ v ' ry pret ty china at the Christian church at 11 o'clock. rn t!e t in n. The young '5t c"nt rii! u tor PQaeaUI bearlna !I 'll. Intereat from dllte or dellyery of d.14. CIT' all ollb R.v. C. S. Grau8er officiatinll. i n· pipes nierc f rnze n ai rel the inhabitant." burry eet. MI'. ann I rs Sherman :)t: on syh'o nln IInli weste rn Nl.' w .Tf' r- 10 the l iorll ry fu nd i~ a little gi rl ot or . ., amClul1t of cub over one·tblrd nI purcbnsor'1 option. Poa...· '~T l'e~(')'L'(1 the nllme at the un o \\' hom ROl!:I'r.= pn: IIled t heln with a d ozen terment waa made in Miami ceme- were withQul ri ro for SIl V ral h UI· sil( years. We Le ptmk t he interest .Ioa of fann atvln March 1. 1917. In No me cas(>~ the \Jip 8 lJIIl'stetl chin a !'1\ ure dishes. t he Men', cia s Iwy hnd leorncc.l to know null 100'c 1II1 at th c hild r 11 in all \1' 0 can do for te ry . 'rlclIlI lIud lI,]Vlser. N I YII' la the hl.to17 ot Warren Oount,. bnll s ucb a m Rpl1lcint body of making it m U'11 lIl ore jn~ulfe ra !)"' . Rnd V a m ' n 's clas. 11r<'sented them III 'i r u~" u fi t . 1&114 Mel! oftered to the open market al your own ))l1oe. · . We g<'ne rllil y IiI; cold weathe r. with (llIe doz 1) dinner vlates, one One c'1n tr ibut I' lives more tha n F . W. Hathaway received word bu l when the winu hunts you UII dozen \.Ii »luLe~. on e d ozen cups a nd seven ru il' from W,ly ncs ville , show · hnal ,,111 be offlNel tn dlfferont trllQte or any wa,. to .lull plIJ'elaulra. lut week of the death of his brot her while you a te tr, ing to get yo ur rest . sllucers. Mr . and Mrt! . Torn. Hun t pr ing the rn vemllnl ha f in the J'or fIIrtber taformatlon \\' rl te Olr Be. D. H e llid. Trultee. tor tit,. Ellatl John Hatbaway. at Elder, Col. Mr. we mus t suy tha t that is j ust a litLle 1tave them 11 ve ry nice r ug. All d e. country. The co untry ~ oop l e have cpr J . M. HllrJler. lIoll1\'ln4 Dldg .• Dayton, Oblo. .. . Hathaway had a cancer, and w ent too mu ch. And we don't mind if part d at :l In t c h ou r wishing th n'l been responding in ' manner most westtwo yearl agO', hQPing that it t he groundhog hims olf wIshes Lo m a ny mor years of ma rried lif AttorneYII. enc uraging to the comm ittpe. ' --,...,-= = = ---would belletit him. The funera l sleep,a li t tle l on~er, bu t he ought a nd ma ny ha ppy annl ver. a ries. waa held at Xenia laat week. not to wo r k s uch a hard~hi p on poo , _ .. _ _ _ WANTED • -- . pIe by try ing to prove his asserlions ' Rocnna 2-3 D . ...... BId8. D AYTON. OHIO


~ ~ ~



· SALE, TR.USTEE'S By Public 'Auction at t he Door of t he Courthouse in Leban.on, Warren County, Ohio




B Farina Belonging to the Estate of

ill. e


~ ~



:~ J. B. CHAPMAN Agt., \V ayne vi!Ie, J.



the Late J. M. Hayner.


-, .... .



' t~"' ~'' ''WilU II


ANNIVERSARY_8e'.: . . .3. .I~ael~~~=_II a~.e~_----~_8E~_==:1-8=c:z:::~::.I~B




~ ~; ~ ~:



J. O. U.





,- - -- ---


Late Classified Ads.

w. F. SMITH, Auctioneer

Read the Miami

G~~ette now


Read ti:l'f! PU b: :

~Ies in Uli~ iBSUO LOYAL




['00 111

gl rl n t t he F r lelloll




Stattligbt Pat¢nt ACCEPT ED BY THE

Ohio Millers' ·St ate Associcl FOR ITS


M ra . D. H . Palmer ai:d Mrs Rov Hatlul way wer hos l('sses of the OYIII Women' R Bibl e clas3 elf Ferry ;llristian Bilile School. Thu rsdayaf te rnoon a t the hom ~' of t bei I' teache r. ·!Vlrs. D. H . Palmer. Altho ugh we we re havi ni' a reg ular blizzard, twcnty five ladies braved the wea th- ' , ur Bl1U a most en joyable class session was held The meeting was ope ned hy a song; Script ure lesson wa s r ead liY. t.he president. Mrs. Hathaway; 11I'ayer by Mr . ,Palmer. A very interestina- 1:AIs iness session was h 'ld . Pllln8 were mad e fo r t he ~ a l e and also comm ittees 'a ppointed far a va lentine socia l in the .;burch b il<'l'm Ilt F ebruary 15th . T he p ro, ,"eli:! fo r the day weTe:j;7 05 . After t 1) ~ h usin es!:I s asian contests a nd a """oJ fv" cia l Lim e were enjoyed . A II .1I1t\' ton ' COUI'Re lu nch was s erved Ia\' 1:1 hales e . . . h(' (lIH!S l B p reRcnt we re Mesdames Joe \ ' ill iam ~o l1 , Will Elliot. Will • ;utht ie , Prl\nk Rog e rs. Wal ter Ken. : i, Jr . Gill.on . Fox. Minnie Ha r tsock, :\li !l~(;i\ Mary Wilson . Mae Wrig ht, l~r !ln ' P,. Wri g ht , Mr. Roy Ha thaway, R,-v I'a lnw r und MssLe r I:'a lll Wright. rh~ 11 xl hkq lmleting be in IIm·h. wilh Mr~ . Frank ' Wrigh t and ., \ i l'· .1,)h II Wri~llt as hos tessCl), at I h,~ \ a m of the former.



If you

Want an Extra High~Grade' .] atent Flour for' all kinds of, .



T he c mpaig n sloga n i ~ incorpor' ated in the special luh ~ 1 of t he Ohio MilletB State AS:loci Ition . alld t he E: erything Good to Eat · campaign centers a r ~lLInd t hi3 g uar . at the Right Prices ant c(> lahel. BefQre an y m ill 1:1 Ii. cen~ed to use the AtlSocia tion la bel, it.mus t lI'ual'an tee t o the Associa t io n Choice table P otatoes.pkonly G5c thnt its fl,mr meets the A ssociation's All Pan Cake Flours, p kg ... tOe AlI S~ rap Tobaccos, 6 for ..... 2i)C' atnn d ard~ of pu r ity a nrl q ua lity a nil All 5'0 Cigars, 6 f o r .. .... .. .... 25c .. meas u res up to every re<lu lre men t o f Clean Easy Soap, 6 f o r ...... .. 2.5c ci ty. state. and liedc ral rn ~nufactur . Lenox Soap, 8 ~or .. ... . ...... .. 10e ing law:! . . \~Ilen. this has bell n don • Big Can Pumpkin ... ............ IOc the Assocl atlon 'ln t urn guarantee" Big Can H ominy .. ...... ...... 10c t he flour to the marc h nt aad to the housewi te. 'rhe at nda rds adopted Specials for ' Saturday by tllo Association are s uch that only flour of u nq uestioned m erit ca n be 10 Bars P . & G. Nap Soap .. . 42c s old unde r t he label • . 10 Barl:! Fels Nap Soap ........ 42c _ _ _ ... _ ••_ __ 10 Bars, Sunny'Monday Soap 42c


It pays to trade at

Some Rose.



A new rORe Is valued lit ~Uj,ooO" It you want to order a couple ot dozen. DOW'S, your I!hnnce.- ·BuIl'n\o Times. "







EN-TERTAINED HER . . SUNDAY-SCHOOLCLASS On Saturd ay evening , February ~rd . Martha Lukene de light fullyed. te r tained t he F riend's Sunday-School Cluss No .4, at ber horn e near Harveysbu rg . T he meeting wu called t o order by t he second vice-preaiden·t, mi nu tes we re read and approved, rol l wall called and members re s ponded wi t h t exts. a fte r which the following p rogram \Vas listened t6 . ,Etta Kennedy. R~ad ing; Martha L ukens . Recitation; Vellta Reading; Vedu Su mner , Ourrent Events: Lida Kennedy. Reading; Alma Lam b, Class Prophecy. The fo llowing w e~e a l ~o p'resent, MiR! McKinsey . Lev i a.nd WIlliam Lukens, HarOld W ll am. R . S. Watkins, Edwin Ran~" and Georgia Whelee\. A am ly two-cou rse lunch Willi serv,ed after which we ad j ourned to meet with Mi88 Veda Sumner March








Our Annual 9 Cent' Sale is on. D()ubtless you have read a ll abQut it in tl:te ' big colored hand bills we sent out advertising the. event. ~ P lease take this as ·a personal invitation to you to come in and get your share of the Bargains. You never in your life saw such a temping layout for the mbn~y . '



See, Handbills for particulars. Buy while the stoak ;s compi'!te.

F. B • . Fa rr's


S pecialist In Bargains

Wa,neaville, . ._ _ _-


. .- - -. ._

. .. . . . ..



• SiXLy-N in t i

Whole Number 3410


Yl' al'



THE WOMAN'S I. - - - - - - - -_.-.+ I[ : AUXILIARY 'S1. Kentucky Belle. Scbool Hall. MARrS CHURCH U. M. White's sale. Sat., March 5.


n-SO-CIETY-EvENTSf,LIBRARY OfFICERS .--------~.. WERE ELECTED Mr. and Mrs. J lJ. I\larlatl enter tained a t dinner I{ev . S. A. Beall and fami ly. ON SATURDAY ~ullday


Tuesday evening. FeLruary 13, Mr . and Mrs . ."herm an lJyke nte rtained Mr . and Mrs, Walter Kenrick . Mr . and Mrs C. E J Olll' , Mr. and Mrs. All en Emrick, 1\1 r, and Mrs. Beme J one. Mr, and Mrs . Will :O; tr our\, and Mr. and Mrs. Ca rl Pick · erinJoC anJ 8011 Hu g h . Lighl refreshment s we re Re rved . ,

The regular meeting of the WoSee Waterhouse for Auto Livery. marl's Auxiliary WIlS held at the I'I'C ' tory un ,"',.iday a f£'rnoon, . February W. O. Raper spent Sunday with 16th The meeting was opened Wil h friend~ in Cincinnati. mU Ri!! .• "l'he Sanctus " pla~' ed on the Vktrnla MI S, Cadwallader read Saxon cars equillped wilh Savage the If)l h clru\Jter of Sl J oh ". All tires go th e limit . j oined in rCIll!a tinJ{ Ihe creeJ whiuh wa~ followed bv prnyer by It- v. J. F . Cadwallarler "All Haillhe Power Allen Haine~. of Xenia. was in of Jesus' NHme," was then player! town today on bu~iness. on the Victrola. Scriptural Quota· lions were ~iven in responac to roll Dr. Dill, Osteopath 21 S. Broad· call Afl er t he leading of the min. way, Lebanon. Ohio. Ul es. other busine8l:l waB taken up and arrangements were made. to hold Ii mi9slonary tea at the home of Miss J osephine Andrews spent the Mrs S L Cartw right ott !o'riday at. week-end in Oxford. Ohio . ternnon. March 16t h. The '(!sson for the Ilay was "How Miss Edytha Macy IIpenl the week Our Church Cume to Georllia ," and end with relatives in Xeni a. many va ill abll' hisloric,,1 fads wl'r e brou ght out Ill! ' i'll( th? c" ur~!' II f Rrinsr your c'reum in 10 L. A Zimthe l eB..~on MI'~ () L Cran~ read I merman' s Creamery ::ilaLi n. . a most pxce ll e!)\ paper on G ~ nens l I Jatnt's OIlIl'th nl'lle whic b ~ how e d careful prt:pIHIl I iun Myer Hymnn s pent SunilllY and A great addilillllto,he progra m of Monday with relalives in Cincinna ti. the af' e rnoon was a pa'per on "Old Mis.qiC'nll ." hy Mrs. Adams. 01 Kan F. B. Bendenon nnd Elmer City, Mrs Arlams has ~pent era were [Jayton visitors Thurpday. BOme time in Ca lifornia and made a study of the subject, and her paper Dr. and Mrs. H. E . H athaway set forth olonly the great knowl- were guests of Sprinltboro relatives edge gained bv intimate association. Sunday. but Illso the culture and education of this able writer At the close of the re~~~. Ih esocie~sh ow~ Ih~rap· J 0 Cartwright waa a bu~ne s s precialion by extending s vote 01 visitor in Lebanon 'ruesday. thanks to Mrs Adam s, After adjournment a pleasant 80 O. W . Thompson, of Mor row. cial hou r wus spenl listening to Vic· s pent a few hours among friends trola mll ~ ic . here Tuesday . . . Mrs. Adam~. ~rs. McClure, Mrs , Stout &l,d Mrs. Woolley were pres· - 80rn to Mr. and Mrs . H . A . Nich ent as Yisilors. . . ols, on l"ebruary 11th. a daughter. Dorothy "'velyn. '"

Those wbo listened to Mr. J. Howard Dice on lhe subject of Iibraries at School Hall Saturday ilftllrlloon f el t well paid for their time . , The comrr,itteQ hnei secured 125 members ou t of 135 solicited, and was continued. to be augmente(! hv a membership committee. The door i, open to all who are interested. If Mr. arid Mr~. W. S. Salisbury gave you have not j oined. thereisnotime a family dinner' ::lunday . Tho ~e like the present. The above figu l'es ~ re~ent were Mr. and Mrs. . K speak more emphatically than words £vans, Mr and Mrs. Robt. E. Lurp, as to the favor with which the library MrR. J. M. Al exander. of X nia, id ea is being received. d Mrs . W. V. Luce and Mr . C. A. An organization Willi effected an Lu ('e, of Sprin g Valley. Mr. and the work will at once take form and Mrs . n. P. Sfll i!lburyand rla ughter. cryst.allize into a library at the Mr . and Mrs, L. L. 'alisbury. ea rliest possible dat e:. Officers were elected as follow!! : Pres" Dr. Mary L Cook; Vice PreS., ' everal f riends of Mr. William Mr. E. J. Arnold; Sec., Mrs, J . L .. D)'ke su rprised him at his homp. 0 '1 Mendenhall; Tress_, Mi8. Marla th e IJy tle road Friday cve nin~ . The Stout. eveni ng Wa!! 81,Pll t in games and con - A $25 donation hall been received "ersalion. anJ at a seasonable ho ur toward the support of a Reading ami delici ous r efreshments were se rved . Rest Room on Main St., in connection Th o~c present were: Misses Kathryn with the Library. Clark . Zelma and Esta Slacy, Anna _ .......__. _ - Ethel Graham. Reba Earnhart . Vel · ma ' !TIlth, Haze l MUllen, LaV erne snd Hhea Dyke. Messrs. Ernest Earnhar t. All en ' mith, Everett Clark , Hussell and Harry Burnet, tiarry Graham. Glenn J ohns, Ralph J ohns. (Copyright) Herm an Smith. Hermsn Gebhart. William, Ralph and Alvin Dyke. Mr . _ ====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and Mrs, Carl Pi ckering, Mrs. Forest Graham and daugh ter, Mildred , and I Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Dyke. . . 'O ne of the most important meu· ,' Cor~NE CTION ur811 Introduced at this '888lon of the _ ___. . , legislature Is the Marker Bill, which J. O. Cartwright A few of Miss VIOla Jordan 8 provides for the establllhment of t'l f VH j lu~,,\<· i lJ ~ . flU \\' 'r t! J1fcscntin,:l. The friend s Bnd relatives were frlenda went to her home Tuesday county district IIl:iraries throuih~ut Levi Mills was born In the CaeS8TS The :\\;\ynard H. Mu rc h Co. shocked la~t . 8aturday morning to e vening, February 13. 1917, to re o Ohio. Withoutdlsturbinll any eXIst· 'Creek neighborhood , in the edge of r C ICI'"lond learn of the death of Mrs. Anna mind her of her twenty-firflt birth- ing county, township, or munleipal Warren County. in Mnrch. 1844. His . . father was Jonathan Mills and lIi B ' 1 Ii(' m"n" '':'''11(1, :tnd aC"\In llllall~es Brace Clark who passed away at day. 'l'he young people went down library, t\lis bill ma~e8 pOllible the Ch . C k b h b of ,\1 1'. J. p. '1IlIVrkh l, wh" r r .sl!(mother. arltY!l? . ot m!3 m ers \I',' n " ( ')1' - 1.:1< Irc. ,,· ~n,hil' r of the 5:30 o'clock in the morning after in a big wagon and the, certainlv exteneion of local library service to of prominent famlll e~ m theIr day. \\'"", .. ".,:. 'ati, un l II. 11k. w, lI be only a f ew day's illness. Although did enjoy themselvetl. Refreshments the many parts of the state w~ich Misses Dorothy Geb~uer and He3' .. nd the names rem~ln lo,day very :11,,'•. , I"" ia ka ru i"" ha t he is 11 1) \\1 .knnwiQg that she was q uite sick none were serve'd cOII,is ting of popcorn, are d.prived of sue IQca\ fac\lltle~. t e.r Canine were week·end guests,of familiar among Fr i~nd s "'·I.r , "II' II'; "I hi lL" rilM), T he realized her danlterou8 condition un· candy. cake and punch. Games and rt is estimated 2.500,000 people . will Mr. Mills was twenty years o f age , . I 'VII I II. I,m' h (-,,,n p:II 'Y. In" cs t- til th e awful news of her death. music were the featurl".B of the even· be affected by Repre8entative Markfriends in Franklin, Ohir/ Her's was a character that was inK. At a late hour the "uests de· er's bill. when he came to Wilmington. ForI m~ ~" , ~('l"" i'i, ,,, "i (' "\'t'b" V. . a time he studied law in the office of . I I", C" ''' l''' "Y. wh'e , \\' :\~ nrgalllzc<1. strong in purpose, unlUlsuminr in parted wishin" Miss Viola many more - - -... _ ••- - ' Brin~ }' o~t cream to the Western Robert E, Doan and during the win- \ ' n I<~". I,.., 1'111 "'" , ~l raplil alld 5'!L- disposition. her every day life dis- happy birthdays. Those who enh t co,.I .. 1 w"wth . Ilu , I II ,IV occupIes Ohio Cl'eamery CQ. ·s atation Bt L. A. ter seasons f rom 1865 . t 0 186 . . e a .. ,he ,Illir,' ," ("11 ,'u,l l, A,'"r 11£ the played her real nature, and won her joyed the evening were as. follows: Zimmerman'a. tended law le.ctures In ClI1cmnatl . n,'1\' I ''' '''II .'\ :tu" .".1 Da nk HlIillii ll g ? f friends where\'er she went. She Misses Viola Jordan, Alma Lamb, At the present price of flour, the He wu admitted to. the bar as an fin' ' ;", 1. ",I'i h:" '·I ,rC-,·Ut'IlIl·'·S If! was no res pecter of persons and be- Martha Lukens, Laura MI:Kinsey, value of the ou~put of Ohio's flour Kentucky Belle Is a play that will attorney in 1 68. He was a partner ull ,,( II .•· ill1 l''''I ;o')( <ii, lricIS ()£ the friended all alike and sacrificed her· Veda Sumner, Elsie Ertel, Opal Mills, Ing f!1il1s would rench annually ap keep your attention in Its entirety. with R. E, Doan foratime. but later <\ :tIC. 'J hI' < lIr~o-;; (,f Ihis ,· ol1l~a~ ,y self to h elp a friend in distress. Faye and Merle Ellis and Vesta Ellie eDtered bueiness for himself. InOc · i. rlr,,· ,.) Ihe fael lha l Ihe . r c llrt ll S Having lived . in and near Waynl's ' Geo rgia Whetsel. Messrs . Alan Hartllr<txlmately'OO,OOO,ooo. Lalit year' s Thursday night at SchIJol Hall. tober 1873, he was elected Prollec ut- " .1. klr II ha ~ "k , h" \,' iI" '·II. nf t.he ville all her life. s he was known by sock. William Lukens. Howard wh'lat crop, at ..2 a bushel would be 'I na. A'ttorr ey of Clinton County but hll~h"' 1 ch:If :r.,d. ·ltlt! \ (1 I!'" "'l~gl'lly many who alwnys had a good wnrd McGuinn . : .. P',' ', .': :1;: . ". Charley worth a trifle le:lll; bllt last years's . . . ~ I ,' (ir l hl' llll' n dlrl"~l h' 111 I Cf("!:o! I cfl I the for her and won her friend ship. She Voiers, 1: .I ( U ' .1 Lil u . :I1I\ J ' Talcrop was CX'llIparatively amall. the ¥.s~ Dora Ellis r~turn~tl to her r~lgned -at tIJe .e nd of 0!le year 8 eer . \\"· Ih,,... f Ih l' \'0)";1''1'_\. averalle being over SO.OOO.OOO bush . home In Wooster, OhIO, af(er Bpllnd- vice. After bemg adnllttea to prat!o In oui' next issue we will start a T he j,,[101"'1I1I' Ilirn'IM' of T he was a faithful member 04the Friends mage. els The purpo e ohhe Ohio Millers' Ing Borne time bere with relatives tlce law in the United States Courts. \ .I\ n:, r,( J I \lnr..J, Cn rnpall Y are church. unili ng the church in childcontinued story, entitled "A Christ· a88ocilltion to make the" Ohio wheat in 1873, he fo.rmed a partnership ""';,,,<: Ihl' h,"1 k",,\\'1\ h,," ~ers all(1 hood. and r emaining true to her The "Joll ,' r,, ·. I·' l<aveafare· mas Eve." Thl, story isacollabora· fields BupDly th e Ohio mill8 and the U . M. White'a 8ale Sat.. March 5. with Felix G. Stone, and for sev~ ral "" ': 111'''. 'M n nf 0, "o{"la,, '1, anrl are views until called from labor to her well par tv :-; ,. UI't1,), eJ' (ming, Feb- tion ot four members of the Centeryears the name, Slone & Mills. wa s '." ,'' " ";Ih, r I'er ',,~, al ~· .or by -rcpu la- reward. Th deceased was born in ruary 17, 1917 ill honor of the Misses ville Library ABSociatlon. It Is w4!11 Ohio mills supply the Ohio market well known in this section of the I,,,,, I" "'_"" "' , I,,; ,v 'C'""),: .' leems to have a basis oj possibilltv_ ButlerviJl e , 0 ,on May S. 1 ~55 , and Mary and Geo rgia Whetsel. The worth printini. and our readers will f:. l'l t'':hlcnt , r("l r many' The thing could be dorfe, if not in Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chapm~n. Mr. cO)lntry. Later he b eca~e a mem .. , I',,,'< i:1' rt~q\llr .. j''''II' 'f Ihe S larlll ~ rd ,I died at her home in Waynesville, evening was spent in games and aee that there i8 some good talent in the actual exclusion outside flour and Mrs. E V Barnhart spent a ber of th~ Il1:w firm of M!"s & Van (" . "j 11I1i.,: JIO hll /\ . ning. Vi"" February 10. 1917 being 61 years. 9 music, Refreshments wero served that part of the sLate, products. which would be undesira- couple of days in Cin:innati last Pelt. the JUl1lor partner being JU'd ge 1', ,.·j'I" III. I ';r,~ I "r £ Flr> t N"linnal months and 2 da>'a of ngeat the time consistinl( of popco rn and candy. At Theatory il the outcome of literary ble, at least in the proportions of week. ' D, -R VanPelt. At a later time he "",,1. l)ircr.I"r nf ';,,31'1Ii,11 Savings of her deiLth. a late hou r the guests departed wish· work. by the association . The first wllllalaw partr,er with A, E ~Iev . "< '1"." I (-".: ~1:1\' lla r'l 1,1. )Ir,rd,. Vice wheat produ ~('d and high· grade flour In Augu st 1898 she was united in illg the J olly Crowd would iive some writer is followed In turn by the manufactured The. milli!,g investLost- A &mall plush robe. between enger, now of Cleveland. as Mills & l'fI- : le" l "~,! :-t:.II:O I~ III g D'rl'~ tor : marriage to Thomas Clark who to- more s uch joyous ' occa!lions loon. other three. each one ~1i:ing up the :\. \' . 11')111. I f"""n'f: Sccr ~l ar) all<1 gether with brothers and sister, sev- Those who participated in the fun same characters, ~tc .. and it makes ment and the farllllng Investment James Wills home and Wayneaville Clevenger Judlle Mllls married Ruth W. Mc I, c., "rrf . ,r I!W :\,nll, :"al J\ eral relativ es and scores of fr iends were as follows: Misses GeorKia and very good reading. The story wll\ will please leave at the would both. make larger ~e~urn8, and F' d . b f h . t I '1111 1CI' '' ' '.~ ( II . : I'. I·. Pr ~," " R, from the mcrC'ased actIvIty. there ,In er ffi ' i"hll~n. a mem er 0 t ~t . pr~mlnen '",-cl f of Ihe ( ,,,:,,II Sav lllgs & are left to mourn her untimely death Mar.y Wh(!tsel, Viola Jordan Alma probably be run in one column would coml! a 'llreater c ,nle.n t. - Col Gazette 0 ceo and Ethel Lamb. Laura McKinsey, strips, and continued from week to famIly . 80 well known m thIS coun, '1',.,:- 1 \ ." " I tir" I· ."r. I ,t kl' Sho re Bank- and r evere her melllory. umbua. (0.) Dispatch. try, in 1862. Fi ve children were born ; '1 '1' s· 'I'r',,[ '''.: \\ ' 111 . (~ . h lher, The funeral se r~ices were held at Martha Lukens, Veda Sumner, Lena week until finished. Mrs . Susan Arnold left Saturday to them. two of whom-Robert and -,,' ... , . I '·"i. ,,,I ('''I11 I11Cl'ci,,1 Bank. the . Mortuary Chapel last Monday and Veda' ~11i~. Mabel Starr and Elsie • _ ••- - - " - - -... --morning for Pittsburg', Pa. where Edith died while young The thr e "." ',·,·,,·','''1 -i';10 11 ' S a\'i n~s & afternoon cond ucted by Rev. Amos Osborn Messrs Louis J4'ires, Lee ahe will spend so>me time the Kuesl dau"hters that survive him are Mrs '1' -11:1 \'" .:,:\'. ~ . Ch i-h"I,"" Oircdo r Cook. Interment in Miami Cem- Talmage, Roy Clark. Carl Moore, E. J. Hiatt Mrs Clement Hrann anJ ('I ' ,',' .. '" (' " "',.! '''!(l'. - . ,\. Ol re,,- etery . H'llrry and Ru ~se l Satterthwaite, of her dau"hter Bnd family . II f W'I ' t 1,,1" ( H'-,'" '.anl1,,< & 1 ru s t CO . Ml ss M~ry 'M'II Kemmit Harner, William and Levi I s~ ~ ~ Immg o n ~Ir. ·,,·t wrip'II "hllllllrin(:!, his mallY CAftD OF THANKS Lukens. Lawrence Hough, Howard Mrs. Mills, who IS In III health , sur- \, ";11', Ojl It 11 1 "'IZ a,· i ;\'i lic~ in lh i~ l erMessra A . Maffit, J. E . .JaOlney, vives her husband . ' . . ,_. : ' n·. 11:1 < hllill \I , w;d" circle of t wi sh to thank tl;e friend s and Surface. Charley Voiers, Charley H. A. Cornell. Ray Mfils and I) . I.,. The funeral of Ju.d ge M.llls was ""1\"1, "n I "C"un;n l;'" cc~ . and his in- neighbo rs and all. who . were po lIind Rudduck . Sidney Watkins. Harold Crane attended the inspection ol held from the Friends church al WiI- '," Ill',' .,ltr."I,] h e quile an ad \'a ll ~ a.l::e "nd helpful in assist ing in the last Gillam, James Grooms. of Davton. This play will be given under Lebanon Lodge Frlday .e venlng. minllton, and the church was taxed ' 11 (.ITr I k \ '1" 1.'01"" .01 l.he CCUTlt.'cs sad rites to my departed wife, Anna Marion Hay. Wilbur Hawke. Howard au spices of the Har.eysburg Civic to its capacity Rpv . E, R. Purdy hll~'nr"'11 Ih,'., ' ''I 'fl, 111 CO'1II.C"tIOll lark. McGuinn. Alan Hartsock and Mr. League . Ever.yone wan,~s to see ." Si Th omas Clark . preac.'hed the ·fune ral. lifter which 1\ ilh Ihe -I?I("HIIII com pany wh,,,h he and Mre. Charley Gray and son Rl'lb· Marti:l'~ CouutryStore, the rollickAll localities In Warren County, -----~-~.-----U. M. White's sale Sat .• March 5. the remains were laid to rest in Sug- 1I 0 W rt'l're'CIII S. inA' play, given at the Town Hall, crt. de8irin~ to hold a farmers' institute - - -... - -Friday evening. February .23rd. ar Grove cemetery . _ _ _ _ 4- ..- -or an exten~iotl school next year are Mr. and Mrs. R. G. ' CroBB left Music by Stokes Orchestra. TIckets By the death of Judge Mills Clin requested to be reprt'sented at a U. M. White's sale, Sat., March 6. for sale and plat at Levicy's store . meeting of the farmers' institute of Tuesday, for Miami. Fla., where ton County bas received a hard blow ficere and ruralleadem of the county they will spend some time at this A good man. always' alive to the·in teruts of his townsmen. Ite wa s at the court house i" Lebanon. March place and other southern Dolnts , at the front of every good en8, at 10 o'clock a. m At this met!t · In the year of 1826, in the state of' W E .0·Neall, Waller Allen, For lerprise, and the church will mi-s Ing. F. L Allen. Supervisor of No rth Carolina Mrs . Elizabeth Farmers' rnl!litutes and EXtenaion rest ·Decker. L. F . Perkins, Walter him trom its midst . Wright was born . Her parents Schools will be present for the pur · Kirby and Homer' Carey arrived --moved to Corthagenia. Mercer' pose of planning the institute work home from Flint, Mich., -where they County, Ohio. when she. was eleven of ~he county for thl' seoS'on o~ 191J- have driven home lix Chevr')lets' The K'n ights of Pyl.hiu9 celebrated years of agt!_ '18 Plac~ to receiv~ etate Iud WIll Auto. which b'a ve all been solJ. She was an active member of the be determined at this time. T~e Mr. O'Neall h88 had a very buay Baplist ,ehurch of Urbana, Ohio. 1I(!0pe and methods of the work w,IlI winter trade having BOld a great was al so their (wen y fifth anniWhil e living in Mercer County she be discussed All pl~ce8 desiring to machines. ' versa ,·y· A hort prog l'll ," WnB reno was un ited in ' nlarriage to John hold a farmers' 1[I!ttltute or an PlC dered, which was ex':cedjngly fine. Mitchel and to this happy union tension school next year should by After the prog ram the lodge re o three children. Eliza. Anua and John. all means be represenled. See Waterhouse for, Auto Livery paired to the dinin g· room where a Jr .. were born. Eliza and Anna bounteous repast wa scr\'ed, died early in childhood but John On account of a g reat deal of lived to manhood, was married and The fllurth number of thl" Lecture Courae :at School Hall, Saturday sicknes: the attendance . was not as survived by a daughter, Ella, t Have been built and actuaIly deliv·e red · to retail buy eveninll was Col. BaiD, the gifted large as usual, but a ll present en , whom Mrs. Wright was a devoted mother as well as .a loving grandKentucky or·lItor. His lecture, "If I j ,lyed th9mselves very much . ers since A'lgllst 1, 1916. . mother ' Her children and grand· Could Live My Life Over Again," These figures-320,81 7-repre!eDt the actual Dum ber children all preceded her to the was a very fine one, and a larlle of cars manufactured by us since August 1, 1916, and Ureat Beyond . . ' crowd was present to hear him . delivered by our agents to retail buyers. She was married toMr .. Ezekiel The colonel -wss at his best in this Thi~ unusual fall and winter demaQd for Ford cars Wright and CII\Jle to Waynesville in lecture, and his flow of oratory was makes it n ecessary ror us to confine the distribution the seventies. . grand. The lecture was full of witof cars only to those a~ents who have orders for imAs a residen t of Waynesville she ticism.; which gllve spice ~o it. mediate delivery to reta,il cus~orn~rs! than to was a kind, good neighbor. always t:)nioo National Bank Building, Clevt;land ...- --'p rmit any agent to stock cars 10 antIcIpatIon of la~er considerate of other's welfare. Had a kind word for everyone spriDg sales, a"nounCC$ rhat, and was . well thought of by her We are' 'issuing this notice to intending buyers that . THere will be a game of maDY friends, tbey llIay protecl therose\ves against d elay io seclI~i~g basketball at School Hall She lived a long Christian life and Ford cars. [f Y90 are planning to purcba~e a l' ord . . g Th bore her suffering with patience and car, we advise you to plac~ Y0l.\r order ror~eh"ery oow evCeo1'ln . · t e willingly awaiting for ha. Muter to Immediate orders will 'have proI11pt attentIon. , of Waynesville, Ohio Wilmington 0 ege earn call hQr home. Delay in buying at this time mar cause you to wa!t will play and us this is a She departed this 1Ife,at the asre of several months. Eoter your order . today for immediHas u~f)<"iateci him'selF wnh us a~ our 'Icpre~ontative in the strong aggregation a gOO4l, 90 ,PfI, 'I mon!h!,a~d 17 daya. ate delivery with 'our authorized Ford agent lilted beSevera1lmportant ChanKe8 in real game is looked for. territory' collered hy Clinton, Green and Warren Counlio. Jow and doo'·t be disappointed later 011. atate have occurred this week and Come ouland help the will therefore make IM!ve~1 We _hall hr.alad. throuah Mr CartWrI\rht, to be of aervice' jq town. fl. Wilkerson hu pur· boys by your presence. ehued the AUen Haines property on conriection with your inYl!ltmeJll ,Hair, ----.~ I' Third street.. Postmaster ~ C. ~banOD, Waynesville. Morrow, MIlIOII! Ie BIaDdlIlter . Carey baa plIrchued tbe Geo. U. 18 peroent Acid PhOlPbate $17.00 IIUIa -'property on North street. Inquiries ate solicited. T ought. 14 percent Acid PhOlpbate $16 (Ie '!!bad Zlmmemwa bu purchued the . Water Optlmlltlc Is a IItro~ Clrtak. 'BamBOIl B. B. WilkerlOn, W.,n.,i\le, Ohio ...., Fitwarda propertJ on Main 4rIUIk It, Vall., Phone 121-:-2. .





----_ . ---











.. -----


FOURTH NUMBER \ ~~:~i'~;n;~a~h~a~k6t C;I";~.r J~li~da?t .COURSE LECTURE




- ...


----c.-. - .....---


The Maynard·H. MurchCompany

Mr. J. O. C~rt\yr~ght











The Kilpatrick-French Motorc.., Co.

GAJI..... WA YNIIIVILIlI. 01110.

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:'::: ;:;: : :,: : ':', :":~: :::::::!WA NUB···50,000 LBS. 0f POULTRY I II : ' . 1"'\ III PUI k PI!t(,'o Adtliliull

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Ill' " II' " lit Ih,' ll ill. ihl' ·Il",, """'" I.... ~ '"r , · " " 1111' 1(1'1, L • 1,1\\ ', r • h, ..-" lit' "'lit I" Ii .Ill ~ r, ' "lly- III ' ,


Will pay lhe Highest Market Price.

tll ll t 10 In Co rwin, $1 . ' . '. W1I10nllbb.v I,) t~8n r ~ 0 ~. lind M"r·(I.J" • u . !< l o ~ In ::!o ntb L e u.

' l'lI~ l' d.



F'·lluILIiIl . $1

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Let u s know whal you hav

lo or:'er, by

11 WII~ n ,,'rrIHI)' l,,,",,y b rl 'I!:" nl. Cum mon ~ It:J ' ~ o u r l ma i1 or phone. \\ P.' lon g · tI i, lance I,,· I. 1\ Im.1 I" I", ' ", ,,'''I:, ln ~ , ) (ull:: n r rocceulnll ' a 'U , $1 . . 1,,111. Ih, I"" "'"( III I I1\' \I',JI'I, I. AIII I I Jj ~t" M. TnFts 10 1 , 0 WillllAnl8 phone cbarlie . Home Phone 356~, t t II " (" 'll r t III Ihl rl u t hl l Nu~ . ~ o Inu ·l ilo lulnoIIIl' 10)11,1, I''''HI I1I1''"< uml I "CI"':I~t ll~, "AUTHOR -1 "TH[ CtfAlICr or COURAGE:." 1 I A tU IlO.l" ll' ruJ11 I I I I I I t I I t tl "'TJj[ ULANO Of R£(j(lif R"TI~rr erc., 1111 "\lUi; 1\ U 1fl U I. " , II ". h' Utllll " .. , ' l'l1l11 H ~ " 'J' , I "I J!.), ' I I l'i1I1I1~, t •• th ~ " 111\""" L' Ull g hlY. I NIII. 1C AI'IIU .. I" I t1 IO \! . lll.d t ' ~"I ~ I 1)1101'1 I .. nd II uno B. Wenner ~o AND 2215 E, Fifth St, It l, 'UI . hll l WII.y II lId e.. Lhnt \LI ud l I,r II 11 11 th ,' 'ry t. I ~ ~ lIIlth , w8 IlOrtlll 1I1,0n'" 1'" 11, ,,:hIl L "'I' " ltl It tI ,l wh ' II til ' \l' hfl l\) nItI ~ III rtl un lIn 011' tl "" ~ I li t "n . 1<.. ' . .. Ill .. r ecurtll ll ~1l1'1 1'"."" 'l"lll1l!~ lUll I , " A e8It r '~ 'r ellk $ l OVIL. (NCiI/'fLER. t: I'<!lIt ~Jltt ll Wa s I·,"" pll'll!d . !l ull 11 li ll(l J' Ud" l\I"P ' a lld ' ''''t<' 'I r l' tl lli "Il Ill\1 ' P d' ~ I') ,'I\ r ry It s 11'"""I(m y Ivtt liS l tr'I\lU' ", . . ""' . Commissioner 5 rocce ,",,5 II , BltI dn1lghter tonk hll n hy TIlt' Ilrln "Ami now. ~W l' t 'o ... ~, gOdl nlj:hl.'· 1)'<ltlc ~ .Iml , uw nl re l.. \· III ,II,' qlwtl u nn .l\I·(I III"',' UIC.t It I",~ I ., C .' \i m " ll . . . ,t rH"prol 'll 1\11<1,' .' Id\ I lu~. I Hr-I ·'.lotiODIO " ere .IJallled by , th e , l , ~ rL'llt "I"'\"S ~ " ~ . nnd they walkp.d down Ih., 1'101 (orm ~. \ she wlt ls p ' r .1. Au d ~ I,c Inul':II tI .t' c,·"llnll _lie lou ketl bllck lit him t h" '\ll:h the . .. " • • I , , I oa\l.b ~ l h" Cuur l th(' n "'O~ ' or !omtOl •• lollerl U81tioM Ihtl ::it"I,., nntllllli t ,II" , ~:o;r r nce. r pul ll- ,h .. t ttl 8 I'hlln ' l lr IU <lrr" r ~h ,u ltl l tllll ll WUY D""arlllll' o' so UflO. ! ( I'RI(';E:i)~laHT)J ; 11011 Ull rl' III1 I." )rItY Kiw ll cnrry tbo dny. : b tl\' " a ",1 b .. 1 ,,~h l ll "' II a "ttjJlt.m l <l Heur y -ur ••,. p I 01 aud e~ ~ l ruate ~ N. C. Hamilton . . , . , ..... . Feb 2,3 Allllo u/:11 U,' rtrnm ) ll; ntlc Jr. hud . . , CHAPTER IV ,. I t.l I 'II ' I trrtu ts o t r Oil I ".tu tl'. I fnr \rup!1Jvem eote or Inter e ouol,v P. W. liorttock . . . ... . . . • . Feb. 26 •• • 11 ·,·ar ul'r n JH' rsoo (" 1I II ort cu· ) I \. ><1 lJ l~ \' I I :-tll te II \ lin " ~ om .•. 1\11 11 . ' 1 il l,, · Yf. _ . , Inrg f OIC ~,w I\l llJ " ,;s r his rnlh,'r' 1: lIsworth Haines . . . .. _February 27 The Deflection In the Membe r. fl " ~I ~n IIntl c\lu),1 lI" t h.' l1"I'~\I '\l I '\J Jur y' o. lI"~ 'l,·t,,, "~M ( Illlt guil t y (I t Uenerll l CO lllrl\ c t, WO t! nll\ (l e WIth I. Sallerl hwailc . ... . . . .. . . Feb. 21:1 Soil! Agent tllO, 'ou k fo r h rl,lge lumber. 'l' hl'1'" , lr ll~ 1lI'1 " r Il l!' ll ~rlll'l lln' ,)r lh~t v'not 1'''I''' I'If'Ocr thllt ~rl"l l ~,pu~ Ih~\ c " UIl I , \'"1" I'~ j,lId 1I1 11l 1!n\1 \. Imer ['l(nllllrl. ... , . . .. .. . Mar. I U'" I l l h\.~ "; 'rl h jl ll rry II ... s ullll):, "11- 1tllllou, ;hn t'IIIII I'ml)\~'l 1I 1t11l\\' 'Will: II ~ Oll ~~cl),"1 (''' h" I t 1\\ 'II"I"1>.') ~ BIll . A ll o \\'" d - W H Htllllll!,!!' ,\l U. 1\\. While . ... ...... . . \an:h 3 For ~ thc Gorden]:!TI res /:1,",,,1' rI' ll III wh h (" III. 11 10 11' I.H"illll" ' ! lttnl( r '('ord of h l·IIII.l lI t 'I,.i ll n'm" lIt , 'l'lI tl' fI! I(' (\ III lit. 1 1",1" J'11I u U 1110 • ""t " f 1U1 '7 !loplleatt ~ . $ I:l:.. "h id , ,, II I" " " Ih ,' 1 1I" I1 I1 "~ 1 ""1111 Ihlll!; hnd nt 111.'1 ~1I,' n ','d hiIn. li e h oll nc. I"" Y " II ,", "I ~ l . ,I' "Itl, ~ ""'(H , r be J o hn & \\' llt ~ ) R Uo . b UP\Jhll ~ AMI ' \Ill !;" in g 1.0 q\1it. f/\r:nln t:, 1 th," , ' 1111 III' II 8tr"IlO: 11111 11 b,w. 11' \ '(' pl ed thl'(\uL:h I<'nlll), (hilt \\,111.. 11 ht" Ii. M.Il' l! olll '1 " \", bu\\IM:< (l,lll' i lllr S Or VB)' u r 's , m •. $9 GU x: 11111 (1'1'1 1.'01 " W I' It ls .' IlI'IIn·I'd 1\1'''' ' n ~C Cr'"'1 c(luld not !t el',.p[ '11I nr l: lIl1lr1 ll. l ",',' nt'11. ,! \lr~' I '' v ",( ,0" ' ("1 r.~ " '1 d 01 W , " 'k H OU. d. k eApluK '\1~rr f1 n C, lll ll. \V iII .. 11'.·('· li t puhh o 1\0 1,\0 11 , 1)1\ thl' l" l'~ nk I<:lh,11I ("H1II, 4 m Ilo ~ ,,011111 "I Iht ' ,\1'1'1; IIml lll lh ' l'nll h:l oll nllll)' fur I\c(!~pl t'CI, h c 11 '1('(1 1\ ~Mu lllglr, 1I" II1.t. \1) I v.; .' , tI II ' I" '" ';IT t ' UrI. ' ~I'I IV prl~ .. nEl r • .I'\!lUll r.\' l Ul i . '2 0 th"t " l'r~' t' rl'ltllll::. Cur 11 ,· gut liP tuv Ill' seconlll ng II thl ~lI r rl'i ll " nut Ih h rk p tll ulll) , ' ...·1· . ,; . -U,"" ~I , I lV ,lI l" r n ~ I "I" 8 0IIIJ I1 t' W "!lrl o u" f) t· W~vu"svII I,) lA nd ~ m\l"" n u rtlt u f I CUR\VI • OHIO Phone 90-:1 ~. )<lI\ lind WI' Ut tlut tvo q ull'i(IY,lItld WIIS wiSh s of III Illl-r nnll' li Se th' worlll [ r,"n d ~h' \lol .. I 1\ "' •• £~ r,. r, u 'Vftrrt< u 'u l1 n t y AIJ· C)re~ o n m . 1111 Friday, February 23, "917 \l rntlljl lly fM"etl 1(\ h(',l lI g.ll u liS n cuo- woulll SII V tho II llle r mn~ :- 1 to ,· 1 ' 1.1 ' 1'. I), ~l'\' ~\\lt "u 1li' ~I . lJ l.. nk s t or !I\1, rl l1 ', oillu,.. $I <l . S('4]U c'UC of hl - Imllntlco,·c. ." lh l! !"J II(! l ,I ,,: .~ . , . I G. ~ . M unt ~ . A v dlt Ir, UlI1kltlg tiB ~l(lDlJinj("~ 10 o 'ollll k, th e fo l The t hin Ihnt , mo(o t ho r> n)!I' "'l'r 1 o\\,. nlter n WC('k'R eonfin ('l men t In n,\n u! .. \'r e llu n $50. '. B Deo bl1ol 10 \\'ln(o,: C h ~ ttB\~: :1 Hor~ !l ~. 2 'Ill tl('. I' b l.Xcllhl :'if" :-ui ( ' , h nrtl 5t W IIS t hnt t hi s wcok n l'~' 1'. ,, ~ u. he felt s trung ('Iulu " h to \'ell. P. i\l, P "ijtillie f,l r AlldHrir . 1D , klu~ .1I) H tlg~, :1" Shee p FlIrOllrllC I III ph'. for" ~e" l1 1",,1 tU I'" (lur 1I"l1 ln nnd 10 fllt nck hIs "'rob- cxnetl y wh ll t he hllll . I'llI' l .Hal' U'I \ 1\11'" 'U . v~. ' [' II ~ I 11",, (10 111 1 re por t IGO 'I' . P . \V,· " ,. poInted oul. It W IIS the l'O~~I" l lI ly ur I ,r ' "., ulte d In(lnt~ 'l'orDl~ IU lllle knnwn nn (IllY \·,v u ",.,lil, ' ·, "!!I"~ t\l. '~lU ll ".\' ,Il:'o o,burl..tot Illlltlltl\ • "ltr, .·t 8111e. 1"llls. Th ey wcre persoonl r "olileOlB N U HAM[I,TUN U . OW. mu eh mor e Intlmnto th nn uc fore thc In ability of this gr ellt III(,tll \'cr In '"'' "I11 "' lI tl I' . • " ltV I $~:!~ . l.) " 1 ~1t ,I" hn I!. ~P uo ur. brldgllltuu l('uneraJ D irl'ctol' ( ;h .. ~ l1"wk" , ,,\ u t , enTrY the stress t h ll t younl; ?\Lt',,,Il! hutl . • ~ " " for hc ",n s hulldln .. ' bcr , ..:t ,. o ij~. W _ E . U 'N enll, ' j,' rk and Embalmer, " n(ot nul\.' Ihl' "rldgo rl edueod hl' uRlng tbe t o r muln uf 101<1', " 1 l)ll t wenvln g In It s w b of steel his o\\'n l!iehmltlt.Ohi'm nlt 7.. It wns this 11I1111t, I'roh.l k Cou rl - - - .. - • - -fu lu re hn ppilless. 01 II I II I I tl I ' Waynesville. Ohio. Of I I db II t t IIF'. tI S pun t pnr cU llr l'. lil t Ie JIlt\lP "Rt ll •. "r illl'h .. (\ \1 D nk,', , A8Ihftveoonu lu(ledto lltlllu ll' l V ln t cm; rso \C'h ,:enf ~: e ~ .ge had dw elt UPO II willi bls t ulher nll d leo 1I~t\d 'I'ldlol ti lld \lull i II COO IlU ! THE BEST RECOMMENDATION go d.. I wtJI l,ll'ur for Pohllo ; 1\1 0 ul ou on tie rOll g pore 0 I S ga \ lln· wblch Uw l' h utl (I I' 'ul'd to n flll li'h. SLI I 111\' r~~ l d6n Je. In Ih El 1' \1 .t!. J Ut1\' ~ We I;uvc Ilrnl ll g~,j with un under· 1 Ized Iroo FhuI:k wlle re he hnd Ihe I!lr(ln ~lv hml he h,"n IllIpressed wl l h 1'''1'11 ''''' '', . . I Th e ~~rollstl.t rt"co wU1oud ll.tio n f~rm . ;'I mIlt,. n"rth of W "Y\lll~\'llI a , tuker to g e t 11 11 auLU, Mr, we will b\1 brl Llgo III toll \'Ill\v. and We rlny b.etore tllO p~s " l hl ~ struelul'D l weukness uf JII I IJ~ "·I·tt,, .r .1,1" " I ~nldll:\o h 'In y Ilrtloltl muy r eoelve 18 .. t ... v ll r· f "1. H II uul C to I'u rni~ h CiLh"' l 1111 auto ur l ' I I1tml coo lln r .,,0 2,Yo Ulllt' ~ we I L' " \I ~' , tI be hud e,'en walked un s tcndlly dowu to this nWUllJ ' r t im, be II1111 I)u t h l l1l~( . l t I ~"'H " " r 1'> , ' ' U ' " " II ,bl " w o rd tr OJ Ihe llaer, It I th h O I' ~e dra wn (Ull' 'f'll\. Ole rl\' er bunk, wher' c lIe hud bt' n onrccord ln wrll1ng- to hl s rllth er. 'rhe 'pp f,n; .. d . rl'co LUmsLld..tlo nsofth'o tlewllob!lv /I\onday,FeIJrullry 26 11)17 "When tho Brldgo II Finished." 130 lh ph olle~ in Ollieu anll Residence. equnlly s ur\lrls d Ilnll delighted nt UIC old mnn h ud or l,.-LlOrlle him lluII now III Il l! ,'lI(o, rr' il! l'I" r lc N ix on . d . u serl It th ",t maketl 'hllU1bu rI8Il1 ' ~ Bt' ghIOIllU 111 10 O'Q ICl CIl, Ibtl ' 011. Lo ng Ji ~ t.IlIl(· e,No . 14; I rne phone ns to be ont ot !Iny possible henrl llg progress thnt hud IJccO nmue. Abbott thc llttle curm. 0 0(' li nd 11 hulr 10 1I 11{) o" u"" r\ FII~e lIuII 1i,,"1 IIC 'l)O nt.l~ . :,) 11 ,, 11 H Plll (lv ",1.1 1IOIJul . r rur ~. 10",lu" de~ o rlhf'C1 prO\lerly: IJ H..,. .. " ~ 14-2r. from the ear. ~ " F I I I WO Il u dl'l" r nfte r 1118 OWU benrt. R al- lIud thr t'-'1 I1 11 rt e r Inch.,,, 10 !'ba), t VN, , " ll pr OI'l'J A 1l1,lIIdll Her!) .. r l,. W;oyn @field, ()bl., 13 CaUle , :n ~ O g~, "rTII nK IUp e "Now," she sold to :Meade. wbo fol· I~' thlnllS Sl!NUNllo hll v S 11 0 ('U Just esillbll ~h~d the net llfll cy nf his unIII.h " I' I .. t" ,I \ " '1' ~\l'l 1~. l l ng r. "· rl t., ~," 'u n UlIJAr llln '~ 'oui!b R t" Ul lIleot8 tlee bl:: bil ls for lerm~ lowed ber. as \\"11 wi t hout hIm ns If h u li nd hee D he~d cd cOllt ell!II",. Va inly no w h .. ,lat., . •" l FI II I 'l',l nnt l 1l 1J !Jl'.) v" d. l o1 dy IIIIM beeu u <ed lu my fl!lIllly otT P . W . BARl',;OC K His heart was bentlng olmos t os rnp- on th e Job. Be IUld nll l llc('n l on cl~' In wl sb ed he 1IIld nnt let (h e old tll1b lt nf I n tl1 .. s t" (. ,t l ·IIIlrl .. ~ I. B ,\ub I 'Oll Oil u r t,WIlIH,V ye!\~d Ilud it bll ~ W N . eo r . All \ 1.'1r, r 1111 I n'I ILl HO' t1 u t Is U{IVt' r fa i\ o4'fl our •• oougb Of 00111," .1. V . Ullf ts ook, I ;lork Idly a8 It hod on tbe brldlle. nnd tor I hi IIln ~s~, f or all of tlte chi r lilt''' co rt- nlT('c ti on nn d the lillie tou ch LI e 11 we ,101" "" "" aXllcOy Ule snme r enson- fcnr or· lOS' ! n('cttlll I\'ltb tho cons lructlon hnd <10110 with which he r<'~n rd ~d his futl,er per· PI H")'. .'d . . 11I hllliO" ble v rywbere. Ing ber, He tried to spcllk. th eir be. t to h('gulle tile 11't.llulll of his SUIIlJ him aguln st his r ,·nMn. I I t r' f ' I· ,., Ir n. II ' ·In " . .. _ _- -1 wi \l llell II L' llbll o o.. le o n Ih o 11 young mnn 1" sn Id III Ing· h ours IIY \' ISIII lI g IIIbl w Iwne,'('r 0 ley r ,('11 I' "~,, , . [ .' -",.0u ' I,U ",. n d I tl cu] , c, • "We, Ue ~ t o pl' ('d. (('('li ng sudrlL'nly III, ns .1-t'"..... ,\,,,,'1 Ali oB Ubon o welb f,HIlI nORr !furr y f-:unt:ral l)jre~lOr . wor~ rucklng the nshes trom hi s clgnr . could pllre Lbe tim e, n \·e.·'· I1 L' n''' U ~ hl.. h.s lrun" Illlln IlII1 V . I' . .J I' Oll the UhtHlo w tHb TJam'. on "1 ng t 0 ge tit ovcr, "you Stl Id 1 Ahbott hnd beell e peclnlly klud In f eel uml • .... Iha sudden ... "lI ll ':tpel' ll·,1 . no. 11 111 .' uppt , '"l an .. .. w 1-au tlnd - . '. ' f Ohio lu " l'ltt r I, F t ue ) l:Istnte 0 Tuesday, February 27, 1917 Wayn\!sville lIls somewbat r ough-uUll-r endy wny. phy~lcul shock. LI e wns weuk sill I ;roo h a d BOlne thl og t 0 say t 0 mc. " "t' , . - the lon.. llltis. H e lenned ngnl u- t Mll Irv ~J. U llll ' Ill'co ~tl 6 1 II Il vtln t o r y B"KIOIIIIl\:C Ill, IV o'ol ook lb., rul· I s a very b ord ' th log to SOY. sir. " The big constructi on s U!l crl uteode nt from lowing pro p"fly: ;$ H nr81l", !l 'nl . He looked belpleasly lit th e girl. but WtlS fond of :M nde, Illthough he un· ' tbe IlIn g!)nnl nl Lhe ('nil of C-l().it, .. nl lI \ll'rtlll.tltlIt' n t II r<l e. she was speechless. It was his task. del"<oJued him. Be r ega rded hlm more cllob'iog to It t1t;btly to keev from IIlU. ~.l I"~~" () ~ l l e L. Ilr'l wll Il nl1 'la r l1 Reoen\ly we publtsb ed in t h e .. " \Ie, 6 Etog". lLU\JloU16ut", tlou.o ho ld U Bhe were not worth asking tor, s be as a theoretlenl than a practlcal mnn M. Blll tr a r e r ... u PIJOlu ted u8 depu. oolumo an offer of The Yon~b '8 G oods ~ AUlD E4uipmcnt ~ee big bill for ~erms. watt not worth hovIng, s ho mlgbt Ilnve and the Inevltable. ontagonlsm betwcen Ina. Ahholt. who hnd followed ID re ties t o I b ill <Jou rt-. Compl.olon and MoU ..U's lI(litgUZlD6. l1orSl;..... Orawn t:quipmcnt lllLt:iWURl'B HAINI!: sate!. "Well, slr,"-h e begno dC'APcrllte- tho theorist nnd tbe prnctlcal Ollln. IIl0wly. s topp pd Ily hlu\' 80lll wlrnt 'Iur· In ~ hll 1111 ho r M \Jle e t te ' of botb fll r a.1ull year, for only l a.LO, iJ, ."1 love YOUf daught er, RRlen. 1 when Uley fife not omblnedln one per- prl~ed. SOUHlwhnt IIIIIUS'd, more ludlg- To wn l end 1.0 g , (\(,Cilll~ d . R o y J. 1001l,Hling • MoUall Dress PIt.Udrn. C. T. Hawke, Auot. J ,. B. UhllpOJ8n. Ulerk wnnt to marry hc1'." I sooallty, WIlS lateot 10 Abbott's heart. nnl)! tllnl) bnlil. RO~Jj It! 1lllll0l uted IlclllIlu! t,fator. high prloe of paper .. nu Ink has DAY on NIGH1 ItELIWHONE • "Umpb," 8uld the coloncl, "1 sup' Nlglltly, he brougbt ~ Mende detalls "Abhott," ~Illd Mende fiercely 89 tile 6 01111 M OO, Mnrl! L tlev r, J W. b il ged MoCall', .... gAzlnll to raille , of IDe Ilrogress of the work. Tbat ev&o erijctlng eng loeer jolll ~d him on lIle D ldej~ lIod P le r u6 Ad um lire IIll . t beir subsorlptlon ptiOIl FearoBry I B,\vio% rented m y fa. m 1 will HII \1 IIOIeI! 8S much, Bow long hn\'e yon rung, just belore leaving, he remarked pl erheud, "if yon put nllolher pOllnd ot p oillted apIHtI IB Or S. '0 10 oe ntll oopy ond 75 oen's a .ye .. 1 at pub llo IKle at my fum nl'rtll ul aDd Helen known eoch other?" In tJle most c8sonl m llnner 10 the world. 10lld on thnt co utll ever I will not bo -ao that ~bll offer aHhllll.bove prlof Waynt!8vllle,'between I-Iprl1l8 V,,\I .. y Ma rrlnge licenseR I "Over a yenr. sir. Itut I loved her as If It were a mntter of little or no 1m- .auHwetlllJlc for the conscQ ueuces." mntt be wUhdrawn. ..nd Bel1brnok plkt! ; 3rd I'lrt.l ~ t \Ill. ""'hut do you menn?" l from tho very 100IDcot I saw ber. J portooce, thnt C-l()'R WU a trille ont Un l,II.Mllrob 31 our r eaden b"ve S i la" J. Mu blll .lr e . fArtD e r nl "Thllt deflectloo Is nellrly two Inches Blaoche.te r, snd Yls~ N!l llIe F. tbe prIvilege of orderlog bulb pull ',fsl Iltge, ou did not dare bope. 1 dld'n 't drt!IlIO, I of lloe. Veterinarv Wedne,day, Fcbrua.ry 28, 1917 never Imngioed, and etrouge 0 it IUIIY Now Q.l()'R \V ns tbe biggest member d e~ p 1I0W null e.ery oUlle or ponnd of ~ohifIef, o r Plellallol Phi ln, RIIV, ilolltlO nij f or a full yellr Inoludluj( Beem, sir, sbe--seems .lo love me." of the great rl ght.bnnd truss on the uud d weIght you put u pon It wll l lUuke (Jllll ull . Uo,~ lIleO(1IO/l .. t 10 1) OlllOk, th .. tho oll dloe of any l~ oent Mo al l Uraduate 01 Obio ~IIII "~f conrse 1 do," said Belell, rellllz. . lIorth side of the river. It colllllsted It greater. Its lim it will be renched rollowllIlI pro perSy: 9 I:l tl r~e., I Ures8 P!lU.. ro. fo r ou ly ~~ 10. tog that It wns oow high time tor h r OII~hry soon . If It collllpses--u he Real Esta te Transfers The DIll a u nt 01 r eact I OK, ioforml1. J e rsoy Cow, 90 B oge. tiee \lI t; bl\l~ Ito come to the rescue of her lover, of rOUf vnrnllcl compo'llte webs. oocb thrl' w u p his Ilonds-"the wbole thIng J, U. M.o1f o rd, admio l8trtltor ,Ie tloO uud entertl1lnm ent oontaloer! for t· rm8 . Off1ce at rC:!idence in 1" JJ Sher "atld 80 would nuy other womna." , formed ot Rovarol plntes 01 steel rh·· will 1;0." Il:lRAEL, A'1'l'ERTB W Al'l'E bo uUI!! noD , to ~a rgflrllt Noub. lot 10 tllo f1 Hy.two leelllls 0 The Youth 'Ii wood's house, Fuurth !:Ilreet. "Yon IInow, of course, thnt while] eted together, 'I.'h 1''Se wobs were con· "y" s. It It collapscs, lbnt's trllC," N o' :3 In S to k es ' Addi tio n to Leba Compa ni on ood tbe value of twelvt.l A. A MoN II, Ano~. ,am oot rich, 1 nm Dot poor. nnd 1 cnu cected ncross Ulelr upper Ilod lowe r snl tl Allhott, "hut It won·t." ili o n tblyfail hhlD oumb e r80(:wtoC811',~ J. B. r: hlll,w~n, Clerk. nu n, Si'1700 Telephone 28 "You're mll\I," 611111 Mende, taldnS' r.Upport my wife 10 eoery comfort, FJ r," edges by dlllgollal Inlliclug mndo "t t 13 '10 offer a real Iillrgll\D to every V . R. Em tl r ;too (t 01 to Cbll rles lurged the muo. greutly relieved by the steel angle bors. C-I0·R fi nd Its purnll ol tlilfortullllta ly U.e· wrong course wl lb rellder of thle puper, Hlok.l ot In :l OIl t' , $ 1. Ohio !'womno's prompt u"owal. compnol oll melllber. O·]()'L, 10 the left· th e ohle r mUll. 'L'hls two a'.one prloe o ffor 10. As I am gO lug to 801l.dl my hou8 e· Waynesville. C hestef 'Il lll\>billl to James II'. "She'll-need n few Inxurtes-tresldes, h01:1d truss, carri ed the entire weight ""'h~'. boy," s uld J\bbott, "that brlds;e ll lnd p ~: -hcrtil good, 1 Will offer ,,\ Publlo ,TOl thInking." i !Jt t1lC eunlllo"er' s p.ln to th e ~ hoe rest· will stund liS JOllg itS crcntloo. Look '('risle r :t tra ots 10 Milita ry t:!urvey l Tue Youth'lI Companion-52 Is. Auotlon at my re8ideooe on Murn "Yes, of course. sir. TlI see thot she Illg 00 Iho pier. These memh l'rs we re at It. Thnt bucklo doesu't 'nmount to No. 154 0, $1. !liles. s~roe' .. on . I'la r"b m. Un t- r e lll,o,l e sle 1 Locber 2, Tbe CJolllpllolon H ome Oalendar gets them. This bridge ts golug to six ty f eet long nnd live te et wide. The Saturday, March 3, 1917 It u l, .j~.() ' . tl o .es ill ...vMbIDgton for 11l17. .make 1lS 011 inroons. and I sholl have weils wero over follJ' f et d ee p nnd In BeKinniol( at l ~ o'olook II b !\rp t b e , 2 f hi tow cl!h ip '1. my 1ather's Influence and-" slzc nnd re~ponslbll Hy th e gt'ellt s truts 3 MeG .. ll 8 Ma/:: BZine-l 8S 00 followlni!: t:!ousehold U o" d~ 000 Barbed' Wire UO lU borll "Wben the bridge Is flolshed." 8uld were th e most Im l)o rtant ot the whole Florlo e B tI '~ e r Y h ~ li l1g t·) L o u l. 4. One l o.oent 140UIlII Drells Pat. 518\.1 01 of Forolt.nre, toves, Rug!!. the colonel decisively, "come to me and structure . . Sllo8 ~er i ll lut N . :S 1 00 ' berry til., tero-YLlur oboloe , fr<l m vour first 0IlIhe8, etc .. Uf\rden Tool~, anruo8s ;you shnll ho vo Iny daughter." To sny t1lnt C-I0-TI WIIS out of lIoc L, ba n D,$l oopy of MoU .. ll'II-lf you slIod a. two. ..nd roB-UY other useful art·loles. GU A RA.Nl'E to hrlll without I ~ nv· "011. father. Ule bridge wou't be flo· meun r.hllt It bad buc.kled. or b 'ot, or 8IUab InM PIH1~h t, .J urn P8 Bu r. cent .hmp with yonf s eleotlon , 'ferme m a de knowo on d!\.v of s.le . log n blullIish, ur 1.10 EY I IWUNDED, Isbed tor-" b 'g nn the girl. . 11\'11 . . prlngll1g, and llOd d"Pllrted from ton , . (l tDnil tl'l'IOR In o. Iii, '1'_ B. R. 500 nnll $ 1.00 si1.('a for fl'Cllh wounds, TBE YOUj'B·S ·CO I.1 PAN(uN, U M. WBITE "I uo(l erstnntl, sir," nnswered the en· thnl rh;ld rl! 'tangulllrity nud parlill I· 'between th e Mlnml rlv"r ~ , $ ~ OO . old sorcs, !Jore backs nnd 8ho llld~r8UburUl 8, Paul St., Boston, MaSt!. G, '1'. Bl\wke, Auot . .gtoeer. too huppy lit ber tilth r'8 con· · ISIll whi ch wus ulJ ~1l1utely n ecc ~~ury to Gnd brul ft~8 , 250817.(\ fo r .Falll ily 80. W. E. O·N.ull, Clerk . T . U. !llrl . t.itl u nd wif e t il lr" L, Beot to mllke OilY ellOiculties o"er ony mnlll11l11\ th' s tnllllUy nnt! Immobility S"bscription. r.,c,iv,d here, DR. COX'S P AlNLl:SS BUSTER .. nd J'annt s B DI\:V, 2t.:ill a or es In reusooable condillol\ h(' might ImllOSO. of th truss ond Jh s lrcllt;th of the Ie pllinl<'ps nnd i(lI ilrnJl\c<'d to C\1re WI."ttin g t () u t wu ~ h i Jl $ 1 "Yes, Helen, !t's all ri ght: your tulller bridge. ~'o the tit o rl s t I\uthlng on The Board ot EduolI,loo or WaYlle SPUVi ll, i(in g holl l' , ' urh,. II' '('nYI Splint, Anlelil. \I bm tn fl, D A Pille 2 III right. Thl Job's got [0 b\! dOllC eorth could be m or e terribly vor· 1'o\Wn~blp Rural Sohool Distrl ot will 1'ull8, or Ilny (,1I1111'11I'mf'llt of Dooe or trll o ts 10 l!'r u n kll o . , I. lIluscle. or money ft!hlUd cd. Price 600, tore 1-" t lill tons tlmn such a s tnlemen t, ~1I 1I by way of Publl u Auctiu o, 0 0 A. F . LH,.1", t n ~l l o u Ule udeolo faa SALE 8Y au I)RUQQI5T5 SEVERE COLD QUICKLY CURED " Oh. delU.'t sny before you tocl; le on· l! It WI" true. To tI.e praashe prewl~ e8, on other," pr tCRl ed the girl, holf dISDI\- tl enl ilion, who. to do hint justice, bnd "On Deolmbflf lir,' I had . A very Saturday, March 10, 1917 pointed, notl yet c 'log the r l!lls on.nllle- n e\' r tl olt willt sDch , 'us t structures-saven/ oold or anaok of the grip 88 'l'h. followlDg eobool bull di og~ oess of both meD, Whlle the coloDel nnd he wns not singular In thut bei G mlly be , aDd wal n81l1'Iv dowo Irrv v\::u " 1 lI l O p Hl n OI t 0i 5 ~ :-h lJ;e. • .1 laughed grimly. cause the bl'ldge WIlS unique on nc"I.o k 10 hed," wrl~ef\ O. J . Met.oaU, wltb tbe llind aUllobed: At 10 gU f'SM \\' COIl utT()rll to honk un hIs WeMhlllb ,Mo. "Thll t's ub(lut th e size ot It," snld tile count oe Its slze--the deOection noted "I boolbt 'wo o 'olook a ·n) . tbe MonDt Bolly oheol reputation rn llll' I' t hlll\ yom' ." old mnn, "0 n!!ltter bow you !lu t It. Dlcnnt IItll e or IH,lJll llg. . h t 1118 of CJbamberiain'8 Cougb "t · t o'ol ook p. m . the Bl\rmony T hill til rUEDsbo\1\(l hl' irr:lt ] III! soon Hrove S ch ool, II.l3 0'01001< p. m . the "'Yell, be (Ioe!'m·t know of tbls." One thiNg nt II tim!). ].I n(I ', I don't "Good Ood I" l'xcinl med Mende, R~m6dy IIn!i I. "1\8 ,'lily .. few duY!I "!'InltO!l y Is Oil t h' IH'ldg fl nw, nnd u ntil I w.. s oompletely reetortld to U"rwio Scboul Thue Il r1l 1)erl,les !!. th IiI' t nllUtltl1l'",1 100sl'llt'Ss of the Iw {tl\' lIuSh,,, I), nu curth I wu uld ruth er II nUle on th e In s~' ltb anxious np· , \\' ' Is :I\l\Wru· . Wb n tbls is dOM a Is golll)! 1(' It(' Oll t\l ~ l'e IInUI u ~ ult h . 1 firmly blllc>ve that (Jlum win be old to ,·be blgheHt bldd~n lll\\'c tvr IllY ~" n - ln · lll w ll1l1n n cl un, Ill' h onsl(\ \}. 'rhl, ol ght wos wnrm and ' illl!lo rlo ~ (If Chuml",rlnin 's CoUc, Oholfo, oat;h. For further lotormf\tloo too.lorro,," m nr. in.:. Wi re hIm If you Il onesI, ulolo AlIwrl cun with U r corll he WllS drc~ sed In 1115 POJUITIIIS nnd hlld herlajn '!\ (JoQ!(h Remedy Is one of ('m Jlnd Diarrhoea Hem dy will effect a 1\l~ 1.l. f[p'U wl ,.o J lll nl::wo rth d(l\\'o at , I·ur. This rl'lII ' <1y ClIO 1~lw"ye be deIlk!' YOUI·S. A mun wh o cu n look HI bee II lyin g on tll O hot!' As ' If he hntl ~he very bOI' medlciDes IUld will lell bl~ bills E. V. Burnhart, Ulerk. MIt I·lIc·t nnd · w ~ '11 gilt word whnt to know wll .. t to do when I bave 80peoded 11]l0 1l evcll in thu most severe and lu Ihe <' ~'e nnd t;rus p III C by tile hnut.l, bCl'n Rho ked In to flction h e sut lip, for· C. T, Bawke, Auot d O." o1llflgcr liBCIl es. nnd should be kept at utb or oold," Obtainable everyIIkc this." gottu l o't hla wenkuess. "Deflection I" tllLlIlI r eady for installt URe. Never leave "1:' n won' t p nt n l\ ~' llI en ot w ork on wbern. ...... vol;'c, h e fnlrll' shouted at Abbott. who re.He put out Ills Imnd liS II mille 00 a journey without Ittho bridge unUl- " Meudc's 011'0 palm mL'l It fLlld the two sordcd him wllh hlll!·nmu ged ostoalsb· He Stopped, Fee ling Suddenly III. "Not nn lll to mor row mornil\g," ~lIld men shook blinds un emoll otlully bu\ ment, "Il camber In C-lO·lt? Why Genl1J8 of Glvlno, Ormly, after the milli ne r of the sclf- dldo't you tell me ?" nnythios· It Is only In one truss nny· Ahhott d cC'I.~ ln' I ;·, "i f J ,I<:",'t h ellr from Not 1001: ngo a wom nn tlromlsetl me. restrll io d, Jlrn ell c.ll Alllerl eo o, who 18 Dy lh ls tlllle Men de hnd got his teet way. The correSjlondlug member lu somehotly Ilt 1Il,u·th't tomorrow morn· Ing the worl;' goes on." Noticed Slight Difference. sOllie ,,:carlng nr>pnrel for a certain a]wnys fcorful of n BCt'n!) ond docs not Into hIs SUl'PCI'S uod \nlS stnodlng the other truss Is r erteetly st raIght." HA.THA.WA. Y "nut It my f ll ihet· wires :\'011-" ' ''Do Y(lli Im ow, Cl'orge," reUlorked poor tUlIIlIy. When the box orrlv d, 'wcn r hi s h I1 rt 1I f) 1\ his 51 • ·\·c. The erect. "Abbott, for (Jo(l's /lul;e, hoor me." "I tulle orocl'!! from th e Mnl'tie t eom. MI'~. mIl', "I should s llY tlle Drowns' I fuuntl overy n rll 'le pl'e s~cd, clen ned, (olonel threw a \1'11.\' hi!; cl~u r, sllpp '0 "It Isn't enougl1 t o mnke nny dltTer. pleudcd l\Ieude In despel'tlUnn. "Dl'IIW '~' f\)'!lI!Hi1le'8 t.ell.dlUIl DeD'la' his onn IIrfl nnd hi s dllnltht'r'!; WlIll:lt. ellce," IUlswered Abbott quIckly, per. bllck the' tm"eler ond put DO morc tll e n pany nud llO " n ' L'lS('," wu s thc short Qlll l'l'lnge "'UR nil 1(l onl one. I couldn't nnd ' mended. I rcmllrke(\ upon th Is, In Keys Bldg. Main 8~ kissed ber sofUy un tlr torch cud. haps a little dlsdnlufuJly. on the bridge. Stop work until \\'e con answer willI w hl 'Il Ahholt tumcd 1\WllY hel p but nollce It tOlllght. . -IteoUy,- nnll s hc ' r Cllietl, 1'1 alwnys scnd tho Offioe . In flnnllty, ao tlmt tho otlier r callzed ~hc r e Wllli/l't one \\'(lI'dot di sagreement. thill/:B lu Ilr t·clllSB condltlon j other· "I ha te to Itt"" yo u. Ii 'len: J hute to "It OIlllws ull the dltfercllco on get word t~" [ \)ellcve they hollt thlok nbsolutcly Wise- It's ollly a r ell et to get old clolhes "'!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!! give :rOU li P t o cayone. We h n"e beel) enrt h," .crl ed Meatle. "It mOUUII tbe "Don't tclk to mo, boy. I Imow my the Int rvl'w was over. ~lIlte.'· "They inc II, hnrrnlog' couplc. Ollt of til e way, but If one inends, · very bappy 11)1( Ih 'r si llce ~'O\lr moth er ruin of th c bl'ILl:;!!." buslacss. r tell you [ CUll Jilek It buell. M(!ndc wo sted no morc plens· on Ab· clellne IInll presses theOl; then I con· dl c-d, lell \'lll ~ f'lU u li llie girl 10 mej . Hc reuched fo r 1,I s jl\cket. hlln glng 'l'hat Incmb ,I"s big e nou l;h nnd t roag bott. As III lucl! \\'o ltlll lmve It some- 01)' (1\1111', p.~rfcctIY chul'ml ng," snld h er ' • thlnl; lind hnpjlen rd to !.he tclellhoue hu hnnll, but llR to their thinking sider them A feal gltt."-Los Angeles bat It hC!l til corne. I snll pose. IIIld per· at th c Coot of UJa bed, IWO druggL'<.I It enough to bold Ut) the \Yul' lll." \ 1"''-'-",:,,::. .:: ..,___ "l!Imt n~nt:ll~ ttl bOf)!l 1 ~tll,1I be glnd In Ihe end. Good ou blm. "Whut nre yon golug ' t(l jucl( oud tclcgnlph \\' 11'1)5 hetwcen tbe city I~ :~~.e 1\I':luge • !ll ll YOI~, noUce tllnt sbe Times, I1lgh t, lf~Qd e. Yuu will be comIns lo '''Don't worry ahoot It, YOllnj!sler." ngnlnst?" l\Icnde asked. allo1 fo r Lho nnd tbo CllnI!l. Meud ' dr oRsed .hlmself, ~ ,I~ S t ought Orst ? "From s;~ preJ n Iy. Hele n'?" snld Abholt rulher cO·lltemptuou~Il', III. first time a liltle ot Ahho tl's coutt'l1Ipt got 11 huuIJcllr, 11l1t1 \\'I\S 1IlIrl'le(1 to the ----He tum (.(\ onll wn il(~'<.1 nwoy ns they though he Ihennt to b o 9001hlul(. "I'm appcuf d In the youugl!r 1\11\1\':; yol e '. nearest towo ' 01\ !lIe mlkoad'S mnln Real Defender. Ahbott reflectr,l thot therc " 'I\R oolh· lI ue. J~l'I'\m th el'c .l, c srllt n telegrnm oDswered him. 'rhoy "'lItehed him go golug 'to jU'I, It Into 11110; Ilnt!- hcr '," "Dig" broillur Is , rcnsonably good ,lowly \\ !tll b udell heod. 'l'h;"y ! he cri ed liS !IIt 'm l", hoi ted nut ot the Ing 111'01 91\ 01l1;h t .. "" 1'\'(' Il R It M'I'I)lI l·t nn d trl d to g t .CQlllleclion with Now to Fiction McCall's i.Supreme.... Rbout d efondlng little sister, !JIll tile Curing Sleepielsneas. watched hlr,l climb, rnlll r I\t!o\' LlYI UI) door, "you'd L .•tt 'I' lint exdtt.l YLlIII'!mlf for jncl,s 1\.11(1 !lut.1 1':) 1h ~r ~ '·l1d j( ill J;ly . Yorll by t elephone, but fnlled. Movcd SI (11)lcs~nCR. often follows ·ovcrfa· relll sl'rl ous trouble comes when "hlg" the 'teps to the cur-Hul t Ite \\'us al\ thut wny, Come lJ.,ck 10 lied lUun Cor It secI\w.1 Ilk .. 11 COllr!'s,"", to th O' by n, nntuml 11l1J'ulflll, III defoult ot writes 'a New York sub8criber~ othcr mcnus or communlcntlon, he tlglw : l'x hn us llHlI nlHl lu t. -huUI' hnblt.l!, sillter "'.H'S somoone Imposing on littl o old mao 8 !Olld .rnther .sudt\ l'nl )' borne und-" ' 'younger lIud Juolol' clll(l·l1e · l': McCALL'S helps o ve r 1,200.000 "Well, I cnn hool; 00 to the opposit e jUl\iped on Ul e Inl<ll1lght trul u for New fhrt s" \l'ho I't' tirc llt !Iliout nl1l nro bro tltcr.-F·ort Worth Stnr-Tolegrnm. In upon IDl' lU. 8 ' tnood rl,r n liloUient , But Mende WAS out of tile hou Re. It wome n dress in to the light, IIIllIng, r ememllerlng, Illld wns SUIIIIllt)r and the s un lIad sct. but . tntS!! nnd pull It bnck with luru -rork, Be would go hlmac!f 10 perMn I'<'ss (lrtc lI IItrected WIOI It. En~otJon9 s lyle at smnll axnod attend to the grave IIlttllr. Noth.· illld otll r eli:cll emeuts nrc cnus s, A then tIIrued e nd mnrc]loo wl\lIln the ' the l ong twilight ot Ole high Intltude bnckles." ponse. A recog~Inss of hot 1111111. lemonntle. 'or other ear, Be switched the li ght out as be stlll lIng cred; ' Bedore him r ose th o gl. "Tbat wm dnmn /ile tho other h'U RS Ing whatever could ue 80 Importnot.· Hnrd Reputation. l1 i~.d F n s h; 0 n Tllerc llad been' eorne' trlctloo be- armless b vernge b tore r eti ring, a pass d dow a tht! corridor. gnntle trn('ture o r the bridge. For uil too much, Abbott," Jllcndo retorted Biggers-"Old Ornbnll t 119 me thllt [AUlhoritY for 45 tw en Abbott lind Me d be! • hot tllII Rturd foot bnth, Ice pocks, hot "'Va n·t he splendid!" said H eleo, Its ulrlncss It' look d us S~hSUlOtiJ\1 us proml'tly. "U Iso't possible." y ... r~. . e 1\ Core QIl oc Illnlccts und other uondrugglog meth. he begnn llte by running n\"ny ,vlth rI when she hn4 tlm.e Lo breAthe aod frce- the Ro ck ot OI1)roltur; nud It look ed "Then Til thluk liP aome othll r caslons; not s eriou s, lJut severnl tlme8 ~IIs. 1111 bnve conquests to tbelr credit, clrclls," Solggers-"I don't douht It. , Mc:CA LL PAT. dO.m 'to speak. . '1 even more Sllb81110UIII It po ~ 1Ii1', liS scbeme," returnell Abbott Indifferently, Meode bnd ventlll·t?l' to suggest eome- Uedlclneij nre UnSo.lll measures, Re would run awny · 'wlth IIllytblng TER~S I"nd · ;n "'Qne of the floest old men 00 earth. 'the mno, seizing II 1uoterll IIltd, tor" ns it bnmoring the otbe r. "We cllo'l thlo@( which to Abbott se med useles'8 tbat wasn't nail ed down." ~Iylc, fil, sl mpfic"y, economy and He and tnther would make 11 greAt KflWltg his w nkoe R. rllrl dowo b~ wolt, we've got to burry. It Illong. ond' 1lnneeesSllry, nnd tJle tnct tbat· numb.r Nold. tenm.... neulll the o\'ern['c1l1l1g I:Iteel to the plel' There's going to be 00 p enllity again st lIubBtl!qllent e"ents bnd more often than M cCAl. L·S_ 8~ t o 118 Un (!"" mon \ hly- ia the "r 1II'U loU-rested In the bridge. be- h 'ud, ellmbed IIll to the 8boe, Bnd us on account me. 1 woo't stOp wOl'k Dot p roved Meade's soggestlons to be P'n Jihlu rl Gui de noLI BO\l t k f" er ln5: l-J c:ll'l t:r of Good Sport. tur," IIilld the womBn, "but think ho,,' eruwl 'd out OU tlLC lower chord us rap- Ii mloute," he explfllned pntroulzluglY, worth while, hod not put Abbott nl· m ore w pnHm th ::m Any otl 1 ~ r I n nlt'O.II1 I~ In t ho Realon for Sle"p. 1'ls th I'Q nfl.'· N letlill r Ilnl1l·t · ~'()\I wor ld . All the l"tClt t ,.tylea ev. ry month; ''There will be a bigger penntty If togoillier the bes t moud toward his I .... 'I'ateb It now. You mll"t write Idly Ils' be could. Popular oplDlon Is thllt we Bleep dc li~h\ (ul s t oJ'It!D i ... p r ql., d eopn r tm .. n18 "N'I-hn l !lIDO DIe every, da, and tell me every In~ Meode needed but one glancl\ to see 'OU doo't do what I illY, nod J)nld In yoqng eol1eagne. 'A hl'ott oever torgot be ouso \\'e nre exhousted. But a nre rOlld of, ' Mls~ Iillll!>?" In cuutdn&:, 11Dme dr damnktnG', r.n7Y w o rk, llnd w ay! to Jia-httll ho u. ework Ant! ea . .. l1l;e you '-c,· . s lIllJeh, Mr. Snflgg." r r...!..J IMt ,ou ban pined." . I the d ellecllon trom the rlabt line In another wny, In bloOd. Aud 'It wlU be that )[ellde lInU fenlls no omcllli eou· SwJ88 'pbYSIOlogtst, Doctor OlnPSfede, money. rrice: only Sc • cop~, 50c • vear. -. crluoer's Jlfogftzloe. lIIfruet me, ru meall1lr8 It 10 mlllJ. the Importnnt member, For Illl his :rOUl' foult." n~on with llle buUdlng ot the brl~ DOW IIdvancee the theory tbat we sleep SEND FOUR! 10" FADe ••WorIr IIooIc CENtS III wllh39 Embn.ld~'-";::.t" ......... J' esl'l 9t loexperlcuce he W88 a better Now bolli 'men were sllgry and In to ovoId belog exlil1ustecl. ms theol'1 STAIliPS fOR 3z,p.•• MoC.n Pa'I_ -.,..--..-- • trained engineer thlln rough·and·ready thelr pnUlon the, confronted each and Hlllt hI' \\'n~ ool y lIlI" 'E) n~ 0 "Jll'ct81 18 thnt sleep, Inetead ot belne the re~.III.. '·.'" .. lIfICaI ...................II.,AI~'."... ~~ ...... OO ......... OI'~r .....".... nut ............ Blchelor'. VI __w. _ Abbott. Who t apllPllt:l!d to the 18 tter ·()ther more relKllnte and flet:ce thnn reprE'sealnllv \! "f his (1II1wr. I\ml 'J1b 8Ult of flltlgue. 18 sImply on lmpulslve • AtU,... o-.t. N th o n!~l1 he coul.l lI')t belr liking tbe 81 a IlItrbt de1ledlw, Mende SAW In Its ever. 1H!1t-dIIlIn,tectloo which the body con. "Just 1'Iek from your weddln~ trip. THE.iCALLCO.,ZSlW.3tl~SI. 1N .. , . . ;yonnger 1UI111, Allbott would 'have been tme relatJon. There wall a variation . "'Look here;" eald Abbott, bIll flery ductll In ordar to get rid of tile wute ph? T~ blld ;rou had ,ncll rotttln hetto,r pleased If be bad been lett In the center or the member ot DD temper IOddenl, break1nr from bl8 prodUctll before" th81 time to wetlaerJ 'fou couldn't have enjoyed Inch and a holt at lellSt, although iul. ~ntrol, ""who Bl'61011 aDJ1l'1lT! You're 101UHU • pvtIclel"-I'uclr. Pl'9duce maUUoia.




CYRUS 10WNSrND.BRADY JRL...-.-;.....;::::....oI\iII



Dayton, O.

• .

PUBLIC SALES . Saxon Six Livery














Dr. J. A .. McL.oy,





be- I

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w.u \lQtralIuI4.,.

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.~ Z'RI'taSW aD!





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G'A Z E T T E .•.• I ,----------r----.J~--.,;---.-----,



VI. Livery


'W 1l: 15->f':/lu Ill' I !rolllily were BIG bY-RIDING CAB 811 Jl III Il~ In IJl1y t 'J!1 'l'lillr"rl tlS. ~ r 'j, IV II I ' VI., <l r UH I'to o , vl~tt. :=uhscriotion Price. $1.1;U pel' yeAr ~c1lli·Il 'l.remt. , Mr, 110U Mrll, 'J O ~IUb f CAI.:.L L>h \'1 'l nucli. y = M r~ . l>'I\l 1 Ur ocll, n l l' lov ~lllU d li nd Mr s. 1:/ 1)) 0 I:JII'rl8 of L?\11 01 F uirUlOllll t , lil lI , WEIlNESDAY, FEUHUARY 2 1, l UI7 D" Vl,(l n, l ltl r jJU1'e ntH h r e (l1'n t "lu I'Uny with Hu ru UOUl(l ' l . , . I tonH, ' Phone 8J-S WaynelVlIIe, Ohio l,wlI tlnys III Mt ,,-udk h ~'l L'O j ,)ioluj.{ hrr llu.h , nd 1711 , IUI .. U "h" .... hI' I' l ,uH1er H,linotl w,,~ h " ,ue fnHu M Ul f' I ... . 'K m p l ," , ~,' , \Vl l rulll ('1I1l"go nVll r !;ulld I1 Y" U .,r, I'-v.e.;.u -utOU.-vuruvor.b , I1n ' l II I Mrtl (~ao r"e 'nrllY of ~V'0 ~ 1 Mil M il!~.f.:=;;:;:;;;:;~==:::========= W,ll! ber e lust w ee k lo okiUlr over Ih o r r~' " n~ lrr, h f ';\ nu c]H l' kl" ' " , , , , rflu rs Wnltor WII Rn n \"I Made Strong By Our Vlnol to ,I/O whi c h il! rlis u .. Mv o h o m,; 111I11'" ~I '''nl I 'f' I''' ''t I Wn W (' ! IH t on, I/I~i~eu her p"TalitFl Al le n W ell e r , all /l l1 l1iu/.: In lJuyt!ln l:i11111r I IIlY • ' , ' '\'I" ,i lO ' 'I I , I IIllll (uUl lly. W I.l'lt of town I'l d wo oll I.' , l'ort Etlwnrd, K Y,_H I II'ns in n run- 1:1 0 le lt III' r e ~7 Y"tH S ugll aod ~Il l!l , J! \ , I ll~ ",<1 t., IIII, ",'I . . . .~ .. ",Ih, d UlJl plu n \\'fl ~ t ll a guo_ I ALL KINDS OF clown, nerYOli K ",,,I lI'enk CO li (Ii tillJl I IkI [ I WitS Ib a (i ra t tim e b' o l> , 1:1 ll 'ld I'" Itt I 1' 0" III H"11 "'" lInl lJ :'r v ,' ~. . ~tr" Loc.\' IVOOllllll, () ~ !Jl1 y t OIl ,IH of ~o rfl oo UUlI'ptUU 0 '111 D1ght 1 1l ~ 1 cllul~llIot du til, hou l!\'wurk for III~' littlo j lllllUY pi 11 !l1\0~ r el101o i~c e n Olld 10 r ll. hllr~, tu ll~l l)g Ill S ll"JlIlO \\1 1110 Iluro ' v i.l t l n ~ hllr br o thor b u HYIlIl WtJ"N:. rl~ nlll~' of thre<>. I hud tnk"11 ~lJd Ih d." b eu r s!' m ost nil wl)(J w e ro h o ro tll on With Mr uud ~lrd Cb .. I'le;; MIlI]cl u Ilnd f!lllJlly b ore , ('1I1ff! Id P I' I · . l UI oJ! cmul"i ofl ~ a d 1I I' ' . 'I'll I ' I I I 'l'b F r o e Ilrn ol WR8 1\ " ,) r II g , t ()() , n 0 ,cr Tt ' lII l" 11'8 \\,[1:1- ~re I.: ne ijOW< Dlwe r lu r eturo lI r ", S .. WU'lIl J)1LICO n 110 11' I't e RrU10r~ lu s tl'tute whl oll WIiS' V,lllf\V ~ ' r IlJ"y. aft II t see hi B ~}tlJo1. 'r~'~t" 'uJ:\t frii" .'~ told ~" U~""t VlOlu ,;ortllllJ o f Welll11'lD . t ook (It (lVbryoll f b o r .. who hUs (l t'r I, eld bero I.. a t l\'~dn"1!tlay nuu Thaf". I flll h" i- wh o hn , bOl)u ver y ~ic1!. tbO 6trcnb>th u~d n:n(~l~~ll~' :O~:'::I\'t::'~u::!:,I~;, h e r grtlndmoth'llr fU cll t u t be 'J bul>h ~~~~~~ .. ~~t1~'~he() ·\'~~r. ~'~ ;"""~' t1~ ,\, w~s hug oly b'J,u e ud d nud I Mr~ I:l en r. e f l'\\' h u~ bec n ~illk I now dOo ull ·of my "ul1sc\\'\lrk'''-~lrs' I Ruu IhlllhHo hnr o t{ t:>u.udUY. 1IIIIII1 cc7;.. ~ t ll hi t~.,or,'t l)wLIIlIIlnl "~'\YS1 1 .. ,url)( ",'OS ~>nu II) I lf~ ncC'ouI1 IO( UY' ~l1l1', 'ri 1J~ with t.t~egr i pjl:, " ' , ' l:' . tl \\ ,11)( . bUe , "lOp tj . J:l'1 l) J) EI r o t .. u tu , By. Cyrus Townsend Brady E' t.U EU J.I0UES. We 1:"l1 rllllll',' Yi nll l to n 's I Mrs IllO W US Wile tse l o r COtI I ; h o n " !l rMn1" no, It' nn y (JIlt) t ow ns wow in uthm . Mr, Ilo d hun nce y BUDuel SLn'J'l,rth ullll ""il li " I' r llll .duwl" \\~~k HAv e r,,1 ~t tb~ h' Dol" lll.J or H 11l t o III d1s t.rers Tbl s faat will Cllll"o l llll nee . nt'lll Mr. nU ll /I r s Beury t;ntt.or. Auth·,.·f ,and . tl~lJilitlltl'\l cul/,IoLiuII. , broille brll'lCl ,\1111 h ur b ot,t e r bu lf 111m 10 b r r lllt1munrml I,l ~ t.h~~(\ Dr . VllndilUll u "uti fllmilv of ! h Wll lt o wo r ll f' h 0 JolVlug In Xenl!! "Til, Cllali" of CourllJl', .. "Til, Iilll\ ( I ~:v eveol n~, It bein g llls lInno u l 111110V yu nr ,; til IJllrv oYdh llrf( 1111" III C)"j I " fUlIs!lay, I ., J IJ/a.~ 'I R'f'JJ,ra!iQII, .. Ilr., a"J l k"n01 v e r ~l I:l e t le t' Oil b \bl1t b e e" U oU,n lU IO'll1klin to tho . , of LllPJ • ~. anney, Oru C:I!: ISI, Woynsvllle . •. rv L U.' M W ll lI " ,s ~all" "III MII T('li ~ I N Aw~"gov )l pr I)Arty En{) Vt\( ~ 1 f:l'r He v, Donole Wb ylJ. r ow Cyrus Townsend Brady, Jr. Also at lond lng d rug ~'<oro 111 all Oilio tow,'. rue w dWu"b t wu ~ gil .-. . " I:ltrflo t" Ins t Tu" rt fI\', t Oil , M Ie ' l IIgun ' I~ Slle n dl ng u ( ow 0 I' co · ug OU otf '~OUlO U .. , P toU'CIYIL Ill/GI I/1I1l1{ t) n~ o u ", ",,1~ m ll UY r1l10 H . (I VI! Wltll H or llOo UO III , tO ll ver os - . ===============-~ _ wl~ h for blm IlIRU Y m ore j Uijt Hu e ll Mr , oll1 l Mrs Foooli) S lll olld 11'1 <1 ' , ~' Ofllc. Pbone 71 (lcclui n,;., 1I 1(J It will b €! perfecl ly ull n~hll~T, f r' ~'lr ~'(ll'ry, vi 61ted U M, Whit e S Btll o • 'It " Moroh 5'1 ~"'lId(' hlld nor ,;ono unull( 10 110 ( .. e 0\11 ri gbt t o r e mum uur III IIlso, 1'b o841 II II r-~ I tltl\'e. here Sn tur tlllY · I - - -- - - - - rl):hl wuy 10 I11nvt! II nlllli of AlJho[t's .... "". "" '''I' U C Iil e flu' l [lIl1t /" ~ gril Y p ' eHe u ~ were ~ r Hod Mr~, IV , W . 'j 'll roPtI wb o li lli e DU 81,y m p Iri nn Mr~, F:. l'a~e v Dod tll11111 v Ho uth , tC1I1I\OrUlll ent. li e rNollzNI thlll Il l< he fnce \\',11 8 [1111 ""r~' rl plllrl! of \lI1\\'nllll', 1 W €!lolr, Mr. C1n d Mr •. E. B. L>llkln , "1l " \Iltl t ry Ctlt'm b"rlulo'~ TuIJ I,Jts at tow l1 , willTUo \"oo n t1w £I, 'p'n r d uw Feel ing of Elegance Ne eded , III), II \\'11 lie on the ~1<" 'llI'r ~Ill'('rlill!l to "'I'nlme!:,s, of IIlII}(lll'ncy, nn d tlhllJill1: Mr. ,,"d Mr" . E,l R e tt" " u , Mr lIu d fur Cfllll'l lpflti nu T hll " ur .. [lhlll~lIo l fllr1l1 til(' fir st a t Mllr h, \\'It, 'n 11, (. 11111101 IOS"H Il l< fl'I·Ii"J.: ro r DR. J. MILLER. New Yorlc. Ab"oLl wnl! II 1111111 11'110 hurror , Th e rn" "~II!!" hllrl s l ruck hlon n ~1 r~ , If, ,L , BIl,. is u nd M r , to nd MTS , I Ilk " 11 IIll tlll'll' rH O('I, t8 1'0 IIl( r flO. Th e pu b ile sll le or \V m, 'o ll"er, 1'1,'';'''1('(0: it !!I'''II'~ co rr'upt IIlltl /(" ,I"e\('uultJ 1I0t he tli'l"(>Il. U.! WUl< 1\ trt.- tprrlfl e hlow. If., 1t,,11 n 'I'1 "I ulld l' r It Hr""~ Wils on . uhilj " <I 1:1" nnluml th (l t you \\:11 1 (\l'(' el\~i'll will bo held b'eb rullr y :U, Ini!. fllHI ~1· , 'ltH III 111~ CI"" I'il \\'hut OU!;tlt ... DENTIST••• IlIcllelous drIver hl1l1s.oIt IIlId nul·urll ll y nn,1 1tll,I ~ullk ",,\\,n III Lh l.! ellllir In n Mr, o(ld Mrl:l, P ol,er Uo r y , wb.O or flll t r ~"lI z o Ih uI, It b llS ba. n pr o. Mrs J, 0 , Ho S fio ol fll1l1i ly , f1a~t tl) he (OUIli! Itt III11J1{',-Lulldol', 1II 0l1g 10 YMH R uoll ve rv h el pl llHP , 'In l~ Ii hy c. In ao loiDa, Ob tulllllbl " of] e ra. ",HI soon b el:otne re~i donts hll CIIuld not luk " Il h! uWII 'lIcdldn ', If stUlO M IWn-uItS cullililse. 011100 In Melld" hnll f\lC'ol\'l'd Ihl' rUllIIIUItCCl1ll'nt 'I'h " 1"1 ~j:!rr1 11l fnlrll' bUl'IlcII tlle' blli'l &tol6 n fr om Ih om \V lldo f' HlIIlV HVMywho r a o f I) ur tow I' WaynenUIe. 0 If.lloll" BUk Blda., 1I10ro (llIit'tly uuel If h h,"1 by ;;O'" \) 'I,"nrny 1'111111 IIr h lH 1I11I1l1. 11,\ \\'o\1ld night, F Bbrun ry 1,1, eig ht tille 1l(1U~, U M W' , I Nutm eg Teet, t wh ich ,0 ,tbOIll . hlto f! S u t I Mrnoll G, I \\,h 'l1 IllIyl,,,.: n "IIIII'~S ('\100, (1 s llInl i Rul ,,1 SI1J,:>: ..!< t1UfI 11IIt th' hl 'u or dun- fliin hll"" 11I'('JlI)('11 II YUI he co ul l ger Into Alllwtt's IIllnd 011 would h,I\'1) I lowly hI) (l1ll'n", 1 It (lnc(' Ill Orl', cO~~I: m o ney. 111 JUr~n o r mell tbut, go l IIC~ ; th 'y \tIl V II belter l!twor thnn bce n well, .rn r wh ell WflS lI11t 1oIislll '! "l1rIl Y, POWl' I'fU I plllllulutco hi s thn. e ohiok e os .bllllid' bA lu rI!'O IIlIl H, 'ro tl's l a nUUIl c!: prl r k .,.1 hr prl'.llltlJ c, ur hl H fllllllllrlty or hi s , \' I~l on , II uN'lh'll Unl hln!; t il rend It to tbe 'fnll pst exte ot 0 / t h a Illw 1100 FOR ABILIOUS ATTACK I w ith 1\ nN'ul,', If- (;u(\,1 the 011 wil l 10' BARNHART, alolllty qu-'A tioncll. Abbott WIIS II sen- I " groi n, It I ~ (l u"ht'ul \\'I' l' th ~ r hi s eyes ne ver b&uU o wed t o hn a II chi c k n Wueu . nu Ii" vo II 'e vor o 11 !ltluohr , 8!lIulll' BIlrClld rouud tlle puncturc. slbl' IUIIIl thoroughly to bu 1h'IINldcd I RIIW It or not olld 1I11'I'O \\' 11 8 nnt n Cj!.I, Our ohloken bayer!' urouod h llre nre Notary Public [t , D, T ,111\ wn ~ , oo II lnr; o n fr ien"s " "'1111PIIO INl by Il coated 101l gu,) UlJUIi. Dnt th e.aews hud comc to Melllle ! fo.r the III ' SIl~O Wll l! burned Inlo his oo n~ cle ntl uu tl m il o "ou IbAY are o o l IOlll hlng o f food, co ns LlpMl o n , torp HI ' hoylllg ~h o lh I r o m plln pl e I h €!y kL nw In Ih ls vi WILy f3 turd 'IY. willi I<uch 8ucfilenncss , Abb ott lind on ly bruin, All kinds of Notary Work , WtIle Mr, !lnu ~ Ir~ U IE' un 011,,1 Knd 1 1\'~l' , v Ol1llllol{ o f llnrtly t1lgf's l d cn~ull lly ru~I~llIIW" It III lliul'lOR' of TI c rC'nd ognln the mys t erious \\'ord s ; rIo o o t, ral · o W p m. 1; 01) ( II \potl s Ea rl y Terms. 1 t'Il ~th)' conn'rsutiOJI rCJ;1I nl hi!; tho t,lley go t nn ot ll e r DlH D, .ne 01 tb " I' ~rJII , I' rohrr l , "nL! Mr!' (:leo, B O~lI n flll,(\ 110 (1 1,1 en blip, y o n IlI IlY kn o',,, : a Dd Deeds B ~peot"lty, rhllt o n hovo 1\ eevs r , bllloll In Ih, ' 1''l:If,'III" Il1 fll llCY ot IlIl"(ohlln , I' I'Og"-""5 of th" work li S It Il w('re n C~~.'h,n nd Ihroo·qunrt er-In h combcr In ~ ind, t o hu nl I hpDl t o Wllmlo g t on , "hilled ~Ir s. Dllvi tit X,..nilL '1'hllI'St. k, Whil e 'Voo mnv h el)ll ite ~ick I 1'11 11;; \I,'rro call ,0( "nces," pltrhe.-" lIin ll" .. lit nn "I'I'CI II I m Olll e nt. IIl1lt th e' • Tbo prope r ~bil1g t o do with ,lwlll i. ,loy, rhe ro i!llll a c IJ cl) n~ ()l llt lo u III ku ow "1!1I·,I\\I 'I·," li nt.! lI, ' It.!~I's "scou t"," ~tllllh ' lI . h,wk llIlil I hrowll !lleude oil' , 'I ht' rf' ('01lle1 he 110 ml sl"I(!). Th e to I!tll rt I haUl 1I 0 r o~s I,he w,d,&r t u IJhilA, 81lie pnM s"d tbr\l u gh hero IO ~ thu l .-o ll nf r11 I1Y hn hl111 by·takin g , is is h.. tullce, , 11111111' Ihl11 WIIS HII!' II P" t o It W!lR tI'" Uertnllny nnd 10L t1Hl (1I use Ib nlr e n r ll ll tn t o LebrlUo n , R"turduy . tiHlle o f ' h n III herluin 's I'll bl fJ l ~, I '1'1 ' nllItH! of hi s ~ "II, the yo ung enginee r b e ~~ Bub rnarin a on th e m , os I,hll t Th'a ,J uo io r Pri ~ '1lltl s gil VO " ' l'hA.V 1\" 0 I,rlllllpt lUll I ptfeetlllll. Optimistic Thought, II Tar-Hon~ ll' fl,rnrC 11 f' cflulrt ~C, nothing hut I Ih l' ('lIl1d or hI s fnlll (' r's old ngt': Ttl: wou ld B~ ve troob le Ilnd expense. phil\\' r l or blr!', L on.. Wh ll ,t1Hlr Obt U\rlllb ll' on ' rr wlJfIl'C I "n ounce of fl ll ll l' lI ce Is worth -" _tllIlIl/"" 111111 Lho 'hJI'l's:<lty COl' II CIIf) II "1 tooy, li S thc' oltl 1111In thnu 'h t or_ bit .. _ _ __ ' _ . ' ... p ouod or b , l 'lI.'flS. ' _ For Cou~hl and Cordi. JI ll\\' hr' ~holllil hll,III11 C hl ~ 1I1I1lI'rl"I', ( II'· h,,,1 l'l'nllll' II 10 IlIsl'"t !! ;I S fllll\P" '~ T o fbA mrmy thllt hHVO !Jeon fl O ~ I tlre tlit h, l 'O P (If 1·ll ei r me mber!'!. til, f< U I I - very k'"d and g en e r o ll!l ln purct. l\~ Ib t1 b OIlI " 0 1' !'.J lss b !' l ~ n lIurl,~obk l'llh r II f' h I I I .. I r t r:e H ill'" nr, II'IS H I If' fl >: lIr('~ , III qlll'~ llon 1I1 ~ fUlil l'r'A d '"lglI , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ilisl thing III his nlll. I~1. ;\" "1.0 tr'lIlt hi s 1 1'111 Ihl) (' Irt r l1l11n lo ud I'~rl, rr,.,. 11(11)' log autom o bile t loka ls wa will S(tV ;-;l1 tn n19 Y, b'u biller y I (J tll, gllc h nl tllr I 11 II I I I f I I I I ,. I bB~ wo mltl<lng 1'1 B p e rli~O olTorta Ul dw be.. ",!I S n'1uP~let! t u hrla' .~ n riP n I R 1I1ll'r nnl 11 Ill' , \\'Ith Ills \'11 ' 1 ('x p rl enc , hi s gr lit f,U' 10 ge' In tll o slubs und 1D 0n e y in the hll dge onel hi s l en r Ihllt lives \\'lIlIld h .' Ihorlly, 1118 .. "t!'lI sl\'(! lenrnlng, hi s high ba nds of IlllllBlltng ti c ke t s eo w e oan l\oruetlllllg sbe ba C! m od e h erself Itn j lost If It fnll ,el, unlells Ir ll could gClt I r o[ml utlmi, AmI now Iho bo" \\filS rl'·hl.. to tl\e [IBU r (U'llre nunle I,h dll~ nrl d .\l rH l1 e r "d llb r ~ ce" l1t'd ru~ ny US(l· f u ' unol pr tot,y e r oolll'tefl n r tiorfl!l, A tho men wl l.hdro WI!, there waH 1110 U ,. , c()lllpllcu\JolI or 'h18 cngng'meut to hou( tll6 dl'llwlng will oome l ff tin" Ilellt,:htL llU llob oon Ibt lng of puno h, Holen lIllrlj,. worth, ' ~ mrruogolllollte !lre b·tng mude t o r 0 'lpp I H~ !lor! b ,nl\D08 wae sen'ed. hilA Ban l,tI, Of (;inolnil li tl, SPOil' " Ii ad 'orobestra Dnd B !lOOIRI t·lme 't'b oM e pr a~e ot were ; Mrs. Me r edith, I,b ll wee\[ eoU with horne folke. Merlde coull1 not closo 1118 eyes. he could not sh.'t!P 0 moment 0 0 ti, ' truhl, One notice ,vi II be glveo 'broul!lhout MIs8e n l:I e lon l1orl'st)ck, ffill s;:a nifl IT, aor! Mrs. A, 0, Easton w e re ~ ,hlfl lIeotio n, . Whltltker, Vostn EIIi.~, MIU ie ::IhUt/8, the gue~t6 of Mr, Ilod ' Mr8, UbtlS HIl:' mind wus In (l tnrmoll. P rayers ~~-.a. thn t h e would get to bl8 ruther Dlld tho ~ ,~ Mr C. D . Levioy h08 had bis Rulh 1I0d E "t,her E ,l\vtlrd", ~'lo~8Ie ' EIIH l o.l o r ne" r Franklin S .. turdoy, --==beautiful waple tree810 front of hi. Fires, U pal MIlI-, Viola JordC1n . brlrllcl r pool)le In tJme 10 Slup work ond Mr and Mrs, B a rrv Fry Bnd flllll_ pro\'l'nt 101;<8 of lit!,!, schemes t or toklng h o w a t,rimmed wbloh will let til e MOIrlbo Ueo lh oro g e . Mobel I;l~~rr, lIy wer e the Suoda.y gues ts or Mr, Ull the defl ection, "strengtheoln g t he ton ehln e In. Clvde Is slogle but be Faye aDll MAria &1118 and lahrtha and M r~ , Bayee L ellob Se"ornl i nteros llog gam'll' mcmher, and completi ng the brllige. eojoys the 8uoebloe jnHt · tb e flalDe Lnk!'os Ubl'~te r Whlttermno ,""do n bu I. und (('o rs tllnl h" wou l<l loso the wom- ' For a few dllYII the wrather bas \Ver~ plByed nHer 1D0oh gues811lg f" whon1 th e Ol1xt . h ower would oe~8 trip to OILY too Mooday , been Sp f10 g IIl1 e, nn, stayed with him thrOU Gh tbe niGht. I Chlls oelner translloted bu s lD e~s Th e aooUlol Pobllo S"lo of A B , bp, we orlj o urn ed t,o m oo t wi~h MI ~s 10 Dayto n Moo duy , Unquestioned 8ldep, of W .. yne8vl lle, on 8Bln rd~y , Ves ta EI1IP, Mnrob 10111 CHAPTER V. Se v e ml f ro Dl h e r e r e m elllbe r e u Mo@p rp. Illvio Lut te rb llck li nd l!'e brUHrV 17 was wellllUeDdeu frOID durability and Mr ~, ~te l1ll W hets I wi t h p os t, ounl!! Allt' n !:Ie nnin l! , uf Auro rll , l oti, n r e t h l8 vloln")' . exq !lSI:! ( ef Tho Dlllth Mettage. ' vi 8 l tlO~ Mr and Mrs, .J u hn Hllclt. . R v. AIfrHd Wlllk er filled the po l Fob ruary 17tb, - Ihe h i" ll :~l i,Jr.:als in plated ware--a're assured in M tldo, Sr.. \Vus un 0111 mnn, AIMr, BD d Mr", '[',Ilin Fl ee l~ud have WIlO thll w~ek, ph bere Suuday , ' tholll!'h unllke MORes his eye \1'1\8 dllll SpOOl;" , fr, r l.;s, .and fancy serving pieces bearing Mrs. Ero es t urry, of Hlclgo vllle Mr, B L Dakin Is oooflned to the '!l ~)ved o ut o f our m iddt wh e r e ~lloy RIll I hili lIuturul forcu nl'l.1I 'd, UIII t'\II\\'111 take Oil t ll el r nb oole n ellr KI Il~" S lJ ~ ot the w ee k.ond wltb reJ"Myos r enov.'llcd I rade mark h oo~e on a co ,uot of sick n e88. dencc'; or power \pre s till IlI)pn r(,lIt, Ull1n " h ere , Tbn Ill,y glvr n uotl e r tb e dlr e ot·loll especl nil y to the obBen 'llut, 'rh ' re ros ' t. eor ge Dflvis W6~ In LAboll o u Mr, uod Mrs, Lt's t.flr Kl1rti ~ , of I)f r,he (;,vlo LeFl go o e otit led "A I the hrnlld brow of the thluk er, His I Mldtll .. ! ,,'n, W(· tC r O; UI, I.( u 's t s of MutllJ's I.;/r ()oery tnr o " 90'11\ b ~ tlaln r d"y flower ot IlIt ' li Il cOll ceolrn\lou wos exMIS, ' Blr uo J ord[Jn 1\011 L DB 8f1rl" Mr, 'Iod Mr p, ( ~eo, Tui t .i(iv e n li t 1'''\\'ll ' H ,L1I, frld"y ni ght, lir ~ ('d olltwrmlly by /I dlrecUl e s of r .. l:run r y 2i:! From tbe wn:v ' Ih .ock we r o o n t he sial. 11 t il few llBY8 M,' 'url e r. of I:) b i nI' , i R "i sltlD g gnr.o (rom t he o ld eyCll whI c h, fhough There are various make~ silverplated tableware' h is uargbte> r Mr~ J. W . I:Jlldlq.v, t.iok 'ls IH sellio ll'; MtilOdll'8 r oo III 'm ~t w .~o k f'"l ed, could finsh on oecnslon, Other Will be lib ve pRY, if yon mt 8~ till " which are claimed to be "just ~s but, like Mr ~ , E',tn Uarro ll, o f N Vero o n, !\lr and Mr Cly da 'llU1phn)l .. od fucloi1 chnrnclcrlstirs of lhut nowH will mOllo 1\ bro kon Iiuk to tb( l nU , 011 11 U 0 fr lCne \d h or e reCllOlly , Ron, of Da yto n, worfl IIl'o w oo l>. oll ll imitations, they lack the beauty and w~ri~_ qualitr, crowned, leonin e hcnd, which bes llok ehnln lit life OOlUo out knd bll,e' u Anlrc'y 1' b o DllJ 8l1U c"lIod<)ofrleod~ go es ts f Mrs ••J[Jue LIlDIi{c1 o Q, lhnt Imnginntl\'o power without whi ch identified with the original and genuine II !Hl~06ERSBROS. ' lan gb and I bo effe o t will ' loB the h er ~' r1 d{\~- . Mle~ 'H!l b Burnett spent 8 .. l uf" o gre nt engineer could not be In s pite nme U3 tlllllni{ IIllti , d Y ~ l le ptiof1, ware popularly known a~" SiltJer Plat'iiTiat Wears. ,. ot 1111 his sclelltlflc ~xllctltlld es, hod not F ri oll of Mr s !:in r .b R loh IIr "l' Ilt )"'b!l ll o n, - Mrll Mllry ' l{(' o nedy bfld f"r 1' t'I ' Sold by leading dealers everywhere~ .... Send for. h~ n dt out of hIs cono loll once hy t h l.Iuy t.l lcllfll th ill, Elh eltl v o ry IlIu cll 8 ellrv B oo ve r, " o f F r80k) in , WII 8 Strnngc t o !lny some li ttle thrill of gn el'ltl l:i llndi.y M r IIUri W m, Inll i ' POd"", pruning knlte of time. lh e ::iundu v g o~ t 'Of Mr ~, H .. ,ua h catalogue "C -L" showing a\l designs. LIl\v ~ () o tlnd M,nsler Russell Wils,)O, DOll rt h , Be \Vns n gr eo.t engineer Dnd looked prIde cHlue to the old cogln cc ~ ot thn t A"Tllu F l' oe lnn {1 h rl rn u v~c1 o ut o f ('~T ••~A:!~!~!~~VI" co., CaDD. Til e m ellefl l" lire 6t·lotll)g oloser t o m oment, It. ~ Ittlng ulone In hI s ofl\co with t ho E YII ' o o~ !l r is vl~l tinc; fri e nd o t tua Wu e l~ I pi opllny ~ o d Mr, Be trl cd to find Ollt from th e t ele- hS Ihllu II br "'b ~ r, Frallkllo thl" woo k . . tch'l!rnm crushcd 10 lJls t rcmblln lt Ludloglon nnll bri ll . will BOOO bo grum wh en It hnd bee n scnt. ,]'tl(ll dol' Uo r vet rnn h O r ~e l\}Un, ~, r. Frlln); rfll;i , ellt o f o ur vill_ g€!, Ur , Em il y Wrl \l b t htls r e~u roell \\'11 8 n holiduy-thc blrlhduy of one or ~h'd"l!er, hlill pllrollllseo 8 fin , ~ P I1Dl M1 8~ fffi V IO ,II J o r ttlLD tlod i\mlr ey home ufte r 0 m ooth's vl ~ lt wltb the w'o rthles ot t he r epubllc-Io 8nIDe of bay j!tlldln"" w olghlog 2950 rht)mptlo n vi itert Mi s OpII} Tbo mp. fel ods 'ond r e illti VIlS In Flo rldli, of the Uulted Stutes. Now York ond "ooolh, -l yonrl! olrt, g nod 1I 01, or~ , rlOD in pB yton T ll ur ' clny , U M, Wblte B sl\le at" Mlucb G, l'enn8>'IYnlllll nmoog thelll, nnd only by well broke nnrl perff olly r e l!llblll. 00 Tuesday evtlulng, E'ohruur y T he readera of ~his pa per will be ch nllce hnd bo romo down to tha offiee Mr, Shlclnller RRYS bo hllrdly koow ~ pltllMd to Iellru t Hat l~ere i. at leal I on. thnt mort,tng. Tho wlro \Vos dllted thP b ow to price 8uell B t oa m , Re bo i ~ I:tth, u j olly Ilay 10£ldof y ooog folk s dreaded di~:zse Iltot scienre bas bet n u ble olght b fo ro. And he r eenll d t1znt t1IP o o~ 10 t he 'hnbtt of owolng snoh ou llad on M.1 ~ 8 Vi o l, J orduo it beln,g Read the Public Sales in this i!!su(l, to c ure in .11 its :itn Res and tlwl is cata rr h, ea r blr!.bdl\ , bu, Mi s Vlo lu WM Cala rrh bring grenCly inftuenced bv con· stnte f rom whl 'h thc bridge ruo did good oO"S, It laltes fl great debl 0 1 ~qull i to the o~otl~ lo, ", m eetiil8 tbllm G-toQg1ll81ll. 19t1\. of l iDie lIod .Iitu Ilon,,\ c" ndil ions rcqnire ~ constitu" Dot obscrve- tIlllt-dttY-tI8-a oUdM , pl!)nty o ( m oney to find ' them, nnd ~I, I,hodoo r WIth her u s uIII oorli l,d lty tlonal treatment. lI all's CaUu rh !dedi, l'b e eva nitJg wno:! P01l t I n 1l1llyiog 'rh ey \\'oulll he \\'or1:lng I! Ih o Illterns, I e bRS I,)eoty of IlI1 uf tb .. t,. cille Is liken ioleroooll y Dud IIC IS Ih?u Ih. ~lI Ul e 8 nod u rl ll llelo lls inuon 001l8i~t. Blood ori Mucous Surfaces " f the Systcm tlolll1l us USllul 11I1h'~~Truoks BTlI beluq u ged fo .. 80 many Inll of cctke , MDdy, )Juoc h IItlll pop- . . . . . . . . .""'...,.".,....,..... ......""'.......,..,...,.,,""..,..""""'................. 1('0 be Ooollned thereby dealloying the fOllndation of t he dIfferent t billga. Our Fertilize r b ~ 8 oo r o WilS s e rv ed, .d isen~ , giving lhe pa lient Itreul:lh b} -......:.-~.... 11 t (m tl DOlt a od t he nlllD a ger re· WANTED Tho fo llowing guests woro presbl1i1dlu ~ up tile col .. lillllion a nd assis[ill g l1eotl,v uode rtook, to wove II IlIr ge ~ nt: A Im" L"wb, Lruro. MoKln (lature io doing ita work, T he prol.ri.· T lmee Change. r y bOll1'8 o n Its fO\lndtlHon d6V. G o rgill Wb e tsel , Vo t o EIIiH. t ora have so lIluch faith III the c um li vIt Is ' dIscovered hy UI O Unl\'ers lty Ilod mitt wltb "re llt ~u ooel!l ~ , It gl~ l ij Erto l, V rd ~ ~UlUn t'l r, Morilla powe's of H.. lI'. Catarrh Medicine Ihat mBo t o fai stl ~ o bn c 0 Con good they offer One Huud red Dollnrs (or an" Rausnn thut Ih e old·tu!hl oncd coe.l Ol1l11e Ilfl BX pBOI.od 1,0 itt! "oellpaut~ , L.oken ~ , O,,~I Mills tlDd Morlo i1lld N o, l olo vor Boil F o r lilformu. case Ihat it (uils to cun!, Send for Iisl or who usccl to borrow YOllr I l ~ n c ll nnw .. ud nt, fl r~t It orBol,e d tlo \lUle oo ru . B'ny I!: III s. L ee 'l'''lm(\~ e, W'1IJ1fllll 100 opply at this o Uice. t2 8 t mohlals. ' . cnrrles n toulltn ln (lcn nod never bus motlnn lIut nft€!r qnletne~s rtt· ("nlleu8 , C illtr ley Vol , ~ , R . ~ Wot., Address F, J. CI'H!NB~ & CO" Toledo, a ny 101.,- 1{(IUIII18 City Stllr, stored the mon"ger Bald It co uld b " RlO@. Alilo f:itLr tsoll I , oW~rd Mo. OhiO). ,Sold by a ll Drugg isls. 7k ., Gui Dn 8ud fl u r o ld U tl i III. All de" dinlll g r oom !lId ,at tile Frlondfl dODe . B me, f2l Mr, IIDd Mrs Fred M , !:lba n e at - ~I{rtud wisil ing bo r lUlU",,' 1D0r ~ bC1Jl. • te nded the da. uoe Friday nlg b t lit py blrtbdays . 000 't fofgot 811011\1 \ "'nter OIl X ~IlY nes ville l'dONEY LOANED Satu rday oi.: ht, FebJ'ullr .l'· 2Hh. , Messf8, F. M. ~b"oe Iln(\ F . L, Mr, lIod Mrs , b'. A H u rtsook nod B"rrl . ~rool!Qoled lJo.loess iu DliY· .I1lps H oloo spellt Friday evonln g i o'o last FrldllY, . ONEY r~OANIl: I ) all livo Btook Nlth Ern a~t 1I1l1un o lJ Dud fnmily, The Z!lln Baptist c harob wm p r e. cbattels und seoond m o rtgages sent, a 1J I Il~ to tbe theoter. goln~ Mr Bert S lgl\ lI D1ld Mr, Bnd Mrs, ,Not ~ b o ught. J oh n 8111hln8 , Jr ,. p e~)(Jle here ~ .. I,ur<lClY DIght llt Town lileon [h vls Bod s on 9pe o~ l:)ulIdny All eo BuillUug, X eoia Ollio, 1\ 30 -because it is better flour. better in ,f ood value, easier BB'JI and ulte r tll a pluy 'hey wl\l with (l eo BQgoo tlnd wife h ,, 9ft n big ent, Yo u are ou rdlllll y Mrs Kate J o r d lHI ~ Jl o nt 'l'lJu rsd'u y to work with, and superior for every baking purpose, iovl'ed, w lt,h b e r SOD ' W'11I,or uud ftllJl ll y, -because it is an O hio product, Whose rhant,lfaCIUre FOR SALE Tue t,im'" I,. Ilr ,)wi n~ n "nT when MI',., .l ossle ElIi , Dnd dllllg ill cr, t be Bonutl.1 m o vlog will beg,ln, Mis!! V081.i\ .islt,nd b' f1(luy with ~~ll , ranks as one of Ohio's lea~ing home .industries, . win Mur tlo "nd wirtl Mr. Mar Mn -because the use of Ohio"made fl o ur in home baking U . U, Wbalp e illud family will o n js very lUu cb lodl 8Jl 8• .:1 In b el\ ltll, A UTr) MOBILE for ~IlIA. Oall lllild or o,bout the Orst m o.l8 to Wl\y_ues. Mr, Ueo. Dnvi~ ~llen t ' codllY ~ith (eight) oyUnde r have u sed w fl.. wilP.::eepdown the cost of liv ing give your family 'i'll1e, much to the re gret of our blM wlto In X eolll . ' Mrs . DR vb Is oblne 6 mon tllp. MIlChloo.lB in per. better foOd. oltlzeTlIi . · I IDpro,' I og fliP Itll y n ft o r Il e r opera fu ot rUllnlug ord ~ r , New . tires al: 1'be M, E, ~uodar"scbool met In lion nnd ber frlond 111'0 g lad to haC1r arouod w itb Goodyps r oord. 00 rear regul ar BeM810n, M rs , Wm . LBW!On, rllat slle 18 eXp,e::ted horne t.b~ lost \'Whl le wlro '!"heels, W.1Il sell very THE "BEllER FLOUR" LABEL superlnfendeDt, Toe aUendll~oe is of tho weelr. , rea80nuble . Ullll at Sh oe Faotory, Flour ~o marked is guaranteed by the maker and ,by vary eooonraglnif aod rrea."DtereRt Mr, and Mr8, ,Jas, Url1Y spe nt t5uo,, ' l.obnoon, Oblo, Is 'akea In t,he leslloo. The Men'l\ day In Dodd!'. . , the Ohio Millers State Associatio n t o conform to tho Bible owa baa pawn, \0 be It large , Mrs. Sarllu Rich IIpent Wednolld ay Good OOW!! for lillie. Apply to O. M, S. A. standards of Purity and Quality. .ullt'en'lvd body of lo.trno~o.ra , wUb ber daughter, Mrs W, T. Jor" U. BUlO!!, R. D . 4, W ay ne!" h1o Word reaohed uII8uod.,. morning dan. vllle,9 , m l(: of.'he death of DatJbu ll, tJlail U , U, M, W hUO's II8:1e 'Ma.rob 5. 'rloll of Mammoth Wilite B olthe onl, ~D \>1 Mr. aod Mrl p, D. • __ • land Turkoys for .ale FOr 10. Ula,..", a"lr lever.l dayt eloknllflP. forblatlnn o. ll W. C, Weloh, Bl1r~ leaving hit'II, oae s later aDd veJllbara 01110, m7 maDy'.uOllll and frl.Dda kI ' Dilly Thought. .. , mODrn hla departure, The Ii"Dd of A WI't rug goes : :uCl'ly by thll fire: A Millinery Ssore, Graoe Lin · "ympaUly I. ntended '0 ' be 'amlly and It n man Ii! bUml be ennnot ex0010 SmUb, Wa,JDeavt1l., Ohio. In &blilbeir u.4 bereavement. pect 0 he much Im:prcssed by romnn" f 28 ' • tie ~('('n.,r:r. A )lurt from this mall7 . . . ., 0' oar Ol&'. .DI .re mikiDS .Iovohle people mlr;;s encb other 10 the DemarIa tlris ltIOood"hand Buto)u . Inqlllre of preprarUlou to ~D"'7 Ibelr homel world or meet BOuie UDfavonJlle .I, B, Ohap....1I, w.,.oe,v,l ltt, ! wl&b paiD' wlleq Ill" 'prlnl "me Lflb" O~IQ. ' fli.tI ":-

As Written by Our Corps of 'Able Neighbo'r hood

D. L, CI-' AN 8 , Editor and Publisher •


.I L~wis





l 'lIt~lr~nrl,



. .0 -

in the



Web of Steel












. 1 ~ \ltod

~ll ' roud l ng

W aIter Chandler

M r~ ,

- Waynesville, O•









~11I """s

00o~ "lt'r9hlt' pro~eoutell






.d. 1

Dr. Bell's Pine-






' .r-



.. , .







$100 REWARD, ·$100



Classifted Ads

- ...----





We want to close up a partnership by January 1, 1917. All parties knowing, themselves in debt to the firm of


W. ' H. Ma~deb & . CO.,

,Corwin, Ohio,




. GIAGl'G"'"






Please call and settle,not later tlian December 25, . 191~. 'No account will. be carried over into 191 7 except .." parties giving bankable note. ' '.

Note to bear' interest at 6 per ceut '" .until paid. '\,


.................................................... \

For Your Convenience J



DEATHS ~fr~ :- W Il \ le~


WillI! d ll'd ut hel' , • hUIIl!! Ill ' I bnnoll uhou.t I1 lid nlght I" ridll\ IIfi.-r a KhilT t IlIl1tJti.~. Tht' fu ne r~h w!ll\ h IJ f roll1 LhtJ llalltllil • hureh ~1 ,,"J~y uf ll'rn t Zk,' lock. j I I ;ll ll1i1 'i I) , 1'llO/ llth .! Vu ll'lltir", ~-In tl'tilll'll t Wlltl lllQ,jt! in Lebanon , part )· WII." I{l vc'n ~' rJ d (l\, IIf terlllll'tl IJ) IIUll hRr 1'0)) llf Mr , nnd M r~ l' ·u. MI :'. ,I, ,hll I \ u ll .11 h '1 1' I HlI!)" " " LoL C I IIJ<,' t ~, dit'd a t his hom e late ::in to t u 'C {, I ":' " "'iTI~', I ht! ~ lL' lI' h." I11~ u rrl llv " ,'en ,"~ fr Plll pnt' u llloQ ia. ll rra lll"(I.! 111 r (J, ' l' llIn" 1l1 t il ,\1 r ll . 1' . r hl' ll ll l e'f It IV had It ell ~ 4tr t!ring J . ~~l'I Il " , IJf 1'll t!>bu r K, I'll. I f r om (' hi 'k n PI). and m eflql e~ , wilen 1 he h,,\or~ ", " I tJ d t1\'ot ,·" I' n ' etl "~ ' l t he d re ad d lsen c p n um m ia uugh t wI,d •. tliid tit Ihc' l: 11C~" "f fill: a f t e r ' hirrf. A ft t' rn ~ h o r t illntJ,'s d Nlth r e' l n IlOl " a ll .,'1 1,11 r, l t.- IUndI P' .1I \\'''.~ • i li l'vcd him (] r hi ~ ." ll rr .. r ings. The f u- '."" \'<'\1.. I h", t 'l l",' \~ " !" 'lJ u\J· ! 1l1'1'U1 11'1l.-I he ll t f r on , t he hOlll!! T ues. l u ll ~ tl l'I'(I llIlc'd \\ Il h lJahl,' t ~ " t h "rl~l g . • day a f l 1'110011 .lI t 2 o'c loc k, He v J . fI ~ )w er ~ ulHf~hll!lc ,1 <'lIllO ,,",,, wh ile I.n · Cadwu lludt! r olliciatillJ.:', Inter- dl vldual or ~!l l!C Cl Ul)lI l',I ' of .llli rels. Illr nt \vas nmde in Miam i cem et er y. SU ~, pi nk ",I" ('c! !, l'II S !lnd II' E' we re ! .. . . th fav "r:. . • I MI'~. U!z abe t h W.rlg h t d len ~ t . her T he ~lH."'t. \\' ..r~ accl))'f lc,d II ha pvy . 1h? 1l1 > o n o uth 1\lIl1 n ~tr e t I, n day su r pri,,' W I.t\ 1l dl l'~ ftlu nd CUIl Cl! Hled I • mgh t at 10:30 o'clock aft ' r a lo ng in t ll~ !Jn llq llPt- ti ll' cal I" con t ain, : Ii II n 'ss Mrs, W right . was a n .0 1J l ing t li ' :l1I1I Ill' ,·,' m,·; ,l" f t hf" ·Il IlIlg't>· . , l'eSIUe nt o r Wayn eKI' II! .. , lIllll WRS m " lll n f ,\I i , lall \ 111 11, oIHI lj(hte r : ' rt' ~ p ~ tcd by all wh ll "ne wh ·l'. ' ~htJ . ll f t il - I" ft·. - . . In.! !I' I ' ,j ~I ar l lltt . . , fllll~ra l W fl~ Iwl,l Mo nday lI",r lll" ", <I f S, w h 11. r" i. I"d : ut the ·hap'1. H",' ,J . R CndwnllHd . r '1'1" . bride ,·Io-n h " t ·, le nt.-c l und . Iofl., cia.l i ng . IlIte rm elit WBS m in cha r m ll ){ )11 111 '-' " " Illhll a llclu f:wo r · MIa m i co:: me tt' TY· irl' nlo 111 1" '1 , t I " 1" ,,' 1·:1 " ITl' le, ' hu , H e nry F , Sh u tt!! fl ied a t t he ho me i~ H g l " iT ) >I I' , ~ I l " I,' h '~ h ~ ch .)(' I , of hi s d nu gh t .' r , J\1 r~ Ed wun l>l , in , arid 15 " " ;•. ','(t 111, 11 <' " .1 ~1!1 ~c r,: Day ton , Mon dn.v. The b'lciy w o" I :II r . ~ t a r l: " ' I ii.,> ,''" "f 11.1I1"lh y, . ! broll lol'ht he re, a nd t he f u)",):!!1 \V ~ s ;\hrl;ot I : " I , \ •. ' I I< '.'11 ,,> lll ~ :(l . and, heir! tod a y at l he ho mO:! of hl~ SOli , 1- P" r""II " ~ I .. r 11 I l ', oJ .\\ , I! I I! L 'ha rl es Sh u lts Ill ter me n t ' wa:; . tud t l,al,,·r " 1''' (1 ' l·tl lI',II III :-Suu.h i • m ade In Miami c'l~ m ,'tt'ry . il l;I,'" , In'l . ., ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ . _ __ I h,' ", ,. 111 1111': " II , I~~ all "V~l1 t. III ,I the .'"r!) ;; Iln ofll'!r Lhe f" IIIJ\\'II1),: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~... ~... ~ ... ~ ~_!"-~ ..._~_~~~~~~!'!'.!'!'.!'!'.... ~ !'!'.!'!'.!'!'.!'!'..... _....!'!'..........~ ~u(', t >l " "! \' ill ul t.- I da lll" a t thi ' ha r py (l CC J" ' .. 1I " 11 I,'rid al' uf tf.'r n oon : . I The Miss!.' Hut l) S " I'\' I ' I' , ~ l a r y Flnr (' I.e!' I,'nr , ~l 'II')l' \{" ill' ~' lnd"r , L': l oi ~,' : ~h)\ d 11'.1 Ilf' r , Alice I L" htll lln Mr , ;:;a ml. J ones and ' Miss H elen T raehIIl JO[ , ;\ I -~ , 1\ ".) ;-'h , ~ h an t. Mr, ' TELL TilE ADVERTl SE ~ YOU SAW Har r is went to Le ban on Thursd ay. ;o-tl ck N " lll fl, ... lt ~ I', )< ,,,.,, 1,,1 ,,11. .Mr .. . and were ma rried bv a past or of li n""" " I 1," \\I\1 ,Ll I , ~ I '~ :--tll rt \ , ray . I HIS AD~ IN THE I" IAM I flAZE , TE t hat place . Mr J ones hl\8 been in . ~l rR I' . L. I II " , Mr , L .. , ",' n~ t! 1!t'! 11 t he employ or Mr 1 ~8 ac Lincoln for I lind t hl' IJllsl, '>s • so me t ime pas t. Th ne wly ma rri er{ - - -

We have arranged' to operate a Cash Creamery Station for the Weste.rri ·O hi·o Creamery Co., and i will be pleased to ~ave yoUl bring your next can of cream to us. .. ,F. We guarantee your weights and : test to be correct. Bring in your cream, see it weighed a nd tested,

g Bread .F our..•

·.•.Prize Wi


=--=-===... = = == Brea d made from ALDJ i\O FLOUR lias won more sold ill \Varrel'l County.


pri Zl'S

tha n a ny fl our


and get your check. Station will be' open every day after Friday, February 23, 1917.

-.- ii I





1>:;~;;'. Will



to hou..k~pio.


GHURGH NOTICES M. E , ~HURCH S un.t.I a y, Feb ruary ?."i . 1917,-9:1 5 a m , Sunda y ·c hoo !. 10: ~O a . m P reac hin).!"Service, The m,,: ' ~ Ll' e nllth in Wea k ness " 7 p . m . Pre ac hinf,! Ser vic:e, The me : " The G reat Ch oice ."

Licen sed to h ar the " E etler Flou r" T' urily Label. It will g iv e y ~ h . tt~r resu lts in a ny kind of bakill" , becalls . the kiud of whea t and the way w ~ mil l It makes a better flour that is ideal for every kind of baking purpose , .

l\Ianllfact~.lred by the


ST. t\lt\RY'S CI1l lRCH






Fi rllt Sunday in Len t . F bruary ~G _ fu nd llY C'llOo l at l :30 fl . m ; Mo rn ing Pray r anti se rmo n a t 10:30; J~ven iJ) j( 'er vicfl ~ lId ,e rtM tI at 7 p II) HIl~ j nni l1g Wil h M x t uod ay t he Sund ay e Ve nin)t R l'vices will be cont inued th rOIHth Len t T h," publ ic cor d ia lly invited t o l hese ~t!rv i<'cs .


,Ii I


Whcll you Qrd er an Ohio :'Ilade fl om with 'the "Better FI.our" Guarantee Label, get t he best. 'l~(,\l your grocer yo u wrlllt



An O rdi nan ce t o me r ge the rluti('s E lme r Chenoweth an d family have . - - - - - - - . of the Cle rk of the Board of Public mo ved t o the Frank Shutts farm near ' Aff airs, anti t he Cl e rk of the Village Ha rveysburg. See Waterhouse for Auto Livery . Council. IIltowmg him ~!Uch additional Reports fr om Hetty Walton Mine a Sl:! is tants in perfor m ing s u ch addiAll pe r~o ns ind bt rI to Illfl f or \Vh un d erw e nt a seril)us op~ rlJti oll l Miss J ennie Cook, of Le b anon , i ti,?nal duties as counc il may deter· I ~pe nt Sunda y with relatives h e r e. / mill e. s e rv lI~e o f my s to ck fo r 19 16 please. f I' cancer, are v~~y II ncourl!gtng . Mrs Fra nk Mcintire was very ill . 0 . '. Amunilll<! f n a 800. s e t t le with M Ih lon Ridge when .due, U6 IL orJ ..III"'" hy Lbo (JUIIIICti of tho V llla go I. Rs t week al t h e h <?m e n f h e r f a th er· Kenlucky Belle School Hall . of Wu )'uc" "l lt ~ ,tl ("IO uf n hln: Gl!o. T. Lan te r 111 law C, h. Mclntlre. I ocll,,1I 1 II .M to IM"g" I,h " chl tl.SO! (ho , A, W. Reevt!1 is the guest his . I ,i~~~ o~t l~~:u~n:a~~ 1·iJ}:~'I~c1i~ 'f:.'tc:'w;:;~lh..~~? fall to see t he play at Sc hool ' 611ch ... hll ll" " . 1 "",,18tan tc! In l16r!ormlotr lUi'll son H B Reeves and family of R ich- L1 D(.n't I' y evenlllg;-grve . . n by th e add!! l tl· (un. 1cl u(l"" WI cou ucll mar. .Ie •• rmln " . m ond, Ind. n !l II Th ur. (a IO II~. 'I'ho Or,It", "co lall tako . !fect "'a" calle d to I'h ~ h Sc hool a'iu b u III for, e from aud "Itur the oorll ... t Reeves W M rs. A . , n ~ 1",1'100 &110 "'00 by 1Il\f. l' ...sod til la 610 d ay Xenia las t week to care fJr her ~on ol Yobruar, IVI 7. "'., d ' t ' S . d l:I . E. HATlI .l WA\" MaJor Raymon d w h0 was Injure 1!l a u o· axon car e<]ulppe with S a va g e (At! 01) mobile accident. . tires go the limit. ) L. A, :t. 1MlIERMAN, lork Buy Your Seeds Early Ghris Carnes and family have moved to Dayton. Red Ri ver l~'l rly Ohio I:'eed Pota· J, C . Haines Is the proud possel80r t oes , Bulk li nd 1'a ' k ag e :> tleds. of a now Ford. Reviva l . 8ervices conducted by hu ice Wh it E ,lllng Pota · Miss Lawhead still continue - at the to es , pf:lck only .. .... ..... .... SOc CLASSIFI ED ADS SELLS EVE~YTHINO Friends church . Near a hundred Ye ~ l ow s ud .White Onions, so uls ha ve been saved and many pound . on ly .. .. .. .... , .. .. . 12 Y. c renewed, The Booster Club is an Th ese prices fo r a limi te d t ime intt!resling fea ture 'of the meeting . only z We are also especially favored w it h ~ ~ the prese nce of Miss Leola King, a N ew Wh it" FiRh , New Kit Her:J ...I ri ng , ' hick fe ' d .. r a Tch f eed, :linger of unusual talent and Mrs . o o z Gnlcket.l t:o rn. P<larl Gri t , Oy · i Brodt who is doi ng a great work U r ster Sh ell. Now i Lhe time a mong' the youn" people Friday -< n ight was "School Night," de l ega to la v 111 a s upply of Ch ic ke n > t io ns f rom s everlAl points being pres· fe ed , ' WilUind this 'column will bring him en t ,. Sunday was an all day union M.Il Jlle 8 y nJV ' Can. Buy 110 W 'l.rvice , money if he will use it for anything



:- ' -




r_ . . .




, 1heireatest coffee mciker in the 'W"orld~·

If he doesn't call you this it is



own fault


Make up your mind to begin A mil1iiln women can tt"'ll you that with them, the coffee prob- today to give your . husband the lem is a thing ofthe past,benefit of their experience. Give him a chance to call you the - that every morning their greatest coffee maker ' in the coffee makes the whole break- world.. When you see how enfast se~1!! entirely different, satis- thusiastic he is over the flavor of fYing, starts the day rightfor all. Arbuckles' you Will know why it has Solved the problem of over a Like these women, you will end million women - why it is by your search for ~e right coffee far the most popular coffee in the moment he tastes Arbuckles'. America today I

The Advertiser



T h is wee k W,l h a ve ;:lweet Potu' \CI e~ , ' Ne w Ua b hag , Cele ry . Le tt uce , Graj::le rr uit. · Or;). n ge~ Le lwm~, L; r llrlt~d G ,)l rl n Ap ' p l e~ , Ba ld wind. Yur k , ::ipies · Win le r U.lnnnu ' l'(! nt:>e rritJ d

- --...

he has to sell. You hav'e a surplus on hand at ' the present time. Feed is scarce and you :-"J.nt to get rid of tbat cow, horse or pig: or else, • . You have ·a surplus amount of farming implements on hands and and want to sell them. . " \' ou can do this very easily by putting in an ad. telling all aboll t them in


Mr . and Mrs . R a lph Alexander le ft Monday tor Miami F lorida where they Will spend seve ral weeks with Arbuckle Bros. have the largest coffee roasthis 'p arents who are spending the Big .'o ur I)icld es . Lit t le ' weet ers in the world. Every day they roast enough w inter there. P i ! kl ~ , ful l e re 10 Cheese The Lumberton M, E, Sunday coffee tQ supply_yoW' entire county fQr a week. Wein e l'S'. F raTlKfur tl! rs , Dried School gave a ho me talen t play in Beef and Bolog na. the T own Hall Sat urday night wh~h .; was well attended and enjoyed by all ,- ' • • ..,-1" Mrs , Sadie Alexander il on the sick list. ' . Mrs . Silas Sinnard is very ill with pneumonia, ""'!!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!"!"~!!!!'!.....~_'!"'..._ _ _......~!"'-_ _~~!"'-~_......_ .....~!"!"~~~'.!!!""_!"'-_...;._ _~_~_ _ _~_ _ __ ~~ Dr. and Mrs, Hastings 'ent'ertalned ~ -~ + - - - . on Sund ay h e r parents. from ColumJ u mbo Pru nes, E vp . Peac hes. A llr ico is. ,'tle dl;ld a nd 'ee rlless H, a i ~ i ll;:; . M ince, M ~ « t.

$"...... ~""'''''~''''''''~.....r'~'''''~~''''~..''''''''''''~'''''# bU~rs.








Ar th ur Moon is confined ber h ome by illness, . Mr J ~m es P.terson who has been sick for several wlleks remains about the same. . Mr. and Mrs. P; E. St. John have

moved it1tO. their res idence ' . o,n Pike


Mr and Mrs. Ray Eagle apd fam·

. 'lIP'" ily w ere Sunday guests of John


!!JII-----------......---.-----.... ======~~===~~======~===~~


$ $

Petersen and fam ily . Mr. John Peterson and M·r . Ed Evunt! hav e each purchased Ford ,.., au to mobiles. Miss Mari~ Kyne has accepted a position in Hamilton. !.:Mrs. Perry 'Weller entertained the Buzy Do~en in a very delightful m imner at her home Wednelday afternoon. · r .






.... ..





""'~b= ~:..

ThB cor tUrDlI tllrO.e just wben the driver 18 feel Inc certain that gasol,ne mJxed wIth wblsky nlllkel 60 mlle8 on bour BI me BI It II dellihttul.':"LouJe.



,. _


New Dishes, a piece ... .' ....... iOc Glassware .... .... . '. , . " _. .•• , .IOc Vases ..' . . .. '.. , . . ... ..... .......·IOc "Rapid Fire" Egg Beaters . .. .-. .tOc '. Hammers .. '. , ... . ... , .... , " , lOc Cu rt~il1 Rods . .... , . . .... '. . .. . tOe Curtain Scrim ..... , , .. ... .... . lOc·· 8-quart Rinsing fans .. . . '... , .. tOe




Specialist In

BaiJaJaI •



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